SC19 6209 05_VM_SP_CMS_Command_Reference_Release_6_Jul88 05 VM SP CMS Command Reference Release 6 Jul88
User Manual: SC19-6209-05_VM_SP_CMS_Command_Reference_Release_6_Jul88
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• • ••• ------ ----:i:-=-=:5~i: Virtual Machine/System Product CMS Command Reference Release 6 SC19-6209-05 Sixth Edition (July 1988) This edition, SCI9-6209-05, is a major revision of SCI9-6209-04 and applies to Release 6 of the Virtual Machine/System Product (VM/SP), program number 5664-167, and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions or Technical Newsletters. Changes are made periodically to the information contained herein; before using this publication in connection with the operation of IBM systems, consult the latest IBM System/370, 30xx, 4300, and 9370 Processors Bibliography, GC20-0001, for the editions that are applicable and current. Summary of Changes For a list of changes, see page 821. Changes or additions to the text and illustrations are indicated by a vertical line to the left of the change. References in this publication to IBM products, programs, or services do not imply that IBM intends to make these available in all countries in which IBM operates. Any reference to an IBM licensed program in this publication is not intended to state or imply that only IBM's licensed program may be used. Any functionally equivalent program may be used instead. Ordering Publications Requests for IBM publications should be made to your IBM representative or to the IBM branch office serving your locality. Publications are not stocked at the address given below. A form for readers' comments is provided at the back of this publication. If the form has been removed, comments may be addressed to IBM Corporation, Information Development, Dept. G60, P.O. Box 6, Endicott, NY, U.S.A. 13760. IBM may use or distribute whatever information you supply in anyway it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you. The form for reader's comments provided at the back of this publication may also be used to comment on the VM/SP online HELP facility. © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1986, 1988. All rights reserved Preface Use this publication as a reference manual. It contains all of the command formats, syntax rules, and operand and option descriptions for CMS commands for general users. If you are using Virtual Machine/System Product (VM/SP) for the first time, refer to the VM/SP eMS Primer, SC24-5236, for introductory tutorial information about VMjSP. If you are using a line-oriented display terminal, then refer to the VMjSP eMS Primer for Line-Oriented Terminals, SC24-5242. The VMjSP eMS User's Guide, SC19-6210, contains tutorial information and functional descriptions of CMS commands, as well as information on using the editor and exec facilities of CMS. You should be familiar with the contents of the VMjSP eMS User's Guide before you attempt to use this reference manual. For most of the CMS commands described in this publication, you may find additional useful notes in the VMjSP eMS User's Guide. This publication has six chapters: "Chapter 1. Introduction and General Concepts" describes the components of the VMjSP system and tells you how to enter eMS commands. It lists the notational conventions used in this manual, so that you can interpret the command format descriptions in the following chapters. Chapter 1 also contains information about the CMS command search order and a summary of all the CMS commands available under VMjSP, including those not for general users. "Chapter 2. CMS Commands" contains complete format descriptions, and operand and option lists, for the CMS commands available to general users. Each command description contains usage notes and lists the responses and error messages (with associated return codes) produced by the command. "Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing" contains windowing and virtual screen CMS commands to create and modify windows and virtual screens, including Border commands to manage your windows. "Chapter 4. Special Commands Used in Command Environments" contains complete format descriptions, and operand and option lists, for the special CMS commands available only in command environments, such as FILELIST. Each command description contains usage notes and lists responses and error messages (with associated return codes) PFoduced by the command. "Chapter 5. HELP and HELPCONV Format Words" describes the formats, operands, and defaults of the HELP facility format words. HELP format words are used in HELP description files when the user wants HELP to format output when the HELP file is processed. "Chapter 6. System Messages" lists the common system messages and return codes that you might receive when you execute a command. The chapters that formerly contained the "CMS Functions" and the "CMS Macro Instructions" have been moved to a new publication, the VMjSP Application Development Reference for eMS, SC24-5284. Refer to that manual for information on functions that are available and for CMS macro instructions you can use when Preface iii you write programs to execute in CMS. There is also a chapter on callable services library (CSL) routines. The DEBUG command no longer places you in the DEBUG subcommand environment and consequently the chapter on the DEBUG subcommand environment has been removed. See "DEBUG" on page 91 for details on the changes to the DEBUG command. This publication also has two appendixes: "Appendix A: VSEjVSAM Functions Not Supported in CMS" lists the restrictions on the use of access method services and VSAM in the CMS/DOS environment of CMS. "Appendix B: OSjVS Access Method Services and VSAM Functions Not Supported in CMS" lists the restrictions for OS programmers using access method services and VSAMinCMS. The appendices on the EDIT subcommands and the EXEC control statements have been removed. Use the HELP command to get information on any of these subcommands or control statements. iv VM/SP CMS Command Reference Contents Chapter 1. Introduction and General Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 CMS Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Entering CMS Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Character Set Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Naming CMS Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Naming Shared File System (SFS) Directories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Notational Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Pattern Matching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 CMS Command Search Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 CMS Command Execution Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Summary of CMS Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Chapter 2. CMS Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ACCESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AMSERV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSEMBLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSGN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CATCHECK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CMDCALL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CMSBATCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CMSSERV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COMPARE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . CONVERT COMMANDS ............................... CONWAIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COPYFILE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CREATE ALIAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CREATE DIRECTORY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CREATE LOCK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CREATE NAMEDEF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CSLLIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DEBUG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DEFAULTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DELETE LOCK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DELETE NAMEDEF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DESBUF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DIRLIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DISK ........................................... DLBL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DOSLIB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DOSLKED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DROPBUF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DSERV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EDIT .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ERASE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ESERV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EXEC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EXECDROP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EXECIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. EXEC LOAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EXECMAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EXECOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 27 33 36 43 47 49 50 51 53 55 59 60 72 73 77 79 83 85 91 93 96 99 100 101 108 114 128 130 134 135 138 141 147 149 153 155 171 173 176 Contents V EXECSTAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EXECUPDT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FETCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FILEDEF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FILELIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. FINIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FORMAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , GENDIRT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GENMOD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GENMSG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GLOBAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GLOBALV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GRANT AUTHORITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HELP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HELPCONV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IDENTIFY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IMMCMD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INCLUDE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LABELDEF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LISTDIR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LISTDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LISTFILE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LISTIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LKED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '. . . . . . . . . LOAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LOAD LIB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LOADMOD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MACLIB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MACLIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MAKEBUF .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. MODMAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MOREHELP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MOVEFILE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NAMEFIND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NAMES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NETDATA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NUCXDROP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NUCXLOAD ...................................... NUCXMAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OSRUN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PARSECMD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PEEK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PRINT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , PROGMAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PSERV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PUNCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . QUERY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RDR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RDRLIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . READCARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RECEIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RELEASE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RELOCATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RENAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi VM/SP CMS Command Reference 178 180 183 186 203 219 220 225 226 233 237 240 251 255 265 267 269 271 277 282 285 29·1 300 30~ 308 324 328 331 335 341 342 343 345 349 358 364 376 384 385 389 392 394 395 398 403 407 410 412 415 454 459 466 472 481 484 488 RESERVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . REVOKE AUTHORITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RSERV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RTNDROP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RTNLOAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RTNMAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RTNSTATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RUN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SEGMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SEGMENT ASSIGN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SEGMENT LOAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SEGMENT PURGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SEGMENT RELEASE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SEGMENT RESERVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SENDFILE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SENTRIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SET ABBREV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SET APL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SET AUTOREAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SET BLIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SET CMSTYPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SET COMDIR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SET DOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SET DOSLNCNT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SET DOSPART . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SET EXECTRAC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SET FILEPOOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SET FILEWAIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SET FULLREAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SET IMESCAPE ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. SET IMPCP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SET IMPEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SET INPUT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SET INSTSEG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SET KEYPROTECT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SET LANGUAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SET LDRTBLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SET LINEND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SET LOADAREA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SET NONDISP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SET NONSHARE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SET OUTPUT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SET PROTECT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SET RDYMSG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SET REDTYPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SET RELPAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SET REMOTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SET SERVER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SET STORECLR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SET SYSNAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SET TEXT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SET THRESHOLD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SET TRANSLATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SET UPSI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SETKEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 493 496 499 501 503 507 511 514 517 518 519 522 524 525 527 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 545 547 548 550 551 553 555 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 567 568 569 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 586 588 589 Contents vii viii SETPRT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SORT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SSERV .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. START . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '.' . . . . . . . STATE/STATEW (ESTATE/ESTATEW) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SVCTRACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SYNONYM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TAPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TAPEMAC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TAPPDS ......................................... TELL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TXTLIB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TYPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UPDATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VALIDATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XEDIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XMITMSG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Immediate Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 590 593 595 597 600 602 606 610 619 622 627 629 633 636 649 651 658 664 664 665 665 665 666 666 666 667 667 667 Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ALARM VSCREEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CLEAR VSCREEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CLEAR WINDOW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CURSOR VSCREEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DEFINE VSCREEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DEFINE WINDOW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DELETE VSCREEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DELETE WINDOW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DROP WINDOW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GET VSCREEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HIDE WINDOW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MAXIMIZE WINDOW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MINIMIZE WINDOW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . POP WINDOW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . POSITION WINDOW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PUT SCREEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PUT VSCREEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . QUERY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . REFRESH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RESTORE WINDOW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ROUTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SCROLL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SET APL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SET BORDER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SET CHARMODE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 669 673 674 675 676 679 683 686 687 688 690 692 694 696 697 699 700 702 704 719 720 721 724 727 728 729 732 VM/SP eMS Command Reference SET CMSPF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SET FULLREAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SET FULLSCREEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SET LINEND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SET LOCATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................................... SET LOGFILE SET NONDISP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SET REMOTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SET RESERVED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SET TEXT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SET VSCREEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SET WINDOW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SET WMPF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SHOW WINDOW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SIZE WINDOW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WAITREAD VSCREEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WAITT VSCREEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WRITE VSCREEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Border Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B .............................................. C .............................................. D F H L M N .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. P R S X .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. 734 737 739 748 749 750 752 753 754 756 757 759 761 764 766 767 770 772 778 779 779 779 780 780 780 781 781 781 782 782 782 783 Chapter 4. Special Commands Used in Command Environments . . . . . . . . . ALIALIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AUTHLIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DISCARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EXECUTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 785 786 789 792 794 Chapter S. HELP and HELPCONV Format Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .BX (BOX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CM (COMMENT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CS (CONDITIONAL SECTION) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .FO (FORMAT MODE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IL (INDENT LINE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IN (INDENT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MT (MENU TYPE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OF (OFFSET) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SP (SPACE LINES) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .TR (TRANSLATE CHARACTER) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 797 798 800 801 803 805 806 807 808 809 810 Chapter 6. System Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Command Syntax Error Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shared File System (SFS) Error Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . File Error Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 811 811 813 814 o .............................................. Contents ix Appendix A. VSE/VSAM Functions Not Supported in CMS x ........... 815 Appendix B. OS/VS Access Method Services and VSAM Funcdons Not Supported . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 817 Summary of Changes 821 Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations 831 Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 853 Index 859 ............................................ VM/SP CMS Command Reference Introduction Chapter 1. Introduction and General Concepts Virtual MachinejSystem Product (VMjSP) is a program product that controls "virtual machines." A virtual machine is the functional equivalent of a real computer that you control from your terminal, using a command language. The command languages, which correspond to the components of the VMjSP system: • The Control Program (CP) controls the resources of the real machine; that is, the physical computer system in your computer room. The CP commands are described in VMjSP CP General User Command Reference and VMjSP CP System Command Reference. • The Conversational Monitor System (CMS) is a conversational operating system designed to run under CPo CMS can simulate many of the functions of OS (Operating System) and DOS (Disk Operating System), so that you can run many OS and DOS programs in a conversational environment. This publication describes general use CMS commands that you can use in the CMS environment. • The Interactive Problem Control System (IPCS) is an interactive, online facility for reporting and diagnosing software failures and for managing problem information and status. VMjSP IPCS can perform these functions for: CP ABEND dumps, CMS, PVM, RSCS, and GCS dumps, and any dump created by the VMDUMP command. IPCS runs in the CMS command environment. For more information, refer to the VMjSP Interactive Problem Control System Guide and Reference. Each of the above components has a unique "command environment" that must be active in order for a command to be accepted. For CMS users, the two basic command environments are the CP command environment and the CMS command environment. By default, CP commands are acceptable input in the CMS command environment; if you enter a CP command, CP executes it, but control returns to the CMS environment. IPCS DUMPSCAN subcommands must be entered from the DUMPSCAN environment. eMS Environment The CMS command language allows you to create, modify, and, in general, manipulate a system of files. The OSjVS Assembler and many OSjVS and VSE (DOS) language processors can be executed under CMS. For example, the OSjVS BASIC, FORTRAN IV (Gl), COBOL and PLjI compilers, as well as the DOS PLjI and DOSjVS COBOL compilers, can execute under CMS. You can find a complete list of language processors that can be executed under CMS in the VMjSP Introduction. CMS invokes the assembler and the compilers when you issue the appropriate CMS commands. The ASSEMBLE command is described in this manual; the supported compiler commands are described in the appropriate Licensed Program publications. CMS commands allow you to read cards from a virtual card reader, punch cards to a virtual card punch, and print records on a virtual printer. Many commands are provided to help you manipulate your virtual disks, your directories in the Shared Chapter 1. Introduction and General Concepts 1 Introduction File System (SFS), and the files that reside on your minidisks and directories. The CMS commands are described in "Chapter 2. CMS Commands." A special set of CMS commands becomes available to you when you issue the command: set dos on These commands, called CMS/DOS commands, simulate various functions of the VSE Operating System (DOS) in your CMS virtual machine. When the CMS/DOS environment is active, the CMS/DOS commands are an integral part of the CMS command language; they are listed alphabetically among the other CMS commands in "Chapter 2. CMS Commands." In addition, certain CMS commands allow you to use CMS in a full-screen environment. You can display CMS in a window, enter commands from anywhere on the physical screen, scroll through information in windows, and define your own windows. The windowing commands are described in "Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing." You may use certain special commands from certain command environments. The function, formats, and operands of these special commands are described in "Chapter 4. Special Commands Used in Command Environments." The command environments are: CSLLIST displays a list of callable services library (CSL) routines DIRLIST displays a list of Shared File System (SFS) directories FILELIST displays a list of files and SFS directories MACLIST displays a list of MACLIB members RDRLIST displays a list of files on your virtual reader The HELP format words are used to create HELP 'text' information for user-defined commands, execs, and messages. The function, formats, and operands of the HELP facility format words are described in "Chapter 5. HELP and HELPCONV Format Words." Many CMS commands can issue system messages in addition to the messages listed with each command. These system messages are listed in "Chapter 6. System Messages. " Entering CMS Commands A CMS command consists of a command name, usually followed by one or more positional operands and, in many cases, by an option list. CMS commands described in this publication are shown in the format: I COMMAND NAME I [operands ... ) [(options... Dll You must use one or more blanks to separate each entry in the command line unless otherwise indicated. For an explanation of the special symbols used to describe the command syntax, see "Notational Conventions" on page 6. 2 VM/SP CMS Command Reference Introduction Command Name The command name is an alphameric symbol of one to eight characters. In general, the names are based on verbs or verb-noun combinations that describe the function you want the system to perform. For example, you may want to find out information concerning your eMS files. In this case, you would use the either the FILELIST or the LISTFILE command. Command Operands The command operands are keywords and/or positional operands of one to eight, and in a few cases, one to seven alphameric characters each. In certain cases there are more than eight characters, and eMS may ignore any characters after the first eight. The operands specify the information on which the system operates when it performs the command function. You must write the operands in the order in which they appear in the command formats unless otherwise specified. When you are using eMS, blanks may optionally be used to separate the last operand from the option list. eMS recognizes a left parenthesis "(" as the beginning of an option list; it does not have to be preceded by a blank. Command Options The command options are keywords used to control the execution of the command. The command formats in this publication show all the options for each eMS command. . The option list must be preceded by a left parenthesis; the closing parenthesis is not necessary. Character Set Usage eMS commands may be entered using a combination of characters from six different character sets. The contents of each of the character sets is shown in Table 1. Table 1. Character Sets and Their Contents Character Set Names Separator Blank National Dollar Sign Pound Sign At Sign # Alphabetic Uppercase Lowercase A-Z a-z Numeric Numeric 0-9 Alphameric National Alphabetic $, #, @ Numeric Special Symbols $ @ A-Z a-z 0-9 All other characters Chapter 1. Introduction and General Concepts 3 Introduction Naming eMS Files When you create a CMS file, you can give it any file name and file type you wish. The rules for forming file names and file types are: • The file name and file type can each be from one to eight characters. • The valid characters are A-Z, a-z, 0-9, $, #, @, +, - (hyphen), : (colon), and_ (underscore). Note: Lowercase letters within a file ID are valid for use within the CMS file system. However, some CMS commands do not support file IDs that contain lowercase letters. Naming Shared File System (SFS) Directories When you create an SFS directory you can give it any name you want; however, there are a few rules governing directory names: • The complete directory name (also referred to as dirname) is made up of its parent directory's name plus any subdirectory names separated by a period. • A directory name can be from one to sixteen characters. • The first character must be alphabetic, and the remaining characters can be alphabetic or numeric. • Two or more subdirectories may have the same name as long as each of the subdirectories has a different parent directory. This example illustrates the above rules. Figure 1. Example of a directory structure Given that this directory structure exists in a file pool named FPOOLI and your user 10 is SUSANB, the name of each of the four directories is: FPOOLI :SUSANB FPOOL I :SUSANB.FIRST FPOOL I :SUSANB.SIXTEENCHARACTER FPOOLl:SUSANB.FIRST.SIXTEENCHARACTER The directory identifier is abbreviated as dirid throughout the rest of this book. It would be cumbersome to enter the complete directory name every time you use dirid in a command, so a convenient notation is allowed. There are four ways that dirid can be represented: 4 VM/SP CMS Command Reference Introduction dirid fm } [.ni+ 1.. . ni+ 7] - fm [ + 1.. .ni+ 7] { [filepoolid:] [userid]. [n1.n2 . . .nB] Figure 2. Dirid definition where: 1m is the file mode letter assigned to the directory when it is accessed. To access directories, use the ACCESS command. Note: It is important to remember a few rules about file mode numbers when you are specifying fm. Generally, you do not want to use file mode numbers unless you are specifying a file or set of files. Since file mode numbers are attributes of files, and not SFS directories or minidisks, you cannot specify file mode numbers on commands that operate on an entire minidisk or SFS directory. For example, do not use file mode numbers on such commands as ACCESS, DIRLIST, FORMAT, RELOCATE, and RELEASE unless you are specifying a set of files.[.ni + + 7] represents the name of a directory. The +1m means to start at the directory accessed as 1m and go down the directory structure. The lower level directories (subdirectories) are ni through ni + 7, and together they make up a logical path through the directory structure. The total number of subdirectories including all levels to get to the level above 1m, and then adding all ni directories cannot be more than 8. An example of this type of dirid, where the directory FPOOLl:SUSANB.FIRST is accessed as B, is: +b.s;xteencharacter Accessed as 8 - 1m [ + + 7] represents the name of a directory. The -1m means to start at the directory accessed as 1m and back up one level to its parent directory. The ni through ni + 7 are lower level directories (subdirectories), as described above. An example of this type of dirid is: -b.s;xteencharacter Chapter 1. Introduction and General Concepts 5 Introduction Accessed as B -b.sixteencharacter (filepoo/id:][useridJ.[nl.n2 . . .n8] represents the full name of a directory. This form of dirid is also referred to as the dirname. Jilepoolid: is the one to eight character name of the file pool that the specified directory resides in. The Jilepoolid must always end with a colon (:). IfJilepoo/id: is not specified, the default file pool is used. userid is the user ID of the owner of the directory and the name of the user's top directory. If userid is not specified, your user ID is assumed . . (period) is a separator between userid and subdirectory names or a separator between subdirectory names. If the period is used by itself, it indicates your top directory in your default file pool. For example, issuing: access • a accesses your top directory as A. nl.n2...n8 are the directory levels. userid is the top directory and nl through n8 are subdirectories. The first letter must be alphabetic. Notational Conventions The notation used to define the command syntax in this publication is: • Truncations and Abbreviations of Commands Where truncation of a command name is permitted, the shortest acceptable version of the command is represented by uppercase letters. (Remember, however, that CMS commands can be entered with any combination of uppercase and lowercase letters.) The following example shows the format specification for the FILEDEF command. FI1edef This format means that FI, FIL, FILE, FILED, FILEDE, and FILEDEF are all valid specifications for this command name. Operands and options are specified in the same manner. Where truncation is permitted, the shortest acceptable version of the operand or option is represented by uppercase letters in the command format box. If no minimum truncation is noted, the entire word (represented by all uppercase letters) must be entered. 6 VM/SP CMS Command Reference Introduction Abbreviations are shorter forms of command operands and options. Abbreviations for operands and options are shown in the description of the individual operands and options that follow the format box. For example, the abbreviation for DISK in the ASSEMBLE command is DI. Only these two forms are valid and no truncations are allowed. The format box contains DISK and the description that follows the format box is DISK DI • Keywords, such as command names, operands, and options, appear in the format box and parameter descriptions in bold letters. • Lowercase letters, words, and symbols that appear in the command format box in italics represent variables that you will substitute with specific information. For example, fn indicates that you should enter a file name with the command. • Uppercase letters and words, and the following symbols, should be entered as specified in the format box. asterisk colon cOl1ll1a equal sign hyphen parentheses period * () • The abbreviations fn, ft, and fm refer to file name, file type, and file mode, respectively. The combinationfn ft (fm] is also called the file identifier or file ID. When a command format box shows the characters fn ft fm or fileid and they are not enclosed by brackets or braces, it indicates that a CMS file identifier must be entered. If an asterisk (*) appears beneathfn, ft, or fm, it indicates that an asterisk may be coded in that position of the file ID. The operand description describes the usage of the *. • Choices are represented in the command format boxes by stacking. A B C • An underscore indicates an assumed default option. If an underscored choice is selected, it need not be specified when the command is entered. For example, the representation: A I c indicates that either A, B, or C may be selected. However, if B is selected, it need not be specified. Or, if none is entered, B is assumed. • The use of braces denotes choices, one of which must be selected. Example: The representation: Chapter 1. Introduction and General Concepts 7 Introduction { ~ } indicates that you must specify either A, or B, or C. If a list of choices is enclosed by neither brackets nor braces, it is to be treated as if enclosed by braces. • The use of brackets denotes choices, one of which may be selected. Example: The representation: [ A B C ] indicates that you may enter A, B, or C, or you may omit the field. • In instances where there are nested braces or brackets on the text lines, the following rule applies: nested operand selection is dependent upon the selection of the operand of a higher level of nesting. Example: Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 [filename [filetype [filemode]]] where the highest level (Levell) of nesting is the operand that is enclosed in only one pair of brackets and the lowest level (Level 3) of nesting is the operand that is enclosed by the maximum number of brackets. Thus, in the previous example, the user has the option of selecting a file by filename only or filename filetype only or by filename filetype filemode. The user cannot select file type alone because file type is nested within file name and our rule states: the higher level of nesting must be selected in order to select the next level (lower level) operand. The same is true if the user wants to select file mode; file name and file type must also be selected. • An ellipsis indicates that the preceding item or group of items may be repeated more than once in succession. Example: The representation: (options ••. ) indicates that more than one option may be coded within the parentheses. Pattern Matching A few CMS commands allow you to use two special characters, * (asterisk) and % (percent), in the fn and ft operands, if you want to specify a subset of your files rather than just one file. These commands are: • • • • • 8 CREATE ALIAS CREATE LOCK DELETE LOCK FILELIST GRANT AUTHORITY VMjSP CMS Command Reference Introduction • • • • • • LISTFILE QUERY ALIAS QUERY AUTHORITY QUERY LOCK RELOCATE REVOKE AUTHORITY The two special characters, meanings: * (asterisk) and % (percent), have the following represents any number of character(s). As many asterisks as required can appear anywhere in a file name or file type. However, the total number of characters, including the asterisks, may not exceed eight. * For example, if you enter: filelist *d* *file* you are requesting that the list contain all files on your disk or directory accessed as A whose file name contains "d" and whose file type contains "file." The list might contain the following files: o YOURDATA HISDATA ADOG 0/0 FILE AFILEi AFILE2 iDOGFILE Ai Ai Ai A2 is a place holding character that means a single character, but any character will do. As many percent symbols as necessary may appear anywhere in a file name or file type. F or example, if you enter: filelist %%% stock you are requesting that the list contain all files on your disk or directory accessed as A whose file name is three characters in length and whose file type is "stock." The list might contain the following files: THE STOCK Ai HIS STOCK Ai HER STOCK Ai CMS Command Search Order When you enter a command line in the CMS environment, CMS has to locate the command to execute. If you have EXEC or MODULE files on any of your accessed disks or directories, CMS treats them as commands; they are known as user-written commands. For CMS to find an EXEC or MODULE file in an SFS directory, you must have read or write authority to the file. As soon as the command name is found, the search stops and the command is executed. The search order is: 1. Search for an exec with the specified command name: a. Search for an exec in storage. If an exec with this name is found, CMS determines whether the exec has a USER, SYSTEM, or SHARED attribute. If the exec has the USER or SYSTEM attribute, it is executed. If the exec has the SHARED attribute, the INSTSEG setting of the SET command is checked. When INSTSEG is ON, all accessed disks and directories are searched and the access mode of the CMS installation saved Chapter 1. Introduction and General Concepts 9 Introduction segment is compared to the mode of an exec with the name that resides on the disk or directory. If the access mode of a saved segment is equal to or higher than the file mode, the exec in that saved segment is executed. Otherwise, the exec on the disk or directory is executed. b. Search for a file with the specified command name and a file type EXEC on any currently accessed disk or directory. CMS uses the standard search order (A through Z.) The table of active (open) files is searched first. An open file may be used ahead of a file that resides on a disk or directory earlier in the search order. 2. Search for a translation or synonym of the specified command name. If found, search for an exec with the valid translation or synonym by repeating Step 1. 3. Search for a module with the specified command name: a. Search for a nucleus extension module. b. Search for a module in the transient area. c. Search for a nucleus resident module. d. Search for a file with file type MODULE on any currently accessed minidisk or directory. The table of active (open) CMS files is searched first. An open file may be used ahead of a file that resides on a minidisk or directory earlier in the search order. The table of active (open) files is searched first. An open file may be used ahead of a file that resides on a disk or directory earlier in the search order. 4. Search for a translation or synonym of the specified command name. If found, search for a module with the valid translation or synonym by repeating Step 3. When CMS searches for a translation or synonym (as in Step #'s 2 and 4 above), the translation and synonym tables are searched in the following order: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. User National Language Translation Table System National Language Translation Table User National Language Translation Synonym Table System National Language Translation Synonym Table CMS User Synonym Table CMS System Synonym Table Note: For information about the National Language Translation tables (items 1-4), see the SET TRANSLATE command. For information about User and System Synonym tables (items 5-6), see the SYNONYM command. If the command is not known to CMS, it is passed to CP for execution. CMS Command Execution Characteristics Following is an alphabetical list of the CMS commands which require special consideration when called from a user program. For example, a program running in the user area (the storage available to the user) cannot call a CMS command which also runs in the user area. To avoid conflicts with non-relocatable CMS commands, you should ensure that your user programs are relocatable. Any commands which are listed in this book, but are not in this table are nucleus resident and will not interfere with the execution of a user program. 10 VM/SP CMS Command Reference Introduction The Code column indicates the execution characteristics of the command. Table 2. CMS Command Execution Characteristics Code Meaning E indica tes that this command is an exec. It may execute one or more CMS commands that run in user free storage or the transient area. T indicates that this command executes in the transient area. The transient area is the storage area used for temporary storage of programs or routines. U indicates that this command executes in user free storage. All OS free storage pointers are reset. Command Code Command Code Command Code ALIALIST AMSERV ASSEMBLE ASSGN AUTHLIST CATCHECK CMSBATCH CMSSERV COMPARE CONVERT COMMANDS CSLGEN CSLLIST DDR DEFAULTS DIRLIST DISCARD DOSLIB DOSLKED DOSPLI DSERV EDIT ESERV EXECMAP EXECUPDT E U U T E U FCOBOL FILELIST FORMAT GENDIRT GENMSG GLOBAL HELPCONV IOCP LABELDEF LANGGEN LANGMERG LISTDS LISTIO LKED LOAD LIB MACLIB MACLIST MODMAP MOREHELP MOVEFILE NAMES NOTE NUCXDROP OPTION E E U T U T T U T E E OSRUN PEEK PSERV PUNCH RDR RDRLIST READCARD RECEIVE RESERVE RSERV RUN SEND FILE SETPRT SORT SSERV SVCTRACE SYNONYM TAPE TAPEMAC TAPPDS TELL TXTLIB TYPE UPDATE U E U T T E T E T U E E T U U T T T U U E U T U U E T E E E U E E E U U E U E E T E U T U U U E T E U E E T T Summary of CMS Commands The following three tables contain alphabetical lists of the CMS commands and the functions performed by each. Table 3 and Table 4 lists those commands that are described in this manual. Table 5 lists CMS commands that are described in other publications. You can enter CMS commands when you are running CMS in your virtual machine, the terminal is idle, and the virtual machine can accept input. However, if CMS is processing a previously entered command and your typewriter terminal keyboard is locked, you must signal your virtual machine via an attention interruption. The Chapter 1. Introduction and General Concepts 11 Introduction system acknowledges the interruption by unlocking the keyboard. Now you can enter commands. If your terminal is a display device, there is no problem of entering commands while the virtual machine is busy because its keyboard remains unlocked for additional command input. Note that in these circumstances the command you enter is stacked in the terminal input buffer and is not executed until the command that is currently being executed completes. If more commands are entered than CP can handle, a NOT ACCEPTED message is displayed at the display terminal. In addition to the commands listed in Table 3, Table 4, and Table 5, there are ten Immediate commands that are handled in a different manner from the others. Immediate commands may be entered wliile another command is being executed by pressing the Attention key (or its equivalent), and they are executed immediately. The Immediate commands are: lJB HI HO HT HX RO RT SO TE TS Halt batch execution Halt Interpretation Hal t tracing Halt typing Halt execution Resume tracing Resume typing Suspend tracing Trace end Trace start You can define your own immediate commands by using any of the following: • The IMMCMD macro in an assembler language program • The IMMCMD command within an exec (CMS EXEC, EXEC 2, System Product Interpreter) • NUCXLOAD command with the IMMCMD option specified. CMS Commands Described in the CMS Command Reference Table 3 (Page 1 of 8). CMS Commands Described in CMS Command Reference Command Usage ACCESS Allows you to access a minidisk or an SFS directory with a file mode letter. ALARM VSCREEN Sounds the terminal alarm the next time the display is refreshed. AMSERV Uses access method services utility functions to create, alter, list, copy, delete, import, or export VSAM catalogs and data sets. ASSEMBLE Assembles assembler language source code. 12 VM/SP CMS Command Reference Introduction Table 3 (Page 2 of 8). CMS Commands Described in eMS Command Reference Command Usage ASSGN Assigns or unassigns a CMS/DOS system or programmer logical unit for a virtual I/O device. CATCHECK Allows a CMS VSAM user (with or without DOS set ON) to use the VSE/VSAM Catalog Check Service Aid to verify a complete catalog structure. CLEAR VSCREEN Erases data in the virtual screen by overwriting the data buffer with nulls. CLEAR WINDOW Scrolls past all data in the virtual screen to which the window is connected so that no data is displayed in the data area of the window. CMDCALL Converts EXEC 2 extended plist function calls to CMS extended plist command calls. CMSBATCH Calls the CMS batch facility. CMSSERV Starts IBM Enhanced Connectivity Facilities communications between your VM/SP host system and your workstation (IBM Personal Computer). COMPARE Compares records in CMS files. CONVERT COMMANDS Converts a CMS file containing Definition Language for Command Syntax (DLCS) statements into an internal form for the parsing facility. CONWAIT Causes a program to wait until all pending terminal I/O is complete. COPYFILE Copies CMS files from one minidisk to another, one SFS directory to another, or between minidisks and directories. CP Enters CP commands from the CMS environment. CREATE ALIAS Places an additional name for a file in a specified directory. CREATE DIRECTORY Creates an SFS directory. CREATE LOCK Creates an explicit lock on an SFS directory or a file in an SFS directory. CREATE NAMEDEF Assigns a temporary name which can be used by a program, instead of a file name and file type or a fully-qualified directory name. CSLLIST Lists information about all members of a specified callable services library. CURSOR VSCREEN Positions the cursor on specified line and column in a virtual screen. DEBUG Displays state of virtual machine at time of abend. DEFAULTS Sets or displays default options for various commands. DEFINE VSCREEN Crea tes a virtual screen. DEFINE WINDOW Creates a window. DELETE LOCK Releases the explicit lock placed on a directory or a file in a directory by the CREATE LOCK command. Chapter 1. Introduction and General Concepts 13 Introduction Table 3 (Page 3 of 8). CMS Commands Described in CMS Command Reference Command Usage DELETE NAMEDEF Deletes the temporary name given to a file or directory by the CREATE NAMEDEF command, and makes it no longer usable by a program. DELETE VSCREEN Removes a virtual screen definition. DELETE WINDOW Removes a window definition. DESBUF Clears the program stack and the terminal input buffers. DIRLIST Lists directories of a specified directory structure in a full screen environment. DISK Performs disk-to-card and card-to-disk operations for CMS files. Can be used for files residing on minidisk or in directories. DLBL Defines a VSE file name or VSAM ddname and relates that name to a file. DOSLIB Deletes, compacts, or lists information about the phases of a CMS/DOS phase library. DOSLKED Link-edits CMS text decks or object modules from a VSE relocatable library and places them in executable form in a CMS/DOS phase library. DROPBUF Eliminates a program stack buffer. DROP WINDOW Moves a window down in the order of displayed windows. DSERV Displays information contained in the VSE core image, relocatable, source, procedure, and transient directories. EDIT Uses the VM/SP System Product Editor in CMS editor (EDIT) compatibility mode to create or modify a file residing on a minidisk or in an SFS directory. ERASE Deletes CMS files from a minidisk, or deletes both files and subdirectories from an SFS directory. ESERV Displays, punches or prints an edited (compressed) macro from a VSE source statement library (E sublibrary). EXEC Executes special procedures made up of frequently used sequences of commands. EXECDROP Purges storage-resident execs. EXECIO Does I/O operations between a device and the program stack or a variable. EXEC LOAD Loads execs into storage. EXECMAP Lists storage-resident execs and displays execs in saved segments. EXECOS Resets the OS and VSAM environments under CMS without returning to the interactive environment. EXEC STAT Obtains status of a specific exec. EXECUPDT Produces an updated executable version of a System Product Interpreter source program. 14 VM/SP CMS Command Reference Introduction Table 3 (Page 4 of 8). eMS Commands Described in CMS Command Reference Command Usage FETCH Fetches a eMS/DOS or VSE executable phase. FILEDEF Defines an OS ddname and relates that ddname to any device supported by CMS or to a file residing on a minidisk or in an SFS directory. FILELIST Lists information about CMS files on a minidisk or in an SFS directory, with the ability to edit and issue commands from the list. FINIS Closes an open file on a mini disk or in a directory. FORMAT Prepares minidisks in CMS fixed block format. GENDIRT Fills in auxiliary module directories. GENMOD Generates nonrelocatable CMS files (MODULE files). GENMSG Converts a message repository file into an internal form. GETVSCREEN Writes data from a CMS file to the specified virtual screen. GLOBAL Identifies specific CMS libraries to be searched for macros, copy files, missing subroutines, LOADLIB modules, or DOS executable phases. GLOBALV Sets, maintains and retrieves a collection of named. variables. GRANT AUTHORITY Authorizes other users to read and modify your SFS directories or the files in the directories. HELP Displays information about CP, CMS, or user commands, EDIT or XEDIT subcommands, EXEC, EXEC 2 and System Product Interpreter control statements, and descriptions of CMS and CP messages. HELPCONV Converts a CMS file into an acceptable form to be used by the HELP facility. HIDE WINDOW Prevents the specified window from being displayed, and connects the window to a virtual screen. IDENTIFY Displays or stacks user ID, node ID, RSCS ID, date, time, time zone, and day of the week. IMMCMD Establishes or cancels Immediate commands from within an exec. INCLUDE Brings LABELDEF Specifies standard HDRI and EOFI tape label description information for CMS, CMS/DOS, and OS simulation. LISTDIR Lists directories in a specified directory structure. LISTDS Lists information about data sets and space allocation on OS, DOS, and VSAM minidisks. LISTFILE Lists information about CMS files stored on a minidisk or in an SFS directory. LISTIO Displays information concerning CMS/DOS system and programmer logical units. LKED Link-edits a CMS TEXT file"'or OS object module into a CMS LOADLIB. a~ditional TEXT files into storage and establish linkages. Chapter 1. Introduction and General Concepts 15 Introduction Table 3 (Page 5 of 8). eMS Commands Described in CMS Command Reference Command Usage LOAD Brings TEXT files into storage for execution. LOADLIB Maintains CMS LOADLIB libraries. LOADMOD Brings a single MODULE file into storage. MAC LIB Creates or modifies CMS macro libraries. MACLIST Lists information about all members in a specified maclib, with the ability to edit and issue commands from the list. MAKEBUF Creates a new program stack buffer. MAXIMIZE WINDOW Expands a window to the physical screen size. MINIMIZE WINDOW Reduces the size of the window to one line. MODMAP Displays the load map of a MODULE file. MOREHELP Obtains either additional or related information about the latest valid HELP command you issued. MOVEFILE Moves data from one device to another device of the same or a different type. NAMEFIND Displays/stacks information from a NAMES file. (NAMES file name of userid and file type of NAMES). NAMES Displays a menu to create, display or modify entries in a 'userid NAMES' file. (The menu is available only on display terminals.) NETDATA U sed from an exec to query, receive or send files to users at a network node or on your system. NOTE Prepares a 'note' for one or more computer users, to be sent via the SEND FILE command. NUCXDROP Deletes specified nucleus extensions. NUCXLOAD Loads a nucleus extension. NUCXMAP Identifies existing nucleus extensions, including those residing in saved segments. OPTION Changes the DOS/VS COBOL compiler (FCOBOL) options that are in effect for the current terminal session. OSRUN Loads, relocates, and executes a load module from a CMS LOAD LIB or OS module library. PARSECMD Calls the parsing facility from within an exec. PEEK Displays a file that is in your virtual reader without reading it onto a disk or directory. POP WINDOW Moves a window up in the order of displayed windows. POSITION WINDOW Changes the location of a window on the physical screen. PRINT Spools a specified CMS file to the virtual printer. PROGMAP Displays or places on the program stack information on programs currently loaded in storage or in a saved segment. 16 VM/SP CMS Command Reference = file Introduction Table 3 (Page 6 of 8). CMS Commands Described in eMS Command Reference Command Usage PSERV Copies a procedure from the VSE procedure library onto a CMS minidisk or an SFS directory, displays the procedure at the terminal, or spools the procedure to the virtual punch or printer. PUNCH Spools a copy of a CMS file to the virtual punch. PUT SCREEN Makes a copy of the physical screen and writes the image to a CMS file. PUTVSCREEN Writes the data from the data area of a virtual screen to a CMS file. QUERY Requests information about CMS files, minidisks or Shared File System (SFS) directories or other virtual machine characteristics. RDR Generates a return code and either displays or stacks a message that identifies the characteristics of the next file in your virtual reader. RDRLIST Displays information about files in your virtual reader with the ability to issue commands from the list. READCARD Reads data from spooled card input device. RECEIVE Reads to your SFS directory or minidisk a file or note that is in your virtual reader. REFRESH Updates virtual screens and their associated windows. RELEASE Releases an SFS directory or minidisk previously accessed. RELOCATE Moves a file or directory structure from one directory to another that you own within the same file pool. RENAME Changes the name of a CMS file or directory. RESERVE Allocates all available blocks of a 512-, lK-, 2K-, or 4K-byte block formatted mini disk to a unique CMS file. RESTORE WINDOW Returns a maximized or minimized window to its size and location prior to the maximize or minimize. REVOKE AUTHORITY Cancels authorities that you granted for a directory or files in a directory. ROUTE Directs data of a particular message class to a virtual screen. RSERV Copies a VSE relocatable module onto a CMS minidisk or SFS directory, displays it at the terminal, or spools a copy to the virtual punch or printer. RTNDROP Cancels the binding of a callable services library routine. RTNLOAD Searches for, loads, and binds a callable services library routine to a fixed location in storage, and makes it available for invocation. RTNMAP Displays information about the callable services library routines that are currently loaded and bound to an address. RTNSTATE Obtains the status of one or more specific callable services library routines. RUN Initiates series of functions to be performed on a source, MODULE, TEXT, or EXEC file. Chapter 1. Introduction and General Concepts 17 Introduction Table 3 (Page 7 of 8). CMS Commands Described in CMS Command Reference Command Usage SCROLL Moves a window to a new location on the virtual screen. SEGMENT ASSIGN Indicates the logical segment to be associated with the physical segment. SEGMENT LOAD Loads a saved segment. SEGMENT PURGE Purges a saved segment. SEGMENT RELEASE Releases the storage held by a segment space. SEGMENT RESERVE Creates a segment space for subsequent loading. SEND FILE Sends files or notes to one or more computer users, locally or remotely attached, by issuing the command or by using a menu (display terminal only.) SENTRIES Determines the number of lines currently in the program stack. SET Establishes, sets, or resets CMS virtual machine characteristics. SETKEY Changes settings for CMS storage keys. SETPRT Loads a virtual 3800 printer. SHOW WINDOW Places a window on top of all other displayed windows and connects the window to a virtual screen. SIZE WINDOW Changes the number of lines and columns for a specified window. SORT Arranges a specified file in ascending order according to sort fields in the data records. SSERV Copies a VSE source statement book onto a CMS minidisk or SFS directory, displays it at the terminal, or spools a copy to the virtual punch or printer. START Begins execution of programs previously loaded (OS and CMS) or fetched (CMS/DOS). STATE Verifies the existence of a CMS file on an accessed minidisk or in an SFS directory. STATEW Verifies a file on a read/write file mode. SVCTRACE Records information about supervisor calls. SYNONYM Uses a table containing synonyms you have created for CMS and user-written commands. TAPE Transfers files between tapes and minidisks (or SFS directories), positions tapes, and displays or writes VOLI labels. TAPEMAC Creates CMS MACLIB libraries directly from an IEHMOVE-created partitioned data set on tape. TAPPDS Loads OS partitioned data set (PDS) files or card image files from tape to mini disk or SFS directory. TELL Sends a message to one or more computer users who are logged on to your computer or to one attached to yours via RSCS. TXTLIB Generates and modifies text libraries. 18 VM/SP CMS Command Reference Introduction Table 3 (Page 8 of 8). CMS Commands Described in CMS Command Reference Command Usage TYPE Displays all or part of a CMS file at the terminal. UPDATE Makes changes in a program source file as defined by control cards in a control file. VALIDATE Verifies the syntax of a file identifier and verifies whether or not a file mode is accessed. WAITREAD VSCREEN Used from an exec to update the virtual screen with data, refresh the physical screen, and wait for the next attention interrupt. WAITT VSCREEN Updates the virtual screen with data. WRITE VSCREEN Enters information in a virtual screen. XEDIT Uses the VM/SP System Product Editor to create or modify a CMS file. XMITMSG Retrieves a message from a CMS message repository file or your own message repository file. Special CMS Commands from Command Environments Table 4. Special CMS Commands Used from Command Environments Command Usage AUTHLIST Displays authority information. May be issued only from the DIRLIST or FILELIST environments. ALIALIST Displays alias information. May be issued only from the FILELIST environment. DISCARD Erases a file (or SFS directory, or MACLIB member) that is displayed from the DIRLIST, FILELIST, MACLIST, RDRLIST, or PEEK command environments. EXECUTE Use to issue commands (or execs) from the CSLLIST, DIRLIST, FILELIST, MACLIST, and RDRLIST environments. CMS Commands Described in other Publications For those commands not described in this manual, the Book Code column indicates the publication that describes the command: Book Code Meaning ADGCMS Indicates that this command is described in VM/SP Application Development Guide for eMS. ADMIN Indicates that this command is described in VM/SP Administration. EREP Indicates that this command is described in OS/VS Environmental Recording Editing and Printing (EREP) Program. INST Indicates that this command is described in the VM/SP Installation Guide. Chapter 1. Introduction and General Concepts 19 Introduction IOCP UG Indicates that this command is described in the Input/Output Configuration Program User's Guide and Reference. IPCS Indicates that this command is described in the VM/SP Interactive Problem Control System Guide and Reference OS PP Indicates that this command invokes an OS program product, available from IBM for a license fee. PLNGDE Indicates that this command is described in the VM/SP Planning Guide and Reference. SERV Indicates that this command is described in the VM/SP Service Guide. SFPROG Indicates that this command is described in VM/SP System Facilities for Programming. SFSAD Indicates that this command is described in VMjSP CMS Shared File System Administration. VSE PP Indicates that this command invokes a VSE Program Product, available from IBM for a license fee. Table 5 (Page 1 of 4). CMS Commands Described in other Publications Command Book Code Usage ASM3705 INST Assembles 370413705 Control Program source code. ASMGEND SERV Builds the VM/370 system assembler. CMSGEND SERV Builds CMS command modules and load libraries (LOADLIBs). CPEREP EREP Formats and edits system error records for output. CSLGEN ADGCMS Builds a callable services library from control files, text files and template files. DCSSGEN INST Buil~s DDR SFPROG Performs back1.~.p, restores, and copies operations for entire DASD volumes or minidisks. DELETE ADMINISTRATOR SFSAD Removes administrator authority for the specified SFS file pool, from the specified user ID. (For use by file pool administrator only.) DELETE LOCK SFSAD Releases an explicit lock on a file or SFS directory. DELETE PUBLIC SFSAD Removes the connect authority given to public on the ENROLL PUBLIC command. (For use by file pool administrator only.) DELETE USER SFSAD Removes a user from a SFS file pool. (F or use by file pool administrator only.) DIRECT PLNGDE Processes the control statements in a CP directory file. DISKMAP PLNGDE Summarizes the MDISK statements in the CP directory file. DOSGEN INST Builds the CMSDOS physical saved segfl?ent. DOSPLI VSEPP Compiles DOS PL/I source code under CMS/DOS. 20 VM/SP CMS Command Reference the CMS installation saved segment (CMSINST). Introduction Table 5 (Page 2 of 4). CMS Commands Described in other Publications Command Book Code Usage ENROLL ADMINISTRATOR SFSAD Adds a file system administrator to the specified SFS file pool. (For use by file pool administrator only). ENROLL PUBLIC SFSAD Gives connect authority for a SFS file pool to all users. (For use by file pool administrator only.) ENROLL USER SFSAD Enrolls a user in the specified SFS file pool. (For use by file pool administrator only.) EXPAND SERV Adds space to a program in object deck form. FCOBOL VSEPP Compiles DOS/VS COBOL source code under CMS/DOS. FILEPOOL BACKUP SFSAD Backs up all data in a user storage group and all associated file pool catalog data. FILEPOOL CLEANUP SFSAD Corrects storage group or administration machine problems. FILEPOOL FORMAT AUDIT SFSAD Formats the security audit data created by file pool server processing. FILEPOOL RESTORE SFSAD Loads the specified file pool storage group from a copy of the storage group data created by FILEPOOL BACKUP processing. FILESERV BACKUP SFSAD Starts a file pool server in dedicated maintenance mode to back up the control data. FILESERV DEFAUDIT SFSAD Adds, changes, or deletes the assignment of the security audit output file for a file pool. FILESERV DEFBACKUP SFSAD Adds, changes, or deletes the assignment of the control data backup file for the file pool. FILESERV GENERATE SFSAD Defines and initializes a new CMS SFS file pool. IPCSSCAN IPCS Provides interactive analysis of dumps and CPT RAP files. GEN3705 INST Generates an exec file that assembles and link-edits the 370413705 Control Program. GENSERVE SERV Builds CMS Shared File System (SFS) file pool server load modules. GENTSAF SERV Builds the RUNTSAF module and creates a TSAF load map. GROUP INST Builds a GCS configuration file. IOCP IOCP UG Uses the Input/Output Configuration Program ITASK INST Performs most of the installation procedure by invoking other execs and commands. LANGGEN SFPROG Saves all text files for a language in a saved segment, and/or save CP message repository. Chapter 1. Introduction and General Concepts 21 Introduction Table 5 (Page 3 of 4). CMS Commands Described in other Publications Command Book Code Usage LANGMERG SFPROG Combines all language-related files for an application into one text file. MODIFY USER SFSAD Modifies a user's file space allocation in the Shared File System. (For use by file pool administrator only.) PRB IPCS Update IPCS problem status. PRELOAD SERV Collects multiple text files and reformats them into a single text file. PROB IPCS Enters a problem report in IPCS. PROP SFPROG Provides Programmable Operator capability. SAMGEN INST Loads and saves the CMSBAM saved segment. SAVENCP INST Reads a 370413705 Control Program load module into virtual storage, and extracts the control information required by CP. storage and save an image on a CP-owned disk. SEGGEN ADGCMS Builds and saves a physical saved segment that is composed of one or more logical saved segments. SNTMAP PLNGDE Processes the macro definitions in a system name table (SNT) file. SPLOAD INST Loads files from the VM/SP product tape, source feature tape, or national language feature tape. and SFS directories during initial installation. STAT IPCS Displays the status of reported system problems. UTILITY SERV Performs installation and service utility tasks: obtains DASD information; creates stand-alone service programs on minidisk; writes an IPLable copy of the CP nucleus on tape; prints system definition files; creates a stand-alone service utility tape. VMFAPPLY SERV Creates andlor updates auxiliary control files for the PTFs on the service tape. VMFASM SERV Updates an ASSEMBLE source file according to entries in a control file, then assembles the updated file to produce an object file. VMFBLD SERV Copies and renames PTF numbered text decks, applies patches, builds objects (nucleus, SFS load modules, RUNSTAF module). VMFDOS INST Creates CMS files for VSE modules from VSE library distribution tape or SYSIN tape. VMFHASM SERV Updates an ASSEMBLE source file according to entries in a control file, then assembles the updated file with the H-assembler to produce an object file. VMFLKED SERV Link-edits modules into a load library (LOADLIB). 22 VM/SP CMS Command Reference Introduction Table 5 (Page 4 of 4). CMS Commands Described in other Publications Command Book Code Usage VMFLOAD SERV Punches a nucleus or stand-alone dump load deck. VMFMAC SERV Builds macro libraries (MACLIBs) containing macro and copy files. VMFMERGE SERV Applies PTFs to SNA products. VMFNLS SERV Applies updates to national language files and compiles the updated versions. VMFOVER SERV Creates a temporary product parameter file containing parameters for a single component and applies component parameter overrides. VMFPLC2 SERV Loads files from tape, dumps files to tape, and controls various tape drive operations. VMFREC SERV Receives program update service or corrective service from tape. VMFREMOV SERV Removes PTFs from SNA products. VMFSETUP SERV Defines a minidisk and SFS directory access order. VMFTXT SERV Builds a text library (TXTLIB) containing text decks. VMFZAP SERV Applies ZAPs to SNA products. VMSERV SERV Controls the individual service execs on the system Program Update Tape. VRSIZE SERV Builds a DMKSLC TEXT file used to generate a virtual = rea (v = R) area when building the CP nucleus. VSAMGEN INST Builds the CMSVSAM and CMSAMS physical saved segments. VSAPL OSPP Uses VS APL interface in CMS. VSEVSAM INST Loads VSE/VSAM assembler macros from tape and builds the VSEVSAM MACLIB. ZAP SERV Modifies or dumps MODULE, LOAD LIB, or TXTLIB files. ZAPTEXT SERV Modifies or dumps individual text files. Chapter 1. Introduction and General Concepts 23 Introduction 24 VM/SP CMS Command Reference CMS Commands Chapter 2. CMS Commands This part contains reference information for the CMS commands used by general users. Each command description indicates the command format, operands and options~ it also lists error messages and return codes the command issues. Usage notes are provided, where applicable. For information about the System Product Interpreter, see the VMjSP System Product Interpreter Reference, and the VMjSP System Product Interpreter User's Guide. For details on the XEDIT subcommands and macros, see VMjSP System Product Editor Command and Macro Reference. For usage information on XEDIT subcommands and macros, see VMjSP System Product Editor User's Guide. For more detailed usage information on CMS commands, see the VMjSP CMS User's Guide. The following commands and subcommands exist in the CP, CMS, and XEDIT environments: CP QUERY SET The following commands and subcommands exist in the CMS and XEDIT environments: HELP LOAD SORT XEDIT The following command and subcommand exists in the CP and XED IT environments: RESET The command formats are presented in the following order: • Command Name: Identifies the name of the command. The name is also included at the top of the page for easy reference. • Function Description: Describes the general use of the command. • Format: Lists the syntax (format) of the command with all the possible operands that you can use. • Operand and Option Description: Describes the function of each operand and option and any values that you can include. • Usage Notes: Contains notes about special uses of the command, its operands, or combinations of commands or operands. • Examples: Provides one or more examples to show how the command is commonly used. • Responses: Describes the responses sent to the terminal, caused by execution of the command. Some responses are command responses and are not to be construed as VMjSP system messages. When the command responses are not prefixed, they are not contained in VMjSP System Messages and Codes. • Messages and Return Codes: Lists the messages issued by the command. In some cases, the text of a message is longer than a line on the display screen. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 2S eMS Commands The message text may be divided in the middle of a word and continued on successive lines. Refer to VM / SP System Messages and Codes for detailed information about the messages. Refer to VM/SP System Messages Cross-Reference for a listing of messages. 16 VM/SP CMS Command Reference ACCESS ACCESS Use the ACCESS command to: • identify a minidisk or Shared File System (SFS) directory to CMS, • set up a list of the files on the specified minidisk or directory in your storage, • establish a file mode letter for the files on a minidisk or in a directory. Format - ACcess [ (optionsA ... [ ) ]] dirid fm [ /ext] vdev 1m [' ext [~ [~ [7]]]] [(optionsB... [>]] - - OptionsA: [NO PROF] [NODISK] J OptionsB: [NOPROF] [ERASE SAVEONLY NOSAVE [NODISK] Operands If you issue ACCESS without any operands, the 191 disk or top directory is accessed as file mode A. dirid identifies the SFS directory to be accessed. F or this command you cannot use the 1m format of dirid. For a more detailed description of a'irid, refer to "Naming Shared File System (SFS) Directories" on page 4. 1m assigns a one-character file mode letter to all files on the minidisk or directory being accessed. ext indicates the file mode of the parent minidisk or SFS directory. Files on the minidisk (vdev) or directory (dirid) being accessed are logically associated with files on the parent mini disk or directory. The minidisk or directory is considered a read-only extension. A parent minidisk or directory must be accessed in the search order before the extension. A blank must not precede or follow the slash. vdev makes available the minidisk at the specified virtual device address. Valid addresses are: • 0001 through FFFF for a 370jXA mode virtual machine • 001 through 5FF for a VMjSP virtual machine in basic control mode Chapter 2. CMS Commands 27 ACCESS • 001 through FFF for a System/370 mode virtual machine or VM/SP virtual machine in extended control mode. On VM/SP and System/370 mode virtual machines you can supply a leading zero. For example, access 0293 b Note: In the preceding description a VM/SP virtual machine and a VM/XA SP System/370 mode virtual machine are equivalent; a VM/XA SP 370-XA mode virtual machine allows you to use addresses above the 16Mb line. Valid addresses in both environments are described to help you pl~n and develop applications that will run in both environments. fn lft lfm]] defines a subset of the files on the specified minidisk. Only the specified files are included in the user file directory and only those files can be read. An asterisk coded in any of these fields indicates all file names, file types, or file mode numbers (except 0) are to be included. (See Usage Notes 2 and 3 under "Using the ACCESS command with vdev.") To specify a file mode, use a letter and a number, for example: 81 For OS and DOS disk access restrictions, see Usage Note 8 under "Using the ACCESS command with vdev." Options NO PROF suppresses execution of a PROFILE EXEC file. This option is valid only if the ACCESS command is the first command entered after you IPL CMS. Only the minidisk or directory at file mode A and the system disk (file mode S) with its associated extensions are accessed. On any ACCESS commands issued after you have IPLed CMS, the PROFILE EXEC is not executed and the NOPROF option is ignored. NODISK lets you gain access to the CMS operating system with no minidisks or directories accessed by CMS except the system disk (file mode S) and its extensions. This option is only valid if the ACCESS command is the first command you enter after you IPL CMS. ERASE indicates that 'you want to erase all of the files on the specified minidisk. This option is only valid for read/write disks. (See Usage Note 6 under "Using the ACCESS command with vdev"). SAVEONLY accesses the minidisk if a saved copy of the file directory information is available in a saved segment. If it is not available, the minidisk is not accesse~. NOSAVE accesses the minidisk and places the file directory information in your virtual machine. A saved copy of the file directory information in a saved segment i~ not used. 28 VMjSP CMS Command Reference ACCESS Usage Notes Using the ACCESS command with either dirid or vdev 1. If you have a default file pool defined in your VM/SP directory, or if you define it when you IPL CMS, your top directory in that file pool is accessed as file mode A. Otherwise, if you have a defined disk address of 191 in your VM/SP directory, or you define it before you IPL CMS, your 191 disk is accessed as A. If you do not have either a top directory in the default file pool or a 191 disk defined, then nothing is accessed as file mode A. Issuing ACCESS without any parameters or options accesses your top directory or 191 disk in the same manner. 2. If you have defined disk addresses 190, 192, and 19E in the VM/SP directory, or if they are defined before you IPL CMS, these disks are accessed as file mode S, D, and Y respectively. Following an IPL of CMS, you must issue explicit ACCESS commands to access other mini disks or directories. Ordinarily, you have access only to files with a file mode number of 2 on the system disk, or file mode S. Note that you cannot specify a file mode of S with the ACCESS command. When ACCESS is the first command issued after an IPL of the CMS system, a disk or SFS directory is not automatically defined as file mode A. Another ACCESS command must be issued to define a minidisk or directory as file mode A. 3. If you enter the ACCESS command and any associated operands or options at the VM READ after you IPL CMS, it must be entered in American English; you cannot use any other national language. 4. You can force a read/write minidisk or SFS directory into read-only status by accessing it as an extension of another minidisk, directory, or of itself; for example: access 191 a/a forces your 191 disk into read-only status. Note: You can write to a file in a read-only SFS directory if you have write authority to the file. 5. When a minidisk or SFS directory is made a read-only extension of another minidisk or directory, some commands that allow you to specify a file mode will search extensions of the specified minidisk or directory. For a detailed description of read-only extensions, see the eMS User's Guide. 6. When you access a minidisk or SFS directory, a list of the files on the minidisk or directory is stored in your virtual machine. F or shared mini disks, if another user updates a file on the minidisk, the minidisk's file directory is updated, but the list of files in your storage is not. You must reaccess the minidisk to get the current list of files. For SFS directories, the list of files in your storage is automatically kept current for you. If another user updates a file in the SFS directory, your list of files is updated automatically and there is no need for you to reaccess the SFS directory. 7. If you are experiencing poor response time, and you have lots of directories or minidisks accessed, you should release the accessed directories and minidisks that you are not using. See the CMS RELEASE command. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 29 ACCESS Using the ACCESS command with dirid 1. When you access an SFS directory, the read/write status is determined by who owns it. • If you are the directory owner, then it is accessed as read/write. • If you are not the directory owner, then the directory is accessed as read-only. • If you attempt to access a directory for which you are not authorized, the directory is not accessed. 2. Reading and writing to another user's files in the Shared File System is controlled at the file level. Therefore, although you can only access another user's directory as read-only, you can write to files for which you have been granted write authority. Refer to the VM/SP eMS User's Guide for more detail. 3. If a directory is locked EXCLUSIVE, only the holder of the lock can access the directory. If a directory is locked SHARE or UPDATE, any authorized user can access the directory. 4. You can access a directory as read-only even if it has no files in it. Using the ACCESS command with vdev 1. Associated with each CMS minidisk is a file directory, which conq.ins an entry for every CMS file on the minidisk. Specifying ACCESS without the SAVEONLY or NOSAVE options accesses the minidisk using a saved copy of the file directory that contains entries for only those files that you can reference. If the saved segment containing the saved copy is not available or is not current, ACCESS creates a file directory in your virtual machine. If you use the CP LINK command to link to a new minidisk, issue an ACCESS command each time. Do this so that you obtain the appropriate file directory. 2. The In It 1m fields can only be specified for minidisks that are accessed as read-only extensions. Also, requesting a subset of files creates a file directory in your virtual machine. For example: access 195 b/a * assemble gives you read-only access to all the files with a file type of ASSEMBLE on the minidisk at virtual address 195, and the file directory information is stored in your virtual machine. The command: access 190 z/a * * zl gives you access to all files on the system disk (190) that have a file mode number of 1. When you access any minidisk in read-only status, files with a file mode number of 0 are not accessed. 3. You can also identify a set of files on a minidisk by referring to a file name or file type prefix. For example: access 192 cia abc* accesses only those files in the minidisk at virtual address 192 whose file names begin with the characters ABC. The command: access 192 cia * a* c2 30 VM/SP CMS Command Reference ACCESS gives you access to all files whose file types begin with an A and that have a file mode number of 2. 4. Accessing the same minidisk with different file modes affects the type of access. Once a minidisk is accessed using a saved file directory, subsequent ACCESS commands for the same minidisk place the file directory in your virtual machine. For example, the command sequence access 19f 9 access 19f h access 19f i accesses the minidisk defined at address 19F with a saved file directory for the file mode G minidisk while the minidisks with file mode H and I are accessed with the file directory in your virtual machine. 5. When you have linked to a formatted minidisk as read-only, and it does not contain any files, you cannot access the minidisk. A formatted minidisk linked as read/write can be accessed whether or not it contains files. 6. If you enter the ERASE option by mistake, you can recover from the error as long as you have not yet written any new files onto the minidisk. (That is, you have not yet caused CMS to rewrite the file directory.) Reissue the ACCESS command without the ERASE option. 7. You should never attempt to access a mini disk in read/write status if another user already has it in read/write status; the results are unpredictable. 8. When accessing OS and DOS disks: a. You cannot specify file name, file type and file mode when you access OS or DOS disks, nor can you specify any options. b. In order to see OS and DOS disks, you must have a read/write minidisk or SFS directory available as file mode A, if you are going to use the LOAD command with the MAP option. (MAP is a default option.) c. If two or more minidisks have been accessed in CMS, and CP DEFINE commands are executed that swap virtual addresses, then a subsequent RELEASE command may write the file directory on the wrong minidisk; for example: (CMS) (CMS) (CP) (CP) (CMS) ACCESS 193 ACCESS 198 DEFINE 193 DEFINE 198 RELEASE C C E 293 193 This sequence of commands will write the file directory from 193 to 198 since the CP definitions are unknown to CMS. Example Assuming that a default file pool has been set, to access an SFS directory called .PRO]l as your file mode A, enter: access .projl a To access a minidisk defined at address 498 as file mode B, enter the following: access 498 b To access a minidisk defined at address 498 as file mode B (only if a saved copy of the directory is available), enter the following: access 498 b (saveonly Chapter 2. CMS Commands 31 ACCESS Responses OMSACP7231 mode (vdevldirname) {R/OIR/W} [-OS I-DOS] This message is displayed if the specified minidisk or directory is a read-only CMS minidisk or read-only SFS directory. If the minidisk is in OS or DOS format, the message indicates the format, as well as whether it is a read/write or read-only minidisk. OMSACC7241 vdevlldirnamel replaces mode (vdev2Idirname2) Before execution of the command, the minidisk represented by vdev2, or the directory represented by dirname2, was accessed as mode. The minidisk vdevl, or directory dirnamel is now assigned that file mode letter. OMSACP7251 vdevldirname also = mode [-OSI-OOS] minidisk The minidisk specified by vdev, or directory specified by dirname, is accessed as mode and an ACCESS command was issued to assign it another file mode letter. OMSACP7261 vdevldirname mode released The minidisk being accessed at virtual address vdev as a read/write minidisk, or the directory dirname, is already accessed at a different mode. It is released from that mode. Messages and Return Codes DMSACC017E DMSACR048E DMSACC059E DMSACP060E ) DMSACC066E DMSACCI09S DMSACP112S DMSACP113S DMSACP230W DMSACPI078E DMSACR1184E DMSACR1210E DMSACR1216E DMSACR1216E DMSJED1223E Invalid device address vdev [RC = 24] Invalid filemode fm [RC = 24] vdevldirname already accessed as read/write filemode fm [RC = 36] File(s)fn 1ft lfm]] not found; diskfm(vdev) will not be accessed [RC=28] optionl and option2 are conflicting options [RC = 24] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Diskfm(vdev) device error [RC= 100] fm(vdev) not attached [RC= 100] O/S disk--fileid and/or options specified are ignored [RC = 4] Cannot access saved file directory for this disk [RC = 44] Directory dirname not found or you are not authorized for it [RC= 100] Directory dirname not found [RC = 100] Option option is not valid when used for a directory [RC = 24] Parameter parameter is not valid when used for a file in a directory [RC = 24] There is no default file pool currently defined [RC = 40] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 32 Reason Page Errors in command syntax Errors in the Shared File System 811 813 VM/SP CMS Command Reference AMSERV AMSERV Use the AMSERV command to invoke access method services to: • Define VSAM catalogs, data spaces, or clusters • Alter, list, copy, delete, export or import VSAM catalogs and data sets. Format AMserv Inl [~l Options: [ ( options ... [)] ] [ PRINT] Operands In1 specifies the file name of a eMS file with a file type of AMSERV that contains the access method services control statements to be executed. eMS searches all of your accessed disks and SFS directories, using the standard search order, to locate the file. In2 specifies the file name of the eMS file that is to contain the access method services listing; the file type is always LISTING. If fn2 is not specified, the LISTING file will have the same name as the AMSERV input file (fnl). The LISTING file is written to the first read/write disk or directory in the standard search order, usually your disk or directory accessed as A. If a LISTING file with the same name already exists, it is replaced. Options PRINT spools the output listing to the virtual printer, instead of writing it to a disk or directory. If PRINT is specified, fn2 cannot be specified. TAPIN 18n TAPIN TAPn specifies that tape input is on the tape drive at the address indicated by l8n or TAPn. The number, n, may be 1, 2, 3, or 4, indicating virtual addresses 181 through 184, respectively. TAPOUT 18n TAPOUT TAPn specifies that tape output should be written to the tape drive at the address indicated by 18n or TAPn. The number, n, may be 1,2, 3, or 4, indicating virtual addresses 181 through 184, respectively. Note: If both T APIN and T APOUT are specified, their virtual device addresses must be different. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 33 AMSERV Usage Notes 1. To create a job stream for access method services, you can use an editor to create a file with the file type of AMSERV. The editor automatically sets input margins at columns 2 and 72. 2. Restrictions placed on VSAM usage in CMS are listed in this publication in "Appendix A: VSE/VSAM Functions Not Supported in CMS"and "Appendix B: OS/VS Access Method Services and VSAM Functions Not Supported in eMS." Refer to Using VSE/VSAM Commands and Macros for a description of access method services control statements format and syntax. 3. You must use the DLBL command to identify the master catalog. Input and output files may also require a DLBL command. For more information on DLBL requirements for AMSERV see VSE/VSAM Programmer's Reference. 4. When you use tape input and/or output with the AMSERV command, you are prompted to enter the ddnames; a maximum of 16 ddnames are allowed for either input or output. The ddnames can each have a maximum of seven characters and must be separated by blanks. While using AMSERV, only one tape at a time can be attached for either input or output. If you you enter more than one tape ddname, specify the tape files in the sequehce they are used in the input stream. S. A CMS format variable file cannot be used directly as input to AMSERV functions as a variable (V) or variable blocked (VB) file because the standard variable CMS record does not contain the BL and RL headers needed by the variable record modules. If these headers are not included in the record, errors will result. Most files written by AMSERV will show a RECFM of V, even if the true format is fixed (F), fixed blocked (FB), undefined (U), variable or variable blocked. The programmer must know the true format of the file he is trying to use with the AMSERV command and access it properly, or errors will result. 6. If an AMSERV command abnormally terminates or you issue HX to terminate an AMSERV command, the AMSERV environment may not be reset correctly. If a subsequent AMSERV abends, you must re-IPL CMS. 7. If the AMSERV input file contains the access method services control statement "DELETE" with "IGNORERROR," the PRINT option on the AMSERV command must be used to send the listing to the virtual printer. 8. The density used for tapes is the default density of the tape drive or the density of the tape mounted on it. Additional Note/or eMS/DOS Users: AMSERV internally issues an ASSGN command for SYSIPT and locates the source file; therefore, you do not need to assign it. If you use the TAPIN or TAPOUT options, AMSERV also issues ASSGN commands for the tape drives (assigning logical units SYS004 and SYSOOS). Any other assignments and DLBL definitions that are in effect when you invoke the AMSERV command are saved and restored when the command completes executing. 34 VM/SP CMS Command Reference AMSERV Example If you enter the AMSERV command with no options, for example: amserv myfil e you will get a CMS file with a file name of MYFILE and a file type of LISTING. LISTING files take up considerable space, so you should erase them as you no longer need them. If you do not want to create a file from the listing, you can have the output spooled to the virtual printer. The following command: amserv myfile (print spools the output to the virtual printer and no file is created. Responses The CMS ready message indicates that access method services has completed processing. If access method services completed with a nonzero return code, the return code is shown in the ready message. Examine the LISTING file created by AMSERV to determine the results of access method services processing. The publication VSE/VSAM Mes,vages and Codes lists and explains the messages access method services generates and the associated reason codes. DMSAMS367R Enter tape {inputloutput} DDNAMEs: This message prompts you to enter the ddnames associated with the tape files. DMSAMS722I File In LISTING 1m will hold AMSERV output This message is displayed when you enter a fn2 operand or when the listing is not being written on your disk or directory accessed as A; it tells you the file identifier of the output listing. Messages and Return Codes DMSAMSOOIE DMSAMS002E DMSAMS003E DMSAMS006E DMSAMS007E DMSAMS065E DMSAMS066E DMSAMS070E DMSAMSI09S DMSASN113S DMSAMS136S DMSAMS22SE No filename specified [RC = 24] File FNAMEI AMSERV not found [RC=2S] Invalid option: option [RC = 24] No read/write filemode accessed for FNAME2 LISTING [RC=36] File FNAMEI AMSERV 1m not fixed, SO-character records [RC=32] option option specified twice [RC = 24] option1 and option2 are conflicting options [RC = 24] Invalid parameter parameter [RC = 24] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Tapn(vdev) not attached [RC= 100] Unable to load IDCMAS [RC= 104] No DDNAME entered [RC=24] Chapter 2. CMS Commands 35 ASSEMBLE ASSEMBLE Use the ASSEMBLE command to invoke the assembler to assemble a file containing source statements. Assembler processing and output is controlled by the options selected. Format Assemble fn [ ( options •.. [ ) ] ] Listing Control Options: J r ] [ESD [FLAG (nnn)] LINECOUN ~n)] ALOGIC [ NOALOGIC LNOESD FLAG lID. IJ.,INECOUN (55) t~~lISJ [::8~~LLl [:l>~~~GIClt~~~LD] [~~f:~Gl XREF (FULL) ] XREF (SHORT) [ NOXREF J -PRINT NO PRINT DISK Output Control Options: rINODECK DECK J[OBJECT JrTEST J NOOBJECT LNOTEST SYSTERM Options: ] [STMT 1 [TERMINAIJ LNOSTMTJ NOTERM J rNUMBER LNONUM Other Assembler Options: ALIGN [ NOALIGN 1 YFLAG [ NOYFLAG 1 BUFSIZE (MIN) :QUFSIZE (STD) [ BUFSIZE (MAX) 1 SYSPARM (string) SYSPARM () [ SYSPARM (?) 1 RENT ] [.NORENT WORKSIZE (2048K) [ WORKSIZE (nnnnnK) 1 Operands fn is the file name of the source file to be assembled and/or the file name of assembler output files. The file must have fixed-length, 80-character records. By default, the assembler expects a eMS file with a file type of ASSEMBLE. 36 VM/SP CMS Command Reference ASSEMBLE Listing Control Options The list below describes the assembler options you can use to control the assembler listing. ALOGIC lists conditional assembly statements in open code. NOALOGIC suppresses the ALOGIC option. ESD lists the external symbol dictionary (ESD). NOESD suppresses the printing of the ESD listing. FLAG (nnn) FLAG (0) does not include diagnostic messages and MNOTE messages below severity code nnn in the listing. Diagnostic messages can have severity codes of 4, 8, 12, 16, or 20 (20 is the most severe); and MNOTE message severity codes can be between 0 and 255. For example, FLAG (8) suppresses diagnostic messages with a severity code of 4 and MNOTE messages with severity codes of 0 through 7. LINECOUN (nn) LINECOUN (55) nn specifies the number of lines to be listed per page. LIST produces an assembler listing. Any previous listing is erased. NOLIST does not produce an assembler listing. However, any previous listing is still erased. This option overrides ESD, RLD, and XREF. MCALL lists the inner macro instructions encountered during macro generation following their respective outer macro instructions. The assembler assigns statement numbers to these instructions. The MCALL option is implied by the MLOGIC option; NOMCALL has no effect if MLOGIC is specified. NOMCALL suppresses the MCALL option. MLOGIC lists all statements of a macro definition processed during macro generation after the macro instruction. The assembler assigns statement numbers to them. NOMLOGIC suppresses the MLOGIC option. RLD produces the relocation dictionary (RLD) as part of the listing. NORLD does not print the relocation dictionary. LmMAC lists the macro definitions read from the macro libraries and any assembler statements following the logical END statement. The logical END statement is the first END statement processed during macro generation. It may appear in a macro or in open code; it may even be created by substitution. The assembler Chapter 2. CMS Commands 37 ASSEMBLE assigns statement numbers to the statements that follow the logical END statement. NOLIBMAC suppresses the LIBMAC option. XREF (FULL) includes in the assembler listing a cross-reference table of all symbols used in the assembly. This includes symbols that are defined but never referenced. The assembler listing also contains a cross-reference table of literals used in the assembly. XREF (SHORT) includes in the assembltr listing a cross-reference table of all symbols that are referenced in the assembly. Any symbols defined but not referenced are not included in the table. The assembler listing contains a cross-reference table of literals used in the assembly. NOXREF does not print the cross-reference tables. PRINT PR writes the LISTING file to the printer. NO PRINT NOPR suppresses the printing of the LISTING file. DISK DI places the LISTING file on a disk or SFS directory, searching for the disk or directory in the following order: 1. An accessed read/write disk or directory from which the assemble source is read. 2. The read/write "parent" disk or directory, if the assemble source is read from a disk or directory that is accessed as a read-only extension. 3. The disk or directory accessed as A with read/write access. If the disk or directory accessed as A is not accessed RfW and the first two conditions do not apply, then an error message is generated. Output Control Options The output control options are used to control the object module output of the assembler. DECK writes the object module on the device specified on the FILEDEF statement for PUNCH. If this option is specified with the OBJECT option, the object module is written both on the PUNCH and TEXT files. NO DECK suppresses the DECK option. 38 VM/SP CMS Command Reference ASSEMBLE OBJECT OBJ writes the object module on the device, which is specified by the FILEDEF statement for TEXT, and erases any previous object modules. If this option is specified with the DECK option, the object module is written on the two devices specified in the FILEDEF statement for TEXT and PUNCH. NOOBJEC;r NOOBJ does not create the object module. However, any previous object module is still erased. TEST includes the special source symbol table (SYM cards) in the object module. This option should not be used for programs to be run under CMS because the SYM cards are not acceptable to the CMS LOAD and INCLUDE commands. NOTEST does not produce SYM cards. SYSTERM Options The SYSTERM options are used to control the SYSTERM file associated with your assembly. NUMBER NUM writes the line number field (columns 73-80 of the input records) in the SYSTERM listing for statements for which diagnostic information is given. This option is valid only if TERMINAL is specified. NONUM suppresses the NUMBER option. STMT writes the statement number assigned by the assembler in the SYSTERM listing for statements for which diagnostic information is given. This option is valid only if TERMINAL is specified. NOSTMT suppresses the STMT option. TERMINAL TERM writes the diagnostic information on the SYSTERM data set. The diagnostic information consists of the diagnosed statement followed by the error message issued. NOTERM suppresses the TERMINAL option. Other Assembler Options The following options allow you to specify various functions and values for the assembler. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 39 ASSEMBLE ALIGN ALGN aligns all data on the proper boundary in the object module; for example, an F-type constant is aligned on a full word boundary. In addition, the assembler checks storage addresses used in machine instructions for alignment violations. NOALIGN NOALGN does not align data areas other than those specified in CCW instructions. The assembler does not skip bytes to align constants on proper boundaries. Alignment violations in machine instructions are not diagnosed. BUFSIZE (MIN) uses the minimum buffer sizes (790 bytes) for each of the utility data sets (SYSUTl, SYSUT2, and SYSUT3). Storage normally used for buffers is allocated to work space. Because more work space is available, more complex programs can be assembled in a given virtual storage size; but the speed of the assembly is substantially reduced. BUFSIZE (STD) chooses the buffer size that gives optimum performance. The buffer size depends on the amount of virtual storage. Of the assembler working storage in excess of minimum requirements, 37% is allocated to the utility data set buffers and the rest to macro generation dictionaries. BUFSIZE (MAX) is useful when many macros and/or large macros are used in an assembly. The assembler uses up to 15 save areas for input records and saves the areas according to their frequency of use, optimizing the macro generation phase. This option has no effect unless a large enough region is available. The number of allocated save areas is printed on the statistics page of the assembler listing. Refer to the OS/VS-VM/370 Assembler Programmer's Guide, Appendix E for a description of the effects of BUFSIZE. RENT checks your program for a possible violation of program re-enterability. Code that makes your program nonre-enterable is identified by an error message. NORENT suppresses the RENT option. YFLAG does not suppress the warning messages that indicate that relocatable Y -type address constants have been declared. NOYFLAG suppresses the warning messages that indicate relocatable Y -type constants have been declared. SYSPARM (string) SYSPARM 0 SYSPARM (?) passes a character value to the system variable symbol, SYSPARM. The variable (string) may be up to 100 characters long, and may not contain any blanks or parentheses. If you want to enter a string containing blanks or parentheses, use the SYSPARM (?) format. With the SYSPARM (?) format, CMS prompts you with the message: ENTER SYSPARM: 40 VMjSP CMS Command Reference ASSEMBLE 0 enters a null string of You can enter up to 100 characters. SYSPARM characters. Note: If ASSEMBLE is called as a command, the SYSP ARM information is translated to uppercase. WORKSIZE (2048K) WORKSIZE (nnnnnK) allows the user to delimit the use of region space. The specified value does not include the space for modules and system areas. The allowed range is from 32K to 10240K. The virtual machine size must be large enough to accommodate the WORKSIZE option; otherwise the option has no effect. Usage Notes 1. When you issue the ASSEMBLE command, default FILEDEF commands are issued for assembler data sets. You may want to override these with explicit FILEDEF commands. The ddnames used by the assembler are: ASSEMBLE (SYSIN input to the assembler) TEXT (SYSLIN output of the assembler) LISTING (SYSPRINT output of the assembler) PUNCH (SYSPUNCH output of the assembler) CMSLIB (SYSLIB input to the assembler) SYSUTI (workfile of the assembler) SYSUT2 (workfile of the assembler) SYSUT3 (workfile of the assembler) The default FILEDEF commands issued by the assembler for theseddnames are: FILEDEF FILEDEF FILEDEF FILEDEF FILEDEF FILEDEF FILEDEF FILEDEF ASSEMBLE DISK fn ASSEMBLE fm (RECFM FB LRECL SG BLOCK SGG TEXT DISK fn TEXT fm LISTING DisK fn LISTING fm (RECFM FBA BLOCK 121G PUNCH PUNCH CMSLIB DISK CMSLIB MACLIB * (RECFM. FB LRECL SG BLOCK SGG SYSUTl DISK fn SYSUTl fm4 (BLOCK 7294 AUXPROC asmproc SYSUT2 DISK fn SYSUT2 fm4 (BLOCK 7294 AUXPROC asmproc SYSUT3 DISK fn SYSUT3 fm4 (BLOCK 7294 AUXPROC asmproc At the completion of the ASSEMBLE command, all FILEDEFs that do not have the PERM option are erased. 2. If you want to use any CMS macro or copy libraries during an assembly, issue the GLOBAL command to identify the macro libraries before you issue the ASSEMBLE command. For example: global maclib dmssp cmslib osmacro testlib identifies the MACLIB files named CMSLIB, DMSSP, OSMACRO, and TESTLIB. 3. To use OS macro libraries during an assembly, issue the FILEDEF com~and for the OS data set. Use a ddname of CMSLIB and assign a eMS file identifier; the file type must be MACLIB, and you must use the file name on the GLOBAL command line. For example: filedef cmslib disk oldtest maclib c dsn oldtest macros global maclib oldtest Chapter 2. CMS Commands 41 ASSEMBLE assigns the OS data set OLDTEST.MACROS, on the disk or directory accessed as C, a CMS file ID of OLDTEST MACLIB and identifies it as the macro library to be used during assembly. 4. You cannot assemble programs using DOS macros from the DOS/VS source statement libraries under CMS/DOS. You should use the SSERV, ESERV, and MACLIB commands to create CMS MACLIBs to contain DOS macros for assembly under CMS/DOS. See VM/SP Application Development Guide for eMS for examples. 5. You need not make any logical assignments for input or output files when you use the assembler under CMS/DOS. File definitions are assigned by default under CMS, as described in Usage Note 1. 6. ASSEMBLE uses the extended plist for processing the SYSPARM parameter. If you are calling ASSEMBLE from an assembler language program and using SYSPARM, you should supply an extended plist. VM/SP Application Development Guide for eMS has more information on how an assembler language program can supply an extended plist. 7. Usage information about the VM/SP Assembler Language and assembler options can be found in OS/VS and VM/370 Assembler Programmer's Guide and OS/VS, DOS/VS, and VM/370 Assembler Language. 8. When assembling large files, you may want to issue the FILEDEF command for the SYSUTn data sets to avoid a filling a disk or your file space. When you issue the ASSEMBLE command, CMS builds the SYSUTI data set in storage until there is no more space, and then puts the file on a disk or directory. The SYSUTI file has a record length of 8000 and a fixed record format. To avoid filling the disk or your file space prematurely, issue the FILEDEF command for the SYSUTn data sets, and they will not be built in storage. Instead, the SYSUTn files are built only on disk or in a directory with a record length of 7294 and a variable record format, which uses less space. Example Specifying the following: assemble myfile (print assembles the assembler language source file MYFILE ASSEMBLE into object module format and directs the output listing to printer. Messages and Return Codes For the messages and return codes associated with the ASSEMBLE command, see the OS/VS and VM/370 Assembler Programmer's Guide. 42 VM/SP CMS Command Reference ASSGN ASSGN Use the ASSGN command in CMS/DOS to assign or unassign a system or programmer logical unit for a virtual I/O device. Format , ASSGN SYS xxx , Reader PUnch PRinter Terminal [( options ... [ ) ] ] mode IGN lOA Options: [UPCASE ] [7TRACK] [TRTCH a] [DEN den] LOWCASE 9TRACK Operands SYSxxx specifies the system or programmer logical unit to be assigned to a particular physical device. SYSOOO through SYS241 are valid programmer logical units in CMS/DOS; they may be assigned to any valid device. The system logical units you may assign, and the devices to which they may be assigned, are: SYSxxx SYSRDR SYSIPT SYSIN SYSPCH SYSLST SYSLOG SYSOUT SYSSLB SYSRLB SYSCLB SYSCAT Valid Assignments Reader, disk or directory, tape Reader, disk or directory,tape Reader, disk or directory,tape Punch, disk or directory,tape Printer, disk or directory,tape Terminal, printer Tape Disk or directory Disk or directory Disk or directory Disk or directory The assignment of a system logical unit to a particular device type must be consistent with the device type definition for the file in your program. Reader is the spooled card reader (card reader I/O must not be blocked). PUnch is the spooled punch. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 43 ASSGN PRinter is the spooled printer. Terminal is your terminal (terminal I/O must not be blocked). TAP(nJ is a magnetic tape. n is the symbolic number of the tape drive. It is either 1, 2; 3, or 4, representing virtual addresses 181, 182, 183, and 184, respectively. If n is omitted, TAP1 is assumed. mode specifies the one-character mode letter of the disk or directory being assigned to the logical unit (SYSxxx). The disk or directory must be accessed when the ASSON command is issued. SYSRDR, SYSIPT, and SYSIN cannot be assigned to a DOS-formatted FB-512 disk. IGN means that any attempt to read from the specified device results in an end-of-file indication, and that any attempt to write to the device is ignored. ION is not valid when associated with SYSRDR, SYSIPT, SYSIN, or SYSCLB. UA indicates that the logical unit is to be unassigned. When you release a disk or directory for which an assignment is active, it is automatically unassigned. Options UPCASE translates all terminal input data to uppercase. LOWCASE retains all teiminal input data as keyed in. 7tRACK 9TRACK is the tape setting. TRTCHa refers to the tape recording technique for 7-track tapes. Use the following chart to determihe the value of a. a Parity Converter Translator 0 odd off off oc odd on off OT odd off on E even off off ET even off on DEN den is tape density: den can be 200, 556, 800, 1600, or 6250 bits per inch (bpi). If 200 or 556 are specified, 7TRACK is assumed. If 800, 1600, or 6250 are specified, 9TRACK is assumed. (See Usage Note 8.) 44 VM/SP CMS Command Reference ASSGN Usage Notes 1. When you enter the CMS/DOS environment with the command SET DOS ON, SYSLOG is assigned by default to TERMINAL. If you specify the mode letter of the VSE system residence on the SET DOS ON command line, SYSRES is assigned to that mode. 2. You cannot assign any of the following VSE system logical units with the ASSGN command: SYSRES SYSLNK SYSDMP SYSCTL SYSREC 3. If you assign the logical unit SYSIN to a virtual device, SYSRDR and SYSIPT are also assigned to that device. If you make a logical assignment for SYSOUT, both SYSLST and SYSPCH are assigned. 4. To obtain a list of current assignments, use the LISTIO command. 5. To cancel all current assignments (that is, to unassign them), you can enter, in succession, the commands: set dos off set dos on [mode] 6. If you want to access VSE private libraries, you must assign the logical units SYSSLB (source statement library), SYSRLB (relocatable library), and SYSCLB (core image library), and you must issue the DLBL command to establish a file definition. 7. An assignment to mode should be accompanied by a DLBL command that provides the file identification. S. If no tape options are specified, the default for a 7-track tape is SOO bpi, data converter off, translator off, and odd parity. If the tape is 9-track, the density defaults to the highest density of the tape drive. 1600 bpi is the default for 9-track SOO/1600 dual-density tapes and 6250 bpi is the default for 9-track 1600/6250 dual-density tapes. If the tape drive is phase-encoded, density defaults to the density of the tape. If the tape drive is NRZI, the reset condition is SOO bpi. 9. SS09 tape drives require the 9TRACK and DEN 1600 options. These are the default options; it is not necessary to state them explicitly. 10. Assignment of Programmer Logical units to 'T' and 'R' is restricted to terminal and reader respectively. Example To assign logical unit SYS010 to a the disk or directory accessed as B, enter the following: d~sgn sys010 b Messages and Return Codes DMSASN003E DMSASN027E DMSASN02SE DMSASN029E DMSASN035E DMSASN050E DMSASN065E DMSASN066E DMSASN069E Invalid option: option [RC = 24] Invalid device devtype [for SYSaaa] [RC = 24] No logical unit specified [RC = 24] Invalid parameter parameter in the option option field [RC = 24] Invalid tape mode [RC = 24] Parameter missing after SYSaaa [RC = 24] option option specified twice [RC = 24] option1 and option2 are conflicting options [RC = 24] Filemode mode not accessed [RC = 36] Chapter 2. eMS Commands 4S ASSGN DMSASN070E DMSASN087E DMSASN090E DMSASN099E DMSASNl13S 46 VM/SP CMS Command Reference Invalid parameter parameter [RC = 24] Invalid assignment of SYSaaa to device devtype [RC = 24] Invalid device class devclass for devtype [RC = 36] CMS/DOS environment not active [RC = 40] Tapn(vdev) not attached [RC = 100] CATCHECK CATCHECK As a CMS VSAM user (with or without DOS set ON), you can use the CATCHECK command to invoke the VSE/VSAM Catalog Check Service Aid to verify a complete catalog structure. CATCHECK produces a print file containing the catalog analysis. If you do not specify a catalog name with CATCHECK, it uses the default catalog specified via the DLBL command. Format CATCHECK catname ] [ catname/password Operands catname is the catalog name of the catalog to be checked. The name can be a maximum of 44 characters and must follow the VSEjVSAM catalog naming conventions. password is the password for the catalog "catname" as specified when the. catalog was defined. The maximum length is 8 characters. If you specify the password, you must put a slash between the catalog name and the password. Usage Notes 1. If a catalog name is not specified on the command line, the default catalog is used. The default catalog is the job catalog identified via a ddname of "IJSYSUC" on the DLBL command. If a job catalog was not specified, the default catalog name will be the master catalog identified via the ddname of "IJSYSCT" on the DLBL command. 2. When a catalog name is specified, a DLBL need not be issued for the catalog if it is not the master catalog. A DLBL for the master catalog must always be in effect when running VSAM. 3. The output must always go to the virtual printer. 4. CATCHECK uses the extended plist for processing the catname/password parameter. If you are calling CATCHECK from an assembler language program and using catname or catname/password, you should supply an extended plist. VM/SP Application Development Guide for eMS has more information on how an assembler language program can supply an extended plist. Example If you have only issued a DLBL command for the master catalog, then specifying the following: catcheck private.catl produces a print file containing the catalog analysis for PRIVATE. CAT 1 catalog. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 47 CATCHECK Messages and Return Codes DMSCCKI09S DMSCCK803E DMSCCK804S DMSCCK805S DMSCCK806S DMSCCK807S 48 VM/SP CMS Command Reference Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Invalid parameter specification [RC =4] Error establishing CMS/DOS environment [RC = 8] Error assigning output to printer [RC = 12] VSE/VSAM phase IKQVCHK not found [RC = 16] Error encountered issuing ASSGN for catalog [RC = 20] CMDCALL CMDCALL Use the CMDCALL command to convert EXEC 2 extended PLIST function calls to CMS extended or standard PLIST command calls. Format CMDCALL [cmd [operand1 [operand2 ... operandn ] ] ] Operands cmd is the command that is to be invoked with the eMS extended PLIST, indicating invocation as a com:pland, rather than as a function. operand1 operand2 ... are th~ operanqs to be passed with the command. Usage Notes 1. The extended PLIST and the standard CMS PLIST are adjusted for the command or function called, and that command or function is invoked via SVC 204. 2. If an extended PLIST is not available, the command or function called is invoked only with the standard PLIST adjusted for the command or function called. 3. CMDCALL invoked with no calling command or function returns a return code of zero. Otherwise, the return code is that of the command invoked via the CMDCALL function. Example For example, if, from within your EXEC 2 exec, you want to erase the file TEST EXEC from your disk or directory accessed as A, you would specify the following: cmdcall erase test exec a Chapter 2. CMS Commands 49 CMSBATCH CMSBATCH ( Use the CMSBATCH command to invoke the CMS batch facility. Instead of compiling or executing a program interactively, virtual machine users can transfer jobs to the virtual card reader of an active CMS batch virtual machine. This frees their terminals for other work. Format CMSBATCH [sysname] Operands sysname is the eight-character identification of the saved system that is specifically generated for CMS batch operations via the CP SAVESYS command and the NAMESYS macro. Refer to the VMjSP Application Development Guide/or eMS publication for details on SAVESYS and NAMESYS use. Note: If sysname is not supplied on the command line, then the system that the system operator is currently logged onto becomes the CMS batch virtual machine. Usage Notes 1. The CMSBATCH command must be invoked immediately after an IPL of the CMS system. Alternatively, BATCH may be specified following the PARM operand on the IPL command line. 2. Do not issue the CMSBATCH command if you use a virtual disk at address 19S; the CMS batch virtual machine erases all files on the disk at address 19S. 3. For a description of how to send jobs to the CMS batch virtual machine, see the VMjSP CMS User's Guide. For an explanation of setting up a batch virtual machine, see the VMjSP Operator's Guide. 4. The CMS batch virtual machine can be utilized by personnel who do not have access to a terminal or a virtual machine. This is accomplished by submitting jobs via the real card reader. For details on this, see the VMjSP CMS User's Guide. S. If the CMSBATCH command encounters recursive abends, the message "CMSBATCH system ABEND" appears on the system operator's console. Messages and Return Codes DMSBTBI00E DMSBTBI0IE DMSBTPI0SE DMSBTPI06E DMSBTPI07E DMSBTPI08E DMSBTPI09E No batch processor available [RC = 40] Batch not loaded [RC=31ISSI70176188199] No job card provided IJOB card format invalid CP jCMS command command [,devtype J not allowed [RC = 100] ISET card format invalid [RC = 88] {CPUIPrinterIPunch} limit exceeded Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 50 Reason Page Errors in loading a file 322 VM/SP CMS Command Reference \01 CMSSERV CMSSERV Use the CMSSERV command to start Enhanced Connectivity Facilities communications between your VM/SP host system and your work station (personal computer). Format .CMSSERV [ (options... [)] ] options: CUT] [DFT Options CUT specifies that CMSSERV is to be run in Control Unit Terminal mode. DFf specifies that CMSSERV is to be run in Distributed Function Terminal mode. The DFT option is the default. You can change the default mode using the DEFAULTS command. Usage Notes 1. The CUT and DFT options cause the matching Communications Manager to be executed. If the called Communications Manager does not match the terminal mode, it displays an error message and prompts you to press the PF3 key to exit CMSSERV. 2. If the connection between your work station and the host virtual machine becomes disconnected while CMSSERV is running, then when you reconnect to your virtual machine, you may encounter unpredictable results. To recover the use of your virtual machine, you may need to re-ipl CMS. This can be accomplished by pressing the PAl key, and typing IPL CMS, and pressing ENTER. 3. When you enter CMSSERV, the CMSSERV panel is displayed. If you enter CMSSERV and have not previously started your work station communications program, you'll be prompted to do so. From the CMSSERV panel, you can: • Swap Gump) to your work station (IBM Personal Computer) environment to use the services of Enhanced Connectivity Facilities. You can also: • If you are operating in DFT mode, enter any command on the command line that you can enter from CMS. There is no command line on the CUT mode panel; you cannot enter commands from the CUT mode panel. • Press PF3 to end the communications program. For more information about the services of Enhanced Connectivity Facilities, see Introduction to IBM System/370 to IBM Personal Computer Enhanced Chapter 2. CMS Commands 51 CMSSERV Connectivity Facilities, GC23-0957 or VM/SP Programmer's Guide to the Server-Requester Programming Interface for VM/SP, SC24-5291. 4. If you want to issue CMSSERV from an exec, you should precede it with the EXEC command; that is, spec~fy exec cmsserv 5. If you do not have CUT Mode ECF installed on your work station and you attempt to start CMSSERV CUT mod.e from your host screen, "MORE... " or "HOLDING ... " appeaJ,"s ·at the bottom of your screen. When you press the CLEAR key, this message appears: DMSCUTl126S This terminal does not support CUT mode ECF. Press PF3 to end CMSSERV. This means you have attempted to start CMSSERV, but your work station does not have CUT Mode ECF installed. CMSSERV is not active, but you must press PF3 to return. If this happens: • Verify that you have ECF CUT mode support installed on your work station and that it is correctly installed. • If you have DFT Mode ECF installed on your work station, change the default CMSSERV option to DFT by issuing: defaults set cmsserv dft Then try starting CMSSERV again. • If your work station does not have any IBM ECF program installed and you want to use IBM ECF, obtain the correct work station ECF program and install it. See the Introduction to IBM Systemj370 to IBM Personal Computer Connectivity Facilities, GC23-0957. Mes.ages DMSDFT639E DMSDFT716E DMSDFT718E DMSDFT719E DMSDFT720E DMSDFT812E Return Codes o 38 40 55 100 104 nnnn 52 Error in routine routine; return code was nnnn SRPI subcommand environment was not found. Unable to link to work station. Work st~tion communications not active. No longer linked to work station; error code was nnn Input was ignored. Normal termination. CMSSERV was called to start communications, but CMSSERV communications were already started. General internal CMS error (for example, DMSDFT not a nucleus extension or error trying to NUCXLOAD DMSDFT). Enhanced Connectivity Facilities communications error. Console usage error. Storage error. Propagated return code from routine (accompanies message DMSDFT639E). VM/SP CMS Command Reference COMPARE COMPARE Use the COMPARE command to compare two CMS files on a record-fot-record basis and to display dissimilar records at the terminal. Format COMpare fileidl fileid2 Option: [(option ... [)]] COL [ COL mmm [nnn] ] mmm-nnn Operands fileidl fileid2 are the file identifiers of the files to be compared. An equal sign may be coded for one or more of the file identifiers for fileid2 in any combination except' = = = '. All three file identifiers (file name, file type, file mode) must be specified for each file 10. An equal sign (=) coded infileid2 implies that the file identifier in that position is identical to the corresponding file identifier in fileidl. If the COL option is not specified, the entire records are compared, the first column through the last character of each record (LRECL). Option COL mmm (nnn) COL mmm-nnn defines specific columns to be compared. The comparison begins at column mmm of each record. The comparison proceeds up to and including column nnn. If column nnn is not specified, the default ending column is the logical record length (LRECL). Only the first eight characters are examined for each number, so mmm and nnn must each be eight characters or less. If you use "mmm-nnn," do not put blanks between the numbers and the hyphen (-). Only the first eight characters are examined, so the phrase "mmm-nnn" must be eight characters or less. Usage Notes 1. To find out whether two files are identical, enter both file identifications, as follows: compare testl assemble a testl assemble b or compare testl assemble a = = b Any records that do not match are displayed at the terminal. 2. To stop the display of dissimilar records, use the CMS Immediate command HT. 3. If a file does not exist on a specified disk or directory, the read-only extensions are also searched. The complete file IDs of the files being compared are displayed in message DMSCMPl791. Chapter 2. CMS Commands S3 COMPARE Responses DMSCMP179I Compari ng fn ft fm wi th fn ft fm This message identifies the files being compared. If the files are the same (in the columns indicated), this message is followed by the CMS ready message. If any records do not match, the records are displayed. When all dissimilar records have been displayed the message DMSCMP209W is issued. Messages and Return Codes DMSCMP003E DMSCMP005E DMSCMP009E DMSCMPOIOE DMSCMPOIIE DMSCMPOl9E DMSCMP029E DMSCMP054E DMSCMP062E DMSCMPI04S DMSCMPI09S DMSCMP209W DMSCMP211E DMSFNSII44E DMSFNSI252T Invalid option: option [RC = 24] No COLUMN specified [RC = 24] Column col exceeds record length [RC = 24] Premature EOF on file In It 11m] [RC=40] Conflicting file formats [RC = 32] Identical fileids [RC = 24] Invalid parameter parameter in the option option field [RC = 24] Incomplete fileid specified [RC = 24] Invalid * in fileid [RC = 20] Error nn reading file In It 1m from disk or directory [RC = 100] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Files do not compare [RC = 4] Column fields out of sequence [RC = 24] Implicit rollback occurred for work unit workunitid [RC=31] Rollback unsuccessful for file pool ji/epoolid Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 54 Reason Page Errors in command syntax Errors in the Shared File System Errors in using a file 811 813 814 VM/SP CMS Command Reference CONVERT COMMANDS CONVERT COMMANDS Use the CONVERT COMMANDS command to convert a CMS file containing Definition Language for Command Syntax (DLCS) statements into an internal form for the parsing facility. Format CONVert COMmands It [DLCS Options: [ ~m ]]] [(options ... [)]] SYStem USER [ ALL STACK 1[CHeck OUTmode FIFO [LIFO 1 [ FIFO LIFO Operands fn is the file name of the file to be converted. When editing a file, omit the file name (and file type and file mode) to convert the active file. ft is the file type of the file to be converted. If you do not specify ft, the default of DLCS is assumed. fm is the file mode of the file to be converted. The default for fm is an asterisk (*), which means the first file in the search order that satisfies the file name and file type qualifications is converted. Options SYStem specifies that only valid system functions and subsets are in the file. This is the default. USER specifies that valid user functions and/or system functions and their subsets are in the file. You must load user functions as a nucleus extension for CONVERT COMMANDS to process them correctly. ALL specifies that the file contains user functions or subset values for user functions. They are not checked for validity. CHeck checks only the contents of the DLCS file for validity and does not produce an output text deck. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 55 CONVERT COMMANDS OUTmode specifies the file mode to which the converted output files are written. The 1m may be any read/write disk or directory that you have accessed. If you omit this parameter or specify an asterisk (*), the default is the first read/write disk or directory in the disk search order. OUTMODE * is the default if CHECK or OUTMODE 1m is not specified. STACK [FIFO) STACK LIFO causes the file IDs of the output files to be placed in the program stack. The stacked line has the format: In1 Itl Im1 In2 It2 1m2 The In1 Itl fm1 is the file ID of the file to be converted (DLCS file). The In2 It2 1m2 is the file ID of the output file containing translations. The information is stacked either FIFO (first in first out) or LIFO (last in first out). The default order is FIFO. FIFO (first-in first-out) is the default option for STACK. FIFO causes the file IDs of the output files to be placed in the program stack. The options STACK, STACK FIFO, and FIFO are all equivalent. LIFO (last-in first-out) causes the file IDs of the output files to be placed in the program stack. This option is equivalent to STACK LIFO. CONVERT COMMANDS always renames the text decks that the parser has created for you and gives them a new file type of TEXT. The file name of the output parser and synonym object files is determined by the contents of the DLCS statement in the source DLCS file. The output file name will be in one of two forms depending upon whether the SYSTEM or USER option is specified on the DLCS statement in the file to be converted. 1. System Parser and Synonym Files • xxxSPAcc TEXT • xxxSSYcc TEXT 2. User Parser and Synonym Files • xxx UPAcc TEXT • xxx USYcc TEXT where: xxx is the three-character application ID .. S orU indicates whether the output file is a SYSTEM file or USER file. PA indicates that the file contains command syntax information. SY indicates that the file contains command name translations and synonyms. 56 VM/SP CMS Command Reference f ~ CONVERT COMMANDS cc is the one or two-character country code for the national language you are using. Note: Four utility files, COMMANDS CMSUTl, COMMANDS CMSUT2, COMMANDS ASSEMBLE, and COMMANDS TEXT are temporarily created to hold the converted data before it is placed in the output files. Usage Notes 1. For detailed usage information, refer to the VMjSP Application Development Guide for eMS publication. 2. When editing a file with DLCS statements, you can issue CONVERT COMMANDS for that file from the XEDIT command line. If an error is detected, the line cont~ining the error becomes the current line of the file. 3. System function subsets are always verified and cause an error when incorrect. 4. If both OUTmode and CHECK are specified, the one specified last is recognized. 5. If STACK, LIFO, or FIFO is specified with the CHECK option, a blank line is stacked. 6. Specifying LIFO or FIFO overrides STACK. 7. If conflicting options are specified, the last one specified is used. 8. If you want to issue CONVERT COMMANDS from an EXEC program, you should precede it with the EXEC command; that is, specify exec convert commands Example Suppose you have a CMS file called TESTI DLCS which uses AM ENG (American English), and the file has the following statements: :OLCS OMS USER AMENG :; :CMO MMYCMOl MYCMOl ., :SYN MYl 3 :; :OPR FCN(FN) :; :OPR FCN(FT) :; :OPT KWL«OISK 4>'. ;~ The following default options have been set: commandname option .•• To change any default options enter 'DEFAULTS Set Cmdname Optl '. Messages and Return Codes DMSWDF003E Invalid option: option [RC = 24] DMSWDF64lE No options specified [RC = 24] DMSWDF653E Error executing GLOBALV, RC=nn [RC = 40] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 Chapter 2. CMS Commands 95 DELETE LOCK DELETE LOCK Use the DELETE LOCK command to release an explicit lock on a Shared File System (SFS) directory or a file in an SFS directory. To remove a lock, you must be the creator of the lock and have read or write authority to the file or directory. Explicit locks are created using the CREATE LOCK command. Format DELete LOCk [~ ~] Options: dirid [( options ... [ ) ]] TYPe NOType STACK [FIFO LIFO LIFO FIFO 1 Operands fnft specifies the name of the file that is to be unlocked. Special characters (* and %) can be used to designate a set of files. See "Pattern Matching" on page 8 for more information on these special characters. dirid specifies the directory name from which you wish to release the lock. If fn and ft are specified, this is the directory which contains the file that is to be unlocked. If fn and ft are not specified, this is the name of the directory which is to be unlocked. If further detail is needed on dirid, see "Naming Shared File System (SFS) Directories" on page 4. Options TYPe displays at the terminal the names of the files or the SFS directory for which a lock has been deleted. NOType suppresses the display of information at the terminal. NOType is the default. STACK [FIFO) STACK LIFO places the information in the console stack rather than displaying it at the terminal. FIFO is the default. FIFO specifies that the information is stacked in a first in, first out order. This option is equivalent to STACK FIFO. 96 VM/SP CMS Command Reference DELETE LOCK LIFO specifies that the information is stacked in a last in, first out order. This option is equivalent to STACK LIFO. Usage Notes 1. If special characters are used for fn or It, locks are not deleted in the directory for: a. subdirectories b. erased or revoked aliases c. files that you are not authorized to read or write. Processing continues for the remaining file names that match the specified pattern. 2. If special characters are used to delete locks on a set of files, the directory containing the files must be closed. 3. You can delete a lock on a file even if you have the file open, as long as the DELETE LOCK command is issued on a different work unit. 4. If the DELETE LOCK command is issued from an exec, on a work unit that has not been committed the command will fail. 5. You can invoke the DELETE LOCK command from the command line, from an exec, or as a function from a program. No error messages are issued if DELETE LOCK is invoked: • As a function from a program • From a CMS exec file that has the &CONTROL NOMSG option in effect • From an EXEC2 exec where CMDCALL is not in effect • From a System Product Interpreter exec with ADDRESS COMMAND in effect Messages and Return Codes DMSDEL065E DM8DEL066E DMSDELl132E DMSJED069E DMSJED109S DMSJEDl187E DMSJEDl188E DMSJEDl189E DMSJED1223E DMSJLK002E DMSJLKl139E DMSJLKl160E DMSJLKl163E FROM option specified twice [RC = 24] option} and option2 are conflicting options [RC = 24] Invalid number of operands [RC = 24] Filemode mode not accessed [RC = 36] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Too many subdirectory levels in dirname [RC = 24] Filemode mode is not associated with a directory [RC = 74] Filemode mode is associated with a top directory [RC = 24] There is no default file pool currently defined [RC = 40] File In ft fm\dirname not found [RC = 28] You are not authorized to issue this command [RC = 76] Directory dirname already open. [RC = 70] The DELETE LOCK command failed for fn ft fm\dirname [RC=nn] Directory dirname not found or you are not authorized for it DMSJLKl184E [RC=28] DMSJLKl184E File In It or directory dirname not found or you are not authorized for it [RC = 28] DMSJLK1206W There are no locks for In ft fm\dirname [RC = 4] DMSJLK1209E Nickname nickname resolved to more than one userid; lock(s) can be deleted from only one userid at a time [RC = 88] Chapter 2. CMS Commands 97 DELETE LOCK DMSJLK1210E DMSJLK1291E DMSJNL637E DMSJNL647E DMSJNL647E DMSJNL653E Directory dirname not found [RC = 28] There are no unused work units available. [RC = 88] Missing nodeid for the AT operand [RC = 24 ] Userid not specified for nickname in userid NAMES file [RC = 32] Localid not specified for use rid at node in userid NAMES file [RC=32] Error executing command rc = nn [RC = 40] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 98 Reason Page Errors in command syntax Errors in the Shared File System 811 813 VM/SP CMS Command Reference DELETE NAMEDEF DELETE NAMEDEF Use the DELETE NAMEDEF command to delete a temporary name (namedef). Format I DELete NAMedef I {na"!edef } Operands namedef specifies a 1 to 16 character temporary name previously created by the CREATE NAMEDEF command. If an asterisk (*) is specified, all current namedefs are deleted. Usage Notes 1. You can invoke the DELETE NAMEDEF command from the command line, from an exec, or as a function from a program. No error messages are issued if DELETE NAMEDEF is invoked: • As a function from a program • From a CMS exec file that has the &CONTROL NOMSG option in effect • From an EXEC2 exec where CMDCALL is not in effect • From a System Product Interpreter exec with ADDRESS COMMAND in effect Messages and Return Codes DMSJNA1147E Storage management error trying to free storage [RC = 104] DMSJNA1192E Namedef namedef not found [RC = 28] DMSJNA1193E There are no namedefs to be deleted [RC = 28] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 Chapter 2. CMS Commands 99 DESBUF DeSBUF Use the DESBUF command to clear the console and program stack input and output buffers. Format DESBUF Usage Notes 1. Note that DESBUF clears the output buffers as well as the input buffers. Use the CONWAIT command before DESBUF to halt program execution until all output lines are displayed at the terminal. Warning: Be careful when using the DESBUF command because the input and output console, and program stack buffers are used to communicate information between programs. 100 VM/SP CMS Command Reference DIRLIST DIRLIST Use the DIRLIST command to display a list of Shared File System (SFS) directories for a specified directory structure. The LISTDIR and DIRLIST commands display identical information, but in the DIRLIST environment, information is displayed under the control of the System Product Editor. You can issue XEDIT subcommands to manipulate the list itself. You can also issue CMS commands against the directories directly from the displayed list. Format DIRList [dirid] Options: [ (options ... [ ) ]] ACCessed] [ ALL [APPend] [PROFile In] DIRlist In] [ NODirlist Operands dirid specifies the directory where the list begins. The list contains this directory and all directories below it in the directory structure. Only the directories for which you have read or write authority are listed. If dirid is not specified, directories are listed beginning with your top directory. (See the ACCESSED option for an exception to this rule). Options ACCessed lists only the accessed directories in the specified directory structure. If dirid is not specified with this option, all accessed directories in the eMS search order are listed. ALL lists all the directories in the specified directory structure for which you have read or write authority, whether they are accessed or not. ALL is the default. APPend lists the directories at the end of the existing list. This option is only valid when issued from within the DIRLIST environment. PROFilejn specifies the name of an XEDIT macro to be executed when XEDIT is invoked by the DIRLIST command. If PROFILE jn is not specified, a macro named PROFDLST XED IT is invoked. For more information, see Usage Note 9 under "Default Key Settings." Chapter 2. CMS Commands 101 DIRLIST DIRlistfn specifies that a file called fn DIRLIST already contains a list of directories produced by an earlier invocation of DIRLIST. This existing list of directories is displayed. If you have also specified dirid with this option, it is ignored. For further information, see Usage Note 4 under "Saving a List of Directories." NODirlist specifies that no list of directories is to be used. NODIRLIST is the default. Usage Notes 1. Format of the List When you invoke the DIRLIST command you are placed in the XEDIT environment editing a file named "userid DIRLIST AO." Each line in this file contains: • a command area • a file mode (a dash is displayed for file mode if directory is not accessed). • the directory name (up to 70 characters are displayed on a line). If the directory name is too long for the line, you can scroll right to see the remainder of the name. The full power of XEDIT is available while commands are issued against the list. For example, you can scroll through the list of directories, locate a particular directory, etc. However, some XEDIT subcommands are inappropriate in this environment. Subcommands that alter the format or the contents of "userid DIRLIST" (for example, SET LRECL, SET TRUNC, SET FTYPE, or SET LINEND) may cause unpredictable results. 2. Entering CMS commands from DIRLIST Begin CMS commands with "CMS" to prevent XEDIT from decoding the command. This prevents CMS commands from being mistaken as XEDIT subcommands. 3. Using special commands from DIRLIST: EXECUTE, DISCARD, and AUTHLIST The EXECUTE command allows you to issue commands that use the directories displayed by DIRLIST. The DISCARD command allows you to erase the directories displayed by DIRLIST. The AUTHLIST command displays authority information about the directories displayed by DIRLIST. For more information, see Chapter 4 - Special Commands Used in Command Environments. 4. Saving a List of Directories To save a list of displayed directories, issue FILE or SAVE from the command line. The list is saved in a file named "userid DIRLIST" until the next time you issue FILE or SAVE on the list. To save a particular list of directories, file it under a different file name. You have two choices on how to do this: • Issue FILE from the command line and specify a different filename. For example, you could issue FILE MYDIRS. • Issue FILE from the command line and then use the RENAME command. 102 VM/SP eMS Command Reference DIRLIST Saving a list of directories is useful when you want certain directories to be listed each time you issue DIRLIST. For example, to combine several users' directories together in one list, you can use the APPEND option from DIRLIST. After saving the list, you may now issue DIRLIST with the DIRLIST option to display all the directories previously saved. 5. Tailoring the DIRLIST Command Options The DEFAULTS command can be used to set up options and/or override command defaults for DIRLIST. The options that you specify from the command line when issuing DIRLIST will override the defaults specified in the DEFAULTS command. This allows you to customize the defaults yet override them when desired. For example, when you have set DIRLIST as your default option using the DEFAULTS command, CMS searches for a file called "userid DIRLIST" to use for the list of directories. Refer to the DEFAULTS command description for more information. 6. Issuing Commands from the DIRLIST screen You can issue commands directly from the line that displays a directory. To do this, move the cursor to the line containing the directory and type the command in the command (Cmd) column, then press ENTER to execute the command. After you issue the command, press the PF2 key to refresh your screen so that an updated screen is displayed to type other commands. If a command is longer than the command space provided on the screen, just continue typing over the information in the line. You may type over the entire line displayed up to column 79. To move the cursor to the command line, press the PF12 key (or the ENTER key). Press the PF12 key again to move the cursor back to its previous position on the list. When you enter a command without any symbols, the directory name is automatically appended to the end of the command. 7. Using Symbols as Part of a Command Use the following symbols if the command you want to execute has operands or options that follow the directory name on the line where the directory is displayed: I is equivalent to the directory name. 1m means the file mode that is displayed on the Id line. means the directory name that is displayed on the line. 10 means execute the line as is and omit appending anything. See the FILELIST command for some examples of how to use these symbols. 8. Using Special Symbols The following special symbols can be typed alone on the lines of the DIRLIST display: means execute the previous command for this directory. Commands are executed starting with the top of the screen. For example, if you issue the ERASE command on the top line, you can type an equal sign on any other line(s). Those directories preceded by equal signs are erased when you press ENTER. ? displays the last executed command on the line that the ? was entered. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 103 DIRLIST / means make this line the current line. The current line for DIRLIST is the first directory on the screen. 9. Setting Defaults for Keys The PROFDLST XEDIT macro is executed when DIRLIST is issued unless you specify a different macro as an option. The keys are set to: Key Setting Action ENTER Execute Executes the command(s) typed on the directory line(s) or on the command line. PF 1 Help Displays a help screen that gives the DIRLIST command description. PF 2 Refresh Updates the list to indicate new directories, renamed directories, etc., using the same operands and options as when DIRLIST was invoked. PF 3 Quit Exits from DIRLIST. PF4 Sort(fm) Sorts the list alphabetically by file mode. The SMODE XEDIT macro is used to do this. PF 5 Sort(dir) Sorts the list alphabetically by directory name. The SDIR XED IT macro is used to do this. PF 6 Auth Issues an AUTHLIST command for the directory where the cursor is placed. The AUTHLIST information is placed in an XEDIT file named "userid A UTHLIST AO." This is now a new full screen environment with the PF keys set to new values. The AUTHLIST screen indicates which authority you have on the designated directory and the authorities you gave to other users. See "AUTHLIST" on page 789 for more information. PF 7 Backward Scrolls backward one screen. PF 8 Forward Scrolls forward one screen. PF 9 Not assigned. PFIO Not assigned. PFll Filelist Issues the command FILELIST * * for the directory where the cursor is placed. Displays a list of files for the designated directory whether it is accessed or not. If the directory is not accessed, a temporary access is done using the last available file mode in the search order. The file mode is automatically released when you exit this FILELIST screen. PFl2 Cursor Moves the cursor from its location to the command line or vice versa. Note: If you have 24 PF keys, PF keys 13 to 24 are assigned the same values as PF keys 1 - 12. In addition to these PF key settings, the PROFDLST XEDIT macro sets the following synonyms that can be used to sort the listed directories: SMODE Sorts the list alphabetically by file mode. Directories that are not accessed are listed last, sorted alphabetically by directory name. SMODE is an XEDIT macro. SDIR Sorts the list alphabetically by directory name. 10. Displaying your authorized directories via an XEDIT macro 104 VM/SP CMS Command Reference ( DIRLIST The following is a sample XEDIT macro that you may wish to duplicate for a convenient way of displaying directories. /*********************************************************************/ /* /* /* /* /* */ */ Issue this XEDIT macro from DIRLIST. It will display all of the */ directories that you are authorized for on your current default */ file pool. */ GETDIRS XEDIT: /*********************************************************************/ 'TOP' 'QUERY ~NROLL USER FOR ALL (FIFO ' If rc ~= 0 Then Exit pull • i = queued() DO i Pull userid . Address Command 'LISTDIR ' useridll End 'SDIR ' I. (XEDIT' Example User SMITH enters, dirlist from the command line, and the following screen is displayed: Figure 3. Sample DIRLIST Screen Chapter 2. CMS Commands 105 DIRLIST See "Responses" on page 106 for an explanation of the information listed in each column. Responses Issuing the DIRLIST command with no operands or options displays the following information: Cmd Fm Directory Name fm directory name where Cmd is a command column for typing and entering commands for the directory displayed on the line. You may use special characters such as / and = to represent what is already displayed on the line. Fm is the file mode letter of the accessed directory - Dash means the directory is not accessed Directory Name is the complete directory name When a command is executed on the line where a directory is listed, one of the following symbols is displayed in the Cmd column. * means the command was executed successfully (RC = 0). *0 means the number for the return code (RC = n). *? means the command was unknown to CP or CMS (RC=-3). *! means the command is not valid in CMS subset. For a list of commands valid in CMS subset mode, see the eMS User's Guide. Messages and Return Codes DMSJED069E DMSJEDI09S DMSJEDl187E DMSJEDll88E DMSJEDll89E DMSJED1223E DMSJLDl160E DMSJLDl184E DMSJLD1210E DMSOUTI05S DMSSTT002E DMSWDL557E DMSWDL651E DMSWDL653E DMSWFL651E DMSWFL1227E DMSWFL1228E DMSWFL1229E DMSWFL1234E DMSWFL1249I 106 VM/SP CMS Command Reference Filemode mode not accessed [RC = 36] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Too many subdirectory levels in dirname [RC = 24] Filemode mode is not associated with a directory [RC = 74] Filemode mode is associated with a top directory [RC = 24] There is no default file pool currently defined [RC = 40] Directory dirname already open. [RC = 70] Directory dirname not found or you are not authorized for it [RC=28] Directory dirname not found [RC = 28] Error nn writing file to XEDIT [RC = 100] File fn ft fm not found [RC = 28] No more storage to insert lines [RC = 4] APPENDISMODE must be issued from DIRLIST [RC = 40] Error executing LISTDIR, rc = nn [RC = nn] X$NDIR$X must be issued from FILELIST or DIRLIST [RC=40] No filemode is available to access directory [RC=OO] Error executing access for directory, rc = nn [RC = 00] Directory is empty [RC = 00] Error executing FILE LIST, rc = nn [RC = nn] Directory has been temporarily accessed as filemode fm [RC = 00] DIRLIST Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax Errors in the Shared File System 811 813 Chapter 2. CMS Commands 107 DISK DISK Use the DISK command to: • Punch eMS files to the virtual spooled card punch in a special format which allows the punched deck to be restored to a disk or directory in the form of the original file. • Restore punched decks created by the DISK DUMP command to a file. Format DISK DUMP {LOAD fn ft [fm] }' [( options ... [ )]] Options: [FUllPrompt] Minprompt NOPrompt Replace ] [ OLDDate] [ NOReplace Operands DUMP In It 1m punches the specified file (fn ft fm). The file may have either fixed- or variable-length records. After all data is punched, an end-of-file card is created with an N in column 5. This card contains directory information and must remain in the deck. The original file is retained. LOAD loads a file or files from the spooled card reader and writes them as CMS files on your disk or directory accessed as A. A file may also be loaded to a disk other than your disk or directory accessed as A through the use of the prompting facility. The file name and file type are obtained from the card stream. If a file exists with the same file name and file type as one of those in the card stream, it is replaced if the REPLACE option is in effect. The card-image sequence numbers on all files being loaded are checked. A message notifies the user of any record numbers missing or out of order. The file is loaded whether or not a problem is found in the sequence number check. The DISK LOAD function checks for invalid characters in the file ID field of the reader file to be loaded. If an invalid character is found, message DMSDSK496S is printed at the console informing the user that an invalid file ID has been found in the input record. The file is left in the reader. A file is not loaded when the last card of the reader file does not match the file name, file type, and file mode of the first card in the reader file. 108 VMjSP CMS Command Reference DISK Options for DISK LOAD Fullprompt specifies that a prompt is issued for each file in the spool file. MinDrompt specifies that a prompt is issued when the name of the first (or only) file differs from the name of the spool file; the prompt for the first file is suppressed when it has the same name as the spool file. A prompt is always issued for the second and subsequent files. MINPROMPT is the default. NOPrompt specifies that a prompt is not issued to you as a file is received. Replace specifies that if a file of the same file name and file type exists on the disk or directory onto which the incoming file is to be loaded, it is to be replaced with this one. NOReplace specifies that a file is not received that would overlay an existing file on the receiving disk or directory. NOREPLACE is the default. OLDDate when specified, OLDDATE retains the date and time of the most recent update of the file prior to it being sent to your virtual reader. This date becomes the creation date for the file being loaded. Otherwise, the date and time of execution of the DISK LOAD command will be used as the creation date for the output file produced by the DISK LOAD. Usage Notes 1. To read files with the DISK LOAD command, they must have been created by the DISK DUMP command. To identify the proper method to use in loading spooled reader files, use the 'RDR' command. Also see the 'RECEIVE' command. 2. To load reader files created by DISK DUMP, you must issue the DISK LOAD command for each spool file. For example, if you enter: disk dump source! assemble disk dump source2 assemble the virtual machine that receives the files must issue the DISK LOAD command twice to read the files onto the disk or directory. If you use the CP SPOOL command to spool continuous, for example: cp spool punch cont disk dump source! assemble disk dump source2 assemble cp spool punch nocont close then you only need to issue the DISK LOAD command once to read both files. You may send multiple files by continuous spooling (using CP SPOOL PUNCH CONT) or by a series of DISK DUMP commands but those methods are discouraged. As a sender you are encouraged to do the following: • Always use SENDFILE, which resets any continuous spooling options in effect. • Do not spool the punch continuous. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 109 DISK 3. You cannot receive multiple files as one file by spooling your reader continuous (CONT). The DISK LOAD command resets the continuous spooling option and spools your reader NOCONT. 4. Tailoring the DISK Command Options You can use the DEFAULTS command to set up options and/or override command defaults for DISK. However, the options you specify in the command line when entering the DISK command override those specified in the DEFAULTS command. This allows you to customize the defaults of the DISK command, yet override them when you desire. Refer to the DEFAULTS command description for more information. 5. DISK LOAD loads a file from the reader into a temporary work file called "DISK CMSUTl." The existing file with the same name as the one being loaded from the reader is then erased. The name of the temporary work file just created is changed to the name of the work file just read in. If the file you are loading has the name "DISK CMSUT1," it is changed to "DISK CMSUT2." "DISK CMSUT1" is a reserved work file name for the DISK command. 6. DISK LOAD or DISK DUMP may cause a file to occupy one extra block on the disk. If the file is close to filling or exactly fills the last block on a 512, 1024, 204S, or 4096 formatted disk, the last record produced by the DISK DUMP or DISK LOAD may be filled with X'OO's causing the file to occupy one extra block consisting of X'OO's on the disk. 7. If you specify the FULLPROMPT or MINPROMPT option the valid responses include: • One of the digits specified in the prompt • One of the parenthetical words that follows a digit or any initial truncation of the word. The meanings of these responses are: Response Description o or No If this file is one of a set of files that constitutes a single spool file, the file is not received and prompting continues for the next file, if there is one. If this is the last file of a set of files or if this is the only file in the spool file, the command is ended. 1 or Yes Receives the file under the name In] It] 1m] (or In3 It3 1m3). 2 or Quit Ends the command. 3 or Rename Requests prompt message DMSDSKI0S0R so that the incoming file can be received using a different name. S. If you receive prompt message DMSDSKI0SlR the valid responses include: • One of the digits specified in the prompt • One of the parenthetical words that follows a digit or any initial truncation of the word. The meanings of these responses are: 110 Response Description o or No Does not receive the file under the name In It 1m and repeats the original prompt message DMSDSKI0S0R. This allows you to specify a different name for the incoming file. VM/SP CMS Command Reference DISK 1 or Yes Receives the file under the name fn ft fm. 2 or Quit Ends the command. 9. If you encounter any errors when you load a reader spool file, the file remains in the reader and is not purged by the DISK command. This occurs regardless of whether you have spooled the reader HOLD or NOHOLD. This protects you from losing reader spool files when an error is encountered. If the file is empty or unwanted, you can purge the file from your reader. Responses 1. When DISK LOAD has completed loading each incoming file, you receive one of the following responses, depending on the situation. • If the incoming file ifnI ftl fm]) does not already exist and it is received without being renamed, you receive Inl Itl Iml created • If the incoming file ifnI ftl fml) is renamed to a file name ifn2 ft2 fm2) that does not already exist, you receive In2 It2 1m2 created from Inl Itl Iml • If the incoming file ifnI ftl fml) is copied to an existing data set that has the same name as the incoming file, you receive Inl Itl Iml replaced • If the incoming file ifnI ftl fm]) is copied to an existing file ifn2 ft2 fm2) with a name different from that of the incoming file, you receive In2 It2 jm2 replaced by Inl Itl Iml • If the incoming file ifnI ftl fm]) replaces an existing file ifn2 ft2 fm2), but is given a mode ifml) that differs from the mode of the existing file ifm2), you receive Inl Itl Iml replaced In2 It2 jm2 • If the incoming file ifnI ftl fml) replaces an existing file ifn2 ft2 fm2), but is given a mode ifm3) that differs from the mode of the existing file ifm2), you receive In3 It3 jm3 replaced In2 It2 1m2 sent as Inl Itl Iml 2. If you specify the FULLPROMPT or MINPROMPT option, one of these prompts is displayed: Chapter 2. CMS Commands 111 DISK DMSDSK1079R Receive Inl Jtl Jml? Reply 0 (NO), 1 (YES), 2 (QUIT), or 3 (RENAME) Receive Inl Jtl Jml and replace the existing file of the same name? Reply 0 (NO), 1 (YES), 2 (QUIT), or 3 (RENAME) Receive Jnl Jtl Jml and replace Jn2 Jt2 Jm2? Reply 0 (NO), 1 (YES), 2 (QUIT), or 3 (RENAME) Receive Jnl Jtl Jml as Jn3 Jt3 Jm3? Reply 0 (NO), 1 (YES), 2 (QUIT), or 3 (RENAME) Receive Jnl Jtl Jml as Jn3 It3 Jm3 and replace the existing file of the same name? Reply 0 (NO), 1 (YES), 2 (QUIT), or 3 (RENAME) Receive Jnl Jtl Jml as Jn3 Jt3 Jm3 and replace Jn2 Jt2 Jm2? Reply 0 (NO), 1 (YES), 2 (QUIT), or 3 (RENAME) • The file ID fnl ftl fml is the name from the card stream in the spool file. • The phrase "and replace the existing file of the same name?" appears when the operation replaces an existing file and the file mode of that file is the same asfml. • The phrase "and replace fn2 ft2 fm2." appears when the operation replaces an existing file and the file mode of that file is not fml. • The file ID fn3 ft3 fm3 is the name from the card stream in the spool file that you may specify when the name differs from the name of the incoming file. 3. If you respond with a 3 (or RENAME) to prompt message DMSDSKI079R, the following message appears and you must enter a file ID in the formfn [(t [(m]]. DMSDSK1080R Enter the new name for In Jt Jm 4. If you respond to prompt message DMSDSKI080R with a file ID that names an existing file, you receive this prompt: DMSDSK1081R Rep 1ace In Jt Jm? Reply 0 (NO), 1 (YES), or 2 (QUIT) Messages and Return Codes DMSDSK002E DMSDSKOl4E DMSDSK024E DMSDSK037E DMSDSK047E DMSDSK054E DMSDSK062E DMSDSK069E DMSDSK069E DMSDSK070E DMSDSK077E 112 VMjSP CMS Command Reference File fn 1ft lfm]] not found Invalid function function File fn 1ft fm] already exists[; specify REPLACE option] [RC=28] Filemode mode[(vdev)] is accessed as read/only No function specified Incomplete fileid specified Invalid * in fileid Filemode mode[(vdev)] not accessed Output filemode mode[(vdev)] not accessed Invalid parameter parameter End card missing from input deck DISK DMSDSK078E Invalid card in input deck DMSDSK078W Sequence error detected loadingfn ft--expected seqnol found seqno2 D MSDSK 104S Error nn reading file fn ft fm from disk or directory DMSDSKI05S Error nn writing filefnftfm on disk or directory DMSDSKI09S Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC= 104] DMSDSK1l8S Error punching file DMSDSK124S Error reading card file DMSDSK205W Reager empty or not ready DMSDSK257T Internal system error at address address (offset offset) DMSDSK445W Invalid data in sequence field, bypassing sequence check DMSDSK496S Invalid fileid fn ft fm found in input record [RC = 100] DMSDSK550W Date/Time data not present for file fn ft DMSDSK639E Error in routine routine; return code was nnnn DMSDSK671E Error loading filefnftfm; rc=nn from RENAME DMSDSKl123E Unknown response text ignored DMSDSK1124W Spool file spoo/id has been left in your reader because one or more files were not received [RC = 1] DMSDSK1138E Filesharing conflict involving file fn ft fm [RC = 70] DMSDSK1262S Error nnn opening file fn ftfm [RC=311551701991100] DMSDSK1262S Error nnn closing file fnftfm [RC=311100] DMSDSK1285S Default option text is invalid [RC = 24] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 Chapter 2. CMS Commands 113 DLBL DLBL Use the DLBL command: • In CMS/DOS, to define VSE and CMS sequential files for program input/output; to identify VSE files and libraries; to define and identify VSAM catalogs, clusters, and data spaces; and to identify VSAM, VSE, or CMS files used for VSAM program input/output and access method services functions. In many situations, VSE/VSAM does not require the DLBL command. Information on when a DLBL statement is required can be found in the VSE/VSAM Programmer's Reference. • In CMS, to define and identify VSAM catalogs, clusters, and data spaces; to identify VSAM files used for program input/output; and to identify input/output files for AMSERV. Format DLBL ddname {{;'UMMV} ddname {1m } DUMMY CMS In It ] [(option A option B[)]] [ CMS FILE ddname DSN quall DSN quall [ DSN ? [ .quaI2...qualn] ] [ quaI2... qualn ] [(optionA optionB optionC [)]] {ddr:,ame} CLEAR Option A: [SYSxxx] Option B: [PERM] CHANGE ] [ NOCHANGE Option C: [VSAM] EXTENT] [ MULT [CAT catdd] [BUFSP nnnnn] Note: The operands and options of the DLBL command are described below. Usage notes are provided for general usage, followed by additional notes for CMS/DOS users, and then additional notes for OS VSAM users. Operands ddname specifies a one- to seven-character program ddname (OS) or file name (VSE), or dname (as specified in the FILE parameter of an access method services control statement). An asterisk (*) entered with the CLEAR operand indicates that all DLBL definitions, except those that are entered with the PERM option, are to be cleared. 114 VM/SP CMS Command Reference DLBL fm specifies a valid CMS file mode letter and optionally, file mode number. A letter must be specified; if a number is not specified, it defaults to 1. The disk or directory must be accessed when the DLBL command is issued. In the CMS/DOS and CMS/VSAM environments, file modes "R" and "T" cannot be used on the DLBL command. This is because "R" and ·'T" are used as abbreviations for reader and terminal in the CMS/DOS and CMS/VSAM environments. DUMMY specifies that no real I/O is to be performed. A read operation results in an end-of-file condition and a write operation results in a successful retumcode. DUMMY should not be used for OS VSAM data sets (see Usage Note 3). CLEAR removes any existing definitions for the specified ddname. Clearing a ddname before defining it ensures that a file definition does not exist and that any options previously defined with that ddname no longer have any effect. CMSfnft indicates that this is a CMS file, and the file identifier ifn ft) that follows is a CMS file name and file type. FILE ddname is the default CMS file identifier associated with all non-CMS data sets. (See Usage Note 3 for CMS/DOS users.) DSN indicates that this is a non-CMS file. ? indicates that you are going to enter the data set name interactively. When prompted, you enter the data set name or file ID in its exact form, including embedded blanks, hyphens, or periods. quail [.quaI2 ... qualn J -- or -quail [quaI2 ... qualn J is an OS data set name or VSE file ID. Only data sets named according to standard OS conventions may be entered this way; you may omit the periods between qualifiers, or specify the full dataset name, including periods between qualifiers. (See Usage Note 2.) Options SYSxxx (CMS/DOS only) indicates the system or programmer logical unit that is associated with the disk or directory on which the file resides. The logical unit must have been previously assigned with the ASSGN command. In many situations VSE/VSAM does not require a SYSxxx operand. Thus no previous ASSGN is required. See VSE/VSAM Programmer's Reference for information on when the SYSxxx operand is required. PERM indicates that this DLBL definition can be cleared only with an explicit CLEAR request. It will not be cleared when the DLBL * CLEAR command line is entered. All DLBL definitions, including those entered with the PERM option, are cleared as a result of a program abend or HX (halt execution) Immediate command. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 115 DLBL CHANGE indicates that any existing DLBL for this ddname is not to be canceled, but that conflicting options are to be overridden and new options merged into the old definition. Both the ddname and the file identifier must be the same in order for the definitions to be merged. CHANGE is the default. NOCHANGE does not alter any existing DLBL definition for the specified ddname, but creates a definition if none existed. VSAM indicates that the file is a VSAM data set. This option must be specified for VSAM functions unless the EXTENT, MULT, CAT, or BUFSP options are entered or the ddnames IJSYSCT or IJSYSUC are used. EXTENT indicates that you are going to use access method services to define a VSAM catalog, data space, or unique cluster and you want to enter extent information. MULT indicates that you are going to reference an existing multivohime data set and you want to enter the volume specifications. ~ote: In many situations VSE/VSAM does not require EXTENT or MULT information. See VSE/VSAM Programmer's Reference for information on when EXT~NT or MULT information is required. CAT catdd identifies the VSAM catalog (defined by a previous DLBL definition) which contains the entry for this data set. You must use the CAT option when the VSAM data set you are creating or identifying is not cataloged in the current job catalog. The variable catdd is the ddname in the DLBL definition for the cata!og. BUFSP nnnnnn specifies the number of bytes (in decimal) to be used for I/O buffers by VSAM data management during program execution, overriding the BUFSP value in the ACB for the file. The maximum value for nnnnnn is 999999; embedded commas are not ·I>erinitted. Usage Notes 1. To display all of the file definitions in effect, enter: dl bl The response will be: ddname DISK fn ft If no DLBL definitions are in effect, the following message is displayed: DMSDLB324I No user defined DLBLs in effect 2. You may enter an OS or VSE file identification on the DLBL command line. The maximum length of the file identification is 44 characters, including periods. For example, the file TEST.lNPUT.SOURCE.D could be identified as follows: dlbl ddl c dsn test input source d (options ••• -- or -dlbl ddl c dsn test.input.source.d (options ••• 116 VM/SP CMS Command Reference ( ~ DLBL Or, it may be entered interactively, as follows: dlbl ddl c dsn ? (options DMSDLB220R Enter data set name: test.input.SDurce.d If the dataset name is entered interactively, the dataset name must be entered in its exact form. If it is entered as a command, or from EXEC 2, the dataset name may be entered in its exact form. If the command is entered with blanks separating the qualifiers, DLBL replaces them with periods. If it is entered via CMS EXEC, the periods between qualifiers must be omitted, and the qualifiers must be one to eight characters long. 3. In VSE, a VSAM data set that has been defined as DUMMY is opened with an error code of X 1111. CMS supports the DUMMY operand of the DLBL command in the same manner. OS users should not use the DUMMY operand in CMS, since a dummy data set does not return, on open, an end-of-file indication. 4. Do not use the same ddname for a CMS disk or directory if a DLBL already exists with the same ddname for a DOS disk. The use of DSN and CMS is not interchangeable. 5. DLBL uses the extended plist for processing the DSN quall {.quaI2 ... qualnJ parameter. If you are calling DLBL from an assembler language program and using DSN qualJ [.quaI2 ... qualnJ, you should supply an extended plist. The VMjSP Application Development Guide for eMS book has more information on how an assembler language program can supply an extended plist. Additional Notes/or eMS/DOS Users: 1. Each DLBL definition must be associated with a system or programmer logical unit assignment, previously made with an ASSGN command. Specify the SYSxxx option on the first, or only, DLBL definition for a particular ddname. Many DLBL definitions may be associated with the same logical unit. For example: assgn sys100 b dlbl ddl b ems test filel (sys100 dlbl dd2 b ems test file2 (sys100 dlbl ddl ems test file3 is a valid command sequence. In many situations VSEjVSAM does not require the DLBL command. See the VSEjVSAM Programmer's Reference. For information on when the DLBL command is required. 2. The following special ddnames must be used to define VSE private libraries, and must be associated with the indicated logical units: ddname Logical Unit Library IJSYSSL IJSYSRL IJSYSCL SYSSLB SYSRLB SYSCLD Source statement Relocatable Core Image These libraries must be identified in order to perform librarian functions (with the SSERV, ESERV, DSERV, or RSERV commands) for private libraries; or to link-edit or fetch modules or phases from private relocatable or core image libraries (with the DOSLKED and FETCH commands). Chapter 2. CMS Commands 117 DLBL 3. Each VSE file has a CMS file identifier associated with it by default; the file name is always FILE and the file type is always the same as the ddname. For example, if you enter a DLBL command for a VSE file MOD.TEST.STREAM as follows: dlbl test c dsn then you can refer to this data set as FILE TEST when you use the STATE command: state file test When you enter a DLBL command specifying only a ddname and file mode, as follows: dlbl junk a CMS assigns a file identifier of FILE JUNK Al to the ddname JUNK. 4. The FILEDEF command performs a function similar to that of the DLBL command; you need to use the FILEDEF command in CMS/DOS only: • When you want to override a default ddname for an assembler input or output file. • When you want to use the MOVEFILE command to process a file. 5. If you use the DUMMY operand, you must have issued an ASSGN command specifying a device type of IGN, or ignore, for the SYSxxx unit specified in the DLBL command, for example, assgn sys003 ign dlbl test dummy (sys003 Specifying VSAM Extent Information: You may specify extent information when you use the access method services control statements DEFINE SPACE, DEFINE MASTERCATALOG, DEFINE USERCATALOG, DEFINE CLUSTER (UNIQUE); or when you use the IMPORT or IMPORTRA functions for a unique file. In many situations, VSE/VSAM does not require EXTENT information. See VSE/VSAM Programmer's Reference for information on when EXTENT information is required. When you enter the EXTENT option of the DLBL command, you are prompted to enter the disk extents for the specified file. You must enter extent information in accordance with the following rules: • For count-key-data devices, you must specify the starting track number and number of tracks for each extent, as follows: 19 38 This extent allocates 38 tracks, beginning with the 19th track, on a 3330 device. • For fixed-block devices, you must specify the starting block number and the number of blocks for each extent. The following example allocates 200 blocks, starting at block number 352, on a fixed-block device. 352 200 Because VSAM rounds the starting block to the next highest 'cylinder boundary, it is advisable to specify the starting block on a cylinder boundary. 118 VMjSP CMS Command Reference DLBL • All count-key-data extents must begin and end on cylinder boundaries, regardless of whether the AMSERV file contains extent information in terms of cylinders, tracks, or records. • Multiple extent entries may be entered on a single line separated by commas or on different lines. Commas at the end of a line are ignored. • Multiple extents for the same volume must be entered in numerically ascending order; for example: 20 400, 600 80 These extents are valid for a 2314 device. • When you enter multivolume extents, you must specify the file mode letter and logical unit associated with each disk that contains extents; extents for each disk must be entered consecutively. For example: assgn sys001 assgn sys002 assgn sys003 dlbl file1 b DMSDLB331R b c d (extent sys001 Enter extent specifications: 100 60, 400 80, 60 40 d sys003 200 100 c sys002 400 100 c sys002 (null 1i ne) specifies extents on disks accessed at file modes B, C, and D. These disks are assigned to the logical units SYSOOl, SYS002, and SYS003. Since B is the file mode specified on the DLBL command line, it does not need to be respecified along with the extent information. • A DASD .volume must be mounted, accessed, and assigned for each disk file mode referenced in an extent. When you are finished entering extent information, you must enter a null line to terminate the DLBL command sequence. If you do not, an error may result and you will have to reenter the DLBL command. If you make any error entering the extents, you must reenter all the extent information. The DLBL command does not check the extents to see whether they are on cylinder boundaries or whether they are entered in the proper sequence. If you do not enter them correctly, the access method services DEFINE function will terminate with an error. CMS assigns sequence numbers to the extents according to the order in which they were entered. These sequence numbers are listed when you use the LISTDS command with the EXTENT option. In order to display the actual extents that were entered for a VSAM data set at DLBL definition time, the following commands may be entered: DLBL (EXTENT) or QUERY DLBL EXTENT Either of these commands will provide the following information to the user: DDNAME The VSE file name or OS ddname. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 119 DLBL FM The CMS disk file mode identifying the disk on which the extent resides. LOGUNIT The VSE logical unit specification (SYSxxx). This operand will be blank for a data set defined while in CMS/OS environment; that is, the SET DOS ON command had not been issued at DLBL definition time. EXTENT Specifies the relative starting track number and number of tracks for each extent entered for the given dataset ddname. If no DLBL definitions with extent information are active, the following message is issued: DMSDLB324I No user defined EXTENTs in effect Identifying Multivolume VSAM Extents: When you want to execute a program or use access method services to reference an existing multivolume VSAM data set, you may use the MULT option on the DLBL command that identifies the file. In many situations, VSEjVSAM does not require this information. See VSE/VSAM Programmer's Reference for information on when this type of EXTENT information is required. When you use the MULT option, you are prompted to enter additional disk file mode letters, as follows: assgn sys991 c assgn sys992 d assgn sys993 e assgn sys994 f assgn sys995 9 dlbl infile c (mult sys991 DMSDLB339R Enter volume specifications: d sysee2, e syse93 , f sysee4 9 sysee5 (null line) The above identifies a file that has extents on disks accessed at file modes C, D, E, F, and G. These disks have been assigned to the logical units SYSOOl, SYS002, SYS003, SYSOO4, and SYS005. The rules for entering multiple extents are: • All disks must be mounted, accessed, and assigned when you issue the DLBL command. • You must not repeat the file mode letter and logical unit of the disk that is entered on the DLBL command line (C in the above example). • If you enter more than one file mode letter and logical unit on a line, they must be separated by commas; trailing commas on a line are ignored. • A maximum of nine disks may be specified; you do not need to specify them in alphabetical order. You must enter a null line t~terminate the command when you are finished entering extents; if not, an error may result and you must reenter the entire command sequence. 120 VM/SP CMS Command Reference ( " DLBL In order to display the volumes on which all multivolume data sets reside, the following commands are issued: DLBL (MULT) or QUERY DLBL MULT The following information concerning multiple volume datasets is provided: DDNAME The VSE file name or OS ddname. FM The CMS disk file mode identifying one of the disks on which the dataset resides. . LOGUNIT The VSE logical unit specification (SYSxxx). This operand will be blank for a data set defined while in CMS/OS environment; that is, the SET DOS ON command had not been issued at DLBL definition time. If no DLBL definitions with multiple volume specifications are active, the following message is issued: DMSDLB3241 No user defined MULTs in effect Using VSAM Catalogs: There are two special ddnames you must use to identify a VSAM master catalog and job catalog: IJSYSCT identifies the master catalog when you initially define it (using AMSERV), and when you begin a terminal session. You should use the PERM option when you define it. You must assign the logical unit SYSCAT to the disk on which the master catalog resides. If you are redefining a master catalog that has already been identified, you may omit the SYSCAT option on the D LBL command line. IJSYSUC identifies a job catalog to be used for subsequent AMSERV jobs or VSAM programs. Any programmer logical unit may be used to assign a job catalog. Only one VSAM catalog is ever searched when a VSAM function is performed. If a job catalog is defined, you may override it by using the CAT option on the DLBL command for a data set. The following DLBL command sequence illustrates the use of catalogs: assgn syscat c dlbl ijsysct c dsn mastcat (perm syscat identifies the master catalog, MASTCAT, for the terminal session. assgn sys010 d dlbl ijsysuc d dsn mycat (perm sys010 identifies the job (user) catalog, MYCAT, for the terminal session. assgn sys100 e dlbl intestl e dsn test. case (vsam sys100 identifies a VSAM file to be used in a program. It is cataloged in the job catalog, MYCAT. assgn sys101 f dlbl cat3 f dsn testcat (cat ijsysct sys101 identifies an additional user catalog, which has an entry in the master catalog. Since a job catalog is in use, you must use the CAT option to indicate that another catalog, in this case the master catalog, should be used. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 121 DLBL dlbl infile f dsn test. input (cat cat3 sys101 identifies an input file cataloged in the user catalog TESTCAT, which was identified with a ddname ofCAT3 on the DLBL command. The selection of a VSAM catalog for AMSERV jobs and VSAM programs running in CMS is summarized in Figure 4. * * IS * * THE CAT * * OPTION * * SPECIFIED ON *--YES,---.... * THE DLBL * * COMMAND * * ? * * USE THE CATALOG DEFINED BY THAT DDNAME j NO * * IS * * THERE A * DLBL * * *--YES * ACTIVE FOR * * * IJSYSUC * * ? * * • USE THE JOB CATALOG j NO USE THE MASTER CATALOG Figure 4. Determining Which VSAM Catalog to Use Usage Notes for os VSAM Users: 1. You may use the DLBL command to identify all access method services input and output files, and to identify all VSAM input and output files referenced in programs. For all other file definitions, including OS or CMS files referenced in programs that use VSAM data management, you must use the FILEDEF command. File definition statements, either DLBL or FILEDEF, are not always required by VSAM. For more information on file definition requirements, see VSE/VSAM Programmer's Reference. 2. A DLBL ddname may have a maximum of seven characters. If you have ddnames in your programs that are eight characters long, only the first seven characters are processed when the programs are executed in CMS. If you have 122 VM/SP CMS Command Reference DLBL two ddnames with the same first seven characters and you attempt to execute this program in CMS, you will receive an open error when the second file is opened. You should recompile these programs providing unique seven-character ddnames. 3. If you release a disk or directory for which you have a DLBL definition in effect, you should clear the DLBL definition before you execute a VSAM program or an AMSERV command. CMS checks that all disks or directories for which there are DLBL definitions are accessed, and issues error message DMSSTT069E if any are not. 4. The DLBL command does not support the DISP option. DISP is used in VSEjVSAM to specify the disposition of a reusable file. Therefore, in CMS, only the default values are available. For more information on the DISP option, refer to the VSEjVSAM Programmer's Reference. 5. If you access an OS or DOS formatted disk as more than one file mode, the first sequential file mode will be used when VSAM automatically assigns the logical unit, regardless of the file mode specified in the DLBL. Specifying VSAM Extent Information: You may specify extent information when you use the access method services control statements DEFINE SPACE, DEFINE MASTERCATALOG, DEFINE USERCATALOG, DEFINE CLUSTER (UNIQUE); or when you use the IMPORT or IMPORTRA functions for a unique file. Space allocation is made only for primary allocation amounts. In many situations, VSEjVSAM does not require EXTENT information. See VSEjVSAM Programmer's Reference for information on when EXTENT information is required. When you enter the EXTENT option of the DLBL command, you are prompted to enter the disk extents for the specified file. You must enter extent information in accordance with the following rules: • For count-key-data devices, you must specify the starting track number and number of tracks for each extent, as follows: 19 38 This extent allocates 38 tracks, beginning with the 19th track, on a 3330 device. • For fixed-block devices, you must specify the starting block number and the number of blocks for each extent. The following example allocates 200 blocks, starting at block number 352, on a fixed-block device. 352 200 Because VSAM rounds the starting block to the next highest cylinder boundary, it is advisable to specify the starting block on a cylinder boundary. • All count-key-data extents must begin and end on cylinder boundaries, regardless of whether the AMSERV file contains extent information in terms of cylinders, tracks, or records. • Multiple extent entries may be entered on a single line separated by commas or on different lines. Commas at the end of a line are ignored. • Multiple extents for the same volume must be entered in numerically ascending order; for example: 20 400, 600 80 Chapter 2. CMS Commands 123 DLBL These extents are valid for a 2314 device. • When you enter multivolume extents, you must specify the file mode letter for extents on additional disks; extents for each disk must be entered consecutively. For example: dlbl filel b (extent DMSDLB331R Enter extent specifications: 100 60, 400 80, 60 40 d 200 100 c 400 100 c (null line) specifies extents on disks accessed at file modes B, C, and D. Since B is the file mode specified on the DLBL command line, it does not need to be re-specified along with the extent information. • A DASD volume must be mounted and accessed for each file mode referenced in an extent. When you are finished entering extent information, you must enter a null line to terminate the DLBL command sequence. If you do not, an error may result and you will have to reenter the entire DLBL command. If you make any error entering the extents, you must reenter all the extent information. The DLBL command does not check the extents to see if they are on cylinder boundaries or that they are entered in the proper sequence. If you do not enter them correctly, the access method services DEFINE function terminates with an error. CMS assigns sequence numbers to the extents according to the order in which they were entered. These sequence. numbers are listed when you use the LISTDS command with the EXTENT option. Identifying Multivolume VSAM Extents: When you want to execute a program or use access method services to reference an existing multivolume VSAM data set, you may use the MULT option on the DLBL command that identifies the file. In many situations, VSE/VSAM does not require this information. See VSE/VSAM Programmer's Reference for information on when this type of EXTENT information is required. When you use the MULT option, you are prompted to enter additional disk file mode letters, as follows: dlbl infile c (mult Enter volume specifications: DMSDLB330R d, e, f 9 (null 1i ne) The above example identifies a fi~e that has extents on disks accessed at file modes C, D, E, F, and G. The rules for entering multiple extents are: • All disks must be mounted and accessed when you issue the DLBL command. • You must not repeat the file mode letter of the disk that is entered on the DLBL command line (C in the above example). 124 VM/SP CMS Command Reference ( '" DLBL • If you enter more than one file mode letter on a line, they must be separated by commas; trailing commas on a line are ignored. • A maximum of nine disks may be specified; you do not need to specify them in alphabetical order. You must enter a null line to terminate the command when you are finished entering extents; if not, an error may result and you must re-enter the entire command sequence. Using VSAM Catalogs: There are two special ddnames you must use to identify a VSAM master catalog and job catalog: IJSYSCT identifies the master catalog, both when you initially define it (using AMSERV) and when you begin a terminal session. You should use the PERM option when you define it. IJSYSUC identifies a job catalog to be used for subsequent AMSERV jobs or VSAM programs. Only one VSAM catalog is ever searched when a VSAM function is performed. If a job catalog is defined, you may override it by using the CAT option on the DLBL command for a data set. The following DLBL command sequence illustrates the use of catalogs: dlbl ijsysct c dsn mastcat (perm identifies the master catalog, MASTCAT, for the terminal session. dlbl ijsysuc d dsn mycat (perm identifies the job (user) catalog, MYCAT, for the terminal session. dlbl intestl e dsn (vsam identifies a VSAM file to be used in a program. It is cataloged in the job catalog, MYCAT. dlbl cat3 dsn testcat (cat ijsysct identifies an additional user catalog, which has an entry in the master catalog. Since a job catalog is in use, you must use the CAT option to indicate that another catalog, in this case the master catalog, should be used. dlbl infile e dsn test. input (cat cat3 identifies an input file cataloged in the user catalog TESTCAT, which was identified with a ddname of CAT3 on the DLBL command. The selection of a VSAM catalog for AMSERV jobs and VSAM programs running in CMS is summarized in Figure 4. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 125 DLBL Responses If the DLBL command is issued with no operands, the current DLBL definitions are displayed at your terminal: ddnamel devicel [fnl ftl fml [datasetnamel]] ddnamen devicen [fnn ftn fmn [datasetnamen]] DMSDLB220R Enter data set name: This message is displayed when you use the DSN ? form of the DLBL command. Enter the exact DOS or OS data set name. DMSDLB320I Maximum number of disk entries recorded This message indicates that nine volumes have been specified for a VSAM data set, which is the maximum allowed under CMS. DMSDLB32lI Maximum number of extents recorded This message indicates that 16 extents on a single disk or minidisk have been specified for a VSAM data space, catalog, or unique data set. This is the maximum number of extents allowed on a minidisk or disk. DMSDLB322I DDNAME ddname not found; no CLEAR executed This message indicates that the clear function was not performed because no DLBL definition is in effect for the ddname. DMSDLB323I {JobIMaster} catalog DLBL cleared This message indicates that either the master catalog or job catalog has been cleared as a result of a clear request You also receive this message if you issue a DLBL * CLEAR command, and any DLBL definition is in effect for IJSYSCT or IJSYSUC that was not entered with the PERM option. DMSDLB330R Enter volume specifications: This message prOlnpts you to enter volume specifications for existing multivolume VSAM files. (See "Identifying Multivolume VSAM Extents" in the appropriate usage section.) DMSDLB33lR Enter extent specifications: This message prompts you to enter the data set extent or extents of a new VSAM data space, catalog or unique data set. (See "Specifying VSAM Extent Information" in the appropriate usage section.) Messages and Return Codes DMSDLBOOIE DMSDLB003E DMSDLB005E DMSDLB023E DMSDLB048E DMSDLB050E DMSDLB065E DMSDLB066E 126 VM/SP CMS Command Reference No filename specified [RC = 24] Invalid option: option [RC = 24] No option specified [RC = 24] No filetype specified [RC = 24] Invalid mode mode [RC = 24] Parameter missing after DDNAME [RC = 24] option option specified twice [RC = 24] option} and option2 are conflicting options [RC = 24] DLBL DMSDLB069E DMSDLB070E DMSDLB086E DMSDLBI09S DMSDLB221E DMSDLB301E DMSDLB302E DMSDLB304E DMSDLB305E DMSDLB306E DMSDLB307E DMSDLB308E Filemode mode not accessed [RC = 36] Invalid parameter parameter [RC = 24] Invalid DDNAME ddname [RC = 24] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Invalid data set name [RC = 24] SYSaaa not assigned for filemode 1m [RC = 36] No SYSXXX operand entered [RC = 24] Invalid operand value value [RC = 24] Incomplete extent range [RC = 24] SYSaaa not assigned for IGNORE [RC = 36] Catalog DDNAME ddname not found [RC = 24] mode filemode in [non-]CMS format; invalid for [non-]CMS dataset [RC = 24] Chapter 2. CMS Commands 127 DOSLIB DOSLIB Use the DOSLIB command to delete, compact, or list information about the executable phases in a CMS/DOS phase library. Format DOSLIB r DEL libname phasenamel [...phasenamen] > < COMP lib name ,MAP libname '" [(options ... [)]] ( Options: TERM] [ DISK PRINT \.. Operands DEL deletes phases from a CMS/DOS phase library. The library is not erased when the last phase is deleted from the library. COMP compacts a eMS/DOS phase library. MAP lists certain information about the phases of a DOSLIB. Available information provided is phase name, size, and relative location in the library. libname is the file name of a eMS/DOS phase library. The file type must be DOSLIB. phasename1.. .phasenamen is the name of one or more phases that exist in the eMS/DOS phase library. MAP Options The following options specify the output device for the MAP function. If more than one option is specified, only the first option is used. TERM displays the MAP output at the terminal. DISK writes the MAP output to a file on the disk or directory access~d as A with the file identifier of ' libname MAP A5'. If a file with that name already exists, the old file is erased. PRINT spools the MAP output to the virtual printer. 128 VM/SP CMS Command Reference ( DOSLIB Usage Notes 1. The CMS/DOS environment does not have to be active when you issue the DOSLIB command. 2. Phases may only be added to a DOSLIB by the CMS/DOS linkage editor as a result of the DOSLKED command. 3. To fetch a program phase from a DOSLIB for execution, you must issue the GLOBAL command to identify the DOSLIB. When a FETCH command or dynamic fetch from a program is issued, all current DOSLIBs are searched for the specified phases. 4. If DOSLIBs are very large, or there are many of them to search, program execution is slowed down accordingly. To avoid excessive execution time, you should keep your DOSLIBs small and issue a GLOBAL command specifying only those libraries that you need. Example To compact MYLIB DOSLIB, you would enter the command: doslib comp mylib Responses When you use the TERM option on the DOSLIB MAP command line, the following is displayed: PHASE namel INDEX BLOCKS loc size Messages and Return Codes DMSDSL002E DMSDSL003E DMSDSL013W DMSDSL014E DMSDSL037E DMSDSL046E DMSDSL047E DMSDSL069E DMSDSL070E DMSDSL098E DMSDSL104S DMSDSL105S DMSDSL213W DMSDSL213W DMSDSL653E File fn DOSLIB not found [RC = 28] Invalid option: option [RC = 24] Phase phase not found in library libname [RC = 4] Invalid function function [RC = 24] Fi1emode mode[(vdev)] is accessed as read/only [RC = 36] No library name specified [RC = 24] No function specified [RC = 24] Filemode mode not accessed [RC = 36] Invalid parameter parameter [RC = 24] No phase name specified [RC = 24] Error nn reading file fn ft fm from disk or directory [RC = 100] Error nn writing file fn It fm on disk or directory [RC = 100] Library In ft fm not created [RC = 4] Library libname has no members [RC = 4] Error executing command rc = nn [RC = 40] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in copying a file Errors in erasing a file 70 145 Chapter 2. CMS Commands 129 DOSLKED DOSLKED Use the DOSLKED command in eMS/DOS to link-edit TEXT files from eMS disks, SFS directories, or object modules from VSE private or system relocatable libraries and place them in executable form in a eMS phase library (DOSLIB). Format DOSLKED fn [:name 1 Options: [ (options ... [) ]] DISK PRINT [ TERM 1 Operands in specifies the name of the source file or module to be link-edited. eMS searches for: I. A eMS file with a file type of DOSLNK 2. A module in a private relocatable library (if IJSYSRL has been defined) 3. A eMS file with a file type of TEXT 4. A module in the system relocatable library (if a mode was specified on the SET DOS ON command line) libname designates the name of the DOS LIB where the link-edited phase is to be written. The file type is DOSLIB. If libname is not specified, the default is fn. The output file mode of the DOSLIB is determined as follows: • If libname DOSLIB exists on a read/write disk or directory, that file mode is used and the output is appended to it. • If fn DOSLNK exists on a read/write disk or directory, libname DOSLIB is written to that disk or directory. • If fn DOSLNK exists on a read-only extension of a read/write disk or directory libname DOSLIB is written to the parent. • If none of the above apply, libname DOSLIB is written to your disk or directory accessed as A. 130 VM/SP CMS Command Reference DOSLKED Options Only one of the following options should be specified. If more than one is specified, only the first entry is used. DISK writes the linkage editor map produced by the DOSLKED command on your disk or directory accessed as A into a file with the file name of In and a file type of MAP. This is the default option. PRINT spools the linkage editor map to the virtual printer. TERM displays the linkage editor map at your terminal. Note: All error messages are sent to the tenninal as well as to the specified device. Usage Notes 1. You can create a CMS file with a file type of DOSLNK to contain linkage editor control statements and, optionally, CMS text files. 