Run The Word Count Program Instructions | Coursera


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Learning Goals
By the end of this activity, you will be able to:
Execute the WordCount application.
Copy the results from WordCount out of HDFS.
1. Open a terminal shell. Start the Cloudera VM in VirtualBox, if not already running,
and open a terminal shell. Detailed instructions for these steps can be found in the
previous Readings.
2. See example MapReduce programs. Hadoop comes with several example
MapReduce applications. You can see a list of them by running
hadoop jar
We are interested in running WordCount.
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The output says that WordCount takes the name of one or more input les and the
name of the output directory. Note that these les are in HDFS, not the local le
3. Verify input le exists. In the previous Reading, we downloaded the complete
works of Shakespeare and copied them into HDFS. Let's make sure this le is still in
HDFS so we can run WordCount on it. Run
hadoop fs -ls
4. See WordCount command line arguments. We can learn how to run WordCount
by examining its command-line arguments. Run
hadoop jar /usr/jars/hadoop-
examples.jar wordcount
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5. Run WordCount. Run WordCount for words.txt:
hadoop jar /usr/jars/hadoop-
examples.jar wordcount words.txt out
As WordCount executes, the Hadoop prints the progress in terms of Map and Reduce.
When the WordCount is complete, both will say
6. See WordCount output directory. Once WordCount is nished, let's verify the
output was created. First, let's see that the output directory,
was created in HDFS
by running
hadoop fs –ls
We can see there are now two items in HDFS:
is the text le that we
previously created, and
is the directory created by WordCount.
7. Look inside output directory. The directory created by WordCount contains
several les. Look inside the directory by running
hadoop –fs ls out
The le
contains the results from WordCount. The le _SUCCESS means
WordCount executed successfully.
8. Copy WordCount results to local le system. Copy
to the local le
system by running
hadoop fs –copyToLocal out/part-r-00000 local.txt
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9. View the WordCount results. View the contents of the results:
more local.txt
Each line of the results le shows the number of occurrences for a word in the input
le. For example,
appears four times in the input, but
appears only
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