Ribose QC Manual
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Package ‘RiboseQC’ May 31, 2019 Title Ribo-seQC, a comprehensive Ribo-seq analysis tool Version 0.99.0 Description Ribo-seQC is a powerful analysis tool for the analysis of Riboseq data, which is able to provide read-length specific analysis of both cytoplasmic and organellar ribosome, and provides interactive visualization of results in a dynamic html report Depends rmarkdown, rtracklayer, GenomicAlignments, BSgenome, GenomicFiles, devtools, reshape2, ggplot2, knitr, DT, gridExtra, ggpubr, viridis, Biostrings, GenomicFeatures, BiocGenerics License GPL-3 or above Encoding UTF-8 LazyData FALSE Name RiboseQC biocViews RiboSeq, GenomeAnnotation, Transcriptomics, Software RoxygenNote 6.1.1 NeedsCompilation no Author Lorenzo Calviello [aut], Dominique Sydow [aut], Dermott Harnett [ctb, cre], Uwe Ohler [rev, fnd] Maintainer Dermott HarnettR topics documented: calc_cutoffs_from_profiles . . choose_readlengths . . . . . . create_html_report . . . . . . create_pdfs_from_rds_objects generate_rdata_list . . . . . . get_codon_usage_data . . . . get_default_rl_selection . . . . get_metagene_data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 calc_cutoffs_from_profiles get_ps_fromsplicemin . . . . . . . get_ps_fromspliceplus . . . . . . get_rl_and_cutoffs . . . . . . . . get_top50_all_genes . . . . . . . get_top50_cds_genes . . . . . . . get_top50_mapping . . . . . . . . load_annotation . . . . . . . . . . plot_codon_usage_bulk . . . . . . plot_codon_usage_bulk_rmd . . . plot_codon_usage_positional . . . plot_codon_usage_positional_rmd plot_frame_dist_boxplot . . . . . plot_frame_dist_boxplot_rmd . . plot_metagene_bar . . . . . . . . plot_metagene_bar_rmd . . . . . plot_metagene_hm . . . . . . . . plot_metagene_hm_rmd . . . . . plot_read_biotype_dist_1 . . . . . plot_read_biotype_dist_2 . . . . . plot_read_biotype_dist_by_length plot_read_length_dist . . . . . . . plot_read_length_dist_by_biotype prepare_annotation_files . . . . . RiboseQC_analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 11 12 12 13 14 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 34 calc_cutoffs_from_profiles Calculate offsets from 5’end profiles Description This function calculates cutoffs and frame resolution for Ribo-seq reads, for each read length and compartment. Usage calc_cutoffs_from_profiles(reads_profile, length_max) Arguments reads_profile Profile of 5’ends around start and stop codon, as a DataFrame object with tx_ids as rows and positions as columns length_max Maximum cutoff to use choose_readlengths 3 Details Three methods are used and combined in the final choice: the position of maximum coverage around start codon is calculated for each transcript, and the most frequent one is stored in the "*_tab" objects. Such frequency values are also subjected to k-means clustering (centers=3) and the first value belonging to the highest cluster is selected, output as "*km_tab" objects. Analysis of aggregate plots, instead of frequencies, is performed again using kmeans (centers=3) using the same analysis above and stored in the "*km_meta" objects, and by simply calculating the maximum value in the profile, stored in the "*meta" objects. for each method, all reads ("absolute_") or only in-frame positions ("in_frame_") are considered. The final choice takes the most frequent cutoff chosen in all methods applied to in-frame positions. Value a list with a final_cutoff object, the frame analysis containing the displaying the max frame and the average all the calculated cutoffs in cutoffs, data used for the frame analysis in frames, and profiles around start codons in profiles_start. Author(s) Lorenzo Calviello, See Also RiboseQC_analysis choose_readlengths Filter read lengths for P-sites position calculation Description This function selects a subset of readlenghts to be used in the P-sites calculation step Usage choose_readlengths(summary_data, choice = "max_coverage", nt_signals) Arguments summary_data choice nt_signals output data from the calc_cutoffs_from_profiles function Method used to select readlengths, defaults to "max_coverage" Profiles of 5’ends around start codons Details Three different methods are available to choose readlengths: the "max_coverage" method selects all read lenghts with more in-frame signal compared to out-of-frame signal, on all codons; the "max_inframe" method starts with the most accurate read length and progressively selects read lengths which add in-frame signals in codons not covered by previous read lengths; the "all" method selects all available read lengths 4 create_html_report Value a list object containing different compartments. Each sub-list contains final_choice, the set of chosen read lengths with cutoffs, and data, the complete stats for each selection method Author(s) Lorenzo Calviello, See Also calc_cutoffs_from_profiles create_html_report Create the Ribo-seQC analysis report in html Description This function creates the Ribo-seQC html report based on the Ribo-seQC analysis files generated with RiboseQC_analysis. Usage create_html_report(input_files, input_sample_names, output_file, extended = F) Arguments input_files Character vector with full paths to data files generated with RiboseQC_analysis. Must be of same length as input_sample_names. input_sample_names Character vector containing input names (max. 5 characters per name). Must be of same length as input_files. output_file String; full path to html report file. extended creates a large html report including codon occupancy for each read length. Defaults to FALSE Details This function creates the html report visualizing the RiboseQC analysis data. Input are two lists of the same length: a) input_files: list of full paths to one or multiple input files (Ribo-seQC analysis files generated with RiboseQC_analysis) and