2. If you want to link-edit a module from a private relocatable library, you must issue an ASSGN command for the logical unit SYSRLB and enter a DLBL command using a ddname of IJSYSRL to identify the library: assgn sysrlb c dlbl ijsysrl c dsn reloc lib (sysrlb If you have defined a private relocatable library but do not want it to be searched, enter: assgn sysrlb ign to temporarily bypass it. 3. CMS TEXT files may also contain linkage editor control statements INCLUDE, PHASE, and ENTRY. The ACTION statement is ignored when a TEXT file is link-edited. 4. To access modules on a VSE system residence volume, you must have specified the mode letter of the system residence on the SET DOS ON command line: set dos on z 5. The search order that CMS uses to locate object modules to be link-edited is: a. The specified object module on the VSE private relocatable library, if one is available b. CMS disks and SFS directories for a file with the specified file name and with a file type of TEXT c. The specified object module on the VSE system relocatable library, if it is available 6. When a phase is added to an existing DOSLIB, it is always written at the end of the library. If a phase that is being added has the same name as an existing phase, the DOSLIB directory is updated to point to the new phase. The old phase is not deleted, however; you should issue the DOSLIB command with the COMP option to compress the space. If you run out of space in a DOS LIB while you are executing the DOSLKED command, you should reissue the DOSLKED command specifying a different DOSLIB, or compress the DOS LIB before attempting to reissue the DOSLKED command. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 131 DOSLKED 7. Prior to performing a DOSLKED on a TEXT file having multiple phase cards following the TEXT END cards, rename the file type of TEXT to a file type DOSLNK. 8. If the input to the DOS linkage editor contains a text file produced by punching a member from a TXTLIB, the last two records are LDT records. When using OS linkage edit, these are recognized as end cards. However, when you are using the DOSLKED command, delete these two cards prior to issuing the command. Failure to do so may cause unpredictable results. Linkage Editor Control Statements: The CMS/DOS linkage editor recognizes and supports the VSE linkage editor con~rol statements ACTION, PHASE, ENTRY, and INCLUDE. The CMS/DOS linkage editor ignores: • The SVA operand of the PHASE statement • The F + address form for specifying origin on the PHASE statement • The BG, Fn, and SMAP operands of the ACTION statement The S-form of specifying the origin on the PHASE statement corresponds to the CMS user area under CMS/DOS. If a default PHASE statement is required, the origin is assumed to be S. The PBDY operand of the PHASE statement indicates that the phase is link-edited on a 4K page boundary under CMS/DOS as opposed to a 2K page boundary for VSE. In VSE, an ACTION CLEAR control statement clears the unused portion of the core image library to binary zeros. In VSE, the core image library has a defined size, while in CMS/DOS the CMS phase library varies in size, depending on the number of phases cataloged. Therefore, in CMS/DOS an ACTION CLEAR control statement clears the current buffers to binary zeros before loading them; CMS/DOS cannot clear the entire unused portion of the CMS phase library because that portion varies as phases are added to and deleted from the CMS phase library. In CMS/DOS if you want your phases cleared you must issue an ACTION CLEAR control statement each time you add a phase to the CMS phase library. Linkage Editor Card Types: The input to the linkage editor can consist of six card types, produced by a language translator or a programmer. These cards appear in the following order: Card Type Definition ESD External symbol dictionary Ignored by linkage editor Text Relocation list dictionary Replacement of text made by the programmer End of module SYM TXT RLD REP END CMS/DOS supports these six card types in the same manner that VSE does. Example To link-edit the TEST TEXT file and place it in the TESTLIB DOSLIB, enter the command: doslked test testlib 132 VM/SP eMS Command Reference DOSLKED Responses When you use the TERM option of the DOSLKED command, the linkage editor map is displayed at the terminal. 21011 INVALID OPERATION IN CONTROL STATEMENT This message indicates that a blank card was encountered in the process of link-editing a relocatable module. This message also appears in the MAP file. The invalid card is ignored and processing continues. Messages and Return Codes DMSDLKOOIE DMSDLK003E DMSDLK006E DMSDLK007E DMSDLK070E DMSDLK099E DMSDLKI04S DMSDLKI05S DMSDLK210E DMSDLK245S No filename specified [RC = 24] Invalid option: option [RC = 24] No read/write filemode accessed [RC = 36] File fn ft fm is not fixed, 80-character records [RC = 32] Invalid parameter parameter [RC = 24] CMS/DOS environment not active [RC = 40] Error nn reading file fn ft fm from disk or directory [RC = 100] Error nn writing file fn ft fm on disk or directory [RC = 100] Library fn ft is on a read/only filemode [RC = 36] Error nnn on printer [RC = 100] Chapter 2. CMS Commands 133 DROPBUF DROPBUF Use the DROPBUF command to eliminate only the most recently created program stack buffer or a specified program stack buffer and all buffers created after it. Format DROPBUF n Operands n indicates the number of the first program stack buffer you want to drop. eMS drops the indicated buffer and all buffers created after it. If n is not specified, only the most recently created buffer is dropped. Usage Note Note that you can specify a number with DROPBUF. For example, if you issue: DROPBUF 4 eMS eliminates program stack buffer 4 and all program stack buffers created after it. Thus, if there were presently six program stack buffers, eMS would eliminate program stack buffers 6, 5, and 4. If you issued DROPBUF without specifying n, only program stack buffer 6 would be eliminated. Return Codes If an error occurs in DROPBUF processing, the return code will be one of the following: 134 Code Meaning 1 2 Invalid number specified Specified buffer does not exist VM/SP CMS Command Reference DSERV DSERV Use the DSERV command in eMS/DOS to obtain information that is contained in VSE private or system libraries. Format DSERV CD [PHASE {name [~;J}] [d2...dn ][ (options••• [ ) ]] RD SD PD TD ALL Options: TERM [ lllSK PRINT 1 [SORT] Operands CD RD SD PD TD ALL specifies that information concerning one or more types of directories is to be displayed or printed. The directory types that can be specified are: CD (core image library), RD (relocatable library), SD (source statement library), PD (procedure library), TD (transient directory), and ALL (all directories). There is no default value. The private libraries take precedence over system libraries. PHASE name specifies the name of the phase to be listed. If the phasename ends with an asterisk, all phases that start with the letters preceding the asterisk are listed. This operand is valid only for CD. nn is the displacement within the phase where the version and level are to be found (the default is 12). [ d2 ... dnJ indicates additional libraries whose directories are to be listed. (See Usage Note 1.) Chapter 2. CMS Commands 135 DSERV Options DISK writes the output on the disk or directory accessed as A to a file named DSERV MAP A5. This is the default value if TERM or PRINT is not specified. TERM displays the output at your terminal. PRINT spools the output to the system printer. SORT sorts the entries for each library alphamerically. Otherwise, the order is the order in which the entries were cataloged, except in the case of the Core Image Library, which is always written alphamerically by VSE for performance reasons. Usage Notes 1. You may specify more than one directory on DSERV command line; for example: dserv rd sd cd phase $$bopen (term displays the directories of the relocatable and source statement libraries, as well as the entry for the phase $$BOPEN from the core image directory. You can specify only one phasename or phasename* at a time. However, if you specify more than one PHASE operand, only the last one entered is listed. For example, if you enter: dserv cd phase cor* phase idc* the file DSERV MAP contains a list of all phases that begin with the characters IDC. The first phasename specification is ignored. 2. If you want to obtain information from the directories of private source statement library directories, relocatable library directories, or core image library directories, the libraries must be assigned and identified (via ASSGN and DLBL commands) when the DSERV command is issued. Otherwise, the system library directories are used. System directories are made available when you specify a mode letter on the SET DOS ON command line. 3. The current assignments for logical units are ignored by the DSERV command; output is directed only to the output device indicated by the option list. Example To display at your terminal an alphameric list of procedures cataloged on the system procedure library, you would issue: dserv pd (sort term Responses When you use the TERM option of the DSERV command, the contents of the specified directory are displayed at your terminal. 136 VM/SP CMS Command Reference ! \ DSERV Messages and Return Codes DMSDSV003E DMSDSV021W DMSDSV022W DMSDSV023W DMSDSV024W DMSDSV025W DMSDSV026W DMSDSV027E DMSDSV027W DMSDSV028W DMSDSV047E DMSDSV065E DMSDSV066E DMSDSV070E DMSDSV095E DMSDSV099E DMSDSVI05S DMSDSV245S DMSDSV411S Invalid option: option [RC = 24] No transient directory [RC = 4] No core image directory [RC = 4] No relocatable directory [RC = 4] No procedure directory [RC = 4] No source statement directory [RC = 4] phase not in library [RC = 4] Invalid device devtype [for SYSaaa] [RC = 24] No private core image library [RC=4] No {privatelsystem} transient directory entries [RC = 4] No function specified [RC = 24] option option specified twice [RC = 24] option1 and option2 are conflicting options [RC = 24] Invalid parameter parameter [RC = 24] Invalid address vstor [RC = 100] CMS/DOS environment not active [RC = 40] Error nn writing file In It 1m on disk or directory [RC = 100] Error nnn on printer [RC = 100] Input error code nn on SYSaaa [RC = rc] Chapter 2. CMS Commands 137 EDIT EDIT Use the EDIT command to invoke the VMjSP System Product Editor in eMS editor (EDIT) migration mode. Use the editor to create, modify, and manipulate eMS files. In EDIT migration mode, you may execute both EDIT and XEDIT subcommands. For complete details on EDIT migration mode, refer to the VMjSP System Product Editor Command and Macro Reference. To invoke only the eMS editor, refer to the "Usage Note" below. Once the eMS editor has been invoked, you may only execute EDIT subcommands and EDIT macro requests, and enter data lines into the file. A limited number of eMS commands may be executed in the eMS subset mode. Enter eMS subset mode from the edit environment by issuing the EDIT subcommand, eMS. You can return control to the eMS environment by issuing the EDIT subcommands FILE or QUIT. Format Edit In It [1m] [ (options ... [) ] ] * Options: [LRECL nn] [NODISP] Operands fn ft is the file name and file type of the file to be created or edited. If a file with the specified file name and file type does not exist, the eMS editor assumes that you want to create a new file, and after you issue the INPUT subcommand, all data lines you enter become input to the file. If a file with the specified file name and file type exists, you may issue EDIT subcommands to modify the specified file. fm is the file mode of the file to be edited, indicating the disk or directory on which the file resides. The editor determines the file mode of the edited file as follows: Editing existing files: If the file does not reside on your disk or directory accessed as A or its extensions, you must specify fm. When you specify fm, the specified disk or directory and its extensions are searched. If a file is found on a read-only extension, the file mode of the parent is.saved; when you issue a FILE or SAVE subcommand, the modified file is written to the parent. If you specify fm as an asterisk (*) all accessed disks and directories are searched for the specified file. Creating new files: If you do not specify fm, the new file is written on your disk or directory accessed as A when you issue the FILE or SAVE subcommands. 138 VMjSP CMS Command Reference EDIT Options LRECL nn is the record length of the file to be created or edited. Use this option to override the default values supplied by the editor, which are determined as follows: Editing Existing Files: Existing record length is kept regardless of format. If the file has variable-length records and the existing record length is less than the default record length, the default record length is used. Creating New Files: All new files have a record length of 80, with the following exceptions: File type LRECL LISTING SCRIPT,VSBDATA FREEFORT 121 132 81 The maximum record length supported by the editor is 160 characters. NODISP forces a 3270 display terminal into line (typewriter) mode. When the NODISP option is in effect, all subcommands that control the display as a 3270 terminal such as SCROLL, SCROLLUP, and FORMAT (and CHANGE with no operands) are made invalid for the edit session. Note: It is recommended that the NODISP option always be used when editing on a 3066. Usage Note When you issue the EDIT command, an EXEC named EDIT EXEC S2 is executed. This EXEC invokes the VM/SP System Product Editor in EDIT migration mode. If you want to invoke only the CMS editor on a permanent basis, your system programmer must rename this EXEC. Then, when you issue the EDIT command, the EXEC will not execute and the CMS editor will be invoked. If you want to invoke the CMS editor only for a particular edit session, specify OLD on the EDIT command line. CMS passes the OLD parameter to EDIT EXEC S2 and only the CMS editor is invoked. Note that the old editor has not been enhanced for VM/SP and will not be enhanced for future releases; specifically the old editor will not include any support for new display devices. Example If you want to create a new file on your disk or directory accessed as A called OVERTIME DATA, you would enter: edit overtime data a Responses NEW FILE: The specified file does not exist. EDIT: The edit environment is entered. You may issue any valid EDIT subcommand or macro request. INPUT: Chapter 2. CMS Commands 139 EDIT The input environment is entered by issuing the EDIT subcommands REPLACE or INPUT with no operands. All subsequent input lines are accepted as input to the file. Messages and Return Codes DMSEDI003E DMSEDI024E DMSEDI029E DMSEDI044E DMSEDI048E DMSEDI054E DMSEDI069E DMSEDI076E DMSEDIl04S DMSEDIl05S DMSEDIl17S DMSEDIl32S DMSEDIl43S DMSEDIl44S DMSEDIl51E DMSEDX069E DMSEDXI09S 140 VMjSP CMS Command Reference INVALID OPTION option [RC = 24] FILE In It 1m ALREADY EXISTS [RC = 28] INVALID PARAMETER parameter IN THE 'LRECL~ OPTION FIELD [RC = 24] RECORD LENGTH EXCEEDS ALLOWABLE MAXIMUM [RC=32] INVALID MODE mode [RC=24] INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED [RC = 24] DISK mode NOT ACCESSED [RC = 36] ACTUAL' RECORD LENGTH EXCEEDS THAT SPECIFIED [RC=40] ERROR nn READING FILE In It 1m FROM DISK [RC= 100] ERROR nn WRITING FILE In It 1m ON DISK [RC= 100] ERROR WRITING TO DISPLAY TERMINAL [RC= 100] FILE In It 1m TOO LARGE [RC = 88] UNABLE TO LOAD MODULE [RC=40] REQUESTED FILE IS IN ACTIVE STATUS 3278 MOD5 DISPLAY TERMINAL NOT SUPPORTED BY OLD CMS EDITOR DISK mode NOT ACCESSED [RC=36] VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED [RC= 104] ~ '\ ERASE ERASE Use the ERASE command to delete: • one or more eMS files from a read/write disk • one or more eMS files from a Shared File System (SFS) directory accessed as read/write • one or more eMS files in a Shared File System (SFS) directory for which you have write authority • one of your SFS directories. Format {{n}{ ~} [~7rid 1[(optionA ... [)]] ERASE r ~ " [ (optionA optionB ... [ )] ] dirid r Type Notype OptionA: "- OptionB: . > .. - STACK [ FIFO] LIFO FIFO LIFO - [FILes ] NOFiles Operands In is the name of the file(s) to be erased. An asterisk (*) coded in this position indica tes that all names are to be used. It is the file type of the file(s) to be erased. An asterisk (*) coded in this position indicates that all file types are to be used. 1m is the file mode of the files to be erased. If this field is omitted, only the disk or directory accessed as A is searched. An asterisk (*) coded in this position indicates that files with the specified name and/or file type are to be erased from all disks and directories that are accessed as read/write. If an asterisk is entered as the file mode, then either the file name or the file type or both must be specified by name. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 141 ERASE dirid is either: • the name of the directory containing the files to be erased, if you specify fn ft. If this field is omitted, only the disk or directory accessed as A is searched. or • the name of the directory to be erased, if you do not specify fn ft. You must own a directory to erase it. See "Naming Shared File System (SFS) Directories" on page 4 for a description of dirid. OptionA Type displays at the terminal the file identifier of each file erased or the directory identifier if you are erasing an SFS directory. Notype file or directory identifiers are not displayed at the terminal. NOTYPE is the default. STACK (FIFO) STACK LIFO places the information in the console stack rather than displaying it at the terminal. FIFO is the default. FIFO specifies that the information is stacked in a first in, first out order. This option is equivalent to STACK FIFO. LIFO specifies that the information is stacked in a last in, first out order. This option is equivalent to STACK LIFO. OptionB FILes indicates that you want all the files in the directory to be erased along with the directory. If the directory contains any subdirectories, the directory is not erased. This option is only valid for erasing directories in your own directory structure. NOFiles indicates that the directory must be empty of all files and subdirectories before it can be erased. It can contain erased and revoked aliases. NOFILES is the default. Usage Notes 1. If you specify an asterisk for both file name and file type, you must specify both a file mode letter and a number. For example: erase * * a5 2. To erase all files on a particular minidisk, you can access the minidisk using the ACCESS command with the ERASE option. Another way to erase all files from a minidisk is to use the FORMAT command to reformat it. 3. You can erase another user's base file if you have write authority to both the file and the directory containing the file. You can erase another user's alias if you 142 VM/SP eMS Command Reference ERASE have read authority to the base file and write authority to the directory containing the alias. When erasing base files or aliases in another user's directory, the 1m form of dirid is not valid. See "Naming Shared File System (SFS) Directories" on page 4 for information on the forms of dirid. 4. When you erase a base file in an SFS directory: • the file is erased • aliases of the base file are turned into erased aliases • all authorities to use the file are revoked. 5. When you erase an alias of a base file: • only the specified alias is erased • base file and other aliases of the base file are not affected • lock status of the base file has no effect. 6. A directory can only be erased by the directory owner or an administrator. 7. You cannot erase a file in an SFS directory or erase an SFS directory if: • the file is open by the Open program function, DMSOPEN, or if you have opened the directory with the Open Directory program function, DMSOPDIR. • the file or directory is locked by another user • you or any user has a SHARE lock on the file or directory. 8. You can erase a file or directory for which you have an UPDATE or EXCL USIVE lock. 9. If another user has your directory open using the DMSOPDIR program function, either you or your administrator can erase the open directory. Also, an administrator can erase a directory that the owner has open. 10. You may also erase your open directory if the following conditions are met: • you opened the directory with an intent of FILE • you have not specified the FILES option on the ERASE command 11. You can erase files from an open directory as long as you do not use special characters to specify a set of files. 12. To erase a directory that has files in it oth,er than erased or revoked aliases, you must specify the FILES option. 13. After a directory is erased, any user that had the directory accessed will receive an error when attempting to work with a file in that directory. 14. If you specify TYPE or one of the STACK options when you erase a directory, only the directory identifier is listed. No file identifiers are displayed or stacked. 15. If asterisks are used to erase a set of files and an error occurs, the last non-zero return code is returned. If a fatal error (such as a permanent I/O error) occurs on a disk, an error message is issued and the virtual machine enters a disabled wait state. 16. You can invoke the ERASE command from the terminal, from an exec file, or as a function from a program. No error messages are issued if ERASE is invoked: • As a function from a program Chapter 2. CMS Commands 143 ERASE • From a CMS EXEC file that has the &CONTROL NOMSG option in effect (only stops messages 002, 1210, and 1184 from appearing) • From an EXEC2 exec file and CMDCALL is not in effect • From a System Product Interpreter exec with ADDRESS COMMAND in effect. 17. You can issue ERASE from the command (Cmd) column on any of the FILE LIST screens if you are authorized to erase the file or directory. For example, to erase a file that is located in another user's directory that is displayed on the screen, enter: erase /ntd where nt represents name, and type - the fn ft that is displayed. d represents di rectory - the directory name that is displayed. To erase a file in your own directory, enter: erase / 18. Program calltype restrictions Program calls to the ERASE command have calltype restrictions. Extended ERASE command syntax is supported only when the CMSCALL call type is X'OB' (command) or X ' Ol l (EXEC 2 or System Product Interpreter ADDRESS COMMAND call). See the CMSCALL macro in the Application Development Reference for eMS. .. Specifically, • Valid file modes, including an asterisk or a blank, are supported for all calltypes. • Input to the Shared File System (i.e., directory IDs other than a valid file mode, an asterisk, blank, or the ERASE dirid form of the command) are only supported for calltypes of X 1011 and X lOB I . If anything other than a valid file mode is specified with an unsupported calltype, a parsing error (RC = 24) will occur. • Options are respected only for calltypes X ' Ol l and X'OB'-X'OE'. Also the TYPE option is not respected for X I 011. If options are specified with calltypes other than X 1011 and X lOB I - X I OE I , they are ignored. • No extended syntax or options are supported for branch entries to DMSERS. Note: If the call type is not X I 01 I or X I OB.., you can still erase files from directories that are accessed as read/write by using the directory's file mode in the call to the ERASE command. Use the X OB calltype when messages and the TYPE option are desired. Use the X 1011 call type when you want to suppress messages and any output from the TYPE option. I 144 VM/SP CMS Command Reference I ERASE Example To erase all the files on your minidisk or directory accessed as A with a file type of DAT A, you would enter: erase * data a Responses If you specify the TYPE option, the file identifier of each file erased is displayed. For example: erase oldfile temp (type results in the display: OlDFI lE TEMP Al Ready; Messages and Return Codes DMSERA002E DMSERAI09E DMSERAl160E DMSERAl161E DMSERAl162E DMSERAl163E DMSERAl180E DMSERAl180E DMSERAl181E DMSERAl184E DMSERAl184E DMSERAl197E DMSERAl198E DMSERAl198E DMSERAl199E DMSERA1210E DMSERS037E DMSERS048E DMSERS054E DMSERS069E DMSERS070E DMSERS071E DMSJEDl187E DMSJEDl188E DMSJEDl189E DMSJED1223E File [fn 1ft lfm Idirname J ]] not found [RC = 28] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 25] Directory dirname already open. [RC = 70] Directory dirname contains subdirectories and thus cannot be erased. [RC = 40] Directory dirname is not empty; specify FILES option [RC = 40] The ERASE command failed for fn ft fmldirname [RC = nn] You have an explicit lock on file fn ft fmldirname; the erase failed [RC=70] You have an explicit lock on directory dirname or on an object in the directory; the erase failed [RC = 70] Directory dirname contains an open file and thus cannot be erased [RC=70] File fn ft fmldirname not found or you are not authorized for it [RC=28] Directory dirname not found or you are not authorized for it [RC=28] Directory dirname could not be opened; no files erased [RC = 70] File fn ft fmldirname is currently open; it must be closed before it can be erased [RC = 70] Directory dirname is currently open; it must be closed before it can be erased [RC = 70] You cannot erase a top directory [RC = 8~] Directory dirname not found [R.C = 28] Filemode modeis accessed as read/only [RC = 36] Invalid mode mode [RC = 24] Incompiete fileid specified [RC = 24] Filemode mode not accessed [~C = 36] Invalid parameter parameter [RC = 24] Erase * * [fml *] not allowed [RC = 24] Too many subdirectory levels in dirid [RC = 24] Filemode fm is not associated with a directory [RC = 74] Filemode fm is associated with a top directory [RC = 24] There is no default file pool currently defined [RC = 40] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The ERASE calltype affects the message you may get as noted below. The reasons for these messages, the calltype, and ~he page that lists them are: Chapter 2. CMS Commands 145 ERASE 146 Reason CaUtype Page Errors in command syntax Errors in finding a file Errors in the Shared File System X'OB' - X'OE' X'OB' - X'OD' X'OB' - X'OE' 811 601 813 VM/SP CMS Command Reference ESERV ESERV Use the ESERV EXEC procedure in CMS/DOS to copy edited VSE macros from system or private source statement E sublibraries to CMS files, or to list de-edited macros. Format ESERV In Operands In specifies the file name of the CMS file that contains the ESERV control statements; it must have a file type of ESERV. The logical unit SYSIPT must be assigned to the disk or directory on which the ESERV file resides. The file name is the fn of the LISTING and MACRO files produced by the ESERV program. Usage Notes 1. The input file can contain any or all of the ESERV control statements as defined in Guide to the DOS/VSE Assembler. 2. You must have a read/write disk or directory accessed as A when you use the ESERV command. 3. To copy macros from the system source statement library, you must have entered the CMS/DOS environment specifying the mode letter of the VSE system residence. To copy from a private source statement library, you must assign the logical unit SYSSLB and issue a DLBL command for the ddname IJSYSSL. 4. The output of the ESERV program is directed (as in VSE/AF) to devices assigned to the logical units SYSLST and/or SYSPCH. If either SYSLST or SYSPCH is not assigned, the following files are created: Unit Output File SYSLST fn LISTING mode SYSPCH fn MACRO mode where mode is the mode letter of the disk or directory on which the source file, fn ESERV resides. If fn ESERV is on a read-only disk or directory, the files are written to your disk or directory accessed as A. You can override default assignnlents made by the ESERV EXEC as follows: • If you assign SYSIPT to TAPE or READER, the source statements are read from that device. • If you assign SYSLST or SYSPCH to another device, the SYSLST or SYSPCH files are written to that device. 5. The ESERV EXEC procedure clears all DLBL definitions, except those entered with the PERM option. 6. If you want to use the ESERV command in an EXEC procedure, you must use the EXEC command (because ESERV is also an EXEC). Chapter 2. CMS Commands 147 ESERV 7. When you use the ESERV control statements PUNCH or DSPCH, the ESERV program may generate CATAL.S, END, or /* records in the output file. When you add a MACRO file containing these statements to a CMS macro library using the MACLIB command, the statements are ignored and are not read into the MACLIB member. 8. Any disks or directories accessed with a mode letter of "R" or "T" should be in read/only mode when an ESERV is running on them, otherwise message DMSDLB301E may occur. 9. If you want to issue ESERV from an EXEC program, you should precede it with the EXEC command; that is, specify exec eserv 10. If a MACRO or LISTING file with the specified file name exists before the ESERV command is issued, the file(s) are renamed: • fn CMSUTI for the MACRO file • fn CMSUT2 for the LISTING file This preserves the original file authorities. If an error occurs these temporary files may be left on your disk or directory. You may want to rename them to your original MACRO or LISTING file. File authorities are not maintained if you specify a DLBL with a file type orher than MACRO or LISTING for the output macro or listing files. Responses None. The CMS ready message indicates that the ESERV program completed execution successfully. You may examine the SYSLST output to verify the results of the ESERV program execution. Messages and Return Codes DMSERVOOIE DMSERV002E DMSERV006E DMSERV070E DMSERV099E DMSERV027E DMSERV037E , . NO FILENAME SPECIFIED. [RC=24] FILEfn ESERV NOT FOUND. [RC=28] No read / write filemode accessed. [RC = 36] INVALID ARGUMENT argument [RC = 24] CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE. [RC=40] INVALID DEVICE devtype FOR SYSaaa [RC = 24] Filemode mode is read only. [RC = 36] \ \ ( \ ~ote: The ESERV EXEC calls other CMS commands to perform certain functions, and so you ~ay receive ·error messages that occur as a result of those commands. Non-eMS error messages produced by the VSE the Guide to the DOS/VSE Assembler. ES~RV program are described in / I' ~ 148 VM/SP CMS Command Reference EXEC EXEC Use the EXEC command to execute one or·more CMS commands or exec control statements contained in a specified System Product Interpreter, CMS EXEC or EXEC 2 file. Format [EXec] fn [args ... ] Operands (EXec) indicates that the EXEC command may be omitted if you are executing the exec procedure from the CMS command environment and have not issued the command SET IMPEX OFF. fn is the file name of a file containing one or more CMS commands and/or EXEC control statements to be executed. The file type of the file must be EXEC. The file can have either fixed- or variable-length records with a logical record length not exceeding 130 characters. A text editor or a user program can create exec files. Exec files that a CMS editor creates have, by default, variable-length, 80-character records. args are any arguments you wIsh to pass to the exec. The CMS EXEC processor assigns arguments to special variables &1 through &30 in the order in which they appear in the argument list. The EXEC 2 processor assigns arguments to special variables starting with special variable &1. With the System Product Interpreter and the EXEC 2 processors, the number of arguments is not limited. However, the number of bytes of data you can pass in the argument list is limited. The limit is the maximum number of bytes that can fit in a line: 130 bytes if the command is entered from a terminal, 255 bytes if the command is issued from a program. Arguments passed· to the System Product Interpreter are handled differently than they are in EXEC or EXEC 2. See the VM/SP System Product Interpreter Reference for details. For information about the Syste~ Product Interpreter, see the: VM/SP System Product Interpreter User's Guide and the VM/SP System Product Interpreter Reference. See the VM/SP EXEC 2 Reference for information about EXEC 2. Use the HELP facility to get complete descriptions of EXEC control statements, special variables, and built-in functions by issuing the command: help exec menu Chapter 2. eMS Commands 149 EXEC Example If the implied EXEC function is set to OFF (QUERY IMPEX to find out the setting), and if you want to execute your TPHONE EXEC with a nickname, you would enter enter: exec tphone rick Responses The amount of information displayed during the execution of a CMS exec depends on the setting of the &CONTROL control statement. By default, &CONTROL displays all CMS commands, responses, and error messages. In addition, it displays nonzero return codes from CMS in the format: +++ R(nnnnn) +++ where nnnnn is the return code from the CMS command. The amount of information displayed during the execution of a System Product Interpreter file depends on whether tracing is set on. See the VM/SP System Product Interpreter Reference for details. The amount of information displayed during the execution of an EXEC 2 file depends on the setting of the &TRACE control statement. See VM/SP EXEC 2 Reference for details. Return codes for error messages from CP commands directly correspond to the message number. For example, It you Issued a CP LINK command with an incorrect user ID, you receive error message DMKLNK053E userid not in CP directory. When issued from a CMS exec program, the same CP LINK command would have a return code of 53. Messages and Return Codes DMSEXCOOIE No filename specified If the exec interpreter finds an error, it displays the message: DMSEXT072E Error in EXEC file fn, line nnn: message The possible errors, and the associated return codes, are: Description FILE NOT FOUND &SKIP OR &GOTO ERROR BAD FILE FORMAT TOO MANY ARGUMENTS MAX DEPTH OF LOOP NESTING EXeEEDED ERROR READING FILE INVALID SYNTAX INVALID FORM OF CONDITION INVALID ASSIGNMENT MISUSE OF SPECIAL VARIABLE ERROR IN &ERROR ACTION CONVERSION ERROR TOO MANY TOKENS IN STATEMENT MISUSE OF BUILT-IN FUNCTION EOF FOUND IN LOOP INVALID CONTROL WORD EXEC ARITHMETIC UNDERFLOW EXEC ARITHMETIC OVERFLOW 150 VMjSP CMS Command Reference Return Code 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 EXEC SPECIAL CHARACTER IN VARIABLE SYMBOL 819 If the EXEC 2 interpreter finds an error, it displays the message: DMSEXE085E Error in In It 1m, line nnn - message The possible errors and the associated return codes are: Description FILE NOT FOUND WRONG FILE FORMAT WORD TOO LONG STATEMENT TOO LONG INVALID CONTROL WORD LABEL NOT FOUND INVALID VARIABLE NAME INVALID FORM OF CONDITION INVALID ASSIGNMENT MISSING ARGUMENT INVALID ARGUMENT CONVERSION ERROR NUMERIC OVERFLOW INVALID FUNCTION NAME END OF FILE FOUND IN LOOP DIVISION BY ZERO INVALID LOOP CONDITION ERROR RETURN DURING &ERROR ACTION ASSIGNMENT TO UNSET ARGUMENT STATEMENT OUT OF CONTEXT INSUFFICIENT STORAGE AVAILABLE FILE READ ERROR nnn TRACE ERROR nnn DMSEXE175E DMSEXE255T Return Code 10001 10002 10003 10004 10005 10006 10007 10008 10009 10010 10011 10012 10013 10014 10015 10016 10017 10019 10020 10021 10097 10098 10099 Invalid EXEC command RC=10096 Insufficient storage for Exec interpreter RC=10000 For the System Product Interpreter, the possible errors and associated return codes are: Description Program is unreadable Program interrupted Machine storage exhausted Unmatched' /*' or quote WHEN or OTHERWISE expected Unexpected THEN or ELSE Unexpected WHEN or OTHERWISE Unexpected or unmatched END Control Stack Full Clause> 500 characters Invalid character in data Incomplete DO/SELECT/IF Invalid Hex constant Label not found Unexpected PROCEDURE THEN expected String or symbol expected Symbol expected Return Code 20003 20004 20005 20006 20007 20008 20009 20010 20011 20012 20013 20014 20015 20016 20017 20018 20019 20020 Chapter 2. CMS Commands 151 EXEC 20021 20022 20024 20025 20026 20027 20028 20029 20030 20031 20032 20033 20034 20035 20036 20037 20038 20039 20040 20041 20042 20043 20044 20045 Invalid data on end of clause Invalid character string Invalid TRACE request Invalid sub-keyword found Invalid whole number Invalid DO syntax Invalid LEAVE or ITERATE Environment name too long Name or String> 250 chars Name starts with numeric or "." Invalid use of stem Invalid expression result Logical value not 0 or 1 Invalid expression Unmatched "(" in expression Unexpected "," or ")" Invalid template or pattern Evaluation stack overflow Incorrect call to routine Bad arithmetic conversion Arithmetic overflowjunderflow Routine not found Function did not return data No data on function RETURN Faiiure in system service Interpreter failure :lUU4~ 20049 DMSREX255T Insufficient storage for Exec interpreter RC=20096 [RC= 10096] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 152 Reason Page Errors in the Shared File System 813 VM/SP CMS Command Reference EXECDROP EXECDROP Use the EXECDROP command to remove the specified exec(s) or System Product Editor macro(s) from storage or to discontinue use of the specified exec(s) or editor macro(s) in a CMS installation saved segment. Format EXECDrop EXDrop Options: User ] SYstem [ SHared Operands execname is the name of the storage-resident exec(s) to be purged. If an asterisk (*) is coded in this field, all execnames are used. exectype is the type of the storage-resident exec(s) to be purged. If an asterisk (*) is coded in this field, all exectypes are used. The default is an asterisk (*). * specified alone indicates that all storage-resident execs are purged. Options User indicates that the storage for the exec(s) was allocated from user free storage. Only the execs that satisfy the execname and/or exectype qualifications and that also have the USER attribute are dropped. If neither USER, SYSTEM, nor SHARED is specified, then all execs with the USER and SYSTEM attributes that satisfy the execname and/or exectype qualifications are dropped. SYstem indicates that the storage for the exec(s) was allocated from nucleus free storage. Only the execs that satisfy the execname and/or exectype qualifications and that also have the SYSTEM attribute are dropped. If neither USER, SYSTEM, nor SHARED is specified, then all execs with the USER and SYSTEM attributes that satisfy the execname and/or exectype qualifications are dropped. SHared indicates that the exec(s) was located in a CMS installation saved segment. Only the execs that satisfy the execname and/or exectype qualifications and that also have the SHARED attribute are dropped for the duration of your CMS session. If neither USER, SYSTEM, or SHARED is specified, then all execs with the USER and SYSTEM attribute that satisfy the execname and/or exectype qualifications are dropped. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 153 EXECDROP SHARED execs can only be dropped when SET INSTSEG is ON. Once a SHARED exec is dropped, you can only reload it when you IPL CMS. To discontinue use of all SHARED execs temporarily, use the SET INSTSEG OFF command. Examples To drop all storage-resident execs, specify: execdrop * To purge all storage-resident execs with exectypes of XEDIT that were loaded int-o user free storage using the EXEC LOAD command, specify the following: execdrop * xedit (user Messages and Return Codes Invalid option: option [RC = 24] No execid specified [RC = 24] Invalid parameter parameter [RC = 24] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC= 104] Invalid character char in execid execname exec type [RC = 20] There are no execname exectype {systeml[or]userl[or]shared} EXECs storage resident [RC = 28] DMSEXD418W Drop pending for execname exectype [RC = 4] DMSEXD003E DMSEXD042E DMSEXD070E DMSEXDI09S DMSEXD415E DMSEXD416W Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 154 Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 VM/SP CMS Command Reference EXECIO EXECIO Use the EXECIO command to: • Read lines from a disk, directory, or virtual reader to the program stack or a variable. • Write lines from the program stack or a variable to a CMS file or to a virtual spool device (punch or printer). • Cause execution of CP commands and recover resulting output. In some cases output data to be written may be supplied directly on the EXECIO command line. The information immediately following is reference level information about EXECIO format and operands. Following this reference information you can find extended descriptive and use information. If you are not familiar with EXECIO, you should review the complete command description before attempting to use it. Also, to get full benefit from EXECIO you should be familiar with use of execs under the System Product Interpreter or EXEC 2 (Refer to the VMjSP System Product Interpreter Reference or to the VMjSP EXEC 2 Reference). In the following descriptions, "relative line number" means the number of lines processed to satisfy an EXECIO operation; "absolute line number" means the number of the line relative to the top of the file. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 155 EXECIO Format EXECIO DISKR In It [1m [linenum] ] [ ( [ FINIs] CARD [( CP [( DISKW In It 1m [linenum [reclm [lreel]]] [([FINIs] options [a] [b]] options [a] [b]] options [a] [b] PUNCH[( PRINT [([CC{~!~A}] EMSG [( [ )] [ )] [d]] [e]] [)] options [b] [c] options [b] [c] [d]] [d]] [)] [)] [d]] [) ] [b] [c] [d]] [)] options [b] [c] options Option .formats: (a) FInd I chars I ] I chars I [ LOcate Avoid I chars I LIFO] [ FIFO [SKip] (b) [MarginS {r Z2}] [STRIP] [NOTYPE] STEm xxxxn] [ VAR xxxx (c) (d) [STring xxx ... ] (e) [BUFfer length] Note: Parsing of the EXECIO command differs from that of other CMS commands in that it involves handling of strings that may contain embedded blanks, parentheses, other special characters, and words of more that eight characters. Therefore, if a right parenthesis is used to mark the end of an EXECIO option, it must be preceded by at least one blank character. A right parenthesis cannot be used to mark the end of the STRING option. 156 VM/SP CMS Command Reference EXECIO Operands lines is the number of source lines processed. This can be any non-negative integer. With the VAR option, the number of lines must be 1. An asterisk (*) indicates that the operation is to terminate when: 1. a null (O-length) line is read during an output operation; 2. an end-of-file condition is detected during an input operation. Specification of *, together with the STRING option, is valid only with the CP operand. Using the * and STRING combination with any other operand causes an error message to be issued. Also the combination of the * and the VAR options is not allowed. If lines is specified as zero (0), no I/O operation is performed other than FINIS, when it is specified as an option. DISKR is used to read a specified number of lines from the CMS file "fn ft [fm]" to the program stack FIFO (first-in first-out) or to an EXEC 2 or System Product Interpreter variable if the STEM or VAR options are specified. CARD is used to read a specified number of lines from the virtual reader to the program stack (FIFO).or to an EXEC 2 or System Product Interpreter variable if the STEM or VAR options are specified. CP causes output resulting from a CP command to be placed on the program stack (FIFO) or to an EXEC 2 or System Product Interpreter variable if the STEM or VAR options are specified. To obtain the reply from a CP command, specify the lines operand as an asterisk (*). If you want want to issue a command to CP, suppressing messages and obtaining only the return code, specify the lines operand as zero (0). You may specify which CP command is to be issued via: 1. the STRING option on the EXECIO command line; 2. the next line from the program stack. Keep in mind that all characters of CP commands must be in upper case. DISKW is used to write a specified number of lines from the program stack or from an EXEC 2 or System Product Interpreter variable if the STEM or VAR options are specified to a new or existing CMS file "fn ft fm." Inserting a line into a variable length CMS file can cause truncation of the portion of the file following the inserted line. See the extended DISKW operand description. recfm Irecl define the record format and record length for any new file created as a result of a DISKW operation. The default value for recfm is V (variable), in which case "lrec1" has no meaning. If you specify F (fixed) for recfm, the default Irec1 value is 80. The maximum Irec1 value that may be specified is 255 unless the VAR or STEM option is used to bypass the use of the program stack, in which case the maximum is that which is defined for the type of file in use (800 byte or EDF file). If recfm or Irec1 is specified for the DISKW operation, then a linenum value must be specified explicitly. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 157 EXECIO PUNCH is used to transfer a specified number of lines from the program stack or from an EXEC 2 or System Product Interpreter variable if the STEM or VAR options are specified to the virtual punch. PRINT is used to transfer a specified number of lines from the program stack or from an EXEC 2 or System Product Interpreter variable if the STEM or VAR options are specified, to the virtual printer using the PRINTL macro. CC is used with the PRINT operand to specify carriage control for each line transferred to the virtual printer. Using the CC operand, you can supply carriage control code explicitly, or by specifying DATA, indicate that the carriage control character is the first byte of each line. Note: If you wish to print from a program stack, and your virtual printer has a device type that reflects channel code 9 or 12 sensing back to the user, see the section of EXECIO called CC operand for additional information. code is the character (ASA or machine code) that defines carriage control. A blank code (the default value) cannot be specified on the command line. DATA specifies that the first byte of each line sent to the virtual printer is a carriage control character. EMSG causes a message to be displayed. The text of the message may be: 1. the character string specified on the STRING option; 2. the next available line(s) from the program stack; 3. the information from a STEM or VAR variable. Messages are edited according to the current CP SET EMSG settings. In is the file name of the file. It is the file type of the file. 1m is the file mode of the file. When file mode is specified, that disk or directory and its extensions are searched. If file mode is not specified, or is specified as an asterisk (*), all accessed disks and directories are searched for the specified file. linenum is the absolute line number within the specified file where a DISKR or DISKW operation is to begin. If a value is zero or not specified for newly opened files, reading begins at the first line and writing begins at the last line. For other files, reading or writing begins at the line following the one at which the previous operation ended. Because EXEC processors manipulate execs that are currently executing, a read or write to a currently running exec should explicitly specify the linenum operand. Failure to do so may cause the first line to be read or written each time. If recfm or Ired is specified for the DISKW operation, then a linenum value must be specified explicitly. 158 VMjSP CMS Command Reference EXECIO FINIs causes the specified file to be closed following completion of a DISKR or DISKW operation. Option A FInd is used to write to the program stack LIFO (last-in first-out) or FIFO (first-in first-out) to an EXEC 2 or System Product Interpreter array. 1. the contents of that line; 2. the line number of the first occurrence of a line (or zone portion of that line) that begins with the characters specified between delimiters. For DISKR operations both the relative and absolute line numbers are written. Otherwise, only the relative line number is written. If you wish to search only a portion of each line, use the ZONE option, explained below. If you wish to write only a portion of any line matching the search argument to the program stack or a variable, use the MARGINS option, also explained below. LOcate is like the FIND option explained above, except that the object characters may occur any place within a line (or zone portion of that line). Avoid is like the LOCATE option explained above, except that the search is for a line (or zone portion of that line) that does not contain the specified characters. Zone is used to restrict the portion of the input lines searched as a result of the FIND, LOCATE, or AVOID options. The search is between columns nl and n2 (inclusive), if specified. The default values are column 1 through the end of the line (*). The limits of values that may be specified for nl or n2 are 1 through 23L 1. LIFO FIFO defines the order in which lines are written to the program stack. Generally, the default order is FIFO (first-in first-out). The exceptions are operations that put line numbers on the program stack as a result of a search operation (FIND, LOCATE, or AVOID). These operations default to LIFO (last-in first-out). The use of VAR or STEM is not valid with this option. SKip allows a read function (DISKR, CARD, CP) to occur without writing any information to the program stack. Option B Margins specifies that only a portion (columns nl through n2 inclusive) of affected lines is to be processed (from the stack or a variable). The default values are column 1 through the end of each line (*). The limits of values that may be specified for nl or n2 are 1 through 23L 1. STRIP specifies that trailing blank characters are to be removed from any output lines or lines returned. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 159 EXECIO NOTYPE suppresses the display of message DMSEI0632E at the virtual console. STEm xxxxn indicates that the variables xxxxn are to be used to supply input data for output-type operations (PUNCH, PRINT, EMSG, and DISKW) or that variables xxxxn are the destination for output for the input-type operations (CARD, DISKR, and CP). The variables used are a concatenation of the specified stem and a number that corresponds to the number of lines of output. The special variable xxxxO is set to the number of lines of information returned for the input-type operations. STEM can be used with the STRING operation only with the CP operation. The maximum length variable name with the STEM option is 240 bytes. VAR xxxx indicates that the variable xxxx is to be used to supply input data for output-type operations (PUNCH, PRINT, EMSG, and DISKW) or that variable xxxx is the destination for output for the input-type operations (CARD, DISKR, and CP). If VAR is specified, then the number of lines must be 1. VAR cannot be used with the FIFO or LIFO options, nor with the FIND, AVOID, and LOCATE options because they cause more than one line of output to be written. VAR can be used with the STRING option only with the CP operation. The maximum length variable name is 250 characters. Option C CAse causes data read from the program stack, from a STEM, or from a variable to be: 1. translated to uppercase if U is specified; 2. not translated (mixed) if M is specified. M (mixed) is the default value. Option D STring is used to supply output data explicitly on the EXECIO command line. Any characters following the STRING keyword are treated as string data, not additional EXECIO operands. Therefore, STRING, if specified, must be the final option on the command line. Option E BUFfer length specifies the length, in characters (bytes), of the CP command response expected from a CP operation. The limits of values that may be specified for length are I through 231-1. If this option is not specified, up to 8192 characters of the response are returned. Extended Descriptions and Use Information General comments: EXECIO commands are normally issued as statements from System Product Interpreter or EXEC 2 EXECs. Because some EXECIO option values can exceed eight characters, an extended parameter list is required for EXECIO execution when these options are specified. Otherwise, an error message results. Both the System Product Interpreter and EXEC 2 supply a tokenized parameter list and, if necessary, an extended parameter list. 160 VM/SP CMS Command Reference EXECIO You should keep in mind that when a CMS operation completes and the READY message (Ready;) displays, CMS closes all files. Any subsequent EXECIO read operation will begin at file line one unless a "linenum" value is specified. Any subsequent EXECIO write operation will begin at the end of the file unless a "linenum" value is specified. Therefore, when possible, it is a good idea to specify a "linenum" value on the EXECIO command line. For write operations, data to be written is normally taken from the program stack. However, data to be written may be supplied via the STRING option or via the VAR or STEM options (in all cases the exec in question must be a System Product Interpreter exec or an EXEC 2 exec). Program stack: The program stack is a buffer area, expanded as necessary from available free storage. Data flow into and out of the program stack is: 1. normally FIFO (first-in first-out) for read or write operations; 2. LIFO (last-in first-out) for read options, such as FIND or LOCATE, that result in a line number being stacked. A successful search (LOCATE, FIND, etc.) operation results in two lines being written (LIFO) to the program stack: 1. the contents of the line that satisfied the search argument; 2. the relative line number (number of lines read to obtain a match for the search argument), and for a DISKR operation only, the absolute line number (position from the top of the file). Stacked line number values may be used on subsequent EXECIO operations for lines or Iinenum operands. The CMS SENTRIES command results in a return code equal to the number of lines in the program stack. Thus, the difference between SENTRIES return codes, one before and one after an EXECIO operation, is the number of lines stacked as a result of that operation. If the exec is coded in the REXX language, then the QUEUEDO built-in function can be used to return the same information as the CMS SENTRIES command. Refer to the VMjSP System Product Interpreter Reference for information on the QUEUEDO built-in function. Note: During a print operation, if carriage control (CC) is used, and you have a virtual printer with a device type that uses channel code sensing, see the operand section, CC operand, for more information. Setting Variables Directly: The VAR and STEM options allow EXEC 2 and System Product Interpreter variable(s) to be set directly, bypassing the use of the stack. Data flow in and out of the variable(s) is: • always FIFO (first-in first-out) for read or write operations using STEM variables. Chapter 2. eMS Commands 161 EXECIO • FIFO for read options, such as FIND or LOCATE, that result in a line number being returned. A successful search (LOCATE, FIND, etc.) operation results in two lines being assigned (FIFO) to EXEC variables if the STEM option has been used: 1. the contents of the line that satisfies the search argument; 2. the relative line number (number of lines read to obtain a match for the search argument), and for a DISKR operation only, the absolute line number (position from the top of the file). Returned line number values may be used on subsequent EXECIO operations for "lines" or "linenum" operands. If the STEM option was specified, then variable xxxxO contains the number of lines of data returned. For VAR and STEM operations called from the System Product Editor, the maximum that EXECIO processes is 23L 1; if called from an EXEC2 program, the maximum value is 255. If the command returns a non-zero return code, the variables specified by the command will be undefined and cannot be used. Closing files and virtual devices: EXECIO (DISKR or DISKW) operations do not close referenced files when the operation terminates unless the FINIS operand is specified on the command line. (Some CMS commands, such as ERASE and STATE, close the referenced file, then execute.) If you choose, you may close these files manually by invoking the CMS FINIS command. For files in an SFS directory, changes are not committed when there are files or directories open' on the same work unit. Using the FINIS option (or the FINIS command) to close any open files will commit your changes. There is considerable system overhead associated with the execution of FINIS. Therefore, if multiple references are to be made to a given file, it should be closed only when necessary. If successive EXECIO commands reference a particular internal area of a CMS file, it is probably more efficient to let the file remain open until the last of these commands is issued. If so, each operation begins at the file line following the'last line processed. This eliminates much of the need for calculating the "linenum" value. EXECIO does not close virtual spool devices. Therefore, to cause any spooled EXECIO output to be processed you must close the corresponding device. For example: CP CLOSE PRINTER If an input spool file is read with the EXECIO CARD operation and the read is not completed (that is, the virtual machine does not get a last-card indication), you must issue a CP CLOSE READER command to be able to read that file again (or to read any other file). The file is purged unless you specify HOLD when you close a reader file. Refer to the CP CLOSE command in the VMjSP CP General User Command Reference. If you have specified the PRINT or PUNCH operand and you try to write a line that is longer than the virtual device (PRINTER or PUNCH) allows, you will get error message DMSEI0632E. 162 VM/SP CMS Command Reference EXECIO lines operand: For a DISKW, PUNCH, PRINT, or EMSG operation (if the STEM option had not been specified), if the lines operand exceeds the number of lines on the program stack, reading continues through the terminal input buffer. If the lines operand is still not satisfied, a VM READ is issued to the terminal. At that point, you must enter the balance of the lines (the number specified in the lines operand) from the terminal. Entering a blank character (nullline) does not terminate the EXECIO operation; it writes a blank character to the output device. When the lines operand has been satisfied, the exec from which EXECIO was issued continues to execute. If * (to end of file) is specified for lines on an output operation, and you want the operation to terminate at any given line in the program stack or a STEM array, you must make sure that line is null. Reading a null line terminates any of the four output operations if * is specified for the lines operand. For input operations (DISKR, CARD, and CP), the number of lines written to the program stack or the STEM array does not necessarily equal the number specified by lines. For example, an end-of-file or a satisfied search condition terminates a read operation, even if the specified number of lines has not been written to the program stack or the STEM array. When a search argument (FIND, LOCATE, AVOID option) is satisfied, and no SKIP option is specified, and the default stacking order (LIFO) is used, the line at the top (first line out) of the stack or the STEM array contains the number of operations required to satisfy the search. The next line contains the line that satisfied the search. If the search argument (FIND, LOCATE, AVOID option) is not satisfied, a return code of 3 is given, even if EOF occurs before the specified number of lines has been read. A return code of 3 is also given if * is specified for lines on a read operation, and the search argument is not satisfied. When a number greater than 0 is specified for lines with output operation CP, and the number of lines written to the program stack, stem array, or variable name is not equal to the number specified by lines, a return code of 2 is given. When * is specified for lines on a read operation, the operation is terminated at end-of-file. A return code of 0 is given because the * is an explicit request to read to end-of-file. When a search argument (FIND, LOCATE, and AVOID options) is not satisfied and an end-of-file situation occurs for the EXECIO CARD operation, the reader file is purged unless a CP SPOOL READER HOLD was previously specified. For more information on how spool file are processed, refer to the CP CLOSE and CP SPOOL commands in the VM/SP CP General User Command Reference. DlSKR operation: The first line read on a DISKR operation may be: 1. the first line of the specified file; 2. specified using the "linenum" operand; 3. determined by the results of a previous operation. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 163 EXECIO The DISKR operation may be used to simply read a specified number of lines from a specified file and write them to the program stack or a variable. For example, suppose file MYFILE DATA contains: The The The The The number number number number number one color is red two color is yellow three color is green four color is blue five color is black The command: EXECIO 2 DISKR MYFILE DATA * 1 writes to the program stack (FIFO) two lines beginning with line one, like this: , The number one color is red '<-next line read , The number two color is yellow' , / , / However, a little more complex version of this command: EXECIO 2 DISKR MYFILE DATA * 3 (LIFO MARGINS 5 14 would have resulted in this program stack: , number fou , number thr '<-next line read , , , / / Note the use of * as a file mode operand on the command lines just above to serve as a place holder. The command: EXECio 2 DISKR MYFILE DATA * 1 (STEM X. assigns to variables X.l and X.2 one line each, beginning with line one, like this: , The number one color is red I X.1 , The number two color is yellow' X.2 , , / / The X.O variable contains the number of lines (in this example, 2). When a line satisfies the LOCATE, FIND, or AVOID option for a DISKR operation, EXECIO writes that line to the program stack (LIFO) or a variable (FIFO) and in an additional stack line or variable, writes the relative (number of lines read to satisfy the search) and absolute (position from the top of the file) line numbers. CP operand: When a search argument is required, the CP operand uses the FIND, LOCATE, and AVOID options to process output resulting from the associated CP command. Each line that satisfies the search criteria is written to the program stack or a variable. When data exceeds 8192 characters, it is truncated and an error code is returned. If you specify the BUFFER option, data is truncated after the number of characters specified in length or 8192 is reached, whichever is greater. The number of read operations required to match the search argument is written to the next stack line. If you do not supply the CP command to be issued via the STRING Oi)tion, the next line in the program stack is treated as that command. If there are no lines in the 164 VMjSP CMS Command Reference EXECIO program stack, the next line in the console input buffer is treated as the CP command. If there are no lines in the console input buffer, then a VM READ is issued to the terminal. A null line terminates the operation. The responses .from the CP command are treated as input. If CP SET IMSG is set OFF, no response is issued by some CP commands. This may result in a return code of 2, if a number other than zero (0) is specified for lines. The return code of 2 indicates that the end of the input file was reached before the specified number of lines could be read. This will not occur if you specify the lines operand as an asterisk (*). For more information regarding which CP commands are affected by the setting of IMSG refer to the CP SET command in the VM/SP CP General User Command Reference. Keep in mind that all characters of CP commands must be uppercase. ZONE and MARGINS options do not affect the reading of the CP command; however, they do affect the portions of the lines processed as a result of the command execution. DISKWoperand: The DISKW operand causes the next lines from the program stack to be written to a CMS file. The point at which writing begins in an existing file on a DISKW operation may: 1. follow the last file line (default "linenum" when writing to a newly opened file, for example); 2. be specified using the "linenum" operand; 3. be determined by the results of a previous operation. For example, suppose you want to write 10 lines from the program stack to the end of an existing file, BUCKET STACK A, on your disk or directory accessed as A. Your exec file statement to do this would be: EXECIO 10 DISKW BUCKET STACK A Now, take a slightly more complex requirement. Using stack lines down to the first null line, create a new file, BASKET STAX A, then close the file after it is written. Also, make the file fixed length format with a record length of 60. The EXECIO command to do this is: EXECIO * DISKW BASKET STAX A 1 F 60 (FINIS A word of caution about using the linenum operand to insert lines in the middle of CMS variable length files. Because of the way CMS handles these files, any variable length line inserted must be equal in length to the line it displaces. Otherwise, for minidisks formatted in: 1. 512-, 1K-, 2K-, or 4K-byte blocks, all file lines following the one inserted are truncated; 2. 800-byte blocks, the file remains unchanged and CMS issues message lOSS (nn= 15). Also for files in an SFS directory, all lines following the one inserted are truncated. For example, assume a disk format in 2K-byte blocks. The variable format file WORDS LEARNING A is: Chapter 2. CMS Commands 165 EXECIO A is for apple C C D is for cake is for candy is for dog execution of: EXECIO 1 DISKW WORDS LEARNING A 2 (STRING B is for butterfly produces a file that contains only: A is for apple B is for butterfly Because "B is for butterfly" contains more characters than the line it writes over, "C is for cake," all lines following it are truncated. However, slightly modifying the command to: EXECIO 1 DISKW WORDS LEARNING A 2 (STRING B is for baby results in: A is B is C is D is for for for for apple baby candy dog To prevent truncation when inserting records in a variable-length file, you can use fixed-format files. recfm Ireel operands: The default value for recfm is V (variable), in which case "lrec1" has no meaning. If you specify F (fixed) for recfm, the default Irec1 value is 80. The maximum Irec1 value that you may specify is 255 unless the VAR or STEM option is used to bypass the use of the program stack, in which case the maximum is that which is defined for the type of file in use (800 byte or EDF file). When lines are written to an existing file, the record format and record length of that file apply. Specifying recfm or Ireel values on the EXECIO command line that conflict with those of the existing file causes an error message to be issued. CC operand: When you specify CC together with the DATA operand, be sure the first character of each line to be sent to the virtual printer may be removed and interpreted as carriage control for that line. You may use ASA or machine code characters with the CC operand to specify carriage control. For example, CC 0 causes space two lines before printing. You can find information about these codes under the PRINTL macro description in VMjSP Application Development Reference for eMS. If your virtual printer is a device type which reflects channel code sensing back to you, the sensing of channel code 12 or 9 results in a return code of 2 or 3 from PRINTL, which EXECIO reflects as return code 102 or 103. For these type conditions, the following options are available for you to handle recovery: • Code the application to examine the return code from EXECIO and retry the print operation if a channel code 12 -or 9 has been detected. i· 166 VM/SP ClV1S Command Reference ( EXECIO • Redefine the virtual printer to a device type that does not reflect channel 12 or 9 sensing. • Redefine the FCB for the printer to eliminate the channel code 12 or 9. EMSG operand: Lines to be displayed by EMSG should have the format: xxxnunmnnns where: xxxmmm is the issuing module name nnn is the message number s indicates the message type (E - error, I - informational, W - warning etc.) The current settings of the CP SET EMSG command control the displayed lines. These settings, combined with message length, can cause messages to be abbreviated or not displayed at all. linenum operand: When a linenum value (default 0) is not specified on the EXECIO command line, the number of the next file line available for reading or writing depends on results of previous operations that referenced that file. For example, consider the two EXECIO DISKR operations just below. By looking at the first of these commands you can see: 1. Four lines are to be read from MYFILE DATA, starting at line 1; 2. Because FINIS is not specified on the command line, MYFILE DATA remains open after the first read operation. Because the first command reads 4 lines, the subsequent read operation will begin at line 5. EXECIO 4 DISKR MYFILE DATA * 1 EXECIO 3 DISKR MYFILE DATA (FINIS Because the second EXECIO command specifies no linenum operand, reading of the specified 3 lines begins at line 5. Two situations that would cause the second EXECIO command to not begin execution at line 5 are: 1. a program other than EXECIO accessing MYFILE DATA after the first and before the second EXECIO command is executed; 2. a CMS operation completing such that the CMS READY message (Ready;) is displayed. In that case CMS closes associated files. Therefore, subsequent operations using these files would begin at line 1. The FINIS operand causes MYFILE DATA to close. Therefore, any subsequent DISKR operation using a default linenum value would begin reading at line I. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 167 EXECIO FIND LOCATE A VOID options: The delimiter pair for the specified character string need not be / /. They may be any character not included in the string. For example: EXECIO * DISKR MYFILE DATES (LOCATE $12/25/81$ FIFO LIFO options: Most EXECIO operations that write to the program stack default to FIFO, first line written to the stack will be the first read out. The exceptions (LIFO) are operations involving a search (LOCATE, FIND, and AVOID options). These operations result in the relative line number (number of lines read to satisfy the search) being stacked. For DISKR operations the absolute line number (position from the top of file) is also stacked on the same line. It is necessary to have these numbers at the top of the stack so that they are immediately accessible to a subsequent EXECIO command. SKIP option: On EXECIO read operations the SKIP operand prevents input lines from being written to the program stack or a variable. For example, you might want to put on the program stack all lines of MYFILE DATA that follow the line containing "4120 Rock Road." First, to search through the file for the line after which reading to the program stack is to begin, issue: EXECIO * DISKR MYFILE DATA * 1 (LOCATE /4120 Rock Road/ SKIP The SKIP option prevents the line being searched for, together with the line number, from being written to the program stack. Then, to write to the program stack the next line through the end of file, issue: EXECIO * DISKR MYFILE DATA Keep in mind that accessing MYFILE DATA by another program or causing a CMS READY message to be displayed prior to issuing the second EXECIO command would change the point at which the second command begins reading. When possible, you should specify the linenum operand explicitly. Another use of the SKIP option might be the execution of a CP command via the CP operand to obtain a return code without displaying the resulting messages or writing them to the program stack or a variable. For example: EXECIO * CP (SKIP STRING Q userid The user ID must be uppercase. As an alternative, specifying 0 for the lines operand value with the CP operand also causes results not to be displayed or written to the program stack. STEM option: On EXECIO operations, the STEM option allows an array of EXEC 2 or System Product Interpreter variables to be set directly, bypassing the use of the stack. For example, if you want the first 3 lines of MYFILE DATA to be assigned to System Product Interpreter variables X.I, X.2, and X.3, issue: 'EXECIO 3 DISKR MYFILE DATA * 1 (STEM X.' 168 VM/SP CMS Command Reference EXECIO Variable X.I now contains the first line of MYFILE DATA, ,variable X.2 contains the second line, and variable X.3 contains the third line. Variable X.O contains the number of lines (in this example, 3). For System Product Interpreter variables, the variable name should be enclosed in quotes and must be in uppercase. For EXEC 2 variables, you omit the '&', quotes are not necessary, and mixed case may be used. Note: Doing a DISKR operation using the STEM option from an EXEC 2 exec may cause truncation to 255 bytes and a return code of I. For the STEM option, the maximum length variable name is 240 bytes. VAR option: On EXECIO operations, the V AR option allows an EXEC 2 or System 'Product Interpreter variable to be set directly, bypassing the use of the stack. For example, if you want the second line of MYFILE OATA to be assigned to an EXEC 2 variable named X, issue: EXECIO 1 DISKR MYFILE DATA * 2 (VAR X Variable X now contains the second line of MYFILE DATA. For System Product Interpreter variables, the variable name should be enclosed in quotes and must be in uppercase. For EXEC 2 variables, you omit the '&', quotes are not necessary, and mixed case may be used. Note: Doing a DISKR operation using the V AR option from an EXEC 2 exec may cause truncation to 255 bytes and a return code of 1. For the VAR option, the maximum length variable name is 250 bytes. See the VMjSP eMS User's Guide for an example of using EXECIO within System Product Interpreter programs. Messages and Return Codes DMSEI0621E DMSEI0621E DMSEI0621E DMSEI0621E DMSEI0621E DMSEI0621E DMSEI0621E DMSEI062lE DMSEI0621E DMSEI0621E DMSEI0621E DMSEI0621E DMSEI0621E DMSEI0621E DMSEI0621E DMSEI0621E DMSEI0621E Bad Plist: Device and lines arguments are required [RC = 24] Bad Plist: Invalid value value for number of lines [RC = 24] Bad Plist: Missing DEVICE argument [RC = 24] Bad Plist: Invalid DEVICE argument argument [RC = 24] Bad Plist: Disk argument argument is missing [RC = 24] Bad Plist: Invalid character in file identifier [RC = 24] Bad Plist: Invalid value value for disk file line number [RC = 24] Bad Plist: Disk filemode required for DISKW [RC = 24] Bad Plist: Invalid record format recfm-- Must be either F or V [RC=24] Bad Plist: Invalid record length argument Irel [RC = 24] Bad Plist: File format specified recfm does not agree with existing file format recfm [RC = 24] Bad Plist: File lrecl specified Irecl does not agree with existing file lrecl Irecl [RC = 24] Bad Plist: Invalid positional argument argument [RC = 24] Bad Plist: EXECIO options only allowed with extended plist [RC=24] Bad Plist: Unknown option name name [RC = 24] Bad Plist: Value missing after option option [RC = 24] Bad Plist: Value value not valid for option option [RC = 24] Chapter 2. CMS Commands 169 EXECIO DMSEI0621E DMSEI0621E Bad Plist: option option is not valid with option option [RC = 24] Bad Plist: option option not valid with operation operation [RC = 24] DMSEI0621E Bad Plist: STRING option with LINES = * is valid only for CP operation [RC=24] DMSEI0621E Bad Plist: VAR option with LINES> 1 is invalid [RC = 24] DMSEI0621E Bad Plist: Invalid mode mode [RC = 24] Bad Plist: Invalid EXEC variable name [RC = 24] DMSEI0621E Bad Plist: NAMEFIND must be invoked as a nucleus extension DMSEI0621E [RC=24] DMSEI0621E Bad Plist: QUERY must be invoked as a nucleus extension [RC=24] DMSEI0622E Insufficient free storage for EXECIO [RC = rc] DMSEI0631E function can only be executed from an EXEC-2 or REXX EXEC [RC= rc] DMSEI0632E I/O error in EXECIO: rc = nnnn from command command [RC= rc] DMSERD257T Internal system error at address addr (offset offset) DMSFNS1144E Implicit rollback occurred for work unit workunitid [RC = 31] DMSFNS1252T Rollback unsuccessful for file pool ji/epoo/id Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in the Shared File System Errors in using a file Errors in printing a file 813 814 406 Return Code Definitions: Return Code o 1 2 3 24 31 41 55 70 76 99 Inn 2008 xlnnn lxnnnn Definition Finished correctly Truncated EOF before specified number of lines were read Count ran out without successful pattern match Bad PLIST Error caused a rollback of a shared file(s) Insufficient free storage to load EXECIO APPC/VM communication error SFS sharing conflict SFS authorization error Insufficient virtual storage for SFS file pool 100 + return code from I/O operation (if nonzero) Variable name supplied on STEM or VAR option was invalid. 1000 + return code from CP command (if nonzero), where x is 0, 1, 2, or 3, as described above 100000 + return code from CP command (if nonzero), where x is 0, 1, 2, or 3, as described above Note: For information on the EXECCOMM function and the associated return codes, refer to the VM/SP System Product Interpreter Reference. 170 VM/SP CMS Command Reference EXECLOAD EXECLOAD Use the EXECLOAD command to load an exec or System Product Editor macro into storage and prepare it for execution. Format EXECLoad EXLoad {tn It} [{m [execname [exectype]]] Options: [(options ... [)] ] [Push] Operands In is the file name of the exec to be loaded. It is the file type of the exec to be loaded. 1m is the file mode of the exec to be loaded. The default for file mode is an asterisk (*), which means the first file in the search order that satisfies the file name and file type qualifications is loaded. In order to assign an execname and exectype, you must also specify the file name, file type and file mode. execname is the name to be assigned to the loaded exec. The default is '=', which means the exec's present file name is to be used. exectype is the type to be assigned to the loaded exec. The default is '=', which means the exec's present file type is to be used. Options User specifies that the storage for the loaded exec is allocated from user free storage. This is the default. SYstem specifies that the storage for the loaded exec is allocated from nucleus free storage. Push specifies that the exec is loaded whether an exec by the same name already exists in storage. This loaded exec does not replace the existing exec. Subsequent invocation of this execname and exectype executes the most recently loaded version. Also, a subsequent EXECDROP of this execname and exectype drops the most recently loaded version. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 171 EXECLOAD Usage Notes I. The file name and file type can each be from one to eight characters. The valid characters are A-Z, a-z, 0-9, $, #, @, +, - (hyphen), : (colon), and_ (underscore). The exec name and exectype of the execid may also be from one to eight characters. However, the execname and exectype are not limited to the file name and file type character set. The only characters that are invalid within an execname or exectype are =, *, (, ), and X I FF I • 2. If SET INSTSEG is ON and you attempt to load an exec into storage with the saine execname and exectype as a SHARED exec, you must specify the PUSH option. 3. To list the execs in storage and in a CMS installation saved segment, use the EXECMAP command. To remove an exec from storage or to discontinue use of an exec in a CMS installation saved segment, use the EXECDROP command. Use the SET INSTSEG OFF command to discontinue use of all SHARED execs temporarily. To determine the status of a specific exec, use the EXECSTAT command. 4. To list the execs that are currently storage-resident, use the EXECMAP command. To purge a storage-resident exec, use the EXECDROP command. To determine the status of a specific exec, use the EXECSTAT command. Examples The following command: execload tphone exec a (user loads the TPHONE EXEC from your disk or directory accessed as A into user free storage and assigns it the same name. Specifying the following: execload tphone exec a = xedit (system loads the TPHONE EXEC A into nucleus free storage and assigns to it the name TPHONE XEDIT. Messages and Return Codes DMSEXLQ03E DMSEXL042E DMSEXL054E DMSEXL062E DMSEXL070E DMSEXLI04S DMSEXLI09S DMSEXL414E DMSEXL415E DMSEXL417E Invalid option: option [RC = 24] No fileid specified [RC = 24] Incomplete fileid specified [RC = 24] Invalid character * in fileid [RC = 20] Invalid parameter parameter [RC = 24] Error nn reading file fn ft 1m from disk or directory [RC = 100] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Execid execname exectype already in storage [RC= I] Invalid character char in execid execname exectype [RC = 20] Only EXEC-2 and REXX EXECs are supported as storage resident EXECs [RC = 4] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 172 Reason Page Errors in command syntax Errors in the Shared File System Errors in using a file 811 813 814 VMjSP CMS Command Reference EXECMAP EXECMAP Use the EXECMAP command to list execs and System Product Editor macros in storage and in certain loaded saved segments. These segments are the CMS installation saved segment and segments built by the SEGGEN command that are loaded. See the Application Development Guide for eMS for details on the SEGGEN command. Format [(options ... [ )]] Options: [User] [SYstem] SEGment [ [SHared] {seg:ame} 1 NOSEGment STACK [~~~~Jl [ FIFO LIFO Operands execname is the name of the storage-resident exec(s) to be listed. If an asterisk (*) is coded in this field, all exec names are used. The default is an asterisk. exec type is the type of the storage-resident exec(s) to be listed. If an asterisk (*) is coded in this field, all exectypes are used. The default is an asterisk. If no operands are specified, the list contains all of the execs and editor macros in storage, the CMS installation saved segment, and loaded logical segments. Issuing EXECMAP with no operands is like issuing EXECMAP * *. Options User indicates that the storage for the exec(s) was allocated from user free storage when the exec was loaded. Only the execs that satisfy the execname and exectype qualifications and that also have the USER attribute are listed. If neither USER, SYSTEM, nor SHARED is specified, then all execs that satisfy the execname and exectype qualifications are listed. Shared execs are not listed if SET INSTSEG is OFF. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 173 EXECMAP SYstem indicates that the storage for the exec(s) was allocated from nucleus free storage when the exec was loaded. Only the execs that satisfy the execname and exectype qualifications and that also have the SYSTEM attribute are listed. If neither USER, SYSTEM, nor SHARED is specified, then all execs that satisfy the execname and exectype qualifications are listed. Shared execs are not listed if SET INSTSEG is OFF. ( ~ SHared indicates that the exec(s) is affected by the SET INSTSEG command. Only the execs that satisfy the execname and/or exectype qualifications and that also have the SHARED attribute are listed. If neither USER, SYSTEM, nor SHARED is specified, then all execs that satisfy the execname and exectype qualifications are listed. Shared execs are not listed if SET INSTSEG is OFF. SEGment indicates that only execs in the specified segment are to be listed. If neither SEGMENT or NOSEGMENT is specified, all execs will be listed, whether or not they are segment resident. ( segname the 1-8 character name of a logical segment. An asterisk (*) will list all execs that match the execname and exectype and reside in a logical segment. NOSEGment indicates that only execs that do not reside in a logical segment are to be listed. If neither SEGMENT or NOSEGMENT is specified, all execs will be listed, whether or not they reside in a segment. STACK (FIFO) STACK LIFO specifies that the listed information should be placed in the program stack (for use by an exec or other program) instead of being displayed at the terminal. The information is stacked either FIFO (first in first out) or LIFO (last in first out). The default order is FIFO. FIFO specifies that the information should be placed in the program stack rather than displayed at the terminal. The information is stacked FIFO. The options STACK, STACK FIFO, and FIFO are all equivalent. ( I \ ( \ LIFO specifies that the information should be placed in the program stack rather than displayed at the terminal. The information is stacked LIFO. This option is equivalent to STACK LIFO. Usage Notes 1. The exec information is listed alphabetically by exec name. For duplicate exec names, the first one listed is the one activated by commands specifying its name. 2. Use the EXECDROP command to delete a storage-resident exec or to discontinue use of an exec in a saved segment. To discontinue use of all shared execs temporarily, use the SET INSTSEG OFF command. Use the EXECLOAD command to load an exec into storage. Use the EXECSTAT command to determine the status of storage-resident execs. 174 VM/SP CMS Command Reference (~ EXECMAP Examples To list all storage-resident execs with an exectype of XEDIT, then specify: execmap * xedit The following command: execmap travel exec (fifo stacks the map output FIFO for the storage-resident TRAVEL EXEC. Responses Name Type Usage Records Bytes Attribute Segname exec name exectype usage records bytes USER segname SYSTEM SHARED Messages and Return Codes DMSEXM003E DMSEXM070E DMSEXM109S DMSEXM415E DMSEXM416W Invalid option: option [RC = 24] Invalid parameter parameter [RC = 24] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC= 104] Invalid character char in execid execname exectype [RC = 20] There are no execname exectype {SYSTEM I[or]USERI [or]SHARED} EXECs storage resident [RC=28] DMSEXM1284T Non-recoverable error occurred in system data management routines. Re-IPL CMS. Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 Chapter 2. CMS Commands 175 EXEC OS EXECOS Use the EXECOS command to reset the OS and VSAM environments under CMS without returning to the interactive environment. The EXEC OS command can be invoked by specifying EXECOS without parameters or by preceding any CMS command with EXECOS. Format EXECOS [cmd [operand] [operand2 .. .operandnJJJ Operands [cmd [operand] [operand2 ... operandnJJJ is a CMS command. If EXECOS precedes a CMS command, first the CMS command is processed, and then the EXECOS performs the OS reset function. The return code is that of the CMS command that was processed. A return code of -3 may indicate that the EXECOS command preceded an unknown CMS command. If EXECOS is specified without parameters, the OS environment is reset and the return code is zero. Usage Notes 1. The EXECOS command is primarily intended for use in an EXEC 2 or a System Product Interpreter exec that either invokes several OS programs sequentially or invokes the same OS program repetitively. Note: The cleanup of an OS or VSAM environment, if needed, is performed after each command has been processed from a CMS exec or after processing a command entered at your terminal. Therefore, in these two cases, the use of the EXECOS command is unnecessary. 2. The EXECOS command clears the following: • • • • • • • • • STAE exits STIMER exits SPIE exits STAX exits TXTLIB directories MACLIB pointers SSTAT extensions LINKLISTS (LINKSTRT and LINKLAST) OS environment flags (OSSFLAGS) If VSAM is running, VSAM cleanup is also done. If the Vector Facility is in use, it is disabled to force a vector reset. 3. When processing in the VSAM environment, issue EXECOS prior to issuing CMS commands or user applications that run in the user area. Failure to do so could result in unpredictable errors and the overlay of VSAM control blocks. 4. When you request a reset of the OS environment after the execution of a CMS exec, the EXEC OS command should precede the CMS exec command. For example: &TRACE ALL EXECOS EXEC VMFASM DMSSEB DMSSP &EXIT 176 VMjSP CMS Command Reference EXECOS 5. Whenever the CMS command, CP, must be used within an exec or EXEC 2 exec to transmit a CP command to the VM/SP control program environment, a request for a reset of the OS environment after the execution of the CP command requires that the EXECOS command precede the CMS CP command. F or example: &TRACE ALL EXECOS CP QUERY DASD &EXIT Chapter 2. CMS Commands 177 EXECSTAT EXECSTAT Use the EXECSTAT command to verify the existence of an exec or System Product Editor macro in storage, on a disk, or in an SFS directory. The status is returned as a return code in register 15. Format EXECStat EXStat { e;ecname} {e;ectype } Operands execname is the name of the storage-resident exec(s) whose existence is to be verified. If an asterisk (*) is coded in this field, all storage resident execnames will be used. exec type is the type of the storage-resident exec(s) whose existence is to be verified. If an asterisk (*) is coded in this field, all exectypes are used. Usage Notes 1. Specifying an asterisk (*) for both the execname and the exectype will verify the existence of any storage-resident execs. When you specify 'EXECSTAT * *', the return codes have the following meanings: Code Meaning o There are storage-resident execs. 4 There are no storage-resident execs. The contents of register 1 should be disregarded in this case. 2. To list the execs in storage and in a CMS installation saved segment, use the EXECMAP command. To remove an exec from storage or to discontinue use of an exec in a CMS installation saved segment, use the EXECDROP command. Use the SET INSTSEG OFF command to discontinue use of all SHARED execs temporarily. To load an exec into storage, use the EXEC LOAD command. Examples To see if there are any storage-resident execs with the execname FILELIST, you would enter: execstat filelist * To see if there are any storage-resident execs with an exec type of XEDIT, you would enter: execs tat * XEDIT 178 VMjSP CMS Command Reference EXECSTAT Responses The return codes and their meanings are: Code Meaning o Exec will execute from storage and register I contains pointer to the fileblock. 4 Exec will execute from dasd and register I contains pointer to the FST. 8 Exec will not execute from storage and does not exist on dasd. Messages and Return Codes DMSEXQ003E DMSEXQ042E DMSEXQ054E DMSEXQ070E DMSEXQI09S DMSEXQ415E Invalid option: option [RC = 24] No execid specified [RC = 24] Incomplete execid specified [RC = 24] Invalid parameter parameter [RC = 24] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Invalid character char in execid execname exectype [RC = 20] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 Chapter 2. CMS Commands 179 EXECUPDT EXECUPDT Use the EXECUPDT command to apply updates to a System Product Interpreter source program and create an executable version of the program. This command can only be used with System Product Interpreter programs. See VMjSP Application Development Guide for CMS for information on how to set up a program for updating. See the VMjSP System Product Editor Command and Macro Reference for information about editing files in upqate mode with the System Product Editor. EXECUPDT creates a variable-format, executable program from a fixed-format, sequenced source file. The file type of the source file must begin with a dollar sign ($), for example $EXEC or $XEDIT. You do not enter this dollar sign when you enter the file type on the EXECUPDT command. EXECUPDT updates files in the same manner as the UPDATE command and accepts all UPDATE command options. In addition to the UPDATE command options, EXECUPDT has options that allow you to request removal of Support Identification (SID) codes from the file, include a log of applied updates with the file, or remove comments from the file to improve performance. Format EXECUPDT fn [ft EXEC [~m]] [(options .•• [) ]] Options: [CTL fn1][HISTory ] [COMPress ] [COMMents ] NOHISTory NOCOMPress NOCOMMents [ETMODE] SID ] [ NOSID [NOUPdate] Operands fnftfm is the file identifier of the source input file. The file must consist of fixed-format records with a record length between 80 and 255, inclusive, with sequence numbers in the last eight columns. If the file type or file mode is omitted, EXEC and * are assumed, respectively. Options CTL specifies that a file named "fnl" with a file type of CNTRL is an update control file that controls the application of multiple update files to the source input file. HISTory specifies that a file named 'fn' with a file type of UPDATES is to be appended to the updated source file as a System Product Interpreter comment. This file, 'fn UPDATES', is created by the UPDATE command. 180 VM/SP CMS Command Reference EXECUPDT NOHISTory specifies that the UPDATES file created by the UPDATE command should not be appended to the updated source file. This is the default. COMPress specifies that comment lines in the source file that start in column 1 and begin with /*! should be removed from the updated source file to improve performance. This is the default. Note: You identify those comments that are extraneous (for instance, a prolog) by putting an exclamation point (!) after the /* that begins the comment. Remember that you must leave a comment as the first statement so VM/SP can identify it as a System Product Interpreter program. NOCOMPress specifies that comments are not to be removed from the updated source file. COMMents specifies that comments are not to be removed from the source file except those removed by the COMPRESS option. This is the default. NOCOMMents specifies that all comments and leading blanks are to be removed from the source file. One comment line containing the execname and exectype is inserted at the beginning of the file. Do not specify NOCOMMENTS with the COMPRESS option. Note: If you use NOCOMMENTS on an EXEC that uses data stored within comments, the updated file may not execute properly. ETMODE specifies that the source file contains DBCS characters and that shift-in and shift-out characters should be paired while comments are being removed. ETMODE only functions when specified with NOCOMMENTS. SID specifies that the last seventeen columns of the input file contain sequence number and SID code fields which are to be removed from the updated source file. The sequence number field is the last eight columns of the input file, the SID code field is the nine columns before the sequence number. NOSID specifies that the input file does not contain a SID code. Only the sequence numbers in the last eight columns of the input file are to be removed from the updated source file. This is the default. NO UPdate specifies that no update files are to be applied before building the updated source file. Specify this option when converting a source file which does not yet have updates. You can also use the CTL option to convert a file with no updates. The EXECUPDT command ignores the HISTORY option if NOUPDATE is specified. Usage Notes 1. You may also use any other options accepted by the UPDATE command. See the description of the CMS UPDATE command for a complete list of available options. 2. If you want to issue EXECUPDT from an exec program, you should precede it with the EXEC command; that is, specify exec execupdt Chapter 2. CMS Commands 181 EXECUPDT Example If you want to create an executable version of the source file MYFILE $XEDIT, and remove comments from the file, you would enter: execupdt myfile xedit a (camp naup The option COMP, for COMPRESS, is actually the default; therefore, you do not have to specify it. The option NOUP, for NOUPDATE, means that update file processing is ignored and that a file named myfile xedit is produced from myfile $xedit without the comments. Messages and Return Codes DMSWUP002E File fn ft fm not found [RC = 28] DMSWUP054E Incomplete fileid specified [RC = 24] DMSWUP419E fn ft has an error with quote/comment nesting. A quote islA comment isln comments are open at the end of the program. [RC=8] DMSWUP637E Missing value for the CTL option [RC = 24] DMSWUP649E Extraneous parameter parameter [RC = 24] DMSWUP671E Error updatingfnftfm; rc=nn from XEDIT [RC= 100] DMSUPDOOIE No filename specified [RC = 24] DMSUPD002E File [fn [ft [fm]]] not found [RC = 28] DMSUPD003E Invalid option: option [RC = 24] DMSUPD007E File fn ft fm is not fixed, 80-character records [RC = 32] DMSUPDOI0W Premature EOF on file fn ft fm--sequence number seqno not found [RC= 12] DMSUPD024E File fn ft fm already exists [RC = 28] DMSUPD048E Invalid mode mode [RC = 24] DMSUPD065E option option specified twice [RC = 24] DMSUPD066E optionl and option2 are conflicting options [RC = 24] DMSUPD069E Filemode mode not accessed [RC = 36] DMSUPD070E Invalid parameter parameter [RC = 24] DMSUPDI04S Error nn reading file fn ft fm from disk or directory [RC = 100] DMSUPDI05S Error nn writing file fn ft fm on disk or directory [RC = 100] DMSUPD174W Sequence error introduced in output file: seqnol to seqno2 seqnol to seqno2 [RC = 8] DMSUPD176W Sequencing overflow following sequence number seqno [RC = 8] DMSUPD179E Missing or duplicate MACS card in control file fn ft fm [RC = 32] DMSUPD181E No update files were found [RC=40] DMSUPD182W Sequence increment is zero [RC = 8] DMSUPD183E Invalid {CONTROLIAUX} file control card [RC = 32] DMSUPD184W ./S not first card in update file--ignored [RC = 12] DMSUPD185W Invalid character in sequence field seqno [RC = 12] DMSUPD186W Sequence number seqno not found [RC = 12] DMSUPD187E Option STK invalid without CTL [RC = 24] DMSUPD207W Invalid update file control card [RC = 12] DMSUPD21OW Input file sequence error: seqnol to seqno2 [RC=4] DMSUPD299E Insufficient storage to complete update [RC=41] DMSUPD300E Insufficient storage to begin update [RC = 41] DMSUPD361E Filemode mode is not a CMS disk or directory [RC = 36] DMSUPD653E Error executing command rc = nn [RC = 40] 182 VM/SP CMS Command Reference FETCH FETCH Use the FETCH command in CMS/DOS to load an executable phase into storage for execution. Format FETch phasename Options: [(options ...[ )]] [START] [COMP] [ORIGIN hexloc] Operands phasename is the name of the phase to be loaded into virtual storage. CMS searches for the phase: • In a VSE private core image library, if IJSYSCL has been defined. • In eMS DOSLIBs that have been identified with the GLOBAL command. • In the VSE system core image library, if you specified the mode letter of the VSE system residence on the SET DOS ON command line. Options START specifies that once the phase is loaded into storage, execution should begin immediately. COMP specifies that when the phase is to be executed, register 1 should contain the address of its entry point. (See Usage Note 5.) ORIGIN hex/oc fetches the program and loads it at the location specified by hexloc; this location must be in the CMS user area below the start of the CMS nucleus. The location, hexloc, is a hexadecimal number of up to eight characters. (See Usage Note 6.) Usage Notes 1. If you do not use the START option, FETCH displays a message at your terminal indicating the name of the phase and the storage location of its entry point. At this time, you can set address instruction stops for testing. To continue, issue the START command to initiate execution of the phase just 'loaded. 2. The fetch routine is also invoked by supervisor call (SVC) instructions 1, 2, 4, or 65. The search order for executable phases is the same as listed above An exception to this search order is CMS DOSLIBs, as they are not searched. 3. If you want to fetch a phase from a private core image library, you must issue an ASSGN command for the logical unit SYSCLB and define the library in a DLBL command using the ddnaIIJ.e IJSYSCL. For example: Chapter 2. CMS Commands 183 FETCH assgn sysclb c dlbl ijsyscl c dsn core image lib (sysclb perm 4. Phase fetched from VSE core image libraries must have been link-edited with ACTION REL. 5. CMS uses the COMP option when it fetches the DOS PL/I compiler because that compiler expects register 1 to contain its entry point address. This option is not required when you issue the FETCH command to load your own programs. When CMS starts executing a phase that has COMP specified, the OMS LI 07 4CH Execution begins message is not displayed. 6. The ORIGIN option is used by the VSAMGEN installation exec procedure to load nonsharable modules on a segment boundary. It is not required when you issue the FETCH command to load your own programs, unless you want to load them at a location other than 20000. 7. The FETCH command should only be used with the START command to execute a VSE program. It should not be used with GENMOD to attempt to create an executable CMS module file. 8. Multiphase program support is different in CMS/DOS than in VSE. The core image directory is not searched for multiphase programs. Thus the value of HIPROG in BGCOM reflects only the ending address of the longest phase loaded, not that of the phase in the library that has the highest ending address. Example To load the executable phase MYFILE into your CMS virtual machine and immediately begin execution of the program, you would enter: fetch myfile (start Responses DMSFET719I Phase phase entry point at location hexloc This message is issued when the START option is not specified. It indicates the virtual storage address at which the phase was loaded. DMSLI0749I Execution begins ••• This message is issued when the START option is specified; it indicates that program execution has begun. Messages and Return Codes DMSFCHOl6E DMSFCHI04S DMSFCHI09S DMSFCHI13S DMSFCH115E DMSFCH41IS DMSFCH623S DMSFCH777S DMSFET003E DMSFET004E DMSFET029E DMSFET070E 184 VM/SP CMS Command Reference No private core image library found [RC = 28] Error nn reading file In It 1m from disk or directory [RC = 100] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Disk(vdev) not attached [RC = 100] Phase load point less than vstor [RC = 40] Input error code nn on SYSaaa [RC = rc] Phase cannot be loaded at location hexloc--this area is available for system use only [RC = 88] DOS partition too small to accommodate fetch request [RC= 104] Invalid option: option [RC = 24] Phase phase not found [RC = 28] Invalid parameter parameter in the option option field [RC = 24] Invalid parameter parameter [RC = 24] FETCH DMSFET098E DMSFET099E DMSFET623S No phase name specified [RC = 24] eMS/DOS environment not active [RC = 40] Phase cannot be loaded at location hexloc--this area is available for system use only [RC = 88] Chapter 2. CMS Commands 185 FILEDEF FILEDEF Use the FILEDEF command to establish data definitions for OS ddnames, to define files to be copied with the MOVEFILE command, or to override default file definitions made by the assembler and the OS language processors. Format FIledef r- PRinter [( optionA optionB optionE [) ]] [(optionA optionB· OPTCD J [) ]] PUnch Reader [( optionA optionB [)]] [( optionA optionB [)]] ddname} Terminal { ~n DISK fn [ FILE DISK [[fn FILE 1][(optionA optionB optionC [ )]] ft [fm ddname AlJ } IAlJ1] tDSN? DSN quall qua12 .. . ft Jrfm ddname DSN quall.qua12 .. . [(optionA optionB optionC[)]] DISK vaddr DUMMY [(optionA optionB [)]] TAPn LABOFF BLP en] SL [n][VOLID VOlid] [(DISP MOD SUL en] [VOLID volid NL en] NSL filename [( optionA optionB optionD [)]] GRAF vdev > . optionF[)]] [ (optionA [ )] ] / CLEAR - 186 VM/SP CMS Command Reference (\ - FILEDEF FIledef OptionA: [PERM] [ CHANGE ] NOCHANGE OptionB: [RECFM a] [LRECL nnnnn] [BLOCK nnnnn ] BLKSIZE nnnnn OptionC: [KEYLEN nnn] [XTENT ;;nnn][LIMCT nnn] [OPTCD aJ[DISPMOD] [MEMBER membername] [CONCAT] [DSORG {!~}] OptionD: 7TRACK ] 9TRACK [ 18TRACK [ALT [TRTCH a] [DEN den] [ LEAVE] [NOEOV] {~~~n}] OptionE: UPCASE ] [LOWCASE OptionF: [SYSPARMN;;ing)} ] Operands ddname nn * is the name by which the file is referred to in your program. The ddname may be from one to eight alphameric characters, but the first character must be alphabetic or national. If a number nn is specified, it is translated to a FORTRAN data definition name of FTnnFOOl. An asterisk (*) may be specified with the CLEAR operand to indicate that all file definitions not entered with the PERM option should be cleared. Devices: 1 / Terminal is your terminal (terminal I/O must not be blocked). Terminal input will be truncated to the console input buffer length of 130 characters. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 187 FILEDEF PRinter is the spooled printer. PUnch is the spooled punch. Reader is the spooled card reader (card reader I/O must not be blocked). DISK specifies that the virtual I/O device is a disk or SFS directory. As shown in the format, you can choose one of two forms for specifying the DISK operand. Both forms are described in "Using the FILEDEF DISK Operand." DUMMY indicates that no real I/O takes place for a data set. TAP In) is a magnetic tape. The following symbolic names for a tape drive are supported and represent these virtual control units: Symbolic Virtual Name Address Symbolic Virtual Name Address TAPO TAP 1 TAP2 TAP3 TAP4 TAPS TAP6 TAP7 TAP8 TAP9 TAPA TAPB TAPC TAPD TAPE TAPF 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 288 289 28A 28B 28C 28D 28E 28F If n is not specified, FILEDEF uses the existing T APn device for the specified ddname. TAP defaults to TAP2 if there is no existing definition for the specified ddname, or if the existing device was not T APn. T APO through T AP7 are at one virtual control unit and T AP8 through T APF are at another virtual control unit. You can also specify the type of label processing you want on your tape. Specifying label processing is discussed in "Using the FILEDEF TAPn operand." . GRAF specifies that the virtual I/O device is a Graphic Display. vdev is the virtual device address of the attached graphic display. Valid addresses are: • 0001 through FFFF for a 370/XA mode virtual machine • 001 through 5FF for a VM/SP virtual machine in basic control mode • 001 through FFF for a System/370 mode virtual machine and a VM/SP virtual machine in extended control mode. On VM/SP and Systemj370 mode virtual machines you can supply a leading zero. In the preceding description a VMjSP virtual machine and a VMjXA SP System/370 mode virtual machine are equivalent; a VMjXA SP 370-XA mode virtual machine allows you to use addresses above the 16Mb line. Valid addresses in both environments are described to help you plan and develop applications that will run in both environments. 188 VM/SP CMS Command Reference FILEDEF CLEAR removes any existing definition for the specified ddname. Clearing a ddname before defining it ensures that a file definition does not exist and that any options previously defined with the ddname no longer have effect. Options Whenever an invalid option is specified for a particular device type, an error message is issued. Table 7 on page 190 shows valid options for each device type. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 189 FILEDEF Table 7. Valid File Characteristics for Each Device Type of the FILEDEF Command Options OPERANDS READER, PUNCH, PRINTER TERMINAL TAPn DISK DUMMY I X4 ALT BLOCK, BLKSIZE X X X6 X CHANGE, NOCHANGE X X X X CONCAT X DISPMOD X4 X DSORG X KEYLEN X2 LEAVE X X2 LIMCT LOWCASE, UPCASE LRECL X X X X6 MEMBER X X NOEOV X OPTCD X5 PERM X X2 X X X X4 SYSPARM RECFM X X DEN X X TRTCH X 7TRACK, 9TRACK, 18TRACK I No options may be necessary but all disk options are accepted. 2 This option is meaningful only for BDAM files. 3 This option is for 7-track tapes only. 4 This option is for SL tapes only. 5 This option is for Printer only. 6 This should be used for OS compatibility of output. VM/SP CMS Command Reference X X3 X2 XTENT 190 GRAF X X FILEDEF PERM retains the current definition until it either is explicitly cleared or is changed with a new FILEDEF command with the CHANGE option. If PERM is not specified, the definition is cleared when a FILEDEF * CLEAR command is executed. CHANGE merges the file definitions whenever a file definition already exists for a ddname and a new FILEDEF command specifying the same ddname is issued; the options associated with the two definitions are merged. Options from the original definition remain in effect unless duplicated in the new definition. New options are added to the option list. NOCHANGE retains the current file definition, if one exists, for the specified ddname. With this option, the system stops further processing (error checking, scanning, etc.) of the new FILEDEF command if a file definition exists for the specified ddname. RECFMa is the record format of the file, where "a" can be one of the following: a F FB7 V VB7 U FS,FBS VS,VBS Meaning Fixed length Fixed blocked Variable length Variable blocked Undefined Fixed length, standard blocks Variable length, spanned records The values below, A and M, are carriage control characters. They may be combined with any of the above values for "a." For example, specifying FBA gives fixed block records with ASA control characters. Specifying VBM gives variable blocked records with machine codes. AS M9 ASA control characters Machine codes LRECL nnnnn is the logical record length (nnnnn) of the file, in bytes. LRECL should not exceed 32760 bytes for fixed length records or 32756 for variable length records because of OS restrictions. BLOCK nnnn BLKSIZE nnnnn is the logical block size (nnnnn) of the file, in bytes. BLOCK should not exceed 32760 bytes because of OS restrictions. If both BLOCK and BLKSIZE options are specified, the value of nnnnn for BLOCK is used and BLKSIZE is ignored. 7 FB and VB should not be used with TERMINAL or READER devices. 8 A may be used with TERMINAL devices, but simulation is limited to the characters "blank" (single space), "0," (double space), "-" (triple space), and "1" (page eject, simulated as double space). All other control characters are treated as a single space. 9 M should not be used with TERMINAL devices. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 191 FILEDEF KEYLEN nnn is the size (nnn) of the key (in bytes). The maximum value accepted is 256. XTENT nnnnn is the number of records (nnnnn) in the extent for the file. The default is 50. The maximum value is 16,777,215. LIMCT nnn is the maximum number of extra tracks or blocks (nnn) to be searched. The maximum value is 256. OPTCD a is the direct access search processing desired. The variable "a" may be any combination of up to three of the following: (A and R are mutually exclusive.) Code A E F R DASD Search Actual device addressing Extended search Feedback addressing Relative block addressing OPTCDJ is valid only for the Printer. When the virtual printer is a 3800, 'J' indicates to QSAM and BSAM that the output line contains a TRC (Table Reference Character) byte. Note: The KEYLEN, XTENT, LIMCT, and OPTCD options should only be used with BDAM, QSAM, or BSAM files. DISPMOD positions the read/write pointer after the last record in the file. This option should only be used for adding records to the end of a file and only for standard label tapes. When you add records to the end of a file, the file must be on a disk or directory accessed as read/write. If a disk or directory is an extension of another disk or directory, the extension is automatically read/only and you cannot write to it. During multi-volume tape processing this is valid only with the currently mounted volume; no volume switching is done. MEMBER membername allows you to specify the name of a member of an OS partitioned data set, or a CMS simulated partitioned data set; member name is the name of the PDS member. With CMS simulated partitioned data sets, OS macros can only be used to read members. CONCAT allows you to assign the same ddname to two or more OS libraries so that you can refer to them in a single GLOBAL command. You may concatenate libraries with file types of MACLIB and LOADLIB. You cannot issue multiple FILEDEF commands with the CONCAT option for LOADLIBs and MACLIBs that have the same file names but are on different disks or directories. Only the information for the last FILEDEF is retained. Any file format options you specify in the first FILEDEF command line remain in effect for subsequently concatenated libraries. For a detailed description of concatenated macro libraries, see VM/SP Application Development Guide for eMS. 192 VM/SP CMS Command Reference ~ FILEDEF DSORG PS DSORG PO DSORG DA is the data set organization: physical sequential (PS), partitioned (PO), or direct access (DA). 7TRACK 9TRACK 18TRACK is the tape setting. The tape device mode is not checked or set by FILEDEF. Use the TAPE command MODESET option to set the mode of a tape. TRTCHa is the tape recording technique for 7-track tapes. Use the following chart to determine the value of "a" for 7-track tapes. a Parity Converter Translator 0 OC OT E ET odd odd odd even even off on off off off off off on off on The default value of TRTCH is OC. DEN den is tape density: den can be 200, 556, 800, 1600, 6250, or 38K BPI (bytes per inch). If 200 or 556 are specified, 7TRACK is assumed. If 800, 1600, or 6250 are specified 9TRACK is assumed. If 38K is specified, 18TRACK is assumed. If a TAPE command was issued with the MODESET option and MODESET was not specified on any subsequent command, the tape drive will contain the density (mode) specified by TAPE MODESET. If no MODESET was specified, the drive will default to the highest density available; for example, DEN 6250 for a 1600/6250 dual density 3420 drive. For additional information, see the MODESET option of the TAPE command. The following densities are allowed for the given track sizes. 7track 200, 556, 800 9track 800, 1600, 6250 18track 38K UPCASE translates all terminal input data to uppercase. LOWCASE retains all terminal input data as typed in. LEAVE is only valid for T APn files that are SUL or SL (standard label). With this option selected, the tape is not moved before label processing. If LEAVE is not specified, tapes with files specified as SL or SUL are rewound and then positioned before the files are processed. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 193 FILEDEF NOEOV is only valid for TAPn files. With NOEOV selected, there is no automatic limited end-of-volume processing when end of tape is sensed on output. Under OS simulation for standard labelled tapes, if NOEOV is specified, it is ignored during end-of-volume processing. See the section "CMS Tape Label Processing" in the VMjSP eMS User's Guide for a description of end-of-volume processing. ALT TAPn ALT vdev is only valid for TAPn files that are SL (standard label). This option specifies an alternate tape drive to be used when an EOV condition occurs on the primary tape drive. It allows the next volume of a multi-volume tape file to be mounted on an alternate drive at the same time as the first volume. Processing switches between drives at each EOV condition and continues until an EOT condition is encountered. The TAPn specifies the symbolic tape identification. The vdev specifies the virtual device address of the tape. The following symbolic names and virtual device addresses are supported: Symbolic Virtual Name Address Symbolic Virtual Name Address TAPO TAP 1 TAP2 TAP3 TAP4 TAP5 TAP6 TAP7 TAP8 TAP9 TAPA TAPB TAPC TAPD TAPE TAPF 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 288 289 28A 28B 28C 28D 28E 28F Both the primary and alternate tape drives must have compatible characteristics; that is, they must have an equal track setting and must record at the same density. Usage Notes 1. If you do not issue a FILEDEF command for an OS input or output file, CMS uses the ddname on the DCB macro to issue the following default file definition: FILEDEF ddname DISK FILE ddname Al See "Usage Notes" under the discussion of the ASSEMBLE command for information on the default file definitions made by the assembler. 2. To identify VSE files for VSE program execution or to identify VSAM data sets for either OS or VSE program execution, you must use the DLBL command. 3. A file definition established with the FILEDEF command remains in effect until explicitly changed or cleared. The system clears file definitions under the following circumstances: • When the assembler or any of the language processors are invoked. (Note that FILEDEF definitions entered with the PERM option are not cleared.) • When a program abends or when you issue the Immediate command HX to halt command or program execution. 194 VM/SP CMS Command Reference FILEDEF 4. Do not attempt to clear a FILEDEF in a program after the corresponding DCB has been opened - you must do this before the DCB has been closed. The OS macros rely on information set up by FILEDEF. Therefore, if this information is cleared, the macros are not able to function properly, and unpredictable results can occur. 5. The FILEDEF command does not supply default values for LRECL and BLKSIZE. As under OS, if DCB information is unavailable when a file is opened, an open error is issued for the file. The following chart summarizes the results at OPEN time of specifying LRECL and BLKSIZE options. BLKSIZE LRECL Results Not Specified Not Specified If the input file exists, the item length (or item length + 4 for variable length records) becomes the BLKSIZE. Specified Not Specified LRECL = BLKSIZE (or LRECL = BLKSIZE-4, for variable-length records). Not Specified Specified BLKSIZE = LRECL (or BLKSIZE = LRECL + 4, for variable-length records). Specified Specified The values specified are used. If V or VB is specified for RECFM, LRECL must be at least 4 bytes less than BLKSIZE and LRECL must be at least 4 bytes greater than the largest record of the file. If VS or VBS is specified for RECFM, LRECL can exceed the specified BLKSIZE, but LRECL should not exceed a maximum value of 32756 because of OS restrictions. VSE sequential (SAM) files do not contain BLKSIZE, LRECL, or RECFM specifications. These options must be specified by a FILEDEF command or DCB statement if OS macros are used to access VSE files. Otherwise the defaults, BLKSIZE=32760 and RECFM=U, are assumed. LRECL is not used for RECFM = U files. 6. When copying a variable length data set (RECFM = V or VB) from an OS disk to a CMS disk or SFS directory, the logical record length (LRECL) of the file that is created on the CMS disk or SFS directory is equal to the size of the largest record in the data set being copied. If the file that is being created has a file mode of 4, the logical record length will be equal to the LRECL of the largest record plus 8 bytes. The actual LRECL of the new file can be determined by using the CMS LISTFILE command. 7. There is an auxiliary processing option for FILEDEF that is only valid when FILEDEF is executed by an internal program call: this option cannot be entered as a terminal command. The option, AUXPROC addr, allows an auxiliary processing routine to receive control during I/O operations. For details on how to use this option of the FILEDEF command, see the manual, VM/SP Application Development Guide for eMS. 8. If a FILEDEF command is issued with a DDNAME that matches a current DDNAME defined by a previous FILEDEF command and the devices are the same, the file name, file type, file mode, and options previously specified remain in effect, unless re-specified by the new FILEDEF command. If the devices are not the same, all previous specifications are removed. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 195 FILEDEF 9. CMS supports one virtual reader at address OOC, one virtual punch at address OOD, and one virtual printer at address OOE. When you issue a eMS command or execute a program that uses one of these unit record devices, the device must be attached at the virtual address indicated. If a program has two or more data control blocks (DCBs) with different ddnames open for the same unit record devices, records from different files may b~ mixed together into one file. Separate files are not maintained. 10. To copy data between shared (e.g. 3420) and non-shared (e.g. 3480) tape ~uhsystems, assign each tape device to a different virtual control unit. For example: FILEDEF IN TAPO (18TRACK FILEDEF OUT TAP8 (9TRACK MOVEFILE IN OUT *TAPO is assigned to 180 *TAP8 is assigned to 288 or ..• FILEOEF IN TAPA (18TRACK FILEDEF OUT TAPl (9TRACK MOVEFI LE IN OUT *TAPA is assigned to 28A *TAP1 is assigned to 181 11. If the FILEDEF command is entered with no operands, a list of current definitions is displayed. 12. FILEDEF uses the extended plist for processing the DSN quail [.quaI2 ... qualn] parameter. If you are calling FILEDEF from an assembler language program and using DSN quall[.quaI2 ...qualn], you should supply an extended plist. VMjSP Application Development Guidefor CMS has more information on how an assembler language program can supply an extended plist. 13. If you are calling FILEDEF from an assembler language program and using the SYSPARM option, you must supply an extended plist. Use the CMSCALL macro to do this; refer to the description of the CMSCALL macro in the VM/SP Application Development Reference for CMS for more details. Using the FILEDEF DISK Operand There are three general forms for specifying the DISK operand in a FILEDEF command. 1. If you specify the first form: FI LEDEF ddname DISK In Jt Um] fn andft (file name and file type) are assumed to be a CMS file ID. If fm is the file mode of an OS disk, fn and ft are assumed to be the only two qualifiers of an OS data set name. If fm is specified as an asterisk, (*) then all accessed disks and directories are searched. You cannot use this form unless the OS data set name or VSE file ID conforms to the OS naming convention (1- to 8-byte qualifiers separated by periods, to a maximum of 44 characters, including periods). Also, the data set name can have only two qualifiers; otherwise, you must use the DSN ? or DSN quail ... form. For example, if the OS data set name or VSE file ID is TEST.SAMPLE.MAY, you enter: FILEDEF MINE B1 DSN TEST SAMPLE MAY -- or -- FILEDEF MINE B1 DSN TEST.SAMPLE.MAY -- or -- 196 VM/SP CMS Command Reference FILEDEF FILEDEF MINE Bl DSN ? TEST. SAMPLE. MAY If the OS data set name or VSE file ID is TEST. SAMPLE, then you may enter: FILEDEF MINE DISK TEST SAMPLE B1 2. The second form of the DISK operand is used only with OS data sets and VSE files: FILEDEF ddname DISK In It fm DSN? FILE ddname Al DSN quall [quaZ2 ••• J DSN quall [.quaI2 ••• J This form allows you to enter OS and VSE file identifications that do not conform to OS data set naming conventions. The DSN operand corresponds to the DSN parameter on the OS DD (data definition) statement. There are many ways you can specify this form: • FILEDEF ddname DISKfnftfm DSN quail [quaI2 ... ] -- or -• FILEDEF ddname DISKfnftfm DSN quail [.quaI2 ... ] The above forms of the FILEDEF command associate the eMS file name and file type you specify with the as data set name or VSE file ID specified following the DSN operand. Once it is defined, you can refer to the OS data set name or VSE file ID by using the eMS file name and file type. If you omit DISK, fn, ft, and 1m, the default values are FILE ddname AI. • FILEDEF ddname DSN ? This form of the FILEDEF command allows you to specify the OS data set name or VSE file ID interactively. Using this form, you can enter an OS data set name or VSE file 10 containing embedded special characters such as blanks. If you use this form, the default file name and file type for your file, FILE ddname, is the eMS file name and file type associated with the OS data set name or VSE file ID. The file mode for this form is always the default, AI. To use the interactive DSN operand, you key in DSN ?; eMS then requests that you enter the OS data set name or DOS file ID exactly as it appears in the data set or file. Do not omit the periods that separate the qualifiers of an OS data set name, but do not insert periods where they do not appear. quall [.qual2 ••• J where quall.quaI2 ... are the qualifiers of the OS data set name or VSE file 10. When you use this form, you must code the periods separating the qualifiers. • FILEDEF ddname mode DSN quail [quaI2 ... ] -- or -• FILEDEF ddname mode DSN qual1 [.quaI2 ... ] This form allows you to specify the OS data set name or VSE file 10 explicitly. The default value for the file name and file type is FILE ddname. When you use this form, you can use periods to separate the qualifiers. If the command is entered with a blank separating the qualifiers, FILEDEF replaces them with periods. For example, for an OS data set or VSE file named MY.FILE.lN, you enter: Chapter 2. CMS Commands 197 FILEDEF FILEDEF ddname 81 DSN MY FILE IN -- or -- FILEDEF ddname 81 DSN MY.FILE.IN 3. FILEDEF ddname DISK vaddr This form associates a ddname with a virtual minidisk address. The ddname is the name of the virtual mini disk referred to in your program. It is intended to be used for a minidisk for which a RESERVE command has been issued. This form cannot be used as a regular FILEDEF for OS simulation. An open issued for such a ddname would fail. The vaddr is the virtual address of the device referred to in your program by ddname. Using the FILEDEF TAPn Operand: When you define a tape file with the FILEDEF command, you can specify the type of label processing to be done for the file. You do this by specifying a second operand after the word T APn. The operands that you may specify and their meanings are: LABOFF indicates that there is no eMS tape label processing for this tape file. LABOFF is the default. The tape is not positioned if this operand is specified. BLP indicates that the system is to bypass label processing but that the tape is to be positioned before the file is processed. SL indicates that you are using IBM standard labels. SUL indicates that you are using standard user labels (not processed for MOVEFILE). NL indicates that your tape has no IBM standard labels. (Do not use this operand if your tape has a VOLI label. A file on it will not be opened.) NSL indicates that you are using nonstandard labels. For the operands BLP, SL, and SUL: n indicates the position of the file on a multifile volume. When n is not specified, the default is 1. For SL and SUL files: volid specifies a 1- to 6-character volume serial number to be verified by reading the VOLI label on the tape. If not specified in FILEDEF, volume IDs may be specified on a LABELDEF command. If specified on both commands, the more recent specification is used. VOLID is only valid for SL or SUL tape files. If VOLID is not specified, the volume label on the tape is not checked. For SL files: DISP MOD adds records to tape files for standard label tapes only. fi1edef file a tapl sl (disp mod When the file is opened (output), the tape is positioned at the end of the file, ready to add new records. During multi-volume tape processing this is valid only with the currently mounted volume; no volume switching is done. When you use DISP MOD, you must specify the FID option with the LABELDEF command. The FID you specify must match the file ID of the tape file to which you are adding records. This helps ensure that 198 VMjSP CMS Command Reference FILEDEF the records are added to the correct tape file. If the FlO does not match the tape file 10, message DMSTLM434E is issued. SYSPARM passes the address of the character value string to DMSTVI (an interface routine). The maximum length of the string is determined by the total length of command. The command cannot exceed 130 characters unless the command is issued from a program and an extended plist is used. In this case, the string can be up to 65,535 bytes. If longer, it is truncated. The string cannot contain blanks or parentheses. If you want to enter a string with blanks or parentheses, use the SYSPARM (?) format. When you enter this format, you are prompted with ENTER SYSPARM: You can enter up to 130 characters. If longer, the string is truncated. You can omit the string's right parenthesis if SYSPARM is the last option specified. F or the NSL operand: filename is required for NSL files. It is the file name of a file that contains a routine for processing nonstandard labels. The file name must be that of a TEXT or MODULE file. If you have both a MODULE and TEXT file with this name, the MODULE file is used. MODULE files must be created so that they start at an address that does not allowthem to overlay a user program if they are to be used for NSL routines. See the section "Tape Labels in CMS" in the VM/SP eMS User's Guide for details on writing routines to process nonstandard labels. Unless LRECL is specified on the output FILEDEF, the EOV2/EOF2 label contains the record length of the last record written for record format V or VB tape files. Files with a record format F or FB contain zero unless LRECL is specified. LRECL is important for OS compatibility. You can define a file on tap2 with standard labels by using the following command: filedef filea tap2 s1 volid dept18 When this tape file is opened, CMS checks to see that it has a VOLI label with a volume serial number of deptlO. To specify the second file on the same tape, use filedef filea tap2 sl 2 volid dept18 The same file could be defined as having no labels by using filedef filea tap2 blp 2 filedef filea tap2 nl 2 If you use the above specification, your tape must not contain IBM standard labels. NL causes CMS to read your tape when you try to open a file on it and checks to see if the tape contains a VOLI label as its first record. If a VOLI label is there, CMS does not open your tape file. If you specify filedef filea tap2 blp 2 Chapter 2. CMS Commands 199 FILEDEF CMS positions the tape to the second file, but does not check to see if the tape has a label. Note: If you mount a blank tape and specify NL, the tape will run off the end of the reel. Write a tape mark to prevent this from occurring. To define a tape file with nonstandard labels, use the following command: fi1edef filea tap2 ns1 nonstd The routine NONSTD must exist as a TEXT or MODULE file and be able to process the particular nonstandard labels you are using for your tapes. If you defined filea with no label parameter at all, for example, fi1edef filea tap2 there is no label processing or positioning before the data in filea is processed. When you use the options DEN, TRTCH, 7TRACK, 9TRACK, or 18TRACK to set the mode of an output file, the tape must be at load point. This is due to a hardware restriction which allows the mode of a tape drive to be reset only when the tape is at load point. If the tape is not at load point when the date is written, the tape will be written at the current mode of the tape drive, and not the mode specified in the FILEDEF command. It is important to note that OPEN macro processing may position the tape beyond the load point (depending on the type of label processing is requested) before the data is written, and therefore the mode would not be reset. See the "CMS TAPE Command" Usage Notes for more information. Read the section "Tape Labels in CMS" in the VM/SP eMS User's Guide before you write programs that handle labeled tapes. Use the LEAVE and NOEOV options for tape files only. LEAVE indicates that a tape containing standard-label files is not to be moved before label processing. Using this option prevents CMS from rewinding the tape and checking the VOLI label as it otherwise does for SL and SUL files. The command: filedef fileb tapl sl (leave defines a tape file on tapeI but tells CMS not to position the tape before processing the labels for fileb. Note that you must position the tape properly yourself before using the LEAVE option. LEAVE may be used with SL, SUL, and BLP. However, it has no effect if used with NL. NL tapes are always rewound and positioned before a file on them is opened (even if you specify LEAVE). Use the LEAVE option with multifile volumes where rewinding and repositioning a tape before processing each file is inefficient. You must not move the tape between files if you use this option. Note that for BLP files you can obtain the effect of LEAVE by defining the file as LAB OFF rather than BLP. Using NOEOV, CMS does not do any end-of-tape processing on output. If this option is not specified, CMS writes a tape mark after it encounters EOT on output and, for SL and SUL files, also writes an EOVI label and another tape mark after the first tape mark. The tape is then rewound and unloaded. NOEOV suppresses this limited EOV processing. In OS simulation, if you specify the NOEOV option, it is ignored during end-of-volume processing. 200 VM/SP CMS Command Reference ~' ~ FILEDEF Using the FILEDEF ALT Operand: Use the ALT option for standard label tape files only. You can use alternate tape drive support as follows: fi1edef fi1ea tapl sl (alt tap2 where tap2 is the alternate drive where the second volume of the tape file is mounted. Responses If FILEDEF is entered with no operands and there are no filedefs in effect, the message: DMSFLD3241 No user defined FILEDEFs in effect is displayed. If FILEDEF is entered with no operands and there are filedefs in effect, a list of current definitions is displayed. For example: ddnamel devicel ddnameN deviceN if the device is a disk, additional file ID information is displayed: ddname DISK filename filetype filemode [datasetname] or, if the device is a tape, additional label information is displayed: ddname TAPn labe1type [n [VOLID volid]lfilename] DMSFLD0691 Filemode mode not accessed The specified disk or directory is not accessed; the file definition remains in effect. You should access the disk or directory before you attempt to read or write the file. DMSFLD220R Enter data set name: A FILEDEF command with the DSN? operand was entered. Enter the exact OS or VSE file identification, including embedded periods and blanks. DMSFLD7041 Invalid CLEAR request A CLEAR request was entered for a file definition that does not exist; no action is taken. DMSSTT2281 User labels bypassed on data set data set name This message is displayed when you issue a FILEDEF command for an OS data set that contains user labels. The message is displayed the first time you issue the FILEDEF command after accessing the disk on which the data set resides. Messages and Return Codes DMSFLD003E DMSFLD023E DMSFLD027E DMSFLD029E DMSFLD035E DMSFLD050E Invalid option: option [RC = 24] No filetype specified [RC = 24] Invalid device devtype [for SYSaaa] [RC = 24] Invalid parameter parameter in the option option field [RC = 24] Invalid tape mode [RC = 24] Parameter missing after DDNAME [RC = 24] Chapter 2. CMS Commands 201 FILEDEF DMSFLD065E DMSFLD066E DMSFLD070E DMSFLDI09S DMSFLD221E DMSFLD224E DMSFLD420E DMSFLD699E DMSFLD735E DMSFL0447E 202 VM/SP CMS Command Reference option option specified twice [Re = 24] option1 and option2 are conflicting options [Re = 24] Invalid parameter parameter [Re = 24] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [Re = 104] Invalid data set name [Re = 24] Fileid already in use [Re = 24] NSL exit filename missing or invalid [Re = 24] No file type specified or vdev is an invalid disk address [Re = 24] Primary and alternate tape drives are identical. [Re = 24] Invalid sysparm information [Re = 24] FILELIST FILELIST Use the FILELIST command to display a list of information about CMS files residing on accessed disks and Shared File System (SFS) directories. For directories, its subdirectories are also listed. The LISTFILE and FILELIST commands display identical information, but in the FILELIST environment, information is displayed under the control of the System Product Editor. You can use XEDIT subcommands to manipulate the list itself. You can also issue CMS commands against the files directly from the displayed list. Format FILEList [In [It [1m ] ] ] Options: [ ( options ... [ ) ] ] [Append] Filelist [ Nofilelist 1 [PROFile In] J [STAts 1 SHAre ALLfile [ AUThfile SEArch Operands In is the name of the file or subdirectory for which information is to be collected. If an asterisk (*) is coded in this field, all file names are used. Certain special characters (* and %) can be used as part of the file name to request that the list contain a specific subset of files. See "Pattern Matching" on page 8 for more information on using these characters. It is the file type of the file(s) for which information is to be collected. If an asterisk is coded in this field, all file types are used. Certain special characters can be used as part of the file type to request that the list contain a specific subset of files. See "Pattern Matching" on page 8 for more information on using these characters. 1m is the file mode of the file(s) for which information is to be collected. If this field is omitted, only the disk or directory accessed as A is searched. If an asterisk is coded, all accessed disks and directories are searched. If you not specify any operands, the list contains all files that are on your A disk, or in Shared File System (SFS) directories accessed as A, or SFS subdirectories accessed as A. Issuing FILELIST with no operands is like issuing "filelist * * a." Chapter 2. CMS Commands 203 FTT .FT .T~T Options Append specifies that the list of files should be appended to the existing list. This option is meaningful only when issued from within the FILELIST environment. If issued outside of FILE LIST, it results in an error condition. The type of information (STATS, SHARE, Or SEARCH) to be appended must match the existing type. You can display SHARE information by entering, filelist (share To specify any appends, you must also specify the type of filelist you currently have displayed; such as, filelist * * c (share append Filelist specifies that In ft fm is a file that already contains a list of files, produced by an earlier invocation of FILELIST or LISTFILE (using the EXEC option). Information about each file in this list is displayed. If this option is specified, no special characters used for pattern matching may appear infn ft or 1m. For information on pattern matching, see "Pattern Matching" on page 8. For information on creating and saving a list of files, see the usage note, "Saving a List of Files." Nofilelist specifies that In ft fm is not a list of files. PROFilefn specifies the name of an XED IT macro to be executed when XEDIT is invoked by the FILELIST command. If not specified, a macro named PROFFLST XED IT is invoked. For more information on the PROFFLST macro, see the usage note, "Default PF Key Settings." ALLfile specifies that all of the files in an SFS directory be listed whether or not you have read or write authority to them. Subdirectories and erased or revoked aliases are also listed. ALLFILE is the default when the specified file mode refers to a directory, but this option is ignored when the file mode refers to a disk. AUThfile specifies that only the files in an SFS directory that you have read or write authority to are to be listed. A UTHFILE is ignored if the file mode refers to a disk. Subdirectories and erased or revoked aliases are not listed. STAts lists the following information about the specified files: • • • • file identifier or directory identifier format and logical record length of the file number of records and number of blocks in the file date and time of last update. See the "Examples" on page 212 for a sample display using the STATS option. SHAre lists the following information: • file identifier or SFS subdirectory name 204 VM/SP CMS Command Reference FILELIST • file owner or SFS directory owner • the type of the file or SFS directory (mdisk, directory, alias, base, erased or revoked alias) • what authority you have to the file or directory (R/W). The SHARE option can be used for files on a disk or in a directory. See the "Examples" for a sample display using the SHARE option. SEArch searches a directory structure for the specified file(s). This option is useful if you know a file name but not the directory that the file is in. The SEARCH option can only be used for files in a directory. The following information is listed: • file identifier • directory containing the file See the "Examples" for a sample display using the SEARCH option. The search begins with the directory that you specify asfm, and continues within that directory structure for all subdirectories for which you have read or write authority, whether they are accessed or not. Subdirectories that are locked EXCLUSIVE by another user are not searched. If fm is not specified the search begins at your top directory whether or not it is accessed. You cannot specify an asterisk (*) for the file mode when you use this option. Usage Notes 1. Tailoring the FILELIST Command Options You can use the DEFAULTS command to set up options and/or override command: defaults for FILELIST. However, the options you specify on the command line when entering the FILELIST command override those specified in the DEFAULTS command. This allows you to customize the defaults of the FILELIST command, yet override them when you desire. Refer to the DEFAULTS command description for more information. 2. XEDIT Environment When you invoke the FILELIST command you are placed in the XEDIT environment, editing a file "userid FILELIST AO." A sample FILELIST screen is shown in the "Examples" section. The full power of XEDIT is available to you while you issue commands against the list of files. For example, you may want to use XEDIT subcommands to scroll through the list of files, locate a particular file, etc. However, some XEDIT subcommands are inappropriate in this environment. Subcommands that alter the format or the contents of "userid FILELIST" (for example, SET LRECL, SET TRUNC, SET FTYPE, or SET LINEND) may cause unpredictable results. 3. Entering CMS commands from FILELIST Begin CMS commands with "CMS" to prevent XEDIT from decoding the command. This prevents CMS commands from being mistaken as XEDIT subcommands. 4. If you want to issue FILELIST from an exec program, you should precede it with the EXEC command; that is, specify exec filel ist 5. File Sharing Considerations Chapter 2. CMS Commands 205 FILELIST While you have your FILELIST displayed on the screen, other users may modify the files (if you have authorized them to do so). As these changes are saved or filed, some of the file attributes on your screen may be out of date. When you issue a command against such a file, you may receive a message: DMSWEX654E Invalid symbol symbol; {Ie must be specified alonelinvalid character char following I symbol} [RC=24] If you do receive this message, simply clear the rest of the line following your command and press enter. 6. Saving a List of Files You can save a list of files created by the FILELIST command simply by filing it, that is, issuing FILE or SAVE from the command line. Remember that the list is a file, whose file name is your user ID and whose file type is FILELIST. If you issue FILE or SAVE, the file "userid FILELIST" is kept until the next time you issue FILE or SAVE from the list. You can also save a particular list of files by filing it under a different file ID. One way to do this is to issue the XEDIT subcommand FILE from the command line, specifying a different file name and/or file type. For example, you could issue "FILE MY FILES." Another way is to issue FILE from the command line, and then to use the RENAME command. Saving a list of files is useful when you want to send multiple files using the SENDFILE command. The list of files that you saved can be specified in the SEND FILE command issued with the FILE LIST option. With this method, you can send multiple files by issuing the SEND FILE command only once. The only file identifier you have to keep track of is that of the list. For information on sending a list of files, see the SENDFILE command (the description of the Filelist option). 7. Issuing Commands From the List On a full screen display, you can issue commands directly from the line on which a file is displayed. You do this by moving the cursor to the line that describes the file, typing the command in the space provided to the left of the file name, and then pressing the ENTER key to execute the command. If a command is longer than the command space provided on the screen, just continue typing over the information in the line. You may type over the entire line displayed, up to column 79. When you press the ENTER key, all commands typed on one screen are executed, and the screen is restored to its previous state. However, the list is updated to reflect the current status of the files (see Response section). You may want to enter commands from the FILELIST command line before executing commands that are typed on the list. To do this, move the cursor to the command line by using the PF12 key (instead of the ENTER key). After typing a command on the command line and pressing ENTER, you can use PFl2 to move the cursor back to its previous position on the list. 8. You can use the special commands EXECUTE, DISCARD, ALIALIST, and A UTHLIST from the FILE LIST screen. The EXECUTE command allows you to issue commands that use the files and directories displayed by FILELIST.. The DISCARD command allows you to erase the files and directories displayed by FILELIST. The ALIALIST command displays alias information in a full-screen environment. The AUTHLIST command displays authority 206 VM/SP CMS Command Reference ~ FILELIST information in a full-screen environment. For more information, see Chapter 4 Special Commands Used in Command Environments. 9. Files with mixed-case file IDs can only be manipulated by user-written execs and modules. Files will have to be renamed in order to be used by EXECUTE. 10. Using Symbols as Part of a Command Symbols can be used to represent operands in the command to be executed. They can be used in the commands typed on the screen, or as part of the command in EXECUTE (on the command line). Symbols are needed if the command to be executed has operands or options that follow the file ID. Examples of using symbols are in the "Examples" section, below. The following symbols can be used: I means one of three things: a. If a file is displayed on the line, the slash (/) means file name, file type, file mode. b. If a subdirectory is displayed on the line, the slash (I) means + filemode.filename for both the STATS and SHARE option screens. c. If a subdirectory is displayed on the line, the slash (I) means file name, file type, directory name (or file mode if the subdirectory is accessed) for the SEARCH option screen. In It 1m means the file type displayed on the line. 10 means execute the line as is, and omit appending anything. Id means the directory name for the file. If file is on a minidisk, Id has same meaning as 1m. means the file name displayed on the line. means the file mode displayed on the line. Any combinations of symbols can be used. For example: In It Int Intd Ito Intm Innt means the file name followed by file type means the file name followed by file type means the file name, file type, and directory name means the file type followed by file name is equivalent to I alone means file name followed by file name and file type. Note: If the symbol '/' appears in a command or in its operands, it must be issued from the command line, and not as part of an EXECUTE command. 11. Special Symbols Used Alone The following special symbols can be typed alone on the lines of the FILELIST display. They have the following meanings: means execute the previous command for this file. Commands are executed starting at the top of the screen. For example, suppose you enter the DISCARD command on the top line. You can then type an equal sign on any other line(s). Those files preceded by equal signs are discarded when the EXECUTE command is entered (from the command line or by pressing the ENTER key). Chapter 2. CMS Commands 207 FILELIST ? means display the last command executed. The command is displayed on the line in which the? is entered. I means make this line the current line. (On the FILELIST screen, the curren t line is the first file on the screen.) 12. Pattern Matching Subdirectory Names If special characters (* or 0/0) are used in In or It and the files are in an SFS directory, the specified directory cannot be open. When pattern matching is done on subdirectory names that contain more than eight characters, the first eight characters are used as the file name and the remaining characters are used as the file type. For example, your directory accessed as A contains, CROCKETT NOTEBOOK CROCKETTNOTES where CROCKETT NOTEBOOK is a file and CROCKETTNOTES is a subdirectory. Issuing, filelist croc* n* a (all file would find both CROCKETT NOTEBOOK and CROCKETTNOTES because CROCKETTNOTES contains more than eight characters and is matched as if it had a file name of CROCKETT and a file type of NOTES. Issuing, filelist crockettnotes * a (allfile would also find both CROCKETT NOTEBOOK and CROCKETTNOTES because only the first eight characters are used as the file name. Therefore, any file or alias with the name of CROCKETT, or any subdirectory with CROCKETT as the first eight characters in its name would be listed. 13. Default Key Settings for STATS Option Entering the FILE LIST command with the STATS option executes the PROFFLST XEDIT macro, unless you specify a different macro as an option in the FILELIST command. If you use a PF key to switch back and forth between FILELIST screens, for example, the STATS and SHARE screen, the default option profiles are executed, even if you specified another profile in the initial FILELIST command. If you want to always use another profile, see the DEFAULTS command. Note that the setting of some keys depends on whether the file mode refers to a disk or directory. The keys are set to the following values by PROFFLST XED IT: Key Setting Disk or Directory ENTER Execute Both Execute command(s) typed on file line(s) or on the command line. PF 1 Help Both Display FILELIST command description. PF 2 Refresh Both Update the list to indicate new files, erased files, etc., using the same parameters as those specified when FILELIST was invoked. 208 VM/SP CMS Command Reference Action FILELIST Key Setting Disk or Directory Action PF 3 Quit Disk Exit from FILELIST. Quit Directory Exit from FILELIST, or move up one level in the directory structure if you have used PFll to display the contents of a subdirectory. Sort (type) Disk Sort by file type, file name. Cancel Directory Exit from FILELIST regardless of how many levels deep in the directory structure you currently are. Sort (date) Disk Sort by date and time, newest to oldest. Sort (dir) Directory Directories are listed by date and time, then files are listed by date and time. The SDIR XEDIT macro does this. PF 6 Sort (size) Both Sort by size, largest first. PF7 Backward Both Scroll back one screen. PF 8 Forward Both Scroll forward one screen. PF9 FIfn Both Issue the command FILELIST In * * at the cursor, so that a list is displayed, containing all files that have the file name that is displayed on the line containing the cursor (all file types and file modes). Disk Not assigned. Share Directory Issue a FILELIST command with the SHARE option on the same file(s) that was specified on the initial FILELIST command. XEDIT Disk Edit the file where the cursor is placed. XED/FILEL Directory If the cursor is on a line containing a file, edit the file where the cursor is placed. If the cursor is on a line with a directory, the contents of the directory are displayed in the FILELIST environment. If the directory is not already accessed, it is temporarily accessed as the last available file mode in the search order. Pressing PF3 from this screen will return you to the parent directory and the temporary file mode is automatically released. Using PF3 and PFll moves you up and down your directory structure. Cursor Both If the cursor is in the file area, move it to the command line. If the cursor is on the command line, move it back to its previous location in the file (or to the current line). PF4 PF 5 PF 10 PF 11 PF 12 Notes: a. If you specify an asterisk for the file mode, or use the FILELIST option, PF 4 is set to Sort (type) PF5 is set to Sort (date) PF 10 is set to Share PF 11 is set to XED IFILEL Chapter 2. CMS Commands 209 FILELIST b. On a terminal equipped with 24 PF keys, PF keys 13 to 24 are assigned the same values as PF keys 1 to 12 as discussed here. In addition to setting the above PF keys, the PROFFLST XEDIT macro sets synonyms that you can use to sort your FILELIST files. The synonyms are: SNAME Sorts the list alphabetically by file name, file type, and file mode. STYPE Sorts the list alphabetically by file type, file name, and file mode. SMODE Sorts the list by file mode, file name, and file type. SRECF Sorts the list by record format, file name, file type, and file mode. SLREC Sorts the list by logical record length and then by size (greatest to least). SSIZE Sorts the list by number of blocks and number of records (greatest to least). SDATE Sorts the list by year, month, day, and time (most recent to oldest). SDIR Sorts the directories by date and time, then files are listed by date and time. SDIR is an XEDIT macro. 14. Default Key Settings for SHARE Option Entering the FILE LIST command with the SHARE option executes the PROFFSHR XEDIT macro, unless you specify a different macro as an option in the FILELIST command. Note that the setting of some keys depends on whether the file mode refers to a disk or directory. The keys are set to the following values by PROFFSHR XED IT: Key Setting Disk or Directory Action ENTER Execute Both The same as for the STATS option. PF 1 Help Both The same as for the STATS option. PF 2 Refresh Both The same as for the STATS option. PF 3 Quit Disk The same as for the STATS option. Quit Directory The same as for the STATS option. Sort (type) Disk The same as for the STATS option. Cancel Directory The same as for the STATS option. Sort (date) Disk The same as for the STATSoption. Sort (dir) Directory The same as for the STATS option. Sort (size) Disk The same as for the STATS option. Auth Directory Issue an AUTHLIST command for the file on the line containing the cursor. PF7 Backward Both The same as for the STATS option. PF 8 Forward Both The same as for the STATS option. PF9 Fl/n Disk The same as for the STATS option. Alias Directory Issue an ALIALIST command for the file on the line containing the cursor. PF4 PF 5 PF6 210 VMjSP CMS Command Reference FILELIST Key Disk or Directory Action Disk Not assigned. Stats Directory Issue a FILELIST command with STATS option on the same file(s) that was specified on the initial FILELIST command. XEDIT Disk The same as for the STATS option. XEDjFILEL Directory The same as for the STATS option. Cursor Both The same as for the STATS option. Setting PF 10 PF 11 PF 12 Notes: a. If you specify an asterisk for the file mode, or use the FILELIST option, PF 4 is set to Sort (type) PF5 is set to Sort (date) PF6 is set to Auth PF9 is set to Alias PF 10 is set to Stats PF 11 is set to XED jFILEL b. On a terminal equipped with 24 PF keys, PF keys 13 to 24 are assigned the same values as PF keys 1 to 12 as discussed here. In addition to setting the above PF keys, the PROFFSHR XEDIT macro sets synonyms that you can use to sort your FILELIST screen. The synonyms are: SNAME Sorts the list alphabetically by file name, file type, and file mode. STYPE Sorts the list alphabetically by file type, file name, and file mode. SMODE Sorts the list by file mode, file name, and file type. SOWNER Sorts the list by owner, file name, file type, and file mode. STYP Sorts the list by type, file name, file type, and file mode. SWRITE Sorts the list by W. SDATE Sorts the list by year, month, day, and time (most recent to oldest). SSIZE Sorts the list by number of blocks and number of records (greatest to least). SDIR Sorts the directories by date and time, then files are listed by date and time. SDIR is an XEDIT macro. 15. Default Key Settings for SEARCH Option Entering the FILELIST command with the SEARCH option executes the PROFFSEA XEDIT macro, unless you specify a different macro as an option in the FILELIST command. It sets the keys to the following values (note that the SEARCH option is only valid for files in SFS directories): Chapter 2. CMS Commands 211 FILELIST Key Setting Disk or Directory Action ENTER Execute Directory The same as for the STATS option. PF 1 Help Directory The same as for the STATS option. PF 2 Refresh Directory The same as for the STATS option. PF 3 Quit Directory The same as for the STATS option. PF4 Dirlist Directory Issues a DIRLIST Id command for the directory on the line containing the cursor. PF 5 Sort (name) Directory Sorts the list of files by file name, file mode. PF6 Auth Directory Issues an AUTHLIST command for the file on the line containing the cursor. PF7 Backward Directory The same as for the STATS option. PF 8 Forward Directory The same as for the STATS option. PF9 Alias Directory Issues an ALIALIST command for the file on the line containing the cursor. PF 10 Filelist Directory Issues a 'FILELIST * * 1m' command for the directory on the line containing the cursor. If the directory is not accessed, a temporary access is done using the last available file mode in the search order. Use the PF 3 or PF 4 key to return to the display of SEARCH information. PF 11 XED IT Directory Same as for the STATS option. PF 12 Cursor Directory The same as for the STATS option. On a terminal equipped with 24 PF keys, PF keys 13 to 24 are assigned the same values as PF keys 1 to 12 as discussed here. Note: In addition to setting the above PF keys, the PROFFSEA XEDIT macro sets synonyms that you can use to sort your FILE LIST screen. The synonyms are: SNAME Sorts the list alphabetically by file name, file type, and file mode. STYPE Sorts the list alphabetically by file type, file name, and file mode. SMODE Sorts the list by file mode, file name, and file type. SDIR Sorts the list by directory name, file name, and file type. Examples For the examples in this section, the 1m is portrayed as an SFS directory. Sample screens are shown in this section for the SEARCH, SHARE, and STATS options. The following FILELIST screen was created by issuing the FILELIST command with no operands - which is equivalent to entering filelist * * A (stats. Note that the files are sorted by date and time, newest to oldest. 212 VMjSP CMS Command Reference FILELIST GRASSI F'ILElJST, . A~·"$i'z~~t.t:··~]he~lC()l=lAl.t=e ... Directory '=, SERVERl :G.RAS~l .•• GOOOJES.fQgQ· •.., ....... : .......•.... ,"'" •. ,. ,.,,'~.' ,," ' •.. •.•. : • > .••..• : ••. , Cmd Filename· fil etypefmfQrmtatlreclRe(ords;EJl()~k$:,;/~·:tlate' Ti'me,,' . ' PIZ~A ' . TOPP1NGS·' Al.·f:'·· .la7·,:··.<'/~8[.···".'·>.1a:,·'.l(ua4/S817'!~9::0(ik,:. COOKIE ASSEMBlE .•·Al'F . .• :,;9~ . . '<,49··::·~f,·:·2,1~i93i~8'·~l5(1,:t:.01;/,: J.E4~Y····. ',·'PEANS.·· .' . . . . . Al i~;'. :,' 129 ': .."i?7·1·..,:;"J~,'}; '~i·:518.8:/·. :~.:J~~'~2':.'.·.· f'cO~'~~·ING",/T·IPS:/ '.'j,'~,lf·.; ."15. , . ,,;:.28,j~}:;;<;ul:'· .,. 1st: ...""'~\:" 'GU'S'toMERlIST/ .•. :":Af·F,::',.,,,·, 95 ," 34' ;.' \' '2: 8/a!'rt8a " i .. Figure 5. Sample FILELIST Screen with STATS option See "Responses" on page 216 for an explanation of the information listed in each column. The following FILELIST screen was created by issuing: file1ist * * a (share Chapter 2. CMS Commands 213 FILELIST Figure 6. Sample FILELIST Screen with SHARE option See "Responses" on page 216 for an explanation of the information listed in each column. The following FILE LIST screen was created by issuing: filelist * * a {search 214 VM/SP eMS Command Reference FILELIST GRASSI' A0 V 355,Trurlc=:355Sfze~13 '{i'ne~l Col=LAlt=9 'F'ILELISf, CmdFilename Filetype Fm Directory Name .CMSFILES, SCRIPT' A1SERVER1:GRASSLGOOOIES.FOOO COOKIE ASSEMBLE Ai SERVER1:GRASSLGOOOIES. FOOD CUSTOMER LIST A1SERVER1:GRASSL~OOPIES.FOOO oIE:TI NG TIPS AISERVER1;GRASSl.GOODIES.FOOD JELLY 'BEANS ArSERYERl:GRASSLGPODIES~FOOD JUNK FOOD, Al,SERVER1:GRASSI.GOODIES.,fOOO MYMACRO.~EOII' .' A1SERVER1:.GRA·SSLGOODIES. FOOD PIZZA . ,·.TOPP~,NGS:Al,.'SERVER~:~RASSI;GO()ln~S.FO()D SEND .,~XEG ' A1S~~VE~1:GRA~SI.GQODIES:.FOOD STOCK "LIST, ,< ,~'/SE.R'lERl:GRJ\S~J,.lN\lENTORIES,..", . 84' , LIST·.··· B1SERVER1!GRA~Sl~lNVENTORIES'.PRIC,ES . ,,8~"", ," ".'p,ST;,.".:'. Bl'SERVERl:,GRASSlL1NV,E~T()RlES.PfnCES;." SERVERl;:'GRASS1:~':SALe:S' ". ;" ,'.',;,.,,;'SE"I}:lT'·::.:EX£P·)·:.:· :. . . : """ ,,' ~: :' ~'<~:;:~'~::~ , ;,..:;, ;: ", . ,: . .: >, ~~: ~~:';; ~:' ~.~ p (." , " , .' :; " ,,; '"'.">. ~; :.: ,:", " H ",•., ; : ' .;:<.'....;,'.;•. ; . , , ; : , : . ; , : , / ' \ ; ; : ' ; ' ; , ' : , ' , " . :/;.: ,'~;·'·L:,:. ~ "x .... ,. ;C·(,;':.; " , ... ',. '; ;,,'t/;,:ir;:.';i.::~f:·' ,: ;;;"' , :', ;::, , ;?"" -!": ,;; <' . n, •• ',~~c ,," . ;.. .:;:/:'j;' ;;;,;;,,<://;'':::', " ... ; ." '/;,:, ";·r;~;j ;""~ <'~.«. < • < < -' •• '. ...' •• ~.";,; ><~.~~: ,'~.',;~: .....'"'' ...,;}/;:'" .. . ..... ,~<;·:r}' " i ; ; :;i,'; " " . ; ~~<:'" '.;.;-:.; .. :. ;"',;;:·::·;~'., .. ~.;;" , ~; y ~ "~' ~;~: , ; ;.. ~: "~I ,'~ : n '.:: :.;·.:;/'J·;~·i,I';/,:;xlM,;;;,:i/:f,ii;:;1:fii:'1"~"'/· '; ,'}::;'; «"':~;.;~} . ~i, ::/".,'. ' ,. ~ /. i, '''.;/.;. ;'.}/::.~. <~:'i ,~, Figure 7. Sample FILELIST Screen with SEARCH option See "Responses" on page 216 for an explanation of the information listed in each column. Examples of Using Symbols: The following examples show how symbols can be used to represent operands in a command. The values substituted for the symbols and the resulting command are shown. In each case, the co1l11D.and can be entered in either of the following ways: • typed in the "Cmd" area of the screen. The command is executed either by entering EXECUTE on the XEDIT command line and then pressing ENTER, or simply by pressing ENTER. • entered from the XEDIT command line, as an operand of EXECUTE (in the form "EXECUTE lines command"). If a symbol is not specified, the file name, file type, and file mode are appended automatically to the command. FILE ID COMMAND RESULTING COMMAND pizza toppings a cookie assemble a jelly beans a dieting tips a discard assemble In copy I = flavors copy lint b discard pizza toppings a assemble cookie copy jelly beans a jelly flavors a copy dieting tips a dieting tips b = Chapter 2. CMS Commands 215 FILELIST Responses Issuing the FILELIST command with the STATS option displays the following information: Filename Filetype Fm Format Lreel Records Blocks Date Time fn ft fm format lreel norees noblks mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss where: fn is the name of the file or directory. ft is the file type of the file. For a directory this column is blank. fm is the file mode of the disk or parent directory. format is the format: F is fixed-length, V is variable-length, DIR is a directory. A dash indicates an erased or revoked alias. 1reel 1 is the logical record length of the largest record in the file. F or directories and revoked or erased aliases, a dash is displayed. ·1 1 norees is the number of logical records in the file. For directories and revoked or erased aliases, a dash is displayed. nobl ks is the number of eMS data blocks that the file occupies. For directories and revoked or erased aliases, a dash is displayed. mm/dd/yy is the date (month/day/year) that the file was last updated. For a directory, the date the directory was created is displayed. A dash appears in this column for erased or revoked aliases. hh:mm:ss is the time (hours:minutes:seconds) that the file was last updated. For a directory, the time the directory was created is displayed. A dash appears in this column for erased or revoked aliases. One entry is displayed for each file or subdirectory listed. If the SHARE option is specified, the information displayed is: Filename Filetype Fm Owner fn ft fm owner Type type RW r w where: owner is the user ID of base file owner. For files on disks, this will be the disk owner's user ID. 216 VM/SP CMS Command Reference FILELIST type is one of the following: • • • • • • MDISK for a file on a disk BASE for a base file in a directory DIR for a directory ALIAS for an alias in a directory ERASED for an erased alias REVOKED for a revoked alias r is read authority. X indicates that you have read authority. A dash indicates that you do not have read authority. P means that the authority is managed by an External Security Manager (ESM). For files on disk, an X will be displayed if the disk is accessed read/only or read/write. w is write authority. X indicates that you have write authority. A dash indicates that you do not have write authority. P means that the authority is managed by an External Security Manager (ESM). For files on disk, an X will be displayed if the disk is accessed read/write, a dash if accessed read/only. One entry is displayed for each file or subdirectory listed. If the SEARCH option is specified, the information displayed is: Filename Filetype Fm Directory fn ft fm directory where: directory is the complete name of directory that contains the file. One entry is displayed for each file listed. If the specified files are on a disk, you will receive the message: DMSWFLl182E The SEARCH option may not be used with a minidisk When a command is executed, one of the following symbols is displayed in the "Cmd" space to the left of the file for which the command was executed. * Means the command was executed successfully (RC = 0). *0 Is the return code from the command executed (RC=n). *? ~v1eans thRt the command was an unknown CP/CMS command (RC=-3). Chapter 2. CMS Commands 217 FILELIST *! Means that the command was not valid in CMS subset. For a list of commands valid in CMS subset mode, see the VMjSP eMS User's Guide. The following responses can also appear directly on the FILELIST screen: Not found. ** criteria: fname ftype fmode * Discarded, Renamed, or Relocated ** * Fileid is in Mixed Case. Invalid for EXECUTE * fname ftype fmode has been discarded. * File fname ftype fmode has been discarded. * * fname ftype No files match fname ftype fname ftype fmode ** the search fmode ** fmode ** Messages and Return Codes DMSWFL002E DMSWFL054E DMSWFL651E DMSWEX654E DMSWFL653E DMSWFL680E DMSWFLI067E DMSWFL1182E DMSWFL1183E DMSWFL1223E DMSWFL1227E DMSWFL1228E DMSWFL1229E DMSWFL1232E DMSWFL1233E DMSWFL1234E DMSWFL1249I DMSWFL1263E File In It 1m not found [RC = 28] Incomplete fileid specified [RC = 24] APPEND must be issued from RDRLIST or FILELIST [RC=40] Invalid symbol symbol; {/O must be specified alonelinvalid character char following j symbol [RC = 24] Error executing LISTFILE, rc=nn [RC=nn] Invalid fileid specified with FILELIST option [RC = 20] Return code nn from the CMS XEDIT command [RC = 00] The SEARCH option may not be used with a minidisk [RC=74] '*' may not be specified for the filemode with the SEARCH option [RC = 24] There is no default file pool currently defined[RC = 40] No filemode is available to access directory [RC=OO] Error executing ACCESS for directory, rc = nn [RC = nn] Directory is empty [RC=OO] SDIR must be issued from FILELIST Share or Stats screen [RC=40] Invalid use of APPEND option [RC = 40] Error executing FILELIST, rc=nn [RC=nn] Directory has been temporarily accessed as filemode 1m [RC = 00] You are not authorized for directory [RC = 00] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 218 Reason Page Errors in command syntax Errors in the Shared File System 811 813 VM/SP CMS Command Reference FINIS FINIS Use the FINIS command to close one or more files on a disk or in a Shared File System (SFS) directory. Format FINIS Operands fn is the file name of the file to be closed. If you code an asterisk (*) in this field, all file names with the specified file type, and file mode are closed. ft is the file type of the file to be closed. If you code an asterisk (*) in this field, all files with the specified file name, and file mode for all file types are closed. fm is the file mode of the file to be closed. If you code an asterisk (*) in this field, all files with the specified file name and file type are closed. If this field is omitted, an asterisk is assumed. Usage Notes 1. If the specified file(s) reside on a minidisk, no changes are committed to the minidisk until all files on that minidisk that are open for output are closed. 2. If the specified file( s) reside in an SFS directory, the FINIS command will commit any changes. However the commit will not take effect if there are any other files or directories opened on the same work unit. 3. The FINIS command closes files opened by the FSOPEN macro, (or the EXECIO command within execs). Files opened by the CSL routine, OPEN, must be closed by the CSL routine, CLOSE. Messages and Return Codes DMSFNS1144E Implicit rollback occurred for work unit workunitid [RC=31] DMSFNS1252T Rollback unsuccessful for file poolfilepoolid Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in the Shared File System 813 If an error occurs, register 15 contains one of the following error codes: Code Meaning 6 File not open (or no read or write was issued to the file), or invalid file ID (fn ft fm) specified. 31 Rollback occurred for this work unit due to an error in close. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 219 FORMAT FORMAT Use the FORMAT command to: • Initialize a minidisk for use with eMS files • Count or reset the number of cylinders on a minidisk • Write a label on a minidisk Format FORMAT vdev 1m [nocyl] [noblk] [ (options ... [ ) ] ] Options: Blksize 512 800 1024 2048 4096 [Noerase] [Label] [Recomp] lK 2K 4K Operands vdev is the virtual device address of the minidisk to be formatted. Valid addresses are: • 0001 through FFFF for a 370-XA mode virtual machine • 001 through 5FF for a VM/SP virtual machine in basic control mode • 001 through FFF for a System/370 mode virtual machine and VM/SP virtual machine in extended control mode. On VM/SP and System/370 mode virtual machines you can supply a leading zero. Note: In the preceding description a VM/SP virtual machine and a VMfXA SP System/370 mode virtual machine are equivalent; a VMfXA SP 370-XA mode virtual machine allows you to use addresses above the 16Mb line. Valid addresses in both environments are described to help you plan and develop applications that will run in both environments. 1m is the file mode letter to be assigned to the specified device address. Any single character letter, A through Z, is valid. This field must be specified. If any other disk is accessed at this mode, it is released. 220 VM/SP CMS Command Reference FORMAT nocyl is the number of cylinders to be made available for use. All available cylinders on the disk are used if the number specified exceeds the actual number available. noblk is the number of FB-512 blocks to be made available for use. If the number specified exceeds the actual number of blocks on the disk, then all the blocks on the disk are made available for use. Options Blksize specifies the physical DASD block size of the CMS minidisk. The block sizes 1024, 2048, and 4096 may alternately be specified as lK, 2K, and 4K, respectively. For FB-512 devices, only block sizes 512, 1024, 2048, and 4096 are supported; for CKD (count key data) devices, all block sizes are supported. The BLKSIZE option defaults to a block size that optimizes the I/O and data storage for the particular device. CKD devices default as follows: DASD 2314 3340 3330 3350 3375 3380 Default Blocksize 1024 1024 2048 2048 4096 4096 FB-512 devices, such as 9313, 9332, 9335, 3310, and 3370, default to a block size of 1024. For more information on choosing an appropriate blocksize, see Usage Note 7. Noerase specifies for FB-512 devices that the permanently formatted FB-512 blocks are not to be cleared to zeros. If not specified, the FB-512 blocks will be cleared. For non-FB-512 devices, this option is ignored. Label writes a label on the disk without formatting the disk. The CMS disk label is written on cylinder 0, track 0, record 3 of the minidisk or blockl of an FB-512 device. A prompting message requests a six-character disk label (fewer than six char~cters are left-justified and blanks padded). Recomp changes the number of cylinders/blocks (FB-512 blocks) on the disk that are available to you. If you specify NOCYL/NOBLK and there are not that many cylinders/blocks available, you only get the available number of cylinders/blocks. For 800-byte blocks, all cylinders are used. If you do not specify NOCYL/NOBLK, or if NOCYL/NOBLK is being increased for a disk formatted in 512-, lK-, 2K-, or 4K-byte blocks, the maximum number of cylinders or FB-512 blocks last formatted on the disk is made available to you. Usage Notes l. You can use the FORMAT command with any virtual 9313, 9332, 9335, 3310, 3330, 3340, 3350, 3370, 3375, 3380, or 2314 device. The speed matching buffer feature (Feature #6550) for the 3380 supports the use of extended count-key-data channel programs. Note: The speed matching buffer is not supported for 3380 Models AD4/BD4 or AE4/BE4. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 221 FORMAT 2. When you do not specify either the RECOMP or LABEL option, the disk area is initialized by writing a device-dependent number of records (containing binary zeros) on each track. Any previous data on the disk is erased. A read after write check is made as the disk is formatted. For example: format 191 a 25 initializes 25 cylinders of the disk located at virtual address 191 in CMS format. The command: format 192 b 25 (recomp) changes the number of cylinders available at virtual address 192 to 25 cylinders, but does not erase any existing CMS files. To change only the label on a disk, you can enter: format 193 c (l abe 1) Respond to the prompting message with a six-character label. 3. If you want to format a minidisk for VSAM files, you must use the Device Support Facility. If you want to format an entire disk, you may use any OS or DOS disk initialization program. 4. Because the FORMAT command requires heavy processor utilization and is heavily I/O bound, system performance may be degraded if there are many users on the system when you use FORMAT. 5. When formatting FB-512 devices, enough blocks of the minidisk area must be formatted to support the CMS disk structure, or message DMS216E will be displayed, and the FORMAT request will be terminated. The number of FB-512 blocks which must be formatted for minidisks of 512-, 1K-, 2K-, and 4K-byte CMS blocksize is 6, 12, 24, and 48, respectively. 6. If the FORMAT command with the RECOMP option fails and CMS issues message DMSF0R214W, "CANNOT RECOMPUTE WITHOUT LOSS OF DATA. NO CHANGE.," query your A-disk to determine the number of unallocated cylinders. If the number of cylinders seems adequate, it is possible that some of the allocated space is at the end of the disk, and is thus not available to the FORMAT command. Issue the command: COpy * * A = = = (REP followed by the FORMAT command with the RECOMP option. 7. Choosing an appropriate BLKSIZE to format a disk depends upon its intended use. A 4K BLKSIZE will optimize the I/O if the disk is to contain large files with no missing records (dense). A BLKSIZE of 1K is more appropriate when creating many small files or sparse files. For example, PL/I regional files are sparse and they may allocate more space on a 4K disk than on a 1K disk, therefore, the smaller BLKSIZE is preferable. The larger the block size of the disk, the greater the amount of storage required for input/output buffers. Each buffer that the system needs must be a contiguous block of system keyed storage. The size of this area of storage being the block size of the disk. Programs that dynamically allocate storage based upon machine size may use up all of the available storage. This may not allow the system enough storage to allocate buffers for its use. Consequently, a program needing a 4K disk that uses all of the available storage may be unable to get I/O buffers if they are not already allocated. For more information on CMS storage management, refer to the VM/SP eMS Diagnosis Reference. 222 VMjSP CMS Command Reference FORMAT 8. Because the CMS file system uses a five level tree structure when using the 512-byte block size, the maximum number of data blocks for a variable format file is about 15 times less than the actual limit (2 to the power of 31 minus 1). 9. A CMS nucleus cannot be saved on a CKD device formatted with 512-byte block size. Responses DMSFOR603R Format will erase all files on disk mode(vdev). to continue? Enter 1 (YES) or 0 (NO). Do you wish To reply yes, enter 1 or 'YES'. To reply no, enter 0 or 'NO'. If you respond 'YES', you must only enter the character string 'YES'. You have indicated that.a disk area is to be initialized; all existing files are erased. If the character string contains leading or trailing blanks, such as ' YES' or 'YES " the response is processed as a 'NO' response. Responding 'NO', pressing the ENTER key, or entering a character string other than 'YES' cancels execution of the FORMAT command. DMSFOR605R Enter disk label: You have requested that a label be written on the disk. Enter a one- to six-character label. DMSFOR705I Disk remains unchanged The response to message DMSFOR603R was other than 'YES'. DMSFOR732I nnnn {cylindersIFB-512 blocks} formatted on mode(vdev) The format operation is complete. DMSFOR733I Formatting disk mode The disk represented by mode letter 'mode' is being formatted. LABEL CUU MSTAT CYL TYPE BLKSIZE FILES BLKS USED-(%) BLKS LEFT BLK TOTAL label cuu m R/W nnnn type blksize nnnnn nnnn- % nnn nnnnnn This message provides the status of a disk when you use the RECOMP option. The response is the same as when you issue the QUERY command with the DISK operand. Messages and Return Codes Invalid option: option [RC = 24] No BLKSIZE specified [RC = 24] Invalid device address vdev [RC = 24] No device specified [RC = 24] Filemode mode[(vdev)] is accessed as read/only [RC = 36] Invalid mode mode [RC = 24] Filemode mode not accessed [RC = 36] Invalid parameter parameter [RC = 24] Device vdev not attached [RC = 100] Device vdev is an unsupported device type, or requested BLKSIZE is not supported for the device [RC = 88] DMSFOR125S Permanent unit check on disk mode (vdev ) [RC = 100] DMSFOR126S Error {readinglwriting} label on disk mode (vdev ) [RC = 100] DMSFOR214W Cannot recompute without loss of data; no change [RC = 8] DMSFOR216E Insufficient blocks on disk to support CMS disk structure [RC= 100] DMSFOR003E DMSFOR005E DMSFOR017E DMSFOR028E DMSFOR037E DMSFOR048E DMSFOR069E DMSFOR070E DMSFOR113S DMSFOR114S Chapter 2. CMS Commands 223 FORMAT Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 224 Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 VMjSP CMS Command Reference GENDIRT GENDIRT Use the GENDIRT command to fill in a CMS auxiliary directory. The auxiliary directory contains the name and location of modules that would otherwise significantly increase the size of the resident directory, thus increasing search time and storage requirements. By using GENDIRT to fill in an auxiliary directory, the file entries for the given command are loaded only when the command is invoked. Format GENDIRT directoryname [targetmode [ sourcemode] ] Operands directoryname is the entry point of the auxiliary directory. targetmode is the file mode letter of the disk containing the modules referred to in the directory. The letter is the file mode of the disk containing the modules at execution time, not the file mode of the disk at creation of the directory. At directory creation time, all modules named in the directory being created must be on either the A-disk or a read-only extension; that is, not all disks are searched. The default value for targetmode is S (system disk). It is your responsibility to determine the usefulness of this operand at your installation, and to inform all users whose programs are in auxiliary directories exactly what file mode to specify on the ACCESS command. sourcemode is the mode of the disk that contains the modules or files when the GENDIRT command is issued. If not specified, 'A' is the default. Note: For information on creating auxiliary directories and for further requirements for using the targetmode option, see the VM/ SP Application Development Guide for eMS. Messages and Return Codes DMSGND002W Filefnft [fm] not found [RC=4 or 28] DMSGND021E Entry point name not found [RC=40] DMSGND022E No directory name specified [RC = 24 or 28] DMSGND070E Invalid parameter parameter [RC = 24] DMSGND1211W FST for tile fn ftfm not copied [RC=4] DMSGND1264E Filemodefm is not associated with a minidisk [RC=4] Chapter 2. CMS Commands 225 GENMOD GENMOD Use the GENMOD command to create both relocatable and non-relocatable MODULE files on a disk or directory. The GENMOD command behaves differently depending upon the environment it is issued from. In the following description a VMjSP virtual machine and a VMjXA SP Systemj370 mode virtual machine are equivalent; a VMjXA SP 370-XA mode virtual machine allows you to use addresses above the 16Mb line. The behavior of the GENMOD command in both environments is described below to help you plan and develop applications that will run in both environments. The GENMOD command will save the AMODE and RMODE attributes in the file. If the module has arc~tectural dependencies, you can give the module an architectural attribute to restrict its execution to that particular type of architecture. The GENMOD command is the final step in the CMS link edit process, which also includes the LOAD and INCLUDE commands. You can load a MODULE file created by the GENMOD command by using the: • LOADMOD command • NUCXLOAD command. To execute a module that has been loaded with the LOAD MOD command, issue the START command. To load and execute a MODULE file in a single step, invoke the file as a command by using its file name as the command name. Format Genmod [{n [MODULE Options: [~P] [(options ... [ )] ] [FROM entry 1 ] [TO entry 2 ] MAP ] [STR [NOMAP NOSTR ] 1 fCLEAN LNOCLEANJ ALL [SYSTEM] AMODE 24 ] AMODE 31 [ AMODEANY [370 ] 226 VM/SP CMS Command Reference [OS DOS 1 [XA] RMODE 24 l [ RMODE ANYJ GENMOD Operands fn is the file name of the MODULE file being created. If fn is not specified, the file created has a file name equal to that of the first entry point in the LOAD MAP. fm is the file mode of the MODULE file being created. If 1m is not specified, Al is assumed. Options If conflicting options are specified, the last one entered is used. FROM entry1 specifies an entry point or a control section name that represents the starting virtual storage location from which a non-relocatable MODULE is generated. TO entry2 specifies an entry point or a control section name that represents the ending virtual storage location from which a non-relocatable MODULE is generated. MAP copies system loader table entries for the generated module into a map record that,is included in the MODULE file. The record can contain up to 3276 map entries. You can issue the MODMAP command to display the module map. MAP is the default. Using this option in conjunction with the NOPRES option on the LOADMOD command deletes previously loaded non-OS programs. NOMAP specifies that a module map is not to be contained in the MODULE file. Note: If a module is generated with the NOMAP option, that module cannot later be loaded and started with the eMS LOADMOD and START commands. When NOMAP is specified, the information produced is not sufficient for the START command to execute properly. However, a module generated with the NOMAP option can later be invoked as a command; that is, it can be invoked if its file name is entered. NOSTR does not cause anything to be deleted when used in conjunction with the NOPRES option on the LOADMOD command. NOSTR is the default. STR deletes previously loaded non-OS programs when used in conjunction with the NOPRES option on the LOADMOD command. indicates that the program may contain OS macros and, therefore, should be executed only when eMS/DOS is not active. OS is the default. DOS indicates that the program contains VSE macros; eMS/DOS must be active (that is, SET DOS ON must have been previously invoked) in order for this program to execute. (See Usage Note 2). Note: This option is valid only in a System/370 mode virtual machine. The generated module does not work in a 370-XA mode virtual machine because DOS must be OFF in that environment. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 227 GENMOD ALL indicates that the program: • Contains CMS macros and must be capable of running regardless of whether CMS/DOS is active or not • Contains no VSE or OS macros • Preserves and resets the DOS flag in the CMS nucleus • Does its own setting of the DOS flags Note: The ALL option is primarily for use by CMS system programmers. CMS system routines are aware of which environment is active and will preserve and reset the DOS flag in the CMS nucleus. CLEAN indicates that the module is to be cleaned from storage at the end of its execution. CLEAN is the default for relocatable modules. Note: The CLEAN option cannot be specified for non-relocatable modules. NOCLEAN indicates that the module is to remain in storage until end-of-command (Ready;). NOCLEAN can be specified for either relocatable or non-relocatable modules. NOCLEAN is the default for non-relocatable modules. SYSTEM indicates that when the MODULE file is subsequently loaded, it is to have a storage protect key of zero. AMObE specifies the addressing mode in which the program will be entered in an 370-XA mode virtual machine. In a System/370 mode virtual machine, you may specify AMODE, although only 24-bit addressing is available. This allows you to create XA capable module files on a System/370 mode virtual machine. The AMODE . defined by this option is placed in the header record of the MODULE file being created. This option overrides the AMODE determined by the LOAD process. If you specify RMODE, but do not specify AMODE, the AMODE for the MODULE is determined from the following default criteria: • If you specify RMODE ANY, the AMODE specification defaults to AMODE 31. • If you specify RMODE 24, the AMODE defaults to the AMODE of the entry point determined by the LOAD process. If you specify neither AMODE nor RMODE, the AMODE for the module is determined by the LOAD process. The valid AMODE values and their meanings are: 228 24 This entry point is to receive control in 24-bit addressing mode. 31 This entry point is to receive control in 31-bit addressing mode when running in a 370-XA mode virtual machine. Since 31-bit addressing is unavailable in a System/370 mode virtual machine, the entry point will receive control in 24-bit addressing mode when running in a System/370 mode virtual machine. VMjSP CMS Command Reference GENMOD ANY This entry point is capable of operating in either 24-bit or 31-bit addressing mode. It will receive control in the addressing mode of its caller. If the module is executed by name from the command line or from an EXEC, it will receive control in: • 3l-bit addressing mode in an 370-XA mode virtual machine • 24-bit addressing mode in a System/370 mode virtual machine. RMODE specifies, in an 370-XA mode virtual machine, the location in virtual machine storage where the loaded MODULE is to reside. In a System/370 mode virtual machine, you may specify RMODE, although only 16Mb of storage is available. This allows you to create XA capable MODULE files on a System/370 mode virtual machine. The RMODE defined by this option overrides the RMODE determined by the LOAD process if the module being generated is relocatable. This means that you specified the RLDSAVE option on: • the LOAD command • any INCLUDE command you used to prepare the TEXT needed for the MODULE file. The RMODE option will not provide override capability as stated if the module being generated is non-relocatab1e. This means that you did not specify the RLDSAVE option on the LOAD or INCLUDE command used for the MODULE file. When you load a non-relocatable MODULE file using one of the CMS loading methods (except NUCXLOAD), the module will be loaded according to its generated origin. Note: An AMODE value specified without an RMODE option defaults to RMODE 24 for the module. If you specify neither AMODE nor RMODE, the RMODE for the module is determined by the LOAD process. The valid RMODE values and their meanings are: 24 The load must reside below the 16Mb line in a 370-XA mode virtual machine, overriding the RMODE determined by the LOAD process. A definition of RMODE 24 would be reflected in the MODULE header record. In a System/370 mode virtual machine, the load can only reside below 16Mb. ANY The load may reside above or below the 16Mb line in a 370-XA mode virtual machine, overriding the RMODE determined by the LOAD process. A definition of RMODE ANY would be reflected in the MODULE header record. In a System/370 mode virtual machine, the load can only reside below 16Mb. 370 specifies that this module can execute in a System/370 mode virtual machine only. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 229 GENMOD XA specifies that this module can execute in a 370-XA mode virtual machine only. Notes: 1. If you specify neither 370 nor XA, no architecture attribute is added to the module. You can execute it in either a System/370 or 370-XA mode virtual machine. This is the default and is the same as specifying both 370 and XA. 2. If you specify both architectures, you can execute the module in either virtual machine architecture. Usage Notes 1. The GENMOD command is usually invoked following the LOAD command, and possibly the INCLUDE command. For example, the sequence: load myprog genmod testprog loads the file MYPROG TEXT into virtual storage and creates a non-relocatable load module named TESTPROG MODULE. TESTPROG may now be invoked as a user-written command from the CMS environment. 2. The execution of MODULE files created from VSE programs is not supported and may give unpredictable results. GENMOD is intended for use with the LOAD command, not the FETCH command. Storage initialization for FETCH is different from that for LOAD. 3. Before the file is written, undefined symbols are set to location zero and the common reference control section is initialized. The undefined symbols are not retained as unresolved symbols in the MODULE file. Therefore, once the MODULE file is generated, those references cannot be resolved and may cause unpredictable results during execution. 4. If you load a program into the transient area, you should be careful not to exceed two pages (8192 bytes). 5. A transient module (loaded with the ORIGIN TRANS option) that was generated with the SYSTEM option is written on a disk or directory as a fixed-length record with a maximum length of 8192 bytes. The relocation and history information for these files cannot be saved. 6. If you are using FORTRAN under CMS, compiling with the RENT option, and have named the main program the same as fn, you must use the FROM option specifying entry1 the same asfn, preceded by the "at" sign (@). For example, you would enter: genmod mnprog (from @mnprog 7. If FROM is not specified on the GENMOD command, the starting virtual storage location (entry point) of the module is either the address of fn (if it is an external name) or the entry point determined according to the hierarchy discussed in Usage Note 3 on page 316 of the LOAD command. This is not necessarily the lowest address loaded. If you have any external references before your START or CSECT instructions, you must specify the 'FROM entryl' operand on the GENMOD command to load your program properly. 8. If you are using PL/I under CMS, use FROM PLISTART as an option to avoid unpredictable results. 9. You can use the GENMOD command to create a relocatable CMS MODULE file. Relocation is performed when using the LOAD MOD or NUCXLOAD command. When the GENMOD command generates a MODULE file, one 230 VMjSP CMS Command Reference GENMOD record of this MODULE file can contain relocation information. This depends on the previous LOAD or INCLUDE command that was issued. 10. If the RLDSAVE option was specified on any of the LOAD or INCLUDE commands used to create this MODULE file, the file is considered to be relocatable. If the RLDSAVE option was not specified on any of the LOAD or INCLUDE commands, the relocation information for the file cannot be saved. See the LOAD or INCLUDE commands for more information. 11. The FROM or TO options should not be specified when module relocation information is being saved (using RLDSAVE option of the LOAD and INCLUDE commands). If specified, the results will be unpredictable. 12. If the HIST option was specified on the LOAD or INCLUDE command, the MODULE file may contain history information. See the LOAD or INCLUDE commands for more information. Example Example of a Non-relocatable Module: The TEXTs specified by the LOAD and INCLUDE commands resulted in the load residing below 16Mb. Although you did not specify RLDSAVE, the RLD data associated with the TEXT files was processed to resolve addresses to their current storage locations. Therefore, when you create a MODULE file with the GENMOD command: • the RLD data associated with the TEXT files is not propagated to the MODULE file. • the relocatable addresses in the executable code are updated to reflect the storage location where the MODULE was loaded. When the MODULE file is loaded, it must reside in the storage locations used when it was created. This ensures that the executable code functions properly. Messages and Return Codes DMSERD257T DMSFNSl144E DMSFNS1252T DMSMOD003E DMSMOD005E DMSMOD018E DMSMOD021E DMSMOD032E DMSMOD037E DMSMOD040E DMSMOD069E DMSMOD070E DMSMOD084E Internal system error at address addr (offset offset) Implicit rollback occurred for work unit workunitid [RC = 31] Rollback unsuccessful for file pool filepoolid Invalid option: option [RC = 24] No option specified [RC = 24] No load map available [RC=40] Entry point name not found [RC = 40] Invalid filetype ft [RC = 24] Filemode mode[(vdev)] is accessed as read/only [RC = 36] No files loaded [RC=40] Filemode mode not accessed [RC = 36] Invalid parameter parameter [RC = 24] The length of the module to be generated is non-positive. GENMOD terminated. [RC=24] DMSMODI05S Error nn writing file fn ft fm on disk or directory [RC = 311551701761991100] DMSMOD810E 370 cannot be specified as an architecture when AMODE is 31. [RC=68] DMSMOD811E [AM ODE 241 RMODE 24] cannot be specified when module size exceeds 16Mb. file not generated. [RC = 68] DMSMOD943E Invalid AMODE mode specified. file not generated. [RC = 24] Chapter 2. CMS Commands 231 GENMOD DMSMOD944E Invalid RMODE mode specified. file not generated. [RC = 24] DMSMOD945E AMODEjRMODE values conflict. .file not generatedlloaded. [RC=68] . DMSMOD1298E CLEAN cannot be specified for a non-relocatable module. In not generated. [RC=68] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 232 Reason Page Errors in the Shared File System Errors in using a file 813 814 VMjSP CMS Command Reference GENMSG GENMSG Use the GENMSG command to convert a message repository file into an internal form. Each record is read from the input file, the syntax is checked, and it is placed in an output file in a form the message processor can use. Format GENMSG fn ft fm applid [zangid] [(options ... [)] ] Options: rep] Object ] [ NOObject Xref ] [ NOXref Margin nn ] [ Margin 72 Operands fnftfm is the file ID of the external repository to be converted. This file must be in fixed-record format, and have a LRECL of 80. app/id specifies the application for which this repository is intended. This application identifier is 3 characters long. langid specifies the language whose repository should be used. The langid is 1 to 5 characters long. The default value is the language currently in use. Options CP notes that the input file contains messages for CPo The output repository file is modified accordingly. Dbcs specifies that the input file contains Double-Byte Character Set (DBCS) characters as part of its message text. NODbcs specifies that the input file does not contain Double-Byte Character Set (DBCS) characters. NODBCS is the default. creates a listing file from the compilation. This file has the same file name as the input file, and a file type of LISTING. LIST is the default. NOList does not create a listing file from the compilation. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 233 GENMSG Xref creates a cross-reference of message text and offset within the repository and place it in the listing file. NOXref does not create a cross-reference. NOXREF is the default. Object creates an object file (a repository in internal form). This file has the same file name as the input file, but the file type will be TEXT. OBJECT is the default. NOObject does not create an object file. Margin nn shows that message source is taken from columns I-nn in the input deck. The default is MARGIN 72. Usage Notes 1. To learn how to make your own message repository refer to the publication, VM/SP Application Development Guide for eMS. 2. If you wish to change a given CMS message, build your own message repository and include the number of the CMS message that you want to override. Load your repository as a user repository using the SET LANGUAGE command. See the example below. Unpredictable results may occur if the source message repository for CMS (DMSMES REPOS) is altered, recompiled, and used to build CMS. 3. GENMSG creates two output files: fo TEXT fm fo LISTING fm An internal form of the repository (object file) The compiler listing The file mode for these output files is the same as the input file's file mode, unless the input file is read/only; in that case, the files go to the user's first available disk or directory accessed read/write. If no disk or directory exists with read/write access, an error message is returned, and execution terminates. 4. The object file that GENMSG produces must be properly loaded into storage for it to be included with an application in a national language. Load the repository as a user repository and use the SET LANGUAGE command to load the object file. 5. GENMSG displays an error message whenever it finds a syntax error in a message repository. Use the NOOBJECT option if you just want to check for syntax errors in your repository. 6. If your message repository will be updated, or if you are using IBM-supplied message repositories, then specify the MARGIN nn option as MARGIN 63. 234 VM/SP CMS Command Reference GENMSG Example Assume you are working in an English language application called MYAPPLI (applid = MYA). You already have created a small message repository for MYAPPL1, and it has a file ID MYOWN MESSAGES A. This repository contains a message with two formats and a message with five formats. To compile your repository, you enter: genmsg myown messages a my a (margin 63 The following LISTING file is created by the message compiler: GENMSG Version 1 Release 1.0 Page 1 Time 17:48:50 Date 85.248 Options used: MARGIN 63 Substitution character is & Number of message number characters to display is 3 GENMSG MESSAGE NUM FMT * 0001 01 0001 02 0002 01 0002 02 0002 03 0002 04 0002 05 Version 1 Release 1.0 10 LINE SEV 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 E E E E E E E Page 2 Time 17:48:50 Date 85.248 TEXT 00002000 00003000 00004000 00006000 00007000 00008000 00009000 00010000 No filename specified No &1 names specified File &1 &2 &3 not found &1 file &2 not found Dataset not found File(s) &1 not found Note &1 not found GENMSG Version 1 Release 1.0 Total Messages Informational Warning 2 2 0 The text deck is 000000F8 bytes in length Return code was 0 Page Error o 3 Time 17:48:50 Date 85.248 Severe Terminating o 0 Messages and Return Codes DMSFNS1144E DMSFNS1252T DMSMGC002E DMSMGC003E DMSMGC006E DMSMGC029E DMSMGC049E DMSMGC054E DMSMGC065E DMSMGC066E DMSMGCI04S DMSMGCI05S DMSMGCI09S DMSMGC147E DMSMGC580E DMSMGC580E DMSMGC7661 DMSMGC7671 Implicit rollback occurred for work unit workunitid [RC = 31] Rollback unsuccessful for file pool/ilepoolid File In It 1m not found [RC = 28] Invalid option: option [RC = 16] No read/write filemode accessed [RC = 36] Invalid parameter parameter in the option option field [RC = 24] Invalid line number nn [RC = 8] Incomplete fileid specified [RC = 24] option option specified twice [RC = 24] option1 and option2 are conflicting options [RC = 24] Error nn reading file In It 1m from disk or directory [RC = 100] Error nn writing file In ft 1m to disk or directory [RC = 100] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Message not in ascending sequence [RC = 8] Invalid string: unmatched shift-out (SO) and shift-in (SI) [RC = 5] Invalid string: invalid double-byte character(s) [RC = 5] Substitution character is char Number of message number characters to display is nn Chapter 2. CMS Commands 235 GENMSG DMSMGC768W DMSMGC769W DMSMGC770E DMSMGC771E DMSMGC772E DMSMGC773E DMSMGC774E DMSMGC775W DMSMGC776I DMSMGC1262S Invalid substitution character value char [RC = 4] Invalid number of message characters value value [RC = 4] Invalid application ID app/id [RC = 16] Invalid message number- [RC = 8] Invalid format number [RC = 8] Duplicate message ID id [RC = 4] Line numbers for messages are ,not consecutive [RC = 8] Text too long - 240 characters is the maximum allowed [RC = 4] Options used: list Error nn opening file fn ft fm Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax Errors in the Shared File System Errors in using a file 811 813 814 ( \j 236 VM/SP CMS Command Reference GLOBAL GLOBAL Use the GLOBAL command to identify which CMS, CMS/DOS, or OS libraries are to be searched for macros, copy files, subroutines, VSE executable phases, CSL routines, or modules when processing subsequent CMS commands. The libraries may reside on CMS disks or in SFS directories. Format ,. GLobal ... MACLIB [libnamel ... libname63] TXTLIB 1,( DOSLIB > LOADLIB '" CSLLIB oJ Operands MACLm precedes the specification of macro libraries that are to be searched for macros and copy files during the execution of language processor commands. The macro libraries may be CMS files or OS data sets. If you specify an OS data set, a FILEDEF command must be issued for the data set before you issue the GLOBAL command. TXTLm precedes the ~pecification of text libraries to be searched for missing subroutines when the LOAD or INCLUDE command is issued, or when a dynamic load occurs (that is, when an OS SVC 8 is issued). Note: Subroutines that are called by dynamic load should (1) contain only VCONs that are resolved within the same text library member or (2) be resident in storage throughout the processing of the original CMS LOAD or INCLUDE command. Otherwise, the entry point is unpredictable. DOSLIB precedes the specification of DOS simulated core image libraries (that is, CMS/DOS phase libraries) to be searched for missing phases. This operand does not apply to system or private core image libraries residing on DOS disks. DOSLIB can be specified regardless of whether the CMS/DOS environment is active or not. LOADLIB precedes the specification of load module libraries to be searched for a module that the OSRUN command or the LINK, LOAD, ATTACH, or XCTL macros refer to. The libraries can be CMS LOADLIBS or OS module libraries. If you specify an OS data set, issue a FILEDEF command for the data set before you issue the GLOBAL command. CSLLIB precedes the names of callable services libraries (CSLs). The GLOBAL CSLLIB command manipulates the library search order that is used by the RTNLOAD command to locate CSL routines. Saved segments are searched first for these libraries, then accessed disks and directories. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 237 GLOBAL Note: VMLIB is the name of the callable services library supplied with VM/SP. VMLIB is always implicitly in the search order- if the CSLLIB operand is specified without any library names, VMLIB is still available. If VMLIB is specified, it is searched in the order given; if it is not specified, it is searched last. libnamel ... are the file names of up to 63 libraries of the specified file type (MACLIB, TXTLIB, DOSLIB, LOAD LIB, or CSLLIB). The libraries are searched in the order in which they are named. The library list is subject to other system limits, such as command line length. This command supersedes any previous GLOBAL command for the specified file type. If no file names are specified, the command cancels any previous GLOBAL command for this file type. Usage Notes I. A GLOBAL command remains in effect for an entire CMS session unless it is explicitly canceled or reissued. If a program failure forces you to IPL CMS again, you must reissue the GLOBAL command. 2. There are no default libraries; if you wish to use the same libraries during every terminal session, place the GLOBAL command(s) in your PROFILE EXEC. 3. If you want to use an OS library during the execution of a language processor, you can issue a GLOBAL command to access the library, as long as you have defined the library via the FILEDEF command. If you want to use that library for more than one job, however, you should use the PERM option on the FILEDEF command, since the language processors clear nonpermanent file definitions. 4. To find out what libraries have been specified, issue the QUERY command with the MACLIB, TXTLIB, DOSLIB, LOADLIB, CSLLIB, or LIBRARY operands. (The LIBRARY operand requests a display of all libraries.) 5. For information on creating and/or manipulating CMS libraries, see the discussion of the MACLIB, TXTLIB, DOSLIB, LOADLIB, and CSLGEN commands. (See the Application Development Guide for eMS for a description of the CSLGEN command.) Example To specify that you want the CMSLIB, OSMACRO, and OSMACROI macro libraries searched when processing CMS commands, you would enter: global maclib cmslib osmacro osmacrol If you enter global csllib userlibl userlib2 the CSL search order becomes: USERLIBI USERLIB2 VMLIB, with VMLIB implicitly included at the end of the search order. Issuing a query cs 11 i b will display CSLLIB = USERLIBI USERLIB2 238 VMjSP CMS Command Reference GLOBAL Messages and Return Codes DMSERD257T DMSFNSl144E DMSFNS1252T DMSGLB002W DMSGLB014E DMSGLB047E DMSGLB056E DMSGLBI04S DMSGLBI08S DMSGLBI09S Internal system error at address addr (offset offset) Implicit rollback occurred for work unit workunitid [RC = 31] Rollback unsuccessful for file pool fi/epoo/id Filefnft lfm] not found [RC=4 or 28] Invalid function function [RC = 24] No function specified [RC = 24] File fn ft lfm] contains invalid record formats [RC = 32] Error nn reading file fn ft fm from disk or directory [RC = 311551701761991100] More than nn libraries specified [RC = 88] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC= 104] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in the Shared File System Errors in using a file 813 814 Chapter 2. CMS Commands 239 GLOBALV GLOBALV The GLOBAL V (GLOBAL Variables) command addresses two primary needs: 1) the need for several execs to share a common set of values; 2) the need to retain those values, either temporarily or permanently, for subsequent use. Sharing: Values are often given names, describing what they represent, for easy reference. Although the values often vary, their names usually do not. The GLOBALV command processor builds and maintains group(s) of named, variable values in free storage for shared use by execs. Execs "share" a value by referring to it by a common name. When requested, GLOBALV retrieves a variable(s) from the group(s) and places it in the program stack for subsequent use by the requesting exec. GLOBALV supports use of more than one group. This allows for grouping distinct variables that are either related or often used together, which facilitates both more efficient retrieval and more selective use. The "global variable group(s)," built by GLOBALV from a set of eMS GLOBALV type files on the user's disk or directory accessed as A and extensions, exist throughout an IPL, unless explicitly purged or re-initialized. Retaining: When variables are defined or changed, the user decides whether the variables or changes are to last: I. For the current IPL only 2. Throughout an entire session (normally, from LOGON to LOGOFF) 3. Permanently, i.e. across sessions Variables defined for the current IPL only are retained in storage. Those required longer than a single IPL are retained in eMS files on the user's disk or directory accessed as A from where they are put in storage. The eMS file names are SESSION GLOBALV (for values required throughout the session), and LASTING GLOBALV (for values that are to last permanently). These two files and a third file (INITIAL GLOBALV) are the source from which the GLOBALV command processor creates and initializes the variable(s) in storage. The INITIAL file is normally created by the user as an alternative way of defining a large number of variables for an IPL. The eMS GLOBALV files may be of fixed or variable format. Fixed format facilitates creation of files by users (via editing). It accommodates variables whose names and values do not exceed eight bytes each. The GLOBALV command processor uses variable format which allows for varying length variable names and values. In addition, variable format includes a special field which, when used, identifies the group name into which the variable will be grouped. See Usage Note I below for additional information about fixed and variable formats. The GLOBALV command processor manages requests to define or set (SET... ) variables both in storage and in the LASTING and SESSION GLOBALV files on the user's disk or directory accessed as A. 240 VMjSP CMS Command Reference GLOBALV Format r- GLOBALV INIT SELECT group ] [UNNAMED ~:~S SETP { SETLS SELECT {group } SETL UNNAMED SETSL SETLP SETPL namel [valuel] [name2 value2] }.. ! name [value] LIST [name1 [name2] .. J STACK {name1 STACKR } SELECT {group UNNAMED ~g~s {namel PUTP 1 [name2] .. } [name2 ] ...} [ SELECT {group } UNNAMED GRPLIST GRPSTACK PURGE GET [namel [name2] ... ] PURGE Note: Although this command (except for the GET and PUT options) may be used in CMS execs, it is designed for use with System Product Interpreter or EXEC 2 execs. Restrictions and precautions are listed in "Usage Notes for CMS Execs." Operands INIT allocates and initializes global variable(s) in free storage from data in the LASTING, SESSION, and INITIAL GLOBALV files on the issuer's mini disk or directory accessed as A and extensions. If your LASTING GLOBALV file resides in ~n SFS directory and using INIT rewrites your LASTING file causing it to be empty, then the file does not get erased as with minidisks. GLOBALV automatically inserts two dummy records with group name DMSGLO into the empty file. This preserves any SFS authorities on the file. When rewriting of the LASTING file does not result in an empty file, the dummy records are removed. Not all files need to be present. GLOBALV performs any needed cleanup (to eliminate multiple and null entries) in the LASTING GLOBALV file. If the records in the GLOBALV file{s) contain no group name, for grouping the variables, (as with fixed format records) GLOBALV's INIT function allocates only one global variable group, UNNAMED, in free storage. Otherwise, Chapter 2. CMS Commands 241 GLOBALV (variable format) GLOBALV INIT will allocate as many unique global variable groups in free storage as identified in the GLOBALV files. ( GLOBAL V INIT initializes free storage with variables defined in the LASTING, SESSION, and INITIAL GLOBALV files respectively. If any variables are defined more than once within the LASTING file or within the SESSION file, the value defined last in the file is the one used to initialize storage. If a variable of the same name is defined in both the LASTING and SESSION files, the value assigned in the SESSION file will override the value assigned in the LASTING file when the storage is initialized. (See "Usage Notes 2 and 3.") After initializing free-storage from the LASTING GLOBALV file, the file is re-written to eliminate multiple definitions for any variable names and any null (zero length) value assignments. The global variable(s) in free storage are required by all other GLOBALV functions. Therefore, GLOBALV INIT is performed automatically if not explicitly requested prior to other GLOBAL V requests. SELECT identifies the global variable group which is the subject of this or subsequent SELECT sub-functions. If no sub-function is specified, the GLOBALV command processor interprets the command as a request to set the default group for subsequent SELECT sub-functions. The default is set to the group indicated by "group" or to UNNAMED if no group is specified. A GLOBALV SELECT command that does specify a sub-function affects only the group specified in the command. It has no effect on setting or resetting the default group. The SELECT phrase (SELECT group or SELECT UNNAMED) is optional preceding all forms of the SELECT sub-functions, SET, PUT, GET, LIST, and STACK. If the SELECT phrase is not used, the sub-function affects the default group, described above. (See "Examples" for uses of GLOBALV SELECT.) SELECT Sub-functions: SET SETS SETP assigns the value "value!" to the variable "name!," the value "value2" to the variable "name2," etc. Since SET fields are delimited by blanks, the values cannot contain any blanks. (Use the SETL sub-function, described next, for such values.) If no value is specified, the value is assumed to be null. SET adds the assignment(s) in the selected or default global variable group in storage. If the variable name is already defined, its value is replaced by the one specified in the command. SETS adds/replaces the assignment(s) in the selected or default group and appends it to the SESSION GLOBALV disk file. SETP adds/replaces the assignment(s) in the selected or default group and appends it to the LASTING GLOBALV file. CMS exec users, refer to "Usage Notes for CMS execs." SETL SETLS SETSL SETLP SETPL assigns the specified literal value, which may contain blanks, to the variable name. The first blank following the name delimits the name from the value field and is not part of the value. All characters following this blank (including any 242 VMjSP CMS Command Reference I \ GLOBALV other blanks) are part of the value. If no value is specified, the value is assumed to be null. SETL adds the assignment in the selected or default global variable group in storage. If the variable name is already defined, its value replaced by the one specified in the command. SETLS adds/replaces the assignment in the selected or default group and appends it to the SESSION GLOBALV file. SETSL is equivalent to SETLS. SETLP adds/replaces the assignment in the selected or default group and appends it to the LASTING GLOBALV file. SETPL is equivalent to SETLP. CMS exec users, refer to "Usage Notes for CMS Execs." LIST displays a list of the specified variable name(s) and their associated value(s). If no name is specified, all variables in the selected or default group are listed. STACK places the value(s) associated with the specified variable name(s), from the selected or default group, LIFO in the program stack. When multiple variables are named in a single stack request, the values are stacked LIFO in the program stack such that the variable named first in the command is the first retrieved from the stack. Refer to Example 2 under "EXAMPLES." If a variable is not found in the group, a null (zero length) line is stacked. The command has no effect if the variable name is omitted. This stacking technique requires that the System Product Interpreter exec issue a separate "PULL" or PARSE PULL control statement to read each value from the stack. STACKR places a "&READ n" control statement and, for each variable name specified, a "&name = &LITERAL OF value" assignment statement LIFO in the program stack such that "&READ n" is the first retrievable line. In the &READ control statement, "n" is the number of subsequent assignment statements and, in the assignment statement, "value" is the value associated with the specified variable name in the selected or default group. When multiple variables are named in a single STACKR request, the values are stacked LIFO in the program stack such that the" &READ n" is the first retrievable line from the stack, and the first named variable assignment statement is the next retrievable line from the stack, etc. Refer to Example I in the "Examples" section. The command has no effect if the variable name is omitted. This stacking technique requires only a single &READ control statement to read all the variables named on the GLOBALV command from the stack. The STACKR option only applies to EXEC and EXEC 2 execs. CMS exec users, refer to "Usage Notes for CMS Execs." PUT PUTS PUTP determines the value of the EXEC 2 or System Product Interpreter variable(s) specified in 'name I " 'name2', etc. and assigns that value as a global value in the selected or default global variable group. If a global value already exists with the name specified, it is replaced with the specified name's value. PUT adds or replaces the assignment(s) in the selected or default global variable group in storage. PUTS does the same, but appends the group to the SESSION Chapter 2. CMS Commands 243 GLOBALV GLOBALV file. PUTP does the same, but appends the group to the LASTING GLOBALV file. Note: The PUT and GET sub-functions can only be used from an EXEC 2 or a System Product Interpreter exec, and are subject to the rules of the interpreter being used. Refer to the usage notes for additional details. GET assigns values from the specified or default global variable group to the specified EXEC 2 or System Product Interpreter variable names. If no names are specified, GET does nothing. Note: The PUT and GET sub-functions can only be used from an EXEC 2 or a System Product Interpreter exec, and are subject to the rules of the interpreter being used. Refer to the usage notes for additional details. PURGE causes the variables in storage to be cleared. The group itself is not purged. CAUTION: H the SELECT phrase is not included with the PURGE sub-function the result win be a GLOBALV PURGE of an global variable(s) in storage. GRPLIST displays a list of all to existing global variable groups. GRPSTACK places the names of all 10 existing variable groups, line by line, in the program stack such that these items will be the first retrievable from the stack. A null line, used as a delimiter, indicates the end of the stacked group names. PURGE causes all lO global variable(s) in free storage to be released. Usage Notes 1. The CMS GLOBALV files may be of fixed or variable format. Fixed format records are 16 bytes in length and consist of two eight-byte fields that contain a variable name, followed by its assigned'value. Variable format records may be up to 520 bytes in length and consist of the following five fields (Because f1 and f2 can not be more than X I FF I or 255, any variable name or variable value that exceeds this'maximum length will be truncated to its first 255 bytes.): group name e variable name 8 9 variable value n n+l group name identifies the group for grouping the variable (from GLOBALV [SELECT groupIUNNAMED] SET ... ). f1 defines the actual length of the variable name field immediately following. 10 Note that "aU" includes those groups created by use of the DEFAULTS and EXECUTE commands. 244 VM/SP CMS Command Reference GLOBALV variable name identifies the name by which this shared value will be commonly referenced. f2 defines the actual length of the variable value field immediately following. variable value specifies the actual value assigned to the named variable. Use fixed format when editing (creating or updating) files. Variable format records would be difficult to edit because changes in the variable name or variable value fields must also be reflected in their respective length fields. Although not impossible, this further editing is awkward and likely to be overlooked, increasing the chance of errors in those fields. To establish the initial set of lasting variables, the user may edit them into a fixed format LASTING file. Note that whenever the GLOBALV command processor rewrites this file, during initialization, it will use variable format. Probably the easiest way to create GLOBALV file(s) is to let the GLOBALV command processor do the work. Create an EXEC file containing the appropriate GLOBALV ... SETS and/or SETL commands. Then when the exec is invoked, the GLOBALV command processor will build the file(s) as it executes the commands. 2. The SESSION file is not erased by the GLOBALV command processor. This is the responsibility of the user. The length of a session is thus determined by the frequency with which the user erases the SESSION GLOBALV file. To make the duration of a session the time between CMS IPLs, the user might choose to include an ERASE SESSION GLOBALV command in the PROFILE EXEC. To make a session last for all IPLs of CMS during one day, erase the SESSION GLOBALV file whenever the date changes. The SESSION GLOBALV file also is never cleaned up (to eliminate multiple and null entries) by the GLOBALV command processor, as the LASTING GLOBALV file is at each initialization. Without this automatic cleanup, the SESSION GLOBALV file continues to grow longer with each SETS and SETSL command. 3. If the file is present during initialization of the global variable(s) in storage, its variables take precedence over LASTING variables of the same name. For variables of the same name defined within a file or in more than one file, the order of precedence, is: SESSION - last in file is used LASTING - last in file is used INITIAL - first in file is used So, for example, if a variable were defined for a given group several times in each file, and all files were present at initialization, the value used in the storage would be that defined last in the SESSION GLOBALV file. 4. The GLOBALV function SETL does not preserve lower-case argument values when called from the following: • from the command line. • from an XEDIT macro without an &COMMAND preceding it. • from a System Product Interpreter exec with the ADDRESS CMS command. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 245 GLOBALV 5. The PUT and GET sub-functions use the EXECCOM facility of the interpreter currently executing, EXEC 2 or the System Product Interpreter (REXX), to set and retrieve variables. For EXEC 2, names passed through EXECCOMM are taken exactly as specified, and embedded ampersands (&) do not cause multiple substitution. For REXX, no substitution or case translation takes place. Simple symbols must be valid REXX variable names, that is, in uppercase, and not starting with a number or a period. However, in compound symbols, any characters (including lowercase, blanks, etc.) are permitted following a valid REXX stem. Usage Notes for eMS Execs 1. When defining values using GLOBALV's SELECT sub-function, SET ... , be aware that values (tokens) larger than eight characters will be truncated to eight characters by the CMS Exec processor. 2. Avoid use of GLOBALV's SELECT sub-function, SETL.... It requires an extended parameter list, such as is provided by EXEC 2. Use in CMS execs causes an error from the GLOBALV command processor. 3. Avoid use of GLOBALV's SELECT sub-function, STACKR. The literal assignment statement it generates is not in a format the CMS Exec processor recognizes. The CMS Exec command processor will generate the following error message: DMSEXT072E ERROR IN EXEC FILE Ifni LINE Innni - INVALID ASSIGNMENT Examples These examples illustrate the use and effect of several, consecutive GLOBALV SELECT commands. 246 VMjSP CMS Command Reference GLOBALV Example 1: GLOBALV SET DEPT 222 (SELECT phrase is omitted.) Effect: The value "222" is assigned to variable name "DEPT" in the default global variable group "UNNAMED". UNNAMED Group DEPT 222 GLOBALV SELECT TABA Effect: The default global variable group for subsequent SELECT sub-functions is set to TABA " II GLOBALV SET EMP 8888 MONTH MAY Effect: The value "8888" is assigned to the variable name "EMP" and the value "MAY" is assigned to the variable name "MONTH" in the default group "TABA" • GLOBALV SELECT UNNAMED SET YEAR 1982 Effect: The value "1982" is assigned to the variable name "YEAR" in the global variable group "UNNAMED". The default setting is not changed. TABA Group EMP 8888 MONTH MAY UNNAMED Group DEPT 222 YEAR 1982 GLOBALV SETS YEAR 1981 Effect: The value "1981" is assigned to the variable name "YEAR" in the default global variable group "TABA" and the assignment is entered into the SESSION GLOBALV file. TABA Group EMP 8888 MONTH MAY YEAR 1981 SESSION GLOBALV File YEAR 1981 Chapter 2. CMS Commands 247 GLOBALV GLOBALV STACK YEAR DEPT Effect: Places the value associated with variable name "YEAR" from group IITABA" onto the stack. Since the variable "DEPT" is not defined in global variable group "TABA", a null line is stacked. GLOBALV SELECT UNNAMED STACKR YEAR DEPT Effect: Places a "&READ ee2" control statement, and two literal assignment statements, defining the variable name "YEAR" and the variable name "DEPT" with their associated values from global variable group "UNNAMED", onto the stack. Stack Before After Next line to read: ABC XYZ 1981 (null 1i ne) ABC XYZ Stack After Next line to read: &READ ee2 &YEAR = LITERAL OF 1982 &DEPT = LITERAL OF 222 1981 (null line) ABC XYZ ( Example 2: The effect of the following request, which names 3 variables: GLOBALV SELECT TABA STACK EMP MONTH YEAR Stack After Next line to read: 8888 MAY 1981 ! Whereas, the effect of 3 consecutive STACK requests, naming a single variable each (the same 3 variables as the multiple request above): GLOBALV GLOBALV GLOBALV GLOBALV SELECT TABA STACK EMP STACK MONTH STACK YEAR Stack After Next line to read: 248 VM/SP CMS Command Reference 1981 MAY 8888 (" GLOBALV Responses GLOBALV ... LIST results in a display of the requested list. GLOBALV GRPLIST results in a display of the requested list. Messages and Return Codes DMSERD257T DMSFNSl144E DMSFNS1252T DMSGL0047E DMSGL0104S Internal system error at address addr (offset offset) Implicit rollback occurred for work unit workunitid [RC = 31] Rollback unsuccessful for file pool filepoolid No function specified [RC = 24] Error nn reading file fn GLOBALV A from disk or directory DMSGL0109S DMSGL06l8E DMSGL0622E DMSGL0628E DMSGL0631E Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 400041] NUCEXT failed [RC=nn] Insufficient free storage; no table made [RC = rc] Invalid GLOBALV functionfunction [RC=4] function can only be executed from an EXEC-2 or REXX EXEC [or as a CMS command] [RC=rc] Extraneous parameter parameter [RC = 24] [RC=nnOOO] DMSGL0649E Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Errors Errors Errors Errors Page in the Shared File System in using a file in copying a file in erasing a file 813 814 70 145 Error Codes GLOBALV error codes consist of two 3-character fields. The first field corresponds to errors encountered during the GLOBALV INIT function; the second corresponds to errors encountered during other GLOBALV functions. Code nnnlnnn Meaning 000 ... 001 Function completed successfully. Truncation to the maximum length of 255 bytes occurred for variable name and/or variable value. Invalid function/sub-function; or invalid environment for use of function/sub-function. Error return from ATTN. Stacking suspended. No free storage available to define (SET .. ) additional variables. Processing suspended at point of error. No function specified on GLOBALV command. I/O error appending newly defined variable(s) to LASTING or SESSION GLOBALV file on the user's disk or directory accessed as A. The assignment was, however, added to the appropriate global variable group in storage. Refer to FSWRITE macro for meaning of "nn." EXECCOMM failed with return code "nn." For the meaning of "nn," refer to the EXECCOMM facility in the VM/SP System Product Interpreter Reference or the VM/SP EXEC 2 Reference, depending on the EXEC environment in which the failure occurred. 004 008 012 024 Inn 5nn Chapter 2. CMS Commands 249 GLOBALV -Son Inn 000 2nn •.. 000 Inn 3nn •.• 000 008 400 041 250 EXECCOMM failed with return code "-nn." For the meaning of "-nn," refer to the EXECCOMM facility in the VMjSP System Product Interpreter Reference or the VMjSP EXEC 2 Reference, depending on the EXEC environment in which the failure occurred. I/O error reading GLOBALV type files from user's disk or directory accessed as A. No global variable(s) in storage created. Refer to FSREAD macro for meaning of "nn." I/O error rewriting LASTING GLOBALV file into a temporary file. Global variables in storage are created, but rewrite of the LASTING file was suspended. The original LASTING file remains intact on the user's disk or directory accessed as A. Refer to FSWRITE macro for meaning of "nn." Function completed successfully. I/O error appending newly defined variable(s) to LASTING or SESSION GLOBALV file on the user's disk or directory accessed as A. The assignment was, however, added to the appropriate global variable in storage. Refer to FSWRITE macro for meaning of "nn." Error occurred renaming the temporary LASTING GLOBALV file to become the new LASTING file. Global variables in storage are created. The original LASTING file was destroyed, but TEMPFILE GLOBALV contains its corresponding variables. Refer to RENAME command for meaning of "nn." Function completed successfully. Error return from ATTN. Stacking suspended. Error occurred when GLOBALV attempted to allocate storage for a workarea. GLOBALV initialization functions could not proceed. VM/SP CMS Command Reference \ GRANT AUTHORITY ) GRANT AUTHORITY Use the GRANT AUTHORITY command to authorize others to read from or write to one or more of your files or directories in the Shared File System. Use the QUERY AUTHORITY command to display authorities. Format GRAnt AUThority [t;:' ~] dirid TO ! u~erid nwkname ) [ ( options ... [ ) ]] PUBlic Options: [REAd WRIte 1 r"TYPe NOType STACK [FIFO] LIFO LIFO FIFO Operands fnft identifies the file for which you are granting authority. Special characters (* and 0/0) can be used to designate a set of files. See "Pattern Matching" on page 8 for information on these special characters. Subdirectories, revoked and erased aliases, and files that you do not own are ignored when using special characters. dirid identifies the name of the directory. If fn ft is specified, dirid identifies the directory in which the file is located. If fn ft are not specified, dirid identifies the directory for which authority is to be granted. For a detailed description of dirid see "Naming Shared File System (SFS) Directories" on page 4. TO use rid TO nickname specifies the name or set of names to whom you are giving read or write authority. Nicknames can refer to a group of users (see the NAMES command). TO PUBlic indicates all users that can connect to the file pool are given authority. Options REAd gives the user read authority to a file or directory. This is the default. Read authority on a file allows the user to read the contents of a file. Read authority on a directory allows the user to read the directory contents, which consists of the names of the files and subdirectories, if any. It also allows the user to access the directory (see ACCESS command). Chapter 2. CMS Commands 251 GRANT AUTHORITY WRIte gives the user all the privileges of read authority, plus: • for a file, the authority to modify or erase the file. To erase or rename a base file, you must have write authority to the file and to the directory where it resides. To erase or rename an alias, you must have write authority for the alias, and read authority on the base file for that alias . I I I .I • for a directory, the authority to create files and aliases in that directory. It does not give authorization to read or write any of the files in that directory. TYPe displays the affected file(s) or directory at 'the terminal. NOType suppresses the display of affected file(s) or directory. NOType is the default . .STACK (FIFO) STACK LIFO places the information in the console stack rather than displaying it at the terminal. FIFO is the default. FIFO specifies that the information is stacked in a first in, first out order. This option is equivalent to STACK FIFO. LIFO specifies that the information is stacked in a last in, first out order. This option is equivalent to STACK LIFO. I Usage Notes I I I ( 1. You must own the file or directory to grant authority on it. For example, USERA creates a file and grants write authority to you. You cannot grant any authority on USERA's file to any other user. 2. When a base file or directory is created, the owner always has write authority. 3. Read authority can be upgraded to write "y reissuing the GRANT AUTHORITY command using the WRITE option. 4. To change an authority from write to read authority, you must issue a REVOKE AUTHORITY command with the KEEPREAD option. 5. When you grant authority to an alias, the authority refers to the base file. The alias is just a pointer to a base file. Similarly, when you have authority to a base file, you also have the same authority on any alias of the base file. 6. You can grant authority to a file or directory whether or not the file or directory is locked except when it is locked EXCLUSIVE by another user. 7. You can grant authority to a user ID even if the user ID is not enrolled in the ; file pool or does not exist in the VM system directory. This allows you to grant authority to a set of user IDs before they can get to the files or directories. These users will be able to use the files and directories after they are added to the VM system directory and are enrolled in the file pool. 8. You can grant authority to a file whether or not the file is open. This authority takes affect when the file is closed. 9. If special characters are specified to grant authority to a set of files, the directory must be closed. 252 VMjSP CMS Command Reference (' \ GRANT AUTHORITY 10. If you wish to grant authority to a user ID of PUBLIC, or any of the abbreviations of the PUBLIC operand (PUB, PUBL, and PUBLI), then create a nickname for that user ID using the NAMES command. Use the nickname that you created when issuing the GRANT AUTHORITY command. When you are specifying a nickname, notice the NODE tag in the NAMES file. If the NODE tag indicates that the user is on another processor, the LOCALID tag must also be specified. See the NAMES command for more information. 11. You cannot use the GRANT AUTHORITY to grant authority to a file or directory that is ESM (External Security Manager) protected. You must use an ESM command to do this. Messages and Return Codes DMSJAU002E DMSJAU065E DMSJAU066E DMSJAU391E DMSJAUl163E DMSJAUl184E DMSJAUl184E DMSJAUl198E DMSJAU1210E DMSJAU1242E DMSJAU1243W DMSJAU1243W DMSJAU1246W DMSJAU1287W DMSJAU1293I DMSJED069E DMSJEDI09S DMSJEDl187E DMSJEDl188E DMSJEDl189E DMSJED1223E DMSJNL637E DMSJNL647E DMSJNL647E DMSJNL653E DMSOUT065E DMSOUT066E DMSOUT1201E File In It Imldirname not found [RC = 28] option option specified twice [RC = 24] option1 and option2 are conflicting options [RC = 24] Unexpected operand(s): operand [RC = 24] GRANT AUTHORITY failed for In It dirname [RC=nn] File In It Imldirname not found or you are not authorized for it [RC=28] Directory dirname not found or you are not authorized for it [RC=28] Directory dirname is currently open; it must be closed before you can change the authority to any file in it [RC = 70] Directory dirname not found [RC = 28] External security in effect for In It 1mIdirname GRANT AUTHORITY command cannot be used [RC=88] User userid already has WRITE authority to In It Imldirname [RC=4] At least one user in the list (userid) already has WRITE authority to In It Imldirname [RC:;:: 4] Public WRITE authority already granted on In It Imldirname [RC=4] You do not own file In It 1mIdirname [RC = 4] You have granted authority to all users of the file pool. [RC=014] Filemode mode not accessed [RC = 36] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Too many subdirectory levels in dirname [RC = 24] Filemode mode is not associated with a directory [RC = 74] Filemode mode is associated with a top directory [RC = 24] There is no default file pool currently defined [RC = 40] Missing nodeid for the AT operand [RC = 24] Userid not specified for nickname in userid NAMES file [RC = 32] Localid not specified for userid at node in userid NAMES file [RC=32] Error executing command rc = nn [RC = 40] option option specified twice [RC = 24] option and option are conflicting options [RC = 24] STACK option cannot follow FIFO or LIFO [RC=24] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Chapter 2. CMS Commands 253 GRANT AUTHORITY 254 Reason Page Errors in command syntax Errors in the Shared File System 813 VM/SP CMS Command Reference 811 HELP HELP Use the HELP command to display online HELP. The HELP facility can contain three layers of information: 1. BRIEF - concise description and example 2. DETAIL - complete information (including messages) 3. RELATED - information about similar commands. HELP files are available for the following: • Commands: AVS (APPC/VM VTAM support), CMS, CP, CPOTHER, GCS, SQL/DS (Structured Query Language Data System), and TSAF (Transparent Services Access Facility). • Instructions: EXEC, EXEC2, and REXX (Restructured Extended Executor). • Macros: CMS assembler language • Routines: From VMLIB callable services library (CSL) • Subcommands: EDIT and XEDIT, IPCS (Interactive Problem Control System), and SRPI (Server-Requester Programming Interface). Format Help - - - TASKs Help taskname TASKs menuname MENU component-name cmd-name [ ( [optionA] [optionB] [optionC] [ )]] ] - MESSAGE] message-id [ MSG OptionA: [ ~~~!il ] RELated OptionB: [ALL] [DESCript] [FORMat] [PARMs] [ OPTions ] [NOTEs] [ERRors] OptionC: [~%~~~:en] [~e] [EXTend] Operands Help, specified without any parameters, displays a task menu if you are using the VM/SP HELP files. If you are using files other than the VM/SP HELP files and if the HELP HELPMENU file has been created, then you will get the HELP HELPMENU file. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 2SS HELP TASKs displays the main TASK menu and is an easy way to begin using HELP. This menu leads to other task panels, short explanations for getting message information or for using the HELP facility, and the major MENU panels. TASK is the default if no parameters are specified in the HELP command and if a user-created file HELP HELPMENU does not exist. Help displays a BRIEF HELP for the HELP command with a command description, its format, an example, and, if applicable, a message indicating that additional help is available. To receive at your terminal the information you're now reading, enter help help (detail taskname TASKs displays the specified TASK file. TASK panel selections may include other TASK menus, a MENU panel, or a command HELP file. The TASK panels are organized in a branching structure of general to specific tasks. F or example: Taskname DISK MANAGE INQUIRE QPRINTER TAPEDUMP WINDOW BORDER Description Disk operations File management System information CP QUERY PRINTER command CMS TAPE DUMP command Window manipulation Windowing border commands The general TASKs files contain task menus that lead you to the specific task that you want information about. For example, entering: help disk tasks displays a task menu listing the specific tasks concerning disks. You can enter any of the specific TASKs file names (one that have a file type of HELPTASK) as well as the general ones. In addition to the supplied tasknames, installations may create their own taskname files. menuname MENU displays a selection of HELP files. (They may be command or other menus.) The menuname is usually the name of a component. For example, if you want to display the menu of CMS commands, you would enter HELP CMS MENU. component-name command-name displays the HELP file for the specified command-name. The command-name can be the name of a command, a subcommand, or a statement. The component-name is the name of the component (or grouping) about which you want information. The HELP facility has the following major components: Help Component Description AVS CMS APPCjVM VT AM support commands Conversational Monitor System commands, macros, messages, and routines. CMSQUERY CMS QUERY commands CMSSET CMS SET commands CP Control Program commands for general users 256 VM/SP CMS Command Reference HELP CPOTHER CPQUERY CPSET EDIT EXEC EXEC2 IPCS MACRO PREFIX PVM ROUTINE QUERY RSCS SET XEDIT REXX SQLDS SRPI TSAF Control Program privileged commands for other than general user CP QUERY commands CP SET commands EDIT subcommands EXEC statements EXEC 2 statements Interactive Problem Control System subcommands, and includes Group Control System (GCS) subcommands CMS assembler language macros XEDIT prefix comniands VM/Pass-Through Facility (Program Product 5748-RC1) if installed on your system. From the callable services library (CSL) XEDIT QUERY subcommands Remote Spooling Communications Subsystems Networking (Program Product 5664-188) if installed on your system. XEDIT SET subcommands XEDIT subcommands System Product Interpreter Statements SQL/Data System Program Product (5748-XXJ) (only if you have this installed on your system.) Server-Requester Programming Interface subcommands Transparent Services Access Facility commands In addition to these components, installations may create their own components. If a component is not specified, then the search order for HELP files is: 1. CMS 2. CP 3. MENU 4. TASK 5. MSG Therefore, if you specify help command~name HELP searches for the following: 1. CMS command-name 2. CP command-name 3. command-name MENU 4. command-name TASK 5. MSG command-name MESSAGE message-id MSG displays the HELP file for a message. 'message-id' is the 7, 8, 10, or ll-character message-id you specify to display the HELP file for a message. Specify the message-id in one of four forms: Chapter 2. CMS Commands 257 HELP xxxnnnt xxxnnnnt xxxmmmnnnt xxxmmmnnnnt where: xxx indicates the component (for example, DMS for CMS messages, DMK for CP messages). mmm is the module identifier. DDD or DDDD is the message number. t is the message type. For example, for information on a message, you can specify either the 7- or 8-character message-id: DMS250S DMS0250S or the 10- or II-character message-id that also identifies the issuing module: DMSHLP250S DMSHLP0250S Options HELP files may contain different layers of information. You can get to these different layers by using various options. When you specify any of the options listed below, those sections of the HELP file are made available to you. Therefore, requested options determine what portion of the file is displayed. However, not all of the following option sections are available in all HELP files. BRIEF, DETAIL, and RELATED are layering options, which allow you to specify the level of information. BRIEF, the default, provides concise information to the inexperienced user. DETAIL provides more complete information to the experienced user. RELATED provides the user with additional information about a task. BRIEF, DETAIL, and RELATED are also conflicting options. You should specify only one of these options in the command string. If you specify more than one of these options at a time, the last option you enter will be in effect. DETAIL consists of its own subsetting options, which allow you to choose a specific part or parts of the help file. They include ALL, DESCript, FORMat, PARMs, NOTEs, OPTions, and ERRors. ALL, the default, gives you all of the above-listed subsetting options. You can specify the other options in any combination. The last set of options is referred to as other options. They include SCReen, NOScreen, EXTend, TYPe, and NOType. 258 VM/SP eMS Command Reference HELP Option A, Layering Options BRIef displays a concise description of the specified command, its basic syntax (command without options), an example, and, if applicable, a message telling the user that either ALL or RELATED information is available. DETail displays the detail subset of the HELP information for the specified command. The DETAIL subset can consist of any or all of the following help file sections: ALL DESCript FORMat PARMs OPTions NOTEs ERRors. If you specify the DETAIL subset on the command line, it will be in effect for only the current HELP request. If you specify the DETAIL subset by using the DEFAULTS command, it will be in effect for future HELP requests. The default for the detail subset is ALL. If this default has not been changed and if the DETAIL option is specified, help erase (detail displays all the HELP information for the ERASE command, excluding the BRIEF and RELATED information. If the default has been changed, for example, to NOTES, and if the detail option is specified, help erase (detail displays the Usage Notes information for the ERASE command. RELated displays information in a task panel from which you can select help on related topics. F or example, help sendfile (related displays a task panel from which you can select help on commands related to sendfile: NAMES NOTE RDRLIST RECEIVE SET MSG TELL OptionB, Subsetting Options ALL displays all of the six HELP file sections listed below. DESCript displays a general description of the specified HELP file. FORMat displays the format section (the syntax). PARMs displays the parameter section (explanation of the operands). Chapter 2. CMS Commands 259 HELP OPTions displays the options section (a list of available options with a brief description). NOTEs displays the usage notes and example sections. ERRors displays the error message and response sections. OptionC, Other Options SCReen specifies that the entire screen is used to display the HELP file. While viewing the help file you can use PF keys and some System Product Editor commands to manipulate the display. This option is ignored on a line-oriented terminal. NOScreen specifies that the file is typed out on the screen. TYPe allows error message DMSHLL254E to be issued. NOType suppresses the printing of error message DMSHLL254E. This option allows you to change the message's text and placement. EXTend uses the HELP search order when you issue the HELP command and the component is specified. If the file is not found in the specified component, the HELP search order is used to locate the HELP file. Usage Notes 1. HELP is always displayed in a window named HELPWIN that is showing virtual screen HELPWIN. When displaying BRIEF HELP using full-screen CMS, the CMS window is scrolled up, if required, so that you see both your work entry and the HELP information at the same time. 2. You can use the DEFAULTS command to set the HELP options. The initial HELP options have been preset to BRIef, ALL, and SCReen. However, the options you specify on the command line when entering the HELP command override those specified in the DEFAULTS command. This allows you to customize the defaults of the HELP command, yet override them when you desire. For more information, refer to the DEFAULTS command. 3. The HELP disk is specified at system generation time by the system support personnel. If the disk isn't already accessed, HELP accesses the disk containing the system HELP files. The HELP disk is accessed using the last available file mode and remains accessed after HELP has completed processing. 4. For commands or statement names containing special characters, use the special character. If, for example, you wanted to display the HELP file for the EXEC statement &ARG, you would issue HELP EXEC &ARG. For more information, see "Tailoring the HELP Facility," in the eMS User's Guide. 5. If you enter 'CP TERM SCROLL nnn' on a line-oriented terminal, it allows you to specify the number of lines to be scrolled on the display screen. For normal frame by frame scrolling, specify 'nnn' to equal the number of data lines on the screen. Specifying 'CONT' instead, causes continuous scrolling to the end of a file. 260 VM/SP eMS Command Reference HELP 6. If you request HELP on a line-oriented terminal by issuing the command 'HELP XEDIT MENU' or on a display terminal by issuing 'HELP XEDIT MENU (NOSCREEN', you get the following: If you request help by issuing 'HELP TASK' on a line-oriented terminal or by issuing 'HELP TASK (NOSCREEN' on a display terminal, you see the following: Chapter 2. CMS Commands 261 HELP 7. If you are viewing a command HELP file, you can issue the MOREHELP command from the command line. The default for MOREHELP is to display the DETAIL layer of that HELP file. DETAIL is determined by your setting of the DEFAULTS options. The options include ALL, DE SCript, FORMat, PARMs, OPTions, NOTEs,and ERRors. You can specify an option(s) on the command line to view a certain section(s) of the HELP file. For example, if you are viewing a HELP file and decide that you want to see the format section for that file, you can enter the following on the command line: morehelp (format The format section for that file will be displayed. 8. HELP loads the HELPXED XED IT macro into user storage (using the EXECLOAD command) if the macro has not already been loaded. Loading this file into storage improves the performance of the HELP command. If you occasionally use HELP, you may want to EXECDROP the HELPXED XEDIT macro after using HELP to release the storage. 9. Any data not within a conditional section (.cs onj.cs off) is uncontrolled data; all uncontrolled data defaults to DETAIL. 10. If a HELP file does not contain any of the requested sections, then the user receives a warning message and alternate information. For more information, see the VMjSP eMS User's Guide. 11. Some CMS commands are inappropriate to the BRIEF HELP environment. They are: DELETE WINDOW DROP WINDOW HIDE WINDOW Issuing any command that alters, drops, hides, or changes the contents of a BRIEF window may cause undesirable results. Furthermore, you can use all of the System Product Editor commands while viewing the displayed HELP files except the following: ALL FILE INPUT MACRO READ REPLACE SET POWERINP Examples Following are some examples of HELP requests. • To request a HELP file for message DMSHLP002E, issue either: help dms002E or help dmshlp002E • To request a menu of CP commands, issue: help cp menu • To request a HELP file for the XEDIT LOCATE subcommand, issue: help xedit locate 262 VM/SP eMS Command Reference (' ~ HELP • To request a description for the CMS TAPE command, issue either: help cms tape (dese or help tape (desc • If you are viewing the HELP file for the CMS PRINT command and decide you want to get help on the CMS COPYFILE command, issue: help ems eopyfile • To request a display of RELATED information of the HELP file for the eMS SEND FILE command, issue: help cms sendfile (related • If you are editing a file and want help on the COPYFILE command, and you are not sure whether COPYFILE is an Editor, CP, or CMS command, enter: help eopyfile (extend • To request a HELP file for the CMS SET APL command, you may enter: help cmsset apl • To display choices for CMS macros, enter: help macros • To display choices for routines, enter: help routines Messages and Return Codes DMSHEL2411 DMSHEL241I DMSHEL2411 Press PFIO for detail information. Press PFll to get related information. Press PFIO for detail information; PFll to get related information. DMSHEL242I This HELP file In It has not been converted to the current release format or contains an invalid format word. For information, refer to the CMS User's Guide. DMSHEL244W Requested HELP section unavailable; option option assumed. DMSHEL254E HELP cannot find the information you requested. If not misspelled, please enter HELP for menu assistance or HELP HELP for the HELP command. [RC = 28] DMSHEL529E Subcommand is only valid in display mode DMSHEL529E SET commandword subcommand is only valid in editing mode DMSHEL545E Missing operand(s) DMSHEL561E Cursor is not on a valid data field DMSHEL586E String not found DMSHEL657E Undefined PFkeyIP Akey. DMSHLC003E Invalid option: option [RC = 24] This HELP file Iname Itype has not been converted to the current DMSHLL242I release format or contains an invalid format word. For information, refer to the CMS User's Guide. DMSHLL243I RELATED information is not available. DMSHLL244W Requested HELP subset information is not available; the option option has been assumed. DMSHLL254E HELP cannot find the information you requested. If not misspelled, please enter HELP for menu assistance or HELP HELP for the HELP command. [RC = 28] Chapter 2. CMS Commands 263 HELP DMSHLL3551 DMSHLL3561 DMSHLL639E DMSHLZ2421 For related information on this subject, enter MOREHELP (RELATED. For more detail on this subject, enter MOREHELP. Error in routine routine; return code was xx This HELP file fname ftype has not been converted to the current release format or contains an invalid format word. For information, refer to the eMS User's Guide. Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 264 Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 VM/SP CMS Command Reference HELPCONV HELPCONV Use the HELPCONV command to convert a specified file into a formatted HELP file, leaving the .CS, .CM. and .MT control words in the file. The output file has the file type $HLPxxxx, where xxx x is the name of the component to which the file belongs. Format HELPCONV filename filetype ~ile!ode ] Operands filename is the file name of the HELP file to be converted. file type is the file type of the HELP file to be converted. filemode is the file mode of the HELP file to be converted. If the file mode is omitted or if an asterisk (*) is coded, all accessed disks and directories are searched. Usage Notes 1. After using the HELPCONV command on a specified HELP file, you will have two versions of the Help file: filename HELPxxxx At filename $HLPxxxx At The original file The converted file You should verify that the $HLPxxxx file is fOrIIlatted the way you want it to appear when displayed by HELP. To use the converted file in the HELP command, you must rename the converted file so that its file type is HELPxxxx. For example, if you enter helpconv link helpcms you create a converted file with a file ID of LINK $HLPCMS AI. To have the HELP command call the new HELP file, rename the file so that the file type is HELPCMS: rename link $hlpcms a link helpcms a Note that the converted file has the same name as the original file. Therefore, to rename the converted file, you must first rename the the original file, move it to another read/write minidisk or directory, or copy the formatted file to another read/write minidisk or directory, specifying the file type as HELPxxxx. 2. To use Help format words other than .CS, . CM, and .MT (for instance, .BX, .IN, etc.) in your own HELP files, it's still necessary to use the HELPCONV command. It is also critical in these situations to ensure the proper formatting of MENU and TASK files, that is, that the file begins with a .FO OFF format word. Similarly, when you use HELPCONV on a file that contains a RELATED section, ensure that you tum off the formatting for the entire Chapter 2. CMS Commands 265 HELPCONV RELATED section. For further information on how to process these files, please see "Tailoring the HELP Facility" in the VM/SP eMS User's Guide. 3. If you create your own HELP files, make sure to store them on minidisks. The HELP facility cannot access HELP files in a file pool. Messages and Return Codes DMSFNS1144E DMSFNS1252T DMSHLB251E DMSHLI002E DMSHLII04S DMSHLIl09S DMSHLSI09S DMSHLS250S DMSHLP251E DMSHLS907E Code 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 Implicit rollback occurred for work unit workunitid [RC = 31] Rollback unsuccessful for file pool/ilepoolid HELP processing error code nnn-description [RC = 12] File not found [RC = 28] Error nn reading file In It 1m from disk or directory [RC = 104] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] I/O error or device error [RC = 256] HELP processing error code nnn-description [RC= 12] I/O error on file In It 1m [RC = 256] Description Numeric format word parameter is outside valid range. Format word parameter should be a number. Invalid format word. Format word parameter missing. Invalid format word parameter. Undent greater than indent. Excessive or negative space count generated. Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 266 Reason Page Errors in command syntax Errors in the Shared File System Errors in using a file 811 813 814 VM/SP CMS Command Reference IDENTIFY IDENTIFY Use the IDENTIFY command to display or stack the following information: your user ID and node; the user ID of the RSCS virtual machine; the date, time, time zone, and day of the week. Format IDentify [( options ... [)]] STACK Options: FIFO] [ LIFO FIFO LIFO L. TYPE . Options STACK FIFO LIFO specifies that the information should be placed in the program stack rather than displayed at the terminal. The information is stacked either FIFO (first in first out) or LIFO (last in first out). The default order is FIFO. FIFO specifies that the information should be placed in the program stack rather than displayed at the terminal. The information is stacked FIFO. The options STACK, STACK FIFO, and FIFO are all equivalent. LIFO specifies that the information should be placed in the program stack rather than displayed at the terminal. The information is stacked LIFO. This option is equivalent to STACK LIFO. TYPE specifies that the information should be displayed at the terminal. This is the default option. Example To display the user ID information at your terminal, you would enter the following: identify (type Responses The following information is displayed or stacked: userid AT node VIA rscsid date time zone day Chapter 2. CMS Commands 267 IDENTIFY Operands userid is the user ID of your virtual machine. node is the RSCS node of your computer. rscsid is the user ID of the RSCS virtual machine. date is the local date, in the form mm/dd/yy. time is the local time, in the form hh:mm:ss. zone is the local time zone. day is the day of the week. Implementation notes: The user ID and node are from the CP QUERY USERID command. The date, time, and zone are from the CP QUERY TIME command. The CP QUERY CPUID command is used to retrieve the CPU serial number. (CP QUERY CPUID returns a 16-digit processor identification; however, IDENTIFY only uses digits three through eight.) This number is then looked up in the file SYSTEM NETID *. That file will have one or more lines of the form: cpu-serial-number node rscsid If there is a conflict in nodes between the SYSTEM NETID file and CP QUERY USERID, the node in SYSTEM NETID takes precedence. If there is no record with a matching serial number, or if the file is not found, the RSCS ID is set to *. IDENTIFY keeps some of its information in storage, such as user ID, node and RSCS ID. To change any of that information, you must re-IPL CMS and then reissue the IDENTIFY command. Important Note: The person responsible for the CMS system at an installation is responsible for creating the SYSTEM NETID file. This file should have a file mode of S2. Messages and Return Codes DMSIDE003E DMSIDE056E DMSIDE070E DMSIDEI04S Invalid option: option [RC = 24] File In It lim] contains invalid record formats [RC = 32] Invalid parameter parameter [RC = 24] Error nn reading file In It 1m from disk or directory [RC = 100] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 268 Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 VM/SP CMS Command Reference IMMCMD IMMCMD Use the IMMCMD command to establish or cancel Immediate commands from within an exec. IMMCMD determines whether a particular Immediate command has been established or if it has been issued by the terminal user. Format IMMCMD I I SET CLEAR QUERY STATUS name Operands SET establishes an Immediate command. If an Immediate command with the same name already exists, it is overridden in a stack-like manner. CLEAR clears an Immediate command. Any previously overridden Immediate command with the same name is reinstated by this action. QUERY indicates whether the Immediate command has been established. A return code of 0 indicates that the command has been established. A return code of 44 indicates that the command has not been established. STATUS indicates whether the command has been issued by the terminal user. The only output from the STATUS operand is a return code of 0 or 1. A return code of o indicates that the Immediate command has not been entered from the terminal since the last invocation of the IMMCMD SET or IMMCMD STATUS for that Immediate command. A return code of 1 indicates that the Immediate command has been issued since the last invocation of IMMCMD SET or IMMCMD STATUS for that Immediate command. name the 1 to 8 character name of the Immediate command that is established (SET), cancelled (CLEAR) or inquired about (STATUS, QUERY). This operand is always required. Usage Notes 1. The IMMCMD command should be used only from exec files (CMS exec, EXEC 2, or System Product Interpreter). 2. All Immediate commands established by the IMMCMD command can be explicitly cancelled. If these Immediate commands are not explicitly cancelled by the IMMCMD command, they are cancelled automatically. They are cancelled either by returning to the CMS command environment (if not in CMS subset) or by entry to the CMS abend routine. User exit routines cannot be used with Immediate commands that are established by the IMMCMD command. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 269 IMMCMD 3. Since no exit routine can be given control when an Immediate command (declared via IMMCMD) has been issued from the terminal, the exec writer must use the STATUS operand of IMMCMD. A return code of 1 from IMMCMD STATUS informs the exec writer that a particular Immediate command has been issued by the terminal user. The exec writer can then take appropriate processing action if the Immediate command has been issued. For a general discussion on Immediate commands, see the VMjSP CMS User's Guide. For information on creating Immediate commands, see VMjSP Application Development Guide for CMS. Example To clear the HM immediate command, you would enter into your exec (written in the REXX language): 'immcmd clear hm' Messages and Return Codes DMSIMMOl4E DMSIMM047E DMSIMM070E DMSIMMI09S DMSIMM261E DMSIMM262E DMSIMM263E 270 VM/SP CMS Command Reference Invalid function function [RC = 24] No function specified [RC = 24] Invalid parameter parameter [RC = 24] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] No immediate command name was specified [RC = 24] Immediate command command not found [RC = 44] Specified immediate command is a nucleus extension and cannot be cleared [RC = 48] ~ INCLUDE INCLUDE Use the INCLUDE command to read one or more TEXT files (containing relocatable object code) from a disk or directory and to load them into virtual storage, establishing the proper linkages between the files. A LOAD command must have been previously issued for the INCLUDE command to produce desirable results. For information on the CMS loader and the handling of unresolved references, see the description of the LOAD command. The INCLUDE command behaves differently depending upon the environment it is issued from. In the following description a VMjSP virtual machine and a VMjXA SP Systemj370 mode virtual machine are equivalent; a VMjXA SP 370-XA mode virtual machine allows you to use addresses above the 16Mb line. The behavior of the INCLUDE command in both environments is described below to help you plan and develop applications that will run in both environments. Note: The SET LOAD AREA command affects the outcome of the LOAD and INCLUDE commands. Format INclude {n ... [(options •••[ )] ] Options: [CLEAR ] NOCLEAR [RESET {en1TY} ] [ORIGIN { ~!'~S }] [MAP ] NOMAP [TYPE ] NOTYPE ] [INV ] [REP NOINV NOREP [AUTO ] NOAUTO fLmE NOLI BE ] [START] [DUP ] NODUP [ NORLDsave RLDsave 1 [SAME] r IST NOHIST ] Operands In ... are the names of the files to be loaded into storage. Files must have a file type of TEXT and consist of relocatable object code such as that produced by the OS language processor. If a GLOBAL TXTLIB command has identified one or more TXTLIBs, fn may indicate the name of a TXTLIB member. Options If you specified options with a previous LOAD or INCLUDE command, these options (with the exception of CLEAR, NOD UP, and ORIGIN) remain set if SAME is specified when INCLUDE is issued. Otherwise, the options assume their default settings. If conflicting options are specified, the last one entered is in effect. CLEAR clears the load area in storage to binary zeros before the files are loaded. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 271 INCLUDE NOCLEAR does not clear the load area before loading. NOCLEAR is the default. RESET entry RESET * resets the execution starting point previously set by a LOAD or INCLUDE command. If entry is specified, the starting execution address is reset to the specified location. If an asterisk (*) is specified or if the RESET option is omitted, the loader input is searched for control statements. The entry point is selected from the last ENTRY statement encountered or from an assembler- or compiler-produced END statement. If none is found, a default entry point is selected as follows: • if you specified an asterisk, the first byte of the first control section loaded by the INCLUDE command becomes the default entry point. • if you omitted the RESET option, the entry point defaults to the execution starting point previously set by a LOAD ,or INCLUDE command. ORIGIN hex/oc ORIGIN TRANS specifies where CMS loads the program. This location must be in the CMS transient area or in any free CMS storage. ORIGIN hex/oc loads the program at hex/oc. This variable is a hexadecimal number of up to eight characters. ORIGIN TRANS loads the program into the transient area. If you do not specify the ORIGIN option, CMS loads the program at the first available location past the previously loaded or included text file. INCLUDE does not overlay any previously loaded files unless you specify ORIGIN and specify a location within a previously loaded, non-relocatable object module. If you specify an ORIGIN address where residency conflicts with the residency of the load as determined by the LOAD command RMODEjORIGIN option, the INCLUDE will terminate with an error. The following example will cause the INCLUDE to fail: 1. The location of the load, first determined by the LOAD command is above the 16Mb line. 2. You define an address below the 16Mb line in the ORIGIN option of a subsequent INCLUDE. MAP adds information to the load map. MAP is the default. NOMAP does not add any information to the load map. TYPE displays the load map at your terminal and writes it on your disk or directory accessed as A. NOTYPE does not display the load map at the terminal. NOTYPE is the default. INV writes invalid card images in the LOAD MAP file. INV is the default. NOINV does not write invalid card images in the LOAD MAP file. 272 VMjSP CMS Command Reference INCLUDE REP writes Replace (REP) statement images in the LOAD MAP file. See the explanation of the CMS LOAD command for a description of the Replace (REP) statement. REP is the default. NOREP suppresses the writing of Replace (REP) statements in the LOAD MAP file. AUTO searches your disks and directories for TEXT files to resolve undefined references. AUTO is the default. NOAUTO suppresses automatic searching for TEXT files. LmE searches the text libraries defined by the GLOBAL command for missing subroutines. LIBE is the default. NOLmE does not search any text libraries for unresolved references. START begins execution after loading is completed. SAME retains the same options (except ORIGIN, NODUP, and CLEAR) that were used by a previous INCLUDE or LOAD command. Otherwise, the default setting of unspecified options is assumed. If other options are specified with SAME, they override previously specified options. (See Usage Note I .. ) DUP displays warning messages at your virtual console when a duplicate CSECT is encountered during processing. The duplicate CSECT is not loaded. DUP is the default. NODUP does not display warning messages at your virtual console when duplicate CSECTs are encountered during processing. The duplicate CSECT is not loaded. NORLDsav instructs the CMS LOADER not to save the relocation information from the text files. NORLDsav is the default. RLDsave instructs the CMS LOADER to save the relocation information from the text files. The GENMOD command uses relocation information to generate relocatable CMS module files. HIST saves the history information (comments) from text files. This information is later included in the module generated by a GENMOD command. The history information from the specified text files is added to history information requested from other text files for this module (using the HIST option on the LOAD command and other INCLUDE commands). NOHIST does not save history information from text files. NOHIST is the default. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 273 INCLUDE Usage Notes 1. If you specify several nondefault options on the LOAD command and you want those options to remain in effect, use the SAME option when you issue the INCLUDE command; for example: include main subi data (reset main map start) brings the files named MAIN TEXT, SUBI TEXT, and DATA TEXT into virtual storage and appends them to previously loaded files. Information about these loaded files is added to the LOAD MAP file. Execution begins at entry point MAIN. load myprog (nomap nolibe norep) include mysub (map same) During execution of the LOAD command, the file named MYPROG TEXT is brought into real storage. The following options are in effect: NOMAP, NOLIBE, NOREP, NOTYPE, INV, and AUTO. During execution of the INCLUDE command, the file named MYSUB TEXT is appended to MYPROG TEXT. The following options are in effect: MAP, NOLIBE, NOREP, NOTYPE, INV, AUTO 2. When the INCLUDE command is issued, the loader tables are not reset. 3. Whenyou specify the HIST option, up to 819 comment records can be saved from text files. These records are included later in the module generated by a GENMOD command. When this limit is exceeded, a message is displayed and a warning is placed in the last record of the history data to indicate this condition. Any history information exceeding 819 records is not included. 4. An INCLUDE that intersects a previously loaded nonrelocatable program causes that program to be deleted from storage. A program loaded by the INCLUDE command that replaces a program loaded by the LOAD command will retain the load attributes. 5. An INCLUDE is not valid after a LOADMOD command. Unpredictable results may occur. 6. Due to the interactive environment of eMS, in an 370-XA mode virtual machine that has greater than 16Mb of storage, you should use caution when following a LOAD command by a number of INCLUDE commands. If no RMODE/ORIGIN option is specified on the LOAD command, and SET LOAD AREA RESPECT is in effect, the LOAD process will begin loading according to the RMODE encountered on the first TEXT ESD. If this is RMODE ANY, the load will start above the 16Mb line. Should a more restrictive RMODE be encountered on a subsequent TEXT ESD, then loading will restart below the 16Mb line. Because other commands may be executed between INCLUDE commands, the disks and/or directories used to load the TEXT files specified on the LOAD or previous INCLUDE commands may be released and/or changed. The CMS LOAD process will restart intthe environment that is in effect at the point of the restart. 7. Issuing a LOAD command with the RLDSAVE option will result in a relocatable module, even if the RLDSAVE option is not specified on a subsequent INCLUDE command. All RLD data associated with these programs will be saved. 8. If you issue a LOAD command with the NORLDSAV option, and specify RLDSAVE on a subsequent INCLUDE command, the RLD data will be saved 274 VM/SP CMS Command Reference / l~ INCLUDE from the time you issued the INCLUDE command. The module will be labeled relocatable, but may not function correctly. Responses DMSLI07401 Execution begins ... START was specified with INCLUDE and the loaded program has begun execution. Any further responses are from the program. INVALID CARD - xxx ••• xxx INV was specified with LOAD and an invalid card has been found. The message and the contents of the invalid card (xxx ... xxx) are listed in the LOAD MAP file. The invalid card is ignored and loading continues. Messages and Return Codes DMSERD257T Internal system error at address addr (offset offset) DMSFNS1l44E Implicit rollback occurred for work unit workunitid [RC=31] DMSFNS1252T Rollback unsuccessful for file pool filepoolid DMSLIOOOIE No filename specified [RC=24] DMSLI0002E File[(s)] fn TXTLIB not found [RC = 28] DMSLI0003E Invalid option: option [RC = 24] DMSLI0005E No option specified [RC = 24] DMSLlOO21E Entry point name not found [RC=40] DMSLlOO29E Invalid parameter parameter in the option option field [RC = 24] DMSLI0055E No entry point defined [RC = 40] DMSLI0056E File fn ft lfm1 contains invalid record formats [RC = 32] DMSLI0099E CMS/DOS environment not active [RC = 40] DMSLIOI04S Error nn reading filefnftfm from disk or directory [RC = 311551701761991100] DMSLIOI05S Error nn writing file fn ft fm on disk or directory [RC = 311551701761991100] DMSLIOI09S Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] DMSLI0116S Loader table overflow [RC = 104] DMSLI0168S Pseudo register table overflow [RC= 104] DMSLI0169S ESDID table overflow [RC = 104] DMSLI0201W The following names are undefined: namelist [RC=4] DMSLI0202W Duplicate identifier identifier [RC = 4] DMSLI0203W SET LOCATION COUNTER name undefined [RC = 4] DMSLI0206W Pseudo register alignment error [RC = 4] DMSLI0379E INCLUDE address at or abovelbelow 16Mb conflicts with LOAD address belowlat or above 16Mb, INCLUDE failed [RC=88] DMSLI0380E Storage at origin addr in use, file not loaded. [RC = 104] DMSLI0381E Insufficient storage available below 16Mb to loadfile. [RC=88] DMSLI0623S Module cannot be loaded at location location-this area is available for system use only [RC = 88] DMSLI0625S There are too many items that require relocation to save all of the RLD information [RC= 104] DMSLI0749W There are too many comments in text files to be included in the module. [RC = 4] DMSLI0907T I/O error on file fn ft fm [RC = 311551701761991256] DMSLI0994W Restrictive RMODE encountered in CSECT cname, LOAD continues below 16Mb. DMSLI0997E Running in 370-mode machine and LOADIINCLUDE address is at or above 16Mb, LOADIINCLUDE failed. [RC=64] Chapter 2. CMS Commands 275 INCLUDE Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 276 Reason Page Errors in the Shared File System Errors in using a file 813 814 VM/SP CMS Command Reference LABELDEF LABELDEF Use the LABELDEF command to specify standard HDRI and EOFI tape label description information for CMS, CMS/DOS, and OS simulation. This command is required for CMS/DOS and CMS tape label processing. It is optional for OS simulation. However, it is needed if you want to specify a file name to be checked or the exact data to be written in any field of an output HDRI and EOFI label. Format CLEAR LAbeldef [FID {tid} 1 [VOLID {~Olid }] [VOLSEQ volseq] SCRATCH [FSEQ {seq] [GENN genn] [CRDTE yyddd] [GENV genv] [EXDTE yyddd] [(options ... [ )]] Options: [PERM] CHANGE ] [ NOCHANGE Operands * may be specified only with CLEAR. It clears all existing label definitions. filename is one of the following: ddname for FILEDEF files (OS simulation). When using FORTRAN, you must explicitly specify ddname as FTnnFOOI. file name in DTFMT macro (CMS/DOS simulation). labeldefid specified in the T APEMAC or T APPDS command or in the LABID field of the T APESL macro (can be 1-8 characters). CLEAR removes a label definition. LABELDEF filename CLEAR clears only the label definition for that file name. LABELDEF PERM. * CLEAR removes all existing label definitions unless specified as Chapter 2. CMS Commands 277 LABELDEF FID ? FID fid supplies the file (data set for OS) identifier in the tape label. Use the FID ? form if the identifier exceeds 8 characters (up to a maximum of 44) or the identifier contains special characters. The system responds by prompting you to supply the information. If the file identifier does not exceed 8 characters, enter the file ID directly (FID fid). If the file identifier exceeds 17, only the rightmost 17 characters are moved into the HDRI record when a file is written to tape, and only the rightmost 17 are displayed for a LABELDEF query. VOLID volid VOLID ? VOLID SCRATCH supplies the volume serial number(s) (1-6 alphanumeric characters). If there is only one volume ID or if you are not using OS simulation, you can enter the volume ID directly (VOLID volid). If you use OS simulation and have multiple volume IDs to process, use the VOLID? form. The system responds by prompting you to supply the volume serial numbers needed to process the file. For non-OS simulation, more than one volume ID may be specified; however, only the first volume ID will be used. Specifying a volume ID of SCRATCH results in no serial number checking for that tape and for any subsequent tapes to be mounted for the current file. When specifying multiple volume IDs, SCRATCH must be the last volume ID specified. If you specify a VOLID of SCRATCH and you are a non-OS simulation user, a tape with the VOLID of'SCRATC' is searched for. VOLSEQ volseq is the volume sequence number (1-4 numeric characters). Under OS-simulation the volume sequence number is ignored and is set to 0001. FSEQfseq is the file (data set for OS) sequence number in the label (1-4 numeric characters). GENN genn is the generation number (1-4 numeric characters). GENV genv is the generation version (1-2 numeric characters). CRDTEyyddd is the creation date. EXDTEyyddd is the expiration date. SEC specifies security classification (0, 1, or 3). See the IBM publication OSjVS Tape Labels, for the meaning of security classification on tape files. Note that this number has no effect on how the file is processed. It is used only for checking or writing purposes. 278 VM/SP CMS Command Reference ( \ LABELDEF Options PERM retains the current definition until it either is explicitly cleared or is changed by a new LABELDEF command with the CHANGE option. If PERM is not specified, the definition is cleared when a LABELDEF * CLEAR command is executed. CHANGE merges the label definitions whenever a label definition already exists for a file name and a new LABELD EF command specifying the same file name is issued. In this situation, the options associated with the two definitions are merged. Options from the original definition remain in effect unless duplicated in the new definition. New options are added to the option list. NOCHANGE retains the current label definition, if one exists, for the specified file name. The following default values are used in output labels when a value is not explicitly specified: FID For OS simulation, fid is the ddname specified in the FILEDEF command for the file. For CMS/DOS, fid is the DTFMT symbolic name. For the CMS TAPESL macro, fid is the LABELDEF specified in the LABID parameter. VOLID is CMSOO1. For OS simulation, the actual VOLID from the tape mounted is used if processing an "SL" tape file. FSEQ is 0001. VOLSEQ is 0001. GENN is blanks. GENV is blanks. CRDTE is the date when the label is written. EXDTE is the date when the label is written. SEC is O. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 279 LABELDEF Usage Notes 1. To check a field in an input label, specify it on your LABELDEF command for the label. If you do not specify a value for a particular field, this field is not checked at all for input. For output, any field you specify is written in the label exactly as you specify it on the LABELDEF command. If you do not specify a field for output, the default value for that field is written in the label. ( '~ If you write the following LABELDEF command, labeldef filex fid master fseq 2 exdte 78285 and use the statement for an input file, only the file identifier, file sequence number, and expiration date in HDRI labels are checked. Error messages are issued when there fields in the tape label do not match those specified in the LABELDEF statement. If you use the same statement for an output file, the fields leave the following values: file 10 file sequence number volume sequence number creation date expiration date security volume serial number generation number generation version MASTER aaa2 aaal date when label is written 78285 a CMSaal blank blank 2. If you issue LABELDEF without any operands, a list of alliabeidefs currently in effect is displayed on your terminal. For an OS simulation user, if SCRATCH was entered at command time and the file has not been opened, then all the volume IDs and SCRATCH will be displayed. If SCRATCH was entered at command time and the file has been opened, then all the volume IDs and the volume IDs of all the scratch tapes will be displayed following SCRATC or SCRATCH. ( ~ 3. For OS simulation, a LABELDEF statement may be used as well as a FILEDEF statement for a file. Use of a LABELDEF statement is optional in this case. The statements 1abe 1def fil ez fi d payro 1"1 fseq 2 exdte 78300 filedef filez tapl sl valid vo14 define filez as a labeled tape file on tape 181. The volume serial is VOL4, the fileid is PAYROLL, and the file sequence number is 0002. Expiration date is day 300 in 1978. If you only use the FILEDEF command, you have only defined the volume ID (volume serial number). 4. For CMS and CMS/DOS, a LABELDEF command is required. The command labeldef file14 valid supvol volseq 3 defines a tape label with a volume serial of SUPVOL and a volume sequence number of 0003. This LABELDEF statement could be used by a CMS/DOS program containing a DTFMT macro with the form FILE14 OTFMT •.. FI LABL=STO ••• or by a CMS program with a T APESL macro similar to the following: TAPESL HOUT,181,LABIO=FILEI4 A CMS T APEMAC command could use the same LABELDEF as follows: tapemac maclib sl file14 280 VM/SP CMS Command Reference \ LABELDEF In all three preceding examples, the LABELDEF statement must be issued before the program or command is executed. 5. See the section "Tape Labels in CMS" in the VMjSP eMS User's Guide for more details on CMS tape label processing. Messages and Return Codes DMSLBD003E DMSLBD029E DMSLBD065E DMSLBD066E DMSLBD070E DMSLBDI09S DMSLBD220R DMSLBD221E DMSLBD324I DMSLBD438E DMSLBD439E DMSLBD441R DMSLBD442E DMSLBD704I Invalid option: option [RC = 24] Invalid parameter parameter in the option option field [RC = 24] option option specified twice [RC = 24] (Jptionl and option2 are conflicting options [RC = 24] Invalid parameter parameter [RC = 24] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Enter data set name: Invalid data set name [RC = 24] No user defined LABELDEFs in effect Volid volid is a duplicate entry [RC = 24] Volid volid is an invalid entry [RC = 24] Enter volid information SCRATCH may only be used as the last volid for the file [RC=24] Invalid CLEAR request Chapter 2. CMS Commands 281 LISTDIR LISTDIR Use the LISTDIR command to list Shared File System (SFS) directories for a specified directory structure. Format LISTDIR [dirid] O~tions: [ (options ..• [) ]] rCCeSSedJ ALL ~UBdkeeto~ J NOSubdirectory STACK [FIFO] LIFO LIFO FIFO XEDIT Operands dirid identifies the directory where the list begins. The specified directory and its subdirectories for which you have read or write authority are listed. If dirid is not specified, the list begins with your top directory. See the ACCESSED option below for an exception to this rule. See "Naming Shared File System (SFS) Directories" on page 4 for more information on dirid. Options ACCessed lists only the accessed directories in the specified directory structure. If dirid is not specified with this option, all accessed directories are listed in CMS search order. ALL lists all directories in the specified directory structure for which you have read or write authority, whether they are accessed or not. ALL is the default. SUBdirectory lists the directory specified by dirid and its subdirectories. The specified directory can not be open when using this operand. SUBDIRECTORY is the default. NOSUBdirectory lists only the directory specified by dirid. Use this option to test for the existence of a directory. No subdirectories are listed. If the ACCESSED option is specified with NOSUBDIRECTORY and no dirid is specified, the first directory that is accessed in the CMS search order is listed. STACK (FIFO) STACK LIFO places the information in the console stack rather than displaying it at the terminal. FIFO is the default. 181 VM/SP CMS Command Reference LISTDIR FIFO specifies that the information is stacked in a first in, first out order. This option is equivalent to STACK FIFO. LIFO specifies that the information is stacked in a last in, first out order. This option is equivalent to STACK LIFO. XEDIT places the list in the file that is currently displayed. This option is only valid when issued from the XEDIT environment. The list replaces the information in the file starting with the current line and continues until the end of the list is reached. Remaining text in the file, if any, is unchanged. Your edited file must either be a fixed format with a logical record length, LRECL, of 319 or a variable record length format. Usage Notes You can invoke the LISTDIR command from the command line, from an exec, or as a function from a program. No error messages are issued if LISTDIR is invoked: • As a function from a program • From a CMS exec file that has the &CONTROL NOMSG option in effect • From an EXEC2 exec where CMDCALL is not in effect • From a System Product Interpreter exec with ADDRESS COMMAND in effect Example The following is an example of LISTDIR: Fm A B 1 1 -I Directory Name FILEPOOL:SMITH FILEPOOL:SMITH.ADDRESSES FILEPOOL:SMITH.ADDRESSES.EMPLOYEES FILEPOOL:SMITH.ADDRESSES.MANAGERS FILEPOOL:SMITH.BIRTHDAYS FILEPOOL:SMITH.BIRTHDAYS.EMPLOYEES Response The following information is displayed at the terminal unless the STACK, FIFO, or LIFO option is specified: Fm Directory Name fm dirname where fm is the file mode if the directory is accessed. If the directory is not accessed, this column contains a dash (-). dirname is the complete name of the directory. Note: The heading is included only in terminal output. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 283 LISTDIR Messages and Return Codes DMSJED069E Filemode mode not accessed [RC = 36] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] DMSJEDI09S DMSJED1187E Too many subdirectory levels in dirid [RC = 24] DMSJED1188E Filemode mode is not associated with a directory [RC = 74] DMSJED1189E Filemode mode is associated with a top directory [RC = 24] DMSJED 1223E There is no default file pool currently defined [RC = 40] option option specified twice [RC = 24] DMSJLD065E option and option are conflicting options [RC = 24] DMSJLD066E DMSJLD689E File must be F-format 319 or V-format [RC=24] DMSJLD1160E Directory dirname already open. [RC = 70] DMSJLD1184E Directory dirname not found or you are not authorized for it [RC=28] DMSJLD1210E Directory dirname not found [RC = 28] DMSOUT065E option option specified twice [RC = 24] DMSOUT066E option1 and option2 are conflicting options [RC = 24] DMSOUTI05S Error nn writing file to XEDIT [RC = 100] DMSOUTI09S Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] DMSOUT688E XEDIT option only valid from XEDIT environment [RC = 24] DMSOUT1201E STACK option cannot follow FIFO or LIFO [RC = 24] ( \ Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax Errors in the Shared File System 811 813 ( \~ ( 284 VM/SP CMS Command Reference LISTDS LISTOS Use the LISTDS command to list, at your terminal, information about the data sets or files residing on accessed OS or DOS disks. In addition, use LISTDS to display extent or free space information when you want to allocate space for VSAM files. Format {~m} LISTDS Options: EXTENT] [FREE [(options ... [ )]] [FORMAT] [ PDS ] Operands ? indicates that you want to enter interactively the OS data set name, VSE file ID, or VSAM data space name. When you enter a question mark (?), CMS prompts you to enter the OS data set name, DOS file ID, or VSAM data space name exactly as it appears on the disk. This form allows you to enter names that contain embedded blanks or hyphens. dsname is the OS data set name or VSE file ID or VSAM data space name. It takes the form: qua11 [qua12 ••• qualn] -- or -qua11 [.qua12 ••• qualn] where quaIl, qual2, through qualn are the qualifiers of the dataset. If blanks separate the qualifiers, the dataset name used will be the concatenation of the qualifiers with periods. (See Usage Note 1.) 1m is the file mode of the disk to be searched for the specified file. If a dsname is not specified, a list of all the files or data sets on the specified disk is displayed. * indicates that you want all of your accessed DOS or OS disks searched for the specified data set or file. If a dsname is not specified, a list of all files on all accessed OS and DOS disks is displayed. If a dsname is specified, CMS stops searching all of your accessed DOS or OS disks as soon as it finds the first copy of the specified data set or file. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 285 LISTDS Options The FREE and EXTENT options are mutually exclusive; the FORMAT and PDS options cannot be specified with either FREE or EXTENT. FREE requests a display of all free space extents on a specific minidisk or on all accessed DOS and OS disks. If you enter the FREE option, you cannot specify a dsname. EXTENT EX requests a display of allocated extents for a single file or for an entire disk or minidisk. If a dsname is specified, only the extents for that particular file or data set are listed. If fm is specified as *, all disks are searched for extents occupied by that file, but only the extents for the first file or data set encountered are displayed. If a dsname is not specified, then a list of all currently allocated extents on the specified disk, or on all disks, is displayed. FORMAT FO requests a display of the date, disk label, file mode, and data set name for an OS data set as well as RECFM, LRECL, BLKSIZE, and DSORG information. For a VSE file, LISTDS displays the date, disk label, file mode, and file ID, but gives no information about the RECFM, LRECL, and BLKSIZE (two blanks appear for each); DSORG is always PS. PDS displays the member names of referenced OS partitioned data sets. For examples of the displays produced as a result of each of these options, see the "Responses" section, below. Usage Notes 1. If you want to enter an OS or VSE file identification on the LISTDS command line, it may consist of qualifiers separated by periods or blanks. For example, the file TEST.INPUT.SOURCE.D could be listed as follows: listds test input source d -- or -listds test.input.source.d Or, you can enter the name interactively, as follows: listds ? * DMSLDS220R Enter data set name: test.input.source.d Note that when the data set name is entered interactively, it must be entered in its exact form; when entered on the LISTDS command line, the periods may be omitted. You must use the interactive form to enter a VSE file ID that contains embedded blanks. 2. When using access method services, use the FREE option to determine what free space is available for allocation by VSAM. For example: listds * (free 286 VM/SP CMS Command Reference LISTDS requests a display of unallocated extents on all accessed OS or DOS disks. You can then use the EXTENT option on the DLBL command when you define the file for AMSERV. 3. Full disk displays using the FREE option will display free alternate tracks as well as free space extents. 4. Since CMS does not support ISAM files, LISTDS lists extent and free information on ISAM files, but ignores format 2 DSCB's. 5. Since CMS does not support track overflow, LISTDS will not read beyond a track if DCB = RECFM = T is specified for the OS VTOC. 6. LISTDS uses the extended plist for processing the dsname parameter. If you are calling LISTDS from an assembler language program and using dsname, you should supply an extended plist. VMjSP Application Development Guide for eMS has more information on how an assembler language program can supply an extended plist. Responses DMSLDS220R Enter data set name: This message prompts you to enter the data set name when you use the? operand on the LISTDS command. Enter the file identification in its exact form. A sample sequence might be: listds ? c DMSLDS220R Enter data set name: \my. fil e. test FM DATA SET NAME C MY.FILE.TEST Ready; The response shown above following the entry of the data set name is the same as the response given when you enter a data set name on the LISTDS command line. DMSLDS229I No members found This message is displayed when you use the PDS option and the data set has no members. DMSLDS233I No free space available on fm disk This message is displayed when you use the FREE option and there is no free space available on the specified disk. Responses to the EXTENT Option: A sample response to the EXTENT option is shown below. The headers and the type of information supplied are the same when you request information for a specific file only, or for all disks. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 287 LISTDS listds 9 (extent EXTENT INFORMATION FOR 'VTOC' ON 'G' DISK: SEQ TYPE CYL-HD(RELTRK) TO CYL-HD(RELTRK) 000 VTOC 0099 00 1881 0099 18 1899 TRACKS 19 EXTENT INFORMATION FOR 'PRIVAT.CORE.IMAGE.LIB' ON 'G' DISK: SEQ TYPE CYL-HD(RELTRK) TO CYL-HD(RELTRK) TRACKS 000 DATA 0000 01 1 0049 18 949 949 EXTENT INFORMATION FOR 'SYSTEM.WORK.FILE.NO.6' ON 'G' DISK: SEQ TYPE CYL-HD(RELTRK) TO CYL-HD(RELTRK) TRACKS 000 DATA 0050 00 950 0051 18 987 38 EXTENT INFORMATION FOR 'COBOL TEST PROGRAM' ON 'G' DISK: SEQ TYPE CYL-HD(RELTRK) TO CYL-HD(RELTRK) TRACKS 000 DATA 0052 02 990 0054 01 1027 38 EXTENT INFORMATION FOR 'DKSQ01A' ON 'G' DISK: SEQ TYPE CYL-HD(RELTRK) TO CYL-HD(RELTRK) TRACKS 000 DATA 0080 01 1521 0081 00 1539 19 or for a fixed-block device: EXTENT INFORMATION FOR 'DSQ01A' ON 'G' DISK: SEQ TYPE BLOCKNO TO BLOCKNO BLOCKS 000 DATA 000500 000550 51 ( where: \ SEQ indicates the sequence number assigned this extent when the extents were defined via the DLBL command. CMS assigns the sequence numbers for VSAM data sets; the first extent set has a sequence of 000, the second extent has a sequence of 001, and so on. TYPE can have the following designations: Type Meaning DATA Data area extent VTOC VTOC extent of the disk SPLIT Split cylinder extent LABEL User label extent INDEX ISAM index area extent OVFLO ISAM independent overflow area extent MODEL Model data set label in the VTOC. Does not define an extent CYL-HD(RELTRK) TO CYL-HD(RELTRK) indicates the cylinder, head, and relative track numbers of the start and end tracks of this extent. TRACKS indicates the number of tracks in the extent. 288 VM/SP CMS Command Reference \ LISTDS BLOCKNO TO BLOCKNO indicates the relative block numbers of the start and end of the extent. BLOCKS indicates the number of blocks in the extent. Response to the FREE Option: A sample response to the FREE option is shown below. The same headers and type of information is shown when you request free information for all accessed disks. listds 9 (free FREESPACE EXTENTS FOR 'G' DISK: CYL-HD(RELTRK) TO CYL-HD(RELTRK) 0052 00 988 0052 01 989 0054 02 1028 0080 00 1520 0081 01 1540 0098 18 1880 TRACKS 2 493 341 or for a fixed-block device: "Iistds 9 (free FREESPACE EXTENTS FOR 'G' DISK: FB/E BLOCKNO TO FB/E BLOCKNO 000501 001330 010310 029610 068990 069990 BLOCKS 830 19301 1001 where: CYL-HD(RELTRK) TO CYL-HD(RELTRK) indicates the cylinder, head and relative track numbers of the starting and ending track in the free extent. TRACKS indicates the total number of free tracks in the extent. BLOCKNO TO BLOCKNO indicates the relative block number of the start and end of extents that are free on the fixed-block device. BLOCKS indicates the total number of blocks contained in each extent. Response to the FORMAT and PDS Options: If you enter the FORMAT and PDS options, you receive information similar to the following: listds d (fo pds) RECFM LRECL BLKSI DSORG FB PO 80 800 MEMBER NAMES: ABEND ATTACH BLDL FIND PUT READ RECFM LRECL BLKSI DSORG F PS 80 80 DATE LABEL FM DATA SET NAME 01/31/75 OSSYS1 0 SYS1.MACLIB BSP WRITE DATE 01/10/75 CLOSE DCB DETACH DEVTYPE XDAP LABEL FM DATA SET NAME OSSYS1 0 SAMPLE Chapter 2. CMS Commands 289 LISTDS Messages and Return Codes DMSLDS002E DMSLDS003E DMSLDS048E DMSLDS069E DMSLDS221E DMSLDS222E DMSLDS223E DMSLDS226E DMSLDS227W DMSLDS231E DMSLDS333E 290 VM/SP CMS Command Reference Dataset not found [RC = 28] Invalid option: option [RC = 24] Invalid mode mode [RC = 24] Filemode mode not accessed [RC = 36] Invalid data set name [RC = 24] I/O error reading data set name from {{m/OS/DOS} disk [RC=28] No filemode specified [RC = 24] No dataset name allowed with FREE option [RC = 24] Invalid extent found for data set name on 1m disk [RC = 4] I/O error reading VTOC from {{m/OS/DOS} disk [RC=28] nnnnnK partition too large for this virtual machine [RC = 24] LISTFILE LISTFILE Use the LISTFILE command to obtain specified information about: • CMS files residing on accessed minidisks • files and subdirectories in Shared File System (SFS) directories. Format [ ( options... [ )] ] Listfile Options: J ALLFile [ AUThfile J SHAre [ SEArch Exec lTrace] [ARGS] Trace 1ARGS] APpend [ARGS] STACK [FIFO I LIFO] FIFO LIFO XEDIT Header ] [ NOHeader FName FType FMode FOrmat ALloc Date Label [ Blocks] [ %x] Operands In is the name of the file for which information is to be collected. If an asterisk (*) is coded in this field, all file names are used. In addition, certain special characters (* and 0/0) can be used as part of the file name to request that the list contain a specific subset of files. See "Pattern Matching" on page 8 for information on using these special characters.. It is the file type of the file for which information is to be collected. If an asterisk is coded in this field, all file types are used. In addition, certain special characters (* and o/Q) can be used as part of the file type to request that the list contain a specific subset of files. See "Pattern Matching" on page 8 for information on using these special characters. 1m is the file mode of the files for which information is to be collected. If this field is omitted, only the disk or directory accessed as A is searched. If an asterisk is coded, all accessed disks and directories are searched. Shared File System (SFS) Options You can use the ALLFILE, AUTHFILE, SHARE, and SEARCH options to specify the information you want about files and subdirectories in SFS directories. ALLFILE and AUTHFILE are ignored if the specified file(s) is on a disk. SEARCH cannot be used for files on disks. The SHARE option can be used for files in both directories and on disks. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 291 LISTFILE ALLFile lists the specified files in a directory whether or not you have been granted read or write authority on them. Subdirectories and erased or revoked aliases are also listed. C AUThfile lists only the specified files in a directory that you have been granted read or write authority to. Subdirectories and erased or revoked aliases are not listed. AUTHFILE is the default. SHAre lists the following information about the specified files (or subdirectory if the ALLFILE option is specified): • • • • file or directory identifier owner type (minidisk, directory, base, alias, erased or revoked alias) what authority you have to the object (R/W). The SHARE option cannot be specified with the following options: • • • • • FORMAT ALLOC DATE LABEL SEARCH SEArch searches SFS directory structures for the specified file(s), and lists the following information: • file identifier • directory name This option is useful if you know the file name, but not the name of the directory where the file resides. You cannot specify an asterisk (*) for the file mode when you use this option. The specified directory cannot be open when using this option. The search begins at the directory specified by 1m. If you have read or write authority to any subdirectories, they are searched also; they do not have to be accessed to be searched. Subdirectories that are locked EXCLUSIVE by another user are not searched. If you do not specify 1m, the search begins at your top directory whether it is accessed or not accessed. The SEARCH option cannot be specified with the following options: • • • • • • • • • 292 FORMAT ALLOC DATE LABEL SHARE EXEC TRACE APPEND ARGS VMjSP CMS Command Reference ( LISTFILE Output Format Options Header includes column headings in the listing. HEADER is the default if any of the supplemental information options (FORMAT, ALLOCATE, SHARE, SEARCH, DATE, or LABEL) are specified. NOHeader does not include column headings in the list. NOHEADER is the default if only file name, file type, and/or file mode information is requested, or if you specify ST ACK, FIFO, or LIFO. Output Disposition Options Exec creates a CMS EXEC file of 80- or 88-character records (one record for each of the files that satisfies the given file identifier) on your disk or directory accessed as A. An 80-character record file is created unless you specify the LABEL option, in which case an 88-character record file is created. If a CMS EXEC already exists, it is replaced. The header is not included in the file. This option is not valid with the SEARCH option. Trace causes the EXEC 2 statement &TRACE OFF to be written as the first record of the CMS EXEC file, which is created when the EXEC option is specified. With this option, no statements issued from the CMS EXEC file are traced. For more information on the &TRACE statement, see the VM/SP EXEC 2 Reference. The TRACE option implies the EXEC option. This option is not valid with the SEARCH option. ARGS causes EXEC 2 dummy arguments &3 through &15 to be appended to each line in the CMS EXEC file (following the file ID of each file). Each record of the CMS EXEC file has the form: &1 &2 fileid &3 &4 &5 &6 ••• &15 Specifying this option allows you to pass up to 15 arguments to the CMS EXEC file. The ARGS option does not imply the EXEC option and therefore must be specified in conjunction with EXEC, TRACE, or APPEND. This option is not valid with the SEARCH option. APpend creates a CMS EXEC and appends it to the existing CMS EXEC file. If no CMS EXEC file exists, one is created. This option is not valid with the SEARCH option. STACK [FIFO) STACK LIFO specifies that the information should be placed in the program stack (for use by an exec or other program) instead of being displayed at the terminal. The information is stacked either FIFO (first in first out) or LIFO (last in first out). The default order is FIFO. FIFO specifies that the information should be placed in the program stack rather than displayed at the terminal. The information is stacked FIFO. The options STACK, STACK FIFO, and FIFO are all equivalent. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 293 LISTFILE LIFO specifies that the information should be placed in the program stack rather than displayed at the terminal. The information is stacked LIFO. This option is equivalent to STACK LIFO. XEDIT places the list in the file that is currently displayed. This option is only valid when issued from the XEDIT environment. The list replaces the information in the file starting with the current line and continues until the end of the list is reached. Remaining text in the file, if any, is unchanged. The edited file must either be fixed format with a logical record length (Irecl) of 108 or variable length format. Each line is 108 characters and contains the information that is obtained with the LABEL option, plus the file name, file type, file mode appended to the end of the line. If both the XEDIT and SHARE option are specified, the edited file must be either variable length or fixed length with a logical record length (Irec1) of 149. Each line is 149 characters and contains the information that is obtained with the SHARE option (file name, file type, file mode, owner, type, authority), plus the file name, file type, file mode, records, blocks, date, and time appended to the end of the line. When the SEARCH option is used with the XEDIT option, the edited file must be either variable length or fixed length with a logical record length (Irec1) of 355. Each line is 355 characters and contains the information that is obtained with the SEARCH option (file name, file type, file mode, directory name), plus the file name, file type, file mode, and directory name appended to the end of the line. Information Request Options Only one of these options need be specified. If one is specified, any options with a higher priority are also in effect. If none of the following options are specified, the default information request options are in effect. Default Information Request Options FName creates a list containing only file names. Option priority is 7. FType creates a list containing only file names and file types. Option priority is 6. FMode creates a list containing file names, file types, and file modes. Option priority is 5. Supplemental Information Options FOrmat includes the record format and logical record length of each file in the list. Option priority is 4. ALloc includes the amount of disk space that CMS has allocated to the specified file in the list. The quantities given are the number of logical records in the file and the number of CMS data blocks. Option priority is 3. Date includes the date the file was last written in the list. The form of the date is: month/day/year hour:minute 294 VMjSP CMS Command Reference ( \ LISTFILE for 800-byte block disks, or: month/day/year hour:minute:second for all other format sizes. Option priority is 2. Label includes the label of the disk on which the file resides in the list. Option priority is 1. Other Options Blocks causes the total number of CMS data blocks used by the files in the list to be displayed as the last line of the list, in the form BLOCKS n. It is displayed as a separate line. When BLOCKS is specified along with the STACK option, the line is displayed and not stacked. %X is used to change the place holding character from % to x, where x is any character, for this invocation of LISTFILE. For more information on using a place holding character, see "Pattern Matching" on page 8. Usage Notes 1. If you enter the LISTFILE command with no operands, a list of all files on your disk or directory accessed as A is displayed at the terminal. 2. If special characters (* or 0/0) are used for In or It and the files are in an SFS directory, the specified directory cannot be open. 3. When pattern matching is done on subdirectory names that contain more than eight characters, the first eight characters are used as the file name and the remaining characters are used as the file type. For example, your directory accessed as A contains, CROCKETT NOTEBOOK CROCKETTNOTES where CROCKETT NOTEBOOK is a file and CROCKETTNOTES is a subdirectory. Issuing, listfile croc* n* a (allfile would find both CROCKETT NOTEBOOK and CROCKETTNOTES because CROCKETTNOTES contains more than eight characters and is matched as if it had a file name of CROCKETT and a file type of NOTES. Issuing, listfile crockettnotes * a (allfile would also find both CROCKETT NOTEBOOK and CROCKETTNOTES because the LISTFILE command only uses the first eight characters as the file name. Therefore, any file with the name of CROCKETT, or any subdirectory with CROCKETT as the first eight characters in its name would be listed. 4. The default place holding character (%) can be changed by using the %x option. For example, listfile $ script (%$ displays all SCRIPT files on the disk or directory accessed as A whose file name is one character in length. 5. If you request any additional information with the supplemental information options, that information is displayed along with the header. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 295 LISTFILE 6. When you use the EXEC or APPEND option, the CMS EXEC Al that is created is in the format: &1 &2 filename filetype filemode where column I is blank. If you specify the ARGS option with EXEC or APPEND, each line in the CMS EXEC is in the format: &1 &2 filename filetype filemode &3 &4 &5 &6 ••• &15 This allows you to pass up to 15 arguments to the EXEC. For example, if the following command is issued, LISTFILE * * A (EXEC ARGS a CMS EXEC file is created, with each record formatted as shown above. The following command ems tape dump ( wtm causes the tape dumping command to be executed against each file in the CMS EXEC, with TAPE assigned to &1, DUMP to &2, (to &3, and WTM to &4. If you use any of the supplemental information options, that information is included in the EXEC file. For information on using CMS EXEC files, see the eMS User's Guide. 7. You can invoke the LISTFILE command from the command line, from an exec, or as a function from a program. No error messages are issued if LISTFILE is invoked: • As a function from a program • From a CMS exec file that has the &CONTROL NOMSG option in effect • From an EXEC2 exec where CMDCALL is not in effect • From a System Product Interpreter exec with ADDRESS COMMAND in effect. 8. To display only the files with a particular file mode number, specify the numeric portion of the file mode in the LISTFILE command. For example, to display only the files with file type 'EXEC' and a file mode of A2: Listfile * exec a2 The display might look like this: ALPHA SEND TEMP EXEC A2 EXEC A2 EXEC A2 9. The options STACK, LIFO, and FIFO cause the requested information to be placed in the program stack. When the requested information is to be stacked, the options relating to the CMS EXEC (APPEND, EXEC, TRACE, and ARGS) and the options relating to the display format (HEADER, NOHEADER) should not be specified. 296 VM/SP CMS Command Reference LISTFILE Responses Unless the EXEC, TRACE, APPEND, STACK, LIFO, or FIFO option is specified, the requested information is displayed at the terminal. With the exception of the SHARE and SEARCH options and depending on the other options specified, as discussed above, the information displayed is: FILENAME FILETYPE FM FORMAT LRECL RECS BLOCKS DATE TIME LABEL fn ft fm format lreel norees noblks mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss volid where: fn is the name of the file or directory. ft is the file type of the file. For a directory this column is blank. fm is the file mode of the file or directory. format is the format: F is fixed-length, V is variable-length, DIR is a directory. A dash indicates an erased or revoked alias. 1reel is the logical record length of the largest record in the file. For directories and revoked or erased aliases, a dash is displayed. norees is the number of logical records in the file. For directories and revoked or erased aliases, a dash is displayed. noblks is the number of CMS data blocks that the file occupies. For directories and revoked or erased aliases, a dash is displayed. mm/dd/yy is the date (month/day/year) that the file was last updated. For a directory, the date the directory was created is displayed. A dash appears in this column for erased or revoked aliases. hh:mm:ss is the time (hours:minutes :seconds) that the file was last updated. For a directory, the time the directory was created is displayed. A dash appears in this column for erased or revoked aliases. volid is the volume serial number of the mini disk on which the file resides. For files and subdirectories in SFS directories a dash is displayed. One entry is displayed for each file or subdirectory listed. If the SHARE option is specified, the information displayed is: FILENAME FILETYPE FM OWNER fn ft fm owner TYPE type RW r w Chapter 2. CMS Commands 297 LISTFILE where: ! ~ owner is the user ID of base file owner. For files on a disk, this is the user ID of the disk owner. type is one of the following: • • • • • • MDISK for a file on a minidisk BASE for a base file in a directory DIR for a directory ALIAS for an alias in a directory ERASED for an erased alias REVOKED for a revoked alias r is read authority. X indicates that you have read authority. A dash indicates that you do not have read authority. P means that the authority is managed by an External Security Manager (ESM). For files on disk, an X will be displayed if the disk is accessed read/only or read/write. w is write authority. X indicates that you have write authority. A dash indicates that you do not have write authority. P means that the authority is managed by an External Security Manager (ESM). For files on disk, an X will be displayed if the disk is accessed read/write, a dash if accessed read/only. One entry is displayed for each file or subdirectory listed. If the SEARCH option is specified, the information displayed is: FILENAME FILETYPE FM DIRECTORY fn ft fm directory where: directory is the complete name of directory that contains the file. One entry is displayed for each file listed. If the specified files are on a disk, you will receive the message: DMSWFLl182E The SEARCH option may not be used with a minidisk 298 VM/SP CMS Command Reference LISTFILE ) Messages and Return Codes DMSLSS002E DMSLSSI05S DMSLSSI09E DMSLSS689E DMSLSS1160E DMSLSS1184E DMSLST003E DMSLST037E DMSLST048E DMSLST066E DMSLST069E DMSLST070E DMSLST688E D MSLST 1182E DMSLST1183E File In ft fm not found [RC = 28] Error nn writing file In ft fm to XEDIT [RC = 100] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] File must be F -format Iree! or V-format [RC = 24] Directory dirname already open. [RC = 70] Directory dirname not found or you are not authorized for it [RC=28] Invalid option: option [RC = 24] Filemode mode is accessed as read/only [RC = 36] Invalid mode mode [RC = 24] option] and option2 are conflicting options [RC = 24] Filemode mode not accessed [RC = 36] Invalid parameter parameter [RC = 24] XEDIT option only valid from XEDIT environment [RC=24] The SEARCH option may not be used with a minidisk [RC = 74] '*' may not be specified for the filemode with the SEARCH option [RC = 24] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax Errors in the Shared File System 811 813 Chapter 2. CMS Commands 299 LISTIO LISTIO Use the LISTIO command in CMS/DOS to display a list of current assignments for system and/or programmer logical units in your virtual machine. Format r- - SYS LISTIO [(options ... [ )] ] PROG SYSxxx A UA ALL '- - Options: [EXEC ] APPEND [STAT] / Operands SYS requests a list of the physical devices assigned to all system logical units. PROG requests a list of the physical devices assigned to programmer logical units SYSOOO through SYS241. SYSxxx requests a display of the physical device assigned to the particular logical unit specified. A requests a list of only those logical units that have been assigned to physical devices. VA requests a list of only those logical units that have not been assigned to physical devices; that is, that are unassigned. ALL requests a list of the physical units assigned to all system and programmer logical units. If no operand is specified, ALL is the default. Options The EXEC and APPEND options are mutually exclusive; if both are entered on the command line, the last one entered is in effect. EXEC erases the existing $LISTIO EXEC file, if one exists, and creates a new one. APPEND adds new entries to the end of an existing $LISTIO EXEC file. If no $LISTIO EXEC file exists, a new one is created. 300 VMjSP CMS Command Reference ( LISTIO STAT lists the status (read-only or read/write) of all disks and directories currently assigned. Usage Notes 1. Logical units are assigned and unassigned with the ASSGN command. For a list of logical units and valid device types, see the discussion of the ASSGN command. 2. The $LISTIO EXEC contains one record for each logical unit listed. The format is: &1 &2 SYSxxx device or &1 &2 SYSxxx mode [status] where column 1 is blank. Responses Depending on the operands specified, the following is displayed for each unit requested in the LISTIO command: SYSxxx device or SYSxxx mode [status] where device is the device type (READER, PRINTER, PUNCH, TERMINAL, TAPn, IGN, or UA). If the device is a disk or directory the one-character mode letter is displayed. If the STAT option is specified, the status (R/O or R/W) is also displayed. Messages and Return Codes DMSERD257T DMSLLU003E DMSLLU006E DMSLLU070E DMSLLU099E DMSLLU105S DMSLLU303E Internal system error at address address (offset offset) Invalid option: option [RC = 24] No read/write A filemode accessed [RC = 36] Invalid parameter parameter [RC = 24] CMS/DOS environment not active [RC = 40] Error nn writing file fn ft fm on disk or directory [RC = 100] No SYSXXX satisfies request [RC = 28] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in the Shared File System Errors in using a file Errors in closing a file 813 814 219 Chapter 2. CMS Commands 301 LKED LKED ( \~ Use the LKED command to create a CMS LOAD LIB or LOAD LIB member. The LKED command behaves differently depending upon the environment it is issued from. In the following description a VM/SP virtual machine and a VM/XA SP System/370 mode virtual machine are equivalent; a VM/XA SP 370-XA mode virtual machine allows you to use addresses above the 16Mb line. The behavior of the LKED command in both environments is described below to help you plan and develop applications that will run in both environments. Format LKED {name [ (options ... [)] ] Options: [NCAL] [LET] [BEUS] [REFR] [ALIGN2] [OVLY] [NE] [OL] [RENT] [xCAL] [NAME membername] [LIBE libraryname] XREF] MAP [ LIST [TERM ] NOTERM SIZE (valuel valuel valuel, [ , value2 [PRINT ] DISK NOPRINT ualue211 , [RMODE {~NY}] Operands In specifies the file name of the object file to be processed. The file must have a file type of TEXT and fixed-length, 80-character records. Options If you specify duplicate or conflicting linkage editor options, the linkage editor resolves them according to normal procedures found in the MVS/XA Linkage Editor and Loader User's Guide, GC26-4143. If you specify duplicate or conflicting CMS-related options, the last one entered on the command line is in effect. The CMS-related options are: TERM, NOTERM, PRINT, DISK, NOPRINT, NAME, LIBE, AMODE, and RMODE. NeAL suppresses the automatic library call function of the linkage editor. 302 VM/SP CMS Command Reference LKED LET suppresses marking of the load module "not executable" in the event of some linkage editor error condition. ALIGN2 indicates that boundary alignment specified in the linkage editor input file is to be performed on the basis of 2048-byte boundaries. If this option is omitted, alignment is performed on the basis of 4096-byte boundaries. NE marks the load module output as "not to be edited" such that it cannot be processed again by the linkage editor. OL marks the load module output "only loadable." RENT marks the load module reenterable. REUS marks the load module reusable. REFR marks the load module refreshable. OVLY processes an overlay structure. XCAL allows valid exclusive CALLs in the overlay structure. NAME membername is the member name to be used for the load module created. The member name specified here overrides the default name, but it cannot override a name specified via the linkage editor NAME control statement. LmE Iibraryname is the file name of a LOADLIB file where the output load module is to be placed. The LOAD LIB file specified here may also be used for auxiliary input to the linkage editor via the INCLUDE statement. XREF produces an external symbol cross-reference for the modules being processed. MAP produces only a module map for the processed module(s). LIST includes only linkage editor control messages in the printed output file. TERM displays any linkage editor diagnostic messages at the user terminal. NOTERM suppresses the displaying of diagnostic messages. PRINT spools the linkage editor printed output file to the printer. DISK stores the linkage editor output in a CMS file with a file type of LKEDIT. NOPRINT produces no output file. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 303 LKED SIZE value 1 value2 indicates the amount of virtual storage to be used by the linkage editor and specifies the portion of that storage to be reserved for the load module buffer. The SIZE parameters must lie within the following limits: ( ~ value1 64K to 9999K (or 65536 to 999999) value2 6K to 100K (or 6144 to 102400) If either of the SIZE parameters is omitted, the default values are 384K for value1 and 96K for value2. If either value is invalid, the OS Linkage Editor defaults to the 9999K for value1 and lOOK for value2, which are the maximum values. Values greater than 999999 can be entered in the form nnnnK (with K equal to 1024). For example, enter 2000K instead of 2048000. Values accepted by the linkage editor are displayed in the output file. AMODE specifies the addressing mode in which the program will be entered in a 370-XA mode virtual machine. In a Systemj370 mode virtual machine, you may specify AMODE, although only 24-bit addressing is available. This allows you to create XA capable module files on a Systemj370 mode virtual machine. The AMODE defined by this option is placed in the header record of the MODULE file being created. \ This option overrides the AMODE determined by the LOAD process. If you specify RMODE, but do not specify AMODE, the AMODE for the MODULE is determined from the following default criteria: • If you specify RMODE ANY, the AMODE specification defaults to AMODE 31. • If you specify RMODE 24, the AMODE defaults to the AMODE of the entry point determined by the linkage editor. If you specify neither AMODE nor RMODE, the AMODE for the module is determined by the linkage editor. The valid AMODE values and their meanings are: 24 This entry point is to receive control in 24-bit addressing mode. 31 This entry point is to receive control in 31-bit addressing mode when running in an 370-XA mode virtual machine. Since 31-bit addressing is unavailable in a Systemj370 mode virtual machine, the entry point will receive control in 24-bit addressing mode when running in a Systemj370 mode virtual machine. ANY This entry point is capable of operating in either 24-bit or 31-bit addressing mode. It will receive control in the addressing mode of its caller. RMODE specifies, in an 370-XA mode virtual machine, the location in virtual machine storage where the loaded MODULE is to reside. In a Systemj370 mode virtual machine, you may specify RMODE, although only 16Mb of storage is available. This allows you to create XA capable MODULE files on a Systemj370 mode virtual machine. The RMODE defined by this option overrides the RMODE determined by the linkage editor. If you specify neither AMODE nor RMODE, the RMODE for the MODULE is determined by the most restrictive RMODE encountered by the linkage editor process. 304 VM/SP CMS Command Reference ( \ LKED Note: An AMODE value specified without an RMODE option defaults to RMODE 24 for the module. If specified, RMODE has the following meaning: 24 The load must reside below the 16Mb line in an 370-XA mode virtual machine, overriding the RMODE determined by the linkage editor. An RMODE 24 definition would be reflected in the MODULE header record. In a System/370 mode virtual machine, the load can only reside below 16Mb. ANY The load may reside above or below the 16Mb line in an 370-XA mode virtual machine, overriding the RMODE determined by the linkage editor. An RMODE ANY definition would be reflected in the MODULE header record. In a System/370 mode virtual machine, the load can only reside below 16Mb. Usage Notes 1. Only a subset of the possible linkage editor control statements are meaningful in CMS. Since the CMS interface program cannot examine the input data for the LKED command, all of the control statements are allowed, even though several of them result in the creation of a load module file that cannot be used under CMS. For both command options and control statements, see the publication MVS/XA Linkage Editor and Loader User's Guide, GC26-4143. 2. When you use the linkage editor INCLUDE control statement to include a load module, the DDNAME referring to the module library must be other than SYSLMOD and it must have been previously defined by a FILEDEF. If you include a member of the LOADLIB that receives linkage editor output, you can enter statements in the following form: filedef libdef disk mylib loadlib a (recfm u lked fn (libe mylib) Contents of file FNAME TEXT: include libdef (libmeml) name libmem2 3. The LKED command produces one temporary file: fn SYSUTl This file is temporarily created for each link-edit step; any existing file with the same file identifier is erased at the beginning of the link edit. This file is placed on the read/write disk or directory with the most available space. Work space is automatically allocated as needed during the link edit and returned to available status when the link edit is complete. Insufficient space causes abnormal termination of the link edit. 4. The LKED command produces two permanent files: fn LOADLIB fn LKEDIT The 'fn LOADLIB' file contains the load module(s) that the linkage editor created. This file is in CMS simulated partitioned data set format, as created by the CMS OS data management macros. The file name of the input file becomes the file name of the LOAD LIB file, unless the LIBE option is specified. The file name of the input file also becomes the member name of the output load module, unless either the NAME option or a NAME control statement is used. One or more load modules may be created during a single LKED command Chapter 2. CMS Commands 305 LKED execution if the NAME linkage editor control statement is used in the input file. When the NAME control statement is used, that name becomes the member name in the LOADLIB file. The replace option of the NAME statement determines whether existing members with the same name are replaced or retained. ( \ The 'fn LKEDIT' file contains the printed output listing produced according to the XREF, MAP, or LIST options. This file is created unless the PRINT or NOPRINT option is specified. The LOAD LIB and LKEDIT files are placed on (1) the disk or directory from which the input file was read, (2) the parent, or (3) the disk or directory accessed as A. Failure to obtain sufficient space for these files results in abnormal termination of the linkage editor. The specified LOADLIB must not exist on any read/only extension of the disk or directory accessed as A. 5. Because the LKED command uses the OS Linkage Editor for the actual link of the TEXT file to the LOAD LIB as an executable module, you can override the file definitions with the CMS FILEDEF command prior to using the LKED command. Refer to the publication OS/VS Linkage Editor and Loader, GC26-3813, for information regarding the file definitions. The default FILEDEF commands issued by the LKED command for the ddnames presented to the Linkage Editor are: FILEDEF SYSLIN DISK fn TEXT * (RECFM F BLOCK 80 NOCHANGE FILEDEF SYSLMOD DISK fn LOADLIB Al (RECFM U BLOCK 260 NOCHANGE MEMBER mname -or- FILEDEF SYSLMOD DISK libname LOADLIB Al (RECFM U BLOCK 260 NOCHANGE MEMBER mname FILEDEF SYSUTI DISK fn SYSUTI * (NOCHANGE FILEDEF SYSPRINT DISK fn LKEDIT Al -or- FILEDEF SYSPRINT PRINTER -or- FILEDEF SYSPRINT DUMMY Note: Notice that the SYSPRINT FILEDEFs are specified without the NOCHANGE option. This way the filedefs are not overridden. Also note that mname may mean either fn or membername If you specify the NAME option, mname means the file name. If you do not specify the NAME option, mname means member name. 6. At the completion of the LKED command, all FILEDEFs that do not have the PERM option are erased. 7. The blocksize of the output LOADLIB is limited to 13K. 8. For information on listing, copying, and compressing a CMS LOADLIB, refer to the LOADLIB command. Messages and Return Codes DMSLKDOOIE DMSLKD002E DMSLKD004W DMSLKD005E DMSLKD006E DMSLKD007E 306 VMjSP CMS Command Reference No filename specified [RC = 24] File fn [ft [fm]] not found [RC = 28] Warning messages issued [RC = 4] No option specified [RC = 24] No read/write filemode accessed [RC = 36] File In ft fm [is] not fixed, 80-character records [RC = 32] LKED DMSLKD008W DMSLKD012W DMSLKD016W DMSLKD070E Error messages issued [RC = 8] Severe error messages issued [RC = 12] Terminal error messages issued [RC= 16] Invalid parameter parameter [RC = 24] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in erasing a file 145 Chapter 2. CMS Commands 307 LOAD LOAD Use the LOAD command to read one or more TEXT files (containing relocatable object code) from a minidisk or directory and to load them into virtual storage, establishing the proper linkages between the files. After the text files are loaded, you can: • use them as input to GENMOD to create MODULE files • execute them u~ing the START command. The LOAD command behaves differently depending upon the environment it is issued from. In the following description a VMjSP virtual machine and a VMjXA SP Systemj370 mode virtual machine are equivalent; a VMjXA SP 370-XA mode virtual machine allows you to use addresses above the 16Mb line. The behavior of the LOAD command in both environments is described below to help you plan and develop applications that will run in both environments. Note: The SET LOADAREA command affects the outcome of the LOAD and INCLUDE commands. Format LOAD fn ... [ (options ... [ )]] Options: [CLEAR ] [RESET {en!,.,} ] [MAP NOCLEAR NOMAPJ [TYPE ] [INV fREP ] [AUTO ] NOTYPE NOINV~ NO REP NO AUTO [LIBE ] [START] [DUP J [NORLDSaveJ RLDsave NOLIBE NODU [NOPRES] [HIST ] NOHIST PRES [RMODE {24ANY} ] ORIGIN {heXIOC } [AMODE {~}l TRANS Operands fn ... specifies the names of the files to be loaded into storage. The files must have a file type of TEXT and consist of relocatable object code such as that produced by the OS language processors. If a GLOBAL TXTLIB command has been issued, fn may indicate the name of a TXTLIB member. 308 VM/SP CMS Command Reference ( \ LOAD Options If conflicting options are specified, the last one entered is in effect. Options may be overridden or added when you use the INCLUDE command to load additional TEXT files. CLEAR clears the load area in storage before the object files are loaded. Whole page frames are released; the remainder of storage that is not on a page boundary is set to binary zeros. NO CLEAR does not clear the load area before loading. NOCLEAR is the default. RESET entry RESET * sets the starting location for the programs currently loaded. The operand, entry, must be an external name (for example, CSECT control section or ENTRY) in the loaded programs. If RESET is not specified, the default entry point is used. (See Usage Note 4.) If * is entered the results are the same as if the RESET option were omitted. Note: You should not use the RESET option when loading TEXT files created by any of the following OSjVS language processors under CMS: • • • • • OS Code and Go FORTRAN OS FORTRAN IV (Gl) OS FORTRAN IV (H) Extended OSjVS COBOL Compiler and Library OS Full American National Standard COBOL Version 4 Compiler and Library. MAP writes a load map on your minidisk or directory accessed as A, named LOAD MAP A5. MAP is the default. NOMAP does not create the LOAD MAP file. TYPE displays the load map at your terminal and writes it on the mini disk or directory accessed as A. NOTYPE does not display the load map at the terminal. NOTYPE is the default. INV includes invalid card images in the load map. INV is the default. NOINV does not include invalid card images in the load map. REP includes Replace (REP) statements in the load map. REP is the default. NOREP does not include the Replace (REP) statements in the load map. AUTO searches your minidisks and directories for TEXT files to resolve undefined references. AUTO is the default. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 309 LOAD NOAUTO suppresses automatic searching for TEXT files. LIBE searches the text libraries for missing subroutines. If text libraries are to be searched for TEXT files, they must previously have been defined by a GLOBAL command. LIBE is the default. NOLIBE does not search the text libraries for unresolved references. START executes the program being loaded when loading is completed. LOAD does not normally begin execution of the loaded files. To begin execution immediately upon successful completion of loading, specify START. Execution begins at the default entry point. (See Usage Note 3.) DUP displays warning messages at your terminal when a CSECT having the same name as another CSECT that has already been loaded is encountered during processing. The CSECT with the duplicate name is not loaded. DUP is the default. (See Usage Note 2.) NODUP does not display warning messages at your terminal when CSECTs having the same name (duplicate CSECTs) are encountered during processing. Only the first CSECT by a given name is loaded, the CSECT with the duplicate name is not loaded. NORLDsav instructs the CMS LOADER not to save the relocation information from the TEXT files. NORLDsav is the default. RLDsave instructs the CMS LOADER to save the relocation information from the text files. The GENMOD command uses relocation information to generate relocatable CMS module files. NO PRES instructs CMS to release the storage that the currently loaded set of programs occupies. These programs can no longer be referenced by another program. NOPRES is the default. PRES instructs CMS not to release the storage that the currently loaded set of programs occupies. These programs can be accessed using hard coded addresses but cannot be executed with a START command. The loader tables are rewritten. HIST saves the history information (comments) from text files. This information is later included in the module generated by a GENMOD command. The history information requested from text files specified in subsequent INCLUDE commands is also included in the module when you issue the GENMOD command. Only history information from the last LOAD command and its subsequent INCLUDE commands is included in the module by the GENMOD command. NOHIST does not save history information from text files. NOHIST is the default. 310 VM/SP CMS Command Reference l\; LOAD AMODE specifies the addressing mode in which the program will be entered in an 370-XA mode virtual machine. In a Systemj370 mode virtual machine, you may specify AMODE, although only 24-bit addressing is available. This allows you to create XA capable module files on a Systemj370 mode virtual machine. The AMODE defined by this option propagates to the GENMOD process. This option overrides the AMODE, reflected in the TEXT ESD record, that is specified at assembly time. If you specify RMODEjORIGIN, but do not specify AMODE, the AMODE for the MODULE is determined from the following default criteria: • If you specify RMODE ANY, the AMODE specification defaults to AMODE 31. • If you specify ORIGIN yyyyyyyy, and yyyyyyyy is an address above 16 Mb, the AMODE defaults to AMODE 31. • The AMODE defaults to the AMODE of the entry point on the ESD record if you specify: - RMODE24 ORIGIN xxxxxxxx, and xxxxxxxx is an address below 16 Mb ORIGIN TRANS If you specify neither AMODE nor RMODE, the AMOD~ is determined by the AMODE defined in the TEXT ESD for the entry point. The valid AMODE values and their meanings are: 24 This entry point is to receive control in 24-bit addressing mode. 31 This entry point is to receive control in 31-bit addressing mode when running in an 370-XA mode virtual machine. Since 31-bit addresSing is unavailable in a System/370 mode virtual machine, the entry point will receive control in 24-bit addressing mode when running in a Systemj370 mode virtual machine. ANY This entry point is capable of operating in either 24-bit or 31-bit addressing mode. It will receive control in the addressing mode of its caller when control is passed to the entry point. RMODE specifies, in an 370-XA mode virtual machine with greater than 16Mb of storage, the location where the loaded program(s) is to reside. In a Systemj370 mode virtual machine, you may specify RMODE, although only 16Mb of storage is available. This allows you to create XA capable MODULE files on a Systemj370 mode virtual machine. The RMODE defined by this option propagates to the GENMOD process. This option is mutually exclusive with the ORIGIN option and overrides the RMODE, reflected in the TEXT(s) ESD record, that is specified at assembly time. If you specify ORIGIN, the RMODE is determined by the ORIGIN definition. If you specify neither RMODE nor ORIGIN, the RMODE for the program is determined from the most restrictive RMODE encountered in TEXT ESD processing for this load. Note: An AMODE value specified without an RMODE option defaults to RMODE 24 for the module. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 311 LOAD If specified, RMODE will cause the file to load above or below the 16Mb line of a 370-XA mode virtual machine. The AMODE defined by this option is placed in the header record of the or below the 16Mb line, starting at the beginning of the largest contiguous area available. If you specify neither AMODE nor RMODE, the RMODE is determined by the RMODE defined in the TEXT ESD for the entry point. The valid RMODE values and their meanings are: 24 The load resides below the 16Mb line in an 370-XA mode virtual machine, overriding the RMODE definitions encountered on the TEXT ESD records during this load. In a System/370 mode virtual machine, the load can only reside below 16Mb. An RMODE 24 definition is propagated to the GENMOD process. ANY The load resides above the 16Mb line in an 370-XA mode virtual machine, overriding the RMODE definitions encountered on the TEXT ESD records during this load. In a System/370 mode virtual machine, the load can only reside below 16Mb. An RMODE ANY definition is propagated to the GENMOD process. ORIGIN hexloc ORIGIN TRANS specifies where eMS loads the program. This location must be in the eMS transient area or in any free eMS storage. ORIGIN hexloc loads the program at hexloc. If hexloc is within the transient area, the name is not updated. The hexloc is a hexadecimal number of up to eight characters. ORIGIN TRANS loads the program into the eMS nucleus transient area. The RMODE that results from this option propagates to the start of the GENMOD process: • ORIGIN xxxxxxxx If xxxxxxxx is below 16Mb, the result is RMODE 24. • ORIGIN yyyyyyyy If yyyyyyyy is above 16Mb, the result is RMODE ANY. • ORIGIN TRANS The result is RMODE 24. IMPORTANT If you do not specify ORIGIN/RMODE, loading begins at the storage area defined by the SET LOADAREA command. You may issue the LOAD command with various ORIGIN/RMODE and/or AMODE options: LOAD pgmA pgmB .. . LOAD pgmA pgmB ... (RMODE xxx AMODE xxx LOAD pgmA pgmB ... (RMODE xxx LOAD pgmA pgmB ... (ORIGIN xxxx AMODE xxx 312 VM/SP CMS Command Reference LOAD LOAD pgmA pgmB ... (ORIGIN xxx x LOAD pgmA pgmB ... (AMODE xxx The chart in Figure 8 shows how RMODE and AMODE are determined, and where the loaded programs will reside in storage at the end of the LOAD process. • "LOAD CSECT" relates to the first program specified on the LOAD command. • "SUBSEQUENT CSECT" is any other program specified on the LOAD command or referenced by any program specified on the LOAD command and/or INCLUDE commands. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 313 LOAD LOAD command options On TEXT ESD record LOAD CSECT ORIGINf RMODE SUBSEQUENT CSECT AMODE RMODE AMODE RMODE AMODE RMODEf Residency AMODE of loaded at end programs of load process 370 XA * virt virt mach mach ~ 16Mbf ANY 24 nfa nfa nfa nfa ~ 16Mbf ANY 16Mbf ANY 31 nfa nfa nfa nfa ANY nfa nfa nfa nfa 24 nfa nfa nfa nfa 24f24 416Mb 416Mb 31 nfa nfa nfa nfa 24f31 416Mb 416Mb ANY nfa nfa nfa nfa 24fANY 416Mb 416Mb nfa nfa n/a n/a ANY/31 416Mb nfa 24 n/a nfa 24f24 416Mb 416Mb nfa 31 n/a n/a 24f31 416Mb 416Mb nfa ANY n/a nfa 24fANY 416Mb 416Mb nfa nfa n/a * 24/* 416Mb 416Mb 3 24 nfa nfa n/a nfa 24f24 416Mb 416Mb 31 n/a nfa nfa n/a 24/31 416Mb 416Mb ANY nfa nfa n/a nfa 24/ANY 416Mb 416Mb * * n/a nfa 24f24 416Mb 416Mb 4 24 24 n/a nfa 24/24 416Mb 416Mb 24 31 n/a n/a 24/31 416Mb 416Mb 24 ANY nfa nfa 24fANY 416Mb 416Mb ANY 31 24 nfa 994W 24f31 994W 994W 416Mb 416Mb ANY 31 24 * 994W 24/* 994W 994W 3 416Mb 416Mb ANY 31 ANY nfa ANY ANY ANY nfa ANY nfa ANY * ~ 4 16Mbf 24 4 16Mbf 24 4 16Mbf 24 ~ 16Mbf ANY 4 16Mb/ 24 4 16Mb/ 24 4 16Mbf 24 4 16Mbf 24 993E 377E 993E 993E 377E 377E ANYf31 416Mb ~16Mb ANYf31 nfa ~16Mb *ANYfANY 416Mb 416Mb 2 ANYf31 416Mb ( ~16Mb ~16Mb ANYf31 n/a ~16Mb *ANYfANY 416Mb 416Mb 2 ANYf31 416Mb ~16Mb 5 Figure 8. LOAD Process, RMODE and AM ODE Determination, Load Residency Note: Use the numbers on the side of the chart to determine the meaning of the asterisk (*) in each column. 1. If a 370-XA mode virtual machine has less than 16Mb of storage, the loaded programs can only reside below 16Mb. A specification of 314 VM/SP CMS Command Reference LOAD RMODE ANY, either on the LOAD command or TEXT ESD, would result in the LOAD residing below the 16Mb line. 2. If a 370-XA mode virtual machine has less than 16Mb of storage, the loaded programs can only reside below 16Mb. In this case, they may execute in either 24 or 31-bit addressing mode. If you specified AMODE ANYon the LOAD command or defaulted to a TEXT ESD having an AMODE ANY defined for the entry pqint, AMODE ANY would result at the end of the load process. 3. If you specified an entry point using the RESET option, the AMODE at the end of the load process would reflect the AMODE defined on the TEXT ESD for that entry point. 4. If no RMODE and AMODE is specified (i.e. blanks), the defaulted RMODE and AMODE is 24. 5. If you specified an entry point using the RESET option on the LOAD or INCLUDE command, and the load is above the 16Mb line, the only valid AMODE is 31. Assembler H version 2 does not allow a combination of RMODE ANY and AMODE 24. An assembly error would occur. Usage Notes 1. Unless the NOMAP option is specified, you must have a read/write minidisk or directory accessed as A when you issue the LOAD command. The loader creates a load map each time the LOAD command is issued without the NOMAP option. A load map is a file that contains the location of control sections and entry points of files loaded into storage. This load map is named LOAD MAP A5. Each time LOAD is issued, a new LOAD MAP file replaces any previous LOAD MAP file. LOAD MAP information is provided by the MAP option and contains the AMODE and RMODE information specified on the TEXT ESD record for the loaded program. You can use the information to detect programs with AMODE or RMODE values different from those specified on the LOAD command. If you specify the TYPE option, you can read the information in the LOAD MAP file and on your terminal. It appears in the following format: PROG1 so 00020000 PROG2 SO 00020318 PROG3 SO 0ee20S48 RMOOE 24 AMOOE 24 RMOOE ANY AMOOE 31 RMOOE 24 AMOOE ANY If invalid card images exist in the file or files that are being loaded, they are listed with the message INVALID CARD in the LOAD MAP file. To suppress this listing in the load map, use the NOINV option. If Replace (REP) statements exist in the file being loaded, they are included in the LOAD MAP file. To suppress this listing of REP statements, specify the NO REP option. If the ENTRY or LIBRARY control cards are encountered in the file, the load map contains an entry: CONTROL CARO- ..• listing the card that was read. Mapping of any common areas that exist in the loaded files will occur when the program is prepared for execution by the START or GENMOD command or by Chapter 2. CMS Commands 315 LOAD the START option of the LOAD or INCLUDE command. An updated load map may be displayed before program execution if the START command is issued with the NO option to suppress execution. 2. CSECTs (control sections) having a duplicate name (duplicate CSECTs) are bypassed by the loader. Only the first CSECT encountered is physically loaded. The CSECTs with the duplicate names are not loaded. A warning message is displayed at your terminal if you specified the DUP option. If a section contains an ADCON that references a CSECT with a duplicate name that has not been loaded, that ADCON may be resolved incorrectly. 3. The loader selects the entry point for the loaded program according to the following hierarchy: • From the parameter list on the ST ART command • From the last RESET operand in a LOAD or INCLUDE command • From the last ENTRY statement in the input • From the last LDT statement in the input • From the first assembler- or compiler-produced END statement that specifies an entry point if no ENTRY statement is in the input • From the first byte of the first control section of the loaded program if there is no ENTRY statement and no assembler- or compiler-produced END statement specifying an entry point 4. The LOAD command should not be used to execute programs containing DOS macros. To link-edit and execute programs in the CMS/DOS environment, use the DOSLKED and FETCH commands. 5. When the text to be loaded contains dummy sections or defines pseudo registers, their cumulative length must not exceed 32767 (X I 7FFF I). If this limit is exceeded, the values stored by the CXD entry will not be accurate and the load map will not contain the correct cumulative length values. 6. Common sections and pseudo-register cumulative length files (CXDs) are not resolved until either a GENMOD command or START command is issued (or the START option of the LOAD or INCLUDE command). Be sure to resolve everything before performing functions such as a CP SAVESYS. 7. See Figure 9 on page 317 for an illustration of the loader search order. The loader uses this search order to locate the file name on the LOAD and INCLUDE command lines, as well as in the handling of unresolved references. 8. When you specify the HIST option, up to 819 comment records can be saved from text files. These records are included later in the module generated by a GENMOD command. When this limit is exceeded, a message is displayed and a warning is placed in the last record of the history data to indicate this condition. Any history information exceeding 819 records is not included. 316 VM/SP CMS Command Reference LOAD Use standard order of search to locate the TEXT files specified by fn ... Search complete NO Use standard order of search to locate files with a filetype of TEXT and a filename corresponding to the unresolved reference Search complete Search complete Search active text libraries (those that were previously specified by a GLOBAL command). Files are searched in the order they are entered in the command. Figure 9. Loader Search Order 9. The CMS loader also loads routines called dynamically by OS LINK, LOAD, and XCTL macros. Under certain circumstances, an incorrect entry point may be returned to the calling program. 10. If you specify neither ORIGIN nor RMODE on the LOAD command, and if you did not issue SET LOAD AREA 20000 (i.e. no overrides are requested), the LOAD will start loading above or below the 16Mb line based on the RMODE definition of the first TEXT ESD record encountered. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 317 LOAD • If a more restrictive RMODE is encountered, RMODE 24 after RMODE ANY was the first detected, the LOAD will stop loading above 16Mb and will start loading below that line. If this occurs, you will receive a message. • LOAD process will continue, unless no more storage is available to contain the load. 11. LOAD does not clear user storage unless the CLEAR option is specified. 12. When you specify the RLDSA VE option, the CMS LOADER can save the relocation information: • A load created below the 16Mb line can save up to 16,383 address constants. • A load created above the 16Mb line can save up to 26,214 address constants. 13. Issuing a LOAD command with the RLDSAVE option will result in a relocatable module, even if the RLDSAVE option is not specified on a subsequent INCLUDE command. All RLD data associated with these programs will be saved. 14. If you issue a LOAD command with the NORLDSAV option, and specify RLDSA VE on a subsequent INCLUDE command, the RLD data will be saved from the time you issued the INCLUDE command. The module will be labeled relocatable, but may not function correctly. 15. If you specify your first CSECT with a length of zero(O), the load map address will be specified as asterisks. These asterisks will be at the same location as the first valid address specified on the map after the LOAD has completed. Determine the actual address in one of the following ways: • Use the address produced by the map. • Use the PROGMAP command. Loader Control Statements You can add loader control statements to TEXT files either by editing them or by punching real cards and adding them to a punched t.ext deck before reading it into your virtual machine. The seven control cards recognized by the CMS loader are discussed below. The ENTRY and LIBRARY cards, which are discussed first, are similar to the OS linkage editor control statements ENTRY and LIBRARY. The CMS ENTRY and LIBRARY statements must be entered beginning in column 1. ENTRY Statement: The ENTRY statement specifies the first instruction to be executed. It can be placed before, between, or after object modules or other control statements. The format of the ENTRY statement is shown in Table 8. The external name is the name of a control section or an entry name in the input deck. It must be the name of an instruction, not of data. Table 8. ENTRY Statement Format ENTRY external name LIBRARY Statement: The LIBRARY statement can be used to specify the never-call function. The never-call function (indicated by an asterisk (*) as the first operand) specifies those external references that are not to be resolved by the 318 VM/SP CMS Command Reference LOAD automatic library call during any loader step. It is negated when a deck containing the external name referred to is included as part of the input to the loader. The format of the LIBRARY statement is shown in Table 9. The external reference refers to an external reference that may be unresolved after input processing. It is not to be resolved. Multiple external references within the parentheses must be separated by commas. The LIBRARY statement can be placed before, between, or after object decks or other control statements. Table 9. LIBRARY Statement Format LIBRARY * (external reference) Loader Terminate (LDT) Statement: The LDT statement is used in a text library as the last record of a member. It indicates to the loader that all records for that member were processed. The LDT statement can contain a name to be used as the entry point for the loaded member. The LDT statement has the format shown in Table 10. Table 10. LDT Statement Format Column Contents 1 X 02 (12-2-9 punch). Identifies this as a loader control statement. 2-4 LDT - identifies type of statement. 5-16 Not used. 17-24 Blank or entry name (left-justified and padded with blanks to eight characters). 25 Blank. 26-33 May contain information specified on a SETSSI card processed by the TXTLIB command. 34-72 May be used for comments or left blank. 73-80 Not used by the loader. You may leave these columns blank or insert program identification for your own convenience. I I Include Control Section (ICS) Statement: The ICS statement changes the length of a specified control section or defines a new control section. It should be used only when REP statements cause a control section to be increased in length. The format of an ICS statement is shown in Table 11. An ICS statement must be placed at the front of the file or TEXT file. Table 11 (Page 1 of 2). ICS Statement Format Column Contents I X 1 02 1 (12-2-9 punch). Identifies this as a loader control statement. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 319 LOAD Table 11 (Page 2 of 2). les Statement Format Column Contents 2-4 ICS - identifies the type of load statement. 5-15 Blank. 16 , (comma). 17-24 Control section name - left-justified in these columns. 25-28 Hexadecimal length in bytes of the control section. This length must be greater than zero, and must not be less than the actual length of a previously specified control section. It must be right-justified in columns with unused leading columns filled with blanks or zeros. 29-72 May be used for comments or left blank. 73-80 Not used by the loader. You may leave these columns blank or insert program identification for your own convenience. Note: Only six characters can be coded for the CSECT name in the ICS statement, but the loader compares eight characters to the CSECT name from the TEXT file. Set Location Counter (SLC) Statement: The SLC statement sets the location counter used with the loader. The file loaded after the SLC statement is placed in virtual storage beginning at the address set by this SLC statement. The SLC statement has the format shown in Table 12. It sets the location counter in one of three ways: 1. With the absolute virtual address specified as a hexadecimal number in columns 5-12. 2. With the symbolic address already defined as a program name or entry point. This is specified by a symbolic name punched in columns 17-22. 3. If both a hexadecimal address and a symbolic name are specified, the absolute virtual address is converted to binary and added to the address assigned to the symbolic name; the resulting sum is the address to which the loader's location counter is set. For example, if 000000F8 was specified in columns 5-12 of the SLC card image and GAMMA was specified in columns 17-22, where GAMMA has an assigned address of 006100 (hexadecimal), the absolute address in columns 5-12 is added to the address assigned to GAMMA giving a total of 0061F8. Thus, the location counter would be set to 0061F8. Note: Be careful when using absolute values on a 370-XA mode virtual machine with LOADAREA set to RESPECT. Table 12 (Page 1 of 2). SLC Statement Format 320 Column Contents 1 X I 02 I (12-2-9 punch). Identifies this as a loader control statement. VM/SP CMS Command Reference LOAD Table 12 (Page 2 of 2). SLC Statement Format Column Contents 2-4 SLC - identifies the type of load statement. 5-12 Hexadecimal address to be added to the value of the symbol, if any, in columns 17-22. It must be right-justified in these columns, with unused leading columns filled with blanks or zeros. 13-16 Blank. 17-22 Symbolic name whose assigned location is used by the loader. Must be left-justified in these columns. If blank, the address in the absolute field is used. 23 Blank. 24-72 May be used for comments or left blank. 73-80 Not used by the loader. You may leave these columns blank or insert program identification for your own convenience. Replace (REP) Statement: A REP statement allows instructions and constants to be changed and additions made. The REP statement must be punched in hexadecimal code. The format of a REP statement is shown in Table 13. The data in columns 17-70 (excluding the commas) replaces what has already been loaded into virtual storage, beginning at the address specified in columns 5-12. REP statements are placed in the file either (1) immediately preceding the last statement (END statement) if the text deck does not contain relocatable data such as address constants, or (2) immediately preceding the first RLD (relocatable dictionary) statement if there is relocatable data in the text deck. If additions made by REP statements increase the length of a control section, an ICS statement, which defines the total length of the control section, must be placed at the front of the deck. Table 13 (Page 1 of 2). REP Statement Format Column Contents 1 X 1 02 1 (12-2-9 punch). Identifies this as a loader control statement. 2-4 REP - identifies the type of load statement. 5-12 Hexadecimal starting address of the area to be replaced as assigned by the assembler. It must be right-justified in these columns with unused leading columns filled with blanks or zeros. 13-14 Blank. 15-16 ESID (External Symbol Identification) - the hexadecimal number assigned to the control section in which replacement is to be made. The LISTING file produced by the compiler or assembler indicates this number. Chapter 2. eMS Commands 321 LOAD Table 13 (Page 2 of 2). REP Statement Format Column Contents 17-70 A maximum of II four-digit hexadecimal fields, separated by commas, each replacing one previously loaded halfword (two bytes). The last field must not be followed by a comma. 71-72 Blank. 73-80 Not used by the loader. This field may be left blank or program identification may be inserted. Set Page Boundary (SP B) Statement: An SPB statement instructs the loader to update the location counter to point to the next page boundary. The SPB statement has the format shown in Table 14. This statement can be placed before, between, or after object modules or other control statements. Table 14. SPB Statement Format Column Contents I X 102 (12-2-9 punch). Identifies this as a loader control statement. 2-4 SPB - identifies the type of load statement. 5-72 May be used for comments or left blank. 73-80 Not used by the loader. This field may be left blank or program identification may be inserted. I Responses DMSLI0740I Execution begins ••• START was specified with LOAD and the loaded program starts execution. Any further responses are from the program. INVALID CARD - xxx .•• xxx INV was specified with LOAD and an invalid statement was found. The message and the contents of the invalid statement (xxx ... xxx) are listed in the file LOAD MAP. The invalid statement is ignored and loading continues. Messages and Return Codes DMSERD257T DMSFNSI144E DMSFNSI252T DMSLGT002I DMSLIOOOIE DMSLI0002E DMSLI0003E DMSLI0005E DMSLI0021E DMSLI0029E DMSLI0055E 322 VM/SP CMS Command Reference Internal system error at address addr (offset offset) Implicit rollback occurred for work unit workunitid [RC = 31] Rollback unsuccessful for file pool fi/epoo/id File fn TXTLIB not found No filename specified [RC = 24] File[(s)] fn TXTLIB not found [RC = 28] Invalid option: option [RC = 24] No option specified [RC = 24] Entry point name not found [RC = 40] Invalid parameter mode in the RMODEIAMODE option field. [RC=24] No entry point defined [RC = 40] I I", LOAD DMSLI0056E DMSLI0099E DMSLIOI04S DMSLIOI05S DMSLIOI09S DMSLI0116S DMSLI0168S DMSLI0169S DMSLI0201W DMSLI0202W DMSLI0203W DMSLI0206W DMSLI0377E DMSLI0379E DMSLI0379E DMSLI0380E DMSLI0381E DMSLI0623S DMSLI0625S DMSLI0749W DMSLI0907T DMSLI0943E DMSLI0993E DMSLI0994W DMSLI0997E DMSLI01220E File In It [fm] contains invalid record formats [RC = 32] CMS/DOS environment not active [RC = 40] Error nn reading file In It 1m from disk or directory [RC = 311551701761991100] Error nn writing file In /t 1m on disk or directory [RC = 311551701761991100] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Loader table overflow [RC = 104] Pseudo register table overflow [RC = 104] ESDID table overflow [RC = 104] The following names are undefined: namelist [RC = 4] Duplicate identifier identifier [RC = 4] SET LOCATION COUNTER name undefined [RC = 4] Pseudo register alignment error [RC = 4] AMODE of 24 specified with RMODE of ANY, LOAD failed. [RC=68] INCLUDE address at or above 16Mb conflicts with LOAD address below 16Mb, INCLUDE failed. [RC = 88] INCLUDE address below 16Mb conflicts with LOAD address at or above 16Mb, INCLUDE failed. [RC=88] Storage at origin addr in use,lile not loaded. [RC= 104] Insufficient storage available below 16Mb to load file. [RC = 88] Module cannot be loaded at location location-this area is available for system use only [RC = 88] There are too many items that require relocation to save all of the RLD information [RC= 104] There are too many comments in text files to save all of the history information [RC = 4] I/O error on file In It 1m [RC = 311551701761991256] Invalid AMODE mode specified [RC = 24] AMODE of 24 cannot be specified with ORIGIN address greater than 16Mb, LOAD failed. [RC=68] Restrictive RMODE encountered in CSECT cname. LOAD continues below 16Mb. The specified ORIGIN address is outside the virtual machine size, LOADIINCLUDE failed. [RC = 64] ORIGIN is invalid when specified with RMODE. [RC = 68] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in the Shared File System Errors in using a file 813 814 Chapter 2. CMS Commands 323 LOADLIB LOADLIB Use the LOADLIB command to list, copy, or compress a CMS LOADLIB. CMS LOADLIBs can be merged, and specified members can optionally be selected or excluded during the merge. Format LOADLIB LIST fileidl ] COMPRESS fileidl [ COPY fileidl Options: TERM] [ PRINT DISK [fileid2 [ fileid3]] [( options ••. [ ) ] ] REPLACE] [ MODIFY SYSIN Control Statements (COPY function only)' SELECT ] [ EXCLUDE Operands LIST lists by member name, the contents of the CMS LOADLIB specified by fileidl, and gives a hexadecimal representation of each member's size. Specifying a fileidl that is a concatenated SYSUTI results in an error message indicating that this is not supported. COMPRESS recreates a LOADLIB with the same name as the specified file (fileidl), and deletes all obsolete members from the new data set. COpy copies members of fileidl into fileid2. If fileid2 already exists, MODIFY or REPLACE must be specified. If you specify MODIFY, existing members are not replaced in the output data set, but new members are added. If you specify REPLACE, existing members are replaced in the output data set and new members are added. You must specify SYSIN control statements. If you do not specify SYSIN control statements in a SYSIN dataset (jileid3), you will be prompted for them at the terminal with the message: "ENTER:" Note: You may specify the LOADLIB function (LIST, COMPRESS, COPY) either on the command line or in the SYSIN data set (jileid3). If you specify the function in the SYSIN data set, you must issue the FILEDEF command for fileidl , fileid2 (if required), and fileid3 before you issue the LOAD LIB command. However, if you specify the function on the command line,fileidl, and optionally,fileid2 andfileid3 may be specified either on the command line or defined via FILEDEF commands. Any FILEDEF commands issued by the user remain in effect after the command function completes. During subsequent use of LOADLIB functions, file definitions 324 VM/SP eMS Command Reference LOADLIB which have not been cleared or reissued may override the file identifiers entered in the LOAD LIB command line. fileidl is the file name, file type, and file mode of the input LOADLIB. This data set is referred to as the SYSUTI data set. SYSUTI is always required. An OS load library may not be specified as input. fileid2 is the file name, file type, and file mode of the output LOADLIB. This data set is referred to as the SYSUT2 data set. If the SYSUT2 data set already exists, either MODIFY or REPLACE must be specified. If a SYSUT2 data set is not specified, LOADLIB SYSUT2 A (or the file mode of the first available read/write disk or directory) is the default. When the default SYSUT2 file is used and no errors occur,fileidl is erased and the new file is renamedfileidl. SYSUT2 is ignored for the LIST or COMPRESS functions. fileid3 is the file name, file type, and file mode of the control data set. This data set is referred to as the SYSIN data set. If no SYSIN data set is specified, the user is prompted at the terminal to enter LOADLIB functions or SYSIN COPY control statements. Options Entered in the Command Line TERM directs printer output to the terminal. TERM is the default. PRINT directs printer output to the printer. DISK directs printer output to a disk or directory. The DISK option creates a file named LOAD LIB LISTING *, where "*,, is the file mode of the first available read/write disk or directory. REPLACE replaces existing members of a data set and adds new members. MODIFY does not replace existing members of a data set; adds new members. SYSIN Control Statements for the Copy Function SELECT copies only selected members of a data set. Each member to be copied must be named in a separate line entry following the SELECT statement. Note that if you specify the SELECT statement, the LOADLIB command does not replace existing members of a data set. If you want to replace an existing member of a data set, you must specify (R) immediately following the member name. EXCLUDE copies a whole data set except for a few members. Each member to be excluded must be named in a separate line entry following the EXCLUDE statement. You can exclude up to 256 members for each COpy function. Note: Indicate the end of control statements from the terminal by entering a null line; EOF serves this purpose in a SYSIN file. If you want to copy an entire data set, specify COpy and enter a null line at the terminal (or include a blank line in a SYSIN file). To avoid unexpected results, clear the file definitions used by the Chapter 2. CMS Commands 325 LOADLIB COpy function before specifying new file identifiers in subsequent LOAD LIB commands. Usage Notes 1. If a LOAD LIB COpy or COMPRESS into an existing LOAD LIB results in a CMS ABEND001, check the integrity of the LOADLIB directory. If the file, $PDSTEMP LOADLIB, exists on your disk or SFS directory, do not erase it. The $PDSTEMP LOAD LIB file contains the updated LOADLIB directory. Reissue another LOAD LIB COpy or COMPRESS command where the modified output LOADLIB is the SYSUTI data set and omit the SYSUT2 data set from the command input. If the command is successful, the LOADLIB's directory will be restored. 2. To select or exclude members of a data set, enter the LOADLIB COpy command and press ENTER. When you receive the status message "VM READ" or "Enter a command or press a PF or PA key," type in SELECT or EXCLUDE (or press ENTER to copy the entire data set). When you receive another status message "VM READ" or "Enter a command or press a PF or PA , key," type the name of the first data set member to be selected or excluded and press ENTER. For each successive status message of "VM READ" or "Enter a command or press a PF or P A key," type the name of the dataset to be selected or excluded. When you have specified each data set member that you wish to select or exclude, enter a null line to end the command. 3. Although SELECT and EXCLUDE are both valid control statements for the LOADLIB COPY command, they must be used separately. Interchanging SELECT and EXCLUDE statements within the same command routine may lead to unpredictable results. Responses MEMBER ALIAS ALIAS - member name HAS BEEN COPIEDIEXCLUDED alias name HAS BEEN COPIEDIEXCLUDED alias name NOT COPIED. MEMBER member name FOR THE ALIAS NOT FOUND. An EXCLUDE or SELECT statement controlled the COpy function, and the SYSUT2 data set did not contain the parent member for the alias. The member may not have been moved from the SYSUTI data set because it was excluded, it was not specified in the SELECT list, or the member name did not precede the alias name in the SELECT list. MEMBER member name HAS BEEN REPLACED IN DATA SET MEMBER member name DOES NOT EXIST BUT HAS BEEN ADDED TO DATA SET. REPLACE was specified but the member was not in the output data set, therefore the member was added to the output data set. MEMBER member name COpy UNSUCCESSFUL An error occurred while trying to add/replace the member in the output data set. (For example, if MODIFY was specified and the member already existed in the output data set.) The COpy continues with the next member to be copied. MEMBER member name NOT FOUND The member requested was not found in the input data set. MEMBER member name NOT COPIED. WRONG LENGTH NOTE LIST FOUND. MEMBER member name NOT COPIED. NOTE LIST UPDATE LOGIC ERROR. USER TTR WAS NOT UPDATED NOTE LIST TTR OR RECORD WAS NOT UPDATED 326 VMjSP CMS Command Reference LOADLIB Messages and Return Codes DMSFNS1144E DMSFNS1252T DMSUTL003E DMSUTL014E DMSUTL024E DMSUTL032E DMSUTL037E DMSUTL039E DMSUTL042E DMSUTL047E DMSUTL054E DMSUTL065E DMSUTL066E DMSVTL069E DMSUTL073E DMSUTL188W DMSUTL189E DMSUTL901T DMSUTL907T Implicit rollback occurred for work unit workunitid [RC = 31] Rollback unsuccessful for file pool filepoolid Invalid option: option [RC = 24] Invalid function function [RC = 24] File fn ft fm already exists [RC = 28] Invalid filetype ft [RC = 24] Output filemode mode is accessed as read/only [RC = 36] No entries in library fn ft fm [RC = 32] No fileid(s) specified [RC = 24] No function specified [RC = 24] Incomplete fileid specified [RC = 24] option option specified twice [RC = 24] optionl and option2 are conflicting options [RC = 24] Filemode mode is not accessed [RC = 36] Unable to open file ddname [RC = 28] SYSUT2 header is invalid because of blocksize incompatibility; user action required [RC = 4] The LIST function of the LOAD LIB command does not support concatenated SYSUTI [RC = 24] Unexpected error at vstorl: plistfunctionfnftfm at vstor2, base vstor3, rc=nn [RC = 311551701761991256] I/O error on file fn ft fm [RC = 256] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in the Shared File System Errors in using a file Errors in copying a file 813 814 70 Chapter 2. CMS Commands 327 LOADMOD LOADMOD Use the LOADMOD command to load a CMS module into storage. The LOADMOD command behaves differently depending upon the environment it is issued from. In the following description a VMjSP virtual machine and a VMjXA SP Systemj370 mode virtual machine are equivalent; a VMjXA SP 370-XA mode virtual machine allows you to use addresses above the 16Mb line. The behavior of the LOADMOD command in both environments is described below to help you plan and develop applications that will run in both environments. In an 370-XA mode virtual machine, CMS will respect the AMODE and RMODE attributes established by the GENMOD process. When LOADMOD executes, the RMODE specified in a relocatable MODULE file header record determines whether that file resides above or below the 16Mb line. A subsequent START command causes the module to execute with the AMODE specified in the header record. Format LOADMod fn [MODULE Options: [f! ] ] [(options ... [)] ] fNOPRES] LPRES Operands In is the file name of the file to be loaded into storage. The file type must be MODULE. 1m is the file mode of the module to be loaded. If not specified, or specified as an asterisk, all your disks and directories are searched for the file. Options NOPRES instructs CMS to release the storage that is occupied by the currently loaded set of non-OS programs. These programs can no longer be referenced by another program. If the module being loaded has the MAP or STR attribute, the LOADMOD command deletes from storage those programs that were previously loaded by a LOAD, INCLUDE, or LOADMOD command. NOPRES is the default. PRES instructs CMS to retain the storage that is occupied by the currently loaded set of programs. These programs can still be accessed via hard coded addresses, but are not executable with a START command. The loader tables are rewritten. 328 VM/SP eMS Command Reference LOADMOD Usage Notes 1. You can use the LOADMOD command when you want to debug a CMS MODULE file. Since CMS MODULE files may be relocatable, you should issue the PROGMAP command after the file is loaded to help you find the location of the module in virtual storage. After issuing the PROGMAP command, you may set address stops or breakpoints before you begin execution with the START command. For example, enter the following: loadmod progl progmap cp per instruct range xxxxxx start 2. If a MODULE file was created using the DOS option of the GENMOD command, the CMS/DOS environment must be active when it is loaded. If it was created using the OS option (the default), the CMS/DOS environment must not be active when it is loaded. 3. MODULE files created with the ALL option or with SYSTEM option may be loaded with ORIGIN = TRANS regardless of whether the CMS/DOS environment is active. If the LOADMOD command is called from a program, the loading is also done regardless of whether the CMS/DOS environment is active. 4. When in CMS SUBSET mode, a LOADMOD of a nonrelocatable program will result in return code 32. 5. Fixed transient area modules have no header record and no AMODE or RMODE attributes if the following are true: • they were created by the LOAD command with the ORIGIN TRANS option • they used the SYSTEM option from GENMOD. The default is AMODE 24 and RMODE 24. 6. If you load a nonrelocatable program after executing a number of LOADMOD commands, the loader may detect an attempt to load over a relocatable module. There are three possible solutions: • Regenerate the nonrelocatable program so it will be relocatable. This is the simplest method. • Change the ORIGIN option of the nonrelocatable program to a lower address, thus residing at an address to be allocated at a later time. • Execute a LOAD or LOADMOD for the nonrelocatable program first. This will cause relocatable programs to be loaded at locations that do not conflict. 7. A nonrelocatable module created above the 16Mb line by the LOAD/INCLUDE process will not load: • on a System/370 mode virtual machine • on a 370-XA mode virtual machine with less than 16Mb of storage. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 329 LOADMOD Messages and Return Codes DMSERD257T DMSFNS1l44E DMSFNS1252T DMSMODOOIE DMSMOD002E DMSMOD018E DMSMOD032E DMSMOD037E DMSMOD069E DMSMOD070E DMSMODI04S DMSMODI09S DMSMOD114E DMSMOD1l6S DMSMOD380E DMSMOD639E DMSMOD945E DMSMOD988E Internal system error at address addr (offset offset) Implicit rollback occurred for work unit workunitid [RC=31] Rollback unsuccessful for file poolfilepoolid No filename specified [RC=24] File[(s)] [fn [ft [fm]]] not found [RC = 28] No load map available [RC=40] Invalid filetype ft [RC = 24] Filemode mode[(vdev)] is accessed as read/only [RC = 36] Filemode mode not accessed [RC = 36] Invalid parameter parameter [RC = 24] Error nn reading filefnftfm from disk or directory [RC = 311551701761991100] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC= 104] fnftfm not loaded; CMS/DOS environment [not] active [RC=40 or -0005] Loader table overflow [RC= 104] Storage at origin addr in use, fn not loaded [RC = 104] Error in DMSRLD routine, return code was nnn AMODE/RMODE values conflict. file not loadedlgenerated [RC=68] Module fn cannot execute in 370lXA architecture [RC = 64] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 330 Reason Page Errors in Shared File System Errors in using a file 813 814 VM/SP CMS Command Reference ~ MAC LIB MACLIB Use the MACLIB command to create and modify CMS macro libraries. Format MAC lib GEN} { ADD REP libname' DEL libname COMP libname MAP libname Options: Inl [ln2 ... ] membernamel [membernamel [membername2... ] [membername2... ]] [(options ... [)]] DISK PRINT TERM STACK FIFO] [ LIFO FIFO LIFO XEDIT Operands GEN generates a CMS macro library. ADD adds members to an existing macro library. No checking is done for duplicate names, entry points, or CSECTS. REP replaces existing members in a macro library. DEL deletes members from a macro library. If more than one member exists with the same name, only the first entry is deleted. COMP compacts a macro library. MAP lists certain information about the members in a macro library. Available information includes member name, size, and location relative to the beginning of the library. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 331 MACLIB libname is the file name of a macro library. If the file already exists, it must have a file type iof MACLIB; if it is being created, it is given a file type of MACLIB. fn1 [fn2 ... } are the names of the macro definition files to be used. A macro definition file must reside on a CMS disk or SFS directory and its file type must be either MACRO or COPY. Each file may contain one or more macros and must contain fixed-length, SO-character records. membername 1[membername2 ... } are the names of the macros that exist in a macro library. MAP Options The following options specify where the output of the MAP function is sent. Only one option may be specified. If more than one option is specified, only the first one given is used. DISK writes the MAP output on a CMS disk or SFS directory with the file identifier of "libname MAP AI." If no option is specified, DISK is the default. PRINT spools the MACLIB map to your virtual printer. TERM displays the MAP output at the terminal. STACK (FIFO) STACK LIFO places the MAP output in the program stack. It can be stacked either FIFO (first in first out) or LIFO (last in first out). The default order is FIFO. FIFO places the MAP output in the program stack. It is stacked FIFO. The options STACK, STACK FIFO, and FIFO are equivalent. LIFO places the MAP output in the program stack. It is stacked LIFO. This option is equivalent to STACK LIFO. XEDIT inserts the MAP output into the file being edited. Each map line is 130 characters and contains the following twice on the line: the member name, index, size, library file name, library file type, and library file mode. The XEDIT option does not return the header record. This option is only valid when MACLIB MAP is issued from the XEDIT environment. Usage Notes 1. When a MACRO file is added to a MACLIB, the member name is taken from the macro prototype statement. If there is more than one macro definition in the file, each macro is written into a separate MACLIB member. If the file type is COpy and the file contains more than one macro, each macro must be preceded by a control statement of the following format: *COpy membername The name on the control statement is the name of the macro when it is placed in the macro library. If there is only one macro in the COPY file and it is not preceded by a COpy control statement, its name (in the macro library) is the 332 VM/SP CMS Command Reference ( MACLIB same as the file name of the COpy file. If there are several macro definitions in a COpy file and the first one is not preceded by a COpy control statement, the entire file is treated as one macro. 2. If you create an alias for a MACLIB, using the CREATE ALIAS command, the alias must have a file type of MACLIB. 3. If any MACRO file contains invalid records between members, the MACLIB command displays an error message and terminates. Any members read before the invalid card is encountered are already in the MACLIB. The MACLIB command ignores CATAL.S, END, and /* records when it reads MACRO files created by the ESERV program. 4. If you want a macro library searched during an assembly or compilation, you must identify it using the GLOBAL command before you begin compiling. 5. The MACLIBs distributed with the CMS system are: CMSLIB, DMSSP, DOSMACRO, OSMACRO, OSMACROI, OSVSAM, and TSOMAC. 6. The PRINT and TERM options erase the old MAP file, if one exists. 7. If any accessed disk or directory contains a MACRO file with the same file name as the COpy file on your disk or directory accessed as A, the MACLIB's REP, ADD, and GEN functions use the MACRO version. 8. The XEDIT option is valid only when MACLIB MAP is issued from the XEDIT environment. The edited file must either be fixed format with a logical record length of 130 or variable length format. The information replaces the current line and below until the END OF FILE is reached. Then, the remaining text (if any) is inserted before the END OF FILE. 9. A return code of 4 indicates that an error occurred that did not terminate processing. Check the messages to determine the error. If the library is on a minidisk and the regeneration of the library or deleting from the library results in a library with no members, the library is erased. If the empty library is on an SFS directory, the library is maintained with a header record indicating that the library has no members. The empty library is maintained to preserve any file sharing authorities specified for them. The use of these empty libraries by other CMS commands, OS simulation macros, and other applications may produce unpredictable results. Responses When you enter the MACLIB MAP command with the TERM option, the names of the library members, their sizes, and their locations in the library are displayed. MACRO INDEX SIZE name loe size Messages and Return Codes DMSLBM001E DMSLBM002W DMSLBM003E DMSLBM013W DMSLBM014E DMSLBM037E DMSLBM046E DMSLBM047E No filename specified [RC = 24] File fn ft lfm1 not found [RC = 4 or 28] Invalid option: option [RC = 24] Member membername not found in library libname [RC = 4] Invalid function function [RC = 24] Filemode mode[(vdev)] is accessed as read/only [RC = 36] No library name specified [RC = 24] No function specified [RC = 24] Chapter 2. CMS Commands 333 MACLIB DMSLBM056E DMSLBM069E DMSLBM070E DMSLBMI04S DMSLBMI05S DMSLBMI09S DMSLBM157S DMSLBM167S DMSLBT213W DMSLBT213W DMSLBT213W DMSLBM688E DMSLBM689E DMSLBM907T File fn ft lfm} contains invalid record formats [RC=32] Filemode mode not accessed [RC = 36] Invalid parameter parameter [RC = 24] Error nn reading file fn ft fm from disk or directory [RC = 311551701761991100] Error nn writing file fn ft fm on disk or directory [RC = 311551701761991100] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] MACLIB limit exceeded[, last member added was membername] [RC=88] Previous MACLIB function not finished [RC = 88] Library fn MAC LIB not created [RC = 4] Library fn MAC LIB not created, or erased if empty [RC = 4] Library fn MAC LIB has no members [RC = 4] XEDIT option only valid from XED IT environment [RC = 24] File must be F-format 130 or V-format [RC = 24] I/O error on file fn ft fm [RC = 311551701761991256] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 334 Reason Page Errors in the Shared File System Errors in using a file Errors in copying a file Errors in erasing a file Errors in renaming a file 813 814 70 145 491 VM/SP CMS Command Reference MACLIST MACLIST Use the MACLIST command to display a list of all members in a specified macro library. You can issue CMS commands against the members directly from the displayed list. In the MACLIST environment, information that is normally provided by the MACLIB command (with the MAP option) is displayed under the control of the System Product Editor. You can use XEDIT subcommands to manipulate the list itself. Format MACLIST MList libname [ (options [ ) ] ] Options: [Append] [compact NOCompact 1 [PROFile In] Operands libname is the file name of the CMS maclib for which information is to be displayed. The file must have a file type of MACLIB. Options Append specifies that the list of members in this library should be appended to the existing list. This option is only valid from the MACLIST environment. Compact specifies that the library is to be compacted upon completion of MACLIST using the MACLIB COMP command. NO Compact specifies that the library is not to be compacted upon completion of MACLIST. This is the default. PROFile/n specifies the name of an XEDIT macro to be executed when XEDIT is invoked by the MACLIST command. If not specified, a macro named PROFMLST XEDIT is invoked. For more information on the PROFMLST macro, see the usage note, "Default PF Key Settings," below. Usage Notes 1. You can use the special commands EXECUTE and DISCARD from the MACLIST screen. The EXECUTE command allows you to issue commands that use the MACLIB members displayed by MACLIST. See "EXECUTE" on page 794 for more information. The DISCARD command allows you to erase the MAC LIB members displayed by MACLIST. See "DISCARD" on page 792 for more information. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 335 MACLIST 2. Tailoring the MACLIST Command Options You can use the DEFAULTS command to set up options and/or override command defaults for MACLIST. However, the options you specify in the command line when entering the MACLIST command override those specified in the DEFAULTS command. This allows you to customize the defaults of the MACLIST command, yet override them when you desire. Refer to the DEFAULTS command description for more information. 3. Format of the List When you invoke the MACLIST command you are placed in the XEDIT environment, editing a file "userid MACLIST AO." A sample MACLIST screen is shown in the "Examples" section. Each line in this file contains: • a command area • member name • index • number of records in the member • library file name, library file type, and library file mode. The full power of XEDIT is available to you while you issue commands against the list of members. For example, you may want to use XEDIT subcommands to scroll through the list of members to locate a particular member, etc. However, some XEDIT subcommands are inappropriate in this environment. Subcommands that alter the format or the contents of "userid MACLIST" (for example, SET TRUNC, SET FTYPE, or SET LINEND) may cause unpredictable results. 4. Entering CMS commands from MACLIST: Begin CMS commands with "CMS" to prevent XEDIT from decoding the command. This prevents CMS commands from being mistaken as XEDIT subcommands. 5. Issuing Commands From the List On a full screen display, you can issue commands directly from the line on which a member name is displayed. You do this by moving the cursor to the line that describes the member to be used by the command, typing the command in the space provided to the left of the member name, and then pressing the ENTER key to execute the command. If a command is longer than the command space _provided on the screen, just continue typing over the information in the line. You may type over the entire line displayed, up to column 79. The ENTER key is set to EXECUTE, which is described in "EXECUTE" on page 794. When you press the ENTER key, all commands typed on one screen are executed, and the screen is restored to its previous state. However, the list is updated to reflect the current status of the members (see "Responses"). You may want to enter commands from the MACLIST command line before executing commands that are typed on the list. To do this, move the cursor to the command line by using the PF12 key (instead of the ENTER key). After typing a command on the command line and pressing ENTER, you can use PF12 to move the cursor back to its previous position on the list. 336 VM/SP CMS Command Reference MACLIST Another way to issue commands that make use of the members displayed is to issue EXECUTE from the MACLIST command line. A complete description of EXECUTE is in "EXECUTE" on page 794. 6. Using Symbols as Part of a Command Symbols can be used to represent operands in the command to be executed. They can be used in the commands typed on the screen, or as part of the command in EXECUTE (on the command line). Symbols are needed if the command to be executed has operands or options that follow the file ID. Examples of using symbols are in the "Examples" section, below. The following symbols can be used: I means the libname libtype libmode (MEMBER membername that is displayed on the line. /I It 1m means the library filename displayed on the line. In means the member name displayed on the line. 10 means execute the line as is, and do not append anything. means the library filetype displayed on the line. means the library filemode displayed on the line. Any combinations of symbols can be used. For example: /lIt means the library filename followed by library filetype. lit means the library filename followed by library filetype. Itl means the library filetype followed by library filename. /ltm (MEMBER In is equivalent to / alone. After the command(s) have been executed, EXECUTE updates the status of the list with any changed information and uses asterisks and return codes to indicate command completion. See Responses above. 7. Special Symbols Used Alone The following special symbols can be typed alone on the lines of the MACLIST display. They have the following meanings: means execute the previous command for this member. Commands are executed starting at the top of the screen. For example, suppose you enter the DISCARD command on the top line. You can then type an equal sign on any other line(s}. Those member preceded by equal signs are discarded when the EXECUTE command is entered (from the command line or by pressing the ENTER key). ? means display the last command executed. The command is displayed on the line in which the ? is entered. I means make this line the current line. (On the MACLIST screen, the current line is the first member name on the screen.) 8. If a member is a duplicate name and it is not the first one found in the maclib, you cannot issue any CMS commands, XEDIT subcommands, or any special symbols (=, ?, and /) for that member. 9. Default Key Settings Chapter 2. CMS Commands 337 MACLIST The PROFMLST XEDIT macro is executed when the MACLIST command is invoked, unless you specified a different macro as an option in the MACLIST command. It sets the keys to the following values: ENTER Execute command(s) typed on member line(s) or on the command line. (The ENTER key is set by the XEDIT subcommand, SET ENTER IGNORE MACRO EXECUTE). PF 1 Help Display MACLIST command description. PF 2 Refresh Update the list to indicate new members, deleted members, etc., using the same parameters as those specified when MACLIST was invoked. PF3 Quit Exit from MACLIST. PF4 Sort(name) Sorts by member name. PF5 Sort(index) Sorts by index, largest first. PF6 Sort(size) Sorts by size, largest first. PF7 Backward Scroll back one screen. PF8 Forward Scroll forward one screen. PF9 FI/n Issue the command FILELIST /n * * at the cursor, so that a list is displayed, containing all files that have a file name that is the same as the member name displayed on the line containing the cursor. (all file types and file modes). PF 10 Not assigned. PF 11 XEDIT Edit the member where the cursor is placed. PF 12 Cursor If the cursor is in the file area, move it to the command line. If the cursor is on the command line, move it back to its previous location in the file (or to the current line). Note: On a terminal equipped with 24 PF keys, PF keys 13 to 24 are assigned the same values as PF keys 1 to 12 as discussed here. In addition to setting the above PF keys, the PROFMLST XEDIT macro sets synonyms that you can use to sort your MACLIST list. The synonyms are: SINDEX Sorts the list by index (greatest to least) within a library. SLID Sorts the list alphabetically by library file ID, then by member name and index. SNAME Sorts the list alphabetically by member name and then by library file ID and index. SSIZE Sorts the list by member size (number of records, greatest to least). 