Operating Manual RobotStudio Robot Studio
User Manual:
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Page Count: 594 [warning: Documents this large are best viewed by clicking the View PDF Link!]
- Cover Page
- Table of contents
- 1 Introduction to RobotStudio
- 1.1 What is RobotStudio
- 1.2 Terms and concepts
- 1.3 Installing and licensing RobotStudio
- 1.4 User interface
- 1.4.1 Ribbon, tabs and groups
- 1.4.2 Layout browser
- 1.4.3 The Paths & Targets browser
- 1.4.4 The Modeling browser
- 1.4.5 The Controller browser
- 1.4.6 Files browser
- 1.4.7 Add-Ins browser
- 1.4.8 Windows layout
- 1.4.9 The Output window
- 1.4.10 The Controller Status window
- 1.4.11 The Operator Window
- 1.4.12 The Documents window
- 1.4.13 Using a mouse
- 1.4.14 3D Mouse
- 1.4.15 Selecting an item
- 1.4.16 Attaching and detaching objects
- 1.4.17 Keyboard shortcuts
- 2 Building stations
- 2.1 Workflow of building a station
- 2.2 Setting the Conveyor tracking station
- 2.3 Creating a system with external axes automatically
- 2.4 Manually setting up system based on RobotWare 5.xx with track motion
- 2.5 Virtual controller
- 2.6 Station components
- 2.7 Modeling
- 2.8 Placement
- 3 Programming robots
- 3.1 Workflow for programming a robot
- 3.2 Workobjects
- 3.3 Jogging mechanisms
- 3.4 Targets
- 3.5 Paths
- 3.6 Orientations
- 3.7 RAPID Instructions
- Move and action instructions
- Modifying an instruction
- Converting to move circular
- Creating RAPID instructions for setting I/O signals
- Using cross-connections and groups for setting I/O signals
- Instruction templates
- Instruction Template Manager
- Creating a process template with move instruction templates
- Creating a move instruction description
- Editing an instruction template
- Creating a process definition
- Creating an action instruction template
- Creating an action instruction description
- 3.8 Testing positions and motions
- 3.9 Programming MultiMove systems
- 3.10 Programming external axes
- 3.11 Loading and saving programs and modules
- 3.12 Synchronization
- 4 Deploying and distributing
- 5 Simulating programs
- 6 Working online
- 6.1 Connecting a PC to the controller
- 6.2 Network settings
- 6.3 User Authorization
- 6.4 The System Builder
- 6.4.1 About System Builder
- 6.4.2 Viewing system properties
- 6.4.3 Building a new system
- 6.4.4 Modifying a system
- 6.4.5 Copying a system
- 6.4.6 Creating a system from backup
- 6.4.7 Downloading a system to a controller
- 6.4.8 Creating boot media
- 6.4.9 Examples using the System Builder when offline
- 6.5 The Installation Manager
- 6.6 Handle I/O
- 6.7 Configure systems
- 6.8 Handle events
- 7 File tab
- 7.1 Overview
- 7.2 New tab
- 7.3 Share
- 7.4 Options
- Common buttons
- Options:General:Appearance
- Options:General:Licensing
- Options:General:Units
- Options:General:Advanced
- Options:General:Autosave
- Options:General:Files & Folders
- Options:General:Screenshot
- Options:General:Screen Recorder
- Options:Robotics:Text Editor
- Options:Robotics:RAPID Profiler
- Options:Robotics:Graphical Programming
- Options:Robotics:Synchronization
- Options:Robotics:Mechanism
- Options:Robotics:Virtual Controller
- Options:Online:Authentication
- Options:Online:Online Monitor