b) input_sample_names: list of corresponding names describing the file content in max. 5 characters (these are used as names in the report). create_pdfs_from_rds_objects 5 For the report, a RMarkdown file is rendered as html document, saved as output_file. Additionally, all figures in the report are saved as PDF figures in an extra folder in the same directory as the report html file. Example: output_file <- "\mydir\myreport.html" will generate the html report \mydir\myreport.html and the folder \mydir\myreport_plots\ for the RDS object files to be stored in. Value The function saves the html report file with the file path output_file and a folder containing all figures shown in the html report as RDS object files (located in the same directory as the html report). Author(s) Dominique Sydow, See Also plot_read_biotype_dist_1, plot_read_biotype_dist_2, plot_read_length_dist, plot_read_length_dist_by_bio plot_read_biotype_dist_by_length, get_metagene_data, plot_metagene_hm_rmd, plot_metagene_hm, plot_metagene_bar_rmd, plot_metagene_bar, plot_frame_dist_boxplot_rmd, plot_frame_dist_boxplot, get_rl_and_cutoffs, get_default_rl_selection, get_top50_mapping, get_top50_cds_genes, get_top50_all_genes, get_codon_usage_data, plot_codon_usage_positional_rmd, plot_codon_usage_positional plot_codon_usage_bulk_rmd, plot_codon_usage_bulk create_pdfs_from_rds_objects Generate PDF files from RDS object files Description This function generates figures as PDF files from RDS object files. Usage create_pdfs_from_rds_objects(output_rds_path) Arguments output_rds_path String; full path to output folder for RDS object files. Example: /my_path_to/rds/ Value This function creates PDF files from RDS object files. 6 generate_rdata_list Author(s) Dominique Sydow, See Also create_html_report generate_rdata_list Generate a list of R data objects Description This function generates a list of loaded RData files to be used during Ribo-seQC report generation. Usage generate_rdata_list(input_files) Arguments input_files List of RData file paths generated by RiboseQC_analysis. Example: input_files <- c(sample1="//path//to//sample1", sample2="//path//to//sample2") Value This function returns a list of loaded RData objects that were generated by RiboseQC_analysis. Author(s) Dominique Sydow, See Also create_html_report get_codon_usage_data 7 get_codon_usage_data Get codon usage data (positional and bulk) Description This function processes codon usage data generated by RiboseQC_analysis, i.e. codon usage • per nucleotide position (i.e. positional codon usage) as well as • summed up over all positions* (i.e. bulk codon usage) for a specific data type, originating compartment, and read length, as well as based on a user-defined genetic code. This data is used as input in plot_codon_usage_bulk to generate a bar plot, and in plot_codon_usage_bulk_rmd to iterativly generate plots for the Ribo-seQC report in section 7.2. Please check plot_codon_usage for positional codon usage (instead of bulk codon usage). * Information on positions included in analysis: Based on P-site corrected reads, the codon usage within CDS regions for protein coding genes is examplatory calculated • for the first 11 codons of the CDS (referred to as start), • for 11 codons from the middle of the CDS (referred to as middle), and • for the last 11 codons of the CDS (referred to as stop). Usage get_codon_usage_data(data, data_type, comp, rl) Arguments data Object (list of lists) generated by RiboseQC_analysis: res_all. data_type String; select one of the following: • Codon_counts: codon count in defined positions*, • P_sites_percodon: P-sites count in defined positions*, or • P_sites_percodon_ratio: ratio of P-sites counts to codon counts in defined positions*. • E_sites_percodon: E-sites count in defined positions*, or • E_sites_percodon_ratio: ratio of E-sites counts to codon counts in defined positions*. 8 get_default_rl_selection • A_sites_percodon: A-sites count in defined positions*, or • A_sites_percodon_ratio: ratio of A-sites counts to codon counts in defined positions*. comp String for originating compartment. Check for available originating compartments in the data set using: names(res_all$profiles_P_sites$Codon_count) rl String for read length. Check for available read lengths in the data set using: names(res_all$profiles_P_sites[[data_type]][[comp]]) Value This function returns a list (e.g. called codon_usage_bulk_data) with information on bulk codon usage: • codon_usage_bulk_data$data contains the data on bulk codon usage, • codon_usage_bulk_data$data_type saves the data type used (see parameter data_type) • codon_usage_bulk_data$comp saves the originating compartment used (see parameter comp), and • codon_usage_bulk_data$rl saves the read length used (see parameter rl). Author(s) Dominique Sydow, See Also create_html_report get_default_rl_selection Get default choice of read lengths Description This function returns selected read lengths per originating compartment. These read lengths build the basis for all P-site based calculations such as metagene and codon usage analyses (e.g. plot_metagene_hm and plot_codon_usage) This data is used in the Ribo-seQC report in section 4.2.3 (displayed as table). Usage get_default_rl_selection(rdata_list) get_metagene_data 9 Arguments rdata_list List of RiboseQC analysis RData objects generated by generate_rdata_list. Value This function returns data. Author(s) Dominique Sydow, See Also create_html_report get_metagene_data Get 5’/P-site profile data for metagene analysis Description This function processes profile data generated by RiboseQC_analysis. This data is used as input in plot_metagene_hm to generate plot for the Ribo-seQC report in section 4.1/4.3. Usage get_metagene_data(data, profile_type, res, comp) Arguments res Resolution (subcodon or bins) Subcodon resolution: five_prime_subcodon (in order