Residency Application Guide
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Table of Contents Timeline page 3 Curriculum Vitae page 4 Away Rotations page 7 Visiting Student Application Service (VSAS) page 8 Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS) page 12 Photo Requirements page 19 Letter of Recommendations page 22 STEP 2 CK and CS page 25 Transcripts page 27 Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE) page 27 Applying for more than one specialty page 27 Interviewing page 28 Communication page 31 The Personal Statement page 32 National Residency Match Program (NRMP) page 33 Searching for programs page 33 Military Scholarship Students page 33 San Francisco Match page 33 Urology Match page 33 Writing a Thank-you note page 34 Abbreviations and Terms page 35 Useful Links page 36 lp/11/15/2016 2 Timeline: This timeline can change. For the most up-to-date information please go to Date May 1st June 1st June 2nd June 19th September 1st September 6th September 7th September 15th September 15th September 15th October 1st November 30th January 5th January 13th January 15th February 24th Monday of the third week in March Friday of the third week in March Event Tokens issued for ERAS San Francisco Match-Ophthalmology registration opens MyERAS opens Use token in MyERAS deadline, so we can upload your documents Deadline for requesting convocation photos Applications may be submitted to programs in ERAS San Francisco Match Ophthalmology CAS deadline Residency programs begin receiving ERAS applications San Francisco Match transcripts can be uploaded Registration opens for NRMP (this is a registration for the match process, not the application process) MSPE letters are released to programs (ERAS and San Francisco match) NRMP Early Registration Ends ($50 late fee after this) San Francisco Ophthalmology Rank List deadline San Francisco Ophthalmology Match results NRMP Rank order list entry begins Deadline for NRMP Rank lists Supplemental Offer and Acceptance Program (SOAP) begins Match Day Military Match Early summer September October November/December lp/11/15/2016 Joint Services Graduate Medical Education Selection Board (JSGMESB) releases list of residencies for the next year (JSGMESB) application closes. Interview with military residency programs Interview with military residency programs, deadline for providing STEP 2 CK and CS Receive results of military match via email 3 Curriculum Vitae (CV) - Should be completed before your M3 year- you will use it for research opportunities, to send to letter writers for letters of recommendation and for VSAS applications if you choose to do an away rotation Your CV is a record of all of you academic, research, volunteer, work experience and institutional service throughout your graduate and undergraduate career. Length does not matter as long as all of the information is pertinent. Make sure your CV is error free- have someone check it and make sure that it gives the impression you intended it to. Your CV is a marketing document and the front page is the most important- make sure you use it effectively. Everyone’s CV will not be the same. It will depend on what they value. For some, research will follow education, for others it may be leadership or work experience. Weed out non-pertinent college activities, keep all research experience Make sure to account for breaks in your education Do not include: age, gender, height/weight, race/ethnicity, social security number, marital status, name of spouse/significant other, children, religion or description of health. Avoid unfamiliar acronyms All sections should be in reverse chronological order, use the same date format for the entire C.V. Use action verbs to start bullet points, use numerical data when possible, use anticipated if something has not happened, but will (not hope it will), and list publications that have been accepted, not just submitted lp/11/15/2016 4 lp/11/15/2016 5 lp/11/15/2016 6 Away Rotations Should you do an away rotation? - Some specialties expect that you will do an away rotation including: Dermatology, Emergency Medicine, Orthopedic Surgery, Ophthalmology, Otolaryngology, Neurosurgery, Plastic Surgery, PM&R, Radiation Oncology, and Urology. - Emergency Medicine requires a minimum of two standard letters of evaluation (SLOE). The standard letter of evaluation submitted on your behalf by the BSOM Department of Emergency Medicine is a departmental letter so it can only count as one letter. You will need to do at least one away in order to get a second letter. Some of these rotations open before VSAS officially starts so prepare early. - There are risks and benefits to doing away rotations and these may vary depending on your specialty and application package. Meet with an advisor before making your decision to make sure that you understand these risks and benefits. - You can usually do up to two rotations at each program if desired, but most people only do one. - Room and Board is not provided, some places can give you suggestions, however. Timing of Away rotation applications - The majority of these applications open in March and April, but some of them may be as early as December. Application deadlines also vary. - It is a good idea to go on VSAS before December to look at the programs you are considering and see what they