SC19 6226 4_VM_SP_HPO_Rel_3.6_System_Messages_and_Codes_Oct85 4 VM SP HPO Rel 3.6 System Messages And Codes Oct85
User Manual: SC19-6226-4_VM_SP_HPO_Rel_3.6_System_Messages_and_Codes_Oct85
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• --..-------------.---- -- --------~ Virtual Machine/ System Product High Performance Option System Messages and Codes Release 3.6 SC19-6226-4 The term "VM/SP High Performance Option" applies to the VM/SP High Performance Option Program Product when used in conjunction with the VM/System Product Program Product. Fifth Edition (October 1985) This is a major revision of SC19-6226-3. See the Summary of Changes following the Contents for the changes made to this manual. Technical changes or additions to the text and illustrations are indicated by a vertical line to the left of the change. This edition applies to Release 3.6 of IBM Virtual Machine/System Product High Performance Option Program Product (Program Number 5664-173) and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions or Technical Newsletters. The previous edition still applies to Release 3.4 of IBM Virtual Machine/System Product High Performance Option Program Product and may now be ordered using the temporary order number STOO-1559. Changes are made periodically to the information herein; before using this publication in comiection with the ·operation of IBM systems, consult the latest IBM System/370 and 4300 Processors Bibliography, GC20-OO01, for the editions that are applicable and current. References in this publication to IBM products, programs, or services do not imply that IBM intends to make these available in all countries in which IBM operates. Any reference to an IBM program product in this publication is not intended to state or imply that only IBM's program product may be used. Any functionally equivalent program may be used instead. Publications are not stocked at the address given below. Requests for IBM publications should be made to your IBM representative or to the IBM branch office serving your locality. A form for readers' comments is provided at the back of this publication. If the form has been removed, comments may be addressed to International Business Machines Corporation, Department 52Q, Neighborhood Road, Kingston, N.Y. 12401. IBM may use or distribute whatever information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you. © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1982, 1985 Preface This publication is a reference manual designed for all users. It contains both messages and codes produced by the IBM Virtual Machine/System Product (VM/SP) High Performance Option (HPO). This publication contains four sections: an Introduction, System Codes, System Messages, and Appendixes. The "Introduction" contains: • • • The format of messages VM/SP High Performance Option generates Syntax conventions this publication uses CP problem determination procedures The "System Codes" are divided into the following categories: • • • • • • Return Codes CP wait state codes Loader wait state codes RSCS wait state codes CP abend codes CMS abend codes The "System Messages" section of this publication is divided as follows: • Device Support Facility Virtual Disk Initialization Program Messages - IBC prefixes Note: RSCS and IPCS, in this case, refer to the components of VM/370 Release 6, not the related program products. The appendixes contain: • Command-to-Message Cross-Reference • Message Summary Alphabetically by Message Identifier • Message-to-Module Cross-Reference • Message Text-to-Message Identifier Cross-Reference • VM/SP High Performance Option Restrictions • User Documentation Page PREREQUISITE PUBLICATIONS IBM Virtual Machine/System Product High Performance Option: Introduction, GC19-6222 • Control Program (CP) Messages - DMK prefixes Operator's Guide, SC19-6225 • Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages - DMS prefixes CP Command Reference for General Users, SC19-6227 • Remote Spooling Communication Subsystem (RSCS) Messages - DMT prefixes • Interactive Problem Control System (IPCS) Messages - DMM prefixes IBM Virtual Machine/System Product: CMS Command and Macro Reference, STOO-1357 Preface 111 Evaluation VM/SP HPO General Information Manual GC19-6221 VM/SP Introduction GTOO-1349 VM/SP HPO Library Guide. Glossary. and Master Index GC23-0187 Planning VM/SP HPO Planning Guide and Reference SC19-6223 Installation VM/SP HPO Operating Systems in A Virtual Machine GC19-6228 Administration VM/SP Distributed Data Processing Guide ST24-5241 Input/Output Configuration Program User's Guide and Reference GC28-1027 Input/Output Configuration Program User's Guide and Reference 3090 Processor Complex GC38-0039 Operation VM/SP HPO System Programmer's Guide SC19-6224 VM/SP HPO Operator's Guide SC19-6225 VM/SP Terminal Reference GTOO-1355 VM/SP CMS Primer SQ24-5236 VM/SP CMS User's Guide STOO-1358 VM/SP SP Editor User's Guide SQ24-5220 VM/SP SP Editor Command and Macro Reference STOO-1369 VM/SP HPO CP Command Reference for General Users SC19-6227 VM/SP SP Interpreter User's Guide ST24-5238 VM/SP SP Interpreter Reference ST24-5239 VM/SP EXEC-2 Reference STOO-1368 VM/SP HPO Insta Ilation Guide SC38-0107 VM/SP Release 3 Guide ST24-5240 End Use VM/SP CMS Command and Macro Reference STOO-1357 Reference Summaries VM/SP HPO Quick Guide for User's SX22-0005 VM/SP HPO Commands (General User) SX22-0003 Figure 1 (Part 1 of 2). IV VM/SP HPO Commands (Other Than General User) SX22-0004 VM/SP SP Editor Command Language STOO-1370 VM/SP SP Interpreter Language STOO-1373 VM/SP EXEC-2 Language STOO-1372 VM/SP HPO Library - Interrelationship of Publications Program Service VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes SC19-6226 VM/SP HPO OLTSEP and Error Recording Guide SC19-6230 VM/SP HPO Service Routines Program Logic LY20-0898 VM/SP HPO System Logic and Problem Determination Guide-CP LY20-0897 VM/SP System Logic and Problem Determ i nation Guide Volume 2 (CMS) LTOO-1367 VM/SP HPO Data Areas and Control Blocks-CP LY20-0896 VM/SP Data Areas and Control Blocks Volume 2 (CMS) LT64-5221 Auxllllary Service Support Device Support Facilities GC35-0033 VM/IPCS Extension User's Guide and Reference SC34-2020 EREP User's Guide and Reference GC28-1378 Device Support F' acilities IPCS Extension 5748-SA1 Environmental Record Editin~ and Printing (EREP) Auxilliary Communication Support RSCS Networking General Information GH24-5004 RSCS Networking Program Reference and Operations SH24-5005 RSCS Networking Logic LY24-5203 VCNA General Information SC27-0501 VCNA Installation Operation and Terminal Use SC27-0502 VCNA Messages SC27-0510 Figure 1 (Part 2 of 2). RSCS Networking Reference Summary SX24-5119 VCNA Logic LY38-3033 RSCS Networking 5748-XP-1 VTAM Communications Network Application (VCNA 5735-RC5) VM/SP HPO Library - Interrelationship of Publications Preface V Contents Introduction 1 VM/SP HPO Message Format 1 VM/SP System Product Editor 1 Messages With 4nxx Identifiers Unnumbered Responses 2 Special Message Facility 2 Syntax Conventions 2 CP Problem Determination 2 General User Action 2 System Operator Action 3 Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS) Messages 411 1 Device Support Facility Program Messages 453 Return Codes 5 Return Codes Produced by the CP DIRECT Command 6 Sample Return Code from a CP Command 6 Return Codes Produced by the CMS DDR Command 6 Return Codes Produced by IPCS 6 CP Wait State Codes 7 Loader Wait State Codes RSCS Wait State Codes 13 CP Abend Codes 17 System Operator Action 17 System Programmer Action 17 Appendix C. Message-to-Module Cross-Reference 577 CP Message Summary 577 CMS Message Summary 582 RSCS Message Summary 589 IPCS Message Summary 590 47 Control Program (CP) Messages 51 Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 191 CMS EDIT Messages 397 DEBUG Messages 404 CMS EXEC Messages EXEC 2 Messages 409 407 Appendix A. Command-to-Message Cross-Reference 465 CP Message Summary 465 CP Spontaneous Messages 482 CMS Message Summary 483 RSCS Message Summary 511 RSCS Spontaneous Messages 511 General Command Responses 512 Specific Command Responses 512 Messages Generated during System Generation and Initialization 515 IPCS Message Summary 516 Appendix B. Message Summary Alphamerically by Message Identifier 519 CP Messages Summary 519 CMS Message Summary 542 RSCS Message Summary 572 IPCS Message Summary 575 15 CMS Abend Codes 47 User Action 47 Information Collection 47 Reporting the Abend 47 Recovering from the Abend Interactive Problem Control System (IPCS) Messages 441 Appendix D. Message Text-to-Message Identifier Cross-Reference 591 CP Message Summary 591 CMS Message Summary 612 RSCS Message Summary 639 IPCS Message Summary 642 Appendix E. Restrictions 645 Channel Programs 645 Dynamically Modified Channel Programs Minidisk Restrictions 646 Timing Dependencies 648 Contents 645 Vll Processor Model-Dependent Functions 649 Channel Model-Dependent Functions 650 Virtual Machine Characteristics 650 Device Dependent Restriction 654 Mass Storage System Restrictions 654 3880 Storage Subsystem Restrictions 654 General Restrictions for Preferred Machine Assist 656 Conversational Monitor System Restrictions 657 Miscellaneous Restrictions 659 Index 663 Figures 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. VIll VM/SP HPO Library - Interrelationship of Publications iv Types and Meanings of Severity Codes 1 Variables Used 3 CP Error Message Numbers 3 Return Codes Produced by the CP DIRECT Command 6 6. 7. 8. 9. Example of a CP LINK Command 6 Return Codes Produced by the CMS DDR Command 6 CP Abend Codes 18 CMS Abend Codes 48 Summary of Changes Summary of Changes for SCI9-6226-4 As Updated November 6, 1984 for Release 8.6 Control Switch Assist Extensions to Preferred Machine Assist VM/SP HIGH PERFORMANCE OPTION RELEASE 8.6 This support, available on 308X, 4381, and 3090 processors, allows an MVS/SP V = R virtual machine guest (Release 1 Enhancement or later) to use IUCV, many DIAGNOSE instructions, and some Service Call instructions. It also reduces line timeout problems for such guests by letting CP reflect virtual I/O interruptions to the guest. New: Expanded Programming Support VM/SP Release 3, or an equivalent program product, is the prerequisite program product for VM/SP High Performance Option Release 3.6. VM/SP High Performance Option Release 3.6 operates with VM/SP Release 3 and incorporates the new and expanded programming facilities, features and support provided by VM/SP Release 3. 8090 Processor Complex Support New: Hardware Support VM/SP HPO now supports the 3090 Processor Complex Model 200 as a dyadic processor when operating in System/370 mode. On a 3090 processor, VM/SP HPO supports the following: New: Programming Support IBM 8880 Storage Control Model 21 New: Programming Support The IBM 3880 Storage Control Model 21 is similar to the Model 11, but has a larger cache, two storage directors, and improved data transfer. The Model 21 has a different addressing scheme than the Model 11. Support for this device modifies block paging by providing sequential access. Now both the Model 11 and the Model 21 can use block paging. Virtual Device Limit Extension • Expanded Storage New: Programming Support • 48 channels in a dyadic configuration This support allows certain virtual machines to attach up to 3280 virtual devices. A new directory option sets the maximum limit of devices for each virtual machine. Expanded storage is a paging assist. VM/SP HPO refers to Expanded Storage as Paging Storage. VM/SP HPO uses Paging Storage as a high-speed paging area for improved performance. The following extensions are associated with this support: • Extensions to the commands and monitor facilities to provide performance data related to the use of Paging Storage • Extensions to page migration to support Paging Storage • Extensions to DDR to print or display the contents of Paging Storage. • Extensions to the SYSPAG macro to support Paging Storage. Miscellaneous Changed: Documentation Only Various technical and editorial changes have been made throughout the publication. Summary of Changes for SC19-6226-8 As Updated July 81, 1984 for Release 8.4 Enhanced Paging Subsystem New: Programming Support Enhanced paging subsystem support, also referred to as block paging, is a new software method designed to improve paging. Enhanced paging Summary of Changes IX subsystem support groups user pages together into swap sets and moves these swap sets in and out of storage as a group. The support is designed to improve response time for interactive users. New: Programming Support Performance Enhancements The DASD block I/O system service allows a virtual machine fast, device-independent asynchronous access to fixed size blocks on CMS formatted virtual DASD I/O devices. New: Programming Support IUCV The performance on a dyadic processor with a high-speed buffer (cache) is improved without impacting the performance on UP processors. This improved performance is achieved because of the alignment of frequently obtained control blocks on cache-line boundaries, local dispatcher and free-storage queues for each processor, and run queue scanning by processors waiting for work. Changed: Programming Support Miscellaneous Inter-User Communication Vehicle (IUCV) extensions provide: • • • • • SEND and REPLY extensions An extended mask for control interrupts An expanded trace to record all lUCY operations A macro option to initialize the parameter list Support for the DASD block I/O system service Changed: Documentation Only 3088 Multisystem Communications Unit Various technical and editorial changes have been made throughout the publication. New: Hardware Support Summary of Changes for SCI9-6226-2 As Updated October 21, 1983 for VM/SP HPO Release 3.2 r.che 3088 Multisystem Communications Unit interconnects multiple systems that use block multiplexer channels. The 3088 uses an unshared subchannel for each unique address and is compatible with existing channel-to-channel adapter protocol. VM/SP BPO Release 3.2 incorporates the features from all previous VM/SP HPO releases and provides the functional extensions of VM/SP Release 3. CMS IUCV Support VM/System Product Release 3 Programmable Operator Facility Changed: Programming Support Enhancements to the programmable operator facility that have been added are: CMS now supports lUCY communications. This support allows multiple programs within a virtual machine to use lUCY functions. Included is the ability to initialize a CMS virtual machine for lUCY communication and to invoke lUCY functions via new CMS macros. These macros also allow the user to specify path-specific exits for lUCY external interrupts. CMS Abend Exits • • • • • Message routing with nicknames Remote node availability Enhanced text comparison EXEC action routines LOG recording and error handling PER Command New: Programming Support A general CMS abnormal exit capability is provided so that user programs can specify the address of a routine to receive control before CMS ABEND recovery begins. An exit is established and cleared through a new CMS macro, ABNEXIT. New: Programming Support Enhanced Immediate Command Support Problem determination capability is extended by the new CP command PER. DASD Block I/O System Service x Changed: Programming Support The immediate command capability of CMS is extended to allow users to define their own immediate commands. Enhanced VSAM Support Documentation Changed: Programming Support Minor technical and editorial changes have been made throughout this publication. CMS supports VSEjVSAM Release 3 which includes enhancements designed to improve catalog reliability and integrity while providing additional serviceability and usability. VSEjVSAM Release 2 is not supported. Summary of Changes for SC19-6226-l As Updated March 30, 1983 for VMjSP HPO Release 3 Miscellaneous IBM 3880 Storage Control Model 11 Changed: Programming Support New: Hardware Support Changes to the DIAGNOSE zero interface provide the time zone differential from Greenwich Mean Time. DIAGNOSE X'8C' allows a virtual machine to access device-dependent information without having to issue a WRITE STRUCTURE FIELD QUERY REPLY. CMSSEG has been eliminated and the code is merged into the eMS nucleus. The IBM 3880 Storage Control Model 11 implements preferred system paging for 3550 direct access storage devices. The most frequently used pages are kept in main storage. Other frequently used pages are kept in an electronic storage array, or cache, where they can be quickly transferred to main storage. VMjSystem Product Release 2 New: Expanded Programming Support CMSjVSAM Support of the 3380 Direct Access Storage Changed: Programming Support CMSjVSAM supports the use of VSAM formatted 3380 Direct Access Storage for the OS VSAM environment. VMjSP Release 2 is the prerequisite program product for VMjSP HPO Release 3. VMjSP HOP Release 3 operates in conjunction with VMjSP Release 2 and incorporates the new and expanded programming facilities, features, and support provided by VMjSP Release 2. Miscellaneous Changed: Documentation Minor technical and editorial changes have been made throughout this publication. Summary of Changes Xl Introduction This section describes: • The format messages VM/SP High Performance Option (HPO) program product generates. • Syntax conventions used in this publication. • CP problem determination procedures. VM/SP HPO Message Format VM/SP HPO generates messages from the Control Program (CP), the Conversational Monitor System (CMS), the Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS), and the Interactive Problem Control System (IPCS). Messages consist of a message identifier and message text. The identifier (for example, DMKCQG020E) uniquely identifies the message. The text is a short phrase or sentence describing a condition that has occurred or requesting a response from the user. The message identifier consists of four fields: a prefix, a module code, a message number, and a type code. The format of the message identifier is: xxxmmrnnnns s is the type code, a letter that indicates what kind of condition caused the message. The definition of the type codes depends on the nature of the routine producing the message, as shown in Figure 2. Prefix CP Commands (DMK) Code A I W E CMS R Commands I (DMS) W E S T RSCS R Commands I (DMT) E S T IPCS R Commands I (DMM) E S Service A D Routines E I W Figure 2. Meaning Immediate physical action Information Warning or System Wait Error Response Information Warning Error Severe error Terminal (unrecoverable) error Response Information Error Severe error Terminal (unrecoverable) error Response Information Error Severe Error Immediate physical action Immediate decision Eventual action Information System wait Types and Meanings of Severity Codes where: xxx is the prefix. Messages are prefixed as follows: • • • • mmm nnn CP messages - DMK CMS messages - DMS RSCS messages - DMT IPCS messages - DMM is the module code, three letters that indicate which module generated the message. This field is usually an abbreviation of the name of the module in which the error occurred. is the message number, three digits that are associated with the condition that caused the message to be generated. VM/SP System Product Editor Error messages for the System Product Editor are located in the CMS section of this publication. All VM/SP System Product Editor messages are within the 500 range (DMSxxx500E - DMSxxx599S). Messages With 4nxx Identifiers All messages issued from the CMSBAM discontiguous shared segment, as well as many of the messages issued from the CMSVSAM and CMSAMS discontiguous shared segments are identified by a 4nxx prefix. The text of these messages is in VSE format rather than the standard CMS format. Explanations for these messages are Introduction 1 not in this manual. The appropriate message manual to be used for reference for 4nxx prefix messages is determined by the associated access method. Messages relating to Sequential Access Method (SAM) are described in VSE/ Advanced Functions Messages. Messages relating to Virtual System Access Method (VSAM) are described in VSE/ VSAM Messages and Codes. Syntax Conventions The syntax used in the messages and commands in this publication is as follows: 1. Anything within quotes ' ... ' and/or in lowercase letters is replaced at execution time with information in the format described within the quotes. 2. Anything within braces {... I... } indicates alternate text and/or information selected at execution time. 3. Anything within brackets m..." may be optionally left out, depending on the condition arising. Unnumbered Responses All normal, unnumbered responses indicating the successful completion of a command (such as rea1y message, R;) are included in the VM/ SP CMS Command and Macro Reference, the VM/ SP HPO CP Command Reference for General Users, and the VM/ SP HPO Operator's Guide. MNOTES Unnumbered responses can also be the result of executing system generation macro instruction or service programs. These responses, referred to as MNOTES, are documented in logic listings only. Displaying Messages at the Terminal When you log on to VM/SP HPO at your terminal, the default setting for the display of messages is TEXT. This means that only the text portion of the message appears when the message is displayed. The message identifier is not displayed. Since this book is organized by message numbers within component codes, it will be difficult for you to find the explanations of messages if you search through the book for the message text. Therefore, you should issue the CP command SET EMSG ON after you log on. This command causes the message identifier to be displayed along with the text. Note: If you do not use the SET EMSG ON command, refer to "Appendix D: Message Text-to-Message Identifier Cross Reference" for the first line of the message. See Figure 3 for a list of variables used in this publication. CP Problem Determination CP error messages are divided into several categories according to the number (nnn) of the message. See Figure 4 for a complete list of message numbers and related functions. The general user (class G) and other users receive error messages in the range 001 to 349. Messages ranging from 350 to 699 are for the primary system operator only. Messages ranging from 700 to 999 cover CP service routines and are usually observed only by system support personnel. General User Action If in the normal use of CP commands error messages in the range of 001 to 349 persist, the user should perform the following steps before contacting your system representative for programming assistance. 1. Keep the terminal sheet that identifies the problem. 2. Attempt to reproduce the problem, making sure that the full error message function is in effect by issuing the CP command: Special Message Facility The Special Message Facility is a method of transferring special messages from a user to a specially programmed receiving virtual machine. The CP SET SMSG ON command is issued to allow a virtual machine to receive special messages. 2 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes SET EMSG ON Variable Meaning Numbers Related Function addr 001-349 user id bbcchh cm cmd cpuid csw cyl Address for both virtual and real devices Identifier for a specific user Bin, cylinder, and head Command code Command Processor identifier Channel status word Cylinder CP commands and console functions Nucleus loading Paging Spooling Dispatching and service routines Directory routine Input/output error recovery Input/output error recording Machine check recovery devname fileid Device name fn ft fm fm File mode fn File name ft File type imag m, mm, or mmmm mode name n, nn, or nnnn psw raddr rstor rc rid segname 475-499 500-549 550-599 600-649 700-729 Reserved for IBM use only DDR (dump restore) service program 730-749 FMT (format) service program 650-699 DIR (directory) service program Reserved for IBM use only Image name 850-899 DMM (VMFDUMP) service routine Numerical information 900-999 Checkpoint, warm start, dump initialization Mode letter or mode letter and mode number System name Numerical information Program status word Real device address Real storage address Return code Resource information Figure 4. 3. CP Error Message Numbers Obtain the virtual machine's current configuration by issuing the CP command: QUERY VIRTUAL 4. Where appropriate, and depending upon conditions, obtain a virtual storage dump by issuing the CP command: DUMP O-END Segment name Sense data Address of terminal being used type IBM device type userid Signon identifier for a user vaddr Virtual device address volid vstor Volume identifier Virtual storage address Hexadecimal information xxxx Figure 3. 450-474 750-799 term-addr or 425-449 800-849 sense X,XX, 350-399 400-424 System Operator Action System operators (classes A, B, C, and D) who observe problems with CP commands should do the following: 1. Keep the console output sheet identifying the problem. 2. Attempt to reproduce the problem with full error message by issuing the CP command: Variables Used SET EMSG ON 3. Obtain the real machine's configuration status by issuing the CP command: QUERY ALL 4. Reissue the CP command that has been causing the errors. If the problem recurs, force a CP abend dump by pressing the RESTART key (not RESET). This technique automatically suppresses tracing while storage is being Introduction 3 dumped. When the system restarts, use the VMFDUMP command to format and print the dump. Caution: This will cause a system restart and all users must log on again. The advantage of using this technique is that it provides you with a formatted dump. If it is too disruptive to log off all users, you can obtain a dump using the CP command DMCP, which allows all users to remain logged on. Such a dump goes directly to the printer and is not formatted. Note: You must weigh the advantages and disadvantages of both techniques. 5. If you use the DMCP command, first reissue the CP command causing the problem. Then enter "alter/display" mode and display the following: a. b. c. D P - PSW D G - General registers D C - Control registers ~c, 4 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes Next, use the class A CP command MONITOR STOP CPTRACE to turn off tracing. Otherwise, the dump would show the dumping activity in the trace table. Then obtain the dump by issuing: DMCP O-END Last, turn tracing back on by issuing the CP command MONITOR START CPTRACE. Note: If you do not have privilege class A, you can stop tracing by issuing the class C command STCP to store X'OOOO' at location X'400', and resume tracing by storing X'FFFF' at location X'400'. Refer to the VM/SP Library Guide and Master Index, Order Number GC19-6207 for unfamiliar terms used in this publication. Return Codes A return code of zero is passed to register 15 if no warning messages, error messages, severe error messages, or terminal error messages are generated during execution of a command. If however, during execution of a command, a condition arises that results in the display of a warning message, error message, severe error message, or terminal error message, the command passes a nonzero return code in register 15. Commands that invoke program products pass a nonzero return code to the user. However, this return code has been redefined by the program product or compiler in operation. Note: The following list does not contain all return codes. Other return codes are shown in the descriptive text of the issuing message. 8 Device errors occurred for which a Warning message is issued, or errors were introduced into the output file. 12 Errors were found in the input file. 20 There is an invalid character in the fileid. Valid characters are: 0-9, A-Z, $, @, #, and a-z. 24 The user did not correctly specify the command line. 28 An error occurred while trying to access, or manipulate, a user's files; for example, file not found. 32 The user's file is not in the expected format, or the user's file does not contain the expected information or an attempt was made to execute a LOADMOD command while in CMS subset mode. This would cause the module to be loaded in the user area. Code Meaning -0001 No CP command with this name was found. (The CP error code of + 1 is converted by CMS to -0001 for commands entered from the virtual console.) 36 An attempt was made to execute a CMS command while in CMS subset mode, which would have caused the module to be loaded in the user area (LOADMOD error code 32). An error occurred in the user's devices. For example, a disk is in read-only status, and needs to be in write status in order to write out a file. 40 A functional error by the user occurred during execution of the command, or the user failed to supply all the necessary conditions for executing the command, or an end of file or end of tape was reached (where applicable). -0002 -0003 No CMS command issued from EXEC was found with this name, or an invalid function occurred when issuing the SET or QUERY command from EXEC with IMPCP active. -0004 The LOADMOD failed (for example, there was an error in the module). 41 Insufficient storage was available to execute the command. -0005 A LOADMOD was attempted in the wrong environment (for example, the module was generated by the GENMOD command with the OS option and LOADMOD was attempted with DOS = ON specified). 88 A CMS system restriction prevented execution of the command, or the function requested is an unsupported feature, or the device requested is an unsupported device. 100 Input/output device errors. 4 The user did not specify all the conditions to execute the command as intended. Execution of the command continues, but the result mayor may not be as the user intended. 104 A functional error for which the system is responsible occurred during execution of the command. 256 An unexpected error for which the system is responsible (Terminal Error) occurred during execution of the command. Return Codes 5 Return Codes Produced by the CP DIRECT Command Return codes produced by the CP DIRECT command are listed in Figure 5. xx is the CMS routine return code. Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 lxx 2xx Meaning Invalid filename or file not found Error loading the directory Invalid option from CMS Directory not swapped, user not class A, B, or C Directory not swapped, system (old) directory locked Directory not swapped, the directory in use by the system is not the directory updated Error in the CMS RDBUF routine Error in the CMS TYPLIN routine Figure 5. The result will be one of the following: R; a successful execution. R(nnnnn); indicating an error. If nnnnn contains a CMS return code, the error occurred in CMS. However if nnnnn contains a CP message identifier, the error occurred in CPo Return codes can be used by system programmers in the DEBUG subcommand and also in EXEC procedures. See the VM/ SP CMS Command and Macro Reference for a description of the &RETCODE special variable. Return Codes Produced by the CMS DDRCommand The CMS DDR command produces several return codes. These return codes, along with their meanings are listed in Figure 7. xx is the CMS routine return code. Return Codes Produced by the CP DIRECT Command Code Meaning 1 Invalid filename or file not found Error running the program 2 Flagged DASD track 3 Permanent tape or DASD I/O error 4 Error in PRINTIO routine lxx Error in CONREAD routine 2xx Error in RDBUF routine 3xx 4xx Error in TYPLIN routine Error in DECODING routine 20 Sample Return Code froin a CP Command An example of the CP LINK command invoked while in CMS mode is shown in Figure 6. Commands or functions of commands passed to CP, in turn, pass the return code (via CP) to register 15. ~pl ems ~M/SP eMS - mm/dd/yy hh:mm Figure 7. ~----------------------------- Return Codes Produced by the CMS DDRCommand ~------------------------------ pp link to * vaddrl as vaddr2 r Return Codes Produced by IPCS Figure 6. Example of a CP LINK Command The user has entered the CP LINK command to userid *. The user's own directory will be searched for device vaddrl. Vaddr2 is the virtual address assigned to the device for this virtual machine. Read-only access is requested. No password is required because the user has linked to one of his own disks. 6 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes There are two return codes produced by IPCS. These return codes are as follows: Code Meaning 4 An incorrectly entered parameter. 8 System failure; a read/write error or an invalid internal parameter. CP Wait State Codes 001 Explanation: The machine check handler has encountered an unrecoverable failure. Probable hardware error. Issued by module DMKMCH and DMKMCT. Note: This wait state is also loaded if a malfunction alert occurred on the main processor. Operator Response: Run the System Environment Record Edit and Print (SEREP) program before restarting the system. To restart, clear storage and IPL the system, specifying CKPT start. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. Do not use the SEREP program on 4341, 4381, 308x processor complex, and 3090 processors as you will get invalid results. 002 Explanation: The channel check handler has encountered an unrecoverable failure. Probable hardware error. Issued by module DMKCCH. To determine the specific failing condition, examine the contents of register 14 at the time of the wait state. Operator Response: Reload (via IPL) the system. To restart, clear storage and IPL the system, specifying CKPT start. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. 004 Explanation: A system failure occurred before a valid warm start was performed. Issued by module DMKDMP. Operator Response: Reload (via IPL) the system. If the error persists, clear storage before attempting another IPL. If the problem persists after the second IPL with cleared storage, a cold start is probably required. Save the dump produced on the prespecified dump device for your system support personnel. Refer to the message description for possible causes. 005 Operator Response: Run the System Environment Record Edit and Print (SEREP) program before restarting the system. To restart, clear storage and IPL the system, specifying CKPT start. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. Do not use the SEREP program on 4341, 4381, 308x processor complex, and 3090 processors as you will get invalid results. Explanation: The CP initialization module (DMKCPI) could not find an operational primary or alternate console. Probable hardware error. Issued by module DMKCPI. Operator Response: Reload (via IPL) the system. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. 003 006 Explanation: A system failure occurred during dump processing or restart processing. Module DMKDMP issues this message when it detects one of the following conditions: 1. The system attempts to write the dump to a printer, but no printers have been defined in DMKRIO. 2. The system attempts to write the dump to a printer, but all printers are offline. Explanation: This is a normal wait when a system shutdown is completed. Issued by module DMKCPI. Operator Response: Follow normal operating procedures. 007 3. The system is unable to restart itself due to a fatal I/O error condition on an IPL device. 4. A fatal I/O error condition occurs on a dump device (either a tape or printer). Explanation: A program check, a machine check, a permanent I/O error, invalid warm start data, an invalid warm start cylinder, or a full warm start cylinder was encountered by the checkpoint program. Issued by module DMKCKP. Operator Response: For message DMKCKP901 W, run SEREP to document the machine check, then CP Wait State Codes 7 contact your system support personnel. For message DMKCKP902W, an indication of an unrecoverable I/O error, move the SYSRES volume if possible and try to checkpoint the system. For message DMKCKP910W, if more than one SYSRES volume is mounted, check to see that the correct volume is loaded (via IPL) and try a checkpoint operation. If the operation fails again use the following procedure. This procedure is to be used for all other DMKCKP messages as well. 822 Block address of the last page of the CP nucleus (4 bytes) An error message preceding the wait state mayor may not be displayed, depending upon the status of the console. If the error message is not displayed, hexadecimal location 808 contains the address of the error message (60 bytes in length). 008 1. Dump the first 3000 hexadecimal storage locations. 2. Dump the warm start cylinders. 3. Contact program support personnel. 4. To restart, clear storage and initialize the system, specifying CKPT start. The following storage locations contain information related to wait state 007. Explanation: Checkpoint and system shutdown are complete or system recovery has failed. Issued by module DMKCKP. Operator Response: If messages preceded the wait, follow normal operating procedures prescribed by your installation after shutdown. If messages did not precede the wait, either: 1. The console printer was unavailable for some reason. Before initializing a new system, make sure the console printer has been made operational, or 2. The system is running from the alternate console. Messages DMKCKP9101, DMKCKP911W, DMKCKP9601, and DMKCKP961 W do not appear on the alternate console. Follow normal operating procedures prescribed by your installation after shutdown. Hexadecimal Location Contents 10 40 48 808 816 818 820 828 848 800-17FF 1800-3000 Sense data up to 24 bytes Channel status word (8 bytes) Channel address word (4 bytes) Pointer to error message (4 bytes) Cylinder address of the first nucleus cylinder (2 bytes) Cylinder address of the last nucleus cylinder (2 bytes) Device class of SYSRES device (RDEVTYPC) BBCCHHR of the DMKSAV module on disk-7 bytes (count-key-data) or locate block number (FB-512) Current seek address BBCCHHR (count-key-data) or locate block number (FB-512) Checkpoint program (DMKCKP) Checkpoint work area and 4096-byte buffer If the SYSRES device is FB-512 (RDEVTYPC = CLASFBA), the contents of the following hexadecimal locations are changed: 816 8 Block address of the first page of the CP nucleus (4 bytes) IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 009 Explanation: An error condition occurred which prevents a warm start. Issued by module DMKWRM. Operator Response: If the message is DMKWRM904W or DMKWRM921W, immediately retry warm start system initialization. If the error message recurs, move the VM/SP HPO SYSRES pack to another location and try a warm start again. If message DMKWRM903W or DMKWRM912W is encountered, ensure that all system volumes (no duplicate labels) are correctly mounted, and then attempt a warm start. If warm start errors persist, force a system dump to the printer by pressing the system console RESTART key, and save the results for the installation support personnel. If the message is DMKWRM920W, restart the system using CKPT start. Otherwise, use a FORCE or COLD start. OOA Explanation: A machine check occurred while DMKSAV was attempting to save or restore a page image copy of the nucleus on a SYSRES device. Probable hardware error. Issued by module DMKSAV. Operator Response: Run the System Environment Record Edit and Print (SEREP) program before reloading. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. Do not use the SEREP program on 4341,4381, 308x processor complex, and 3090 processors as you will get invalid results. issued, reload (via IPL) the system, using the FORCE option of the START command. If message DMKCKS903E or DMKCKS912E is issued, ensure that all system volumes (no duplicate labels) are correctly mounted, and then attempt a CKPT start. If message DMKCKS917E is issued, reload (via IPL) the system via a COLD start. OOF Explanation: Hardware errors are being received on the system paging device(s). Issued by module DMKPAG. OOB Operator Response: This wait state is preceded by message Explanation: A machine check error occurred during system initialization. Prob able hardware error. Issued by module DMKCPI. DMKPAG415E CONTINUOUS PAGING ERRORS FROM DASD xxx Operator Response: Run the System Environment Record Edit and Print (SEREP) program before performing another IPL. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. Do not use the SEREP program on 4341,4381, 308x processor complex, and 3090 processors as you will get invalid results. ooc Explanation: An IPL was performed on a system volume that had never had a nucleus written on it. Operator Response: Follow normal operating procedure. If there are multiple paging devices on the system, disable the device causing the error condition and reload (via IPL) the system. Or, move the paging volume pack to another physical device. This error condition results if the system paging volume has not been formatted correctly. 010 Explanation: A recoverable error occurred during a system nucleus save operation. Issued by module DMKSAV. Operator Response: This wait state is preceded by either the message DMKSAV350W or DMKSAV351 W. Correct the problem stated in the message and present an external interrupt to initiate a retry. OOD Explanation: The generated system is larger than the real machine size, or else a hardware malfunction has occurred which inhibits the system from using the necessary storage. Issued by module DMKCPI. Operator Response: Take a standalone dump and notify the system programmer. 011 Explanation: An unrecoverable I/O error occurred. Issued by module DMKSAV. Operator Response: This wait state is preceded by message DMKSAV352W or DMKSAV353W. Correct the problem stated in the message and load (IPL) the tape again. OOE 012 Explanation: An error condition prevents a CKPT start. Issued by module DMKCKS. Operator Response: If message DMKCKS915E is issued, try CKPT start again. If the error persists, move the VM/SP HPO SYSRES pack to another DASD and try again. If message DMKCKS916E is Explanation: This is a normal wait state on completion of a nucleus load. Issued by module DMKSAV. Operator Response: Follow normal operating procedure. CP Wait State Codes 9 013 Explanation: The machine check handler encountered an unrecoverable error on the attached processor. Probable hardware error. Issued by module DMKMCT. Notes: 1. 2. This wait state is also loaded if a malfunction alert occurred on the attached processor and CP was in control. This wait state is also issued by DMKAPI during Attached Processor initialization: either because of a malfunction alert or unrecoverable machine check on the attached (being varied on) processor. Operator Response: Run the System Environment Record Edit and Print (SEREP) program before restarting the system. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. Do not use the SEREP program on 4341,4381, 308x processor complex, and 3090 processors as you will get invalid results. To restart, clear storage and IPL the system, specifying CKPT start. Note: VM/SP HPO cannot checkpoint and warm start after a machine check error on System/370 Models 165 and 168. The inability to warm start is caused by running the 165 or 168 SEREP program. 014 Explanation: A failing storage frame was encountered during a CP system save or check point operation. Issued by DMKSAV and DMKCKP. Operator Response: Run the System Environment Record Edit and Print (SEREP) program before restarting the system. To restart the system, clear storage and initialize (via IPL) the VM/SP HPO system, specifying CKPT start. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. Explanation: A SIGP issued to the attached processor during system initialization by DMKCPI or DMKAPI was unsuccessful. The following information is made available: 10 Rl = SIGP status information when the SIGP condition code is 1 • R2 = Processor address that was signalled Note: The wait state PSW will contain the condition code returned from the SIGP. The PSW is in the BC format. Refer to the IBM System/370 Principles of Operation for a functional description of the SIGP instruction. Operator Response: If hardware errors are present, run the System Environment Record Edit and Print (SEREP) program before retrying. If the status information indicates an operator intervention, clear the condition on the attached processor and reinitialize CPo If the status indicator of the required microprogram is not loaded, load the microprogram and reinitialize CPo If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. Do not use the SEREP program on 4341, 4381, 308x processor complex, and 3090 processors as you will get invalid results. 016 Explanation: (1) The CP initialization module (DMKCPI) could not connect the channel set to the main processor or the IPL device is not accessible through any available channel set. Probable hardware error. Issued by DMKCPI. (2) A hardware error occurred on the I/O processor or the I/O processor was being varied offline. An attempt to disconnect, then connect the channel set to the attached processor failed. Probable hardware error. Issued by DMKCPU. Operator Response: Run the System Environment Record Edit and Print (SEREP) program before restarting the system. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. To restart, clear storage and initialize the VM/SP HPO system, specifying checkpoint start. 017 Explanation: An I/O error occurred while attempting to read page 2 of the DMKCKP module from the system residence volume during an IPL or restart. 015 • • RO = SIGP order code IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes Operator Response: Correct the I/O error and re-IPL. 018 Explanation: Invalid TOD clock. The clock must be set before an IPL can be completed. Issued by module DMKCPI. Note: If the system residence volume was restored or copied from a different sized FB-512 device (for example, from 3370 to 3310), the problem can occur even when the allocation extent map looks correct. To fix this, run the IPL FMT allocation function and include END as the sole entry. Operator Response: Manually do a clock set; if that fails, call IBM for hardware assistance. Ole 019 Explanation: (1) This processor is being terminated, and its new PSWs have been set up by the processor termination routine to load disabled wait PSWs with code X'019'. This processor then took an interruption. (2) The processor termination routine was entered on this processor while processor termination was in process for this processor. (issued by DMKMCT). (3) Processor termination was in process for the other processor, but the other processor continued to run and obtained a system lock. (Issued by DMKCPP and DMKMCT.) Explanation: The DEVTYPE operand in the RDEVICE macro of DMKRIO does not match the actual device type value obtained from an RDC CCW during IPL of the SYSRES device. Operator Response: Correct the DEVTYPE operand in the RDEVICE macro sothat it matches the actual device type. Then rebuild the CP nucleus and re-IPL. OlD Explanation: A dump was written to an area of DASD that has no ALOCBLOK associated with it. Module DMKDMP issues this wait state. Operator Response: Usually caused by bad status received during a SIGP, which initiates processor termination actions. The bad status may have been caused by hitting the STOP button on one processor in the configuration. If STOP is to be hit, both processors in the configuration must be STOPed. If neither processor has been manually stopped, there is probably a hardware error associated with the SIGP function. Operator Response: Examine the allocation record of the dump volume with the FORMAT/ALLOCATE program. Verify that the areas of the dump volume that will not be used are labeled as 'PERM'. If the allocation is correct and the problem persists, contact system support personnel. OIB 027 Explanation: During IPL, a wrong or inconsistent allocation extent map was found on the FB-512 system residence volume. Module DMKCPI issues this message. Explanation: An unrecoverable I/O error occurred or system input is incorrect. Issued by module DMKSSP. Operator Response: Use IPL FMT program to check the allocation extent map; use the END statement only to display current status). In case of error, correct it and re-IPL. Operator Response: Correct the input/output error or the system input, and reload (via IPL) the starter system. CP Wait State Codes 11 Loader Wait State Codes The loader (DMKLDOOE) is a service program that loads a CP, CMS, or RSCS nucleus, and produces a load map. The loader loads the object modules (TEXT files) supplied with it, resolves CCW addresses, and resolves address constants. 64 Explanation: An error occurred during conversion of a value from hexadecimal to binary format. This can be caused by invalid input in one of the loader statements, or by an error in the loader. If the loader is terminated, one of the following wait conditions is indicated in the instruction counter: Code Meaning X'111111' A program check occurred. When loading a nucleus with a V = R area, the user area must include: loader + nucleus that is being loaded + the V = R area = total storage requirement. The area must be larger than this total to use the loader. (Refer to the VM/ SP HPO Installation Guide.) X'222222' X'999999' A unit check occurred while the bootstrap routine was reading in the loader. An SVC was issued. X'AAAAAA' A failing storage frame was entered while loading the CP nucleus. This is a hardware error. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. X'BBBBBB' A machine check occurred. X'CCCCCC' An I/O error occurred on the card reader. X'FFFFFF' An I/O error occurred for the console (X'OO' contains the message UNRECOVERABLE ERROR), or the control card for changing the default I/O addresses for the printer or terminal is invalid (X'OO' contains the message BAD DEVICE CARD or INVALID DEVICE SPECIFIED). If the instruction counter contains X'999999', Operator Response: Validate the copy of the loader you are currently using against the copy on the original distribution tape. If the current copy is no longer valid, replace it. If the input in the statements is invalid, correct it. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. 65 Explanation: There is no more free storage available for the loader. Operator Response: Define a larger storage size for the virtual machine and reexecute the loader. 66 Explanation: A duplicate type 1 ESD (External Symbol Dictionary) entry has been encountered. The loader cannot resolve this reference. This may be the result of a duplicate text deck in the input stream, or of having the same label in two different text decks in the same input stream. Operator Response: Close the printer to get the load map printed. Look at the load map to see which text deck and which entry are causing the problem. If you can correct the problem, do so; otherwise, contact your system support personnel. 67 Explanation: The "name" in the LDT (Loader Terminate) statement is undefined. Operator Response: Verify that the name in the LDT statement is correct; if it is, make sure that it is defined as an entry point in the program to be loaded. indicating an SVC wait state, examine the interruption code (the third and fourth bytes of the supervisor old PSW). The interruption codes (shown in hexadecimal below) indicate the error condition. Loader Wait State Codes 13 68 6B Explanation: The control section named in the ICS (Include Control Section) statement was not found by end of file. Explanation: The object modules being loaded are about to overlay an address between 0 and 100 (hexadecimal). This state can result if an SLC card changed the address at which loading was to start. Operator Response: Verify that the control section name in the rcs statement is correct; if it is, make sure that the control section is defined in the program to be loaded. 69 Explanation: The loader attempted to add another entry to the reference table, which would have caused the table to overflow. Since the reference table supplied by VM/SP HPO is large enough to allow the CP nucleus to be generated, it must be assumed that the inclusion of local additions to the CP nucleus have caused the excessive references to be generated. Operator Response: Increase the size of the reference table by changing the MAXREF equate field in the source code for the loader program, reassembling it, and then reexecuting the loader. Once the size of the reference table has been increased, error code 6A may occur. In that case, define a larger storage size for the virtual machine. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. Attempting to load an incorrectly assembled text deck can also cause this wait state to occur. Operator Response: Check the SLC card to make sure it does not specify an address between 0 and 100 (hex). If you must place data at an address within that range, do not use the loader to do so. Use a program containing a Move Character instruction after the loaded system has started execution. The loaded program is responsible for initializing that part of storage. If the wait state results from an attempt to load an incorrectly assembled text deck, the load map will indicate this. The last deck in the load map will be flagged with an error message. 6C Explanation: A failing storage frame was encountered while loading the CP nucleus. Operator Response: If the problem persists, contact your support personnel. 6A 6D Explanation: The object modules being loaded are about to overlay the loader. Explanation: The loader is trying to release storage that is not on a doubleword boundary. This is an internal loader error. Operator Response: Define a larger storage size for the virtual machine. To see which module was about to overlay the loader, close the printer to get the load map printed. The last line of the load map indicates the last module that was loaded. 14 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes Operator Response: Re-execute the copy of the loader that is in your reader. If the problem persists, regenerate the system to be loaded and try to execute it again. If the problem still persists, the current copy of the loader itself may be damaged; replace it with the loader on the distribution tape. If the problem still persists, contact your system support personnel. RSCS Wait State Codes Wait state codes listed in this section are related to the VMj370 component of the Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem. See the appropriate publications for the Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem Networking Program Product (5748-XP1) wait state codes. When RSCS enters a wait state, the RSCS operator is notified via the CP message: DMKDSP450W CP ENTERED; DISABLED WAIT PSW issued to the RSCS operator's console. Using CP commands, the operator can display the virtual machine's PSW. The three rightmost hexadecimal characters indicate the error condition. 001 Explanation: If no RSCS message was issued, a program check interrupt has occurred during the execution of the program check handler. The probable cause is a programming error. If the RSCS message DMTREX091T INITIALIZATION FAILURE -RSCS SHUTDOWN was issued, RSCS operation has been terminated because of an error in the loading of DMTAXS or DMTLAX. A dump of virtual storage is automatically taken. Verify that the CMS files DMTAXS TEXT and DMTLAX TEXT are correctly written and resident on the RSCS system residence device. If the RSCS message DMTREX090T PROGRAM CHECK IN SUPERVISOR -- RSCS SHUTDOWN was issued, the program check handler has terminated RSCS due to a program check interrupt in other than a dispatched line driver. The probable cause is a programming error. The wait state code is loaded by DMTREX at RSCS termination or automatically during program check handling. 007 Explanation: A program check interrupt has occurred during initial processing, before the program check handler could be activated. This may be caused by a programming error or by an attempt to load RSCS into an incompatible virtual machine. The latter case can occur if the virtual machine (1) has an incomplete instruction set, (2) has less than 512K of virtual storage, or (3) does not have the required VMj370 Diagnose interface support. The wait state code is loaded automatically during the initial loading and execution of the RSCS supervisor, DMTINI, DMTREX, DMTAXS, and DMTLAX. Operator Response: Verify that the RSCS virtual machine configuration has been correctly specified and that the "retrieve subsequent file description" function of DIAGNOSE code X'14' is supported. Dump the contents of virtual storage via the CP DUMP command. If the problem persists, notify your system support personnel. 011 Explanation: An unrecoverable error has occurred during the reading of the RSCS nucleus from DASD storage. This may be caused by a hardware malfunction of the DASD device. It may be the result of (1) an incorrect virtual DASD device definition, (2) an attempt to use a system residence device unsupported by RSCS, (3) incorrect RSCS system generation procedures, or (4) the subsequent overwriting of the RSCS nucleus on the system residence device. The wait state code is loaded by DMTINI after an attempt, successful or not, to issue the message: DMTINI4021 IPL DEVICE READ I/O ERROR Operator Response: Verify that the RSCS system residence device has been properly defined as a virtual DASD device and that the real DASD device is mounted and operable. If the problem persists, dump virtual storage via the CP DUMP command and notify your system support personnel. The RSCS system residence device may have to be restarted or the RSCS system may have to be regenerated. Operator Response: If neither of the above two messages was issued, use the CP DUMP command to dump the contents of virtual storage. IPL to restart. If the problem persists, notify your system support personnel. RSCS Wait State Codes 15 CP Abend Codes System Operator Action When a CP abend occurs, you should do the following: • collect information about the error and the system status • recover from the abend so processing can continue. The dump resulting from the abend is usually placed in a spooling file. (See the c1ass-B SET command, SET DUMP, in the Operator's Guide to alter the characteristics and receiving unit of the dump.) This spool file is spooled automatically to the virtual reader of the operator who, at system generation time, was designated to receive all dumps. The specified operator should IPL eMS and issue the VMFDUMP command (see the VM/SP HPO Operator's Guide) to format and print the dump. Information Collection System operators should save and submit the following to determine the problem/s: • the formatted dump • the console sheet, as far back as the last IPL of the system • the output of any Monitor program running at the time of the abend. As a result, a copy of the load map will be sent to your virtual reader, can be read in as a CMS file, and printed as many times as necessary. In some instances you may want to write a dump to tape and send it to another location, for example to submit an APAR by mail. To do so, use the following procedure: • issue the command SET DUMP CP to write the dump to a spool file • use the VMFDUMP NOPRT command to format this spool file and write it onto a CMS disk • write this disk file on tape by issuing the CMS command TAPE DUMP. Once this tape reaches another location, it can be recreated on disk with the TAPE LOAD command. Recovering from the Abend The system usually reloads itself via IPL. If it does not, you should attempt a warm start. If you receive errors from which you can recover, correct the cause of the error and attempt to warm start again. If unrecoverable errors occur, clear storage and try to checkpoint (CKPT) start. Should this fail, try to force start. If this fails too, you must cold start the system. The following pages list the CP abend codes, the modules that issue the codes, the cause of the abend, and the action the system programmer should take to locate and correct the error that caused the abend. Reporting the Abend If you are going to submit an APAR (authorized program analysis report), you should include with it the items listed above as well as a load map showing applied updates and resolved locations. System Programmer Action To obtain multiple copies of the load map, enter RDR when this prompt appears at system generation time: Figure 8 describes the reasons for each of the CP abend codes and discusses what the system programmer should do to locate and correct the error that caused the abend. ROUTE LOAD MAP TO PRINTER OR READER? -RESPOND (RDR PRT) CP Abend Codes 17 Abend Code APIOOI ATSOOI ATSOO2 ATSOO3 ATSOO4 ATSOO5 ATSOO6 Reason for Abend The global system lock or the system operator's VMBLOK lock could not be obtained by the main processor during IPL. DMKATS was called to make a shared named system unshared. However, the SHRTABLE associated with the shared page that was changed could not be located. A shared page was changed and the corresponding VMABLOK could not be found. During the unshare of a user from a shared named system, DMKSNTBL was brought back in to reconstruct the SWPTABLE of the violator. The named system could not be found in DMKSNTBL. During the unshare of a user from a shared named system, the system volume containing the named system could not be found. During the unshare of a user from a shared named system, a shared CORTABLE entry (R7 contains its address) was found with the I/O lock bit on. The resident page count in the VMBLOK (VMPAGES) does not match the number of CORTABLE entries. Figure 8 (Part 1 of 28). 18 Action Check DMKLOKSY. If the attached processor owns the system lock, check RI2 value in DMKLOKSY 4 to determine who obtained the lock. If the global system lock is held by the main processor, check the system operator's VMBLOK to see if the VMBLOK is locked by the attached processor. If so, VMLOCKER contains the base address of the obtainer at the lock and can be used to determine why the lock was obtained. The SHRTABLE may have been overlaid or the shared page that was changed was altered by another virtual machine. If the SHRTABLE was not overlaid, find out which virtual machine altered the shared page and why it was not detected. A shared page was altered by another virtual machine without being detected. Investigate the system routines that could allow an undetected alteration of a shared page. The SHRTABLE, SAVEWRK2 and SAVEWRK3 area ofDMKATSs save area (R13 contains address of save area) or DMKSNTBL (R4 contains its address) have been altered. Investigate the routine that would allow alteration. The system name table entry (R4 contains its address), the SYSOWN list or the RDEVBLOKs have been altered. Investigate the routine that would allow alteration. The CORTABLE, SHRTABLE, PAGTABLE, or ACORETBL have been altered. Investigate the routine that would allow alteration. Inspect modules that update VMPAGES for the virtual machine. Check the routine to determine why it is inconsistent with the number of CORTABLE entries assigned to this virtual machine. CP Abend Codes IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes Abend Code BLDOOI BLDOO2 BLDOO3 Reason for Abend R8 should contain a pointer to the RDEVBLOK for the user's terminal. DMKBLDVM attempts to create and partially initialize a VMBLOK for a user. DMKBLDVM abnormally terminates if R8 does not contain a pointer to the user. Pages are being released but the page invalid bit is not on in the page table entry. A request was made to build a page table for more than 16 pages. BLDOO4 The routine calling BLD has not cleared all the segment table activity before calling BLD. BLDOO5 An attempt is being made to release a segment whose page table has been migrated. CFGOIO DMKCFGCL was called to perform an unsupported function. Supported values are: X'Ol' LOAD SYS X'02' FIND SYS X'04' PURGE SYS An I/O task is waiting for a RELEASE and the CPEXBLOK for the waiting task cannot be found on the VRRCPEX queue. DMKSCNVU was unable to locate all of the virtual I/O control blocks for the virtual unit address. CFQOOI CFQOO2 Figure 8 (Part 2 of 28). Action Verify that R8 points to an RDEVBLOK for a terminal. If it does not, there is probably an error in the calling program. Identify the calling program by means of the return address and the base register in the same area pointed to by R13. Then, attempt to identify the source of the incorrect RDEVBLOK address. Examine the dump and determine why the page was released without the page invalid bit turned on. R13 points to a save area. SAVER12 contains the base address of the module issuing the request. SAVERI contains the beginning and ending address range of the page table being built. Examine the calling module to determine why Rl is invalid. Examine R6 to ensure that it contains the address of a segment table entry. If it contains the address of a segment table entry, R13 contains the address of the module calling BLD. Examine this module to determine why this segment table entry has not been cleared. Examine R6 to ensure that it contains the address of a segment table entry. If it contains the address of a segment table entry, R13 contains the address of a save area. SAVER12 contains the base address of the address of the module calling BLD. Examine this module to determine why the page table was migrated or why the migration bit was not reset. Identify the caller by the return address and base register in the SAVEAREA pointed to by R13 to identify the source of the unsupported function request. Check the storage dump Y. Determine why the virtual device block is marked as waiting for access to the device, but no CPEXBLOK exist on the VRRCPEX. Queue to resume the task. Determine whether the unit address in register 1 is valid for the user. Register 11 contains the address of the user's VMBLOK. If the VMBLOK is invalid, the user's virtual I/O configuration has been altered because of the abend. Examine the dump to to determine how it was altered. CP Abend Codes CP Abend Codes 19 Abend Code CKSOOI Reason for Abend The map for dynamic checkpoint was not allocated prior to a call to DMKCKSPL. CKSOO2 The spool file identification in the map and in the checkpoint area do not match. CKSOO3 No function was specified in the call to DMKCKSPL. CKVOOI The map for dynamic checkpoint was previously allocated prior to a call to DMKCKVWM. A spool file to be deleted cannot be found on the system printer, punch, or reader file chains. The system TOD clock is not operational on the main processor or attached processor. The wait state can only be received when it is configured with an attached processor. The RDEVBLOK for the DASD on which the SYSRES volume is mounted cannot be located, or the IPL volume is not the SYSRES volume. The SYSRES volume is specified in the SYSRES macro in the DMKSYS module. CKVOO4 CLKOO3 CPIOOI CPIOO2 A valid system directory file could not be located. Figure 8 (Part 3 of 28). 20 Action The map should be allocated via a call to entry points DMKCKSIN or DMKCKVWM from DMKWRM. Check DMKWRM for called entry points and that they do allocate a map. DMKCKVWM or DMKCKSIN did not set up the map properly, a call to DMKCKSPL caused the mismatch, or the SFBLOK was released but the map was not updated. Check SAVERTN in the save area pointed to by R13. This indicates which routine called DMKCKSPL with insufficient data. The map should not be allocated before DMKCKVWM was called. Map pointer field is probably being overlaid. The SFBLOK for the file should have been queued previously on by DMKCKVWM when performing a CKPT start. Check for an error in this logic. Examine the CPABEND code in each processor's PSA to determine the unit receiving the clock error. Call IBM for hardware support to fix the clock. Verify that the serial number SYSRES volume serial number is the same as that specified in DMKSYSVL. If it is not the same, it may have been altered by the LABEL option of the FORMAT function of the standalone CP format program (IPL FMT or DMKFMT). Or the image of the same nucleus saved on the SYSRES may have been partially destroyed and the SYSRES specification altered. Restore nucleus to the SYSRES volume from a backup copy and try to IPL. Display the volume labels for all owned volumes. If the volumes do not contain an active directory pointer, run DMKDIR (the stand-alone directory program) to recreate the system directory on an owned volume. If an active directory pointer is present in at least one volume label, verify that the device is online and ready before trying to IPL the system. Verify that a valid allocation record is present on the volume containing the directory. CP Abend Codes IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes Abend Code CPIOO3 CPIOO4 CPOOO3 CPPOOI CPPOO2 CPVOOI Reason for Abend The system TOD clock is not operational. An error occurred attempting to page out the pageable modules DMKACRO returned a nonzero condition code to DMKCPO. A VARY OFFLINE PROCESSOR command was issued in MP mode; prior to accepting the VARY OFFLINE command as valid, DMKCPO verified that online paths would still exist to all mounted system-owned devices. Between that time and the call to DMKACRCO, the configuration has changed and a path has been lost. The system cannot continue operation if there are not paths to all system-owned devices. The user page count in the VMBLOK was incorrectly decreased to less than zero. During the VARY processor offline function, DMKSNTBL was brought back in to reconstruct the attached processor's SWPTABLE for shared pages. The named system could not be found in DMKSNTBL. The resident page count in the VMBLOK (VMPAGES) is reduced to a negative value Figure 8 (Part 4 of 28). Action Call IBM for hardware support to fix the clock. Try to determine whether the errors are being caused by the paging device or by the paging volume. If the device is failing, disable it and reload (via IPL) the system; call IBM for hardware support. If the volume is failing, try reformatting it. If the error condition recurrs, discontinue using that volume and call your system support personnel. Examine the storage dump. From the list of system-owned devices located by DMKSYSOW, find the RDEVBLOKS for these devices. The online path information in RDEVPTHS may be overlaid. Examine the storage dump. The VMBLOK has probably been overlaid. Examine the storage dump. The SHRTABLE or DMKSNTBL has probably been overlaid. Inspect modules that update VMPAGES for the virtual machine. Check the routine to determine why it is inconsistent with the number of CORTABLE entries assigned to this virtual machine. CP Abend Codes CP Abend Codes 21 Abend Code CQP001 Reason for Abend DMKSCNRA was called and unable to determine the device address in cuu format from real device block address in R6, R7, and R8. CQQ001 DMKSCNRA was called and was unable to determine the device address in cuu format from real device block address in register 6, register 7, and register8 CVT001 The system TOD clock is in error or is not operational. A severe hardware error has affected the cache of the 3880 Storage Control. System integrity is threatened since some data in the cache may not have been paged out to DASD. The device code index in the compressed DASD address for the system dump file points to an RDEVBLOK for an invalid DASD. The valid DASDs are 2305, 2314/2319, 3330, 3340, 3350, 3370, and 3380. During I/O interruption, unstack, and reflection, DMKSCNVU could not locate all of the virtual control blocks for the interrupting unit. DAS001 DRD001 DSP001 DSP002 The dispatcher (DMKDSP) is attempting to dispatch a virtual relocate user whose shadow segment tables or virtual extended control register 0 are invalid. Figure 8 (Part 5 of 28). Action Examine the storage dump. DMKSCNRA returns an error if it cannot find the address of the real control unit block from the real device block. The control unit block address in register 7 is probably invalid. Examine the storage dump. DMKSCNRA returns an error if it cannot find the address of the real control unit block from the real device block. The control unit block address in register 7 is probably invalid. Call IBM for hardware support to fix the clock. Interrogate the 10BLOK, the 10ERBLOK, and the trace table for unit check interrupts to determine the address of the failing device. Verify that the contents and order of the owned list have not been altered since the dump was taken. If these fields have not been altered, the SFBLOK for the dump file may have been destroyed. The owned list is specified by the SYSOWN macro in DMKSYS. The integrity of the user's virtual I/O configuration has probably been violated. The unit addresses or indexes in the virtual control blocks are in error, or the virtual configuration has been altered by ATTACH/DETACH while I/O was in progress. Check for a device reset failure in DMKCFPRD. Most likely, a free storage violation has occurred. First look at the DMKPRV and DMKVAT modules. Examine the real, virtual, and shadow translation tables for consistency of entry size and format. Also compare page and segment size. CP Abend Codes • 22 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes Abend Code DSP003 DSP004 DSP005 DSP006 EXTOOI Reason for Abend The interval timer was not incremented properly. This is most likely a hardware error. The dispatcher tests for interval timer errors and abnormally terminates if such an error occurs. Results would be unpredictable if CP continued when the interval timer was in error. While tracing SIOs or I/O interrupts, the virtual device was detached. Now, the VDEVBLOK cannot be found. During extend, a block is found to be unstacked, but the lock for the associated VMBLOK is not available, or count of priority CPEXBLOKs in a VMBLOK is less than 0, but no priority CPEXBLOK is found for the virtual machine, or during post-extend processing, either the expected processor-related priority CPEXBLOK is not found or the lock for the associated VMBLOK is not available. DMKDSPRU, the run-user entry to the dispatcher was entered when the system was not is attached processor mode. A serial signal request has been received and the global system lock is not held. Figure 8 (Part 6 of 28). Action Check the timer fields in real storage. The value of the real interval timer is at real storage location X'50'. The dispatcher loads the value of the real interval timer in real storage location X'54' when a user is dispatched. The value of the real interval timer is loaded into real storage location X'4C' when an interrupt occurs. If the value stored at X'4C' is not less than the value stored at X'54', the dispatcher abnormally terminates. Check the routines that control the value of the time fields at X'4C', X'50', and X'54'. Examine the operator's console sheet and the user's terminal sheet to see who detached the device. Warn the person responsible that devices should not be detached during I/O tracing. Rl contains the VMBLOK address at the time of the abend. Check VMLOCK to see if the VMBLOK is locked by the other processor. If this is the case, VMLOCKER gives the base address of the obtainer of the lock and can be used to determine why the lock was not released. If the VMBLOK is not locked by the other processor, check VMPRRCT, (the count of priority CPEXBLOKs). If this is nonzero but there are no priority CPEXBLOKs on the dispatcher's stack, this field has probably been overlaid and other methods must be used to determine the cause of the overlay. Use the trace table to help determine the caller of DMKDSPRU. In the PSA of the abending processor, the work/save area SIGSAVE contains the return address of the caller of DMKEXTSP, this address is at offset X'8' into SIGSAVE. At offset 0 into SIGSAVE is the base address of the caller. CP Abend Codes CP Abend Codes 23 Abend Code EXTOO4 Reason for Abend A CPU timer interrupt occurred either while the system was in a wait state or when an enable window was opened. FREOOI The size of the block being returned (via RO) is less than or equal to O. FREOO2 The address of the free storage block being returned matches the address of a block already in the free storage chain. Figure 8 (Part 7 of 28). 24 Action Check CPSTATUS in the PSA to determine whether the interruption occurred while in a wait state or during an enable window. If the interruption occurred while in a wait state (CPW AIT on in CPSTATUS), the timer value at the time of the interruption is stored in the PSA's WAITEND. If the interrupt occurred during an enable window (CPEX on in CPSTATUS), the timer value is stored in the first two words of the PSA's TEMPSAVE. If the timer value is negative, it is probably a programming error. Try to determine why the timer was set to a negative value. If the timer value is positive, obtain hardware support to determine why the interrupt occurred. Using FREER14 and FREER12 in the PSA, identify the CP module releasing the storage. Check for an error in calculating the size of the block or for a modification to the stored block size for variable-size blocks. Identify the program returning the storage by means of the return address and base registers (FREE14 and FREE12 in DMKFRE's save area in PSA). The most common cause of this type of failure is a module that returns a free storage block but fails to clear a pointer to the block that has been saved elsewhere. All modules that return blocks via a call to DMKFRET should first verify that the saved pointer is nonzero; after returning the block, any saved pointers should be set to zero. CP Abend Codes IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes Abend Code FRE003 Reason for Abend The address of the free storage block being returned overlaps the next lower block on the free storage chain. FRE004 The address of the free storage block being returned over laps the next higher block on free storage chain. FREOO5 A module is attempting to release storage in the resident system nucleus. FREOO6 A module is requesting a block of storage whose size (contained in R 0) is less than or equal to zero. FRE007 A module is attempting to release a block of storage whose address exceeds the size of real storage. Figure 8 (Part 8 of 28). Action A free storage pointer may have been destroyed. Also, the module releasing the lower (overlapped) block may have returned too much storage. Examine the lower block and determine its use and former owner, or identify the program returning the storage by means of the return address and base registers stored (FREER14 and FREER12 in DMKFRE's save area in PSA). The most common cause of this type of failure is a module that returns a free storage block but fails to clear a pointer to the block that has been saved elsewhere. All modules that return blocks via a call to DMKFRET should first verify that the saved pointer is nonzero; after returning the block, any saved pointers should be set to zero. A free storage pointer may have been destroyed. Also, the module releasing the higher (overlapped) block may have returned too much storage, or the module may be attempting to release storage at the wrong address. A module is probably attempting to release location O. Check for the module picking up a pointer to the free storage block without first testing the pointer for O. Use FREER14 and FREER12 in the PSA to identify the module. Using FREER14 and FREER12 in the PSA, identify the module. Check for an error in calculating the block size. Improper use of the halfword instructions ICM and STCM can cause truncation of high order bits that results in a calculation error. A free storage pointer may have been destroyed. Attempt to identify the owners of the free storage blocks adjacent to the one containing the pointer that was destroyed. Check for moves and translation where initial counts of zero have been decreased to minus 1, thus generating an executed length code of X'FF', or an effective length of 256 bytes. CP Abend Codes CP Abend Codes 25 Abend Code FRE008 Reason for Abend The address of the free storage block being returned matches the address of the first block in the subpool for that size. FRE009 The address of the free storage block being returned matches the second block in the subpool for that size. FRE010 A program is attempting to extend free storage while storage is being extended. This can be caused by I/O interruptions or channel programs involving channels other than channelO. A CP module has attempted to return a block of storage that is in the user dynamic paging area. FRE011 FRE012 An extend was entered while extending. The free storage extend buffer is unavailable. Figure 8 (Part 9 of 28). 26 Action Identify the program returning the storage by means of the return address and stored base registers (FREER14 and FREER12 in DMKFRE's save area in the PSA). The common cause of this type of failure is a module that returns a free storage block but fails to clear a pointer to the block that has been saved elsewhere. All modules that return blocks via a call to DMKFRET should first verify that the saved pointer is nonzero; after returning the block, any saved pointers should be set to zero. If the storage requests that caused the abend are due to channel activity, place the device involved on channel 0, which is disabled during free storage extension. Identify the program returning the storage by means of the return address and stored base registers (FREER14 and FREER12 in DMKFREE's save area in the PSA). The common cause of this type of failure is a module that returns a free storage block but fails to clear a pointer to the block that has been saved elsewhere. All modules that return blocks via a call to DMKFRET should first verify that the saved pointer is nonzero; after returning the block, any saved pointers should be set to zero. The system workload requires more free storage than is available. Either: (1) Reassemble DMKSYS with a larger value for FREE in the SYSCOR statement and reinstall the CP nucleus, (2) Restrict the number of users on the system, or (3) Add more real storage. CP Abend Codes IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes Abend Code FRE014 GRC001 HPS001 HVD001 HVE001 IOS001 IOS002 Reason for Abend DMKFRE must defer satisfying a free storage request when it is necessary to call DMKPTRFR and the global supervisor lock cannot be obtained. The free storage extend buffer reserved for this purpose is not available. DMKGRCUP was called to generate the order required to update the 3270 screen, but the CONTASK supplied was too small for the data stream required. A routine process was called to a device that was not a logical device. The user pointed to by Rll issued a DIAGNOSE instruction while attempting to format the I/O error, channel check, or machine check recording areas; the SYSRES device type is unrecognizable. The user pointed to by Rll issued a DIAGNOSE instruction while attempting to format the I/O error, channel check, or machine check recording areas; the SYSRES device type is unrecognizable. The caller is trying to reset an active 10BLOK from the RCHBLOK queue, but that 10BLOK contains an invalid address. DMKIOS is attempting to restart an 10BLOK from the RCHBLOK queue, but that 10BLOK contains an invalid address. Figure 8 (Part 10 of 28). Action Examine the internal trace table and storage dump to determine why the free storage extend buffer was not previously replenished. The registers at entry to DMKGRCUP are saved in BALRSAVE; the calling module can be identified from BALR14, the input CONTASK address is in BALR6 and the input par'ameters in BALR2 define the type of screen updating to be done. See the GRTBLOK macro for definitions of these parameters and of the screen orders that are used. Check the trace for activity to the device. The RDEVBLOK for the SYSRES device was probably destroyed, or a volume with the same serial number as the SYSRES volume was mounted. If a volume with the same serial number was mounted, check the ATTACH processing in the DMKVDB routine. The RDEVBLOK for the SYSRES device was probably destroyed, or a volume with the same serial number as the SYSRES volume was mounted. If a volume with the same serial number was mounted, check the ATTACH processing in the DMKVDB routine. The 10BLOK may have been returned (via DMKFRET) or destroyed. Verify that the 10BLOK was valid and use the 10BLOK and RDEVBLOK to determine the last operation. The 10BLOK may have been returned (via DMKFRET) or destroyed. Verify that the 10BLOK was valid and use the 10BLOK and RDEVBLOK to determine the last operation. CP Abend Codes CP Abend Codes 27 Abend Code IOS003 IOS004 IOS005 IOS006 IOS007 Reason for Abend DMKIOS is attempting to remove an 10BLOK from a queue, but that 10BLOK contains an invalid address. DMKIOSHA was called to halt I/O associated with an 10BLOK pointed to by register 10. However, register 10 points to an 10BLOK that is marked as a mini-lOB. A mini-lOB is not allowed to exist outside the control of DMKIOS. DMKIOS was called to perform I/O for a device using fixed path I/O. lOS is to bypass using any alternate path to the device. The real device block address that was passed in R8 is not the real device address in the 10BRADD field. DMKIOS was called to perform I/O to a device that is logically online, but for which there is no available path online. That is, the online path status in RDEVPTHS does not match the device status indicated by RDEVDISA. In attempting to start an I/O request, lOS must remove all alternate path lOBs that exist on paths to the device except the one that is about to be started. In scanning the chain of these lOB's, two were not marked as mini-lOB, indicating two real requests for the same I/O. Figure 8 (Part 11 of 28). 28 Action Register 2 points to the RCHBLOK, RCUBLOK, or RDEVBLOK from whose queue the 10BLOK is being removed. Register 10 points to the 10BLOK. Use the CP internal trace table to determine which module called DMKIOS twice to start the same 10BLOK. Examine the trace table in the storage dump and determine what routine built and called DMKIOSHA with 10BLOK marked as a mini-lOB That routine is in error. Examine the trace table and determine who called lOS requesting the fixed path I/O. Either an incorrect call was made to DMKIOS, R8 did not point to the correct real device block, or the lOB that is pointed to by RIO was overlaid. Examine the trace table and storage dump to determine what routine has incorrectly altered either RDEVDISA or RDEVPTHS. Examine the trace table to determine the sequence of events that led to two lOBs being passed to lOS and then having both lOBs occur on the same request chain. CP Abend Codes IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes Abend Code IOS009 IOSOIO IOTOOI IUAOOI Reason for Abend A Start I/O is attempted for a sense CCW after a short busy sequence from a 3270. This causes the IOBLOK to be queued. The IOBSBSIO is on and there is no IDERBLOK address in IOBIOER. In attempting to restart pending I/O requests after an I/O interrupt has made an I/O unit available, DMKIOS finds that the current RCHBLOK does not belong to the current processor. In attempting to queue an IOBLOK for a device on a channel known only to the virtual machine running with Preferred Machine Assist, the system found another IOBLOK of this type (no real block) already queued. A program check occurred on the last system-initiated IUCV function. IUCOOI The Path ID of the target communicator contained inconsistent or conflicting status flags. IUC002 A pending connection for the path specified could not be found on the pending connection chain. An error was encountered on a IUCV Reject for a message that is supposed to be valid but was not found on the message queues. IUC003 Figure 8 (Part 12 of 28). Action Examine the dump to determine why there is no IDERBLOK address in IOBIOER. Examine the CP trace table to find upon which channel, control unit, and device path the I/O interrupt occurred. Examine DMKIOT and DMKIOS logic to see why DMKIOS is trying to restart I/O on a different channel. If the trace table shows that DMKIOS received control as a result of a call, examine DMKIOS logic to see how its internal indicators were changed to show entry due to an I/O interruption. Determine the module that was enabled for I/O interruptions on behalf of the Preferred Machine guest before ensuring there are no IOBLOKs queued for this user. Locate the last lUCY instruction from the trace table and determine the type of IUCV function requested. Determine what IUCV exceptions are generated by that IUCV function (see the VMj SP BPO System Programmers Guide). Locate the path description for the specified path ID. Then locate the corresponding path ID for the target communicator and determine why the entry has been marked invalid. Locate the path ID that was specified to determine why no corresponding entry can be found on the pending connection chain. Locate the message block that was to be rej ected or purged and determine on which queue it should be located. Search the message queue to determine why it could not be located. CP Abend Codes CP Abend Codes 29 Abend Code IUCOO4 IUEOOI IUGOOI IUGOO2 Reason for Abend An error was encountered on a IUCV Purge for a message that is supposed to be valid but was not found on the message queues. On a Receive or Test Completion, IUCV has located a message block on the queue with the specified message ID. The path ID in the message block is invalid (as returned from DMKIUAPD). On a Reject, IUCV has located a message block on the queue with the specified message ID. The path ID in the message block is invalid (as returned from DMKIUAPD). No room was found for a new path in the CCT. When the CCT was built (by the Declare Buffer function), enough room was allocated for all possible connections. LOKOOI An OBTAIN request has been made for a lock that is held by the requesting processor. LOKOO3 A RELEASE has been issued for a lock that is not owned by the requesting processor. DMKLOK does not get control for a RELEASE request. MCTOOI Automatic Processor Recovery (DMKMCTPR) has received control on the main processor without the global system lock and the lock could not be obtained. Figure 8 (Part 13 of 28). 30 Action Locate the message block that was to be rej ected or purged and determine on which queue it should be located. Search the message queue to determine why it could not be located. Locate the message block with the specified message ID and determine the path ID that it contains. Search the path description segment for the corresponding path description and determine why the entry has been marked invalid. Compare the number of current connections with the number of connections from the directory. One possible reason for this error is if the directory is modified dynamically and the connection limit for a user is increased, the space that was allocated for CCT is no longer large enough. Rl contains the lockword address at the time of the abend. In the PSA of the abending processor, the save area LOKSAVE contains the return address of the caller at offset X'38' and the entry point address into DMKLOK at offset X'3C'. Use the supervisor old PSW in the PSA of the abending processor to identify the module where the error occurred. Rl contains either the lockword address (in the case of a global lock) or the address of the VMBLOK (in the case of a VMBLOK lock) at the time of the abend. Check DMKLOKSY to determine if the system lockword has been over laid. If the attached processor owns the lock, check the R12 value in DMKLOKSY 4 to determine who obtained the lock. The system should not be in automatic processor recovery if the attached processor was in supervisor state. CP Abend Codes IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes Abend Code MHCOOI MHC002 NLEOOI PGSOOI Reason for Abend A MSSFCALL Diagnose instruction was issued and a nonzero condition code was returned. Note: Possible condition codes are 0 and 2. A condition code of 2 indicates that the MSSF is busy. This condition should not occur since CP never issues a request if an interrupt for the MSSF is pending. An unsolicited MSSF interrupt has been received. Note: Unsolicited MSSF interrupts should not occur. During execution of a NETWORK DUMP command, or during an automatic dump of a 3704 or 3705, the system detected sufficient DASD spool space to contain the information from the 3704 or 3705. The MODEL operand of the RDEVICE macro describing the 3704 or 3705 was not specified correctly. VM/SP HPO determines the storage size of a 3704 or 3705 by the model specified on the RDEVICE macro. The resident page count in the VMBLOK (VMPAGES) is reduced to a negative value. Figure 8 (Part 14 of 28). Action This is not an error condition. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. This is an error condition, if the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. Correct the RDEVICE macro specifying the 3704 or 3705, reassemble the DMKRIO module, and regenerate the CP nucleus with the corrected module. Inspect module that update VMPAGES for the virtual machine. Check the routine to determine why it is inconsistent with the number of CORTABLE entries assigned to this virtual machine. CP Abend Codes CP Abend Codes 31 Abend Code PGTOOI Reason for Abend The number of cylinders in use stored in the allocation block (ALOCBLOK) is less than the maximum but the DMKPGT module was unable to find available cylinders. PGTOO2 The count of pages in a page allocation block (RECBLOK) is less than the maximum but the DMKPGT module was unable to find available pages. PGTOO3 During cylinder allocation, no space was found in RECBLOKs although the ALOCBLOK indicated that space was available. The call to DMKPGTGC to allocate a RECBLOK specified a cylinder that was not contained within the specified ALOCBLOK. During the building of a new RECBLOK, the system discovered that a RECBLOK for the specified cylinder already existed. This abend occurs following a MIGRATE or SPOOL request. PGTOO4 PGTOO5 Figure 8 (Part 15 of 28). 32 Action Inspect the chains of allocation blocks anchored from RDEV ALLN of the RDEVBLOK for the device in question, and verify that a cylinder allocation block (RECBLOK) exists for each cylinder marked and allocated in the ALOCBLOK. The cylinder allocation blocks (RECBLOKs) for paging are anchored from the ALOCPAGE field of each ALOCBLOCK. The RECBLOKs for spooling are anchored from the ALOCRECS field of each ALOCBLOK. If RECBLOKs for some cylinders are missing, it is possible that the bit map in the ALOCBLOK has been destroyed. If all cylinders are accounted for, the updating of the count field is in error. If the RECBLOK in question is in use for paging, then locate a SWPTABLE entry for each page represented by this RECBLOK. If the pages are in use for spooling, it is possible that the RECBLOK itself has been destroyed or that the updating of the use count is faulty. Determine whether the ALOCBLOK or RECBLOCKs are in error. Determine why the caller has specified a cylinder number outside ALOCBLOK range. (The cylinder number is located in GPRl, and the range of the ALOCBLOK is located in GPRIO). Determine if the ALOCBLOKcylinder map is correct. Determine whether the RECBLOK should have already existed. CP Abend Codes IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes Abend Code PGUOOI Reason for Abend The DASD page slot being released is not marked allocated. PGUOO2 The dummy RECBLOK indicating the spooling DASD pages on the cylinder that are to be released contains a page count greater than the number of pages allocated on the cylinder. PGUOO3 A module is trying to release a DASD page slot on a cylinder or FB-512 extent for which no page allocation block (RECBLOK) exists. PGUOO4 The last DASD page slot in a RECBLOK has been deallocated but the bit representing the cylinder in the cylinder allocation block (ALOCBLOK) is not currently set to one, indicating that the cylinder was not allocated. Figure 8 (Part 16 of 28). Action Identify the module attempting to release the page by means of the caller's return address and base register stored in BALR14 and BALR12 in the BALRSAVE save area in PSA. Locate the source (control block or SWPTABLE entry) of the DASD address being released to verify that they have not been destroyed. If the DASD page is in a spool file, it is possible that the file or the RECBLOK chain has been incorrectly checkpointed and warmstarted after a system shutdown or a system crash. The spool file pointers may have been destroyed while the file was being processed, or the allocation chain may be in error. A cold start may be necessary. If feasible, use the DASD dump/ restore program to print the DASD areas containing the affected file, and try to locate the incorrect pointers. Use BALR14 and BALR12 in the BALRSAVE save area of the PSA to identify the module attempting to release the page. For count-key-data DASD, verify that the DASD cylinder address is valid for the device in question. If it is and the rest of the DASD address is valid, verify that the cylinder is in the dynamically allocatable area. For FB-512 DASD, verify that the page number is valid and in the dynamically allocated area. If these restrictions are met, the DASD page must have been used by more than one user. The ALOCBLOK has probably been destroyed, or the chain pointer in the RDEVBLOK is in error. CP Abend Codes CP Abend Codes 33 Abend Code PGUOO5 PGUOO6 Reason for Abend The system's virtual storage buffers have been exhausted because of an excessive number of open spool files. A module is trying to release a page of virtual storage in use by the VM/SP HPO control program that has not been marked allocated. PGUOO7 During a block deallocation of records via a RECBLOK image, the records specified were not already allocation in the real RECBLOK. PGUOO8 During deallocation of a swap set, the allocation map in the RECBLOK indicated the swap slot was not allocated. RUNUSER does not point to a VMBLOK that has the VMPMUSER flag on, or the interruption handler has encountered an unexpected type of program check. PMAOOl PRGOOl Program check (operation) in the control program. PRGOO2 Program check (privileged operation) in the control program. Program check (execute) in the control program. Program check (protection) in the control program. Program check (addressing) in the control program. PRGOO3 PRGOO4 PRGOO5 PRGOO6 PRGOO7 PRGOO8 PRGOO9 PRGOIO Use BALR14 and BALR12 in the BALRSAVE save area of the PSA to identify the module attempting to release the page. Locate the control block containing the virtual page address that is being released. It is possible that the address has been destroyed, or a pointer to a virtual page has been retained after the page was destroyed. Verify that the caller specified the RECBLOK image correctly. Determine whether the real RECBLOK or image RECBLOK was in error. Check to see if the slot in question is part of a valid spool file. Examine the SWPTABLE entries and any contents of the swap slot to determine whether the slot was actually in use. Determine why DMKPRG passed control to DMKPMAIN. Examine the old PSW and identify the module having the program check. Examine the old PSW and identify the module having the program check. Program check (specification) in the control program. Program check (data) in the control program. Program check (fixed-point overflow) in the control program. Program check (fixed-point divide) in the control program. Program check (decimal overflow) in the control program. Figure 8 (Part 17 of 28). 34 Action Request users to close all spool files that are no longer active. CP Abend Codes IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes Abend Code PRGOll PRG012 PRG013 PRG014 PRG015 PRG016 PRG017 PRG018 PRG019 PRG253 PRG254 PRG255 PRVOOl Reason for Abend Program check (decimal divide) in the control program. Program check (exponential overflow) in the control program. Program check (exponential underflow) in the control program. Program check (significance) in the control program. Program check (floating-point divide in the control program. Program check (segment) in the control program. Program check (paging) in the control program. Program check (translation) in the control program. Program check (special operation) in the control program. DMKVAU was unable to successfully translate the third level address of a privileged instruction to a second level address. A translation specification exception has been received for a virtual machine that is not in extended control mode. A PER (program event recording) has been received for a virtual machine that is running with PER disabled in its virtual PSW. DMKVAU was unable to successfully translate the third level address of a privileged instruction to a second level address. Figure 8 (Part 18 of 28). Action Examine the old PSW and identify the module having the program check. An error in shadow table maintenance may have occurred. Scan the shadow table to determine the failing entry. If the set of translation tables pointed to by RUNCRI is correct, a hardware failure has occurred, possibly with dynamic address translation. Otherwise, call IBM for software support. Retry the program causing the error; if the problem persists, call IBM for software support. An error in shadow table maintenance may have occurred. Scan the shadow table to determine the failing entry. CP Abend Codes CP Abend Codes 35 Abend Code PSA002 PSA003 Reason for Abend The "System Restart" console key was pressed. The operator normally takes this action when an unusual system condition occurs, such as a system loop or slow machine operation. An unrecoverable DASD error occurred on a paging device. Or paging device is offline. PTR002 A program is attempting to unlock a page frame whose address exceeds real storage size. PTR003 A program is attempting to unlock a real storage page frame whose CORT ABLE entry is not flagged as locked. PTR004 The lock count in the CORTABLE entry for the page frame being unlocked has been decreased to a value that is less than O. A CORTABLE entry on the free list points to a valid PTE (page table entry), but the page is allocated. PTR008 PTR018 The resident page count in the VMBLOK (VMPAGES) is reduced to a negative value. PTR021 PTR was entered without the global system lock, but the VMBLOK already has its deferred task stacked. Some error has occurred in failing to obtain the global system lock. Figure 8 (Part 19 of 28). 36 Action Examine the resulting abend dump for a dynamic picture of the system's status. Check the trace table for a Start I/O in the paging device with a condition code 3 to verify device is offline. If offline, vary paging device online. Or check the unit address at hex 'B9' in the PSA to find paging device in error. This is a hardware error. Use the values of register 14 and register 12 at the time of the abend to identify the module attempting to unlock the page frame. Check for the source of the invalid address. Check the routines that update the lock count field and CORTABLE entry. Pages on the free list should not contain valid PTEs. Examine the dump to determine which module called DMKPTRFR. The module that called DMKPTRFR probably contains an error. Inspect modules that update VMPAGES for the virtual machine. Examine the routine to determine why it is inconsistent with the number of CORTABLE entries assigned to this virtual machine. Examine the SAVEAREA pointed to by R13 to determine why PTR was called without the global system lock. CP Abend Codes IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes Abend Code PTR023 PTR024 Reason for Abend During the processing, FRETing, or chaining of SSBLOKs, the count of SSBLOKs was reduced to a negative value. A swap fault occurred on a page that is not in a swap set. PTR025 During swap operations, the count of the user's working set was reduced to a negative value. PTR026 The count of valid entries in an SSBLOK was reduced to a negative value. PTR028 During swap fault processing, one of the following occurred: 1) A page in a swap set was found to be valid. 2) A segment or page table length exception occurred. 3) DMKSTRAN returned a non-zero condition code. The count of the number of reserved pages was incorrectly decremented so that the count is now less than zero. A CORTABLE entry to be placed on the free list points to a valid PTE (page table entry), but the page is allocated. An abend occurs trying to honor a deferred request. A CORTABLE entry to be placed on the free list points to a valid PTE (page table entry), but the page is allocated. PTS010 PTSOll PTS012 Figure 8 (Part 20 of 28). Action Determine what the count should be and where it was invalidly decreased. The SCBLOK or SSBLOK chain has possibly been overlaid. Check all the conditions under which pages are flagged as being in swap sets. Make sure the flags are always set and reset correctly. Determine whether the user has resident (logically swapped) pages. Determine why pages still in storage were assumed to have been physically swapped out. Determine whether 1) DMKSW APR marked the entry invalid, or 2) the entry should have been valid, or 3) the count of entries is incorrect. Condition 3 has possibly been caused by the creation of an SSBLOK for less than a full swap set. Determine why the page was valid or why the exception occurred. The virtual address in the SSBLOK has possibly been overlayed. The field DMKPTRRC contains the number of reserved pages. Check the routine that updates DMKPTRRC. Pages to be put on the free list should not contain valid PTEs. Examine the dump to determine why the page was not marked invalid before the call to DMKPTSFT. Pages on the FREELIST should not contain valid PTEs. Examine the dump to determine which module called DMKPTSFT, it probably con tains an error. CP Abend Codes CP Abend Codes 37 Abend Code PTSOl4 Reason for Abend DMKPTSFT was called to put a page on the FREELIST that is already on the FREELIST. PTSOl8 The resident page count in the VMBLOK (VMPAGES) is reduced to a negative value. PTS022 A changed page has been Found in a segment protected by the hardware segment protection facility. An unrecoverable I/O error occurred during read or write for the 3704/3705. Status indicates program failure. A response that should not occur was received from the 3704/3705 control program. The virtual address supplied to DMKRPAGT is outside of the virtual storage being referenced. RNHOOl RNH002 RPAOOI RPA002 The virtual address supplied to DMKRPAPT is outside of the virtual storage being referenced. RPA003 The user page count in the VMBLOK became negative. Figure 8 (Part 21 of 28). 38 Action A page that is already on the FREELIST should not be specified in a call to DMKPTSFT. Check the FREELIST and flush list for validity. Restart the system and, if the problem persists, call IBM for software support. Inspect modules that update VMPAGES for the virtual machine. Examine the routine to determine why it is inconsistent with the number of CORTABLE entries assigned to this virtual machine. IPL to restart the system. If the problem persists, call your system support personnel. Check the segment table entry to ensure that the segment protect bit (Bit 29) is on. Retry. If the problem persists, ensure that the 3704/3705 and channel hardware are functioning correctly. Verify that the 3704/3705 NCP is operating correctly. Use the NETWORK TRACE command to determine the exact cause of the response. The virtual storage belongs either to the user whose VMBLOK is pointed to by Rll or, if R2 in the SAVEAREA indicates a PARM of SYSTEM, to the system" VMBLOK. Identify the calling program by means of the return address and base register saved in the SAVEAREA pointed to by Rl3. If the virtual address was obtained from the system's virtual storage, examine the virtual page allocation routine, DMKPTRVG. If the virtual page refers to a user's storage, attempt to identify the routine that generated the incorrect address. Verify that the VMSIZE in the relevant VMBLOK reflects the correct storage size for the system or user being referenced. A module has attempted to release more pages than it originally received. The module that last called DMKRPA is probably the module in error. CP Abend Codes IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes Abend Code SCHOOl SCHOO2 SCHOO3 Reason for Abend The total number of interactive users plus batch users in the scheduler's queue is less than zero. A counter was probably decremented incorrectly. A call was made to DMKSCHDL that resulted in an attempt to drop a user from a runable list, but the global system lock was not held by the caller. A dispatch list maintenance problem has occurred. At the time when the scheduler attempted to remove a VMBLOK from the dispatch list, the dispatch list forward pointer, VMFTRL, was zero. SCHOO4 A dispatch list maintenance problem has occurred. At the time when the scheduler attempted to add a VMBLOK to the dispatch list, the dispatch list forward pointer, VMFTRL, was nonzero. SCHOO5 A dispatch list maintenance problem has occurred. At the time when the scheduler attempted to add a VMBLOK to both the dispatch list and the runlist, the dispatch list forward pointer, VMFTRL, was nonzero. SCNOO2 RDEVDISA equals zero but DMKSCNEP can find no online path to the device. Figure 8 (Part 22 of 28). Action The field SCHNl is the count of the number of interactive users and the field SCHN2 is the count of the number of batch users. Check the routines that update these two count fields (SCHNl and SCHN2) to determine why their sum was negative. Examine the registers in BALRSAVE to find the caller DMKSCHDL. See why the caller did not hold the global system lock. Process the dump; general register 1 points to the problem VMBLOK at the time of the dump. Determine why the dispatch list forward pointer, VMFTRL, is zero. Verify that the problem VMBLOK is in the runlist. Determine what conditions caused the VMBLOK to be dropped from the dispatch list by examining the bits in the field VMRSTAT. If at least one bit is on, the VMBLOK is no longer in the dispatch list. Process the dump; general register 1 points to the problem VMBLOK at the time of the dump. Determine why the dispatch list forward pointer, VMFTRL, is nonzero. Verify that the problem VMBLOK is in the runlist. Determine why this VMBLOK has become a candidate for the dispatch list by examining the bits in the field VMRSTAT. If all the bits are off, the VMBLOK has become dispatchable. Process the dump; general register 1 points to the problem VMBLOK at the time of the dump. Determine why the dispatch list forward pointer, VMFTRL, was nonzero even through the problem VMBLOK should not have been in the dispatch list when the check was made. Verify that this VMBLOK is also not in the runlist. Determine what caused this VMBLOK to become a candidate for both the dispatch list and the runlist. Check trace table for activity to the device. Try to determine why RDEVPATHS has no online paths yet RDEVDISA indicates that the device is online. CP Abend Codes CP Abend Codes 39 Abend Code SCOOOI SEGOOI SEL007 Reason for Abend The VDEVLINK chain is invalid. A VDEVBLOK has a link field that points to another VDEVBLOK associated with the same real device. The first VDEVBLOK is not pointed to by any other link field in the chain. The page wait count in VMBLOC (VMWCNT) is reduced to a negative value. DMKFRE requested a page for fixed free storage but DMKPTR determined that there were no pages left in the dynamic paging area. SEL008 A CORTABLE entry on the free list points to a valid PTE (page table entry), but the page is allocated. SELOIO The count of resident reserved pages was reduced to a negative value. SEL015 The core table entry for a flush list page does not contain a page table pointer. SEL018 The resident page count in the VMBLOK (VMPAGES) is reduced to a negative value. SEL022 A changed page has been found in a segment protected by the hardware segment protection facility. Figure 8 (Part 23 of 28). 40 Action IPL to restart. If the problem persists, examine the VDEVBLOKs in the link chain as well as the one whose link field points into the chain but is not in the chain. Determine what the owner of the VDEVBLOK was doing at the time. Inspect modules that update VMWCNT. Determine which module decreased VMWCNT without a corresponding increment. Examine the dump for one of the following conditions: 1. Excessive amounts of free storage have been allocated by CP and not released via DMKFRET. Look for blocks of identical data and determine which modules built that data. 2. A block of storage greater than 4096 bytes was requested. Requests for large blocks of free storage require contiguous pages from DMKPTR and as a result have a higher probability of failure than requests for one page or less. If possible, change the application to reduce the size of storage requests. Otherwise, schedule the application when storage is less fragmented. Pages on the free list should not contain valid PTEs. Examine the dump to determine which module called DMKPTRFR. The module that called DMKPTRFR probably contains an error. The field DMKPTRRC contains the number of reserved pages. Check the routines that update the count fields DMKPTRRC and VMRESACT. Examine the storage dump to determine either how the page was placed on the flush list without a PTE pointer or what module subsequently modified the core table entry. Inspect modules that update VMPAGES for the virtual machine. Examine the routine to determine why it is inconsistent with the number of CORTABLE entries assigned to this virtual machine. IPL to restart the system. persists, call your system support personnel. Check the segment table entry to ensure that the segment protect bit (Bit 29) is on. CP Abend Codes IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes Abend Code SEL023 SEL025 SEL028 STKOOl STROOl STROO3 STROO4 STROO7 SVCOOI SVCOO2 Reason for Abend During the processing, FRETing, or chaining of SSBLOKs, the count of SSBLOKs was reduced to a negative value. During swap operations, the count of the user's working set pages was reduced to a negative value. During swap fault processing, either a page in a swap set was found to be valid, or a segment or page table length exception occurred, or DMKPTRPS returned a non-zero condition code. DMKSTK was attempting to stack an IOBLOK, a TRQBLOK, or a CPEXBLOK for a particular virtual machine and the counter in the VMBLOK overflowed its half-word boundary making the counter appear negative. Since this will happen only when the counter exceeds 32, 767, the probable cause of this error is either a program loop that includes the stacking of a CPEXBLOK, IOBLOK or TRQBLOK, or an overlay of the VMBLOK. LRA gets a translation or length condition code for a valid page. An attempt is being made to migrate a table into storage for a segment that is already valid. An attempt is being made to bring a page into storage that does not exist. The save area stack chain is invalid for the specific request could not be found on the chain. No free storage is available for save areas. A supervisor state SVC was issued without the global system lock. Figure 8 (Part 24 of 28). Action Determine what the count should be and where it was invalidly decreased. The SCBLOK or SSBLOK chain has possibly been overlaid. Determine whether the user has resident (logically swapped) pages. Determine why pages still in storage were assumed to have been physically swapped out. Determine why the page was valid or why the exception occurred. The virtual address in the SSBLOK has possibly been overlayed. Verify that the counters in the VMBLOK reflects the correct number of BLOKs stacked for this virtual machine. If they do not, determine who has overlaid either VMSTKCNT (the count of IOBLOKs, TRQBLOKs, and normal CPEXBLOKs) or VMPRRCT (the count of processor related CPEXBLOKs). If the VMBLOK counters are accurate, identify the caller of DMKSTK by looking in SWTHSAVE in the PSA of the abending processor. The R14 value in the save area contains the return address of the caller of DMKSTK. If the problem persists, obtain a dump and call IBM for software support. Try to identify the extreme load condition that caused the problem. If the storage requests are valid and the problem occurs regularly, alter the DMKCPI module to allocate more than six pages of free storage per 256K bytes of storage. Use the supervisor old PSW in the PSA of the abending processor to identify the module that issued the sve without the system lock. CP Abend Codes CP Abend Codes 41 Abend Code SVCOO3 SVCOO4 SVCOO5 SWA018 SWA023 SWA025 Reason for Abend An unrecoverable DASD I/O error occurred on a paging device. Error in SVC 24 CPEXBLOK maintenance. An SVC 24 has been issued during the EXTEND process. There is no preallocated CPEXBLOK available for use by SVC 24. Most likely the system is attempting to enter EXTEND while already performing EXTEND processing. DMKVAU was unable to successfully translate the third level address of a privileged instruction to a second level address. The resident page count in the VMBLOK (VMPAGES) has been reduced to a negative value. During the processing or FRETing of an SSBLOK or chain of SSBLOKs, the count of SSBLOKs was reduced to a negative value. During swap operations, the count of the user's working set pages was reduced to a negative value. SWA026 The count of valid entries in an SSBLOK was reduced to a negative value. SWA027 DMKSWAPR was processing a 'SWAP ENTRY RESET' and the corresponding SWPTABLE entry did not indicate 'page in a swap set'. During swap fault processing, either a page in a swap set was found to be valid, or a segment or page table length exception occurred, or DMKPTRPS returned a non-zero condition code. SWA028 Figure 8 (Part 25 of 28). 42 Action In most cases, location X'B9' will contain the unit address of the failing device. For certain errors it may be necessary to scan the trace table (from the current entry) looking for an I/O interrupt from a paging device with a CSW error. Call IBM hardware support. Examine the internal trace table to determine why the two preallocated SWITCH CPEXBLOKs have not been dequeued. An error in shadow table maintenance may have occurred. Scan the shadow table to determine the failing entry. Inspect modules that update VMPAGES for the virtual machine. Examine VMP AGES to determine why it is inconsistent with the number of CORTABLE entries assigned to this virtual machine. Determine what the count should should be and where it was invalidly decreased. The SCBLOK or SSBLOK chain has possibly been overlaid. Determine whether the user has resident (logically swapped) pages. Determine why pages still in storage were assumed to have been physically swapped out. Determine whether 1) DMKSWAPR marked the entry invalid, or 2) the entry should have been valid, or 3) the count of entries is incorrect. Condition 3 is possibly caused by the creation of an SSBLOK for less than a full swap set. Determine why the SWPTABLE was not updated or why it was updated after the page was swapped out. Determining why the page was valid or why the exception occurred. The virtual address in the SSBLOK has possibly been overlaid. CP Abend Codes IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes Abend Code TDKOOI Reason for Abend A program is attempting to deallocate a cylinder or FB-512 extent(s) of T-disk space for which no cylinder allocation block (ALOCBLOK) exists. TDK002 A program is attempting to deallocate cylinder(s) of T -disk space that are not marked allocated. UDROOI The user directory module is looping trying to read all of the UDIRBLOK page buffers from the directory device, or a directory containing over 10,816 users was loaded. The resident page count in the VMBLOK (VMPAGES) is reduced to a negative value. UDR002 USPOO4 VCXOOI VCX002 While an empty REBLOK was being released, the corresponding allocation bit in the ALOCMAP was not on. DMKVCX issues this abend if the Inter-User Communication Vehicle (IUCV) paths for SNA Console Communications Services (SNA CCS) are invalid. DMKVCX issues this abend if SNA Console Communications Services (SNA CCS) control block structure is invalid. Figure 8 (Part 26 of 28). Action Verify that R8 points to a RDEVBLOK for a CP-owned volume. If it does not, the error may originate in the calling program. Identify the caller by the return address and base register in the SAVEAREA pointed to by R13, and try to identify the source of the incorrect RDEVBLOK address. If the RDEVBLOK is valid, it may be that the cylinder number passed is incorrect. The VDEVBLOK for the device for which the T-disk was defined may have been destroyed. If the cylinder number appears valid, examine the allocation record on the real volume by running DMKFMT (Format program), invoking the ALLOCATE option without allocating any new space. If the output shows that deallocated cylinder falls within an area defined for T-disk allocation, the ALOCBLOK chained to the RDEVBLOK may be destroyed. Use the DASD Dump Restore program to print the UDIRBLOK page buffers from the directory device. Determine whether the chain pointers are valid. Inspect modules that update VMPAGES for the virtual machine. Check the routine to determine why it is inconsistent with the number of CORTABLE entries assigned to this virtual machine. Verify that the ALOCBLOK and RECBLOKs are correct. Check the IUCV paths and SNA CCW control blocks to determine what is in error. Examine the control block structure and SNA CCS trace table entry for the abend to determine what is in error. CP Abend Codes CP Abend Codes 43 Abend Code VDROO3 VDSOOI VIOOO2 Reason for Abend The DASD link chain is invalid. In the case of minidisks, attaching a minidisk that points to an RDEVBLOK whose count of users is already zero causes this abend. A virtual device definition has been requested for a minidisk that is already defined to the system (either as a different device to the user or a device to another user on the system). The directory indicates that the minidisk uses the virtual reserve release logic, but there is no existing VRRBLOK. DMKSCNVU was unable to locate all of the virtual I/O control blocks for the virtual unit address associated with the interrupt just stacked. VIOOO3 DMKIOS has returned an 10BLOK indicating a condition code of 2 was received from the START I/O for the operation. VMAOO8 The resident page count in the VMBLOK (VMPAGES) is reduced to a negative value. VMDOOI The dump chain anchored DMKRSPDP has lost the in process VMDUMP. The virtual spooling manager could not locate all virtual control blocks for an interrupting unit. VSPOOI Figure 8 (Part 27 of 28). 44 Action IPL to restart. If the problem persists, examine the RDEVSYS flag. If the RDEVSYS flag is off, the problem is especially serious; print and examine the dump. Examine the VDEVBLOK and RDEVBLOK checking the link chain. Examine the virtual blocks for the existing links to the minidisk and determine why the existing virtual device block pointed to by R3 does not point to a VRRBLOK. Verify that the unit address in the field 10BVADD in the 10BLOK pointed to by RIO RIO is valid for the user who initiated the I/O. The field 10BUSER contains the address of the user's VMBLOK. If the address is valid, the integrity of the user's virtual I/O configuration has probably been destroyed. If the address is not valid, the 10BLOK has been altered, or was built incorrectly in the first place. Condition code 2 should never be returned to the virtual I/O interrupt handler Its presence indicates either a failure in the I/O supervisor (DMKIOS), or that the status field in the 10BLOK (IOBSTAT) has been destroyed. Inspect modules that update VMPAGES for the virtual machine. Check the routine to determine why it is inconsistent wich the number of CORTABLE entries assigned to this virtual machine. Initialize the system to restart. If the problem persists, notify the system programmer. Verify that the unit address (IOBVADD) in the 10BLOK is valid. If the address is valid, the integrity of the virtual I/O configuration has probably been destroyed. If the address is not valid, the 10BLOK has been altered or was built incorrectly. CP Abend Codes IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes Abend Code VSROOI ZTDOOI Reason for Abend DMKVSRLD was called to analyze a 3800 op-code and the CCW op-code in VSPCCW was not a valid 3800 Load CCW. DMKZTDST was called to clear the T disk area on a CP-owned DASD. The DASD type was not one of the valid types recognized by CP. Figure 8 (Part 28 of 28). Action Determine the caller of DMKVSRLD and see why it was called when VSPCCW could not be handled by this module. Re-IPL the system. If the problem persists, notify system support personnel. CP Abend Codes CP Abend Codes 45 CMS Abend Codes User Action Saving the console sheet provides a copy of your terminal activity for reference. If the session is uneventful, the resulting printer file can be purged. When a CMS abend occurs, you can: • enter DEBUG mode and issue the DUMP subcommand, or, Reporting the Abend • get a CP read on your terminal (or type #cp) and issue the DUMP command. Give the dump, console sheet (or printed console file if it was spooled), and copies of the CMS files involved to system support personnel. In either case, a dump of storage results. Note: Do not issue the DUMP command in CMS mode because abend processing will occur before the dump is performed. The indications of the error will be lost. Information Collection Save the console sheet. If you are using a display terminal as your virtual console, you should spool your console output to the printer. You may do so by either issuing the CP command SPOOL CONSOLE START at the beginning of the session or having the command in your Profile Exec. Recovering from the Abend After the DUMP command is executed, the system automatically initiates recovery procedures. Therefore, it should be unnecessary to re-IPL CMS. If you see an error message indicating the error recovery has failed, you should re-IPL CMS. The following pages list the CMS abend codes, the modules that issue the codes, the cause of the abend, and the action the user can take to recover. Figure 9 lists the CMS abend codes and the modules that issue them, the cause of the abnormal termination, and the action the user should take to recover and continue. CMS Abend Codes 47 Abend Code 001 Module Name DMSSCT 034 DMSVIP OCx DMSITP OFO DMSITS OF1 DMSITS OF2 DMSITS Figure 9 (Part 1 of 3). 48 Cause of Abend The problem program encountered an input/output error processing an OS macro. Either the associated DCB did not have a SYNAD routine specified or the I/O error was encountered processing an OS CLOSE macro. The problem program encountered an I/O error while processing a VSAM action macro under VSE/AF for which there is no OS equivalent. An internal error occurred in a VSE/VSAM routine. The specified hardware exception occurred at a specified location. "x" is the type of exception: x Type 0 IMPRECISE 1 OPERATION 2 PRIVILEGED OPERATION 3 EXECUTE 4 PROTECTION 5 ADDRESSING 6 SPECIFICATION 7 DECIMAL DATA 8 FIXED-POINT OVERFLOW 9 FIXED-POINT DIVIDE A DECIMAL OVERFLOW B DECIMAL DIVIDE C EXPONENT OVERFLOW D EXPONENT UNDERFLOW E SIGNIFICANCE F FLOATING-POINT DIVIDE Insufficient free storage is available to allocate a save area for an SVC call. Action Message DMSSCT120S indicates the possible cause of the error. Examine the error message and take the action indicated. An invalid halfword code is associated with SVC 203. The CMS nesting level of 20 has been exceeded. Enter DEBUG and type GO. Execution continues. CMS Abend Codes IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes Refer to the VSE/ VSAM Messages and Codes to determine the cause of the VSAM error. Type DEBUG to examine the PSW and registers at the time of the exception. If the abend was caused by an error in the application program, correct it; if not, use the CP DEFINE command to increase the size of virtual storage and then restart CMS. N one. Abend recovery takes place when the next command is entered. Abend Code OF3 Module Name DMSITS OF4 DMSITS OF5 DMSITS OF6 DMSITS OF7 DMSFRE OF8 DMSFRE 101 DMSSVN 104 DMSVIB 155 DMSSLN Error during LOADMOD after an OS LINK, LOAD, XCTL, or ATTACH. The compiler switch is on. 15A DMSSLN Severe error during load (phase not found) after an OS LINK, LOAD, XCTL, or ATTACH. The compiler switch is on. 160 DMSXSU Xedit has failed because an error occurred while the editor was reading from the console stack, or because the editor was unable to allocate a save area. Figure 9 (Part 2 of 3). Cause of Abend CMS SVC (202 or 203) instruction was executed and provision was made for an error return from the routine processing the SVC. The DMSKEY key stack overflowed. The DMSKEY key stack underflowed. The DMSKEY key stack was not empty when control returned from a command or function. Occurs when TYPCALL = SVC (the default) is specified in the DMSFREE or DMSFRET macro. Occurs when TYPCALL = BALR is specified in the DMSFREE or DMSFRET Macro devices. The wait count specified in an OS WAIT macro was larger than the number of ECBs specified. The OS interface to VSE/VSAM is unable to continue execution of the problem program. Action Enter DEBUG and type GO. Control returns to the point to which a normal return would have been made. Enter DEBUG and type GO. Execution continues and the DMSKEY macro is ignored. Enter DEBUG and type GO. Control returns from the command or function as if the key stack had been empty. When a system abend occurs, use DEBUG to attempt recovery. When a system abend occurs, use DEBUG to attempt recovery. Examine the program for excessive wait count specification. See the additional error message accompanying the abend message, correct the error, and reexecute the program. See the last LOADMOD (DMSMOD) error message for error description. In the case of an I/O error, recreate the module. If the module is missing, create it. See last LOAD error message (DMSLIO) for the error description. In the case of an I/O error, recreate the text deck or TXTLIB. If either is missing, create it. Reissue the XEDIT command. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. CMS Abend Codes CMS Abend Codes 49 Abend Code 174 Module Name DMSVIB 177 DMSVIB DMSVIP 200 DMSSFF 240 DMSSVT 400 DMSSVT 500 DMSTLB 704 DMSSMN 705 DMSSMN 804 80A DMSSMN 905 90A DMSSMN A05 AOA DMSSMN Figure 9 (Part 3 of 3). 50 Cause of Abend The OS interface to VSE/VSAM is unable to continue execution of the problem program. The OS interface to VSE/VSAM is unable to continue execution of the problem program. There is an error in the oversay process. No work area was provided in the parameter list for an OS RDJFCB macro. An invalid or unsupported form of the OS XDAP macro was issued by the problem program. A block count error was detected when reading a SL tape. User replied 'cancel' to message 425R or the user's program contained a block count error routine that returned a code of 0 under OS simulation. An OS GETMAIN macro (SVC 4) was issued specifying the LC or LU operand. These operands are not supported by CMS. An OS FREEMAIN macro (SVC 5) was issued specifying the L operand. This operand is not supported by CMS. An OS GETMAIN macro (804SVC 4, 80A - SVC 10) was issued that requested either zero bytes of storage, or more storage than was available. An OS FREEMAIN macro (905 - SVC 5, 90A - SVC 10) was issued specifying an area to be released whose address was not on a doubleword boundary. An OS FREEMAIN macro (A05 - SVC 5, AOA - SVC 10) was issued specifying an area to be released which overlaps an existing free area. CMS Abend Codes IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes Action See the additional error message accompanying the abend message, correct the error, and reexecute the program. Find out what caused the error and rerun the job. Check RDJFCB specification. Examine program for unsupported XDAP macro or for SVC O. Find out what caused the block count error. Then reload CMS and rerun the job. Change the program so that it specifies allocation of only one area at a time. Change the program so that it specifies the release of only one area at a time. Check the program for a valid GETMAIN request. If more storage was requested than was available, increase the size of the virtual machine and retry. Check the program for a valid FREEMAIN request; the address may have been incorrectly specified or modified. Control Program (CP) Messages OOIE ?CP: command Explanation: The command specified is not a valid CP command, or a valid CP command was entered prior to logging on to VM/SP HPO. User Response: Reissue the command in full, or in the proper abbreviated form. Or, log on to the system if you haven't done so yet. 002E INVALID OPERAND - operand Explanation: One of the operands was incorrectly specified. This message is also displayed if a MONITOR STOP command is issued while data collection is inactive, or if a MONITOR START command is issued and data collection is already in progress. User Response: Reissue the command with a valid operand. 003E INVALID OPTION - option Explanation: You receive this message for one or more of the following reasons: • An option is incorrectly specified • An option is invalid with this particular variation of the command • The option is shorter than the minimum length required for abbreviations • You specified too many parameters on the commnd line • If PMA or PMAV appears in the message, you specified a parameter twice in the command line User Response: Reissue the command with a valid option. 004E INVALID HEXLOC - operand Explanation: The hexadecimal location is incorrect because the operand contains nonhexadecimal data or is longer than six characters. If the operand was not a hexadecimal location, it was misspelled. User Response: Reissue the command; specify the operand correctly. 005E INVALID HEXDATA - hexdata Explanation: The hexadecimal data supplied either contains nonhexadecimal characters or is longer than eight characters. User Response: Reissue the command; specify the hexadecimal data. Control Program (CP) Messages 51 006E INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr Explanation: The device type specified is not recognized as a valid CP device, or it is incorrect for the function requested. Examples of conditions that cause this message to be displayed are: • If a teletypewriter terminal user issues a TERMINAL APL ON command. • If the NOTREADY command is issued for a device other than a spooled unit record or console device. • If the device specified is a virtual channel-to-channel adapter that has not yet been attached via the COUPLE command to another device. The virtual CTCA can be made ready only by issuing the COUPLE command. • The user has issued a SET VMSAVE command for a DASD type with the volid specified in the NAMESYS macro. Module DMKSNT is not supported for this function. • The operator attempted to set TERMINAL CONMODE 3270, BREAKIN, SCRNSAVE, or BRKKEY on a console that is not a local non-SNA display unit with a 3270 compatible command set. • The operator attempted to set TERMINAL CONMODE, BREAKIN, SCRNSAVE, or BRKKEY without a virtual console defined. User Response: Reissue the command; with a valid device type. For some of the requests, there can be no user action because a real device does not allow the option specified. 007E INVALID USERID - userid Explanation: The userid contains more than eight characters. User Response: Reissue the command with a valid userid. 008E INVALID SPOOLID - spoolid Explanation: The spoolid specified was not a valid decimal number, or it was larger than four digits. User Response: Reissue the command with a valid spoolid number. 009E INVALID RANGE - range Explanation: The range of addresses or registers specified is incorrect. For instance, the end address may be smaller than the starting address, too many ranges were specified, or the number of pages to be locked may be equal to or greater than the number of pages available in the dynamic paging portion of real storage. User Response: Reissue the command; specify the range. 52 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes OIOE INVALID REGISTER - register Explanation: The register specified is not in the range 0 through 15 or hexadecimal 0 through F, or the register specified is not 0, 2, 4, or 6 for a floating-point register. User Response: Reissue the command; specify a valid register. OllE INVALID DEVICE TYPE - userid addr Explanation: This message is issued when one of the following occurs: • On a DIAL command, you specified a device that is not a virtual low speed line. • On a COUPLE command, The device specified is not a virtual channel-to-channel adapter, or, You tried to couple a 3088 channel-to-channel device to a channel-to-channel adapter. • For the 3880 Storage Control System: On an ATTACH command, You did not attach the device to an even control unit address or virtual control unit address. You attached a 3880 Storage Control device at a virtual address that has existing virtual control blocks which define a different type of device. The last digit of the virtual device address is not the same as the last digit of the real device address. You tried to attach a device other than a 3880 Storage Control device within the range of addresses occupied by 3880 Storage Control devices. On a VARY, ATTACH, or DEFINE command, you specified a paging mode address of the 3880 Storage Control system. In a directory statement, you tried to define a minidisk on a 3880 Storage Control device. This error occurs at logon time. On a LINK command, you tried to link to a minidisk which was defined on a 3880 Storage Control device. You tried to place a saved system on a 3880 Storage Control device. User Response: Ensure that the device is the correct type for the function, and reissue the command. Control Program (CP) Messages 53 012E INVALID PSW - psw Explanation: The PSW (program status word) specified by the STORE command is invalid. An invalid PSW is one where: • The virtual machine is operating in extended control mode and some of the bits that are defined by 'the architecture to be zero have been turned on, or • The virtual machine is operating in basic control mode, and the extended control mode bit has been specified. User Response: Change the PSW to a valid format for the mode of the virtual machine. If this is not done, attempting to run the virtual machine with an invalid PSW causes an invalid PSW message to be issued from the CP dispatcher. 013E CONFLICTING OPTION - {optionloptionl AND option2} Explanation: This message occurs when: • • The same option is specified twice in the same command, or • DSS is specified in a VMDUMP command but no discontiguous segments exist. • • The function requested is incompatible with the system. The function required by the given option is incompatible with a previously specified operand. Conflicting options (option! and option2) are specified on the same PER command line. Both a PMA or PMAV parameter and a STOP or ATTN parameter appear in an IPL command. These operands are mutually exclusive. User Response: For a class G command, consult the VM/SP HPO CP Command Reference for General Users; for commands other than class G, refer to the VM/ SP HPO Operator's Guide. Check for the correct specification of the command and the allowed options, and reissue the command. 013W CONFLICTING OPTION - {NORUN CONFLICTS WITH PRINTER IPRINTER CONFLICTS WITH NORUNISTEP CONFLICTS WITH PRINTERIPRINTER CONFLICTS WITH STEP} {"BOTH"I"RUN"} OPTION FORCED Explanation: An overriding option conflicts with an existing option in the PER traceset. System Action: The overriding option is applied to the trace element. The conflicting option in the trace element is reset so that a conflict does not exist. User Response: Issue QUERY PER ALL to see how the tracesets have been changed. 54 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 014E TAPE raddr DUMP TAPE CAPACITY EXCEEDED Explanation: On the SPTAPE command with the DUMP option, the tape defined by raddr has reached end-of-reel before all spool files were dumped. System Action: The tape is file marked at the last complete spool file, the tape is unloaded, and the command is terminated. User Response: Use a larger tape reel or dump by spool class or type. 016E TAG INVALID FOR SPECIFIED FILE TYPE Explanation: The spool file cannot be tagged. The splink (the data buffer) does not leave space for tag information (such as accounting, dump, and monitor files). User Response: This is an invalid command. No response is possible. 017E INSUFFICIENT SCREEN SPACE - CLEAR SCREEN AND REDIAL Explanation: A local 3270 terminal issued a DIAL command, and there was an insufficient number of lines left on the screen to display the command and resulting message. If you continue, the terminal will go into a holding state. This will tie up the terminal, because the processing of DIAL disables the terminal from solicited interrupts, thereby preventing the release of the holding state. User Response: Clear the screen and then reissue the command. 020E USE RID MISSING OR INVALID Explanation: The userid is either missing or invalid. It may be longer than eight characters. This message is also issued if a user who does not have privilege class D issues the command QUERY FILES CLASS x userid, because the userid operand is valid only for class D users. User Response: Reissue the command with a valid userid. 021E RADDR MISSING OR INVALID [raddr] Explanation: The real device address is either missing or invalid. An invalid device address either: • Is more than four characters long • Contains nonhexadecimal characters • Is a paging mode address of a 3880 Storage Control device. User Response: Reissue the command with a valid real device address. 022E V ADDR MISSING OR INVALID Explanation: The virtual device address is either missing or invalid. A virtual device address may be invalid for any of the following reasons: • It is longer than three characters • It contains nonhexadecimal data Control Program (CP) Messages 55 • It is greater than X'5FF' for a virtual machine running in basic control mode • It is associated with an unsupported device type (specified in the command IPL vaddr) • It was used previously to define a device for a virtual machine. User Response: Reissue the command with a valid virtual device address. 023E VOLID MISSING OR INVALID Explanation: The volume identification is either missing or invalid. A volid longer than six characters is considered invalid. User Response: Reissue the command with a valid volume identification. 024E {CYLSIBLKSIFORM NUMBER} MISSING OR INVALID Explanation: The number of cylinders (or blocks if FB-512) must be specified with the command, but it is missing or invalid. An invalid cylinder specification is one that is four or more characters, or larger than the maximum number of cylinders available on the device type specified. An invalid block number specification is one that is seven or more characters, or larger than the maximum number of blocks on the device type specified. If 'FORM NUMBER' appears in the message text, the form number following the FORM keyword is missing or it is over 8 characters long. User Response: Reissue the command; specify the number of cylinders, blocks, or form number correctly. 025E STORAGE MISSING OR INVALID Explanation: The amount of storage is either missing or invalid. An invalid storage specification contains invalid digits or does not end with the letter K orM. User Response: Reissue the command; specify the storage requirement. 026E OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID Explanation: A required operand is either missing or invalid. User Response: Reissue the command with a valid operand. 027E SPOOLID MISSING OR INVALID Explanation: The command requires that a spoolid be supplied, but it is either missing or invalid. An invalid spoolid is one that contains nondecimal characters. User Response: Reissue the command with a valid spoolid. 028E CLASS MISSING OR INVALID Explanation: The class value is either missing or invalid. An invalid class is one that is not in the range A through Z or 0 through 9. User Response: Reissue the command with a valid class. 56 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 029E FNAME FTYPE MISSING OR INVALID Explanation: The filename and/or filetype is missing or invalid. An invalid filename is larger than 24 characters. An invalid file type is larger than eight characters if the filename is eight characters or less. User Response: Reissue the command; specify the required filename and/or filetype. 030E COPIES MISSING OR INVALID Explanation: The operand that specifies the number of copies is either missing or invalid. An invalid copy specification is nondecimal or greater than 255. User Response: Reissue the command; specify the required number of copies. 03tE BUFFER MISSING OR INVALID [modifier] Explanation: The FCB or UCSB could not be loaded. The modifier indicates the reason for failure: • If there is no modifier, the buffer name is missing or invalid. Valid buffer names are established by the system programmer. Any buffer name longer than eight characters is invalid. • If the modifier is "FCB TOO LONG", the FCB is too long for the printer. • If the modifier is "EXTENDED FCB NOT SUPPORTED", an attempt is being made to send an extended FCB image to a printer that does not support the extended FCB format. System Action: The buffer has not been transferred to the device. User Response: Reissue the command using either a valid buffer name or a buffer that is compatible with the device. 032E DISTCODE MISSING OR INVALID Explanation: The distribution code is either missing or invalid. An invalid distribution code is longer than eight characters. User Response: Reissue the command with a valid distribution code. 033E HEXLOC MISSING OR INVALID Explanation: The hexadecimal location is either missing or invalid. An invalid hexadecimal location is one that contains nonhexadecimal characters or is longer than six characters. User Response: Reissue the command with a valid hexadecimal location. 034E CHANNEL MISSING OR INVALID Explanation: The channel number is either missing or invalid. An invalid channel number either is longer than one character or is nonhexadecimal. User Response: Reissue the command with a valid channel number. Control Program (CP) Messages 57 035E DEVICE TYPE MISSING OR INVALID Explanation: The command requires that a valid CP spool device type be entered as an operand, but it is either missing or invalid. Valid device types are READER (R, RDR), PRINTER (P, PRT), and PUNCH (PU, PCH). User Response: Reissue the command with a valid spool device type. 036E INDEX MISSING OR INVALID Explanation: If INDEX MISSING is the condition, the requested FCB (forms control buffer) image in DMKFCB does not have an index value, therefore one must be supplied in the command. If INDEX INVALID is the condition, nn was not a number from 1 to 31, where nn corresponds to the number of the first print position. User Response: Supply the value for INDEX in the FCB image or ensure that nn is a number from 1 to 31, whichever is appropriate. Reissue the command. 037E TAPE raddr INVALID FOR SPTAPE COMMAND Explanation: On the SPTAPE command with the LOAD/SCAN options, the tape specified by raddr was not generated by SPTAPE commands and has and invalid tape format. System Action: The tape is unloaded and the command is terminated. User Response: Have the operator verify that the tape was created by the SPTAPE command. 038E PARAMETER parameter FOR option OPTION MISSING OR INVALID Explanation: FORMAT was specified in a VMDUMP command without an operand, the operand was longer than 8 characters, or the parameter for the named option of a CP request was missing or longer than allowed. User Response: Reissue the correct command. 039E PROCESSOR ADDRESS MISSING OR INVALID 'Explanation: An ATTACH CHANNEL or DETACH CHANNEL command was issued and the processor address was (a) missing from the command (MP mode only), or (b) an invalid address. While the processor address is not required on the ATTACH/DETACH CHANNEL command in UP or AP modes, if specified it will be checked for validity. In AP mode, the processor address must be that of the I/O processor. System Action: The ATTACH/DETACH CHANNEL command is rejected. Operator Response: Reissue the ATTACH/DETACH CHANNEL command with a valid processor address. 58 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 040E DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST Explanation: This message is issued for one of the following reasons: • The device address specified does not exist, or a TIO to that device resulted in condition code 3. • A fatal I/O error occurred when you attempted to perform I/O to a 3880 Storage Control device. • For a V ARY ONLINE command, if the device is configured as one of a string of DASD (but is not the head of the string), the device is either not operational or not ready. If the device address is a real device, it is not configured in the CP system, or the device is configured in CP but is not operational. If it is a virtual device address, the virtual device is not configured in the virtual machine. If the specified device address is valid, this message may indicate a problem with the Network Control Program and/or the 370x. User Response: If the device is not operational, it cannot be varied online. If the device is not ready, you must ready the device before it can be varied online. Otherwise, reissue the command and specify the required real or virtual address. 041E LOGMSG nn DOES NOT EXIST Explanation: The SET LOGMSG command has been issued requesting a specific log message line, and the log message line does not exist. User Response: Reissue the command; specify the required log message line. 042E SPOOLID nnnn DOES NOT EXIST OR IS HELD Explanation: The spoolid number specified does not exist within the specified device type. If the spoolid is an open reader file (in use by the virtual machine), it cannot be changed or purged. A CLOSE command will purge an open reader file unless SPOOL RDR HOLD is in effect. DMKTRR issues this message to indicate that the file could not be located. There are several reasons why DMKTRR might not find the file: • The file is not there. • The file is not a reader file. • The file is held. • The class of the reader is not the same as the class of the file. User Response: Reissue the command; specify only known and valid spoolids. Control Program (CP) Messages 59 043E BUFFER name DOES NOT EXIST Explanation: The buffer name supplied with the command is not known to the CP system. The buffer does not exist if it cannot be found in one of the following CP modules: DMKFCB DMKUCB DMKUCS DMKPIA = 3211 Forms Control Buffers = 3211 UCS Buffers = 1403 UCS Buffers = 3289 Font Offset Buffers User Response: Reissue the command; specify a valid buffer name. 044E SYSTEM name DOES NOT EXIST Explanation: The system name specified does not exist. User Response: Reissue the command; specify a valid system name. 045E userid NOT LOGGED ON Explanation: The userid specified is not logged on. The command cannot execute properly unless the user specified is logged on. User Response: Reissue the command; specify only users who are currently logged on. 046E {DEV ridltype raddr} OFFLINE Explanation: The specified device or resource is offline and is considered not available to the CP system. System Action: The command is rej ected. User Response: If this message was issued for DEV rid, issue the NETWORK VARY command to vary the resource online, and then reissue the command. If the message was issued for type raddr, issue the VARY command to vary the device online, and then reissue the command. If the command was the VARY command, the device had been forced offline and cannot be varied online again. 047E {userid {vaddrlsegname}ITHE CURRENT TRACESETITHE TRACE SET traceset IA SAVED TRACE SET} DOES NOT EXIST Explanation: The device specified for the particular userid does not exist in that user's virtual machine configuration. If the message is issued for the DIAL or COUPLE command, the particular device specified with those commands is not defined in the receiving user's virtual machine configuration. If this message is issued for the PER command, an action was requested to be performed on a traceset that does not exist. For DMKSEG, the segname does not exist. User Response: Reissue the command; specify only existing virtual device addresses for the receiving virtual machine. For DMKSEG, reissue the command using a valid segname. For PER, establish a traceset before requesting an operation to be performed on that traceset. 60 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 048E CHANNEL x DOES NOT EXIST Explanation: The channel specified in the ATTACH CHANNEL command is not configured in the CP system. User Response: Reissue the command; specify only valid and defined real channel addresses. 049E type raddr IN USE Explanation: You attempted one of the following: • to vary an active teleprocessing line offline • to vary an active graphic device offline • to vary online additional paths to a device for which a real RESERVE may be outstanding. System Action: The command is rejected. User Response: In a case of an attempt to vary offline an active line, first deactivate the line by using the DISABLE command; then reissue the VARY command. 050E PASSWORD INCORRECT Explanation: The password supplied is incorrect. User Response: Reissue the command, and supply the correct password when prompted. Make sure your password is exactly six characters long. 051E MAXIMUM USERS EXCEEDED Explanation: The maximum number of users specified by the system operator would have been exceeded if the logon were allowed to proceed. User Response: Logon is not allowed and the line is disabled. Try to log on at a later time. If necessary, send a message to the operator before logging on to inquire about the status of the maximum number of users. 052E ERROR IN CP DIRECTORY Explanation: The link or logon cannot be accomplished because of a permanent I/O error encountered while reading the directory. User Response: Notify the system operator that you cannot complete your link or logon because of an error in the directory. 053E userid NOT IN CP DIRECTORY Explanation: The use rid supplied was not found in the directory or has a password of NOLOG. User Response: Reissue the command; specify a valid userid. Control Program (CP) Messages 61 054E ALREADY LOGGED ON {LINEIGRAFILUNAME} raddr Explanation: The userid supplied in the LOGON command is already logged on at the given line address. LINE indicates a typewriter terminal and GRAF indicates a display terminal. For SNA terminals LUNAME indicates that the userid supplied in the LOGON command is already logged on at a given location. CP doesn't know the actual location of the SNA terminal so it uses the L UNAME of the terminal. User Response: Log on specifying a different userid, or send a message to the operator or the logged-on user requesting information on the logon status. 055E LINE(S) NOT A V AILABLE ON userid Explanation: The DIAL command has • • • b~en issued to a userid and either: That userid has no 270X lines, or The lines are not enabled, or The lines are all busy. User Response: Reissue the DIAL command specifying a userid that has enabled virtual 270X lines that are not already servicing a user. 056E LINE vaddr BUSY ON userid Explanation: The virtual 270X line specified in the DIAL command is busy. User Response: Reissue the DIAL command at a later time when the line becomes available. 057W userid NOT RECEIVING; {DISCONNECTED IMSG OFFIMSG TOO LONGINOT DISCI NO CONSOLEISMSG OFFI NOT AUTHORIZEDIWNG OFF'I VMCF/IUCV ERROR nnnn} Explanation: The userid specified in a MESSAGE, SMSG, or WARNING command is not receiving because the user is disconnected, not authorized, has set messages (or special messages or warnings) off using the SET command, or has not established the proper VMCF or IUCV connection. The MSG TOO LONG condition can occur if the RSCS 'SMSG' command is used to send a long message to a user at another node. User Response: No further action is required. 058E CTC vaddr BUSY ON userid Explanation: The virtual channel-to-channel device specified in the COUPLE command is busy on the receiving userid's virtual machine. User Response: Reissue the command; specify an available virtual channel-to-channel device. 62 IBMVM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 059E AUTOLOG FAILED FOR userid - {IPL MISSINGIIPL FAILEDIACCOUNTING ERRORSIINCORRECT PASSWORDS} Explanation: An AUTOLOG command was issued for a user, but the command could not be executed for one of the following reasons: 1. IPL MISSING - there was no IPL record in the user's directory entry. 2. IPL FAILED - the IPL did not complete successfully. 3. ACCOUNTING ERRORS - the logon accounting routine returned a nonzero return code. 4. INCORRECT PASSWORD - The password from the autolog command does not match the password in the directory. System Action: The user is not logged onto the system. User Response: For reason 1, have your system administrator place' an appropriate IPL record in the specified user's directory. For reason 2, log onto the userid in the usual manner to determine the cause of the IPL failure. For reason 3, contact your system programmer for specific requirements of your local accounting procedures. For reason 4, contact your system programmer to verify the correct password or re-issue the autolog command with the correct password. 060E DUMP FAILED; VIRTUAL PRINTER UNAVAILABLE Explanation: The virtual printer either does not exist or is not ready. User Response: If a virtual printer exists, issue the CP READY command for it and then reissue the DUMP command. If a virtual printer does not exist, use the CP DEFINE command to create one and reissue the DUMP command. 06lE DUMP FAILED; VIRTUAL PRINTER ERROR Explanation: Either an I/O error occurred while a dump was being spooled to DASD, or spool space has been filled. If this message is issued in response to a PER command, a problem has occurred while attempting to write PER output to the user's virtual printer. User Response: Notify the system programmer. For PER, if a virtual printer exists, issue the CP READY command. If a virtual printer does not exist, issue the CP DEFINE command. Control Program (CP) Messages 63 062E ECMODE NOT SET ON Explanation: A SET STBYPASS was issued to a virtual machine without the ECMODE option being in effect. System Action: The command is terminated. User Response: Issue the SET ECMODE ON command which will reset the virtual machine. Then IPL the virtual system and reissue the command. 063E SHADOW TABLE BYPASS; NOT SET Explanation: The virtual machine is not running in extended control mode or the virtual control register 1, or segment or page table entries are not architecturally valid. Note: If virtual machine assist is available, the STFIRST option must be specified in the user's directory. System Action: The highest virtual = real address is set to zero. User Response: Use the SET STBYPASS command only after the virtual relocate system has been reloaded and is running. 064E SHADOW TABLE BYPASS; RESET Explanation: Virtual = Real USER: The virtual system was running with 'SET STBYPASS VR'. The virtual machine attempted to run with translation tables resident in the first 4K of storage. Virtual = Virtual USER: Either the virtual operating system attempted to map a virtual address, not equal to its real address, to an address below the highest virtual = real address in the virtual address space or the virtual machine loaded a BC mode PSW or the virtual system was reset. System Action: The SET STBYPASS command has been SET OFF. Virtual machine execution will continue. User Response: Use the SET STBYPASS command only when running a virtual relocation operating system that does not violate the shadow table bypass restriction. 065E HIGHEST ALLOWABLE HIGH-WATER MARK VALUE IS xxxxxK Explanation: The value specified by the 'SET STBYPASS nnn' command exceeded the highest allowable high-water mark value. The high-water mark value will be set only if it is not higher than the following: • the virtual machine size • a high-water mark value determined from the virtual machine's page and segment tables. The highest allowable high-mark value may not be the true water mark value because the virtual translation tables may have several pageable page frames contiguous with the true high-water mark. 64 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes System Action: The high-water mark value is set to zero, turning off the function. User Response: Determine the true high-water mark value from the virtual systems configuration. Then reset the SET STBYPASS nnn command with the high-water mark value. 066E STMULTI OPTION CSEG RESET Explanation: The previously defined value of the CSEG option of the STMULTI command has been reset to zero because the virtual machine has been reset. System Action: The CSEG option of the STMULTI command has been reset to zero. User Response: Issue the SET STMULTI command with the desired value of the CSEG specified. 067E COMMAND FORMAT NOT VALID Explanation: The password was entered on the same line as the command or a valid option was misspelled. User Response: Reenter the command omitting the password or reenter the command with the correctly spelled option. Note: With the PROTECT option on, the LOGON password may not be entered on the same line as the LOGON command. Enter the password as a response to the "ENTER PASSWORD" message. 068E SEND COMMAND FAILED - RECEIVER {IS NOT DISCONNECTED/ HAS NOT AUTHORIZED SENDER/HAS NO VIRTUAL CONSOLE/HAS CONSOLE INPUT W AITINGIIS EXECUTING A CONSOLE FUNCTION} Explanation: The receiver specified in the SEND command: 1. Is not disconnected 2. Has not authorized sender 3. Has no virtual console 4. Has console input waiting 5. Is executing a console function. System Action: Text is not sent to receiver in any situation. User Response: 1. Secondary user not in effect because receiver is logged on at a terminal. 2. The sender must be specified as secondary user of the receiver on the CONSOLE directory control statement. 3. Receiver requires a virtual console. Control Program (CP) Messages 65 4.. ~iving virtual machine must 'do a console read for input that is already waiting, then the SEND command can be reissued. 5. 0691 Receiving virtual machine must complete console function before another CP command can be sent. INCOMPLETE RECOVERY; 'SYSTEM RESTART' OR 'BEGIN' Explanation: The data required for complete V = R virtual machine recovery following an ABEND was not available. System Action: The virtual machine is placed in console function mode. User Response: If the guest system is MVS, issue a SYSTEM RESTART command to invoke MVS recovery. If a system other than MVS is the guest, perform the error recovery action, or enter BEGIN and allow the guest system to attempt to recover. 070E DEVICE NOT AVAILABLE - MSS DEVICES ALLOCATED Explanation: User is logged on with a minidisk defined on a system volume that is not mounted. When attempting to find an MSS volume with the correct volid, an MSS 3330V is required. There are no MSS 3330Vs available to try a volume count. Note: This message is immediately followed by the current DMKLNKIOBE message specifying the referenced 'vaddr' and 'volid'. System Action: The operation failed. User Response: Determine whether the 'volid' required is an MSS volume or standard 3330-1. If it is a standard 3330-1, follow the actions for message 108E. If it is an MSS volume, notify the system operator so that the volume may be made accessible. 071E DEVICE NOT AVAILABLE - MSS CANNOT BE ACCESSED Explanation: The control program has attempted an operation that requires MSS access. The routine to communicate with the MSS (DMKMSS) is not active because of one of the following reasons: • The communicator virtual machine has not been logged on. • The VM system has not yet been initialized in the virtual machine. • The DMKMSS program has not been started in the virtual machine. This message can be issued during execution of any operation that initiated MSS mount or demount activity. Note: This message will always be followed by a message from the specific control program routine that needed MSS activity. System Action: The operation failed. User Response: Request that the system operator makes the communicator virtual machine available or wait until the communicator virtual machine can be initialized. 66 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 072E DEVICE NOT AVAILABLE - 'raddr' NOT PROPER TYPE Explanation: A dedicate or attach operation is in process for device 'raddr'; device 'raddr' is a 3330V. The 'raddr' is not the proper type (VIRTUAL or SYSVIRT). System Action: The attach or dedicate operation failed. User Response: Reissue the command with the correct 'raddr' or if the 'raddr' was specified correctly, request that the system operator use the DEFINE command to reset the 3330Vs characteristics. 073E DEVICE NOT AVAILABLE - MSS ERROR Explanation: The control program has determined that the only possible way to satisfy a request for a virtual device is to issue an MSS mount request. The MSS accepted the request, but later generated an error indication. System Action: The control program command that initiated the MSS request will produce a message to indicate the eventual result of the MSS error. User Response: Contact the system operator to ensure that action is underway to correct the MSS error. Reissue the command when the error has been corrected. 0741 MISSING INTERRUPT - DEVICE 'vaddr' Explanation: The virtual machine started I/O to its device 'vaddr', that is an MSS 3330V in the control program. A cylinder fault occurred on the 3330V but the corresponding attention interruption was not received in the specified time interval. System Action: The original I/O operation is restarted to the device so that if the cylinder fault is satisfied, the request will complete normally. User Response: If the message recurs, it may indicate an error in the MSS staging adapter. The pending I/O request can be cleared by issuing the RESET 'vaddr' command. 075E DEVICE 'volid' IS NOT AVAILABLE Explanation: An ATTACH command has been processed to attach a 'volid' to the system. However, the 'volid' is a SYSVIRT 3330V and that volume is mounted and its serial number is not the same as that specified on the 'volid' parameter. System Action: The specified 'volid' is not attached. User Response: Choose an available SYSVIRT 'volid' and reissue the command. The QUERY command can be used to find an available 'volid'. Control Program (CP) Messages 67 076E THE 'volid' PARAMETER IS INVALID Explanation: The 'volid' parameter was specified with a range or multiple of real addresses on the ATTACH command. This is not a valid combination. System Action: No addresses are attached. User Response: Reissue the command with a valid combination of operands. 077E INVALID REQUEST FOR DEVICE 'nnn' Explanation: A DEFINE command was issued with the VIRTUAL or SYSVIRT parameter for device 'nnn'. Device 'nnn' cannot be defined because it is already the specified type or it is active in its current state. System Action: The status of the device is not changed. No further DEFINE command processing occurs. User Response: The QUERY command can be used to determine the exact status of 'nnn'. The operator can either issue the DEFINE command with a different address specification or wait until the status of 'nnn' has changed. 0781 MSS MOUNT PROCEEDING FOR VOLUME 'volid' Explanation: The control program mounted the system volume 'volid' while processing an MDISK or DED directory statement or a LINK or ATTACH command. The MSS is now mounting the volume. System Action: RC = 160. The allocation of the virtual device is queued, pending the completion of the mount. Any SIO instruction issued by the virtual machine to the virtual address corresponding to the MSS volume is trapped by VM/SP HPO and queued until the volume is mounted. Control is not returned to the user until the volume is mounted and the SIO has been passed to the volume. User Response: None. However, if a SIO is issued to the virtual device before the mount is complete, that SIO will be queued by VM/SP HPO and the virtual machine processing will be suspended pending the completion of the mount. The user can cancel the SIO, rather than waiting for the mount, by getting into CP mode and issuing the RESET command for the virtual address. This will cause CP to dequeue the SIO and generate a condition code 3. 079E CP COMMAND VIA CENTRAL SERVER IS NOT POSSIBLE Explanation: A user issued a control program command from the central server VIRTSYS that required action from the central server. System Action: The operation is ignored. User Response: Do not attempt to issue CP commands in this environment. It is not possible. 68 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 080E NO PREALLOCATED VMSAVE AREA Explanation: The VMSAVE option was specified in the directory at logon, or a SET VMSAVE ON command was issued, and there is no entry in DMKSNT with a USERID = specification for this user. System Action: The VMSA VE option is not enabled. User Response: Verify that the NAMESYS macro defining the target area is specified correctly. If none is present, add a NAMESYS macro defining the target area in module DMKSNT. Issue the SET VMSA VE ON or SET VMSAVE area-name to enable the option. 081W VMSAVE AREA ALREADY IN USE, MUST USE SET COMMAND Explanation: The VMSAVE option is specified in the directory but a valid saved VMSAVE system already exists in the DASD target area. System Action: The VMSA VE option is not enabled. User Response: Verify that the NAMESYS macro is specified correctly for this VMSAVE target area. Use the QUERY VMSAVE command to determine when the system was saved. Use the IPL command to load the system or the SET VMSA VE ON command to clear the area. 082E MORE THAN ONE VMSAVE AREA ALLOCATED, MUST SPECIFY AREA NAME Explanation: The VMSAVE option is specified in the directory or the user has issued a SET VMSA VE ON command when he has more than one target VMSAVE area available to the user. System Action: The VMSA VE option is not enabled. User Response: Issue a QUERY VMSAVE command to determine what areas are available and then issue a SET VMSA VE area-name command to enable the VMSAVE option. 083E VMSA VE AREA DOES NOT CONTAIN A VALID SYSTEM Explanation: The user has issued an IPL command to a VMSA VE target DASD area. The DASD area specified does not contain a valid system. System Action: The IPL command is terminated. User Response: Verify that the correct name was specified on the IPL command. Ensure that the NAMESYS specification points to the correct DASD area. Reissue the IPL command. 