to call res_all$profiles_fivepr$five_prime_subcodon) or P_sites_subcodon (in order to call res_all$profiles_P_sites$P_sites_subcodon) Read coverage for the first 25nt after the transcription start site (TSS), 25nt before and 33nt after the start codon, 33nt from the middle of the CDS, 33nt before and 25nt after the stop codon, and the last 25nt before the transcription end site (TES). Bins: five_prime_bins (in order to call res_all$profiles_fivepr$five_prime_bins) or 10 get_metagene_data P_sites_bins (in order to call res_all$profiles_P_sites$P_sites_bins) Read coverage for 50 bins between TSS and start codon, 100 bins for the CDS, and 50 after stop codon to TES. comp String for originating compartment Check for available originating compartments in the data set using: names(res_all$profiles_fivepr$f profiles 5’ or P-site profile data generated by RiboseQC_analysis: res_all$profiles_fivepr or res_all$profiles_P_sites Consists of DataFrames each containing counts of 5’ or P-site profiles, calculated for different resolution types (see parameter res), originating compartments (see parameter comp), and read lengths per input sample. Example to access DataFrame: res_all$profiles_fivepr[[res]][[comp]][[read_length]] or res_all$profiles_P_sites[[res]][[comp]][[read_length]] Value This function returns data profile_data as list(data_single, data_all, res) with profile data • for all read lengths individually (profile_data[1]] is data_single) and • for all read lenghts summarized (profile_data[[2]] is data_all). with different scaling: no scaling (none), log2 scaling (log2), and z scoring (zscore), accessable via e.g. profile_data[[1]]$none or profile_data[[2]]$zscore. profile_data[[3]] saves the resolution type res for later use during plotting. profile_data[[4]] stores information on whether data represents 5’ or P site profiles (profile_type) for later use during plotting. Author(s) Dominique Sydow, See Also create_html_report get_ps_fromsplicemin 11 get_ps_fromsplicemin Offset spliced reads on minus strand Description This function calculates P-sites positions for spliced reads on the minus strand Usage get_ps_fromsplicemin(x, cutoff) Arguments x cutoff a GAlignments object with a cigar string number representing the offset value Value a GRanges object with offset reads Author(s) Lorenzo Calviello, get_ps_fromspliceplus Offset spliced reads on plus strand Description This function calculates P-sites positions for spliced reads on the plus strand Usage get_ps_fromspliceplus(x, cutoff) Arguments x cutoff a GAlignments object with a cigar string number representing the offset value Value a GRanges object with offset reads Author(s) Lorenzo Calviello, 12 get_top50_all_genes get_rl_and_cutoffs Get selected read lengths and cutoffs Description This function retrieves data on selected read lengths (per originating compartment), e.g. their cutoff values, frame preference and codon gain. This data is used in the Ribo-seQC report in section 4.2.2 (displayed as table). Usage get_rl_and_cutoffs(rdata_list) Arguments rdata_list List of RiboseQC analysis RData objects generated by generate_rdata_list. Value This function returns data. Author(s) Dominique Sydow, See Also create_html_report get_top50_all_genes Get top 50 abundant genes (all genes) Description This function retrieves data on the top 50 abundant genes. This data is used in the Ribo-seQC report in section 6 (displayed as table). Usage get_top50_all_genes(rdata_list) Arguments rdata_list List of RiboseQC analysis RData objects generated by generate_rdata_list. get_top50_cds_genes 13 Value This function returns data to be displayed as table in the html report. Author(s) Dominique Sydow, See Also create_html_report get_top50_cds_genes Get top 50 abundant genes (CDS regions for protein coding genes) Description This function retrieves data on the top 50 abundant CDS regions for protein coding genes. This data is used in the Ribo-seQC report in section 6 (displayed as table). Usage get_top50_cds_genes(rdata_list) Arguments rdata_list List of RiboseQC analysis RData objects generated by generate_rdata_list. Value This function returns data to be displayed as table in the html report. Author(s) Dominique Sydow, See Also create_html_report 14 load_annotation get_top50_mapping Get top 50 mapping positions Description This function retrieves data on the top 50 positions (nucleotide resolution) are listed where most reads (their 5’ end) map to, revealing possibly contaminating sequences. This data is used in the Ribo-seQC report in section 5 (displayed as table). Usage get_top50_mapping(rdata_list) Arguments rdata_list List of RiboseQC analysis RData objects generated by generate_rdata_list. Value This function returns data to be displayed as table in the html report. Author(s) Dominique Sydow, See Also create_html_report load_annotation Load genomic features and genome sequence Description This function loads the annotation created by the prepare_annotation_files function Usage load_annotation(path) Arguments path Full path to the *Rannot R file in the annotation directory used in the prepare_annotation_files funct plot_codon_usage_bulk 15 Value introduces a GTF_annotation object and a genome_seq object in the parent environment Author(s) Lorenzo Calviello, See Also prepare_annotation_files plot_codon_usage_bulk Plot bulk codon usage bar plots Description This function plots the codon usage summed up over all positions* (bulk codon usage) as bar plot for a specific data type, originating compartment, and read length, as well as based on a user-defined genetic code. * Information on positions included in analysis: Based on P-site corrected reads, the codon usage within CDS regions for protein coding genes is examplatory calculated • for the first 11 codons of the CDS (referred to as start), • for 11 codons from the middle of the CDS (referred to as middle), and • for the last 11 codons of the CDS (referred to as stop). Usage plot_codon_usage_bulk(codon_usage_data, sample = "", output_rds_path = "") Arguments sample String; sample name (selected from the input names given in the input_sample_names parameter of create_html_report). output_rds_path String; full path to output folder for RDS object files created by this function. Defaults to NOT save RDS; to save RDS, provide path to destination folder. codon_usage_bulk_data List containing codon usage bulk data and meta data, generated by get_codon_usage_data. Value This function returns a plot that can be integrated in the html report and that can be saved as RDS object file. 16 plot_codon_usage_bulk_rmd Author(s) Dominique Sydow, See Also create_html_report plot_codon_usage_bulk_rmd Plot bulk codon usage bar plots within the RMarkdown document Description This function generates iteratively all bulk codon usage bar plots; iteration over originating compartments, read length, and data type (codon count, read count, codon-read count ratio). These plots are displayed in the Ribo-seQC report in section 8. Usage plot_codon_usage_bulk_rmd(data, sample = "", output_rds_path = "") Arguments data Object (list of lists) generated by RiboseQC_analysis: res_all. sample String; sample name (selected from the input names given in the input_sample_names parameter of create_html_report). output_rds_path String; full path to output folder for RDS object files created by this function. Defaults to NOT save RDS; to save RDS, provide path to destination folder. Value This function returns iteratively all bulk codon usage plots for the html report and saves the same plots as RDS object file. Author(s) Dominique Sydow, See Also create_html_report, get_metagene_data, plot_metagene_hm plot_codon_usage_positional 17 plot_codon_usage_positional Plot positional codon usage heatmap Description This function plots the codon usage per nucleotide position* (positional codon usage) as heatmap for a specific data type, originating compartment, read length, and scaling method, as well as based on a user-defined genetic code. * Information on positions included in analysis: Based on P-site corrected reads, the codon usage within CDS regions for protein coding genes is examplatory calculated • for the first 11 codons of the CDS (referred to as start), • for 11 codons from the middle of the CDS (referred to as middle), and • for the last 11 codons of the CDS (referred to as stop). Usage plot_codon_usage_positional(codon_usage_data, scal, sample = "", output_rds_path = "") Arguments sample String; sample name (selected from the input names given in the input_sample_names parameter of create_html_report). output_rds_path String; full path to output folder for RDS object files created by this function. Defaults to NOT save RDS; to save RDS, provide path to destination folder. codon_usage_bulk_data List containing codon usage bulk data and meta data, generated by get_codon_usage_data. Value This function returns a plot that can be integrated in the html report and that can be saved as RDS object file. Author(s) Dominique Sydow, See Also create_html_report 18 plot_codon_usage_positional_rmd plot_codon_usage_positional_rmd Plot positional codon usage heatmaps within the RMarkdown document Description This function generates iteratively all positional codon usage heatmaps; iteration over originating compartments, read length, data type (codon count, read count, codon-read count ratio), and scaling method (none, log2, zscale). These plots are displayed in the Ribo-seQC report in section 7. Usage plot_codon_usage_positional_rmd(data, sample = "", output_rds_path = "") Arguments data Object (list of lists) generated by RiboseQC_analysis: res_all. sample String; sample name (selected from the input names given in the input_sample_names parameter of create_html_report). output_rds_path String; full path to output folder for RDS object files created by this function. Defaults to NOT save RDS; to save RDS, provide path to destination folder. Value This function returns iteratively all positional codon usage plots for the html report and saves the same plots as RDS object file. Author(s) Dominique Sydow, See Also create_html_report plot_frame_dist_boxplot 19 plot_frame_dist_boxplot Plot frame coverage of 5’-site profiles Description This function plots the frame coverage of 5’-site profiles, i.e. the fraction of reads (their 5’ end) in frame 0, 1, and 2 (defined by start codon), as boxplots (per-frame distributions over all transcripts) for individual read lengths as well as for all read lengths summarized. Usage plot_frame_dist_boxplot(analysis_frame_cutoff, comp, sample = "", output_rds_path = "") Arguments analysis_frame_cutoff Object containing statistics on frame coverage (per originating compartment and read length) generated by RiboseQC_analysis. comp sample output_rds_path Example: res_all$selection_cutoffs$analysis_frame_cutoff String for originating compartment Check for available originating compartments in the data set using: names(res_all$profiles_fivepr$f String; sample name (selected from the input names given in the input_sample_names parameter of create_html_report). String; full path to output folder for RDS object files created by this function. Defaults to NOT save RDS; to save RDS, provide path to destination folder. Details This plot is used in the Ribo-seQC report in section 4.2.1. Value This function returns a plot that can be integrated in the html report and that can be saved as RDS object file. Author(s) Dominique Sydow, See Also create_html_report 20 plot_frame_dist_boxplot_rmd plot_frame_dist_boxplot_rmd Plot frame coverage of 5’-site profiles within the RMarkdown document Description This function generates iteratively all frame coverage boxplots (iteration over originating