require for the application and what their timeline is like. You may find that they do not have a schedule ready for this year yet, but you can find this information by looking at last year’s schedule. - Not all programs use VSAS. For example, CWRU and CCF Ortho have their own application process. Students should reach out to prospective rotation sites far in advance to figure out the requirements. Along those lines, there may be application fees (CWRU and CCF are both a nonrefundable $150 with no guarantee of securing a rotation) and requirements, like a urine drug screen and different immunizations, in addition to those required by BSOM. Mask Fitting Test - Wright State University Respiratory Protection Program provides mask fitting through the Environmental Health and Safety Office. To schedule a mask fitting click this link and midway down the page is a link to schedule a fit test. The appointment is 30 minutes and the contact person is Denise Kramer 937- 775-2623 or Her office is WSU Dayton Campus- Biological Sciences II, Room 047. or to schedule - For the mask fitting, for at least 30 minutes before your appointment time make sure: you do not eat anything, do not chew gum, do not smoke, and you must arrive clean shaven. Respect Denise Kramer’s time, if you must cancel- call and make sure you give as much notice as possible. Background checks - Background checks are available in CastleBranch. You are the only one that can scan and upload your background check. Immunizations - Go to New Innovations and access your Immunizations Tab. Transfer the information onto your immunization forms and if you need a physician signature you can have any physician or clerkship director sign it. Then you would scan and upload the document. In order to upload this document, you will have had to already apply to one program. Your application will show “Pending Home School Verification” until this information has been verified. VSAS will then send your application information to be verified by Student Affairs. Once this information has been verified a new bottom will be available for immunization upload. After this form has been uploaded your application will show “Pending Home School Release.” Applications are routinely released on each business day. lp/11/15/2016 7 VSAS (Visiting Student Application Service) - After VSAS uploads the student roster, you will receive an email authorizing access to VSAS Once you have been authorized in VSAS you will get an email from VSAS with login instructions, you will use your AAMC login information. You will receive 10 authorizations to start with, but you can request more. From this home page you can search and review each institution’s requirement including any fee information and the date on which the home institution will begin receiving applications. lp/11/15/2016 8 - Enter all your profile information - Next enter your Core clerkship completion dates. You will also upload your C.V., your immunization records and your photo. Student Affairs will upload your convocation photo, but if you want another photo you can upload it. If you need assistance with uploading your documents, see the VSAS folder on the Career Essentials Pilot page. Request a transcript upload when you are ready to apply so you get the most up-to-date one possible. Student Affairs will upload your malpractice insurance letter, your date of OSHA training and your date of BLS training. - Students can search for electives and save them using the electives tab. Students can only apply to electives that they have saved. If there is no save button it is because the elective is not yet available for that student or the host institution has not started to receive applications. lp/11/15/2016 9 - 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Applying for electives: Check the boxes of the saved electives for which you plan to apply. Click on apply. Apply to Selected Electives. Arrange the electives in order of your preference. Provide host institution with any additional information they need or documents they require and then enter credit card information and confirm the data. You will assign your documents to each institution you apply to. You must certify your profile before you can apply to electives. It is recommended that you certify early, as soon as you complete your basic information and clerkship dates. You can continue to upload documents after you certify. Use the tracking tab to view all of your submitted applications and their status. You can accept or decline elective offers, resolve schedule conflicts, and drop pending applications. You may also reorder your preference and change your preferred dates. Check your email frequently to see the status of your applications. Malpractice insurance- uploaded by student affairs Letter of Good standing-uploaded by student affairs- see a sample screen shot above Transcript- uploaded by student affairs- after a written request by the student Letter of recommendation- uploaded by student, but if letter writer wants confidentiality, can by uploaded by student affairs and marked not visible to student Photo- convocation photo uploaded by student affairs, can be replaced by student Curriculum vitae (CV)- uploaded by student Immunization forms- uploaded by student STEP score report- uploaded by student Proof of