SARA Implementation Guide Eng
User Manual:
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Page Count: 142 [warning: Documents this large are best viewed by clicking the View PDF Link!]
- SARA_Implementation_Cover
- temp
- SARA_Implementation_Cover
- Chapter1_planning
- 1. Planning and methodology
- 1.1 Background
- 1.2 Objectives
- 1.3 Key topics of the assessment
- 1.4 Methodology
- 1.5 Survey steps
- 1.6 Requirements
- 1.7 Budget
- Annex 1 | Excel template: budget for SARA implementation
- Annex 2 | Template: agenda, data collectors and supervisors training
- Annex 3 | Template, SARA data analysis and HMIS data quality assessment workshop
- Toc-do not print
- 1. Planning and methodology Error! Bookmark not defined.
- 1.1 Background 9
- 1.2 Objectives 9
- 1.3 Key topics of the assessment 10
- 1.4 Methodology 11
- 1.5. Survey steps 11
- 1.6 Requirements 13
- 1.7 Budget 16
- Annex 1 | Template: budget for SARA implementation 17
- Annex 2 | Template: agenda, data collectors and supervisors training 19
- Annex 3 | Template, SARA data analysis and HMIS data quality assessment workshop 21
- Toc-do not print 25
- Chapter2_sampling
- 2. Sampling
- 2.1 Sampling strategies
- 2.2 National estimates
- 2.3 Probability sampling in Excel
- Annex 1 | Calculating the sample size for SARA
- 2. Sampling 25
- 2.1 Sampling strategies 27
- 2.2 List sample methodology 28
- 2.3 Probability sampling in Excel 35
- Annex 1 | Calculating the sample size for SARA 38
- Chapter3_questionnaire_adaptation
- 3. Questionnaire adaptation
- 3.1 Country adaptation
- 3.2 Editing the structure
- of the questionnaire
- 3.3 Important tips
- 3.4 Questionnaire
- implementation
- 3.5 Adding modules
- Toc-do not print
- 3. Questionnaire adaptation 39
- 3.1 Country adaptation 41
- 3.2 Editing the structure of the questionnaire 42
- 3.3 Important tips 42
- 3.4. Questionnaire implementation 43
- 3.5. Adding modules 43
- Toc-do not print 25
- Chapter4_CSPro_ImplementationGuide
- Chapter5_data_collector_guide
- 5. Data collector’s guide
- 5.1 Overview of data
- collection procedures
- 5.2 Interviewer skills
- 5.2.1 General interviewing practices and techniques
- Showing respect for the respondent
- Listening carefully to the respondent
- Requesting consent from the respondent prior to asking questions
- Answering the respondent's questions without pressuring them
- Offering no opinions or advice on specific health facility practices or patient care issues
- Reading every question exactly as written and in sequence
- Being straightforward
- Probing for a response
- Never suggesting answers to the respondents
- Remaining neutral
- Asking all applicable questions
- Not raising expectations of immediate changes in the situation of the staff or facility
- Not separating questionnaires
- Thank the respondent at the end of the interview
- 5.2.2 Tips on handling difficult interview situations
- 5.2.1 General interviewing practices and techniques
- 5.3 Completing the SARA
- questionnaire
- 5.4 Using CSPro for data entry
- 5.4.1 Installing CSPro
- 5.4.2 SARA data entry application
- Open the SARA data entry application in CSPro
- Filling in the SARA data entry forms
- Stopping data entry in middle of a form
- Finalizing an incomplete form
- Closing a case
- Re-opening a case
- Viewing and editing a module
- Open the SARA data entry application in CSPro
- Filling in the SARA data entry forms
- Stopping data entry in middle of a form
- Finalizing an incomplete form
- Closing a case
- Re-opening a case
- Viewing and editing a module
- Viewing and editing a module
- 5.5 Using GPS for geographic
- coordinates collection
- Toc-do not print
- 5. Data collector’s guide 49
- 5.1 Overview of data collection procedures 51
- 5.2 Interviewer skills 56
- 5.3 Completing the SARA questionnaire 60
- 5.4 Using CSPro for data entry 67
- 5.5 Using GPS for geographic coordinates collection 73
- Toc-do not print 29
- Chapter6_supervisor_guide
- 6. Supervisor’s guide
- 6.1 Roles and responsibilities
- 6.2 Conducting field activities
- 6.2.1 Preparing for data collection
- 1. Schedule survey visits and identify replacement facilities
- 1. Contact (in person or by phone) each health facility and replacement facility to introduce the survey and seek permission for data collection:
- 2. Make an appointment for data collection at a date and time which is convenient for the facility, avoiding peak hours.
- 3. Note the name and telephone number of the contact person at each health facility.
- 4. Explain about the possibility of a second visit for 'validation,' which may take place in 10% of the surveyed health facilities.
- 5- If a facility refuses to participate, alert the survey manager who will contact the health facility directly, and if necessary, provide you with an alternative site. Luckily, this rarely happens.