compartments). These plots are displayed in the Ribo-seQC report in section 4.2.1. Usage plot_frame_dist_boxplot_rmd(analysis_frame_cutoff, sample = "", output_rds_path = "") Arguments analysis_frame_cutoff Object containing statistics on frame coverage (per originating compartment and read length) generated by RiboseQC_analysis. Example: res_all$selection_cutoffs$analysis_frame_cutoff sample String; sample name (selected from the input names given in the input_sample_names parameter of create_html_report). output_rds_path String; full path to output folder for RDS object files created by this function. Defaults to NOT save RDS; to save RDS, provide path to destination folder. Value This function integrates plots in the html report. Author(s) Dominique Sydow, See Also create_html_report plot_metagene_bar 21 plot_metagene_bar Plot 5’/P-site profile per read length as barplot Description This function plots a 5’ or P-site profile as barplot (for a specific originating compartment, resolution type, and read length). This plot is used in the Ribo-seQC report in section 4.1/4.3. Usage plot_metagene_bar(metagene_data, rl, sample = "", output_rds_path = "") Arguments sample String; sample name (selected from the input names iven in the input_sample_names parameter of create_html_report). output_rds_path String; full path to output folder for RDS object files created by this function. Defaults to NOT save RDS; to save RDS, provide path to destination folder. data Profile data for a resolution type, specific originating compartment, and read length. Example: res_all$profiles_fivepr$five_prime_subcodon$nucl$'30' or res_all$profiles_P_sites$five_prime_subcodon$nucl$'30' Shown in bold are fixed list names, remaining list names should be adapted to the resolution type, specific originating compartment, and read length of interest. Value This function returns a plot that can be integrated in the html report and that can be saved as RDS object file. Author(s) Dominique Sydow, See Also create_html_report 22 plot_metagene_hm plot_metagene_bar_rmd Plot 5’/P-site profile per read length as barplot in R Markdown Description This function plots a 5’ or P-site profile as barplot (for a specific originating compartment, resolution type, and read length). This plot is used in the Ribo-seQC report in section 4.1/4.3. Usage plot_metagene_bar_rmd(metagene_data, sample = "", output_rds_path = "") Arguments metagene_data ... sample String; sample name (selected from the input names given in the input_sample_names parameter of create_html_report). output_rds_path String; full path to output folder for RDS object files created by this function. Defaults to NOT save RDS; to save RDS, provide path to destination folder. Value ... Author(s) Dominique Sydow, See Also create_html_report plot_metagene_hm Plot 5’/P-site profiles (for all read lengths) as heatmap Description This function plots a 5’ or P-site profiles for all read lengths as heatmap (for a specific originating compartment, resolution type, and scaling method). This plot is used in the Ribo-seQC report in section 4.1/4.3. plot_metagene_hm_rmd 23 Usage plot_metagene_hm(metagene_data, scal, sample = "", output_rds_path = "") Arguments scal Scaling method: no scaling (none), log2 scaling (log2), or z scoring (zscore). sample String; sample name (selected from the input names iven in the input_sample_names parameter of create_html_report). output_rds_path String; full path to output folder for RDS object files created by this function. Defaults to NOT save RDS; to save RDS, provide path to destination folder. data_profile Profile data for a specific originating compartment and resolution type, generated using get_metagene_data. Value This function returns a plot that can be integrated in the html report and #’ that can be saved as RDS object file. Author(s) Dominique Sydow, See Also create_html_report plot_metagene_hm_rmd Plot 5’/P-site profiles as heatmaps within the RMarkdown document Description This function generates iteratively all heatmap plots (iteration over originating compartments, resolution types, and scaling methods). These plots are displayed in the Ribo-seQC report in section 4.1/4.3. Usage plot_metagene_hm_rmd(data, profile_type, sample = "", output_rds_path = "") 24 plot_read_biotype_dist_1 Arguments sample String; sample name (selected from the input names given in the input_sample_names parameter of create_html_report). output_rds_path String; full path to output folder for RDS object files created by this function. Defaults to NOT save RDS; to save RDS, provide path to destination folder. profiles 5’ or P-site profile data generated by RiboseQC_analysis: res_all$profiles_fivepr or res_all$profiles_P_sites Consists of DataFrames each containing counts of 5’ or P-site profiles, calculated for different resolution types (see parameter res), originating compartments (see parameter comp), and read lengths per input sample. Example to access DataFrame: res_all$profiles_fivepr[[res]][[comp]][[read_length]] or res_all$profiles_P_sites[[res]][[comp]][[read_length]] Value This function returns iteratively all 5’ or P-site profile plots for the html report and saves the same plots as RDS object file. Author(s) Dominique Sydow, See Also create_html_report, get_metagene_data, plot_metagene_hm plot_read_biotype_dist_1 Plot read location distribution by biotype (and originating compartment) Description This function plots the read location distribution by biotype (and originating compartment) for one input sample. This plot is used in the Ribo-seQC report in section 1.1. Usage plot_read_biotype_dist_1(pos, sample, output_rds_path = "") plot_read_biotype_dist_2 25 Arguments pos res_all$read_stats$positions generated by RiboseQC_analysis. data.frame containing the number of reads per biotype (rows) and originating compartment (columns). sample