personal health insurance- uploaded by student only if you need to upload card, verification that we require all students to have insurance is done by student affairs Background check- uploaded by student, download from Castlebranch BLS card- uploaded by student if proof of card needed, otherwise student affairs verifies completion every two years Mask fit- student uploads OSHA and HIPAA verification- done by student affairs see above screen shot, student affairs verify the dates on your application ACLS verification- student needs to take care of and upload lp/11/15/2016 10 Sample VSAS Institutional Information If the school requires a letter of recommendation, you can upload it under the supplemental documents section. If it requires a “school official” to upload it, then please contact Student Affairs. Some schools may also require essays or personal statements. FEES: The cost through VSAS is $35.00 for the first school and then $10.00 for each subsequent school. There may also be acceptance fees charged by each school lp/11/15/2016 11 ERAS (Electronic Residency Application Service) - Supported Browsers: Latest versions of Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer 10 and 11, NOT SAFARI Tokens: You will be sent one in early May, if you did not and were supposed to, contact please use your token ASAP. AAMC ID Number: The number assigned to you when you applied to medical school. If you do not know this number, please contact Student Affairs. If you do not use your original number, you will be assigned a new one, which can cause tracking problems. Application Fee: up to 10 programs $99.00, 11-20 programs $12.00 each, 21-30 programs $16.00 each, 31 or more programs $26.00 each. You will be charged this fee, along with the NBME fee to release your STEP scores after you apply to programs on September 15th. ERAS does not retain documents for reuse in subsequent seasons. ERAS does not set program deadlines or requirements as they are set by the individual programs. Once you certify and submit your application, you cannot make any changes other than the personal information. - lp/11/15/2016 12 - First we will start on the application: Here is the overview screen. Start this application early and make sure you have it proofread. lp/11/15/2016 13 - The first screen is straightforward biographical information. Program directors will either interpret grammar, spelling and capitalization errors as a rushed application or a person who does not pay attention to detail. Proofread and ask someone else to review your application. lp/11/15/2016 14 Next: The rest of the Biographical information. Make sure you complete the hobbies and interest section thoughtfully. List hobbies that show initiative, perseverance and skill. Exclude hobbies that show you may be easily distracted. After you select yes to NRMP, the couple’s match option will open you Next is your education section: lp/11/15/2016 15 And then the awards section: Next up is the training and work section. Unless you are a re-applicant, training is not applicable. For the work experience enter all clinical and teaching experience as work and all extra-curricular activity and committees served on as volunteer. Make sure that you include your dates. Skip hours per week unless it is significant. Make sure you include your supervisor- it makes it more credible. You do not have to include reasons for leaving. There is a pull down- menu for you to select work, research or volunteer experience. lp/11/15/2016 16 Next is the licensure and additional questions section. Watch the additional questions section, because all should be no except for one yes. Speeding is a minor misdemeanor in Ohio and a few other states. Here is the statement from the AAMC when I investigated it. The response from the AAMC: There are many differences state by state in prosecution trends, the types of offenses considered to be misdemeanors or felonies, sentencing guidelines, and so on. Some states also have laws that prohibit employers from considering certain types of background information, and although ERAS collects the information, many residency programs do not view misdemeanor history for applicants. For clarity, the questions about criminal history are intended to capture factually what would appear on a criminal history check; there are no exclusions for certain types of offenses. lp/11/15/2016 17 Publications section After you complete the entire applications and have someone proofread it, you are ready to certify and submit it. You cannot apply to programs until this is completed. Once you certify and submit, you cannot reverse this action. lp/11/15/2016 18 lp/11/15/2016 19 lp/11/15/2016 20 lp/11/15/2016 21 Letters of Recommendation (LOR) - - See the tips for asking for letters of recommendation on Career Essentials Pilot page. Programs differ on their LOR requirements, but in general most programs require three LOR with at least two from their specialty. In addition to this, some specialties require a “chair letter” including: Internal Medicine, IM/PEDS, OB/GYN, Orthopedic Surgery, Otolaryngology, Plastic Surgery, and Urology and it is recommended for general Surgery. Make an appointment with your letter writer and provide him/her with your personal statement draft, ERAS cover sheet and CV. Make sure your letter writers