SC01VA1 AU Writing And Style Guide (Instructor Student Reference)
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***This Writing & Style Guide is being used to augment the Airman Leadership School Bullet Writing Lesson Plan*** Use your unit and/or wing's Writing & Style Guide after you graduate from Airman Leadership School. The Intellectual and Leadership Center of the Air Force HQ AU Writing Style Guide Current as of 16 Jun 14 Repurposed as SC01VA1for Airman Leadership School The purpose of this guide is to establish uniform guidance in terms of writing style, reduce commonly-made mistakes and foster compliance with established Air Force (AF) guidance. The following AF resources have been used in establishing this guide: - Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms, Jt Pub 1-02 AF Tongue and Quill AFI 36-2406, Officer and Enlisted Evaluation Systems AFI 36-2803, The Air Force Military Awards and Decorations Programs This guide consists of: - Evaluations Rules/Style Guidance Decorations Rules/Style Guidance Commonly Used Acronyms Abbreviations Hyphenated Words Commonly Used Words The intent of this guide is not to be all-inclusive or exhaustive; rather to serve as a common baseline for accomplishing evaluation reports and decorations. Also, this should not be considered the absolute authority for all military correspondence. It is designed to help standardize abbreviations and minimize returns for corrections on OPRs and EPRs. Please remember OPRs/EPRs should accurately reflect the performance and accomplishments of an individual. They must paint a picture of an individual’s performance that is understandable across AFSCs. The reader should not have to “figure out” what the writer is saying. OPRs/EPRs/IMT Forms 1206 can be difficult to analyze due to the overuse of abbreviations and acronyms. The objective of this guide is to create an abbreviation listing that is common AFwide (not squadron, wing, NAF, or even MAJCOM specific). 2 Evaluations Rules/Style Guidance Rules: 1. Spelling errors are unacceptable. Use spell-check and/or a dictionary. IMT Forms have a spell check function…use it! 2. Ensure applicable sections of the form match the OPR/EPR notice. 3. Ensure bullets align properly on the form. 4. Do not check the AU/CC’s concur/non-concur blocks on a form. 5. If physically signing an OPR/EPR, date the document with the actual date; do not back date documents. 6. If physically signing an OPR/EPR, use a pen that will not show through the opposite side of the document. 7. Spell out all uncommon acronyms on the back page of an OPR. Acronyms that are not spelled out should be commonly used AF-wide. Acronyms that are only common within an AFSC must be spelled out. 8. For stratification, keep in mind that unless the person is an award winner or is in a unique position where they “compete” AU-wide, AU/CC will stratify only to the level that he is the senior rater. AU/CCE or AU/A1L can clarify the “out of” number if you want to put a stratification in AU/CC comments. 9. Stratification statements will only be used on EPRs for SNCOs who are time-in-grade eligible for senior rater endorsement. Stratification statements on all other performance reports, to include CMSgt reports, are strictly prohibited. 10. In Section I, Block 5 (EPRs), Block 7 (OPRs), there is no comma between AFB, ARB, and ANG (e.g., MAXWELL AFB AL) a. Do not add component (AD) if member is active duty. 11. Section II (EPRs & OPRs), Duty Title, should be ALL CAPS. 12. Blank rating blocks: a. “THIS SECTION NOT USED” (all caps) on EPRs in Section VII, if AU/CC is the Additional Rater. b. “THE ADDITIONAL RATER IS ALSO THE REVIEWER.” (all caps) is used on OPRs if AU/CC is the additional rater. c. “THE RATER IS ALSO THE REVIEWER.” (all caps) is used on OPRs if AU/CC serves as both rater and additional rater. Style: 1. Two-line bullets are authorized, but discouraged. These can send the wrong message, unless that is the author’s intent. 2. Apply the use of symbols and abbreviations consistently throughout the document. 3. In signature blocks, if one rank must be abbreviated for space, then all ranks should be abbreviated. If there is room to spell out all ranks, then ensure they are all spelled out. 3 4. Using a serial comma is optional. Apply this decision consistently throughout the document (e.g., “schools, institutions, and organizations” or “schools, institutions, and organizations”). 5. Any ratings such as “Outstanding” or “Excellent” should be in quotes and the first letter capitalized. 6. Names of official operations should appear in this format: Operation ENDURING FREEDOM; Operation NOBLE EAGLE. Abbreviations (e.g., OEF) are acceptable. 7. Keep abbreviations to a minimum. 8. Spell out Headquarters in all signature blocks, with the exception of the AU/CC’s signature block which does not have Headquarters in his signature block. 