String; sample name (selected from the input names given in the input_sample_names parameter of create_html_report). output_rds_path String; full path to output folder for RDS object files created by this function. Defaults to NOT save RDS; to save RDS, provide path to destination folder. Value This function returns a plot that can be integrated in the html report and that can be saved as RDS object file. Author(s) Dominique Sydow, See Also create_html_report plot_read_biotype_dist_2 Plot read location distribution by originating compartment (and biotype) Description This function plots the read location distribution by originating compartment (and biotype) for all input samples. This plot is used in the Ribo-seQC report in section 1.2. Usage plot_read_biotype_dist_2(rdata_list, output_rds_path = "") Arguments rdata_list List of RiboseQC analysis RData objects generated by generate_rdata_list. output_rds_path String; full path to output folder for RDS object files created by this function. Defaults to NOT save RDS; to save RDS, provide path to destination folder. 26 plot_read_biotype_dist_by_length Value This function returns a plot that can be integrated in the html report and that can be saved as RDS object file. Author(s) Dominique Sydow, See Also create_html_report plot_read_biotype_dist_by_length Plot read length and location distribution (distribution per read length) Description This funtion plots the biotype distribution for each originating compartment as distribtion per read length for one input sample (displayed as read count and as read count fraction). This plot is used in the Ribo-seQC report in section 3.2. Usage plot_read_biotype_dist_by_length(reads_summary, sample, output_rds_path = "") Arguments reads_summary res_all$read_stats$reads_summary generated by RiboseQC_analysis List of DataFrames: one DataFrame for each originating compartment, each DataFrame contains read counts per biotype (rows) and read lengths (columns). sample String; sample name (selected from the input names given in the input_sample_names parameter of create_html_report). output_rds_path String; full path to output folder for RDS object files created by this function. Defaults to NOT save RDS; to save RDS, provide path to destination folder. Value This function returns a plot that can be integrated in the html report and that can be saved as RDS object file. plot_read_length_dist 27 Author(s) Dominique Sydow, See Also create_html_report plot_read_length_dist Plot read length distribution Description This function plots the read length distribution per originating compartment for one input sample. This plot is used in the Ribo-seQC report in section 2. Usage plot_read_length_dist(rld, sample, output_rds_path = "") Arguments rld res_all$read_stats$rld generated by RiboseQC_analysis data.frame containing the number of reads per originating compartment (rows) and read lengths (columns). sample String; sample name (selected from the input names given in the input_sample_names parameter of create_html_report). output_rds_path String; full path to output folder for RDS object files created by this function. Defaults to NOT save RDS; to save RDS, provide path to destination folder. Value This function returns a plot that can be integrated in the html report and that can be saved as RDS object file. Author(s) Dominique Sydow, See Also create_html_report 28 plot_read_length_dist_by_biotype plot_read_length_dist_by_biotype Plot read length and location distribution (distribution per biotype) Description This funtion plots the read length distribution for each originating compartment as distribtion per biotype for one input sample (displayed as read count and as read count fraction). This plot is used in the Ribo-seQC report in section 3.1. Usage plot_read_length_dist_by_biotype(reads_summary, sample, output_rds_path = "") Arguments reads_summary res_all$read_stats$reads_summary generated by RiboseQC_analysis List of DataFrames: one DataFrame for each originating compartment, each DataFrame contains read counts per biotype (rows) and read lengths (columns). sample String; sample name (selected from the input names given in the input_sample_names parameter of create_html_report). output_rds_path String; full path to output folder for RDS object files created by this function. Defaults to NOT save RDS; to save RDS, provide path to destination folder. Value This function returns a plot that can be integrated in the html report and that can be saved as RDS object file. Author(s) Dominique Sydow, See Also create_html_report prepare_annotation_files 29 prepare_annotation_files Prepare comprehensive sets of annotated genomic features Description This function processes a gtf file and a twobit file (created using faToTwoBit from ucsc tools: http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/admin/exe/ ) to create a comprehensive set of genomic regions of interest in genomic and transcriptomic space (e.g. introns, UTRs, start/stop codons). In addition, by linking genome sequence and annotation, it extracts additional info, such as gene and transcript biotypes, genetic codes for different organelles, or chromosomes and transcripts lengths. Usage prepare_annotation_files(annotation_directory, twobit_file, gtf_file, scientific_name = "Homo.sapiens", annotation_name = "genc25", export_bed_tables_TxDb = T, forge_BSgenome = T, create_TxDb = T) Arguments annotation_directory The target directory which will contain the output files twobit_file Full path to the genome file in twobit format gtf_file Full path to the annotation file in GTF format scientific_name A name to give to the organism studied; must be two words separated by a ".", defaults to Homo.sapiens annotation_name A name to give to annotation used; defaults to genc25 export_bed_tables_TxDb Export coordinates and info about different genomic regions in the annotation_directory? It defaults to TRUE forge_BSgenome Forge and install a BSgenome package? It defaults to TRUE create_TxDb Create a TxDb object and a *Rannot object? It defaults to TRUE Details This function uses the makeTxDbFromGFF function to create a TxDb object and extract genomic regions and other info to a *Rannot R file; the mapToTranscripts and mapFromTranscripts functions are used to map features to genomic or transcript-level coordinates. GTF file mist contain "exon" and "CDS" lines, where each line contains "transcript_id" and "gene_id" values. Additional values such as "gene_biotype" or "gene_name" are also extracted. Regarding sequences, the twobit file, together with input scientific and annotation names, is used to forge and install a BSgenome package using the forgeBSgenomeDataPkg function. 