clearly know what specialty they are writing a letter for or if you want a generic letter that can be used for more than one specialty. Choose your letter writers carefully. Ask your letter writer early if you want them to take the time to write you a good letter. Make sure you ask for your letter in person and ask if they feel that they know your work well enough to write you a strong letter. If they hesitate, ask someone else. You cannot edit an author entry after you finalize it in ERAS. You must create a new author entry into ERAS and make a new cover sheet. ERAS rule: maximum of 4 letters of recommendation per residency program. You may have more than 4 letters, but only 4 letters can be assigned to each individual program You cannot un-assign a letter of recommendation once you assign it to a program. For ERAS programs, your letter writer or their designee uploads the letter to , for the San Francisco match the Medical School uploads the letter For the Urology match, you send the letters directly to them. - lp/11/15/2016 22 lp/11/15/2016 23 - The next step is to assign your LORs to your programs. Only LORs that have been uploaded can be assigned. Once you assign a LOR to a program you cannot undo this action. LORs can be assigned to any saved or applied to programs from the LOR page by choosing ASSIGN in the pull-down menu. When assigning LORs, programs with a disabled checkbox already have the maximum of 4 LORs assigned to them. - lp/11/15/2016 24 Step 2 CK and Step 2 CS - - - We strongly encourage you to take Step 2 CK as soon as you finish year 3. There are some residency programs that will not offer interviews without a score. See Factors important to residency program directors, handout under overview documents, Career Essentials. Take Step 2 CS after completing Dr. Binder’s MS-4 OSCE You must pass both CK and CS in order to graduate and receive your diploma o If you fail, contact Laura Johnson and Student Affairs o You need to contact someone within five business days if you fail. To register for STEP 2 CK and CS you need to go to the NBME website. After the NBME receives your online application, you will need to be verified by the Office of Student Affairs prior to setting up your testing dates. Verifications are done after your registration information is received by the Office of Student Affairs. You will receive a scheduling permit of confirmation from the NBME approximately 4-6 weeks after your application has been processed. At that time, you will contact Prometric, Inc. ( to schedule your STEP 2 CK or CS examination test dates. You must have your scheduling permit and an unexpired, government-issued form of identification that includes both your photo and your signature, i.e. driver’s license or passport. The name on your ID must be an exact match for the name you used to register for the exam. If you need accommodations- If you wish to request any accommodations during the test administration, you must provide additional information required by the NBME Office that includes specific, current documentation related to the requested accommodation. If you have any questions about this, please contact the Student Affairs office prior to registering for Step 2. Once you have released your USMLE scores, assigned it to a program and paid the transcript fee, ERAS will send transcript requests to the NBME. Exam transcript requests are usually processed in the same day. lp/11/15/2016 25 USMLE on the ERAS application: - - After you submit your ERAS application, you can “mouse over” the USMLE transcript wording on your ERAS dashboard and it will tell you which scores have been released and if you click on it, it will open a submenu that shows all of the programs the scores were sent to. Program requirements for USMLE score: increasingly residency programs are requiring STEP 2 CK scores to be back before they invite students for interviews. To be most competitive, take STEP 2 CK before August 31st and schedule you STEP 2 CS as soon as feasible after your OSCE. lp/11/15/2016 26 Transcripts: Your transcript will be uploaded by the Office of Student Affairs and Admissions. FERPA regulations prohibit sending a copy of the transcript by email and hard copies need to be formally requested and embossed with a seal. However, you are welcome and encouraged to view your transcript before it is released to programs on September 15th. If you make an appointment on TTSU, you can view it on the Dean’s workstation. The Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE) or Dean’s Letter - - - This letter is a letter of evaluation, not a letter of recommendation. The purpose of the letter is to provide an honest and objective summary of the student’s personal attributes, experiences and academic accomplishments based to the greatest degree possible, on verifiable information and summative evaluations. The MSPE contains information about the student’s medical school performance, not pre-medical The main categories of the MSPE include: Identifying information, Noteworthy Characteristics, Academic History, Academic Progress, Summary and Medical School Information. The noteworthy characteristics: the purpose of this section is to help residency programs review applicants holistically to achieve a residency class that brings a diverse set of background