9. Numbers a. When a sentence contains numbers in a related series and any numbers in the series are 10 or more, then express all in numbers (9 hamburgers, 12 hot dogs, 6 cookies). b. When using the full organization name, include a “th” or “d” with the number (e.g., 42d Mission Support Group, Ninth Air Force). When using the abbreviated organizational name, do not include the “th” or “d” (42 MSG, 9 AF). c. Always use numerals for: i. Percentages, scores, ratios (10%, not ten % except in decorations which has to be spelled out). ii. Dimension, size, and temperature (size 11 shoe). iii. Numbers referred to as numbers (No 1, #1, number 1). iv. Measurements. v. Age. d. If using dollar amounts or numbers in the thousands or millions, you can also express that number in K or M, such as $4M or $4K. e. In OPRs/EPRs, an actual number can be used if requiring space. 10. If spelled out, the terms “professional military education” and “professional continuing education” are not capitalized. Exception: if part of a title (e.g., College of Enlisted Professional Military Education), then it is capitalized. 4 Decorations Rules/Style Guidance Rules: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Spelling errors are unacceptable. Use spell-check and/or a dictionary. Abbreviations and acronyms are not allowed in decorations. Do not separate rank and name between succeeding lines. Meritorious Service Medal and Commendation Medal citations are 14 lines maximum. Achievement Medal citations are 11 or 12 lines maximum. Style: 1. Attempt to alternate between rank/last name and personal pronouns at the beginning of sentences. 2. Names of official operations should appear in this format: Operation ENDURING FREEDOM; Operation NOBLE EAGLE. Abbreviations are not acceptable. 3. Spell out numbers under 10. When a sentence contains numbers in a series and any numbers in the series are 10 or more, express all in numerals (9 hamburgers, 12 hot dogs, 6 cookies). 4. Symbols are not allowed in decorations (spell out “percent” and “dollars”). 5 Commonly Used Acronyms: Reports and AF IMT 1206 Acronyms that are commonly used AF-wide do not need to be spelled out. This list is a guide and is not all inclusive. Acronyms that are not commonly used outside an organization or AFSC should be spelled out. AF – Air Force AFPC – Air Force Personnel Center CGO – Company Grade Officer CSAF – Chief of Staff of the Air Force CMSAF – Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force DOD or DoD – Department of Defense FGO – Field Grade Officer GO – General Officer HAF – Headquarters Air Force IDE – Intermediate Developmental Education IA – Information Assurance IG – Inspector General IT – Information Technology MAJCOM – Major Command NCO – Non Commission Officer PME – Professional Military Education POTUS – President of the United States SDE – Senior Developmental Education SecAF, SAF – Secretary of the Air Force SecDef – Secretary of Defense SME – Subject matter expert SNCO – Senior Non Commissioned Officer USAF – United States Air Force MAJCOMs and COCOMs do not need to be spelled out. Decoration Citations Spell out all acronyms in decorations. General Correspondence Spell out acronyms the first time they are used on all general correspondence to include memorandums and letters. 6 Abbreviations Use of abbreviations should be minimized to avoid misinterpretation and ease readability. Just because an abbreviation is on this list does not mean it will automatically make sense in the context of the bullet. Read it as the panel will read it. A Abbreviation Academic; Academy Accommodate; Accommodation; Accompanied; Accompany Accomplish Account; Accountant; Accounting Accreditation Active Duty; Administratively Determined Additional Administer; Administration; Administrative; Administrate Advance; Advancement Air Force Air Force Specialty Code Agency Acknowledge Aircraft Airman Airman Basic Airman First Class Allocate; Allocation Alphabetical Alternate Ammunition Amount Analysis; analyst And Air National Guard Application Appointment Approval; Approve Approximate Air Guard Program Arrival; Arrive Associate; Association abbr acad accom “ accomp acct accred AD add’l; addn admin “ adv AF AFSC agcy ack acft Amn AB A1C alloc alpha alt ammo amt analy & ANG app; applic appt appr approx ARG arr assoc 7 Assignment Assist; Assistant Attach; Attachment Attention Attorney Authority; Authorization; Authorize Automatic Auxiliary Available; Availability Avenue Average Award asgn asst atch attn atty auth auto aux avail ave avg awd B Balance Board Boulevard Brigadier General Building Business bal bd blvd Brig Gen (USAF) bldg bus C Calculate Cancel Capital; Capacity Captain Category Center Certificate; Certification Certified Chairman Change Chaplain; Chief Chapter Charge Check; Checked Chief Master Sergeant Chronological Civil; Civilian Clear Colonel Combat calc