- Options:Online:Jobs
- Options:Graphics:Appearance
- Options:Graphics:Performance
- Options:Graphics:Behavior
- Options:Graphics:Geometry
- Options:Graphics:Stereo/VR*
- Options:Simulation:Clock
- Options:Simulation:Collision
- Options:Simulation:Physics
- 8 Home tab
- 8.1 Overview
- 8.2 ABB Library
- 8.3 Import Library
- 8.4 Robot System
- 8.5 Import Geometry
- 8.6 Export Geometry
- 8.7 Frame
- 8.8 Workobject
- 8.9 Tooldata
- 8.10 Target
- 8.11 Empty Path
- 8.12 AutoPath
- 8.13 MultiMove
- 8.14 Teach Instruction
- 8.15 Move Instruction
- 8.16 Action Instruction
- 8.17 Instruction Template Manager
- 8.18 Settings
- 8.19 The Freehand Group
- 8.20 Graphics Tools
- 9 Modeling tab
- 9.1 Overview
- 9.2 Component Group
- 9.3 Empty Part
- 9.4 Smart Component
- 9.4.1 Smart Component
- 9.4.2 Smart Component Editor
- 9.4.3 The Compose tab
- 9.4.4 The Properties and Bindings tab
- 9.4.5 The Signals and Connections tab
- 9.4.6 The Design tab
- 9.4.7 Basic Smart Components
- 9.4.8 Property Editor
- 9.4.9 The Simulation Watch window
- 9.5 Tags
- 9.6 Selection of Objects
- 9.7 Solid
- 9.8 Surface
- 9.9 Curve
- Creating a curve
- The Create Line dialog box
- The Create Circle dialog box
- The Create Three Points Circle dialog box
- The Create Arc dialog box
- The Create Elliptical Arc dialog box
- The Create Ellipse dialog box
- The Create Rectangle dialog box
- The Create Polygon dialog box
- The Create Polyline dialog box
- The Create Spline dialog box
- 9.10 Border
- 9.11 Intersect
- 9.12 Subtract
- 9.13 Union
- 9.14 Extrude Surface or Curve
- 9.15 Line from Normal
- 9.16 The Measure Group
- 9.17 Create Mechanism
- Create a new mechanism
- Create Conveyor
- Create connection between virtual controller and conveyor
- Compiling a mechanism
- Completing or modifying a mechanism
- The Create Mechanism dialog box
- The Create Conveyor Mechanism dialog box
- The Create/Modify Link dialog box
- The Create/Modify Joint dialog box
- Four Bar joint
- The Modify Frame/Tool Data dialog box
- The Create Calibration dialog box
- The Create Dependency dialog box
- The Modify Mechanism dialog box
- The Create/Modify Pose dialog box
- The Set Transition Times dialog box
- 9.18 Create Tool
- 9.19 Physics Tools
- 10 Simulation tab
- 10.1 Overview
- 10.2 Create Collision Set
- 10.3 Simulation Setup
- 10.4 Event Manager
- Creating an event
- Event manager main parts
- The task pane parts
- The event grid columns
- The trigger editor parts
- The action editor parts
- Parts common to all actions
- Parts specific to I/O Actions
- Parts specific to Attach actions
- Parts specific to Detach actions
- Parts specific to Turn On/Off Simulation Monitor actions
- Parts specific to Turn On/Off Timer actions
- Parts specific to Move Mechanism to Pose actions
- Parts specific to Move Graphical Object actions
- Parts specific to Show/Hide Graphical Object actions
- 10.5 Station Logic
- 10.6 Activate Mechanical Units
- 10.7 Simulation Control
- 10.8 I/O Simulator
- 10.9 Monitor
- 10.10 Stopwatch
- 10.11 Signal Analyzer
- 10.12 Record Movie
- 10.13 Conveyor Tracking Mechanism
- 11 Controller tab
- 11.1 Real and virtual controllers
- 11.2 Features for both virtual and real controllers
- 11.2.1 Add Controller
