Rheem Tankless Parts Accessories
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RHEEM TANKLESS PARTS & ACCESSORIES http://waterheatertimer.org/Troubleshoot-Rheem-Tankless-water-heater.html Troubleshooting resources for homeowner Parts and accessories for residential and commercial indoor direct vent and outdoor eco-friendly tankless gas water heating systems from • Rheem • Ruud • Rheem-Ruud • Richmond • EcoSense • Paloma It’s not working again? TANKLESS Parts & Accessories 2011 Tankless water heaters Continuous hot water Rheem Advantages It is the goal of Rheem to set the standard for the plumbing industry we serve, and to be the organization against which others are measured. We are market driven, and will continue to explore products and services that offer our customers a competitive advantage in the marketplace. Technology Rheem has significant research and development capability which allows us to offer the latest technology and product reliability to our customers. Patented Products Rheem has a number of patented products that allow us to offer the highest quality replacement parts. Customer Service Rheem has an industry-leading customer service team that can provide fast and convenient answers to our customers’ questions. Brand Equity The Rheem and Ruud names are synonymous with quality and customer service and allows Rheem Parts and our partners to capitalize on this brand recognition with professional plumbers. Business Partner Rheem is a proven business partner to our customers. Sales Professionals Rheem Water Heating has an exceptional network of sales professionals to help our customers sell replacement parts. More Rheem water heaters have been installed in homes than any other brand. Rheem has been providing reliable water heating to the world since we invented the water heater over 100 years ago. Premier Customer Experience – Priority One! Rheem Water Heating will be the premier customer experience provider of Rheem tankless water heaters. Rheem’s philosophy of speed, accuracy and attentiveness will guide this initiative. This will be achieved through customer education, internal and external training, and after sales service. Rheem Tankless Parts and Accessories A comprehensive catalog of approved replacement parts for Rheem®, Ruud®, Rheem®-Ruud®,Richmond®, EcoSense™ and Paloma® tankless gas water heaters*. General Terms and Conditions Freight Allowance !"#$"%$""%&'"%(#)*!"$$% #+&$%#),% -.."$$/+0"$% +0."%1'""&%2/+%3+"04'&% -!!/5#)."$6 Taxes +0."$%#+"%$789".&%&/%&'"%#,,0&0/)% /2%#):%%0<=/$",%8:%#):%=+"$")&% /+%27&7+"%3","+#!>%1&">%?/7)&:%/+% @7)0.0=#!%!#5%/)%&'"%$#!"%/2%$7.'% <#&"+0#!>%7)!"$$%5"%'#A"%#%% ";"<=&0/)%."+&0B.#&"%/)%B!"6 Acceptance of Orders -!!%/+,"+$%#+"%$789".&%&/%B)#!% #==+/A#!%/)%&'"%&"+<$%#),%./),0&0/)$% ./))",%0)%/7+%$),#+,%.7$&/<"+% #.*)/5!",4<")&%2/+<6 Materials Return 1#!"#8!">%.7++")&%./<=/)")&%=#+&$% 0)%#%)"5%/+%7)7$",%./),0&0/)%<7$&% '#A"%=+0/+%#7&'/+0C#&0/)%8:%&'"% #+&$% #.*#40)4%17="+A0$/+%/+%?7$&/<"+% 1"+A0."%8"2/+"%8"0)4%+"&7+)",6% #+&$% <#:%/)!:%8"%./)$0,"+",%2/+%+"&7+)% 50&'0)%DE%,#:$%2+/<%&'"%/+040)#!% 0)A/0."%,#&"6%F)A/0."%)7<8"+$%<7$&% 8"%=+/A0,",%&/%?7$&/<"+%1"+A0."%=+0/+% &/%/8)0)4%#%+"&7+)%#7&'/+0C#&0/)% )7<8"+6%%-!!%=#+&$%+"&7+)",%50&'/7&% =+0/+%#7&'/+0C#&0/)%50!!%8"%,"$&+/:",% /+%$")&%8#.*%&/%&'"%$"),"+%#&%&'"0+% ";=")$"6%-!!%+"&7+)$%50!!%8"%$789".&%&/% /7+%0)$=".&0/)%#),%#%GHI%+"$&/.*0)4% .'#+4"6%J"&7+)",%=#+&$%&'#&%#+"% ,#<#4",%/+%0)%#%./),0&0/)%&'#&% =+"A")&$%+"$#!"%50!!%)/&%8"%.+",0&",6%% 1"+A0."KL#++#)&:% #+&$%+"&7+)",% 0)%#../+,#)."%50&'%5#++#)&:%.!#0<% =+/A0$0/)$%,/%)/&%+"M70+"%=+0/+% #7&'/+0C#&0/)>%87&%50!!%8"%$789".