086E 1/0 ERROR ON DASD Explanation: The VMSA VE option was specified and an error occurred on the DASD. System Action: The VMSA VE option is not enabled. User Response: Reissue the set VMSA VE command to enable the VMSA VE option. Control Program (CP) Messages 69 090E DEV vaddr NOT DEFINED; DEV {raddrlvolser} NOT AVAILABLE Explanation: The virtual device has not been defined in the virtual machine's.configuration because the real device described in the directory DEDICATE card is not available. A real device is considered not available if it is: • • • Already attached to another user, or In use by the CP system, or Offline. User Response: Ask the system operator about the status and availability of the real device. The operator can attach the required device or an alternate device to the virtual machine. 091E DASD vaddr NOT DEFINED; TEMP SPACE NOT AVAILABLE Explanation: The virtual device has not been defined in the virtual machine configuration because the temporary space requested is not available. Temporary space is considered not available if: • No space has been allocated by the installation for temporary use, or • The number of cylinders (or blocks if FB-512 device) requested cannot be satisfied from the available space remaining. User Response: The space cannot be defined if it has not been allocated. If space has been allocated, issue the DEFINE command requesting fewer cylinders (or blocks if FB-512 device.) 092E DEV vaddr NOT DEFINED; type vaddr ALREADY DEFINED Explanation: The virtual device specified has not been previously defined within the virtual machine's configuration, or that address is already defined within the virtual machine's configuration. User Response: Reissue the command; specify a virtual device address that is not already defined within the virtual machine configuration, or detach the conflicting virtual device address before reissuing the command. 093E DEV vaddr NOT DEFINED; ERROR IN CP DIRECTORY Explanation: The requested virtual device has not been defined within the virtual machine configuration because of an error in the CP directory. Examples of this error condition are: • A DEDICATE statement for a 2305 device did not specify the first· exposure address for both the virtual and real address. • A DEDICATE statement specified a paging address of a 3880 Storage Control device. User Response: Send a message to the system operator stating the problem so that the error in the CP directory can be cO't'rected. 70 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 094E STORAGE EXCEEDS ALLOWED MAXIMUM Explanation: The storage specified in the DEFINE command exceeds the maximum allowable as specified in the CP directory. User Response: Reissue the DEFINE command specifying a smaller storage size. 095E DEV vaddr NOT DEFINED; INSUFFICIENT FREE STORAGE Explanation: Sufficient free storage could not be acquired to define a virtual device as a result of the logon process or a DEFINE command. User Response: Reduce the number of virtual devices in the user configuration. The system programmer may want to allocate more free storage to the system. 096E DEVICE vaddr NOT DEFINED; DEVICE TYPE NOT ALLOWED Explanation: The user attempted to redefine a 3880 Storage Control device at location 'vaddr'. System Action: The command is rejected. User Response: If you meant to redefine a 3880 Storage Contro-l device, no response is possible since you cannot redefine this type of device. Otherwise, reissue the command and specify the correct device type. 098E DEV rid MODE SWITCH NOT POSSIBLE Explanation: If this message was issued in response to the DIAL command, it indicates that the DIAL command was issued from a terminal connected to a 3704/3705 that is running the Network Control Program (NCP) or the Partitioned Emulation Program (PEP), and the terminal cannot be switched from network control mode to emulation mode. Otherwise, this message indicates that the NETWORK VARY command was issued with either the EP or NCP operand, requesting a mode switch that cannot be performed. Either the specified resource does not have the mode switch capability or the switch could not be performed. For the NETWORK VARY EP command line, the mode switch cannot be performed if: • The resource is already in emulation mode. • No RDEVBLOK is available for addressing the line when it is in emulation mode. For the NETWORK VARY NCP command line, the mode switch cannot be performed if: • The resource is already in network control mode. • No RDEVBLOK exists for the emulator subchannel address associated with the specified resource. System Action: Command execution is terminated. User Response: For the DIAL command, verify that the correct 3704/3705 control program is active, and that the specific resource in use was generated with the mode switch capability. Note that the DIAL command Control Program (CP) Messages 71 cannot be used with the NCP, because the NCP does not support the mode switching function. For the NETWORK VARY command, check the operands specified when the 3704/3705 control program was generated and correct any in error. Check that the RDEVICE macros in the DMKRIO module were specified correctly, according to the real machine and 3704/3705 configurations. If errors are discovered in the 3704/3705 control program generation, regenerate the 3704/3705 control program. If errors are discovered in the DMKRIO module, regenerate the CP nucleus. lOlW DASD vaddr FORCED RIO; RIO BY {nnn USERSluserid} Explanation: The virtual device specified has been forced into read-only status because other users on the system already are linked to the same device with read-only access. If only one user has read-only access, that user's userid is displayed at the terminal. User Response: This is a warning message for information only and no further action is required. l02W DASD vaddr FORCED RIO; R/W BY %nnn USERSluserid Explanation: The virtual device specified has been forced into read-only status because other users on the system already have access to the same disk area in read/write mode. If only one user has read/write access, that user's userid is displayed at the terminal. User Response: This is a warning message for information only and no further action is required. l03W DASD vaddr FORCED RIO; R/W BY {nnn USERSluserid}; RIO BY {nnn USERS luserid} Explanation: The given virtual device has been forced into read-only status because the disk is in read/write use by some users and read-only use by other users linked to the same disk area. If the number of users having read/write or read-only access is one, the single userid is displayed at the terminal. User Response: This is a warning message for information only and no further action is required. l04E userid vaddr NOT LINKED; RIO BY {nnn USERSluserid} Explanation: The link to the user's virtual device has not been accomplished because that disk area is already in read-only use by one or more users. If the number of users is one, the single userid is displayed at the terminal. User Response: Reissue the LINK command, specifying the appropriate alternate access to obtain a link to the desired area in read or write mode. 72 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes I05E userid vaddr NOT LINKED; R/W BY {nnn USERSluserid} Explanation: The link to the user's virtual device has not been accomplished because that disk area is already in read/write use by one or more users. If the number of users is one, the single userid is displayed at the terminal. User Response: Reissue the LINK command, specifying the appropriate alternate access to gain a link to the device in the required mode. lOGE userid vaddr NOT LINKED; R/W BY {nnn USERSluserid}; R/OBY {nnn USERSluserid} Explanation: The link to the user's virtual device has not been accomplished because the disk is in read/write use by some users and read-only use by other users. If the number of users is one, the single userid is displayed at the terminal. User Response: Reissue the LINK command, specifying the appropriate alternate access required to gain the correct link to the disk area. I07E userid vaddr NOT LINKED; NOT IN CP DIRECTORY Explanation: The link to the user's virtual device has not been accomplished because that virtual device address is not defined in the directory for the specified userid. User Response: Reissue the LINK command, specifying the correct virtual device address or the correct userid. lOSE userid vaddr NOT LINKED; VOLID volid NOT MOUNTED Explanation: The link to the user's virtual device address has not been accomplished because the virtual device is defined on a volume that is not currently mounted on the CP system. User Response: Send a message to system operator asking that the specified volume be mounted and attached to the CP system. Reissue the LINK command when the operator confirms that the correct volume has been mounted. I09E userid vaddr NOT LINKED; INVALID LINK DEVICE Explanation: The link to the user's virtual device has not been accomplished because the virtual device defined in the user's CP directory entry is not a mini disk to which a link can be accomplished. User Response: Reissue the LINK command with a valid userid and virtual device address. ttOE userid vaddr NOT LINKED; type vaddr ALREADY DEFINED Explanation: The link to the user's virtual device has not been accomplished because this virtual machine already has a device with the same address defined in its configuration. If a CTCA is defined in the virtual machine's configuration, 16 virtual addresses are defined for that CTCA and a link using one of those addresses cannot be made. Control Program (CP) Messages 73 User Response: Reissue the LINK command requesting a different virtual device address, detach the device with toe conflicting virtual address from the virtual machine, and then reissue the LINK command. IIIE userid vaddr NOT LINKED; NO READ PASSWORD Explanation: The link to the user's virtual device has not been accomplished because no read access to it is allowed. User Response: Contact your system programmer to request a directory change. 112E userid vaddr NOT LINKED; NO WRITE PASSWORD Explanation: The link to the user's virtual device has not been accomplished because no write access to it is allowed. User Response: Contact your system programmer to request a directory change. 113E userid vaddr NOT LINKED; NO MULT PASSWORD Explanation: The link to the user's virtual device has not been accomplished because no multiple-access password is specified for the user's minidisk. User Response: Contact your system programmer to request a directory change. 114E userid vaddr NOT LINKED; MODE OR PASSWORD INCORRECT Explanation: The link to the user's virtual device has not been accomplished because an incorrect password was entered. User Response: Reissue the LINK command and specify the correct password. 115E {AUTOLOGILINK} INVALID; EXCESSIVE INCORRECT PASSWORDS Explanation: The AUTOLOG command issued from a virtual machine by a DIAGNOSE instruction is now invalid because the user has entered four incorrect passwords associated with the AUTOLOG command during the current terminal session. The LINK command issued from a virtual machine by a DIAGNOSE instruction is now invalid because the user has entered ten incorrect unprompted passwords for access to mini disks during the current terminal session. User Response: The command can still be entered from the CP command mode by signaling attention and reissuing the command. The AUTOLOG command can be issued from the virtual machine environment if you do not enter the password as part of the input line but allow the CP system to prompt you for it. This error condition from the AUTOLOG or LINK command is designed to prohibit password guessing by repetitive calls to the command from within the virtual machine. 74 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 116E userid xxx NOT LINKED; CP DIRECTORY IN USE Explanation": The userid to which you are linking is either logging on the system, or someone else is attempting a link to the same userid at this time. User Response: Reissue the LINK command. 117E USE RID userid NOT LINKED; VOLID volid CONFLICT Explanation: The volume label in the user's directory entry matches the volume label on the real device, but the device class and device type are not the same. User Response: Correct the error in the directory for the device that cannot be linked. lISE userid vaddr NOT LINKED; COMMAND FORMAT NOT VALID Explanation: The LINK password was entered on the same line as the LINK command or a valid option was misspelled. User Response: Reenter the LINK command omitting the password or reenter the LINK command with the correctly spelled option. Note: With the PROTECT option on, the LINK password may not be entered on the same line as the LINK command. Enter the password as a response to the "ENTER PASSWORD:" message. 119E userid vaddr NOT LINKED; INSUFFICIENT FREE STORAGE Explanation: Sufficient free storage could not be acquired to satisfy the link request for a virtual device. User Response: Reduce the number of virtual devices in the user configuration or in other user configurations. The system programmer may want to allocate more free storage to the system. 120E {PRT ridltype raddr} NOT ATTACHED; userid vaddr ALREADY DEFINED Explanation: The real device has not been attached to the specified userid because that userid has already defined a virtual device of the specified virtual address. Operator Response: Send a message, via the MESSAGE command, to the user requesting what action should be taken and what virtual device should be assigned. If the user wants to detach the conflicting virtual device from his machine configuration, reissue the ATTACH command specifying a different virtual address for the user. 12lE {PRT ridltype raddr} NOT ATTACHED TO userid Explanation: The real device has not been detached from the specified userid because it was not attached to that user. Either the real device or the userid has been incorrectly specified. User Response: Reissue the DETACH command specifying the correct device address for the userid. Control Program (CP) Messages 75 122E {PRT ridltype raddr} ALREADY ATTACHED TO userid Explanation: The requested real device is already attached to another userid. The operator has probably specified an incorrect real device address. Operator Response: Reissue the ATTACH commarid, specifying the correct real device address. 123E DASD raddr CP OWNED Explanation: The command has not been processed for the requested userid because that device is owned by the CP system. A CP-owned device is one that is defined in the system-owned list and is in use for paging or spooling space. User Response: The command cannot be specified for the real device because that device must re~ain owned and in use by the CP system. 124E DASD raddr IN USE BY nnn USERS Explanation: The command has not been executed because the device is in use by the stated number of users. User Response: The command cannot be executed for the specified real device until all users who have minidisks in use on that device detach them. 125E DASD raddr VOLID volid ALREADY ATTACHED TO SYSTEM Explanation: The volid is already mounted and attached to the system. Operator Response: Reissue the ATTACH command specifying the correct volid. It may be necessary to detach the real device from the system that contains the duplicate volid before attempting the ATTACH command again. 126E DASD raddr ERROR READING VOLID Explanation: The specified device could not be attached to the system because of an error in reading the volume label. Operator Response: Check that there are no equipment failures; reissue the ATTACH command. 127E DASD raddr VOLID volid DOES NOT MATCH Explanation: The real device has not been attached to the system because the volid read from the label does not match the one specified with the command. Operator Response: Reissue the ATTACH command specifying the correct volid. 128E DASD raddr ERROR READING ALLOCATION RECORD Explanation: The volume, which is a CP-owned volume, has not been allocated for CP use because the allocation record could not be read. Operator Response: Detach the device from the system and reattach it to the system, after checking that there are no equipment failures. 76 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 129E CHANNEL x DEVICES IN USE Explanation: The ATTACH CHANNEL command has not been executed because the devices on that channel are already in use. Operator Response: Detach devices from users and the system before reissuing the ATTACH CHANNEL command. 130E CHANNEL x [PROC nn] NOT ATTACHED TO userid Explanation: The DETACH CHANNEL command has not been accomplished because (1) channel x is not attached to the specified userid, or (2) the channel is not attached on the specified processor. System Action: The DETACH CHANNEL command is rejected. Operator Response: Reissue the command; be sure to specify the correct channel (and processor) for the userid. 13lE INSUFFICIENT FREE STORAGE AVAILABLE FOR {ATTACHILOGON} REQUEST Explanation: An attempt was made to acquire storage for virtual device/control unit/channel blocks from free storage. The storage request could not be satisfied. In the case of ATTACH, no devices are attached. In the case of LOGON, logon processing is accomplished but no virtual devices are available in the user's configuration. User Response: Reduce the amount of storage being requested by reducing the number of virtual devices being attached or logged on. The system programmer may want to allocate more free storage to the system. 132E CHANNEL x ALREADY DEFINED BY userid Explanation: The userid's virtual machine already has a channel with the same address defined in the virtual machine. Operator Response: Request that the user detach all devices from the requested virtual channel and then reissue the command specifying the correct channel address. 133E DASD raddr NOT READY Explanation: An attempt has been made to attach a DASD device that is not ready. Operator Response: Make the device ready and reissue the command. 134E type raddr NOT ATTACHED; CHAN x DEDICATED Explanation: The command has not been executed for the requested userid because the user has attached a dedicated channel with the same channel number as the virtual channel number specified in the ATTACH command. Operator Response: Verify that the raddr in the ATTACH command is correct. Control Program (CP) Messages 77 135E type vaddr NOT DETACHED; CHAN x DEDICATED Explanation: The command has not been executed because the device was attached via the ATTACH CHANNEL command. Operator Response: If the channel is no longer needed, issue the DETACH CHANNEL command. 136E DEVICE addr NOT {DEFINEDIVARIED}; CHANNEL xx DEDICATED Explanation: A VARY ONLINE command for device raddr or a DEFINE command for device vaddr has been issued and the channel to which the device is attached is dedicated. System Action: The command is rejected. Operator Response: In order to vary on or define more devices on channel xx, the channel must first be detached from the userid to which it is attached. 137E DASD vaddr NOT LINKED; CHAN x DEDICATED Explanation: Channel x is dedicated to this virtual machine. The vaddr appearing in the error message has a virtual channel that is equal to the real dedicated channel. Users of dedicated channels are not permitted to link to DASD device(s) where the virtual channel equals the real dedicated channel. User Response: Reissue the LINK command using a different virtual channel address. 13SE CHANNEL x NOT ATTACHED; INSUFFICIENT FREE STORAGE Explanation: Sufficient free storage could not be acquired to satisfy the attach channel request. The request cannot be satisfied unless all devices on the channel can be attached. User Response: Reduce the number of virtual devices in the user configuration. The system programmer may want to allocate more free storage to the system. 139E DASD raddr NOT {LINKEDIATTACHED}; 3330V NOT ACCEPTED AS SYSTEM VOLUME Explanation: Mass Storage (MSS) 3330V devices cannot be attached to the system and used to contain minidisks. User Response: This message identifies a restricted function. Mass Storage (MSS) 3330V devices can only be dedicated to a virtual machine user. 140E type raddr ATTACHED TO userid Explanation: The device specified is not under CP control but is attached to the specified userid for its exclusive control. User Response: Request that the operator detach the device from the specified user in order to make it available to another user. Reissue the command, specifying only devices under CP control. 78 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 141E type raddr NOT ACTIVE Explanation: The command has not been executed because the device specified was not performing any spooling function. User Response: Reissue the command; specify the correct real device, if necessary. 142E type raddr NOT DRAINED Explanation: The command has not been executed because the device specified was not in a drained status. Operator Response: Drain the specified device via the DRAIN command, and reissue the command. 143E type raddr IN USE BY SYSTEM Explanation: The specified device either: • • Is attached to the system, or Is performing I/O activity. System Action: The command is not executed. Operator Response: • For any device other than a 3704/3705, detach the device if possible, or wait for the I/O activity to cease, and then reissue the command. • For an active 3704/3705, the command cannot be executed. • If a NETWORK DUMP is required, use the 3704/3705 LOAD button to activate automatic dump and reload procedures. • If a NETWORK LOAD of a 3704/3705 control program other than the active one is required, use the NETWORK DUMP command with the OFF operand to suppress automatic recovery, and then use the subsequent NETWORK LOAD command. 144W type vaddr RESET BY userid Explanation: The HALT command was used to terminate an active channel program and that channel program was associated with a specified virtual device. System Action: The real device is halted and all pending interrupts are cleared from the specified virtual device. The virtual machine then enters CP command mode. Programmer Response: Ensure that a valid channel program was started to the specified virtual device. User Response: IPL the virtual system to continue. Control Program (CP) Messages 79 1451 USERID:userid AT term-raddrWITH INVALID {LINKILOGON} PASSWORD NO. xxx HAS VIOLATED THE LIMIT OF yyy [,A = auserid] Explanation: The installation defined threshold for invalid passwords has been reached by "userid". term-raddr xxx yyy address of terminal being used. current invalid password count. current limit. When the current limit is met, message DMKJRL1451 is sent. If the optional information" [,A = auserid]" is present, the message is the result of an AUTOLOG command. In this case "userid" is the userid specified in the AUTOLOG command, and "auserid" is the userid of the issuer of the AUTOLOG. Operator Response: None. User Response: Each installation will have to define the specific action they wish to take when this situation arises. Since the situation is a possible attempt to penetrate the system, it should not be ignored. 1461 VMDUMP FAILED, SPOOLING ERROR Explanation: The system was unable to supply the necessary spool file blocks for the VMDUMP. System Action: The VMDUMP request is canceled and any spool file blocks are freed. User Response: Do not reissue the command until spool space is available. 147E CHANNEL x [PROC nn] NOT ATTACHED; ALTERNATE PATHS DEFINED Explanation: An ATTACH CHANNEL command has been issued to attach channel x (to processor nn). There is at least one device on the specified channel that has an alternate path generated. System Action: The ATTACH CHANNEL command is rejected. The ATTACH CHANNEL command is used to dedicate all the devices on a real channel to a specified virtual machine; the one-to-one correspondence of virtual devices to real devices cannot be maintained if alternate paths to any of the devices are generated. Operator Response: None 148E type raddr BUFFER LOAD name FAILED Explanation: The buffer load cannot be accomplished because of an I/O failure on the specified device. It could also mean that module DMKUCS, DMKUCB, or DMKUCC has exceeded a page boundary (4K). User Response: Reissue the command, attempting to load the buffer as before. If the problem persists, there is probably a hardware error. Call your system support personnel for assistance. 80 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 149E DEVICE PATH raddr PROC nn PRESENTED CC3 ON I/O REQUEST Explanation: An I/O operation has found an offline path to a device. The device will appear online to a QUERY command. If you have a 3880 Storage Control system, this message is issued if you attempt to VARY ON a direct mode path when the cache is in use. System Action: The I/O operation was started on another path if one exists. If another path does not exist, an unrecoverable error was posted to the calling task for this I/O operation. If you have a 3880 Storage Control system, the VARY ON command is rejected because the cache is currently in use. Operator Response: Make sure the control unit and device switches are on. If all switches are on, a hardware malfunction is probably the cause of this offline condition. Notify your system support personnel. If you have a 3880 Storage Control system, you should be able to VARY ON the path when the cache is no longer in use. 150A USER userid HAS ISSUED A {CPI VM} READ Explanation: A disconnected user, for whom this user is acting as the secondary user, has issued a console read, or CP has issued a console read on behalf of the disconnected user. System Action: The console read is not actually performed, but a record of it is kept in a queue. User Response: A SEND command must be issued to satisfy the console read. 1511 DASD addr NOT ATTACHED, BUSY PERSISTS, 10BSTAT=xx, 10BCSW + 4 = yyyy Explanation: Following an ATTACH DASD command, the system issued 256 test I/O instructions to the DASD and a busy condition persisted. System Action: The device is not attached. User Response: Use the 10BSTAT with the 10BCSW +4 status byte to find out what caused the busy condition. Values 10BSTAT = 01 10BSTAT=01 IOBSTAT = 01 IOBSTAT=02 and and and and 10BCSW + 4 = 7000 IOBCSW+4 = 1000 10BCSW + 4 = 0000, 10BCSW+ 4 =00001 Meaning Short control unit busy Busy device Busy control unit Channel or subchannel busy For the first three cases, check for a possible shared control unit or a reserved DASD operating in ia sha*d dasd environment. In all cases, reissue the ATTACH.DASD command onc, the busy condition has been cleared. ' I I : \ \ Control Program (CP) Messages 81 152E {PFCOPYIPFTAB} NOT AVAILABL~ Explanation: VM/SP HPO does not support COpy or TAB function settings for program function keys on TTY terminals. You can set tabs using appropriate hardware facilities. For the 3101 with a 3102 attached, you can use the PRINT keys instead of the PFCOPY function. The Preface lists the related hardware publications which contain the affected device. System Action: The PF request is ignored. User Response: Do not use PF keys for COpy or TAB functions. 153E DEVICE vaddrlRNG EXCEEDED MAX NUMBER OF VIRTUAL DEVICES Explanation: By using a LINK, DEFINE, or ATTACH command, you tried to create more virtual device/s than your virtual machine allows. System Action: The command is rejected. User Response: Detach a sufficient number of existing virtual devices from your virtual machine so that the total number of virtual devices is less than or equal to the maximum allowed. Then, in the case of a LINK or DEFINE command, reissue the command. For an ATTACH command, request that the ATTACH be retried. 154E DEV raddr VARY FAILED, VARY IN PROCESS Explanation: A VARY command was issued for the specified device (raddr) while another VARY command was being processed for that device. System Action: The VARY command is canceled. User Response: Reissue the VARY command. 156E raddrl raddr2 raddr3 SUBSYSTEM DEVICE NOT AVAILABLE Explanation: An ATTACH command failed to attach the paging mode addresses of a 3880 Storage Control device because the system is currently using these addresses. At this time, only the base address is attached to your configuration. System Action: The attached device is treated as a normal 3350 DASD, not as a 3880 Storage Control Device. Operator Response: None. 157E CLUSTER=parm MISSING FROM RDEVICE MACRO-DEV raddr Explanation: While attempting to issue a command to a device for line 'raddr', DMKNET found no cluster specified for the line (RDEVICL=O). System Action: Network enable command processing is terminated. User Response: Correct the RDEVICE macro for device 'raddr' by coding the CLUSTER = parameter. If a CLUSTER = parameter is coded, check for an incorrect continuation from the previous line. Ensure that (in the DMKRIO listing for device 'raddr') the RDEVBLOK contains a label for RDEVNICL. 82 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 1581 UCS IMAGE NAME MISMATCH. IMAGE NAME LOADED IS xxxx Explanation: The UCSB name given in the LOADBUF UCS command does not match the UCSB currently loaded in the printer. System Action: None. User Response: Verify that the correct UCS image name is indicated on the command line. If the name is correct, verify that the band image loaded in the printer is correct. 160E HEXLOC hexloc EXCEEDS STORAGE Explanation: The hexadecimal location specified exceeds the storage size. If the hexadecimal location was a virtual address, the address was beyond the range of the virtual machine storage size; if it was a real address, then the address was beyond the range of the real storage size. Note that the storage created by a virtual operating system running under VM/SP HPO is beyond the range of the virtual machine storage size. Thus, the virtual region of a VS operating system running under VM/SP HPO, for example, cannot be displayed. User Response: Reenter the command, using only valid hexadecimal locations within the range of the real or virtual storage size. 161E SHARED PAGE hexloc ALTERED BY-userid Explanation: The operator has issued an STCP (store CP) command for the shared page at hexadecimal location 'hexloc'. This page has just been altered by the currently dispatched user, 'userid', and it therefore will belong solely to 'userid'. Another copy of the shared page will be created at another location for the other users sharing the page before the next user is dispatched. Since it is assumed that the operator wishes to change the contents of the shared page, not the individually-owned page, the STCP command is not executed. Operator Response: If you want to change the contents of the shared segment, use the class A LOCK command with the MAP operand to determine the real address of the page, and then reissue the STCP command with the corrected shared page address. If you want to change the contents of the altered, individually owned page, reissue the STCP command; this time it will be executed. 162E INVALID ECR x - hexdata Explanation: The user has specified an extended control register with invalid hexadecimal data. Invalid hexadecimal data in an extended control register can mean that either certain bit combinations not allowed by the architecture have been specified, or addresses have been named that would cause specification or addressing exceptions in the virtual machine. User Response: Reissue the command, specifying valid hexadecimal data for the control registers specified. Control Program (CP) Messages 83 162W INVALID ECR x - hexdata Explanation: The virtual machine is running in extended control mode and an attempt has been made to store a reset value 'OOOOOOEO' into control register zero (x). The store is completed. User Response: Verify your intention to reset control register zero before continuing in extended control mode. 163E STORE EXCEEDS MAXIMUM REGISTER Explanation: The STORE command has been specified for registers with a number of operands to be stored in contiguous registers, and the number of operands specified would place the store beyond the valid register range. System Action: The system has stored up to and including the maximum register allowed for the store function. User Response: Verify that the STORE command was entered correctly and that the beginning register was correctly specified. If they were not, reissue the STORE command, specifying the correct registers and operands. 164E HEXLOC hexloc NON-ADDRESSABLE STORAGE Explanation: The hexadecimal address specified with the command lies within a nonaddressable storage range. Nonaddressable storage is storage created by named systems such as VSAM. User Response: Reissue the command, specifying a valid hexadecimal address. 1651 PAGE hexloc NOT LOCKED; SHARED PAGE Explanation: The page user at hexadecimal location "hexloc" cannot be locked because it is a shared page. System Action: The system skips this page and continues to lock any remaining unshared pages in the range specified in the LOCK command. User Response: If more pages are to be locked, the user must reissue the LOCK command specifying unshared pages. 166E CHANGED SHARED PAGE NOT WRITTEN TO AUXILIARY STORAGE Explanation: The store into a shared page has been made, but a copy of the change has not been written to backup storage. The recompute bit is on and no page slot is available. The change may be lost if it is assigned later as a private page. User Response: Provide more paging space. 170E SYSTEM name EXCEEDS STORAGE Explanation: If this message was issued in the response to the SAVESYS, SET VMSAVE, or IPL command, the system name specified uses a virtual storage size larger than that defined for the virtual machine. You may not be able to IPL the system if this message was issued following an IPL command. 84 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes If this message was issued in response to a NETWORK command, the specified 3704/3705 control program is larger than the 3704/3705 storage (as specified by the RDEVICE macro), and the control program image cannot be loaded into the specified 3704/3705. User Response: For any of the above commands, reissue the command, specifying a system name that will fit within the virtual machine storage size. Or redefine the virtual machine storage size using the DEFINE command, and then reissue the command (except for the SET VMSA VE command). For NETWORK, reissue the command specifying another control program that will fit in the 3704/3705. For IPL, check that the VSYSADR operand was coded correctly in the NAMESYS macro. 171E SYSTEM name VOLID volid NOT MOUNTED Explanation: If this message was issued in the response to the SAVESYS or the SET VMSA VE command, the system name cannot be saved because it requires a volume that is not mounted. This may be the volume on which the named system was to be saved or the volume that the saved system needs in order to properly execute once loaded. If this message was issued in response to the IPL command, the system name cannot be loaded because it requires a volume that is not mounted. This may be the volume that contains the saved system, or the volume that the saved system needs in order to properly execute once loaded. If this message was issued in response to the SAVENCP command, the volume specified by SYSVOL in the NAMENCP macro in DMKSNT is not currently available. If this message was issued in response to a NETWORK command, the Network Control Program cannot be loaded because the volume on which it resides is not mounted. User Response: Send a message to the system operator stating which volume is not mounted, and request that he mount the desired volume and attach it to the system. Reissue the command once the operator has verified that the correct volume is mounted and attached. 172E SYSTEM name DASD vaddr INCOMPATIBLE SYSRES Explanation: The system name specified cannot be saved or loaded (via IPL) because the direct access storage device address within the virtual machine's configuration does not match the DASD address and location specified in the name table of the CP system. User Response: No action can be directly taken by the user. Verify that the system name you are trying to save or IPL contains the correct virtual device address and that that virtual device address matches the extent on the required owned volume for that system. Control Program (CP) Messages 85 173E SYSTEM name REQUIRES DASD vaddr Explanation: The system name specified with a SAVESYS or IPL command requires that the virtual machine be using a direct access storage device with the specified virtual address. User Response: In the virtual machine configuration, define the required DASD address. Then reissue the command, specifying the correct system name. 174E PAGING ERROR - {I/OIADDRESS EXCEPTION}: {COMMAND TERMINATED, IPL FAILED} Explanation: A paging error was detected; either an I/O error or addressing exception occurred. System Action: Defined in the message text. COMMAND TERMINATED: The command terminated before the completion of requested functions. IPL FAILED: The IPL did not complete. User Response: Reissue the command. If the command continues to fail, notify the system operator. 175E {RESERVEDlname} ALREADY IN USE BY userid Explanation: The RESERVED operand specified in the SET command cannot be applied to the specified user because that function is already in use by the userid identified in the error message. User Response: For RESERVED turn off the RESERVED operand for the user specified in the error message, and reissue the SET command specifying the new userid for the desired function. For name, the VMSAVE area named is in use. Send a message to the other user asking him to release the area or issue the QUERY VMSAVE command . to find out if any other areas are available.) 176E VIRT = REAL AREA IN USE BY userid Explanation: The UNLOCK VIRT = REAL function could not be executed because the given userid is logged on and occupying the virtual = real area. User Response: Request that the user log off, or force the user to log off, and then reissue the command specifying the virtual = real area. 177E PARM EXCEEDS 64 CHARACTERS Explanation: There are more than 64 characters in the P ARM field being passed to the virtual system by the IPL command. User Response: Reissue the command with no more than 64 characters in the PARM field. 86 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 178E SYSTEM name EXCEEDS AVAILABLE DASD SPACE Explanation: 'The amount of DASD space reserved by the NAMENCP macro is insufficient to contain both the 3704/3705 control program image and the system control information. User Response: Increase the amount of DASD space reserved by the NAMENCP macro, and reissue the command. Verify that the extra pages required for the system control information were included when the DASD space was assigned. 179E SYSTEM name VOLID volid NOT CP OWNED Explanation: The DASD volume specified by SYSVOL in the NAMENCP or NAMESYS macro is currently attached to the VM/SP HPO system, but it is not a CP-owned volume, and therefore is not a valid residence volume for the saved system image. User Response: Ensure that the correct DASD volid was specified in the NAMENCP or NAMESYS macro in DMKSNT, and that the physical DASD volume mounted is the correct volume. Verify that the specified volid is included in the SYSOWN macro in DMKSYS, and reissue the SAVENCP diagnose or the SAVESYS command. 180E PER TRACE NOT IN EFFECT Explanation: The user has tried to perform an operation on a traceset, but no tracesets are defined. System Action: None. User Response: Establish a traceset before trying to perform the operation that caused this message to be issued. 180W TRACE NOT IN EFFECT Explanation: The TRACE END function has been specified and the TRACE function was not in effect. User Response: This is a warning message for information only and no further action is required. 18lE SHARED SYSTEM name REPLACED WITH NON-SHARED COpy Explanation: The virtual machine has issued the CP commands STORE, ADSTOP or TRACE and the address targeted by the command is referencing a shared named system page. The shared named system is released and a replacement of the named system is made with a nonshared copy. User Response: The virtual machine continues to run but is now running the shared named system in nonshared mode. The user should be aware that total system efficiency decreases as the number of users running with nonshared copies of a shared named system increases. When the user no longer needs his own copy of a nonshared system he should attempt to replace it with a shared copy. In most instances this would mean reload (via IPL) of the shared named system. Control Program (CP) Messages 87 182E (reserved for IBM use) 1821 PER TRACE IS ACTIVE Explanation: 10,000 PER interrupts have occurred without a display to the terminal. System Action: None. User Response: None required. 183E VM ASSIST NOT ACTIVE Explanation: A SET ASSIST ON or a SET ASSIST SVC command was issued. However, the operator deactivated the assist feature for the whole machine. On an Attached Processor system, this message indicates that the assist is not active on any processor, unless the user has affinity set on. If the user has affinity set on, then the message describes the state of the assist for the affinity processor only. System Action: The user description is updated to use the assist feature when the operator activates it for the system. User Response: None. 184E VM ASSIST NOT AVAILABLE {ON PROCESSOR proc xx} Explanation: A SET ASSIST or a SET SASSIST command was issued but the hardware assist feature is not available on the indicated processor. In an attached processor system, the response with an optional parameter indicates the assist is not available on either processor. The optional parameter is provided for the SET ASSIST command only if the user has affinity set on, and the assist feature is not available on the affinity processor. System Action: If the assist feature is not available on any processor, execution of the command is terminated. If the assist feature is available on the other processor, the user VMBLOK is updated to use the assist feature when the user resets his affinity. User Response: None. 185E CP ASSIST LEVEL xx DOES NOT MATCH CP LEVEL yy Explanation: When VM/SP HPO was loaded, a mismatch was detected between the hardware assist level and the software. Errors might result if the CP assist or the extended virtual machine assist feature were used. System Action: CP assist is set unavailable. User Response: Update the processor or software support to an equivalent level. 186E CP ASSIST NOT AVAILABLE Explanation: A SET CPASSIST command was issued but Extended Control-Program Support is not available on the processor, or there is a mismatch between the hardware assist level and the software. User Response: None. 88 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 187E TIMER ASSIST NOT AVAILABLE Explanation: A SET ASSIST TMR command was issued on a processor that does not have Extended Control-Program Support, or on a processor on which virtual machine assist has been temporarily disabled by the operator. System Action: If the processor does not have this support, no further action is taken. If the support is disabled, the bit VMFVTMR is set, so that if the support is enabled at a later time the timer assist will be used (provided the user has issued SET TIMER ON or SET TIMER REAL and does not have TRACE EXT active). User Response: None. 188E SPECIFIED PROCESSOR UNAVAILABLE Explanation: The processor specified in the command is not online. This message is issued in response to the following commands: SET AFFINITY, SET ASSIST, ATTACH CHANNEL, and DETACH CHANNEL. If the command issued was SET AFFINITY ON, the processor in the user directory entry is not online. System Action: The command is rejected. Operator Response: Reissue the command; be sure to specify the address of a processor that is online. 189E AFFINITY NOT SET; SYSTEM IN UNIPROCESSOR MODE Explanation: The requested processor is in use. Since only one processor is being used, the requestor is always executed on that processor. User Response: None. 1901 NO AFFINITY SPECIFIED IN DIRECTORY Explanation: The SET AFFINITY ON command could not be executed. The user's directory was checked and no affinity specification was found. No affinity was set for the user. User Response: Reissue the command with an explicit processor address, or update the directory entry for the user to include AFFINITY. 19lE PROCESSOR nn DOES NOT EXIST Explanation: Numerous attempts were made to bring processor nn online and it was found that processor nn was not available to the system. System Action: The command is not processed. Operator Response: Reissue the command with the required processor number. Control Program (CP) Messages 89 192E VARY PROCESSOR COMMAND FAILED Explanation: A VARY PROCESSOR OFFLINE command was issued and one of the following occurred: • The system is in uniprocessor mode. • The processor is not online. • The processor is the main processor and the channel set switching feature was not installed or did not work. A VARY PROCESSOR ONLINE command was issued and one of the following occurred: • The system is not generated for attached processor mode. • The multiprocessor feature is not installed. • The system is already in attached processor mode. System Action: The command is not processed. Operator Response: None.· 1931 PROCESSOR nn ONLINE Explanation: The specified processor is now online and operational. System Action: None. Operator Response: None. 1941 PROCESSOR nn OFFLINE Explanation: The specified processor is now offline and not being used. System Action: None. Operator Response: None. 195A 370E FEATURE UNAVAILABLE ON PROCESSOR nn Explanation: Processor nn has been varied online. (The system has gone from attached processor mode to uniprocessor mode.) The attached processor does not have the 370E hardware feature. System Action: The user is placed in console function mode. User Response: If the 370E feature is needed, a class A user should do the following: 90 1. Issue the QUERY PROC command to obtain the addresses of the processors online. 2. Set affinity to the processor with the 370E feature (the address appearing first in the QUERY PROC response). 3. Key in "begin" to continue. IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes All other users should notify the system operator if the 370E feature is still needed. Otherwise, key in "begin" to continue. 196E SECONDARY USER NOT IN CP DIRECTORY Explanation: A user who has specified a secondary user logs on but the secondary userid is not in the CP directory. System Action: Logon continues. User Response: If valid secondary user is desired, add secondary user to CP directory and logon again. 197E SECONDARY USER IS NOT AVAILABLE Explanation: Secondary user is either disconnected or not logged on. System Action: DISCONNECT continues normally. User Response: Logon the secondary user if terminal services are required. 198W LAST PATH TO DEVICE raddr ON PROCESSOR nn Explanation: A VARY OFFLINE PROCESSOR command has been issued in a multiprocessing configuration; it is being rejected because it would cause the last online path to system-owned device 'raddr' to be lost. System Action: System continues operation in MP mode. Operator Response: In order to vary offline processor nn, a path to device 'raddr' from the other processor will have to be brought online. 199E COMMAND REJECTED; DEVICE raddr PENDING OFFLINE Explanation: A command has been issued that would cause device 'raddr' to be activated. The device is pending offline due to a VARY OFFLINE PROC command. System Action: The command is rej ected. Operator Response: Reissue the command, specifying a device that will still be online when the VARY OFFLINE PROC command completes. 200E VIRT=REAL AREA NOT AVAILABLE; IN USE BY {useridISYSTEM} Explanation: The virtual = real (V = R) area is not available to the user logging on because another user (identified in the error message), or the system, already has that area. The user logging on is permitted to run as a virtual machine without the use of the virtual = real area. User Response: If the priority of the user logging on warrants the use of the V = R area, the user now occupying the area should log off. The user logging on can then get the virtual = real area by LOGOFF and LOGON or by issuing the DEFINE STORAGE nnnnnk command. However, if the area is in use by SYSTEM, the V = R area has been unlocked and is unavailable for V = R use until the system is reloaded. Control Program (CP) Messages 91 201E VIRT = REAL AREA NOT AVAILABLE; DAMAGED PAGES Explanation: The virtual = real area is not available to the user logging on. Machine checks have occurred which identified damaged pages within the V = R area. The user logging on is permitted to run as a standard virtual machine without the use of the virtual = real area. User Response: Notify the system operator that this message has occurred. The system operator can issue the UNLOCK VIRT = REAL command so that CP can use the area for paging, or he can issue the SHUTDOWN command to allow users with the virtual = real option to reclaim the area. Note: System support personnel should be notified that machine check record(s) have been recorded that identify the system's hardware malfunction. 202E VIRT=REAL AREA NOT AVAILABLE; INSUFFICIENT STORAGE Explanation: The virtual = real area is not available to the user logging on because: • The virtual = real area was not generated at system generation time, or • The virtual = real area is not large enough to contain the virtual machine size defined in the directory for the user logging on. User Response: If the virtual = real area was not generated, no action can be taken. Otherwise, issue the DEFINE STORAGE command to redefine the virtual machine storage size equal to or smaller than the actual virtual = real size that was generated. 203E V=R AREA REQUIRES IPL BY DEVICE ADDRESS Explanation: A shared system or one that uses discontiguous saved segments cannot be loaded (via IPL) into a virtual machine running in the virtual = real area. System Action: None. User Response: Reissue the IPL command, specifying the address of the device on which a nonshared version of the system resides. 204E INVALID PAGE(S) SPECIFIED, V = R AREA Explanation: The user is attempting to use the UNLOCK command to unlock pages that are within the V = R region. System Action: Execution of the command is terminated. User Response: Reissue the UNLOCK command with the VIRT=REAL operand or specify pages not within the V = R region. 206E CANNOT CONNECT TO HOST VIRTUAL MACHINE Explanation: User attempted to DIAL or LOGON through a logical device to a virtual machine that has created a logical device. System Action: The command is ignored. User Response: DIAL or LOGON to a valid virtual machine. 92 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 208E PRT rid NOT ENABLED Explanation: The resource specified cannot be attached because it is not enabled. System Action: None. User Response: Do a 'NET ENABLE resource' or 'NET ENABLE ALL'. 209E VIRTUAL MACHINE STOPPED VIA SIGP Explanation: A virtual SIGP STOP was issued to this user's virtual processor. System Action: The virtual machine is placed in console function mode. User Response: None. 210E SWAPAGE CLASS IS DEPENDENT ON SWAP Explanation: The MONITOR ENABLE command was issued with the SWAPAGE class but without the SWAP class. System Action: The command is ignored. User Response: Reissue the MONITOR ENABLE command, and specify both the SWAP and SWAPAGE classes. 211E MONITOR TAPE IS ALREADY ACTIVE Explanation: The MONITOR START TAPE command was issued while monitor data collection was already active. The tape may have started automatically according to the SYSMON macro specifications in DMKSYS. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Review the current automatic monitoring specifications in DMKSYS as defined by the SYSMON macro and make sure they still meet your monitoring needs. 212E MONITOR TAPE IS NOT ACTIVE Explanation: The MONITOR STOP TAPE command was issued while monitor data collection was not active. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None required. 213E MONITOR CPTRACE IS ALREADY ACTIVE Explanation: The MONITOR START CPTRACE command was issued while the internal trace table was already active. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None required. Control Program (CP) Messages 93 214E MONITOR CPTRACE IS NOT ACTIVE Explanation: The MONITOR STOP CPTRACE command was issued when the internal trace table was not active. System Action: None. User Response: None required. 215E MONITOR ACTIVE, DASTAP CANNOT BE ENABLED DYNAMICALLY Explanation: The MONITOR ENABLE command was issued with the DASTAP class when monitor data collection was active. System Action: None. User Response: The DASTAP class cannot be enabled dynamically. If the DASTAP class is required, stop the monitor, enable the DASTAP class, and then restart the monitor. Otherwise, reissue the command without the DASTAP class. 216E SYSPROF CLASS IS DEPENDENT ON SCHEDULE AND DASTAP Explanation: The MONITOR ENABLE command was issued with the SYSPROF class, but without the SCHEDULE and DASTAP classes. System Action: None. User Response: Both the SCHEDULE and DASTAP classes must be specified with the SYSPROF class. 217E MONITOR TAPE NOT STARTED, NO CLASS ENABLED Explanation: A MONITOR START TAPE command was issued when no classes of data collection were enabled. System Action: The data collection process is not started. User Response: Issue the MONITOR ENABLE command specifying the desired class or classes, and then reissue the MONITOR START TAPE command. 218E MONITOR NOT STOPPED, OUTSTANDING I/O Explanation: A MONITOR STOP TAPE command was issued when the data collector was attempting to recover from an I/O error or was handling an end-of-tape condition. System Action: The command is rejected; however, the monitor tape is stopped by the system because of either the tape I/O error or the end-of-tape condition. User Response: None required. 94 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 2191 END OF MONITOR TAPE, MONITOR STOPPED BY SYSTEM Explanation: An end-of-tape condition has occurred on the monitor tape. System Action: Two tape marks are written, the tape is rewound and unloaded, and the tape drive is released. Data collection stops and all classes are disabled. Operator Response: If you are not the user who issued the MONITOR command, consult with the person who did. The user may want to mount another tape. If so, reissue the MONITOR ENABLE and MONITOR START TAPE commands. 2201 ERROR ON MONITOR TAPE, MONITOR STOPPED BY SYSTEM Explanation: An uncorrectable I/O error occurred on tape during data collection. System Action: An attempt is made to write a tape mark. The tape is released and data collection stops. Operator Response: If you are not the user who issued the MONITOR START command, consult with the person who did. The user will probably want to mount another tape. If so, reissue the MONITOR ENABLE and MONITOR START TAPE commands. 221E MONITOR TO SPOOL IS ALREADY ACTIVE Explanation: A MONITOR START SPOOL command was issued when the monitor was already running. It may have started automatically according to the SYSMON macro specifications in DMKSYS. System Action: None. User Response: Review the current automatic monitoring specifications in DMKSYS as defined by the SYSMON macro and make sure that they still meet the daily monitoring needs. 222E TIME PARAMETER SPECIFIES INVALID TIME Explanation: A MONITOR TIME command was issued when the specified start or stop time did not conform to the required syntax. Note: The stop time cannot be later than midnight. System Action: MONITOR automatic start and stop times remain unchanged. User Response: Review format of MONITOR TIME command. 223E START TIME MUST PRECEDE STOP TIME Explanation: The format of the start and stop times, as issued in a MONITOR TIME command, was correct. However, the start time was not earlier than the stop time. Note: Stop time cannot be later than midnight. Control Program (CP) Messages 95 System Action: Monitor automatic start and stop times remain the same. User Response: Reissue the command. 224E LIMIT MUST BE BETWEEN 10 and 50000 Explanation: A MONITOR LIMIT command was issued specifying a spool file maximum record count that was not within the allowed range. System Action: Monitor automatic spool file record count limit remains unchanged. User Response: Reissue the command with the correct LIMIT specification. 225E INVALID MONITOR USERID SPECIFIED, MON NOT ENABLED Explanation: A MONITOR START SPOOL command was issued using the TO USERID option. However, the specified user was not in the directory. System Action: The automatic monitoring recipient userid specification is unchanged and the monitor is not enabled. User Response: Reissue the command using a valid USERID. 226E FOR VALUE SPANS MIDNIGHT - COMMAND INVALID Explanation: A MONITOR TIME FOR command was issued specifying a period of data collection that, when added to the current time, will exceed midnight. System Action: The automatic monitoring start and stop times remain unchanged. User Response: Reissue the command with a smaller FOR specification, or manually start and stop the monitor as needed. 227E FOR OPTION INVALID WITH AUTODISK OFF Explanation: The MONITOR TIME FOR command assumes that automatic monitoring is in effect. (AUTO = YES has been specified in the SYSMON macro or the MONITOR AUTODISK ON command has been issued.) System Action: The TIME specification is ignored and the automatic moni toring start and stop commands remain unchanged. User Response: Issue a MONITOR TIME command and reissue the MONITOR TIME FOR command. 228E FOR OPTION INVALID WITH MONITOR ON Explanation: If monitoring is currently active, data has already been collected for some time. The MONITOR TIME FOR command in effect says monitoring should be started now and run for the specified time. Therefore, the use of the FOR option when monitoring is already active would give performance data for an unexpected period of time. System Action: Monitoring status is unchanged. User Response: Review your monitoring needs and resolve the conflicts in your previous specifications. 96 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 229E MONITOR OUT OF DASD PAGES, IS SHUTTING OFF Explanation: Monitor cannot continue monitoring due to lack of spool file space where monitor data would be placed. System Action: Monitor is shut off. User Response: Free needed spool file space and restart monitor. 2291 USER OF MONITOR DOES NOT EXIST Explanation: The user of the monitor specified in the SYSMON macro, does not exist on this system. System Action: The monitor is not automatically started. User Response: Check the specified userid and start the monitor, using the monitor commands, with the correct userid. 230E IPL SIO ERROR Explanation: The START I/O instruction for the initial IPL sequence to the specified device received an unexpected condition code, so the device could not be properly started for the IPL. User Response: Verify that the device type is valid for an IPL simulation and that no unexpected status conditions exist in the device, and reissue the IPL command. 231E IPL TIO ERROR Explanation: The IPL simulator encountered an unexpected condition code when executing a TEST I/O instruction on the specified virtual device. User Response: Verify that the device is valid for IPL operation and that no unexpected status conditions exist in the device, and reissue the IPL command. 232E IPL UNIT ERROR; CSW csw SNS sense Explanation: During the IPL simulation process, the specified IPL device received an I/O interrupt with an unit check condition. User Response: Examine the CSW and sense bytes to determine the possible cause of the simulation failure. If no equipment checks are present, . reissue the IPL command to the specified device. 233E IPL OVERLAY ERROR Explanation: The IPL simulator was about to perform a loading sequence that would have overlaid the simulator itself. In this particular case, the IPL simulator cannot function in the specified virtual machine at its current storage size. User Response: Increase the size of the virtual machine so that the IPL simulator will load in an area where it will not be overlaid. Then reissue the IPL command. Control Program (CP) Messages 97 234E IPL SENSE ERROR Explanation: A unit check occurred on the IPL device. A SENSE operation was used to get the sense bytes and an unusual condition occurred. User Response: Verify that the device is not malfunctioning and then reissue the IPL command for the required device. 2391 PRT raddr DRAINED. POSSIBLE FCB-FORMS MISMATCH Explanation: The last file printed contained an imbedded LOAD FCB command. When the system FCB is reloaded at the end of the print, the paper may no longer be aligned with the FCB. This message is produced only if all of the following conditions are true: 1. The real printer is a 3211-type device. 2. The printer was started with the CFILEFCB option. 3. The last print file contained at least one LOAD FCB command. System Action: The printer has been drained. User Response: Correct the forms alignment, if necessary, and reissue the START command. 240E PRT raddr, FCB-FORMS MISMATCH, FILEID nnnn {HELDIPURGED} Explanation: There is a mismatch between the forms control buffer (FCB) and the forms in the 3800 printer. System Action: Printing is held or suspended. The file is held or purged. User Response: If held, specify correct FCB and release the HOLD on the file. If the file is purged, reenter the correct matching information. 241E PRT raddr, INVALID LOAD MODULE mmmm SPECIFIED, FILE nnnn {HELDIPURGED} Explanation: An invalid load module has been specified and the 3800 printer file is either HELD, PURGED, or remains in the same HOLD status it had before printing was attempted. System Action: Printing is held and the file is either held or purged. Operator Response: If HELD was indicated, specify correct load module and release the user HOLD on the given spool file. If either HELD or PURGED was not indicated, the load module specified for the separator page is invalid and remains the same. Specify the correct load module (via the CHARS parameter on the START command) for the separator page. 2421 PRT raddr (3800) INTERVENTION REQD, STATUS CODE cc Explanation: This message includes all situations where the operator must intervene in the 3800's operation. These situations include, but are not limited to the following: • • 98 End of forms Stacker full IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes • • Toner supply empty Replace developer. All relevant status codes are described in the 3800 Reference Manual, GA26-l635. System Action: Printing is suspended. Operator Response: Correct the printer condition by examining the status code or indicators on the printer. Correct the condition and press the START button on the printer. 243E FLASH MISSING OR INVALID Explanation: For 3800 printer operations, the FLASH operand in the CP SPOOL or CHANGE command is missing or invalid. System Action: None. User Response: Reissue the command with a valid FLASH specification. 244E IMAGE LIBRARY MISSING OR INVALID Explanation: For 3800 printer operations, the IMAGE operand in the START command is missing or invalid. System Action: None. User Response: Reissue the command with a valid IMAGE specification. 245E CHARS MISSING OR INVALID Explanation: For 3800 printer operations, the CHARS operand in the CP SPOOL, CHANGE, or START command is missing or invalid. System Action: None. User Response: Reissue the command with a valid CHARS specification. 246E FCB MISSING OR INVALID Explanation: For 3800 printer operations, the forms control buffer (FCB) operand in the CP SPOOL, CHANGE, or START command is missing or invalid. System Action: None. User Response: Reissue the command with a valid FCB specification. 2471 3800 NAMED SYSTEM imag3800 CREATED Explanation: The data has been successfully placed in the specified image library. System Action: None. User Response: None. Control Program (CP) Messages 99 248E SPECIFIED IMAGE imag NON-EXISTENT Explanation: The specified 'image TEXT' file was not found. System Action: None. User Response: Correct the erroneous 'image TEXT' file and reissue the command. 249E ERROR LOADING IMAGE imag Explanation: The 'imag TEXT' file caused a LOAD error. System Action: None. User Response: Correct the problem that caused the LOAD error and reissue the command. 250E 370E IS NOT AVAILABLE (ON PROC xx) Explanation: System/370 Extended feature or the Extended facility is not installed on the processor or the user is not in ECMODE. This message is issued when one of the following occurs: • The 370E parameter was indicated in the user's directory via an OPTION control statement. • A SET S370E ON command was issued. System Action: Normal processing continues. User Response: None. 251E 370E IS NOT ACTIVE Explanation: The System/370 Extended feature of the Extended facility feature is installed on the processor. However, the 370E feature is not enabled for virtual machines. System Action: The feature is enabled for the virtual machine. However, . CP will not support 370E until a SET S370E ON command is issued. User Response: Notify a class A user in order that a SET S370E ON command can be issued. 2521 PRT raddr, FILE nnnn REQUEUED AND HELD Explanation: This message is preceded by message DMKRSE255I and information from DMKRSE255E must be used by this message. System Action: Printing is suspended. Operator Response: Using the backup page count given in message DMKRSE255I and the size of the files just requeued, determine how much to backspace the current file: use the BACKSPACE command to do this. Also, determine whether or not to replace the requeued files for printing. The BACKSPACE command, with the EOF option, can be used to reprint the end of any requeued file. Issue the CP START command to reinitiate printing operations. 100 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 253E MODIFY MISSING OR INVALID Explanation: For 3800 printer operations, the MODIFY operand in the CP SPOOL, CHANGE, or PURGE command line is missing or invalid. System Action: None. User Response: Reissue the command with a valid MODIFY specification. 254E ERROR SAVING image 3800 - RC = (rc) Explanation: An error occurred while saving the named system. Code Reason 4 The named system was not found. 8 The named system is currently active. 12 The volume for the named system is not CP-owned. 16 20 The volid is not mounted. 24 The size of the image lib being generated is too large for the named system. Paging error occurred while processing this request. System Action: None. User Response: Code Explanation 4 Use another named system that has been generated. 8 DRAIN any 3800 printers that are using the named system and reissue the command. 12 Check with the installation manager to find out why the volume is not CP-owned. 16 20 Have the correct volid mounted and reissue the command. 24 2551 Make the image smaller or put it into a larger named system. Check the named system to determine that it is defined in DMKSNT and that the cylinder actually exists on the volume. Also verify, that it has been previously formatted by CPo Reissue the command. If the problem persists, see your IBM support personnel. PRT raddr, PAGE BUFFER DESTROYED, BACKUP PAGE COUNT = nnnn Explanation: The page buffer has been destroyed on the 3800 printer. System Action: Printing is suspended. Operator Response: See message DMKRSE252I. Control Program (CP) Messages 101 255W 370E FEATURE NOW DISABLED Explanation: A class A user has issued a SET 370E OFF command to disable the 370E feature, or the system operator has varied the processor with the 370E feature offline. System Action: All 370E users will enter console function mode on receipt of the message. User Response: Await availability of the 370E feature. Attempts to continue will result in the user being dispatched without the 370E capability. Note: If the 370E feature is no longer needed, key in "begin" to continue. 256E INSUFFICIENT VIRTUAL STORAGE Explanation: The defined virtual storage is insufficient. System Action: None. User Response: Define a larger virtual machine, IPL eMS again and reissue the command. 257E RESIDUAL BYTE COUNT = nnnnnnnn (HEX) Explanation: This message is preceded by message DMKNMT254E and is issued when the return code in message DMKNMT254E equals 20. System Action: None. User Response: Either define the named system with a larger byte count or decrease the image lib byte count. 2581 ALL 3800 DATA CHECKS WILL BE REFLECTED Explanation: The DATCK option of the CP DEFINE command is used to define a virtual 3800. System Action: None. User Response: None. This message is used to alert the user that a high overhead simulation of virtual 3800 will be used. 259E SIZE PARAMETERS MISSING OR INVALID Explanation: The SIZE keyword is specified and the parameters are either not specified or not valid 3800 sizes. System Action: None. User Response: Respecify the SIZE parameters correctly. 268E XMEM FEATURE NOT AVAILABLE Explanation: This message is issued in response to a SET S370E ON XMEM command, a SET 370E ON XMEM command, or when XMEM is in a directory entry and Dual Address Space Assist is not available. 102 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes System Action: Normal processing continues. User Response: None. 269E XMEM FEATURE NOT ACTIVE Explanation: This message is issued in response to a SET 370E ON XMEM command or when the XMEM option is in a directory entry and the function has not been enabled for the system. User Response: Notify the class A operator to enter a SET S370E ON XMEM command. Then reissue the SET 370E ON XMEM command. 270E PRT raddr, TOO MANY WCGM's NEEDED FOR 'CHARS', FILE nnnn {HELD IPURGED} Explanation: The collection of character arrangement tables specified in the spool file 'CHARS' requires more WCGM's to be loaded than are available for the 3800. System Action: Printing is held or suspended. The file is held or purged. User Response: If held, specify correct 'CHARS' and release the HOLD on the file. If the file is purged, reenter the correct information. 273E DETACH REJ VIRTUAL MACHINE TRACING I/O Explanation: A DETACH command was issued while the virtual machine was tracing I/O. System Action: Tracing continues. User Response: Issue 'TRACE END' and reissue the DETACH. 274E raddr HAS A MOUNTED VOLUME. MSS ID NOT AVAILABLE TO DEMOUNT IT Explanation: There is a 3330V volume mounted on the raddr. The MSS communicator is not active and the volume cannot be demounted. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. 275E raddr ALREADY SYSVIRT Explanation: The raddr is already defined as a SYSVIRT 3330V device. System Action: The status remains unchanged and the processing continues. User Response: None. Control Program (CP) Messages 103 276E raddr NOT 3330V Explanation: The DEFINE command was issued and the raddr was not a 3330V volume. System Action: No action is taken and processing continues. User Response: None. 277E raddr ERROR DEMOUNTING VOLUME Explanation: CP attempted to demount a 3330V volume, but MSS encountered an error. System Action: The volume is not demounted and processing continues. User Response: None. 278E DEVICE NOT A DASD Explanation: The device specified in the DEFINE command is not a valid DASD volume. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Reissue the DEFINE command with a valid DASD. 279E DASD NOT A VUA Explanation: The DASD volume specified in the DEFINE command was not a valid MSS device. System Action: Processing is terminated. User Response: Reissue the DEFINE command with a valid MSS device. 280E raddr ALREADY VIRTUAL Explanation: The raddr is already defined as a VIRTUAL feature. System Action: The status remains unchanged and the processing continues. User Response: None. 290E PMA GUEST GIVEN CONTROL DUE TO CODE cde CP DISABLED WAIT Explanation: While preparing to load a disabled wait state code in the PSW, VM/SP HPO determined that the V=R user is running with preferred machine assist or preferred machine assist with control switch assist. Due to its configuration, the V = R virtual machine can receive control of the hardware in native mode. System Action: The V = R virtual machine running with preferred machine assist or preferred machine assist with control switch assist receives control in real supervisor state. Once the virtual machine does so, control cannot be passed back to VM. 104 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes Operator Response: Shut down MVS and re-IPL VM/SP High Performance Option when convenient. 291E COMMAND REJECTED; {PMAISPMODE} CODE Explanation: If PMA appears in the message text, a V = R user, running with preferred machine assist or preferred machine assist with control switch assist active, issued one of the following commands: SET TIMER, SET ASSIST ON, SET 370E, SET AFFINITY, SET STBYPASS, TRACE, or ADSTOP. The system tried to vary offline the processor on which the virtual machine running with preferred machine assist or preferred machine assist/control switch assist has affinity. If SPMODE appears in the message text, a V = R user issued one of the following commands while the system was running in single processor mode: TRACE BR, TRACE ALL, or TRACE INSTR. System Action: The command is rejected. Its execution would adversely affect the V = R processor mode. User Response: If PMA appears in the message, reset the virtual machine running with preferred machine assist or preferred machine assist with control switch assist. Or, force the virtual machine off the system before reentering the command. If SPMODE appears in the message, turn off single processor mode by issuing the SPMODE OFF command. Then you can use the ADSTOP, TRACE BR, TRACE ALL, and TRACE INSTR commands. 292E PMA FEATURE NOT AVAILABLE/ENABLED; RC=rc[-ddd] Explanation: During a virtual IPL, you specified the PMA (preferred machine assist) option or the PMAV (preferred machine assist with control switch assist) option. A return code (rc) indicates one or more of the following: rc 04 08 12 16 20 24 28 Meaning The Preferred Machine Assist environment could not be established for one of these reasons: • DMKPMA is not in the CP load list • DMKSLC is not in the CP load list • The Preferred Machine Assist feature is not installed on the processor. The virtual machine is running V = V. The PMA parameter option is not specified on the OPTION directory control statement. ECMODE is not set on. The virtual machine has a device that violates one of the PMA restrictions. "ddd" in the message text above designates the device. For information on PMA restrictions, see the VM/SP High Performance Option Planning and System Generation Guide, under "Preferred Machine Assist". The system is running either AP or MP and affinity is not set on. The control switch assist is not installed on the hardware. You IPL' ed with the PMAV option which is available with preferred machine assist with control switch assist. System Action: The request is not honored. Control Program (CP) Messages 105 293E CMD REJECTED; vaddr VIOLATES PMA RESTRICTION Explanation: Using the LINK, ATTACH, or DEFINE command gives the preferred machine assist user or the preferred machine assist with control switch assist user a device that violates a preferred machine assist restriction. For more information, check the Usage Notes under ATTACH or DEFINE in the VM/SP HPO Operator's Guide and under DEFINE or LINK in the VM/ SP HPO CP Command Reference for General Users. 'vaddr' is the virtual address of the DASD or the type of T-disk, for example, T3330. System Action: The command is rejected. User Response: None. 300E SAVE REQUEST BEYOND VIRTUAL MACHINE SIZE Explanation: When the SAVESYS command was issued, one or more designated saved pages were in the SYSPGNM operand of the NAMESYS macro. These pages are beyond the size of the virtual machine used. User Response: Check the numbers of the pages designated to be saved in the NAMESYS macro. If they are correct, increase the size of the virtual machine before reissuing the SAVESYS command. 30lE REQUESTED FILE IS NOT A CPTRAP FILE Explanation: The requested file exists, but it is not a CPTRAP file. System Action: The command is ignored, TRAPRED has not been started. User Action: Reissue a correct command. 302E I/O ERROR ON OOC - XXXXXXXXXX Explanation: XXXXXXXXXX can be one of the following: DEVICE ADDRESS INVALID DEVICE TYPE INVALID DEVICE BUSY, NOT READY, OR REAL PAGING ERROR ON SPOOL A condition code 3 was received while attempting a DIAGNOSE X'14' operation (input spool file manipulation) against a reader file: the result of an I/O error, or the reader changed status since TRAPRED was started. System Action: RC = 3 TRAPRED is stopped. User Action: Error is most likely due to manipulating the reader files after the TRAPRED started. 303E OOC READER FILE NOT LOCATABLE Explanation: A condition code 2 was encountered while attempting a diagnose X'14' operation (input spool file manipulation) against a reader file. System Action: The TRAPRED eMS reduction program is stopped. User Action: The error is likely due to manipulating the reader files after the TRAPRED started. 106 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 304E CPTRAP IS STOPPING, NO INPUT ALLOWED Explanation: The CPTRAP facility was stopping when a CPTRAP command was received. System Action: The command line is ignored. User Action: Wait until CPTRAP has stopped, then begin a new CPTRAP run. 3051 (CPTRAP/TRAPRED) SELECTIVITY RESET Explanation: A (CPTRAPjTRAPRED) subcommand redefined some existing selectivity for typenum. System Action: None. The new selectivity is in force. User Action: None. This message is for information only. 306E CPTRAP IS ALREADY ACTIVE Explanation: CPTRAP allows only one user at a time. This message is sent to a second user who attempts to start CPTRAP. System Action: The command line is ignored. User Action: Wait until CPTRAP is available. 3071 CPTRAP (CP/VIRTUAL) cccc INTERFACE IGNORED Explanation: The CPTRAP facility received a CP or virtual machine interface request with the data field outside of either the virtual machine's storage for a VIRTUAL interface request, or the real storage for a CP interface request. The identifier will be CP cccc or VIRTUAL cccc; CP indicates that the in-error interface was from CP and VIRTUAL indicates that the in-error interface was from a virtual machine. The cccc field is the individualizing CODE from the interface parameter list. System Action: None. CPTRAP continues without the data. User Action: The data was not included in the file. Start over with the in-error interface corrected. 3081 CPTRAP DATA LOST Explanation: The CPTRAP facility has lost some data (not added it to the output file) due to the buffers' being full. System Action: None. CPTRAP continues without the data. User Action: Results are unreliable, this file may not have the information you want. Start over with greater selectivity of input. Control Program (CP) Messages 107 309E OPERAND IGNORED SELECT TABLE FULL Explanation: The select table can expand to allow 400 entries. This request is the 401st; it is not accepted. System Action: The preceding operands are accepted, but not the in-error operand or any following operands. User Action: Either do not add any more selectivity, or delete some and then add more selectivity. 310E DATE date INVALID; NOT CHANGED Explanation: The system date in CP low storage contains invalid data and hence cannot be updated for the midnight date change. The invalid date indicates a possible software system failure since the date is automatically set by the system initialization routine. System Action: The date in low storage is not changed; however, the day of the week is changed and the clocks are set to change the date at midnight in 24 hours. Operator Response: Contact the system programmer at once. Careful use of the STCP command can correct the date set in storage. Notify IBM software support personnel of the problem and supply a dump of CP storage if possible. 31lE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF TRACE ELEMENTS EXCEEDED Explanation: The processing of this PER command would cause more than 255 trace elements to exist for this user. This message will be issued if the intermediate processing of the trace elements would require more than 255 trace elements to exist even if the end result would be less than 255 elements. System Action: The command is not processed. User Response: Turn off some of the existing trace elements and reissue the command. 3l2E MORE THAN {8 RANGESll PASSll STEP} SPECIFIED ON A COMMAND LINE Explanation: More RANGE, PASS, or STEP options than are allowed have been specified on a single PER command line. System Action: The command is not processed. User Response: Reenter the command line with a valid number of RANGE, PASS, or STEP options. 108 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 313E PER FAILURE - CODE n Explanation: One or more of the control blocks needed for PER can no longer be found. System Action: This message is sent to the user. PER TRACE for the user is ended. As many PER control blocks as possible will be released. The values for the PER codes are as follows: Code 1 2 3 4 5 Meaning Invalid PEXBLOK Missing register save area Missing PERBLOK Missing PEXBLOK Missing TRACEBACK table User Response: No user error is involved. You can reissue PER commands, but all previous tracesets are lost. 314W PER FAILURE - CODE n USERID = userid Explanation: This message is issued to the operator to indicate that some of the storage used for the PER control blocks cannot be returned to the system because the pointers to those control blocks have been lost. This storage is lost to the system until the system is re-IPLed. System Action: The PER trace for the user involved is ended. As many PER control blocks as possible will be released. The values for the PER codes (n) are as follows: Code 1 2 3 4 5 Meaning Invalid PEXBLOK Missing register save area Missing PERBLOK Missing PEXBLOK Missing TRACEBACK table Operator Response: Contact system support personnel. 320E SUBSYSTEM PROCESSING ERROR - FAULT CODE = code - raddr Explanation: An internal processing error occurred during a subsystem storage operation and the microcode is unable to determine the cause of the failure. 'code' is the hardware problem description code, and 'raddr' is the real address of the device to which an SIO (START I/O instruction) was issued at the time of the error. System Action: Processing continues. Operator Response: Record the fault code and the 'raddr' value. If the error persists, contact system support personnel. 32lE SUBSYSTEM STORAGE EQUIPMENT CHECK - FAULT CODE = code - raddr Explanation: The processor received an equipment check from subsystem storage on a subsystem storage operation. 'code' is the hardware problem description code, and 'raddr' is the real address of the device to which an SIO (START I/O instruction) was issued at the time of the error. Control Program (CP) Messages 109 System Action: Processing continues, but an abend may occur in the near future. Operator Response: Perform a system IPL. This should recover the system and allow you to defer maintenance to a later time. If your attempt to recover the system is not successful, reconfigure the system by moving paging data to another subsystem. 322E SUBSYSTEM STORAGE AVAILABILITY THRESHOLD CROSSEDraddr Explanation: The amount of storage space which is available to the cache has been reduced to one of the reporting boundaries. System Action: Processing continues. Operator Response: Schedule maintenance of the storage subsystem. 323E SUBSYSTEM STORAGE IS UNUSABLE - FAULT CODE = coderaddr Explanation: Subsystem storage is unusable due to previously reported failures of a device or of subsystem storage. 'code' is the hardware problem description code, and 'raddr' is the real address of the device to which an SIO (START I/O instruction) was issued at the time of the error. System Action: Processing continues. Operator Response: Record the fault code and the 'raddr' value. If the error persists, contact system support personnel. 324E SUBSYSTEM MUST BE INITIALIZED - FAULT CODE = code - raddr Explanation: An error occurred during a subsystem storage operation on the 3880 Model 21 control unit. Data in the cache may be invalid. 'code' is the hardware problem description code, and 'raddr' is the real address of the device to which an SIO (START I/O instruction) was issued at the time of the error. System Action: The system terminates I/O processing for this request by taking a DAS001abend. Operator Response: Reinitialize subsystem storage. If the problem persists, reconfigure the paging volumes to another cache and notify system support personnel of the problem. 325E STORAGE DIRECTOR COMMUN!CATION FAILURE - FAULT CODE = code - raddr Explanation: The 3880 Model 21 storage directors cannot communicate due to a controller or storage director failure. 'code' is the hardware problem description code, and 'raddr' is the real address of the device to which an SIO (START I/O instruction) was issued at the time of the error. System Action: Processing continues. Operator Response: Record the fault code and the 'raddr' value. Retry the operation that caused the failure. If the error persists, contact system support personnel. 110 IBM. VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 326E TRACE FORMAT NOT SUPPORTED FOR PAGING DEVICE raddrraddr Explanation: The paging storage director attempted a cache to DASD data transfer and discovered a track format that is not supported for paging mode. System Action: Processing continues. Operator Response: Inform your system programmer of the unsupported track format. 327A raddr INTERVENTION REQUIRED - SET READ, R/W SWITCH TO R/W Explanation: A cache to DASD data transfer failed because the write inhibit switch was in the read only position. System Action: Processing continues. Operator Response: Place the switch in the read/write position. 328E raddrl raddr2 raddr3 raddr4 IMPROPERLY GENNED ; VARIED OFFLINE Explanation: You attempted to IPL or VARY ON a device genned as a 3880-11 or 3880-21 but the device does not match the device type returned by the hardware. System Action: The device is varied offline. User Response: Examine the value you coded for DEVTYPE in the RDEVICE macro. Make sure this value is 3350P for the 3880 Model 11 or 3351P for the 3880 Model 21. If you coded the macro correctly and the associated device is a 3880-11/3880-21 you probably have a hardware problem. Call system support personnel for assistance. 329E raddr IMPROPERLY GENNED, DEVICE CANNOT BE USED AS SYSOWN Explanation: The DEVTYPE operand in the RDEVICE macro of DMKRIO does not match the actual device type value obtained from an RDC CCW. System Action: System operation continues, but the device is rejected for system use. Operator Response: To use the device as SYSOWN, correct the DEVTYPE operand in the RDEVICE macro so that it matches the actual device type. Then rebuild the CP nucleus and re-IPL. 3301 MISMATCHED DEVICE TYPES AT ADDRESS raddr Explanation: The DEVTYPE operand in the RDEVICE macro of DMKRIO does not match the actual device type value obtained from an RDC CCW. System Action: System operation continues with the device online. Operator Response: None. Control Program (CP) Messages 111 3401 AREA TYPE type TRUNCATED FOR CP OWNED VOLUME volid Explanation: The system has truncated or possibly split into multiple areas an allocation area of the specified type for the given CP-owned volume. The 'type' can be 'SWAP', 'PAGE', 'SPOOL', or 'DUMP'. This condition can reduce the effectiveness of the system paging allocation' and deallocation algorithms. System Action: Processing continues. Operator Response: No action is immediately required. However, you should ensure that the volume allocation and SYSPAG macro specifications are coded correctly. 3411 AREA TYPE type DEFAULTED FOR CP OWNED VOLUME volid Explanation: The system has assigned the type allocated by DMKFMT to a DASD area on the indicated CP~owned volume. The 'type' can be 'PAGE', 'SPOOL', or 'DUMP'. System Action: Processing continues. Operator Response: No action is immediately required. However, you should ensure that the allocation specifications on the SYSPAG macro and the CP-owned volume are coded correctly. 342W SPOOL FILE EXISTS IN PAGE AREA FOR CP OWNED VOLUME volid Explanation: Spool file or CP dump file pages exist in an area or areas on the specified volume defined for paging only. System Action: The cylinders containing the spool file pages are marked as allocated and will not be used for paging. This condition can occur when the SYSPAG macros in DMKSYS are defined or redefined and the SYSPAG macros map types SW, PP, PG, or PM to cylinders that DMKFMT allocated as TEMP. Operator Response: On a subsequent IPL of the system, process enough spool files to free these cylinders for paging use. 343W SWSIZE TOO LARGE FOR CP OWNED VOLUME volid Explanation: The swap set size (SWSIZE) specified in DMKSYS is larger than the cylinder capacity of the specified volume. System Action: If this message is issued at system IPL or following an ATTACH of a CP-owned volume, the system will not use the areas specified as swap (TYPE = SW) in DMKSYS as swap areas but will use these areas as the type specified in the DMKFMT allocation. For an explanation of these allocation default values, see the discussion of the SYSPAG macro in the VM/ SP HPO Planning Guide and Reference. Operator Response: No action is immediately required. However, you should check the SYSPAG macros in DMKSYS that define swap set areas as well as SWSIZE to see if they were specified correctly. 112 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 344W CP OWNED VOLUME volid INVALID TYPE Explanation: The system does not recognize the specified volume as a valid DASD type that CP supports as a CP-owned volume. System Action: Processing continues, but the device is not used for paging, spooling, or as at-disk. Operator Response: No action is immediately required. However, you should check the RDEVICE and SYSOWN macros to see if they have been specified correctly. Also, verify the DMKFMT formatted and allocated the device correctly. 350W DASD raddr VOLID NOT volid Explanation: The volume label on the pack mounted on drive raddr does not agree with the volume label specified during system generation. System Action: The system enters a wait state (wait state code = 010). User Response: Check the SYSRES macrO in module DMKSYS to ensure that the disk address and volume label specified are valid. Operator Response: Ensure that the correct volume is mounted on disk drive raddr and present an external interrupt to initiate a retry of the operation. 351W DASD raddr NOT READY Explanation: The disk drive specified by raddr is not ready. Disk raddrwas specified as the SYSRES device in the SYSRES macro in module DMKSYS. System Action: The system enters a wait state (wait state code = 010). Operator Response: Make the device ready and present an external interrupt to initiate a retry of the operation. 352W FATAL DASD I/O ERROR Explanation: The system nucleus cannot be written. Probable causes are: • • • • The disk pack is not formatted properly. The disk pack is defective. A disk hardware error has occurred. The disk is in read-only mode. System Action: The system enters a wait state (wait state code = 011). Operator Response: Use the FORMAT program to reformat the pack. Attempt to do a new system load. If the trouble persists, try another pack on a different drive. If the trouble still persists, call IBM for hardware support. Obtain the contents of general registers 0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 11, 13, 14, and 15. Control Program (CP) Messages 113 353W SYSRES DEVICE TYPE INVALID Explanation: The device type specified in the SYSRES macro in module DMKSYS is not valid for system residence. System Action: The system enters a wait state (wait state code = 011). User Response: Verify that the operands specified in the SYSRES macro in module DMKSYS define valid system residence device characteristics. 4001 SYSTEM {TEMP SPACEICHECKPOINT AREA} FULL Explanation: All temporary disk cylinders (TEMP SPACE) are in use. All checkpoint space (CHECKPOINT AREA) is in use. System Action: When paging is required, the system will first examine the preferred paging area. If the preferred paging area is full, the system will use TEMP SPACE. If TEMP SPACE is full, the system may be unable to continue, and you may have to IPL again. If the request is for spooling space, the system attempts to continue but performance is severely degraded. If temporary disk space becomes full while putting VMDUMP pages out to temporary space, the dump is purged. If the checkpoint area is full, the system continues without checkpointing. Users attempting to create spool files will have their virtual spooling device made "not ready". User Response: If the message resulted from processing a VMDUMP command, purge unwanted dumps on the user reader queue and retry. If still unsuccessful, request the system programmer to free temporary disk space. Operator Response: Review temporary and page space allocations. Review system usage and take steps to reduce the system load. Spool files should be reviewed. Additional printers may be started to reduce print spool backlog; if a reader backlog exists, users should be requested to read their files. In addition, you may be able to determine other spool files that can be selectively purged. SPTAPE can be used to dump and restore spool files and thus reduce the system load. Logging off inactive users reduces temporary disk space usage. 4011 SYSTEM {TEMP SPACEICHECKPOINT AREA} 90 PERCENT FULL Explanation: Ninety percent of all temporary disk cylinders (TEMP SPACE) are in use. Ninety percent of all checkpoint space (CHECKPOINT AREA) is in use. System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: Review system usage and take steps to reduce the system load. Spool files should be reviewed. Additional printers may be started to reduce print spool backlog. If a reader backlog exists, users should be requested to read their files. In addition, you may be able to determine other spool files that can be selectively purged. Logging off inactive users reduces space usage. 114 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 410W CP ENTERED; PAGING ERROR Explanation: An I/O error occurred during paging or swapping. A hardware error is probable. System Action: System operation continues. The virtual machine enters CP command mode. If the virtual machine was running disconnected, it is logged off the system. User Response: Reload the virtual system to continue. If the problem persists, notify the system operator. 411W CP ENTERED; TRANSLATION EXCEPTION; WHILE IN NON-EC MODE Explanation: While running a EC mode virtual machine, a translation exception occurred. Probable CP error. System Action: System operation continues. The virtual machine enters CP command mode. If the virtual machine was running disconnected, it is logged off the system. User Response: Reload the virtual system to continue. If the problem persists, notify IBM support personnel. 415E CONTINUOUS PAGING ERRORS FROM DASD xxx Explanation: Unrecoverable errors are being received from the paging device (xxx). This condition is caused by failure of either the paging volume or the paging device. This condition can occur if the paging volume has not been formatted properly. System Action: The system enters a disabled wait state (wait state code OOF). Operator Response: Try to determine whether the errors are being caused by the paging device or by the paging volume. If the device is failing, disable it and reload (via IPL) the system; call IBM for hardware support. If the volume is failing, try reformatting it. If the error condition recurs, discontinue using that volume and call your system support personnel. 424E RDR FILE SPOOL ERROR; FILE UNCHANGED Explanation: A paging I/O error occurred while reading or writing a spool file record on a CP spooling device, for the purpose of querying or updating TAG information associated with that spool file. System Action: If the error was encountered while reading, no change has resulted from the user's previous TAG command. If the error was encountered while writing, the results are unpredictable. User Response: Reissue the command. If the problem persists, regenerate the spool file that is in error or call your system support personnel. Control Program (CP) Messages 115 425A PUN raddr ACCOUNTING DATA; FATAL I/O ERROR Explanation: An unrecoverable input/output error occurred on the card punch at real address raddr. Accounting data was saved. System Action: The failing device is varied offline and system operation continues. Operator Response: Vary the device raddr online and restart the punch. If the problem persists, contact IBM for hardware support. 425E I/O ERROR ON SPOOL DEVICE DURING ACCOUNTING Explanation: A spooling I/O error occurred while the system was writing accounting data to the spooling device. System Action: If the accounting spool file has been previously checkpointed, the file is closed and a new file started. Otherwise, the file is written using a different spool page. User Response: The closed accounting spool file should be processed. If the I/O error persists, call your system support personnel. 426E {RDRITAPE} raddr SPOOL SPACE FULL; FILE PURGED Explanation: System input spooling space for the reader or tape at real device address raddr is full. System Action: The file just read is purged and system operation continues. Operator Response: Review system usage and take steps to reduce the system load. Inactive users should be logged off the system. Spool files should be reviewed. Additional printers may be started to reduce print spool backlog. If a reader backlog exists, request that users read their files. In addition, you may be able to determine other spool files that can be selectively purged. After reducing spool file usage, read the file again. 4271 {CONIPRTIPUN} vaddr SYSTEM SPOOL SPACE FULL; FILE CLOSED Explanation: System spooling space on the device at virtual device address vaddr is full. If the message refers to the console, the console spool file has been closed. If it refers to the printer or punch, the printer or punch output file has been closed. System Action: If the console spool file is closed, virtual console spooling stops. The virtual machine continues to execute but without console spooling. If the printer or punch output file is closed, an intervention-required unit check condition is returned to the virtual machine, the virtual device is made not ready, and the system continues. User Response: Inform the system operator. An attempt must be made to reduce the paging and spooling load on the system as soon as possible. When spool space is available, issue the SPOOL CONSOLE START command to resume console spooling, or issue the READY command to resume printer or punch spooling. 116 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 428E {PRTIPUNIRDRITAPE} raddr SPOOL ERROR; FILE {HELDIPURGED} Explanation: A paging I/O error occurred on the device at real address raddr. This message indicates a DASD error if DMKSPS issues this message while dumping or loading spool files to or from tape. System Action: If the file that was being processed at the time the I/O error occurred is a printer or punch file, the file is put in HOLD status and system operation continues. If the file is a reader file, it is purged. Operator Response: If the file is a printer or punch file, try to print or punch it again when spooling activity on the printer or punch is low. The system operator must first take the file out of HOLD status. If the file is a reader file, reload the file in the reader and retry. If the file is a tape file, reposition the tape and reissue the command. If the problem persists, call your system support personnel. 4291 {CONIPRTIPUNIRDR} vaddr SPOOL ERROR; FILE {HELDIPURGED} Explanation: A paging I/O error occurred on the device at virtual address vaddr. System Action: If it is a console spool file error, virtual console spooling stops. The virtual machine continues to execute but without console spooling. If it is a printer or punch spool file error, a unit check condition is sent to the virtual machine to stop the write operation, the file is purged, and the virtual device is made not ready. If it is a reader file spool error, a unit check condition is sent to the virtual machine to stop the read operation. The file is held. System operation then continues. User Response: For a console file, issue a SPOOL CONSOLE START command and retry the output operation. After ten unsuccessful retries, the entire opened spool file is purged. For a printer or punch file, issue the READY command to the virtual device and retry the output operation. For a reader file, try again to read the file. In any case, if the problem persists, inform the system operator of the incident. The error is probably due to a hardware malfunction. The system operator may advise you to purge the file or may decide to turn the machine over to your system support personnel, depending on the impact of the problem. Control Program (CP) ~essages 117 430A {PRTIPUN} raddr FATAL 1/0 ERROR; NOW OFFLINE, FILE HELD Explanation: An unrecoverable I/O error occurred on the printer or punch device at real address raddr. System Action: The failing device is varied offline, the file being processed is put in hold status, and system operation continues. Operator Response: Vary the device raddr online and restart. To process the file that failed, take the file out of hold status. If the problem persists, call your system support personnel. 431A RDR raddr ID CARD MISSING OR INVALID Explanation: The card just read in the reader at real device address raddr was not a valid ID card. Two formats are acceptable: • • ID userid USERID userid Separator or blank cards are accepted before an ID card; any other card preceding the ID card is invalid. Operator Response: Run out the cards in reader raddr, correct the ID card error, and make the reader ready with the corrected deck in the hopper. 432A RDR raddr ID CARD; userid NOT IN CP DIRECTORY Explanation: The 'userid' specified on an ID card in the reader at real device address raddr is not in the directory. System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: Run out the cards in reader raddr, ·correct the ID card error, and make the reader ready with the corrected deck in the hopper. If the ID card appears valid, check with the system programmer to determine why the userid does not exist in the directory. 433A RDR raddr ID CARD; INVALID DATA - data Explanation: The class specified on the ID card in the reader at real device address raddr is incorrect or the name specified is invalid. The 'data' is the information in error on the ID card. If a class is specified, it must be one character, A through Z or 0 through 9. If no class is specified, the default is A. If a name is specified, it must be a 1- to 8-character filename and a 1- to 8-character filetype, or a 1- to 24-character data set name. The fields of the ID card are free form as follows: ID userid .. CLASS n NAME filename filetype System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: Run out the cards in reader raddr, correct the ID card error, and make the reader ready with the corrected deck in the hopper. 118 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 434A RDR raddr FATAL I/O ERROR; FILE PURGED Explanation: An unrecoverable I/O error was encountered on the reader at real device address raddr. The input file was purged. System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: Run out the cards in reader raddr, make sure the first card is a valid ID card, and make the reader ready. If the problem persists, call your system support personnel. 435E PAGING ERROR WRITING SAVED SYSTEM Explanation: A paging error occurred while the system to be saved or the 3704/3705 control program to be saved was read from or written to a DASD volume. The message is also displayed for Paging Storage if a PGIN instruction results in a nonzero condition code. This condition code occurs only during VMSAVE processing when a page residing in Paging Storage is paged in before being written to DASD. System Action: Execution of the command terminates. The system or control program image is not saved. User Response: Make sure you entered the correct commands. For example, "IPL xxx", then "SAVESYS eMS", where "xxx" is the three-digit virtual address of the disk that contains the CMS system you created. Try the command again; the situation causing the error may have been temporary. If the problem recurs, check the DASD space allocated to receive the saved system or control program image. This space must be formatted with the CP format program DMKFMT and allocated as PERM space. 436E INTERRUPT PENDING. TO PROCEED, TYPE YES. TO END, TYPE NO. Explanation: In processing the SAVESYS command, the system detected that an I/O interrupt is pending. System Action: If you enter YES, the SAVESYS command continues to save the system but the pending I/O interrupt(s) are lost. If you enter NO, SAVESYS processing terminates. User Response: Enter YES or NO. 437E SYSTEM PAGING SPACE NOT AVAILABLE, IPL TERMINATED Explanation: The IPL command attempted to get a DASD page but none was available. System Action: The command is terminated. User Response: Verify that the proper volumes required for paging and spooling are mounted. Reissue the command. Control Program (CP) Messages 119 438E DEVICE IS NOT AVAILABLE FOR ATTACH Explanation: The control program has determined that the device is offline, already dedicated, selected for MSS mount, has minidisk allocated, or volume is already attached to the system. System Action: The control program command that initiated the MSS request will produce a message to indicate the eventual result of the MSS error. User Response: Contact the system operator to ensure that action is underway to correct the MSS error. Reissue the command when the error has been corrected. 4391 SPOOL FILE ID LIMIT EXCEEDED Explanation: All the unique spool file ID's in the system are assigned. The maximum amount of unique spool file IDs is the lesser of either the 9900 system limit or when all the checkpoint slots are taken. For example, if the checkpoint cylinder number is equal to one (1) for a 3330, there are slightly less than 2000 unique spool file IDs available. System Action: Checkpointing continues but no spool files are created. Users attempting to create spool files will have their spooling device made "not ready" . Operator Response: Purge or process existing spool and warn users not to create spool files. 441E NOT ACCEPTED. PREVIOUS BACKSPACE STILL BEING PROCESSED Explanation: A BACKSPAC command has been entered for a specific unit record output device before the previous BACKSPAC command for the same device has finished. System Action: The command is ignored. User Response: Wait for a few seconds and reissue the BACKSPAC command. 14421 PAGING STORAGE FOR {SWAPPING IPAGING} = nnk PAGES; mmm% ARE NOT USABLE Explanation: This message shows how the system has allocated paging storage. This message is issued twice at system initialization even if your installation does not have a paging storage device. nn mmm is the total number of paging storage increments (in units of 1024 pages) allocated for swapping (SW) or preferred paging (Pp). represents the percent of unusable nnK pages. This percent includes any paging-storage pages or increments that are reserved for machine-storage areas. System Action: System operation continues. 120 IBM VMjSP HPO System Messages and Codes I Operator Response: If the percentage of unusable pages is larger than an installation-dependent maximum, notify your system support personnel of a possible paging storage hardware problem. 14431 PAGING STORAGE INCREMENT nn IS NOT USABLE Explanation: The system has detected an unusable paging storage increment. This is a hardware error. nn is the increment number (0-63) of the unusable paging storage increment. System Action: Processing continues. Operator Response: Contact system support personnel. 14441 nn ADDITIONAL PAGING STORAGE INCREMENTS ARE NOT USABLE Explanation: The system has detected an unusable paging storage increment. This is a hardware error. Message DMKPST443I is issued four times prior to this message. nn is the number of unusable paging storage increments less four. System Action: Processing conitnues. Operator Response: Contact system support personnel immediately. 450W CP ENTERED; DISABLED WAIT PSW 'psw' Explanation: The virtual machine loaded a disabled wait PSW, identified by 'psw'. System Action: System operation continues. The virtual machine enters console function mode. If the virtual machine was running disconnected, it is logged off the system. Programmer Response: Examine the PSW portion of the message. Ensure that the program running in the virtual machine has a valid LPSW halt. If not, determine why the PSW loaded was not masked for interrupts. User Response: IPL the virtual system again to continue. 452W CP ENTERED; EXTERNAL INTERRUPT LOOP Explanation: The user's virtual machine external new PSW is enabled for an interrupt condition that will not be cleared upon acceptance. It is possible to receive an interrupt condition from the CPU Timer and the TOD Clock Comparator that produces this loop. System Action: System operation continues. The virtual machine enters CP command mode. If the virtual machine was running disconnected, it is logged off the system. Programmer Response: Determine why the external interrupt new PSW is enabled for an interrupt condition that will not be cleared upon acceptance (that is, the Timer is not expected to contain a negative value). User Response: IPL the virtual system again to continue. Control Program (CP) Messages 121 453W CP ENTERED; PROGRAM INTERRUPT LOOP Explanation: A program interrupt occurred at the address specified in the virtual program new PSW while the virtual machine was in basic control mode. System Action: System operation continues. The program interrupt is reflected to the virtual machine and the virtual machine enters console function mode. If the virtual machine was running disconnected, it is logged off the system. Programmer Response: Determine the cause of the program interrupt and ensure that the program new PSW is valid. User Response: Restart the virtual system via the BEGIN command, or reissue the IPL command to continue. 4541 {LINE raddrlDEV rid} DISABLED Explanation: The line or device has been disabled due to a permanent I/O error, or the operator issued a command that disabled the line. System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: If the message was issued due to a permanent I/O error on the line, to reactivate the line issue the ENABLE or NETWORK command. You may have to issue the VARY ONLINE command for some device types before CP will accept the ENABLE command. 4551 LINE raddr NOT OPERATIONAL; text Explanation: Condition code 3 (NOT OPERATIONAL) was received when a START I/O was issued to line 'addr'. System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: For CC = 3, verify that the terminal control unit or transmission control unit is enabled for use. If the control unit is properly enabled, but trouble persists, call your system support personnel. For command rej ect, a command was issued to an unassigned subchannel for 3705. 456W CP ENTERED; name - SHARED PAGE hexloc ALTERED Explanation: The named system has been altered by the virtual machine. The hexloc is the first changed page detected by the control program. The changed page will be returned to free storage. No other users on the system are affected by this error. User Response: The user may continue by entering the CP command BEGIN. The virtual machine is now operating in nonshared mode. 457E TERMINAL SCRNSAVE UNSUCCESSFUL Explanation: TERMINAL CONMODE 3270 SCRNSAVE ON was specified, but the terminal screen could not be completely read into a 40K buffer. System Action: The screen is not saved. CP mode is entered. User Response: Notify your system programmer. 122 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 460E CTLR raddr {LOADIDUMP} FAILED: PROGRAM CHECK Explanation: During execution of the loader or dump bootstrap routines in the 3704/3705, a 3704/3705 program check occurred, setting the 'IPL Required' sense bit. User Response: Reissue the command. If the error persists, notify the system programmer of a possible 3704/3705 problem. 461R CTLR raddr IPL NOT REQUIRED; ENTER 'YES' TO CONTINUE: Explanation: A NETWORK LOAD command or a NETWORK DUMP command was issued for a 3704/3705 that was not in the 'IPL Required' state. User Response: Reply YES to continue the load or dump process. Any other response causes immediate command termination. 4621 CTLR raddr UNIT CHECK; IPL REQUIRED Explanation: The 3704 or 3705 at real address raddr has requested a dump or reload by presenting a unit check to the host processor, and the automatic dump and restart facility is currently off. Operator Response: If the 3704/3705 was active before the failure, issue the NETWORK DUMP command with the IMMED operand to obtain documentation of the failure. Use the NETWORK LOAD command to reload the 3704/3705 with an appropriate 3704/3705 control program. The CMS service program NCPDUMP should be used to print the dump file created by NETWORK DUMP. 4631 CTLR raddr UNIT CHECK; RESTART IN PROGRESS Explanation: The 3704/3705 at real address raddr has requested a dump or reload by presenting a unit check to the host processor, and the automatic dump/restart facility has been initiated. System Action: If the 3704/3705 was active before the failure, a dump is taken automatically. The 3704/3705 is reloaded (or loaded). Any previously enabled lines or resources are automatically reenabled. Operator Response: Use the eMS service program NCPDUMP to format and print the 3704/3705 dump if one was created. When a 3704/3705 Emulation Program is automatically reloaded after a 3704/3705 failure, the system may loop after the restart. The reissuance of this message and the two responses: CTLR raddr DUMP COMPLETE CTLR raddr ncpname LOAD COMPLETE indicate that the 3704/3705 has been reloaded. If the system loops after the second response, you must reset all emulator lines from the 3704/3705 control panel. The IBM 3704 Control Panel Guide, Order No. GA27-3086, and the IBM 3705 Control Panel Guide, Order No. GA27-3087, describe the procedure for resetting emulator lines from the 3704/3705 control panel. Control Program (CP) Messages 123 4641 CTLR raddr CC = 3; DEPRESS 370X "LOAD" BUTTON Explanation: The 3704 or 3705 at real address raddr has entered the "Hard Stop" condition, indicating a 3704/3705 hardware or software failure. System Action: None. Operator Response: Press the LOAD button on the 3704/3705 control panel. This permits execution of the normal VM/SP HPO recovery mechanism. 465W CTLR raddr EMULATOR LINES IN USE BY SYSTEM Explanation: rddr is the real address of the 3704/3705. The operator dedicated the native address of a 3704/3705 running a PEP system, and one or more of the EP lines is in use by VM/SP HPO. System Action: The ATTACH command is completed; processing continues. Operator Response: None. This message is a warning that the EP lines in use may be affected by the virtual machine to which the 3704/3705 was dedicated. 4661 CTLR raddr IN BUFFER SLOWDOWN MODE Explanation: This message is issued in addition to the response to a QUERY command if the 3704/3705 control program has entered buffer slowdown mode. Buffer slowdown mode is entered if the 3704/3705 control program has less than 12-1/2 percent of its buffers available, indicating a temporary over load. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None is necessary; however, if this situation occurs frequently, the storage requirements of the 3704/3705 configuration should be reexamined. 4681 CTLR raddr COMMUNICATIONS SCANNER FAILURE Explanation: During NCP initialization the scanner did not properly enable. The device is left in a non-ready state. System Action: Processing continues. 469E CTLR raddr {LOADIDUMP} FAILED: TEMP SPACE NOT AVAILABLE Explanation: There was not enough temporary space available on the CP system packs to satisfy the spool space request for the 3704/3705 dump processor. User Response: Ensure that enough temporary CP spool space is available and reissue the DUMP command. 470E CTLR raddr {LOADIDUMP} FAILED: PAGING I/O ERROR Explanation: An unrecoverable I/O error occurred while reading the page-format image of the 3704/3705 control program (LOAD), or while writing the dump spool file (DUMP) onto a system volume. User Response: Notify the system programmer of a possible error on CP paging packs or DASD device. Reissue the command. 124 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 471E CTLR raddr {LOADIDUMP} FAILED: UNRECOVERABLE I/O ERROR Explanation: During execution of NETWORK LOAD or NETWORK DUMP, a unrecoverable I/O error occurred on the 3704/3705 channel adapter. User Response: Reissue the command. If the error persists, notify the system programmer of a possible problem with the 3704/3705 control unit. 4751 FATAL 1/0 ERROR TRYING TO READ DIRECTORY Explanation: The current system directory could not be because of an unrecoverable input/output error. System Action: The system tries to continue. Operator Response: If the failure occurs during normal operation, use the CMS DIRECT command from any class A, B, or C user with write access to the directory volume to swap the currently active directory. If the problem persists, or if it occurs at IPL time, try to rewrite the directory as soon as possible using the Directory program (DMKDIR). If the failure still exists after rewriting the directory, the area may have to be reformatted using the Format/Allocate program (DMKFMT). The error recording area on SYSRES will contain information on the unrecoverable read errors. 5001 type raddr devname CMD REJECT CMD = cm SNS = sense CSW = USERID = userid [{BBCCHH = bbcchhlBLOCK = nnnnnn}] .~sw Explanation: An error recovery routine found an unrecoverable command reject I/O error. The "type" in the message indicates which error recovery routine it was: Type LINE CONS,GRAF DASD PRT,PUN,RDR TAPE Error Recovery Routine line terminal disk spooling tape The other variables in the message are: devname raddr sense cm csw bbcchh nnnnnn the device name. the real unit address of the failing device. the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. the command code, in hexadecimal, of the Channel Command Word (CCW) being executed when the error occurred. the failing channel status word (CSW), in hexadecimal. the address (bin, cylinder, and head), in hexadecimal, where the error occurred. the block number where the error occurred. System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: For all types except DASD, none. For DASD, if this message occurs during IPL from 3330, make sure the read/write switch on the drive is in the write position. If the message occurs after IPL, no action can be takeh. Control Program (CP) Messages 125 501A type raddr devname INT REQ [CMD = em SNS = sense CSW USERID = userid {BBCCHH = bbcchhlBLOCK = nnnnnn}] = csw Explanation: An error recovery routine encountered an intervention-required condition on the device specified. The "type" in the message indicates which error recovery routine it was: Type LINE DASD PRT,PUN,RDR TAPE Error Recovery Routine line disk spooling tape The other variables in the message are: devname raddr sense cm csw bbcchh nnnnnn the device name. the real unit address of the failing device. the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. the command code, in hexadecimal, of the Channel Command Word (CCW) being executed when the error occurred. the failing channel status word (CSW), in hexadecimal. the address (bin, cylinder, and head), in hexadecimal, where the error occurred. the block number where the error occurred. System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: For a line error condition, no action can be taken. For all other devices, take appropriate action to make the device ready. If the printer or punch cannot be made ready, to retrieve the active file on the device do the following: 5011 1. Use the FLUSH command to flush the device. (The FLUSH command will not issue a response.) 2. Use the DRAIN command to drain the device. The system varies the device offline and requeues the file on the system printer or punch queue. The file has a system hold status if the HOLD operand was used on the FLUSH command. type raddr devname INT REQ [CMD = em SNS = sense CSW = csw USERID = userid] Explanation: The terminal error recovery routine (CONS), or the spooling error recovery routine (PRT, PUN, or RDR) found an unrecoverable intervention-required I/O error. Type CONS PRT,RDR Error Recovery Routine terminal spooling The other variables in the message are as follows: devname raddr sense the device name the real address of the failing device the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition \ 126 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes cm the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCW) being executed when the error occurred the failing channel status word (CSW) in hexadecimal csw System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: If the device specified is a console, there is no operator response. If the device specified is a reader, printer, or punch, take appropriate action to make the device ready. 5021 type raddr devname BUSOUT CK CMD = cm SNS = sense CSW = csw USERID = userid [{BBCCHH = bbcchhlBLOCK = nnnnnn}] Explanation: An error recovery routine found an unrecoverable bus-out check I/O error. It could also mean that module DMKUCS, DMKUCB, or DMKUCC has exceeded a page boundary (4K). The "type" in the message indicates which error recovery routine it was. Type DASD CONS,GRAF LINE PRT,PUN,RDR TAPE Error Recovery Routine disk terminal line spooling tape The other variables in the message are: devname addr sense cm csw bbcchh nnnnnn the device name. the unit address of the failing device. the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCW) being executed when the error occurred. the failing channel status word (CSW), in hexadecimal. the address (bin, cylinder, and head), in hexadecimal, where the error occurred. the block number where the error occurred. It could also mean that module DMKUCS, DMKUCB, or DMKUCC has exceeded a page boundary (4K). System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: For CONS, DASD, GRAF, LINE, and TAPE, none. For RDR, purge the file and try to read it again. For printer or punch, take appropriate action to correct the problem. If the printer or punch is to be made ready, do the following to retrieve the active file on the device: 1. Use the FLUSH command to flush the device. (The FLUSH command will not issue a response.) 2. Use the DRAIN command to drain the device. The system varies the device offline and requeues the file on the system printer or punch queue. The file has a system hold status if the HOLD operand was used on the FLUSH command. If the problem persists, call your system support personnel. Control Program (CP) Messages 127 503A type raddr devname EQUIP CK CMD = cm SNS = sense CSW = csw USERID = userid Explanation: The spooling error recovery routine found an equipment check I/O error requiring operator action for recovery. Type PRT,PUN,RDR Error Recovery Routine spooling The other variables in the message are as follows: devname raddr sense cm csw the device name the real address of the failing device the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCW) being executed when the error occurred the failing channel status word (CSW) in hexadecimal System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: Take appropriate action to correct the problem. If the problem persists, call your system support personnel. 5031 type raddr devname EQUIP CK CMD = cm SNS = sense CSW = csw USERID = userid [{BBCCHH = bbcchhlBLOCK = nnnnnn}] Explanation: An error recovery routine found an unrecoverable equipment check I/O error. The "type" in the message indicates which error recovery routine it was: Type CONS,GRAF LINE DASD PRT,PUN,RDR TAPE Error Recovery Routine terminal line disk spooling tape The other variables in the message are: devname raddr sense cm csw bbcchh nnnnnn the device name. the real unit address of the failing device. the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCW) being executed when the error occurred. the failing channel status word (CSW) in hexadecimal. the address (bin, cylinder, and head), in hexadecimal, where the error occurred. the block number where the error occurred. System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: See note. Note: Because of the buffering of lines in the 3262 printer, lines of data may be lost. You can use the BACKSPAC command to recover the missing lines of data. 128 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 504A type raddr devname DATA CK CMD = cm SNS = sense CSW = csw USERID = userid Explanation: The spooling error recovery routine found an unrecoverable data check I/O error. Type PRT,RDR Error Recovery Routine spooling The other variables in the message are as follows: devname raddr sense cm csw the device name. the real address of the failing device. the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCW) being executed when the error occurred. the failing channel status word (CSW) in hexadecimal. System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: Make sure the Block Data Check is set ON if the device specified is a printer with Universal Character Set (UCS). Two procedures are available to do this: 1. If you wish to continue Make the printer not-ready, then ready. 2. If you want to automatically set the Block Data CheckReload the UCS Buffer using the LOADBUF command; Use the FLUSH command to flush the printer; Make the printer not-ready, then ready; Vary the printer online; and Load the buffer. Note: On the 3211, make the printer not ready, press the cancel key, and make the printer ready. A 3211 data check could be caused by FCB. 5041 type raddr devname DATA CK CMD = cm SNS = sense CSW = CSW USERID = userid [{BBCCHH = bbcchhlBLOCK = nnnnnn}] Explanation: An error recovery routine found an unrecoverable data check I/O error. It could also mean that module DMKUCS, DMKUCB, or DMKUCC has exceeded a page boundary (4K). The "type" in the message indicates which error recovery routine it was: Type CONS,GRAF LINE DASD PRT,PUN,RDR TAPE Error Recovery Routine terminal line disk spooling tape The other .variables in the message are: devname raddr sense cm the device name. the real unit address of the failing device. the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCW) being executed when the error occurred. Control Program (CP) Messages 129 csw bbcchh nnnnnn the failing channel status word (CSW) in hexadecimal. the address (bin, cylinder, and head), in hexadecimal, where the error occurred. the block number where the error occurred. It could also mean that module DMKUCS, DMKUCB, or DMKUCC has exceeded a page boundary (4K). System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: None, or take appropriate action to correct the problem. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. 505A RDR raddr devname OVERRUN CK CMD = cm SNS = sense CSW = csw USERID = userid Explanation: The spooling error recovery routine found an unrecoverable overrun check I/O error. devname raddr sense cm csw the device name. the real unit address of the failing device. the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCW) being executed when the error occurred. the failing channel status word (CSW) in hexadecimal. System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: Take appropriate action to correct the problem. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. 5051 type raddr devname OVERRUN CK CMD = cm SNS = sense CSW = csw USERID = userid [{BBCCHH = bbcchhlBLOCK = nnnnnn}] Explanation: The disk error recovery routine found an unrecoverable overrun check I/O error. The "type" in the message indicates which error recovery routine it was. Type CONS DASD LINE Error Recovery Routine terminal disk line The other variables in the message are: devname raddr sense cm csw bbcchh nnnnnn the device name. the real unit address of the failing device. the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCW) being executed when the error occurred. the failing channel status word (CSW) in hexadecimal. the address (bin, cylinder, and head), in hexadecimal, where the error occurred. the block number where the error occurred. System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: None. 130 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 5061 DASD raddr devname TRKCOND CK CMD=cm SNS=sense CSW=csw USERID = userid BBCCHH = bbcchh Explanation: The disk error recovery routine found an unrecoverable track condition check I/O error. devname raddr sense cm csw bbcchh the device name. the real unit address of the failing device. the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCW) being executed when the error occurred. the failing channel status word (CSW) in hexadecimal. the address (bin, cylinder, and head), in hexadecimal, where the error occurred. System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: None. 5081 type raddr devname PERM ERROR CMD = cm SNS = sense CSW = csw USERID = userid [BBCCHH = bbcchh] Explanation: The disk error recovery routine (DASD) or the spooling error recovery routine (PRT, PUN, or RDR) found an unrecoverable permanent error condition. Type DASD PRT,PUN,RDR Error Recovery Routine disk spooling The other variables in the message are as follows: devname raddr sense cm csw the device name the real address of the failing device the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCW) being executed when the error occurred the failing channel status word (CSW) in hexadecimal System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: None. 5091 DASD raddr devname TRKOVERUN CMD = cm SNS = sense CSW = csw USERID = userid BBCCHH = bbcchh Explanation: The disk error recovery routine found an unrecoverable track overrun check I/O error. devname raddr sense cm csw bbcchh the device name. the real unit address of the failing device. the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCW) being executed when the error occurred. the failing channel status word (CSW) in hexadecimal. the address (bin, cylinder, and head), in hexadecimal, where the error occurred. System Action: System operation continues. Control Program (CP) Messages 131 Operator Response: None. 5101 TAPE raddr devname CONVERT CK CMD = cm SNS = sense CSW = csw USERID = userid Explanation: The tape error recovery routine found an unrecoverable data convert check I/O error. devname raddr sense cm csw the device name. the real unit address of the failing device. the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCW) being executed when the error occurred. the failing channel status word (CSW) in hexadecimal. System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: None. 5111 TAPE raddr devname COMPAT CK CMD=cm SNS=sense CSW=esw USERID = userid Explanation: The tape error recovery routine found an unrecoverable compatibility check I/O error. devname raddr sense cm csw the device name. the real unit address of the failing device. the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for tile error condition. the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCW) being executed when the error occurred. the failing channel status word (CSW) in hexadecimal. System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: None. 5121 TAPE raddr devname LOAD POINT CMD = em SNS = sense CSW = csw USERID = userid Explanation: The tape error recovery routine found an unrecoverable load point I/O error. devname raddr sense cm csw the device name. the real unit address of the failing device. the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCW) being executed when the error occurred. the failing channel status word (CSW) in hexadecimal. System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: None. 132 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 5131 type raddr devname FILE PROT CMD = cm SNS = sense CSW = csw USERID = userid {[BBCCHH = bbcchh IBLOCK = nnnnnn}] Explanation: The disk error recovery routine (for DASD) or the tape error recovery routine (for TAPE) found an unrecoverable file protect I/O error. Type DASD TAPE Error Recovery Routine disk tape The other variables in the message are as follows: devname raddr sense cm csw the device name the real address of the failing device the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCW) being executed when the error occurred the failing channel status word (CSW) in hexadecimal System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: None. 5161 type raddr devname BAD SENSE CMD = cm SNS = sense CSW = csw USERID = userid [BBCCHH = bbcchh IBLOCK = nnnnnn] Explanation: An error recovery· routine encountered an error on a sense operation. The "type" in the message indicates which error recovery routine it was: Type DASD LINE TAPE Error Recovery Routine disk line tape The other variables in the message are: devname raddr sense cm csw bbcchh nnnnnn the device name. the real unit address of the failing device. the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. the command code, in hexadecimal; of the channel command word (CCW) being executed when the error occurred. the failing channel status word (C8W) in hexadecimal. the address (bin, cylinder, and head), in hexadecimal, where the error occurred. the block number where the error occurred. System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: None. Control Program (CP) Messages 133 517E DASD raddr devname NOT/KNOWN CMD=cm SNS = sense CSW=csw USERID = userid [BBCCHH = bbcchh IBLOCK = nnnnnn] Explanation: The disk error recovery routine encountered an error that is considered an impossible condition and must be reported as such. devname raddr sense cm csw bbcchh nnnnnn the device name. the real unit address of the failing device. the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCW) being executed when the error occurred. the failing channel status word (CSW) in hexadecimal. the address (bin, cylinder, and head), in hexadecimal, where the error occurred. the block number where the error occurred. System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: None. 5171 type raddr devname NOT/KNOWN CMD=cm SNS=sense CSW=csw USERID = userid Explanation: The line error recovery routine (for LINE) or the tape error recovery routine (for TAPE) encountered an error that is considered an impossible condition and must be reported as such. Type LINE TAPE Error Recovery Routine line tape The other variables in the message are as follows: devname raddr sense cm csw the device name the real address of the failing device the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCW) being executed when the error occurred the failing channel status word (CSW) in hexadecimal System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: None. 5181 type raddr devname RECV ERROR CMD = cm SNS = sense CSW = csw USERID = userid. [BBCCHH = bbcchh] Explanation: While attempting recovery, the disk error recovery routine (for DASD) or the tape error recovery routine (for TAPE) encountered an error not associated with the original error. Error recovery cannot be continued. Type DASD TAPE 134 Error Recovery Routine disk tape IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes The other variables in the message are as follows: devname raddr sense cm csw the device name the real address of the failing device the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCW) being executed when the error occurred the failing channel status word (CSW) in hexadecimal System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: None. 5191 TAPE raddr devname PE BURST CMD = cm SNS = sense CSW = csw USERID = userid Explanation: The tape error recovery routine found an unrecoverable phase encode burst I/O error. devname raddr sense cm csw the device name. the real unit address of the failing device. the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCW) being executed when the error occurred. the failing channel status word (CSW) in hexadecimal. System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: None. 520A type raddr devname PERM ERROR CMD = cm SNS = sense CSW = csw USERID = userid Explanation: The spooling error recovery routine found an unrecoverable error condition. Type PRT,PUN,RDR Error Recovery Routine spooling The other variables in the message are as follows: devname raddr sense cm csw the device name the real address of the failing device the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCW) being executed when the error occurred the failing channel status word (CSW) in hexadecimal System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: Take appropriate action to correct the problem. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. Control Program (CP) Messages 135 5201 type raddr devname CHAN ERROR CMD= cm SNS = sense CSW = csw USERID = userid [BBCCHH = bbcchhlBLOCK = nnnnnn] Explanation: An error recovery routine encountered an unrecoverable channel I/O error. The "type" in the message indicates which error recovery routine it was: Type LINE DASD PRT,PUN,RDR TAPE Error Recovery Routine line disk spooling tape The other variables in the message are: devname raddr sense cm csw bbcchh nnnnnn the device name. the real unit address of the failing device. the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCW) being executed when the error occurred. the failing channel status word (CSW) in hexadecimal. the address (bin, cylinder, and head), in hexadecimal, where the error occurred. the block number where the error occurred. System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: None. 5211 type raddr devname NO DEVICE CMD = cm SNS = sense CSW = csw USERID = userid Explanation: An error recovery routine received a reported error from a device that is not in the system configuration. The "type" in the message indicates which error recovery routine it was: Type GRAF PRT,PUN,RDR TAPE Error Recovery Routine terminal spooling tape The other variables in the message are: devname raddr sense cm csw the device name. the real unit address of the failing device. the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCW) being executed when the error occurred. the failing channel status word (CSW) in hexadecimal. System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: None. 136 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 5221 TAPE raddr devname ERASE CK CMD = cm SNS = sense CSW = csw USERID = userid Explanation: The tape error recovery routine found an unrecoverable erase check I/O error. devname raddr sense cm csw the device name. the real unit address of the failing device. the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCW) being executed when the error occurred. the failing channel status word (CSW) in hexadecimal. System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: None. 5231 TAPE raddr devname CONTROL CK CMD=cm SNS=sense CSW=csw USERID = userid Explanation: The tape error recovery routine found an unrecoverable control check on a tape. devname raddr sense cm csw the device name. the real unit address of the failing device. the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCW) being executed when the error occurred. the failing channel status word (CSW) in hexadecimal. System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: None. 5241 type raddr devname LOAD CHECK CMD = cm SNS = sense CSW = csw USERID = userid Explanation: An attempt was made to load an invalid buffer to the printer. CMD=FB or F3 indicates an invalid UCS buffer. CMD=63 indicates an invalid FCB was transmitted to the printer. Type PRT,PUN,RDR Error Recovery Routine spooling The other variables in the message are as follows: devname raddr sense cm csw the device name the real address of the failing device the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCW) being executed when the error occurred the failing channel status word (CSW) in hexadecimal System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: Retry the operation. Control Program (CP) Messages 137 5251 type raddr devname FORMAT CK CMD = cm SNS = sense CSW = csw USERID = userid Explanation: The terminal error recovery routine (for GRAF) or the spooling error recovery routine (for RDR, PRT, or PUN) encountered a format error on a write RCE (Read Column Eliminate) command. Type GRAF PRT,PUN,RDR Error Recovery Routine terminal spooling The other variables in the message are as follows: devname raddr sense cm csw the device name the real address of the failing device the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCW) being executed when the error occurred the failing channel status word (CSW) in hexadecimal System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: Retry the operation. 5261 TAPE raddr devname DSE FAILED CMD = cm SNS = sense CSW = csw USE RID = userid Explanation: A data security erase operation has failed to complete successfully, causing a timeout condition to exist on communication lines. devname raddr sense cm csw the device name. the real unit address of the failing device. the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCW) being executed when the error occurred. the failing channel status word (CSW) in hexadecimal. System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: Activate the reset and load-rewind buttons on the failing device and restart the job. 5271 type raddr devname LOST DATA CMD = cm SNS = sense CSW = csw USERID = userid Explanation: The line error recovery routine (for LINE) or the terminal error recovery routine (for CONS) found an unrecoverable lost data I/O error. Type LINE CONS Error Recovery Routine line terminal The other variables in the message are as follows: devname raddr sense 138 the device name the real address of the failing device the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes cm csw the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCW) being executed when the error occurred the failing channel status word (CSW) in hexadecimal System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: None. 5281 type raddr devname TIMEOUT CMD = cm SNS = sense CSW = csw USERID = userid Explanation: The line error recovery routine (for LINE) or the terminal error recovery routine (for CONS) determined that problems causing a timeout condition exist on communication lines. Type CONS LINE Error Recovery Routine terminal line The other variables in the message are as follows: devname raddr sense cm csw the device name the real address of the failing device the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCW) being executed when the error occurred the failing channel status word (CSW) in hexadecimal System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: None. 5291 type raddr devname PARITY CK CMD = cm SNS = sense CSW = csw USERID = userid Explanation: The terminal error recovery routine (for GRAF) or the spooling error recovery routine (for RDR, PRT, or PUN) found an unrecoverable parity check I/O error. Type GRAF PRT,PUN,RDR Error Recovery Routine terminal spooling The other variables in the message are as follows: devname raddr sense cm csw the device name the real address of the failing device the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCW) being executed when the error occurred the failing channel status word (CSW) in hexadecimal System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: None. Control Program (CP) Messages 139 5301 GRAF raddr devname UNIT SPEC CMD=cm SNS = sense CSW=cs USERID = userid Explanation: The terminal error recovery routine found an unrecoverable device-detected error. devname raddr sense cm csw the device name. the real unit address of the failing device. the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCW) being executed when the error occurred. the failing channel status word (CSW) in hexadecimal. System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: None. 5311 GRAF raddr devname CNTRL CHECK CMD=cm SNS=sense CSW = csw USE RID = userid Explanation: The terminal error recovery routine found an unrecoverable error. The addressed device failed to perform a specified operation or respond to the control unit within a specified period of time. devname raddr sense cm csw the device name. the real unit address of the failing device. the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCW) being executed when th~ error occurred. the failing channel status word (CSW) in hexadecimal. System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: None. 5321 GRAF raddr devname OP CHECK CMD=cm SNS=sense CSW=csw USERID = userid Explanation: The terminal error recovery routine found an unrecoverable error. The control unit has received a valid command or order that it cannot execute. devname raddr sense cm csw the device name. the real unit address of the failing device. the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCW) being executed when the error occurred. the failing channel status word (CSW) in hexadecimal. System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: None. 140 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 5331 DASD raddr devname CHECK DATA CMD = cm SNS = sense CSW = csw USERID = userid BLOCK = nnnnnn Explanation: The FB-512 error recovery routine encountered an unrecoverable check data error. devname raddr sense cm csw nnnnnn the device name. the real unit address of the failing device. the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCW) being executed when the error occurred. the failing channel status word (CSW) in hexadecimal. the block number where the error occurred. System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: None. 5341 DASD raddr devname BKSIZE EX CMD = cm SNS = sense CSW = csw USERID = userid BLOCK = nnnnnn Explanation: The FB-512 error recovery routine encountered an unrecoverable error. devname raddr sense cm csw nnnnnn the device name. the real unit address of the failing device. the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCW) being executed when the error occurred. the failing channel status word (CSW) in hexadecimal. the block number where the error occurred. System Action: System operations continues. Operator Response: None. 5351 DASD raddr devname WRT INHIBT CMD = cm SNS = sense CSW = csw USERID = userid BLOCK = nnnnnn Explanation: The FB-512 error recovery routine encountered an unrecoverable error. devname raddr sense cm csw nnnnnn the device name. the real unit address of the failing device. the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. the command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCW) being executed when the error occurred. the failing channel status word (CSW) in hexadecimal. the block number where the error occurred. System Action: System operations continues. Operator Response: None. Control Program (CP) Messages 141 5361 raddr devname REPORTS DISABLED INTERFACE; FAULT CODE cccc; NOTIFY CE = Explanation: Unit check has occurred on an FB-512 or count-key-data I/O request to a Director Module indicating that a permanent error has occurred on the companion Director Module. The sense data indicates Alternate Interface Disabled. (Sense byte 1, bit 3.) The substitutions in the message are as follows: raddr real device address on which the error was reported. devname the real device name. cccc fault symptoms code obtained from the sense data that will be used by the CE to locate the failing component. System Action: The system logs the error and retries the I/O request. This retry should succeed since it is another control unit that failed. User Response: Notify your service personnel. 5381 type raddr devname PROG ERROR CMD = cmd SNS = sense CSW = csw USERID = userid Explanation: An error recovery routine encountered an unrecoverable programming error on a request for control program I/O. raddr devname sense csw the the the the real unit address of the failing device. device name. sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. failing channel status word (CSW) in hexadecimal. System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: Notify the system programmer of an error in a channel program in the control program. 5391 TAPE raddr devname BOT FAIL CMD = cmd SNS = sense CSW 7= csw USERID = userid Explanation: The tape error recovery routine found an unrecoverable beginning of tape fail I/O error. raddr devname sense csw the the the the real unit address of the failing device. device name. sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. failing channel status word (CSW) in hexadecimal. System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: None. t 42 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 5401 PRT raddr devname MAINT REQ CMD = cm SNS = sense CSW = csw USERID = userid Explanation: Maintenance of the printer is required. Performance of the printer may be degraded. The message is intended to warn the operator before the problem becomes critical. raddr devname sense cm csw the the the the the real unit address of the failing device. device name. sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. command code, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. failing channel status word (CSW) in hexadecimal. System Action: Printing operations on the device continue. Operator Response: Schedule maintenance as soon as possible. 5461 INTERRUPTION {CLEAREDIPENDING} {DEVICEICONTROL UNIT} raddr CSW = csw USERID userid Explanation: If PENDING appears in the message text, the missing interrupt handler has found device end pending for the device raddr for more than thespecified time period. The condition cannot be corrected. If CLEARED appears in the message text, the missing interrupt handler has corrected the missing interrupt condition. The device remains operational. raddr csw userid real device address or control unit (path used by lOS) last half of the csw of the last I/O operation associated userid, if any, that performed the I/O operation System Action: This message is issued to alert the operator of a possible error condition. If the missing interrupt handler is able to correct the condition the device remains operational. If the missing interrupt handler is unable to correct the condition, manual intervention is required. The time interval for each device class is specified in the SYSMIH macro. If the device is still inoperative after the initial message is issued, another message will be issued every two time intervals. Operator Response: If PENDING appears in the message text, manual action may be required to free the device. Examine device cuu for hardware malfunctions such as the SELECT light on for a tape, or the SELECT LOCK light on for disk devices. Check control or switching units for proper connection. If the userid is available issue a warning message to the user making him aware of the problem. If no apparent hardware problem is found, issue the HALT command to free the device. 547E MISSING INTERRUPTION MONITORING NOT AVAILABLE Explanation: The SET MITIME command was issued and the missing interrupt handler module, DMKDID, was not in the system. System Action: None. User Response: Add the missing interrupt module DMKDID to the load list. Then regenerate the CP nucleus, reload and re-IPL the system. Control Program (CP) Messages 143 550E ERROR RECORDING AREA 90 PERCENT FULL; RUN CPEREP Explanation: The error recording area specified in the message is 90% full. This message is a warning to prevent loss of error records. System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: Run the CPEREP program to print the records on the affected area, and then clear the area. Save the printed output for your system support personnel. 551E ERROR RECORDING AREA FULL; RUN CPEREP Explanation: The error recording area specified in the message is full. Further errors of that type cannot be recorded. System Action: System operation continues, but no I/O errors, or machine check and channel check errors, are recorded. Operator Response: Run the CPEREP program to print the error records that are on the error recording area that is full, and then clear the area. Save the printed output for your system support personnel. 5521 FORMATTING ERROR RECORDING AREA Explanation: The recording area specified in the message is not in the proper format. The area is rewritten in the correct CP format at this time. This should only occur at the first IPL of a new system with a new error recording area. If this message appears at other times, it is probably due to a hardware error. System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: If you did not expect this formatting to take place, ensure that the allocation of the system volume does not overlap cylinders or disk space and then call your system support personnel. 5531 ERROR RECORDING AREA CLEARED; USER userid Explanation: DMKIOG has been invoked by user 'userid' to clear the error recording area specified in the message. Error recording in that area is reenabled. System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: None. 5581 UNRECOVERABLE I/O ERROR; ERROR RECORDING DISABLED Explanation: Unrecoverable input/output errors were encountered while trying to read or write in the error recording area at system initialization time. Error recording has been disabled. Probable hardware error. System Action: System operation continues but error recording is not being done. Operator Response: System operation without error recording is not recommended. Whenever possible, try to restart the system, with the system disk on another drive. If the problem persists, call your system support personnel. 144 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 559W SRF vaddr NOT ACCESSIBLE; FRAMES NOT ON ERROR CYLINDERS Explanation: One of the following conditions has occurred on a 303X processor: 1. SRF is not included in DMKRIO. 2. The service support console is configured for diagnostics, remote hook-up, or program frame. The console is not in SRF mode. (The VM/SP HPO control program can access only one of the two SRF devices of a 3036 console. If both SRF devices of a 3036 are specified on the RIOGEN macro at system generation, then during initialization of the error recording cylinders, message DMKIOH559W will be issued for one of these SRF devices. Since both SRF devices of a 3036 console contain identical frame data, only one SRF per 3036 need be successfully accessed during error recording area initialization. If message DMSIOH559W is received for only one of the SRF devices of a 3036 console, and both were specified on the RIOGEN macro, no user action is necessary.) 3. The system is running in degraded mode (only one console station is operational.) System Action: When CPEREP reports are generated they will be unformatted if no SRF device was successfully accessed. User Response: 560W 1. Reassemble DMKRIO with the proper address for the 7443 devices and include "SRF =" on the RIOGEN macro, for more information refer to the VM/SP HPO Planning Guide and Reference. 2. Wait until the service support console is available. Enable the I/O interface. Select SRF mode from the Cl frame by activating the SRF (A2). (On the 3032, the SRF appears disabled until it is accessed.) VARY ON the SRF. Attach the SRF. Rerun CPEREP CLEARF. Refer to the 3033 Processor Complex Operating Procedures, GC38-0031, for more information. 3. Rerun CPEREP when both console stations are operational, generate reports then run CPEREP CLEARF to clear and obtain the frame records. ERRORS ON SRF vaddr: FRAMES NOT ON ERROR CYLINDERS Explanation: A permanent I/O error was encountered during an I/O operation with SRF vaddr. The SRF vaddr frames are not placed on the error recording cylinders or in the error recording area. System Action: Processing continues. Operator Response: After the cause of the error has been corrected, run CPEREP with the CLEARF parameter specified to clear the area. This will cause the frames to be placed in the error recording area. Control Program (CP) Messages 145 561W MORE THAN 50 MCH OR CCH FRAMES WERE READ FROM SRF vaddr Explanati()n: The maximum number of frames of one type has been exceeded. • There is an error in the Service Processor when responding to I/O requests to the SRF, or • The last engineering change has provided a set of frames larger than the maximum number expected. System Action: The first 50 frames read will be accepted as valid and will be written to the error recording area. Operator Response: Processing of MCH or CCH records by 50 frames may result in an incomplete or erroneous edit of logout information. Call IBM Field Engineering for support. 5751 I/O ERROR ADDR=raddr, USE RID = userid Explanation: The VM/SP HPO error recording interface has determined that a permanent or temporary I/O error has occurred on a virtual machine. This message also appears when VM/SP HPO error routines are invoked for recording counter and buffer overflow statistics for various devices, for recording demounts, and for recording general statistical data. System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: Run CPEREP to document the error. If the problem persists, call your system support personnel. 601E CHANNEL CONTROL CHECK DEV raddr; USER userid Explanation: A channel control check occurred on the channel specified by device raddr, where: xxx real device address of the failing unit. System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: Probable hardware error. If the problem persists, call your system support personnel. 6011 CHANNEL CONTROL CHECK DEV raddr; USER userid Explanation: A channel control check occurred on the channel specified by device raddr, where: raddr real device address of the failing unit. System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: Probable hardware error. If the problem persists, call your system support personnel. 146 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 602E INTERFACE CONTROL CHECK DEV raddr; USER userid Explanation: An interface control check occurred on channel specified in device raddr, where: raddr real device address of the failing unit. System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: Probable hardware error. If the problem persists, call your system support personnel. 6021 INTERFACE CONTROL CHECK DEV raddr; USER userid Explanation: An interface control check occurred on channel specified in device raddr, where: raddr real device address of the failing unit. System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: Probable hardware error. If the problem persists, caB your system support personnel. 603W CHANNEL ERROR Explanation: A channel check condition occurred from which the channel check handler could not recover. This page left blank System Action: The system enters a wait state (wait state code = 002). Operator Response: Probable hardware error. Run the SEREP program to document the error condition before restarting the system. If the problem persists, call your system support personnel. To restart, clear storage and IPL the system, specifying CKPT start. Do not use the SEREP program on 4341, 4381, 308x processor complex, and 3090 processors as you will get invalid results. 6051 CHANNEL CHECK RECORDING FAILURE Explanation: This message appears: • When an unrecoverable 1/0 error is encountered while recording on the error recording cylinder, or • When the channel check recording cylinder is full. System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: Run the CPEREP program to write out the error records and clear the channel recording cylinder. If the error recurs, contact your system support personnel. Control Program (CP) Messages 147 609W MACHINE CHECK; PROCESSOR CONTROLLER DAMAGE cpuid Explanation: The machine check handler has encountered an error in the Processor Controller. System Action: The system enters a disabled wait state. (Wait state code = 001) Operator Response: Contact your system support personnel. 610W MACHINE CHECK; SUPERVISOR DAMAGE cpuid Explanation: The machine check handler has encountered an unrecoverable error within CPo This message is also issued if a malfunction alert occurs on the attached processor and CP was in control. System Action: The system enters a disabled wait state (wait state code = 001 or 013). Operator Response: Probable hardware error. Run the SEREP program to document the error. Restart the system. If the problem recurs, contact your system support personnel. Do not use the SEREP program on 4341,4381, 308x processor complex, and 3090 processors as you will get invalid results. 611W MACHINE CHECK; SYSTEM INTEGRITY LOST cpuid Explanation: The machine check handler has encountered an error that cannot be diagnosed because of an invalid machine check old PSW or invalid machine check interrupt code (MCIC). The integrity of the system at this point is not reliable. System Action: The system enters a disabled wait state (wait state code 001). Operator Response: Probable hardware error. Run the SEREP program and save the output for your system support personnel. Restart the system. Do not use the SEREP program on 4341, 4381, 308x processor complex, and 3090 processors as you will get invalid results. 612W MACHINE CHECK TIMING FACILITIES DAMAGE Explanation: An error has occurred in the timing facilities. Probable hardware error. System Action: The system enters a disabled wait state (wait state code 001). Operator Response: Run the SEREP program to document the error. Restart the system. If the problem recurs, contact your system support personnel. Do not use the SEREP program on 4341,4381, 308x processor complex, and 3090 processors as you will get invalid results. 148 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 6131 SOFT MACHINE CHECK RECORDING DISABLED cpuid Explanation: The error reporting interrupt mechanism for soft machine checks has been disabled. System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: None. 6141 MACHINE CHECK; DAMAGED PAGE NOW DELETED cpuid Explanation: The machine check handler has deleted a page of storage as a result of storage data failures. Probable hardware error. System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: The system operator should note that the system is operating with 4K bytes less storage each time this message appears. If the problem recurs, run the CPEREP program to document the error, then contact your system support personnel. 6151 MACHINE CHECK RECORDING FAILURE cpuid Explanation: This message appears: • If an unrecoverable I/O error is encountered while recording on the error recording cylinder, or • When the machine check recording cylinder is full. System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: Run the CPEREP program to print the error records and clear the MCH recording cylinder. If the problem recurs, contact your system support personnel. 6161 MACHINE CHECK; USER userid TERMINATED cpuid Explanation: The user identified by userid has encountered a machine check error and the user's virtual machine has been reset. Probable hardware error. System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: Run the CPEREP program to document the error. If the problem recurs, contact your system support personnel. 6171 MACHINE CHECK; BUFFER OR DLAT DAMAGE cpuid Explanation: The Machine Check Handler has encountered a buffer storage or DLAT partially disabled. System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: Run the CPEREP program to document the error. If the problem recurs, contact your system support personnel. Control Program (CP) Messages 149 6181 {INSTRUCTION RETRYIMAIN STORAGE} NOW IN {RECORDIQUIET} MODE cpuid Explanation: The SET MODE command has placed the processor in the mode that is specified. System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: None. 6191 MACHINE CHECK; OPERATION TERMINATED cpuid Explanation: The user has encountered a machine check error and the user's virtual machine had been reset or terminated. If the virtual machine was reset, the user must reinitialize the system to commence operation. If the virtual machine was terminated, he must log on again to commence operation. System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: Run the CPEREP program to document the error. If the problem recurs, contact your system support personnel. 6201 MACHINE CHECK; ATTACHED PROCESSOR NOT BEING USED Explanation: The attached processor is no longer being used by the system because: • A malfunction alert was received from the attached processor, • The machine check handler received an unrecoverable error on the attached processor while in problem state, • An instruction processing error was detected for the attached processor. System Action: System operates in uniprocessor mode. Operator Response: Run the CPEREP program to document the error and save the output for your system support personnel. 6211 AFFINITY SET OFF Explanation: The attached processor is no longer being used by the system because of a malfunction alert, an unrecoverable machine check, or a VARY command. Affinity for the attached processor is no longer valid. System Action: System operates in uniprocessor mode. The user is put in console function mode (if user was not disconnected) with affinity turned off. If a preferred machine assist user receives this message, the virtual machine has been reset and PMA mode exited. User Response: Resume processing. Continue to operate without attached processor affinity, if possible. 150 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 622W MACHINE CHECK; MULTIPLE CHANNEL ERRORS Explanation: During a machine check interruption, a group of channels is unavailable. The channels will not be available until the system is reset. System Action: The system is terminated by loading a disabled wait PSW. The wait code in the PSW is X'OOOOOOOl'. Operator Response: IPL SEREP and then reload the system via the IPL process. Do not use the SEREP program on 4341, 4381, 308x processor complex, and 3090 processors as you will get invalid results. 6231 CHANNEL SET CONNECTED TO PROCESSOR nn Explanation: A processor failure occurred on the main processor and automatic processor recovery succeeded in connecting the channel set to the attached processor; or the operator issued a VARY OFFLINE CPU command for the I/O processor and the offline process succeeded in connecting the channel set to the attached processor. System Action: Processing continues on the attached processor in uniprocessor mode. Operator Response: When a processor failure occurred, call IBM Field Engineering for support. When the problem is resolved, issue th~ VARY ONLINE command. 6241 MACHINE CHECK; EXTERNAL DAMAGE Explanation: The machine check handler has encountered external damage. Damage has occurred to a channel, channel controller, switching unit or another unit external to the central processing unit. System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: Run CPEREP program to document the error and save output for your support personnel. 6251 ALTERNATE PROCESSOR RECOVERY SUCCESSFUL; PROCESSOR nn OFFLINE Explanation: A hardware error has occurred on processor nn which has resulted in the system's varying of processor nn (and its channels if an MP configuration) offline. The remaining online processor has recovered from the failure, and the system will continue operation in uniprocessor mode. System Action: Processing continues in uniprocessor mode. Operator Response: Run the CPEREP program to document the error and save the output for system support personnel. 626E CONSOLE FUNCTION MODE ENTERED; REQUIRED PROCESSOR NOW OFFLINE Explanation: A VARY command was issued that took the required processor offline. Either the user has affinity set to the processor or the virtual machine executed a processor-related instruction (STAP or SIGP for example) that implies affinity to the processor. System Action: The system executes in uniprocessor mode. Control Program (CP) Messages 151 User Response: If you require affinity to the processor that was erroneously varied offline, have the operator issue the VARY command to bring it back online. You can then continue operation. If uniprocessor mode was entered in preparation for single processor mode, the wrong processor was varied offline. Use the VARY· command to take the correct processor offline. If the correct processor was varied offline, issue a SYSTEM RESET and re-IPL the virtual machine. 6271 MACHINE CHECK; STORAGE DEGRADATION FOR userid Explanation: The processor has reported 12 successful corrections of double-bit errors in storage belonging to either the control program or the virtual = real user. The storage belongs to the program or user identified as 'userid'. System Action: The error reporting interrupt mechanism for soft machine checks is disabled. System operation continues. Operator Response: The system operator should note that performance may be degraded. Run the CPEREP program to document the error and contact your system support personnel. 6281 DEGRADATION; CP WILL TRY RECOVERY IN 1 MINUTE Explanation: The processor has reported 12 succes~ful corrections of double-bit errors in storage belonging to the dynamic paging area. In each instance CP was unable to mark the page frame offline because it was locked in storage. System Action: The error reporting mechanism for soft machine checks will be disabled for approximately one minute. System operation continues. If the error occurs again when soft machine checks are enabled, CP may be able to discontinue use of the affected page frame. Operator Response: If the problem recurs, run the CPEREP program to document the error and contact your system support personnel. 6291 SOFT MACHINE CHECK REPORTING NOW ENABLED Explanation: CP has enabled the error reporting interrupt mechanism for soft machine checks. System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: None. 1633W MACHINE CHECK; SYSTEM DAMAGE IMMINENT Explanation: During machine-check processing, the warning bit in the machine check interrupt code was found on. This bit indicates that damage is imminent in some part of the system. A high-temperature reading is one example of a cause of this type of machine check. System Action: The system logs the machine check as a soft error and continues processing. 