experiences, characteristics and perspectives. (AAMC) You are to provide a maximum of three characteristics highlighting your most noteworthy characteristics. This section should be in a bulleted list with each bullet containing no more than two sentences. Significant hardships and challenges can be included. This is the section you, the student, will contribute. Think about your “brand” and consider what characteristics most effectively demonstrate this brand. The MSPE does not specify which specialty you are applying to You will be able to review your MSPE and make any corrections in factual information before it is uploaded. The narrative assessments from your preclinical and clinical courses are not edited for content by either the Office of Student Affairs or by the student. The MSPE process happens in September and students should respond quickly when contacted to review your MSPE since 100 of them need to be done at the same time. MSPEs may not be loaded into ERAS until late on September, 30th. It is an LCME requirement that MSPEs cannot be released before October 1 st. Applying for more than one specialty: Every student must carefully consider their competiveness for their chosen specialty. The more people that you get advice from the better. Some people give more conservative advice others tell you “to take a chance”. You need to listen to all of these opinions. It is a risk to apply to more than one specialty. If one specialty discovers that you have applied to another specialty they may take your application less seriously. On the other hand, if you have a dream specialty and you would rather apply to a second specialty than take a chance on the SOAP, it may be worth it. To apply to two specialties, you complete one ERAS application, you write a personal statement for each specialty and you assign specialty specific letters of recommendation to each specialty. You then apply to programs in both specialties and interview in both specialties. At the end, you can rank both specialties and leave it up to the algorithm to determine what you will be doing. lp/11/15/2016 27 Interviewing - - The majority of interviews are scheduled from October through January. Try not to schedule your top choice interviews first. Treat EVERYONE with respect, you never know who will be on your interview selection committee. Review your C.V., ERAS application and personal statement before you go on the interview. Prepare your list of questions before you go on the interview, for additional questions see the interview folder on Career Essentials Pilot page. Be on time- if you arrive to the city early, investigate the transportation options and go to the hospital the day before your interview to find your way around. Get the names and pronunciation of your interviewers from the residency coordinator. After your interview, write down your perceptions, the answers to the questions you asked and rank the programs. Hiring decisions are made in the first 30 seconds of the interview- the rest of the interview is to confirm that decision. Practice interviewing before your interview. Schedule a mock interview. The interviewers will not remember so much what you said, but how they felt about you when you interviewed. Do a mock interview and get an independent opinion on how you are perceived. If you cannot do a mock interview, ask and answer questions with your webcam taping and then play it back and see what you think. Bring copies of your C.V., personal statements and copies of any publications with you when you interview. Think about your “brand” before you go. What are the top five things you want the interviewer to know about you? Make sure you answer every question with integrity and in a professional manner. Make sure you dress as a professional future physician, not as a medical student. lp/11/15/2016 28 - - Research your programs: check to see if there are any WSU-BSOM graduates there, research some of the latest issues in the specialty you are interested in, determine the priorities of the program you are interested in (leadership, community involvement, research, teaching, etc), know what is unique about the program, research the community, city and the faculty. Responding to the interview offer- respond as quickly as possible, some programs make more offers than they have slots, confirm the time and location the week before the interview, make every effort to attend the dinner the night before Canceling the interview- do it in a professional way, give at least a week’s notice (preferably two weeks) unless it is an emergency, DO NOT NO SHOW OR CANCEL THE NIGHT BEFORE. Feature Education Rating Comments Program Philosophy Accreditation Overall curriculum Rotations/electives Rounds (educational vs. work) Conferences Number & Variety of Patients Hospital Library Resident Evaluations Board Certification of graduates Attending Physicians/Teaching Faculty Number of full-time vs. part-time Research vs. teaching responsibilities Clinical vs. teaching skills Availability/approachability Preceptors in clinic Subspecialties represented Instruction in patient counseling/education Hospital (s) Community or university hospital Staff physician’s support of program Availability of consultative services Other residency programs Type(s) of patients Hospital staff (nursing, lab, path, etc.) Current