&%&/% /7+%0)$=".&0/)6%1""% +0."%1'""&%2/+% -,,0&0/)#!%?/),0&0/)$6 Accessories ......................................................................... Manifold Systems ................................................................ Vent Kits ............................................................................... 3”/5” Concentric Venting ..................................................... RTG-53DV Parts .................................................................. RTG-53X Parts ..................................................................... RTG-53PV, RTG2-42PV Parts ............................................ RTG-66DV Parts .................................................................. RTG-66X Parts ..................................................................... RTG-74DV & GT-199DV Parts ............................................. RTG-74X & GT-199X ........................................................... RTG-74PV & GT-199PV Parts .............................................. RTG-95/84/64DV Parts ...................................................... RTG-95/84/64X Parts ......................................................... RTGH-95/84DV Parts ..................................................... RTGH-95/84X Parts ......................................................... Obsolete RTG-42PV Parts ................................................. Brand/Model Cross Reference Chart ............................... Notes Page .......................................................................... Contact Information ............................................................ 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 31 32 BC * For Ruud, replace RTG with RUTG * For Richmond, replace RTG with RMTG * For EcoSense, see cross reference chart, page 31 * For Paloma, replace RTG with PTG |1 or Rheem, Ruud, Rheem-Ruud, Richmond, EcoSense and Paloma tankless water heaters! Tankless accessories Recess Boxes Pipe Covers Recess Boxes enhance an outdoor installation by protecting the tankless unit from damage and tampering. It also provides additional protection from extreme weather. These boxes come in an grey finish and can be painted by the customer. Cosmetic Pipe Covers enhance an indoor or outdoor installation by concealing the pipe beneath the water heater. It provides protection from tampering and weather conditions. These covers come in an grey finish and can be painted by the customer. • RTG20226 For the RTGH-95DV, RTGH-95X, RTGH84DV, and RTGH-84X For the RTGH-95X and RTGH-84X Rough-in Dimensions: 46" High, 16-1/2" Wide, 9-1/2" Deep • RTG20170 For the RTG-64X, RTG-84X, RTG-95X and RTG-66X Rough in Dimensions: 36-1/2" High, 14-3/4" Wide, 8-1/2" Deep • RTG20227 (grey) • RTG20169DVG (grey) For the RTG-64DV, RTG-84DV, RTG-95DV and RTG-66DV • RTG20217XG (grey) For the RTG-95X, RTG-84X, RTG-64X and RTG-66X Service Valves • RTG20220 Webstone Service Valves, includes Relief Valve • RTG20220AB Remote Controls • RTG20006DW UMC-117 Main Remote Control • RTG20006DU USC1-117 Bath Remote Control • RTG20006DV USC2-117 Second Bath Remote Control • RTG20009-1 10 ft. Thermostat Wire 1 pair 18AWG Flush Kit Relief Valve • RTG20111-1 Watts Service Valves, includes Relief Valve • AP12993C Watts Pressure Relief Valve, rated at 150PSI. Webstone Service Valves, Clean Brass for California Low Lead Code, includes Relief Valve Connects easily to Tankless Isolation Valves. Simple to use. • RTG20124 Includes: 5-Gallon Bucket, Submersible Pump, and two Stainless Steel Hoses 2| or Rheem, Ruud, Rheem-Ruud, Richmond, EcoSense and Paloma tankless water heaters! Tankless manifold