152 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 6341 1 I Operator Response: No action is required. However, you may wish to inform the system programmer and the users of the problem. MACHINE CHECK; DELAYED ACCESS EXCEPTION nn Explanation: During machine check processing, the delayed access exception bit of the machine check interrupt code was found ON. This indicates there was an attempt to alter storage using a translation lookaside buffer entry. However, that entry should have been invalidated before the execution of the current instruction. Since it was not invalidated, dynamic address translation is using an out-of-date translation lookaside buffer. Results of the execution of this instruction are unpredictable. nn indicates which processor detected the machine check. System Action: The system logs the machine check as a soft error and continues processing. Operator Response: None. I 6351 MACHINE CHECK; PAGING STORAGE CONTROL FAILURE nn Explanation: This message is issued when an external damage machine check indicating a control failure in Paging Storage occurs. The variable 'nn' indicates which processor detected the machine check. nn indicates which processor detected the machine check. System Action: The system logs the machine check and continues to run. This type of error may represent severe damage in extended storage. Operator Response: Immediately notify the system programmer. Use the PSTOR command to monitor the number of unusable pages. If this number has increased dramatically, the user may experience performance degradation. 700E INPUT UNIT IS NOT A CPVOL Explanation: The CPVOL operand was specified for a DUMP or COpy statement, but the last INPUT control statement did not describe a device that had been initialized with the Format/Allocate program. System Action: If the input is from cards or a CMS file, the program terminates after the system checks the remaining statements for syntax errors. Otherwise, you are prompted to enter the correct statements from your console. User Response: Describe the proper DASD device with the INPUT control statement. If the proper input device is defined, use the ALL operand or the explicit cylinder operand for the DUMP or COpy function. Control Program (CP) Messages 153 701E INVALID OPERAND - operand Explanation: The specified operand is invalid. System Action: If the input is from cards ora CMS file, the program terminates after the system checks the remaining statements for syntax errors. Otherwise, you are prompted to enter the correct statements from your console. User Response: Correct the operand and resubmit the job. 702E CONTROL STATEMENT SEQUENCE ERROR Explanation: The control statement is not in the proper sequence. System Action: If the input is from cards or a CMS file, the program terminates after the system checks the remaining statements for syntax errors. Otherwise, you are prompted to enter the correct statements from your console. Note that all DUMP, RESTORE, or COpy statements must be delimited by an INPUT or an OUTPUT control statement. When multiple explicit cylinder extents are defined, the DUMP, COPY, and RESTORE statements must not be intermixed. User Response: Place the control statements in the proper sequence, or correct the error, and resubmit the job. 703E OPERAND MISSING Explanation: The above control statement contains insufficient information. System Action: If the input is from cards or a CMS file, the card image is displayed before the message. The program is terminated after scanning the remaining statements for syntax. Otherwise, the correct statement is solicited from the console. User Response: Provide the missing operand and resubmit the job. 704E DEV raddr NOT OPERATIONAL Explanation: raddr is the real device address of the unit that is not operational. System Action: If the input is from cards or a CMS file, the program is terminated after scanning the remaining statements for syntax. Otherwise, the next statement is solicited from the console. User Response: Either attach the proper device to your system or redefine the device in error. In either case, the function .control statement must be reentered. 154 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 705E I/O ERROR addr CSW = csw SENSE = sense INPUT = bbcchh OUTPUT = bbcchhI nnnnnn} CCW = ccw Explanation: An unrecoverable I/O error has been detected on the input or the output device, where: addr sense csw bbcchh nnnnnn ccw the unit address of the device in error. the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, describing the error. channel status word from the error. the address (bin, cylinder, and head), in hexadecimal, where the error occurred on the input or output cylinder. the beginning block number of the group of blocks being read or written when the error occurred. Reference the sense bytes to determine the block in error. the channel command word from the error. System Action: The job step is terminated. If the output device is tape, an attempt is made to write a trailer label closing the output device. A cylinder map is printed describing all valid data that was dumped, restored, or copied to the point of error. Note: This may be a valid condition if a virtual user attempts to dump, restore, or copy past the cylinder extents of the minidisk with which he is working. User Response: Determine whether or not the error was valid. If it was not valid, resubmit the job. If the error persists, call IBM for hardware support. 7051 I/O ERROR RESID = resid SENSE = sense LINE = addr Explanation: For DMKRGA, an unrecoverable I/O error has been detected on the remote display station or the remote printer. resid sense addr three bytes, in hexadecimal, of the real resource identifier. two bytes, in hexadecimal, of sense data describing the error. the unit address of the line to which the remote station is attached. System Action: System operation continues. The system operator is notified. The user receives "NOT ACCEPTED" at the display terminal. User Response: None. 706E LINE addr NOT ENABLED Explanation: The command could not be executed because the line address specified was not enabled. System Action: None. User Response: Enable the line address and reissue the command. 707A DIAL FUNCTION NOT AVAILABLE Explanation: The DIAL command cannot be issued from this station or terminal. System Action: System operation continues. User Response: None. Control Program (CP) Messages 155 707E MACHINE CHECK Explanation: A hardware error has occurred while running in standalone mode. System Action: The program loads a disabled wait state PSW after attempting to print the message. User Response: Run the standalone SEREP program provided by the customer engineer to document the hardware error for further analysis of the problem. Attempt to rerun the job. If the error persists, call IBM for hardware support. In either case, all output should be saved to show to the service representative. Do not use the SEREP program on 4341, 4381, 308x processor complex, and 3090 proce~sors as you will get invalid results. 708E INVALID INPUT OR OUTPUT DEFINITION Explanation: One or more of the following reasons caused this message to appear: • The INPUT and/or OUTPUT statement is not defined • The INPUT and/or OUTPUT statement is defined as the wrong device type For example, the DUMP statement must define the input unit as a DASD device and the output unit as a tape device • An input statement specifies an invalid paramete~ for defining paging storage • A DUMP, COPY, or RESTORE statement is specified while an INPUT PSTOR is still active • The INPUT PSTOR command was issued in a virtual machine System Action: If the input is from cards or a CMS file, the program is terminated after scanning the remaining statements for syntax. Otherwise, the correct statement is solicited from the console. User Response: Redefine the input or output definition. Or use the proper function control statement. 709E WRONG INPUT TAPE MOUNTED Explanation: The tape is invalid for one of the following reasons: • There is no volume header record on the tape. • The volume header record cylinder identifier is higher than the cylinder being searched for. If the tape was produced from FB-512 data, the volume header blockid is higher than the block being searched for. • The volume header record time stamp is different from the preceding volume trailer label time stamp. System Action: The system rewinds and unloads the tape; then it attempts to read the next tape's volume header record. If the wrong input tape is mounted, the system rewinds and unloads the tape, regardless of whether the 156 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes REWIND, UNLOAD, or LEAVE option was specified in the INPUT control statement of the DASD Dump Restore program. User Response: Mount the proper tape. 710A DEV raddr INTERVENTION REQUIRED Explanation: raddr is the real unit address of the device that has become not-ready. System Action: The program waits for the specified device to become ready. User Response: Make the specified device ready. 711R VOLID READ IS volid2 [NOT volidl] DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE? RESPOND YES NO OR REREAD: Explanation: volid! volid2 The volume serial number from the input or output control statement; volid! is displayed only if it was entered. The volume serial number from the VOLl label on the DASD device specified by the control statement. System Action: Waits for response. If you respond "yes", the operation continues. If you respond "no", and the input is from cards or a CMS file, the program is terminated after scanning the remaining statements for syntax. Otherwise, the next statement is solicited from the console. If you respond "reread", the volume specified is read again. Note: A new volume may have been mounted in the interim. User Response: Respond "yes", "no", or "reread". 712E NUMBER OF EXTENTS EXCEEDS 20 Explanation: The DUMP or COpy control statement has explicitly defined more than 20 extents, or if CPVOL was specified, the input unit has more than 20 physical extents defined. System Action: If the input is from cards or a CMS file, the program is terminated after scanning the remaining statements for syntax. Otherwise, the next control statement is solicited from the console. User Response: Use the DUMP ALL or COpy ALL statement, or perform the job specifying no more than 20 extents, and repeat DUMP or COPY if necessary to complete the task. Control Program (CP) Messages 157 713E OVERLAPPING OR INVALID EXTENTS Explanation: The DUMP, RESTORE, TYPE, PRINT, or COpy statement contains invalid or overlapping explicit cylinder or block extents. System Action: If the input is from cards or a CMS file, the program is terminated after scanning the remaining statements for syntax. Otherwise, the correct statement is solicited from the console. User Response: Enter the proper cylinder or block extent information. 714E RECORD {bbcchhlnnnnnn} NOT FOUND ON TAPE Explanation: The given record was not found on the tape. bbcchh nnnnnn the address (bin, cylinder, and head), in hexadecimal, of the missing track header record. the decimal block number of the missing block. System Action: The job step is terminated. All data restored or copied to that point is valid. If the input is from cards or a CMS file, the program is terminated after scanning the remaining statements for syntax. Otherwise, the next control statement is solicited from the console. User Response: Use the COPY ALL or RESTORE ALL statement, or use the correct explicit cylinder operand. 715E LOCATION bbcchh IS A FLAGGED TRACK Explanation: The DASD device has a flagged track. bbcchh the address (bin, cylinder, and head), in hexadecimal, of the flagged track. System Action: RC = 3. For the IBM 2314, 2319, and 2305, the job step continues; for the IBM 3330 and 3350, the job is terminated. All data dumped or copied to that point is valid. The input and output devices are closed, and a cylinder map of the data dumped or copied is printed. For the IBM 2305, 2314, 2319, and 3340, flagged tracks are treated as any other track; that is, no attempt is made to substitute the alternate track data when a defective primary track is read; tracks are not inspected to determine if they were previously flagged when written. It is therefore recommended that volumes dumped containing flagged tracks be restored to the same volume. DMKDDR715E is displayed each time a defective track is dumped, copied, or restored, and the operation continues. For the IBM 3330 and 3350, flagged tracks are automatically handled by the control unit and should never be detected by the program. However, if a flagged track is detected DMKDDR715E is displayed and the job step is terminated. User Response: Use the DUMP or COpy statements with the explicit cylinder operand to dump or copy around the flagged track. 158 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 716R NO VOL1 LABEL FOUND FOR volid DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE? RESPOND YES NO OR REREAD: Explanation: For count-key-data, the program was unable to find a record with the key of VOL 1 on cylinder 0 track 0 and was not able to read record 3 on cylinder 0 track 0 for the specified volume serial number (volid). The volume serial number is displayed only if specified in the INPUT or OUTPUT control statement. For FB-5l2 devices, block 1 on the device could not be read. System Action: The system waits for a response. If you respond "yes", the system continues with the job steps. If you respond "no" and the input is from cards or a CMS file, the program is terminated after scanning the remaining statements for syntax. Otherwise, the next statement is solicited from the console. If you respond "reread", the program attempts to reread the specified device. User Response: Respond to the message as indicated. 717R DATA DUMPED FROM volid1 TO BE RESTORED TO volid2. DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE? RESPOND YES NO OR REREAD: Explanation: volidl volid2 The volume serial number of the input tape. The volume serial number of the output DASD device that is to receive the data from volidl. System Action: The system waits for a response. If you respond "yes", the restore function continues. If you respond "no" and the input is from cards or a CMS file, the program is terminated after scanning the remaining statement for syntax. Otherwise, the correct statement is solicited from the console. If you respond "reread", the input tape is backspaced to the start of the file, and the volume header label is reread. User Response: If the wrong input tape is mounted, replace the tape and respond REREAD. Otherwise, respond in the appropriate manner. 718E OUTPUT UNIT IS FILE PROTECTED Explanation: The output tape cannot be written on. System Action: RC = 1 The program terminates. The tape device is rewound and unloaded; the system waits for the device to become ready. When the unit is ready, the system writes a volume header record on the tape, and the operation continues. User Response: Replace the file security ring in the tape reel, or mount the proper tape. Control Program (CP) Messages 159 719E INVALID FILE NAME OR FILE NOT FOUND Explanation: This message can appear only if DMKDDR is running under CMS. A filetype was not entered from the CMS command line, or the filename and filetype entered could not be found on·the CMS files currently logged in. User Response: Either omit all operands on the CMS command line defaulting to console input, or enter the proper filename, filetype, and/or file mode for the CMS file containing the input control statements. 720E ERROR IN {routinelnnnnnn} Explanation: The variables in this message represent the following: • routine is the name of the CMS routine in error. It is derived from the first eight characters of the CMS parameter list. The CMS return code generated depends on this routine: If PRINTR is the routine in error, 100 is added to the CMS return code If WAITRD is the routine in error, 200 is added to the CMS return code If RDBUF is the routine in error, 300 is added to the CMS return code If TYPE or TYPLIN is the routine in error, 400 is added to the CMS return code • nnnnnnn is a block number of PAGING STORAGE. A condition code of one was returned from a paging operation. System Action: If the input is from cards or a CMS file, the program terminates after scanning the remainIng statements for syntax. Otherwise, the program is immediately terminated. User Response: Correct the error as indicated by the return code, and resubmit the job. 721E RECORD {cchhrlnnnnnn} NOT FOUND Explanation: The record indicated by cchhr was not found. cchhr nnnnnn the address (cylinder, head, and record) of the record explicitly described by the PRINT or TYPE function. the FB-512 block number or the PAGING STORAGE block number of the block described by the PRINT or TYPE function. System Action: The system terminates the PRINT or TYPE function in process and continues with the remaining job steps unaffected. User Response: For COUNT-KEY-DATA, if the explicit record identifier is not known, print or type on a cylinder or track basis. For FB-512 or PAGING STORAGE, correct the number and retry. 160 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 722E OUTPUT UNIT NOT PROPERLY FORMATTED FOR THE CP NUCLEUS Explanation: The CP nucleus cannot be restored or copied for one of the following reasons: • The output volume was not formatted using the Format/Allocate program. • The volid of the original nucleus volume is different from the volid of the new nucleus volume. • The cylinders or pages on which the nucleus will reside are not allocated as permanent space in the allocation record on the input device. System Action: If the input is from cards or a CMS file, the program is terminated after scanning the remaining statements for syntax. Otherwise, the next control statement is solicited from the console. User Response: Use the Format/Allocate program to prepare the output disk as indicated above, and resubmit the job. 723E NO VALID CP NUCLEUS ON THE INPUT UNIT Explanation: If the input unit is tape, then the tape does not contain a DDR nucleus dump. If the input unit is disk, then a CP nucleus was never loaded onto that disk. System Action: If the input is from cards or a CMS file, the program is terminated after scanning the remaining statements for syntax. Otherwise, the correct statement is solicited from the console. User Response: Mount the proper input unit and resubmit the job. 724E INPUT TAPE CONTAINS A CP NUCLEUS DUMP Explanation: The user is attempting to restore a tape dump using the NUCLEUS parameter by specifying ALL or explicit extent parameters. System Action: If the input is from cards or a CMS file, the program is terminated after scanning the remaining statements for syntax. Otherwise, the next control statement is solicited from the console. User Response: Use the RESTORE NUCLEUS statement or mount the proper tape. 725R ORIGINAL INPUT DEVICE WAS (IS) LARGER THAN OUTPUT DEVICE. DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE? RESPOND YES OR NO: Explanation: RESTORE FUNCTION--The number of cylinders or blocks on the original DASD input unit is compared with the number on the output device. COPY FUNCTION--The input device contains more cylinders or blocks than the output device. Operator Response: Determine if the copy or restore function is to continue; respond either "yes" or "no". Control Program (CP) Messages 161 726E MOVING DATA INTO ALTERNATE TRACK CYLINDER(S) IS PROHIBITED Explanation: An extent statement was encountered that attempted either to RESTORE or to COpy a cylinder of data into the alternate track cylinder. This is not permitted. The alternate track cylinders of disks (except 2314 and 2319) are to be used only for alternate tracks and not as a primary data area. System Action: The program attempts to read another control statement, or to read another extent statement. User Response: If the extent statement contains a typographical error, correct it. Otherwise, find some other cylinder(s) to RESTORE or COpy the data to. The REORDER operand of the extent statement can be used to move an entire mini disk to different cylinders. 727E FLAGGED TRK xxxxxxxxxxxx HAS NO PROPER ALTERNATE; SKIPPING THIS TRK Explanation: An attempt was made to read from or write to a track that is flagged as defective, but it has no alternate track assigned; or it has an alternate assigned improperly. (Alternate does not point back to defective track, alternate has defective flag set.) System Action: In the case of DUMP, RESTORE, or COpy the defective track is skipped and processing continues with the next track. In the case of PRINT or TYPE, the home address and the record zero from the defective track are displayed. User Response: To restore the disk to a usable condition, perform a disk initialization using the Device Support Facility program. I 728E DECODE ERROR ENCOUNTERED: xx Explanation: DDR is unable to expand data from compact format when restoring to DASD from tape. 'xx' is the return code from the decoding routine. Return Codes: 2 First byte of input is 0 or is greater than 5. This should not occur. It may be caused by using a set of encoding tables which do match the decoding tables which are supplied. 3 There is more data to be decoded, but the output buffer is not big enough to hold it. Decoding stopped when the output buffer became full. 4 The decoding tables are malformed or the compacted data was incorrectly transmitted. The program tried to decode a codeword which could not be decoded within its first 21 bits. System Action: The program ends. User Response: Recreate the input. If this is not possible, call your system support personnel. 162 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 729E FULL TRACK READ FEATURE NOT AVAILABLE Explanation: The FTR keyword has been requested on the DASD Dump/Restore DUMP control statement but the FTR hardware feature is not available. The output dump tape is created in the old format. System Action: The output dump tape is created in the old format. User Response: None. (This is an informational message only.) 730E DEV raddr NOT OPERATIONAL OR NOT READY Explanation: The device at address raddr is not operational (SIO gave cc = 3) or not ready (intervention required indicated in sense data). System Action: If the input is from cards, the card in error is printed and the job step is terminated. If the input is from the console, the system requests the proper real address for the device. User Response: Ready the device, attach the proper device to the system, or specify the proper device in the control statement. '73lE COMPACT OPTION IS IGNORED Explanation: The COMPACT option was specified on the INPUT control statement or on the OUPUT control statement for the restore, copy, print, or type functions. \ System Action: The copy function continues processing and the output tape is in the same format as the input tape. User Response: None. 732E MACHINE CHECK Explanation: A machine check hardware error has occurred. System Action: The program loads a disabled wait state PSW after attempting to print the message. User Response: Run the standalone SEREP program to document the hardware error so that further analysis can be done. Then attempt to rerun the job. If the error persists, save all output and notify your system support personnel. Do not use the SEREP program on 4341,4381, 308x processor complex, and 3090 processors as you will get invalid results. 733E VOLID READ IS volidl NOT volid2 Explanation: The wrong volume is mounted on the device described by the ALLOCATE control statement. volid1 volid2 the volume serial number as read from the DASD device. the volume serial number from the ALLOCATE control statement. Note: If volid1 = "none", no record 3 was found on cylinder 0, track O. System Action: If the input is from cards, the card in error is printed and the job step is terminated. If it is console input, the proper volume serial number is requested from the user. Control Program (CP) Messages 163 User Response: Correct the ALLOCATE control statement or mount the proper volume on the device described by the ALLOCATE control statement. If "none" was given for volidl, the pack must be formatted. 734E TYPE OR {CYLIPAG} INVALID Explanation: While attempting to allocate cylinders or extents, an invalid control statement was encountered or an invalid extent was specified. For count-key-data devices, an invalid cylinder or extent is any extent with a starting location greater than the ending location or greater than the maximum number of cylinders for that device type. For FB-512 devices, the extents are specified by page numbers. An invalid extent is one in which the starting number exceeds the highest page on the volume. The valid control statements are TEMP, PERM, TDSK, DRCT, or END. System Action: If the input is from cards, the card in error is printed and the job step terminated. If it is console input, the proper control statement is requested from the user. User Response: Correct the control statement or extent information and resubmit the statement. It should be noted that the allocation data overlays the existing data within the allocation record. Therefore, overlapping extents are valid and any errors may be corrected by resubmitting the proper extents. If the END control statement immediately follows the ALLOCATE statement, the allocation table is printed without any alterations. 735E FATAL DASD I/O ERROR Explanation: An unrecoverable error was encountered on the DASD being formatted. System Action: The job step is terminated immediately and the next control statement is read. User Response: Check message DMKFMT736E, displayed just prior to this message, to determine the extent and type of failure. 73GE I/O ERROR raddr {CCHHR = cchhrlBLOCK = nnnnnn} SENSE = sense Explanation: An I/O error has been detected. raddr cchhr sense nnnnnn The real unit address of the device in error. The cylinder, head, and record identification of the record in error. the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, describing the error condition. the block number of the block error. System Action: The job step is terminated and the next control statement is read. User Response: Resubmit the job. If the error persists, call your system support personnel. 164 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 737E INVALID OPERAND Explanation: An operand is in error; it can be seen in the card image displayed following the message. System Action: A card image containing the error is printed following the message, and the job step is terminated. User Response: Correct the invalid operand in the control statement and resubmit the job. 738A DEV raddr INTERVENTION REQUIRED Explanation: Intervention is required on the device at address raddr. System Action: The system waits for an interrupt from the card reader or console. When an interrupt is received from either the card reader or the console, that unit is solicited for the next control statement. User Response: Correct the error as indicated on the card reader and make the device ready, or switch to console input by signaling attention. 739E FLAGGED PRIMARY TRACK HAS NO ALTERNATE ASSIGNED; 10 ERROR FOLLOWS Explanation: An I/O operation was attempted on a track that is flagged defective, but has no alternate track assigned to it. Or an improper alternate assignment exits as follows:. The CCHH pointer in record zero of either the defective or the alternate does not point to the other track of the pair. Or one of the two tracks has bits 6 and 7 of the home address flag byte improperly set. System Action: Error messages DMKFMT736E and DMKFMT735E follow immediately. The CCHHR address given in message DMKFMT736E . identifies the defective track. User Response: To restore the disk to a usable condition, perform a disk initialization using IBDASDI. 740E PACK MOUNTED IS 3340-35, NOT 3340-70. MOUNT ANOTHER OR RESPECIFY Explanation: The user indicated that the device is a 3340-70, but the sense data indicates that a 3340-35 disk pack is actually mounted. A 3340-35 pack has fewer cylinders than a 3340-70 and cannot be formatted as a 3340-70. However, a 3340-70 can be formatted as a 3340-35. System Action: If the input is being entered from a console, the user is prompted to reenter the device address and device type. If the input is from cards the card in error is printed and the job step is terminated. User Response: Correct the unit address or device type. Or mount a 3340-70 disk pack in place of the 3340-35. Control Program (CP) Messages 165 741E DEVICE raddr IS zzzz NOT xxxx-nn AS SPECIFIED. RESPECIFY OR NOTIFY SYSTEM SUPPORT. Explanation: The incorrect device type was entered. raddr The real unit address of the device type in error. zzzz The device type that should have been specified. xxxx-nn The device type and model that was specified. System Action: The following prompt is displayed to allow the user to re-enter the device address: ENTER DEVICE ADDRESS (CUU): User Response: Check the previously entered device address. If it is correct, re-enter the address. The following prompt will then be displayed: ENTER DEVICE TYPE: Enter the device type indicated by zzzz in the message text. If the previously entered device address is incorrect, enter the correct device address, and· enter the correct device type in response to the 'ENTER DEVICE TYPE:' prompt. If the error persists, check that the read device matches the device type entered. If it does, call system suppor~ersonnel. 751E INVALID OPERAND - operand Explanation: The specified operand is invalid: • The number specified on the MAXCONN option is larger than 65535. • The PRIORITY keyword on an IUCV directory statement is specified more than once. • A keyword or a IUCV directory statement is not recognized. • The MSGLIMIT keyword on an IUCV directory statement was specified more than once. • The number specified after the MSGLIMIT keyword, on the IUCV directory statement, is larger than 65535. • PMA does not immediately follow the VIRT = REAL operand on the option card. System Action: The card image is displayed above the message, and the program is terminated after scanning the remaining statements for syntax. User Response: Correct the invalid operand in the control statement and resubmit the job. 166 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 752E STATEMENT SEQUENCE ERROR FOLLOWING USER userid Explanation: A USER definition control statement was determined to be out of sequence following the specified user. System Action: The statement that is out of sequence is displayed after this message. Directory processing is terminated after the remaining statements are scanned for syntax. Note: The USER control statement delimits each virtual machine directory description. Therefore, the USER statement must follow the last device description statement, and each OPTION, ACCOUNT, or IPL statement must fall between the USER statement and the first statement describing a device. With the exception of dummy (NOLOG) users, all users in the directory must have at least one device. User Response: Place the control statements in the proper sequence or correct the error, and resubmit the job. 753E OPERAND MISSING Explanation: Insufficient information is contained in the control statement: • No number was found after the MAXCONN keyword on the OPTION statement. • The USERID is missing on the IUCV directory statement. • No number was found after the MAX keyword on the IUCV directory statement. • System Action: The card image is displayed above the error message. The program is terminated after scanning the remaining statements for syntax. User Response: Provide the missing operand in the control statement and resubmit the job. 754E DEV raddr NOT OPERATIONAL Explanation: The device at address raddr is not operational. System Action: The program is terminated after scanning the remaining statements for syntax. User Response: Either attach the proper device to the system, or specify the proper device in the DIRECTORY control statement. 755E 1/0 ERROR raddr CSW csw SENSE sense Explanation: An I/O error has been detected. raddr csw sense the real unit address of the device in error. the channel status word from the error. the sense bytes, in hexadecimal, describing the error condition. System Action: If the error is from the card reader, the program waits for the reader to become ready again. If the error is from the directory volume, the program no longer attempts to write on that volume. (Make sure the program has write access to the directory volume.) In either case, the Control Program (CP) Messages 167 program attempts to scan the remaining cards for syntax and then is terminated. User Response: Resubmit the job. If the error persists, call your system support personnel. 756E PROGRAM CHECK PSW = psw Explanation: A program check has occurred in the program, where psw is the program check old PSW. System Action: The program goes into a disabled wait state after attempting to display the message. User Response: Take a standalone dump, and call your system support personnel. 757E MACHINE CHECK Explanation: A hardware error has occurred while running in standalone mode. System Action: The program loads a disabled wait state PSW after attempting to print the message. User Response: Run the standalone SEREP program to document the hardware error, so further analysis can be done. Then attempt to rerun the job. If the error persists, save all output and call your system support personnel. Do not use the SEREP program on 4341,4381, 308x processor complex, and 3090 processors as you will get invalid results. 758E DUPLICATE UNIT DEFINITION Explanation: The control statement is defining a device with a device address that was previously defined for the same user. System Action: The card image is displayed above the message. The program is terminated after scanning the remaining statements for syntax. Note that checking for duplicate devices may be suspended for an individual user after the first 90 device control statements. User Response: Remove or correct the duplicate definition, and resubmit the job. 760E NOT ENOUGH SPACE ALLOCATED FOR DIRECTORY Explanation: There is insufficient space on the directory volume to continue building the directory. System Action: The program is terminated after scanning the remaining statements for syntax. Writing is suspended on the directory device. The message is reissued for each additional cylinder of count-key-data space needed by the directory program. It is not reissued for FB-512 devices. User Response: Using the Format/Allocate program, allocate more space on the directory volume. Note that the Directory program always starts building a new directory on a fresh cylinder or separate extent and does not overlay an existing directory written on the directory volume. After the directory is successfully updated, the space used by the old directory is marked as available for use by the next directory to be created. 168 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 76lE VOLID READ IS volidl NOT volid2 (ON raddr) Explanation: The wrong volume is mounted on the device described by the DIRECTORY control statement. volid1 volid2 raddr the volume serial number from the directory volume. the volume serial number described by the DIRECTORY statement. the address of the device on which the device is mounted. • System Action: The program is terminated after scanning the remaining statements for syntax. User Response: Correct the DIRECTORY control statement, or mount the proper volume on the device described by the DIRECTORY control statement. 762E DIRECTORY STATEMENT MISSING Explanation: The first control statement detected by the program was not a DIRECTORY control statement. System Action: The program is terminated after scanning the remaining statements for syntax. User Response: Place the DIRECTORY statements in front of the other control statements, and resubmit the job. 763E INVALID FILENAME OR FILE NOT FOUND Explanation: This message appears only if running under CMS. The filename and/or filetype and/or filemode specified on the CMS command line could not be found on the CMS files currently logged in. The default filename, filetype, and/or filemode is USER DIRECT *. System Action: RC = 1 Execution is terminated. User Response: Reenter the CMS command; describe the proper CMS file containing the DIRECTORY control statements. 764E ERROR IN routine Explanation: routine is the name of the CMS routine in error from the first eight characters of the CMS parameter list. The CMS return code generated by the error is returned in the following manner: RDBUF - the CMS return code plus 100. TYPLIN - the CMS return code plus 200. For a description of the return codes associated with RDBUF, see CMS message 901 T. The following are TYPLIN return codes and their meanings: Code 20 24 Meaning An illegal character appears in the fileid. A parameter is invalid, the fileid is incomplete, the line number is invalid, no option was specified, or the column specified exceeds the record length. Control Program (CP) Messages 169 Code 28 32 100 Meaning The file was not found. The file is not a library, or there are no entries in the library. An error occurred while reading the file. System Action: The program is terminated after scanning the remaining statements for syntax; User Response: Correct the error as indicated by the CMS return code, and resubmit the job. SOOE COMMAND REJECTED, OTHER VIRTUAL MACHINES LOGGED ON Explanation: Virtual machines, other than the V = R machine and the system operator's, were logged on. System Action: None. Operator Response: Reissue the command after establishing that only the two valid machines are logged on the system. SOlE FREE STORAGE PAGE IS NOT AVAILABLE Explanation: Free storage cannot be obtained for saving the CP PSA, therefore, the transition was not made. System Action: None. Operator Response: Reissue the command when more free storage is available. S02E COMMAND REJECTED, DEVICES NOT DEDICATED Explanation: All devices (except the console and virtual spooling devices) must be dedicated devices. System Action: None. Operator Response: Reissue the command after verifying that all devices are dedicated. SOSE COMMAND REJECTED, SPOOL DEVICES NOT DRAINED Explanation: All CP spool devices have not been drained. System Action: None. Operator Response: Reissue the command after all CP spool devices have been drained. S04E SINGLE PROCESSOR MODE ON REJECTED, error condition Explanation: Single processor mode was not established because of one of the following error conditions: • • • • • 170 SYSTEM NOT IN UP MODE V = R AREA DOES NOT EXIST MP HARDWARE FEATURE NOT AVAILABLE V = R AREA NOT LOCKED TRACING ACTIVE IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes • • ADSTOP IN EFFECT REQUIRED PROCESSOR OFFLINE If TRACING ACTIVE appears in the message text, the V = R user is tracing branches (BR), instructions (INSTR) or ALL. If REQUIRED PROCESSOR OFFLINE appears in the message text, the V = R virtual machine was IPLed on the propessor that is now offline. System Action: If REQUIRED PROCESSOR OFFLINE appears in the message text the V = R virtual machine was placed in console function mode and issued message DMKMCT 626E. Otherwise, none. Operator Response: If REQUIRED PROCESSOR OFFLINE appears in the message text, VARY the required processor online and the other offline. Reissue the SPMODE ON command. Use the SPMODE ON command only when the proper conditions are satisfied. 806E COMMAND REJECTED, VIRTUAL ADDRESS NOT EQUAL TO REAL ADDRESS Explanation: The virtual device address was not the same as the real device address. System Action: None. Operator Response: Reissue the command after this condition is corrected for the V = R virtual machine. 807E COMMAND REJECTED, VM/SP ATTACHED PROCESSOR MODE Explanation: VM/SP was not in uniprocessor mode. System Action: None. Operator Response: Issue the QVM command when the system is in uniprocessor mode. 8081 SINGLE PROCESSOR MODE ACTIVE Explanation: One of the following occurred: • Single processor mode has been turned on. • SPMODE environment has been successfully reestablished (through V=R recovery) following an ABEND. System Action: None. Operator Response: None. 809E COMMAMD REJECTED, TRACE/ADSTOP/CCW TRANS IN EFFECT Explanation: The transition cannot be made for the V = R virtual machine if tracing or adstop is being used. System Action: None. Operator Response: Turn off tracing or adstop for the V = R virtual machine and reissue the QVM command. Control Program (CP) Messages 171 812E MSSF RESPONSE CODE TO VARY CP {ONIOFF} IS nnnn Explanation: A vary processor on/off was issued by the operator and the MSSF returned an error code of nnnn to the MSSFCALL VARY CP ON/OFF operation. where: nnnn is the MSSF return code to VARY CP ON/OFF command. Code 0000 0040 0100 01FO 0200 02FO 0300 Meaning Invalid data block address MSSF is unable to vary on the control program (CP) Data block address is not on a 2k boundary Invalid command or identification byte Data block length is not in 8-byte increments MSSF is busy with another task Data field is not adequate for amount of requested storage information Invalid CP identifier CP assigned to another partition CP assigned to a S/MR configuration For VARY CP ON code only. The number of CP's in the configuration equals maximum number supported. 03FO 04FO 05FO 08FO System Action: Processing continues for a VARY OFFLINE command. The processor is logically offline to VM/SP HPO. For a VARY ONLINE command, the system continues to run in UP mode: Operator Response: None. Note: If this message is received for a VARY processor online, the VARY command fails and the system continues to operate in UP mode. 8501 UNABLE TO READ DUMP FROM READER Explanation: The VMFDUMP command was unable to read the 3704/3705 dump or the system abend dump from the CP spool file through the CMS card reader. This could be because: • The reader is not at address OOC • The reader at OOC is already in open status from a previous operation • The device in the virtual machine at OOC is not a CP spool card reader device. User Response: Verify that the virtual machine configuration is correct for performing a VMFDUMP operation and that the card reader at OOC is a spool card reader in closed status. 8511 TEN DUMP FILES ALREADY EXIST Explanation: The command has not been executed because ten dump files with names DUMPOO through DMP09 already exist on the CMS disk being accessed. System Action: The command is terminated. 172 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes User Response: Purge one or more of the unwanted dump files or rename any of the existing dump file using the CMS RENAME command. Reissue the command so that a dump file can be automatically created. 8521 FATAL 1/0 ERROR WRITING DUMP Explanation: An unrecoverable I/O error occurred during the writing of the 3704/3705 dump or the system abend dump on the CMS disk being accessed. The message is preceded by CMS error messages for the disk function. User Response: Reissue the command after taking action to bypass the I/O errors on the CMS disk being accessed. 8531 NO DUMP FILES EXIST Explanation: The VMFDUMP command was specified, and the return from the CP interface indicates that no dump files exist for this user. User Response: Verify that the dump files produced by the CP system have the userid and the class required, and that this user's userid and class on the card reader match that of the dump, so that a dump file can be read. If no dump files exist, VMFDUMP does not have to be issued. If the dump file exists under a different userid, have the operator transfer that file to the required userid, so that it can be accessed. Also, verify that the input class of the spool card reader at OOC is class D, so that it can read the dump file. 861E DUMP FILE filename NOT FOUND Explanation: The command was specified requesting a printout of a specific dump file, and that file could not be found on the CMS disks that were currently accessed. User Response: Verify that the correct dump file was specified and that the correct disks are accessed by CMS. Then reissue the command, requesting the specified dump file. 863E INVALID PARAMETER - parameter Explanation: The command was specified with a list of options, one of which is not recognized by the command. System Action: The command is not executed. User Response: Reissue the command; specify only valid options as defined in the command syntax. 8641 PAGE REFERENCED NOT AVAILABLE WHILE EDITING xxxxxxxx Explanation: During the format dump phase of the VMFDUMP command, a page was referenced in one of the CP control blocks (identified by 'xxxxxxxx'), and that page is not available because it is beyond the range of the CP nucleus. System Action: VMFDUMP attempts to continue formatting at the next valid control block. User Response: No action can be taken on the part of the user to circumvent this problem since it usually indicates CP system software failures that caused the addressing of unreferenced pages. Control Program (CP) Messages 173 900W SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; PROGRAM CHECK Explanation: The system checkpoint routine encountered a program check while trying to checkpoint or warm start the system. System Action: The system enters a disabled wait state (wait state code 007). Note: The general registers, old program PSW, and the program interrupt code are restored to the values at the time of the program check, before entering the wait state. Operator Response: This message usually indicates severe system problems with the spooling files, system accounting data, or other system data needed for warm start. It is usually impossible to continue system operation without clearing storage and performing a checkpoint start. If a system dump to printer or tape preceded this message, the system programmer has enough information to determine the cause of the failure and the resultant program check during system recovery. The first 12000 bytes (hex 3000) of storage contain the checkpoint module (DMKCKP), work area and a 4096-byte buffer used by checkpoint. This area should be dumped using a standalone dump. If a system dump to printer or tape did not precede this message, do a complete storage dump. 901W SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; MACHINE CHECK Explanation: During the system recovery checkpoint or warm start phase, a machine check occurred. System Action: The system enters a disabled wait state (wait state code 007). Operator Response: IPL the system to retry the checkpoint function. If the failure persists, it usually indicates hardware problems. Keep the SEREP output and call your local representative for assistance. Do not use the SEREP program on 4341,4381, 308x processor complex, and 3090 processors as you will get invalid results. Notes: 174 1. If the failure occurred during the checkpoint phase (system shutdown, system crash or an IPL with an active system in storage), a CKPT start is required if storage is cleared or overlaid. 2. If the failure occurred during an attempt to warm start, CKPT start, or force start, the warm start data or the warm start cylinder(s) remains intact. IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 902W SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; FATAL 1/0 ERROR-{NUCL AREAIWARM AREA} Explanation: During the system checkpoint or warm start phase, an unrecoverable input/output error occurred on the system residence volume. NUCLAREA The warm start phase had an I/O error on the system residence device trying to read module DMKSAV from the nucleus area. WARM AREA The checkpoint phase had an I/O error on the system residence device trying to read from or write to the warm start area. System Action: The system enters a disabled wait state (wait state code 007). Operator Response: IPL the system to retry the checkpoint or warm start function. If this is unsuccessful, move the IPL volume, if possible, to another drive and retry the IPL. If the problem persists, dump the first 1200 bytes (hexadecimal 3000)of storage using a standalone dump. For FB-512 devices, dump the first 38912 bytes (hexadecimal 9800) of storage using a standalone dump. Notify your system programmer to determine the proper nucleus or warm start area specified in module DMKSYS (SYSRES statement) at system generation time. The nucleus or warm start area can be dumped to tape or printed to the system printer by using DDR (DASD Dump Restore program) with the DUMP or PRINT option. The output should be available before calling for hardware or program assistance. The following storage locations contain information on the fatal I/O error: Hexadecimal Location 10 40 48 808 816 818 8IC 820 824 828 848 800-9800 Contents Sense data up to 24 bytes Channel status word (8 bytes) Channel address word (4 bytes) Pointer to error message (4 bytes) Cylinder address of the first nucleus cylinder (2 bytes) Cylinder address of the last nucleus cylinder (2 bytes) BBCCHHR of the DMKSAV module on disk (5 bytes) Device class of SYSRES device (RDEVTYPE) Current seek address BBCCHHR (5 bytes) BBCCHHR of the DMKSAV module on disk (count-key-data) or locate block number (FB-5I2) Current seek address BBCCHHR (count-key-data) or locate block number (FB-5I2) Checkpoint program (DMKCKP), checkpoint work areas, and I/O buffers. Control Program (CP) Messages 175 If the SYSRES device is FB-512 (RDEVTYPC = CLASFBA), the contents of the following hexadecimal locations are changed: Page address of the first page of the CP nucleus (4 bytes) Page address of the last page of the CP nucleus (4 bytes) 816 822 Notes: 903W 1. It may be necessary to format the area in error using the Format service program. 2. If the nucleus area is reformatted, the CP nucleus must be restored to the system volume. 3. The status of the console can prevent the display of message DMKCKP960I and DMKCKP961W. SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; VOLID volid ALLOCATION ERROR {Cylinder Icylinder IPAGE page} Explanation: During a system warm start or CKPT or FORCE start phase, one of the warm start or CKPT start data records indicates allocation on a cylinder (count-key-data) or page (FB-512) on a system-owned volume that either: • Is not specified in the allocation table as belonging to the system temporary spool space allocation, or • Is already marked as allocated. The possible causes are: • A change in the system-owned list. (New volumes must be added to the end of the SYSOWN list when you define the SYSOWN MACRO.) • A change in the allocation specifications on the SYSPAG MACRO. • A change to the allocation record on a spooling volume from TEMP to PERM, TDSK or DRCT (Format/Allocate program). • Duplicate labeled volume. System Action: The system enters a disabled wait state (wait state code OOE). Operator Response: IPL the system again to attempt another warmstart or CKPT start. The start cannot complete if the allocation error is due to a software failure. This message, however, could be issued if the volume identified as being a spooling volume is invalid. Verify that all system spooling volumes are correctly allocated and mounted before attempting another warmstart or CKPT start. 176 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 904W SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; INVALID WARM START DATA Explanation: During a system warm-start procedure, the warm start module encountered invalid warm start data from the warm start area on the system residence volume. System Action: The system enters a disabled wait state (wait state code 009). Operator Response: This message indicates that severe problems have been encountered with the warm start information in the warm start area on the system residence volume. You may IPL the system again to retry operation. It is likely that a software failure has occurred and that retrying the operation will result in the same error. When this happens, the only alternative is to IPL the system and specify a CKPT start. If the problem persists, do the following: • Force a CP abend dump to the printer by pressing the RESTART key. • Print the contents of the warm start area located on the system residence volume using the DASD Dump Restore program with the PRINT option. Save this output and give it to the IBM program support representative to analyze. 905W SYSTEM DUMP FAILURE; PROGRAM CHECK Explanation: During the system abend process, the dump routine encountered a program check. System Action: The system enters a wait state. Operator Response: The dump has failed, and you must IPL the system again after the abend dump and go through normal system initialization and warm start procedures. 906W SYSTEM DUMP FAILURE; MACHINE CHECK Explanation: During the system ABEND dump procedure, a machine check occurred. System Action: The system enters the wait state. Operator Response: Run the SEREP program and keep the output before calling IBM for hardware support; reload the system and go through normal initialization and warm start procedures. Do not use the SEREP program on 4341, 4381, 308xprocessor complex, and 3090 processors as you will get invalid results. 907W SYSTEM DUMP FAILURE; FATAL I/O ERROR Explanation: During the system abend dump procedure, an unrecoverable I/O error occurred on the system residence volume that is holding the disk dump. The system dump is unable to continue. System Action: The system enters the wait state. Control Program (CP) Messages 177 9081 SYSTEM FAILURE; CODE - code; PROCESSOR nn Explanation: The CP system has encountered a severe software failure, which caused a system dump. 'nn' represents the processor address in decimal format. (See "CP Abend Codes" for a description of why a system dump has been caused.) Note: Message will not print if the console is busy or has been detached, but the system abend dump will still complete. System Action: This message is immediately followed by a system abend dump to the dump device, and then automatic or normal restart procedures are initiated. Operator Response: On 4341 processors, verify that you did not IML a VSE microcode load. Otherwise, save the failure code printed at the console, including the documentation of activity prior to the problems with system operation, and call IBM for software support. 909W SYSTEM DUMP DEVICE; NOT-READY Explanation: It is not possible to write on the system dump device because it is not in a ready state. System Action: The system enters a wait state. Operator Response: Make the system dump device ready; the dump operation then continues. 9l0W SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE: INVALID WARM START AREA Explanation: During a system checkpoint phase, the checkpoint module reads record one of the first warm start area and compares the tight-byte clock value written by the previous successful cold or warm start against the in-storage value saved in DMKRSPCV. If the values do not agree: • The IPL volume is not the correct volume to checkpoint the in-storage system, or • The warm start area has been altered since the last cold or warm start, or • The value located at DMKRSPCV in storage has been altered since the last cold or warm start, or • The warm start area address at DMKSYSWM has been altered since the last cold or warm start. System Action: The system enters a disabled wait state (wait state code 007). Operator Response: If more than one VM/SP HPO system residence volume is mounted, make sure the correct volume is loaded (via IPL) to checkpoint the in-storage system. If the problem persists, the following should be done: 178 • A dump of storage using a standalone dump. • A printout of record one of the warm start cylinder of all VM/SP HPO system residence volumes mounted (use the DDR PRINT function). IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes • 911W To restart, clear storage and IPL the VM/SP HPO system, specifying checkpoint start. SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE: WARM START AREA FULL Explanation: During a system checkpoint phase, the warm start area could not contain all the warm start data. System Action: The system enters a disabled wait state (wait state code 007). Operator Response: This message usually indicates either: 1. A system problem with the spooling files, system accounting data, allocation records and other system data needed for the warm start area, or 2. An insufficient number of cylinders assigned for warm start (specified in the DMKWRM option of the SYSRES macro). It is usually impossible to continue system operation without clearing storage and performing a system checkpoint start. If a system dump to printer or tape preceded this message, it should give the system programmer enough information to determine the cause of the failure and the resultant checkpoint failure. The first 12000 bytes (hexadecimal 3000) of storage contain the checkpoint module, work area, and a 4096-byte buffer used by checkpoint (DMKCKP). For FB-512 devices, the first 38912 bytes (hexadecimal 9800) of storage contain the checkpoint modules, work areas, and I/O buffers. If the problem persists, call your system support personnel. 912W SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; VOLID 'volid' NOT MOUNTED Explanation: During the system warm start or checkpoint start procedures, the warm start or checkpoint start data indicates that spool files are allocated on a system volume and that the requested volume is not mounted. The possible causes are: • • Volume not mounted. Allocation record (record 4) missing or invalid. System Action: The system enters a disabled wait state (wait state code 009). Operator Response: Mount the specified volume required for CP warm start or checkpoint start procedures and IPL the system again. If this is unsuccessful, you may IPL the system again and specify a cold start. If the problem persists, do the following: • Force a CP abend dump to the printer by pressing the RESTART key. • Print the contents of the warm start or checkpoint start cylinder(s) or area located on the system residence volume, using the DDR (DASD Dump Restore) program with the PRINT option. The address of the warm start cylinder(s) or area can be located by the system programmer Control Program (CP) Messages 179 in the SYSWRM operand of the SYSRES macro; the address of the checkpoint start cylinder(s) or area is in the SYSCKP operand. Save this output and call IBM for software support. 9131 CP OWNED VOLID xxxxxx INVALID FOR 3330V Explanation: 3850 support makes no provision for using 3330V volumes for CP-owned volumes. 3330V volumes cannot be used for paging or spooling. System Action: After a 3330V volume label has been read and determined to be CP-owned, an informational message is issued. The RDEVBLOK/RCUBLOK/RCHBLOK is marked available and processing continues with the next device. The message notifies the user that DMKCPI does not chain the 3330V RDEVBLOK into the preferred list for paging or spooling. User Response: None. 9141 TRACE TABLE IS SMALLER THAN REQUESTED Explanation: Failing storage frames were detected during CP initialization. This is a hardware error. This condition made it impossible to allocate the requested number of contiguous trace table pages. Message 9231 and probably message 9241 were received prior to this message. System Action: The system has allocated a trace table. The system will continue to operate normally. Operator Response: Notify your system support personnel of this problem. 915E PERMANENT I/O ERROR ON CHECKPOINT AREA Explanation: An I/O error has occurred while trying to read or write the checkpoint area. System Action: 1. If this occurs during a warm or CKPT start, the system issues message DMKCKS919E and enters a wait state with wait state code X'OOE'. 2. If it occurs while the system is operating normally, dynamic checkpoihting is terminated. Operator Response: 180 1. If this is the first time you have initialized this system, check the DMKRIO deck to make sure you have specified the proper device type for the system residence volume. 2. If this is not the first IPL of this system, try to IPL the system again. If this fails, move the VM/SP HPO SYSRES volume to another device and reload (via IPL). If this IPL fails, perform a cold start. 3. At this point, checkpointing has been terminated, so the system is running without a dynamic checkpoint capability. Quiesce the system and issue a normal SHUTDOWN command, then attempt a warm start. If the error persists, reformat the checkpoint cylinders or area with the FORMAT service program and try again to warm start. If this fails, a cold start is required. IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 916E ERROR ALLOCATING SPOOL FILE BUFFERS Explanation: In attempting to follow the chain of DASD buffers for a spool file, an error was encountered in trying to read one of the buffers. System Action: 1. if CKPT was specified, the system enters a disabled wait state, with wait state code X'OOE'. 2. If FORCE was specified, the file on which the error occurred is deleted and the system continues to recover from the checkpoint cylinder or area. Operator Response: 917E 1. If the system enters the X'OOE' wait state, attempt an IPL with the FORCE option. 2. If FORCE was specified, you should not allow any users to log on to the system. The system should be devoted to reclaiming and putting out as many spool files as possible. Note that at least one spool file was no recovered properly. When you have finished processing the spool files, reinitialize the system with the cold (COLD) start option. CHECKPOINT AREA INVALID; CLEAR STORAGE AND COLD START Explanation: The CKPT cylinder or area contains no valid information for recovery. System Action: The system enters a disabled wait state (wait state code ODE). User Response: There is no valid checkpoint data and, if there is no warm start data, storage must be cleared and a cold start performed. 9181 SYSTEM DUMP FAILURE; STATUS NOT STORED FOR ABENDING PROCESSOR Explanation: A STOP-STORE status operation could not be successfully completed. The status from the non-abending processor will be zeros or invalid. The dump will continue to process. System Action: None. User Response: None. 919E CHECKPOINT AREA INVALID; CHECKPOINTING TERMINATED Explanation: The CKPT area has been invalidated and checkpointing will no longer be performed. The reason should have appeared in a previous message. System Action: Checkpointing cannot resume until the system is reloaded (via IPL). Operator Response: With knowledge that a subsequent CKP1' start will fail, the operator should follow installation procedure in this matter. Probably, the safest procedure is to quiesce the system and perform a normal shutdown. Then, a subsequent warm start will reinitialize the CKPT cylinder Control Program (CP) Messages 181 or area so that checkpointing can resume. Note that continued system operation and a subsequent failure to shut down normally makes a cold start mandatory. 920W NO WARM START DATA; CKPT START FOR RETRY Explanation: The operator has specified a warmstart and the warm start cylinder of the system residence volume has no warm start data. This message is usually issued when an IPL is performed on a new CP system for the first time, or when the last checkpoint was not successful. System Action: The system enters a disabled wait state (wait state code 009). Operator Response: Try to reinitialize the system with the CKPT start option. 921W SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; UNRECOVERABLE I/O ERROR Explanation: During the system warm start phase, an unrecoverable input/output error occurred on the system residence device while the system was either trying to write record one of the first warm start cylinder or area or trying to read warm start information from the warm start area. System Action: The system enters a disabled wait state (wait state code 009). Operator Response: IPL the system again to retry the warm start function. If this is unsuccessful, the IPL volume, if movable, could be moved to another drive and the IPL retried. \ Warning: A volume should never be moved if it is visibly damaged; discontinue use of this volume and device and call IBM for hardware support. If this second IPL is unsuccessful, you may IPL the system again and try a CKPT, FORCE or COLD start, in that order. The DMKDAS5xxI error message preceding this message gives the command op-code, device address, sense data and channel status word associated with this error. If the problem persists, force a CP dump to the printer by pressing the system console RESTART key. Save the output and call your system support personnel to determine whether the problem is hardware or software. Then call IBM for the appropriate support. Note: The warm start cylinder(s) or area(s) may have to be reformatted using the FORMAT service program to prevent unrecoverable I/O errors during the next system checkpoint. 922W SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; INVALID SPOOLING DATA Explanation: During the system checkpoint phase, the checkpoint module encountered an invalid spool allocation record in storage. System Action: The system enters a disabled wait state (wait state code 007). Operator Response: This message usually indicates severe system problems with the system spooling allocation records. It is usually impossible to continue system operation without clearing storage and performing a checkpoint start. If a system dump to printer or tape preceded this message, 182 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes it should give the system programmer enough information to determine the cause of the failure and the resultant checkpoint failure. The first 12000 bytes (hexadecimal 3000) of storage contain the checkpoint module, work area and a 4096-byte buffer areas, and I/O buffers used by checkpoint (DMKCKP). This area should be dumped using standalone dump procedures. For FB-512 devices, the first 38912 bytes (hexadecimal 9800) of storage contains the checkpoint module, work areas, and I/O buffers used by checkpoint (DMKCKP). This area should be dumped using standalone dump procedures. If a system dump to printer or tape did not precede the message, the complete storage should be dumped. 9231 FAILING STORAGE FRAME AT LOCATION rstor Explanation: The system has detected a failing storage frame. This is a hardware error. where: rstor is the real address of the failing storage frame. System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: Notify your system support personnel of this problem. 9241 xxxx ADDITIONAL FAILING STORAGE FRAMES EXIST Explanation: The System has detected unusable page frames. This is a hardware error. Message 9231 has been issued four times prior to this message. where: xxxx is the number of failing storage frames less four. System Action: System operation continues. Operator Response: Notify your system support personnel of this problem, immediately. 9251 SYSTEM AUTO DUMP REALLOCATED TO DASD raddr Explanation: The system dump has been reallocated on the DASD raddr. This condition occurred due to either the operator processing or purging an existing dump file or issuing the command 'SET DUMP AUTO'. System Action: The system continues normal operation. Operator Response: None. However, the operator has an option to SET the dump to the printer or tape. Control Program (CP) Messages 183 927W STORAGE ALLOCATION HAS BEEN ALTERED. FREE OR TRACE WAS TOO LARGE. Explanation: The FREE or TRACE parameter specified on the SYSCOR macro is too large, and the minimum dynamic paging apea (DPA) size requirement was not met. System Action: The FREE, TRACE, and PRIME areas of storage are all decreased by the same percentage in an attempt to meet the DPA requirement. If the new TRACE size is smaller than the default size, the default size is used and FREE is again decreased enough to compensate for the change in TRACE. Operator Response: No action is required. If your installation does not desire the new FREE, TRACE, or PRIME sizes, have your system programmer change the appropriate parameters on the SYSCOR macro and then re-generate the system. 950A OPERATOR NOT LOGGED ON; EXPLICIT LOGON REQUIRED Explanation: The operator has not been automatically logged on. There is no directory entry corresponding to the userid of the operator as coded in the SYSOPR macro. (After macro expansion, the userid of the operator which was coded in the SYSOPR macro is found in the field DMKSYSOP.) One of the logon failure messages that preceded this message may give more information. System Action: The system enters a normal wait strate while waiting for the operator to reply to the console and perform a normal logon. Operator Response: Perform a normal logon as specified in the VM/SP HPO Operator's Guide, entering the required password. The system can then resume normal operation. 9511 CP VOLID volid NOT MOUNTED Explanation: One of the volumes specified in the system-owned list is not mounted at system initialization time. System Action: System processing continues. Operator Response: No operator action is explicitly required at this time; however, you may have to mount and make ready specified system volumes later during system operation and attach them to the system for normal CP usage. This message usually indicates that a normally required volume for paging or spooling either is not formatted or is not available at IPL time. Make sure that all volumes are mounted and ready before loading the CP system. It may be necessary to bring the system to an orderly shutdown, remedy the situation, and IPL the system again, using normal initialization and warm start procedures. 9521 nnnnnK SYSTEM STORAGE Explanation: During the system IPL procedure, the system determined that the amount of real storage available is not the same as the amount of storage specified for the system at system generation time. If the processor is a 4331, 4341, or a 4381, control storage may have overflowed into main storage. System Action: The system continues normal operation. 184 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes Operator Response: Determine that no unusual hardware reconfiguration has taken place, and bring the message to the attention of your system programmer so that he can verify that normal system operation is in effect. He should also verify that the RMSIZE operand, specified in the SYSCOR macro of the DMKSYS module during system generation, is correct. If it is not, regenerate the system with the correct storage size, so that this message will not be issued during normal operation of the system. If the RMSIZE operand is correct, real storage may have been damaged due to a hardware problem; call IBM for hardware support. 9531 UNABLE TO ALLOCATE SYSTEM AUTO DUMP Explanation: During the system IPL procedure, the CP system was unable to find enough contiguous disk space to hold a possible CP abend dump. System Action: The system continues normal operation. Operator Response: No action on the part of the operator is necessary. The system dump has been set to the default of the system printer. The operator may change the dump to another printer or tape drive but may not specify AUTO since it has not been allocated. 954E DASD raddr VOLID volid NOT MOUNTED; DUPLICATE OF DASD raddr Explanation: ,During the system IPL procedure, duplicate volume IDs were identified on two disk volumes. The message indicates that it was a duplicate of a previous volume label read on an earlier device. System Action: The system continues normal operation. Operator Response: Immediately verify that the correct volume is mounted as the one accepted on the specified device. If it is not, severe system errors could occur since CP may perform incorrect allocation on the volume specified. Immediately stop the system, bring it to an orderly shutdown, and remove the incorrect duplicate volume from the system. This message and the duplicate volumes usually occur after a system restart when users have attached and mounted on the system volumes with labels similar to those of other users or similar to the CP system volumes. This should be avoided wherever possible. 955W INSUFFICIENT STORAGE FOR VM/SP HPO Explanation: The generated system is larger than the real machine size, or a hardware malfunction has occurred which inhibits the system from using the necessary storage. System Action: The system enters the wait state. Operator Response: Take a standalone dump and notify the system programmer. Control Program (CP) Messages 185 956A DASD raddr VOLID volid NOT MOUNTED; NOW OFFLINE Explanation: A DASD volume was swapped while in use by the system (CP owned or attached to the system), and the volid on the new volume is different from the volid of the previously mounted volume, or the volid could not be read. System Action: The DASD is made unavailable offline. Any I/O activity to the device results in a condition code of 3 being reflected to the caller. Operator Response: Mount the desired volume and issue the CP command VARY with the ONLINE operand (with the exception of a system-owned or dedicated device). 9571 STOR sssssK, NUC nnnk, DYN dddddK, TRA tttk, FREE FFFFK, V = R vvvvvK Explanation: This message is issued at system initialization time by DMKCPI and provides a general map of VM/SP system storage. This map is accurate to within one page (4K) and is rounded to page boundaries. STOR NUC DYN TRA FREE V=R is the amount of storage being used. is the amount of storage being used by the VM/SP HPO nucleus including real page O. is the size of the VM dynamic paging area. is the size of the trace table. is the size of the fixed free storage area. is the size of the virtual = real area. System Action: The system continues normal operation. Operator Response: None. This message is for information purposes only. 9581 ATTACHED PROCESSOR NOW OPERATIONAL Explanation: The real machine initialization routine, DMKCPI and DMKAPI, have completed the necessary processing to support the attached processor. This message will only be received when the installation has requested attached processor support via system generation. System Action: The system begins utilization of the attached processor. Operator Response: None. Note: If this message is received, the 8K required for system prefixing will not appear in the storage map of message 9571. 959W ATTACHED PROCESSOR NOT ONLINE Explanation: The installation requested attached processor support during system generation. DMKCPI determined during IPL, that the unit was not online. System Action: Processing continues without the attached processor. Operator Response: Reinitialize CP if the attached processor is required. Note: Since the intent of this message is to provide a warning to the attached processor user, it will only be issued when the multiprocessing feature is installed. 186 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes If the system is generated with attached processor support and this feature is not installed, no message is issued. 9601 SYSTEM WARM START DATA SAVED Explanation: For DMKCKP, this message indicates that the warm start data has been successfully saved on the system residence volume and is ready for a system warm start. This message is immediately followed by message DMKCKP961W. System Action: The system enters the wait state after issuing message DMKCKP961W. Operator Response: None. This message is for information purposes only. 961W SYSTEM SHUTDOWN COMPLETE Explanation: The system has been brought to a successful orderly shutdown. System Action: The system enters the wait state. Operator Response: No explicit action is necessary. You may now or at a later time reload for reinitialization of the CP system. You should normally specify a warm start; however, if errors are encountered in the warm start procedure, a cold start must be issued. 9621 CP OWNED DASD raddr VOLID volid INVALID ALLOCATION RECORD Explanation: No valid allocation was found on the CP-owned volume indicated. If DMKVDE issued the message, an ATTACH TO SYSTEM as a system owned device cannot be fulfilled because of errors or inconsistencies detected in the allocation extent map. The device can be used as a DASD containing minidisks. System Action: The volume is not mounted as a system-owned volume. Operation continues. If the DASD is the system resident device, the message is not issued at the operator's console, but is pointed to by register 1. The system enters a disabled wait with a wait state code of X'OlB'. Operator Response: If the volume is to be used by VM/SP HPO, a valid allocation record must be written with the Format/Allocate Service Program. See the note and follow the instructions described in the explanation of wait state code X'OlB'. 963W SECOND PROCESSOR NOT ONLINE Explanation: The installation requested multiprocessor support during system generation. DMKCPI determined during IPL that only one processor was available. System Action: Processing continues without the second processor. Operator Response: Reinitialize CP if the second processor (in an MP configuration) is required. Note: Since the intent of this message is to provide a warning to the multiprocessor user, it will only be issued when the multiprocessor feature is Control Program (CP) Messages 187 installed. If the system is generated with multiprocessor support and this feature is not installed, no message is issued. 9641 PROC xx INITIALIZED; PROC yy INITIALIZED Explanation: The real machine initialization routines, DMKCPI and DMKAPI, have completed the necessary processing to support the second processor of an AP (attached processor) or MP (multiprocessor) system. This message will only be received when the installation has requested AP or MP support via system generation; where where: xx yy is the ID of the initialized processor. is the ID of the noninitialized processor. System Action: The system begins utilization of both processors. Operator Response: None. Note: If this message is received, the 8K required for system prefixing will not appear in the storage map of message 9571. 9661 INITIALIZATION COMPLETE Explanation: The real machine initialization routine(s), DMKCPI (and others), have completed the system initialization necessary to support the running of virtual machines and the execution of operator commands. System Action: DMKCPI passes control to the dispatcher to start fielding interrupts and LOGON requests. Operator Response: None. 9671 DISCONNECT userid - SYSTEM RESTARTED (mmmnnn) AND SYSTEM CONSOLE NOT VM OPERATOR CONSOLE Explanation: This message is issued at system restart after a CP system failure, if the system operator was not logged on to the primary system console at the time the system failure occurred. where: userid mmmnnn mmm nnn is is is is the the the the userid of the system operator module issuing the abend module issuing the abend abend number System Action: The operator virtual machine is disconnected. The system console displays the VM logo and awaits a LOGON command. Console spooling is automatically initiated for the operator virtual machine. Operator Response: No action is required. You may wish to reconnect to the operator virtual machine by entering a LOGON command specifying the operator's userid and password. The LOGON command may be entered from any enabled terminal (including the system console). 188 IBM VMjSP HPO System Messages and Codes 9681 SYSTEM SHUTDOWN REQUESTED Explanation: This message indicates that since warm start has not been performed, the warm start cylinder from a previous shutdown is still valid. This message is immediately followed by message DMKCPI961W. System Action: The system enters the wait state after issuing message DMKCPI961W. User Response: None. This message is for information purposes only. 970W TOD CLOCK SYNC CHECK RECEIVED Explanation: The TOD clocks are out of synchronization. System Action: The system resynchronizes the clocks and continues processing. Operator Response: Press the TOD Enable Set key when instructed by the system. 9711 SYSTEM IS {UPIAPIMP} GENERATED Explanation: , This message is issued at system initialization time of DMKCPI and identifies the system generation mode specified within module DMKSYS. where: UP is the system generated to run in uniprocessor mode only. AP is the system generated to run on an Attached processor configuration. MP is the system generated to run on a multiprocessor configuration. System Action: Having identified the hardware configuration that this system is generated to run on, DMKCPI continues initialization. Operator Response: None. Note: This message does not always reflect the way the system will be initialized. UP generated systems will always be initialized in UP mode. AP and MP generated systems will be initialized in UP mode: when the hardware does not have the multiprocessor feature when the configurations have the second processor offline. Control Program (CP) Messages 189 Conversational Monitor System (eMS) Messages OOIE NO FILENAME SPECIFIED Explanation: The command requires that you specify at least one filename. For the EXEC command, specify the name of the EXEC file. For the MACLIB command, specify at least one filename in addition to the library name. For the ZAP command, specify a LOAD LIB or TXTLIB file you must specify one to three library names. For the PRELOAD command, specify the name of the loadlist EXEC file. For the OSRUN command, no LOAD LIB member name was specified. System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Reissue the command and specify the filename(s), library name(s), or member name. 002E [INPUTIOVERLAY] {FILE[(S)]IDATA SETINOTE} [fn [ft [fm]]] NOT FOUND Explanation: The specified file was not found on the accessed disk(s). Either the file does not reside on this disk, the file identification was misspelled, or incomplete identification was provided to cause the appropriate disk to be searched, or system disk was not accessed as a read-only extension of the A-disk. For a DMSROS TEXT file, either the file does not have a filemode number of 2, or the file does not exist on the system disk. For the STATEW command, the file may exist, but it is not on any of the user's read/write disks. For SETPRT command, the module represented by 'fn ft' does not exist in the current CMS Disk Search Order. For the ZAP command, either none of the libraries specified for a TXTLIB or LOADLIB could be found, or the INPUT filename could not be located via the STATE macro. For the PRELOAD command, either the loadlist EXEC, the CNTRL file, or one of the input text files could not be found. See the VM/SP CMS Command and Macro Reference for a description of the file identification required by each command and the search procedure used. For the ASM3705 and ZAP commands, see the VM/ SP HPO Installation Guide. System Action: RC = 28 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 191 For DMSSPR, nothing has been output to the virtual 3800. For DMSLIO, some loader information fields have been initialized, but they should not interfere with a subsequent LOAD command. User Response: Find or create the desired file. To make sure that the file exists, issue STATE fn ft * or LISTFILE fn ft *. Correct and reissue the command. For DMSSPR, access the disk having the required module or respecify a different module in the calling sequence and then reissue the SETPRT command. For a DMSROS TEXT file, ensure that the file is accessible and reissue the command. 0021 FILE fn [TXTLIBILOADLIB] NOT FOUND Explanation: The specified TXT LIB or LOADLIB file was not found on the accessed disk(s). Either the file does not reside on this disk, the file identification was misspelled, or insufficient identification was provided to cause the proper disk to be searched. This message will also occur in the following situations: • A user issues a GLOBAL command for a TXTLIB or LOADLIB and then erases or renames the TXTLIB or LOAD LIB, or releases the disk on which it resides. • The CMS segment is not available when the user accesses DMSSVT or an OS disk. System Action: RC = 0 Execution of the command continues. User Response: If 'fn TXTLIB' or 'fn LOADLIB' is required for command execution, make sure that it exists and is on a disk that is accessed. Otherwise, ignore the message. 002W FILE fn ft [fm] NOT FOUND Explanation: The specified file was not found on the accessed disk(s). Either the file does not reside on this disk, the file identification was misspelled, or incomplete identification was provided to cause the appropriate disk to be searched. (See the VM/SP CMS Command and Macro Reference for a description of the file identification required by each command and the search procedure used.) System Action: DMSGLB issues RC = 28; all other modules issue RC = 4. Execution of the command continues. For DMSGLB, the old MACLIB or TXTLIB list is cleared and the new list contains all specified libraries except those that are not found. For DMSGND, there will be no entry in the directory for the file not found. For DMSLBM, the file not found will not be in the MACLIB. Processing continues with the next filename if one exists. For DMSLBT, processing continues with the next filename if one exists. 192 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes For DMSZAP, if a library name was specified, the next library name (if one is present) is used. If a MODULE file was specified, all control records encountered until the next NAME, DUMP, or END control record are ignored. User Response: To make sure the file exists, issue STATE fn ft * or LISTFILE fn ft *. Make sure that the disk on which the file resides is accessed. For DMSGND, if you must have the file not found in the directory, take steps to supply the file. Correct and reenter the command. For DMSLBM, if the MACLIB exists after execution of the command, use the MACLIB ADD command to add the file to the library. For DMSLBT, supply the necessary file using the TXT LIB ADD command. 003E INVALID OPTION option Explanation: The specified option is invalid: • It may have been misspelled • If the option is truncatable, it may have been truncated improperly • It may conflict with another option in the command line. System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. For DMSLIO, some option processing may have caused user storage to be cleared or the location counter set, etc. This should not interfere with a subsequent LOAD command. User Response: Correct and reenter the command. 004E {BOOK subl.booklMODULE modulelPHASE phaselPROCEDURE procedure} NOT FOUND Explanation: The specified book, module, phase, or procedure was not found on the accessed disk(s) as a result of a FETCH (SVC 1 or SVC 2). System Action: RC = 28 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: To make sure the file exists, issue the command DOSLIB MAP against all DOSLIB files. If the file resides on a DOS-formatted disk, a DSERV will help locate it. 004W WARNING MESSAGES ISSUED Explanation: The language processor returned completion code 4. System Action: RC = 4 The system status remains the same. User Response: Look for additional messages that may have been issued by the compiler. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 193 005E NO option SPECIFIED Explanation: The indicated option was entered in an incomplete form. System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Reenter the command, specifying the required data for the option. 006E NO READ/WRITE [A] DISK ACCESSED [FOR fn ft] Explanation: You do not have access to a read/write disk on which the command can write its output or files. In order to execute the command when the message displayed is NO READ/WRITE 'A' DISK ACCESSED, access the A-disk in read/write mode. If the command was RECEIVE, SENDFILE, or DISCARD (which is equivalent to RECEIVE issued with the PURGE option), the LOG option was in effect and no read/write disk was accessed. System Action: RC = 36 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Access a read/write disk and reissue the command, or issue the CP LINK command to reset the A-disk to read/write mode, access the A-disk again, and reissue the command. 007E FILE fn ft fm [IS] NOT FIXED, 80 CHAR. RECORDS Explanation: The specified file must have fixed-length, 80-character records in order for the command to be executed. System Action: RC = 32 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. For the UPDATE command, the following may have occurred: 194 • If a file with the fileid "$fname ftype" existed on the output disk before the command was entered, this file may have been erased. • If the DISK option was in effect and a file with the fileid "fname UPDLOG" existed on the output disk before the command was entered, this file may have been erased. • If the CTL option was in effect and a file with the fileid "fname UPDATES" existed on the output disk before the command was entered, this file may have been erased. IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes • If UPDATE processing began before the error was detected, any or all of the following files may have been created on the output disk: UPDATE CMSUT1 $fname ftype fname UPDLOG fname UPDATES - if the DISK option was in effect - if the CTL option was in effect User Response: It is possible that an incorrect fileid was specified in the command line. In this case, reissue the command. If, however, the fileid was correct but the file is in the wrong format or does not contain 80-character records, change the file's format and/or record length with the COPYFILE or EDIT command. 008E DEVICE vaddr {INVALID OR NONEXISTENTIUNSUPPORTED DEVICE TYPE} Explanation: The virtual machine does not have a virtual 1403 or 3211 printer, punch, or reader. System Action: RC = 36 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Use the CP DEFINE command to provide a suitable virtual device and reissue the command. 008W ERROR MESSAGES ISSUED Explanation: The language processor returned completion code 8. System Action: RC = 8 The system status remains the same. User Response: Look for additional messages that may have been issued by the compiler. 009E COLUMN col EXCEEDS RECORD LENGTH [(nn)] Explanation: The column specified lies outside the logical record length of the file. System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Reissue the command, specifying the correct column. OIOE PREMATURE EOF ON FILE (fn ft [fm]INUMBER nn) Explanation: For DMSCMP, an end of file occurred on one of the files being compared before the end of file was received on the other. For DMSTPE, a tape mark was encountered on the file before the file was completely loaded. Since the FST is the last record of the file, the filename and filetype of the file in error are not available. Instead, the number of the file being read is given. This number represents the number of files read since the last tape command was issued. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 195 System Action: RC = 40 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. For DMSTPE, a temporary file called "TAPE CMSUTl" containing the data has been created on the A-disk or on the disk specified by the user. "TAPE CMSUT1" contains fixed-length, BOO-byte records. User Response: For DMSCMP, this normally indicates that the files being compared had an unequal number. of records. If the command was properly specified, no action is necessary. For DMSTPE, the file may have to be dumped to tape again. OIOW PREMATURE EOF ON FILE fn ft fm -- SEQ NUMBER •••••••.. NOT FOUND Explanation: The update file contained an error. A control card specified a search for a sequence number which exceeded the value of any sequence number in the file being updated. As a result, a premature end of file occurred on the input file being updated, before the sequence number specified in the control card could be found. System Action: RC = 12 Update processing continues, and, if the CTL option was specified, additional update passes are made. If several warning messages are generated during the updating process, the final return code when the UPDATE command has finished processing is the maximum of all return codes (4 or B or 12) associated with the generated warning messages. The REP option, if it was specified, is ignored, and the final update deck has the fileid '$fname ftype'. See the explanation of message DMSUPD177I for further information on the meanings of the UPDATE warning return codes. User Response: Correct the invalid control card in the update file, and reenter the UPDATE command. OllE CONFLICTING FILE FORMATS Explanation: The filetypes specified do not have the same record format; that is, one is fixed-length and one is variable-length, or the record lengths differ. System Action: RC = 32 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Change the record format with the COPYFILE command. 012W SEVERE ERROR MESSAGES ISSUED Explanation: The language processor returned completion code 12. System Action: RC = 12 The system status remains the same. User Response: Look for additional messages that may have been issued by the compiler. 196 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 013E MEMBER name NOT FOUND IN LIBRARY [fn ft fmllibname] Explanation: The specified member was not found in the library. System Action: RC = 32 Execution of the command is terminated. The system remains in the same status as before the command was entered. User Response: Use the MACLIB MAP, TXTLIB MAP, or LOADLIB LIST command to display the names of library members. 013W {MEMBERIPHASE} name NOT FOUND IN LIBRARY fn ft fm Explanation: The member or phase specified was not found in the specified library. If REPLACE was specified, the new member is added. System Action: RC = 4 Processing continues with the next filename. User Response: None. 014E INVALID FUNCTION function Explanation: The keyword 'function' specified is misspelled or invalid. For the DEFAULTS command, a function other than SET or LIST was specified. System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same, with the following exceptions: For DMSOVR, SVCTRACE is turned off if it was previously on. For DMSTPE, if the DEN, TRTCH, 7TRACK, or 9TRACK options were specified, the modeset byte has been set for the specified device (TAPi, where: i = 1, 2, 3, 4,) or TAPl. User Response: Reenter the command, specifying a valid function. 015E {UNKNOWN {CP/CMSICMSICP} IINVALID {CMSISUBSET}} COMMAND Explanation: UNKNOWN CP COMMAND indicates that IMPCP (implied CP) was on so the command was passed to CP, but no CP command could be found with the name entered. UNKNOWN CMS COMMAND indicates that no CMS command, CMS or user EXEC file, or user MODULE file exists by the name entered. UNKNOWN CP/CMS COMMAND indicates that no CP or CMS command could be found with the name entered. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 197 INVALID CMS COMMAND indicates that an error has occurred in LOADMOD. INVALID SUBSET COMMAND indicates that the loader has tried to load a routine at an address equal to or higher than X'20000'. The command you issued may be a valid CMS command, but not a valid subset command. System Action: A positive return code is passed if an error occurs in CP processing. A negative return code is passed if the command entered is considered an invalid CMS command. The system status remains the same. User Response: Enter a command. 016E NO PRIVATE CORE IMAGE LIBRARY FOUND Explanation: The private Core Image Library called does not exist on the accessed disk, or the DLBL was incorrect. System Action: RC = 28 Execution is terminated. System status remains the same. User Response: Access the proper disk or alter the invalid DLBL. 016W TERMINAL ERROR MESSAGES ISSUED Explanation: The language processor returned completion code 16. System Action: RC = 16 The system status remains the same. User Response: Look for additional messages that may have been issued by the compiler. 017E INVALID DEVICE ADDRESS vaddr Explanation: The virtual address of the device was not specified correctly, or the device was not accessed. System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Check the specified virtual address of the device and reissue the command. Note: For a virtual machine with ECMODE on, a valid vaddr is within the range X'OOI' through X'FFF'. Otherwise, a valid vaddr is within the range X'OOl' through X'5FF'. 018E NO LOAD MAP AVAILABLE Explanation: The module file was created with the NOMAP option of GENMOD or is a transient area routine. System Action: RC = 40 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. 198 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes User Response: Regenerate the module file with the MAP option and reissue the command. 019E IDENTICAL FILEIDS Explanation: The fileids specified in the command line are identical. System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Reissue the command, specifying two different fileids. 020W INVALID [PDUMPIIDUMP] ADDRESS address - NO DUMP OPERATION PERFORMED Explanation: The. address specified in the PDUMP or IDUMP macro is invalid for one of the following reasons: • add2 must be greater than addl. • add1 cannot be negative. • add1 cannot be greater than ppend (the end of the virtual partition). • add2 cannot be negative. System Action: The macro results in no operation. No dump is provided; processing continues. If you have requested a return code on an IDUMP, the return code is placed in register 15. User Response: None. 021E ENTRY POINT name NOT FOUND Explanation: For DMSGND, the specified directory name was not found in the loader tables. For DMSLIO and DMSNCP, an entry point name specified either with the START command or on an LDT card could not be located in the loaded TEXT files. For DMSMOD, the name used with the FROM or TO option of the GENMOD command does not occur in the currently loaded files. System Action: RC = 40 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. For DMSLIO and DMSNCP, no execution takes place for LDT. Loading stops. Loader clean-up has been processed for the loaded files. A subsequent START command should not be affected. For DMSMOD, the module is not created. User Response: For DMSGND, reload the auxiliary directory and reissue the command. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 199 For DMSLIO and DMSNCP, reissue the START command with the proper entry point or control section name, or asterisk (*). Correct the LDT card with the CMS Editor. For DMSMOD, correct the GENMOD command line or add the requested name as an external name in the files being generated. 021W NO TRANSIENT DIRECTORY Explanation: A request was made to display a transient directory, but neither a private core image library nor a system residence library was assigned. System Action: RC = 4 Execution of the command continues until all specified directories are processed. User Response: Ensure that the proper libraries are assigned and reissue the command. 022E NO DIRECTORY NAME SPECIFIED Explanation: A directory name was not entered with the command. System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is same. terminated~ The system status remains the User Response: Reissue the command with a directory name. 022W NO CORE IMAGE DIRECTORY Explanation: A request was made to display a core image directory, but neither a private core image library nor a system residence library was available. System Action: RC = 4 Execution of the command continues until all specified directories are processed. User Response: Ensure that the proper library is assigned and reissue the command. 023E NO }"IILETYPE SPECIFIED Explanation: The command requires that you specify both filename and filetype. For the DLBL command, both are required if you specify the CMS operand. System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. For DMSTPE, if the DEN, TRTCH, 7TRACK, or 9TRACK options were specified, the modeset byte has been set for the specified device (TAPi, where: i = 1, 2, 3, 4) or TAPl. User Response: Reenter the command, specifying the filename and filetype. 200 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 023W NO RELOCATABLE DIRECTORY Explanation: A request was made to display a relocatable directory, but either no private or system relocatable library was available or no active entries were present on the appropriate directory. System Action: RC = 4 Execution of the command continues until all specified directories are processed. User Response: Ensure that either the proper library is assigned or that active relocatable entries are available in the directory and reissue the command. 024E FILE fn ft fm ALREADY EXISTS [-- SPECIFY REPLACE] Explanation: The specified file already exists. For DMSEDI, the Editor work file, EDIT CMSUTl, already exists as the result of a previous edit session ending abnormally. For DMSXIN, the XEDIT work file, XEDTEMP CMSUTl Al, already exists as a result of a previous edit session that ended abnormally. For DMSUPD, a file with the fileid 'UPDATE CMSUTl' already exists. This usually indicates that the UPDATE command was executed previously and was terminated abnormally, and that it left a work file on the output disk at that time. For DMSUTL, the file ID for SYSUT2 specifies an existing file. This is not allowed for the COpy function because neither the MODIFY or REPLACE option was specified. For the RECEIVE command, RECEIVE was issued and a file exists. System Action: RC = 28 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same, with the following exception: For DMSCPY, if you were creating multiple output files, several output files may have been created before the error was discovered. User Response: You can use the TYPE command to examine the existing file. If you decide you want to keep it, use the RENAME command to give it a new fileid. If the file is invalid or incomplete, erase it and reissue the command; or for DMSCPY, reissue the command and specify the REPLACE option. For DMSUTL, reissue the command specifying MODIFY or REPLACE, or reissue the command without a file ID for SYSUT2. For the RECEIVE command, use RECEIVE with the REPLACE option or specify RECEIVE with a unique fileid. For information on the command format, see the VM/SP eMS Command and Macro Reference. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 201 024W NO PROCEDURE DIRECTORY Explanation: A request was made to display a procedure directory but no system residence library was assigned. System Action: RC = 4 Execution of the command continues until all specified directories are processed. User Response: Ensure that the system residence library is assigned and reissue the command. 025E INVALID DATA IN 370X CONTROL PROGRAM Explanation: One of the following conditions has occurred: For specified EP or PEP -- The implied or channel vector table was not found. For NCP or PEP -- The maximum resource ID exceeds 4086 bytes. For NCP or PEP -- The first resource is not the 370X. System Action: RC = 16 Execution of the command is terminated. User Response: Make sure that the 370X control program has been generated with the correct parameters and that the correct CAMOD operand value was used on the SAVENCP command. For the correct parameters for 370X control program generation, refer to the VM/SP HPO Planning Guide and Reference. 025W NO SOURCE STATEMENT DIRECTORY Explanation: A request was made to display a source statement directory, but either a private source statement library or a system residence library was not available or there were no source statement entries in the library available. System Action: RC = 4 Execution of the command continues until all specified directories are processed. User Response: Ensure that either the proper library is assigned or that active source statement entries are present in the directory and reissue the command. 026E INVALID PARAMETER parameter FOR function FUNCTION Explanation: The data specified for the given function is misspelled, missing or incorrect. System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Reissue the command, specifying valid data for the function. 202 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 026W phase NOT IN LIBRARY Explanation: A request was made to display a certain entry or entries in a core image directory but the entry or entries were not in the library. System Action: RC = 4 Execution of the command continues until all specified directories are processed. User Response: Reissue the command, specifying the proper phase name. 027E INVALID DEVICE {device nameldevice FOR SYSxxx} Explanation: The device specified is invalid, or, if the message is INVALID DEVICE 'device' FOR 'SYSxxx', the device associated with the specified logical unit is not supported by the processor. System Action: RC = 24, except for DSERV, which issues RC = 28. Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Reissue the command, specifying a valid device name. Or, for DMSERV, use the command LISTIO SYSxxx to verify the device to which the logical unit is assigned. Reassign the logical unit to a valid device and reissue the command. 027W NO PRIVATE CORE IMAGE LIBRARY Explanation: A request was made to display the core image directory of a private core image library, but no entries were present. System Action: RC = 4 Execution of the command continues until all specified directories are processed. User Response: None. 028E NO {DEVICEILOGICAL UNIT} SPECIFIED Explanation: The command requires that you specify a device address or logical unit. System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Reissue the command, specifying a valid device address or logical unit. 028W NO {PRIVATEISYSTEM} TRANSIENT DIRECTORY ENTRIES Explanation: No directory entries were present on the specified transient library. System Action: RC = 4 Execution of the command continues until all specified directories are processed. User Response: None. Conversational Monitor System (eMS) Messages 203 029E INVALID PARAMETER parameter IN THE OPTION option FIELD Explanation: The data entered following the specified option was invalid. System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. For DMSLIO, some option processing may have altered loader information. This should not affect a subsequent load. User Response: Check the format of the field and reissue the command, specifying the data after the option. 030E FILE fn ft fm ALREADY ACTIVE Explanation: A file could not be :ceferenced because it was already active. For example, this message appears if you try to append a file to itself, or if you try to rename the EXEC file you are executing. System Action: RC = 28 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same, with the following exceptions for DMSCPY: • If the APPEND option was specified, and if the copying process had begun before the error was discovered, then records are appended to the output file. • If the NEW FILE (the default), REPLACE or OVLY option was specified, and if the copying process had begun before the error was discovered, then COPYFILE CMSUT1, on the output disk, contains the records copied so far. • In multiple output file mode, several output files may have been created before the error was discovered. User Response: Use another method of execution, or close the file and reissue the command. 031E LOADER TABLES CANNOT BE MODIFIED Explanation: If you are trying to increase the number of loader tables, the system storage below the loader tables is in use. If you are trying to decrease the number of loader tables, either the loader is using more tables than you specified, or the system storage below the loader table is in use. System Action: RC = 40 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: The number of loader table pages should be modified before other storage is allocated. The command should be issued immediately after IPL. Note: If you have exceeded storage on the A-disk, reload (via IPL) without accessing the A-disk. 204 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 032E INVALID FILETYPE ft Explanation: The filetype entered was not valid for the command. For DMSMOD, the filetype must be MODULE. For DMSSYN, the filetype must be SYNONYM. For DMSUTL, the filetype must be LOAD LIB. System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Correct the filetype and reenter the command. 033E FILE fn ft fm IS NOT A LIBRARY Explanation: For DMSSVT, the file specified in the message cannot be updated or read because the file is an invalid library. For DMSPRT, DMSPUN, and DMSTYP, the MEMBER option is invalid because the file specified is not a library. System Action: For DMSSVT, the following return code is issued: RC RC RC = = = 8 (if the FIND macro was issued) 10 (if the STOW macro was issued) 32 (if OSLOADER was executing) Return code 8 or 10 is passed to the user program and the program continues executing. For return code 32, execution is terminated. For DMSPRT, DMSPUN, and DMSTYP, a return code of 32 is issued. Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: For DMSSVT, check for an invalid library or an invalid fileid specification in the FILEDEF command. For DMSPRT, DMSPUN, and DMSTYP, specify a library or omit the MEMBER option. 034E FILE fn ft fm IS NOT FIXED LENGTH Explanation: The specified file must have fixed-length records in order for the command to be executed. System Action: RC = 32 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: You may change the record format of the file by using the COPYFILE command with the RECFM option. Then reissue the command. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 205 035E INVALID TAPE MODE Explanation: An invalid combination of tape options was specified. For example: 9TRACK, DEN 200. System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Correct the tape options and reissue the command. 036E OPEN ERROR CODE nn ON ddname Explanation: An error occurred during an OS OPEN. The possible error codes are described below: 206 Code Meaning 1 The DSORG option of the specified DCB (data control block) is not PO, PS, or DA (partitioned organization, physical sequential, or direct access, respectively), or the DCB MACRF option does not agree with the processing mode that is specified in the OPEN macro. 2 The default FILEDEF for the DCB 'ddname' displayed in the message failed. 3 The RECFM of the specified DCB does not agree with the format of the existing file, that is, one RECFM is variable-length and the other is fixed-length. 4 A DCB, BLKSIZE, LRECL, or BUFL option is missing or invalid. 5 The DCB BLKSIZE is not a correct multiple of the DCB LRECL, or the DCB specifies writing blocked. output, but only unblocked records are permitted. 6 RECFM is fixed-length and LRECL does not agree with the record length of the existing file or, if the filemode is 4, the BLKSIZE does not agree with the record length of the existing file, or RECFM is variable-length and BLKSIZE is not 4 bytes greater than the record length of the existing file, ... , or BLKSIZE is not a multiple of LRECL whether the filemode is equal to 4 or not. 7 RECFM is variable-length spanned, and either the access method is not BSAM or the file mode is not 4. 8 An error occurred saving the BPAM directory for update, or an error occurred while doing a FIND for the member name specified in the FILEDEF command or CMSCB macro. 9 The DCB specifies output, BDAM or a key length for an OS data set or DOS file. 10 An error occurred while attempting to position a tape with label type specified as BLP or NL. 11 I/O option UPDATE is invalid for file found on read-only disk. IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes Code Meaning 12 A tape which was specified as NL contained an IBM standard VOL1 label as its first record. 80 The file is an unsupported OS data set or DOS file, or an I/O error occurred accessing an OS or DOS disk. System Action: The program continues executing, but the DCBFLGS OPEN bit is not turned on and the DCB is not initialized. User Response: Noting the error code and ddname displayed in the message, check the associated FILEDEF command and DCB macro for invalid or missing DCB options. 037E [OUTPUT] DISK mode [vaddr] IS READ/ONLY {A MUST BE R/W FOR DISK LOAD} Explanation: The filemode of the output file specifies a read-only disk, which cannot be written on. For the RECEIVE command, either: 1. a 'READ/ONLY' filemode was specified on the RECEIVE command and the file cannot be written onto this disk. 2. RECEIVE attempted to read in a file sent using the DISK DUMP command (or SENDFILE with the 'OLD' option). In order to use DISK LOAD to read the file in, the A-disk must be accessed in READ/WRITE mode. For DMSUPD, there was no read/write disk available for the UPDATE output files. The following steps are taken to determine the disk on which the UPDATE output files are to be placed (the search stops as soon as one of the following steps is successful): • If you included the OUTMODE option, the output files are placed on the disk you specified. • If the disk on which the original source file lies is read/write, the output files are placed on that disk. • If that disk is a read-only extension of a read/write disk, the output files are placed on that pa.rticular read/write disk. • The output files are placed on the A-disk, if it is read/write. If all four of the above steps fail, and the A-disk is read-only, then the message DISK 'A' IS READ/ONLY is displayed. If this message occurs during VSAMGEN EXEC processing, it indicates that the CMS A-disk is accessed in read-only mode. But the VSAMGEN EXEC procedure requires that the CMS A-disk be accessed in read/write mode so that the CMS DOSLIB files can be written on it. Also, for an OS 'INSTALL', the VSAM and Access Method Services object modules will be copied to it Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 207 for future updating. In a MAINT run for both DOS and OS users, the PTF decks read from the reader are also written on the CMS A-disk. System Action: RC = 36 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. If this message occurs during VSAMGEN EXEC processing, the VSAMGEN EXEC procedure terminates and the system returns to the CMS command environment. For DMSCPY, in multiple output file mode, several output files may have been created before the error was discovered. For DMSDSK and DMSRDC, the reader is closed with the HOLD option. For DMSMOD, loader cleanup has been performed on loaded files. For DMSTPE, if the DEN, TRTCH, 7TRACK, or 9TRACK options were specified, the modeset byte has been set for the specified device (TAPi, where: i = 1,2,3,4) or TAPl. User Response: Issue the CP command LINK to reset the disk to read/write status. Then access the disk again and reissue the command. For DMSBDP, ensure that the appropriate disk is being associated with the DTF being opened, and reissue the command. 038E FILEID CONFLICT FOR DDNAME {ASM3705IASSEMBLEISYSIN} Explanation: The file specified with an ASM3705 (or ASSEMBLE) command has been previously defined by a FILEDEF command, but its filetype was not defined as 'ASM3705' (or as 'ASSEMBLE'), or you have issued a FILEDEF command for a reader or tape input file and specified a filename that is already defined as a disk file with the filetype ASM3705 (or ASSEMBLE). For the IOCP command, either: 1. the user issued a FILEDEF command for reader or tape input and the specified filename already exists on disk as 'fn IOCP'. 2. the user issued a FILEDEF command for input from disk with a filetype other than IOCP and there exists a file 'fn IOCP' on this disk. System Action: RC = 40 The command is not executed. The system status remains the same. User Response: Verify that you have specified the correct filename with the ASM3705, ASSEMBLE, or IOCP command. If it is correct, in the first case above, issue a FILEDEF ddname CLEAR command for the file, or issue a FILEDEF command that sets the filetype correctly. In the second case, either use a different filename for the input file, or erase the existing disk file. 208 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 039E NO ENTRIES IN LIBRARY fn ft fm Explanation: The library specified contains no members. System Action: RC = 32 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: None. 040E NO FILES LOADED Explanation: The user has not previously issued a LOADMOD or LOAD command, or the module consists of zeros. System Action: RC = 40 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Load files via the LOAD or LOADMOD command. 041E INPUT AND OUTPUT FILES ARE THE SAME Explanation: One of the following errors was detected: • The same ddname was specified for input and output. • The input ddname and output ddname specify the same disk file. • The input ddname and output ddname specify the same tape unit. System Action: RC = 40 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Reissue the FILEDEF and MOVEFILE commands correctly. 042E NO FILEID[(S)] SPECIFIED Explanation: At least one file identification is required in order for the command to be executed. System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Reissue the command, specifying at least one fileid. 043E TAPn(raddr) IS FILE PROTECTED Explanation: The tape cannot be written on. System Action: RC = 36 Execution of the command is terminated. If the DEN, TRTCH, 7TRACK, or 9TRACK options were specified, the modeset byte has been set for the specified device (TAPn, where: n = 1, 2, 3, 4). Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 209 User Response: Send a message to the operator to insert the write enable ring in the tape and retry the command. For DMSCLS, verify that the correct tape is mounted. 044E RECORD LENGTH EXCEEDS ALLOWABLE MAXIMUM Explanation: The record length given exceeds the maximum record length allowed. The maximum record length allowed by the EDIT command is 160 characters; by the PRINT command, 151 characters; and by the PUNCH command, 80 characters. System Action: RC = 32 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: For DMSEDI, reissue the command with an acceptable rec·ord length. For DMSPRT and DMSPUN, you can change the record length with the COPYFILE command, and then reissue the command. 045E UNSUPPORTED 370X CONTROL PROGRAM TYPE Explanation: The 3705 control program type is not an Emulation Program (EP), Partitioned Emulation Program (PEP) or Network Control Program (NCP). System Action: RC = 16 Execution of the command is terminated. User Response: Make sure that 370X control program has been generated with correct parameters. For the correct parameters for the 370X control program generation, refer to the VM/SP BPO Planning Guide and Reference. 046E NO LIBRARY NAME SPECIFIED Explanation: The command was entered without a library name. System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Reenter the command, specifying the library name. 047E NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED Explanation: A function must be specified in order for the command to be executed. System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. For SVCTRACE, SVCTRACE is turned off if it was on. 210 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes For DMSTPE, if the DEN, TRTCH, 7TRACK or 9TRACK options were specified, the modeset byte has been set for the specified device (TAPi, where: i = 1,2,3,4) or TAPl. Otherwise, the system status remains the same. User Response: Reissue the command with the desired function. 048E INVALID MODE mode Explanation: This message can occur for anyone of the following reasons: • The mode was not specified correctly. • For most CMS commands, filemode 's' is an invalid mode. • The mode number, if specified, is not between 0 and 5. • More than two characters were specified for the mode. • A null line was entered as the first specification with the MULT option of the DLBL command. • The mode specified with a LISTDS command was not the mode of an OS or DOS disk. • The mode specified with a LISTFILE command was not the mode o( a CMS-formatted disk. System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. For DMSTPE, if the DEN, TRTCH, 7TRACK, or 9TRACK options were specified, the modeset byte has been set for the specified device (TAPi, where: i = 1,2, 3, 4) or TAPl. User Response: Reissue the command with the filemode specified correctly. 049E INVALID LINE NUMBER line number Explanation: The specified line number is either zero or outside the limits .of the file .. System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Examine the file and reissue the command with a correct line number. 050E PARAMETER MISSING AFTER {DDNAMEISYSxxxlfunction} Explanation: A parameter that is required by the command was not specified. For the ASSGN command, the disk mode must be specified for the SYSxxx logical unit. For the DLBL command, the disk mode or DUMMY or CLEAR must be specified after the ddname. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 211 For the FILEDEF command, the device name or DUMMY or CLEAR must be specified after the ddname. For the SET command, a required parameter that must follow a function is missing. System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Correct and reissue the command. 051E INVALID MODE CHANGE Explanation: The filemode letter specified for the old fileid is not the same as the filemode letter specified for the new fileid. System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Correct and reissue the command. 052E MORE THAN 100 CHARS OF OPTIONS SPECIFIED Explanation: The maximum number of characters that can be used to specify options for this command is 100. More than'100 characters were used. For the OSRUN command, more than 100 characters were used in the P ARM field. System Action: RC = 24 The command is not executed. The system status remains the same. User Response: Reissue the command, using 100 or fewer characters to specify the options, or parameters. Use abbreviations if necessary. 053E INVALID SORT FIELD PAIR DEFINED Explanation: Either an ending character position was not specified for a sort field, the starting position is greater than the ending position, the fields contain nondecimal characters, or the sort field exceeds the maximum of 253 characters. System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Correct and reissue the command. 054E INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED Explanation: You must specify the filename and filetype in order for the command to be executed. In addition, for some commands you must specify the filemode. System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. 212 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes User Response: Check the description of the command, correct the command line, and reissue the command. 055E NO ENTRY POINT DEFINED Explanation: For the START command or the START option of the FETCH, LOAD, or INCLUDE command, either the initial execution address is zero, or there is no executable code at the execution address, or nothing has been loaded. This message is also issued if a START command (or FETCH command with the START option) is issued following a SET DOSPART command, resetting the size of the DOS partition. Redefining the partition size caus~s storage to be reinitialized and any previous loads or fetches must be reissued. System Action: RC = 40. Execution of the command is terminated. Loader cleanup has been performed on loaded files. This should not interfere with a subsequent START command. User Response: If no file was previously loaded, issue the LOAD command specifying the files to be loaded. If files are loaded, check them for incorrect SLC or entry cards. 056E FILE In It, [1m] CONTAINS INVALID {NAMEIALIASIENTRYIESD} RECORD FORMATS Explanation: For DMSLBM and DMSNCP (GEN, ADD, REP), the specified file is not in the expected format. MACRO and MEND cards must be included in the MACRO files, and the prototype card must be specified with a name that does not exceed eight characters. If an © statement appears, it must contain a name. A MACLIB must contain 'LIB' in columns 4-6 of record one. For DMSLBT, the specified file has more than 255 entry points (ESD only), or has records which are incompatible or missing. For DMSLIO, an invalid condition was found in a TEXT or tEXTLIB file. TXTLIB files created on EDF disks must have "PDS" in columns 4-6 of record one. TXTLIB files created on non-EDF disks must have "LIB" in columns 4-6 of record one. RLD data must be compatible with the TEXT file or TXTLIB member to which is belongs. If an ICS statement was submitted, the specified name was previously defined, or the initial length of the CSECT was not found in the ESD card. For DMSSYN, the specified file is not in the expected format. The SYNONYM file must contain 80-byte records in free form format, with columns 73-80 ignored. The data consists of a command name followed by a blank and the user synonym. This may optionally be followed by a count which is preceded by at least one blank. For DMSZAP, either the header record for TXTLIB or LOAD LIB was invalid, or the pointer to the directory or module map was in error. System Action: RC = 32 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. For DMSGLB, the library is not made global but the operation continues for any other libraries named in the command. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 213 User Response: For DMSLBM and DMSNCP, issue the MACLIB COMP command, then check the MACLIB with a MACLIB MAP command. Correct the format error. For DMSGLB, the specified library does not have 'LIB' in columns 1-3 or 4-6 of the first record. One possible cause is the library may be in packed format. Correct the library and reissue the command. For DMSSYN, correct the format of the file. For DMSLIO, recreate the TXTLIB or TEXT file. For DMSLBT, if the message specifies ESD, check for more than 255 entry points for a member; otherwise, check for invalid or missing records. For DMSZAP, recreate the library or module. Then reissue the command. 056W FILE fn ft fm CONTAINS INVALID {NAMEIALIASIENTRYIESD} RECORD FORMATS Explanation: The specified file is not in the expected format. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. 057E INVALID RECORD FORMAT Explanation: For the TAPE command, a record that was read was not in TAPE DUMP format. For the TAPEMAC command, the tape was not in the IEHMOVE unloaded PDS format, or the PDS logical record length is not 80. System Action: RC = 32 Execution of the command is terminated. For the TAPE command, if the DEN, TRTCH, 7TRACK, or 9TRACK options were specified, the modeset byte has been set for the specified device (TAPi, where: i = 1, 2, 3, 4) or TAP 1. User Response: For the TAPE command, rewrite the file onto tape using the TAPE DUMP command. For the TAPEMAC command, recreate the file on tape using the OS IEHMOVE utility program. Then reissue the command. 058E END-OF-FILE OR END-OF-TAPE [ON TAPn] Explanation: The end of the file or tape was reached. For DMSTPE, an end-of-tape condition was encountered while doing a write, WTM (write tape mark), or ERG (erase gap) operation. System Action: RC = 40 Execution of the command is terminated. For DMSTPE, the last operation is not completed. The tape is positioned at the end. If the DEN, TRTCH, 7TRACK, or 9TRACK options were specified, the modeset byte has been set for the specified device (TAPi, where: i = 1,2, 3, 4) or TAPl. 214 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes User Response: For DMSTPD, you may space the tape forward and continue, or rewind the tape and quit; this can be an information message rather than an error condition, depending on the circumstances. For DMSTPE, if the position of the tape is not as expected, use the appropriate TAPE control function to reposition it. For DMSBOP, ensure that the proper tape has been mounted. If so, rewind and reposition the tape and retry. For DMSCLS, rewind and reposition the tape and reissue the command. 059E vaddr ALREADY ACCESSED AS READ/WRITE mode DISK. Explanation: You are trying to access the specified device as read-only but you have already accessed it read/write. You cannot have a disk accessed as both read-only and read/write, because the read-only file directory would not reflect any updates you made until the next time you accessed the disk. System Action: RC = 36 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Release the disk by issuing the RELEASE command and then reissue the ACCESS command. 060E FILE(S) fn [ft [fm]] NOT FOUND. DISK mode (vaddr) WILL NOT BE ACCESSED Explanation: The files requested are not on the specified disk. Or, you tried to access the disk as an extension when it contains no files. In either case, the disk is not accessed. System Action: RC = 28 Execution of the command is terminated. The system remains in the same status as before the command was entered. User Response: Check to see that the fileid is specified correctly, and reenter the command. 06lE NO TRANSLATION CHARACTER SPECIFIED Explanation: A SET INPUT or SET OUTPUT command was issued without a translation character. System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The translate table remains unchanged. User Response: Reissue the command with the appropriate translation character. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 215 062E INVALID [CHAR] [= 1*lcharICHARACTER] IN [OUTPUT] FILEID [fn ft [fm)) Explanation: The character specified whether an asterisk (*), equal sign ( =), or other was invalid in the fileid in which it appeared. System Action: RC = 20 . Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same, with the following exceptions for the COPYFILE command: • If the APPEND option was specified and the copying process began before the error was discovered, then records were appended to the output file. • If the NEWFILE (the default), REPLACE, or OVLY option was specified, and the copying process began before the error was discovered, then COPYFILE CMSUTl, on the"output disk, contains the records copied so far. • In multiple-output-file mode, several output files may have been created before the error was discovered. User Response: Check the description of the command format and reissue the command. 063E NO [SORTITRANSLATIONISPECIFICATION] LIST {ENTEREDIGIVEN} Explanation: A list was requested in response to the SORT command, or to the SPECS option or TRANSLATE option of the COPYFILE command, but a null line was entered in response. The XEDIT subcommand SORT was entered with no sort fields specified. System Action: RC = 40 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Reissue the command, and enter the list when it is requested. 064E INVALID [TRANSLATE] SPECIFICATION AT OR NEAR list Explanation: An invalid specification was included in the list entered when either the SPECS option or the TRANS option was specified. "list" is the portion of the list you entered that is in error. Some of the errors that can cause this mess.age to appear in conjunction with the SPECS option are the following: 216 • A source specification was entered with no target specification. • An invalid decimal number was entered for an input or output column. • An input file specification of the form "nn-mm" was given, but mm was smaller than nn. • A string was specified without an ending delimiter. • A zero length string was specified. IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes • An invalid hexadecimal number was specified, or an odd number of hexadecimal digits followed the "H" of such a specification. • The continuation code (+ +) was specified in the middle of a specification, rather than at the beginning of one. Some of the errors that can cause this message to appear in conjunction with the TRANS option are the following: • An invalid hexadecimal number was entered. • An odd number of characters was entered. • The continuation code (+ +) was entered in the middle of a character pair. System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Reissue the command and enter the correct specification list when it is requested. 065E option OPTION SPECIFIED TWICE Explanation: The option was specified more than once in the command line. System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Reissue the command, specifying the option only once. 066E option AND option ARE CONFLICTING OPTIONS Explanation: The specified options are mutually exclusive and must not be specified in the same command. System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Correct and reissue the command. 067E COMBINED INPUT FILES ILLEGAL WITH PACK OR UNPACK OPTIONS Explanation: An attempt was made to combine several files at the same time that the PACK or UNPACK option was used. This message appears if there is more than one input fileid, or if there is an asterisk in the first fileid in single output file mode. System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Correct the command line and reissue the command. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 217 068E INPUT FILE fn ft fm NOT IN PACKED FORMAT Explanation: The specified input file is not in packed format, and was specified in an UNPACK operation. System Action: RC = 32 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same, except that in multiple output file mode, several output files may already have been created before the error was discovered. User Response: Correct the command line and reissue the command. 069E DISK {modelvaddrlvolid} NOT ACCESSED. {A MUST BE R/W FOR DISK LOAD} Explanation: The specified disk has not been accessed. For DMSDSL, the A-disk must be accessed when the DOSLIB MAP function is performed and the output is directed to disk. For the RECEIVE command, either: 1. a 'READ/ONLY' filemode was specified on the RECEIVE command and the file cannot be written onto this disk. 2. RECEIVE attempted to read in a file sent using the DISK DUMP command (or SENDFILE with the 'OLD' option). In order to use DISK LOAD to read the file in, the A-disk must be accessed in READ/WRITE mode. System Action: RC = 36 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Access the specified disk and reissue the command. 0691 DISK {modelvaddrlvolid} NOT ACCESSED Explanation: The disk specified in the FILEDEF command has not been accessed. System Action: This message is for information only. Execution continues. User Response: None. 070E INVALID {PARAMETER parameter IARGUMENT argument} Explanation: An invalid operand, or too many or extraneous operands, were specified in the command line or EXEC statement. System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same, with the following exception for the TAPE command: If the DEN, TRTCH, 7TRACK, or 9TRACK options were specified, the modeset byte has been set for the specified device (TAPi, where: i = 1, 2, 3, 4) or TAP1. User Response: Correct the command line and reissue the command. 218 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 071E ERASE * * [fml*] NOT ALLOWED Explanation: You cannot erase all files on all disks using the ERASE command. You can enter asterisks for the filename and filetype, but you must specify the filemode letter and number. System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Issue the FORMAT command to erase all files on a disk, or use the ACCESS command with the ERASE option (all files on the disk are erased the first time you write a new file on the disk). 072E ERROR IN EXEC FILE fn, LINE nnn - message Explanation: The EXEC interpreter has found an error in file 'fn', at line "nnn". 'message' may be anyone of the following: CMS EXEC Return Codes: FILE NOT FOUND RC = 801 The specified file was not found on the accessed disks. This message can be issued when you try to invoke an EXEC from within another EXEC. &SKIP OR &GOTO ERROR RC = 802 A request was made to move to a statement above the beginning of the file, or to a nonexistent label. BAD FILE FORMAT RC = 803 The file is not in the required format. For instance, it is packed rather than unpacked, or the record length is greater than 130. TOO MANY ARGUMENTS RC = 804 A maximum number of 30 arguments can be passed to an EXEC file. MAX DEPTH OF LOOP NESTING EXCEEDED RC = 805 No more than four nested loops may be specified. ERROR READING FILE RC = 806 An I/O error occurred while an EXEC file was being read. INVALID SYNTAX RC = 807 The syntax of the indicated statement is invalid. INVALID FORM OF CONDITION RC = 808 This can occur from previously unassigned variables. The final result after the line is interpreted is syntactically invalid. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 219 INVALID ASSIGNMENT RC = 809 An attempt was made to assign a value to an unspecified field; for example, = 42 MISUSE OF SPECIAL VARIABLE RC = 810 Incorrect use of a special variable was attempted. For example, an attempt was made to assign a value to &EXEC or to &TYPEFLAG. ERROR IN &ERROR ACTION RC = 811 An &ERROR control statement specified a CMS command that also resulted in an error. CONVERSION ERROR RC = 812 A variable in the line must be converted, but cannot be, because it is a character value, it is not in the proper format, or it has not been initialized. For example, '&IF &FLAG EQ 944' If &FLAG was not previously initialized, it is "null" or blank and will cause a conversion error when being converted to decimal. This message is also issued if a nonhexadecimal number is specified after the characters "X'" on the right-hand side of an assignment statement (for example, &A = X'12AG'); or if a nondecimal number is specified after the characters "X'" in any statement other than an assignment statement (for example, &TYPE X'120AO'). TOO MANY TOKENS IN STATEMENT RC = 813 More than 19 tokens appeared in a single &READ VARS statement. MISUSE OF BUILT-IN FUNCTION RC = 814 One of the EXEC built-in functions (for example, &CONCAT, &DATATYPE, etc.) was used incorrectly. EOFFOUND IN LOOP RC = 815 An end of file occurred before the command completed the requested operation. INVALID CONTROL WORD RC = 816 An invalid control word was encountered in the input deck and cannot be read. EXEC ARITHMETIC UNDERFLOW RC = 817 A negative arithmetic variable exceeded 8 digits including sign. EXEC ARITHMETIC OVERFLOW RC = 818 A positive arithmetic variable exceeded 8 digits. 220 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes SPECIAL CHARACTER IN VARIABLE SYMBOL RC = 819 A special character was used in a variable symbol. Only alphameric characters are to be used. The asterisk in the special variable &* is an acceptable character. System Action: The file is logically executed up to the point where the error was detected. User Response: Correct the EXEC file and reexecute it. Note: For a tutorial description of the CMS EXEC facility, see the VM/SP CMS User's Guide. For a description of the CMS EXEC control statements, see the VM/SP CMS Command and Macro Reference. 073E UNABLE TO OPEN FILE ddname Explanation: CMS was unable to open the specified ddname. An explanatory message should appear along with this message. System Action: RC = 28 Execution of the command or program is terminated for the OS Loader. Abend code = 15A for LINK/LOAD/ATTACH/XCTL failures. RC = 28 for OSRUN command. User Response: Verify the ddname and reissue the command. If using the OS Loader, verify that the LOAD LIB libraries in the GLOBAL list exist. 074E ERROR [RE]SETTING AUXILIARY DIRECTORY Explanation: The auxiliary directory could not be set or reset. This can occur, for example, if the disk on which the auxiliary directory resides is not accessed when the command is issued, or if it is accessed as a filemode other than the one specified for it with a previous GENDIRT command. System Action: RC = 40 If the error occurred on an attempt to set the auxiliary directory, execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. If, however, the error occurred on an attempt to reset the auxiliary directory, the assembly has already been done, and execution continues. User Response: Consult the system programmer to find out what disk the auxiliary directory is on and what filemode that disk should be accessed as. (It should have the filemode that was specified for it with the GENDIRT command.) Access the disk with the proper filemode and reissue the command. 075E DEVICE devicename {INVALIDIILLEGAL} FOR {INPUTIOUTPUT} Explanation: The device specified for the input or output ddname is invalid. This message will appear if the input device specified is DUMMY, PRINTER, or PUNCH, or if the output device specified is READER, CRT, OS DISK, or DOS DISK. System Action: RC = 40 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Reissue the FILEDEF command and specify the correct input/output device. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 221 076E ACTUAL RECORD LENGTH EXCEEDS THAT SPECIFIED Explanation: An existing file has a record length greater than the record length entered in the command line. System Action: RC = 40 ·····Exe·cution 'ofthe command is terminated. The' system status remains the same. User Response: Reissue the command, specifying a larger record length with the LRECL option. 077E END CARD MISSING FROM INPUT DECK Explanation: Since the end card is missing, the input file is not complete. The deck is probably invalid. System Action: RC = 32 Execution of the command is terminated. The card file is lost from the reader. User Response: The DISK DUMP command must be issued to recreate the file. 078E INVALID CARD IN READER {DECKIFILE cardimage} Explanation: For DMSDSK, a card that was not punched by DISK DUMP was encountered in the input deck. The deck cannot be read by DISK LOAD. For DMSGRN, an invalid card was encountered in the input deck. The deck cannot be processed by the GEN3705 command. System Action: RC = 32 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. For DMSDSK, the READER file closed with the HOLD option. User Response: For DMSDSK, reissue the command in case there are valid DISK DUMP cards following in the file. If the same error occurs, either retry, use the READ CARD command to load the file, or use the CP PURGE command to erase the reader file. For DMSGRN, use the card image in the error message to correct the card, and reenter the command. 078W SEQUENCE ERROR DETECTED LOADING fn ft EXPECTED ....•• FOUND ...•.. Explanation: The sequence number found is not the next sequential number. System Action: RC = 32 The file continues to be loaded. User Response: Check the file after it has been loaded for possible transmission errors. 222 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 079E INVALID DEVICE ADDRESS - REENTER Explanation: The device address entered was specified incorrectly, that is, it is not a valid hexadecimal character or is not in the range of X'OOl' to X'6FF'. System. Action: Message DMSINI606R ,orDMSINI608R is reissued. User Response: See DMSINI606R or DMSINI608R. 080E INVALID {CYLIBLK} NUMBER - REENTER Explanation: The value entered was not a valid decimal number. System Action: Message DMSINI609R is reissued. User Response: See DMSINI609R. 08lE INVALID REPLY - ANSWER "YES" OR "NO" Explanation: The only valid response to the query is "yes" or "no". Neither was entered. On the SENDFILE screen, something other than "YES" or "NO" was entered in the fields reserved for choosing options. System Action: Message DMSINI607R or DMSINI610R is reissued. For the SEND FILE menu, no system action is taken. User Response: See DMSINI607R or DMSINI610R. For SEND FILE, enter only "YES" or "NO" in the options field. 082E IPL DEVICE ERROR - REENTER Explanation: The device is not currently defined, or it is not in read/write status, or it is an unsupported device type. System Action: Message DMSINI608R is reissued. User Response: See DMSINI608R. 083E NUCLEUS [CYLIBLK] SPECIFICATION UNACCEPTABLE ERROR x Explanation: The cylinder or FB-512 block number specified for the nucleus start address does not meet the requirement indicated by the error code. Code Meaning 1 The nucleus will overlay CMS files on the minidisk. 2 The nucleus start address is beyond all formatting. 3 The starting FB-512 block number is not on a 256-block boundary. 4 A total of 256 FB-512 blocks are not available, including the starting block number. System Action: Message DMSINI609R is reissued. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 223 User Response: If RC = 1, respond to DMSINI609R with a larger cylinder value or FB-512 block number. If RC = 2, specify a smaller value. If RC = 3, specify a multiple of 256. If RC = 4, specify a lower location for the nucleus. In any event, use of the FORMAT command with the RECOMP option may be necessary. 084E INVALID USE OF FROM AND TO OPTIONS Explanation: The 'FROM' location exceeds or is equal to the 'TO' location. System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Correct and reissue the command. 085E ERROR IN fn ft fm, LINE nnn - message Explanation: The EXEC 2 interpreter has found an error in file "fn ft fm", at line "nnn". "message" may be anyone of the following: EXEC 2 Return Codes: FILE NOT FOUND RC = 10001 The input file was not located on an accessed disk. WRONG FILE FORMAT RC = 10002 The line length exceeds 255 bytes. WORD TOO LONG. RC = 10003 An attempt was made to assign more than 255 bytes to a variable, or a word in a line is longer than 255 bytes. STATEMENT TOO LONG RC = 10004 The length of the statement exceeds 511 bytes. INVALID CONTROL WORD RC = 10005 A word with a leading ampersand was found where a control word was expected, but it is not recognized as a control word. LABEL NOT FOUND RC = 10006 During a scan for a label, the label was not located. INVALID VARIABLE NAME RC = 10007 A word without a leading ampersand was found in a place where a variable was expected. INVALID FORM OF CONDITION RC = 10008 Either the conditional operator is invalid or one of the operands has a null value. 224 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes INVALID ASSIGNMENT RC = 10009 An operator in an assignment statement is not (+), or (-), or 'of' does not follow the function name. MISSING ARGUMENT RC = 10010 A required argument is missing. INVALID ARGUMENT RC = 10011 An argument has an invalid value. CONVERSION ERROR RC = 10012 An error has occurred in converting from a string to a numeric value. NUMERIC OVERFLOW RC = 10013 A number has overflowed the defined system limits: (2**31)-1 or -(2**31). INVALID FUNCTION NAME RC = 10014 If the function name starts with an ampersand, it is not a predefined function, or i( it starts with a dash, it is not a label in the file. END OF FILE FOUND IN LOOP RC = 10015 The end of the file was found before the end of the loop. DIVISION BY ZERO RC = 10016 A division by zero was detected. INVALID LOOP CONDITION RC = 10017 The conditional expression in an &LOOP statement has an invalid format. ERROR RETURN DURING &ERROR ACTION RC = 10019 An error has occurred during execution of the action specified on an &ERROR statement. ASSIGNMENT TO UNSET ARGUMENT RC = 10020 An attempt was made to assign a value to an argument when the number of that argument exceeded &N. For example, &ARGS ABC &4=D would cause this error. STATEMENT OUT OF CONTEXT RC = 10021 &RETURN was encountered when no subroutine was active. INSUFFICIENT STORAGE AVAILABLE RC = 10097 Insufficient storage to complete the statement. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 225 . This may be caused by &STACK, assignment to a variable, or other actions that require additional storage. FILE READ ERROR nnn RC = 10098 The operating system was unable to read the file or some part of the file. The return code "nnn" indicates one of the following conditions: Code Meaning 1 The file was not found. 2 The address of the buffer was not within virtual storage limits. 3 A permanent disk error occurred. This may occur if you link to and access another user's disk, then try to read a file that was refiled by its owner after you issued the ACCESS command. Reissue the ACCESS command and try to read the number again. 5 The number of records is less than 0 or greater than 32768. 7 The fixed/variable flag is not F or V. 8 The record read is longer than the buffer. 9 The specified file is open for writings; it must be closed and opened for reading. 11 The number of records is greater than 1 for a variable-length file. 12 The end of the file was reached. 13 An invalid displacement appears in the AFT for a variable length file. 14 An invalid character appears in the filename. 15 An invalid character appears in the filetype. TRACE ERROR nnn RC = 10099 A command or subcommand issued as an action of &TRACE returned the error code 'nnn'. Execution of the current EXEC 2 file is terminated. System Action: The file is logically executed up to the point where the error was detected. User Response: Correct the EXEC 2 file and reexecute it. Note: For information on EXEC 2, see the VM/ SP EXEC 2 Reference. 086E INVALID DDNAME ddname Explanation: The ddname specified with the command is invalid. System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. 226 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes User Response: . Reissue the command with a valid ddname. With the DLBL command, use a ddname of seven characters or less. If you are an OS user, enter the first seven characters of your program's ACB ddname. If these seven characters are not unique within the program (that is, the eighth character distinguishes two ACBs in the same program), recompile the program using different ddnames. 086W DLBL ddname DUMMY INVALID FOR VSAM Explanation: The ddname in the ACB being opened was specified in a previous DLBL command with the DUMMY operand, which is invalid for VSAM. System Action: RC = 8 This message accompanies a DOS/VS VSAM open error code X'll'. The OS user is restricted from using a DUMMY VSAM data set. An attempt to do so will cause unpredictable results at OPEN time. An additional message from the program product being used may follow. User Response: Reissue the DLBL command specifying a mode for this ddname, and then restart the program that caused the error. 087E INVALID ASSIGNMENT OF SYSxxx TO DEVICE device Explanation: The ASSGN command that was entered violated a restriction on the assignment of SYSxxx to a virtual device. The ASSGN command restricts the assignment of logical units to virtual devices as follows: Logical Units SYSOOO-SYS241 SYSLOG SYSLST SYSIPT SYSPCH SYSRDR SYSCAT SYSCLB SYSRLB SYSSLB SYSIN SYSOUT Valid Assignment to any device as specified by the ASSG N command. to terminal and printer to printer, disk, and tape to reader, disk and tape to punch, disk, and tape to reader, disk, and tape to disk to disk to disk to disk to reader, tape, and disk to tape System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Reissue the ASSGN command, specifying a valid combination of logical unit and virtual device. 088E UNSUPPORTED DTF TYPE dtftype Explanation: An attempt was made to open or close a DTF table of a type not supported by CMS. System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: None; CMS/DOS only supports those DTF types identified in the CMS/DOS publications. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 227 089E {OPENICLOSE} ERROR CODE nn ON {fnISYSxxxITAPn} Explanation: The error code in the message identifies the error situation. 228 Code Meaning 1 The logical unit (SYSxxx) in the DOSCB does not match the logical unit in the DTF table. 2 CMS/DOS does not support writing to OS or DOS disks. All files must be written to CMS disks. 3 An attempt was made to open or close a sequential disk file, VSAM file, or private source statement library, but no DLBL command was issued with the DLBL ddname equal to the DTF ACB filename. CMS/DOS requires a user-issued DLBL for all sequential disk files, VSAM input and output files, and private libraries. 4 An attempt was made to open or close a DTFCD or DTFPR with ASOCFLE/FUNC operands specified in the DTF macro. These operands are not supported under CMS/DOS. 5 An attempt was made to open an input sequential disk file from an OS disk, but no extent information was found in the OSFST associated with the file. 6 An attempt was made to open a sequential disk file for input, but the file was not found on any of the accessed disks. 7 The device type in the DTF being opened or closed is incompatible with the PUB device type for the specified unit. 8 The system or programmer logical unit is unassigned (PUB pointer in LUB = X'FF'). 9 There is no CMS/DOS support for reading tapes backward. When the operand READ = BACK is specified on the DTFMT macro, a flag is set in the DTF at compilation time indicating this condition. CMS/DOS supports tape processing only in a forward direction. 11 An attempt was made to open or close a DTFMT (tape data file) and 'ASCII = YES' was specified in the DTF macro. This operand is not supported. 12 An attempt was made to open a DTFCP or DTFDI tape file with 'FILABL=STD'specified. However, no VOL1/HDR1 was encountered. 13 PUB information for the tape logical unit being opened (track mode indicator or density) is incompatible with the tape drive. 14 The tape is a 3420 tape drive but an invalid tape drive model number (valid model numbers are 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8). 15 While opening a DTF associated with a file on an OS or DOS disk, an I/O error occurred while reading the extent information for the specified data set. IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes Code Meaning 16 SYSIPT/SYSRDR is assigned to tape and the record length is not 80 or 81 bytes. 17 An unexpected error situation was encountered while performing a tape I/O operation. 18 The SAM OPEN/CLOSE (in the CMS/DOS environment) routines have returned with an error indicating that the DTF currently being processed could not be opened because of a lack of virtual storage. 19 An attempt was made to OPEN a SAM file in VSAM space. This feature is not supported in CMS/DOS. 20 An attempt was made to fetch an invalid or unsupported VSE/ AF OPEN transient area. 21 For MOVEFILE to process a DOS input file on FB-512 devices, the RECFM and BLOCK must be specified on the input FILEDEF for nn. For a fixed block RECFM, the LRECL also must be specified. 22 An attempt was made to open a non-VSAM file on the OS- or DOS-formatted 3380 DASD specified by SYSxxx. CMS/DOS supports the 3380 for VSAM files only. System Action: RC = 36 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Correct the error and reissue the command. For error code 22, if the file you are trying to access is a VSAM file, use an ACB to open it. If it is not a VSAM file, you cannot open the file under CMS/DOS. 090E INVALID DEVICE CLASS deviceclass FOR device Explanation: The device class information returned from the CP DIAGNOSE request (code 24) conflicts with the device being assigned. System Action: RC = 36 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Reissue the command. If this fails, call IBM for software support. 091E SAVEAREA ADDRESS IN PARTITION PIB NOT EQUIVALENT TO LTA SAVEAREA ADDRESS Explanation: The current savearea address in the PIB (Partition Information Block) is not the same as the savearea in the LTA (Logical Transient Area). System Action: RC = 100 Execution of the command is terminated. User Response: Reissue the command; if the problem persists, call IBM for software support. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 229 092E STXIT SAVEAREA ADDRESS INVALID Explanation: The specified savearea address in a STXIT operation is not within the address range of the virtual machine. System Action: RC = 100 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Verify the save area address and reissue the command. 093E MVCOM MACRO ATTEMPT TO ALTER OTHER THAN POSITION 12-23 OF COMREG Explanation: The specified MVCOM macro is attempting to alter a position other than the allowed positions 12 to 23 of the communications region. System Action: RC = 100 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains' the same. User Response: Correct the specification of the MVCOM macro and retry. 094E FROM ADDRESS ON MVCOM MACRO INVALID Explanation: The address specified in the MVCOM macro is not within the range of the virtual machine. System Action: RC = 100 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Correct the address specified and retry. 09liE INVALID ADDRESS address Explanation: The specified address is not within the range of the virtual machine, is not a valid storage address, or is not equal to or greater than X'20000'. System Action: RC = 100 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Reissue the command with a valid address. 096E FILE fn ft DATA BLOCK COUNT INCORRECT Explanation: The number of data blocks read from tape (for file 'fn ft') does not match the number in the model file status table written on the tape when the file was dumped. System Action: Execution of the command is terminated. The portion of the file 'fn ft' loaded exists on disk as tape CMSUTl. User Response: To ensure that the file is properly loaded, reposition the tape to the beginning of the file and reissue the TAPE LOAD command. 230 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 096S UNSUPPORTED FUNCTION IN A LIOCS ROUTINE Explanation: A Logical IOCS routine was called to perform a function which the routine was not generated to perform. System Action: RC = 100 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Verify that all logical functions to be performed are supported by the Logical IOCS routine linked with your program. 097E NO 'SYSRES' VOLUME ACTIVE Explanation: No system residence disk (SYSRES) is active; therefore, no procedure library or relocatable library is active. System Action: RC = 36 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Use the "SET DOS ON mode" command to activate a SYSRES disk, and reissue the command. 098E NO {PHASEIPROCEDURE} NAME SPECIFIED Explanation: The command requires the specification of a phase name or procedure name. System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Reenter the command supplying a phase name or procedure name. 098S CMS OS SIMULATION NOT AVAILABLE Explanation: An OS SVC was issued and a CMS saved segment is not available. OS simulation text is not loaded in free storage. Message DMSINS099W or DMSSET099W was previously issued. System Action: The system is terminated abnormally, with an abend code ofX'OF9'. User Response: 1. Access a disk containing the proper text for OS simulation and issue the command SET SYSNAME CMSSEG name, where "name" is invalid (in order to get the OS simulation text loaded into free storage), or 2. Issue the command SET SYSNAME CMSSEG name, with a valid name (in order to be able to use the OS simulation t~xt in that saved segment). Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 231 098W eMS OS SIMULATION NOT AVAILABLE Explanation: DMSINS098W is displayed if, during CMS initialization, it is determined that a CMS saved segment is not available or cannot be loaded, and the OS simulation text could not be loaded into free storage. DMSSET098W is displayed if, after it was determined that the CMS saved segment was not available, an attempt to load the OS simulation text was unsuccessful. DMSSET098W is preceded by message DMSSETIOOW. System Action: If the message is DMSSET098W, RC = 4. If the message is DMSINS098W, no return code is passed and initialization proceeds normally. Any issuance of an OS SVC that follows either of these messages causes the message DMSITS098S to be displayed and the system to terminate abnormally. User Response: Access a disk containing the proper text for OS simulation or, using the SET command, specify a valid CMS saved segment. 099E eMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT {NOT} ACTIVE Explanation: If the message is CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE, the eMS/DOS environment must be active in order for the command to execute. If the message is CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT ACTIVE, the CMS/DOS environment must not be active in order for the command to execute. If the message is from DMSOPL I/O error reading text, an I/O error has occurred reading from a library and the CCW will be displayed. System Action: RC = 40 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Use the SET DOS command to activate or deactivate the CMS/DOS environment and reissue the command. 099W GENERATION PARAMETERS INCOMPATIBLE WITH VM/SP Explanation: The parameters specified on the HOST macro in the stage one input stream for an NCP or PEP control program were not equal to the values required by VM/SP. The control program may not operate correctly if used by VM/SP. (This message does not prohibit saving or loading the control program. It may not indicate an error if the VM/SP generation and load procedures are used for a 3704/3705 control program intended for use by a virtual machine system other than VM/SP.) System Action: For DMSNCP, RC = 99. Processing continues. User Response: None. IOOE NO BATCH PROCESSOR AVAILABLE Explanation: The CMSBATCH module could not find the DMSBTP TEXT S2 file (Batch processor) on any system disk. System Action: At this point, the operator has a normal CMS interactive machine, not a batch machine. 232 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes User Response: Contact your system support personnel. Routing: This message is displayed at the Batch Facility console at Batch initialization time. lOOW SHARED {S-STATIY-STAT} NOT AVAILABLE Explanation: The S-disk or V-disk directory has been re-written to disk since it was last saved. This can occur if either disk was accessed in read/write mode and then released, even if the disk was not specifically altered. System Action: For S-STAT, the S-STAT is built in user storage. For Y-STAT, the V-disk is accessed using the CMS ACCESS command. User Response: Call your system support personnel. 101E BATCH NOT LOADED Explanation: 1. The CMSBATCH command was issued after the first carriage return following IPL, or 2. The CMSBATCH module encountered errors trying to load the DMSBTP TEXT S2 file (Batch processor). See the LOAD command for possible, errors, or 3. The CMSBATCH module could not locate the DMSBTPAB entry point in DMSBTP while searching the loader tables. At this point DMSBTP has already been loaded. System Action: At this point, the operator has a normal CMS interactive machine, not a batch machine. User Response: If the explanation is (1) follow start-up procedure (starting with IPL). If it is (2) or (3), contact your system support personnel. Routing: This message is displayed at the Batch Facility console at Batch initialization time. lOIS SPECS TEMP STRING STORAGE EXHAUSTED AT ........ . Explanation: A specification list was so long that the storage area reserved for storing specification strings was exhausted. System Action: RC = 88 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Copy the file twice, possibly using the OVLY option a second time, so that less string storage is needed each time. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 233 102S TOO MANY FILEIDS Explanation: Too many input fileids were specified. System Action: RC = 88 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: To correct this situation, use two COPYFILE commands, specifying the APPEND option with the second one. 103S NUMBER OF SPECS EXCEEDS MAX 20 Explanation: More than 20 specifications were entered. System Action: RC = 88 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Use more than one COPYFILE command, possibly specifying OVLY after the first one. 104S ERROR nn READING FILE fn ft fm FROM {DISKIXEDIT} Explanation: An unrecoverable error occurred while reading the file from disk. nn indicates the nature of the error; it may be one of the following: Code 1 2 3 5 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 25 26 27 Meaning The specified file was not found. The buffer area is not within user storage limits. A permanent disk read error occurred. This may occur if you link to and access another user's disk, and try to read a file that was refiled by its owner after you issued the ACCESS command. Reissue the ACCESS command and try to read the file again. The number of records is less than zero or more than 32768. The fixed/variable flag in the file status table entry is not F or V. The given storage area was smaller than the actual size of the records read. (This error is valid if reading the first portion of a large record into a small buffer. It does not cause the function to terminate.) The file is open for writing and must be closed before it can be read. Only one record can be read for a variable-length file. In this case, the number of records is greater than 1. An unexpected end of file occurred (the record number specified exceeds the number of records in the file). A variable-length file has an invalid displacement in the active file table. An invalid character was detected in the filename. An invalid character was detected in the filetype. Insufficient virtual storage is available. Requested item number is negative, or item number plus number of items exceeds file system capacity. An attempt was made to update a variable-length item with one of a different length. System Action: RC = 100 or RC= Inn (nn described above) Execution halts. The system remains in the same status as before the command was entered. 234 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes For DMSEDI, the edit session is terminated. If the error occurred during a RENUM operation, the workfile is erased and the file being edited remains unchanged. For DMSDSL, the condition of the DOSLIB file is unpredictable. For DMSGLO, no global variable tables were created. For DMSLBM, the condition of the MACLIB file is unpredictable. For DMSGLB, the library is not globaled, but the operation continues for any other libraries named in the command. For DMSXGT, if the error occurred during a GET or RERUN operation, the subcommand is terminated and the editing session continues. For DMSXIN, the execution of the command or subcommand is terminated. If multiple files were being edited, the editing session continues for those files. For DMSXRE, if the error occurred during a RENUM operation, the subcommand is terminated and the editing session continues. For the TAPE command, if the DEN, TRTCH, 7TRACK, or 9TRACK options were specified, the modeset byte has been set for the specified device (TAPi, where: i = 1,2,3,4) or TAPl. Some records may have been written on tape. User Response: If you can determine the problem from the "Explanation" and remedy the condition, reissue the command. If not, retry the command and if the problem persists, call your system support personnel. For DMSDGL, verify DOSLIB integrity with the DOSLIB MAP command. For DMSGLB, RDBUF has returned an RC other than 0, 1, or 8. RC = 1 indicates it is an OS/DOS DISK and RC = 8 occurs if the LRECL is greater than 80. Either of these conditions is acceptable. For DMSLBM, verify MACLIB integrity with the MACLIB MAP command. For DMSLIO and DMSMOD, reissue the entire LOAD/INCLUDE sequence after checking the error conditions. It may be that the in-core directory for the minidisk which contains the file being loaded does not match the real directory. The real directory may have been changed since the disk was last accessed. Or, if the saved system is on the system disk, the saved system may have to be resaved. For error code '09', issue an FSCLOSE macro for the· file. If a permanent disk read error occurs (code 3), it may be the result of the user having detached a virtual disk without releasing it. CMS, not realizing that the disk is no longer part of the virtual machine, assumes that the disk is still active and encounters an error when it tries to read or write the file. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 235 105E NO JOB CARD PROVIDED Explanation: The first record of the user job was not a /JOB card. System Action: The batch facility has flushed the user job and continued with the next user job. User Response: Resubmit the job to the batch facility with the first record of the job in batch facility /JOB format. Routing: This message is displayed at the Batch Facility console during user job execution. 105S ERROR nn WRITING FILE fn ft {fm}[ON DISKITO XEDIT] Explanation: An unrecoverable error occurred while writing on disk. nn indicates the nature of the error; it may be one of the following: Code 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 Meaning The virtual storage address is O. The first character mode is invalid. The second character mode is invalid. The number of records in the file is too large; it cannot exceed 65,533. An attempt has been made to skip over an unwritten variable-length item. The number of bytes was not specified. The file is already active for reading. The maximum number of CMS files (3400) has been reached. The fixed/variable flag is not F or V. The disk is not a CMS read/write disk. The disk is full (recoverable error). The number of bytes to be written is not integrally divisible by the number of records to be written. The length of this record is not the same as that of the previous record. The fixed/variable flag is not the same as that of the previous record. A variable-length record is greater than 65K bytes. The number of records is greater than 1 for variable-length file. The maximum number of data blocks per file (16060) has been reached. An invalid character has been detected in filename. .An invalid character has been detected in filetype. Virtual storage capacity has been exceeded. Insufficient virtual storage is available. Requested item number is negative, or item number plus number of items exceeds file system capacity. An attempt was made to update a variable length item with one of a different length. The file is not in Xedit storage and cannot be written to. System Action: RC = 100 Execution of the command terminates. The system status remains the same. For DMSDSK, the reader file is saved. The status of the output file is unpredictable. For DMSEDI, the edit session terminates. The status of the file is as it was before the edit session or at the execution of the last SAVE subcommand or 236 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes automatic save. The RENUM workfile is erased. A workfile, EDIT CMSUTl, may have been created on the input disk. For DMSDSL, the condition of the DOSLIB file is unpredictable. For DMSLBM, the condition of the MACLIB file is unpredictable. For DMSLBT, DMSLST, DMSMOD, DMSSRT, DMSTPD, and DMSUPD, the status of the output file is unpredictable. For DMSRDC, the reader is closed with a HOLD status to preserve the file. For DMSTPE, if the DEN, TRTCH, 7TRACK, or 9TRACK options were specified, the modeset byte has been set for the specified device (TAPi, . where: i = 1, 2, 3, 4) or TAP1. The status of the output file is unpredictable. The tape may not be in the same position as before the command was entered. For DMSXCP, the EXCP request fails with the return code nn. Check the attributes of the file specified in the DTF and DLBL. For DMSXFD, if the error occurred during a FILE or SAVE, at temporary work file, XEDTEMP CMSUTl, may have been created on the input disk. For DMSXPT, if the error occurred during a PUT (D) or RENUM operation, the subcommand is terminated and the editing session continues. For DMSXRE, if the error occurred during a RENUM operation, the subcommand is terminated and the editing session continues. User Response: If you can determine the problem from the "Explanation" above and remedy the condition, reissue the command. If not, reissue the command and if the problem persists, call your system support personnel. For DMSDSL, use the DOSLIB MAP function to verify DOSLIB integrity. For DMSLBM, use the MACLIB MAP function to verify MACLIB integrity. For DMSLIO, reissue the LOAD/INCLUDE sequence from the beginning, after checking the above error conditions. For DMSXCP, specify a smaller partition with the SET DOSPART command, or use the CP define storage command for a larger machine and IPL CMS. I06E JOB CARD FORMAT INVALID Explanation: 1. The batch facility detected a missing or invalid userid or missing account number on the user /JOB card, or 2. The userid (if provided) does not exist in the directory, or 3. A user /JOB card exit routine (BATEXIT2) returned a nonzero return code in general register 15. System Action: The batch facility flushes the user job and continues with the next user job. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 237 User Response: Resubmit the job to the batch facility with a valid userid and an account number in the batch facility /JOB card. Routing: This message is displayed at the batch facility console during user job execution. 106S NUMBER OF MEMBER NAMES EXCEEDS MAX nnnn. FILE fn ft NOT ADDED Explanation: The number of entries in the dictionary has exceeded the maximum of 1000. System Action: RC = 88 The system tries to write the dictionary up to and including the previous text deck; then it terminates execution of the command. User Response: Either delete unnecessary members from the library and retry; or start another library. 107E CP/CMS COMMAND command, {device} NOT ALLOWED Explanation: The named CP or CMS command is not allowed under the CMS batch facility. If it is a CP command, the device is also displayed. If it is a CP LINK command, more than ten LINK commands have been issued without compensating DETACH commands or a possible error has occurred in the LINK command itself. System Action: CMS continues with the next command in the user job. User Response: Do not resubmit this command with any batch job. If this was a LINK command rej ect, check to be sure the LINK command is correct or not more than ten LINK commands have been issued without compensating DETACH commands. Reissue the LINK command after detaching another disk. Routing: This message is displayed at the batch facility console during user job execution. It will appear on the spooled console output sheet. 107S DISK mode {(vaddr)} IS FULL Explanation: There is not enough space on the specified disk to write the file. System Action: RC = 100 Execution of the command is terminated. Some records of the output file may have been written out. User Response: Erase some files from the disk and reissue the command. 108E ISET CARD FORMAT INVALID Explanation: The batch facility detected invalid information on user's /SET card. Possible errors include: • • • • No blank delimiters between entries Invalid keywords Noninteger values for settings Values for settings greater than installation limits. System Action: The user job is flushed and the next batch job is started. 238 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes User Response: Correct the /SET card and resubmit the job to the Batch Facility. Routing: This message is displayed at the batch facility console during user job execution. It appears on the spooled console output sheet. 108S MORE THAN 8 LIBRARIES SPECIFIED Explanation: Only eight MACLIBs (macro libraries) or TXTLIBs (text libraries) may be specified with a GLOBAL command. System Action: RC = 88. Execution of the command is terminated. The old MACLIB or TXTLIB list is cleared. User Response: Regenerate the MACLIBs or TXTLIBs to include members from other MACLIBs or TXTLIBs, thereby reducing the number of libraries required for this terminal session. 109E {CPUIPRINTERIPUNCH} LIMIT EXCEEDED Explanation: A user job exceeded the named limit during execution. The limit was determined either by the user job through a /SET control card or by default to the installation settings. User Response: If the results are unexpected, debug the job before resubmitting it to batch. 109S VIRTUAL STORAGE C.<\PACITY EXCEEDED Explanation: There is no more space available in your virtual machine to successfully complete execution of the command. Subsequent execution of certain CMS commands may cause the same problem. For DMSACC, insufficient free storage remains to access the specified disk. For DMSAMS, Access Method Services was unable to obtain free storage for the terminal buffer to read the tape ddnames. For DMSBWR, a write buffer operation attempted to write beyond the limits of the virtual machine's storage. For DMSFCH, either the phase being fetched would exceed FREELOWE, or in the case of fetching a $$B transient phase, the transient routine would exceed the end of the transient area. For DMSHLP, not enough storage was available to either load the DMSHLD communication module or acquire buffer space to format the HELP text file. For DMSLBM, not enough virtual storage was available to contain the MACLIB dictionary. For DMSLIO, the loading of text files has caused either the transient area or user area limit to be exceeded. Text file sizes are determined by the length fields of ESD statements. An incorrect value in the length field of an ESD statement may cause this condition. For DMSSOP, the storage to be used for saving the original DCB is not available. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 239 For DMSPRE, either the initial request for a large block of storage failed, or storage was exhausted during suballocation of the block while processing normally. For DMSTPE, a buffer the size of the LRECL of the file could not be obtained. This happened while the system was trying to load a sparse file onto disk from tape. For DMSQRS, DMSQRT, DMSQRU; DMSQRV, DMSQRM, DMSQRY, and DMSWRX, you chose the stack and/or FIFO or LIFO option, but there was not enough storage to stack the result. System Action: DMSBWR passes a return code of 22 to the program that called it, which then passes a return code of 104. DMSSMN is terminated abnormally with abend code X'804' or X'80A'. DMSVIP abends with CMS abend code X'177'. All other modules that issue this message pass a return code of 104; execution of the command is terminated, and the system status remains the same. For DMSACC, the disk is not accessed. Any disk already accessed at the specified point in the search order is released, but not detached. For DMSOVR, SVCTRACE is turned off if it was on. For DMSLBM, if additions were being made to the MACLIB (GEN, ADD, or REP functions), it contains all successful additions made before storage was exceeded. For DMSSOP, opening of the file is terminated. For DMSTPE, the failure occurred before any records were written out to disk. Therefore, no file is created. TAPE processing terminates with a return code of 104. All files previously loaded are retained. For DMSQRS, DMSQRT, DMSQRU, DMSQRV, DMSQRX, and DMSQRY, RC = 109. The execution of the command is terminated. User Response: You can use the CP DEFINE command to increase the size of the virtual machine, or issue the CMS command RELEASE for any disk no longer needed, to free some of the virtual machine storage. IPL CMS again and reenter the command. Alternatively, you can do the following: For DMSARN, DMSSMN, and DMSTPD, reduce the size of the program and retry. For DMSDLB, clear old definitions that are no longer needed, and retry. For DMSLBM, issue the MACLIB MAP command to determine the contents of MACLIB. Define additional storage with a CP DEFINE command. Continue processing with the remaining additions. For DMSLIO, redefine loading locations (origin) or redefine the virtual storage size using the CP command DEFINE. Reissue the entire LOAD/INCLUDE sequence. If you ran out of storage while trying to acquire a large GETMAIN area, and your virtual machine size is above the point where the CMS nucleus begins, IPL a CMS system that was generated at a higher virtual address than the 240 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes one you are using. If the saved system CMSL is available, IPL it. If not, contact your system support personnel. 109T VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED Explanation: There is insufficient virtual storage available for file management control blocks. System Action: The virtual machine is placed in a disabled wait state and the disk is not updated. User Response: Issue the CP command DEFINE to increase the size of the virtual machine, IPL CMS again and reenter the command. 110E CORRECT FORM IS: DOSGEN LOCATION {SEGNAME} Explanation: An invalid form of the DOSGEN, or, CMSXGEN command was specified. System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Correct and reissue the command. 'segname' is optional; if you do not spe~ify it, it defaults to CMSDOS for DOSGEN. 110S ERROR READING TAPn {(raddr)} Explanation: A permanent I/O error occurred while reading the specified tape, or the tape is not attached. System Action: RC = 100 Execution of the command is terminated. For the TAPE command, if the DEN, TRTCH, 7TRACK, or 9TRACK options were specified, the mode set byte has been set for the specified device (TAPi, where: i = 1, 2, 3, 4) or TAPl. The tape may not be in the same position as before the command was entered. User Response: If the tape is attached, make sure that it is the correct tape; rewind the tape via the TAPE REW command, position the tape, and retry. If the error persists, check the format of the tape for parity errors, missing tape marks, etc. For the TAPEMAC command, if the problem persists, use the OS utility IEHMOVE to create the PDS again on another tape. 111E DOSGEN FAILED DUE TO LOAD ERRORS Explanation: Errors occurred when trying to load (using the Loader) CMS text decks into the discontiguous saved segment. System Action: RC = 36 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Print or display the file on the A-disk with filename and filetype 'LOAD MAP', which contains diagnostic messages. In some cases, Loader messages may precede this message. If this occurs, refer to the Loader message and follow the user action given. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 241 IllS ERROR WRITING TAPn (raddr) Explanation: A permanent I/O error occurred when writing the specified tape. System Action: RC = 100 If the DEN, TRTCH, 7TRACK, or 9TRACK options were specified, the modeset byte has been set for the specified device (TAPi, where: i = 1, 2, 3, 4) or TAPl. The tape may not be in the same position as before the command was entered. User Response: Reissue the command. If the error persists, contact your system support personnel. 112S mode (addr) DEVICE ERROR Explanation: An error was encountered in trying to access the disk, either because it is an unsupported device, or because an I/O error occurred while reading in the master file directory from the device. System Action: RC = 100. Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same unless another disk was replaced by this access, as indicated by message DMSACC724I. User Response: If this is the first time that you are using this CMS disk, use the FORMAT command to format it. Reissue the command. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. 113S {modeIDEVICEIDISKIPRINTERI PUNCHIREADER ITAPn ITAPIN ITAPOUT} (addr) NOT ATTACHED Explanation: The specified device is not attached to the virtual machine. If the message is issued for a tape, it also may mean that the tape has not been mounted or the device is not ready. System Action: RC = 100 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same unless another disk was replaced by this access, as indicated by message DMSACC724I. User Response: If the specified device is a disk, issue the CP command LINK to attach the disk to the virtual machine, or ask the system operator to attach the disk to your virtual machine. If the specified device is a printer, punch, or reader, use the CP command DEFINE to attach it to your virtual machine. If the specified device is a tape drive, ask the system operator to attach or mount the tape and ready the device. Then reissue the command. 242 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 114E PROGRAM NOT LOADED; [CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT {NOT} ACTIVE] Explanation: Either the CMS/DOS environment is active and you are trying to load a program that uses OS macros, or the CMS/DOS environment is not active and you are trying to load a program that uses DOS macros. Neither of these situations is allowed. System Action: RC = 40 or -0005 The command is not executed. User Response: Use the CMS command SET to set DOS on or off, and reissue the command. 114S raddr IS AN UNSUPPORTED DEVICE, OR REQUESTED BLKSIZE IS NOT SUPPORTED FOR THE DEVICE Explanation: VM/SP HPO does not support either the attached device or the requested block size. System Action: RC = 88 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Attach a device that is supported by VM/SP HPO, or issue the command with a valid block size for the device. 115E PHASE LOAD POINT LESS THAN address Explanation: The phase ·load point is less than the beginning of the user area. System Action: RC = 40 Execution of the command is terminated. The system remains in the same status as before the routine was entered. User Response: Ensure that the phase load point is greater than or equal to the beginning of the user area by altering linkage-editor control statements. 115S {CONVERSIONI{719}-TRACKI{80016250} BPII TRANSLATIONIDUAL-DENSITY} FEATURE NOT SUPPORTED ON DEVICE raddr Explanation: The user has specified a tape mode setting that requires a feature not supported by the attached real device. System Action: RC = 88 The system remains unchanged; the tape device has not been repositioned. User Response: Reissue the command using mode options (nTRACK, DEN, TRTCH) appropriate for the attached device; or attach a device with the appropriate features. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 243 116S LOADER TABLE OVERFLOW Explanation: There are too many entry-point or control-section names in the loader table built during loading. System Action: RC = 104 Loading is terminated. User Response: IPL CMS again, redefine the number of loader tables with the SET command, and issue the LOAD/INCLUDE sequence (for DMSLIO) or the LOADMOD command (for DMSMOD). 117S ERROR WRITING TO DISPLAY TERMINAL Explanation: An I/O error occurred when a DIAGNOSE command was issued to write to a display terminal during an EDIT or XEDIT session. System Action: RC = 100 The EDIT session is terminated. The virtual machine is placed in CMS mode. For a System Product Editor session, the terminal is set to typewriter mode, and the editing session continues. User Response: Retry the EDIT session. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. For the System Product Editor, the subcommand SET TERMINAL DISPLAY may be issued to return the editor to display mode. If the problem persists, contact your support personnel. 118S ERROR PUNCHING FILE {fn ft fm} Explanation: An input/output error occurred while punching the file. System Action: RC = 100 Some of the file may have been punched. The file being read is closed and an attempt is made to close the punch before terminating the command. User Response: Reissue the command. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. 119S UNSUPPORTED FORM OF {macrolparm} {MACROISVC} Explanation: An unsupported or invalid form of the macro or SVC listed in the message has been executed by a user program. System Action: CMS is terminated abnormally with an abend code of X'400'. User Response: Check your program for an invalid or unsupported form of the macro listed in the message. 244 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 1208 {INIOUT}PUT ERROR CODE nn ON ddname Explanation: The indicated error code was returned from an OS READ, WRITE, GET, or PUT macro. The error code in the message is supplied only if the error was an INPUT or OUTPUT error, not if it was a FIND, POINT, BSP, or some other type of operation error. Error codes differ for the various types of devices. Error code meanings are listed below. For DMSSCT, CMS issues this message if an I/O error is encountered by an OS CLOSE macro or if an I/O error is encountered by an OS CHECK, GET, or PUT macro and a SYNADAF routine is not specified by the user. For DMSSVT, this message is built by the simulation routine for the SYNADAF macro; it is issued by a user SYNAD routine. If the message is printed by an OS program product SYNAD routine, the SYNAD routine usually places a message number of its own in front of the message number listed above and append some information of its own to the end of the message. System Action: For DMSSCT and DMSSBS, CMS is terminated abnormally with an abend code of 1. For DMSSVT,' the program continues to execute. For DMSFCH, RC = 100 and execution of the command is terminated. User Response: Use the error code to determine the correct message and possible cause of the error. ALL DEVICES Code 254 Meaning BSAM, BPAM, or BPAM-CHECK was called with an unposted ECB specified. DISK INPUT Code 1 2 3 5 7 8 9 11 12 13 25 26 80 Meaning The file was not found. The virtual storage area was not within the limits of the virtual machine. A permanent disk error occurred. The number of items was zero. The fixed/variable flag in FST entry was not F or V. The given storage area was smaller than the actual size of the item read. (Recoverable error; the number of bytes corresponding to the size of the buffer have been read.) The file is open for writing; it must be closed before it can be read. The number of items is greater than 1, for a variable-length file. An unexpected end of file occurred (the item number specified exceeds the number of items in the file). A variable-length file has an invalid displacement in the active file table. Insufficient virtual storage is available. Requested item number is negative, or item number plus number of items exceeds file system capacity. An I/O error occurred while reading an OS data set or DOS file. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 245 Code 255 Meaning BDAM or BSAM (CREATE)- either: 1. A specification error occurred, or 2. An I/O error occurred while reading or writing KEYS, or 3. The XTENT option was not specified in the FILEDEF command, or the XTENT was too small. BPAM - An I/O error occurred while reading in or writing out the directory of a MACLIB file. Note: All errors except 8 (above) cause execution of the command to terminate. Error 8 is valid if reading the first portion of a large record into a small buffer. DISK OUTPUT Code 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 255 246 Meaning The filename or filetype was not specified, or is invalid. The virtual storage address is zero. The first character mode was invalid. The second character mode was invalid. The number of records in the file is too large; it cannot exceed 65,533. An attempt was made to skip over an unwritten variable-length item, or an update was attempted to a file on a read-only extension disk. The number of bytes was not specified. The file was already active for reading. The maximum number of CMS files (3500) was reached. The fixed/variable flag was not F or V. The mode is S (system) or other read-only disk. The disk is full. The number of bytes to be written is not integrally divisible by the number of records to be written. The length of this item is not the same as the previous item. The fixed/variable flag is not the same as that of the previous record. A variable-length item is greater than 65K bytes. The number of items is greater than 1 for variable-length file. The maximum number of data blocks per file (16060) was reached. An invalid character was detected in the filename. An invalid character was detected in the filetype. Virtual storage capacity has been exceeded. Insufficient virtual storage is available. Requested item number is negative, or item number plus number of items exceeds file system capacity. An attempt was made to update a variable length item with one of a different length. BDAM or BSAM (CREATE) - either: 1. A specification error occurred, or 2. An I/O error occurred while reading or writing KEYS, or 3. The XTENT option was not specified in the FILEDEF command, or the XTENT was too small. BPAM - An I/O error occurred while reading in or writing out the directory of a MACLIB file. IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes CONSOLE INPUT Code 2 12 Meaning Invalid code - no read was issued. A null line or end-of-file condition was encountered. CONSOLE OUTPUT None. TAPE INPUT AND OUTPUT Code 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 12 Meaning An invalid function or option list was encountered. A permanent I/O error occurred. An invalid device identification was specified. The tape was not attached. The tape is file protected. A serious tape error occurred. Incorrect length error. An end-of-file or end-of-tape condition was encountered. PRINTER Code 1 2 3 5 100 Meaning The buffer size is too large. Channel 12 was sensed (virtual 3211 only). Channel 9 was sensed (virtual 3211 only). An unknown error occurred. The device is not attached, or intervention is required. CARD READER Code 2 3 4 5 8 12 100 Meaning The file was not read. An unknown error occurred. The device is not operational. The count was not equal to the requested count. The given storage area was smaller than the actual size of the item read. (Recoverable error; the number of bytes corresponding to the size of the buffer have been read.) End of file was reached. The device is not attached. CARD PUNCH Code 2 3 4 100 Meaning An unrecoverable unit check occurred. An unknown error occurred. The device is not operational. The device is not attached. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 247 121S UNSUPPORTED SVC svc (HEX xx) CALLED FROM addr Explanation: The caller issued an SVC, specifying a number that was not recognized by the CMS or CMS/DOS SVC handler. The CMS SVC handler recognizes the following SVC numbers: • SVC 202 (X'CA') and SVC 203 (X'CB') are always recognized by the CMS SVC handler, since these SVCs are used to specify CMS system functions and commands. • A program may specify an SVC handling routine by means of the HNDSVC function. Until cleared, these SVC numbers are recognized by the SVC handler. • Certain SVC numbers are supported by the OS macro simulation routines. There are two types of these simulation routines. The SVC numbers supported by the storage-resident CMS nucleus are always recognized by the SVC handler. Those supported by the disk-resident transient library are recognized by the SVC handler only if the file DMSSVT module can be found. • Certain SVC numbers are supported by the DOS macro simulation routines. The SVC numbers supported by the shared segment resident routine are always recognized by the SVC handler. System Action: After the error message is displayed, no further action is taken. Control returns to the routine that made the SVC. For DMSDOS, RC = 100, and execution of the command terminates. User Response: To stop execution of the program, type HX. You can remove the specified SVC call from the caller's program, or use the CMS SVC handler function (HNDSVC) to provide your own routine to handle the specified SVC. 122S ERROR IN CALL TO routine FROM addr, ERROR CODE nnn (HEX xxxxxx) Explanation: A CMS SVC (202 or 203) instruction was executed, and no provision was made for an error return from the routine processing the SVC. Nonetheless, an error occurred. "nnn" is the return code, in decimal, issued by the routine given in the message; "xxxxxx" is the same return code, in hexadecimal. System Action: The system is terminated abnormally with abend code X'OF3'. User Response: If you enter DEBUG and type GO, control returns to the point to which a normal return would have been made. Register 15 contains the error code. 248 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 123S ERROR nn {PRINTING IPUNCHING} FILE fn ft fm Explanation: An I/O error was encountered while attempting to print or punch a record. Refer to message DMSxxx120s for an explanation of error codes. System Action: RC = 100 The output device is closed and execution of the command is terminated. User Response: Use the error code to determine possible cause of error. Reissue the command, and if the error persists, contact your system support personnel. 124S ERROR READING CARD FILE Explanation: A permanent input/output error occurred when reading a specified file. System Action: RC = 100 Execution of the command is terminated. The reader is closed with the HOLD option to attempt to preserve the file. User Response: Reissue the command. If the error persists, contact your installation support personnel. 125S PERMANENT UNIT CHECK ON DISK mode(raddr) Explanation: An unrecoverable I/O error occurred on the specified disk. RC = 100 System Action: Execution of the command terminates. Some cylinders may have been formatted which will be indicated by message DMSFOR7321. If you receive the error message DMSFOR125S when doing a CMS format of a 3340/3344 disk, the error probably resulted from a defective track on the disk. CMS uses overflow records on 3340/3344 devices for 2K BLKSIZE, but VM does not provide alternate track recovery on 3340/3344 disks when overflow records are involved. User Response: Contact your system support personnel. 126S ERROR {READING IWRITING} LABEL ON DISK mode(raddr) Explanation: An unrecoverable I/O error occurred on the specified disk. System Action: RC = 100 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Contact your system support personnel. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 249 127S UNSUPPORTED DEVICE FOR ddname Explanation: The command does not support the device specified for the given ddname. System Action: RC = 100 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Reissue the FILEDEF command, specifying the correct device type, and retry the command. If the error persists, call your system support personnel. 128S I/O ERROR ON INPUT AFTER READING nnn RECORDS: INPUT ERROR code ON ddname Explanation: The SYNAD exit was taken in response to an OPEN, GET, or CLOSE macro on the DCB for the specified ddname. The meaning· of the error code can be found in the explanation of message DMSxxx120S in this manual. System Action: RC = 100 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Correct the condition causing the I/O error, and reissue the command. 129S I/O ERROR ON OUTPUT WRITING RECORD NUMBER nnnn: OUTPUT ERROR code ON ddname Explanation: The SYNAD exit was taken in response to an OPEN, PUT, or CLOSE macro on the DCB for the specified ddname. The meaning of the error code can be found in the explanation of message DMSxxx120S in this manual. System Action: RC = 100 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Correct the condition causing the I/O error, and reissue the command. 130S BLOCKSIZE ON V FORMAT FILE ddname IS LESS THAN 9 Explanation: The FILEDEF for the ddname specifies a record format (RECFM) of V, but the specified blocksize (BLOCK) is less than nine. Note: A block of a variable length (V-format) file begins with a four byte field giving the size of the block. Furthermore, each logical record within the block begins with a four byte field specifying the size of that logical record. For that reason, a V-format file cannot have a blocksize less than nine. System Action: RC = 88 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Specify a blocksize of nine or greater, and retry. 250 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 131S IPL DEVICE WRITE I/O ERROR Explanation: An uncorrectable 110 error occurred while writing the nucleus. System Action: The system continues as if the user had responded "no tt to DMSINI607R. User Response: Make sure that the nucleus cylinder number is not larger than the size of the disk. If it is, perform an IPL and specify the correct cylinder number. If it is not, call your system support personnel. 132S FILE fn ft fm TOO LARGE Explanation: The specified file is too large for the user's virtual machine. System Action: RC = 88 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Split the file, or use the CP command DEFINE to increase the size of the virtual machine, and reissue the command. 133S INVALID GETMAIN OR FREEMAIN SPECIFICATION Explanation: Either the user passed invalid parameters or the GETMAIN or FREEMAIN chain has been destroyed. System Action: The syst~m is terminated abnormally with abend code X'704', X'705', X'804t, X'80A', X'905', X'90A', X'A05 t, or X'AOA'. User Response: Check for possible GETMAIN or FREEMAIN specification errors in the user program. 134S UNSUPPORTED SVC 203 CODE nn CALLED FROM addr. Explanation: SVC 203 was executed, and the halfword code following it was not recognized by the system. System Action: The system is terminated abnormally with abend code X'OFl'. User Response: If you enter DEBUG and type GO, control returns to the point following the sve call. 135S MAXIMUM SVC DEPTH nnnn HAS BEEN EXCEEDED WITH CALL AT addr Explanation: SVC recursion occurs when one SVC handling routine executes an SVC instruction which invokes another SVC handling routine which, in turn, executes an SVC instruction. This can happen, for example, when EXEC files make nested calls to other EXEC files. The CMS system does not allow the nesting level of SVCs to exceed nnnn. System Action: The system is terminated abnormally with abend code X'OF2'. User Response: Type in the next command; this will cause abend recovery to take place. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 251 l36S UNABLE TO LOAD IDCAMS Explanation: The command has not been executed because Access Method Services could not successfully load the DOS/VS IDCAMS Access· Method Services program. System Action: RC = 104 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Verify whether sufficient virtual storage is available to run Access Method Services under CMS/VSAM. If not, define a larger virtual machine, IPL CMS again, and reissue the command. If sufficient storage was available, contact your system support personnel. l36T SVC CALL FROM addr ILLEGALLY RE-ENTERS INTSVC. RE-IPL CMS Explanation: The CMS nucleus has failed. An SVC instruction was executed unexpectedly by the CMS nucleus before interpretation of the preceding SVC call had been completed. System Action: The system is terminated by loading a disabled wait state PSW. User Response: Issue the CP DUMP command to get a dump of virtual storage, save the output, and call IBM for software support. Then IPL CMS again. l37S ERROR nn ON STATE FOR fn ft fm Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to determine if a 'fn ft' exists that must be erased before continuing to load the tape. nn indicates the nature of the error; it may be one of the following: Code 20 36 Meaning An invalid character appeared in the fileid. The disk is not accessed. System Action: RC = 100 The tape is positioned within the data file. User Response: If you can determine the problem from the "Explanation" and remedy the condition, reissue the command. Otherwise, reissue the command and if the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. l37T CALL TO routine FROM addr DESTROYED SYSTEM SAVE AREA. RE-IPL CMS Explanation: A critical system control block was found to contain invalid information upon return from a function or command. System Action: The system is terminated by loading a disabled wait state PSW. User Response: IPL CMS again. 252 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 138S ERROR nn ERASING fn ft BEFORE LOADING TAPE Explanation: After determining that there was a file named 'fn ft' on the A-disk, an attempt was made to erase it before continuing the PDS load from tape. However, the erase failed for the specified reason. Code 24 28 36 Meaning The disk is read-only, or the option, parameter, mode, or fileid is invalid. Erase is not allowed. The file was not found. The disk is not accessed. System Action: RC = 100 Execution of the command is terminated. The tape is positioned within the data file. User Response: Access the A-disk in write mode and reissue the command. 138T DMSKEY CALL FROM addr OVERFLOWS KEY STACK, WITH MAX DEPTH 7 Explanation: The DMSKEY key stack overflowed. For a complete description of the DMSKEY key stack, see the description of the DMSKEY macro in the VM/SP HPO System Programmer's Guide. System Action: The system is terminated abnormally with abend code X'OF4'. User Response: If you enter DEBUG and type go, execution continues and the DMSKEY macro is ignored. 139S TAPE FILE EXCEEDS 9 CMS MACLIBS Explanation: Nine CMS MACLIBs have already been created and there is still more data on the tape. System Action: RC = 104 Execution of the command is terminated; the tape is positioned within the data file. User Response: If possible, increase the ITEMCT value in order to create larger CMS files. If this is not possible, it may be necessary to use the TAPPDS command to load each member as a .different file on the disk and then create the MACLIBs from the individual files using the MACLIB command. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 253 139T DMSKEY RESET FROM addr UNDERFLOWS KEY STACK Explanation: The DMSKEY key stack was empty and a program routine tried to delete one more key from it. For a complete description of the DMSKEY key stack, see the description of the DMSKEY macro in the VM/SP HPO System Programmer's Guide. System Action: The system is terminated abnormally with abend code X'OF5'. User Response: If you enter DEBUG and type "go", execution continues and the DMSKEY macro is ignored. 1408 {functionIFEOVDISEOVIFEOV} {MACROIFUNCTION(S)} Explanation: CMS/DOS does not support the specified macros or 'functions. System Action: RC = 100 Execution of the command is terminated. User Response: Eliminate the unsupported macros or functions from the user program and reissue the command. 140T routine ROUTINE CALLED FROM addr DID DMSKEY WITH NO RESET. Explanation: When control returned from a command or function, the DMSKEY key stack for that command or function was not empty. For a complete description of the DMSKEY key stack, refer to the description of the DMSKEY macro in the VM/SP HPO System Programmer's Guide. System Action: The system is terminated abnormally with abend code X'OF6'. User Response: If you enter DEBUG and type "go", control returns from the function or command as if the key stack were empty. 141S DOSGEN FAILED DUE TO SAVESYS ERRORS Explanation: Errors occurred while trying to issue the CP SAVESYS command to save the discontiguous shared segment. System Action: RC = 100 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: A CP error message was issued before this message. Locate the CP error message and follow the user action given. 254 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 141T exception EXCEPTION OCCURRED AT addr IN ROUTINE callee Explanation: The specified hardware exception occurred at the specified location. System Action: The system is terminated abnormally with abend code X'OCn', where n depends on the type of exception: n o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F Type Imprecise Operation Privileged operation Execute Protection Addressing Specification Decimal data Fixed-point overflow Fixed-point divide Decimal overflow Decimal divide Exponent overflow Exponent underflow Significance Floating-point divide User Response: Enter DEBUG mode to examine the PSW and registers .at the time of the exception. 142S SAVED SYSTEM NAME name INVALID Explanation: The name specified with the SET command was not the same as one of the labels in the SYSNAMES table; that is, it was not CMSSEG, CMSDOS, CMSAMS, or CMSVSAM. System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. User Response: Reissue the command, specifying a valid name. Conversational Monitor System (eMS) Messages 255 142T exception EXCEPTION OCCURRED AT addr IN ROUTINE routine DURING SPIE EXIT ROUTINE Explanation: The specified hardware exception occurred during a SPIE exit routine. System Action: The system abends with abend code X'OCn', where n depends on the type of exception. n o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F Type Imprecise Operation Privileged operation Execute Protection Addressing Specification Decimal data Fixed-point overflow Fixed-point divide Decimal overflow Decimal divide Exponent overflow Exponent underflow Significance Floating-point divide User Response: Enter DEBUG mode to examine the PSW and registers at the time of the exception. 148S UNABLE TO LOAD SAVED SYSTEM OR LOAD MODULE [ERROR CODE = nn] Explanation: Neither a CMS segment nor an EDMAIN load module is available. Code 2 4 Meaning indicates DCSS was not available, and the CMS subset was active so the XED MAIN module could not be loaded. indicates DCSS was available but an error occurred while trying to load it. The CMS subset was active and the XEDMAIN module could not be loaded. System Action: RC = 40 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Access a disk with an EDMAIN MODULE or use the SET command to ensure that the CMSSEG entry in the SYSNAMES table contains the name of an available CMS segment. 148T exception EXCEPTION OCCURRED AT addr in SYSTEM ROUTINE called. IPL CMS again . Explanation: The specified hardware exception occurred in a CMS system routine. System Action: The CMS system halts by loading a disabled wait state PSW. 256 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes User Response: You may continue processing (with DEBUG) by using the CP command STORE PSW to turn off the wait state bit in the virtual PSW, leaving the address field unmodified; then type BEGIN. Note, however, that the exception may have occurred in a vital system function, and so the system may no longer function properly. You may even lose your read/write disks. If this happens, IPL CMS again. 1448 REQUESTED FILE IS IN ACTIVE STATUS Explanation: The fileid specified in the EDIT command line is that of a file currently in use, or in active status. The read pointer for the file may be at any record in the file, which would cause that record to be read into storage by the Editor as the first record in the file. A subsequent FILE or SAVE command would result in loss of records prior to the first record read into storage. This problem could exist if an EXEC is being executed which includes an EDIT command specifying the fileid of the EXEC. System Action: Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Ensure that the file is not active when the EDIT command is issued. In the EXEC example, change the EXEC and issue the EDIT command separately. 144T exception EXCEPTION OCCURRED AT addr IN ROUTINE called WHILE UFDBUSY = xx. IPL CMS AGAIN Explanation: A program exception occurred in a routine that updates the user file directory for a read/write disk. The UFDBUSY flags are set. The UFDBUSY flags are defined in the FVSSECT of the VM/SP HPO Data Areas and Control Block Logic. System Action: The CMS system halts by loading a disabled wait state PSW. User Response: You can continue processing by using the CP command STORE PSW to turn off the wait state bit in the virtual PSW, leaving the address field unmodified; then type BEGIN. Note, however, that the exception may have occurred in a vital system function, and so the system may no longer function properly. You may even lose your read/write disks. 1458 INTERVENTION REQUIRED ON {PRINTERIPUNCH} Explanation: This message is issued if: • The punch or printer is not ready. • Spooling space is exhausted while a file is being punched or printed. • FCB (3203/3211) does not match carriage control • The printer has an extended FCB with the duplication feature selected. This error occurs with the CMS PRINT command because the heading line is too long. For the PRINTL macro, the specified duplication offset is invalid for the given line length, or the line is too long to be duplicated. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 257 System Action: RC = 100 If the punch or printer was not ready, the system status remains the same. If spooling space was exhausted, the file has been punched or printed up to the point where the space ran out, and the system operator has been notified of the condition. If the EXTENDED FCB duplication feature was invalid, then the file has been printed up to the point that the invalid duplication was encountered. User Response: Ready the punch or printer via the CP READY command. If spooling space was exhausted, ask the system operator when spooling space will be available for punching or printing the file again. The form control buffer should be loaded if the printer was previously attached to a user or there is a mis-match between the FCB and carriage control. If the FeB needs to be loaded, refer to LOADBUF command in the VM/ SP HPO Operator's Guide. If the EXTENDED FCB duplication feature was selected and if the CMS PRINT command was issued, load an FCB that does not have the duplication feature, or disable the duplication feature on the printer. If the PRINTL macro was issued, adjust the line length and/or the duplication offset, or disable the duplication feature. 1461 IDUMP FOR identifier mm/dd/yy hh:mm Explanation: This message is issued to inform the operator that an IDUMP was taken on the virtual printer. System Action: Processing continues. This is only an informational message. User Response: None. 147R IS THE SHARED {S-DISK/Y-DISK} DIRECTORY TO BE USED WITH THIS SYSTEM? YES NO Explanation: Since the shared directories are copies of the current in-storage UFDS, the segment must be generated on the same level system to use the segment. System Action: None. User Response: If the currently generated system is the wrong level or the shared directory feature is not wanted, reply 'NO'. A reply of 'YES' causes the current in-storage S-STAT or Y-STAT to be copied into the CMSZER segment and saved with the named segment. If you reply 'NO' to this S·DISK message, the system will also bypass erasing the Y-DISK. 148T SYSTEM ABEND xxx CALLED FROM addr Explanation: The system detected a condition that made it impossible to continue execution of your program or command. System Action: The system clears any stacked input lines and allows you to enter your next command. If you enter the DEBUG command, DEBUG mode is entered with the PSW and registers set as they were when the abend occurred. If you enter any other command, the abend recovery routine releases all your virtual storage 258 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes and reinitializ~s the command handling mechanism before executing your next command. User Response: Enter a valid command. 149T nnn (HEX xxx) DOUBLEWORDS OF SYSTEM STORAGE HAVE BEEN DESTROYED. RE-IPL CMS Explanation: In attempting to recover from a system abend, the abend recovery routine discovered invalid data in some critical system storage area. System Action: The CMS system halts by loading a disabled wait state PSW. User Response: If you wish to continue abend recovery, use the CP STORE command PSW to turn off the wait state bit, leaving the address field unmodified; then type BEGIN. However, the system may be unable to continue operating properly, and, in the worst case, you may destroy your read/write disks. 150W nnn (HEX xxx) DOUBLE WORDS OF SYSTEM STORAGE WERE NOT RECOVERED Explanation: In attempting to recover from a system abend, not all system storage was recovered. System Action: Abend recovery proceeds as if storage recovery had been successful. User Response: You may continue processing; your program should be executed correctly. Note, however, that the amount of storage available to your program is reduced by the amount shown in the message. 151E 3278 MOD 5 DISPLAY TERMINAL NOT SUPPORTED BY OLDCMS EDITOR Explanation: The 3278 MOD 5 is a new display device and is not supported by the old CMS editor. System Action: The EDIT session is terminated. User Response: The 3278 MOD 5 display device may be used used under the system product editor in edit compatibility mode. For details, refer to the System Product Editor Command and Macro Reference. 152T SYSTEM ABEND xxx CALLED FROM addr WHILE UFDBUSY = xx. RE-IPL CMS Explanation: A system abend occurred in a routine that updates the user file directory for a read/write disk. The UFDBUSY flags are set. The UFDBUSY flags are defined in the FVSSECT of the VM/SP HPO Data Areas and Control Block Logic. System Action: The system is terminated by loading a disabled wait state PSW. User Response: If you wish to continue abend recovery, use the CP command STORE PSW to turn off the wait state bit leaving the address field unmodified, and type BEGIN. However, the system may be unable to Conversational Monitor System (eMS) Messages 259 continue operating properly, and, in the worst case, you may destroy your read/write disks. 153W HX DURING ABEND PROCESSING WAS IGNORED Explanation: 'HX' was typed while the abend processing routine was in progress. System Action: The system ignores the 'HX' and continues abend processing. User Response: None. 154T SAVE AREA FOR SVC CALL FROM addr CANNOT BE ALLOCATED Explanation: Insufficient free storage is available to allocate a save area for an SVC. System Action: The system is terminated abnormally with abend code X'OFO'. User Response: If the abend was caused by an error in the application program (such as an unending loop), fix the program and retry. If not, use the CP DEFINE command to increase the size of your virtual storage, IPL CMS again, and reissue the command. 155T USER ABEND nnnn CALLED FROM addr Explanation: An abend macro was executed at the specified location. System and User Action: The system clears any stacked input lines and allows you to type in your next command. If you enter the DEBUG command, DEBUG mode is established with the PSW and registers set as they were when the abend occurred. If you enter any other command, the abend recovery routine releases all your virtual storage and reinitializes the command handling mechanism before executing your next command. 156E {FROMIRECORD} nnn NOT FOUND - FILE fn ft fm HAS ONLY nnn RECORDS Explanation: The FROM option was given in the command line or set up by the DEFAULTS command to specify the starting record of the copying operation, but the specified input file does not contain that many records. System Action: RC = 32 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same, with the following exceptions: 260 • If the APPEND option was specified and the copying process began before the error was discovered, records have been appended to the output file. • If the NEW FILE (the default), REPLACE, or OVLY option was specified and the copying process began before the error was discovered, then COPYFILE CMSUTl, on the output disk, contains the records copied 80 far. IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes • If in multiple-output-file mode, several output files may have been created before the error was discovered. For the XEDIT command, a GET subcommand was issued that specified a record number beyond the end of file. User Response: Reissue the command, specifying a valid starting record. 157E LABEL label NOT FOUND IN FILE fn ft fm Explanation: The FRLABEL option was specified in the command line, but the given label was not found in the specified input file. System Action: RC = 32 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same, with the following exceptions: • If the APPEND option was specified and the copying process began before the error was discovered, records have been appended to the output file. • If the NEWFILE (the default), REPLACE, or OVLY option was specified and the copying process began before the error was discovered, then COPYFILE CMSUT1, on the output disk, contains the records copied so far. User Response: Reissue the command, specifying a valid label. 157S MACLIB LIMIT EXCEEDED {, LAST MEMBER ADDED WAS membername} Explanation: While files were being added to a MACLIB, either the maximum CMS file size (65533 items) was exceeded or the MACLIB disk space was filled. If the error was detected while writing the first member to a MACLIB, the last part of the message is omitted and message DMSLBM213W is also issued. Otherwise, the member name of the last successful addition is displayed. System Action: RC = 88 Execution of the command is terminated. All successful additions made before the limit was exceeded are contained in the MACLIB. User Response: Issue the LIST FILE command to determine if the number of MACLIB items is approaching 65533. If so, no more macros may be added to the MACLIB: it is at the CMS file size limit. Generate another MACLIB. Issue the QUERY command to see if the MACLIB disk is approximately 97 percent full. If so, more disk space must be found. Issue the MACLIB MAP command to determine the contents of MACLIB. 158E NO CMS/DOS PROCEDURE LIBRARY SUPPORT Explanation: CMS/DOS does not support the reading or writing of the DOS/VS procedure library from the user program. System Action: RC = 100 Execution of the command is terminated. User Response: Correct the ten-byte field passed to DMSOPL ($$BOPNLB) to indicate source library processing. Then reissue the command. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 261 159T INSUFFICIENT STORAGE AVAILABLE TO SATISFY DMSFREE REQUEST FROM addr Explanation: A DMSFREE request from the specified location could not be satisfied. If the request was variable, then even the minimum request could not be satisfied. System Action: The system makes no further attempt to allocate storage, and takes further action depending on the type of DMSFREE call that was made: • If the call was conditional (the ERR = option was specified), a return is made to the caller with a return code of 1. • If the call was unconditional and was made via SVC 203, a system abend OF7 occurs. • If the call was unconditional and was made by specifying TYPCALL = BALR in the DMSFREE macro, a system abend 'OF8 occurs. User Response: In the case of conditional requests, the programmer has presumably anticipated an error situation, and no further action is required. In the case of a system abend, issue the DEBUG command to attempt recovery from the situation. 160S JOB CANCELED DUE TO PROGRAM REQUEST Explanation: The job has been canceled either by a CANCEL macro issued from the user's program, or from the CMS/DOS routine when an error was encountered during execution. System Action: RC = 100 is given if CMS initiated the cancel. Otherwise the appropriate return code (from 0 - 255) will be passed back to the user (this is the return code passed from the user to DMSDOS). If the return code passed to DMSDOS is greater than 255, then DMSDOS passes a special RC= 101. User Response: If the cancel was initiated by the user's request, no action is needed. If an error message precedes this message, follow the user action of the preceding message. 160T INVALID DMSFREE CALL FROM addr Explanation: An invalid DMSFREE request was made. One of the following has occurred: • The number of doublewords requested was zero or negative. • For variable requests, the minimum request was greater than the maximum. (Note that this error is never detected if the maximum request can be satisfied. This point can be important where a program that has run successfully suddenly fails when less storage is available.) System Action: The system makes no further attempt to allocate storage, and takes further action depending on the type of DMSFREE call that was made: • 262 If the call was conditional (the ERR = option was specified), a return is made to the caller with a return code of 4. IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes • If the call was unconditional and made via SVC 203, a system abend OF7 occurs. • If the call was unconditional and was made by specifying TYPCALL = BALR in the DMSFREE macro, a system abend OF8 occurs. User Response: In the case of conditional requests, the programmer has presumably anticipated an error situation, and no further action is required. In the case of a system abend, use the DEBUG command to attempt a recovery from the situation. 161S UNEXPECTED ERROR CODE nn ON SYSxxx Explanation: An error occurred during an EXCP (SVC 0) request or during OVTOC, PVTOC, or CVTOC macro processing. Error codes 1-9 are for EXCP error codes; 10-20 are for OVTOC, PVTOC, and CVTOC. The error code indicates the type of error that occurred: Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Meaning No channel program(s) (CCW) address was specified in the CCB. The logical unit specified in the CCB is unassigned. The device specified for the logical unit in the CCB is unsupported. An invalid CCW command code was found. The logical unit specified in the CCB is assigned to an unknown disk. An attempt has been made to write to a DOS-formatted disk. A specified CCW command is unsupported in CMS/DOS. An attempt has been made to read from a disk not in CMS, DOS, or OS format. End-of-extent encountered before end-of-file on a DOS formatted disk. No DOSCB was found for the file associated with this request. The disk associated with this logical unit is not accessed. The disk associated with this request is not in a recognizable format (for example, OS, DOS, eMS). In attempting to find the real Common VTOC Handler for a DOS formatted disk, the CMSBAM segment was not found. The real Common VTOC Handler was not found in the CMSBAM DCSS. The attempted PVTOC request is not supported. No free storage available to process this request. The specified logical unit is not assigned. Incorrect Fl label address specified on a PVTOC READ by address or PVTOC WRITE by address request. The CMS file specified for this request was not found. The physical device assigned to this logical unit is not the same as the device specified for this logical unit in the DOSCB. System Action: RC = 100 Execution of the routine is terminated. User Response: Use the error code to determine and correct the possible cause of error. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 263 161T INVALID DMSFRET CALL FROM addr, ERROR NUMBER nn Explanation: An invalid DMSFRET request was made from the specified address. The error number indicates the type of error that occurred: Error No. Meaning 5 The number of doublewords specified was zero or negative. 6 The block of storage being released was never allocated by DMSFREE. Such an error is detected if one of the following is found: 7 • The block does not lie entirely within those sections reserved for DMSFREE storage. • The block crosses a page boundary that separates a page allocated for TYPE = USER storage from a page allocated for TYPE = NUCLEUS storage. • The block over laps another block already on the free storage chain. The address given for the block being released is not doubleword aligned. System Action: The system makes no further attempt to release the storage block, and takes further action depending on the type of DMSFRET call made: • If the call was conditional (the ERR = option was specified), a return is made to the caller with a return code of 5, 6, or 7. • If the call was unconditional and was made via OF7 occurs. • If the call was unconditional and was made by specifying TYPCALL = BALR in the DMSFREE macro, a system abend OF8 occurs. sve 203, a system abend User Response: In the case of conditional requests, the programmer has presumably anticipated an error situation, and no further action is required. In the case of a system abend, use DEBUG to attempt to recover from the situation. 264 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 162T VITAL FREE STORAGE POINTERS DESTROYED (INTERNAL ERROR CODE nn), RE-IPL CMS Explanation: A free storage management pointer in NUCON has been destroyed. The system cannot continue. The error code indicates the type of error that occurred: Code 84 85 86 Meaning The current low EXTEND value (FREELOWE) is greater than VMSIZE. The current low EXTEND value is below the beginning user of the area. Bytes in FREETAB are not within the valid range. System Action: The system is terminated by loading a disabled wait state PSW. User Response: IPL CMS again. 163T {LOWIHIGH}-CORE USER CHAIN HAS BEEN DESTROYED (INTERNAL ERROR CODE nn) Explanation: The chain of all storage elements, from which DMSFREE storage with TYPE = USER (the default) is allocated, has been destroyed. Since these storage pointers are unprotected, a user program may inadvertently destroy them without getting a protection violation. The "internal error code" in the error message is for error analysis by system programmers. System Action: The system first displays message DMSFRE165T. Next, the system attempts to recover sufficiently so that processing can continue at least to the point where abend recovery can be performed. It does this by zeroing out the chain header pointers for the destroyed chain. This effectively "loses" any storage that is on that particular chain, but it allows processing to continue. (Note that abend recovery will later recover all "lost" TYPE = USER storage.) Further system action depends on the type of DMSFREE or DMSFRET call that was made: • If the call was conditional (the ERR = option was specified), a return is made to the caller with a return code of 2. • If the call was unconditional and was made via SVC 203, then a system abend OF7 occurs. • If the call was unconditional and was made by specifying TYPCALL = BALR in the DMSFREE macro, a system abend OF80ccurs. User Response: In the case of conditional requests, the programmer has presumably anticipated an error situation, and no further action is required. In the case of a system abend, use the DEBUG command to attempt a recovery from the situation. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 265 164T {LOWIHIGH}-CORE NUCLEUS STORAGE POINTERS DESTROYED (INTERNAL ERROR CODE nn). RE-IPL CMS Explanation: The chain of free-storage elements, from which DMSFREE storage with TYPE = NUCLEUS is allocated, has been destroyed. System Action: The system is terminated by loading a disabled wait state PSW. User Response: Issue the CP DUMP command to get a dump of virtual storage, and save the output for your system programmer. Then IPL CMS again. 165T CHAIN HEADER AT addr: xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx Explanation: This message appears in conjunction with messages DMSFRE163T and DMSFRE164T. It indicates the contents of the DMSFRE chain header block for the destroyed chain. System Action: See "System Action" for messages DMSFRE163T and DMSFRE164T. User Response: See "User Action" for messages DMSFRE163T and DMSFRE164T. 166T UNEXPECTED ERROR IN FREE STORAGE MANAGEMENT ROUTINE (INTERNAL ERROR CODE nn). RE-IPL CMS. Explanation: The DMSFRE routine had an unexpected internal error. Furthermore, a check showed that all internal free storage pointers were valid. System Action: The system is terminated by loading a disabled wait state PSW. User Response: Issue the CP DUMP command to get a dump of virtual storage, and save the output for your system programmer. Then IPL CMS again. 167S PREVIOUS MACLIB FUNCTION NOT FINISHED Explanation: A MACLIB GEN, ADD, REP, or DELETE function issued for this MACLIB was ended (for example via a HX command) prior to normal completion. System Action: RC = 88 The current command is not executed. The system status remains the same. User Response: The MACLIB status is unpredictable. Use the MACLIB GEN command to reconstruct the MACLIB. 266 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 167T FREE STORAGE MANAGEMENT ERROR, INTERNAL ERROR CODE nn Explanation: An error occurred in the free storage management routine that handles DMSFRES, DMSFREE, and DMSFRET requests. Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Error (DMSFREE) Insufficient storage space is available to satisfy a free storage request or the minimum request could not be satisfied on a variable request. (DMSFREE or DMSFRET) User storage pointers destroyed. (DMSFREE, DMSFRET, or DMSFRES) Nucleus storage pointers destroyed. (DMSFREE) An invalid size was requested. This error exit is taken if the requested size does not exceed zero. For variable requests, the minimum request exceeds the maximum request. (However, the latter error is not detected if DMSFRE is able to satisfy the maximum request.) (DMSFRET) An invalid size was passed to the DMSFRET macro. The specified length is not positive. (DMSFRET) The block of storage that is being released was never allocated by DMSFREE. One of the following errors occurred: • The block was not within either the low storage free storage area or the user program area (between FREELOWE and FEEUPPR). • The block crosses a page boundary that separates a page allocated for user storage from a page allocated for nucleus type storage. • The block overlaps another block already on the free storage chain. (DMSFRET) The address given for the block being released is not double word aligned. (DMSFRES) An invalid request code was passed to the DMSFRES routine. Since all request codes are generated by the DMSFRES macro, this error code should never appear. (DMSFREE, DMSFRET, or DMFRES) Unexpected and unexplained error in the free storage management routine. System Action: The system begins to check all free storage pointers for consistency to see if any have been destroyed. The system displays further diagnostic messages when inconsistencies are discovered. User Response: Check the "User Action" for the further diagnostic messages that are produced. 168S PSEUDO REGISTER TABLE OVERFLOW Explanation: (START or LOAD/INCLUDE START). The pseudo register index table is full. There are too many pseudo registers (external dummy sections) in the loaded files. This is a system restriction. System Action: RC = 104 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Correct the Assembler program and try again. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 267 169S ESDID TABLE OVERFLOW Explanation: An external symbol dictionary identification table overflow has occurred. The maximum number of external names per text deck (START or first CSECT to end card) is 255. This is a system restriction. System Action: RC = 104 Loading stops. The system status remains the same. User Response: Divide your program into smaller units and try again. 170S DISK mode (vaddr) HAS MAXIMUM NUMBER OF FILES Explanation: 3400 files have been written. If any additional files were written, the disk area that contains the file status table blocks would overflow. System Action: RC = 10 The file is not written. The system status remains the same. User Response: Erase some files from the disk. 171T PERMANENT CONSOLE ERROR. RE-IPL eMS Explanation: Either the terminal is not operational (for example, Start I/O trouble has occurred) or the status of the terminal is unexpected (for example, channel errors, or bad interrupt sequence). System Action: The system is terminated by loading a disabled wait state PSW. The wait state PSW contains the CMS nucleus address where the error occurred. User Response: IPL eMS again. 172E TO LABEL label {EQUALSIIS AN INITIAL SUBSTRING OF} FRLABEL label Explanation: The TOLABEL and FRLABEL options were specified. Either both labels were equal, or the TOLABEL was an initial substring of the FRLABEL label (as "ABC" is an initial substring of "ABCD"). This is an error condition because it implies that no records whatsoever are to be copied to the output file. System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Correct and reissue the command. 268 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 173E NO RECORDS WERE COPIED TO OUTPUT FILE fn ft fm Explanation: The options specified for the input files caused no records to be copied. This will happen, for example, if the FRLABEL label appears in the first record of each (or the only) input file being copied to the output file. System Action: RC = 40 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same, with the following exceptions: • If the APPEND option was specified and the copying process began before the error was discovered, records have been appended to the output file. • If the NEW FILE (the default), REPLACE, or OVLY option was specified and the copying process began before the error was discovered, then COPYFILE CMSUT1, on the output disk, contains the records copied so far. • If in multiple output file mode, several output files may have been created before the error was discovered. User Response: Correct and reissue the command. 174W SEQUENCE ERROR INTRODUCED IN OUTPUT FILE: ......... TO Explanation: The updating procedure caused a sequence error to be introduced into the output file. That is, in the output file there were two records (with the sequence numbers shown in the warning message) such that the sequence number in the first record was equal to or exceeded the sequence number in the second. System Action: RC = 8 The invalid sequence numbers are left in the records, which are written to the output file. Update processing continues, and, if the CTL option was specified, additional update passes are made. If several warning messages are generated during the updating process, the final return code passed by the UPDATE command will be the highest return code (4, 8, or 12) associated with the warning messages. The REP option, if it was specified, will be ignored, and the final update deck will have the fileid "$fname ftype". See the explanation of message DMSUPD177I for further information on the meanings of the UPDATE warning return codes. User Response: Probably, the resequencing field following the "$" in the last update control card contained invalid data. Correct the invalid control card in the update file, and reissue the UPDATE command. 175E INVALID EXEC COMMAND Explanation: An error has been detected in the parameter list to DMSEXE. System Action: RC = 10000 Execution is terminated at the point of the error. User Response: Correct the parameter list and reexecute the EXEC. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 269 176W SEQUENCING OVERFLOW FOLLOWING SEQ NUMBER .•.•..... Explanation: When the resequencing increment was added to the sequence number shown, the result overflowed the maximum sequence number. If the SEQ8 option is in effect, the maximum sequence number is 99999999. If the NOSEQ8 option is in effect, however, the maximum sequence number is 99999. System Action: RC = 8 The new sequence number is truncated on the left to 8 or 5 digits (depending on the status of the SEQ8 option). A sequencing error is introduced into the output file. Update processing continues, and, if the CTL option was specified, additional update passes are made. If several warning messages are generated during the updating process, the final return code passed by the UPDATE command is the highest of the return codes (4 or 8 or 12) associated with the warning messages. The REP option, if it was specified, is ignored, and the final update deck has the fileid "$fname ftype". See the explanation of message DMSUPD177I for further information on the meanings of the UPDATE warning return codes. User Response: Probably, the resequencing field following "$" in the last update control card contained invalid data. Correct the invalid control card in the update file, and reissue the UPDATE command. 1771 WARNING MESSAGES ISSUED (SEVERITY IGNORED.} = nn). {REP OPTION Explanation: Warning messages were issued during the updating process. The severity shown in the error message in the "nn" field is the highest of the return codes associated with the warning messages that were generated during the updating process. The warning return codes have the following meanings: Code 4 8 12 Meaning Sequence errors were detected in the original source file being updated. Sequence errors that did not formerly exist in the original source file being updated were introduced in the output file during the updating process. Any other nonfatal error detected during the updating process has a return code of 12. Such errors include invalid update file control cards and missing PTF files. System Action: The severity value is passed back as the return code from the UPDATE command. In addition, if the REP option was specified in the command line, it is ignored, and the updated source file has the fileid "$fname ftype", as if the REP option had not been specified. User Response: Refer to the warning messages that were issued and correct the errors. 270 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 1781 UPDATING 'fn ft fm' APPLYING 'fn ft fm' {[APPLYING 'fn ft fm']} Explanation: The specified update file is being applied to the source file. This.message appears only if the CTL option has been specified in the command line. System Action: The updating process continues. User Response: None. 179E MISSING OR DUPLICATE 'MACS' CARD IN CONTROL FILE 'fn ft fm' Explanation: The CTL option was specified, but the control file did not contain exactly one 'MACS' control card. System Action: RC = 32 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same, with the following possible exceptions: • If a file with the fileid "$fname ftype" existed on the output disk before the command was entered, this file may have been erased. • If the DISK option was in effect, and if a file with the fileid "fname UPDLOG" existed on the output disk before the command was entered, this file may have been erased. • If the CTL option was in effect, and if a file with the fileid "fname UPDATES" existed on the output disk before the command was entered, this file may have been erased. • If update processing had begun before the error was detected, any or all of the following files may have been created on the output disk by the UPDATE command: UPDATE CMSUTl $fname ftype fname UPDLOG fname UPDATES - if the DISK option was in effect - if the CTL option was in effect For the XEDIT command, the updating process continues. User Response: Correct the invalid control file and reissue the UPDATE command. 1791 COMPARING 'fn ft fm' WITH 'fn ft fm' Explanation: The specified files are being compared. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 271 180W MISSING PTF FILE 'fn ft fm' Explanation: An AUX file indicated that the specified PTF file was to be applied as an update file, but the file could not be found. Either the AUX file contains invalid data, or a PTF file is missing. System Action: RC = 12 Application of the PTF file is skipped. Update processing continues, and, if the CTL option was specified, additional update passes are made. If several warning messages are generated during the updating process, the final return code passed by the UPDATE command is the highest of all return codes (4 or 8 or 12) associated with the warning messages. The REP option, if it was specified, is ignored, and the final update deck has the fileid "$fname ftype". See the explanation of message"DMSUPD177I for further information on the meanings of the UPDATE warning return codes. User Response: Correct the invalid data in the AUX file, or use the ACCESS command to access the disk containing the missing PTF file. 18lE NO UPDATE FILES WERE FOUND Explanation: The CTL option was specified, but none of the update and PTF files specified by the control file and the AUX file(s) were found. As a result, no updates at all were applied to the original source file. System Action: RC = 40 Execution of the command is terminated, since no updating can be performed. If the STK option was specified, the two lines of stacked data were placed on the stack before this error, so that they will still be available to an EXEC that invoked the UPDATE command. This situation mayor may not be an error situation. The return code, 40, is unique in that no other UPDATE error message has that value as a return code. Thus, the same EXEC can be used to assemble source files that have updates against them, and those that have no updates against them. The latter situation can be detected by testing for a return code of 40, and by assembling the "fname" file rather than the "$fname" file. User Response: If this is not an error condition, no action need be taken. If this is an error condition, it is the result of either missing update or PTF files, or invalid data in the control file. Either correct the invalid data or recover the missing files, and reissue the command. 182W SEQUENCE INCREMENT IS ZERO Explanation: A sequem;:e increment of zero was specified either in a ".f S" control card, or in the "$" field of a ".f I" or ".f R" control card. System Action: RC = 8 Although the warning message is issued, the sequence increment of zero is actually used, in case that was what the user wanted. Update processing continues, and, if the CTL option was specified, additional update passes are made. 272 IBM VMfSP HPO System Messages and Codes If several warning messages are generated during the updating process, the final return code issued by the UPDATE command is the maximum of all return codes (4 or 8 or 12) associated with the generated warning messages. The REP option, if it was specified, is ignored, and the final update deck has the fileid "$fname ftype". See the explanation of message DMSUPD177I for further information on the meanings of the UPDATE warning return codes. User Response: Unless you intentionally specified a sequence increment of zero, correct the invalid update control card and reissue the UPDATE command. 183E INVALID {CONTROLIAUX} FILE CONTROL CARD Explanation: An invalid control card was found in an AUX file or a control file. System Action: RC = 32 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same, with the following possible exceptions: • If a file with the fileid "$fname ftype" existed on the output disk before the command was entered, this file may have been erased. • If the DISK option was in effect, and if a file with the fileid "fname UPDLOG" existed on the output disk before the command was entered, this file may have been erased. • If the CTL option was in effect, and if a file with the fileid "fname UPDATES" existed on the output disk before the command was entered, this file may have been erased. • If update processing had begun before the error was detected, then any or all of the following files may have been created on the output disk: UPDATE CMSUTl $fname ftype fname UPDLOG fname UPDATES - if the DISK option was in effect. - if the CTL option was in effect. For the XEDIT command, the execution of the command or subcommand is terminated. However, if multiple files were being edited, the editing session continues. In addition, the following information is displayed for both AUX and CONTROL files: 'fn ft':'invalid card' RECORD 'nn' ---- > > * where the asterisk (*) is positioned under the invalid character in the 'invalid card' displayed in the preceding line User Response: Correct the invalid control card and reissue the UPDATE command. For DMSPRE, correct the invalid control card and reissue the PRELOAD command. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 273 184W './ S' NOT FIRST CARD IN UPDATE FILE -- IGNORED Explanation: A ".f S" control card was encountered in the update file, but it was not the first noncomment card in the update control file. System Action: RC = 12 The invalid card is ignored. Update processing continues, and, if the CTL option was specified, additional update passes are made. If several warning messages are generated during the updating process, the final return code issued by the UPDATE command is the maximum of all return codes (4 or 8 or 12) associated with the generated warning messages. The REP option~, if itwas specified, is ignored, and the final update deck has the fileid "$fname ftype". See the explanation of message DMSUPD177I for further information on the meanings of the UPDATE warning return codes. User Response: Correct the update file by moving the".f S" control card to the beginning of the update file. Then reissue the UPDATE command. 185W {INVALIDINON NUMERIC} CHARACTER IN SEQUENCE FIELD Explanation: An update file control card specified a sequence number that contained an invalid character. Only the digits 0 through 9 may be used to specify a sequence number. System Action: RC = 12 The invalid update control card is ignored. Furthermore, any cards following it, up to the next ".f" card in the update file, will be ignored. Update processing continues, and, if the CTL option was specified, additional update passes are made. If several warning messages are generated during the updating process, the final return code issued by the UPDATE command is the maximum of all return codes (4 or 8 or 12) associated with the generated warning messages. The REP option, if it was specified, is ignored, and the final update deck has the fileid "$fname ftype". See the explanation of message DMSUPD177I for further information on the meanings of the UPDATE warning return codes. User Response: Correct the invalid control card in the update file, and reenter the UPDATE command. 186W SEQUENCE NUMBER [' .......• '] NOT FOUND Explanation: A sequence number specified by an update file control card could not be found in the input file. An input sequence number higher than the one specified was found. System Action: RC = 12 The input file is positioned at the record whose sequence number exceeds the sequence number being searched for. • 274 If the invalid sequence field was the first argument of a ".f R", ".1 I", or ".f D" operation, all records encountered up to that point were copied to the output file. IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes • If the invalid sequence field was the second argument of a "./ R" or "./ D" operation, records encountered up to that point were not copied, and so were, in effect, deleted. In any event, no further deleting or inserting takes place for that control' card, and any cards following this card, up to the next".f" card in the update control file, are ignored. Update processing continues, and, if the CTL option was specified, additional update passes are made. • If several warning messages are generated during the updating process, the final return code issued by the UPDATE command is the maximum of all return codes (4 or 8 or 12) associated with the generated warning messages. The REP option, if it was specified, is ignored, and the final update deck has the fileid "$fname ftype". For the XEDIT command, the execution of the command or subcommand is terminated. However, if multiple files were being edited, the editing session continues. In addition, the following information is displayed for both AUX and CONTROL files: 'fn ft':'invalid card' RECORD 'nn' ---- > > * where the asterisk (*) is positioned under the invalid character in the 'invalid card' displayed in the preceding line See the "Explanation" of message DMSUPD177I for further information on the meanings of the UPDATE warning return codes. User Response: Correct the invalid control card in the update file, and reenter the UPDATE command. 187E OPTION 'STK' INVALID WITHOUT 'CTL' Explanation: The STK option was specified with the UPDATE command. This option requires the CTL option, but CTL was not specified in the command line. System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Reissue the command, specifying the CTL option. 190W INVALID CONTROL RECORD OR NO GO SWITCH SET Explanation: Either the input control record was invalid or the NO GO switch was previously set. If the NO GO switch was not previously set, the input control record is invalid, and this causes the NO GO switch to be set at this time. System Action: RC = 4 Execution of the command continues. All REP control records are ignored until the next NAME or END control record is encountered. User Response: Determine the cause of the error and correct it; then reissue the command. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 275 191W PATCH OVERLAPS - SET NO GO SWITCH Explanation: The VER or REP displacement, or the DUMP start or end address, did not fit completely within the CSECT or MODULE. System Action: RC = 4 Execution of the command continues. All REP control records are ignored until the next NAME or END control record is encountered. User Response: Correct the displacement field or the start or end address of the control record and reissue the command. 192W ERROR - ODD NUMBER OF DIGITS - SET NO GO SWITCH. Explanation: Either an address or a data field of a control record had an odd number of digits. System Action: RC = 4 Execution of the command continues. All REP control records are ignored until the next NAME or END control record is encountered. User Response: Enter an even number of digits and reissue the command. 193W PRECEDING CONTROL RECORD FLUSHED Explanation: The NO GO switch was set by a previous control record and has not been reset. System Action: RC = 4 Execution of the command continues. User Response: A previous error message was issued. Check the "User Action" for that message. 1945 BOOK '' CONTAINS BAD RECORDS Explanation: The book being copied contains invalid source statement library records. System Action: RC = 100 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Recatalog the book on the system or private source statement library and reissue the command. 194W CSECT NOT FOUND IN {MEMBER 'membername'IMODULE 'modulename'} - SET NO GO SWITCH Explanation: The specified CSECT was not found in a library member or a module loader table. System Action: RG = 4 Execution of the command continues. All control records are· ignored until the next NAME or END control record is encountered. User Response: The control record with the invalid CSECT name has been printed at the printer or displayed at your terminal. Check the member or module for the proper CSECT name and reissue the command. 276 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 195W BASE VALUE INVALID - SET NO GO SWITCH Explanation: The BASE address did not match the CSECT address. System Action: RC = 4 Execution of the command continues. All REP control records are ignored until the next NAME or END control record is encountered. User Response: Insert the proper address in the BASE control record and reissue the command. 1961 PRT vaddr SETUP COMPLETE Explanation: The virtual 3800 printer setup has been completed. System Action: All the LOAD commands specified in the SETPRT call have been issued and the current spool file remains open for printing of data in that spool file. User Response: None. 1975 UNDIAGNOSED ERROR FROM PRINTER 'OOE' Explanation: An undiagnosed error occurred while trying to perform I/O to the device. System Action: Return Code = 100 None. User Response: Use the CP DETACH command to detach the 3800 that has something wrong in its definition. Then redefine it via the CP DEFINE command and try to reissue the command. 198E SETPRT CAUSED A LOAD CHECK - SNS = ssssssssss Explanation: A load check was caused by the SETPRT command. System Action: All output to the 3800 (up until the LOAD CHECK occurred) has been placed on the spool file. User Response: Find out why the particular module caused a Load Check (possibly by interpreting the returned sense bytes 'ssssssssss') and correct the problem or specify a different module. In any case, close the virtual 3800 with the PURGE option and reissue the SETPRT command with the correct parameters. 199E PRT 'OOE' NOT A VIRTUAL 3800 Explanation: The 'OOE' printer was not defined as a virtual 3800 printer. System Action: No output in the spool file. User Response: Redefine the virtual printer as a virtual 3800. Then reissue the SETPRT command. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 277 200W VERIFY REJECT - SET NO GO SWITCH Explanation: For DMSZAP, the data on the VER or VERIFY control record is not exactly the same as the data at the specified location in the specified file. System Action: RC = 4 Execution of the command continues. All REP control records are ignored until the next NAME or END control record is encountered. User Response: Determine the proper control information and correct the VER control record. Delete from the input stream any other VER-REP pairs that were processed successfully, and then reissue the command. 201W THE FOLLOWING NAMES ARE UNDEFINED: Explanation: A list of names of unresolved external references is displayed. Note: A name entered with the command is considered an unresolved external reference if no text file with that name can be located. System Action: RC = 4 Loading is completed. User Response: None; or obtain access to the files containing the unresolved references and issue the INCLUDE command. 202W DUPLICATE IDENTIFIER 'identifier' Explanation: A CSECT or entry point name was encountered more than once in the input stream to the loader. System Action: RC = 4 Only the first CSECT is loaded. Program execution may not proceed as expected. All references are resolved to the first name. User Response: Reassemble the program with a different identifier substituted for the duplicate. 203W "SET LOCATION COUNTER" NAME 'name' UNDEFINED Explanation: A name was specified on an SLC card in the loader input stream and that name had not yet occurred as an external name in the loader text file. System Action: RC The card is ignored. = 4 User Response: None; or check the name on the SLC card. 204E TOO MANY WCGM'S NEEDED FOR 'CHARS' Explanation: The collection of Character Arrangement Tables specified in the command line denote more WCGMs to be loaded than are available for the virtual 3800. (4 if 4WCGM is in effect and 2 otherwise). System Action: Nothing is transferred to the virtual 3800. User Response: Reissue the command with a collection of CHARS values that will fit into the WCGM space for the virtual 3800. 278 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 205E NO FILES IN YOUR READER Explanation: There were no files in your virtual reader. System Action: RC = 28 Processing is terminated. User Response: None. 205W READER EMPTY OR NOT READY Explanation: This message is issued for one of the following reasons: • The card reader contains no files. • The card reader has not been readied. • The card reader is spooled to a class different from the class of the files in the reader. Note: The card reader may contain a file spooled from a virtual punch or printer that contains CCWs only, and no data. Thus, this message is issued even though the file contains no data. System Action: RC = 8 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Close the card reader and reissue the command, if the reader contains any files. 206W PSEUDO REGISTER ALIGNMENT ERROR Explanation: A pseudo register with the same name as a previous pseudo register but with more restrictive alignment was encountered. System Action: RC = 4 Processing continues. All references to the particular pseudo register will have the less restrictive alignment. User Response: None. 207W INVALID UPDATE FILE CONTROL CARD Explanation: An invalid control card was found in the update file. Some of the errors that cause this message to be issued are: • The first card in the update file was not a control card. • The first card following a "./S" or a ".ID" or a card. • The operation field was missing, invalid, or contained more than one character. • The label field of a "./S" card contained more than three characters. • An invalid sequence field was specified, or a required sequence field was missing. ".1*" was not a control Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 279 • In a "./D" or "./R", the delete or replace ending specification was smaller than the starting specification. System Action: RC = 12 The invalid sequence fields are ignored, and processing continues. However, an incorrectly sequenced source file cannot always be properly updated. Update processing continues, and, if the CTL option was specified, then additional update passes are made. If several warning messages are generated during the updating process, the final return code when the UPDATE command has completed all processing is the maximum of all return codes (4 or 8 or 12) associated with the generated warning messages. The REP option, if it was specified, is ignored, and the final update deck has the fileid "$fname ftype". See the "Explanation" of message DMSUPD177I for further information on the meanings of the UPDATE warning return codes. For XEDIT, the execution of tllP command or subcommand is terminated. However, if multiple files were being edited, the editing session continues. In addition, the following information is displayed for both AUX and CONTROL files: 'fn ft':'invalid card' RECORD 'nn' ---- > > ." Where the asterisk (*) is positioned under the invalid character in the 'invalid card' displayed in the preceding line. User Response: Correct the invalid control card in the update file, and reenter the UPDATE command. 208E FILE 'fn ft' IS NOT VARIABLE RECORD FORMAT Explanation: The specified file did not have a variable record format. System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Verify that 'fn ft' is the desired file. If it is, use the COPYFILE command to change the record format of the file. 209W FILES DO NOT COMPARE Explanation: The two files the user requested compared on a line-for-line, column-for-column basis, do not match. System Action: RC = 4 The comparison of the files is completed. The lines that do not match are displayed at the terminal. User Response: You can correct the file containing the incorrect lines using the EDIT command. 210E {LIBRARYIFILE} 'fn ft' IS ON A READ/ONLY DISK. Explanation: The specified file or library is on a read-only disk and must be on a read/write disk. System Action: RC = 36 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. 280 IBM VMISP HPO System Messages and Codes User Response: Verify that the correct file or library was specified in the command. If it was, either access the disk in read/write mode, or erase the existing file or library with the same name. Reissue the command. 210W INPUT FILE SEQUENCE ERROR: ' ...•.... ' TO ' .•...... ' Explanation: In reading the input source file, two records were found, with the displayed sequence fields, such that the sequence number in the first was equal to or greater than the sequence number in the second. System Action: RC = 4 The invalid sequence fields are ignored, and update processing continues. However, an incorrectly sequenced source file cannot always be properly updated. If the CTL option was specified, then additional update passes are made. If several warning messages are generated during the updating process, the final return code when the UPDATE command has completed all processing is the maximum of all return codes (4 or 8 or 12) associated with the generated warning messages. The REP option, if it was specified, is ignored, and the final update deck has the fileid "$fname ftype". See the "Explanation" of message DMSUPD177I for further information on the meanings of the UPDATE warning return codes. For XEDIT, the execution of the command or subcommand is terminated. User Response: Correct the invalid source file and reissue the UPDATE command. 211E COLUMN FIELDS OUT OF SEQUENCE Explanation: One of the following conditions has occurred. • Start column number exceeds end column number. • Column number entry overflows the eight-position option field. System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Correct and reissue the command. 212E MAXIMUM NUMBER OF RECORDS EXCEEDED Explanation: The storage size of the virtual machine is not large enough to contain the size and number of sort files specified. System Action: RC = 40 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Compute the storage size required for this sort using the format given in the description of the CMS SORT command in the VMj SP CMS Command and Macro Reference. Redefine storage as large as necessary using the CP DEFINE command, and issue the SORT command again. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 281 213W LIBRARY 'fn ft fm' NOT CREATED Explanation: None of the files to be included in the library file could be found, or the last active member of a library was deleted. System Action: RC = 4 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. The new library is not created. Also, for DMSLBM and DMSLBT, the library is erased if the last active member has been deleted. User Response: For DMSLBM and DMSLBT, obtain access to the desired file and/or correct the spelling of the names and reissue the command if you were doing a generation function. If delete was the last function, no action is necessary. For DMSDSL, no action is necessary. 214W CANNOT RECOMPUTE WITHOUT LOSS OF DATA. NO CHANGE Explanation: The number of cylinders specified in the FORMAT command cannot contain all the data on the disk. System Action: RC = 8 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Either erase some of the files on the disk or increase the number of cylinders to be formatted and reissue the command. 21ST NO VIRTUAL CONSOLE ATTACHED. RE-IPL CMS Explanation: The user has disconnected his virtual console. System Action: The CMS system uses a special interface with CP to display this message. It is then terminated by loading a disabled wait state PSW. User Response: Redefine a virtual console with the CP DEFINE command, and IPL CMS again. 216E INSUFFICIENT BLOCKS ON DISK TO SUPPORT CMS DISK STRUCTURE Explanation: The user has requested the formatting of a mini disk area that is not large enough to contain the essential CMS disk structure. System Action: RC = 100 Execution of the command is terminated. The disk is unchanged. User Response: Acquire a larger mini disk and reissue the command; or if the disk is large enough, specify a larger number of blocks to be formatted in the FORMAT command. 220R ENTER DATA SET NAME: Explanation: A command was entered with the? or DSN? operand. The command expects an OS data set name or DOS fileid to be entered. System Action: The system waits for a response. 282 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes User Response: Enter an as data set name exactly as it appears in the data set (in the form ql < .q2.qn > where ql, q2, and qn are the qualifiers of an as data set name). Or enter a DOS fileid exactly as it appears in the file. 221E INVALID DATA SET NAME Explanation: An invalid the command line. as data set name or DOS file-id was specified in System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Reissue the command with a valid data set name. 222E 1/0 ERROR READING 'datasetname' FROM {'fm'IOSIDOS} DISK Explanation: An I/O error occurred while reading the specified as data set or DOS file from an as or DOS disk. For DMSLDS, an I/O error occurred while reading the member directory in DMSROS. System Action: RC = 28 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Correct the cause of the I/O error and reissue the command. 223E NO FILEMODE SPECIFIED Explanation: A filemode was not specified in the command line. System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Reissue the command, specifying a filemode. 224E fileid ALREADY IN USE Explanation: A dataset name exists in an outstanding FILEDEF with a different ddname but with the same fileid, or a dataset name was specified for a fileid previously defined under a different ddname. System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Clear the existing fileid before reissuing the command or specify a different fileid. 2251 PDS MEMBER 'membername' MOVED Explanation: The specified member of an been moved successfully to a CMS file. as PDS (partitioned data set) has System Action: MOVEFILE continues moving PDS members to CMS files until the end of the file is reached. User Response: None. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 283 226E NO DATA SET NAME ALLOWED WITH FREE OPTION Explanation: A data set name must not be specified with the FREE option of the LISTDS command. System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Correct the command line and retry. 2261 END OF PDS MOVE Explanation: The last member of the PDS (partitioned data set) has been moved successfully to a CMS file. System Action: Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: None. 2271 PROCESSING VOLUME 'nn' IN DATA SET 'data set name' Explanation: The specified OS data set or DOS file is multivolume. The number of the volume being processed is specified in the error message. End of volume is treated as end of file and there is no end-of-volume switching. System Action: Execution continues. User Response: None. 227W INVALID EXTENT FOUND FOR 'datasetname' ON 'fm' DISK Explanation: The high extent for the subject data set indicates a relative track number lower than that for the low extent of the data set. System Action: RC = 4 Execution continues. User Response: For further investigation, use the CMS command DDR to locate and dump the DSCB containing the invalid extent. 228E NO DDNAME ENTERED Explanation: When prompted for the ddname corresponding to the "dname" entry for the tape dataset in the Access Method Services control statement, the user entered a null line. System Action: RC = 24 AMSERV does not execute the Access Method Services job. The system status remains the same. User Response: Find the "dname" entries for the tape dataset(s) in the Access Method Services jobstream and reissue the AMSERV command. 284 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 2281 USER LABELS BYPASSED ON DATA SET 'data set name' Explanation: The specified as data set or DOS file has a disk user label. The user labels are automatically skipped and the DCBEXLST routine, if specified, is ignored. This message is issued when the as File Status Table (FST) is created. This occurs during the execution of the first FILEDEF command defining the as ddname. Reissuing the same FILEDEF command without reaccessing the disk does not create a new as FST, and the message is therefore not issued again. System Action: Execution continues. 229E UNSUPPORTED OS DATA SET, [ERROR 'code'] Explanation: The specified as data set or DOS file is not supported by eMS as access routines. The error code meanings are: Code 80 81 82 83 Meaning An I/O error occurred while an as data set or DOS file was being read or an as or DOS disk was detached without being released. The file is an as read-password-protected data set or a DOS file with the input security indicator on. The as data set or DOS file is not BPAM, BSAM, or QSAM. The as data set or DOS file has more than 16 user labels or data extents. System Action: RC = 80,81,82, or 83 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: If the error code is 81, 82, or 83, you cannot use eMS as access to read the as data set or DOS file. If the error code is 80, make sure the accessed as or DOS disk is attached, or determine the cause of the error. If the as data set or DOS file is valid, reissue the command. 2291 NO MEMBERS FOUND Explanation: No members exist in a partitioned data set. System Action: None. User Response: Determine whether the data set you specified is the correct one and if so, why it contains no members. Correct the condition and reissue the command. 230E NO. OF VSAM EXIT ROUTINES HAS EXCEEDED MAX OF 128 UNABLE TO CONTINUE Explanation: The number of exit routines for VSAM data sets (both active and inactive) has exceeded the maximum of 128 for the run unit. System Action: The system is terminated abnormally with abend code X'177'. User Response: Reduce the number of exit routines for VSAM data sets and reexecute the program. Conversational Monitor System (eMS) Messages 285 230W OS DISK - FILEID ANDIOR OPTIONS SPECIFIED ARE IGNORED Explanation: The specified OS or DOS disk has been accessed, but the specified fileid and/or options are not valid and have been ignored. System Action: RC = 4 Execution of the command continues. User Response: None. 231E 1/0 ERROR READING VTOC FROM {'fm'IOSIDOS} DISK Explanation: An I/O error was encountered while reading the VTOC from the specified disk. System Action: RC = 28 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Correct the cause of the I/O error and reenter the command. 232E INVALID RECFM -- SPANNED RECORDS NOT SUPPORTED Explanation: The MOVEFILE command uses the GET and PUT macros in locate mode. The GET and PUT macros are not supported for use with spanned records. System Action: RC = 088 Execution of the command is terminated. User Response: The user will have to provide a utility/program to process the file. The READ and WRITE macros are supported for spanned records, provided the filemode number is 4 and the data set is physical sequential (BSAM) format. 2331 NO FREE SPACE AVAILABLE ON 'fm' DISK Explanation: All tracks on the specified disk are allocated. System Action: None. User Response: If the disk is an OS or DOS disk, use one of the OS or DOS utilities to reformat the disk (if you no longer need any of the data on it) or delete some data sets. If it is a VSAM disk, use Access Method Services to delete some clusters and data spaces. 234E ERROR IN LOAD LIST FILE 'fn ft fm' [NO INPUT] Explanation: During processing of the load list EXEC file, an invalid statement was encountered. Input must consist of valid EXEC control words (that are ignored) and names of input text files in the form &1 &2 filename [filetype] Filename and filetype (if specified) must not be more than eight characters in length. A "NO INPUT" condition exists if after the scan of the load list, no filename filetype entries were found. 286 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes System Action: RC = 8 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: If you can determine the problem from the "Explanation" above and remedy the condition, reissue the command. If not, reissue the command and if the problem persists, call your system support personnel. 235E ERROR 'n' IN INPUT TEXT FILE 'fn ft [fm]' Explanation: An error was detected within the data contained in the input text file. 'n' indicates the nature of the error; it may be one of the following: Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 Meaning No valid ESD. Invalid ESD type code. Invalid RLD record. Invalid ESD LD ID. ESD LD precedes the control section in which its entry symbol is positioned. Invalid TXT record ESD ID. System Action: 'RC = 12 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: If you can determine the problem from the "Explanation" above and remedy the condition, reissue the command. If not, reissue the command and if the problem persists, call your system support personnel. The error may have been caused by invalid output from the Assembler. Reassemble the source for the text file in error and reissue the PRELOAD command. Errors also may result from the input text file having been incorrectly modified by the user through EDIT or other CMS commands. 236E UNRESOLVED EXTERNAL REFERENCE(S) ENCOUNTERED Explanation: Unresolved external references have been encountered. These are listed in the MAP file. System Action: RC = 4 The PRELOAD command has completed processing. Program execution of the output text file may not proceed as expected. User Response: Correct the input, if necessary. 237E DUPLICATE EXTERNAL SYMBOL(S) ENCOUNTERED Explanation: A CSECT or entry point name was encountered more than once in the input stream to the preloader. The duplicate symbols are listed in the MAP file. System Action: RC = 8 The PRELOAD command has completed processing. Program execution of the output text file may not proceed as expected. User Response: Reassemble the source for the text file in error with a different identifier substituted for the duplicate and reissue the PRELOAD command. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 287 238E PRE LOADER PROCESSING ERROR Explanation: An internal error was detected during preloader processing. This may have been caused by invalid input. System Action: RC = 16 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same with the exception that partial output files may have been created. User Response: Reissue the command, ensuring that a valid load list file (and optional CNTRL file) are specified. Ensure that the input files contain valid data. If the problem persists, call your system support personnel. 240S ERROR LOADING READ OS ROUTINE 'DMSROS TEXT' Explanation: Either the user did not provide a read/write A-disk for use by the CMS loader, or some other error was encountered while loading the READ OS routine DMSROS rr:.EXT. System Action: Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Access a read/write A-disk if one is not already accessed. If a read/write A-disk was provided, correct the cause of the I/O error on the system disk or A-disk. Then reissue the command. 245S ERROR 'nnn' ON PRINTER Explanation: An unrecoverable error occurred when writing a line to the printer, and an error code was passed to the calling module from DMSPIO. nnn indicates the nature of the error; it may be one of the following: Code 4 5 100 Meaning An intervention is required. An unknown error occurred. The printer is not attached. System Action: RC = 100 Execution of the command is terminated. The output files contain all changes made up to the last control record operation. User Response: If you can determine the problem from the above information and correct the condition, reissue the command; otherwise reissue the command and if the error persists, contact your system support personnel. 246W NO LOADER TABLE PRESENT FOR MODULE 'fn' - SET NO GO SWITCH Explanation: A CSECT name was specified for a module that was generated with the NOMAP option. System Action: RC = 4 Execution of the command continues. All REP control records are ignored until the next NAME or END control record is encountered. User Response: Either regenerate the module with the MAP option, or do not use a CSECT name; then reissue the command. 288 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 247W MEMBER 'name' NOT FOUND - SET NO GO SWITCH Explanation: The specified member was not found. System Action: RC = 4 Execution of the command continues. All control records are ignored until the next NAME or END control record is encountered. User Response: Reissue the command with a valid member name. 248W INVALID VER/REP DISP - SET NO GO SWITCH Explanation: The displacement specified in a VER or REP control record includes an area that is undefined, for example, a Define Storage (DS) area. System Action: RC = 4 Execution of the command continues. All REP control records are ignored until the next NAME or END control record is encountered. If the operation is REP, the file being operated on may be modified. User Response: Verify that instructions or data are at a specific displacement and reissue the command. 2491 DUMMY LOG ENTRY IN FILE 'fn ZAPLOG fm' Explanation: Under the ZAP command, a successfully completed REP was not followed by a LOG control record. In lieu of a user-defined entry, a dummy log entry 'NONAME' was written. System Action: Execution of the command continues. User Response: None. 250S I/O ERROR OR DEVICE ERROR Explanation: An I/O error has occurred on the user terminal trying to display a HELP text file. An error message should have been issued by CMS or CP to describe the condition. System Action: RC = 100 Execution of the command is terminated. The system remains in the same status as before the command was entered. User Response: Take appropriate action as described by the CMS or CP error message. 251E HELP PROCESSING ERROR, CODE nnn - 'description' Explanation: An error occurred during the formatting of a HELP text file, indicating an error in the file text. Code 801 802 803 804 Meaning An output line longer than 132 characters was formatted. Long output lines usually result when you neglect to set the format mode back on after it is set off. An alphabetic parameter was found for a HELP format word that requires a numeric parameter. A line was read that started with a period, but could not be recognized as a valid HELP format word. You omitted a required parameter for this format word. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 289 Code 805 806 807 808 Meaning HELP does not recognize the parameter specified on the format word line displayed. The execution of a .IN,.IL, or .OF HELP format word would cause the left margin to move to the left of character position one. HELP has calculated a negative space count based on the format words contained in the test file. A number outside the permissible limits for a HELP format word was found. The limits are based primarily on 80 characters-line in HELP. System Action: RC = 12 Execution of the command continues and the line in question is ignored. User Response: None at execution time, however you should correct the file in question to prevent future messages or errors. 252E VALID OPTIONS ARE: DESC FORM PARM ALL Explanation: This message informs the user of the proper options to use the HELP facility. The message is issued with message DMSHLP003E (INVALID OPTION 'option'). System Action: RC = 24 None. User Response: Issue the command again with a proper option. 253E FILE fn ft fm CANNOT BE HANDLED WITH SUPPLIED PARAMETER LIST Explanation: The specified file contains more than 65,536 items, and thus cannot be handled with a normal STATE parameter list. This is because the normal parameter list uses halfwords to describe the characteristics of the file, and a file this large cannot be described with halfwords. The extended parameter list (which uses full words to describe the file) must be used to execute the STATE function in this case. System Action: RC = 88 Execution of the user program is terminated. User Response: Change the user program parameter list to the extended-parameter-list format. If the FSSTATE macro was used, change the FSCB to the extended form (if used) and add the FORM = E option to the FSSTATE macro instruction. 254E HELP CANNOT FIND THE INFORMATION YOU REQUESTED. IF NOT MISSPELLED, PLEASE ENTER 'HELP' FOR MENU SELECTION OR 'HELP HELP' FOR THE HELP COMMAND Explanation: The file specified by your HELP request was not found on the accessed disk(s), or in the file directory of the's' disk and 'y' disk (if accessed). The request may have been misspelled or incomplete. System Action: RC = 28 Execution of the command is terminated and system status remains the same. User Response: Correct the entry if in error or use the commands specified in the message for more information on the HELP command. 290 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and· Codes 255T INSUFFICIE:NT STORAGE FOR EXEC INTERPRETER Explanation: There is insufficient storage for the EXEC 2 interpreter to initialize itself. System Action: RC = 10096 Execution is terminated at the point of the error. User Response: Redefine storage and reissue the command. 256S ESERV EXECUTION ERROR, CODE 'nn' Explanation: An error occurred during ESERV program execution. The error code indicates the kind of error that occurred. Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Meaning Not enough virtual storage available for ESERV processing. Unsupported library macro issued by the ESERV program. Invalid FIND request generated as a result of an LBRFIND request issued by ESERV. Invalid GET request generated as a result of an LBRGET request issued by ESERV. An error occurred in opening the source statement library. An LBRGET request was issued by ESERV but the source statement library was not OPEN. An I/O error occurred accessing the source statement library. An LBRGET request was issued by ESERV without a previous LBRFIND. System Action: RC = 41 (Code 1 only) RC = 256 (all others) ESERV program execution is terminated. User Response: If error code 1 occurs, make sure a larger amount of virtual storage is available for ESERV program execution. For all other errors, contact your system support personnel. 260E DISK NOT PROPERLY FORMATTED FOR RESERVE Explanation: The disk being reserved has an 800-byte block size. System Action: RC = 16 Execution of the RESERVE command is terminated. User Response: Reformat the block size using 512K, 1K, 2K, or 4K. 260T VIRTUAL MACHINE SIZE TOO SMALL TO IPL NON-SHARED COpy OFCMS Explanation: The CMS nucleus is designed to be used as a saved, shared system. An attempt has been made to use the CMS system in non-shared mode by IPLing by device address. Insufficient virtual storage is available to do this. System Action: The virtual machine enters CP by loading a wait PSW. User Response: IPL the saved CMS system by its system name, or redefine your virtual storage to exceed the ending location of the eMS nucleus. IPL by device address again. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 291 261E NO IMMEDIATE COMMAND NAME WAS SPECIFIED Explanation: The IMMCMD command was issued with SET, CLEAR, STATUS, or QUERY, but no immediate command name was specified. System Action: RC=24 None. User Response: Respecify the macro with the correct name. 262E SPECIFIED IMMEDIATE COMMAND NOT FOUND Explanation: The immediate command name specified with CLEAR, STATUS, or QUERY is not in effect. System Action: RC = 44 None. User Response: None. 263E SPECIFIED IMMEDIATE COMMAND IS A NUCLEUS EXTENSION AND CANNOT BE CLEARED Explanation: The immediate command name specified on IMMCMD CLEAR is a nucleus extension and can only be cleared with the NUCXDROP command or NUCEXT CANCEL function. System Action: RC = 48 The specified immediate command is not cleared. User Response: Use the NUCXDROP command or the NUCEXT CANCEL function to clear the immediate command. 299E INSUFFICIENT STORAGE TO COMPLETE UPDATE Explanation: The update is being performed in storage but there is insufficient storage to insert the next update line. System Action: RC = 41 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Issue the command again, specifying NOSTOR on the command line. This causes updates to be performed on disk. 300E INSUFFICIENT STORAGE TO BEGIN UPDATE Explanation: An update is being performed in storage, but there is insufficient storage available to contain the entire input source file. System Action: RC = 41 If the keyword STOR was specified on the command line, execution of the command terminates. The system status remains the same. If the keyword STOR was not specified, the update continues and is performed on disk. No RC = 41 is issued in this case. User Response: If RC = 41, issue the command again, specifying NOSTOR in the command line. This causes updates to be performed on disk. Otherwise, no action is necessary. 292 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 30lE 'SYSxxx' NOT ASSIGNED FOR DISK 'fm' Explanation: No ASSGN command was issued prior to the DLBL command associating the named DOS logical unit with a CMS disk. System Action: RC = 36 Execution of the command is terminated. The definition does not take effect. User Response: Issue an ASSGN command for each of the DOS logical units specified in the DLBL, and then reissue the DLBL command. 302E NO SYSxxx OPERAND {ENTEREDISPECIFIED} Explanation: No SYSxxx operand was entered to associate the specified disk mode with a DOS logical unit, or in the case of DTFCP, the DEVADDR operand was missing from the DTFCP macro and no SYSxxx was specified with the DLBL command. This message appears only if the user is in the CMS/DOS environment. System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The definition does not take effect. User Response: Reenter the DLBL command specifying a DOS logical unit for each disk specified. In the case of DTFCP, specify a DEVADDR operand with the DTFCP macro and with the associated DLBL command. 303E NO SYSxxx SATISFIES REQUEST Explanation: A request was made for LISTIO A or LISTIO UA, but no logical units satisfied the request. System Action: RC = 28 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same, except when the EXEC option was specified and there was an existing $LISTIO EXEC file. In this case, the $LISTIO EXEC file is erased. User Response: Ensure that the correct request has been made. 304E INVALID OPERAND VALUE 'value' Explanation: The value specified is not valid for one of the following reasons: • It is larger than ten digits. • It is a nonnumeric value. • The number is greater than 231_1 for track numbers. • The number is greater than 999999 for BUFSP size. This message is also displayed if a null line is entered as the first specification for the EXTENT option of the DLBL command. System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The definition does not take effect. User Response: Reissue the command, specifying the appropriate values for all entries. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 293 3041 UPDATE PROCESSING WILL BE DONE USING DISK Explanation: An update is being performed in storage, and there is insufficient storage available to contain the entire input source file. The keyword STOR was not specified on the command line. The update processing continues with the update being performed on disk. System Action: The updating process continues. User Response: None. 305E INCOMPLETE EXTENT RANGE Explanation: Only the starting relative track number was specified for an extent range. The number of tracks must also be specified. System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The definition does not take effect. User Response: Reissue the command with the proper extent specifications including the number of tracks. 306E SYSxxx NOT ASSIGNED FOR 'IGNORE' Explanation: When the DUMMY operand is used for a data set, the logical unit address must have been assigned with the IGN operand before the DLBL command was issued. System Action: RC = 36 No new definition for the data set is created. If one already exists, it remains unchanged. User Response: Either reissue the DLBL command using a valid disk mode, or issue "ASSGN SYSxxx IGN" followed by the original DLBL command using the DUMMY operand. 307E CATALOG DDNAME 'ddname' NOT FOUND Explanation: The user catalog 'ddname' referenced by the CAT option has not been defined by a previous DLBL command. System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The definition does not take effect. User Response: Reissue the command, specifying the CAT option with a previously defined ddname, or issue a DLBL command for the user catalog ddname and then reissue the DLBL command for the subject data set. 308E 'mode' DISK IN [NON-]CMS FORMAT; INVALID FOR [NON-]CMS DATASET Explanation: The user has specified a CMS fileid ("CMS fn ft") but references a disk that is in non-CMS (for example, OS or DOS) format. Or the user has specified a non-CMS fileid ("DSN datasetname") but references a CMS disk. The references to disk include not only the disk mode in the command line but also the mode in MULT and EXTENT specifications. This message is also issued if the user specifies CMS for file identification but uses one of the VSAM options (for example, CAT or BUFSP) with it. 294 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes System Action: RC = 24 The command is terminated with no change to the current definition of DLBL since the new definition does not take effect. User Response: Reissue the command with a disk mode appropriate for the data set. 3201 MAXIMUM NUMBER OF DISK ENTRIES RECORDED Explanation: The maximum number of disks have been specified for a multivolume V8AM data set. The system (8) disk cannot be a user disk. System Action: Execution of the command is terminated and the data set definition is stored. User Response: None. 3211 MAXIMUM NUMBER OF EXTENTS RECORDED Explanation: Sixteen (16) extents have been specified for a VSAM data set. This is the maximum number of data set extents allowed. System Action: Execution of the command is terminated successfully and the data set definition is stored, including the I6-extent specification. User Response: None. 3221 DDNAME 'ddname' NOT FOUND; NO CLEAR EXECUTED Explanation: No previous definition for 'ddname' had been specified. This includes the condition of a DLBL IJSYSUC CLEAR with no previous job catalog ddname (IJSYSUC) defined. System Action: Execution of the command is terminated. All definitions remain unchanged. User Response: If the ddname was entered incorrectly, reenter the command with the correct ddname. 3231 {JOBIMASTER} CATALOG DLBL CLEARED Explanation: The DLBL for the catalog referred to has been cleared and is no longer active. System Action: If the JOB catalog is cleared, all other definitions formerly flagged as using the JOB catalog are no longer flagged as such. The message can be the result of a DLBL * CLEAR rather than a DLBL IJSYSUC CLEAR or DLBL IJSYSCT CLEAR, when the PERM option is not used when defining the catalogs. User Response: None. 3241 NO USER DEFINED {DLBLIFILEDEFILABELDEF}'s IN EFFECT Explanation: No definition is in effect for the requested DLBLs, FILEDEFs, or LABELDEFs. System Action: No further action occurs. The system is terminated. User Response: None. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 295 325W IDUMP FOR jobname TERMINATED DUE TO ERROR ON 'OOE' Explanation: This message is issued as a result of a non-zero return code from the PRINTL macro. Preceding this message, a system message was issued describing the nature of the problem. System Action: IDUMP is terminated at the time that the error is encountered on OOE. Control is returned to the caller's next sequential instruction with a return code of 4 in register 15. User Response: Refer to the previous error message issued and take appropriate action. 326E ILLEGAL SVC svc (HEX xx) CALLED FROM addr Explanation: STIXIT AB macro was issued while you were in an abnormal task termination routine. It can only be issued from your main program. System Action: Your program is terminated. User Response: Remove the STIXIT AB macro from your termination routine and assemble your program again. 330R ENTER VOLUME SPECIFICATIONS: Explanation: The system expects you to enter the VSAM data set volume specifications because you specified the MULT option. System Action: Execution of the command waits until you respond to the specification request. If a null line is the first response, an error message (DMSDLB048E) is displayed and the DLBL command has no effect. Otherwise, a null response after one or more lines of data signifies the end of the specifications. User Response: Enter data set volume specifications either on one line separated by commas or on separate lines. The final comma at the end of the line is optional and may be omitted. You must enter the filemode and, in the DOS environment, the DOS logical unit associated with that disk. Do not repeat the filemode specified in the command line. 331R ENTER EXTENT SPECIFICATIONS: Explanation: The system expects you to enter the VSAM data set extents because you specified the EXTENT option with the DLBL command. System Action: Execution of the command waits until you respond to the specification request. If a null line is the first response, an error message (DMSDLB304E) is displayed and the DLBL command has no effect. Otherwise, a null line means the end of the specifications. User Response: Enter dataset extent specifications on the same line separated by commas or on separate lines with or without commas. You must enter the starting relative track number, number of tracks, filemode and, if in DOS environment, the DOS logical unit associated with that filemode. The extents must be in ascending order for each volume grouping in order for the command to execute properly. 296 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 333E nnnnnK PARTITION TOO LARGE FOR THIS VIRTUAL MACHINE Explanation: The specified number of bytes exceeds the size of the largest partition possible with this virtual machine. System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. The old DOS partition size remains unchanged. User Response: Specify a smaller value. If the partition size is not an important factor in this particular session, issue SET DOSPART OFF and allow the system to compute its own partition size. 346E ERROR 'nn' LOADING 'fn ft' FROM DISK Explanation: The TEXT file specified in a modname caused an error while trying to LOAD it into user virtual storage. System Action: RC = 6 None. User Response: Fix the TEXT file so that it does not cause a loading error and reissue the command. 347E ERROR 'nn' LOADING LIBRARY 'libname' Explanation: A return code of 'nn' was received from diagnose code X'74' when trying to load the Named System into user virtual storage. System Action: RC = 100 None. + Inn' User Response: The action taken depends on Inn' as follows: Code 04 08 12 16 24 348E Meaning The 'libname' specified does not exist. Reissue the the command with a valid 'libname'. The 'libname' is currently active on a real 3800. DRAIN the 3800 and reissue the command. The library containing the volid is CP-owned. Consult your system programmer for an explanation. The library containing the volid is not currently mounted. Have the operator mount the volume. Then reissue the command. A paging error occurred. Consult your system programmer. ERROR 'nn' SAVING LIBRARY 'libname' Explanation: A retur;n code of Inn' was received from diagnose code X'74' when trying to save the new version of the named system from user virtual storage. System Action: RC = 200 + Inn' None. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 297 User Response: The action taken depends on 'nn' as follows: Code 04 08 12 16 20 24 349E Meaning The 'libname' specified does not exist. Reissue the command with a valid 'libname'. The 'libname' is currently active on a real 3800. DRAIN the 3800 and then reissue the command. The library containing the volid is CP-owned. Consult your system programmer for an explanation. The library containing the volid is not currently mounted. Have the operator mount the volume. Then reissue the command. The space allocated by the installation for 'libname' is not large enough to accommodate its new size after processing by this command. Either use the DEL function to delete some modnames or have the installation allocate a larger area for 'libname'. Then reissue the command. A paging error occurred. Consult the system programmer. INVALID LIBRARY 'libname' Explanation: The first directory entry in 'libname' was not the name of the library itself. The named system was improperly formatted on the DASD. System Action: None. User Response: The named system had either not been created before or was destroyed since it was last modified. Use the GEN function to create a new library called 'libname' and then build it using the ADD function. 350E MODULE IS MARKED NOT EXECUTABLE Explanation: The module was marked not executable by the linkage editor, but an attempt was made to execute the program. System Action: Abend code = 15A or RC = 4 Execution of the program is terminated. (Abend code ATTACH, or XCTL; RC = 4 for OSRUN.) 15A for LINK, User Response: Link edit, an executable version of the program and reexecute the job stream or reissue the OSRUN command. 351E MODULE IS MARKED ONLY LOADABLE Explanation: The module was marked only loadable by the linkage editor, but an attempt was made to execute the program. System Action: Abend code = 15A or RC = 4 Execution of the program terminates. (Abend code ATTACH, or XCTL; RC = 12 for OSRUN.) 15A for LINK, User Response: Make sure that the name is correct. If so, determine why the program was made only loadable by the linkage editor. Link edit, an executable version of the program and reexecute the job stream or reissue the OSRUN command. 298 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 352E INVALID SETPRT DATA IN FILE 'fn ft' Explanation: The SETPRT module represented by 'fn ft' does not contain valid SETPRT information. System Action: All output to the virtual 3800 has been performed until invalid SETPRT module was encountered. User Response: Find out why the particular module caused the above error. Most likely, the module in question was not created with the CMS GENIMAGE command. In any case, close the virtual 3800 with the PURGE option. Either use a different module or fix the module that caused the error and reissue the SETPRT command. 360E INVALID RESPONSE 'response' Explanation: After prompting you for information, VSAMGEN/SAMGEN determined that your reply was invalid, either because you did not enter one of the choices given you in the prompting message or because you entered a value not valid for the entry being processed (that is, the storage location of the named system). If the message is issued after the storage location value is entered, the value violates one of the following rules: • • • Must be a valid hexadecimal value. Must be less than 16 megabytes. Must be greater than X'20000'. System Action: RC = 24 If this is the first time this message is issued for this prompt, VSAMGEN reads from the terminal after issuing the message, thereby giving you another chance to enter the correct information. If it is issued for the second time for the same prompt, VSAMGEN terminates, and the system returns to the CMS command environment. User Response: If it is the first time the message is issued, reexamine the prompting message and enter the correct information. If it is the second time the message is issued for this prompt, VSAMGEN has terminated, so you must restart the VSAMGEN EXEC. If the message is from SAMGEN, the EXEC must be restarted. 36lE DISK 'mode' IS NOT A {CMSIDOS} DISK Explanation: VSAMGEN or CMS/DOS simulation requires that the A-disk be a read/write CMS disk, and that the disk you specified as containing the DOS SRL be a DOS disk. For DMSUPD, the OUTMODE option on the UPDATE command specified a filemode that was not a read/write CMS disk. System Action: For DMSUPD, the UPDATE command is terminated. Response: If the message concerns the CMS A-disk, access a CMS disk in read/write mode as the A-disk and reissue the command. (For example, if VSAMGEN was attempted previously and it failed, reissue VSAMGEN.) If the message concerns the DOS disk, either access the DOS disk and use that mode letter to answer the prompt during the next VSAMGEN attempt, or enter the correct mode of the DOS disk containing the DOS SRL during the next VSAMGEN attempt. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 299 For DMSUPD, reinvoke the UPDATE command and specify a filemode of a CMS disk in read/write mode. You can eliminate the OUTMODE option by allowing UPDATE to choose the filemode of the output files. Reference the UPDATE command for more details. 362E INVALID STORAGE PROTECT KEY 'key' Explanation: The storage protect key specified was not decimal, 0 to 15. System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Reissue the command, specifying a valid storage protect key. 3621 LINK-EDITING sysname .•. Explanation: VSAMGEN is in the process of link-editing the modules that make up the named system in order to create a CMS DOSLIB file with the same name. System Action: None. User Response: None. 363E INVALID STARTING ADDRESS 'startadr' Explanation: The start address specified in the command line is not a hexadecimal address within the load range of the specified system. System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Reissue the command with a valid starting address. 3631 sysname DOSLIB CREATED ON DISK 'A' Explanation: VSAMGEN creates a CMS DOSLIB file from the object modules that make up the named system. System Action: None. User Response: None. 363R ENTER LOC~TION WHERE sysname WILL BE LOADED AND SAVED: Explanation: VSAMGEN/SAMGEN requires a hexadecimal address for fetching the VSAM and/or Access Method Services systems into storage so that the systems can be saved on a CP volume. System Action: VSAMGEN/SAMGEN issues a read to the terminal and waits for your response. User Response: Enter the hexadecimal address corresponding to the starting relative page number in the SYSPGNUM field of the NAMESYS macro entered in the DMKSNT module for the named system. 300 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 364E VM STORAGE NOT LARGE ENOUGH TO CONTAIN SYSTEM LOADING AT startadr TO endadr Explanation: The virtual machine's storage must be large enough to allow SSK instructions to be issued for the complete load range of the saved system. System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Use the CP command DEFINE to redefine the virtual machine's storage to a value large enough to contain the saved system, and IPL CMS again. 3641 FETCHING sysname ..• Explanation: VSAMGEN is in the process of fetching the phases that make up the named system from the CMS DOSLIB file of the same name. The phases are fetched into storage in order to be saved (written) on a CP volume. System Action: None. User Response: None. 364R ENTER 'CMSVSAM' OR 'CMSAMS' OR 'BOTH' FOR GENERATION OF NEW SYSTEM(S) Explanation: The message gives you the choice of regenerating either one or both of the named systems. System Action: VSAMGEN issues a read to the terminal and waits for your response. User Response: Enter a valid response. 365E SYSTEM NAME NOT SPECIFIED Explanation: The system name was not included in the command line. System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Reissue the command with a valid system name. 3651 SYSTEM sysname SAVED Explanation: VSAMGEN/SAMGEN saves the named system on a CP volume for subsequent use by user programs. System Action: None. User Response: None. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 301 365R ONE OR MORE OF THE TEXT FILES LISTED IN THE Cn EXEC ARE MISSING. THE VSAM PP PID TAPE SHOULD BE ON TAPE DRIVE 181, ENTER: 'GO' IF TAPE DRIVE IS READY TO LOADFILE OR 'QUIT' to STOP GENERATION PROCESS Explanation: VSAMGEN has detected one or more of the VSAM files necessary to generate VSAM/AMS is missing. VSAMGEN expects the VSAM PP tape to be mounted on drive 181. System Action: None. User Response: Enter appropriate response. 3661 STARTING TO READ PTF DECKS FROM READER ... Explanation: VSAMGEN is starting the 'UPDATE' procedure, during which the user is prompted for the names of the PTF decks to be applied to the new system. System Action: None. User Response: None. 366R ENTER NAME OF SYSTEM TO BE SAVED: Explanation: VSAMGEN has link-edited the VSAM or Access Method Services system and fetched it into virtual storage and is about to issue the CP SAVESYS command for that system. For SAMGEN, the simulated VSE/AF SAM modules have been fetched into storage and SAMGEN is about to issue the CP SAVESYS command for the CMSBAM DCSS. System Action: The system waits for a response. User Response: Enter the name of the system to be saved. 3671 'modulename TEXT' WRITTEN ON DISK' A' Explanation: If the message was issued byDMSVGN, VSAMGEN has read a reader file and written it on the CMS disk with the given name. The file is used in creating a new named system. If the message was issued by DMSVPD, DMSVPD (called from VSAMGEN EXEC) has read the named replacement module from the DOS/VS PTF tape and has written it on the user's A-disk for subsequent application in the new VSAM or Access Method Services system. System Action: None. User Response: None. 367R ENTER TAPE {INPUTIOUTPUT} DDNAMES: Explanation: You must supply the ddname of the tape input or output data sets to be used in the Access Method Services jobstream. The ddname in each case must match the "ddname" operand in the Access Method Services control statement being executed (EXPORT, IMPORT, or REPRO). System Action: The system waits for a response. 302 IBM' VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes User Response: Enter the ddname of the tape input or output data sets to be used. 3681 count MODULES HAVE BEEN RESTORED Explanation: VMFDOS issues this informational message to indicate to the user the number of modules created on disk from a VSEjAF distribution tape. System Action: None. User Response: None. 368R ERASE sysname DOSLIB? ... ENTER 'YES' OR 'NO': Explanation: The CMS DOSLIB file created during execution of the VSAMGEN EXEC (see message DMSVGN363I) can be erased at this time. This message prompts you to indicat... -vhether or not you want the file erased. System Action: The system waits for a response. User Response: Enter either "yes" or "no". Only the 'yes' response will erase the file. 369E INVALID - RELEASE 31 OR LATER REQUIRED Explanation: The release number entered in response to message DMSVGN369R is an earlier release than the one supported for VSAM and Access Method Services. System Action: RC = 24 VSAMGEN is terminated and the system returns to the CMS command environment. User Response: If the release number is incorrect, restart the VSAMGEN EXEC procedure and enter the correct number. Otherwise, see the description of CMS VSAM and Access Method Services in the VM/ SP HPO Planning Guide and Reference. 370R ENTER 'GO' IF SAVED SYSTEM IS TO BE CREATED, OTHERWISE 'QUIT' Explanation: The VSAMGEN EXEC has created the specified DOSLIB as stated in message DMSVGN363I and now requires whether it is to continue processing the DOSLIB or is to be terminated. System Action: The system waits for a response. User Response: If you desire to temporarily halt the creation of the saved system, enter 'QUIT'; if 'GO' is entered, the saved system will be built. 371R sysname IS LOADED. ENTER CP MODE TO APPLY ZAPS, ELSE 'NULL' Explanation: It is possible at this point to apply ZAPs to the loaded system by entering CP mode. All text is now in storage and the DISPLAY and STORE commands may be used to make changes. System Action: VSAMGEN issues a read to the terminal and waits for a response. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 303 User Response: If ZAPs are desired, enter CP mode. Make the desired changes, return to CMS READ via BEGIN command. Enter null line to cause the VSAMGEN to continue. 382R ENTER NUMBER OF TAPE FILES TO BE PROCESSED: Explanation: VSAMGEN must know how many PTF tape files to scan for the VSAM and Access Method Services replacement modules. System Action: The system waits for a response. User Response: Enter a decimal number showing the number of tape files to be processed starting with current tape position. 383R APPLY 'filename'? •.• ENTER 'NO' OR EOB: Explanation: The user has requested selection of PTF replacement modules during VMFDOS execution. System Action: The system waits for a response. User Response: If you do not want to apply the PTF contained in the named file, enter "no". If you do want the file, indicate an EOB by pressing ENTER on a 3277 display terminal or RETURN on a 2741 terminal. 400S SYSTEM 'sysname' DOES NOT EXIST Explanation: The subject system has not been defined in the Control Program module DMKSNT. System Action: For DMSVIB, CMS abends' with abend code X'044'. For all other modules, RC = 44. Execution of the user program is terminated. The system returns to the state it was in before the start of the user program. User Response: Contact the system programmer, who will generate the saved system for the correct system name. 401S VM SIZE (size) CANNOT EXCEED 'sysname' START ADDRESS (address) Explanation: The user's virtual machine storage size as currently defined is of such ,a size that the named system (when loaded) would overlay part of the user's virtual storage. This could have occurred in either of the following ways: 1. The named system was saved below the user's current virtual machine size, or 2. The named system was saved at an appropriate address, but the user's current virtual machine storage size is so large that it would be partially overlaid by the named system. System Action: For DMSVIB, CMS abends with an abend code of X'104'. For DMSSET, RC = 40. For all other modules, RC = 104. Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: 1. 304 Contact the system programmer, who must create a new copy of the named VSAM or Access Method Services system at an address that is IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes high enough not to conflict with any virtual machine size permitted for VSAM users, or 2. 402W Enter CP mode and define a smaller virtual machine storage size for this VSAM user so his virtual storage is not over laid by the named system, and then reload (via IPL) CMS/DOS. DMSLBR NOT IN CMSBAM SEGMENT. ESERV SUPPORT NOT AVAILABLE Explanation: The DMSLBR module, that simulates the macros necessary to run the ESERV program, could not be found. System Action: System operation continues but support for ESERV command execution is not available. User Response: If you require the use of the ESERV command, contact your system support personnel. 403S filename SHARED SEGMENT NOT AVAILABLE - RELOAD CMSDOS Explanation: An OPEN has been issued for a file that resides on an FB-512 DASD, but the CMSBAM shared segment has not been generated. System Action: The OPEN is canceled. System status remains the same. User Response: The CMSBAM shared segment must be generated and saved with the VSAMPP EXEC and the SET DOS ON command reissued. 404S filename LOGIC MODULE NOT FOUND IN 'segname' SHARED SEGMENT Explanation: An OPEN has been issued for a file residing on an FB-512 DASD but the appropriate logic could not be located. This indicates that the CMSBAM shared segment has been generated incorrectly. System Action: The OPEN is canceled. System status remains the same. User Response: Have the system programmer examine the CMSBAM linkage editor map for unresolved external references. The modules that are unresolved must be obtained from the DOS/VS PID tape and VSAMPP EXEC must be rerun to generate the CMSBAM shared segment. 410S CONTROL PROGRAM ERROR INDICATION 'retcode' Explanation: An unexpected error occurred while the Control Program was processing a request from CMS to find or load the specified saved system. System Action: For DMSVIB, eMS abends with abend code X'177'. For other modules, RC = 177. In both cases, 177 is the actual error code from the Control Program, indicating that paging I/O errors have occurred. The QUERY SYSNAMES command displays the names of the saved segments for the CMS virtual machine. Any requested segment must have been saved via procedures documented in the VM/ SP HPO Installation Guide. User Response: Contact the installation system programmer for assistance. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 305 411S {INPUT IOUTPUT} ERROR CODE 'nn' ON 'SYSxxx' Explanation: An unrecoverable input or output error occurred while reading from or writing to SYSxxx. SYSxxx is the card reader, the printer, a tape drive, or the logical unit assigned to the specified OS- or DOS-formatted disk. The 'nn' code indicates the nature of the error; it may be one of the following: CARD READER Code 3 Meaning An unknown error occurred. PRINTER Code 1 5 Meaning A line was too long. An unknown error occurred. TAPE INPUT AND OUTPUT Code 3 Meaning A permanent I/O error occurred. DISK INPUT AND OUTPUT Code 2 3 13 Meaning A unit exception occurred. A wrong-length record was detected. A permanent I/O error occurred. System Action: RC = 100 Execution of the command is terminated. User Response: Use the error code to determine and correct the possible cause of error. 412S CMSXGEN FAILED DUE TO SETKEY ERROR Explanation: Errors occurred while trying to issue the SETKEY command to set storage keys. System Action: RC = 100 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: A message was issued by DMSSSK before this message was issued. Use the explanation and user action for the DMSSSK message to correct the error. If this is a directory build error, a message was issued by DMZSES before this message was issued. Use the explanation and user action of the DMZSES message to correct the error. 413S STORAGE NOT INITIALIZED FOR VSAM PROCESSING Explanation: The program has issued a CD LOAD (SVC 65), but the DOS VSAM environment under CMS is not active. A CDLOAD requires VSAM storage initialization to have taken place, but this has not been done. System Action: RC = 104 The job is terminated. The system status remains the same. 306 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes User Response: Issue the CMS command SET DOS ON with the VSAM option in order to initialize storage properly, and then reexecute the program. 420E NSL EXIT FILENAME MISSING OR INVALID Explanation: The filename specified for user-written, nonstandard label processing routine must be the name of a TEXT or MODULE file. No file could be found that had a filetype of TEXT or MODULE with the specified name. System Action: The command or program is not executed. User Response: Specify the name of a valid NSL exit routine and reissue the command. 421E 'TAPn (raddr)' HDRI LABEL MISSING FOR 'filename' Explanation: A tape specified as standard label does not have a HDRI label. Filename is dtfname for CMS/DOS or ddname for OS simulation. The message will also occur for a tape that has HDRI labels but is not positioned correctly for input label processing. System Action: The tape is positioned at the record that was read when the HDRI was executed. For CMS/DOS, message DMSTLB435R is issued. For OS simulation, an OPEN error occurs. The TAPEMAC and TAPPDS commands are terminated without reading any tape data. The TAPESL macro returns an error code of 32. User Response: Verify that the proper tape is mounted. Reply to message DMSTLB435R if issued. If the wrong tape is mounted, try again with the correct tape. If labels are not expected on the tape,respecify label type as BLP or LAB OFF and try again. 422E 'TAPN (raddr)' POSITIONED WRONG FOR 'filename' Explanation: A tape was not positioned correctly for label processing to occur. For output tapes, an attempt was made to write a new label when the tape was not positioned at an existing HDRI label or tapemark. For CMS/DOS input tape, the message is issued when the file sequence number on the tape label is larger than the one specified in the LABELDEF command. The filename is the symbolic name in the DTFMT for the file. For CMS, the filename is LABDEFid. For OS simulation, the filename is ddname. System Action: An OS file is not opened. A CMS/DOS job is cancelled and the TAPESL macro gives an error return code of 32. User Response: Be sure the tape is positioned properly and that the correct tape is mounted. If necessary, reposition the tape and then reissue the job or command. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 307 4231 'TAPn (raddr)' POSITION PARAMETER IGNORED. OUTPUT FILE WILL BE WRITTEN IMMEDIATELY AFTER NEW VOLt LABEL Explanation: This message occurs when you respond to message DMSTLB433R by requesting that a new volume label be written on a tape. An OS simulation SL tape has been requested with a specified positional parameter indicating the file is not be the first on the tape. System Action: The positional parameter is ignored and the new label file is written immediately after the new VOLl label. User Response: None. 424E 'TAPn (raddr), NOT POSITIONED AT EOFt LABEL Explanation: The CMS TAPESL macro was issued with the function EIN but the tape was not positioned at an EOFl or EOVl label. System Action: No label is processed. The macro returns a code of 32 and the tape is left positioned to .the same record it was positioned at when the macro was issued. User Response: Space the tape so it is positioned at the EOFl trailer label and reissue the macro or ignore the error if you do not want the tape trailer label processed. 425R 'TAPn (raddr)' BLOCK COUNT ERROR FOR 'filename' ENTER 'IGNORE' OR 'CANCEL' Explanation: The block count in an EOFl record does not match the number of blocks actually read. Filename is dtfname for CMS/DOS or ddname for OS simulation. For OS simulation, the message is only issued when you do not have a block count exit routine specified in the DCB EXIT list. For the TAPESL macro the message is issued only when you have not specified an error return (by the ERROR = parameter) that is different from the normal return. System Action: The system waits for a reply. User Response: Enter 'IGNORE' to continue processing normally or 'ERROR' to cancel the job in CMS/DOS, or to cause an abend with code 500 in either OS simulation or when processing the CMS TAPESL macro. 426R 'TAPn (raddr)' UNEXPIRED FILE ENTER 'IGNORE' OR 'ERROR' Explanation: The system is trying to write over a HDRl record on tape raddr that has an expiration date that has not yet expired. System Action: The system waits for a response. User Response: Enter 'ERROR' to cancel the job in CMS/DOS or to prevent the file from being opened in OS simulation. The reply 'IGNORE' causes CMS to disregard the expiration date to write over the existing record unless DISP MOD was specified for OS simulation. In this case, the tape is positioned at the end of the file is ready to add new records. 308 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 427R 'TAPn (raddr)' EOVI LABEL READ Explanation: While processing trailer labels for an input tape file, an EOVI label was read instead of an EOF1 label. System Action: None. User Response: No response is necessary. However, if you want to mount a new tape and continue reading the file, you must send a message to the operator requesting that a new tape be mounted. The data on the new tape must be processed as a new file by CMS. 4281 'TAPn (raddr)' EOVI LABEL WRITTEN Explanation: End-of-tape was encountered while writing an output file on a tape with IBM standard labels under CMS/DOS or OS simulation. This message is also issued when TAPESL is used to write an EOV11abel. System Action: A tape mark and EOVI label are written after detecting the end-of-tape. For CMS/DOS, the job is then cancelled and the tape is rewound and unloaded. For OS simulation, the program abnormally terminates with a code 001 if you are using QSAM or if you use a CHECK macro in BSAM. If you are using BSAM with no CHECK macro, your program continues to try to write on the tape. The tape is always rewound and unloaded after this message is issued. User Response: The operator must mount a new tape to continue the file. If possible, reorganize the output data to fit on a single tape reel. 4291 'TAPn (raddr)' EOT ON OUTPUT Explanation: End-of-tape was encountered while the system was writing a tape file with eMS/DOS or OS simulation I/O macros. The tape file was not defined to have IBM standard labels. If the type of label processing is BLP or NL, a tape mark is written after the last record. If the file has nonstandard labels and a user exit has been specified, control is transferred to this nonstandard label routine. System Action: A tape mark is written after the last data record. If the file has nonstandard labels and a user exit has been specified, control is transferred to this nonstandard label routine. See message DMSTLB428I for a description of tape positioning and user program action when this message is issued. User Response: The operator must mount a new tape to continue the file. If possible, the operator should reorganize the data so each file will fit on an individual tape. In a user routine, the output file should be closed. This will cause a tape mark to be written whether the label processing is BLP, NL, or LABOFF. The tape mark after the last record will allow the file to be read without error. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 309 430E 'TAPn (raddr)' LABELDEF INFORMATION MISSING FOR FILE 'filename' Explanation: Under CMS/DOS or CMS you must specify a LABELDEF statement for every labeled tape file. One was not found for DTFMT or label defined with the specified filename. The message may occur for OS simulation files if you have inadvertently cleared the FILEDEF or LABELDEF for the specified filename. System Action: The job is canceled for OMS/DOS, the file is not opened for OS simulation and the TAPESL macro returns an error code of 28. User Response: Specify a LABELDEF statement for the file and execute the job again. 43lE 'TAPn (raddr)' VOLl LABEL MISSING Explanation: This message occurs when you request that a tape have its VOLllabel checked or displayed. The tape does not contain a VOLl label as its first record. System Action: The TAPE command is terminated. For CMS/DOS input files, message DMSTLB435R is issued. For OS input files, an OPEN error occurs. User Response: Be sure the operator has mounted the correct tape. Respond to any further messages that are issued. If necessary, reissue the command or program. 432E 'TAPn (raddr)' VOLID volid DOES NOT MATCH LABELDEF VOLID FOR 'filename' Explanation: The volume serial number (volid) on a tape VOLl label is not -the same as the volume serial number specified on a LABELDEF or FILEDEF command. Filename is dtfname for OMS/DOS or ddname for OS simulation. The volid displayed in the message is the one found on the tape label. System Action: OMS/DOS files, message DMSTLB435R is issued. CMS commands terminate without any data being read. For CMS TAPESL macro for input, an error code of 32 is returned. For OS simulation input files, the file is not opened. For OS simulation or TAPESL output files, message DMSTLB433R is issued. User Response: Be sure the correct volume serial number is specified on the command. If it is, the correct tape was not mounted. Ask the operator to mount the proper tape. Reissue the command or program. 310 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 433R ENTER 'WRITE' (volid) OR 'REJECT' Explanation: This message is issued when an output OPEN routine finds a tape has a VOLI volid that does not match the one specified or if an output tape has been specified as SL and no VOLl label is on it. The message is issued only in situations where a DOS/VS or OS/VS operating system allows a VOLl label to be written. It is never issued unless either message DMSTLB43lE or DMSTLB432E is also issued. System Action: The system waits for a reply. User Response: You may enter 'REJECT' to reject the tape or rewrite the VOLl label on the tape by entering WRITE followed by a left parenthesis and, with no intervening blanks, a one- to six-character volume serial number to be written in the label. No owner field may be specified. To write a VOLl label with an owner field you must use the WVOLl function on the TAPE command. 434E 'TAPn (raddr)' INPUT LABEL ERROR IN FIELD 'fieldname' FILE 'filename' Explanation: A field in a tape HDRI label did not agree with the field specified on a LABELDEF command for the file. Filename is dtfname for CMS/DOS or ddname for OS simulation. 'fieldname' identifies the field causing the error. System Action: For CMS/DOS, message DMSTLB435R is issued. CMS commands and TAPESL macro terminate without reading any tape data. For OS simulation, the file is not opened. User Response: Be sure the LABELDEF statement for the file is correct. If it is, the wrong tape may be mounted or it may be positioned at the wrong file. Reply to message DMSTLB435E if issued. 435R ENTER 'IGNORE' or 'CANCEL' Explanation: This message is never issued alone. It always follows another CMS/DOS message that identifies a tape label error. This message gives the CMS/DOS user the choice of ignoring a label processing error and continuing the job or cancelling it. System Action: The system waits for a reply. User Response: Enter 'IGNORE' or 'CANCEL'. 4361 'TAPn (raddr)' MISSING USER STANDARD LABEL FOR 'ddname' Explanation: This message is issued when the OS simulation user request SUL tape label processing on a FILEDEF command. The user also has a user exit in the DCB exit list for the file identified by ddname. However, the tape did not contain a user UHL or UTL label. System Action: If a tape mark is read instead of the expected user standard label, the tape is positioned at the record immediately after the tape mark. Otherwise, the tape is backspaced so it is positioned at the record that was read when a user standard label was expected. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 311 User Response: None, if the tape file was not expected to contain a user label. If one was expected, halt the program execution and be sure the correct tape is mounted. 4371 'TAPn (raddr)' NSL ROUTINE RETURNED ERROR CODE 'nnnnnn' FOR 'filename' Explanation: This message is issued when you execute a nonstandard tape label processing routine that returned a nonzero return code of 'nnnnnn' in register 15. 'filename' is the ddname for the file that caused the code for OS simulation; for the TAPEMAC and TAPPDS commands, it is the id parameter specified by the user. System Action: The nonzero return code prevents an OS file from being opened or causes the TAPEMACor TAPPDS commands to be terminated without processing any tape files. User Response: Examine your NSL routine to be sure you wanted to return a nonzero code. If you did, then you probably have the wrong tape mounted or you anticipated this condition. VOLUME 'label' IS NOT A DOS SYSRES 444E Explanation: The disk specified by the mode operand of the SET DOS ON command is not a VSE/AF system residence volume. System Action: RC = 32 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Reissue the command with the correct mode. INVALID DATA IN SEQUENCE FIELD, BYPASSING SEQUENCE CHECK 445W Explanation: The sequence field on the file being loaded is not numeric. System Action: The file continues to be loaded. User Response: Check the file after it has been loaded for possible transmission errors. Error 5 running fn ft, line nn: Machine storage exhausted 450E Explanation: While attempting to interpret a program, the System Product Interpreter was unable to get the space needed for its work areas and variables. This may have occurred because the program (such as the Editor) that invoked the System Product Interpreter has already used up most of the available storage itself, or because a program that issued NUCXLOAD did not terminate properly, but instead, went into a loop. System Action: Execution stops. I 312 User Response: Run the EXEC or macro on its own, or check a program issuing NUCXLOAD for a possible loop that has not terminated properly. More free storage may be obtained by releasing a disk (to recover the space used for the file directory) or deleting a nucleus extension. Alternatively, re-IPL CMS after defining a larger virtual storage size for the virtual machine. IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 451E Error 3 running fn ft, line nn: Program is unreadable Explanation: The System Product Interpreter program could not be read from the disk. This problem usually occurs when you are attempting to execute an EXEC or program from someone else's disk for which you have Read/Only access, while someone with Read/Write access to the disk has altered the program so that it no longer exists in the same place on the disk. System Action: Execution stops. User Response: Reaccess the disk on which the EXEC or program resides. 452E Error 4 running fn ft, line nn: Program interrupted Explanation: The system interrupted execution of your System Product Interpreter program. Usually this is due to your issuing the 'HI' (halt interpretation) immediate command. Certain utility modules may force this condition if they detect a disastrous error condition. System Action: Execution stops. User Response: If you issued an 'HI' command, continue as planned. Otherwise, look for a problem with a Utility Module called in your EXEC or macro. 453E Error 6 runni~g fn ft, line nn: Unmatched "/*" or quote Explanation: The System Product Interpreter reached the end of the file (or the end of data in an INTERPRET statement) without finding the ending "*/" for a comment or quote for a literal string. System Action: Execution stops. User Response: Edit the EXEC and add the closing "* /" or quote. You can also insert a TRACE SCAN statement at the top of your program and rerun it. The resulting output should show where the error exists. 454E Error 7 running fn ft, line nn: WHEN or OTHERWISE expected Explanation: The System Product Interpreter expects a series of WHENs and an OTHERWISE within a SELECT statement. This message is issued when any other instruction is found. This situation is often caused by forgetting the DO and END instructions around the list of instructions following a WHEN. For example, Wroilg Select When a = b then Say 'A equals B' exit Otherwise nop end Right Select When a = b then DO Say 'A equals B' exit Otherwise nop end System Action: Execution stops. User Response: Make the necessary corrections. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 313 455E Error 8 running fn ft, line nn: Unexpected THEN or ELSE Explanation: The System Product Interpreter has found a THEN or an ELSE that does not match a corresponding IF clause. This situation is often caused by forgetting to put an END or DO END in the THEN part of a complex IF THEN ELSE construction. For example, Wrong Right If a=b then do; Say EQUALS exit else Say NOT EQUALS If a=b then do; Say EQUALS exit end else Say NOT EQUALS System Action: Execution stops. User Response: Make the necessary corrections. 456E Error 9 running fn ft, line nn: Unexpected WHEN or OTHERWISE Explanation: The System Product Interpreter has found a WHEN or OTHERWISE instruction outside of a SELECT construction. You may have accidentally enclosed the instruction in a DO END construction by leaving off an END instruction, or you may have tried to branch to it with a SIGNAL statement (which cannot work because the SELECT is then terminated). System Action: Execution stops. User Response: Make the necessary correction. 457E Error 10 running fn ft, line nn: Unexpected or unmatched END Explanation: The System Product Interpreter has found more ENDs in your program than DOs or SELECTs, or the ENDs were placed so that they did not match the DOs or SELECTs. This message can be caused if you try to signal into the middle of a loop. In this case, the END will be unexpected because the previous DO will not have been executed. Remember also, that SIGNAL terminates any current loops, so it cannot be used to jump from one place inside a loop to another. This message can also be caused if you place an END immediately after a THEN OR ELSE construction. System Action: Execution stops. User Response: Make the necessary corrections. It may be helpful to use 'TRACE Scan' to show the structure of the program and make it more obvious where the error is. Putting the name of the control variable on ENDs which close repetitive loops can also help locate this kind of error. 314 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 458E Error 11 running fn ft, line nn: Control stack full Explanation: This message is issued if you exceed the limit of 250 levels of nesting of control structures (DO-END, IF-THEN-ELSE, etc.) This message could be caused by a looping INTERPRET instruction, such as: line = 'INTERPRET line' INTERPRET line These lines would loop until they exceeded the nesting level limit and this message would be issued. Similarly, a recursive subroutine that does riot terminate correctly could loop until it causes this message. System Action: Execution stops. User Response: Make the necessary corrections. 459E Error 12 running fn ft, line nn: Clause> 500 characters Explanation: You have exceeded the limit of 500 characters for the length of the internal representation of a clause. If the cause of this message is not obvious to you, it may be due to a missing quote, that has caused a number of lines to be included in one long string. In this case, the error probably occurred at the start of the data included in the clause traceback (flagged by '+ + +' on the console). The internal representation of a clause does not include comments or multiple blanks that are outside of strings. Note also that any symbol ('name') gains two characters in length in the internal representation. System Action: Execution stops. User Response: Make the necessary corrections. 460E Error 13 running fn ft, line nn: Invalid character in data Explanation: The System Product Interpreter found an invalid character outside of a literal (quoted) string. Valid characters are: A~Z a-z 0-9 (Alphamerics) @ # $ ¢ . ? ! _ (Name Characters) & * ( ) - + = ~ ' ' ' ; : < , > / (Special Characters) System Action: Execution stops. User Response: Make the necessary corrections. 461E Error 14 running fn ft, line nn: Incomplete DO/SELECT/IF Explanation: The System Product Interpreter has reached the end of the file (or end of data for an INTERPRET instruction) and has found that there is a DO or SELECT without a matching END, or an IF that is not followed by a THEN clause. System Action: Execution stops. User Response: Make the necessary corrections. You can use 'TRACE Scan' to show the structure of the program, thereby making it easier to find Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 315 where the missing END should be. Putting the name of the control variable on ENDs that close repetitive loops can also help locate this kind of error. 462E Error 15 running fn ft, line nn: Invalid Hex constant Explanation: For the System Product Interpreter, hexadecimal constants may not have leading or trailing blanks and may have imbedded blanks at byte boundaries only. The following are all valid hexadecimal constants: '13'x 'A3C2 lc34'x 'lde8'x You may have mistyped one of the digits, for example typing a letter 0 instead of a O. This message can also be caused if you follow a string with the l-character symbol "X" (the name of the variable 'X'), when the string is not intended to be taken as a hexadecimal specification. In this case, use theexplicit concatenation operator ("N") to concatenate the string to the value of the symbol. System Action: Execution stops. User Response: Make the necessary corrections. 463E Error 16 running fn ft, line nn: Label not found Explanation: The System Product Interpreter could not find the label specified by a SIGNAL instruction (or specified by a trap set to occur when a certain event occurred). You may have mistyped the label or forgotten to include it. System Action: Execution stops. The name of the missing label is included in the error traceback. User Response: Make the necessary corrections. 464E Error 21 running fn ft, line nn: Invalid data on end of clause Explanation: You have followed a clause, such as SELECT or NOP, with some data other than a comment. System Action: Execution stops. User Response: Make the necessary corrections. 465E Error 17 running fn ft, line nn: Unexpected PROCEDURE Explanation: The System Product Interpreter encountered a PROCEDURE instruction in an invalid position. Either no internal routines are active, or a PROCEDURE instruction has already been encountered in the internal routine. This error can be caused by "dropping through" to an internal routine, rather than invoking it with a CALL or a function call. System Action: Execution stops. User Response: Make the necessary corrections. 316 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 466E Error 26 running fn ft, line nn: Invalid whole number Explanation: The System Product Interpreter found an expression in the NUMERIC instruction, a parsing positional pattern, or the right hand term of the exponentiation ('**') operator that did not evaluate to a whole number, or was greater than the limit, for these uses, of 999999999. This message can also be issued if the return code passed back from an EXIT or RETURN instruction (when a System Product Interpreter program is called as a command) is not a whole number or will not fit in a System/370 register. This error may be due to mistyping the name of a symbol so that it is not the name of a variable in the expression on any of these statements. This might be true, for example, if you typed "EXIT CR" instead of "EXIT RC." System Action: Execution stops. User Response: Make the necessary corrections. 467E Error 27 running fn ft, line nn: Invalid DO syntax Explanation: The System Product Interpreter found a syntax error in the DO instruction. You might have used BY or TO twice, or used BY, TO, or FOR when you didn't specify a control variable. System Action: Execution stops. User Response: Make the necessary corrections. 468E Error 30 running fn ft, line nn: Name or String> 250 characters Explanation: The System Product Interpreter found a variable or a literal (quoted) string that is longer than the limit. The limit for names is 250 characters, following any substitutions. A possible cause of this error is the use of a period ('.') in a name, causing an unexpected substitution. The limit for a literal string is 250 characters. This error can be caused by leaving off an ending quote (or putting a single quote in a string) because several clauses may be included in the string. For example, the string 'don't' should be written as 'don't' or "don't". System Action: Execution stops. User Response: Make the necessary corrections. 469E Error 31 running fn ft, line nn: Name starts with numeric or "." Explanation: The System Product Interpreter found a variable whose name begins with a numeric digit or a '.'. The System Product Interpreter language rules do not allow you to assign a value to a variable whose name begins with a numeric digit or a period, because you could then redefine numeric constants which would be catastrophic. System Action: Execution stops. User Response: Rename the variable correctly. It is best to start a variable name with an alphabetic character, but some other characters are allowed. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 317 470E Error 34 running fn ft, line nn: Logical value not 0 or 1 Explanation: The System Product Interpreter found an expression in an IF, WHEN, DO WHILE, or DO UNTIL phrase that did not result in a '0' or '1'. Any value operated on by a logical operator (- "I, &, or &&) must result in a '0' or '1'. For example, the phrase "If result then exit rc" will fail if Result has a value of 0 or 1. Thus, the phrase would be better written as "If result = 0 then exit rc". System Action: Execution stops. User Response: Make the necessary corrections. 