- 2. Prepare a schedule of data collection visits for each pair of data collectors
- 3. Arrange for regular communications and transport
- 1. Schedule survey visits and identify replacement facilities
- 6.2.2 Preparing the necessary materials for data collection
- 6.2.3 Supervising data collection activities
- 6.2.4 Tracking facilities
- 6.2.5 Daily meeting with data collectors
- 6.2.6 Storing completed data collection forms
- 6.2.7 Transferring electronic data collected (using USB flash)
- Transferring final data files from laptops/netbooks/etc. with a USB flash drive
- Organizing data files from the field collection
- SARA_Team1_Date1
- SARA_Team1_Date2 SARA_team1
- SARA_Team1_Date3
- The final data set will contain the final files from each team:
- SARA_Team2_FINAL SARA_data_collection_FINAL (REGION X)
- This final data set should be sent/shared with the identified data manager at central level in charge of the compilation of the data from field collection. A back-up of all data files (final and stamped with dates) should preciously be saved as back-u...
- 6.2.8 Validation of data collection
- 6.2.1 Preparing for data collection
- 6.3 Using CSPro for data
- checking and validation
- Toc-do not print
- 6. Supervisor’s guide 79
- 6.1 Roles and responsibilities 81
- 6.2 Conducting field activities 81
- 6.3 Using CSPro for data 87
- checking and validation 87
- Toc-do not print 29
- Chapter7_data_processing
- 7. Data processing
- 7.1 Concatenation
- 7.1.1 Gathering data files into a single folder on a desktop/laptop computer
- SARA_Team1_Date1
- SARA_Team1_Date2 SARA_team1
- SARA_Team1_Date3
- SARA_Team2_FINAL SARA_data_collection_FINAL (REGION X)
- A USB flash can be used to transfer data from the supervisors’ computers to the data manager/focal point at the central level.
- When all data have been transferred, there should be only one final data folder enclosing all data files from all the field teams:
- SARA_Team2_FINAL SARA_data_collection_FINAL
- (…)
- 7.1.2 Data concatenation
- 7.1.1 Gathering data files into a single folder on a desktop/laptop computer
- 7.2 Data cleaning
- 7.3 Data verification for completeness
- 7.4 Calculating sample weights
- 7.5 Calculating SARA indicators
- 7.6 Exporting data from CSPro
- 7. Data processing 91
- 7.1 Concatenation 93
- 7.2 Data cleaning 94
- 7.3 Data verification for completeness 98
- 7.4 Calculating sample weights 98
- 7.5 Calculating SARA indicators 100
- 7.6 Exporting data from CSPro 100
- Chapter 8_analysis&output
- 8. Analysis and output
- Introduction
- The following sections provide an overview of how to calculate SARA indicators and indices. A detailed tabulation plan is available as Annex and can serve as a guidance document for creating SARA output tables and tabulations. Additionally, the Chapte...
- 8.1 Calculating SARA results
- 8.1.1 General service readiness and indicators
- Table 8.1 General service readiness items and index
- Step 1. Create variables for the tracer items
- Step 2. Calculate the mean availability of each tracer item
- Step 3. Calculate the percentage of facilities that have all the tracer items
- Step 4. Calculate the general service readiness domain scores
- Step 5. Calculate the general service readiness index
- 8.1.2 Specific service availability and readiness indicators
- Required data sources
- Example calculation
- Step 1. Calculate service-specific availability
- Step 2. Create variables for the tracer items that are used to calculate the service-specific domain scores
- Step 3. Calculate the mean availability of each tracer item
- Step 4. Calculate the service-specific domain scores
- Step 5. Calculate the specific-service readiness score
- 8.1.1 General service readiness and indicators
- 8.2 Alternative method of calculations
- 8.3 Sample weights
- 8.3.1 Calculating sample weights
- 8.3.2 Applying sample weights
- Step 1. Calculate sample weights for the data set
- Step 2. Create variables for the tracer items
- Step 3. Calculate the WEIGHTED tracer item score
- Step 4. Calculate the WEIGHTED mean availability of each tracer item
- Step 5. Calculate the WEIGHTED general service readiness domain scores
- Step 6. Calculate the WEIGHTED general service readiness index
- 8.4 Importing data to the SARA analysis tool
- 8.5 Data visualization
- 8.5.1 Creating graphs
- Graphs display relative sizes of numerical quantities, and present a straightforward way of comparing numbers. They can be used to clearly illustrate many different types of data. Graphs can display nominal comparisons, changes over time, categorical ...
- Title
- Labels
- Scales
- Simplicity
- Bars, columns, lines, symbols, etc.
- Number of observations
- 8.5.2 Graphs for SARA indicators
- 8.5.1 Creating graphs
- 8.6 Survey report
- 8.7 Results dissemination
- 8. Analysis and output 101
- Introduction 103
- 8.1 Calculating SARA results 104
- 8.2 Alternative method of calculations 118
- 8.3 Sample weights 119
- 8.4 Importing data to the SARA analysis tool 126
- 8.5 Data visualization 128
- 8.6 Survey report 140
- 8.7 Results dissemination 141