systems EZ-Link™ Connect two tankless water heaters EZ-Link™ Cable • RTG20040 Connect two tankless water heaters together in a Manifold*** † This will allow two heaters to communicate together and operate as a single unit. Perfect for when one tankless is just not enough. *** Only two units may be connected together with the EZ-Link™ cable. † Only RTG2-42, RTG-53 Models, RTG-66 or RTG-74, GT-199 models that have a -1 or greater suffix and all RTG-95, RTG-84, RTG-64, RTGH-84, and RTGH-95 models can be used with the EZ-Link Cable. EZ-Link™ Cable Enlarged EZ-Link™ Cable Connector MIC-180 Manifold Controller System Connect Up to 20 tankless water heaters MIC-180 Manifold Controller • RTG20126A Manifold and control up to 6 tankless models.* Includes installation cabinet for indoor or outdoor applications MICS-180 One required for each tankless water heater installed in a manifold. Connects a single tankless water heater to the MIC-180. Note: These cables will not fit the MIC-6. RTG20126C MICS-180 Manifold Controller Expansion Card •MIC-K-16 16 ft Control Cable • RTG20126B Add on to the MIC-180 for up to 20 units in total.** • RTG20126D Installations of 7 to 20 require this expansion card. Mounts inside the MIC-180 cabinet, includes cables to connect to the MIC-180 board MIC-180 Manifold Control Cables (Type K) Replacement Manifold Control Boards • RTG20126J - MIC-180 • RTG20126W - MIC-185 MIC-K-32 32 ft Control Cable • RTG20126E MIC-K-65 65 ft Control Cable * Only RTG-74 with a -1 or greater suffix on the model number, and all, RTG2-42, RTG-53, RTG-66, and GT-199 models. Commercial models will be limited to 180°F in a manifold system. Residential models are limited to 140°F. ** This card provides control cable connection points for units 7 - 20 in multi-unit manifold. MIC-6 Manifold Controller System Connect Up to 6 tankless water heaters MIC-6 Manifold Controller System For the RTG-95, RTG-84, and RTG-64 Series models only. This kit will not work on any model manufactured before Jan 2010. • RTG20213A Connect up to 6 tankless water heaters together in a Manifold‡ This kit mounts inside a single tankless unit and connects to up to 5 additional units for a total of 6. Additional Type Q cables are necessary, listed below. Manifold Control Cables (Type Q) One required for each tankless water heater installed in a manifold. Connects a single tankless water heater to the MIC-6. Note: These cables will not fit the MIC-180. • RTG20213B - MIC-Q-1 1 ft Control Cable • RTG20213C - MIC-Q-6 6 ft Control Cable • RTG20213D - MIC-Q-18 18 ft Control Cable MIC-6 Kit MIC-6 Installed |3 or Rheem, Ruud, Rheem-Ruud, Richmond, EcoSense and Paloma tankless water heaters! Tankless venting PVC Vent Kits for RTGH-84DV, and RTGH-95DV Horizontal Vent Termination • SP20286 for 3-Inch PVC RXGY-G01 • SP20285 for 2-Inch PVC RXGY-G02 11-3/4” Wide, 8” Tall, 2-1/2” Deep Fits PVC, ABS, piping. Offers for a clean installation of the intake and exhaust pipes of the condensing tankless water heater. 3”/5” Concentric Vent Kits for RTG-64DV, RTG-84DV, and RTG-95DV Horizontal Vent Termination Kit by Metal Fab, Inc. • RTG20210 Contains: 94-Degree Elbow, Long Termination, (1) 12” Wall Plates, Screws. For up to 10-inch walls. Can be extended. MF3CGPHK1 Direct Vent Kits for RTG-66DV and RTG-53DV Horizontal Vent Termination Kit by Metal Fab, Inc. • RTG20147-1 Contains: Appliance Adapter, a 94-Degree Elbow, Long Termination, (1) 12” Wall Plates, Screws. For up to 10-inch walls. Can be extended. MF3CGPHK 4| or Rheem, Ruud, Rheem-Ruud, Richmond, EcoSense and Paloma tankless water heaters! Horizontal or Vertical Concentric Vent Termination • SP20245 for 3-Inch PVC RXGY-E03A 11-3/4” Wide, 8” Tall, 2-1/2” Deep Fits PVC, ABS, piping. Offers for a clean installation of the intake and exhaust pipes of the condensing tankless water heater. Vertical Vent Termination Kit by Metal Fab, Inc. • RTG20211 Contains: Storm Collar, 6/12 to 12/12 Pitched Cone Flashing, Vertical Termination with Rain Cap Does not include vertical vent pipe. MF3CGVK1 Vertical Vent Termination Kit by Metal Fab, Inc. • RTG20184 Contains: Appliance Adapter with Integrated Condensate Collector, Condensate Drain Tube, Storm Collar, 6/12 to 12/12 Pitched Cone Flashing, Vertical Termination with Rain Cap Does not include vertical vent pipe. MF3CGVK Tankless venting 3"/5” Concentric Tankless Venting by Metal Fab, Inc. 6” Vent Length • RTG20151W 12” Vent Length 24” Vent Length 36” Vent Length • RTG20151R • RTG20151C-1 • RTG20151D-1 MF3CG6 MF3CG12 5.66” overall length 11.66” overall length 23.66” overall length 35.66” overall length MF3CG24 MF3CG36 Adjustable Vent Length • RTG20151E-1 7.5” to 22” overall length MF3GVL22 90-Degree Elbow • RTG20151A-1 45-Degree Elbow • RTG20151B-1 MF3CG90L MF3CG45L 8.1” rise - 8.1” run Storm Collar • RTG20151M-1 MF3CGRVT MF3CGSC 6/12 to 12/12 Roof Flashing • RTG20151L-1 split ring galvanized 15” square base galvanized MF3CGF-12 Appliance Adapter Condensate Drain • RTG20151S • RTG20144-3 Fits RTG-66 or 53DV horizontal and vertical 8.6” overall length 5” overall length MF3CGPA MF3CGVDS Up to 8” Deep Wall 6’ high temperature silicone tube, 2 clamps, 2 wire ties, instructions 8.6” rise - 3” run Vertical Cap Termination • RTG20151P 12” overall height Silicone Condensate Wall Thimble Drain Tube Kit • RTG20151X 12” Square • RTG20150A Horizontal Termination • RTG20128-2 MF3CGWPK 2/12 to 5/12 Roof Flashing • RTG20151K-1 15” square base galvanized MF3CGF Short for 4” inch wall horizontal only MF3CGPHT Wall Hanger • RTG20151H 2-point pivot mounting MF3CGWH1 Adjustable Vent Length • RTG20222 13” to 20” overall length MF3CGVAL20 Wall Support • RTG20151G 3-point mounting MF3CGWS1 Support Plate Tall Cone Roof Flashing • RTG20151T • RTG20151J-1 17” square base 12” square base galvanized support/fire stop MF3CGPS MF3CGFT The components listed on this page are manufactured by Metal Fab, Inc. and are not compatible with venting components manufactured by Heat-Fab listed in previous versions the Tankless Parts and Accessories Catalog. Make no attempt to use venting components manufactured by different companies on a single installation. A limited number of 3” and 4” single wall venting as well as various Heat-Fab components are available, please contact Customer Service for details. |5 or Rheem, Ruud, Rheem-Ruud, Richmond, EcoSense and Paloma tankless water heaters! Parts for 53DV series 3 4 5 7 8 11 2 9 !""#$%&'($) 1 10 *"+,'-.(-/0 12345*6 7"&38"9":$%'/;'$-;!$?:(-(@A"$%'/;'$-;!$?:(-(@A"$%'/;'$-;!$?:(-(@A"$%'/;'$-;!$?:(-(@A"$%'/;'$-;!$?:(-(@A"$%'/;'$>>?3@ (%)1>>>?3( (%)1>>>?6@ (%)1>>>?6( (%)1>>>?(B (%)1>>>?(- (%)1>>>?3C (%)1>>>?3D (%)1>>>?6M (%)1>>>?63 (%)1>>>?(N (%)1>>>?(P (%)1>>>?3. (%)1>>>?3A (%)1>>>?6% (%)1>>>?66 (%)1>>>?( (%)1>>>?(; (%)1>>>?3L (%)1>>>?3O 3"4*0"5"#$678974:$;<=' !"#$%"& /- (%)1>>>?@A (%)1>>>?@. '()*+++,-. 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Source Exif Data:File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.4 Linearized : No Page Count : 36 Producer : GPL Ghostscript 8.15 Create Date : 2011:04:17 01:36:25 Modify Date : 2011:04:17 01:36:25 Title : http://waterheatertimer.org/p...TanklessParts-Accessories.pdf Creator : Adobe Acrobat 8.0 Author : Gene HaynesEXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools