Resilient IRP Integrations Create WebEx Meeting Function Guide Web Ex

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Incident Response Platform Integrations
Create WebEx Meeting Function V1.0.1
Release Date: July 2018
Resilient Functions simplify development of integrations by wrapping each activity into an
individual workflow component. These components can be easily installed, then used and
combined in Resilient workflows. The Resilient platform sends data to the function component
that performs an activity then returns the results to the workflow. The results can be acted upon
by scripts, rules, and workflow decision points to dynamically orchestrate the security incident
response activities.
This guide describes the Create WebEx Meeting Function.

This Resilient Function package provides a function fn_create_webex_meeting that takes in a
meeting name, a meeting agenda, and a meeting password which it uses to create a Cisco
WebEx meeting returning the host url and the attendee url.
Included in the package is one example workflow that use the fn_create_webex_meeting

Example: Create WebEx Meeting: Incident

The workflow calls fn_create_webex_meeting to create a meeting for the incident using the name
and description from the incident and puts the meeting details in the incident notes section.
Also included in the package is an example rule for calling the workflow from an incident.

Licensed Materials – Property of IBM
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2010, 2018. All Rights Reserved.
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IBM Corp.

Before installing, verify that your environment meets the following prerequisites:

Resilient platform is version 30 or later.


You have a Resilient account to use for the integrations. This can be any account that has
the permission to view and modify administrator and customization settings, and read and
update incidents. You need to know the account username and password.


You have access to the command line of the Resilient appliance, which hosts the Resilient
platform; or to a separate integration server where you will deploy and run the functions code.
If using a separate integration server, you must install Python version 2.7.10 or later, or
version 3.6 or later, and “pip”. (The Resilient appliance is preconfigured with a suitable
version of Python.)

Install the Python components
The functions package contains Python components that are called by the Resilient platform to
execute the functions during your workflows. These components run in the Resilient Circuits
integration framework.
The package also includes Resilient customizations that will be imported into the platform later.
Complete the following steps to install the Python components:
1. Ensure that the environment is up-to-date, as follows:
sudo pip install --upgrade pip
sudo pip install --upgrade setuptools
sudo pip install --upgrade resilient-circuits

2. Run the following command to install the package:
sudo pip install --upgrade

Configure the Python components
The Resilient Circuits components run as an unprivileged user, typically named integration. If you
do not already have an integration user configured on your appliance, create it now.
Complete the following steps to configure and run the integration:
1. Using sudo, switch to the integration user, as follows:
sudo su - integration

2. Use one of the following commands to create or update the resilient-circuits configuration file.
Use –c for new environments or –u for existing environments.
resilient-circuits config -c

resilient-circuits config -u

3. Edit the resilient-circuits configuration file, as follows:
a. In the [resilient] section, ensure that you provide all the information required to connect to
the Resilient platform.
b. In the [create_webex_meeting] section, edit the settings as follows:
webex_site=<subdomain, i.e abc>
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webex_site_url=<entire url, i.e>
webex_timezone=GMT<timezone offset from GMT, i.e -04:00, if GMT-00:00,
just use GMT with no timezone offset>
# use these as an alternative to webex_site (i.e. developer sandbox)

Deploy customizations to the Resilient platform
This Resilient Function package provides a function fn_create_webex_meeting, an example
workflow that invokes the fn_create_webex_meeting function, a message destination, and a rule
for creating the fn_create_webex_meeting menu item.
1. Use the following command to deploy these customizations to the Resilient platform:
resilient-circuits customize

2. Respond to the prompts to deploy functions, message destinations, workflows and rules.

Run the integration framework
To test the integration package before running it in a production environment, you must run the
integration manually with the following command:
resilient-circuits run

The resilient-circuits command starts, loads its components, and continues to run until
interrupted. If it stops immediately with an error message, check your configuration values and

Configure Resilient Circuits for restart
For normal operation, Resilient Circuits must run continuously. The recommend way to do this is
to configure it to automatically run at startup. On a Red Hat appliance, this is done using a
systemd unit file such as the one below. You may need to change the paths to your working
directory and app.config.
1. The unit file must be named resilient_circuits.service To create the file, enter the
following command:
sudo vi /etc/systemd/system/resilient_circuits.service

2. Add the following contents to the file and change as necessary:
Description=Resilient-Circuits Service
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/resilient-circuits run

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3. Ensure that the service unit file is correctly permissioned, as follows:
sudo chmod 664 /etc/systemd/system/resilient_circuits.service

4. Use the systemctl command to manually start, stop, restart and return status on the service:
sudo systemctl resilient_circuits [start|stop|restart|status]

You can view log files for systemd and the resilient-circuits service using the journalctl command,
as follows:
sudo journalctl -u resilient_circuits --since "2 hours ago"

Function Descriptions
Once the function package deploys the function(s), you can view them in the Resilient platform
Functions tab, as shown below. The package also includes example workflows and rules that
show how the functions can be used. You can copy and modify these workflows and rules for
your own needs.

fn_create_webex_meeting: Create WebEx Meeting
The Resilient Function fn_create_webex_meeting takes a meeting name, a meeting agenda, a
meeting password, and meeting times which it uses to create a Cisco WebEx meeting returning
the host url and the attendee url. A user may want to use fn_create_webex_meeting to create a
meeting for incidents, artifacts, or tasks, in order to organize completion.

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Example: Create WebEx Meeting: Incident
The incident name and the incident description are passed into the example workflow in the preprocessor script.

The screenshot below shows the example workflow with an incident as input and the postprocessor script that retrieves the host url and attendee url from the fn_create_webex_meeting
function and adds them to a note associated with the incident.

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There are several ways to verify the successful operation of a function.

Resilient Action Status
When viewing an incident, use the Actions menu to view Action Status. By default, pending
and errors are displayed. Modify the filter for actions to also show Completed actions.
Clicking on an action displays additional information on the progress made or what error


Resilient Scripting Log
A separate log file is available to review scripting errors. This is useful when issues occur in
the pre-processing or post-processing scripts. The default location for this log file is:


Resilient Logs

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By default, Resilient logs are retained at /usr/share/co3/logs. The client.log may contain
additional information regarding the execution of functions.

The log is controlled in the .resilient/app.config file under the section [resilient] and
the property logdir. The default file name is app.log. Each function will create progress
information. Failures will show up as errors and may contain python trace statements.

For additional support, contact
Including relevant information from the log files will help us resolve your issue.

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Tagged PDF                      : Yes
XMP Toolkit                     : 3.1-701
Title                           : Resilient IRP Integrations Create WebEx Meeting Function Guide
Creator                         : IBM Resilient
Creator Tool                    : Microsoft Word
Create Date                     : 2018:10:25 18:15:11+00:00
Modify Date                     : 2018:10:25 18:15:11+00:00
Document ID                     : uuid:0852579D-B57F-4274-B340-387A2129CCCB
Instance ID                     : uuid:0852579D-B57F-4274-B340-387A2129CCCB
Author                          : IBM Resilient
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