canx cap Capt cat ctr; cen cert cert’d Chmn chg ch chap chrg ck; chk CMSgt chrono civ clr Col cmbt 8 Command; Commandant Commander Committee Communication(s) Company Conference Construction ; Construct Continue Contract ; Contractor Control Coordinate ; Coordination Copy Corporate Country Course; Courses Currency Customer cmd; comdt CC; cdr; cmdr; comdr cmte comm co conf const cont contr ctl; ctrl coord cy corp ctry crs; crses curr cust D Decoration Deduct Defense Degree Delete Depart; Departure; Depot; Deputy Department Department of Defense Develop; Development Disbursement Discipline Discount; Discontinue Disposition Distribute; Distribution Director; Directorate Division Document; Documentation Down Dozen Duplicate dec ded def deg del dep dept DoD; DOD dev disb dspln disc disp dist dir div doc dn doz; dz dup E Each ea 9 Edition; Editor Education Effect; Effective Eligible Eliminate Emergency End-of-term Endorsement English Engineer; Engineering Entitle; Entitlement Equal Equipment Equivalent Estimate Etcetera Evacuation Evaluate; Evaluation Examination Exchange Executive Exercise Expedite Expense Experiment; Experimental Extend; Extension ed educ eff elig elim emerg EOT endr engl engn entl eq equip equiv est etc evac eval exam exch; exchg exec ex; exer exped exp exper ext F Facility; Faculty Facsimile Faculty Favorable February Federal Field Figure Finance; Financial First Lieutenant Fiscal Year Fitness Flight Flight Plan Foreign Form fac fax fac; facu fav Feb fed fld fig fin 1st Lt; 1 Lt FY fit flt flt pln fgn frm; fm 10 Format Forward Fraudulent Frequency; frequent Friday fmt fwd fraud freq Fri G General Geography; Geographic Governor Government Grade Point Average Graduate Ground Group Guarantee Gen (USAF) geog gov govt GPA grad gnd grp; gp guar H Headquarters Health Height High School Highway History Honorable Hospital Hours HQ hlth ht HS hwy hist hon hosp hrs I Identification Identified Immediate Immunization Implementation Include Incorporate Increase; Increment Industry; Indorsement Indefinite ident ID’d immed immun impl incl inc; incorp incr ind indef 11 Independent Individual Indoctrinate Indorsement; Industry Information Initial; Initialize Injury Inoperative Inquiry Inspect; Inspector Institute; Institution Instructor Insurance Intelligence International Introduced; Introduction Inventory Itinerary indep indiv indoc ind info init inj inop inq insp inst instr ins intel intl; int’l intro inv itin J Joint Journal July June Junior jt; jnt jour Jul Jun Jr. K L Laboratory Language Large Latitude Leader Leadership Leave Legal Lesson(s) Letter Level Library lab lang lrg lat ldr ldrsp; ldrshp lv lgl lsn(s) ltr lvl lib 12 License Lieutenant Lieutenant General Limited Limited Active Duty Orders Liquid Locate Logistic Longitude lic Lt Lt Gen (USAF) ltd LEAD liq loc log long M Magazine Maintenance Major Manufacturing Manager Managed Management March Master Sergeant Maximum Measure Member Medical; Medium; Median Meeting Membership Memorandum Message Method Military Minimum; Minute Miscellaneous Mission Mobilization; Mobilize Modification; Modify Monday Month; Months Multiple mag maint Maj mfg mgr manag’d mgt; mgmt Mar MSgt max mea mbr med mtg mbrshp; mbrsp memo msg meth mil min misc msn mob mod Mon mo; mos mult N nat’l; natl National 13 Negative Next of Kin Nominate; Nominee Normal Not Applicable November Nuclear Number; Numerical neg NOK nom norm N/A Nov nuc num O Object Obsolete Occupation October Office Officer(s) Officership On-The-Job Training Operations Opportunity Option Order; Ordnance Organization Original Overtime obj obs occup Oct ofc ofcr(s) ofcrsp; ofcrshp OJT ops oppor opt ord org orig OT P Page Pamphlet Paragraph Parenthesis; Parentheses Patient; Point Payment (s) Percent Performance Perimeter Period Permanent Personnel Physical Package Plan pg pam para paren pt pmt (s) pct perf perim pd perm pers; psnl phys pkg pln 14 Planning Please Pledge Population Positive Position Possession; Possible Potential Preference Preliminary Premium Prepare President; Presentation Previous Priority Primary Principal Private Problem Process Professional; Professor Program; Programmers Project; Projectile Promotion Psychology Publication Purchase; Purchasing Purpose plng pls pldg pop pos posn poss pot pref prelim prem prep pres prev pri prim prin priv prob proc prof prog; prgm; prgmrs proj promo psych pub pur purp Q Quality Quantity Quart Quarter Quarterly qual qty qt qtr qtrly R Range Rank rng rnk 15 rec’d rec; rcmdt recce; recon recog re-enl re-exam ref rgnl regr reg rej relig reorg rpt rep req rsch res; resrv Non-EAD resig resp; respon rslt ret rtn rvw(‘d) rqr rqmts rte rwy Received Recommendation Reconnaissance Recognition; Recognize Re-enlist Re-examination Refer; Reference Regional Registrar Regular; Regulation Reject Religion Reorganize Report Representative; Represent Request Research Reserve Reserve Airman Not on Active Duty Orders Resignation Responsible Result Retired Return Review(ed) Require Requirements Route Runway S Saturday Schedule; School Science Screen Search Second; Section Secretary Security Select; Selection Semester Senate Senior Sat sch; sched sci scrn srch sec secy scty sel sem sen sr 16 Senior Airman Senior Master Sergeant Separate September Sequence Service Signal; Signature Situation Size Software Society Specification; Specify Sponsor Squadron; Square Staff Sergeant Standard Statistic Storage Strategic; Stratification; Strategy Street Student Structure Subject Subordinate Subparagraph Substitute Summary Sunday Superintendent Supervisor Supplement Supply; superior Support Surgeon; Surgical Survey Survival Suspense System SrA SMSgt sep Sep seq svc sig sit sz s/w soc spec spon sq; sqd; sqdn SSgt std stat stor strat st stu strc subj subor subpara sub sum Sun supt supv supp sup spt surg sur surv susp sys T Target Tax Team Technical tgt tx tm tech 17 Technical Sergeant Telecommunications Telephone Telephone Conference Temperature; Temporary Terminate; Termination Territory Text Theater Thousand Thursday Total Traditional Training Transaction; Transport; Transportation Transfer Travel Transmit; transmittal Treatment Tuesday TSgt telecom tel; tele telecon temp term terr txt thtr thou Thurs tot trad tng; trng trans xfer tvl xmit trmt Tues U Unclassified Unfavorable Universal; University Unknown Unsecure Urgent Ultimately unclas unfav univ unk unsec urg ult V Vacant; Vacate Vehicle Vertical Veteran Vice President Visibility; Visual Volume; Volunteer Volunteered vac veh vert vet VP vis vol vol’d 18 W Weapon Wednesday Week Weight With Wing Withdrawn Workgroup(s) Workshop wpn Wed wk wt w/ wg wd wkgp(s) wkshp X Y Year yr Z 19 Hyphenated Words Air Force-wide As shown decision-making (adj) decision making (n) As shown (decision-making process) (process of decision making) e-mail As shown Force-multiplier As shown forward-thinking (adj) As shown hand selected (v) or hand-selected (adj) As shown high-tech or hi-tech As shown in-residence use - when referring to school attendance, otherwise can be 2 words on-line; online As shown single-handedly As shown 2-star or two-star As shown 20 Commonly Used Words Air Force’s As shown Airman; Airmen As shown Counterinsurgency As shown follow-up (adj/noun) follow up (verb) Not followup general officer As shown groundbreaking As shown handpicked (verb) hand-picked (adj/noun) As shown interservice As shown – defined as: between or amongst various services intraservice As shown – defined as: within the confines of one service joint Not capitalized unless part of a title, i.e., Joint Chiefs of Staff. Otherwise written joint air campaign or joint doctrine linchpin; lynchpin As shown; either is acceptable multi In forming compounds, multi is normally joined to the following word or element without a space or hyphen; multitalented, multimedia, multinational, etc. However, if the second element begins with “I,” it is separated with a hyphen: multi-infection nationwide As shown 21 non In forming compounds, non is normally joined to the following word or element without a space or hyphen: noncommissioned, noncompliance, nonproliferation, etc. However; if the second element begins with a capital letter, it is separated with a hyphen: non-French point man As shown professional military education (PME) Do not capitalize when referring to PME in general. Capitalize when part of a title, i.e., College for Enlisted Professional Military Education (CEPME) re In forming compounds, “re” is normally joined to the following word or element without a space or hyphen: reopen, rearm, recapture, redress, reissue, etc. However, if the second element begins with “e” it is separated with a hyphen: re-entry self When self if joined with a word that can stand alone, it is joined by a hyphen: self-deception, self-confident, selfmotivated. In the rare cases when self is joined with a word that cannot stand alone, it is joined without a space or hyphen topnotch; top-notch; top notch As shown; all are acceptable trans In forming compounds, “trans” is normally joined to the following word or element without a space or hyphen: transcontinental, etc. However, if the second element begins with a capital letter, it is usually separated by a hyphen: trans-Canadian. Note “certain compounds have become one word over a period of time: transatlantic, so check the dictionary if in doubt Total Force Capitalize when referring to an inclusive Air Force perspective (active duty, guard, reserves, civilian, etc) 22 unwavering As shown web master As shown web page As shown website; web site As shown; either is acceptable worldwide As shown warfighter; warfighting As shown unless, of course, if the fighting is a verb (she is in the war fighting insurgents) 23
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