471E Error 35 running fn ft, line nn: Invalid expression Explanation: The System Product Interpreter found a grammatical error in an expression. You might have ended an expression with an operator, or had two adjacent operators with no data in between, or included special characters (such as operators) in an intended character expression without enclosing them in quotes. For example LISTFILE * * * should be written as LISTFILE ,* * *', or even as 'LISTFILE * * *' (if LISTFILE is not a variable). System Action: Execution stops. User Response: Make the necessary corrections. 472E Error 36 running fn ft, line nn: Unmatched "(" in expression Explanation: The System Product Interpreter found an unmatched parenthesis within an expression. You will get this message if you include a single parenthesis in a command without enclosing it in quotes. For example, COpy ABC A B D (REP should be written as COpy ABC A RD '(,REP. System Action: Execution stops. User Response: Make the necessary corrections. 473E Error 37 running fn ft, line nn: Unexpected" ," or ")" Explanation: The System Product Interpreter found a comma',' outside a routine invocation or too many right parentheses in an expression. You will get this message if you include a comma in a character expression without enclosing it in quotes. For example, the instruction: Say Enter A, B, or C should be written as: Say 'Enter A, B, or C' System Action: Execution stops. User Response: Make the necessary corrections. 318 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 474E Error 39 running fn ft, line nn: Evaluation stack overflow Explanation: The System Product Interpreter was not able to evaluate the expression because it is too complex (many nested parentheses, functions, etc.). System Action: Execution stops. User Response: Break up the expressions by assigning sub-expression to temporary variables. 475E Error 40 running fn ft, line nn: Incorrect call to routine Explanation: The System Product Interpreter encountered an incorrectly used call to a built-in or external routine. Some possible causes are: • You passed invalid data (arguments) to the routine. This is the most common possible cause and is dependent on the actual routine. If a routine returns a non-zero return code, the System Product Interpreter issues this message and passes back its return code of 20040. • The module invoked was not compatible with the System Product Interpreter. • You have used more than 10 arguments. If you were not trying to invoke a routine, then you may have a symbol or a string adjacent to a 'C when you meant it to be separated by a space or an operator. This causes it to be seen as a function call. For example, TIME(4 + 5) should probably be written as TIME*(4 + 5). System Action: Execution stops. User Response: Make the necessary corrections. 476E Error 41 running fn ft, line nn: Bad arithmetic conversion Explanation: The System Product Interpreter found a term in an arithmetic expression that was not a valid number or that had an exponent outside the allowed range of -999999999 to + 999999999. You may have mistyped a variable name, or included an arithmetic operator in a character expression without putting it in quotes. For example, the command MSG * Hi! should be written as 'MSG * Hi!', otherwise the System Product Interpreter will try to multiply "MSG" by 'Hi!'. System Action: Execution stops. User Response: Make the necessary corrections. 477E Error 42 running fn ft, line nn: Arithmetic Overflow/Underflow Explanation: The System Product Interpreter encountered the result of an arithmetic operation that required an exponent greater than the limit of 9 digits (more than 999999999 or less than -999999999). This error can occur during evaluation of an expression (often as a result of trying to divide a number by 0), or during the increasing of a DO loop control variable. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 319 System Action: Execution stops. User Response: Make the necessary corrections. 478E Error 43 running fn ft, line nn: Routine not found Explanation: The System Product Interpreter was unable to find a routine called in your program. You invoked a function within an expression or in a subroutine invoked by CALL, but the specified label is not in the program or is not the name of a built-in function, and CMS is unable to locate it externally. The simplest, and probably most common, cause of this error is mistyping the name. Another possibility may be that one of the standard function packages is not available. If you were not trying to invoke a routine, you may have put a symbol or string adjacent to a "(" when you meant it to be separated by a space or operator. The System Product Interpreter would see that as a function invocation. For example, the string 3(4+5) should be written as 3*(4+5). System Action: Execution stops. User Response: Make the necessary corrections. 479E Error 44 running fn ft, line nn: Function did not return data Explanation: The System Product Interpreter invoked an external routine within an expression. The routine seemed to end without error, but it did not return data for use in the expression. This may be due to specifying the name of a CMS module that is not intended for use as a System Product Interpreter function. It should be called as a command or subroutine. System Action: Execution stops. User Response: Make the necessary corrections. 480E Error 45 running fn ft, line nn: No data specified on function RETURN Explanation: A System Product Interpreter program has been called as a function, but an attempt is being made to return (by a RETURN; instruction) without passing back any data. Similarly, an internal routine, called as a function, must end with a RETURN statement specifying an expression. System Action: Execution stops. User Response: Make the necessary corrections. 481E Error 49 running fn ft, line nn: Interpreter failure Explanation: The System Product Interpreter carries out numerous internal self-consistency checks. It issues this message if it encounters a severe error. System Action: Execution stops. User Response: Report any occurrence of this message to your IBM representative. 320 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 482E Error 19 running fn ft, line nn: String or symbol expected Explanation: The System Product Interpreter expected a symbol following the keywords CALL, SIGNAL, SIGNAL ON, or SIGNAL OFF but none was found. You may have omitted the string or symbol, or you may have inserted a special character (such as a parenthesis) in it. System Action: Execution stops. User Response: Make the necessary corrections. 483E Error 20 running fn ft, line nn: Symbol expected Explanation: The System Product Interpreter may expect a symbol following the END, ITERATE, LEAVE, NUMERIC, PARSE, or PROCEDURE keywords or expected a list of symbols following the DROP, UPPER, or PROCEDURE (with EXPOSE option) keywords. Either there was no symbol when one was required or some other characters were found. System Action: Execution stops. User Response: Make the necessary corrections. 484E Error 24 running fn ft, line nn: Invalid TRACE request Explanation: The System Product Interpreter issues this message when:: • The action specified on a TRACE instruction, or the argument to the TRACE built-in function, starts with a letter that does not match one of the valid alphabetic character options. The valid options are A, C, E, I, L, N, 0, R, or S. • An attempt is made to request "TRACE Scan" when inside any control construction or while in interactive debug. System Action: Execution stops. User Response: Make the necessary corrections. 485E Error 25 running fn ft, line nn: Invalid sub-keyword found Explanation: The System Product Interpreter expected a particular sub-keyword at this position in an instruction and something else was found. For example, the NUMERIC instruction must be followed by the sub-keyword DIGITS, FUZZ, or FORM. If NUMERIC is followed by anything else, this message is issued. System Action: Execution stops. User Response: Make the necessary corrections. 486E Error 28 running fn ft, line nn: Invalid LEAVE or ITERATE Explanation: The System Product Interpreter encountered an invalid LEAVE or ITERATE instruction. The instruction was invalid because: • No loop is active, or • The name specified on the instruction does not match the control variable of any active loop. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 321 Note that internal routine calls and the INTERPRET instruction protect DO loops by making them inactive. Therefore, for example, a LEAVE instruction in a subroutine cannot affect a DO loop in the calling routine. You can cause this message to be issued if you use the SIGNAL instruction to transfer control within or into a loop. A SIGNAL instruction terminates all active loops, and any ITERATE or LEAVE instruction issued then would cause this message to be issued. System Action: Execution stops. User Response: Make the necessary corrections. 487E Error 29 running fn ft, line nn: Environment name too long Explanation: The System Product Interpreter encountered an environment name specified on an ADDRESS instruction that is longer than the limit of 8 characters. System Action: Execution stops. User Response: Specify the environment name correctly. 488E Error 33 running fn ft, line nn: Invalid expression result Explanation: The System Product Interpreter encountered an expression result that is invalid in its particular context. The result maybe invalid because an illegal FUZZ or DIGITS value was used in a NUMERIC instruction (FUZZ may not become larger that DIGITS). System Action: Execution stops. User Response: Make the necessary corrections. 489E Error 38 running fn ft, line nn: Invalid template or pattern Explanation: The System Product Interpreter found an invalid special character, for example %, within a parsing template, or the syntax of a variable trigger was incorrect (no symbol was found after a left parenthesis). This message is also issued if the WITH sub-keyword is omitted in a PARSE VALUE instruction. System Action: Execution stops. User Response: Make the necessary corrections. 490E Error 48 running fn ft, line nn: Failure in system service Explanation: The System Product Interpreter halts execution of the program because some system service, such as user input or output or manipulation of the console stack has failed to work correctly. System Action: Execution stops. User Response: Ensure that your input is correct and that your program is working correctly. If the problem persists, notify your system support personnel. 322 IBM, VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 491E Error 18 running fn ft, line nn: THEN expected Explanation: All System Product Interpreter IF and WHEN clauses must be followed by a THEN clause. Another clause was found before a THEN statement was found. System Action: Execution stops. User Response: Insert a THEN clause between the IF or WHEN clause and the following clause. 492E Error 32 running fn ft, line nn: Invalid use of stem Explanation: The System Product Interpreter program attempted to change the value of a symbol that is a stem. (A stem is that part of a symbol up to the first period. You use a stem when you want to affect all variables beginning with that stem.) This may be in the UPPER instruction where the action in this case is unknown, and therefore in error. System Action: Execution stops. User Response: Change the program so that it does not attempt to change the value of a stem. 493E SORT INVALID IN UPDATE MODE Explanation: The SORT command was issued in update mode. System Action: RC = 3 The data is not sorted. User Response: None. 495E THE 'modulel' MODULE CAN ONLY BE EXECUTED BY THE 'module2' MODULE, IT CANNOT BE EXECUTED BY ITSELF. Explanation: Someone has sent you a file with an altered fileid. A file is not loaded when the last card of the reader file does not match the filename, filetype, and/or filemode of the first card in the file. The filename, filetype, file mode specified in the message is the file that would have been erased by the DISK LOAD. System Action: RC = 100. The file is not loaded and is left in the reader. User Response: Issue CP QUERY READER to determine who sent you this altered file. If you still want to load the file, use the READ CARD command. Otherwise, to delete this file from your reader, use the CP PURGE command. 496S READER FILE ALTERED TO DISK LOAD AS: 'fn ft fm'. DISK LOAD STOPPED! FILE HAS BEEN LEFT IN YOUR READER Explanation: Someone has sent you a file with an altered fileid. A file is not loaded when the last card of the reader file does not match the filename, filetype, and/or filemode of the first card in the file. The filename, filetype, filemode specified in the message is the file that would have been erased by the DISK LOAD. System Action: RC = 100 The file is not loaded and is left in the reader. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 323 User Response: Issue CP QUERY READER to determine who sent you this altered file. If you still want to load the file, use the READ CARD command. Otherwise, to delete this file from your reader, use the CP PURGE command. 497E OPERAND OF SET OPTION EXCEEDS MAXIMUM LENGTH Explanation: For the SET SYNONYM subcommand, the newname or oldname (including operands) was greater than 129 characters. Trailing blanks are considered when the length is computed since they can be significant. System Action: RC = 5 The SET subcommand is not executed. User Response: Correct and reissue the SET subcommand. 498E NOT EXECUTED: THE TWO AREAS TO MERGE OVERLAP EACH OTHER Explanation: The MERGE subcommand was issued and the group of lines that were merged overlapped each other. System Action: RC = 1 No lines are merged. User Response: Specify targets such that the lines to be merged do not overlap. 499E USER NOT AUTHORIZED TO ISSUE 'command' COMMAND Explanation: The TELL EXEC tried to issue the specified 'command' found in the GLOBALV file. Either the specified 'command' is invalid, or the user is not authorized to issue the MSGOH command. System Action: RC = 40 The command is tej ected. User Response~ Reissue the DEFAULTS EXEC to set msgcmd to either MSG or MSGOH. 500E UNABLE TO UNPACK FILE 'fn ft fm' Explanation: An error condition was detected during the process of unpacking a file. System Action: RC = 88 Execution of the command is terminated. User Response: Contact your system support personnel for assistance. 5011 nn LINE(S) DELETED Explanation: The number of lines deleted as a result of a DELETE subcommand is displayed. System Action: None. User Response: None. 324 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 502E nn LINE TO RECOVER Explanation: The number of lines recovered as a result of a RECOVER subcommand is displayed. System Action: None. User Response: None. 5021 {NOlnn} LINE(S) RECOVERED Explanation: The number of lines recovered (or 'NO LINES' if 0 lines were recovered), as a result of a RECOVER subcommand, is displayed. System Action: If NO lines were recoverable, RC = 3 is returned. User Response: None. 502W NO LINE TO RECOVER Explanation: A RECOVER subcommand was issued, but the buffer that contains "recoverable" lines was empty. System Action: RC = 3 User Response; None. 503E {TRUNCATEDISPILLED} Explanation: The current line has exceeded the truncation column and the extra characters have been truncated or spilled. System Action: RC = 3 Lines are spilled or truncated depending on SET SPILL onlofflword. User Response: To avoid truncation of subsequent lines, change the truncation setting by issuing a SET TRUNC subcommand. SET SPILL also allows you to avoid losing any characters by truncation. 504E nn LINE(S) {TRUNCATEDISPILLED} Explanation: Lines were truncated or spilled due to execution of the SHIFT subcommand. System Action: RC = 3 Lines are spilled or truncated depending on SET SPILL onlofflword. User Response: None. 505E NOT EXECUTED: THE TARGET LINE (nn) IS WITHIN THE LINES TO MOVE Explanation: The destination line for a move or copy operation fell within the block of lines to be moved. System Action: RC = 1 User Response: Correct and reissue the subcommand. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 325 5061 nn LINES {MOVEDICOPIEDIMERGED} Explanation: The number of lines that were moved, copied, or merged is displayed. System Action: None. User Response: None. 507E NO PRESERVED DATA TO RESTORE Explanation: A RESTORE subcommand was issued to restore the settings of XEDIT variables but the PRESERVE subcommand had not previously been issued to save the settings of the variables. System Action: RC = 3 The RESTORE subcommand is not executed. User Response: If you wish to alter XEDIT variables temporarily, enter the PRESERVE subcommand, then change the XEDIT variables using the SET subcommand. Subsequently, enter the RESTORE subcommand to restore the variables to the values they had when the PRESERVE subcommand was last issued. 508E 'load' MUST BE THE FIRST SUBCOMMAND IN THE PROFILE Explanation: During the execution of a XED IT profile macro, a LOAD subcommand was detected that was not the first XEDIT subcommand in the macro. System Action: RC = 3 The XEDIT profile macro is partially executed. The system executes all EXEC 2 statements, CMS commands, and XEDIT subcommands in the macro until the LOAD subcommand is reached. It then ignores the LOAD subcommand and all subsequent subcommands. Upon detection of the first XEDIT subcommand, the editor automatically executed a LOAD subcommand that was used to invoke the profile macro. No more than one LOAD command, either implicit or explicit, may be executed in one XEDIT macro call. User Response: Correct your XEDIT profile macro. Move the LOAD subcommand up so that it is the first XEDIT subcommand to be executed. 509E 'subcommand' SUBCOMMAND NOT VALID FROM A PREFIX MACRO Explanation: A subcommand is not valid when issued from a prefix macro. The following subcommands are invalid: LPREFIX, QUIT, FILE, and READ. System Action: RC = 4 Execution of the macro continues. User Response: Do not issue the macro from the prefix area, or modify the macro so this subcommand is not issued. 326 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 509W USE GET AND/OR PUT(D) TO MOVE LINES IN UPDATE MODE Explanation: The MOVE subcommand was issued in update mode. System Action: RC = 3 User Response: To move lines in update mode, use the GET or PUT(D) subcommand. 5101 AUTOSAVED AS 'fn ft fm'. Explanation: As a result of a SET AUTOSAVE setting, the file was written to disk with the fileid that is displayed. System Action: The editing session continues. User Response: None. 511E STRING2 CONTAINS MORE ARBITRARY CHARACTERS THAN STRING1 Explanation: In a CHANGE subcommand, the operand 'string2' contained more arbitrary characters than the operand 'stringl'. System Action: RC = 5 User Response: Correct the operand 'string2' and reissue the CHANGE subcommand. 512E INVALID SUBSET COMMAND Explanation: A CMS command that is not one of the CMS subset commands was issued, and the editor is not in the CMS shared segment (where any CMS command may be executed). System Action: RC = 1 or 2 RC = 1: The command was passed to CMS; the command was not a valid system editor subcommand. RC = 2: The command was passed to CMS. The VM/SP editor did not attempt to decode the command. User Response: None. 513E UNKNOWN CP/CMS COMMAND Explanation: A command was transmitted to CMS or to CP but was not recognized. System Action: RC = -3 User Response: Correct and reissue the command. 514E RETURN CODE 'nn' FROM 'command' Explanation: A CMS or CP command was executed, and an error occurred. System Action: The return code from the CMS or CP command is displayed in the message User Response: Correct and reissue the command. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 327 515E RECFM MUST BE {FIVIFPIVP} Explanation: A SET RECFM subcommand was issued and the operand was not recognized. System Action: RC = 5 The subcommand is not executed. User Response: Correct and reissue the subcommand. 516E LRECL TOO LARGE FOR V-FORMAT FILE Explanation: A SET LRECL subcommand was issued with a logical record length that exceeds the maximum for V-format files, which is 65,536. Or, a SET RECVM V/VP subcommand was issued for a file with a record length greater than this maximum. System Action: RC = 4 The subcommand is not executed. User Response: Correct and reissue the subcommand. 5171 nn OCCURRENCE(S) CHANGED ON nn LINE(S) Explanation: An ALTER macro or a CHANGE subcommand caused 'nn' occurrences on 'nn' lines to be changed. System Action: None. User Response: None. 518E nn OCCURRENCE(S) CHANGED ON nn LINE(S); nn LINE(S) {TRUNCATED ISPILLED} Explanation: A CHANGE subcommand caused 'nn' occurrences to be changed; as a result, 'nn' lines were truncated or spilled. If SET SPILL OFF was previously issued, the lines were truncated. Otherwise, the lines were spilled. System Action: RC = 3 User Response: Issue SET SPILL ON to avoid truncation. 519E LRECL MUST BE LOWER THAN WIDTH (nn) Explanation: A SET LRECL subcommand specified a logical record length greater than the WIDTH option in the XEDIT command. System Action: RC = 5 The subcommand is not executed. User Response: Correct and reissue the subcommand. 328 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 520E INVALID OPERAND : operand Explanation: A subcommand was issued either with an invalid operand or with too many operands. System Action: RC = 5 The subcommand is not executed. User Response: Correct and reissue the subcommand. 521E INVALID LINE NUMBER Explanation: The line number specified in a GET subcommand was zero; or one of the following SET subcommand options was issued with an invalid line number: CURLINE, SCALE, TABLINE. System Action: RC = 5 User Response: Correct and reissue the subcommand. 5221 nn OCCURRENCES Explanation: The. number of occurrences of a string located by a count subcommand is displayed. System Action: None. User Response: None. 5231 TYPEWRITER MODE Explanation: A SET TERMINAL TYPEWRITER subcommand was issued from a display terminal. System Action: None. User Response: None. 524W NONDISP CHARACTER RESET TO ' , Explanation: A SET APL ON or SET TEXT ON subcommand was in effect, and a SET NONDISP subcommand was issued defining an APL or TEXT character as the non-displayable character. When a SET APL OFF or SET TEXT OFF was issued subsequently, the editor automatically reset the non-displayable character to a ' '. System Action: None. User Response: None. 525E INVALID {PFKEYIPFKEY/PAKEY} NUMBER Explanation: A SET PFn subcommand was issued, and 'n' was either zero or greater than 24. Or, a SET PAn subcommand was issued, and 'n' was either zero or greater than 3. System Action: RC = 5 User Response: Correct and reissue the subcommand. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 329 526E OPTION 'option' VALID IN DISPLAY MODE ONLY Explanation: The following SET options are valid only in display mode: CMDLINE CURLINE MSGLINE RESERVED SCALE SCREEN TABLINE TERMINAL For the EXECUTE subcommand, the CURSOR operand was specified while the terminal was not in display mode. System Action: RC = 3 User Response: None. 527E INVALID COLUMN NUMBER Explanation: A CURSOR subcommand was issued with an invalid column number. System Action: RC = 1 User Response: Correct and reissue the sUbcommand. 528E INVALID RANGE: TARGET2 (LINE nn) PRECEDES TARGETI (LINE nn) Explanation: The 'target' operands specified in a SET RANGE subcommand were reversed. System Action: RC = 5 The subcommand is not executed. User Response: Correct and reissue the subcommand. 529E SUBCOMMAND IS ONLY VALID IN {DISPLAYIEDITING} MODE Explanation: A subcommand was issued that is valid only in display or editing mode. The following sub commands are valid only in display or editing mode: ADD BACKWARD CURSOR FORWARD JOIN CURSOR MODIFY POWERINP REFRESH RGTLEFT SCHANGE SOS SPLTJOIN Prefix subcommand A Prefix subcommand I System Action: RC = 3 User Response: None. 330 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 5801 nn FILE(S) IN STORAGE. Explanation: A QUERY RING subcommand was executed. System Action: None. User Response: None. 581E DISK IS FULL. SET NEW FILEMODE OR CLEAR SOME DISK SPACE Explanation: The output disk became full during execution of a FILE or SAVE subcommand. System Action: RC = 13 The editing session continues. User Response: Specify a new filemode (SET MODE) or make more room on the disk. 582E DISK IS FULL; AUTOSAVE FAILED Explanation: The output disk became full during an automatic save operation. System Action: RC = 13 The editing session continues. User Response: Use the SET AUTOSAVE subcommand to specify a new filemode, or make more room on the disk. 588E LINE nn IS NOT RESERVED Explanation: A SET RESERVED nn OFF subcommand was issued, and 'nn' indicates a line number that is not currently reserved. System Action: RC = 4 The subcommand is not executed. User Response: Reissue the subcommand and specify a line number that is currently reserved. 584E TOO MANY LOGICAL SCREENS DEFINED Explanation: A SET SCREEN subcommand was issued, and en' specified too many logical screen for the physical screen size. System Action: RC = 4 The subcommand is not executed. User Response: Correct and reissue the subcommand. 585E INVALID PARMS FOR RENUM Explanation: A RENUM subcommand was issued, and either the 'startno' or 'incr' operand was specified as zero. System Action: RC = 5 The subcommand is not executed. User Response: Correct and reissue the subcommand. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 331 536E LOGICAL SCREENS EXCEED PHYSICAL SCREEN SIZE Explanation: A 'SET SCREEN SIZE' subcommand was issued, and the number of lines or columns specified exceeds the limits of the physical screen. System Action: RC = 1 The subcommand is not executed. User Response: Correct and reissue the subcommand. 537E EACH LOGICAL SCREEN MUST CONTAIN AT LEAST 5 LINES AND 20 COLUMNS Explanation: A 'SET SCREEN SIZE' subcommand was issued, and it resulted in a logical screen si~ of less than 5 rows and/or less than 20 columns. System Action: RC = 4 The subcommand is not executed. User Response: Correct and reissue the subcommand. S3SE NO NAME DEFINED Explanation: A 'QUERY POINT *' subcommand was issued, but no symbolic names have been defined. System Action: RC = 3 User Response: None. 539E NAMED LINE NOT FOUND Explanation: A 'SET POINT' subcommand was issued to delete a specified symbolic name, and the name was not located. System Action: RC = 2 User Response: None. 540E NAMED ALREADY DEFINED ON LINE 'nn' Explanation: A 'SET POINT' subcommand was issued to define a symbolic name, and the specified name was already assigned to another line. System Action: RC = 1 User Response: Issue a 'SET POINT .symbol OFF' subcommand to delete the previous assignment, or select a unique name and reissue the subcommand. 541E INVALID NAME Explanation: A 'SET POINT' subcommand was issued, and the specified name either exceeded eight characters or was not preceded by a period (.). System Action: RC = 5 User Response: Correct and reissue the subcommand. 332 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes NO SUCH SUBCOMMAND: name Explanation: A subc.ommand not recognized by the editor was issued. System Action: RC =-1 User Response: If the name you entered was a macro name, verify that the macro resides on one of your accessed disks. M3E INVALID NUMBER: xxxxxxxx Explanation: A subcommand was entered that required a numeric operand, and an alphabetic operand was specified instead, or the number was too large. System Action: RC = -5 User Response: Correct and reissue the subcommand. 544E INVALID HEX DATA: xxxxxxxx Explanation: The subcommand SET HEX ON is in effect, and characters that did not represent valid hexadecimal notation (OO-FF) were entered in a subcommand. System Action: RC =-5 User Response: Correct and reissue the subcommand. 545E MISSING OPERAND(S) Explanation: A subcommand was entered without the required number of operand(s). System Action: RC =-5 The subcommand is not executed. User Response: Correct and reissue the subcommand. 546E TARGET NOT FOUND Explanation: A subcommand was issued with a target operand specified as a string expression or line name that was not located. System Action: RC = 2 The subcommand is not executed. User Response: Correct and reissue the subcommand. 547E SYNONYM DEFINITION INCOMPLETE Explanation: A 'SET SYNONYM' subcommand was issued without the required number of operands. System Action: RC = 5 The subcommand is not executed. User Response: Correct and reissue the subcommand. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 333 548E INVALID SYNONYM OPERAND : operand Explanation: A 'SET SYNONYM' or 'SET PREFIX SYNONYM' subcommand was issued with an invalid 'format' operand. System Action: RC = 5 The subcommand is not executed. User Response: Correct the operand and reissue the subcommand. 549E SYNONYM ABBREVIATION TOO LARGE Explanation: A 'SET SYNONYM' subcommand was issued and en' (minimum number of characters) was larger than the word itself. System Action: RC = 5 The subcommand is not executed. User Response: Correct and reissue the subcommand. 550E TOO MANY OPERANDS IN SYNONYM DEFINITION Explanation: A 'SET SYNONYM' subcommand was issued with more than 64 operands or with an operand greater than 160 characters. System Action: RC = 5 The subcommand is not executed. User Response: Correct and reissue the subcommand. 550W DATE/TIME DATA NOT PRESENT FOR FILE fn ft Explanation: This message appears when you issue DISK LOAD with OLDDATE option, and the file being loaded contains no data or time information. System Action: The file is loaded with a new date and time. User Response: None. 5511 STRING 'string' FOUND. [---PFnn SET FOR SELECTIVE CHANGE.] Explanation: An SCHANGE macro was executed. If a CLOCATE subcommand was typed in the command line, the first part of the message is displayed. If a CHANGE subcommand was typed in the command line, the message also displays which PF key must be pressed to perform the change. System Action: None. User Response: None. 552E NO SYNONYM CURRENTLY DEFINED Explanation: A 'QUERY SYNONYM synonyms are currently defined. System Action: RC=3 User Response: None. 334 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes *' subcommand was issued, and no 5531 EDITING FILE: fn ft fm Explanation: This message is displayed on a typewriter terminal or a display terminal used in typewriter mode, when one of the following occurred: 1. An XEDIT command was issued. 2. Multiple files are being edited, and a QUIT or FILE subcommand was issued. The fileid displayed is the new current file. System Action: None. User Response: None. 554E NO STORAGE AVAILABLE Explanation: No more storage is available, and one of the following subcommands, which require additional virtual storage, was issued: GET LPREFIX, SET CTLCHAR, SET MSGLINE, SET PENDING, SET NONDISP, SET PF/PA/ENTER, SET PREFIX SYNONYM, SET RESERVED, SET SCREEN, SET TRANSLATE. System Action: RC = 3 The subcommand is not executed. User Response: Increase the storage size of your virtual machine by issuing a CP DEFINE STORAGE subcommand. 555E FILE 'fn ft fm' ALREADY IN STORAGE Explanation: A load subcommand was issued for a file that is already in the ring of files in storage. System Action: RC = 4 A duplicate copy of the file that was requested will not be loaded into storage. User Response: None. 555W FILE 'fn ft fm' ALREADY IN STORAGE Explanation: An XEDIT subcommand was issued for a file that is already in the ring of files in storage, or a SET FNAME, SET FMODE, or SET FTYPE subcommand was issued whose operands are the same as those of a file already in storage. System Action: If the error resulted from an XEDIT subcommand, the file that was requested becomes the current file. Any options specified are ignored. User Response: None. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 335 556S UNDEFINED MESSAGE (DMSXER CALLED AT hex loc.) Explanation: The editor attempted to display a message that is not in DMSXER. System Action: None. User Response: Contact your system support personnel for assistance. NO MORE STORAGE TO INSERT LINES 557S Explanation: Storage was exhausted during the execution of one of the following subcommands: ADD, COPY, DUPLICATE, GET INPUT, SPLIT, and the following prefix subcommands: A, C, E,". System Action: RC = 4 The subcommand stops executing when no more storage is available. User Response: Increase the storage size of your virtual machine by issuing a CP DEFINE STORAGE subcommand. 558E WRONG FILE FORMAT FOR SERIALIZATION Explanation: A SET SERIAL subcommand was issued, and the file has a variable record format. Only files with a fixed record format can be serialized. System Action: RC = 5 User Response: You can issue a SET RECFM F subcommand to change the record format of the file. (See also message 560E.) 559W WARNING: FILE IS EMPTY Explanation: A subcommand was issued, but the file contains no lines. For the SAVE/FILE subcommand, the copy of the file on disk has not been altered. System Action: For DMSXSU, the subcommand is executed until EOF is reached. For DMSXFD, the FILE or SAVE subcommand is executed, except that the permanent copy of the file on disk is not changed. User Response: None. NOT ENOUGH SPACE FOR SERIALIZATION BETWEEN TRUNC AND LRECL 560E Explanation: A SET SERIAL subcommand was issued, and there is not enough room to insert the serial number. 'i System Action: The subcommand is not executed. User Response: Issue a SET TRUNC subcommand so that at least eight characters separate the truncation column and the logical record length. 336 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 561E CURSOR IS NOT ON A VALID DATA FIELD Explanation: A command was issued with the CURSOR or SCHANGE option, and the cursor was not on a file line; or, the cursor or column specified was outside the current zones. System Action: The subcommand is not executed. User Response: Reposition the cursor and reissue the subcommand. 562E NO LINE(S) SAVED BY PUT (D) SUBCOMMAND Explanation: A GET subcommand was issued, but no lines(s) had been stored by a PUT or PUTD subcommand. System Action: RC = 28 User Response: None. 563W RECORDS {TRUNCATED} Explanation: A GET subcommand was executed, and one or more of the inserted lines was truncated or spilled. System Action: RC = 3 Lines are spilled or truncated depending on the current value of SET SPILL (either ON, OFF, or WORD). User Response: None. 564W EOFREACHED Explanation: A GET subcommand was executed, and lines were inserted up to the end of the file. System Action: None. User Response: None. 565W EOF REACHED: RECORDS {TRUNCATEDISPILLED} Explanation: A GET subcommand was executed, and lines were inserted up to the end of the file. However, one or more lines was truncated or spilled. System Action: RC = 3 Lines are spilled or truncated depending on the current value of SET SPILL (either ON, OFF, or WORD). User Response: None. 566E LOGICAL SCREEN (sll,swl,shl,svl) IS OUTSIDE THE PHYSICAL SCREEN Explanation: The screen defined by (sll,swl,shl,svl) is outside the bounds of the physical screen. System Action: RC = 5 The subcommand is not executed. User Response: Correct the values and reissue the command. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 337 567E LOGICAL SCREEN (sll,swl,shl,svl) AND (s12,sw2,sh2,sv2) OVERLAP EACH OTHER Explanation: The screen defined by (sll,swl,shl,svl) somehow overlaps the screen defined by the parameters (s12,sw2,sh2,sv2). System Action: RC = 5 The subcommand is not executed. User Response: Correct the values and reissue the command. 568E :SUBCOMMAND NOT VALID WITH THE SCREEN DEFINITION Explanation: The subcommand that was issued is not valid in this screen definition. System Action: RC = 5 The subcommand is not executed. User Response: Do not use this subcommand in this screen definition. 569E NO 'CHANGE' OR 'CLOCATE' SUBCOMMAND SPECIFIED Explanation: The PF/PA key assigned to the SCHANGE macro was pressed, but no 'CHANGE' or 'CLOCATE' subcommand has been typed in the command line. System Action: RC = 5 The macro is not executed. User Response: Type a 'CHANGE' or 'CLOCATE' subcommand in the command line and then press the PF/PA key assigned to SCHANGE. 570W UPDATE 'updtname' SPECIFIED IN THE 'UNTIL' OPTION FIELD NOT FOUND Explanation: The 'UNTIL' option was specified. However, the filetype specified in this field was never found while applying the updates. System Action: None. User Response: None. 5711 CREATING NEW FILE: Explanation: An XEDIT command or one of the following XEDIT subcommands was executed: XEDIT, PUT, or PUTD. The fileid specified a file that did not exist on one of your accessed disks. System Action: None. User Response: None. 338 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 572E TERMINAL ERROR. FORCED CASE UPPERCASE. Explanation: An error occurred when the editor was reading from the CMS console stack. System Action: A 'SET CASE UPPERCASE' subcommand is executed, and the editor attempts to read the data again. User Response: If the read was successful, you can reissue the SET CASE subcommand if desired. Otherwise, contact your system support personnel for assistance. 5731 INPUT MODE: Explanation: An INPUT or REPLACE subcommand was executed. System Action: The editor leaves edit mode and enters input mode. User Response: You can enter new lines into the file, or enter a null line to return to edit mode. 574E CHANGE NOT VALID {WITH CLOCATEIAFTER CURSOR MOVEMENT} Explanation: One of the following occurred: 1. An SCHANGE macro was executed with a CLOCATE subcommand typed in the command line. Then, a PF key assigned to a CHANGE subcommand was pressed. 2. The PF key assigned to an SCHANGE macro was pressed, and a CHANGE subcommand is typed in the command line. The cursor was moved, and then the PF key set for the selective change was pressed. System Action: The change is not made. User Response: None. 575E INVALID [ARGUMENT OR] {JOINISPLITITABSIVERIFYIZONE} COLUMNS DEFINED Explanation: The subcommand displayed in the message was issued, and the columns specified were one of the following: non-numeric, zero, not in ascending order. System Action: RC = 5 The subcommand is not executed. User Response: Correct and reissue the subcommand. 576E {TOTAL VERIFY EXCEEDS SCREEN SIZE (nn)ITOTAL OFFSET EXCEEDS LRECL (nn)} Explanation: A SET VERIFY subcommand was issued, and the total width of the 'startcol' and 'endcol' operands is greater than the screen size; or, a LEFT or RIGHT subcommand was issued, and the total value of In' (when added to the value In' specified in previous LEFT or RIGHT subcommands, if any) exceeds the logical record length of the file. For JOIN or SPLIT, the cursor is outside the current zones. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 339 System Action: RC = 5 The subcommand is not executed. User Response: Correct and reissue the subcommand. 577E FILE HAS BEEN CHANGED. USE QQUIT TO QUIT ANYWAY Explanation: A QUIT or CANCEL subcommand has been issued, and a file has been changed during the editing session. System Action: RC = 12 The subcommand is not executed. User Response: Issue a 'QQUIT' subcommand if you do not wish to save the changes made during the editing session. Issue a 'FILE' subcommand if you want the changed file to be written to disk. 578W 'macro' MACRO IS NOT CURRENTLY IN STORAGE Explanation: An XEDIT PURGE subcommand was issued for 'macro', but no XEDIT macro with that name is currently in storage. System Action: RC = 3 User Response: No macro is purged from storage. 579E RECORDS TRUNCATED TO nn WHEN ADDED TO 'In It 1m' Explanation: A PUT(D) subcommand was issued, and the lines added to the existing fixed format file were truncated at the column indicated. System Action: RC = 3 The lines inserted into the file specified were truncated at column 'nn'. User Response: None. 579R RECORDS WILL BE TRUNCATED TO nne CONTINUE (YES/NO)?: Explanation: A PUT(D) subcommand has been issued, and the existing file in which you wish to insert a line(s) has a logical record length smaller than the line(s) you wish to insert. System Action: The reply determines whether or not the subcommand is executed. User Response: Enter 'YES' or 'NO'. If 'YES', the lines are truncated and inserted. 580W PUT NOT EXECUTED Explanation: A 'NO' reply to message 579R was entered. System Action: None. User Response: None. 340 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 582S EDITOR ABEND Explanation: The editor has failed because: an error occurred while the editor was reading from the CMS console stack, or the editor was unable to allocate a save area. System Action: The system is terminated abnormally. User Response: Issue the XEDIT command again. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. 5831 EOF: Explanation: On a typewriter terminal or a display terminal used in typewriter mode, the line pointer has moved to the null END OF FILE line. System Action: None. User Response: None. 5841 TOP: Explanation: On a typewriter terminal or a display terminal used in typewriter mode, the line pointer has moved to the null TOP OF FILE line. System Action: None. User Response: None. 585E NO LINE(S) CHANGED Explanation: A CHANGE or ALTER subcommand was issued, and the string to be changed or altered was not located, or an attempt was made to execute a change in the null TOP OF FILE or END OF FILE line. System Action: For JOIN, SPLIT, and SPLTJOIN subcommands, RC= 1; otherwise RC = 4. The change is not made. User Response: None. 586E NOT FOUND [ON SCREEN] Explanation: A FIND, FINDUP, NFIND, or NFINDUP subcommand was issued, and the specified 'text' operand is not found. The SCHANGE macro was invoked, the CHANGE or CLOCATE subcommand was issued, and the specified 'string' (first operand for CHANGE and only operand for CLOCATE) is not found within the screen width. System Action: RC = 2 User Response: For the SCHANGE macro and the CHANGE or CLOCATE subcommand, if the 'string' not found is outside the screen width, the RIGHT or LEFT subcommand can be issued to change the screen so that the string will be located. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 341 5871 XEDIT: Explanation: This message is displayed as a result of one of the following: • you return to EDIT mode from INPUT mode • you invoke XEDIT and you don't have a PROFILE macro • you enter a null line from a typewriter terminal System Action: None. User Response: None. 588E PREFIX SUBCOMMAND WAITING ... Explanation: A SET RANGE or SORT subcommand was issued and a prefix subcommand or macro was still pending in the file. (This IS indicated by '''xxx' pending ... " in the status area for the file.) Alternatively, a SET RANGE or SORT subcommand was issued from a prefix macro. System Action: RC = 8 The subcommand is not executed. User Response: You can issue a RESET subcommand to remove the pending prefix subcommands or macros, or you can complete the execution of the pending prefix subcommands or macros and then reissue the subcommand or macro from the command line. 589E MISSING FILEDEF FOR DDNAME SYSIN Explanation: For XEDIT, a command or subcommand was issued for a file that resides on an OS disk, but no FILEDEF command has been issued. For NUCXLOAD, a FILEDEF command identifying the load library must be issued prior to calling NUCXLOAD. System Action: RC = 32 The subcommand is not executed . . User Response: The editor uses the data definition name 'SYSIN' to read the OS data set. Therefore, you must issue a FILEDEF command with 'SYSIN' specified as the 'ddname' before issuing the XEDIT command or subcommand. Use CMS subset to enter the FILEDEF command. For NUCXLOAD, if you are loading a module from a CMS load library, issue a FILEDEF command identifying the load library. 590E DATA SET TOO LARGE Explanation: An XEDIT command or XEDIT or LOAD subcommand was issued for an OS data set that is too large for your virtual storage size. System Action: RC = 88 User Response: Use the CP command DEFINE to increase the virtual storage size, and reissue the XEDIT command or XEDIT or LOAD subcommand. Initialize CMS again. 342 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 591E OPEN ERROR ON SYSIN Explanation: An XEDIT command or subcommand was issued for a data set not supported by CMS. This message usually follows message DMSSOP036E. System Action: RC = 32 The subcommand is not executed. User Response: Refer to message DMSSOP036E. 592W WRAPPED .•• Explanation: While executing the search for a target, or while executing a subcommand, the search wrapped past the end of file to the top of the file. System Action: None. User Response: None. 593E nn LINE(S) MERGED, nn LINE(S) {TRUNCATEDISPILLED} Explanation: In executing the MERGE subcommand, some lines were truncated or spilled. System Action: RC = 3 User Response: Issue SET SPILL ON to avoid truncation. 594E FILE 'fn ft fm' ALREADY EXISTS. USE FFILE/SSAVE Explanation: XEDIT attempted to FILE or SAVE a file and found that a different copy of the file was already on disk. System Action: RC = 3 The subcommand is not executed. User Response: Use a different fileid, or use FFILE or SSAVE to overlay the other file on the disk. 596S THIS MODULE MUST BE CALLED WITHIN THE EDITOR Explanation: An attempt was made to execute DMSXMS or DMSXPO from CMS. System Action: RC = 88 User Response: None. 597E UNABLE TO MERGE UPDATES CONTAINING '.IS' CARDS Explanation: An XEDIT command has been issued with a 'MERGE' and 'CTL' option specified, and one of the updates in the control file contains a './S' card(s). System Action: RC = 32 The command is not executed. User Response: Remove the 'MERGE' option and reissue the command. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 343 598S UNABLE TO BUILD UPDATE FILE: INTERNAL LIST DESTROYED Explanation: A FILE or SAVE subcommand has been issued, and the editor was unable to build the update file. System Action: RC = 7 The command is not executed. User Response: Call your system support personnel for assistance. 599S UNABLE TO BUILD UPDATE FILE: SERIALIZATION DESTROYED Explanation: A FILE or SAVE subcommand has been issued and the editor was unable to build the update file because the serialization field contains a non-numeric character. This situation may have been the result of a previous update that did not inclufJe serialization. System Action: RC = 7 The command is not executed. User Response: Verify that all the applied updates include serialization. 600E FIRST SELECTION LEVEL (nn) CANNOT BE GREATER THAN SECOND SELECTION LEVEL (nn) Explanation: The 'SET DISPLAY nl n2' command was issued and n2 was less than nl. System Action: RC = 3 The subcommand is not executed. User Response: Correct the operands and reissue the subcommand. 60tR ENTER SPECIFICATION LIST: Explanation: The specification list that is to be entered in conjunction with the SPECS option is requested. System Action: The system waits for a response. User Response: Enter the specification list. 602R ENTER TRANSLATION LIST: Explanation: The translation list that is to be entered in conjunction with the TRANS option is requested. System Action: The system waits for a response. User Response: Enter the translation list. 603R FORMAT WILL ERASE ALL FILES ON DISK 'mode(vaddr)'. DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE? (YESINO): Explanation: This message is a reminder that the formatting process erases existing files. . System Action: The system waits for a response. User Response: Enter "yes" or "no". 344 IBM VM/Sp· HPO System Messages and Codes 604R ENTER SORT FIELDS: Explanation: The command requires a list of sort fields on which to perform a sort. System Action: The system waits for a response. User Response: Enter pairs of numbers, separated by a blank, defining the starting and ending character positions of sort fields within the records. 605R ENTER DISK LABEL: Explanation: You are requested to enter a label for the disk being formatted. The label will be written on the disk at cylinder 0, track 0, record 3. System Action: The system waits for a response. User Response: Enter a one- to six-character label for the disk. If you enter less than six characters, the label is left-justified and padded with blanks. If you enter a null line, the system displays the message DISK REMAINS UNCHANGED. 606R SYSTEM DISK ADDRESS = addr Explanation: "addr" designates the device address of the system disk (S-disk). On this disk CMS expects to find all eMS system information and programs not contained within the CMS nucleus, such as the disk-resident command modules. If the CMS nucleus is written on this disk, then addr is also the IPL device address. System Action: The system waits for a response. If you enter an invalid device address, the message DMSINI079E INVALID DEVICE ADDRESS REENTER is issued. Message DMSINI606R is reissued, and you may enter a valid device address. If you enter a null line, 190 is assumed to be the system disk address. Once the system disk address entered is accepted, message DMSINI615R is issued. User Response: Enter a valid device address or a null line. 607R REWRITE THE NUCLEUS? (YESINO) Explanation: Your response to this message determines whether or not a copy of the CMS nucleus is written onto disk. System Action: The system waits for a response. User Response: Enter either "yes" or "no/' If you enter "no" a copy of the CMS nucleus is not written onto disk. The remaining questions in generating a new CMS nucleus are skipped and control is passed to the CMS initialization routine. If you enter "yes", message DMSINI608R is issued. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 345 If you fail to enter either "yes" or "no", the message DMSINI081E INVALID REPLY. - ANSWER "YES" OR "NO" is issued. Message DMSINI607R is reissued and you may enter a valid response. 608R IPL DEVICE ADDRESS = addr Explanation: "addr" designates the device address on which the CMS nucleus is to be written. If the system disk and the IPL device are to be the same, you need only enter a null line. System Action: The system waits for a response. If you enter an invalid device address, message DMSINI079E INVALID DEVICE ADDRESS REENTER is issued. Message DMSINI608R is reissued and you may enter a valid device address. If the IPL device designated is not currently defined, is not in read/write status, or is an unsupported device type, message DMSINI082E IPL DEVICE ERROR - REENTER is issued. Message DMSINI608R is then reissued. At this time, you may enter CP mode by signaling attention, and determine the status of the designated device by entering the CP command QUERY VIRTUAL vaddr Then take the corrective action necessary to define the device for your virtual machine or to access it in read/write status. Reenter CMS mode by issuing the CP command BEGIN You must then reenter the device address. Once the IPL device address is accepted, message DMSINI609R is issued. User Response: Enter a valid device address or a null line. 609R NUCLEUS {CYL/BLK} ADDRESS = nnn Explanation: "nnn" designates the cylinder address or FB-512 block number (on the device. entered in response to message DMSINI608R) on which the CMS nucleus is to be written. nnn must be between 001 and m-1 where m equals the number of cylinders or blocks on the disk, the cylinders or blocks on a disk being numbered from 0 to m. nnn must be entered in decimal. For an FB-512 device, the block number must be a multiple of 256 and 256 blocks must be available at that location to form an FB-512 extent. System Action: The system waits for a response. 346 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes If you do not enter a valid decimal cylinder or block number, the message DMSINI080E INVALID {CYLIBLK} NUMBER REENTER is issued, message DMSINI609R is reissued, and you may enter a valid cylinder or FB-512 block number. If the cylinder or FB-512 block(s) specified is not greater than the number already in use on the device (as indicated in the file directory), the message DMSINI083E NUCLEUS {CYLIBLK} SPECIFICATION UNACCEPTABLE, ERROR 'X' is issued. Message DMSINI609R is reissued. You may respond with a larger cylinder or block number, or IPL the CMS system and format the specified IPL device with the RECOMP option. Once the nucleus cylinder or block address is accepted, message DMSINI610R is issued. User Response: Enter a valid cylinder address. 6IOR ALSO IPL {CYLIBLK} O? (YESINO) Explanation: The initial IPL text is always written on the same cylinder or FB-512 block as the CMS nucleus, that is, the cylinder or FB-512 extent designated in response to message DMSINI609R. (The initial IPL text is a bootstrap program that reads in the nucleus from the designated cylinder or block.) If it is not also written on cylinder or block 0; you must enter the cylinder or block number whenever an IPL is issued for the system being generated. For more information, see the IPL command in the VM/ SP HPO CP Command Reference for General Users. System Action: If you do not enter "yes" or "no", the message DMSINI081E INVALID REPLY - ANSWER "YES" OR "NO" is issued. Message DMSINI610R is reissued and you may enter a valid response. If you enter "yes", the initial IPL text is written on cylinder or block 0 as well as on the cylinder or block designated in response to message DMSINI609R. If you enter "no" the initial IPL text is written only on the cylinder or block designated in response to message DMSINI609R. If you enter either "yes" or "no", message DMSINI611R is issued. User Response: Enter "yes" or "no". 6IIR VERSION IDENTIFICATION = Explanation: Thirty-two bytes of information, including blanks, can be entered to specifically identify the version and level of CMS; this information is displayed or printed out when an IPL CMS is executed. The default identification (specified by a carriage return) is: VM/SP CMS - mm/dd/yy hh:mm Conversational Monitor System (eMS) Messages 347 System Action: The system waits for a response. User Response: Enter version identification information or a null line. 612R INSTALLATION HEADING = Explanation: Sixty-four bytes of information, including blanks, can be entered to serve as an installation standard heading at the beginning of each output file. The default heading (specified by a null line) is: CONVERSATIONAL MONITOR SYSTEM System Action: The system waits for a response. User Response: Enter up to 64 characters of identifying information, or a null line. 614E SCREEN MODIFICATIONaLOST? 'SET FULLREAD ON' TO USE PAKEYSSAFELY Explanation: A PA key was pressed and the screen cleared to display a pending message. If any changes were made on the screen before the PA key was pressed, those changes were lost. System Action: RC = 8 Any screen changes are lost. User Response: Set FULLREAD ON to avoid losing any changes in this situation. 615R Y - DISK ADDRESS = vaddr Explanation: "vaddr" designates the device address of the system disk extension (Y-disk). On this disk, CMS expects to find all CMS system information and programs not contained within the CMS nucleus and not on the S-disk, such as disk-resident command modules. If the CMS nucleus is written on this disk, then vaddr is also the IPL device address. (It is not required that you have a Y-disk.) System Action: The system waits for a response. If you enter an invalid device address, the message DSMINI079E INVALID DEVICE ADDRESS REENTER is issued. Message DMSINI615R is reissued, and you may enter a valid device address. If you enter a null line, "19E" is assumed to be the system disk extension address. If you do not want a Y-disk, then do not have a disk 19E in your directory entry, and enter a null line. 348 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes Once the system disk extension address is accepted, message DMSINI607R is issued. User Response: Enter a valid disk address or a null line. 616W 'name' DOES NOT EXIST Explanation: The named nucleus extension does not exist. System Action: RC = 28 User Action: Check the spelling of 'name'. 617E ERROR CODE nn FROM DMSFRET WHILE UNLOADING 'module name' MODULE Explanation: An invalid DMSFRET request was made while unloading 'module name' module. An error was made in calling a nucleus extension or the created nucleus extension was damaged in some way. NUCXDROP uses the BYTES associated with the module name as the number of bytes to free starting at the ORIGIN address. One or both of these fields have been destroyed. The error code indicates the type of error that occurred. The error code meanings are: Code 5 6 7 Meaning The number of doublewords specified was 0 or negative. The block of storage being released was never allocated by DMSFREE. The address given for the block being released is not doubleword aligned. System Action: RC = 3 The system makes no further attempt to release the storage block. User Action: NUCXMAP may be used after defining a nucleus extension to display the origin and length of the loaded program. If these are incorrect, the call defining the nucleus extension was in error. If they are correct, then some program violated the SCBLOCK defining the nucleus extension after NUCXMAP displayed it. This program should be identified and corrected. 618E NUCEXT FAILED Explanation: An attempt to establish a function as a CMS nucleus extension failed because of a system error, or because the level of CMS does not support extensions to its nucleus. System Action: RC = 13 or RC = 4nn where 'nn' is NUCEXT's return code to the calling module. Execution of the command that called NUCEXT terminates. User Action: Verify that the level of CMS being used contains support for nucleus extensions; take action indicated by return code 'nn'. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 349 619E MODULE 'module name' NOT FOUND Explanation: The module requested does not exist. System Action: RC=28 User Action: Recheck the command. 620E RTABLE ERROR ON LINE 'nnn' (The multiple variations of this message are explained below). The 'System Action' in each case is: The programmable operator facility terminates. The 'User Action' in each case is: Correct the routing table and reload it or reinvoke the Programmable Operator Facility.) INVALID PARAMETER STATEMENT Explanation: An RTABLE parameter statement is incorrectly specified, or a record found preceding the first ROUTE statement does not begin with "TEXTSYM," "HOSTCHK," "PROPCHK," "LGLOPR," or "LOGGING." INVALID TEXT FIELD Explanation: TESTSYM characters are used incorrectly in the text field: • The first non-blank character in the text field is not a blank character separator or an arbitrary character separator. • Two separator characters are found next to each other. • A not symbol that directly precedes a separator or does not immediately follow a separator character was found. INVALID INTERVALS SPECIFIED Explanation: On a PROPCHK or HOSTCHK statement: • The response wait (second interval) value exceeds the checking interval (first interval) value. • The checking interval or waiting interval value is not greater than zero. • The waiting interval specified has more than two numerals. • The checking interval specified has more than three numerals. DUPLICATE NODEIDS SPECIFIED Explanation: A nodeid is specified more than once on one PROPCHK statement or on more than one PROPCHK statement. INVALID SEPARATOR CHARACTERS Explanation: Parameters other than distinct single characters are given in the TEXTSYM record. If more than 3 are given, "INCORRECT NUMBER OF PARAMETERS" is issued. 350 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes HOSTCHK BEFORE LGLOPR RECORD Explanation: A HOSTCHK statement appears in the routing table before a LGLOPR statement. The HOSTCHK record requires the nodeid of the logical operator given in the LGLOPR record. PROPCHK BEFORE LGLOPR RECORD Explanation: A PROPCHK statement appears in the routing table before a LGLOPR statement. The PROPCHK record requires the nodeid .of the logical operator given in the LGLOPR record. INVALID OPERANDS SPECIFIED Explanation: The Programmable Operator Facility does not recognize the operands specified (on such statements as LOGGING). LOGICAL OPERATOR NAME NOT FOUND Explanation: The id specified for the logical operator in the LGLOPR statement cannot be found on the system or in the "userid NAMES" file. INVALID COLUMN FIELDS Explanation: Any of the following is true of the column fields in the routing entry: • The starting or ending column field is greater than 240 (the maximum length of a CP message). • The ending column is less than the starting column. • The starting or ending column is equal to zero. INCORRECT NUMBER OF PARAMETERS Explanation: This message is issued. if: • The LGLOPR record has no parameter. • The LGLOPR record has more than 2 parameters. • The TEXTSYM record does not have exactly 3 parameters. • The HOSTCHK record does not have exactly 2 parameters. • The PROPCHK record has less than 3 parameters. • The LOGGING record has more than 1 parameter. NON-NUMERIC VALUE SPECIFIED Explanation: A non-numeric character was specified for a numeric value in one of the following fields of the routing table: the starting column, the ending column, the message type, or the checking interval parameters on the HOSTCHK or PROPCHK records. Conversational Monitor System (eMS) Messages 351 MISALIGNED FIELD Explanation: One of the following fields does not start in its proper column: userid, nodeid, action routine name, or action routine parameter. HOSTID IN PROPCHK RECORD Explanation: The logical operator's nodeid is included in a PROPCHK record. 621E BAD PLIST: (The multiple variations of this message are explained below. The 'System Action' in each case is: RC=24 Execution is terminated.) EXECIO MUST BE INVOKED AS A NUCLEUS EXTENSION Explanation: EXECIO was invoked by an assembler program and passed the incorrect parameter list for ~ nucleus extension call. User Action: Make sure you are passing a parameter list for a nucleus extension. DISK 'argument' ARGUMENT IS MISSING Explanation: The missing 'argument' is FILENAME or FILETYPE. These are required arguments when DISKR or DISKW operations are specified. User Action: Reissue the command with the disk argument. INPUT FILE 'fileid' DOES NOT EXIST 7rbl. Explanation: The indicated file cannot be found. User Action: Make sure that the fileid has been entered correctly. INVALID POSITIONAL ARGUMENT 'argument' Explanation: More than the maximum number of positional arguments (i.e., arguments before the left parenthesis marking the start of the options) were specified. The number of positional arguments allowed depends on the second operand (DISKR, etc.) on the command line. This message is a likely result if the left parenthesis option delimiter is missing from the command line. User Action: Make sure that you have specified the correct positional arguments, and that you have not omitted the parenthesis. UNKNOWN OPTION NAME 'name' Explanation: The indicated option name is not recognized by EXECIO. User Action: Make sure that you have not misspelled an option name. VALUE MISSING AFTER 'option' OPTION Explanation: There is no value specified after the indicated option, yet one is required. For example, the MARGINS option requires that two values follow it. If one or both of these is missing, the message is produced. User Action: Check the syntax of the command. 352 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes VALUE 'value' NOT VALID FOR 'option' OPTION Explanation: An invalid value was specified for the indicated option. For example, if 'Case 3' is used in a call to EXECIO, the message will read ' ... VALUE 3 NOT VALID FOR CASE OPTION.' User Action: Check the syntax of the command. 'option' OPTION IS NOT VALID WITH 'option' OPTION Explanation: Two mutually exclusive option values were specified. For example, only one input selection option is allowed; therefore, if both a LOCATE and a FIND option are specified, this message will be issued. User Action: Check the syntax of the command. 'option' OPTION NOT VALID WITH 'operation' OPERATION Explanation: The indicated option cannot be specified with the indicated operand. For example, the FINIS option is not valid if PRINT is specified as the second operand on the command line. User Action: Check the command syntax. STRING OPTION WITH LINES = * IS VALID ONLY FOR CP OPERATION Explanation: The STRING option with LINES = * is valid only for a CP operation. User Action: Check the command syntax. DEVICE AND LINES ARGUMENTS ARE REQUIRED Explanation: The first two EXECIO command line operands are always required. User Action: Check the command syntax. INVALID VALUE 'value' FOR NUMBER OF LINES Explanation: The number of lines specified to be processed must be either a nonnegative integer or an asterisk. User Action: Check the value specified for the number of lines to be processed. MISSING 'DEVICE' ARGUMENT Explanation: The EXECIO command requires a 'DEVICE' argument. User Action: Check the command syntax. INVALID 'DEVICE' ARGUMENT 'argument' Explanation: The only valid values for the 'DEVICE' argument are CP, CARD, DISKR, DISKW, PUNCH, PRINT, and EMSG. User Action: Check the command syntax. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 353 INVALID VALUE 'value' FOR DISK FILE LINE NUMBER Explanation: The line number specified is negative or a nonnumeric value. User Action: Check the command syntax. DISK FILEMODE REQUIRED FOR DISKW Explanation: The filemode operand is required for a DISKW operation. The DISKW operation may cause writing to any disk to which the user has write access. User Action: Check the command syntax. INVALID RECORD FORMAT 'recfm' -- MUST BE EITHER F OR V Explanation: For a DISKW operation, if the record format (recfm) is specified, it must be either For V. V is the default value. User Action: Check the command syntax. INVALID RECORD LENGTH ARGUMENT 'lrecl' Explanation: For a DISKW operation, if the logical record length (Irecl) is specified, the value must be less than 256 and greater than O. User Action: Check the record length argument. FILE FORMAT SPECIFIED 'recfm' DOES NOT AGREE WITH EXISTING FILE FORMAT 'recfm' Explanation: The record format of a record to be written into an existing disk file is inconsistent with that file. User Action: Check the record format specified against that of the file. FILE LRECL SPECIFIED 'lrecl' DOES NOT AGREE WITH EXISTING FILE LRECL 'lrecl' Explanation: The logical record length of a record to be written into an existing disk file is inconsistent with that file. User Action: Check the logical record length specified against that of the file. EXECIO OPTIONS ONLY ALLOWED WITH EXTENDED PLIST Explanation: If any options are used in the call to EXECIO, an extended plist must be supplied. The EXEC 2 interpreter always provides an extended plist, and CMS supplies an extended plist for all commands read from the console. The most likely reason for this message is an attempt to invoke EXECIO (with options) from a CMS EXEC file. Another reason may be invocation of EXECIO from a user program that doesn't supply an extended plist. User Action: You may provide the extended plist by converting the CMS EXEC file to an EXEC 2 file. Or EXECIO may be invoked through a separate EXEC 2 file called from the CMS EXEC file. If called from a program, the extended plist should be set up according. to the documentation in the VM/ SP HPO System Programmer's Guide. 354 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes INVALID CHARACTER IN FILE IDENTIFIER Explanation: The specified fileid contains a character that is invalid for the CMS file system. User Action: Check the description of the command format and reissue the command using valid characters. INVALID MODE 'mode' Explanation: More than two characters were specified for the mode. User Action: Check the command syntax. System Action: RC = 24 Execution is terminated. 622E INSUFFICIENT FREE STORAGE [message] Explanation: Insufficient storage was available for the task to execute a required function. One possible cause of this error message is that a program issuing NUCXLOAD is in a loop. If present, 'message' is one of the following: FOR MSGLINE No Return Code Execution continues. FOR LINE SPILL RC=l Execution continues. FOR PFKEY/PAKEY No Return Code Execution continues. FOR SYNONYMS No Return Code Execution continues. FOR I/O BUFFER No Return Code Execution continues. FOR EXTRACT RC=104 Execution of the command is terminated. FOR EXECOMM RC=104 Execution of the command is terminated. FOR EXECIO RC=41 The requested function is not performed. FOR NAMEFIND RC=41 Execution of the command is terminated. C?nversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 355 NO TABLE MADE RC=41 DMSGLO created no global variable(s) in storage for the GLOBALV command. (nn ENTRIES) RC=41 DMSNXM (NUCXMAP) requires one word of storage for each nucleus extension. The command is terminated, no map is generated. System Action: RC=41 Execution halts. User Action: Check a program issuing NUCXLOAD for a possible loop that is not terminating properly. More free storage may be obtained by releasing a disk (to recover the space used for the file directory) or deleting a nucleus extension. Alternatively, re-ipl CMS after defining a larger virtual storage size for the virtual machine. 622W INSUFFICIENT FREE STORAGE FOR NAMEFIND BUFFER, PROCESSING CONTINUES Explanation: Insufficient storage was available for NAMEFIND to create a buffer containing information from the NAMES file. The requested buffer size, or the size of the file, was too large in terms of the available free storage. System Action: No buffer was created and processing continues reading the NAMES file from the disk. The buffer size is set to 0, so that future invocation of NAME FIND will not cause this warning to be displayed. User Action: None. 623S {MODULEIPHASE} CANNOT BE LOADED AT LOCATION 'location' AS THIS AREA IS AVAILABLE FOR SYSTEM USE ONLY Explanation: This error can occur because: 1. The module or phase is too large to be loaded in the user area (it is attempting to overlay the CMS nucleus which resides at the end of the user area). 2. The 'ORIGIN' option was specified incorrectly on the LOAD command. The origin specified is causing the module or phase to overlay (1) The eMS nucleus, or (2) The Free Storage Pointers (since the origin specified is the beginning address of the segment that follows the CMS nucleus). System Action: RC = 88 The command that was executed to perform the load is terminated. User Action: If the 'ORIGIN' option was incorrect, reissue the command with the correct origin. If the module or phase is too large, contact your system support personnel, or use the CMS nucleus 'CMSL' that is defined at a higher location, if it is available on your system. 356 IBM VMjSP HPO System Messages and Codes 6241 NO NUCLEUS EXTENSIONS ARE LOADED Explanation: No nucleus extensions were located and therefore they cannot be mapped for NUCXMAP. System Action: RC = 0 User Action: None. 624W NO NUCLEUS EXTENSIONS ARE LOADED Explanation: No nucleus extensions have been loaded and therefore cannot be dropped. System Action: RC = 28 User Action: None. 626E INVALID ACTION ROUTINE PARAMETER 'parameter' Explanation: The parameter passed to module DMSPOR in the routing table contains an invalid action routine name. System Action: None. User Action: Correct the routing table entry. Make sure that the parameters passed to module DMSPOR contain a valid action routine name. The valid action routine names that can be specified with DMSPOR are: GET LOADTBL QUERY STOP 627E TOFB TOLGLOPR TOVM RESULT IS 'nnnn' BYTES TOO LARGE FOR CP COMMAND BUFFER Explanation: CP returned a response to a command that is too large to fit into the buffer provided by module DMSPOR. System Action: None (no data returned). User Action: If possible, request less data (for example, as with the DISPLAY command). 628E INVALID GLOBALV FUNCTION 'function' Explanation: The function specified on the GLOBALV command is invalid or unknown. System Action: RC = 4 User Action: Reissue the command specifying a valid GLOBALV function. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 357 630S ERROR ACCESSING SPOOL FILE Explanation: An error occurred while accessing the spool file, or the virtual reader is busy. The reader file may have been purged by the system, or the file may have been transferred from your virtual reader via a TRANSFER command issued by the originator or the system operator while the RDR command was executing. System Action: RC = 36 Execution of the command is terminated. User Action: If the spool file is still in your virtual reader, reissue the command. If the error persists, contact your installation support personnel. 63lE function CAN ONLY BE EXECUTED FROM AN EXEC 2 OR REXX EXEC [OR AS A CMS COMMAND] Explanation: This function either requires an extended parameter list, which is not provided by CMS EXEC, or a direct interface to the variables in an EXEC (named 'EXECOMM'), which is only available while an EXEC 2 or System Product Interpreter EXEC is active. System Action: RC = 4 User Response: Confine use of the specific function to the environments in which it is valid as indicated in the message. 632E I/O ERROR IN EXECIO: RC=nnn FROM 'command' COMMAND Explanation: The specified error return code was obtained by EXECIO when the indicated command was invoked. EXECIO will not continue, but returns the error return code to its caller. The EXECIO operation may have partially completed before the error occurred. System Action: RC = Inn, where nn is the return code from COMMAND. User Action: Look at the documentation for the indicated command to interpret the return code. 633E TOO MANY TAGS WERE ENCOUNTERED. MAXIMUM IS 64 PER LINE Explanation: While searching the names file, an entry was encountered which contains more than 64 tags (overflowing the internal tag tables of the NAMEFIND command). This record was not processed correctly by NAMEFIND. System Action: RC = 88 Processing is terminated. User Action: Make sure the entries in your names file do not have more than 64 tags. 358 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 633W RETURNED VALUES WERE TRUNCATED Explanation: The information that was stacked or displayed at the terminal was truncated. The stack has a limit of 255 characters; CMS permits only 130 characters to be displayed. System Action: RC = 88 Processing is completed. User Action: Use the System Product Editor to view the rest of the entry. 634E NO VALUE TO SEARCH FOR WAS SPECIFIED Explanation: The NAMEFIND command was issued without a search value (i.e., a tag with a value). System Action: RC = 24 Processing is terminated. User Action: Reissue the command with at least one tag with a value to indicate what NAMEFIND should search for. 6351 NO ENTRIES WERE FOUND THAT MATCHED YOUR SEARCH CRITERIA Explanation: NAME FIND was unable to locate an entry that matches the search criteria specified on the command line. System Action: RC = 32 Processing has completed. User Action: None. 636E UNSUPPORTED TYPE OF NETDATA FILE Explanation: A file in the reader cannot be read in because the RECEIVE command cannot reformat it. For example, an OS PDS in NETDATA format would not be able to be received in CMS. System Action: RC = 88 Processing is terminated. User Action: None. 636W RECEIVED NULL FILE -- NO FILE CREATED Explanation: A file that was read in from the virtual reader contained no data records (only NETDATA control records were sent). No file was created on the user's disk. System Action: RC = 32 Processing is terminated. No file is created on the user's disk. User Action: None. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 359 637E MISSING {VALUEI'va}ue'} FOR THE {'option' OPTIONI'operand' OPERAND} Explanation: An option or an operand that requires a value following it was specified, but no such value was given. System Action: RC = 24 Processing is terminated. User Action: Check the format of the command and reissue it, specifying all the required values for the options and operands. 63SE fn ft fm IS TOO WIDE TO APPEND TO 'fn ft fm' Explanation: A note in the reader is too wide to add to a fixed format NOTEBOOK file on the user's disk, or a record could not be added to the user's fixed format NETLOG file because the record was longer than the file. System Action: RC = 32 Processing is terminated. Either the NOTE wasn't received or the log message was not added to the user's NETLOG file. User Action: You can use either the System Product Editor subcommand SET RECFM or the COPYFILE command to change the format of the file from fixed to variable. 639E ERROR IN 'routine' ROUTINE. RETURN CODE WAS 'xx' Explanation: An error occurred while executing the routine specified in the error message. The return code is given to identify what the problem was. System Action: RC = xx (whatever the return code was in the message above). Processing is terminated. User Action: Look up the routine mentioned and determine from the return code what the problem was. Correct the problem and reissue the command. 640E UNABLE TO ACCESS HELP DISK (addr), RC=nn FROM ACCESS COMMAND Explanation: An error was encountered while attempting to access the disk that contains the HELP files. System Action: RC = 100 HELP processing is terminated. User Action: Check the return codes for the ACCESS command to better identify the problem. 640R HELP DISK ADDRESS = addr Explanation: "addr" designates the device address of the system HELP disk. On this disk, CMS expects to find the system HELP files. System Action: The system waits for a response. If you enter an invalid device address, the message DMSINI079E INVALID DEVICE ADDRESS - REENTER is issued. DMSINI640R is reissued," and you may enter a valid device address. 360 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes If you enter a null line, "19D" is assumed to be the system HELP disk. If you do not want a HELP disk, enter the system disk address as the HELP disk address. User Action: Enter a valid disk address or a null line. 64IE NO {COMMANDIOPTIONS} SPECIFIED Explanation: The DEFAULTS command requires that you specify a command and at least one option when using the SET operand. System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. User Action: Reissue the command and specify a command and at least one option. 642E DEFAULTS DOES NOT ACCEPT {'command' COMMAND I'option' OPTION FOR 'command'} Explanation: The DEFAULTS facility is valid only with certain commands and only with certain options for a given command. System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. User Action: Check the list of commands and options that can be used with the DEFAULTS command. (See the VM/SP CMS Command and Macro Reference, or issue HELP). 643E NO CLASS 'class' FILES IN YOUR READER Explanation: No files in your reader have the same class as the virtual reader. This may mean that your reader is empty, or that the files in your reader have a different class associated with them. System Action: RC = 28 Execution of the command is terminated. User Action: You can use the RDRLIST command to see if there are any files in your reader other than those having the same class as your virtual reader. You can use the CP CHANGE command to make the class of the spool files the same as your reader class. 644E ALL READER FILES ARE IN HOLD STATUS OR NOT CLASS 'class' Explanation: No files in your reader have the same class as the virtual reader, or if they have the same class, they are in HOLD status (they have a USER, SYS, or USYS value for the HOLD field in RDRLIST). System Action: RC = 28 Execution of the command is terminated. User Action: To PEEK or RECEIVE a file that is not held or is not the same class as your virtual reader, specify the spoolid in the command, for example, "PEEK spoolid" or "RECEIVE spoolid ... ". You can also use the CP CHANGE command to change the spool file to NOH OLD or the class of the file to be the same as the reader class. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 361 645W THE USER TAG NAME 'name' IS TOO LONG TO DISPLAY IN THE PANEL Explanation: Only the first 12 characters of a user-defined tag name can be displayed in the NAMES panel. System Action: None. User Action: An entry is displayed with tag names truncated to 12. If you change this entry using the panel, the tag names will also be truncated in the file. Therefore, if you want to have tag names greater than 12 characters, edit the names file directly instead of using the panel. 646E 'macroname' MUST BE INVOKED FROM THE PREFIX AREA Explanation: A prefix macro was invoked from the command line and not from the prefix area. System Action: RC = 8 User Response: None. 647E USERID NOT SPECIFIED FOR 'nickname' IN 'Userid NAMES' FILE Explanation: The entry for the nickname specified does not contain a value for the Userid tag; therefore, communication with this user is impossible. System Action: RC = 32 Execution of the command is terminated. User Action: Reissue the command substituting the user's userid in place of the nickname, or use the NAMES command to insert the userid in that entry. 648E USERID 'name' NOT FOUND. {NO {MESSAGEIFILE} HAS BEEN SENTICHECK THE 'Userid NAMES' FILE} Explanation: The specified userid or the value for the userid tag for the specified 'name' was not a valid userid. System Action: RC = 32 Execution of the command is terminated. User Action: Validate the value for the userid and insert it correctly into the NAMES file or reissue the command with the correct userid. 649E EXTRANEOUS PARAMETER 'parameter' Explanation: There were more operands specified that the command issued will accept. System Action: RC = 24 Execution of the command is terminated. User Action: Check the correct format of the command and reissue the command. 362 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 650E INVALID SPOOLID 'nnnn' Explanation: The value representing the spoolid was not a valid spoolid number. System Action: RC = 20 User Action: Reissue the command with a valid spoolid. 651E {'option'I'command'} MUST BE ISSUED FROM environment(s) Explanation: The command is valid only in certain environments and is not executed otherwise. System Action: RC = 40 User Action: To execute this command or use this option you must first issue the necessary command to enter the required environment. 652E MISSING OPERAND(S). ENTER EXECUTE [n] DISCARD Explanation: DISCARD was issued without the correct operands. If you use the EXECUTE subcommand to issue DISCARD, the correct operands will be appended automatically. System Action: RC = 24 User Action: On a display terminal, enter DISCARD in the command area on the lines that contain the files to be discarded and press PFIO. Otherwise, enter EXECUTE [nl DISCARD on the command line to discard n files (the default is one), starting with the fileid displayed on the current line. 653E ERROR EXECUTING 'command', RC=nn NO {MESSAGEIFILEINOTE} HAS BEEN {SENTICREATEDIRECEIVED} Explanation: An error was encountered while executing the specified command. System Action: RC = 40 Processing is terminated. User Action: Check the return code for the command shown in the message to better identify the problem. 654E INVALID SYMBOL 'string' {' /0' MUST BE SPECIFIED ALONEIINVALID CHARACTER 'char' FOLLOWING 'I' SYMBOL} Explanation: The EXECUTE subcommand was invoked with invalid symbols specified in the command. System Action: RC = 24 The command is not executed. User Action: Reenter the command(s) using valid symbols. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 363 655E SPOOLID 'nnnn' DOES NOT EXIST Explanation: There is no spool file with this spoolid number in your virtual reader. System Action: RC = 28 The command is not executed. User Action: None. 656E ERROR SEARCHING YOUR NAMES FILE, RC = nn FROM NAMEFIND COMMAND Explanation: An error was encountered while searching through your 'Userid NAMES' file. System Action: RC = 100 The search was terminated unsuccessfully. User Action: Check the return codes for the NAMEFIND command to better identify the problem. 657E UNDEFINED PFKEY/PAKEY Explanation: A PF or P A key that has no function assigned to it was pressed. System Action: None. User Action: None. 658W THE VALUE FOR THE 'tag' TAG IS TOO LONG TO DISPLAY IN THE PANEL Explanation: The value for the specified tag is too long to fit onto the panel; therefore, only part of it is displayed. If this value is changed it will be truncated in the NAMES file. System Action: Only part of the value is displayed in the panel. User Action: If you change this entry using the panel, the tag values will also be truncated in the file. Therefore, if you want to have tag values longer than the space allowed on the panel, edit the names file directly instead' of using the panel. 659E INVALID PREFIX SUBCOMMAND: nrinn Explanation: A prefix subcommand or macro was issued with invalid or extraneous operands. System Action: The macro or subcommand is redisplayed in the prefix area preceded by a "?" User Response: Correct and reissue the macro or subcommand. 364 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 660E THE NICKNAME FIELD MUST BE FILLED IN Explanation: All entries in the NAMES file must have a NICKNAME tag to indicate the beginning of the entry. If this field is blank, the entry will not be accepted from the panel. System Action: The function is not executed. User Action: Fill in the value for the nickname. 660W WARNING: THIS ENTRY DUPLICATES AN EXISTING NICKNAME Explanation: An entry has been added or changed, and the nickname now duplicates an entry (or entries) already in the NAMES file. This entry can no longer be identified uniquely by its nickname tag. Since the CMS commands (NOTE, SENDFILE, and TELL) that search the 'Userid NAMES' file often search based on the nickname tag, only the first entry that begins with this nickname will be used. System Action: None. User Action: You may wish to change the nickname value and press PF6 to ensure that this entry can be uniquely identified by the CMS commands that reference the 'Userid NAMES' file. Also, by pressing PF5 repeatedly you can locate all the entries that have this nickname and then decide which nicknames that you wish to change. 661E PREFIX 'name' IS INVALID FOR THE LINE ON WHICH IT WAS ENTERED. Explanation: A prefix subcommand or macro was issued on a line in the file that was invalid for the execution of that subcommand or macro. For example, most prefix subcommands and macros are invalid on shadow lines. Also, if an F or P was specified as the target for a MOVE prefix subcommand and they were entered on a line within the lines being MOVEd, this message is issued. If an EXTEND prefix subcommand was issued on a line that cannot be EXTENDED, this message is issued. System Action: The macro or subcommand is redisplayed in the prefix area, preceded by a "?" User Response: None. 662W YOU ARE NOT ON AN ENTRY. PRESS PF5, 7 or 8 TO MOVE TO AN ENTRY Explanation: The command issued was not executed because you were not positioned on an entry in the file. System Action: None. User Action: Use a PF key to move to an entry. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 365 663W THERE {ISIARE} nn UNDISPLAYED TAG(S) Explanation: This entry contains 'nn' more tags than can be displayed in the panel. System Action: None. User Action: If the entry is deleted, the undisplayed values are also deleted. If the entry is changed, the undisplayed tags are not changed. To change these tags you must edit the 'userid NAMES' file. 664E {ENTRYIPREVIOUS ENTRYINEXT ENTRY} NOT FOUND Explanation: PF5, 7 or 8 was pressed and the search failed to find an entry. System Action: None. User Action: None. 665E FILE 'userid NOTE 'NOTE name' *' NOT FOUND. TO BEGIN A NEW NOTE ENTER Explanation: The NOTE command was issued without any operands, which is the correct procedure when you want to continue an existing NOTE. However, no NOTE was found. System Action: RC = 28 User Action: Specify a name (or names) following the command name. 666E NOTE ALREADY EXISTS. ENTER 'NOTE' TO CONTINUE OR SPECIFY 'REPLACE' OPTION Explanation: The NOTE command was issued with a name or names following the command. However, a NOTE already exists. You can process only one NOTE at a time. System Action: RC = 28 User Action: You can either specify NOTE with no operands to finish processing the existing note, or you can reissue the command and specify the REPLACE option, which discards the existing note and begins a new one. 667E NOTE HEADER DOES NOT CONTAIN THE {KEYWORD {'FROM'I'TO'} I'OPTIONS'I 'DATE LINE} Explanation: The NOTE header must have a line that contains the options, a line containing the date, a line indicating the sender of the note, and a line indicating the recipients. These lines are denoted by the keywords "OPTIONS:", "DATE:", "FROM:" and "TO:", respectively, beginning in column one of these lines. If these lines are not present, the NOTE has an invalid format and cannot be sent using the NOTE option of SENDFILE. System Action: RC=32 Processing terminates. User Action: Correct the format of the header lines. 366 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 668E THE 'ADD' OPTION MUST BE SPECIFIED ALONE Explanation: No other options are valid when the ADD option is specified. System Action: RC = 40 Processing terminates. User Action: Reissue the command using only the ADD option. 669E LIST OF ADDRESSEES CANNOT BEGIN WITH 'CC:' Explanation: 'CC:' is used to denote a list of complimentary copy and cannot be the first addressee of a NOTE. r~cipients System Action: RC = 24 Processing terminates. User Action: Reissue the command, with the addressee preceding the 'CC:' recipients. 670E NO NAMES TO BE ADDED WERE· SPECIFIED Explanation: The ADD option was specified without any names to be added. System Action: RC = 24 Processing terminates. User Action: Reissue the command, specifying the names to be added with the ADD option. 671E ERROR {SENDING IRECEIVING ICREATING} FILE 'fn ft fm' RC = xx FROM 'command' Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to send, receive, or create a file. System Action: RC = 100 User Action: To further identify the problem, check the return code specified in the message for the command that encountered the error. 672E VIRTUAL {PUNCHIREADER} INVALID OR NOTE DEFINED Explanation: The specified device was not defined at the correct virtual address. The virtual reader must be defined at the virtual address OOC and the virtual punch must be defined at OOD in order for the command issued to function properly. System Action: RC = 32 User Action: Use the CP DEFINE command to define the device at the proper address. Then reissue the command. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 367 673E ADDRESSEES ARE IN THE NOTE HEADER RECORDS, DO NOT SPECIFY NAMES WITH THE NOTE OPTION Explanation: The NOTE option of the SEND FILE command was issued with a name or names of people who were to receive the file. However, the recipients of the NOTE being sent should be contained in the NOTE header records; the names specified on the command line are extraneous. System Action: RC=24 User Action: Check that the proper addressees are contained in the NOTE header and reissue the command without specifying any addresses. 674E {READERIPUNCH} NOT READY Explanation: The command issued requires that the device specified have a READY status associated with it. System Action: RC=36 User Action: Use the CP READY command to change the status of the virtual device. Then reissue the command. 675E NO NAMES SPECIFIED Explanation: The SEND FILE command requires that you specify the name(s) of the recipient(s) of the files (unless the file is a NOTE). System Action: RC=24 User Action: Reissue the command, specifying the name(s) of the recipient(s). 676E INVALID CHARACTER '*' FOR NETWORK ID Explanation: SEND FILE is attempting to send a file to another node, which should be connected to your computer via an RSCS machine. However, the RSCS ID (or NETWORK ID) has the value '*', which is not a valid ID. System Action: RC=20 User Action: There is evidently a problem with the 'SYSTEM NETID * , file. This file should contain information about the Network ID. For more information about this file, see the description in the IDENTIFY command. Contact your system support personnel. The person responsible for building your system is responsible for maintaining this file. 677E INVALID OPTION 'option' IN OPTIONS LINE Explanation: The OPTIONS line in the NOTE header records contains an option that is invalid or not in the correct position. The five options on the line following the keyword 'OPTIONS:' are expected to contain specific values and be in the correct order. System Action: RC = 32 User Action: Check the format of the options line as described in the NOTE command description and correct the invalid option and/or make sure 368 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes that the order in which the options appear on the line agrees with the order in the NOTE command description. 678E INVALID NOTE HEADER FORMAT. NOTE CANNOT BE SENT Explanation: The SEND FILE command was unable to send the NOTE because the format of the addressees in the NOTE was not what the SEND FILE expected. Depending on the value of the format option (LONG or SHORT) in the 'OPTIONS' line of the NOTE, SEND FILE expects the addressees to have certain formats. If the LONG option was specified, each line must contain one addressee that can be identified in the form "Userid AT Node". If the SHORT format is specified, everything following the 'TO: ' keyword is an addressee in the form "Userid" or "Userid AT Node". System Action: RC = 32 User Action: If the header. format is incorrect, try to correct the format of the addressees. Check the description of the NOTE header format (which depends on the LONG and SHORT options) in the description of the NOTE command. 679E {DISK 'mode' IS READ/ONLYIDISK 'mode' IS FULLIDISK 'mode' IS NOT ACCESSED}. NOTE CANNOT BE SENT Explanation: For the reason specified in the message, the SENDFILE command was unable to send the NOTE. In order to send the NOTE, SENDFILE must first save the NOTE on a disk. It cannot do this if the disk is full or if the disk has read/only access. System Action: RC = 36 The note is not sent. User Action: If the disk is full, try to make some space available by erasing any unwanted files. If the disk is accessed read only, use the CMS ACCESS command to access the disk for read/write capability; or change the filemode to one that is a read/write disk (you can use the System Product Editor subcommand "SET FMODE mode" to do this). 680E INVALID FILEID SPECIFIED WITH THE 'FILELIST' OPTION Explanation: The FILELIST option is used to indicate that the file identified as 'fn ft fn' actually contains a list of files to be processed by the command. If the FILELIST option is specified, no pattern matching characters (* or %) may appear in the fileid. System Action: RC = 20 User Action: Do not use the FILE LIST option, or specify the complete fileid of the file that contains the list of files to be processed. 681E THIS IS AN UNNAMED FILE, SPECIFY FILENAME AND FILETYPE Explanation: The spool file being received has no fileid. It must have a filename and filetype in order to be identified. System Action: RC = 88 User Action: Reissue the command, specifying a filename filetype. See the RECEIVE command description for more information on the command format. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 369 682E ERROR COPYING FILE 'In It' FROM 'A' DISK TO {'In It Im'I'mode' DISK}, RC = nn FROM 'COPYFILE' Explanation: The file was sent using the DISK DUMP command and had to be read onto the A-disk using the DISK LOAD command. At that point the RECEIVE command attempted to use COPYFILE to copy the file from the A-disk to the disk specified in the error message. However, the COPYFILE command failed to execute and returned the specified return code. System Action: RC = 100 User Action: See the description of the COPYFILE command for more information about the return code. The file specified in the error message is still on your A-disk and you can do with it as you want. If there was a file with the same fileid on your A-disk before RECEIVE was issued, the original file is renamed "$A$A$A$A $B$B$B$B A". Take the proper actions to restore the files to the fileid you want. 683E THE ENTIRE FILE MUST BE PEEKED AT TO BE REFORMATTED Explanation: The PEEK command reformats spool files that are in DISK DUMP or NETDATA transmission formats to make them more readable. To do this, the user must PEEK at the entire spool file. The default for PEEK is to peek at the first 200 records in a spool file. System Action: RC = 32 The file is not reformatted. User Action: If you want to look at the file reformatted, reissue the PEEK command using the FOR and FROM options. To PEEK at the entire file, use "PEEK spoolid ( FROM 1 for *). You can change the default options of PEEK (originally FROM 1 FOR 200) by using the DEFAULTS command. 683W THE FILE HAS AN LRECL GREATER THAN 255 and CANNOT BE REFORMATTED Explanation: The PEEK command cannot reformat a file whose logical record length is greater than 255. System Action: RC = 32 The file is not reformatted. User Action: This file cannot be peeked at in readable form. Use RECEIVE to read the file in. 684E FILE CONTAINS INVALID RECORDS AND CANNOT BE REFORMATTED Explanation: The spool file contains records that PEEK does not recognize as the correct format for DISK DUMP or NETDATA format files. System Action: HC = 32 The file is not formatted. User Action: None 370 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 684W WARNING: THIS FILE HAS NO RECORDS Explanation: A file, sent from an MVS system in NETDATA format, contains no data records. It is a null file and there are no records to PEEK at. System Action: RC = 32 An empty file is displayed by PEEK. User Action: None. 685E JOINED LINE(S) EXCEED ZONE SETTINGS Explanation: The first character of the joined line did not fit within the zone. System Action: RC = 5 The subcommand is not executed. User Response: Change the zone setting and reissue the JOIN subcommand. 686E SYNONYM 'name' NOT RECOGNIZED BY PREFIX MACRO 'macroname' Explanation: A prefix macro was issued using a synonym that cannot be recognized by the prefix macro. System Action: The prefix area is redisplayed preceded by a "?" User Response: Use the system-defined synonyms for that macro. 687E THIS IS A SYSTEM {HELDIDUMP} FILE. THIS FILE CANNOT BE {PEEKED ATIRECEIVED} Explanation: A file in your reader has a SYSTEM hold on it (status SYS or USYS) or is a system dump and as such cannot be received or peeked at. System Action: RC = 1 User Action: If the file is SYSTEM HELD, request that the operator change the spool file status to NOHOLD. If the file is a SYSTEM dump file, refer to the documentation for the VMDUMP and VMFDUMP commands. 688E 'XEDIT' OPTION ONLY VALID FROM XEDIT ENVIRONMENT Explanation: The LISTFILE, NAMEFIND, or DMSDDL command was issued with the XEDIT option, but the command was not issued from the XEDIT environment. System Action: The command is not executed. User Response: Reissue the command from the XEDIT environment. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 371 689E FILE MUST BE F-FORMAT 108 OR V-FORMAT Explanation: The LIST FILE command was issued with the XEDIT option, but the file where the information was to be placed was not in the correct format. The correct format is either fixed-format with a LRECL of 108 or variable format. System Action: The command is not executed. User Response: Correct the format of the file and reissue the command. 690E {PROPCHKIHOSTCHK} NOT SPECIFIED IN RTABLE Explanation: A request is received to set node-checking ON or OFF for a routing table that has no PROPCHK or HOSTCHK statements. (Sent by the programmable operator SET node-checking command handler.) System Action: The operation is not performed. User Response: Check the routing table contents. 6911 VMDUMP TAKEN, PROP WILL IPL CMS Explanation: An abend occurs in the programmable operator facility mainline. (Sent following DMSPOQ148T.) System Action; The programmable operator facility closes all files, issues the CP VMDUMP command, and IPLs the last CMS system that was IPLed. User Response: Note the error and contact system support personnel. 6921 ACTION ROUTINE 'name' ABENDED, PROP CONTINUING Explanation: An abend -occurs in an action routine. (Sent following DMSPOQ148T.) System Action: The programmable operator continues operation. User Response; For a system action routine, note the error and contact system support personnel. For a user action routine, correct the action routine. 693E MISSING 'statement' STATEMENT IN RTABLE Explanation: An LGLOPR or ROUTE statement is missing from the RTABLE. System Action: The programmable operator facility terminates. User Response; Correct the RTABLE and reload it or reinvoke the programmable operator facility. 372 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 694E MORE THAN ONE 'statement' STATEMENT IN RTABLE Explanation: More than one of the following statements is detected in the RTABLE: LGLOPR, TEXTSYM, LOGGING, or HOSTCHK. System Action: The programmable operator facility terminates. User Response: Correct the RTABLE, and reload it or reinvoke the programmable operator facility. 695E CANNOT DEFINE MORE THAN 64 CTLCHARS Explanation: An attempt was made to define new CTLCHARs when there were already 64 CTLCHARs defined. System Action: RC = 4 The subcommand is not executed. User Response: You can redefine the existing CTLCHARs, but you cannot add any more new ones. 697E THE LOGICAL SCREENS MUST COVER THE FULL PHYSICAL SCREEN WIDTH. Explanation: A SCREEN WIDTH or SCREEN DEFINE subcommand was issued that did not account for the entire physical screen width. System Action: RC = 5 The subcommand is not executed. User Response: Reissue the SET SCREEN subcommand and be sure to account for all the columns on the screen. 698E TARGET STRING TOO LONG, UNABLE TO PARSE THE ENTIRE TARGET STRING. Explanation: The parsed target was too large for the buffer available for parsing. System Action: RC = 5 The subcommand is not executed. User Response: Reduce the length of the target string and reissue the subcommand. 699E NO FILETYPE SPECIFIED OR 'vaddr' IS AN INVALID DISK ADDRESS Explanation: The command requires that you specify a filetype or a valid hexadecimal disk address. System Action: Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Reenter the command, specifying the filetype or the valid hexadecimal disk address. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 373 700E LOGICAL AND OPERATOR '&' NOT VALID FOR COLUMN TARGETS Explanation: The logical AND operator, '&', is only valid for line targets. It is not valid for column targets. System Action: RC = 5 The subcommand is not executed. User Response: Redefine the target string and reissue the subcommand. 7011 NULL FILE Explanation: There were no records in the file. For DMSRDC, two READ control cards were encountered, but there were no cards available to be placed in the first file. For DMSTPE, an end-of-CMS-file record was found, but there were no other records in the file. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: If records were expected, the file should be resubmitted. 7021 :READ fn ft fm Explanation: This message is displayed for every READ control card encountered during a READCARD operation. When there are no READ control cards, the following messages are displayed: READ CONTROL CARD IS MISSING. FOLLOWING ASSUMED: :READ READ CARD CMSUTI Al This indicates that the file is read in as READ CARD CMSUTI AI. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: If the file has been read in as READCARD CMSUTI AI, rename it to a desired fileid. 7031 FILE 'fn ft [fm), {COPIEDICREATED} Explanation: The named file has been copied from tape to disk, or a file was created after issuing the STATUS macro. System Action: For FILE 'fn ft fm' COPIED: None. For FILE 'fn ft fm' CREATED: A file containing the SET subcommand options and their current settings is created. User Response: None. 7041 INVALID CLEAR REQUEST Explanation: A CLEAR request was entered for a file definition that does not exist. No action took place. System Action: None. User Response: Correct the file definition specified in the CLEAR request. 374 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 7051 DISK REMAINS UNCHANGED Explanation: The reply to DMSFOR605R was not "yes". System Action: None. The disk remains unchanged. User Response: Enter the next command. 7061 TERM INPUT -- TYPE NULL LINE FOR END OF DATA Explanation: The input ddname in the MOVEFILE command refers to a terminal. This message requests the input data to be copied to the output device or file. System Action: The system waits for a response. User Response: Enter data or a null line. 7071 TEN FILES COPIED Explanation: Ten members have been copied from tape to disk as a result of the MAXTEN option. System Action: None. User Response: None. 7081 DISK FILE 'FILE ddname AI' ASSUMED FOR DDNAME 'ddname' Explanation: No FILEDEF command was issued for a ddname specified in the MOVEFILE command. As a result, the MOVEFILE command issues a FILEDEF for that ddname. If this is the input ddname, the disk file must exist on disk. The blocksize and record format are taken from the characteristics of the input disk file. If this is the output ddname, the disk file is created on the A-disk. Its characteristics depend on the format of the input file. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. 709E PROPCHK NOT SPECIFIED IN RTABLE FOR NODE 'nodeid' Explanation: A request is received to set node-checking ON or OFF for a node that is not specified in the RTABLE. (Sent by the programmable operator SET PROPCHK command handler.) System Action: The operation is not performed. User Response: Enter the correct nodeid or check the RTABLE contents. C,onversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 375 7101 PHASE 'phase' ENTRY POINT AT LOCATION xxxxxx Explanation: The phase entry point is located at location xxxxxx. System Action: None. User Response: Issue the START command to begin execution. 7111 NO SYSTEM SYNONYMS IN EFFECT Explanation:\ No system synonyms are in effect because you previously issued a SYNONYM command with NOSTD specified as an option. System Action: None. User Response: If you want to have system synonyms in effect, issue the SYNONYM command with the STD option. 7121 NO SYNONYMS. (DMSINA NOT IN NUCLEUS) Explanation: The routine that handles synonym processing is not in this system; therefore, no synonyms are in effect. System Action: None. User Response: None. 713E CANNOT CONNECT TO MESSAGE SYSTEM SERVICE, CMSIUCV ERROR, CODE = code Explanation: This message is sent by the programmable operator facility initialization routine when a request to CONNECT to Message Service results in a non-zero return code from the CMSIUCV function. System Action: The programmable operator facility terminates. User Response: Refer to the IBM VM/SP CMS Command and Macro Reference to determine the meaning of the code. If the problem cannot readily be corrected, IPL the CMS system again. If the problem persists, contact system support personnel. 714E CANNOT CONNECT TO MESSAGE SYSTEM SERVICE, SERVICE ALREADY IN USE Explanation: IUCV has denied the programmable operator facility's request to CONNECT to Message Service. For example, the programmable operator virtual machine already has a connection to the message service. (Sent by the programmable operator initialization routine.) System Action: The programmable operator facility terminates. User Response: Terminate the application that is using the Message Service. If that cannot be done, IPL the CMS system again. If the problem persists, contact system support personnel. 376 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 7151 DOSGEN COMPLETE Explanation: The CMS text decks have been successfully loaded into the discontiguous shared segment and the CP SAVESYS command has been issued to save the system. System Action: None. User Response: None. 7211 COpy 'fn ft fm' [{TOIAPPENDIOVLY} 'fn ft fm' {OLDINEW} FILE] Explanation: This message appears in conjunction with the TYPE option. It indicates the name of the input file and output file. System Action: None. User Response: None. 7221 FILE 'fname2 LISTING fm' WILL HOLD AMSERV OUTPUT Explanation: The Access Method Services output will be placed on the given disk (other than the user's A-Disk). This information message is omitted if the output file is placed on the user's read/write A-disk. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. 7231 mode (vaddr) {R/OIR/W} [-OSI-DOS] Explanation: The specified CMS-formatted disk is accessed in read-only mode. -OS indicates the disk is OS-formatted. -DOS indicates the disk is DOS-formatted. Note: A read/write OS or DOS disk can be written on only by VSAM. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. 7241 'vaddr' REPLACES 'mode (vaddr)' Explanation: The disk that was accessed replaces the disk specified in the search order. The disk it replaces is released, but is not detached. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. 7251 vaddr AL80 = 'mode' [-081-D08] DI8K Explanation: The specified disk is also accessed as the 'mode' disk. The -OS indicates that the disk is an OS disk; The -DOS indicates that the disk is a DOS disk. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 377 7261 'vaddr mode' RELEASED Explanation: The specified device has been released since the user has specified another disk for that mode. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. 7281 DEBUG ENTERED [EXTERNAL INTIBREAKPOINT nn AT xxxxxxl Explanation: The system has entered the DEBUG environment. For a full description of DEBUG, see the VM/SP CMS User's Guide and the VM/SP CMS Command and Macro Reference. System Action: The system waits for the next command. User Response: Enter a DEBUG subcommand. 7321 'nnn' {CYLINDERSIFB-512 BLOCKS} FORMATTED ON DISK 'mode(vaddr), Explanation: This message tells you how many cylinders or FB-512 blocks have been formatted on the specified disk. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. 7331 FORMATTING DISK 'mode' Explanation: The FORMAT command is formatting the specified disk. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. 7381 RECORD LENGTH IS 'nnn' BYTES Explanation: The message indicates the length of records read in when it is not 80 bytes. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. 7401 EXECUTION BEGINS .•. Explanation: The user has requested execution of a program under CMS. System Action: The program has been prepared for execution by the CMS loader and control is now passed to the program. User Response: None. 378 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 7501 ZAP PROCESSING COMPLETE Explanation: An END control record was encountered and processing is terminated. System Action: All files are closed and control returns to CMS. User Response: None. 7511 MEMBER 'name' FOUND IN LIBRARY 'libname' Explanation: If more than one LOADLIB or TXTLIB was specified, this message tells you which library the member was found in. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. 777S DOS PARTITION TOO SMALL TO ACCOMMODATE FETCH REQUEST Explanation: The virtual DOS partition is too small to accommodate the FETCH request. If the module or phase requested were fetched into user storage, it would exceed PPEND. System Action: RC = 104 Execution of the command is terminated. User Response: Redefine the size of the virtual partition using the SET DOSPART command and reissue the command. Note that redefining the partition size causes storage to be reinitialized, and therefore any previous loads or fetches must be reissued. 778E OPEN ERROR ON ddname: POSSIBLE VOLUME ERROR. SEE VSE/VSAM DOCUMENTATION FOR OPEN ERROR CODE code Explanation: The call to VSEjVSAM results in an error code indicating that a problem could exist with the volume on which the file resides. System Action: Your program is terminated with an ABEND 35. User Response: None. 779E OPEN ERROR ON ddname: POSSIBLE USER PROGRAMMING ERROR. SEE VSE/VSAM DOCUMENTATION FOR OPEN ERROR CODE code Explanation: The call to VSEjVSAM results in an error code indicating that an error in processing occurred due to an error in your program. System Action: Your program is terminated with an ABEND 35. User Response: None. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 379 780E OPEN ERROR ON ddname: POSSIBLE DLBLjEXTENT ERROR. SEE VSE/VSAM DOCUMENTATION FOR OPEN ERROR CODE code Explanation: The call to VSE/VSAM results in an error code indicating that an error occurred in processing the DLBL/EXTENT information you supplied. System Action: Your program is terminated with an ABEND 35. User Response: None. 781E OPEN ERROR ON ddname: POSSIBLE CATALOG ERROR. SEE VSE/VSAM DOCUMENTATION FOR OPEN ERROR CODE code Explanation: The call to VSE/VSAM results in an error code indicating that an error exists in the specified catalog. System Action: Your program is terminated with an ABEND 35. User Response: None. 782E OPEN ERROR ON ddname: POSSIBLE SYSTEM ERROR. SEE VSE/VSAM DOCUMENTATION FOR OPEN ERROR CODE code Explanation: The call to VSE/VSAM results in an error code indicating that there is a serious error in CMS or in CMS/DOS, making continued processing of the application unwise. System Action: Your program is terminated with an ABEND 35, except for error code 34, in which case your program is terminated but an ABEND is not issued. User Response: None. 78SE CLOSE ERROR ON ddname: POSSIBLE USER PROGRAMMING ERROR. SEE VSEjVSAM DOCUMENTATION FOR OPEN ERROR CODE code Explanation: The call to VSE/VSAM results in an error code indicating that an error in processing occurred due to an error in your program. System Action: Your program is terminated with an ABEND 35. User Response: None. 784E CLOSE ERROR ON ddname: POSSIBLE SYSTEM ERROR. SEE VSE/VSAM DOCUMENTATION FOR OPEN ERROR CODE code Explanation: The call to VSE/VSAM results in an error code indicating that there is a serious error in CMS or in CMS/DOS making continued processing of the application unwise. System Action: Your program is terminated with an ABEND 35. User Response: None. 380 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 785E ERROR IN REQUEST MACRO PROCESSING: POSSIBLE USER PROGRAMMING ERROR. SEE VSE/VSAM ERROR CODE code, RETURN CODE code Explanation: The call to VSE/VSAM results in an error code indicating that an error in processing occurred due to an error in your program. System Action: Your program is terminated with an ABEND 35. User Response: None. 786E ERROR IN REQUEST MACRO PROCESSING: POSSIBLE SYSTEM ERROR. SEE VSE/VSAM ERROR CODE code, RETURN CODE code Explanation: The call to VSE/VSAM results in an error code indicating that there is a serious error in eMS or in CMS/DOS making continued processing of the application unwise. System Action: Your program is terminated with an ABEND 35. User Response: None. 787E ERROR DECOMPRESSING macro MACRO Explanation: An error occurred in the routine that decompresses macros read in from tape. The reason may be that the macro is not in standard VSE compressed format. System Action: VMDOS terminates processing of the macro, then goes on to process the next macro requested, or exits, if no more macros were requested. User Response: Be sure that the tape is the compressed Source Statement Library tape. 788R ARE THE MACROS TO BE READ FROM TAPE OR ARE THEY ALREADY ON DISK? REPLY (TAPEIDISK). IF A DEFAULT OF TAPE IS TO BE USED, PRESS "ENTER" Explanation: .The VSEVSAM EXEC asks you if the macros are on tape or on disk. System Action: The system waits for a response. User Response: Enter "DISK" if the macros are already on disk. If the macros are to be read from tape, press "ENTER". 789W INVALID RESPONSE Explanation: Your response to a query is not one of those expected by the VSEVSAM EXEC. System Action: The system waits for you to enter another response. You have two chances to enter a proper response. If you are not successful on the second try, the VSEVSAM EXEC is exited. User Response: Enter a response. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 381 790R IF THE DEFAULT LIBRARY NAME OF "VSEVSAM" IS TO BE USED, PRESS "ENTER". ELSE, ENTER THE NAME TO BE USED FOR THE LIBRARY Explanation: You must supply the library name to be used. System Action: The system waits for a response. User Response: Enter the library name to be used or just press "ENTER" to use the default library name of "VSEVSAM" . 7911 THE LIBRARY NAME WILL BE "libname". PRESS "ENTER" TO CONTINUE, ELSE ENTER "QUIT" OR THE NAME WILL BE USED FOR THE LIBRARY Explanation: You can verify that the correct library name will be used. You have the opportunity to change the library name or to stop execution. System Action: The system waits for a response. User Response: If the library name is correct and you want to continue, just press "ENTER". If you want to use a different library name, enter the name you want to use. 792R ARE THE MACROS TO BE ERASED FROM DISK? REPLY (YESINO). PRESS "ENTER" FOR DEFAULT OF "YES" Explanation: Your response determines whether or not the macros will be erased. System Action: The system waits for a response. User Response: If you want to keep the macros on disk, enter "NO", otherwise, the macros are erased. 7931 MACLIB GENERATION COMPLETED Explanation: VSEVSAM issues this informational message to indicate to you that the macro library has been created. System Action: None. User Response: None. 794E ERROR IN MACLIB GENERATION Explanation: An error occurred while using the MACLIB command to generate the VSEVSAM MACLIB. System Action: The VSEVSAM EXEC is exited with Return Code = 04. User Response: Issue the VSE VSAM EXEC again. Respond 'disk' to message DMSWVV788R. In response to message DMSWVV808R, press the ENTER key. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. There may be a problem with the MACLIB command or with the macros that are used to build the MACLIB. 382 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 795E ERROR READING MACROS FROM TAPE Explanation: An error occurred while using the VMFDOS module to read and decompress macros from the VSE/VSAM Optional Source Statement Library tape. System Action: The VSEVSAM EXEC is exited with Return Code = 08. User Response: Be sure that the correct tape (VSE/VSAM Optional Source Statement Library tape) is attached to your virtual machine as virtual 181. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. 796E ERROR READING FROM "VSEVSAM SCAN" FILE Explanation: An unexpected error code was returned by EXECIO while reading from the 'VSEVSAM SCAN' file. System Action: The VSEVSAM EXEC is exited with Return Code = 12. User Response: Issue the VSEVSAM EXEC again. Respond 'disk' to message DMSWVV788R. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. 7971 "QUIT" MAY BE ENTERED IN RESPONSE TO ANY QUERY TO END PROCESSING Explanation: VSEVSAM issues this informational message to indicate that you can end processing by entering "QUIT" to any query. System Action: None. User Response: None. 798R THE VSE/VSAM OPTIONAL SOURCE STATEMENT LIBRARY TAPE MUST BE MOUNTED AS VIRTUAL 181. IF IT IS NOT, ENTER "QUIT" HERE AND HAVE THE TAPE MOUNTED. ELSE PRESS "ENTER" TO CONTINUE Explanation: VSE VSAM issues this message to remind you that you must have the VSE/VSAM Optional Source Statement Library tape mounted as virtual 181. System Action: The system waits for a response. User Response: If you do not have the VSE/VSAM Optional Source Statement Library tape mounted as virtual 181, then enter "QUIT" and have the tape mounted. Otherwise, just press "ENTER". 799E ERROR READING FROM "VSEVSAM SCAN" FILE - ALL MACROS MAY NOT BE ERASED Explanation: An unexpected error code was returned by EXECIO while reading from the "VSEVSAM SCAN" file. Since this occurred while the macros were being erased, and since the EXEC is exited when the error is encountered, all of the macros that were read in from tape may not have been erased before the EXEC was exited. System Action: The VSEVSAM EXEC is exited with Return Code = 12. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 383 User Response: The mac lib has been successfully generated. You can use the CMS ERASE command to delete any files that were not successfully erased by the VSEVSAM EXEC. 800E ONE OF THE FILES NEEDED FOR MACLIB GENERATION IS MISSING Explanation: One of the files supplied with the VM/SP HPO Release system that is necessary to generate the "VSEVSAM MACLIB" is missing. It may be one of the following files: "OPEN MACRO", "OPENR MACRO", "CLOSE MACRO", "CLOSER MACRO", "CDLOAD MACRO", "GET ?-.1 ..A;LCRO", "PUT MACRO", or the "VSEVSAM SCAN" file. System Action: The VSEVSAM EXEC is exited with Return Code = 02. User Response: Be sure that the files listed in the above explanation are available on the system disk. 8011 ARGUMENTS ENTERED ARE IGNORED Explanation: A parameter was specified on the 'VSEVSAM' command line. The VSEVSAM EXEC does not accept parameters. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. 8021 MACROS ERASED - VSEVSAM PROCESSING COMPLETE Explanation: VSEVSAM issues this informational message to indicate to you that the macros have been erased. System Action: None. User Response: None. 803E INVALID PARAMETER SPECIFICATION Explanation: The format of either the catalog name or the password passed to CATCHECK is invalid. This might indicate that the catalog name or password is too long. System Action: RC = 4 User Response: Refer to the CATCHECK documentation in the VM/SP CMS Command and Macro Reference for the correct format of a catalog name or password. 804S ERROR ESTABLISHING eMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT Explanation: An error occurred during storage initialization for the CMS/DOS environment. If you are an OS/VSAM user, this may also mean that an error occurred while doing a "SET DOS ON (VSAM". System Action: RC = 8 User Response: Issue the command again. If the problem persists, call your system support personnel. 384 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 805S ERROR ASSIGNING OUTPUT TO PRINTER Explanation: An error occurred while processing the "ASSGN SYSLST PRINTER" command issued to direct output to the printer. System Action: RC = 12 User Response: Verify that your virtual printer is properly defined. Run your job again. If the problem persists, call your system support personnel. 806S VSE/VSAM PHASE "IKQVCHK" NOT FOUND Explanation: The CD LOAD SVC is not able to locate the VSE/VSAM Catalog Check Service Aid phase "IKQVCHK" in the CMS VSAM segments. System Action: RC = 16 User Response: Verify that VSE/VSAM has been properly installed on your system. If the problem persists, call your system support personnel. 807S ERROR ENCOUNTERED ISSUING ASSGN FOR CATALOG Explanation: An attempt to issue an ASSGN for the non-CMS/DOS user for an IJSYSCT or IJSYSUC DLBL results in an error in the ASSGN routine. System Action: RC = 20 User Response: Run your job again. If the problem persists, call your system support personnel. 808R MACRO LIBRARY "libname" WILL BE ERASED. PRESS "ENTER" TO CONTINUE OR "QUIT" TO EXIT Explanation: The VSEVSAM EXEC allows you to verify that the correct library is erased. System Action: The system waits for a response. User Response: If you want the macro to be erased press the enter key. Enter "QUIT" to exit the VSEVSAM EXEC. 809E ERROR COPYING "VSEVSAM SCAN" FILE FROM S-DISK TO A-DISK Explanation: If no "VSEVSAM SCAN" file is found on the user's A-disk, the VSEVSAM EXEC tries to copy the file from the S-disk to the user's A-disk. This is done because the VMFDOS module used to read the macros from tape expects the SCAN file to be· on the A-disk. System Action: "VSEVSAM EXEC" is exited with Return Code = 14. User Response: Be sure that the 'VSEVSAM SCAN' file is on the S-disk. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 385 825E 'CLEAR' IS VALID ONLY WHEN SPECIFIED BY ITSELF Explanation: CLEAR, CLEARALL, CLEARIO, or CLEARMC was specified along with other parameters. This is prohibited. The CLEAR parameter must be specified by itself, with no reports requested. No report is printed. System Action: RC = 12 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. No clearing takes place. No report is printed. User Response: Reissue the CPEREP command requesting the report without the CLEAR parameter. After the report is generated, issue CPEREP again with only the CLEAR parameter, or use the ZERO parameter with other parameters (where compatible) to generate a report followed by immediate clearing. 826E EREP TXTLIBS NOT FOUND Explanation: In attempting to search the EREP TXTLIBs, DMSIFC found that the pointer to the first TXTLIB contained zeros. System Action: RC = 56 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Issue a GLOBAL TXTLIB command listing the applicable EREP TXTLIBs in the proper search order. If no local libraries exist, the command should be: GLOBAL TXTLIB ERPTFLIB EREPLIB Reissue the CPEREP command. If the error persists, call your system support personnel. 8281 CPEREP ZERO OR CLEAR HAS BEEN COMPLETED Explanation: CLEAR or ZERO was specified by the user or other parameters caused ZERO to be requested by default. The error recording cylinders have been erased, except that only the I/O error recording cylinder was erased if CLEARIO was specified; or only the machine and channel check error recording cylinder was erased if CLEARM C was specified. System Action: RC = 0 Control returns to CMS. User Response: None required. 829W ATTEMPTED 'ZERO' WAS SUPPRESSED. REQUIRES PRIVILEGE CLASS F Explanation: CLEAR or ZERO was specified by the user; or other parameters caused ZERO to be requested by default. The error recording cylinders were not erased because the user was not authorized. Only class F users have authorization to erase the error recording cylinders. System Action: RC = 88 or RC = 0 If the CLEAR function failed, the return code will be 88. If the ZERO function failed, the return code will be o. Reports (if requested) have already been generated. Control returns to CMS. 386 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes User Response: None required if ZERO was requested by mistake or default. If you need to erase the error recording cylinders, see your system support personnel to get a class F directory entry. S30E 1/0 ERROR READING A BLOCK OF RECORDS FROM THE ERROR RECORDING CYLINDERS Explanation: DMSREA, the CPEREP read module, encountered a permanent input/output error while attempting to read a 4K block of records from the error recording area. Probable hardware error. System Action: RC = 60 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Execute the DDR service program to obtain a dump of the error recording cylinder on which the input error occurred. Reconstruct the data on the error recording cylinders. If the reconstruction process is successful, initiate the CPEREP operation again. If the error recurs, call your system support personnel. S31E MORE THAN 100 CHARS OF OPTIONS SPECIFIED Explanation: The maximum number of characters that can be used to specify options for this command is 100. More than 100 characters were used. System Action: RC = 62 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same. User Response: Check the valid command options. Reissue the command using less than 100 characters to specify the options. S32S SOFTWARE INCOMPATIBILITY AT THE CPEREP-EREP INTERFACE.CODE=nnn Explanation: CPEREP is OS/VS EREP running under CMS with CPEREP providing interface code between OS/VS EREP and CMS. Some change has been made to OS/VS EREP (via PTF, or a new release, etc.) that has made it incompatible with the interface provided by CPEREP. Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Meaning An EXCP was attempted with a DCB other than that of the SYS1.LOGREC data set. OS/VS EREP is expected to use only one lOB and one channel program when it uses EXCP to access the SYS1.LOGREC data set. But it has attempted to use lOBs or channel programs at more than one location in storage. The expected read/write command in the channel program for accessing SYS1.LOGREC contains an unexpected op code. While reading error records (with EXCP) from (simulated) SYS1.LOGREC, OS/VS EREP made an attempt to read nonsequentially prior to completion of the sequential reading phase. An attempt was made to read record 2 of SYS1.LOGREC (the time stamp record), which CPEREP does not simulate. The first EXCP to SYS1.LOGREC was not the expected read of the SYS1.LOGREC header record. The channel program for accessing SYS1.LOGREC does not have the expected format. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 387 Code 8 Meaning An invalid disk address (CCHHR) was used while attempting to access SYS1.LOGREC. There are no error records and yet OS/VS EREP attempted to read error records. An invalid record length was encountered while reading SYS1.LOGREC. This may be due to error records being overlaid on the error cylinders. 9 10 System Action: RC = 104 Execution of the command is terminated with EREP message(s) IFC135I or IFC149I. User Response: Reissue the command, or have your system programmer try it. If the problem persists, call your system support personnel. 90lT UNEXPECTED ERROR AT 'lJddr': PLIST 'plist fn ft fm' AT addr, BASE: addr, RC nn Explanation: An unexpected error occurred in COPYFILE or LOADLIB processing. The "plist" indicates one of the following CMS functions: RDBUF, WRBUF, FINIS, ADTLKP, or RENAME. The return code "nn" indicates one of the following conditions: 'plist' = RDBUF Code Meaning The file was not found. The address of the buffer was not within virtual storage limits. A permanent disk error occurred. This may occur if you link to and access another user's disk, and try to read a file that was refiled by its owner after you issued the ACCESS command. Reissue the ACCESS command and try to read the file again. The number of records is less than 0 or greater than 32768. The fixed/variable flag is not F or V. The record read is longer than the buffer. The specified file is open for writing; it must be closed and opened for reading. The number of records is greater than 1 for a variable-length file. The end of the file was reached. An invalid displacement appears in the AFT for a variable-length file. An invalid character appears in the filename. An invalid character appears in the filetype. Insufficient free storage available for file management Requested item number is negative or item number plus number of items exceeds file system capacity. 1 2 3 5 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 25 26 'plist' Code 2 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 388 = WRBUF Meaning The virtual storage address equals zero. The first character of the filemode is invalid. The second character of the filemode is invalid. The record number or number of records is too long. An attempt was made to skip over an unwritten variable-length record. The number of bytes was not specified. The maximum number of CMS files (3400) was reached. The fixed/variable flag is not F or V. IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes Code 12 Meaning The disk is read-only. The disk is full. The number of bytes to be written is not integrally divisible by the number of records to be written. The length of this record is not the same as that of the previous record. The characteristic (F or V) is not the same as the previous record. A variable-length record is greater than 65K bytes. The number of records is greater than 1 for a variable-length file. The maximum number of data blocks (16060) had been reached. An invalid character appears in the filename. An invalid character appears in the filetype. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 'plist' = FINIS Code Meaning The file is not open. 6 'plist' Code 1 = ADTLKP Meaning The matching ADT block was not found. 'plist' = RENAME Code 24 28 36 Meaning The mode is invalid, or the fileid is incomplete. The file was not found, a new file already exists, file ids are identical, or the file is inactive. The disk is not read/write. System Action: RC = 256 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same, with the following exceptions: • If the APPEND option was specified and the copying process began before the error was discovered, records have been appended to the output file. • If the NEWFILE (the default), REPLACE, or OVLY option was specified, and the copying process began before the error was discovered, then COPYFILE CMSUTl, on the. output disk, contains the records copied so far. • If multiple-output-file mode, several output files may have been created before the error was discovered. User Response: Refer to the "plist" parameter and the RC "nn" parameter to determine if an input/output error occurred. If it did, try to reissue the command. Otherwise, contact your system support personnel for assistance. 902T IPL DEVICE READ I/O ERROR Explanation: An uncorrectable I/O error occurred while reading a CMS nucleus. System Action: The system enters a wait state. User Response: Call your installation support personnel. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 389 903T IMPOSSIBLE PHASE CODE 'xx' Explanation: A phase code larger than the maximum was detected during the file copying operation. This error should never occur. System Action: RC = 256 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same, with the following exceptions: • If the NEW FILE (the default), REPLACE, or OVLY option was specified, and the copying process began before the error was discovered, then COPYFILE CMSUTl, on the output disk, contains the records copied so far. • In multiple output file mode, several output files may already have been created before the error was discovered. User Response: Contact your system support personnel for assistance. 904T UNEXPECTED UNPACK ERROR AT 'addr', BASE 'addr' Explanation: An error condition was detected during the process of unpacking a file. Probably, the file was not in PACK format, or it was modified after it was packed. System Action: RC = 256 Execution of the command is terminated. The system status remains the same, with the following exceptions for DMSCPY: • If the NEWFILE (the default), REPLACE, or OVLY option was specified, and the copying process began before the error was discovered, then COPYFILE CMSUTl; on the output disk, contains the records copied so far. • In multiple output file mode, several output files may have been created before the error was discovered. User Response: Contact your installation support personnel for assistance. 905S WRITE-INHIBIT SWITCH SET ON DRIVE ... NOTIFY OPERATOR Explanation: CMS tried to write on a virtual disk that resides on a disk whose "write-inhibit" switch was set. System Action: DMSDIO returns to caller with a code 6, "FILE IS READ-ONLY." User Response: Notify the system operator to reset the switch; then IPL CMS again. 907T I/O ERROR ON FILE 'fn ft fm' Explanation: The system tried to close a file that had not been opened or could not find a file that should exist. For DMSHLP, an error occurred while attempting to read from the requested HELP text file. 390 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes For DMSUTL, an attempt to obtain information about a member of the library resulted in a return code that indicated a permanent I/O error had occurred. System Action: RC = 256 Execution of the command is terminated. For DMSLBM, the MACLIB condition is unpredictable. User Response: For DMSLBM, issue MACLIB MAP to check the validity of the library name. For DMSLIO, if the error is in a TXTLIB, check the integrity of the dictionary . For DMSUTL, if the error is in a LOADLIB, check the integrity of the directory. Reissue the command and if the problem persists, contact your installation support personnel. 908E FILE SYSTEM ERROR DETECTED. VIRTUAL ADDRESS 'cuu' REASON CODE 'nn' Explanation: See the explanation of message 908T. System Action: Execution of the command is terminated. Some I/O may have occurred on the disk. The status of the disk is unpredictable. User Response: If data on the pack is still good, reissue the command. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. 908T FILE SYSTEM ERROR DETECTED. VIRTUAL ADDR 'vaddr'. REASON CODE 'nn' Explanation: An error has been detected indicating that the CMS file system may have become disoriented with respect to the disk having virtual address'vaddr'. 'nn' indicates the nature of the error; it may be one of the following: Code 3 4 5 6 Meaning An error was detected in trying to read from or write on a disk. Probably the disk was detached (via the DETACH command) without having been released (via the RELEASE command), or the disk is an unsupported device. Error detected in module DMSDIO. A deallocation was attempted on a nonallocated DISK block, or a MARK operation was attempted on a block already allocated. The error was detected in DMSTRK, or a RDTRK/WRTRK operation was attempted to a DISK block number zero. The error was detected in module DMSDIO. The cylinder number as calculated in CMS is not within range of user's disk, or an attempt was made to write on system disk (MODE = S). Error detected in module DMSDIO. A deallocation was attempted on a non-allocated disk block. The error was detected in DMSTRK. The cylinder number received by the Control Program is not in the user's range or an attempt was made to access file record zero. Error detected in module DMSDIO. An attempt was made to write on a read-only disk. Error detected in module DMSDIO. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 391 Code 8 C 13 18 19 lC 24 25 28 2C 41 42 45 81 82 Meaning A channel programming error occurred. Error detected in module DMSDIO or a deallocation was attempted on a block outside the range of the DISK structure. The error was detected in module DMSTRK, or a RDTRK/WRTRK operation was attempted with a byte count of zero. The error was detected in module DMSDIO. An I/O error occurred while writing the volume label to commit an ACCESS ERASE operation. The error was detected in DMSTRK. An I/O error occurred during a RDTRK/WRTRK operation to an FB·512 device. The error was detected by DMSDIO. A plist error was encountered during a truncate operation. The error was detected by DMSERS. A storage error occurred during a truncate operation. The error was detected by DMSERS. The file or ADT for a truncate operation was not found. The error was detected by DMSERS. The file to undergo truncation was located on a R/O disk. The er.ror was detected by DMSERS. A storage error occurred during a RDTR/WRTRK operation. The error was detected in module DMSDIO. A FINIS error occurred during a truncate operation. The error was detected by DMSERS. Inconsistent V-Format pointers were detected during a truncate operation. The error was detected in module DMSERS. No free block is available for allocation. Error detected in module DMSTRK. You may recover files from this disk if you access it as read-only and copy the desired files to another disk. A parameter list error occurred. Error detected in module DMSTRK. The cylinder number received by the Control Program is not in the user's range, or an attempt was made to access file record zero. Error detected in module DMSTRK. No free block is available for allocation. Error detected in module DMSTQQ. A parameter list error occurred. Error detected in module DMSTQQ. System Action: The system enters a disabled wait state. The user file directory is not updated. User Response: IPL CMS again. If data on the pack is still good, reissue the command. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. 909E PERM 1/0 ERROR ON 'vaddr'. CSW cccccccc SENSE ssssssss Explanation: An uncorrectable I/O· error has occurred on virtual device address 'vaddr'. The CSW bytes at the time of the error are indicated at the lowercase "c" positions and sense data appears at the lower's" positions. System Action: Execution of the command is terminated. Some I/O may have occurred on the disk. The status of the disk is unpredictable. User Response: If data on the pack is still good, reissue the command. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. 392 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 909T PERM 1/0 ERROR ON 'vaddr'. CSW cccccccc cccccccc SENSE ssssssss ssssssss ssssssss ssssssss ssssssss ssssssss. Explanation: An uncorrectable I/O error has occurred on virtual device address'vaddr'. The CSW bytes at the time of the error are indicated at the lowercase "c" positions and sense data appears at the lowercase "s" positions. System Action: The system enters a disabled wait state. The user file directory is not updated. User Response: IPL CMS again. Reissue the command. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. 910T AN ERROR OCCURRED WHILE THE EXTERNAL INTERRUPT HANDLER WAS TRYING TO SEVER IUCV PATH 'patbid', RE-IPL CMS Explanation: A CMS internal error occurred in the External Interrupt Handler. IUCV returned an error when the CMS External Interrupt Handler was trying to SEVER a path. System Action: The CMS system halts by loading a disabled wait state PSW. User Response: If you wish to continue, use the CP command STORE PSW to turn off the wait state bit, leaving the address field unmodified; then, type BEGIN. Otherwise, IPL CMS again. 911E AN IUCV SEVER ERROR OCCURRED ON PATH 'patbid', IPRCODE 'iprcode', SEVERING OF OTHER PATHS CONTINUES. = Explanation: While CMS was trying to sever all of the IUCV paths for the program that issued the HNDIUCV CLR or CMSIUCV SEVER with CODE = ALL, a SEVER error occurred. This SEVER error indicates that although CMS recognized this path as being owned by the program, IUCV does not recognize the path as being a valid path for this virtual machine. The probable cause for this error is that a program issued a CMSIUCV CONNECT or ACCEPT to establish the path and then issued an IUCV SEVER directly instead of using the CMSIUCV SEVER support. System Action: RC = 1000 + lUCY IPRCODE CMS continues to SEVER any other paths that the issuing program owns and returns to the program after all paths have been severed. User Response: Determine where the IUCV SEVER was issued directly and change it to a CMSIUCV SEVER. 951E INVALID SVC nn. GAMISP NOT INSTALLED Explanation: The SVC was issued as the result of a program executing an I/O macro for a graphics device, that is, a device defined in a DCB with DSORG = GS. The SVC requires the use of the shared segment (CSMGAM) containing GAM/SP, but this segment could not be found. System Action: Execution of the SVC is terminated, and control is returned to the program. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 393 User Response: 1. If the attempted use of GAM/SP was intentional, ask a system programmer to ensure that GAM/SP is installed correctly. 2. If the program should not be attempting to use GAM/SP, that is, if it did not open a DCB with DSORG = GS, check whether the DCB has been unintentionally overwritten. 952E VIRTUAL STORAGE SIZE TOO LARGE FOR 'CMSGAM' SHARED SEGMENT TO LOAD AT nnnnnn Explanation: An attempt was made to load the shared segment (CMSGAM) that contains GAM/SP for use by an application program. The address at which the shared segment must be loaded is lower than the virtual machine's highest address. A shared segment can be loaded only at an address above the highest address in any virtual machine that uses it. System Action: The shared segment is not loaded, and control is returned to the program. User Response: Either ask the system programmer to redefine the address at which the shared segment is loaded, or define a smaller virtual machine using a CP DEFINE STORAGE command. 953E 'CMSGAM' SHARED SEGMENT ERROR. MODULE ADDRESS FOR SVC nn IS ZERO Explanation: The SVC was issued as the result of a program executing an I/O macro for a graphics device, that is, a device defined in a DCB with DSORG = GS. The SVC requires the use of a shared segment (CMSGAM) containing GAM/SP. This segment includes a list of addresses of GAM/SP modules, and one of these was found to be zero. System Action: Execution of the SVC is terminated, and control is returned to the program. User Response: Ask a system programmer to ensure that GAM/SP is installed correctly. 954E 'CMSGAM' SHARED SEGMENT ERROR. IDENTIFIER INVALID FOR SVCnn Explanation: The SVC was issued as the result of a program executing an I/O macro for a graphics device, that is, a device defined in a DCB with DSORG = GS. The SVC requires the used of a shared segment (CMSGAM) containing GAM/SP. This segment should contain a constant that identifies it as being the GAM/SP shared segment, but the constant could not be found. System Action: Execution of the SVC is terminated, and control is returned to the program. User Response: Ask a system programmer to check whether GAM/SP is installed correctly, and if so, whether the CMSGAM shared segment has been loaded but then overwritten. 394 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 955E 'CMSGAM' SHARED SEGMENT PAGING I/O ERRORS WITH ccccccc Explanation: An application program was using the shared segment (CMSGAM) containing GAM/SP when a paging error occurred in the shared segment. ccccccc identifies the type of DIAGNOSE instruction that was being executed by GAM/SP when the error occurred: it is either FINDSYS or LOADSYS. System Action: Control is returned to the program. User Response: Ask a system programmer to correct the paging errors. 956E INSUFFICIENT STORAGE FOR GAM/SP ANCHOR BLOCK Explanation: An application program was using the shared segment (CMSGAM) containing GAM/SP. After being loaded, GAM/SP issued a DMSFREE macro to obtain storage in the user's virtual machine for a control block known as the anchor block. Insufficient storage was available. System Action: Control is returned to the program. User Response: Define a larger virtual machine using a CP DEFINE STORAGE command. 995E UNABLE TO OBTAIN FREE STORAGE FOR DMSBOP PROCESSING. REDEFINE STORAGE SIZE. Explanation: A program executing under CMSDOS tries to open a DTF. Not enough free storage was available to satisfy requ~sts issued by the DMSBOP routine (OPEN). The DTF is not opened. System Action: RC = 104 The program is cancelled. System Action: RC = 104 User Response: Redefine the storage size of your virtual machine, or return free storage that is not required. 996E NO LOGIC MODULE POINTER IN DTF FOR 'filename' Explanation: A program executing under CMSDOS issued an OPEN for a DTF called 'filename'. Since the DTF is type SD, the program must pass the pointer to the logic module. OPEN checks the DTF for this pointer if the DTF device is not FB-512, and if the pointer is zero the DTF is not opened. System Action RC = 104 The program is cancelled. User Response: Update the program to initialize the logic module pointer. 999E NO ft PROCESSOR FOUND Explanation: The processor module appropriate to the filetype was not found. System Action RC = 28 Execution of the command is terminated. User Response: Correct the filetypeand reissue the command. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages 395 eMS EDIT Messages The following messages are issued by the CMS Editor in response to the EDIT command and its subcommands. nnn LINE(S) CHANGED [, nnn LINE(S) TRUNCATED] Explanation: A CHANGE subcommand caused nnn lines to be changed and/ or nnn lines to be truncated. _SAVED Explanation: An automatic save (AUTOSAVE) was just performed on the file currently being edited. AVAILABLE STORAGE IS NOW FULL Explanation: The size of the file cannot be increased. Any attempt to add lines produces the message NO ROOM. Other commands are unaffected. Use the FILE subcommand to store what you have already edited on disk. To continue editing, you may temporarily increase the size of your virtual machine by issuing the CP command DEFINE, or split the file into two smaller ones. EDIT: Explanation: This message indicates entry to edit mode. During initialization, if the file identification specified in the EDIT command is found on disk, this is the first response; otherwise, the file is new and the message NEW FILE: precedes the message EDIT:. This message is also displayed: • • • • When you enter a null line in edit mode. When you return from CMS subset to edit mode. If verification is on when you enter a null line in input mode. If verification is on when a SAVE subcommand completes execution. END ZONE SET TO 72 Explanation: The SERIAL subcommand was issued when the zone setting was within the serialization field. The end zone is reset to column 72. EOF: Explanation: The line pointer is positioned after the bottom line of the file or, if the file is empty, after the null line at the top of the file (subject to the setting of the VERIFY subcommand). EOFREACHED Explanation: The number of lines beyond the starting line specified in a GETFILE subcommand exceeded the end of the indicated file. The lines from the starting line to the end of the file were inserted in the file. When verification is on, the last line inserted is displayed at the terminal. CMS EDIT Messages 397 FILE IS EMPTY Explanation: An attempt to SAVE or AUTOSAVE a null file was detected. If the subcommand was FILE, the Editor exits and is erased; if it was SAVE or AUTOSA VE, control returns to edit mode. In either case, the file is not stored on your disk. FILE NOT FOUND Explanation: The file identification specified in a GETFILE subcommand was not found on an auxiliary storage device. GETFILE IS INCOMPLETE Explanation: The available storage was exceeded while attempting to execute a GETFILE subcommand. The last line inserted into the file is displayed at the terminal. GIVEN STARTING LINE IS BEYOND EOF Explanation: The starting line specified in a GETFILE subcommand points beyond the last line of the indicated file. INPUT: Explanation: Indicates entry to input mode; lines entered at the terminal become part of the file. INVALID LINE NUMBER REFERENCE IN STMNT nnnnn Explanation: This message occurs for VSBASIC files only. The line number referenced in statement nnnnn is invalid (not numeric). The old line number is nnnnn. The RENUM subcommand is terminated by the Editor without renumbering the file. To continue, correct statement nnnnn and reissue the subcommand. INVALID SYNTAX IN STMNT nnnnn Explanation: This message occurs with VSBASIC files only. RENUM cannot convert the line number operand in statement nnnnn because of incorrect language usage. The old line number is nnnnn. The RENUM subcommand is terminated by the Editor. To continue, correct the statement in line nnnnn and reissue the command. INVALID $name PARAMETER LIST Explanation: The indicated edit macro was invoked with one or more errors in the subcommand line. LINE xxxxx REFERENCED IN STMNT nnnnn, NOT FOUND Explanation: This message occurs for VSBASIC files only. The line number specified as an operand in statement nnnnn was not found. The old line number is nnnnn. The RENUM subcommand is terminated by the Editor. To continue, correct the line number operand xxxxx in statement nnnnn and reissue the command. 398 IBM VM/SPHPO System Messages and Codes MAXIMUM LINE NUMBER EXCEEDED Explanation: The RENUM subcommand specified values for "strtno" and "incrno" that would result in a line number that exceeds 99999 for VSBASIC files or 99999999 for FREEFORT files. The RENUM subcommand is terminated by the Editor. To continue, reissue RENUM with proper strtno and incrno values. This message is also issued for other serialized files if the line number exceeds 99999. The file must be reserialized. NEW FILE: Explanation: The message is issued during Editor initialization if the file identified in the EDIT command is not found on the specified disk. If no filemode was specified with the EDIT command, CMS searches only the A-disk and its extensions. NO LINES MOVED Explanation: The edit macro $MOVE was invoked with number of lines to be moved equal to o. NO ROOM Explanation: An attempt to enter additional lines to a file was detected after the message AVAILABLE STORAGE IS NOW FULL was displayed. Any stacked lines are cleared to avoid multiple error messages or improper subcommand execution sequences. Use the FILE subcommand to store what you have edited so far on disk. To continue editing, you must either split the file into two smaller files or temporarily increase the storage size of your virtual machine via the CPDEFINE STORAGE command. The maximum virtual storage permitted is determined by the· MSTOR value in your directory entry. NON-NUMERIC CHARACTER IN LINE NUMBER COLUMNS Explanation: A nonnumeric character was found in the columns reserved for line numbers. The line pointer identifies the line in error. You should correct or delete the line in error. NOT FOUND Explanation: The search operand specified in the ALTER, CHANGE, FIND, or LOCATE subcommand was not encountered in the delimited range (current ZONE setting), or before the end of the file was reached. OVERFLOW AT STATEMENT nnnnn Explanation: This message occurs with VSBASIC files only. The conversion of the line number operand in statement nnnnn would produce a record exceeding the logical record length. The old line number is nnnnn. The RENUM subcommand is terminated by the Editor; to continue, correct the statement at old line number nnnnn and reissue the subcommand. CMS EDIT Messages 399 READ ERROR - GETFILE IS INCOMPLETE Explanation: 'An unrecoverable error was encountered during the execution of a GETFILE subcommand. The last line inserted into the file is displayed at the terminal. RECORD LENGTH OF FILE TOO LARGE Explanation: The file identification of a GETFILE subcommand indicates a file with a record length greater than the file being edited. The GETFILE subcommand is not executed. RENUM MODULE NOT FOUND Explanation: The RENUM subcommand requires that there be a RENUM module on the system disk. The RENUM subcommand is terminated by the Editor. Your installation system programmer must place the RENUM module on the system disk. RENUMBER LINES Explanation: 1. The line number prompter cannot proceed because there are no more numbers between the current line number and the line number of the next line already in the file (that is, they differ by one). In LINEMODE RIGHT, the user can turn LINEMODE OFF, issue a SERIAL subcommand, SAVE the file on disk (reserializing it), and finally turn LINEMODE RIGHT on and continue with the editing session. 2. The next line number, 100000000 or 100000, is too large. 3. If you are editing a VSBASIC or FREEFORT file, you can use the RENUM subcommand to renumber your file~ RESERIALIZATION SUPPRESSED Explanation: Reserialization on a SAVE, AUTOSAVE, or FILE subcommand is suppressed when LINEMODE RIGHT is set so that the numbers used during the editing session are retained. To reserialize, repeat the SAVE, AUTOSAVE, or FILE with LINEMODE OFF set. SAVED (See ~SAVED".) SERIALIZATION IS INCOMPLETE Explanation: During the execution of a SAVE, AUTOSAVE, or FILE subcommand that is serializing a file, the disk becomes full before the last line is written. The partial file is erased and the user is notified of the condition. SET NEW FILEMODE, OR ENTER eMS SUBSET AND CLEAR SOME SPACE Explanation: During the execution of a SAVE, RENUM, A UTOSAVE, or FILE subcommand, the disk becomes full before writing the last line of the file. The Editor erases the partial file. To continue, either (1) alter the destination of the edit file with the FMODE subcommand, or (2) enter eMS subset and erase unneeded files to make more room available. 400 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes SET NEW FILEMODE AND RETRY Explanation: An attempt was made to SAVE, AUTOSA VE, or FILE a file on a disk that is read-only or not accessed. You may reissue the subcommand specifying the filemode of a read/write disk; or, if you do not have a read/write disk active, you may enter the CMS subset environment by issuing the subcommand CMS, then issue the ACCESS command to gain access to a disk in read/write status, and then return to the edit environment by issuing the RETURN command. If you are using a VSBASIC file and issued a RENUM subcommand, you must access the disk you specified in read/write status for the subcommand to operate. The RENUM subcommand is terminated by the Editor without renumbering the file. To continue, use the FMODE subcommand to direct the file to a read/write disk and reissue the RENUM subcommand. This message is also issued if you use FMODE subcommand specifying, an access-mode letter not in t~ range A-G, S, Y, or Z, or an access-mode number that is greater than 5. SET NEW FILENAME AND RETRY Explanation: During the execution of a SAVE, AUTOSAVE, or FILE subcommand, an error occurred while altering the name of the CMS work file. You can now institute recovery procedures, since the Editor returns to edit mode. The work file remains. It should be erased, and a different file identification for a subsequent SAVE, AUTOSAVE, or FILE subcommand should be specified. STACKED LINES CLEARED Explanation: Multiple subcommands were detected after a failure to increase the file size when the Editor had indicated NO ROOM. This message is also displayed when an abnormal exit from edit mode occurs (to preserve the CMS command environment from ~tacked EDIT subcommands), or when an error is encountered in executing an edit macro. STACKED LINES CLEARED BY $name Explanation: When the named edit macro (such as $MOVE) is invoked, any stacked lines are cleared by the macro before its execution. This message also occurs when an edit macro is issued when the current line pointer is at the top of the file or the end of the file. When an edit macro is issued with the current line pointer at any other point in the file, the message does not occur unless lines are stacked in the console stack. STRING NOT FOUND, NO DELETIONS MADE Explanation: The specified character string has not been found by the end of the file. No deletions have been made, and the current line pointer remains unchanged. TOF: Explanation: The current line pointer is positioned at the null line at the top of the file. This message appears either after the TOP subcommand has been issued or after any other EDIT subcommand has positioned the line pointer at the null line at the beginning of the file. CMS EDIT Messages 401 TOO MANY LINES TO MOVE Explanation: The $MOVE edit macro was invoked with the number of lines to be moved greater than 25. TOO MANY LINES TO STACK Explanation: During initialization, the parameter of the STACK subcommand implies a storage requirement in excess of that reserved for the execution of the subcommand. The limit is 25 lines. TRUNC SET TO 72 Explanation: The SERIAL subcommand was issued and the truncation column was set within the serialization field. The truncation column is reset to column 72. TRUNCATED Explanation: The current line has exceeded the truncation column. If verification is on, the truncated line is displayed, followed by the message INPUT: (if in input mode). WRONG FILE FORMAT FOR LINEMODE RIGHT Explanation: The LINEMODE RIGHT option is not compatible with variable-length files or files that have a fixed record length other than 80. WRONG FILE FORMAT FOR RENUM Explanation: The filetype of the file you are editing is not VSBASIC 01" FREEFORT, or the Editor detected an invalid line number. For VSBASIC files, the line number must be the first five characters of the record. For FREEFORT files, the line number must be the first eight characters of the record. The RENUM subcommand is terminated by the Editor without renumbering the file. To continue, correct the line number or filetype and reissue the RENUM subcommand. WRONG FILE FORMAT FOR SERIALIZATION Explanation: The SERIAL subcommand was issued for a variable-length file or for a file that does not have a fixed record length of 80. ZONE ERROR Explanation: The string specified in a CHANGE subcommand is too long for the current zone specification. The file is not changed. Explanation: Same as ?EDIT:, but the input line is not displayed because the SHORT subcommand is in effect. Explanation: Same as ?EDIT:, but is displayed when an invalid edit macro is issued and the SHORT subcommand is in effect. 402 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes ?EDIT: Explanation: An unrecognizable EDIT subcommand or invalid subcommand operand was encountered. The input line is displayed for inspection. This form is used if the LONG subcommand is in effect. DMSBWR170S DISK 'mode (vaddr)' IS FULL Explanation: CMS issues this message if the output disk becomes full during execution of a FILE, SAVE, RENUM, or AUTOSAVE subcommand becomes full. The subcommand is terminated by the Editor, erases the work file (which is incomplete), and requests the user to specify a new filemode or make more room on the disk. CMS EDIT Messages 403 ·DEBUG Messages INCORRECT DEBUG EXIT Explanation: For the GO subcommand, this message indicates that the subcommand was issued without an operand, but an operand was required because the debug environment was entered by issuing the DEBUG command. For the RETURN subcommand, this message indicates that RETURN was not the proper subcommand to use, because the debug environment was entered due to a breakpoint, a program or external interrupt, or an unrecoverable error. To exit from the debug environment under these circumstances, issue the GO subcommand (no operand is necessary). Issued by: GO, RETURN INVALID OPERAND Explanation: For the BREAK subcommand, this message indicates that the breakpoint identification number specified in the first operand is not a decimal number between 0 and 15 inclusive, or the second operand cannot be located in the debug symbol table and is not a valid hexadecimal number. If the second operand is intended to be a symbol, a DEFINE subcommand must have been previously issued for that symbol; if not, the operand must be a valid hexadecimal storage location. For the DEFINE subcommand, this message indicates that the name specified in the first operand contains all numeric characters, the second operand is not a valid hexadecimal number, or the third operand is not a decimal number between 1 and 56 inC' :usive. "For the DUMP subcommand, this message is issued if the address specified by the second operand is less than that specified by the first operand, or if the first or second operands cannot be located in the debug symbol table and are not valid hexadecimal numbers. If either operand is intended to be a symbol, a DEFINE subcommand must previously have been issued for that symbol; if not, the operand must specify a valid hexadecimal location. For the GO or ORIGIN subcommand, a specified operand cannot be located in the debug symbol table and is not a valid hexadecimal number. If the operand is intended to be a symbol, a DEFINE subcommand must have been previously issued for that symbol; if not, the operand must specify a valid hexadecimal location. For the GPR subcommand, the operand(s) specified are not decimal numbers between 0 and 15 inclusive, or the second operand is less than the first. For the SET subcommand, the first operand is not CAW, CSW, PSW, or GPR, or the first operand is GPR and the second operand is not a decimal number between 0 and 15 inclusive, or one or more of the hexinfo operands does not contain hexadecimal information. For the STORE subcommand, the first operand cannot be located in the debug symbol table and is not a valid hexadecimal number, or the information specified in the second, third, or fourth operands is not in hexadecimal format. If the first operand is intended to be a symbol, a 404 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes DEFINE subcommand must have been previously issued for that symbol; if not, the operand must specify a valid hexadecimal storage location. For the X subcommand, the first operand cannot be located in the debug symbol table and is not a valid hexadecimal number, or theaecond operand is not a decimal number between 1 and 56 inclusive. If the first operand is intended to be a symbol, it must have been defined in a previous DEFINE subcommand; otherwise, the operand must specify a valid hexadecimal number. Issued by: BREAK, DEFINE, DUMP, GO, GPR, ORIGIN, SET, STORE, X INVALID STORAGE ADDRESS Explanation: For the DEFINE, DUMP, GO, STORE, or X subcommand, the sum of the current origin and the hexadecimal location specified in the subcommand is greater than, the user's virtual storage size. If the current origin size is unknown, reset it to the desired value by issuing the ORIGIN subcommand, and then reissue the subcommand. For the GO subcommand, this message may also indicate that the address at which execution is to begin is not on a halfword boundary (indicating that an operation code is not located at that address). For the ORIGIN subcommand, the address specified is greater than the user's virtual storage size. Issued by: DEFINE, DUMP, GO, ORIGIN INVALID STORAGE REFERENCE Explanation: The location indicated by the second operand is uneven (not on a halfword boundary) or the sum of the second operand and the current origin value is greater than the user's virtual storage size. If the current origin value is unknown, it may be reset to the desired value by issuing the ORIGIN subcommand. Issued by: BREAK MISSING OPERAND Explanation: The user did not enter the minimum number of operands required by the subcommand. Issued by: BREAK, DEFINE, GPR, ORIGIN, SET, STORE, X TOO MANY OPERANDS Explanation: The user entered more operands than the subcommand required. Issued by: BREAK, CAW, CSW, DEFINE, GO, GPR, ORIGIN, HX, PSW, RETURN, SET, STORE, X CMS EDIT Messages 405 16 SYMBOLS ALREADY DEFINED Explanation: The debug symbol table is full and no new symbols can be defined until the current definitions are cleared by obtaining a new copy of CMS. However, an existing symbol can be assigned to a new storage location by issuing another DEFINE subcommand for that symbol. Issued by: DEFINE 406 IBM VMjSP HPO System Messages and Codes CMS EXEC Messages The CMS EXEC interpreter generates two error messages, the descriptions of which are found in the "Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages" section. DMSEXCOOIE NO FILENAME SPECIFIED DMSEXT072E ERROR IN EXEC FILE fn, LINE nn - error description CMS EXEC Messages 407 EXEC 2 Messages The EXEC 2 interpreter generates three error messages, the descriptions of which are found in the "Conversational Monitor System (CMS) Messages" section. DMSEXE085E ERROR IN fn ft fm, LINE nnn -message DMSEXE175E INVALID EXEC COMMAND DMSEXE255T INSUFFICIENT STORAGE FOR EXEC INTERPRETER EXEC 2 Messages 409 Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS) Messages VM/SP HPO adds no additional functions to the Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS). Hence, these messages refer to VM/370 Release 6 not to the VM/370 Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem Networking Program Product (5748-XPl). 0001 RSCS (VER v, LEV I, mm/dd/yy) READY Explanation: This message signals the completion of RSCS initialization, including the activation of the AXS and LAX tasks. VER v and LEV I specify the version and level of RSCS that is in use. mm/dd/yy specifies the date on which the RSCS in use was generated. System Action: The system"begins normal processing by accepting files and commands. Operator Response: Normally, one or more links are activated at this time. 0011 FREE STORAGE = nn PAGES Explanation: The amount of available storage has increased as the result of normal system processing. The new number of available free pages is given as "nn". System Action: Normal processing continues. Operator Response: You may use this information in deciding whether to activate a previously inactive link. 0021 LINK linkid DEACTIVATED Explanation: The link identified by "linkid" has been deactivated as a result of the execution of a previous DRAIN command, or as the result of an orderly shutdown following a terminal line-driver error. The link remains inactive until it is activated again by an explicit command. System Action: The link's line-driver task is deleted from the system, all storage allocated to the task is made free, and the link table entry is updated. Operator Response: None. 0031 LINK linkid EXECUTING: (command line text) Explanation: The RSCS command described by (command line text) has been forwarded by a remote station for local execution. The link for the remote station forwarding the command is identified by 'linkid'. System Action: The command is executed, and the resulting response is returned to the originating link, to be sent back to the remote station. Operator Response: None. Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS) Messages 411 070E 1/0 ERROR vaddr SIOCC cc CSW csw SENSE sense CCW ccw Explanation: This message is issued by any task in RSCS that detects an uncorrectable hardware or system error during the processing of an I/O operation. The causes of such an error vary, depending on the particular device type and command code. vaddr cc csw sense ccw the virtual device address of the I/O device on which the error occurred. the condition code resulting from the issuing of the SID command on the device for the operation which was in error. the composite CSW associated with the operation in error. The composite CSW is a logical ORing of the CSW information associated with the SIO or the interrupts from the device while the I/O operation was active. the sense information associated with the I/O operation in error if the I/O operation ends with unit check set on. the first CCW of the I/O operation in error if it failed to start, or the last CCW fetched by the channel before the I/O operation terminated with an error indication. System Action: The error is logged, and appropriate recovery procedures are taken. The exact effect of the I/O error condition depends on the existing conditions when it occurs. The system may continue processing normally, the link may be automatically deactivated, or RSCS may shut down. Operator Response: This message indicates a serious system or hardware error. Call IBM for hardware or system support. 09lT INITIALIZATION FAILURE -- RSCS SHUTDOWN Explanation: An unrecoverable error occurred during the initial loading of the supervisor components, MSUP, REX, AXS, and LAX. System Action: A virtual storage dump is automatically taken, and a masked-off wait state PSW is loaded, system operation is terminated. Operator Response: This message indicates a serious error. Notify system support personnel. 