House Officers Number per year Medical schools of origin Personality Dependability Honesty Cooperation/ get along together Compatibility/ can I work with them? lp/11/15/2016 29 Feature Work Load Rating Comments Average number of patients (rotation, clinic) Supervision – senior, house officer, attending Call schedule Rounds Teaching/conference responsibility “Scut work” Time for conferences Clinic responsibilities Benefits Salary Professional dues Meals Insurance (malpractice, health, etc.) Vacation Paternity/Maternity/sick leave Outside conferences/books Moonlighting permitted Surrounding Community Size and type (urban/suburban/rural) Geographic location Climate and weather Environmental quality Socioeconomic/ethnic/religious diversity Safety (from crime) Cost of living (housing/food/utilities) Housing (availability and quality) Economy (industry/growth/recession) Employment opportunities (for spouse) Child care and public school systems Culture (music/drama/arts/movies) Entertainment – restaurants/area attractions Recreation – parks/sport/fitness facilities Program’s Strengths Program’s Weaknesses: The Medical Student’s Guide to Residency Selection 2008-2009, American Academy of Family Physicians, Division of Medical Education. lp/11/15/2016 30 - Evaluate each program after you interview there. You will not remember the answers to your questions at each program after you have been to a few interviews. Things to not do! – talk badly about other people, programs, faculty or applicants; try to hide something in your record; lie or overstate; be rude to anyone; make excuses; not attend any event on the interview day. Communication - There is a message center in My ERAS. All new messages will be bolded. Students cannot initiate messages with programs they have applied to. Program directors may contact you by MyERAS message center, by email, telephone or regular mail. Check your email regularly. lp/11/15/2016 31 The Personal Statement - - Use your personal statement to introduce yourself to your interviewers. Write a focused essay, about four paragraphs in length, that covers the basics: o The first paragraph should introduce you to the reader. o The second paragraph should let them know how you decided on the specialty. o The third paragraph should use your research, extracurricular and work experiences to show why this is the right specialty for you as well as what you will contribute to the community. Make sure you use numbers whenever possible to demonstrate the depth of your involvement. o The fourth paragraph should be about your long-term goals. Conclude by tying everything back to your specialty of choice. If you have a “red flag”: take full responsibility, provide plausible explanations, and assure them it will not happen again. Use your own words, do not rely on quotes. Do not regurgitate your your personal statement. Your personal statement must be in plain text. You may not use HTML, bold, italics, underline, or text color. Your personal statement should be around 500 words and less than one page. Vary your sentence structure and do not start every sentence with “I”. Read your personal statement out loud or better yet, ask someone else to read it out loud to you. It is much easier to hear whether it flows well this way. Have your personal statement checked for grammar and structure by someone, but also have it checked by someone in the specialty you are applying to make sure it fits with the culture of that specialty. Do not plagiarize your personal statement or any part of it. You may edit your personal statement even after it has been assigned to programs, but there is no guarantee they will download the updated version. Every personal statement, your photo, USMLE scores and your letters of recommendation must all be assigned to programs. Uploading your photo and personal statement and having your letters of recommendation uploaded puts them in the software, but does not give the program access. The MSPE, the application and the transcript are automatically sent to the programs. If you add programs after September 15 th, you will need to assign the documents to these programs. It is not automatic. lp/11/15/2016 32 National Residency Match Program(NRMP): this is a separate registration from ERAS. Go to starting on September 15th at noon and register for the match. You will need your AAMC user name and password. Once you have your NRMP number, go back to the ERAS registration and enter your NRMP number into your ERAS application in the biographical information. You may only register for the match if you are on-cycle and available to start residency on July of that match Season. If you do not register by November 30th, there is a $50.00 late fee. You will submit your rank order in February. Make sure that you rank every program you are willing to go to and none of the programs you are not. You are contractually obligated to go to the program you match at. The NRMP algorithm is to the student’s advantage. Rank your programs in the order that you would want to go to them, do not try to “game the system”. Searching for Programs: You can search for programs on FRIEDA This site is run by the AMA and program directors can submit the information they would like applicants to see. You can go to ACGME to search for programs and check accreditation