10. If you want to issue MACLIST from an exec program, you should precede it with the EXEC command; that is, specify exec macl;st 338 VM/SP CMS Command Reference MACLIST Examples The following MACLIST screen was created by issuing the MACLIST command as follows. maclist mylib Note that the members are sorted alphabetically by member name. Members with the same name are then sorted by index number (least to greatest). Figure 10. Sample MACLIST Screen The following examples show how symbols can be used to represent operands in a command. The values substituted for the symbols and the resulting command are shown. In each case, the command can be entered in either of the following ways: • Typed in the "Cmd" area of the screen. The command is executed either by entering EXECUTE on the XEDIT command line and then pressing ENTER, or simply by pressing ENTER. • Entered from the XEDIT command line, as an operand of EXECUTE (in the form "EXECUTE lines command"). If a symbol is not specified, the libname, libtype, libmode, and (MEMBER membername are appended automatically to the command. COMMAND RESULTING COMMAND discard Iltm (member yield listfile lIt * copyfile Iltm II oldlib 1m MAC LIB DEL MYLIB (YIELD LISTFILE MYLIB MACLIB * COPYFILE MYLIB MAC LIB Al MYLIB OLD LIB Al Chapter 2. CMS Commands 339 MACLIST Responses When a command is executed, one of the following symbols is displayed in the "Cmd" space to the left of the file for which the comm~nd was executed. * Means the command executed successfully (RC = 0). *0 Is the return code from the command executed (RC = n). *? Means that the command was an unknown CPjCMS command (RC=-3). The fol~owing responses can also appear directly on the MACLIST screen: * Library 'libname libtype libmode ' not found. * * membername has been discarded. * membername ** Member is a duplicate entry. Invalid for EXECUTE ** * membername ** Member is no longer in the library. ** Member membername has been discarded. Messages and R.,turn Codes DMSWML002E File In MACLIB * not found [RC = 28] DMSWML651E APPEND must·be issued from MACLIST [RC=40] DMSWML668E The APPEND option must be specified alone [RC = 40] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are:' . Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 340 VM/SP CMS Command Reference MAKEBUF MAKEBUF Use the MAKEBUF command to create a new buffer within the program stack. Format MAKEBUF Usage Notes 1. When you issue a MAKEBUF command, eMS returns as a return code the number of the program stack buffer just created. If you issue a MAKEBUF command in an exec that has the &ERROR statement in effect, the MAKEBUF return code causes the &ERROR statement to execute. 2. Use the WAITRD function to read lines from the buffers the MAKEBUF command creates. WAITRD first reads lines from the most recently created buffer. When the most recent buffer is exhausted, WAITRD reads the next most recent buffer. When all program stack buffers are exhausted, WAITRD reads from the terminal input buffer. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 341 MODMAP MODMAP Use the MODMAP command to display the load map associated with the specified MODULE file. Format MODmap In Operands In is the file name of the MODULE file whose load map is to be displayed. The file type of the file must be MODULE; all of your accessed disks and directories are searched for the specified file. Usage Notes 1. You cannot issue a MOD MAP command for modules that are CMS transient area modules or that have been created with the NOMAP option of the GENMOD command. 2. When in CMS SUBSET mode, a MODMAP that requires a LOADMOD into the user area will receive a return code 32 from LOADMOD. Responses The load map associated with the file is displayed at the terminal, in the format: name location Messages and Return Codes DMSMDPOOIE No filename specified [RC=24] DMSMDP070E Invalid parameter parameter [RC = 24] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 342 Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 VM/SP CMS Command Reference MOREHELP MOREHELP Use the MOREHELP command to obtain either additional or related information about the last valid HELP command you issued. This command is particularly helpful if you use a linemode terminal or if you cannot use a PF key to obtain DETAIL or RELATED information. Format MOREhelp [ ( [optionA] [optionB] [)] OptionA: DETail BRIef [ RELated 1 OptionB: [ALL] [DESCript] [OPTions] ] [FORMat] [PARMs] [NOTEs] [ERRors] OptionA DETail displays the DETAIL layer of the HELP file. The amount of DETAIL information displayed is determined by your DEFAULTS selection of the subsetting options. The subsetting options are ALL or DESCRIPT, FORMAT, PARMS, OPTIONS, NOTES, and ERRORS. The options DESCRIPT, FORMAT, PARMS, OPTIONS, NOTES, and ERRORS can be specified in any combination. For Options A, the DETAIL option is the default. BRIef displays the BRIEF layer of the HELP file. If the BRIEF layer is not available, then you will see the next available layer of information. RELated displays the RELATED layer of the HELP file, if available. OptionB The following options can be specified with the DETAIL operand. ALL displays all the DETAIL information of the HELP file. This includes the DESCRIPT, FORMAT, PARMS, OPTIONS, NOTES, and ERRORS sections. I,t does not include the BRIef and the RELated sections. For Options B, the ALL option is the default. DESCript displays the description information of the HELP file. FORMat displays the format information (the syntax). Ch~pter 2. CMS Commands 343 MOREHELP PARMs displays the parameter section (explanation of the operands). OPTions displays the options section, (a list 'of available options with a brief description). NOTEs displays the usage notes and example sections. ERRors displays the error messages and response sections. Usage Notes 1. The DETAIL option displays the specified subset information (as preset by the DEFAULTS command). The initial default is set to display all six subset sections. If the file does not contain the DETAIL subset you have specified, then a message and the next available layer of HELP information will be displayed. 2. Additional information is based upon the last valid HELP command you entered. If you have not entered a valid HELP command, message DMSMOR353E, "No previous HELP command has been entered," will be displayed. 3. RELATED HELP information is available for a limited number of HELP files. However, if you wish to tailor your own HELP files to include this option, you may do so. Refer to "Tailoring the HELP facility" in the VM/SP eMS User's Guide. 4. If there is no RELATED HELP information available, you will see a warning message. No information will be displayed. 5. If you want to issue MOREHELP from an exec program, you should precede it with the EXEC command; that is, specify exec morehelp Messages and Return Codes DMSMOR353E No previous HELP command has been entered. Please enter HELP MOREHELP for information on the MOREHELP command. [RC = 4] DMSMOR354E RELATED information is not available for the last HELP command entered. [RC = 32] DMSMOR639E Error in routine routine; return code was xx Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 344 Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 VM/SP CMS Command Reference ( MOVEFILE MOVEFILE Use the MOVEFILE command to move data from any device supported by VM/SP to any other device supported by VM/SP. Format MOVEfile [inddname outddname ] INMOVE OUTMOVE [(pDS [)]] Operands inddname is the ddname representing the input file definition. If ddname is not specified, the default input ddname, INMOVE, is used. outddname is the ddname representing the output file definition. If ddname is not specified, the default output ddname, OUTMOVE, is used. Option PDS moves each of the members of the CMS MACLIB or TXTLIB or of an OS partitioned data set into a separate CMS file. Each CMS file has a file name equal to the member name and a file type equal to the file type of the output file definition. Usage Notes 1. Use the FILEDEF command to provide file definitions for the ddnames used in the MOVEFILE command. If you use the ddnames INMOVE and OUTMOVE on the FILEDEF commands, then you need not specify them on the MOVEFILE command line. For example: filedef inmove disk sysl maclib b (member stow filedef outmove disk stow macro movefile copies the member STOW from the OS partitioned data set SYS1.MACLIB into the CMS file STOW MACRO. If you enter: filedef indd reader filedef Qutdd printer movefile indd Qutdd a file is moved from your virtual reader to your virtual printer. 2. To copy an entire OS partitioned data set into individual CMS files, you could enter: filedef test2 disk sys1 maclib b filedef macro disk movefile test2 macro (pds Chapter 2. CMS Commands 345 MOVEFILE These commands copy members from the OS partitioned data set SYSl.MACLIB or the CMS file SYSI MACLIB into separate files, each with a file name equal to the member name and a file type of MACRO. Note that the output ddname was not specified in full, so that CMS assigned the default file definition (FILE ddname). 3. You cannot copy VSAM data sets with the MOVEFILE command. 4. The MOVEFILE command does not support data containing spanned records. Use of spanned records results in the error message DMSSOP036E and an error code of 7. 5. To copy an entire partitioned data set into another partitioned data set, use the COPYFILE command. If an attempt is made to use the MOVEFILE command without the PDS option for a partitioned data set, only the first member is copied and an end-of-file condition results. The resultant output file will contain all input records, including the header, until the end of the first member. 6. When using the MOVEFILE command to move members from CMS maclibs, note that each member is followed by a / / record, which is a maclib delimiter. You can edit the file to delete the / / record. 7. If you use the MOVEFILE command and FILEDEF command with the options DISP MOD and RECFM FB to add a file to the end of an existing OS simulated file, the user should erase the end-of-file mark at the end of the existing file. The end-of-file mark will be present only if the last physical re<.;ord written was a short block. In addition, during multi-volume tape processing, DISP MOD is only valid with the tape currently mounted; no volume switching will be done. 8. The following record formats are supported for DOS files on FBA devices: fixed, fixed blocked, variable, variable blocked, and undefined. The FILEDEF for the input file must specify at least the RECFM and BLOCK; for fixed block files the LRECL must also be specified. Do not issue "SET DOS ON". If you do, MOVEFILE will result in an error message. 9. When copying a variable length data set (RECFM = V or VB) from an OS disk to a CMS disk or SFS directory, the logical record length (LRECL) of the file that is created is equal to the size of the largest record in the data set being copied. If the file that is being created has a file mode of 4, the logical record length will be equal to the LRECL of the largest record plus 8 bytes. The actual LRECL of the new file can be determined by using the CMS LISTFILE command. 10. For OS compatibility of the output tape labels, you must specify LRECL and BLOCK/BLKSIZE in your output FILEDEF. 11. Any attempt to move an empty OS data set that has not been closed will cause unpredictable results. Default Del'ice Attributes: If a record format (RECFM), blocksize (BLOCK), and logical record length (LRECL) are specified on the FILEDEF command, these values are used in the data control block (DCB) defining the characteristics of the move operation. If the FILEDEF was issued without a record format or blocksize specified, these values are determined according to the defaults listed in Figure 11. If the blocksize was not specified, the default blocksize is used. If the logical record length was not specified, the default logical record length is determined as follows: for an F or U record 346 VM/SP CMS Command Reference ( ~ MOVEFILE format, the logical record length equals the blocksize; for a V record format, the logical record length equals the blocksize minus 4. Input ddname Device RECFM Output ddname Blocksize RECFM Blocksize NA2 F 80 NA2 Card Punch NA2 NA2 F 80 Printer NA2 NA2 U 132 U 130 Card Reader Terminal U 130 Tape l U 3600 Disk or directory Dummy RECFM of file NAI RECFM of Blocksize of input ddname input ddname Blocksize of Blocksize of RECFM of input ddname input ddname file NA2 RECFM of Blocksize of input ddname input ddname lIf the default record format and blocksize are used in a tape-to-tape move operation and an input record is greater than 3600 bytes, it is truncated to 3600 bytes on the output tape. 2not applicable. Figure 11. Default Device Attributes for MOVEFILE Command Responses DMSMVE225I PDS member membername moved The specified member of an OS partitioned data set was moved successfully to a CMS file. This response is issued for each member moved when you use the PDS option. DMSMVE226I End of PDS move The last member of the partitioned data set was moved successfully to a CMS file. DMSMVE706I Terminal input; type null line for end of data The input ddname in the MOVEFILE specified a device type of terminal. This message requests the input data; a null line terminates input. DMSMVE708I File fn ddname A1 assumed for DDNAME ddname No file definition is in effect for a ddname specified on the MOVEFILE command. The MOVEFILE issues the default FILEDEF command: FILEDEF ddname DISK FILE ddname A1 If file ddname does not exist for the input file, MOVEFILE terminates processing. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 347 MOVEFILE Messages and Return Codes DMSMVE002E DMSMVE003E DMSMVE037E DMSMVE041E DMSMVE069E DMSMVE070E DMSMVE075E DMSMVE086E DMSMVE127S DMSMVE128S File[(s)] [fn lft [fm]]] not found [RC = 28] Invalid option: option [RC = 24] Output filemode mode[(vdev)] is accessed as read/only [RC = 36] Input and output files are the same [RC = 40] Output filemode mode is not accessed [RC = 36] Invalid parameter parameter [RC = 24] Device devtype invalid for {inputl output} [RC = 40] Invalid DDNAME ddname [RC = 24] Unsupported device for DDNAME [RC = 100] I/O error on input after reading nnn records; input error code on DDNAME [RC = 100] DMSMVE129S I/O error on output writing record number nnnn; output error code on DDNAME [RC= 100] DMSMVE130S Blocksize on V format file ddname is less than 9 [RC = 88] DMSMVE232E Invalid RECFM --spanned records not supported [RC = 88] DMSMVG089E Open error code nn on {fnISYSaaaltapn} [RC=36] 348 VM/SP CMS Command Reference ( \ NAMEFIND NAMEFIND Use the NAMEFIND command to display information from a names file, or to place that information in the program stack (for use by an exec or other program). A names file has a file type of NAMES and must be in the format described in the usage note below, "Format of a Names File." A "userid NAMES" file is a special names file, used by the NAMES, NOTE, SEND FILE, RECEIVE, and TELL commands, that makes it easier for you to communicate with other computer users. You can use the NAMES command to create a "userid NAMES" file. NAMEFIND searches a "userid NAMES" file, unless a different file name is specified. Format NAME Find :tag value [:tag [ value ]] ... [ (options... [ )] ] Options: STACK FIFO LIFO TYPE [n [n [n [n 1*11] 1*11 ] 1*11] 1*11] [FILe In] [SIze [n I*I~] ] [ FIFO ILIFO] [LINenum] [STARt recnum] [XEDIT] Operands : tag is a tag in a names file. You can specify multiple tags in a NAMEFIND command. The maximum length of a tag is 255. For more information on tag:::, see the usage note, "Format of a Names File." value is the value of a tag in a names file. The maximum length of a value is 255. Options ST ACK In) (FIFO) STACK (n) LIFO means that information from the number of entries specified (n) that meet the search criteria is placed in the program stack, rather than being displayed at the terminal. The number (n) specified is the number of entries containing matching information. Valid values for n are 1 to 99999999 or *. If n is omitted, the default is one (1). If an asterisk (*) is specified, information from all the entries meeting the search criteria is stacked. If more than 8 digits are specified for n, Chapter 2. CMS Commands 349 NAMEFIND the value is truncated on the right. The information is stacked either FIFO (first in first out) or LIFO (last in first out). The default order is FIFO. .FIFO n specifies that the information is placed in the console stack. Valid values for n are 1 to 99999999 or *. If more than 8 digits are specified for n, the value is truncated on the right. The options STACK, STACK FIFO, and FIFO are all equivalent. LIFO n ." . , specifies th~t 'the i~fo~ation is placed in the console stack rather than being displayed,at' -the terminal. The information is stacked LIFO (last in first out) . .!IN"*~id-¥a.&,!(@r·1t are 1 to 99999999 or *. If more than 8 digits are specified for n, ~he value is truncated on the right. This option is equivalent to STACK LIFO. TYPEn means that information from the number of entries specified (n) that meet the search criteria is displayed at the terminal. The number (n) specified is the number of entries containing matching information. Valid values for n are 1 to 99999999 or *. If n is omitted, the default is one (1). If an asterisk (*) is specified, information from all the entries meeting the search criteria is displayed. If more than 8 digits are specified for n, the value is truncated on the right. This option is the default. FILefn specifies a file whose file name is "fn" and whose file type is "NAMES." This option allows you to use NAMEFIND to search a names file whose file name is something other than your user ID. If this option is not specified, the file "useri,fNA:MES *" is searched. , (,I..' ~ ;'·.V·:~" .'~... ,~" ~.: : ~~ ~~ LINenum requests that the record number of the beginning of the entry be displayed or stacked. It is displayed or stacked before any of the other information. The record number returned has 9 digits and a value of 1 to 999999999. STARt recnum specifies that the search is to begin at the recnum record of the file. Valid values for recnum are 1 to 99999999 or *. If more than 8 digits are specified for n, the value is truncated on the right. SIze n specifies the maximum size of a buffer where a names file is kept. The size of the buffer is n, where n is in 1024-character units. Valid values for n are 0 to 99999999 or *. If zero (0) is specified, no buffer is used, and the names file is read into storage ~ach time N AMEFIND is invoked. If an asterisk (*) is specified, 'the' buffer is as large as the names file requires. If more than 8 digits are specifit!d for n, the value is truncated on the right. If no SIZE option is .;S.Pt.Bi.~At".sJ;,ZE ,8.{8192 characters) is the default. This represents the maximum size of the buffer. (If the names file is smaller than 8192 characters, a smaller buffer is used.) This option improves the performance of NAMEFIND when a names file is large. For more information on its use, see the usage note, "Using the SIZE Option," below. XEDIT specifies that the information should be read from the file in storage rather than from a minidisk or directory. This option is only valid when NAMEFIND is issued from the XEDIT environment. 350 VMjSP CMS Command Reference ( NAMEFIND Usage Notes 1. Format of a Names File A names file is a collection of entries, with each entry identified by a "nickname." A nickname tag plus a series of other tags with associated values make up an entry. A special names file is one whose file 10 is "userid NAMES," which can be created using the NAMES command. A "userid NAMES" file contains entries for other computer users and entries for lists of users. An entry contains the information necessary to communi<;ate 'Yith,that p~rson. Once you create a "userid NAMES" file, you can prepare riote~f9t:"~pdf,send files and messages to other people just by using their "nicknames" as operands in the NOTE, SENOFILE,and TELL commands. The tags in each entry supply the additional information required to perform these functions. You can add, remove, or change entries in the "userid NAMES" file either by using the NAMES command (which displays a menu), or by editing the "userid NAMES" file directly. (The NAMES command can be used only for a file whose file 10 is "userid NAMES.") A sample "userid NAMES" file is shown below, in the "Examples" section. Format of Entries in a Names File: The format of data lines in a names file is as follows: :tag.value [:tag.value ... ] The value need not be on the. n~xt record. sa~e record as its tag and .can continue onto the . The only tag that is required is a :NICK tag: :NICK.nickname This is the primary tag, one for each entry. It identifies the beginning of an entry and must be the first word on a line. Any tags that follow relate to the preceding :NICK tag. The maximum number of tags with values for a given :NICK entry is 64. Therefore, between :NICK entries, you can have from zero to 63 tags. In addition, * * An asterisk in column one begins a comment line. A period in column one and asterisk in column two begin a comment line. Blank lines are ignored. 2. How NAMEFINO Searches a Names File Chapter 2. CMS Commands ').' .. 351 NAMEFIND When you issue a NAMEFIND command, each tag specified with a value is a search tag. NAMEFIND searches until all search tags are found in an entry. Each tag specified without a value is a "return" tag, whose value is returned. If no return tags are specified, the entire entry is displayed or stacked. Given the "userid NAMES" file shown in the "Examples" section below, the command NAMEFIND :NICK SNOW :NAME :PHONE would display: Snow White ZZZ-ZZZZ (:NICK SNOW is the search tag. :NAME and :PHONE are the return tags.) If you specify two or more identical "return' tags, a value for each of the tags is returned. A null value is returned to a 'return' tag if an identical 'return' tag does not exist in the Names file. Given the "userid NAMES" file used in the above example, the command: NAMEFINO :NICK SNOW :NAME :NAME :NAME displays: Snow White Ready; (:NICKSNOW is the search tag and :NAME, :NAME, and :NAME are identical return tags). You can specify the tag ":LIST" to display all the names in a list. For example, the command NA~F(INO ;NICK DWARFS :LIST would display: SNOOZY DUMMY BOSS SMILEY GROUCHY SNIFFLES WISTFUL You could then issue NAMEFIND for each of the names in the list shown above, specifying the return tag :USERID to retrieve the user ID of each person. You need know the value of only one unique tag in an entry for that entry to be located. The tags specified without values determine the information that is displayed (or stacked). For example, the command ~AMEFIN~ :USFRID QUEEN !NICK would display: WITCH If duplicate entries exist in a names file, only the first is found, unless an option value (n) greater than one is specified. If duplicate :NICK entries are submitted from the NAMES menu (which is displayed with the NAMES command), a warning message is displayed. Case and multiple blanks are ignored during the search. Case and multiple blanks in tag values are preserved when the values are displayed or stacked. 3. Tags in a "userid NAMES" File The CMS commands that reference a "userid NAMES" file are NOTE, SEND FILE, TELL, and RECEIVE. These commands make use of the tags 352 VM/SP CMS Command Reference ( NAMEFIND ) described below. Fields that correspond to these tags appear on the NAMES menu. You can also add other tags to the file (for example, for use by other app lica ti ons). :NICK.nickname This is the primary tag, one for each person or list in the file. It identifies the beginning of an entry and must be the first word on a line. You should have a :NICK entry for yourself, because the tags that supply your address, phone number, etc., are used by the NOTE command to generate note headings. All of the following tags relate to the preceding :NICK tag. (N ot all tags are required for each entry; however, the CMS commands that reference the "userid NAMES" file make use of the following tags.) :USERID.userid specifies the user ID of the preceding :NICK entry. This tag is required for communicating with this user via NOTE, SENDFILE, and TELL. lfno :USERID tag is specified, the nickname is just an entry (for an address list, or perhaps a name of someone who does not use a computer). : NODE. node specifies the node of the preceding :NICK entry. If no node is specified, the default node is your node. :NOTEBOOK.filename is the name of a file whose file type is NOTEBOOK, in which notes (prepared by the NOTE command) sent to or received from this person are kept. See the NOTE command for more information on keeping notes. is the person's real name. number Chapter 2. CMS Commands 353 NAMEFIND is the person's phone number. :ADDR.address is the person's postal address. Semicolons (;) in the tag's value separate the lines of the address. They do not appear in the header of a note (prepared by the NOTE command). : LIST. [name •.• J is a list of names. If a name in the list is not a nickname in the "userid NAMES" file, it is assumed to be a user ID on the sender's computer. A name can also be specified as "userid AT node," just as it can in the NOTE, SEND FILE, and TELL commands. The nickname specified on the associated :NICK tag can be the nickname for the whole list, or it can be the nickname for one user. [' i , 4. Private Resource Processing Private resource registrations and user ID authorizations are contained in a special names file called "$SERVER$ NAMES." The information collected in the $SERVER$ NAMES file is used to validate private resource conversation requests. See the VMjSP Connectivity Planning, Administration, and Operation book for additional information on using the "$SERVER$ NAMES" file and private resource processing. ( 5. CMS Communications Directory Processing Symbolic destination name definitions, and access security information are contained in special names files called communications directories. The default system-level communications directory is called SCOMDIR NAMES; the user-level communications directory is called UCOMDIR NAMES. The information collected in the communications directories is used to resolve symbolic destination names when CMS communications directory processing is enabled. Communications directory processing is enabled by the SET COMDIR command. See the VMjSP Connectivity Planning, Administration, and Operation book for additional information on using CMS communications directories. 6. Using the SIZE Option When NAMEFIND is invoked, the names file is read into a buffer in virtual storage. It is kept in this buffer instead of being read from a mini disk or directory each time NAMEFIND is invoked. In following invocations of NAMEFIND, characteristics of the NAMES file such as lrecl, file mode, and creation date and time, are compared with those of the file in the buffer to determine if the file has been changed. If so, the changed file is read into the buffer. The NAMES file is always read into storage when the SIZE option is specified, regardless of whether the characteristics of the NAMES file have changed or not. The CMS commands - NOTE, RECEIVE, SENDFILE, and TELL - all invoke the NAMEFIND command to search a names file. Having a names file kept in a buffer improves performance of these commands, particularly if the file is large. 354 VM/SP CMS Command Reference ! 1\ NAMEFIND When the XEDIT option is specified, the SIZE option is ignored because the file is already in storage. The maximum buffer size is the value of the last SIZE option specified. If you do not specify the SIZE option, the default buffer size is SIZE 8 (8192 characters). If a names file is too large to fit in the buffer, you can increase the size of the buffer accordingly. Naturally, it can also be decreased to conserve virtual storage. However, if the names file is larger than the size (n) allocated for the buffer, NAMEFIND reads as much of the file as will fit into the buffer, and then reads the rest from the minidisk or directory. By specifying "NAMEFIND (SIZE *" (a good candidate for your PROFILE EXEC), the buffer uses as much storage as is needed to contain a names file, no more and no less. 7. The total length of all tags and values specified may not exceed 255. 8. NAMEFIND uses the extended plist for processing the :tag.value parameter. If you are calling NAMEFIND from an assembler language program and using : tag. value, you should supply an extended plist. The VM/SP Application Development Guide for eMS book has more information on how an assembler language program can supply an extended plist. Note: When you are working with a names file, and the NODE tag in the NAMES file indicates that the user is. on another processor, then you must also specify a LOCALID tag. Examples The following is a sample "userid NAMES" file: Chapter 2. CMS Commands 355 NAMEFIND :nick.SNOW :nick.SNOOZY :nick.DUMMY :nick.BOSS :nick.SNIFFLES :nick.GROUCHY :nick.SMILEY :nick.WISTFUL :nick.WITCH :nick.GORGEOUS :userid.SNOWHITE :node.FOREST :name.Snow White :addr.Forest Primeval :userid.SNOOZY :node.COTTAGE :name.I. M. Dozing :addr.Dwarf Cottage;Forest :userid.DUMMY :node.COTTAGE :name.S. A. What :addr.Dwarf Cottage;Forest :userid.BOSS :node.COTTAGE :name.T.O.P. Banana :addr.Dwarf Cottage;Forest :userid.SNIFFLES :node.COTTAGE :name.A. H. Choo :addr.Dwarf Cottage:Forest :userid.GROUCHY :node.COTTAGE :name.E. B. Scrooge :addr.Dwarf Cottage;Forest :userid.SMILEY :node.COTTAGE :name.H. A. Haas :addr.Dwarf Cottage;Forest :userid.WISTFUL :node.COTTAGE :name.R. U. Shy :addr.Dwarf Cottage;Forest :userid.QUEEN :node.CASTLE :name.Bad Queen :addr.Vanity Lane;Mirror City :userid.PRINCE :node.ATLARGE :name.Prince Charming : LOCALID. frog ( :phone.ZZZ-ZZZZ :phone.777-7777 :phone.777-7777 :phone.777-7777 :phone.777-7777 :phone.777-7777 :phone.777-7777 :phone.777-7777 :phone.UGLY-1111 :notebook.PRIVATE :phone.Area 111 111-1111 :nick.DWARFS :list. SNOOZY DUMMY BOSS SMILEY GROUCHY SNIFFLES WISTFUL Figure 12. Sample 'userid NAMES' File Messages and Return Codes DMSNAM002E DMSNAM003E DMSNAM029E DMSNAMI04S DMSNAM156E DMSNAM618E DMSNAM621E DMSNAM622E DMSNAM622W DMSNAM633E DMSNAM633W DMSNAM634E DMSNAM635I DMSNAM637E DMSNAM688E Files [fn lit lim]]] not found [RC = 28] Invalid option: option [RC = 24] Invalid parameter parameter in the option option field [RC = 24] Error nn reading file In It 1m from {disk or directorylXEDIT} [RC= 100] Record nnn not found--the file In It 1m has only nnn records [RC=32] NUCEXT failed [RC=nn] Bad plist: message [RC = 24] Insufficient free storage for NAMEFIND [RC = rc] Insufficient free storage for NAMEFIND buffer, processing continues Too many tags were encountered--maximum is 64 per line [RC=88] Returned values were truncated [RC = 88] No value to search for was specified [RC = 24] No entries were found that matched your search criteria Missing value for the option option [RC = 24] XEDIT option only valid from XEDIT environment [RC = 24] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 356 VM/SP CMS Command Reference NAMEFIND Reason Page Errors in the Shared File System Errors in using a file 813 814 Chapter 2. CMS Commands 357 NAMES NAMES ( Use the NAMES command to display a menu from which you can create, change, and remove entries in a userid NAMES file. The menu can be used only on a display terminal. Format NAMES [nickname] Operands nickname is the name assigned to an entry in a userid NAMES file. If you specify a nickname, the NAMES menu is displayed with all the information from that entry (if the entry exists) filled in on the menu. You can then examine or change the values in that entry. For example, you might want to update someone's address or phone number. If the entry does not exist, the menu is displayed with only the nickname field filled in (with the nickname you specified) truncated to 8 characters. You can then fill in the other fields to add a new entry to the NAMES file. If you invoke NAMES without specifying a nickname, the menu is displayed with all fields left blank. You can then fill in the blanks on the menu to create a new entry, or you can scroll through the names file. Usage Notes 1. What Is a use rid NAMES File? A use rid NAMES file (where use rid is your user ID) is a collection of information about other computer users with whom you communicate. An entry in this file is all the information associated with a particular nickname. Having a "userid NAMES" file makes it easier for you to communicate with other users, because you can assign nicknames to them. You can then prepare notes for and send files and messages to other users by using their nicknames as operands in the NOTE, SENDFILE, and TELL commands. You can ~lso create an entry for a list of names. In this case, the nickname refers to all the users in the list. This makes it possible to send notes, files, or messages to everyone on the list by issuing the appropriate command only once. 2. Entering Information on the NAMES Menu for the "userid NAMES" file The NAMES menu helps you to create and edit a userid NAMES file. All of the information you type on one menu is an entry in the file. You fill in the fields on the menu and press a PF key to create, display, and/or change your names file. The PF key functions are described in the usage note, "PF Key Settings on the NAMES Menu." The following list describes the various fields on the menu and explains the information you type in. Refer to the sample menus in the "Examples" section, below, to see the location of the fields on the menu. Nickname: is any name you choose to represent a single user or a list of users. An example of each is shown in the "Examples" section, below. Once an entry is created, the nickname is the only piece of 358 VM/SP CMS Command Reference NAMES information you need to communicate with this user (using the NOTE, SENDFILE, or TELL commands). You should create an entry for yourself, because the fields that contain your mailing address, phone number, etc., are used by the NOTE command to generate headings. It is recommended that the nickname not contain any character that is defined as one of the special logical characters , such as CHARDEL (character delete· symbol), LINEDEL (line delete symbol), LINEND (line end symbol), ESCAPE (escape character), or TABCHAR (tab character). For further information, consult the VM/SP CP General User Command Reference. Userid: is the user ID of the person whose nickname you specified. You can leave this field blank if the nickname represents a list, that is, if the List of Names field is filled in. However, if the nickname represents a list and you also specify a user ID, the note is also sent to this user ID. You can also leave this field blank if you want the entry to contain information about a person, but you do not intend to communicate with him via the computer. You might choose to do this if you're using the NAMES file simply to compile an address list. Node: is the node of the person whose nickname you specified. If not specified, the default node is the one on which this names file exists. You can leave this field blank if the nickname represents a list. Notebook: is the file name of a file whose file type is NOTEBOOK, in which notes (prepared by the NOTE command) sent to or received from this person are to be kept. You can leave this field blank if you want all incoming and outgoing notes saved in the default notebook file, ALL NOTEBOOK. Name: is the name of the person whose nickname you specified. You can leave this field blank if the nickname represents a list. Phone: is the phone number(s) of the person whose nickname you specified. You can leave this field blank if the nickname represents a list. Address: is the address of the person whose nickname you specified. You can leave this field blank if the nickname represents a list. List of names: is the names of the people in a list, when the nickname represents the name of this list. The names of the people in the list can be specified in the following ways: as a nickname of an entry in the names file; as a user ID of a user who shares your computer; or in the form userid AT node. Each time you send a note, a file, or a message to the nickname specified, it will go to everyone on this list. A sample entry for a list of names is shown in the "Examples" section, below. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 359 NAMES Tag: is an identifier of the nickname that you specified. The maximum length of a tag is 255. For more information on tags, see the NAMEFIND command. Value: is the value for the corresponding tag of the specified nickname. Values may have a maximum length of 255 characters. Note: Use caution when entering a colon (:) in a tag field or tag value field. Colons are delimiters and if you enter them incorrectly it may cause unpredictable results. 3. Local User ID: Some CMS commands, such as GRANT AUTHORITY, need a local user ID to identify users on other computer systems. These local user IDs are needed to access resources in a TSAF (Transparent Services Access Facility) collection. When you are creating a nickname for a user on another system, specify the user ID and node ID for use by programs (such as RSCS) that use the node ID. In addition, specify a local user ID by entering a tag in the optional section at the bottom half of the display. The tag is "LOCALID." If the user is on a system that is part of your TSAF collection, the value for the LOCALID tag is the same as the user's userid. If the user is on a system that is not part of your TSAF collection, you will have to ask them for the local user ID that was assigned to them in your TSAF collection. Enter this local user ID for the value of the LOCALID tag. This is an example of how to specify a local user ID for a user on a system in another TSAF collection: Figure 13. Sample Entry for a Local User ID. The value you enter for the LOCALID tag cannot be a nickname and it cannot contain a node ID. The value can be a list of local user IDs if you want to use a nickname to specify a group of users on another system. 360 VM/SP CMS Command Reference NAMES If you are setting up a nickname for a user on your system, no local user ID is necessary. 4. PF Key Settings on the NAMES Menu The PF key functions appear on the NAMES menu itself (see "Examples") and are summarized in the following list: PF PF PF PF PF PF PF PF PF PF PF PF 1 Help 2 Add 3 Quit 4 Clear 5 Find 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Change Previous Next Delete Cursor Display NAMES command description. Add this entry to the NAMES file. Exit from menu. Clear input fields. Locate in the file the first field that is filled in on the menu. Change this entry. Display the previous entry. Display the next entry. Not assigned. Delete this entry. Not assigned. If cursor is on the menu, move it to the command line; if cursor is on the command line, move it back to its previous location on the menu. Note: On a terminal equipped with 24 PF keys, PF keys 13 to 24 are assigned the same values as PF keys 1 to 12 as discussed here. On a display terminal without PF keys, you can enter QUIT on the command line to exit from the screen. Pressing the PAl key while in the NAMES menu displays the WM window, unless the CP TERMINAL BRKKEY has been assigned to PAL 5. Updating a userid NAMES File You can make changes to the file by using the menu and appropriate PF keys (see above), or by editing the file (XED IT userid NAMES). If you issue NAMES from a line mode terminal, you are placed in edit mode, editing the file userid NAMES. The format of a userid NAMES file is shown in the "Examples" section of the NAMEFIND command. 6. If you want to issue NAMES from an exec program, you should precede it with the EXEC command; that is, specify exec names Note: When you are working with a names file, and the NODE tag in the NAMES file indicates that the user is on another processor, then you must also specify a LOCALID tag. Examples The following is an entry in the file SNOWHITE NAMES. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 361 NAMES ( ~ Figure 14. Sample NAMES Screen The following menu shows an entry for a list of names. Each name in the list is the nickname of an entry in the names file. ( / \ Figure 15. Sample Entry for a List of names. 362 VM/SP CMS Command Reference NAMES Responses name has been added to your userid NAMES file. Entry has been deleted from your userid NAMES file. Entry changed in your userid NAMES file. Warning: There {islare} nn undisplayed tag(s). The following response is displayed on a line mode terminal: You are now editing your Userid NAMES File. Messages and Return Codes DMSWNM006E DMSWNM653E No read/write filemode accessed [RC = 36] Error executing GLOBALV, rc=nn [RC=nn] Messages when in the NAMES panel DMSWNM645W The user tag name name is too long to display in the panel DMSWNM656E Error searching your NAMES file; rc = nn from NAMEFIND command [RC = 100] DMSWNM657E Undefined PFkey /P Akey DMSWNM658W The value for the tag tag is too long to display on the panel DMSWNM660E The nickname field must be filled in DMSWNM660W Warning: this entry duplicates an existing nickname DMSWNM662E You are not on an entry; press PF 5, 7 or 8 to move to an entry DMSWNM663W There is/are nn undisplayed tag(s) DMSWNM664E Entry not found DMSWNM664E Next entry not found DMSWNM664E Previous entry not found Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 Chapter 2. CMS Commands 363 NETDATA NETDATA ( Use the NETDATA command from within an exec to query, receive, or send files, notes, or acknowledgements that are in the NETDATA format. Although it is not recommended and is certainly more complex, you may use NETDATA from the command line. The NETDATA command is invoked when you issue the NOTE, PEEK, RECEIVE, and SEND FILE commands, or when you issue the DISCARD subcommand from your reader. It is neither designed nor intended for use from the command line, although it is possible, but inconvenient to use it in such a way. The most frequent invocation of NETDATA is normally from inside an exec. Format NETDATA } QUERY [ ( optionA ... [)] ] RECEIVE In It 1m [ ( optionA optionB optionD ... [ )] ] { SEND In It 1m TO userid AT node [( optionA optionC optionD ..• [)]] OptionA: TYPe NOType [MSGSUbSJ MSGAll STACK [FIFO 1 LIFO LIFO FIFO O~tionB: O~tionC: O~tionD: 364 [ Fullprompt Minprompt NOPrompt 1 [ NEwdate ] [ReplaCe ] Olddate NOReplace [NOTE] [NOTEBook In] [PURGE] [~ NOAck [NOTE] [ Log ] [NOSpool ] NQLQg VMjSP CMS Command Reference [Xedit] NETDATA Operands QUERY requests information about the current reader spool file, if that file is in NETDAT A format. RECEIVE fn ft fm requests that the current reader spool file be processed, if that file is in NETDATA format. The fn ft fm specifies the file identifier to be given to the incoming file. An equal sign (=) can be used for any part of the file identifier to indicate that the file name, file type, or file mode is to be the same as that of the file in the spool file. SENDfnftfm requests that a note or a file be transmitted to a user ID at a network node in NETDATA format. The fn ft fm specifies the file identifier of the file to be sent. An asterisk (*) can be used for the file mode to indicate that all accessed disks or directories be searched for the file. TO userid specifies the user on your system or another system to whom the file is to be sent. Note: This operand must be a user ID, not a nickname in your userid NAMES file. AT node specifies the node to which the file is to be sent. Note: This operand cannot be omitted, even if the user to whom the file is to be sent is on the same system as you are. Options Duplicate and conflicting options are allowed and do not result in diagnostic messages. The rightmost option overrides any conflicting options previously entered. Options A: TYPe specifies that messages, whether informational or error, are to be typed at the user's terminal. The TYPE option overrides the FIFO, LIFO, NOTYPE, and STACK options. This is the default. NOType specifies that messages, whether informational or error, are not to be typed. The NOTYPE option overrides the FIFO, LIFO, STACK, and TYPE options. STACK [FIFO] STACK LIFO specifies that messages, whether informational or error, are to be placed in the stack in the order in which they would have been typed. The STACK and STACK FIFO option override the LIFO and TYPE options and force the NOTYPE option. Note: ST ACK, STACK FIFO, and FIFO are synonymous. ST ACK LIFO, and LIFO are synonymous. LIFO specifies that messages, whether informational or error, are placed in the stack in the inverse order in which they are typed. The LIFO option overrides the FIFO, STACK, and TYPE options and forces the NOTYPE option. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 365 NETDATA FIFO specifies that messages, whether informational or error, are placed in the stack in the order in which they are typed. The FIFO option overrides the LIFO and TYPE options and forces the NOTYPE option. MSGSubs returns only the available substitution information for the current spool file. Substitution data in a message is the variable information contained in the message. See the usage notes for additional information on substitution data. The lines are displayed or stacked in accordance with the NOTYPE, STACK, LIFO, or FIFO options. MSGAII returns the normal message and all available substitution information for the current spool file. The lines are displayed or stacked in accordance with the NOTYPE, STACK, LIFO, and FIFO options described above. Options B: Fullprompt specifies that a prompt is to be issued for the incoming file. The FULLPROMPT option overrides the MINPROMPT, NOPROMPT, NOSPOOL, and XEDIT options. Minprompt specifies that a prompt is to be issued for the incoming file whenever its name is different from that of the spool file. The MINPROMPT option overrides the FULLPROMPT, NOPROMPT, NOSPOOL, and XED IT options. This is the default. NOPrompt specifies that no prompt is to be issued for the incoming file. The NOPROMPT option overrides the FULLPROMPT and MINPROMPT options. NEwdate specifies that the date and time recorded for the incoming file is that when it was received. The NEWDATE option overrides the OLDDATE option. Olddate specifies that the date and time recorded for the incoming file is the date when it was created or last updated by the sender. The OLDDATE option overrides the NEWDATE option. This is the default. Replace specifies that an existing file is to be replaced by the incoming file. The REPLACE option overrides the NOREPLACE option. NOReDlace specifies that an existing file is not to be replaced by the incoming file. The NOREPLACE option overrides the REPLACE option. This is the default. NOTE specifies that the file is to be sent or received as a note. NOTEBookfn specifies the name of the NOTEBOOK file to which the note being received is to be appended, following a line of 73 equal signs ( =). This option is ignored if the file being received is not a note or if the NOTE option was not specified. 366 VMjSP CMS Command Reference I I ~ NETDATA PURGE specifies that the file being received is to be purged, not received. Options c: Ack specifies that an acknowledgement is to be returned to your reader when the recipient receives or discards the file. The ACK option overrides the NOACK option. NOAck specifies that no acknowledgement is to be returned to you when the recipient receives or discards the file. The NOACK option overrides the ACK option. This is the default. NOTE specifies that the file is to be sent or received as a note. Options D: Log specifies that the SEND or RECEIVE operation is to be logged in your userid NETLOG file. Log entries are described in a following section. The LOG option is forced when receiving an acknowledgement. The LOG option overrides the NOLOG option. NOLog specifies that the SEND or RECEIVE operation is not to be logged in your userid NETLOG file. The NOLOG option is forced when purging an acknowledgement and overrides the LOG option. This is the default. NOSpool specifies that the status of the punch is not altered during a SEND operation. NOSPOOL also specifies that the status of the reader is not altered during a RECEIVE operation. During processing, no CP TAG or CP SPOOL commands are issued. Acknowledgement files will be sent during RECEIVE operations and the punch will be saved, spooled, and tagged, and then restored to send the acknowledgement file .. The NOSPOOL operation overrides the FULLPROMPT and MINPROMPT options and forces the NOPROMPT option. Xedit specifies that the file being sent should be written from XEDIT storage instead of from a mini disk or directory or that the file being received should be read into XEDIT storage instead of to a minidisk or directory. The XEDIT option overrides the FULLPROMPT and MINPROMPT options and forces the NOPROMPT option. Usage Notes 1. Tailoring the NETDATA Command Options You can use the DEFAULTS command to set up options that override the command defaults for the NETDATA RECEIVE and NETDATA SEND commands. However, the options you specify in the command line when entering either of these commands override those specified in the DEFAULTS command. This allows you to customize the defaults for these commands, yet override them when desirable. Refer to the DEFAULTS command for more information. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 367 NET DATA 2. Acknowledgements Acknowledgements can be sent to users on different computer systems connected by the RSCS network so that they can be sure that a file they sent was received. The sender can specify on the NETDATA SEND command that an acknowledgement be returned when a file is received. Even if a recipient discards a file, an acknowledgement is returned to the sender. The acknowledgement indicates whether the file was received (written to a disk or directory) or discarded (purged). When you receive an acknowledgement that appears in your reader, all parameters and all options (except the spoo/id and the PURGE option) are ignored. The acknowledgement is used to make an entry in your userid NETLOG file. This entry confirms that the file you sent was received (or discarded). The format of entries in the userid NET LOG file is shown in the Examples section below. 3. The NETDATA RECEIVE command resets the continuous spooling option and spools your reader NOCONT unless the NOSPOOL option is specified. 4. Substitution data in a message is the variable information contained in the message. F or example, fn /t fm. 5. The substitution data line generated by MSGSUBS and MSGALL options contains the message identifier of the actual message, followed by any substitution data. Substitution data is returned only on zero return codes, with one exception; return code 32 (DMSDDL636W Received null file; no file created). The NETDATA command can receive a null or empty file. However, CMS does not support empty files; therefore, the file is not allowed to exist. Return code 32 is a warning of a CMS null file condition. NETDATA received this file and you received the requested substitution data as though the return code was zero. 6. If NETDATA is issued with the MSGSUBS or MSGALL option and the TYPE, NOTYPE, STACK, FIFO, or LIFO options are not specified, then the result is returned to the terminal. 7. If MSGSUBS is specified, only the message identifier and the available substitution data is returned. The message itself is not stacked or returned to the terminal. 8. If MSGALL is specified, both the actual message and the message identifier with the available substitution data are returned. The actual message is the first line returned, and the substitution data is the second line returned. 9. Responding to Prompting Messages If you specify the FULLPROMPT or MINPROMPT option on a NETDATA RECEIVE command, the valid responses include: • One of the digits specified in the prompt • One of the parenthetical words that follows a digit or any initial truncation of the word. The meanings of these responses are: 368 VM/SP CMS Command Reference ( NETDATA \ ) Response Description o or No If this file is one of a set of files that constitutes a single spool file, the file is not received and prompting continues for the next file, if there is one. If this is the last file of a set of files or if this is the only file in the spool file, the command is ended. 1 or Yes Receives the file under the namefnl ftl fml (or fn3 ft3 fm3). See the Responses for a definition of fnl ftl fml and fn3 ft3 fm3. 2 or Quit Ends the command. 3 or Rename Requests prompt message DMSDDLI080R so the incoming file can be received using a different name. 10. If you receive prompt message DMSDDLI081R, the valid responses include • One of the digits specified in the prompt • One of the parenthetical words that follows a digit or any initial truncation of the word. The meanings of these responses are: Response Description o or No Does not receive the file under the name fn fn fm and repeats the original prompt message DMSDDLI079R. This allows you to specify a different name for the incoming file. lor Yes Receives the file under the name fn ft fm. 2 or Quit Ends the command. 11. Which prompt is most useful for you? • If you do not issue either a QUERY RDR command or a RDRLIST command, specify FULLPROMPT. • If you do issue a QUERY RDR command before issuing the NETDATA RECEIVE command, specify MINPROMPT. • If you issue the NETDATA RECEIVE command from a controlled environment (such as RDRLIST) where the identities of all incoming files are known, specify NOPROMPT. 12. Special NETDATA Files from MVS with TSO Extensions (PP) The MVS with TSO Extensions Program Product can send an empty file, in which case NETDATA RECEIVE will give you an error message indicating that no file was created. It can also send, as a unique case of multiple files in one transmission, one note and a data file together. The note will be the first file in the transmission and the data file will be second. NETDATA RECEIVE will add the note to the appropriate notebook, receive the data file, and give informative messages for each action. This is the only form of multiple NETDATA files supported by the NETDATA RECEIVE command. Note: NETDATA RECEIVE will not handle partitioned data sets or data sets that have been encrypted by Access Method Services (AMS). These files will not be received and remain in the reader. Multiple NETDATA transmissions that do not have a note as the first file result in the first file being received and the other file(s) ignored. The entire spool file is left in the user's reader. 13. Receiving NETDATA Files Using the OLDDATE Option Chapter 2. CMS Commands 369 NETDATA If a file is sent in NETDATA format from one location to another in a different time zone and it is received using the OLDDATE option of the NETDATA RECEIVE command, the date and time of the file reflect when it was last modified relative to GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). ( , For example, suppose a file was last modified on I January 1986 at 14:00 in a time zone that is eight hours west of GMT and it is sent to a time zone five hours west of GMT. When the file is received, the time and date are changed to 1 January 1986 at 17:00. 14. Priority When the NETD AT A SEND command is used to send a note or a file across the network (to a node different from yours), the file is assigned a priority. The order and speed of transmission are based on both this priority and the size of the file. See the Application Development Reference for CMS for a complete description of assigned priorities. 15. NETDATA SEND always sends files as CLASS A NOCONT NOHOLD, . regardless of the class to which you spool your PUNCH. The CP message that is generated, containing the spoolid, etc., is suppressed. 16. The format of the data transmitted and received by the NETDATA command is described in the VMjSP CMS Diagnosis Reference. Example 1. Entries in a Sender's NETLOG File: File Note Ackn Ackn Note Ackn SMALL OHARA 06/17/88 06/17/88 OHARA 06/26/88 DATAAl sent NOTE A0 sent 18:05:41 recv 18:15:41 recv NOTE A0 sent 11:14:05 disc to MAUREEN at to MAUREEN at by MAUREEN at by MAUREEN at to MAUREEN at by MAUREEN at BROOKLYN BROOKLYN BROOKLYN BROOKLYN BROOKLYN BROOKLYN on on on on on on 06/17/88 06/17/88 06/17/88 06/17/88 06/26/88 06/26/88 18:04:14 18:15:26 18:04:14 18:15:26 11:05:47 11:05:47 where: recv means received. The file 10 may be received as a different file 10 than when it was sent. disc means discarded. 2. Entries in a Recipient's NETLOG File: File sent Note Note NEW as SMALL OHARA OHARA DATA Al recv from OHARA DATA Al NOTE A0 recv from OHARA NOTE A0 disc from OHARA at CAMBRIDG on 06/17/88 18:05:26 at CAMBRIDG on 06/17/88 18:15:36 at CAMBRIDG on 06/26/88 11:12:00 Responses 1. If you specify the FULLPROMPT or MINPROMPT option, one of these prompts is displayed: 370 VM/SP CMS Command Reference ( \ NETDATA DMSDDL1079R Receive fnl ftl fml? Reply 0 (NO), 1 (YES), 2 (QUIT), or 3 (RENAME) Receive fnl ftl fml and replace the existing file of the same name? Reply 0 (NO), 1 (YES), 2 (QUIT), or 3 (RENAME) Receive fnl ftl fml and replace fn2 ft2 fm2? Reply 0 (NO), 1 (YES), 2 (QUIT), or 3 (RENAME) Recei ve fnl ftl fml as fn3 ft3 fm3? Reply 0 (NO), 1 (YES), 2 (QUIT), or 3 (RENAME) Receive fnl ftl fml as fn3 ft3 fm3 and replace the existing file of the same name? Reply 0 (NO), 1 (YES), 2 (QUIT), or 3 (RENAME) Receive fnl ftl fml as fn3 ft3 fm3 and replace fn2 ft2 fm2? Reply 0 (NO), 1 (YES), 2 (QUIT), or 3 (RENAME) • The file ID fni ftl fmi is the name from the NETDATA records in the spool file. • The phrase "and replace the existing file of the same name" appears when the operation replaces an existing file and the file mode of that file is the same asfmi. • The phrase "and replace fn2 It2 fm2" appears when the operation replaces an existing file and the file mode of that file is not Imi. • The file ID fn3 ft3 1m3 is the name you have specified in response to prompting message DMSDDLI080R. 2. If you respond with a 3 (or RENAME) to prompting message DMSDDLI079R, you will receive the prompting message DMSDDL10S0R Enter the new name for fn ft fm and you must enter a file ID of the form In [(t [(m]]. 3. If you respond to prompting message DMSDDLI080R with a file ID that names an existing file, you will receive the prompting message DMSDDL10S1R Replace fn ft fm? Reply 0 (NO), 1 (YES), or 2 (QUIT) 4. Successfully receiving a spool file will cause one of the following responses to be issued: • If the incoming file ifnI ftl fml) does not already exist: File fn2 ft2 fm2 created from fnl ftl fml received from userid at node • If the incoming file ifnI ftl fml) replaces an existing file ifn2 It2 fm2): File fn2 ft2 fm2 replaced by fnl ftl fml received from userid at node • If the incoming file ifnI It 1 fml) replaces an existing file ifn2 ft2Im2), but is given a mode ifm3) that differs from the mode of the existing file ifm2): File fn3 ft3 fm3 replaced fn2 ft2 fm2 with fnl ftl fml received from userid at node Chapter 2. CMS Commands 371 NETDATA 5. Other responses include: • File spfn spIt has been discarded • Note spIn spIt has been discarded • Note spIn spIt added to In NOTEBOOK fm • Ackn date time added to userid NETLOG • Ackn date time has been discarded 6. If you specify the MSGSUBS or MSGALL option, the NETDATA command uses the following response format when returning the substitution data. This response has a fixed format and fixed length. The length, including blank delimiters, is 183 characters. Notes: a. Each individual field in the substitution line is initialized to an '*' followed by enough blanks to fill the field, except the LRECL field which is numeric and initialized to zero. b. Initialization to the full length of the variables is done to satisfy assembler programmers who call NETDATA and require the full length of each field to avoid parsing. The format is (each field is delimited by one blank): msgid fileid noteid userid nodeid logdatel logtimel logdate2 logtime2 lrecl overlay sentname where: msgid consists of a four-digit message number concatenated with a two-digit format number. It is the actual message number of the message issued at the completion of the NETDATA command and has a length of six. lileid consists of three fields, each delimited by one blank: file name (fn), length of eight; file type (ft), length of eight; and file mode (fm), length of two. • NETDATA RECEIVE or NETDATA QUERY of a file specifies thein, It, andlm that the file will be received as. • NETDATA RECEIVE or NETDATA QUERY of a note specifies the In, ii, and 1m that will contain the note. • NETDATA RECEIVE or NETDATA QUERY of an acknowledgement specifies the In, It, and 1m of the netlog that will contain the acknowledgement. • NETDATA SEND of a file or note specifies the In, It, and 1m of the file or note that is being sent. noteid consists of three fields, each delimited by one blank: file name (fn), length of eight; file type (ft), length of eight; and file mode (fm), length of two. • NETDATA RECEIVE or NETDATA QUERY of a note specifies the In, It, and 1m of the note that was sent to you. 372 VM/SP CMS Command Reference NETDATA ) • NETDATA RECEIVE or NETDATA QUERY ofa file or an acknowledgement will not set the noteid; therefore, it specifies the initialized value of '*' in each of the three fields. • NETDATA SEND of a file or a note will not set the noteid; therefore, it specifies the initialized value of '*' in each of the three fields. use rid specifies a user ID, length of eight, for the following: • NETDAT A RECEIVE or NETDATA QUERY of a file, a note, or an acknowledgement specifies the user ID of the user who sent the file, note, or acknowledgement. • NETDATA SEND of a file or a note specifies the user ID you are sending the file to. nodeid specifies a node ID, length of eight, for the following: • NETDATA RECEIVE or NETDATA QUERY of a file, a note or an acknowledgement specifies the node ID of the user who sent the file, note, or acknowledgement. • NETDATA SEND of a FILE or a NOTE specifies the node ID you are sending the file to .. logdatel specifies the date, length of eight, when the following was issued: • NETDATA RECEIVE, NETDATA QUERY, or NETDATA SEND for a file or note. • NETDATA RECEIVE, NETDATA QUERY, or NETDATA SEND for an acknowledgement is the date the original file or note was sent. logtimel specifies the time, length of eight, when the following was issued: • NETDATA RECEIVE, NETDATA QUERY, or NETDATA SEND for a file or note. • NETDATA RECEIVE, NETDATA QUERY, or NETDATA SEND for an acknowledgement is the time the original file or note was sent. logdate2 specifies the date, length of eight, when you issued the following: • NETDATA RECEIVE or NETDATA QUERY for an acknowledgement. • NETDATA RECEIVE, NETDATA QUERY, or NETDATA SEND for a file or a note will not set the date; therefore, it specifies the initialized value of '*'. logtime2 specifies the time, length of eight, when you issued the following: • NETDATA RECEIVE or NETDATA QUERY for an acknowledgement • NETDATA RECEIVE, NETDATA QUERY, or NETDATA SEND for a file or a note will not set the time; therefore, it specifies the initialized value of '*'. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 373 NETDATA Ireel specifies the logical record length, length of 14, for the following: • NETDATA RECEIVE or NETDATA QUERY of a file or a note. ( • NETDAT A SEND of a FILE or a NOTE will not set the logical record length; therefore, it specifies the initialized value of zero. • NETDATA RECEIVE or NETDATA QUERY of an acknowledgement will not set the logical record length; therefore, it specifies the initialized value of zero. overlay consists of three fields, each delimited by one blank: file name (fn), length of eight; file type (ft), length of eight; and file mode (fm), length of two. • NETDATA RECEIVE specifies the In, It, and 1m of the file you are replacing. If the REPLACE option is not specified, this field is initialized to a value of '*' in each of the three fields. Note: It is used when the file you are replacing has the same In and It, but has a different 1m. For example: If TEST FILE Al exists and you issue the following command: NETDATA RECEIVE TEST FILE A2 (MSGALL REPLACE overlay will be TEST FILE AI. • NETDATA QUERY or NETDATA SEND is not set for this field; therefore, it specifies the initialized value of '*' in each of the three fields. sentname specifies the name of a file for the following: • NETDATA RECEIVE or NETDATA SEND specifies the name of the file as specified by the sender. The value in this field is dependent on the origin of the file. If the file originated on a CMS system it is in the form In It 1m. If it originated on the MVS system, it is in the standard MVS file format (xxxxxx.xxxx.xxxxx_ up to 44 characters in length). • NETDATA SEND is not set for this field; therefore, it specifies the initialized value of '*'. Messages and Return Codes DMSDDL006E DMSDDL024E DMSDDL037E DMSDDL069E DMSDDL078E DMSDDLI09S DMSDDL257T DMSDDL636E DMSDDL636W DMSDDL638E DMSDDL639E DMSDDL688E DMSDDLI123E 374 VM/SP CMS Command Reference No read/write filemode accessed for In It File In It 1m already exists; specify REPLACE option [RC = 28] Filemode mode accessed as read/only Filemode mode not accessed Invalid card in reader deck [RC = 32] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Internal system error at address hex (offset hex) Unsupported type of NETDATA file [RC = 88] Received null file; no file created [RC = 32] entry type is too wide to append to In It [RC = 32] Error in name routine; return code was nnnnnnnn [RC = 100] XEDIT option only valid from XEDIT environment [RC = 24] Unknown response text ignored / \ NETDATA DMSDDL1124W Spool file spoo/id has been left in your reader because one or more files were not received [RC = 1] DMSDDL1138E Filesharing conflict involving file In It 1m Error nnn opening file In ft 1m [RC = 311551991100] DMSDDL1262S Error nnn closing filelnftlm [RC=311100] DMSDDLl285S Default option option is invalid [RC = 24] DMSXCM514E Return code nn from NETDATA [RC=24] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax Errors in the Shared File System 811 813 Chapter 2. CMS Commands 375 NOTE NOTE Use the NOTE command to prepare a "note" for one or more computer users on your computer or on other computers connected to yours via the Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS) network. A "note" is a short communication, the kind usually done by letter. Some of the features of the NOTE command are: • The System Product Editor (XEDIT) controls the environment in which a note is prepared. Therefore, the full power of the editor is available to help you prepare notes. • NOTE is one of several commands that references a "userid NAMES" file. By setting up a names file, you can identify recipients just by using nicknames, which are automatically converted into node and user ID. For information on creating a names file, see the NAMES command. • Notes can be sent not only to individual users but also to everyone on a list. • Headings identifying the sender and the recipients are automatically generated on each note. The information in the headings is collected from the "userid NAMES" file. Notes can be prepared with either short or long headings. An example of each is shown in the "Examples" section, below. • PF keys are assigned to frequently used functions like sending the note, tabbing, calling for HELP, etc. Format NOTE [name ... [CC: name... ]] [(options ... [)]] Options: [ACk NOAck 1 [ADd] [LOG ] [LONg] Short NOLog [CanceIJ [NOTebOOk fn ] NOTebook * NO Notebook [Replace] [PROFile In] Operands name is one or more "names" of the computer users to whom the note is to be sent. If the same recipient is specified more than once, he receives only one copy of the note. The "name" may take any of the following forms, and the different forms can be freely intermixed: • a "nickname" that can be found in the file "userid NAMES," where "userid" is your user ID. This nickname may represent a single person (on your computer or on another computer), or a list of several people. 376 VM/SP CMS Command Reference NOTE • a user ID of a user on your computer. If a name cannot be found in the "userid NAMES" file, it is assumed to be a user ID of a user on your computer. • "userid AT node," which identifies a user ("userid") on your computer or another computer ("node"). A user ID cannot be "AT" or "CC:." CC: indicates the following name(s) are "complimentary copy" recipients of the note. A name can take any of the forms described above. Complimentary copy recipients are designated as such in the note header. Issued without parameters, NOTE is used to continue a note that was started previously. For more information on saving and continuing notes, see the usage note, "Continuing Notes." Options ACk requests an acknowledgment be sent to you when the addressee receives your note. For more information on acknowledgments, see the RECEIVE command description. NOAck requests that no acknowledgment be sent. This is the default. ADd causes the addressees to be added to the current invocation of NOTE. No other options may be specified when the ADD option is used. This option is intended to be used from within the NOTE command environment. For more information on this option, see the usage note, "Adding and Deleting Names of Recipients. " Cancel causes the note you are currently editing to be erased. You are returned to the file you were previously editing or to CMS, and no note is sent. You enter NOTE with the CANCEL option from the XEDIT command line. All other options are ignored if CANCEL is specified. NOTebookfn causes the text of the outgoing note to be saved in a file named "fn NOTEBOOK." You can use this option if you want a copy of the note(s) sent to a parpcular recipient to be kept in a separate file. If you do not specify a notebook file name here, a file name is first searched for in the (first) recipient's entry in your "userid NAMES" file, and then in a file set up by the DEFAULTS command. If neither contains a notebook file name, the note is saved in the default notebook file, "ALL NOTEBOOK." A note is saved by appending it to the NOTEBOOK file, with a separator line between each note. The separator line consists of 73 equal signs (=) with columns 74-132 reserved for IBM use. (See the NAMEFIND or NAMES command for more information on the relationship between the NAMES file and the NOTEBOOK file.) Chapter 2. CMS Commands 377 NOTE NOTebook * specifies that the text of the outgoing note is saved in a file named "name NOTEBOOK," where "name" is the value of the Notebook tag in the recipient's entry in your "userid NAMES" file, or the recipient's nickname, or the recipient's user ID (whichever is located first). When there is more than one recipient, the full text of the note is saved in the NOTEBOOK file of the first addressee (selected as described above). In the notebook files of the other addressees and complimentary copy recipients (if any), only the note header and a line referencing the file in which the full text exists is saved. The search order for the notebook file name for these recipients is the same as described above. NONotebook specifies that a copy of the outgoing note is not to be saved. LOG specifies that the addressees, date, and time of this note are logged in a file called "userid NETLOG," where "userid" is your user ID. This log is updated when acknowledgments are received (if they were requested). This is the default. NOLog specifies that this note is not to be logged. LONg causes the long form of the note header to be used. An example of the long form is shown in the "Examples" section, below. Short causes the short form of the note header to be used. An example of the short form is shown in the "Examples" section, below. This is the default. Replace causes the work file from a previously interrupted note to be erased before NOTE is entered. If there is no work file, this option has no effect. PROFilefn specifies the name of an XED IT macro to be executed when XEDIT is invoked by the NOTE command. By default the macro PROFNOTE XEDIT is invoked. For more information on the PROFNOTE macro, see the usage note, "Default PF Key Settings." Usage Notes 1. Tailoring the NOTE Command Options You can use the DEFAULTS command to set up options and/or override command defaults for NOTE. However, the options you specify in the command line when entering the NOTE command override those specified in the DEFAULTS command. This allows you to customize the defaults of the NOTE command, yet override them when you desire. Refer to the DEFAULTS command description for more information. The current options for an invocation of the NOTE command are displayed as the second line of the file while the note is being prepared. You can alter some of these options (such as LOG or ACK, but not LONG or SHORT) by typing over this line. The options line is not sent with the note. 2. Composing the Note When you enter the NOTE command, the note screen appears (with the headings). An example of a note screen is shown in the "Examples" section, 378 VM/SP CMS Command Reference ( ~ NOTE below. You type in the text of your note in the XEDIT environment. The full power of XEDIT is available while you compose your note. Initially, you are placed in edit mode (although no prefix area or scale is displayed). Text may be entered on the first available line, but it may only begin in the columns prior to the first character of the recipients' names. For example, if the recipients' names begin in column 7, the text must begin before column 7. Otherwise, you can leave the first line blank and begin your text anywhere on the next available lines. You can also enter input or power typing mode by entering the appropriate XEDIT subcommand. The PROFNOTE macro is executed when you issue the NOTE command. It assigns values to PF keys and creates two synonyms that make the NOTE command easier to use. The synonyms are SEND and CANCEL, for "SEND FILE (NOTE" and "NOTE (CANCEL," respectively. SEND is also assigned to a PF key. (You can specify the name of a different macro in the PROFILE option if you do not want the PROFNOTE macro to be executed.) 3. Sending the Note To send the note, you can do one of the following: • Press the PF5 key. • Enter SEND FILE (NOTE or SEND FILE (NOTE OLD. The OLD option should be used when the recipient does not have the RECEIVE command available to read the note. For more information on the OLD option, see the SEND FILE command. • Enter SEND (a synonym for "SENDFILE (NOTE"). The note is sent to the addressees and is logged or saved as specified. Control is returned either to CMS or to the file that was being edited when NOTE was issued. 4. Continuing Notes If you want to save a note and finish it later, issue the XEDIT subcommand FILE from the command line. No note is sent, but the note is kept on a disk or directory as "userid NOTE AO." To continue the note later, issue the NOTE command with no parameters. 5. Adding and Deleting Names of Recipients You can add recipients to a note while composing it, that is, after you have already entered a NOTE command. To do this, issue a NOTE command with the ADD option (from the XEDIT command line), specifying the names of the additional recipient(s). For example, ===> NOTE namel name2 (ADD Any nicknames are resolved, and the additional recipients are automatically added to the note header. You can also alter the address list and complimentary copy list by typing over the header lines. However, with this method, no nicknames are resolved, and no user IDs are checked for validity. Therefore, issuing the NOTE command with the ADD option is the preferred way to add recipients. You can delete the names of recipients directly from the note screen. Just blank out the names you wish deleted from the header lines. 6. Naming Conventions for Userid and Node Chapter 2. CMS Commands 379 NOTE You cannot send a note to a user ID (or nickname) or node named AT or CC:, nor can your user ID be AT or CC:. Also, your user ID must contain only those characters that are valid for CMS file names. 7. Conflicting Options If conflicting options are entered (such as ACK and NOACK) the last one entered (the rightmost) overrides the others. 8. Default PF Key Settings The PROFNOTE XEDIT macro is executed when the NOTE command is invoked. It sets the PF keys to the following functions: PF 1 PF 2 PF 3 Help Add line Quit PF4 PF 5 PF 6 PF7 PF 8 PF9 PF 10 Tab Send PF 11 PF 12 ? Backward Forward Rgtleft Spitjoin Power input Display NOTE command description. Add a blank line after the line containing the cursor. Quit this note. The following message may be displayed: FILE HAS BEEN CHANGED. USE QQUIT TO QUIT ANYWAY. Tab the cursor. Issue SENDFILE with the NOTE option. Display the last command issued. Scroll back one screen. Scroll forward one screen. Repea t the last command issued. Shift the view to the right; press again to shift back to original display. Split a line or join two lines, at the cursor. Enter power typing mode (XEDIT subcommand POWERINP). Note: On a terminal equipped with 24 PF keys, PF keys 13 to 24 are assigned the same values as PF keys 1 to 12 as discussed here. If you enter the "PROFILE fn" option, the macro specified (fn XED IT) is invoked instead of PROFNOTE XEDIT. In "fn XEDIT," you can easily change the PF key settings. Some XEDIT subcommands are stacked by the NOTE command (for example, SET TRUNC, SET LRECL, and SET VERIFY). In order to override these settings in a profile, these SET subcommands must be stacked FIFO. 9. The format of the file created by NOTE and sent by the SENDFILE command is described in the SEND FILE command description, in the section "Format of the File Sent by SENDFILE." 10. You cannot start a new note while in NOTE. 11. Format of the Note Header Records Header records are generated automatically in the note file. The information in the headers is collected from the defaults and options you supplied in the NOTE command. You can change the information displayed on these lines simply by typing over them. Changing the recipients (the users listed in the "To:" line) is discussed in the usage note, "Adding and Deleting Names of Recipients." You can also type over the NOTE command options (the "OPTIONS:" line). Because the information listed in these lines is positional, you must type over the options in the correct order. 380 VM/SP CMS Command Reference ( ~ NOTE The format of the options header record is as follows: OPTIONS: optl opt2 opt3 opt4 opt5 where: optl is either ACK or NOACK. opt2 is LOG or NOLOG. opt3 is LONG or SHORT. (This option cannot be altered.) opt4 is NOTEBOOK or NONOTEBOOK. optS is the NOTEBOOK filename: ALL, *, or the filename specified in the NOTE command. The other header records are: Date: is the date and time the note is prepared. From: is information about the sender. The format of this line depends on whether LONG or SHORT is specified. To: is information about the recipient(s). The format of this line depends on whether LONG or SHORT is specified. cc: is information about the complimentary copy recipient(s). The format of this line depends on whether LONG or SHORT is specified. 12. The full power of XEDIT is available to you when using the NOTE command. For example, you may want to use XEDIT subcommands to scroll through the note or file, to locate a particular word, etc. However, some XEDIT subcommands are inappropriate in this environment. Subcommands that alter the format or heading information of "userid NOTE" (such as SET TRUNC, SET FTYPE, SET LINEND, or SET LRECL) may cause unpredictable results. If AUTOSAVE is on and you make enough changes in the note to create an autosave file, CMS does not erase the AUTOSAVE file when you send the note. Use the ERASE command to erase the AUTOSAVE file. 13. If you want to issue NOTE from an exec program, you should precede it with the EXEC command; that is, specify: exec note Examples When a NOTE command is issued, the type of heading generated depends on whether the SHORT option (the default) or LONG is specified. The short form lists only the user IDs and nodes (if different from the sender's) of the addressees. The long form also lists the name and phone number of each addressee. An example of each type of heading is shown below. The information in the headings was collected from the names file shown in the "Examples" section of the NAMEFIND command. The command "NOTE DWARFS CC: GORGEOUS" where DWARFS and GORGEOUS are nicknames in the names file referenced above, produced the following screen: Chapter 2. CMS Commands 381 NOTE Figure 16. Sample Note with Short Headings If the command "NOTE DWARFS CC: GORGEOUS (LONG" is issued, the headings look like this: Figure 17. Example of Long Headings Responses Note cancelled. 382 VM/SP CMS Command Reference NOTE Messages and Return Codes DMSWNT006E DMSWNT399E DMSWNT637E DMSWNT647E DMSWNT64SE DMSWNT651E DMSWNT651E DMSWNT665E DMSWNT666E DMSWNT66SE DMSWNT669E DMSWNT670E DMSWNT676E DMSWNT677E No read/write filemode accessed [RC = 36] Too many tags or tag too long for nickname in userid NAMES file [RC=SS] Missing {valuelnodeid} for the {option option Ioperand operand} [RC=24] Userid not specified for nickname in userid NAMES file [RC = 32] Userid name not found; check the userid NAMES file [RC = 32] ADD must be issued from NOTE [RC = 40] CANCEL must be issued from NOTE [RC = 40] File userid NOTE * not found; to begin a new note, enter NOTE name [RC=2S] NOTE already exists; enter NOTE to continue or specify REPLACE option [RC = 2S] ADD option must be specified alone [RC = 40] List of addressees cannot begin with CC: [RC = 24] No names to be added were specified [RC = 24] Invalid character * for Network ID [RC = 20] Invalid option: option in option line [RC = 32] Messages when in the NOTE environment (in XEDIT) DMSWSF579E Records truncated to Ired when added to fn NOTEBOOK fm [RC=3] DMSWNT667E Note header does not contain the {keyword From: Ikeyword To:IOPTIONS linelDATE line} [RC=32] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax Sll Chapter 2. CMS Commands 383 NUCXDROP ( NUCXDROP \ Use the NUCXDROP command to cancel nucleus extensions. If the nucleus extensions are not in a segment the storage occupied by the corresponding program is released. The NUCXDROP command uses the NUCEXT function which is described in detail in the VMjSP Application Development Reference for eMS. Format I NUCXDROP I {:amel [ name2... J} Operands name Is the nucleus extension to be cancelled. * Means all currently loaded nucleus extensions. Usage Notes 1. If a nucleus extension has the 'SERVICE' attribute, it is called by NUCXDROP with the following parameter list: os DC DC DC 0F CL8'NUCLEUS EXTENSION NAME' CL8'RESET' 8X'FF' The high order byte in register I is set to X' FF ' . 2. It is the responsibility of the unloaded program to cancel any secondary nucleus extension entry points by reacting to the RESET service call issued by NUCXDROP before the main entry point is cancelled and the program unloaded .. The RESET call allows programs with several entry points to cancel these at the same time, or to free static storage areas obtained from free storage. Messages and Return Codes DMSNXD050E DMSNXD070E DMSNXD616W DMSNXD617E Parameter missing after NUCXDROP [RC=24] Invalid argument argument [RC=24] name does not exist [RC=28] Error code nn from DMSFRET while unloading module module [RC=3] DMSNXD624W No nucleus extensions are loaded [RC=28] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 384 Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 VM/SP CMS Command Reference NUCXLOAD ~ NUCXLOAD / Use NUCXLOAD to install nucleus extensions. The command loads the following types of modules into free storage and installs them as nucleus extensions: • an ADCON-free module • a relocatable member of an OS or CMS load library • a CMS module file that has relocation information saved. In other words, a module that was generated via the LOAD command with the RLDSAVE option, and then followed by the GENMOD command. These modules must be serially reusable modules. The nucleus extension is invoked by issuing the name of the nucleus extension. The NUCXLOAD command uses the NUCEXT function. Format NUCXLOAD name { name [fn] member ddname} ([SYstem] [ [ENdcmd] [SErvice] [IMmcmd] [Push] Operands namefn name is the name associated with this nucleus extension. The fn is the optional file name of a module file to be loaded and associated with name. The module being loaded must be an ADCON-free CMS module, a relocatable member of an OS load library, or a CMS module file that has relocation information saved. The term ADCON-free implies that the program needs no relocation, i.e., it runs correctly when loaded at an address different from that at which it was generated (via GENMOD). It allows the object module to be read directly into storage obtained from the free storage manager, after determining the size needed from the module header (or the file format, for the one-record fixed format CMS system transient routines). The term serially reusable implies that the same copy of a routine may be used by another task after the current use has been concluded. If the second argument (i.e., fn) is not specified, the command name is also used as the file name of the module. The relocation information in a module file is saved by using the RLDSAVE option on the LOAD or INCLUDE commands. name is the name to be associated with this nucleus extension. member must be a member of a CMS or OS load library. To create a CMS load library, see the CMS command LKED. ddname is the ddname from the FILEDEF command that must be issued prior to calling the NUCXLOAD that identifies the load library. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 385 NUCXLOAD SYstem indicates that system free storage should be used, and the program is to receive control disabled, key O. The SYSTEM option is assumed by default for transient routines generated with the SYSTEM option of the GENMOD command. SErvice indicates that service calls are accepted (for instance a PURGE from an abend). ENdcmd indicates that the nucleus extension receives control at normal end-of-command processing. IMmcmd indicates that this nucleus extension can be invoked as an Immediate command. Push causes no check to be made to see if there is already a nucleus extension of the same name. Otherwise, an existing nucleus extension is not overridden. Usage Notes 1. Nucleus extensions remain in effect until cancelled, either explicitly or implicitly. Implicit cancellation normally occurs only for nucleus extensions of the 'user' type (during an abnormal end cleanup time when all storage of 'user' type is reclaimed). Explicit cancellation does not release the storage (if any) occupied by the nucleus extension: that is the responsibility of the program that issues the cancellation (usually the program NUCXDROP). 2. Overlay modules may not be loaded by NUCXLOAD. 3. If a module generated from a higher level language is loaded using NUCXLOAD, caution should be taken when passing parameters to the module. See the register contents in the NUCEXT macro in the VM/SP Application Development Reference for eMS. 4. Not all eMS macro instructions generate code when expanded. The macro expansion should be inspected to determine if ADCONS are present. If ADCONS are present, the program should either be loaded from a CMS load library via the NUCXLOAD command or from a CMS module file that has relocation information saved. See the LOAD or INCLUDE commands for more information about saving relocation information. 5. You cannot save the relocation information from any CMS modules that were originally loaded in the transient area and generated with the SYSTEM option. 6. The ENDCMD nucleus extensions only receive control after a command is entered from the virtual console. They do not receive control if a command is issued from an exec, a user program, or CMS SUBSET mode. All ENDCMD nucleus extensions receive control before any end-of-command cleanup is done by the CMS console command handler. 7. NUCXLOAD with the IMMCMD option allows you to give control to a nucleus extension routine whenever a specified Immediate command is invoked. These exit routines receive control as an extension of CMS I/O interrupt handling. Therefore, they receive control with a PSW key of 0 and are disabled for interrupts. The routine must not perform any I/O operations or issue any SVCs that result in I/O operations. In addition, the exit routine must not enable itself for interrupts. DIAGNOSE instructions can be used within the exit, but the exit routine must not enable 386 VM/SP CMS Command Reference ( NUCXLOAD itself for interruptions that may be caused by the DIAGNOSE (for example, DIAGNOSE X 58'). See the NUCEXT macro discussion in the VM/SP Application Development Reference for eMS and in the VM/SP eMS User's Guide. 4 8. Not all high level programming languages can generate serially reusable object code. For example, OS/VS COBOL cannot be loaded as a nucleus extension because it does not generate serially reusable code. 9. All nucleus extensions that have the ENDCMD or SERVICE attributes receive control at their appropriate time regardless if they have the same name. For example, if two nucleus extensions with the same name are loaded using the PUSH option and they both have the ENDCMD attribute, they will both receive control at normal end-of-command processing. Messages and Return Codes DMSNXL001E DMSNXL070E DMSNXL589E DMSNXL618E DMSNXL619E DMSNXL622E DMSNXL639E No filename specified [RC = 24] Invalid parameter parameter [RC = 24] Missing FILEDEF for DDNAME SYSIN [RC=32] NUCEXT failed [RC=nn] Module module not found [RC = 28] Insufficient free storage [RC = rc] Error in DMSRLD routine; return code was nnn [RC = 24131155170176199] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax Errors in loading a file 811 322 Return Codes 1 Nucleus Extension already exists. 4 Module is marked '4 not executable." The module is not loaded; no nucleus extension is defined. To determine why the Hnot executable" flag was set, examine the information provided by the linkage editor at the time the module was created. 10 Module is an overlay structure. The module is not loaded; no nucleus extension is defined. Overlay structures may not be used as nucleus extensions, because CMS does not support more than one such program at a time. Only an overlay structure in the user area is supported. If this program is to be used as a nucleus extension, it must be restructured so that it does not require overlays. 12 Module is marked "only loadable." The module is not loaded; no nucleus extension is defined. Modules are marked Honly loadable" because of an explicit command to do so at the time they are link-edited. This is typically done when a module contains data, but not executable instructions. Such a nature makes a module unsuitable for use as a nucleus extension. 13 The nucleus extension could not be installed. 24 A filename was not specified, an invalid operand was specified, or too many or extraneous operands were specified. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 387 NUCXLOAD 28 This is the return code generated by NUCXLOAD when the specified module cannot be found. It is also used in the case of an error when opening a LOADLIB file, in which case message DMSSOP036E is produced by the open routine. 32 For NUCXLOAD, a FILEDEF command identifying the load library must be . issued prior to calling NUCXLOAD. 41 There was not enough free storage to build the table of SCBLOCK addresses. 100 An unrecoverable error occurred while reading the module from a disk or directory. 388 VM/SP CMS Command Reference NUCXMAP NUCXMAP Use the NUCXMAP command to get information about the currently defined nucleus extensions, including those residing in loaded saved segments. NUCXMAP displays on the console or stacks a list of the nucleus extensions. The NUCXMAP command uses the NUCEXT function. Format NUCXMAP r~me] ALL Options: [(options ... [ ) ]] teg:ame} [ NOSEGMent SEGMent r TACK FIFO LIFO ] [~~:ri]1 ~TTRibutes ] [SEGInfo ] [ALL] Operands name specifies the 1-8 character name of a nucleus extension. CMS will return information that describes any nucleus extension having this name. An asterisk (*) specifies that CMS display information that describes each nucleus extension. ALL specifies that CMS display information for: • NUCEXT look-aside entries • nucleus extensions. Options NOSEGMent returns information on nucleus extensions that do not reside in loaded logical segments. SEGMent segname returns information on nucleus extensions that reside in the specified loaded logical segment. segname specifies the 1-8 character name of a logical segment. An asterisk (*) indicates that all loaded logical segments are to be searched for the specified nucleus extensions. ATTRibutes returns the attributes of the specified nucleus extensions. This is the default unless SEGINFO is specified. SEGlnfo returns the segment name, if any, that contains the specified nucleus extensions. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 389 NUCXMAP ALL returns information about NUCEXT look-aside entries as well as nucleus extensions. STACK (FIFO) STACK LIFO specifies that the information should be placed in the program stack (for use by an exec or other program) instead of being displayed at the terminal. The information is stacked either FIFO (first in first out) or LIFO (last in first out). The default order is FIFO. FIFO specifies that the information should be placed in the program stack rather than displayed at the terminal. The information is stacked FIFO. The options STACK, STACK FIFO, and FIFO are all equivalent. LIFO specifies that the information should be placed in the program stack rather than displayed at the terminal. The information is stacked LIFO. This option is equivalent to STACK LIFO. Usage Notes 1. You can use the NUCXMAP command to obtain information about a specific nucleus extension. For example, nucxmap identify returns information about the IDENTIFY command. If there is more than one nucleus extension named IDENTIFY, CMS displays information for all of them. You can use the ALL option to obtain information about a specific look-aside nucleus extension. For example, the command, nucxmap xedit (all returns information on the XEDIT look-aside entry as well as any information on any nucleus extensions named XEDIT. 2. Because of the increased number of attributes that a nucleus extension can have in CMS, the NUCXMAP command may use more than one line to describe an entry. 3. If SEGINFO is specified, attributes will not be displayed unless ATTRIBUTES is also specified. Examples Entering the following command, nucxmap without any options will list all your nucleus extensions and their attributes. Name ENDEXEC1 HZ 8IGMOD Entry 003EE370 00018210 00FD2EF0 Userword 00000000 00000000 00008848 Origin 003EE370 00018210 00FD2EF0 Entering, 390 VM/SP CMS Command Reference 8ytes Amode Attributes 000002F8 24 SYSTEM ENDCMD 00001508 ANY SYSTEM SERVICE IMMCMD 01955050 31 ( ~ NUCXMAP nucxmap (seginfo would list the segment containing the nucleus extension. For example, Name ENDEXEC1 HZ BIGMOD Entry 003EE370 0001B210 00FD2EF0 Userword 00000000 00000000 0000B848 Origin 003EE370 0001B210 00FD2EF0 Bytes Amode Segname 000002F8 24 00001508 ANY SMALLSEG 01955050 31 BIGSEG Messages and Return Codes DMSNXL9411 Nucleus extension name is not loaded DMSNXM070E Invalid parameter parameter [RC = 24] DMSNXM622E Insufficient free storage [RC = rc] DMSNXM624I No nucleus extensions are loaded Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 Chapter 2. CMS Commands 391 OPTION OPTION Use the OPTION command to change any or all of the options in effect for the DOS/VS COBOL compiler and the RPG II compiler in CMS/DOS. Format OPtion [options .•. ] Options: J[ DECK [DUMP NODUMP NODECK 1 [ XREF NOXREF [ERRS 1[.LIST 1[LISTX 1[SYM ] NOLIST NOLISTX NOSYM NOERRS 1[!~~l ~ [TERM NOTERM 1 Options If an invalid option is specified on the command line, an error message is issued for that option; all other valid options are accepted. Only those options specified are altered, and all other options remain unchanged. DUMP dumps the registers and the virtual partition on the virtual SYSLST device in the case of abnormal program end. NODUMP suppresses the DUMP option. DECK punches the resulting object module on the virtual SYSPCH device. If you do not issue an ASSGN command for the logical unit SYSPCH before invoking the compiler, the text deck is written to your disk or directory accessed as A. NODECK suppresses the DECK option. LIST writes the output listing of the source module on the SYSLST device. NOLIST suppresses the LIST option. This option overrides the XREF option as it does in DOS/VS. LISTX produces a procedure division map on the SYSLST device. NOLISTX suppresses the LISTX option. SYM prints a Data Division map on SYSLST. 392 VM/SP CMS Command Reference OPTION NOSYM suppresses the SYM option. XREF writes the output symbolic cross-reference list on SYSLST. NOXREF suppresses the XREF option. ERRS writes an output listing of all errors in the source program on SYSLST. NO ERRS suppresses the ERRS option. 48C Uses the 48-character set. Uses the 60-character set. TERM Writes all compiler messages to the user's terminal. NOTERM Suppresses the TERM option. Usage Notes 1. If you enter the OPTION command with no options, all options are reset to their default values, that is, the default settings that are in effect when you enter the CMS/DOS environment. CMS/DOS defaults are not necessarily the same as the defaults generated on the VSE system being used and do not include additional options that are available with some DOS compilers. 2. The OPTION command has no effect on the DOS PL/I compiler nor on any of the OS language compilers in CMS. Responses None. To display a list of options currently in effect, use the QUERY command with the OPTION operand. Messages and Return Codes DMSOPT070E DMSOPT099E Invalid parameter parameter [RC = 24] CMS/DOS environment not active [RC = 40] Chapter 2. eMS Commands 393 OSRUN OSRUN Use the OSRUN command to execute a load module from a CMS LOADLIB or an OS module library. The library containing the module must have been previously identified by a GLOBAL command. For an OS module library, the library must also have been defined in a FILEDEF command. If no library has been identified by a GLOBAL command, the OSRUN command searches the $SYSLIB LOADLIB library for the specified module. The CMS LOAD LIB can be either a CMS disk file or a shared file in the Shared File System. Format OSRUN member [PARM = parameters] Operands member is the member of a CMS LOAD LIB or an OS module library to be executed. PARM= are the OS parameters that the user wants to pass to the module. If the parameters contain blanks or special characters, they must be enclosed in quotes. To include quotes in the parameters, use double quotes. The parameters are passed in OS format: register 1 points to a fullword containing the address of a character string headed by a halfword field containing the length of the character string. The parameters are restricted to a maximum length of 100 characters. Note: You may not pass parameters (PARM =) to the module if you issue the OSRUN command from a CMS EXEC file. The OSRUN command can be issued from a System Product Interpreter or an EXEC 2 file with no restrictions. Messages and Return Codes DMSLOS002I DMSLOSOl3E DMSLOS073E DMSOSROOIE DMSOSR052E DMSOSR070E 394 VM/SP CMS Command Reference File(s)Jn LOAD LIB not found Member membername not found in library libname [RC = 32] Unable to open file ddname [RC = 28] No filename specified [RC = 24] More than 100 characters of options specified [RC = 24] Invalid parameter parameter [RC = 24] PARSECMD PARSECMD Use PARSECMD to call the parsing facility from within an exec. The CMS parsing facility parses and translates command arguments. Format PARSECMD uniqueid Options: [ (options ... [) ] ] TYPE ] [ NOTYPE [APPLID applid] [STRING cmdstring] Operands uniqueid is the unique identifier for a command syntax definition in a file containing Definition Language for Command Syntax (DLCS) statements. The uniqueid may be up to sixteen characters in length. Options TYPE displays error messages at the terminal for syntax errors that are found while parsing the exec arguments or cmdstring. TYPE is the default. NOTYPE returns the text of syntax error messages for exec arguments or cmdstring in a REXX or EXEC2 variable called "MESSAGE.n." MESSAGE.O contains the number of lines in the message. Variables MESSAGE.1 to MESSAGE.n (where n is the value in MESSAGE.O) contain the lines of the error message text. MESSAGE.O is 0 if there are no errors. APPLID applid is an application identifier. The appJid must be three alphanumeric characters, and the first character must be alphabetic. For example, "DMS" is the app/id for CMS, the default application. STRING cmdstring parses the cmdstring rather than the exec's arguments normally obtained from EXECCOMM. This must be the last option specified. Specify a complete command definition, including the command name, as if it were entered from the command line. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 395 PARSECMD Usage Notes 1. PARSECMD returns parsing information to the exec in a series of REXX (or EXEC 2) variables in the form token.n and code.n where n is a subscript that distinguishes the different values returned. The variables are in the following format: token.O code.O token. 1 code. 1 token.2 code.2 number of tokens returned number of validation codes returned command name from the DLCS definition validation code for command name second token in the command string validation code for the second token token.n code.n nth token in the command string validation code for the nth token 2. Possible code.n values are: COMMAND KEYWORD OPTSTART OPTEND COMMENT ALPHANUM APPLID CHAR CUD DIGITS FN FT EFN EFT EXECNAME EXECTYPE FM HEX INTEGER NINTEGER PINTEGER MODE STRING TEXT usercode Command name Keyword Option start ( Option end) Comment (everything following OPTEND) Alphanumeric string Any three character alphanumeric string with first alphabetic A single character Device address: XI 001 1 , XI 002 I, ... , XI FFF I Any unsigned number made up of digits 0-9 Filename Filetype Filename with '*' or '0/0' valid also Filetype with '*' or '%' valid also Execname Exectype Filemode Hexadecimal number Integer: ... , -2, -1, 0, + 1, + 2, ... Negative integer: ... , -2, -1 Positive integer: + 1, + 2, ... Uppercase alphabetic character Any character string (no blanks) Any string A user-supplied validation code between 128 and 255 that descri bes the corresponding token returned by the parsing facility. 3. The TYPE and NOTYPE options apply while parsing the syntax of cmdstring or EXEC arguments. TYPE and NOTYPE depend on the EMSG setting in the CP SET command. Syntax errors produced when calling PARSECMD are displayed at the terminal regardless of the TYPE and NOTYPE option. 396 VM/SP CMS Command Reference PARSECMD \ I / 4. The uniqueid you specify in the PARSECMD command is matched to the uniqueid specified in the DLCS file. For a detailed description of uniqueids, see the manual, VM/SP Application Development Guide for eMS. 5. PARSECMD is also the name of a CMS macro that calls the parsing facility from an assembler language program. 6. Keywords are uppercased according to the National Language Uppercase Table for the active application. If the table is not found, the CMS National Language Table is used. Messages and Return Codes DMSPMD407E DMSPMD622E DMSPMD631E DMSPMD639E Invalid unique ID uniqueid [RC = 24] Insufficient free storage [RC = 104] cmdname can only be executed from an EXEC-2 or REXX EXEC [RC = 40] Error in routine routine; return code was retcode [RC = 256] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 Chapter 2. CMS Commands 397 PEEK PEEK ( Use the PEEK command to display a file that is in your virtual reader without reading it onto your disk or directory. Once you issue the PEEK command you can use XED IT subcommands to view the file. In most cases the files in your reader were sent to you by other computer users, on your computer or on other computers that are connected to yours via the Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS) network. Format PEEK [spoolid] [ (options .. J)]] Options: [FRom recno] [FOr numrec] [PROFile In] Operands spoo/id is the spoolid of the file to be displayed. The default is the "next" file in the virtual reader. The "next" file is the one for which the RDR command returns information. Which file this is depends on the class of the reader, the class of the files in the reader, and whether or not they are held. Options FRom recno is the starting record number to be read. The default is 1 (one). FOr numrec is the number of records of the file to be read. Specifying an asterisk (*) causes the entire file to be used. The default is to read up to 200 records. PROFilefn specifies the name of an XEDIT macro to be executed when XEDIT is invoked by the PEEK command. The default macro is PROFPEEK XEDIT. For more information on the PROFPEEK macro, see the usage note, "PF Key Settings on the PEEK Screen." Usage Notes 1. You can use the special command DISCARD from the PEEK screen. The DISCARD command allows you to purge the reader file displayed by PEEK. See "DISCARD" on page 792 for more information. 2. Tailoring the PEEK Command Options You can use the DEFAULTS command to set up options and/or override command defaults for PEEK. However, the options you specify in the command line when entering the PEEK command override those specified in the DEFAULTS command. This allows you to customize the defaults of the PEEK 398 VM/SP CMS Command Reference ~ PEEK command, yet override them when you desire. Refer to the DEFAULTS command description for more information. 3. Edi ting from the PEEK Screen When you invoke the PEEK command you are placed in the XEDIT environment, editing the file "spoolid PEEK AO." The full power of XED IT is available to you while you "peek" at the file. You can make changes to this file and then issue the XEDIT subcommand FILE or SAVE from the XEDIT command line on the PEEK screen. In this case, the reader spool file is not changed. The changes are made only to the file that is saved or filed. 4. PF Key Settings on the PEEK Screen The PROFPEEK macro is executed when the PEEK command is invoked, unless you specified a different macro as an option in the PEEK command. It assigns the following values to the PF keys: PF 1 Help Display PEEK command description. PF 2 Add line Add a blank line after the current line. PF 3 Quit Exit from the PEEK display. PF 4 Tab Tab the cursor. PF S Clocate Locate the string specified in an XEDIT subcommand CLOCATE or CHANGE that is typed in the command line. This PF key is set to the XEDIT macro SCHANGE 6. For more information on its use, see the publication VM/SP System Product Editor Command and Macro Reference. PF 6 ?/Change Display the last command, or change the string specified in a CHANGE subcommand. (The Change function is the XEDIT SCHANGE macro and must be used in conjunction with PF5.) PF 7 Backward Scroll backward one screen. PF 8 Forward Scroll forward one screen. PF 9 Receive Write this file on the disk or directory accessed as A, using the same file name and file type or append the file to the appropriate notebook if the file was sent by the NOTE command. PF 10 Rgtleft Shift the view to the right; press again to shift back to original display. PF 11 SpUjoin Split a line or join two lines, at the cursor. PF 12 Cursor If cursor is in the file area, move it to the command line; if cursor is on the command line, move it back to its previous location in the file (or to the current line). Note: On a terminal equipped with 24 PF keys, PF keys 13 to 24 are assigned the same values as PF keys 1 to 12 as discussed here. If you enter the "PROFILE fn" option, the file "fn XED IT" is invoked instead of the file PROFPEEK XEDIT. In "fn XEDIT," you can easily change the PF key settings. Some XEDIT subcommands are stacked by the FILELIST command (for example, SET TRUNC, SET LRECL, and SET VERIFY). In Chapter 2. CMS Commands 399 PEEK order to override these settings in a profile, these SET subcommands must be stacked FIFO. 5. Files in DISK DUMP or NETDATA Format Files in DISK DUMP or NETDATA format are reformatted so that they are readable. However, the entire file must be "peeked" at and have a logical record length of less than 256 in order to be reformatted. For more information on NETDATA format, see the SEND FILE command. Note that if multiple files are sent with continuous spooling (using CP SPOOL PUNCH CONT) and a series of DISK DUMP commands, RECEIVE will recognize only the first file identifier (file name and file type). Any files having the same file identifier as existing files on your disk or directory accessed as A will overlay those files. As a sender, you can avoid imposing this problem on file recipients by doing any of the following: a. Always use SENDFILE, which resets any continuous spooling options in effect. b. Do not spool the punch continuous. c. If you must send files with continuous spooling, warn the recipient(s) that files are being sent in this manner and list the file identifiers of the files you are sending. Similarly, if the punch is spooled continuous and PUNCH is used to send multiple files, the file is read in as one file with ":READ" cards imbedded. In this case, although no files are overlaid, the recipient must divide the file into individual files. This problem can also be avoided by using SEND FILE or by not spooling the punch continuous. 6. Using the PEEK Command This command is useful not only when issued in the CMS environment but also in the RDRLIST command environment. In the RDRLIST display, the PFll key is set to the PEEK command. 7. Special NETDATA Files from MVS with TSO Extensions (PP) The MVS with TSO Extensions program product (program number 5662-285) can send an empty file. It can also send two files in NETDATA format in a single transmission. Peeking at an empty (null) file results in a warning message that the file is empty. Peeking at two files sent in one transmission results in two messages, identifying each of the files. A line of equal signs (=) separates the two files. 8. The PEEK command does not handle MONITOR files or files with a SPECIAL status of YES. (The SPECIAL status indicates whether or not the file contains records with X 5A carriage control characters. See the CP QUERY command to determine SPECIAL status of a file.) I I 9. If you want to issue PEEK from an exec program, you should precede it with the EXEC command; that is, specify exec peek 400 VM/SP CMS Command Reference PEEK Examples A sample PEEK screen follows: Figure 18. Sample PEEK Screen Responses File fn ft from userid at node Format is transmission format Note from userid at node Format is transmission format Messages and Return Codes DMSWPK132S DMSWPK156E DMSWPK630S DMSWPK643E DMSWPK644E DMSWPK653E DMSWPK655E DMSWPK672E DMSWPK674E DMSWPK683E DMSWPK683W DMSWPK684E DMSWPK687E File is too large [RC = 88] FROM nnn not found--the file fn ft fm has only nnn records [RC=32] Error accessing spool file [RC = 36] No class class files in your reader [RC = 28] All reader files are in HOLD status or not class class [RC = 28] Error executing EXECIO [RC = nn] Spoolid nnnn does not exist [RC = 28] Virtual reader invalid or not defined [RC = 36] Reader is not ready [RC = 36] The entire file must be peeked at to be formatted [RC = 32] The file has an LRECL greater than 255 and cannot be reformatted [RC = 32] File contains invalid records and cannot be reformatted [RC = 32] This is a {SYSTEM{HELDIDUMP}filelfile with a special format} and cannot be peeked [RC = 1] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Chapter 2. CMS Commands 401 PEEK 402 Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 VM/SP CMS Command Reference PRINT PRINT Use the PRINT command to print a CMS file with a preceding header page on the spooled virtual print~r. Note: If your virtual printer is not already defined as OOE, refer to the Planning Guide and Reference to set up the address. Format PRint [ (options ... [)] ] Options: [OVersize] [CC [HEADer] NOCC 1[UPCASE] [TRC 1 NOTRC {* }] nnn}] [MEMBER [LINECOUN{ 55 membername [HEX] Operands fn is the file name of the file to be printed. ft is the file type of the file to be printed. fm is the file mode of the file to be printed. If this field is specified as an asterisk (*), the standard order of search is followed and the first file found with the given file name and file type is printed. If fm is not specified, the disk or directory accessed as A and its extensions are searched. Options OVersize allows you to print: • Files that have records larger than the carriage size of the virtual printer, and • Files that have a SPECIAL status of YES. When the OVERSIZE option is used, the CC option will be set as a default. This default setting of CC can be overridden by specifying either the NOCC or the HEX option with the OVERSIZE option. The records that are larger than the virtual printer's carriage size are printed, but they are truncated to the carriage size. Records with a SPECIAL status of YES are printed if the record length is not greater than 32767 bytes. (The SPECIAL status indicates whether or not the file contains records with X 5A carriage control characters. See the CP QUERY PRINTER command to determine SPECIAL status of a file.) I I Chapter 2. CMS Commands 403 PRINT Note: In general, files containing the X I 5A I carriage control character can only be printed on printers supported through the Print Services Facility (PSF), such as the 3820 and 3800 Model 3. The OVERSIZE (and CC) option is assumed if the file type is LISTCPDS, LIST3820, or LIST38PP. If OVERSIZE is not specified and the file you want to print is larger than the virtual printer's carriage size, the message "Records exceeds allowable maximum" is displayed. CC (HEADer) interprets the first character of each record as a carriage control character. If the file type is LISTING, LIST3800, or LISTCPDS, the CC option is assumed. The first character of the first record in the file is interpreted as a page eject to ensure the file begins printing on a new page. With CC in effect, the page eject function is controlled by the carriage control characters in the file and lines per page are not counted. The LINECOUN option is ignored if CC is in effect. HEADER creates a shortened header page with only the file name, file type, and The records in the file being printed begin on a new page following both header pages. The HEADER option can only be used in conjunction with the CC option. If the CC option is not specified HEADER has no effect. file mode at the top of the page that follows the standard header page. NOCC do~s not interpret the first character of each record as a carriage control character. In this case, the PRINT command ejects a new page and prints a heading after the number of lines specified by LINECOUN are printed. If NOCC is specified, it is in effect even if the file type is LISTING, LIST3800, LISTCPDS, LIST3820, or LIST38PP. If both NOCC and OVERSIZE are specified, then the NOCC option will override the default of CC. The maximum page value in the header is 99999. NOCC is the default. UPcase translates the lowercase letters in the file to uppercase for printing. TRC interprets the first data byte in each record as a TRC (Table Reference Character) byte. The value of the TRC byte determines which translate table the 3800 printer selects to print a record. The value of the TRC byte corresponds to the order in which you have loaded WCGMs (via the CHARS keyword of the SETPRT command). Valid values for TRC are 0, 1, 2, and 3. If an invalid value is found, a TRC byte of 0 is assumed. If the file type is LIST3800, TRC is assumed. NOTRC does not interpret the first data byte in each record as a TRC byte. NOTRC is the default. Llnecoun (nnn) allows you to set the number of lines to be printed on each page. nnn can be any decimal number from 0 through 144. If a number is not specified, the default value is 55. If nnn is set to zero, the effect is that of an infinite line count and page ejection does not occur. This option has no effect if the CC option is also specified. When calculating nnn, remember that the total number of lines printed on a page equals nnn plus 3. The 3 extra lines are for the heading (1 heading line and 2 blank lines). 404 VM/SP CMS Command Reference ( PRINT MEMber * MEMber membername prints the members of macro or text libraries. This option may be specified if the file is a simulated partitioned data set (file type MACLIB, TXTLIB, or LOAD LIB). If an asterisk (*) is entered, all individual members of that library are printed. If a member name is specified, only that member is printed. HEX prints the file in graphic hexadecimal format. If HEX is specified, the options CC and UPCASE are ignored, even if specified, and even if the file type is LISTING, LIST3800, LISTCPDS, LIST3820, or LIST38PP. If both the OVERSIZE and HEX options are specified, the NOCC option will be in effect. Usage Notes 1. The file may contain carriage control characters and may have either fixed- or variable-length records, but no record may exceed 132 characters for a 1403, 3203, or 3289 Model 4 printer, 150 characters for a 3211 printer, or 168 characters for a 4248 printer. There are exceptions: • If the CC option is in effect, the record length can be one character longer (133, 151, or 169) to allow for the carriage control character. • If the virtual printer is a 3800, you can specify a carriage control byte, a TRC byte, or both, for a total line length of up to 206 bytes. • If the HEX option is in effect, a record of any length can be printed, up to the CMS file system maximum of 65,535 bytes. 2. If you want the first character of each line to be interpreted as a carriage control character, you must use the CC option. When you use the CC option for files that do not contain carriage control characters, the first character of each line is stripped off. An attempt is made to interpret the first character for carriage control purposes. If the character is not valid, the results are unpredictable because CMS does not check for valid carriage control characters. Files with a file type of UPDLOG (produced by the UPDATE command) must be printed with the CC option. 3. If the virtual printer is not a 3800 and you have specified TRC, PRINT strips off the first data byte before each line is printed. 4. One spool printer file is produced for each PRINT command; for example: print mylib maclib (member get prints the member GET from the file MYLIB MACLIB. If you want to print a number of files as a single file (so that you do not get output separator pages, for example), use the CP command SPOOL to spool your virtual printer with the CONT option. 5. If the MEMBER option is specified more than once, only the last member specified will be printed. However, if one MEMBER option is coded with an asterisk (*), and another MEMBER option is specified with a member name, only the specified member will be printed, regardless of their order on the command line. F or example, if you code: print one maclib (member examplel member example2 only EXAMPLE2 will be printed. If you code: print one maclib (member examplel member * Chapter 2. CMS Commands 405 PRINT only EXAMPLEl will be printed. 6. If the printer has an extended FCB with the duplication option specified, the PRINT command is not valid because the header line is too long to be duplicated. Responses None. The CMS ready message indicates the command completed without error (that is, the file is written to the spooled printer). The file is now under the control of CP spooling functions. If a CP SPOOL command option such as HOLD or COPY is in effect, you may receive a message from CPo Messages and Return Codes DMSPRT002E DMSPRT008E DMSPRTOl3E DMSPRT029E DMSPRT033E DMSPRT039E DMSPRT044E DMSPRT069E DMSPRTI04S DMSPRTI09S DMSPRT123S File [fn [ft [fm]]] not found [RC = 28] Device vdev {invalid or nonexistent Iis an unsupported device type} [RC=36] Member membername not found in library libname [RC = 32] Invalid parameter parameter [in the [option] option field] [RC = 24] File fn ft fm is not a library [RC = 32] No entries in library fn ft fm [RC = 32] Record exceeds allowable maximum [RC = 32] Filemode mode not accessed [RC = 36] Error nn reading file fn ft fm from disk or directory [RC = 100] Insufficient free storage available [RC = 104] Error nn printing file fn ft fm [RC = 100] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax Errors in the Shared File System 811 813 406 VM/SP CMS Command Reference ( ~ PROGMAP PROGMAP Use the PROGMAP command to display or place on the program stack information about programs currently loaded in storage. Format PROGMAP [pro~nanw Options: J - [ (options ... [ ) ]] PROGRAM NUCX - [STACK [i~:riJ] ALL NOSEGment SEGment I- {seg:ame} FIFO LIFO _ Operands progname returns information about all programs with the specified program name. • For a program loaded by the LOAD, INCLUDE, or LOADMOD commands, OS Simulation (LOAD or LINK ATTACH), or MODULEs invoked as commands (that have NOCLEAN attribute), progname is the file name. • For a nucleus extension, progname is the command name. An asterisk (*) will return information on all user programs, or nucleus extensions, or both. An asterisk is the default. Options PROGRAM returns information for program(s) loaded by the LOAD, INCLUDE, or LOADMOD commands, OS Simulation (LOAD or LINK ATTACH), or MODULEs invoked as commands (that have NOCLEAN attribute). This is the default. NUCX returns information for nucleus extensions. ALL returns information for both programs and nucleus extensions. NO SEGment returns information on nucleus extensions that do not reside in loaded logical segments. SEGment segname returns information on nucleus extensions that reside in loaded logical segments. The segname specifies the 1-8 character name of a logical segment. An asterisk (*) indicates that all logical segments are to be searched for the nucleus extensions specified by progname. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 407 PROGMAP STACK (FIFO) STACK LIFO specifies that CMS return information to the program stack rather than display the information at the terminal. The FIFO and LIFO options determine how the information is stacked. The default order is FIFO. FIFO stacks PROGMAP information first in first out on the program stack. The options STACK, STACK FIFO, and FIFO are equivalent. LIFO stacks PROGMAP information last in first out on the program stack. The options STACK LIFO and LIFO are equivalent. Usage Notes 1. To display PROGMAP information at your terminal, omit the STACK, FIFO, and LIFO options. Use the STACK option to place the information on the program stack. 2. The ALL option displays information on programs and nucleus extensions. For a description of how to obtain information on NUCEXT look-aside entries, see the NUCXMAP command. Examples If you enter, PROGMAP PROG 1, only information for PROG 1 will be returned: Name PROG1 Entry e2eee4ee Origin e2eee4ee Bytes eeeee66D Attributes AMODE 31 RELOC Note: In these examples, the addresses above the 16Mb line would only be produced in a 370-XA environment. If the command PROGMAP (ALL is entered, all programs and nucleus extensions are listed: Name PROG1 PROG2 PROG3 Name NUCX1 NUCX2 NUCX3 Entry e2eee4ee e2eeeA6D eee4eeee Entry e1eee4ee e1eeeA6D eee2eeee Origin Bytes Attributes e4eee4ee eeeee66D AMODE 31 RELOC e4eeeA6D eeeee42A AMODE 31 RELOC eee4eeee eeeee338 AMODE 24 NON-RELOC Userword Origin Bytes Attributes eeee4532 e1eee4ee eeeee66D AMODE ANY SYSTEM SERVICE eeeeeeee e1eeeA6D eeeee42A AMODE 24 eeeeABDC eee2eeee eeeee338 AMODE 31 SYSTEM SERVICE Note: All text decks are considered to be nonrelocatable programs whether or not you specified 'RLDSAVE' on the LOAD command. Therefore the 'NON-RELOC' attribute will be in the response from PROGMAP. However, when a module file is generated by GENMOD from a loaded text deck(s), the RLDSAVEjNORLDSAV option indicated during the LOAD process determines whether or not the module file will be relocated when it is loaded by LOADMOD. Messages and Return Codes DMSPGM415E Invalid character char in program name name [RC = 20] DMSPGM9411 User program progid is not loaded [RC = 0] DMSPGM942I No user programs are loaded [RC = 0] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 408 VM/SP CMS Command Reference PROGMAP \ I ) Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 Chapter 2. CMS Commands 409 PSERV PSERV Use the PSERV command in CMS/DOS to copy, display, print, or punch a procedure from the VSE procedure library. Format PSERV procedure [It PROC Options: ] [( options ... [)]] [DISK] [PRINT] [PUNCH] [TERM] Operands procedure specifies the name of the' procedure in the VSE procedure library that you want to copy, print, punch, or display. It specifies the file type of the file to be created on your disk or directory accessed as A. The It defaults to PROC if a file type is not specified; the file name is always the same as the procedure name. Options You may enter as many options as you wish, depending on the functions you want to perform. DISK copies the procedure to a CMS file. If no options are specified, DISK is the default. PRINT spools a copy of the procedure to the virtual printer. PUNCH spools a copy of the procedure to the virtual punch. TERM displays the procedure on your terminal. Usage Notes 1. You cannot execute VSE procedures in CMS/DOS. You can use the PSERV command to copy an existing VSE procedure onto a CMS disk or directory. Use the editor to change or add VSE job control statements to it, and then spool it to the reader of a VSE virtual machine for execution. 2. The PSERV command ignores current assignments of logical units, and directs output according to the option list. 3. The PSERV command does not support a private procedure library. 410 VM/SP CMS Command Reference PSERV Responses When you issue the TERM option, the procedure is displayed at your terminal. Messages and Return Codes DMSPRV003E DMSPRV004E DMSPRV006E DMSPRV070E DMSPRV097E DMSPRV098E DMSPRV099E DMSPRVI05S DMSPRV113S DMSPRV411S Invalid option: option [RC = 24] Procedure procedure not found [RC = 28] No read/write A filemode accessed [RC = 36] Invalid parameter parameter [RC = 24] No SYSRES volume active [RC = 36] No procedure name specified [RC = 24] CMS/DOS environment not active [RC = 40] Error nn writing file fn ft fm on disk or directory [RC = 100] Disk(vdev) not attached [RC = 100] Input error code nn on SYSRES [RC = rc] Chapter 2. CMS Commands 411 PUNCH PUNCH Use the PUNCH command to punch a CMS file to your virtual punch. Format [ ( options... [) ] ] PUnch Options: Header ] [MEMber { * [ NOHeader membername }1 Operands fn is the file name of the file to be punched. This field must be specified. ft is the file type of the file to be punched. This field must be specified. fm is the file mode of the file to be punched. If you specify it as an asterisk (*), the standard order of search is followed and the first file found with the specified file name and file type is punched. If fm is not specified, your disk or directory accessed as A and its extensions are searched. Options Header inserts a control card in front of the punched output. This control card indicates the file name and file type for a subsequent READCARD command to restore the file to a disk or directory. The control card format is shown in Table 15 on page 413. NOHeader does not punch a header control card. MEMber * MEMber membername punches members of MACLIBs or TXTLIBs. If an asterisk (*) is entered, all individual members of that macro or text library are punched. If membemame is specified, only that member is punched. If the file type is MAC LIB and the MEMBER membername option is specified, the header contains MEMBER as the file type. If the file type is TXTLIB and the MEMBER membername option is specified, the header card contains TEXT as the file type. 412 VMjSP CMS Command Reference PUNCH Table 15. Header Card Format Column Number of Characters Contents 1 2-5 6-7 8-15 16 17-24 25 26-27 28 29-34 35 36-43 44-45 46-50 51-80 1 4 2 8 1 8 1 2 1 6 1 8 2 5 30 READ blank fname blank ftype blank fmode blank volid blank mm/dd/yy blank hh:mm blank Meaning Identifies card as a control card. Identifies card as a READ control card. File name of the file punched. File type of the file punched. File mode of the file punched. Label of the disk from which the file was read or a "-" if read from a directory. The date that the file was last written. The time of day that the file was written. Usage Notes 1. You can punch fixed- or variable-length records with the PUNCH command, as long as no record exceeds 80 characters. Records with less than 80 characters are right-padded with blanks. Records longer than 80 characters are rejected. PUNCH changes variable-length record files to fixed-length 80-byte record files. 2. If you punch a MACLIB or TXTLIB file specifying the MEMBER * option, a READ control card is placed in front of each library member. If you punch a library without specifying the MEMBER * option, only one READ control card is placed at the front of the deck. 3. One spool punch file is produced for each PUNCH command; for example: punch compute assemble (noh punches the file COMPUTE ASSEMBLE, without inserting a header card. To transmit multiple CMS files as a single punch file, use the CP SPOOL command to spool the punch with the CONT option. Note that if multiple files are sent with continuous spooling (using CP SPOOL PUNCH CONT) and a series of DISK DUMP commands, RECEIVE recognizes only the first file identifier (file name and file type). Any files having the same file identifier as existing files on your disk or directory accessed as A will overlay those files. As a sender, you can avoid imposing this problem on file recipients by doing any of the following: a. Always use SENDFILE, which resets any continuous spooling options in effect. b. Do not spool the punch continuous. c. If you must send files with continuous spooling, warn the recipient(s) that files are being sent in this manner and list the file identifiers of the files you are sending. Similarly, if the punch is spooled continuous and PUNCH is used to send multiple files, the file is read in as one file with ":READ" cards imbedded. In this case, although no files are overlaid, the recipient must divide the file into Chapter 2. CMS Commands 413 PUNCH individual files. This problem can also be avoided by using SENDFILE or by not spooling the punch continuous. 4. If the MEMBER option is specified more than once, only the last member specified will be punched. However, if one MEMBER option is coded with an asterisk (*), and another MEMBER option is specified with membername, only the member specified by membername will be punched, regardless of their order on the command line. For example, if you code: punch one maclib (member examplel member example2 only EXAMPLE2 will be punched. If you code: punch one maclib (member examplel member * only EXAMPLE I will be punched. 5. When punching members from CMS MACLIBs, each member is followed by a / / record, which is a MACLIB delimiter. You can edit the file to delete the / / record. Responses None. The CMS ready message indicates that the command completed without error (the file was successfully spooled); the file is now under contr<:>l of CP spooling functions. You may receive a message from CP indicating that the file is being spooled to a particular user's virtual reader. Messages and Return Codes DMSPUN002E DMSPUN008E DMSPlJN013E DMSPUN033E DMSPUN039E DMSPUN044E DMSPUN069E DMSPUN026E DMSPUNI04S DMSPUN123S File [fn [ft [fm J]] not found [RC = 28] Device vdev {invalid or nonexistent Iis an unsupported device type} [RC=36] Member membername not found [RC = 32] File fn ft fm is not a library [RC = 32] No entries in library fn ft fm [RC = 32] Record exceeds allowable maximum [RC = 32] Filemode mode not accessed [RC = 36] Invalid parameter parameter in the option fieldJieldname [RC=24] Error nn reading file fn ft fm from disk or directory [RC = 100] Error nn punching file fn ft fm [RC = 100] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 414 VM/SP CMS Command Reference QUERY QUERY Use the QUERY command to gather information about your CMS virtual machine. You can determine: • The state of virtual machine characteristics that are controlled by the CMS SET command • File definitions (set with the FILEDEF and DLBL commands) that are in effect • The status of accessed disks and Shared File System (SFS) directories • The search order for libraries (MACLIBs, TXTLIBs, CSLLIBs, DOSLIBs, and LOADLIBs) • The status of CMS/DOS functions • Saved segment information • Authorities granted for SFS directories or files in SFS directories • Aliases to base files in directories • Information about your SFS file pool • Locks on SFS directories or files in SFS directories Other CMS QUERY operands give you the following information about virtual screens and windows in a full-screen CMS environment: • Physical screen characteristics • CMSPF and WMPF key settings • Window characteristics and the order in which the windows are being displayed • Virtual screen characteristics • Cursor position See "QUERY" on page 704 for the virtual screen and windowing eMS QUERY operands. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 415 QUERY Query ABBREV ACCESSED [to 1 R/W ALIAS {~n ~} [dirid] APL AUThority [~n!t] [dirid] AUTO READ BLIP CMSLEVEL CMSTYPE COMDIR CSLLIB DISK 1m * R/W MAX FIRSTR/W . DLBL DOS DOSLIB DOSLNCNT DOSPART ENROLL {USEr } FOR { u~erid } [tilepool~d:J ADMinistrator nl,ckname '_, ALL EXECTRAC FILEDEF FILEPOOL I"CURrent PRImary CONFlict { u~erid } [rilepoolid:] < nl,ckname > CONNect ~ FILEWAIT FULL READ IMESCAPE IMPCP IMPEX INPUT INSTSEG KEYPROTect 416 VM/SP CMS Command Reference FOR {u~erid nwkname ALL } [Iilepoolid:] ~ [(options ... [ )] ] QUERY Query LABELDEF LANGLIST LANGUAGE [ALL] LDRTBLS LIBRARY LIMITS * [filepoolid:] LINEND LOADAREA LOADLIB LOCK MACLIB NAMEDEF NONDISP OPTION OUTPUT PROTECT RDYMSG REDTYPE RELPAGE REMOTE SEARCH SEGMENT [ CO~tents Assign SPACE PHysical LOgical II [ (options • • • [ )]] SPACE ]] PHysical [ LOgical SERVER STORECLR SYNONYM SYSTEM} { USER ALL SYSNAMES TEXT TRANslate [sYstem [TRANslate [APPLID USER SYNonym ALL BOTH TXTLIB UPSI Options: STACK [FIFO LIFO FIFO LIFO XEDIT 1 l] lXEDIT option is only for QUERY ALIAS and QUERY AUTHORITY. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 417 QUERY ABBREV displays the status of the minimum truncation indicator. Response: ABBREV ON = or ABBREV = OFF where: ON indicates that truncations are accepted for eMS commands and all transla ti ons. OFF indicates that truncations are not accepted. ACCESSEDfm displays status of a single disk or Shared File System (SFS) directory represented byfm. Response: Mod~ mode Stat stat Files files Vdev vdev Label/Directory label/directory Note: The header is generated only if output is displayed at the terminal. where: mode is the file mode letter. stat is the status of the disk or SFS directory: R/O (read-only) or R/W (read/write). files is the number of files on the disk or the number of base files, aliases, subdirectories, erased aliases, and revoked aliases in the directory. This number is the same as the number of files that would be displayed if you issued LISTFILE * * fm (ALLFILE. vdev is either the virtual address of the device if the entry is a disk or is 'DIR' if the entry is a directory. 1abel /di rectory is either the label assigned to the eMS disk when it was formatted or the complete SFS directory name. If the entry is an OS or DOS disk, this is the volume label. Note: If you are in full ~screen eMS and a directory name is too long to be displayed in the window, you can scroll to the right to see the remainder of the directory name. If the disk or directory with the specified file mode is not accessed, the response is: Disk 418 Jm not found VMjSP CMS Command Reference QUERY ACCESSED~ displays status of all your accessed CMS disks or SFS directories. This is the default. Response: The response is the same as for QUERY ACCESSED 1m; one line is displayed for each accessed disk or directory. ACCESSED RIO displays status of your accessed read only CMS disks or SFS directories. Response: The response is the same as for QUERY ACCESSED 1m; one line is displayed for accessed disk or directory that is read only. If there are no disks or directories accessed in read only mode, the response is: No filemode is read/only ACCESSED R/W displays status of your accessed read/write CMS disks or SFS directories. Response: The response is the same as for QUERY ACCESSED 1m; one line is displayed for each accessed disk or directory that is read/write. If there are no disks or directories accessed in read/write mode, the response is: No read/write disk accessed ALIAS In It Idirid) displays alias information for a base file or an alias in a Shared File System (SFS) directory. If dirid is not specified, the directory queried is the one accessed as A. See "Naming Shared File System (SFS) Directories" on page 4 for details on how to specify dirid. You must have read or write authority to the file you are querying, and the specified directory cannot be open. F or base files: • If you are the owner, information is returned listing the users that have aliases to the base file along with the number of aliases they have to the base file. If you own or have read or write authority on the directory containing the alias, then the alias name is also returned. I • If you are not the owner, information is returned listing your aliases to the base file. F or aliases: • Information is returned listing the owner of the base file. If you own or have read or write authority on the directory containing the base file then the base file name is also returned. • For a revoked or erased alias, the owner of the base file is returned. For a revoked alias, if you own or have read or write authority on the directory containing the base file then the base file name is also returned. You can use special characters (* or 0/0) to query a set of files. If a special character is specified, then all aliases and base files that have aliases to them that match the specified criteria are listed. Only those files for which you have read or write authority are listed. See "Pattern Matching" on page 8 for more detail on pattern matching. Note: From the XEDIT environment, the XEDIT option is valid for QUERY ALIAS. Use the XEDIT option to place the output in a file that you are currently displaying. Your file record format must be variable or fixed with a record length of 190. See "Options" on page 451 for more detail. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 419 QUERY Response: Directory = ••• n8 Filename Filetype Fm T Userid Hum Filename Filetype Directory ftl fm t userid nhn fn2 ft2 dirname fnl fnl ftl fm t userid nnn fn2 ft2 dirname Note: The second line of the header is generated only if output is displayed at the terminal; the first line containing the directory name is always included. where: fnl is the file name of the file queried. ftl is the file type of the file queried. fm is the file mode of the directory if it is accessed, otherwise, this column contains a dash (-). t is the type of file for fnl ftl as follows: A = alias B = base file E = erased alias (the base file has been erased) R = revoked alias (authority to base file has been revoked) userid is either the user that has an alias to the file if you are querying a base file, or, if you are querying an alias, then userid is the owner of the base file. nnn is the number of aliases to the base file that the user has created. This number is 1 if you own the directory or have read or write authority to the directory that contains the alias, and the name of the alias is shown in the fn2 ft2 columns. fn2 is the file name of an alias to the base file if you are querying a base file. If you are querying an alias, then this is the file name of the base file. ft2 is the file type of an alias to the base file if you are querying a base file. If you are querying an alias, then this is the file type of the base file. dirname is the name of the directory containing fn2 ft2. If no aliases are in effect, and the STACK, LIFO, or FIFO option was specified, the return code is set to 6, indicating that no data was stacked. Example: Smith queries for aliases on the base file CODING STANDRDS in the .INFO directory: query alias coding standrds smith. info 420 VMjSP CMS Command Reference ( I~ QUERY and gets the following response: Directory = FILEPOOL:SMITH.INFO Filename Filetype Fm T Userid Num Filename Filetype Directory CODING STANDRDS A0 B SMITH 1 CODE REQMTS .STANDARDS.Vl CODING STANDRDS A0 B DAVIS 2 CODING STANDRDS A0 B HAYES 1 BAL STNDARDS • This response tells SMITH that there are four aliases for his base file CODING STANDRDS. The first three columns identify the queried file, column T has a 'B' indicating that CODING STANDRDS is a base file. Column NUM shows the number of aliases each user has to the base file and the last three columns indicate the name of the aliases. These last three columns are blank if SMITH does not have authority to the directory that contains the aliases. In the next example, SMITH queries the alias MACRO in his .INFO directory, query alias macro * smith. info and gets the following response, Directory = FILEPOOL:SMITH.INFO Filename Filetype Fm T Userid Num Filename Filetype Directory MACRO STANDRDS A0 A JOHNH 1 MACRO INFORMTN. MACRO OLDSTNRD A0 E JOHNH 1 MACRO PROPOSED A0 R JOHNH 1 SMITH has three aliases that match this query. The first is an alias to MACRO INFORMTN in the user JOHNH's top directory. For the alias MACRO OLDSTNRD, the 'E' in column T indicates that the base file has been erased. For MACRO PROPOSED, an 'R' in column T indicates that SMITH's authority to the base file has been revoked. If the last three columns are blank, this indicates that SMITH does not have authority to the directory containing the base file. APL displays the status of APL character code conversion. Response: APL ON or APL OFF where: ON converts APL characters for windows. OFF does not convert APL characters. AUThority Vn ftlldirid) displays authorities for a Shared File System (SFS) directory or for a file(s) in the directory. If you own the file or directory, a list of user IDs, including your own, is returned with the authority that was granted to the file or directory. If you are not the owner of the file or directory, only your authority on the file or directory is returned. If fn ft is not specified, the authority you have on the directory is shown. If fn ft is specified as asterisks, all the files contained in the dirid for which you have read or write authority are shown. If dirid is omitted, the directory queried is the one accessed as A. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 421 QUERY You must have read or write authority for the specified file and the directory cannot be open. If the file is an alias, the alias is displayed with the authority that you have on the base file. Special characters (* or %) can be used to designate a set of files, providing you have read or write authority for the directory specified by dirid. For further description of dirid see "Naming Shared File System (SFS) Directories" on page 4. For more on using special characters to do pattern matching, see "Pattern Matching" on page 8. When pattern matching is done on subdirectory names that contain more than eight characters, the first eight characters are used as the file name and the remaining characters are used as the file type. For example, your directory accessed as A contains, CROCKETT NOTEBOOK CROCKETTNOTES where CROCKETT NOTEBOOK is a file and CROCKETTNOTES is a subdirectory. Issuing, query authorit croc* n* a would find both CROCKETT NOTEBOOK and CROCKETTNOTES because CROCKETTNOTES contains more than eight characters and is matched as if it had a file name of CROCKETT and a file type of NOTES. Issuing, query authorit crockettnotes * a would also find both CROCKETT NOTEBOOK and CROCKETTNOTES because only the first eight characters are used as the file name. Therefore, any file or alias with the name of CROCKETT, or any subdirectory with CROCKETT as the first eight characters in its name would be listed. Note: From the XEDIT environment, the XEDIT option is valid for QUERY AUTHORITY. Use the XEDIT option to place the output in a file that you are currently displaying. See "Options" on page 451 for more detail. Response: For QUERY AUTHORITY fnft [dirid] Directory = •.• n8 Filename Filetype Fm Type Grantee R W fn ft fm type userid r w fn ft fm type userid r w Note: The second line of the header is generated only if output is displayed at the terminal; the first line containing the directory name is always included. For QUERY AUTHORITY dirid Directory = ..• n8 Grantee R W userid r w where: 422 VM/SP CMS Command Reference QUERY fn is the name of the file or subdirectory. If you have queried a directory, this field is omitted. ft is the file type. If you have queried a directory, this field is omitted. fm is the file mode of the directory where the file is contained. If the directory is not accessed, then this column contains a dash. If you have queried a directory, this field is omitted. type is the type of file or directory as follows: ALIAS = alias for a base file BASE = base file D IR = directory ERASED = erased (the base file has been erased) REVOKED = revoked (authority to the base file has been revoked). userid is the user ID that has been granted authority on the file or directory. This will be < PUBLIC> if authority was granted to all users who can connect to the file pool. r indicates the read authority for the listed file or directory. x means you have the authority. means you do not have the authority or that the authority is revoked. p means that the authority is held by the base security manager and the listed authority may not be accurate. The External Security Manager (ESM) must be queried to get the actual authorities. w indicates the write authority for the listed file or directory. X means you have the authority. means you do not have the authority or that the authority is revoked. p means that the authority is held by the base security manager and the listed authority may not be accurate. The External Security Manager (ESM) must be queried to get the actual authorities. Example: John wants to see the authorities he has been granted on on another user's directory, so he issues, query authorit * * smith. info Chapter 2. CMS Commands 423 QUERY and the following information is displayed, Directory = FILEPOOL:SMITH.INFO Filename Filetype Fm Type Grantee EXAMPLE SCRIPT Al BASE JOHN PROJ2 DIR JOHN CODING STANDRDS A0 ALIAS JOHN MACRO PROPOSED A0 REVOKED JOHN R W X X XXP -P John has read/write authority to the file EXAMPLE SCRIPT. He has read authority to the directory SMITH.INFO.PROJ2. There is an alias, CODING STANDRDS, that he was granted read authority on, but the authority is ESM-protected. John's authority to use the alias, MACRO PROPOSED, has been revoked. AUTOREAD displays the status of the console read. Response: AUTOREAD = ON or AUTOREAD = OFF where: ON indicates that a console read is issued immediately after command execution. OFF indicates that no console read is issued until the enter key (or its equivalent) is pressed. BLIP CMS does not support the BLIP facility. The command is maintained for compatibility only. Response: BLIP = OFF CMSLEVEL returns the feature or program product, release, and the service level of CMS. Response: Displays the VMjSP Release Level and the Service Level. such as: VM/SP RELEASE 5, SERVICE LEVEL 103 CMSTYPE indicates the status of the CMS terminal display. This option is valid only from an exec environment. The STACK and/or LIFO or FIFO options must be specified. Response: CMSTYPE = {HTIRT} where: HT indicates that the CMS terminal display within an exec is suppressed. All CMS terminal display from an exec, except for CMS erro~ messages with a suffix letter of'S' or 'T', is suppressed until the end of the exec file or until the SET CMSTYPE RT command is executed. 424 VM/SP CMS Command Reference QUERY RT indicates that the eMS terminal display is not suppressed. COMDIR diplays the current eMS communications directory settings. The settings can be cl;1anged using the SET eOMDIR command. Response: SYSTEM status STATIC fileid USER status STATIC fileid where: SYSTEM indicates the system, or secondary, communications directory. USER indicates the user, or primary, communications directory. status indicates the status of the name resolution. The status is either: ON indicating that name resolution is on. OFF indicating that name resolution is off. STATIC indicates that the file was loaded into memory when the last SET eOMDIR FILE or SET eOMDIR RELOAD was entered. If you have changed either file since then, enter the SET eOMDIR RELOAD command to apply the changes. fileid is the name of the directory. A response of "(none)" indicates that no directory is loaded. CSLLm displays the names of the callable services libraries, with a file type of eSLLIB or eSLSEG, in the current library search order. (This means all callable services libraries specified on the last GLOBAL CSLLIB command, if any.) Response: CSLLIB = libnamel 1ibname8 Up to eight names are displayed per line, for as many lines as necessary. If no eSLLIBs are found in the search order, the following message is displayed at the terminal: CSLLIB = NONE DISKfm displays the status of a disk or Shared File System (SFS) directory represented by fm, file mode letter. Response: Chapter 2. CMS Commands 425 QUERY lABEL VDEV M STAT CYl TYPE BlKSIZE FILES BlKS USED-(%) BlKS lEFT BlK TOTAL label vdev m stat cyl type blksize files blks_used blks_left blk_total If the disk is an OS or DOS disk, the response is: lABEL VDEV M STAT CYl TYPE BlKSIZE FILES BlKS USED-(%) BlKS lEFT BlK TOTAL label vdev m stat cyl type files where: label is either the label assigned to the disk when it was formatted or the volume label if it is an OS or DOS disk. If it is an SFS directory, a dash is displayed in the 1abe 1 column. vdev is either the virtual device address for a disk or DIR for an SFS directory. m is the file mode letter. stat indicates whether a disk or SFS directory status is read/write (R/W) or read/only (R/O). cyl is the number of cylinders available on the disk. For an FB-512 device, this field contains the notation FB rather than the number of cylinders. For an OS-formatted disk the number of cylinders available may appear to be larger that the number actually available, because it includes the space used by the VTOC. A dash is displayed for an SFS directory. type is the device type of the disk or a dash is displayed for an SFS directory. blksize is the CMS disk block size when the minidisk was formatted. For an SFS directory, the block size is always 4096. files is the number of CMS files on the disk or the number of base files, aliases, subdirectories, erased aliases, and revoked aliases in the directory. For an OS or DOS disk, OS or DOS is displayed. blks_used indicates the number of CMS disk blocks in use. The CMS disk blocks include both data blocks and control blocks. The percentage of blocks in use is also displayed. A dash is displayed for an SFS directory. blks_left indicates the number of disk blocks left. This is a high approximation because control blocks are included. A dash is displayed for an SFS directory. indicates the total number of disk blocks. A dash is displayed for an SFS directory. 426 VM/SP CMS Command Reference QUERY If the disk or directory with the specified file mode is not accessed, the response is: Disk fm not accessed DISK~ displays the status of all accessed eMS disks and SFS directories. This is the default. Response: Header is the same as QUERY DISKfm and QUERY DISK R/W. One line is displayed for each accessed disk or directory. DISK R/W displays the status of all eMS disks and SFS directories that have been accessed in read/write mode. Response: Header is the same as QUERY DISKjm and QUERY DISK line is displayed for each read/write disk and directory. *. One If there are no disks or directories accessed in read/write mode, the response is: No read/write disk accessed DISK MAX displays the status of a eMS disk or SFS directory accessed in read/write mode having the most available space. All directories in the same file space share the space, therefore the available space for a directory is based on the amount of space available in the file space. If communication fails between this command and the file pool, eMS assumes there is at least one block of read/write storage for a directory that is accessed as read/write. Response: Is the same format as QUERY DISKfm; a header and one line is displayed for the read/write disk and directory with the most available space. If there are no disks or directories accessed in read/write mode, the response is: No read/write disk accessed If there is no space available on any of the disks or directories accessed in read/write mode, the response is: No read/write disk or directory with space is accessed DISK FIRSTR/W displays the status of the first eMS disk or SFS directory in the search order accessed in read/write mode. Response: Is the same format as QUERY DISKfm; a header and one line are displayed for the first read/write disk or directory. If there are no disks or directories accessed in read/write mode, the response is: No read/write disk accessed DLBL in order to display the contents of the current data set definitions, it is necessary only to enter: DLBL or QUERY DLBL Entering the command yields the following information: DDNAME the VSE file name or OS ddname. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 427 QUERY MODE the eMS file mode identifying the disk or directory on which the data set resides. LOGUNIT the VSE logical unit specification (SYSxxx). This operand will be blank for a data set defined while in eMS/OS environment; that is, the SET DOS ON command had not been issued at DLBL definition time. TYPE indicates the type of data set defined. This field may only have the values SEQ (sequential) and VSAM. CATALOG indicates the ddname of the VSAM catalog to be searched for the specified data set. This field will be blank for sequential (SEQ) dataset definitions. EXT specifies the number of extents defined for the data set. The actual extents may be displayed by entering either the DLBL (EXTENT) or the QUERY DLBL EXTENT command. This field will be blank if no extents are active for a VSAM data set or if the data set is sequential (SEQ). If no DLBL MULT definitions are active, the response is: No user defined MULTs in effect. VOL specifies the number (if greater than one) of volumes on which the VSAM data set resides. The actual volumes may be displayed by entering either the DLBL (MULT) or the QUERY DLBL MULT commands. This field will be blank if the VSAM data set resides only on one volume or if the data set is sequential (SEQ). If no DLBL EXTENT definitions are active, the response is: No user defined EXTENTs in effect. BUFSP indicates the size of the VSAM buffer space if entered at DLBL definition time. This field will be blank if the dataset is sequential (SEQ). PERM indicates whether the DLBL definition was made with the PERM option. The field will contain YES or NO. DISK indicates whether the data set resided on a eMS disk (or directory) or a DOS/OS disk at DLBL definition time. The values for this field are DOS and eMS. DATASET. NAME for a data set residing on a eMS disk or directory, the eMS file name and file type are given; for a data set residing on a DOS/OS disk, the data set name (maximum 44 chalacters) is given. This field will be blank if no DOS/OS data set name is entered at DLBL definition time. If no DLBL definitions are active, the following message is issued: No user defined DLBL in effect. DOS displays whether the eMS/DOS environment is active or not. Response: 428 VM/SP CMS Command Reference QUERY DOS = ON or DOS = OFF DOSLIB displays the names of all files with a file type of DOS LIB that are to be searched for executable phases (that is, all DOSLIBs specified on the last GLOBAL DOSLIB command, if any). Response: DOSLIB = libnamel libname8 Up to eight names are displayed per line, for as many lines as are necessary. If no DOSLIBs are to be searched, the response is: DOSLIB = NONE DOSLNCNT displays the number of SYSLST lines per page. Response: DOSLNCNT = nn where: nn is an integer from 30 to 99. DOSPART displays the current setting of the virtual partition size. Response: nnnnnK or NONE where: nnnnnK indicates the size of the virtual partition to be used at program execution time. NONE indicates that eMS determines the virtual partition size at program execution time. ENROLL USER FOR ALL (filepoolid:1 displays information about enrolled users in a specified file pool. If Jilepoolid: is not specified, the default file pool is used. Note: If the QUERY ENROLL command is issued from an exec on a work unit that is active, the command will fail. Response: Number Of Enrolled Users userid = nnnn Chapter 2. CMS Commands 429 QUERY Note: If the file pool administrator has issued a public enrollment for the file pool, < PUBLIC> is displayed as one of the user IDs. If there are no users enrolled, you will get the following response: No users are enrolled in file pool filepoolid with a return code of 0 if the response is typed or a return code of 6 if the response was to be stacked. ENROLL USER FOR userid/nickname (filepoolid:) displays whether the specified user or group of users is enrolled. Nicknames can be used, see the NAMES command. If Jilepoolid: is not specified, the default file pool is used. Response: Enrolled YES/NO Userid userid Note: The header is generated only if output is displayed at the terminal. ENROLL ADMINISTRATOR FOR ALL (filepoolid:1 displays user IDs of all enrolled file pool administrators. If Jilepoolid: is not specified, the default file pool is used. Response: Number Of Administrators userid = nn If there are no administrators enrolled, you will get the following response: There are no administrators for file pool filepoolid with a return code of 0 if the response is typed or a return code of 6 if the response was to be stacked. ENROLL ADMINISTRATOR FOR useridlnickname (filepoolid:) displays whether the specified user(s) are file pool administrators or not. If Jilepoolid: is not specified, then the default file pool is used. Nicknames can be used, see the NAMES command. Response: Userid userid Administrator YES/NO Note: The header is generated only if output is displayed at the terminal. EXECTRAC displays the setting of the tracing bit (in EXECFLAG in NUCON). Setting is either ON or OFF. Response: EXECTRAC = ON or 430 VMjSP CMS Command Reference QUERY EXECTRAC OFF = FILEDEF displays all file definitions in effect. Response: ddname device If the device is a disk, additional file ID information is displayed: ddname DISK filename filetype filemode [datasetname] or, if the device is a tape, additional label information is displayed: ddname TAPn labeltype [n [VOlID volid]lfilename] If no file definitions are in effect, the following message is displayed at the terminal: No user defined FIlEDEFs in effect FILEPOOL CURrent displays the current default file pool set by the SET FILEPOOL command. Response: FIlEPOOl filepoolid: If there is no current file pool, the response is: FIlEPOOl NONE FILEPOOL PRimary displays the primary file pool specified during IPL. Response: The response is the same as for QUERY FILEPOOL CURRENT. FILEPOOL CONFlict useritJInickname Ifilepoolid:1 displays information about lock conflicts in the specified file pool for the specified user ID or set of users. To specify a nickname for a set of users, see the NAMES command. If you do not specify Jilepoolid:, then the default file pool is queried. You cannot use this query to find your own conflicts. A response indicates that you have no conflicts. When you are in a lock wait state, i.e., a filepool conflict, your virtual machine waits for the file pool server to reply and you cannot enter any commands until the conflict is resolved. Response: Requestor requestor Holder holder Wait wait lock lock lock Type lock type Note: The header is generated only if output is displayed at the terminal. where: requestor is the user who is waiting for a lock that is being held by the holder. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 431 QUERY holder is the user who is preventing the requestor from getting a lock. The holder may be waiting for some other user to free a lock. wait is one of the following wait states of the holder. Communication means that the file pool server is waiting for another request from the holder of the lock. Checkpoint means that the holder of the lock is waiting for an internal checkpoint to complete. Lock means that the holder of the lock is waiting for another implicit lock that someone else holds. The file pool server never waits for explicit locks, which are created by the CREATE LOCK command. Catalog Buffer means that the holder of the lock is waiting for a buffer to hold catalog minidisk data. Control Buffer means that the holder of the lock is waiting for a buffer to hold control minidisk data. I/O means that the holder of the lock is waiting for file pool I/O to complete. None there is no wait state. lock one of the following types of file pool resource for which the Requestor has requested a lock. File Catalog Row Catalog Block Catalog Index Storage Group Recovery File Space Directory lock type is the type of lock that the requestor needs. Some of these are internal lock types that the server needs to complete a request. The internal lock types are intended for for use by service personnel. "Lock Type" can be: Share is an internal locking type. Excl is an internal locking type. IShare is an internal locking type. IExcl is an internal locking type. is an explicit (checkout) share lock. 432 VM/SP CMS Command Reference QUERY is an explicit (checkout) update lock. is an explicit (checkout) exclusive lock. is an internal locking type. FILEPOOL CONNect FOR ALL (filepoolid:) displays information about all the users that are currently connected to the specified file pool. If Jilepoolid: is not specified, the default file pool is queried. Response: Userid userid Connected connected Note: The header is generated only if output is displayed at the terminal. where: userid is the user ID of the user connected to the file pool. Note: A single user ID may have multiple connections and would be listed for each connection. connected is one of the following: Yes = connected to file pool and does not have an active request. No = not connected (not applicable if ALL is specified) Act i ve = connected to file pool and has an active request FILEPOOL CONNect FOR useridlnickname (filepoolid:) displays information about a user's connection to a specified file pool. If Jilepoolid: is not specified, the default file pool is queried. The userid can be a nickname (see the NAMES command). Response: The same response format as for QUERY FILEPOOL CONNECT FOR ALL; the Connected column can also contain a No indicating that the user ID is not connected to the file pool. FILEWAIT displays whether or not you want commands affecting files in a filepool to wait for a locked file to become available. The setting can be changed using the SET FILEWAIT command. Response: FI LEWAIT ONIOFF where ON indicates that you do not want commands affecting a file to fail because the file is unavailable. The request waits until the file becomes available. The wait may be for a prolonged time. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 433 QUERY OFF means that commands affecting a file will fail immediately if the requested file is not available. FULLREAD indicates whether or not 3270 null characters are recognized in the middle of the physical screen. Response: FULLREAD ON or FULLREAD OFF where: ON indicates that null characters are recognized in the middle of lines, making it easier for you to enter tabular or pictorial data. OFF inhibits transmission of nulls from the terminal. IMESCAPE displays the immediate command escape character. Response: IMESCAPE = char = OFF or IMESCAPE where: char is the escape character in effect. The default character is a semi-colon (;). OFF no immediate command escape character is in effect. IMPCP displays the status of implied CP command indicator. Response: IMPCP = ON or = OFF IMPCP where: ON indicates that CP commands can be entered from the CMS environment. OFF indicates that you must use the CP command or the CP commands from the CMS environment. IMPEX displays status of implied exec indicator. Response: IMPEX 434 = ON VM/SP CMS Command Reference QUERY or IMPEX = OFF where: ON indicates that exec files can be executed by entering the filename of the file. OFF indicates that the EXEC command must be explicitly entered to execute exec files. INPUT displays the contents of any input translate table in effect. Response: INPUT al xxI an xxn If you do not have an input translate table in effect, the response is: NO USER DEFINED INPUT TRANSLATE TABLE IN USE INSTSEG displays the status of the CMS installation saved segment. Response: INSTSEG = ON model LAST = OFF· or INSTSEG where: ON modelLAST indicates that the installation saved segment is being used. The mode specifies the location in the command search order where the saved segment is being accessed. LAST indicates that the CMS installation saved segment is searched after the last accessed disk or directory in the search order. OFF indicates that the CMS installation saved segment is not being used. KEYPROTECT checks the setting of the storage keys according to their defined values. Response: KEY PROT = ON OFF where: ON indicates that the storage keys were reset. OFF indicates that the storage keys were not reset. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 435 QUERY LABELDEF displays all label definitions in effect. Response: DONAME VOlIO FSEQ VOlSEQ GENN GENV CROTE EXOTE SEC ddname volid fseq volseq genn genv crdte exdte sec FlO fid Only fields you have explicitly specified are displayed. Defaulted fields are not displayed. If no label definitions are in effect, the following message is displayed at the terminal: No user defined lABElOEFs in effect For an OS simulation user, if SCRATCH was entered at command time and the file has not been opened, then all the volume IDs and SCRATCH will be displayed. If SCRATCH was entered at command time, and the file has been opened, then all the volume IDs and the volume IDs of all the scratch tapes will be displayed. When multiple volume IDs have been specified, the response is: OONAME VOlIO FSEQ VOlSEQ GENN GENV CROTE EXOTE SEC ddname fseq vol seq genn genv crdte exdte sec VOLIOS: FlO fid LANGLIST displays all the language identifiers (langids) that can be set for CMS in your virtual machine. You can use this command to determine whether or not a certain language is valid for your virtual machine. Response: langidl langid2 langid3 where: langidl is the language identifier of the default language for CMS. langid2 is the language identifier of the language that is currently active for CMS in your virtual machine. If the current, active language and the default language are the same, langid2 is not displayed. langid3 ••• are other valid language identifiers. Note: The response may change if you alter the size of your virtual machine. Example: The response to QUERY LANGLIST may be: 436 VMjSP CMS Command Reference QUERY AMENG GER FRANC where: AMENG GER FRANC is American English, the default language for eMS. is German, the language that is currently active for eMS in your virtual machine. is French, another valid language for your virtual machine. LANGUAGE displays the language identifier of the language that is currently active for eMS in your virtual machine. Response: langid where: langid is the language identifier of the language that is currently active for eMS in your virtual machine. LANGUAGE ALL displays the language identifier and all active application identifiers. For applications, ALL displays whether the applications have system-provided language files, user additions (message repositories, eMS command syntax file), or both. Response: langid appl idl USERISYSTEMIALL appl id2 USERI SYSTEM IALL where: langid is the language identifier of the language that is currently active for eMS in your virtual machine. app/idJ app/id2 ••• is an application identifier. USER indicates that user repositories, command syntax tables, and/or command synonym tables are loaded into storage. SYSTEM indicates that the system-provided language files for the application named are active. No user language files are active. ALL specifies that the system-provided language files and user additions are active. Example: The response to QUERY LANGUAGE ALL may be: Chapter 2. CMS Commands 437 QUERY AMENG OMS ALL AWG SYSTEM where: is the language ID for American English. is the application id for CMS. ALL indicates that you have made additions to the CMS message repository and/or command syntax files. AWG is an application id for an application program. SYSTEM indicates that you are using only the system language information for the AWG application. AMENG DMS LDRTBLS displays the number of loader tables. Response: LDRTBLS = nn LmRARY displays the names of all Iibrary files with file types of MACLIB, TXTLIB, CSLLIB, DOSLIB, and LOAD LIB that are to be searched. Response: libtype = libnamel 1ibname8 Up to eight names are displayed per line, for as many lines as necessary. If no Ii braries are to be searched, the response is: MACLIB TXTLIB OOSLIB LOAOLIB CSLLIB = = = = = NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE LIMITS * (filepoolid:1 displays information about your limits in the specified file pool. If Jilepoolid: is not specified, the default file pool is used. If you are a remote or batch user, the user ID that is queried is your APPC/VM access user ID. This is the user ID by which the file pool knows you and is used to verify authorization. Note: If the QUERY LIMITS command is issued from an exec on a work unit that is active, the command will fail. Response: Userid userid Storage Group stor_group 4K Block Limit blk_limit 4K Blocks Committed Threshold blks_com thresh Note: The header is generated only if output is displayed at the terminal. where: userid is your user ID. 438 VM/SP CMS Command Reference QUERY stor_group is the number of the Storage Group to which you have been assigned. blk_limit is the number of 4K blocks available for your files. This number is the size of your file space. blks_com is the number of 4K blocks committed in your file space and the percentage of file space used. thresh is the percentage of the b1k_l i mi t at which you will receive a warning message if you use this percentage or more of your file space. The default value is 90%. This value can be changed by the SET THRESHOLD command. If you are not enrolled in the file pool, the response is your user ID and dashes in all the other columns. LINEND indicates whether or not the logical line end character is activated and the character defined as the logical line end. Response: LINEND ON char or LINEND OFF char where: ON indicates that the logical line end character is activated. OFF indicates that the logical line end character is not activated. char is the logical line end character. LOADAREA displays the default ORIGIN for loading TEXT files with the LOAD command. Note: Use the SET LOADAREA command to change the default ORIGIN. Responses: LOADAREA = 2eeee or LOADAREA = RESPECT where: 20000 indicates that the LOAD command will start loading at X 120000 1 if the ORIGIN or RMODE option is not specified on the LOAD command. RESPECT indicates that in a 370-XA mode virtual machine the LOAD command will respect the RMODE during TEXT ESD processing to determine where the loaded program should reside when the RMODE or ORIGIN option is not specified on the LOAD command. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 439 QUERY In a VMjSP or Systemj370 mode virtual machine, the SET LOADAREA RESPECT command will cause loading to start at the beginning of the largest contiguous area below 16Mb if the ORIGIN option is not specified on the LOAD command. LOADLIB displays the names of all files, that have a file type of LOADLIB, that are to be searched for load modules (that is, all LOADLIBs specified on the last GLOBAL LOAD LIB command, if any). Response: LOADLIB = libnamel 1ibname8 Up to eight names are displayed per line, for as many lines as necessary. If no LOADLIBs are to be searched, the following message is displayed at the terminal: LOADLIB = NONE LOCK Ifn ft) (dirid) displays lock information on a Shared File System (SFS) directory or a file in a directory. Files and directories are locked using the CREATE LOCK command. To remove a lock, use the DELETE LOCK command. To query a file, specify fn ft and the dirid containing the file. To query a directory, specify only the dirid. If dirid is not specified, the directory accessed as A is queried. You must have read or write authority for the file or directory you query and the directory cannot be open. See "Naming Shared File System (SFS) Directories" on page 4 for a description of dirid. Special characters (* or 0/0) can be used for fn ft to query a set of files. When querying a set of files, the files and directories that are locked, match the pattern, and for which you have read or write authority are displayed. See "Pattern Matching" on page 8 for more information on using these special characters. When pattern matching is done on subdirectory names that contain more than eight characters, the first eight characters are used as the file name and the remaining characters are used as the file type. For example, your directory_ accessed as A contains, CROCKETT NOTEBOOK CROCKETTNOTES where CROCKETT NOTEBOOK is a file and CROCKETTNOTES is a subdirectory. Issuing, query lock cree· n* a would find both CROCKETT NOTEBOOK and CROCKETTNOTES because CROCKETTNOTES contains more than eight characters and is matched as if it had a file name of CROCKETT and a file type of NOTES. Issuing, qur;ryloc.k crockett notes * a would also find both CROCKETT NOTEBOOK and CROCKETTNOTES because only the first eight characters are used as the file name. Therefore, any file or alias with the name of CROCKETT, or any subdirectory with CROCKETT as the first eight characters in its name would be listed. 440 VM/SP CMS Command Reference QUERY Response: For QUERY LOCK fn ft [dirid]: Directory = .•• n8 Filename Filetype Fm Type Userid Lock fn ft fm type userid lock Duration length Note: The second line of the header is generated only if output is displayed at the terminal; the first line containing the directory name is always included. For QUERY LOCK dirid: Directory = .•. n8 Userid Lock Duration userid lock length where: fn is the name of the file you are querying. ft is the file type of the file you are querying. fm is the file mode if the directory is accessed, otherwise a dash is displayed. type is the type of object locked: BASE base file ALIAS an alias for a base file DIR directory userid is the user ID holding the lock. lock is the type of lock: SHARE others may read while you read UPDATE others may read while you read or modify EXCLUSIVE others cannot read or write length is the duration of the lock: LASTING lock remains in effect until a DELETE LOCK command removes the lock SESSION lock is removed when your CMS session with the file pool ends (see the CREATE LOCK command for details). If no locks are in effect, and the STACK, LIFO, or FIFO option was specified, the return code is set to 6, indicating that no data was stacked. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 441 QUERY MACLIB displays the names of all files, with a file type of MACLIB, that are to be searched for macro definitions (that is, all MACLIBs specified on the last GLOBAL MAC LIB command, if any). Response: MACLIB = libnamel libname8 Up to eight names are displayed per line, for as many lines as necessary. If no macro libraries are to be searched for macro definitions, the response is: MACLIB = NONE NAMEDEF displays the current namedefs that were established by issuing the CREATE NAMEDEF command. Response: Namedef namedef namedef Filename Filetype Directory Name dirname ft fn Note: The header is generated only if output is displayed at the terminal. where: namedef is a temporary name that is associated with either the directory name or the file name and file type. fn is the file name associated with the namedef. If a dash is displayed, it means that a directory name is associated with the namedef. ft is the file type associated with the namedef. If a dash is displayed, it means that a directory name is associated with the namedef. dirname is the complete directory name associated with the'namedef. If a dash is displayed, it means that only a file name and file type are associated with the namedef. If no namedefs are in effect and the STACK, LIFO, or FIFO option was specified, the return code is set to 6, indicating that no data was stacked. NONDISP specifies the character that is set to be displayed in place of nondisplayable characters. Response: NONDISP where: 442 VMjSP CMS Command Reference char char is the character that is displayed in place of nondisplayable charac~f.;i's. OPTION displays the compiler options that are currently in effect. OPTION Response: = options ..• OUTPUT displays the contents of any output translate table in effect. Response: OUTPUT xxI al xxn an If you do not have an output translate table defined, the response is: NO USER DEFINED OUTPUT TRANSLATE TABLE IN USE PROTECT displays the status of eMS nucleus protection. Response: PROTECT = ON = OFF or PROTECT where: ON means eMS nucleus protection is in effect. OFF means eMS nucleus protection is not in effect. RDYMSG displays the format of the eMS ready message. Response: RDYMSG = LMSG = SMSG or RDYMSG where: LMSG is the standard eMS ready message: Ready; T = 0.12/0.33 17:06:20 SMSG is the shortened eMS ready message: Ready; REDTYPE displays the status of the REDTYPE indicator. Response: Chapter 2. CMS Commands QUERY REDTYPE = ON or REDTYPE = OFF where: ON types CMS error messages in red, for certain terminals equipped with the appropriate terminal feature and a two-color ribbon. Supported terminals are described in the VMjSP Terminal Reference. OFF does not type CMS error messages in red. RELPAGE indicates whether pages of storage are to be released or retained after certain commands complete execution. Response: RELPAGE = ON or RELPAGE = OFF where: ON releases pages. OFF retains pages. REMOTE displays the manner in which data transmission is handled. Response: REMOTE ON or REMOTE OFF where: ON specifies that data is compressed by removing nulls and combining data when five or more of the same characters occur consecutively in a data stream. OFF specifies that the data stream is not compressed. Data is transmitted with no minimization. SEARCH displays the search order of accessed disks and Shared File System (SFS) directories. Response: label vdev 444 VM/SP CMS Command Reference mode stat dirname QUERY Note: If the search order includes any OS or DOS disks, the response will also indicate whether the disk is OS or DOS. where: label is either the label assigned to the disk when it was formatted or the volume label if it is an OS or DOS disk. If it is an SFS directory, a dash is displayed in the label column. vdev is either the virtual device address for a disk or "DIR" for an SFS directory. mode is the file mode letter assigned to the disk or SFS directory when it was accessed. Mode may also be indicated as an extension of a disk or directory, such as CIA. However, when you use QUERY SEARCH (different than QUERY DISK), you will not see any extension indicated if it is an extension of itself. For example, for C/C, you will see only C. stat indicates whether the status of the disk or SFS directory is read/write (R/W) or read/only (R/O). dirname is the complete name of an SFS directory. This column is left blank for disks. In a full-screen CMS environment if the directory name is too long to display on the line, you can scroll to the right to see the remainder of the directory name. SEGMENT segname CONtents returns a list of the objects in the specified logical segment space. Response: Type type Location Length location length Name name where: type indicates what the object is. For example, the object might be an exec, CSL routine, or LANGUAGE. location indicates the starting address of the object in the segment. length is the length of the object in the segment. name is the name of the object in the segment. Example: Entering the command: query segment myseg would list the contents of the logical segment named MYSEG, Chapter 2. CMS Commands 445 QUERY Type NUCEXT SUBCOM EXEC EXEC LANGUAGE CSL USER Location 006E0630 006E0Fl8 006E32D0 006E0698 006E3030 006E0000 006E3B50 Length 00000038 00000038 00000848 00000848 Name TESTMOD1 TESTMOD2 PROFl EXEC TEST XEDIT OFS AMENG 00000610 LlB2 000000FF TESTUSER If MYSEG contained a single shared minidisk directory the output might look like this: Type DISK Location Length Name 006E5000 00010000 LABELl SEGMENT segname ASSIGN returns the name of the physical segment that the specified logical segment is assigned to. Response: Lsegname Assignment lsegname assignment where: lsegname is the name of the specified logical segment. assignment is the name of the physical segment that the logical segment is assigned to. SEGMENT segname SPACE returns information about the segment space containing the specified segment. Response: Space space Name Location Length location length Loaded Attribute YES/NO - where: space is the name of the physical segment or segment space location is the starting address of the segment space. length is'the length of the segment space. SEGMENT ~ SPACE returns information about all the physical segments and segment spaces that contain reserved or loaded segments. Response: The response is the same as for QUERY SEGMENT segname SPACE; one line is returned for each segment space. 446 VMjSP CMS Command Reference QUERY SEGMENT segname (PHysicaIILOgical) returns information about the specified physical or logical segment. Response: Space space Name Location Length segname location length Loaded Attribute YES/NO SYSTEM/USER where: space is the name of the physical segment or segment space. segname is the name of the saved segment associated with the segment space. For logical segments this will be the logical segment name. For physical segments this will be the name of the reserved segment space. location is the starting address of the segment space. length is the length of the segment space. The" Loaded column indicates whether or not the segment is attached to a virtual machine. If SYSTEM is returned in the Attribute column it means that the space will survive abend processing. If USER is returned it indicates that the space will not survive abend processing. SEGMENT :: (PHysicaIILOgical) returns information about all physical and/or logical segment spaces defined by the SEGMENT command and the SEGMENT macro. This is the default. Response: The response is the same as for QUERY SEGMENT segname [PHYSICALILOGICAL]; one line is returned for each segment space. SERVER displays whether the virtual machine will process or reject private resource conversation requests. Response: SERVER ON OFF where: ON indicates the virtual machine will process any private resource conversation requests. OFF indicates the virtual machine will reject any private resource conversation requests. STORECLR displays the current setting of eMS GETMAIN free storage clean up. Note: Use the SET STORECLR command to change the way CMS releases GETMAIN storage. Responses: STORECLR = ENDSVC Chapter 2.CMS Commands 447 QUERY or STORECLR = ENDCMD where: ENDSVC indicates that eMS releases GETMAIN storage when the program that called GETMAIN issues an sve to return to the program that called it. eMS treats the STRINIT macro as a NOP. ENDCMD indicates that eMS returns GETMAIN storage at end-of-command, the point where the eMS ready message is displayed. eMS honors user invocations of STRINIT. SYNONYM SYSTEM displays the eMS system synonyms in effect that are enabled by the SYNONYM command. Response: SYSTEM SHORTEST COMMAND FORM command minimum truncation If no system synonyms are in effect, the following message is displayed at the terminal: No system synonyms in effect SYNONYM USER displays user synonyms in effect that are enabled by the SYNONYM command. Response: SYSTEM USER SHORTEST COMMAND SYNONYM FORM (IF ANY) command synonym minimum truncation If no user synonyms are in effect, the following message is displayed at the terminal: No user synonyms in effect SYNONYM ALL displays all synonyms in effect that are enabled by the SYNONYM command. Response: The response to the command QUERY SYNONYM SYSTEM is followed by the response to QUERY SYNONYM USER. SYSNAMES displays the names of the standard saved systems. Response: SYSNAMES: CMSVSAM CMSAMS 448 VMjSP CMS Command Reference CMSDOS CMSBAM QUERY ENTRIES: entry ••• entry ••• entry .•• entry ••• where: SYSNAMES are the standard names that identify the discontiguous saved systems. ENTRIES are the standard system default names or the system names established via the SET SYSNAME command. TEXT displays the status of TEXT character code conversion. Response: TEXT ON or TEXT OFF where: ON converts TEXT characters for windows. OFF does not convert TEXT characters. TRANslate displays translations and translation synonyms that are in effect. SYStem displays only the System National Language Translation Table. USER displays only the User National Language Translation Table. ALL displays System and User National Language Translation Tables. TRANslate displays only the national language translations. SYNonym displays only the national language translation synonyms. BOTH displays both the national language translations and translation synonyms. APPlid applid is an application identifier that defines information about a particular application. It must be three alphanumeric characters~ and the first character must be alphabetic. The default~ *~ displays tables for all applications. Response: The QUERY TRANSLATE command responds with: • One or two messages stating whether or not the translations and translation synonyms are active, and • A table displaying the command name~ translations/synonyms, and minimum abbreviation~ or a message stating that there are no entries in the table. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 449 In the first part of the response, you receive one or more of the following messages, depending on the options that you specify: System translations, ap,plication id: app/id A heading for the currently active system translations System translation synonyms, application id: app/id A heading for the currently active system translation synonyms User translations, application id: app/id A heading for the currently active user translations User translation synonyms, application id: app/id A heading for the currently active user translation synonyms User translations off, application id: app/id A response when user translations are currently not active User translation synonyms off, application id: app/id A response when user translation synonyms are currently not active System translation off, application id: app/id A response when system translations are currently not active System translation synonyms off, application id: app/id A response when system translation synonyms are currently not active No entries in table A response when there are no entries in table being displayed When the tables contain entries for translations and translation synonyms, the tables are displayed in the following order: User Translations System Translations User Translation Synonyms System Translation Synonyms Each table is displayed in the following format: command name translation/synonym minimum abbreviation Example: To display only the system translations that are in effect, enter query translate system translate TXTLIB displays the names of all files, with a file type of TXTLIB, that are to be searched for unresolved references (that is, all TXTLIBs specified on the last GLOBAL TXTLIB command, if any). Response: TXTLIB 450 = libnamel VMjSP CMS Command Reference libname8 QUERY Up to eight names are displayed per line, for as many lines as necessary. If no TXTLIBs are to be searched for unresolved references, the following message is displayed at the terminal: TXTLIB = NONE UPSI displays the current setting of the UPSI byte. The eight individual bits are displayed as zeros or ones depending upon whether the corresponding bit is on or off. Response: UPSI = nnnnnnnn Options STACK causes the results of the QUERY command to be placed in the program stack instead of being displayed at the terminal. The information is stacked either FIFO (first in first out) or LIFO (last in first out). The default order is FIFO. If CMS passes the command to CP, then the response from CP is also put in the program stack. If CP precedes the QUERY command, CMS does not stack the results. The STACK option is valid only when issued from CMS. Error messages are displayed at the terminal and are not stacked. FIFO (first-in first-out) is the default option for STACK. FIFO causes the results of the QUERY command to be placed in the program stack instead of being displayed at the terminal. The information is stacked FIFO. The options STACK, STACK FIFO, and FIFO are all equivalent. LIFO (last-in first-out) causes the results of the QUERY command to be placed in the program stack rather than being displayed at the terminal. The information is stacked LIFO. This option is equivalent to STACK LIFO. XEDIT places the information in the file that is currently displayed. This option is only valid when issued from the XEDIT environment. The output replaces the information in the file starting with the current line and continues until the end of the output is reached. Remaining text in the file, if any, is unchanged. The edited file must either be variable length format or fixed format with a logical record length (lrec1) of 190 for QUERY ALIAS or a Irec1 of 165 for QUERY AUTHORITY. The XEDIT option of the QUERY command can only be used with QUERY ALIAS and QUERY AUTHORITY. Usage Notes 1. You may specify only one QUERY parameter at a time. 2. If the implied CP (IMPCP) function is in effect and you enter an invalid QUERY parameter, you may receive the message DMKCQG045E - userid NOT LOGGED ON. 3. If an invalid QUERY parameter is specified from an exec and the implied CP (IMPCP) function is in effect, then the return code is -0003. 4. The DOSPART, OPTION, and UPSI functions are valid only if the CMS/DOS environment is active. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 451 QUERY 5. If the information that you query requires a response from CP and the response is longer than 8192 characters, nothing is stacked and you receive a return code of 88. 6. The language for QUERY command responses depends on the language used to enter the command and whether or not the command was translated. If the QUERY command is entered in American English (or AMENG, which is always available), CMS responds in American English. If the command is entered in the current national language, or if the translation of the command is the same as American English, the response is displayed (or stacked) in the current national language. The language of the response is especially important for language dependent execs. For more information, see the section "Using Translations" in the VM/SP eMS User's Guide. Messages and Return Codes DMSJNLI09S DMSJNL637E DMSJNL647E DMSJNL647E DMSJNL653E DMSOUTI05S DMSOUT688E DMSQRE386E DMSQRE389E DMSQRE39lE DMSQREI 202E DMSQREl223E DMSQRE1238E DMSQRF926E DMSQRNl222I DMSQRP065E DMSQRP689E DMSQRQ1239E DMSQRQ1239E DMSQRR002E DMSQRRI09E DMSQRRl160E DMSQRRl184E DMSQRRl184E DMSQRRl184E DMSQRRl184E DMSQRRl185I DMSQRRl185I DMSQRRl186I DMSQRRl210E DMSQRSI04S DMSQRS280E DMSQRX070E DMSQRX099E DMSQRY003E 452 VM/SP CMS Command Reference Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Missing nodeid for the AT operand [RC=24] Userid not specified for nickname in userid NAMES file [RC = 32] Localid not specified for userid at node in userid NAMES file [RC=32] Error executing command rc = nn [RC = 40] Error nn writing file to XED IT [RC = 100] XEDIT option only valid from XED IT environment [RC = 24] Missing operand(s) [RC = 24] Invalid filepoolid: lilepoolid [RC = 24] Unexpected operand(s): operand [RC=24] Userid must not be specified if {ALLI*} is specified [RC=24] There is no default file pool currently defined [RC = 40] Missing userid for operand operand [RC = 24] Command is only valid on a display terminal [RC = 88] No user defined NAMEDEF in effect option option specified twice [RC = 24] File must be F-format nnn or V-format [RC=24] You are not authorized to issue this request on behalf of userid [RC = 76] You are not authorized to issue this request for ALL users [RC = 76] File Inft Imldirname not found [RC = 28] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 109] Directory dirname already open [RC = 70] File In It Imldirname not found or you are not authorized for it [RC=28] Directory dirname not found or you are not authorized for it [RC=28] File In It or directory dirname not found or you are not authorized for it [RC = 28] File In It or directory dirid not found [RC = 28] No locks are held on In It Imldirname No locks are held on directory dirname No alias exists for In It 1m Idirname Directory dirname not found [RC = 28] Error nn reading SYSTEM LANGUAGE S from disk [RC = Inn] Application app/id not active [RC = 28] Invalid parameter parameter [RC = 24] CMS/DOS environment [not] active [RC = 40] Invalid option: option [RC = 24] QUERY DMSQRY014E DMSQRY066E DMSQRY618E DMSQRY621E Invalid function function [RC = 24] option1 and option2 are conflicting options [RC = 24] NUCEXT failed [RC=nn] Bad p1ist: message [RC = 24] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax Errors in the Shared File System 811 813 Chapter 2. CMS Commands 453 RDR RDR Use RDR to determine the characteristics of the next file in your virtual reader. RDR generates a return code and either displays or stacks a message for each type of file recognized. Which file is "next" depends upon the class of the reader, the class of the files in the reader, and whether or not they are held. Format RDR [ spool::,lass ] Options: [(options ... [)]] NO TYPE STACK FIFO] [ LIFO MSGSUBsl [ MSGALL J FIFO LIFO Operands spool-class is the class of the spool file for which information is to be returned. The virtual reader remains spooled to the class specified in the RD R command. indicates that information is to be returned for a file having the same spool file class as that of the virtual reader. This is the default. Options NOTYPE specifies that no message is to be displayed or stacked. However, a return code is generated, which is accessible from within an EXEC 2 (or EXEC) procedure, by examining the variable &RC (or &RETCODE). STACK (FIFO) STACK LIFO specifies that the message is placed in the program stack rather than displayed at the terminal. The information is stacked either FIFO (first in first out) or LIFO (last in first out). The default order is FIFO. FIFO specifies that the information is placed in the program stack rather than displayed at the terminal. The information is stacked FIFO. The options STACK, STACK FIFO, and FIFO are all equivalent. LIFO specifies that the information is placed in the program stack rather than displayed at the terminal. The information is stacked LIFO. This option is equivalent to STACK LIFO. 454 VMjSP CMS Command Reference RDR MSGSUBS returns only the available substitution information for the current spool file. The lines are displayed or stacked in accordance with the NOTYPE, STACK, LIFO, or FIFO options described above. See the usage notes for additional information on substitution data. MSGALL returns the normal message and all available substitution information for the current spool file. The lines are displayed or stacked in accordance with the NOTYPE, STACK, LIFO, and FIFO options described above. See the usage notes for additional information on substitution data. Usage Notes 1. Issued with no options, RDR displays the return code and message. 