30 prepare_annotation_files The resulting GTF_annotation object (obtained after runnning load_annotation) contains: txs: annotated transcript boundaries. txs_gene: GRangesList including transcript grouped by gene. seqinfo: indicating chromosomes and chromosome lengths. start_stop_codons: the set of annotated start and stop codon, with respective transcript and gene_ids. reprentative_mostcommon,reprentative_boundaries and reprentative_5len represent the most common start/stop codon, the most upstream/downstream start/stop codons and the start/stop codons residing on transcripts with the longest 5’UTRs cds_txs: GRangesList including CDS grouped by transcript. introns_txs: GRangesList including introns grouped by transcript. cds_genes: GRangesList including CDS grouped by gene. exons_txs: GRangesList including exons grouped by transcript. exons_bins: the list of exonic bins with associated transcripts and genes. junctions: the list of annotated splice junctions, with associated transcripts and genes. genes: annotated genes coordinates. threeutrs: collapsed set of 3’UTR regions, with correspinding gene_ids. This set does not overlap CDS region. fiveutrs: collapsed set of 5’UTR regions, with correspinding gene_ids. This set does not overlap CDS region. ncIsof: collapsed set of exonic regions of protein_coding genes, with correspinding gene_ids. This set does not overlap CDS region. ncRNAs: collapsed set of exonic regions of non_coding genes, with correspinding gene_ids. This set does not overlap CDS region. introns: collapsed set of intronic regions, with correspinding gene_ids. This set does not overlap exonic region. intergenicRegions: set of intergenic regions, defined as regions with no annotated genes on either strand. trann: DataFrame object including (when available) the mapping between gene_id, gene_name, gene_biotypes, transcript_id and transcript_biotypes. cds_txs_coords: transcript-level coordinates of ORF boundaries, for each annotated coding transcript. Additional columns are the same as as for the start_stop_codons object. genetic_codes: an object containing the list of genetic code ids used for each chromosome/organelle. see GENETIC_CODE_TABLE for more info. genome_package: the name of the forged BSgenome package. Loaded with load_annotation function. stop_in_gtf: stop codon, as defined in the annotation. Value a TxDb file and a *Rannot files are created in the specified annotation_directory. In addition, a BSgenome object is forged, installed, and linked to the *Rannot object Author(s) Lorenzo Calviello, RiboseQC_analysis 31 See Also load_annotation, forgeBSgenomeDataPkg, makeTxDbFromGFF. RiboseQC_analysis Perform a Ribo-seQC analysis Description This function loads annotation created by the prepare_annotation_files function, and analyzes a BAM file. Usage RiboseQC_analysis(annotation_file, bam_files, read_subset = T, readlength_choice_method = "max_coverage", chunk_size = 5000000L, write_tmp_files = T, dest_names = NA, rescue_all_rls = FALSE, fast_mode = T, create_report = T, sample_names = NA, report_file = NA, extended_report = F, pdf_plots = T, stranded = T, normalize_cov = T) Arguments annotation_file Full path to the annotation file (*Rannot). Or, a vector with paths to one annotation file per bam file. bam_files character vector containing the full path to the bam files read_subset Select readlengths up to 99 percent of the reads, defaults to TRUE. Must be of length 1 or same length as bam_files. readlength_choice_method Method used to subset relevant read lengths (see choose_readlengths function); defaults to "max_coverage". Must be of length 1 or same length as bam_files. chunk_size write_tmp_files dest_names the number of alignments to read at each iteration, defaults to 5000000, increase when more RAM is available. Must be between 10000 and 100000000 Should output all the results (in *results_RiboseQC_all)? Defaults to TRUE. Must be of length 1 or same length as bam_files. character vector containing the prefixes to use for the result output files. Defaults to same as bam_files rescue_all_rls Set cutoff of 12 for read lengths ignored because of insufficient coverage. Defaults to FALSE. Must be of length 1 or same length as bam_files. fast_mode Use only top 500 genes to build profiles? Defaults to TRUE. Must be of length 1 or same length as bam_files. create_report Create an html report showing the RiboseQC analysis results. Defaults to TRUE 32 RiboseQC_analysis sample_names character vector containing the names for each sample analyzed (for the html report). Defaults to "sample1", "sample2" ... report_file desired filename for for the html report file. Defaults to the first entry of bam_files followed by ".html" extended_report creates a large html report including codon occupancy for each read length. Defaults to FALSE pdf_plots creates a pdf file for each produced plot. Defaults to TRUE stranded are the analyzed libraries strand-specific? TRUE, FALSE or "inverse". Defaults to TRUE normalize_cov export normalized (sum to 1 million) bedgraph