- 11.2.2 Events
- 11.2.3 Inputs/Outputs
- 11.2.4 ScreenMaker
- 11.2.5 Restart a controller
- 11.2.6 Back up a system
- 11.2.7 Restore a system
- 11.2.8 System Builder
- 11.2.9 Installation Manager
- 11.2.10 Configuration editor
- 11.2.11 Load Parameters
- 11.2.12 Save Parameters
- 11.2.13 Transfer
- 11.2.14 Signal Analyzer Online
- 11.2.15 Safety Configuration
- 11.2.16 Collision Avoidance
- 11.3 Features for real controllers
- 11.3.1 Request Write Access
- 11.3.2 Release Write Access
- 11.3.3 Authenticate
- 11.3.4 File transfer
- 11.3.5 FlexPendant Viewer
- 11.3.6 Import Options
- 11.3.7 Properties
- 11.3.8 Go Offline
- 11.3.9 Online Monitor
- 11.3.10 Visual SafeMove
- 11.3.11 User Accounts
- 11.3.12 UAS Grant Viewer
- 11.3.13 Integrated Vision
- 11.3.14 Jobs
- 11.4 Features for virtual controllers
- 12 RAPID tab
- 12.1 Overview of the RAPID tab
- 12.2 Synchronize to Station
- 12.3 Synchronize to RAPID
- 12.4 Edit RAPID code
- 12.5 Find and replace RAPID code
- 12.6 Manage RAPID modules
- 12.7 Edit RAPID data
- 12.8 Manage RAPID files and backups
- 12.9 Manage RAPID code on the controller
- 12.10 Test and debug
- 12.11 RAPID Breakpoints window
- 12.12 RAPID Call Stack window
- 12.13 RAPID Watch window
- 12.14 Examples of using the RAPID editor
- 13 Add-Ins tab
- 14 Context menus
- 14.1 Add to Path
- 14.2 Align Frame Orientation
- 14.3 Align Target Orientation
- 14.4 Attach to
- 14.5 Configurations
- 14.6 Check Reachability
- 14.7 Configurations
- 14.8 Convert Frame to Workobject
- 14.9 Work envelope
- 14.10 Convert to Move Circular
- 14.11 Copy / Apply Orientation
- 14.12 Detach
- 14.13 Execute Move Instruction
- 14.14 External Axis Interpolation
- 14.15 Graphic Appearance
- 14.16 Remove internal geometry
- 14.17 Go to Visualization and Go to Declaration
- 14.18 Zone visualization
- 14.19 Zone reduction
- 14.20 Interpolate Path
- 14.21 Invert
- 14.22 Jump to Target
- 14.23 Linked Geometry
- 14.24 Modify Library Component
- 14.25 Mechanism Joint Jog
- 14.26 Mechanism Linear Jog
- 14.27 Mirror Path
- 14.28 Mirror
- 14.29 Modify Curve
- 14.30 Modify External Axis
- 14.31 Modify Instruction
- 14.32 Modify Mechanism
- 14.33 Modify Tooldata
- 14.34 Modify Workobject
- 14.35 Move Along Path
- 14.36 Move to Pose
- 14.37 Offset Position
- 14.38 Place
- 14.39 Protected Smart Component
- 14.40 Remove Unused Targets
- 14.41 Rename Targets
- 14.42 Reverse Path
- 14.43 Rotate
- 14.44 Rotate Path
- 14.45 Set Local Origin
- 14.46 Set Normal to Surface
- 14.47 Set Position
- 14.48 Tool Compensation
- 14.49 Translate Path
- 14.50 View Robot at Target
- 14.51 View Tool at Target
- 15 ScreenMaker tab
- 15.1 Introduction to ScreenMaker
- 15.2 Development environment
- 15.3 Working with ScreenMaker
- 15.3.1 Managing projects
- Overview
- Creating a new project
- Loading a project or template
- Saving a project
- Designing screens
- Modifying Project properties
- Connecting to controller
- Building a project
- Deploying to controller
- Closing a project
- Managing ScreenMaker Widgets
- 15.3.2 Application variables
- 15.3.3 Data binding
- 15.3.4 ScreenMaker Doctor
- 15.3.1 Managing projects
- 15.4 Frequently asked questions
- 15.5 Tutorial
- A Technical support
- Index