2. Issued with the NOTYPE option from an exec (written in the REXX language) RDR places a return code in the variable RC. Appropriate action can be taken by examining this variable. For example: rdr notype If rc=22 Then disk load Else If RC=7 Then readcard I ( I 3. If the spool-class specified is different from the current spool class of the virtual reader, the virtual reader's spool class is changed to the one specified. The current spool class of the virtual reader can be determined by issuing the CP command QUERY VIRTUAL OOC or QUERY VIRTUAL UR. 4. The RDR command changes the order of the files in your virtual reader. Files that are not held are re-ordered according to class. S. The RDR command does not handle MONITOR files. Responses The return codes and messages are: e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 13 18 22 23 26 Reader empty System dump file PRINTER FILE (ITEM LENGTH lrecl) DISK LOAD fn ft fm :READ fn ft fm originid mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss Cards for IPL Unnamed card deck :READ fn ft fm Reader not operational File with X' 5A ' CCW Reader not ready Console spool file DISK LOAD fn ft fm Netdata file Message Explanations of the messages follow. (The return code is not part of the message.) Reader empty RC = 0 The reader is empty, the reader file is held, or there are no files in the reader of the current reader spool class. You can check to make sure the reader corresponds to the current spool class, or check for held files. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 4SS RDR System dump file RC = 1 The reader contains a system dump file, which can be handled using the appropriate system utility. PRINTER FILE (ITEM LENGTH freel) RC = 2 The reader contains a printer file with a logical record length of freel. DISK LOAD In It 1m RC = 3 The reader contains a file sent via DISK DUMP from a VMj370 Release 6 (or earlier version) CMS file system. The CMS file system in VMj370 Release 6 (or earlier) only supports minidisks formatted in 800-byte physical blocks. :READ In It 1m originid mmjddjyy hh:mm:ss RC = 4 The reader contains a non-console or a non-printer file that has' a READ control card as the first real record. If the PUNCH command produced this file, then the result will be in the above format; otherwise, the READ control card will be displayed through column 72. Cards for IPL RC = 5 The reader contains a file that has IPL cards as the first cards in the file. Unnamed card deck RC=6 The reader contains a PUNCH file that can not be identified. :READlnltlm RC=7 The reader contains a file that is a printer file. Reader not operational RC = 9 The reader is not operational: device OOC does not exist in the virtual machine configuration or device OOC is not a reader. Possible causes: the reader is not defined in your CP directory entry; the reader was detached; some other device was at OOC. (CMS requires the reader to be at address OOC.) PRINTER FILE (ITEM LENGTH freel) RC = 10 The reader contains a printer file with a X 5A CCW. The CCW was created by CP from a carriage control character of X I 5A I . Files containing this carriage control character are intended for an all points addressable printer. I I Reader not ready RC = 13 The reader is not ready. To reverse the not ready status, issue the CP command READY OOC. Console spool file RC = 18 The reader contains a file that is from a console. DISK LOAD In It 1m RC = 22 The reader contains a file sent via DISK DUMP from a post-VMj370 Release 6 CMS file system or from the Shared File System (SFS). In addition to the 800-byte physical blocksize used by the VMj370 file system, the enhanced file system supports minidisks formatted in 512-, 1024-, 2048-, or 4096-byte logical blocks. Netdata file RC = 23 The reader contains a file that was sent using the SENDFILE command with the NEW option. Message RC=26 The reader contains non-console or non-printer file that has a MSG control card as the first real record. 456 VM/SP CMS Command Reference RDR If RDR is issued with the MSGSUBS or MSGALL option the RDR command uses the following response format when returning the substitution data that is available. This response has a fixed format and fixed length. The length, including blank delimiters, is 98 characters. The format is (each field is delimited by one blank): msgid In It 1m lrl xxxx where: msgid specifies the message identifier, issued with all return codes, and has a length of six fn specifies the file name, issued with a return code of 3 or 22, and has a length of eight ft specifies the file type, issued with a return code of 3 or 22, and has a length of eight fm specifies the file mode, issued with a return code of 3 or 22, and has a length of two Irl specifies the logical record length, issued with a return code of 2, and has a length of three xxxx specifies header record text, issued with a return code of 4 or 7, and has a length of 66 Example: The following example shows the response that you will receive when you issue RDR (MSGSUBS against a printer file that is in your reader. This generates a return code of 2. 816501 * * * 132 * • Each individual field in the substitution line is initialized to an ,*, followed by enough blanks to fill the field, except the LRECL field which is numeric and initialized to zero. • The first piece of substitution information is the message identifier that consists of a four digit message number ('8165') concatenated with a two digit format number ('01 '). It is the actual message number of the message issued at the completion of the RDR command. • '132' is the only substitution data available. '132' is the logical record length (LRECL) of a printer file that is in your reader. If RDR is issued with the MSGSUBS or MSGALL option and stacking options are not specified, the results are returned to the terminal. • If MSGSUBS is specified, only the message identifier and the available substitution data is returned. The message itself is not stacked or returned to the terminal. • If MSGALL is specified, both the actual message and the message identifier with the available substitution data are returned. The actual message is the first line returned, and the substitution data is the second line returned. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 457 RDR Example: The following example assumes there is a printer file in your reader. • If you issue RDR (MSGSUBS, the following is returned to the terminal: 816501 * * * 132 * If RDR is issued with the MSGSUBS or MSGALL option and stacking options are specified, the results are returned in the program stack. Examples: The following examples assume there is a printer file in your reader. • If you issue RDR (STACK MSGALL, the following is returned in the stack: PRINTER FILE (ITEM LENGTH 132) 816501 * * * 132 * If you issue a PULL from within a REXX EXEC, you will receive the actual message from the first line in the stack, and the message identifier with the substitution data from the second line. • If you issue RDR (LIFO MSGALL, the following is returned in the stack: 816501 * * * 132 * PRINTER FILE (ITEM LENGTH 132) If you issue a PULL from within a REXX EXEC, you will receive the message identifier and the substitution data from the first line in the stack, and the actual message from the second line. Messages and Return Codes DMSRDR070E DMSRDR630S Invalid parameter parameter [RC = 24] Error accessing spool file [RC = 36] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 j 458 VMjSP CMS Command Reference RDRLIST RDRLIST Use the RDRLIST command to display information about the files in your virtual reader. The RDRLIST environment is controlled by the System Product Editor. Therefore, you can use XEDIT subcommands to manipulate the files. In addition, you can look at a given reader file, discard it, copy it to a CMS disk or directory, or transfer it to someone else (local or remote). In most cases these files were sent to you by other computer users, on your computer or on other computers that are connected to yours via the Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS) network. Format RDRList RList [ (options ... [)]] Options: [PROFile fn] [Append] Options PROFilefn specifies the name of an XEDIT macro to be executed when XEDIT is invoked by the RDRLIST command. If not specified, the default macro PROFRLST XEDIT is invoked. For more information on the PROFRLST macro, see the usage note, "Default PF Key Settings." Append specifies that the list of files in your reader should be appended to the existing list. This option has meaning only when issued from within RDRLIST, and is ignored otherwise. Usage Notes 1. You can use the special commands EXECUTE and DISCARD from the RDRLIST screen. The EXECUTE command allows you to issue commands that use the reader files displayed by RDRLIST. See "EXECUTE" on page 794 for more information. The DISCARD command allows you to purge the reader files displayed by RDRLIST. See "DISCARD" on page 792 for more information. 2. Tailoring the RD RLIST Command Options You can use the DEFAULTS command to set up options and/or override command defaults for RDRLIST. However, the options you specify in the command line when entering the RDRLIST command override those specified in the DEFAULTS command. This allows you to customize the defaults of the RDRLIST command, yet override them when you desire. Refer to the DEFAULTS command description for more information. 3. Format of the List Chapter 2. CMS Commands 459 RDRLIST When you invoke the RDRLIST command you are placed in the XEDIT environment, editing a file "userid RDRLIST AI." The existing copy of this file is erased if it exists. The file you are editing is a list of files with information collected from the CP QUERY RDR ALL command. Each line contains: • a command area • file name and file type • class and type • number of records • whether or not the file is held • creation date and time • originating user ID and node The full power of XED IT is available to you while you issue commands against the list of files. For example, you may want to use XEDIT subcommands to scroll through the list of files, locate a particular file, etc. However, some XEDIT subcommands are inappropriate in this environment. Subcommands that alter the format or the contents of "userid RDRLIST" (for example, SET TRUNC, SET FTYPE, or SET LINEND) may cause unpredictable results. 4. Entering CMS commands from RDRLIST: Begin CMS commands with "CMS" to prevent XEDIT from decoding the This prevents CMS commands from being mistaken as XEDIT subcommands. comman~. 5. Issuing Commands from the List On a full screen display, you can issue commands directly from the line on which a reader file is displayed. These commands must be CP or CMS commands that operate on reader files (for example, CHANGE RDR, PURGE RDR, TRANSFER RDR, PEEK, DISCARD). For the above commands that operate on the reader files, the spoolid number is automatically appended to the end of the command. Use the slash (f) symbols described below to specify the spoolid elsewhere in the command. F or example: CHANGE RDR / CLASS A RECEIVE / fn ft ( REPLACE To enter a command, just move the cursor to the line that describes the file to be used by the command, and type the command in the space provided to the left of the file name. If a command is longer than the command space provided on the screen, just continue typing over the rest of the line. You press the ENTER key to execute the command. (The ENTER key is set to EXECUTE, which is described in the section "EXECUTE" on page 794. For example, to transfer a reader file to a user on your computer (local), you would move the cursor to that line on the screen and type: TRANSFER RDR / USERA where USERA is the user ID of the recipient. To transfer a reader file to a user on another computer that is connected to yours (remote), you must know the user ID of the user, the user ID (rscsid) of the virtual machine at your location that is running the Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS), and 460 VM/SP CMS Command Reference RDRLIST the location identification (locid) of the computer at the remote location. Move the cursor to that line on the screen and type: TAG FILE / REMOTEI USERB where REMOTEI is the locid of the remote computer and USERB is the user ID of the recipient. After you have entered the TAG command, on the same line type: TRANSFER RDR / NET where NET is the user ID (rscsid) of the virtual machine at your location that is running RSCS. To purge a file, you would move the cursor up to that line on the screen, and type "discard" in the space provided to the left of the file name. DISCARD is another special command described in "DISCARD" on page 792. When the ENTER key is pressed, all the commands typed on one screen are executed. The screen is restored to its previous state; however, the list is updated to reflect the current status of the files (see "Responses"). You may want to enter commands from the RDRLIST command line before executing commands that are typed on the list. To do this, move the cursor to the command line by using the PFl2 key (instead of the ENTER key). After typing a command on the command line and pressing ENTER, you can use PF12 to move the cursor back to its previous position on th~ list. Another way to issue commands that make use of the reader files displayed is to issue EXECUTE from the RDRLIST command line. A complete description of EXECUTE is on page 794. 6. Using Symbols as Part of a Command Symbols can be used to represent operands in the command to be executed. They can be used in the commands typed on the list, or as part of the command in EXECUTE (on the command line). Symbols are needed if the command to be executed has operands or options that follow the command name. Examples of using symbols are in the "Examples" section, below. The following symbols can be used: I In It means the file type displayed on the line. 10 means execute the line as is, without appending anything. 1m means the device type (from which the file was sent). means the spoolid of the file displayed on the line. means the file name displayed on the line. Any combinations of symbols can be used. For example: In It Int means: file name followed by file type. means: file name followed by file type. Note: If the symbol '/' appears in a command or in its operands, it must be issued from the command line, and not as part of an EXECUTE command. 7. Special Symbols Used Alone The following special symbols can be typed alone on the lines of the RDRLIST display. They have the following meanings: Chapter 2. CMS Commands 461 RDRLIST = means execute the previous command for this file. Commands are executed starting at the top of the screen. For example, suppose you enter DISCARD on a line. You can then type an equal sign on any other line(s) below the DISCARD command. Those files preceded by equal signs are discarded when the EXECUTE command is entered (from the command line or by pressing the ENTER key). ? means display the last command executed. The command is displayed on the line in which the ? is entered. I means make this line the current line. (On the RDRLIST screen, the current line is the first file on the screen.) 8. Default Key Settings and Synonyms The PROFRLST XEDIT macro is executed when the RDRLIST command is invoked, unless you specified a different macro in the RDRLIST command. It sets the keys to the following values: ENTER PF 1 PF2 PF 3 PF4 PF 5 Help Refresh Quit Sort Sort PF6 PF7 PF 8 PF9 Sort Backward Forward Receive PF 10 PF 11 Peek PF 12 Cursor Execute commands typed in the file line(s) or on the command line. (The ENTER key is set by the XEDIT subcommand, SET ENTER IGNORE MACRO EXECUTE). Display RDRLIST command description. Update the list to indicate discarded files, etc. Exit from RDRLIST display. by file type, file name. by date and time, in a calendar year, oldest to newest. by user ID, in alphabetical order. Scroll back one screen. Scroll forward one screen. Receive the file pointed to by the cursor (see the RECEIVE command). Not assigned Display file where cursor is placed, but do not write it on a disk or directory. The file is displayed in the XEDIT environment. See also the PEEK command description. If cursor is in the file area, move it to the command line; if cursor is on the command line, move it back to its previous location in the file (or to the current line). Note: On a terminal equipped with 24 PF keys, PF keys 13 to 24 are assigned the same values as PF keys 1 to 12 as discussed here. Some XEDIT subcommands are stacked by the FILELIST command (for example, SET TRUNC, SET LRECL, and SET VERIFY). In order to override these settings in a profile, these SET subcommands must be stacked FIFO. In addition to setting the above PF keys, the PROFRLST XEDIT macro sets the synonyms that sort your RDRLIST files. Enter the synonyms on the RDRLIST command line. The synonyms and their descriptions are: SNAME Sorts the list alphabetically by spool file name and spool file type. STYPE 462 VM/SP CMS Command Reference Sorts the list alphabetically by spool file type and spool file name. RDRLIST SCLAS Sorts the list by device type, class, and hold status. SHOLD Sorts the list by hold status, device type, and class. SUSER Sorts the list by origin user ID, node, and date. SSIZE Sorts the list by the number of records (greatest to least). SDATE Sorts the list month, day, and time (oldest to most recent). 9. Displaying a File To display a file on the screen without reading it onto a disk or directory position the cursor at the file you want to see and press the PFll key, which is set to the PEEK command. Refer to the PEEK command for more information on the PEEK screen. 10. If you want to issue RDRLIST from an exec program, you should precede it with the EXEC command; that is, specify exec rdrlist 11. You may receive a response on the RDRLIST screen on the line where the reader file is listed. To issue commands on that line, type over the response, press the ERASE EOF key (or space over the rest of the line) and press ENTER. Alternatively, press the PF2 key (REFRESH), move your cursor to the appropriate line, and enter the command. 12. When you press PF9 (RECEIVE), you may receive prompting messages that require a response. See the RECEIVE command for an explanation of the prompts and responses. Examples In the RDRLIST environment, information about the user's virtual reader is displayed in a format similar to what the FILE LIST command provides about a CMS disk or Shared File System (SFS) directory. The following is a sample RD RLIST screen. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 463 RDRLIST Figure 19. Sample RD RLIST Screen The following examples show how symbols can be used to represent operands in a command. The values substituted for the symbols and the resulting command are shown. In each case, the command can be entered in either of the following ways: • typed in the "Cmd" area of the screen. The command is executed either by pressing the ENTER key or by entering EXECUTE on the XEDIT command line and then pressing ENTER. • entered from the XEDIT command line, as an operand of EXECUTE (in the form "EXECUTE lines command"). If a symbol is not specified, the spoolid number of the reader file is appended automatically to the command. 464 SPOOL FILE ID COMMAND RESULTING COMMAND pizza toppings DISCARD DISCARD spoolid cookie assemble RECEIVE / CAKE /t (REPLACE RECEIVE spoolid CAKE ASSEMBLE (REPLACE ken note PEEK PEEK spoolid send exec FILELIST /n $jelly script TRANSFER RDR / TO * PRT VMjSP CMS Command Reference ** FILELIST SEND ** TRANSFER RDR spoolid TO * PRT (prints the file) RDRLIST Responses After a command is executed, one of the following symbols is displayed in the "Cmd" space to the left of the file for which it was executed. * Means the command was executed successfully (RC = 0). *0 Is the return code from the command executed (RC = n). *? Means the command was an unknown CP jCMS command (RC = -3). *! Means the command was not valid in CMS subset. For a list of commands valid in CMS subset mode, see the VMjSP eMS User's Guide. The following responses can also appear on the RDRLIST screen after you have issued a command for a file from your virtual reader: * spoolfn spoolft ** Discarded or Received ** * spoolfn spoolft has been discarded. File spoolfn spoolft has been discarded. * spoolfn spoolft has been left in your reader. The following response can also appear if RDRLIST is invoked in the CMS environment and you have no reader files: No files in your reader. Messages and Return Codes DMSWRL205E No files in your reader [RC=28] DMSWRL651E APPEND must be issued from RDRLIST or FILELIST [RC=40] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 Chapter 2. CMS Commands 465 READCARD READCARD Use the READCARD command to read data records from your virtual reader and to create CMS files containing the data records. Format READcard In It * [~ [Z' 1 [~m 1 1 Options: [ (options ... E)] FUllPrompt] Minprompt [ NOPrompt ] Replace ] [ NOReplace Operands In is the file name you want to assign to the file being read. It is the file type you want to assign to the file being read. *1.:1 indicates that file identifiers are to be assigned according to READ control cards in the input deck. 1m is the file mode letter of the disk or directory onto which the file is to be read and the file mode number of the file. A file mode of Al is assumed if this field is omitted or specified as an asterisk (*) on the command. However, if a file mode number is on the control card, that number is used with A. When a file mode letter is specified on the command, the default file mode number is I, unless the file mode number is on the control card. Specifying a file mode letter and number on the command ignores the file mode letter and number on the control card and assigns that file mode to the file. Options Fullprompt specifies that a prompt is issued for each file. Minprompt specifies that a prompt is issued when the name of the first (or only) file differs from the name of the spool file; the prompt for the first file is suppressed when it has the same name as the spool file. A prompt is always issued for the second and subsequent files. This will only occur if READCARD * is specified. MINPROMPT is the default. NOPrompt specifies that a prompt is not issued to you as a file is received. 466 VM/SP CMS Command Reference READCARD Replace specifies that if a file of the same file name and file type exists on the disk or in the directory onto which the incoming file is to be loaded, it is to be replaced with this one. NOReplace specifies that a file is not received that would overlay an existing file on the receiving disk or directory. NOREPLACE is the default. Usage Notes 1. Data records read by the READCARD command must be fixed-length records, and may be a minimum of 80 and a maximum of 204 characters. 2. Tailoring the READCARD Command Options You can use the DEFAULTS command to set up options and/or override command defaults for READCARD. However, the options you specify in the command line when entering the READCARD command override those specified in the DEFAULTS command. This allows you to customize the defaults of the READCARD command, yet override them when you desire. Refer to the DEFAULTS command description for more information. 3. You cannot receive multiple files as one file by spooling your reader continuous (CONT). The READCARD command resets the continuous spooling option and spools your reader NOCONT. 4. If you specify the FULLPROMPT or MINPROMPT option the valid responses include: • One of the digits specified in the prompt • One of the parenthetical words that follows a digit or any initial truncation of the word. The meanings of these responses are: Response Description o or No If this file is one of a set of files that constitutes a single spool file, the file is not received and prompting continues for the next file, if there is one. If this is the last file of a set of files or if this is the only file in the spool file, the command is ended. lor Yes Receives the file under the name fn] ftl fm] (or fn3 ft3 fm3). 2 or Quit Ends the command. 3 or Rename Requests prompt message DMSRDCI080R so that the incoming file can be received using a different name. 5. If you receive prompt message DMSRDCI081R the valid responses include: • One of the digits specified in the prompt • One of the parenthetical words that follows a digit or any initial truncation of the word. The meanings of these responses are: Response Description o or No Does not receive the file under the name fn ft fm and repeats the original prompt message DMSRDCI080R. This allows you to specify a different name for the incoming file. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 467 READCARD 1 or Yes Receives the file under the name In It 1m. 2 or Quit Ends the command. 6. eMS file identifiers are assigned according to READ control cards in the input deck (the PUNCH command header card is a valid READ control card). When you enter the command: readcard * eMS reads the first spool reader file in the queue and if there are READ control cards in the input stream, it names the files as indicated on the control cards. The first card in the deck may not be a READ control card. If not, eMS writes a file named READCARD CMSUTI Al to contain the data, until a READ control card is encountered or until the end-of-file is reached. 7. If you specify a file name and file type on the READCARD command, for example: readcard junk file eMS does not check the input stream for READ control cards, but reads the entire spool file onto the disk or directory and assigns it the specified file name and file type. If there were any READ control cards in the deck, they are not removed. Delete them using the editor if you do not want them in your file. If the file is too large, you can either increase the size of your virtual storage (using the CP DEFINE command), or use the COPYFILE command to copy all records except the READ control cards (using the FROM and FOR options). 8. READCARD loads a file from the reader into a temporary work file called "READCARD CMSUT2." The existing file with the same name as the one being loaded from the reader is then erased. The name of the temporary work file just created is changed to the name of the file just received. However, if the file you are loading has the name "READCARD CMSUT2," it will be changed to "READCARD CMSUT3." "READCARD CMSUT2" is a reserved work file name of the READ CARD command. 9. To read a file onto a disk or directory other than your disk or directory accessed as A, specify the file mode letter when you specify the file name and file type; for example: readcard junk file c Or, if you want the READ control card to determine the file names and file types, you can enter: readcard * * c 10. If you are preparing real or virtual card decks to send to your own or another user's virtual card reader, you may insert READ control cards to designate file names, file types, and optionally, file mode numbers, to be assigned to the file(s). A READ control card must begin in column 1 and has the format: :READ filename filetype filemode Each field must be separated by at least one blank; the second character of the file mode field, if specified, must be a valid file mode number (0 through 6). The file mode letter is ignored when this file is read, since the mode letter is determined by specifications on the READCARD command line. 468 VM/SP CMS Command Reference READCARD 11. To send a real card deck to your own or another user's virtual card reader, punch a CP ID card to precede the deck. The ID card has the keyword ID or USERID in column 1, followed by the user ID you want to receive the file and optionally, spool file class and name designations; for example: ID MARY CLASS A NAME LITTLE LAMB Each field must be separated from the others by at least one blank. 12. If the reader file being processed contains carriage control characters, the READCARD command returns the records with the carriage control characters stripped off. 13. If you encounter any errors when you read a reader spool file, the file remains in the reader and is not purged by the READCARD command. This occurs regardless of whether you have spooled the reader HOLD or NOHOLD. This protects you from losing reader spool files when an error is encountered. If the file is empty or unwanted, you can purge the file from your reader. Responses READCARD issues the following responses, depending on the situation. 1. If the spooled card reader contains no records after the control card: DMSRDC70lI Null file 2. If READCARD * was issued and prompting is not in effect, this response indicates that a record beginning with :READ has been found in the spool file and the following file ID is invalid: DMSRDC702E Missing, invalid, or incomplete fileid in following READ control card: :READ .•. Command terminated 3. If READCARD * was issued and a control card was encountered in the input card stream, this response indicates the names assigned to each file: DMSRDC702I : READ .•• 4. If READCARD * was issued and the first record in the spool file is not a READ control card, this response is issued when a READ control card in the spool file has been identified and validated, and it is listed at the terminal: DMSRDC702I READ control card missing. Following assumed: :READ READCARD CMSUTI Al 5. If READCARD * was issued and prompting is in effect, this response indicates that a record beginning with :READ has been found in the spool file and the following file ID is invalid: DMSRDC702W Missing, invalid, or incomplete fileid in following READ control card: :READ ••. Fileid changed to READ CARD CMSUTI 6. If the records being read are not 80 bytes long, this message gives the length: DMSRDC738I Record length is nnn bytes Chapter 2. CMS Commands 469 READCARD 7. If you specify the FULLPROMPT or MINPROMPT option one of these prompts will be displayed: DMSRDC1079R Receive Inl Itl Iml? Reply 0 (NO), 1 (YES), 2 (QUIT), or 3 (RENAME) Receive Inl Itl Iml and replace the existing file of the same name? Reply 0 (NO), 1 (YES), 2 (QUIT), or 3 (RENAME) Receive Inl Itl Iml and replace In2 It2 1m2? Reply 0 (NO), 1 (YES), 2 (QUIT), or 3 (RENAME) Receive Inl Itl Iml as In3 It3 1m3? Reply 0 (NO), 1 (YES), 2 (QUIT), or 3 (RENAME) Receive Inl Itl Iml as In3 It3 1m3 and replace the existing file of the same name? Reply 0 (NO), 1 (YES), 2 (QUIT), or 3 (RENAME) Receive Inl Itl Iml as In3 It3 1m3 and replace In2 It2 1m2? Reply 0 (NO), 1 (YES), 2 (QUIT), or 3 (RENAME) • The file ID fnI ftl fmI is the name from the card stream of the spool file. • The phrase "and replace the existing file of the same name?" appears when the operation replaces an existing file and the file mode of that file is the same asfmI. • The phrase "and replace fn2 ft2 fm2." appears when the operation replaces an existing file and the file mode of that file is not fmI. • The file ID fn3 ft3 fm3 is the name from the card stream of the spool file that you may specify when the name differs from the name of the incoming file. 8. If you respond with a 3 (or RENAME) to prompt message DMSRDCI079R, the following message appears and you must enter a file ID in the form fn [ft [fm]]. DMSRDC10S0R Enter the new name for In It 1m 9. If you respond to prompt message DMSRDCI080R with a file ID that names an existing file, you receive this prompt: DMSRDC10S1R Replace In It 1m? Reply 0 (NO), 1 (YES), or 2 (QUIT) 10. When READCARD * is entered it will list each READ control card in the spool file and, after it loads an incoming file, it issues one of the following responses. Also, If READCARD fn ft is entered it issues one of the following responses. • If the incoming file (fnI ftl fmI) does not already exist and is received without being renamed, you receive Inl Itl Iml created • If the incoming file (fnI ftl fmI) is renamed to a file name (fn2 ft2 fm2) that does not already exist, you receive In2 It2 1m2 created from Inl Itl Iml 470 VM/SP CMS Command Reference I ~ READCARD • If the incoming file ifnI ft I fmI) is copied to an existing data set that has· the same name as the incoming file, you receive Inl Itl Iml replaced • If the incoming file ifnI ftl fml) is copied to an existing file (ln2 ft2 fm2) with a name different from that of the incoming file, you receive In2 ft2 fm2 replaced by Inl ftl fml • If the incoming file (lnl ftl fml) replaces an existing file (ln2 ft2 fm2), but is given a mode (lml) that differs from the mode of the existing file (1m2), you receive fnl ftl fml replaced fn2 It2 fm2 • If the incoming file (lnl ftl fml) replaces an existing file (ln2 ft2 fm2) , but is given a mode (1m3) that differs from the mode of the existing file (1m2), you receive fn3 ft3 fm3 replaced fn2 It2 fm2 sent as fnl ftl fml 11. When READCARD is issued from the RDRLIST screen, the symbol, be appended to the READCARD command string. For example, /0, must /0 READCARD fn ft fm See the RDRLIST command for more information about the use of this symbol. Messages and Return Codes DMSRDC008E DMSRDC024E DMSRDC037E DMSRDC042E DMSRDC054E DMSRDC062E DMSRDC069E DMSRDCI05S DMSRDCI09S DMSRDC124S DMSRDC205W DMSRDC257T DMSRDC639E DMSRDC671E DMSRDC1123E DMSRDC1124W DMSRDC1138E DMSRDC1262S DMSRDC1262S DMSRDC1285S Device vdev {invalid or nonexistentlis an unsupported device type} [RC=36] File fn lft fm} already exists[; specify REPLACE option] [RC=28] Filemode mode[(vdev)] is accessed as read/only [RC = 36] No fileid specified [RC = 24] Incomplete fileid specified [RC = 24] Invalid * in fileid [RC = 20] Filemode mode not accessed [RC = 36] Error nn writing file fn ft fm on disk or directory [RC = 100] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Error reading card file [RC = 100] Reader empty or not ready [RC = 8] Internal system error at address address (offset offset) Error in routine routine; return code was nnnn Error loading [file] fn ftfm; rc=nn from RENAME [RC= 100] Unknown response text ignored Spool file spoolid has been left in your reader because one or more files were not received [RC = 1] Filesharing conflict involving file fn ft fm [RC = 70] Error nnn opening file fn ftfm [RC=311551701991100] Error nnn closing filefnftfm [RC=311100] Default option text is invalid [RC = 24] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 Chapter 2. CMS Commands 471 RECEIVE RECEIVE Use the RECEIVE command to read onto a disk or directory one of the files or notes that is in your virtual reader. In most cases these files were sent to you by other computer users, on your computer or on other computers that are connected to yours via the Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS) network. Format RECEIVE [ spoolid [In [It [1m] ]]] [ (options ... [ )] ] Options: NOTebook [ NOTebook Olddate ] [ NEwdate In] * Log ] [ NOLog [Purge] [FUllPrompt Minprompt NOPrompt J Replace [NOReplace 1 [STack] Operands spoo/id specifies which file in the virtual reader is to be received. The default is '=' or 'next' which means the 'next' file in the reader is received. The 'next' file is the one for which the RDR command returns information. Which file this is depends on the class of the reader, the class of the files in the reader, and whether or not they are held. To give the file a new file identifier, you must specify the spoolid, '=', or 'next'. In is the file name the file is to be given. The default is =, which means the file's present name is used. It is the file type the file is to be given. The default is =, which means the file's present type is used. 1m is the file mode the file is to be given. If not specified, the default is A. If the file being received is a note (prepared by the NOTE command), or if the PURGE option is specified, the operands In It 1m are ignored. If the file being received is an acknowledgment, all parameters and all options (except the spoolid and the PURGE option) are ignored. For more information about acknowledgments see the usage note, Acknowledgments. 472 VM/SP CMS Command Reference RECEIVE Options NOTebookfn causes the file to be saved as a note in a file namedfn NOTEBOOK. You can use this option if you want the note(s) from this person to be kept in a separate file. If you do not specify a notebook file name here, a file name is first searched for in the sender's entry in your userid NAMES file and then in a file set up by the DEFAULTS command. If neither contains a notebook file name, the note is saved in the default notebook file, ALL NOTEBOOK. A note is saved by appending it to the NOTEBOOK file, with a line of 73 equal signs (=) separating each note. If the file is not a note (prepared by the NOTE command), this option is ignored. See the NAMEFIND or NAMES command description for more information on the relationship between a use rid NAMES file and the NOTEBOOK file. NOTebook * specifies that note is saved in a file named name NOTEBOOK, where name is the value of the Notebook tag in the sender's entry in your use rid NAMES file, or the sender's nickname, or the sender's user ID (whichever is located first). If the file is not a note (prepared by the NOTE command), this option is ignored. Log specifies that the recipients, date, and time of this file transmission are logged in a file called userid NETLOG. This log is updated when acknowledgments of sent files are received (if they were requested). You must have a read/write disk or directory accessed to use this option. NOLog specifies that this file transmission is not to be logged. Purge specifies that this file is to be purged and not read onto a disk or directory. Fullprompt specifies that a prompt is issued for each file without regard to the format of the spool file being processed. . If the file being received is a NOTE file, FULLPROMPT is ignored. Minprompt specifies that a prompt is issued when the name of the first (or only) file differs from the name of the spool file; the prompt for the first file is suppressed when it has the same name as the spool file. A prompt is always issued for the second and subsequent files. This prompt is issued only for files in DISK DUMP and NETDATA format. MINPROMPT is the default. If the file being received is a NOTE file, MINPROMPT is ignored. NOPrompt specifies that a prompt is not issued to you as a file is received. Replace specifies that if a file of the same file name and file type exists on the disk or directory onto which the incoming file is to be loaded, it is to be replaced with this one. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 473 RECEIVE NOReplace specifies that a file is not received that would overlay an existing file on the receiving disk or directory. NOREPLACE is the default. Olddate means that when a file that was sent in DISK DUMP format is received, it is written to a disk or direc~ory with its original date and time (that is, the date and time it was created or last updated by the sender), not the date and time you received it. When a file that was sent in NETDAT A format is received, it is written to a disk or directory with its original date and time unless it was sent from a different time zone, in which case the date and time are changed to reflect GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). See the usage note, Receiving NETDATA Files Using the Olddate Option. For more information on NETDATA format, see the VM/SP eMS Diagnosis Reference NEwdate means to re-date the file to the current date and time it is received. STack specifies that the message returned when RECEIVE completes successfully should be stacked (LIFO). If this option is not specified, the messages from RECEIVE are displayed at the terminal. Usage Notes 1. Tailoring the RECEIVE Command Options You can use the DEFAULTS command to set up options and/or override command defaults for RECEIVE. However, the options you specify in the command line when entering the RECEIVE command override those specified in the DEFAULTS command. This allows you to customize the defaults of the RECEIVE command, yet override them when you desire. Refer to the DEFAULTS command description for more information. 2. Why Should I Use Receive? You should use RECEIVE instead of READCARD or DISK for general purpose use, because RECEIVE calls either READCARD or DISK, whichever is appropriate. It also handles notes, acknowledgments, etc. In fact, RECEIVE handles most of the various formats of files that can appear in your virtual reader. RECEIVE is the only way to read a file that was sent using the SEND FILE command issued with the NEW option. RECEIVE is particularly useful within the RDRLIST command environment, where it is assigned to the PF9 key. You may send multiple files by continuous spooling (using CP SPOOL PUNCH CONT) or by a series of DISK DUMP commands but those methods are discouraged. As a sender, you are encouraged to do the following: • Always use SENDFILE, which resets any continuous spooling options in effect. • Do not spool the punch continuous. Similarly, if the punch is spooled continuous and PUNCH is used to send multiple files, the file is read in as one file with :READ cards imbedded. In this case, although no files are overlaid, the recipient must divide the file into individual files. This problem can also be avoided by using SENDFILE or by not spooling the punch continuous. 3. Receiving Multiple Files 474 VM/SP CMS Command Reference RECEIVE You cannot receive multiple files as one file by spooling your reader continuous (CONT). The RECEIVE command resets the continuous spooling option and spools your reader NOCONT. 4. Acknowledgments Acknowledgments can be sent to users on different computers connected by the RSCS network so that they can be sure that a file they sent was received. The sender can specify on the SEND FILE or NOTE command that an acknowledgment be returned to him when a file is received. The SENDFILE command must be issued with the NEW option (the default) in order to request an acknowledgment; otherwise, the request is ignored. Even if a recipient discards a file (using the DISCARD command), an acknowledgment is returned to the sender. This is possible because DISCARD is equivalent to a RECEIVE issued with the PURGE option. (For more information on DISCARD, see the RDRLIST command.) The acknowledgment indicates whether the file was received (written to a disk or directory) or discarded (purged). When you RECEIVE an acknowledgment that appears in your reader, all parameters and all options (except the spoolid and the PURGE option) are ignored. The acknowledgment is used to make an entry in your userid NET LOG file. This entry confirms that the file you sent was received (or discarded). The format of entries in the userid NET LOG file is shown in the Examples section, below. 5. Responding to Prompting Messages If you specify the FULLPROMPT or MINPROMPT option the valid responses include: • One of the digits specified in the prompt • One of the parenthetical words that follows a digit or any initial truncation of the word. The meanings of these responses are: Response Description o or No If this file is one of a set of files that constitutes a single spool file, the file is not received and prompting continues for the next file, if there is one. If this is the last file of a set of files or if this is the only file in the spool file, the command is ended. lor Yes Receives the file under the name In1 Itl Im1 (or In3 It3Im3). 2 or Quit Ends the command. 3 or Rename Requests prompt message DMSWRCI080R so the incoming file can be received using a different name. 6. If you receive prompt message DMSWRCI08lR the valid responses include: • One of the digits specified in the prompt • One of the parenthetical words that follows a digit or any initial truncation of the word. The meanings of these responses are: Chapter 2. CMS Commands 475 RECEIVE Response Description oor No Does not receive the file under the name In It 1m and repeats the original prompt message DMSWRCI080R. This allows you to specify a different name for the incoming file. 1 or Yes Receives the file under the name In It 1m. 2 or Quit Ends the command. 7. Which prompt is most useful for you? . " . • If you do not issue either a QUERY RDR command or a RDRLIST command specify FULLPROMPT . • If you do issue a QUERY RDR command before issuing the RECEIVE command or if you issue RECEIVE from a RD RLIST screen specify MINPROMPT. • If you issue the RECEIVE command in a controlled environment where the identity of all incoming files are known, specify NOPROMPT. 8. Special NETDATA Files from MVS with TSO Extensions (PP) The MVS with TSO Extensions Program Product can send an empty file, in which case RECEIVE will give you an error message indicating that no file was created on a disk or directory. It can also send, as a unique case of multiple files in one transmission, one note and a data file together. The note will be the first file in the transmission and the data file will be second. RECEIVE will add the note to the appropriate notebook, receive the data file, and give informative messages for each action. This is the only form of multiple NETDATA files supported by the RECEIVE command. j Note: RECEIVE will not handle partitioned data sets or data sets that have been encrypted by Access Method Services. These files will not be received and remain in the reader. Multiple NETDATA transmissions that do not have a note as the first file, result in the first file being received and the other file(s) ignored. The entire spool file is left in the user's reader. 9. How does RECEIVE determine the file ID? If you do not specify a In It 1m, then RECEIVE determines the file ID according to the method that was used to send the file. File Format How the FILE ID is Determined NETDATA files Uses the file ID that was specified on the SEND FILE command. Uses the file ID that was specified on the DISK DUMP command. Uses the fn and fffrom the QUERY RDR ALL response. DISK DUMP files CONSOLE, PUNCH, and PRINTER files If the file is not NETDAT A format and the file type is NOTE or MAIL, the file is considered to be a note and is put in the notebook file. If you are not sure of the method used to send a file that is in your virtual reader, then use the RDR command. 10. The RECEIVE command does not handle MONITOR files or files with a SPECIAL status of YES. (The SPECIAL status indicates whether or not the file ~76 VM/SP CMS Command Reference ( \ RECEIVE contains records with X 5A carriage control characters. See the CP QUERY command to determine SPECIAL status of a file.) I I 11. Receiving NETDATA Files Using the Olddate Option If a file is sent in NETDATA format using SEND FILE from one location to another in a different time zone, and it is received using the OLDDATE option, the date and time of the file reflects when it was last modified relative to GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). F or example, suppose a file was last modified on 01/01/86 14:00 in a time zone that is 8 hours west of GMT, and it is sent using SENDFILE to a time zone 5 hours west of GMT. When the file is received, the time ani, date is changed to 01/01/86 17:00. . 12. If you want to issue RECEIVE from an exec program, you should precede it with the EXEC command; that is, specify exec receive 13. If you encounter any errors when you receive a reader spool file, the file remains in the reader and is not purged by the RECEIVE command. This occurs regardless of whether you have spooled the reader HOLD or NOHOLD. This protects you from losing reader spool files when an error is encountered. If the file is empty or unwanted, you can purge the file from your reader. Examples Format of the userid NETLOG File: The format of entries in the userid NETLOG file maintained by SENDFILE and RECEIVE is shown below. If both the ACK and LOG options of SENDFILE or NOTE are specified, a sent to record is placed in the NETLOG file. When an acknowledgment is received, it is also placed in this file. File File sent Ackn SMALL SMALL as SMALL 10/14/80 DATA A sent to OHARA at NODE01 on 10/14/80 11:30:25 DATA A recv from OHARA at NODE01 on 10/14/80 11:30:47 DATA A 11:30:47 recv by OHARA at NODE01 on 10/14/80 11:30:25 In this example, the user sent himself a file (SMALL DATA) using SEND FILE with the LOG and ACK options specified. The first line in the NET LOG file was placed in the file by the SENDFILE command. He then used RECEIVE (with the LOG option) to read the file onto his disk or directory accessed as A. The second line was added when the file was received. (In this case the sender was the receiver.) The recv in this line means received. If a file is discarded (using DISCARD), the line contains disc instead of recv. (The file can be received with a different file ID than it was sent as.) Last, he received an acknowledgment. It indicates whether the recipient received (recv) or discarded (di sc) the file. Chapter 2. eMS Commands 477 RECEIVE Responses 1. If you specify the FULLPROMPT or MINPROMPT option one of these prompts is displayed: DMSWRC1079R Receive Jnl Jtl Jml? Reply 0 (NO), 1 (YES), 2 (QUIT), or 3 (RENAME) Receive Jnl Jtl Jml and replace the existing file of the same name? Reply 0 (NO), 1 (YES), 2 (QUIT), or 3 (RENAME) Receive Jnl Jtl Jml and replace Jn2 Jt2 Jm2? Reply 0 (NO), 1 (YES), 2 (QUIT), or 3 (RENAME) Receive Jnl Itl Iml as In3 It3 Jm3? Reply 0 (NO), 1 (YES), 2 (QUIT), or 3 (RENAME) Receive Inl Itl Iml as In3 It3 1m3 and replace the existing file of the same name? Reply 0 (NO), 1 (YES), 2 (QUIT), or 3 (RENAME) Receive Inl Itl Iml as In3 Jt3 1m3 and replace In2 It2 1m2? Reply 0 (NO), 1 (YES), 2 (QUIT), or 3 (RENAME) • The file ID fnI ftl fmI is the name from the card stream of the spool file. • The phrase "and replace the existing file of the same name?" appears when the operation replaces an existing file and the file mode of that file is the same asfmI. • The phrase "and replace fn2 ft2 fm2." appears when the operation replaces an existing file and the file mode of that file is not fmI. • The file ID fn3 ft3 fm3 is the name from the card stream of the spool file that you may specify when the name differs from the name of the incoming file. 2. If you respond with a 3 (or RENAME) to prompt message DMSWRCI079R, this message appears and you must enter a file ID of the formfn [ft [fm]]. DMSWRC1080R Enter the new name for In It 1m 3. If you respond to prompt message DMSWRCI080R with a file ID that names an existing file, you receive this prompt: DMSWRC1081R Replace In It 1m? Reply 0 (NO), 1 (YES), or 2 (QUIT) 4. Spool files in the DISK DUMP or PUl'olCH format will issue the following response. File Inl Itl Iml received from userid at node sent as In2 It2 1m2 5. Spool files in the NETDATA format issue anyone of the following responses. • If the incoming file (fnI ftl fmI) does not already exist: File In2 It2 1m2 created from Jnl Itl Iml received from userid at node • If the incoming file (fnI ftI fmI) replaces an existing file (fn2 ft2 fm2): 478 VM/SP CMS Command Reference ( RECEIVE File fn2 ft2 fm2 replaced by fnl ftl fml received from userid at node • If the incoming file (fnI ftl fm]) replaces an existing file (fn2 ft2 fm2), but is given a mode (fm3) that differs from the mode of the existing file (fm2): File fn3 ft3 fm3 replaced fn2 ft2 fm2 with fnl ftl fml received from userid at node 6. RECEIVE issues the following responses for spool files in the DISK DUMP format if you specify the operands spoolid fn ft fm and if the incoming file is given a different name or placed on a disk or directory other than your file mode A. • If the first (or only) file in the spool file has the same file name and file type as an existing file on your disk or directory accessed as A, you will get these responses: fnl ftl fml created fnl ftl fml saved in a temporary file If an error does not occur you receive this response so that you are aware that your original file has not been destroyed: fnl ftl fml copied to fn2 ft2 fm2 and original fnl ftl fml restored If an error does occur you receive this response and RECEIVE resumes processing. original fnl ftl fml restored • If the first (or only) file in the spool file has a file name and file type that is not the name of an existing file on your disk or directory accessed as A, and the incoming file is to be placed on a disk or directory other than your file mode A, you will get these responses. fnl ftl fml created fnl ftl fml copied to fn2 ft2 fm2 and fnl ftl fml then erased 7. Other responses include: File spfn spft has been discarded Note spfn spft has been discarded Note spfn spft added to fn NOTEBOOK fm Ackn date time added to userid NETLOG Ackn date time has been discarded Messages and Return Codes DMSWRC006E No read/write filemode accessed [RC = 36] DMSWRC024E File fn [ft fm} already exists[; specify REPLACE option] [RC=28] DMSWRC037E Filemode mode is accessed as read/only[; A must be R/W for DISK LOAD] [RC = 36] DMSWRC062E Invalid {character [char]I*} in [output] fileid [[nft [fm]] [RC=20] DMSWRC069E Filemode mode not accessed [RC= 36] DSMWRC630S Error accessing spool file [RC = 36] DMSWRC643E No class class files in your reader [RC = 28] DMSWRC644E All reader files are in HOLD status or not class class [RC = 28] DMSWRC655E Spoolid nnnn does not exist [RC = 28] Chapter 2. CMS Commands 479 RECEIVE DMSWRC671E Error receiving file fn ft fm; rc = Iln from command [RC = 100] DMSWRC672E Virtual reader invalid or not defined [RC = 36] DMSWRC674E Reader is not ready [RC = 36] DMSWRC681E This is an unnamed file; specify filename and filetype [RC = 88] DMSWRC682E Error copying filefnft A to ifnftfmlmode}; rc=nn from COPYFILE [RC = 100] DMSWRC687E This is a {SYSTEM{HELDIDUMP}filelfile with a special format} and cannot be received [RC = I] DMSWRCI123E Unknown response text ignored DMSWRCI124W Spool file spoo/id has been left in your reader because one or more files were not received [RC = I] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 480 Reason Page Errors in command syntax Errors in the Shared File System 811 813 VM/SP CMS Command Reference ( RELEASE RELEASE Use the RELEASE command to f~ee an accessed disk or Shared File System (SFS) directory that was previously accessed with the ACCESS command. Format RELease VdeV} { [(DET [)]] ~:id Note: The DET option is ignored when you are releasing a directory. Operands vdev is the virtual device address of the disk that is to be released. Valid vdev addresses are: • 0001 through FFFF for a 370/XA mode virtual machine • 001 through 5FF for a VM/SP virtual machine in basic control mode • 001 through FFF for a System/370 mode virtual machine or VM/SP virtual inachine in extended control mode. Ou VM/SP and System/370 mode virtual machines you can supply a leading zero. For example, acces~ 0191 ~ Note: In the preceding description a VM/SP virtual machine and a VM/XA SP System/370 mode virtual machine are equivalent; a VM/XA SP 370-XA mode virtual machine allows you to use addresses above the 16Mb line. Valid addresses in both environments are described to help you plan and develop applications that will run in both environments. dirid is the name of the directory to be released. See "Naming Shared File System (SFS) Directories" on page 4 for a complete description of dirid. 1m is the file mode letter for which the disk or directory is currently accessed. Options DET specifies that the disk is to be detached from your virtual machine configuration; CMS calls the CP command DETACH. The DET option is ignored when releasing an SFS directory. • : iI, Chapter 2. CMS Commands 481 RELEASE Usage Notes 1. If a disk or directory is accessed at more than one file mode, the RELEASE vdev or RELEASE dirid command releases all modes. If you specify the file mode of an already active disk or directory, that disk or directory is released. 2. You cannot release the system disk (disk at file mode S). 3. A list of the files on an accessed disk or directory is maintained in storage. When a disk is released, this list of files is freed from storage and that storage becomes available for other CMS commands and programs. When a directory is released, the list is freed from storage only when and if other CMS commands or programs need the storage. When you release a read/write CMS disk either with the RELEASE command or implicitly with the FORMAT command or ACCESS commands, the list of files is sorted and rewritten on disk; user(s) who may subsequently access the same disk may have a resultant favorable decrease in file search time. 4. When a disk or directory is released, any read-only extensions it has are not released. The extensions may be referred to by their own file mode. If a disk or directory is then accessed with the same file mode, the original read-only extensions remain extensions to the new disk or directory at that file mode. 5. In CMS/DOS, when you release a disk, any system or programmer logical unit assignments made for the disk are unassigned. 6. The RELEASE command rewrites the file directory on any eMS disk accessed in R/W mode whether or not the disk was altered. The exception to this is when the ACCESS command has been issued with the ERASE option for a disk. If no files have been written to the disk since issuing ACCESS with the ERASE option, RELEASE will not rewrite the directory (see usage notes for the ACCESS command). Examples If you want to release and detach the 498 disk that is accessed as your file mode B, then issue: release 498 (det or release b (det If you want to release the directory .PROJECT! that is accessed as your file mode C, enter: release .projectl or release c Responses DASD vdev DETACHED This is a CP message that is issued when you use the DET option. It indicates that the disk has been detached. 482 VM/SP CMS Command Reference ( RELEASE Messages and Return Codes DMSARE028E DMSARE048E DMSARE069E DMSARE069E DMSARE069E DMSARE070E No device specified [RC = 24] Invalid mode mode [RC = 24] Filemode mode not accessed [RC = 36] Disk vdev not accessed [RC = 36] Directory dirname not accessed [RC = 36] Invalid parameter parameter [RC = 24] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax Errors in the Shared File System 811 813 Chapter 2. CMS Commands 483 RELOCATE RELOCATE Use the RELOCATE command to: • move one or more of your files from one of your Shared File System (SFS) directories to another of your directories • move one of your directory structures to another directory that you own. Format RELOcate [~ ~ ] diridl TO dirid2 [(options •.. [)]] r- O~tions: TYPe - NOT;r~e STACK [FIFOJ LIFO FIFO LIFO '- - Operands In It is the name and type of the file to be moved. You can use special characters (* or 0/0) to designate a group of files. See "Pattern Matching" on page 8 for information on these special characters. Not specifying In It indicates that you are relocating a directory or directory structure. diridl is either: • the name of the directory that contains the file(s) to be moved, if you specify In It or • the name of the parent directory (top node) of the directory structure that is to be moved, if you do not specify In It. Your top directory cannot be moved. You must be the owner of diridl. When you relocate a directory structure, all subdirectories and files move with the directory structure. For a complete description of dirid, see the "Naming Shared File System (SFS) Directories" on page 4. dirid2 is either: • the name of the directory that will contain the file(s) being moved, if you specify In It 484 VM/SP CMS Command Reference RELOCATE or • the name of the new parent directory, if you do not specify fn ft. You must be the owner of dirid2. The target directory, dirid2, cannot be the same as diridl. When relocating a directory, the new parent directory (dirid2) cannot be a parent or a subdirectory of diridl. Both directories must be in the same file pool. Options Type displays information at the terminal. NOType suppresses the display of information at the terminal. NOTYPE is the default. STACK (FIFO) STACK LIFO places the information in the console stack rather than displaying it at the terminal. FIFO is the default. FIFO specifies that the information is stacked in a first in, first out order. This option is equivalent to STACK FIFO. LIFO specifies that the information is stacked in a last in, first out order. This option is equivalent to STACK LIFO. Usage Notes 1. When you move a base file or a directory structure, all authorities and aliases remain the same. 2. When you move an alias, the alias remains in effect. 3. Erased and revoked aliases can be relocated. 4. If you or other users have a directory accessed that gets relocated, the access remains in effect. 5. Any file(s) that you are moving must be closed. If you are relocating a directory structure, all files in the directory structure must be closed. If you use special characters to specify a set of files, the directory (diridJ) cannot be open. 6. If a file, or the directory containing the file, is locked, you cannot relocate it unless you have an UPDATE or EXCLUSIVE lock on it. You cannot move a file that is locked by another user; and you cannot move a file that resides in a directory that is locked by another user. 7. If a directory, or any of its subdirectories, are locked you cannot relocate it unless you have an UPDATE or EXCLUSIVE lock on them. You cannot move a directory that is locked by another user, or has any of its subdirectories locked by another user. 8. When moving a directory structure, the resulting directory structure cannot be more than eight layers deep (nine layers if you count the top directory). For example, assuming .onelayer is a directory with no subdirectories, relocate .onelayer to .nl.n2.n3.n4.n5.n6.n7 Chapter 2. CMS Commands 485 RELOCATE is valid and would result in a directory of eight qualifiers (.nl.n2.n3.n4.n5.n6.n7.onelayer). But the following command, assuming . twolayer has at least one subdirectory (. twolayer. twolayersubdir), relocate .twolayer to .nl.n2.n3.n4.nS.n6.n7 would result in directory of nine qualifiers (.nl.n2.n3.n4.n5.n6.n7.twolayer.twolayersubdir) and is not valid. 9. If the RELOCATE command is issued from an exec on a work unit that is active, the command will fail. 1O. You can invoke the RELOCATE command from the command line, from an exec, or as a function from a program. No error messages are issued if RELOCATE is invoked: • As a function from a program • From a CMS exec file that has the &CONTROL NOMSG option in effect • From an EXEC2 exec where CMDCALL is not in effect • From a System Product Interpreter exec with ADDRESS COMMAND in effect Example If you started with the following directory structure: and issued, relocate .c to .b you would get this directory structure: Messages and Return Codes DMSJED069E DMSJEDI09S DMSJED1187E DMSJED1188E DMSJED1189E DMSJED1223E DMSJRL002E 486 VMjSP CMS Command Reference Filemode 1m not accessed [RC = 36] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Too many subdirectory levels in dirid [RC = 24] Filemode 1m is not associated with a directory [RC = 74] Filemode 1m is associated with a top directory [RC = 24] There is no default file pool currently defined [RC = 40] File In It Imldirname not found [RC = 28] ( RELOCATE Identical fileids [RC = 24] Directory dirname already exists [RC = 28] Invalid number of operands [RC = 24] Directory dirname already open. [RC = 70] The RELOCATE command failed for In It Imldirname [RC = 00] File In It or directory dirname not found or you are not authorized to use RELOCATE on one of these directories [RC=28] DMSJRLl187E Too many subdirectory levels in dirid [RC = 24] DMSJRL1207E You cannot relocate a top directory [RC = 88] DMSJRL1208E Directory cannot be relocated within itself [RC = 24] DMSJRL1210E Directory dirname or directory dirname not found or you are not authorized to use RELOCATE on one of these directories. [RC=28] DMSJRL1241E Directories specified are in different file pools [RC = 88] DMSJRL1251E Directories are from different directory structures [RC = 88] DMSJRL1290E File In It 1mIdirname not relocated; source and target directories are the same [RC = 24] DMSJRL1291E There are no unused work units available. [RC = 88] DMSOUT065E option option specified twice [RC = 24] DMSOUT066E option1 and option2 are conflicting options [RC = 24] DMSOUT105S Error nn writing file to XEDIT [RC= 100] DMSOUT1201E ST ACK option cannot follow FIFO or LIFO [RC = 24] DMSJRL019E DMSJRLl131E DMSJRLl132E DMSJRLl160E DMSJRLl163E DMSJRLl184E Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax Errors in the Shared File System Errors in parsing a command 811 813 397 Chapter 2. eMS Commands 487 RENAME RENAME Use the RENAME command to: • change the file ID of one or more files on a read/write minidisk or Shared File System (SFS) directory. The file can be an alias. • change the name of an SFS directory that you own. Format Rename { fileidl fileid2 } diridl dirid2 [(options ... [)]] roo Options: - Type NOType STACK [FIFO] LIFO FIFO LIFO '- UPdirt ] [ NOUPdirt - Operands fileidl is the file identifier of the file you want to rename. For a file on a minidisk, the file identifier consists of a file name, file type, and file mode. F or a file in an SFS directory, the file identifier consists of a file name, file type, and a dirid. See "Naming Shared File System (SFS) Directories" on page 4 for a complete description of dirid. You can use an asterisk (*) for any part of the file identifier to indicate that any file that satisfies the other qualifications is renamed. Subdirectories that match the specified pattern are ignored and are not renamed. fileid2 is the new file identifier of the file. For a file on a minidisk, the file identifier consists of a file name, file type, and file mode. For a file in an SFS directory, the file identifier consists of a file name, file type, and a dirid. You can use an equal sign (=) for any part of the file identifier to indicate that the corresponding file identifier is unchanged. The file mode or dirid can also be specified as an asterisk (*), indicating that the corresponding file mode or dirid is not changed. diridl is the directory identifier of the SFS directory you want to rename. See "Naming Shared File System (SFS) Directories" on page 4 for a complete description of dirid. dirid2 is the new directory name. The file mode cannot be expressed as dirid2 when you rename a directory. 488 VM/SP CMS Command Reference RENAME Options Type displays, at the terminal, the new identifiers of all the files that are renamed. The file identifiers are displayed only when an asterisk (*) is specified for one or more of the file identifiers ifn, ft, fm, or dirid) in fileidl. NOType suppresses the display at the terminal of the new file identifiers of the renamed files. NOTYPE is the default. STACK (FIFO) STACK LIFO places the information in the console stack rather than displaying it at the terminal. The new file identifiers are stacked only when an asterisk (*) is specified for one or more of the file identifiers ifn, ft, fm, or dirid) in fileidl. FIFO is the default. FIFO specifies that the information is stacked in a first in, first out order. This option is equivalent to STACK FIFO. LIFO specifies that the information is stacked in a last in, first out order. This option is equivalent to STACK LIFO. UPdirt updates the list of files upon completion of this command. UPDIRT is not valid when you are renaming a file in a directory or the directory itself. NOUPdirt suppresses the updating of the master file directory when a file on a minidisk is renamed. (See Usage Note 13.) I NOUPDIRT is not valid when you are renaming a file in a directory or the directory itself. Usage .Notes 1. When you code an asterisk (*) in any portion of the input file ID, any or all of the files that satisfy the other qualifiers may be renamed, depending upon how you specify the output file ID. For example: renam~ * assemble a test file a results in the first ASSEMBLE file found on the minidisk or directory accessed as A being renamed to TEST FILE. If more than one ASSEMBLE file exists, error messages are issued to indicate that they cannot be renamed. If you code an equal sign (=) in an output file ID in a position corresponding to an asterisk in an input file ID, all files that satisfy the condition are renamed. F or example: rename * assemble a = oldasm = renames all files with a file type of ASSEMBLE to files with a file type of OLDASM. Current file names are retained. 2. You cannot use the RENAME command to move a file from one minidisk or directory to another. For files on minidisks, you must use the COPYFILE command if you want to copy a file to another minidisk. For files in directories, Chapter 2. CMS Commands 489 RENAME you can use the RELOCATE command to move a file to another directory or the COPYFILE command to copy the file to another directory. Similarly, you cannot use the RENAME command to move an SFS directory to another parent directory. You must use the RELOCATE command if you want to move a directory structure. 3. You can use the RENAME command file to modify file mode numbers for base files. You cannot use the RENAME command to modify the file mode number for an alias. Aliases are automatically updated with the same file mode number as the base file. For example, rename * module al = = a2 changes the file mode number on all MODULE files that have a mode number of 1 to a mode number of 2. 4. When you rename an alias, only the alias is renamed; the base file name stays the same. 5. You can rename erased or revoked aliases or you can rename existing files to the name of an erased or revoked alias. 6. You can invoke the RENAME command from the terminal, from an exec file, or as a function from a program. If RENAME is invoked as a function or from an exec file that has the &CONTROL NOMSG option in effect, the message DMSRNM002E (File In It 1m not found) is not issued. 7. When you rename a directory, all authorizations for you and other users remain in effect. QUERY SEARCH or QUERY ACCESSED will display the new directory name. 8. When you rename a file in a directory, the file must be closed, and the directory may be open or closed. If special characters are specified to rename a set of files, the directory must be closed to rename the files that match the pattern. 9. When you rename a directory, all files in the directory must be closed and the directory and all the subdirectories must either be closed or open with intent of FILE. 10. If a file or the directory containing the file is locked you cannot rename the file unless the lock is an UPDATE or EXCLUSIVE lock that you hold. 11. If a directory is locked, or contains locked files or subdirectories, the directory cannot be renamed unless the lock is an UPDATE or EXCLUSIVE lock that you hold. These same rules apply for renaming a subdirectory in a locked directory. 12. Directories can only be renamed one level at a time. For example, changing .PROJA.PROPOSAL to .PROJ3101.FIRSTPROPOSAL would require two commands: rename .proja .proj3101 rename .proj3101.proposal .proj3101.firstproposal is renamed to 490 VM/SP CMS Command Reference and then renamed to RENAME As illustrated by the first rename above, changing the name of a directory changes the names of all of its subdirectories. 13. Normally, the list of files in memory for a CMS minidisk is updated whenever you issue a command that affects files on the minidisk. If you use the NOUPDIRT option of the RENAME command, this list is not updated until you issue a command that writes, updates, or deletes any file on the minidisk, or until you explicitly release the minidisk (with the RELEASE command). Note: The NOUPDIRT option is only valid for files on a minidisk; it is ignored when you rename files in a directory or when you rename a directory. 14. You can only rename directories that you own. You can rename another user's file if you have write authority to the file and write authority to the directory that contains the file. You can also rename another user's alias, if you have read authority to the base file and write authority to the directory containing the alias. 15. When renaming a file in another user's directory, you cannot use the fm form of dirid. 16. You can issue RENAME from the command (Cmd) column on any of the FILELIST screens. For example, to rename a file that is located in another user's directory name that is displayed on the screen, enter: rename /ntd newname == This indicates that you wish to rename the fn ft directory to a new file name and keep the same file type and directory name as displayed. You must specify either the d or the directory name since specifyingfm is not valid. To rename a file in your own directory, enter: rename / newname = = 17. When renaming a directory, if the RENAME command is issued from an exec on a work unit that has not been committed, the command will fail. Responses newfn newft newfm The new file name, file type, and file mode of each file altered is displayed when the TYPE option is specified and an asterisk was specified for at least one of the file identifiers (fn, ft or fm) of the input file ID. Messages and Return Codes DMSRND002E DMSRNDO 19E DMSRND051E DMSRND1131E DMSRND1160E DMSRND1184E DMSRND1184E DMSRND1199E DMSRND 1226E DMSRND1241E DMSRND1257E File fn ft fmldirname not found [RC = 28] Identical fileids [RC = 24] Invalid mode change [RC=24] Directory dirname already exists [RC=28] Directory dirname already open. [RC=70] File fn ft fmldirname not found or you are not authorized for it [RC=28] Directory dirname not found or you are not authorized for it [RC=28] You cannot rename a top directory [RC=24] Invalid subdirectory name change. Only the last qualifier of the specified subdirectory can be renamed. [RC = 24] Directories specified are in different file pools [RC = 88] The RENAME command is invalid on a file in a directory that you do not own [RC = 76] Chapter 2. CMS Commands 491 RENAME DMSRND1257E The RENAME command is invalid on a directory that you do not own [RC = 28] DMSRND1308E The filemode number of an alias must be the same as the filemode number of the base file [RC = 24] DMSRND1309I Command completed successfully, but the filemode number of the alias is the same as the filemode number of the base file [RC = 0] DMSRNM030E File In It 1m already active [RC = 28] DMSRNM037E Filemode mode is accessed as read/only [RC = 36] DMSRNM048E Invalid filemode mode [RC = 24] DMSRNM054E Incomplete fileid specified [RC = 24] DMSRNM069E Filemode mode not accessed [RC = 36] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 492 Reason Page Errors in command syntax Errors in the Shared File System 811 813 VM/SP CMS Command Reference ( RESERVE RESERVE Use the RESERVE command to allocate all available blocks of a 512-, lK-, 2K-, or 4K-byte block formatted minidisk to a unique CMS file. Format RESERVE fn ft fm Operands In is the file name of the file to which you are allocating the available blocks. It is the file type of the file to which you are allocating the available blocks. 1m is the file mode of the file to which you are allocating the available blocks. If you do not specify a file mode number (0-6), then the file mode number defaults to 6. Format of the File When the RESERVE command completes, the defined file has the following format: • file name, file type, and file mode letter as defined by the user. • file mode number 6 (indicating "update in place") if not specified on the RESERVE command. • logical record length (Irecl) equal to the CMS minidisk block size. • fixed (F) record format. • the number of records is the total number of blocks available on the disk minus the number of blocks used by CMS. You can use the DISKID function to get this number. This CMS overhead varies with the size of the minidisk. The data blocks physically follow the blocks used by CMS. The file that is created can be read or written via the DASD Block I/O System Service or the CMS file system. Because a CMS file structure has been created on the disk, the file may be accessed using the CMS file system. Organization of the Mini-disk When the RESERVE command completes, the physical organization of the minidisk on a CKD device is: Chapter 2. CMS Commands 493 RESERVE Start Block No. of Blocks 1 3 4 2 1 2 6 * * * * * next next next next Description IPL record Volume label CMS file directory Pointer blocks for allocation map CMS allocation map Duplicate for CMS allocation map backup File pointer blocks File data blocks Example Suppose you have a 3330 device with one cylinder formatted with 1024-byte block size. There will be 209 blocks available. After you issue the RESERVE command, the file created will have the following format: Blocks used by eMS file system I data blocks 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 I 9 110 111 I . . . 120712081209 where: Physical block Number 1 and 2 3 4 or 5 6 7 8 9 through 209 Description Contain the IPL records Contains the volume label Contain the CMS directory file Contains the allocation map Contains the alternate allocation map Is the CMS level 1 pointer block Are data blocks 1 through 201 The data blocks of the file created are now organized sequentially (blocks 9-209) after the blocks used by the CMS file system (blocks 1-8). Data block 1 is actually physical block 9, data block 2 is actually physical block 10, ... , and the last block (data block 201) is actually physical block 209. Usage Notes 1. The RESERVE command is valid only for an accessed minidisk. 2. The RESERVE command does not rewrite the data blocks of the file being created. The data blocks contain whatever was left in the slot they occupy on disk. To clear these blocks with binary zeros, use the FORMAT command before the RESERVE command is issued. 3. If the disk specified is formatted with the RECOMP option, the RESERVE command ignores this option and assigns all cylinders or blocks to the file. 4. The block in the section above refers to a CMS physical block. 494 VM/SP CMS Command Reference RESERVE Responses DMSRSV603R RESERVE will erase all files on disk mode(vdev). Do you wish to continue? Enter 1 (YES) or 0 (NO). To reply yes, enter 1 or 'YES'. To reply no, enter 0 or 'NO'. If you respond 'YES', you must only enter the character string 'YES'. You have indicated that a disk area is to be initialized; all existing files are erased. If the character string contains leading or trailing blanks, such as' YES' or 'YES " the response is processed as a 'NO'response. Responding 'NO', pressing the ENTER key, or entering a character string other than 'YES' cancels execution of the FORMAT command. DMSRSV705I Disk remains unchanged The response to continuing the execution of the RESERVE command was anything but YES. DMSRSV733I Reserving disk mode The disk represented by the mode letter mode is reserved. The response to continue the execution of the RESERVE command was YES or 1. Messages and Return Codes DMSRSV037E DMSRSV042E DMSRSV054E DMSRSV069E DMSRSV069E DMSRSV070E DMSRSVI09T DMSRSVI13S DMSRSV223E DMSRSV260E DMSRSV908E Filemode mode (vdev) is accessed as read/only [RC = 36] No fileid( s) specified [RC = 24] Incomplete fileid specified [RC = 24] Filemode mode not accessed [RC = 36] Output filemode mode not accessed [RC = 36] Invalid parameter parameter [RC = 24] Virtual storage capacity exceeded Disk(vdev) not attached [RC = 100] No filemode specified [RC = 24] Disk not properly formatted for RESERVE [RC = 16] File system error detected at virtual address vdev; reason code nn [RC= 100] DMSRSV909E Permanent I/O error on vdev; csw = CSW, sense = sense [RC = 100] DMSRSVI264E Filemode 1m is not associated with a minidisk [RC = 16] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 Chapter 2. CMS Commands 495 REVOKE AUTHORITY REVOKE AUTHORITY Use the REVOKE AUTHORITY command to cancel the authorities that have been granted to other users for: • one or more of your files in Shared File System (SFS) directories • one of your SFS directories. Format REVoke AUThority [~ ~] dirid FROM [u~erid ) n1,ckname [ ( options ... [ ) ]] PUBlic ALL Options: [KEEpread] TYPe NOType STACK [FIFO] LIFO LIFO FIFO Operands fnft is the name and type of the file for which authority is to be removed. You must own the file to remove authorities. A special character (* or 0/0) may be used to specify a set of files. See "Pattern Matching" on page 8 for a description of pattern matching using these characters. dirid is either: • the name of the directory which contains the files from which authority is to be removed, if fn ft is specified. or • the directory for which the authority is to be removed, if fn ft is not specified. You must be the owner of the directory to remove authorities. See "Naming Shared File System (SFS) Directories" on page 4 for a description of dirid. FROM userid FROM nickname indicates the user or group of users from whom authority is being taken. Nicknames that have been set up through the NAMES command may be used for the userid or nickname. FROM PUBlic revokes the PUBLIC authority given to all users who can connect to the file pool. This does not revoke any authorities that were granted individually. 496 VM/SP CMS Command Reference REVOKE AUTHORITY FROM ALL revokes authority from all users for a file or directory. If PUBLIC authority was granted, it is also revoked. Options KEEpread specifies that the authority should be changed from write to read. All aliases are kept in effect. If this option is not specified, all authority for the user is revoked from the file or directory and any aliases that the user has to the file are revoked. Type displays information at the terminal. NOType suppresses the display of information at the terminal. NOTYPE is the default. STACK (FIFO) STACK LIFO places the information in the console stack rather than displaying it at the terminal. FIFO is the default. FIFO specifies that the information is stacked in a first in, first out order. This option is equivalent to STACK FIFO. LIFO specifies that the information is stacked in a last in, first out order. This option is equivalent to STACK LIFO. Usage Notes 1. To revoke authorities, you must be the owner of the file or directory; however, you may not revoke authority from yourself. 2. Revoking authority from an alias revokes the authority from the base file, jf you own the base file. 3. You can revoke authority on a file or directory that you have locked UPDATE or EXCLUSIVE. A file or directory locked SHARE, or locked by another user, must be unlocked before revoking authority to it. 4. If a file is open, the revoke takes effect after the file is closed. To revoke authority from a directory, all files within the directory must first be closed. If you use special characters to specify a set of files, the directory cannot be open. 5. When you revoke authority from an accessed directory, the directory is released automatically from the revoked user and no message is issued. 6. If a revoke fails for a file specified by special characters, the processing continues with the next file name that matches the pattern. 7. If you wish to revoke authority to a user ID of ALL, PUBLIC, or any of the abbreviations of the PUBLIC operand (PUB, PUBL, and PUBLI), you need to create a nickname for that user ID using the NAMES command. Then use the nickname when issuing the REVOKE AUTHORITY command. 8. The REVOKE AUTHORITY command can only revoke authorities established through the GRANT AUTHORITY command. For any authorities granted through the Exte~al Security Manager (ESM), an ESM command must be used to revoke the authority. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 497 REVOKE AUTHORITY Messages and Return Codes DMSJAU002E DMSJAU065E DMSJAU066E DMSJAUl163E DMSJAUl184E DMSJAUl184E DMSJAUl198E DMSJAU1210E DMSJAU1244W DMSJAU1245W DMSJAU1247W DMSJAU1247W DMSJAU1248W DMSJAU1287W DMSJED069E DMSJED109S DMSJEDl187E DMSJEDl188E DMSJEDl189E DMSJED 1223E DMSJNL637E DMSJNL647E DMSJNL647E DMSJNL653E DMSOUT1201E File fn ft fmldirname not found [RC = 28] option option specified twice [RC = 24] option1 and option2 are conflicting options [RC = 24] The REVOKE AUTHORITY command failed forfnft fmldirname [RC = 00] File fn ft fmldirname not found or you are not authorized for it [RC=28] Directory dirname not found or you are not authorized for it [RC=28] Directory dirname is currently open; it must be closed before you can change the authority to any file in it [RC = 70] Directory dirname not found [RC = 28] {User useridlAt least one user in the list userid} was not granted READIWRITE authority to in ft fmldirname [RC = 4] Because use rid owns fn ft fmldirname, the authority cannot be revoked [RC = 4] Public READIWRITE authority did not previously exist onfn ft fmldirname [RC = 4] No users had {READIWRITE} authority to fn ft fmldirname [RC=4] Specified authorization revoked, but external security is still in effect for fn ft fmldirname [RC = 4] You do not own file fn ft fmldirname [RC = 4] Filemode fm not accessed [RC = 36] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC =104] Too many subdirectory levels in dirid [RC = 24] Filemode fm is not associated with a directory [RC = 74] Filemode fm is associated with a top directory [RC = 24] There is no default file pool currently defined [RC = 40] Missing nodeid for the AT operand [RC = 24] Userid not specified for nickname in userid NAMES file [RC = 32] Localid not specified for userid at node in userid NAMES file [RC=32] Error executing command [RC = 40] STACK option cannot follow FIFO or LIFO [RC=24] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 498 Reason Page Errors in command syntax Errors in the Shared File System 811 813 VM/SP CMS Command Reference RSERV RSERV Use the RSERV command in CMS/DOS to copy, display, print, or punch a VSE relocatable module from a private or system library. Format RSERV [(options ... [ )]] modname Options: [DISK] [PRINT] [PUNCH] [TERM] Operands modname specifies the name of the module on the VSE private or system relocatable library. The private library, if any, is searched before the system library. ft specifies the file type of the file to be created on your disk or directory accessed as A. "ft" defaults to TEXT if a file type is not specified. The file name is always the same as the module name. Options You may specify as many options as you wish on the RSERV command, depending on which functions you want to perform. DISK copies the relocatable module onto your disk or directory accessed as A. If no other options are specified, DISK is the default. PRINT prints the relocatable module on the virtual printer. PUNCH punches the relocatable module on the virtual punch. TERM displays the relocatable module at your terminal. Usage Notes 1. If you want to copy modules from a private relocatable library, you must issue an ASSGN command for the logical unit SYSRLB and identify the library on a DLBL command line using the ddname IJSYSRL. To copy modules from the system relocatable library, you must have entered the CMS/DOS environment specifying a mode letter on the SET DOS ON command line. 2. The RSERV command ignores the assignment of logical units, and directs output to the devices specified on the option list. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 499 RSERV Responses If you use the TERM option, the relocatable module is displayed ,Messages and Return Codes DMSRRV003E DMSRRV004E DMSRRV006E DMSRRV070E DMSRRV089E DMSRRV097E DMSRRV098E DMSRRV099E DMSRRVI05S DMSRRVI13S DMSRRV411S 500 VM/SP CMS Command Reference ~t the terminal. Invalid option: option [RC = 24] Module module not found [RC = 28] No read/write A filemode accessed [RC, =' 3'6] Invalid parameter parameter [RC = 24] Open error code nn on SYSRLB [RC = 36] No SYSRES volume active [RC=36] No module name specified [RC = 24] CMS/DOS environment not active [RC = 40] , Error nn writing file In It 1m on disk or directory [RC = 100] Disk(vdev) not attached [RC = 100] Input error code nn on SYSaaa [RC = rel RTNDROP RTNDROP Use the RTNDROP command to undo the binding of callable services library (CSL) routines that were loaded by the RTNLOAD command. Format RTNDrop [(options ..• [)]] options: I User SYstem [ GRoup grpname TYpe ] [ NOTyPe Operands namelist specifies the list of CSL routines that are to be dropped. These names are the "run names" given to the routines when they were loaded. Run names are either the original names, given when the routines were created, or alias names, specified when the routines were loaded using the RTNLOAD command. If the USER, SYSTEM, or GROUP option is specified, all routines associated with each run name satisfying the specified option are dropped. If none of the three options is specified, only the most recently loaded routine associated with each run name is dropped. * specifies that all routines satisfying the specified option (USER, SYSTEM, or GROUP) are to be dropped. If none of these three options is specified, an error message is generated. Options User specifies that only routines loaded with the USER attribute are to be dropped. SYstem specifies that only routines loaded with the SYSTEM attribute are to be dropped. GRoup grpname specifies that only routines loaded with the given grpname are to be dropped. TYpe indicates that an informational message is to be issued for each routine that is successfully dropped. NOType indicates that messages are not to be issued when routines are successfully dropped. This is the default. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 501 RTNDROP Usage Notes I. The maximum number of routines you can specify on namelist is limited only by programming language constraints and the type of terminal being used. 2. If you issue RTNDROP from the CSLLIST command area and specify any CSL routine names, a name list is built; the RTNDROP command will act upon any routine names you specify plus the routine shown on the CSLLIST screen. 3. The following commands are related to RTNDROP: CSLLIST - displays a list of routines contained in a callable services library RTNLOAD -loads a CSL routine RTNMAP - lists the CSL routines that are currently loaded RTNSTATE - determines the status of a specific CSL routine. • • • • Examples I. Issuing the following command RTNDROP * (USER drops all routines that were loaded with the USER attribute. 2. Issuing the following command RTNDROP GET (GROUP LIBXYZ drops any routines loaded with the run name GET and the group name LIBXYZ. 3. Issuing the following command RTNDROP SINE COSINE TANGENT drops only the most recently loaded routine associated with each of the three run names. Messages and Return Codes DMSCRR065E DMSCRR066E DMSCRR624W DMSCRRI086E DMSCRRI087E option option specified twice [RC = 24] opt1 and opt2 are conflicting options [RC = 24] No CSL routines are loaded [RC = 28] Namelist is invalid: "*,, is not valid with routine names [RC = 24] Either the USER, SYSTEM, or GROUP option must be specified if namelist is specified as "*,, [RC = 24] DMSCRRI088W Routine rtnname cannot be dropped because it is not loaded [RC=4] DMSCRR1088W Routine rtnname cannot be dropped because it was not loaded with the specified attribute [RC = 4] DMSCRR1088W Routine rtnname cannot be dropped because it was not loaded with the specified group name [RC = 4] DMSCRRI0891 rtnname has been dropped DMSCRRl129W No routines were dropped [RC = 4] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 502 Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 VM/SP CMS Command Reference RTNLOAD RTNLOAD Use the RTNLOAD command to search for, load, and bind a callable services library (CSL) routine to a fixed location in storage, making it available for invocation. Once a routine is loaded, it is known by either its original name or a user-specified alias. Using RTNLOAD allows an application program to use the same version of a routine no matter how many times the routine is called during a given execution of the program. The routines either reside in a DASD-based callable service library or in a segment-based callable services library. Format , namelist RTNLoad [< [FRom * FRom library [IN fm IN dirid ~ * .... 1 1 [ALias. NOAhas 1 [other options ...[)]]j '"'I > (FRom library [IN fm ] [NOAlias] IN dirid [other options ... [)]] J Other options: [user SYstem 1 [GRoup grpname] [Type NOType 1 [PUSh NOPush 1 Operands namelist specifies the list of CSL routines to be searched for, loaded into user storage if necessary, and bound. A list of routines consists of either individual routine names for the NOALIAS option, or routine name/alias name pairs for the ALIAS option. In the following example, the first line shows three routines being loaded without alias names, and the second line shows two routines being loaded with alias names. rtnload rtnl rtn2 rtn3 rtnload rtn4 alias4 rtn5 alias5 (NOAlias (Alias Once a routine is loaded, it is known by its "run name." The run name is either the original name given when the routine was created or, if specified, an alias name given when the routine was loaded. * specifies that all routines from the specified library are to be loaded. Alias names are not allowed with this operand. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 503 RTNLOAD Options FROM library specifies the library containing the routines to be loaded. The library need not be in the GLOBAL CSLLIB search order; FROM implies direct library specification. Notes: 1. Saved segment resident libraries are searched first. 2. Libraries that can no longer be found are ignored. FROM * specifies that libraries should be searched using the library search order; the default callable services library VMLIB will be implicitly appended to the current search order. (See the GLOBAL command). This is the default. INfm identifies the file mode of the accessed minidisk or SFS directory containing the library. This option is not valid if you have specified the library as an asterisk (*). The library need not be in the GLOBAL CSLLIB search order; IN implies direct library specification. IN dirid identifies the SFS directory containing the library. This option is not valid if you have specified the library as an asterisk (*). The library need not be in the GLOBAL CSLLIB search order; IN implies direct library specification. See "Naming Shared File System (SFS) Directories" on page 4 for a description of the different ways to specify dirid. ALias specifies that a routine name/alias name pair must be specified for each routine to be loaded. Once a routine is loaded, it is known by its "run name,'.' which is either its original name or an alias name (if one was specified with the ALIAS option). A routine to be loaded under its original name can have an equal sign ( =) specified for its alias name. This option is not valid if you specify namelist as an asterisk (*). NOAiias specifies that routines are loaded under their original names. This is the default. User specifies that the routines are to be dropped if an abend occurs. This is the default. SYstem specifies that these routines are to be retained if an abend occurs. Note: When loading a CSL into a saved segment, you must specify the SYSTEM option on the SEGMENT LOAD command for CSL routines to survive abend processing-even if you specified the SYSTEM option on RTNLOAD when loading individual CSL routines. GRoup grpname identifies the name of a collection of related routines. TYpe indicates that an informational message is to be issued for each routine that is successfully loaded. 504 VM/SP CMS Command Reference RTNLOAD NOType indicates that messages are not to be issued when routines are loaded. This is the default. PUsh specifies that if a routine of the same run name is already loaded, its address is saved during this load. Subsequent invocation of this routine executes the most recently loaded version. A RTNDROP of this run name drops the most recently loaded version and makes the most recently saved version the current loaded version. If the routine is not already loaded, this option is ignored. This is the default. NOPush specifies that if a routine with a specified run name is already loaded, no action is taken. A warning message is issued to state that the routine is already loaded. Usage Notes 1. Routine names, library names, and alias names can each be from one to eight characters. The valid characters are A-Z, a-z, 0-9, $, #, @, +, - (hyphen), : (colon), and _ (underscore). 2. A namelist can specify a maximum of 256 routine names. 3. Alias names are useful because they let you have duplicate routine names. If the ALIAS option is specified, namelist must not be an asterisk (*), and it must have an even number of entries. An equal sign (=) can also be used for an alias name. 4. Several routines can be loaded under the same grpname, and can be dropped by issuing a single RTNDROP command for the grpname. 5. If the IN dirid option is specified, the FROM library option must be specified and the library cannot be specified as an asterisk (*). 6. If the "FROM *" option is specified, the namelist must not be specified as an asterisk (*). 7. The following commands are related to RTNLOAD: • If you issue RTNLOAD from the CSLLIST command area and specify any CSL routine names, a name list is built; the RTNLOAD command will act upon any routine names you specify plus the routine shown on the CSLLIST screen. • CSLLIST - displays a list of routines contained in a callable services library • RTNMAP ,- lists the CSL routines that are currently loaded • RTNDROP - drops a loaded CSL routine • RTNSTATE - determines the status of a specific CSL routine. 8. If you specify a directory name in the IN dirid option and the directory is not accessed, the directory is temporarily accessed as the next available file mode letter. When the RTNLOAD command is complete, the file mode is released. Examples 1. rtnload * (from mylib loads all of the routines from the callable services library called MYLIB. RTNLOAD first searches saved segments to find MYLIB, and if unsuccessful, then follows the CMS search order. 2. rtnload sample xyzzy (from mylib alias Chapter 2. CMS Commands 505 RTNLOAD indicates that the routine SAMPLE is to be loaded from the callable services library MYLIB, and that it is to be known as XYZZY after it is loaded. 3. rtnload sine (push finds the first SINE routine in a library in the CSL search order and binds the SINE routine to the address where it is now loaded. The address of the current SINE routine is preserved. 4. rtnload cosine (from yourlib in node7:johndoe.jd.test finds the COSINE routine in YOURLIB on the specified directory and binds it to the address where it is now loaded. 5. rtnload fileread (from mylib group project! loads the routine FILE READ from the callable services library MYLIB, and establishes its group name to be PROJECTl. Messages and Return Codes DMSCAXI0891 DMSCAXI099W DMSCRL065E DMSCRL066E DMSCRL639E DMSCRLI084E DMSCRLI084E DMSCRLI085E DMSCRLI085E DMSCRLI086E DMSCRLI086E DMSCRLI090E DMSCRLl097E DMSCRLI098E DMSCRLllOOE DMSCRLl136E DMSCRL1l36W rtnname has been loaded [RC = 0] rtnname has already been loaded [RC = 4] option option specified twice [RC = 24] optl and opt2 are conflicting options [RC = 24] Error in rtnname routine; return code was retcode ALIAS option is not valid if namelist is specified as "*,, [RC = 24] ALIAS option is not valid if namelist has an odd number of entries [RC = 24] A library name must be specified if namelist is specified as "*,, [RC = 24] A library name must be specified if the IN option is specified [RC=24] Namelist is invalid: "*,, is not valid with routine names [RC = 24] Namelist is invalid: more than 256 names are specified [RC=24] Invalid routine name rtname specified [RC = 24] Routine rtnname not found [RC = 8] None of the specified routines were found [RC = 8] No filemode is available to access dirid [RC= 12] Unable to gain access to library libname [RC = 28] Unable to gain access to library libname [RC=4] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 506 Reason Page Errors in command syntax Errors in the Shared File System 811 813 VM/SP CMS Command Reference ( ~ RTNMAP RTNMAP Use the RTNMAP command to display information about callable services library (CSL) routines that are currently loaded and bound to an address. Format RTNMap [(options ... [)]] Options: STACK [FIFO]] STACK LIFO [ FIFO LIFO User [ SYstem 1 [GRoup grpname] [Header ] NOHeader [ALL] Operands runname is the run name of the CSL routine to be listed. Note: This run name is not necessarily the routine's original name; if an alias was specified when the routine was loaded, the alias name must be used. * indicates that information is to be shown about the set of routines that satisfies the specified options. (These command options are described below.) Options STACK (FIFO) STACK LIFO places the output on the program stack, one line at a time, instead of displaying it at the terminal. The information is stacked either FIFO (first-in-first-out) or LIFO (last-in-first-out). The default order is FIFO. FIFO places the output on the program stack, one line at a time, in FIFO order. This option is equivalent to STACK and STACK FIFO. LIFO places the output on the program stack, one line at a time, in LIFO order. This option is equivalent to STACK LIFO. User specifies that information is displayed only for routines loaded with the USER option (on the RTNLOAD command). See also usage note 1. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 507 RTNMAP SYstem specifies that information is displayed only for routines loaded with the SYSTEM option (on the R TNLOAD command). See also usage note 1. GRoup grpname specifies that only routines that were loaded into the specified grpname (on the RTNLOAD command) are to be displayed. If either USER or SYSTEM is also specified, information will be displayed about a routine only if it meets both sets of criteria. Header specifies that the output at the user's terminal is to be preceded by a header that identifies the columns of output displayed. See an example of this header in "Responses" below. HEADER is the default, unless one of the stack options (STACK, FIFO, or LIFO) is specified; in that case the HEADER option is not allowed. NOHeader specifies that the output at the user's terminal is not to be preceded by a header to identify the columns of displayed output. When one of the stack options (STACK, FIFO, or LIFO) is specified, the NOHEADER option is the default and the HEADER option is not allowed. ALL specifies that information is displayed about all routines that meet the specified criteria, even if the routines were reloaded with conflicting options using RTNLOAD .•• (PUSH. If ALL is not specified, information is displayed only for the most recently loaded copy of the routine(s) specified by name or *. Inactive routines are preceded by an "*,, in the output; active routines are preceded by a blank in the output. Usage Notes 1. If neither the USER nor SYSTEM option is specified, RTNMAP displays information according to the routine(s) specified in the name or * operand and, if specified, the GROUP and ALL· options. 2. If a routine was loaded with multiple alias names and RTNMAP * is specified, a line is displayed for each alias name. 3. The following commands are related to RTNMAP: • • • • CSLLIST - displays a list of routines contained in a callable services library RTNLOAD -loads a CSL routine RTNDROP - drops a loaded CSL routine RTNSTATE - determines the status of a specific CSL routine. Examples 1. A routine named FORMULA exists in a callable services library named TEST. It was loaded with an alias name FORMULA2 using the following command: RTNLOAD FORMULA FORMULA2 (FROM TEST ALIAS Suppose the routine took up 300 bytes of storage and it has been invoked three times since it was loaded. To display information about this routine, entering the command RTNMAP FORMULA2 (USER HEADER produces the following output: 508 VM/SP CMS Command Reference RTNMAP Alias ..... Name Library UseCount, LoadAddr She. Attr1b. _- ... _- . _.. _'--- ._------ --_ ... __ .. - ....... -.. _._- ... --.; '"",' FORMULA2FORMULA TEST ""': 3 005CBC68 ----'---- Group --.-~--.;.- 300·USER 2. Suppose the FORMULA routine was reloaded with the same alias name, but with the SYSTEM option, using the following command: RTNLOAD FORMULA FORMULA2 (FROM TEST ALIAS SYSTEM This copy of the routine also takes up 300 bytes of storage and it has been invoked two times since it was loaded. Entering the command RTNMAf FORMULA2 (ALL HEADER produces the following output: Responses RTNMAP produces output in the following format (when the HEADER option is on): Alias Name Library UseCount LoadAddr rtnalias rtnname libname count address Size Attrib. Group size attrib grpname where: rtnalias is the name used to invoke this routine. If the name is preceded by an asterisk ("*"), a copy of this routine was reloaded using the PUSH option on RTNLOAD; the information displayed after the "*,, pertains to a previously-loaded copy of the routine, not the copy that can be currently invoked. rtnname is the original name of this routine as it resides in the library. libname is the name of the library from which this routine was loaded. count is the number of times that this routine has been invoked via DMSCSL since it was loaded. This value can be used to determine whether to RTNDROP a routine or whether to move the library into a segment. If the routine is called via the CSLCALL macro, count is not incremented. Also, CMS commands that use CSLCALL rather than DMSCSL, will not update the counter. address is the address where the routine was loaded. (If you are debugging a new CSL routine, this address will be useful.) Chapter 2. CMS Commands 509 RTNMAP size shows how much user storage (in bytes) is occupied by this routine. A routine from a CSL that resides in a saved segment is shown with a size of 0 (zero); this is because such a routine does not occupy user storage and no additional storage is made available if RTNDROP is issued for this routine. attrib shows whether the routine was loaded with the USER attribute (the default) or with the SYSTEM attribute. If an abend occurs, routines with the SYSTEM attribute will be retained, while routines with the USER attribute will be dropped. (For example, an HX command results in an abend.) The attribute is set by the RTNLOAD command. grpname is the name of the group that the routine was loaded into using the RTNLOAD command. Messages and Return Codes DMSCRM065E option option specified twice [RC = 24] DMSCRM066E opt1 and opt2 are conflicting options [RC = 24] DMSCRMI088E Routine rtnname cannot be mapped because it is not loaded [RC=28] DMSCRMI088E Routine rtnname cannot be mapped because it was not loaded with the specified attribute [RC = 28] DMSCRMI088E Routine rtnname cannot be mapped because it was not loaded with the specified group name [RC = 28] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 510 Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 VM/SP CMS Command Reference RTNSTATE RTNSTATE Use RTNST ATE to verify the existence of a loaded callable services library (CSL) routine. Format RTNState {rur;name } [(options ... [)]] Options: User [ SYstem 1 [GRoup grpname] Operands runname is the name of a specific CSL routine whose load status is being verified. Note: This run name is not necessarily the routine's original name; if an alias was specified when the routine was loaded, the alias name must be used. * supplies load status information about all CSL routines, or the subset of routines that satisfies the specified options. Options User When used with a specific routine name, this indicates that a non-zero return code should be given, unless the named routine was loaded with the USER attribute. When used with an "*,, for the name, this indicates that a non-zero return code should be given, unless at least one routine was loaded with the USER attribute. SYstem When used with a specific routine name, this indicates that a non-zero return code should be given, unless the named routine was loaded with the SYSTEM attribute. When used with an "*,, for the name, this indicates that a non-zero return code should be given, unless at least one routine was loaded with the SYSTEM attribute. GRoup grpname When used with a specific routine name, this indicates that a non-zero return code should be given, unless the named routine was loaded into the given group. When used with an "*,, for the name, this indicates that a non-zero return code should be given, unless at least one routine was loaded into the given group. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 511 RTNSTATE Usage Notes 1. This command is intended to be used from an exec. 2. The output of RTNST ATE is a return code. See the following examples for more information. 3. The following commands are related to RTNSTATE: • • • • CSLLIST - displays a list of routines contained in a callable services library RTNLOAD - loads a CSL routine RTNDROP - drops a loaded CSL routine RTNMAP - lists the CSL routines that are currently loaded. Examples 1. RTNSTATE MYRTN gives the following return codes: o 28 if tht! routine was loaded if the routine was not loaded. 2. RTNSTATE MYRTN (USER) gives the following return codes: o 4 8 28 if the routine was loaded with the USER attribute if the routine was loaded with the USER attribute and then re-Ioaded with the SYSTEM attribute and the PUSH option if the routine was loaded with the SYSTEM attribute but was not loaded with the USER attribute if the routine was not loaded. 3. RTNSTATE MYRTN (SYSTEM) gives the following return codes: o if the routine was loaded with the SYSTEM attribute if the routine was loaded with the SYSTEM attribute and then re-Ioaded with the USER attribute and the PUSH option 8 if the routine was loaded with the USER attribute but was not loaded with the SYSTEM attribute 28 if the routine was not loaded. 4 4. RTNSTATE MYRTN (GROUP MYGROUP) gives the following return codes: o if the routine was loaded into MYGROUP if the routine was loaded into MYGROUP and then re-Ioaded into another group with the PUSH option 8 if the routine was loaded but not into MYGROUP 28 if the routine was not loaded. 4 5. RTNSTATE MYRTN (USER GROUP MYGROUP) gives the following return codes: o if the routine was loaded into MYGROUP with the USER attribute if the routine was loaded into MYGROUP with the USER attribute and then re-Ioaded into another group with the PUSH option, or if the routine was loaded into MYGROUP with the USER attribute and then re-Ioaded with the SYSTEM attribute and the PUSH option 8 if the routine was loaded but not into MYGROUP with the USER attribute 28 if the routine was not loaded. 4 6. RTNSTATE * gives the following return codes o 28 if any routines are loaded jf no routines are loaded. 7. RTNSTATE * (USER) gives the following return codes: 512 VM/SP CMS Command Reference ( ~ RTNSTATE o if at least one routine was loaded with the USER attribute AND no routines that were loaded with the USER attribute have been re-Ioaded with the SYSTEM attribute and the PUSH option 4 if at least one routine was loaded with the USER attribute and then re-Ioaded with the SYSTEM attribute 28 if no routines were loaded with the USER attribute. 8. RTNSTATE * (USER GROUP MYGROUP) gives the following return codes: o if at least one routine was loaded into'MYGROUP with the USER attribute AND no routines were loaded into MYGROUP with the USER attribute and then reloaded into another group with the PUSH option or reloaded with the SYSTEM attribute and the PUSH option 4 if one or more routines were loaded into MYGROUP with the USER attribute and then reloaded into a different group with the PUSH option or reloaded with the SYSTEM attribute and the PUSH option 28 if no USER routines were loaded into MYGROUP. Messages and Return Codes DMSCRS003E DMSCRS065E DMSCRS066E Invalid option: option [RC = 24] option option specified twice [RC = 24] optJ and opt2 are conflicting options [RC = 24] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 Chapter 2. CMS Commands 513 RUN RUN Use the RUN command to initiate a series of functions on a file depending on the file type. The RUN command can select or combine the procedures required to compile, load, or start execution of the specified file. Format RUN In (ft (fm]] [(args ... [)]] Operands In is the file name of the file to be manipulated. It is the file type· of the file to be manipulated. If file type is not specified, a search is made for a file with the specified file name and the file type of EXEC, MODULE, or TEXT (the search is performed in that order). If the file type of an input file for a language processor is specified, the language processor is invoked to compile the source statements and produce a TEXT file. If no compilation errors are found, LOAD and START may then be called to initiate program execution. The valid file types and resulting action for this command are: 514 File type Action EXEC The EXEC processor is called to process the file. MODULE The LOADMOD command is issued to load the program into storage and the START * command begins execution of the program at the default entry point. TEXT The LOAD command brings the file into storage in an executable format and the START * command executes the program beginning at the default entry point. FORTRAN The FORTRAN processor module that is called is FORTVS, FORTRAN, FORTGI, GOFORT, or FORTHX, whichever is found first. Object text successfully compiled by the FORTGI or FORTHX processors will be loaded and executed. TESTFORT The TESTFORT module is called to initiate FORTRAN Interactive Debug and will process a TEXT file that has been compiled with the TEST option. FREEFORT The GOFORT module is called to process the file. COBOL The COBOL processor module that is called is COBOL or TESTCOB, whichever is found first. After successful compilation, the program text will be loaded and executed. PLI PLIOPT The PLIOPT processor module is called to process the file. After successful compilation, the program text will be loaded and executed. VMjSP CMS Command Reference RUN fm is the file mode of the file to be loaded by the LOADMOD command. If fm is specified, a file type must also be specified. The fm field is only beneficial when attempting to execute a module. All other functions use the default search order to locate a file on one of your disks or directories. args are arguments you want to pass to your program. You can specify up to 13 arguments in the RUN command, provided they fit on a single input line. Each argument is left-justified, and any argument more than eight characters long is truncated from the right. Usage Notes 1. If you are executing a CMS EXEC or EXEC 2 file, the arguments you enter on the RUN command line are assigned to the variable symbols &1, &2, and so on. If you are executing a System Product Interpreter program, the arguments that you enter on the RUN command line are available via the arg instruction. The RUN command passes only the file name (fn) of an exec to the EXEC processor. Therefore, you cannot use "fm" to select a particular exec. 2. Before using the RUN command, you should issue the GLOBAL command to identify the required libraries. 3. If you are executing a TEXT or MODULE file, or compili~g and executing a program, the arguments are placed in a parameter list and passed to your program when it executes. The arguments are placed in a series of doublewords in storage, terminated by X FF If you enter: I I. run myprog (charlie dog the arguments *, CHARLIE, and DOG are placed in doublewords in a parameter list, and the address of the list is in register 1 when your program receives control. Note: You cannot use the argument list to override default options for the compilers or for the LOAD or START commands. 4. The RUN command is not designed for use with CMS/DOS. 5. The RUN command cannot be used for COBOL and PL/I programs that require facilities not supported under eMS. For specific language support limitations, see VM/SP Planning Guide and Reference. 6. If you want to issue RUN from an exec program, you should precede it with the EXEC command; that is, specify exec run Responses Any responses are from the programs or procedures that executed within the RUN command. Messages and Return Codes DMSRUN001E No filename specified [RC = 24] DMSRUN002E File fn ft fm not found [RC = 28] DMSRUN048E Invalid mode fm [RC = 24] DMSRUN070E Invalid parameter parameter [RC = 24] DMSRUN999E Noft module found [RC=28] Chapter 2. CMS Commands 515 RUN Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 516 Reason Page Errors in the Shared File System 813 VM/SP CMS Command Reference SEGMENT SEGMENT Use the SEGMENT command to manage saved segments. The SEGMENT command allows you to: • reserve eMS storage for a saved segment that will reside in your virtual machine • assign a logical saved segment to a physical saved segment • load a saved segment • detach a saved segment • release storage previously reserved for a saved segment. The SEGMENT command uses DIAGNOSE X ' 64 1 to manage these segments. The following pages describe in detail the five functions of the SEGMENT command: • • • • • SEGMENT SEGMENT SEGMENT SEGMENT SEGMENT ASSIGN LOAD PURGE RELEASE RESERVE. There is also a SEGMENT macro. For reference information on the SEGMENT macro, see the VMjSP Application Development Reference for CMS. For usage information on both the SEGMENT command and macro, see the VMjSP Application Development Guide for CMS. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 517 SEGMENT SEGMENT ASSIGN Use the SEGMENT ASSIGN command to change the physical segment from which a logical segment will be used. Format SEGMENT ASSIGN lsegname psegname Operands lsegname specifies the 1-8 character name of the logical segment. psegname specifies the 1-8 character name of the physical segment. Usage Note None Example You have two logical segments with the same name, EXECS, residing in two physical segments, PSEG 1 and PSEG2. If you want to use the EXECS segment in PSEG2, you would issue the command, segment assign execs pseg2 Then, whenever you issue another one of the SEGMENT commands or macro, such as SEGMENT LOAD, the EXECS segment in PSEG2 is used. Messages and Return Codes DMSDCTI09S Virtual storage capacity exceeded, return code rc from storage management [RC= 104] DMSDCT1274E Logical segment lsegname does not exist in physical segment psegname. [RC=28] DMSDCT1275E Logical segment segname is currently active and cannot be assigned. [RC = 36] DMSDCT1277E Logical segment segname does not exist. [RC = 28] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 518 Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 VM/SP CMS Command Reference SEGMENT ·1 SEGMENT LOAD Use the SEGMENT LOAD command to load a saved segment. Format SEGMENT LOAD segname Options: [( options ... [ ) ]] SYSTEM] [ USER SHare ] [ NOSHare Operands segname specifies the 1-8 character name of: • a logical saved segment • a physical saved segment or • the segment space reserved if you used the SEGMENT RESERVE command. Note: See "SEGMENT RESERVE" for a description of segment spaces. Options SYSTEM specifies that the segment space that contains the saved segment is not to be released during ABEND processing. If you do not specify SYSTEM and ABEND recovery is invoked, the segment space will be released. If you already reserved segment space with the SEGMENT RESERVE command for a physical segment, the SYSTEM option specified on the SEGMENT RESERVE command overrides the values specified on the SEGMENT LOAD command. Note: If your saved segment is to include a callable services library (CSL), and if any individual CSL routines were loaded with the SYSTEM option on the RTNLOAD command, you must still specify the SYSTEM option on SEGMENT LOAD for the CSL routines to survive abend processing. USER specifies that the segment space is to be released during ABEND processing. This is the default option. SHare loads a shared copy of the saved segment. This is the default value. NOSHare loads a non-shared copy of the saved segment. Note: To use the NOSHARE option on VM/XA, users who issue SEGMENT Chapter 2. CMS Commands 519 SEGMENT LOAD must also have an appropriate NAMESAVE entry in their user directory entry. Usage Notes 1. You can load saved segments even if they reside within a virtual machine's address space. However, the CMS storage must be free storage; that is, no programs or data may already reside there. 2. The SEGMENT LOAD command is an alternative to the DIAGNOSE X 164 instruction. The SEGMENT command uses the following process to locate the saved segment it loads: I a. CMS searches the list of logical saved segments for one with the same name as that specified on the SEGMENT LOAD macro. If one is found, space for the associated physical saved segment is reserved (if necessary), the physical saved segment or segment space is loaded (if necessary), and the logical saved segment contents are processed. b. CMS searches the list of storage areas reserved with the SEGMENT command to determine if an area has been reserved for a saved segment with the requested name. If one is found, the physical saved segment or segment space is loaded (if necessary). If the specified name is a logical saved segment, the contents are processed. c. If no reserved storage area exists, CMS issues a CP FINDSYS to determine whether the requested segment is a physical saved segment or a segment space. If so, a SEGMENT RESERVE command is issued to create a reserved area and the physical saved segment or segment space is loaded. d. If the requested segment is not a reserved area, physical saved segment, or segment space, the appropriate return code (RC = 44) is returned to the calling program. This process allows an application to be loaded even if the segment resides within the virtual machine. 3. When a logical segment is loaded, • programs in it are established as nucleus extensions or subcommand processors • Execs are established as execs-in-storage • CSL libraries are made usable by the GLOBAL CSLLIB command • language messages repositories are processed • user exit routines are called. Objects in other logical segments in the physical segment are not processed. 4. The language of application message repositories must match the current system language to be added to the active set of applications. 5. Nucleus extensions, subcommand processors, and execs established by SEGMENT LOAD override objects of the same name. Nucleus extensions in segments can be dropped (see NUCXDROP command), bringing back the previous definition of the name. Purging nucleus extensions and subcommand processors will also bring the previous definition back into effect. 6. The SHARE attribute of a physical segment that contains logical segments is set by the first logical segment loaded in the physical segment. If other logical segments are loaded in the physical segment, they cannot change the SHARE attribute. All logical segments in the same physical segment have the same SHARE attribute. If you specify a SHARE or NOSHARE option that does not 520 VMjSP CMS Command Reference SEGMENT match the SHARE attribute of the physical segment, the segment is not loaded and a non-zero return code is returned. Messages and Return Codes DMSDCTI09S DMSDCT343E DMSDCTI083E DMSDCTl266E DMSDCT1267E DMSDCT1270E DMSDCT127lE DMSDCTl272E DMSDCTl295E DMSDCTl296E Virtual storage capacity exceeded, return code rc from storage management [RC = 104] Storage in range address-address for name in use. [RC=41] Saved segment segname does not exist [RC=44] Error occurred while loading logical segment segname, return code rc [RC=256] Error occurred while loading user objects, return code rc [RC = 256] The SHARE/NOSHARE option specified does not match the SHARE attribute of the containing physical segment. [RC = 36] name contains reserved and/or loaded logical segments and cannot be reserved, loaded, or purged. [RC = 36] Physical segment segname is already active. [RC=36] name segment space contains reserved or loaded member saved segments and cannot be reserved or loaded. [RC = 36] name member saved segment cannot be reserved or loaded in a segment space that is already reserved or loaded. [RC = 36] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 RC Meaning o Normal 12 The saved segment exists and has already been loaded. The segment has not been reloaded. 44 Segment does not exist. 256 Error processing contents of logical segment. You may receive other return codes from DIAGNOSE X 164 I . Chapter 2. CMS Commands 521 SEGMENT SEGMENT PURGE ( \ Use the SEGMENT PURGE command to purge a saved segment from a virtual machine. Format SEGMENT PURGE segname Operands segname specifies the 1-8 character name of the segment to be purged. Usage Notes I. If SEGMENT LOAD reserved space for a saved segment, then SEGMENT PURGE automatically releases that space. 2. If the segment getting purged is a logical segment, all the objects in the segment are purged: • • • • • user exit routines are called nucleus extensions and execs are dropped subcommand processors are cleared message repositories are deleted libraries are removed from the list of callable services libraries. If the logical segment is the only active segment in the physical segment, the physical segment is removed from the virtual machine. Messages and Return Codes DMSDCSI083E Saved segment segname does not exist [RC=44] DMSDCTI09S Virtual storage capacity exceeded, return code rc from storage management [RC = 104] DMSDCT345E segname was not loaded via SEGMENT LOAD function [RC=40] DMSDCT1268E Error occurred while purging logical segment segname, return code rc [RC = 256] DMSDCT1269E Error occurred while purging user object name, return code rc [RC=256] DMSDCT1271E name contains reserved and/or loaded logical segments and cannot be reserved, loaded, or purged. [RC = 36] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 522 Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 RC Meaning o Normal VM/SP CMS Command Reference SEGMENT 40 Segment is not loaded. 44 Segment does not exist. 256 Error processing contents of logical segment. You may receive other return codes from DIAGNOSE X I 64 I . Chapter 2. CMS Commands 523 SEGMENT SEGMENT RELEASE Use the SEGMENT RELEASE command to return a segment space reserved for a segment to CMS. Format SEGMENT RELEASE name Operands specifies the 1-8 character name of a segment space, physical segment, or logical segment for which corresponding storage is released. Usage Note 1. If the specified name is a logical segment, the logical segment is removed from the list of reserved logical segments. If the physical segment that contains the logical segment no longer has any logical segment reserved or loaded, then the physical segment is removed from your virtual machine and the reserved storage is returned. If the specified name is a physical segment, then all the loaded or reserved logical segments within the physical segment's space are released. Then the physical segment is released. If the specified name is a segment space, all of the physical segments of this space are released as described in the previous step. Then the segment space is released. You can reserve or load several logical segments within a physical segment, and then reclaim all the storage used by these segments by issuing the SEGMENT RELEASE command for the physical segment. Messages and Return Codes Virtual storage capacity exceeded, return code rc from storage management [RC= 104] DMSDCS344E Segment space name has not been reserved [RC = 40] DMSDCS345E segname was not loaded via SEGMENT LOAD function [RC=40] DMSDCS1083E Saved segment segname does not exist [RC = 44] DMSDCS1268E Error occurred while purging logical segment segname, return code rc [RC=256] DMSDCS1269E Error occurred while purging user object name, return code rc [RC=256] DMSDCS109S Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 524 Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 VMjSP CMS Command Reference SEGMENT SEGMENT RESERVE Use the SEGMENT RESERVE command to create a segment space so that a subsequent SEGMENT LOAD command or macro, or a DIAGNOSE X 64 may be safely issued. SEGMENT RESERVE does not actually load a saved segment into storage. I I, Format SEGMENT RESERVE name [( options ... [) ]] Options: [SYSTEM] USER Operands name specifies the 1-8 character name of a segment space, physical segment, or logical segment. Options SYSTEM specifies that this segment space is not to be released during ABEND processing. If this option is not specified, the segment space will be released if ABEND recovery is invoked. USER specifies that this segment space is to be released during ABEND processing. This is the default option. Usage Notes 1. The location of the segment space is determined by the location of the corresponding physical segment defined in CPo If name is a logical segment, the physical segment is the physical segment to which name is assigned. Messages and Return Codes DMSDCSI09S DMSDCS358E DMSDCSI083E DMSDCSl270E DMSDCSI083E DMSDCS1271E DMSDCS1272E DMSDCSl295E DMSDCS1296E Virtual storage capacity exceeded, return code rc from storage management [RC= 104] Saved segment name has already been reserved [RC = 4] Saved segment segname does not exist. [RC = 44] The SHAREINOSHARE option specified does not match the SHARE attribute of the containing physical segment [RC = 24] Saved segment segname does not exist [RC = 44] name contains reserved and/or loaded logical segments and cannot be reserved, loaded, or purged. [RC = 36] Physical segment segname is already active. [RC = 36] name segment space contains reserved or loaded member saved segments and cannot be reserved or loaded. [RC = 36] name member saved segment cannot be reserved or loaded in a segment space that is already reserved or loaded. [RC = 36] Chapter 2. CMS Commands 525 SEGMENT Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 RC Meaning o Normal 24 Segment space name already reserved for another segment. 40 Segment is not loaded. 44 Segment does not exist. 256 Error processing contents of logical segment. Other returns codes may be issued by DIAGNOSE code X ' 641. 526 VM/SP CMS Command Reference SENDFILE SENDFILE Use the SENDFILE command to send files or notes to one or more computer users on your computer or on other computers that are connected to yours via the Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS) network. SENDFILE is one of several commands that references a "userid NAMES" file. By setting up a names file, you can identify recipients just by using nicknames, which are automatically converted into node and user ID. For information on creating a names file, see the NAMES command. Format SENDFile SFile [In It [1m] [[ TO] name ... ] [(options ... [ ) ] ] ] Options: ACk ] [ NOAck Filelist ] [ NOFilelist f1&ll ] lNOLog [N.El!] Old [NOTE] Type ] [ NOType Operands In is the file name of the file to be sent. It is the file type of the file to be sent. 1m is the file mode of the file to be sent. If "*" is specified (the default), all accessed disks and directories are searched, and the first file found is sent. This operand can be omitted if the first "name" would not be misinterpreted as a file mode, or if the keyword "TO" is used. TO is a keyword operand. It can be omitted if the first "name" is not "TO". name is one or more "names" of the computer users to whom the file is to be sent. If the same recipient is specified more than once, he receives only one copy of the file. The "name" may take any of the following forms, and the different forms can be freely intermixed: • a "nickname" that can be found in the file "userid NAMES," where "userid" is your user ID. This nickname may represent a single person (on your computer or on another computer), or a list of several people. See the NAMES command for more information on nicknames. • a user ID of a computer user on your computer. If a name cannot be found in the "userid NAMES" file, it is assumed to be a user ID of someone on your computer. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 527 SENDFILE • "userid AT node,"which identifies a user ("userid") on your computer or another computer ("node"). You cannot send files to a user ID named " AT" or "CC:". If no operands are specified, a menu is displayed. This menu is described in the Usage Note below, "Using the SENDFILE Menu." Options Ack requests an acknowledgment be returned to you and logged when the recipient receives your file (using the RECEIVE command). Acknowledgments are added to your "userid NETLOG" file. An acknowledgment is sent only if the NEW option is also in effect. NOAck requests that no acknowledgment be returned when the recipient RECEIVEs a file. Filelist specifies that the file (fn ft fm) is a list of files in the format of a CMS exec file produced by the LISTFILE command issued with the EXEC option, or a file saved from a FILELIST command. This option is used to send multiple files with only one invocation of SEND FILE. Both the file containing the list of files and each file in the list are sent. Lines beginning with an asterisk (*) and blank lines are ignored. All exec tokens (for example, &1, &2) or any token beginning with an ampersand (&) is ignored. For information on creating a list of files that can be saved and used to send multiple files, see the FILELIST command, the usage note "Saving a List of Files." NOFilelist specifies that the file is not a list of files. Log specifies that the recipients, date, and time of this file transmission are logged in a file called "userid NETLOG." This log is updated when acknowledgments of sent files are received (if they were requested). Do not use this option if you have no read/write disk or directory accessed. NOLog specifies that this file transmission is not to be logged. NEw specifies that header records are added and the file is sent as described below, in "Format of the File Sent by SENDFILE." If this option is specified, the recipient must use RECEIVE to read the file. Old specifies that the file is sent using DISK DUMP. This option should be specified when the recipient of the file does not have the RECEIVE command available to read the file. When OLD is specified, no acknowledgment (the ACK option) can be requested. NOTE specifies that the file is to be sent as a note (that was prepared using the NOTE command). The "TO" operand and the list of names cannot be specified if this option is given. If no file is specified, the file "userid NOTE *" is sent as a note. 528 VM/SP CMS Command Reference ( ~ SENDFILE (On a display terminal, the PF5 key is set to this option in the NOTE command environment. ) ~ specifies that the files sent and the user IDs and nodes to which the files were sent are displayed at the terminal. NOType specifies that no information is to be displayed. Usage Notes 1. Tailoring the SEND FILE Command Options You can use the DEFAULTS command to set up options and/or override command defaults for SENDFILE. However, the options you specify in the command line when entering the SEND FILE command override those specified in the DEFAULTS command. This allows you to customize the defaults of the SENDFILE command, yet override them when you desire. Refer to the DEFAULTS command description for more information. 2. Using the SEND FILE Menu (Display Terminals Only) Enter the SENDFILE command without operands to display a menu, on which you "fill in the blanks" with the necessary information. A sample SEND FILE menu is shown in the "Examples," below. The File Identifier: You type the file name, file type, and file mode of a file that you want to send directly on the menu in the spaces provided. If you do not enter a file mode, the default is "A". If you want to select the files from a list, you can type an asterisk (*) for file name, file type, and/or file mode. An asterisk means that you want the list to contain all file names (or file types, or file modes). You can also use two special characters in the file name and/or file type to request that the list contain a specific subset of files. The special characters are * (asterisk) and % (percent), where.: * represents any number of character(s). As many asterisks as required can appear anywhere in a file name or file type. means any single character, but any character will do. As many percent symbols as necessary may appear anywhere in a file name or file type. To display the list, first finish filling out the menu, and then press PF5. A special FILELIST screen is displayed instead of the SENDFILE menu. You select the files by typing a letter "s" in front of the file name of each file to be sent. Then press the ENTER key to send the files. Another way to select files to be sent from the FILELIST screen is to position the cursor on the line describing a file you want to send, and then press PF5. The Recipient(s): You type the name(s) of the recipient(s) in the space provided. A name can take any of the forms listed above, in the "name" operand description. The Options: Chapter 2. CMS Commands 529 SENDFILE A list of options also appears on the menu. The default for each option appears to its left. You type 1 for YES or 0 for NO over any options for which you do not want the default. The options are as follows: o Request acknowledgment when the file has been received? Type 1 for YES only if you want to get an acknowledgment when the person receives your file. The acknowledgment shows the date and time the file was received, and the recipient's user ID and node. When you get an acknowledgment, it appears in your reader. If you choose to receive it, an entry is made in a "userid NETLOG" file, which is explained below. 1 Make a log entry when the file has been sent? Each time you send a file, an entry is automatically made in the file "userid NETLOG." A typical entry might look like this: File MY DATA Al sent to JONES at NODEI on 10/10/81 11:30:25 EDT If you specified I on the first option (acknowledgment), an entry is also made when you receive the acknowledgment. Type 0 if you don't want an entry made in the log file. 1 Display the file name when the file has been sent? The names of the file(s) and the user ID(s) and node(s) of the recipients are displayed on a cleared screen. Type 0 if you do not want this information displayed. o This file is actually a list of files to be sent? See the FILELIST command, the usage note "Saving a List of Files," for information on saving a file list. By saving a list of files created by either the FILELIST command or the LISTFILE command issued with the EXEC option, you can send all the files (and the list of files) at once. Type 1 if your file is a list of files. Sending a File: If you specified only one file ID, press either PF5 or the ENTER key after filling out the SENDFILE menu. PF5 sends the file and exits from the menu. Pressing the ENTER key sends the file but keeps the menu. If you are selecting files from a FILELIST screen type a letter "s" in front of each file name you want to send. Then press the ENTER key to send the file(s). Keys on the SENDFILE Menu: ENTER PF 1 Help PF2 PF 3 Quit PF4 PF5 Send PF6 PF7 PF8 PF9 PF 10 530 VM/SP CMS Command Reference Execute the command typed on the command line, or if none, send the file. (The ENTER key is set by the XEDIT subcommand, SET ENTER IGNORE MACRO EXECUTE.) Display information about the SEND FILE command. Not assigned. Exit from the menu. Not assigned Send the file(s) and exit from the menu. Not assigned Not assigned Not assigned Not assigned Not assigned (l ~ SENDFILE \, PF 11 PF 12 Cursor Not assigned If cursor is on the menu, move it to the command line; if cursor is on the command line, move it back to its previous location on the menu. Note: On a terminal equipped with 24 PF keys, PF keys 13 to 24 are assigned the same values as PF keys 1 to 12 as discussed here. On a display terminal without PF keys, you can enter QUIT from the command line to exit from the screen. Pressing the PAl key while in the SENDFILE menu displays the WM window, unless the CP TERMINAL BRKKEY has been assigned to PAL Keys on the FILELIST Screen: ENTER PF 1 Help PF2 Refresh PF 3 PF4 PF5 PF6 PF7 PF8 PF9 Quit Sort Sendfile Sort Backward Forward FL/n PF 10 PF 11 XEDIT PF 12 Cursor Execute the command(s) typed on file line(s), or on the command line. (The ENTER key is set by the XEDIT subcommand, SET ENTER IGNORE MACRO EXECUTE.) Display information about the FILELIST command. Update the list to indicate new files, erased files, etc., using the same parameters as those specified on the SEND FILE panel. Exit from the list. files by file type, file name. at cursor. Append the fn ft fm on this line and send the file. files by size, largest first. Scroll backward one screen. Scroll forward one screen. Issue the command FILELIST In * * at the cursor, so that a list is displayed, containing all files that have the file name that is displayed on the line with the cursor. Not assigned. Edit the file pointed to by the cursor. If cursor is in the file area, move it to the command line; if cursor is on the command line, move it back to its previous location in the file. In addition to setting the above PF keys, the PROFSEND XEDIT macro sets synonyms that you can use to sort your FILELIST files. Enter the synonyms on the SEND FILE command line. The synonyms are: SNAME Sorts the list alphabetically by file name, file type, and file mode. STYPE Sorts the list alphabetically by file type, file name, and file mode. SMODE Sorts the list by file mode, file name, and file type. SRECF Sorts the list by record format, file name, file type, and file mode. SLREC Sorts the list by logical record length and then by size (greatest to least). SSIZE Sorts the list by number of blocks and number of records (greatest to least). SDATE Sorts the list by year, month, day, and time (most recent to oldest). An example of a SENDFILE menu and a FILELIST screen are shown in the "Examples" section, below. 3. Format of the File Sent by SEND FILE Chapter 2. CMS Commands 531 SENDFILE The format of the file that is sent depends on whether the OLD or NEW (the default) option is specified. Important note: Unless the OLD option is specified, the RECEIVE command is the only way you can read a file sent by SEND FILE. The OLD Option: If the OLD and NOTE options are specified and the width (LRECL) of the note (prepared using the NOTE command) is 80 or less, SENDFILE uses the PUNCH command (with the HEADER option) to send the file. Otherwise, DISK DUMP is used to send the file. The OLD option should be used if the recipient does not have the RECEIVE command available to read the file. The NEW Option: If the NEW option is specified, control records are added and the file is sent in a format called "NETDATA." The NETDATA format is described in the VMjSP eMS Diagnosis Reference. The transmitted file is composed of several control records, followed by the data records, and ending with a trailer record. If the file is an acknowledgment, it consists only of control records. An acknowledgment can be requested only with the NEW option. The NEW option should be used when the recipient can read the file with the RECEIVE command on his CMS system, or when the file is being sent to the MVS operating system with TSO Extensions program product. 4. Priority When SENDFILE is issued with the NEW option to send a file across the network (to a node different from yours), the file is assigned a priority. The order and speed of transmission are based on both this priority and the size of the file. The priorities are assigned as follows: NOTE files at least ten blocks in size: Priority = 00 (high) Other files: Priority = 50 (medium) Acknowledgments: Priority = 90 (low) 5. SEND FILE always sends files as CLASS A NOCONT NOHOLD regardless of the class to which you spool your PUNCH. The CP message that is generated, containing the spool ID, etc., is suppressed. 6. If you want to issue SEND FILE from an exec program, you should precede it with the EXEC command; that is, specify exec sendfile Examples The following is a sample SEND FILE menu: 532 VM/SP CMS Command Reference \ SENDFILE ---------------- SENDFILE ------~--------File(s) to be sent (use * for Fil ename. Fil etype and/or Fil emode to select from ali st of fil esJ Enter filename : * filetype : data filemode :a Send files to : sleepy Figure 20. Sample SENDFILE Menu In Figure 20, the sender typed an asterisk for file name, "data" for file type, and "a" for file mode. The name of the recipient (sleepy) is also typed on the screen. When PF5 is pressed, a special FILELIST screen is displayed. The files to be sent can be selected from this screen (shown in Figure 21). Figure 21. Sample FILELIST Screen Invoked from SENDFILE To send one or more of these files, you can type a letter "s" in front of the file name of each file you want sent (see above) and then press the ENTER key. You can also Chapter 2. CMS Commands 533 SENDFILE position the cursor on the line describing the file you want to send, and then press the PF5 key. ( \ Responses Body of the note kept in 'fn NOTEBOOK fm' Header only added to other NOTEBOOK files. FilelNote 'fn ft fm' sent to 'userid' at 'node ' on 'date time timezone' nnn files have been sent. File fn ft fm not found. Note added to fn NOTEBOOK fm The following message appears on the FILELIST screen invoked from a SEND FILE menu: Type '5' in front of each file to be sent, and press ENTER. Messages and Return Codes DMSWSF002E DMSWSF006E DMSWSF048E DMSWSF054E DMSWSF062E DMSWSF069E DMSWSF399E DMSWSF579E DMSWSF637E DMSWSF647E DMSWSF648E DMSWSF667E DMSWSF671E DMSWSF672E DMSWSF673E DMSWSF674E DMSWSF675E DMSWSF676E DMSWSF677E DMSWSF678E DMSWSF679E DMSWSF680E File In It 1m not found [RC = 28] No read/write filemode accessed [RC = 36] Invalid mode mode [RC = 24] Incomplete fileid specified [RC = 24] Invalid character * in fileid In It 1m [RC = 20] Filemode mode not accessed [RC = 36] Too many tags or tag too long for nickname in userid NAMES file [RC=88] Records truncated to nn when added to In It 1m [RC = 3] Missing nodeid for the AT operand [RC = 24] Userid not specified for nickname in userid NAMES file [RC = 32] Userid name not found; no files have been sent [RC = 32] NOTE header does not contain the {keyword From: Ikeyword To:IOPTIONS linelDATE line} [RC=32] Error sending file In It 1m; rc = nn from command [RC = 100] Virtual punch invalid or not defined [RC = 36] Addressees are in the note header cards; do not specify names with NOTE option [RC = 24] Punch is not ready [RC = 36] No names specified [RC = 24] Invalid character * for Network ID [RC = 20] Invalid option: option in option line [RC = 32] Invalid note header format; note cannot be sent [RC = 32] Filemode mode is not accessed; note cannot be sent [RC = 36] Invalid fileid specified with FILELIST option [RC = 20] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 534 VM/SP CMS Command Reference SENDFILE Messages from the SENDFILE Panel DMSWSF002E DMSWSF048E DMSWSF054E DMSWSF069E DMSWSF081E DMSWSF637E DMSWSF647E DMSWSF648E DMSWSF657E DMSWSF675E DMSWSF676E DMSWSF680E File In It fin not found [RC = 28] Invalid mode mode [RC = 24] Incomplete fileid specified [RC = 24] Filemode mode not accessed [RC = 36] Invalid reply; answer 1 for YES and 0 for NO Missing nodeid for the AT operand [RC = 24] Userid not specified for nickname in userid NAMES file [RC = 32] Userid name not found; no files have been sent [RC = 32] Undefined PFkey/PAkey No names specified [RC = 24] Invalid character * for Network ID [RC = 20] Invalid fileid specified with FILELIST option [RC = 20] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in the Shared File System 813 Chapter 2. CMS Commands 535 SENTRIES SENTRIES Use the SENTRIES command to determine the number of lines currently in the program stack. When you issue a SENTRIES command, eMS returns the number of lines in the program stack (but not the terminal input buffer) as a return code. Format SENTRIES Usage Note If you issue a SENTRIES command in an exec that has set up a procedure to be done when an error occurs, a nonzero SENTRIES return code causes that procedure to execute. 536 VM/SP CMS Command Reference SET SET Use the SET command to establish, turn off, or reset a particular function in your CMS virtual machine. Only one function may be specified per SET command. SET cannot be issued without an option. The options available with SET are summarized below. A complete description of each option follows. For descriptions of SET commands that pertain to using windows, see "SET" on page 727. ABBREV APL AUTO READ BLIP CMSTYPE COMDIR DOS DOSLNCNT DOSPART EXECTRAC FILEPool FILEWait FULL READ IMESCAPE 1MPCP IMPEX INPUT INSTSEG KEYPROTECT LANGUAGE LDRTBLS LINEND LOADAREA NONDISP NONSHARE OUTPUT PROTECT REDTYPE RDYMSG RELPAGE REMOTE SERVER STORECLR SYSNAME TEXT THReshold TRANslate UPSI Usage Notes 1. If you issue the SET command specifying an invalid function and the implied CP function is in effect, you may receive message DMKCFC003E Invalid option - option 2. If an invalid SET command function is specified from an exec and the implied CP function is in effect, then the return code is -0003. 3. To determine or verify the setting of most functions, use the QUERY command. Messages and Return Codes Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax Errors in the Shared File System 811 813 Chapter 2. CMS Commands 537 SET ADDREV SET ABBREV Use the ABBREV option to control whether the system accepts system and user abbreviations for command names and their translations, or only full command names or the full synonym or translation. Format SET ABBREV Operands ON accepts system and user abbreviations for command names and their translations. The SYNONYM command makes synonym abbreviations available. The SET TRANSLAT command makes translation abbreviations available. For example, if GETDISK is a synonym for ACCESS and the minimum abbreviation is three, then you can enter GET, GETD, GETDI, GETDIS, or GETDISK to issue the ACCESS command. The same is true if GETDISK is ... translation of ACCESS. OFF accepts only the full command name or the full synonym or translation (if one is available) for the command name. For a discussion of the relationship of the SET ABBREV and SYNONYM commands, refer to the SYNONYM command description. Initial SeDing ABBREVON Messages and Return Codes DMSSETI09S Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC= 104] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 538 Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 VM/SP CMS Command Reference SET APL SET APL Use the APL option to activate character code conversion for APL characters for the System Product Editor and CMS. Format SET APL Operands ON activates character code conversion for APL characters. Before using APL keys, issue SET APL ON to ensure proper character code conversion. OFF specifies that no character code conversion is performed for APL characters and keys. Initial Setting APL OFF Usage Notes 1. The APL setting is valid only when performing full-screen I/O (for example, in XEDIT or in CMS with SET FULLSCREEN ON). If you are in CP or using a line-mode terminal, SET APL has no effect. If you are in CP, you can issue the TERMINAL APL ON command to have CP convert APL character codes. 2. Because the APL character code conversion is costly, it is recommended that you issue SET APL OFF when you stop using the special APL keys. 3. When SET APL ON is specified, TEXT is set OFF. 4. Changing the APL setting for CMS also changes the APL setting for the System Product Editor, and vice versa. Messages and Return Codes DMSSEFI09S DMSSEF524W DMSSEF926E DMSSETI09S DMSWIR329W Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] NONDISP character reset to ". Command is only valid on a display terminal [RC = 88] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Warning: APL/TEXT option not in effect Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 Chapter 2. CMS Commands 539 SET AUTO READ SET AUTO READ ( l~ Use the AUTOREAD option to specify whether or not a console read is to be issued after command execution. Format SET AUTO READ Operands ON specifies that a console read is to be issued immediately after command execution. ON is the initial setting for non-display, non-buffered terminals. OFF specifies that you do not want a console read to be issued until you press the Enter key or its equivalent. OFF is the initial setting for display terminals because the display terminal does not lock, even when there is no READ active for it. Note: If you disconnect from one type of terminal and reconnect on another type, the AUTO READ status remains unchanged. Initial Setting AUTOREAD ON for non-display, non-buffered terminals. AUTOREAD OFF for display terminals. Usage Note Your virtual machine may be logged on automatically if it processes private resource connection requests. If your virtual machine processes private resource connection requests, put the statement SET AUTO READ OFF in your PROFILE EXEC to allow the processing. of private resource connection requests. Messages and Return Codes DMSSETI09S Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 540 VM/SP CMS Command Reference SET BLIP SET BLIP CMS does not support the BLIP facility. If you issue the SET BLIP command, CMS ignores the operand and the BLIP setting remains OFF. The command is maintained for compatibility only. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 541 SET CMSTYPE SETCMSTYPE Use the CMSTYPE option to suppress or resume CMS terminal display within an exec. Format SET CMSTYPE {:~} Operands HT suppresses CMS terminal display within an exec. All CMS terminal display from an exec, except for CMS error messages with a suffix letter of'S' or 'T', is suppressed until the end of the exec file or until a SET CMSTYPE RT command is executed. Some CMS commands may reset CMSTYPE to RT. In general, those commands that interact with the user through the console (i.e. HELP, XEDIT, or any command or module that issues a READ to the console or the &READ EXEC control word) may reset CMSTYPE. RT resumes CMS terminal display which has been suppressed as a result of a previous SET CMSTYPE HT command. Initial SeHing CMSTYPE RT Usage Notes 1. &STACK HT and SET CMSTYPE HT have the same effect when interpreted by the CMS EXEC processor. Similarly, &STACK RT and SET CMSTYPE RT are equivalent for the CMS EXEC processor. However, when using EXEC 2, the commands &STACK HT and &STACK RT cause the characters "HT" and "RT" to be placed in the program stack and do not affect the console output. These characters must be used by a program or cleared from the stack. Otherwise, you will receive an "UNKNOWN CP jCMS COMMAND" error message when they are read from the program stack. 2. In fullscreen-CMS, SET CMSTYPE HT purges nonpriority output that is in the queue for the virtual screen to which message class CMS is routed. Messages and Return Codes Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 542 Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 VM/SP CMS Command Reference SETCOMDIR SET COMDIR Use the COMDIR option to set up and control the CMS communications directory. For more information on the CMS communications directory, see the VM/SP Connectivity Planning, Administration, and Operation. Format --... ~ SET COMDIR FILE ON SYSTEM} { USER {~O~E} f~le~d SYSTEM] USER [ BOTH < OFF [ ~::~EMlJ BOTH RELOAD [SYSTEM] USER BOTH Operands FILE sets the file name of the directory. ON turns on name resolution. OFF turns off name resolution. RELOAD causes the static memory image of the name resolution data base to be reloaded. SYSTEM USER BOTH indicates the directory level to set. The BOTH option is the default for the ON, OFF, and RELOAD operands. NONE indicates that you do not want a file associated with the specified directory level. If a directory is already loaded for the specified directory level, it is unloaded. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 543 SETCOMDIR fileid specifies the file to associate with the specified directory level and loads the file into memory. The file ID is expressed as In It 1m. Messages and Codes Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 544 Reason Page Errors in command syntax Errors in the Shared File System 811 813 VM/SP CMS Command Reference ( \ SET DOS SET DOS Use the DOS option to place your virtual machine in the CMS/DOS environment or return it to the normal CMS environment. In addition, you can specify: • The file mode letter at which the VSE system residence is accessed. • That you are going to use the AMSERV command or you are going to execute programs to access VSAM data sets. Format SET DOS {ON OFF [jm Operands ON places your CMS virtual machine in the CMS/DOS environment. The logical unit SYSLOG is assigned to your terminal. 1m specifies the file mode letter at which the VSE system residence is accessed; the logical assignment of SYSRES is made for the indicated file mode letter. CMS/DOS support is based on the VSE/AF 1.3.5 program product and does not support the VSE/AF 2.1 libraries. VSAM specifies that you are going to use the AMSERV command or you are going to execute programs to access VSAM data sets. OFF returns your virtual machine to the normal CMS environment. All previously assigned system and programmer logical units are unassigned. Initial Setting DOS OFF Messages and Return Codes DMSSET048E DMSSETI09S DMSSET402W DMSSET410S DMSSET444E DMSSET804E Invalid mode mode [RC = 24] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC= 104] DMSLBR no in CMSBAM segment; ESERY support not available. Control program error indication xxx [RC = re] Volume volid is not a DOS SYSRES [RC = 32] Error establishing CMS/DOS environment [RC = nn] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 Chapter 2. CMS Commands 545 SET DOS Note: In RC = rc, the rc represents the actual error code generated by CPo 546 VM/SP CMS Command Reference SET DOSLNCNT SET DOSLNCNT Use the DOSLNCNT option to specify the number of SYSLST lines per page for the CMS/DOS environment. Format SET DOSLNCNT nn Operands DOSLNCNT nn specifies the number of SYSLST lines per page. nn is an integer from 30 to 99. Initial SeUing 056 Messages and Return Codes DMSSET099E DMSSETI09S CMS/DOS environment not active [RC = 40] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 Chapter 2. CMS Commands 547 SET DOSPART SET DOSPART Use the DOSPART option to specify the size of the partition in which you want a program to execute in the CMS/DOS environment. Format SET DOSPART nnnnnK} { OFF Operands nnnnnK specifies the size of the virtual partition in which you want a program to execute. The value, nnnnnK, may not exceed the amount of user free storage available in your virtual machine. You should use this function only when you can control the performance of a particular program by reducing the amount of available virtual storage. Note: In rare circumstances, it may happen that when a program is executed, the amount of storage available is less than the current DOSPART. Then, only the amount of storage available is obtained; no message is issued. OFF specifies that you no longer want to control your virtual machine partition size. When the DOSPART setting is OFF, CMS computes the partition size whenever a program is executed. Initial Setting DOSPARTOFF Usage Notes 1. When a DOS partition is defined, message DMSSETllOlI is issued to tell you how much space was obtained and where the partition is located. If DOS cannot get the requested amount of storage, then it gets as much as it can and tells you how much it obtained. It is not an error if DOS obtains less than the requested amount of storage. 2. Error message DMSSET333E is given only if DOS is unable to get the minimum amount of storage it needs. See the CP DEFINE command in the VM/SP CP General User Command Reference for information on getting more storage. Messages and Return Codes DMSSET099E DMSSETI09S DMSSET333E DMSSETIIOlI CMS/DOS environment not active [RC = 40] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] nnnnnK partition too large for this virtual machine [RC = 24] nnnnnK DOS partition defined at hexadecimal location xxxxxx [RC=O] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 548 VMjSP CMS Command Reference SET DOSPART Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 Chapter 2. CMS Commands 549 SET EXECTRAC SET EXECTRAC ( Use the EXECTRAC option set tracing on or off for your System Product Interpreter or EXEC 2 program. Format SET EXECTRAC {ON } OFF Operands ON specifies that you want tracing turned on for your System Product Interpreter or EXEC 2 program. The tracing bit in the EXECFLAG in NUCON is turned on. The tracing bit is cleared upon return to CMS or XEDIT, turning the tracing off. OFF specifies that you want tracing turned off for your System Product Interpreter or EXEC 2 program. Initial SeHing EXECTRAC OFF Messages and Return Codes DMSSETI09S Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC= 104] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 550 Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 VM/SP CMS Command Reference \j SET FILEPOOL SET FILEPOOL Use the FILEPOOL option to set (or reset) your default file pool. The default file pool ID will be used when you do not specify a specific file pool ID in a command or function call. This default lasts until the CMS session ends. To determine what file pool is currently set as the default, use the QUERY FILEPOOL CURRENT command. To see what the default file pool was initially the default, use the QUERY FILEPOOL PRIMARY command. Format SET FILE Pool [filepOOlid:j NONe PRImary Operands Jilepoolid: is the name of the file pool that you want as the default file pool. Remember that you must always follow the filepoolid with a colon. NONe specifies that you do not want a default file pool. PRimary resets the default file pool to the setting when you began your CMS session. PRIMARY is the default. Usage Notes 1. The default file pool at IPL can be defined by: • including the FILEPOOL keyword in the IPL statement in your CP directory entry. This is done by your system administrator. • using the FILEPOOL keyword in your IPL statement, for example: ipl ems parm filepool vmsysu • entering the SET FILEPOOL command from the command line. • if your 191 disk is accessed as file mode A, placing SET FILEPOOL Ji/epoo/id: in your PROFILE EXEC. 2. If you issue the ACCESS command with no operands and you have a default file pool, the top directory in your default file pool is accessed as your file mode A. If you do not have a default file pool, your 191 disk is accessed as A. Chapter 2. CMS Commands sst SET FILEPOOL Messages and Return Codes DMSJSEI09S DMSJSE389E DMSJSE39IE Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Invalid operand: operand [RC = 24] Unexpected operand(s): operand [RC = 24] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 552 Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 VM/SP CMS Command Reference SET FILEWAIT SET FILEWAIT Use the FILEWAIT option to indicate whether or not you want a request for control of an SFS directory or a file in a directory to wait until it becomes available. Format SET FILEWait { ON } OFF Operands ON indicates that you do want to wait until the requested file or directory becomes available. The wait may be for a prolonged period of time. OFF indicates that you do not want to wait until the requested file becomes available. The request fails immediately if the file is not available. Initial Setting FILEWAIT OFF Usage Notes 1. The FILEWAIT setting is the same for all your file pools. 2. Even with FILEWAIT ON, a request will not wait for a file or directory that was locked by the CREATE LOCK command. 3. With FILEWAIT ON, if you request an explicit lock with the CREATE LOCK command and the file or directory has an implicit lock on it, your request will wait until the implicit lock is deleted. 4. With FILEWAIT ON, if you want to write to a file that another user has open to write, your request will wait until the implicit lock is deleted. 5. A request may not wait even though you have set FILEWAIT ON, to avoid a deadlock situation. For example, UserA holds a lock on file #1 while waiting for a lock on file #2, while UserB holds a lock on file #2 while waiting for a lock on file #1. Example You have a program that updates a file. You issue: set filewait on When your program tries to update the file and another user has it open to write to it, your request will wait until the user closes the file. If the user has also locked the file, using the CREATE LOCK command, your request will not wait. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 553 SET FILEWAIT Messages and Return Codes System messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 I ~ / ( " SS4 VM/SP CMS Command Reference SET FULLREAD SET FULLREAD Use the FULLREAD option to allow 3270 null characters to be recognized in the middle of the physical screen by CMS and the System Product Editor. Format I SET FULLREAD . . I {ON } OFF Operands ON enables nulls to be recognized in the middle of lines, making it easier for you to enter tabular or pictorial data. OFF inhibits transmission of nulls from the terminal. Initial Setting OFF Usage Notes 1. When FULLREAD ON is issued, nulls at the end of screen lines that are part of a logical line that occupies more than one physical screen line are dropped. This allows you to delete characters in a screen line and still have the line reconstructed flush together even though multi-line 327X lines do not "wrap" when the character delete key (or the insert mode key) is used. 2. FULLREAD ON increases communication to the CPU, which generally results in increased response time. 3. Setting FULLREAD ON will prevent you from losing any screen changes when you press a P A key and a message is displayed on a cleared screen. 4. A certain terminal configuration, which imposes several restrictions on your session, occurs when going through a VM/Passthru Facility (5749-RCl) (PVM) 327X Emulator link to another VM system. These PVM links can be identified by an S to the immediate left of the node 10 in the PVM selection screen. The following is a list of these restrictions: a. The SET FULLREAD ON command may not be used. b. All PA keys (except for the CP defined TERMINAL BRKKEY) are non-functional. 5. Changing the FULL READ setting for CMS also changes the FULLREAD setting for the System Product Editor. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 555 SET FULLREAD Messages and Return Codes DMSSEFI09S DMSSEF926E DMSSETI09S Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Command is only valid on a display terminal [RC = 88] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 556 Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 VM/SP CMS Command Reference SET IMESCAPE \ ) I SET IMESCAPE Use the 1M ESCAPE to indicate whether or not an escape character is required to execute immediate commands. Format SET 1MESCAPE {ON } OFF char Operands ON indicates that an escape character is required to execute immediate commands. The default escape character is a semi-colon (;). OFF indicates that an escape character is not required to execute immediate commands. This is the default setting. char indicates that an escape character is required to execute immediate commands. The escape character is a single character and it cannot be A-Z or 0-9. Initial Setting IMESCAPE OFF Messages and Return Codes DMSSETI09S Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 Chapter 2. CMS Commands 557 SET IMPCP SET IMPCP Use the IMPCP option to control handling of command names that CMS does not recognize. Unknown commands may be considered CP commands or an error. Format SET IMPCP {ON} OFF Operands ON passes command names that CMS does not recognize to CP; that is, unknown commands are considered to be CP commands. OFF generates an error message at the terminal if a command is not recognized by CMS. Initial Setting IMPCPON Messages and Return Codes DMSSETI09S Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: SS8 Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 VM/SP CMS Command Reference SET IMPEX SET IMPEX Use the IMPEX option to control whether or not exec files are treated as commands. Format SET IMPEX {ON} OFF Operands ON treats exec files as commands; an exec file is invoked when the file name of the exec file is entered. OFF does not consider exec files as commands. You must issue the EXEC command to execute an exec file. If you issue SET IMPEX OFF, you may not be able to use PF keys predefined to perform. exec functions in productivity aids such as NOTE, RDRLIST, FILELIST, etc. Initial SeHing IMPEXON Messages and Return Codes DMSSETI09S Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 Chapter 2. CMS Commands 559 SET INPUT SET INPUT Use the INPUT option to translate characters entered from your terminal to hexadecimal code. You can also reset the hexadecimal code to a specified hexadecimal code in your translate table. Format SET INPUT [ a xx] xxyy Operands INPUT a xx translates the specified character a to the specified hexadecimal code xx for characters entered from the terminal. INPUT xxyy allows you to reset the hexadecimal code xx to the specified hexadecimal code yy in your translate table. Note: If you issue SET INPUT and SET OUTPUT commands for the same characters, issue the SET OUTPUT command first. INPUT returns all characters to their default translation. Messages and Return Codes DMSSETI09S Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 560 Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 VM/SP CMS Command Reference SETINSTSEG SETINSTSEG Use the INSTSEG option to specify whether or not the system should search the CMS installation saved segment to locate an exec or System Product Editor macro. Note: Execs in loaded saved segments, that had INSTSEG specified when the segment was built, are considered logically as part of the CMS installation saved segment and are affected by this command. Format SET INSTSEG {ON OFF Operands ON indicates that you want the system to search the CMS installation saved segment when locating an exec. The initial setting is ON. 1m LAST specifies the location of the CMS installation saved segment in the command search order. It is searched immediately before the disk or directory having the file mode letter that you specify. If you haven't accessed a disk or directory as that file'mode, the CMS installation saved segment will be searched in that position. The default file mode is S. LAST indicates that the saved segment will be searched after all accessed disks and directories have been searched. OFF indicates that you do not want the system to search the CMS installation saved segment when locating an exec. Initial Setting INSTSEG ON Messages and Return Codes DMSSET048E DMSSETI09S Invalid mode mode [RC = 24] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 Chapter 2. CMS Commands 561 SET KEYPROTECT 1 SET KEYPROTECT ( \~ Use the SET KEYPROTECT command to reset the user keys, X'EO', when a DMSFRET or CMSSTOR RELEASE occurs. .1 1 Format SET KEYPROTect {ON} OFF Operands ON resets the storage keys for the whole virtual machine if the previous setting was OFF, according to the values defined by storage management. It does not reset the nonshared pages. The user keys are reset whenever a DMSFRET or CMSSTOR RELEASE occurs. If an ABEND occurs, the storage keys for all pages allocated in the following areas will be reset when storage returns: • • • • User subpool Private subpools Shared subpools Nonsystem global subpools in user key. OFF does not reset the user keys when a DMSFRET or CMSSTOR RELEASE occurs. Initial Setting OFF Usage Notes 1. If user programs set keys, they must restore the keys to their original settings. If there are programs that depend on CMS resetting user keys, issue SET KEYPROTECT ON to insure that the user keys are set properly. 2. To check the setting of KEYPROTECT, issue: QUERY KEY PROTECT Messages and Return Codes System messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 562 Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 VM/SP CMS Command Reference SET LANGUAGE SET LANGUAGE Use the SET LANGUAGE command to change the current language of your CMS session and any application running on CMS that uses national language support. When you SET another language, you will be able to receive messages, enter commands, and see CMS panels (like the FILELIST screen) in that language. The SET LANGUAGE command also informs CP to change the language used to issue CP messages to your virtual machine. Format SET LANGUAGE [langid] [ (options ... [) ] ] Options: ADD applid ] [ DELETE applid 1 USER SYSTEM· [ ALL TYPE ] [ NOTYPE Operands langid is the language identifier of the language to which the virtual machine will be set. A language ID may be one to five characters in length and must be made up of only CMS file system characters. When you specify langid, SET LANGUAGE checks VMFNLS LANG LIST, and gets the one or two-character country code for the language you specified. If you do not specify langid, then SET LANGUAGE gets the one or two-character country code from the VMFNLS LANGLIST for the current language. Options ADD activates the system and/or user language files, for the application named (applid). (You can make additions to system message repositories and the CMS command syntax file; see the VM/SP Application Development Guide for eMS for details.) If you specify ADD and a language ID that is different from the current language setting, then • the current language is changed for all active applications, • the application named is activated, and • a request is made for CP to change the language used to issue CP messages to your virtual machine. DELETE deactivates the system and/or user language files, for the application named. applid specifies the application whose system and/or user language files that should be added or deleted. The application ID must be three characters in length. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 563 SET LANGUAGE USER specifies that user repositories, and/or command syntax tables, and/or command synonym tables are loaded into storage or removed from storage. See Usage Note 1. SYSTEM specifies that the saved segment with system-provided language files for the application named is activated or deactivated. No user language files are affected if you specify SYSTEM. This is the default. ALL specifies that the saved segment with system-provided language files and user additions are activated or deactivated. TYPE specifies that all messages from the SET LANGUAGE command are to be typed to the console. This is the default. NOTYPE specifies that no messages from the SET LANGUAGE command are to be typed to the console. Messages resulting from syntax errors will be displayed even if NOTYPE is specified. Usage Notes 1. SET LANGUAGE searches for the file name(s) that have a file type of TEXT. When a file type of TEXT is found, SET LANGUAGE loads that file. If a file type of TEXT is not found, SET LANGUAGE looks for a file type of TXTlangid, and loads it if found. For the USER option, CMS searches for the following file IDs with a file type of TEXT: File ID Description applidUMEcc TEXT User message repositories. applidUPAcc TEXT User command syntax definitions. applidUSYcc TEXT User national language translation and synonyms. This file is generated automatically from user additions to the Definition Language for Command Syntax (DLCS) file. For more information about DLCS, see the VM/SP Application Development Guidefor eMS. where applid is the three-character application identifier. cc is the one or two-character country code that is appended to the file names of the object files for the current national language or the language you have specified. 2. The QUERY LANGLIST command displays all the valid language IDs that you can set in CMS. (Note that to set a language in CMS, the CP language files must also be available.) To display the language that is active for CMS in your virtual machine, issue the QUERY LANGUAGE command. Contact your system administrator if you have any questions about the languages available on your VM/SP system. 3. To delete the application DMS, use the USER option-you cannot delete DMS with the SYSTEM or ALL options. 564 VM/SP CMS Command Reference ( SET LANGUAGE 4. If you ADD an application that already has active language files, your new language files for that application will replace the current language files. 5. Be aware of language-related terminal restrictions when specifying a language. If multiple CMS languages are to be available, then multiple language configurations need to be available for the hardware. This will insure that special characters for each language are displayed properly on the hardware. Certain EBCDIC character representations can represent different characters, depending on which language is defined in the hardware. For example, a X DO represents one character in English, and another character in French. If the software language does not match the language defined in the hardware, the data displayed at the terminal may not be what was expected. I I 6. When you issue the SET LANGUAGE command in full-screen CMS, the reserved lines are not updated to reflect the new language. To update the reserved lines, issue SET FULLSCREEN OFF, enter the SET LANGUAGE command, and then issue SET FULLSCREEN ON. Similarly, if you are in a CMS environment such as FILELIST, MACLIST, RDRLIST, and SENDFILE, and you issue the SET LANGUAGE command, the reserved lines are not updated to reflect the new language. To update the reserved lines, exit the environment, enter the SET LANGUAGE command, and then issue the command to enter the environment. 7. If you only have object files with TXTlangid as the file type and no file types of TEXT, then you must first access a read/write minidisk or SFS directory as A before issuing SET LANGUAGE with the ADD, USER, or ALL options. If all your object files have a file type of TEXT, then a read/write access is not necessary. 8. To avoid unpredictable results, you should issue SET LANGUAGE before you load programs that require user repositories, command syntax tables, or command synonym tables. If the tables and repositories are also used by other CMS applications, then place them in shared storage. For information on how to do this; see the sections about National Language files in the VM/SP Application Development Guide for eMS. Example Suppose your virtual machine is set to American English (langid= AMENG) and you are working in CMS (applid=DMS). • To work in French (langid= FRANC) and run an application called APPLICATIONl (applid=APl), enter: set language franc ( add apl system which changes the language to French for CMS and APPLICATIONl, and informs CP to change its language to French. • To return to American English, enter: set language ameng which changes CMS and APPLICATIONl to American English, and tells CP to change its language back to American English (if APPLICATIONl is available in American English). • To deactivate APPLICATIONI, yet preserve American English as the current language, you enter: Chapter 2. CMS Commands 565 SET LANGUAGE set language ( delete apl all I I which returns your virtual machine to where you started: running CMS in American English with no other active applications. Messages and Return Codes DMSSETI09S DMSSLG005E DMSSLGI09S DMSSLG276E DMSSLG277E DMSSLG278E DMSSLG278E DMSSLG279E DMSSLG279I DMSSLG280E DMSSLG281E DMSSLG332E DMSSLG332I DMSSLG334E DMSSLG346E DMSSLG639E DMSSLG770E Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] No application id specified [RC = 24] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Invalid language id langid [RC = 24] The saved segment is located partially or entirely inside the virtual machine [RC = 88] Unable to set requested language: langid. langid forced [by CP] [RC= 104] The requested language langid is not available; langid forced [by CP] [RC = 104] Application app/id not found in the language saved segment [RC=28] Application app/id not found in the language saved segment Application app/id not active [RC = 28] Application DMS cannot be deleted [RC = 24] No user additions were loaded [RC = 28] No user additions were loaded No system information or user additions were found for application app/id [RC = 28] Error nn loading In It 1m from disk or directory [RC = 32] Error in name routine; return code was nn Invalid application id app/id [RC = 24] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 566 Reason Page Errors in command syntax Errors in the Shared File System 811 813 VM/SP eMS Command Reference ~ SET LDRTBLS SET LDRTBLS Use the LDRTBLS option to define the number of pages of storage to be used for loader tables. Format LDRTBLS [nn] SET Operands LDRTBLS nn defines the number (nn) of pages of storage to be used for loader tables. To set the size of the loader tables, you may issue the SET LDRTBLS command anytime after IPL. By default, a virtual machine having up to 384K of addressable real storage has two pages of loader tables; a larger virtual machine has three pages. Each loader table page has a capacity of 204 external names. During LOAD and INCLUDE command processing, each unique external name encountered in a TEXT deck is entered in the loader table. The LOAD command clears the table before reading TEXT files; INCLUDE does not. This number can be changed with the SET LDRTBLS nn command provided that: • nn is a decimal number between I and 127 inclusive,. and • the virtual machine has enough storage available to allow nn pages to be used for loader tables. If these two conditions are met, nn pages are set aside for loader tables. If you plan to change the number of pages allocated for loader tables, you should de-allocate storage at the high end of storage so that the storage for the loader tables may be obtained from that area. Usually, you can de-allocate storage by releasing one or more of the disks that were accessed. Initial Setting Dependent on size of virtual machine. Messages and Return Codes DMSSET031E DMSSETI09S DMSSET990I DMSSET991E DMSSET992I Loader tables cannot be modified [RC = 40] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Insufficient storage available to create the requested loader tables. The loader tables that existed when the SET LDRTBLS command was issued have been created. [RC = 0] Insufficient storage available to create the loader tables [RC = 104] Insufficient storage available to create the requested loader tables. The default loader tables have been created. [RC = 0] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 Chapter 2. CMS Commands 567 SETLINEND SET LINEND ( Use the LINEND option to activate and/or define the logical line end for full-screen CMS. Format I SET I LmEND ON } [char] { OFF Operands ON allows you to enter several commands on the same line, separated by the line end character. OFF specifies that the logical line end character is not recognized. char is the character to be used as a line end character. The default line end character is a pound sign (#). Initial SeHing LINENDON# Usage Note If you redefine the line end character to a symbol other than a pound sign (#), the #WM command is invalid. (Therefore, the default CMSPF keys that issue #WM commands do not function.) To use the #WM command you must substitute your line end symbol for the pound sign. Messages and Return Codes DMSSEF926E DMSSETI09S Command is only valid in CMS FULLSCREEN mode [RC = 88] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 568 Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 VM/SP CMS Command Reference '~ SET LOADAREA SET LOADAREA Use the LOAD AREA option to define the ORIGIN default for the load process. This SET command ONLY affects where TEXT files are to be loaded, and does not influence the RMODE that may be propagated to the GENMOD process. The SET LOADAREA command behaves differently depending upon the environment it is issued from. In the following description a VMjSP virtual machine and a VMjXA SP Systemj370 mode virtual machine are equivalent; a VMjXA SP 370-XA mode virtual machine allows you to use addresses above the 16Mb line. The behavior of the SET LOAD AREA command in both environments is described below to help you plan and develop applications that will run in both environments. Format LOAD AREA 20000 { } RESPECT Operands 20000 indicates that the LOAD command will start loading at X 20000 if ORIGIN or RMODE option is not specified on the LOAD command. I I • If you specified ORIGIN, the load begins at the specified address. • If you specified RMODE, the load begins at the largest contiguous area below 16Mb. In an 370-XA mode virtual machine, the X 20000 setting overrides the RMODE definition encountered during TEXT ESD processing when the ORIGIN or RMODE option is not specified on the LOAD command. I I RESPECT indicates, in an 370-XA mode virtual machine, that the LOAD command will respect the RMODE during the TEXT ESD processing to determine where the loaded programs should reside when the RMODE or ORIGIN option is not specified on the LOAD command. If you specified RMODE 24 or RMODE ANYon the first TEXT ESD, loading will begin at the largest contiguous area of storage allocated: • Below 16Mb for RMODE 24 • Above 16Mb for RMODE ANY. In a Systemj370 mode virtual machine, the SET LOADAREA RESPECT command will cause the LOAD command to start loading at the beginning of the largest contiguous area below 16Mb if the ORIGIN option is not specified on the LOAD command. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 569 SET LOADAREA Initial Setting 20000 in a Systemj370 mode virtual machine RESPECT in a 370-XA mode virtual machine Examples 1. SET LOADAREA 20000 active LOAD command System/370 mode machine 370-XA mode machine LOAD pgma ... Load begins at 20000, RMODEjAMODE ignored Load begins at 20000, overrides RMODE on TEXT(s) ESD, AMODE on TEXT ESD respected LOAD pgma .. (RMODE 24 Load begins at the largest contiguous area under 16Mb, AMODE on TEXT ESD respected unless AMODE override on LOAD command Load begins at the largest contiguous area under 16Mb, AMODE on TEXT ESD respected unless AMODE override on LOAD command LOAD pgma .. (RMODE ANY Load begins at the largest contiguous area under 16Mb, AMODE on TEXT ESD respected unless AMODE override on LOAD command Load begins at the largest contiguous area above 16Mb, AMODE on TEXT ESD respected unless AMODE override on LOAD command LOAD pgma .. (ORIGIN TR Load begins at start of transient area, SET LOAD AREA is overridden, AMODE ignored Load begins at start of transient area, SET LOADAREA is overridden, AMODE on TEXT ESD respected unless AMODE override on LOAD command LOAD pgma .. (ORIGIN hex/oc Load begins at area specified by hexloc, SET LOADAREA is overridden, AMODE ignored Load begins at area specified by hexloc, SET LOADAREA is overridden, AMODE on TEXT ESD respected unless AMODE override on LOAD command 2. SET LOADAREA RESPECT active LOAD command System/370 mode machine 370-XA mode machine LOAD pgma ... Load begins at the largest contiguous area under 16Mb, RMODEjAMODE ignored Load begins at the largest contiguous area according to RMODE determined from TEXT(s) ESD, AMODE on TEXT ESD respected LOAD pgma .. (RMODE 24 Load begins at the largest contiguous area under 16Mb, RMODEjAMODE ignored Load begins at the largest contiguous area under 16Mb, AMODE on TEXT ESD respected unless AMODE override on LOAD command 570 VMjSP CMS Command Reference SET LOADAREA ) LOAD command System/370 mode machine 370-XA mode machine LOAD pgma .. (RMODE ANY Load begins at the largest contiguous area under 16Mb, RMODEj AMODE ignored Load begins at the largest contiguous above 16Mb, AMODE on TEXT ESD respected unless AMODE override on LOAD command LOAD pgma .. (ORIGIN TR Load begins at start of transient area, SET LOADAREA is overridden, AMODE ignored Load begins at start of transient area, SET LOADAREA is overridden, AMODE on TEXT ESD respected unless AMODE override on LOAD command LOAD pgma .. (ORIGIN hexloc Load begins at area specified by hexloc, SET LOADAREA is overridden, AMODE ignored Load begins at area specified by hexloc, SET LOADAREA is overridden, AMODE on TEXT ESD respected unless AMODE override on LOAD command Note: RMODE or AMODE ignored means that RMODE or AMODE have no effect in terms of executing the loaded program. However, if specified, they will affect the resultant RMODE or AMODE that would be passed to the GENMOD process. This allows you to develop XA programs on a System/370 mode virtual machine for execution on a 370-XA mode virtual machine. Messages and Codes Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 Chapter 2. eMS Commands 571 SET NONDISP SET NONDISP f I Use the NONDISP option to define a character for CMS and the System Product Editor that is displayed in place of nondisplayable characters. Format SET NONDISP [char] Operands char defines a character that is displayed in place of nondisplayable characters. If not specified, a blank is used. Initial Setting NONDISP II Usage Notes 1. The translation of the nondisplayable character depends upon the type of terminal, whether SET APL ON or SET TEXT ON is in effect, and the current language being used (see SET LANGUAGE). 2. Changing the NONDISP setting for CMS also changes the NONDISP setting for the System Product Editor, and vice versa. 3. Changing the NONDISP character does no;t change characters already displayed on the screen unless that line is altered. Messages and Return Codes DMSSEF109S DMSSEF926E DMSSET109S Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC= 104] Command is only valid on display terminal [RC = 88] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 572 Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 VM/SP CMS Command Reference ~ SET NONSHARE SET NONS HARE Use the NONSHARE option to get your own copy of a normally shared named system. Format SET NONS HARE l CMSDOS CMSVSAM ( CMSAMS CMSBAM Operands CMSDOS CMSVSAM CMSAMS CMSBAM specifies the shared named system for which you want a nonshared copy. Messages and Return Codes DMSSETI09S DMSSET400S DMSSET40lS i DMSSET410S Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] System sysname does not exist [RC = 44] VM size (size) cannot exceed sysname start address (vstor) [RC= 104] Control program error indication xxx [RC = re] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 Note: In RC = re, the re represents the actual error code generated by CPo Chapter 2. CMS Commands 573 SET OUTPUT SET OUTPUT Use the OUTPUT option to translate a hexadecimal representation displayed at the terminal to a specified character. Format SET OUTPUT [xx a] Operands OUTPUT xxa translates the specified hexadecimal representation xx to the specified character "a" for all xx characters displayed at the terminal. OUTPUT returns all characters to their default translation. Usage Notes 1. Output translation does not occur for SCRIPT files when the SCRIPT command output is directed to the terminal, nor when you use the CMS editor on a display terminal in display mode. 2. Changing the OUTPUT setting does not translate characters already displayed on the screen unless that line is altered. 3. The OUTPUT setting does not affect trailing nulls or blanks that are at the end of a line. Messages and Return Codes DMSSET061E DMSSETI09S No translation character specified [RC = 24] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 574 Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 VM/SP CMS Command Reference SET PROTECT \ SET PROTECT ) Use the PROTECT option to specify whether the CMS nucleus is protected against writing in its storage area. Format SET PROTECT {ON } OFF Operands ON protects the CMS nucleus against writing in its storage area. OFF does not protect the storage area containing the CMS nucleus. Initial Setting PROTECT ON Messages and Return Codes DMSSET109S Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 Chapter 2. CMS Commands 575 SETRDYMSG SET RDYMSG Use the RDYMSG option to specify whether CMS issues the standard CMS ready message or a shortened form. Format SET RDYMSG {LMSG} SMSG Operands LMSG indicates that the standard CMS ready message, including current and elapsed time, is used. The format of the standard Ready message is: Ready; hh:mm:ss where the virtual processor time (in seconds), real processor time (in seconds), and clock time are listed. SMSG Indicates that a shortened form of the CMS ready message (Ready;) which does not include the time is used. Initial Setting RDYMSGLMSG Messages and Return Codes DMSSETI09S Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 576 Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 VM/SP CMS Command Reference SET REDTYPE SET REDTYPE Use the REDTYPE option to have CMS error messages typed in red for certain terminals equipped with the appropriate terminal feature and a two-color ribbon. Format SET REDTYPE {ON} OFF I. Operands ON types CMS error messages in red for certain terminals equipped with the appropriate terminal feature and a two-color ribbon. Supported terminals are described in the VM/SP Terminal Reference. OFF suppresses red typing of error messages. Initial Setting REDTYPEOFF Messages and Return Codes DMSSET109S Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 Chapter 2. CMS Commands 577 SET RELPAGE SET RELPAGE ( \ Use the RELPAGE option to release page frames of storage and set them to binary zeros, or to hold the pages of storage. Format SET RELPAGE {ON} OFF Operands ON releases (returns to CP) unused page frames of storage and sets them to binary zeros. A page frame is considered unused whenever all of the storage allocated from it has been returned to CMS. OFF prevents the release of unused page frames of storage as described in SET RELPAGE ON. Use the SET RELPAGE OFF function when debugging or analyzing a problem so that the storage used is not released and can be examined. Be aware that indiscriminate use of SET RELPAGE OFF can have a negative impact on overall system performance. Initial Setting RELPAGEON Messages and Return Codes DMSSETI09S Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 578 Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 VM/SP CMS Command Reference SET REMOTE ) SET REMOTE Use the REMOTE option to control the display of data transmissions for CMS and the System Product Editor. Format SET REMOTE Operands ON specifies that data is to be compressed by removing nulls and combining data when five or more of the same characters occur consecutively in a data stream. This minimizes the amount of data transmitted and shortens the buffer, thus speeding transmission. OFF specifies that the data stream is not to be compressed. Data is transmitted with no minimization. Initial Setting REMOTE ON for remote displays REMOTE OFF for local displays. Usage Note Changing the REMOTE setting for CMS also changes the REMOTE setting for the System Product Editor, and vice versa. Messages and Return Codes DMSSEFI09S DMSSEF926E DMSSET109S Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC= 104] Command is only valid on a display terminal [RC = 88] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 Chapter 2. CMS Commands 579 SET SERVER SET SERVER Use the SERVER option to enable private resource processing. Format SET SERVER Operands ON enables incoming private resource conversation requests in the virtual machine. ( OFF results in the rejection of any incoming private resource conversation requests, including any which may have been queued while SET SERVER was ON. Initial Setting SERVER OFF 1 I Usage Notes 1. SET SERVER ON enables APPCjVM and IUCV interrupts for private resource processing. SET SERVER OFF disables APPCjVM and IUCV interrupts unless there are any active connections or HNDIUCV SET names. 1 1 ,'. 'I" \ 2. If the CP level is earlier than VMjSP Release 5, or if an error occurs during storage allocation, SET SERVER ON results in an error message and remains OFF. 3. If your virtual machine will be auto-logged as a result of a private resource connection request, your PROFILE EXEC must include SET SERVER ON. 4. If full-screen CMS is enabled, private resource requests are rejected even if SET SERVER is ON. 5. See the VMjSP Connectivity Programming Guide and Reference and the VMjSP Connectivity Planning, Administration, and Operation for additional information on private resource processing. Messages and Return Codes DMSSET1256E SET SERVER ON not allowed because eMS did not allocate a control external interrupt buffer [RC = 88] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 580 Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 VM/SP CMS Command Reference \ SET STORECLR SET STORECLR Use the SET STORECLR command to set the point of automatic GETMAIN storage cleanup and determine the action for user invocation of STRINIT. Format STORECLR ENDCMD} { ENDSVC Operands ENDCMD indicates that CMS returns GETMAIN storage at end-of-command (the point where the CMS ready message (Ready;) is displayed) and that CMS honors user invocations of STRINIT. ENDSVC indicates that CMS returns GETMAIN storage when the program that invoked GETMAIN issues an SVC 202 or SVC 204 to terminate. ENDSVC also indicates that CMS treats user invocations of STRINIT as a NOP. Initial Setting ENDSVC Usage Notes 1. Changing the setting causes CMS to release any GETMAIN storage currently on the SVC chain. 2. Use the QUERY STORECLR command to determine the current setting of STORECLR. 3. This command does not effect the method of GETMAIN storage cleanup at ABEND recovery. All GETMAIN storage is reclaimed at ABEND. Messages and Return Codes RC o 24 Meaning Normal completion. An invalid parameter was specified on the SET STORECLR command. Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 Chapter 2. CMS Commands 581 SETSYSNAME SETSYSNAME Use the SYSNAME option to replace a saved system name entry in the SYSNAMES table with the name of an alternate, or backup system. Format SET SYSNAME j CMSDOS CMSVSAM CMSAMS CMSBAM l entryname Operands CMSDOS entryname CMSVSAM entryname CMSSAMS entryname CMSBAM entryname allows you to replace a saved system name entry in the SYSNAMES table with the name of an alternative, or backup system. A separate SET SYSNAME command must be issued for each name entry to be changed. CMSVSAM, CMSAMS, CMSDOS, and CMSBAM are the default names assigned to the systems when the CMS system is generated. Messages and Return Codes DMSSETI09S DMSSETI42S Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Saved system name sysname invalid [RC = 24] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 582 Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 VM/SP CMS Command Reference SET TEXT SET TEXT Use TEXT option to activate character code conversion for TEXT characters for the System Product Editor and CMS. Format SET TEXT Operands ON activates character code conversion for TEXT characters. Before using TEXT keys, issue SET TEXT ON to ensure proper character code conversion. OFF specifies that no character code conversion is performed for TEXT characters and keys. Initial Setting TEXT OFF Usage Notes 1. The TEXT setting is valid only when performing full-screen I/O (for example, in XEDIT or in CMS with SET FULLSCREEN ON). If you are in CP or using a line-mode terminal, SET TEXT has no effect. If you are in CP, you can issue the TERMINAL TEXT ON command to have CP convert TEXT character codes. 2. Because the text character code conversion is costly, it is recommended that you issue SET TEXT OFF when you stop using the special text keys. 3. When SET TEXT ON is specified, APL is set OFF. 4. Changing the TEXT setting for CMS also changes the TEXT setting for the System Product Editor. Messages and Return Codes DMSSEFI09S DMSSEF524W DMSSEF926E DMSSETI09S DMSWIR329W Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] NONDISP character reset to Command is only valid on a display terminal [RC = 88] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Warning: APL/TEXT option not in effect II. Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 Chapter 2. CMS Commands 583 SET THRESHOLD SET THRESHOLD Use the THRESHOLD option to indicate when you want a warning message or return code issued to tell you that a specified amount of your allocated file space in a file pool has been used. Format SET THReshold nn [filepoolid:] Operands nn is a number, between 1 and 99 inclusive, indicating, that when this percentage of your allocated file space is used, you want a warning message. Jilepoolid: specifies in which file pool to set the threshold. If not specified, the default file pool identifier is used. Initial Setting THRESHOLD 90 Usage Notes 1. A default threshold percentage of 900/0 is set when you are enrolled with file space in a file pool. 2. Enter QUERY LIMITS * to obtain information about your usage of the file space available to you, and the threshold setting. 3. The warning message or return code will continue to be issued whenever you enter a command that affects your file space until you are below the threshold. For example, you receive the threshold warning and then erase a file in your file space. If you are still at or above the threshold level, you will receive another threshold warning. 4. If the SET THRESHOLD command is issued from an exec on a work unit that is active, the command will fail. 5. If you are using OS simulation, the user threshold warning is treated differently than the rest of eMS. The user threshold warning for OS is treated as a disk full error. This could take place on a write or put operation. Example If you have been allocated 1000 blocks of file space and you enter: set threshold 95 the threshold is set at 950/0. You will get a warning message when 950 or more blocks of your default file pool file space are used. 584 VMjSP CMS Command Reference SET THRESHOLD Messages and Return Codes DMSJSE 1140E . You are not enrolled in file pool jilepoolid [RC = 40] DMSJSE1l41W User filespace threshold still exceeded for the file poolfilepoolidid [RC=4] DMSJSE1l68E Invalid threshold value value [RC = 24] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax Errors in the Shared File System 811 813 Chapter 2. CMS Commands S8S SET TRANSLATE SET TRANSLATE ( Use the SET TRANSLATE command to suppress translations and translation synonyms of command names for a language. The SET TRANSLATE command specifies the way in which the User Language Translation Tables and the System National Language Translation Tables are used. Format SET TRANslate SYStem USER [ ALL TRANslate SYNonym [ BOTH Operands ON allows you to specify the table to be used for command name translation. OFF allows you to specify that a table will not be used for command name translation. SYStem translates command names using only the System National Language Translation Table. USER translates command names using only the User National Language Translation Table. ALL translates command names using both the User and System National Language Translation Tables. TRANslate indicates that only the national language translations are set ON or OFF. SYNonym indicates that only the national language translation synonyms are set ON or OFF. BOTH indicates that both national language translations and translation synonyms are set ON or OFF. APPlid app/id specifies the application for which a table is to be set ON or OFF. It must be three alphanumeric characters, and the first character must be alphabetic. The default, *, sets the tables for all applications. 586 VMjSP CMS Command Reference SET TRANSLATE Usage Notes 1. If you issue the SET command specifying an invalid function and the implied CP function is in effect, you may receive message DMKCF003E INVALID OPTIONS - option. 2. If an invalid SET command function is specified from an exec and the implied CP function is in effect, then the return code is -0003. 3. To determine or verify the setting of most functions, use the QUERY command. 4. Translation synonyms cannot be set ON unless translations are also set ON. Likewise, translations cannot be set OFF unless translation synonyms are also set OFF. 5. The settings for the TRANSLATE operand are enabled in the following order: System Translations, System Translation Synonyms, User Translations, and User Translation Synonyms. Example To set the translation synonym table OFF for all applications, enter set translate off user syn Messages and Return Codes DMSSETI09S DMSSET258E DMSSET258E DMSSET280E Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] {userlsystem} translation synonyms can not be set ON unless {userlsystem} translations are also set ON; application id: app/id [RC=28] {userlsystem} translations can not be set OFF unless {userlsystem} translation synonyms are also set OFF, application id: appUd [RC=28] Application app/id not active [RC = 28] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 Chapter 2. CMS Commands 587 SET UPSI SET UPSI Use the UPSI option in the CMS/DOS environment to set the User Program Switch Indicator (UPSI) byte to the specified bit string of O's and l's, or to reset the UPSI byte to binary zeros. Format SET UPSI nnnnnnnn} {OFF Operands nnnnnnnn sets the UPSI (User Program Switch Indicator) byte to the specified bit string of O's and l's. If you enter fewer than eight digits, the UPSI byte is filled in from the left and zero-padded to the right. If you enter an "x" for any digit, the corresponding bit in the UPSI byte is left unchanged. OFF resets the UPSI byte to binary zeros. Initial Setting UPSIOFF Messages and Return Codes DMSSET099E DMSSET109S CMS/DOS environment not active [RC = 40] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 588 Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 VMjSP CMS Command Reference SETKEY SETKEY Use the SETKEY command to change eMS storage keys. Format SETKEY key sysname [startadr] Operands key is the storage protection key, specified in decimal. Valid keys are 0-15. sysname is the name of the saved system or segment for which the storage protection is being assigned. startadr is the starting address (in hexadecimal) at which the keys are to be assigned. The address must be within the address range defined for the saved system or discontiguous saved segments. Using the startadr operand, you can issue the SETKEY command several times and, thus, assign different keys to various portions of the saved system or segment. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 589 SETPRT SETPRT ( \ Use the SETPRT command to load virtual 3800 printers. The SETPRT command is valid only for a virtual 3800 Model 1 or 3800 Model 3 printer. Format - r-- SETPRT Chars [(]cccc ... [)] COpies [(]nnn[)] COPYnr [(]nnn[)] Feb [(]tttt [)] FLash [(Jid nnn [)] Init ..... Modify [(}nmmm [n][)] - Operands Chars cccc ... specifies the names of from one to four character arrangement tables (CATs) to be loaded into the virtual 3800 printer. CAT names may be from one to four alphameric characters. The CATs must exist as 'XTBlcccc TEXT' files on an accessed CMS disk or SFS directory. COpies nnn specifies the total number of copies of each page to be printed. The value of nnn must be a number from 1 to 255. The default value is 1. COPYnr nnn specifies the copy number of the first copy in a copy group. The value of nnn must be a number from 1 to 255. If COPYNR is not specified, a starting copy number of 1 is assumed. Febffff specifies the FCB to be loaded into the virtual 3800 printer. The FCB must exist as a 'FCB3ffff TEXT' file on an accessed CMS disk or SFS directory, unless ffff is specified as 6, 8, 12, or for the 3800 Model 3 printer only, 10. In that case, the FCB is not loaded from a CMS file. CP determines the appropriate FCB to load and prints the entire file at 6, 8, 12, or for the 3800 Model 3 printer, 10 lines per inch. FLash id nnn specifies the one- to four-character overlay name (id) and the number of copies of each page (nnn) to be printed with the overlay indicated by 'id'. The value of nnn may be a number from 0 to 255. If nnn is not specified, 1 is the default. If the FLASH keyword is omitted, no copies are printed with an overlay. Init specifies that an "Initialize Printer" CCW will be issued before any other functions specified in this command are performed. 590 VM/SP CMS Command Reference SETPRT Modify mmmm [n J specifies copy modification data to be loaded. The copy modification must exist as a 'MODlmmmm TEXT' file on an accessed CMS disk or SFS directory. Further, n specifies the CAT to use for the copy modification load. If n is omitted, 0 is the default. Note: Keyword values must be enclosed in parentheses only if they could be interpreted as a SETPRT keyword or keyword abbreviation. Otherwise the parentheses may be omitted. Usage Notes 1. In the Shared File System, an alias can be used to refer to a TEXT file used by SETPRT only if the alias was used when the TEXT file was created. The name of the alias must conform to the naming conventions of the TEXT file. For example, an FCB must exist as FCB3ffffTEXT. 2. CATs must be specified so that they correspond to the appropriate TRC bytes. The first CAT specified corresponds to TRC byte 0, the second CAT corresponds to TRC byte 1, and so on. 3. CATs can reference the Library Character Set (LCS) modules and Graphic Character Modification Modules (GRAPHMODS) for both the 3800 Model 1 and Model 3 printers. SETPRT uses naming conventions to select the correct modules for the defined 3800 model printer. 4. Customized 3800 Modell character sets must be converted from the 180 x 144 to the 240 x 240 pel density format before they may be used in a 3800 Model 3 printer. 5. If the number of copies specified with the FLASH keyword is greater than the number of copies specified in COPIES nnn, the actual number of copies printed will equal the number specified with the FLASH keyword. Thus, if you want all copies to be printed with an overlay, you can specify the number with the FLASH keyword and omit the COPIES keyword. 6. The use of ,INIT' and 'FCB 618110112' together causes the printer to always be reset to 6 lines per inch. Both the INIT CCW and the 'CP SPOOL OOE FCB 618110112' generated by the 'FCB 618110112' are passed to CPo The LOADFCB CCW is sent to the printer before the INIT CCW. This resets the FCB to the lnit IMPL Default of 6 lines per inch. 'INIT' and 'FCB ffff do not have this problem, since 'FCB ffff is handled directly by CMS. 7. SETPRT FCB 618110112 sets the FCB of the virtual printer until it is specifically changed. SETPRT FLASH sets the FLASH until another SETPRT is issued. All other SETPRT options only affect the next file to be printed. 8. The length of the FCB to be loaded must agree with the forms length specified in the SIZE parameter of the CP DEFINE 3800 command. Example For example, to indicate that you want to use character set GFI0 printed at 6 lines per inch, enter: setprt chars gflO feb 6 Chapter 2. CMS Commands 591 SETPRT Responses DMSSPR1961 Printer vdev setup complete The virtual 3800 printer was successfully loaded. Messages and Return Codes DMSERD257T DMSFNS1144E DMSFNS1252T DMSSPR002E DMSSPR014E DMSSPR026E DMSSPR113S DMSSPR145S DMSSPR197S DMSSPR198E DMSSPR199S DMSSPR204E DMSSPR352E Internal system error at address address (offset offset) Implicit rollback occurred for work unit workunitid [RC = 31] Rollback unsuccessful for file pool Jilepoolid File [fn [ft [fmJll not found [RC = 28] Invalid keyword function [RC = 24] Invalid value value for keyword keyword [RC = 24] Printer OOE not attached [RC = 100] Intervention required on printer [RC = 100] Undiagnosed error from printer OOE [RC= 100] SETPRT load check; sense = sense Printer OOE not a virtual 3800 Model 1 or Model 3 Too many WCGMs needed for CHARS Invalid SETPRT data in file fn ft Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 592 Reason Page Errors in the Shared File System Errors in using a file 813 814 VM/SP CMS Command Reference ( SORT SORT Use the SORT command to read fixed-length records from a CMS input file, arrange them in ascending EBCDIC order according to specified sort fields, and create a new file containing the sorted records. Format SORT fileidl fileid2 Operands fileidl is the file identifier (file name, file type, file mode) of the file containing the records to be sorted. fileid2 is the file identifier (file name, file type, file m.ode) of the new output file to contain the sorted records. Usage Note The input and output files must not have the same file identifiers, since SORT cannot write the sorted output back into the space occupied by the input file. If fileid2 is the same as fileidl, message DMSSRT019E Identical fileids is issued and the SORT operation does not take place. If fileidl and fileid2 are different and a file with the same name as fileid2 already exists, the existing file is replaced when the SORT operation takes place. Entering Sort Control Fields: After the SORT command is entered, CMS responds with the following message on the terminal: DMSSRT604R Enter sort fields: Respond by entering one or more pairs of numbers of the form "xx yy"; separate each pair by one or more blanks. Each "xx" is the starting character position of a sort field within each input record and "yy" is the ending character position. The leftmost pair of numbers denotes the major sort field. The number of sort fields is limited to the number of fields you can enter on one line. The records can be sorted on up to a total of 253 positions. Virtual Storage Requirements for Sorting: The sorting operation takes place with two passes of the input file. The first pass creates an ordered pointer table in virtual storage. The second pass uses the pointer table to read the input file in a random manner and write the output file. Therefore, the size of storage and the size and number of sort fields are the limiting factors in determining the number of records that can be sorted at anyone time. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 593 SORT Responses DMSSRT604R Enter sort fields: ( You are requested to enter SORT control fields. You should enter them in the form described previously in "Entering Sort Control Fields." Messages and Return Codes DMSOPN002E DMSSRT009E DMSSRT019E DMSSRT034E DMSSRT037E DMSSRT053E DMSSRT054E DMSSRT062E DMSSRT063E DMSSRT069E DMSSRT070E DMSSRT104S DMSSRT105S DMSSRT212E File [fn [ft [fm]]] not found [RC = 2S] Column col exceeds record length [RC = 24] Identical fileids [RC = 24] File fn ft fm is not fixed length [RC = 32] Filemode mode[(vdev)] is accessed as read/only [RC = 36] Invalid sort field pair defined [RC = 24] Incomplete fileid specified [RC = 24] Invalid * in fileid [fn ft [fm]] [RC = 20] No list entered [RC = 40] Filemode mode not accessed [RC = 36] Invalid parameter parameter [RC = 24] Error nn reading file fn ft fm from disk or directory [RC = 100] Error nn writing file fn ft fm on disk or directory [RC = 100] Maximum number of records exceeded [RC = 40] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 594 Reason Page Errors in command syntax Errors in the Shared File System Sll S13 VM/SP CMS Command Reference \ SSERV SSERV Use the SSERV command in CMS/DOS to copy, display, print, or punch a book from a VSE source statement library. Format SSERV sublib bookname Options: [itCOpy ] [DISK] [ (options ... [) ] ] [PRINT] [PUNCH] [ TERM] Operands sublib specifies the source statement sublibrary in which the book is cataloged. bookname specifies the name of the book in the VSE private or system source statement sublibrary. The private library, if any, is searched before the system library. ft specifies the file type of the file to be created on your disk or directory accessed as A. "ft" defaults to COPY if a file type is not specified. The file name is always the same as the book name. Options You may enter as many options as you wish, depending upon the functions you want to perform. DISK copies the book to a eMS file. PUNCH punches the book on the virtual punch. PRINT spools a copy of the book to your virtual printer. TERM displays the book on your terminal. Usage Notes 1. If you want to copy books from private libraries, you must issue an ASSGN command for the logical unit SYSSLB and identify the library on a DLBL command line using a ddname of IJSYSSL. If you want to copy books from the system library, you must have entered the CMS/DOS environment specifying the mode letter of the system residence volume. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 595 SSERV 2. You should not use the SSERV command to copy books from macro (E) sublibraries, since they are in "edited" (that is, compressed) form. Use the ESERV command to copy and de-edit macros from a macro (E) sublibrary. Responses When you use the TERM option, the specified book is displayed at the terminal. Messages and Return Codes DMSSRV003E DMSSRV004E DMSSRV006E DMSSRV070E DMSSRV089E DMSSRV097E DMSSRV098E DMSSRV099E DMSSRVI05S DMSSRV113S DMSSRV194S DMSSRV411S 596 VM/SP CMS Command Reference Invalid option: option [RC = 24] Book sub/.book not found [RC = 28] No read/write A filemode accessed [RC = 36] Invalid parameter parameter [RC = 24] Open error code nn on SYSSLB [RC = 36] No SYSRES volume active [RC=36] No book name specified [RC = 24] CMS/DOS environment not active [RC = 40] Error nn writing file In It 1m on disk or directory [RC = 100] Disk(vdev) not attached[RC = 100] Book sub/.book contains bad records [RC = 100] Input error code nn on SYSaaa [RC = re] START START Use the START command to begin execution of eMS, OS, or VSE programs that were previously loaded or fetched. Format START e:try [args ... ]] [ (option [)] Option: Operands entry passes control to the control section name or entry point name at execution time. The operand, entry, may be a file name only if the file name is identical to a control section name or an entry point name. * passes control to the default entry point. See the discussion of the LOAD command for a discussion of the default entry point selection. args... are arguments to be passed to the started program. If user arguments are specified, the entry or * operands must be specified; otherwise, the first argument is taken as the entry point. Arguments are passed to the program via general register 1. The entry operand and any arguments become a string of doublewords, one argument per doubleword, and the address of the list is placed in general register 1. Option NO suppresses execution of the program. Linkage editor and loader functions are performed and the program is in storage ready to execute, but control is not given to the program. START * and START (NO) are mutually exclusive. Usage Notes 1. Any undefined names or references specified in the files loaded into storage are defined as zero. Thus, if there is a call or branch to a subroutine from a main program, and if the subroutine has never been loaded, the call or branch transfers control at execution time to location zero of the virtual machine. 2. Do not use the START command for programs that are generated via the GENMOD command with the NOMAP option. The START command does not execute properly for such programs. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 597 START 3. When arguments are passed on the START command, the requirements of both CMS and the language of the application program must be met. For example, COBOL programs require arguments separated by commas: START * A,B,C See the appropriate language guide for details on parameter requirements. 4. Issue the START command immediately following the LOAD and INCLUDE commands. If the LOAD and INCLUDE were issued in an exec procedure, issue the START command from within the exec as well. 5. If START is issued from the virtual console or from an EXEC 2 EXEC, register o points to an extended parameter list block. The extended parameter list for the START command pointed to by register 0 has the following structure: DC DC DC DC A(EPLCMD) A(EPLARGBG) A(EPLARGGND) A(e) where: START entry t any t EPLCMD arguments EPLARGBG t EPLARGND or: START entry t t EPLCMD EPLARGBG EPLARGND or: START tEPLCMDt EPLARGBG EPLARGND Responses DMSLI074eI Execution begins ••• is displayed when the designated entry point is validated. This message is suppressed if CMS/DOS is active and the COMP option is specified in the FETCH command. 598 VM/SP CMS Command Reference START Messages and Return Codes DMSLI0021E DMSLI0055E Entry point name not found [RC = 40] No entry point defined [RC = 40] Chapter 2. CMS Commands 599 ST ATE1STATEW STATE/STATEW (ESTATE/ESTATEW) Use the STATE or ESTATE command to verify the existence of a CMS, OS, or DOS file that may reside on any accessed disk or accessed Shared File System (SFS) directory. Use the STATEW or ESTATEW command to verify the existence of a file residing on a read/write disk or read/write SFS directory. It may be necessary to use ESTATE/ESTATEW when writing execs or assembler programs. This enables STATE to handle files larger than 65533 records. (This is the equivalent of coding the FSSTATE macro with the FORM = E option.) Format STATE STATEW ESTATE ESTATEW Operands In is the file name of the file whose existence is to be verified. If an asterisk is specified, the first file found satisfying the rest of the file ID is used. It is the file type of the file whose existence is to be verified. If an asterisk is specified, the first file found satisfying the rest of the file ID is used. 1m is the file mode of the file whose existence is to be verified. If fm is specified, the parent disk or directory and its read-only extensions will be searched. If fm is omitted, or specified with an asterisk, all your accessed disks or directories (A-Z) are searched. Usage Notes 1. If you issue the STATEW command specifying a file that exists on a read-only disk or directory, you receive error message DMSSTT002E or file not found. 2. For data stored in SFS directories, STATE will not find subdirectories, erased or revoked aliases, or files for which you do not have read or write authority. 3. When you code an asterisk for fn or ft, the search for the file is ended as soon as any file satisfies any of the other conditions. For example, state * file executes successfully if any file on any accessed disk or directory (including the system disk) has a file type of FILE. 4. To verify the existence of an OS or VSE file when DOS is set OFF, you must issue the FILEDEF command to establish a CMS file identifier for the file. For example, to verify the existence of the OS file TEST.DATA on an OS disk accessed as C you could enter: filedef check disk check list c dsn test data state check list 600 VM/SP CMS Command Reference STATE/STATEW where CHECK LIST is the CMS file name and file type associated with the OS data set name. 5. To verify the existence of an OS or VSE file when the CMS/DOS environment is active, you must issue the DLBL command to establish a CMS file identifier for the file. For example, to verify the existence of the DOS file TEST.DATA on a DOS disk at file mode C, you could enter: dlbl check c dsn test data state fil e check where FILE CHECK is the default CMS file name and file type (FILE ddname) associated with the VSE file ID. 6. The STATE command disregards the file mode number specified when both the file name and file type are explicitly specified. When the file name or file type (or both) are specified as asterisk (*), the file mode number is used. 7. To verify the syntax of a file identifier (file name, file type, file mode) without verifying the existence of the file, use the VALID ATE command. S. You can invoke the STATE/STATEW command from the terminal, from an exec file, or as a function from a program. If STATE/ST ATEW is invoked as a function or from an exec file that has the message output suppressed, the message DMSSTT002E File fn ft fm not found is not issued. 9. If the STATE/STATEW (or ESTATE/ESTATEW) command is invoked via SVC204 in an assembler program, the address of the STATEFST copy is returned at X I I C I into the STATE parameter list. Responses The CMS ready message indicates that the specified file exists. DMSSTT227I Processing volume nn in data set data set name The specified data set has mUltiple volumes; the volume being processed is shown in the message. The STATE command treats end-of-volume as end-of-file and there is no end-of-volume switching. DMSSTT228I User labels bypassed on data set data set name The specified data set has disk user labels; these labels are skipped. Messages and Return Codes DMSSTT002E DMSSTT04SE DMSSTT054E DMSSTT062E DMSSTT062E DMSSTT069E DMSSTT070E DMSSTT229E DMSSTT253E File [fn 1ft lfm]n not found [RC = 2S] Invalid mode mode [RC = 24] Incomplete fileid specified [RC = 24] Invalid character char in fileid fn ft [RC = 20] SO and SI are invalid fileid characters [RC = 20] Filemode mode not accessed [RC = 36] Invalid parameter parameter [RC = 24] Unsupported OS data set, error nn [RC = Sn] File fn ft fm cannot be handled with supplied parameter list [RC=SS] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax Sl1 Chapter 2. CMS Commands 601 SVCTRACE SVCTRACE ( Use the SVCTRACE command to trace and record information about supervisor calls occurring in your virtual machine. Format I~SVC_Tra_ce~{g_~}__________~1 Operands ON starts tracing all SVC instructions issued within CMS. OFF stops SVC tracing. Usage Notes 1. The trace information recorded on the printer includes: • The virtual storage location of the calling SVC instruction and the name of the called program or routine • The normal and error return addresses • The contents of the general registers both before the SVC-called program is given control and after a return from that program • The contents of the general registers when the SVC handling routine is finished processing • The contents of the floating-point registers before the SVC-called program is given control and after a return from that program • The contents of the floating-point registers when the SVC handling routine is finished processing • The parameter list passed to the SVC 2. To terminate tracing previously established by the SVCTRACE command, issue the HO or SVCTRACE OFF commands. SVCTRACE OFF and HO cause all trace information recorded, up to the point they are issued, to be printed on the virtual spooled printer. On typewriter terminals SVCTRACE OFF can be issued only when the keyboard is unlocked to accept input to the CMS command environment. To terminate tracing at any other point in system processing, HO must be issued. To suspend tracing temporarily during a session, interrupt processing and enter the Immediate command SO (Suspend Tracing). To resume tracing that was suspended with the SO command, enter the Immediate command RO (Resume Tracing). If you issue the CMS Immediate command HX or you log off the system before termination of tracing previously set by the SVCTRACE command, the switches are cleared automatically and all recorded trace information is printed on the virtual spooled printer. 602 VM/SP CMS Command Reference \ SVCTRACE 3. If a user timer exit is activated while SVCTRACE is active, SVCTRACE is disabled for the duration of the timer exit. Any SVCs issued during the timer exit are not reflected in the SVCTRACE listing. 4. If your program must remain disabled for interrupts (in an interrupt handler, for example), it must not issue any SVC's while SVCTRACE is active. SVCTRACE enables the system for interrupts. Use the ep PER command instead. 5. When tracing on a virtual machine with only one printer, the trace data is intermixed with other data sent to the virtual printer. Responses A variety of information is printed whenever the: svctrace on command is issued. The first line of trace output starts with a dash or plus sign or an asterisk (- or *). The format of the first line of trace output is: N/O = xxx/dd name FROM loc OLOPSW = pswl GOPSW = psw2 + or [RC=rc] + * where: indicates information recorded before processing the sve. + indicates information recorded after processing the SVC, unless the asterisk (*) applies. * indicates information recorded after processing a eMS sve that had an error return. N/D is an abbreviation for sve number and depth (or level). xxx is the number of the sve call (they are numbered sequentially). dd is the nesting level of the SVC call. name is the macro or routine being called. loc is the program location from which the SVC was issued. pswl is the PSW at the time the sve was called. psw2 is the PSW with which the routine being called is invoked, if the first character of this line is a dash (-). If the first character of this line is a plus sign or asterisk (+ or *), PSW2 represents the PSW that returns control to the user. rc is the return code from the sve handling routine in general register 15. This field is omitted if the first character of this line is a dash (-), or if this is an as sve call. For a eMS sve, this field is 0 if the line begins with a plus sign ( + ), and nonzero for an asterisk (*). Also, this field equals the contents of R15 in the "GPRS AFTER" line. The next two lines of output are the contents of the general registers when control is passed to the sve handling routine. This output is identified at the left by ".GPRSB." The format of the output is: .GPRSB = h h h h h h h h *dddddddd* = h h h h h h h h *dddddddd* Chapter 2. CMS Commands 603 SVCTRACE where h represents the contents of a general register in hexadecimal format and d represents the EBCDIC translation of the contents of a general register. The contents of general registers 0 through 7 are printed on the first line, with the contents of registers 8 through F on the second line. The hexadecimal contents of the registers are printed first, followed by the EBCDIC translation. The EBCDIC translation is preceded and followed by an asterisk(*). The next line of output is the contents of general registers 0, 1, and 15 when control is returned to your program. The output is identified at the left by ".GPRS AFTER :." The format of the output is: .GPRS AFTER : R0-Rl = h h *dd* R15 = h *d* where h represents the hexadecimal contents of a general register and d is the EBCDIC translation of the contents of a general register. The only general registers that CMS routines alter are registers 0, 1, and 15 so only those registers are printed when control returns to your program. The EBCDIC translation is preceded and followed by an asterisk (*). The next two lines of output are the contents of the general registers when the SVC handling routine is finished processing. This output is identified at the left by ".GPRSS." The format of the output is: .GPRSS = h h h h h h h h *dddddddd* h h h h h h h h *dddddddd* = where h represents the hexadecimal contents of a general register and d represents the EBCDIC translation of the contents of a general register. General registers 0 through 7 are printed on the first line with registers 8 through F on the second line. The EBCDIC translation is preceded and followed by an asterisk (*). The next line of output is the contents of the calling routine's floating-point registers. The output is identified at the left by ".FPRS." The format of the output is: .FPRS = f f f *9999* f where f represents the hexadecimal contents of a floating-point register and g is the EBCDIC translation of a floating-point register. Each floating point register is a doubleword; each f and g represents a doubleword of data. The EBCDIC translation is preceded and followed by an asterisk (*). The next line of output is the contents of floating-point registers when the SVC handling routine is finished processing. The output is identified by ".FPRSS" at the left. The format of the output is: .FPRSS = f f f f *9999* where f represents the hexadecimal contents of a floating-point register and g is the EBCDIC translation. Each floating-point register is a doubleword and each f and g represents a doubleword of data. The EBCDIC translation is preceded and followed by an asterisk (*). The last two lines of output are printed only if the address in register 1 is a valid address for the virtual machine. If printed, the output is the parameter list passed to the SVC. The output is identified by ".PARM" at the left. The output format is: .PARM = h h h h h h h h *dddddddd* = h h h h h h h h *dddddddd* where h represents a word of hexadecimal data and d is the EBCDIC translation. The parameter list is found at the address contained in register 1 before control is 604 VM/SP CMS Command Reference ( SVCTRACE passed to the SVC handling program. The EBCDIC translation is preceded and followed by an asterisk (*). Table 16 summarizes the types of SVC trace output. Table 16. Summary of SVCTRACE Output Lines Identification - NjD Comments The SVC and the routine that issued the SVC. (+) NjD The SVC and the routine that issued the SVC. (*) NjD The SVC and the routine that issued the SVC. .GPRSB Contents of general registers when control is passed to the SVC handling routine. .GPRS AFTER Contents of general registers 0, 1, and 15 when control is returned to your program. .GPRSS Contents of the general registers when the SVC handling routine is finished processing. .FPRS Contents of floating-point registers before the SVC-called program is given control and after returning from that program. .FPRSS Contents of the floating-point registers when the SVC handling routine is finished processing. .PARM The parameter list, when one is passed to the SVC . Messages and Return Codes DMSERD257T DMSFNSl144E DMSFNS1252T DMSOVROl4E DMSOVR047E DMSOVRI04S DMSOVRI09S Internal system error at address addr (offset offset) Implicit rollback occurred for work unit workunitid [RC = 31] Rollback unsuccessful for file pool filepoolid Invalid function function [RC = 24] No function specified [RC = 24] Error nn reading file fn ft fm from disk or directory [RC = 311551701761991100] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax Errors in the Shared File System Errors in using a file 811 813 814 Chapter 2. CMS Commands 60S SyNONYM SYNONYM ( ~ Use the SYNONYM command to invoke a table of synonyms to be used with, or in place of, eMS and user-written command names. You create the table yourself using the editor. To specify entries for the table, see the section after the Usage Notes called The User Synonym Table. The names you define can be used either instead of or in conjunction with the standard eMS command truncations. However, no matter what truncations, synonyms, or truncations of the synonyms are in effect, the full real name of the command is always accepted. Format SYNonym [ (options ... [ ) ] ] Options: STD [ NOSTD 1 [CLEAR] Operands In is the file name of the file containing your synonyms table. 1m is the file mode of the file containing your synonyms; if omitted, your disk or directory accessed as A and its extensions are searched. If you specify fm, you must enter the keyword, SYNONYM. If you specify fm as an asterisk (*), all accessed disks and directories are searched for the specified SYNONYM file. Options ,STD specifies that standard eMS abbreviations are accepted. NOSTD standard eMS abbreviations are not to be accepted. (The full eMS command and the synonyms you defined can still be used.) 'CLEAR removes any synonym table set by a previously entered SYNONYM command. Usage Notes 1. If you enter the SYNONYM command with no operands, the system synonym table and the user synonym table (if one exists) are listed. 2. The SET ABBREV ON or OFF command, in conjunction with the SYNONYM command, determines which standard and user-defined forms of a particular eMS command are acceptable. 606 VMjSP CMS Command ,Reference SyNONYM 3. The SYNONYM command cannot define nationallangua~e translations. 4. Exec procedures having a synonym defined for them can be invoked by its synonym if implied exec (IMPEX) function is on. However, within an exec procedure, only the exec file name can be used. A synonym is not recognized within an exec since the synonym tables are not searched during exec processing. 5. When ABBREV is OFF, the synonyms defined for command names (EXECs and MODULEs) are valid, but abbreviations are ignored. The User Synonym Table You create the synonym table using the CMS editor. The table must be a file with the file type SYNONYM. The file consists of 80-byte fixed-length records in free-form format with columns 73-80 ignored. The format for each record is: systemcommand usersynonym count where: systemcommand is the name of the CMS command or MODULE or exec file for which you are creating a synonym. usersynonym is the synonym you are assigning to the command name. When you create the synonym, you must follow the same syntax rules as for commands; that is, you must use the character set used to create commands, the synonym may be no longer than eight characters, and so on. count is the minimum number of characters that must be entered, for the synonym to be accepted by CMS. If omitted, the entire synonym must be entered (see the following example). Note: By default CMS translates commands entered on the command line into uppercase. Therefore, you should enter your synonyms in the table in uppercase. A table of command synonyms is built from the contents of this file. You may have several synonym files but only one may be active at a time. For example, if the synonym file named MYSYN contains: MOVEFI LE MVIT then, after you have issued the command: synonym mysyll the synonym MVIT can be entered as a command name to execute the MOVEFILE command. It cannot be truncated since no count is specified. If MYSYN SYNONYM contains: ACCESS GETDISK 3 then, the synonyms GET, GETD, GETDI, GETDIS, or GETDISK can be entered as the command name instead of ACCESS. If you have an exec file named TDISK, you might have a synonym entry: TDISK TDISK 2 so that you can invoke the exec procedure by specifying the truncation TD. Chapter 2. eMS Commands 607 SYNONYM The Relationship between the SET ABBREV and SYNONYM Commands: The default values of the SET and SYNONYM commands are such that the system synonym abbreviation table is available unless otherwise specified. The system synonym abbreviation table for the FILEDEF command states that FI is the minimum truncation. Therefore, the acceptable abbreviations for FILEDEF are: FI, FIL, FILE, FILED, FILEDE, and FILEDEF. The system synonym abbreviation table is available whenever both SET ABBREV ON and SYNONYM (STD) are in effect. If you have a synonym table with the file identification USERTAB SYNONYM A, that has the entry: FILEDEF USENAME 3 then, USENAME is a synonym for FILEDEF, and acceptable truncations of USENAME are: USE, USEN, USENA, USENAM, and USENAME. The user synonym abbreviation table is available whenever both SET ABBREV ON and SYNONYM USERTAB are specified. No matter what synonyms and truncations are defined, the full real name of the command is always in effect. Table 17 lists the forms of the system command and user synonyms available for the various combinations of the SET ABBREV and SYNONYM commands. Table 17 (Page 1 of 2). System and User-Defined Truncations Options SET ABBREV ON SYN USERTAB (STD Acceptable Command Forms FI FIL FILEDEF USE USEN Comments The ABBREV ON option of the SET command and the STD option of the SYNONYM command make the system table available. The user synonym, USENAME, is available because the synonym table (USERTAB) is specified on the SYNONYM command. The truncations for USENAME are available because SET ABBREV ON was specified with the USERTAB also available. USENAME SET ABBREV OFF SYN USERTAB (STD FILEDEF USENAME The user-defined synonym, USENAME, is permitted because the user synonym table (USERTAB) is specified on the SYNONYM command. No system or user truncations are permitted. SET ABBREV ON SYN USERTAB (NOSTD FILEDEF USE USEN The system synonym table is unavailable because the NOSTD option is specified on the SYNONYM command. The user synonym, USENAME, is available because the user synonym table (USERTAB) is specified on the SYNONYM command and the truncations of USENAME are permitted because SET ABBREV ON is specified with USERTAB also available. USENAME SET ABBREV OFF SYN USERTAB (NOSTD FILEDEF USENAME The system synonym table is made unavailable either by the SET ABBREV OFF command or by the SYN (NOSTD command. The synonym, USENAME, is permitted because the user-defined synonym table (USERTAB) is specified on the SYNONYM command. The truncations for USENAME are not permitted because the SET ABBREV OFF option is in effect. SET ABBREV ON SYN (CLEAR STD FI FIL The user-defined table is now unavailable. The system synonym table is available because both the ABBREV ON option of the SET command and the STD option of the SYNONYM command are specified. FILEDEF 608 VM/SP CMS Command Reference SYNONYM Table 17 (Page 2 of 2). System and User-Defined Truncations Acceptable Command Forms Options SET ABBREV OFF SYN (CLEAR STD SET ABBREV ON SYN (CLEAR NOSTD SET ABBREV OFF SYN (CLEAR NOSTD Comments FILEDEF Because CLEAR is specified on the SYNONYM command, the synonym and its truncations are no longer available. Either the SET ABBREV OFF command or the SYNONYM (NOSTD command make the system synonym table unavailable. This table does not apply to execs. Responses When you enter the SYNONYM command with no operands, the synonym table(s) currently in effect are displayed. SYSTEM COMMAND USER SYNONYM SHORTEST FORM (IF ANY) This response is the same as the response to the command QUERY SYNONYM ALL. DMSSYN7111 No system synonyms in effect This response is displayed when you issue the SYNONYM command with no operands after the command SYNONYM (NOSTD) has been issued. DMSSYN7121 No synonyms (DMSINA not in nucleus) The system routine which handles SYNONYM command processing is not in the system. Messages and Return Codes DMSERD257T DMSFNS1144E DMSFNS1252T DMSSYN002E DMSSYN003E DMSSYN007E DMSSYN032E DMSSYN056E DMSSYN066E DMSSYNI04S Internal system error at address addr (offset offset) Implicit rollback occurred for work unit workunitid [RC = 31] Rollback unsuccessful for file pool filepoo/id File [fn [ft [fm]]] not found [RC = 2S] Invalid option: option [RC = 24] File fn ft fm [is] not fixed, SO-character records [RC = 32] Invalid filetype ft [RC = 24] File In ft [fm] contains invalid record formats [RC = 32] option1 and option2 are conflicting options [RC = 24] Error nn reading file fn ft fm from disk or directory [RC = 311551701761991100] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax Errors in the Shared File System Errors in using a file 811 813 814 Chapter 2. CMS Commands 609 TAPE TAPE ( Use the TAPE command to dump CMS-formatted files from a disk or directory to tape, load previously dumped files from tape to a disk or directory, and perform various control operations on a specified tape drive. Files processed by the TAPE command must be in a unique CMS format. The TAPE command does not process multi-volume files. Files to be dumped can contain either fixed- or variable-length records. Format ,- TAPE DUMP {!n }{~ }[!m] [{ !n}{~ }[~m]] SCAN [{~n} {!t}] SKIP [{!n}{tt} ] DVOLI WVOLI valid {owner} [ (optionB optionC optionD [ ) ] ] MODESET [(optionD [ ) ] ] tapcmd [~ 1 [(optionD [ ) ]] LOAD < [(optionA optionB optionD optionF [ ) ] ] [ (optionB optionC optionD [ )] ] [ (optionB optionC optionD [ ) ] ] [ (optionD optionE [ ) ] ] [ (optionD· optionE [ ) ] ] '- OptionA: OptionC: OptionE: WTM ] [ NOWTM [EOT EOF n ] EOF 1 [REWIND] LEAVE BLKsize BLKsize BLKsize [ BLKsize BLKsize OptionD: 800 4096 4K 32K 64K 1 OptionB: NOPRintl PRint [ Term DISK [7TRACK ] [DEN den] [TRTCH a1 [TAPn] TAPI 9TRACK [vdev ] 181 18TRACK OptionF: [TRANSfer BUFF ] TRANsfer IMMED Operands DUMP in it (fm) dumps one or more files to tape. If fn and/or ft is specified as an asterisk (*) all files that satisfy the other file identifier are dumped. If fm is coded as a letter, that disk or directory and its extensions are searched for the specified file(s). If fm is coded as a letter and number, only files with that mode number and letter (and the extensions of the disk or directory 610 VM/SP CMS Command Reference \ TAPE referenced by that fm letter) are dumped. If fm is coded as asterisk (*), all accessed disks and directories are searched for the specified file(s). If fm is not specified, only the disk or directory accessed as A and its extensions are searched. LOAD lfn It lfmlJ reads tape files onto a disk or directory. If a file identifier is specified, only that one file is loaded. If the option EOF n is specified and no file identifier is entered, n tape files are written to a disk or directory. If an asterisk (*) is specified for fn or ft, all files within EOF n that satisfy the other file identifier are loaded. The files are written to the disk or directory indicated by the file mode letter. The file mode number, if entered, indicates that only files with that file mode number are to be loaded. The default file mode letter is A. SCAN lfn ItI positions the tape at a specified point, and lists the identifiers of the files it scans. Scanning occurs over n tape marks, as specified by the option EOF n (the default is 1 tape file). However, if a file identifier (fn and ft) is specified, scanning stops upon encountering that file; the tape remains positioned ahead of the file. Asterisks (*) can be specified for either fn or ft or both. SKIP lfn ItI positions the tape at a specified point and lists the identifiers of the files it skips. Skipping occurs over n tape marks, as specified by the option EOF n (the default is 1 tape mark). However, if a file identifier (fn and ft) is specified, skipping stops after encountering that file; the tape remains positioned immediately following the file. Asterisks (*) can be specified for eithr fn or ft or both. MODESET sets the values specified by the DEN, TRACK, and TRTCH options if the tape is at load point. After initial specification in a TAPE command, these values remain in effect for the virtual tape device until they are changed in a subsequent TAPE command, RDTAPE, WRTAPE, or TABECTL macros. If you do not specify a density (DEN) on the next TAPE command, or a MODESET on the next TAPE macro, the tape drive remains at the density you previously set unless a re-ipl is done. For dual density drives, the default density is the highest density of the drive. See Usage Note 7 for further considerations. Note: Before you use the MODESET option, you should rewind your tape to ensure that the tape is at loadpoint. Entering the command TAPE REW, positions the tape at load point. tapcmd n tapcmd (11 specifies a tape control function (tapcmd) to be executed n times (default is 1 if n is not specified). These functions also work on tapes in a non-CMS format. Tapcmd Action BSF BSR ERG FSF FSR REW RUN Backspace n tape marks Backspace n tape records Erase a defective section of the tape Forward-space n tape marks Forward-space n tape records Rewind tape to load point Rewind tape and unload Chapter 2. CMS Commands 611 TAPE WTM Write n tape marks DVOLI displays an 80-character VOLI label in EBCDIC on the user's terminal if such a label exists on the tape. If the first record on the tape is not a VOLI label, an error message is sent to the user. WVOLI volid {owner} writes a VOLI label on a tape. All fields are set to the same values they are set to when a VOLI label is written by the IBM-supplied IEHINITT utility program (see the publication OSjVS2 MVS Utilities for details). The volume ID is set to the 1- to 6-character volume ID specified on the command. If the user specifies owner field, it is written in the owner name and address code field of the label. It can be up to eight characters long and left-justified in the lO-byte field in the label. If not specified, the owner field is set to blanks. The WVOLI option also writes a dummy HDRI label and tape mark after the VOLI label. Note: The default option of LEAVE positions the tape at the record immediately after the VOLI label. Refer to the REWIND and LEAVE options for more information. Options If conflicting options are specified, the last one entered is in effect. WTM writes two tape marks after each file that is dumped, then backspaces over both of the tape marks so that subsequent files written on the tape are not separated by tape marks. NOWTM does not separate files with tape marks when multiple files are dumped. After the last file, two tape marks are written to indicate the end-of-tape (EOT). Subsequent files write over both tape marks. NOWTM is the default. When a single file is dumped, two tape marks are written after the file. Subsequent files write over both tape marks. BLKsize 800 BLKsize 4K Blksize 4096 BLKsize 32K BLKsize 64K specifies the size of the tape data block at which the files are to be dumped (not including a five-byte prefix). The default is BLKSIZE 4096 (or 4K). For more details on tape data block sizes, see Usage Note 1. I I The BLKSIZE 32K-and BLKSIZE 64K options conflict with options that set the mode for a 7-track tape drive, such as 7TRACK, DEN 200, DEN 556, and TRTCH. NOPRint does not spool the list of files dumped, loaded, scanned, or skipped to the printer. PRint spools the list of files dumped, loaded, scanned, or skipped to the printer. Term displays a list of files dumped, loaded, scanned, or skipped at the terminal. 612 VM/SP CMS Command Reference TAPE DISK creates a file containing the list of files dumped, loaded, scanned, or skipped. The file has the file identification of TAPE MAP A5. EOT reads the tape until an end-of-tape indication is received. EOFn EOF 1 reads the tape through a maximum of n tape marks. The default is EOF 1. TAPn vdev specifies the symbolic tape identification (T APn) or the virtual device address (vdev) of the tape to be read from or written to. The following symbolic names and virtual device addresses are supported: Symbolic Virtual Name Address Symbolic Virtual Address Name TAPO TAP 1 TAP2 TAP3 TAP4 TAP5 TAP6 TAP7 TAP8 TAP9 TAPA TAPB TAPC TAPD TAPE TAPF 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 288 289 28A 28B 28C 28D 28E 28F The default is TAPI or 181. The unit specified by vdev must previously have been attached to your CMS virtual machine before any tape I/O operation can be attempted. 7TRACK specifies a 7-track tape. Odd parity, data convert on, and translate off are assumed unless TRTCH is specified. The 7TRACK option conflicts with the BLKSIZE 32K and BLKSIZE 64K options. 9TRACK specifies a 9-track tape. 18TRACK specifies an 18-track tape. DEN den is the tape density where den is 200, 556, 800, 1600, 6250, or 38K. If 200 or 556 is specified, 7TRACK is assumed. If 1600 or 6250 is specified, 9TRACK is assumed; if 800 is specified, 9TRACK is assumed unless 7TRACK is specified. If 38K is specified, 18TRACK is assumed. In the case of either 800/1600 or 1600/6250 dual-density drives, highest density is the default if the 9TRACK option is specified. If neither the 9TRACK option nor the DEN option is specified, the drive operates at whatever BPI the tape drive was last set or the default density if none was set. The following densities are allowed for the given track sizes. 7track 200, 556, 800 9track 800, 1600, 6250 Chapter 2. CMS Commands 613 TAPE 18track 38K The DEN 200 and DEN 556 options conflict with the BLKSIZE 32K and BLKSIZE 64K options. TRTCHa is the tape recording technique for 7-track tape. If TRTCH is specified, 7TRACK is assumed. One of the following must be specified as "a": a o OC aT E ET Meaning Odd parity, data convert off, translate off Odd parity, data convert on, translate off Odd parity, data convert off, translate on Even parity, data convert off, translate off Even parity, data convert off, translate on The TRTCH options conflict with the BLKSIZE 32K and BLKSIZE 64K options. REWIND LEAVE are only valid for the DVOLI and WVOLI functions. They specify the positioning of a tape after the VaLl is processed. If REWIND is specified, the tape is rewound and positioned at load point. If LEAVE (the default) is specified, the tape is positioned at the record immediately after the VOLllabel. TRANsfer BUFF TRANsfer IMMED Specifies the tape write mode for the 3480 Magnetic Tape Subsystem. The two write modes are: • Buffered Write Mode (BUFF) • Tape Write Immediate Mode (IMMED). BUFF mode is the default In BUFF mode, data is transferred from the processor to the tape control unit, then the processor and tape control unit are disconnected from each other. The tape control unit then writes the data onto the tape and performs error checking and, if necessary, error recovery procedures. In IMMED mode, data is physically written onto tape and "read-back" checked (verified) by the microprogram in the control unit while the processor and the control unit are still connected. This mode is provided, at a severe performance degradation, for nonrestartable write operations. Usage Notes 1. There are four types of tape records written by the TAPE command. The formats are determined by the BLKSIZE option. If you use the BLKSIZE 800 option, the tape records are 805 bytes long. If the BLKSIZE option is specified as, or defaults to, 4096 (or 4K), the tape records are 4101 bytes long. The first byte in the tape header is a binary 2 (X I 02 I ) . The next three bytes contain CMS, followed by a file format byte. For a variable format file, the file format byte is V, for a fixed format file the file format byte is F, and for a fixed format sparse file, the file format byte is S. In the final record, the character N replaces the file format byte, and the data area contains CMS file directory information. A tape created at 4096-byte blocksize is not reloadable on a CMS system that does not have the multivalue 614 VM/SP eMS Command Reference TAPE BLKSIZE option on the TAPE command; however, the 800-byte BLKSIZE option provides backward compatibility to such a system. If you use the BLKSIZE 32K option, the tape records are 32,767 (32K-l) bytes long. If the BLKSIZE option is specified as 64K, the tape records are 65,535 (64K-l) bytes long. The BLKSIZE 32K and BLKSIZE 64K options optimize the performance of the tape drive. The first byte in the tape header is one of the following: X'IO' 32K tape record contains data only. X'50' This last (and possibly only) 32K tape record contains file directory information. X'20' 64K tape record contains data only. X'60' This last (and possibly only) 64K tape record contains file directory information. The next three bytes contain CMS, followed by a file format byte. For a variable format file, the file format byte is V, for a fixed format file, the file format byte is F, and for a fixed format sparse file, the file format byte is S. In the final (or only) record, the data area contains CMS file directory information and may also contain file data. The BLKSIZE 32K and BLKSIZE 64K options are not supported on 7-track tape drives. 2. If a tape file contains more CMS files than would fit on a disk, the tape load operation may terminate if there is not enough disk space to hold the files. Similarly, in the Shared File System, if the directory to which you are writing runs out of file space, the tape load operation may terminate. To prevent this, when you dump the files, separate the logical files by tape marks, then forward space to the appropriate file. 3. Because the CMS file directory is the last record of the file, the TAPE command creates a separate workfile so that backspacing and rereading can be avoided when the file is built. If the load criteria is not satisfied, the workfile is erased; if it is satisfied, the work file is renamed. This workfile is named TAPE CMSUTl, which may exist if a previous TAPE command has abnormally terminated. If the work file is accidentally dumped to tape and subsequently loaded, it appears on your disk or directory as TAPE CMSUT2. 4. The RUN option (rewind and unload) indicates completion before the physical operation is completed. Thus, a subsequent operation to the same physical device may encounter a device busy situation. 5. It is possible to run a tape off the reel in at least one situation. If you specify EOF nand n is greater than the number of tape marks on the tape, the tape will run off the reel. 6. The DVOLI and WVOLI are the only TAPE command functions that automatically process tape labels. TAPE DUMP does not automatically write labels on a tape when it writes the dump file, and TAPE LOAD does not recognize tape labels when loading a file. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 615 TAPE 7. To reset the mode of a variable-density tape drive when using an IBM standard label tape for output, rewrite the VOLI label before processing tape using the TAPE WVOLI command. This is a hardware restriction which allows changes to the tape drive mode only when the tape is at load point. If you are writing to a non-label tape, use the TAPE MODESET command to set the mode. The first write operation will cause the mode to be reset since the tape will be at loadpoint when the write takes place. If you are switching from one drive to another on the same device, message DMSTPJllOS (DMSTPJlllS) may be received because the current device does not support the density contained in the device table (DEVTABA). The TAPE command must be issued with the desired modeset to eliminate the DMSTPJllOS (DMSTPJlllS) error message. Regarding DENSITY (MODE), if the mode is omitted by the user, the mode is taken from the DEVTAB in the nucleus. If there is no mode stored in the device table, the mode is set to the highest density of the drive. 8. Do not use TAPE DVOLI for a tape that you suspect to be blank. If you do, and the tape is blank, it will run off the reel. 9. The options for the 8809 and 9347 tape drive must be 9TRACK and DEN 1600. Note that these are the default values, so you do not need to specify them. 10. For more information on tape file handling, see the VMjSP eMS User's Guide. Tapes with a density of 38K BPI and l8TRACK are used only by the 3480 Magnetic Tape Subsystem. This subsystem does not read or write current half-inch tape (such as used by the 2400 and other 3400 subsystems). Data on a 3480 cartridge must be copied onto a half-inch tape to interchange with systems that do not have a 3480 subsystem. 11. The first time that the TAPE command is issued, it is invoked from the transient area; thereafter it is invoked as a nucleus extension. 12. If you specify either TAPE or VMFPLC2 as a synonym of the other, do not use the synonym to call that function from within an exec. You may use any name other than TAPE or VMFPLC2 as a synonym of the other function. For example, from within an exec, TAPE is not a valid synonym for VMFPLC2; TAP however, would be valid. Responses DMSTPF7011 Null file A final record was encountered and no prior records were read in a TAPE LOAD operation. No file is created. If the TERM option is in effect, the following is displayed at the terminal depending on the operation specified: 616 VM/SP CMS Command Reference TAPE Loading .•• fn ft fm Skipping fn ft fm Dumping ••• fn ft fm Scanning fn ft fm When a tape mark is encountered, the following is displayed at the terminal if the TERM option is specified: End-of-file or end-of-tape Messages and Return Codes DMSFNS1144E Implicit rollback occurred for work unit workunitid [RC = 31] DMSFNS1252T Rollback unsuccessful for file pool fi/epoo/id DMSLMX264E command is not a valid command to be established as a nucleus extension by DMSLMX [RC = 24] DMSLMX514E Return code nnn from NUCXLOAD DMSTPF7011 Null file DMSTPI613E Tape must be invoked as a nucleus extension [RC = 40] DMSTPJ002E File[(s)] [fn [ft [fm]]] not found [RC=28] DMSTPJ003E Invalid option: option [RC = 24] DMSTPJOIOE Premature EOF on file [ifnft [fm]lnumber nn)] [RC=40] Invalid function function [RC == 24] DMSTPJO!4E DMSTPJ017E Invalid device address vdev [RC = 24] DMSTPJ023E No filetype specified [RC = 24] 4 DMSTPJ027E Invalid device devtype [for SYSaaa] [RC = 24] DMSTPJ029E Invalid parameter parameter in, the option option field [RC = 24] DMSTPJQ37E Filemode mode is read/only [RC = 36] DMSTPJ042E No fileid[(s)] specified [RC = 24] DMSTPJ043E Tapn(vdev) is file protected [RC = 36] DMSTPJ047E No function specified [RC = 24] DMSTPJ048E Invalid mode mode [RC = 24] DrvfSTPJ057E Invalid record format [RC = 32] DMSTPJ058E End-of-file or end-of-tape [RC = 40] DMSTPJ069E Filemode mode not accessed [RC = 36] DMSTPJ070E Invalid parameter parameter [RC = 24] DMSTPJ096E File fn ft data block count incorrect [RC = 32] DMSTPJ104S Error nn reading file fn ft fm from disk or directory [RC = 100] DMSTPJI05S Error nn writing file fn ft fm on disk or directory [RC = 100] DMSTPJI09S Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Chapter 2. CMS Commands 617 TAPE DMSTPJ110S DMSTPJ111S DMSTPJ113S DMSTPJ115S DMSTPJ115S DMSTPJ115S DMSTPJ115S DMSTPJ115S DMSTPJ115S DMSTPJ115S DMSTPJ115S DMSTPJ115S DMSTPJ115S DMSTPJ115S DMSTPJ335W DMSTPJ431E DMSTPJ671E DMSTPJ671E DMSTPJ1262S DMSTPJ1262S DMSTPJ1262S Error reading tapn(vdev) [RC = 100] Error writing tapn(vdev) [RC = 100] Tapn(vdev) not attached [RC = 100] Conversion feature not supported on device vdev [RC = 88] Dual density feature not supported on device vdev [RC = 88] Translation feature not supported on device vdev [RC = 88] 7-track feature not supported on device vdev [RC = 88] 9-track feature not supported on device vdev [RC = 88] 18-track feature not supported on device vdev [RC = 88] 800 BPI feature not supported on device vdev [RC = 88] 1600 BPI feature not supported on device vdev [RC = 88] 6250 BPI feature not supported on device vdev [RC = 88] 32K blocksize not supported on device vdev [RC = 88] 64K blocksize not supported on device vdev [RC = 88] Tapn [(vdev)] has been manually rewound and unloaded. Requested tape function may not have been executed. [RC = 4] Tapn(vdev) VOLI label missing [RC = 32] Error loading file In It 1m; rc = nn from RENAME [RC = 100] Error loading file In It 1m rc = nn from COPYFILE [RC = 100] Error nn opening file In It 1mIdirid [RC = 40] Error nn opening file In It 1mIdirid [RC = 104] Error nn closing file In It Imldirid [RC = 104] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 618 Reason Page Errors in command syntax Errors in using a file Errors in copying a file Errors in erasing a file Errors in renaming a file 811 814 70 145 491 -VM/SP CMS Command Reference TAPEMAC TAPEMAC Use the TAPEMAC command to create a CMS MACLIB from an unloaded partitioned data set (PDS) from a tape created by the IEHMOVE utility program under OS. The PDS from which the tape was created can be blocked, but the logical record length must be 80. Format TAPE MAC fn [SL [ZabeZdefid] NSL filename [ID = identifier] Options: TAPn [ TAPt 1 1 [(options ... [ ) ]] ITEMCT YYYYY [ ITEMCT 50000 1 Operands fn specifies the file name of the first, or only, CMS MACLIB to be created on the disk or directory accessed as A. If fn MACLIB already exists on the disk or directory accessed as A, the old one is erased; no warning message is issued. SL means that the tape has standard labels. The default is SL without a labeldefid. With the default specification, the standard header labels are only displayed on the user's terminal. If labeldefid is specified, the standard labels are not displayed, but are checked by the tape label checking routine. NSL means that the tape has nonstandard labels. labeldefid identifies the LABELDEF command that supplies descriptive label information for the file to be processed. The labeldefid given here must match the 1- to 8-character identifier specified as the file name on the LABELDEF command that was previously issued. filename is the CMS file name of a routine to process nonstandard labels. The file type must be TEXT or MODULE. If both TEXT and MODULE files exist, the MODULE file is used. MODULE files that are used for NSL routines with the T APEMAC command must be created so that they start at an address above X'21000'. This prevents the NSL modules from overlaying the command. See the section "Tape Labels in CMS" in the VM/SP eMS User's Guide for details on how to write routines to process nonstandard labels. ID = identifier specifies a 1- to 8-character identifier to be passed to a user-written NSL routine. You may use the identifier in any way you want to identify the file being processed. The identifier is passed to the user routine exactly as specified in the ID operand. If an identifier is not specified, blanks are passed. See the section Chapter 2. CMS Commands 619 TAPEMAC "Tape Labels in CMS" in the VMjSP eMS User's Guide for details on communicating with routines that process nonstandard labels. Options TAPn specifies the symbolic name of the tape. The following names are supported and represent these virtual units: Symbolic Virtual Name Address Symbolic Virtual Name Address TAPO TAPI TAP2 TAP3 TAP4 TAP5 TAP6 TAP7 TAP8 TAP9 TAPA TAPB TAPC TAPD TAPE TAPF 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 288 289 28A 28B 28C 28D 28E 28F The default is TAPI. ITEMCT yyyyy specifies the item count threshold of each MACLIB to be created, which is the maximum number of records to be written into each file. Commas are not allowed. If ITEMCT is not specified, the default is 50000. Usage Notes 1. Tape records are read and placed into fn MACLIB until the file size exceeds the ITEMCT (item count); loading then continues until the end of the current member is reached. Then another CMS file is created; its file name consists of the number 2 appended to the end of the file name specified (fn) if the file name is seven characters or less. The appended number overlays the last character of the file name if the name is eight characters long. Loading then continues with this new name. For example, if you enter the command: tapemac mylib you may create files named MYLIB MACLIB, MYLIB2 MACLIB, MYLIB3 MACLIB, and so on. This process continues until up to nine CMS files have been created. If more data exists on the tape than can fit in nine CMS files, processing is terminated with the error message DMSTMAI39S. A maclib created by the TAPEMAC command may contain a maximum of 256 MACLIB directory entries. 2. Only header labels of the first file encountered are displayed or checked if SL or SL labdefid is specified. Trailer labels are not processed or displayed; they are skipped. 3. The following examples illustrate the different ways tape labels are processed by T APEMAC. The command tapemac mac6 sl displays any standard VOLI or HDRI labels on a tape before loading maclib MAC6. It does not stop before loading the MACLIB. If you specify 620 VM/SP CMS Command Reference TAPEMAC 1abe1def tap1ab fid macfile crdte 77106 tapemac mac8 sl tap1ab CMS checks the HDRI label on the tape before loading MAC8. It uses the information you supplied in the LABELDEF command TAPLAB to check the label. If there are discrepancies between fields you specified in the LABELDEF command and in the actual tape label, the MACLIB is not loaded. If you specify tapemac maclO ns1 ns13 CMS uses your own routine NSL3 to process tape labels before loading MACI0. Responses The T APEMAC command displays the message: LOADING fn MACLIB for each macro library created. Messages and Return Codes DMSFNS1144E DMSFNS1252T DMSTMAOOIE DMSTMA003E DMSTMA027E DMSTMA057E DMSTMA069E DMSTMA070E DMSTMAI05S DMSTMAI09S DMSTMAI10S DMSTMA138S DMSTMA139S DMSTMA335W DMSTMA420E Implicit rollback occurred for work unit workunitid [RC = 31] Rollback unsuccessful for file pool Jilepoolid No filename specified [RC = 24] Invalid option: option [RC = 24] Invalid device devtype [for SYSaaa] [RC = 24] Invalid record format [RC = 32] Filemode mode not accessed [RC = 36] Invalid parameter parameter [RC = 24] Error nn writing file fn ft fm on disk or directory [RC = 100] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Error reading tapn(vdev) [RC = 100] Error nn erasingfnft before loading tape [RC= 100] Tape file exceeds 9 CMS MACLIBs [RC= 104] Tapn [(vdev)] has been manually rewound and unloaded. Requested tape function may not have been executed. [RC = 4] NSL exit filename missing or invalid [RC = 24] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in the Shared File System Errors in using a file 813 814 Chapter 2. CMS Commands 621 TAPPDS TAPPDS ( Use the TAPPDS command to create CMS files from tapes that are used as input to or output from the following OS utility programs: • IEBPTPCH -- tape files must be the result of an IEBPTPCH punch operation from either a sequential or partitioned data set in os. The default attributes (IEBPTPCH DCB) must have been issued: DCB=(RECFM=FA,LRECL=81,BLKSIZE=81) • IEBUPDTE -- tape files may be blocked or unblocked and must be in the format accepted by IEBUPDTE as "control data set" (SYSIN) input with a control statement .j ADD •.. preceding the records to be placed in each partitioned data set member (OS) or separate CMS file (CMS)). • IEHMOVE -- unloaded partitioned data sets are read. The tape can contain OS standard labels or be unlabeled. Format TAPPDS [f~ [f! [Afi*mI]] ] Options: [.sL. [labe ldefid] ] NSL filename [ID = identifier] £DS NOPDS [UPDATE 1 [COLI ] [TApn] NOCOLI TAPI [( options ... [) ] ] END ] [ NQEND MAXTEN ] [ NOMAXTEN Operands in is the file name of the file to be created from the sequential tape file. If the tape contains members of a partitioned data set (PDS), fn must be specified as an asterisk (*); one file is created for each member with a file name the same as the member name. If NOPDS or UPDATE is specified and you do not specify fn or specify it as an asterisk (*), the default file name is T APPDS. it is the file type of the newly created files. The default file types are CMSUTI (for PDS or NOPDS) and ASSEMBLE (for UPDATE). The defaults are used if ft is omitted or specified as *. im is the file mode of the disk or directory to contain the new files. If this field is omitted or specified as an asterisk (*), Al is assumed. 622 VM/SP CMS Command Reference TAPPDS means that the tape has standard labels. The default is SL without a labeldefid. With the default specification, the standard labels are displayed at the user's terminal. If labeldefid is specified, the standard labels are not displayed, but are checked by the tape label checking routine. NSL means that the tape has nonstandard labels. labeldefid identifies the LABELDEF command, which supplies descriptive label information for the file to be processed. The labeldefid given here must match the 1- to 8-character specified as the file name on the LABELDEF command that was previously issued. filename is the CMS file name of a routine to process nonstandard labels. The file type must be TEXT or MODULE. If both TEXT and MODULE files exist, the MODULE file is used. MODULE files that are used for NSL routines with the T APPDS command must be created so that they start at an address above X'21000'. This prevents the MODULE files from overlaying the command. See the section "Tape Labels in CMS" in the VMjSP CMS User's Guide for details on writing routines to process nonstandard labels. ID = identifier specifies a 1- to 8-character identifier to a user-written NSL routine. You may use the identifier in any way you want to identify the file being processed. The identifier is passed to the user routine exactly as specified in the operand. If an identifier is not specified, blanks are passed. See the section "Tape Labels in CMS" in the VMjSP CMS User's Guide for details on communication with routines that process nonstandard labels. Note: If either SL or NSL is specified for tape label processing, the fn, ft, and fm operands must all be specified. They may be specified by asterisks (*) if you want default values; however, none of the three operands may be omitted. Options If conflicting options are specified, the last one entered is the one that is used. All options, except T APn, are ignored when unloaded (IEHMOVE) PDS tapes are read. PDS indicates that the tape contains members of an OS partitioned data set, each preceded by a MEMBER NAME = name statement. The tape must have been created by the OS IEBPTPCH service program if this option is specified. NOPDS indicates that the contents of the tape will be placed in one CMS file. UPDATE indicates that the tape file is in IEBUPDTE control file format. The file name of each file is taken from the NAME = parameter in the".j ADD" record that precedes each member. (See Usage Note 2.) COLt reads data from columns 1-80. You should specify this option when you use the UPDATE option. NOCOLt reads data from columns 2-81; column 1 contains control character information. This is the format produced by the OS IEBPTPCH service program. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 623 TAPPDS TAPn specifies the symbolic name of the tape device. The following names are supported and represent these virtual units: Symbolic Virtual Name Address Symbolic Virtual Name Address TAPO TAPI TAP2 TAP3 TAP4 TAPS TAP6 TAP7 TAP8 TAP9 TAPA TAPB TAPC TAPD TAPE TAPF 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 288 289 28A 28B 28C 28D 28E 28F If not specified, TAP 1 is assumed. END considers an END statement (characters 'END' in columns 2-5) a delimiter for the current member. NOEND specifies that END statements are not to be treated as member delimiters, but are to be processed as text. MAXTEN reads up to ten members. This is valid only if the PDS option is selected. NOMAXTEN reads any number of members. Usage Notes 1. You can use the TAPE command to position a tape at a particular tape file before reading it with the T APPDS command. If the tape has as standard labels, TAPDDS will read and display the "VaLl" and "HDR" records at the terminal. If the file you want to process is not at the beginning of the tape, the TAPE command must be used to position the tape at a particular tape file before reading it with the TAPPDS command. Be aware that each file on an OS standard label tape is actually three physical files (HDR, DATA, TRAILER). If positioning to other than the first file, the user must skip more physical tape files (3n-3 if positioning to the header labels, 3n-2 if positioning to the data file, where n is the number of the file on the tape). 2. If you use the UPDATE option, you must also specify the COLI option. Each tape record is scanned for a ".J ADD" record beginning in column 1. When a ".J ADD" record is found, subsequent records are read onto disk (or directory) until the next ".J ADD" record is encountered or until a ".J ENDUP" record is encountered. A ".J ENDUP" record or a tape mark ends the TAPPDS command execution; the tape is not repositioned. . ".J label" records are not recognized by CMS and are included in the file as data records. If the NAME = parameter is missing on the ".J ADD" record or if it is followed by a blank, T APPDS uses the default file name, T APPDS, for the CMS file. If 624 VMjSP CMS Command Reference TAPPDS this happens more than once during the execution of the command, only the last unnamed member is contained in the T APPDS file. 3. If you are reading a macro library from a tape created by the IEHMOVE utility, you can create a CMS MACLIB file directly by using the T APEMAC command. 4. Only header labels of the first file encountered are displayed or checked if SL or SL labeldefid is specified. Trailer labels are not processed or displayed; they are skipped. When more than one file is processed by one issuance of the T APPDS command, only the first file has its standard labels processed. Standard labels are skipped on succeeding files. 5. The following examples illustrate different ways in which tape labels are processed by T APPDS. If you specify: tappds fileg cmsutl * sl then, before loading the PDS into fileg, CMS displays a VOLI and HDRI label if it exists on the tape. It does not stop before the PDS is loaded; therefore, you cannot use the tape label to suppress loading if the wrong tape has been mounted. If you specify: labeldef labe12 fid pdsl volid xyz tappds fileh cmsutl * sl 1abe12 CMS uses the label information specified to check the label on the tape before loading your PDS. If there are discrepancies, the PDS is not loaded. If you specify tappds filej * * ns1 nonstd CMS uses your own routine called NONSTD to process tape labels before loading the PDS. Responses DMSTPD7031 File jn jt [fm] copied The named file is copied to a disk or directory. DMSTPD7071 Ten files copied The MAXTEN option was specified and ten members have been copied. Note: If the tape being read contains standard OS labels, the labels are displayed at the terminal. Messages and Return Codes DMSTPD003E DMSTPD027E DMSTPD058E DMSTPDI05S DMSTPDI09S DMSTPDII0S DMSTPD335W DMSTPD420E Invalid option: option [RC = 24] Invalid device devtype [for SYSaaa] [RC = 24] End-of-file or end-of-tape [RC = 40] Error nn writing file In It 1m on disk or directory [RC = 100] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Error reading tapn(vdev) [RC = 100] Tapn [(vdev)] has been manually rewound and unloaded. Requested tape function may not have been executed. [RC = 4] NSL exit filename missing or invalid [RC = 24] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Chapter 2. CMS Commands 625 TAPPDS 626 Reason Page Errors in the Shared File System Errors in using a file 813 814 VM/SP CMS Command Reference TELL TELL Use the TELL command to send a message to one or more computer users on your computer or on other computers that are connected to yours via the Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS) network. These users must be logged on to receive your message. TELL is one of several commands that references a "userid NAMES" file. By setting up a names file, you can identify recipients just by using nicknames, which are automatically converted into node and user ID. For information on creating a NAMES file, see the NAMES command. Format TELL name message Operands name is the "name" of the computer user to whom the message is to be sent. If the same recipient is specified more than once, he receives only one message. The "name" may take any of the following forms: • A "nickname" that can be found in the file "userid NAMES," where "userid" is your user ID. This nickname may represent a single person (on your computer or on another computer), or a list of people. If the nickname represents a list, the message is sent to everyone on the list. • A user ID of a user on your computer. If a name cannot be found in the "userid NAMES" file, it is assumed to be a user ID of someone on your computer. • "userid AT node" which identifies a user ("userid") on your computer or another computer ("node"). The "userid NAMES" file is not examined in this case. You cannot send messages to a user ID named "AT" or "CC:." message is the text of the message that is sent. Usage Notes 1. If the first word of your message is "at," you must use the third form of "name" (shown above). 2. If the person to whom you are sending the message either is not logged on or is not accepting messages (by issuing CP SET MSG OFF), he will not receive the message. 3. The TELL command uses the CP MESSAGE command to send messages to users logged on to your computer. If you would like to send messages using a different CP command (specifically, MSGNOH, SMSG, or WNG) and you are an authorized user, you change the command that TELL uses with the DEFAULTS command. See the description of the DEFAULTS command in this publication. See the description of the MSGNOH, SMSG, and WARNING commands in the VMjSP CP General User Command Reference. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 627 TELL 4. The TELL command uses the CP SMSG command to send messages, via RSCS, to users logged on to other computers (nodes). A warning message may occur if the SMSG command created by TELL is too long to be handled by RSCS. In this case, shorten the message text or split it into shorter messages, and then reissue the TELL command. 5. If you want to issue TELL from an exec program, you should precede it with the EXEC command; that is, specify exec tell Messages and Return Codes DMSWTL399E Too many tags or tag too long for nickname in use rid NAMES file [RC=88] DMSWTL499E User not authorized to issue command command [RC=40] DMSWTL647E Userid not specified for nickname in userid NAMES file [RC = 32] ~"'IC"'''IT-rT CAO"" .IJ.1V.I..,n .I. ..... V .... OL TT ___.!.J ____ .. _ ___ u;:)~.1.1U L 1:' _____ .1 _____________ nUffn; UVl. .1VUUU, DMSWTL676E Invalid character uv L __ L ____ lU~;:);:)i:1!5~ Ui:1l)·U~~U ____ L rTl,-, __ .... "', l)~Ul. L~V-.J""J * for Network ID [RC = 20] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 628 Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 VM/SP CMS Command Reference TXT LIB TXTLIB Use the TXTLIB command to update eMS text libraries. Format TXTlib GEN libname fnl (jn2... ] [(optionA [) ] ] ADD libname fnl [fn2... ] [(optionA [) ]] DEL lib name membernamel [ membername2... ] MAP libname [(optionB [ ) ] ] OptionA: [FILename] OptionB: [TERM ] DISK PRINT Operands GEN creates a TXTLIB on your disk or directory accessed as A. If a TXTLIB with the same name already exists, it is replaced. ADD adds TEXT files to the end of an existing TXTLIB on a read/write disk or directory. No checking is done for duplicate names, entry points, or CSECTs. DEL deletes members from a TXTLIB on a read/write disk or directory and compresses the TXTLIB to remove unused space. If more than one member exists with the same name, only the first entry is deleted. MAP lists the names (entry points) of TXTLIB members, their locations in the library, and the number of entries. libname specifies the file name of a file with a file type of TXTLIB, which is to be created or listed or from which members are to be deleted or added. fn1 [fn2 ... } specifies the name(s) of file(s) with file type(s) of TEXT, that you want to add to a TXTLIB. membername 1 [membername2 ... } specifies the name(s) of TXTLIB member(s) that you want to delete. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 629 TXTLIB Option A FILename indicates that all the file names specified will be used as the member names for their respective entries in the TXTLIB file instead of the first CSECT in the file's text deck. Option B TERM displays information about the TXTLIB on your terminal. DISK writes a CMS file, named "libname MAP A5," that contains a list of TXTLIB members. If a file of that name already exists, the old file is erased. The DISK option is the default. PRINT spoois a copy of the TXTLIH map to the virtuai printer. I ( \ Usage Notes 1. The FILENAME option overrides any name card in a text file. The name card functions as before, but the specified file name becomes the member name in the TXTLIB. The name card is the only entry within that member name of the TXTLIB. If a name card is not found in the text file and you specify the FILENAME option, the file's name is the member name. The first CSECT in the text file is the first entry point (the remaining entry points in the text file follow) within that member. 2. The FILENAME option sets the member name to the file name and makes the first CSECT the first entry point. Therefore, any text file that has 255 entry points will exceed this limit by one if you select the FILENAME option. In other words, if you select the FILENAME option, the maximum number of entry points a file may contain is 254. 3. When a TEXT file is added to a library, its member name is taken from the first CSECT name, or, if a NAME card exists, from the NAME statement in the TEXT file. All other entry points in the TEXT file become entries within this member unless there is a NAME card. In this case, the only entry created is the member name. For example, a TEXT file with a file name of TESTPROG that contains CSECTs named CHECK and RECHECK, when added to a TXTLIB, creates a member named CHECK and an entry point named RECHECK within this member. If it contained a NAME statement at the end of the text deck, that name would be the only entry created for that text in the TXTLIB. Deletions and LOAD and INCLUDE command references must be made on the member name. 4. If you create an alias for a TXTLIB, using the CREATE ALIAS command, the alias must have a file type of TXTLIB. 5. Members must be deleted by their initial entry in the dictionary (that is, their "name" or the first ID name). Any attempt to delete a specific alias or entry point within a member will result in a "Not found" message. 6. If you want your TXTLIBs to be searched for missing subroutines during CMS loader processing; you must identify the TXTLIB on a GLOBAL command; for example: global txtlib newlib 630 VM/SP CMS Command Reference TXTLIB 7. You may add OS linkage editor control statements NAME, ALIAS, ENTRY, and SETSSI to a TEXT file before adding it to a TXTLIB. There must be a blank in column 1 and the ALIAS, NAME, and ENTRY statements must follow the END statement. The ALIAS statement must precede the NAME statement. The specified ENTRY point must be located within the CSECT. 8. TXTLIB members are not fully link-edited, and may return erroneous entry points during dynamic loading. 9. The total number of members in the TXTLIB file cannot exceed 2000. When this number is reached, an error message is displayed. The total number of entry points in a member cannot exceed 255. When this number is reached, an error message is displayed and the next text file (if there is one) is processed. The text library created includes all the text files entered up to (but not including) the one that caused the overflow. 10. The PRINT and TERM options erase the old MAP file, if one exists. 11. A return code of 4 indicates that an error occurred that did not terminate processing. Check the messages to determine the error. If the library is on a minidisk and the regeneration of the library or deleting from the library results in a library with no members, the library is erased. If the empty library is on an SFS directory, the library is maintained with a header record indicating that the library has no members. The empty library is maintained to preserve any file sharing authorities specified for them. The use of these empty libraries by other CMS commands, OS simulation macros, and other applications may produce unpredictable results. Responses When the TXTLIB MAP command is issued with the TERM option, the contents of the directory of the specified text library are displayed at the terminal. The number of entries in the text library (xxx) is also displayed. Note: Alias names follow the main member and they do not have a location field. ENTRY INDEX name location xxx ENTRIES IN LIBRARY Messages and Return Codes DMSERD257T DMSFNS1144E DMSFNS1252T DMSLBTOOIE DMSLBT002W DMSLBT003E DMSLBT013E DMSLBT037E DMSLBT056E DMSLBT069E DMSLBTI04S DMSLBTI05S Internal system error at address addr (offset offset) Implicit rollback occurred for work unit workunitid [RC = 31] Rollback unsuccessful for file pool Jilepoolid No {fileICSECT} name specified [RC = 24] FileJnJt IJm] not found [RC=4 or 28] Invalid option: option [RC = 24] Member membername not found in file In ft fm [RC = 32] Filemode mode[(vdev)] is accessed as read/only [RC = 36] File In Jt IJm] contains invalid [namelaliaslentryIESD] record formats [RC = 32] Filemode mode not accessed [RC = 36] Error nn reading file fn Jt Jm from disk or directory [RC = 311551701761991100] Error nn writing file fn Jt Jm on disk or directory [RC = 311551701761991100] Chapter 2. CMS Commands 631 TXTLIB DMSLBT106S DMSLBT213W DMSLBT213W DMSLBT213W Number of member names exceeds maximum of 2000; file In TEXT not added [RC = 88] Libraryfn TXTLIB not created [RC=4] Library In TXTLIB not created, or erased if empty [RC=4] Library In TXTLIB has no members [RC=4] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Errors Errors Errors Errors Errors Errors 632 Page in in in in in in command syntax the Shared 'File System using a file copying a file erasing a file renaming a file VM/SP CMS Command Reference 811 813 814 70 145 491 ( TYPE TYPE Use the TYPE command to display all or part of a CMS file at the terminal in either EBCDIC or the hexadecimal representation of the EBCDIC code. Format Type in it ~ml [(options ... h] ] options: Operands fn is the file name of the file to be displayed. ft is the file type of the file to be displayed. fm is the file mode of the file to be displayed. If this field is omitted, the disk or directory accessed as A and its extensions are searched to locate the file. If fm is specified as an asterisk (*), all disks and directories are searched, and the first file found is displayed. reel is the record number of the first record to be displayed. This field cannot contain special characters. If recl is greater than the number of records in the file, an error message is displayed. If this field is omitted or entered as an asterisk (*), a record number of 1 is assumed. reen is the record number of the last record to be displayed. This value cannot contain embedded commas. If this field is not specified, is entered as an asterisk (*), or is greater than the number of records in the file, displaying continues until end of file is reached. Options COL xxxxx-yyyyy displays only certain columns of each record. Column xxxxx specifies the start column and yyyyy the end column of the field within the record that is to be displayed. The string xxxxx-yyyyy may have a maximum of eight characters; additional characters are truncated. If columns are not specified, the entire record is displayed unless the file type is LISTING, in which case the first position of each record is not displayed, since it is assumed to be a carriage control character. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 633 TYPE HEX displays the file in hexadecimal format. MEMber * MEMber name displays member(s) of a library. If the format of the file is MACLIB or TXTLIB, a MEMBER entry can be specified. If an asterisk (*) is specified, all members of the library are displayed. If a name is specified, only that particular member is displayed. The MEMBER option should only be used with MAC LIB or TXTLIB format files. With other format files, results may be unpredictable. Usage Notes 1. If the HEX option is specified, each record can be displayed in its entirety; if not, no more than 130 characters of each record can be displayed. 2. The length of each output line is limited to 130 characters or the current t~illJill(illill~siL~ (as siJ~cifl~.i by th~ CP TERivHNAL ~ulwllC1mj), whidlt:v~r smaller. i~ 3. If the MEMBER option is specified more than once, only the last member specified will be typed. However, if one MEMBER option is coded with an asterisk (*), and another MEMBER option is specified with a member name, only the member specified by member name will be typed, regardless of their order on the command line. F or example, if you code: TyrE n~E MACLIB (MEMBER EXAMPLEl MEMBER EXAMPLE2 only EXAMPLE2 will be typed. If you code: {Y?E ONE MACLIB (MEMBER EXAMPLEl MEMBER * only EXAMPLEI will be typed. Responses The file is displayed at the terminal according to the given specifications. When you use the HEX option, each record is preceded by a header record: RECORD nnnnnnnnnn LENGTH=nnnnnnnnnn Messages and Return Codes DMSOPN002E DMSTYP003E DMSTYP005E DMSTYP009E DMSTYP013E DMSTYP029E DMSTYP033E DMSTYP039E DMSTYP049E DMSTYP054E DMSTYP062E DMSTYP069E DMSTYPI04S File [fn [ft [fm]]] not found [RC = 28] Invalid option: option [RC = 24] No option specified [RC = 24] Column col exceeds record length [RC = 24] Member membername not found in library [RC = 32] Invalid parameter parameter in the option option field [RC = 24] File fn ft fm is not a library [RC = 32] No entries in library fn ft fm [RC = 32] Invalid line number nn [RC = 24] Incomplete fileid specified [RC = 24] Invalid * in fileid [RC = 20] Filemode mode not accessed [RC = 36] Error nn reading file fn ft fm from disk or directory [RC = 100] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 634 VM/SP CMS Command Reference TYPE Reason Page Errors in command syntax Errors in the Shared File System 811 813 Chapter 2. CMS Commands 635 UPDATE UPDATE Use the UPDATE command to modify program source files. The UPDATE command accepts a source input file, and one or more files containing UPDATE control statements, updated source records, and requisite.information; then it creates an updated source output file, an update log file indicating what changes, if any, were made, and an update record file if more than a single update file is applied to the input file. Format Update In1 [ ftl ASSEMBLE [fml [fn2 [ft2 Al [fm2 ]]]]] [( options ... [ ) ] ] Options: ] [INC ] [CTL [REP ] [SEQ8 ] NOREP NOINC NOSEQ8 NOCTL [OUTMODE 1m] ] [DISK] [STOR 1 [STK 1 [TERM NOSTK NOTERM PRINT NOSTOR ~. Operands fnl ftl fml is the file identifier of the source input file. The file must consist of fixed-format records with sequence fields in the last eight columns (or the last five columns). If you do not specify file type or file mode, a default of ASSEMBLE Al is assumed. fn2 ft2 fm2 is the file identifier of the update file. If you specify the NOCTL option, the file must be a control file that lists the update files you wish to apply. The default file identifier is fnl CNTRL AI. This file can also contain requisite information (PREREQ, CO-REQ, and IF-REQ comments) for applying the updates. The default file identifier is fnl UPDATE AI. If the CTL option is specified, this file must be a control file that lists the update files to be applied; the default file identifier isfnl CNTRL AI. Options REP creates an output source file with the same file name as the input source file. If the output file is placed on the same disk or directory as the input file, the input file is erased. NOREP retains the old file in its original form, and assigns a different file name to the new file, consisting of a dollar sign ($) plus the first seven characters of the input file name ifnI). 636 VM/SP CMS Command Reference UPDATE SE08 specifies that the entire sequence field (the last eight columns of the file) contains an eight-digit sequence number on every record of source input. NOSEQ8 specifies that the last eight columns of the file contain a a three-character label field, followed by a five-digit sequence number. Note: The CMS editor, by default, sequences source files with five-digit sequence numbers. INC increments sequence numbers in the last eight columns in each record inserted into the updated output file, according to specifications in UPDATE control statements. NOINC puts asterisks (********) in the sequence number field of each updated record inserted from the update file. CTL specifies that fn2 ft2 fm2 describes an update control file for applying multiple update files to the source input file. Note: The CTL option implies the INC option. NOCTL specifies that a single update file is to be applied to the source input file. OUTMODEfm specifies that the files created by the UPDATE command will be written onto the disk or directory accessed as fm. You must access the disk or directory as a read/write, otherwise the UPDATE command stops processing. If you do not specify a file mode number when you specify fm, the file mode number defaults to 1. If you do not specify OUTMODE, then the files are put onto the disk or directory as outlined in a following section, File Mode of Output Files. STK stacks information from the control file in the CMS console stack. STK is valid only if you specify the CTL option, and is valid only when you issue the UPDATE command from an EXEC procedure. NOSTK does not stack control file information in the console stack. TERM displays warning messages at the terminal whenever UPDATE finds a sequence or update control card error. (Such warning messages appear in the update log, whether UPDATE displays them at the terminal or not.) NOTERM suppresses the display of warning messages at the terminal. However, error messages that stop the entire update procedure are displayed at the terminal. DISK places the update log file on a disk or directory. This file has a file identifier fn UPDLOG, where fn is the file name of the file being updated. PRINT prints the update log file directly on the virtual printer. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 637 UPDATE STOR specifies that the source input file is to be read into storage and the updates performed in storage prior to placing the updated source file on a disk or directory. This option is meaningful only for use with the CTL option, since the benefit of increased processing speed is realized when processing multiple updates. STOR is the default when you specify CTL. ( ~ NOSTOR specifies that no updating is to take place in storage. NOSTOR is the default when you apply single updates (i.e., you do not specify CTL on the command line). Update Control Statements: The UPDATE control statements let you insert, delete, and replace source records, as well as resequence the output file. All references to the sequence field of an input record refer to the numeric data in the la.~t dght ~VlUlllll:S vi ih~ :soun;~ record, or ine iasI five coiumns if NOSEQ8 is specified. Leading zeros in sequence fields are not required. If no sequence numbers exist in an input file, a preliminary UPDATE with only the'./ S' control statement can be used to establish file sequencing. UPDATE checks the sequence numbers while applying updates. An error condition results if any sequence errors occur in the update control statements, and warnings are issued if an error is detected in the sequencing of the input file. UPDATE skips any source input records with a sequence field of eight blanks without any indication of a sequence error. UPDATE replaces or deletes such records only if they occur within a range of records that are being replaced or deleted entirely, and if that range has limits with valid sequence numbers. There is no means provided for specifying a sequence field of blanks on an UPDATE control statement. Control Statement Formats: All UPDATE control statements are identified by the characters '.f' in columns 1 and 2 of the record, followed by one or more blanks and additional, blank-delimited fields. Control statement data must not extend beyond column 50. SEQUENCE Control Statement: Numbers or renumbers the records in a file. Sequence numbers are written in the last eight columns (if you specify SEQ8), or in the last five columns with the label placed in the three preceding columns (if you do not specify NOSEQ8). The format of the SEQUENCE control statement is: ./ S Iseqstrt Iseqincr IlabelllJ where: seqstrt is a one- to eight-digit numeric field specifying the first decimal sequence number to be used. The default value is 1000 if SEQ8 is specified and 10 if NOSEQ8 is specified. 638 VM/SP CMS Command Reference i, UPDATE seqincr is a one- to eight-digit numeric field specifying the decimal increment for resequencing the output file. The default is the "seqstrt" value. label is a three-character field to be duplicated in the first three of the last eight columns of each source record if NOSEQ8 is specified. The default value is the first three characters of the input file name ifni). If you use the SEQUENCE statement, it must be the first statement in the update file. If any valid control statement precedes it, the resequence operation is suppressed. When the sequence control statement is the first statement processed, the sequence numbers in the source file are checked and warning message DMSUPD210W is issued for any errors. If the sequence control statement is processed after updates have been applied, no warning messages will be issued. Each source record is resequenced in the last eight columns as it is written onto the output file, including unchanged records from the source file and records inserted from the update file. INSERT Control Statement: Precedes new records that you may want to add to a source file. The format of the INSERT control statement is: ./ I seqno ($ [seqstrt (seqincrlJ) where: seqno is the sequence number of the record in the source input file where you want to add new records. $ is an optional delimiter indicating to sequence the inserted records by increments. seqstrt is a one- to eight-digit numeric field specifying the first decimal increment for sequencing the inserted records. seqincr is a one- to eight-digit numeric field specifying the decimal increment for sequencing the inserted records. The INSERT statement tells UPDATE where to add the new records. For example, the lines: .j I 1600 TEST2 TM BNO HOLIDAY ,X 1021 VACATION HOLIDAY NOPE ••• VACATION insert two lines of code, following the satement numbered 1600, into the output file. The inserted lines are flagged with asterisks in the last eight columns (if you specify NOCINC). If you specify either the INC or CTL option, UPDATE inserts the Chapter 2. CMS Commands 639 UPDATE records unchanged in the ouput file, or they are sequenced according to the seqstrt fields, if you specify the dollar sign ($) key. The default sequence increment, if you include the dollar sign, is determined by using one tenth of the least significant, nonzero digit in the seqno field, with a maximum of 100. The default seqstrt is computed as seqno plus the default seqincr. For example, the control statement: ./ I 2600 $ 2610 causes the inserted records to be sequenced XXX02610, XXX02620, and so forth (NOSEQ8 is assumed here). For the control statement: ./ I 240000 $ the defaulted seqincr is the maximum, 100, and the starting sequence number is 240100. UPDATE assumes SEQ8, so it sequences the inserted records, 00240100, ()O?.d.O,)OO !:InA er. ___ . ___ ..... , ............. _ ""'_ _.a." ....... If you specify either INC or CTL, not the dollar sign, whatever sequence number appears on the inserted records in the update file is included in the output file. DELETE Control Statement: Deletes one or more records from the source file. The format of the DELETE control statement is: I ./ D seqnol Iseqno2) 1$) where: seqnoJ is the sequence number identifying the first or only record to be deleted. seqno2 is the sequence number of the last record to be deleted. $ is an optional delimiter indicating the end of the control fields. All records of the input file, beginning at seqnoJ, up to and including the seqno2 record, are deleted from the output file. If you do not specify seqno2, then UPDATE deletes only a single record. REPLACE Control Statement: Replaces one or more input records with updated records from the update file. It precedes any new records you may want to add. It is a combination of the DELETE and INSERT statements. The format of the REPLACE control statement is: ./ R seqnoJ [seqno2) [$ (seqstrt (seqincr))) where: seqnoJ is the sequence number of the first input record to be replaced. 640 VMjSP CMS Command Reference UPDATE seqno2 is the sequence number of the last record to be replaced. $ is an optional delimiter key indicating that the substituted records are to be seq uenced incrementally. seqstrt is a one- to eight-digit numeric field specifying the first decimal number to be used for sequencing the substituted records. seqincr is a one- to eight-digit numeric field specifying the decimal increment for sequencing the substituted records. F or example, the lines: .f R 38000 38500 PLIST DS DC DC DC DC DC OD CL8X ' TYPE ' CL8X I I CL8X ' FILE ' CL8X ' All 8XX ' FF ' replace the existing statements numbered 38000 through 38500 with the new lines of code. As with the INSERT statement, UPDATE does not automatically resequence new lines. In addition, the dollar sign ($), seqstrt, and seqincr processing is identical to that for the INSERT statement. Lets you place comments in the update log file. Note that the COMMENT statement is treated as a control statement when it appears within a sequence of records to be applied in an update. COMMENT Statement: The format of the COMMENT statement is: ./ * (comment) where: * indicates that this is a comment statement. PREREQ, CO-REQ, and IF-REQ comments identify requisite updates. PREREQs and CO-REQs describe dependencies in the same product. IF-REQs describe dependencies in other products. All comments are copied into the update log file. PREREQ, CO-REQ, and IF-REQ comments are also copied into thefn UPDATES file. Summary of Files Used by the UPDATE Command: The following discussion shows input and output files used by the UPDATE command for a: • Single update • Multiple updates • Multiple updates with an auxiliary control file File Mode of Output Files: The following is a list of steps that determines the disk or directory selection for placing the output files (the search stops as soon as one of these steps is successful): Chapter 2. CMS Commands 641 UPDATE 1. If you specify the OUTMODE option, then UPDATE places the output files on the disk or directory specified; if it accessed as read/write. If the disk or directory you specify is accessed as a read/only extension, then the following message is displayed: DMSUPD037E Filemode mode [(vdev)] is accessed as read/only 2. If the disk or directory on which the original source file resides is read/write, then UPDATE places the output files on that disk or directory. 3. If the disk or directory on which the original source file resides is a read-only extension of a read/write disk or directory, then UPDATE places the output files on that particular read/write 'disk or directory. 4. If neither of the last two steps is successful, then UPDATE places the output files on the disk or directory accessed as A. :: S~~;:~ ~~~ii:~: LCt'5 5ay that yuu have \';1"Cal.CU an upuaie fiie, in UPDATE, and you want to apply it to the source file fn ASSEMBLE. You can do this by issuing the following command: A;:;:!~d~; update fn UPDATE makes the changes to the source file that you indicate in the update file and creates an updated version of the source file, but with a different file name. By default, the updated version of the file is called $fn ASSEMBLE. UPDATE also creates a file,fn UPDLOG, which is a record of the updates applied. For the above example, if you do not want this update log file written on a disk or directory, specify the PRINT option. You can override the default file types and file modes of the output files on the command line. F or example, Note: update testprog cobol b fix cobol b (rep results in updating the source file TESTPROG COBOL B, with control statements contained in the update file FIX COBOL B. The output file replaces the existing TESTPROG COBOL B. Using UPDATE with a Control File: If you have more than one update file that you want to apply to the, same source file, you can apply them using a series of single updates, or you can use the UPDATE command specifying a control file. A control file lists the file type of the update files that you want to apply to a source file. The control itself does not contain the actual UPDATE control statements. Let's say you have two update files,fn UPDTABC andfn UDPTXYZ, and that they contain UPDATE control sa tements 'and new' source records. These two update files must have file names that are the same as the source input file. The first four characters of the file type must be UPDT~ The UPDATE command searches all accessed disks and directories to locate the update files. You can use one UPDATE command to apply these updates to one file at the same time. You do this by specifying a control file. A control file ifn CNTRL) lists the file types of the files that contain UPDATE control satements. As an example, let's use the following sample control file: *THIS IS A SAMPLE CNTRL FILE TEXT MACS CMSLIB TWO UPDTABC ONE UPDTXYZ 642 VM/SP CMS Command Reference UPDATE • TEXT, TWO, and ONE are the characters in the first column of each line of the control file called update level identifiers. Each update level identifier can be from one to five characters long. VM/SP updating procedures such as the VMFSAM EXEC use these identifiers to locate and identify text decks produced by multi-level updates. • MACS must be the first non-commentary record in the control file. It contains an update level identifier (TEXT) and, optionally, lists up to 29 macro library (MACLIB) file names (subject to the record length of the line). If the list does not fit on one MACS record, additional MACS records can be included. Each additional MACS record must have the same format as the first one. However, the update level identifier on additional MACS records is ignored. All MACS records must be contiguous, and the total length of all macro library names plus separating blanks must be less than or equal to 253 characters. Any MACLIB names that extend beyond this limit will be truncated. The length of the MACS record may not exceed 80, the record length of the control file. UPDATE uses the information provided in the MACS card and the update level identifier only when you specify the STK option. This information is, however, required in the CNTRL file. • UPDTABC, and UPDTXYZ are file types of the update files. The UPDATE command applies these updates to the source file beginning with the last record in the control file. Thus, the updates in In UPDTXYZ are applied before the upda tes in In UPDTABC. These files can also contain PREREQ, CO-REQ, and IF-REQ comments that specify dependencies for applying the updates. The update files must have file names that are the same as the source input file. So, in our example, to update In ASSEMBLE with our sample control file, issue the following: update fn (ctl UPDATE looks at the control file and begins applying the updates listed starting within UPDTXYZ (the bottom entry). When you create update files that have file types beginning with UPDT, you may omit these characters when you list the updates in the control file; thus, the CNTRL file may be written: TEXT MACS CMSlIB TWO ABC ONE XYZ file, and includes all requisite information from the update files. The CONTROL FILE ifn CNTRL) may not contain UPDATE control statements. It may only list the file types of the files that contain UPDATE Using UPDATE with an Auxllliary Control File: There may be times when you have two groups of programmers working on different sets of changes for the same source file. Each group may create several update files and have a unique control file. When you combine these changes, you could create one control file or you can use auxiliary control files. An auxiliary control file is a list of file types of the update files you want to apply to a source file. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 643 UPDATE Let's take an example where you want to make an update using an auxiliary control file. You havefn ASSEMBLE as the source file,ln UPDTABC andfn UPDTXYZ, as the update files, and a control file that looks like the following: TEXT MACS CMSLIB TWO UPOTABC ONE UPOTXYZ TEXT AUXLIST • AUX in the file type AUXLIST indicates that this is an auxiliary control file. This is another type of file listing the file types of update files you want to apply to a source file. In this example, the auxiliary control file lists the update files FIXO I and FIX02. When you issue: update fn (ctl UPDATE looks in the control file at the bottom entry, TEXT AUXLIST. Since this is an auxiliary control file, UPDATE looks in it and applies the updates listed in it (starting with the bottom entry) before applying the other updated files listed in the control file In CNTRL. Note that the file name of an auxiliary control file must be the same as the source input file. The file type must begin with the characters AUX and the remaining characters (a maximum of five) can be anything. You may also specify an auxiliary file as: xxxxx AUX in the control file. F or example, the record: FIX TEST AUX identifies the auxiliary file In AUXTEST. Note that if you give an auxiliary control file the file type AUXPTF or an update level identifier of AUX, the UPDATE command assumes that it is a simple update file and does not treat it as an auxiliary file. Additional Control File Records: In addition to the MACS record, the file types of update (UPDT) files, and the file types of auxiliary control (AUX) files, a control file may also contain: • Comments. These records begin with an asterisk (*) in column 1. Comments are also valid in A UX files. • PTF records. If the characters PTF appear in the update level identifier field, the UPDATE command expects the second field to contain the file type of an update file. The file type may be anything; the file name must be the same as the source input file. • Update level identifiers not associated with update files. The following example of a control file shows all the valid types of records: 644 VM /SP CM S Command Reference UPDATE * Example of a control file ABC MACS MY LI B TEXT 004 UPDTABC 003 XYZ 002 AUXLIST1 001 LIST2 AUX PTF TESTFIX Preferred AUX File: By using preferred auxiliary control files, you can use one control file for multiple versions of a file or multiple releases of a product. (There may be more than one version of the same update if there is more than one version of the source file. For example, you need one version for the source file that has a system extension licensed program installed, and you need another version for the source file that does not have a licensed program installed.) Remember, to specify auxiliary control files, specify their file type in a control file. To use preferred auxiliary control files, you must specify more than one file type per update level identifier. The first file type indicates a file that UPDATE will use if none of the additional file types exist for any disks or directories you have accessed. If any of the files indicate that the additional file types do exist, then UPDATE ignores that entire entry and precedes to the next entry in the control file. The files that indicate additional file types are preferred because UPDATE does not use the file that the first file type indicates. For example, assume that you want to update the file SAMPLE ASSEMBLE using the updates in SAMPLE AUXTEST. To update SAMPLE ASSEMBLE, use the following control file (MYPROG CNTRL): TEXT MACS MYMACS CMSLIB OSMACRO MY2 AUXTEST MY1 AUXMINE AUXTEST and the command: UPDATE SAMPLE ASSEMBLE * MYMODS CNTRL (CTl UPDATE looks at the bottom entry in the control file first. It searches all accessed disk and directories for the auxiliary control file SAMPLE AUXTEST. Since that file exists, UPDATE does not use the auxiliary control file SAMPLE AUXTEST. Instead, UPDATE ignores this en try and continues to the next entry in the control file. The next entry only specifies one file type (A UXTEST). This is the preferred AUX file you want to use, so UPDATE applies the updates listed in SAMPLE AUXTEST. It is assumed that AUXTEST and AUXMINE list similar but mutually exclusive updates. The search for a preferred auxfile will continue until one is found or until the token is an invalid file type; that is, less than four or more than eight characters. This token and the remainder of the line are considered a comment. Thefn FIXOI andfn FIX02 are update files containing UPDATE control statements and new source records to be incorporated into the input file. These files can also contain PREREQ, CO-REQ, and IF-REQ comments that specify dependencies for applying the updates. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 645 UPDATE The STK Option: The STK (stack) option is valid only with the CTL option and is meaningful only when the UPDATE command is issued within an EXEC procedure. When the STK option is specified, UPDATE stacks the following data lines in the console stack: first line: * update level identifier second line: * library list from MACS record The update level identifier is the identifier of the most recent update file that was found and applied. For example, if a control file contains TEXT MACS CMSLIB OSMACRO TESTMAC OFA UPDTOFA PFA UPDTOFA and the UPDATE command appears in an exec as follows: lIonATC" CAMDI L "" I . . " , . __ v I U II L..L- ff'TI \ '" I I- ('TV J I ., &READ VARS &STAR &TEXT &READ VARS &STAR &LIBI &LIB2 &LIB3 &LIB4 then the variable symbols set by the &READ VARS statements have the following values if the file SAMPLE UPDTOFA is found and applied to the file SAMPLE ASSEMBLE: Symbol &STAR &TEXT &LIBI &LIB2 &LIB3 &LIB4 Value * OFA CMSLIB OSMACRO TESTMAC null The library list may be useful to establish macro libraries in a subsequent GLOBAL command within the EXEC procedure. If no update files are found, UPDATE stacks the update level identifier on the MACS record. Responses FILE fn ft fm REC #n = update control statement This message is displayed when the TERM option is specified and an error is detected in an update file. It identifies the file and record number where the error is found. DMSUPD177I Warning messages issued (severity = nn)[; REP option ignored) Warning messages were issued during the updating process. The severity shown in the error message in the "nn" field is the highest of the return codes associated with the warning messages that were generated during the updating process. The warning return codes have the following meanings: RC = 4 - Sequence errors were detected in the original source file being updated. RC = 8 - Sequence errors, which did not previously exist in the source file being updated, were introduced in the output file during the updating process. RC = 12 - Any other warning error detected during the updating process. Such errors include invalid update file control statements and missing update or PTF files. 646 VM/SP CMS Command Reference UPDATE The severity value is passed back as the return code from the UPDATE command. In addition, if the REP option is specified in the command line, then it is ignored, and the updated source file has the file ID $Inlltl, as if the REP option was not specified. DMSUPD1781 Updating Applying Applying fn ft fm fn ft fm fn ft fm The specified update file is being applied to the source file. This message appears only if the CTL option is specified in the command line. The updating process continues. DMSUPD304I Update processing will be done using disk An insufficient amount of virtual storage was available to perform the updating in virtual storage, so a CMS disk or SFS directory must be used. This message is displayed only if NOSTOR was specified in the UPDATE command line. DMSUPD180W Missing PTF file In It 1m RC = 12 In the event that the user receives this message during the update process, the message MISSING PTF FILE In It 1m will appear in the update log associated with the program being updated. Messages and Return Codes DMSUPDOOIE DMSUPD002E DMSUPD003E DMSUPD007E DMSUPD007E DMSUPD007E DMSUPD007E DMSUPDOIOW DMSUPD024E DMSUPD048E DMSUPD065E DMSUPD066E DMSUPD069E DMSUPD070E DMSUPDI04S DMSUPDI05S DMSUPD174W DMSUPD176W DMSUPD179E DMSUPD181E DMSUPD182W DMSUPD183E DMSUPD184W DMSUPD185W DMSUPD186W DMSUPD187E No filename specified [RC = 24] File [fn [It [1m]]] not found [RC = 28] Invalid option: option [RC = 24] File In It fm is not fixed, 80-character records [RC = 32] File In does not have the same format and record length as In [RC=32] File In It 1m is not fixed record format [RC = 32] File In It 1m does not have a logical record length greater than or equal to 80 and less than or equal to 255 [RC = 32] Premature EOF on file In It Im--sequence number seqno not found [RC= 12] File In It 1m already exists [RC = 28] Invalid mode mode [RC = 24] option option specified twice [RC = 24] option1 and option2 are conflicting options [RC = 24] Filemode mode not accessed [RC = 36] Invalid parameter parameter [RC = 24] Error nn reading file In It 1m from disk or directory [RC = 100] Error nn writing file In It 1m on disk or directory [RC = 100] Sequence error introduced in output file: seqnol to seqno2 seqnol to seqno2 [RC = 8] Sequencing overflow following sequence number seqno [RC = 8] Missing or invalid MACS card in control file In It 1m [RC = 32] No update files were found [RC = 40] Sequence increment is zero [RC = 8] Invalid {CONTROLjAUX} file control card [RC = 32] ./S not first card in update file--ignored [RC = 12] Invalid character in sequence field seqno [RC = 12] Sequence number seqno not found [RC = 12] Option STK invalid without CTL [RC = 24] Chapter 2. CMS Commands 647 UPDATE DMSUPD207W DMSUPD210W DMSUPD299E DMSUPD300E DMSUPD36lE DMSUPDl259E Invalid update file control card [RC = 12] Input file sequence error: seqnoJ to seqno2 [RC = 4] Insufficient storage to complete update [RC = 41] Insufficient storage to begin update [RC=41] Disk mode is not a CMS disk [RC = 36] File pool/ilepoolid has run out of physical space in the storage group [RC = 40] DMSUPD 1262E Error nn opening file In It 1m [RC = nn] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 648 Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 VM/SP CMS Command Reference VALIDATE VALIDATE Use the VALIDATE command to verify the syntax of a file identifier ( file name, file type, file mode). If you specify the file mode, VALID ATE verifies whether or not the disk or directory is accessed. Format Operands In is the file name whose syntax is to be verified. If fn is specified as *, it is ignored. It is the file type whose syntax is to be verified. If ft is specified as *, it is ignored. 1m is the file mode whose syntax is to be verified. If fm is specified, the disk or directory will be checked for access. If fm is omitted, or specified as *, no disks or directories are checked for access. Usage Notes 1. The file name and file type can each be one to eight characters. The valid characters are A-Z, a-z, 0-9, $, #, @, +, - (hyphen), : (colon), and _ (underscore). 2. When you code an asterisk in the fn or ft fields, only the specified field will be verified. F or example, the command: validate * file e verifies the syntax of the file type FILE and determines if a disk or directory is accessed as E. 3. You can invoke the VALIDATE command from the terminal, from an exec, or as a function from a program. If VALIDATE is invoked from an exec or as a function that has the message output suppressed, the messages are not issued. 4. When writing execs or assembler programs, you can use VALIDATE determine if a disk or directory is accessed. F or example, * * fm to validate * * e tells you if the disk or directory at E is accessed, regardless if any files exist on it. If it is not accessed, an error message is issued. 5. To verify the syntax of a file identifier and the existence of the file on an accessed disk or directory, use the ST ATE/STATEW (or ESTATE/ESTATEW) command. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 649 VALIDATE Responses The CMS ready message indicates that the specified file identifier is valid and the file mode is an accessed disk or directory or was specified as *. Messages and Return Codes DMSSTT048E DMSSTT054E DMSSTT062E DMSSTT069E DMSSTT070E Invalid mode mode [RC = 24] Incomplete fileid specified [RC = 24] Invalid character char in fileid In It [RC = 20] Filemode mode not accessed [RC = 36] Invalid parameter parameter [RC = 24] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Errors in 650 Page comm~nQ sy!!t~~ VMjSP CMS Command Reference 8! ! XEDIT XEDIT Use the XEDIT command to invoke the VM/SP System Product Editor to create, modify, and manipulate CMS files on minidisks or in Shared File System (SFS) directories. Once the VMjSP System Product Editor has been invoked, you may execute XED IT subcommands and use the System Product Interpreter or EXEC 2 macro facility. You can return control to the CMS environment by issuing one of the XEDIT subcommands: FILE, FFILE, QUIT, or QQUIT. For complete details on XEDIT subcommands and macros, see the publication VM/SP System Product Editor Command and Macro Reference. Format Xedit [{n [{t [{m]]] [ (options ... [)] ] Options: [WINdow wname] [Width nn] [NOSCreen] [PROFile macroname] [NOPROFil] [NOCLear] [ NOMsg ] [MEMber membername] J LOCk [ NOLOCk Options Valid Only in Update Mode: Update ] [ NOUpdate [Merge] se 8 ] [NOSeq8 Q [UNtil {iletype] {nl] Ctl [ NOCtl [Iner nn] [SIDeode string] Operands fnft are the file name and file type of the file to be edited. If they are not specified here, they must be provided in the LOAD subcommand as part of the profile. fm is the file mode of the file to be edited, indicating the minidisk or directory where the file resides. The editor determines the file mode of the edited file as follows: • Editing existing files When the file mode is specified, that minidisk or directory and its extensions are searched. If the file mode is not specified or is specified as an asterisk (*), all accessed minidisks and directories are searched for the specified file. • Creating new files Chapter 2. CMS Commands 651 XEDIT If the file mode is not specified, the editor assumes a file mode of AI. Options WINdow wname is the name of the window and virtual screen that XEDIT uses to display the file being edited. By default, XEDIT uses the window and virtual screen named "XEDIT." For more information, refer to Appendix G of the VMjSP System Product Editor Command and Macro Reference. Width nn defines the amount of virtual storage used to contain one line of the file. If the value specified is too small, certain file lines may be truncated. If not specified here, WIDTH may be defined in the LOAD subcommand, as a part of the profile. If WIDTH is not specified in either the XEDIT command or the LOAD subcommand, the default is the larger of the following: • The logical record length (LRECL) of the file • The default logical record length associated with the file type. NOSCreen forces a 3270 display terminal into line (typewriter) mode. PROFile macroname If the specified macro exists on one of the accessed minidisks or directories, the editor executes it as the first subcommand. If the specified macro is not found on an accessed minidisk or directory, an error message is displayed. If this option is not specified but a macro with a macro name of PROFILE exists, the editor executes it. In all cases, the profile macro must have a file type of XEDIT. NOPROFil forces the editor not to execute the default PROFILE macro. NO CLear specifies that the screen is not cleared when the editor gets control. Instead, the screen is placed in a MORE ... (waiting) status. Any messages remain on the screen until the CLEAR key is pressed. This option is useful when the XEDIT command is issued from a macro that displays messages. NOMsg enters a file with a default of SET MSGMODE OFF. MEMber membername specifies the name of a member to be edited specified in 'fn ft fm' macro library. If MEMBER is specified, ft must be MACLIB. If the member does not exist in that library, a new file is created with a file ID of 'membername MEMBERfm'. LOCkcauses the editor to lock the file to prevent other users from modifying the file while you are editing it. Only existing files in SFS directories can be locked; the LOCK option is ignored for files on minidisks. You must have write authority to the file to lock it; if you have only read authority, a warning is displayed and the editing session continues without locking the file. LOCK is the default. ~-- The type of lock XEDIT uses is an update session lock. The file is locked only for the duration of your editing session. Other users can read the file while it is locked, but only you can write to it. 652 VM/SP CMS Command Reference XEDIT NOLOCk indicates that you do not want the editor to lock the file. This option can be used to edit a file that another user has locked SHARE or UPDATE. If you specify NOLOCK, other users may change the file while you are editing it. The NOLOCK option is ignored for files on minidisks. You should only use this option if you are not going to make any changes to the file, or if you are going to save your changes under a different file identifier. Otherwise, any changes that you make will not include modifications made to the permanent copy of the file by other users during your editing session. Options - (Use in Update Mode Only) The following options are meaningful only if the VM/SP System Product Editor is to be used in update mode: Update The editor searches all accessed mini disks and directories for a file with a file name ofJn and a file type of UPDATE. If the file exists, the editor applies the update statements before displaying the file to be edited. Each new modification made by the user is added to the existing UPDATE file. The original source file is not modified. If the file does not exist, the editor creates a new UPDATE file to contain modifications made by the user. NOUpdate specifies that the editor is to apply no update statements (even if UPDATE is specified in the LOAD subcommand in the profile). Seq8 specifies that the entire sequence field (the last eight columns of each file line) contains an eight-digit sequence number. The SEQ8 option automatically forces the UPDATE option. SEQ8 is the default value. NOSeq8 specifies that the last eight columns of the file line contain a three-character label field, followed by a five-digit sequence number. The NOSEQ8 option forces the UPDATE option. CtlJnl specifies that "fnl CNTRL" is an update control file that controls the application of multiple update files to the file to be edited. (See the CMS UPDATE command description for more information.) This option automatically forces the UPDATE and SEQ8 options. NOCtl specifies that the editor is not to use the control (CTL) file (even if it is specified in the LOAD subcommand in the profile). Merge specifies that all updates, and all changes made while editing are recorded into a file whose name is defined by the latest update level (in other words, the most recently applied UPDATE file in a control file). This option forces the UPDATE option. UNtil Jiletype specifies the file type of the last update to be applied to the file. Changes are applied to the file being edited from all file types in the control file, up to and including the Jiletype specified with the UNTIL option. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 653 XEDIT File types of update files listed in the control file or of update files listed in an auxiliary control file can be specified with the UNTIL option. AUX file types (AUXxxxxx) cannot be specified with the UNTIL option. The UNTIL option forces the UPDATE option. Incr nn means the minimum number of lines to automatically be inserted. When inserting new lines in an update file, the editor automatically computes the serialization; the INCR option forces a minimum increment between two adjacent lines. If not specified, the minimum increment is one (l). This option forces the UPDATE option. SIDcode string specifies a string that the editor inserts in every line of an update file whether the update file is an existing file or if it is being created. The editor inserts the specified string in the fir~t p.ieht ~0h~!!!!!s of the h!.st ! 7 C0!!!'~!!~ 0f the file (lrec1-16 to Irec1-9). For example, if your file is fixed, 80-character, the editor inserts the string in columns 64-71. If the string is less than eight characters, it is padded on the right with blanks. Any data in the eight columns is overlaid. This option forces the UPDATE option. Usage Notes 1. In order to use XEDIT on files in SFS directories, the directories must be accessed and you must have read or write authority to the file. 2. When the LOCK option is in effect, it is possible for the lock to be removed during your editing session if one of the following abnormal error occurs: • file system server failure • network or APPCjVM failure on the last communication link with the file pool. Note: If an abend occurs, the update session lock obtained by XEDIT will not be deleted. 3. For the CTL, INCR, MEMBER, PROFILE, SIDCODE, UNTIL, and WIDTH options, the operand must be specified; otherwise, the next option will be interpreted as the operand. For example, in the "PROFILE macroname" option, "macroname" must be specified; if it is not, the next option will be interpreted as the operand macro name. 4. Once the XEDIT command has been executed, the XEDIT subcommand can be used to edit and display multiple files simultaneously. See the XEDIT subcommand description in the publication VMjSP System Product Editor Command and Macro Reference. 5. You can also call the editor recursively (using "CMS XEDIT ... " for example). This ability is particularly useful when applications are developed using the editor and its macro facilities to interface with the user - for example, HELP. 6. The MEMBER option and the NOUPDATE option have no effect when preceded by an option that automatically forces update processing. Likewise, options that normally force update processing are ignored when preceded by the MEMBER option or the NOUPDATE option. 7. If FULLSCREEN is set to ON before XEDIT writes to the screen, XEDIT issues the command, SHOW WINDOW CMSOUT, followed by SHOW WINDOW XEDIT, or a SHOW for the particular window that is set up to display the file. 654 VM/SP CMS Command Reference XEDIT 8. The editor is kept in virtual storage as part of the CMS nucleus shared segment; the CMS user area is unused. As a result, assuming a large enough virtual machine, any CMS or CP command may be issued directly from the editor environment itself (if a SET IMPCMSCP subcommand is in effect). 9. When the PROFILE macro is invoked by an XEDIT command, everything following the command name XEDIT is tokenized and then assigned to the argument string that is passed to the PROFILE macro. The editor does not examine any parameters that follow a closing right parenthesis on the XED IT command. 10. When you issue an XEDIT command for a variable-format file, trailing blanks are removed when the file is filed (or saved). II. Comment control records are deleted from an update file whenever an update file is applied to the original source file during an editing session, and a FILE or SAVE subcommand is issued. 12. Many languages have more characters than can be displayed using one-byte codes (KANJI, for example). A Double-Byte Character Set (DBCS) is used to represent those characters. The double-byte characters may appear in a sentence with characters from other languages that are displayed in one-byte codes. Files containing double-byte characters are handled differently than files that only contain one-byte characters. Special considerations for editing files that contain double-byte characters are described in the System Product Editor Command and M aero Reference. Responses When editing a file that resides in an SFS directory, if you have read authority to the file and you do not specify the NO LOCK option, you will receive the message: DMSXIN1299W Warning: Not authorized to lock fn ft fm The editing session continues; however, the file in not locked. The following messages are displayed only if you are using the System Product Editor in update mode: DMSXUP1781 Updating Applying Applying fn ft fm fn ft fm fn ft fm DMSXUP180W Missing PTF file Messages and Return Codes DMSXBGI09S DMSXFI1138E DMSXFI12I4W DMSXFI12I5E DMSXFI1262S DMSXFI1300E DMSXIN002E DMSXIN003E DMSXIN024E DMSXIN029E fn ft fm Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] File sharing conflict for file fn It 1m [RC = 70] File In It 1m already looked SHARE File In It 1m is locked {SHAREIUPDATEIEXCLUSIVE} by another user. [RC = 70] Error nn opening file In It 1m [RC=3I, 55, 70, 76, 99, or 100] Error nn {lockinglunlocking} file In It {fmldirname{ [RC = 55, 70, 76, 99, or 100] File In It 1m not found [RC = 28] Invalid option: option [RC = 24] File XEDTEMP CMSUTI Al already exists [RC = 28] Invalid parameter parameter in the option option field [RC = 24] Chapter 2. CMS Commands 655 XEDIT DMSXIN054E DMSXIN065E DMSXIN066E DMSXIN070E DMSXINI04S DMSXIN132S DMSXIN500E DMSXIN508E DMSXIN554E DMSXIN5711 DMSXIN622E Incomplete fileid specified [RC = 24] option option specified twice [RC = 24] option} and option2 are conflicting options [RC = 24] Invalid parameter parameter [RC = 24] Error nn reading file In It 1m from disk [RC=31, 55, or 100] File In It 1m too large [RC = 88] Unable to unpack file In It 1m [RC = 88] LOAD must be the first subcommand in the profile [RC = 3] Not enough virtual storage available [RC = 104] Creating new file: Insufficient free storage for {MSGLINEIPPKEY/PAKEYlsynonyms} DMSXIN928E Command is not valid for virtual screen CMS [RC = 12] DMSXIN1299W Warning: Not authorized to lock file In It 1m DMSXSU048E Invalid mode mode [RC=24] DMSXSU062E Invalid character in fileid fn ft fm [RC = 20] DMSXSU069E Filemode mode not accessed [RC = 36] DMSXSU229E Unsupported OS dataset, error nn [RC = 80, 81, 82, or 83] DMSXWS915E Maximum number of windows already defined [RC = 13] DMSXWS927E The virtual screen must contain at least 5 lines and 20 columns. [RC=24] Messages with MEMBER option DMSXMB007E DMSXMB033E DMSXMB039E DMSXMB167S DMSXMB622E File In It 1m is not fixed, 80-character records [RC = 32] File In It 1m is not a library [RC = 32] No entries in library In It 1m [RC = 32] Previous MACLIB function not finished [RC = 88] Insufficient free storage for reading map [RC = 104] Messages with UPDATE options DMSXUP007E DMSXUP007E DMSXUP007E DMSXUP007E DMSXUPI04S DMSXUP174W DMSXUP178I DMSXUP179E DMSXUP180W DMSXUP183E DMSXUP184W DMSXUP185W DMSXUP186W DMSXUP207W DMSXUP210W DMSXUP570W DMSXUP597E DMSXUP1262S 656 VM/SP CMS Command Reference File In It 1m is not fixed, 80-character records [RC = 32] File In It 1m does not have a logical record length greater than or equal to 80 [RC = 32] File In It 1m does not have the same format and record length as In It 1m [RC = 32] File In It 1m is not fixed record format [RC = 32] Error nn reading file In It 1m from disk [RC = 31, 32, or 55] Sequence error introduced in output file: seqnol to seqno2 [RC=32] Applying In It 1m Missing or invalid MACS card in control file In It 1m Missing PTF file In It 1m Invalid {CONTROLIAUX} file control card [RC = 32] ./ S not first card in update file--ignored [RC = 32] Non numeric character in sequence field seqno [RC = 32] Sequence number [seqno] not found [RC = 32] Invalid update file control card [RC = 32] Input file sequence error: seqnol to seqno2 [RC = 32] Update It specified in the UNTIL option field not found Unable to merge updates containing ./S cards [RC = 32( Error nn opening file In It 1m [RC=31, 55, 70, 76, 99, or 100] XEDIT Return Codes o Normal 3 LOAD must be the first subcommand 6 Subcommand rejected in the profile due to LOAD error or QUIT subcommand has been issued in macro called from the last file in the ring 12 Command is not valid for virtual screen 13 Maximum number of windows already defined 20 Invalid character in file name or file type 24 Invalid parameters, or options 28 Source file not found (UPDATE MODE), or library not found (MEMBER option), or specified PROFILE macro does not exist, or file XEDTEMP CMSUTI already exists 31 A rollback occurred 32 Error during updating process, or file is not a library, or library has no entries, or file is not fixed SO-character records, or updates do not match input file format 36 Corresponding minidisk or directory not accessed 55 APPC/VM communications error 70 File sharing conflict 76 Connection error 80 An I/O error occurred while an OS data set or DOS file was being read, or an OS or DOS disk was detached without being released 81 The file is an OS-read password-protected data set, or a DOS file with the input security indicator on 82 The OS data set or DOS file is not BPAM, BSAM, or QSAM 83 The OS data set or DOS file has more than 16 user labels or data extents 88 File is too large and does not fit into storage or previous MACLIB function was not finished or MACLIB limit exceeded 99 A required system resource is not available 100 Error reading the file into storage 104 Insufficient storage available to read library map Chapter 2. CMS Commands 657 XMITMSG XMITMSG Use the XMITMSG command (TRANSMIT MESSAGE) to retrieve a message from a CMS message repository file or your own message repository file. You supply a message identifier and substitution information, and XMITMSG gets the message that you requested. XMITMSG can be used in a REXX, EXEC 2, or CMS environment. Format XMITMSG msgnumber [sub list ] [ ( options... [)]] Options: rvnu-.... .... 4L'" " ' ................... ., .......... 1 """'.I l. . . . . . . ,!'" J1 rT TM..., __ .L.O [APPLID applid] [CALLER name] COMPress ] [ NOCOMPress HEADer ] [NOHEADer [VAR] DISPlay ] NODISPlay [ ERRMSG [SYSLANG] Operands msgnumber is a one to four digit number used to locate its associated message text in the repository. sublist specifies the substitutions to be done on the message. Any numeric substitution is assumed to be a dictionary substitution, and the substitution is retrieved from the repository. If the substitution is in either single or double quotes, then it is assumed to be a literal substitution. Literal substitutions must not contain blanks or parentheses. Any other substitution in the list is assumed to be a variable name, and the value of the substitution is retrieved from the exec. If the value cannot be retrieved, then the substitution is assumed to be null. A maximum of 20 substitutions is allowed. Options FORmat nn specifies a two-digit format number. It is used to identify different versions of the same message which have the same message number. The numbering of formats is from 01 to 99. The default is 01. A format of 00 is not allowed. 658 VM/SP CMS Command Reference XMITMSG LINE nn * specifies a two-digit line number that identifies each line of a multi-line message. The numbering of lines is from 01 to 99. You may also specify an asterisk for the line number; this specifies that all lines for a certain message number and format are to be retrieved. The default line number is asterisk. A line number of 00 is not allowed. Each line may be up to 240 characters long. LETter a specifies the severity letter of the message. Message severity is provided already within the message repository module; this parameter is used only when you want to override the provided severity. APPLID app/id specifies the name of the application from which the message is issued. The application ID is displayed in the message header. CALLER name overrides the default CALLER name that will go in the message header. For execs, the default CALLER name is either: 1. the first three characters of the exec name, if these characters are different from the application id, or else 2. the next three characters of the exec name. If you issue XMITMSG from the CMS command line, the default CALLER name is "???". VAR copies the message into variables and returns these variables to the exec. VAR is only valid when issued from an exec. The complete message is copied into the variable 'MESSAGE', with the first line in 'MESSAGE. I', the second in 'MESSAGE.2', etc .. The number of lines in the message is copied into 'MESSAGE.O'. If you do not specify NOH EADer, then the message header, i.e. DMSxxxnnn or DMSxxxnnnn, is also part of the copied information. The length of the message is not returned to the exec. If the message is to be displayed by the message facility and returned to the exec, then you must specify DISP. Otherwise, the default is NODISP when you specify VAR. COMPress removes multiple blanks in the message text, including those preceding and following a substitution field. This is the default for blank compression. NOCOMPress If NOCOMPRESS is specified on a message invocation with no substitutions, the message, as defined in the message repository, is not scanned. Therefore, no blanks will be replaced and no substitutions will be made. For example, if a message is defined in the repository with the substitution indicator &1, and the message is invoked with no substitutions and NOCOMPRESS, the &1 will appear in the displayed message. To prevent the &1 substitution indicator from appearing in the message, a substitution must be specified on message invocation. This can be done by coding a NULL in the SUB LIST operand. If you specify a SUBLIST of " (null character) on the XMITMSG command, this causes the message text to be scanned and all substitution indicators are removed. For DBCS Languages Chapter 2. CMS Commands 659 XMITMSG (created when GENMSG is issued with DBCS option), the message will be scanned in all cases. HEADer specifies that the message header is created and displayed with the message, or returned in MESSAGE.nn with the message text if VAR was specified. NOHEADer Specifies that the message header is not displayed on the terminal, or that it is not returned in MESSAGE.nn with the message text if VAR was specified. You may not specify this option with the ERRMSG option. DISPlay specifies that the message is displayed on the terminal, regardless of the CP EMSG setting. This is the default option unless you specify VAR. NODISPlay specifies that the message is not displayed on the terminal, regardless of t.he cp EMSG setting. This is the default option when you specify VAR. ERRMSG specifies that the message line is displayed according to the CP EMSG setting. If EMSG is set to: • • • • ON - the entire message is displayed, header plus text OFF - messages are not displayed TEXT - only the text portion is displayed CODE - only the header is displayed The message header consists of the following: xxxmrnmnnns or xxxmrnmnnnns where: • • • • xxx is the application id ("OMS" for CMS) nmn is the CALLER name nnn or nnnn is the message number s is the severity code Code Message Type E Error I Information R Response S Severe T Terminal W Warning You cannot specify ERRMSG with the NOHEADER option. SYSLANG specifies that the system default language is to be used to issue the message, regardless of the language you are currently using. You may only specify this option when the application id is OMS. 660 VM/SP CMS Command Reference ( XMITMSG Usage Notes 1. To learn how to create your own message repository refer to the VM/SP Application Development Guide for CMS. 2. You should have a copy of the message repository you want to access -- that way you can see the message numbers, formats, lines, and substitution positions. 3. You can use XMITMSG from CMS to display a repository message on your screen; this is useful when you want to verify the content of a repository. Note: You cannot use the VAR option when invoking XMITMSG from CMS. 4. To issue messages from assembler programs, see the APPLMSG macro in the VM/SP Application Development Reference for CMS 5. If you are writing an editor macro and you want messages to be issued by the macro and not by XMITMSG, use the VAR and ERRMSG options. To prevent the message from being displayed in CMS rather than the editing environment, use the SET CMSTYPE HT command before the XMITMSG command, followed by SET CMSTYPE RT. Examples Assume the message repository for the application MYAPPLI (applid=MYA) contains these messages: 0S750101E Attempt to divide by &1 is invalid 0S750201E Attempt to &2 by &1 is invalid 0S760101E Error &1. rc = &3. 0S770101E This is a multi-line message. NOCOMP must be specified 0S770102E to keep the r~turn codes lined up on the next line. 0S770103E RC 1 = &1. RC 2 = &2. 'I I II I I II severity code I I I_ _ line of message I I_ _format of message I_number of message and these dictionary items: 90250101 divide 90260101 reading from &2 90270101 tape Following is an example of a REXX exec called DIVIDE that displays error messages when it attempts to divide by zero: /* Example using XMITMSG in a REXX exec */ ARG DIVR TEN = 10 IF DIVR ~= 0 THEN DO ANS = TEN / DIVR EXIT END ELSE DO issue error message; see cases below -----END Chapter 2. CMS Commands 661 XMITMSG Case One: This call accesses the repository to display MYA message 875, format 1, with '0' (the value in DIVR) being the substitution: 'XMITMSG 875 DIVR (DISP FOR 1 APPLID MYA COMP ' Here is what is displayed: DMSDIV875E Attempt to divide by 0 is invalid Note: The variable DIVR must be included inside the quotes. Case Two: This call uses a dictionary item 9025 as a second substitution in MYA message 875, format 2: IVMTTMC~ '''I.a..IIV'"",,, 07~ v,.., nTVD "" ..... , na?~ JU'-"" (nTCD \",.&.<1,,11 ~nD I VI' ? '- ADnl Tn MVA rnMnl ru I L. ... "" '"lin ",,"VI" .. The same message is displayed as in Case One: DMSDIV875E Attempt to divide by 0 is invalid Case Three: This call illustrates the use of the VAR option. Message 877 in MYA is accessed with two substitution values, 16 and RC2. Blanks are NOT compressed, so spacing is preserved. RC2 = 8 'XMITMSG 877 "16" RC2 (APPLID MYA NOCOMP VAR ' The message is not yet displayed; instead, each line of the message is placed in a variable, 'MESSAGE.n'. The LINE parameter defaults to '*', meaning all lines of the message go into variables. This code in the REXX program: DO I = 1 TO MESSAGE.0 SAY MESSAGE.I END /* MESSAGE.0 = the number of message lines */ displays the message: DMSDIV877E This is a multi-line message. NOCOMP must be specified to keep the return codes lined up on the next line. RC 1 = 16. RC 2 = 8. Case Four: This call again shows the use of the VAR option on MYA message 877, but only line 2 of the message is accessed: 'XMITMSG 877 (APPLID MYA NOCOMP VAR LINE 21 This line in the REXX program: SAY MESSAGE.1 then displays the following message line: DMSDIV877E to keep the return codes lined up on the next line. 662 VM/SP CMS Command Reference XMITMSG Messages and Return Codes DMSMGX065E DMSMGX066E DMSMGX080E DMSMGXI09S DMSMGX405E DMSMGX408E DMSMGX631E option option specified twice [RC = 24] option} and option2 are conflicting options [RC = 24] Invalid numtype number [RC = 24] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Invalid or missing message number [RC = 24] Number of substitutions exceeds 20 [RC = 24] XMITMSG must be invoked from an EXEC 2 or REXX exec or as a CMS command [RC = 24] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 Chapter 2. CMS Commands 663 IMMEDIATE COMMANDS Im'mediate Commands You can issue an Immediate command from the terminal only after causing an attention interruption by pressing the Attention key (or its equivalent, such as the Enter key). These commands are processed as soon as they are entered. The HT and RT Immediate commands are also recognized when they are stacked in an exec procedure, and the HT Immediate command can be appended to a CMS command preceded by a logical line end symbol (#). Any program execution in progress is suspended until the Immediate command is processed. None of the Immediate commands issue responses. The Immediate commands are: • • • • • • • • • • HB - Halt batch execution HI - Halt interpretation H 0 - Halt tracing HT - Halt typing HX - Halt execution RO - Resume tracing RT - Resume typing SO - Suspend tracing TE - Trace end TS - Trace start You can define your own Immediate commands by using any of the following: • the IMMCMD macro in an assembler language program. • the IMMCMD command within an exec (CMS EXEC, EXEC 2, System Product Interpreter). • NUCXLOAD command with the IMMCMD option specified. For a general discussion on Immediate commands, see the VMjSP eMS User's Guide. HB Use the HB (Halt batch execution) command to stop the execution of a CMS batch virtual machine at the end of the current job. Format HB Usage Notes 1. If the batch virtual machine is running disconnected, it must be reconnected. 2. When the HB command is executed, CMS sets a flag such that at the end of the current job, the batch processor generates accounting information for the current job and then logs off the CMS batch virtual machine. 664 VMjSP CMS Command Reference IMMEDIATE COMMANDS HI Use the HI (Halt Interpretation) command to cause all currently executing System Product Interpreter or EXEC 2 programs or macros to terminate execution without destroying the environment (as HX would). Format HI HO Use the HO (Halt tracing) command during the execution of a command or one of your programs to stop the recording of trace information. Program execution continues to its normal completion, and all recorded trace information is spooled to the printer. Format HO HT Use the HT (Halt typing) command to suppress all terminal output generated by any CMS command or your program that is currently executing. Format HT Usage Notes 1. Program execution continues. When the ready message is displayed, normal terminal output resumes. Use the RT command to restore typing or displaying. 2. CMS error messages having a suffix letter of S or T cannot be suppressed. 3. When using the LINED IT macro with the DISP = S10 option, output to the screen will not be suppressed. This is also true when the CONSOLE macro is used to write text to the console. 4. When using full-screen CMS, HT purges any nonpriority output that is in the queue for the virtual screen to which message class CMS is routed. (For more information on message class routing, see the ROUTE command). All priority output is displayed, such as messages and warnings through IUCV, ECHO output, and output from applications that use the LINEWRIT macro coded with PRIOR = YES. Chapter 2. CMS Commands 665 IMMEDIATE COMMANDS HX Use the HX (Halt execution) command to stop the execution of any CMS or CMS/DOS command or program, close any open files or I/O devices, and return to the CMS command environment. Format HX Usage Notes 1. HX clears all file definitions made via the FILEDEF or DLBL commands, including those entered with the PERM option. 2. HX clears all namedefs that you created with the CREATE NAMEDEF command. 3. The HX command is executed when the next SVC or I/O interruption occurs: therefore a delay may occur between keying HX and the return to CMS. All terminal output generated before HX is processed is displayed before the command is executed. 4. HX causes all storage of type 'user' to be released. 5. If you issue HX while using full-screen CMS, data is not logged in a LOGFILE (see SET LOG FILE) for the command or program that is executing. RO Use the RO (Resume tracing) command, during the execution of a command or one of your programs, to resume the recording of trace information that was temporarily suspended by the SO command. Program execution continues to its normal completion, and all recorded trace information is spooled to the printer. Format RO RT Use the RT (Resume typing) command to restore terminal output from an executing CMS command or one of your programs that was previously suppressed by the HT command. Format RT 666 VM/SP CMS Command Reference IMMEDIATE COMMANDS Usage Note Program execution continues, and displaying continues from the current point of execution in the program. Any terminal output that is generated after the HT command is issued and up to the time the RT command is issued is lost. Execution continues to normal program completion. so Use the SO (Suspend tracing) command during the execution of a command or one of your programs to temporarily suspend the recording of trace information. Program execution continues to its normal completion and all recorded trace information is spooled to the printer. Format so Usage Note To resume tracing, issue the RO command. TE Use the TE (Trace End) command to stop all tracing of your System Product Interpreter or EXEC 2 program or macro. Format TE TS Use the TS (Trace Start) command to start tracing of your System Product Interpreter or EXEC 2 program or macro. Format TS Chapter 2. CMS Commands 667 IMMEDIATE COMMANDS 668 VM/SP CMS Command Reference CMS Commands for Windowing Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing This chapter contains descriptions of CMS commands for creating and managing windows and virtual screens. At the end of this chapter are descriptions of Border commands for manipulating windows. These are single-character commands for using in the comers of a window. For general usage information regarding windowing and full-screen CMS, see the VM/SP CMS User's Guide. Windows and Virtual Screens Windowing support consists primarily of the following: • Windows • Virtual Screens A window is an area on the physical screen where virtual screen data can be displayed and manipulated. A window let's you see what is in a virtual screen. A virtual screen (vscreen for short) can be thought of as a "presentation space" where data can be stored. This space simulates a physical screen, but is not confined to your physical screen size. When you enter input or view output through a window, you are actually working with virtual screen data. Depending upon the size of the window and the size of the virtual screen, you may see all of the virtual screen at once, or only a portion it. As a pre-requisite to using the windowing facility, you should first review the tutorial information in the VM/SP CMS User's Guide. Because a window reflects a virtual screen, you may do several operations against a virtual screen and view the results in a window. The characteristics of virtual screens that you can manipulate include: • Reserved areas for information such as titles and PF key descriptions. • Color and highlighting • Options to log data into a file. You may position a window almost anywhere on the physical screen that you prefer. You may also display as many windows on the screen at a time as you want. For displaying a large number of windows, you may choose to overlap windows or display windows on top of each other. To view the data in the window, you may scroll forward, backward, right, or left through the data. Windows are maintained in an ordered list. You may shuffle the, order by "popping" and "dropping" the windows. Using Full-Screen eMS Full-screen capability for CMS is optional for 3270-type terminals. You may already be familiar with full-screen if you use a VM/SP editor such as XEDIT. To request full-screen capability, issue: SET FULLSCREEN ON Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing 669 CMS Commands for Windowing or, you may put this command in your PROFILE exec. In full-screen CMS, you may enter a command from anywhere on the screen. You also have the capability to scroll forward and backward through your CMS session to view commands that you entered previously and to view the CMS responses to these commands. To reenter any command, you do not need to retype the entire command. Instead, you can scroll back to where the command was previously entered, retype any letter, and press ENTER. With full-screen CMS, default virtual screens and default windows have been defined for you, and automatically route VM output and messages into windows. You may choose to control or tailor some of these features. See the VMjSP eMS User's Guide for more information about tailoring and customizing. Windowing and Virtual Screen Commands The two tables below alphabetically list the CMS commands for working with windows and virtual screens: Table 18 (Page I of 2). CMS Commands for windows and virtual screens Command Usage ALARM VSCREEN Sounds the terminal alarm the next time the display is refreshed. CLEAR VSCREEN Erases data in the virtual screen by overwriting the data buffer with nulls. CLEAR WINDOW Scrolls past all data in the virtual screen to which the window is connected so that no data is displayed in the data area of the window. CURSOR VSCREEN Positions the cursor on specified line and column in a virtual screen. DEFINE VSCREEN Creates a virtual screen. DEFINE WINDOW Creates a window. DELETE VSCREEN Removes a virtual screen definition. DELETE WINDOW Removes a window definition. DROP WINDOW Moves a window down in the order of displayed windows. GETVSCREEN Writes data from a CMS file to the specified virtual screen. HIDE WINDOW Prevents the specified window from being displayed, and connects the window to a virtual screen. MAXIMIZE WINDOW Expands a window to the physical screen size. MINIMIZE WINDOW Reduces the size of the window to one line. POP WINDOW Moves a window up in the order of displayed windows. POSITION WINDOW Changes the location of a window on the physical screen. PUT SCREEN Makes a copy of the physical screen and writes the image to a CMS file. PUTVSCREEN Writes the data from the data area of a virtual screen to a CMS file. 670 VM/SP CMS Command Reference CMS Commands for Windowing Table 18 (Page 2 of 2). CMS Commands for windows and virtual screens Command Usage QUERY The following QUERY command options are used for windowing: APL, BORDER, CHARMODE, CMSPF, CURSOR, DISPLAY, FULLREAD, FULLSCREEN, HIDE, KEY, LINEND, LOCATION, LOGFILE, NONDISP, REMOTE, RESERVED, ROUTE, SHOW, TEXT, VSCREEN, WINDOW, and WMPF. REFRESH Updates virtual screens and their associated windows and refreshes the screen. RESTORE WINDOW Returns a maximized or minimized window to its size and location before the maximize or minimize. ROUTE Directs data of a particular message class to a virtual screen. SCROLL Moves a window to a new location on the virtual screen. SET The following SET command options are used for windowing: APL, BORDER, CHARMODE, CMSPF, FULLREAD, FULLSCREEN, LINEND, LOCATION, LOGFILE, NONDISP, REMOTE, RESERVED, TEXT, VSCREEN, WINDOW, and WMPF. SHOW WINDOW Places a window on top of all other displayed windows and connect the window to a virtual screen. SIZE WINDOW Changes the number of lines and columns for a specified window. WAITREAD VSCREEN Uses from an exec to update the virtual screen with data, refreshes the physical screen, and waits for the next attention interrupt. WAITT VSCREEN Updates the virtual screen with data. WRITE VSCREEN Enters information in a virtual screen. Table 19 (Page 1 of 2). CMS Border Commands for Windows Command Usage B Scrolls the window backward C Clears the window of data D Drops the window F Scrolls the window forward H Hides the window L Scrolls the window to the left M Changes the location of the window N Minimizes the window 0 Restores the window P Pops the window R Scrolls the window to the right Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing 671 CMS Commands for Windowing Table 19 (Page 2 of 2). CMS Border Commands for Windows Command Usage S Changes the size of the window X Maximizes the window 672 VM/SP CMS Command Reference ALARM VSCREEN ALARM VSCREEN Use the ALARM VSCREEN command to sound the terminal alarm the next time a virtual screen is displayed in a window on the screen. Format ALARM VSCreen vname Operands vname is the name of the virtual screen for which the alarm sounds. Responses The terminal alarm sounds. Messages and Return Codes DMSALA386E DMSALA388E DMSALA391E DMSALA921E Missing operand(s) [RC = 24] Invalid keyword: keyword [RC = 24] Unexpected operand(s): operand [RC = 24] Virtual screen vscreen is not defined [RC =28] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing 673 CLEAR VSCREEN CLEAR VSCREEN ( \ Use the CLEAR VSCREEN command to erase data in a virtual screen. Format CLEAR VSCreen vname Operands vname is the name of the virtual screen to be cleared. usage NOles I. The CLEAR VSCREEN command • Clears the scrollable data area by overwriting the data buffer with nulls. • Purges data in the queue. • Reconnects all windows connected to the virtual screen to the top of the virtual screen. • Leaves the reserved areas and cursor position unchanged. 2. The field attribute buffer and the extended attribute buffers for color, extended highlighting (exthi) and Programmed Symbol (PS) sets are reset to the default attributes as specified on the DEFINE VSCREEN and SET VSCREEN commands. 3. When a virtual screen is cleared, the lines in the scroll able data area are renumbered if necessary. Because of this, the cursor line number returned when QUERY CURSOR vname is issued immediately before CLEAR VSCREEN may be different from the cursor line number returned when QUERY CURSOR vname is issued immediately following CLEAR VSCREEN. The physical location of the cursor in the virtual screen remains unchanged. I \ Messages and Return Codes DMSCLR386E DMSCLR388E DMSCLR391E DMSCLR921E DMSCLR928E Missing operand(s) [RC = 24] Invalid keyword: keyword [RC = 24] Unexpected operand(s): operand [RC = 24] Virtual screen vname is not defined [RC = 28] Command is not valid for virtual screen vname [RC = 12] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 674 Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 VM/SP CMS Command Reference CLEAR WINDOW CLEAR WINDOW Use the CLEAR WINDOW command to scroll past all data in the virtual screen to which the window is connected so that no scrollable data is displayed in the window. Format CLEAR WINdow Operands wname is the name of the window that is cleared. An" =" indicates that the topmost window is cleared. If this operand is not specified, "=" is assumed. Usage Notes 1. CLEAR WINDOW is valid only when the window is connected to a virtual screen (see HIDE WINDOW and SHOW WINDOW). 2. If the window you want to clear is variable size, the window is not displayed when the physical screen is refreshed. 3. If you are writing output (see the WRITE VSCREEN command), CLEAR WINDOW provides a means for starting output at the top of the window. It does not erase data in the virtual screen but instead works like scrolling. CLEAR WINDOW positions the window at the line following the last data line in the virtual screen. When output is written, lines of data are appended to the virtual screen and are displayed starting at the first nonreserved line of the window. 4. In a System Product Editor session, you cannot clear the window that the System Product Editor is using. Messages and Return Codes DMSCLR386E DMSCLR388E DMSCLR391E DMSCLR921E DMSCLR929E Missing operand(s) [RC = 24] Invalid keyword: keyword [RC = 24] Unexpected operand(s): operand [RC = 24] Window wname is not defined [RC = 28] Window wname is not connected to a virtual screen [RC = 36] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing 675 CURSOR VSCREEN CURSOR VSCREEN Use the CURSOR VSCREEN command to position the cursor on a specified line and column in a virtual screen. Format CURsor VSCreen vname line col Options: [(options [)] ] ReServed] [ Data Operands vname is the name of the virtual screen. line is the line number in the virtual screen where the cursor is positioned. col is the column in the virtual screen where the cursor is positioned. Options Reserved places the cursor in the reserved area of the virtual screen. The line number must be less than or equal to the number of lines in the reserved area. A negative line number positions the cursor in the bottom reserved area, and a positive line number positions the cursor in the top reserved area. The col must be less than or equal to the number of columns in the virtual screen. You cannot specify a line or col of zero when placing the cursor in the RESERVED area. Data places the cursor in the scrollable data area at the specified line and column. DATA is the default. The line number must be less than or equal to the number of lines in the data area, and must be zero or greater. A value of zero positions the cursor at the line following the current bottom of the virtual screen. The col must be less than or equal to the number of columns in the virtual screen, and must be zero or greater. A value of zero positions the cursor in column two. This allows for a start field in column one. 676 VMjSP CMS Command Reference CURSOR VSCREEN Usage Notes 1. In a virtual screen, the lines in the top reserved area are numbered starting from the top. The top line is 1, the second line is 2, etc. In the bottom reserved area, lines are numbered starting at the bottom and have negative values. The bottom line is line -1, the second line up is -2, the third line up is -3, etc. 2. When the physical screen is read, the following cursor information is saved: a. Cursor position on the physical screen b. Cursor position in the window and the window name c. Cursor position in the virtual screen and the virtual screen name. If the cursor is not in a window or if it is on a border, the window and virtual screen cursor information is not updated. In addition, the cursor position can be changed by: • The CURSOR VSCREEN command • Lines written to a virtual screen The last window and last virtual screen to be updated with cursor location information are said to 'own' the cursor. When the physical screen is refreshed, the following rules determine the position of the cursor on the physical screen: a. If a border command (with the exception of X and H) was issued, position the cursor on the comer of the window in which the last processed border command was typed. If the window position is no longer displayed, processing continues with the next step. b. Place the cursor in the virtual screen that last owned the cursor: 1) Determine if the last window to own the cursor is connected to this virtual screen. If it is, check if the window contains the virtual screen cursor position and if it is visible on the physical screen. 2) If the position is not visible and this is the CMS virtual screen, place the cursor on the command line. 3) Otherwise, check other windows connected to this virtual screen and determine if any of these windows contain the virtual screen cursor position and are visible on the physical screen. Place cursor in the first window that meets these criteria. 4) For each window connected to the virtual screen that owns the cursor, starting with the top-most window, determine if the virtual screen displayed by that window has a visible cursor position. Place the cursor in the first position visible on the physical screen. 5) Calculate the cursor positions of each window visible on the physical screen (starting with the top-most window) and place the cursor in the first position that is visible on the physical screen. c. Place the cursor in the window that last owned the cursor: 1) Place the cursor in the window that last owned it if that position is visible on the physical screen. 2) If the position not visible, determine if any position in this window is visible on the screen and place it in the first position of this window that is visible. Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing 677 CURSOR VSCREEN 3) Calculate the cursor position for the top window. Place the cursor in this position if it is visible. Otherwise, place it in the first visible position of the top window. d. If the cursor still has not been positioned, place it in row 1, column 1 of the physical screen. Responses The next time the screen is displayed, the cursor will be positioned at the specified location in the virtual screen, assuming that the location is displayed somewhere in an associated window on the physical screen. Messages and Return Codes DMSCUR386E DMSCUR388E DMSCUR389E DMSCUR391E DMSCUR394E DMSCUR921E DMSCUR923E DMSCUR928E Missing operand(s) [RC = 24] Invalid keyword: keyword [RC = 24] Invalid operand: operand [RC = 24] Unexpected operand (s): operand [RC=24] Invalid option: option [RC = 24] Virtual screen vname is not defined [RC = 28] Specified location is outside the virtual screen [RC = 32] Command is not valid for virtual screen vname [RC = 12] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 678 Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 VM/SP CMS Command Reference ( \ DEFINE VSCREEN DEFINE VSCREEN Use the DEFINE VSCREEN command to create a virtual screen. A virtual screen is a functional simulation of a physical display screen. It is a "presentation space" where data is written. Format DEFine VSCreen vname lines cols rtop rbot [(optionA optionB optionC optionD [> ] ] OptionA: [Type NOType 1 OptionB: [PRotect ] NOProtect High [ NOHigh 1 OptionC: [color] [ exthi] [psset] OptionD: Operands vname is the name assigned to the virtual screen. You may specify a name up to eight characters in length. lines is the number of scrollable data lines that the virtual screen contains. The number of lines must be one or greater. cols is the number of columns that the virtual screen contains. rtop is the number of reserved lines maintained in the top reserved area of the virtual screen. rbot is the number of reserved lines maintained in the bottom reserved area of the virtual screen. Option A Option A controls the actions when information is written to the specified virtual screen. The following may be specified: TYPe specifies that data is moved to the virtual screen when the virtual screen queue is processed. TYPE is the default. NOType specifies that the virtual screen is not updated. Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing 679 DEFINE VSCREEN Option B Option B indicates the default attributes of the data in the virtual screen. The following may be specified: PRotect the data is protected. NO PRotect the data is not protected. NOPRotect is the default. High data is displayed in high intensity. NOHigh data is displayed in a normal intensity. NOHigh is the default. Option C Option C indicates the default extended attributes for the virtual screen. The following may be specified: color the color may be Default, Blue, Red, Pink, Green, Turquoise, Yellow, or White. exthi the extended highlighting may be None (default), REVvideo, BLInk, or Underline. psset the Programmed Symbol Set (PSset) may be specified as PSO (the default), PSI, PSA, PSB, PSC, PSD, PSE, or PSF. Option D Option D indicates whether or not the virtual screen is retained when a task abnormally ends (abend) or when the HX (halt execution) command is issued. The following may be specified: USer indicates that the virtual screen is deleted when a task abnormally ends (abend) or when the HX (halt execution) command is issued. SYstem indicates that the virtual screen is retained when a task abnormally ends (abend) or when the HX (halt execution) command is issued. Usage Notes 1. For information on attributes, extended attributes, fields, and Programmed Symbol Sets, refer to the IBM 3270 Information Display System Data Stream Programmer's Reference, GA23-0059. 2. Use the SET VSCREEN command to change the options for a defined virtual screen. 3. When you specify NOTYPE, the virtual screen is not updated when the queue is processed. However, the data in the queue is logged to a CMS file if logging is set on (see the SET LOGFILE command). 4. The virtual screen options are accepted whether or not the device has the ability to use those options. However, the action taken depends upon the device. For example, color is ignored on a 3278 display, and color and extended highlighting are ignored on a 3277 display. In addition, if Programmed Symbol Sets are 680 VM/SP CMS Command Reference DEFINE VSCREEN supported by the device, then the PSset specified must be loaded in the display. If not, the default PSset for the device is used. QUERY VSCREEN displays all the options, even those that may be ignored. The QUERY DISPLAY command displays the options that are supported by the device. 5. When you define a virtual screen, the following buffers are allocated for the data and option information: • • • • • Data Attribute Color Extended highlight PSset The number of buffers allocated depends on the options supported by the device. For example, if color is not available, a color buffer is not allocated. The data buffer and the attribute buffer are always defined. The structure allows you to assign different characteristics to each character in a virtual screen. For example, adjacent characters can be displayed with different colors if the device supports character options. The SET CHARM ODE command allows you to specify whether character attributes should be used when displaying virtual screen data. In addition to the buffers, a queue is also defined. Data is queued to the virtual screen when writes are done. 6. The option information sets the default display characteristics of the data in the virtual screen. When data is written to the virtual screen, the virtual screen defaults are used unless the write specifies different characteristics, in which case the write options override the characteristics of the virtual screen. See the WRITE VSCREEN command for more information. 7. The reserved lines are maintained outside the area defined as scrollable data in the virtual screen. For example: define vscreen message 20 80 1 1 defines a virtual screen named MESSAGE that contains 20 lines of scrollable data, one line in the top reserved area, and one line in the bottom reserved area. Each line is 80 columns wide. The WRITE VSCREEN command enables you to write to the scrollable data area or, using the RESERVED option, write to the reserved areas. 8. A virtual screen may not be defined with the same name as a virtual screen that already exists. The rules for naming a virtual screen are the same as those for naming files: • The name can be from one to eight characters. • The valid characters are A-Z, a-z, 0-9, $, #, @, +, - (hyphen), :(colon), and _ (underscore). 9. To view the contents of a virtual screen in a window, a window must be connected to the virtual screen using the SHOW WINDOW or HIDE WINDOW command. Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing 681 DEFINE VSCREEN Messages and Return Codes DMSDEF014E DMSDEF386E DMSDEF389E DMSDEF391E DMSDEF394E DMSDEF622E DMSDEF913E DMSDEF920E DMSDEF926E Invalid function/unction [RC = 24] Missing operand(s) [RC = 24] Invalid operand: operand [RC = 24] Unexpected operand(s): operand [RC = 24] Invalid option: option [RC = 24] Insufficient free storage [RC = 104] Invalid virtual screen name: vname [RC = 20] Virtual screen vname already exists [RC = 3] Command is only valid on a display terminal [RC = 88] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 682 Reason Page Errors in command syntax ~ll VM/SP CMS Command Reference DEFINE WINDOW DEFINE WINDOW Use the DEFINE WINDOW command to create a window with the specified name, size, and position on the physical screen. Format DEFine WINdow wname lines cols psline pscol Options: [(options [)]] [~tx~~ble] [:g:::~er] [~~;Wll Operands wname is the name assigned to the window. You may specify a name up to eight characters in length. lines is the number of lines the window displays. cols is the number of columns the window displays. psline is the line on the physical screen where the upper or lower edge of the window is positioned. A positive number positions the upper edge of the window on the specified line relative to the top of the screen. A negative number positions the lower edge of the window on the specified line relative to the bottom of the screen. For more information, see Usage Note 7. pscol is the column on the physical screen where the left edge of the window is positioned. Options VARiable indicates that the number of lines in the window may vary depending on the amount of scrollable data displayed. FIXed indicates that the number of lines in the window is always constant. FIXED is the default. BORder indicates that the borders are displayed when possible. BORDER is the default. NOBorder indicates that borders are not displayed. Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing 683 DEFINE WINDOW POP specifies that the window is displayed on top of all other windows when the virtual screen that the window is showing is updated. NOPop specifies that there is no effect on the window's position in the ordered list of windows when the virtual screen that the window is showing is updated. NOPOP is the default. TOP specifies that the window may qualify as the topmost window. Most windowing commands process the topmost window by default or when = is specified as the window name. NOTop specifies that the window cannot qualify as the topmost window. Windows defined as NOTOP are not !,roce:~~e:d by def?.1.!!t 0!' 'Nhe~ ~ ~~~~~~d i:.; :.;pcdfkd with = for the window name. USer indicates that the window is deleted when a task abnormally ends (a bend) or when the HX (halt execution) command is issued. SYstem indicates that the window is retained when a task abnormally ends (abend) or when the HX (halt execution) command is issued. Usage Notes 1. A maximum of 255 windows may be defined at any time. 2. A window may not be defined with the same name as a window that already exists. A window name of "*,, and "=" is invalid. 3. Defining a window does not automatically display it. To display a window, it must be connected to a virtual screen (see the SHOW WINDOW and HIDE WINDOW commands for details). 4. Use the SET WINDOW command to change the options for a window. 5. A window displays as many top and bottom reserved lines as possible, regardless of the position on the virtual screen where the window is connected. The, reserved lines are defined and maintained in the virtual screen. See the SET RESERVED command to change the way in which reserved lines are displayed in a window. 6. A window's size and location must be specified in such a way that, excluding borders, the entire window fits on the physical screen. 7. Psline may be specified as either a positive or a negative number. When positive, the window's upper left corner is placed on the physical screen at the line number specified. When negative, the window's lower left comer is placed relative to the bottom of the physical screen. Thus, a psline value of + 1 positions a window by its upper left corner to the top line of the physical screen. A psline value of -1 positions it by its lower left corner to the bottom line of the physical screen. 8. Window borders are built outside the area defined for the window. Therefore, it is possible that some or all of the borders may not fit on the physical screen due to the size and position of the window. Borders are highlighted and displayed using the following characters: 684 VMjSP CMS Command Reference DEFINE WINDOW top border character is a dash, '-' bottom border character is a dash, '-' left border character is a vertical bar, 'I' right border character is a vertical bar, 'I' Border corners are identified with a plus ( +) sign. Use the SET BORDER command to alter border attributes and characters. 9. Single-character Border commands can be entered in the border comers. See the "Border Commands" on page 778 and the VM/SP eMS User's Guide for more information on the border commands. 10. If the window, virtual screen, and physical screen do not have the same number of columns, it is recommended that you define the window with one column greater than the number of columns in the virtual screen that it is displaying. This provides for the additional field definition character (Start Field) that is necessary for the proper display of the window on the screen, and ensures that a maximum number of columns of virtual screen data are displayed. 11. When you specify a window as VARIABLE, the current number of lines in the window may vary from 0, in which case the window is not displayed, to the number of lines specified for the window. The window size depends upon the amount of scrollable data being displayed. 12. If mUltiple windows defined with the POP option are showing the same virtual screen, all the windows are displayed on top of the other windows when the virtual screen is updated. Their position in relation to each other is maintained. Messages and Return Codes DMSDEF014E DMSDEF386E DMSDEF389E DMSDEF391E DMSDEF394E DMSDEF622E DMSDEF676E DMSDEF915E DMSDEF920E DMSDEF922E DMSDEF926E Invalid function junction [RC = 24] Missing operand(s) [RC = 24] Invalid operand: operand [RC = 24] Unexpected operand(s): operand [RC=24] Invalid option: option [RC = 24] Insufficient free storage [RC = 104] Invalid character {*I =} for window name [RC = 20] Maximum number of windows already defined [RC = 12] Window wname already exists [RC = 3] Window does not fit entirely on the screen [RC = 32] Command is only valid on a display terminal [RC = 88] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing 685 DELETE VSCREEN DELETE VSCREEN Use the DELETE VSCREEN command to remove a virtual screen definition. Format DELete VSCreen vname Operands vname is the name of the virtual screen to be deleted. usage Notes 1. The CMS virtual screen cannot be deleted when SET FULLSCREEN is ON or SUSPEND (see SET FULLSCREEN). 2. When deleting a virtual screen and data is in the queue, handling of data depends on whether or not you are using full-screen CMS. When SET FULLSCREEN is ON, the data is redirected to the CMS virtual screen and window. When SET FULLSCREEN is OFF or SUSPEND, the data is typed out on your screen. 3. When you delete a virtual screen, all windows connected to it are disconnected. Any ROUTE command message classes that have been directed to the virtual screen are rerouted to the CMS virtual screen. Messages and Return Codes DMSDEL386E DMSDEL388E DMSDEL391E DMSDEL919E DMSDEL921E Missing operand(s) [RC = 24] Invalid keyword: keyword [RC = 24] Unexpected operand(s): operand [RC=24] The CMS virtual screen cannot be deleted [RC = 24] Virtual screen vname is not defined [RC = 28] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 686 Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 VM/SP CMS Command Reference DELETE WINDOW DELETE WINDOW Use the DELETE WINDOW command to remove a window definition. Format DELete WINdow wname Operands wname is the name of the window to be deleted. Usage Notes 1. If the window is connected to a virtual screen, the virtual screen (vscreen) is not affected. 2. The CMS window cannot be deleted when SET FULL SCREEN is ON or SUSPEND (see SET FULLSCREEN). Messages and Return Codes DMSDEL386E DMSDEL388E DMSDEL391E DMSDEL919E DMSDEL921E Missing operand(s) [RC = 24] Invalid keyword: keyword [RC = 24] Unexpected operand(s): operand [RC=24] The CMS window cannot be deleted [RC = 24] Window wname is not defined [RC = 28] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing 687 DROP WINDOW DROP WINDOW ( Use the DROP WINDOW command to move a window down in the order of displayed windows. Format DROP WINdow --------"upc:r i:lIIU~ wname is the name of the window to be dropped. indicates that the topmost window is dropped. WM hides the WM window so that it is no longer visible on the screen and commands cannot be entered from it. You are returned to the environment you were in before entering POP WINDOW WM. The nand * have no effect when specified with WM. n is the number of positions the window is moved down. An "*,, positions the window behind all other windows. If this operand is not specified, "*,, is assumed. Usage Notes 1. If the window is hidden (see HIDE WINDOW), then DROP WINDOW has no effect. 2. When using full-screen CMS, you cannot drop a window that is showing the virtual screen indicated in the status area message. For example, if the CMS window is showing the CMS virtual screen, and the status area message instructs you to "Scroll for more information in vscreen CMS," you cannot drop the CMS window. You can drop any other window. 3. In the WM window, the P A2 and CLEAR keys scroll the topmost window forward. When there is no more data in the window to scroll, you automatically exit the WM environment. Messages and Return Codes DMSDRP386E DMSDRP388E DMSDRP389E DMSDRP391E DMSDRP921E DMSDRP929E Missing operand(s) [RC = 24] Invalid keyword: keyword [RC = 24] Invalid operand: operand [RC = 24] Unexpected operand(s): operand [RC=24] Window wname is not defined [RC = 28] Window wname is not connected to a virtual screen [RC = 36] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 688 VM/SP CMS Command Reference " DROP WINDOW Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing 689 GET VSCREEN GETVSCREEN Use the GET VSCREEN command to write lines from a CMS file to the specified virtual screen. Format GET VSCreen vname fn ft [f~ [fro;:rec [nu~rec]] ] 0!lerands vname is the name of the virtual screen to be updated with the data in the specified CMS file. In is the file name of the file. It is the file type of the file. fm is the file mode of the file. If you do not specify fm or if * is specified, then all accessed disks and directories are searched. fromrec is the starting record of the file that is moved into the virtual screen. GET VSCREEN starts with the first record in the file by default. numrec is the number of records that are read from the file and moved into the virtual screen. All the records are read by default. An * means that records are processed until the end of the file is reached. Usage Notes 1. GET VSCREEN queues each record of a CMS file to the virtual screen. The information is appended to the end of the virtual screen when the virtual screen is updated. See WRITE VSCREEN for more information on queues. Messages and Return Codes DMSFNS1144E DMSFNS1252T DMSGET069E DMSGET386E DMSGET388E DMSGET389E DMSGET391E DMSGET921E DMSSTT048E DMSSTT062E DMSWVL002E DMSWVLI04S 690 VM/SP CMS Command Reference Implicit rollback occurred for work unit workunitid [RC = 31] Rollback unsuccessful for file pool Jilepoolid Filemode mode not accessed [RC = 36] Missing operand(s) [RC = 24] Invalid keyword: keyword [RC = 24] Invalid operand: operand [RC = 24] Unexpected operand(s): operand [RC = 24] Virtual screen vname is not defined [RC = 28] Invalid mode mode [RC = 24] Invalid character char in fileid [fn It 11m]] [RC = 20] File In It fm not found [RC = 28] Error nn reading file fn It fm from disk or directory [RC = 311551701761991100] GET VSCREEN Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Record nnn not found -- file fnftfm has only nnn records [RC = 32] DMSWVL928E Command is not valid for virtual screen vname [RC = 12] DMSWVL1262S Error nn opening filefnftfm [RC=311551701761991100] DMSWVLI09S DMSWVL156E Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax Errors in the Shared File System 811 813 Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing 691 HIDE WINDOW HIDE WINDOW Use the HIDE WINDOW command to prevent the specified window from being displayed and to connect the window to a virtual screen. The SHOW WINDOW command will redisplay the window. Format HIDE WINdow [wn~me [ON vname [line col] ] ] Operanus wname is the name of the window to be hidden. An" =" indicates that the topmost window is hidden. If wname is not specified, "=" is assumed. vname is the name of the virtual screen to which the window will be connected. line is the virtual screen line number where the upper left comer of the window is placed. col is the column number of the virtual screen where the upper left comer of the window is placed. Usage Notes 1. Multiple windows may be connected to a single virtual screen. 2. If the window is already connected to a virtual screen when you issue the HIDE WINDOW command, you do not have to specify the virtual screen information. 3. When you specify a virtual screen name, line, and column, the line and column values must be less than or equal to the corresponding virtual screen dimensions. The minimum line and column value is 1. If line and column are not specified, the default is 1 for both. If the specified line is past the current bottom of the virtual screen, the window is connected to the bottom of the virtual screen. 4. When you hide a window, the window is removed from the list of displayed windows. Therefore, issuing a command like POP WINDOW or DROP WINDOW that manipulates the order of displayed windows has no effect on hidden windows. 5. You must always have a window showing the eMS virtual screen when using full-screen eMS. If you hide all the windows showing the eMS virtual screen, the eMS window is automatically shown at the top of the eMS virtual scree~. The eMS window is on top of all other windows, including the STATUS window~ You should then issue the POP WINDOW STATUS command. 692 VM/SP CMS Command Reference HIDE WINDOW Messages and Return Codes DMSHID386E DMSHID388E DMSHID389E DMSHID391E DMSHID921E DMSWMM921E DMSWMM921E DMSWMM923E DMSWMM929E Missing operand(s) [RC = 24] Invalid keyword: keyword [RC = 24] Invalid operand: operand [RC = 24] Unexpected operand(s): operand [RC = 24] Window wname is not defined [RC = 28] Virtual screen vname is not defined [RC = 28] Window wname is not defined [RC = 28] Specified location is outside the virtual screen [RC = 32] Window wname is not connected to a virtual screen [RC = 36] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing 693 MAXIMIZE WINDOW MAXIMIZE WINDOW Use the MAXIMIZE WINDOW command to expand a window to the physical screen size. Format I MAXimize WINdow ---------ut'c:rallu. wname is the name of the window to be expanded. An" =" indicates that the topmost window is expanded. If this operand is not specified, "=" is assumed. Usage Notes I. The RESTORE WINDOW command returns the window to its size and location prior to the maximize. 2. A window can be maximized whether or not it is connected to a virtual screen and whether or not the window is displayed. 3. A maximized window is positioned at line I, column 1 of the physical screen. 4. A variable size window that is maximized still retains its variable size properties. Thus, depending on how many lines exist in the virtual screen to which the window is connected, the window may appear to be less than full screen size when it is displayed on the physical screen. For example, suppose a variable size window is connected to line one of a virtual screen that contains three data lines. When the window is maximized: • it moves to line I, column I; • its width is the width of the physical screen; and, • it contains only three data lines. 5. When you maximize a window so that it fills the entire screen and covers all other windows, you may not be able to enter commands. The WM window is automatically displayed, and the WMPF keys and command line are available to manipulate the window. Use the RESTORE WINDOW command to restore the window and the DROP WINDOW command to exit the WM environment. Messages and Return Codes DMSMAX386E DMSMAX388E DMSMAX391E DMSMAX921E Missing operand(s) [RC=24] Invalid keyword: keyword [RC = 24] Unexpected operand(s): operand [RC=24] Window wname is not defined [RC = 28] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 694 VM/SP CMS Command Reference MAXIMIZE WINDOW Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing 695 MINIMIZE WINDOW MINIMIZE WINDOW Use the MINIMIZE WINDOW command to reduce the size of the window to one line. Format MINimize WINdow Operands wname is the name of the window to be reduced. An" =" indicates that the topmost window will be reduced. If this operand is not specified, "=" is assumed. Usage Notes 1. The RESTORE WINDOW command returns the window to its size and location prior to issuing the MINIMIZE command. Messages and Return Codes DMSMIN386E DMSMIN388E DMSMIN391E DMSMIN921E Missing operand(s) [RC = 24] Invalid keyword: keyword [RC = 24] Unexpected operand(s): operand [RC = 24] Window wname is not defined [RC = 28] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 696 Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 VM/SP CMS Command Reference POP WINDOW POP WINDOW Use the POP WINDOW command to move a window up in the order of displayed windows. Format POP WINdow Operands wname is the name of the window to be moved up. WM displays the WM window, allowing you to enter commands from the command line or with WMPF keys. The nand * have no effect when specified with WM. See Usage Note 5 for a list of commands that you can enter in the WM environment. n is the number of positions the window is to be moved up. An "*,, indicates that the window will be positioned on top of the other displayed windows. If this operand is not specified, "*,, is assumed. Usage Notes 1. If the window is hidden (see HIDE WINDOW) then POP WINDOW has no effect. 2. A variable size window is only displayed when there is at least one scrollable line to show. If a variable size window is showing a virtual screen that does not contain any scrollable lines, the POP WINDOW command for that window moves the window up in the display order, but it is not displayed. 3. When a variable size window has been cleared (using the CLEAR WINDOW command or by scrolling forward), the POP WINDOW command moves the window up in the order of displayed windows and scrolls it to the bottom of the virtual screen that it is showing. 4. When you are using full-screen CMS and you enter the POP WINDOW command from the command line, the command is executed and then the screen is refreshed. As part of the refresh processing, any pop-type window that has output waiting is moved to the top of the order of displayed windows. Therefore, the window that you specified may not be displayed at the top of the display order because another has been popped afterwards. 5. You can display the WM window whether or not you are using full-screen CMS, that is, whether SET FULLSCREEN is ON, OFF, or SUSPEND. From the WM window you can issue the following commands: Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing 697 POP WINDOW CLEAR WINDOW CP DROP WINDOW HELP HIDE WINDOW MAXIMIZE WINDOW MINIMIZE WINDOW POP WINDOW POSITION WINDOW PUT SCREEN QUERY BORDER QUERY HIDE QUERY LOCATION QUERY RESERVED QUERY SHOW QUERY WINDOW QUERYWMPF RESTORE WINDOW SCROLL SET BORDER SET LOCATION SET RESERVED SET WINDOW SETWMPF SHOW WINDOW SIZE WINDOW In the WM environment, you can enter HELP (WMPF 1) to see the list of commands that are available. The WM environment creates a WMHELP window and WMHELP virtual screen to display the list. To exit the WM window, use the DROP WINDOW command. 6. The POP WINDOW WM command automatically defines the WM window and WM virtual screen if they do not already exist. 7. You may encounter a situation where the entire screen is protected and you are unable to enter commands. For example, you may maximize a window so that it fills the entire screen and covers all other windows. You may not be able to enter commands in the window because it is protected. In such cases, the WM window is automatically displayed, and the WMPF keys and command line are available to manipulate the window. For example, use the POP WINDOW command to change the order of displayed windows or the RESTORE WINDOW command to restore a maximized window. The DROP WINDOW WM command (or the default WMPF 3 key) exits the WM environment and displays all the windows that are showing the virtual screen that is waiting for a response. If that virtual screen is the CMS virtual screen, the STATUS window is also displayed. Also, you can use the PA2 and CLEAR keys to scroll the topmost window forward. When there is no more data to scroll, you automatically exit the WM window. Messages and Return Codes DMSPP0386E DMSPP0388E DMSPP0389E DMSPP0391E DMSPP0921E DMSPP0929E Missing operand(s) [RC=24] Invalid keyword: keyword [RC = 24] Invalid operand: operand [RC = 24] Unexpected operand(s): operand [RC = 24] Window wname is not defined [RC = 28] Window wname is not connected to a virtual screen [RC = 36] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 698 Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 VM/SP CMS Command Reference POSITION WINDOW POSITION WINDOW Use the POSITION WINDOW command to change the location of a window on the physical screen. Format POSition WINdow { wn~me} ps line pscol Operands wname is the name of the window to be moved. An "=" indicates that the topmost window is moved. psline is the line on the physical screen where the upper or lower edge of the window is positioned. A positive number positions the upper edge of the window on the specified line relative to the top of the screen. A negative number positions the lower edge of the window on the specified line relative to the bottom of the screen. pscol is the column on the physical screen where the left edge of the window is positioned. Usage Notes 1. The window's size and location must be such that, excluding borders, the entire window fits on the physical screen. 2. 'Psline' may be specified as either a positive or a negative number. When positive, the window's upper left corner is placed on the physical screen at the line and column number specified. When negative, the window's lower left corner is placed relative to the bottom of the physical screen. Thus, a psline value of + 1 positions a window by its upper left corner to the top line of the physical screen. A psline value of -1 positions it by its lower left corner to the bottom line of the physical screen. Messages and Return Codes DMSPST386E DMSPST388E DMSPST389E DMSPST391E DMSPST92lE DMSPST922E Missing operand(s) [RC = 24] Invalid keyword: keyword [RC = 24] Invalid operand: operand [RC = 24] Unexpected operand(s): operand [RC = 24] Window wname is not defined [RC = 28] Window does not fit entirely on the screen [RC = 32] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing 699 PUT SCREEN PUT SCREEN Use the PUT SCREEN command to copy the image of a physical screen to a CMS file. Format PUT SCREEN In Operands fn is the file name of the file into which the image is copied. ft is the file type of the file into which the image is copied. fm is the file mode letter of the file. The default is *, which is the first read/write disk or directory in the search order containing the specified file. See the Usage Notes for more information. Usage Notes 1. The PUT SCREEN command copies the last physical screen image that was displayed in a window. 2. If the file does not exist, it is created on the disk or directory accessed as A and the lines are inserted. If the file already exists, the data is appended to the end of the file. 3. For a file in fixed format, each line of virtual screen that is longer than the logical record length of the file is truncated. Lines that are shorter than the logical record length are padded with blanks. Messages and Return Codes DMSERDI07S DMSFNSll44E DMSFNS1252T DMSPUT069E DMSPUT386E DMSPUT388E DMSPUT391E DMSPUT917E DMSSTT048E DMSSTT062E DMSWVL037E DMSWVL069E DMSWVLI05S DMSWVL531E DMSWVL924E DMSWVL1258E DMSWVL1262S 700 VM/SP CMS Command Reference Disk mode(vdev) is full [RC= 100] Implicit rollback occurred for work unit workunitid [RC=31] Rollback unsuccessful for file poolfilepoolid Filemode mode not accessed [RC = 36] Missing operand(s) [RC=24] Invalid keyword: keyword [RC = 24] Unexpected operand(s): operand [RC = 24] No windows are displayed [RC=4] Invalid mode mode [RC = 24] Invalid character char in fileid [fn ft lfm]] [RC = 20] Filemode mode is accessed as read/only [RC = 12] Filemode fm not accessed [RC = 36] Error nn writing file fn ftfm on disk or directory [RC= 100] Disk is full; set new filemode or clear some disk space [RC= 13] Data was truncated [RC = 3] You are not authorized to write to file fn ft fmldirid [RC = 28] Error nn opening filefnftfm [RC= 100] PUT SCREEN Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax Errors in the Shared File System 811 813 Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing 701 PUT VSCREEN PUTVSCREEN Use the PUT VSCREEN command to write the data from the scrollable data area of a virtual screen to a CMS file. Format PUT VSCreen Operands vname is the name of the virtual screen from which the data is written. In is the filename of the file into which the data is written. It is the file type of the file into which the data is written. 1m is the file mode of the file. The default is *, which is the first read/write disk or directory in the search order containing the specified file. See the Usage Notes for more information. Iromlin is the starting line in the virtual screen to be copied into the file. PUT VSCREEN starts with the first line in the virtual screen by default. The number specified for Iromlin must be within the range of the current top and bottom of the virtual screen. numJin is the number of lines to be written into the specified file. If numJin is not specified, the default is *, meaning all the lines in the virtual screen starting with the specified line (fromlin) are copied into the file. Usage Notes 1. If the specified file does not exist, the file is created on the disk or directory accessed as A and the lines are inserted. If the file already exists, the data is appended to the end of the file. Messages and Return Codes DMSERDI07S DMSFNSII44E DMSFNS1252T DMSPUT069E DMSPUT386E DMSPUT388E DMSPUT389E DMSPUT391E DMSPUT921E DMSSTT048E 702 VM/SP CMS Command Reference Disk mode (vdev) is full [RC = 100] Implicit rollback occurred for work unit workunitid [RC = 31] Rollback unsuccessful for file pool fiJepooJid Filemode mode not accessed [RC = 36] Missing operand(s) [RC = 24] Invalid keyword: keyword [RC = 24] Invalid operand: operand [RC = 24] Unexpected operand(s): operand [RC = 24] Virtual screen vname is not defined [RC = 28] Invalid mode mode [RC = 24] PUTVSCREEN DMSSTT062E DMSWVL037E DMSWVL069E DMSWVLI05S Invalid character char in fileid [fn ft lfm]] [RC = 20] Filemode mode is read only [RC = 12] Filemode fm not accessed [RC = 36] Error nn writing file fn ft fm on disk or directory [RC = 311551701761991100] DMSWVLI09S Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] DMSWVL531E Disk is full; set new filemode or clear some disk space [RC= 13] DMSWVL923E Specified location is outside the virtual screen [RC = 32] DMSWVL924E Data was truncated [RC = 3] DMSWVL928E Command is not valid for virtual screen vname [RC = 12] DMSWVL936W Virtual screen vname is empty [RC = 0] DMSWVL1258E You are not authorized to write to file fn ft fmldirid [RC = 28] DMSWVL1262S Error nn opening file fn ftfm [RC = 311551701761991100] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax Errors in the Shared File System 811 813 Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing 703 QUERY QUERY Use the QUERY command to gather information about your CMS windowing and virtual screen environment. You can determine: • The state of virtual machine characteristics that are controlled by the CMS SET command • Physical screen characteristics • CMSPF and WMPF key settings • Window characteristics and the order in which the windows are being displayed • Virtual screen characteristics • Cursor position 704 VM/SP CMS Command Reference QUERY Query APL BORDER wname [ALL] CHARM ODE [~n] CMSPF CURSOR [vname ] DISPLAY FULLREAD FULLSCREen HIDE [:name] KEY LINEND LOCATION wname LOGFILE vname NONDISP REMOTE RESERVED wname ROUTE [ (options .•• [ ) ] ] [::sgClaSS ] :name ] SHOW [ TEXT VSCREEN [ WINDOW WMPF ~name [ALL] ] [;:name [ALL]] [:nJ Options: APL displays the status of APL character code conversion. Response: APL ON or APL OFF where: Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing 705 QUERY ON converts APL characters for windows. OFF does not convert APL characters. BORDER wname displays whether or not the window borders are ON, and for each edge that is defined, it displays the edge name and character. Response: BORDER wname ON ([TOP char] [BOTTOM char] [LEFT char] [RIGHT char] OFF where: wname is the name of the window. char is the character assigned to the border edge. BORDER wname ALL displays whether or not the window borders are ON and, for each edge that is defined, displays the edge name and character. In addition, the border attributes are also displayed. Response: BORDER wname ONIOFF ([TOP char] [BOTTOM char] [LEFT char] [RIGHT char] attr color exthi psset where: attr is the attribute of the border. It may be a HIGH or NOHIGH. color is the color of the border. exthi is the extended highlighting of the border. psset is the Programmed Symbol set of the border. Note: When using the ALL operand, the response may be too long for one line. If so, it wraps to the next one. CHARMODE displays whether character attributes or field attributes are used when displaying virtual screen data on the physical screen. Response: CHARMODE ON or CHARMODE where: 706 VMjSP CMS Command Reference OFF QUERY ON indicates that character attributes are used when displaying virtual screen data on the physical screen. OFF indicates that field attributes are used when displaying virtual screen data on the physical screen. CMSPF nn displays the definition of a specific CMS PF key represented by nn. Responses: CMSPF nn [pseudonym keyword string] where: nn is the number of the PF key. pseudonym is a 9-character representation that is displayed in the PF Key definition area at the bottom of the CMS window. keyword indicates when the command associated with the PF key is executed in relation to other commands entered at the terminal. It may be DELAYED, ECHO, or NOECHO. A CMSPF key set to RETRIEVE does not have a keyword associated with it. string is the command string associated with the PF Key. A CMSPF key that is undefined is displayed as: CMSPF nn CMSPF ~ displays the definitions for all full-screen CMS PF keys. This is the default. Response: The response is the same as for QUERY CMSPF nn; one line is displayed for each PF key. CURSOR displays the location of the cursor on the physical screen when the screen was last read. If there is associated virtual screen information, the name of the virtual screen and the location of the cursor in the virtual screen when the screen was last read is also displayed. Responses: CURSOR pline peol [IN vname vline veol RESERVED IDATA] where: pline is the line number of the physical screen. pcol is the column number of the physical screen. vname is the name of the virtual screen that last set the cursor. Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing 707 QUERY vline is the line number of the virtual screen. A value of zero (0) indicates that the cursor is below the current bottom. vcol is the column number of the virtual screen. RESERVED IDATA is the area where the cursor is set. CURSOR vname displays the name of the virtual screen and the current location of the cursor in the virtual screen. If the cursor has not yet been set, vline and veol are -1. Response: VSCREEN vname vline veol [(RESERVEDIDATA] where: vname is the name of the virtual screen. vline is the line number of the virtual screen. A value of zero (0) indicates that the cursor is below the current bottom. vcol is the column number of the virtual screen. RESERVEDIDATA is the area where the cursor is set. DISPLAY indicates the characteristics of the physical screen. Responses: DISPLAY lines eols devtype addrtype dbes color exthi pss pssets where: lines is the number of lines on the physical screen. cols is the number of columns on the physical screen. devtype is the type of display terminal: ANR - such as 3270 to 3277 type displays. NDS - such as 3278, 3279, 3290 type displays. addrtype is either 12BIT type address or 14BIT type address. dbcs is DBCS if Double-Byte Character Set (DBCS) strings are supported, or NODBCS if DBCS strings are not supported. color is COLOR, if color is available, or NOCOLOR. exthi is EXTHI, if extended highlighting is available, or NOEXTHI. 708 VM/SP CMS Command Reference QUERY pss is PSS, if Programmed Symbol sets are available, or NOPSS. pssets is the list of Program Symbol sets (PSSET) that are currently loaded. Each character represents a PSSET. The PSSET value of 0 is always displayed. FULL READ indicates whether or not 3270 null characters are recognized in the middle of the physical screen. Response: FULLREAD ON or FULLREAD OFF where: ON indicates that null characters are recognized in the middle of lines, making it easier for you to enter tabular or pictorial data. OFF inhibits transmission of nulls from the terminal. FULLSCREen indicates the status of full-screen eMS. Response: FULLSCREEN ON or FULLSCREEN OFF or FULLSCREEN SUSPEND where: ON indicates that full-screen eMS is active. OFF indicates that full-screen eMS is inactive. SUSPEND indicates that full-screen eMS is suspended. HIDE wname displays the name of the window, the name of the virtual screen to which the window is connected, and the location (line and column) of the window on the virtual screen. Responses: WINDOW wname ON vname line column where: wname is the name of the window. Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing 709 QUERY vname is the name of the virtual screen to which the window is connected. line is the line number in the virtual screen where the window is connected. column is the column number in the virtual screen where the window is connected. HIDE~ displays the name of the window, the name of the virtual screen to which the window is connected, and the location (line and column) of the window on the virtual screen for all hidden windows. This is the default. Responses: The response is the same as for QUERY HIDE wname; one line is displayed for each hidden window. KEY displays the last key pressed that caused an attention interrupt. Responses: KEY keypressed where: keypressed is the attention key that was pressed, such as ENTER, PAKEY n, PFKEY n, CLEAR, or UNKNOWN. LINEND indicates whether or not the logical line end character is activated and the character defined as the logical line end. Response: LINEND ON char or LINEND OFF char where: ON indicates that the logical line end character is activated. OFF indicates that the logical line end character is not activated. char is the logical line end character. LOCATION wname indicates whether or not the location indicator is displayed in the specified window when the data in the virtual screen exceeds the size of the window. Response: LOCATION wname ON or LOCATION wname where: 710 VM/SP CMS Command Reference OFF QUERY woame is the name of the specified window. ON the location indicator is displayed when there is data to be viewed outside the window. OFF the location indicator is not displayed. LOGFILE vname displays whether or not a log file is updated with data written to the virtual screen. Response: LOGFI LE vname ON fn ft fm or LOGFI LE vname OFF fn ft fm where: ON indicates that a log file is updated with data written to the virtual screen. OFF indicates that a log file is not updated for the virtual screen. voame is the name of the virtual screen. fo is the file name of the log file. ft is the file type of the log file. fm is the file mode of the log file. NONDISP specifies the character that is set to be displayed in place of nondisplayable characters. Response: NONDISP char where: char is the character that is displayed in place of nondisplayable characters .. REMOTE displays the manner in which data transmission is handled. Response: REMOTE ON or REMOTE OFF where: Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing 711 QUERY ON specifies that data is compressed by removing nulls and combining data when five or more of the same characters occur consecutively in a data stream. OFF specifies that the data stream is not compressed. Data is transmitted with no minimization. RESERVED wname displays the maximum number of reserved lines on the top and bottom of the specified window. Response: RESERVED wname rtop rbot * * where: wname is the name of the window. rtop is the maximum number of top reserved lines that may be displayed. rbot is the maximum number of bottom reserved lines that may be displayed. ROUTE msgclass displays the name of the virtual screen, alarm status, and notification information for the specified message class when SET FULL SCREEN is ON or SUSPEND. The following classes of output may be specified: CMS CP MESSAGE WARNING SCIF NETWORK Response: msgclass TO vname (alarm notify where: msgclass is the message class which is directed to the virtual screen. vname is the virtual screen receiving the output. alarm is ALARM if the alarm is sounded when a message is received and NOALARM if the alarm does not sound when a message is received. notify is NOTIFY if the message class name is displayed in the status area when you receive a message and is NONOTIFY if the message class name is not displayed in the status area when you receive a message. 712 VM/SP CMS Command Reference QUERY ROUTE~ displays the routing of all message classes. This is the default. Response: The response is the same as for QUERY ROUTE msgclass; one line is displayed for each message class. SHOW wname displays the name of the window, the name of the virtual screen that the window is showing, and the location (line and column) of the window on the virtual screen. Note: If a variable size window is showing a virtual screen that does not contain any scrollable data lines or if a variable size window is clear, the window is not displayed on the physical screen. It does appear in the response. Responses: WINDOW wname ON vname line column where: wname is the name of the window. vname is the name of the virtual screen to which the window is connected. line is the line number in the virtual screen where the window is connected. column is the column number in the virtual screen where the window is connected. SHOW~ displays the name of the window, the name of the virtual screen to which the window is connected, and the location (line and column) of the window on the virtual screen for all windows in the order in which they are being displayed on the physical screen. This is the default. Responses: The response is the same as for QUERY SHOW wname; one line is displayed for each visible window. TEXT displays the status of TEXT character code conversion. Response: ON TEXT or TEXT OFF where: ON converts TEXT characters for windows. OFF does not convert TEXT· characters. Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing 713 QUERY VSCREEN vname displays the name of the virtual screen, the number of lines and columns, and the number of top and bottom reserved lines for the specified virtual screen. Responses: VSCREEN vname lines cols rtop rbot where: vname is the name of the virtual screen. lines is the number of lines in the virtual screen. cols is the number of columns in the virtual screen. rtop is the number of lines in the top reserved area. rbot is the number of lines in the bottom reserved area. VSCREEN ~ displays the name of the virtual screen, the number of lines and number of columns, and the number of top and bottom reserved lines for all virtual screens. This is the default. Responses: The response is the same as for QUERY VSCREEN vname; one line is displayed for each virtual screen. VSCREEN vname ALL VSCREEN~ displays the attributes and extended attributes for a virtual screen or all virtual screens in addition to the same information as QUERY VSCREEN. Response: VSCREEN vname lines cols rtop rbot (high protect color exthi psset type system where: vname is the name of the virtual screen. high is the intensity attribute of the data in the virtual screen. It may be HIGH or NOHIGH. protect indicates whether or not the data in the virtual screen is protected. It may be PROTECT or NOPROT (NOPROTECT). color is the color of the virtual screen. exthi is the extended highlighting of the virtual screen. psset is the Programmed Symbol set of the virtual screen. 714 VM/SP CMS Command Reference QUERY type indicates that data is moved to the virtual screen when the virtual screen queue is processed (TYPE) or that the virtual screen is not updated (NOTYPE). system indicates whether the virtual screen is retained (SYSTEM) or deleted (USER) when a task abnormally ends (abend) or when the HX '(halt execution) command is issued. Note: When using the ALL operand, the response may be too long for one line. If so, it wraps to the next one. WINDOW wname displays the name, the number of lines and columns, and the location on the physical screen for a specific window. Responses: WINDOW wname lines eo1s ps1ine pseo1 where: wname is the name of the window. lines is the number of lines in the window. cols is the number of columns in the window. psline is the line on the physical screen where the window is placed. pscol is the column on the physical screen where the window is placed. WINDOW = displays the name, the number of lines and columns, and the location on the physical screen for the topmost window. Responses: The response is the same as for QUERY WINDOW wname; one line is displayed for the topmost window. WINDOW~ displays the name, the number of lines and columns, and the location on the physical screen for all windows. This is the default. Responses: The response is the same as for QUERY WINDOW wname; one line is displayed for each window. WINDOW wname ALL WINDOW ~ ALL displays the options for a window or all windows in addition to the same information as QUERY WINDOW. Response: WINDOW wname lines eo1s ps1ine pseo1 (type border pop top system where: Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing 715 QUERY type is VARIABLE if the window is a variable size or FIXED if the window is a fixed size. border is BORDER if the border is set ON, or NOBORDER if the borders are OFF. pop indicates whether the window is displayed on top of all other windows (POP) or that there is no effect on the window's position in the ordered list of windows (NOPOP) when the virtual screen that the window is showing is updated. top indicates whether the window may qualify as the topmost window (TOP) or cannot qualify as the topmost window (NOTOP) system indicates whether the window is retained (SYSTEM) or deleted (USER) when a task abnormally ends (abend) or when the HX (halt execution) command is issued. Note: When using the ALL operand, the response may be too long for one line. If so, it wraps to the next one. WMPFnn displays the definition of a WMPF key specified as nn. Responses: WMPF nn pseudonym keyword string where: pseudonym is a 9-character representation that is displayed in the PF Key definition area at the bottom of the WM window. keyword indicates when the command associated with the PF key is executed in relation to other commands entered at the terminal. It may be DELAYED, ECHO, or NOECHO. A WMPF key set to RETRIEVE does not have a keyword associated with it. string is the command string associated with the PF Key. An undefined WMPF key is displayed as WMPF nn WMPF~ displays the definitions for all WMPF keys. This is the default. Responses: The response is the same as for QUERY WMPF nn; one line is displayed for each PF key. 716 VM/SP CMS Command Reference QUERY Options STACK causes the results of the QUERY command to be placed in the program stack instead of being displayed at the terminal. The information is stacked either FIFO (first in first out) or LIFO (last in first out). The default order is FIFO. If CMS passes the command to CP, then the response from CP is also put in the program stack. If CP precedes the QUERY command, CMS does not stack the results. The STACK option is valid only when issued from CMS. Error messages are displayed at the terminal and are not stacked. FIFO (first-in first-out) is the default option for STACK. FIFO causes the results of the QUERY command to be placed in the program stack instead of being displayed at the terminal. The information is stacked FIFO. The options STACK, STACK FIFO, and FIFO are all equivalent. LIFO (last-in first-out) causes the results of the QUERY command to be placed in the program stack rather than being displayed at the terminal. The information is stacked LIFO. This option is equivalent to STACK LIFO. Usage Notes 1. You may specify only one QUERY parameter at a time. 2. If the implied CP (1M PCP) function is in effect and you enter an invalid QUERY parameter, you may receive the message DMKCQG045E - userid NOT LOGGED ON. 3. If an invalid QUERY parameter is specified from an exec and the implied CP (IMPCP) function is in effect, then the return code is -0003. 4. If the information that you query requires a response from CP and the response is longer than S192 characters, nothing is stacked and you receive a return code ofSS. 5. The language for QUERY command responses depends on the language used to enter the command and whether or not the command was translated. If the QUERY command is entered in American English (or AMENG, which is always available), CMS responds in American English. If the command is entered in the current national language, or if the translation of the command is the same as American English, the response is displayed (or stacked) in the current national language. The language of the response is especially important for language dependent execs. For more information, see the section "Using Translations" in the VM/SP eMS User's Guide. Messages and Return Codes DMSJNLI09S DMSQRF525E DMSQRF921E DMSQRG91SE DMSQRG91SE DMSQRG921E DMSQRGI0S2E DMSQRH916E DMSQRH916E DMSQRH917E DMSQRH917E DMSQRP065E Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Invalid PFkey number [RC = 24] Virtual screen vname is not defined [RC = 2S] No windows are defined [RC = 4] No virtual screens are defined [RC = 4] Window wname is not defined [RC = 28] No window qualifies as the window on top [RC=4] Window wname is not displayed [RC = 28] Window wname is not hidden [RC = 28] No windows are displayed [RC=4] No windows are hidden [RC=4] option option specified twice [RC = 24] Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing 717 QUERY DMSQRQ1239E You are not authorized to issue this request on behalf of userid [RC=76] DMSQRRI09E Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC.= 109] Directory dirname not found or you are not authorized for it DMSQRX070E Invalid parameter parameter [RC = 24] DMSQRY003E Invalid option: option [RC=24] DMSQRY014E Invalid function/unction [RC=24] DMSQRY066E option1 and option2 are conflicting options [RC = 24] DMSQRY621E Bad plist: message [RC = 24] Additional systeln messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 718 Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 VM/SP CMS Command Reference REFRESH REFRESH Use the REFRESH command to update virtual screens and their associated windows and refresh the screen. Format REFresh Messages and Return Codes DMSREF391E DMSREF622E DMSREF917E DMSREF925E DMSREF926E Unexpected operand(s): operand [RC = 24] Insufficient free storage [RC = 104] No windows are displayed [RC=4] I/O error on screen [RC = 100] Command is only valid on a display terminal [RC = 88] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing 719 RESTORE WINDOW RESTORE WINDOW Use the RESTORE WINDOW command to return a maximized or minimized window to its size and location prior to the maximize or minimize. Format REStore WINdow Operands wname is the name of the window to be restored. An" =" indicates that the topmost window will be restored. "=" is the default. Messages and Return Codes DMSRES386E DMSRES388E DMSRES391E DMSRES921E Missing operand(s) [RC = 24] Invalid keyword: keyword [RC = 24] Unexpected operand(s): operand [RC = 24] Window wname is not defined [RC = 28] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 720 Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 VM/SP CMS Command Reference ROUTE ROUTE Use the ROUTE command to direct data of a particular message class to a virtual screen. Format ROUTE msgclass TO vname Options: [( options . . . [)]] ALARM ] [NOTifY ] [ NOALARM NONotify Operands msgclass identifies the message class which is being directed to the virtual screen. The following classes of output may be specified: CMS directs the responses generated by the virtual machine. The responses include any CMS error messages and line mode I/O performed by the virtual machine. CP directs messages and responses generated by CPo MESSAGE directs messages sent by the MSG and MSGNOH (message-noheader) commands from other users. WARNING directs warning messages sent by the CP WARNING command from the system operator. SCIF directs any messages from a secondary user ID to a virtual screen. NETWORK directs RSCS file routing messages from the RSCS virtual machine. All other RSCS messages are handled as regular messages. See Usage Note 4 for a list of the messages classified as NETWORK. * directs all classes of information to a specified virtual screen. vname specifies which virtual screen receives the output. Options The options apply to the MESSAGE, WARNING, SCIF, and NETWORK message classes. Although you can specify the options for CP and CMS, they are ignored. ALArm sounds the alarm when a message is received. NOAlarm does not sound the alarm. NOALARM is the default. NOTify displays the message class name in the status area when you receive a message with a message class of MESSAGE, WARNING, SCIF, or NETWORK. Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing 721 ROUTE NONotify will not display the virtual screen name in the status area when you receive a message with a message class of MESSAGE, WARNING, SCIF, or NETWORK. NONOTIFY is the default. Usage Notes 1. When SET FULLSCREEN is ON, the various message classes are routed to virtual screens as follows: Table 20. Default Settings for Message Routing Message Class Virtual Screen Options CMS CMS NOALARM NONOTIFY CP CMS NOALARM NONOTIFY MESSAGE MESSAGE ALARM NOTIFY WARNING WARNING ALARM NOTIFY SCIF MESSAGE NOALARM NONOTIFY NETWORK NETWORK NOALARM NOTIFY Commands entered in the CMS virtual screen are always echoed in the CMS virtual screen regardless of the routing of the CMS message class. 2. The CP and CMS message classes always have options of NOALARM and NONOTIFY. 3. When you specify the message class as *, the options are recognized for MESSAGE, WARNING, SCIF, and NETWORK. CP and CMS always have the NOALARM and NONOTIFY options. 4. The following messages from the Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS) are classified as NETWORK messages: 1011 FILE spoolid ENQUEUED ON LINK linkid 1041 FILE (orgid) {SPOOLEDITRANSFERRED} TO useridl ORG nodeid(userid2) mmjdd/yy hh:mm:ss: zzz 1471 SENT FILE spoolid(orgid) ON LINK linkid TO nodeid(userid2) 1701 FROM nodeid: message-text All other RSCS messages are handled as regular messages. The first three characters of the identifier of an RSCS message are DMT. The next three characters denote the module origin of the message. For more information on messages from RSCS, see Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem Program Reference and Operations Manual or Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem Networking Version 2 Operation and Use. 722 VMjSP CMS Command Reference ROUTE Messages and Return Codes DMSROU386E DMSROU388E DMSROU391E DMSROU394E DMSROU921E DMSROU926E DMSROU928E Missing operand(s) [RC = 24] Invalid keyword: keyword [RC = 24] Unexpected operand(s): operand [RC=24] Invalid option: option [RC = 24] Virtual screen vname is not defined [RC=28] Command is only valid in eMS FULLSCREEN mode [RC = 88] Command is not valid for virtual screen vname [RC = 12] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing 723 SCROLL SCROLL Use the SCROLL command to move a window to a new location on the virtual screen to which it is connected. Format SCROLL BAckward [ wn~ n [ * ]] 1 Bottom Down Forward Left Next Right Top Up [ wname [ wname [ ; ]] wname [i ]] - - [[- = wname = ] [! ]] wname [i ]] wname [1 ]] ] [[[- = wname = wname [- = [i ]] Operands wname is the name of the window being scrolled. An" =" indicates that the topmost window is scrolled. If this operand is not specified, "=" is assumed. BAckward moves the window toward the top of the virtual screen so that the first data line displayed in the window becomes the last data line displayed. If you specify a number for n, the window is scrolled backward "n" displays. The * means scroll to the top. The default is 1 display. 724 VM/SP CMS Command Reference SCROLL Bottom moves the window to the last line (bottom) of the virtual screen. The first data line of the window displays the last line of the virtual screen. Down moves the window toward the bottom of the virtual screen the number of data lines specified. The default is I line. DOWN is the same as NEXT. The * means scroll to the bottom. Forward moves the window toward the bottom of the virtual screen so that the last data line displayed in the window becomes the first data line displayed. If you specify a number for n, the window is scrolled forward "n" displays. The default is I. The * means scroll to the bottom. Left moves the window toward the left edge of the virtual screen the number of columns specified. The default for n is 1. If n is specified as 0, the window is moved to column I. Next moves the window toward the bottom of the virtual screen the number of lines specified. The default is I line. NEXT is the same as DOWN. The * means scroll to the bottom. Right moves the window toward the right edge of the virtual screen the number of columns specified. The default for n is 1. If n is specified as 0, the window is moved to column I. Top moves the window to the first line (top) of the virtual screen. The first data line of the window displays the first line of the virtual screen. Up moves the window toward the top of the virtual screen the number of data lines specified. The default is I line. The * means scroll to the top. Usage Notes I. The SCROLL command is valid only when the window is connected to a virtual screen (see the SHOW WINDOW and HIDE WINDOW commands). 2. When you scroll forward or backward, only the data area of the screen moves; the reserved lines (PF key definition area and title line) are static. When you scroll left or right, the reserved lines of the screen are scrolled along with the data area of the screen. 3. If the window has been cleared (see the CLEAR WINDOW command), the following rules apply: • If you SCROLL FORWARD or TOP, you scroll to the top of the virtual screen • If you SCROLL BACKWARD or BOTTOM, you scroll to the bottom of the virtual screen • SCROLLing UP or DOWN has no effect. 4. If the window is positioned in the middle of the virtual screen and you scroll backward specifying an "n," which would result in scrolling past the virtual screen top, the window is repositioned at the virtual screen top and stops. If the Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing 725 SCROLL window is positioned at the virtual screen top and you scroll backward, the window is repositioned at the virtual screen bottom and stops. 5. If the window is positioned in the middle of the virtual screen and you scroll forward specifying an "n," which results in scrolling past the bottom, the window is repositioned at the virtual screen bottom, and stops. If the window is positioned at the virtual screen bottom and you scroll forward, the window is cleared. A subsequent scroll forward positions the window at the virtual screen top. If the window being scrolled is variable size and it is positioned at the bottom of the virtual screen, the window is not displayed at the next refresh when it is scrolled forward (see the CLEAR WINDOW command). 6. When you receive the status area message "Scroll forward for more information in vscreen vname" (in full-screen CMS) and there are multiple windows showing the specified virtual screen, it is recommended that you scroll forward the window closest to the top of the ordered list of windows. This enables data that is in the virtual screen queue to be written to the virtual screen and displayed. Messages and Return Codes DMSSCL386E DMSSCL388E DMSSCL389E DMSSCL391E DMSSCL921E DMSSCL929E Missing operand(s) [RC = 24] Invalid keyword: keyword [RC = 24] Invalid operand: operand [RC = 24] Unexpected operand(s): operand [RC=24] Window wname is not defined [RC = 28] Window wname is not connected to a virtual screen [RC = 36] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Return Codes Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 o 1 3 726 Normal Vscreen top or bottom reached, or window is cleared Scroll amount truncated VM/SP CMS Command Reference SET SET Use the SET command to establish, turn off, or reset a particular function in your CMS windowing or virtual screen environment. Only one function may be specified per SET command. SET cannot be issued without an option. The full-screen CMS options available with SET are summarized below. A complete description of each option follows. APL BORDER CHARMODE CMSPF FULLREAD FULLSCREEN LINEND LOCATION LOG FILE NONDISP REMOTE RESERVED TEXT VSCREEN WINDOW WMPF Usage Notes 1. If you issue the SET command specifying an invalid function and the implied CP function is in effect, you may receive message DMKCFC003E Invalid option - option 2. If an invalid SET command function is specified from an exec and the implied CP function is in effect, then the return code is -0003. 3. To determine or verify the setting of most functions, use the QUERY command. Messages and Return Codes Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing 727 SET APL SET APL Use the APL option to activate character code conversion for APL characters for the System Product Editor and CMS. Format SET APL Operands ON activates character code conversion for APL characters. Before using APL keys, issue SET APL ON to ensure proper character code conversion. OFF specifies that no character code conversion is performed for APL characters and keys. Initial Setting APL OFF Usage Notes I. The APL setting is valid only when performing full-screen I/O (for example, in XEDIT or in CMS with SET FULLSCREEN ON). If you are in CP or using a line-mode terminal, SET APL has no effect. If you are in CP, you can issue the TERMINAL APL ON command to have CP convert APL character codes. 2. Because the APL character code conversion is costly, it is recommended that you issue SET APL OFF when you stop using the special APL keys. 3. When SET APL ON is specified, TEXT is set OFF. 4. Changing the APL setting for CMS also changes the APL setting for the System Product Editor, and vice versa. Messages and Return Codes DMSSEFI09S DMSSEF524W DMSSEF926E DMSSETI09S DMSWIR329W Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] NONDISP character reset to II. Command is only valid on a display terminal [RC = 88] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Warning: APL/TEXT option not in effect Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 728 Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 VM/SP CMS Command Reference SET BORDER SET BORDER Use the BORDER option to define borders around windows. Borders visually separate information displayed in different windows. Also, border comers can be used to enter Border Commands (see "Border Commands" on page 778 for more information). Format SET BORDER wname {g~F} OptionA: [TOP char] [LEFT char] OptionB: 1 High [ NOHigh [([ optionA] [optionB] [)] ] [BOTTOM char] [RIGHT char] [ALL char] [ color] [exthi] [psset] Operands wname is the name of the window. ON indicates that the borders of the window will be displayed (if they fit on the physical screen). If no options are specified, the currently defined border characters and attributes are used. OFF indicates that the borders will not be displayed. OptionA allows you to specify new characters for window borders. One or more of the following options may be specified: TOP char where char is the character that is displayed in the top border. BOTTOM char where char is the character that is displayed in the bottom border. LEFT char where char is the character that is displayed in the left-hand border. RIGHT char where char is the character that is displayed in the right-hand border. ALL char where char is the character that is displayed in all borders. Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing 729 SET BORDER OptionB indicates how the borders should be displayed. The following can be specified: High borders are high intensity. NOHigh borders are normal intensity. color is the border color. It may be Default, Blue, Red, Pink, Green, Turquoise, Yellow, or White. exthi is the border extended highlighting. It may be None, REVvideo, BLInk, or Underline. psset is the Programmed Symbol Set (PSset) used to display the borders (PSO, PSI, PSA, PSB, PSC, PSD, PSE, or PSF). The PSset must be loaded in the display to be used. If not, the default PSset is used. Initial Setting ON or OFF Usage Notes 1. To override the default border characteristics (see DEFINE WINDOW for the defaults) or to display a particular edge of the border you must use option A. Only those edges specified in option A are set "ON." All other edges are set "OFF." For example, if you issue the command: set border message on (top * only the top border is displayed and it is all asterisks (*). The bottom, left, and right borders are not displayed. The settings specified remain in effect for the duration of the session or until you change them. 2. Window borders are built outside the area defined for the window. Therefore, due to the size and position of the window, it is possible that any or all of the borders may not fit on the physical screen. Note: Left and right border characters take up two columns on the physical screen. (One column is for a start field and another column is for the border character.) Top and bottom borders take only one line. Thus, on a 24 x 80 physical screen, a window must not start before column 3 and must not extend past column 78 for the left and right borders to be displayed. To display top and bottom borders, the window must not start before line 2 or extend past line 23. 3. The corner characters of the border (identified by plus (+) signs) are available for entering single character windowing or scrolling commands (see the Border Commands section of this book). All other border characters are protected. 4. Location information for the number of lines or columns, or both, is displayed using the color, highlight, and program symbol set defined for the window border. 730 VMjSP CMS Command Reference SET BORDER Messages and Return Codes DMSSEF921E DMSSET109S Window wname is not defined [RC = 28] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing 731 SET CHARMODE SET CHARMODE Use the CHARMODE option to specify whether character attributes or field attributes should be used when displaying virtual screen data on the physical screen. Format CHARM ODE Operands ON displays each character with its own attribute. Each displayed character can be given individual color, extended highlighting, and PSset. OFF displays each character in a field with the attributes of the field. In this case, individual character attributes are ignored. Initial SeHing CHARMODE OFF Usage Notes I. The structure of virtual screens allows you to give different attributes to each character. For example, adjacent characters can be displayed with different colors. See the WRITE VSCREEN command for a description of how to specify character attributes when writing data. 2. To use character attributes, the display device must support character attributes. If the device does not support them (for example, the terminal is a 3277), then field attributes are used regardless of the CHARMODE setting. For more information, refer to the IBM 3270 Information Display System Data Stream Programmer's Reference, GA23-0059. 3. SET CHARM ODE must be ON to update COLOR, EXTHI, and PSS in the WRITE VSCREEN command. If SET CHARMODE is OFF they are ignored. Switching from SET CHARMODE ON to OFF may produce some undesirable results, such as a field having attributes that you intended only for a character. 4. For color and extended highlighting in a DBCS string, the first byte of a double-byte character determines the attributes for both bytes. You cannot specify character attributes for PSS in the WRITE VSCREEN command within a DBCS string. Messages and Return Codes DMSSEFI09S DMSSEF926E DMSSETI09S Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Command is only valid on a display terminal [RC = 88] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 732 VMjSP CMS Command Reference SET CHARMODE Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing 733 SET CMSPF SETCMSPF Use the CMSPF option to set a CMSPF key to a specific command. The CMSPF keys are used when SET FULL SCREEN is ON. Format SET CMSPF nn PSeUdOnym} [keYWOrd ] string DELAYED [ { NOWRITE 1 Operands nn is a number from I to 24 indicating which PF key is being set. pseudonym is a 9-character representation of the PF key definition. The pseudonym is displayed in the PF key definition area at the bottom of the CMS window. The pseudonym may be up to nine characters in length. NOWRITE suppresses overwriting of the PF key pseudonym when you set a CMSPF key. keyword indicates when the command associated with the PF key is executed in relation to other commands entered at the terminal. The keyword may be any of the following: DELAYED delays the execution of the command string. When the key is pressed, the command is displayed in the input area and is not executed until you press the ENTER key. If anything is currently in the input area, it is overlaid and no commands entered on the physical screen are processed. DELAYED is the default setting if no keyword is specified on the SET CMSPF command. ECHO executes the command immediately when the program function key is pressed. The key definition is echoed on the CMS virtual screen. NOECHO executes the command immediately when the program function key is pressed. The key definition is not echoed on the CMS virtual screen. Note: When a CMSPF key is set to RETRIEVE the keyword is ignored. string is the command(s) to be executed when the key is pressed. Initial Setting CMSPF CMSPF CMSPF CMSPF CMSPF 734 01 02 03 04 05 Help Pop_Msg Quit Clear_Top Filelist VM/SP CMS Command Reference ECHO NO ECHO NO ECHO NOECHO ECHO HELP POP WINDOW MESSAGE * SET FULLSCREEN SUSPEND #WM CLEAR WINDOW = EXEC FILELIST SET CMSPF CMSPF CMSPF CMSPF CMSPF CMSPF CMSPF CMSPF 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 Retrieve Backward Forward Rdrlist Left Ri ght Cmdline NO ECHO NO ECHO ECHO NO ECHO NO ECHO NO ECHO RETRIEVE #WM SCROLL BACKWARD CMS 1 #WM SCROLL FORWARD CMS 1 EXEC RDRLIST #WM SCROLL LEFT CMS 10 #WM SCROLL RIGHT CMS 10 CURSOR VSCREEN CMS -2 8 (RESERVED Note: On a terminal equipped with 24 PF keys, PF keys 13 through 24 have the same values as PF keys 1 through 12, respectively. Usage Notes 1. You can assign a sequence of commands to a single PF key by: a. Setting off the LINEND character b. Setting the PF key to the commands separated by the LINEND character c. Setting the LIN END character ON before using the PF key You cannot assign a sequence of#WM commands to a CMSPF key. The SET CMSPF command will accept the sequence, but the commands will not execute. 2. To cancel a PF key definition, enter: set cmspf nn substituting the number of the PF key for nn. 3. When you press a PA key or a CMSPF key in the CMS window, any input on the screen that has not been processed is discarded except input that is typed on the command line. If the key that was pressed does not update the command line, then input on the command line is rewritten. The next time you press ENTER it is executed. 4. The RETRIEVE function saves previously entered commands in a buffer that is 256 characters long. When you enter full-screen CMS, the buffer contains an asterisk (comment), and commands are added to the buffer as they are entered until it is full. As you continue to enter commands, the oldest commands are deleted and the most current commands are added. Pressing the PF key assigned to RETRIEVE displays the next command in the buffer on the command line. Each time you press the key, the previously entered command is displayed until the oldest one is reached. Then, RETRIEVE returns the most current command. Once the command is on the command line, press ENTER to execute it. You may also modify the command, then press ENTER to execute the new command. 5. The NOW RITE option is particularly useful when you have changed the bottom reserved area in the CMS virtual screen and you do not want the area overwritten when you set a CMSPF key. However, when you enter the full-screen CMS environment for the first time, the CMSPF key definitions are overwritten in the bottom reserved area of the CMS virtual machine. Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing 735 SET CMSPF Messages and Return Codes DMSSEF525E DMSSEF926E DMSSET109S Invalid PFkey number [RC = 24] Command is only valid in CMS FULLSCREEN mode [RC = 88] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 736 Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 VMjSP CMS Command Reference SET FULLREAD SET FULLREAD Use the FULL READ option to allow 3270 null characters to be recognized in the middle of the physical screen by CMS and the System Product Editor. Format SET I_ I FULLREAD _ {ON } OFF Operands ON enables nulls to be recognized in the middle of lines, making it easier for you to enter tabular or pictorial data. OFF inhibits transmission of nulls from the terminal. Initial Setting OFF Usage Notes 1. When FULLREAD ON is issued, nulls at the end of screen lines that are part of a logical line that occupies more than one physical screen line are dropped. This allows you to delete characters in a screen line and still have the line reconstructed flush together even though multi-line 327X lines do not "wrap" when the character delete key (or the insert mode key) is used. 2. FULL READ ON increases communication to the CPU, which generally results in increased response time. 3. Setting FULLREAD ON will prevent you from losing any screen changes when you press a PA key and a message is displayed on a cleared screen. 4. A certain terminal configuration, which imposes several restrictions on your session, occurs when going through a VMjPassthru Facility (5749-RCl) (PVM) 327X Emulator link to another VM system. These PVM links can be identified by an S to the immediate left of the node ID in the PVM selection screen. The following is a list of these restrictions: a. The SET FULL READ ON command may not be used. b. All PA keys (except for the CP defined TERMINAL BRKKEy) are non-functional. 5. Changing the FULLREAD setting for CMS also changes the FULLREAD setting for the System Product Editor. Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing 737 SET FULLREAD Messages and Return Codes DMSSEFI09S DMSSEF926E DMSSETI09S Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Command is only valid on a display terminal [RC = 88] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 738 Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 VM/SP CMS Command Reference SET FULLSCREEN SET FULLSCREEN Use the FULLSCREEN option to use full-screen CMS. Format SET FULLSCREen l ! [(options ... [)] ] OFF ON SUSPEND RESUME Options: CLear ] [ NOCLear Operands ON initializes full-screen CMS. SET FULLSCREEN ON defines the default virtual screens and windows for CMS. Output that is normally displayed by CP is trapped by CMS (by the IUCV Message All System Service) so that messages and VM output are displayed in windows. OFF returns CMS to line-mode operation. SUSPEND specifies that CMS should temporarily return to line-mode operation. CMS discontinues trapping I/O (by severing the *MSGALL connection) so that CP displays messages and VM output. This option could be used by applications that perform their own full-screen management, such as those that use DIAGNOSE Code X 158 I • RESUME returns a CMS session to the state that preceded a SET FULLSCREEN SUSPEND command. Options CLear clears the screen and enters full-screen CMS when used with ON or RESUME. The screen is not placed in a "MORE... " status. CLEAR is the default. --- NO CLear does not clear the screen when used with ON or RESUME. The screen is placed in a "MORE... " status, and any messages remain on the screen until the CLEAR key is pressed. The NOCLEAR option is particularly useful when SET FULLSCREEN ON or SET FULLSCREEN RESUME is issued from an exec or program that displays messages. Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing 739 SET FULLSCREEN Initial Setting FULLSCREEN OFF Things You Should Know About Full-Screen eMS 1. When you issue SET FULLSCREEN ON, CMS is placed in full-screen mode with the default and/or user-defined windows and features (for example: CMSPF Keys, Command Line, Status Area, etc.) being displayed. 2. When entering full-screen CMS: • All default virtual screens that you have not defined are defined, such as a virtual screen for CMS and CP output, and virtual screens for messages, network messages, warnings from the operator, and status information • All reserved areas are written for the default virtual screens • All default windows that you have not defined are defined • Default windows are connected to appropriate virtual screens • CMSPF key definitions are established • A connection to the IUCV Message All System Service is established and various classes of output are routed to virtual screens • Logging is started for the MESSAGE and WARNING virtual screens • The cursor is set in the CMS virtual screen • The CP TERMINAL BRKKEY NONE command is issued. 3. When returning to full-screen CMS after it has been suspended: • The CMS window is shown • The STATUS window is displayed • A connection is reestablished to the IUCV Message All System Service • Window and virtual screen definitions, logging, message routing, and the CP TERMINAL BRKKEY setting are not affected. 4. You must SET FULLSCREEN to OFF or SUSPEND to allow an APPC/VM application to connect to a private resource in your virtual machine. If FULLSCREEN is ON, CMS rejects any private resource connection requests. Your virtual machine may be logged on automatically if it processes private resource connection requests. If your virtual machine processes private resource connection requests, put the statement SET FULLSCREEN OFF or SET FULLSCREEN SUSPEND in your PROFILE EXEC to make sure CMS does not reject any private resource connection requests. 5. When lines are written to a virtual screen sequentially, such as in the CMS virtual screen, lines are added to the virtual screen starting at the virtual screen top. Once the virtual screen is full and you scroll forward, the oldest lines that have been scrolled are deleted, new lines are appended at the bottom, and the lines are renumbered. (Lines that have not been scrolled are not deleted.) Because the lines are renumbered, the scroll location information may appear to remain the same as you scroll forward. 740 VM/SP CMS Command Reference ( '~ SET FULLSCREEN When the virtual screen is full and new information is waiting to be added, scrolling the virtual screen forward or entering one of the following commands: CLEAR WINDOW, CLEAR VSCREEN, SHOW WINDOW, or HIDE WINDOW, allows the virtual screen to be updated. That is, the oldest information that has been scrolled is deleted off the top so that the newest information can be added at the bottom. This updating process occurs even if the window connected to the virtual screen is hidden or overlaid by other windows. 6. When you receive the status area message "Scroll forward for more information in vscreen vname" and there are multiple windows showing the specified virtual screen, it is recommended that you scroll forward the window closest to the top of the ordered list of windows. This enables data that is in the virtual screen queue to be written to the virtual screen and displayed. 7. When you SET FULLSCREEN OFF, all information that has not been updated to a virtual screen prior to execution of the command will be typed out in line mode. Any default windows and virtual screens defined by full-screen CMS will be deleted. In addition, the CP TERMINAL BRKKEY remains as NONE. To reset it to PAl (the default setting), use the CP TERMINAL command. 8. Commands can only be entered in the CMS virtual screen and the WM window. Commands entered in the CMS virtual screen are always echoed in the CMS virtual screen regardless of the routing of the CMS message class. 9. You must always have a window showing the CMS virtual screen when using full-screen CMS. If you hide all the windows showing the CMS virtual screen, the CMS window is automatically shown at the top of the CMS virtual screen. The CMS window is on top of all other windows, including the STATUS window. You should then issue the POP WINDOW STATUS command. 10. The WM window is automatically displayed in full-screen CMS when no windows are showing the active virtual screen. For example, you may maximize a window so that it fills the entire screen and covers all other windows. You may not be able to enter commands in the window because it is protected. In such cases, the WM window is automatically displayed, and the WMPF keys and command line are available to manipulate the window. In addition, the WM window is automatically displayed in full-screen CMS when you run an application that uses the CONSOLE macro to perform I/O and • The CMS virtual screen is updated, or • Any virtual screen (other than CMS) is updated and a pop-type window is showing it. The WMPF keys and a command line are available. Issuing the DROP WINDOW WM command (default WMPF 3) returns you to the application. System Defaults for Full-Screen eMS 1. The default windows for full-screen CMS are: Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing 741 SET FULLSCREEN Table 21. Default Windows Wname Lines Cols Psline Pscol Options STATUS 1 Pscr -1 1 Fixed Noborder Nopop Notop CMS Pscr Pscr 1 1 Fixed Border Nopop Top NETWORK 8 71 -12 7 Variable Border Nopop Top WARNING 6 71 3 3 Variable Border Pop Top MESSAGE 8 71 11 3 Variable Border Pop Top WM 5 Pscr -1 1 Fixed Border Nopop Notop CMSOUT 8 75 9 3 Variable Border Pop Top Pscr Size of the physical screen Psline The line on the physical screen where the upper (when psline is positive) or lower (when psline is negative) edge of the window is placed. Pscol The column on the physical screen where the upper left corner of the window is placed. Variable indicates that the number of lines in the window may vary depending on the amount of scrollable data displayed. Fixed indicates that the number of lines in the window is always constant. Border indicates that the borders are displayed when possible. For the CMS window, the borders are on but you cannot see them because the window is the size of the physical screen. 742 VM/SP CMS Command Reference SET FULLSCREEN Noborder indicates that borders are not displayed. Pop specifies that the window is displayed on top of all other windows when the virtual screen that the window is showing is updated. Nopop specifies that there is no effect on the window's position in the ordered list of windows when the virtual screen that the window is showing is updated. Top specifies that the window may qualify as the topmost window. Notop specifies that the window cannot qualify as the topmost window Note: Although the WM window is a default window, it is not defined when you enter full-screen eMS. The WM window is defined when you issue the command POP WINDOW WM, press the PAl key, or when the WM window is automatically displayed. All default windows are SYSTEM windows, which means the window is retained when the system abnormally terminates (abend) or when the HX (halt execution) command is issued. 2. The default virtual screens for full-screen eMS are: Table 22. Default Virtual Screens Vname Lines Cols Rtop Rbot Dcolor Protected?* WM 1 Pscr 0 5 White No STATUS 1 Pscr 0 0 White Yes NETWORK 16 70 2 0 Blue Yes WARNING 4 70 2 0 Red Yes MESSAGE 20 70 2 0 White Yes CMS 120 Pscr 2 5 Green No Pscr Physical screen size. For terminals with a screen size of 80 columns or less, the eMS virtual screen contains 81 columns. For terminals with a screen size greater than 80 columns, the eMS virtual screen contains the same number of columns as the physical screen. The STATUS and WM virtual screens always contain the same number of columns as the physical screen. Rtop Top reserved lines Rbot Bottom reserved lines Dcolor Data color * If protected, you cannot type into the window(s) connected to the virtual screen. Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing 743 SET FULLSCREEN Note: Although the WM virtual screen is a default virtual screen, it is not defined when you enter full-screen CMS. The WM virtual screen is defined when you issue the command POP WINDOW WM, press the PAl key, or when the WM window is automatically displayed. All default virtual screens are TYPE and SYSTEM virtual screens. TYPE means data is moved to the virtual screen when the virtual screen is updated. SYSTEM means the virtual screen is retained when the system abnormally terminates (abend) or when the HX (halt execution) command is issued. 3. Default windows are connected to default virtual screens in the following manner: Table 23. Default Windows and Virtual Screens Window Virtual Screen Description CMS CMS Displays CMS and CP output CMSOUT CMS Displays CMS and CP output while in XEDIT MESSAGE MESSAGE Displays user messages and SCIF messages NETWORK NETWORK Displays network messages STATUS STATUS Displays status messages WARNING WARNING Displays warnings WM WM Provides the capability to enter windowing commands 4. When SET FULLSCREEN is ON, the various message classes are routed to virtual screens as follows: Table 24. Default Settings for Message Routing Message Class Virtual Screen Options eMS CMS NOALARM NONOTIFY CP CMS NOALARM NONOTIFY MESSAGE MESSAGE ALARM NOTIFY WARNING WARNING ALARM NOTIFY SCIF MESSAGE NOALARM NONOTIFY NETWORK NETWORK NOALARM NOTIFY ALARM sounds the alarm when a message is received. NOALARM does not sound the alarm. 744 VM/SP CMS Command Reference SET FULLSCREEN NOTIFY displays the message class name in the. status area when you receive a message. NONOTIFY will not display the virtual screen name in the status area when you receive a message. See the ROUTE command for information on changing the default message routing. Commands entered in the CMS virtual screen are always echoed in the CMS virtual screen regardless of the routing of the CMS message class. 5. Any messages or warnings received during your full-screen CMS session are displayed in windows and logged into files. Messages are logged into a file called MESSAGE LOGFILE, and warnings are logged into a file called WARNING LOGFILE. 6. Pressing the PAl key while in full-screen CMS displays the WM window. The P A2 key and CLEAR key scroll the topmost window forward. See the SET CMSPF command for the default settings for the CMSPF keys. In the WM window, the P A2 key and CLEAR key also scroll the topmost window forward. When there is no more data in the window to scroll, you automatically exit the WM environment. Considerations for Applications in Full-Screen CMS 1. If an application performs full-screen management while in full-screen CMS and it does not use the CONSOLE macro, the output written to full-screen CMS is not displayed until the application completes. Prior to running the application, issue the SET FULLSCREEN SUSPEND command; when the application completes, issue the SET FULLSCREEN RESUME command. 2. When returning to full-screen CMS from an application that performs its own full-screen management (such as DIAGNOSE Code X 158 I), your screen may contain mixed data. Press the CLEAR key to scroll forward and refresh the screen. Alternatively, issue the SET FULLSCREEN SUSPEND command, run the application, and then issue SET FULLSCREEN RESUME when the application completes. For more information, see VM System Facilities for Programming. 3. SET FULLSCREEN SUSPEND and SET FULLSCREEN RESUME can be "nested." For example, suppose full-screen CMS is ON and an application called MYPROG issues SET FULLSCREEN SUSPEND and calls another application, TESTPROG. TESTPROG also issues SET FULLSCREEN SUSPEND. When TESTPROG completes, it issues SET FULLSCREEN RESUME and control returns to MYPROG. SET FULLSCREEN is still in the SUSPEND state and MYPROG continues to execute. Upon completion MYPROG issues SET FULLSCREEN RESUME, which returns FULLSCREEN to the ON state. To preserve the nesting, do not issue ON or OFF between SUSPEND and RESUME. If an application issues SET FULL SCREEN ON or OFF, the nesting is cleared and FULLSCREEN status changes to ON or OFF. Use the QUERY FULLSCREEN command to determine the FULLSCREEN status. Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing 745 SET FULLSCREEN 4. If full-screen CMS has never been set ON, and either SET FULLSCREEN OFF, SET FULLSCREEN SUSPEND or SET FULLSCREEN RESUME is issued, no action is taken. 5. The following messages are not trapped by the IUCV Message All System Service and are sent directly to the terminal: • Asynchronous CPCONIO, including PER/TRACE events • EMSGs not generated as part of a DIAGNOSE code X I 08 I operation instruction. • Accounting messages 6. The IUCV Message All System Service can stack up to 255 messages at anyone time. If this limit is exceeded, any additional incoming messages are sent directly to the terminal. 7. When SET FULLSCREEN is ON, most CMS console output is not passed to CPo In addition, applications that use the IUCV Message System Service (*MSG) and SET VMCONIO to IUCV will not trap all CMS output when using full-screen CMS. Prior to using such applications, it is recommended to issue SET FULLSCREEN SUSPEND. 8. You must SET FULLSCREEN to OFF or SUSPEND to allow an APPCjVM application to connect to a private resource in your virtual machine. If FULLSCREEN is ON, CMS rejects any private resource connection requests. Your virtual machine may be logged on automatically if it processes private resource connection requests. If your virtual machine processes private resource connection requests, put the statement SET FULLSCREEN OFF or SET FULLSCREEN SUSPEND in your PROFILE EXEC to make sure CMS does not reject any private resource connection requests. 9. When developing an application to be used with full-screen CMS, you may want to reset the CP TERMINAL BRKKEY to PAl (it is set to NONE in full-screen CMS). Then, you can enter CP mode to debug the application. Messages and Return Codes DMSSEFI09S DMSSEF926E DMSSEF927E DMSSETI09S Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Command is only valid on a display terminal [RC = 88] The physical screen must contain at least 20 lines and 80 columns [RC = 24] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC= 104] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 Special Command Used in the Full-Screen Environment The #WM command is a special command that can only be used in the CMS virtual screen in full-screen CMS. 746 VM/SP CMS Command Reference SET FULLSCREEN #WM Use the #WM command to execute a command immediately from the CMS virtual screen. Format #WM wmcommand Operands wmcommand specifies the command that you want to execute. See Usage Note 2 for a list of commands you can specify with #WM. Usage Notes 1. The pound sign (#) represents the default logical line end symbol for full-screen CMS. If you have redefined the line end symbol to another character (using the SET LINEND command), #WM is an invalid command; you must substitute your line end symbol for the pound sign to use the command. The #WM command is independent of the CP logical line end symbol. 2. You can enter any of the following commands with #WM: CLEAR WINDOW CP DROP WINDOW HIDE WINDOW MAXIMIZE WINDOW MINIMIZE WINDOW POP WINDOW POSITION WINDOW PUT SCREEN QUERY BORDER QUERY HIDE QUERY LOCATION QUERY RESERVED QUERY SHOW QUERY WINDOW QUERYWMPF RESTORE WINDOW SCROLL SET BORDER SET LOCATION SET RESERVED SET WINDOW SETWMPF SHOW WINDOW SIZE WINDOW Note that HELP is not a valid command with #WM; however, it is a valid command in the WM environment. Messages and Return Codes for #WM DMSWEN931E Invalid WM command: command DMSWEN1125E command is not allowed as an immediate command Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing 747 SET LINEND SET LINEND Use the LIN END option to activate and/or define the logical line end for full-screen CMS. Format I" SET 1 LINEND ON } { OFF [char] Operands ON allows you to enter several commands on the same line, separated by the line end character. OFF specifies that the logical line end character is not recognized. char is the character to be used as a line end character. The default line end character is a pound sign (#). Initial Setting LINENDON# Usage Note If you redefine the line end character to a symbol other than a pound sign (#), the #WM command is invalid. (Therefore, the default CMSPF keys that issue #WM commands do not function.) To use the #WM command you must substitute your line end symbol for the pound sign. Messages and Return Codes DMSSEF926E DMSSET109S Command is only valid in CMS FULLSCREEN mode [RC = 88] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 748 Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 VM/SP CMS Command Reference SET LOCATION SET LOCATION Use the LOCATION option to display the location indicator in the window when the data in the virtual screen exceeds the size of the window. Format SET wname LOCATION Operands wname is the name of the window. ON displays the location indicator when there is data to be viewed outside of the window. OFF does not display the location indicator. Initial Setting LOCATION ON Usage Notes 1. Displaying the location indicator overlays data in the window. If reserved lines are defined, the information overlays those lines. If not, the information overlays the scrollable data area. The data is not changed in the virtual screen and you are prohibited from typing over the location information. To view the data being overlaid, issue SET LOCATION wname OFF. 2. If the window is not wide enough to display the entire location indicator, the location information is truncated. Responses Location information for the number of lines or columns, or both, is displayed in the upper right corner of the window, using the color, highlight, and program symbol set defined for the window border. For example: Lines 25 - 44 of 44 Columns 1 - 29 of S9 Messages and Return Codes DMSSEF921E DMSSETI09S Window wname is not defined [RC=28] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing 749 SET LOGFILE SET LOGFILE Use the LOGFILE option to control whether or not a log file is updated. Format SET LOGFILE vname {ON } OFF Operands vname is the name of the virtual screen. ON begins logging for the specified virtual screen. OFF discontinues logging for the specified virtual screen. In is the file name of the file to which data is logged. The default file name is the name of the virtual screen. LOGFILE is the file type of the file to which data is logged. 1m is the file mode of the file. The default is *, which is the first read/write disk or directory in the search order containing the specified file. See the Usage Notes for more information. Initial Setting LOGFILEOFF Usage Notes 1. When the NOTYPE option is in effect for a specified virtual screen, data in the queue is not written to the virtual screen. However, the data is logged to a eMS file if logging was requested. 2. If the eMS file already exists, the data written to the virtual screen is appended to the existing eMS file. If the specified file does not exist, the file is created on the disk or directory accessed as A and the lines are inserted. 3. If you issue: SET LOGFILE vname ON and do not specify a file name, file type and/or a file mode, then the current values from previous settings for the log file ID are used. 4. To specify the file mode, you must also specify In and LOGFILE. 5. For each full-screen session, the following line is added to the file when the first message or warning is logged: **** Logging started for virtual screen vname on mm/dd/yr at hh:mm:sec 750 VM/SP CMS Command Reference SET LOGFILE 6. If you issue HX while using full-screen CMS, data is not logged in a LOG FILE for the command or program that is executing. Messages and Return Codes DMSSEF921E DMSSETI09S DMSWVL928E Virtual screen vname is not defined [RC=28] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Command is not valid for virtual screen vname [RC= 12] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing 751 SET NONDISP SET NONDISP Use the NONDISP option to define a character for CMS and the System Product Editor that is displayed in place of nondisplayable characters. Format SET NONDISP [char] Operands char defines a character that is displayed in place of nondisplayable characters. If not specified, a blank is used. Initial Setting NONDISP II Usage Notes 1. The translation of the nondisplayable character depends upon the type of terminal, whether SET APL ON or SET TEXT ON is in effect, and the current language being used (see SET LANGUAGE). 2. Changing the NONDISP setting for CMS also changes the NONDISP setting for the System Product Editor, and vice versa. 3. Changing the NONDISP character does not change characters already displayed on the screen unless that line is altered. Messages and Return Codes DMSSEFI09S DMSSEF926E DMSSETI09S Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC= 104] Command is only valid on display terminal [RC = 88] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC= 104] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 752 Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 VM/SP CMS Command Reference SET REMOTE SET REMOTE Use the REMOTE option to control the display of data transmissions for CMS and the System Product Editor. Format SET REMOTE Operands ON specifies that data is to be compressed by removing nulls and combining data when five or more of the same characters occur consecutively in a data stream. This minimizes the amount of data transmitted and shortens the buffer, thus speeding transmission. OFF specifies that the data stream is not to be compressed. Data is transmitted with no minimization. Initial SeHing REMOTE ON for remote displays REMOTE OFF for local displays. Usage Note Changing the REMOTE setting for CMS also changes the REMOTE setting for the System Product Editor, and vice versa. Messages and Return Codes DMSSEFI09S DMSSEF926E DMSSETI09S Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Command is only valid on a display terminal [RC = 88] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 Chapter 3. eMS Commands for Windowing 753 SET RESERVED SET RESERVED Use the RESERVED option to specify the maximum number of lines in a window that are used to display virtual screen reserved lines. Format SET RESERVED wname Operands wname is the name of the window. rtop is the maximum number of reserved lines that are displayed in the top of the window. The number displayed depends on the number of reserved lines defined in the virtual screen to which the window is connected, and on the number of lines in the window (see Usage Notes 2 and 3). rbot is the maximum number of reserved lines that are displayed in the bottom of the window. The number displayed depends on the number of reserved lines defined in the virtual screen to which the window is connected, and on the number of lines in the window (see Usage Notes 2 and 3). Initial Setting RESERVED wname ** Usage Notes 1. Reserved lines are maintained in the virtual screen buffers and are used to display such things as title lines and PF key descriptions. Reserved line data is not scrollable and takes up space above and below the scrollable data area in the middle of the window. See the description of the DEFINE VSCREEN and WRITE VSCREEN commands for more information regarding virtual screen reserved lines. 2. The number of reserved lines displayed in the window is the MINIMUM of the number specified with the SET RESERVED command or the number defined in the virtual screen to which the window is connected. When * is specified, the number of reserved lines displayed is the number defined in the virtual screen to which the window is connected. For example, suppose you have a window called MESSAGE that is 10 lines long. The virtual screen to which the window is connected contains 3 top reserved lines and 5 bottom reserved lines. If you issue the command: set reserved message 5 2 when the window is displayed on the physical screen, it contains 3 top reserved lines, because the virtual screen has 3 top reserved lines, and 2 bottom reserved lines, because that is the maximum number you requested. 754 VM/SP CMS Command Reference SET RESERVED If you then change the size of MESSAGE so that it is now only 3 lines long, the window is displayed with I top reserved line and 2 bottom reserved lines, according to the rules of this note and Usage Note 3. 3. Setting reserved lines for a window is independent of the window size. The number of reserved lines to be displayed in the window is determined when the physical screen is refreshed. Lines are handled according to the following priority: a. Bottom reserved lines b. Top reserved lines c. Data lines (top down) Messages and Return Codes DMSSEF921E DMSSET109S Window wname is not defined [RC = 28] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing 755 SET TEXT SET TEXT Use TEXT option to activate character code conversion for TEXT characters for the System Product Editor and CMS. Format SET TEXT Operands ON activates character code conversion for TEXT characters. Before using TEXT keys, issue SET TEXT ON to ensure proper character code conversion. OFF specifies that no character code conversion is performed for TEXT characters and keys. Initial Setting TEXT OFF Usage Notes I. The TEXT setting is valid only when performing full-screen I/O (for example, in XED IT or in CMS with SET FULLSCREEN ON). If you are in CP or using a line-mode terminal, SET TEXT has no effect. If you are in CP, you can issue the TERMINAL TEXT ON command to have CP convert TEXT character codes. 2. Because the text character code conversion is costly, it is recommended that you issue SET TEXT OFF when you stop using the special text keys. 3. When SET TEXT ON is specified, APL is set OFF. 4. Changing the TEXT setting for CMS also changes the TEXT setting for the System Product Editor. Messages and Return Codes DMSSEFI09S DMSSEF524W DMSSEF926E DMSSETI09S DMSWIR329W Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] NONDISP character reset to II. Command is only valid on a display terminal [RC = 88] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC= 104] Warning: APL/TEXT option not in effect Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 756 Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 YM/SP CMS Command Reference SET VSCREEN SETVSCREEN Use the VSCREEN option to indicate what action should take place when the virtual screen is updated with data. Format SET VSCREEN vname [~g~e] [~~i::ect][:~:igh] [color] [exthi] [psset] Operands vname is the name of the virtual screen. TYPe specifies that data is moved to the virtual screen when the virtual screen queue is processed. NOType specifies that the virtual screen is not updated. PRotect the data is protected. NOPRotect the data is not protected. High data is displayed in high intensity. NOHigh data is displayed in a normal intensity. color the color may be Default, Blue, Red, Pink, Green, Turquoise, Yellow, or White. exthi the extended highlighting may be None (default), REVvideo, BLInk, or Underline. psset the Programmed Symbol Set (PSset) may be specified as PSO (the default), PSI, PSA,PSB,PSC,PSD,PSE,orPSF. Initial Setting See DEFINE VSCREEN. Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing 757 SETVSCREEN Usage Notes 1. When NOTYPE is specified, the data is not written to the virtual screen when the queue is processed. However, the data is logged to a CMS file if logging was requested (see the SET LOGFILE command). 2. In full-screen CMS, SET VSCREEN CMS NOTYPE suppresses all updates to the CMS virtual screen. However, to suppress only the error messages from within an EXEC, use the SET CMSTYPE HT command. Messages and Return Codes DMSSEF921E DMSSEF928E DMSSETI09S Virtual screen vname is not defined [RC = 28] Command is not valid for virtual screen vname [RC = 12] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 758 Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 VM/SP CMS Command Reference SET WINDOW SET WINDOW Use the WINDOW option to specify • whether a window is variable or fixed size • if the window is affected when the virtual screen that the window is showing is updated. • whether or not the window qualifies as the topmost window. Format SET WINDOW wname {[VARiable][POP ][TOP ]} FIXed NOPop NOTop Operands wname is the name of the window. VARiable indicates that the current number of lines in the window may vary from 0 to the number of lines defined for the window, depending on how much data is displayed, FIXed indicates that the number of lines in the window is always constant. POP specifies that the window is displayed on top of all other windows when the virtual screen that the window is showing is updated. NOPop specifies that there is no effect on the window's position in the ordered list of windows when the virtual screen that the window is showing is updated. TOP specifies that the window may qualify as the topmost window. Most windowing commands process the topmost window by default or when = is specified as the window name. NOTop specifies that the window cannot qualify as the topmost window. Windows defined as NOTOP are not processed by default or when a command is specified with = for the window name. Initial Setting See DEFINE WINDOW. Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing 759 SET WINDOW Messages and Return Codes DMSSEF921E DMSSETI09S Window wname is not defined [RC = 28] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 760 Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 VM/SP CMS Command Reference SETWMPF SETWMPF Use the WMPF option to set a WMPF key to execute a windowing command. Format SET WMPF nn [Jpseudonym} [keYWOrd ] string] INOWRITE DELAYED Operands nn is a number from 1 to 24 indicating which PF key is being set. pseudonym is a 9-character representation of the PF key definition. The pseudonym is displayed in the PF key definition area at the bottom of the eMS window. The pseudonym may be up to nine characters in length. NOWRITE suppresses overwriting of the PF key pseudonym when you set a WMPF key. keyword indicates when the command associated with the PF key is executed in relation to commands entered at the terminal. The keyword may be one of the following: DELAYED delays the execution of the command string. When the key is pressed, the command string is displayed in the input area and is not executed until you press the ENTER key. If anything is currently in the input area, it is overlaid and no commands entered on the physical screen are processed. This is the default setting if no keyword is specified on the SET WMPF command. ECHO executes the command immediately when the program function key is pressed. The key definition is echoed above the command line in the WM window. NOECHO executes the command immediately when the program function key is pressed. The key definition is not echoed on the physical screen. Note: When a WMPF key is set to RETRIEVE the keyword is ignored. string is the command(s) to be executed when the key is pressed. Initial Setting WMPF WMPF WMPF WMPF WMPF 01 02 03 04 05 Help Top Quit Clear Copy NO ECHO NOECHO NOECHO NO ECHO NO ECHO HELP SCROLL TOP = DROP WINDOW WM CLEAR WINDOW = PUT SCREEN COPY SCREEN Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing 761 SETWMPF WMPF WMPF WMPF WMPF WMPF WMPF WMPF 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 Retrieve Backward Forward Maximize Left Ri ght Restore NO ECHO NO ECHO NO ECHO NO ECHO NOECHO NOECHO RETRIEVE SCROLL BACKWARD = 1 SCROLL FORWARD = 1 MAXIMIZE WINDOW = SCROLL LEFT = 10 SCROLL RIGHT = 10 RESTORE WINDOW = ~ Note: These are initial settings. On a terminal equipped with 24 PF keys, PF 13 through 24 have the same values as PF keys 1 through 12, respectively. Usage Notes 1. You can set a WMPF key to execute any of the following commands: CLEAR WINDOW CP DROP WINDOW HELP HIDE WINDOW MAXIMIZE WINDOW MINIMIZE WINDOW POP WINDOW POSITION WINDOW PUT SCREEN QUERY BORDER QUERY HIDE QUERY LOCATION QUERY RESERVED QUERY SHOW QUERY WINDOW QUERYWMPF RESTORE WINDOW SCROLL SET BORDER SET LOCATION SET RESERVED SET WINDOW SETWMPF SHOW WINDOW SIZE WINDOW In the WM environment, you can enter HELP (WMPF 1) to see the list of commands that are available. The WM environment creates a WMHELP window and WMHELP virtual screen to display the list. To exit the WM window, use the DROP WINDOW command (WMPF 3). 2. To cancel a PF key definition, enter: SET WMPF nn 3. When you press a PA key or a WMPF key in the WM window and the key that was pressed does not update the command line, then input on the command line is rewritten. The next time you press enter it is executed. 4. The RETRIEVE function saves previously entered commands in a buffer that is 256 characters long. When you enter the WM environment, the buffer contains an asterisk (comment), and commands are added to the buffer as they are entered until it is full. As you continue to enter commands, the oldest commands are deleted and the most current commands are added. Pressing the PF key assigned to RETRIEVE displays the next command in the buffer on the command line. Each time you press the key, the previously entered command is displayed until the oldest one is reached. Then, RETRIEVE returns the most current command. Once the command is on the command line, press enter to execute it. You may also modify the command, then press enter to execute the new command. 5. The NOW RITE option is particularly useful when you have changed the bottom reserved area in the WM virtual screen and you do not want the area overwritten when you set a WMPF key. However, when you enter the WM environment for the first time, the WMPF key definitions are overwritten in the bottom reserved area of the VM virtual screen. 762 VM/SP eMS COl1l1nand Reference SETWMPF Messages and Return Codes DMSSEFI09S DMSSEF525E DMSSEF926E DMSSETI09S Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Invalid PFkey number [RC = 24] Command is only valid on a display terminal [RC = 88] Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 104] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing 763 SHOW WINDOW SHOW WINDOW Use the SHOW WINDOW command to place a window at the top of the window display order and to connect the window to a virtual screen. Format SHOW WINdow wname [ON vname [line co!]] Operands wname is the name of the window. vname is the name of the virtual screen to which the window is connected. line is the line number of the virtual screen where the upper left corner of the window is placed. col is the column number of the virtual screen where the upper left corner of the window is placed. Usage Notes I. Multiple windows may be connected to a single virtual screen. 2. If the window is already connected to a virtual screen when you issue the SHOW WINDOW command, you do not have to specify the virtual screen information. 3. When you specify a virtual screen name, line, and column, the line and column values must be less than or equal to the corresponding virtual screen dimensions. The minimum line and column value is I. If line and column are not specified, the default is 1 for both. If the line specified is past the current virtual screen bottom, the window is connected to the virtual screen bottom. 4. A variable size window is only displayed when there is at least one scrollable line to show. If a variable size window is showing a virtual screen that does not contain any scrollable lines, the SHOW WINDOW command places the window at the top of the window display order and connects it to the specified virtual screen, but it is not displayed. 5. When you are using full-screen CMS and you enter the SHOW WINDOW command from the command line, the command is executed and then the screen is refreshed. As part of the refresh processing, any pop-type window that has output waiting is moved to the top of the order of displayed windows. Therefore, the window that you specified may not be displayed at the top of the display order because another has been popped afterwards. Messages and Return Codes DMSSH0386E DMSSH0388E DMSSH0389E DMSSH0391E DMSSH0921E DMSWMM921E 764 VMjSP CMS Command Reference Missing operand(s) [RC = 24] Invalid keyword: keyword [RC = 24] Invalid operand: operand [RC = 24] Unexpected operand(s): operand [RC = 24] Window wname is not defined [RC=28] Virtual screen vname is not defined [RC = 28] SHOW WINDOW DMSWMM92lE Window wname is not defined [RC=28] DMSWMM923E Specified location is outside the virtual screen [RC = 32] DMSWMM929E Window wname is not connected to a virtual screen [RC = 36] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing 765 SIZE WINDOW SIZE WINDOW Use the SIZE WINDOW command to change the number of lines and columns for a specified window. Format lines SIZE WINdow [colsJ Operands wname is the name of the window. An" =" indicates that the size of the topmost window is changed. lines is the number of lines in the window. cols is the number of columns in the window. The default is the current number of columns. Usage Note 1. The window's size and location must be such that, excluding borders, the entire window fits on the physical screen. Messages and Return Codes DMSSIZ386E DMSSIZ388E DMSSIZ389E DMSSIZ391E DMSSIZ921E DMSSIZ922E Missing operand(s) [RC = 24] Invalid keyword: keyword [RC = 24] Invalid operand: operand [RC = 24] Unexpected operand(s): operand [RC = 24] Window wname is not defined [RC = 28] Window does not fit entirely on the screen [RC = 32] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 766 Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 VM/SP CMS Command Reference W AITREAD VSCREEN WAITREAD VSCREEN Use the W AITREAD VSCREEN command from an exec to update the virtual screen with data in the virtual screen queue, refresh the physical screen, and wait for the next attention interrupt. Format vname WAITREAD VSCreen Operands vname is the name of the virtual screen that is waiting for input. Usage Notes 1. All windows showing virtual screens other than the virtual screen specified in the W AITREAD command are protected. The windows showing the specified virtual screen are either protected or unprotected, depending on how the data being displayed is defined in the virtual screen. 2. WAITREAD VSCREEN executes in the following manner: • Each virtual screen is updated wi th data from the virtual screen queue • The screen image is rebuilt based on the ordered list of windows and displayed on the physical screen • Wait for the next interrupt (The virtual screen specified in the W AITREAD VSCREEN command is now active.) • When the interrupt is received, the screen is read • Information regarding the key pressed, the cursor, and modified fields are passed back to the exec in variables. The virtual screen can then be updated with the variables by using the WRITE VSCREEN command. The exec variables contain: WAITREAD.O the number of variables returned (excluding W AITREAD.O) WAITREAD.l the key that caused the attention interrupt (such as PAKEY n, PFKEY n,CLEAR, or ENTER) WAITREAD.2 the word CURSOR followed by the line number and column number of the cursor in the virtual screen, followed by the word DATA or RESERVED indicating the area that the cursor was located. If the cursor was in a DATA or RESERVED area, the following line and column number pairs may be returned: LINE a. b. c. n o o COLUMN n n 2 Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing 767 W AITREAD VSCREEN where: a. b. c. means that the cursor was positioned between the top and bottom of the virtual screen. The line number may range from one (1) to the number of scrollable data lines in the virtual screen. The column number may range from one (1) to the number of columns in the virtual screen. means that the cursor was positioned on the line immediately following the bottom of the virtual screen. The line number will be zero (0), and the column number may range from one (1) to the number of columns in the virtual screen. means that the cursor was positioned on a line following the bottom of the virtual screen, but that the line was not necessarily the one immediately following the virtual screen bottom. The line number will be zero (0), and the column number will be two (2). If the cursor was not in a DATA or RESERVED area, the line and column numbers will both be -1. WAITREAD.3 WAITREAD.n where each variable contains the word DATA or RESERVED indicating the type of text updated, followed by the line number and column number of the field that was modified, followed by the modified text. Note: The keyword values returned in WAITREAD.O, WAITREAD.l, and WAITREAD.2, as well as the EXEC variables WAITREAD.n, are always in American English (AMENG). 3. WAITREAD VSCREEN is an important command for EXECs that read from and write to windows. A typical sequence for such an exec would be: • Define a window and virtual screen (DEFINE WINDOW and DEFINE VSCREEN commands) • Connect the window to the virtual screen (SHOW WINDOW command) • Write data to the virtual screen (WRITE VSCREEN command) • Issue the W AITREAD VSCREEN command When an interrupt is received, the exec can process the WAITREAD.n variables and update the virtual screen using the WRITE VSCREEN command. 4. A field definition character is placed at the start of each row if: • A window is not connected to a virtual screen at column I, or • The number of columns in the window, virtual screen, and physical screen are not the same. As a result, data is shifted one character to the right in each row so that data in column one is not lost. Lines may be truncated on the right, and the location information indicates that the window is showing one less character from the virtual screen. 768 VM/SP CMS Command Reference W AITREAD VSCREEN 5. When windows overlap on the physical screen, a field definition character is placed at each window boundary. 6. If only part of a field from a virtual screen is displayed on the physical screen and the field is modified, the entire field is returned as a modified field in a variable WAITREAD.n. 7. The same field can be modified in different windows. These modifications are processed from the top of the screen to the bottom, moving from left to right. 8. The lines in a window that are not top reserved lines, bottom reserved, or data lines from the virtual screen are called pad lines. When a window is connected to the active virtual screen, the pad lines are unprotected. If there are multiple windows connected to the same active virtual screen, only the pad lines of the top-most window are unprotected. 9. Any part of a window that does not map to the virtual screen is protected. For example, suppose you have defined a window that is 24 rows by 80 columns and a virtual screen that is 20 rows by 60 columns. When you connect the window to the virtual screen at row 1 column 1, the 4 rows and 20 columns in the window that do not map to the virtual screen are protected. Messages and Return Codes DMSWI0494W DMSWI0614E DMSWI0629W DMSWIR329W DMSWIR696W DMSWRD386E DMSWRD388E DMSWRD391E DMSWRD622E DMSWRD631E DMSWRD917E DMSWRD921E D MSWRD925E DMSWRD926E DMSWRD928E FULLREAD set off. Screen modifications lost. See 'SET FULLREAD' to use PAkeys safely. Screen modifications may be lost. Press ENTER key to process screen changes. Warning: APL/TEXT option not in effect Invalid data received from the display Missing operand(s) [RC = 24] Invalid keyword: keyword [RC = 24] Unexpected operand(s): operand [RC=24] Insufficient free storage [RC = 104] WAIT READ can only be executed from an EXEC-2 or REXX EXEC [RC=4] No windows are showing virtual screen vname [RC = 4] Virtual screen vname is not defined [RC=28] I/O error on screen [RC = 100] Command is only valid on a display terminal [RC = 88] Command is not valid for virtual screen vname [RC = 12] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing 769 WAITT VSCREEN WAITT VSCREEN Use the WAITT VSCREEN command to update a virtual screen with data. Format WAITT VSCreen Operands vname is the name of the virtual screen to be updated. An * indicates that all the virtual screens are updated. An * is the default. Usage Notes 1. WAITT VSCREEN updates the virtual screen with any data that has been written to it. The data is moved from the queue to the virtual screen data buffer. The following also may occur: • If logging is requested, the data is appended to the virtual screen log file. • If NOTYPE is specified (or is in effect for the virtual screen), then the data is logged (if logging was requested), and then discarded. 2. Queuing is handled so that applications need not be concerned with the virtual screen size and the location of the data in the virtual screen buffers. When the screen is refreshed, the queued writes are moved into the virtual screen with one field per line of output. When the queue becomes full, writing stops until a window connected to a virtual screen is cleared or scrolled. As you scroll forward, the oldest lines that have been scrolled are deleted, new lines are appended at the bottom, and the lines are renumbered. (Lines that have not been scrolled are not deleted.) 3. When the virtual screen is updated, any windows defined as POP showing the virtual screen are popped to the top of the ordered list of windows. 4. In full-screen CMS, when the virtual screen being updated is not the CMS output virtual screen, the DMSWVT messages are usually displayed after the echo and before the other messages. Messages and Return Codes DMSWAT386E DMSWAT388E DMSWAT39IE DMSWAT92IE DMSW AT928E Missing operand(s) [RC=24] Invalid keyword: keyword [RC=24] Unexpected operand(s): operand [RC=24] Virtual screen vname is not defined [RC=28] Command is not valid for virtual screen vname [RC = 12] Messages while logging and/or updating virtual screen data to disk or directory: DMSFNS1144E Implicit rollback occurred for work unit workunitid [RC = 31] DMSFNSI252T Rollback unsuccessful for file pooljilepoo/id DMSSTT062E Invalid character char in fileid In It 1m 770 VM/SP CMS Command Reference WAITT VSCREEN DMSWVT037E DMSWVT069E DMSWVT105S DMSWVT109S DMSWVT531E DMSWVT924E DMSWVT933W DMSWVT934E DMSWVT1258E DMSWVT1262S Filemode 1m is accessed as read/only Filemode mode not accessed Error nn writing file In It 1m on disk or directory Virtual storage capacity exceeded Disk or file space is full; set new filemode or clear some space Da ta was truncated Logging stopped for virtual screen vname Text was not written to virtual screen. No field was defined. You are not authorized to write to file In It 1mIdirid Error nn opening file In It 1m Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax Errors in the Shared File System 811 813 Return Codes o 13 Normal execution Virtual screen full Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing 771 WRITE VSCREEN WRITE VSCREEN Use the WRITE VSCREEN command to enter information ina virtual screen. Information is queued to a virtual screen and is displayed the next time the screen is refreshed. The WRITE VSCREEN command provides many possibilities for defining fields, writing data, and updating the plane buffers associated with the virtual screen (color, extended highlighting, and Programmed Symbol Sets). Format WRITE VSCreen vname line col length [ ( [REServed] [optionA] [optionB] [optionC] [optionD] [)] ] OptionA: [BLANKS] NULls OptionB: [ PROtect ] NOPROtect OptionC: OptionD: l ! High ] NOHigh [ Invisible [color] [exthi] [psset] g~f;R text EXTHI PSS Note: If option D is used, a right parenthesis should not be used to mark the end of the options. Operands vname is the name of the virtual screen. line is the line number of the virtual screen where the write is to begin. col is the column number of the virtual screen where the write is to begin. length is the length to be written. REServed indicates that the line number refers to a reserved line. If you specify RESERVED, line must be a number less than or equal to the size of the reserved area. A negative line number indicates a write in the bottom reserved area, and a positive line number indicates a write in the top reserved area. 772 VM/SP CMS Command Reference WRITE VSCREEN Option A Option A is used for padding text in the data buffer. The following may be specified: BLAnks pad data with blanks NULls pad data with nulls (default) Option B Option B is the attribute for defining a field. The following may be specified: PROtect protected field NOPRotect not protected field High high intensity field NOHigh normal intensity field Invisible invisible field. The data written is not displayed on the screen. Option C Option C is the extended attribute for updating the virtual screen buffers and/or for padding the text being written. If option C is not specified, then the default characteristics of the virtual screen are used, if necessary (see the DEFINE VSCREEN command). The following may be specified: color is the color of the field. It may be DEFault, Blue, Red, Pink, Green, Turquoise, Yellow, or White. exthi is the extended highlighting of the field. It may be None, REVvideo, BLInk, or Underline. psset is the Programmed Symbol Set of the field. It may be PSO, PSI, PSA, PSB, PSC, PSD, PSE, or PSF. The psset must already be loaded in the display. If not, no psset is used. Option D Option D is the buffer for the text. The following may be specified: FIELD creates a field. All the buffers will be initialized with either the virtual screen defaults, or the settings specified in options A and/or Band/or C. Text is placed in the field left justified, and is padded or truncated to the field length. DATA indicates that the text is to be written to the data buffer of the virtual screen. The text is written for the length specified or until the next field is encountered. Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing 773 WRITE VSCREEN COLOR indicates that the text is composed of color codes that are to be written to the color buffer. The text is written for the length specified or until the next field is encountered. Use the following characters to represent the colors: I 2 3 4 5 6 7 o Blue Red Pink Green Turquoise Yellow White Defaults to the color of the field EXTHI indicates that the text is composed of extended highlighting codes that are to be written to the extended highlight buffer. The text is written for the length specified or until the next field is encountered. The following characters represent the extended highlighting: o 1 2 4 Defaults to the extended highlight of the field Blink Revvideo Underline PSS indicates that the text is composed of Programmed Symbol set codes that are to be written to the PSset buffer. The text is written for the length specified or until the next field is encountered. The following characters represent the PSS: o (defaults to the PSS of the field) Note: 1 ABC D E F The letters must be specified in upper case. text is the text to be written. Usage Notes I. When WRITE VSCREEN is issued, the text and its characteristics are held in the virtual screen queue created by DEFINE VSCREEN. To move the text from the queue to the virtual screen, you should issue either W AITREAD VSCREEN, WAITT VSCREEN, or the REFRESH command. This process is required when issuing the WRITE VSCREEN command from an EXEC. 2. Use the INVISIBLE option to prevent data such as passwords from being displayed on the screen. 3. When a field is defined, the first character contains the start field. The start field is a one-byte character identifying the attributes for the field. The start field character is protected and cannot be written to. If option D is not specified, the default is FIELD. For more information on fields, refer to the IBM 3270 Information Display System Data Stream Programmer's Reference, GA23-0059. 4. For color and extended highlighting in a DBCS string, the first byte of a double-byte character determines the attributes for both bytes. You cannot specify character attributes for PSS within a DBCS string. 774 VM/SP CMS Command Reference WRITE VSCREEN 5. The column operand must be greater than or equal to zero. Specifying a column number of zero is valid only when writing to the scrollable area, in which case it is equivalent to specifying column number one. When writing a field, a start field is placed in the column specified. The text always begins in the next column. When writing COLOR, EXTHI, PSS, or DATA, the text begins in the column specified, or in the next available column after the start field(s). 6. Specifying a line number of zero is valid only when writing to the scrollable area. When specifying a line number of zero and writing a field, a field is created at the line past the current bottom of the virtual screen. This provides a means for writing sequentially to the virtual screen. When doing sequential writes, a field always fills an entire line. The length of the field is determined as follows (assume a virtual screen with SO columns): • If the length specified is zero, as in the example: write vsereen ems e e e (field Enter your name: A field is created at the line past the current bottom of the CMS virtual screen. A start field is placed in column 1 and the text begins in column 2. All the text is written and the length of the field is set to SO. • If length specified is less than the number of columns in the virtual screen, as in the example: write vsereen ems a e 1a A field is defined at one line past the current bottom of the virtual screen. Even though the length was specified as 10, the length of the field is set to SO in order to fill the entire line. • If length specified is greater than the number of columns in the virtual screen, as in the example: write vsereen ems e e 1aa A field is defined at one line past the current bottom of the virtual screen. In this case, the length of the field is set to 160 and the field fills two lines. 7. When using Option D, SET CHARMODE must be ON to update COLOR, EXTHI, and PSS. If SET CHARMODE is OFF they are ignored. Switching from SET CHARMODE ON to OFF may produce some undesirable results, such as a field having attributes that you intended only for a character. S. When specifying a line number of zero and writing COLOR, EXTHI, PSS, or DATA, you are acting on the "current field." The current field is the most recent field written to the scrollable data area of the virtual screen. The column number specifies the position in the current field. For example: write vsereen ems e5e (COLOR 11116666777 will update the color buffer starting at the fifth position of the current field. 9. If the length specified is less than the length of the text, then the text is truncated. If the length specified is greater than the length of the text, then the text is padded with the characteristics specified in option A and/or option B and/or option C. If the options are not specified, then text is padded with the characteristics defined for the virtual screen. Note that when you are not writing a field, the text is written for the length specified or until the next field is encountered. F or example: Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing 775 WRITE VSCREEN write vsereen ems 1 1 20 (blank field Enter your name: write vsereen ems 0 0 20 (red color 11111 writes "Enter your name: is displayed red. ." The "Enter" is displayed blue and "your name:" The example: write vsereen ems 1 1 10 (data Enter your name: writes "Enter your." 10. When defining a virtual screen, the top reserved area is defined as one continuous field and the bottom reserved area is defined as one continuous field. However, the scrollable area is not defined as a field. To write to the scrollable data area, you must define a field. 11. In a virtual screen, the lines in the top reserved area are numbered starting from the top. The top line is 1, the second line is 2, etc. In the bottom reserved area, lines are numbered starting at the bottom and have negative values. The bottom line is -1, the second line up is -2, the third line up is -3, etc. 12. Once a field is defined, you cannot change the attributes (pROtect, NOPROtect, High, NOHigh) without redefining the field. However, you can change the extended attributes (color, exthi, psset) or data of the field. For example, suppose you define the following field: write vsereen ems 5 20 0 (field Enter your name: To change the color extended attribute, you can enter: write vsereen ems 5 20 0 (COLOR 2222224444455555 As a result, beginning at line 5, column 21 (because there is a start field character in column 20), "Enter" will be red, "your" will be green, and "name:" will be turquoise. 13. When writing sequentially (see Usage Note 6) and the text contains a character assigned to X'I5 1 (end-of-line, or EOL) via the SET INPUT command, that character indicates a line end. The text following it is continued on the next line. A new line is written for each EOL. 14. You should load programmed symbol sets prior to using XEDIT or prior to issuing the SET FULLSCREEN or SET FULLSCREEN RESUME commands. This ensures that the programmed symbol sets are available when you use full-screen CMS or XEDIT. For line-mode CMS, the programmed symbol sets are detected the first time you display a window or when you invoke XEDIT. If you load programmed symbol sets after you have displayed a window or after you have invoked XEDIT, you must invoke XEDIT again to ensure detection of the new programmed symbol sets. Messages and Return Codes DMSWRT622E DMSWRT921E DMSWRT923E DMSWRT928E Insufficient free storage [RC= 104] Virtual screen vname is not defined [RC=28] Specified location is outside the virtual screen [RC = 32] Command is not valid for virtual screen vname [RC = 12] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 776 VM/SP CMS Command Reference WRITE VSCREEN Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing 777 Border Commands Border Commands ( Border commands are single-character commands for windowing that you may enter in the comers of the border. The commands are processed as soon as they are entered. The border commands are: B C D F H L M N o P R S X Scrolls the window backward Clears the window of scrollable data Drops the window Scrolls the window forward Hides the window Scrolls the window to the left Changes the location of the window Minimizes the window Restores the window Pops the window Scrolls the window to the right Changes the size of the window Maximizes the window General Usage Notes 1. Use the SET BORDER command to control the border around a window. The borders are ON by default. 2. The border commands can be placed in any of the four comers of the window border. For example: + ---------------- 0 I I I I + ---------------- + + --------------- + I I I I I I p --------------- + are valid ways to enter border commands. You can type multiple border commands in several windows before pressing the ENTER key. 3. When multiple commands are entered, the order of execution is from left-to-right and top-to-bottom on the physical screen regardless of the order of the windows. For example: B ---------------------------- + I Window A I I I I F ------------------I I Window B P ---------------- I I I X ------------------- R I I I I + executes command B first, then command F, then command R, then command P, and finally command X. 778 VM/SP eMS Command Reference 1\1 BORDER COMMANDS General Error Messages DMSWBX93lE Invalid border command: character For a general discussion and examples of how to use border commands, see the VM/SP eMS User's Guide. B Use the B border command to scroll the window backward. Format B Usage Notes 1. If the window has been cleared (see the C Border command), the B command scrolls you to the bottom of the virtual screen. 2. If the window is positioned in the middle of the virtual screen and you scroll backward using the B command which would result in scrolling past the top, the window is repositioned at the virtual screen top and stops .. If the window is positioned at the virtual screen top and you scroll backward, the window is repositioned at the virtual screen bottom and stops. c Use the C border command to clear the window of all scrollable data. Format c Usage Notes 1. If the window you want to clear is variable size, the window is not displayed when the screen is refreshed. 2. The C command has no effect if the window is displaying a virtual screen which was defined with less than two data lines. In addition, in a System Product Editor session, you cannot clear the window that the System Product Editor is using. D Use the 0 border command to place a window beneath all other windows. Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing 779 BORDER COMMANDS Format D Usage Note When using full-screen CMS, you cannot drop a window that is showing the virtual screen indicated in the status area message. For example, if the CMS window is showing the CMS virtual screen, and the status area message instructs you to "Scroll for more information in vscreen CMS," you cannot drop the CMS window. You can drop any other window. F Use the F border command to scroll the window forward. Format F Usage Notes 1. If the window has been cleared, the F command scrolls the window to the top of the virtual screen. 2. If the window is positioned in the middle of the virtual screen and you scroll forward using the F command which results in scrolling past the bottom, the window is repositioned at the virtual screen bottom and stops. If the window is positioned at the virtual screen bottom and you scroll forward, the window is cleared. A subsequent scroll forward positions the window at the virtual screen top. If the window being scrolled is variable size and it is positioned at the bottom of the virtual screen, the window is not displayed at the next refresh when it is scrolled forward (see the CLEAR WINDOW command). H Use the H border command to hide the window. Format H L Use the L border command to scroll the window left two-thirds the size of the window or to the left edge of the virtual screen to which the window is connected. 780 VMjSP CMS Command Reference BORDER COMMANDS Format L Usage Note The window is scrolled up to a maximum of two-thirds the width of the window. If you try to scroll beyond column 1 of the virtual screen, the window is placed in column 1 of the virtual screen. M Use the M border command to move the window corner where the command was typed to the location of the cursor when the interrupt occurred. Format M Usage Note The window's size and location must be such that, excluding borders, the entire window fits on the physical screen. Error Messages DMSWBX922E Window does not fit entirely on the screen N Use the N border command to minimize the window. Format N Usage Note The 0 command returns the window to its size and location prior to the minimize. o Use the 0 border command to restore a maximized or minimized window to its original size and location. Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing 781 BORDER COMMANDS Format o p Use the P border command to place a window on top of all other windows. Format p R Use the R border command to scroll the window right two-thirds the size of the window or to the right edge of the virtual screen to which the window is connected. Format R Usage Note The window is scrolled up to a maximum of two-thirds the width of the window. If you try to scroll beyond the last column of the virtual screen, the window is scrolled to the last column of the virtual screen. s Use the S border command to change the size of the window based on the position of the cursor. The comer where the command was typed is moved to the location of the cursor when the interrupt occurred. Format s Usage Note The window's size and location must be such that, excluding borders, the entire window fits on the physical screen. 782 VM/SP eMS Command Reference BORDER COMMANDS Error Messages DMSWBX922E DMSWBX930E \, Window does not fit entirely on the screen Cursor is not in a valid location x Use the X border command to maximize a window. Format x Usage Notes 1. The 0 command returns the window to its size and location prior to the maximize. 2. A maximized window is positioned at line 1, column 1 of the physical screen. 3. A variable size window that is maximized still retains its variable size properties. Thus, depending on how many lines exist in the virtual screen to which the window is connected, the window may appear to be less than full screen size when it is displayed on the physical screen. For example, if a variable size window is connected to line I of a virtual screen which contains three data lines, when it is maximized: • it moves to line 1, column 1; or line -1, column 1, of the physical screen; • it's width is the size of the physical screen; and, • it contains only three data lines. 4. When you maximize a window so that it fills the entire screen and covers all other windows, you may not be able to enter commands. The WM window is automatically displayed, and the WMPF keys and command line are available to manipulate the window. Use the RESTORE WINDOW command to restore the window and the DROP WINDOW command to exit the WM environment. Chapter 3. CMS Commands for Windowing 783 BORDER COMMANDS 784 VM/SP CMS Command Reference Chapter 4. Special Commands Used in Command Environments There are four commands that make use of the lists displayed by the command environments. They can only be used in the environments listed below; they cannot be entered from the CMS command line. They are: Command Command Environment ALIALIST FILELIST AUTHLIST DIRLIST FILELIST DISCARD DIRLIST FILE LIST MACLIST PEEK RDRLIST EXECUTE CSLLIST DIRLIST FILELIST MACLIST RDRLIST Chapter 4. Special Commands Used in Command Environments 785 ALIALIST ALIALIST Use the ALIALIST command only in the FILELIST environment. PF 9 is assigned to ALIALIST on the FILELIST screens for the SHARE and SEARCH option. The alias information that is displayed depends on whether the file the ALIALIST command is issued against is: • a base file belonging to you • a base file belonging to another user • an alias. If you issue ALIALIST for a base file that you own, the following information will be listed: • user IDs of those having an alias of the base file • the number of aliases they have • the file identifier of the alias, unless the alias is in another user's directory structure and you do not have read or write authority to that directory. If you issue ALIALIST for a base file that another user owns, the file names of the aliases that you have to the base file are displayed. If you issue ALIALIST for an alias, the owner of the base file is displayed. The base file name is also listed unless you do not have read or write authority to the directory containing the base file. The same information is displayed for erased aliases and revoked aliases. No base file is displayed for erased aliases since the base file no longer exists. The information is placed in an XEDIT file named userid ALIALIST AO. Format ALlalist in it dirid Options: [ ( options ... [ ) ] ] [REFresh] Operands fnft is the name of the base file or alias. dirid is the name of the directory that contains the base file or alias. 786 VM/SP CMS Command Reference ALIALIST Option REFresh updates the display of alias information with any changes made to alias information since the last update. Usage Notes • Entering eMS commands from ALIALIST: Begin eMS commands with "eMS" to prevent XEDIT from decoding the command. This prevents eMS commands from being mistaken as XEDIT subcommands. • Default Key Settings for ALIALIST Entering the ALIALIST command executes the PROF ALIA XEDIT macro. It sets the keys to the following values (note that the ALIALIST command is only valid for files in SFS directories): Key Setting Action PF 1 Help Displays the ALIALIST command description. PF 2 Refresh Updates the list to display new or deleted alias information. PF 3 Return Return to the FILE LIST screen. PF 4 Sort (type) Sort the list by file type, file name. PF 5 Sort (name) Sort the list of files by file name, file mode. PF 6 Sort (dir) Sort the list by directory name, file name, file type. PF 7 Backward Scroll backward one screen. PF 8 Forward Scroll forward one screen. PF 9 S(user) Sort the list by user ID. PF 10 Unassigned. PF 11 Unassigned. PF 12 Unassigned. Note: On a terminal equipped with 24 PF keys, PF keys 13 to 24 are assigned the same values as PF keys 1 to 12 as discussed here. In addition to setting the above PF keys, the PROF ALIA XEDIT macro sets synonyms that you can use to sort your ALIALIST screen. The synonyms are: SNAME Sorts the list alphabetically by file name, file type. STYPE Sorts the list alphabetically by file type, file name. SDIR Sorts the list by directory name. SUSER Sorts the list by user ID, file name, and file type. Chapter 4. Special Commands Used in Command Environments 787 ALIALIST Example In this example, the owner of the base file CMSFILES SCRIPT places the cursor on the line containing CMSFILES SCRIPT in either the FILELIST screen with the SHARE or SEARCH option, and presses PF 9. Figure 22. Sample ALIALIST Screen Messages and Return Codes DMSWAL651E DMSWAL653E DMSWAL1230E DMSWAL1231E DMSWAL1233E DMSWAL9059E ALIALIST must be issued from FILELIST [RC=40] Error executing QUERY ALIAS, rc=nn [RC=nn] ALIALIST is invalid for minidisk file [RC = 00] ALIALIST is invalid on a directory [RC=OO] Invalid use of REFRESH option [RC = 40] No aliases for this base file [RC =00] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: 788 Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 VMjSP CMS Command Reference AUTHLIST AUTHLIST The AUTHLIST command may only be used in the FILELIST and DIRLIST environments. Use the AUTHLIST command to display authority information in a full screen environment. PF 6 is assigned to the AUTHLIST command on the DIRLIST screen and on the FILE LIST screen for the SHARE and SEARCH options. AUTHLIST lists the authorities that you have for a specified file or directory. If you are the owner of the specified file or directory, the AUTHLIST command also lists the users who have been granted read or write authority to the file or directory and the authority that they have. The information is placed in an XEDIT file named userid AUTHLIST AO. Format AUThlist [In ft] dirid Options: [(options ... [ )]] [REFresh] Operands fnft is the name of the file. dirid is the directory name where the specified file is contained. If fn and ft are not specified, then dirid is the name of the directory for which you want authorities displayed. Option REFreSh updates the display with any changes to the authority information since the last update. Usage Notes 1. Entering CMS commands from AUTHLIST Begin CMS commands with "CMS" to prevent XEDIT from decoding the command. This prevents eMS commands from being mistaken as XEDIT subcommands. 2. Default Key Settings for AUTHLIST Entering the AUTHLIST command executes the PROFAUTH XEDIT macro. It sets the keys to the following values (note that the AUTHLIST command is only valid for files in SFS directories): Chapter 4. Special Commands Used in Command Environments 789 AUTHLIST Key Setting Action PF 1 Help Displays the AUTHLIST command description. PF 2 Refresh Updates the list to display new or changed authority information. PF 3 Return Return to the FILELIST, or DIRLIST screen. PF4 S(Grantee) Sort the list by grantee. PF 5 Sort (W) Sort the list by write authority and grantee. PF 6 Unassigned. PF 7 Backward Scroll backward one screen. PF 8 Forward Scroll forward one screen. PF 9 Unassigned. PF 10 Unassigned. PF 11 Unassigned. PF 12 Unassigned. On a terminal equipped with 24 PF keys, PF keys 13 to 24 are assigned the same values as PF keys 1 to 12 as discussed here. Note: In addition to setting the above PF keys, the PROFAUTH XEDIT macro sets synonyms that you can use to sort your AUTHLIST screen. These synonyms are: SGRANTEE Sorts the list alphabetically by grantee. SWRITE Sorts the list by write authority. 3. File system administrators have write authority to all files and directories, although their user IDs do not appear in the list. 4. If an object is externally protected through an External Security Manager (ESM), the listed authorities may not be correct. Users may be authorized who do not appear in the list. Example In this example, the owner of the base file CMSFILES SCRIPT places the cursor on the line containing CMSFILES SCRIPT in either the FILELIST screen with the SHARE or SEARCH option, and presses PF 6. 790 VM/SP CMS Command Reference AUTHLIST Figure 23. Sample AUTHLIST Screen Messages and Return Codes DMSWAU651E AUTHLIST must be issued from FILELIST or DIRLIST [RC=40] DMSWAU653E Error executing QUERY AUTHORITY, rc=nn [RC=nn] DMSWAUl132E Invalid number of operands [RC = 24] DMSWAU1230E AUTHLIST is invalid for minidisk file [RC = 00] DMSWAU1233E Invalid use of REFRESH option [RC = 40] Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax 811 Chapter 4. Special Commands Used in Command Environments 791 DISCARD DISCARD DISCARD can be used only in the FILELIST, MACLIST, DIRLIST, RDRLIST, and PEEK command environments. Use the DISCARD command to erase a file (or directory, or MACLIB member) that is displayed in the list. DISCARD can either be typed in the command area of the line that describes the file you want discarded, or it can be entered from the command line (at the bottom of the screen). Format DISCARD [objectid] I \ Operands objectid identifies the file (or directory, or MACLIB member) to be discarded. The objectid is only necessary when DISCARD is typed on the command line. If DISCARD is typed on the line listing the file (or directory, or MACLIB member), the objectid is appended automatically. The syntax of objectid depends on the command environment from which you enter DISCARD. In the FILE LIST environment, objectid can be: In It 1m is the file identifier of the file to be erased. Inlt dirid is the file identifier of a file in an SFS directory to be erased. dirid is the name of the directory to be erased. The directory must be empty of all files and subdirectories. In the DIRLIST environment, objectid is: dirid is the name of the directory to be erased. The directory must be empty of all files and subdirectories. In the MACLIST environment, objectid is: libname libtype libmode (MEMBER membername is the name of the member to be erased. In the PEEK environment, do not enter any objectid since only one reader file is displayed. In the RDRLIST environment, objectid is: spoolid is the spoolid of the reader file to be purged. 792 VM/SP CMS Command Reference DISCARD Usage Notes 1. For files and SFS directories, DISCARD issues the ERASE command. See the ERASE cornniand for the required authorities to erase a directory or a file in a directory. 2. In most cases, to discard a file in an SFS directory, you must own the directory and have the directory accessed read/write. To erase a file in a directory that you do not own, you must specify the dirid on DISCARD. For example, to discard a directory from DIRLIST on the line where the directory is displayed, type: discard /ntd This means discard fn ft dirid displayed on the same line. Messages and Return Codes DMSWDC651E DISCARD must be issued from FILELIST, RDRLIST, MACLIST, DIRLIST, or PEEK [RC=40] DMSWDC653E Error executing command, rc = nn[RC = 40] DMSWDC752E Unable to delete member membername fromfnftfm [RC=88] DMSWDCl162E Directory dirname is not empty [RC = 40] DMSWDC8348I Directory dirname has been discarded Additional system messages may be issued by this command. The reasons for these messages and the page that lists them are: Reason Page Errors in command syntax Errors in the Shared File System 811 813 Chapter 4. Special Commands Used in Command Environments 793 EXECUTE EXECUTE EXECUTE can be used only in the CSLLIST, DIRLIST, FILELIST, MACLIST, and RDRLIST command environments. Use EXECUTE (an XEDIT macro) to issue commands (or execs) that make use of lists displayed by these commands. EXECUTE may be used in two ways. First, on a display terminal, the command(s) to be executed can be typed directly on the screen and "EXECUTE" entered either on the command line or from a PF key or by pressing the ENTER key. Second, the command to be executed can be typed in the command line at the bottom of the screen, following "EXECUTE" (as one of its operands). The command is then executed against one or more files in the list, beginning with the current line of the list. Format EXECUTE [~ursorJ lznes [command] Operands Cursor means that a command is to be executed against the file (member, directory, or CSL routine) that contains the cursor. The command can either be typed on the line that describes the file, or it can be typed as an operand of EXECUTE. The CURSOR operand is valid only on display terminals and is particularly useful when assigned to a PF key. For example, if EXECUTE CURSOR XED IT is assigned to a PF key, you can place the cursor on the line describing the file you want to edit and then press the PF key. lines is the number of lines in the list the command is to be executed for, starting with the file described on the current line of the list. If a command is specified, the default is one (1). You can specify an asterisk (*), which means "execute this command on all lines, from the current line to the end of the list." command is a CMS or CP command (or any program or exec) that makes use of files in the list. You can either type O'Ut the command operands, or you can use the symbols. Usage Notes 1. When a command is typed on the screen, EXECUTE rebuilds the line and compares it with the line displayed on the screen. The line is scanned from right to left, and the first character that is different signals the end of the command. Therefore, if the information has been changed (as the result of a previous command), but this information has not yet been updated (by pressing PF2 to refresh the screen), EXECUTE will incorrectly interpret the information on the screen. An example follows. 794 VM/SP CMS Command Reference EXECUTE Sample FILELIST list: Cmd Filename Filetype Fm Format Lrecl CMS EXEC Al F 80 LIST TEST Al F 80 Records 268 22 .................. Blocks Date Time 21 1/11/82 13:44:19 2 1/11/82 13:19:29 Issue COPYFILE command: Records Cmd Filename Filetype Fm Format Lrecl copyfile / test list a (APPEND 80 LIST Al F TEST 80 268 22 .................. Blocks Date Time 21 1/11/82 13:44:19 2 1/11/82 13:19:29 After pressing the ENTER key only the line with the command is refreshed: Cmd * Filename Filetype Fm Format Lrecl CMS EXEC Al F 80 TEST LIST Al F 80 Records 268 22 Blocks Date Time 21 1/11/82 13:44:19 2 1/11/82 13:19:29 Pressing PF2 updates the other files in the list: Cmd Filename Filetype Fm Format Lrecl TEST LIST Al F 80 CMS EXEC Al F 80 Records 290 268 Blocks Date Time 23 1/11/82 13:46:38 21 1/11/82 13:44:19 2. Entering Commands on the Command Line Another way to issue commands that make use of the lines displayed is to move the current line to the first (or only) line you want the command to use, and then to issue EXECUTE (in the form "EXECUTE lines command") from the XEDIT command line. This method may be used on both display and typewri ter terminals. F or example: First move the current line (by using XEDIT subcommands like UP or DOWN) to the first line you want to use in the command. On a full screen display, the current line is the first file on the screen. Then (in the XEDIT command line) you type: execute n command where n is the number of lines the command is executed for. starting with the current line, and command is the name of the command. Note: You can use XEDIT synonyms or macros to make issuing common commands easier. For example, you might want to set up a command "EX" to be a synonym for "EXECUTE 1 XEDIT." 3. Using Symbols as Part of a Command Symbols can be used to represent operands in the command to be executed. They can be used in the commands typed on the screen, or as part of the command in EXECUTE (on the command line). The symbols are different in each command environment; see the usage notes of each of the commands that use EXECUTE for a list of the symbols. Chapter 4. Special Commands Used in Command Environments 795 EXECUTE Messages and Return Codes DMSWEX526E DMSWEX543E DMSWEX561E DMSWEX651E Option CURSOR valid in display mode only [RC = 3] Invalid number: number [RC = 5] Cursor is not on a valid data field [RC= I or 3] EXECUTE must be issued from RDRLIST, FILE LIST, DIRLIST, CSLLIST, or MACLIST [RC=40] DMSWEX654E Invalid symbol symbol; {to must be specified alonelinvalid character char following / symbol} [RC = 24] On a typewriter terminal only: Executing: command +++E{nn)+++ 796 VM/SP CMS Command Reference ( HELP and HELPCONV Format Words Chapter 5. HELP and HELPCONV Format Words This part describes the formats, operands, and defaults of the HELP facility format words. In each of the format word descriptions, the default values are those that are implied when you enter a format word with no operands or parameters. For example, the default operand of the .FO (FORMAT MODE) format word is "on". Therefore, the format lines . fo .fo on are equivalent, and in the format box of the .FO format word, the "on" operand is underscored. HELP format words are used in HELP files when you want HELP to do output formatting when the file is prQcessed. Table 25 gives a summary of the HELP facility format words. All format words, except .CM, .CS, and .MT, are used expressly with the HELPCONV command. The HELPCONV module converts the specified file into a formatted HELP file, leaving the .CM, .CS, and .MT control words in the file. The output file has the filetype changed from 'HELPxxxx' to '$HLPxxxx' . Table 25. HELP and HELPCONV Fonnat Word Summary FORMAT WORD OPERAND FORMAT FUNCTION BREAK DEFAULT VALUE .BX (BOX) VI V2 ... Vn OFF Draws horizontal and vertical lines around subsequent output text in blank columns. Yes Draws a horizontal line. .CM (COMMENT) Comments Places comments in a file for future reference. Yes .CS (CONDITIONAL SECTION) n/keyword ON/OFF Allows conditional inclusion of input in the formatted output. Yes .FO(FORMAT MODE) ON/OFF Causes concatenation of input lines, and left and right justification of output. Yes On .IL (INDENT LINE) n I +n I -n Indents only the next line the specified number of spaces . Yes 0 .IN (INDENT) n I +n I -n Specifies the number of spaces subsequent text is to be indented. Yes 0 .MT (MENU TYPE) component Correlates a component to a menu file when the component is not to be derived from the filename. For files other than menu files, .MT is seen as a comment. Yes .OF (OFFSET) n I +n I -n Provides a technique for indenting all but the first line of a section . Yes 0 .SP (SPACE) n Specifies the number of blank lines to be inserted before the next output line . Yes I .TR (TRANSLATE) st Specifies the final output representation of any input character. No Chapter 5. HELP and HELPCONV Format Words 797 HELP and HELPCONV Format Words .BX (BOX) The BOX format word defines and initializes a horizontal rule for output and defines vertical rules for subsequent output lines. The format of the .BX format word is: .BX vI v2 [... [vn]]] [ OFF where: vl-vn are the positions at which you want to place vertical rules in output text. This format of the format word initializes the box and draws a horizontal line with vertical descenders at the columns indicated. Subsequently entering the .BX format word with no operands causes HELPCONV to create a horizontal line with vertical bars at the columns indicated. The maximum value that may be entered for operands v I-vn is 239. Off causes HELP to finish drawing the box by printing a horizontal line with vertical ascenders at the columns specified in a previous .BX format word. 1. The .BX format word describes an overlay structure for subsequent text that is processed by HELPCONV. After the '.BX vI v2 ... ' line is processed, HELPCONV continues processing output lines as usual. However, before a line is printed, HELPCONV places vertical bars in the columns indicated by vI, v2, and so on, unless a column is already occupied by a data character. In this case, HELPCONV does not place a vertical bar in the column. 2. The .BX control word causes a break in the text. 3. The terminal output characters for boxes are formed with dashes (-), vertical bars (I), and plus signs ( + ). 4. You can specify a .BX format word with different columns while a box is being drawn. When this happens, HELPCONV puts in vertical ascenders for all the old columns and vertical descenders for all the new columns. The vertical rules then appear in all subsequent output lines in the new columns designated. 5. The column specification for the .BX format word uses a different rule than is used elsewhere in HELPCONV. In some control words the numbers in the format word represent not columns but displacements. For example the HELPCONV format word .IN 5 means that a blank character should be expanded to enough blanks to fill up through column 5; the next word starts in column 6. In the .BX control word, .BX 5 means to put vertical rules in column 5. Thus, you can use the same numbers for a .IN control word as for a .BX control word, and the vertical bar will appear in the column immediately preceding the first word on that line. 798 VM/SP CMS Command Reference HELP and HELPCONV Format Words Example Consider the HELP file called 'MARYHADA' that looks like this: .fo off .bx 1 43 • in 5 Mary had a little lamb, Whose fleece was white as snow, And everywhere that Mary went, The lamb was sure to go . •bx off This file, when. processed by HELPCONV, creates the following output: Mary had a little lamb, Whose fleece was white as snow, And everywhere that Mary went, The lamb was sure to go. Chapter 5. HELP and HELPCONV Format Words 799 HELP and HELPCONV Format Words .CM (COMMENT) Use the COMMENT format word to place comments within a HELP file. The format of the .CM format word is: .eM comments where: comments may be anything; this input line is not used in formatting the output. Usage Notes 1. The .CM format word enables you to store comments in the HELP files for future reference. Comment lines are retained in the formatted file and do not appear when the HELP file is displayed. 2. You can use comments to store unique identifications to be used to locate a sp~cific region of the file during editing. 3. This format word acts as a break. Example .eM Remember to change the date. The line above is seen only when editing the HELP file, and it reminds you to change the date used in the text. 800 VMjSP CMS Command Reference \ \ HELP and HELPCONV Format Words .CS (CONDITIONAL SECTION) The CONDITIONAL SECTION format word identifies to HELP the section of the input file that is to be displayed based on the specified HELP command option. The format of the .CS format word is: .cs where: n is a number from 0 to 7, which corresponds to the conditional section of the HELP file. keyword is the name of the conditional section. It may be: BRIEF DESCRIPT FORMAT PARMS OPTIONS NOTES ERRORS RELATED These names correspond to the conditional section code number. on marks the beginning of conditional section n. off marks the end of conditional section n. Usage Notes 1. The .CS format word enables you to identify the specific sections of the input file that are directly associated with the HELP facility command "options." You can then specify which section(s) of the HELP file are to be displayed by using the HELP command options: BRIEF, DESCRIPT, FORMAT, PARMS, OPTIONS, NOTES, ERRORS, and RELATED. If you choose to implement any HELP command files using the HELP command options, either the format word '.CS n ON' or the '.CS keyword ON' is required in the file. You must use the following form: Chapter 5. HELP and HELPCONV Format Words 801 HELP and HELPCONV Format Words Top of file .CS 0 on (or .CS BRIEF on) (Text for BRIEF option) .CS 0 off (or .CS BRIEF off) .CS 1 on (or .CS DESCRIPT on) (Text for DESCRIPT option) .CS 1 off (or .CS DESCRIPT off) .CS 2 on (or .CS FORMAT on) (Text for FORMAT option) .CS 2 off (or .CS FORMAT off) .CS 3 on (or .CS PARMS on) (Text for PARMS option) .CS 3 off (or .CS PARMS off) .CS 4 on (or .CS OPTIONS on (Text for OPTIONS option) .CS 4 off (or .CS OPTIONS off) .CS 5 on (or .CS NOTES on) (Text for NOTES option) .CS 5 off (or .CS NOTES off) .CS 6 on (or .CS ERRORS on) (Text for ERRORS option) .CS 6 off (or .CS ERRORS off) .CS 7 on (or .CS RELATED on) (Text for RELATED option) .CS 7 off (or .CS RELATED off) End of file 2. This format word acts as a break. 3. If blank lines or portions of the file are written between the conditional sections (.CS sections), these lines are considered uncontrolled data and will be displayed with the DETAIL information. Notes: • Few RELATED HELP files exist, but you can use this option to customize your own HELP files. • Abbreviations of conditional keywords are not allowed. 802 VMjSP CMS Command Reference HELP and HELPCONV Format Words .FO (FORMAT MODE) Use the FORMAT MODE format word to cancel or restore concatenation of input lines and right-justification of output lines. The format of the .FO format word is: .FO where: ON restores default HELPCONV formatting, including both justification and concatenation of lines. If you use the .FO format word with no operands, ON is assumed. OFF cancels concatenation of input lines and justification of output lines. Subsequent text is printed "as is." Usage Notes I. When format mode is in effect, lines are formed by shifting words to or from the next line (concatenation) and padding with extra blanks to produce an aligned right margin Gustification). 2. This format word acts as a break. 3. When format mode is in effect, a line without any blanks that exceeds the current line length is extended into the right margin. If a line is processed so that only one word fits on the line, the word is left-justified. 4. If no formatting is done by HELPCONV, HELP description files must contain a ".fo off' format word as the first line of the file. 5. HELP MENU/TASK files must contain a ".fo off' format word as the first line of the file if the HELPCONV command is to be used. For files with RELATED sections, the ".fo off' format line must precede the RELATED section if the HELPCONV command is to be used. 6. If the HELP files are used on releases of CMS prior to VM/SP Release 4, add a ".fo off' format word as the first line in the file. You should also change any ".CS" lines that contain keywords or section numbers not supported in prior releases to comment lines (.CM). Examples 1. .FO OFF Justification and concatenation are completed for the preceding line or lines, but the following lines are typed exactly as they appear in the file. 2 .. FO Chapter 5. HELP and HELPCONV Format Words 803 HELP and HELPCONV Format Words Justification and formatting are resumed with the next input line. Output from this point on in the file is padded to produce an aligned right margin on the output page. 804 VM/SP CMS Command Reference ( ~ HELP and HELPCONV Format Words .IL (INDENT LINE) Use the INDENT LINE format word to indent the next line only a specified number of characters. The format of the .IL format word is: .IL where: n specifies the number of character spaces to shift the next line from the current margin. + n specifies that text is shifted to the right, and -n shifts text to the left. Usage Notes 1. The .IL format word provides a way to indent the next output line. The line is shifted to the right or the left of the current margin (which includes any indent or offset values in effect). 2. This format word acts as a break. 3. The .IL format word is useful for beginning new paragraphs. 4. When successive .IL format words are encountered without intervening text, or when you specify positive or negative increments for .IL format words entered without intervening text, the indent amount is modified to reflect the last .IL encountered; that is, the increments are added together. Thus the lines: . il 4 .il +6 result in the next line being indented 10 spaces. 5. When you use the .IL format word with a negative value (undenting), an error message is generated if the resulting amount would cause a shift to the left of character position one. Chapter 5. HELP and HELPCONV Format Words 805 HELP and HELPCONV Format Words .IN (INDENT) Use the INDENT format word to change the left margin displacement of HELP output. The format of the .IN format word is: .IN where: n specifies the number of spaces to be indented. If omitted, 0 is assumed, and indentation reverts to the left margin. If you use + n or -n, the current left margin increases or decreases by the amount specified. Usage Notes 1. The .IN format word resets the current left margin. This indentation remains in effect for all following lines until another .IN format word is encountered. ".in 0" cancels the indentation, and output continues at the original left margin setting. 2. The value of n represents the number of blank spaces left before text margins. Thus, ".in 5" sets the left margin at column 6, leaving 5 blank spaces at the left. 3. This format word acts as a break. 4. The .IN format word cancels any .OF (OFFSET) setting. The" .of 0" request cancels the current offset, but leaves the left margin specified by the .IN format word unchanged. 806 VM/SP CMS Command Reference HELP and HELPCONV Format Words .MT (MENU TYPE) Use the MENU TYPE format word specify the component of a menu. The format of the .MT format word is: .MT component where: component is the component used by the menu. Usage Notes 1. The .MT format word is used to assist in the creation of menus that are a subset of another menu. 2. This format word acts as a break. Example A menu that contains a list of REXX functions might be called FUNCTION HELPMENU. In this case, the HELP files for the individual functions can only be located if they are duplicated under the filetype "HELPFUNC." The .MT control word defines a component id to override that derived from the filename. The FUNCTION menu could be: .MT REXX to specify that the menu contains a list of REXX commands and thus will be found under the file type "HELPREXX". Chapter 5. HELP and HELPCONV Format Words 807 HELP and HELPCONV Format Words .OF (OFFSET) Use the OFFSET format word to indent all but the first line of a block of text. The format of the .OF format word is: .OF where: n specifies the number of spaces to be indented after the next line is formatted. If omitted, 0 is assumed, and indentation reverts to the original margin setting. If you use + n or -n, the current offset value increases or decreases the specified amount, and a new offset is started. Usage Notes 1. The .OF format word does not take effect until after the next line is formatted. The indentation remains in effect until a .IN (INDENT) format word or another OFFSET control word is encountered. You can use the .OF format word within a section that is also indented with the .IN format word. Note that .IN settings take precedence over .OF, however, and any .IN request causes a previous offset to be cleared. If you want to start a new section with the same offset as the previous section, you need only repeat the .OF n request. 2. This format word acts as a break. 3. You can use the .IL (INDENT LINE) format word to shift only the next line to the left or right of the current margin. Example 1. Starting an offset: .of 10 The line immediately following the .OF format word is printed at the current left margin. All lines thereafter (until the next indent or offset request) are indented ten spaces from the current margin setting. These two examples were processed with OFFSET control words in the positions shown. 2. Ending an offset: .of The effect of any previous .OF request is canceled, and all output after the next line continues at the current left margin setting. 808 VMjSP CMS Command Reference HELP and HELPCONV Format Words .SP (SPACE LINES) Use the SPACE LINES format word when you want blank lines to appear between text lines of output. The format of the .SP format word is: .sp where: n specifies the number of blank lines to be inserted in the output. If omitted, 1 is assumed. Chapter S. HELP and HELPCONV Format Words 809 HELP and HELPCONV Format Words .TR (TRANSLATE CHARACTER) The TRANSLATE CHARACTER format word allows you to specify the output representation of each character in the source text. For example, you could specify that all exclamation points in the file appear as blanks in the output. The format of the .TR format word is: .TR [s t ] where: s is a source character under consideration. It may be a single character or a two-character hexadecimal code. is the intended output representation of the source character. It may be a single character or a two-character hexadecimal code. Usage Notes 1. After formatting of an input source line has been completed and immediately before actual output, each character of the output line may be translated to a different output code. 2. Since format words are only processed internally, they are never translated in the file. 3. Translate character specifications remain in effect until explicitly respecified. 4. A. TR format word with no operands causes the translation table to be reinitialized and all previously specified translations to be reset. 5. The .TR format word does not cause a break. If you have a section of text that has translation characters in effect, followed by a .TR to reset the translations, the last line of the text may not yet have been printed. In this case, that last line is not translated. Example .tr 40 ? This causes all blanks in the file to be typed as question marks (?) on output. 810 VM/SP CMS Command Reference System Messages Chapter 6. System Messages This chapter contains system messages that you might receive when you issue a command that: • contains syntax errors • interacts with the Shared File System • uses or changes files. The messages and their return codes are listed below. Command Syntax Error Messages For some CMS commands, you may receive messages for syntax errors, that is, for specifying the command format incorrectly. These error message are prefixed by DMSPCL, having a return code of 24. Check the format of the command, make the necessary correction, and enter the command again. For example, if you issue the WRITE VSCREEN command as WRITE, you receive the message: DMSPCL384E Missing modifier keyword(s) Check the format of the WRITE VSCREEN command and enter it again, using the correct command name and operands. Number Message 384E Missing modifier keyword(s) 385E Invalid modifier keyword: keyword 386E Missing operand(s) 387E 387E 387E 387E 387E 387E 387E 387E 387E 387E 387E 387E 387E 387E 387E 387E 387E 387E 387E 387E 387E Missing value for operand operand Missing alphanumeric string for operand operand Missing application identifier for operand operand Missing character for operand operand Missing device address for operand operand Missing filename for operand operand Missing file type for operand operand Missing execname for operand operand Missing exectype for operand operand Missing filemode for operand operand Missing hexadecimal number for operand operand Missing integer for operand operand Missing negative integer for operand operand Missing number for operand operand Missing positive integer for operand operand Missing mode for operand operand Missing character string for operand operand Missing directory id for operand Missing namedef for operand Missing filepoolid for operand Missing filemode or directory id for operand 388E Invalid keyword: keyword 389E 389E 389E 389E Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid operand: operand alphanumeric string: string application identifier: string character: character Chapter 6. System Messages 811 System Messages Number 812 Message 389E 389E 389E 389E 389E 389E 389E 389E 389E 389E 389E 389E 389E 389E 389E 389E 389E Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid 390E 390E 390E 390E 390E 390E 390E 390E 390E 390E 390E 390E 390E 390E 390E 390E 390E 390E 390E 390E 390E Invalid value value for operand operand Invalid alphanumeric string string for operand operand Invalid application identifier app/id for operand operand Invalid character character for operand operand Invalid device address address for operand operand Invalid filename filename for operand operand Invalid filetype Jiletype for operand operand Invalid execname execname for operand operand Invalid exectype exec type for operand operand Invalid filemode filemode for operand operand Invalid hexadecimal number number for operand operand Invalid integer integer for operand operand Invalid negative integer integer for operand operand Invalid number number for operand operand Invalid positive integer integer for operand operand Invalid mode mode for operand operand Invalid character string string for operand operand Invalid directory id dirid for operand operand Invalid namedef namedef for operand operand Invalid filepoolid filepoolid for operand operand Invalid filemode or directory id value for operand operand 39lE Unexpected operand(s): operand 393E 393E 393E 393E 393E 393E 393E 393E 393E 393E 393E 393E 393E 393E 393E 393E' 393E 393E 393E 393E 393E Missing value for option option Missing alphanumeric string for option option Missing application identifier for option option Missing character for option option Missing device address for option option Missing filename for option option Missing filetype for option option Missing execname for option option Missing exectype for option option Missing fiJemode for option option Missing hexadecimal number for option option Missing integer for option option Missing negative integer for option option Missing number integer for option option Missing positive integer for option option Missing mode for option option Missing character string for option option Missing directory id for option option Missing namedef for option option Missing filepoolid for option option Missing filemode or directory id for option option 394E Invalid option: option 395E 395E 395E Invalid value value for option option Invalid alphanumeric string string for option option Invalid application identifier app/id for option option VM/SP CMS Command Reference device address: address filename: filename fiJetype: filetype execname: execname exectype: exectype fiJemode: filemode hexadecimal number: number integer: integer negative integer: integer number: integer positive integer: integer mode: mode character string: string directory id: dirid namedef: namedef filepoolid: Jilepoolid filemode or directory id: value System Messages Number 395E 395E 395E 395E 395E 395E 395E 395E 395E 395E 395E 395E 395E 395E 395E 395E 395E 395E Message Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid character character for option option device address address for option option filename filename for option option filetype file type for option option execname execname for option option exectype exec type for option option filemode filemode for option option hexadecimal number number for option option integer integer for option option number number for option option negative integer integer for option option positive integer integer for option option mode mode for option option character string string for option option directory id dirid for option option namedef namedeJ for option option filepoolid Jilepoolid for option option filemode or directory id value for option option Shared File System (SFS) Error Messages If you enter a command that interacts with the Shared File System, you may receive an error message with the prefix of DMSSDM. For a detailed description of a message and the suggested action to resolve the error, see the VM/SP System Messages and Codes. Number Message 109S 1137E 1137E 1138E 1139E 1141W 1142E Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC = 311104] Object is locked [RC = 31170] Object is locked; deadlock detected [RC = 31170] Filesharing conflict [RC = 31170] You are not authorized to issue this command [RC = 31176] User filespace threshold still exceeded for file poolJilepoo/id [RC= 4] Error reading system catalog for file pooIJilepoo/id; error codes nn and nn; Detecting module moduleid [RC=311104] Error writing system catalog for file poolJilepoolid; error codes nn and nn; Detecting module moduleid [RC=311104] Error in file access function for file poolJilepoolid; error codes nn and nn; Detecting module moduleid [RC = 311104] Error in locking function for file poolJilepoolid; error codes nn and nn; Detecting module moduleid [RC = 311104] Error in query function for file pool Jilepoolid; error codes nn and nn; Detecting module moduleid [RC = 311104] Error in storage management for file poolJilepoolid; error codes nn and nn; Detecting module moduleid [RC = 311104] Error nn for file pooIJilepoo/id; error codes nn and nn; Detecting module moduleid [RC = 311104] Inconsistent catalogs in file pool Jilepoo/id [; error codes nn and nn; Detecting module moduleid RC = 311104] Further communication with file pools is impossible [RC = 311104] Deadlock code encountered for file pool jilepoolid [RC = 311104] File pool limit code encountered for file pool Jilepoolid [RC = 311104] I/O error code encountered for file pool Jilepoolid [RC = 311104] File pool catalog space error code encountered for file poolJilepoolid [RC = 311104] Storage management error trying to free storage [RC = 311104] Storage management error trying to get storage [RC = 311104] APPCjVM IDENTIFY error [RC = 31155] APPCjVM error [RC = 31155] Error occurred in user exit routine [RC = 31140] Error occurred while calling user exit routine [RC = 31140] File pool Jilepoo/id is unavailable [RC = 31155] File pool Jilepoolid is unavailable or unknown [RC=31199] CSL routine cslname is not loaded [RC = 40] CSL routine cslname has been dropped [RC = 40] 1142E 1142E I 142E 1142E 1142E 1142E 1143E 1145E 1146E 1146E 1146E I 146E 1147E 1147E 1148E 1148E 1149E 1150E 1151E 1153E 1155E llS5E Chapter 6. System Messages 813 System Messages Number Message 1156S 1156S 1157E Supervisor error 1: return code nn [RC = 311104] Supervisor error 2: return code nn, reason code nn [RC = 311104] Work unit already active when atomic request is issued for work unit workunitid [RC = 31170] Attempt to make uncommited updates to more than one file pool on work unit workunitid [RC = 31170] User has files or directories open when a COMMIT is requested on work unit workunitid [RC = 31170] Command commandname failed; storage group being restored [RC = 28131] You have tried to establish more APPCjVM connections than is allowed for your userid [RC = 31155] Your attempt exceeds the number of APPCjVM connections allowed for file pool/ilepoo/id [RC = 31155] Virtual storage capacity exceeded for file poo1/ilepoolid [RC = 31199] lilepoolid is a remote file pool that was started for local use only [RC=31199] You have opened a file pool catalog for WRITE on work unit workunitid for file pool/i/epoolid [RC = 31140] There is no default file pool currently defined [ RC = 40] You are not authorized to connect to file pool/ilepoolid [RC = 31176] An attempt to commit exceeded the number of 4K blocks allowed for the user in file poollilepoo/id [RC = 31140] File pool/i/epoo/id has run out of physical space in the storage group [RC=31] A request was in process when you requested a COMMIT for work unit workunitid [RC = 31170] A COMMIT was in process when you issued a request for work unit workunitid [RC = 31170] Object already exists [RC = 28131170] 1158E 1159E 1164E 1174E 1174E 1176E 1179E 1212E 1223E 1240E 1254E 1259E 1265E 1265E 1311E File Error Messages If you enter a command that uses or changes files, you may receive one of the following error message. For a detailed description of a message and the suggested action to resolve the error, see the VMjSP System Messages and Codes. 814 Message ID Message DMSOPN002E DMSOPN024E DMSOPN030E DMSOPN037E DMSOPN048E DMSOPN062E DMSOPN062E DMSOPN069E DMSOPNI09S DMSOPN170S DMSOPNI138E DMSOPN1258E DMSOPN1260E DMSOPN1261E DMSOPN1262S DMSSTT048E DMSSTT229E DMSSTT253E File In It 1m not found [RC = 28] File In It 1m already exists [RC = 35] File In It 1m already active [RC = 37] Filemodelm is accessed as read/only [RC= 12] Invalid filemode 1m [RC = 24] Invalid character char in fileid In It 11m] [RC = 20] SO and SI are invalid fileid characters [RC = 20] Filemode mode not accessed [RC = 36] Insufficient free storage available [RC = 25] Disk mode(vdev) has maximum number of files [RC = 10] File sharing conflict involving file In[RC = 70] You are not authorized to write to file In It 1m [RC = 28] Invalid OPENTYP xx specified in FSCB for file In It 1m [RC = 33] Invalid CACHE specified in FSCB for file In It 1m [RC = 34] Error nn opening file In It 1m [RC = 3111180181182183184] Invalid filemode mode [RC = 24] Unsupported OS dataset, error [80181182183] File In It 1m cannot be handled with supplied parameter list [RC = 88] VMjSP CMS Command Reference Appendix A. VSE/VSAM Functions Not Supported in eMS Refer to the publication Using VSE/VSAM Commands and Macros for a description of Access Method Services functions available under VSE, and, therefore, under eMS. This knowledge of Access Method Services is assumed throughout this publication. All of VSE/VSAM is supported by eMS, except for the following: • Non-VSAM data sets with data formats that are not supported by eMS/DOS (for example, BDAM and ISAM files are not supported). • The SHAREOPTIONS operand is not supported for cross system or cross partition sharing in eMS/DOS (that is, DASD sharing is not supported). • Space Management for SAM Feature • Backup/Restore Feature If an AMSERV input file to VSE/VSAM Access Method Services contains the control statement "DELETE" with "IGNORERROR," the PRINT option on the AMSERV command must be used to send the output to the virtual printer. Appendix A. VSE/VSAM Functions Not Supported in eMS 815 816 VM/SP CMS Command Reference Apperldix B. OS/VS Access Method Services and VSAM Functions Not Supported In CMS, an OS user is defined as a user that has not issued the command: SET DOS ON (VSAM) OS users can use all of the Access Method Services functions that are supported by VSE/VSAM, with the following exceptions: • Non-VSAM data sets with data formats that are not supported by CMS/DOS (for example, BDAM and ISAM files are not supported). • The SHAREOPTIONS operand is not supported for cross system or cross partition sharing in CMS/DOS (that is, DASD sharing is not supported). • Do not use the AUTHORIZATION (entrypoint) operand in the DEFINE and ALTER commands unless your own authorization routine exists on the DOS core image library, the private core image library, or in a CMS DOSLIB file. In addition, results are unpredictable if your authorization routine issues an OS SVC instruction. • The OS Access Method Services GRAPHICS TABLE options and the TEST option of the P ARM command are not supported. • The filename in the FILE (filename) operands is limited to seven characters. If an eighth character is specified, it is ignored. • The OS access method services CNVTCAT and CHKLIST commands are not supported in VSE/VSAM access method services. In addition, all OS access method services commands that support the 3850 Mass Storage System are not supported in DOS/VS access method services. • Table 26 is a list of OS operands, by control statement, that are not supported by the CMS interface to VSE/VSAM Access Method Services. If any of the unsupported operands or commands in Table 26 are specified, the AMSERV command terminates and displays an appropriate error message. When you use the PRINT, EXPORT, IMPORT, IMPORTRA, EXPORTRA, and REPRO control statements for sequential access method (SAM) data sets, you must specify the ENVIRONMENT operand with the required DOS options (that is, PRIME DATA DEVICE, BLOCKSIZE, RECORDSIZE, or RECORDFORMAT). You must have previously issued a DLBL for the SAM file. AMSERV can write SAM data sets only to a CMS disk or directory, but can read them from DOS, OS, or CMS disks or directories. Table 26 (Page 1 of 2). OS Access Method Service Operands NOT Supported in eMS os ACCESS METHOD SERVICES CONTROL STATEMENT ALTER OPERANDS NOT SUPPORTED IN CMS EMPTY jNOEMPTY SCRATCHjNOSCRATCH DESTAGEWAITjNODESTAGEWAIT STAGEjBINDjCYLINDERFAULT Appendix B. OS/VS Access Method Services and VSAM Functions Not Supported 817 Table 26 (Page 2 of 2). OS Access Method Service Operands NOT Supported in CMS OS ACCESS METHOD SERVICES CONTROL STATEMENT OPERANDS NOT SUPPORTED IN CMS DEFINE ALIAS EMPTY/NOEMPTY GENERATIONDATAGROUP PAGESPACE SCRATCH/NOSCRATCH DESTAGEWAIT/NODESTAGEWAIT STAGE/BIND/CYLINDERFAULT TO/FOR/OWNERl! DELETE ALIAS GERATIONDATAGROUP PAGESPACE EXPORT OUTDATASET IMPORT INDATASET OUTDATASET IMPORTA LISTCAT ALIAS GENERATIONDATAGROUP LEVEL OUTFILE12 PAGESPACE PRINT INDATASET OUTFILE12 REPRO INDATASET OUTDATASET OS users can use a subset of OS/VSAM Assembler Language Macros in their assembler language programs. The OS/VSAM Assembler language macros supported for use in CMS are contained in the OSVSAM MACLIB that is distributed with the VM/SP. The macros and options that are not supported are shown in Table 27. 11 The TO/FOR/OWNER operands are supported for the access method services interface, but are not supported for the DEFINE NONVSAM control statement. 12 The OUTFILE operand is supported by the access method services interface, but is not supported for the LISTCAT and PRINT control statements. 818 VM/SP CMS Command Reference TabJe 27. Options of OS/VSAM Macros Not Supported in eMS OS/VSAM Macro Options that are Not Supported ACB BSTRNO = number CATALOG = YESINO CRA = SCRAIUCRA MACRF=CFXINFX, DDNIDSN, ICIINCI, NIS:SIS, LSRIGSR, DFR UPAD = address AM=VSAM BSTNRO = number CATALOG=YESINO CRA = SCRAIUCRA MACRF=CFXINFX, DDNIDSN, ICIINCI, NISISIS, GSR AM=VSAM MSGAREA = address MSGLEN = number OPTCD = NW AITXIW AITX AM=VSAM BSTRNO = number CATALOG=YESINO CRA = SCRAIUCRA MACRF= CFXINFX, DDNIDSN, ICIINCI, NISISIS, GSR MSGAREA = address MSGLEN = number OPTCD = NWAITXI WAITX MSGAREA = address MSGLEN = number OPTCD = NWAITXIWAITX FIELDS = BFRFND, BSTRNO, BUFRDS, ENDRBA, HALCRBA, NUIW, UIW FIELDS = MSGAREA, MSGLEN CATALOG=YESINO CRA=SCRAIUCRA MACRF = CFXIDDNIDSNIGSRIICIINCIINFXINISISIS BSTRNO = number ENDRBA = number MSGAREA = address MSGLEN = number EXLST GENCB BLK = ACB GENCB BLK = EXLST GENCB BLK = RPL MODCB BLK=ACB MODCB BLK = RPL RPL SHOWCB (ACB) SHOWCB (RPL) TESTCB (ACB) TESTCB (RPL) Appendix B. OS/VS Access Method Services and VSAM Functions Not Supported 819 820 VM/SP CMS Command Reference Summary of Changes Structural Changes For VM/SP Release 6, structural changes to this book are: • Chapter deletion and additions • Deletion of three appendices Chapter changes: • Deleted: DEBUG Subcommands The CMS command DEBUG no longer places you in the DEBUG subcommand environment. See the DEBUG command description for details. • Added: CMS Commands for Windowing This chapter contains windowing and virtual screen commands to create and modify windows and virtual screens, including Border commands to manage your windows. • Added: Special Commands Used in Command Environments This chapter contains special CMS commands that you can use from certain command environments such as CSLLIST, DIRLIST, FILELIST, MACLIST, and RDRLIST. • Added: System Messages This chapter lists messages that you might receive for errors issuing commands or using CMS files or Shared File System directories. Appendix changes: • Deleted: Appendix C. Edit Subcommands and Macros • Deleted: Appendix D. Edit Reserved Filetype Defaults • Deleted: Appendix E. CMS EXEC Control Statements Use the HELP command to see information about Edit subcommands and EXEC control statements. Technical Changes Summary of Changes for SC19-6209-5 for VM/SP Release 6 HOHl to Obtain Prior Editions of This Publication To obtain editions of this publication that pertain to earlier releases of VM/SP, refer to the VM/SP Library Guide and Master Index for the appropriate order number. Summary of Changes 821 New commands/or Release 6 0/ VM/SP The following commands are new for Release 6. ALIALIST Displays alias information in a full-screen environment. You can issue the command from the FI LELIST command line or by pressing PF9 from FILELIST (SHARE or FILELIST (SEARCH. AUTHLIST Displays authority information in a full-screen environment. You can issue the command from the FILELIST command line or by pressing PF6 from from FILELIST (SHARE or FILELIST (SEARCH or from the DIRLIST screen. CREATE ALIAS Creates an additional name for a file in a specified directory. CREATE DIRECTORY Creates an SFS directory. CREATE LOCK Creates an explicit lock on an SFS directory or a file in an SFS directory. CREATE NAMEDEF Assigns a temporary name that can be used by a program instead of a file name and file type or a complete directory name. CSLLIST Lists information about members of a specified callable services library. DELETE LOCK Releases the explicit lock placed on a directory or a file in a directory by the CREATE LOCK command. DELETE NAMEDEF Deletes the temporary name given to a file or directory by the CREATE NAMEDEF command. DIRLIST Lists directories of a specified directory structure in a full- screen environment. GRANT AUTHORITY Authorizes other users to read and/or modify your SFS directories or files within the directories. LISTDIR Lists directories in a specified directory structure. NETDATA Used from an exec to query, receive or send files to users at a network node or on your system. PROGMAP Displays or places on the program stack information on programs currently loaded in storage or in a saved segment. QUERY See the following section, Modified Commands for Release 6, for new additions to the Query command. RELOCATE Moves a file or directory structure from one directory to another that you own within the same file pool. REVOKE AUTHORITY Cancels authorities that you granted to other users for a directory or files in a directory. RTNDROP Cancels the binding of a callable services library routine. 822 VM/SP CMS Command Reference RTNLOAD Searches for, loads, and binds a callable services library routine to a fixed location in storage, and makes it available for invocation. RTNMAP Displays information about the callable services library routines that are currently loaded and bound to an address. RTNSTATE Obtains the status of one or more specific callable services library routines. SEGMENT Manages saved segments SEGMENT ASSIGN, SEGMENT LOAD, SEGMENT PURGE, SEGMENT RELEASE, and SEGMENT RESERVE SET See the following section, Modified Commands for Release 6, for additions to the SET command. SET KEY Changes settings for CMS storage keys. Note: The commands that are authorized for SFS Administrator only are documented in the SFS Administration Guide. Modified Commands for Release 6 ACCESS Addition of dirid so that you can access Shared File System (SFS) directories. CMSSERV Added two options: CUT and DFT. DEFAULTS Options for the following commands have been added to the valid options that you can specify as defaults: CMSSERV, CSLLIST, DIRLIST, DISK LOAD, FILELIST, NETDATA RECEIVE, NETDATA SEND, and READCARD. DISK Default options changed to MINPROMPT and NOREPLACE. ERASE Addition of dirid so that you can erase an SFS directory. New options: STACK, FIFO, LIFO, and FILES, NOFILES. EXECMAP New options: SEGMENT and NOSEGMENT FILELIST Contains new environments of ALIALIST and AUTHLIST. New options: ALLFILE, AUTHFILE; STATS, SHARE, and SEARCH. GLOBAL New option: CSLLIB. HELP New HELP on components added: AVS, CPOTHER, MACRO, and ROUTINE. LISTFILE New options: ALLFILE, AUTHFILE; SHARE, SEARCH; HEADER, NOHEADER. NUCXMAP New operand added - name. New options added are: NOSEGMENT, SEGMENT, ATTRIBUTES, SEGINFO. The new options allow you to specify a nucleus extension that resides in a loaded saved segment. Summary of Changes 823 QUERY ACCESSED, ALIAS, AUTHORITY, COMDIR, CSLLIB, DISK, ENROLL, FILEPOOL, FILEW AIT, KEYPROTECT, LIMITS, LOADAREA, LOCK, NAMEDEF, SEGMENT, SERVER, and STORECLR. RDR New options: MSGSUBS, MSGALL READCARD The default options have been changed. The new default options are MINPROMPT and NOREPLACE. RELEASE Addition of dirid to release an accessed SFS directory. SET COMDIR, FILEPOOL, FILEWAIT, FULLSCREEN, KEYPROTECT, LOADAREA, SERVER, STORECLR, and THRESHOLD XEDIT New options: . LOCK, NOLOCK. Integration of Between-Release Support Information of VM/SP Release 6 1. VM/SP Enhancements to the IBM Enhanced Connectivity Facilities for VM/System Product, GC24-5295. 2. VM/SP 9370 Processors, 9332 and 9335 Direct Access Storage Devices, and 9347 Tape Drive, GC24-5315. 3. VM Productivity Aids National Language Support Enhancement, GC24-5400. Summary of Changes for SC19-6209-4 for VM/SP Release 5 New Commandsfor Release 5 of VM/SP The following CMS commands are new for this release. ALARM VSCREEN Sound the terminal alarm when the display is refreshed. CLEAR VSCREEN Erases data in the virtual screen by overwriting the data buffer with nulls. CLEAR WINDOW Scrolls past all data in the virtual screen to which the window is connected so that no scrollable data is displayed in the window. CMSSERV Starts IBM Cooperative Processing communications on VM/SP. CONVERT COMMANDS Converts a CMS file containing Command Syntax Definition Language (CSDL) statements into an internal form for the parsing facility. CURSOR VSCREEN Positions the cursor on specified line and column in a virtual screen. DEFINE VSCREEN Create a virtual screen. DEFINE WINDOW Creates a window with the specified name, size, and position on the physical screen. DELETE VSCREEN Removes a virtual screen definition. 824 VM/SP CMS Command Reference DELETE WINDOW Removes a window definition. DROP WINDOW Moves a window down in the order of displayed windows. GENMSG Converts a message repository file into an internal form. GET VSCREEN Writes data from a CMS file to the specified virtual screen. HIDE WINDOW Prevents the specified window from being displayed, and, optionally, connects the window to a virtual screen. MAXIMIZE WINDOW Expands a window to the physical screen size. MINIMIZE WINDOW Reduces the size of the window to one line. MOREHELP Obtains either additional or related information about the latest valid HELP command you issued. PARSECMD Calls the parsing facility from within an exec. POP WINDOW Moves a window up in the order of displayed windows. POSITION WINDOW Changes the location of a window on the physical screen. PUT SCREEN Copies the physical screen and writes the image to a CMS file. PUT VSCREEN Writes the data from the scrollable data area of a virtual screen to a CMS file. RESTORE WINDOW Return a maximized or minimized window to its size and location prior to the maximize or minimize. ROUTE Directs data of a particular message class to a virtual screen. SCROLL Moves a window to a new location on the virtual screen to which it is connected. SHOW WINDOW Places a window on top of all other displayed windows and connects the window to a virtual screen. SIZE WINDOW Changes the number of lines and columns for a specified window. VALIDATE Verifies the syntax of a file identifier and verifies whether or not a disk is accessed. W AITREAD VSCREEN U sed from an EXEC, updates the virtual screen with data, refreshes the physical screen, and waits for the next attention interrupt. WAITT VSCREEN Updates the virtual screen with data. WRITE VSCREEN Enters information in a virtual screen. Information is queued to a virtual screen and is displayed the next time the screen is refreshed. Summary of Changes 825 XMITMSG Retrieves a message from a CMS message repository file or your own message repository file. Border Commands Manipulate windows when entered on the corners of window borders. Several single-character border commands have been added to manipulate windows in the full-screen CMS environment: B C D F H L M N o P R S X Scrolls the window backward Clears the window of scrollable data Drops the window Scrolls the window forward Hides the window Scrolls the window to the left Changes the location of the window Minimizes the window Restores the window Pops the window Scrolls the window to the right Changes the size of the window Maximizes the window Modified Commands for Release 5 of VM/SP The following CMS commands have been modified this release. ACCESS Addition of the SAVEONL Y and NOSAVE options that allow you to specify whether a disk is accessed with a saved copy of the file directory or with a file directory in user storage. DEFAULTS Defaults options for HELP can be set for a BRIEF or DETAIL layer of information. EXECDROP Addition of the SHARED option that drops an exec that is located in an Installation DeSS. EXECIO Addition of the BUFFER option allows you to specify the length of the CP command response expected from a CP operation. The length may be from I to 231-1 characters (bytes). EXECMAP Addition of the SHARED option allows you to list execs that are located in an Installation DCSS. EXECUPDT Comments can be removed from an exec source file with the COMMENTS option. The ETMODE option specifies that the source file contains DBCS characters and that shift-in and shift-out should be paired while comments are removed. FILEDEF Addition of the ALT option allows you to specify an alternate tape drive. The SYSPARM option is added for OS simulation standard label tape processing exits. FORMAT The BLKSIZE option defaults to a block size that optimizes the I/O and data storage for the particular device. GLOBAL The GLOBAL command has been enhanced to allow you to list up to 63 libraries from one of the supported library types. 826 VM/SP CMS Command Reference HELP Addition of the BRIEF, DETAIL, and RELATED options allow to specify different levels, or layers, of information. The EXTEND option uses the HELP search order when you issue the HELP command from the editing environment and the component is not specified. INCLUDE The HIST option saves the history information (comments) from text files. The NOHIST does not save the history information from text files. LOAD The HIST option saves the history information (comments) from text files. The NOH 1ST does not save the history information from text files. PRINT Addition of the OVERSIZE option allows you to print files that have records larger than the carriage size of the virtual printer and files that have a SPECIAL status of YES. QUERY APL, BORDER, CHARMODE, CMSPF, CURSOR, DISPLAY, DOSLIB, FULLREAD, FULLSCREEN, HIDE, INSTSEG, KEY, LIBRARY, LOADLIB, LOCATION, LOGFILE, MACLIB, NONDISP, REMOTE, RESERVED, SHOW, TEXT, TXTLIB, TRANSLATE, VSCREEN, WINDOW, and WMPF. SET ABBREV, APL, BORDER, CHARM ODE, CMSPF, FULLREAD, FULLSCREEN, INSTSEG, LANGUAGE, LANGLIST, LINEND, LOCATION, LOGFILE, NONDISP, REMOTE, RESERVED, TEXT, TRANSLATE, VSCREEN, WINDOW, and WMPF. TXTLIB The FILENAME option indicates that all the filenames specified will be used as the member names for their respective entries in the TXTLIB file instead of the first CSECT in the file's text deck. UPDATE The UPDATE command is enhanced to list up to 29 macro library (MACLIB) filenames. XEDIT The WINDOW option specifies the window and virtual screen that the System Product editor uses to display the file being edited. Migration of CMS Commands into the Nucleus The following CMS commands are now nucleus resident commands: • • • • COPYFILE GLOBALV IDENTIFY PRINT CMS Command Search Order Document the search for translations and abbreviations in CMS Command Search Order description. CMS Command Syntax Error Messages For some CMS commands, syntax error messages are issued by the CMS Parsing Facility. Summary of Changes 827 Integration of Functional Enhancements to Release 4 Document support of the following: • IBM 3380 Direct Access Storage Device, Models AE4 and BE4 • IBM 3380 Direct Access Storage Device Support for VSE/VSAM • CMS Vector Processing • CMS Loader Miscellaneous • This major revision incorporates minor technical and editorial changes. • A keyword operand is added to the .CS HELPCONV format word • The DDR command is moved to the VM/SP Administration. Summary of Changes for SC19-6209-3 for VM/SP Release 4 New Commands for Release 4 of VMI SP The following CMS commands are new for this release. EXECDROP Purges storage resident EXECs. EXECLOAD Load EXECs into storage. EXECMAP Provides a list of storage resident EXECs. EXECSTAT Provides the status of a specific EXEC. HELPCONV Converts a specified file into a formatted HELP file, leaving the .CS, .CM, and .MT control words in the file. MACLIST Displays a list of all members in a specified MACLIB, with the ability to edit and issue commands from the list. Commands and Macros that have been Modified The following commands and macros have been modified for this release. DDRcommand Addition of the MODE 38K option for use with the 3480 Magnetic Tape Subsystem. Supports the use of the COMPACT option on the OUTPUT control statement for the DUMP function. DEFAULTS command Defaults options can be set up for the HELP and MACLIST commands. EXECIO Addition of the VAR and STEM options that allow you to use the EXECIO command directly with REXX or EXEC 2 variables. 828 VM/SP CMS Command Reference FILEDEF Addition of the 18TRACK option for the TAPn operand. HELP command Addition of MESSAGE, MSG, and TASKS operands. Addition of DESCRIPTION, FORMAT, PARMS, OPTIONS, NOTES, ERRORS, SCREEN, and NOSCREEN options that allow you to select specific areas of a command HELP file to be displayed. INCLUDE command Addition of the RLDSAVE option that instructs the CMS loader to save the relocation information from text files. LABELDEF command Addition of VOLID ? and VOLID SCRATCH operands. LOAD Addition of the RLDSAVE option that instructs the CMS loader to save the relocation information from text files. MACLIB command Individual member names can now be specified with the MAP operand. Addition of the STACK, LIFO, FIFO, and XEDIT options that allow you to stack the MAP output. TAPE Addition of the 18TRACK option that allows you to specify an 18 track tape that is used with the 3480 Magnetic Tape Subsystem. The TRANSFER IMMEDIATE and TRANSFER BUFFERED options specify the write mode for the 3480 Magnetic Tape Subsystem. XEDIT command New MEMBER option allows you to specify the name of a macro library member to be edited. TAPECTL macro Addition of the BLKBUFF operand to be used with the LOCBLK and RDBLKID functions for the 3480 Magnetic Tape Subsystem. WRTAPE ADDITION of TRAN BUFF and TRAN IMMED operands to specify the write mode when used with the 3480 Magnetic Tape Subsystem. Migration of CMS Commands into the Nucleus The following CMS commands are now nucleus resident commands: • • • • • ACCESS DLBL FILEDEF RELEASE SET CMS Command Search Order Document the search for storage resident EXECs in the CMS Command Search Order description. Integration of Functional Enhancements to Release 3 Document support of the following: • IBM 3800 Printing Subsystems, Models 1 and 3. • IBM 3370 Direct Access Storage Device, Models A2 and B2. • 3290 Information Panel. • IBM 4248 Printer. Summary of Changes 829 New VMI SP Component Document support of the Interactive Problem Control System (IPCS) component of VM/SP. Miscellaneous • This major revision incorporates minor technical and editorial changes. • Document support of the IBM 3480 Magnetic Tape Subsystem • Document changes to XED IT screens for messages that appear in mixed case. • Document the new .MT (MENU TYPE) HELPCONV format word. Other Changes • MOVE EDIT SUBCOMMANDS to appendix • MOVE EXEC CONTROL STATEMENTS to appendix • Book now has 6 chapters (formerly referred to as sections). 1. INTRO 2. CMS Commands 3. CMS Functions 4. CMS Macros 5. Help Format Words 6. DEBUG subcommands • and six appendixes (EDIT SUBCOMMANDS and EXEC control statement have been moved here). 830 VM/SP CMS Command Reference Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations Some of the following convenience terms are used throughout this pUblication: • Throughout this publication, the term "VM/SP" refers to the VM/SP program package when you use it in conjunction with VM/370 Release 6. The terms "CP," "CMS," and "IPCS" refer to the VM/370 components enhanced by the functions included in the VM/SP package. Any references to "RSCS," unless otherwise noted, are to the VM/370 component unchanged by the VM/SP package. When you install and use VM/SP in conjunction with the VM/370 Release 6 System Control Program (SCP), it becomes a functional operating system that provides extended features to the following components of VM/370 Release 6: Control Program (CP) Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Interactive Problem Control System (IPCS). VM/SP adds no additional functions to the Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS) component of VM/370. However, you can appreciably expand the capabilities of these components in a VM/SP system by installing the RSCS Networking program product (5748-XPl). Note that VM/SP has an enhanced interactive problem control system (VM/SP IPCS) component. This component replaces the unmodified VM/370 interactive problem control system. Detail of this major component are found in the VM/SP Interactive Problem Control System Guide, SC24-5260. Note: For VM/SP users, VM/SP IPCS is more effective than the IPCS Extension Program Product (5748-SAl). • The term "CMS/DOS" refers to the functions of CMS that become available when you issue the command: set dos on CMS/DOS is a part of the normal CMS system, and is not a separate system. Users who do not use CMS/DOS are sometimes referred to as OS users, since they use the OS simulation functions of CMS. • Unless otherwise noted, the term "VSE" refers to the combination of the DOS/VSE system control program and the VSE/Advanced Functions program product. In certain cases, the term DOS is still used as a generic term. For example, disk packs initialized for use with VSE or any predecessor DOS or DOS/VS system may be referred to as DOS disks. The DOS-like simulation environment provided under the CMS component of the VM/System Product, continues to be referred to as CMS/DOS. • The term "GAM/SP," Graphic Access Method/System Product, refers to IBM Program Product 5668-978. • The term "CMS files" refers exclusively to files that are in the format used by CMS file system commands. VSAM and OS data sets and DOS files are not compatible with the CMS file format and cannot be manipulated using CMS file system commands. • The terms "disk" and "virtual disk" are used interchangeably to indicate disks that are in your CMS virtual machine configuration. Where necessary, a distinction is made between the CMS-formatted disks and disks in OS or DOS format. • The term "CMS console stack" refers to the combination of the program stack and the terminal input buffer. A abend. (1) Abnormal end of task. (2) Synonym for abnormal termination. abend dump. The contents of main storage, or part of main storage, written to an external medium for debugging an error condition that resulted in the termination of a task before its regular completion~ abnormal end of task (abend). Termination of a task before its completion because of an error condition that cannot be resolved by recovery facilities while the task is executing. abnormal termination. The ending of processing before planned termination. Synonymous with abend. accept. Allowing a connection to the user's virtual machine from another virtual machine or from the user's own virtual machine. access mode. A method VM/SP uses to control user access to data files. Access modes let the user read and write data to a file, or only read data from a file. See file mode. active work unit. A work unit that has uncommitted work associated with it. A request was made on the work unit (other than an atomic request) and no commit or rollback has occurred. Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations 831 ADCON. An A-type address constant used in calculating storage addresses. The work unit must be inactive. When it completes, an atomic request leaves the work unit inactive. Advanced Program-to-Program Communications (APPC). The inter-program communication service within SNA LV 6.2 on which the APPC/VM interface is based. attention interrupt. An I/O interrupt caused by a terminal user pressing the attention key (or equivalent). See attention key (A TTN key) and signaling attention. Advanced Program-to-Program Communications/VM (APPC/VM). An API for communicating between two virtual machines that is mappable to the SNA LV 6.2 APPC interface and based on IUCV functions. Along with the TSAF virtual machine, APPC/VM provides this communication within a single system and throughout a collection of systems. alias. A pointer to a base file. An alias can be in the same directory as the base file or in a different directory. There must always be a base file for the alias to point to. The alias references the same data as the base file. Data is not moved or duplicated. alphameric. Synonym for alphanumeric. alphanumeric. Pertaining to a character set that contains letters, digits, and usually other characters, such as punctuation marks; synonymous with alphameric. attention key (ATTN key). A function key on terminals that, when pressed, causes an I/O interruption in the processing unit. See signaling attention. ATTN key. Attention key. authority. In SFS, the permission to access a file or directory. You can have read authority or write authority (which includes read authority). You can also have file pool administration authority, which is the highest level of authority in a file pool. authorized program analysis report (APAR). An official request to the responsible IBM Change Team to look into a suspected problem with IBM code or documentation. APARs describe problems giving conditions of failure, error messages, abend codes, or other identifiers. They also contain a problem summary and resolution when applicable. See program temporary fix (PTF). AUX file. Auxiliary control file. AP AR. Authorized program analysis report. APPC. Advanced Program-to-Program Communications. APPC/VM. Advanced Program-to-Program Communications/VM. APPC/VM VT AM Support (A VS). A component of VM/SP that lets application programs using APPC/VM communicate with programs anywhere in a network defined by IBM's SNA. AVS transforms APPC/VM into APPC/VTAM protocol. application program. A program written for or by a user that applies to the user's work, such as a program that does inventory control or payroll. apply. When servicing a product or component, to generate an auxiliary control structure from a PTF. area. A term acceptable for DASD space when there is no need to differentiate between space on count-key-data devices and FB-512 devices. See DASD space. assembler language. A source language that includes symbolic machine language statements in which there is a one-to-one correspondence with instruction formats and data formats of the computer. atomic request. A CMS command or program function that cannot be entered or run on an active work unit. 832 VM/SP CMS Command Reference auxiliary control file (AUX file). A file that contains a list of file types of update files applied to a particular source file or to control the service level used during build. See control file and preferred auxiliary file. Synonymous with auxiliary file. auxiliary directory. In CMS, an extension of the CMS file directory for a minidisk, which contains the names and locations of certain CMS modules not included in the minidisk's CMS file directory. auxiliary file. Synonym for auxiliary control file. AVS. APPC/VM VTAM Support. B base file. The first occurrence of a file. It remains the base for the life of the file, even if the file has been renamed. Aliases point to base files. basic control (BC) mode. A mode in which additional System/370 features, such as new machine instructions, are not operational. Contrast with extended control (Ee) mode. basic sequential access method (BSAM). An access method for storing or getting data blocks in a continuous sequence (using either a sequential access or direct access device). binary digit. Either of the digits 0 or 1 when used in the pure binary numeration system. Synonymous with bit. bit. (1) Either of the binary digits 0 or 1. See byte. (2) Synonym for binary digit. block. A unit of DASD space on FB-512 devices. For example, FB-512 devices can be the IBM 9335, 9332, 9313, 3370, and 3310 DASD using fixed-block architecture. border. A boundary around a window. The user can enter one-letter BORDER commands from the corners of the border. For example, the letter P entered from a border corner pops the window. The border corners are indicated by a + (plus) sign. running on a VM system. These include PTFs, APARs, user modifications, and information received over the phone. All these types of information are called changes. channel. A path in a system that connects a processor and main storage with an I/O device. channel command word (CCW). A doubleword at the location in main storage specified by the channel address word. One or more CCW s make up the channel program that directs data channel operations. channel status word (CSW). An area in storage that provides information about the termination of I/O. character delete symbol. Synonym for logical character delete symbol. bpi. Bits per inch. Bpi. Bytes per inch. checkpoint. An internal file pool server operation during which the changes recorded on the log minidisks are permanently made to the file pool. BSAM. Basic sequential access method. buffer. An area of storage, temporarily reserved for performing input or output, into which data is read, or from which data is written. build. In reference to installation and service of a product, to do the necessary steps to produce executable code or systems. This is often called the build process. built-in function. A specialized function, invoked by a keyword, that has been built into the system program code because it is commonly required by many users. byte. A unit of storage, consisting of eight adjacent binary digits that are operated on as a unit and constitute the smallest addressable unit in the system. c callable services library (CSL). A package of CMS assembler routines that can be stored as an entity and made available to application programs. catalog storage group. The storage group in a file pool that contains information about the objects (such as files and directories) and authorizations that exist in the file pool. See file pool catalog. CC. Condition code. CCW. Channel command word. changes. In reference to installation and service, IBM and original equipment manufacturer (OEM) supplied service for their programs. In the IBM service process, there are many ways users can receive information they need to fix (change) a portion(s) of a product they are circumventive service. Information that IBM supplies over the phone or on a tape to circumvent a problem by disabling a failing function until a PTF is available to be shipped as a corrective service fix. See patch and zap. CKD. Count-key-data. class authority. Privilege assigned to a virtual machine user in the user's directory entry; each class specified allows access to a subset of all the CP commands. See privilege class and user class restructure (UCR). class B user. See system resource operator privilege class. CMS. Conversational Monitor System. CMS batch facility. A facility that lets the user run time-consuming or noninteractive CMS jobs in another CMS virtual machine dedicated to that purpose, thus freeing the user's own terminal and virtual machine for other work. CMSDOS. The standard name of the CMS/DOS saved segment. See saved segment. CMS/DOS. The functions of CMS that become available when the user enters the command: SET DOS ON. CMS/DOS is a part of the regular CMS system and is not a separate system. Users who do not use CMS/DOS are sometimes called OS users, because they use the OS simulation functions of CMS. Synonymous with DOS simulation under CMS. Contrast with OS simulation under CMS. CMS/DOS phase library. Synonym for DOSLIB library. Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations 833 CMS editor. A CMS facility that lets the user create, change, insert, delete, or rearrange lines of data in a CMS file. See edit mode and input mode. CMS EXEC. An EXEC procedure or EDIT macro written in the CMS EXEC language and processed by the CMS EXEC processor. Synonymous with CMS program. CMS EXEC language. A general-purpose, high-level programming language, particularly suitable for EXEC procedures and EDIT macros. The CMS EXEC processor executes procedures and macros (programs) written in this language. Contrast with EXEC 2 language and Restructured Extended Executor (REXX) language. CMS EXEC processor. The component of the VM/SP operating system that interprets and executes procedures and EDIT macros written in the CMS EXEC language. CMS file directory. A directory on each CMS disk that contains the name, format, size, and location of each of the CMS files on that disk. When a disk is accessed by the ACCESS command, its directory is read into virtual storage and identified with any letter from A through Z. Synonymous with master file directory block and minidisk directory. CMS files. Refers exclusively to files in the fixed-block format used by CMS file system commands. VSAM and OS data sets and DOS files are not compatible with the CMS file format and cannot be manipulated using CMS file system commands. CMS file system. A way to create files in the CMS system. CMS files are created by using an identifier consisting of three fields: file name, file type, and file mode. These files are unique to the CMS system and cannot be read or written using other operating systems. CMS nucleus. The portion of CMS that is resident in the user's virtual storage whenever CMS is executing. Each CMS user receives a copy of the CMS nucleus when the user IPLs CMS. See saved system and shared segment. CMS program. Synonym for CM S EXEC. CMSSERV. A command that starts a CMS router in the Enhanced Connectivity Facilities environment of VM/SP. MODULE. See subcommand and user-written CMS command. command abbreviation. A short form of the command name, operand, or option that is not a truncation of the word. For example, MSG instead of MESSAGE, RDR instead of READER. Contrast with truncation. command line. The line at the bottom of display panels that lets a user enter commands or panel selections. It is prefixed by an arrow (= = = ». command privilege class. See privilege class. commit. Permanently changing a resource (such as a file or a data base object). communication link. Synonym for data link. communications directory. A CMS facility that lets APPC/VM applications connect to a resource using symbolic destination names and special NAMES files. compile. To translate a program written in a high-level programming language into a machine language program. component. A collection of elements that together form a separate functional unit. A product may contain many components (for example, VM/SP has components ofCP, CMS, GCS, TSAF, IPCS, AVS, and Procedures Language/ VM). A component can be part of many products. (CP spans both VM/SP and VM/HPO products.) component override. Synonym for component parameter override. component parameter override. A component parameter, defined in a component override area, that updates or replaces a component parameter defined in a component area of the product parameter file. Synonymous with component override and override. condition code (CC). A code that reflects the result of a previous I/O, arithmetic, or logical operation. connect. Establishing a path to communicate with another virtual machine or with the user's own virtual machine. console. A device used for communications between the operator or maintenance engineer and the computer. CNTRL file. Control file with file type CNTRL. console spooling. Synonym for virtual console spooling. collection. See TSAF collection. command. A request from a user at a terminal for the execution of a particular CP, CMS, IPCS, GCS, TSAF, or A VS function. A CMS command can also be the name of a CMS file with a file type of EXEC or 834 VM/SP CMS Command Reference console stack. Refers collectively to the program stack and the terminal input buffer. control block. A storage area that a computer program uses to hold control information. control data. In reference to a file pool, the data that controls the DASD space and objects within a file pool. Control data consists of the POOLDEF file, the control minidisk, and all minidisks allocated to storage group 1. control file. (l) In service, a tile with file type CNTRL that contains records that identify the updates to be applied and the macro libraries, if any, needed to assemble that source program. (2) A CMS file that is interpreted and directs the flow of a certain process through specific steps. For example, the control file could contain installation steps, default addresses, and PTF prerequisite lists as well as many other necessary items. control minidisk. In a file pool, the minidisk that tracks the physical DASD blocks allocated to the file pool. control program. A computer program that schedules and supervises the program execution in a computer system. See Control Program (CP). Control Program (CP). A component of VM/SP that manages the resources of a single computer so mUltiple computing systems appear to exist. Each virtual machine is the functional equivalent of an IBM System/370. control section (CSECT). The part of a program specified by the programmer to be a relocatable unit, all elements of which are loaded into adjoining main storage. control statement. A statement that controls or affects program execution in a data processing system. control unit. A device that controls I/O operations at one or more devices. control unit terminal (CUT). An operational mode that allows one logical terminal session. Contrast with distributed function terminal (DFT). conversation. A connection between two transaction programs over an LV-LV session that lets them communicate with each other while processing some transaction. The programs establish a conversation, send and receive data in the conversation, and then terminate the conversation. Conversational Monitor System (CMS). A virtual machine operating system and component of VM/SP that provides general interactive time sharing, problem solving, program development capabilities, and operates only under the control of the VM Control Program (CP). copy function. The function initiated by a PF key to copy the contents of a display screen onto an associated hardcopy printer. A remote display terminal copies the entire contents of the screen onto a printer attached to the same control unit. A local display terminal copies all information from the screen, except the screen status information, onto any printer attached to any local display control unit. corrective service. Service that IBM supplies on tape to correct a specific problem. count-key-data (CKD) device. A disk storage device that stores data in the format: count field, usually followed by a key field, followed by the actual data of a record. The count field contains the cylinder number, head number, record number, and the length of the data. The key field contains the record's key (search argument). CPo Control Program. CP command. A command available to all VM users. Class G CP commands let the general user reconfigure their virtual machine, control devices attached to their virtual machine, do input and output spooling functions, and simulate many other functions of a real computer console. Other CP commands let system operators, system programmers, system analysts, and service representatives manage the resources of the system. CP directory. Synonym for VM/SP directory. CP-owned disk. Any disk formatted by the CP Format/Allocate program and designated as system-owned during system generation; for example, the CP system residence volume, or any disk that contains CP paging, spooling, saved systems, or temporary disk space. CPTRAP. A CP debugging tool that creates a reader spool file of selected trace table entries, CP data, and virtual machine data in the order that they happen. The IPCS commands can help the user access and print this collected data. CSECT. Control section. CSL. Callable services library. CSL routine. An assembler program that resides in a CSL and that can be invoked from an application program to do a specific function. CSW. Channel status word. CUT. Control unit terminal. copy file. A file having file type COPY that contains nonexecutable real storage definitions that are referred to by macros and assemble files. cylinder. In a disk pack, the set of all tracks with the same nominal distance from the axis about which the disk pack rotates. Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations 835 D allowed to default), a file mode letter, or plus (+) or minus (-) file mode syntax (used in commands). DASD. Direct access storage device. directory name (dirname). A fully-qualified directory name that can incorporate a period (.) to indicate the user's own top directory (used in commands). DASD Dump Restore (DDR) program. A service program that copies all or part of a minidisk onto tape, loads the contents of a tape onto a minidisk, or sends data from a DASD or from tape to the virtual printer. DASD space. (1) Area allocated to DASD units on CKD devices. (2) Area allocated to DASD units on FB-512 devices. Note that DASD space is synonymous with cylinder when there is no need to differentiate between CKD devices and FB-512 devices. This term applies to VM/370, VM/SP and VM/SP HPO program products. data control block (DeB). A control block access method routines use to store and retrieve data. data link. The equipment and rules (protocols) used for sending and receiving data. Synonymous with communication link. data stream. A set of logical records sent one after the other. DBes. Double-byte character set. DeB. Data control block. dedicated maintenance mode. In reference to a file pool server machine, a mode of file pool server processing during which the file pool server machine has exclusive use of the file pool. The file pool is unavailable to other users. Contrast with multiple user mode. default operand. An operand that has a preset value if a value is not specified on the CP or CMS command line. delimiter. (1) A flag that separates and organizes items of data. Synonymous with separator. (2) A character that groups or separates words or values in a line of input. Usually one or more blank characters separate the command name and each operand or option in the command line. In certain cases, a tab, left parenthesis, or backspace character can also act as a delimiter. DFf. Distributed function terminal. direct access storage device (DASD). A storage device in which the access time is effectively independent of the location of the data. directory. See auxiliary directory, CMS file directory, SFS directory, or VM/SP directory. directory identifier (dirid). A fully-qualified directory name (in which the file pool ID and user ID can be 836 VM/SP CMS Command Reference dirid. Directory identifier. dirname. Directory name. disconnect mode. The mode of operation in which a virtual machine is executing without a physical line or terminal connected as an operator console. Any attempt to issue a read to the console causes the virtual machine to be logged off after 15 minutes have elapsed, unless the user logs on again within the I5-minute interval. Note that with the SCIF, a user can be disconnected from a primary virtual console but still have console communications through the console of the secondary user. discontiguous saved segment. One or more 64K segments of storage that were previously loaded, saved, and assigned a unique name. The segnient(s) can be shared among virtual machines if the segment(s) contains reentrant code. Discontiguous segments used with CMS must be loaded into storage at locations above the address space of a user's CMS virtual machine. They can be detached when no longer needed. disk. A magnetic disk unit in the user's CMS virtual machine configuration. Also called a virtual disk. disk operating system (DOS). An operating system for computer systems that use disks and diskettes for auxiliary storage of programs and data. Disk Operating System/Virtual Storage Extended (DOS/VSE). An operating system that is an extension of DOS/VS. A VSE system consists of: (a) licensed VSE/ Advanced Functions support, and (b) any IBM-supplied and user-written programs required to meet the data processing needs of a user. VSE and the hardware it controls form a complete computing system. display device. An I/O device that gives a visual representation of data. display mode. A type of editing at a display terminal in which an entire screen of data is displayed at once and in which the user can access data through commands or by using a cursor. Contrast with line mode. display terminal. A terminal with a component that can display information on a viewing surface such as a CRT or gas panel. distributed function terminal (DFT). An operational mode that allows multiple concurrent logical terminal sessions. Contrast with control unit terminal (CUT). DOS. Disk operating system. DOSLIB library. A CMS library that contains the executable phases produced by the DOS Linkage Editor under CMS. These phases are equivalent to, but not usable in the DOS/VS core image library. These phases can be fetched and executed only under CMS/DOS. Synonymous with CMS/DOS phase library. DOS simulation under CMS. Synonym for CMS/DOS. DOS/VSE. Disk Operating System/Virtual Storage Extended. double-byte character set (DBCS). A character set that requires 2 bytes to uniquely define each character. This contrasts with EBCDIC, in which each printed character is represented by 1 byte. dump. To write the contents of part or all of main storage, or part or all of a minidisk, to auxiliary storage or a printer. See abend dump. E EBCDIC. Extended binary-coded decimal interchange code. EDF. Enhanced disk format. edit. A function that makes changes, additions, or deletions to a file on a disk. These changes are interactively made. The edit function also generates information in a file that did not previously exist. EDIT macro. (1) A procedure defined by a frequently used command sequence to do a commonly required editing function. A user creates the macro to save repetitious rekeying of the sequence, and invokes the entire procedure by entering a command (that is, the macro file's file name). The procedure can consist of a long sequence of edit, CMS, and CP commands, along with EXEC 2 or CMS EXEC control statements to control processing within the procedure. (2) A CMS file whose file name starts with a dollar sign ($) character and whose file type is EXEC. different entry points, each corresponding to a different function or purpose. environmental record editing and printing program (EREP). A program that makes the data contained in the system recorder file available for further analysis. EOF. End of file. erased alias. An alias that no longer points to a base file because the base file was erased. EREP. Environmental record editing and printing program. EXEC 2 EXEC. Synonym for EXEC 2 program. EXEC 2 language. A general-purpose, high-level programming language, particularly suitable for EXEC procedures and XEDIT macros. The EXEC 2 processor runs procedures and XEDIT macros (programs) written in this language. Contrast with CMS EXEC language and Restructured Extended Executor (REXX) language. EXEC procedure. (1) A procedure defined by a frequently used sequence of CMS and CP commands to do a commonly required function. A user creates the procedure to save repetitious rekeying of the sequence, and invokes the entire procedure by entering a command (that is, the exec file's file name). The procedure could consist of a long sequence of CMS and CP commands, along with REXX, EXEC 2, or CMS EXEC control statements to control processing within the procedure. (2) A CMS file with a file type of EXEC. EXEC 2 processor. A program in VM/SP that interprets and executes procedures, EDIT macros, and XEDIT macros written in the EXEC 2 language. EXEC 2 program. An EXEC procedure, EDIT macro, or XEDIT macro written in the EXEC 2 language and processed by the EXEC 2 processor. Synonymous with EXEC 2 EXEC. explicit lock. A lock on a file or directory that a user explicitly created by entering a CREATE LOCK command or executing a DMSCRLOC CSL routine. edit mode. The environment in which CMS EDIT subcommands and System Product Editor (XEDIT) subcommands can be entered by the user to insert, change, delete, or rearrange the contents of a CMS file. Contrast with input mode. extended binary-coded decimal interchange code (EBCDIC). A set of 256 characters, with each character represented by 8 bits. enhanced disk format (EDF). A CMS file storage format that supports fiies consisting of 512-, lK-, 2K-, or 4K-byte CMS blocks. extended control (EC) mode. A mode in which all features of a System/370 computing system, including dynamic address translation, are operational. Contrast with basic control (BC) mode. entry point. An address or label of an instruction performed upon entering a computer program, a routine, or a subroutine. A program can have several extended PLIST (untokenized parameter list). Four addresses that indicate the extended form of a command as it was entered at a terminal. Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations 837 external security manager. A program that either augments or completely replaces the authorization checking done by file pool server processing. file pool ID. The name of a file pool. It is part of a fully-qualified directory name, identifying where the directory and all files in it are located. It has up to eight characters, followed by a colon (:). F FB-512. An FBA device that stores data in 512-byte blocks (refers to the IBM 9335, 9332, 9313, 3370, and 3310 DASDs). FHA. Fixed-block architecture. FCB. (1) Forms control buffer. (2) Function control block. FIFO (first-in-first-out). A queuing technique in which the next item to be retrieved is the item that has been on the queue for the longest time. Contrast with LIFO (last-in-first-out) . file access mode. A file mode number that designates whether the file can be used as a read-only or read/write file by a user. See file mode. file definition. (1) Equating a CMS file identifier (file name, file type, file mode) with an OS data set name by the FILEDEF command; or equating a DOS file ID with a CMS file identifier by the DLBL command. (2) Identifying the input or output files used during execution of a program (by way of either the FILEDEF or DLBL commands). file ID. A CMS file identifier that consists of a file name, file type, and file mode. The file ID is associated with a particular file when the file is created, defined, or renamed under CMS. See file name, file type, and file mode. file mode. A two-character CMS file identifier field comprised of the file mode letter (A through Z) followed by the file mode number (0 through 6). The file mode letter indicates the minidisk or SFS directory on which the file resides. The file mode number indicates the access mode of the file. See file access mode. file name. A one-to-eight character alphanumeric field, comprised of A through Z, 0 through 9, and special characters $ # @ + - (hyphen) : (colon) _ (underscore), that is part of the CMS file identifier and serves to identify the file for the user. file pool. A collection of minidisks managed by SFS. It contains user files and directories and associated control information. Many users' files and directories can be contained in a single file pool. file pool catalog. The part of a file pool that contains information about the objects stored in the ,file pool and 838 the authorizations granted on those objects. See catalog storage group. VM/SP CMS Command Reference file space. A user's allocation of space within a file pool. file status table (FST). A table that describes the attributes of a file on a CMS disk, including file name, file type, file mode, date last written, and other status information. file system control block (FSCB). A collection of information about a CMS file, that CMS OS simulation commands and user programs use. A file system control block is established for a file by the FILEDEF command or the FSCB macro instruction. file type. A one-to-eight character alphanumeric field, comprised of A through Z, 0 through 9, and special characters $ # @ + - (hyphen) : (colon) _ (underscore), that is used as a descriptor or as a qualifier of the file name field in the CMS file identifier. See reserved file types. fixed-block architecture (FBA) device. A disk storage device that stores data in blocks of fixed size or records; these blocks are addressed by block number relative to the beginning of the particular file. forms control buffer (FCB). In the 3800 Printing Subsystem, a buffer for controlling the vertical format of printed output. The FCB is analogous to the punched-paper, carriage-control tape that IBM 1403 Printers use. free storage. Storage not allocated. The blocks of memory available for temporary use by programs or by the system. FSCB. File system control block. FST. File status table. full-screen CMS. When a user enters the command SET FULLSCREEN ON, CMS is in a window and can take advantage of 3270-type architecture and windowing support, and various classes of output are routed to a set of default windows. Also, users can type commands anywhere on the physical screen and scroll through commands and responses previously displayed. See windowing. function control block (FCB). In Subsystem Support Services (SSS), a control block that contains information such as a function's status, event control block, task I/O queue, and I/O queue. G immediate commands can be established or cancelled by the CMS command IMMCMD. GAM/SP. Graphics Access Method/System Product. implicit lock. A lock automatically acquired and freed when you run CMS commands and program functions against files or directories that reside in an SFS file pool. Multiple readers and one writer can access the file or directory. GCS. Group Control System. general register. In CMS, a register that does operations such as binary addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. General registers primarily compute and modify addresses in a program. global resource. A resource accessible from anywhere within a TSAF collection and whose identity is known throughout the collection. A shared file system file pool is an example of a global resource. Contrast with local resource and private resource. global resource manager. An application that runs in a server virtual machine and identifies itself to the TSAF collection as a global resource owner using "'IDENT. Contrast with local resource manager and private resource manager. group. Synonym for virtual machine group. Group Control System (GCS). A component of VM/SP, consisting of a shared segment that the user can IPL and run in a virtual machine. It provides simulated MVS services and unique supervisor services to help support a native SNA network. H handshaking feature. See VM/VS handshaking feature. host system. A data processing system that prepares programs and the operating environments for use by another computer or controller. I ID card. Under VM/SP, the identification card that indicates the destination user ID of a deck of real cards. These cards are read into the system card reader or into the card reader of an RSCS remote station. immediate command. A type of CMS command that, when entered after an attention interruption, causes program execution, tracing, or terminal display to stop. Another immediate command can be entered to resume tracing or terminal display. The immediate commands are HB (halt batch execution), HI (halt all System Product Interpreter or EXEC 2 programs or macros), HO (halt tracing), HT (halt typing), HX (halt execution), RO (resume tracing), RT (resume typing), SO (suspend tracing), TE (trace end), and TS (trace start). They are called immediate commands because they are executed as soon as they are entered; they are not stacked in the console stack. Within an exec, implied CP command. In CMS,a CP command invoked without preceding the command line with CPo implied EXEC. An EXEC procedure invoked without identifying it as such; that is, the word exec is not used for the invocation. Only the file name is used, as if entering a CMS command. inactive work unit. A work unit on which no requests have yet been made, or an atomic request was made, or requests were made and have been committed or rolled back; that is, an inactive work unit has no uncommitted work associated with it. indicator. A I-byte area of storage that contains either the character "I" to denote a true condition or the character "0" to denote a false condition. initial program load (IPL). The initialization procedure that causes an operating system to begin operation. A VM user must IPL the specific operating system into the virtual machine that will control the user's work. Each virtual machine can be loaded with a different operating system. initialize. To set counters, switches, addresses, or contents of storage to starting values. input line. For typewriter terminals, information keyed in by a user between the time the typing element of the terminal comes to rest following a carriage return until another carriage return is typed. For display terminals, the data keyed into the user input area of the screen. See user input area. input mode. In the CMS Editor or System Product Editor (XED IT), the environment that lets the user key in new lines of data. Contrast with edit mode. input/output (1/0). (1) Pertaining to a device whose parts can do an input process and an output process at the same time. (2) Pertaining to a functional unit or channel involved in an input process, output process, or both, concurrently or not, and to the data involved in such a process. input stream. The sequence of job control statements and data submitted (to an operating system) through an input unit especially started for this purpose by the operator. interactive. The classification given to a virtual machine depending on this virtual machine's processing Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations 839 characteristics. When a virtual machine uses less than its allocation time slice because of terminal I/O, the virtual machine is classified as being interactive. Contrast with non in teractive. Interactive Problem Control System (IPCS). A component of VM/SP that permits online problem management, interactive problem diagnosis, online debugging for disk related CP or virtual machine abend dumps or CPT RAP files, problem tracking, and problem reporting. interface. A shared boundary between two or more entities. An interface might be a hardware or software component that links two devices or programs together. interrupt. A suspension of a process, such as execution of a computer program, caused by an external event and done in such a way that the process can be resumed. inter-user communication vehicle (IUCV). A VM/SP generalized CP interface that helps the transfer of messages either among virtual machines or between CP and a virtual machine. line number. A number located at either the beginning or the end of a record (line) that can be used during editing to refer to that line. See prompting. link. (1) In RSCS, a connection, or ability to communicate, between two adjacent nodes in a network. (2) In TSAF, the physical connection between two systems. load. In reference to installation and service, to move files from tape to disk, auxiliary storage to main storage, or minidisks to virtual storage within a virtual machine. loader. A routine, commonly a computer program, that reads data into main storage. load map. A map containing the storage addresses of control sections and entry points of a program loaded into storage. local. Two entities (for example, a user and a server) are said to be local to each other if they belong to the same system within a collection or to the same node within an SNA system. Contrast with remote. invoke. To start a command, procedure, or program. 110. Input/output. IPCS. Interactive Problem Control System. IPL. Initial program load. IUCV. Inter-user communication vehicle. K K. kilobyte. kilobyte (K). 1024 bytes. L LIFO (Iast-in-first-out). A queuing technique in which the next item to be retrieved is the item most recently placed in the queue. Contrast with FIFO (first-in-first-out) . line delete symbol. Synonym for logical line delete symbol. line deletion symbol. Synonym for logical line delete symbol. line end symbol. Synonym for logical line end symbol. line mode. The mode of operation of a display terminal that is equivalent to using a typewriter-like terminal. Contrast with display mode. 840 VM/SP CMS Command Reference local resource. A resource accessible from only within a single VM system and whose identity is known only within a single VM system in the TSAF collection. Contrast with global resource and private resource. local resource manager. An application that runs in a virtual machine and identifies itself to the local system in the TSAF collection as a local resource owner by *IDENT. Contrast with global resource manager and private resource manager. local service. Changes manually applied to a product or component (that is, not using the program update service or corrective service procedures). See circumventive service and user modification. lock. A tool, for controlling concurrent usage of SFS objects. Implicit locks are acquired and automatically released when you run CMS commands and program functions in SFS. Explicit locks let you control the type and duration of the lock. logical character delete symbol. A special editing symbol, usually the' at (@) sign, that causes CP to delete it and the immediately preceding character from the input line. If many delete symbols are consecutively keyed in, that same number of preceding characters are deleted from the input line. The value can be redefined or unassigned by the installation or the user. Synonymous with character delete symbol. logical line. A command or data line. that can be separated from one or more additional command or data lines on the same input line by a logical line end symbol. ( \ logical line delete symbol. A special editing symbol, usually the cent (¢) sign, that causes CP to delete the previous logical line in the input line back to and including the previous logical line end symbol. Synonymous with line delete symbol and line deletion symbol. See logical line. logical line end symbol. A special editing symbol, usually the pound (#) sign, that lets the user key in the equivalent of several command or data lines in the same physical line; that is, each logical line except the last line is terminated with the logical line end symbol. Synonymous with line end symbol. logical record. A formatted record that consists of a 2-byte logical record length and a data field of variable length. logical saved segment. A portion of a physical saved segment that CMS can manipulate. Each logical segment can contain different types of program objects, such as modules, text files, execs, callable services libraries, language repositories, user-defined objects, or a single minidisk directory. A system segment identification file (SYSTEM SEGID) associates a logical saved segment to the physical saved segment in which it resides. See physical saved segment and saved segment. logical unit (LU). An entity addressable within an SNA-defined network, similar to a node within a VM network. LUs are categorized by the types of communication they support. A TSAF collection in an SNA network is viewed as one or more LUs. logoff. The procedure ,by which a user ends a terminal session. macroinstruction. In assembler language programming, an assembler language statement that causes the assembler to process a predefined set of statements called a macrodefinition. The statements usually produced from the macrodefinition replace the macroinstruction in the program. Synonymous with macro. macro library. A library of macrodefinitions. map. In CMS, the file that contains a CMS output listing, such as (1) a list of macros in the MACLIB library, including macro size and location within the library, (2) a listing of the directory entries for the DOS/VS system or private source, relocatable, or core image libraries, (3) a linkage editor map for CMS/DOS programs, and (4) a module map containing entry point locations. master file directory. A directory on each CMS disk that contains the name, format, size, and location of all the CMS files on the disk. When a disk is accessed by the ACCESS command, the directory is read into main storage and identified with one of the 26 disk mode letters (A through Z). master file directory block. Synonym for eMS file directory. MB. Megabyte. MDISK. (1) Another name for minidisk. (2) The user directory that describes a user's storage space. megabyte (MB). 1,048,576 bytes. M merge. When receiving files from a service tape using the VMFREC EXEC, the process of moving existing service files from each minidisk or SFS directory in the target string (as defined by the MERGE tag in the product parameter file) to the minidisk or SFS directory that contains the previous service level. The result is that the primary target minidisk or directory is left empty and ready to receive the latest service from the tape. machine. A synonym for a virtual machine running under the control of VM/370 or VM/SP. message. Data sent from a source application to a target application program in a conversation. machine ID. A 2-byte field that uniquely defines a virtual machine within a virtual machine group. Machine ID is sometimes combined with task ID to uniquely identify a task within the virtual machine group. message repository. A source file that contains message texts for a VM component or user application. It is compiled into internal form by the GENMSG command. The message text in a repository file can be translated and used to support national languages. macro. Synonym for macrodefinition and macroinstruction. MIH. Missing interrupt handler. logon. The procedure by which a user begins a terminal session. look-aside entry. A nucleus resident routine becomes a look-aside entry after it has been executed. macrodefinition. A set of statements that defines the name of, format of, and conditions for generating a sequence of assembler language statements from a single source statement. Synonymous with macro. minidisk. A logical subdivision (or all) of a physical disk pack that has its own virtual device address, consecutive virtual cylinders (starting with virtual cylinder 0), and a VTOC or disk label identifier. Each Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations 841 user virtual disk is preallocated and defined by a VM/SP directory entry as belonging to a user. network. Any set of two or more computers, workstations, or printers linked in such a way as to let data be transmitted between them. minidisk directory. Synonym for CMS file directory. minimum truncation. The shortest form of a command name, operand, or option that can be keyed in and still be recognized by VM/SP. For example, AC is the minimum truncation for the ACCESS command. However, note that the letter A is the minimum truncation for ASSEMBLE. See truncation. missing interrupt handler (MIH). A VM/SP facility that detects incomplete I/O conditions by monitoring I/O activity. It also tries to correct incomplete I/O conditions without operator intervention. module. (1) A unit of a software product that is discretely and separately identifiable with respect to modifying, compiling, and merging with other units, or with respect to loading and execution. For example, the input to, or output from, a compiler, the assembler, the linkage editor, or an exec routine. (2) A nonrelocatable file whose external references have been resolved. node. (1) A single processor or a group of processors in a teleprocessing network. (2) A computer, workstation, or printer, when it is participating in a network. node ID. Node identifier. node identifier (node ID). The name by which a node is known to all other nodes in a network. noninteractive. The classification given to a virtual machine depending on this virtual machine's processing characteristics. When a virtual machine usually uses all its allocated time slice, it is classified as being noninteractive or compute bound. Contrast with interac tive. nucleus. The part of CP or CMS resident in main storage. NUCON. The nucleus constant area of CMS. multiple user mode. In reference to a file pool server machine, a mode of file pool server processing during which it processes user requests for file pool data. (The CMS FILESERV START command starts mUltiple user mode processing.) Contrast with dedicated maintenance mode. MVS. Multiple Virtual Storage. nuD line. A logical line with a length of zero that usually signals the CMS Editor to end input mode and enter edit mode. In VM/SP, a null line for typewriter terminals is a terminal input line consisting of a return character as the first and only information, or a logical line end symbol as the last character in the data line. For display devices, a null line is indicated by the cursor positioned at the beginning of the user input area or the data in the user input area ending with a logical line end symbol. N o namedef. A temporary name that represents either: (1) a file name and file type, or (2) an SFS directory name. Namedefs are used in program functions so that it is not necessary to directly code a file name and file type or directory name in the program. object code. Compiler or assembler output that is executable machine code or is suitable for more processing to produce executable machine code. Contrast with source code. Multiple Virtual Storage (MVS). An alternative name for OS/VS2. named system. A system that has an entry in the CP system name table (DMKSNTBL). The entry in the system name table includes the system name and other pertinent data so that the system can later be saved. See saved system. native mode. Refers to running an operating system stand-alone on the real machine instead of under VM/SP. object module. A module that is the output of an assembler or a compiler and is input to a linkage editor. operand. Information entered with a command name to define the data on which a command processor operates and to control the execution of the command processor. Operating System/Virtual Storage (OS/VS). A family of operating systems that control IBM System/360 and System/370 computing systems. OS/VS includes VSl, VS2, MVS/370, and MVS/XA. NCPDUMP. Network control program DUMP. netdata. The name of the format that sends a file when the NEW option of the CMS SENDFILE command is specified. OS simulation under CMS. The environment of CMS that permits the simulation of OS functions. Contrast with CMS/DOS. OS/VS. Operating System/Virtual Storage. 842 VM/SP CMS Command Reference OS/VS2. A virtual storage operating system that is an extension of OS/MVT. overhead. The additional processor time charged to each ,virtual machine for the CP functions needed to simulate the virtual machine environment and for paging and scheduling time. overlay. The technique of repeatedly using the same areas of internal storage during different stages of a program. override. Synonym for component parameter override. p pack. A set of flat, circular recording surfaces that a disk storage device uses. A disk pack. page. A fixed-length block that has a virtual address and can be transferred between real storage and auxiliary storage. page frame. A block of 4096 bytes of real storage that holds a page of virtual storage. personal computer (PC). A desk-top, floor-standing, or portable microcomputer that usually consists of a system unit, a display monitor, a keyboard, one or more diskette drives, internal fixed-disk storage, and an optional printer. PF key. Programmed function key. physical saved segment. One or more pages of storage that have been named and retained on a CP-owned volume (DASD). Once created, it can be loaded within a virtual machine's address space or outside a virtual machine's address space. Multiple users can load the same copy. A physical saved segment can contain one or more logical saved segments. A system segment identification file (SYSTEM SEGID) associates a physical saved segment to its logical saved segments. See logical saved segment and saved segment. physical screen. Synonym for screen. physical unit block (PUB). In a VSE system, an entry in a table containing the channel and device address of a device. There is a physical unit block for each physical device available in the system. PLIST. Parameter list. paging. Transferring pages between real storage and external page storage. parameter. A variable that is given a constant value for a specified application and that may denote the application. parameter list (PLIST). In CMS, a string of 8-byte arguments that call a CMS command or function. The first argument must be the name of the command or function to be called. General register 1 points to the beginning of the parameter list. preferred auxiliary file. In CMS, an auxiliary file that applies to a particular version of a source module to be updated, if multiple versions of the module exist. prefix area. The five left-most positions on the System Product Editor's full-screen display, in which prefix subcommands or prefix macros can be entered. See prefix macros and prefix subcommands. prefix macros. System Product Editor macros entered in the prefix area of any line on a full-screen display. See prefix area. parent directory. (l) The directory for a CMS disk that has a disk extension defined for it by the ACCESS command. (2) In SFS, the next higher-level directory in which the current directory is defined. prefix storage area (PSA). A page zero of real storage that contains machine-used data areas and CP global data. part. A CMS file provided on a product tape or service tape as input to the build process. See build. A part is the smallest serviceable unit of a component. prefix subcommands. System Product Editor subcommands entered in the prefix area of any line on a full-screen display. See prefix area. password. In computer security, a string of characters known to the computer system and a user, who must specify it to gain full or limited access to a system and to gain full or limited access to a system and to the data stored within it. preventive service. The massive application of PTFs from the PUT. Contrast with selective preventive service. patch. A circumventive service change applied directly to object code in a text deck in a nucleus. path. In APPC/VM or IUCV, a connection between two application programs that are on the same or different systems. Paths have names assigned to them. private resource. A resource accessible from anywhere within a TSAF collection or SNA network and whose identity is known only within a single virtual machine. Contrast with global resource and local resource. private resource manager. An application that runs in a server virtual machine and provides a service for connecting programs, but that does not identify itself to the TSAF collection. Contrast with global resource manager and local resource manager. Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations 843 privilege class. One or more classes assigned to a virtual machine user in a VM/SP directory entry; each privilege class specified lets a user access a logical subset of the CP commands. There are eight IBM-defined privilege classes that correspond to specific administrative functions. They are: Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class A - primary system operator B - system resource operator C - system programmer D - spooling operator E - system analyst F - service representative G - general user H - reserved for IBM use Any - available to any user. The privilege classes can be changed to meet the needs of an installation. See class authority and user class restructure (UCR). process. A systematic sequence of operations to produce a specified result. A process is usually logical, not physical. product. Any separately installable software program, whether supplied by IBM or otherwise, distinct from others and recognizable by a unique identification code. The product identification code is unique to a given product, but does not identify the release level of that product. PROFILE EXEC. A special EXEC procedure with a file name of PROFILE that a user can create. The procedure is usually executed immediately after CMS is loaded into a virtual machine (also known as IPL CMS). program update service. Receiving the contents of a PUT, applying all or some of the changes, and rebuilding the serviced parts. See preventive service and selective preventive service. program update tape (PUT). A tape containing a customized collection of service tapes (preventive service) to match the products listed in a customer's ISD (IBM Software Distribution) profile. Each PUT contains cumulative service for the customer's products back to earlier release levels of the product still supported. The tape is distributed to authorized customers of the products at scheduled intervals or on request. prompt. A displayed message that describes required input or gives operational information. prompting. An interactive technique that lets the program guide the user in supplying information to a program. The program types or displays a request, question, message, or number, and the user enters the desired response. The process is repeated until all the necessary information is supplied. PSA. Prefix storage area. pseudo page fault. A facility available with VM/VS handshaking that lets the VS I virtual machine dispatch another task while waiting for a page-in request to be completed for some other task. Without this facility, the whole virtual machine would wait until the page request was satisfied, even if higher priority tasks were ready to execute. PSS. Program support services. program function (PF) key. On a terminal, a key that can do various functions selected by the user or determined by an application program. PSW. Program status word. program stack. Temporary storage for lines (or files) being exchanged by programs that execute under CMS. See console stack. PUB. Physical unit block. program status word (PSW). An area in storage that indicates the order in which instructions are executed, and to hold and indicate the status of the computer system. program temporary fix (PTF). Code changes needed to correct a problem reported in an APAR. The corrected code is included in later releases. A PTF contains one or more APAR fixes. For object maintained parts that are changed, the PTF includes replacement parts. For source maintained parts that are changed, the PTF includes update files and replacement parts. Each PTF is unique to a given release of a product. If the same problem occurs in multiple releases of a product, a separate PTF is defined for each release. 844 VM/SP CMS Command Reference PTF. Program temporary fix. PUBLIC. In reference to a file pool, all valid users of the system. PUT. Program update tape. PVM. VM/Pass-Through Facility. Q QSAM. Queued sequential access method. queued sequential access method (QSAM). An extended version of BSAM. When this method is used, a queue is formed of input data blocks awaiting processing or processed output data blocks awaiting transfer to auxiliary storage or to an output device. R read authority. The authority to read the contents of a file without being able to change them. For a directory, read authority lets the user view the names of the objects in the directory. read-only access. An access mode associated with a virtual disk or SFS directory that lets a user read, but not write or update, any file on the disk or SFS directory. read/write access. An access mode associated with a virtual disk or SFS directory that lets a user read and write any file on the disk. real machine. The actual processor, channels, storage, and I/O devices required for VM/SP operation. receive. (1) Bringing into the specified buffer data sent to the user's virtual machine from another virtual machine or from the user's own virtual machine. (2) To load service files from a service tape. resource manager. An application running in a server virtual machine that directly controls one or more VM resources. There are three categories of VM resource managers: global, local, and private. response time. (I) The time between the submission of an item of work to a computing system and the return of results. (2) In systems with time sharing, the time between the end of a block or line-end character of terminal input and the display of the first character of system response at the terminal. Restructured Extended Executor (REXX) language. A general-purpose programming language, particularly suitable for EXEC procedures, XEDIT macros, or programs for personal computing. Procedures, XEDIT macros, and programs written in this language can be interpreted by the System Product Interpreter. Contrast with CMS EXEC language and EXEC 2 language. register. See general register. revoked alias. An alias that no longer points to a base file because authorization on the base file was revoked from the owner of the alias. Aliases may also be revoked if the storage group in which the alias resides is restored and the base file, which resides in another storage group, does not exist. remote. Two entities (for example, a user and a server) are said to be remote to each other if they belong to different systems within a collection, or to different nodes within an SNA network. Contrast with local. REXX EXEC. An EXEC procedure or XEDIT macro written in the REXX language and processed by the System Product Interpreter. Synonymous with REXX program. Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem Networking (RSCS). An IBM licensed program and special-purpose subsystem that supports the reception and transmission of messages, files, commands, and jobs over a computer network. REX X language. Restructured Extended Executor language. reply. (1) A response to an inquiry. (2) In SNA, a request unit sent only in reaction to a received request unit. requester. (1) The name given to a virtual machine containing a user program that requests a resource. (2) The program that relays a request to another computer through the SRPI. Contrast with server. reserved file types. (1) File types recognized by the eMS editors (EDIT and XED IT) as having specific default attributes that include: record size, tab settings, truncation column, and uppercase or lowercase characters associated with that particular file type. The eMS Editor creates a file according to these attributes. (2) File types recognized by eMS commands; that is, commands that only search for and use particular file types or create one or more files with a particular file type. resource. A program, a data file, a specific set of files, a device, or any other entity or a set of entities that the user can uniquely identify for application program processing in a VM system. REXX program. Synonym for REXX EXEC. rollback. Undoing changes that were made to a resource (such as a file or a data base object). route. A connection to another system by a logical link and one or more intermediate systems. In. TSAF, a number of links and possible intermediate systems that allow the connection of one system to another. RSCS. Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem Networking. s saved segment. A segment of storage that has been saved and assigned a name. The saved segment(s) can be physical saved segment(s) that CP recognizes or logical saved segments that CMS recognizes. The segments can be loaded and shared among virtual machines, which helps use real storage more efficiently, or a private, nonshared copy can be loaded into a virtual machine. See logical saved segment and physical saved segment. Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations 845 saved system. A special nonrelocatable copy of a virtual machine's virtual storage and associated registers kept on a CP-owned disk and loaded by name instead of by I/O device address. Loading a saved system by name substantially reduces the time it takes to IPL the system in a virtual machine. In addition, a saved system such as CMS can also share one or more 64K segments of reenterable code in real storage between virtual machines. This reduces the cumulative real main storage requirements and paging demands of such virtual machines. scale. A line on the System Product Editor's (XEDIT) full-screen display, used for column reference. SCIF. Single console image facility. session. The SN A term for a connection between two LUs. The LUs involved allocate conversations across sessions. sever. Ending communication with another virtual machine or with the user's own virtual machine. SFS. Shared file system. SFS directory. A group of files. SFS directories can be arranged to form a hierarchy in which one directory can contain one or more subdirectories as well as files. shared file system (SFS). A part of CMS that lets users organize their files into groups known as directories and to selectively share those files and directories with other users. SCPo System control programming. screen. An illuminated display surface; for example, the display surface of a CRT. Synonymous with physical screen. scrolling. (1) Moving a display image vertically or horizontally in order to view data not otherwise visible within the boundaries of the display screen. (2) Performing a scroll up, scroll down, scroll right, or scroll left operation. shared segment. A feature of a saved system or physical saved segment that lets one or more segments of reentrant code or data in real storage be shared among many virtual machines. For example, if a saved CMS system was generated, the CMS nucleus is shared in real storage among all eMS virtual machines loaded by name; that is, every CMS machine's segment of virtual storage maps to the same 64K of real storage. See discontiguous saved segment and saved system. SID code. Support Identification code. secondary user. When a user is disconnected - that is, has no virtual console on line - a secondary user can be designated to receive the disconnected user's console messages and to enter commands to the disconnected user's console. segment. A contiguous 64K or 1024K area of virtual storage (not necessarily contiguous in real storage) allocated to a job or system task. VM/SP does not use 1024K segments, but supports any VM operating system that uses I024K segments. selective preventive senice. The selective application of PTFs from the PUT. Contrast with preventive service. separator. Synonym for delimiter. sener. (1) The general name for a virtual machine that provides a service for a requesting virtual machine. (2) The program that responds to a request from another computer through SRPI. Contrast with requester. signaling attention. An indication that a user has pressed a key or keyed in a CP command to present an attention interrupt to CP or to the user's virtual machine. simultaneous peripheral operations online (SPOOL). (1) (Noun) An area of auxiliary storage defined to temporarily hold data during its transfer between peripheral equipment and the processor. (2) (Verb) To use auxiliary storage as a buffer storage to reduce processing delays when transferring data between peripheral equipment and the processing storage of a computer. single console image facility (SelF). (1) Lets a user, who is disconnected from a primary virtual console, continue to have console communications by way of the console of the secondary user. See secondary user. (2) Enables a virtual machine operator to control multiple virtual machines from one physical terminal. SIO. Start I/O. sener-requester programming interface (SRPI). (1) A protocol between requesters and servers in an enhanced connectivity network. Includes the protocol to define a cooperative processing subsystem. (2) The interface that enables enhanced connectivity between requesters and servers in a network. senice. Changing a product after installation. See corrective service, local service, and program update service. 846 VM/SP CMS Command Reference source code. The input to a compiler or assembler, written in a source language. Contrast with object code. source file. A file that contains source statements for such items as high-level language programs and data description specifications. source update file. A file containing a single change to a statement in a source file. The file can also include requisite information for applying the change. Synonymous with update .file. special variable. A reserved variable name assigned a value during processing by the System Product Interpreter, the EXEC 2 processor or CMS EXEC processor. These variables can be tested within an EXEC procedure, edit macro, or XEDIT macro. SPOOL. Simultaneous peripheral operations online. spool file class. A one-character class associated with each virtual unit record device. For input spool files, the spool file class lets the user control which input spool files are read next; and, for output spool files, it lets the spooling operator better control or reorder the printing or punching of spool files having similar characteristics or priorities. The spool file class value can be A through Z or 0 through 9. spool ID. A spool file identification number automatically assigned by CP when the file is closed. The spool ID number can be from 0001 to 9900; it is unique for each spool file. To identify a given spool file, a user must specify the owner's user ID, the virtual device type, and the spool ID. spooling. The processing of files created by or intended for virtual readers, punches, and printers. The spool files can be sent from one virtual device to another, from one virtual machine to another, and to real devices. See virtual console spooling. to the supervisor so that it can do a specific service indicated by the instruction. SVc. Supervisor call instruction. synonym. In CMS, an alternative command name defined by the user as equivalent to an existing CMS command name. Synonyms are entries in a CMS file with a file type of SYNONYM. Entering the SYNONYM command allows use of those synonyms until that terminal session ends or until the use of synonyms is revoked by entering the SYNONYM command with no operands. syntax. The rules for the construction of a command or program. system administrator. The person responsible for maintaining a computer system. system control programming (SCP). IBM-supplied programming fundamental to the operation and maintenance of the system. It serves as an interface with IBM licensed programs and user programs and available without additional charge. System Product Editor. The CMS facility, comprising the XEDIT command and XED IT subcommands and macros, that lets a user create, change, and manipulate CMS files. System Product Interpreter. The language processor of the VM/SP operating system that processes procedures, XED IT macros, and programs written in the REXX language. SRPI. Server-requester programming interface. stand-alone. Pertaining to an operation independent of another device, program, or system. system resource operator privilege class. The CP privilege class B user, who controls all the real resources of the machine, such as real storage, disk drives, and tape drives, not controlled by the primary system or spooling operators. storage group. A subset of minidisks within a file pool. Each storage group is identified by a number. T subcommand. The commands of processors such as EDIT or System Product Editor (XEDIT) that run under CMS. target. One of many ways to identify a line to be searched for by the System Product Editor. A target can be specified as an absolute line number, a relative displacement from the current line, a line name, or a string expression. stack. See console stack and program stack. subdirectory. Any directory below a user's top directory. The CREATE DIRECTORY command creates subdirectories. There can be up to eight levels of subdirectories with no limit on the number of them at each level, other than overall DASD space limits. Each level of a subdirectory is an additional identifier of up to 16 characters that is appended to next higher level subdirectory . supervisor call instruction (SVC). An instruction that interrupts a program being executed and passes control T -disk. Synonym for temporary disk. temporary disk. An area on a DASD available to the user for newly created or stored files until logoff, at which time the area is released. Temporary disk space is allocated to the user during logon or when entering the CP DEFINE command. Synonymous with T-disk. terminal. A device, usually equipped with a keyboard and a display, capable of sending and receiving information. Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations 847 terminal input buffer. Holds lines entered at the user's terminal until CMS processes them. terminal session. The period of time from logon to logoff when a user and the virtual machine can use the facilities of VM/SP or the operating system or both. This also includes any period of time that the virtual machine is running in disconnect mode. See disconnect mode. terminal user. Anyone who uses a terminal to log on to VM/SP. text deck. An object code file that must be additionally processed to produce executable machin~ code. text library. A CMS file that contains relocatable object modules and a directory that indicates the location of each of these modules within the library. token. An eight-character symbol created by the CMS EXEC processor when it scans an EXEC procedure or EDIT macro statements. Symbols longer than eight characters are truncated to eight characters. tokenized PLIST (parameter list). A string of doubleword aligned parameters occupying successive doublewords. top directory. The directory created for a user when the user is enrolled in a file pool. The name of the top directory is the same as the person's user ID. topmost window. With the window support, the highest window in the display order such that: (1) The window name is not WM or STATUS. (2) The window currently displays at least one virtual screen data line or reserved line. For example, a vsize window connected to a virtual screen such that there are no scrollable data being displayed, is NOT the topmost window. Note: It may not be obvious by looking at the screen which is the topmost window. Transparent Services Access Facility (TSAF). A component of VM/SP that handles communication between systems by letting APPC/VM paths span mUltiple VM systems. TSAF lets a source program connect to a target program by specifying a name that the target has made known, instead of specifying a user ID and node ID. truncation. A valid shortened form of CP, CMS, GCS, IPCS, RSCS, TSAF (Query only) command names, operands, and options that can be keyed in. When the shortened form is used, the number of key strokes is reduced. For example, the ACCESS command has a minimum allowable truncation of two, so AC, ACC, ACCE, ACCES, and ACCESS are all recognized by CMS as the ACCESS command. Contrast with command abbreviation. 848 VM/SP CMS Command Reference TSA.'. Transparent Services Access Facility. TSAF collection. A group of VM processors, each with a TSAF virtual machine, connected by CTC, binary synchronous lines, or LANs. two-word command. A command resolved to a program name by using the first two tokens of its tokenized parameter list. typewriter terminal. Printer-keyboard devices that produce hardcopy output only, such as: the IBM 2741 Communication Terminal; the IBM 3215 Console Printer-Keyboard; the IBM 3767 Communication Terminal, Modell or 2, operating as a 2741. This term also refers to the IBM 3101 Display Terminal operating as a 2741. u UCR. User class restructure. universal class card reader. A virtual card reader that can read any class of reader, printer, or punch files spooled or transferred to it. update file. Synonym for source update file. UPSI. User program switch indicator. user. Anyone who requests the services of a computing system. user class restructure (UCR). The extension of the class structure of CP instructions from 8 to 32 classes for each user, command, and diagnose code within the system. This extension allows the installation greater flexibility in authorizing CP instructions. user ID. User identification. user input area. On a display device, the lines of the screen where the user is required to key in command or data lines. See display mode, input line, and line mode. user modification. Any change that a user originates for a product or component. user program. A transaction program that requests a service from a resource manager program. User programs reside in requester virtual machines. user program area. In CMS, the virtual storage area occupying location X 120000 1 to the end of the user's virtual machine. The beginning of the user program area is the default loading point for user programs and for many CMS commands. user program switch indicator (UPSI). An operand of the CMS SET command. The user can set the switches (1 byte) to a desired value, which can be tested by a program in CMS/DOS. user-written eMS command. Any CMS file created by a user that has a file type of MODULE or EXEC. Such a file can be executed as if it were a CMS command by issuing its file name, followed by any operands or options expected by the program or EXEC procedure. v vaddr. Virtual address. variable symbol. In an EXEC procedure, a symbol beginning with an ampersand (&) character, the value of which is assigned by the user, or in some cases by the System Product Interpreter, the EXEC 2 processor, or CMS EXEC processor. The value of a variable symbol can be tested and changed using control statements. See special variable. virtual address. The address of a location in virtual storage. A virtual address must be translated into a real address in order to process the data in processor storage. virtual card reader. CP's simulation on disk of a real card reader. A virtual card reader can read card, punch, or print records of up to 151 characters in length. The virtual device type and I/O device address are usually defined in the VM/SP directory. See spool file class and universal class card reader. virtual console. A console simulated by CP on a terminal such as a 3270. The virtual device type and I/O address are defined in the VM directory entry for that virtual machine. virtual console spooling. The writing of console I/O on disk as a printer spool file instead of, or in addition to, having it typed or displayed at the virtual machine console. The console data includes messages, responses, commands, and data from or to CP and the virtual machine operating system. The user can invoke or terminate console spooling at anytime. When the console spool file is closed, it becomes a printer spool file. Synonymous with console spooling. virtual disk. A logical subdivision (or all) of a physical disk storage device that has its own address, consecutive storage space for data, and an index or description of the stored data so that the data can be accessed. A virtual disk is also called a minidisk. See disk. virtual machine (VM). A functional equivalent of a real machine. virtual machine group. The concept in GCS of two or more virtual machines associated with each other through the same named system (for example, IPL GCS 1). Virtual machines in a group share common read/write storage and can communicate with one another through facilities provided by GCS. Synonymous with group. Virtual Machine/System Product (VM/SP). An IBM licensed program that manages the resources of a single computer so that multiple computing systems appear to exist. Each virtual machine is the functional equivalent of a real machine. virtual printer (or punch). A printer (or card punch) simulated on disk by CP for a virtual machine. The virtual device type and I/O address are usually defined in the VM/SP directory entry for that virtual machine. virtual = real option. A VM/SP performance option that lets a virtual machine run in VM/SP's virtual = real area. This option eliminates CP paging and, optionally, CCW translation for this virtual machine. Synonymous with V=R. virtual screen. A functional simulation of a physical screen. A virtual screen is a presentation space where data is maintained. The user can view pieces of the virtual screen through a window on the physical screen. virtual storage. Storage space that can be regarded as addressable main storage by the user of a computer system in which virtual addresses are mapped into real addresses. The size of virtual storage is limited by the addressing scheme of the computing system and by the amount of auxiliary storage available, and not by the actual number of main storage locations. virtual storage access method (VSAM). An access method for direct or sequential processing of fixed and variable-length records on direct access devices. The records in a VSAM data set or file can be organized in logical sequence by a key field (key sequence), in the physical sequence in which they are written on the data set or file (entry-sequence), or by relative-record number. virtual storage extended (VSE). The generalized term that indicates the combination of the DOS/VSE system control program and the VSE/Advanced Functions program product. Note that in certain cases, the term DOS is still used as a generic term; for example, disk packs initialized for use with VSE or any predecessor DOS or DOS/VS system are sometimes called DOS disks. Also note that the DOS-like simulation environment provided under the VM/SP CMS component and CMS/DOS exists on VM/SP and VM/SP HPO program products and continues to be called CMS/DOS. Virtual Telecommunications Access Method (VT AM). An IBM licensed program that controls communication and the flow of data in a computer network. It provides single-domain, multiple-domain, and multiple-network capability. VTAM runs under MVS, OS/VSl, VM/SP, and VSE. Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations 849 VM. Virtual machine. VMLIB. The name of the CSL supplied with VM/SP and that contains routines to do various VM functions. VM/Pass-Through Facility. A facility that lets VM users interactively access remote system and processor nodes. These can be remote IBM 4300 processors, other VM systems, with or without this facility installed, or System/370- compatible non-VM systems. VM/SP. Virtual Machine/System Product. VM/SP directory. A CP disk file that defines each virtual machine's typical configuration; the user ID, password, regular and maximum allowable virtual storage, CP command privilege class or classes allowed, dispatching priority, logical editing symbols to be used, account number, and CP options desired. Synonymous with CP directory. VM/VS handshaking feature. A communication interface between VM/SP and other operating systems running a virtual machine under VM/SP. These operating systems and CP make each other aware of mutual capabilities and requirements. volid. Volume identifier. volume identifier (volid). The volume identification label for a disk. volume table of contents (VTOC). (1) A table on a direct access volume that describes each data set on the volume. (2) An area on a disk or diskette that describes the location, size, and other characteristics of each file and library on the disk or diskette. v = R. Synonym for virtual = real option. VSAM. Virtual storage access method. windowing. A set of functions that lets the user view and manipulate data in user-defined areas of the physical screen called windows. Windowing support lets the user define, position, and overlay windows; scroll backward and forward through data; and write data into virtual screens. work unit. In CMS, a group of related operations that can be either committed or rolled back as a unit. When the operations associated with a work unit are committed or rolled back, new operations can be associated with the same work unit. These operations can also be committed or rolled back. (The work unit is, in a sense, reusable.) Multiple work units may be active. See active work" unit and inactive work unit. write authority. The authority to read or change the contents of a file or directory. Write authority implies read authority. x XEDIT. See System Product Editor. XEDIT macro. (1) A procedure defined by a frequently used command sequence to do a commonly required editing function. A user creates the macro to save repetitious rekeying of the sequence, and invokes the entire procedure by entering a command (that is, the macro file's file name). The procedure can consist of a long sequence of XED IT commands and subcommands or both, and CMS and CP commands or both, along with REXX or EXEC 2 control statements to control processing within the procedure. (2) A CMS file with a file type of XED/T. z zap. To modify or dump an individual text file, using the ZAP command or the ZAPTEXT EXEC. vscreen. Virtual screen. VSE. Virtual storage extended. VTAM. Virtual Telecommunications Access Method. VTOC. Volume table of contents. w window. An area on the physical screen where virtual screen data can be displayed. Windowing lets the user do such functions as defining, positioning, and overlaying windows; scrolling backward and forward through data; and writing data into virtual screens. 850 VM/SP CMS Command Reference 2 2305. Refers to the IBM 2305 Fixed Head Storage Device, Models I and 2. 270X. Refers to the IBM 2701, 2702, and 2703 Transmission Control Units or the Integrated Communications Adapter (lCA) on the Systemj370 Model 135. 2741. Refers to the IBM 2741 Terminal. Information on the 2741 also applies to the IBM 3767 Terminal, unless otherwise noted. 3 3380. Refers to the IBM 3380 Direct Access Storage Device. 3270. Refers to a series of IBM display devices; for example, the IBM 3275, 3276 Controller Display Station, 3277, 3278, and 3279 Display Stations, the 3290 Information Panel, and the 3287 and 3286 printers. A specific device type is used only when a distinction is required between device types. Information about display terminal usage also refers to the IBM 3138, 3148, and 3158 Display Consoles when used in display mode, unless otherwise noted. 3422. Refers to the IBM 3422 Magnetic Tape Subsystem. 3284. Refers to the IBM 3284 Printer. Information on the 3284 also pertains to the IBM 3286, 3287, 3288, and 3289 printers, unless otherwise noted. 3289. Refers to the IBM 3289 Model 4 Printer. 3310. Refers to the IBM 3310 Direct Access Storage Device. 3480. Refers to the IBM 3480 Magnetic Tape Subsystem. 370x. Refers to the IBM 3704/3705 Communication Controllers. 3800. Refers to the IBM 3800 Printing Subsystems. A specific device type is used only when a distinction is required between device types. 3850. Refers to the IBM 3850 Mass Storage System. 4 4248. Refers to the IBM 4248 Printer. 3330. Refers to the IBM 3330 Disk Storage Device. 3340. Refers to the IBM 3340 Direct Access Storage 9 Device. 3350. Refers to the IBM 3350 Direct Access Storage Device when used in native mode. 3370. Refers to the IBM 3370 Direct Access Storage Device. 3375. Refers to the IBM 3375 Direct Access Storage Device. 9313. Refers to the IBM 9313 Direct Access Storage Device. 9332. Refers to the IBM 9332 Direct Access Storage Device, Model 400. 9335. Refers to the IBM 9335 Direct Access Storage Device, Models AOI and B01. 9347. Refers to the IBM 9347 Tape Drive. Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations 851 852 VM/SP CMS Command Reference Bibliography Prerequisite Publications A new user of CMS might refer to the VM/SP CMS Primer, SC24-5236, for introductory tutorial information on using CMS. In addition to the VM/SP CMS User's Guide, SC19-621O, prerequisite information is contained in the following publications: • For information about the terminal that you are using, including procedures for gaining access to the VM/SP system and logging on, see the Virtual Machine/System Product Terminal Reference, GC19-6206. • If you are using an IBM 3767 Communications Terminal, the IBM 3767 Operator's Guide, GA18-2000, is a prerequisite. If you are going to use an IBM Licensed Program compiler under CMS, you should have available the appropriate Licensed Program documentation. These publications are listed in Virtual Machine/System Product Introduction, GCI9-6200. Corequisite Publications The CP commands that are available to you in CP privilege classes A and G, are described in Virtual Machine/System Product CP General User Command Reference, SC19-6211. The Virtual Machine/System Product System Messages and Codes, SC19-6204, describes all of the error messages and system responses produced by the CMS commands referenced in this publication. The Virtual Machine/System Product System Messages Cross Reference, SC19-6204, contains the cross reference lists formerly contained in the appendix of SCI 9-6204. If you are alternating between CMS and other operating systems in virtual machines running under VM/SP, you should consult Virtual Machine/System Product Running Guest Operating Systems, GC19-6212. For information on the CMS functions, CMS macro instructions, and callable services library (CSL) routines refer to the Virtual Machine/System Product Application Development Reference for CMS, SC24-5284. For information on the VM/SP System Product Editor refer to the: Virtual Machine/System Product System Product Editor Command and Macro Reference, SC24-5221 and System Product Editor User's Guide. SC24-5220. For information about the System Product Interpreter, see the: Virtual Machine/System Product System Product Interpreter Reference, SC24-5239 and System Product Interpreter User's Guide, SC24-5238. For information on EXEC 2 refer to VM/SP EXEC 2 Reference, SC24-5219. Bibliography 853 Supplemental Publications For general information about the VM/SP system, see Virtual Machine/System Product Introduction, GCI9-6200. Additional descriptions of various CMS functions and commands which are normally used by system support personnel are described in: Virtual Machine/System Product Installation Guide, SC24-S237 Operator's Guide, SC 19-6202 Planning Guide and Reference, SC19-6201 Application Development Guide for CMS, SC24-5286 Administration, SC24-S285 Connectivity Programming Guide and Reference, SC24-S377 System Facilities for Programming, SC24-5288 VM/SP Diagnosis Guide, LY24-5241 For information on the terms used in VM/SP and for assistance in locating specific information, refer to the VM/SP Library Guide and Master Index, GC19-6207. Information on VM/SP IPCS commands, which are invoked under CMS, is contained in VM/SP Interactive Problem Control System Guide and Reference, SC24-S260. If you plan to use the Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem, see the RSCS Planning and Installation, SH24-5057. Assembler language programmers may find information about the VM/SP assembler in OS/VS, DOS/VS, and VM/370 Assembler Language, GC33-401O, and OS/VS and VM/370 Assembler Programmer's Guide, GC33-4021. Details on the CMS CPEREP, a command used to generate output reports from VM/SP error recording records, are contained in: Virtual Machine/System Product OLTSEP and Error Recording Guide, SC19-620S. For more details on the operands used with CPEREP, refer to: OS/VS, DOS/VSE, VM/370 Environmental Recording, Editing, and Printing (EREP) Program, GC28-0772. For messages issued by CMS CPEREP, see: OS/VS, DOS/VSE, VM/370 EREP Messages, GC38-1045. For information on IBM GAM/SP, refer to: OS/VS Graphic Programming Services rGPS) for IBM 2250 Display Unit and IBM 3250 Graphics Display System, SC27-6971 CMS GAM/SP User's Guide, LC33-0126 Details on the CMS IOCP command are contained in: Input/Output Configuration Program User's Guide and Reference, GC28-1027. For information about OS/VS tape label processing, refer to: OS/VS Tape Labels, GC26-3795. 854 VM/SP CMS Command Reference Ready References for VM/SP Users There are six publications available as ready reference material when you use VM/SP. They are: Virtual Machine/System Product CP General User Command Reference Summary, SX24-S219 CM S Command Reference Summary, SX24-5220 EXEC 2 Language, SX24-S124 Quick Reference, SX20-4400 SP Editor Command Language, SX24-S122 System Product Interpreter Reference Summary, SX20-S126 For VSAM and Access Method Services Users CMS support of Access Method Services is based on VSE and VSE/VSAM. The control statements that you can use are described in Using VSE/VSAM Commands and Macros, SC24-S144. The VM/SP CMS User's Guide contains details on how to use this support. Error messages produced by the Access Method Services program, and return codes and reason codes are listed in VSE/VSAM Messages and Codes, SC24-S146. For additional information refer to the VSE/VSAM Programmer's Reference, SC24-S14S. For a detailed description of VSE/VSAM macros and macro parameters, refer to the VSE/Advanced Functions Macro User's Guide, SC24-S210 and VSE/Advanced Functions Macro Reference, SC24-S211. For information on OS/VS VSAM macros, refer to OS/VS Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) Programmer's Guide, GC26-3838. For eMS/DOS Users The CMS ESERV command invokes the VSE ESERV program, and uses, as input, the control statements that you would use in VSE. These control statements are described in Guide to the DOS/VSE Assembler, GC33-4024. Linkage editor control statements, used when invoking the linkage editor under CMS/DOS, are described in VSE System Control Statements, SC33-609S, and MVS/XA Linkage Editor and Loader User's Guide, GC26-4143. Batch DL/I application programs can be written and tested in the CMS/DOS environment. See VM/SP CMS User's Guide, and DL/I DOS/VS General Information, GH20-1246, for details. For information on VSE and CMS/DOS tape label processing, refer to: VSE/Advanced Functions Tape Labels, SC24-S212. Bibliography 855 VM/SP RELEASE 6 LIBRARY Evaluation Installation and Service General Information Introduction to Security GC20-1838 SC24-5316 VM Running Guest Operating Systems GC19-6212 Admin istration Application Development End Use CMS Primer for LineOriented Terminals' Quick Reference ~~ SX20-4400 ltil{f]}) 856 SC24-5242 one copy of each shaded manual received with product tape VM/SP CMS Command Reference VM/SP RELEASE 6 LIBRARY Diagnosis Service Routines Program Logic Diagnosis Guide CP Diagnosis Reference LY20-0890 LY24-5241 LY20-0892 CP Data Areas and Control Blocks CMS Diagnosis Reference CMS Data Areas and Control Blocks LY24-5220 LY20-0893 LY24-5221 VM CP Trace Table (Poster) SX24-5225 Reference Summaries VM Summary of End Use Tasks and Commands (Poster) SX24-5173 Auxiliary Communication Support 7 !7 7 !7 ~ !7 VTAM Installation and Resource Definition VTAM Customization VTAM Operation VTAM Messages and Codes VTAM Programming VTAM Diagnosis Guide SC23-0111 SC23-0112 SC23-0113 SC23-0114 SC23-0115 LY30-5601 VM/PassThrough Facility: Managing and Using RSCS Exit Customization 7 VTAM Programming for LU 6.2 VTAM Data Areas (VM) VM/PassThrough Facility Overview SC30-3400 LY30-5593 GC24-5373 !7 !7 SC24-5374 SH24-5197 !7 RSCS General Information RSCS Planning and Installation RSCS Messages and Codes RSCS Operation and Use RSCS Diagnosis Reference GH24-5055 SH24-5057 SH24-5196 SH24-5058 LY24-5228 Bibliography 857 858 VM/SP CMS Command Reference Index A A option of LISTIO command 300 A-disk accessed after IPLing CMS 29 ABBREV option ofCMS QUERY command 417 of CMS SET command 538 relationship to SYNONYM command 606 abbreviations of command names 6, 538, 606 querying acceptability of 417 setting acceptability of 538 used with synonyms 606 ABENDs effect on DLBL definitions 115 effect on FILEDEF definitions 194 effect on virtual screen definitions 680 effect on window definitions 684 encountered by CMSBATCH command 50 ABNEXIT Macro See VM/SP Application Development Reference for CMS abnormal termination (abend) effect on DLBL definitions 115 effect on FILEDEF definitions 194 effect on virtual screen definitions 680 effect on window definitions 684 encountered by CMSBATCH command 50 ACCESS command 27 ERASE option 28 examples 30 first command after IPL 29 NODISK option 28 NOPROF option 28 NOS AVE option 28 read-only access 30 SAVEONLY option 28 shared file 27 usage with DEFINE command 31 access method services (AMS) allocating VSAM space for OS VSAM users 123 in CMS/DOS 118 determine free space extents for 285 invoking in CMS 33 LISTING file created by 33 ACCESSED option of the CMS QUERY command 418 accessing minidisks with a saved file directory 28, 30 ACK option of NOTE command 377 of SENDFILE command 528 activating message repository files 563 ADCON-free module, installing as nucleus extension 385 ADD option of MACLIB command 331 of NOTE command 377 of TXTLIB command 629 address valid 481 ALARM VSCREEN command 670 description 673 format 673 messages 673 operands vname 673 responses 673 alarm, sounding 673 alias 73 definition of 73 deleting 75 displaying specified alias information via LISTFILE 291 moving/relocating 75 ALIGN option of ASSEMBLE command 40 alignment of boundaries in assembler program statements 40 ALIGN2 option of LKED command 303 ALL operand of CONVERT COMMANDS command 55 option of GENMOD command 228 of LISTIO command 300 ALLOC option of LISTFILE command 294 allocating blocks of formatted minidisk to CMS file using RESERVE command 493 ALOGIC option of ASSEMBLE command 37 AMS (access method services) allocating VSAM space for OS VSAM users 123 in CMS/DOS 118 determine free space extents for 285 invoking in CMS 33 LISTING file created by 33 AMSERV command description 33 LISTING file 33 PRINT option 33 T APIN option 33 TAPOUT option 33 APL character conversion activating in full-screen CMS 539, 728 displaying status in CMS 421, 705 Index 859 APL option of CMS QUERY command 421, 705 of CMS SET command 539, 728 APPEND option of COPYFILE command 61 of FILELIST command 204 of LISTFILE command 293 of LISTIO command 300 of RDRLIST command 459 applications in full-screen CMS, running 745 arguments on RUN command 515 on START command 597 passed to EXEC procedure assigning them to special variables 149 ASSEMBLE assembler input ddname 41 command ALIGN option 40 ALOGIC option 37 BUFSIZE option 40 DECK option 38 description 36 DISK option 38 ESD option 37 FLAG option 37 LIBMAC option 37 LINECOUN option 37 LIST option 37 listing control options for 37 MCALL option 37 MLOGIC option 37 NOALIGN option 40 NOALOGIC option 37 NODECK option 38 NOESD option 37 NOLIBMAC option 38 NOLIST option 37 NOM CALL option 37 NOM LOGIC option 37 NONUM option 39 NOOBJECT option 39 NOPRINT option 38 NORENT option 40 NORLD option 37 NOSTMT option 39 NOTERM option 39 NOTEST option 39 NOXREF option 38 NOYFLAG option 40 NUMBER option 39 OBJECT option 38 PRINT option 38 RENT option 40 RLD option 37 STMT option 39 SYSPARM option 40 TERMINAL option 39 TEST option 39 860 VMjSP CMS Command Reference ASSEMBLE (continued) command (continued) WORKSIZE option 41 XREF option 38 YFLAG option 40 file type created by the T APPDS command 622 used as input to assembler 36 assembler conditional assembly statements, listing 37 overriding CMS file defaults 41 using under CMS 36 ASSGN command DEN option 44 description 43 IGN option 44 LOWCASE option 44 PRINTER option 43 PUNCH option 43 READER option 43 SYSxxx option 43 T APn option 44 TERMINAL option 44 TRTCH option 44 UA option 44 UPCASE option 44 7TRACK option 44 9TRACK option 44 assigning logical segments in physical segments 518 assignment logical unit, listing 300 system and programmer, unassigning 481 attention interruption, causing 11 ATIN Function See VMjSP Application Development Reference for CMS AUTO option of INCLUDE command 273 of LOAD command 309 automatic read function, setting 540 AUTOREAD option ofCMS QUERY command 424 of CMS SET command 540 auxiliary directory, creating 225 AUXPROC option of FILEDEF command 195 B B border command 779 base file 73 definition of 73 displaying specified base file information via LISTFILE 291 BCD characters, converting to EBCDIC 62 BDAM files, specifying in CMS 192 blanks as delimiters 2 BLIP option of CMS SET command 541 BLKSIZE option of FILEDEF command 191 of FORMAT command 221 of TAPE command 612 BLOCK option of FILEDEF command 191 blocksize, specifying with FILEDEF command 191 BLP operand of FILEDEF command 198 border commands B (backward) 779 C (clear) 779 D (drop) 779 description 778 entering on border corners 778 F (forward) 780 H (hide) 780 L (left) 780 M (move) 781 messages 779 N (minimize) 781 o (restore) 781 R (right) 782 S (size) 782 usage notes 778 X (maximize) 783 BORDER option ofCMS QUERY command 706 of CMS SET command 729 border, window changing 729 defining 729 displaying attributes 706 displaying status 706 entering border commands from corners 778 boundary alignment of statements in assembler program 40 BOX (.BX) format word 798 BRIEF HELP described 258 obtaining using HELP command 255 obtaining using MOREHELP command 343 BRKKEY setting changed for full-screen CMS 740 BRKKEY setting, default changed 740 BSF tape control function 611 BSR tape control function 611 buffer size controlling for assembler 40 for VSAM programs 116 BUFSIZE option of ASSEMBLE command 40 BUFSP option of DLBL command 116 cC border command 779 callable services library (CSL) routines iv binding a CSL routine to a fixed location displaying 85 503 callable services library (CSL) routines (continued) displaying information about loaded and bound CSL routines 507 dropping 50 I loading a CSL routine 503 searching for a CSL routine 503 verifying the existence of CSL routines 511 calling the parsing facility from an exec 395 CANCEL option of NOTE command 377 canceling immediate commands 269 card deck, reading into virtual card reader 468 CARD option of EXECIO command 157 CAT option of D LBL command 116 example of use 125 use in CMS/DOS 121 catalog, VSAM, verifying structure of 47 CATCHECK command described 47 CC option of EXECIO command 158 of NOTE command 377 of PRINT command 404 CD option of DSERV command 135 CHANGE option of DLBL command 115 of FILEDEF command 191 of LABELDEF command 279 changing location of windows 699 changing number of lines and columns in a window 766 changing the current language 563 changing virtual screen attributes 757 changing window attributes 759 character defining logicalline end in CMS 568, 748 displaying CMS logical line end 439, 710 nondisplayable, defining character used in place of 572, 752 nondisplayable, displaying character used in place of 442, 711 sets used in CMS 3 strings copying 68 valid in eMS command lines 3 CHARMODE option of CMS QUERY command 706 of CMS SET command 732 CHARS option of SETPRT command 590 CLEAR key in full-screen CMS 698, 745 CLEAR operand of IMMCMD command 269 CLEAR option of DLBL command 115 of FILEDEF command 188 of INCLUDE command 271 of LABELDEF command 277 of LOAD command 309 of SYNONYM command 606 Index 861 CLEAR VSCREEN command 670 description 674 format 674 messages 674 operands vname 674 usage notes 674 CLEAR WINDOW command 670 description 675 format 675 messages 675 operands wname 675 usage notes 675 clearing a stack 100 clearing a window 675 closing files 219 CMDCALL command described 49 CMS batch facility CMS editor in migration mode 138 CMS EXEC file appending information to 293 creating 293 format 295 CMS files See files CMS Functions See VMjSP Application Development Reference for CMS CMS immediate commands See immediate commands CMS LOADLIBs compressing with LOADLIB command 324 copying with LOADLIB command 324 creating with LKED command 302 executing a load module from 394 listing with LOADLIB command 324 CMS Macro Instructions See VMjSP Application Development Reference for CMS CMS (Conversational Monitor System) accessing with no virtual disks attached to virtual machine 28 basic description 1 batch facility See CMS batch facility command language, basic description commands See CMS (Conversational Monitor System) commands files See files loader See loader option of DLBL command 115 CMS (Conversational Monitor System) commands ACCESS 27 ALARM VSCREEN 673 862 VMjSP CMS Command Reference CMS (Conversational Monitor System) commands ( continued) ALIALIST 785 AMSERV 33 ASSEMBLE 36 ASSGN 43 AUTHLIST 785 border commands 778 CLEAR VSCREEN 674 CLEAR WINDOW 675 CMDCALL 49 CMSBATCH 50 CMSSERV 51 COMPARE 53 CONVERT COMMANDS 55 CONWAIT 59 COPYFILE 60 CP 72 CREATE ALIAS 73 CREATE DIRECTORY 77 CREATE LOCK 79 CREATE NAMEDEF 83 CSLLIST 85 CURSOR VSCREEN 676 DEFAULTS 93 DEFINE VSCREEN 679 DEFINE WINDOW 683 DELETE LOCK 96 DELETE NAMEDEF 99 DELETE VSCREEN 686 DELETE WINDOW 687 DESBUF 100 DIRLIST 101 DISCARD 785 DISK 108 DLBL 114 DOSLIB 128 DOSLKED 130 DROPBUF 134 DSERV 135 EDIT 138 entering 2 entering by synonym 606 ERASE 141 ESERV 147 ESTATE 600 ESTATEW 600 EXEC 149 EXECDROP 153 EXECIO 155 EXECLOAD 171 EXECMAP 173 EXECOS 176 EXECSTAT 178 EXECUPDT 180 EXECUTE 785 execution characteristics 10 FETCH 183 CMS (Conversational Monitor System) commands ( continued) FILEDEF 186 FILELIST 203 FINIS 219 FORMAT 220 GENDIRT 225 GENMOD 226 GENMSG 233 GET VSCREEN 690 GLOBAL 237 GLOBALV 240 GRANT AUTHORITY 251 halting execution 666 HELP 255 HELPCONV 265 HIDE WINDOW 692 IDENTIFY 267 IMMCMD 269 INCLUDE 271 LABELDEF 277 LISTDIR 282 LISTDS 285 LISTFILE 291 LISTIO 300 LKED 302 LOAD 308 LOADLIB 324 LOAD MOD 328 MACLIB 331 MACLIST 335 MAKEBUF 341 MAXIMIZE WINDOW 694 MINIMIZE WINDOW 696 MODMAP 342 MOREHELP 343 MOVEFILE 345 NAMEFIND 349 NAMES 358 NETDATA 364 NOTE 376 NUCXDROP 384 NUCXLOAD 385 NUCXMAP 389 OPTION 392 OSRUN 394 PARSECMD 395 PEEK 398 POP WINDOW 697 POSITION WINDOW 699 PRINT 403 PROGMAP 407 PSERV 410 PUNCH 412 PUT SCREEN 700 PUT VSCREEN 702 QUERY 415, 704 QUERY LOADAREA 439 CMS (Conversational Monitor System) commands ( continued) QUERY STORECLR 447 RDR 454 RDRLIST 459 READCARD 466 RECEIVE 472 REFRESH 719 RELEASE 481 RELOCATE 484 RENAME 488 RESERVE 493 RESTORE WINDOW 720 REVOKE AUTHORITY 496 ROUTE 721 RSERV 499 RTNDROP 501 RTNLOAD 503 RTNMAP 507 RTNSTATE 511 RUN 514 SCROLL 724 search order 9 SEGMENT 517 SEND FILE 527 SENTRIES 536 SET 537, 727 SETKEY 589 SETPRT 590 SHOW WINDOW 764 SIZE WINDOW 766 SORT 593 SSERV 595 START 597 STATE 600 STATEW 600 summary of CMS commands 11 summary of CMS commands in other publications 20, 21, 22, 23 SVCTRACE 602 SYNONYM 606 TAPE 610 TAPEMAC 619 TAPPDS' 622 TELL 627 transient area 10 TXTLIB 629 TYPE 633 UPDATE 636 user area 10 VALIDATE 649 WAITREAD VSCREEN 767 WAITT VSCREEN 770 WRITE VSCREEN 772 XEDIT 651 XMITMSG 658 CMSAMS saved system name 582 Index 863 CMSBAM saved system name 582 CMSBATCH command description 50 recursive abends encountered by 50 CMSDOS saved system name 582 CMSLEVEL option, of CMS QUERY command 424 CMSLIB assembler macro library ddname 41 CMSPF keys canceling 735 defining to execute a command 734 displaying definitions 707 RETRIEVE function 735 using NOWRITE option 735 CMSPF option of CMS QUERY command 707 of CMS SET command 734 CMSSERV command description 51 format 51 messages 52 usage notes 51 CMSTYPE option ofCMS QUERY command 424 of CMS SET command 542 CMSUT1 file created by DISK LOAD command 110 created by READCARD command 468 created by TAPE LOAD command 615 created by TAPPDS command 622 CMSVSAM saved system name 582 COBOL compilers querying options in effect for 443 specifying options for in CMS/DOS 392 COL option of COMPARE command 53 of TYPE command 633 columns comparing files by 53 displaying particular with TYPE command 633 of data, copying 68 specifying for copy operations 68 columns, changing number in a window 766 COLI option of TAPPDS command 623 COMDIR option of CMS SET command 543 commands abbreviating 6 defaults shown by underscore in command format box 7 entering 2 entering from the WM window 697 environment CMS 1 CP 1 execution, halting 666 keyboard differences in entering 12 864 VM/SP CMS Command Reference commands (continued) language, CMS I modules, creating 226 operands 2 options 2 stacking in terminal input buffer 12 truncating 6 when to enter 11 COMMANDS ASSEMBLE utility file 56 COMMANDS CMSUTI utility file 56 COMMANDS CMSUT2 utility file 56 COMMANDS TEXT utility file 56 commands you can enter in the WM window 697 COMMENT (.CM) format word 800 COMMENTS option of EXECUPDT command 181 Communications NETDATA command 364 NOTE command 364 RECEIVE command 364 SEND FILE command 364 COMP of DOS LIB command 128 option of FETCH command 183 of MACLIB command 331 COMPARE command COL option 53 description 53 comparing files 53 compilers used under CMS compiling a message repository file 233 components ofVM/SP 1 COMPRESS option of EXECUPDT command 181 of LOADLIB command 324 COMPSWT Macro See VM/SP Application Development Reference for CMS CONCAT option of FILEDEF command 192 CONDITIONAL SECTION (.CS) format word 801 connecting a window to a virtual screen 692, 764 console read, controlling after CMS command execution 540 stack clearing 100 termirial input buffer clearing 100 constants, altering with LOAD command 321 continuation character on COPYFILE specification list 68 on COPYFILE translation list 70 Control Program (CP) See also CP (Control Program) basic description I commands See CP (Control Program) commands Control Program (CP) commands description 72 executing in CMS command environment 72 in EXEC procedure 72 in jobs for CMS batch facility 72 implied 559 when to use 72 control statements for access method services 33 for UPDATE command 638 conventions, notational 6 Conversational Monitor System (CMS) accessing with no virtual disks attached to virtual machine 28 basic description 1 batch facility See CMS batch facility command language, basic description commands See CMS (Conversational Monitor System) commands files See files loader See loader Conversational Monitor System (CMS) commands ACCESS 27 ALARM VSCREEN 673 ALIALIST 785 AMSERV 33 ASSEMBLE 36 ASSGN 43 AUTHLIST 785 border commands 778 CLEAR VSCREEN 674 CLEAR WINDOW 675 CMDCALL 49 CMSBATCH 50 CMSSERV 51 COMPARE 53 CONVERT COMMANDS 55 CONWAIT 59 COPYFILE 60 CP 72 CREATE ALIAS 73 CREATE DIRECTORY 77 CREATE LOCK 79 CREATE NAMEDEF 83 CSLLIST 85 CURSOR VSCREEN 676 DEFAULTS 93 DEFINE VSCREEN 679 DEFINE WINDOW 683 DELETE LOCK 96 DELETE NAMEDEF 99 DELETE VSCREEN 686 DELETE WINDOW 687 Conversational Monitor System (CMS) commands ( continued) DESBUF 100 DIRLIST 101 DISCARD 785 DISK 108 DLBL 114 DOSLIB 128 DOSLKED 130 DROPBUF 134 DSERV 135 EDIT l38 entering 2 entering by synonym 606 ERASE 141 ESERV 147 ESTATE 600 ESTATEW 600 EXEC 149 EXECDROP 153 EXECIO 155 EXEC LOAD 171 EXECMAP 173 EXECOS 176 EXECSTAT 178 EXECUPDT 180 EXECUTE 785 execution characteristics 10 FETCH 183 FILEDEF 186 FILE LIST 203 FINIS 219 FORMAT 220 GENDIRT 225 GENMOD 226 GENMSG 233 GET VSCREEN 690 GLOBAL 237 GLOBALV 240 GRANT AUTHORITY 251 halting execution 666 HELP 255 HELPCONV 265 HIDE WINDOW 692 IDENTIFY 267 IMMCMD 269 INCLUDE 271 LABELDEF 277 LISTDIR 282 LISTDS 285 LISTFILE 291 LISTIO 300 LKED 302 LOAD 308 LOADLIB 324 LOADMOD 328 MACLIB 331 MACLIST 335 Index 865 Conversational Monitor System (CMS) commands ( continued) MAKEBUF 341 MAXIMIZE WINDOW 694 MINIMIZE WINDOW 696 MODMAP 342 MOREHELP 343 MOVEFILE 345 NAMEFIND 349 NAMES 358 NETDATA 364 NOTE 376 NUCXDROP 384 NUCXLOAD 385 NUCXMAP 389 OPTION 392 OSRUN 394 PARSECMD 395 PEEK 398 POP WINDOW 697 POSITION WINDOW 699 PRINT 403 PROGMAP 407 PSERV 410 PUNCH 412 PUT SCREEN 700 PUT VSCREEN 702 QUERY 415, 704 QUERY LOADAREA 439 QUERY STORECLR 447 RDR 454 RDRLIST 459 READCARD 466 RECEIVE 472 REFRESH 719 RELEASE 481 RELOCATE 484 RENAME 488 RESERVE 493 RESTORE WINDOW 720 REVOKE AUTHORITY 496 ROUTE 721 RSERV 499 RTNDROP 501 RTNLOAD 503 RTNMAP 507 RTNSTATE 511 RUN 514 SCROLL 724 search order 9 SEGMENT 517 SEND FILE 527 SENTRIES 536 SET 537, 727 SETKEY 589 SETPRT 590 SHOW WINDOW 764 SIZE WINDOW 766 866 VM/SP CMS Command Reference Conversational Monitor System (CMS) commands ( continued) SORT 593 SSERV 595 START 597 STATE 600 STATEW 600 summary of CMS commands 11 summary of CMS commands in other publications 20, 21, 22, 23 SVCTRACE 602 SYNONYM 606 TAPE 610 TAPEMAC 619 TAPPDS 622 TELL 627 transient area 10 TXTLIB 629 TYPE 633 UPDATE 636 user area 10 VALIDATE 649 WAITREAD VSCREEN 767 WAITT VSCREEN 770 WRITE VSCREEN 772 XEDIT 651 XMITMSG 658 CONVERT COMMANDS command description 55 examples 57 format 55 messages 57 operands ALL 55 CHECK 55 FIFO 56 fn ft fm 55 LIFO 56 OUTMODE 56 STACK 56 SYSTEM 55 USER 55 usage notes 57 converting D LCS files checking for DLCS coding errors 55 converting for the parsing facility 55 example 57 from an EXEC 57 from XEDIT 57 output files 56 utility files 56 converting message repository files converting into internal form 233 example 235 output files 234 CONW AIT command description 59 using 59 COPIES option of SETPRT command 590 COPY filetype adding to MACLIBs 332 created by SSERV command 595 option of LOADLIB command 324 COPYFILE command 60 APPEND option 61 character translations 69 EBCDIC option 62 examples 64 FILL option 62 FOR option 61 FRLABEL option 61 FROM option 61 incompatible options 63 LOWCASE option 62 LRECL option 62 NEWDATE option 61 NEWFILE option 61 NOPROMPT option 61 NOSPECS option 61 NOTRUNC option 62 NOTYPE option 61 OLDDATE option 61 OVLY option 61 PACK option 62 PROMPT option 61 RECFM option 62 REPLACE option 61 SINGLE option 63 specification list 68 SPECS option 61 TOLABEL option 61 TRANS option 63 TRUNC option 62 TYPE option 61 UNPACK option 62 UPCASE option 62 usage 64 copying books from VSE source statement libraries 595 copying the physical screen to a CMS file 700 copying virtual screen data to a CMS file 702 copying.copying files 60 COPYnr option of SETPRT command 590 CP operand of EXECIO command 157 CP (Control Program) basic description 1 commands See CP (Control Program) commands CP (Control Program) commanqs description 72 executing in CMS command environment 72 in EXEC procedure 72 in jobs for CMS batch facility 72 implied 559 CP (Control Program) commands (continued) when to use 72 CRDTE operand of LABELEF command 278 CREATE ALIAS command 73 CREATE DIRECTORY command 77 CREATE LOCK command 79 CREATE NAMEDEF command 83 creating a program stack buffer via MAKEBUF creating a segment space 525 creating a virtual screen 679 creating a window 683 CSECTs duplicated for LOAD command 310 CSL (callable services library) routines iv CSLLIST command 85 CTL option of EXECUPDT command 180 of UPDATE command 637 of XEDIT command 653 cursor displaying location in virtual screen 708 displaying location on physical screen 707 positioning 676 CURSOR option ofCMS QUERY command 707 CURSOR VSCREEN command 670 description 676 format 676 messages 678 operands col 676 DATA 676 line 676 RESERVED 676 vname 676 responses 678 usage notes 677 cursor, positioning 676 341 D D border command 779 D-disk accessed after IPLing CMS 29 data transmission, handling remote 579, 753 data transmission, querying remote 444, 711 DATE option of LISTFILE command 294 DD (data definition), simulating in CMS 186 ddnames defining with DLBL command 114 with FILEDEF command 186 entering tape ddnames for AMSERV 34 for DLBL command, restrictions for OS users 116 relating to CMS file 186 to identify VSAM catalogs (CMS/DOS) 121 to identify VSAM catalogs (OS VSAM users) 125 used by assembler 41 Index 867 DECK option of ASSEMBLE command 38 of OPTION command 392 DEFAULTS command 93 LIST option 93 SET option 93 valid CMS command options 93 DEFINE VSCREEN command 670 description 679 examples 681 format 679 messages 682 operands color 680 cols 679 exthi 680 HIGH 680 lines 679 NOHIGH 680 NOPROTECT 680 NOTYPE 679 PROTECT 680 psset 680 rbot 679 rtop 679 SYSTEM 680 TYPE 679 USER 680 vname 679 usage notes 680,684 DEFINE WINDOW command 670 description 683 format 683 messages 685 operands BORDER 683 cols 683 FIXED 683 lines 683 NOBORDER 683 NOPOP 684 NOTOP 684 POP 684 pscol 683 psline 683 SYSTEM 684 TOP 684 USER 684 VARIABLE 683 wname 683 defining a virtual screen 679 defining a window 683 Definition Language for Command Syntax (DLCS) See DLCS (Definition Language for Command Syntax) DEL option of DOSLIB command 128 of MAC LIB command 331 868 VM/SP CMS Command Reference DEL option (continued) of TXTLIB command 629 DELETE control statement, for UPDATE command 640 DELETE LOCK command 96 DELETE NAMEDEF command 99 DELETE VSCREEN command 670 description 686 format 686 messages 686 operands vname 686 usage notes 686 DELETE WINDOW command 670 description 687 format 687 messages 687 operands oper 687 usage notes 687 deleting a virtual screen definition 686 deleting a window definition 687 deleting, program stack buffer 134 DEN option of ASSGN command 44 of FILEDEF command 193 of TAPE command 613 DESBUF command described 100 DET option in RELEASE command 481 detaching a disk from virtual machine configuration 481 DETAIL HELP described .258 obtaining using HELP command 255 obtaining using MOREHELP command 343 DIAGNOSE X'64' and the SEGMENT command 517 directing messages 721 directories accessing 27 block size 426 CMS auxiliary 225 CMS file, writing to disk 481 creating 77 creating a subdirectory 77 determining available space 427 determining if accessed 427 determining type of access authority 427 displayed as a dash via QUERY command with DISK option 426 displaying a directory structure 101 displaying specified directory information via LISTFILE 291 displaying status 425 erasing files from 141 freeing an accessed directory 481 identifying directories via STAT option of QUERY command 426 listing a directory structure 282 directories (continued) locking 77 moving directory structures 484 naming 4 of VSE libraries, sorting . 136 renaming 488 represented by file mode letter 425 restrictions on moving 484 directory accessed as file mode A 29 DIRID operand definition 4 DIRLIST command 101 DISK command description 108 DUMP operand 108 LOAD operand 108 FULLPROMPT option 109 MINPROMPT option 109 NOPROMPT option 109 NOREPLACE option 109 option interactive use with FILEDEF command 197 of ASSEMBLE command 38 ofCMS QUERY command 425 of DOSLIB command 128 of DOSLKED command 131 of DSERV command 136 of FILEDEF command 188 of LKED command 303 of LOAD LIB command 325 of MACLIB command 332 of PSERV command 410 of RSERV command 499 of SSERV command 595 of TAPE command 612 of TXTLIB command 630 of UPDATE command 637 use with FILEDEF command 196 REPLACE option 109 verifying access 649 Disk Operating System (DOS) disks, accessing 31 files listing information 285 specifying FILEDEF options for 194 DIS KID Function See VM/SP Application Development Reference for CMS DISKR option of EXECIO command 157 disks accessing 27 detaching 481 determining if disk is full 425 read/write status of 425 determining available space 427 device type 426 disks (continued) displaying status 425 erasing files from 141 files See files formatting 220 read/write, sharing 31 releasing effect on logical unit assignments in CMS/DOS 45 in CMS/DOS 482 when DLBL definitions are active 123 storage capacity, displaying status 425 DISKW option of EXECIO command 157 DISP option of FILEDEF command 192 display message text 256 ofCMS QUERY command 708 displaying a variable size window 697 displaying a window 684, 764 displaying characteristics of physical screen 708 displaying information about a loaded CSL routine 507 displaying the WM window 697 DLBL command CAT option 116 CHANGE option 115 CLEAR option 115 CMS option 115 ddname restrictions (OS users) 122 description 114 displaying volumes on which all multivolume data sets reside 121 displaying VSAM data set extents 119 DSN option 115 DUMMY option 115 entering OS data set names 115 entering the SYSxxx operand 117 entering VSE file ID 115 establishing file definitions for STATE command 601 EXTENT option 116 MULT option 116 NOCHANGE option 116 PERM option 115 SYSxxx option 115 to identify files for AMSERV 34 VSAM option 116 when to use (OS users) 122 definitions cleared by ESERV command 147 clearing 115 displaying 427 option of CMS QUERY command 427 DLCS (Definition Language for Command Syntax) checking for DLCS coding errors 55 converting a DLCS file 55 Index 869 DLCS (Definition Language for Command Syntax) ( continued) converting files from an EXEC 57 converting from XED IT 57 displaying contents of synonym and translation tables 449 enabling user DLCS definitions 563 example 57 output files from conversion 56 setting translations and synonyms 586 specifying use of translation tables 586 utility files 56 DOS option of CMS QUERY command 428 ofCMS SET command 545 of GENMOD command 227 DOS (Disk Operating System) disks, accessing 31 files listing information 285 specifying FILEDEF options for 194 DOSLIB command COMP option 128 DEL option 128 description 128 DISK option 128 MAP option 128 PRINT option 128 TERM option 128 files adding phases to 131 fetching phases from 183 identifying for fetching 237 listing information about members 128 output file mode 130 size considerations 129 space considerations 131 which DOSLIBs will be searched 429 option ofCMS QUERY command 429 of GLOBAL command 237 DOSLKED command description 130 DISK option 131 PRINT option 131 TERM option 131 DOSLNCNT option ofCMS QUERY command 429 of CMS SET command 547 DOSLNK filetype CMS/DOS linkage editor input 130 creating 131 DOSPART option ofCMS QUERY command 429 of CMS SET command 548 DROP WINDOW command 670 description 688 870 VM/SP CMS Command Reference DROP WINDOW command (continued) format 688 messages 688 operands n 688 WM 688 wname 688 * (asterisk) 688 = (equal sign) 688 usage notes 688 DROPBUF command description 134 using 134 dropping a window 688 dropping execs and editor macros from storage dropping the WM window 688 DSERV command ALL operand 135 CD operand 135 description 135 DISK option 136 PD operand 135 PRINT option 136 RD operand 135 SD operand 135 SO RT option 136 TD operand 135 TERM option 136 DSN option of DLBL command 115 DSORG option of FILEDEF command 192 DUMMY option of DLBL command restrictions for OS VSAM user 122 using in CMS/DOS 117 of FILEDEF command 188 DUMP option of DISK command 108 of OPTION command 392 of TAPE command 610 DUP option o(INCLUDE command 273 of LOAD command 310 DVOLI operand of TAPE command 612 E EBCDIC display file in 633 of COPYFILE command 62 EDIT command description 138 LRECL option 139 NODISP option 139 subcommands See EDIT subcommands 153 EDIT EXEC S2 suppression of execution 139 EDIT subcommands editor CMS migration mode 138 macros issuing messages 661 System Product Editor environment, issuing CP and CMS commands from 654 invoking 651 using 654 emptying a stack 100 EMSG option of EXECIO command 158, 167 enabling user DLCS definitions 563 END option of T APPDS command 624 ENDCMD operand of NUCXLOAD command 386 Enhanced Connectivity Facilities on VM/SP starting communications 51 entering full-screen CMS 739 ENTRY loader control statement 318 entry points determined by loader 316 displayed with FETCH command 183 specifying with ENTRY statement 318 with GENMOD command 227 EOF option of TAPE command 613 EOT option of TAPE command 613 ERASE command NOTYPE option 142 TYPE option 142 option of ACCESS command 28 ERASE command 141 erasing a defective section of tape 611 erasing data in a virtual screen 674 ERG tape control function 611 ERRS option of OPTION command 393 escape character default 557 displaying 434 setting 557 when not required 557 ESD option of ASSEMBLE command 37 ESERV command described 147 ESTATE command described 600 ESTATEW command described 600 ETMODE option of EXECUPDT command 181 EXCLUDE SYSIN control statement 325 EXDTE operand of LABELDEF command 278 EXEC command description 149 implied 559 files CMS EXEC file created by LISTFILE command 293 EXEC (continued) files (continued) executing with the RUN command 514 using IMMCMD from 269 $LISTIO EXEC created by LISTIO command 300 filetype record format 149 option of LISTFILE command 293 of LISTIO command 300 procedures defining synonyms for 606 ESERV 147 executing 149 reading from and writing to windows 768 RUN EXEC 514 using windows 768 using WRITE VSCREEN 774 special variables variables for PARSECMD 396 variables for W AITREAD VSCREEN 767 variables 'returned code.n 396 code.n values 396 token.n 396 WAITREAD.n 767 EXEC 2 procedures, executing 149 EXECDROP command description 153 EXECIO command CARD option 157 CC option 158 CP option 157 description 155 DISKR option 157 DISKWoption 157 EMSG option 158 machine code 158, 166 PRINT option 158 PUNCH option 157 STEM option 160 VAR option 160 EXEC LOAD command description 171 EXECMAP command description 173 FIFO option 174 LIFO option 174 EXECOS command description 176 execs and editor macros in storage controlling system searching of CMS installation saved segment 561 discontinue use of the CMS installation saved segment 153 listing 173 querying status of CMS installation saved segment 435 Index 871 execs and editor macros in storage (continued) removing 153 EXECST AT command description 178 EXECTRAC option ofCMS QUERY command 430 of CMS SET command 550 EXECUPDT command COMMENTS option 181 COMPRESS option 181 CTL option 180 description 180 ETMODE option 181 HISTORY option 180 NOCOMMENTS option 181 NOCOMPRESS option 181 NOHISTORYoption 180 NOSID option 181 NOUPDATE option 181 SID option 181 used with System Product Interpreter source programs 180 using UPDATE options with 181 execution characteristics of CMS commands 10 exiting the WM window 688 expanding a window size to the physical screen size 694 extensions read-only accessing 27 editing files on 138 releasing 482 EXTENT option ofDLBLcommand 116 of DLBL for CMS/DOS users 117 of LISTDS command 286 F F border command 780 FCB option of SETPRT command 590 FETCH command COMP option 183 description 183 ORIGIN option 183 START option 183 FID operand of LABELDEF command 277 field definition character 768 FIFO (first-in/first-out) operand operand of CONVERT COMMANDS command 56 option of IDENTIFY command 267 of NAMEFIND command 350 of NUCXMAP command 390 of RDR command 454 file directory, accessing with a saved copy 28, 30 872 VM/SP CMS Command Reference file ID in command syntax 7 file mode S accessed after IPLing CMS 28, 29 FILE option of NAMEFIND command 350 FILEDEF command ALT option 194 AUXPROC option 195 BLKSIZE option 191 BLOCK option 191 BLP operand 198 CHANGE option 191 CLEAR option 188 CONCAT option 192 default FILEDEF commands issued by assembler 41 definitions for MOVEFILE command 345 DEN option 193 description 186 DISK option 188 DISP MOD option 192 DSORG option 192 DUMMY option 188 establishing file definitions for STATE command 600 examples 196 GRAF option 188 KEYLEN option 191 LABOFF operand 198 LEAVE option 193 LIM CT option 192 LOWCASE option 193 LRECL option 191 MEMBER option 192 NL operand 198 NOCHANGE option 191 NOEOV option 193 NSL operand 198 OPTCD option 192 PERM option 191 positioning read/write pointer 192 PRINTER option 187 PUNCH option 188 READER option 188 RECFM option 191 SL operand 198 SUL operand 198 SYSPARM option 199 T APn option 188 TERMINAL option 187 TRTCH option 193 UPCASE option 193 VOLID operand 198 when to use in CMS/DOS 118 when to use (OS users) 122 XTENT option 192 18TRACK option 193 7TRACK option 193 9TRACK option 193 FILEDEF (continued) definitions clearing 188 displaying 196 option of CMS QUERY command 431,448 FILELIST command APPEND option 204 example 795 FILELIST option 204 NOFILELIST option 204 PROFILE option 204 setting defaults 205 option of FILELIST command 204 of SEND FILE command 528 FILELIST command 203 filemode changing with COPYFILE command 64 letter establishing 27 replacing 481 numbers, changing 490 specifying on READCARD command 466 specifying when receiving a file 472 FILEPOOL option ofCMS SET command 551 FILEPOOL option of the QUERY command 431 files alias 73 base 73 creating with CMS editor 138 with COPYFILE command 60 with READCARD command 466 with the System Product Editor 651 defining for CMS/DOS 114 display new name for, after renaming 488 displaying specified CMS file information via LISTFILE 291 identifier entering on FILEDEF command 196 entering on LISTDS command 285 in command syntax 7 inserting lines with UPDATE command 636 listing information about 203 loading from tape to disk or directory 611 from virtual reader to a disk or directory 472 modifying 60 moving from device to device 345 moving with the directory structure 484 moving/relocating 484 number of CMS files in disk or directory 426 overlaying data in with COPYFILE command 60 packing 62 specifying fill character 62 files (continued) printing in hexadecimal format 405 specifying number of lines per page 404 processed by TAPE command, listing 612 punched, restoring to disk with DISK LOAD command 108 with READCARD command 466 with RECEIVE command 472 punching to virtual card punch 108 reading from virtual card reader. 108 receiving from your virtual reader 472 relating to OS ddname 186 renaming 488 replacing lines in with UPDATE command 636 replacing old file with new copy 61 sorting records in 593 tape, writing to disk or directory 611 transferring with DISK DUMP command 108 unpack 62 verifying existence of with ESTATE and ESTATEW commands 600 with STATE and STATEW commands 600 verifying syntax of file ID with VALIDATE command 649 FILEW AIT option of CMS SET command 553 FILEWAIT option of QUERY command 433 FILL option of COPYFILE command 62 FINIS command 219 fixed-length files, converting to variable-length 67 FLAG option of ASSEMBLE command 37 FLASH option of SETPRT command 590 FMODE option of LISTFILE command 294 fn ft fm used to represent file identifier 7 FNAME option of LISTFILE command 294 FOR option of COPYFILE command 61 FORMAT command command BLKSIZE option 221 description 220 examples 222 LABEL option 221 NOERASE option 221 performance considerations 222 RECOMP option 221 selecting appropriate blocksize 222 option of LISTDS command 286 of LISTFILE command 294 FORMAT MODE (.FO) format word 803 FREE option of LISTDS command 286 FRLABEL option of COPYFILE command 61 FROM option of COPYFILE command 61 Index 873 FROM option (continued) ofGENMOD command 227 FSCB Macro See VMjSP Application Development Reference for CMS FSCBD Macro See VMjSP Application Development Reference for CMS FSCLOSE Macro See VMjSP Application Development Reference for CMS FSEQ operand of LABELDEF command 278 FSERASE Macro See VMjSP Application Development Reference for CMS FSF tape control function 611 FSOPEN Macro See VMjSP Application Development Reference for CMS FSPOINT Macro See VMjSP Application Development Reference for CMS FSR tape control function 611 FSREAD Macro See VMjSP Application Development Reference for CMS FSSTATE Macro See VMjSP Application Development Reference for CMS FSWRITE Macro See VMjSP Application Development Reference for CMS FTYPE option of LISTFILE command 294 full-screen CMS border commands 778 BRKKEY setting, default changed 740 CLEAR key 698,745 clearing a virtual screen 674 clearing a window 675 connecting a window to a virtual screen 764 copying the physical screen to a CMS file 700 default connections of windows and virtual screens 744 default message routing 744 defauit virtual screens 743 default windows 741 default windows and virtual screens defined 739 defining a virtual screen 679 defining a window 683 defining fields in a virtual screen 772 deleting a virtual screen definition 686 deleting a window definition 687 dropping a window 688 dropping the WM window 688 entering 739 entering information in a virtual screen 772 erasing data in a virtual screen 674 general information 740 874 VMjSP CMS Command Reference full-screen CMS (continued) location indicator 749 maximizing windows 694 message routing 721 minimizing windows 696 nesting SUSPEND and RESUME 745 null characters, recognizing 555, 737 PA2 key 698, 745 placing a window at top of display order 764 popping a window 697 positioning the cursor in a virtual screen 676 positioning windows 699 querying status of 709 refreshing a screen 719 refreshing a screen from an exec 767 restoring windows 720 resuming full-screen CMS 740 returning to line-mode CMS 739 running applications in full-screen CMS 745 screen display, refreshing from an exec 767 scrolling process 740 sounding the alarm 673 specifying character attributes in a virtual screen 772 suspending temporarily 739 system defaults 741 updating a virtual screen from an exec 767 updating the plane buffers in a virtual screen 772 updating virtual screen with data 770 writing data in a virtual screen 772 writing lines from a file to a virtual screen 690 writing virtual screen data to a CMS file 702 full-screen CMS commands See windows, CMS commands for full-screen CMS commands for windowing 669 FULLPROMPT option of DISK command 109 of READCARD command 466 of RECEIVE command 473 FULLREAD option of CMS QUERY command 434, 709 of CMS SET command 555, 737 FULLSCREEN option of CMS QUERY command 709 of CMS SET command 739 G GEN option of MACLIB command 331 of TXTLIB command 629 GENDIRT command described GENMOD command ALL option 228 AM ODE option 228 CLEAN option 228 description 226 DOS option 227 225 GENMOD command (continued) FROM option 227 MAP option 227 NOCLEAN option 228 NOMAP option 227 NOSTR option 227 OS option 227 RMODE option 229 STR option 227 SYSTEM option 228 TO option 227 GENMSG command description 233 examples 235 format 233 messages 235 operands applid 233 CP 233 DBCS 233 fn ft fm 233 langid 233 LIST 233 MARGIN 234 NODBCS 233 NO LIST 233 NOOBJECT 234 NOXREF 234 OBJECT 234 XREF 234 usage notes 234 GENN operand of LABELEF command 278 GENV operand of LABELEF command 278 GET sub-function of GLOBALV command 244 GET VSCREEN command 670 global changes querying which DOSLIBs were last specified 429 which MACLIBs were last specified 442 which TXTLIBs were last specified 450 GLOBAL command CSLLIB option 237 description 237 DOSLIB option 237 LOADLIB option 237 MACLIB option 237 TXTLIB option 237 global variables, creating 240 GLOBALV command description 240 examples 246 GET sub-function 244 GRPLIST option 244 GRPSTACK option 244 INIT option 241 LIST option 243 PURGE option 244 PUT sub-function 243 GLOBALV command (continued) SELECT option 242 SESSION file 240 STACK option 243 STACKR option 243 use in CMS execs 246 GRAF option of FILEDEF command 188 GRANT AUTHORITY command 251 refid = sfil. by granting authorities 251 H H border command 780 handling remote data transmission 579, 753 HB immediate command described 664 header card as READ control card 468 punched by PUNCH command 412 for LISTFILE command 293 format 297 HEADER option of LISTFILE command 293 of PUNCH command 412 HELP command description 255 format 255 messages 263 sample requests 262 setting defaults 94 usage notes 260 format words summary 797 .BX (BOX) 798 .CM (COMMENT) 800 .CS (CONDITIONAL SECTION) 801 .FO (FORMAT MODE) 803 .IL (INDENT LINE) 805 .IN (INDENT) 806 .MT (MENU TYPE) 807 .OF (OFFSET) 808 .SP (SPACE LINES) 809 .TR (TRANSLATE CHARACTER) 810 Layering options 259 obtaining additional or related information 343 operands ALL 259 BRIEF 259 component-name command-name 256 DESCRIPT 259 DETAIL 259 ERRORS 260 EXTEND 260 FORMAT 259 HELP 256 menuname MENU 256 Index 875 HELP (continued) operands (continued) MESSAGE message-id 257 MSG 257 NOSCREEN 260 NOTES 260 NOTYPE 260 OPTIONS 260 PARMS 259 RELATED 259 SCREEN 260 task name TASKS 256 TASKS 255 Other options 260 Subsetting options 259 HELPCONV command description 265 HEX option of PRINT command 405 of TYPE command 633 hexadecimal display in file 633 printing file in 405 HI (Halt Interpretation) immediate command 665 hidden windows, displaying information about 709 HIDE option ofCMS QUERY command 709 HIDE WINDOW command 670 description 692 format 692 messages 693 operands col 692 line 692 vname 692 wname 692 usage notes 692 hiding a window 692 HISTORY option of EXECUPDT command 180 HNDEXT Macro See VM/SP Application Development Reference for CMS HNDINT Macro See VM/SP Application Development Reference for CMS HNDSVC Macro See VM/SP Application Development Reference for CMS HO immediate command described 665 HT immediate command described 665 HX immediate command Immediate command 666 effect on DLBL definitions 115 effect on FILEDEF definitions 194 HX immediate command described 666 876 VM/SP CMS Command Reference I ICS control statement See include control section (lCS) loader control statement ID CARD, CP, example 469 ID operand ofTAPEMAC command 619 of T APPDS command 623 IDENTIFY command description 267 display user information 267 FIFO option 267 LIFO option 267 STACK option 267 TYPE option 267 IEBPTPCH utility program, creating CMS files from tapes created by 622 IEBUPDTE utility program, creating CMS files from tapes created by 622 IEHMOVE utility program creating eMS files from tapes created by 622 creating CMS MACLIBs from tapes created by 619 IGN option of ASSGN command 44 with DUMMY data sets 118 IJSYSCL defining in CMS/DOS 117 IJSYSCT defined 125 in CMS/DOS 121 IJSYSRL defining in CMS/DOS 117 IJSYSSL defining in CMS/DOS 117 IJSYSUC defined 125 in CMS/DOS 121 IMESCAPE option ofCMS QUERY command 434 of CMS SET command 557 IMMCMD command CLEAR operand 269 description 269 QUERY operand 269 SET operand 269 STATUS operand 269 operand of NUCXLOAD command 386 IMMCMD Macro See VM/SP Application Development Reference for CMS immediate commands canceling 269 creating 269 HB 664 HI 665 HO 665 HT 665 HX 666 RO 666 RT 666 SO 667 immediate commands (continued) summary 12 TE 667 TS 667 IMPCP option of CMS QUERY command 434 of CMS SET command 558 IMPEX option of CMS QUERY command 434 of CMS SET command 559 implied CP function query status of 434 setting 558 EXEC function query status of 434 setting 558 INC option of UPDATE command 637 INCLUDE command AUTO option 273 CLEAR option 271 description 271 DUP option 273 effect on loader tables 567 examples 274 following LOAD command 274 HIST option 273 identify TXTLIBs to be searched 237 INV option 272 LIBE option 273 MAP option 272 NOAUTO option 273 NOCLEAR option 271 NODUP option 273 NOHIST option 273 NOINV option 272 NOLI BE option 273 NOMAP option 272 NO REP option 273 NOTYPE option 272 ORIGIN option 272 REP option 272 RESET option 272 RLDSAVE option 273 SAME option 273 START option 273 TYPE option 272 include control section (ICS) loader control statement 319 INCR option of XEDIT command 654 INDENT LINE (.IL) format word 805 INDENT (.IN) format word 806 INIT option of GLOBALV command 241 of SETPRT command 590 INMOVE default for MOVEFILE command ddname 345 INPUT option of CMS QUERY command 435 of CMS SET command 560 INSERT control statement for UPDATE command 639 instructions altering with LOAD command 321 INSTSEG option of CMS QUERY command 435 of CMS SET command 561 Interactive Problem Control System (lPCS) INVoption of INCLUDE command 272 of LOAD command 309 IPCS (Interactive Problem Control System) issuing a message from a repository 658 ITEMCT option of TAPEMAC command 620 K KEY option of CMS QUERY command 710 KEYLEN option of FILEDEF command KEYPROTECT option of CMS SET command 562 KEYS changing CMS storage keys 589 CMSSTOR RELEASE 562 DMSFRET 562 status of settings 435 keys, user protecting 562 resetting user keys 562 key, displaying last pressed 710 191 L L border command 780 LABEL option of FORMAT command 221 of LISTFILE command 295 LABELDEF command CHANGE option 279 CLEAR operand 277 CRDTE operand 278 description 277 EXDTE operand 278 FID operand 277 FSEQ operand 278 GENN operand 278 GENVoperand 278 NOCHANGE option 279 PERM option 279 SEC operand 278 VOLID operand 278 VOLSEQ operand 278 Index 877 LABELDEF (continued) operand of CMS QUERY command 436 LABOFF operand of FILEDEF command 198 LANGGEN command 21 LANGLIST option of CMS QUERY command 436 LANGMERG command 22 LANGUAGE option of CMS QUERY command 437 of CMS SET command 563 languages, national changing the current language 563 controlling language translation tables 586 displaying language identifiers 436 displaying the current language 437 displaying translations and synonyms in effect 449 suppressing translations and translation synonyms 586 language, changing the current 563 LDRTBLS option ofCMS QUERY command 438 of CMS SET command 567 LEAVE option of FILEDEF command 193 of TAPE command 614 LET option of LKED command 302 LIBE option of INCLUDE command 273 of LKED command 303 of LOAD command 310 LIBMAC option of ASSEMBLE command 37 libraries OS, macro libraries See macro libraries, OS VSE assigning logical units 45 obtain information about 135 VSE core image defining IJSYSCL 117 fetching phases from 183 VSE procedure copying procedures from 410 displaying directories 135 displaying procedures from 410 printing procedures from 410 punching procedures from 410 VSE relocatable assigning SYSRLB 499 copying modules from 499 defining IJSYSRL 117 displaying modules from 499 link-editing modules from 130 printing modules from 499 punching modules from 499 VSE source statement assigning SYSSSLB 595 copying books 595 copying macros from 147 defining IJSYSSL 117 878 VM/SP CMS Command Reference libraries (continued) VSE source statement (continued) displaying books 595 printing books 595 punching books 595 LIBRARY loader control statement 318 option, of CMS QUERY command 438 LIFO (last-in/first-out) operand of CONVERT COMMANDS command 56 option of IDENTIFY command 267 of NAMEFIND command 350 of NUCXMAP command 390 of RDR command 454 LIMCT option of FILEDEF command 192 line end ch,aracter defining 568, 748 displaying in CMS 439, 710 implications when you redefine 568, 748 recognizing 568, 748 LINECOUN option of ASSEMBLE command 37 of PRINT command 404 LINEDIT Macro See VM/SP Application Development Reference for CMS LINEND option ofCMS QUERY command 439,710 of CMS SET command 568, 748 LINENUM option of NAMEFIND command 350 lines mode of CMS editor 139 lines, changing number in a window 766 LINK command, accessing minidisks after 30 link -editing in CMS/DOS 130 modules from VSE relocatable libraries 130 TEXT files in storage 308 TXTLIB members 631 linkage editor control statements OS read by TXTLIB command 631 required formatl for TXTLIB command 631 VSE supported in CMS/DOS 131 LIST option of ASSEMBLE command 37 of DEFAULTS command 93 of GLOBALV command 243 of LKED command 303 of LOADLIB command 324 of OPTION command 392 LISTDIR command 282 XEDIT option 282 LISTDS command description 285 LISTDS command (continued) examples 287 EXTENT option 286 FORMAT option 286 FREE option 286 PDS option 286 LISTFILE command 291 ALLOC option 294 APPEND option 293 ARGS option 293 BLOCKS option 295 DATE option 294 EXEC option 293 FIFO option 293 FMODE option 294 FNAME option 294 FORMAT option 294 FTYPE option 294 HEADER option 293 LABEL option 295 LIFO option 293 NOHEADER option 293 STACK option 293 TRACE option 293 XED IT option 294 listing execs and editor macros in storage 173 LISTING file type created by access method services 33 created by ASSEMBLE command 37 controlling 37 created by ESERV program 147 printing 404 listing SFS directories 282 LISTIO command A option 300 ALL option 300 APPEND option 300 description 300 EXEC option 300 PROG option 300 STAT option 300 SYS option 300 SYSxxx option 300 U A option 300 LISTX option of OPTION command 392 literal substitution with XMITMSG command 658 LKED command ALIGN2 option 303 AMODE option 304 description 302 DISK option 303 LET option 302 LIBE option 303 LIST option 303 MAP option 303 NAME option 303 NCAL option 302 NE option 303 LKED command (continued) NOPRINT option 303 NOTERM option 303 OL option 303 OVL Y option 303 PRINT option 303 REFR option 303 RENT option 303 REUS option 303 RMODE option 304 SIZE option 303 TERM option 303 usage 305 XCAL option 303 XREF option 303 LOAD AMODE option 310 command AUTO option 309 CLEAR option 309 description 308 DUP option 310 duplicate CSECTs 316 effect on loader tables 567 executing program using 316 identify TXTLIBs to be searched 237 INV option 309 LIBE option 310 MAP option 309 NOAUTO option 309 NOCLEAR option 309 NODUP option 310 NOINV option 309 NOLIBE option 310 NOMAP option 309 NOREP option 309 NORLDSAVoption 310 NOTYPE option 309 ORIGIN option 312 REP option 309 RESET option 309 RLDSA VE option 310 START option 310 TYPE option 309 used with GENMOD command 230 HIST option 310 NOHIST option 310 option of DISK command 108 of TAPE command 611 RMODE option 311 load maps creating 309 with INCLUDE command 272 with LOAD command 309 displaying 309 generated by GENMOD command 227 invalid card images in 309 Index 879 load maps (continued) of MODULE files, displaying 342 replace card images in 272 load point, specifying 272, 312 LOADAREA option of CMS QUERY command 439 LOADAREA option of CMS SET command 569 loader CMS 316 control statements ENTRY statement 318 include control section (leS) statement 319 LIBRARY statement 318 loader terminate (LDT) statement 319 replace (REP) statement 321 set location counter (SLC) statement 320 set page boundary (SPB) statement 322 search order for unresolved references 316 search order, for unresolved references 317 tables defining storage for 567 displaying number of 438 loader terminate (LDT) loader control statement 319 loading a saved segment 519 loading a virtual 3800 printer via SETPRT command 590 LOADLIB command COMPRESS option 324 COPY option 324 description 324 DISK option 325 EXCLUDE SYSIN control statement 325 LIST option 324 MODIFY option 325 PRINT option 325 REPLACE option 325 SELECT SYSIN control statement 325 TERM option 325 option of CMS QUERY command 440 of GLOBAL command 237 LOADLIBs, CMS compressing with LOADLIB command 324 copying with LOADLIB command 324 creating with LKED command 302 executing a load module from 394 listing with LOAD LIB command 324 LOADMOD command CMS/DOS considerations 329 description 328 modules with no header records 329 location indicator displaying in a window 749 querying 710 location of windows, changing 699 LOCATION option of CMS QUERY command 710 of CMS SET command 749 880 VM/SP CMS Command Reference locks creating a SHARE lock 79 creating an EXCLUSIVE lock 79 creating an UPDATE lock 79 log files controlling updating 750 for messages 745 for warnings 745 querying 711 LOG option of NOTE command 378 of RECEIVE command 473 of SEND FILE command 528 LOGFILE option ofCMS QUERY command 711 of CMS SET command 750 logging of messages 745 logging of warnings 745 logical line end symbol 568, 748 record length of CMS file, defaults used by CMS editor 139 units assigning 43 ignoring assignments 44 listing 300 unassigning 545 unassigning in CMS/DOS 45 LONG option of NOTE command 378 LOWCASE option of ASSGN command 44 of COPYFILE command 62 of FILEDEF command 193 lowercase letters translating to uppercase with COPYFILE command 62 with PRINT command 404 LRECL option of COPYFILE command 62 of EDIT command 139 of FILEDEF command 191 M M border command 781 machine code 158, 166 MACLIB command ADD option 331 COMP option 331 DEL option 331 description 331 DISK option 332 FIFO option 332 GEN option 331 LIFO option 332 MAP option 331 PRINT option 332 MACLIB (continued) command (continued) reading files created by ESERV program 148 REP option 331 STACK option 332 TERM option 332 XEDIT option 332 files creating 331 displaying names of MACLIBs to be searched 442 distributed with CMS system 333 specifying for assembly or compilation 237 option of CMS QUERY command 442 of GLOBAL command 237 MACLIST command description 335 setting defaults 94 MACRO files created by ESERV program 147 file type adding to MACLIBs 331 invalid records handled by MACLIB command 333 macro definitions in assembler listing 37 in MACRO files 332 macro libraries CMS adding to 331 compacting members of 331 creating 331 deleting members of 331 display information about members in 331 printing members 405 punching members 412 reading OS macro libraries into 619 replacing members of 331 typing members 633 creating from OS partitioned data sets on tape 619 from tapes created by IEHMOVE utility program 619 identifying for assembly 41, 237 OS concatenating 192 reading into CMS MACLIBs 619 using in CMS 41 VSE, copying macros from 147 MAKEBUF command description 341 return code effect on &ERROR statement 341 managing saved segments 517 MAP file type created by DOS LIB command 128 created by DSER V command 136 created by LOAD command 315 MAP (continued) file type (continued) created by MACLIB command 332 created by TAPE command 612 created by TXTLIB command 630 option of DOSLIB command 128 of GENMOD command 227 of INCLUDE command 272 of LKED command 303 of LOAD command 309 of MACLIB command 331 of TXTLIB command 629 maps created by DOS LIB command 128 created by GENMOD command 227 created by LOAD command 309 created by MACLIB command 331 created by TXTLIB command 629 linkage editor in CMS/DOS 131 master catalog (VSAM) identifying in CMS/DOS 121 identifying (OS VSAM) 125 master file directory contents of 30 suppressing updating after RENAME command 490 updating entries in 489 updating on disk 482 MAXIMIZE WINDOW command 670 description 694 format 694 messages 694 operands wname 694 = (equal sign) 694 usage notes 694 maximizing a window size to the physical screen size 694 MAXTEN option of T APPDS command 624 MCALL option of ASSEMBLE command 37 MEMBER option of FILEDEF command 192 of PRINT command 404 of PUNCH command 412 of TYPE command 633 of XEDIT command 652 MENU TYPE format word 807 MERGE option of XEDIT command 653 message logging controlling 750 messages 745 querying 711 warnings 745 MESSAGE operand of HELP command 256 message repository files activating 563 checking for syntax errors 234 Index 881 message repository files (continued) compiling 233 converting into internal form 233 example of compiling 235 issuing a message 658 loading a message repository 234 loading user repositories 564 output files from conversion 234 retrieving a message 658 message routing default settings 722 directing 721 querying 712 minidisks See also disks counting cylinders on 220 MINIMIZE WINDOW command 670 description 696 format 696 messages 696 operands wname 696 = (equal sign) 696 usage notes 696 MINPROMPT option of DISK command 109 of READCARD command 466 of RECEIVE command 473 MLOGIC option of ASSEMBLE command 37 MODESET option of TAPE command 611 MODIFY option of LOAD LIB command 325 of SETPRT command 590 MODMAP command described 342 MODULE file creating 226 debugging 329 defining synonyms for 606 executing with RUN command 514 format 226 generating 226 loading into storage for execution 328 mapping 342 VSE, link-editing 130 modules, VSE, link-editing 130 MOREHELP command description 343 format 343 messages 344 operands ALL 343 BRIEF 343 DESCRIPT 343 DETAIL 343 ERRORS 344 FORMAT 343 NOTES 344 OPTIONS 344 PARMS 344 882 VM/SP CMS Command Reference MOREHELP command (continued) operands (continued) RELATED 343 usage notes 344 MOVEFILE command default device attributes 347 description 345 examples 345 PDS option 345 moving a window up in the order of displayed windows 697 moving directories 484 moving files 484 moving windows on a virtual screen 724 MULT option of DLBL command 116 multiple extents input files for UPDATE command 637 with COPYFILE command 65 output files with COPYFILE command 65 with RENAME command 489 specifying 123 specifying in CMS/DOS 119 multivolume data sets, displaying volumes on which they reside 120 multivolume VSAM extents identifying with DLBL command 124 in CMS/DOS 120 maximum number of disks 125 in CMS/DOS 120 rules for specifying 124 in CMS/DOS 120 N N border command 781 NAME option of LKED command 303 NAMEFIND command description 349 FIFO option 350 FILE option 350 LIFO option 350 LINENUM option 350 NAMES file format 351 NAMES file tags 352 sample names file 355 SIZE option 350 STACK option 349 START option 350 TYPE option 350 XEDIT option 350 NAMES command description 358 nickname 358 PF keys on NAMES menu 361 sample NAMES screen 362 naming a virtual screen 681 naming CMS files 4 naming SFS directories 4 National Language Support See languages, national NCAL option of LKED command 302 NE option of LKED command 303 NETDATA command 364 never-call function, specifying in CMS TEXT file 318 NEWDATE option of COPYFILE command 61 of RECEIVE command 474 NEWFILE option of COpy FILE command 61 nickname assigned in NAMES file 358 NL operand of FILEDEF command 198 NO option of START command 597 NOACK option of NOTE command 377 of SEND FILE command 528 NOALIGN option of ASSEMBLE command 40 NOALOGIC option of ASSEMBLE command 37 NOAUTO option of INCLUDE command 273 of LOAD command 309 NOCC option of PRINT command 404 NOCHANGE option of DLBL command 116 of FILEDEF command 191 of LABELDEF command 279 NOCLEAR option of INCLUDE command 271 of LOAD command 309 of XEDIT command 652 NOCOLI option ofTAPPDS command 623 NOCOMMENTS option of EXECUPDT command 181 NOCOMPRESS option of EXECUPDT command 181 NOCTL option of UPDATE command 637 of XEDIT command 653 NODECK option of ASSEMBLE command 38 of OPTION command 392 NODISK option of ACCESS command 28 NODUMP option of OPTION command 392 NODUP option of INCLUDE command 273 of LOAD command 310 NOEND option of T APPDS command 624 NOEOV option of FILEDEF command 193 NOERASE option of FORMAT command 221 NOERRS option of OPTION command 393 NOESD option of ASSEMBLE command 37 NOFILELIST option of FILELIST command 204 NOHEADER option of LISTFILE command 293 of PUNCH command 412 NOHISTORY option of EXECUPDT command 180 NOINC option of UPDATE command 637 NOINVoption of INCLUDE command 272 of LOAD command 309 NOLIBE option of INCLUDE command 273 of LOAD command 310 NOLIBMAC option of ASSEMBLE command 38 NO LIST option of ASSEMBLE command 37 of OPTION command 392 NOLISTX option of OPTION command 392 NOLOG option of NOTE command 378 of RECEIVE command 473 of SEND FILE command 528 NOMAP option of GENMOD command 227 of LOAD command 309 NOMAXTEN option of TAPPDS command 624 NOMCALL option of ASSEMBLE command 37 NOM LOGIC option of ASSEMBLE command 37 NOMSG option of XEDIT command 652 non-relocatable modules in CMS 226 NONDISP option of CMS QUERY command 442, 711 of CMS SET command 572, 752 nondisplayable character defining character used in place of 572, 752 displaying character used in place of 442, 711 NONSHARE option of CMS SET command 573 nonshared copy of named system, obtaining 573 NONUM option of ASSEMBLE command 39 NOOBJECT option of ASSEMBLE command 39 NOPDS option of TAPPDS command 623 NOPRINT option of ASSEMBLE command 38 of LKED command 303 of TAPE command 612 NOPROF option of ACCESS command 28 NOPROFIL option of XEDIT command 652 NOPROMPT option of DISK command 109 of READCARD command 466 of RECEIVE command 473 NOPROMPT option of COPYFILE command 61 NORENT option of ASSEMBLE command 40 NOREP option of INCLUDE command 273 of LOAD command 309 of UPDATE command 636 NO REPLACE option of DISK option 109 of READCARD command 467 of RECEIVE command 473 Index 883 NORLD option of ASSEMBLE command 37 NOSAVE option of ACCESS command 28 NOSCREEN option of XEDIT command 652 NOSEQ8 option of UPDATE command 637 of XED IT command 653 NOSID option of EXECUPDT command 181 NOSPECS option of COPYFILE command 61 NOSTD option of SYNONYM command 606 NOSTK option of UPDATE command 637 NOSTMT option of ASSEMBLE command 39 NOSTOR option of UPDATE command 638 NOSTRoption of GENMOD command 227 NOSYM option of OPTION command 392 notational conventions 6 NOTE command ACK option 377 ADD option 377 CANCEL option 377 CC option 377 description 376 LOG option 378 LONG option 378 NOACK option 377 NOLOG option 378 NONOTEBOOK option 378 NOTEBOOK option 377 PF key settings 380 PROFILE option 378 REPLACE option 378 sending a note 379 SHORT option 378 NOTE option of SEND FILE command 528 NOTEBOOK option of NOTE command 377 of RECEIVE command 473 NOTERM option of ASSEMBLE command 39 of LKED command 303 of OPTION command 393 of UPDATE command 637 NOTEST option of ASSEMBLE command 39 NOTRC option of PRINT command 404 NOTRUNC option COPYFILE command 62 NOTYPE option of COPYFILE command 61 of ERASE command 142 of INCLUDE command 272 of LOAD command 309 of RDR command 454 of RENAME command 489 of SEND FILE command 529 NOUPDATE option of EXECUPDT command 181 of XED IT command 653 NOUPDIRT option of RENAME command 489 NOWTM option of TAPE command 612 884 VM/SP CMS Command Reference NOXREF option of ASSEMBLE command 38 of OPTION command 393 NOYFLAG option of ASSEMBLE command 40 NSL operand of FILEDEF command 198 ofTAPEMAC command 619 of T APPDS command 623 NUCEXT Function See VM/SP Application Development Reference for CMS nucleus CMS protected storage 575 protection feature displaying status of 443 setting 575 nucleus extensions cancel an extension 384 installation 389 obtain information about 389 NUCXDROP command description 384 NUCXLOAD command description 385 ENDCMD operand 386 IMMCMD operand 386 PUSH operand 386 SERVICE operand 386 SYSTEM operand 385 NUCXMAP command description 389 FIFO option 390 LIFO option 390 STACK option 390 null line when entering VSAM extents 124 when entering VSAM extents in CMS/DOS 119 null characters, recognizing in full-screen CMS 555, 737 NUMBER option of ASSEMBLE command 39 numeric substitution with XMITMSG command 658 o o border command 781 object deck, assembler, generating 38 OBJECT option of ASSEMBLE command 38 obtaining additional or related help 343 OFFSET (.OF) format word 808 OL option of LKED command 303 OLD option of SENDIFLE command 532 OLDDATE option of COPYFILE command 61 of DISK LOAD command 109 of RECEIVE command 474 operands, command 2 Operating System (OS) data sets defining in CMS 186 listing information 285 disks, accessing 31 environment, resetting 176 linkage editor control cards, adding to TEXT files 631 macro libraries reading into CMS MACLIBs 619 used in assembly 41 option of GENMOD command 227 partitioned data sets See partitioned data sets (PDS) tapes containing partitioned data sets 623 standard-label processing 625 utility programs creating CMS files from tapes created by 622 IEBPTPCH 622 IEBUPDTE 622 IEHMOVE 622 OPTCD option of FILEDEF command 192 OPTION command DECK option 392 description 392 DUMP option 392 ERRS option 393 LIST option 392 LISTX option 392 NODECK option 392 NODUMP option 392 NOERRS option 393 NO LIST option 392 NOLISTX option 392 NOSYM option 392 NOTERM option 393 NOXREF option 393 SYM option 392 TERM option 393 XREF option 393 48C option 393 60C option 393 option, of CMS QUERY command 443 options command 2 for DOS/VS COBOL compiler in CMS/DOS, querying 443 for DOSjVS COBOL compiler, specifying 392 LOAD and INCLUDE commands, retaining 273 ORIGIN option of FETCH command 183 of INCLUDE command 272 of LOAD command 312 OS (Operating System) data sets defining in CMS 186 listing information 285 disks, accessing 31 environment, resetting 176 linkage editor control cards, adding to TEXT files 631 macro libraries reading into CMS MACLIBs 619 used in assembly 41 option of GENMOD command 227 partitioned data sets See partitioned data sets (PDS) tapes containing partitioned data sets 623 standard-label processing 625 utility programs creating CMS files from tapes created by 622 IEBPTPCH 622 IEBUPDTE 622 IEHMOVE 622 OS RUN description 394 PARM keyword 394 OUTMODE option of UPDATE command 637 OUTMOVE default for MOVEFILE command ddname 345 OUTPUT option of CMS SET command 574 option of CMS QUERY command 443 OVLYoption of COpy FILE command 61 of LKED command 303 p P border command 782 PACK option of COPYFILE command 62 parameter list passed by RUN command 515 passed by START command 598 passed to SVC instruction, recorded 602 parent minidisk of read-only extension 27 parentheses before option list 3 PARM keyword of OSRUN command 394 PARSECMD command description 395 format 395 messages 397 operands APPLID 395 NOTYPE 395 STRING 395 TYPE 395 Index 885 PARSECMD command (continued) operands (continued) uniqueid 395 usage notes 396 parsing facility See also DLCS (Definition Language for Command Syntax) calling from an exec 395 variables returned to EXEC 396 partitioned data sets (PDS) copying files into CMS files 345 copying into partitioned data sets 345 displaying member names 286 listing members of 285 on tapes, creating CMS files 623 PAl key in full-screen CMS 745 PA2 key in full-screen CMS 698, 745 PD option of DSERV command 135 PDS option of LISTDS command 286 of MOVEFILE command 345 of T APPDS command 623 PDS (partitioned data sets copying files into CMS files 345 copying into partitioned data sets 345 displaying member names 286 listing members of 285 on tapes, creating CMS files 623 PEEK command description 398 PF key settings 399 PROFILE option 398 PERM option of DLBL command 115 of FILEDEF command 191 of LABELDEF command 279 permanent file definitions 191 PF key default settings changing for full-screen CMS 734 changing for the WM window 761 displaying settings for full-screen CMS 707 displaying settings for the WM window 716 for full-screen CMS 734 for the WM window 761 on NAMES menu 361 on NOTE menu 380 on PEEK screen 399 on RD RLIST screen 462 on SENDFILE menu 530 PF keys changing settings for full-screen CMS 734 changing settings for WM window 761 displaying definitions for full-screen CMS 707 displaying definitions for WM window 716 phase library clearing to zeros 132 CMD/DOS 128 deleting phases from 128 886 VM/SP CMS Command Reference phases executing in CMS/DOS 183 in VSE core image libraries, obtaining information about 135 POP WINDOW command 670 description 697 format 697 messages 698 operands n 697 WM 697 wname 697 * (asterisk) 697 usage notes 697 popping a variable size window 697 popping a window 697 popping the WM window 697 POSITION WINDOW command 670 description 699 format 699 messages 699 operands pscol 699 psline 699 wname 699 usage notes 699 positioning the cursor in a virtual·screen 676 positioning windows 699 preferred auxiliary files 645 prefixes identifying sets of files with ACCESS command 30 PRINT command CC option 404 description 403 HEX option 405 LINE CO UN option 404 MEMBER option 404 NOCC option 404 NOTRC option 404 OVERSIZE option 403 TRC option 404 UPCASE option 404 option of AMSERV command 33 of ASSEMBLE command 38 of DOSLIB command 128 of DOSLKED command 131 of DSERV command 136 of EXECIO command 158 of LKED command 303 of LOAD LIB command 325 of MACLIB command 332 of PSERV command 410 of RSERV command 499 of SSERV command 595 of TAPE command 612 of TXTLIB command 630 PRINT (continued) option (continued) of UPDATE command 637 PRINTER option of ASSGN command 43 of FILEDEF command 187 PRINTL Macro See VM/SP Application Development Reference for CMS private libraries See libraries, VSE PROC files creating in CMS/DOS 410 procedures, VSE, copying into CMS files 410 PROFILE EXEC, suppressing execution of 28 PROFILE option of NOTE command 378 of PEEK command 398 of RDRLIST command 459 of XEDIT command 652 PROG option of LISTIO command 300 PROGMAP command 407 program function (PF) key See PF key default settings program handling commands PROGMAP 407 RTNLOAD 503 RTNMAP 507 RTNSTATE 511 program stack buffer creating 341 eliminating 134 using W AITRD function to read lines from 341 determining number of lines in 536 programmer logical units for job catalogs 117 listing assignments for in CMS/DOS 300 restrictions for Rand T 45 valid assignments in CMS/DOS 45 programs compilation and execution, with RUN command 514 entry point selection during CMS loader processing 316 specifying 308 execution halting 666 in CMS/DOS 183 with INCLUDE command 271 with LOAD command 308 with START command 597 loading into storage with INCLUDE command 271 stack buffer, clearing 100 programs loaded in storage displaying information 407 PROMPT option of COPYFILE command 61 PROTECT option of CMS QUERY command 443 of CMS SET command 575 PSERV command description 410 DISK option 410 PRINT option 410 PUNCH option 410 TERM option 410 PUNCH assembler punch output ddname 41 command description 412 HEADER card format 413 HEADER option 412 MEMBER option 412 NOHEADER option 412 option of ASSIGN command 43 of EXECIO command 157 of FILEDEF command 188 of PSERV command 410 of RSERV command 499 of SSERV command 595 PUNCHC Macro See VM/SP Application Development Reference for CMS punched files, restoring to disk or directory 108 PURGE option of GLOBALV command 244 of RECEIVE command 473 purging a saved segment 522 PUSH option of NUCXLOAD command 386 PUT SCREEN command 670 description 700 format 700 messages 700 option fn ft fm 700 usage notes 700 PUT sub-function of GLOBALV command 243 PUT VSCREEN command 670 description 702 format 702 messages 702 option fn ft fm 702 fromlin 702 numlin 702 vname 702 usage notes 702 Q QUERY command (CMS) ABBREVoption 417 ACCESSED option 418 APL option 421, 705 Index 887 QUERY command (CMS) (continued) AUTOREAD option 424 BLIP option 424 BORDER option 706 CHARMODE option 706 CMSLEVEL option 424 CMSPF option 707 CMSTYPE option 424 CURSOR option 707 description 415, 704 DISK option 425 DISPLAY option 708 DLBL option 427 DOS option 428 DOSLIB option 429 DOSLNCNT option 429 DOSPART option 429 EXECTRAC option 430 FIFO option 451, 717 FILEDEF option 431,448 FULL READ option 434, 709 FULLSCREEN option 709 HIDE option 709 IMESCAPE option 434 IMPCP option 434 IMPEX option 434 INPUT option 435 INSTSEG option 435 KEY option 710 KEYPROTECT option 435 LABELDEF option 436 LANGLIST option 436 LANGUAGE option 437 LDRTBLS option 438 LIBRARY option 438 LIFO option 451, 717 LIJ'!END option 439, 710 LOADAREA option 439 LOADLIB option 440 LOCATION option 710 LOGFILE option 711 MACLIB option 442 NONDISP option 442, 711 OPTION option 443 OUTPUT option 443 PROTECT option 443 RDYMSG option 443 REDTYPE option 443 RELPAGE option 444 REMOTE option 444,711 RESERVED option 712 ROUTE option 712 SEARCH option 444 SEGMENT option 445 SHOW option 713 STACK option 451, 717 STROECLR option 447 SYNONYM option 448 888 VM/SP CMS Command Reference QUERY command (CMS) (continued) SYSNAMES option 448 TEXT option 449, 713 TRANSLATE option 449 TXTLIB option 450 UPSI option 451 VSCREEN option 714 WINDOW option 715 WMPF option 716 QUERY LOADAREA command 439 QUERY operand of IMMCMD command 269 QUERY STORECLR command 447 querying remote data transmission 444, 711 querying status of full-screen CMS environment 704 querying status of virtual machine environment 415 R R border command 782 RD option of DSERV command 135 RDCARD Macro See VM/SP Application Development Reference for CMS RDRcommand description 454 FIFO option 454 LIFO option 454 NOTYPE option 454 STACK option 454 use of = 454 RDRLIST command APPEND option 459 default PF key settings 462 description 459 displaying a file 463 issuing commands from RDRLIST 461 PROFILE option 459 special symbols 461 synonyms that sort the list 462 RDTAPE Macro See VM/SP Application Development Reference for CMS RDTERM Macro See VM/SP Application Development Reference for eMS RDYMSG option ofCMS QUERY command 443 of CMS SET command 576 READ control card deleting 468 format of 468 read-only extensions editing files on 138 releasing 482 READCARD command description 466 FULLPROMPT option 466 READCARD command (continued) MINPROMPT option 466 NOPROMPT option 466 NO REPLACE option 467 REPLACE option 466 READER option of ASSGN command 43 of FILEDEF command 188 reader, virtual determine characteristics of next file in 454 information about files in 459 listing the files in 459 PEEK at a file in 398 reading a file from 472 receiving a file from 472 reading a real card deck 468 ready message format 576 long form 576 querying setting of 443 setting 576 short form 576 special format in exec 150 read/write status of disks controlling 27 listing for disk assignments in CMS/DOS 300 querying 425 read, console, after a CMS command 540 real card deck, reading into virtual card reader 468 RECEIVE command acknowledge receipt of file 475 description 472 FULLPROMPT option 473 LOG option 473 MINPROMPT option 473 NEWDATE option 474 NOLOG option 473 NOPROMPT option 473 NOREPLACE option 473 NOTEBOOK fn option 473 NOTEBOOK * option 473 OLDDATE option 474 PURGE option 473 REPLACE option 473 STACK option 474 RECFM option of COPYFILE command 62 of FILEDEF command 191 RECOMP option of FORMAT command 221 record format of CMS file changing 62, 67 listing 294 of file, specifying 191 records that can be punched 413 record length default used by CMS editor 139 modifying 139 of CMS file changing 62 listing 294 maximum lengths for PRINT command 405 specifying with FILEDEF command 191 records displaying selected positions of 633 in file, numbering with UPDATE command 636 red type for error messages 577 REDTYPE option of CMS QUERY command 443 of CMS SET command 577 reducing a window size to one line 696 references unresolved resolving with INCLUDE command 273 resolving with LOAD command 316 REFR option of LKED command 303 REFRESH command 671 description 719 format 719 messages 719 refreshing a screen from an exec 767 refreshing a screen in full-screen CMS 719 REGEQU Macro See VM/SP Application Development Reference for CMS RELATED HELP described 258 obtaining using HELP command 255 obtaining using MOREHELP command 343 RELEASE command description 481 D ET operand 481 DET option 481 freeing an accessed disk or directory 481 restriction of read-only extensions 482 releasing segment space 524 relocatable libraries (VSE), displaying directories of 135 modules, link-editing in CMS/DOS 130 RELOCATE command 484 relocating directories 484 relocating files 484 relocation dictionary assembler 37 RELPAG option ofCMS QUERY command 444 of CMS SET command 578 remote data transmission, handling 579, 753 remote data transmission, querying 444, 711 REMOTE option of CMS QUERY command 444, 711 of CMS SET command 579,753 Index 889 removing a virtual screen definition 686 removing a window definition 687 removing execs and editor macros from storage 153 RENAME command 488 NOTYPE option 489 NOUPDIRT option 489 TYPE option 489 UPDIRT option 489 RENT option of ASSEMBLE command 40 of LKED command 303 REP option of INCLUDE command 272 of LOAD command 309 of MACLIB command 331 of UPDATE command 636 REPLACE control statement, for UPDATE command 640 of READCARD command 466 ontion - r ----- of COPYFILE command 61 of DISK command 109 of LOADLIB command 325 of NOTE command 378 of RECEIVE command 473 replace (REP) image of statement in load map 272 loader control statement 321 RESERVE command description 493 format of RESERVEd file 493 ofCMS QUERY command 712 use with DISKID function 493 reserved lines defined 754 displaying number in a window 712 specifying number in a window 754 RESERVED option ofCMS SET command 754 reserving segment space 525 RESET option of INCLUDE command 272 of LOAD command 309 resetting OS environment 176 VSAM environment 176 RESTORE WINDOW command 671 description 720 format 720 messages 720 operands wname 720 = (equal sign) 720 restoring a window 720 restrictions access method services and VSAM OS/VS users 817 890 VM/SP CMS Command Reference restrictions (continued) access method services and VSAM (continued) VSE users 817 resuming full-screen CMS 740 retrieving a message from a repository 658 return code from MAKEBUF command effect on &ERROR statement 341 from SENTRIES effect on exec procedure 536 return codes CMS in exec procedure 150 from access method services 35 from CMS exec interpreter 150 from EXEC 2 interpreter 151 from System Produc~ Interpreter 151 returning a segment space to CMS 524 returning to full-screen CMS after suspending 740 REUS option of LKED command 303 REVOKE AUTHORITY command 496 revoked alias definition of 74 REW tape control function 611 REWIND option of TAPE command 614 RLD option of ASSEMBLE command 37 RLDSA VE option of INCLUDE command 273 of LOAD command 310 RO immediate command 666 ROUTE command 671 description 721 format 721 messages 723 ofCMS QUERY command 712 operands ALARM 721 CMS 721 CP 721 MESSAGE 721 msgclass 721 NETWORK 721 NOALARM 721 NONOTIFY 722 NOTIFY 721 SCIF 721 vname 721 WARNING 721 * (asterisk) 721 usage notes 722 routines, CSL binding 503 displaying 507 loading 503 See also the VM/SP Application Development Reference for CMS verifying the existence of CSL routines 511 routing messages 721 RSERV command description 499 DISK option 499 PRINT option 499 PUNCH option 499 TERM option 499 RT immediate command 666 RTNDROP command 501 RTNLOAD command 503 RTNMAP command 507 RTNSTATE command 511 RUN description 514 tape control function 611 running applications in full-screen CMS 745 s S border command 782 SAME option of INCLUDE command 273 saved segments assigning logical segments in physical segments creating a segment space 525 loading 519 managing 517 purging 522 releasing reserved segment space 524 reserving segment space 525 saved segment, CMS commands SEGMENT 517 SEGMENT ASSIGN 518 SEGMENT LOAD 519 SEGMENT PURGE 522 SEGMENT RELEASE 524 SEGMENT RESERVE 525 saved segment, saved system names 582 saved systems names querying 448 setting 582 sharing 582 SAVEONLY option of ACCESS command 28 SCAN option of TAPE command 611 screen display, refreshing from an exec 767 screen images, copying to a CMS file 700 screen, copying the image to a CMS file 700 screen, displaying characteristics of 708 SCROLL command 671 description 724 format 724 messages 726 operands BACKWARD 724 BOTTOM 725 DOWN 725 FORWARD 725 LEFT 725 NEXT 725 RIGHT 725 518 SCROLL command (continued) operands (continued) TOP 725 UP 725 wname 724 usage notes 725 scrolling a window 698, 724 scrolling process in full-screen CMS 740 SO option of DSERV command 135 SEARCH option of CMS QUERY command 444 search order for CMS commands 9 for CMS loader 316 for executable phases in CMS/DOS 183 for relocatable modules in CMS/DOS 131 of CMS disks, querying 444 searching for CSL routines 503 SEC operand of LABELDEF command 278 SEGMENT command 517 SEGMENT option ofCMS QUERY command 445 SELECT option of GLOBALV command 242 SELECT SYSIN control statement 325 SENDFILE command ACK option 528 default PF key settings on SEND FILE menu 530 description 527 example 533 file format 531 FILELIST option 528 LOG option 528 NEW option 528 NOACK option 528 NOFILELIST option 528 NOLOG option 528 NOTE option 528 NOTYPE option 529 OLD option 528 TYPE option 529 sending messages 627 notes 379 SENTRIES command description 536 effect of non-zero return code on EXECs 536 SEQUENCE control statement for UPDATE command 638 sequence numbers assigned to VSAM extents 124 assigned (CMS/DOS) to VSAM extents 119 SEQ8 option of UPDATE command 636 of XEDIT command 653 SERVER option of the CMS SET command 580 SERVICE operand of NUCXLOAD command 386 SESSION file of GLOBALV command 240 Index 891 SET command description 537, 727 determining status of SET operands 415,704 list of options 537, 727 messages 537, 727 operands ABBREV 538 APL 539, 728 AUTOREAD 540 BLIP 541 BORDER 729 CHARMODE 732 CMSPF 734 CMSTYPE 542 COMDIR 543 DOS 545 DOSLNCNT 547 DOSPART 548 EXECTRAC 550 FILEPOOL 551 FILEWAIT 553 FULLREAD 555, 737 FULLSCREEN 739 1M ESCAPE 557 IMPCP 558 IMPEX 559 INPUT 560 INSTSEG 561 KEY PROTECT 562 LANGUAGE 563 LDRTBLS 567 LINEND 568,748 LOADAREA 569 LOCATION 749 LOGFILE 750 NONDISP 572,752 OUTPUT 574 PROTECT 575 RDYMSG 576 REDTYPE 577 RELPAGE 578 REMOTE 579, 753 RESERVED 754 SERVER 580 STORECLR 581 TEXT 583, 756 THRESHOLD 584 TRANSLATE 586 UPSI 588 VSCREEN 757 WINDOW 759 WMPF 761 SYSNAME option 582 usage notes 537, 727 set location counter (SLC) loader control statement 320 SET operand of DEFAULTS command 93 892 VM/SP CMS Command Reference SET operand (continued) of IMMCMD command 269 set page boundary (SPB) loader control statement 322 SETPRT command by accessing directories 27 by creating aliases 73 CHARS option 590 COPIES option 590 COPYnr option 590 description 590 FCB option 590 FLASH option 590 INIT option 590 MODIFY option 590 Sharing files using 591 setting another language 563 setting partition size for CMS/DOS 548 SHARED option of EXECDROP command 153 of EXECMAP command 174 Shared File System (SFS) tasks accessing a directory 27 copying files between minidisks and directories 60 creating a directory 77 creating a lock 79 creating a namedef 83 creating an alias 73 deleting a lock 96 deleting a namedef 99 displaying list of directories 101 displaying search order 444 displaying status of accessed directories 418 displaying status of file requests 433 entering commands from DIRLIST 101 erasing a directory 141 granting authorities 251 issuing XEDIT subcommands from DIRLIST 101 listing CMS files 291 listing directories 101, 282 listing shared files and directories 203 naming directories 4 relocating CMS files 484 renaming files or directories 488 requesting a warning message for file space 584 revoking authority 496 setting a default file pool 551 setting a request for wait 553 verifying existence of CMS files 600 xediting CMS files 651 SHORT option of NOTE command 378 SHOW option of CMS QUERY command 713 SHOW WINDOW command 671 description 764 format 764 SHOW WINDOW command (continued) messages 764 operands col 764 line 764 vname 764 wname 764 usage notes 764 SID option of EXECUPDT command 181 SIDCODE option of XEDIT command 654 SINGLE option of COPYFILE command 63 SIZE option of NAMEFIND command 350 SIZE WINDOW command 671 description 766 format 766 messages 766 operands cols 766 lines 766 wname 766 usage notes 766 SKIP option of TAPE command 611 SL operand of FILEDEF command 198 ofTAPEMAC command 619 of T APPDS command 622 SLC (set location counter) loader control statement 320 SO immediate command 667 SORT command description 593 storage requirements 593 option of DSERV c~mmand 136 sort fields defined 593 sounding the alarm 673 source files assembling identifying macro libraries 237 for assembler 36 updating with EXECUPDT command 180 updating with UPDATE command 636 source file, numbering records with UPDATE command 636 source statement libraries, VSE, displaying directories 135 source symbol table, assembler, generating 38 SPACE LINES (.SP) format word 809 space, determine free extents for VSAM 285 special variables See EXEC, special variables specification list for COPYFILE command format SPECS option of COPYFILE command 61 SPOOL command used with DISK DUMP command 109 used with PRINT command 406 69 SSERV command description 595 DISK option 595 PRINT option 595 PUNCH option 595 TERM option 595 STACK option of CONVERT COMMANDS command 56 of EXECMAP command 174 of GLOBALV command 243 of IDENTIFY command 267 of NAME FIND command 349 of NUCXMAP command 390 of RDR command 454 of RECEIVE command 474 ST ACKR option of GLOBALV command 243 START command description 597 NO option 597 passing arguments 597 option of FETCH command 183 of INCLUDE command 273 of LOAD command 310 of NAMEFIND command 350 starting point for execution of module, setting 308 STAT option of LISTIO command 300 STATE command described 600 STATEW command described 600 status of full-screen CMS environment, querying 704 status of virtual machine environment, querying 415 STATUS operand of IMMCMD command 269 STD option of SYNONYM command 606 STEM option of EXECIO command 160 STK option of UPDATE command 637 STMT option of ASSEMBLE command 39 STOR option of UPDATE command 637 storage clearing to zeros in CMS/DOS 132 with LOAD command 309 freeing storage 482 initializing for module file execution 226 releasing pages of, after command execution 578 requirements for SORT command 593 specifying for CMS/DOS partition 548 with INCLUDE command' 271 storage-resident EXECs and editor macros controlling system searching of CMS installation saved segment 561 discontinue use of the CMS installation saved segment 153 listing 173 querying status of CMS installation saved segment 435 removing 153 Index 893 STORECLR option ofCMS QUERY command 447 STORECLR option of the CMS SET command 581 STR option of GENMOD command 227 subdirectory creating 77 sublibraries of VSE source statement, copying books 595 substitution with XMITMSG command 658 SUL operand of FILEDEF command 198 summary of HELP and HELPCONV format words 797 suppressing virtual screen updates 758 suspending full-screen CMS 739 SVC instructions tracing 602 SVCTRACE command description 602 output 603 SYM option of OPTION command 392 symbol variable See variable symbols SYNONYM command CLEAR option 606 description 606 example 608 NOSTD option 606 relationship to SET ABBREV command 606 STD option 606 option, of CMS QUERY command 448 synonym table clearing 606 defining 607 displaying system synonym tables 449 displaying user synonym tables 449 format for entries in 607 invoking 606 setting system translation synonyms 586 setting user translation synonyms 586 synonyms for CMS user-written commands defining 606 displaying 609 example 607 SYS option of LISTIO command 300 SYSCAT assigned in CMS/DOS 121 SYSIN assembler input 41 logical unit assignment in CMS/DOS 43 SYSIPT assigned for ESERV program 147 SYSLOG assigned in CMS/DOS 43 SYSLST lines per page displaying number of 429 setting number of 547 894 VM/SP CMS Command Reference SYSNAME option of CMS SET command 582 SYSNAMES option of CMS QUERY command 448 SYSPARM option of ASSEMBLE command 40 SYSRES assigned in CMS/DOS 45 SYSTEM operand of NUCXLOAD command 385 option of CONVERT COMMANDS command 55 of EXECDROP command 153 of EXEC LOAD command 171 of EXECMAP command ) 73 of GENMOD command 228 system and programmer logical units entered on DLBL command 117 system disk files available 28 releasing 482 system logical units invalid assignments in CMS/DOS 45 listing assignments for in CMS/DOS 300 valid assignments in CMS/DOS 43 System Product interpreter error codes 151 tracing programs interpreted by 550 system residence volume, VSE, specifying 545 SYSTERM option of ASSEMBLE command 39 SYSxxx option of ASSGN command 43 of DLBL command 115 of LISTIO command 300 T Table Character Reference byte TAPE command BLKSIZE option 612 control functions BSF 611 BSR 611 ERG 611 FSF 611 FSR 611 REW 611 RUN 611 WTM 611 DEN option 613 description 610 DISK option 612 DUMP option 610 DVOLI option 612 EOF option 613 EOT option 613 LEAVE option 614 LOAD option 611 MODESET option 611 NOPRINT option 612 NOWTM option 612 PRINT option 612 404 TAPE command (continued) REWIND option 614 SCAN option 611 SKIP option 611 T APn option 613 TERM option 612 TRANSFER BUFF option 614 TRANSFER IMMEDIATE option 614 TRTCH option 614 WTM option 612 WVOLI option 612 18TRACK option 613 7TRACK option 613 9TRACK option 613 TAPECTL Macro See VM/SP Application Development Reference for CMS TAPEMAC command description 619 ID operand 619 ITEMCT option 620 NSL operand 619 SL operand 619 T APn option 620 tapes assigning to logical units, in CMS/DOS 43 backward spacing 611 control functions restrictions when using 615 creating CMS disk files 622 density of, specifying 613 displaying file names on 611 dumping and loading files 610 erasing a defective section 611 files created by OS utility programs 622 created by tape command 610 writing to a disk or directory 610 forward spacing 611 labels displaying definitions in effect 436 displaying VOL1 label 612 in FILEDEF command 188 in T APEMAC command processing 620 in T APPDS command processing 623 specifying descriptive information 277 writing VOL1 label 612 marks writing 612 OS, standard label processing 622 positioning after VOLI label is processed 612 at specified file 611 recording technique, specifying 614 rewinding 611 used for AMSERV input and output 33 entering ddnames 34 in CMS/DOS 34 T APESL Macro See VM/SP Application Development Reference for CMS T APIN option of AMSERV command 33 TAPn option of ASSGN command 44 of FILEDEF command description 188 usage 198 of TAPE command 613 of T APEMAC command 620 of T APPDS command 623 TAPOUT option of AMSERV command 33 T APPDS command COLI option 623 description 622 END option 624 ID operand 623 MAXTEN option 624 NOCOLI option 623 NOEND option 624 NOMAXTEN option 624 NOPDS option 623 NSL operand 623 PDS option 623 processing OS standard-label tapes 624 SL operand 622 T APn option 623 UPDATE option 623 TASKS operand of HELP command 255 TD option of DSERV command 135 TE (Trace End) immediate command 667 TELL command change the CP command that TELL uses 627 description 627 restrictions 627 using nicknames 627 TERM option of DOS LIB command 128 of DOSLKED command 131 of DSERV command 136 of LKED command 303 of LOADLIB command 325 of MACLIB command 332 of OPTION command 393 of PSERV command 410 of RSERV command 499 of SSERV command 595 of TAPE command 612 of TXTLIB command 630 of UPDATE command 637 TERMINAL option of ASSEMBLE command 39 of ASSGN command 44 of FILEDEF command 187 terminals output halting 665 restoring 666 Index 895 terminate execution of System Product interpreter or EXEC 2 execs 665 TEST option of ASSEMBLE command 39 TEXT assembler output ddname 41 files automatic loading 309, cards read in by loader 318 creating with assembler 36 executing with RUN command 514 link-editing in CMS/DOS 130 linking in storage 308 loading into virtual storage 308 resolving unresolved references with LOAD command 316 libraries See TXTLIB of CMS QUERY command 449, 713 of CMS SET command 583, 756 TEXT character conversion activating in CMS 583, 756 displaying status in CMS 449, 713 TEXT files loading into storage for execution 271 setting starting point for execution 308 THRESHOLD option of the CMS SET command 584 TO keyword of SEND FILE command 527 option of GENMOD command 227 TODACCNT Function See VM/SP Application Development Reference for CMS TOLABEL option of COPYFILE command 61 tracing EXEC 2 programs 550 resuming after temporary halting 666 start, for System Product Interpreter or EXEC 2 exec 667 suspending for System Product Interpreter or EXEC 2 exec 667 suspending recording temporarily 667 SVC instructions 602 halting 665 System Product Interpreter programs 550 trailing fill characters, removing from records 62 TRANS option of COPYFILE command 63 TRANSFER BUFF option of TAPE command 614 TRANSFER IMMED option of TAPE command 614 transient area CMS commands that execute in 10 creating modules to execute in 230 transient directories in VSE, displaying 135 TRANSLATE CHARACTER (.TR) format word 810 TRANSLATE option of CMS QUERY command 449 of CMS SET command 586 translate tables defining input characters for translation 560 896 VM/SP CMS Command Reference translate tables (continued) defining output characters for translation 560 displaying 435 displaying system translate tables 449 displaying user translate tables 449 setting system translations 586 setting user translations 586 translation list for COPYFILE command, description 63 TRC option of PRINT command 404 TRTCH of ASSGN command 44 of FILEDEF command 193 of TAPE command 614 TRUNC of commands 6 option of COPYFILE command 62 truncation of command names querying acceptability of 417 of records in CMS file 62 of trailing blanks from CMS file 62 TS (Trace Start) immediate command 667 two-color ribbon, controlling use of 577 TXTLIB command ADD option 629 DEL option 629 description 629 DISK option 630 FILENAME option 630 GEN option 629 MAP option 629 PRINT option 630 TERM option 630 files adding members 629 creating members 629 deleting members 629 determining which TXTLIBs are searched 450 identifying for LOAD and INCLUDE command processing 237 listing members in 629 maximum number of members 631 search for unresolved references 316, 317 searched during INCLUDE command processing 271 searched during LOAD command processing 308 file, searching for unresolved references 271 option ofCMS QUERY command 450 of GLOBAL command 237 TYPE command COL option 633 description 633 HEX option 633 MEMBER option 633 TYPE (continued) option of COPYFILE command 61 of ERASE command 142 of IDENTIFY command 267 of INCLUDE command 272 of LOAD command 309 of NAMEFIND command 350 of RENAME command 489 of SEND FILE command 529 types of authority displayed by LISTFILE types of lock 79 297 U UA option of ASSGN command 44 of LISTIO command 300 UNPACK option of COPYFILE command 62 unresolved references during MODULE execution 230 loader handling of 316 resolving with INCLUDE command 273 searching for TEXT files 310 searching TXTLIBs for 310 UNTIL option of XEDIT command 653 UPCASE option of ASSGN command 44 of COPYFILE command 62 of FILEDEF command 193 of PRINT command 404 UPDATE command control statements 638 CTL option 637 description 636 DISK option 637 error handling for 646 INC option 637 input files 642 NOCTL option 637 NOINC option 637 NOREP option 636 NOSEQ8 option 637 NOSTK option 637 NOTERM option 637 OUTMODE option 637 output files 641 PRINT option 637 REP option 636 SEQ8 option 636 STK option 637 STOR option 637 TERM option 637 control statements COMMENT 641 DELETE 640 INSERT 639 REPLACE 640 UPDATE (continued) control statements (continued) SEQUENCE 638 option of T APPDS command 623 of XEDIT command 653 update log for UPDATE command operations 637 generating at your terminal 637 updating a virtual screen and associated window updating a virtual screen from an exec 767 UPDIRT option of RENAME command 489 uppercase letters converting to lowercase with COPYFILE command 62 UPSI (user program switch indicator) byte querying setting of 451 setting 588 option of CMS SET command 588 option of CMS QUERY command 451 user catalogs 125 identifying in CMS/DOS 121 user file directory contents 27 creating 27 updating on disk 481 USER option of CONVERT COMMANDS command 55 of EXECDROP command 153 of EXEC LOAD command 171 of EXECMAP command 173 user program area commands that execute in 10 user program switch indicator (UPSI) byte querying setting of 451 setting 588 option of CMS SET command 588 option of CMS QUERY command 451 user-defined synonyms, displaying 448 user-written commands assigning synonyms for 606 creating 226 719 v VALIDATE command description 649 examples 649 format 649 messages 650 operands fn ft fm 649 * (asterisk) 649 Index 897 VALIDATE command (continued) responses 650 usage notes 649 VAR option of EXECIO command 160 variable length converting to fixed-length 62 variable size window, displaying 697 variable symbols verifying a VSAM catalog structure 47 verifying that a disk or directory is accessed 649 verifying the syntax of file identifier 649 virtual disks See also disks counting cylinders on 220 initializing 220 resetting number of cylinders on 220 valid addresses for 220 virtual machine components of 1 definition I environment, determining status of 415, 704 virtual screen changing attributes 757 clearing 674 creating 679 data area 676 default connections to windows 744 default virtual screens 743 defining 679 defining fields 772 deleting 686 displaying information about 714 displaying location of cursor 708 entering information 772 field definition character 768 naming 681 numbering of reserved lines 677 positioning the cursor 676 querying 714 reserved area 676 specifying character attributes 772 suppressing updates 758 updating 719 updating from an exec 767 updating the associated plane buffers 772 updating with data 770 using character attributes when displaying data 732 writing data 772 writing data to a CMS file 702 writing lines from a file to a virtual screen 690 XEDIT virtual screen 652 virtual screen, CMS commands for CLEAR VSCREEN 674 CURSOR VSCREEN 676 DEFINE VSCREEN 679 DELETE VSCREEN 686 GET VSCREEN 690 PUT SCREEN 700 898 VM/SP CMS Command Reference virtual screen, CMS commands for (continued) PUT VSCREEN 702 SET VSCREEN 757 WAIT READ VSCREEN 767 WAITT VSCREEN 770 WRITE VSCREEN 772 Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) catalogs determining which catalog is searched 125 identifying 125 identifying in CMS/DOS 121 verifying a structure of 47 data set extents displayed 119 determining free space extents 285 environment, resetting 176 files defining with DLBL command 114 specifying extents 116 master catalog identifying 125 identifying in CMS/DOS 121 option ofDLBL command 116 of SET DOS ON command 545 restriction for OS/VS users 815 for VSE users 815 OS/VS users 817 VM/SP (Virtual Machine/System Product) basic description 1 VOLID operand of FILEDEF command 198 of LABDEF command 278 VOLSEQ operand of LABELDEF command 278 VSAM (Virtual Storage Access Method) catalogs determining which catalog is searched 125 identifying 125 identifying in CMS/DOS 121 verifying a structure of 47 data set extents displayed 119 determining free space extents 285 environment, resetting 176 files defining with D LBL command 114 specifying extents 116 master catalog identifying 125 identifying in CMS/DOS 121 option ofDLBLcommand 116 of SET DOS ON command 545 restriction for OS/VS users 815 for VSE users 815 OS/VS users 817 VSCREEN option of CMS QUERY command 714 VSCREEN option (continued) of CMS SET command 757 VSE/VSAM Catalog Check Service Aid, invoking 47 W WAITD Macro See VM/SP Application Development Reference for CMS W AITECB Macro See VM/SP Application Development Reference for CMS W AITRD Function See VM/SP Application Development Reference for CMS W AITREAD VSCREEN command 671 description 767 execution described 767 format 767 messages 769 operands vname 767 usage notes 767 using with WRITE VSCREEN 767 WAITT Macro See VM/SP Application Development Reference for CMS WAITT VSCREEN command 671 description 770 format 770 messages 770 operands vname 770 * (asterisk) 770 usage notes 770 WIDTH option of XEDIT command 652 window changing attributes 759 changing location 699 changing number of lines and columns 766 clearing 675 connecting to a virtual screen 764 creating 683 default connections to virtual screens 744 default windows 741 defining 683 defining borders 729 deleting 687 displaying a variable size window 764 displaying information about 715 displaying location indicator 749 displaying number of reserved lines 712 dropping 688 dropping the WM window 688 expanding the size to the physical screen size 694 hidden windows, displaying information about 709 hiding 692 placing at top of display order 764 window (continued) popping 697 positioning 699 reducing a window size to one line 696 restoring after maximizing or minimizing 720 scrolling the topmost window 698 specifying reserved lines 754 XEDIT window 652 WINDOW option of CMS QUERY command 715 of CMS SET command 759 querying 715 WINDOW option of XEDIT command 652 windowing commands 669 windows, eMS commands for ALARM VSCREEN 673 B (backward) 779 C (clear) 779 CLEAR WINDOW 675 D (drop) 779 DEFINE WINDOW 683 DELETE WINDOW 687 DROP WINDOW 688 F (forward) 780 full-screen CMS commands 669 H (hide) 780 HIDE WINDOW 692 L (left) 780 M (move) 781 MAXIMIZE WINDOW 694 MINIMIZE WINDOW 696 N (minimize) 781 o (restore) 781 P (pop) 782 POP WINDOW 697 POSITION WINDOW 699 R (right) 782 REFRESH 719 RESTORE WINDOW 720 ROUTE 721 S (size) 782 SCROLL 724 SET BORDER 729 SET CMSPF 734 SET FULLSCREEN 739 SET LOCATION 749 SET LOGFILE 750 SET WINDOW 759 SET WMPF 761 SHOW WINDOW 764 SIZE WINDOW 766 X (maximize) 783 WM window automatically displayed 698, 741 CLEAR key 745 commands you can enter 697 displaying 697 dropping 688 Index 899 WM window (continued) exiting 688 PA2 key 745 WMPF keys canceling 762 changing settings 761 displaying definitions 716 RETRIEVE function 762 using NOWRITE option 762 WMPF option of CMS QUERY command 716 of CMS SET command 761 WRITE VSCREEN command 671 description 772 examples 775 format 772 messages 776 operands BLANKS 773 col 772 color 773, 774 DATA 773 exthi 773, 774 FIELD 773 HIGH 773 INVISIBLE 773 length 772 line 772 NOHIGH 773 NOPROTECT 773 NULLS 773 PROTECT 773 PSS 774 psset 773 RESERVED 772 text 774 vname 772 usage notes 774 writing lines from a file to a virtual screen 690 writing virtual screen data to a eMS file 702 WRTAPE Macro See VMjSP Application Development Reference for CMS WRTERM Macro See VMjSP Application Development Reference for CMS WTM option of TAPE command 612 tape control function 611 WVOLI operand of TAPE command 612 x X border command 783 XCAL option of LKED command 303 XED IT command 651 CTL option 653 editing a MACLIB member 652 900 VMjSP CMS Command Reference XEDIT command (continued) INCR option 654 MEMBER option 652 MERGE option 653 NOCLEAR option 652 NOCTL option 653 NOMSG option 652 NOPROFIL option 652 NOSCREEN option 652 NOSEQ8 option 653 NOUPDATE option 653 PROFILE option 652 SEQ8 option 653 SIDCODE option 654 UNTIL option 653 UPDATE option 653 usage 654 WIDTH option 652 WINDOW option 652 XEDIT option of LISTDIR command 282 of LISTFILE command 294 of NAMEFIND command 350 XMITMSG command description 658 examples 661 format 658 messages 663 operands APPLID 659 CALLER 659 COMPRESS 659 DISPLAY 660 ERRMSG 660 FORMAT 658 HEADER 660 LETTER 659 LINE 659 msgnumber 658 nn 659 NOCOMPRESS 659 NODISPLAY 660 NOHEADER 660 sublist 658 SYSLANG 660 VAR 659 * (asterisk) 659 usage notes 661 XREF option of ASSEMBLE command 38 of LKED command 303 of OPTION command 393 XTENT option of FILEDEF command y Y -disk accessed after IPLing CMS 29 192 YFLAG option of ASSEMBLE command 40 Numerics 18-track tapes, specifying on TAPE command 613 18TRACK option of FILEDEF command 193 19E virtual disk address accessed as file mode Y 29 190 virtual disk address accessed as file mode S 29 191 ~irtual minidisk address accessed as file mode A 29 192 virtual disk address accessed as file mode D 29 195 virtual disk address formatted by CMS batch facility 50 3480 Magnetic Tape Subsystem used with TAPE command 614 3800 printer, loading a virtual, via SETPRT command 590 48C option of OPTION command 393 512-byte block formatted disk using with RESERVE command 493 60C option of OPTION command 393 7-track tapes, specifying on TAPE command 613 7TRACK option of ASSGN command 44 of FILEDEF command 193 of TAPE command 613 9-track tapes, specifying on TAPE command 613 9TRACK option of ASSGN command 44 of FILEDEF command 193 of TAPE command 613 Special Characters .BX (BOX) format word 798 .CM (COMMENT) format word 800 .CS (CONDITIONAL SECTION) format word 801 .FO (FORMAT MODE) format word 803 .IL (INDENT LINE) format word 805 .IN (INDENT) format word 806 .MT (MENU TYPE) format word 807 .OF (OFFSET) format word 808 .SP (SPACE LINES) format word 809 .TR (TRANSLATE CHARACTER) format word 810 .j D (DELETE) UPDATE control statement 640 .j I (INSERT) UPDATE control statement 639 ./ R (REPLACE) UPDATE control statement 640 .j S (SEQUENCE) UPDATE control statement 638 .j * (COMMENT) UPDATE control statement 641 $LISTIO EXEC file appending information to 300 creating 300 format 301 * (asterisk) entered in file ID 7 in ACCESS command 28 in COPYFILE command 60 in DLBL command 114 * (asterisk) (continued) in DSERV command 135 in EDIT command 138 in ERASE command 142 in EXECDROP command 153 in EXECIO command 157 in EXECLOAD command 171 in EXECMAP command 173 in EXECSTAT command 178 in FILEDEF command 187 in FILELIST command 203 in FINIS command 219 in INCLUDE command 272 in LABELDEF command 277 in LISTDS command 285 in LISTFILE command 291 in LOAD command 309 in NAMEFIND command 349 in NUCXDROP command 384 in PEEK command 398 in PRINT command 403 in PUNCH command 412 in READCARD command 466 in RENAME command 488 in START command 597 in STATE and STATEW commands 600 in SYNONYM command 606 in TAPE command 610 in T APPDS command 622 in XEDIT command 651 with DISK option, of CMS QUERY command 427 with RESET option of INCLUDE command 272 of LOAD command 309 with ROUTE option, of CMS QUERY command 713 ·COPY statement 332 / (diagonal) used in ACCESS command 27 used in EXECUTE command 207, 462 ? (question mark) used with DISK option of FILEDEF command 197 used with DSN option of DLBL command 115 = (equal sign) in COPYFILE command 60, 64 in RDR command 454 in RENAME command 488 Index 901 ------- ---- - ----------_.--. ® Printed in U.S.A. Program Number 5664-167 File Number 5370/4300-39 READER'S COMMENT FORM VM/SP CMS Command Reference Order No. SC19-6209-05 Is there anything you especially like or dislike about this book? Feel free to comment on specific errors or omissions, accuracy, organization, or completeness of this book. If you use this form to comment on the online HELP facility, please copy the top line of the HELP screen. _ _ _ Help Information line of IBM may use or distribute whatever information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you, and all such information will be considered nonconfidential. Note: Do not use this form to report system problems or to request copies of pUblications. 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