files for coverage tracks? Defaults to TRUE Details This function loads different genomic regions created in the prepare_annotation_files step, separating features on different recognized organelles. The bam files is then analyzed in chunks to minimize RAM usage. The complete list of analysis and output is as follows: read_stats: contains: read length distribution (rld) per organelle, positions containes mapping statistics on different genomic regions, reads_pos1 contains 5’ end mapping positions for each read, separated by read length. counts_cds_genes: contains read mapping statistics on CDS regions of protein coding genes, including gene symbols, counts, RPKM and TPM values counts_all_genes: is a similar object, but contains statistics on all annotated genes. reads_summary: reports mapping statistics on different genomic regions and divided by read length and organelle. profiles_fivepr contains: five_prime_bins: a DataFrame object (one for each read length and compartment) with signal values over 50 5’UTR bins, 100 CDS bins and 50 3’UTR bins; one representative transcript (reprentative_mostcommon) is selected for each gene. five_prime_subcodon containes a similar structure, but for 25nt downstream the Transcription Start Site (TSS), 25nt upstream start codons, 33nt donwstream the start codon, 33nt in the middle of the ORF, 33nt upstream the stop codon, 25nt downstream the stop codon, and 25nt upstream the Transcription End Site (TES). selection_cutoffs contains: results_choice: containing the calculated cutoffs and selected readlengths, together with data about the different methods. results_cutoffs has statistics about calculated cutoffs, while analysis_frame_cutoff has extensive statistics concerning cutoff calculations and read length selection, see calc_cutoffs_from_profiles for more details. P_sites_stats: contains the list of calculated P_sites, from all reads (P_sites_all), uniquely mapping reads (P_sites_all_uniq), or uniquely mapping reads with mismatches (P_sites_uniq_mm). junctions contains stastics on read mapping on annotated splice junctions. coverage for entire reads (no 5’ends or P_sites-transformed) on different strands and for all and uniquely mapping reads are also calculated. RiboseQC_analysis 33 profiles_P_sites contains: P_sites_bins: profiles for each organelle and read length around binned transcript locations. P_sites_subcodon: profiles for each organelle and read length around transcript start/ends and ORF start/ends. Codon_counts: codon occurrences in the first 11 codons, middle 11 codons, and last 11 codons for each ORF. P_sites_percodon: P_sites counts on each codon, separated by ORF positions as described above. Values are separated by organelle and read length. P_sites_percodon_ratio: ratio of P_sites_percodon/Codon_counts, as a measure of P_site occupancy on each codon, divided again by organelle and read length, for different ORF positions. sequence_analysis: contains a DataFrame object with the 50top mapping location in the genome, with the corresponding DNA sequence, number of reads mapping (also in percentage of total n of reads), and genomic feature annotation. summary_P_sites: contains a DataFrame object summarizing the P_sites calculation and read length selection, including statistics on percentage of total reads used. Value the function saves a "results_RiboseQC_all" R file appended to the bam_files path including the complete list of outputs described here. In addition, bedgraph files for coverage value and P_sites position is appended to the bam_files path, including also a summary of P_sites selection statistics, a smaller "results_RiboseQC" R file used for creating a dynamic html report, and a "for_SaTAnn" R object that can be used in the SaTAnn pipeline. Author(s) Lorenzo Calviello, See Also prepare_annotation_files, calc_cutoffs_from_profiles, choose_readlengths, create_html_report. Index create_html_report, 4, 6, 8–10, 12–14, 16–28, 33 create_pdfs_from_rds_objects, 5 ∗Topic Ribo-seQC calc_cutoffs_from_profiles, 2 choose_readlengths, 3 create_html_report, 4 create_pdfs_from_rds_objects, 5 generate_rdata_list, 6 get_codon_usage_data, 7 get_default_rl_selection, 8 get_metagene_data, 9 get_ps_fromsplicemin, 11 get_ps_fromspliceplus, 11 get_rl_and_cutoffs, 12 get_top50_all_genes, 12 get_top50_cds_genes, 13 get_top50_mapping, 14 load_annotation, 14 plot_codon_usage_bulk, 15 plot_codon_usage_bulk_rmd, 16 plot_codon_usage_positional, 17 plot_codon_usage_positional_rmd, 18 plot_frame_dist_boxplot, 19 plot_frame_dist_boxplot_rmd, 20 plot_metagene_bar, 21 plot_metagene_bar_rmd, 22 plot_metagene_hm, 22 plot_metagene_hm_rmd, 23 plot_read_biotype_dist_1, 24 plot_read_biotype_dist_2, 25 plot_read_biotype_dist_by_length, 26 plot_read_length_dist, 27 plot_read_length_dist_by_biotype, 28 prepare_annotation_files, 29 RiboseQC_analysis, 31 forgeBSgenomeDataPkg, 31 generate_rdata_list, 6 get_codon_usage_data, 5, 7 get_default_rl_selection, 5, 8 get_metagene_data, 5, 9, 16, 23, 24 get_ps_fromsplicemin, 11 get_ps_fromspliceplus, 11 get_rl_and_cutoffs, 5, 12 get_top50_all_genes, 5, 12 get_top50_cds_genes, 5, 13 get_top50_mapping, 5, 14 load_annotation, 14, 31 makeTxDbFromGFF, 31 plot_codon_usage_bulk, 5, 15 plot_codon_usage_bulk_rmd, 5, 16 plot_codon_usage_positional, 5, 17 plot_codon_usage_positional_rmd, 5, 18 plot_frame_dist_boxplot, 5, 19 plot_frame_dist_boxplot_rmd, 5, 20 plot_metagene_bar, 5, 21 plot_metagene_bar_rmd, 5, 22 plot_metagene_hm, 5, 16, 22, 24 plot_metagene_hm_rmd, 5, 23 plot_read_biotype_dist_1, 5, 24 plot_read_biotype_dist_2, 5, 25 plot_read_biotype_dist_by_length, 5, 26 plot_read_length_dist, 5, 27 plot_read_length_dist_by_biotype, 5, 28 prepare_annotation_files, 15, 29, 33 RiboseQC_analysis, 3, 31 calc_cutoffs_from_profiles, 2, 4, 33 choose_readlengths, 3, 33 34
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