status You can also go to Careers in Medicine where they are developing an ever-increasing database of programs. Military Scholarship Students: Military branches have a selection/match process, see This is handled by the Joint Services Graduate Medical Education Selection Board. Army and Navy use ERAS and the Air Force has its own system. Service specific decisions regarding any possible deferment to NRMP. You will apply in early summer and find out in mid-December. MSPE will be sent on October 1st. If you are deferred to a civilian residency you will continue in the NRMP for the March match. Remember the November 30th deadline. HPSP students should talk with Dr. Toussaint to review the process. San Francisco Match: for second year positions in Ophthalmology and a few Plastic Surgery programs. For this match, you will submit: the application, undergraduate college transcripts, medical school transcript and MSPE, USMLE scores (you will need to request these from the NBME), 3-4 letters of recommendation, and your list of programs. The San Francisco match mails your application to your programs. The application deadlines can vary by program. If you successfully match, you will match for a PGY 1 position in the regular match. If you are unsuccessful, you can match in an alternate specialty in the regular match. Urology Match: The only specialty with its own match system. Most urology programs now use ERAS. This is an early match like the San Francisco Match. If you require more detailed information, please check the appropriate folder on Career Essentials Pilot page. lp/11/15/2016 33 lp/11/15/2016 34 Abbreviations and Terms AAMC: Association of American Medical Colleges ERAS: Electronic Residency Application Service: AAMC system for applying to most residency programs NRMP: National Residency Matching Program: ERAS applicants and Programs rank each other SF Match: San Francisco Match- Application service for some Ophthalmology and Plastic Surgery Programs Advanced residency positions: starts 1-2 years after the match and require a preliminary year first. The following programs offer advanced positions, some may also offer categorical: Anesthesiology, Child Neurology, Dermatology, Neurology, Ophthalmology, PM&R, Plastic Surgery, Radiation Oncology, Radiology and Urology. Career Advisor: a person who is available to work with medical students on the application process. C.V. review should be done prior to the M3 year. Planning first three blocks of M4 year and plans for away rotations should be completed by Jan-Feb of M3 year. Personal Statement and plans for LORs should be completed by end of June in M3 year. Help with the ERAS application available from June-Sept. Mock interview practice available anytime. Please schedule 1 hour for this. Categorical Residency Position: A categorical position is one which offers full residency training required for board certification in that specialty. Training is 3-5 years in length. Early Match: Ophthalmology, Urology and all programs run by the military are early math. Ophthalmology uses the San Francisco match. Urology applicants match is run by the American Urological Association and the application is through ERAS. Ophthalmology applications are due in July and Urology applications are due in September. Match Day: Held on the Friday of the 3rd week in March. When all US seniors find out where they matched. MSPE: A letter of evaluation which describes the students’ performance in medical school. It is released to residency programs on October 1 st. Physician Match: training in specialty programs reserved for physicians with prior graduate medical education and who can enter advanced training in the year of the match. Preliminary Residency Positions: offer 1-2 years of training before entry into an advanced residency program. Many Internal Medicine and Surgery training programs offer a Preliminary Residency position. Rank Order Lists: A ranked order of programs submitted by applicants to the NRMP before the deadline (last week in February). Primary Care Categorical: offered by some Medicine and Pediatrics programs. Standard Letter of Evaluation (SLOE): Required by Emergency Medicine and Plastic Surgery. SOAP (Supplemental Offer and Acceptance Program): begins on the Monday of Match week, administered by the NRMP. Students who have not matched submit applications to mini-matches held on a daily basis. Specialty Advisor: an advisor in the specialty of your choice. Should review competitiveness data with you, read your personal statement and review your residency program list. Transitional Residency Positions: an alternative to a preliminary year. Offers experiences in Surgery, Medicine, Pediatrics and other specialties. Gives a broader exposure than a Preliminary year. lp/11/15/2016 35 Useful Links Wright State dates Careers in Medicine ERAS FREIDA NRMP (National Residency Matching Program) AUA (American Urological Association) San Francisco Match USMLE (United States Medical Licensing Exam) NBME (National Board of Medical Examiners) Military Match Visiting Student Application Service (VSAS) VSAS tutorials: ACGME: Recommended reading: Katta, R., & Desai, S. P. (2016). The successful match 2017: Rules for success in the residency match. Md2B. lp/11/15/2016 36
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