1011 FILE spoolid ENQUEUED ON LINK linkid Explanation: This message is issued when the file identified by "spoolid" has arrived at the RSCS virtual machine, and has been successfully accepted and enqueued on the link identified by "linkid". This message is also issued when a previously pending file is accepted after a tag slot has become available. System Action: The newly accepted file is made available to the link's line driver for future transmission. If the line driver is waiting for a file to transmit, it is notified that the new file is available. Operator Response: None. 412 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 1021 FILE spoolid PENDING FOR LINK linkid Explanation: The file identified by "spoolid" has arrived at the RSCS virtual machine, but has not been enqueued on the link "linkid" to which it is addressed, because no tag slot is available. System Action: The link's pending count is incremented, and the file is accepted when a tag slot becomes available. Operator Response: None. 103E FILE spoolid REJECTED -- INVALID DESTINATION ADDRESS Explanation: The file identified by "spoolid" has arrived at the RSCS virtual machine with a missing or invalid destination address in the file's tag. System Action: The improperly addressed file is automatically purged from the system, and the originating virtual machine user is notified. Operator Response: The file to be transmitted must be regenerated with a correct destination address in the file tag setting. 1041 FILE SPOOLED TO userid2 -- ORG locid1 (name1) mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss Explanation: A file has been received from a remote location, acknowledged, written to the VM/370 spool system, closed, and spooled to the local virtual machine to which the file was addressed. userid2 locidl namel mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss the ID of the local virtual machine to which the file has been spooled. the ID of the location of the file's originator. the name of the file originator's system or device at the remote location. the date of the file's origination at the remote location. the time of day of the file's origination at the remote location. System Action: The virtual output device used to process the file is detached and normal processing continues. Operator Response: None. 1051 FILE spoolid PURGED Explanation: The file identified by "spoolid" has been purged from the system as a result of normal processing. System Action: The file's virtual storage tag is de queued and its slot is freed. If another file is pending, it is accepted. All system tables are updated, and normal processing'continues. Operator Response: None. Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS) Messages 413 1061 FILE spoolid MISSING -- DEQUEUED FROM LINK linkid Explanation: The file identified by "spoolid" could not be located in the RSCS virtual machine spool input file queue during an attempt to open the file for the link identified by "linkid". This situation usually results from users retrieving files that had previously been spooled to the RSCS virtual machine and accepted by the spool file access routine. System Action: The file's virtual storage tag is dequeued and its slot is freed. If another file is pending, it is accepted. The link table entry is updated, and normal processing continues. Operator Response: No action is necessary. This message does not indicate an error condition. 1071 nn PENDING FILES FOR LINK linkid MISSING Explanation: A number (nn) of pending files for the link identified by by 'linkid' have been found to be missing from the RSCS virtual machine spool input queue during an attempt to accept a pending file. This situation usually results from users retrieving files that had been previously spooled to the RSCS virtual machine and left pending on the link. System Action: The link table entry is updated to reflect the proper pending file status, and normal processing continues. Operator Response: No action is necessary. This message does not indicate an error condition. lOSE SYSTEM ERROR READING SPOOL FILE spoolid Explanation: A return code reflecting a VM/370 system error has been received in response to a read to the file identified by "spoolid". System Action: The error is logged and the failing operation is retried up to ten times. If a retry is successful, normal processing continues. If the error persists, an attempt is made to purge the file and a message to that effect is issued to the operator and to the originating virtual machine. Operator Response: This message indicates a VM/370 system error. Call your system support personnel. 1411 LINE vaddr READY FOR CONNECTION TO LINK lin kid Explanation: This message is issued by a line driver to inform the operator that the line identified by "vaddr" is being enabled for communications processing to the link identified by "linkid". Normally, this is the first message issued by a line driver after link activation, and it may be issued during active processing after a line becomes disabled. System Action: The line driver begins an enable operation on the line and waits for completion, signaling a completed connection. If the line identified by "vaddr" is a nons witched line, the connection completes automatically. Normal processing continues. Operator Response: No response is needed if the line identified by "vaddr" is a nonswitched line, or if it is a switched line with auto-answer and the remote station is to complete the connection. If the line is a switched line, the operator should ensure that the necessary steps are taken to complete 414 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes the connection to the link identified by "linkid" (for example, manual dialing of the associated data-phone). 1421 LINK lin kid LINE vaddr CONNECTED Explanation: This message signals completion of the line connection for the link identified by "linkid" on the line port address identified by "vaddr". This message is issued automatically when a nonswitched line is enabled, and it is issued when a connection is completed for a switched line. This message does not necessarily mean that any successful interaction with the remote station has taken place on the connected line. System Action: Normal link processing begins. If a file queue exists on the link, and if there are files eligible for transmission, the file transmission begins automatically. File receiving from the remote station begins automatically. Operator Response: None. 1431 ~ LINK linkid LINE vaddr DISCONNECTED Explanation: The virtual line port address identified by "vaddr" and associated with the active link identified by "linkid" was connected and is now disconnected. This may be the result either of an apparent line disconnection due to line errors, or of the remote station hanging up, or of the execution of a disabling sequence by the local line driver. This message does not mean that the associated link has been deactivated, but the message is normally issued during the process of link deactivation. System Action: If the link is not in the process of deactivating, an attempt is made to re-establish the line connection. File processing is halted on the link until a line connection is reestablished. Operator Response: None. 1441 RECEIVING: FILE FROM locid1 (name1) FOR locid2 (userid2) Explanation: Reception of a new file from the remote location identified by "locidl" and the system or device name at that location identified by "namel" (if any) has begun. The file being received is destined for the location identified by "locid2" and the virtual machine at that location identified by "userid2" (if any). System Action: File processing continues, and the new file is written to the VM/370 spool system as it is received. Operator Response: None. 1451 RECEIVED: FILE FROM locidl (namel) FOR locid2 (userid2) Explanation: A new file has been completely received and acknowledged from the remote location identified by "locidl" and the system or device at that location named "namel". The file received is destined for the location identified by "locid2" and the virtual machine at that location identified by "userid2". Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS) Messages 415 System Action: If the file is destined for the local location, and for a particular virtual machine at the location, it is automatically spooled to that virtual machine. Normal file processing continues. Operator Response: None. 1461 SENDING: FILE spoolid ON LINK Iinkid, REC nnnnnn Explanation: Transmission of the file identified by "spoolid" on the link identified by "linkid" has begun during normal file processing. The identified file contains nnnnnn records, and the file has become active. System Action: Transmission of the file continues to completion, or until it is stopped by some other event. Operator Response: None. 1471 SENT: FILE spoolid ON LINK lin kid Explanation: Transmission of the active file identified by "spoolid" on the link identified by "linkid" has been successfully completed and acknowledged by the remote station. System Action: Disposition of the identified file follows, according to the status of the file. The file may be purged, repeated, or held for future retransmission. 'Normal link processing continues. Operator Response: None. 1491 LINK Iinkid LINE ACTIVITY: TOT = mmm; ERRS = nnn; TMOUTS= ppp Explanation: This message is issued occasionally when trace mode has been set for the link identified by "linkid". The message is issued when one of the trace values reaches the predefined incremental threshold, depending on the active trace option setting. mmm nnn ppp the total number of communication line transactions that have taken place since the last similar message was issued, or since the trace mode was set. the total number of communication line transactions that have ended with a line error indication since the last similar message was issued, or since the trace mode was set. the total number of time-outs that have occurred while waiting for response from the remote station since the last similar message was issued, or since the trace mode was set. A time-out is not counted as a line, transaction. System Action: Normal processing continues. Operator Response: Depending on the data reported in the message, you may choose to intervene with a command to deactivate the link, or you may try to hang up the line and reestablish it to reinitialize communication. 416 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 1601 LINE vaddr DISABLED FOR LINK linkid Explanation: Line processing by the link identified by "linkid" on the line identified by "vaddr" has been terminated, and the line has been disconnected if it is a switched line. This message may be issued during normal processing as a result of a spontaneous line disconnection. It is always issued during the process of link deactivation. System Action: If link deactivation is in process, it continues normally. Otherwise, an attempt is made to reconnect the line. File processing for the link is suspended. Operator Response: None. 1701 FROM linkid: (MSG message text) Explanation: The character string included in the message as (MSG message text) has beEm received on the link identified by ~linkid' as the operand of a remote MSG command. System Action: Normal link processing continues. Operator Response: A response may be suggested by the MSG character string. 190E INVALID SPOOL BLOCK FORMAT ON FILE spoolid Explanation: VM/370 spool control or data information associated with the file identified by "spoolid" has been found to be in error at the local installation. System Action: The error condition is logged, the identified file is automatically purged from the system, and link processing continues. Operator Response: This message indicates a system error at the local installation. Notify system support personnel. 2001 RSCS Explanation: A null line was entered as a console command. A null line is a line that contains no characters. If a line containing characters is edited to a null line, this message is not issued, and another read is automatically started on the console. System Action: Normal processing continues. Operator Response: None. 201E INVALID COMMAND command Explanation: The specified command is not a valid RSCS command. System Action: The command is ignored, and normal processing continues. Operator Response: Correct and reissue the com~and. Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS) Messages 417 202E INVALID LINK linkid Explanation: The specified linkid was not in the proper format for RSCS link IDs (one to eight alphameric characters). System Action: The command is ignored, and normal processing continues. Operator Response: Reissue the command line with a valid linkid. 203E INVALID SPOOL FILE ID spoolid Explanation: The specified spoolid was not in the proper format for VM/370 spool file IDs (one to four decimal digits from 1 through 9910). System Action: The command is ignored, and normal processing continues. Operator Response: Reissue the command with a valid spoolid. 204E INVALID KEYWORD keyword Explanation: The specified keyword is not a valid keyword for the command issued. The correct format of RSCS console commands, including valid keywords, can be found in the VM/370 Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS) User's Guide. System Action: The command is ignored, and normal pro<;:essing continues. Operator Response: Reissue the command with a valid keyword. 205E CONFLICTING KEYWORD keyword Explanation: The specified keyword was used in an invalid way. It may have been entered more than once in the same command line, or it may conflict with another keyword. System Action: The command is ignored, and normal processing continues. Operator Response: Correct and reissue the command. 206E INVALID OPTION keyword option Explanation: The specified keyword and option combination is not a valid combination for the command issued. The format of RSCS commands, including valid keyword-and-option combinations, can be found in the VM/370 Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS) User's Guide. System Action: The command is ignored, and normal processing continues. Operator Response: Correct and reissue the command. 207E CONFLICTING OPTION keyword option Explanation: The specified keyword and option conflict. Another keyword or keyword-and-option combination in the same command may have invalidated the specified keyword-and-option combination. System Action: The command is ignored, and normal processing continues. Operator Response: Correct and reissue the command. 418 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 208E INVALID USER ID userid Explanation: The specified virtual machine userid is invalid. System Action: The command is ignored, and normal processing continues. Operator Response: Reissue the command with a valid userid. 3001 ACCEPTED BY TASK task Explanation: The preceding console command has been processed by the CMX syntax scanner and first level semantic processor, and a command element has been built. That command element has been made available to the task named "task", and that task has accepted the command element for second level semantic processing. System Action: Command semantic processing continues at the task named "task". Further response to the command is issued from that task. The command processor is then ready to accept another console command. Operator Response: None. 30lE REJECTED BY TASK task -- PREVIOUS COMMAND ACTIVE Explanation: The preceding console command has been processed by the CMX syntax scanner and first level semantic processor. A command element was built and made available to the task named 'task', but that task was unable to accept the command element for further processing because a previously issued command is still being processed. System Action: The command execution is terminated, the command has no effect, and normal processing continues. Operator Response: Reissue the command when the active command processing has completed. 302E LINK lin kid IS NOT DEFINED Explanation: The specified linkid is syntactically valid, but no such .link is defined with that ID and the command issued requires a defined linkid. System Action: The command execution is terminated, the command has no effect, and normal processing continues. Operator Response: Check to see if the linkid specified is valid. If it was incorrectly typed, reissue the command with a correct linkid. If it was correctly typed, you must define the specified link before the command can be executed. 303E LINK linkid IS NOT ACTIVE Explanation: The link identified by "linkid" was specified in the preceding command, but the link is inactive and the command requires specification of an active link. System Action: The command execution is terminated, the command has no effect, and normal processing continues. Operator Response: Activate the specified link and reissue the command. Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS) Messages 419 304E REJECTED BY TASK task -- NOT RECEIVING Explanation: Processing of the preceding command could not be completed, because the second level processing task named "task" failed to accept the command service request. System Action: The command is ignored, and normal processing continues. Operator Response: Repeated occurrences of this message indicate a system error. Notify system support personnel. 402T IPL DEVICE READ I/O ERROR Explanation: An uncorrectable I/O error occurred while reading the RSCS nucleus from a DASD. System Action: A wait state PSW is loaded with a wait state code of X'40C9D5C9' (C'INI'). User Response: Call your installation support personnel. 407R REWRITE THE NUCLEUS? {YESINO} Explanation: This message prompts you to specify whether or not the copy of the RSCS nucleus is to be written onto disk. System Action: The system waits for a response. User Response: Enter "yes" or "no." If you enter "yes", message DMTINI409R is issued, prompting you to specify the cylinder on the system disk on which the RSCS nucleus is to be written. If you enter "no", the remaining questions in generating a new RSCS nucleus are skipped and control is passed to the RSCS initialization routine. A copy of the RSCS nucleus is not written onto disk. If you fail to enter either "yes" or "no", the message DMTIN!481E INVALID REPLY - ANSWER "YES" OR "NO" is issued. Message DMTINI407R is reissued and you may enter a valid response. 409R NUCLEUS CYL ADDRESS = nnn Explanation: "nnn" designates the cylinder on the device entered in response to message DMTINI406R on which the RSCS nucleus is to be written. nnn must be between 001 and m-1, where m equals the number of cylinders on the disk, the cylinders on a disk being numbered from 0 to m. nnn must be entered in decimal. System Action: If you do not enter a valid decimal cylinder number, the message DMTINI480E INVALID CYLINDER NUMBER REENTER 420 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes is issued, message DMTINI409R is reissued, and you may enter a valid cylinder number. If the cylinder specified is not greater than the number of cylinders already in use on the device (as indicated in the Master File Directory), then the message DMTINI483E NUCLEUS WILL OVERLAY FILES RECOMPUTE is issued. Message DMTINI409R is reissued. You may respond with a larger cylinder number, or IPL the RSCS system and format the specified IPL device with the RECOMP option. Once the nucleus cylinder address is accepted, message DMTINI410R is issued. User Response: Enter a valid cylinder address. 410R ALSO IPL CYLINDER O? (YESINO) Explanation: The initial IPL text is always written on the same cylinder as the RSCS nucleus, that is, the cylinder designated in response to message DMTINI409R. (The initial IPL text is a bootstrap program that reads in the nucleus from the designated cylinder.) If it is not also written on cylinder 0, you must enter the cylinder number whenever an IPL is issued for the system being generated. System Action: If you do not enter "yes" or "no", the message DMTINI481R INVALID REPLY - ANSWER "YES" or UNO" ----- is issued. Message DMTINI410R is reissued and you may enter a valid response. If you answer "yes," the initial IPL text is written on cylinder 0 as well as on the cylinder designated in response to message DMTINI409R. If you answer "no," the initial IPL text is written only on the cylinder designated in response to message DMTINI409R. User Response: Enter "yes" or "no." 431S IPL DEVICE WRITE I/O ERROR Explanation: An uncorrectable I/O error occurred while writing the nucleus. System Action: The system continues as if the user had responded "no" to DMTINI407R. User Response: Make sure that the nucleus cylinder number is not larger than the size of the disk. If it is, perform an IPL and specify the correct cylinder number. If it is not, call your installation support personnel. Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS) Messages 421 479E INVALID DEVICE ADDRESS - REENTER Explanation: The device address entered was specified incorrectly; that is, it is not a valid hexadecimal character or is not in the range of X'OOl' to X'6FF'. System Action: Message DMTINI408R is reissued. User Response: See DMTINI408R. 480E INVALID CYLINDER NUMBER - REENTER Explanation: The value entered was not a valid decimal number. System Action: Message DMTINI409R is reissued. User Response: See DMTINI409R. 481E INVALID REPLY - ANSWER "YES" OR "NO" Explanation: The only valid response to the query is "yes" or "no". Neither was entered. System Action: Message DMTINI407R or DMTINI410R is reissued. User Response: See DMTINI407R or DMTINI410R. 482E SYSTEM DISK - REENTER Explanation: Either the device is not currently defined, it is not in read/write status, or it is an unsupported device type. System Action: Message DMTINI406R is reissued. User Response: See DMTINI406R. 483E NUCLEUS WILL OVERLAY CMS FILES - RECOMPUTE Explanation: The specified nucleus cylinder number was not greater than the number of cylinders indicated in the Master File Directory for the IPL device. System Action: Message DMTINI409R is reissued. User Response: Respond to DMTINI409R with a larger cylinder number or IPL RSCS and format the specified IPL device with the RECOMP option. 5101 FILE spoolid BACKSPACED Explanation: The file identified by "spoolid" has been backspaced according to the request in a preceding command. System Action: File transmission continues, beginning from the new file position. Operator Response: None. 422 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 511E NO FILE ACTIVE ON LINK linkid Explanation: A command was issued that operates on a file being actively transmitted on the link identified by "linkid", but no file was being actively transmitted on the link. System Action: Normal link processing continues, and the command has no effect. Operator Response: None. 5201 FILE spoolid CHANGED Explanation: The file identified by "spoolid" has been altered as requested in the processing of the preceding command. The new file status remains in effect until it is changed again through an explicit request. System Action: All appropriate action implied by the changed status is performed. This might include reordering a link queue if a file priority was changed, notifying a waiting line driver if a file class was changed, and so on. Normal processing continues. Operator Response: None. 5211 FILE spoolid HELD FOR LINK linkid Explanation: The file identified by 'spoolid' has been placed in hold status as the result of processing of the preceding command. The file remains in hold status and is not transmitted until it is explicitly removed from hold status by a command. System Action: The file's virtual storage tag is updated, and normal processing continues. Operator Response: None. 5221 FILE spoolid RELEASED FOR LINK linkid Explanation: The file identified by "spoolid" and enqueued on the link identified by "linkid" has been released from hold status as a result of the processing of the preceding command. The file is now eligible for transmission on the link. System Action: The file's virtual storage tag is updated, and the link's line driver is asynchronously notified of the file's availability for transmission if the line driver had been waiting for a file to transmit. Normal processing continues. Operator Response: None. 5231 LINK linkid QUEUE REORDERED Explanation: The file tag queue in RSCS virtual storage for the link identified by "linkid" has been reordered in response to execution of a command. The new order of the queue defines the order of file transmission on the link. Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS) Messages 423 System Action: The files reordered to the beginning of the queue are automatically given a priority of zero (highest), and normal processing continues. Operator Response: None. 524E FILE spooUd ACTIVE -- NO ACTION TAKEN Explanation: The file identified by "spoolid" is actively being read and transmitted on a link, and the action requested in the preceding command cannot be performed on active files. System Action: The preceding command has no effect, and normal processing continues. Operator Response: If you wish, you can deactivate the file by means of a FLUSH command with the HOLD operand, and reissue the command when that has been accomplished. 525E FILE spoolid IS FOR LINK linkid -- NO ACTION TAKEN Explanation: The file identified by "spoolid" is enqueued on the link identified by "linkid", which is different from the linkid specified in the preceding command. System Action: The action requested in the preceding command is not performed, and normal processing continues. Operator Response: Verify that the specified spool file id and link id are correct. If an error is found, reissue the preceding command. 526E FILE spoolid NOT FOUND -- NO ACTION TAKEN Explanation: The file identified by "spoolid" has not been accepted and enqueued by RSCS. The action requested by the preceding command could not be performed. System Action: The preceding command has no effect, and normal processing continues. Operator Response: Verify the spool file ID used in the preceding command. If it was incorrect, the command may be reissued with a correct spool file id. If it was correct, and the file is pending at the RSCS virtual machine, the file may be manipulated through the use of VM/370 spooling commands. 5301 COMMAND FORWARDED ON LINK linkid Explanation: In response. to a command, a character string has been transmitted as a remote command on the link identified by "linkid". System Action: Normal link processing continues. Operator Response: None. 424 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messa.ges and Codes 5401 NEW LINK linkid DEFINED Explanation: The link identified by "linkid" is now defined as the result of command processing, according to the specified keyword options. System Action: The newly defined link may have spool files enqueued on it automatically, and can be activated to begin remote processing. Operator Response: Users can begin to address files to the newly defined link for future transmission. 5411 LINK linkid REDEFINED Explanation: The previously defined link, identified by "linkid", has had its definition changed as the result of command processing, according to the specified keyword options. System Action: The changes in the link definition become effective immediately. Operator Response: None. 542E LINK lin kid ACTIVE -- NOT REDEFINED Explanation: The previously defined link, identified by "linkid", has not been changed because the link was active at the time of command processing. System Action: The command execution is terminated, the command has ,no effect, and normal processing continues. Operator Response: Reissue the command after the link has been deactivated. 543E LINK linkid NOT DEFINED -- LINK LIMIT REACHED Explanation: An attempt was made to define a new link, but the maximum allowable number of defined links had already been reached. System Action: The command execution is terminated, the command has no effect, and normal processing continues. Operator Response: Check the command line to see if it was accurately typed. If an existing link definition was to have been altered, correct and reissue the command. If a new link was to be defined, another link must be temporarily deleted from the list of valid linkids (via the RSCS DELETE command) before the command can be successfully retried. 544E LINK linkid NOT DEFINED -- TYPE NOT SPECIFIED Explanation: The preceding DEFINE command failed because a default line driver type was not specified. System Action: The command is ignored, and normal processing continues. Operator Response: Reissue the command, specifying a default line driver type. Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS) Messages 425 5501 LINK linkid NOW DELETED Explanation: The previously defined link, identified by "linkid", is now temporarily deleted as a result of command processing. System Action: Spool files addressed to the deleted link's location ID are no longer accepted, and are rejected as invalidly addressed. The deleted link can no longer be activated. Operator Response: Users can no longer address files to the deleted link. 551E LINK linkid ACTIVE -- NOT DELETED Explanation: An attempt was made to temporarily delete the link identified by "linkid" from the list of valid linkids (via the RSCS DELETE command). The attempt was unsuccessful because the specified link was active at the time of command processing. System Action: The link remains defined and active, the command has no effect, and normal processing continues. Operator Response: Reissue the command when the link is deactivated. 552E LINK linkid HAS A FILE QUEUE -- NOT DELETED Explanation: An attempt was made to temporarily delete, the link identified by "linkid" through a console command. The attempt was unsuccessful because the specified link had at least one file enqueued on it at the time of command processing. System Action: The link remains defined, the command has no effect, and normal processing continues. Operator Response: Before the link can be deleted, all files enqueued on it and pending for it must be purged, either by console command execution or by normal file transmission. 5601 RSCS DISCONNECTING Explanation: The RSCS virtual machine console is disconnected as a result of command execution. If an alternate virtual machine was specified to receive RSCS output messages, that virtual machine begins receiving the console messages through the VM/370 MSG function. If no alternate virtual machine was specified to receive RSCS console messages, those messages are discarded. System Action: RSCS continues processing normally without a main operator console. Operator Response: The RSCS main virtual machine console can be reinstated by issuing a console attention and performing the logon routine. 561E USERID userid NOT RECEIVING Explanation: An attempt has been made to disconnect the main RSCS virtual operator console with a secondary virtual machine ID identified by "userid" specified to receive RSCS console output messages. The specified virtual machine either was not receiving messages or was not logged on at the time of command processing. 426 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes System Action: The command processing is terminated, the command has no effect, and normal processing continues. Operator Response: The command can be reissued with a different virtual machine ID specified, or with no virtual machine ID specified. The same virtual machine ID can be specified after it has been logged on and set to receive messages. 5701 LINK linkid NOW SET TO DEACTIVATE Explanation: In response to the DRAIN command, the link identified by 'linkid' has set drain mode and is deactivated. If the RSCS operator issues the START command before the link is deactivated, processing continues on the link. System Action: The line driver takes appropriate action to quiesce line activity. This includes the finishing of transmission for an active file if one exists, and it may include the signaling to the remote station of an impending termination. No new files are activated while the link is in drain mode. When line activity is quiesced, the link is deactivated. Operator Response: None. 571E LINK linkid ALREADY SET TO DEACTIVATE Explanation: The link identified by "linkid" was in drain mode when it received a new command to deactivate. System Action: The line driver continues the deactivation process, and the command has no effect. Operator Response: None. 5801 FILE spoolid PROCESSING TERMINATED Explanation: In response to the FLUSH command, transmission of the active file identified by "spoolid" was terminated before the completion of file processing. System Action: Disposition of the identified file is made according to the status of the file. The file may be purged from the system, or the file may be held for future retransmission. The next copy of the file may begin transmission if multiple copies remain and ALL was not specified. Normal file processing continues. Operator Response: None. 581E FILE spoolid NOT ACTIVE Explanation: The file identified by "spoolid" was not active when a command was processed that specified that file, and the command requires an active file as its object. System Action: The command has no effect, and normal link processing continues. Operator Response: Check the status of the named file by issuing the QUERY FILE command. Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS) Messages 427 5901 LINK linkid RESUMING FILE TRANSFER Explanation: The active link identified by "linkid" was in hold status, and has been removed from hold status in response to command processing. System Action: File transmission on the identified link resumes immediately if the line is connected and there is a file eligible for transmission enqueued on the link. . Operator Response: None. 591E LINK linkid NOT IN HOLD STATUS Explanation: The link identified by "linkid" was not in hold status when a command was processed that requested that the link leave hold status. System Action: The command is ignored, and normal link processing continues. Operator Response: None. 6001 FILE spoolid FORWARD SPACED Explanation: The file identified by "spoolid" has been forward spaced as requested by a ~receding command. System Action: File transmission continues, beginning from the new file position. Operator Response: None. 6101 LINK linkid TO SUSPEND FILE TRANSMISSION Explanation: The link identified by "linkid" has entered hold status. File transmission has not been suspended because at the time of command processing a file was being actively transmitted, and the NOW option was not specified. System Action: The link remains in hold status. File transmission is suspended when the processing of the active file is complete. Operator Response: None. 6111 LINK lin kid FILE TRANSMISSION SUSPENDED Explanation: The link identified by "linkid" has entered hold status, and file transmission has been halted as a result of command processing. Either no file was being actively transmitted at the time of command processing, or the link had been in hold status and its active file transmission has completed, or an active file was being transmitted and the NOW operand was specified. System Action: The link remains in hold status, and file transmission remains suspended, until the link is explicitly freed from hold status. If active file transmission was interrupted, the transmission of the active file resumes from the point at which transmission was interrupted when the link is removed from hold status. The link continues to process files received from the remote station normally while in HOLD status. Operator Response: None. 428 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 612E LINK linkid ALREADY IN HOLD STATUS Explanation: The active link identified by "linkid" was in hold status when it received a new command to enter hold status, with the same options specified as in the preceding command which caused the link to enter HOLD status. System Action: The link remains in HOLD status, and the command has no effect. Operator Response: None. 6401 nn FILE(S) PURGED ON LINK linkid Explanation: The number of files denoted by "nn" that were enqueued on the link specified by "linkid" have been purged from the system in response to a PURGE command. System Action: The "file(s)" virtual storage tags are dequeued and the tag slots are freed. The link table is updated, and pending files are accepted if any exist. Operator Response: None. 6511 LINK lin kid INACTIVE Explanation: This message is issued in response to a QUERY linkid STAT command. The link identified by "linkid" was not active at the time the command was processed. System Action: None. Operator Response: None. 6521 LINK linkid ACTIVE task type vaddr c {HOINOH} {DRINOD} {TRAITREINOT} Q=m P=n Explanation: This message is issued in response to a QUERY linkid STAT command. The link identified by "linkid" was active at the time the command was processed. task type vaddr c HO NOH DR NOD TRA TRE NOT is the task name of the line driver task. is the ID of the line driver in use by the active link. is the virtual device address of the line port in use by the active link. is the class or classes of files that may be processed by the active link. indicates that the active link is in hold status. indicates that the active link is not in hold status. indicates that the active link is in the process of draining, and will terminate when line activity is quiesced. indicates that the active link is not in the process of draining. indicates that the active link is tracing all line activity. indicates that the active link is tracing line errors. indicates that the active link is not tracing line errors or activity. Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS) Messages 429 m is the number of files accepted and enqueued for transmission on the link. is the number of files pending but not yet accepted for the active link. n System Action: None. Operator Response: None. 6531 LINK linkid DEFAULT task type vaddr c R=m Explanation: This message is issued in response to a QUERY linkid DEF command. The link identified by "linkid" was defined at the time of command processing, and the default attributes listed in the message pertain to that definition. The message does not indicate whether the link was active or inactive at the time of command processing, and the default attributes listed may be different from those actually in use with the link if it was active. task the default task name to be associated with the defined link's line driver task when the link is activated. the ID of the default line driver defined for the link. the default virtual device address of a line port to be used by the link when it is activated. the default class or classes of files that can be processed by the link when it is active. the number of virtual storage file tag slots reserved for exclusive use by this link. type vaddr c m System Action: None. Operator Response: None. 6541 LINK linkid Q=m P=n Explanation: This message is issued in response to a QUERY linkid QUEUE command. The status of the file queue for the link identified by "linkid" is described. m n the number of files accepted and enqueued for transmission on the link. the number of files pending but not yet accepted for the active link. System Action: An additional message (DMTCMX655I) is issued for each file accepted and enqueued on the link, describing the status of each such file. Operator Response: None. 6551 FILE spoolid locid userid CL a PR mm REC nnnnnn {All} Explanation: A message of this form is issued for each file accepted and enqueued for transmission on the link specified by 'linkid' in the preceding QUERY linkid QUEUE command. spoolid locid userid a 430 the VM/370 spool file ID for the file to be described. the destination location ID to which the originating user addressed the file. the destination virtual machine ID (if any) to which the originating user addressed the file. the spool file class. IBM. VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes mm nnnnnn A I the file's current transmission priority. the number of records in the file. indicates that the described file is active. indicates that the described file is inactive. System Action: This message is issued for each file in the link queue. Operator Response: None. 6601 FILE spoolid INACTIVE ON LINK linkid Explanation: This message is issued. in response to a QUERY FILE "spoolid" STAT command. At the time of command processing, the file identified by "spoolid" was inactive, and was enqueued for transmission on the link identified by "linkid". System Action: None. Operator Response: None. 6611 FILE spoolid ACTIVE ON LINK linkid Explanation: This message is issued in response to a QUERY FILE spoolid STAT command. At the time of command processing, the file identified by "spoolid" was active, and was being transmitted on the link identified by "linkid". System Action: None. Operator Response: None. 6621 FILE spoolid ORG locidl useridl mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss TO locid2 userid2 Explanation: This message is in response to the RSCS command QUERY FILE spoolid. The RSCS control-related attributes of the file identified by 'spoolid' are described. locidl useridl mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss locid2 userid2 the location ID of the location at which the file originated. the virtual machine ID of the originator of the file. the file creation date. the file creation time of day. the destination location ID to which the originating user addressed the file. the destination virtual machine ID (if any) to which the originating user addressed the file. System Action: None. Operator Response: None. 6631 FILE spoolid PR mm CL a CO nn {HOINOH} DI distcode, NA {fn ftldsname} Explanation: This message is issued in response to the CP command, QUERY FILES spoolid. The VM/370 spool system-related attributes of the file identified by "spoolid" are described. mm a nn the file's transmission priority. the file's spool file class. the number of copies of the file requested by the file creator. Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS) Messages 431 HO NOH distcode fn ft dsname indicates that the file is in hold status. indicates that the file is not in hold status. the file's distribution code. the file's filename filetype. the file's data set name. System Action: None. Operator Response: None. 664E FILE spoolid NOT FOUND Explanation: This message is issued in response to a QUERY FILE spoolid command. The file identified by "spoolid" could not be found in the RSCS virtual storage queues, meaning either that the file is not owned by the RSCS virtual machine, or that the file is pending and has not yet been accepted by RSCS. System Action: None. Operator Response: Verify that the spool file ID was correctly typed. If it was not, retry the command with the correct spool file ID. If it was correctly typed, retry the command after a file tag slot becomes available and the specified file is accepted and enqueued by RSCS. 6701 LINK lin kid ACTIVE -- LINE vaddr (HOINOH) Explanation: This message is issued in response to a QUERY SYSTEM command. One such message is produced for each active link in the RSCS facility at the time of command processing. The active link described by the message is identified by "linkid". ' vaddr HO NOH the virtual device address of the line port in use by the active link. indicates that the active link is in hold status. indicates that the active link is not in hold status. System Action: This message is issued for each active link in the system. Operator Response: None. 6711 LINK linkid INACTIVE Explanation: This message is issued in response to a QUERY SYSTEM command. One such message is produced for each inactive link in the RSCS facility at the time of command processing. The inactive link is identified by "linkid". System Action: This message is issued for each inactive link in the system. Operator Response: None. 6721 NO LINK ACTIVE Explanation: This message is issued in response to a QUERY SYSTEM ACTIVE command. No link defined in the RSCS facility was active at the time of command processing. 432 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes System Action: None. Operator Response: None. 6731 NO LINK DEFINED Explanation: This message is issued in response to a QUERY SYSTEM command. No link was defined in the RSCS facility at the time of command processing. System Action: None. Operator Response: None. 7001 ACTIVATING LINK linkid task type vaddr c Explanation: The link identified by "linkid" was inactive and has become active as a result of command processing. The message describes the variable attributes in effect for this active link. task type vaddr c the task name associated with the activated link's line driver. the ID of the line driver in use by the activated link. the virtual device address of the line port in use by the activated link. the class or classes of files that can be processed by the activated link. System Action: The activated link remains active, and the listed attributes remain in effect, until the link is deactivated or the attributes are explicitly modified. The link is activated whether or not a line connection to the remote location is complete. If no line connection exists, the line driver establishes a connection, with operator intervention if necessary. When a connection exists, file transmission begins automatically if a file queue exists for the link. Operator Response: None. 70lE NO SWITCHED LINE AVAILABLE -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED Explanation: An attempt was made to activate the link identified by "linkid" with no specified line port virtual device address. The link had no defined default line-port address, and no common switched line ports were available at the time of .command processing. System Action: The command processing is terminated, the link remains inactive, and normal processing continues. Operator Response: The command can be reissued with a specified line port address, or it can be reissued when a common switched line port becomes available. 702E LINE vaddr IS IN USE BY LINK lin kid I -- LINK linkid2 NOT ACTIVATED Explanation: An attempt was made to activate the link identified by "linkid2". The line-port virtual device address specified in the request to activate the link, identified by "vaddr", was found to be in use by another active link, identified by "linkidl", at the time of command processing. Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS) Messages 433 System Action: The command processing is terminated, the command has no effect, and normal processing continues. Operator Response: The command can be retried with a specified line port address that is not in use by another active link, or it can be retried with no line port address specified, in which case an attempt will be made to reserve and utilize a valid line port. 703E DEV vaddr IS NOT A LINE PORT -- LINK Iinkid NOT ACTIVATED Explanation: An attempt was made to activate the link identified by "linkid" with a line-port address identified by "vaddr". A virtual device at address "vaddr" exists, but it is not a usable line-port device. System Action: The command processing is terminated, the link remains inactive, and normal processing continues'Operator Response: The command can be reissued with a specified line-port address that is valid and available, or it can be reissued with no line-port address at all, in which case an attempt is made to reserve and utilize a valid line port. 704E LINE vaddr CC=3 NOT OPERATIONAL -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED Explanation: An attempt was made to activate the link identified by "linkid" with a line-port address identified by "vaddr". Either no device was defined for the RSCS virtual machine at virtual address "vaddr", or the device at that address was completely nonoperational. System Action: The command processing is terminated, the link remains inactive, and normal processing continues. Operator Response: The command can be reissued with a specified line-port address that is valid and operational, or it can be reissued with no line-port address at all, in which case an attempt is made to select and reserve a valid line port. 705E DRIVER type NOT FOUND ON DISK vaddr -- LINK lin kid NOT ACTIVATED Explanation: An attempt was made to activate the link identified by "linkid" with a driver ID identified by "type". The identified line driver could not be located on the disk used for driver task loading, identified by "vaddr". System Action: The command processing is terminated, the link remains inactive, and normal processing continues. Operator Response: Verify that the driver ID used was correctly typed. If it was not, reissue the command, specifying a correct driver ID. If the command was correctly typed, notify a person responsible for system support. 434 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 706E FATAL ERROR LOADING FROM vaddr -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED Explanation: An attempt was made to activate the link identified by "linkid". In the process of loading the link's line driver from the disk identified by "vaddr", an uncorrectable I/O error was encountered. System Action: Loading is abandoned, the error is logged, the command processing is terminated, and the link remains inactive. Operator Response: Reissue the command. If the error condition persists, notify operations or system support personnel. 707E DRIVER type FILE FORMAT INVALID -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED Explanation: An attempt was made to activate the link identified by "linkid", with a driver ID identified by "type". In the process of reading the driver file and loading the driver into virtual storage, the loader detected an invalid data format in the driver file. System Action: Loading is abandoned, the command processing is terminated, and normal processing continues. Operator Response: Verify that the proper driver ID has been used. If an improper driver ID was used, reissue the command with a correct driver ID. If the proper driver ID was used, notify a person responsible for system support. 708E VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED Explanation: An attempt was made to activate the link identified by "linkid". During the activation process, a virtual free storage requirement could not be met because there was not enough unclaimed virtual free storage in the system. System Action: The command processing is terminated, the link remains inactive, and normal processing continues. Operator Response: None. 709E TASK NAME task ALREADY IN USE -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED Explanation: An attempt to activate the link "linkid", in response to a START command, failed because the task name "task" specified for use was in use by another task in the· system. System Action: The START command is ignored, and normal processing continues. Operator Response: Reissue the START command specifying a different task name, or reissue the START command after the task with the conflicting name terminates. Remote Spooling Communicatio:p.s Subsystem (RSCS) Messages 435 7tOE MAX (nn) ACTIVE -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED Explanation: An attempt to activate the link "linkid", in response to a START command, failed because the maximum allowable number "(nn)" of concurrent active links had already been reached. System Action: The START command is ignored, and normal processing continues. Operator Response: Reissue the START command after one or more links become inactive. 750E LINK linkid ALREADY ACTIVE -- NO ACTION TAKEN Explanation: A START command was issued specifying the link identified by "linkid". The link was alre"ady active at the time of command processing, and no modifiable attributes were changed from their previous settings. System Action: None. Operator Response: None. 7511 LINK linkid ALREADY ACTIVE -- NEW CLASS(ES) SET AS REQUESTED Explanation: A START command was issued specifying the link identified by "linkid". The link was already active at the time of command processing, and the new class specification for the link has been accepted. System Action: The link automatically begins processing files bearing the newly specified class or classes, if any are enqueued on the link. Operator Response: None. 7521 LINK linkid STILL ACTIVE -- DRAIN STATUS RESET Explanation: A START command was issued specifying the link identified by"linkid". The link was active at the time of command processing, but it was in the process of terminating as the result of a previous DRAIN command. The link remains active, and the attributes remain as previously set. System Action: None. Operator Response: None. 8011 LINK lin kid ERROR TRACE STARTED Explanation: As a result of command processing, the link identified by 'linkid' has set its trace mode to trace line errors. System Action: A message describing line activity is displayed each time the number of line errors reaches the predefined threshold. Operator Response: None. 436 IBM VMjSP HPO System Messages and Codes 8021 LINK linkid TRACE STARTED Explanation: As a result of command processing, the link identified by "linkid" has set its trace mode to trace all line activity. System Action: A message describing line activity is displayed each time the number of line transactions reaches the predefined threshold. Operator Response: None. 8031 LINK lin kid TRACE ENDED Explanation: As a result of command processing, the link identified by "linkid" has set its trace mode off. System Action: No further trace messages will be displayed, and normal link processing continues. Operator Response: None. 810E LINK linkid TRACE ALREADY ACTIVE Explanation: The link identified by "linkid" was in trace mode when it received a new command to enter trace mode, with the same options specified as had been active. System Action: The link remains in trace mode with the previous options set, the command has no effect, and normal link processing continues. Operator Response: None. 81lE LINK linkid TRACE NOT ACTIVE Explanation: The link identified by "linkid" was not in trace mode when it received a command to set trace mode off. System Action: Trace mode remains off for the link, the command has no effect, and normal link processing continues. Operator Response: None. 90lE INVALID SML MODE SPECIFIED -- LINK lin kid NOT ACTIVATED Explanation: The RSCS operator specified an invalid SML (Spool MULTI-LEAVING) mode option in the PARM field of the RSCS START command. System Action: The specified linkid is not activated. Operator Response: Reissue the command with the correct SML mode. 902E NON-SIGNON CARD READ ON LINK lin kid Explanation: The first record received from a remote station was not a SIGNON card. System Action: The sign on of the remote station on the specified linkid is not allowed. Operator Response: Correct the problem and repeat the sign on procedure. Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS) Messages 437 903E PASSWORD SUPPLIED ON LINK lin kid IS INVALID Explanation: An invalid sign on attempt occurred. System Action: The sign on is not allowed. Remote Operator Action: Correct the SIGNON card, reload the station, and sign on again. 904E SIGNON PARAMETER = parameter INVALID Explanation: An invalid parameter was entered on a SIGNON card. System Action: The sign on is not allowed. Operator Response: Correct the SIGNON card, and try again. 9051 SIGNON OF LINKID lin kid COMPLETE Explanation: A valid SIGNON card has been received from the link serving linkid and the initialization of the SIGNON parameters is complete. System Action: The system now begins to transfer files. Operator Response: If only output files are to be handled, no action need be taken. If you want to transfer input to VM/370, follow the operator procedure for initiating card input. 906E INVALID SML BUFFER PARAMETER -- LINK lin kid NOT ACTIVATED Explanation: The RSCS operator specified. an invalid SML buffer size in the buffer option of the PARM field of the RSCS START command. System Action: The specified link is not activated. Operator Response: Reissue the command with the correct SML buffer size. 907E SIGNON TYPE PARAMETER MISSING Explanation: The TYPE parameter on the SIGNON card was omitted. System Action: The signon is not allowed. Operator Response: Correct the SIGNON card, reload the station, and sign on again. 934E ID CARD MISSING ON LINK linkid -- INPUT FILE PURGED Explanation: A file was entered at a remote station without an ID card identifying the destination. System Action: The input file is flushed. Remote Operator Action: Place an ID card on the front of the input deck and reenter the input file. 438 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 935E LINK lin kid IN RJE MODE -- PRINT FILE spoolid PURGED Explanation: When DMTSML is operating as an RJE (Remote Job Entry) station to a remote batch system, it is unable to transfer print files. System Action: The specified file is purged. Operator Response: None. User Response: The file must be transmitted over a different link. 936E NO REMOTE PUNCH AVAILABLE ON LINK linkid -- FILE spoolid PURGED Explanation: The remote station operating on this link has no remote punch available; therefore, punch files destined for this link cannot be processed. ~ System Action: The specified file is purged. Operator Response: None. User Response: The file must be transmitted over a different link. 937E DECOMPRESSION ERROR ON linkid -- LINK DEACTIVATED Explanation: The remote station has transmitted data that cannot be decompressed correctly. System Action: The link is deactivated. Operator Response: Follow operator procedure to restart link after following local corrective procedure. Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS) Messages 439 Interactive Problem Control System (IPCS) Messages VM/SP HPO adds no additional functions to the Interactive Problem Control System (IPCS). Hence, these messages refer to VM/370 Release 6 not to the VM/Interactive Problem Control System Program Product (5748-SA1). 100S ERROR 'nnn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' Explanation: An error occurred during the execution of an FSREAD macro against file 'filename filetype fm.' For a description of error 'nnn', see the FSREAD macro in the VM/ SP CMS Command and Macro Reference. System Action: RC = 8 Processing stops and returns to CMS. User Response: Check the macro description to see what type of failure nnn indicates. Correct the error and retry. 200S ERROR 'nnn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' Explanation: An error occurred during the execution of an FSWRITE macro agains~ file 'filename filetype fm.' For a description of error 'nnn', see the FSWRITE macro in the VM/SP CMS Command and Macro Reference. System Action: RC = 8 Processing stops and returns to CMS. User Response: Check the macro description to see what type of failure nnn indicates. Correct the error and retry. 300S ERROR 'nnn' ON FSSTATE 'fn ft fm' Explanation: An error occurred during the execution of an FSSTATE macro against file 'filename filetype fm.' For a description of return code 'nnn', see the FSSTATE macro in the VM/SP CMS Command and Macro Reference. System Action: RC = 8 Processing stops and returns to CMS. User Response: Check the macro description to see what type of failure 'nnn' indicates. Correct the error and retry. 400S ERROR 'nnn' CLOSING 'fn ft fm' Explanation: An error occurred during the execution of an FSCLOSE macro against file 'filename filetype fm.' For a description of return code 'nnn', see the FSCLOSE macro in the VM/SP CMS Command and Macro Reference. System Action: Processing stops and returns to CMS. User Response: Check the macro description to see what type of failure nnn indicates. Correct the error and retry. Interactive Problem Control System (IPCS) Messages 441 500S ERROR 'nnn' WRITING TO VIRTUAL PRINTER Explanation: An error occurred during the execution of a PRINTL macro to the virtual printer. For a description of the return code, see PRINTL Macro in VM/ SP CMS Command and Macro Reference. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Check the macro description to see what type of failure 'nnn'indicates. Correct the error a~d retry. 501S INVALID PARM 'badparm' PASSED TO SYMPTOM SUMMARY UPDATE PROGRAM Explanation: The program or EXEC that called SUMMARY passed an invalid request or a problem number not in the format PRBnnnnn, where nnnnn must be numeric. If a user program or EXEC was. being executed, correct the parameter being passed to SUMMARY and retry. System Action: RC = 8 Execution of the command is terminated. The system remains in the same state as before the command was issued. 'User Response: If PROB, PRB, or VMFDUMP was being executed, collect the console log and call your IBM programming support representative. If a user program or EXEC was being executed, correct the parameter being passed to SUMMARY and retry. 502S PROBLEM 'PRBnnnnn' NOT FOUND IN SYMPTOM SUMMARY Explanation: Problem nnnnn was riot found in the symptom summary file. System Action: RC = 4 Execution of the command is terminated. The system remains in the same state as before the command was issued. User Response: Retry the command supplying the correct problem number. 6011 OPERAND 'operand' NOT RECOGNIZED Explanation: The system received a search argument that was not recognized by the STAT command. System Action: RC = 4 Execution of the command is terminated. The system remains in the same state as before the command was issued. User Response: Retry the command specifying the correct operand(s). 7001 TYPE 'HELP' OR ENTER Explanation: You have the opportunity to bypass a display of the DUMPSCAN subcommand summary. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: If you wish to display a summary of DUMPSCAN commands, type HELP. Otherwise, press the ENTER key or its equivalent. 442 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 70tR ENTER DUMP NUMBER AND MODE Explanation: You are required to specify the dump number and mode. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Enter the numeric part of the dump file name, followed by the disk mode. Leading zeros are not required, so for PRB00056 on the A-disk, enter 56 A. If the mode is omitted, A is assumed unless you are changing dumps within a session, in which case the previous mode is used. 7021 NON-HEX CHARACTER IN COUNT - RETRY Explanation: The count field in the input line contains a non-hexadecimal character. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Make sure the count field contains only hexadecimal characters and reenter the subcommand. 7031 NON-HEX CHARACTER IN ADDRESS - RETRY Explanation: The address field contains a non-hexadecimal character. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Correct the input and retry. 705E ERROR IN ITEM TABLE Explanation: While counting entries in the item table, the indicator for the end of the table was not found. Indicates that CP was unable to write the dump correctly or the dump has been damaged. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Some DUMPSCAN functions may still be available. Beware of unlikely results. 7061 'entry name' NOT FOUND IN THE LOAD MAP Explanation: The name displayed was entered to request a load map search and display function. However, the name was not found in the load map. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Make sure that the entry point or module name is correct and retry the subcommand supplying the correct module name. Interactive Problem Control System (IPCS) Messages 443 7071 'module' 'page' PAGE NOT VALID Explanation: The page table entry for the virtual address page where 'module' was initially loaded was marked invalid and so could not be displayed. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. 7081 PAGE 'page' NOT FOUND IN DUMP Explanation: This virtual address was not represented by an entry in the item table. This means it was not dumped at the time the dump was taken. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Try another address. 7091 NO VALID SCROLL ADDRESS Explanation: A SCROLL or SCROLL U request must follow some other request that generates a display that has an address associated with it. This has not happened yet in this DUMPS CAN session. Note that SCROLL will scroll from the last address that was displayed. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Enter an address in the area you wish to examine by using 'DISPLAY hexloc'. 7101 NON-NUMERIC COUNT CHARACTER - RETRY Explanation: The count field contains a non-numeric character. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Correct the input and retry. 7111 LOOP IN VMBLOK CHAIN Explanation: While searching through the VMBLOK chains for entries no end was found to the chain. Note: This message will occur if more than 256 users were logged on the system at the time of dump. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: May indicate an overlay problem. Other DUMPSCAN functions may still be available. Continue. 444 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 7121 DEVICE 'addr' NOT FOUND Explanation: On a real or virtual device request, the specified device was not found. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Make sure the specified device is included in the system that produces the dump. Retry the subcommand. 7131 USER 'userid' VMBLOK NOT FOUND Explanation: The specified 'userid' was not found so the VIO request could not be honored. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. 7141 NON-HEX CHARACTER IN INPUT - RETRY Explanation: DMMHEX detected a nonhexadecimal character. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Correct the input and retry. 7151 NON-HEX CHARACTER IN STRING Explanation: The input string must consist of valid hexadecimal characters or asterisks. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Correct the input and retry. 7161 STRING 'string' {NOT FOUNDINOT FOUND BEFORE END} Explanation: The requested string was not found within the limits given or, if indicated, before the end of dump was reached. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Check that the string is as you intended, and retry the subcommand. 7171 INVALID FORM OF LOCATE COMMAND Explanation: The input on a LOCATE command was not in the proper format; that is Locate string fromhexloc tohexloc [increment] where: string fromhexloc is up to 16 hexadecimal digits is an address up to six significant digits in length not higher than tohexloc Interactive Problem Control System (IPCS) Messages 445 tohexloc increment is an address up to six digits that is higher than fromhexloc is an optional hexadecimal number from 1 to 1000 System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Correct the input format and retry the subcommand. 7181 THIS DUMP HAS NO LOAD MAP --SEE MAP SUBCOMMAND Explanation: The compressed load map was not found at the end of the dump, possibly because NUC MAP was not available to VMFDUMP or was invalid. All DUMPSCAN functions except DMK? and n1-'IKmmmee are still valid. System Action: RC = 4 Processing continues. User Response: You may continue to use DUMPSCAN except for the DMK? subcommand and the DMKmmmee subcommand. If there is a valid CP nucleus load map available and if the dump is on the A-disk with write access, you may use the MAP subcommand to add the LOAD MAP to the dump. 7191 ERROR 'nnn' IN FSSTATE FILE 'filename filetype fm' Explanation: FSSTATE macro failed to find the dump file specified by your reply to DMMDSC701R. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Consult the VM/SP eMS Command and Macro Reference for a description of error nnn in the FSSTATE macro. Correct the problem and retry. 7201 LOAD MAP ALREADY PRESENT Explanation: The MAP subcommand was issued against a dump that already had a LOAD MAP appended. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. 7211 &NAME TABLE IS FULL Explanation: You have run out of space in the &NAME table. The table can hold up to 32 tokens, either &NAMEs or subcommand operands. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: You may replace a long &NAME entry with a shorter one or you may terminate the session and restart. This procedure clears out the table. 446 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 7221 INVALID ENTRY INTO &NAME TABLE Explanation: The &NAME subcommand has found an invalid operand. See restrictions in the usage notes for DUMPSCAN. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Reissue the subcommand using the correct operand. 7231 THE DUMP IS NOT ON THE A-DISK Explanation: The MAP subcommand requires the dump to be on the A-disk. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Copy the dump to the A-disk of your virtual machine before issuing the MAP subcommand. 7241 {APIMP} RIOBLOKS REQUESTED IN UNIPROCESSOR DUMP Explanation: The subcommand AREGS or MREGS was issued against a dump taken on a machine running in uniprocessor mode. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Verify that you are examining the ,correct dump. To se.e the 'registers, the PSW, etc., issue the REGS command. 800S DATA EXTRACTION FAILURE Explanation: Necessary portions of the dump file (PSA, symbol table, etc.) cannot be read. Control is returned to DMMEDM and processing halts. System Action: IPCS processing halts. Control is returned to CMS. The problem report is not created. User Response: Retry the command when the cause of the READ failure is determined. 8011 NUC MAP 'filename filetype fm' IS NOT VALID FOR THIS DUMP Explanation: The DMKCPEND address found in the dump and the one found in the load map (file NUC MAP) were not the same, indicating a back level load map. Processing in DMMMAP continues. System Action: Messages DMMMAP802I and DMMMAP.806R are subsequently issued requesting the name and location of the nucleus load map. User Response: Respond to message DMMMAP806R. 8021 PROCEEDING •••• Explanation: This message follows a previous error message indicating that even though an error was encountered, further processing will be attempted. System Action: Processing continues. Message DMMMAP806R follows. User Response: Respond to message DMMMAP806R. Interactive Problem Control System (IPCS) Messages 447 803S ERROR 'nnn' ATTEMPTING TO LOADMOD VMFDUMP2 Explanation: VMFDUMP exceeds 64K in size; thus, it must be loaded in two sections. DMMINI is responsible for loading the second section (called VMFDUMP2) as soon as DMMEDM makes the first call to DMMINI. System Action: If the LOADMOD is not successful, VMFDUMP processing is halted immediately. User Response: For support instructions refer to VM/370 IPCS User's Guide. 8041 ERROR IN DATA EXTRACTION Explanation: The text portion of the problem report may not be complete due to the absence of supporting information (for example, NUC MAP AJ does not match the system). This message is also issued if subroutines, such as DMMGRC, encounter an error reading from the dumpfile, or DMMCPA cannot recognize the abend code. System Action: IPCS processing continues to extract as much data as possible. This message occurs on the terminal as well as in the text portion of the problem report. User Response: None. 8051 xxxxxx ABEND CODE NOT DOCUMENTED Explanation: This message is issued in module DMMCPA if the abendcode in the dump does not compare with any abend code in the lookup table. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Either the abend code in the dump is overlaid or an unknown abend code has been generated. Call your IBM program support representative. 806R ENTER 'filename filetype fm' OF NUCLEUS LOAD MAP OR NULL LINE Explanation: This message is issued after it is determined that file NUC MAP A is not found or invalid. System Action: Processing halts and the s-ystem waits for a reply. User Response: Enter the filename, filetype, and filemode of the nucleus load map that corresponds to the level of the dump being processed. If the information is not available, a 'null' entry will cause processing to continue on a limited basis. If a null entry is made, the sorted, compressed load map will not be appended to the dump. 8071 UNABLE TO LOCATE 'filename filetype filemode' Explanation: After you responded to message DMMMAP806R, DMMMAP was unable to locate the filename entered. System Action: Processing continues. DMMMAP806R is reissued. User Response: Respond to message DMMMAP806R with name and location of the nucleus load map. 448 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 8081 NUCLEUS MAP INVALID 'In It 1m' Explanation: Issued after you respond to message DMMMAP806R and the address of DMKCPEND in the dump does not correspond to the address of DMKCPEND in the load map. System Action: Processing continues. Message DMMMAP806R is reissued. User Response: Respond to DMMMAP806R with name and location of the nucleus load map. 8091 REQUESTED ADDRESS NOT IN DUMP Explanation: An address passed to the dump record read routine could not be found in the dump. Probably caused by a storage over lay or an invalid register address in the dump. System Action: IPCS data extraction continues to gather dump information on a limited basis depending on the nature of the error. User Response: None. 8101 ERROR 'nnn' READING FILE 'In It 1m' Explanation: An error occurred trying to read either NUC MAP or the file you specified in reply to message DMMMAP806R. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: For an explanation and detailed description of error nnn see the FSREAD macro in the VM/SP CMS Command and Macro Reference. Correct the error and reply to the following DMMMAP806R message with the fileid or null. 8501 UNABLE TO READ DUMP FROM READER Explanation: The VMFDUMP command was unable to read the 3704/3705 dump or the system abend dump from the CP spool file through the CMS card reader. One of the following conditions may have caused this error: • The reader is not at address OOC • The reader at OOC is already in open status from a previous operation • The device in the virtual machine at OOC is not a CP spool card reader device. User Response: Verify that the virtual machine configuration is correct for performing a VMFDUMP operation and that the card reader at OOC is a spool card reader in closed status. 8511 TEN DUMP FILES ALREADY EXIST Explanation: The command has not been executed because ten dump files with names DUMPOO through DMP09 already exist on the CMS disk being accessed. System Action: The command is terminated. Interactive Problem Control System (IPCS) Messages 449 User Response: Purge one or more of the unwanted dump files or rename any of the existing dump file using the CMS RENAME command. Reissue the command so that a dump file can be automatically created. 8521 FATAL 1/0 ERROR WRITING DUMP Explanation: An unrecoverable I/O error occurred during the writing of the 3704/3705 dump or the system abend dump on the eMS disk being accessed. The message is preceded by CMS error messages for the disk function. User Response: Reissue the command after taking action to bypass the I/O errors on the CMS disk being accessed. 8531 NO DUMP FILES EXIST Explanation: The VMFDUMP command was specified, and the return from the CP interface indic.ates that no dump files exist for this user. User Response: Verify that the dump files produced by the CP system have the userid and the class required, and that this user's userid and class on the card reader match that of the dump, so that a dump file can be read. If no dump files exist, VMFDUMP does not have to be issued. If the dump file exists under a different userid, have the operator transfer that file to the required userid, so that it can be accessed. Also, verify that the input class of the spool card reader at OOC is class D, so that it can read the dump file. 8601 IfATAL 1/0 ERROR READING DUMP Explanation: During the reading of the dump from the CMS disk, an unrecoverable I/O error occurred. This message is preceded by a CMS message indicating the disk failure. User Response: Take corrective action to bypass the I/O error. Then reissue the command requesting to print the dump previously loaded onto the disk. 861E DUMP FILE 'filename' NOT· FOUND Explanation: The command was specified requesting a printout of a specific dump file, and that file could not be found on the CMS disks that were currently accessed. User Response: Verify that the correct dump file was specified and that the correct disks are accessed by CMS. Then reissue the command, requesting the specified dump file. 863E INVALID PARAMETER - parameter Explanation: The command was specified with a list of options, one of which is not recognized by the command. System Action: The command is not executed. User Response: Reissue the command; specify only valid options as defined in the command syntax. 450 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 8641 PAGE REFERENCED NOT AVAILABLE WHILE EDITING xxxxxxxx Explanation: During the format dump phase of the VMFDUMP command, a page was referenced in one of the CP control blocks (identified by 'xxxxxxxx'), and that page is not available because it is beyond the range of the CP nucleus. System Action: VMFDUMP attempts to continue formatting at the next valid control block. User Response: No action can be taken on the part of the user to circumvent this problem since it usually indicates CP system software failures that caused the addressing of unreferenced pages. Interactive Problem Control System (IPCS) Messages 451 Device Support Facility Program Messages lOlW INVALID CARD CODE. CORRECT ERROR. DEPRESS INTERRUPT KEY. Explanation: An invalid code appears in the above card. Probable user error. User Response: Check for keypunch or multipunch errors. Correct and rerun the job. If the problem persists, have the console log and input card deck available before contacting your system support personnel. l02A CONTROL STATEMENT ERROR JOB TERMINATED Explanation: A control statement contains an incorrect keyword, parameter, or name field. Problible user error. User Response: Check for keypunch errors. Correct invalid keyword, parameter, or name fields. Rerun the job. If the problem persists, have the console log and input card deck available before contacting your system support personnel. l03A STATEMENT SEQUENCE ERROR. JOB TERMINATED. Explanation: The control statements are not in the proper sequence, or unnecessary utility statements are present. Probable user error. User Response: Correct the control statement sequence or remove unnecessary statements and rerun the job. If the problem persists, have the console log and the input card deck available before contacting your system support personnel. l04W SVC INTERRUPT. JOB TERMINATED. Explanation: An unknown SVC interrupt occurred. This program does not issue SVCs. Operator Response: If the problem persists, have the console log and input card deck available before contacting your system support personnel. • If ru,nning under CMS, or standalone under CP, use the CP DUMP command to dump all of virtual storage and the virtual registers to the printer. Save the dump output. • If running standalone on a bare machine, take a standalone dump and save the output. l05A DEFINE INPUT DEVICE. Explanation: The input device must be identified to the system by the operator. Operator Response: Enter the following statement from the console typewriter: INPUT=dddd,addr where dddd is the device type and addr is the address of the input device. Device Support Facility Program Messages 453 l06A THE VOLID IN CONTROL STATEMENT DOES NOT AGREE WITH ID IN VOL LABEL WHICH FOLLOWS. VOLID = xxxxxx. Explanation: The VOLID parameter in the control statement did not match the volume serial number found on the receiving volume (xxxxxx). Probable user error. Operator Response: Correct the statement or mount the correct volume and restart the program. If the problem persists, have the console log and input deck available for reference before contacting your system support personnel. l07W • If the device referenced on the control statement was a tape unit, have the tape available. • If the device referenced on the control statement is a direct access device, use the DDR service program to print track 0 and have the output available. TRACK ZERO BAD. JOB TERMINATED. Explanation: The device cannot be initialized as a systems residence volume due to a defective surface on cylinder 00, track 00. User Response: This volume cannot contain IPL text as track 0 is defective. Mount another volume and rerun the job. If the problem persists, have the console log and input card deck available before contacting your system support personnel. Caution:Move suspect volume once to ascertain fault. Indiscriminate mounting and demounting of desk packs may cause the destruction of packs and drives. l08A HA OR RO FIELD BAD. JOB TERMINATED. Explanation: The device cannot be initialized due to a bad surface area in the home address or track descriptor record areas. User Response: Mount another pack and rerun the job. If the problem persists, have the console log and input card deck available before contacting your system support personnel. Caution:Move suspect volume once to ascertain fault. Indiscriminate mounting and demounting of desk packs may cause the destruction of packs and drives. 1081 HA OR RO FIELD BAD. Explanation: The home address or record zero was defective and has been moved down the track (on a 2314 or 2319 disk). The defective track and the alternate track assigned are listed. User Response: None. 454 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 1091 TRACK CHK INDICATES TRACK IS GOOD. Explanation: The track in question is good and no alternate was assigned. User Response: None. 1101 BAD TRACK cccchhhh. Explanation: A defective track was found at the specified location, where cccc is the cylinder number and hhhh is the head number. User Response: Make sure that the alternate track assignment message was issued for each bad track. 1111 ALTERNATE cccchhhh. Explanation: An alternate track at the specified location is assigned to replace the defective track (cccc is the cylinder number and hhhh is the head number). If no location is specified with this message, eith-er the defective track is in the alternate track area or th~ applicable device is a drum device. User Response: None. Note: If an alternate track is bad and another alternate is assigned the second alternate will not indicate cchh. 112W ALT TRACKS DEPLETED. JOB TERMINATED. Explanation: The number of alternate tracks assigned has exceeded the maximum number for this device. User Response: Mount another volume and rerun the job. If the problem persists, have the console log and input card deck available before contacting your system support personnel. Caution:Move suspect volume once to ascertain fault. Indiscriminate mounting and demounting of disk packs may cause the destruction of packs and drives. 113W IMPROPER VTOC BEGIN ADDRESS. JOB TERMINATED. Explanation: The starting address for the VTOC (volume table of contents) cannot be track 0 for any direct access device or track 1 for the 2311 if IPL text is written by the program. Probable user error. User Response: Change the STRTADR parameter on the VTOCD statement to use another track. If the problem persists, have the console log, input card deck and program listing available before contacting your system support personnel. Note: The VTOC cannot occupy track 0, occupy track 1 on 2311, or start on an alternate track. Device Support Facility Program Messages 455 153A TYPEWRITER FAILED TO READ LAST MESSAGE. DEPRESS INTERRUPT KEY. Explanation: The console typewriter failed to read the input message. Operator Response: Press the console interrupt key and attempt to enter the input message again. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. 154A READY READER addr. DEPRESS INTERRUPT KEY. Explanation: The reader has a card jam, a transport jam, or is out of cards. Operator Response: Correct the faulty condition, ready the reader, and press the console interrupt key to continue the program. If the card or transport jam occurs again, reproduce the jammed cards and try again. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. 155A READY PRINTER addr. DEPRESS INTERRUPT KEY. Explanation: The printer is not ready due to a forms check, an open interlock, or a pressed stop key. Operator Response: Correct the faulty condition, ready the printer, and press the console interrupt key to continue. If the problem persists, and the printer has become not-ready without a faulty condition apparent, contact your system support personnel. 156A READY TAPE addr. DEPRESS INTERRUPT KEY. Explanation: The tape drive at the address displayed is not ready. Operator Response: Correct the faulty condition, ready the tape drive, and press the console interrupt key. If the problem persists, and the tape drive had become not ready for no apparent reason, contact your system support personnel. 157A READY DASD addr. DEPRESS INTERRUPT KEY. Explanation: The tape drive at the address displayed is not ready. Operator Response: Correct the faulty condition, ready the direct access drive, and press the console interrupt key. If the problem persists, and the direct access drive has become not ready for no apparent reason, contact your system support personnel. 159A READER CHECK. CORRECT ERROR. DEPRESS INTERRUPT KEY. Explanation: A reader check has occurred. Operator Response: Correct the faulty condition and clear the reader check. Ready the reader and continue the program by pressing the console interrupt key. If reader checks occur frequently, check the input cards with a card guide for off punched cards. If the cards are punched correctly and are in good condition and reader checks continue, contact your system support personnel. 456 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 160A PRINT CHECK. CORRECT ERROR. DEPRESS INTERRUPT KEY. Explanation: A print check has occurred. Operator Response: Clear the print check by pressing check reset on the printer. Press the interrupt key on the console to continue processing. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. 163A END OF JOB. Explanation: A normal end of job has occurred. Diagnostic Messages for Device Support Facility Diagnostic messages appear in the following format: number (l6-byte text) addr xx ssss yyyyyyyyyyyy mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm cccchhhh where: addr is the address of the device in error xx is the command code ssss designate status bytes from the CSW yyyyyyyyyyyy designate the first six sense bytes mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm designate the remaining sense bytes for direct access devices cccchhhh is the track address of the direct access device being used when the failure occurred 201W COMMAND REJECT. Explanation: The specified channel has rejected an incorrect channel command word (CCW) list. The job is terminated. Operator Response: Rerun the job. If the problem persists, do the following before contacting your system support personnel; • If running under CMS, or standalone under CP, issue the CP dump command to dump all of virtual storage and the virtual r~gisters to produce a storage dump to a printer. Save the dump output. • If running standalone on a bare machine, take a standalone dump and save the output. Device Support Facility Program Messages 457 202A INTERV. REQUIRED. Explanation: The specified device is not ready. Operator Response: The specified device requires operator intervention to make it ready. If the device becomes not ready for no apparent reason, contact your system support personnel. 203W BUS. OUT CHECK. Explanation: A bus out check has occurred on the specified channel. Job is terminated. Probable hardware error. Operator Response: If the problem persists, have the console log and input card deck available before contacting your system support personnel. 204W EQUIPMENT CHECK. Explanation: An equipment failure has occurred. The job is terminated. Operator Response: If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. 205W DATA CHECK. Explanation: A solid data check has occurred on the specified device. The job is terminated. Probable hardware error. Operator Response: If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. 206W OVERRUN. Explanation: An overrun check has occurred on the specified channel. The job is terminated. Programmer Response: Rerun the job. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. . 208W DATA CONV. CHECK . Explanation: A data converter check has occurred on the specified device. The job is termina.ted. Operator Response: Move data to another device and rerun the job. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. 209W END OF CYLINDER. Explanation: An unusual end-of-cylinder condition has occurred on the specified device. The job is terminated. Programmer Response: Rerun the job. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. 458 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 210W INVALID ADDRESS. Explanation: An invalid address has been issued to the specified device. The job is terminated. Programmer Response: Determine if the cccchhhh address shown in the message is valid for the device indicated. If the problem persists, have the console log and associated output available before contacting your system support personnel. 211W NOT AVAILABLE. Explanation: The specified device is not attached to the system. The job is terminated. Operator Response: Ensure that the ENABLE/DISABLE switch on the device and/or control unit is in the ENABLE position. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. 212W READ DATA CHECK. Explanation: A permanent read data check has been detected on the specified tape unit. The job is terminated. Operator Response: Clean tape unit read/write heads and rerun the job. If the error persists, contact your system support personnel. 214W TRACK OVERRUN. Explanation: A track overrun condition has occurred. The job is terminated. Operator Response: Rerun the job. If the problem persists, do the following before contacting your system support personnel: 215W • If running under" CMS, or standalone under CP, issue the CP DUMP command to dump all of virtual storage and the virtual registers to a printer. Save the dump output. • If running standalone on a bare machine, take a standalone dump and save the output. FILE PROTECTED. Explanation: The specified device is file protected. The job is terminated. Operator Response: If the volume is to be read only, no response is necessary. If the volume is to be written on and the device is a tape unit, install a write-enable ring. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. 217W NO RECORD FOUND. Explanation: The indicated condition has occurred on the specified direct access device. The job is terminated. Operator Response: If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. Device Support Facility Program Messages 459 218W INVALID ERROR. Explanation: An invalid error return has occurred. The job is terminated. Operator Response: Rerun the job. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. 219W WRONG ERROR. Explanation: The error return is valid but is not associated with the specified device. The job is terminated; Probable hardware error .. Operator Response: Rerun the job. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. 220W CHAN. CTRL. ERROR. Explanation: A channel control check has occurred on the specified channel. The job is terminated. Probable hardware error. Operator Response: Rerun the job. If the error persists, execute the SEREP program and have the output available before contacting your system support personnel. 221W INTERFACE ERROR. Explanation: An interface control check· has occurred on the specified channel. The job is terminated. Probable hardware error. Operator Response: Rerun the job. If the error persists, execute the SEREP program and have the output available before contacting your system support personnel. 222W CHAN. DATA CHECK. Explanation: A channel data check has occurred on the specified channel. The job is terminated. Probable hardware error. Operator Response: Rerun the job. If the error persists, execute the SEREP program and have the output available before contacting your system support personnel. 223W DASD OVERFLOW. Explanation: An "overflow incomplete" condition has occurred on the specified direct access device. The job is terminated. Probable hardware error. Operator Response: Rerun the job. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. 460 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 224W PROGRAM CHECK. Explanation: A program check has occurred due to an incorrect channel command word (CCW). The job is terminated. Operator Response: Rerun the job. If the problem persists, do the following before contacting your system support personnel: • Have the associated control cards and output listing available. • If running under CMS, or standalone under CP, issue the CP DUMP command to dump all of virtual storage and the virtual registers to a printer. Save the dump output. • If running standalone on a bare machine, take a standalone dump and save the output. 225W PROTECTION CHECK. Explanation: A protection check has occurred on the specified device. The job is terminated. Operator Response: Rerun the job. If the problem persists, do the following before contacting your system support personnel: 226W • If running under CMS, or standalone under CP, issue the CP DUMP command to dump all of virtual storage and the virtual registers to a printer. Save the dump output. • If running standalone on a bare machine, take a standalone dump and save the output. UNIT EXCEPTION. Explanation: A unit exception has occurred on the specified unit. The job is terminated. Operator Response: None. 227W INCORRECT LENGTH. Explanation: The indicated condition has occurred on the specified unit. The. job is terminated. Operator Response: Rerun the job. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. Device Support Facility Program Messages 461 228W CHAINING CHECK. Explanation: A chaining check has occurred on the specified channel. The job is terminated. Probable hardware error. Operator Response: Do the following before contacting your system support personnel: 229W • If running under CMS, or standalone under CP, issue the CP DUMP command to dump all of virtual storage and the virtual registers to a printer. Save the dump output. • If running standalone on a bare machine, take a standalone dump and save the output. COMMAND SEQ. ERR. Explanation: An invalid sequence of channel command words (CCWs) was issued. The job is terminated. Probable hardware error. Operator Response: Rerun the job. If the problem persists, do the following before contacting your system support personnel: 230W • If running under CMS, or standalone under CP, issue the CP DUMP command to dump all of virtual storage and the virtual registers to a printer: Save the dump output. • If running standalone on a bare machine, take a standalone dump and save the output. SEEK CHECK ERROR. Explanation: An invalid SEEK address was issued, or a unit malfunction caused a SEEK check. The job is terminated. Probable hardware error. Operator Response: Rerun the job. If the problem persists, have the console log and input deck available before contacting your system support personnel. 231W WRITE DATA CHECK. Explanation: A permanent write data check has occurred on the specified tape unit. The job is terminated. Operator Response: Clean the read/write heads of the indicated tape unit and r~run the job. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. 232W TAPE -- LOAD POINT. Explanation: A "tape at load point" condition has occurred on the specified tape unit. The job is terminated. Operator Response: None. 462 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 234W MISSING ADR-MARK. Explanation: A "missing address marker" condition has occurred on the specified device. The job is terminated. Operator Response: None. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. 235W BLANK TRACK. Explanation: A blank track has been encountered on the specified data cell. Operator Response: None. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. 236W 3 BLANK CYLINDERS. Explanation: Three blank cylinders have been encountered during the analysis of a strip. Operator Response: Probable hardware error. Call IBM for hardware support. Note: This message usually indicates that a 2321 failed to "pick" a strip. 237W 3 BLANK STRIPS. Explanation: Three blank strips have been encountered within one subcell. Operator Response: Probable hardware error. Call IBM for hardware support. Note: This message usually indicates that a 2321 failed to "pick" a strip. 238W 3 BLANK SUBCELLS. Explanation: Three blank subcells have been encountered within a cell. Operator Response: Probable hardware error. Call IBM for hardware support. Note: This message usually indicates that a 2321 failed to "pick" a strip. 239W 3 BLANK TRACKS. Explanation: Three blank tracks have been encountered within one cylinder. Operator Response: Probable hardware error. If the problem persists, call IBM for hardware support. Note: This message usually indicates that a 2321 failed to "pick" a strip. Device Support Facility Program Messages 463 242W INVALID TRK FMT Explanation: An attempt was made to write data exceeding track capacity on the specified device. The job is terminated. Operator Response: Check your input specification and retry. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. 243W WRITE INHIBITED Explanation: The WRITE INHIBIT switch is probably set ON in the 3330 control unit to inhibit execution when the WRITE command is encountered. Operator Response: Check the status of the WRITE INHIBIT switch: 249W • If the WRITE INHIBIT switch is set ON to intentionally inhibit execution of WRITE commands, follow procedures established at your installation. • If the WRITE INHIBIT switch is set off to allow execution of WRITE commands, rerun the job. If the problem persists, contact your system support personnel. 1/0 ERROR, JOB TERMINATED. Explanation: This message follows all messages that describe input/output error conditions. 464 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes Appendix A. Command-to-Message Cross-Reference This appendix contains an alphabetical listing of CP, CMS, RSCS, and IPCS commands, together with their associated messages. Under each command, the messages are listed in message-number sequence within module code. Note: RSCS and IPCS messages remain at the VM/370 Release 6 level. CP Message Summary ACNT DMKAC0425E DMKCPV003E DMKCPV007E DMKCPV020E DMKCPV045E I/O. ERROR ON SPOOL DEVICE DURING ACCOUNTING INVALID OPTION - option INVALID USERID - userid USERID MISSING OR INVALID userid NOT LOGGED ON ADS TOP DMKCFD004S DMKCFD026E DMKCFD160E DMKCFD164E DMKVMA181E DMKCFD291E INVALID HEXLOC - hexloc OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID HEXLOC hexloc EXCEEDS STORAGE HEXLOC hexloc NON-ADDRESSABLE STORAGE SHARED SYSTEM name REPLACED WITH NON-SHARED COpy COMMAND REJECTED; (PMAISPMODE} IN USE ATTACH DMKNEAOIIE DMKNEA120E DMKNEA121E DMKNEA122E DMKSST070E DMKSSS071E DMKSSS072E DMKSST0741 DMKSSS075E DMKSSS0781 DMKSSU0741 DMKVDE003E DMKVDE006E DMKVDEOIIE DMKVDE020E DMKVDE021E DMKVDE022E DMKVDE023E DMKVDE034E DMKVDE040E DMKVDE045E DMKVDE046E DMKVDE120E DMKVDE121E DMKVDE122E DMKVDE123E DMKVDE124E DMKVDE125E DMKVDE126E DMKVDE127E DMKVDE128E DMKVDE131E INVALID DEVICE TYPE - userid vaddr type raddr NOT ATTACHED; userid vaddr ALREADY DEFINED PRT resid NOT ATTACHED TO userid type raddr ALREADY ATTACHED TO userid DEVICE NOT AVAILABLE - MSS DEVICES ALLOCATED DEVICE NOT AVAILABLE - MSS·CANNOT BE ACCESSED DEVICE NOT AVAILABLE - raddr NOT PROPER TYPE MISSING INTERRUPT - DEVICE 'raddr' DEVICE 'volid' IS NOT AVAILABLE MSS MOUNT PROCEEDING FOR VOLUME 'volid' MISSING INTERRUPT - DEVICE 'vaddr' INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - raddr INVALID DEVICE TYPE - userid vaddr USERID MISSING·OR INVALID RADDR MISSING OR INVALID raddr VADDR MISSING OR INVALID vaddr VOLID MISSING OR INVALID CHANNEL MISSING OR INVALID DEV raddr DOES NOT EXIST userid NOT LOGGED ON (DEV ridltype raddr} OFFLINE (PRT ridltype raddr} NOT ATTACHEDj userid vaddr ALREADY DEFINED type raddr NOT ATTACHED TO userid (PRT ridltype raddr} ALREADY ATTACHED to userid DASD raddr CP OWNED DASD raddr IN USE BY nnn USERS DASD raddr VOLID volid ALREADY ATTACHED TO SYSTEM DASD raddr ERROR READING VOLID DASD raddr VOLID volid DOES NOT MATCH DASD raddr ERROR READING ALLOCATION R~CORD INSUFFICIENT FREE STORAGE AVAILABLE FOR ATTACH REQUEST Appendix A. Command-to-Message Cross-Reference 465 DMKVDE133E DMKVDE134E DMKVDE142E DMKVDE143E DMKVDE1511 DMKVDE153E DMKVDE156E DMKVDE199E DMKVDE293E DMKVDE329E DMKVDG344W DMKVDS465W DASD raddr NOT READY type raddr NOT ATTACHED; CHAN x DEDICATED type raddr NOT DRAINED type raddr IN USE BY SYSTEM DASD raddr NOT ATTACHED, BUSY PERSISTS, IOBSTAT=xx, IOBCSW+4=yyyy DEVICE {vaddrIRNG} EXCEEDED MAX NUMBER OF VIRTUAL DEVICES raddrl raddr2 raddr3 SUBSYSTEM DEVICES NOT AVAILABLE COMMAND REJECTED; DEVICE raddr PENDING OFFLINE CMD REJECTED; vaddr VIOLATES PMA RESTRICTION raddr IMPROPERLY GENNED, DEVICE CANNOT BE USED AS SYSOWN CP OWNED VOLUME volid INVALID TYPE CTLR raddr EMULATOR LINES IN USE BY SYSTEM .ATTACH CHANNEL DMKACR149E DEVICE PATH raddr PROC nn PRESENTED cc3 ON I/O REQUEST DMKVCH034E CHANNEL MISSING OR INVALID DMKVCH048E CHANNEL x DOES NOT EXIST DMKVCH129E CHANNEL x DEVICES IN USE DMKVCH130E CHANNEL x [PROC nn] NOT ATTACHED TO userid DMKVCH132E CHANNEL x ALREADY DEFINED BY userid DMKVCH147E CHANNEL x [PROC nn] NOT ATTACHED; ALTERNATE PATH DEFINED DMKVCH188E SPECIFIED PROCESSOR UNAVAILABLE DMKVDE020E userid MISSING OR INVALID DMKVDE039E PROCESSOR ADDRESS MISSING OR INVALID DMKVDE045E userid NOT LOGGED ON AUTO LOG DMKALG059E AUTOLOG FAILED FOR userid {IPL MISSINGIIPL FAILEDIACCOUNTING ERROR I INCORRECT PASSWORD} DMKALGl15E AUTOLOG INVALID; EXCESSIVE INCORRECT PASSWORDS BACKS PAC DMKCS0003E DMKCS0006E DMKCS0021E DMKCS0040E DMKCS0046E DMKCS0140E DMKCS0141E DMKRSE242E DMKRSE2521 DMKRSE255I INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - raddr RADDR MISSING OR INVALID DEV raddr DOES NOT EXIST {DEV ridltype raddr} OFFLINE type raddr ATTACHED TO userid type raddr NOT ACTIVE PRT raddr (3800) INTERVENTION REQD, STATUS CODE cc PRT raddr FILE nnnn REQUEUED AND HELD PRT raddr PAGE BUFFER DESTROYED, BACKUP PAGE COUNT BEGIN DMKCFJ004S INVALID HEXLOC - hexloc CHANGE DMKCSU003E DMKCSU006E DMKCSU008E DMKCSU013E DMKCSU026E DMKCSU027E DMKCSU028E DMKCSU029E DMKCSU030E DMKCSU032E DMKCSU035E DMKCSU042E DMKCSU243E DMKCSU245E DMKCSU246E DMKCSU253E 466 INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr INVALID SPOOLID -spoolid CONFLICTING OPTION - option OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID SPOOLID MISSING OR INVALID CLASS MISSING OR INVALID FNAME FTYPE MISSING OR INVALID COPIES MISSING OR INVALID DIST CODE MISSING OR INVALID DEVICE TYPE MISSING OR INVALID SPOOLID nnnn DOES NOT EXIST FLASH MISSING OR INVALID CHARS MISSING OR INVALID FCB MISSING OR INVALID MODIFY MISSING OR INVALID IBM VMjSP HPO System Messages and Codes nnnn CLOSE DMKCSP003E DMKCSP006E DMKCSP013E DMKCSP022E DMKCSP029E DMKCSP032E DMKCSP040E INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr CONFLICTING OPTION - option VADDR MISSING OR INVALID FNAME FTYPE MISSING OR INVALID DIST CODE MISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST COUPLE DMKDIB006E DMKDIBOllE DMKDIB020E DMKDIB022E DMKDIB040E DMKDIB04SE DMKDIB047E DMKDIBOS8E DMKTRP002E DMKTRPOOSE DMKTRP013E DMKTRP020E DMKTRP026E DMKTRP04SE DMKTRP304E DMKTRP30S1 DMKTRP306E DMKTRP3071 DMKTRP3081 DMKTRP309E INVALID DEVICE TYPE - vaddr INVALID DEVICE TYPE - userid vaddr USERID MISSING OR INVALID VADDR MISSING OR INVALID DEV raddr DOES NOT EXIST userid NOT LOGGED ON userid vaddr DOES NOT EXIST CTC vaddr BUSY ON userid INVALID OPERAND - operand INVALID HEXDATA - hexdata CONFLICTING HEXDATA - option USERID MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID userid NOT LOGGED ON CPTRAP IS STOPPING, NO INPUT ALLOWED CPTRAP SELECTIVITY RESET CPTRAP IS ALREADY ACTIVE CPTRAP (CP/VIRTUAL) ccc INTERFACE DATA IGNORED CPTRAP DATA LOST OPERAND IGNORED SELECT TABLE FULL DCP DMKCDB003E DMKCDB004S DMKCDB009E DMKCDBOIOE DMKCDB026E DMKCDB033E DMKCDB160E INVALID OPTION - option INVALID HEXLOC - hex lac INVALID RANGE - range INVALID REGISTER - register OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID HEXLOC MISSING OR INVALID HEXLOC hexloc EXCEEDS STORAGE DDR DMKDDRS361 raddr devname REPORTS DISABLED INTERFACE; FAULT CODE = ccce; NOTIFY CE DMKDDR700E INPUT UNIT IS NOT A CPVOL DMKDDR701E INVALID OPERAND DMKDDR702E CONTROL STATEMENT SEQUENCE ERROR DMKDDR703E OPERAND MISSING DMKDDR704E DEV raddr NOT OPERATIONAL DMKDDR70SE I/O ERROR raddr CSW=csw SENSE=sense INPUT=bbcchh OUTPUT={bbcchhlnnnnnn} CSW=csw DMKDDR707E MACHINE CHECK RUN SEREP AND SAVE OUTPUT FOR CE DMKDDR708E INVALID INPUT OR OUTPUT DEFINITION DMKDDR709E WRONG INPUT TAPE MOUNTED DMKDDR710A DEV raddr INTERVENTION REQUIRED DMKDDR711R VOLID READ IS volid2[NOT volidl] DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE? RESPOND YES NO OR REREAD: DMKDDR712E NUMBER OF EXTENTS EXCEEDS 20 DMKDDR7l3E OVERLAPPING OR INVALID EXTENTS DMKDDR714E RECORD bbcchh NOT FOUND ON TAPE DMKDDR71SE LOCATION bbcchh IS A FLAGGED TRACK DMKDDR716R NO VOLI LABEL FOUND FOR xxxxxx DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE? RESPOND YES OR NO OR REREAD: DMKDDR717R DATA DUMPED FROM volidl TO BE RESTORED TO volid2. DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE? RESPOND YES NO OR REREAD: Appendix A. Command-to-Message Cross-Reference 467 DMKDDR718E DMKDDR719E DMKDDR720E DMKDDR721E DMKDDR722E DMKDDR723E DMKDDR724E DMKDDR725R DMKDDR726E DMKDDR727E DMKDDR728E DMKDDR7311 DMKDDR7291 DMKDDR756E DMKDDR925I OUTPUT UNIT IS FILE PROTECTED INVALID FILE NAME OR FILE NOT FOUND EREOR IN {routine/nnnnnn} RECORD {cchhr/nnnnnn} NOT FOUND OUTPUT UNIT NOT PROPERLY FORMATTED FOR THE CP NUCLEUS NO VALID CP NUCLEUS ON THE INPUT UNIT INPUT TAPE CONTAINS A CP NUCLEUS DUMP ORIGINAL INPUT DEVICE WAS (IS) LARGER THAN OUTPUT DEVICE. DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE? RESPOND YES OR NO: MOVING DATA INTO THE ALTERNATE TRACK CYLINDER(S) IS PROHIBITED FLAGGED TRK xxxxxxxxxx HAS NO PROPER ALTERNATE; SKIPPING THIS TRK DECODE ERROR ENCOUNTERED: xx COMPACT OPTION IS IGNORED FULL TRACK NOT AVAILABLE PROGRAM CHECK PSW = psw SYSTEM AUTO DUMP REALLOCATED TO DASD raddr DEFINE DMKDEF003E DMKDEFOIIE DMKDEF022E DMKDEF024E DMKDEF024E DMKDEF025E DMKDEF026E DMKDEF136E DMKDEF040E DMKDEF091E DMKDEF092E DMKDEF094E DMKDEF095E DMKDEF096E DMKDEF136E DMKDEF153E DMKDEF293E DMKDEG025E DMKDEG026E DMKDEG094E DMKDEI046E DMKDEI075E DMKDEI143E DMKDEI274E DMKDEI275E DMKDEI276E DMKDEI277E DMKDEI278E DMKDEI279E DMKDEI280E DMKNEA046E DMKNEA140E INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - userid vaddr VADDR MISSING OR INVALID CYLS MISSING OR INVALID {CYLSIBLKS} MISSING OR INVALID STORAGE MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID DEVICE vaddr NOT {DEFINEDIVARIED}; CHANNEL XX DEDICATED DEV vaddr DOES NOT EXIST DASD vaddr NOT DEFINED; TEMP SPACE NOT AVAILABLE DEV vaddr NOT DEFINED; type vaddr ALREADY DEFINED STORAGE EXCEEDS ALLOWED MAXIMUM DEV vaddr NOT DEFINE; INSUFFICIENT FREE STORAGE DEVICE vaddr NOT DEFINED; DEVICE TYPE NOT ALLOWED DEV vaddr NOT DEFINED; CHAN x DEDICATED DEVICE vaddr EXCEEDED MAX NUMBER OF VIRTUAL DEVICES CMD REJECTED; VIOLATES PMA RESTRICTION vaddr STORAGE MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID STORAGE EXCEEDS ALLOWED MAXIMUM {DEV ridltype raddr} OFFLINE DEVICE 'raddr' IS NOT AVAILABLE type raddr in use by system raddr HAS A MOUNTED VOLUME. MSS ID NOT AVAILABLE TO DEMOUNT IT raddr ALREADY SYSVIRT raddr NOT 3330V raddr ERROR DEMOUNTING VOLUME DEVICE NOT A DASD DASD NOT VUA raddr ALREADY VIRTUAL {DEV ridltype raddr} OFFLINE type raddr ATTACHED TO userid DETACH DMKNEA020E DMKNEA121E DMKVDD006E DMKVDD020E DMKVDD021E DMKVDD022E DMKVDD040E DMKVDD045E DMKVDD046E DMKVDD121E USERID MISSING OR INVALID ridltype raddr NOT ATTACHED TO userid INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr USERID MISSING OR INVALID RADDR MISSING OR INVALID raddr VADDR MISSING OR INVALID vaddr DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST userid NOT LOGGED ON type raddr OFFLINE type raddr NOT ATTACHED to userid DMKVDD123E DASD raddr CP OWNED 468 iBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes DMKVDD124E DMKVDD135E DMKVDD140E DMKVDD142E DMKVDD143E DMKVDD273E DASD raddr type vaddr type raddr type raddr type raddr DETACH REJ IN USE BY nnn USERS NOT DETACHED; CHAN x DEDICATED ATTACHED TO userid NOT DRAINED IN USE BY SYSTEM VIRTUAL MACHINE TRACING I/O DETACH CHANNEL DMKVCH034E CHANNEL MISSING OR INVALID DMKVCH048E CHANNEL x DOES NOT EXIST DMKVCH130E CHANNEL x [PROC nn] NOT ATTACHED TO userid DMKVCH138E CHANNEL x NOT ATTACHED; INSUFFICIENT STORAGE DMKVCH188E SPECIFIED PROCESSOR UNAVAILABLE DMKVDE039E PROCESSOR ADDRESS MISSING OR INVALID DMKVDD020E USERID MISSING OR INVALID DMKVDE034E CHANNEL MISSING OR INVALID DIAL DMKDIAOIIE DMKDIA017E DMKDIA020E DMKDIA022E DMKDIA045E DMKDIA047E DMKDIA055E DMKDIA056E DMKDIA098E DMKDIA199E DMKDIA206E DMKDIA707A INVALID DEVICE TYPE - userid vaddr INSUFFICIENT SCREEN SPACE - CLEAR SCREEN AND REDIAL USERID MISSING OR INVALID VADDR MISSING OR INVALID userid NOT LOGGED ON userid vaddr DOES NOT EXIST LINE(S) NOT AVAILABLE ON userid LINE vaddr BUSY ON userid DEV rid MODE SWITCH NOT POSSIBLE COMMAND REJECTED; DEVICE raddr PENDING OFFLINE CANNOT CONNECT TO HOST VIRTUAL MACHINE DIAL FUNCTION NOT AVAILABLE DIRECT DMKDIR5361 DMKDIR751E DMKDIR752E DMKDIR753E DMKDIR754E DMKDIR755E DMKDIR756E DMKDIR757E DMKDIR758E DMKDIR760E DMKDIR761E DMKDIR762E DMKDIR763E DMKDIR764E raddr devname REPORTS DISABLED INTERFACE; FAULT CODE=CCCC; NOTIFY CE INVALID OPERAND - xxx xxx STATEMENT SEQUENCE ERROR FOLLOWING USER user OPERAND MISSING DEV raddr NOT OPERATIONAL I/O ERROR raddr CSW=csw SENSE=sense PROGRAM CHECK PSW = psw MACHINE CHECK DUPLICATE UNIT DEFINITION NOT ENOUGH SPACE ALLOCATED FOR DIRECTORY VOLID READ IS volidl NOT volid2 (ON raddr) DIRECTORY STATEMENT MISSING INVALID FILENAME OR FILE NOT FOUND ERROR IN routine DISABLE DMKCPV003E DMKCPV006E DMKCPV021E DMKCPV026E DMKCPV040E DMKCPV046E DMKCPV140E DMKCPV199E DMKCPV9231 DMKCPV9241 INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - raddr RADDR MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID DEV raddr DOES NOT EXIST {DEV ridltype raddr} OFFLINE type raddr ATTACHED TO userid COMMAND REJECTED; DEVICE raddr PENDING OFFLINE FAILING STORAGE FRAME AT LOCATION rstor xxxx ADDITIONAL FAILING STORAGE FRAMES EXIST DISCONN DMKUS0003E INVALID OPTION - option DMKUS0197E SECONDARY USER IS NOT AVAILABLE Appendix A. Command-to-Message Cross-Reference 469 DISPLAY DMKCDB003E DMKCDB004S DMKCDB009E DMKCDBOIOE DMKCDB026E DMKCDB160E INVALID OPTION - option INVALID HEXLOC - hexloc INVALID RANGE - range INVALID REGISTER - register OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID HEXLOC hexloc EXCEEDS STORAGE DMCP DMKCDM003E DMKCDM004S DMKCDM009E DMKCDM033E DMKCDM160E INVALID OPTION - option INVALID HEXLOC - hexloc INVALID RANGE - range HEXLOC MISSING OR INVALID HEXLOC hexloc EXCEEDS STORAGE DRAIN DMKCS0003E DMKCS0006E DMKCS0021E DMKCS0040E DMKCS0046E DMKCS0140E INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - raddr RADDR MISSING OR INVALID DEV raddr DOES NOT EXIST {DEV ridltype raddr} OFFLINE type raddr ATTACHED TO userid DUMP DMKCDM003E DMKCDM004S DMKCDM009E DMKCDM033E DMKCDM060E DMKCDM061E DMKCDM160E INVALID OPTION - option INVALID HEXLOC - hex lac INVALID RANGE - range HEXLOC MISSING OR INVALID DUMP FAILED; VIRTUAL PRINTER UNAVAILABLE DUMP FAILED; VIRTUAL PRINTER ERROR HEXLOC hex lac EXCEEDS STORAGE ECHO None. ENABLE DMKCPV003E DMKCPV006E DMKCPV021E DMKCPV026E DMKCPV040E DMKCPV046E DMKCPV140E DMKCPV199E DMKLD09231 DMKLD09241 INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - raddr RADDR MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID DEV raddr DOES NOT EXIST {DEV ridltype raddr} OFFLINE type raddr ATTACHED to userid COMMAND REJECTED; DEVICE raddr PENDING OFFLINE FAILING STORAGE FRAME AT LOCATION rstor xxxx ADDITIONAL FAILING STORAGE FRAMES EXIST EXTERNAL DMKCPB005E INVALID HEXDATA - hexdata FLUSH DMKCS0003E DMKCS0006E DMKCS0013E DMKCS0021E DMKCS0040E DMKCS0046E DMKCS0140E DMKCS0141E 470 INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - raddr CONFLICTING OPTION - option RADDR MISSING OR INVALID DEV raddr DOES NOT EXIST {DEV ridltype raddr} OFFLINE type raddr ATTACHED TO userid type raddr NOT ACTIVE IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes FORCE DMKUS0003E INVALID OPTION - option DMKUS0020E USERID MISSING OR INVALID DMKUS0045E userid NOT LOGGED ON FREE DMKCSP006E DMKCSP007E DMKCSP020E DMKCSP053E INVALID DEVICE TYPE - vaddr INVALID USERID - userid USERID MISSING OR INVALID userid NOT IN CP DIRECTORY HALT DMKCPT021E RADDR MISSING OR INVALID DMKCPS040E·DEV {raddrlvaddr} DOES NOT EXIST DMKCPT040E DEV raddr DOES NOT EXIST DMKCPS144W type vaddr RESET BY userid HOLD DMKCPI9581 DMKCPI959W DMKCSP006E DMKCSP007E DMKCSP020E DMKCSP053E DMKTCS240E DMKTCS241E ATTACHED PROCESSOR NOT OPERATIONAL ATTACHED PROCESSOR NOT ONLINE INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr INVALID USERID - userid USERID MISSING OR INVALID userid NOT IN CP DIRECTORY PRT raddr PRT FCB-FORMS MISMATCH, FILEID nnnn {HELDIPURGED} PRT raddr INVALID LOAD MODULE mmmm SPECIFIED, FILE nnnn {HELDIPURGED} DMKTCS270E PRT xxx, TOO MANY WCGM's NEEDED FOR 'CHARS', FILE nnnn {HELDIPURGED} INDICATE DMKTHI002E DMKTHI003E DMKTHI026E DMKTHI045E INVALID OPERAND - operand INVALID OPTION - option OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID userid NOT LOGGED ON IPL DMKCFG002E DMKCFG003E DMKCFG013E DMKCFG022E DMKCFG026E DMKCFG040E DMKCFG044E DMKCFG083E DMKCFG170E DMKCFG171E DMKCFG172E DMKCFG173E DMKCFG174E DMKCFG177E DMKCFG203E DMKCFG292E DMKCLK437E DMKCLK970W DMKCPI185E DMKCPI329E DMKCPI3301 DMKCPI913I DMKCPI914I DMKCPI9231 DMKCPI9241 DMKCPI958I DMKCPI959W INVALID OPERAND - operand INVALID OPTION - option CONFLICTING OPTION - option VADDR MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST SYSTEM name DOES NOT EXIST VMSAVE AREA DOES NOT CONTAIN A VALID SAVED SYSTEM SYSTEM name EXCEEDS STORAGE SYSTEM name VOLID valid NOT MOUNTED SYSTEM name DASD vaddr INCOMPATIBLE SYSRES SYSTEM name REQUIRES DASD vaddr PAGING ERROR - {I/OIADDRESS EXCEPTION}:COMMAND TERMINATED, IPL FAILED} PARM EXCEEDS 64 CHARACTERS V=R AREA REQUIRES IPL BY DEVICE ADDRESS PMA FEATURE NOT AVAILABLE/ENABLED; RC=rc[-ddd] SYSTEM PAGING SPACE NOT AVAILABLE, IPL TERMINATED TOD CLOCK SYNC CHECK RECEIVED CP ASSIST LEVEL xx DOES NOT MATCH CP LEVEL yy raddr IMPROPERLY GENNED, DEVICE CANNOT BE USED AS SYSOWN MISMATCHED DEVICE TYPES AT ADDRESS raddr CP OWNED VOLID xxxxxx INVALID FOR 3330V TRACE TABLE IS SMALLER THAN REQUESTED FAILING STORAGE FRAME AT LOCATION rstor xxxx ADDITIONAL FAILING STORAGE FRAMES EXIST ATTACHED PROCESSOR NOT OPERATIONAL ATTACHED PROCESSOR NOT ONLINE Appendix A. Command-to-Message Cross-Reference 471 DMKCPI962I DMKCPI963W DMKCPI964I DMKCPJ966I DMKCPI971I DMKCPI9S0A DMKPST442I DMKPST443I DMKPST444I DMKVMI022E DMKVMI230E DMKVMI231E DMKVMI232E DMKVMI233E DMKVMI234E CP OWNED DASD raddr VOLID valid INVALID ALLOCATION RECORD SECOND PROCESSOR NOT ONLINE PROC xx INITIALIZED; PROC yy INITIALIZED INITIALIZATION COMPLETE SYSTEM IS {UPIAPIMP} GENERATED OPERATOR NOT LOGGED ON; EXPLICIT LOGON REQUIRED PAGING STORAGE FOR tttttttt = xx K PAGES; yyy ARE NOT USABLE PAGING STORAGE INCREMENT nn IS NOT USABLE nn ADDITIONAL PAGING STORAGE INCREMENTS ARE NOT USABLE VADDR MISSING OR INVALID IPL SIO ERROR IPL TIO ERROR IPL UNIT ERROR; CSW xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx SNS xxxxxxxxxxxx IPL OVERLAY ERROR IPL SENSE ERROR JOURNAL LINK DMKLNKOllE DMKLNK020E DMKLNK022E DMKLNKOS2E DMKLNKOS3E DMKLNK101W DMKLNK102W DMKLNK103W DMKLNK104E DMKLNK10SE DMKLNK106E DMKLNK107E DMKLNK108E DMKLNK109E DMKLNKll0E DMKLNKlllE DMKLNKl12E DMKLNKl13E DMKLNKl14E DMKLNKllSE DMKLNKl16E DMKLNKl17E DMKLNKl18E DMKLNKl19E DMKLNK137E DMKLNK199E DMKSST070E DMKSSS071E DMKSST073E DMKSSS078I DMKLNK293E INVALID DEVICE TYPE - userid vaddr USERID MISSING OR INVALID VADDR MISSING OR INVALID ERROR IN CP DIRECTORY userid NOT IN CP DIRECTORY DASD vaddr FORCED RIO; RIO BY nnn USERS DASD vaddr FORCED RIO; R/W BY nnn USERS DASD vaddr FORCED RIO; R/W BY nnn USERS; RIO BY nnn USERS userid vaddr NOT LINKED; RIO BY nnn USERS userid vaddr NOT LINKED; R/W BY nnn USERS userid vaddr NOT LINKED; R/W BY nnn USERS; RIO BY nnn USERS userid vaddr NOT LINKED; NOT IN CP DIRECTORY userid vaddr NOT LINKED; VOLID valid NOT MOUNTED userid vaddr NOT lINKED; INVALID LINK DEVICE userid vaddr NOT LINKED; type vaddr ALREADY DEFINED userid vaddr NOT LINED; NO READ PASSWORD userid vaddr NOT LINKED; NO WRITE PASSWORD userid vaddr NOT LINKED; NO MULT PASSWORD userid vaddr NOT LINKED; MODE OR PASSWORD INCORRECT LINK INVALID; EXCESSIVE INCORRECT PASSWORDS USERID xxx NOT LINKED; CP DIRECTORY IN USE USERID USERID NOT LINKED; VOLID valid CONFLICT userid vaddr NOT LINKED; COMMAND FORMAT NOT VALID USERID vaddr NOT LINKED; INSUFFICIENT FREE STORAGE DASD vaddr NOT LINKED; CHAN x DEDICATED COMMAND REJECTED; DEVICE raddr PENDING OFFLINE DEVICE NOT AVAILABLE - MSS DEVICES ALLOCATED DEVICE NOT AVAILABLE - MSS CANNOT BE ACCESSED DEVICE NOT AVAILABLE - MSS ERROR MSS MOUNT PROCEEDING FOR VOLUME 'valid' CMD REJECTED; vaddr VIOLATES PMA RESTRICTION LOADBUF DMKCSB003E DMKCSB006E DMKCSB013E DMKCSB021E DMKCSB026E DMKCSB031E DMKCSB036E DMKCSB046E DMKCSB040E DMKCSB043E DMKCSB140E INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr CONFLICTING OPTION - option RADDR MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID BUFFER MISSING OR INVALID modifier INDEX MISSING OR INVALID {DEV ridltype raddr} OFFLINE DEV {raddrlvaddr} DOES NOT EXIST BUFFER name DOES NOT EXIST type raddr ATTACHED TO userid 472 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes DMKCSB142E type raddr NOT DRAINED DMKCSB148E type raddr BUFFER LOAD name FAILED DMKCSB158I UCS IMAGE NAME MISMATCH. IMAGE NAME LOADED IS xxxx LOADVFCB DMKCSB006E DMKCSB022E DMKCSB026E DMKCSB031E DMSCSB036E DMKCSB040E DMKCSB043E INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr VADDR MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID BUFFER MISSING OR INVALID modifier INDEX MISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST BUFFER name DOES NOT EXIST LOCATE DMKCFD021E DMKCFD022E DMKCFD026E DMKCFD040E RADDR MISSING OR INVALID VADDR MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID DEV {raddrlvaddr} DOES NOT EXIST LOCK DMKCPV004S DMKCPV009E DMKCPV020E DMKCPV033E DMKCPV045E DMKCPV160E DMKCPV165I INVALID HEXLOC - hexloc INVALID RANGE - range USERID MISSING OR INVALID HEXLOC MISSING OR INVALID userid NOT LOGGED ON HEXLOC hexloc EXCEEDS STORAGE PAGE hexloc NOT LOCKED; SHARED PAGE LOGON DMKJRL145I USERID userid AT raddr WITH INVALID {LINKILOGON} PASSWORD NO xxx HAS VIOLATED THE LIMIT OF yyy [,A=auserid] DMKLOG003E INVALID OPTION - option DMKLOGOIIE INVALID DEVICE TYPE - userid vaddr DMKLOG020E USERID MISSING OR INVALID DMKLOG050E PASSWORD INCORRECT DMKLOG051E MAXIMUM USERS EXCEEDED DMKLOG052E ERROR IN CP DIRECTORY DMKLOG053E userid NOT IN CP DIRECTORY DMKLOG054E ALREADY LOGGED ON {LINEIGRAFILUNAME} raddr DMKLOG067E COMMAND FORMAT NOT VALID DMKLOG069I INCOMPLETE RECOVERY; 'SYSTEM RESTART' OR 'BEGIN' DMKLOG080E NO PREALLOCATED VMSAVE AREA DMKLOG081W VMSAVE AREA ALREADY IN USE, MUST USE SET COMMAND DMKLOG082E MORE THAN ONE VMSAVE AREA ALLOCATED, MUST SPECIFY AREA NAME DMKLOG090E DEV vaddr NOT DEFINED; DEV {raddrlvolser} NOT AVAILABLE DMKLOG091E DASD vaddr NOT DEFINED; TEMP SPACE NOT AVAILABLE DMKLOG092E DEV vaddr NOT DEFINED; type vaddr ALREADY DEFINED DMKLOG093E DEV vaddr NOT DEFINED; ERROR IN CP DIRECTORY DMKLOG095E DEV vaddr NOT DEFINED; INSUFFICIENT FREE STORAGE DMKLOG131E INSUFFICIENT FREE STORAGE AVAILABLE FOR LOGON REQUEST DMKLOG156E raddrl raddr2 raddr3 SUBSYSTEM DEVICES NOT AVAILABLE DMKLOG188E SPECIFIED PROCESSOR UNAVAILABLE DMKLOG189E AFFINITY NOT SET; SYSTEM IN UNIPROCESSOR MODE DMKLOG206E CANNOT CONNECT TO HOST VIRTUAL MACHINE DMKLOG250E 370E IS NOT AVAILABLE (ON PROC xx) DMKLOG251E 370E IS NOT ACTIVE DMKLOG268E XMEM FEATURE NOT AVAILABLE DMKLOG269E XMEM FEATURE NOT ACTIVE DMKLOHOIIE INVALID DEVICE TYPE - userid vaddr DMKLOH196E SECONDARY USER IS NOT IN CP DIRECTORY DMKNEA006E INVALID DEVICE TYPE'- raddr DMKNEA046E {DEV ridltype raddr} OFFLINE DMKNEA140E type raddr ATTACHED TO userid DMKSST070E DEVICE NOT AVAILABLE - MSS DEVICES ALLOCATED Appendix A. Command-to-Message Cross-Reference 473 DMKSSS071E DMKSSS072E DMKSST073E DMKSSS0781 DEVICE NOT AVAILABLE DEVICE NOT AVAILABLE DEVICE NOT AVAILABLE MSS MOUNT PROCEEDING - MSS CANNOT BE ACCESSED - raddr NOT PROPER TYPE - MSS ERROR FOR VOLUME 'valid' LOGOFF DMKUS0003E INVALID OPTION - option MONITOR DMKCPI2291 DMKMCC002E DMKMCC003E DMKMCC006E DMKMCC021E DMKMCC026E DMKMCC040E DMKMCC046E DMKMCC140E DMKMCC143E DMKMCC199E DMKMCC210E DMKMCC211E DMKMCD212E DMKMCC213E DMKMCD214E DMKMCC215E DMKMCC216E DMKMCC217E DMKMCD218E DMKMCD002E DMKMCD021E DMKMCD026E DMKMCD040E DMKMON2191 DMKMON2201 DMKMCC221E DMKMCD222E DMKMCD223E DMKMCD224E DMKMNI225E DMKMCD226E DMKMCD227E DMKMCD228E DMKMIA229E USER OF MONITOR DOES NOT EXIST INVALID OPERAND - operand INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - raddr RADDR MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID DEV raddr DOES NOT EXIST {DEV ridltype raddr} OFFLINE type raddr ATTACHED TO userid type raddr IN USE BY SYSTEM COMMAND REJECTED; DEVICE raddr PENDING OFFLINE SWAPAGE CLASS IS DEPENDENT ON SWAP MONITOR TAPE IS ALREADY ACTIVE MONITOR TAPE IS NOT ACTIVE MONITOR CPTRACE IS ALREADY ACTIVE MONITOR CPTRACE IS NOT ACTIVE MONITOR ACTIVE; DASTAP CANNOT BE ENABLED DYNAMICALLY SYSPROF CLASS IS DEPENDENT ON SCHEDULE AND DASTAP MONITOR TAPE NOT STARTED, NO CLASS ENABLED MONITOR NOT STOPPED, OUTSTANDING I/O INVALID OPERAND - operand RADDR MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID DEV raddr DOES NOT EXIST END OF MONITOR TAPE, MONITOR STOPPED BY SYSTEM ERROR ON MONITOR TAPE, MONITOR STOPPED BY SYSTEM MONITOR TO SPOOL IS ALREADY ACTIVE TIME PARAMETER SPECIFIES INVALID TIME START TIME MUST PRECEDE STOP TIME LIMIT MUST BE BETWEEN 10 and 50000 INVALID MONITOR USERID SPECIFIED, MON NOT ENABLED FOR VALUE SPANS MIDNIGHT - COMMAND INVALID FOR OPTION INVALID WITH AUTODISK OFF FOR OPTION INVALID WITH MONITOR ON MONITOR OUT OF DASD PAGES, IS SHUTTING OFF MSG DMKMSG003E DMKMSG020E DMKMSG045E DMKMSG057W NCPDUMP DMKRND8501 DMKRND8521 DMKRND8531 DMKRND8601 DMKRND861E DMKRND863E 474 INVALID OPTION - option USERID MISSING OR INVALID userid NOT LOGGED ON userid NOT RECEIVING; {DISCONNECTEDIMSG OFFISMSG OFFI NOT AUTHORIZEDIWNG OFFIVMCF/IUCV ERROR nnn} UNABLE TO READ DUMP FROM READER FATAL I/O ERROR WRITING DUMP NO DUMP FILES EXIST FATAL I/O ERROR READING DUMP DUMP FILE 'filename' NOT FOUND INVALID PARAMETER - parameter IBM VMjSP HPO System Messages and Codes NETWORK DMKNEA006E DMKNEA046E DMKNES002E DMKNES004S DMKNES006E DMKNES009E DMKNES02lE DMKNES026E DMKNES040E DMKNES046E DMKNES049E DMKNES098E DMKNES140E DMKNES160E DMKNES199E DMKNES706E DMKNET002E DMKNET003E DMKNET004S DMKNET006E DMKNET009E DMKNET021E DMKNET026E DMKNET033E DMKNET040E DMKNET046E DMKNET049E DMKNET098E DMKNET140E DMKNET157E DMKNET160E DMKNET199E DMKNLD002E DMKNLD006E DMKNLD021E DMKNLD026E DMKNLD040E DMKNLD044E DMKNLD046E DMKNLD140E DMKNLD143E DMKNLD170E DMKNLD171E DMKNLD199E DMKNLD460E DMKNLD461R DMKNLD464E DMKNLD470E DMKNLD471E DMKNLE003E DMKNLE006E DMKNLE021E DMKNLE040E DMKNLE046E DMKNLE140E DMKNLE143E DMKNLE199E DMKNLE460E DMKNLE461R DMKNLE464E DMKNLE4641 DMKNLE469E DMKNLE470E INVALID DEVICE TYPE - raddr {DEV rid/type raddr} OFFLINE INVALID OPERAND - operand INVALID HEXLOC - hexloc INVALID DEVICE TYPE - raddr INVALID RANGE - range RADDR MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID DEV raddr DOES NOT EXIST {DEV ridltype raddr} OFFLINE type raddr IN USE DEV rid MODE SWITCH NOT POSSIBLE type raddr ATTACHED TO userid HEXLOC hexloc EXCEEDS STORAGE COMMAND REJECTED; DEVICE raddr PENDING OFFLINE LINE raddr NOT ENABLED INVALID OPERAND - operand INVALID OPTION - option INVALID HEXLOC - hexloc INVALID DEVICE TYPE - raddr INVALID RANGE - range RADDR MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID HEXLOC MISSING OR INVALID DEV raddr DOES NOT EXIST {DEV ridltype raddr} OFFLINE type raddr IN USE DEV rid MODE SWITCH NOT POSSIBLE type raddr ATTACHED TO userid CLUSTER=parm MISSING FROM RDEVICE MACRO - DEV raddr HEXLOC hexloc EXCEEDS STORAGE COMMAND REJECTED; DEVICE raddr PENDING OFFLINE INVALID OPERAND - operand INVALID DEVICE TYPE - raddr RADDR MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID DEV raddr DOES NOT EXIST SYSTEM name DOES NOT EXIST type raddr OFFLINE type raddr ATTACHED TO userid type raddr IN USE BY SYSTEM SYSTEM name EXCEEDS STORAGE SYSTEM name VOLID volid NOT MOUNTED COMMAND REJECTED; DEVICE raddr PENDING OFFLINE CTLR raddr {LOADIDUMP} FAILED: PROGRAM CHECK CTLR raddr IPL NOT REQUIRED; ENTER 'YES' TO CONTINUE CTLR raddr CC=3; DEPRESS 370X LOAD BUTTON CTLR raddr {LOADIDUMP} FAILED: PAGING I/O ERROR CTLR raddr {LOAD/DUMP} FAILED: UNRECOVERABLE I/O ERROR INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - raddr RADDR MISSING OR INVALID DEV raddr DOES NOT EXIST type raddr OFFLINE type raddr ATTACHED TO userid type 'raddr' IN USE BY SYSTEM COMMAND REJECTED; DEVICE raddr PENDING OFFLINE CTLR raddr {LOAD I DUMP} FAILED: PROGRAM CHECK CTLR raddr IPL NOT REQUIRED; ENTER 'YES' TO CONTINUE CTLR raddr CC=3j DEPRESS 370X "LOAD" BUTTON CTLR raddr CC = 3; DEPRESS 370X "LOAD" BUTTON CTLR raddr {LOAD I DUMP} FAILED; TEMP SPACE NOT AVAILABLE CTLR raddr {LOADIDUMP} FAILED: PAGING I/O ERROR Appendix A. Command-to-Message Cross-Reference 475 DMKNLE471E DMKRNH4621 DMKRNH4631 DMKRNH4641 DMKRNH4681 CTLR CTLR CTLR CTLR CTLR raddr raddr raddr raddr raddr DUMP FAILED: UNRECOVERABLE I/O ERROR UNIT CHECK; IPL REQUIRED UNIT CHECK; RESTART IN PROGRESS CC=3j DEPRESS 370x "LOAD" BUTTON COMMUNICATIONS SCANNER FAILURE NOTREADY DMKCPB006E INVALID DEVICE TYPE - vaddr DMKCPB022E VADDR MISSING OR INVALID DMKCPB040E DEV vaddr DOES NOT EXIST ORDER DMKCSV003E DMKCSV006E DMKCSV008E DMKCSV026E DMKCSV027E DMKCSV028E DMKCSV035E DMKCSV042E INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr INVALID SPOOLID -spoolid OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID SPOOLID MISSING OR INVALID CLASS MISSING OR INVALID DEVICE TYPE MISSING OR INVALID SPOOLID nnnn DOES NOT EXIST PER DMKPEI002E DMKPEI003E DMKPEIOIOE DMKPEI026E DMKPEI312E DMKPEL013E DMKPEL013W DMKPEI047E DMKPEL311E DMKPEN002E DMKPEN003E DMKPEN026E DMKPEI047E DMKPEN180E DMKPEN311E DMKPET003E PURGE DMKCSV003E DMKCSV006E DMKCSV008E DMKCSV026E DMKCSV028E DMKCSV035E DMKCSV042E DMKTCS240E DMKTCS241E QUERY DMKCFC026E DMKCQG020E DMKCQG022E DMKCQG027E DMKCQG040E DMKCQG042E DMKCQG045E 476 INVALID OPERAND - operand INVALID OPTION - option INVALID REGISTER - register OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID MORE THAN {8 RANGES I 1 PASSll STEP} SPECIFIED ON A COMMAND LINE CONFLICTING OPTION - {optionloptionl AND option2} CONFLICTING OPTION - {NORUN CONFLICTS WITH PRINTERIPRINTER CONFLICTS WITH NORUNISTEP CONFLICTS WITH PRINTERIPRINTER CONFLICTS WITH STEP} - {"BOTH"I"RUN"}OPTION FORCED {userid {vaddrlsegname} I THE CURRENT TRACESETITHE TRACESET tracesetlA SAVED TRACESET} DOES NOT EXIST MAXIMUM NUMBER OF TRACE ELEMENTS EXCEEDED INVALID OPERAND - operand INVALID OPTION - option OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID {userid {vaddrI segname} I THE CURRENT TRACESETITHE TRACESET tracesetlA SAVED TRACESET} DOES NOT EXIST PER TRACE NOT IN EFFECT MAXIMUM NUMBER OF TRACE ELEMENTS EXCEEDED INVALID OPTION - option INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - vaddr INVALID SPOOLID -spoolid OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID CLASS MISSING OR INVALID DEVICE TYPE MISSING OR INVALID SPOOLID nnnn DOES NOT EXIST PRT raddr FCB-FORMS MISMATCH, FILEID nnnn {HELD I PURGED} PRT raddr INVALID LOAD MODULE mmmm SPECIFIED, FILE nnnn {HELDIPURGED} OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID USERID MISSING OR INVALID VADDR MISSING OR INVALID SPOOLID MISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST SPOOLID nnnn DOES NOT EXIST userid NOT LOGGED ON IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes DMKCQP003E DMKCQP023E DMKCQP040E DMKCQP4661 DMKCQQ006E DMKCQQ021E DMKCQQ022E DMKCQQ040E DMKCQQ045E DMKCQQ4661 DMKCQR003E DMKCQR020E DMKCQR026E DMKCQR028E DMKCQR045E DMKCQS003E DMKCQY020E DMKCQY026E DMKCQY045E INVALID OPTION - option VOLID MISSING OR INVALID DEV raddr DOES NOT EXIST CTLR cuu IN BUFFER SLOWDOWN MODE INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr RADDR MISSING OR INVALID VADDR MISSING OR INVALID DEV {raddrlvaddr} DOES NOT EXIST userid NOT LOGGED ON CTLR cuu IN BUFFER SLOWDOWN MODE INVALID OPTION - option USERID MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID CLASS MISSING OR INVALID userid NOT LOGGED ON INVALID OPTION - option USERID MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID userid NOT LOGGED ON DMKQVM020E DMKQVM800E DMKQVM801E DMKQVM802E DMKQVM803E DMKQVM806E DMKQVM807E DMKQVM809E USERID MISSING OR COMMAND REJECTED, FREE STORAGE PAGE COMMAND REJECTED, COMMAND REJECTED, COMMAND REJECTED, COMMAND REJECTED, COMMAND REJECTED, QVM INVALID OTHER VIRTUAL MACHINES LOGGED ON IS NOT AVAILABLE DEVICES NOT DEDICATED SPOOL DEVICES NOT DRAINED VIRTUAL ADDRESS NOT EQUAL TO REAL ADDRESS VM/SP ATTACHED PROCESSOR MODE TRACE/ADSTOP/CCW TRANS IN EFFECT READY DMKCPB006E INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr DMKCPB022E VADDR MISSING OR INVALID DMKCPB040E DEV vaddr DOES NOT EXIST REPEAT DMKCS0003E DMKCS0006E DMKCS0013E DMKCS0021E DMKCS0030E DMKCS0040E DMKCS0046E DMKCS0140E DMKCS0141E INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - raddr CONFLICTING OPTION - option RADDR MISSING OR INVALID COPIES MISSING OR INVALID DEV raddr DOES NOT EXIST {DEV ridltype raddr} OFFLINE type raddr ATTACHED TO userid type raddr NOT ACTIVE RESET DMKCPB022E VADDR MISSING OR INVALID DMKCPB040E DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST REWIND DMKCPB006E INVALID DEVICE TYPE - vaddr DMKCPB022E VADDR MISSING OR INVALID DMKCPB040E DEV vaddr DOES NOT EXIST SAVESYS DMKCFHOIIE DMKCFH026E DMKCFH044E DMKCFH170E DMKCFH171E DMKCFH172E DMKCFH173E DMKCFH179E INVALID DEVICE TYPE - userid vaddr OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID SYSTEM name DOES NOT EXIST SYSTEM name EXCEEDS STORAGE SYSTEM name VOLID volid NOT MOUNTED SYSTEM name DASD vaddr INCOMPATIBLE SYSRES SYSTEM name REQUIRES DASD vaddr SYSTEM name VOLID volid NOT CP OWNED Appendix A. Command-to-Message Cross-Reference 477 DMKCFH300E SAVE REQUEST BEYOND VIRTUAL MACHINE SIZE DMKCFH435E PAGING ERROR WRITING SAVED SYSTEM DMKCFH436E INTERRUPT PENDING. TO PROCEED, TYPE YES. TO END, TYPE NO. SCREEN DMKCFW002E INVALID OPERAND - operand DMKCFW026E OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID SEND DMKSND020E USERID MISSING OR INVALID DMKSND045E userid NOT LOGGED ON DMKSND068E SEND COMMAND FAILED RECEIVER (IS NOT DISCONNECTED I HAS NO AUTHORIZED SENDERIHAS NO VIRTUAL CONSOLEIHAS CONSOLE INPUT WAIT I IS EXECUTING A CONSOLE FUNCTION} SET DMKCFJ003E DMKCF0020E DMKCF0026E DMKCF0045E DMKCF0175E DMKCF0184E DMKCF0186E DMKCF0188E DMKCF0250E DMKCF0255W DMKCF0268E DMKCF0269E DMKCF0291E DMKCFS003E DMKCFS006E DMKCFS026E DMKCFS045E DMKCFS046E DMKCF0291E DMKCFS183E DMKCFS184E DMKCFS187E DMKCFS250E DMKCFS251E DMKCFS268E DMKCFS269E DMKCFS291E DMKCFU003E DMKCFU006E DMKCFU013E DMKCFU021E DMKCFU026E DMKCFU040E DMKCFU041E DMKCFU045E DMKCFU046E DMKCFU140E DMKCFU143E DMKCFU199E DMKCFU316E DMKCFU547E DM~CFU925I DMKCFU953I DMKCFV062E DMKCFV063E DMKCFV080E DMKCFV082E DMKCFY052E 478 INVALID OPTION - option USERID MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID userid NOT LOGGED ON (FAVOREDIRESERVE} ALREADY IN USE BY userid VM ASSIST NOT AVAILABLE (ON PROC xx} CP ASSIST NOT AVAILABLE SPECIFIED PROCESSOR UNAVAILABLE 370E IS NOT AVAILABLE (ON PROC xx) 370E FEATURE NOW DISABLED XMEM FEATURE NOT AVAI~ABLE XMEM FEATURE NOT ACTIVE COMMAND REJECTED; (PMAISPMODE} IN USE INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - raddr OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID userid NOT LOGGED ON DEV type raddr OFFLINE COMMAND REJECTED; (PMAISPMODE} IN USE VM ASSIST NOT ACTIVE VM ASSIST NOT AVAILABLE TIMER ASSIST NOT AVAILABLE 370E IS NOT AVAILABLE (ON PROC xx) 370E IS NOT ACTIVE XMEM FEATURE NOT AVAILABLE XMEM FEATURE NOT ACTIVE COMMAND REJECTED; (PMAISPMODE} IN USE INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - raddr CONFLICTING OPTION - option RADDR MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID DEV raddr DOES NOT EXIST LOGMSG nn DOES NOT EXIST userid NOT LOGGED ON (DEV ridltype raddr} OFFLINE type raddr ATTACHED TO userid type raddr IN USE BY SYSTEM COMMAND REJECTED; DEVICE raddr PENDING OFFLINE COMMAND REJECTED; LOGMSG BEING UPDATED MISSING INTERRUPTION MONITORING NOT AVAILABLE SYSTEM AUTO DUMP REALLOCATED TO DASD raddr UNABLE TO ALLOCATE SYSTEM AUTODUMP ECMODE NOT SET ON SHADOW TABLE BYPASS; NOT SET NO PREALLOCATED VMSAVE AREA MORE THAN ONE VMSAVE AREA ALLOCATED; MUST SPECIFY AREA NAME ERROR IN CP DIRECTORY DMKCFY053E DMKCFY183E DMKCFY184E DMKCFY187E DMKCFY188E DMKCFY189E DMKCFY1901 DMKEMC316E DMKMCH003E DMKMCH026E DMKMSG003E DMKVAT064E userid NOT IN CP DIRECTORY VM ASSIST NOT ACTIVE VM ASSIST NOT AVAILABLE TIMER ASSIST NOT AVAILABLE SPECIFIED PROCESSOR UNAVAILABLE AFFINITY NOT SET; SYSTEM IN UNIPROCESSOR MODE NO AFFINITY SET IN DIRECTORY COMMAND REJECTED; LOGMSG BEING UPDATED INVALID OPTION - option OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID INVALID OPTION - option SHADOW TABLE BYPASS; RESET SHUTDOWN DMKDSB956A DASD raddr VOLID valid NOT MOUNTED; NOW OFFLINE SLEEP DMKCFJ002E INVALID OPERAND - operand SMSG DMKMSG002E USERID MISSING OR INVALID DMKMSG045E userid NOT LOGGED ON DMKMSG057W userid NOT RECEIVING; {DISCONNECTEDISMSG OFFINOT AUTHORIZEDIWNG OFF} SPACE DMKCS0006E DMKCS0021E DMKCS0040E DMKCS0046E DMKCS0140E DMKCS0141E DMKSPS026E DMKSPS028E DMKSPT002E DMKSPT003E DMKSPT008E DMKSPT021E INVALID DEVICE TYPE - raddr RADDR MISSING OR INVALID DEV raddr DOES NOT EXIST {DEV ridltype raddr} OFFLINE type raddr ATTACHED TO userid type raddr NOT ACTIVE OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID CLASS MISSING OR INVALID INVALID OPERAND - operand INVALID OPTION - option INVALID SPOOLID - spoolid RADDR MISSING OR INVALID SPMODE DMKSPM026E OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID DMKSPM804E SINGLE PROCESSOR MODE ON REJECTED DMKSPM8081 SINGLE PROCESSOR MODE ACTIVE SPTAPE DMKSPT006E DMKSPT040E DMKSPT046E DMKSPT140E DMKSPT143E DMKSPT199E DMKSPS037E DMKSPS014E DMKSPS426E DMKSPS428E INVALID DEVICE TYPE - raddr DEV raddr DOES NOT EXIST {DEV ridltype raddr} OFFLINE type raddr ATTACHED TO userid type raddr IN USE BY SYSTEM COMMAND REJECTED; DEVICE raddr PENDING OFFLINE TAPE raddr INVALID FOR SPTAPE COMMAND TAPE raddr DUMP TAPE CAPACITY EXCEEDED {RDRITAPE} raddr SPOOL SPACE FULL; FILE PURGED {PRTIPUNIRDRITAPE} raddr SPOOL ERROR; FILE {HELDIPURGED} SPOOL DMKCQH013E DMKCQH024E DMKCS0024E DMKCSP003E DMKCSP006E DMKCSP007E DMKCSP013E DMKCSP020E DMKCSP022E CONFLICTING OPTION - option {CYLSIBLKSIFORM NUMBER} MISSING OR INVALID {CYLS IBLKS I FORM NUMBER} MISSING OR INVALID INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr INVALID USERID - userid CONFLICTING OPERAND - operand USERID MISSING OR INVALID VADDR MISSING OR INVALID Appendix A. Command-to-Message Cross-Reference 479 DMKCSP024E DMKCSP026E DMKCSP028E DMKCSP030E DMKCSP040E DMKCSP053E DMKCSP243E DMKCSP245E DMKCSP246E DMKCSP253E DMKCSQ024E DMKCSU024E DMKCSV013E DMKCSV024E DMKSPT024E DMKSPT032E {CYLSIBLKSIFORM NUMBER} MISSING OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID CLASS MISSING OR INVALID COPIES MISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST userid NOT IN CP DIRECTORY FLASH MISSING OR INVALID CHARS MISSING OR INVALID FCB MISSING OR INVALID MODIFY MISSING OR INVALID {CYLS I BLKS I FORM NUMBER} MISSING {CYLS IBLKS I FORM NUMBER} MISSING CONFLICTING OPTION - option {CYLSIBLKSIFORM NUMBER} MISSING {CYLS IBLKS I FORM NUMBER} MISSING DISTCODE MISSING OR INVALID OR INVALID OR INVALID OR INVALID OR INVALID OR INVALID START DMKCS0003E DMKCS0006E DMKCS0013E DMKCS0021E DMKCS0028E DMKCS0040E DMKCS0046E DMKCS0140E DMKCS0243E DMKCS0245E DMKCS0246E DMKCS0253E INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - raddr CONFLICTING OPTION - option RADDR MISSING OR INVALID CLASS MISSING OR INVALID DEV raddr DOES NOT EXIST {DEV ridltype raddr} OFFLINE type raddr ATTACHED TO userid FLASH MISSING OR INVALID CHARS MISSING OR INVALID FCB MISSING OR INVALID MODIFY MISSING OR INVALID STCP DMKCDS004S DMKCDS005E DMKCDS026E DMKCDS033E DMKCDS160E DMKCDS162E DMKCDS166E DMKVMA161E INVALID HEXLOC - hexloc INVALID HEXDATA - hexdata OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID HEXLOC MISSING OR INVALID HEXLOC hexloc EXCEEDS STORAGE INVALID ECR x - hexdata CHANGED SHARED PAGE NOT WRITTEN TO AUXILIARY STORAGE SHARED PAGE hexloc ALTERED BY userid STORE DMKCDS004S DMKCDS005E DMKCDSOIOE DMKCDS012E DMKCDS026E DMKCDS033E DMKCDS160E DMKCDS162E DMKCDS163E DMKCDS164E DMKCDS166E DMKVMA181E INVALID HEXLOC - hex lac INVALID HEXDATA - hexdata INVALID REGISTER - register INVALID PSW - psw OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID HEXLOC MISSING OR INVALID HEXLOC hexloc EXCEEDS STORAGE INVALID ECR x - hexdata STORE EXCEEDS MAXIMUM REGISTER HEXLOC hexloc NON-ADDRESSABLE STORAGE CHANGED SHARED PAGE NOT WRITTEN TO AUXILIARY STORAGE SHARED SYSTEM name REPLACED WITH NON-SHARED COpy SYSTEM DMKCPB012E INVALID PSW - psw DMKCPB026E OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID TAG DMKCST003E INVALID OPTION - option DMKCST006E INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr DMKCST016E TAG INVALID FOR SPECIFIED FILE TYPE 480 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes DMKCST022E DMKCST026E DMKCST027E DMKCST040E DMKCST042E DMKCST424E VADDR MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID SPOOLID MISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST SPOOLID nnnn DOES NOT EXIST RDR FILE SPOOL ERROR; FILE UNCHANGED TERMINAL DMKCFT002E DMKCFT006E DMKGRF457E DMKCFT026E INVALID OPERAND - operand INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr TERMINAL SCRNSAVE UNSUCCESSFUL OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID TRACE DMKTRA002E DMKTRA003E DMKTRA013E DMKTRA026E DMKTRA180E DMKTRA291E DMKVMA181E INVALID OPERAND - operand INVALID OPTION - option CONFLICTING OPTION - option OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID TRACE NOT IN EFFECT COMMAND REJECTED; {PMAISPMODE} IN USE SHARED SYSTEM name REPLACED WITH NON-SHARED COpy TRANSFER DMKCSV003E DMKCSV007E DMKCSV008E DMKCSV020E DMKCSV026E DMKCSV027E DMKCSV028E DMKCSV042E DMKCSV053E INVALID OPTION - option INVALID USERID - userid INVALID SPOOLID - spoolid USERID MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID SPOOLID MISSING OR INVALID CLASS MISSING OR INVALID SPOOLID nnnn DOES NOT EXIST userid NOT IN CP DIRECTORY UNLOCK DMKCPV004S DMKCPV009E DMKCPV020E DMKCPV033E DMKCPV045E DMKCPV160E DMKCPV165I DMKCPV176E DMKCPV202E DMKCPV203E DMKCPV204E INVALID HEXLOC - hex lac INVALID RANGE - range USERID MISSING OR INVALID HEXLOC MISSING OR INVALID userid NOT LOGGED ON HEXLOC hexloc EXCEEDS STORAGE PAGE 'hexloc' NOT LOCKED; SHARED PAGE VIRTUAL = REAL AREA IN USE BY {USERIDISYSTEM} VIRT=REAL AREA NOT AVAILABLE; INSUFFICIENT STORAGE V=R AREA REQUIRES IPL BY DEVICE ADDRESS INVALID PAGES(S) SPECIFIED, V=R AREA VARY DMKCP0049E DMKCP0124E DMKCP0140E DMKCP0142E DMKCP0143E DMKCP0198W DMKCP0291E DMKCPP623I DMKCPT003E DMKCPTOIIE DMKCPT021E DMKCPT026E DMKCPT040E DMKCPT049E DMKCPT123E DMKCPT124E DMKCPT136E type raddr IN USE DASD raddr IN USE BY nnn USERS type raddr ATTACHED TO userid type raddr NOT DRAINED type raddr IN USE BY SYSTEM LAST PATH TO DEVICE raddr ON PROCESSOR nn COMMAND REJECTED; {PMAISPMODE} IN USE CHANNEL SET CONNECTED TO PROCESSOR nn INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - userid vaddr RADDR MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST type raddr IN USE DASD raddr CP OWNED DASD raddr IN USE BY nnn USERS DEVICE {vaddrlraddr} NOT {DEFINEDIVARIED}; CHANNEL XX DEDICATED Appendix A. Command-to-Message Cross-Reference 481 DMKCPT140E DMKCPT142E DMKCPT143E DMKCPT154E DMKCPT192E DMKCPT601E DMKCPT602E DMKCPU021E DMKCPU191E DMKCPU1931 DMKCPU1941 DMKCPU6231 DMKCPU812E DMKCPW3301 DMKCPZ040E DMKCPZ149E DMKCPZ328E DMKMCT6211 DMKMCT6251 DMKMCT626E VMDUMP DMKVMD009E DMKVMD013E DMKVMD020E DMKVMD033E DMKVMD038E DMKVMD053E DMKVMD146I DMKVMD160E type raddr ATTACHED TO userid type raddr NOT DRAINED type raddr IN USE BY SYSTEM DEV raddr VARY FAILED, VARY IN PROCESS VARY PROCESSOR COMMAND FAILED CHANNEL CONTROL CHECK DEV XXX; USER userid INTERFACE CONTROL CHECK DEV XXX; USER userid RADDR MISSING OR INVALID PROCESSOR nn DOES NOT EXIST PROCESSOR nn ONLINE PROCESSOR nn OFFLINE CHANNEL SET CONNECTED TO PROCESSOR nn MSSF RESPONSE CODE TO VARY CP {ONIOFF} IS nnnn MISMATCHED DEVICE TYPES AT ADDRESS raddr DEV raddr DOES NOT EXIST DEVICE PATH raddr PRESENTED cc=3 ON IIO REQUEST raddrl raddr 2 raddr 3 IMPROPERLY GENNED; VARIED OFFLINE AFFINITY SET OFF ALTERNATE PROCESSOR RECOVERY SUCCESSFUL; PROCESSOR nn OFFLINE CONSOLE FUNCTION MODE ENTERED; REQUIRED PROCESSOR NOW OFFLINE INVALID RANGE - range CONFLICTING OPTION - option USERID MISSING OR INVALID HEXLOC MISSING OR INVALID PARAMETER parameter FOR option OPTION MISSING OR INVALID userid NOT IN CP DIRECTORY VMDUMP FAILED, SPOOLING ERROR HEXLOC hexloc EXCEEDS STORAGE WNG DMKMSG003E DMKMSG020E DMKMSG045E DMKMSG057W * INVALID OPTION - option USERID MISSING OR INVALID userid NOT LOGGED ON userid NOT RECEIVING; {DISCONNECTEDIMSG OFFIWNG OFF} None. CP Spontaneous Messages DMKRNH4541 DMKRNH4621 DMKRNH463I DMKRNH4641 DMKRNH465I 482 DEV rid DISABLED CTLR 'raddr' UNIT CHECK; IPL REQUIRED CTLR 'raddr' UNIT CHECK; RESTART IN PROGRESS CTLR 'raddr' CC=3; DEPRESS 370X "LOAD" BUTTON LINE TRACE TERMINATED DUE TO ERROR IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes eMS Message Summary ACCESS DMSACC002E DMSACC003E DMSACC017E DMSACC048E DMSACC059E DMSACC060E DMSACC070E DMSACC109S DMSACCl12S DMSACCl13S DMSACC240S DMSACC230W DMSACC723I DMSACC724I DMSACC725I DMSACC726I DMSAC0230W FILE 'DMSROS TEXT' NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' INVALID DEVICE ADDRESS 'vaddr' INVALID MODE 'mode' 'vaddr' ALREADY ACCESSED AS READ/WRITE 'mode' DISK FILE(S) 'fn [ft [fm]]' NOT FOUND. DISK 'mode(cuu)' WILL NOT BE ACCESSED INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED /'mode (addr)' DEVICE ERROR 'mode (addr), NOT ATTACHED ERROR LOADING READ OS ROUTINE 'DMSROS TEXT' OS DISK-FILEID AND/OR OPTIONS SPECIFIED ARE IGNORED mode (cuu) {R/OIR/W} [-OSI-DOS] 'vaddr' REPLACES 'mode (vaddr)' cuu ALSO = 'mode' [-OSI-DOS] DISK 'vaddr mode [/ext]' RELEASED OSDISK - FILEID AND/OR OPTION SPECIFIED ARE IGNORED AMSERV DMSAMS001E DMSAMS002E DMSAMS003E DMSAMS006E DMSAMS007E DMSAMS065E DMSAMS066E DMSAMS070E DMSAMS109S DMSAMSl13S DMSAMS136S DMSAMS228E DMSAMS367R DMSAMS722I DMSSTT062E NO FILENAME SPECIFIED FILE 'fnamel AMSERV' NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' NO READ/WRITE DISK ACCESSED FOR 'fname2 LISTING' FILE 'fnamel AMSERV fm' NOT FIXED, 80-CHAR. RECORDS 'option' OPTION SPECIFIED TWICE 'option' AND 'option' ARE CONFLICTING OPTIONS INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED {TAPINITAPOUT} (addr) NOT ATTACHED UNABLE TO LOAD 'IDCAMS' NO DDNAME ENTERED ENTER TAPE {INPUT I OUTPUT} DDNAMES: FILE 'fname2 LISTING fm' WILL HOLD AMSERV OUTPUT INVALID CHARACTER 'char' IN FILEID {'fnamel AMSERP' I 'fname2 LISTING'} ASM3705 DMSARN001E DMSARN002E DMSARN003E DMSARN004W DMSARN006E DMSARN007E DMSARN008W DMSARN012W DMSARN016W DMSARX001E DMSARX002E DMSARX003E DMSARX006E DMSARX007E DMSARX038E DMSARX052E DMSARX070E DMSARX074E DMSARX075E NO FILENAME SPECIFIED FILE 'fn ft' NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' WARNING MESSAGES ISSUED NO READ/WRITE DISK ACCESSED FILE 'fn ft frn' IS NOT FIXED, 80 CHAR. RECORDS ERROR MESSAGES ISSUED SEVERE ERROR MESSAGES ISSUED TERMINAL ERROR MESSAGES ISSUED NO FILENAME SPECIFIED FILE 'fn ASM3705' NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' NO READ/WRITE DISK ACCESSED FILE 'fn ASM3705' IS NOT FIXED, 80-CHAR. RECORDS FILEID CONFLICT FOR DDNAME 'ASM3705' MORE THAN 100 CHARS. OF OPTIONS SPECIFIED INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' ERROR SETTING/RESETTING AUXILIARY DIRECTORY DEVICE 'device' INVALID FOR INPUT Appendix A. Command-to-Message Cross-Reference 483 ASSEMBLE DMSASM001E DMSASM002E DMSASM003E DMSASM006E DMSASM007E DMSASM038E DMSASM052E DMSASM070E DMSASM074E DMSASM075E ASSGN DMSASN003E DMSASN027E DMSASN028E DMSASN029E DMSASN035E DMSASN050E DMSASN065E DMSASN066E DMSASN069E DMSASN070E DMSASN087E DMSASN090E DMSASN099E DMSASNl13S NO FILENAME SPECIFIED FILE 'fn ASSEMBLE' NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' NO READ/WRITE DISK ACCESSED FILE 'fn ASSEMBLE' IS NOT FIXED, 80-CHAR. RECORDS FILEID CONFLICT FOR DDNAME 'ASSEMBLE' MORE THAN 100 CHARS. OF OPTIONS SPECIFIED INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' ERROR [RE]SETTING AUXILIARY DIRECTORY DEVICE 'device' INVALID FOR INPUT INVALID OPTION 'option' INVALID DEVICE 'device' NO LOGICAL UNIT SPECIFIED INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD INVALID TAPE MODE PARAMETER MISSING AFTER SYSxxx 'option' OPTION SPECIFIED TWICE 'option' AND 'option' ARE CONFLICTING OPTIONS DISK {'mode' I 'vaddr' I 'valid'} NOT ACCESSED. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' INVALID ASSIGNMENT OF 'SYSxxx' TO DEVICE 'device' INVALID DEVICE CLASS 'device class' FOR 'device' CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE '{TAPnlmodeIREADERIPUNCHIPRINTER} addr' NOT ATTACHED CATCHECK DMSCCK803E DMSCCK804S DMSCCK805S DMSCCK806S DMSCCK807S INVALID PARAMETER SPECIFICATION ERROR ESTABLISHING CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT ERROR ASSIGNING OUTPUT TO PRINTER VSE/VSAM PHASE "IKQVCHK" NOT FOUND ERROR ENCOUNTERED ISSUING ASSGN FOR CATALOG CMSBATCH DMSBTBIOOE DMSBTB101E DMSBTP105E DMSBTP106E DMSBTP107E DMSBTP108E DMSBTP109E NO BATCH PROCESSOR AVAILABLE BATCH NOT LOADED NO JOB CARD PROVIDED JOB CARD FORMAT INVALID CP/CMS COMMAND 'command, (device)' NOT ALLOWED /SET CARD FORMAT INVALID {CPUIPRINTERIPUNCH} LIMIT EXCEEDED COMPARE DMSCMP002E DMSCMP003E DMSCMP005E DMSCMP009E DMSCMP010E DMSCMP011E DMSCMP019E DMSCMP029E DMSCMP054E DMSCMP062E DMSCMP069E DMSCMP104S DMSCMP109S DMSCMP179I DMSCMP209W DMSCMP211E 484 FILE 'fn [ft [fm]]' NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' NO 'option' COLUMN SPECIFIED COLUMN 'col' EXCEEDS~RECORD LENGTH PREMATURE EOF ON FILE ['fn ft [fm']] CONFLICTING FILE FORMATS IDENTICAL FILEIDS INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' IN THE option 'COL' FIELD INCOMPLETE FILEID ['fn [ft] '] SPECIFIED INVALID * IN FILEID DISK {'mode' I 'vaddr' I 'valid'} NOT ACCESSED. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} ERROR Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED COMPARING 'fn ft fm' WITH 'fn ft fm' FILES DO NOT COMPARE COLUMN FIELDS OUT OF SEQUENCE IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes COpy DMSCPY002E DMSCPY003E DMSCPY024E DMSCPY029E DMSCPY030E DMSCPY037E DMSCPY042E DMSCPY048E DMSCPY054E DMSCPY062E DMSCPY063E DMSCPY064E DMSCPY065E DMSCPY066E DMSCPY067E DMSCPY068E DMSCPY069E DMSCPY101S DMSCPY102S DMSCPY103S DMSCPY156E DMSCPY157E DMSCPY172E DMSCPY173E DMSCPY601R DMSCPY602R DMSCPY7211 DMSCPY901T DMSCPY903T DMSCPY904T CPEREP DMSIFC002E DMSIFC007E DMSIFC023E DMSIFC070E DMSIFC104S DMSIFC825E DMSIFC826E DMSIFC8281 DMSIFC829W DMSIFC831E DMSREA830E DMSIFC832S [INPUT I OVERLAY] FILE[(S)] ['fn [ft [fro]] '] NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' FILE 'fn ft fm' ALREADY EXISTS, SPECIFY 'REPLACE' INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' IN THE 'option' OPTION FIELD FILE 'fn ft fro' ALREADY ACTIVE DISK 'roode[vaddr]' IS READ/ONLY. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} NO FILEID[(S)] SPECIFIED INVALID MODE 'roode' INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED INVALID CHAR' [=I*lchar]' IN FILEID '[fn ft fm]' NO [{TRANSLATIONISPECIFICATION}] LIST ENTERED INVALID [TRANSLATION] SPECIFICATION AT OR NEAR' ....... . 'option' OPTION SPECIFIED TWICE 'option' AND 'option' ARE CONFLICTING OPTIONS COMBINED INPUT FILES ILLEGAL WITH PACK OR UNPACK OPTIONS INPUT FILE 'fn ft fro' NOT IN PACJ(ED FORMAT DISK {'mode' I 'vaddr' I 'valid'} NOT ACCESSED {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} SPECS TEMP STRING STORAGE EXHAUSTED AT ' ....... . TOO MANY FILEIDS NUMBER OF SPECS EXCEEDS MAX 20 'FROM nnn' NOT FOUND --FILE 'fn ft fro' HAS ONLY 'nnn' RECORDS LABEL 'label' NOT FOUND IN FILE 'fn ft fro' TOLABEL 'label' {EQUALS I IS AN INITIAL SUBSTRING OF} FRLABEL 'label' NO RECORDS WERE COPIED TO OUTPUT FILE 'fn ft fro' ENTER SPECIFICATION LIST: ENTER TRANSLATION LIST: COPY 'fn ft fro' [{TOIAPPENDIOVLY} 'fn ft fro' {OLD I NEW} FILE] UNEXPECTED ERROR AT 'addr': PLIST 'plist' AT 'addr', BASE 'addr', RC 'nn' IMPOSSIBLE PHASE CODE 'hh' UNEXPECTED UNPACK ERROR AT 'addr', BASE 'addr' FILE 'fn ft [fm] , NOT FOUND FILE 'fn ft fro' IS NOT FIXED, 80 CHAR. RECORDS NO FILETYPE SPECIFIED INVALID PARAMETER 'pararoeter' ERROR 'nn' READING FILE 'fn ft fro' FROM DISK CLEAR IS VALID ONLY WHEN SPECIFIED BY ITSELF EREP TXTLIBS NOT FOUND CPEREP ZERO OR CLEAR HAS BEEN COMPLETED ATTEMPTED 'ZERO' WAS SUPPRESSED. REQUIRES PRIVILEGE CLASS F MORE THAN 100 CHARS. OF OPTIONS SPECIFIED I/O ERROR READING A BLOCK OF RECORDS FROM THE ERROR RECORDING CYLINDERS SOFTWARE INCOMPATIBILITY AT THE CPEREP-EREP INTERFACE. CODE=nnn DEBUG DMSDBGl13S PRINTER addr NOT ATTACHED DMSDBG7281 DEBUG ENTERED [EXTERNAL INTIBREAKPOINT nn AT xxxxxx] DEFAULTS DMSWDF014E DMSWDF029E DMSWDF637E DMSWDF641E DMSWDF642E INVALID KEYWORD 'function' INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD MISSING VALUE FOR THE {PROFILEIFROMIFORINOTEBOOK} OPTION NO {OPTIONS I COMMAND} SPECIFIED DEFAULTS DOES NOT ACCEPT {'COMMAND' command I 'OPTION' option for 'COMMAND'} DMSWDF653E ERROR EXECUTING 'GLOBALV' DMSSTT062E INVALID CHARACTER 'character' IN FILEID 'fn ft fro' Appendix A. Command-to-Message Cross-Reference 485 DISCARD DMSWDC651E DISCARD MUST BE ISSUED FOR RDRLIST, PEEK OR LISTFILE DMSWDC652E MISSING OPERAND(S}. ENTER 'EXECUTE [n] DISCARD' DMSWDC653E ERROR EXECUTING 'command', RC = Inn' DISK DMSDSK002E FILE[(S)] ['fn [ft [fm]] '] NOT FOUND DMSDSK014E INVALID FUNCTION 'function' DMSDSK037E DISK 'mode [vaddr] , IS READ/ONLY. ('A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} DMSDSK047E NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED DMSDSK048E INVALID MODE 'mode' DMSDSK054E INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED DMSDSK062E INVALID * IN FILEID [' fn ft fm'] DMSDSK070E INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' DMSDSK077E END CARD MISSING FROM INPUT DECK DMSDSK078E INVALID CARD IN INPUT DECK DMSDSK078W SEQUENCE ERROR DETECTED LOADING 'fn ft' EXPECTED ' ..... ' FOUND ' ..... ' DMSDSKI04S ERROR Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK DMSDSKI05S ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK DMSDSKl18S ERROR PUNCHING FILE DMSDSK124S ERROR READING CARD FILE DMSDSK205W READER EMPTY OR NOT READY DMSDSK445W INVALID DATA IN SEQUENCE FIELD, BYPASSING SEQUENCE CHECK DMSDSK496S READER FILE ALTERED TO DISK LOAD AS: 'fn ft fm'. DISK LOAD STOPPED. FILE HAS BEEN LEFT IN YOUR READER. DMSDSK550W DATE/TIME DATA NOT PRESENT FOR FILE 'fn ft' DLBL DMSDLBOOIE DMSDLB003E DMSDLB005E DMSDLB023E DMSDLB048E DMSDLB050E DMSDLB065E DMSDLB066E DMSDLB069E DMSDLB070E DMSDLB086E DMSDLBI09S DMSDLB220R DMSDLB221E DMSDLB301E DMSDLB302E DMSDLB304E DMSDLB305E DMSDLB306E DMSDLB307E DMSDLB308E DMSDLB3201 DMSDLB3211 DMSDLB3221 DMSDLB3231 DMSDLB3241 DMSDLB330R DMSDLB331R 486 NO FILENAME SPECIFIED INVALID OPTION 'option' NO '(CATIBUFSP}, SPECIFIED NO FILETYPE SPECIFIED INVALID MODE 'mode' PARAMETER MISSING AFTER DDNAME 'option' OPTION SPECIFIED TWICE 'option' AND 'option' ARE CONFLICTING OPTIONS DISK ('mode' I 'vaddr' I 'volid'} NOT ACCESSED. ('A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' INVALID DDNAME 'ddname' VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED ENTER DATA SET NAME: INVALID DATA SET NAME 'SYSxxx' NOT ASSIGNED FOR DISK 'fm' NO SYSXXX OPERAND SPECIFIED INVALID OPERAND VALUE 'value' INCOMPLETE EXTENT RANGE SYSxxx NOT ASSIGNED FOR 'IGNORE' CATALOG DDNAME 'ddname' NOT FOUND 'mode' DISK IN [NON-]CMS FORMAT: INVALID FOR [NON-]CMS DATASET MAXIMUM NUMBER OF DISK ENTRIES RECORDED MAXIMUM NUMBER OF EXTENTS RECORDED DDNAME 'ddname' NOT FOUND: NO CLEAR EXECUTED (MASTERIJOB} CATALOG DLBL CLEARED NO USER DEFINED DLBL's IN EFFECT ENTER VOLUME SPECIFICATIONS: ENTER EXTENT SPECIFICATIONS: IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes DOSLIB DMSDSL002E DMSDSL003E DMSDSL013W DMSDSL014E DMSDSL037E DMSDSL046E DMSDSL047E DMSDSL069E DMSDSL070E DMSDSL098E DMSDSLI04S DMSDSLI05S DMSDSL213W FILE 'fn DOSLIB' NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' PHASE 'phase' NOT FOUND IN LIBRARY 'fn DOSLIB fm' INVALID FUNCTION 'function' DISK 'mode' IS READ/ONLY. {'A MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} NO LIBRARY NAME SPECIFIED NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED DISK {'mode' I 'vaddr' I 'valid'} NOT ACCESSED. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' NO PHASE NAME SPECIFIED ERROR Inn' READING FILE 'fn DOSLIB fm' FROM DISK ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK LIBRARY 'fn DOSLIB fm' NOT CREATED DOSLKED DMSDLKOOIE DMSDLK003E DMSDLK006E DMSDLK007E DMSDLK070E DMSDLK099E DMSDLKI04S DMSDLKI05S DMSDLK210E DMSDLK245S NO FILENAME SPECIFIED INVALID OPTION 'option' NO READ/WRITE DISK ACCESSED FILE 'fn ft fm' IS NOT FIXED, 80 CHAR. RECORDS INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE ERROR Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK LIBRARY 'fn ft' IS ON A READ-ONLY DISK ERROR 'nnn' ON PRINTER DSERV DMSDSV003E DMSDSV021W DMSDSV022W DMSDSV023W DMSDSV024W DMSDSV025W DMSDSV026W DMSDSV027E DMSDSV027W DMSDSV028W DMSDSV047E DMSDSV065E DMSDSV066E DMSDSV070E DMSDSV095E DMSDSV099E DMSDSVI05S DMSDSV245S DMSDSV411S INVALID OPTION 'option' NO TRANSIENT DIRECTORY NO CORE IMAGE DIRECTORY NO RELOCATABLE DIRECTORY NO PROCEDURE DIRECTORY NO SOURCE STATEMENT DIRECTORY 'phase' NOT IN LIBRARY INVALID DEVICE Inn' NO PRIVATE CORE IMAGE LIBRARY NO {PRIVATE I SYSTEM} TRANSIENT DIRECTORY ENTRIES NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED 'option' OPTION SPECIFIED TWICE 'option' AND 'option' ARE CONFLICTING OPTIONS INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' INVALID ADDRESS 'address' CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'DSERV MAP A5' ON DISK ERROR 'nnn' ON PRINTER INPUT ERROR CODE Inn' ON {SYSRESISYSRLB} EDIT DMSEDI003E DMSEDI024E DMSEDI029E DMSEDI044E DMSEDI054E DMSEDI069E DMSEDI076E DMSEDII04S DMSEDII05S DMSEDIl17S DMSEDI132S DMSEDI143S INVALID OPTION 'option' FILE 'fn ft fm' ALREADY EXISTS INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD RECORD LENGTH EXCEEDS ALLOWABLE MAXIMUM INCOMPLETE FILEID ['fn [ft] '] SPECIFIED DISK {'mode' I 'vaddr' I 'valid'} NOT ACCESSED. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} ACTUAL RECORD LENGTH EXCEEDS THAT SPECIFIED ERROR Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK ERROR WRITING TO DISPLAY TERMINAL FILE 'fn ft fm' TOO LARGE UNABLE TO LOAD SAVED SYSTEM OR LOAD MODULE Appendix A. Command-to-Message Cross-Reference 487 DMSEDIl44S REQUESTED FILE IS IN ACTIVE STATUS DMSEDX069E DISK 'mode' NOT ACCESSED ERASE DMSERS002E FILE[(S)] ['fn eft [fm]] '] NOT FOUND DMSERS003E INVALID OPTION 'option' DMSERS037E DISK 'mode vaddr' IS READ/ONLY. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} DMSERS048E INVALID MODE 'mode' DMSERS054E INCOMPLETE FILEID ['fn eft] '] SPECIFIED DMSERS069E DISK {'mode' I 'vaddr' I 'volid'} NOT ACCESSED. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} DMSERS070E INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' DMSERS07lE ERASE * * [fml*] NOT ALLOWED DMSERSl09T VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED ESERV DMSERVOOIE DMSERV002E DMSERV006E DMSERV027E DMSERV037E NO FILENAME SPECIFIED FILE 'fn ESERV' NOT FOUND NO READ/WRITE DISK ACCESSED INVALID DEVICE 'device' FOR SYSxxx DISK 'mode' IS READ/ONLY. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} DMSERV070E INVALID ARGUMENT 'argument' DMSERV099E CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE EXEC DMSEXCOOlE NO FILENAME SPECIFIED DMSEXT072E ERROR IN EXEC FILE fn, LINE nnn - message EXECIO DMSEI06l8E DMSEI062lE DMSEI0622E DMSEI0632E NUCEXT FAILED BAD PLIST: xxxxx INSUFFICIENT FREE STORAGE FOR EXECIO I/O ERROR IN EXECIO: RC=nnn FROM 'command' COMMAND EXECUTE DMSWEX526E OPTION 'CURSOR' VALID IN DISPLAY MODE ONLY DMSWEX56lE CURSOR IS NOT ON A VALID DATA FIELD DMSWEX654E INVALID SYMBOL 'symbol' {I/O' MUST BE SPECIFIED ALONE I INVALID CHARACTER 'char' FOLLOWING 'I' SYMBOL} DMSWEX65lE 'EXECUTE' MUST BE ISSUED FROM FILELIST OR RDRLIST EXEC 2 DMSEXE085E ERROR IN fn ft fm, LINE nnn - message DMSEXEl75E INVALID EXEC COMMAND DMSEXE255T INSUFFICIENT STORAGE FOR EXEC INTERPRETER FETCH DMSFCHOl6E DMSFCHl04S DMSFCHl09S DMSFCHll3S DMSFCHll5E DMSFCH4l1S DMSFCH623S DMSFCH777S DMSFET003E DMSFET004E DMSFET029E DMSFET070E DMSFET098E 488 NO PRIVATE CORE IMAGE LIBRARY FOUND ERROR Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED DISK addr NOT ATTACHED PHASE LOAD POINT LESS THAN 'address' INPUT ERROR CODE Inn' ON {SYSRESISYSCLB} PHASE CANNOT BE LOADED AT LOCATION 'location' BECAUSE IT WOULD OVERLAY THE CMS NUCLEUS DOS PARTITION TOO SMALL TO ACCOMMODATE FETCH REQUEST INVALID OPTION 'option' PHASE 'phase' NOT FOUND; INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' IN THE OPTION 'ORIGIN' FIELD INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' NO PHASE NAME SPECIFIED IBM VM/SP HPO. System Messages and Codes DMSFET099E CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE DMSFET623S PHASE CANNOT BE LOADED AT LOCATION 'location' BECAUSE IT WOULD OVERLAY THE CMS NUCLEUS DMSFET710I PHASE 'phase' ENTRY POINT AT LOCATION xxxxxx DMSLIOOSSE NO ENTRY POINT DEFINED DMSLI0740I EXECUTION BEGINS ... FILEDEF DMSFLD003E DMSFLD017E DMSFLD023E DMSFLD027E DMSFLD029E DMSFLD035E DMSFLD050E DMSFLD065E DMSFLD066E DMSFLD069I DMSFLD070E DMSFLD220R DMSFLD221E DMSFLD224E DMSFLD420E DMSFLD699E DMSFLD704I DMSSTT228I DMSQRY324I FILELIST DMSWFL002E DMSWFL003E DMSWFLOS4E DMSWFL070E DMSWFL637E DMSWFL651E DMSWFL680E DMSSST062E FORMAT DMSFOR003E DMSFOR005E DMSFOR017E DMSFOR028E DMSFOR037E DMSFOR048E DMSFOR069E DMSFOR070E DMSFORl13S DMSFORl14S DMSFOR125S DMSFORl14S DMSFOR126S DMSFOR214W DMSFOR216E DMSFOR603R DMSFOR60SR DMSFOR70SI DMSFOR732I INVALID OPTION 'option' INVALID DEVICE ADDRESS 'vaddr' NO FILETYPE SPECIFIED INVALID DEVICE 'device name' INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD INVALID TAPE MODE PARAMETER MISSING AFTER DDNAME 'option' OPTION SPECIFIED TWICE 'option' AND 'option' ARE CONFLICTING OPTIONS DISK 'mode' NOT ACCESSED. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LeAD'} INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' ENTER DATA SET NAME: INVALID DATA SET NAME 'data set name' FILEID ALREADY IN USE NSL EXIT FILENAME MISSING OR INVALID NO FILETYPE SPECIFIED OR 'cuu' IS AN INVALID DISK ADDRESS INVALID CLEAR REQUEST USER LABELS BYPASSED ON DATA SET 'data set name' NO USER DEFINED FILEDEF's IN EFFECT FILE 'fn ft fm' NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' MISSING VALUE FOR THE 'PROFILE' OPTION 'APPEND' MUST BE ISSUED FOR RDRLIST OR FILELIST INVALID FILEID SPECIFIED WITH 'FILELIST' OPTION INVALID CHARACTER 'character' IN FILEID 'fn ft fm' INVALID OPTION 'option' NO 'option' SPECIFIED INVALID DEVICE ADDRESS 'vaddr' NO DEVICE SPECIFIED DISK 'mode[vaddr]' IS READ/ONLY. {'A' MUST BE· R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} INVALID MODE 'mode' DISK {'mode' I 'vaddr'} NOT ACCESSED. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' {TAPn addrlmode addrIREADERIPUNCHIPRINTER} NOT ATTACHED 'raddr' IS AN UNSUPPORTED DEVICE TYPE PERMANENT UNIT CHECK ON DISK 'mode vaddr' 'raddr' IS AN UNSUPPORTED DEVICE, OR REQUESTED BLKSIZE IS NOT SUPPORTED FOR THE DEVICE ERROR {READIWRIT}ING LABEL ON DISK 'mode vaddr' CANNOT RECOMPUTE WITHOUT LOSS OF DATA. NO CHANGE. INSUFFICIENT BLOCKS ON DISK TO SUPPORT CMS DISK STRUCTURE FORMAT WILL ERASE ALL FILES ON DISK 'mode vaddr'. DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE? (YESINO): ENTER DISK LABEL: DISK REMAINS UNCHANGED 'nnn' CYLINDERS FORMATTED ON DISK 'mode vaddr' Appendix A. Command-to-Message Cross-Reference 489 DMSFOR7321 'nnn' {CYLINDERSIFB-512 BLOCKS} FORMATTED ON DISK 'mode vaddr' DMSFOR7331 FORMATTING DISK 'mode' GENDIRT DMSGND002W DMSGND021E DMSGND022E DMSGND070E FILE[(S)] ['fn [ft [fm]] '] NOT FOUND ENTRY POINT 'name' NOT FOUND NO DIRECTORY NAME SPECIFIED INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' GENMOD DMSMOD003E DMSMOD005E DMSMOD021E DMSMOD032E DMSMOD037E DMSMOD040E DMSMOD070E DMSMOD084E DMSMODI05S DMSSTT048E DMSSTT069E INVALID OPTION 'option' NO '{FROMITO} ENTRY' SPECIFIED ENTRY POINT 'name' NOT FOUND INVALID FILETYPE 'ft' DISK 'mode' IS READ/ONLY NO FILES LOADED INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' INVALID USE OF 'FROM' AND 'TO' OPTIONS ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK INVALID MODE 'mode' DISK 'mode' NOT ACCESSED GEN3705 DMSGRN002E DMSGRN003E DMSGRN007E DMSGRN048E DMSGRN054E DMSGRN078E FILE 'fn ft [fm]' NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' FILE 'fn ft' IS NOT FIXED, 80 CHAR. RECORDS INVALID MODE 'mode' INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED INVALID CARD IN INPUT FILE '80 character card image' GLOBAL DMSGLB002W DMSGLB014E DMSGLB047E DMSGLBI08S FILE 'fn ft' NOT FOUND INVALID FUNCTION 'function' NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED MORE THAN 8 LIBRARIES SPECIFIED GLOBALV DMSGL0047E DMSGLOI04S DMSGL0618E DMSGL0622E DMSGL0628E DMSGL0631E NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED ERROR Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' NOT FOUND NUCEXT FAILED INSUFFICIENT FREE STORAGE - NO TABLE MADE INVALID GLOBALV FUNCTION 'function' SETL/SETLP/SETLS CAN ONLY BE EXCEEDED FROM AN EXEC 2 OR REXX EXEC [OR AS A CMS COMMAND] DMSGL0649E EXTRANEOUS PARAMETER 'parameter' HELP DMSHLP002E DMSHLP003E DMSHLPI04S DMSHLPI09S DMSHLP250S DMSHLP251E DMSHLP252E DMSHLP254E DMSHEL529E DMSHEL545E DMSHEL561E DMSHLP907T 490 INPUT FILE(S) 'fn ft fm' NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' ERROR Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED I/O ERROR OR DEVICE ERROR HELP PROCESSING ERROR CODE nn - 'description' VALID OPTIONS ARE = DESC FORM PARM ALL HELP CANNOT FIND THE INFORMATION YOU REQUESTED. IF NOT MISSPELLED, PLEASE ENTER 'HELP' FOR MENU SELECTION OR 'HELP HELP' FOR THE HELP COMMAND 'subcommand' SUBCOMMAND IS ONLY VALID IN EDITING MODE MISSING OPERAND(S) CURSOR IS NOT ON A VALID DATA FIELD I/O ERROR ON FILE 'fn ft fm' IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes IDENTIFY DMSIDE003E DMSIDE056E DMSIDE070E DMSIDEI04S INVALID OPTION Inn' FILE 'fn ft' CONTAINS INVALID RECORD FORMAT INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' ERROR Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK IMAGEMOD DMSIMAOOIE DMSIMA002E DMSIMA003E DMSIMA013E DMSIMA014E DMSIMA046E DMSIMA047E DMSIMA346E DMSIMA347E DMSIMA348E DMSIMA349E DMSIMA751E NO FILENAME SPECIFIED FILE 'fn ft' NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' MEMBER 'name' NOT FOUND IN LIBRARY 'libname' INVALID FUNCTION 'function' NO LIBRARY NAME SPECIFIED NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED ERROR Inn' LOADING 'fn ft' FROM DISK ERROR Inn' LOADING LIBRARY 'libname' ERROR Inn' SAVING LIBRARY 'libname' INVALID LIBRARY 'libname' MEMBER 'name' FOUND IN LIBRARY 'libname' IMMCMD DMSIMM014E DMSIMM047E DMSIMM070E DMSIMMI09S DMSIMM261E DMSIMM262E DMSIMM263E INVALID FUNCTION 'function' NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter'IARGUMENT 'argument'} VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED NO IMMEDIATE COMMAND NAME WAS SPECIFIED SPECIFIED IMMEDIATE COMMAND NOT FOUND SPECIFIED IMMEDIATE COMMAND IS A NUCLEUS EXTENSION AND CANNOT BE CLEARED INCLUDE DMSLGT002I DMSLIOOOIE DMSLI0002E DMSLI0003E DMSLI0005E DMSLI0021E DMSLI0029E DMSLI0055E DMSLI0056E DMSLI0099E DMSLIOI04S DMSLIOI05S DMSLIOI09S DMSLIOl16S DMSLI0168S DMSLI0169S DMSLI0201W DMSLI0202W DMSLI0203W DMSLI0206W DMSLI0623S FILE Ifni [TXTLIBILOADLIB} NOT FOUND NO FILENAME SPECIFIED FILE ['fn eft [fm]] '] NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' NO 'option' SPECIFIED ENTRY POINT 'name' NOT FOUND INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD NO ENTRY POINT DEFINED FILE 'fn ft fm' CONTAINS INVALID RECORD FORMAT& CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT ACTIVE ERROR Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED LOADER TABLE OVERFLOW PSEUDO REGISTER TABLE OVERFLOW ESDID TABLE OVERFLOW THE FOLLOWING NAMES ARE UNDEFINED: DUPLICATE IDENTIFIER 'identifier' "SET LOCATION COUNTER" NAME 'name' UNDEFINED PSEUDO REGISTER ALIGNMENT ERROR MODULE CANNOT BE LOADED AT LOCATION 'location' BECAUSE IT WOULD OVERLAY THE CMS NUCLEUS DMSLI0740I EXECUTION BEGINS ... DMSLI0907T I/O ERROR ON FILE 'fn ft fm' IOCP DMSICPOOIE DMKICP002E DMSICP003E DMSICP006E DMSICP007E DMSICP038E DMSICP070E NO FILENAME SPECIFIED FILE 'filename' IOCP NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' NO READ/WRITE DISK ACCESSED FILE 'filename' IOCP IS NOT FIXED, 80 CHAR. RECORDS FILEID CONFLICT FOR DDNAME 'SYSIN' INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' Appendix A. Command-to-Message Cross-Reference 491 DMSICP07SE DEVICE 'devtyp' INVALID FOR {INPUT I OUTPUT} DMSICP099E CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT ACTIVE LABELDEF DMSLBD003E DMSLBD029E DMSLBD06SE DMSLBD066E DMSLBD070E DMSLBD22lE DMSLBD3241 DMSLBD7041 LISTDS DMSLDS002E DMSLDS003E DMSLDS048E DMSLDS069E DMSLDS220R DMSLDS22lE DMSLDS222E DMSLDS223E DMSLDS226E DMSLDS227W DMSLDS2291 DMSLDS23lE DMSLDS2331 INVALID OPTION - option INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD 'option' OPTION SPECIFIED TWICE 'option' and 'option' ARE CONFLICTING OPTIONS INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' INVALID DATA SET NAME NO USER DEFINED LABELDEF's IN EFFECT INVALID CLEAR REQUEST DATA SET NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' INVALID MODE 'mode' DISK {'mode' I 'vaddr' I 'volid'} NOT ACCESSED. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} ENTER DATA SET NAME: INVALID DATA SET NAME I/O ERROR READING 'data set name' FROM {'fm' 10SIDOS} DISK NO FILEMODE SPECIFIED NO DATA SET NAME ALLOWED WITH FREE OPTION INVALID EXTENT FOUND FOR 'datasetname' ON {'fm' 10SIDOS} DISK NO MEMBERS FOUND I/O ERROR READING VTOC FROM 'fm' DISK NO FREE SPACE AVAILABLE ON 'fm' DISK LISTFILE DMSLST002E FILE NOT FOUND DMSLST003E INVALID OPTION 'option' DMSLST037E DISK 'mode [vaddr] , IS READ/ONLY. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} DMSLST048E INVALID MODE 'mode' DMSLST066E 'option' and 'option' ARE CONFLICTING OPTIONS DMSLST069E DISK {'mode' I 'vaddr' I 'volid'} NOT ACCESSED. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} DMSLST070E INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' DMSLSTIOSS ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK DMSLST688E 'XEDIT' OPTION ONLY VALID FROM XEDIT ENVIRONMENT DMSLST689E FILE MUST BE F-FORMAT 108 OR V-FORMAT LISTIO DMSLLU003E DMSLLU006E DMSLLU070E DMSLLU099E DMSLLUIOSS DMSLLU303E INVALID OPTION 'option' NO READ/WRITE 'A' DISK ACCESSED INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE '$LISTIO EXEC AI' ON DISK NO SYSXXX SATISFIES REQUEST LKED DMSLKDOOIE DMSLKD002E DMSLKD004W DMSLKDOOSE DMSLKD006E DMSLKD007E DMSLKD008W DMSLKD012W DMSLKD016W DMSLKD070E NO FILENAME SPECIFIED FILE 'fn ft' NOT FOUND WARNING MESSAGES ISSUED NO 'keyword' SPECIFIED NO READ/WRITE DISK ACCESSED FILE 'fn ft' IS NOT FIXED, 80-CHAR. RECORDS ERROR MESSAGES ISSUED SEVERE ERROR MESSAGES ISSUED TERMINAL ERROR MESSAGES ISSUED INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' 492 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes LOAD DMSLGT0021 FILE 'fn' [TXTLIBI LOADLIB] NOT FOUND DMSLIOOOIE NO FILENAME SPECIFIED DMSLI0002E FILE[(S)] ['fn [ft [fm]] '] NOT FOUND DMSLI0003E INVALID OPTION 'option' DMSLI0005E NO 'option' SPECIFIED DMSLI0021E ENTRY POINT 'name' NOT FOUND DMSLI0029E INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD DMSLI0055E NO ENTRY POINT DEFINED DMSLI0056E,FILE 'fn ft fm' CONTAINS INVALID RECORD FORMATS DMSLI0099E CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT ACTIVE DMSLIOI04S ERROR Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK DMSLIOI05S ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK DMSLIOI09S VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED DMSLIOl16S LOADER TABLE OVERFLOW DMSLI0168S PSEUDO REGISTER TABLE OVERFLOW DMSLI0169S ESDID TABLE OVERFLOW DMSLI0201W THE FOLLOWING NAMES ARE UNDEFINED: DMSLI0202W DUPLICATE IDENTIFIER 'IDENTIFIER' DMSLI0203W "SET LOCATION COUNTER II NAME 'name' UNDEFINED DMSLI0206W PSEUDO REGISTER ALIGNMENT ERROR DMSLI0623S MODULE CANNOT BE LOADED AT LOCATION 'location' BECAUSE IT WOULD OVERLAY THE CMS NUCLEUS DMSLI07401 EXECUTION BEGINS ... DMSLI0907T I/O ERROR ON FILE 'fn ft fm' DMSSTT062E INVALID * IN FILEID LOADMOD DMSMODOOIE DMSMOD002E DMSMOD032E DMSMOD070E DMSMODI04S DMSMODI09S DMSMODl14E DMSMODl16S DMSSLN002E DMSSLNI04E DMSSTT048E MACLIB DMSLBMOOIE DMSLBM002E DMSLBM002W DMSLBM003E DMSLBM013W DMSLBM014E DMSLBM037E DMSLBM046E DMSLBM047E DMSLBM056E DMSLBM069E DMSLBM070E DMSLBMI04S DMSLBMI05S DMSLBMI09S DMSLBM157S DMSLBM167S DMSLBM213W DMSLBM907T NO FILENAME SPECIFIED FILE ['fn [ft] '] NOT FOUND INVALID FILETYPE 'ft' INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' ERROR Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED 'fn ft fm' NOT LOADED; CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT [NOT] ACTIVE LOADER TABLE OVERFLOW FILE 'fn ft' NOT FOUND ERROR Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fro' FROM DISK INVALID MODE 'mode' NO FILENAME SPECIFIED FILE ['fn [ft] '] NOT FOUND FILE 'fn ft [fm] , NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' MEMBER 'name' 'NOT FOUND IN LIBRARY 'fn ft fm' INVALID FUNCTION 'function' DISK 'mode [vaddr] , IS READ/ONLY. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISKLOAD'} NO LIBRARY NAME SPECIFIED NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED FILE 'fn ft fm' CONTAINS INVALID RECORD FORMATS DISK 'mode' NOT ACCESSED INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' ERROR Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED MACLIB LIMIT EXCEEDED [, LAST MEMBER NAME ADDED WAS 'mernbername'] PREVIOUS MACLIB FUNCTION NOT FINISHED LIBRARY 'fn ft fm' NOT CREATED I/O ERROR ON FILE 'fn ft fm' Appendix A. Command-to-Message Cross-Reference 493 MODMAP DMSMDPOOIE DMSMDP002E DMSMDPOl8E DMSMDP070E NO FILENAME SPECIFIED FILE [' fn [ft· [fm]]'] NOT FOUND NO LOAD MAP AVAILABLE INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' MOVEFILE DMSMVE002E FILE[(S)] ['fn [ft [fm]] '] NOT FOUND DMSMVE003E INVALID OPTION 'option' DMSMVE037E OUTPUT DISK 'mode' IS READ/ONLY. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} DMSMVE04lE INPUT AND OUTPUT FILES ARE THE SAME DMSMVE069E DISK {'mode' I 'vaddr' I 'valid'} NOT ACCESSED. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} DMSMVE070E INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' DMSMVE073E UNABLE TO OPEN FILE ddname DMSMVE075E DEVICE 'device name' ILLEGAL FOR {INPUTIOUTPUT} DMSMVE086E INVALID DDNAME 'ddname' DMSMVEl27S UNSUPPORTED DEVICE FOR 'ddname' DMSMVEl28S I/O ERROR ON INPUT AFTER READING 'nnnn' RECORDS: INPUT ERROR CODE code ON ddname DMSMVEl29S I/O ERROR ON OUTPUT WRITING RECORD NUMBER 'nnnn': OUTPUT ERROR code ON ddname DMSMVEl30S BLOCKSIZE ON V FORMAT FILE 'ddname' IS LESS THAN 9 DMSMVE2251 PDS MEMBER 'rnembername' MOVED DMSMVE2261 END OF PDS MOVE DMSMVE232E INVALID RECFM - SPANNED RECORDS NOT SUPPORTED DMSMVE7061 TERM INPUT -- TYPE NULL LINE FOR END OF DATA DMSMVE7081 DISK FILE 'FILE ddname AI' ASSUMED FOR DDNAME 'ddname' NAMEFIND DMSNAM002E DMSNAM003E DMSNAM029E DMSNAMI04S DMSNAMl56E DMSNAM618E DMSNAM62lE DMSNAM622E DMSNAM622W DMSNAM633E DMSNAM633W DMSNAM634E DMSNAM6351 DMSNAM637E DMSNAM688E FILE 'fn ft fm' NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' INVALID PARAMETER 'parm' IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD ERROR 'nn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FRO DISK RECORD NOT FOUND - FILE 'fn ft fm' HAS ONLY 'nnn' RECORDS NUCEXT FAILED BAD PLIST: NAMEFIND MUST BE INVOKED AS A NUCLEUS EXTENSION INSUFFICIENT FREE STORAGE FOR NAMEFIND INSUFFICIENT FREE STORAGE FOR NAMEFIND BUFFER, PROCESSING CONTINUES TOO MANY TAGS WERE ENCOUNTERED. MAXIMUM IS 64 PER LINE RETURNED VALUES WERE TRUNCATED NO VALUE TO SEARCH FOR WAS SPECIFIED NO ENTRIES WERE FOUND THAT MATCHED YOUR SEARCH CRITERIA MISSING VALUE FOR THE 'option' OPTION 'XEDIT' OPTION ONLY VALID FROM XEDIT ENVIRONMENT NAMES DMSWNM649E DMSWNM656E DMSWNM657E DMSWNM658W DMSWNM660E DMSWNM660W DMSWNM662E DMSWNM645W DMSWNM664E EXTRANEOUS PARAMETER 'value' ERROR SEARCHING YOUR NAMES FILE, RC = XX FROM NAMEFIND COMMAND UNDEFINED PFKEY/PAKEY THE VALUE FOR THE 'tag' TAG IS TOO LONG TO DISPLAY IN THE PANEL THE NICKNAME FIELD MUST BE FILLED IN WARNING: THIS ENTRY DUPLICATES AN EXISTING NICKNAME YOU ARE NOT ON AN ENTRY. PRESS PF 5, 7, OR 8 TO MOVE TO AN ENTRY THE USER TAG NAME 'tagname' IS TOO LONG TO DISPLAY IN THE PANEL {ENTRYINEXT ENTRY I PREVIOUS ENTRY} NOT FOUND NOTE DMSWNT003E INVALID OPTION 'option' DMSWNT006E NO READ/WRITE DISK ACCESSED DMSWNT062E INVALID CHARACTER 'character' IN FILEID 'fn ft' 494 IBM VMjSP HPO System Messages and Codes DMSWNT637E MISSING {VALUE \ 'value'} FOR THE {'option' OPTION \ 'operand' \ OPERAND} DMSWNT647E USERID NOT SPECIFIED FOR 'nickname' IN 'USERID NAMES' FILES DMSWNT65lE {'CANCEL' \ 'ADD'} MUST BE ISSUED FROM NOTE DMSWNT665E FILE 'USERID NOTE *' NOT FOUND. TO BEGIN A NEW NOTE ENTER "NOTE name" DMSWNT666E NOTE ALREADY EXISTS. ENTER 'NOTE' TO CONTINUE OR SPECIFY 'REPLACE' DMSWNT667E NOTE HEADER DOES NOT CONTAIN THE {KEYWORD 'FROM\KEYWORD 'TO:' \ 'OPTIONS' \ 'DATE' LINE} DMSWNT668E THE 'ADD' OPTION MUST BE SPECIFIED ALONE DMSWNT669E LIST OF ADDRESSES CANNOT BEGIN WITH ICC:' DMSWNT670E NO NAMES TO BE ADDED WERE SPECIFIED NUCXDROP DMSNXD050E DMSNXD070E DMSNXD6l6W DMSNXD6l7E DMSNXD624W PARAMETER MISSING AFTER NUCXDROP INVALID ARGUMENT 'argument' 'name' DOES NOT EXIST ERROR CODE n FROM DMSFRET WHILE UNLOADING 'module name' MODULE NO NUCLEUS EXTENSIONS ARE LOADED NUCXLOAD DMSNXLOOIE DMSNXL070E DMSNXLl04$ DMSNXL589E DMSNXL6l8E DMSNXL6l9E DMSNXL622E NO FILENAME SPECIFIED INVALID ARGUMENT 'argument' ERROR Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK MISSING FILEDEF FOR DDNAME ddname NUCEXT FAILED MODULE 'module name' NOT FOUND INSUFFICIENT FREE STORAGE NUCXMAP DMSNXM070E INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' DMSNXM622E INSUFFICIENT FREE STORAGE {nn ENTRIES} DMSNXM624I NO NUCLEUS EXTENSIONS ARE LOADED OPTION DMSOPT070E INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' DMSOPT099E CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE PEEK DMSWPK003E DMSWPK029E DMSWPK132S DMSWPK156E DMSWPK630S DMSWPK637E DMSWPK643E DMSWPK644E DMSWPK649E DMSWPK650E DMSWPK655E DMSWPK672E DMSWPK674E DMSWPK683E DMSWPK684E DMSWPK685E DMSWPK686E DMSSTT062E INVALID OPTION 'option' INVALID PARAMETER 'parmi IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD FILE IS TOO LARGE \ FROM 'nnn' NOT FOUND - THE FILE HAS ONLY 'nnn' RECORDS ERROR ACCESSING SPOOL FILE MISSING VALUE FOR THE {PROFILE\FROM\FOR} OPTION NO CLASS 'class' FILES IN YOUR READER ALL READER FILES ARE IN HOLD STATUS OR NOT CLASS 'class' EXTRANEOUS PARAMETER 'value' INVALID SPOOLID 'nnnn' SPOOLID 'nnnn' DOES NOT EXIST VIRTUAL READER INVALID OR NOT DEFINED READER IS NOT READY THE ENTIRE FILE MUST BE PEEKED AT TO BE REFORMATTED FILE CONTAINS INVALID RECORDS AND CANNOT BE REFORMATTED THE FILE IS TOO LARGE TO BE REFORMATTED THE FILE HAS AN LRECL GREATER THAN 255 AND CANNOT BE REFORMATTED INVALID CHARACTER 'character' IN FILEID 'fn ft fm' PRELOAD DMSPREOOIE DMSPRE002E DMSPREl09S DMSPRE183E DMSPRE234E NO FILENAME SPECIFIED FILE 'fn ft fm' NOT FOUND VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED INVALID CONTROL FILE CONTROL CARD ERROR IN LOAD LIST FILE 'fn ft fm' [NO INPUT] Appendix A. Command-to-Message Cross-Reference 495 DMSPRE235E ERROR 'n' IN INPUT TEXT FILE 'fn ft [fm] , DMSPRE236E UNRESOLVED EXTERNAL REFERENCE(S) ENCOUNTERED DMSPRE237E DU~LICATE EXTERNAL SYMBOL(S) ENCOUNTERED DMSPRE238E PRELOADER PROCESSING ERROR PRINT DMSPRT002E DMSPRT003E DMSPRT008E DMSPRT013E DMSPRT029E DMSPRT033E DMSPRT039E DMSPRT044E DMSPRT048E DMSPRT054E DMSPRT062E DMSPRT069E FILE 'fn ft fm' NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' DEVICE 'vaddr' {INVALID OR NONEXISTENTIUNSUPPORTED DEVICE TYPE} MEMBER 'name' NOT FOUND IN LIBRARY INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD FILE 'fn ft fm' IS NOT A LIBRARY NO ENTRIES IN LIBRARY 'fn ft fm' RECORD LENGTH EXCEEDS ALLOWABLE MAXIMUM INVALID MODE 'mode' INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED INVALID * IN FILEID DISK {'MODE' I 'vaddr' I 'valid'} NOT ACCESSED. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} DMSPRT070E INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' DMSPRTI04S ERROR 'nn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK DMSPRT123S ERROR 'nn' PRINTING FILE 'fn ft fm' PSERV DMSPRV003E DMSPRV004E DMSPRV006E DMSPRV037E DMSPRV070E DMSPRV097E DMSPRV098E DMSPRV099E DMSPRVI05S DMSPRVl13S DMSPRV411S INVALID OPTION 'option' PROCEDURE 'procedure' NOT FOUND NO READ/WRITE 'A' DISK ACCESSED DISK 'A' IS READ/ONLY. {A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' NO 'SYSRES' VOLUME ACTIVE NO PROCEDURE NAME SPECIFIED CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE ERROR 'nn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ·TO DISK DISK addr NOT ATTACHED INPUT ERROR CODE 'nn' ON 'SYSRES' PUNCH DMSPUN002E DMSPUN003E DMSPUN008E DMSPUN013E DMSPUN033E DMSPUN039E DMSPUN044E DMSPUN054E DMSPUN062E DMSPUN069E FILE 'fn' NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' DEVICE 'vaddr' {INVALID OR NONEXISTENT I UNSUPPORTED DEVICE TYPE} MEMBER 'name' NOT FOUND IN LIBRARY FILE 'fn ft fm' IS NOT A LIBRARY NO ENTRIES IN LIBRARY 'fn ft fm' RECORD LENGTH EXCEEDS ALLOWABLE MAXIMUM INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED INVALID * IN FILEID DISK {'mode' I 'vaddr' I 'valid'} NOT ACCESSED. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} DMSPUNI04S ERROR 'nn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK DMSPUNl18S ERROR PUNCHING FILE 'fn ft fm' DMSPUN125S ERROR 'nn' PUNCHING FILE 'fn ft fm' QUERY DMSQRS006E DMSQRS026E DMSQRSI09S DMSQRS639E DMSQRTI09S DMSQRT639E DMSQRUI09S DMSQRU324I DMSQRU639E DMSQRV026E 496 NO READ/WRITE ['A'] DISK ACCESSED [FOR 'fn ft'] INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' FOR 'function' FUNCTION VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED ERROR IN 'routine' ROUTINE. RETURN CODE WAS 'xx' VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED ERROR IN 'routine' ROUTINE. RETURN CODE WAS 'xx' VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED NO USER DEFINED {DLBLIFILEDEFILABELDEF}'s IN EFFECT ERROR IN 'routine' ROUTINE. RETURN CODE WAS 'xx' INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' FOR 'function' FUNCTION IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes DMSQRVI09S DMSQRV639E DMSQRWI09S DMSQRW639E DMSQRX099E DMSQRXI09S DMSQRX639E DMSQRY003E DMSQRY005E DMSQRY014E DMSQRY026E DMSQRY047E DMSQRY065E DMSQRY066E DMSQRY070E DMSQRYI09S DMSQRY618E DMSQRY621E VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED ERROR IN 'routine' ROUTINE. RETURN CODE WAS 'xx' VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED ERROR IN 'routine' ROUTINE. RETURN CODE WAS 'xx' CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT {NOT} ACTIVE VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED ERROR IN 'routine' ROUTINE. RETURN CODE WAS 'xx' INVALID OPTION 'option' NO 'option' SPECIFIED INVALID FUNCTION 'function' INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' FOR 'function' FUNCTION NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED 'option' OPTION SPECIFIED TWICE 'option' AND 'option' ARE CONFLICTING OPTIONS INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED NUCEXT FAILED BAD PLIST RDR DMSRDR070E INVALID PARAMETER 'parm' DMSRDR630S ERROR ACCESSING SPOOL FILE RDRLST DMSWRL003E DMSWRL205E DMSWRL637E DMSWRL649E DMSWRL651E DMSSTT062E INVALID OPTION 'option' NO FILES IN YOUR READER MISSING VALUE FOR THE 'PROFILE' OPTION EXTRANEOUS PARAMETER 'parameter' 'APPEND' MUST BE ISSUED FROM RDRLIST OR FILELIST INVALID CHARACTER 'char' IN FILEID 'fn ft' READ CARD DMSRDC008E DMSRDC037E DMSRDC042E DMSRDC054E DMSRDC062E DMSRDCI05S DMSRDC124S DMSRDC205W DMSRDC7011 DMSRDC7021 DMSRDC7021 DMSRDC738I DEVICE 'vaddr' {INVALID OR NONEXISTENT I UNSUPPORTED DEVICE TYPE} DISK 'mode' IS READ ONLY NO FILEID SPECIFIED INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED INVALID * IN FILEID ERROR 'nn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fro' ON DISK ERROR 'nn' READING CARD FILE READER EMPTY OR NOT READY NULL FILE READ CONTROL CARD IS MISSING. FOLLOWING ASSUMED: :READ {fn ft fmlREADCARD CMSUTI AI} RECORD LENGTH IS 'nnn' BYTES RECEIVE DMSWRC003E DMSWRC006E DMSWRC024E DMSWRC037E DMSWRC062E DMSWRC069E DMSWRC630S DMSWRC637E DMSWRC644E DMSWRC644E DMSWRC649E DMSWRC650E DMSWRC655E DMSWRC671E DMSWRC672E DMSWRC674E INVALID OPTION 'option' NO READ/WRITE DISK ACCESSED FILE "fn ft fm' ALREADY EXISTS, SPECIFY 'REPLACE' OPTION DISK 'mode' NOT ACCESSED INVALID CHARACTER '*' IN FILEID 'fn ft fm' DISK 'mode' NOT ACCESSED ERROR ACCESSING SPOOL FILE MISSING VALUE FOR THE 'NOTEBOOK' OPTION NO CLASS 'class' FILES IN YOUR READER ALL READER FILES ARE IN HOLD STATUS OR NOT CLASS 'class' EXTRANEOUS PARAMETER 'value' INVALID SPOOLID 'nnn' SPOOLID 'nnnn' DOES NOT EXIST ERROR RECEIVING FILE 'fn ft frn', RC = nn FROM 'command' VIRTUAL READER INVALID OR NOT DEFINED READER IS NOT READY Appendix A. Command-to-Message Cross-Reference 497 RELEASE DMSARE017E DMSARE028E DMSARE048E DMSARE069E DMSARE070E INVALID DEVICE ADDRESS 'vaddr' NO DEVICE SPECIFIED INVALID MODE 'mode' DISK {'mode' I 'vaddr'} NOT ACCESSED INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' RENAME DMSRNM002E DMSRNM003E DMSRNM019E DMSRNM024E DMSRNM030E DMSRNM037E DMSRNM048E DMSRNMOSIE DMSRNMOS4E DMSRNM062E FILE[(S)] ['fn [ft [fm]]'] NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' IDENTICAL FILEIDS FILE 'fn ft fm' ALREADY EXISTS [SPECIFY 'REPLACE'] FILE 'fn ft fm' ALREADY ACTIVE DISK 'mode' IS READ/ONLY. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} INVALID MODE 'mode' INVALID MODE CHANGE INCOMPLETE FILEID ['fn[ft] '] SPECIFIED INVALID * IN OUTPUT FILEID RESERVE DMSRSV037E [OUTPUT] DISK 'mode [vaddr]' .IS READ/ONLY. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} DMSRSV042E NO FILEID [(S)] SPECIFIED DMSRSVOS4E INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED DMSRSV069E DISK {'mode' I 'vaddr' I 'valid'} NOT ACCESSED. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} DMSRSV070E INVALID {PARAMETER "parameter' I ARGUMENT 'argument'} DMSRSVI09S VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED DMSRSV260E DISK NOT PROPERLY FORMATTED FOR RESERVE DMSRSV908E FILE SYSTEM ERROR DETECTED. VIRTUAL ADDRESS 'vaddr' REASON CODE Inn' DMSRSV909E PERM I/O ERROR ON 'vaddr'. CSW ecce ecce SENSE ssssssss RSERV DMSRRV003E DMSRRV004E DMSRRV006E DMSRRV070E DMSRRV097E DMSRRV098E DMSRRV099E DMSRRVIOSS DMSRRVl13S DMSRRV411S INVALID OPTION 'option' MODULE 'module' NOT FOUND; NO READ/WRITE 'A' DISK ACCESSED INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' NO 'SYSRES' VOLUME ACTIVE NO MODULE NAME SPECIFIED CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK DISK addr NOT ATTACHED INPUT ERROR CODE Inn' ON '{SYSRESISYSRLB}, RUN DMSRUNOOIE DMSRUN002E DMSRUN048E DMSRUN070E DMSRUN999E SAVENCP DMSNCPOOIE DMSNCP002E DMSNCP003E DMSNCP013E DMSNCP021E DMSNCP02SE DMSNCP04SE DMSNCPOS6E DMSNCP099W DMSNCPI09S 498 NO FILENAME SPECIFIED FILE ['fn [ft [fm]] '] NOT FOUND INVALID MODE 'mode' INVALID ARGUMENT 'argument' NO [ft] MODULE FOUND NO FILENAME SPECIFIED FILE 'fn ft' NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' MEMBER 'name' NOT FOUND IN LIBRARY 'fn ft fm' ENTRY POI.NT 'symbol' NOT FOUND INVALID DATA IN 370X CONTROL PROGRAM UNSUPPORTED CONTROL PROGRAM TYPE FILE 'fn ft fro' CONTAINS INVALID RECORD FORMATS GENERATION PARAMETERS INCOMPATIBLE WITH VM/370 VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes SENDFILE DMSWSF002E FILE 'fn ft fm' NOT FOUND DMSWSF003E INVALID OPTION 'option' DMSWSF006E NO READ/WRITE DISK ACCESSED DMSWSF048E' INVALID MODE 'mode' DMSWSF054E INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED DMSWSF062E INVALID CHARACTER '*' IN FILE ID 'fn ft fm' DMSWSF069E DISK 'mode' NOT ACCESSED DMSWSF081E INVALID REPLY - ANSWER "YES" or "NO" DMSWSF637E MISSING NODEID FOR THE AT OPERAND DMSWSF647E USERID NOT SPECIFIED FOR 'nickname' IN 'USERID NAMES' FILE DMSWSF648E USERID 'name' NOT FOUND. NO FILES HAVE BEEN SENT DMSWSF657E UNDEFINED PFKEY/PAKEY DMSWSF667ENOTE HEADER DOES NOT CONTAIN THE {KEYWORD 'FROM'IKEYWORD 'TO:' I 'OPTIONS' LINE} DMSWSF671E ERROR SENDING FILE 'fn ft fm', RC = nn FROM 'command' DMSWSF672E VIRTUAL PUNCH INVALID OR NOT DEFINED DMSWSF673E ADDRESSEES ARE IN THE NOTE HEADER CARDS, DO NOT SPECIFY NAMES WITH NOTE OPTION DMSWSF674E PUNCH IS NOT READY DMSWSF675E NO NAMES SPECIFIED DMSWSF676E INVALID CHARACTER '*' FOR NETWORK ID DMSWSF677E INVALID OPTION 'option' IN OPTION LINE DMSWSF678E INVALID NOTE HEADER FORMAT. NOTE CANNOT BE SENT DMSWSF679E {DISK 'mode' IS READ/ONLYIDISK 'mode' IS FULL}. NOTE CANNOT BE SENT DMSWSF680E INVALID FILEID SPECIFIED WITH 'FILELIST' OPTION DMSSTT048E INVALID MODE 'mode' DMSSTT062E INVALID CHARACTER 'character' IN FILEID 'fn ft' SET DMSLI0002I DMSSET014E DMSSET026E DMSSET031E DMSSET047E DMSSET048E DMSSET050E DMSSET061E DMSSET070E DMSSET098W DMSSET099E DMSSET100W DMSSET142S DMSSET333E DMSSET400S DMSSET401S DMSSET410S DMSSET444E DMSXCT533E SETPRT DMSSPR002E DMSSPR014E DMSSPR026E DMSSPRl13S DMSSPR145S DMSSPR196I DMSSPR197S DMSSPR198E DMSSPR199E DMSSPR204E DMSSPR352E FILE 'fn' TXTLIB NOT FOUND INVALID FUNCTION 'function' INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' FOR 'function' FUNCTION LOADER TABLES CANNOT BE MODIFIED NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED INVALID MODE 'mode' PARAMETER MISSING AFTER {DDNAMEISYSxxxlfunction} NO TRANSLATION CHARACTER SPECIFIED INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' CMS OS SIMULATION NOT AVAILABLE CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE SHARED {SSTATIYSTAT} NOT AVAILABLE SAVED SYSTEM NAME 'name' INVALID nnnnnK PARTITION TOO LARGE FOR THIS VIRTUAL MACHINE SYSTEM 'sysname' DOES NOT EXIST VM SIZE (size) CANNOT EXCEED 'DMSDOS' START ADDRESS (address) CONTROL PROGRAM ERROR INDICATION 'retcode' VOLUME LABEL IS NOT A DOS SYSRES LINE nn IS NOT RESERVED FILE 'fn ft' NOT FOUND INVALID FUNCTION 'function' INVALID VALUE 'value' FOR 'keyword' KEYWORD PRINTER 'OOE' NOT ATTACHED INTERVENTION REQUIRED ON PRINTER PRT cuu SETUP COMPLETE UNDIAGNOSED ERROR FROM PRINTER 'OOE' SETPRT CAUSED A LOAD CHECK - SNS=ssssssssss PRT 'OOE' NOT A VIRTUAL 3800 TOO MANY WCGM'S NEEDED FOR 'CHARS' INVALID SETPRT DATA IN FILE 'fn ft' Appendix A. Command-to-Message Cross-Reference 499 SETKEY DMSSSK070E DMSSSK362E DMSSSK363E DMSSSK364E DMSSSK36SE DMSSSK400S DMSSSK410S INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' INVALID STORAGE PROTECT KEY 'key' INVALID STARTING ADDRESS 'startadr' VM STORAGE NOT LARGE ENOUGH TO CONTAIN SYSTEM LOADING AT startadr TO endadr SYSTEM NAME NOT SPECIFIED SYSTEM 'name' DOES NOT EXIST CONTROL PROGRAM ERROR INDICATION 'nnn' SORT DMSSRT002E DMSSRT009E DMSSRT019E DMSSRT034E DMSSRT037E DMSSRTOS3E DMSSRTOS4E DMSSRT062E DMSSRT063E DMSSRT070E DMSSRTI04S DMSSRTIOSS DMSSRT212E DMSSRT604R FILE ['fm [ft [fm]] '] NOT FOUND COLUMN 'col' EXCEEDS RECORD LENGTH IDENTICAL FILEIDS FILE 'fn ft fm' IS NOT FIXED LENGTH DISK 'mode' IS READ/ONLY. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} INVALID SORT FIELD PAIR DEFINED INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED INVALID {=I*ICHAR.'char'} IN FILEID ['fn ft fm'] NO LIST ENTERED INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' ERROR 'nn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK ERROR 'nn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK MAXIMUM NUMBER OF RECORDS EXCEEDED ENTER SORT FIELDS: SSERV DMSSRV003E DMSSRV004E DMSSRV006E DMSSRV070E DMSSRV097E DMSSRV098E DMSSRV099E DMSSRVIOSS DMSSRVl13S DMSSRV411S DMSSRV194S INVALID OPTION 'option' BOOK '' NOT FOUND NO READ/WRITE 'A' DISK ACCESSED INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' NO 'SYSRES' VOLUME ACTIVE NO BOOK NAME SPECIFIED CMS/DOS ,ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE ERROR'nn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK DISK addr. NOT ATTACHED INPUT ERROR CODE 'nn' ON '{SYSRESISYSSLB}, BOOK '' CONTAINS BAD RECORDS START DMSLI0021E ENTRY POINT 'name' NOT FOUND DMSLIOOSSE NO ENTRY POINT DEFINED DMSLI0740I EXECUTION BEGINS ... STATE/STATEW DMSSTT002E DMSSTT048E DMSSTTOS4E DMSSTT062E DMSSTT069E DMSSTT070E DMSSTT227I DMSSTT228I DMSSTT229E SVCTRACE DMSOVR014E DMSOVR047E DMSOVRI04S DMSOVRI09S 500 'fn ft fm' NOT FOUND INVALID MODE 'mode' INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED INVALID * IN FILEID 'fn ft' DISK {'mode' I 'vaddr' I 'valid'} NOT ACCESSED. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' PROCESSING VOLUME 'no' IN DATA SET 'data set name' USER LABELS BYPASSED ON DATA SET 'data set name' UNSUPPORTED OS DATA SET, ERROR 'code' INVALID FUNCTION 'function' NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED ERROR 'nn' READING FILE 'DMSOVR MODULE' ON DISK VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED IBM VMjSP HPO System Messages and Codes SYNONYM DMSSYN002E DMSSYN003E DMSSYN007E DMSSYN032E DMSSYN056E DMSSYN066E DMSSYNI04S DMSSYN71lI DMSSYN7l2I FILE 'fn ft fm' NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' FILE 'fn ft fm' NOT FIXED, 80 CHAR. RECORDS INVALID FILETYPE 'ft' FILE 'fn ft fm' CONTAINS INVALID RECORD FORMATS 'STD' and 'NOSTD' ARE CONFLICTING OPTIONS ERROR 'nn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK NO SYSTEM SYNONYMS IN EFFECT NO SYNONYMS (DMSINA NOT IN NUCLEUS) TAPE DMSTPE002E DMSTPE003E DMSTPEOIOE DMSTPE014E DMSTPE017E DMSTPE023E DMSTPE027E DMSTPE029E DMSTPE037E DMSTPE042E DMSTPE043E DMSTPE047E DMSTPE048E DMSTPE057E DMSTPE058E DMSTPE070E DMSTPE096E DMSTPEl04S DMSTPEl05S DMSTPEl09S DMSTPEIIOS DMSTPElllS DMSTPEl13S DMSTPEl15S FILE[(S)] ['fn [ft [fm]] '] NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' PREMATURE EOF ON FILE ['fn ft [fm] , I NUMBER 'nn'] INVALID FUNCTION 'function' INVALID DEVICE ADDRESS 'vaddr' NO FILETYPE SPECIFIED INVALID DEVICE 'device name' INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD DISK 'mode' IS READ/ONLY. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} NO FILEID[(S)] SPECIFIED 'TAPn raddr' IS FILE PROTECTED NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED INVALID MODE 'mode' INVALID RECORD FORMAT END-OF-FILE OR END-OF-TAPE INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' FILE 'fn ft' DATA BLOCK COUNT INCORRECT ERROR 'nn' READING FILE'fn ft fro' FROM DISK ERROR 'nn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fro' ON DISK VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED ERROR READING 'TAPn raddr' ERROR WRITING 'TAPn raddr' TAPn raddr NOT ATTACHED {CONVERSION I {719}-TRACKI{80016250} BPIITRANSLATIONIDUAL DENSITY} FEATURE NOT SUPPORTED ON DEVICE 'cuu' DMSTPE43lE 'TAPn raddr' VaLl LABEL MISSING DMSTPE701I NULL FILE TAPEMAC DMSTMAOOIE DMSTMA003E DMSTMA057E DMSTMA070E DMSTMAI05S DMSTMAl09S DMSTMAIIOS DMSTMA137S DMSTMA138S DMSTMA139S DMSTMA420E NO FILENAME SPECIFIED INVALID OPTION 'option' INVALID RECORD FORMAT INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' ERROR 'nn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft' ON DISK VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED ERROR READING 'TAPn' ERROR nn ON 'STATE' FOR fn ft ERROR nn ERASING fn ft BEFORE LOADING TAPE TAPE FILE EXCEEDS 9 CMS MACLIBS NSL EXIT FILENAME MISSING OR INVALID TAPPDS DMSTPD003E DMSTPD058E DMSTPDI05S DMSTPDI09S DMSTPDllOS DMSTPD420E DMSTPD703I DMSTPD707I INVALID OPTION 'option' END-OF-FILE OR END-OF-TAPE ERROR 'nn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED ERROR READING 'TAPn' NSL EXIT FILENAME MISSING OR INVALID FILE 'fn ft [fm] , COPIED TEN FILES COPIED Appendix A. Command-to-Message Cross-Reference 501 TELL DMSWTL499E DMSWTL637E DMSWTL647E DMSWTL648E DMSWTL676E USER NOT AUTHORIZED TO ISSUE 'command' COMMAND MISSING NODEID FOR THE AT OPERAND USERID NOT SPECIFIED FOR 'nickname' IN 'USERID NAMES' FILE USERID 'name' NOT FOUND. NO MESSAGE HAS BEEN SENT INVALID CHARACTER '*' FOR NETWORK ID TXTLIB DMSLBTOOIE DMSLBT002E DMSLBT002W DMSLBT003E DMSLBT013E DMSLBT014E DMSLBT037E DMSLBT046E DMSLBT047E DMSLBT056E DMSLBT056W DMSLBT069E DMSLBTI04S DMSLBTI05S DMSLBTI06S DMSLBT213W NO FILENAME SPECIFIED FILE[(S)] ['fn [ft [fm]] '] NOT FOUND FILE[(S)] ['fn [ft [fm]] '] NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' MEMBER 'name' NOT FOUND IN LIBRARY 'fn ft fm' INVALID FUNCTION 'function' DISK 'mode' IS READ/ONLY NO LIBRARY NAME SPECIFIED NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED FILE 'fn ft fro' CONTAINS INVALID [NAME I ALIAS IENTRYIESD] RECORD FORMATS FILE 'fn ft fro' CONTAINS [NAME I ALIAS IENTRYIESD] INVALID RECORD FORMATS DISK 'mode' NOT ACCESSED ERROR'nn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK ERROR 'nn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK NUMBER OF MEMBER NAMES EXCEEDS MAX 'nnnn'. FILE 'fn ft fm' NOT ADDED LIBRARY 'fn ft fm' NOT CREATED TYPE DMSTYP002E DMSTYP003E DMSTYP005E DMSTYP009E DMSTYP013E DMSTYP029E DMSTYP033E DMSTYP039E DMSTYP049E DMSTYP054E DMSTYP062E DMSTYP069E FILE 'fn ft fm' NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' NO 'option' SPECIFIED COLUMN 'col' EXCEEDS RECORD LENGTH MEMBER 'name' NOT FOUND IN LIBRARY INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' [IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD] FILE 'fn ft fm' IS NOT A LIBRARY NO ENTRIES IN LIBRARY 'fn ft fro' INVALID LINE NUMBER 'line number' INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED INVALID * IN FILEID DISK {'mode' I 'vaddr' I 'volid'} NOT ACCESSED. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} DMSTYPI04S ERROR 'nn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK UPDATE DMSUPDOOIE DMSUPD002E DMSUPD003E DMSUPD007E DMSUPDOIOW DMSUPD024E DMSUPD037E DMSUPD048E DMSUPD065E DMSUPD066E DMSUPD069E DMSUPD070E DMSUPDI04S DMSUPDI05S DMSUPD174W DMSUPD176W DMSUPD177I DMSUPD178I DMSUPD179E DMSUPD180W 502 NO FILENAME SPECIFIED FILE 'fn ft fm' NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' FILE 'fn ft fm' IS NOT FIXED, 80 CHAR. RECORDS PREMATURE EOF ON FILE 'fn ft fm' FILE 'UPDATE CMSUTI fm' ALREADY EXISTS DISK 'A' IS READ/ONLY. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} INVALID MODE 'mode' 'option' OPTION SPECIFIED TWICE 'option' AND 'option' ARE CONFLICTING OPTIONS DISK {'mode' I 'vaddr' I 'volid'} NOT ACCESSED. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' ERROR 'nn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK ERROR 'nn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fro' ON DISK SEQUENCE ERROR INTRODUCED IN OUTPUT FILE: ' . . . . . . . . ' TO ' . . . . . . . . ' SEQUENCING OVERFLOW FOLLOWING SEQ NUMBER' . . . . . . . . . ' WARNING MESSAGES ISSUED (SEVERITY = nn). ['REP' OPTION IGNORED] UPDATING ['fn ft fm'] WITH 'fn ft fm' MISSING OR DUPLICATE 'MACS' CARD IN CONTROL FILE 'fn ft fm' MISSING PTF FILE 'fn ft fro' IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes DMSUPD181E DMSUPD182W DMSUPD183E DMSUPD184W DMSUPD185W DMSUPD186W DMSUPD187E DMSUPD207W DMSUPD210W DMSUPD299E DMSUPD300E DMSUPD3041 NO UPDATE FILES WERE FOUND SEQUENCE INCREMENT IS ZERO INVALID {CONTROLIAUX} FILE CONTROL CARD '.j S' NOT FIRST CARD IN UPDATE FILE--IGNORED INVALID CHAR IN SEQUENCE FIELD' ........ ' SEQUENCE NUMBER ' ........ ' NOT FOUND OPTION 'STK' INVALID WITHOUT 'CTL' INVALID UPDATE FILE CONTROL CARD INPUT FILE SEQUENCE ERROR' ......... ' TO ' ........ . INSUFFICIENT STORAGE TO COMPLETE UPDATE INSUFFICIENT STORAGE TO BEGIN UPDATE UPDATE PROCESSING WILL BE DONE USING DISK VARY DMKCP0049E DMKCP0124E DMKCP0140E DMKCP0142E DMKCP0143E DMKCP0198W DMKCPTOIIE DMKCPT021E DMKCPT040E DMKCPT046E DMKCPT049E DMKCPT123E DMKCPT124E DMKCPT136E DMKCPT140E DMKCPT142E DMKCPT143E DMKCPT154E DMKCPZ040E DMKCPZ149E DMKCPZ328E type raddr IN USE DASD raddr IN USE type raddr ATTACHED TO userid type raddr NOT DRAINED type raddr IN USE BY SYSTEM LAST PATH TO DEVICE raddr ON PROCESSORnn INVALID DEVICE TYPE - raddr RADDR MISSING OR INVALID raddr DEV raddr DOES NOT EXIST type raddr OFFLINE type raddr IN USE DASD raddr CP OWNED DASD raddr IN USE BY nnn USERS DEV {vaddrlraddr} NO {DEFINEDIVARIED}i CHAN xx DEDICATED type raddr ATTACHED TO userid type raddr NOT DRAINED type raddr IN USE BY SYSTEM DEV raddr VARY FAILED, VARY IN PROCESS DEV raddr DOES NOT EXIST VARY FAILED, DEVICE raddr BUSY OR RESERVED raddr 1 raddr 2 raddr 3 raddr 4 IMPROPERLY GENNEDi VARIED OFFLINE XEDIT DMSALT520E DMSALT545E DMSCAN520E DMSJOI503E DMSJOI561E DMSJOI562E DMSJOI564W DMSJOI575E DMSJOI585E DMSJOI685E DMSMOD520E DMSMOD529E DMSMOD545E DMSPOWl17S DMSPOW529E DMSPQU520E DMSPQU5531 DMSPQU577E DMSPSH646E DMSPSH659E DMSPSH661E DMSPSH686E DMSPSW646E DMSPSW659E DMSPSW661E DMSPXX646E DMSPXX659E INVALID OPERAND : operand MISSING OPERAND (S) INVALID OPERAND : operand {TRUNCATEDISPILLED} CURSOR IS NOT ON A VALID DATA FIELD OPTION 'CURSOR' VALID IN DISPLAY MODE ONLY EOF REACHED INVALID JOIN COLUMNS DEFINED NO LINE(S) CHANGED JOINED LINE(S) EXCEED ZONE SETTING INVALID OPERAND : operand SUBCOMMAND IS ONLY VALID IN DISPLAY MODE MISSING OPERAND(S) ERROR WRITING TO DISPLAY TERMINAL SUBCOMMAND IS ONLY VALID IN DISPLAY MODE INVALID OPERAND : operand EDITING FILE: fn ft fm FILE HAS BEEN CHANGED. USE QQUIT TO QUIT ANYWAY 'macro' MACRO MUST BE INVOKED FROM THE PREFIX AREA INVALID PREFIX SUBCOMMAND: nnnn PREFIX 'name' IS INVALID FOR THE LINE ON WHICH IT WAS ENTERED SYNONYM 'name' NOT RECOGNIZED BY PREFIX MACRO 'macroname' 'macro' MACRO MUST BE INVOKED FROM THE PREFIX AREA INVALID PREFIX SUBCOMMAND: nnnn PREFIX 'name' IS INVALID FOR THE LINE ON WHICH IT WAS ENTERED 'macro' MACRO MUST BE INVOKED FROM THE PREFIX AREA INVALID PREFIX SUBCOMMAND: nnnn Appendix A. Command-to-Message Cross-Reference 503 DMSPXX66lE DMSPXX686E DMSSCHS20E DMSSCHS2SE DMSSCHS29E DMSSCHS4SE DMSSCHSSII DMSSCHS6lE DMSSCHS69E DMSSCHS74E DMSSCHS74E DMSSCHS86E DMSSORS20E DMSSPLS6lE DMSSPLS62E DMSSPLS7SE DMSSPLS8SE DMSSPLS86E DMSSTA024E DMSSTAS20E DMSSTA7031 DMSXBGI09S DMSXCGSOII DMSXCGS02W DMSXCGS03E DMSXCGS04E DMSXCGSOSE DMSXCGS061 DMSXCGS09E DMSXCGS09W DMSXCGSIIE DMSXCGSl71 DMSXCGSl8E DMSXCGS20E DMSXCGS221 DMSXCGS93E DMSXCMSl21 DMSXCMSl31 DMSXCMSl4E DMSXCT002E DMSXCT037E DMSXCTI04S DMSXCTIOSS DMSXCTS20E DMSXCTS2lE DMSXCTS231 DMSXCTS26E DMSXCTS27E DMSXCTS29E DMSXCTS3lE DMSXCTS32E DMSXCTS34E DMSXCTS3SE DMSXCTS36E DMSXCTS37E DMSXCTS39E DMSXCTS40E DMSXCTS4lE DMSXCTS4SE DMSXCTSS4S DMSXCTS66E DMSXCTS67E DMSXCT578W PREFIX 'name' IS INVALID FOR THE LINE ON WHICH IT WAS ENTERED SYNONYM 'name' NOT RECOGNIZED BY PREFIX MACRO 'macroname' INVALID OPERAND : operand INVALID {PFKEY/PAKEY} NUMBER SUBCOMMAND IS ONLY VALID IN DISPLAY MODE MISSING OPERAND(S) STRING 'string' FOUND. [--- PFnn SET FOR SELECTIVE CHANGE.] CURSOR IS NOT ON A VALID DATA FIELD NO 'CHANGE' OR 'CLOCATE' SUBCOMMAND SPECIFIED CHANGE NOT VALID AFTER CURSOR MOVEMENT CHANGE NOT VALID WITH CLOCATE NOT FOUND {ON SCREEN} INVALID OPERAND : operand CURSOR IS.NOT ON A VALID DATA FIELD OPTION 'CURSOR' VALID IN DISPLAY MODE ONLY INVALID SPLIT COLUMNS DEFINED NO LINE(S) CHANGED NOT FOUND FILE 'fn XEDIT A' ALREADY EXISTS INVALID OPERAND : operand FILE'fn XEDIT AI' CREATED VIRTUAL STORAGE STORAGE EXCEEDED nn LINES DELETED {NOlnn} LINE(S) RECOVERED {TRUNCATED I SPILLED} nn LINE(S) {TRUNCATED I SPILLED} NOT EXECUTED: THE TARGET LINE (nn) IS WITHIN THE LINES TO MOVE n LINES {MOVED I COPIED I MERGED} 'subcommand' SUBCOMMAND NOT VALID FROM A PREFIX MACRO USE GET AND/OR PUT (D) TO MOVE LINES IN UPDATE MODE STRING2 CONTAINS MORE ARBITRARY CHARACTERS THAN STRINGI nn OCCURRENCE(S) CHANGED ON nn LINE(S) nn OCCURRENCE(S) CHANGED ON nn LINE(S); nn LINE(S) {TRUNCATED I SPILLED} INVALID OPERAND : operand nn OCCURRENCES nn LINE(S) MERGED, nn LINE(S) {TRUNCATED I SPILLED} INVALID SUBSET COMMAND UNKNOWN CP/CMS COMMAND RETURN CODE 'nn' FROM 'command' FILE 'fn ft fm' NOT FOUND DISK 'mode' IS READ ONLY ERROR 'nn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM XEDIT ERROR 'nn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON XEDIT INVALID OPERAND : operand INVALID LINE NUMBER TYPEWRITER MODE OPTION 'option' VALID IN DISPLAY MODE ONLY INVALID COLUMN NUMBER SUBCOMMAND IS ONLY VALID IN DISPLAY MODE DISK IS FULL. SET NEW FILEMODE OR CLEAR SOME DISK SPACE DISK IS FULL. AUTOSAVE FAILED TOO MANY LOGICAL SCREENS DEFINED INVALID PARMS FOR RENUM LOGICAL SCREENS EXCEED PHYSICAL SCREEN SIZE EACH LOGICAL SCREEN MUST CONTAIN AT LEAST 5 LINES AND 20 COLUMNS NAMED LINE NOT FOUND NAME ALREADY DEFINED ON LINE 'nn' INVALID NAME MISSING OPERAND(S) NO STORAGE AVAILABLE LOGICAL SCREEN (sll,swl,shl,svl) IS OUTSIDE THE PHYSICAL SCREEN LOGICAL SCREEN (sll,swl,shl,svl) AND (sI2,sw2,sh2,sv2) OVERLAP EACH OTHEl 'macro' MACRO IS NOT CURRENTLY IN STORAGE 504 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes DMSXCT594E DMSXCT697E DMSXDC512E DMSXDC520E DMSXDC542E DMSXDC543E DMSXDC544E DMSXDC545E DMSXDC546E DMSXDC547E DMSXDC548E DMSXDC549E DMSXDC550E DMSXDC554S DMSXDS589E DMSXDS590E DMSXDS591E DMSXED553I DMSXED554S DMSXED555E DMSXER556S DMSXFC557S DMSXFD554S DMSXFD559W DMSXFD560E DMSXFD592W DMSXFD698E DMSXFD700E DMSXGT002E DMSXGTI04S DMSXGT156E DMSXGT521E DMSXGT562E DMSXGT563W DMSXGT564W DMSXGT565W DMSXIN002E DMSXIN003E DMSXIN024E DMSXIN029E DMSXIN054E DMSXIN065E DMSXIN066E DMSXIN070E DMSXINI04S DMSXIN132S DMSXIN500E DMSXIN554S DMSXIN571I DMSXI0572E DMSXMAI04S DMSXMC009E DMSXMC545E DMSXMC575E DMSXMC576E DMSXMD503E DMSXMD510I DMSXMD529E DMSXML592W DMSXMD573I DMSXMD587I DMSXML529E DMSXML529W FILE 'fn ft fro' ALREADY EXISTS. USE FFILE/SSAVE THE LOGICAL SCREENS MUST COVER THE FULL PHYSICAL SCREEN WIDTH INVALID SUBSET COMMAND INVALID OPERAND : operand NO SUCH SUBCOMMAND : naroe INVALID NUMBER : xxxxxxxx INVALID HEX DATA : xxxxxxxx MISSING OPERAND(S) TARGET-LINE NOT FOUND SYNONYM DEFINITION INCOMPLETE INVALID SYNONYM OPERAND : operand SYNONYM ABBREVIATION TOO LARGE TOO MANY OPERANDS IN SYNONYM DEFINITION NO STORAGE AVAILABLE MISSING FILEDEF FOR DDNAME SYSIN DATA SET TOO LARGE OPEN ERROR ON SYSIN EDITING FILE: fn ft fro NO STORAGE AVAILABLE FILE 'fn ft fm' ALREADY IN STORAGE UNDEFINED MESSAGE (CMSXER CALLED AT hex loc) NO MORE STORAGE TO INSERT LINES NO STORAGE AVAILABLE WARNING FILE IS EMPTY NOT ENOUGH SPACE FOR SERIALIZATION BETWEEN TRUNC AND LRECL WRAPPED ... TARGET STRING TOO LONG, UNABLE TO PARSE THE ENTIRE TARGET STRING LOGICAL AND OPERATOR '&' NOT VALID FOR COLUMN TARGETS FILE 'fn ft fm' not found ERROR 'nn' READING FILE 'fn ft fro' FROM DISK 'RECORD nn' NOT FOUND - FILE 'fn ft fm' HAS ONLY 'nn' RECORDS INVALID LINE NUMBER NO LINE(S) SAVED BY PUT (D) SUBCOMMAND RECORDS {TRUNCAfEDISPILLED} EOF REACHED EOF REACHED; RECORDS {TRUNCATEDISPILLED} FILE 'fn ft fm' NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' FILE 'XEDTEMP CMSUTI AI' ALREADY EXISTS INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED 'option' OPTION SPECIFIED TWICE 'option' AND 'option' ARE CONFLICTING OPTIONS INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' ERROR 'nn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK FILE 'fn ft fro' TOO LARGE UNABLE TO UNPACK FILE 'fn ft fm' NO STORAGE AVAILABLE CREATING NEW FILE TERMINAL ERROR FORCED CASE UPPERCASE ERROR 'nn' READING FILE 'fn ft fro' FROM DISK COLUMN 'nn' EXCEEDS RECORD LENGTH (nn).RC=5 MISSING OPERAND(S) INVALID VERIFY COLUMNS DEFINED {TOTAL VERIFY WIDTH EXCEEDS SCREEN SIZE (nn) I TOTAL OFFSET EXCEEDS LRECL(nn)} TRUNCATED AUTOSAVED AS 'fn ft fm' SUBCOMMAND IS ONLY VALID IN DISPLAY MODE WRAPPED ... INPUT MODE: XEDIT: SUBCOMMAND IS ONLY VALID IN DISPLAY MODE WRAPPED ... Appendix A. Command-to-Message Cross-Reference 505 DMSXMS009E DMSXMS053E DMSXMS063E DMSXMS554S DMSXMS596S DMSXP0596S DMSXP0614E DMSXPT037E DMSXPT105S DMSXPT554S DMSXPT571I DMSXPT579E DMSXPX659E DMSXPX661E DMSXSCl17S DMSXSC510I DMSXSC614E DMSXSE009E DMSXSE037E DMSXSE048E DMSXSE515E DMSXSE519E DMSXSE520E DMSXSE521E DMSXSE524W DMSXSE525E DMSXSE526E DMSXSE528E DMSXSE530I DMSXSE538E DMSXSE545E DMSXSE548E DMSXSE552E DMSXSE554S DMSXSE558W DMSXSE560E DMSXSE568E DMSXSE575E DMSXSE575E DMSXSE581E DMSXSE575E DMSXSE575E DMSXSE600E DMSXSF695E DMSXSS561E DMSXSU048E DMSXSU062E DMSXSU069E DMSXSU137S DMSXSU229E DMSXSU510I DMSXSU559W DMSXSU582S DMSXSU583I DMSXSU584I DMSXSU585E DMSXSU586E DMSXSU587I COLUMN 'nn' EXCEEDS RECORD LENGTH (nn) .RC=5 INVALID SORT FIELD PAIR DEFINED NO SORT LIST GIVEN NO STORAGE AVAILABLE THIS MODULE MUST BE CALLED WITHIN THE EDITOR THIS MODULE MUST BE CALLED WITHIN THE EDITOR SCREEN MODIFICATIONS LOST? 'SET FULLREAD ON' TO USE PAKEYS SAFELY DISK 'mode' IS READ ONLY ERROR 'nn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK NO STORAGE AVAILABLE CREATING NEW FILE RECORDS TRUNCATED TO nn WHEN ADDED TO 'fn ft fm' INVALID PREFIX SUBCOMMAND: nnnn PREFIX 'name' IS INVALID FOR THE LINE ON WHICH IT WAS ENTERED ERROR WRITING TO DISPLAY TERMINAL AUTOSAVED AS 'fn ft fm' SCREEN MODIFICATIONS LOST? 'SET FULLREAD ON' TO USE PAKEYS SAFELY COLUMN 'nn' EXCEEDS RECORD LENGrH (nn). RC=5 DISK 'mode' IS READ ONLY INVALID MODE 'mode' RECFM MUST BE FIVIFPIVP LRECL MUST BE LOWER THAN WIDTH (nn) INVALID OPERAND : operand INVALID LINE NUMBER NONDISP CHARACTER RESET TO ' , INVALID PFKEY/PAKEY NUMBER OPTION 'option' VALID IN DISPLAY MODE ONLY INVALID RANGE : TARGET2 (LINE nn) PRECEDES TARGETl (LINE nn) nn FILE(S) IN STORAGE NO NAME DEFINED MISSING OPERAND(S) INVALID SYNONYM OPERAND : operand NO SYNONYM CURRENTLY DEFINED NO STORAGE AVAILABLE WRONG FILE FORMAT FOR SERIALIZATION NOT ENOUGH SPACE FOR SERIALIZATION BETWEEN TRUNC AND LRECL SUBCOMMAND NOT VALID WITH THIS SCREEN DEFINITION INVALID TABS COLUMNS DEFINED INVALID ZONE COLUMNS DEFINED /SOS FACILITY NOT AVAILABLE INVALID TABS COLUMNS DEFINED INVALID ZONE COLUMNS DEFINED FIRST SELECTION LEVEL (nn) CANNOT BE GREATER THAN SECOND SELECTION LEVEL (nn) CANNOT DEFINE MORE THAN 64 CTLCHARS CURSOR IS NOT ON A VALID DATA FIELD INVALID MODE 'mode' INVALID CHARACTER IN FI'LEID 'fn ft fm' DISK {'mode' I'vaddr' I 'valid'} NOT ACCESSED. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} ERROR 'nn' ON STATE FOR 'fn ft fm' UNSUPPORTED OS DATA SET AUTOSAVED AS 'fn ft fm' WARNING: FILE IS EMPTY EDITOR ABEND EOF: TOF: NO LINES(S) CHANGED. NOT FOUND . XEDIT: .J.L"\;) • • • DMSXSU588E PREFIX SUBCO~~~ND DMSXUP002E FILE 'fn ft fm' NOT FOUND DMSXUP007E FILE 'fn ft fm' IS NOT FIXED, 80 CHAR RECORDS T.1''' TrnTl\Tf""" VV~.J..i. 506 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes DMSXUP174W DMSXUP178I DMSXUP179E DMSXUP180W DMSXUP183E DMSXUP184W DMSXUP185W DMSXUP186W DMSXUP207W DMSXUP210W DMSXUP570W DMSXUP597E DMSXUP598S DMSXUP599S SEQUENCE ERROR INTRODUCED IN OUTPUT FILE: ' ..•..... ' TO ' ....... . UPDATING WITH 'fn ft fm' MISSING OR DUPLICATE 'MACS' CARD IN CONTROL FILE 'fn ft fm' MISSING PTF FILE 'fn ft fm' INVALID AUX FILE CONTROL CARD './S' NOT FIRST CARD IN UPDATE FILE -- IGNORED NON NUMERIC CHARACTER IN SEQUENCE FIELD' ....... . SEQUENCE NUMBER NOT FOUND: INVALID UPDATE FILE CONTROL CARD INPUT FILE SEQUENCE ERROR' ........ ' TO ' ........ ' UPDATE 'updtname' SPECIFIED IN THE 'UNTIL' OPTION FIELD NOT FOUND UNABLE TO MERGE UPDATES CONTAINING '.S' CARDS UNABLE TO BUILD UPDATE FILE INTERNAL LIST DESTROYED UNABLE TO BUILD UPDATE FILE : SERIALIZATION DESTROYED DMSZAPOOIE DMSZAP002E DMSZAP002W DMSZAP003E DMSZAP007E DMSZAP014E DMSZAP047E DMSZAP056E DMSZAP070E DMSZAPI04S DMSZAP190W DMSZAP191W DMSZAP192W DMSZAP193W DMSZAP194W NO FILENAME SPECIFIED FILE 'fn ft' NOT FOUND FILE 'fn ft' NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' FILE 'fn ft' IS NOT FIXED, 80 CHAR. RECORDS INVALID FUNCTION 'function' NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED FILE 'fn ft' CONTAINS INVALID RECORD FORMATS INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' ERROR 'nn' READING FILE 'fn ft' FROM DISK INVALID CONTROL RECORD OR NO GO SWITCH SET PATCH OVERLAPS-SET NO GO SWITCH ERROR-ODD NUMBER OF DIGITS-SET NO GO SWITCH PRECEDING CONTROL RECORD FLUSHED CSECT NOT FOUND IN {MEMBER 'membername'IMODULE 'modulename'} SET NO GO SWITCH BASE VALUE INVALID-SET NO GO SWITCH VERIFY REJECT-SET NO GO SWITCH FILE .' fn ft' IS NOT VARIABLE RECORD FORMAT FILE 'fn ft' IS ON A READ/ONLY DISK ERROR 'nnn' ON PRINTER NO LOADER TABLE PRESENT FOR MODULE 'fn ft'-SET NO GO SWITCH MEMBER 'name' NOT FOUND--SET NO GO SWITCH INVALID VER/REP DISP--SET NO GO SWITCH DUMMY LOG ENTRY IN FILE 'fn ft fro' ZAP PROCESSING COMPLETE MEMBER FOUND IN LIBRARY 'fn' ZAP DMSZAP195W DMSZAP200W DMSZAP208E DMSZAP210E DMSZAP245S DMSZAP246W DMSZAP247W DMSZAP248W DMSZAP249I DMSZAP7501 DMSZAP7511 CMS INITIALIZATION ROUTINE DMSINSI00W {SSTATIYSTAT} NOT AVAILABLE CMS/DOS CLOSE DMSCLS043E DMSCLS058E DMSCLS088E DMSCLS089E DMSCLSl13S DMSCLS140S DMKCLS429I ROUTINE TAPn IS FILE PROTECTED END-OF-FILE OR END-OF-TAPE ON 'TAPn' UNSUPPORTED DTF TYPE 'dtftype' CLOSE ERROR CODE 'nn' ON '{fnISYSxxxITAPn}' 'TAPn raddr' NOT ATTACHED SEOV/FEOV MACRO NOT SUPPORTED 'TAPn raddr' EOT ON OUTPUT CMS/DOS GENERATION PROCEDURE DMSGEN006E NO READ/WRITE A-DISK ACCESSED DMSGEN095E INVALID ADDRESS 'address' DMSGENII0E CORRECT FORM IS: DOSGEN LOCATION {SEGNAME} DMSGENIIIE DOSGEN FAILED DUE TO LOAD ERRORS DMSGEN141S DOSGEN FAILED DUE TO SAVESYS ERRORS DMSGEN715I DOSGEN COMPLETE Appendix A. Command-to-Message Cross-Reference 507 CMS/DOS OPEN ROUTINE DMSBOP037E DISK 'mode' IS READ/ONLY. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} DMSBOP043E TAPn IS FILE PROTECTED DMSBOP058E END-OF-FILE OR END-OF-TAPE ON 'TAPn' DMSBO~069E DISK {'mode' I 'vaddr' I 'volid'} NOT ACCESSED. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} DMSBOP086W DLBL 'ddname' DUMMY INVALID FOR VSAM DMSBOP088E UNSUPPORTED DTF TYPE 'dtftype' DMSBOP089E OPEN ERROR CODE 'nn' ON {fnISYSxxxITAPN} DMSBOPl13S {TAPnlmode raddr} NOT ATTACHED DMSBOP302E NO SYSxxx OPERAND SPECIFIED DMSBOP308E 'mode' DISK IN CMS FORMAT; INVALID FOR NON-CMS DATASET DMSBOP400S SYSTEM 'sysname' DOES NOT EXIST DMSBOP401S VM SIZE (size) CANNOT EXCEED 'DMSDOS' START ADDRESS (address) DMSBOP410S CONTROL PROGRAM ERROR INDICATION 'retcode' DMSBOP413S STORAGE NOT INITIALIZED FOR VSAM PROCESSING CMS/DOS OPEN LIBRARY ROUTINE DMSOPL089E OPEN ERROR CODE 'nn' ON SYSxxx DMSOPL158E NO CMS/DOS PROCEDURE LIBRARY SUPPORT CMS/DOS SVC HANDLER ROUTINE DMSDOS091E SAVEAREA ADDRESS IN PARTITION PIB NOT EQUIVALENT TO LTA SAVEAREA ADDRESS DMSDOS095E INVALID ADDRESS 'address' DSMDOS121S UNSUPPORTED SVC no. (HEX no.) CALLED FROM caller DMSDOS160S JOB CANCELED DUE TO PROGRAM REQUEST DMSGMF121S UNSUPPORTED SVC no. (HEX no.) CALLED FROM caller DMSGVE069E DISK {'mode' I 'vaddr' I 'volid'} NOT ACCESSED. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} DMSLDF004E {BOOK '' I MODULE 'module'IPHASE 'phase'l PROCEDURE 'procedure'} NOT FOUND DMSLDF140S {'function'IFEOVDISEOVIFEOV} (MACROIFUNCTION(S)} DMSLDF161S UNEXPECTED ERROR CODE 'nn' ON 'SYSxxx' DMSLDF401S VM SIZE (size) CANNOT EXCEED 'DMSDOS' START ADDRESS (address) DMSLDF413S STORAGE NOT INITIALIZED FOR' VSAM PROCESSING DMSLIC096S UNSUPPORTED FUNCTION IN A LIOCS ROUTINE DMSMCM093E MVCOM MACRO ATTEMPTING TO ALTER OTHER THAN POSITION 12-23 OF COMREG DMSMCM094E FROM ADDRESS ON MVCOM MACRO INVALID DMSSTX092E STXIT SAVEAREA ADDRESS INVALID DMSSTX326E ILLEGAL SVC svc (HEX xx) CALLED FROM addr DMSSUB119S UNSUPPORTED FORM OF {'macro' I 'parm'} {MACROISVC} DUMP/JDUMP/PDUMP ROUTINE DMSDMP020W INVALID PDUMP ADDRESS 'address' - NO DUMP OPERATION PERFORMED EXCP ROUTINE DMSXCP037E DMSXCP043E DMSXCP104S DMSXCP105S DMSXCP113S DMSXCP411S DMSXCP161S OUTPUT DISK mode vaddr IS READ/ONLY. {' A' 'MUST BE R/W FOR "DISK LOAD'} TAPE raddr IS FILE PROTECTED ERROR 'nn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK ERROR 'nn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK 'device addr' NOT ATTACHED {INPUT I OUTPUT} ERROR CODE 'nn' ON 'SYSxxx' UNEXPECTED ERROR CODE 'nn' ON 'SYSxxx' OS OPEN AND CLOSE ROUTINE DMSSOP036W UPDATE REQUESTED FOR READ-ONLY DISK DMSSOP036E OPEN ERROR CODE 'nn' ON 'ddname' DMSSOP109S VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED OS I/O ROUTINES DMSSEB4291 'TAPn (cuu) , EOT ON OUTPUT 508 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes TAPE LABEL PROCESSING ROUTINES DMSTLB027E INVALID DEVICE 'device name' DMSTLB043E 'TAPn raddr' IS FILE PROTECTED DMSTLB058E END-OF-FILE or END-OF-TAPE [ON TAPn] DMSTLB110S ERROR READING 'TAPn [raddr'] DMSTLB111S ERROR WRITING 'TAPn raddr' DMSTLBl13S 'TAPn raddr' NOT ATTACHED DMSTLB421E 'TAPn raddr' HDR1 LABEL MISSING FOR 'filename' DMSTLB422E 'TAPn raddr' POSITIONED WRONG FOR 'filename' DMSTLB423I 'TAPn raddr' POSITION PARAMETER IGNORED. OUTPUT FILE WILL BE WRITTEN IMMEDIATELY AFTER NEW VOL1 LABEL DMSTLB424E 'TAPn raddr' NOT POSITIONED AT EOF1 LABEL DMSTLB425R 'TAPn raddr' BLOCK COUNT ERROR FOR 'filename' ENTER 'IGNORE' OR 'CANCEL' DMSTLB426R 'TAPn raddr' UNEXPIRED FILE ENTER 'IGNORE' OR 'ERROR' DMSTLB427I 'TAPn raddr' EOV1 LABEL READ DMSTLB428I 'TAPn raddr' EOV1 LABEL WRITTEN DMSTLB430E 'TAPn raddr' LABELDEF INFORMATION MISSING FOR 'filename' DMSTLB431E 'TAPn raddr' VOL1 LABEL MISSING DMSTLB432E 'TAPn raddr' VOLID valid DOES NOT MATCH LABELDEF VOLID FOR 'filename' DMSTLB433R ENTER 'WRITE (VOLID' OR ~REJECT' DMSTLB434E 'TAPn raddr' INPUT LABEL CHECK ERROR FOR FIELD 'fieldname' FILE 'filename' DMSTLB435R ENTER 'IGNORE' OR 'CANCEL' DMSTLB436I 'TAPn raddr' MISSING USER STANDARD LABEL FOR 'ddname' DMSTLB437I 'TAPn raddr' NSL ROUTINE RETURNED AN ERROR CODE 'nnnnnn' FOR 'filename' SAVED SYSTEM ROUTINES DMSVIB400S SYSTEM 'sysname' DOES NOT EXIST DMSVIB401S VM SIZE (size) CANNOT EXCEED 'sysname' START ADDRESS (address) DMSVIB410S CONTROL PROGRAM ERROR INDICATION 'retcode' DMSVIB109S VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED VSAMGEN EXEC PROCEDURE DMSVGN069E DISK ('mode' I 'vaddr' I 'valid'} NOT ACCESSED. ('A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} DMSVGN360E INVALID RESPONSE 'response' DMSVGN360I CMS/VSAM TEXT FILES CREATED ON DISK 'A' DMSVGN360R ENTER EITHER 'INSTALL' OR 'UPDATE': DMSVGN361E DISK 'mode' IS NOT A (CMSIDOS} DISK DMSVGN361I CREATING CMS TEXT FILES ... DMSVGN361R ENTER EITHER 'DOS' OR 'OS': DMSVGN362I LINK EDITING sysname DMSVGN362R ENTER MODE OF DOS SYSTEM RELOCATABLE LIBRARY DISK: DMSVGN363I sysname DOSLIB CREATED ON DISK 'A' DMSVGN363R ENTER LOCATION WHERE sysname WILL BE LOADED AND SAVED: DMSVGN364I FETCHING sysname ... DMSVGN364R ENTER 'CMSVSAM' OR 'CMSAMS' OR 'BOTH' FOR GENERATION OF NEW SYSTEM(S): DMSVGN365I SYSTEM sysname SAVED DMSVGN365R ENTER MODULE NAME (8 CHARS OR LESS) OR 'END': DMSVGN366I STARTING TO READ PTF DECKS FROM READER ... DMSVGN366R ENTER NAME OF SYSTEM TO BE SAVED: DMSVGN367I 'modulename TEXT' WRITTEN ON DISK 'A' DMSVGN368I count NEW PTF DECKS WILL BE APPLIED DMSVGN368R ERASE sysname DOSLIB? .. ENTER 'YES' OR 'NO': DMSVGN369E INVALID RELEASE 31 OR LATER REQUIRED DMSVGN369R ENTER RELEASE NUMBER OF DOS/VS STARTER SYSTEM: DMSVGN380R ENTER 'TAPE' OR 'CARDS' FOR PTF APPLICATION: DMSVGN381R ENTER 'SELECT' OR 'ALL' FOR TAPE PTF APPLICATION: DMSVGN382R ENTER NUMBER OF TAPE FILES TO BE PROCESSED: DMSVPD070E INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' DMSVPD105S ERROR 'nn' WRITING FILE 'fn CMSUT1 A1' ON DISK DMSVPD109S VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED DMSVPD110S ERROR READING TAP1 (181) Appendix A. Command-to-Message Cross-Reference 509 DMSVPDl13S DMSVPD367I DMSVPD368I DMSVPD383R TAP1 (181) NOT ATTACHED 'modulename TEXT' WRITTEN ON DISK 'A' count ~EW PTF DECKS WILL BE APPLIED APPLY Ifni ? ... ENTER 'NO' OR EOB: VSAM INTERFACE (OS USER) DMSVIP109S VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED DMSVIP230E NO. OF VSAM EXIT ROUTINES HAS EXCEEDED MAX OF 128 - UNABLE TO CONTINUE DMSVIP778E OPEN ERROR ON DDNAME: POSSIBLE VOLUME ERROR. SEE VSE/VSAM DOCUMENTATION FOR OPEN ERROR CODE code DMSVIP779E OPEN ERROR ON ddname: POSSIBLE USER PROGRAMMING ERROR. SEE VSE/VSAM DOCUMENTATION FOR OPEN ERROR CODE code DMSVIP780E OPEN ERROR ON ddname: POSSIBLE DLBL/EXTENT ERROR. SEE VSE/VSAM DOCUMENTATION FOR OPEN ERROR CODE code DMSVIP781E OPEN ERROR ON ddname: POSSIBLE CATALOG ERROR. SEE VSE/VSAM DOCUMENTATION FOR OPEN ERROR CODE code DMSVIP782E OPEN ERROR ON ddname: POSSIBLE SYSTEM ERROR. SEE VSE/VSAM DOCUMENTATION FOR OPEN ERROR CODE code DMSVIP783E CLOSE ERROR ON ddname: POSSIBLE USER PROGRAMMING ERROR. SEE VSE/VSAM DOCUMENTATION FOR OPEN ERROR CODE code DMSVIP784E CLOSE ERROR ON ddname: POSSIBLE SYSTEM ERROR. SEE VSE/VSAM DOCUMENTATION FOR OPEN ERROR CODE code DMSVIP785E ERROR IN REQUEST MACRO PROCESSING: POSSIBLE USER PROGRAMMING ERROR. SEE VSE/VSAM ERROR CODE code, RETURN CODE code DMSVIP786E ERROR IN REQUEST MACRO PROCESSING: POSSIBLE SYSTEM ERROR. SEE VSE/VSAM ERROR CODE code, RETURN CODE code VSEVSAM EXEC PROCEDURE DMSWVV788R ARE THE MACROS TO BE READ FROM TAPE OR ARE THEY ALREADY ON DISK? REPLY (TAPEIDISK). IF A DEFAULT OF TAPE IS TO BE USED, PRESS "ENTER" DMSWVV789W INVALID RESPONSE DMSWVV790R IF THE DEFAULT LIBRARY NAME OF "VSEVSAM" IS TO BE USED, PRESS "ENTER" ELSE, ENTER THE NAME TO BE USED FOR THE LIBRARY DMSWVV791I THE LIBRARY NAME WILL BE "libname." PRESS "ENTER" TO CONTINUE, ELSE ENTER "QUIT" OR THE NAME WILL BE USED FOR THE LIBRARY DMSWVV792R ARE THE MACROS TO BE ERASED FROM DISK? (YESINO). PRESS "ENTER" FOR DEFAULT OF YES DMSWVV793I MACLIB GENERATION COMPLETED DMSWVV794E ERROR IN MACLIB GENERATION DMSWVV795E ERROR READING MACROS FROM TAPE DMSWVV796E ERROR READING FROM "VSEVSAM SCA" FILE DMSWVV797I "QUIT" MAY BE ENTERED IN RESPONSE TO ANY QUERY TO END PROCESSING DMSWVV798R THE VSE/VSAM OPTIONAL SOURCE STATEMENT LIBRARY TAPE MUST BE MOUNTED AS VIRTUAL 181. IF IT IS NOT, ENTER "QUIT" HERE AND HAVE THE TAPE MOUNTED. ELSE PRESS "ENTER" TO CONTINUE DMSWVV799E ERROR READING FROM "VSEVSAM SCAN" FILE - ALL MACROS MAY NOT BE ERASED DMSWVV800E ONE OF THE FILES NEEDED FOR MACLIB GENERATION IS MISSING DMSWVV801I ARGUMENTS ENTERED ARE IGNORED DMSWVV802I MACROS ERASED = VSEVSAM PROCESSING COMPLETE DMSWVV808R MACRO LIBRARY "libname" WILL BE ERASED. PRESS "ENTER" TO CONTINUE OR "QUIT" TO EXIT DMSWVV809E ERROR COPYING "VSEVSAM SCAN" FILE FROM S-DISK to A-DISK 510 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes RSCS Message Summary RSCS Spontaneous Messages DMTREXOOOI DMTCMX001I DMTREX0021 DMTCMX0031 DMTNPT070E DMTSML070E DMTREX080E DMTREX090T DMTREX091T DMTAXS101I DMTAXS1021 RSCS (VER v, LEV 1, mm/dd/yy) READY FREE STORAGE = nn PAGES LINK linkid DEACTIVATED LINK linkid EXECUTING: (command line text) I/O ERROR vaddr SIOCC cc CSW csw SENSE sense CCW ccw I/O ERROR vaddr SIOCC cc CSW csw SENSE sense CCW ccw PROGRAM CHECK -- LINK linkid DEACTIVATED PROGRAM CHECK IN SUPERVISOR -- RSCS SHUTDOWN INITIALIZATION FAILURE -- RSCS SHUTDOWN FILE spoolid ENQUEUED ON LINK linkid FILE spoolid PENDING FOR LINK linkid DMTAXS103E DMTAXS1041 DMTAXS1051 DMTAXS1061 DMTAXS107I DMTAXS108E DMTNPT108E DMTSML108E DMTNPT1411 DMTSML1411 FILE spoolid REJECTED -- INVALID DESTINATION ADDRESS FILE SPOOLED TO userid2 -- ORG locid1 (name1) mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss FILE spoolid PURGED FILE spoolid MISSING -- DEQUEUED FROM LINK linkid nn PENDING FILES FOR LINK linkid MISSING SYSTEM ERROR READING SPOOL FILE spoolid SYSTEM ERROR READING SPOOL FILE spoolid SYSTEM ERROR READING SPOOL FILE spoolid LINE vaddr READY FOR CONNECTION TO LINK linkid LINE vaddr READY FOR CONNECTION TO LINK linkid DMTNPT1421 DMTSML1421 DMTNPT1431 DMTSML1431 DMTNPT1441 DMTSML1441 DMTNPT1451 DMTSML1451 DMTNPT1461 DMTSML1461 LINK linkid LINE vaddr CONNECTED LINK linkid LINE vaddr CONNECTED LINK linkid LINE vaddr DISCONNECTED LINK linkid LINE vaddr DISCONNECTED RECEIVING: FILE FROM lo-cid1 (namel) FOR locid2 (userid2) RECEIVING: FILE FROM locid1 (namel) FOR locid2 (userid2) RECEIVED: FILE FROM locid1 (name1) FOR locid2 (userid2) RECEIVED: FILE FROM locid1 (name1) FOR locid2 (userid2) SENDING: FILE spoolid ON LINK linkid, REC nnnnnn SENDING: FILE spoolid ON LINK linkid, REC nnnnnn DMTNPT1471 DMTSML1471 DMTNPT1491 DMTSML1491 DMTNPT1601 DMTSML1601 DMTNPT170I DMTSML170I SENT: FILE spoolid ON LINK linkid SENT: FILE spoolid ON LINK linkid LINK linkid LINE ACTIVITY: TOT= mmmj ERRS= nnnj TMOUTS= ppp LINK linkid LINE ACTIVITY: TOT= mmm; ERRS= nnnj TMOUTS= ppp LINE vaddr DISABLED FOR linkid LINE vaddr DISABLED FOR linkid FROM linkid: (MSG message text) FROM linkid: (MSG message text) DMTNPT190E DMTSML190E DMTNPT934E DMTSML934E DMTSML935E DMTNPT936E DMTSML937E INVALID SPOOL BLOCK FORMAT ON FILE spoolid INVALID SPOOL BLOCK FORMAT ON FILE spoolid ID CARD MISSING ON LINK linkid -- INPUT FILE PURGED ID CARD MISSING ON LINK linkid -- INPUT FILE PURGED LINK linkid IN RJE MODE -- PRINT FILE spoolid PURGED NO REMOTE PUNCH AVAILABLE ON LINK linkid -- FILE spoolid PURGED DECOMPRESSION ERROR ON linkid -- LINK DEACTIVATED Appendix A. Command-to-Message Cross-Reference 511 j General Command Responses DMTCMX200I DMTCMX201E DMTCMX202E DMTCMX203E DMTCMX204E DMTCMX20SE DMTCMX206E DMTCMX207E DMTCMX208E DMTCMX300I DMTCMX301E DMTCMX302E DMTCMX303E DMTCMX304E RSCS INVALID COMMAND command INVALID LINK linkid INVALID SPOOL FILE ID spoolid INVALID KEYWORD keyword CONFLICTING KEYWORD keyword INVALID OPTION keyword option CONFLICTING OPTION keyword option INVALID USER ID userid ACCEPTED BY TASK task REJECTED BY TASK task -- PREVIOUS COMMAND ACTIVE LINK linkid IS NOT DEFINED LINK linkid IS NOT ACTIVE REJECTED BY TASK task -- NOT RECEIVING Specific Command Responses BACKS PAC DMTNPTSIOI DMTSMLSIOI DMTNPTSIIE DMTSMLSIIE FILE spoolid BACKSPACED FILE spoolid BACKSPACED NO FILE ACTIVE ON LINK linkid NO FILE ACTIVE ON LINK linkid CHANGE DMTAXSS20I DMTAXSS21I DMTAXSS22I DMTAXSS23I DMTAXSS24E DMTAXSS2SE DMTAXSS26E FILE FILE FILE LINK FILE FILE FILE spoolid CHANGED spoolid HELD FOR LINK linkid spoolid RELEASED FOR LINK linkid linkid QUEUE REORDERED spoolid ACTIVE -- NO ACTION TAKEN spoolid IS FOR LINK linkid -- NO ACTION TAKEN spoolid NOT FOUND -- NO ACTION TAKEN CMD DMTSMLS30I COMMAND FORWARDED ON LINK linkid DEFINE DMTCMXS40I DMTCMXS41I DMTCMXS42E DMTCMXS43E DMTCMXS44E NEW LINK linkid DEFINED LINK linkid REDEFINED LINK linkid ACTIVE -- NOT REDEFINED LINK linkid NOT DEFINED LINK LIMIT REACHED LINK linkid NOT DEFINED -- TYPE NOT SPECIFIED DELETE DMTCMXSSOI LINK linkid NOW DELETED DMTCMXSSIE LINK linkid ACTIVE -- NOT DELETED DMTCMXSS2E LINK linkid HAS A FILE QUEUE -- NOT DELETED DISCONN DMTCMXS60I RSCS DISCONNECTING DMTCMXS61E USERID userid NOT RECEIVING DRAIN DMTNPTS70I DMTSMLS70I DMTNPTS71E DMTSMLS71E 512 \ LINK LINK LINK LINK linkid linkid linkid linkid NOW SET NOW SET ALREADY ALREADY TO DEACTIVATE TO DEACTIVATE SET TO DEACTIVATE SET TO DEACTIVATE IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes FLUSH DMTNPT580I DMTSML580I DMTNPT581E DMTSML581E FILE FILE FILE FILE spoolid spoolid spoolid spoolid FREE DMTNPT590I DMTSML590I DMTNPT591E DMTSML591E LINK LINK LINK LINK linkid linkid linkid linkid FWDSPACE DMTNPT511E DMTSML511E DMTNPT600I DMTSML600I NO FILE ACTIVE ON LINK linkid NO FILE ACTIVE ON LINK linkid FILE spoolid FORWARD SPACED FILE spoolid FORWARD SPACED HOLD DMTNPT610I DMTSML610I DMTNPT611I DMTSML611I DMTNPT612E DMTSML612E LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid PROCESSING TERMINATED PROCESSING TERMINATED NOT ACTIVE NOT ACTIVE RESUMING FILE TRANSFER RESUMING FILE TRANSFER NOT IN HOLD STATUS NOT IN HOLD STATUS TO SUSPEND FILE TRANSMISSION TO SUSPEND FILE TR~NSMISSION FILE TRANSMISSION SUSPENDED FILE TRANSMISSION SUSPENDED ALREADY IN HOLD STATUS ALREADY IN HOLD STATUS MSG No response. ORDER DMTAXS523I DMTAXS524E DMTAXS525E DMTAXS526E LINK FILE FILE FILE PURGE DMTAXS524E DMTAXS525E DMTAXS526E DMTAXS640I FILE spoolid ACTIVE -- NO ACTION TAKEN FILE spoolid IS FOR linkid -- NO ACTION TAKEN FILE spoolid NOT FOUND -- NO ACTION TAKEN nn FILE(S) PURGED ON LINK linkid linkid QUEUE REORDERED spoolid ACTIVE -- NO ACTION TAKEN spoolid IS FOR LINK linkid -- NO ACTION TAKEN spoolid NOT FOUND -- NO ACTION TAKEN QUERY linkid STAT DMTCMX651I LINK linkid INACTIVE DMTCMX652I LINK linkid ACTIVE task type vaddr c {HOINOH} {DRINOD} {TRAITREINOT} Q=m P=n QUERY linkid DEF DMTCMX653I LINK linkid DEFAULT task type vaddr c R=m QUERY linkid QUEUE DMTCMX654I LINK linkid Q=m P=n DMTCMX655I FILE spoolid locid userid CL a PR mm REC nnnnnn {AlI} QUERY FILE spoolid DMTCMX660I FILE DMTCMX661I FILE DMTCMX664E FILE STAT spoolid INACTIVE ON LINK linkid spoolid ACTIVE ON LINK linkid spoolid NOT FOUND QUERY FILE spoolid RSCS DMTCMX662I FILE spoolid ORG locidl useridl mm/dd/yy hh:mm: ss TO 1.ocid2 userid2 DMTCMX664E FILE spoolid NOT FOUND Appendix A. Command-to-Message Cross-Reference 513 ) QUERY FILE spoolid VM DMTCMX663I FILE spoolid PR mm CL a CO nn {HOINOH} DI distcode, NA {fn ftldsname} DMTCMX664E FILE spoolid NOT FOUND QUERY SYSTEM DMTCMX670I DMTCMX671I DMTCMX672I DMTCMX673I LINK linkid ACTIVE -- LINE vaddr {HOI NOH} LINK linkid INACTIVE NO LINK ACTIVE NO LINK DEFINED SIGNON DMTNPT902E DMTSML902E DMTNPT903E DMTSML903E DMTNPT904E DMTNPT905I DMTSML905I NON-SIGNON CARD READ ON LINK linkid NON-SIGNON CARD READ ON LINK linkid PASSWORD SUPPLIED ON LINK linkid IS INVALID PASSWORD SUPPLIED ON LINK linkid IS INVALID SIGNON PARAMETER=parameter INVALID SIGNON of LINKID linkid COMPLETE SIGNON of LINKID linkid COMPLETE START DMTCMX700I DMTCMX701E DMTCMX702E DMTCMX703E DMTCMX704E DMTCMX705E DMTCMX706E DMTCMX707E DMTCMX708E DMTCMX709E DMTCMX710E DMTNPT750E DMTSML750E DMTCMX751I DMTNPT752I DMTSML752I DMTSML901E DMTSML906E ACTIVATING LINK linkid task type vaddr c NO SWITCHED LINE AVAILABLE -~ LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED LINE vaddr IS IN USE BY LINK linkidl -- LINK linkid2 NOT ACTIVATED DEV cuu IS NOT A LINE PORT -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED LINE vaddr CC=3 NOT OPERATIONAL -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED DRIVER type NOT FOUND ON DISK vaddr -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED FATAL ERROR LOADING FROM vaddr -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED DRIVER type FILE FORMAT INVALID -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED TASK NAME task ALREADY IN USE -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED MAX (nn) ACTIVE -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED LINK linkid ALREADY ACTIVE NO ACTION TAKEN LINK linkid ALREADY ACTIVE -- NO ACTION TAKEN LINK linkid ALREADY ACTIVE -- NEW CLASS(ES) SET AS REQUESTED LINK linkid STILL ACTIVE -- DRAIN STATUS RESET LINK linkid STILL ACTIVE -- DRAIN STATUS RESET INVALID SML MODE SPECIFIED -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED INVALID SML BUFFER PARAMETER -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED TRACE DMTNPT801I DMTSML801I DMTNPT802I DMTSML802I DMTNPT803I DMTSML803I DMTNPT810E DMTSML810E DMTNPT811E DMTSML811E LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK 514 linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid linkid ERROR ERROR TRACE TRACE TRACE TRACE TRACE TRACE TRACE TRACE TRACE STARTED TRACE STARTED STARTED STARTED ENDED ENDED ALREADY ACTIVE ALREADY ACTIVE NOT ACTIVE NOT ACTIVE IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes Messages Generated during System Generation and Initialization DMTINI402T DMTINI406R DMTINI407R DMTINI409R DMTINI410R DMTINI431S DMTINI479E DMTINI480E DMTINI481E DMTINI482E DMTINI483E IPL DEVICE READ I/O ERROR SYSTEM DISK ADDRESS = addr REWRITE THE NUCLEUS? (YESINO} NUCLEUS CYL ADDRESS = nnn ALSO IPL CYLINDER O? (YESINO} IPL DEVICE WRITE I/O ERROR INVALID DEVICE ADDRESS -- REENTER INVALID CYLINDER NUMBER -- REENTER INVALID REPLY -- ANSWER "YES" OR "NO" SYSTEM DISK ERROR -- REENTER NUCLEUS WILL OVERLAY CMS FILES -- RECOMPUTE Appendix A. Command-to-Message Cross-Reference 515 IPCS Message Summary DUMPSCAN DMMDSC500S DMMDSC700I DMMDSC701R DMMDSC719I DMMDSC720I DMMDSC721I DMMDSC722I DMMDSC723I DMMFED702I DMMFED703I DMMFEX704I DMMGETIOOS DMMGET708I DMMHEX714I DMMIOB712I DMMIOB713I DMMLOC715I DMMLOC716I DMMLOC716I DMMLOC717I DMMMODIOOS DMMMOD705E DMMMOD706I DMMMOD707 I DMMMOD718I DMMREGIOOS DMMREG724I DMMREG724I DMMSCR709I DMMTRC710I DMMVMB711I ERROR 'nnn' WRITING TO VIRTUAL PRINTER TYPE HELP OR ENTER ENTER DUMP NUMBER AND MODE ERROR 'nnn' IN FSSTATE 'filename filetype fm' LOAD MAP ALREADY PRESENT &NAME TABLE IS FULL INVALID ENTRY INTO &NAME TABLE THE DUMP IS NOT ON THE A-DISK NON-HEX CHARACTER IN COUNT - RETRY NON-HEX CHARACTER IN ADDRESS - RETRY NON-HEX CHARACTER IN ADDRESS - RETRY ERROR 'nnn' READING FILE 'filename filetype fm' PAGE 'page' NOT FOUND IN DUMP NON-HEX CHARACTER IN INPUT - RETRY DEVICE 'addr' NOT FOUND USER 'userid' VMBLOK NOT FOUND NON-HEX CHARACTER IN STRING STRING 'string' NOT FOUND STRING 'string' NOT FOUND BEFORE END OF DUMP INVALID FORM OF LOCATE COMMAND ERROR 'nnn' READING FILE 'filename filetype fm' ERROR IN ITEM TABLE 'entry name' NOT FOUND IN THE LOAD MAP 'module' 'page '. PAGE NOT VALID THIS DUMP HAS NO LOAD MAP - SEE MAP SUBCOMMAND ERROR 'nnn' READING FILE 'fileid' {AP} REGISTERS REQUESTED FOR UNIPROCESSOR DUMP {MP} REGISTERS REQUESTED FOR UNIPROCESSOR DUMP NO VALID SCROLL ADDRESS NON-NUMERIC COUNT CHARACTER - RETRY LOOP IN VMBLOK CHAIN PRB DMMSUMIOOS DMMSUM200S DMMSUM501S DMMSUM502S ERROR 'nnn' READING FILE 'filename filetype fm' ERROR 'nnn' WRITING FILE 'filename filetype fm' INVALID PARM 'badparm' PASSED TO SUMMARY UPDATE PROGRAM PROBLEM 'PRBnnnnn' NOT FOUND IN SYMPTOM SUMMARY PROB DMMPROIOOS DMMPR0200S DMMPR0300S DMMSEAIOOS DMMSUMIOOS DMMSUM200S ERROR 'nnn' READING FILE 'filename filetype fm' ERROR 'nnn' WRITING FILE 'filename filetype fm' ERROR 'nnn' ON FSSTATE 'filename filetype fm' ERROR 'nnn' READING FILE 'filename filetype fm' ERROR 'nnn' READING FILE 'filename filetype fm' ERROR 'nnn' WRITING FILE 'filename filetype fm' ~MMSUM501S INVALID PARM 'badparm' PASSED TO SUMMARY UPDATE PROGRAM DMMSUM502S PROBLEM 'PRBnnnnn' NOT FOUND IN SYMPTOM SUMMARY DMMWRT200S ERROR 'nnn' WRITING FILE 'filename filetype fm' STAT DMMSTAIOOS ERROR 'nnn' READING FILE 'filename filetype fm' DMMSTA200S ERROR 'nnn' WRITING FILE 'filename filetype fm' DMMSTA601I OPERAND 'operand' NOT RECOGNIZED 516 IBM V~/SP HPO System Messages and Codes VMFDUMP DMMCPA8051 DMMEDM8501 DMMEDM8511 DMMEDM8521 DMMEDM8531 DMMEDM8601 DMMEDM8611 DMMEDM863E DMMEDM8641 DMMGRCIOOS DMMGRC8091 DMMINIIOOS DMMINI200S DMMINI300S DMMINI400S DMMINI800S DMMINI803S DMMMAP200S DMMMAP8011 DMMMAP8021 DMMMAP806R DMMMAP8071 DMMMAP8081 DMMMAP8101 DMMPRM200S DMMPRM8041 DMMSEAIOOS DMMSUMIOOS DMMSUM200S DMMSUM501S DMMSUMS02S DMMWRT200S 'nnn' ABEND CODE NOT RECOGNIZED BY DATA EXTRACTION UNABLE TO READ DUMP FROM READER TEN DUMP FILES ALREADY EXIST FATAL I/O ERROR WRITING DUMP NO DUMP FILES EXIST FATAL I/O ERROR READING DUMP DUMP FILE 'filename' NOT FOUND INVALID PARAMETER - parameter PAGE REFERENCED NOT AVAILABLE WHILE EDITING xxxxxxxx ERROR 'nnn' READING FILE 'filename filetype fm' REQUESTED ADDRESS NOT IN DUMP ERROR 'nnn' READING FILE 'filename filetype fm' ERROR 'nnn' WRITING FILE 'filename filetype fm' ERROR 'nnn' ON FSSTATE 'filename filetype fm' ERROR 'nnn' CLOSING 'filename filetype fm' DATA EXTRACTION FAILURE ERROR 'nnn' ATTEMPTING TO LOADMOD VMFDUMP2 ERROR 'nnn' WRITING FILE 'filename filetype fm' NUC MAP 'filename filetype fm' IS NOT VALID FOR THIS DUMP PROCEEDING ••.• ENTER 'filename filetype fm' OF NUCLEUS LOAD MAP OR ENTER NULL UNABLE TO LOCATE 'filename filetype fm' NUCLEUS MAP INVALID 'filename filetype fm' ERROR 'nnn' READING FILE 'filename filetype fm' ERROR 'nnn' WRITING FILE 'filename filetype fm' PROCESSING ERROR IN DATA EXTRACTION ERROR 'nnn' READING FILE 'filename filetype fm' ERROR 'nnn' READING FILE 'filename filetype fm' ERROR 'nnn' WRITING FILE 'filename filetype fm' INVALID PARM 'badparm' PASSED TO SUMMARY UPDATE PROGRAM PROBLEM 'PRBnnnnn' NOT FOUND IN SYMPTOM SUMMARY ERROR 'nnn' WRITING FILE 'filename filetype fm' Appendix A. Command-to-Message Cross-Reference 517 Appendix B. Message Summary Alphamerically by Message Identifier This appendix lists the messages issued by CP, CMS, RSCS, and IPCS. The lists are organized alphameric ally, in order by module code, message number, and type. Note: RSCS and IPCS messages remain at the VM/370 Release 6 level. CP Messages Summary DMKAC0425E I/O ERROR ON SPOOL DEVICE DURING ACCOUNTING DMKACR149E DEVICE PATH raddr PROC nn PRESENTED cc ON I/O REQUEST DMKACR603W CHANNEL ERROR DMKACR622W MACHINE CHECK; MULTIPLE CHANNEL ERRORS DMKALG059E AUTOLOG FAILED FOR userid-{IPL MISSINGIIPL FAILED I ACCOUNTING ERRORIINCORRECT PASSWORD} DMKALGl15E AUTOLOG INVALID; EXCESSIVE INCORRECT PASSWORDS DMKATS181E SHARED SYSTEM name REPLACED WITH NON-SHARED COpy DMKBLD200E VIRT=REAL AREA NOT AVAILABLE; IN USE BY {useridISYSTEM} DMKBLD201E VIRT=REAL AREA NOT AVAILABLE; DAMAGED PAGES DMKBLD202E VIRT=REAL AREA NOT AVAILABLE; INSUFFICIENT STORAGE DMKBSC500I type 'raddr' 'devname' CMD REJECT CMD=' em' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' [BBCCHH='bbcchh'IBLOCK='nnnnnn'] DMKBSC501A type 'addr' 'devname' INT REQ CMD=' em' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' [BBCCHH='bbcchh'IBLOCh='nnnnnn'] DMKBSC5021 type 'addr' 'devname' BUSOUT CK CMD=' em' SNS='SENSE' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' [BBCCHH='BBCCHH'IBLOCK='nnnnnn'] DMKBSC503I type 'addr' 'devname' EQUIP CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' [BBCCHH='bbcchh'IBLOCK='nnnnnn'] DMKBSC504I type 'addr' 'devname' DATA CK CMD=' em' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' [BBCCHH='bbcchh'IBLOCK='nnnnnn'] DMKBSC5051 type 'addr' 'devname' OVERRUN CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' [BBCCHH='bbcchh'IBLOCK='nnnnnn'] DMKBSC516I type 'addr' 'devname' BAD SENSE CMD=' em' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' [BBCCHH='bbcchh'IBLOCK='nnnnnn'] DMKBSC517I {LINE I TAPE} 'addr' 'devname' NOT/KNOWN CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' DMKBSC520I type 'addr' 'devname' CHAN ERROR CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' [BBCCHH='bbcchh'IBLOCK='nnnnnn'] DMKBSC527I {LINE I CONS} 'addr' 'devname' LOST DATA CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' DMKBSC528I {LINEICONS} 'addr' 'devname' TIMEOUT CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' DMKCCH601E DMKCCH6011 DMKCCH602E DMKCCH6021 DMKCCH603W DMKCCH605I CHANNEL CONTROL CHECK DEV XXX; USER 'userid' CHANNEL CONTROL CHECK DEV XXX; USER 'userid' INTERFACE CONTROL CHECK DEV XXXi USER 'userid' INTERFACE CONTROL CHECK DEV XXX; USER 'userid' CHANNEL ERROR CHANNEL CHECK RECORDING FAILURE DMKCDB003E INVALID OPTION - option DMKCDB004E INVALID HEXLOC - hex lac Appendix B. Message Summary Alphamerically by Message Identifier 519 DMKCDB009E DMKCDBOIOE DMKCDB026E DMKCDB160E INVALID RANGE - range INVALID REGISTER - register OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID HEXLOC hexloc EXCEEDS STORAGE DMKCDM003E DMKCDM004E DMKCDM009E DMKCDM033E DMKCDM060E DMKCDM061E DMKCDM160E INVALID OPTION - option INVALID HEXLOC - hexloc INVALID RANGE - range HEXLOC MISSING OR INVALID DUMP FAILED; VIRTUAL PRINTER UNAVAILABLE DUMP FAILED; VIRTUAL PRINTER ERROR HEXLOC hexloc EXCEEDS STORAGE DMKCDS004E DMKCDS005E DMKCDSOIOE DMKCDS012E DMKCDS026E DMKCDS033E DMKCDS160E DMKCDS161E DMKCDS162E DMKCDS162W DMKCDS163E DMKCDS164E DMKCDS166E INVALID HEXLOC - operand INVALID HEXDATA - hexdata INVALID REGISTER - register INVALID PSW - psw OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID HEXLOC MISSING OR INVALID HEXLOC hexloc EXCEEDS STORAGE SHARED PAGE hexloc ALTERED by userid INVALID ECR x - hexdata INVALID ECR x - hexdata STORE EXCEEDS MAXIMUM REGISTER HEXLOC hexloc NON-ADDRESSABLE STORAGE CHANGED SHARED PAGE NOT WRITTEN TO AUXILIARY STORAGE DMKCFCOOIE DMKCFC002E DMKCFC004E DMKCFC026E ?CP: command INVALID OPERAND - operand INVALID HEXLOC - hexloc OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID DMKCFD004E DMKCFD021E DMKCFD022E DMKCFD026E DMKCFD040E DMKCFD160E DMKCFD164E DMKCFD291E INVALID HEXLOC - hexloc RADDR MISSING OR INVALID VADDR MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST HEXLOC hexloc EXCEEDS STORAGE HEXLOC hexloc NON-ADDRESSABLE STORAGE COMMAND REJECTED; {PMAISPMODE} IN USE DMKCFG002E DMKCFG003E DMKCFG013E DMKCFG022E DMKCFG026E DMKCFG040E DMKCFG044E DMKCFG083E DMKCFG170E DMKCFG171E DMKCFG172E DMKCFG173E DMKCFG174E DMKCFG175E DMKCFG177E DMKCFG179E DMKCFG203E DMKCFG292E INVALID OPERAND - operand INVALID OPTION - option CONFLICTING OPTION - option VADDR MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST SYSTEM name DOES NOT EXIST VMSAVE AREA DOES NOT CONTAIN A VALID SAVED SYSTEM SYSTEM name EXCEEDS STORAGE SYSTEM name VOLID volid NOT MOUNTED SYSTEM name DASD vaddr INCOMPATIBLE SYSRES SYSTEM name REQUIRES DASD vaddr PAGING I/O ERROR; IPL FAILED {FAVOREDIRESERVEINETWORK TRACElname} ALREADY IN USE BY userid PARM EXCEEDS 64 CHARACTERS SYSTEM name VOLID volid NOT CP OWNED V=R AREA REQUIRES IPL BY DEVICE ADDRESS PMA FEATURE NOT AVAILABLE/ENABLED; RC=rc[-ddd] DMKCFHOIIE INVALID DEVICE TYPE - userid vaddr DMKCFH026E OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID DMKCFH044E SYSTEM name DOES NOT EXIST 520 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes DMKCFH170E DMKCFH171E DMKCFH172E DMKCFH173E DMKCFH179E DMKCFH300E DMKCFH435E DMKCFH436E SYSTEM name EXCEEDS STORAGE SYSTEM name VOLID valid NOT MOUNTED SYSTEM name DASD vaddr INCOMPATIBLE SYSRES SYSTEM name REQUIRES DASD vaddr SYSTEM name VOLID valid NOT CP OWNED SAVE REQUEST BEYOND VIRTUAL MACHINE SIZE PAGING ERROR WRITING SAVED SYSTEM INTERRUPT PENDING. TO PROCEED, TYPE YES. TO END, TYPE NO. DMKCFJ002E DMKCFJ003E DMKCFJ004E DMKCFJ026E INVALID INVALID INVALID OPERAND DMKCF0003E DMKCF0020E DMKCF0026E DMKCF0045E DMKCF0175E DMKCF0184E DMKCF0186E DMKCF0188E DMKCF0250E DMKCF0255W DMKCF0268E DMKCF0269E DMKCF0291E INVALID OPTION - option USERID MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID userid NOT LOGGED ON {FAVOREDIRESERVEINETWORK TRACElname} ALREADY IN USE BY userid VM ASSIST NOT AVAILABLE [ON PROCESSOR prac xx] CP ASSIST NOT AVAILABLE SPECIFIED PROCESSOR UNAVAILABLE 370E IS NOT AVAILABLE (ON PROC xx) 370E FEATURE NOW DISABLED XMEM FEATURE NOT AVAILABLE XMEM FEATURE NOT ACTIVE COMMAND REJECTED; {PMAISPMODE} IN USE OPERAND - operand OPTION - option HEXLOC - hex lac MISSING OR INVALID DMKCFP164E HEXLOC hexlac NON-ADDRESSABLE STORAGE DMKCFP179E SYSTEM name VOLID valid NOT CP OWNED DMKCFP435E PAGING ERROR WRITING SAVED SYSTEM DMKCFQ5461 INTERRUPTION {CLEAREDIPENDING} {DEVICE I CONTROL UNIT} raddr CSW csw USERID id DMKCFS003E DMKCFS006E DMKCFS026E DMKCFS044E DMKCFS045E DMKCFS046E DMKCFS052E DMKCFS053E DMKCFS044E DMKCFS080E DMKCFS081W DMKCFS082E DMKCFS086E DMKCFS170E DMKCFS171E DMKCFS175E DMKCFS179E DMKCFS183E DMKCFS184E DMKCFS187E DMKCFS188E DMKCFS189E DMKCFS1901 DMKCFS205E DMKCFS250E DMKCFS251E DMKCFS268E DMKCFS269E DMKCFS291E INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID SYSTEM name DOES NOT EXIST userid NOT LOGGED ON {DEV ridltype raddr} OFFLINE ERROR IN CP DIRECTORY userid NOT IN CP DIRECTORY SYSTEM name DOES NOT EXIST NO PREALLOCATED VMSAVE AREA VMSAVE AREA ALREADY IN USE, MUST USE SET COMMAND MORE THAN ONE VMSAVE AREA ALLOCATED, MUST SPECIFY AREA NAME I/O ERROR ON DASD SYSTEM name EXCEEDS STORAGE SYSTEM name VOLID valid NOT MOUNTED {FAVORED I RESERVE I NETWORK TRACE I name} ALREADY IN USE BY userid SYSTEM name VOLID valid NOT CP OWNED VM ASSIST NOT ACTIVE VM ASSIST NOT AVAILABLE TIMER ASSIST NOT AVAILABLE SPECIFIED PROCESSOR UNAVAILABLE AFFINITY NOT SET; SYSTEM IN UNIPROCESSOR MODE NO AFFINITY SPECIFIED IN DIRECTORY DAT IGNORE NOT SET; INVALID TRANSLATION FORMAT 370E IS NOT AV~JLABLE (ON PROC xx) 370E IS NOT ACTIVE XMEM FEATURE NOT AVAILABLE XMEM FEATURE NOT ACTIVE COMMAND REJECTED; {PMAISPMODE} IN USE Appendix B. Message Summary Alphamerically by Message Identifier 521 DMKCFT002E INVALID OPERAND - operand DMKCFT006E INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr DMKCFT026E OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID DMKCFU003E DMKCFU006E DMKCFU013E DMKCFU021E DMKCFU026E DMKCFU040E DMKCFU046E DMKCFU140E DMKCFU143E DMKCFU199E DMKCFU547E DMKCFU925I DMKCFU953I INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr CONFLICTING OPTION - option RADDR MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST {DEV residltype raddr} offline type raddr ATTACHED TO userid type raddr IN USE BY SYSTEM COMMAND REJECTED; DEVICE raddr PENDING OFFLINE MISSING INTERRUPTION MONITORING NOT AVAILABLE SYSTEM AUTODUMP RE-ALLOCATED TO DASD raddr UNABLE TO ALLOCATE SYSTEM AUTO DUMP DMKCFV062E DMKCFV063E DMKCFV080E DMKCFV082E ECMODE NOT SET ON SHADOW TABLE BYPASS; NOT SET NO PREALLOCATED VMSAVE AREA MORE THAN ONE VMSAVE AREA ALLOCATED; MUST SPECIFY AREA NAME DMKCFW002E INVALID OPERAND - operand DMKCFW026E OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID DMKCFY003E DMKCFY026E DMKCFY045E DMKCFY052E DMKCFY053E DMKCFY183E DMKCFY184E DMKCFY187E DMKCFY188E DMKCFY189E DMKCFY190I INVALID OPTION - option OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID userid NOT LOGGED ON ERROR IN CP DIRECTORY userid NOT IN CP DIRECTORY VM ASSIST NOT ACTIVE VM ASSIST NOT AVAILAB~E {ON PROCESSOR proc addr} TIMER ASSIST NOT AVAILABLE SPECIFIED PROCESSOR UNAVAILABLE AFFINITY NOT SET; SYSTEM IN UNIPROCESSOR MODE NOAFFINITY SPECIFIED IN DIRECTORY DMKCKP435E DMKCKP536I DMKCKP900W DMKCKP901W DMKCKP902W DMKCKP903W PAGING ERROR WRITING SAVED SYSTEM raddr devname REPORTS DISABLED INTERFACE; FAULT CODE cccc; NOTIFY CE SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; PROGRAM CHECK SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; MACHINE CHECK SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; FATAL I/O ERROR-{NUCL AREA I WARM AREA} SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; VOLID 'valid' ALLOCATION ERROR {CYLINDER 'cylinder'IPAGE 'page'} SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE: INVALID WARM START AREA SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE: WARM START AREA FULL SYSTEM RECOVERY F'AILURE; INVALID SPOOLING DATA SYSTEM WARM START DATA SAVED SYSTEM SHUTDOWN COMPLETE DMKCKP910W DMKCKP911W DMKCKP922W DMKCKP960I DMKCKP961W DMKCKS400I SYSTEM {TEMP SPACEICHECKPOINT AREA} FULL \ DMKCKS915E PERMANENT I/O ERROR ON CHECKPOINT AREA DMKCKS919E CHECKPOINT AREA INVALID; CHECKPOINTING TERMINATED DMKCKT401I SYSTEM {TEMP SPACE I CHECKPOINT AREA} 90 PERCENT FULL DMKCKT438I SPOOL FILE ID LIMIT EXCEEDED DMKCKT903W SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; VOLID 'valid' ALLOCATION ERROR {CYLINDER='cylinder'IPAGE='page'} DMKCKT912W SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; VOLID 'valid' NOT MOUNTED DMKCKT916E ERROR ALLOCATING SPOOL FILE BUFFERS 522 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes DMKCKV4011 DMKCKV912W DMKCKV915E DMKCKV916E DMKCKV917E SYSTEM {TEMP SPACE I CHECKPOINT AREA} 90 PERCENT FULL SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; VOLID 'valid' NOT MOUNTED PERMANENT I/O ERROR ON CHECKPOINT AREA ERROR ALLOCATING SPOOL FILE BUFFERS CHECKPOINT AREA INVALID; CLEAR STORAGE AND COLD START DMKCLK437E SYSTEM PAGING SPACE NOT AVAILABLE, IPL TERMINATED DMKCLK970W TOD CLOCK SYNC CHECK RECEIVED DMKCNS4541 {LINE addrlDEV rid} DISABLED DMKCNS4551 LINE 'addr' NOT OPERATIONAL text DMKCNS5001 type 'addr' 'devnarne' CMD REJECT CMD='crn' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' [BBCCHH='bbcchh'IBLOCK='nnnnnn'] DMKCNS501A type 'addr' 'devnarne' INT REQ CMD='crn' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' [BBCCHH='bbcchh'IBLOCK='nnnnnn'] DMKCNS5011 {CONIPRTIPUNIRDR} 'addr' 'devnarne' INT REQ [CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid'] DMKCNS5021 type 'addr' 'devnarne' BUSOUT CK ~MD='CM' SNS='SENSE' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' [BBCCHH='bbcchh'IBLOCK='nnnnnn'] DMKCNS5031 type 'addr' 'devnarne' EQUIP CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' [BBCCHH='bbcchh'IBLOCK='nnnnnn'] DMKCNS5041 type 'addr' 'devnarne' DATA CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID= 'userid' [BBCCHH='bbcchh'IBLOCK='nnnnnn'] DMKCNS5051 type 'addr' 'devnarne' OVERRUN CK CMD='crn' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' [BBCCHH='bbcchh'IBLOCK='nnnnnn'] DMKCNS5271 {LINE I CONS} 'addr' 'devnarne' LOST DATA CMD='crn' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' DMKCNS5281 {LINE I CONS} 'addr' 'devname' TIMEOUT CMD='crn' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' DMKCPB005E DMKCPB006E DMKCPB012E DMKCPB022E DMKCPB026E DMKCPB040E INVALID HEXDATA - hexdata INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr INVALID PSW - psw VADDR MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST DMKCPI131E DMKCPI185E DMKCPI2291 DMKCPI328E DMKCPI329E DMKCPI3301 DMKCPI344W DMKCPI5361 DMKCPI9131 DMKCPI9141 DMKCPI9231 DMKCPI9241 DMKCPI927W INSUFFICIENT FREE STORAGE AVAILABLE FOR {ATTACHILOGON} REQUEST CP ASSIST LEVEL xx DOES NOT MATCH CP LEVEL yy USER OF MONITOR DOES NOT EXIST raddrl raddr2 raddr3 IMPROPERLY GENNED; VARIED OFFLINE raddr IMPROPERLY GENNED, DEVICE CANNOT BE USED AS SYSOWN MISMATCHED DEVICE TYPES AT ADDRESS raddr CP OWNED VOLUME valid INVALID TYPE raddr devnarne REPORTS DISABLED INTERFACE; FAULT CODE cccC; NOTIFY CE CP OWNED VOLID xxx xxx INVALID FOR 3330V TRACE TABLE IS SMALLER THAN REQUESTED FAILING STORAGE FRAME AT LOCATION rstar xxxx ADDITIONAL FAILING STORAGE FRAMES EXIST STORAGE ALLOCATION HAS BEEN ALTERED. FREE OR TRACE WAS TOO LARGE. OPERATOR NOT LOGGED ON; EXPLICIT LOGON REQUIRED CP VOLID valid NOT MOUNTED nnnnnK SYSTEM STORAGE UNABLE TO ALLOCATE SYSTEM AUTO DUMP DASD raddr VOLID valid NOT MOUNTED; DUPLICATE OF DASD raddr INSUFFICIENT STORAGE FOR VM/SP HPO STOR sssssK, NUC nnnK, DYN dddddK, TRA tttK, FREE ffffK, V=R vvvvvK ATTACHED PROCESSOR NOT OPERATIONAL ATTACHED PROCESSOR NOT ONLINE SYSTEM SHUTDOWN COMPLETE CP OWNED DASD raddr VOLID valid INVALID ALLOCATION RECORD SECOND PROCESSOR NOT ONLINE PROC xx INITIALIZED; PROC yy INITIALIZED DMKCPI950A DMKCPI9511 DMKCPI9521 DMKCPI9531 DMKCPI954E DMKCPI955W DMKCPI9571 DMKCPI9581 DMKCPI959W DMKCPI961W DMKCPI9621 DMKCPI963W DMKCPI964I Appendix B. Message Summary Alphamerically by Message Identifier 523 DMKCPI9661 INITIALIZATION COMPLETE DMKCPI9671 DISCONNECT userid - SYSTEM RESTARTED (mmmnnn) AND SYSTEM CONSOLE NOT VM OPERATOR CONSOLE DMKCPI9681 SYSTEM SHUTDOWN REQUESTED DMKCPI9711 SYSTEM IS [UP lAP IMP] GENERATED DMKCPJ2291 USER OF MONITOR DOES NOT EXIST DMKCPJ9661 INITIALIZATION COMPLETE DMKCPJ9671 DISCONNECT userid - SYSTEM RESTARTED (mmmnnn) AND SYSTEM CONSOLE NOT VM OPERATOR CONSOLE DMKCP0049E DMKCP0124E DMKCP0140E DMKCP0142E DMKCP0143E DMKCP0198W DMKCP0291E type raddr IN USE DASD raddr IN USE BY nnn USERS type raddr ATTACHED TO userid type raddr NOT DRAINED type raddr IN USE BY SYSTEM LAST PATH TO DEVICE raddr ON PROCESSOR nn COMMAND REJECTED; {PMAISPMODE} IN USE DMKCPP6231 CHANNEL SET CONNECTED TO PROCESSOR nn DMKCPS040E DEV vaddr DOES NOT EXIST DMKCPS144W type vaddr RESET BY userid DMKCPT003E DMKCPTOIIE DMKCPT021E DMKCPT026E DMKCPT040E DMKCPT075E DMKCPT049E DMKCPT123E DMKCPT124E DMKCPT136E DMKCPT140E DMKCPT142E DMKCPT143E DMKCPT154E DMKCPT192E INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - userid vaddr RADDR MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST DEVICE raddr IS NOT AVAILABLE LINE addr IN USE DASD raddr CP OWNED DASD raddr IN USE BY nnn USERS DEVICE {vaddrlraddr} NOT {DEFINEDIVARIED}; CHANNEL XX DEDICATED type raddr ATTACHED TO userid type raddr NOT DRAINED type raddr IN USE BY SYSTEM DEV raddr VARY FAILED, VARY IN PROCESS VARY PROCESSOR COMMAND FAILED DMKCPU021E DMKCPU191E DMKCPU192E DMKCPU1931 DMKCPU1941 DMKCPU812E RADDR MISSING OR INVALID PROCESSOR nn DOES NOT EXIST VARY PROCESSOR COMMAND FAILED PROCESSOR nn ONLINE PROCESSOR nn OFFLINE MSSF RESPONSE CODE TO VARY CP {ONIOFF} IS nnnn DMKCPV003E DMKCPV004E DMKCPV007E DMKCPV009E DMKCPV020E DMKCPV021E DMKCPV026E DMKCPV033E DMKCPV040E DMKCPV045E DMKCPV046E DMKCPV140E DMKCPV160E DMKCPV1651 DMKCPV176E DMKCPV199E INVALID OPTION - option INVALID HEXLOC - hexloc INVALID USERID - userid INVALID RANGE - range USERID MISSING OR INVALID RADDR MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID HEXLOC MISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST userid NOT LOGGED ON {DEV ridltype raddr} OFFLINE type raddr ATTACHED TO userid HEXLOC hexloc EXCEEDS STORAGE PAGE hexloc NOT LOCKED; SHARED PAGE VIRT=REAL AREA IN USE BY userid CO~ll~AND REJECTED; DEVICE raddr PENDING OFFLINE 524 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes DMKCPV202E DMKCPV203E DMKCPV204E DMKCPV9231 DMKCPV9241 VIRT=REAL AREA NOT AVAILABLE; INSUFFICIENT STORAGE V=R AREA REQUIRES IPL BY DEVICE ADDRESS INVALID PAGE(S) SPECIFIED, V=R AREA FAILING STORAGE FRAME AT LOCATION rstor xxxx ADDITIONAL FAILING STORAGE FRAMES EXIST DMKCPW3301 MISMATCHED DEVICE TYPES AT ADDRESS raddr DMKCPZ040E DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST DMKCPZl49E DEVICE PATH raddr PRESENTED cc=3 ON I/O REQUEST DMKCPZ328E raddrl raddr2 raddr3 IMPROPERLY GENNED; VARIED OFFLINE DMKCQG020E DMKCQG022E DMKCQG027E DMKCQG028E DMKCQG040E DMKCQG042E DMKCQG045E USERID MISSING OR INVALID VADDR MISSING OR INVALID SPOOLID MISSING OR INVALID CLASS MISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST SPOOLID nnnn DOES NOT EXIST userid NOT LOGGED ON DMKCQHOl3E CONFLICTING OPTION - option DMKCQH024E {CYLSIBLKSIFORM NUMBER} MISSING OR INVALID DMKCQP003E CMKCQP023E DMKCQP040E DMKCQP4661 INVALID OPTION - option VOLID MISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST CTLR raddr IN BUFFER SLOWDOWN MODE DMKCQQ006E DMKCQQ02lE DMKCQQ022E .DMKCQQ023E DMKCQQ040E DMKCQQ045E DMKCQQ4661 INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr RADDR MISSING OR INVALID VADDR MISSING OR INVALID VOLID MISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST userid NOT LOGGED ON CTLR raddr IN BUFFER SLOWDOWN MODE DMKCQR003E DMKCQR020E DMKCQR026E DMKCQR028E DMKCQR045E INVALID OPTION - option USERID MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID CLASS MISSING OR INVALID userid NOT LOGGED ON DMKCQS002E INVALID OPERAND - operand DMKCQS003E INVALID OPTION - option DMKCQY020E USERID MISSING OR INVALID DMKCQY026E OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID DMKCQY045E userid NOT LOGGED ON DMKCSB003E DMKCSB006E DMKCSBOl3E DMKCSB021E DMKCSB022E DMKCSB026E DMKCSB028E DMKCSB03lE DMKCSB036E DMKCSB040E DMKCSB043E DMKCSB046E DMKCSBl40E DMKCSBl42E INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr CONFLICTING OPTION - option RADDR MISSING OR INVALID VADDR MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID CLASS MISSING OR INVALID BUFFER MISSING OR INVALID [modifier] INDEX MISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST BUFFER name DOES NOT EXIST {DEV ridltype raddr} OFFLINE type raddr ATTACHED TO userid type raddr NOT DRAINED Appendix B. Message Summary Alphamerically by Message Identifier 525 DMKCSB148E type raddr BUFFER LOAD name FAILED DMKCSB1581 UCS IMAGE NAME MISMATCH. IMAGE NAME LOADED IS xxxx DMKCS0003E DMKCS0006E DMKCS0013E DMKCS0021E DMKCS0024E DMKCS0028E DMKCS0030E DMKCS0040E DMKCS0046E DMKCS0140E DMKCS0141E DMKCS0243E DMKCS0244E DMKCS0245E DMKCS0246E DMKCS0441E INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr CONFLICTING OPTION - option RADDR MISSING OR INVALID {CYLSIBLKSIFORM NUMBER} MISSING OR INVALID CLASS MISSING OR INVALID COPIES MISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST {DEV ridltype raddr} OFFLINE type raddr ATTACHED TO userid type raddr NOT ACTIVE FLASH MISSING OR INVALID IMAGE LIBRARY MISSING OR INVALID CHARS MISSING OR INVALID FCB MISSING OR INVALID NOT ACCEPTED. PREVIOUS BACKSPACE STILL BEING PROCESSED DMKCSP003E DMKCSP006E DMKCSP007E DMKCSP013E DMKCSP020E DMKCSP022E DMKCSP024E DMKCSP026E DMKCSP028E DMKCSP029E DMKCSP030E DMKCSP032E DMKCSP040E DMKCSP053E DMKCSP243E DMKCSP245E DMKCSP246E DMKCSP253E INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr INVALID USERID ~ userid CONFLICTING OPTION - option USERID MISSING OR INVALID VADDR MISSING OR INVALID [CYLSIBLKSIFORM NUMBER} MISSING OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID CLASS MISSING OR INVALID FNAME FTYPE MISSING OR INVALID COPIES MISSING OR INVALID DIST CODE MISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST userid NOT IN CP DIRECTORY FLASH MISSING OR INVALID CHARS MISSING OR INVALID FCB MISSING OR INVALID MODIFY MISSING OR INVALID DMKCSQ003E DMKCSQ006E DMKCSQ013E DMKCSQ022E DMKCSQ024E DMKCSQ029E DMKCSQ032E DMKCSQ040E INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr CONFLICTING OPTION - option VADDR MISSING OR INVALID {CYLSIBLKSIFORM NUMBER} MISSING FNAME FTYPE MISSING OR INVALID DIST CODE MISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST DMKCST003E DMKCST006E DMKCST016E DMKCST022E DMKCST026E DMKCST027E DMKCST040E DMKCST042E DMKCST424E INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr TAG INVALID FOR SPECIFIED FILE TYPE VADDR MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID SPOOLID MISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST SPOOLID nnnn DOES NOT EXIST RDR FILE SPOOL ERROR; FILE UNCHANGED DMKCSU003E DMKCSU006E DMKCSU007E DMKCSU008E DMKCSU013E INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr INVALID USERID - userid INVALID SPOOLID -spoolid CONFLICTING OPTION - option 526 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes OR INVALID OR INVALID DMKCSU020E DMKCSU024E DMKCSU026E DMKCSU027E DMKCSU028E DMKCSU029E DMKCSU030E DMKCSU032E DMKCSU03SE DMKCSU042E DMKCSUOS3E DMKCSU243E DMKCSU24SE DMKCSU246E DMKCSU2S3E USERID MISSING OR INVALID {CYLS IBLKS I FORM NUMBER} MISSING OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID SPOOLID MISSING OR INVALID CLASS MISSING OR INVALID FNAME FTYPE MISSING OR INVALID COPIES MISSING OR INVALID DIST CODE MISSING OR INVALID DEVICE TYPE MISSING OR INVALID SPOOLID nnnn DOES NOT EXIST userid NOT IN CP DIRECTORY FLASH MISSING OR INVALID CHARS MISSING OR INVALID FCB MISSING OR INVALID MODIFY MISSING OR INVALID DMKCSV003E DMKCSV006E DMKCSV008E DMKCSV013E DMKCSV024E DMKCSV026E DMKCSV027E DMKCSV028E DMKCSV03SE DMKCSV042E INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr INVALID SPOOLID - spoolid CONFLICTING OPTION - option {CYLSIBLKSIFORM NUMBER} MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID SPOOLID MISSING OR INVALID CLASS MISSING OR INVALID DEVICE TYPE MISSING OR INVALID SPOOLID nnn DOES NOT EXIST OR INVALID DMKDADSOOI type 'addr' 'devname' CMD REJECT CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' [BBCCHH='bbcchh'IBLOCK='nnnnnn'] DMKDADS01A type 'addr' 'devname' INT REQ CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' [BBCCHH='bbcchh'IBLOCK='nnnnnn'] DMKDADS021 type 'addr' 'devname' BUSOUT CK CMD='CM' SNS='SENSE' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' [BBCCHH='bbcchh'IBLOCK='nnnnnn'] DMKDADS031 type 'addr' 'devname' EQUIP CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' [BBCCHH='bbcchh'IBLOCK='nnnnnn'] DMKDADS041 type 'addr' 'devname' DATA CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID= 'userid' [BBCCHH='bbcchh'IBLOCK='nnnnnn'] DMKDADSOSI type 'addr' 'devname' OVERRUN CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID= 'userid' [BBCCHH='bbcchh'IBLOCK='nnnnnn'] DMKDADS061 DASD 'addr' 'devname' TRKCOND CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' BBCCHH='bbcchh' DMKDADS081 {DASDIRDRIPRTIPUN} 'addr' 'devname' PERM ERROR CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' [BBCCHH='bbcchh'] DMKDADS131 {DASDITAPE} 'addr' 'devname' FILE PROT CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' [BBCCHH='bbcchh'IBLOCK='nnnnnn'] DMKDADS161 type 'addr' 'devname' BAD SENSE CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' [BBCCHH='bbcchh'IBLOCK='nnnnnn'] DMKDADS171 {LINE I TAPE} 'addr' 'devname' NOT/KNOWN CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' DMKDADS181 {DASD I TAPE { 'addr' 'devname' RECV ERROR CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' [BBCCHH='bbcchh'IBLOCK='nnnnnn'] DMKDADS201 type 'addr' 'devname' CHAN ERROR CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' [BBCCHH='bbcchh'IBLOCK='nnnnnn'] DMKDADS36I cuu 'devname' REPORTS DISABLED INTERFACE; FAULT CODE = cccc; NOTIFY CE DMKDADS381 type 'addr' 'devname' PROG ERROR CMD='cmd' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' DMKDAD9S6A DASD raddr VOLID volid NOT MOUNTED; NOW OFFLINE DMKDAS320E DMKDAS321E DMKDAS322E DMKDAS323E DMKDAS324E DMKDAS32SE SUBSYSTEM PROCESSING ERROR - FAULT CODE=code - raddr SUBSYSTEM STORAGE EQUIPMENT CHECK - FAULT CODE=code - raddr SUBSYSTEM STORAGE AVAILABILITY THRESHOLD CROSSED - raddr SUBSYSTEM STORAGE IS UNUSABLE - FAULT CODE=code - raddr SUBSYSTEM MUST BE INITIALIZED - FAULT CODE=code - raddr STORAGE DIRECTOR COMMUNICATION FAILURE - FAULT CODE=code - raddr Appendix B. Message Summary Alphamerically by Message Identifier 527 DMKDAS326E TRACK FORMAT NOT SUPPORTED FOR PAGING DEVICE raddr - raddr DMKDAS327A addr INTERVENTION REQUIRED - SET READ, R/W SWITCH TO R/W. DMKDASSOOI type 'addr' 'devname' CMD REJECT CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' [BBCCHH='bbcchh'IBLOCK='nnnnnn'] DMKDASSOIA type 'addr' 'devname' INT REQ CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' [BBCCHH='bbcchh'IBLOCK='nnnnnn'] DMKDASS021 type 'addr' 'devname' BUSOUT CK CMD='CM' SNS= , SENSE , CSW='csw' USERID='userid' [BBCCHH='bbcchh' IBLOCK='nnnnnn'] DMKDASS03I type 'addr' 'devname' EQUIP CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' [BBCCHH='bbcchh'IBLOCK='nnnnnn'] DMKDASS04I type 'addr' 'devname' DATA CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' [BBCCHH='bbcchh'IBLOCK='nnnnnn'] DMKDASSOSI type 'addr' 'devname' OVERRUN CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID= 'userid' [BBCCHH='bbcchh'IBLOCK='nnnnnn'] DMKDASS07D DASD raddr devname SEEK CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' DMKDASS201 type 'addr' 'devname' CHAN ERROR CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' [BBCCHH='.bbcchh'IBLOCK=lnnnnnn'] DMKDASS361 cuu 'devname' REPORTS DISABLED INTERFACE; FAULT CODE = cccC; NOTIFY CE DMKDAS9S6A DASD raddr VOLID volid NOT MOUNTED; NOW OFFLINE DMKDAUS331 DASD 'addr' CHECK DATA CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' BLOCK='nnnnnn' DMKDAUS341 DASD 'addr' BKSIZE EX CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' BLOCK='nnnnnn' DMKDAUS3S1 DASD 'addr' WRT INHIBT CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' BLOCK='nnnnnn' DMKDAUS36I cuu 'devname' REPORTS DISABLED INTERFACE; FAULT CODE = cccc; NOTIFY CE DMKDDR038E DMKDDRS36I DMKDDR700E DMKDDR701E DMKDDR702E DMKDDR703E DMKDDR704E DMKDDR70SE DMKDDR707E DMKDDR708E DMKDDR709E DMKDDR710A DMKDDR7l1R DMKDDR712E DMKDDR713E DMKDDR714E DMKDDR71SE DMKDDR716R DMKDDR717R DMKDDR718E DMKDDR719E DMKDDR720E DMKDDR721E DMKDDR721E DMKDDR722E DMKDDR723E DMKDDR724E 528 PARAMETER parameter FOR option OPTION MISSING OR INVALID raddr 'devname' REPORTS DISABLED INTERFACE; FAULT CODE = cccC; NOTIFY CE INPUT UNIT IS NOT A CPVOL INVALID OPERAND CONTROL STATEMENT SEQUENCE ERROR OPERAND MISSING DEV raddr NOT OPERATIONAL IO ERROR raddr CSW='csw' SENSE='sense' INPUT=['bbcchh'l 'nnnnnn'} OUTPUT='bbcchh' CCW='ccw' MACHINE CHECK RUN SEREP AND SAVE OUTPUT FOR CE INVALID INPUT OR OUTPUT DEFINITION WRONG INPUT TAPE MOUNTED DEV raddr INTERVENTION REQUIRED VOLID READ IS volid2 [NOT volidl] DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE? RESPOND YES NO OR REREAD: NUMBER OF EXTENTS EXCEEDS 20 OVERLAPPING OR INVALID EXTENTS RECORD [bbcchhlnnnnnn} NOT FOUND ON TAPE LOCATION bbcchh IS A FLAGGED TRACK NO VOLI LABEL FOUND [FOR volser] DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE? RESPOND YES OR NO OR REREAD: DATA DUMPED FROM volidl TO BE RESTORED TO volid2. DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE? RESPOND YES NO OR REREAD: OUTPUT UNIT IS FILE PROTECTED INVALID FILE NAME OR FILE NOT FOUND ERROR IN [routine/nnnnnn} RECORD [cchhr/nnnnnn} NOT FOUND RECORD [cchhrlnnnnnn} NOT FOUND OUTPUT UNIT NOT PROPERLY FORMATTED FOR THE CP NUCLEUS NO VALID CP NUCLEUS ON THE INPUT UNIT INPUT TAPE CONTAINS A CP NUCLEUS DUMP IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes DMKDDR725R ORIGINAL INPUT DEVICE WAS (IS) LARGER THAN OUTPUT DEVICE. DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE? RESPOND YES OR NO: DMKDDR726E MOVING DATA INTO THE ALTERNATE TRACK CYLINDER(S) IS PROHIBITED DMKDDR727E FLAGGED TRK xxxxxxxxxx HAS NO PROPER ALTERNATE; SKIPPING THIS TRK DMKDDR728E DECODE ERROR ENCOUNTERED: xx DMKDDR729I FULL TRACK READ FEATURE NOT AVAILABLE DMKDDR731I COMPACT OPTION IS IGNORED DMKDDR756E PROGRAM CHECK PSW = psw DMKDEF003E DMKDEFOIIE DMKDEF022E DMKDEF024E DMKDEF025E DMKDEF026E DMKDEF040E DMKDEF091E DMKDEF092E DMKDEF094E DMKDEF095E DMKDEF096E DMKDEF136E DMKDEF153E DMKDEF293E INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - userid vaddr VADDR MISSING OR INVALID {CYLSIBLKSIFORM NUMBER} MISSING OR INVALID STORAGE MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST DASD vaddr NOT DEFINED; TEMP SPACE NOT AVAILABLE DEV vaddr NOT DEFINED; type vaddr ALREADY DEFINED STORAGE EXCEEDS ALLOWED MAXIMUM DEV vaddr NOT DEFINED; INSUFFICIENT FREE STORAGE DEVICE vaddr NOT DEFINED; DEVICE TYPE NOT ALLOWED DEVICE vaddr NOT {DEFINEDIVARIED}; CHANNEL XX DEDICATED DEVICE vaddr EXCEEDED MAX NUMBER OF VIRTUAL DEVICES CMD REJECTED; vaddr VIOLATES PMA RESTRICTION DMKDEG025E STORAGE MISSING OR INVALID DMKDEG026E OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID DMKDEG094E STORAGE EXCEEDS ALLOWED MAXIMUM DMKDEI009E DMKDEI021E DMKDEI026E DMKDEI046E DMKDEI075E DMKDEI143E DMKDEI274E DMKDEI275E DMKDEI276E DMKDEI277E DMKDEI278E DMKDEI279E DMKDEI280E INVALID RANGE - range RADDR MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID {DEV ridltype raddr} OFFLINE DEVICE 'raddr' IS NOT AVAILABLE type raddr IN USE BY SYSTEM raddr HAS A MOUNTED VOLUME. MSS ID NOT AVAILABLE TO DEMOUNT IT raddr ALREADY SYSVIRT raddr NOT 3330V raddr ERROR DEMOUNTING VOLUME DEVICE NOT A DASD DASD NOT VUA raddr ALREADY VIRTUAL DMKDIAOIIE DMKDIA017E DMKDIA020E DMKDIA022E DMKDIA040E DMKDIA045E DMKDIA047E DMKDIA055E DMKDIA056E DMKDIA098E DMKDIA199E DMKDIA206E DMKDIA707A INVALID DEVICE TYPE - userid vaddr INSUFFICIENT SCREEN SPACE - CLEAR SCREEN AND REDIAL USERID MISSING OR INVALID VADDR MISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST userid NOT LOGGED ON userid vaddr DOES NOT EXIST LINE(S) NOT AVAILABLE ON userid LINE vaddr BUSY ON userid DEV rid MODE SWITCH NOT POSSIBLE COMMAND REJECTED; DEVICE raddr PENDING OFFLINE CANNOT CONNECT TO HOST VIRTUAL MACHINE DIAL FUNCTION NOT AVAILABLE DMKDIB006E DMKDIBOIIE DMKDIB020E DMKDIB022E DMKDIB040E DMKDIB045E INVALID DEVICE TYPE - vaddr INVALID DEVICE TYPE - userid vaddr USERID MISSING OR INVALID VADDR MISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST userid NOT LOGGED ON Appendix B. Message Summary Alphamerically by Message Identifier 529 DMKDIB047E userid vaddr DOES NOT EXIST DMKDIB058E CTC vaddr BUSY ON userid DMKDID5461 INTERRUPTION {CLEAREDIPENDING} {DEVICEICONTROL UNIT} raddr CSW csw USERID id DMKDIR5361 DMKDIR751E DMKDIR752E DMKDIR753E DMKDIR754E DMKDIR755E DMKDIR756E DMKDIR757E DMKDIR758E DMKDIR760E DMKDIR761E DMKDIR762E DMKDIR763E DMKDIR764E raddr 'devname' REPORTS DISABLED INTERFACE; FAULT CODE = cccC; NOTIFY CE INVALID OPERAND - operand STATEMENT SEQUENCE ERROR FOLLOWING USER user OPERAND MISSING DEV raddr NOT OPERATIONAL 10 ERROR raddr CSW='csw' SENSE='sense' PROGRAM CHECK PSW = psw MACHINE CHECK DUPLICATE UNIT DEFINITION NOT ENOUGH SPACE ALLOCATED FOR DIRECTORY VOLID READ IS volidl NOT volid2 (ON cuu) DIRECTORY STATEMENT MISSING INVALID FILENAME OR FILE NOT FOUND ERROR IN routine DMKDMP5361 DMKDMP905W DMKDMP906W DMKDMP907W DMKDMP9081 DMKDMP909W DMKDMP9131 DMKDMP9181 cccc; NOTIFY CE raddr devname REPORTS DISABLED INTERFACE; FAULT CODE SYSTEM DUMP FAILURE; PROGRAM CHECK SYSTEM DUMP FAILURE; MACHINE CHECK SYSTEM DUMP FAILURE; FATAL I/O ERROR SYSTEM FAILURE; CODE - code; PROCESSOR nn SYSTEM DUMP DEVICE NOT-READY CP OWNED VOLID xxxxxx INVALID FOR 3330V SYSTEM DUMP FAILURE; STATUS NOT STORED FOR NON-ABENDING PROCESSOR DMKDRD9251 SYSTEM AUTO DUMP REALLOCATED TO DASD raddr DMKDSB956A DASD raddr VOLID volid NOT MOUNTED; NOW OFFLINE DMKDSP450W CP ENTERED; DISABLED WAIT PSW 'psw' DMKDSP452W CP ENTERED; EXTERNAL INTERRUPT LOOP DMKFMT5361 DMKFMT730E DMKFMT732E DMKFMT733E DMKFMT734E DMKFMT735E DMKFMT736E DMKFMT737E DMKFMT738A DMKFMT739E DMKFMT740E DMKFMT741E raddr devname REPORTS DISABLED INTERFACE; FAULT CODE cccC; NOTIFY CE DEV raddr NOT OPERATIONAL OR NOT READY MACHINE CHECK VOLID READ IS volidl NOT volid2 TYPE OR {CYLIPAG} INVALID FATAL DASD 10 ERROR 10 ERROR raddr {CCHHR=cchhrIBLOCK=nnnnnn} SENSE='sense' INVALID OPERAND DEV raddr INTERVENTION REQUIRED FLAGGED PRIMARY TRACK HAS NO ALTERNATE ASSIGNED;IO ERROR FOLLOWS PACK MOUNTED IS 3340-35, NOT 3340-70. MOUNT ANOTHER OR RESPECIFY DEVICE raddr IS zzzz NOT xxxx-nn AS SPECIFIED. RESPECIFY OR NOTIFY SYSTEM SUPPORT DMKFMT756E PROGRAM CHECK PSW = psw DMKGRF457E TERMINAL SCRNSAVE UNSUCCESSFUL DMKGRF5001 type 'addr' 'devname' CMD REJECT CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' [BBCCHH='bbcchh'IBLOCK='nnnnnn'] DMKGRF5021 type 'addr' 'devname' BUSOUT CK CMD='CM' SNS='SENSE' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' [BBCCHH='bbcchh'IBLOCK='nnnnnn'] DMKGRF5031 type 'addr' 'devname' EQUIP CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' [BBCCHH='bbcchh'IBLOCK='nnnnnn'] DMKGRF5041 type 'addr' 'devname' DATA CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID= 'userid' [BBCCHH='bbcchh'IBLOCK='nnnnnn'] DMKGRF5211 type 'addr' 'devname' NO DEVICE CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' 530 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes DMKGRF5251 {GRAFIRDRIPRTIPUN} 'addr' 'devname' FORMAT CK CMD=' em' SNS='sense' USERID='userid' DMKGRF5291 {GRAFIRDRIPRTIPUN} 'addr' 'devname' PARITY CK CMD=' em' SNS='sense' .CSW='esw' USERID='userid' DMKGRF5301 GRAF 'addr' 'devname' UNIT SPEC CMD=' em' SNS='sense' USERID='userid' DMKGRF5311 GRAF 'addr' 'devname' CNTRL CHECK CMD=' em' SNS='sense' USERID='userid' DMKGRF5321 GRAF 'addr' 'devname' OP CHECK CMD=' em' SNS='sense' USERID='userid' DMKIOB724I {APIMP} RIOBLOCKS REQUESTED IN UNIPROCESSOR DUMP DMKIOF550E ERROR RECORDING AREA 90 PERCENT FULL; RUN CPEREP DMKIOG551E DMKIOG552I DMKIOG5531 DMKIOG5581 ERROR RECORDING AREA FULL; RUN CPEREP. FORMATTING ERROR RECORDING AREA ERROR RECORDING AREA CLEARED; USER 'userid' UNRECOVERABLE I/O ERROR; ERROR RECORDING DISABLED DMKIOH559W SRF vaddr NOT ACCESSIBLE; FRAMES NOT ON ERROR CYLINDERS DMKIOH560W ERRORS ON SRF vaddr: FRAMES NOT ON ERROR CYLINDERS DMKIOH561W MORE THAN 50 MCH OR CCH FRAMES WERE READ FROM SRF vaddr DMKJRL1451 USERID: userid AT term-raddr WITH INVALID {LINKILOGON} PASSWORD NO. xxx HAS VIOLATED THE LIMIT OF yyy [,A=auserid] DMKLD09231 FAILING STORAGE FRAME AT LOCATION rstor DMKLD09241 xxxx ADDITIONAL FAILING STORAGE FRAMES EXIST DMKLNKOIIE DMKLNK020E DMKLNK022E DMKLNK052E DMKLNK053E DMKLNKIOIW DMKLNKI02W DMKLNKI03W DMKLNKI04E DMKLNKI05E DMKLNKI06E DMKLNKI07E DMKLNKI08E DMKLNKI09E DMKLNKIIOE DMKLNKIIIE DMKLNKl12E DMKLNKl13E DMKLNKl14E DMKLNKl15E DMKLNKl16E DMKLNKl17E DMKLNKl18E DMKLNKl19E DMKLNK137E DMKLNK199E DMKLNK293E INVALID DEVICE TYPE - userid vaddr USERID MISSING OR INVALID VADDR MISSING OR INVALID ERROR IN CP DIRECTORY userid NOT IN CP DIRECTORY DASD vaddr FORCED R/O; R/O BY {nnn USERSluserid} DASD vaddr FORCED R/O; R/W BY {nnn USERSluserid} DASD vaddr FORCED R/O; R/W BY {nnn USERSluserid}; R/O BY {nnn USERSluserid} userid vaddr NOT LINKED; R/O BY {nnn USERSluserid} userid vaddr NOT LINKED; R/W BY {nnn USERSluserid} userid vaddr NOT LINKED; R/W BY nnn USERS; R/O BY {nnn USERSluserid} userid vaddr NOT LINKED; NOT IN CP DIRECTORY userid vaddr NOT LINKED; VOLID valid NOT MOUNTED userid vaddr NOT LINKED; INVALID LINK DEVICE userid vaddr NOT LINKED; type vaddr ALREADY DEFINED userid vaddr NOT LINKED; NO READ PASSWORD userid vaddr NOT LINKED; NO WRITE PASSWORD userid vaddr NOT LINKED; NO MULT PASSWORD userid vaddr NOT LINKED; MODE OR PASSWORD INCORRECT LINK INVALID; EXCESSIVE INCORRECT PASSWORDS USERID xxx NOT LINKED; CP DIRECTORY IN USE USERID userid NOT LINKED; VOLID valid CONFLICT userid vaddr NOT LINKED; COMMAND FORMAT NOT VALID USERID vaddr NOT LINKED; INSUFFICIENT FREE STORAGE DASD vaddr NOT LINKED; CHAN x DEDICATED COMMAND REJECTED; DEVICE raddr PENDING OFFLINE CMD REJECTED; euu VIOLATES PMA RESTRICTION DMKLOG003E DMKLOGOIIE DMKLOG020E DMKLOG050E DMKLOG051E DMKLOG052E DMKLOG053E DMKLOG054E DMKLOG067E INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - userid vaddr USERID MISSING OR INVALID PASSWORD INCORRECT. REINITIATE LOGON PROCEDURE MAXIMUM USERS EXCEEDED ERROR IN CP DIRECTORY userid NOT IN CP DIRECTORY ALREADY LOGGED ON {LINE I GRAF I LUNAME} raddr COMMAND FORMAT NOT VALID Appendix B. Message Summary Alphamerically by Message Identifier 531 DMKLOG0691 DMKLOG080E DMKLOG081W DMKLOG082E DMKLOG090E DMKLOG091E DMKLOG092E DMKLOG093E DMKLOG095E DMKLOG131E DMKLOG156E DMKLOG188E DMKLOG189E DMKLOG206E DMKLOG250E DMKLOG251E DMKLOG268E DMKLOG269E INCOMPLETE RECOVERY; 'SYSTEM RESTART' OR 'BEGIN' NO PREALLOCATED VMSAVE AREA VMSAVE AREA CONTAINS A SAVED SYSTEM, MUST USE SET COMMAND MORE THAN ONE VMSAVE AREA ALLOCATED, MUST SPECIFY AREA NAME DEV vaddr NOT DEFINED; DEV {raddrlvolser} NOT AVAILABLE DASD vaddr NOT DEFINED; TEMP SPACE NOT AVAILABLE DEV vaddr NOT DEFINED; type vaddr ALREADY DEFINED DEV vaddr NOT DEFINED; ERROR IN CP DIRECTORY DEV vaddr NOT DEFINED; INSUFFICIENT FREE STORAGE INSUFFICIENT FREE STORAGE AVAILABLE FOR {ATTACH I LOGON} REQUEST raddrl raddr2 raddr3 SUBSYSTEM DEVICES NOT AVAILABLE SPECIFIED PROCESSOR UNAVAILABLE AFFINITY NOT SET; SYSTEM IN UNIPROCESSOR MODE CANNOT CONNECT TO HOST VIRTUAL MACHINE 370E IS NOT AVAILABLE (ON PROC xx) 370E IS NOT ACTIVE XMEM FEATURE NOT AVAILABLE XMEM FEATURE NOT ACTIVE DMKLOH011E INVALID DEVICE TYPE - userid vaddr DMKLOH196E SECONDARY USER NOT IN CP DIRECTORY DMKMCC002E DMKMCC003E DMKMCC006E DMKMCC021E DMKMCC026E DMKMCC040E DMKMCC046E DMKMCC140E DMKMCC143E DMKMCC199E DMKMCC210E DMKMCC211E DMKMCC213E DMKMCC215E DMKMCC216E DMKMCC217E DMKMCC221E INVALID OPERAND - operand INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr RADDR MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST {DEV ridltype raddr} OFFLINE type raddr ATTACHED TO userid type raddr IN USE BY SYSTEM COMMAND REJECTED~ DEVICE raddr PENDING OFFLINE SWAPAGE CLASS IS DEPENDENT ON SWAP MONITOR TAPE IS ALREADY ACTIVE MONITOR CPTRACE IS ALREADY ACTIVE MONITOR ACTIVE; DASTAP CANNOT BE ENABLED DYNAMICALLY SYSPROF CLASS IS DEPENDENT ON SCHEDULE AND DASTAP MONITOR TAPE NOT STARTED, NO CLASS ENABLED MONITOR TO SPOOL IS ALREADY ACTIVE DMKMCD002E DMKMCD021E DMKMCD026E DMKMCD040E DMKMCD212E DMKMCD214E DMKMCD218E DMKMCD222E DMKMCD223E DMKMCD224E DMKMCD226E DMKMCD227E DMKMCD228E INVALID OPERAND - operand RADDR MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST MONITOR TAPE IS NOT ACTIVE MONITOR CPTRACE IS NOT ACTIVE MONITOR NOT STOPPED, OUTSTANDING I/O TIME PARAMETER SPECIFIES INVALID TIME START TIME MUST PRECEDE STOP TIME LIMIT MUST BE BETWEEN 10 and 50000 FOR VALUE MIDNIGHT - COMMAND INVALID FOR OPTION INVALID WITH AUTODISK OFF FOR OPTION INVALID WITH MONITOR ON DMKMCH290E DMKMCH609W DMKMCH610W DMKMCH611W DMKMCH612W DMKMCH6131 DMKMCH6141 DMKMCH615I DMKMCH6161 PMA GUEST GIVEN CONTROL DUE TO CODE cde CP DISABLED WAIT MACHINE CHECK; PROCESSOR CONTROLLER DAMAGE cpuid MACHINE CHECK; SUPERVISOR DAMAGE cpuid MACHINE CHECK; SYSTEM INTEGRITY LOST cpuid MACHINE CHECK; TIMING FACILITIES DAMAGE SOFT MACHINE CHECK RECORDING DISABLED cpuid MACHINE CHECK; DAMAGED PAGE NOW DELETED cpuid MACHINE CHECK RECORDING FAILURE cpuid MACHINE CHECK; USER userid TERMINATED cpuid 532 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes DMKMCH617I DMKMCH619I DMKMCH622W DMKMCH624I DMKMCH627I DMKMCH628I DMKMCH629I DMKMCH633W DMKMCH634I DMKMCH635I MACHINE CHECK; BUFFER OR DLAT DAMAGE cpuid MACHINE CHECK; OPERATION TERMINATED cpuid MACHINE CHECK; MULTIPLE CHANNEL ERRORS MACHINE CHECK; EXTERNAL DAMAGE MACHINE CHECK; STORAGE DEGRADATION FOR userid DEGRADATION; CP WILL TRY RECOVERY IN 1 MINUTE SOFT MACHINE CHECK REPORTING NOW ENABLED MACHINE CHECK; SYSTEM DAMAGE IMMINENT MACHINE CHECK; DELAYED ACCESS EXCEPTION nn MACHINE CHECK; PAGING STORAGE CONTROL FAILURE nn DMKMCI003E INVALID OPTION - option DMKMCI026E OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID DMKMCI618I {INSTRUCTION RETRYIMAIN STORAGE} NOW IN {RECORDIQUIET} MODE cpuid DMKMCT290E DMKMCT610W DMKMCT611W DMKMCT612W DMKMCT616I DMKMCT619I DMKMCT620I DMKMCT621I DMKMCT623I DMKMCT625I DMKMCT626E PMA GUEST GIVEN CONTROL DUE TO CODE cde CP DISABLED WAIT MACHINE CHECK; SUPERVISOR DAMAGE cpuid MACHINE CHECK; SYSTEM INTEGRITY LOST cpuid MACHINE CHECK; TIMING FACILITIES DAMAGE MACHINE CHECK; USER userid TERMINATED cpuid MACHINE CHECK; OPERATION TERMINATED cpuid MACHINE CHECK; ATTACHED PROCESSOR NOT BEING USED MACHINE CHECK; AFFINITY SET OFF CHANNEL SET CONNECTED TO ATTACHED PROCESSOR nn ALTERNATE PROCESSOR RECOVERY SUCCESSFUL; PROCESSOR nn OFFLINE CONSOLE FUNCTION MODE ENTERED; REQUIRED PROCESSOR NOW OFFLINE DMKMIA229E MONITOR OUT OF DASD PAGES, IS SHUTTING OFF DMKMID310E DATE date INVALID; NOT CHANGED DMKMNI002E INVALID OPERAND - operand DMKMNI225E INVALID MONITOR USERID SPECIFIED, MON NOT ENABLED DMKMON219I END OF MONITOR TAPE, MONITOR STOPPED BY SYSTEM DMKMON220I ERROR ON MONITOR TAPE, MONITOR STOPPED BY SYSTEM DMKMSG003E DMKMSG020E DMKMSG045E DMKMSG057W INVALID OPTION - option USERID MISSING OR INVALID userid NOT LOGGED ON userid NOT RECEIVING; {DISCONNECTEDIMSG OFFISMSG OFFINOT AUTHORIZED I WNG OFFIVMCF/IUCV ERROR nnn} DMKNEA002E DMKNEA006E DMKNEA020E DMKNEA026E DMKNEA040E DMKNEA046E DMKNEA120E DMKNEA121E DMKNEA122E DMKNEA140E DMKNEA157E DMKNEA208E INVALID OPERAND - operand INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr USERID MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST {DEV ridltype raddr} OFFLINE ridltype raddr NOT ATTACHED; userid vaddr ALREADY DEFINED ridltype raddr NOT ATTACHED TO userid ridltype raddr ALREADY ATTACHED TO userid type raddr ATTACHED TO userid CLUSTER=parm MISSING FORM RDEVICE MACRO - DEV raddr PRT rid NOT ENABLED DMKNES002E DMKNES004E DMKNES006E DMKNES009E DMKNES021E DMKNES026E DMKNES040E DMKNES046E INVALID OPERAND - operand INVALID HEXLOC - hexloc INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr INVALID RANGE - range RADDR MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST {DEV ridltype raddr} OFFLINE Appendix B. Message Summary Alphamerically by Message Identifier 533 DMKNES049E DMKNES098E DMKNES140E DMKNES160E DMKNES175E DMKNES199E DMKNES706E LINE addr IN USE DEV rid MODE SWITCH NOT POSSIBLE type raddr ATTACHED TO userid HEXLOC hexloc EXCEEDS STORAGE {FAVORED!RESERVE!name} ALREADY IN USE BY userid COMMAND REJECTED; DEVICE raddr PENDING OFFLINE LINE addr NOT ENABLED DMKNET002E DMKNET003E DMKNET004E DMKNET006E DMKNET009E DMKNET021E DMKNET026E DMKNET033E DMKNET040E DMKNET046E DMKNET049E DMKNET098E DMKNET140E DMKNET160E DMKNET199E INVALID OPERAND - operand INVALID OPTION - option INVALID HEXLOC - hexloc INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr INVALID RANGE - range RADDR MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID HEXLOC MISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST {DEV rid!type raddr} OFFLINE LINE addr IN USE DEV rid MODE SWITCH NOT POSSIBLE type raddr ATTACHED TO userid HEXLOC hexloc EXCEEDS STORAGE COMMAND REJECTED; DEVICE raddr PENDING OFFLINE DMKNLD002E DMKNLD006E DMKNLD021E DMKNLD026E DMKNLD040E DMKNLD044E DMKNLD046E DMKNLD140E DMKNLD143E DMKNLD170E DMKNLD171E DMKNLD199E DMKNLD460E DMKNLD461R DMKNLD470E DMKNLD471E INVALID OPERAND - operand INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr RADDR MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST SYSTEM name DOES NOT EXIST {DEV rid!type raddr} OFFLINE type raddr ATTACHED TO userid type raddr IN USE BY SYSTEM SYSTEM name EXCEEDS STORAGE SYSTEM name VOLID valid NOT MOUNTED COMMAND REJECTED; DEVICE raddr PENDING OFFLINE CTLR raddr {LOADIDUMP} FAILED: PROGRAM CHECK CTLR raddr IPL NOT REQUIRED; ENTER 'YES' TO CONTINUE CTLR raddr {LOAD I DUMP} FAILED: PAGING I/O ERROR CTLR raddr LOAD FAILED: UNRECOVERABLE I/O ERROR DMKNLE003E DMKNLE006E DMKNLE021E DMKNLE040E DMKNLE046E DMKNLE140E DMKNLE143E DMKNLE199E DMKNLE460E DMKNLE461R DMKNLE4641 DMKNLE469E DMKNLE470E DMKNLE471E INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr RADDR MISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST {DEV rid!type raddr} OFFLINE type raddr ATTACHED TO userid type raddr IN USE BY SYSTEM COMMAND REJECTED; DEVICE raddr' PENDING OFFLINE CTLR raddr {LOAD!DUMP} FAILED: PROGRAM CHECK CTLR raddr IPL NOT REQUIRED; ENTER "YES" TO CONTINUE CTLR raddr CC=3; DEPRESS 370X "LOAD" BUTTON CTLR raddr {LOAD!DUMP} FAILED: TEMP SPACE NOT AVAILABLE CTLR raddr {LOADIDUMP} FAILED: PAGING I/O ERROR CTLR raddr DUMP FAILED: UNRECOVERABLE I/O ERROR DMKNMT2471 DMKNMT248E DMKNMT249E DMKNMT254E DMKNMT256E DMKNMT257E 3800 NAMED SYSTEM imag3800 CREATED SPECIFIED IMAGE imag NON-EXISTENT ERROR LOADING lMAG imag ERROR SAVING imag3800 - RC = (rc) INSUFFICIENT VIRTUAL STORAGE RESIDUAL BYTE COUNT = nnnnnnnn (HEX) 534 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes DMKPAH415E CONTINUOUS PAGING ERRORS FROM DASD xxx DMKPEI002E DMKPEI003E DMKPEIOI0E DMKPEI026E DMKPEI047E INVALID OPERAND - operand INVALID OPTION - option INVALID REGISTER - register OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID {userid {vaddrlsegname} I THE CURRENT TRACESETITHE TRACESET tracesetlA SAVED TRACESET} DOES NOT EXIST DMKPEI312E MORE THAN {8 RANGES I 1 PASSII STEP} SPECIFIED ON A COMMAND LINE DMKPEL013E CONFLICTING OPTION - {optionloptionl AND option2} DMKPEL013W CONFLICTING OPTION - {NORUN CONFLICTS WITH PRINTERIPRINTER CONFLICTS WITH NORUNISTEP CONFLICTS WITH PRINTERIPRINTER CONFLICTS WITH STEP} - {"BOTH"I"RUN"} OPTION FORCED DMKPEL047E {userid {vaddrlsegname} I THE CURRENT TRACESETITHE TRACESET tracesetlA SAVED TRACESET} DOES NOT EXIST DMKPEL311E MAXIMUM NUMBER OF TRACE ELEMENTS EXCEEDED DMKPEN002E DMKPEN003E DMKPEN026E DMKPEN047E INVALID OPERAND - operand INVALID OPTION - option OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID {userid {vaddrlsegname}ITHE CURRENT TRACESETITHE TRACESET tracesetlA SAVED TRACESET} DOES NOT EXIST DMKPEN180E PER TRACE NOT IN EFFECT DMKPEN311E MAXIMUM NUMBER OF TRACE ELEMENTS EXCEEDED DMKPEQ003E INVALID OPTION - option DMKPEQ047E {userid {vaddrlsegname}ITHE CURRENT TRACESETITHE TRACESET tracesetlA SAVED TRACESET} DOES NOT EXIST DMKPEQ180E PER TRACE NOT IN EFFECT DMKPER174E PAGING ERROR - {I/OIADDRESS EXCEPTION}: IPL FAILED} DMKPER182I PER TRACE IS ACTIVE DMKPER313E PER FAILURE - CODE n DMKPER314W PER FAILURE - CODE n USERID userid DMKPET003E DMKPET061E DMKPET180E DMKPET313E DMKPET314W {COMMAND TERMINATED, INVALID OPTION - option {DUMP FAILED;} VIRTUAL PRINTER ERROR PER TRACE NOT IN EFFECT PER FAILURE - CODE n PER FAILURE - CODE n USERID userid DMKPGT400I SYSTEM {TEMP SPACEICHECKPOINT AREA} FULL DMKPGT4011 SYSTEM {TEMP SPACEICHECKPOINT AREA} 90 PERCENT FULL DMKPRG411W CP ENTERED; TRANSLATION EXCEPTION WHILE IN NON-EC MODE DMKPRG453W CP ENTERED; PROGRAM INTERRUPT LOOP DMKPST442I PAGING STORAGE FOR [SWAPPINGIPAGING]=nnK PAGES; mm% ARE NOT USABLE DMKPST4431 PAGING STORAGE INCREMENT nn IS NOT USABLE DMKPST4441 nn ADDITIONAL PAGING STORAGE INCREMENTS ARE NOT USABLE DMKPTR410W CP ENTERED; PAGING ERROR DMKQCN150A USER userid HAS ISSUED A {CPIVM} READ DMKQVM020E DMKQVM800E DMKQVM801E DMKQVM802E DMKQVM803E DMKQVM806E USERID MISSING OR COMMAND REJECTED, FREE STORAGE PAGE COMMAND REJECTED, COMMAND REJECTED, COMMAND REJECTED, INVALID OTHER VIRTUAL MACHINES LOGGED ON IS NOT AVAILABLE DEVICES NOT DEDICATED SPOOL DEVICES NOT DRAINED VIRTUAL ADDRESS NOT EQUAL TO REAL ADDRESS Appendix B. Message Summary Alphamerically by Message Identifier 535 DMKQVMS07E COMMAND REJECTED, VM/SP ATTACHED PROCESSOR MODE DMKQVMS09E COMMAND REJECTED, TRACE/ADSTOP/CCW TRANS IN EFFECT DMKRGA4541 {LINE addrlDEV rid} DISABLED DMKRGA4551 LINE 'addr' NOT OPERATIONAL; text DMKRGA7051 I/O ERROR RESID=resQurce id STATUS=status LINE=addr DMKRNDS501 DMKRNDS511 DMKRNDS521 DMKRNDS531 DMKRNDS61E DMKRNDS63E DMKRNDS641 UNABLE TO READ DUMP FROM READER TEN DUMP FILES ALREADY EXIST FATAL I/O ERROR WRITING DUMP NO DUMP FILES EXIST DUMP FILE 'filename' NOT FOUND INVALID PARAMETER _ parameter PAGE REFERENCED NOT AVAILABLE WHILE EDITING xxxxxxxx DMKRNH4541 DMKRNH4621 DMKRNH4631 DMKRNH4641 DMKRNH46S1 {LINE addrlDEV rid} DISABLED CTLR raddr UNIT CHECK; IPL REQUIRED CTLR 'raddr' UNIT CHECK; RESTART IN PROGRESS CTLR raddr CC=3; DEPRESS 370X "LOAD" BUTTON CTLR raddr COMMUNICATIONS SCANNER FAILURE DMKRSE242E DMKRSE252I DMKRSE2551 DMKRSE5001 DMKRSE5401 PRT raddr (3800) INTERVENTION RECQD, STATUS CODE cc PRT raddr, FILE nnnn REQUEUED AND HELD PRT raddr, PAGE BUFFER DESTROYED, BACKUP PAGE COUNT nnnn type 'addr' 'devname' CMD REJECT CMD=' em' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' [BBCCHH='bbeehh'IBLOCK='nnnnnn'] type 'addr' 'devname' INT REQ CMD=' em' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' [BBCCHH='bbeehh'IBLOCK='nnnnnn'] {CONIPRTIPUNIRDR} 'addr' 'devname' INT REQ [CMD='em' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid'] type 'addr' 'devname' BUSOUT CK CMD='CM' SNS='SENSE' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' [BBCCHH='bbcchh'IBLOCK='nnnnnn'] {RDRIPRTIPUN} 'addr' 'devname' EQUIP CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' type 'addr' 'devname' EQUIP CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' [BBCCHH='bbcchh'IBLOCK='nnnnnn'] {RDRIPRT} 'addr' 'devname' DATA CK CMD=' em' SNS='sense' type 'addr' 'devname' DATA CK CMD=' em' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' [BBCCHH='bbeehh'IBLOCK='nnnnnn'] RDR raddr devname OVERRUN CK CMD=em SNS=sense CSW=esw USERID=userid {DASDIRDRIPRTIPUN} 'addr' 'devname' PERM ERROR CMD='em' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' [BBCCHH='bbeehh'] {RDRIPRTIPUN} 'addr' 'devname' PERM ERROR CMD='em' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' type 'addr' 'devname' CHAN ERROR CMD='em' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' [BBCCHH='bbeehh'IBLOCK='nnnnnn'] type 'addr' 'devname' NO DEVICE CMD=' em' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' {RDRIPRTIPUN} 'addr' 'devname' LOAD CHECK CMD=' em' SNS='sense' USERID='userid' {GRAFIRDRIPRTIPUN} 'addr' 'devname' FORMAT CK CMD=' em' SNS='sense' USERID='userid' {GRAFIRDRIPRTIPUN} 'addr' 'devname' PARITY CK CMD=' em' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' PRT raddr 'devname' MAINT REQ CMD=' em' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' DMKRSP2391 DMKRSP42SE DMKRSP430A DMKRSP432A PRT raddr DRAINED. POSSIBLE FCB-FORMS MISMATCH {PRTIPUNIRDRITAPE} raddr SPOOL ERROR; FILE {HELD I PURGED} [PRTIPUN] raddr FATAL I/O ERROR; NOW OFFLINE; FILE HELD RDR raddr ID CARD; userid NOT IN CP DIRECTORY DMKRSE501A DMKRSE5011 DMKRSE5021 DMKRSE503A DMKRSE5031 DMKRSE504A DMKRSE5041 DMKRSE505A DMKRSE50S1 DMKRSE520A DMKRSE5201 DMKRSE5211 DMKRSE5241 DMKRSE5251 DMKRSE5291 DMKRST426A [RDRITAPE] raddr SPOOL SPACE FULL; FILE PURGED DMKRST428E {PRTIPUNIRDRITAPE} raddr SPOOL ERROR; FILE (HELD I PURGED} 536 IBM VMjSP HPO System Messages and Codes DMKRST430A DMKRST431A DMKRST432A DMKRST433A DMKRST434A [PRTIPUN] RDR raddr RDR raddr RDR raddr RDR raddr raddr FATAL I/O ERROR; NOW OFFLINE; FILE HELD 10 CARD MISSING OR INVALID ID CARD; userid NOT IN CP DIRECTORY 10 CARD; INVALID DATA data FATAL I/O ERROR; FILE PURGED DMKSAV350W DMKSAV351W DMKSAV352W DMKSAV353W DMKSAV5361 DASD raddr VOLID NOT aaaaaa DASD raddr NOT READY FATAL DASD I/O ERROR SYSRES DEVICE TYPE INVALID raddr devname REPORTS DISABLED INTERFACE; FAULT CODE DMKSNC044E DMKSNC171E DMKSNC178E DMKSNC179E DMKSNC435E SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM PAGING ecce; NOTIFY CE name DOES NOT EXIST name VOLID volid NOT MOUNTED name EXCEEDS AVAILABLE DASD SPACE name VOLID volid NOT CP OWNED ERROR WRITING SAVED SYSTEM DMKSND020E USERID MISSING OR INVALID DMKSND045E userid NOT LOGGED ON DMKSND068E SEND COMMAND FAILED - RECEIVER {IS NOT DISCONNECTED I HAS NOT AUTHORIZED SENDERIHAS NO VIRTUAL CONSOLE I CONSOLE INPUT WAITING I IS EXECUTING A CONSOLE FUNCTION} DMKSPM026E OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID DMKSPM804E SINGLE PROCESSOR MODE ON REJECTED DMKSPM8081 SINGLE PROCESSOR MODE ACTIVE DMKSPS014E DMKSPS026E DMKSPS026E DMKSPS028E DMKSPS037E DMKSPS426E DMKSPS428E TAPE raddr DUMP TAPE CAPACITY EXCEEDED OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID CLASS MISSING OR INVALID TAPE raddr INVALID FOR SPTAPE COMMAND {RDRITAPE} raddr SPOOL SPACE FULL; FILE PURGED {PRTIPUNIRDRITAPE} raddr SPOOL ERROR; FILE {HELD I PURGED} DMKSPT002E DMKSPT003E DMKSPT006E DMKSPT008E DMKSPT021E DMKSPT024E DMKSPT040E DMKSPT046E DMKSPT140E DMKSPT143E DMKSPT199E INVALID OPERAND - operand INVALID OPTION - option INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr INVALID SPOOLID - spoolid RADDR MISSING OR INVALID {CYLS IBLKS I FORM NUMBER} MISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST {DEV ridltype raddr} OFFLINE type raddr ATTACHED TO userid type raddr IN USE BY SYSTEM COMMAND REJECTED; DEVICE raddr PENDING OFFLINE DMKSSP5361 raddr devname REPORTS DISABLED INTERFACE; FAULT CODE = ecce; NOTIFY CE DMKSST070E DMKSSS071E DMKSSS072E DMKSST074I DMKSSS075E DMKSSS078I DMKSSU074I DEVICE NOT AVAILABLE - MSS DEVICES ALLOCATED DEVICE NOT AVAILABLE - MSS CANNOT BE ACCESSED DEVICE NOT AVAILABLE - raddr NOT PROPER TYPE MISSING INTERRUPT - DEVICE vaddr DEVICE volid IS NOT AVAILABLE MSS MOUNT PROCEEDING FOR VOLUME volid MISSING INTERUPT - DEVICE vaddr DMKTAP5001 type addr devname CMD REJECT CMD=cm SNS=sense CSW=csw USERID=userid [BBCCHH=bbcchhI BLOCK=nnnnnn] DMKTAP501A type addr devname INT REQ CMD=cm SNS=sense CSW=csw USERID=userid [BBCCHH=bbcehhI BLOCK=nnnnnn] Appendix B. Message Summary Alphamerically by Message Identifier 537 DMKTAPS021 type addr devname BUSOUT CK CMD=CM SNS=SENSE CSW=csw USERID=userid [BBCCHH=bbcchhIBLOCK=nnnnnn] DMKTAPS031 type addr devname EQUIP CK CMD=cm SNS=sense CSW=csw USERID=userid [BBCCHH=bbcchhI BLOCK=nnnnnn] DMKTAPS041 type addr devname DATA CK CMD=cm SNS=sense CSW=csw USERID=userid {BBCCHH=bbcchh} DMKTAPSOSI type addr devname OVERRUN CK CMD=cm SNS=sense CSW=csw USERID=userid [BBCCHH=bbcchhI BLOCK=nnnnnn] DMKTAPSI01 TAPE addr devname CONVERT CK CMD=cm SNS=sense CSW=csw USERID=userid DMKTAPSII1 TAPE addr devname COMPAT CK CMD=cm SNS=sense CSW=csw USERID=userid DMKTAPS121 TAPE addr devname LOAD POINT CMD=cm SNS=sense CSW=csw USERID=userid DMKTAPS161 type 'addr' 'devname' BAD SENSE CMD=' em' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' [BBCCHH='bbeehh'IBLOCK='nnnnnn'] DMKTAPS171 {LINEITAPE} 'addr' 'devname' NOT/KNOWN CMD='em' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' DMKTAPS181 {DASDITAPE} 'addr' 'devname' RECV ERROR CMD=' em' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' [BBCCHH='bbeehh'IBLOCK='nnnnnn'] DMKTAPS191 TAPE 'addr' 'devname' PE BURST CMD~'em' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' DMKTAPS201 type 'addr' 'devname' CHAN ERROR CMD=' em' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' [BBCCHH='bbeehh'IBLOCK='nnnnnn'] DMKTAPS211 type 'addr' 'devname' NO DEVICE CMD='em' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' DMKTAPS221 TAPE 'addr' 'devname' ERASE CK CMD=' em' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' DMKTAPS231 TAPE 'addr' 'devname' CONTROL CK CMD=' em' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' DMKTAPS261 TAPE 'addr' 'devname' DSE FAILED CMD=' em' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' DMKTAPS391 TAPE 'addr' 'devname' BOT FAIL CMD='emd' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' DMKTAQS041 type raddr devname DATA CK CMD=em SNS=sense CSW=esw USERID=userid DMKTAQSI01 TAPE 'addr' 'devname' CONVERT CK CMD=' em' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' DMKTAQS131 TAPE 'addr' 'devname' FILE PROT CMD=' em' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' DMKTAQS161 TAPE 'addr' 'devname' BAD SENSE CMD=' em' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' DMKTAQS171 TAPE 'addr' 'devname' NOT/KNOWN CMD=' em' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' DMKTAQS181 TAPE 'addr' 'devname' RECV ERROR CMD=' em' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' DMKTAQS191 TAPE 'addr' 'devnarne' PE BURST CMD=' em' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' DMKTAQS201 TAPE 'addr' 'devname' CHAN ERROR CMD=' em' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' DMKTAQS391 TAPE 'addr' 'devname' BOT FAIL CMD=' em' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' DMKTCS240E PRT raddr, FCB-FORMS MISMATCH, FILEID nnnn {HELDIPURGED} DMKTCS241E PRT raddr, INVALID LOAD MODULE mmmm SPECIFIED, FILE nnnn {HELD I PURGED} DMKTCT241E PRT raddr, INVALID LOAD MODULE mmmm SPECIFIED, FILE nnnn {HELD I PURGED} DMKTCT270E PRT raddr, TOO MANY WCGM's NEEDED FOR 'CHARS', FILE nnnn {HELD I PURGED} DMKTHI002E INVALID OPERAND - operand DMKTHI003E INVALID OPTION - option 538 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes DMKTHI026E OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID DMKTHI045E userid NOT LOGGED ON DMKTRA002E DMKTRA003E DMKTRA013E DMKTRA026E DMKTRA180W DMKTRA182E DMKTRA291E INVALID OPERAND - operand INVALID OPTION - option CONFLICTING OPTION - option OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID TRACE NOT IN EFFECT (reserved for IBM use) COMMAND REJECTED; {PMAISPMODE} IN USE DMKTRP002E DMKTRP005E DMKTRP013E DMKTRP020E DMKTRP026E DMKTRP045E DMKTRP3041 DMKTRP3051 DMKTRP306E DMKTRP309E INVALID OPERAND - operand INVALID HEXDATA - hexdata CONFLICTING OPTION - option USERID MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID userid NOT LOGGED ON CPTRAP IS STOPPING, NO INPUT ALLOWED CPTRAP SELECTIVITY RESET CPTRAP IS ALREADY ACTIVE OPERAND IGNORED SELECT TABLE FULL DMKTRR002E DMKTRR005E DMKTRR008E DMKTRR026E DMKTRR027E DMKTRR042E DMKTRR301E DMKTRR302E DMKTRR303E DMKTRR30SI DMKTRR764E INVALID OPERAND - operand INVALID HEXDATA - hexdata INVALID SPOOLID - spoolid OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID SPOOLID MISSING OR INVALID SPOOLID nnnn DOES NOT EXIST OR IS HELD REQUESTED FILE IS NOT A CPTRAP FILE I/O ERROR ON OOC - XXXXXXXXXX OOC READER FILE NOT LOCATABLE TRAPRED SELECTIVITY RESET ERROR IN ROUTINE XXXXXXXX DMKTRT3071 CPTRAP (CP/VIRTUAL) ecce INTERFACE DATA IGNORED DMKTRT3081 CPTRAP DATA LOST DMKTTR042E SPOOLID nnnn DOES NOT EXIST [OR IS HELD) DMKTTY152E {PFCOPYIPFTAB} NOT AVAILABLE DMKUDR4751 FATAL 10 ERROR TRYING TO READ DIRECTORY DMKUS0003E DMKUS0020E DMKUS0045E DMKUS0197E INVALID OPTION - option USERID MISSING OR INVALID userid NOT LOGGED ON SECONDARY USER IS NOT AVAILABLE DMKVAT064E SHADOW TABLE BYPASS; RESET DMKVCH034E DMKVCH048E DMKVCH129E DMKVCH130E DMKVCH132E DMKVCH138E DMKVCH147E DMKVCH188E CHANNEL MISSING OR INVALID CHANNEL x DOES NOT EXIST CHANNEL x DEVICES IN USE CHANNEL x [PROC nn] NOT ATTACHED TO userid CHANNEL x ALREADY DEFINED BY userid CHANNEL x NOT ATTACHED; INSUFFICIENT FREE STORAGE CHANNEL x [PROC nn] NOT ATTACHED; ALTERNATE PATHS DEFINED SPECIFIED PROCESSOR UNAVAILABLE DMKVDD006E DMKVDD020E DMKVDD021E DMKVDD022E DMKVDD034E INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr USERID MISSING OR INVALID RADDR MISSING OR INVALID raddr VADDR MISSING OR INVALID vaddr CHANNEL MISSING OR INVALID Appendix B. Message Summary Alphamerically by Message Identifier 539 DMKVDD039E DMKVDD040E DMKVDD045E DMKVDD046E DMKVDD121E DMKVDD123E DMKVDD124E DMKVDD134E DMKVDD135E DMKVDD140E DMKVDD142E DMKVDD143E DMKVDD273E PROCESSOR ADDRESS MISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST userid NOT LOGGED ON [DEV ridltype raddr} OFFLINE [PRT ridltype raddrl NOT ATTACHED TO userid DASD raddr CP OWNED DASD raddr IN USE BY nnn USERS CHANNEL MISSING OR INVALID TYPE vaddr NOT DETACHED; CHAN x DEDICATED type raddr ATTACHED TO userid type raddr NOT DRAINED type raddr IN USE BY SYSTEM DETACH REJ VIRTUAL MACHINE TRACING I/O DMKVDE003E DMKVDE006E DMKVDEOIIE DMKVDE020E DMKVDE021E DMKVDE022E DMKVDE023E DMKVDE034E DMKVDE039E DMKVDE040E DMKVDE045E DMKVDE046E DMKVDE120E DMKVDE121E DMKVDE122E DMKVDE123E DMKVDE124E DMKVDE125E DMKVDE126E DMKVDE127E DMKVDE128E DMKVDE131E DMKVDE133E DMKVDE134E DMKVDE142E DMKVDE143E DMKVDE1511 DMKVDE153E DMKVDE156E DMKVDE199E DMKVDE293E DMKVDE329E DMKVDG3401 DMKVDG3411 DMKVDG342W DMKVDG343W DMKVDG344W INVALID OPTION - option INVA'LID DEVICE TYPE - addr INVALID DEVICE TYPE - userid vaddr USERID MISSING OR INVALID RADDR MISSING OR INVALID raddr VADDR MISSING OR INVALID vaddr VOLID MISSING OR INVALID CHANNEL MISSING OR INVALID PROCESSOR ADDRESS MISSING OR INVALID DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST userid NOT LOGGED ON [DEV ridltype raddr} OFFLINE [PRT ridltype raddr] NOT ATTACHED; userid vaddr ALREADY DEFINED [PRT ridltype raddr] NOT ATTACHED TO userid [PRT ridltype raddr] ALREADY ATTACHED TO userid DASD raddr CP OWNED DASD raddr IN USE BY nnn USERS DASD raddr VOLID volid ALREADY ATTACHED TO SYSTEM DASD raddr ERROR READING VOLID DASD raddr VOLID volid DOES NOT MATCH DASD raddr ERROR READING ALLOCATION RECORD INSUFFICIENT FREE STORAGE AVAILABLE FOR ATTACH REQUEST DASD raddr NOT READY TYPE raddr NOT ATTACHED; CHAN x DEDICATED type raddr NOT DRAINED type raddr IN USE BY SYSTEM DASD addr NOT ATTACHED, BUSY PERSISTS, IOBSTAT=xx, IOBCSW+4=yyyy DEVICE [vaddrIRNG} EXCEEDED MAX NUMBER OF VIRTUAL DEVICES raddrl raddr2 raddr3 SUBSYSTEM DEVICES NOT AVAILABLE COMMAND REJECTED; DEVICE raddr PENDING OFFLINE CMD REJECTED raddr VIOLATES PMA RESTRICTION raddr IMPROPERLY GENNED, DEVICE CANNOT BE USED AS SYSOWN AREA TYPE type TRUNCATED FOR CP OWNED VOLUME volid AREA TYPE type DEFAULTED FOR CP OWNED VOLUME volid SPOOL FILE EXISTS IN PAGE AREA FOR CP OWNED VOLUME volid SWSIZE TOO LARGE FOR CP OWNED VOLUME volid CP OWNED VOLUME volid INVALID TYPE DMKVDS465W CTLR raddr EMULATOR LINES IN USE BY SYSTEM DMKVER5751 I/O ERROR ADD=raddr, USERID= userid DMKVMA161E SHARED PAGE hex lac ALTERED BY userid DMKVMA456W CP ENTERED; name SHARED PAGE hex lac ALTERED DMKVMD009E DMKVMD013E DMKVMD020E DMKVMD033E 540 INVALID RANGE - range CONFLICTING OPTION - option USERID MISSING OR INVALID HEXLOC MISSING OR INVALID IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes DMKVMD038E DMKVMD053E DMKVMD146I DMKVMD160E PARAMETER parameter FOR option OPTION MISSING OR INVALID userid NOT IN CP DIRECTORY VMDUMP FAILED, SPOOLING ERROR HEXLOC hexloc EXCEEDS STORAGE DMKVMI022E DMKVMI230E DMKVMI231E DMKVMI232E DMKVMI233E DMKVMI234E VADDR MISSING OR INVALID IPL SIO ERROR IPL TIO ERROR IPL UNIT ERROR; CSW csw SNS sense IPL OVERLAY ERROR IPL SENSE ERROR DMKVRR8081 SINGLE PROCESSOR MODE ACTIVE DMKVSP4271 {CONIPRTIPUN} vaddr SYSTEM SPOOL SPACE FULL; FILE CLOSED DMKVSP4291 {CONIPRTIPUNIRDR} vaddr SPOOL ERROR; FILE {HELDIPURGED} DMKVST4271 {CONIPRTIPUN} vaddr SYSTEM SPOOL SPACE FULL; FILE CLOSED DMKVST4291 {CONIPRTIPUNIRDR} vaddr SPOOL ERROR; FILE {HELD I PURGED} DMKWRM904W DMKWRM912W DMKWRM9201 DMKWRM921W SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; NO WARM START DATA; CKPT SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; INVALID WARM START DATA VOLID 'valid' NOT MOUNTED START FOR RETRY UNRECOVERABLE I/O ERROR DMKWRN4001 SYSTEM {TEMP SPACE CHECKPOINT AREA} FULL DMKWRN915E PERMANENT I/O ERROR ON CHECKPOINT AREA DMKWRN919E CHECKPOINT AREA INVALID; CHECKPOINTING TERMINATED Appendix B. Message Summary Alphamerically by Message Identifier 541 eMS Message Summary DMSABN148T DMSABN149T DMSABN150W DMSABN152T DMSABN153W DMSABN155T SYSTEM ABEND xxx CALLED FROM 'addr' nnn (HEX xxx) DOUBLEWORDS OF SYSTEM STORAGE HAVE BEEN DESTROYED. RE-IPL CMS nnn (HEX xxx) DOUBLEWORDS OF SYSTEM STORAGE WERE NOT RECOVERED SYSTEM ABEND xxx CALLED FROM addr WHILE 'UFDBUSY' = xx. RE-IPL CMS 'HX' DURING ABEND PROCESSING WAS IGNORED USER ABEND nnnn CALLED FROM addr DMSACC002E DMSACC003E DMSACC017E DMSACC048E DMSACC059E DMSACC060E DMSACCI09S DMSACCl12S DMSACCl13S [INPUTIOVERLAY] {FILE[(S)] I DATA SET} ['fn eft [fm]] '] NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' INVALID DEVICE ADDRESS 'vaddr' INVALID MODE 'mode' 'vaddr' ALREADY ACCESSED AS READ/WRITE 'mode' DISK FILE(S) 'fn [ft [fm]]' NOT FOUND. DISK 'mode (vaddr) , WILL NOT BE ACCESSED VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED DISK 'mode (addr)' DEVICE ERROR {mode I DEVICE IDISKIPRINTERIPUNCHIREADERI TAPnlTAPINITAPO UT} (addr) NOT ATTACHED OS DISK - FILEID AND/OR OPTIONS SPECIFIED ARE IGNORED ERROR LOADING READ OS ROUTINE 'DMSROS TEXT' mode (addr) {R/OIR/W} [-OSI-DOS] vaddr REPLACES mode (ccu) vaddr ALSO = 'mode' [-OSI-DOS] DISK 'vaddr mode' RELEASED DMSACC230W DMSACC240S DMSACC723I DMSACC724I DMSACC725I DMSACC726I DMSALT520E INVALID OPERAND : operand DMSALT545E MISSING OPERAND(S) DMSAMSOOIE DMSAMS002E DMSAMS003E DMSAMS006E DMSAMS007E DMSAMS065E DMSAMS066E DMSAMS070E DMSAMSI09S DMSAMSl13S DMSAMS136S DMSAMS228E DMSAMS367R DMSAMS722I NO FILENAME SPECIFIED [INPUT I OVERLAY] {FILE[(S)] I DATA SET} ['fn eft [fm]] '] NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' NO READ/WRITE ['A'] DISK ACCESSED [FOR 'fn ft'] FILE 'fn ft fm' [IS] NOT FIXED, 80-CHAR. RECORDS 'option' OPTION SPECIFIED TWICE 'option' AND 'option' ARE CONFLICTING OPTIONS INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter'IARGUMENT 'argument'} VIRTUAL 'STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED {modeIDEVICEIDISKIPRINTERIPUNCHIREADERITAPnITAPINITAPOUT} (cuu) NOT ATTACHED UNABLE TO LOAD 'IDCMAS' NO DDNAME ENTERED ENTER TAPE {INPUTIOUTPUT} DDNAMES: FILE 'fname2 LISTING fm' WILL HOLD AMSERV OUTPUT DMSARE017E DMSARE028E DMSARE048E DMSARE069E INVALID DEVICE ADDRESS 'vaddr' NO {DEVICE I LOGICAL UNIT} SPECIFIED INVALID MODE 'mode' DISK {'mode' I 'vaddr' I 'valid'} NOT ACCESSED. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} DMSARE070E INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter'IARGUMENT 'argument'} DMSARNOOIE DMSARN002E DMSARN003E DMSARN004W DMSARN006E DMSARN007E DMSARN008W DMSARN012W DMSARN016W 542 NO FILENAME SPECIFIED [INPUT I OVERLAY] {F1LE[(S)] I DATA SET} ['fn [ft [fm]] '] NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' WARNING MESSAGES ISSUED NO READ/WRITE ['A'] DISK ACCESSED [FOR 'fn ft'] FILE 'fn ft fm' [IS] NOT FIXED, 80 CHAR. RECORDS ERROR MESSAGES ISSUED SEVERE ERROR MESSAGES ISSUED TERMINAL ERROR MESSAGES ISSUED IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes DMSARX001E DMSARX002E DMSARX003E DMSARX006E DMSARX007E DMSARX038E DMSARX052E DMSARX070E DMSARX074E DMSARX075E NO FILENAME SPECIFIED [INPUT I OVERLAY] {FILE[(S)] I DATA SET} ['fn Eft [fm]] '] NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' NO READ/WRITE ['A'] DISK ACCESSED [FOR 'fn ft'] FILE 'fn ft fm' [IS] NOT FIXED, 80-CHAR. RECORDS FILEID CONFLICT FOR DDNAME 'ASM3705' MORE THAN 100 CHARS OF OPTIONS SPECIFIED INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter'IARGUMENT 'argument'} ERROR SETTING/RESETTING AUXILIARY DIRECTORY DEVICE 'devicename' INVALID FOR {INPUTIOUTPUT} DMSASM001E DMSASM002E DMSASM003E DMSASM006E DMSASM007E DMSASM038E DMSASM052E DMSASM070E DMSASM074E DMSASM075E NO FILENAME SPECIFIED [INPUT I OVERLAY] {FILE[(S)] I DATA SET} ['fn Eft [fm]] '] NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' NO READ/WRITE ['A'] DISK ACCESSED [FOR 'fn ft'] FILE 'fn ft fm' [IS] NOT FIXED, 80-CHAR. RECORDS FILEID CONFLICT FOR DDNAME 'ASSEMBLE' MORE THAN 100 CHARS OF OPTIONS SPECIFIED INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter'IARGUMENT 'argument'} ERROR SETTING/RESETTING AUXILIARY DIRECTORY DEVICE 'devicename' INVALID FOR {INPUTIOUTPUT} DMSASN003E DMSASN027E DMSASN028E DMSASN029E DMSASN035E DMSASN050E DMSASN065E DMSASN066E DMSASN069E INVALID OPTION 'option' INVALID DEVICE {'device name' I 'device' FOR 'SYSxxx'} NO {DEVICEILOGICAL UNIT} SPECIFIED INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD INVALID TAPE MODE PARAMETER MISSING AFTER {DDNAMEISYSxxxlfunction} 'option' OPTION SPECIFIED TWICE 'option' AND 'option' ARE CONFLICTING OPTIONS DISK {'mode' I 'vaddr' I 'volid'} NOT ACCESSED. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter'IARGUMENT 'argument'} INVALID ASSIGNMENT OF 'SYSxxx' TO DEVICE 'device' INVALID DEVICE CLASS 'deviceclass' FOR 'device' CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE {mode I DEVICE I DISKI PRINTER I PUNCH I READER I TAPn I TAPIN I TAPO UT} (cuu) NOT ATTACHED DMSASN070E DMSASN087E DMSASN090E DMSASN099E DMSASNl13S DMSBOP037E [OUTPUT). DISK 'mode [vaddr]' IS READ/ONLY. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} DMSBOP043E 'TAPn raddr' IS FILE PROTECTED DMSBOP058E END-OF-FILE OR END-OF-TAPE [O~ 'TAPn'] DMSBOP069E DISK {'mode' I 'vaddr' I 'valid'} NOT ACCESSED. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} DMSBOP086W DLBL 'ddname' DUMMY INVALID FOR VSAM DMSBOP088E UNSUPPORTED DTF TYPE 'dtftype' DMSBOP089E {OPENICLOSE} ERROR CODE 'nn' ON {fnISYSxxxITAPn} DMSBOPl13S {modeIDEVICEIDISKIPRINTERIPUNCHIREADERITAPnITAPINITAPOUT} (cuu) NOT ATTACHED DMSBOP302E NO SYSxxx OPERAND {ENTEREDISPECIFIED} DMSBOP308E 'mode' DISK IN [NON-]CMS FORMAT; INVALID FOR [NON-]CMS DATASET DMSBOP400S SYSTEM 'sysname' DOES NOT EXIST DMSBOP401S VM SIZE (size) CANNOT EXCEED 'sysname' START ADDRESS (address) DMSBOP403S filename SHARED SEGMENT NOT AVAILABLE. RELOAD CMSDOS DMSBOP404S filename LOGIC MODULE NOT FOUND IN 'segname' SHARED SEGMENT DMSBOP410S CONTROL PROGRAM ERROR INDICATION 'retcode' DMSBOP413S STORAGE NOT INITIALIZED FOR VSAM PROCESSING DMSBTB100E NO BATCH PROCESSOR AVAILABLE DMSBTB101E BATCH NOT LOADED DMSBTP105E NO JOB CARD PROVIDED DMSBTP106E JOB CARD FORMAT INVALID Appendix B. Message Summary Alphamerically by Message Identifier 543 DMSBTPI07E CP/CMS COMMAND 'command, (device)' NOT ALLOWED DMSBTPI08E /SET CARD FORMAT INVALID DMSBTPI09E {CPUIPRINTERIPUNCH} LIMIT EXCEEDED DMSBWRI07S DISK 'mode {(vaddr)}, IS FULL DMSBWRI09S VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED DMSBWR170S DISK 'mode (vaddr)' HAS MAXIMUM NUMBER OF FILES DMSCAN520E INVALID OPERAND : operand DMSCCK803E DMSCCK804S DMSCCK805S DMSCCK806S DMSCCK807S INVALID PARAMETER SPECIFICATION ERROR ESTABLISHING CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT ERROR ASSIGNING OUTPUT TO PRINTER VSE/VSAM PHASE "IKQVCHK" NOT FOUND ERROR ENCOUNTERED ISSUING ASSGN FOR CATALOG DMSCIOl13S {mode I DEVICE IDISKI PRINTER I PUNCH I READER I TAPn I TAPIN I TAPO UT} NOT ATTACHED DMSCI0145S INTERVENTION REQUIRED ON {PRINTER I PUNCH} (addr) DMSCIT171T PERMANENT CONSOLE ERROR, RE-IPL CMS DMSCLS043E DMSCLS058E DMSCLS088E DMSCLS089E DMSCLSl13S 'TAPn(raddr)' IS FILE PROTECTED END-OF-FILE OR END-OF-TAPE [ON 'TAPn'] UNSUPPORTED DTF TYPE 'dtftype' {OPENICLOSE} ERROR CODE Inn' ON {fnISYSxxxITAPn} {mode I DEVICE IDISKIPRINTERIPUNCHIREADERITAPnlTAPINITAPO UT} (addr) NOT ATTACHED DMSCLS140S {'function' I FEOVD I SEOVI FEOV} {MACROIFUNCTION(S)} MACRO NOT SUPPORTED DMSCLS429I 'TAPn (raddr)' EOT ON OUTPUT DMSCMPI04S DMSCMPI09S DMSCMP179I DMSCMP209W DMSCMP211E [INPUT I OVERLAY] {FILE[(S)] I DATA SET} ['fn [ft [fm]] '] NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' NO 'option' SPECIFIED COLUMN 'col' EXCEEDS RECORD LENGTH PREMATURE EOF ON FILE 'fn ft [fm] , CONFLICTING FILE FORMATS IDENTICAL FILEIDS INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED INVALID [CHARI CHARACTER] '[=I*lchar]' IN [OUTPUT] FILEID ['fn ft [fm] '] DISK {'mode' I 'vaddr' I 'volid'} NOT ACCESSED. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'}. ERROR Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED COMPARING 'fn ft fm' WITH 'fn ft fm' FILES DO NOT COMPARE COLUMN FIELDS OUT OF SEQUENCE DMSCMS006E DMSCMS095E DMSCMSIIOE DMSCMS11IE DMSCMS141S DMSCMS715I NO READ/WRITE ['A'] DISK ACCESSED [FOR 'fn ft'] INVALID ADDRESS 'address' CORRECT 'FORM IS: DOSGEN LOCATION (SEGNAME) DOSGEN FAILED DUE TO LOAD ERRORS DOSGEN FAILED DUE TO SAVESYS ERRORS DOSGEN COMPLETE DMSCPY002E DMSCPY003E DMSCPY024E DMSCPY029E DMSCPY030E [INPUT I OVERLAY] {FILE[(S)] I DATA SET} ['fn [ft [fm]] '] NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' FILE 'fn ft fm' ALREADY EXISTS [-- SPECIFY 'REPLACE'] INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD FILE 'fn ft fm' ALREADY ACTIVE DMSCMP002E DMSCMP003E DMSCMP005E DMSCMP009E DMSCMPOIOE DMSCMPOIIE DMSCMP019E DMSCMP029E DMSCMP054E DMSCMP062E DMSCMP069E 544 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes DMSCPY037E [OUTPUT] DISK 'mode [vaddr]' IS READ/ONLY. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} DMSCPY042E NO FILEID(S) SPECIFIED DMSCPY048E INVALID MODE 'mode' DMSCPY054E INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED DMSCPY062E INVALID [CHARI CHARACTER] '[=I*lchar]' IN [OUTPUT] FILEID ['fn ft [fm] '] DMSCPY063E NO [SORT I TRANSLATION I SPECIFICATION] LIST (ENTEREDIGIVEN} DMSCPY064E INVALID [TRANSLATE] SPECIFICATION AT OR NEAR' ......... ' DMSCPY065E 'option' OPTION SPECIFIED TWICE DMSCPY066E 'option' AND 'option' ARE CONFLICTING OPTIONS DMSCPY067E COMBINED INPUT FILES ILLEGAL WITH PACK OR UNPACK OPTIONS DMSCPY068E INPUT FILE 'fn ft fm' NOT IN PACKED FORMAT DMSCPY069E DISK ('mode' I 'vaddr' I 'volid'} NOT ACCESSED. ('A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} DMSCPYIOIS 'SPECS' TEMP STRING STORAGE EXHAUSTED AT ' ....... . DMSCPYI02S TOO MANY FILEIDS DMSCPYI03S NUMBER OF SPECS EXCEEDS MAX 20 DMSCPY156E 'FROM nnn' NOT FOUND - FILE 'fn ft fm' HAS ONLY 'nnn' RECORDS DMSCPY157E LABEL 'label' NOT FOUND IN FILE 'fn ft fm' DMSCPY172E TO LABEL 'label' {EQUALS I IS AN INITIAL SUBSTRING OF} FRLABEL 'label' DMSCPY173E NO RECORDS WERE COPIED TO OUTPUT FILE 'fn ft fm' DMSCPY601R ENTER SPECIFICATION LIST: DMSCPY602R ENTER TRANSLATION LIST: DMSCPY721I COpy 'fn ft fm' [(TOIAPPENDIOVLY} 'fn ft fm' (OLDINEW} FILE] DMSCPY901T UNEXPECTED ERROR AT 'addr': PLIST 'plist fn ft fm' AT addr, BASE addr, RC nn DMSCPY903T IMPOSSIBLE PHASE CODE 'xx' DMSCPY904T UNEXPECTED UNPACK ERROR AT 'addr', BASE 'addr' DMSCRD171T PERMANENT CONSOLE ERROR RE-IPL CMS. DMSCVH161S UNEXPECTED ERROR CODE Inn' ON 'SYSxxx' DMSCWR171T PERMANENT CONSOLE ERROR RE-IPL CMS. DMSDAS140S ('function' IFEOVDISEOVIFEOV} (MACROIFUNCTION(S)} MACRO NOT SUPPORTED DMSDBGl13S (model DEVICE IDISKI PRINTER I PUNCH I READER I TAPn I TAPIN I TAPO UT} NOT ATTACHED DMSDBG7281 DEBUG ENTERED [EXTERNAL INTI BREAKPOINT nn AT xxxxxx] DMSDDL003E DMSDDL006E DMSDDL024E DMSDDL070E DMSDDL078E DMSDDL545E DMSDDL636E DMSDDL636W DMSDDL637E DMSDDL638E DMSDDL639E DMSDDL688E (addr) INVALID OPTION 'option' NO READ/WRITE DISK ACCESSED FOR 'fn ft' FILE 'fn ft fm' ALREADY EXISTS -- SPECIFY 'REPLACE' OPTION ,INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' INVALID CARD IN READER DECK MISSING OPERAND[S] UNSUPPORTED TYPE OF NETDATA FILE RECEIVED NULL FILE -- NO FILE CREATED MISSING VALUE FOR THE 'NOTEBOOK' OPTION 'file' IS TOO WIDE TO APPEND TO 'fn ft' ERROR IN 'routine' ROUTINE. RETURN CODE WAS Inn' 'XEDIT' OPTION ONLY VALID' FROM XEDIT ENVIRONMENT DMSDI0905S WRITE-INHIBIT SWITCH SET ON DRIVE ... NOTIFY OPERATOR DMSDLBOOIE DMSDLB003E DMSDLB005E DMSDLB023E DMSDLB048E DMSDLB050E DMSDLB065E DMSDLB066E DMSDLB069E NO FILENAME SPECIFIED INVALID OPTION 'option' NO 'option' SPECIFIED NO FILETYPE SPECIFIED INVALID MODE 'mode' PARAMETER MISSING AFTER (DDNAMEISYSxxxlfunction} 'option' OPTION SPECIFIED TWICE 'option' AND 'option' ARE CONFLICTING OPTIONS DISK (modelvaddrlvolid} NOT ACCESSED Appendix B. Message Summary Alphamerically by Message Identifier 545 DMSDLB070E DMSDLB086E DMSDLBI09S DMSDLB220R DMSDLB221E DMSDLB301E DMSDLB302E DMSDLB304E DMSDLB305E DMSDLB306E DMSDLB307E DMSDLB308E DMSDLB320I DMSDLB321I DMSDLB322I DMSDLB323I DMSDLB324I DMSDLB330R DMSDLB331R INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter'IARGUMENT 'argument') INVALID DDNAME 'ddname' VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED ENTER DATA SET NAME: INVALID DATA SET NAME 'SYSxxx' NOT ASSIGNED FOR DISK 'fm' NO SYSxxx OPERAND {ENTEREDISPECIFIED} INVALID OPERAND VALUE 'value' INCOMPLETE EXTENT RANGE SYSxxx NOT ASSIGNED FOR 'IGNORE' CATALOG DDNAME 'ddname' NOT FOUND 'mode' DISK IN [NON-]CMS FORMAT; INVALID FOR [NON-]CMS DATASET MAXIMUM NUMBER OF DISK ENTRIES RECORDED MAXIMUM NUMBER OF EXTENTS RECORDED 'ddname' NOT FOUND: NO CLEAR EXECUTED {MASTERIJOB) CATALOG DLBL CLEARED NO USER DEFINED {DLBLIFILEDEFILABELDEF)'s IN EFFECT ENTER VOLUME SPECIFICATIONS: ENTER EXTENT SPECIFICATIONS: DMSDLKOOIE DMSDLK003E DMSDLK006E DMSDLK007E DMSDLK070E DMSDLK099E DMSDLKI04S DMSDLKIOSS DMSDLK210E DMSDLK245S NO FILENAME SPECIFIED INVALID OPTION 'option' NO READ/WRITE ['A'] DISK ACCESSED [FOR 'fn ft'] FILE 'fn ft fm' [IS] NOT FIXED, 80 CHAR. RECORDS INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter'IARGUMENT 'argument'} CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE ERROR 'nn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK ERROR 'nn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK {LIBRARYIFILE} 'fn ft' IS ON A READ-ONLY DISK ERROR 'nnn' ON PRINTER DMSDMP020W INVALID PDUMP ADDRESS 'address' - NO DUMP OPERATION PERFORMED DMSDMP146I IDUMP FOR identifier CALLED FROM addr DMSDMP32SW IDUMP FOR jobname TERMINATED DUE TO ERROR ON 'OOE' DMSDOS069E DISK {'mode' I 'vaddr' I 'valid'} NOT ACCESSED. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD') DMSDOS091E SAVEAREA ADDRESS IN PARTITION PIB NOT EQUIVALENT TO LTA SAVEAREA ADDRESS DMSDOS095E INVALID ADDRESS 'address' DMSDOS121S UNSUPPORTED SVC svc (HEX xx) CALLED FROM addr DMSDOS160S JOB CANCELED DUE TO PROGRAM REQUEST DMSDOS778E ERROR DECOMPRESSING macro MACRO DMSDSK002E DMSDSK009E DMSDSK014E DMSDSK037E DMSDSK047E DMSDSK048E DMSDSK054E DMSDSK062E DMSDSK070E DMSDSK077E DMSDSK078E DMSDSK078W DMSDSKI04S DMSDSKIOSS DMSDSKl18S DMSDSK124S DMSDSK205W DMSDSK445W 546 [INPUT I OVERLAY] {FILE [ (S) ] I DATA SET} [' fn [ft [fm]]'] NOT FOUND COLUMN 'col' EXCEEDS RECORD LENGTH INVALID FUNCTION 'function' [OUTPUT] DISK 'mode vaddr' IS READ/ONLY. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED INVALID MODE 'mode' INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED INVALID [CHARI CHARACTER] '[=I*lchar]' IN [OUTPUT] FILEID ['fn ft [fm] '] INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter'IARGUMENT 'argument'} END CARD MISSING FROM INPUT DECK INVALID CARD IN READER {DECKIFILE 'cardimage'} SEQUENCE ERROR DETECTED LOADING 'fn ft' EXPECTED' , FOUND' ERROR 'nn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK ERROR 'nn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK ERROR PUNCHING FILE {'fn ft fm'} ERROR READING CARD FILE READER EMPTY OR NOT READY INVALID DATA IN SEQUENCE FIELD, BYPASSING SEQUENCE CHECK IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes DMSDSK496S READER FILE ALTERED TO DISK LOAD AS: 'fn ft fm' DISK LOAD STOPPED. FILE HAS BEEN LEFT IN YOUR READER DMSDSK550W DATE/TIME DATA NOT PRESENT FOR FILE 'fn ft' DMSDSL002E DMSDSL003E DMSDSL013W DMSDSL014E DMSDSL037E DMSDSL070E DMSDSL098E DMSDSL104S DMSDSL105S DMSDSL213W [INPUTIOVERLAY] {FILE[(S)] I DATA SET} ['fn [ft [fm]] '] NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' {MEMBERIPHASE} 'name' NOT FOUND IN LIBRARY 'libname' INVALID FUNCTION 'function' [OUTPUT] DISK 'mode vaddr' IS READ/ONLY. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} NO LIBRARY NAME SPECIFIED NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED DISK {'mode' I 'vaddr' I 'volid'} NOT ACCESSED. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter'IARGUMENT 'argument'} NO {PHASEIPROCEDURE} NAME SPECIFIED ERROR Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK LIBRARY 'fn ft fm' NOT CREATED DMSDSV003E DMSDSV021W DMSDSV022W DMSDSV023W DMSDSV024W DMSDSV025W DMSDSV026W DMSDSV027E DMSDSV027W DMSDSV028W DMSDSV047E DMSDSV06SE DMSDSV066E DMSDSV070E DMSDSV09SE DMSDSV099E DMSDSV10SS DMSDSV24SS INVALID OPTION 'option' NO TRANSIENT DIRECTORY NO CORE IMAGE DIRECTORY NO RELOCATABLE DIRECTORY NO PROCEDURE DIRECTORY NO SOURCE STATEMENT DIRECTORY 'phase' NOT IN LIBRARY INVALID DEVICE {'device name' I 'device' FOR 'SYSxxx'} NO PRIVATE CORE IMAGE LIBRARY NO {PRIVATE I SYSTEM} TRANSIENT DIRECTORY ENTRIES NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED 'option' OPTION SPECIFIED TWICE 'option' AND 'option' ARE CONFLICTING OPTIONS INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter'IARGUMENT 'argument'} INVALID ADDRESS 'address' CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK ERROR 'nnn' ON PRINTER DMSEDI003E DMSEDI024E DMSEDI029E DMSEDI044E DMSEDIOS4E DMSEDI069E INVALID OPTION 'option' FILE 'fn ft fm' ALREADY EXISTS [-- SPECIFY 'REPLACE'] INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD RECORD LENGTH EXCEEDS ALLOWABLE MAXIMUM INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED DISK {'mode' I 'vaddr' I 'volid'} NOT ACCESSED. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} ACTUAL RECORD LENGTH EXCEEDS THAT SPECIFIED ERR.oR Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK ERROR WRITING TO DISPLAY TERMINAL FILE 'fn ft fm' TOO LARGE nn' ] UNABLE TO LOAD SAVED SYSTEM OR LOAD MODULE ['ERROR CODE nn' ] UNABLE TO LOAD SAVED SYSTEM OR LOAD MODULE ['ERROR CODE nn' ] UNABLE TO LOAD SAVED SYSTEM OR LOAD MODULE ['ERROR CODE REQUESTED FILE IS IN ACTIVE STATUS DMSDSL046E DMSDSL047E DMSDSL069E DMSEDI076E DMSEDI104S DMSEDI105S DMSEDIl17S DMSEDI132S DMSEDI143S DMSEDI143S DMSEDI143S DMSEDI144S DMSEDX069E DISK {'mode' I 'vaddr' I 'volid'} NOT ACCESSED. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} DMSEI0618E DMSEI0621E DMSEI0622E DMSEI0632E NUCEXT FAILED BAD PLIST: xxxxx INSUFFICIENT FREE STORAGE FOR EXECIO I/O ERROR IN EXECIO: RC=XX~ FROM 'command' COMMAND Appendix B. Message Summary Alphamerically by Message Identifier 547 DMSERR215T NO VIRTUAL CONSOLE ATTACHED. RE-IPL CMS DMSERS002E [INPUT I OVERLAY] {FILE[(S)] I DATA SET} ['fn [ft [fm]] '] NOT FOUND DMSERS003E INVALID OPTION 'option' DMSERS037E [OUTPUT] DISK 'mode [vaddr]' IS READ/ONLY. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} DMSERS048E INVALID MODE 'mode' DMSERS054E INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED DMSERS069E DISK {'mode' I 'vaddr' I 'valid'} NOT ACCESSED. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} DMSERS070E INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter'IARGUMENT 'argument'} DMSERS071E ERASE * * [fml*] NOT ALLOWED DMSERSI09T VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED DMSERVOOIE DMSERV002E DMSERV006E DMSERV027E DMSERV037E NO FILENAME SPECIFIED [INPUT I OVERLAY] {FILE[(S)] I DATA SET} ['fn eft [fm]] '] NOT FOUND NO READ/WRITE ['A'] DISK ACCESSED [FOR 'fn ft'] INVALID DEVICE {'device name' I 'device' FOR 'SYSxxx'} [OUTPUT] DISK 'mode vaddr' IS READ/ONLY. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} DMSERV070E INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter'IARGUMENT 'argument'} DMSERV099E CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE DMSEXCOOIE NO FILENAME SPECIFIED DMSEXE085E ERROR IN fn ft fm, LINE nnn - message DMSEXE175E INVALID EXEC COMMAND DMSEXE255T INSUFFICIENT STORAGE FOR EXEC INTERPRETER DMSEXT072E ERROR IN EXEC FILE fn LINE nnn - message DMSFCH016E DMSFCHI04S DMSFCHI09S DMSFCHl13S DMSFCHl15E DMSFCH411S DMSFCH623S DMSFCH777S NO PRIVATE CORE IMAGE LIBRARY FOUND ERROR 'nn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPAC~TY EXCEEDED {modeIDEVICEIDISKIPRINTERIPUNCHIREADERITAPnITAPINITAPOUT} addr NOT ATTACHED PHASE LOAD POINT LESS THAN 'address' {INPUTIOUTPUT} ERROR CODE 'nn' ON 'SYSxxx' PHASE CANNOT BE LOADED AT LOCATION 'location' BECAUSE IT WOULD OVERLAY THE CMS NUCLEUS DOS PARTITION TOO SMALL TO ACCOMMODATE FETCH REQUEST DMSFET003E INVALID OPTION 'option' DMSFET004E {BOOK ''IMODULE 'module'IPHASE 'phase'IPROCEDURE 'procedure'} NOT FOUND DMSFET029E INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD DMSFET070E INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter'IARGUMENT 'argument'} DMSFET098E NO {PHASEIPROCEDURE} NAME SPECIFIED DMSFET099E CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE DMSFET623S PHASE CANNOT BE LOADED AT LOCATION 'location' BECAUSE IT WOULD OVERLAY THE CMS NUCLEUS DMSFET710I PHASE 'phase' ENTRY POINT AT LOCATION XXXXXX DMSFLD003E DMSFLD017E DMSFLD023E DMSFLD027E DMSFLD029E DMSFLD035E DMSFLDOSOE DMSFLD065E DMSFLD066E 548 INVALID OPTION 'option' INVALID DEVICE ADDRESS 'vaddr' NO FILETYPE SPECIFIED INVALID DEVICE {'device name' I 'device' FOR 'SYSxxx'} INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD INVALID TAPE MODE PARAMETER MISSING AFTER {DDNAMEISYSxxxlfunction} 'option' OPTION SPECIFIED TWICE 'option' AND 'option' ARE CONFLICTING OPTIONS IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes DMSFLD0691 DISK {'mode' I 'vaddr' I 'valid'} NOT ACCESSED. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} DMSFLD070E INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter'IARGUMENT 'argument'} DMSFLD220R ENTER DATA SET NAME: DMSFLD221E INVALID DATA SET NAME DMSFLD224E FILEID ALREADY IN USE DMSFLD3241 NO USER DEFINED FILEDEF'S IN EFFECT DMSFLD420E NSL EXIT FILENAME MISSING OR INVALID DMSFLD699E NO FILETYPE SPECIFIED OR 'vaddr' IS AN INVALID DISK ADDRESS DMSFLD7041 INVALID CLEAR REQUEST DMSFLE495E THE 'module' MODULE CAN ONLY BE EXECUTED BY THE 'module2' MODULE, IT CANNOT BE EXECUTED BY ITSELF DMSFNS109T VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED DMSFNS908T FILE SYSTEM ERROR DETECTED. VIRTUAL AD DR 'vaddr'. REASON CODE 'nn'. DMSFNS909T PERM I/O ERROR ON 'vaddr'. CSW cccccccc cccccccc SENSE ssssssss ssssssss ssssssss ssssssss ssssssss ssssssss. DMSFOR003E DMSFOR005E DMSFOR017E DMSFOR028E DMSFOR037E DMSFOR048E DMSFOR069E DMSFOR070E DMSFORl13S DMSFOR114S DMSFOR125S DMSFOR126S DMSFOR214W DMSFOR216E DMSFOR253E DMSFOR603R DMSFOR605R DMSFOR7051 DMSFOR7321 DMSFOR7331 INVALID OPTION 'option' NO 'option' SPECIFIED INVALID DEVICE ADDRESS 'vaddr' NO {DEVICEILOGICAL UNIT} SPECIFIED [OUTPUT] DISK 'mode [vaddr]' IS READ/ONLY. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} INVALID MODE 'mode' DISK {'mode' I 'vaddr' I 'valid'} NOT ACCESSED. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter'IARGUMENT 'argument'} {mode I DEVICE IDISKI PRINTER I PUNCH I READER I TAPn I TAPIN I TAPO UT} addr NOT ATTACHED raddr IS AN UNSUPPORTED DEVICE TYPE PERMANENT UNIT CHECK ON DISK 'mode (vaddr) , ERROR {READIWRIT}ING LABEL ON DISK 'mode (vaddr) , CANNOT RECOMPUTE WITHOUT LOSS OF DATA. NO CHANGE INSUFFICIENT BLOCKS ON DISK TO SUPPORT CMS DISK STRUCTURE FILE fn ft fm CANNOT BE HANDLED WITH SUPPLIED PARAMETER LIST FORMAT WILL ERASE ALL FILES ON DISK 'mode (vaddr) '. DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE? (YES I NO) : ENTER DISK LABEL: DISK REMAINS UNCHANGED 'nnn' {CYLINDERSIFB-512 BLOCKS} FORMATTED ON DISK 'mode (vaddr) , FORMATTING DISK 'mode' DMSFRE159T DMSFRE160T DMSFRE161T DMSFRE162T DMSFRE163T DMSFRE164T DMSFRE165T DMSFRE166T INSUFFICIENT STORAGE AVAILABLE TO SATISFY DMSFREE REQUEST FROM addr INVALID DMSFREE CALL FROM addr INVALID DMSFRET CALL FROM addr, ERROR NUMBER nn VITAL FREE STORAGE POINTERS DESTROYED (INTERNAL ERROR CODE nn), RE-IPL CMS {LOWIHIGH}-CORE USER CHAIN HAS BEEN DESTROYED (INTERNAL ERROR CODE nn) {LOWIHIGH}-CORE NUCLEUS STORAGE POINTERS DESTROYED (INTERNAL ERROR CODE nn) CHAIN HEADER AT addr: xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx UNEXPECTED ERROR IN FREE STORAGE MANAGEMENT ROUTINE (INTERNAL ERROR CODE nn). RE-IPL CMS DMSFRE167T FREE STORAGE MANAGEMENT ERROR, INTERNAL CODE ERROR nn DMSGAM951E DMSGAM952E DMSGAM953E DMSGAM954E DMSGAM955E DMSGAM956E INVALID SVC nne GAM/SP NOT INSTALLED VIRTUAL STORAGE SIZE TOO LARGE FOR 'CMSGAM' SHARED SEGMENT TO LOAD AT nnnnnn 'CMSGAM' SHARED SEGMENT ERROR. MODULE ADDRESS FOR SVC nn IS ZERO 'CMSGAM' SHARED SEGMENT ERROR. IDENTIFIER INVALID FOR SVC nn 'CMSGAM' SHARED SEGMENT PAGING I/O ERRORS WITH cccccc INSUFFICIENT STORAGE FOR GAM/SP ANCHOR BLOCK DMSGEN006E NO READ/WRITE ['A'] DISK ACCESSED [FOR 'fn ft'] DMSGEN095E INVALID ADDRESS 'address' Appendix B. Message Summary Alphamerically by Message Identifier 549 DMSGENIIOE DMSGENIIIE DMSGEN141S DMSGEN7151 CORRECT FORM IS: DOSGEN LOCATION (SEGNAME) DOSGEN FAILED DUE TO LOAD ERRORS DOSGEN FAILED DUE TO SAVESYS ERRORS DOSGEN COMPLETE DMSGLB002W DMSGLB014E DMSGLB047E DMSGLBI08S FILE 'fn ft [fm]' NOT FOUND INVALID FUNCTION 'function' NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED MORE THAN 8 LIBRARIES SPECIFIED DMSGL0047E DMSGLOI04S DMSGL0618E DMSGL0622E DMSGL0628E DMSGL0631E NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED ERROR 'nn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM {DISKIXEDIT} NUCEXT FAILED INSUFFICIENT FREE STORAGE -- NO TABLE MADE INVALID GLOBALV FUNCTION 'function' function CAN ONLY BE EXECUTED FROM AN EXEC 2 OR REXX EXEC [OR AS A CMS COMMAND] DMSGL0649E EXTRANEOUS PARAMETER 'parameter' DMSGMF121S UNSUPPORTED SVC svc (HEX xx) CALLEP FROM addr DMSGND002W DMSGND021E DMSGND022E DMSGND070E FILE 'fn ft [fm] , NOT FOUND ENTRY POINT 'name' NOT FOUND NO DIRECTORY NAME SPECIFIED INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter'lARGUMENT 'argument'} DMSGRN002E DMSGRN003E DMSGRN007E DMSGRN048E DMSGRN054E DMSGRN078E [INPUT I OVERLAY] {FILE[(S)] I DATA SET} ['fn [ft [fm]] '] NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' FILE 'fn ft fm' [IS] NOT FIXED, 80 CHAR. RECORDS INVALID MODE 'mode' INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED INVALID CARD IN READER {DECKIFILE 'cardimage'} DMSHEL529E DMSHEL545E DMSHEL561E DMSHEL640E 'subcommand' SUBCOMMAND IS ONLY VALID IN EDITING MODE MISSING OPERAND(S) CURSOR IS NOT ON A VALID DATA FIELD UNABLE TO ACCESS HELP DISK [addr], RC=nn FROM ACCESS COMMAND DMSHLP003E DMSHLPl04S DMSHLPI09S DMSHLP250S DMSHLP251E DMSHLP252E DMSHLP254E INVALID OPTION 'option' ERROR 'nn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED I/O ERROR OR DEVICE ERROR HELP PROCESSING ERROR, CODE nnn 'description' VALID OPTIONS ARE: DESC FORM PARM ALL HELP CANNOT FIND THE INFORMATION YOU REQUESTED. IF NOT MISSPELLED, PLEASE ENTER 'HELP' FOR MENU SELECTION OR 'HELP HELP' FOR THE HELP COMMAND DMSHLP907T I/O ERROR ON FILE 'fn ft fm' DMSICPOOIE DMSICP002E DMSICP003E DMSICP006E DMSICP007E DMSICP038E DMSICP070E DMSICP075E DMSICP099E NO FILENAME SPECIFIED FILE 'filename' IOCP NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' NO READ/WRITE DISK ACCESSED FILE 'filename' IOCP IS NOT FIXED, 80 CHAR. RECORDS FILEID CONFLICT FOR DDNAME 'SYSIN' INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' DEVICE 'devtyp' INVALID FOR {INPUTIOUTPUT} CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT ACTIVE DMSIDE003E DMSIDE056E DMSIDE070E DMSIDEI04S INVALID OPTION 'option' FILE 'fn ft' CONTAINS INVALID RECORD FORMAT INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' ERROR 'nn' READING FILE 'fn ft' FROM {DISKIXEDIT} 550 IBM VMjSP HPO System Messages and Codes DMSIFC002E DMSIFC007E DMSIFC023E DMSIFC070E DMSIFC104S DMSIFC825E DMSIFC826E DMSIFC8281 DMSIFC829W DMSIFC831E DMSIFC832S [INPUT I OVERLAY] {FILE[(S)] I DATA SET} ['fn [ft [fm]] '] NOT FOUND FILE 'fn ft fm' [IS] NOT FIXED, 80 CHAR. RECORDS NO FILETYPE SPECIFIED INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter'IARGUMENT 'argument'} ERROR 'nn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK 'CLEAR' IS VALID ONLY WHEN SPECIFIED BY ITSELF EREP TXTLIBS NOT FOUND CPEREP ZERO OR CLEAR HAS BEEN COMPLETED ATTEMPTED 'ZERO' WAS SUPPRESSED. REQUIRES PRIVILEGE CLASS F MORE THAN 100 CHARS OF OPTIONS SPECIFIED SOFTWARE INCOMPATIBILITY AT THE CPEREP-EREP INTERFACE. CODE=nnn DMSIMA001E DMSIMA002E DMSlMA003E DMSlMA013E DMSIMA014E DMSIMA046E DMSlMA047E DMSIMA346E DMSIMA347E DMSIMA348E DMSIMA349E NO FILENAME SPECIFIED [INPUTIOVERLAY] {FILE[(S)] I DATA SET} ['fn [ft [fm]] '] NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' MEMBER 'name' NOT FOUND IN LIBRARY' ['fn ft fm' Ilibname]' INVALID FUNCTION 'function' NO LIBRARY NAME SPECIFIED NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED ERROR 'nn' LOADING 'fn ft' {DISKI 'fn ft'} ERROR 'nn' LOADING LIBRARY 'libname' ERROR 'nn' SAVING LIBRARY 'libname' INVALID LIBRARY 'libname' DMSINI079E DMSINI080E DMSINI081E DMSINI082E DMSINI083E DMSINI131S DMSINI147R INVALID DEVICE ADDRESS - REENTER INVALID {CYLIBLK} NUMBER - REENTER INVALID REPLY - ANSWER "YES" OR "NO" IPL DEVICE ERROR - REENTER NUCLEUS {CYLIBLK} SPECIFICATION UNACCEPTABLE, ERROR 'X' IPL DEVICE WRITE I/O ERROR IS THE SHARED {S-DISKIY-DISK} DIRECTORY TO BE USED WITH THIS SYSTEM? YES OR NO VIRTUAL MACHINE SIZE TOO SMALL TO IPL NON-SHARED COpy OF CMS SYSTEM DISK ADDRESS = addr REWRITE THE NUCLEUS? {YESINO} IPL DEVICE ADDRESS = addr NUCLEUS {CYLIBLK} ADDRESS = nnn ALSO IPL {CYLIBLK} O? {YESINO} VERSION IDENTIFICATION = INSTALLATION HEADING = Y - DISK ADDRESS = addr HELP DISK ADDRESS = addr IPL DEVICE READ I/O ERROR DMSINI260T DMSINI606R DMSINI607R DMSINI608R DMSINI609R DMSINI610R DMSINI611R DMSINI612R DMSINI615R DMSINI640R DMSINI902T DMSINS098W CMS OS SIMULATION NOT AVAILABLE DMSINS100W SHARED {SSTATIYSTAT} NOT AVAILABLE DMSINT015E {UNKNOWN {CP/CMSICMSICP} IINVALID {CMSISUBSET} COMMAND DMSITE910T AN ERROR OCCURRED WHILE THE EXTERNAL INTERRUPT HANDLER WAS TRYING TO SEVER IUCV PATH 'pathid', RE-IPL CMS DMSITP141T exception EXCEPTION DMSITP142T exception EXCEPTION EXIT ROUTINE DMSITP143T exception EXCEPTION DMSITP144T exception EXCEPTION IPL CMS AGAIN DMSITS098S DMSITS122S DMSITS134S DMSITS135S DMSITS136T OCCURRED AT addr IN ROUTINE called OCCURRED AT addr IN ROUTINE routine DURING 'SPIEl OCCURRED AT addr in SYSTEM ROUTINE called. OCCURRED AT addr IN ROUTINE called WHILE 'UFDBUSY' xx. CMS OS SIMULATION NOT AVAILABLE ERROR IN CALL TO routine FROM addr, ERROR CODE nnn (HEX xxxxxx) UNSUPPORTED SVC 203 CODE nn CALLED FROM addr MAXIMUM SVC DEPTH nnnn HAS BEEN EXCEEDED WITH CALL AT addr SVC CALL FROM addr ILLEGALLY RE-ENTERS INTSVC. RE-IPL CMS Appendix B. Message Summary Alphamerically by Message Identifier 551 DMSITS137T DMSITS138T DMSITS139T DMSITS140T DMSITS154T CALL TO routine FROM addr DESTROYED SYSTEM SAVE AREA. RE-IPL CMS 'DMSKEY' CALL FROM addr OVERFLOWS KEY STACK, WITH MAX DEPTH 7 'DMSKEY RESET' FROM addr UNDERFLOWS KEY STACK routine ROUTINE CALLED FROM addr DID DMSKEY WITH NO RESET SAVE AREA FOR SVC CALL FROM addr CANNOT BE ALLOCATED DMSIUC911E AN IUCV SEVER ERROR OCCURRED ON PATH 'pathid' IPRCODE='iprcode', SEVERING OF OTHER PATHS CONTINUES DMSJOI503E DMSJOI561E DMSJOI562E DMSJOI564W DMSJOI575E DMSJOI585E DMSJOI655E {TRUNCATEDISPILLED} CURSOR IS NOT ON A VALID DATA FIELD OPTION 'CURSOR' VALID IN DISPLAY MODE ONLY EOF REACHED INVALID {JOINISPLITITABSIVERIFYIZONE} COLUMNS DEFINED NO LINE(S) CHANGED JOINED LINE(S) EXCEED ZONE SETTING DMSLBD003E DMSLBD029E DMSLBD065E DMSLBD066E DMSLBD070E DMSLBD221E DMSLBD3241 DMSLBD7041 INVALID OPTION 'option' INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD 'option' OPTION SPECIFIED TWICE 'option' AND 'option' ARE CONFLICTING OPTIONS INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter'IARGUMENT 'argument'} INVALID DATA SET NAME NO USER DEFINED {DLBLIFILEDEFILABELDEF}'s IN EFFECT INVALID CLEAR REQUEST DMSLBM001E DMSLBM002E DMSLBM002W DMSLBM003E DMSLBM013W DMSLBM014E DMSLBM037E DMSLBM046E DMSLBM047E DMSLBM056E DMSLBM070E DMSLBM104S DMSLBM105S DMSLBM109S DMSLBM157S DMSLBM167S DMSLBM213W DMSLBM907T NO FILENAME SPECIFIED [INPUT I OVERLAY] {FILE[(S)] I DATA SET} ['fn [ft [fm]] '] NOT FOUND FILE 'fn ft [fm]' NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' {MEMBERIPHASE} 'name' NOT FOUND IN LIBRARY 'libname' INVALID FUNCTION 'function' [OUTPUT] DISK 'mode [vaddr]' IS READ/ONLY. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} NO LIBRARY NAME SPECIFIED NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED FILE 'fn ft [fm] , CONTAINS INVALID {NAMEIALIASIENTRYIESD} RECORD FORMATS INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter'IARGUMENT 'argument'} ERROR Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED MACLIB LIMIT EXCEEDED [, LAST MEMBER ADDED WAS 'membername'] PREVIOUS MACLIB FUNCTION NOT FINISHED LIBRARY 'fn ft fro' NOT CREATED I/O ERROR ON FILE 'fn ft fm' DMSLBT001E DMSLBT002E DMSLBT002W DMSLBT003E DMSLBT013E DMSLBT014E DMSLBT046E DMSLBT047E DMSLBT056E DMSLBT056W DMSLBT104S DMSLBT105S DMSLBT106S DMSLBT213W NO FILENAME SPECIFIED [INPUT I OVERLAY] {FILE[(S)] I DATA SET} ['fn [ft [fm]] '] NOT FOUND FILE 'fn ft [fm] , NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' MEMBER 'name' NOT FOUND IN LIBRARY' ['fn ft fm' Ilibname]' INVALID FUNCTION 'function' NO LIBRARY NAME SPECIFIED NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED FILE 'fn ft [fm] , CONTAINS INVALID {NAMEIALIASIENTRYIESD} RECORD FORMATS FILE 'fn ft fm' CONTAINS INVALID [NAMEIALIASIENTRYIESD] RECORD FORMATS ERROR Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK NUMBER OF MEMBER NAMES EXCEEDS MAX 'nnnn'. FILE 'fn ft' NOT ADDED LIBRARY 'fn ft fro' NOT CREATED 552 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messa.ges and Codes DMSLDF004E (BOOK '' IMODULE 'module'IPHASE 'phase'IPROCEDURE 'procedure'} NOT FOUND DMSLDF140S ('function'IFEOVDISEOVDISEOVIFEOV} (MACROIFUNCTION(S)} DMSLDF161S UNEXPECTED ERROR CODE Inn' ON 'SYSxxx' DMSLDF401S VM SIZE (size) CANNOT EXCEED 'sysname' START ADDRESS (address) DMSLDF413S STORAGE NOT INITIALIZED FOR VSAM PROCESSING DMSLDS002E DMSLDS003E DMSLDS048E DMSLDS069E DMSLDS220R DMSLDS221E DMSLDS222E DMSLDS223E DMSLDS226E DMSLDS227W DMSLDS2291 DMSLDS231E DMSLDS2331 [INPUT I OVERLAY] (FILE[(S)] I DATA SET} ['fn [ft [fm]] '] NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' INVALID MODE 'mode' DISK ('mode' I 'vaddr' I 'valid'} NOT ACCESSED. ('A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} ENTER DATA SET NAME: INVALID DATA SET NAME I/O ERROR READING 'data set name' FROM ('fm' 10SIDOS} DISK NO FILEMODE SPECIFIED NO DATA SET NAME ALLOWED WITH FREE OPTION INVALID EXTENT FOUND FOR 'datasetname' ON 'fm' DISK NO MEMBERS FOUND I/O ERROR READING VTOC FROM ('fm' IOSIDOS} DISK NO FREE SPACE AVAILABLE ON 'fm' DISK DMSLGT0021 FILE IfnI [TXTLIBILOADLIB] NOT FOUND DMSLIC096S UNSUPPORTED FUNCTION IN A LIOCS ROUTINE DMSLIOOOIE DMSLI0002E DMSLI00021 DMSLI0003E DMSLI0005E DMSLI0021E DMSLI0029E DMSLI0055E DMSLI0056E DMSLI0099E DMSLIOI04S DMSLIOI05S DMSLIOI09S DMSLIOl16S DMSLI0168S DMSLI0169S DMSLI0201W DMSLI0202W DMSLI0203W DMSLI0206W DMSLI0623S NO FILENAME SPECIFIED [INPUT I OVERLAY] (FILE [ (S) ] I DATA SET} [' fn [ft [fm]]'] NOT FOUND FILE IfnI [TXTLIBI LOADLIB] NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' NO 'option' SPECIFIED ENTRY POINT 'name' NOT FOUND INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD NO ENTRY POINT DEFINED FILE 'fn ft [fm]' CONTAINS INVALID (NAME I ALIAS I ENTRY IESD} RECORD FORMATS CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE ERROR Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED LOADER TABLE OVERFLOW PSEUDO REGISTER TABLE OVERFLOW ESDID TABLE OVERFLOW THE FOLLOWING NAMES ARE UNDEFINED: DUPLICATE IDENTIFIER 'identifier' "SET LOCATION COUNTER" NAME 'name' UNDEFINED PSEUDO REGISTER ALIGNMENT ERROR MODULE CANNOT BE LOADED AT LOCATION 'location' BECAUSE IT WOULD OVERLAY THE CMS NUCLEUS DMSLI07401 EXECUTION BEGINS ... DMSLI0907T I/O ERROR ON FILE 'fn ft fm' DMSLKDOOIE DMSLKD002E DMSLKD004W DMSLKD005E DMSLKD006E DMSLKD007E DMSLKD008W DMSLKD012W DMSLKD016W DMSLKD070E NO FILENAME SPECIFIED [INPUT I OVERLAY] (FILE[(S)] I DATA SET} ['fn [ft [fm]] '] NOT FOUND WARNING MESSAGES ISSUED NO 'option' SPECIFIED NO READ/WRITE ['A'] DISK ACCESSED [FOR 'fn ft'] FILE 'fn ft fm' [IS] NOT FIXED, 80 CHAR. RECORDS ERROR MESSAGES ISSUED SEVERE ERROR MESSAGES ISSUED TERMINAL ERROR MESSAGES ISSUED INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter'IARGUMENT 'argument'} DMSLLU003E INVALID OPTION 'option' DMSLLU006E NO READ/WRITE ['A'] DISK ACCESSED [FOR 'fn ft'] Appendix B. Message Summary Alphamerically by Message Identifier 553 DMSLLU070E DMSLLU099E DMSLLU105S DMSLLU303E INVALID {PARAMETER .' parameter' I ARGUMENT 'argument'} CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK NO SYSxxx SATISFIES REQUEST DMSLOS0021 [INPUT I OVERLAY] {FILE(S) I DATA SET} ['fn [ft [fm]] '] NOT FOUND DMSLOS004E {BOOK ''IMODULE 'module'IPHASE 'phase'IPROCEDURE 'procedure'} NOT FOUND DMSLOS013E MEMBER 'name' NOT FOUND IN LIBRARY' ['fn ft fm' Ilibname]' DMSLOS073E UNABLE TO OPEN FILE ddname DMSLOS089E {OPENICLOSE} ERROR CODE Inn' ON {fnISYSxxxITAPn} DMSLST002E [INPUT I OVERLAY] (FILE[(S)] I DATA SET} ['fn [fn [fm]] '] NOT FOUND DMSLST003E INVALID OPTION 'option' DMSLST037E [OUTPUT] DISK 'mode [vaddr]' IS READ/ONLY. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} DMSLST048E INVALID MODE 'mode' DMSLST066E 'option' AND 'option' ARE CONFLICTING OPTIONS DMSLST069E DISK {'mode' I 'vaddr' I 'valid'} NOT ACCESSED. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} DMSLST070E INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter'IARGUMENT 'argument'} DMSLST105S ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK DMSLST688E 'XEDIT' OPTION ONLY VALID FROM XEDIT ENVIRONMENT DMSLST689E FILE MUST BE F-FORMAT 108 OR V-FORMAT DMSMCM093E MVCOM MACRO ATTEMPT TO ALTER OTHER THAN POSITION 12-23 OF COMREG DMSMCM094E FROM ADDRESS ON MVCOM MACRO INVALID DMSMDP001E DMSMDP002E DMSMDP018E DMSMDP070E NO FILENAME SPECIFIED [INPUT I OVERLAY] (FILE[(S)] I DATA SET} ['fn [ft [fm]] '] NOT FOUND NO LOAD MAP AVAILABLE INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter'IARGUMENT 'argument'} DMSMOD001E DMSMOD002E DMSMOD003E DMSMOD005E DMSMOD021E DMSMOD032E DMSMOD037E NO FILENAME SPECIFIED [INPUT I OVERLAY] (FILE[(S)] I DATA SET} ['fn [ft [fm]] '] NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' NO 'option' SPECIFIED ENTRY POINT 'name' NOT FOUND INVALID FILETYPE 'ft' [OUTPUT] DISK 'mode [vaddr]' IS READ/ONLY. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} NO FILES LOADED INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter'IARGUMENT 'argument'} INVALID USE OF 'FROM' AND 'TO' OPTIONS ERROR Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED 'fn ft fm' NOT LOADED; CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT [NOT] ACTIVE LOADER TABLE OVERFLOW INVALID OPERAND : operand SUBCOMMAND IS ONLY VALID IN {DISPLAYIEDITING} MODE MISSING OPERAND(S) DMSMOD040E DMSMOD070E DMSMOD084E DMSMOD104S DMSMOD105S DMSMOD109S DMSMODl14E DMSMOD116S DMSMOD520E DMSMOD529E DMSMOD545E DMSMVE002E [INPUT I OVERLAY] (FILE[(S)] I DATA SET} ['fn [ft [fm]] '] NOT FOUND DMSMVE003E INVALID OPTION 'option' DMSMVE037E [OUTPUT] DISK 'mode [vaddr]' IS READ/ONLY. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} DMSMVE041E INPUT AND OUTPUT FILES ARE THE SAME DMSMVE048E INVALID MODE 'mode' DMSMVE069E DISK {'mode' I 'vaddr' I 'valid'} NOT ACCESSED. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} DMSMVE070E INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter'IARGUMENT 'argument'} DMSMVE073E UNABLE TO OPEN FILE ddname 554 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes DMSMVE075E DMSMVE086E DMSMVE127S DMSMVE128S DMSMVE129S DMSMVE130S DMSMVE2251 DMSMVE2261 DMSMVE232E DMSMVE7061 DMSMVE7081 DEVICE 'devicename' INVALID FOR {INPUTIOUTPUT} INVALID DDNAME 'ddname' UNSUPPORTED DEVICE FOR ddname I/O ERROR ON INPUT AFTER READING nnn RECORDS: INPUT ERROR code ON ddname I/O ERROR ON OUTPUT WRITING RECORD NUMBER nnnn: OUTPUT ERROR code ON ddname BLOCKSIZE ON V FORMAT FILE ddname IS LESS THAN 9 PDS MEMBER 'membername' MOVED END OF PDS MOVE INVALID RECFM -- SPANNED RECORDS NOT SUPPORTED TERM INPUT -- TYPE NULL LINE FOR END OF DATA DISK FILE 'FILE ddname AI' ASSUMED FOR DDNAME 'ddname' DMSMVG089E {OPENICLOSE} ERROR CODE 'nn' ON {fnISYSxxxITAPn} DMSNAM002E DMSNAM003E DMSNAM029E DMSNAMI04S DMSNAM156E DMSNAM618E DMSNAM621E DMSNAM622E DMSNAM622W DMSNAM633E DMSNAM633W DMSNAM634E DMSNAM6351 DMSNAM637E DMSNAM688E FILE 'fn ft fm' NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD ERROR 'nn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm'FROM {DISKIXEDIT} {FROMIRECORD} 'nnn' NOT FOUND - FILE 'fn ft fm' HAS ONLY 'nnn' RECORDS NUCEXT FAILED BAD PLIST: NAMEFIND MUST BE INVOKED AS A NUCLEUS EXTENSION INSUFFICIENT FREE STORAGE FOR NAMEFIND INSUFFICIENT FREE STORAGE FOR NAMEFIND BUFFER, PROCESSING CONTINUES TOO MANY TAGS WERE ENCOUNTERED. MAXIMUM IS 64 PER LINE RETURNED VALUES WERE TRUNCATED NO VALUE TO SEARCH FOR WAS SPECIFIED NO ENTRIES WERE FOUND THAT MATCHED YOUR SEARCH CRITERIA MISSING VALUE FOR THE 'option' OPTION 'XEDIT' OPTION ONLY VALID FROM XEDIT ENVIRONMENT DMSNCPOOIE DMSNCP002E DMSNCP003E DMSNCP013E DMSNCP021E DMSNCP025E DMSNCP045E DMSNCP056E DMSNCP099W DMSNCPI09S NO FILENAME SPECIFIED [INPUT I OVERLAY] {FILE[(S)] I DATA SET} ['fn [ft [fm]] '] NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' MEMBER 'name' NOT FOUND IN LIBRARY '['fn ft fm' Ilibname]' ENTRY POINT 'name' NOT FOUND INVALID DATA IN 370X CONTROL PROGRAM UNSUPPORTED 370X CONTROL PROGRAM TYPE FILE 'fn ft [fm] , CONTAINS INVALID {NAMEIALIASIENTRYIESD} RECORD FORMATS GENERATION PARAMETERS INCOMPATIBLE WITH VM/SP VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED DMSNXD050E DMSNXD070E DMSNXD616W DMSNXD617E DMSNXD624W PARAMETER MISSING AFTER NUCXDROP INVALID ARGUMENT 'argument' 'name' DOES NOT EXIST ERROR CODE n FROM DMSFRET WHILE UNLOADING 'module name' MODULE NO NUCLEUS EXTENSIONS ARE LOADED DMSNXLOOIE NO FILENAME SPECIFIED DMSNXL070E INVALID ARGUMENT 'argument' DMSNXLI04S ERROR 'n' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM {DISKIXEDIT} DMSNXL589E MISSING FILEDEF FOR DDNAME ddname DMSNXL618E NUCEXT FAILED DMSNXL619E-MODULE 'module name' NOT FOUND DMSNXL622E INSUFFICIENT FREE STORAGE DMSNXM070E INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' DMSNXM622E INSUFFICIENT FREE STORAGE (nn ENTRIES) DMSNXM6241 NO NUCLEUS EXTENSIONS ARE LOADED DMSOPL089E {OPENICLOSE} ERROR CODE 'nn' ON {fnISYSxxxITAPn} DMSOPL158E NO CMS/DOS PROCEDURE LIBRARY SUPPORT DMSOPT070E INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter'IARGUMENT 'argument'} DMSOPT099E CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE Appendix B. Message Summary Alphamerically by Message Identifier 555 DMSOSR052E MORE THAN 100 CHARS OF OPTIONS SPECIFIED DMSOSR070E INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter'IARGUMENT 'argument'} DMSOVR014E DMSOVR047E DMSOVR104S DMSOVR109S INVALID KEYWORD 'function' NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED ERROR Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED DMSPDP088E UNSUPPORTED DTF TYPE 'dtftype' DMSPIOl13S {modeIDEVICEIDISKIPRINTERIPUNCHIREADERITAPnITAPINITAPOUT} addr NOT ATTACHED DMSPI0145S INTERVENTION REQUIRED ON {PRINTERIPUNCH} DMSPOL070E INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter'IARGUMENT 'argument'} DMSPOP002E {INPUTIOVERLAY} {FILE[ (S) ] DATE SETINOTE} ;'fn [ft [fm]]} NOT FOUND DMSPOP003E INVALID OPTION 'option' DMSPOP047E NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED DMSPOPI04S ERROR Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM {DISKIXEDIT} DMSPOP105S ERROR 'nn' WRITING FILE "fn ft fm' {ON DISKITO XEDIT} DMSPOP620E RTABLE ERROR ON LINE 'nnn' - {NON-NUMERIC VALUE SPECIFIED I INCORRECT NUMBER OF PARAMETERSIMISALIGNED FIELDIINVALID PROP USERID} DMSPOP690E {PROPCHKIHOSTCHK} NOT SPECIFIED IN RTABLE DMSPOP709E PROPCHK NOT SPECIFIED IN RTABLE FOR NODE 'nodeid' DMSPOP713E CANNOT CONNECT TO MESSAGE SYSTEM SERVICE, CMSIUCV ERROR, CODE=code DMSPOP714E CANNOT CONNECT TO MESSAGE SYSTEM SERVICE, SERVICE ALREADY IN USE DMSPOQ148T DMSPOQ620E DMSPOQ691I DMSPOQ6921 DMSPOQ693E DMSPOQ694E SYSTEM ABEND CALLED FROM 'addr' RTABLE ERROR ON LINE 'nnn' VMDUMP TAKEN, PROP WILL IPL CMS ACTION ROUTINE 'name' ABENDED, PROP CONTINUING MISSING 'statement' STATEMENT IN RTABLE MORE THAN ONE 'statement' STATEMENT IN RTABLE DMSPOR014E DMSPOR047E DMSPOR070E DMSPORI05S DMSPOR513E DMSPOR626E DMSPOR627E DMSPOR690E DMSPOR709E INVALID FUNCTION 'function' NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED INVALID PARAMETER {PARAMETER 'parameter'IARGUMENT 'argument'} ERROR 'nn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' {ON DISKITO XEDIT} UNKNOWN CP/CMS COMMAND INVALID ACTION ROUTINE PARAMETER 'parameter' RESULT IS 'nnnn' BYTES TOO LARGE FOR CP COMMAND BYTES {PROPCHKIHOSTCHK} NOT SPECIFIED IN RTABLE PROPCHK NOT SPECIFIED IN RTABLE FOR NODE 'nodeid' DMSPOWl17S ERROR WRITING TO DISPLAY TERMINAL DMSPOW529E SUBCOMMAND IS ONLY VALID IN (DISPLAYIEDITING} MODE DMSPQU520E INVALID OPERAND : operand DMSPQU5531 EDITING FILE: fn ft fm DMSPQU577E FILE HAS BEEN CHANGED. USE QQUIT TO QUIT ANYWAY DMSPSH646E DMSPSH659E DMSPSH66IE DMSPSH686E 'macroname' MUST BE INVOKED FROM THE PREFIX AREA INVALID PREFIX SUBCOMMAND: nnnn PREFIX 'name' IS INVALID FOR THE LINE ON WHICH IT WAS ENTERED SYNONYM 'name' NOT RECOGNIZED BY PREFIX MACRO 'macroname' DMSPSW646E 'macroname' MUST BE INVOKED FROM THE PREFIX AREA DMSPSW659E INVALID PREFIX SUBCOMMAND: nnnn DMSPSW66IE PREFIX 'name' IS INVALID FOR THE LINE ON WHICH IT WAS ENTERED 556 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes DMSPXX646E DMSPXX659E DMSPXX661E DMSPXX686E 'macroname' MUST BE INVOKED FROM THE PREFIX AREA INVALID PREFIX SUBCOMMAND: nnnn PREFIX 'name' IS INVALID FOR THE LINE ON WHICH IT WAS ENTERED SYNONYM 'name' NOT RECOGNIZED BY PREFIX MACRO 'macroname' DMSPREOOIE DMSPRE002E DMSPREI09S DMSPRE183E DMSPRE234E DMSPRE235E DMSPRE236E DMSPRE237E DMSPRE238E NO FILENAME SPECIFIED [INPUT I OVERLAY] {FILE[(S)] I DATA SET} ['fn [ft [fm]] '] NOT FOUND VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED INVALID {CONTROLIAUX} FILE CONTROL CARD ERROR IN LOAD LIST FILE 'fn ft fm' [NO INPUT] ERROR In' IN INPUT TEXT FILE 'fn ft [fm]' UNRESOLVED EXTERNAL REFERENCE(S) ENCOUNTERED DUPLICATE EXTERNAL SYMBOL(S) ENCOUNTERED PRELOADER PROCESSING ERROR [INPUT I OVERLAY] {FILE[(S)] I DATA SET} ['fn [ft [fm]] '] NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' DEVICE 'vaddr' {INVALID OR NONEXISTENT I UNSUPPORTED DEVICE TYPE} MEMBER 'name' NOT FOUND IN LIBRARY' ['fn ft fm' Ilibname]' INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD FILE 'fn ft fm' IS NOT A LIBRARY NO ENTRIES IN LIBRARY 'fn ft fm' RECORD LENGTH EXCEEDS ALLOWABLE MAXIMUM INVALID MODE 'mode' INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED INVALID [CHARI CHARACTER] '[=I*lchar]' IN [OUTPUT] FILEID ['fn ft [fm] '] DISK {'mode' I 'vaddr' I 'valid'} NOT ACCESSED. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} DMSPRT070E INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter'IARGUMENT 'argument'} DMSPRTI04S ERROR Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK DMSPRT123S ERROR Inn' {PRINTINGIPUNCHING} FILE 'fn ft fm' DMSPRT002E DMSPRT003E DMSPRT008E DMSPRT013E DMSPRT029E DMSPRT033E DMSPRT039E DMSPRT044E DMSPRT048E DMSPRT054E DMSPRT062E DMSPRT069E DMSPRV003E INVALID OPTION 'option' DMSPRV004E {BOOK '' I MODULE 'module'IPHASE 'phase'IPROCEDURE 'procedure'} NOT FOUND DMSPRV006E NO READ/WRITE ['A'] DISK ACCESSED [FOR 'fn ft'] DMSPRV037E [OUTPUT] DISK 'mode [vaddr]' IS READ/ONLY. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} DMSPRV070E INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter'IARGUMENT 'argument'} DMSPRV097E NO 'SYSRES' VOLUME ACTIVE DMSPRV098E NO {PHASEIPROCEDURE} NAME SPECIFIED DMSPRV099E CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE DMSPRVIOSS ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK DMSPRVl13S {mode I DEVICE IDISKI PRINTERIPUNCHIREADERITAPnlTAPINITAPO UT} addr NOT ATTACHED DMSPRV41lS {INPUTIOUTPUT} ERROR CODE Inn' ON 'SYSxxx' DMSPUN002E DMSPUN003E DMSPUN008E DMSPUN013E DMSPUN033E DMSPUN039E DMSPUN044E DMSPUNOS4E DMSPUN062E DMSPUN069E [INPUT I OVERLAY] {FILE[(S)] I DATA SET} ['fn [ft [fm]] '] NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' DEVICE vaddr {INVALID OR NONEXISTENTIUNSUPPORTED DEVICE TYPE} MEMBER 'name' NOT FOUND IN LIBRARY '[' fn ft fm' Ilibname] , FILE 'fn ft fm' IS NOT A LIBRARY NO ENTRIES IN LIBRARY 'fn ft fm' RECORD LENGTH EXCEEDS ALLOWABLE MAXIMUM INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED INVALID [CHARI CHARACTER] '[=I*lchar]' IN [OUTPUT] FILEID ['fn ft [fm] '] DISK {'mode' I 'vaddr' I 'valid'} NOT ACCESSED. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} DMSPUNI04S ERROR Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK DMSPUNl18S ERROR PUNCHING FILE {'fn ft fm'} DMSPUN123S ERROR Inn' {PRINTINGIPUNCHING} FILE 'fn ft fm' DMSQRS006E NO READ/WRITE ['A'] DISK ACCESS [FOR 'fn ft'] DMSQRS026E INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' FOR 'function' FUNCTION Appendix B. Message Summary Alphamerically by Message Identifier 557 DMSQRSI09S VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED DMSQRS639E ERROR IN 'routine' ROUTINE. RETURN CODE WAS 'xx' DMSQRTI09S VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED DMSQRT639E ERROR IN 'routine' ROUTINE. RETURN CODE WAS 'xx' DMSQRUI09S VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED DMSQRU3241 NO USER DEFINED {DLBLIFILEDEFILABELDEF}'s IN EFFECT DMSQRU639E ERROR IN 'routine' ROUTINE. RETURN CODE WAS 'xx' DMSQRV026E INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' FOR 'function' FUNCTION DMSQRVI09S VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED DMSQRV639E ERROR IN 'routine' ROUTINE. RETURN CODE WAS Inn' DMSQRWI09T VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED DMSQRW639E ERROR IN 'routine' ROUTINE. RETURN CODE WAS Inn' DMSQRX099E DMSQRXI09T DMSQRX324I DMSQRX639E CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT {NOT} ACTIVE VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED NO USER DEFINED {DLBLIFILEDEFILABELDEF}'s IN EFFECT ERROR IN 'routine' ROUTINE. RETURN CODE WAS 'xx' DMSQRY003E DMSQRY005E DMSQRY014E DMSQRY026E DMSQRY047E DMSQRY065E DMSQRY066E DMSQRY070E DMSQRY099E DMSQRYI09S DMSQRY618E DMSQRY621E INVALID OPTION 'option' NO 'option' SPECIFIED INVALID FUNCTION 'function' INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' FOR 'function' FUNCTION NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED 'option' OPTION SPECIFIED TWICE 'option' AND 'option' ARE CONFLICTING OPTIONS INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter'IARGUMENT 'argument'} CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED NUCEXT FAILED BAD PLIST: DMSRDC008E DEVICE 'vaddr' {INVALID OR NONEXISTENT I UNSUPPORTED DEVICE TYPE} DMSRDC037E [OUTPUT] DISK 'mode [vaddr]' IS READ/ONLY. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} DMSRDC042E NO FILEID(S) SPECIFIED DMSRDC054E INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED DMSRDC062E INVALID [CHARI CHARACTER] '[=I*lchar]' IN [OUTPUT] FILEID ['fn ft [fm] '] DMSRDCI05S ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK DMSRDC124S ERROR READING CARD FILE DMSRDC205W READER EMPTY OR NOT READY DMSRDC7011 NULL FILE DMSRDC7021 [READ CONTROL CARD MISSING. FOLLOWING ASSUMED:] :READ {fn ft fmlREADCARD CMSUTI AI} DMSRDC738I RECORD LENGTH IS 'nnn' BYTES DMSRDR070E INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' DMSRDR630E ERROR ACCESSING SPOOL FILE DMSREA830E I/O ERROR READING A RECORD FROM THE ERROR RECORDING CYLINDERS DMSREX450E DMSREX451E DMSREX452E DMSREX453E DMSREX454E DMSREX455E DMSREX456E DMSREX457E Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error 5 running fn ft, 3 running fn ft, 4 running fn ft, 6 running fn ft, 7 running fn ft, 8 running fn ft, 9 running fn ft, 10 running fn ft, DMSREX458E Error 11 running fn ft, 558 line nn: line nn: line nn: line nn: line nn: line nn: line nn: line nn: line nn: IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes Machine storage exhausted Program is unreadable Program interrupted Unmatched "/*" or quote WHEN or OTHERWISE expected Unexpected THEN or ELSE Unexpected WHEN or OTHERWISE Unexpected or unmatched END Control stack full Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error DMSRNM002E DMSRNM003E DMSRNM019E DMSRNM024E DMSRNM030E DMSRNM037E [INPUT I OVERLAY] {FILE[(S)] I DATA SET} ['fn [ft [fm]] '] NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' IDENTICAL FILEIDS FILE 'fn ft fm' ALREADY EXISTS [-- SPECIFY 'REPLACE'] FILE 'fn ft fm' ALREADY ACTIVE [OUTPUT] DISK 'mode [vaddr]' IS READ/ONLY. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} INVALID MODE 'mode' INVALID MODE CHANGE INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED INVALID [CHARI CHARACTER] '[=I*lchar]' IN [OUTPUT] FILEID ['fn ft [fm] '] DISK {'mode' I 'vaddr' I 'volid'} NOT ACCESSED. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} DMSRNM048E DMSRNM051E DMSRNM054E DMSRNM062E DMSRNM069E 12 13 14 15 16 21 17 26 27 30 31 34 35 36 37 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 49 19 20 24 25 28 29 33 38 48 18 32 running running running running running running running running running running running running running running running running running running running running running running running running running running running running running running running running running running fn fn fn fn fn fn fn fn fn fn fn fn fn fn fn fn fn fn fn fn fn fn fn fn fn fn fn fn fn fn fn fn fn fn ft, ft, ft, ft, ft, ft, ft, ft, ft, ft, ft, ft, ft, ft, ft, ft, ft, ft, ft, ft, ft, ft, ft, ft, ft, ft, ft, ft, ft, ft, ft, ft, ft, ft, line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line nn: nn: nn: nn: nn: nn: nn: nn: nn: nn: nn: nn: nn: nn: nn: nn: nn: nn: nn: nn: nn: nn: nn: nn: nn: nn: nn: nn: nn: nn: nn: nn: nn: nn: Clause > 500 characters Invalid character in data Incomplete DO/SELECT/IF Invalid Hex constant Label not found Invalid data on end of clause Unexpected PROCEDURE Invalid whole number Invalid DO syntax Name or String > 250 characters Name starts with numeric or " " Logical value not 0 or 1 Invalid expression Unmatched "(" in expression Unexpected "," or ")" Evaluation stack overflow Incorrect call to routine Bad arithmetic conversion Arithmetic Overflow/Underflow Routine not found Function did not return data No data specified on function RETURN Interpreter failure String or symbol expected Symbol expected Invalid TRACE request Invalid su-keyword found Invalid LEAVE or ITERATE Environment name too long Invalid expression result Invalid template or pattern Failure in System service THEN expected Invalid use of stem DMSREX459E DMSREX460E DMSREX461E DMSREX462E DMSREX463E DMSREX464E DMSREX465E DMSREX466E DMSREX467E DMSREX468E DMSREX469E DMSREX470E DMSREX471E DMSREX472E DMSREX473E DMSREX474E DMSREX475E DMSREX476E DMSREX477E DMSREX478E DMSREX479E DMSREX480E DMSREX481E DMSREX482E DMSREX483E DMSREX484E DMSREX485E DMSREX486E DMSREX487E DMSREX488E DMSREX489E DMSREX490E DMSREX491E DMSREX492E DMSRRV003E INVALID OPTION 'option' DMSRRV004E {BOOK ''IMODULE 'module'IPHASE 'phase'IPROCEDURE 'procedure'} NOT FOUND DMSRRV006E NO READ/WRITE ['A'] DISK ACCESSED [FOR 'fn ft'] DMSRRV070E INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter'IARGUMENT 'argument'} DMSRRV097E NO 'SYSRES' VOLUME ACTIVE DMSRRV098E NO {PHASEIPROCEDURE} NAME SPECIFIED DMSRRV099E CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE DMSRRV105S ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK DMSRRV113S {mode I DEVICE IDISKI PRINTERIPUNCHIREADERITAPnlTAPINITAPO UT} addr NOT ATTACHED DMSRRV411S {INPUT I OUTPUT} ERROR CODE Inn' ON 'SYSxxx' Appendix B. Message Summary Alphamerically by Message Identifier 559 DMSRSV037E [OUTPUT] DISK 'mode [vaddr]' IS READ/ONLY. {'A' MUST BE R/W for 'DISK LOAD'} DMSRSV042E NO FILEID[(S)] SPECIFIED DMSRSV054E INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED DMSRSV069E [OUTPUT] DISK 'mode' NOT ACCESSED DMSRSV070E INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter'IARGUMENT 'argument'} DMSRSVI09T VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED DMSRSV260E DISK NOT PROPERLY FORMATTED FOR RESERVE DMSRSV908E FILE SYSTEM ERROR DETECTED. VIRTUAL ADDRESS 'vaddr' REASON CODE 'nn' DMSRSV909E PERM I/O ERROR ON 'vaddr'. CSW cccccccc SENSE ssssssss DMSRUNOOIE DMSRUN002E DMSRUN048E DMSRUN070E DMSRUN999E NO FILENAME SPECIFIED [INPUT I OVERLAY] {FILE[(S)] I DATA SET} ['fn eft [fm]] '] NOT FOUND INVALID MODE 'mode' INVALID ARGUMENT 'argument' NO ft MODULE FOUND DMSSBS120S {IN lOUT} PUT ERROR CODE 'nn' .ON 'ddname' DMSSCH520E DMSSCH525E DMSSCH529E DMSSCH545E DMSSCH5511 DMSSCH561E DMSSCH569E DMSSCH574E DMSSCH586E INVALID OPERAND : operand INVALID {PFKEYIPFKEY/KEY} NUMBER SUBCOMMAND IS ONLY VALID IN {DISPLAY I EDITING} MODE MISSING OPERAND(S) STRING 'string' FOUND. --- PFnn SET FOR SELECTIVE CHANGE CURSOR IS NOT ON A VALID DATA FIELD NO 'CHANGE' OR 'CLOCATE' SUBCOMMAND SPECIFIED CHANGE NOT VALID {WITH CLOCATEIAFTER CURSOR MOVEMENT} NOT FOUND [ON SCREEN] DMSSCR151E 3278 MOD 5 DISPLAY TERMINAL NOT SUPPORTED BY OLD CMS EDITOR DMSSCT120S {IN/OUT}PUT ERROR 'code' ON 'ddname' DMSSEB4291 'TAPn (raddr)' EOT ON OUTPUT DMSSEG403S filename SHARED SEGMENT NOT AVAILABLE - RELOAD CMSDOS DMSSET014E DMSSET026E DMSSET031E DMSSET047E DMSSET048E DMSSET050E DMSSET061E DMSSET070E DMSSET098W DMSSET099E DMSSETIOOW DMSSET142S DMSSET333E DMSSET400S DMSSET401S DMSSET410S DMSSET444E INVALID KEYWORD 'function' INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' FOR 'function' FUNCTION LOADER TABLES CANNOT BE MODIFIED NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED INVALID MODE 'mode' PARAMETER MISSING AFTER {DDNAMEISYSxxxlfunction} NO TRANSLATION CHARACTER SPECIFIED INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter'IARGUMENT 'argument'} CMS OS SIMULATION NOT AVAILABLE CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE SHARED {SSTATIYSTAT} NOT AVAILABLE SAVED SYSTEM NAME 'name' INVALID nnnnnK PARTITION TOO LARGE FOR THIS VIRTUAL MACHINE SYSTEM 'sysname' DOES NOT EXIST VM SIZE (size) CANNOT EXCEED 'sysname' START ADDRESS (address) CONTROL PROGRAM ERROR INDICATION 'retcode' VOLUME 'label' IS NOT A DOS SYSRES DMSSLN002E DMSSLNI04S DMSSLN350E DMSSLN351E [INPUT I OVERLAY] {FILE[(S)] I DATA SET} ['fn eft [fm]] '] NOT FOUND ERROR Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK MODULE IS MARKED NOT EXECUTABLE MODULE IS MARKED ONLY LOADABLE DMSSMNI09S VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED DMSSMN133S INVALID GETMAIN OR FREEMAIN SPECIFICATION 560 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes DMSSOP036E OPEN ERROR CODE Inn' ON 'ddname' DMSSOP036W UPDATE REQUESTED FOR READ-ONLY DISK DMSSOPI09S VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED DMSSOR520E INVALID OPERAND : operand DMSSPL561E DMSSPL562E DMSSPL575E DMSSPL585E DMSSPL586E CURSOR IS NOT ON A VALID DATA FIELD OPTION 'CURSOR' VALID IN DISPLAY MODE ONLY INVALID {JOINISPLITITABSIVERIFYIZONE} COLUMNS DEFINED NO LINE(S) CHANGED NOT FOUND DMSSPR002E DMSSPR014E DMSSPR026E DMSSPRl13S [INPUT I OVERLAY] {FILE[(S)] I DATA SET} ['fn [ft [fm]] '] NOT FOUND INVALID FUNCTION 'function' INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' FOR 'function' FUNCTION {mode I DEVICE I DISKI PRINTER I PUNCH I READER I TAPnl TAPINI TAPO UT} addr NOT ATTACHED INTERVENTION REQUIRED ON {PRINTERIPUNCH} PRT vaddr SETUP COMPLETE UNDIAGNOSED ERROR FROM PRINTER 'OOE' SETPRT CAUSED A LOAD CHECK - SNS=ssssssss PRT 'OOE' NOT A VIRTUAL 3800 TOO MANY WCGM'S NEEDED FOR 'CHARS' INVALID SETPRT DATA IN FILE 'fn ft' DMSSPR145S DMSSPR1961 DMSSPR197S DMSSPR198E DMSSPR199E DMSSPR204E DMSSPR352E DMOSRSOOIE NO FILENAME SPECIFIED DMSSRT002E DMSSRT009E DMSSRT019E DMSSRT034E DMSSRT037E DMSSRV194S DMSSRV411S [INPUT I OVERLAY] {FILE[(S)] I DATA SET} ['fn eft [fm]] '] NOT FOUND COLUMN 'col' EXCEEDS RECORD LENGTH IDENTICAL FILEIDS FILE 'fn ft fm' IS NOT FIXED LENGTH [OUTPUT] DISK 'mode [vaddr]' IS READ/ONLY. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} INVALID SORT FIELD PAIR DEFINED INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED INVALID [CHARI CHARACTER] '[=I*lchar]' IN [OUTPUT] FILEID ['fn ft [fm] '] NO [SORTITRANSLATIONISPECIFICATION] LIST {ENTEREDIGIVEN} DISK {'mode' I 'vaddr' I 'volid'} NOT ACCESSED. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} INVALID SORT FIELD PAIR DEFINED INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter'IARGUMENT 'argument'} ERROR Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK MAXIMUM NUMBER OF RECORDS EXCEEDED ENTER SORT FIELDS: INVALID OPTION 'option' {BOOK '' I MODULE 'module'IPHASE 'phase'IPROCEDURE 'procedure'} NOT FOUND NO READ/WRITE ['A'] DISK ACCESSED [FOR 'fn ft'] INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter'IARGUMENT 'argument'} NO 'SYSRES' VOLUME ACTIVE NO {PHASEIPROCEDURE} NAME SPECIFIED CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK {model DEVICE IDISKIPRINTERIPUNCHIREADERI TAPnl TAPIN I TAPO UT} addr NOT ATTACHED BOOK '' CONTAINS BAD RECORDS {INPUTIOUTPUT} ERROR CODE Inn' ON 'SYSxxx' DMSSSK070E DMSSSK362E DMSSSK363E DMSSSK364E DMSSSK365E INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter'IARGUMENT 'argument'} INVALID STORAGE PROTECT KEY 'key' INVALID STARTING ADDRESS 'startadr' VM STORAGE NOT LARGE ENOUGH TO CONTAIN SYSTEM LOADING AT startadr to endadr SYSTEM NAME NOT SPECIFIED DMSSRT053E DMSSRT054E DMSSRT062E DMSSRT063E DMSSRT069E DMSSRT053E DMSSRT070E DMSSRTI04S DMSSRTI05S DMSSRT212E DMSSRT604R DMSSRV003E DMSSRV004E DMSSRV006E DMSSRV070E DMSSRV097E DMSSRV098E DMSSRV099E DMSSRVI05S DMSSRVl13S Appendix B. Message Summary Alphamerically by Message Identifier 561 DMSSSK400S SYSTEM 'sysname' DOES NOT EXIST DMSSSK410S CONTROL PROGRAM ERROR INDICATION 'retcode' DMSSTA024E DMSSTA520E DMSSTA671E DMSSTA7031 FILE 'fn ft fm' ALREADY EXISTS [-- SPECIFY 'REPLACE'] INVALID OPERAND : operand ERROR CREATING FILE 'fn ft fm' RC=xx FROM 'command' FILE 'fn ft [fm]' {COPIEDICREATED} DMSSTG109S VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED DMSSTG133S INVALID GETMAIN OR FREEMAIN SPECIFICATION DMSSTT002E DMSSTT048E DMSSTT054E DMSSTT062E DMSSTT069E DMSSTT070E DMSSTT2271 DMSSTT2281 DMSSTT229E DMSSTT253E [INPUT I OVERLAY] {FILE[(S)] I DATA SET} ['fn [ft [fm]] '] NOT FOUND INVALID MODE 'mode' INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED INVALID [CHARI CHARACTER] '[=I*lchar]' IN [OUTPUT] FILEID ['fn ft [fm] '] DISK {'mode' I 'vaddr' I 'valid'} NOT ACCESSED. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter'IARGUMENT 'argument'} PROCESSING VOLUME 'no' IN DATA SET 'data set name' USER LABELS BYPASSED ON DATA SET 'data set name' UNSUPPORTED OS DATA SET, [ERROR 'code'] FILE fn ft fm CANNOT BE HANDLED WITH SUPPLIED PARAMETER LIST DMSSTX326E ILLEGAL SVC svc (HEX nn) CALLED FROM addr DMSSVT033E DMSSVTl19S DMSSVT120S DMSSVT12lS FILE 'fn ft UNSUPPORTED {INIOUT}PUT UNSUPPORTED DMSSYN002E DMSSYN003E DMSSYN007E DMSSYN032E DMSSYN056E DMSSYN066E DMSSYNl04S DMSSYN7111 DMSSYN7l21 [INPUTIOVERLAY] {FILE[(S)] I DATA SET} ['fn [ft [fm]] '] NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' FILE 'fn ft fm' [IS] NOT FIXED, 80 CHAR. RECORDS INVALID FILETYPE 'ft' FILE 'fn ft [fm]' CONTAINS INVALID {NAMEIALIASIENTRYIESD} RECORD FORMATS 'option' AND 'option' ARE CONFLICTING OPTIONS ERROR 'nn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK NO SYSTEM SYNONYMS IN EFFECT NO SYNONYMS. (DMSINA NOT IN NUCLEUS) DMSTLB027E DMSTLB043E DMSTLB058E DMSTLBll0S DMSTLBlllS DMSTLBl13S INVALID DEVICE {'device name' I 'device' FOR 'SYSxxx'} 'TAPn(raddr)' IS FILE PROTECTED END-OF-FILE or END-OF-TAPE[[ON 'TAPn']] ERROR READING 'TAPn {raddr}, ERROR WRITING 'TAPn raddr' {modeIDEVICEIDISKIPRINTERIPUNCHIREADERITAPnITAPINITAPOUT} addr NOT ATTACHED 'TAPn raddr' HDRl LABEL MISSING FOR 'filename' 'TAPn raddr' POSITIONED WRONG FOR 'filename' 'TAPn raddr' POSITIONED PARAMETER IGNORED. OUTPUT FILE WILL BE WRITTEN IMMEDIATELY AFTER NEW VOLI LABEL 'TAPn raddr' NOT POSITIONED AT EOFI LABEL 'TAPn raddr' BLOCK COUNT ERROR FOR 'filename' ENTER 'IGNORE' OR 'CANCEL' 'TAPn raddr' UNEXPIRED FILE ENTER 'IGNORE' OR 'ERROR' 'TAPn raddr' EOVI LABEL READ 'TAPn raddr' EOVI LABEL WRITTEN 'TAPn raddr' LABELDEF INFORMATION MISSING FOR FILE 'filename' 'TAPn raddr' VOLI LABEL MISSING 'TAPn raddr' VOLID valid DOES NOT MATCH LABELDEF VOLID FOR 'filename' ENTER 'WRITE (VOLID' OR 'REJECT' 'TAPn raddr' INPUT LABEL CHECK ERROR FOR FILE 'filename' ENTER 'IGNORE' OR 'CANCEL' DMSTLB421E DMSTLB422E DMSTLB4231 DMSTLB424E DMSTLB425R DMSTLB426R DMSTLB4271 DMSTLB4281 DMSTLB430E DMSTLB43lE DMSTLB432E DMSTLB433R DMSTLB434E DMSTLB435R 562 fm' IS NOT A LIBRARY FORM OF {'macro' I 'parm'} {MACROISVC} ERROR 'code' ON 'ddname' SVC svc (HEX xx) CALLED FROM addr IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes DMSTLB436I 'TAPn raddr' MISSING USER STANDARD LABEL FOR 'ddname' DMSTLB437I 'TAPn raddr' NSL ROUTINE RETURNED AN ERROR CODE 'nnnnnn' FOR 'filename' DMSTMAOOIE DMSTMA003E DMSTMA057E DMSTMA070E DMSTMAI05S DMSTMAI09S DMSTMAIIOS DMSTMA137S DMSTMA138S DMSTMA139S DMSTMA420E NO FILENAME SPECIFIED INVALID OPTION 'option' INVALID RECORD FORMAT INVALID [PARAMETER 'parameter'IARGUMENT 'argument'} ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED ERROR READING 'TAPn [raddr}, ERROR Inn' ON STATE FOR 'fn ft fm' ERROR nn ERASING fn ft BEFORE LOADING TAPE TAPE FILE EXCEEDS 9 CMS MACLIBS NSL EXIT FILENAME MISSING OR INVALID DMSTPD003E DMSTPD058E DMSTPDI05S DMSTPDI09S DMSTPDIIOS DMSTPD420E DMSTPD703I DMSTPD707I INVALID OPTION 'option' END-OF-FILE OR END-OF-TAPE [ON 'TAPn'] ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED ERROR READING 'TAPn [raddr}, NSL EXIT FILENAME MISSING OR INVALID FILE 'fn ft [fm] , {COPIED I CREATED} TEN FILES COPIED DMSTPE002E DMSTPE003E DMSTPEOIOE DMSTPE014E DMSTPE017E DMSTPE023E DMSTPE027E DMSTPE029E DMSTPE037E DMSTPE431E DMSTPE70lI [INPUT I OVERLAY] [FILE[(S)] I DATA SET} ['fn [ft [fm]] I] NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' PREMATURE EOF ON FILE {'fn ft [fm] , I NUMBER Inn'} INVALID FUNCTION 'function' INVALID DEVICE ADDRESS 'vaddr' NO FILETYPE SPECIFIED INVALID DEVICE ['device name' I 'device' FOR 'SYSxxx'} INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD [OUTPUT] DISK 'mode [vaddr]' IS READ/ONLY. ['A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} NO FILEID(S) SPECIFIED 'TAPn raddr' IS FILE PROTECTED NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED INVALID MODE 'mode' INVALID RECORD FORMAT END-OF-FILE OR END-OF-TAPE [ON 'TAPn'] INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter'IARGUMENT 'argument'} FILE 'fn ft' DATA BLOCK COUNT INCORRECT ERROR Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED ERROR READING 'TAPn [raddr}, ERROR WRITING 'TAPn raddr' [modeIDEVICEIDISKIPRINTERIPUNCHIREADERITAPnITAPINITAPOUT} addr NOT ATTACHED {CONVERSION I {719}-TRACKI {80016250} BPIITRANSLATIONIDUAL-DENSITY} FEATURE NOT SUPPORTED ON DEVICE 'raddr' 'TAPn raddr' VaLl LABEL MISSING NULL FILE DMSTYP002E DMSTYP003E DMSTYP005E DMSTYP009E DMSTYP013E DMSTYP029E DMSTYP033E DMSTYP039E DMSTYP049E DMSTYP054E [INPUT I OVERLAY] {FILE[(S)] I DATA SET} ['fn [ft [fm]] '] NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' NO 'option' SPECIFIED COLUMN 'col' EXCEEDS RECORD LENGTH MEMBER 'name' NOT FOUND IN LIBRARY' ['fn ft fm' Ilibname]' INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD FILE 'fn ft fm' IS NOT A LIBRARY NO ENTRIES IN LIBRARY 'fn ft fm' INVALID LINE NUMBER 'line number' INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED DMSTPE042E DMSTPE043E DMSTPE047E DMSTPE048E DMSTPE057E DMSTPE058E DMSTPE070E DMSTPE096E DMSTPEI04S DMSTPEI05S DMSTPEI09S DMSTPEIIOS DMSTPElllS DMSTPEl13S DMSTPEl15S Appendix B. Message Summary Alphamerically by Message Identifier 563 DMSTYP062E INVALID [CHARI CHARACTER] '[=I*lchar]' IN [OUTPUT] FILEID ['fn ft [fm] '] DMSTYP069E DISK {'mode' I 'addr' I 'valid'} NOT ACCESSED. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} DMSTYPI04S ERROR Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK DMSUPDOOIE DMSUPD002E DMSUPD003E DMSUPD007E DMSUPDOIOW DMSUPD024E DMSUPD037E DMSUPD070E DMSUPDI04S DMSUPDI05S DMSUPD174W DMSUPD176W DMSUPD177I DMSUPD178I DMSUPD179E DMSUPD180W DMSUPD181E DMSUPD182W DMSUPD183E DMSUPD184W DMSUPD185W DMSUPD186W DMSUPD187E DMSUPD207W DMSUPD210W DMSUPD299E DMSUPD300E DMSUPD304I NO FILENAME SPECIFIED [INPUT I OVERLAY] (FILE[(S)] I DATA SET} ['fn [ft [fm]] '] NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' FILE 'fn ft fm' [IS] NOT FIXED, 80 CHAR. RECORDS PREMATURE EOF ON FILE 'fn ft fm' -- SEQ NUMBER ' . . . . . . . . ' NOT FOUND FILE 'fn ft fm' ALREADY EXISTS [-- SPECIFY 'REPLACE'] [OUTPUT] DISK 'mode [addr]' IS READ/ONLY. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} INVALID MODE 'mode' 'option' OPTION SPECIFIED TWICE 'option' and 'option' ARE CONFLICTING OPTIONS DISK {' mode' I 'vaddr' I 'valid'} NOT ACCESSED. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter'IARGUMENT 'argument'} ERROR Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK SEQUENCE ERROR INTRODUCED IN OUTPUT FILE: ' ........ ' TO ' ......•. ' SEQUENCING OVERFLOW FOLLOWING SEQ NUMBER ' ...•.... ' WARNING MESSAGES ISSUED (SEVERITY = nn). ('REP' OPTION IGNORED} UPDATING 'fn ft fm' APPLYING 'fn ft fm' ([APPLYING 'fn ft fm']} MISSING OR DUPLICATE 'MACS' CARD IN CONTROL FILE 'fn ft fm' MISSING PTF FILE 'fn ft fm' NO UPDATE FILES WERE FOUND SEQUENCE INCREMENT IS ZERO INVALID (CONTROLIAUX} FILE CONTROL CARD ' . / S' NOT FIRST CARD IN UPDATE FILE -- IGNORED {INVALID I NON NUMERIC} CHARACTER IN SEQUENCE FIELD ' ....... . SEQUENCE NUMBER [' ...••... i] NOT FOUND OPTION 'STK' INVALID WITHOUT 'CTL' INVALID UPDATE FILE CONTROL CARD INPUT FILE SEQUENCE ERROR ' . . . . . . . . ' TO ' ....... . INSUFFICIENT STORAGE TO COMPLETE UPDATE INSUFFICIENT STORAGE TO BEGIN UPDATE UPDATE PROCESSING WILL BE DONE USING DISK DMSUTL003E DMSUTL014E DMSUTL024E DMSUTL032E DMSUTL039E DMSUTL042E DMSUTL047E DMSUTL054E DMSUTL065E DMSUTL066E DMSUTL073E DMSUTL901T DMSUTL907T INVALID OPTION 'option' INVALID FUNCTION 'function' FILE 'fn ft fm' ALREADY EXISTS [-- SPECIFY 'REPLACE'] INVALID FILETYPE 'ft' NO ENTRIES IN LIBRARY 'fn ft fm' NO FILEID(S) SPECIFIED NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED 'option' OPTION SPECIFIED TWICE 'option' AND 'option' ARE CONFLICTING OPTIONS UNABLE TO OPEN FILE ddname UNEXPECTED ERROR AT 'addr': PLIST 'plist fn ft fm' AT addr, BASE addr, RC nn I/O ERROR ON FILE 'fn ft fro' DMSUPD048E DMSUPD065E DMSUPD066E DM$UPD069E DMSVGN069E DISK {'mode' I 'vaddr' I 'valid'} NOT ACCESSED. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} DMSVGN360E INVALID RESPONSE 'response' DMSVGN361E DISK 'mode' IS NOT A {CMSIDOS} DISK DMSVGN362I LINK EDITING sysname DMSVGN3631 sysname DOSLIB CREATED ON DISK 'A' DMSVGN363R ENJER LOCATION WHERE sysname WILL BE LOADED AND SAVED: DMSVGN3641 FETCHING sysname ... 564 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes DMSVGN3651 SYSTEM sysname SAVED DMSVGN365R ONE OR MORE OF THE TEXT FILES LISTED IN THE fn EXEC ARE MISSING. THE VSAM PP PID TAPE SHOULD BE ON TAPE DRIVE 181, ENTER: 'GO' IF TAPE DRIVE IS READY TO LOADFILE OR 'QUIT' TO STOP GENERATION PROCESS DMSVGN366R ENTER NAME OF SYSTEM TO BE SAVED: DMSVGN3681 count MODULES HAVE BEEN RESTORED DMSVGN368R ERASE sysname DOSLIB? .. ENTER 'YES' OR 'NO': DMSVGN371R 'sysname' IS LOADED. ENTER CP MODE TO APPLY ZAPS, ELSE 'NULL' DMSVIB109S DMSVIB400S DMSVIB401S DMSVIB410S VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED SYSTEM 'sysname' DOES NOT EXIST VM SIZE (size) CANNOT EXCEED 'sysname' START ADDRESS (address) CONTROL PROGRAM ERROR INDICATION 'retcode' DMSVIP109S VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED DMSVIP230E NO. OF VSAM EXIT ROUTINES HAS EXCEEDED MAX OF 128 - UNABLE TO CONTINUE SEE VSE/VSAM DMSVIP778E OPEN ERROR ON ddname: POSSIBLE VOLUME ERROR. DOCUMENTATION FOR OPEN ERROR CODE code DMSVIP779E OPEN ERROR ON ddname: POSSIBLE USER PROGRAMMING ERROR. SEE VSE/VSAM DOCUMENTATION FOR OPEN ERROR CODE code DMSVIP780E OPEN ERROR ON ddname: POSSIBLE DLBL/EXTENT ERROR. SEE VSE/VSAM DOCUMENTATION FOR OPEN ERROR CODE code DMSVIP781E OPEN ERROR ON ddname: POSSIBLE CATALOG ERROR. SEE VSE/VSAM DOCUMENTATION FOR OPEN ERROR CODE code DMSVIP782E OPEN ERROR ON ddname: POSSIBLE SYSTEM ERROR. SEE VSE/VSAM DOCUMENTATION FOR OPEN ERROR CODE code DMSVIP783E CLOSE ON ddname: POSSIBLE USER PROGRAMMING ERROR. SEE VSE/VSAM DOCUMENTATION FOR CLOSE ERROR CODE code DMSVIP784E CLOSE ERROR ON ddname: POSSIBLE SYSTEM ERROR. SEE VSE/VSAM DOCUMENTATION FOR CLOSE ERROR CODE code DMSVIP785E ERROR IN REQUEST MACRO PROCESSING: POSSIBLE USER PROGRAMMING ERROR. SEE VSE/VSAM ERROR CODE code, RETURN CODE code DMSVIP786E ERROR IN REQUEST MACRO PROCESSING: POSSIBLE SYSTEM ERROR. SEE VSE/VSAM ERROR CODE code, RETURN CODE code DMSVLT089E (OPENICLOSE} ERROR CODE 'nn' ON (fnISYSxxxITAPn} DMSVMF006E DMSVMF035E DMSVMF047E DMSVMF058E DMSVMF070E DMSVMF104S DMSVMF105S DMSVMF109S DMSVMF110S DMSVMFl13S NO READ/WRITE ['A'] DISK ACCESSED [FOR 'fn ft'] INVALID TAPE MODE NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED END-OF-FILE OR END-OF-TAPE [ON 'TAPn'] INVALID (PARAMETER 'parameter'IARGUMENT 'argument'} ERROR 'nn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK ERROR 'nn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED ERROR READING 'TAPn {(raddr)}' {mode I DEVICE IDISKIPRINTERIPUNCHIREADERITAPnl TAPINI TAPO UT} addr NOT ATTACHED DMSVMFl17S ERROR WRITING TO DISPLAY TERMINAL DMSVMF383R APPLY 'fn'? ... ENTER 'NO' OR EOB: INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter'IARGUMENT 'argument'} ERROR 'nn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED ERROR READING 'TAPn {raddr}, {mode I DEVICE I DISKIPRINTERI PUNCH I READER I TAPn I TAPIN I TAPO UT} addr NOT ATTACHED DMSVPD368I count MODULES HAVE BEEN RESTORED DMSVPD383R APPLY 'fn'? ... ENTER 'NO' OR EOB: DMSVPD070E DMSVPD105S DMSVPD109S DMSVPD110S DMSVPDl13S DMSWDC651E DISCARD MUST BE ISSUED FROM RDRLIST, PEEK OR FILELIST DMSWDC652E MISSING OPERAND(S). ENTER EXECUTE [n] DISCARD DMSWDC653E ERROR EXECUTING 'command', RC=nn Appendix B. Message Summary Alphamerically by Message Identifier 565 DMSWDF014E DMSWDF029E DMSWDF637E DMSWDF64lE DMSWDF642E DMSWDF653E INVALID FUNCTION 'function' INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD MISSING VALUE FOR THE PROFILE IFROMIFOR I NOTEBOOK OPTION NO {COMMAND I OPTIONS} SPECIFIED DEFAULTS DOES NOT ACCEPT {'command' COMMAND I 'option' OPTION FOR 'command'} ERROR EXECUTING 'GLOBALV', RC=nn DMSWEX526E DMSWEX56lE DMSWEX65lE DMSWEX654E OPTION 'CURSOR' VALID IN DISPLAY MODE ONLY CURSOR IS NOT ON A VALID DATA FIELD 'EXECUTE' MUST BE ISSUED FROM FILELIST OR RDRLIST INVALID SYMBOL 'symbol' {'/O' MUST BE SPECIFIED ALONE! INVALID CHARACTER 'char' FOLLOWING '/' SYMBOL} DMSWFL002E DMSWFL003E DMSWFL054E DMSWFL062E DMSWFL070E DMSWFL637E DMSWFL65lE DMSWFL680E FILE 'fn ft fm' NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED INVALID CHARACTER 'character' IN FILEID 'fn ft' INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' MISSING VALUE FOR THE 'PROFILE' OPTION 'APPEND' MUST BE ISSUED FROM RDRLIST OR FILELIST INVALID FILEID SPECIFIED WITH 'FILELIST' OPTION DMSWNM645W DMSWNM649E DMSWNM656E DMSWNM657E DMSWNM658W DMSWNM660E DMSWNM660W DMSWNM662E DMSWNM663W DMSWNM664E THE USER TAG NAME 'tagname' IS TOO LONG TO DISPLAY ON THE PANEL EXTRANEOUS PARAMETER 'value' ERROR SEARCHING YOUR NAMES FILE. RC=nn FROM NAMEFIND COMMAND UNDEFINED PFKEY/PAKEY THE VALUE FOR THE 'tag' TAG IS TOO LONG TO DISPLAY ON THE PANEL THE NICKNAME FIELD MUST BE FILLED IN WARNING: THIS ENTRY DUPLICATES AN EXISTING NICKNAME YOU ARE NOT ON AN ENTRY. PRESS PF 5, 7 OR 8 TO MOVE TO AN ENTRY THERE {ISIARE} nn UNDISPLAYED TAG(S) {ENTRY!PREVIOUS ENTRY!NEXT ENTRY} NOT FOUND DMSWNT003E DMSWNT006E DMSWNT062E DMSWNT637E DMSWNT647E DMSWNT648E DMSWNT65lE DMSWNT665E DMSWNT666E DMSWNT668E DMSWNT669E DMSWNT670E INVALID OPTION 'option' NO READ/WRITE DISK ACCESSED INVALID CHARACTER 'character' IN FILEID 'fn ft' MISSING {VALUE! 'value'} FOR THE {'option' OPTION! 'operand' OPERAND} USERID NOT SPECIFIED FOR 'nickname' IN 'userid NAMES' FILE USERID 'name' NOT FOUND. CHECK THE "userid NAMES' FILE {'CANCEL' I 'ADD'} MUST BE ISSUED FROM NOTE FILE 'USERID NOTE *' NOT FOUND. TO BEGIN A NEW NOTE ENTER 'NOTE name' FILE 'USERID NOTE *' ALREADY EXISTS. ENTER 'NOTE' TO CONTINUE OR SPECIFY 'REPLACE' OPTION NOTE HEADER DOES NOT CONTAIN THE {KEYWORD {'FROM' I 'TO'}I 'OPTIONS' LINE I 'DATE' LINE} 'ADD' OPTION MUST BE SPECIFIED ALONE LIST OF ADDRESSEES CANNOT BEGIN WITH 'CC:' NO NAMES TO BE ADDED WERE SPECIFIED DMSWPK003E DMSWPK029E DMSWPK062E DMSWPK132S DMSWPK156E DMSWPK630S DMSWPK637E DMSWPK643E DMSWPK644E DMSWPK649E DMSWPK650E DMSWPK655E DMSWPK672E DMSWPK674E INVALID OPTION 'option' INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD INVALID CHARACTER 'character' IN FILEID 'fn ft' FILE IS TOO LARGE FROM 'nnn' NOT FOUND - THE FILE HAS ONLY 'nnn' RECORDS ERROR ACCESSING SPOOL FILE MISSING VALUE FOR THE {PROFILE I FROM I FOR} OPTION NO CLASS 'class' FILES IN YOUR READER ALL READER FILES ARE IN HOLD STATUS OR NOT CLASS 'class' EXTRANEOUS PARAMETER 'value' INVALID SPOOLID 'nnnn' SPOOLID 'nnnn' DOES NOT EXIST VIRTUAL READER INVALID OR NOT DEFINED READER IS NOT READY DMSWNT667E 566 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes DMSWPK683E DMSWPK683W DMSWPK684E DMSWPK684W DMSWPK687E THE ENTIRE FILE MUST BE PEEKED AT TO BE FORMATTED THE FILE HAS AN LRECL GREATER THAN 255 AND CANNOT BE REFORMATTED FILE CONTAINS INVALID RECORDS AND CANNOT BE REFORMATTED WARNING: THIS FILE HAS NO RECORDS THIS IS A SYSTEM {HELDIDUMP} FILE. THIS FILE CANNOT BE {PEEKED ATIRECEIVED} DMSWRC003E DMSWRC006E DMSWRC024E DMSWRC037E DMSWRC062E DMSWRC069E DMSWRC630S DMSWRC637E DMSWRC643E DMSWRC644E DMSWRC649E DMSWRC650E DMSWRC655E DMSWRC671E DMSWRC672E DMSWRC674E DMSWRC681E DMSWRC682E INVALID OPTION 'option' NO READ/WRITE DISK ACCESSED FILE 'fn ft fm' ALREADY EXISTS DISK 'mode' IS ACCESSED AS READ ONLY INVALID CHARACTER '*' IN FILEID 'fn ft fm' DISK 'mode' NOT ACCESSED ERROR ACCESSING SPOOL FILE MISSING VALUE FOR THE 'NOTEBOOK' OPTION NO CLASS 'class' FILES IN YOUR READER ALL READER FILES ARE IN HOLD STATUS OR NOT CLASS 'class' EXTRANEOUS PARAMETER 'value' INVALID SPOOLID 'nnnn' SPOOLID 'nnnn' DOES NOT EXIST ERROR RECEIVING FILE 'fn ft fm', RC=nn FROM 'command' VIRTUAL READER INVALID OR NOT DEFINED READER IS NOT READY THIS IS AN UNNAMED FILE. SPECIFY FILENAME AND FILETYPE ERROR COPYING FILE 'fn ft fm', RC=nn FROM 'command' DMSWRL003E DMSWRL062E DMSWRL205E DMSWRL637E DMSWRL649E DMSWRL651E INVALID OPTION 'option' INVALID CHARACTER 'character' IN FILEID 'fn ft' NO FILES IN YOUR READER MISSING VALUE FOR THE 'PROFILE' OPTION EXTRANEOUS PARAMETER 'value' 'APPEND' MUST BE ISSUED FROM RDRLIST OR FILELIST DMKWRN4001 SYSTEM {TEMP SPACE I CHECKPOINT AREA} FULL DMKWRN915E PERMANENT I/O ERROR ON CHECKPOINT AREA DMKWRN919E CHECKPOINT AREA INVALID; CHECKPOINTING TERMINATED DMSWSF002E DMSWSF003E DMSWSF006E DMSWSF048E DMSWSF054E DMSWSF062E DMSWSF069E DMSWSF081E DMSWSF637E DMSWSF647E DMSWSF648E DMSWSF657E DMSWSF667E DMSWSF671E DMSWSF672E DMSWSF673E DMSWSF674E DMSWSF675E DMSWSF676E DMSWSF677E DMSWSF678E DMSWSF679E DMSWSF680E FILE 'fn ft fm' NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' NOR READ/WRITE DISK ACCESSED INVALID MODE 'mode' INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED INVALID CHARACTER '*' IN FILEID 'fn ft fm' DISK 'mode' NOT ACCESSED INVALID REPLY - ANSWER "YES" OR "NO" MISSING NODEID FOR THE 'AT' OPERAND USERID NOT SPECIFIED FOR 'nickname' IN 'userid NAMES' FILE USERID 'name' NOT FOUND. NO FILES HAVE BEEN SENT UNDEFINED PFKEY/PAKEY NOTE HEADER DOES NOT CONTAIN THE {KEYWORD 'FROM' I 'TO'} I {'OPTIONS' I 'DATE' LINE} ERROR SENDING FILE 'fn ft fm', RC=nn FROM 'command' VIRTUAL PUNCH INVALID OR NOT DEFINED ADDRESSEES ARE IN THE NOTE HEADER CARDS, DOS NOT SPECIFY NAME WITH THE NOTE OPTION PUNCH IS NOT READY NO NAMES SPECIFIED INVALID CHARACTER '*' FOR NETWORK ID INVALID OPTION 'option' IN OPTION LINE INVALID NOTE HEADER FORMAT. NOTE CANNOT BE SENT {DISK 'mode' IS READ/ONLYIDISK 'mode' IS FULL} NOTE CANNOT BE SENT INVALID FILEID SPECIFIED WITH 'FILELIST' OPTION Appendix B. Message Summary Alphamerically by Message Identifier 567 DMSWTL499E DMSWTL637E DMSWTL647E DMSWTL648E DMSWTL676E USER NOT AUTHORIZED TO ISSUE 'command' COMMAND MISSING NODEID FOR THE 'AT' OPERAND USERID NOT SPECIFIED FOR 'nickname' IN 'userid NAMES' FILE USERID 'name' NOT FOUND. NO MESSAGE HAS BEEN SENT INVALID CHARACTER '*' FOR NETWORK ID DMSXBGI09S VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED DMSXCG498E DMSXCG5011 DMSXCG502W DMSXCG503E DMSXCG504E DMSXCG505E DMSXCG506I DMSXCG509E DMSXCG509W DMSXCG511E DMSXCG517I DMSXCG518E DMSXCG520E DMSXCG522I DMSXCG593E NOT EXECUTED: THE TWO AREAS TO MERGE OVERLAP EACH OTHER nn LINES DELETED {NOlnn LINE(S) RECOVERED} {TRUNCATEDISPILLED} nn LINE(S) {TRUNCATED I SPILLED} NOT EXECUTED: THE TARGET LINE (nn) IS WITHIN THE LINES TO MOVE nn LINES {MOVEDICOPIEDIMERGED} 'subcommand' SUBCOMMAND NOT VALID FROM A PREFIX MACRO USE GET AND/OR PUT (D) TO MOVE LINES IN UPDATE MODE STRING2 CONTAINS MORE ARBITRARY CHARACTERS THAN STRINGl nn OCCURRENCE(S) CHANGED ON nn LINE(S) nn OCCURRENCE(S) CHANGED ON nn LINE(S); nn LINE (S) {TRUNCATED I SPILLED} INVALID OPERAND : operand nn OCCURRENCES nn LINE(S) MERGED, nn LINE(S) {TRUNCATED I SPILLED} DMSXCM512E DMSXCM513E DMSXCM514E DMSXCP037E INVALID SUBSET COMMAND UNKNOWN CP/CMS COMMAND RETURN CODE 'nn' FROM 'command' [OUTPUT] DISK 'mode [vaddr]' IS READ/ONLY. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} 'TAPn raddr' IS FILE PROTECTED ERROR 'nn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK ERROR 'nn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK {mode I DEVICE IDISKI PRINTER I PUNCH I READER I TAPnl TAPINI TAPO UT} addr NOT ATTACHED UNEXPECTED ERROR CODE 'nn' ON 'SYSxxx' {INPUTIOUTPUT} ERROR CODE 'nn' ON 'SYSxxx' DMSXCP043E DMSXCPI04S DMSXCPI05S DMSXCPl13S DMSXCP161S DMSXCP411S DMSXCT002E DMSXCT037E DMSXCTI04S DMSXCTI05S DMSXCT520E DMSXCT521E DMSXCT523I DMSXCT526E DMSXCT527E DMSXCT529E DMSXCT531E DMSXCT532E DMSXCT533E DMSXCT534E DMSXCT535E DMSXCT536E DMSXCT537E DMSXCT539E DMSXCT540E DMSXCT541E DMSXCT545E DMSXCT554S DMSXCT566E DMSXCT567E FILE 'fn ft fm' NOT FOUND DISK 'mode' IS READ ONLY ERROR 'nn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK ERROR 'nn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK INVALID OPERAND : operand INVALID LINE NUMBER TYPEWRITER MODE OPTION 'option' VALID IN DISPLAY MODE ONLY INVALID COLUMN NUMBER SUBCOMMAND IS ONLY VALID IN {DISPLAY I EDITING} MODE DISK IS FULL. SET NEW FILEMODE OR CLEAR SOME DISK SPACE DISK IS FULL; AUTOSAVE FAILED LINE nn IS NOT RESERVED TOO MANY LOGICAL SCREENS DEFINED INVALID PARMS FOR RENUM LOGICAL SCREENS EXCEED PHYSICAL SCREEN SIZE EACH LOGICAL SCREEN MUST CONTAIN AT LEAST 5 LINES AND 20 COLUMNS NAMED LINE NOT FOUND NAME ALREADY DEFINED ON LINE 'nn' INVALID NAME MISSING OPERAND(S) NO STORAGE AVAILABLE LOGICAL SCREEN (sll,swl,shl,svl) IS OUTSIDE THE PHYSICAL SCREEN LOGICAL SCREEN (sll,swl,shl,svl) AND (s12,sw2,sh2,sv2) OVERLAP EACH OTHER DMSXCT578W 'macro' MACRO IS NOT CURRENTLY IN STORAGE 568 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes DMSXCT594E FILE 'fn ft fm' ALREADY EXISTS. USE FFILE/SSAVE DMSXCT697E THE LOGICAL SCREENS MUST COVER THE FULL PHYSICAL SCREEN WIDTH DMSXDC512E DMSXDC520E DMSXDC542E DMSXDC543E DMSXDC544E DMSXDC545E DMSXDC546E DMSXDC547E DMSXDC548E DMSXDC549E DMSXDC550E DMSXDC554S INVALID SUBSET COMMAND INVALID OPERAND : operand NO SUCH SUBCOMMAND INVALID NUMBER: xxxxxxxx INVALID HEX DATA : xxxxxxxx MISSING OPERAND(S) TARGET NOT FOUND SYNONYM DEFINITION INCOMPLETE INVALID SYNONYM OPERAND : operand SYNONYM ABBREVIATION TOO LARGE TOO MANY OPERANDS IN SYNONYM DEFINITION NO STORAGE AVAILABLE DMSXDS589E MISSING FILEDEF FOR DMSXDS590E DATA SET TOO LARGE DMSXDS591E OPEN ERROR ON SYSIN DMSXED5531 DMSXED554S DMSXED555E DMSXED555W DDNAM~ SYSIN EDITING FILE: fn ft fm NO STORAGE AVAILABLE FILE 'fn ft fm' ALREADY IN STORAGE FILE 'fn ft fm' ALREADY IN STORAGE DMSXER556S UNDEFINED MESSAGE (DMSXER CALLED AT hex loc) DMSXFC557S DMSXFD554S DMSXFD559W DMSXFD560W DMSXFD592W DMSXFD698E DMSXFD700E NO MORE STORAGE TO INSERT LINES NO STORAGE AVAILABLE WARNING FILE IS EMPTY NOT ENOUGH SPACE FOR SERIALIZATION BETWEEN TRUNC AND LRECL WRAPPED ... TARGET STRING TOO LONG, UNABLE TO PARSE THE ENTIRE TARGET STRING LOGICAL AND OPERATOR '&' NOT VALID FOR COLUMN TARGETS DMSXGT002E DMSXGT104S DMSXGT156E DMSXGT521E DMSXGT562E DMSXGT563W DMSXGT564W DMSXGT565W FILE 'fn ft fm' NOT FOUND ERROR Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK 'RECORD nn' NOT FOUND - FILE 'fn ft fm' HAS ONLY Inn' RECORDS INVALID LINE NUMBER NO LINE(S) SAVED BY PUT (D) SUBCOMMAND RECORDS {TRUNCATEDISPILLED} EOF REACHED EOF REACHED; RECORDS {TRUNCATEDISPILLED} DMSXIN002E DMSXIN003E DMSXIN024E DMSXIN029E DMSXIN054E DMSXIN065E DMSXIN066E DMSXIN070E DMSXIN104S DMSXIN132S DMSXIN500E DMSXIN554S DMSXIN5711 FILE 'fn ft fm' NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' FILE 'fn ft fm' ALREADY EXISTS [-- SPECIFY 'REPLACE'] INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED 'option' OPTION SPECIFIED TWICE 'option' AND 'option' ARE CONFLICTING OPTIONS INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter'IARGUMENT 'argument'} ERROR Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK FILE 'fn ft fm' TOO LARGE UNABLE TO UNPACK FILE 'fn ft fm' NO STORAGE AVAILABLE CREATING NEW FILE DMSXI0572E TERMINAL ERROR. FORCED CASE UPPERCASE DMSXMA104S ERROR Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK DMSXMC009E COLUMN 'col' EXCEEDS RECORD LENGTH DMSXMC545E MISSING OPERAND(S) Appendix B. Message Summary Alphamerically by Message Identifier 569 DMSXMC575E INVALID {JOINISPLITITABSIVERIFYIZONE} COLUMNS DEFINED DMSXMC576E TOTAL VERIFY WIDTH EXCEEDS SCREEN SIZE (nn) I TOTAL OFFSET EXCEEDS LRECL (nn) DMSXMD503E DMSXMD510I DMSXMD529E DMSXMD573I DMSXMD587I {TRUNCATEDISPILLED} AUTOSAVED AS 'fn ft fro' SUBCOMMAND IS ONLY VALID IN {DISPLAYIEDITING} MODE INPUT MODE: XEDIT: DMSXML529E SUBCOMMAND IS ONLY VALID IN {DISPLAYIEDITING} MODE DMSXML592W WRAPPED ... DMSXMS009E DMSXMS053E DMSXMS063E DMSXMS554S DMSXMS596S COLUMN 'col' EXCEEDS RECORD LENGTH INVALID SORT FIELD PAIR DEFINED NO SORT LIST GIVEN NO STORAGE AVAILABLE THIS MODULE MUST BE CALLED WITHIN~THE EDITOR DMSXP0596S THIS MODULE MUST BE CALLED WITHIN THE EDITOR DMSXP0614E SCREEN MODIFICATION LOST? 'SET FULL READ ON' TO USE PAKEYS SAFELY DMSXPT037E DMSXPTI05S DMSXPT554S DMSXPT571I DMSXPT579E DISK 'roode' IS READ ONLY ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fro' ON DISK NO STORAGE AVAILABLE CREATING NEW FILE RECORDS TRUNCATED TO nn WHEN ADDED TO 'fn ft fm' DMSXPX659E INVALID PREFIX SUBCOMMAND: nnnn DMSXPX661E PREFIX 'name' is INVALID FOR THE LINE ON WHICH IT WAS ENTERED DMSXSCl17S ERROR WRITING TO DISPLAY TERMINAL DMSXSC510I AUTOSAVED AS 'fn ft fro' DMSXSC614E SCREEN MODIFICATION LOST? 'SET FULLREAD ON' TO USE PAKEYS SAFELY DMSXSE009E DMSXSE037E DMSXSE048E DMSXSE515E DMSXSE519E DMSXSE520E DMSXSE521E DMSXSE524W DMSXSE525E DMSXSE526E DMSXSE528E DMSXSE530I DMSXSE538E DMSXSE545E DMSXSE548E DMSXSE552E DMSXSE554S DMSXSE558W DMSXSE560W DMSXSE568E DMSXSE575E DMSXSE600E COLUMN 'col' EXCEEDS RECORD LENGTH DISK 'mode' IS READ ONLY INVALID MODE 'roode' RECFM MUST BE {FIVIFPIVP} LRECL MUST BE LOWER THAN WIDTH (nn) INVALID OPERAND : operand INVALID LINE NUMBER NONDISP CHARACTER RESET TO ' , INVALID {PFKEYIPFKEY/PAKEY} NUMBER OPTION 'option' VALID IN DISPLAY MODE ONLY INVALID RANGE : TARGET2 (LINE nn) PRECEDES TARGETI (LINE nn) nn FILE(S) IN STORAGE NO NAME DEFINED MISSING OPERAND(S) INVALID SYNONYM OPERAND : operand NO SYNONYM CURRENTLY DEFINED NO STORAGE AVAILABLE WRONG FILE FORMAT FOR SERIALIZATION NOT ENOUGH SPACE FOR SERIALIZATION BETWEEN TRUNC AND LRECL SUBCOMMAND NOT VALID WITH THIS SCREEN DEFINITION INVALID {JOINISPLITITABSIVERIFYIZONE} COLUMNS DEFINED FIRST SELECTION LEVEL (nn) CANNOT BE GREATER THAN SECOND SELECTION LEVEL (nn) DMSXSF695E CANNOT DEFINE MORE THAN 64 CTLCHARS DMSXSS561E CURSOR IS NOT ON A VALID DATA FIELD 570 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes DMSXSU048E INVALID MODE 'mode' DMSXSU062E INVALID CHARACTER IN FILEID 'fn ft fro' DMSXSU069EODISK {'mode' I 'vaddr' I 'valid'} NOT ACCESSED. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} DMSXSU137S ERROR 'nn' ON STATE FOR 'fn ft fm' DMSXSU229E UNSUPPORTED OS DATA SET, [ERROR 'code'] DMSXSU510I AUTOSAVED AS 'fn ft fm' DMSXSU559W WARNING FILE IS EMPTY DMSXSU582S EDITOR ABEND DMSXSU583I EOF: DMSXSU584I TOF: DMSXSU585E NO LINE(S) CHANGED DMSXSU586E NOT FOUND DMSXSU587I XEDIT: DMSXSU588E PREFIX SUBCOMMAND WAITING ... DMSXUP002E DMSXUP007E DMSXUP174W DMSXUP178I DMSXUP179E DMSXUP180W DMSXUP183E DMSXUP184W DMSXUP185W DMSXUP186W DMSXUP207W DMSXUP210W DMSXUP570W DMSXUP597E DMSXUP598S DMSXUP599S FILE 'fn ft fm' NOT FOUND FILE 'fn ft fm' [IS] NOT FIXED, 80 CHAR. RECORDS SEQUENCE ERROR INTRODUCED IN OUTPUT FILE: ' ........ ' TO ' ....... . UPDATING ['fn ft fm'] WITH 'fn oft fm' MISSING OR DUPLICATE 'MACS' CARD IN CONTROL FILE 'fn ft fm' MISSING PTF FILE 'fn ft fm' INVALID {CONTROLIAUX} FILE CONTROL CARD ' . / S' NOT FIRST CARD IN UPDATE FILE -- IGNORED {INVALIDINON NUMERIC} CHARACTER IN SEQUENCE FIELD' ....... . SEQUENCE NUMBER [' ........ '] NOT FOUND INVALID UPDATE FILE CONTROL CARD INPUT FILE SEQUENCE ERROR' ........ ' TO ' ....... . UPDATE 'update' SPECIFIED IN THE 'UNTIL' OPTION FIELD NOT FOUND UNABLE TO MERGE UPDATES CONTAINING'./ S' CARDS UNABLE TO BUILD UPDATE FILE INTERNAL LIST DESTROYED UNABLE TO BUILD UPDATE FILE : SERIALIZATION DESTROYED DMSZAPOOIE DMSZAP002E DMSZAP002W DMSZAP003E DMSZAP007E DMSZAP014E DMSZAP047E DMSZAP056E DMSZAP070E DMSZAPI04S DMSZAP190W DMSZAP191W DMSZAP192W DMSZAP193W DMSZAP194W NO FILENAME SPECIFIED [INPUT I OVERLAY] {FILE[(S)] I DATA SET} ['fn [ft [fm]] '] NOT FOUND FILE 'fn ft [fm] , NOT FOUND INVALID OPTION 'option' FILE 'fn ft fm' [IS] NOT FIXED, 80 CHAR. RECORDS INVALID FUNCTION 'function' NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED FILE 'fn ft [fm] , CONTAINS INVALID {NAMEIALIASIENTRYIESD} RECORD FORMATS INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter'lARGUMENT 'argument'} ERROR 'nn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK INVALID CONTROL RECORD OR NO GO SWITCH SET PATCH OVERLAPS - SET NO GO SWITCH ERROR - ODD NUMBER OF DIGITS - SET NO GO SWITCH PRECEDING CONTROL RECORD FLUSHED CSECT NOT FOUND IN {MEMBER 'membernaroe'lMODULE 'modulename'} -SET NO GO SWITCH BASE VALUE INVALID - SET NO GO SWITCH VERIFY REJECT - SET NO GO SWITCH FILE 'fn ft' IS NOT VARIABLE RECORD FORMAT {LIBRARYIFILE} 'fn ft' IS ON A READ/ONLY DISK ERROR 'nnn' ON PRINTER NO LOADER TABLE PRESENT FOR MODULE 'fn' - SET NO GO SWITCH MEMBER 'name' NOT FOUND - SET NO GO SWITCH INVALID VER/REP DISP - SET NO GO SWITCH DUMMY LOG ENTRY IN FILE 'fn ZAPLOG fro' ZAP PROCESSING COMPLETE MEMBER 'name' FOUND IN LIBRARY 'libname' DMSZAP195W DMSZAP200W DMSZAP208E DMSZAP210E DMSZAP245S DMSZAP246W DMSZAP247W DMSZAP248W DMSZAP249I DMSZAP750I DMSZAP751I Appendix B. Message Summary Alphamerically by Message Identifier 571 RSCS Message Summary DMTAXSlOlI DMTAXSl02I DMTAXSl03E DMTAXSl04I DMTAXSl05I DMTAXSl06I DMTAXSl07I DMTAXSl08E DMTAXS520I DMTAXS52lI DMTAXS522I DMTAXS523I DMTAXS524E DMTAXS525E DMTAXS526E DMTAXS640I FILE spoolid ENQUEUED ON LINK linkid FILE spoolid PENDING FOR LINK linkid FILE spoolid REJECTED -- INVALID DESTINATION ADDRESS FILE SPOOLED TO userid2 -- ORG locidl (namel) mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss FILE spoolid PURGED FILE spoolid MISSING DEQUEUED FROM LINK linkid nn PENDING FILES FOR LINK linkid MISSING SYSTEM ERROR READING SPOOL FILE spoolid FILE spoolid CHANGED FILE spoolid HELD FOR LINK linkid FILE spoolid RELEASED FOR LINK linkid LINK linkid QUEUE REORDERED FILE spoolid ACTIVE -- NO ACTION TAKEN FILE spoolid IS FOR LINK linkid -- NO ACTION TAKEN FILE spoolid NOT FOUND -- NO ACTION TAKEN nn FILE(S) PURGED ON LINK linkid DMTCMXOOlI DMTCMX003I DMTCMX200I DMTCMX20lE DMTCMX202E DMTCMX203E DMTCMX204E DMTCMX205E DMTCMX206E DMTCMX207E DMTCMX208E DMTCMX300I DMTCMX30lE DMTCMX302E DMTCMX303E DMTCMX304E DMTCMX540I DMTCMX54lI DMTCMX542E DMTCMX543E DMTCMX544E DMTCMX550I DMTCMX55lE DMTCMX552E DMTCMX560I DMTCMX56lE DMTCMX65lI DMTCMX652I DMTCMX653I DMTCMX654I DMTCMX6551 DMTCMX6601 DMTCMX6611 DMTCMX662I DMTCMX6631 DMTCMX664E DMTCMX6701 DMTCMX6711 DMTCMX672I DMTCMX673I DMTCMX700I DMTCMX70lE DMTCMX702E FREE STORAGE = nn PAGES LINK linkid EXECUTING: (command line text) RSCS INVALID COMMAND command INVALID LINK linkid INVALID SPOOL FILE ID spoolid INVALID KEYWORD keyword CONFLICTING KEYWORD keyword INVALID OPTION keyword option CONFLICTING OPTION keyword option INVALID USER ID userid ACCEPTED BY TASK task REJECTED BY TASK task -- PREVIOUS COMMAND ACTIVE LINK linkid IS'NOT DEFINED LINK linkid IS NOT ACTIVE REJECTED BY TASK task -- NOT RECEIVING NEW LINK linkid DEFINED LINK linkid REDEFINED LINK linkid ACTIVE -- NOT REDEFINED LINK linkid NOT DEFINED LINK LIMIT REACHED LINK linkid NOT DEFINED -- TYPE NOT SPECIFIED LINK linkid NOW DELETED LINK linkid ACTIVE -- NOT DELETED LINK linkid HAS A FILE QUEUE -- NOT DELETED RSCS DISCONNECTING USERID userid NOT RECEIVING LINK linkid INACTIVE LINK linkid ACTIVE task type vaddr c {HOI NOH} {DRINOD} {TRAITREINOT} Q=m P=n LINK linkid DEFAULT task type vaddr c R=m LINK linkid Q=m P=n FILE spoolid locid userid CL a PR mm REC nnnnnn {All} FILE spoolid INACTIVE ON LINK linkid FILE spoolid ACTIVE ON LINK linkid FILE spoolid ORG locidl useridl rnm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss TO loclid2 userid2 FILE spoolid PR mrn CL a CO nn {HOINOH} DI distcode, NA {fn ftldsname} FILE spoolid NOT FOUND LINK linkid ACTIVE -- LINE vaddr {HOINOH} LINK linkid INACTIVE NO LINK ACTIVE NO LINK DEFINED ACTIVATING LINK linkid task type vaddr c NO SWITCHED LINE AVAILABLE -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED LINE vaddr IS IN USE BY LINK linkidl -- LINK linkid2 NOT ACTIVATED 572 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes DMTCMX703E DMTCMX704E DMTCMX705E DMTCMX706E DMTCMX707E DMTCMX708E DMTCMX709E DMTCMX7l0E DMTCMX750E DMTCMX75l1 DMTCMX752I DEV vaddr IS NOT A LINE PORT -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED LINE vaddr CC=3 NOT OPERATIONAL -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED DRIVER type NOT FOUND ON DISK vaddr -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED FATAL ERROR LOADING FROM vaddr -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED DRIVER type FILE FORMAT INVALID -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED TASK NAME task ALREADY IN USE -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED MAX (nn) ACTIVE -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED LINK linkid ALREADY ACTIVE -- NO ACTION TAKEN LINK linkid ALREADY ACTIVE -- NEW CLASS(ES) SET AS REQUESTED LINK linkid STILL ACTIVE -- DRAIN STATUS RESET DMTINI402T DMTINI407R DMTINI409R DMTINI4l0R DMTINI431S DMTINI479E DMTINI480E DMTINI48lE DMTINI482E DMTINI483E IPL DEVICE READ I/O ERROR REWRITE THE NUCLEUS? [YESINO] NUCLEUS CYL ADDRESS = nnn ALSO IPL CYLINDER O? [YESINO] IPL DEVICE WRITE I/O ERROR INVALID DEVICE ADDRESS - REENTER INVALID CYLINDER NUMBER - REENTER INVALID REPLY - ANSWER "YES" OR II NO II SYSTEM DISK ERROR - REENTER NUCLEUS WILL OVERLAY CMS FILES - RECOMPUTE DMTNPT070E DMTNPT904E DMTNPT907E DMTNPT936E DMTNPTl08E DMTNPTl4lI DMTNPTl42I DMTNPTl43I DMTNPTl44I DMTNPTl45I DMTNPTl46I DMTNPTl47I DMTNPTl49I DMTNPTl60I DMTNPTl70I DMTNPTl90E DMTNPT5l01 DMTNPT5l1E DMTNPT530I DMTNPT5701 DMTNPT57lE DMTNPT580I DMTNPT58lE DMTNPT590I DMTNPT59lE DMTNPT600I DMTNPT6l0I DMTNPT6llI DMTNPT6l2E DMTNPT80lI DMTNPT802I DMTNPT803I DMTNPT8l0E DMTNPT8llE DMTNPT902E DMTNPT903E DMTNPT9051 DMTNPT934E I/O ERROR vaddr SIOCC cc CSW csw SENSE sense CCW ccw SIGNON PARAMETER=parameter INVALID SIGNON TYPE PARAMETER MISSING NO REMOTE PUNCH AVAILABLE ON LINK linkid -- FILE spoolid PURGED SYSTEM ERROR READING SPOOL FILE spoolid LINE vaddr READY FOR CONNECTION TO LINK linkid LINK linkid LINE vaddr CONNECTED LINK linkid LINE vaddr DISCONNECTED RECEIVING: FILE FROM locidl (namel) FOR locid2 (userid2) RECEIVED: FILE FROM locidl (namel) FOR locid2 (userid2) SENDING: FILE spoolid ON LINK linkid, REC nnnnnn SENT: FILE spoolid ON LINK linkid LINK linkid LINE ACTIVITY: TOT= mmm; ERRS= nnn; TMOUTS= ppp LINE vaddr DISABLED FOR LINK linkid FROM linkid: (MSG message text) INVALID SPOOL BLOCK FORMAT ON FILE spoolid FILE spoolid BACKSPACED NO FILE ACTIVE ON LINK linkid COMMAND FORWARDED ON LINK linkid LINK linkid NOW SET TO DEACTIVATE LINK linkid ALREADY SET TO DEACTIVATE FILE spoolid PROCESSING TERMINATED FILE spoolid NOT ACTIVE LINK linkid RESUMING FILE TRANSFER LINK linkid NOT IN HOLD STATUS FILE spoolid FORWARD SPACED LINK linkid TO SUSPEND FILE TRANSMISSION LINK linkid E'ILE TRANSMISSION SUSPENDED LINK linkid ALREADY IN HOLD STATUS LINK linkid ERROR TRACE STARTED LINK linkid TRACE STARTED LINK linkid TRACE ENDED LINK linkid TRACE ALREADY ACTIVE LINK linkid TRACE NOT ACTIVE NON-SIGNON CARD READ ON LINK linkid PASSWORD SUPPLIED ON LINK linkid IS INVALID SIGNON OF LINKID (linkid) COMPLETE ID CARD MISSING ON LINK l~nkid -- I~PUT FILE PURGED Appendix B. Message Summary Alphamerically by Message Identifier 573 DMTREXOOOI RSCS (VER v, LEV 1, mm/dd/yy) READY DMTREX0021 LINK linkid DEACTIVATED DMTREX091T INITIALIZATION FAILURE -- RSCS SHUTDOWN DMTSML070E DMTSMLI08E DMTSML1411 DMTSML1421 DMTSML1431 DMTSML1441 DMTSML1451 DMTSML1461 DMTSML1471 DMTSML1491 DMTSML1601 DMTSML170I DMTSML190E DMTSML5101 DMTSML511E DMTSML5701 DMTSML571E DMTSML580I DMTSML581E DMTSML5901 DMTSML591E DMTSML6001 DMTSML6101 DMTSML6111 DMTSML612E DMTSML8011 DMTSML8021 DMTSML8031 DMTSML810E DMTSML811E DMTSML901E DMTSML902E DMTSML903E DMTSML9051 DMTSML906E DMTSML934E DMTSML935E DMTSML936E DMTSML937E 574 I/O ERROR raddr SIOCC cc CSW csw SENSE sense CCW ccw SYSTEM ERROR READING SPOOL FILE spoolid LINE vaddr READY FOR CONNECTION TO LINK linkid LINK linkid LINE vaddr CONNECTED LINK linkid LINE vaddr DISCONNECTED RECEIVING: FILE FROM locidl (namel) FOR locid2 (userid2) RECEIVED: FILE FROM locidl (namel) FOR locid2 (userid2) SENDING: FILE spoolid ON LINK linkid, REC nnnnnn SENT: FILE spoolid ON LINK linkid LINK linkid LINE ACTIVITY: TOT= mmm; ERRS= nnn; TMOUTS= ppp LINE vaddr DISABLED FOR LINK linkid FROM linkid: (MSG message text) INVALID SPOOL BLOCK FORMAT ON FILE spoolid FILE spoolid BACKSPACED NO FILE ACTIVE ON LINK linkid LINK linkid NOW SET TO DEACTIVATE LINK linkid ALREADY SET TO DEACTIV~TE FILE spoolid PROCESSING TERMINATED FILE spoolid NOT ACTIVE LINK linkid RESUMING FILE TRANSFER LINK linkid NOT IN HOLD STATUS FILE spoolid FORWARD SPACED LINK linkid TO SUSPEND FILE TRANSMISSION LINK linkid FILE TRANSMISSION SUSPENDED LINK linkid ALREADY IN HOLD STATUS LINK linkid ERROR TRACE STARTED LINK linkid TRACE STARTED LINK linkid TRACE ENDED LINK linkid TRACE ALREADY ACTIVE LINK linkid TRACE NOT ACTIVE INVALID SML MODE SPECIFIED -- LINK (linkid) NOT ACTIVATED NON-SIGNON CARD READ ON LINK linkid PASSWORD SUPPLIED ON LINK linkid IS INVALID SIGNON OF LINKID linkid COMPLETE INVALID SML BUFFER PARAMETER -- LINK (linkid) NOT ACTIVATED ID CARD MISSING ON LINK linkid -- INPUT FILE PURGED LINK (linkid) IN RJE MODE -- PRINT FILE (spoolid) PURGED NO REMOTE PUNCH AVAILABLE ON LINK linkid -- FILE spooled PURGED DECOMPRESSION ERROR ON linkid -- LINK DEACTIVATED IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes IPCS Message Summary DMMCPA8051 'nnn' ABEND CODE NOT RECOGNIZED BY DATA EXTRACTION DMMDSC500S DMMDSC7001 DMMDSC701R DMMDSC7191 DMMDSC7201 DMMDSC7211 DMMDSC7221 DMMDSC7231 ERROR 'nnn' WRITING TO VIRTUAL PRINTER TYPE 'HELP' OR ENTER ENTER DUMP NUMBER AND MODE ERROR 'nnn' IN FSSTATE 'filename filetype fm' LOAD MAP ALREADY PRESENT &NAME TABLE IS FULL INVALID ENTRY INTO &NAME TABLE THE DUMP IS NOT ON THE A-DISK DMMEDM8501 DMMEDM8511 DMMEDM8521 DMMEDM853I DMMEDM8601 DMMEDM861I DMMEDM863E DMMEDM864I UNABLE TO READ DUMP FROM READER TEN DUMP FILES ALREADY EXIST FATAL I/O ERROR WRITING DUMP NO DUMP FILE EXIST FATAL I/O ERROR READING DUMP DUMP FILE 'filename' NOT FOUND INVALID PARAMETER - parameter PAGE REFERENCED NOT AVAILABLE WHILE EDITING xxxxxxxx DMMFED7021 NON-HEX CHARACTER IN COUNT - RETRY DMMFED7031 NON-HEX CHARACTER IN ADDRESS - RETRY DMMFEX7041 NON-HEX CHARACTER IN ADDRESS - RETRY DMMGETI00S ERROR 'nnn' READING FILE 'filename filetype fm' DMMGET7081 PAGE 'page' NOT FOUND IN DUMP DMMGRCI00S ERROR 'nnn' READING FILE 'filename filetype fm' DMMGRC809I REQUESTED ADDRESS NOT IN DUMP DMMHEX7141 NON-HEX CHARACTER IN INPUT - RETRY DMMINII00S DMMINI200S DMMINI300S DMMINI400S DMMINI800S DMMINI803S ERROR 'nnn' READING FILE 'filename filetype fm' ERROR 'nnn' WRITING FILE 'filename filetype fm' ERROR 'nnn' ON FSSTATE 'filename filetype fm' ERROR 'nnn' CLOSING 'filename filetype fm' DATA EXTRACTION FAILURE ERROR 'nnn' ATTEMPTING TO LOADMOD VMFDUMP2 DMMIOB712I DEVICE 'addr' NOT FOUND DMMIOB7131 USER 'userid' VMBLOK NOT FOUND DMMLOC7151 NON-HEX CHARACTER IN STRING DMMLOC716I STRING 'string'{NOT FOUNDINOT FOUND BEFORE END OF DUMP} DMMLOC7171 INVALID FORM OF LOCATE COMMAND DMMMAP200S ERROR 'nnn' WRITING FILE 'filename filetype fm' DMMMAP8011 DMMMAP8021 DMMMAP806R DMMMAP807I DMMMAP808I DMMMAP8101 NUC MAP 'filename filetype fm' IS NOT VALID FOR THIS DUMP. PROCEEDING .... ENTER 'filename filetype fm' OF NUCLEUS LOAD MAP OR ENTER NULL UNABLE TO LOCATE 'filename filetype fm' NUCLEUS MAP INVALID 'filename filetype fm' ERROR 'nnn' READING FILE 'fileid' DMMMODI00S ERROR 'nnn' READING FILE 'filename filetype fm' DMMMOD705E ERROR IN ITEM TABLE DMMMOD706I 'entry name' NOT FOUND IN THE LOAD MAP Appendix B. Message Summary Alphamerically by Message Identifier 575 DMMMOD7071 'module' 'page' PAGE NOT VALID DMMMOD7181 THIS DUMP HAS NO LOAD MAP - SEE MAP SUBCOMMAND DMMPRM200S ERROR 'nnn' WRITING FILE 'filename filetype fm' DMMPRM804I PROCESSING ERROR IN DATA EXTRACTION DMMPROIOOS ERROR 'nnn' READING FILE 'filename filetype fm' DMMPR0200S ERROR 'nnn' WRITING FILE 'filename filetype fm' DMMPR0300S ERROR 'nnn' ON FSSTATE 'filename filetype fm' DMMREGIOOS ERROR 'nnn' READING FILE 'filename filetype fm' DMMREG724I {AP} REGISTERS REQUESTED FOR UNIPROCESSOR DUMP DMMREG7241 {MP} REGISTERS REQUESTED FOR UNIPROCESSOR DUMP DMMSCR709I NO VALID SCROLL ADDRESS DMMSEAIOOS ERROR 'nnn' READING FILE 'filename filetype fm' DMMSTAIOOS ERROR 'nnn' READING FILE 'filename filetype fm' DMMSTA200S ERROR 'nnn' WRITING FILE 'filename filetype fm' DMMSTA601I OPERAND 'operand' NOT RECOGNIZED DMMSUMIOOS DMMSUM200S DMMSUM501S DMMSUM502S ERROR 'nnn' READING FILE 'filename filetype fm' ERROR 'nnn' WRITING FILE 'filename filetype fm' INVALID PARM 'badparm' PASSED TO SUMMARY UPDATE PROGRAM PROBLEM 'PRBnnnnn' NOT FOUND IN SYMPTOM SUMMARY DMMTRC710I NON-NUMERIC COUNT CHARACTER - RETRY DMMVMB711I LOOP IN VMBLOK CHAIN DMMWRT200S ERROR 'nnn' WRITING FILE 'filename filetype fm' 576 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes Appendix C. Message-to-Module Cross-Reference This appendix contains all the VM/SP HPO message identifiers, listed in numerical order vertically. Use this appendix when you want to find out which modules issue a given message. Find the message number within its component code group (CP, CMS, RSCS, or IPCS); all the message identifiers with the same number appear together. Note: RSCS and IPCS messages remain at the VM/370 Release 6 level. CP Message Summary DMKCFCOOIE DMKCFCOO2E DMKCFGOO2E DMKCFSOO2E DMKCFTOO2E DMKCFWOO2E DMKCQSOO2E DMKMCCOO2E DMKMCDOO2E DMKMNIOO2E DMKNEAOO2E DMKNESOO2E DMKNETOO2E DMKNLDOO2E DMKPEIOO2E DMKPENOO2E DMKSPTOO2E DMKTHIOO2E DMKTRAOO2E DMKCDBOO3E DMKCDMOO3E DMKCFGOO3E DMKCFOOO3E DMKCFSOO3E DMKCFUOO3E DMKCPTOO3E DMKCPVOO3E DMKCQPOO3E DMKCQROO3E DMKCQSOO3E DMKCSBOO3E DMKCSOOO3E DMKCSPOO3E DMKCSTOO3E DMKCSUOO3E DMKDEFOO3E DMKLOGOO3E DMKMCCOO3E DMKMCIOO3E DMKMSGOO3E DMKNETOO3E DMKNLEOO3E DMKPEIOO3E DMKPENOO3E DMKPEQOO3E DMKPETOO3E DMKSPTOO3E DMKTHIOO3E DMKTRAOO3E DMKUSOOO3E DMKVDEOO3E DMKCDBOO4E DMKCDMOO4E DMKCDSOO4E DMKCFCOO4E DMKCFDOO4E DMKCPVOO4E DMKNESOO4E DMKNETOO4E DMKCDSOO5E DMKCPBOO5E DMKCFOOO6E DMKCFTOO6E DMKCFUOO6E DMKCPBOO6E DMKCQQOO6E DMKCSBOO6E DMKCSOOO6E DMKCSQOO6E DMKCSTOO6E DMKCSUOO6E DMKDIBOO6E DMKMCCOO6E DMKNEAOO6E DMKNESOO6E DMKNETOO6E DMKNLDOO6E DMKNLEOO6E DMKSPTOO6E DMKVDDOO6E DMKVDEOO6E DMKCPVOO7E DMKCSPOO7E DMKCSUOO7E DMKCSUOO8E DMKSPTOO8E DMKCDBOO9E DMKCDMOO9E DMKCPVOO9E DMKDEIOO9E DMKNESOO9E DMKNETOO9E DMKVMDOO9E DMKCDBOIOE DMKCDSOIOE DMKPEIOIOE DMKCFHOIIE DMKCPTOIIE DMKDEFOIIE DMKDIAOIIE DMKDIBOIIE DMKLNKOIIE DMKLOGOIIE DMKLOHOIIE DMKNEAOIIE DMKVDEOIIE DMKCDS012E DMKCPB012E DMKCFG013E DMKCFU013E DMKCQH013E DMKCSB013E DMKCSOO13E DMKCSQ013E DMKCSU013E DMKCSV013E DMKPEL013E DMKPEL013W DMKTRA013E DMKVMD013E DMKSPS014E DMKCST016E DMKDIA017E DMKCFOO20E DMKCPV020E DMKCQG020E DMKCQR020E DMKCQY020E DMKCSP020E DMKCSU020E DMKDIA020E DMKDIB020E DMKLNK020E DMKLOG020E DMKMSG020E DMKNEA020E DMKQVM020E DMKSND020E DMKUSOO20E DMKVDD020E DMKVDE020E DMKVMD020E DMKCFD021E DMKCFU021E DMKCPT021E DMKCPU021E DMKCPV021E DMKCQQ021E DMKCSB021E DMKCSOO21E DMKDEI021E DMKMCC021E DMKMCD021E DMKNES021E DMKNET021E DMKNLD021E DMKNLE021E DMKSPT021E DMKVDD021E DMKVDE021E DMKCFD022E DMKCFG022E DMKCPB022E DMKCQG022E DMKCQQ022E DMKCSB022E DMKCSP022E DMKCST022E DMKDEF022E DMKDIA022E DMKDIB022E DMKLNK022E DMKVDD022E DMKVDE022E DMKVMI022E DMKCQP023E DMKCQQ023E DMKVDE023E DMKCQH024E DMKCSOO24E DMKCSP024E DMKCSQ024E DMKCSU024E DMKCSV024E DMKDEF024E DMKSPT024E DMKDEF025E DMKDEG025E DMKCDB026E DMKCDS026E DMKCFC026E DMKCFD026E DMKCFG026E DMKCFH026E DMKCFJ026E DMKCFOO26E DMKCFS026E DMKCFT026E DMKCFU026E DMKCFW026E DMKCPB026E DMKCPT026E DMKCPV026E DMKCQR026E DMKCQY026E DMKCSB026E DMKCSP026E DMKCS'r026E DMKCSU026E DMKDEF026E DMKDEG026E DMKDEI026E DMKMCC026E DMKMCD026E DMKMCI026E DMKNEA026E DMKNES026E DMKNET026E DMKNLD026E DMKPEI026E DMKPEN026E DMKSPM026E DMKSPS026E DMKSPS026E Appendix C. Message-to-Module Cross-Reference 577 DMKTHI026E DMKTRA026E DMKCQG027E DMKCST027E DMKCSU027E DMKCQG028E DMKCQR028E DMKCSB028E DMKCSOO28E DMKCSP028E DMKCSU028E DMKSPS028E DMKCSQ029E DMKCSU029E DMKCSOO30E DMKCSP030E DMKCSU030E DMKCSB031E DMKCSQ032E DMKCSU032E DMKCDM033E DMKCDS033E DMKCPV033E DMKNET033E DMKVMD033E DMKVDD034E DMKVDE034E DMKVCH034E DMKCSU03SE DMKCSB036E DMKSPS037E DMKDDR038E DMKVMD038E DMKVDD039E DMKVDE039E DMKCFD040E DMKCFG040E DMKCFU040E DMKCPB040E DMKCPS040E DMKCPT040E DMKCPV040E DMKCPZ040E DMKCQG040E DMKCQP040E DMKCQQ040E DMKCSB040E DMKCSOO40E DMKCSQ040E DMKCST040E DMKDEF040E DMKDIA040E DMKDIB040E DMKMCC040E DMKMCD040E 578 DMKNEA040E DMKNES040E DMKNET040E DMKNLD040E DMKNLE040E DMKSPT040E DMKVDD040E DMKVDE040E DMKCPOO49E DMKCPT049E DMKCPT049E DMKNES049E DMKNET049E DMKLOGOSOE DMKLOG090E DMKCFU041E DMKLOGOSIE DMKCQG042E DMKCST042E DMKCSU042E DMKTRR042E DMKCFYOS2E DMKLNKOS2E DMKLOGOS2E DMKDEF091E DMKLOG091E DMKCSB043E DMKCFG044E DMKCFH044E DMKCFS044E DMKNLD044E DMKSNC044E DMKCFOO4SE DMKCFY04SE DMKCFU04SE DMKCPV04SE DMKCQG04SE DMKCQQ04SE DMKCQR04SE DMKCQY04SE DMKDIA04SE DMKDIB04SE DMKMSG04SE DMKSND04SE DMKTHI04SE DMKTRP04SE DMKUSOO4SE DMKVDD04SE DMKVDE04SE DMKCFP046E DMKCFS046E DMKCPU046E DMKCPV046E DMKCSB046E DMKCSOO46E DMKDEI046E DMKMCC046E DMKNEA046E DMKNES046E DMKNET046E DMKNLD046E DMKNLE046E DMKSPT046E DMKVDD046E DMKVDE046E DMKDIA047E DMKDIB047E DMKPEI047E DMKPEL047E DMKPEN047E DMKPEQ047E DMKVCH048E DMKCFYOS3E DMKCSPOS3E DMKCSUOS3E DMKLNKOS3E DMKLOGOS3E DMKVMDOS3E DMKLOGOS4E DMKCFV082E DMKLOG082E DMKNEA122E DMKVDE122E DMKCFG083E DMKCPT123E DMKVDD123E DMKVDE123E DMKCFS086E DMKSSS0881 DMKLOG092E DMKDEF092E DMKCP0124E DMKCPT124E DMKVDD124E DMKVDE124E DMKVDE12SE DMKVDE126E DMKLOG093E DMKVDE127E DMKDEF094E DMKVDE128E DMKDEF09SE DMKLOG09SE DMKVCH129E DMKDEF096E DMKCPI131E DMKLOG131E DMKVDE131E DMKVCH130E DMKDIAOS6E DMKDIA098E DMKNES098E DMKNET098E DMKMSGOS7W DMKLNKI0IW DMKVDE133E DMKDIBOS8E DMKLNKI02W DMKALGOS9E DMKLNKI03W DMKVDD134E DMKVDE134E DMKCDM060E DMKLNKI04E DMKVDD13SE DMKCDM061E DMKPET061E DMKLNKI0SE DMKLNKI06E DMKCPT136E DMKDEF136E DMKDEF136E DMKCFV062E DMKLNKI07E DMKLNK137E DMKCFV063E DMKLNKI08E DMKVCH138E DMKVAT064E DMKLNKI09E DMKLOG067E DMKLNKII0E DMKSND068E DMKLNKIIIE DMKLOG0691 DMKLNKl12E DMKSST070E DMKLNKl13E DMKSSS071E DMKLNKl14E DMKSSS072E DMKALGllSE DMKLNKllSE DMKDIAOSSE DMKVCH132E . DMKSST0741 DMKSSU0741 DMKLNKl16E DMKLNKl17E DMKCFU140E DMKCP0140E DMKCPT140E DMKCPV140E DMKCSB140E DMKCS0140E DMKMCC140E DMKNEA140E DMKNES140E DMKNET140E DMKNLD140E DMKNLE140E DMKSPT140E DMKVDD140E DMKCPT07SE DMKDEI075E DMKSSS075E DMKLNKl18E DMKCS0141E DMKLNKl19E DMKSSS0781 DMKNEA120E DMKVDE120E DMKCP0142E DMKCPT142E DMKCSB142E DMKVDD142E DMKVDE142E DMKSSS073E DMKCFS080E DMKLOG080E DMKCFS081W DMKLOG081W IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes DMKNEA121E DMKVDD121E DMKVDE121E DMKCFU143E DMKCP0143E DMKCPT143E DMKDEI143E DMKCFU143E DMKCP0143E DMKCPT143E DMKDEI143E DMKMCC143E DMKNLD143E DMKNLE143E DMKSPT143E DMKVDD143E DMKVDE143E DMKCFG171E DMKCFH171E DMKCFS171E DMKNLD171E DMKSNC171E DMKCPS144W DMKCFG174E DMKPER174E DMKJRL1451 DMKVMD1461 DMKVCH147E DMKCSB148E DMKACR149E DMKCPZ149E DMKCFG172E DMKCFH172E DMKCFG173E DMKCFH173E DMKCFG175E DMKCF0175E DMKCFS175E DMKNES175E DMKCPV176E DMKCP0198W DMKVMI231E DMKDEI275E DMKCFU199E DMKCPV199E DMKDIA199E DMKLNK199E DMKMCC199E DMKNES199E DMKNET199E DMKNLD199E DMKNLE199E DMKSPT199E DMKVDE199E DMKVMI232E DMKDEI276E DMKVMI233E DMKDEI277E DMKVMI234E DMKDEI278E DMKRSP2391 DMKDEI279E DMKTCS240E DMKDEI280E DMKTCS241E DMKTCT241E DMKMCH290E DMKMCT290E DMKRSE242E DMKCS0243E DMKCSP243E DMKCSU243E DMKCFD291E DMKCF0291E DMKCFS291E DMKCP0291E DMKTRA291E DMKCS0244E DMKCFG292E DMKCS0245E DMKCSP245E DMKCSU245E DMKDEF293E DMKLNK293E DMKVDE293E DMKCS0246E DMKCSP246E DMKCSU246E DMKCFH300E DMKNMT247I DMKPEL311E DMKPEN311E DMKBLD200E DMKBLD201E DMKBLD202E DMKCPV202E DMKCFG177E DMKCFG203E DMKCPV203E DMKQCN150A DMKSNC178E DMKCPV204E DMKVDE1511 DMKCFG179E DMKCFH179E DMKCFP179E DMKCFS179E DMKSNC179E DMKCFS205E DMKTTY152E DMKDEF153E DMKLNK153E DMKVDE153E DMKCPT154E DMKLOG156E DMKVDE156E DMKNEA157E DMKNET157E DMKCSB1581 DMKCDB160E DMKCDM160E DMKCDS160E DMKCFD160E DMKCPV160E DMKNES160E DMKNET160E DMKVMD160E DMKCDS161E DMKVMA161E DMKCDS162W DMKCDS162E DMKCDS163E DMKTRA180W DMKPEN180E DMKPEQ180E DMKPET180E DMKATS181E DMKDIA206E DMKLOG206E DMKNEA208E DMKNMT248E DMKMCC210E DMKNMT249E DMKMCC211E DMKCF0250E DMKCFS250E DMKLOG250E DMKMCD212E DMKMCC213E DMKMID310E DMKPEI312E DMKPER313E DMKPET3~3E DMKPER314W DMKPET314W DMKTRA182E DMKPER1821 DMKMCD214E DMKCFS251E DMKLOG251E DMKCFS183E DMKMCC215E DMKRSE2521 DMKCF0184E DMKCFS184E DMKMCC216E DMKMCC217E DMKCSP253E DMKCSU253E DMKCPI185E DMKMCD218E DMKNMT254E DMKDAS322E DMKCF0186E DMKMON2191 DMKDAS323E DMKCFS187E DMKCF0255W DMKRSE2551 DMKMON2201 DMKCF0188E DMKCFS188E DMKLOG188E DMKVCH188E DMKMCC221E DMKCFS1891 DMKLOG1891 DMKCDS164E DMKCFD164E DMKCFP164E DMKCFS1901 DMKCPV1651 DMKCPU192E DMKCDS166E DMKCPU1931 DMKCFG170E DMKCFH170E DMKCFS170E DMKNLD170E DMKCPU1941 DMKCPU191E DMKMCD222E DMKMCD223E DMKMCD224E DMKMNI225E DMKMCD226E DMKMCD227E DMKMCD228E DMKNMT256E DMKNMT257E DMKDEF2581 DMKDEF259E DMKCF0268E DMKCFS268E DMKLOG268E DMKCF0269E DMKCFS269E DMKLOG269E DMKTCT270E DMKLOH196E DMKMIA229E DMKCPI2291 DMKCPJ2291 DMKUS0197E DMKVMI230E DMKDEI274E DMKVDD273E DMKCFU316E DMKEMC316E DMKDAS320E DMKDAS321E DMKDAS324E DMKDAS325E DMKDAS326E DMKDAS327E DMKCPI328E DMKCPZ328E DMKCPI329E DMKVDE329E DMKCPI3301 DMKCPW3301 DMKVDG3401 DMKVDG3411 DMKVDG342W Appendix C. Message-to-Module Cross-Reference 579 DMKVDG343W DMKDSP452W DMKCPI344W DMKVDG344W DMKPRG453W DMKSAV35OW DMKSAV351W DMKSAV352W DMKCNS4541 DMKRGA454I DMKRNH454I DMKCNS455I DMKRGA455I DMKSAV353W DMKVMA456W DMKCKS4001 DMKPGT4001 DMKWRN4001 DMKGRF457E DMKCKT4011 DMKCKV4011 DMKPGT4011 DMKNLD460E DMKNLE460E DMKNLD461R DMKNLE461R DMKPTR410W DMKRNH462I DMKPRG411W DMKRNH4631 DMKPAH415E DMKNLE4641 DMKRNH4641 DMKCST424E DMKAC0425E DMKRST426E DMKSPS426E DMKVSP427I DMKVST427I DMKRSP428E DMKRST428A DMKSPS428E DMKVSP429I DMKVST429I DMKRSP430A DMKRST431A DMKRSP432A DMKRST432A DMKRST433A DMKRST434A DMKCFH435E DMKCFP435E DMKCKP435E DMKSNC435E DMKCFH436E DMKCLK437E DMKCKT438I DMKCS0441E DMKPST442I DMKPST4431 DMKPST4441 DMKDSP4S0W 580 DMKVDS465W DMKCQP4661 DMKCQQ4661 DMKRNH4681 DMKDAD5031 DMKDAS5031 DMKGRF5031 DMKRSE503A DMKRSE5031 DMKTAP5031 DMKBSC5041 DMKCNS504I DMKDAD5041 DMKDAS5041 DMKGRF5041 DMKRSE504A DMKRSE5041 DMKTAP5041 DMKTAQ5041 DMKBSC502I DMKCNS502I DMKDAD502I DMKDAS502I DMKGRF502I DMKRSE5021 DMKTAPS021 DMKBSC5031 DMKCNS5031 DMKGRF5251 DMKRSE5251 DMKACR603W DMKCCH603W DMKTAP526I DMKCCH6051 DMKBSC5271 DMKCNS5271 DMKMCH609W DMKBSC528I DMKCNS5281 DMKGRF5291 DMKRSE5291 DMKMCH610W DMKMCT610W DMKMCH611W DMKMCT611W DMKMCH6131 DMKGRF5321 DMKMCH6141 DMKDAU533I DMKMCH6151 DMKDAD5061 DMKDAU5341 DMKDAD5081 DMKRSE5081 DMKDAU5351 DMKMCH6161 DMKMCT6161 DMKDAS5091 DMKTAP511I DMKBSC501A DMKCNS501A DMKCNS501I DMKDAD501A DMKDAS501A DMKRSE501A DMKRSE501I DMKTAP501A DMKCCH602E DMKCCH6021 DMKGRF5311 DMKNLD470E DMKNLE470E DMKBSCSOOI DMKCNS5001 DMKDADSOOI DMKDASSOOI DMKGRF500I DMKRSE500I DMKTAP5001 DMKRSE5241 DMKMCH612W DMKMC,T612W DMKNLE469E DMKUDR475I DMKTAP5231 DMKCCH601E DMKCCH6011 DMKGRF5301 DMKBSC5051 DMKCNS5051 DMKDAD5051 DMKDAS5051 DMKRSE505A DMKTAP5051 DMKTAP5101 DMKTAQ510I DMKNLD471E DMKNLE471E DMKTAP522I DMKTAP512I DMKDAD513I DMKTAQ513I DMKBSC5161 DMKDADS16I DMKTAP516I DMKTAQ5161 DMKCKP5361 DMKCPI5361 DMKDAD536I DMKDAS5361 DMKDAU536I DMKDDR536I DMKDIR536I DMKDMP536I DMKFMT536I DMKSAV536I DMKSSP536I DMKDAD538I DMKTAP5391 DMKTAQ539I DMKMCH6171 DMKMCI6181 DMKMCH6191 DMKMCT619I DMKMCT620I DMKMCT621I DMKACR622W DMKMCH622W DMKCPP6231 DMKMCT6231 DMKMCH6241 DMKBSC517I DMKDAD5171 DMKTAP5171 DMKTAQ5171 DMKRESS401 DMKMCT625I DMKCFQS461 DMKDID546I DMKMCT626E DMKMCH627I DMKDAD518I DMKTAP518I DMKTAQ518I DMKCFU547E DMKMCH628I DMKIOF550E DMKMCH6291 DMKTAP519I DMKTAQ519I DMKIOG551E DMKMCH633W DMKIOG552I DMKMCH634I DMKIOG553I DMKMCH635I DMKIOG558I DMKDDR700E DMKIOH559W DMKDDR701E DMKIOH560W DMKDDR702E DMKIOHS61W DMKDDR703E DMKVER57SI DMKDDR704E DMKBSC520I DMKDAD520I DMKDAS520I DMKRSE520A DMKRSE5201 DMKTAP5201 DMKTAQ520I DMKGRFS21I DMKRSES211 DMKTAPS211 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes DMKDDR705E DMKRGA7051 DMKNES706E DMKDDR728E DMKDIR763E DMKDMP906W DMKDDR7291 DMKDIR764E DMKTRR764E DMKDMP907W DMKFMT730E DMKDDR707E DMKDIA707A DMKDDR7311 DMKDDR708E DMKFMT732E DMKDDR709E DMKFMT733E DMKDDR710A DMKFMT734E DMKDDR711R DMKFMT735E DMKDDR712E DMKFMT736E DMKDDR713E DMKFMT737E DMKDDR714E DMKQVM800E DMKQVM801E DMKQVM802E DMKQVM803E DMKSPM804E DMKQVM806E DMKDMP9081 DMKDMP909W DMKCKP910W DMKCKP911W DMKCKT912W DMKCKV912W DMKWRM912W DMKCFU9251 DMKDRD9251 DMKCPI927W DMKCPI950A DMKCPI9511 DMKCPI9521 DMKCFU9531 DMKCPI9531 DMKCPI954E DMKCPI955W DMKQVM807E DMKCPI9131 DMKDMP913I DMKFMT738A DMKSPM8081 DMKVRR8081 DMKCPI9141 DMKDDR715E DMKFMT739E DMKQVM809E DMKCPI9571 DMKDDR716R DMKFMT740E DMKCPU812E DMKCKS915E DMKCKV915E DMKWRN915E DMKDDR717R DMKFMT741E DMKRND8501 DMKCPI959W DMKDDR718E DMKDIR751E DMKCKT916E DMKCKV916E DMKRND8511 DMKDDR719E DMKDIR752E DMKCKV917E DMKCKP961W DMKCPI961W DMKDDR720E DMKDAD956A DMKDAS956A DMKDSB956A DMKCPI9581 DMKCKP9601 DMKRND852I DMKDIR753E DMKDMP9181 DMKRND8531 DMKDDR721E DMKDDR721E DMKRND861E DMKCKS919E DMKWRN919E DMKCPI9621 DMKDIR754E DMKDIR755E DMKRND863E DMKWRM9201 DMKCPI9641 DMKDDR722E DMKRND864I DMKWRM921W DMKDDR723E DMKDDR756E DMKDIR756E DMKFMT756E DMKCKP900W DMKCPI9661 DMKCPJ9661 DMKDDR724E DMKIOB7241 DMKDIR757E DMKCKP901W DMKDDR725R DMKDIR758E DMKCKP902W DMKDDR726E DMKDIR760E DMKCKT903W DMKDDR727E DMKDIR761E DMKWRM904W DMKDIR762E DMKDMP905W DMKCKP922W DMKCPI9631 DMKCPI9231 DMKCPV9231 DMKLD09231 DMKCPI9671 DMKCPJ9671 DMKCPI9241 DMKCPV9241 DMKLD09241 DMKCLK97OW DMKCPI9681 DMKCPI9711 Appendix C. Message-to-Module Cross-Reference 581 eMS Message Summary DMSAMSOOIE DMSARNOOIE DMSARXOOIE DMSASMOOIE DMSDLBOOIE DMSDLKOOIE DMSERVOOIE DMSEXCOOIE DMSICPOOIE DMSIMAOOIE DMSLBMOOIE DMSLBTOOIE DMSLIOOOIE DMSLKDOOIE DMSMDPOOIE DMSMODOOIE DMSNCPOOIE DMSNXLOOIE DMSPREOOIE DMSRUNOOIE DMSSRSOOIE DMSTMAOOIE DMSUPDOOIE DMSZAPOOIE DMSACCOO2E DMSAMSOO2E DMSARNOO2E DMSARXOO2E DMSASMOO2E DMSCMPOO2E DMSCPYOO2E DMSDSKOO2E DMSDSLOO2E DMSERSOO2E DMSERVOO2E DMSGLBOO2W DMSGNDOO2W DMSGRNOO2E DMSICPOO2E DMSIFCOO2E DMSIMAOO2E DMSLBMOO2W DMSLBMOO2E DMSLBTOO2W DMSLBTOO2E DMSLDSOO2E DMSLGTOO21 DMSLIOOO21 DMSLIOOO2E DMSLKDOO2E DMSLOSOO21 DMSLSTOO2E DMSMDPOO2E DMSMODOO2E DMSMVEOO2E DMSNAMOO2E DMSNCPOO2E DMSPOQOO2E DMSPREOO2E 582 DMSPRTOO2E DMSPUNOO2E DMSRNMOO2E DMSRUNOO2E DMSSLNOO2E DMSSPROO2E DMSSRTOO2E DMSSTTOO2E DMSSYNOO2E DMSTPEOO2E DMSTYPOO2E DMSUPDOO2E DMSWFLOO2E DMSWSFOO2E DMSXCTOO2E DMSXGTOO2E DMSXINOO2E DMSXUPOO2E DMSZAPOO2E DMSZAPOO2W DMSACCOO3E DMSAMSOO3E DMSARNOO3E DMSARXOO3E DMSASMOO3E DMSASNOO3E DMSCMPOO3E DMSCPYOO3E DMSDLBOO3E DMSDLKOO3E DMSDSLOO3E DMSDSVOO3E DMSEDIOO3E DMSERSOO3E DMSFETOO3E DMSFLDOO3E DMSFOROO3E DMSGRNOO3E DMSHLPOO3E DMSICPOO3E DMSIDEOO3E DMSIMAOO3E DMSLBDOO3E DMSLBMOO3E DMSLBTOO3E DMSLDSOO3E DMSLIOOO3E DMSLLUOO3E DMSLSTOO3E DMSMODOO3E DMSMVEOO3E DMSNAMOO3E DMSNCPOO3E DMSPOPOO3E DMSPRTOO3E DMSPRVOO3E DMSPUNOO3E DMSQRYOO3E DMSRNMOO3E DMSRRVOO3E DMSSRVOO3E DMSSYNOO3E DMSTMAOO3E DMSTPDOO3E DMSTPEOO3E DMSTYPOO3E DMSUPDOO3E DMSUTLOO3E DMSWFLOO3E DMSWNTOO3E DMSWPKOO3E DMSWRCOO3E DMSWRLOO3E DMSWSFOO3E DMSXINOO3E DMSZAPOO3E DMSARNOO4W DMSDOSOO4E DMSFETOO4E DMSLDFOO4W DMSLOSOO4E DMSPRVOO4E DMSRRVOO4E DMSSRVOO4E DMSCMPOO5E DMSDLBOO5E DMSFOROO5E DMSLIOOO5E DMSLKDOO5E DMSMODOO5E DMSQRYOO5E DMSTYPOO5E DMSAMSOO6E DMSARNOO6E DMSARXOO6E DMSASMOO6E DMSCMSOO6E DMSDDLOO6E DMSDLKOO6E DMSERVOO6E DMSGENOO6E DMSICPOO6E DMSLKDOO6E DMSLLUOO6E DMSPRVOO6E DMSQRSOO6E DMSRRVOO6E DMSSRVOO6E DMSVMFOO6E DMSWNTOO6E DMSWRCOO6E DMSWSFOO6E DMSGRNOO7E DMSICPOO7E DMSIFCOO7E DMSLKDOO7E DMSSYNOO7E 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DMSRDC042E DMSTPE042E DMSUTL042E DMSBOP043E DMSCLS043E DMSTLB043E DMSTPE043E DMSXCP043E DMSEDI044E DMSPRT044E DMSPUN044E DMSNCP04SE DMSDSL046E DMSIMA046E DMSLBM046E DMSLBT046E DMSDSK047E DMSDSL047E DMSDSV047E DMSGLB047E DMSGLOO47E DMSIMA047E DMSIMM047E DMSLBM047E DMSLBT047E DMSOVR047E DMSPOP047E DMSPOR047E DMSQRY047E DMSSET047E DMSTPE047E DMSUTL047E DMSVMF047E DMSZAP047E DMSACC048E DMSARE048E DMSCPY048E DMSDLB048E DMSDSK048E DMSERS048E DMSFOR048E DMSGRN048E DMSLDS048E DMSLST048E DMSMVE048E DMSPRT048E DMSRNM048E DMSRUN048E DMSSET048E DMSSTT048E DMSTPE048E DMSUPD048E DMSWSF048E DMSRNMOS1E DMSARXOS2E DMSASMOS2E DMSOSROS2E DMSSRTOS3E DMSXMSOS3E DMSCMPOS4E DMSCPYOS4E DMSDSKOS4E DMSEDIOS4E DMSERSOS4E DMSGRNOS4E DMSPRTOS4E DMSPUNOS4E DMSRDC054E DMSRNMOS4E DMSRSVOS4E DMSSRTOS4E DMSSTTOS4E DMSTYPOS4E DMSUTLOS4E DMSWFLOS4E DMSWSF054E DMSXIN054E DMSLIOO55E DMSIDEOS6E DMSLBM056E DMSLBTOS6E DMSLBTOS6W DMSLIOO56E DMSNCPOS6E DMSSYN056E DMSZAPOS6E DMSTMA057E DMSTPEOS7E DMSBOPOS8E DMSCLSOS8E DMSTLBOS8E 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DMSDSL070E DMSDSV070E DMSERS070E DMSERV070E DMSFET070E DMSFLD070E DMSFOR070E DMSGND070E DMSICP070E DMSIDE070E DMSIMM070E DMSLBD070E DMSLBM070E DMSLKD070E DMSLLU070E DMSLST070E DMSMDP070E DMSMOD070E DMSMVE070E DMSNXD070E DMSNXL070E DMSNXM070E DMSOPT070E DMSOSR070E DMSPOL070E DMSPOR070E DMSPRT070E DMSPRV070E DMSQRY070E DMSRDR070E DMSRRV070E DMSRSV070E DMSRUN070E DMSSET070E DMSSRT070E DMSSRV070E DMSSSK070E DMSSTT070E DMSTMA070E DMSTPE070E DMSUPD070E Appendix C. Message-to-Module Cross-Reference 583 DMSVMF070E DMSVPD070E DMSXIN070E DMSZAP070E DMSERS071E DMSEXT072E DMSLOS073E DMSMVE073E DMSUTL073E DMSARX074E DMSASM074E DMSARX075E DMSASM075E DMSICP075E DMSMVE075E DMSEDI076E DMSDSK077E DMSDDL078E DMSDSK078E DMSGRN078E DMSINI079E DMSINI080E DMSINI081E DMSWSF081E DMSINI082E DMSINI083E DMSMOD084E DMSEXE085E DMSBOP086W DMSDLB086E DMSMVE086E DMSDSV095E DMSGEN095E DMSLIC096S DMSTPE096E DMSPRV097E DMSRRV097E DMSSRV097E DMSDSL098E DMSFET098E DMSINS098W DMSITS098S DMSPRV098E DMSRRV098E DMSSET098W DMSSRV098E DMSASN099E DMSDLK099E DMSDSV099E DMSERV099E DMSFET099E DMSICP099E DMSLIOO99E DMSLLU099E DMSNCP099W DMSOPT099E DMSPRV099E DMSQRX099E DMSRRV099E DMSSET099E DMSSRV099E DMSBTBIOOE DMSINSIOOW DMSSETIOOW DMSBTBIOIE DMSCPYI01S DMSCPYI02S DMSASN087E DMSCPYI03S DMSBOP088E DMSCLS088E DMSPDP088E DMSCMPI04S DMSDLKI04S DMSDSKI04S DMSDSLI04S DMSEDII04S DMSFCHI04S DMSGLOI04S DMSHLPI04S DMSIDEI04S DMSIFCI04S DMSLBMI04S DMSLBTI04S DMSLIOI04S DMSMODI04S DMSNAMI04S 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DMSQRXI09S DMSQRVI09S DMSRSVI09S DMSSMNI09S DMSSOPI09S DMSSTGI09S DMSTMAI09S DMSTPDI09S DMSTPEI09S DMSVIBI09S DMSVIPI09S DMSVMFI09S DMSVPDI09S DMSXBGI09S DMSCMSIIOE DMSGENIIOE DMSTLBIIOS DMSTMAIIOS DMSTPDIIOS DMSTPEIIOS DMSVMFIIOS DMSVPDIIOS DMSCMSIIIE DMSGENIIIE DMSTLBlllS DMSTPElllS DMSACCl12S DMSACCl13S DMSAMSl13S DMSASNl13S DMSBOPl13S DMSCIOl13S DMSCLSl13S DMSDBGl13S DMSFCHl13S DMSFORl13S DMSPIOl13S DMSPRVl13S DMSRRVl13S DMSSPRl13S DMSSRVl13S DMSTLBl13S DMSTPEl13S DMSVMFl13S DMSVPDl13S DMSXCPl13S DMSFORl14S DMSMODl14E DMSFCHl15E DMSTPEl15S DMSLIOl16S DMSMODl16S DMSEDIl17S DMSPOWl17S DMSVMFl17S DMSXSCl17S DMSDSKl18S DMSPUNl18S DMSDOSl19S DMSSVTl19S DMSSBS120S DMSSCT120S DMSSVT120S DMSGMF121S DMSSVT121S DMSITS122S DMSPRT123S DMSPUN123S DMSDSK124S DMSRDC124S DMSFOR125S DMSRSV125S DMSFOR126S DMSMVE127S DMSMVE128S DMSMVE129S DMSMVE130S DMSINI131S DMSEDI132S DMSWPK132S DMSXIN132S DMSSMN133S DMSSTG133S DMSITS134S DMSITS135S DMSAMS136S DMSITS136T DMSITS137T DMSTMA137S DMSXSU137S DMSITS138T 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DMSZAP210E DMSINI147R DMSABN148T DMSPOQ148T DMSABN149T DMSABN150W DMSSCR151E DMSABN152T DMSABN153W DMSITS154T DMSABN155T DMSUPD1781 DMSXUP1781 DMSCMP1791 DMSUPD179E DMSXUP179E DMSUPD180W DMSXUP180W DMSUPD181E DMSUPD182W DMSPRE183E DMSUPD183E DMSXUP183E DMSUPD184W DMSXUP184W DMSCPY156E DMSNAM156E DMSWPK156E DMSXGT156E DMSUPD185W DMSXUP185W DMSCPY157E DMSLBM157S DMSUPD186W DMSXUP186W DMSOPL158E DMSUPD187E DMSFRE159T DMSZAP190W DMSDOS160S DMSFRE160T DMSZAP191W DMSZAP192W DMSCMP211E DMSSRT212E DMSDSL213W DMSLBM213W DMSLBT213W DMSIMM261E DMSIMM263E DMSVGN361E DMSSSK362E DMSVGN3621 DMSSSK363E DMSVGN3631 DMSVGN363R DMSSSK364E DMSVGN3641 DMSLDS222E DMSIMM299E DMSUPD299E DMSSSK365E DMSVGN3651 DMSVGN365R DMSLDS223E DMSUPD300E DMSVGN366R DMSFLD224E DMSDLB301E DMSAMS367R DMSMVE2251 DMSBOP302E DMSDLB302E DMSVGN3681 DMSVGN368R DMSVPD3681 DMSLDS226E DMSMVE2261 DMSLLU303E DMSCVH161S DMSLDF161S DMSFRE161T DMSXCP161S DMSSRV194S DMSZAP194W DMSFRE162T DMSZAP195W DMSFRE163T DMSSPR1961 DMSFRE164T DMSSPR197S DMSFRE165T DMSSPR198E DMSFRE166T DMSSPR199E DMSACC230W DMSVIP230E DMSFRE167T DMSLBM167S DMSZAP200W DMSLDS231E DMSDLB3211 DMSLI0201W DMSMVE232E DMSDLB3221 DMSLI0168S DMSLI0202W DMSLDS2331 DMSDLB3231 DMSLI0169S DMSLI{)203W DMSPRE234E DMSDLB3241 DMSFLD3241 DMSZAP193W DMSSET333E DMSLDS227W DMSSTT2271 DMSDLB304E DMSUPD3041 DMSAMS228E DMSSTT2281 DMSDLB305E DMSLDS2291 DMSSTT229E DMSXSU229E DMSDLB306E DMSDLB307E DMSBOP308E DMSDLB308E DMSDLB3201 DMSVGN371R DMSVMF383R DMSVPD383R DMSBOP400S DMSSET400S DMSSSK400S DMSVIB400S DMSBOP401S DMSDOS401S DMSSET401S DMSVIB401S DMSBOP403S DMSSEG403S DMSBOP404S Appendix C. Message-to-Module Cross-Reference 585 DMSBOP410S DMSSET410S DMSSSK410S DMSVIB410S DMSREX459E DMSXCG502W DMSREX460E DMSREX461E DMSJOI503E DMSXCG503E DMSXMD503E DMSFCH411S DMSPRV411S DMSRRV411S DMSSRV411S DMSXCP411S DMSREX462E DMSXCG504E DMSREX463E DMSXCG505E DMSREX464E DMSXCG5061 DMSREX465E DMSXCG509W DMSCMS412S DMSBOP413S DMSLDF413S DMSFLD420E DMSTMA420E DMSTPD420E DMSTLB421E DMSREX466E DMSREX467E DMSREX468E DMSREX469E DMSREX470E DMSXMD5101 DMSXSC5101 DMSXSU5101 DMSXCG511E DMSXCM512E DMSXDC512E DMSSCH529E DMSXCT529E DMSXMD529E DMSXML529E DM~XSE5301 DMSXED555E DMSXED555W DMSXER556S DMSXFC557S DMSXCT531E DMSXSE558W DMSXCT532E DMSXFD559W DMSXSU559W DMSXCT533E DMSXCT534E DMSXCT535E DMSXCT536E DMSXCT537E DMSXSE538E DMSXFD560W DMSXSE560W DMSHEL561E DMSJOI561E DMSSCH561E DMSSPL561E DMSWEX561E DMSXSS561E DMSXCT539E DMSTLB4231 DMSREX472E DMSPOR513E DMSXCM513E DMSTLB424E DMSREX473E DMSXCM514E DMSXCT541E DMSREX474E DMSXSE515E DMSXDC542E DMSXGT563W DMSTLB426R DMSREX475E DMSXCG5171 DMSXDC543E DMSTLB4271 DMSREX476E DMSXCG518E DMSJOI564W DMSXGT564W DMSXDC544E DMSREX477E DMSXSE519E DMSREX478E DMSALT520E DMSCAN520E DMSMOD520E DMSPQU520E DMSSCH520E DMSSOR520E DMSSTA520E DMSXCG520E DMSXCT520E DMSXDC520E DMSXSE520E DMSALT545E DMSDDL545E DMSHEL545E DMSMOD545E DMSPOR545E DMSSCH545E DMSXCT545E DMSXDC545E DMSXMC545E DMSXSE545E DMSXI0572E DMSXDC546E DMSXMD5731 DMSXDC547E DMSSCH574E DMSXDC548E DMSXSE548E DMSJOI575E DMSSPL575E DMSXMC575E DMSXSE575E DMSTLB422E DMSREX471E DMSTLB425R DMSTLB4281 DMSCLS4291 DMSSEB4291 DMSREX479E DMSTLB430E DMSREX480E DMSTLB431E DMSTPE431E DMSREX481E DMSTLB432E DMSTLB433R DMSTLB434E DMSTLB435R DMSTLB4361 DMSTLB4371 DMSSET444E DMSDSK445W DMSREX450E DMSREX451E DMSREX452E DMSREX453E DMSREX454E DMSREX455E DMSREX456E DMSREX457E DMSREX458E 586 DMSREX482E DMSREX483E DMSREX484E DMSREX485E DMSREX486E DMSREX487E DMSREX488E DMSREX489E DMSREX490E DMSREX491E DMSREX492E DMSXCT521E DMSXGT521E DMSXSE521E DMSXCG5221 DMSXDC549E DMSXCT5231 DMSDSK550W DMSXDC550E DMSXSE524W DMSSCH525E DMSXSE525E DMSDSK496S DMSSPL526E DMSWEX526E DMSXCT526E DMSXSE526E DMSXCG498E DMSXCT527E DMSWTL499E DMSXSE528E DMSXIN500E DMSHEL529E DMSMOD529E DMSPOW529E DMSFLE495E DMSXCG5011 DMSXCT540E IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes DMSJOI562E DMSSPL562E DMSXGT562E DMSXGT565W DMSXCT566E DMSXCT567E DMSXCT568E DMSSCH569E DMSXIN5711 DMSXPT5711 DMSXMC576E DMSSCH5511 DMSPQU577E DMSXSE552E DMSXCT578W DMSPQU5531 DMSXED5531 DMSXPT579R DMSXCT554S DMSXDC554S DMSXED554S DMSXFD554S DMSXIN554S DMSXMS554S DMSXPT554S DMSXSE554S DMSXSU582S DMSXPT580W DMSXSU5831 DMSXSU5841 DMSJOI585E DMSSPL585E DMSXSU585E DMSSCH586E DMSSPL586E DMSXSU586E DMSEI0621E DMSNAM621E DMSQRY621E DMSXMD5871 DMSXSU5871 DMSEI0622E DMSGL0622E DMSNAM622E DMSNXL622E DMSNXM622E DMSNAM622W DMSPSH646E DMSPSW646E DMSPXX646E DMSXDS591E DMSFCH623S DMSFET623S DMSLI0623S DMSWNT647E DMSWSF647E DMSWTL647E DMSXFD592W DMSXML592W DMSNXM6241 DMSNXD624W DMSXCG593E DMSPOR626E DMSPOS626E DMSWNT648E DMSWSF648E DMSWTL648E DMSXSU588E DMSNXL589E DMSXDS589E DMSXDS590E DMSWPK643E DMSWRC643E DMSWPK644E DMSWRC644E DMSWNM645W DMSWNT666E DMSWNT667E DMSWSF667E DMSWNT668E DMSWNT669E DMSWNT670E DMSSTA671E DMSWRC671E DMSWSF671E DMSSTA7031 DMSTPD7031 DMSFLD7041 DMSLBD7041 DMSFOR7051 DMSMVE7061 DMSTPD7071 DMSMVE7081 DMSFET7101 DMSWPK672E DMSWRC672E DMSWSF672E DMSSYN7111 DMSSYN7121 DMSWSF673E DMSPOP713E DMSGL0649E DMSWNM649E DMSWPK649E DMSWRC649E WMSWRL649E DMSWPK674E DMSWRC674E DMSWSF674E DMSPOP714E DMSWPK650E DMSWRC650E DMSWSF676E DMSWTL676E DMSAMS7221 DMSWSF677E DMSACC7231 DMSWSF678E DMSACC7241 DMSWSF679E DMSACC7251 DMSCPY602R DMSNAM633E DMSNAM633W DMSWDC651E DMSWEX651E DMSWFL651E DMSWNT651E DMSWRL651E DMSACC7261 DMSFOR603R DMSNAM634E DMSWDC652E DMSWFL680E DMSWSF680E DMSSRT604R DMSNAM6351 DMSWRC681E DMSFOR7321 DMSFOR605R DMSDDL636E DMSDDL636W DMSNAM636E DMSWDC653E DMSWDF653E DMSWRC682E DMSWEX654E DMSFOR7331 DMSJOI685E DMSWPK655E DMSWRC655E DMSRDC7381 DMSDDL688E DMSLST688E DMSNAM688E DMSLI07401 DMSLST689E DMSZAP7511 DMSPOP690E DMSPOR690E DMSFCH777S DMSVIP778E DMSPSH659E DMSPSW659E DMSPXX659E DMSXPX659E DMSPOQ691E DMSVIP779E DMSPOQ692E DMSVIP780E DMSPOQ693E DMSVIP781E DMSWNM660E DMSWNM660W DMSPOQ694E DMSVIP782E DMSXSF695E DMSVIP783E DMSXCT697E DMSVIP784E DMSXFD698E DMSVIP785E DMSXCT594E DMSXMS596S DMSXP0596S DMSPOR627E DMSXUP597E DMSRDR630S DMSWPK630S DMSWRC630S DMSXUP598S DMSXUP599S DMSXSE600E DMSCPY601R DMSINI606R DMSINI607R DMSINI608R DMSINI609R DMSINI610R DMSINI611R DMSINI612R DMSXP0614E DMSXSC614E DMSINI615R DMSNXD616W DMSNXD617E DMSEI0618E DMSGL0618E DMSNAM618E DMSNXL618E DMSQRY618E DMSNXL619E DMSPOQ620E DMSGL0628E DMSGL0631E DMSEI0632E DMSNAM637E DMSWDF637E DMSWFL637E DMSWNT637E DMSWPK637E DMSWRC637E DMSWRL637E DMSWSF637E DMSWTL637E DMSDDL638E DMSDDL639E DMSQRS639E DMSQRT639E DMSQRU639E DMSQRV639E DMSQRW639E DMSQRX639E DMSHEL640E DMSINI640R DMSWDF641E DMSWDF642E DMSWNM656E DMSWNM657E DMSWSF657E DMSWNM658W DMSPSH661E DMSPSW661E DMSPXX661E DMSXPX661E DMSWNM662E DMSWSF675E DMSFLD699E DMSCMS7151 DMSGEN7151 DMSCPY7211 DMSDBG7281 DMSZAP7501 DMSVIP786E DMSXFD700E DMSDOS787E DMSWNM664E DMSRDC7011 DMSTPE7011 DMSWVV788E DMSWNT665E DMSRDC7021 DMSWNM663W DMSWVV789E Appendix C. Message-to-Module Cross-Reference 587 DMSWVV790E DMSWVV800E DMSIFC825E DMSCPY903T DMSITE910T DMSWVV791E DMSWVV8011 DMSIFC826E DMSCPY904T DMSIUC911E DMSWVV792E DMSWVV8021 DMSIFC8281 DMSDI0905S DMSGAM951E DMSWVV793I DMSCCK803E DMSIFC829W DMSGAM952E DMSWVV794E DMSCCK804S DMSREA830E DMSWVV795E DMSCCK805S DMSIFC831E DMSHLP907T DMSLBM907T DMSLI0907T DMSUTL907T DMSRSV908E DMSFNS908T DMSGAM955E DMSRSV909E DMSFNS909T DMSRUN999E DMSWVV796E DMSCCK806S DMSIFC832S DMSWVV7971 DMSCCK807S DMSWVV798R DMSWVV808R DMSCPY901T DMSUTL901T DMSWVV799E DMSWVV809R DMSINI902T 588 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes DMSGAM953E DMSGAM954E DMSGAM956E RSCS Message Summary DMTREXOOOI DMTCMXOO1I DMTREXOO21 DMTCMXOO31 DMTNPT070E DMTSML070E DMTREX091T DMTAXS101I DMTAXS1021 DMTNPT1601 DMTSML1601 DMTNPT5101 DMTSML5101 DMTNPT591E DMTSML591E DMTNPT1701 DMTSML1701 DMTNPT511E DMTSML511E DMTNPT6001 DMTSML6001 DMTNPT190E DMTSML190E DMTAXS5201 DMTNPT6101 DMTSML6101 DMTCMX709E DMTNPT6111 DMTSML6111 DMTCMX750E DMTCMX2001 DMTCMX201E DMTCMX202E DMTCMX203E DMTAXS103E DMTCMX204E DMTAXS 104 I DMTCMX205E DMTAXS1051 DMTCMX206E DMTAXS 106 I DMTCMX207E DMTAXS1071 DMTCMX208E DMTAXS108E DMTNPT108E DMTSML108E DMTCMX3001 DMTNPT1411 DMTSML1411 DMTCMX302E DMTNPT1421 DMTSML1421 DMTNPT1431 DMTSML1431 DMTNPT1441 DMTSML1441 DMTNPT1451 DMTSML1451 DMTCMX301E DMTCMX303E DMTCMX304E DMTINI402T DMTINI407R DMTINI409R DMTINI410R DMTINI431S DMTNPT1461 DMTSML1461 DMTINI479E DMTNPT1471 DMTSML147I DMTINI481E DMTNPT1491 DMTSML1491 DMTINI480E DMTINI482E DMTINI483E DMTAXS5211 DMTAXS5221 DMTAXS5231 DMTCMX706E DMTCMX707E DMTCMX708E DMTCMX710E DMTCMX7511 DMTAXS524E DMTNPT612E DMTSML612E DMTAXS525E DMTAXS6401 DMTAXS526E DMTCMX6511 DMTNPT5301 DMTCMX652I DMTCMX5401 DMTCMX6531 DMTCMX5411 DMTCMX6541 DMTCMX542E DMTCMX6551 DMTCMX543E DMTCMX6601 DMTCMX544E DMTCMX6611 DMTNPT811E DMTSML811E DMTCMX5501 DMTCMX662I DMTSML901E DMTCMX551E DMTCMX6631 DMTCMX552E DMTCMX664E DMTNPT902E DMTSML902E DMTCMX5601 DMTCMX6701 DMTNPT903E DMTSML903E DMTCMX561E DMTCMX6711 DMTNPT904E DMTNPT5701 DMTSML5701 DMTCMX6721 DMTCMX6731 DMTNPT9051 DMTSML9051 DMTNPT571E DMTSML571E DMTCMX7001 DMTSML906E DMTCMX701E DMTNPT907E DMTCMX702E DMTNPT934E DMTSML934E DMTNPT5801 DMTSML5801 DMTNPT581E DMTSML581E DMTNPT5901 DMTSML5901 DMTCMX703E DMTCMX704E DMTCMX705E DMTCMX7521 DMTNPT8011 DMTSML8011 DMTNPT8021 DMTSML8021 DMTNPT8031 DMTSML8031 DMTNPT810E DMTSML810E DMTSML935E DMTNPT936E DMTSML936E DMTSML937E Appendix C. Message-to-Module Cross-Reference 589 IPes Message Summary DMMGET100S DMMGRC100S DMMINII00S DMMMODIOOS DMMPR0100S DMMREG100S DMMSEA100S DMMSTA100S DMMSUM100S DMMINI400S DMMMOD7071 DMMDSC7191 DMMMAP806R DMMDSCSOOS DMMGET7081 DMMDSC7201 DMMMAP8071 DMMSUMS01S DMMSCR7091 DMMDSC72II DMMMAP8081 DMMSUMS02S DMMTRC7101 DMMDSC7221 DMMGRC8091 DMMSTA6011 DMMVMB7111 DMMDSC723I DMMMAP810I DMMDSC7001 DMMIOB7121 DMMREG7241 DMMEDM8501 DMMINI200S DMMMAP200S DMMPRM200S DMMPR0200S DMMSTA200S DMMSUM200S DMMWRT200S DMMDSC701R DMMIOB7131 DMMINI800S DMMEDM8S11 DMMFED7021 DMMHEX7141 DMMMAP8011 DMMEDM852I DMMFED7031 DMMLOC71S1 DMMMAP8021 DMMEDM8531 DMMFEX7041 DMMLOC7161 DMMINI803S DMMEDM860I DMMMOD70SE DMMLOC7171 OMMPRM804I DMMEDM86II DMMINI300S DMMPR0300S DMMMOD7061 DMMMOD7 18 I DMMCPA805I DMMEDM863E DMMEDM864I 590 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes Appendix D. Message Text-to-Message Identifier Cross-Reference This appendix contains all the VM/SP HPO messages, grouped by CP, CMS, RSCS, and IPCS and organized in alphamerical order by message text. Messages beginning with special characters such as », ffl or ? are listed first in alphabetical order. Messages starting with a lowercase (variable) word such as nnnnnK, type, and userid will have information inserted, such messages are listed alphabetically with the messages starting with uppercase letters. If you do not issue CP command SET EMSG ON, any messages that are displayed will appear without message identifier, only text. Use this appendix to look up the text of the message and find its identifier, so that you can find the description of the message in the body of the book. Note: RSCS and IPCS messages remain at the VM/370 Release 6 level. CP Message Summary DMKTRA182E (reserved for IBM use) DMKCFCOOIE ?CP: command DMKIOB724I [APIMP} RIOBLOCKS REQUESTED IN UNIPROCESSOR DUMP DMKVST429I DMKVSP429I DMKVST427I DMKVSP427I DMKSPT024E DMKDEF024E DMKCSV024E DMKCSU024E DMKCSQ024E DMKCSP024E DMKCS0024E DMKCQH024E [CONIPRTIPUNIRDR} vaddr SPOOL ERROR; FILE [HELD I PURGED} [CONIPRTIPUNIRDR} vaddr SPOOL ERROR; FILE [HELD I PURGED} [CONIPRTIPUN} vaddr SYSTEM SPOOL SPACE FULL; FILE CLOSED {CONIPRTIPUN} vaddr SYSTEM SPOOL SPACE FULL; FILE CLOSED [CYLS IBLKS I FORM NUMBER} MISSING OR INVALID {CYLSIBLKSIFORM NUMBER} MISSING OR INVALID [CYLSIBLKSIFORM NUMBER} MISSING OR INVALID {CYLS IBLKS I FORM NUMBER} MISSING OR INVALID [CYLSIBLKSIFORM NUMBER} MISSING OR INVALID {CYLSIBLKSIFORM NUMBER} MISSING OR INVALID {CYLSIBLKSIFORM NUMBER} MISSING OR INVALID [CYLS IBLKS I FORM NUMBER} MISSING OR INVALID DMKDAD518I [DASDITAPE[ 'addr' 'devname' RECV ERROR CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' DMKTAP504I [DASDITAPE} 'raddr' 'devname' DATA CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' DMKTAP504I [DASD I TAPE} 'addr' 'devname' DATA CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' Appendix D. Message Text-to-Message Identifier Cross-Reference 591 DMKCFU046E DMKVDE046E DMKVDD046E DMKSPT046E DMKNLE046E DMKNLD046E DMKNET046E DMKNES046E DMKNEA046E DMKMCC046E DMKDEI046E DMKCS0046E DMKCSB046E DMKCPV046E DMKCFS046E {DEV {DEV {DEV {DEV {DEV {DEV {DEV {DEV {DEV {DEV {DEV {DEV {DEV {DEV {DEV DMKNES175E DMKCFS175E DMKCF0175E DMKCFG175E {FAVORED I RESERVE {FAVORED I RESERVE {FAVORED I RESERVE {FAVORED I RESERVE ridltype ridltype ridltype rid type rid type rid type rid type rid type rid type rid type rid type rid type rid type rid type rid type raddr} raddr} raddr} raddr} raddr} raddr} raddr} raddr} raddr} raddr} raddr} raddr} raddr} raddr} raddr} OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE OFFLINE I name} I name} I name} I name} ALREADY ALREADY ALREADY ALREADY IN IN IN IN USE USE USE USE BY BY BY BY userid userid userid userid DMKMCI618I {INSTRUCTION RETRYIMAIN STORAGE} NOW IN {RECORDIQUIET} MODE cpuid DMKRNH454I DMKRGA454I DMKCNS454I DMKBSC517I {LINE addrlDEV rid} {LINE addrlDEV rid} {LINE addrlDEV rid} {LINE I TAPE} 'addr' USERID='userid' DISABLED DISABLED DISABLED 'devname' NOT/KNOWN CMD=' em' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' DMKTTY152E DMKVDE122E DMKNEA122E DMKVDE121E DMKVDD121E DMKNEA121E DMKVDE120E DMKNEA120E DMKSPS428E DMKRST428E DMKRSP428E {PFCOPYIPFTAB} NOT AVAILABLE [PRT ridltype raddr] ALREADY ATTACHED TO userid ridltype raddr ALREADY ATTACHED TO userid [PRT ridltype raddr] NOT ATTACHED TO userid [PRT ridltype raddr] NOT ATTACHED TO userid ridltype raddr NOT ATTACHED TO userid [PRT ridltype raddr] NOT ATTACHED; userid vaddr ALREADY DEFINED [PRT ridltype raddr] NOT ATTACHED; userid vaddr ALREADY DEFINED {PRTIPUNIRDRITAPE} raddr SPOOL ERROR; FILE {HELDIPURGED} {PRTIPUNIRDRITAPE} raddr SPOOL ERROR; FILE {HELDIPURGED} {PRTIPUNIRDRITAPE} raddr SPOOL ERROR; FILE {HELDIPURGED} DMKNEA430A {PRTIPUN}raddr FATAL I/O ERROR; NOW OFFLINE, FILE HELD DMKRSE520A {RDRIPRTIPUN} 'addr' 'devname' PERM ERROR CMD=' em' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' DMKSPS426E {RDRITAPE} raddr SPOOL SPACE FULL; FILE PURGED DMKRST426E {RDRITAPE} raddr SPOOL SPACE FULL; FILE PURGED DMKDAS327A addr INTERVENTION REQUIRED - SET READ, R/W SWITCH TO R/W DMKLOG189E DMKCFY189E DMKDEF258I DMKLOG054E DMKMCT625I DMKVDG340I , DMKVDG341I DMKCPI959W DMKCPI958I DMKALG059E AFFINITY NOT SET; SYSTEM IN UNIPROCESSOR MODE AFFINITY NOT SET; SYSTEM IN UNIPROCESSOR MODE ALL 3800 DATA CHECKS WILL BE REFLECTED ALREADY LOGGED ON {LINEIGRAFILUNAME} raddr ALTERNATE PROCESSOR RECOVERY SUCCESSFUL; PROCESSOR nn OFFLINE AREA TYPE type TRUNCATED FOR CP OWNED VOLUME valid AREA TYPE type DEFAULTED FOR CP OWNED VOLUME valid ATTACHED PROCESSOR NOT ONLINE ATTACHED PROCESSOR NOT OPERATIONAL AUTO LOG FAILED FOR userid-{IPL MISSINGIIPL FAILEDIACCOUNTING ERROR I INCORRECT PASSWORD} DMKALGl15E AUTOLOG INVALID; EXCESSIVE INCORRECT PASSWORDS 592 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes DMKCSB031E BUFFER MISSING OR INVALID [modifier] DMKCSB043E BUFFER name DOES NOT EXIST DMKLOG206E DMKDIA206E DMKCDS166E DMKCCH605I DMKCCH601E DMKCCH601I DMKCCH603W DMKACR603W DMKVDE034E DMKVDD134E DMKVCH034E DMKMCT623I DMKCPP623I DMKVCH130E DMKVCH147E DMKVCH132E DMKVCH129E DMKVCH048E DMKVCH138E DMKCSU245E DMKCSP245E DMKCS0245E DMKCKS919E DMKWRN919E DMKCKV917E DMKSPS028E DMKCSV028E DMKCSP028E DMKCS0028E DMKCSB028E DMKCQR028E DMKCQG028E DMKNET157E DMKNEA157E DMKVDE293E DMKLNK293E DMKDEF293E CANNOT CONNECT TO HOST VIRTUAL MACHINE CANNOT CONNECT TO HOST VIRTUAL MACHINE CHANGED SHARED PAGE NOT WRITTEN TO AUXILIARY STORAGE CHANNEL CHECK RECORDING FAILURE CHANNEL CONTROL CHECK DEV XXXi USER 'userid' CHANNEL CONTROL CHECK DEV XXXi USER 'userid' CHANNEL ERROR CHANNEL ERROR CHANNEL MISSING OR INVALID CHANNEL MISSING OR INVALID CHANNEL MISSING OR INVALID CHANNEL SET CONNECTED TO ATTACHED PROCESSOR nn CHANNEL SET CONNECTED TO PROCESSOR nn CHANNEL X [PROC nn] NOT ATTACHED TO userid CHANNEL X [PROC nn] NOT ATTACHED; ALTERNATE PATHS DEFINED CHANNEL X ALREADY DEFINED BY userid CHANNEL X DEVICES IN USE CHANNEL X DOES NOT EXIST CHANNEL X NOT ATTACHED; INSUFFICIENT FREE STORAGE CHARS MISSING OR INVALID CHARS MISSING OR INVALID CHARS MISSING OR INVALID CHECKPOINT AREA INVALID; CHECKPOINTING TERMINATED CHECKPOINT AREA INVALID; CHECKPOINTING TERMINATED CHECKPOINT AREA INVALID; CLEAR STORAGE AND COLD START CLASS MISSING OR INVALID CLASS MISSING OR INVALID CLASS MISSING OR INVALID CLASS MISSING OR INVALID CLASS MISSING OR INVALID CLASS MISSING OR INVALID CLASS MISSING OR INVALID CLUSTER=parm MISSING FROM RDEVICE MACRO - DEV raddr CLUSTER=parm MISSING FROM RDEVICE MACRO - DEV raddr CMD REJECTED cuu VIOLATES PMA RESTRICTION CMD REJECTED; vaddr VIOLATES PMA RESTRICTION CMD REJECTED; vaddr VIOLATES PMA RESTRICTION DMKLOG067E DMKTRA291E DMKCP0291E DMKCFS291E DMKCF0291E DMKCFD291E DMKVDE199E DMKSPT199E DMKNLE199E DMKNLD199E DMKNET199E DMKNES199E DMKMCC199E DMKLNK199E DMKDIA199E DMKCPV199E DMKCFU199E DMKQVM802E DMKQVM800E DMKQVM803E DMKQVM809E DMKQVM806E DMKQVM807E COMMAND COMMAND COMMAND COMMAND COMMAND COMMAND COMMAND COMMAND COMMAND COMMAND COMMAND COMMAND COMMAND COMMAND COMMAND COMMAND COMMAND COMMAND COMMAND COMMAND COMMAND COMMAND COMMAND FORMAT NOT VALID REJECTED; {PMAISPMODE} IN USE REJECTED; {PMAISPMODE} IN USE REJECTED; {PMAISPMODE} IN USE REJECTED; {PMAISPMODE} IN USE REJECTED; {PMAISPMODE} IN USE REJECTED; DEVICE raddr PENDING OFFLINE REJECTED; DEVICE raddr PENDING OFFLINE REJECTED; DEVICE raddr PENDING OFFLINE REJECTED; DEVICE raddr PENDING OFFLINE REJECTED; DEVICE raddr PENDING OFFLINE REJECTED; DEVICE raddr PENDING OFFLINE REJECTED; DEVICE raddr PENDING OFFLINE REJECTED; DEVICE raddr PENDING OFFLINE REJECTED; DEVICE raddr PENDING OFFLINE REJECTED; DEVICE raddr PENDING OFFLINE REJECTED; DEVICE raddr PENDING OFFLINE REJECTED, DEVICES NOT DEDICATED REJECTED, OTHER VIRTUAL MACHINES LOGGED ON REJECTED, SPOOL DEVICES NOT DRAINED REJECTED, TRACE/ADSTOP/CCW TRANS IN EFFECT REJECTED, VIRTUAL ADDRESS NOT EQUAL TO REAL ADDRESS REJECTED, VM/SP ATTACHED PROCESSOR MODE Appendix D. Message Text-to-Message Identifier Cross-Reference 593 DMKDDR7311 DMKVMD013E DMKTRA013E DMKCSV013E DMKCSU013E DMKCSP013E DMKCS0013E DMKCSB013E DMKCQH013E DMKCFU013E DMKCFG013E DMKPEL013E DMKPEL013W DMKPEL013W DMKPEL013W DMKPEL013W DMKMCT626E DMKPAH41SE DMKDDR702E DMKCSU030E DMKCSP030E DMKCS0030E DMKCPI185E DMKCF0186E DMKDSP450W DMKDSP452W DMKVMA456W DMKPTR410W DMKPRG453W DMKPRG411W DMKCPI962I DMKDMP913I DMKCPI913I DMKCPI344W DMKVDG344W DMKCPI9SlI DMKTRT307I DMKTRT308I DMKTRP306E DMKTRP304E DMKTRP305I DMKDIB058E COMPACT OPTION IS IGNORED CONFLICTING OPTION - option CONFLICTING OPTION - option CONFLICTING OPTION - option CONFLICTING OPTION - option CONFLICTING OPTION - option CONFLICTING OPTION - option CONFLICTING OPTION - option CONFLICTING OPTION - option CONFLICTING OPTION - option CONFLICTING OPTION - option CONFLICTING OPTION - optionl AND option2 CONFLICTING OPTION - NORUN CONFLICTS WITH PRINTER - OPTION FORCED CONFLICTING OPTION - PRINTER CONFLICTS WITH NORUN - OPTION FORCED CONFLICTING OPTION - PRINTER CONFLICTS WITH STEP - OPTION FORCED CONFLICTING OPTION - STEP CONFLICTS WITH PRINTER - OPTION FORCED CONSOLE FUNCTION MODE ENTERED; REQUIRED PROCESSOR NOW OFFLINE CONTINUOUS PAGING ERRORS FROM DASD~xxx CONTROL STATEMENT SEQUENCE ERROR COPIES MISSING OR INVALID COPIES MISSING OR INVALID COPIES MISSING OR INVALID CP ASSIST LEVEL xx DOES NOT MATCH CP LEVEL yy CP ASSIST NOT AVAILABLE CP ENTERED; DISABLED WAIT PSW 'psw' CP ENTERED; EXTERNAL INTERRUPT LOOP CP ENTERED; name SHARED PAGE hexloc ALTERED CP ENTERED; PAGING ERROR CP ENTERED; PROGRAM INTERRUPT LOOP CP ENTERED; TRANSLATION EXCEPTION WHILE IN NON-EC MODE CP OWNED DASD euu VOLID volid INVALID ALLOCATION RECORD CP OWNED VOLID xxxxxx INVALID FOR 3330V CP OWNED VOLID xxxxxx INVALID FOR 3330V CP OWNED VOLUME volid INVALID TYPE CP OWNED VOLUME volid INVALID TYPE CP VOLID volid NOT MOUNTED CPTRAP (CP/VIRTUAL) ecce INTERFACE IGNORED CPTRAP DATA LOST CPTRAP IS ALREADY ACTIVE CPTRAP IS STOPPING, NO INPUT ALLOWED CPTRAP SELECTIVITY RESET CTC vaddr BUSY ON userid DMKRNH4631 DMKRNH4681 DMKCQP4661 DMKCQQ4661 DMKNLE470E DMKNLD470E DMKNLE460E DMKNLD460E DMKNLE469E DMKRNH4641 DMKNLE464I DMKNLE471E DMKVDS46SW DMKNLD461R DMKNLE461R DMKNLD471E DMKRNH462I DMKSSP536I DMKSAV536I DMKFMT5361 CTLR 'raddr' UNIT CHECK; RESTART IN PROGRESS CTLR raddr COMMUNICATIONS SCANNER FAILURE CTLR raddr IN BUFFER SLOWDOWN MODE CTLR raddr IN BUFFER SLOWDOWN MODE CTLR raddr {LOADIDUMP} FAILED: PAGING I/O ERROR CTLR raddr {LOADIDUMP} FAILED: PAGING I/O ERROR CTLR raddr {LOADIDUMP} FAILED: PROGRAM CHECK CTLR raddr {LOADIDUMP} FAILED: PROGRAM CHECK CTLR raddr {LOADIDUMP} FAILED: TEMP SPACE NOT AVAILABLE CTLR raddr CC=3; DEPRESS 370X "LOAD" BUTTON CTLR raddr CC=3; DEPRESS 370X "LOAD" BUTTON CTLR raddr DUMP FAILED: UNRECOVERABLE I/O ERROR CTLR raddr EMULATOR LINES IN USE BY SYSTEM CTLR raddr IPL NOT REQUIRED; ENTER 'YES' TO CONTINUE CTLR raddr IPL NOT REQUIRED; ENTER "YES" TO CONTINUE CTLR raddr LOAD FAILED: UNRECOVERABLE I/O ERROR CTLR raddr UNIT CHECK; IPL REQUIRED raddr 'devname' REPORTS DISABLED INTERFACE; FAULT CODE raddr 'devname' REPORTS DISABLED INTERFACE; FAULT CODE raddr 'devnarne' REPORTS DISABLED INTERFACE; FAULT CODE 594 IBM VMjSP HPO System Messages and Codes ecce; NOTIFY CE eccc; NOTIFY CE eccc; NOTIFY CE CCCC; NOTIFY CE raddr 'devname' REPORTS DISABLED INTERFACE; FAULT CODE cccc; NOTIFY CE raddr 'devname' REPORTS DISABLED INTERFACE; FAULT CODE cccc; NOTIFY CE raddr 'devname' REPORTS DISABLED INTERFACE; FAULT CODE cccC; NOTIFY CE raddr 'devname' REPORTS DISABLED INTERFACE; FAULT CODE raddr 'devname' REPORTS DISABLED INTERFACE; FAULT CODE cccC; NOTIFY CE cccc; NOTIFY CE raddr 'devname' REPORTS DISABLED INTERFACE; FAULT CODE cccc; NOTIFY CE raddr 'devname' REPORTS DISABLED INTERFACE; FAULT CODE cccc; NOTIFY CE raddr 'devname' REPORTS DISABLED INTERFACE; FAULT CODE DASD 'addr' 'devname' BKSIZE EX CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' DMKDAU5331 DASD 'addr' 'devname' CHECK DATA CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' DMKDAD5061 DASD addr 'devname' TRKCOND CK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' DMKDAU5351 DASD addr 'devname' WRT INHIBT CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' DMKVDE1511 DASD addr NOT ATTACHED, BUSY PERSISTS, IOBSTAT=xx, IOBCSW+4=yyyy DMKDSB956A DASD raddr VOLID valid NOT MOUNTED; NOW OFFLINE DMKDAS956A DASD raddr VOLID valid NOT MOUNTED; NOW OFFLINE DMKDAD956A DASD raddr VOLID valid NOT MOUNTED; NOW OFFLINE DMKDEI279E DASD NOT VUA DMKVDE123E DASD raddr CP OWNED DMKVDD123E DASD raddr CP OWNED DMKCPT123E DASD raddr CP OWNED DMKDAS5071 DASD raddr devname SEEK CK CMD=cm SNS=sense CSW=csw USERID=userid DMKVDE128E DASD raddr ERROR READING ALLOCATION RECORD DMKVDE126E DASD raddr ERROR READING VOLID DMKVDE124E DASD raddr IN USE BY nnn USERS DMKVDD124E DASD raddr IN USE BY nnn USERS DMKCPT124E DASD raddr IN USE BY nnn USERS DMKCP0124E DASD raddr IN USE BY nnn USERS DMKLNK139E DASD raddr NOT {LINKEDIATTACHED}; 3330V NOT ACCEPTED AS SYSTEM VOLUME DMKVDE133E DASD raddr NOT READY DMKSAV351W DASD raddr NOT READY DMKSAV350W DASD raddr VOLID NOT aaaaaa DMKVDE125E DASD raddr VOLID valid ALREADY ATTACHED TO SYSTEM DMKVDE127E DASD raddr VOLID valid DOES NOT MATCH DMKCPI954E DASD raddr VOLID valid NOT MOUNTED; DUPLICATE OF DASD raddr DMKLNKIOIW DASD vaddr FORCED R/O; R/O BY {nnn USERSluserid} DMKLNKI02W DASD vaddr FORCED R/O; R/W BY {nnn USERSluserid} DMKLNKI03W DASD vaddr FORCED R/O; R/W BY {nnn USERSluserid}; R/O BY {nnn USERSluserid} DMKLOG091E DASD vaddr NOT DEFINED; TEMP SPACE NOT AVAILABLE DMKDEF091E DASD vaddr NOT DEFINED; TEMP SPACE NOT AVAILABLE DMKLNK137E DASD vaddr NOT LINKED; CHAN x DEDICATED DMKCFS205E DAT IGNORE NOT SET; INVALID TRANSLATION FORMAT DMKDDR717R DATA DUMPED FROM validl TO BE RESTORED TO valid2. DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE? RESPOND YES NO OR REREAD: DMKMID310E DATE date INVALID; NOT CHANGED DMKDDR728E DECODE ERROR ENCOUNTERED: xx DMKMCH6281 DEGRADATION; CP WILL TRY RECOVERY IN 1 MINUTE DMKVDD273E DETACH REJ VIRTUAL MACHINE TRACING I/O DMKDEF136E DEV addr NOT {DEFINEDIVARIED}; CHAN xx DEDICATED DDMKVDE040E DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST DMKVDD040E DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST DMKSPT040E DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST DMKNLE040E DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST DMKNLD040E DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST DMKNET040E DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST DMKNES040E DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST DMKNEA040E DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST DMKMCD040E DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST DMKMCC040E DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST DMKDIB040E DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST DMKDIA040E DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST DMKDMP5361 DMKDIR5361 DMKDDR5361 DMKDAU5361 DMKDAS5361 DMKDAD5361 DMKCPI5361 DMKCKP5361 DMKDAU5341 Appendix D. Message Text-to-Message Identifier Cross-Reference 595 DMKDEF040E DMKCST040E DMKCSQ040E DMKCS0040E DMKCSB040E DMKCQQ040E DMKCQP040E DMKCQG040E DMKCPZ040E DMKCPV040E DMKCPT040E DMKCPB040E DMKCFU040E DMKCFG040E DMKCFD040E DMKCPS040E DMKFMT738A DMKDDR710A DMKDIR754E DMKDDR704E DMKFMT730E DMKCPT154E DMKNET098E DMKNES098E DMKDIA098E DMKLOG090E DMKLOG093E DMKLOG095E DMKDEF095E DMKLOG092E DMKDEG092E DMKSSS075E DMKDEI075E DMKCPT075E DMKDEF153E DMKLNK153E DMKVDE153E DMKDEF136E DMKCPT136E DMKFMT741E DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST DEV addr DOES NOT EXIST DEV vaddr DOES NOT EXIST DEV raddr INTERVENTION REQUIRED DEV raddr INTERVENTION REQUIRED DEV raddr NOT OPERATIONAL DEV raddr NOT OPERATIONAL DEV raddr NOT OPERATIONAL OR NOT READY DEV raddr VARY FAILED, VARY IN PROCESS DEV rid MODE SWITCH NOT POSSIBLE DEV rid MODE SWITCH NOT POSSIBLE DEV rid MODE SWITCH NOT POSSIBLE DEV vaddr NOT DEFINED; DEV {raddrlvalser} NOT AVAILABLE DEV vaddr NOT DEFINED; ERROR IN CP DIRECTORY DEV vaddr NOT DEFINED; INSUFFICIENT FREE STORAGE DEV vaddr NOT DEFINED; INSUFFICIENT FREE STORAGE DEV vaddr NOT DEFINED; type vaddr ALREADY DEFINED DEV vaddr NOT DEFINED; type vaddr ALREADY DEFINED DEVICE 'Valid' IS NOT AVAILABLE DEVICE 'raddr' IS NOT AVAILABLE DEVICE 'raddr' IS NOT AVAILABLE DEVICE vaddr EXCEEDED MAX NUMBER OF VIRTUAL DEVICES DEVICE {vaddrIRNG} EXCEEDED MAX NUMBER OF VIRTUAL DEVICES DEVICE {vaddrIRNG} EXCEEDED MAX NUMBER OF VIRTUAL DEVICES DEVICE vaddr NOT {DEFINEDIVARIED}i CHANNEL XX DEDICATED DEVICE {vaddrlraddr} NOT {DEFINEDIVARIED}; CHANNEL XX DEDICATED DEVICE raddr IS zzzz NOT xxxx-nn AS SPECIFIED RESPECIFY OR NOTIFY SYSTEM SUPPORT. DMKDEI278E DMKSSS072E DMKSSS071E DMKSST070E DMKACR149E DMKCSV035E DMKDIA707A DMKDIR762E DMKCPI9671 DMKCSV032E DMKCSP032E DMKCDM061E DMKCDM060E DMKRND861E DMKDIR758E DEVICE NOT A DASD DEVICE NOT AVAILABLE - 'raddr' NOT PROPER TYPE DEVICE NOT AVAILABLE - MSS CANNOT BE ACCESSED DEVICE NOT AVAILABLE - MSS DEVICES ALLOCATED DEVICE PATH raddr PROC nn PRESENTED cc3 ON I/O REQUEST DEVICE TYPE MISSING OR INVALID DIAL FUNCTION NOT AVAILABLE DIRECTORY STATEMENT MISSING DISCONNECT userid - SYSTEM RESTARTED (mmmnnn) AND SYSTEM CONSOLE NOT VM OPERATOR CONSOLE DIST CODE MISSING OR INVALID DIST CODE MISSING OR INVALID DUMP FAILED; VIRTUAL PRINTER ERROR DUMP FAILED; VIRTUAL PRINTER UNAVAILABLE DUMP FILE 'filename' NOT FOUND DUPLICATE UNIT DEFINITION DMKCFV062E DMKMON2191 DMKCKV916E DMKCKT916E ECMODE NOT SET ON END OF MONITOR TAPE, MONITOR STOPPED BY SYSTEM ERROR ALLOCATING SPOOL FILE BUFFERS ERROR ALLOCATING SPOOL FILE BUFFERS 596 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes DMKLOG052E DMKLNK052E DMKCFY052E DMKDIR764E DMKDDR720E DMKNMT249E DMKMON2201 DMKIOG553I DMKIOG551E DMKIOF550E DMKNMT254E DMKIOH560W ERROR IN CP DIRECTORY ERROR IN CP DIRECTORY ERROR IN CP DIRECTORY .ERROR IN routine ERROR IN {routine/nnnnnn} ERROR LOADING IMAG imag ERROR ON MONITOR TAPE, MONITOR STOPPED BY SYSTEM ERROR RECORDING AREA CLEARED; USER 'userid' ERROR RECORDING AREA FULL; RUN CPEREP. ERROR RECORDING AREA 90 PERCENT FULL; RUN CPEREP ERROR SAVING imag3800 - RC = (rc) ERRORS ON SRF vaddr: FRAMES NOT ON ERROR CYLINDERS DMKLD09231 DMKCPV9231 DMKCPI9231 DMKSAV352W DMKFMT735E DMKRND8521 DMKUDR4751 DMKCSU246E DMKCSP246E DMKCS0246E DMKFMT739E DMKDDR727E DMKCSU243E DMKCSQ243E DMKCS0243E DMKCSU029E DMKCSP029E DMKMCD227E DMKMCD228E DMKMCD226E DMKIOG5521 DMKQVM801E DMKDDR7291 DMKGRF5311 DMKGRF5321 DMKGRF5301 FAILING STORAGE FRAME AT LOCATION rstor FAILING STORAGE FRAME AT LOCATION rstor FAILING STORAGE FRAME AT LOCATION rstor FATAL DASD I/O ERROR FATAL DASD 10 ERROR FATAL I/O ERROR WRITING DUMP FATAL 10 ERROR TRYING TO READ DIRECTORY FCB MISSING OR INVALID FCB MISSING OR INVALID FCB MISSING OR INVALID FLAGGED PRIMARY TRACK HAS NO ALTERNATE ASSIGNED;IO ERROR FOLLOWS FLAGGED TRK xxxxxxxxxx HAS NO PROPER ALTERNATE; SKIPPING THIS TRK FLASH MISSING OR INVALID FLASH MISSING OR INVALID FLASH MISSING OR INVALID FNAME FTYPE MISSING OR INVALID FNAME FTYPE MISSING OR INVALID FOR OPTION INVALID WITH AUTODISK OFF FOR OPTION INVALID WITH MONITOR ON FOR VALUE MIDNIGHT - COMMAND INVALID FORMATTING ERROR RECORDING AREA FREE STORAGE PAGE IS NOT AVAILABLE FULL TRACK READ FEATURE NOT AVAILABLE GRAF 'addr' 'devname' CNTRL CHECK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' USERID='userid' GRAF 'addr' 'devname' OP CHECK CMD='cm' SNS='sense' USERID='userid' GRAF 'addr' 'devname' UNIT SPEC CMD='cm' SNS='sense' USERID='userid' DMKVMD160E DMKNET160E DMKNES160E DMKCPV160E DMKCFD160E DMKCDS160E DMKCDM160E DMKCDB160E DMKCFP164E DMKCFD164E DMKCDS164E DMKVMD033E DMKNET033E DMKCPV033E DMKCDS033E DMKCDM033E HEXLOC HEXLOC HEXLOC HEXLOC HEXLOC HEXLOC HEXLOC HEXLOC HEXLOC HEXLOC HEXLOC HEXLOC HEXLOC HEXLOC HEXLOC HEXLOC hexloc EXCEEDS STORAGE hexloc EXCEEDS STORAGE hexloc EXCEEDS STORAGE hexloc EXCEEDS STORAGE hexloc EXCEEDS STORAGE hexloc EXCEEDS STORAGE hexloc EXCEEDS STORAGE hexloc EXCEEDS STORAGE hexloc NON-ADDRESSABLE STORAGE hexloc NON-ADDRESSABLE STORAGE hexloc NON-ADDRESSABLE STORAGE MISSING OR INVALID MISSING OR INVALID MISSING OR INVALID MISSING OR INVALID MISSING OR INVALID I/O ERROR I/O ERROR I/O ERROR I/O ERROR 'nnnnnn'} DMKAC0425E I/O ERROR DMKCFS086E I/O ERROR DMKVER5751 DMKFMT736E DMKDIR755E DMKDDR705E ADD=raddr, USERID= userid raddr {CCHHR=cchhrIBLOCK=nnnnnn} SENSE='sense' raddr CSW='csw' SENSE='sense' vaddr CSW='csw' SENSE=' sense' INPUT='bbcchh' OUTPUT={'bbcchh' I CCW='ccw' ON SPOOL DEVICE DURING ACCOUNTING ON DASD Appendix D. Message Text-to-Message Identifier Cross-Reference 597 DMKRGA705I DMKCS0244E DMKLOG069I DMKCSB036E DMKCPI966I DMKCPJ966I DMKDDR724E DMKDDR700E DMKLOG131E DMKCPI131E DMKVDE131E DMKDIA017E DMKCPI955W DMKNMT256E DMKCCH602E DMKCCH602I DMKCFH436E DMKDID546I DMKCFQ546I DMKVDE006E DMKVDD006E DMKSPT006E DMKNLE006E DMKNLD006E DMKNET006E DMKNES006E DMKNEA006E DMKMCC006E DMKCSV006E DMKCST006E DMKCSQ006E DMKCS0006E DMKCSB006E DMKCQQ006E DMKCPB006E DMKCFT006E DMKCFS006E DMKCFU006E DMKDIB006E DMKCFHOIIE DMKCPTOIIE DMKDEFOIIE DMKDIBOIIE DMKDIAOIIE DMKLNKOIIE DMKLOGOIIE DMKLOHOIIE DMKNEAOIIE DMKVDEOIIE DMKCDS162W DMKCDS162E DMKDDR719E DMKDIR763E DMKCPB005E DMKCDS005E DMKNET004E DMKNES004E DMKCPV004E DMKCFD004E DMKCFJ004E DMKCDM004E DMKCDB004E DMKCDS004E 598 I/O ERROR RESID=resource id STATUS=status LINE=addr IMAGE LIBRARY MISSING OR INVALID INCOMPLETE RECOVERY; 'SYSTEM RESTART' OR 'BEGIN' INDEX MISSING OR INVALID INITIALIZATION COMPLETE INITIALIZATION COMPLETE INPUT TAPE CONTAINS A CP NUCLEUS DUMP INPUT UNIT IS NOT A CPVOL INSUFFICIENT FREE STORAGE AVAILABLE FOR {ATTACH I LOGON} REQUEST INSUFFICIENT FREE STORAGE AVAILABLE FOR {ATTACHILOGON} REQUEST INSUFFICIENT FREE STORAGE AVAILABLE FOR ATTACH REQUEST INSUFFICIENT SCREEN SPACE - CLEAR SCREEN AND REDIAL INSUFFICIENT STORAGE FOR VM/HPO INSUFFICIENT VIRTUAL STORAGE INTERFACE CONTROL CHECK DEV XXX; USER 'userid' INTERFACE CONTROL CHECK DEV XXXi USER 'userid' INTERRUPT PENDING. TO PROCEED, TYPE YES. TO END, TYPE NO. INTERRUPTION {CLEARED I PENDING} {DEVICE I CONTROL UNIT} cuu CSW csw USERID id INTERRUPTION {CLEAREDIPENDING}~{DEVICEICONTROL UNIT} cuu CSW csw USERID id INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr INVALID DEVICE TYPE - addr INVALID DEVICE TYPE - userid vaddr INVALID DEVICE TYPE - userid vaddr INVALID DEVICE TYPE - userid vaddr INVALID DEVICE TYPE - userid vaddr INVALID DEVICE TYPE - userid vaddr INVALID DEVICE TYPE - userid vaddr INVALID DEVICE TYPE - userid vaddr INVALID DEVICE TYPE - userid vaddr INVALID DEVICE TYPE - userid vaddr INVALID DEVICE TYPE - userid vaddr INVALID ECR X - hexdata INVALID ECR X - hexdata INVALID FILE NAME OR FILE NOT FOUND INVALID FILENAME OR FILE NOT FOUND INVALID HEXDATA - hexdata INVALID HEXDATA - hexdata INVALID HEXLOC - hexloc INVALID HEXLOC - hexloc INVALID HEXLOC - hexloc INVALID HEXLOC - hexloc INVALID HEXLOC - hexloc INVALID HEXLOC - hexloc INVALID HEXLOC - hexloc INVALID HEXLOC - operand IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes DMKDDR708E DMKMNI225E DMKFMT737E DMKTRAOO2E DMKTHIOO2E DMKSPTOO2E DMKPEIOO2E DMKPENOO2E DMKNLDOO2E DMKNETOO2E DMKNESOO2E DMKNEAOO2E DMKMNIOO2E DMKMCDOO2E DMKMCCOO2E DMKDIR751E DMKDDR701E DMKCQSOO2E DMKCFWOO2E DMKCFTOO2E DMKCFJOO2E DMKCFGOO2E DMKCFCOO2E DMKVDEOO3E DMKUSOOO3E DMKTRAOO3E DMKTHIOO3E DMKSPTOO3E DMKPEIOO3E DMKPENOO3E DMKPEQOO3E DMKPETOO3E DMKNLEOO3E DMKNETOO3E DMKMSGOO3E DMKMCIOO3E DMKMCCOO3E DMKLOGOO3E DMKDEFOO3E DMKCSVOO3E DMKCSTOO3E DMKCSQOO3E DMKCSOOO3E DMKCSBOO3E DMKCQSOO3E DMKCQROO3E DMKCQPOO3E DMKCPVOO3E DMKCPTOO3E DMKCFYOO3E DMKCFUOO3E DMKCFSOO3E DMKCFOOO3E DMKCFJOO3E DMKCFGOO3E DMKCDMOO3E DMKCDBOO3E DMKCPV204E DMKRND863E DMKCPB012E DMKCDS012E DMKVMDOO9E DMKNETOO9E DMKNESOO9E INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INPUT OR OUTPUT DEFINITION MONITOR USERID SPECIFIED, MON NOT ENABLED OPERAND OPERAND - operand OPERAND - operand OPERAND - operand OPERAND - operand OPERAND - operand OPERAND - operand OPERAND - operand OPERAND - operand OPERAND - operand OPERAND - operand OPERAND - operand OPERAND - operand OPERAND - operand OPERAND - operand OPERAND - operand OPERAND - operand OPERAND - operand OPERAND - operand OPERAND - operand OPERAND - operand OPTION - option OPTION - option OPTION - option OPTION - option OPTION - option OPTION - option OPTION - option OPTION - option OPTION - option OPTION - option OPTION - option OPTION - option OPTION - option OPTION - option OPTION - option OPTION - option OPTION - option OPTION - option OPTION - option OPTION - option OPTION - option OPTION - option OPTION - option OPTION - option OPTION - option OPTION - option OPTION - option OPTION - option OPTION - option OPTION - option OPTION - option OPTION - option OPTION - option OPTION - option PAGE(S) SPECIFIED, V=R AREA PARAMETER _ parameter PSW - psw PSW - psw RANGE - range RANGE - range RANGE - range Appendix D. Message Text-to-Message Identifier Cross-Reference 599 DMKDEI009E DMKCPV009E DMKCDM009E DMKCDB009E DMKPEIOI0E DMKCDSOI0E DMKCDBOI0E DMKSPT008E DMKCSV008E DMKCSU007E DMKCSP007E DMKCPV007E DMKVMI233E DMKVMI234E DMKVMI230E DMKVMI231E DMKVMI232E INVALID RANGE - range INVALID RANGE - range INVALID RANGE - range INVALID RANGE - range INVALID REGISTER - register INVALID REGISTER - register INVALID REGISTER - register INVALID SPOOLID - spoolid INVALID SPOOLID -spoolid INVALID USERID - userid INVALID USERID - userid INVALID USERID - userid IPL OVERLAY ERROR IPL SENSE ERROR IPL SIO ERROR IPL TIO ERROR IPL UNIT ERROR; CSW csw SNS sense DMKCP0198W DMKMCD224E DMKCNS455I DMKRGA455I DMKNET049E DMKNES049E DMKCPT049E DMKCPT049E DMKNES706E DMKDIA056E DMKDIA055E DMKLNKl15E DMKDDR715E DMKCFU041E LAST PATH TO DEVICE raddr ON PROCESSOR nn LIMIT MUST BE BETWEEN 10 and 50000 LINE 'addr' NOT OPERATIONAL text LINE 'addr' NOT OPERATIONAL; text LINE addr IN USE LINE addr IN USE LINE addr IN USE LINE addr IN USE LINE addr NOT ENABLED LINE vaddr BUSY ON userid LINE(S) NOT AVAILABLE ON userid LINK INVALID; EXCESSIVE INCORRECT PASSWORDS LOCATION bbcchh IS A FLAGGED TRACK LOGMSG nn DOES NOT EXIST DMKFMT732E DMKDIR757E DMKDDR707E DMKMCT621I DMKMCT62QI DMKMCH614I DMKMCH615I DMKMCH616I DMKMCH617I DMKMCH619I DMKMCH624I DMKMCH627I DMKMCH634I DMKMCH635I DMKMCH622W DMKACR622W DMKMCT619I DMKMCH609W DMKMCT610W DMKMCH610W DMKMCH633W DMKMCT611W DMKMCH611W DMKMCT612W DMKMCH612W DMKMCT616I DMKPEL311E DMKPEN311E DMKLOG051E DMKCPI330I MACHINE CHECK MACHINE CHECK MACHINE CHECK MACHINE CHECK; AFFINITY SET OFF MACHINE CHECK; ATTACHED PROCESSOR NOT BEING USED MACHINE CHECK; DAMAGED PAGE NOW DELETED cpuid MACHINE CHECK RECORDING FAILURE cpuid MACHINE CHECK; USER userid TERMINATED cpuid MACHINE CHECK; BUFFER OR DLAT DAMAGE cpuid MACHINE CHECK; OPERATION TERMINATED cpuid MACHINE CHECK; EXTERNAL DAMAGE MACHINE CHECK; STORAGE DEGRADATION FOR userid MACHINE CHECK; DELAYED ACCESS EXCEPTION nn MACHINE CHECK; PAGING STORAGE CONTROL FAILURE nn MACHINE CHECK; MULTIPLE CHANNEL ERRORS MACHINE CHECK; MULTIPLE CHANNEL ERRORS MACHINE CHECK; OPERATION TERMINATED cpuid MACHINE CHECK; PROCESSOR CONTROLLER DAMAGE cpuid MACHINE CHECK; SUPERVISOR DAMAGE cpuid MACHINE CHECK; SUPERVISOR DAMAGE cpuid MACHINE CHECK; SYSTEM DAMAGE IMMINENT MACHINE CHECK; SYSTEM INTEGRITY LOST cpuid MACHINE CHECK; SYSTEM INTEGRITY LOST cpuid MACHINE CHECK; TIMING FACILITIES DAMAGE MACHINE CHECK; TIMING FACILITIES DAMAGE MACHINE CHECK; USER userid TERMINATED cpuid MAXIMUM NUMBER OF TRACE ELEMENTS EXCEEDED MAXIMUM NUMBER OF TRACE ELEMENTS EXCEEDED MAXIMUM USERS EXCEEDED MISMATCHED DEVICE TYPES AT ADDRESS raddr 600 IBM VMjSP HPO System Messages and Codes DMKCPW330I DMKSSS074E DMKSSU074E DMKCFU547E DMKCSU253E DMKCSP253E DMKMCC2l5E DMKMCC2l3E DMKMCD2l4E DMKMCD2l8E DMKMIA229E DMKMCC2llE DMKMCD2l2E DMKMCC2l7E DMKMCC221E DMKCFS082E DMKCFV082E DMKLOG082E DMKPEI3l2E DMKPEI3l2E DMKPEI3l2E DMKIOH561W DMKDDR726E DMKSSS078I DMKCPU8l2E MISMATCHED DEVICE TYPES AT ADDRESS raddr MISSING INTERRUPT - DEVICE 'raddr' MISSING INTERRUPT - DEVICE 'vaddr' MISSING INTERRUPTION MONITORING NOT AVAILABLE MODIFY MISSING OR INVALID MODIFY MISSING OR INVALID MONITOR ACTIVE; DASTAP CANNOT BE ENABLED DYNAMICALLY MONITOR CPTRACE IS ALREADY ACTIVE MONITOR CPTRACE IS NOT ACTIVE MONITOR NOT STOPPED, OUTSTANDING I/O MONITOR OUT OF DASD PAGES, IS SHUTTING OFF MONITOR TAPE IS ALREADY ACTIVE MONITOR TAPE IS NOT ACTIVE MONITOR TAPE NOT STARTED, NO CLASS ENABLED MONITOR TO SPOOL IS ALREADY ACTIVE MORE THAN ONE VMSAVE AREA ALLOCATED; MUST SPECIFY AREA NAME MORE THAN ONE VMSAVE AREA ALLOCATED; MUST SPECIFY AREA NAME MORE THAN ONE VMSAVE AREA ALLOCATED; MUST SPECIFY AREA NAME MORE THAN 1 PASS SPECIFIED ON A COMMAND LINE MORE THAN 1 STEP SPECIFIED ON A COMMAND LINE MORE THAN 8 RANGES SPECIFIED ON A COMMAND LINE MORE THAN 50 MCH OR CCH FRAMES WERE READ FROM SRF vaddr MOVING DATA INTO THE ALTERNATE TRACK CYLINDER(S) IS PROHIBITED MSS MOUNT PROCEEDING FOR VOLUME 'valid' MSSF RESPONSE CODE TO VARY CP {ONIOFF} IS nnnn DMKPST4441 DMKCPI952I DMKCFY1901 DMKRND8531 DMKLOG080E DMKCFV080E DMKCFS080E DMKDDR723E DMKDDR7l6R DMKWRM920I DMKCPI968I DMKCS0441E DMKDIR760E DMKDDR7l2E nn ADDITIONAL PAGING STORAGE INCREMENTS ARE NOT USABLE nnnnnK SYSTEM STORAGE NO AFFINITY SPECIFIED IN DIRECTORY NO DUMP FILES EXIST NO PREALLOCATED VMSAVE AREA NO PREALLOCATED VMSAVE AREA NO PREALLOCATED VMSAVE AREA NO VALID CP NUCLEUS ON THE INPUT UNIT NO VOLl LABEL FOUND [FOR valser] DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE? RESPOND YES OR NO OR REREAD: NO WARM START DATA; CKPT START FOR RETRY SYSTEM SHUTDOWN REQUESTED NOT ACCEPTED. PREVIOUS BACKSPACE STILL BEING PROCESSED NOT ENOUGH SPACE ALLOCATED FOR DIRECTORY NUMBER OF EXTENTS EXCEEDS 20 DMKDIR753E DMKDDR703E DMKTRA026E DMKTHI026E DMKSPS026E DMKSPS026E DMKSPM026E DMKPEI026E DMKPEN026E DMKNLD026E DMKNET026E DMKNES026E DMKNEA026E DMKMCI026E DMKMCD026E DMKMCC026E DMKDEI026E DMKDEG026E DMKDEF026E DMKCSV026E DMKCST026E DMKCSP026E OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND OPERAND MISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID • Appendix D. Message Text-to-Message Identifier Cross-Reference 601 DMKCSB026E DMKCQY026E DMKCQR026E DMKCPV026E DMKCPT026E DMKCPB026E DMKCFW026E DMKCFU026E DMKCFT026E DMKCFS026E DMKCF0026E DMKCFH026E DMKCFG026E DMKCFD026E DMKCFY026E DMKCDS026E DMKCDB026E DMKCPI950A DMKDDR725R OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID OPERAND MISSING OR INVALID OPERATOR NOT LOGGED ONi EXPLICIT LOGON REQUIRED ORIGINAL INPUT DEVICE WAS (IS) LARGBR THAN OUTPUT DEVICE. DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE? RESPOND YES OR NO: DMKDDR718E OUTPUT UNIT IS FILE PROTECTED DMKDDR722E OUTPUT UNIT NOT PROPERLY FORMATTED FOR THE CP NUCLEUS DMKDDR713E OVERLAPPING OR INVALID EXTENTS DMKFMT740E DMKCPV1651 DMKRND8641 DMKPER174E DMKSNC435E DMKCFP435E DMKCFH435E DMKCKP435E DMKCFG174E DMKPST4421 DMKPST4431 DMKVMD038E DMKDDR038E DMKCFG177E DMKLOG050E DMKPER313E DMKPET313E DMKPER314W DMKPET314W DMKPER1821 DMKPEN180E DMKPEQ180E DMKPET180E DMKWRN91SE DMKCKV91SE DMKCKS915E DMKCFG292E DMKMCT290E DMKMCH290E DMKCPI9641 DMKVDE039E DMKVDD039E DMKCPU191E DMKCPU1941 DMKCPU1931 DMKFMT756E DMKDIR756E 602 PACK MOUNTED IS 3340-35, NOT 3340-70. MOUNT ANOTHER OR RESPECIFY PAGE hexloc NOT LOCKED; SHARED PAGE PAGE REFERENCED NOT AVAILABLE WHILE EDITING xxxxxxxx PAGING ERROR - {I/OIADDRESS EXCEPTION}: {COMMAND TERMINATED, IPL FAILED} PAGING ERROR WRITING SAVED SYSTEM PAGING ERROR WRITING SAVED SYSTEM PAGING ERROR WRITING SAVED SYSTEM PAGING ERROR WRITING SAVED SYSTEM PAGING I/O ERROR; IPL FAILED PAGING STORAGE FOR {SWAPPINGIPAGING}=nnK PAGES; mm% NOT USABLE PAGING STORAGE INCREMENT nn IS NOT USABLE PARAMETER parameter FOR option OPTION MISSING OR INVALID PARAMETER parameter FOR option OPTION MISSING OR INVALID PARM EXCEEDS 64 CHARACTERS PASSWORD INCORRECT. REINITIATE LOGON PROCEDURE PER FAILURE - CODE n PER FAILURE - CODE n PER FAILURE - CODE n USERID userid per failure - CODE n USERID userid PER TRACE IS ACTIVE PER TRACE NOT IN EFFECT PER TRACE NOT IN EFFECT PER TRACE NOT IN EFFECT PERMANENT I/O ERROR ON CHECKPOINT AREA PERMANENT I/O ERROR ON CHECKPOINT AREA PERMANENT I/O ERROR ON CHECKPOINT AREA PMA FEATURE NOT AVAILABLE/ENABLED; RC=rc[-ddd] PMA GUEST GIVEN CONTROL DUE TO CODE cde CP DISABLED WAIT PMA GUEST GIVEN CONTROL DUE TO CODE cde CP DISABLED WAIT PROC xx INITIALIZED; PROC yy INITIALIZED PROCESSOR ADDRESS MISSING OR INVALID PROCESSOR ADDRESS MISSING OR INVALID PROCESSOR nn DOES NOT EXIST PROCESSOR nn OFFLINE PROCESSOR nn ONLINE PROGRAM CHECK PSW psw PROGRAM CHECK PSW = psw IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes DMKDDR756E PROGRAM CHECK PSW = psw DMKRSE524I PRT raddr 'devname' LOAD CHECK CMS='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' DMKRSE540I.PRT raddr 'devname' MAINT REQ CMD=' em' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' DMKRSP239I PRT raddr DRAINED. POSSIBLE FCB-FORMS MISMATCH DMKRSE242E PRT raddr (3800) INTERVENTION RECQD, STATUS CODE ee DMKTCS240E PRT raddr, FCB-FORMS MISMATCH, FILEID nnnn {HELD I PURGED} DMKRSE252I PRT raddr, FILE nnnn REQUEUED AND HELD DMKTCS241E PRT raddr, INVALID LOAD MODULE mmmm SPECIFIED, FILE nnnn {HELD I PURGED} DMKRSE255I PRT raddr, PAGE BUFFER DESTROYED, BACKUP PAGE COUNT = nnnn DMKNEA208E PRT rid NOT ENABLED DMKTCT421E PRT raddr, INVALID LOAD MODULE mmmm SPECIFIED, FILE nnnn {HELD I PURGED} DMKTCT270E PRTraddr, TOO MANY WCGM'S NEEDED FOR 'CHARS', FILE nnnn {HELDIPURGED} DMKDEI275E DMKDEI280E DMKDEI277E DMKDEI274E DMKLOG156E DMKVDE156E DMKCPI328E DMKCPZ328E DMKSPT021E DMKNLE021E DMKNLD021E DMKNET021E DMKNES021E DMKMCD021E DMKMCC021E DMKDEI021E DMKCS0021E DMKCSB021E DMKCQQ021E DMKCPV021E DMKCPU021E DMKCPT021E DMKCFU021E DMKCFD021E DMKVDE021E DMKVDD021E DMKDEI276E DMKRSE505A DMKCST424E DMKRST434A DMKRST431A DMKRST432A DMKRSP432A DMKRST433A DMKDDR714E DMKDDR721E DMKDDR721E DMKNMT257E raddr ALREADY SYSVIRT raddr ALREADY VIRTUAL raddr ERROR DEMOUNTING VOLUME raddr HAS A MOUNTED VOLUME. MSS ID NOT AVAILABLE TO DEMOUNT IT raddrl raddr2 raddr3 SUBSYSTEM DEVICES NOT AVAILABLE raddrl raddr2 raddr3 SUBSYSTEM DEVICES NOT AVAILABLE raddrl raddr2 raddr3 IMPROPERLY GENNED; VARIED OFFLINE raddrl raddr2 raddr3 IMPROPERLY GENNED; VARIED OFFLINE RADDR MISSING OR INVALID RADDR MISSING OR INVALID RADDR MISSING OR INVALID RADDR MISSING OR INVALID RADDR MISSING OR INVALID RADDR MISSING OR INVALID RADDR MISSING OR INVALID RADDR MISSING OR INVALID RADDR MISSING OR INVALID RADDR MISSING OR INVALID RADDR MISSING OR INVALID RADDR MISSING OR INVALID RADDR MISSING OR INVALID RADDR MISSING OR INVALID RADDR MISSING OR INVALID RADDR MISSING OR INVALID RADDR MISSING OR INVALID raddr RADDR MISSING OR INVALID raddr raddr NOT 3330V RDR addr OVERRUN CK CMD=em SNS=sense CSW=esw USERID=userid RDR FILE SPOOL ERROR; FILE UNCHANGED RDR raddr FATAL I/O ERROR; FILE PURGED RDR raddr ID CARD MISSING OR INVALID RDR raddr ID CARD; 'userid' NOT IN CP DIRECTORY RDR raddr ID CARD; 'userid' NOT IN CP DIRECTORY RDR raddr ID CARD; INVALID DATA - 'data' RECORD {bbeehh\nnnnnn} NOT FOUND ON TAPE RECORD {eehhr\nnnnnn} NOT FOUND RECORD echhr NOT FOUND RESIDUAL BYTE COUNT = nnnnnnnn (HEX) DMKCFH300E DMKCPI963W DMKUS0197E DMKLOH196E SAVE REQUEST BEYOND VIRTUAL MACHINE SIZE SECOND PROCESSOR NOT ONLINE SECONDARY USER IS NOT AVAILABLE SECONDARY USER NOT IN CP DIRECTORY DMKSND068E SEND COMMAND FAILED - RECEIVER {IS NOT DISCONNECTEDIHAS NOT AUTHORIZED SENDER\HAS NO VIRTUAL CONSOLE I CONSOLE INPUT WAITING I IS EXECUTING A CONSOLE FUNCTION} DMKCFV063E SHADOW TABLE BYPASS; NOT SET DMKVAT064E SHADOW TABLE BYPASS; RESET Appendix D. Message Text-to-Message Identifier Cross-Reference 603 DMKVMA161E DMKCDS161E DMKATS181E DMKVRR808I DMKSPM808I DMKSPM804E DMKDEF259E DMKMCH613I DMKMCH629I DMKNMT248E DMKVCH188E DMKLOG188E DMKCFY188E DMKCF0188E DMKVDG342W DMKCKT438I DMKCSV027E DMKCST027E DMKCQG027E DMKTRR042E DMKCSV042E DMKCST042E DMKCQG042E DMKIOH559W DMKMCD223E DMKDIR752E DMKCPI957I DMKCPI927W DMKDAS325E DMKDEG094E DMKDEF094E DMKDEG025E DMKDEF025E DMKCDS163E DMKDAS324E DMKDAS320E DMKDAS322E DMKDAS321E DMKDAS323E DMKMCC210E DMKVDG343W DMKMCC216E DMKSAV353W DMKWRN400I DMKPGT400I DMKCKS400I DMKPGT401I DMKCKV401I DMKCKT401I DMKDRD925I DMKCFU925I DMKDMP909W DMKDMP907W DMKDMP906W DMKDMP905W DMKDMP918I DMKDMP908I DMKCPI971I DMKCFH172E DMKCFG172E DMKSNC044E DMKNLD044E 604 SHARED PAGE hexloc ALTERED BY userid SHARED PAGE hexloc ALTERED by userid SHARED SYSTEM name REPLACED WITH NON-SHARED COpy SINGLE PROCESSOR MODE ACTIVE SINGLE PROCESSOR MODE ACTIVE SINGLE PROCESSOR MODE ON REJECTED SIZE PARAMETER MISSING OR INVALID SOFT MACHINE CHECK RECORDING DISABLED cpuid SOFT MACHINE CHECK REPORTING NOW ENABLED SPECIFIED IMAGE imag NON-EXISTENT SPECIFIED PROCESSOR UNAVAILABLE SPECIFIED PROCESSOR UNAVAILABLE SPECIFIED PROCESSOR UNAVAILABLE SPECIFIED PROCESSOR UNAVAILABLE SPOOL FILE EXISTS IN PAGE AREA FOR CP OWNED VOLUME volid SPOOL FILE ID LIMIT EXCEEDED SPOOLID MISSING OR INVALID SPOOLID MISSING OR INVALID SPOOLID MISSING OR INVALID SPOOLID nnnn DOES NOT EXIST [OR IS HELD] SPOOLID nnnn DOES NOT EXIST SPOOLID nnnn DOES NOT EXIST SPOOLID nnnn DOES NOT EXIST SRF vaddr NOT ACCESSIBLE; FRAMES NOT ON ERROR CYLINDERS START TIME MUST PRECEDE STOP TIME STATEMENT SEQUENCE ERROR FOLLOWING USER user STOR sssssK, NUC nnnK, DYN dddddK, TRA tttK, FREE ffffK, V=R vvvvvK STORAGE ALLOCATION HAS BEEN ALTERED. FREE OR TRACE WAS TOO LARGE. STORAGE DIRECTOR COMMUNICATION FAILURE - FAULT CODE=code - raddr STORAGE EXCEEDS ALLOWED MAXIMUM STORAGE EXCEEDS ALLOWED MAXIMUM STORAGE MISSING OR INVALID STORAGE MISSING OR INVALID STORE EXCEEDS. MAXIMUM REGISTER SUBSYSTEM MUST BE INITIALIZED - FAULT CODE - raddr SUBSYSTEM PROCESSING ERROR - FAULT CODE - raddr SUBSYSTEM STORAGE AVAILABILITY THRESHOLD CROSSED - raddr SUBSYSTEM STORAGE EQUIPMENT CHECK - FAULT CODE=code - raddr SUBSYSTEM STORAGE IS UNUSABLE - FAULT CODE=code - raddr SWAP AGE CLASS IS DEPENDENT ON SWAP SWSIZE TOO LARGE FOR CP OWNED VOLUME volid SYSPROF CLASS IS DEPENDENT ON SCHEDULE AND DASTAP SYSRES DEVICE TYPE INVALID SYSTEM {TEMP SPACEICHECKPOINT AREA} FULL SYSTEM {TEMP SPACEICHECKPOINT AREA} FULL SYSTEM {TEMP SPACEICHECKPOINT AREA} FULL SYSTEM {TEMP SPACE I CHECKPOINT AREA} 90 PERCENT FULL SYSTEM {TEMP SPACEICHECKPOINT AREA} 90 PERCENT FULL SYSTEM {TEMP SPACE I CHECKPOINT AREA} 90 PERCENT FULL SYSTEM AUTO DUMP REALLOCATED TO DASD raddr SYSTEM AUTO DUMP REALLOCATED TO DASD raddr SYSTEM DUMP DEVICE NOT-READY SYSTEM DUMP FAILURE; FATAL I/O ERROR SYSTEM DUMP FAILURE; MACHINE CHECK SYSTEM DUMP FAILURE; PROGRAM CHECK SYSTEM DUMP FAILURE; STATUS NOT STORED FOR NON-ABENDING PROCESSOR SYSTEM FAILURE; CODE - code; PROCESSOR nn SYSTEM IS [UP lAP IMP] GENERATED SYSTEM name DASD vaddr INCOMPATIBLE SYSRES SYSTEM name DASD vaddr INCOMPATIBLE SYSRES SYSTEM name DOES NOT EXIST SYSTEM name DOES NOT EXIST IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes DMKCFS044E DMKCFH044E DMKCFG044E DMKSNC178E DMKNLD170E DMKCFS170E DMKCFH170E DMKCFG170E DMKCFH173E DMKCFG173E DMKSNC179E DMKCFS179E DMKCFP179E DMKCFH179E DMKCFG179E DMKSNC171E DMKNLD171E DMKCFS171E DMKCFH171E DMKCFG171E DMKCLK437E DMKCKP902W DMKCKP922W DMKWRM904W DMKCKP901W DMKCKP900W DMKWRM921W DMKCKT903W DMKWRM912W DMKCKV912W DMKCKT912W DMKCKP910W DMKCKP911W DMKCPI961W DMKCKP961W DMKCKP9601 SYSTEM name DOES NOT EXIST SYSTEM name DOES NOT EXIST SYSTEM name DOES NOT EXIST SYSTEM name EXCEEDS AVAILABLE DASD SPACE SYSTEM name EXCEEDS STORAGE SYSTEM name EXCEEDS STORAGE SYSTEM name EXCEEDS STORAGE SYSTEM name EXCEEDS STORAGE SYSTEM name REQUIRES DASD vaddr SYSTEM name REQUIRES DASD vaddr SYSTEM name VOLID valid NOT CP OWNED SYSTEM name VOLlD valid NOT CP OWNED SYSTEM name VOLID valid NOT CP OWNED SYSTEM name VOLID valid NOT CP OWNED SYSTEM name VOLID valid NOT CP OWNED SYSTEM name VOLID valid NOT MOUNTED SYSTEM name VOLID valid NOT MOUNTED SYSTEM name VOLID valid NOT MOUNTED SYSTEM name VOLID valid NOT MOUNTED SYSTEM name VOLID valid NOT MOUNTED SYSTEM PAGING SPACE NOT AVAILABLE, IPL TERMINATED SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; FATAL I/O ERROR-{NUCL AREA I WARM AREA} SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; INVALID SPOOLING DATA SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; INVALID WARM START DATA SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; MACHINE CHECK SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; PROGRAM CHECK SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; UNRECOVERABLE I/O ERROR SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; VOLID 'valid' ALLOCATION ERROR {CYLINDER='cylinder'IPAGE='page'} SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; VOLID 'valid' NOT MOUNTED SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; VOLID 'valid' NOT MOUNTED SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE; VOLID 'valid' NOT MOUNTED SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE: INVALID WARM START AREA SYSTEM RECOVERY FAILURE: WARM START AREA FULL SYSTEM SHUTDOWN COMPLETE SYSTEM SHUTDOWN COMPLETE SYSTEM WARM START DATA SAVED DMKCST016E TAG INVALID FOR SPECIFIED FILE TYPE DMKTAQ5161 TAPE 'addr' 'devname' BAD SENSE CMD=' em' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' DMKTAP5391 TAPE 'addr' 'devname' BOT FAIL CMD='em' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' DMKTAQ5391 TAPE 'addr' 'devname' BOT FAIL CMD='em' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' DMKTAQ5201 TAPE 'addr' 'devname' CHAN ERROR CMD=' em' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' DMKTAP5111 TAPE 'addr' 'devname' COMPAT CK CMD=' em' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' DMKTAP5231 TAPE 'addr' 'devname' CONTROL CK CMD=' em' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' DMKTAP5101 TAPE 'addr' 'devname' CONVERT CK CMD=' em' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' DMKTAQ5101 TAPE 'addr' 'devname' CONVERT CK CMD=' em' SNA='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' DMKTAQ5041 TAPE 'addr' 'devname ' DATA CK CMD='em' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' DMKTAP5261 TAPE 'addr' 'devname' DSE FAILED CMD=' em' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' DMKTAP5221 TAPE 'addr' 'devname' ERASE CK CMD='em' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' Appendix D. Message Text-to-Message Identifier Cross-Reference 605 DMKTAQS13I TAPE 'addr' 'devname' FILE PROT CMD='cm SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' DMKTAPS12I TAPE 'addr' 'devname' LOAD POINT CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' DMKTAQS17I TAPE 'addr' 'devname' NOT/KNOWN CMD=' em' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' DMKTAPS19I TAPE Taddr devname PE BURST CMD=em SNS=sense CSW=esw USERID='userid' DMKTAQS19I TAPE Taddr devname PE BURST CMD=em SNS=sense CSW=esw USERID='userid' DMKTAQS18I TAPE 'addr' 'devname' RECV ERROR CMD=' em' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' DMKSPS014E TAPE raddr DUMP TAPE CAPACITY EXCEEDED DMKSPS037E TAPE raddr INVALID FOR SPTAPE COMMAND DMKRND8SII TEN DUMP FILES ALREADY EXIST DMKGRF4S7E TERMINAL SCRNSAVE UNSUCCESSFUL DMKPEI047E THE CURRENT TRACESET DOES NOT EXIST DMKPEL047E THE CURRENT TRACESET DOES NOT EXIST DMKPEN047E THE CURRENT TRACE SET DOES NOT EXIST DMKPEQ047E THE TRACESET traeeset DOES NOT EXIST DMKPEN047E THE TRACESET traeeset DOES NOT EXIST DMKMCD222E TIME PARAMETER SPECIFIES INVALID TIME DMKCFY187E TIMER ASSIST NOT AVAILABLE DMKCLK970W TOO CLOCK SYNC CHECK RECEIVED DMKTRA180W TRACE NOT IN EFFECT DMKCPI914I TRACE TABLE IS SMALLER THAN REQUESTED DMKDAS326E TRACK FORMAT NOT SUPPORTED FOR PAGING DEVICE raddr - euu DMKTAPS16I type 'addr' 'devname' BAD SENSE CMD=' em' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' DMKDAD516I type 'addr' 'devname' BAD SENSE CMD='cm' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' DMKBSCS16I type 'addr' 'devname' BAD SENSE CMD='em' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' DMKTAPS20I type 'addr' 'devname' CHAN ERROR CMD='em' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' DMKRSES20I type 'addr' 'devname' CHAN ERROR CMD='em' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' DMKDASS20I type 'addr' 'devname' CHAN ERROR CMD='em' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' DMKDADS20I type 'addr' 'devname' CHAN ERROR CMD='em' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' DMKBSCS20I type 'addr' 'devname' CHAN ERROR CMD='em' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' DMKTAPS03I type 'addr' 'devname' EQUIP CK CMD=' em' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' DMKRSES03I type 'addr' 'devname' EQUIP CK CMD=' em' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' DMKGRFS03I type 'addr' 'devname' EQUIP CK CMD='em' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' DMKDASS03I type 'addr' 'devname' EQUIP CK CMD=' em' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' DMKDADS03I type 'addr' 'devname' EQUIP CK CMD=' em' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' DMKCNSS03I type 'addr' 'devname' EQUIP CK CMD=' em' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' DMKBSCS03I type 'addr' 'devname' EQUIP CK CMD=' em' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' DMKTAPS21I type 'addr' 'devname' NO DEVICE CMD='em' SNS='sense' CSW='csw' USERID='userid' DMKRSES21I type 'addr' 'devname' NO DEVICE CMD='em' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' 606 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes DMKGRFS21I type 'addr' 'devname' NO DEVICE CMD=' em' SNS='sense' CSW='esw' USERID='userid' DMKFMT734E TYPE OR (CYLIPAG} INVALID DMKNEA120E type raddr NOT ATTACHED; userid vaddr ALREADY DEFINED DMKNEA121E type raddr NOT ATTACHED TO userid DMKNEA122E type raddr ALREADY ATTACHED TO userid DMKVDD140E type raddr ATTACHED TO userid DMKVDA140E type raddr ATTACHED TO userid DMKSPT140E type raddr ATTACHED TO userid DMKNLE140E type raddr ATTACHED TO userid DMKNLD140E type raddr ATTACHED TO userid DMKNET140E type raddr ATTACHED TO userid DMKNES140E type raddr ATTACHED TO userid DMKNEA140E type raddr ATTACHED TO userid DMKMCC140E type raddr ATTACHED TO userid DMKCS0140E type raddr ATTACHED TO userid DMKCSB140E type raddr ATTACHED TO userid DMKCPV140E type raddr ATTACHED TO userid DMKCPT140E type raddr ATTACHED TO userid DMKCP0140E type raddr ATTACHED TO userid DMKCFU140E type raddr ATTACHED TO userid DMKCSB148E type raddr BUFFER LOAD name FAILED DMKBSCS16I type raddr devname BAD SENSE CMD=em SNS=sense CSW=esw USERID=userid BBCCHH=bbeehh I BLOCK=nnnnnn DMKDADS16I type raddr devname BAD SENSE CMD=em SNS=sense CSW=esw USERID=userid BBCCHH=bbeehh I BLOCK=nnnnnn DMKTAPS16I type raddr devname BAD SENSE CMD=em SNS=sense CSW=esw USERID=userid BBCCHH=bbeehh I BLOCK=nnnnnn DMKBSCS02I type raddr devname BUSOUT CK CMD=em SNS=sense CSW=esw USERID=userid BBCCHH=bbeehh I BLOCK=nnnnnn DMKCNSS02I type raddr devname BUSOUT CK CMD=em SNS=sense CSW=esw USERID=userid BBCCHH=bbeehh I BLOCK=nnnnnn DMKDADS02I type raddr devname BUSOUT CK CMD=em SNS=sense CSW=esw USERID=userid BBCCHH=bbeehh I BLOCK=nnnnnn DMKDASS02I type raddr devname BUSOUT CK CMD=em SNS=sense CSW=esw USERID=userid BBCCHH=bbeehh I BLOCK=nnnnnn DMKGRFS02I type raddr devname BUSOUT CK CMD=em SNS=sense CSW=esw USERID=userid BBCCHH=bbeehh I BLOCK=nnnnnn DMKRSE502I type raddr devname BUSOUT CK CMD=em SNS=sense CSW=esw USERID=userid BBCCHH=bbeehh I BLOCK=nnnnnn DMKTAP502I type raddr devname BUSOUT CK CMD=em SNS=sense CSW=esw USERID=userid BBCCHH=bbeehh I BLOCK=nnnnnn DMKBSC500I type raddr devname CMD REJECT CMD=em SNS=sense CSW=esw USERID=userid BBCCHH=bbeehh I BLOCK=nnnnnn DMKCNSSOOI type raddr devname CMD REJECT CMD=em SNS=sense CSW=esw USERID=userid BBCCHH=bbeehh I BLOCK=nnnnnn DMKBSCSOOI type raddr devname CMD REJECT CMD=em SNS=sense CSW=esw USERID=userid BBCCHH=bbeehh I BLOCK=nnnnnn DMKDASSOOI type raddr devname CMD REJECT CMD=em SNS=sense CSW=esw USERID=userid BBCCHH=bbeehh I BLOCK=nnnnnn DMKGRFSOOI type raddr devname CMD REJECT CMD=em SNS=sense CSW=esw USERID=userid BBCCHH=bbeehh I BLOCK=nnnnnn DMKRSESOOI type raddr devname CMD REJECT CMD=em SNS=sense CSW=esw USERID=userid BBCCHH=bbeehh I BLOCK=nnnnnn DMKTAP500I type raddr devname CMD REJECT CMD=em SNS=sense CSW=esw USERID=userid BBCCHH=bbeehh I BLOCK=nnnnnn DMKRSE504A type raddr devname DATA CK CMD=em SNS=sense CSW=esw USERID=userid DMKBSC504I type raddr devname CMD REJECT CMD=em SNS=sense CSW=esw USERID=userid BBCCHH=bbeehh I BLOCK=nnnnnn DMKCNS504I type raddr devname CMD REJECT CMD=em SNS=sense CSW=esw USERID=userid BBCCHH=bbeehh I BLOCK=nnnnnn Appendix D. Message Text-to-Message Identifier Cross-Reference 607 DMKDAD504I type raddr devname CMD REJECT CMD=cm SNS=sense CSW=csw USERID=userid BBCCHH=bbcchh I BLOCK=nnnnnn DMKDAS504I type raddr devname CMD REJECT CMD=cm SNS=sense CSW=csw USERID=userid BBCCHH=bbcchh I BLOCK=nnnnnn DMKGRF504I type raddr devname CMD REJECT CMD=cm SNS=sense CSW=csw USERID=userid BBCCHH=bbcchh I BLOCK=nnnnnn DMKRSE504I type raddr devname CMD REJECT CMD=cm SNS=sense CSW=csw USERID=userid BBCCHH=bbcchh I BLOCK=nnnnnn DMKRSE503A type raddr devname EQUIP CK CMD=cm SNS=sense CSW=csw USERID=userid DMKBSC503I type raddr devname EQUIP CK CMD=cm SNS=sense CSW=csw USERID=userid BBCCHH=bbcchh I BLOCK=nnnnnn DMKCNS503I type raddr devname EQUIP CK CMD=cm SNS=sense CSW=csw USERID=userid BBCCHH=bbcchh I BLOCK=nnnnnn DMKDAD503I type raddr devname EQUIP CK CMD=cm SNS=sense CSW=csw USERID=userid BBCCHH=bbcchh I BLOCK=nnnnnn DMKDAS503I type raddr devname EQUIP CK CMD=cm SNS=sense CSW=csw USERID=userid BBCCHH=bbcchh I BLOCK=nnnnnn DMKGRF503I type raddr devname EQUIP CK CMD=cm SNS=sense CSW=csw USERID=userid BBCCHH=bbcchh I BLOCK=nnnnnn DMKRSE503I type raddr devname EQUIP CK CMD=cm SNS=sense CSW=csw USERID=userid BBCCHH=bbcchh I BLOCK=nnnnnn DMKT-AP503I type raddr devname EQUIP CK CMD=cm SNS=sense CSW=csw USERID=userid BBCCHH=bbcchh I BLOCK=nnnnnn DMKDAD513I type raddr devname FILE PROT CMD=cm SNS=sense CSW=csw USERID=userid BBCCHH=bbcchh BLOCK=nnnnnn DMKGRF525I type raddr devname FORMAT CMD=cm SNS=sense CSW=csw USERID=userid DMKRSE525I type raddr devname FORMAT CMD=cm SNS=sense CSW=csw USERID=userid DMKBSC501A type raddr devname INT REQ CMD=cm SNS=sense CSW=csw USERID=userid BBCCHH=bbcchh I BLOCK=nnnnnn DMKCNS501A type raddr devname INT REQ CMD=cm SNS=sense CSW=csw USERID=userid BBCCHH=bbcchh I BLOCK=nnnnnn DMKDAD501A type raddr devname INT REQ CMD=cm SNS=sense CSW=csw USERID=userid BBCCHH=bbcchh I BLOCK=nnnnnn DMKDAS501A type raddr devname INT REQ CMD=cm SNS=sense CSW=csw USERID=userid BBCCHH=bbcchh I BLOCK=nnnnnn DMKRSE501A type raddr devname INT REQ CMD=cm SNS=sense CSW=csw USERID=userid BBCCHH=bbcchh I BLOCK=nnnnnn DMKTAP501A type raddr devname INT REQ CMD=cm SNS=sense CSW=csw USERID=userid BBCCHH=bbcchh I BLOCK=nnnnnn DMKCNS501I type raddr devname INT REQ CMD=cm SNS=sense CSW=csw USERID=userid DMKRSE501I type raddr devname INT REQ CMD=cm SNS=sense CSW=csw USERID=userid DMKRSE524I type raddr devname LOAD CMD=cm SNS=sense CSW=csw USERID=userid DMKBSC527I type raddr devname LOST DATA CMD=cm SNS=sense CSW=csw USERID=userid DMKCNS527I type raddr devname LOST DATA CMD=cm SNS=sense CSW=csw USERID=userid DMKBSC517I type raddr devname NOT/KNOWN CMD=cm SNS=sense CSW=csw USERID=userid DMKDAD517I type raddr devname NOT/KNOWN CMD=cm SNS=sense CSW=csw USERID=userid DMKTAD517I type raddr devname NOT/KNOWN CMD=cm SNS=sense CSW=csw USERID=userid DMKBSC505I type raddr devname OVERRUN CK CMD=cm SNS=sense CSW=csw USERID=userid BBCCHH=bbcchhIBLOCK=nnnnnn DMKCNS505I type raddr devname OVERRUN CK CMD=cm SNS=sense CSW=csw USERID=userid BBCCHH=bbcchhIBLOCK=nnnnnn 608 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes DMKDAD5051 type raddr devname OVERRUN CK CMD=cm SNS=sense CSW=csw USERID=userid BBCCHH=bbcchhIBLOCK=nnnnnn DMKDAS5051 type raddr devname OVERRUN CK CMD=cm SNS=sense CSW=csw U~ERID=userid BBCCHH=bbcchhI BLOCK=nnnnnn DMKTAP5051 type raddr devname OVERRUN CK CMD=cm SNS=sense CSW=csw USERID=userid BBCCHH=bbcchhIBLOCK=nnnnnn DMKGRF5291 type raddr devname PARITY CMD=cm SNS=sense CSW=csw USERID=userid DMKRSE5291 type raddr devname PARITY CMD=cm SNS=sense CSW=csw USERID=userid DMKDAD5081 type raddr devname PERM ERROR CMD=cm SNS=sense CSW=csw USERID=userid BBCCHH=bbcchh DMKRSE508I type raddr devname PERM ERROR CMD=cm SNS=sense CSW=csw USERID=userid BBCCHH=bbcchh DMKDAD538I type raddr devname PROG ERROR CMD=cm SNS=sense CSW=csw USERID=userid DMKTAP5181 type raddr devname RECV ERROR CMD=cm SNS=sense CSW=csw USERID=userid BBCCHH=bbcchh DMKBSC5281 type raddr devname TIMEOUT CMD=cm SNS=sense CSW=csw USERID=userid DMKCNS5171 type raddr devname TIMEOUT CMD=cm SNS=sense CSW=csw USERID=userid DMKCP0049E type raddr IN USE DMKVDE143E type raddr IN USE BY SYSTEM DMKVDD143E type raddr IN USE BY SYSTEM DMKSPT143E type raddr IN USE BY SYSTEM DMKNLE143E type raddr IN USE BY SYSTEM DMKNLD143E type raddr IN USE BY SYSTEM DMKMCC143E type raddr IN USE BY SYSTEM DMKDEI143E type raddr IN USE BY SYSTEM DMKCPT143E type raddr IN USE BY SYSTEM DMKCP0143E type raddr IN USE BY SYSTEM DMKCFU143E type raddr IN USE BY SYSTEM DMKCS0141E type raddr NOT ACTIVE DMKVDE142E type raddr NOT DRAINED DMKVDD142E type raddr NOT DRAINED DMKCSB142E type raddr NOT DRAINED DMKCPT142E type raddr NOT DRAINED DMKCP0142E type raddr NOT DRAINED DMKVDE134E TYPE raddr NOT ATTACHED; CHAN x DEDICATED DMKVDD135E TYPE vaddr NOT DETACHED; CHAN x DEDICATED DMKCPS144W type vaddr RESET BY userid DMKCSB1581 DMKCPI9531 DMKCFU9531 DMKRND8501 DMKIOG5581 DMKCPI2291 DMKCPJ2291 DMKQCN150A DMKVMD020E DMKVDE020E DMKVDD020E DMKUS0020E DMKSND020E DMKQVM020E DMKNEA020E DMKMSG020E DMKLOG020E DMKLNK020E DMKDIB020E DMKDIA020E DMKCSU020E UCS IMAGE NAME MISMATCH. IMAGE NAME LOADED IS xxxx UNABLE TO ALLOCATE SYSTEM AUTO DUMP UNABLE TO ALLOCATE SYSTEM AUTO DUMP UNABLE TO READ DUMP FROM READER UNRECOVERABLE I/O ERROR; ERROR RECORDING DISABLED USER OF MONITOR DOES NOT EXIST USER OF MONITOR DOES NOT EXIST USER userid HAS ISSUED A {CPIVM} READ USERID MISSING OR INVALID USERID MISSING OR INVALID USERID MISSING OR INVALID USERID MISSING OR INVALID USERID MISSING OR INVALID USERID MISSING OR INVALID USERID MISSING OR INVALID USERID MISSING OR INVALID USERID MISSING OR INVALID USERID MISSING OR INVALID USERID MISSING OR INVALID USERID MISSING OR INVALID USERID MISSING OR INVALID Appendix D. Message Text-to-Message Identifier Cross-Reference 609 DMKCSP020E DMKCQY020E DMKCQR020E DMKCQP020E DMKCQG020E DMKCPV020E DMKCF0020E DMKVMD053E DMKLOG053E DMKLNK053E DMKCSU053E DMKCSP053E DMKCFY053E DMKVDE045E DMKVDD045E DMKUS0045E DMKTHI045E DMKTRP045E DMKSND045E DMKMSG045E DMKDIB045E DMKDIA045E DMKCQY045E DMKCQR045E DMKCQQ045E DMKCQG045E DMKCPV045E DMKCFY045E DMKCFU045E USERID USERID USERID USERID USERID USERID USERID userid userid userid userid userid userid userid userid userid userid userid userid userid userid userid userid userid userid userid userid userid userid MISSING OR INVALID MISSING OR INVALID MISSING OR INVALID MISSING OR INVALID MISSING OR INVALID MISSING OR INVALID MISSING OR INVALID NOT IN CP DIRECTORY NOT IN CP DIRECTORY NOT IN CP DIRECTORY NOT IN CP DIRECTORY NOT IN CP DIRECTORY NOT IN CP DIRECTORY NOT LOGGED ON NOT LOGGED ON NOT LOGGED ON NOT LOGGED ON NOT LOGGED ON NOT LOGGED ON NOT LOGGED ON NOT LOGGED ON NOT LOGGED ON NOT LOGGED ON NOT LOGGED ON NOT LOGGED ON NOT LOGGED ON NOT LOGGED ON NOT LOGGED ON NOT LOGGED ON DMKMSG057W userid NOT RECEIVING; {DISCONNECTEDIMSG OFFIMSG TOO LONGINOT DISCI SMSG OFFINOT AUTHORIZEDIWNG OFFIVMCF/IUCV ERROR nnn} DMKLNKl17E USERID userid NOT LINKED; VOLID volid CONFLICT DMKDIB047E userid vaddr DOES NOT EXIST DMKDIA047E userid vaddr DOES NOT EXIST DMKLNKll8E userid vaddr NOT LINKED; COMMAND FORMAT NOT VALID DMKLNKll9E USERID vaddr NOT LINKED; INSUFFICIENT FREE STORAGE DMKLNKl09E userid vaddr NOT LINKED; INVALID LINK DEVICE DMKLNKll3E userid vaddr NOT LINKED; NO MULT PASSWORD DMKLNKlllE userid vaddr NOT LINKED; NO READ PASSWORD DMKLNKll2E userid vaddr NOT LINKED; NO WRITE PASSWORD DMKLNKl07E userid vaddr NOT LINKED; NOT IN CP DIRECTORY DMKLNKll4E userid vaddr NOT LINKED; MODE OR PASSWORD INCORRECT DMKLNKl04E userid vaddr NOT LINKED; R/O BY {nnn USERSluserid} DMKLNKl05E userid vaddr NOT LINKED; R/W BY {nnn USERSluserid} DMKLNKl06E userid vaddr NOT LINKED; R/W BY nnn USERS; R/O BY {nnn USERSluserid} DMKLNKIIOE userid vaddr NOT LINKED; type vaddr ALREADY DEFINED DMKLNKI08E userid vaddr NOT LINKED; VOLID volid NOT MOUNTED DMKLNKl16E USERID xxx NOT LINKED; CP DIRECTORY IN USE DMKJRL1451 USERID:userid AT term-raddr WITH INVALID {LINKILOGON} PASSWORD HAS VIOLATED THE LIMIT of yyy [,A=auserid] DMKCPV203E DMKCFG203E DMKVMI022E DMKLNK022E DMKDIB022E DMKDIA022E DMKDEF022E DMKCST022E DMKCSQ022E DMKCSB022E DMKCQQ022E 610 V=R AREA REQUIRES IPL BY DEVICE ADDRESS V=R AREA REQUIRES IPL BY DEVICE ADDRESS VADDR MISSING OR INVALID VADDR MISSING OR INVALID VADDR MISSING OR INVALID VADDR MISSING OR INVALID VADDR MISSING OR INVALID VADDR MISSING OR INVALID VADDR MISSING OR INVALID VADDR MISSING OR INVALID VADDR MISSING OR INVALID IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes DMKCQG022E DMKCPB022E DMKCFG022E DMKCFD022E DMKVDE022E DMKVDD022E DMKCPU192E DMKCPV176E DMKBLD201E DMKBLD200E DMKCPV202E DMKBLD202E DMKPET061E DMKCFS183E DMKCFY183E DMKCFS184E DMKCFY184E DMKCF0184E DMKVMD1461 DMKLOG081W DMKCFS081W DMKCFG083E DMKVDE023E DMKCQQ023E DMKCQP023E DMKFMT733E DMKDIR761E DMKDDR711R VADDR MISSING OR INVALID VADDR MISSING OR INVALID VADDR MISSING OR INVALID VADDR MISSING OR INVALID VADDR MISSING OR INVALID vaddr VADDR MISSING OR INVALID vaddr VARY PROCESSOR COMMAND FAILED VIRT=REAL AREA IN USE BY userid VIRT=REAL AREA NOT AVAILABLE; DAMAGED PAGES VIRT=REAL AREA NOT AVAILABLE; IN USE BY {useridISYSTEM} VIRT=REAL AREA NOT AVAILABLE; INSUFFICIENT STORAGE VIRT=REAL AREA NOT AVAILABLE; INSUFFICIENT STORAGE VIRTUAL PRINTER ERROR VM ASSIST NOT ACTIVE VM ASSIST NOT ACTIVE VM ASSIST NOT AVAILABLE VM ASSIST NOT AVAILABLE VM ASSIST NOT AVAILABLE [ON PROCESSOR pree xx] VMDUMP FAILED, SPOOLING ERROR VMSAVE AREA CONTAINS A SAVED SYSTEM, MUST USE SET COMMAND VMSAVE AREA CONTAINS A SAVED SYSTEM, MUST USE SET COMMAND VMSAVE AREA DOES NOT CONTAIN A VALID SAVED SYSTEM VOLID MISSING OR INVALID VOLID MISSING OR INVALID VOLID MISSING OR INVALID VOLID READ IS volidl NOT volid2 VOLID READ IS volidl NOT volid2 (ON raddr) VOLID READ IS volid2 [NOT volidl] DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE? RESPOND YES NO OR REREAD: DMKDDR709E WRONG INPUT TAPE MOUNTED DMKLOG269E DMKCFS269E DMKLOG268E DMKCFS268E DMKCF0268E DMKLD09241 DMKCPV9241 DMKCPI9241 XMEM XMEM XMEM XMEM XMEM xxxx xxxx xxxx FEATURE NOT ACTIVE FEATURE NOT ACTIVE FEATURE NOT AVAILABLE FEATURE NOT AVAILABLE FEATURE NOT AVAILABLE ADDITIONAL FAILING STORAGE FRAMES EXIST ADDITIONAL FAILING STORAGE FRAMES EXIST ADDITIONAL FAILING STORAGE FRAMES EXIST DMKCF0255W DMKLOG251E DMKCFS251E DMKLOG250E DMKCFS250E DMKCF0250E DMKNMT2471 370E 370E 370E 370E 370E 370E 3800 FEATURE NOW DISABLED IS NOT ACTIVE IS NOT ACTIVE IS NOT AVAILABLE (ON PROC xx) IS NOT AVAILABLE (ON PROC xx) IS NOT AVAILABLE (ON PROC xx) NAMED SYSTEM imag3800 CREATED Appendix D. Message Text-to-Message Identifier Cross-Reference 611 eMS Message Summary DMSUPD184W ' . / S' NOT FIRST CARD IN UPDATE FILE DMSXUP184W ' . / S' NOT FIRST CARD IN UPDATE FILE IGNORED IGNORED DMSWFL651E 'APPEND' MUST BE ISSUED FROM RDRLIST OR FILELIST DMSIFC825E DMSGAM954E DMSGAM953E DMSGAM955E DMSACC726I DMSACC059E DMSFORl14S 'CLEAR' IS VALID ONLY WHEN SPECIFIED BY ITSELF 'CMSGAM' SHARED SEGMENT ERROR. IDENTIFIER INVALID FOR SVC nn 'CMSGAM' SHARED SEGMENT ERROR. MODULE ADDRESS FOR SVC nn IS ZERO 'CMSGAM' SHARED SEGMENT PAGING I/O ERRORS WITH cccccc 'vaddr mode' RELEASED 'vaddr' ALREADY ACCESSED AS READ/WRITE 'mode' DISK 'raddr' IS AN UNSUPPORTED DEVICE TYPE DMSDLB322I 'ddname' NOT FOUND: NO CLEAR EXECUTED DMSITS139T 'DMSKEY RESET' FROM addr UNDERFLOWS KEY STACK DMSITS138T 'DMSKEY' CALL FROM addr OVERFLOWS KEY STACK, WITH MAX DEPTH 7 DMKWEX651E DMSMODl14E DMSCPY156E DMSNAM156E DMSWPK156E 'EXECUTE' MUST 'fn ft fm' NOT 'FROM nnn' NOT 'FROM nnn' NOT 'FROM nnn' NOT BE ISSUED FROM FILELIST OR RDRLIST LOADED; CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT [NOT.] ACTIVE FOUND - FILE 'fn ft fm' HAS ONLY 'nnn' RECORDS FOUND - FILE 'fn ft fm' HAS ONLY 'nnn' RECORDS FOUND - FILE 'fn ft fm' HAS ONLY 'nnn' RECORDS DMSABN153W 'HX' DURING ABEND PROCESSING WAS IGNORED DMSXCT578W DMSPSH646E DMSPSW646E DMSPXX646E DMSBOP308E DMSDLB308E 'macro' MACRO IS NOT CURRENTLY IN STORAGE 'macroname' MUST BE INVOKED FROM THE PREFIX AREA 'macroname' MUST BE INVOKED FROM THE PREFIX AREA 'macroname' MUST BE INVOKED FROM THE PREFIX AREA 'mode' DISK IN [NON-]CMS FORMAT; INVALID FOR [NON-]CMS DATASET 'mode' DISK IN [NON-]CMS FORMAT; INVALID FOR [NON-]CMS DATASET DMKNXD616W 'name' DOES NOT EXIST DMSFOR732I 'nnn' {CYLINDERSIFB-512 BLOCKS} FORMATTED ON DISK 'mode(cuu)' DMSAMS066E DMSASN066E DMSCPY066E DMSDLB066E DMSDSV066E DMSFLD066E DMSLBD066E DMSLST066E DMSQRY066E DMSSYN066E DMSUPD066E DMSUTL066E DMSXIN066E DMSAMS065E DMSASN065E DMSCPY065E DMSDLB065E DMSDSV065E DMSFLD065E DMSLBD065E DMSQRY065E DMSUPD065E DMSUTL065E DMSXIN065E 612 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' 'option' AND 'option' ARE AND 'option' ARE AND 'option' ARE AND 'option' ARE AND 'option' ARE AND 'option' ARE AND 'option' ARE AND 'option' ARE AND 'option' ARE AND 'option' ARE and 'option' ARE AND 'option' ARE AND 'option' ARE OPTION SPECIFIED OPTION SPECIFIED OPTION SPECIFIED OPTION SPECIFIED OPTION SPECIFIED OPTION SPECIFIED OPTION SPECIFIED OPTION SPECIFIED OPTION SPECIFIED OPTION SPECIFIED OPTION SPECIFIED CONFLICTING CONFLICTING CONFLICTING CONFLICTING CONFLICTING CONFLICTING CONFLICTING CONFLICTING CONFLICTING CONFLICTING CONFLICTING CONFLICTING CONFLICTING TWICE TWICE TWICE TWICE TWICE TWICE TWICE TWICE TWICE TWICE TWICE IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes OPTIONS OPTIONS OPTIONS OPTIONS OPTIONS OPTIONS OPTIONS OPTIONS OPTIONS OPTIONS OPTIONS OPTIONS OPTIONS DMSDSV026W 'phase' NOT IN LIBRARY DMSXGT156E 'RECORD nn' NOT FOUND - FILE 'fn ft fm' HAS ONLY Inn' RECORDS DMSCPYlOlS DMSHEL529E DMSXCG509E DMSVGN37lR DMSDLB30lE 'SPECS' TEMP 'subcommand' 'subcommand' 'sysname' IS 'SYSxxx' NOT DMSTLB425R DMSCLS4291 DMSSEB4291 DMSTLB427I DMSTLB4281 DMSTLB42lE DMSTLB434E DMSTLB430E DMSTLB4361 DMSTLB424E DMSTLB4371 DMSTLB4231 'TAPn raddr' BLOCK COUNT ERROR FOR 'filename' ENTER 'IGNORE' OR 'CANCEL' 'TAPn raddr' EOT ON OUTPUT 'TAPn raddr' EOT ON OUTPUT 'TAPn raddr' EOVI LABEL READ 'TAPn raddr' EOVI LABEL WRITTEN 'TAPn raddr' HDRI LABEL MISSING FOR 'filename' 'TAPn raddr' INPUT LABEL CHECK ERROR FOR FILE 'filename' 'TAPn raddr' LABELDEF INFORMATION MISSING FOR FILE 'filename' 'TAPn raddr' MISSING USER STANDARD LABEL FOR 'ddname' 'TAPn raddr' NOT POSITIONED AT EOFI LABEL 'TAPn raddr' NSL ROUTINE RETURNED AN ERROR CODE 'nnnnnn' FOR 'filename' 'TAPn raddr' POSITIONED PARAMETER IGNORED. OUTPUT FILE WILL BE WRITTEN IMMEDIATELY AFTER NEW VOLI LABEL 'TAPn raddr' POSITIONED WRONG FOR 'filename' 'TAPn raddr' UNEXPIRED FILE ENTER 'IGNORE' OR 'ERROR' 'TAPn raddr' VOLID volid DOES NOT MATCH LABELDEF VOLID FOR 'filename' 'TAPn raddr' VOLI LABEL MISSING 'TAPn raddr' VOLI LABEL MISSING 'TAPn raddr' IS FILE PROTECTED 'TAPn raddr' IS FILE PROTECTED 'TAPn raddr' IS FILE PROTECTED 'TAPn raddr' IS FILE PROTECTED 'TAPn raddr' IS FILE PROTECTED DMSTLB422E DMSTLB426R DMSTLB432E DMSTLB43lE DMSTPE43lE DMSBOP043E DMSCLS043E DMSTLB043E DMSTPE043E DMSXCP043E STRING STORAGE EXHAUSTED AT ' ....... . SUBCOMMAND IS ONLY VALID IN EDITING MODE SUBCOMMAND NOT VALID FROM A PREFIX MACRO LOADED. ENTER CP MODE TO APPLY ZAPS, ELSE 'NULL' ASSIGNED FOR DISK 'fm' DMKDDL688E 'XEDIT' OPTION ONLY VALID FROM XEDIT ENVIRONMENT DMSLST688E 'XEDIT' OPTION ONLY VALID FROM XEDIT ENVIRONMENT DMSNAM688E 'XEDIT' OPTION ONLY VALID FROM XEDIT ENVIRONMENT DMSBTPl08E /SET CARD FORMAT INVALID DMSWVV7971 "QUIT" MAY BE ENTERED IN RESPONSE TO ANY QUERY TO END PROCESSING DMSLI0203W "SET LOCATION COUNTER" NAME 'name' UNDEFINED DMSCLS140S {'function' IFEOVDISEOVIFEOV} {MACROIFUNCTION(S)} MACRO NOT SUPPORTED DMSDAS140S {'function' IFEOVDISEOVIFEOV} {MACROIFUNCTION(S)} MACRO NOT SUPPORTED DMSLDF140S {'function' IFEOVDISEOVIFEOV}{MACROIFUNCTION(S)} MACRO NOT SUPPORTED DMSDOS004E {BOOK ''IMODULE NOT FOUND DMSFET004E {BOOK ''IMODULE NOT FOUND DMSLOS004E {BOOK ''IMODULE NOT FOUND DMSPRV004E {BOOK ''IMODULE NOT FOUND DMSRRV004E {BOOK 'sub 1 . book' IMODULE NOT FOUND DMSSRV004E {BOOK ''IMODULE NOT FOUND DMSWNT65IE { , CANCEL' I 'ADD'} MUST BE 'module' I PHASE 'phase'IPROCEDURE 'procedure'} ' module' I PHASE 'phase'IPROCEDURE 'procedure'} 'module' I PHASE 'phase'IPROCEDURE 'procedure'} 'module' I PHASE 'phase'IPROCEDURE 'procedure'} 'module' I PHASE 'phase'IPROCEDURE 'procedure'} 'module' I PHASE 'phase'IPROCEDURE 'procedure'} ISSUED FROM NOTE DMSINSlOOW {CMSSEG SYSTEM NAME 'name' I SHARED {SSTATIYSTAT}} NOT AVAILABLE DMSSETlOOW {CMSSEG SYSTEM NAME 'name'ISHARED {SSTATIYSTAT}} NOT AVAILABLE Appendix D. Message Text-to-Message Identifier Cross-Reference 613 DMSTPEllSS {CONVERSION I {719}-TRACKI {800162S0} BPIITRANSLATIONIDUAL-DENSITY} FEATURE NOT SUPPORTED ON DEVICE 'raddr' DMSBTPI09E {CPUIPRINTERIPUNCH} LIMIT EXCEEDED DMSWSF679E {DISK 'mode' IS READ ONLYIDISK 'mode' IS FULL}. DMSCMS71S1 DMSGEN71S1 DMSCMSIIIE DMSGENIIIE {DOSGENICMSXGEN} (DOSGENICMSXGEN} (DOSGENICMSXGEN} (DOSGENICMSXGEN} NOTE CANNOT BE SENT COMPLETE COMPLETE FAILED DUE TO LOAD ERRORS FAILED DUE TO LOAD ERRORS DMSWNM664E {ENTRY I PREVIOUS ENTRYINEXT ENTRY} NOT FOUND DMSSBS120S DMSSVT120S DMSSCT120S DMSFCH411S DMSPRV411S DMSRRV411S DMSSRV411S DMSXCP411S DMSLSTOO2E DMSACCOO2E DMSAMSOO2E DMSARNOO2E DMSARXOO2E DMSASMOO2E DMSCMPOO2E DMSCPYOO2E DMSDSKOO2E DMSDSLOO2E DMSERSOO2E DMSERVOO2E DMSGRNOO2E DMSIFCOO2E DMSIMAOO2E DMSLBMOO2E DMSLBTOO2E DMSLDSOO2E DMSLIOOO2E DMSLKDOO2E DMSMDPOO2E DMSMODOO2E DMSMVEOO2E DMSNCPOO2E DMSPREOO2E DMSPRTOO2E DMSPUNOO2E DMSRNMOO2E DMSRUNOO2E DMSSLNOO2E DMSSPROO2E DMSSRTOO2E DMSSTTOO2E DMSSYNOO2E DMSTPEOO2E DMSTYPOO2E DMSUPDOO2E DMSZAPOO2E DMSUPD18SW DMSXUP18SW 614 (INIOUT} PUT ERROR CODE ON 'ddname' (INIOUT}PUT ERROR 'code' ON 'ddname' {IN/OUT}PUT ERROR 'code' ON 'ddname' {INPUTIOUTPUT} ERROR CODE nn' ON 'SYSxxx' {INPUTIOUTPUT} ERROR CODE nn' ON 'SYSxxx' {INPUTIOUTPUT} ERROR CODE nn' ON 'SYSxxx' {INPUTIOUTPUT} ERROR CODE nn' ON 'SYSxxx' {INPUTIOUTPUT} ERROR CODE nn' ON 'SYSxxx' [INPUT I OVERLAY] {FILE[(S)] DATA SET} [' fn [fn [fm]] '] [INPUT I OVERLAY] {FILE[(S)] DATA SET} [' fn [ft [fm]] '] [INPUT I OVERLAY] [FILE[(S)] DATA SET} [ 'fn [ft [fm]]'] [INPUT I OVERLAY] [FILE [ (S) ] DATA SET} [ 'fn [ft [fm]]'] [INPUT I OVERLAY] [FILE[(S)] DATA SET} [' fn [ft [fm] ] , ] [INPUT I OVERLAY] [FILE [ (S) ] DATA SET} [ 'fn [ft [fm] ] , ] [INPUT I OVERLAY] [FILE[(S)] DATA SET} [' fn eft [fm]]'] [INPUT I OVERLAY] [FILE [ (S) ] DATA SET} [ 'fn eft [fm]]'] [INPUT I OVERLAY] {FILE[(S)] DATA SET} [' fn eft [fm]]'] [INPUT I OVERLAY] (FILE [ (S) ] DATA SET} [' fn eft [fm]]'] [INPUTIOVERLAY] {FILE [ (S) ] DATA SET} [ 'fn eft [fm] ] , ] [INPUT I OVERLAY] (FILE [ (S) ] DATA SET} [ 'fn eft [fm]]'] [INPUT I OVERLAY] {FILE [ (S) ] DATA SET} [' fn eft [fm]]'] [INPUT I OVERLAY] [FILE [(S)] DATA SET} [ 'fn eft [fm] ] , ] [INPUT I OVERLAY] {FILE[(S)] DATA SET} [ 'fn eft [fm]]'] [INPUT I OVERLAY] {FILE [ (S) ] DATA SET} [' fn [ft [fm] ] , ] [INPUT OVERLAY] [FILE[(S)] DATA SET} [' fn [ft [fm] ] , ] [INPUT OVERLAY] {FILE [ (S) ] DATA SET} [ 'fn [ft [fm] ] , ] [INPUT OVERLAY] {FILE [ (S) ] DATA SET} [ 'fn [ft [fm]]'] [INPUT OVERLAY] {FILE [ (S) ] DATA SET} [ 'fn [ft [fm]]'] [INPUT OVERLAY] {FILE [ (S) ] DATA SET} [ 'fn [ft [fm]]'] [INPUT OVERLAY] {FILE [ (S) ] DATA SET} [ 'fn [ft [fm]]'] [INPUT OVERLAY] {FILE [ (S) ] DATA SET} [ 'fn [ft [fm]]'] [INPUT OVERLAY] {FILE [ (S) ] DATA SET} [ 'fn eft [fm]]'] [INPUT OVERLAY] {FILE [ (S) ] DATA SET} [ 'fn [ft [fm] ] , ] [INPUT OVERLAY] {FILE [ (S) ] DATA SET} [ 'fn [ft [fm]]'] [INPUT OVERLAY] {FILE [(S)] DATA SET} [ 'fn [ft [fm]]'] [INPUT OVERLAY] {FILE [(S)] DATA SET} [ 'fn [ft [fm] ] , ] [INPUT OVERLAY] {FILE [ (S) ] DATA SET} [ 'fn eft [fm]]'] [INPUT OVERLAY] {FILE [ (S) ] DATA SET} [ 'fn eft [fm]]'] [INPUT OVERLAY] {FILE [ (S) ] DATA SET} [' fn eft [fm]]'] [INPUT OVERLAY] {FILE [ (S) ] DATA SET} [ 'fn eft [fm]]'] [INPUT OVERLAY] {FILE [(S)] DATA SET} [ 'fn eft [fm]] '] [INPUT OVERLAY] {FILE [ (S) ] DATA SET} [ 'fn eft [fm]]'] [INPUT OVERLAY] {FILE[(S)] DATA SET} [ 'fn eft [fm] ] , ] [INPUT OVERLAY] {FILE[(S)] I DATA SET} [ 'fn eft [fm]] '] [INPUT OVERLAY] {FILE[(S)] I DATA SET} [ 'fn eft [fm]] '] [INPUT I OVERLAY] {FILE[(S)] I DATA SET} [ 'fn eft [fm]]'] {INVALIDINON NUMERIC} CHARACTER IN SEQUENCE FIELD ' {INVALIDINON NUMERIC} CHARACTER IN SEQUENCE FIELD' IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND ........ ........ DMSDLK210E DMSZAP210E DMSFRE164T DMSFRE163T {LIBRARYIFILE} 'fn ft' IS ON A READ-ONLY DISK {LIBRARYIFILE} 'fn ft' IS ON A READ/ONLY DISK {LOWIHIGH}-CORE NUCLEUS STORAGE POINTERS DESTROYED (INTERNAL ERROR CODE nn) {LOWIHIGH}-CORE USER CHAIN HAS BEEN DESTROYED (INTERNAL ERROR CODE nn) DMSDLB323I DMSDSL013W DMSLBM013W DMSACCl13S {MASTERIJOB} CATALOG DLBL CLEARED {MEMBER I PHASE} 'name' NOT FOUND IN LIBRARY 'libname' {MEMBERIPHASE} 'name' NOT FOUND IN LIBRARY 'libname' {mode I DEVICE IDISKI PRINTER I PUNCH I READER I TAPnl TAPINI TAPO UT} NOT ATTACHED {mode IDEVICEIDISKI PRINTER I PUNCH I READER I TAPnl TAPIN I TAPO UT} NOT ATTACHED {modeIDEVICEIDISKIPRINTERIPUNCHIREADERITAPnITAPINITAPOUT} NOT ATTACHED {mode I DEVICE I DISKI PRINTERIPUNCHIREADERITAPnlTAPINITAPO UT} NOT ATTACHED {modeIDEVICEIDISKIPRINTERIPUNCHIREADERITAPnITAPINITAPOUT} NOT ATTACHED {modeIDEVICEIDISKIPRINTERIPUNCHIREADERITAPnITAPINITAPOUT} NOT ATTACHED {modeIDEVICEIDISKIPRINTERIPUNCHIREADERITAPnITAPINITAPOUT} NOT ATTACHED {modeIDEVICEIDISKIPRINTERIPUNCHIREADERITAPnITAPINITAPOUT} NOT ATTACHED {modeIDEVICEIDISKIPRINTERIPUNCHIREADERITAPnITAPINITAPOUT} NOT ATTACHED {mode\DEVICE\DISKIPRINTER\PUNCHIREADERITAPnITAPINITAPOUT} NOT ATTACHED {mode\DEVICEIDISKIPRINTERIPUNCHIREADERITAPnITAPINITAPOUT} NOT ATTACHED {mode I DEVICE IDISKIPRINTERIPUNCHIREADER\TAPnITAPINI TAPO UT} NOT ATTACHED {mode I DEVICE IDISKIPRINTERI PUNCH I READER ITAPnl TAPIN \ TAPO UT} NOT ATTACHED {modeIDEVICEIDISKIPRINTERIPUNCHIREADERITAPnITAPINITAPOUT} NOT ATTACHED {modeIDEVICEIDISKIPRINTERIPUNCHIREADERITAPnITAPINITAPOUT} NOT ATTACHED {modeIDEVICEIDISKIPRINTERIPUNCHIREADERITAPnITAPINITAPOUT} NOT ATTACHED {modeIDEVICEIDISKIPRINTERIPUNCHIREADERITAPnITAPINITAPOUT} NOT ATTACHED {modeIDEVICEIDISKIPRINTERIPUNCHIREADERITAPnITAPINITAPOUT} NOT ATTACHED {model DEVICE IDISKIPRINTERIPUNCHIREADERITAPnlTAPINITAPO UT} NOT ATTACHED DMSAMSl13S DMSASNl13S DMSBOPl13S DMSCIOl13S DMSCLSl13S DMSDBGl13S DMSFCHl13S DMSFORl13S DMSPIOl13S DMSPRVl13S DMSRRVl13S DMSSPRl13S DMSSRVl13S DMSTLBl13S DMSTPEl13S DMSVMFl13S DMSVPDl13S DMSXCPl13S DMSFCH623S {MODULEIPHASE} CANNOT BE BECAUSE IT WOULD OVERLAY DMSFET623S {MODULEIPHASE} CANNOT BE BECAUSE IT WOULD OVERLAY DMSLI0623S {MODULE I PHASE} CANNOT BE BECAUSE IT WOULD OVERLAY addr addr addr addr addr addr addr addr addr addr addr addr addr addr addr addr addr addr addr LOADED AT LOCATION 'location' THE CMS NUCLEUS LOADED AT LOCATION 'location' THE CMS NUCLEUS LOADED AT LOCATION 'location' THE CMS NUCLEUS DMSXCG502I {NOlnn} LINE(S) RECOVERED DMSBOP089E DMSCLS089E DMSLOS089E DMSMVG089E DMSOPL089E DMSVLT089E DMSBOP037E DMSCPY037E {OPEN I CLOSE} ERROR CODE 'nn' {OPEN I CLOSE} ERROR CODE 'nn' {OPEN I CLOSE} ERROR CODE 'nn' {OPEN I CLOSE} ERROR CODE Inn' {OPEN I CLOSE} ERROR CODE 'nn' {OPENICLOSE} ERROR CODE Inn' [OUTPUT] DISK 'mode [vaddr] , [OUTPUT] DISK 'mode [vaddr] , ON ON ON ON ON ON IS IS {fnISYSxxxITAPn} {fnISYSxxxITAPn} {fnISYSxxxITAPn} {fnISYSxxxITAPn} {fnISYSxxxITAPn} {fnISYSxxxITAPn} READ/ONLY. READ/ONLY. Appendix D. Message Text-to-Message Identifier Cross-Reference 615 DMSDSK037E DMSDSL037E DMSERS037E DMSERV037E DMSFOR037E DMSLBM037E DMSLST037E DMSMOD037E DMSMVE037E DMSPRV037E DMSRDC037E DMSRNM037E DMSSRT037E DMSTPE037E DMSUPD037E DMSXCP037E DMSRSV037E DMSWRC037E DMSPOP690E DMSPOP690E [OUTPUT] DISK 'mode [vaddr] , IS [OUTPUT] DISK 'mode [vaddr] , IS [OUTPUT] DISK 'mode [vaddr] , IS [OUTPUT] DISK 'mode [vaddr] , IS [OUTPUT] DISK 'mode [vaddr] , IS [OUTPUT] DISK 'mode [vaddr] , IS [OUTPUT] DISK 'mode [vaddr] , IS [OUTPUT] DISK 'mode [vaddr] , IS [OUTPUT] DISK 'mode [vaddr] , IS [OUTPUT] DISK 'mode [vaddr] , IS [OUTPUT] DISK 'mode [vaddr] , IS [OUTPUT] DISK 'mode [vaddr] , IS [OUTPUT] DISK 'mode [vaddr] , IS [OUTPUT] DISK 'mode [vaddr] , IS [OUTPUT] DISK 'mode [vaddr] , IS [OUTPUT] DISK 'mode [vaddr] , IS [OUTPUT} DISK 'mode [vaddr] , IS [OUTPUT} DISK 'mode [vaddr] 'IS {PROPCHKIHOSTCHK} NOT SPECIFIED {PROPCHKIHOSTCHK} NOT SPECIFIED READ/ONLY. READ/ONLY. READ/ONLY. READ/ONLY. READ/ONLY. READ/ONLY. READ/ONLY. READ/ONLY. READ/ONLY. READ/ONLY. READ/ONLY. READ/ONLY. READ/ONLY. READ/ONLY. READ/ONLY. READ/ONLY. READ/ONLY. { 'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD': READ/ONLY. { 'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD': IN RTABLE IN RTABLE DMSRDC7021 [READ CONTROL CARD MISSING. FOLLOWING ASSUMED:] CMSUTI AI} DMSINTOl5E {UNKNOWN {CP/CMSICMSICP} I INVALID :READ {fn ft frnlREADCARD {CMSISUBSET} COMMAND DMSEDI076E ACTUAL RECORD LENGTH EXCEEDS THAT SPECIFIED DMSWSF673E ADDRESSES ARE IN THE NOTE HEADER CARDS. DO NOT SPECIFY NAMES WITH THE NOTE OPTION DMSWVV801I DMSIFC829W DMSXMD5l0I DMSXSC510I DMSXSU510I ALL READER FILES ARE IN HOLD STATUS OR NOT CLASS 'class' ALL READER FILES ARE IN HOLD STATUS OR NOT CLASS 'class' ALSO IPL {CYLIBLK} O? {YESINO} AN ERROR OCCURRED WHILE THE EXTERNAL INTERRUPT HANDLER WAS TRYING TO SEVER IUCV PATH 'pathid' RE-IPL CMS AN IUCV SEVER ERROR OCCURRED ON PATH 'pathid', IPRCODE = 'iprcode', SEVERING OF OTHER PATHS CONTINUES APPLY Ifni? ... ENTER 'NO' OR EOB: APPLY 'fn'? ... ENTER 'NO' OR EOB: ARE THE MACROS TO BE ERASED FROM DISK? REPLY (YESINO). PRESS "ENTER" FOR DEFAULT OF "YES" ARE THE MACROS TO BE READ FROM TAPE OR ARE THEY ALREADY ON DISK? REPLY (TAPEIDISK). IF A DEFAULT OF TAPE IS TO BE USED, PRESS "ENTER" ARGUMENTS ENTERED ARE IGNORED ATTEMPTED 'ZERO' WAS SUPPRESSED. REQUIRES PRIVILEGE CLASS F AUTOSAVED AS 'fn ft frn' AUTOSAVED AS 'fn ft frn' AUTOSAVED AS 'fn ft frn' DMSNAM621E DMSQRY621E DMSEI0621E DMSZAP195W DMSBTBI0IE DMSMVE130S DMSSRV194S BAD PLIST: NAMEFIND MUST BE INVOKED AS A NUCLEUS EXTENSION BAD PLIST: QUERY MUST BE INVOKED AS A NUCLEUS EXTENSION BAD PLIST: XXXXX BASE VALUE INVALID - SET NO GO SWITCH BATCH NOT LOADED BLOCKSIZE ON V FORMAT FILE ddnarne IS LESS THAN 9 BOOK '' CONTAINS BAD RECORDS DMSITS137T DMSPOP713E DMSPOP714E DMSXSF695E DMSFOR214W DMSDLB307E CALL TO routine FROM addr DESTROYED SYSTEM SAVE AREA. RE-IPL CMS CANNOT CONNECT TO MESSAGE SYSTEM SERVICE, CMSIUCV ERROR, CODE=code CANNOT CONNECT TO MESSAGE SYSTEM SERVICE, SERVICE ALREADY IN USE CANNOT DEFINE MORE THAN 64 CTLCHARS CANNOT RECOMPUTE WITHOUT LOSS OF DATA. NO CHANGE CATALOG DDNAME 'ddnarne' NOT FOUND DMSWPK644E DMSWRC644E DMSINI610R DMSITE910T DMSICU91lE DMSVMF383R DMSVPD383R DMSWVV792R DMSWVV788R 616 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes DMSFRE165T CHAIN HEADER AT addr: xxxxxx xxx xxx xxxxxx xxxxxx DMSSCH574E CHANGE NOT VALID {WITH CLOCATEIAFTER CURSOR MOVEMENT} DMSVIP783E CLOSE ERROR ON ddname: POSSIBLE USER PROGRAMMING ERROR. SEE VSE/VSAM DOCUMENTATION FOR CLOSE ERROR CODE code DMSVIP784E CLOSE ERROR ON ddname: POSSIBLE SYSTEM ERROR. SEE VSE/VSAM DOCUMENTATION FOR CLOSE ERROR CODE code DMSINS098W CMS OS SIMULATION NOT AVAILABLE DMSITS098S CMS OS SIMULATION NOT AVAILABLE DMSSET098W CMS OS SIMULATION NOT AVAILABLE DMSICP099E CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT ACTIVE DMSASN099E CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE DMSDLK099E CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE DMSDSV099E CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE DMSERV099E CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE DMSFET099E CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE DMSLI0099E CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE DMSLLU099E CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE DMSOPT099E CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE DMSPRV099E CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE DMSQRY099E CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE DMSRRV099E CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE DMSSET099E CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE DMSSRV099E CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE DMSCMS141S CMSXGEN FAILED DUE TO SAVESYS ERRORS DMSCMS412S CMSXGEN FAILED DUE TO SETKEY ERROR DMSCMP009E COLUMN 'col' EXCEEDS RECORD LENGTH DMSDSK009E COLUMN 'col' EXCEEDS RECORD LENGTH DMSSRT009E COLUMN 'col' EXCEEDS RECORD LENGTH DMSTYP009E COLUMN 'col' EXCEEDS RECORD LENGTH DMSXMC009E COLUMN 'col' EXCEEDS RECORD LENGTH DMSXMS009E COLUMN 'col' EXCEEDS RECORD LENGTH DMSXSE009E COLUMN 'col' EXCEEDS RECORD LENGTH DMSCMP211E COLUMN FIELDS OUT OF SEQUENCE DMSCPY067E COMBINED INPUT FILES ILLEGAL WITH PACK OR UNPACK OPTIONS DMSCMP179I COMPARING 'fn ft fm' WITH 'fn ft fm' DMSCMPOllE CONFLICTING FILE FORMATS DMSBOP410S CONTROL PROGRAM ERROR INDICATION 'retcode' DMSSET410S CONTROL PROGRAM ERROR INDICATION 'retcode' DMSSSK410S CONTROL PROGRAM ERROR INDICATION 'retcode' DMSVIB410S CONTROL PROGRAM ERROR INDICATION 'retcode' DMSCPY721I COpy 'fn ft fm' [{TOIAPPENDIOVLY} 'fn ft fm' {OLDINEW} FILE] DMSCMSll0E CORRECT FORM IS: DOSGEN LOCATION (SEGNAME) DMSGENll0E CORRECT FORM IS: DOSGEN LOCATION (SEGNAME) DMSVGN368I count MODULES HAVE BEEN RESTORED DMSVPD368I count MODULES HAVE BEEN RESTORED DMSBTP107E CP/CMS COMMAND 'command, (device)' NOT ALLOWED DMSIFC828I CPEREP ZERO OR CLEAR HAS BEEN COMPLETED DMSXIN571I CREATING NEW FILE DMSXPT571I CREATING NEW FILE DMSZAP194W CSECT NOT FOUND IN {MEMBER 'membername'IMODULE 'modulename'} -SET NO GO SWITCH DMSHEL561E CURSOR IS NOT ON A VALID DATA FIELD DMSJOI561E CURSOR IS NOT ON A VALID DATA FIELD DMSSCH561E CURSOR IS NOT ON A VALID DATA FIELD DMSSPL561E CURSOR IS NOT ON A VALID DATA FIELD DMSWEX561E CURSOR IS NOT ON A VALID DATA FIELD DMSXSS561E CURSOR IS NOT ON A VALID DATA FIELD DMSACC725I cuu ALSO = 'mode' [-OSI-DOS] DISK DMSACC724I cuu REPLACES mode (ccu) DMSXDS590E DMSDSK550W DMSDBG728I DMSWDF642I DATA SET TOO LARGE DATE/TIME DATA NOT PRESENT FOR FILE fn ft DEBUG ENTERED [EXTERNAL INTIBREAKPOINT nn AT xxxxxx] DEFAULTS DOES NOT ACCEPT {'command' COMMAND I 'option' OPTION FOR 'command'} Appendix D. Message Text-to-Message Identifier Cross-Reference 617 DMSPRT008E DMSPUN008E DMSRDC008E DMSARX075E DMSASM075E DMSMVE075E DMSICP075E DMSWDC651E DMSACCl12S DMSBWR170S DMSBWR107S DMSVGN361E DMSXCT037E DMSXPT037E DMSXSE037E DMSARE069E DMSASN069E DMSBOP069E DMSCMP069E DMSCPY069E DMSDLB069E DMSDOS069E DMSDSL069E DMSEDI069E DMSEDX069E DMSERS069E DMSFLD0691 DMSFOR069E DMSLDS069E DMSLST069E DMSMVE069E DMSPRT069E DMSPUN069E DMSSRT069E DMSSTT069E DMSTYP069E DMSUPD069E DMSVGN069E DMSWRC069E DMSWSF069E DMSXSU069E DMSRNM069E DMSWRC037E DMSXCT037E DMSXPT037E DMSXSE037E DMSMVE7081 DMSXCT531E DMSXCT532E DMSRSV260E DMSFOR7051 DMSBOP086W DMSFCH777S DMSCMS7l51 DMSGEN7l51 DMSCMSlllE DMSGENlllE DMSCMS141S DMSGEN141S DMSZAP2491 DMSPRE237E DMSLI0202W 618 DEVICE 'vaddr' {INVALID OR NONEXISTENTIUNSUPPORTED DEVICE TYPE} DEVICE 'vaddr' {INVALID OR NONEXISTENTIUNSUPPORTED DEVICE TYPE} DEVICE 'vaddr' {INVALID OR NONEXISTENT I UNSUPPORTED DEVICE TYPE} DEVICE 'devicename' INVALID FOR {INPUTIOUTPUT} DEVICE 'devicename' INVALID FOR {INPUTIOUTPUT} DEVICE 'devicename' INVALID FOR {INPUT I OUTPUT} DEVICE 'devtyp' INVALID FOR {INPUTIOUTPUT} DISCARD MUST BE ISSUED FROM RDRLIST, PEEK OR FILELIST DISK 'mode addr' DEVICE ERROR DISK 'mode vaddr' HAS MAXIMUM NUMBER OF FILES DISK 'mode vaddr' IS FULL DISK 'mode' IS NOT A {CMSIDOS} DISK DISK 'mode' IS READ ONLY DISK 'mode' IS READ ONLY DISK 'mode' IS READ ONLY DISK {'mode' I 'vaddr' I 'valid'} NOT ACCESSED. DISK {'mode' I 'vaddr' I 'valid'} NOT ACCESSED. DISK {'mode' I 'vaddr' I 'valid'} NOT ACCESSED. DISK {'mode' I 'vaddr' 'valid'} NOT ACCESSED. DISK {'mode' I 'vaddr' 'valid'} NOT ACCESSED. DISK {'mode' I'vaddr' 'valid'} NOT ACCESSED. DISK {'mode' I 'vaddr' 'valid'} NOT ACCESSED. DISK {'mode' I 'vaddr' 'valid'} NOT ACCESSED. DISK {'mode' I 'vaddr' 'valid'} NOT ACCESSED. DISK {'mode' I 'vaddr' 'valid'} NOT ACCESSED. DISK {'mode' I 'vaddr' 'valid'} NOT ACCESSED. DISK {'mode' I 'vaddr' 'valid'} NOT ACCESSED. DISK {'mode' I'vaddr' 'valid'} NOT ACCESSED. DISK {'mode' I 'vaddr' 'valid'} NOT ACCESSED. DISK ['mode' I 'vaddr' 'valid'} NOT ACCESSED. DISK {'mode' I 'vaddr' 'valid'} NOT ACCESSED. DISK ['mode' I 'vaddr' 'valid'} NOT ACCESSED. DISK ['mode' I 'vaddr' 'valid'} NOT ACCESSED. DISK {'mode' I 'vaddr' 'valid'} NOT ACCESSED. DISK {'mode' I 'vaddr' 'valid'} NOT ACCESSED. DISK {'mode' I 'vaddr' 'valid'} NOT ACCESSED. DISK ['mode' I 'vaddr' 'valid'} NOT ACCESSED. DISK {'mode' I 'vaddr' 'valid'} NOT ACCESSED. DISK {'mode' I'vaddr' 'valid'} NOT ACCESSED. DISK {'mode' I 'vaddr' 'valid'} NOT ACCESSED. DISK ['mode' I 'vaddr' 'valid'} NOT ACCESSED. DISK {'mode' I 'vaddr' 'valid'} NOT ACCESSED. {'A' MUST BE R/W FOR 'DISK LOAD'} DISK 'mode' IS READ ONLY DISK 'mode' IS READ ONLY DISK 'mode' IS READ ONLY DISK 'mode' IS READ ONLY DISK FILE 'FILE ddname Al' ASSUMED FOR DDNAME 'ddname' DISK IS FULL. SET NEW FILEMODE OR CLEAR SOME DISK SPACE DISK IS FULL; AUTOSAVE FAILED DISK NOT PROPERLY FORMATTED FOR RESERVE DISK REMAINS UNCHANGED DLBL 'ddname' DUMMY INVALID FOR VSAM DOS PARTITION TOO SMALL TO ACCOMMODATE FETCH REQUEST DOSGEN COMPLETE DOSGEN COMPLETE DOSGEN FAILED DUE TO LOAD ERRORS DOSGEN FAILED DUE TO LOAD ERRORS DOSGEN FAILED DUE TO SAVESYS ERRORS DOSGEN FAILED DUE TO SAVESYS ERRORS DUMMY LOG ENTRY IN FILE 'fn ZAP LOG fm' DUPLICATE EXTERNAL SYMBOL(S) ENCOUNTERED DUPLICATE IDENTIFIER 'identifier' IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes DMSXCT537E DMSPQU5531 DMSXED5531 DMSXSU582S DMSDSK077E DMSMVE2261 DMSBOP058E DMSCLS058E DMSTPD058E DMSTPE058E DMSVMF058E DMSTLB058E DMSTLB435R DMSTLB433R DMSDLB220R DMSFLD220R DMSLDS220R DMSFOR605R DMSDLB331R DMSVGN363R DMSVGN366R DMSSRT604R DMSCPY601R DMSAMS367R DMSCPY602R DMSDLB330R DMSGND021E DMSLI0021E DMSMOD021E DMSNCP021E DMSJOI564W DMSXGT564W DMSXGT565W DMSXSU583I DMSERS071E DMSVGN368R DMSIFC826E DMSREX451E DMSREX452E DMSREX450E DMSREX453E DMSREX454E DMSREX455E DMSREX456E DMSREX457E DMSREX458E DMSREX459E DMSREX460E DMSREX461E DMSREX462E DMSREX463E DMSREX465E DMSREX491E DMSREX482E DMSREX483E DMSREX464E DMSREX484E DMSREX485E DMSREX466E DMSREX467E DMSREX486E DMSREX487E DMSREX468E DMSREX469E EACH LOGICAL SCREEN MUST CONTAIN AT LEAST 5 LINES AND 20 COLUMNS EDITING FILE: fn ft fm EDITING FILE: fn ft fm EDITOR ABEND END CARD MISSING FROM INPUT DECK END OF PDS MOVE END-OF-FILE OR END-OF-TAPE [ON 'TAPn' ] END-OF-FILE OR END-OF-TAPE [ON 'TAPn' ] END-OF-FILE OR END-OF-TAPE [ON 'TAPn' ] END-OF-FILE OR END-OF-TAPE[ON 'TAPn' ] END-OF-FILE OR END-OF-TAPE [ON 'TAPn'] END-OF-FILE OR END-OF-TAPE [ON 'TAPn' ] ENTER 'IGNORE' OR 'CANCEL' ENTER 'WRITE (VOLID' OR 'REJECT' ENTER DATA SET NAME: ENTER DATA SET NAME: ENTER DATA SET NAME: ENTER DISK LABEL: ENTER EXTENT SPECIFICATIONS: ENTER LOCATION WHERE sysname WILL BE LOADED AND SAVED: ENTER NAME OF SYSTEM TO BE SAVED: ENTER SORT FIELDS: ENTER SPECIFICATION LIST: ENTER TAPE {INPUTIOUTPUT} DDNAMES: ENTER TRANSLATION LIST: ENTER VOLUME SPECIFICATIONS: ENTRY POINT 'name' NOT FOUND ENTRY POINT 'name' NOT FOUND ENTRY POINT 'name' NOT FOUND ENTRY POINT 'name' NOT FOUND EOF REACHED EOF REACHED EOF REACHED; RECORDS {TRUNCATEDISPILLED} EOF: ERASE * * [fml*] NOT ALLOWED ERASE sysname DOSLIB? .. ENTER 'YES' OR 'NO': EREP TXTLIBS NOT FOUND Error 3 running fn ft, line nn: Program is unreadable Error 4 running fn ft, line nn: Program interrupted Error 5 running fn ft, line nn: Machine storage exhausted Unmatched ' .. , or quote Error 6 running fn ft, line nn: Error 7 running fn ft, line nn: WHEN or OTHERWISE expected Error 8 running fn ft, line nn: Unexpected THEN or ELSE Error 9 running fn ft, line nn: Unexpected WHEN or OTHERWISE Error 10 running fn ft, line nn: Unexpected or unmatched END Error 11 running fn ft, line nn: Control stack full Error 12 running fn ft, line nn: Clause > 500 characters Error 13 running fn ft, line nn: Invalid character in data Error 14 running fn ft, line nn: Incomplete DO/SELECT/IF Error 15 running fn ft, line nn: Invalid hex constant Error 16 running fn ft, line nn: Label not found Error 17 running fn ft, line nn: Unexpected PROCEDURE Error 18 running fn ft, line nn: THEN expected Error 19 running fn ft, line nn: String or symbol expected Error 20 running fn ft, line nn: Symbol expected Error 21 running fn ft, line nn: Invalid data on end of clause Error 24 running fn ft, line nn: Invalid TRACE request Error 25 running fn ft, line nn: Invalid sub-keyword found Error 26 running fn ft, line nn: Invalid whole number Error 27 running fn ft, line nn: Invalid DO syntax Error 28 running fn ft, line nn: Invalid LEAVE or ITERATE Error 29 running fn ft, line nn: Environment name too long Error 30 running fn ft, line nn: Name or string> 250 characters Error 31 running fn ft, line nn: Name starts with numeric or .... Appendix D. Message Text-to-Message Identifier Cross-Reference 619 DMSREX492E DMSREX488E DMSREX470E DMSREX471E DMSREX472E DMSREX473E DMSREX489E DMSREX474E DMSREX475E DMSREX476E DMSREX477E DMSREX478E DMSREX479E DMSREX480E DMSREX490E DMSREX481E DMSPRE235E DMSPRT123S DMSPUN123S DMSIMA346E DMSIMA347E DMSTMA137S DMSXSU137S DMSCMPI04S DMSDLKI04S DMSDSKI04S DMSDSLI04S DMSEDII04S DMSFCHI04S DMSGLOI04S DMSHLPI04S DMSIDEI04S DMSIFCI04S DMSLBMI04S DMSLBTI04S DMSLIOI04S DMSMODI04S DMSNAMI04S DMSNXLI04S DMSOVRI04S DMSPOQI04S DMSPRTI04S DMSPUNI04S DMSSLNI04S DMSSRTI04S DMSSYNI04S DMSTPEI04S DMSTYPI04S DMSUPDI04S DMSVMFI04S DMSXCPI04S DMSXCTI04S DMSXGTI04S DMSXINI04S DMSXMAI04S DMSZAPI04S DMSIMA348E DMSDLKI05S DMSDSKI05S DMSDSLI05S DMSDSVI05S DMSEDII05S DMSLBMI05S 620 Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR 32 running fn ft, line nn: Invalid use of stem 33 running fn ft, line nn: Invalid expression result 34 running fn ft, line nn: Logical value not 0 or 1 35 running fn ft, line nn: Invalid expression 36 running fn ft, line nn: Unmatched "(" in expression 37 running fn ft, line nn: Unexpected "." or ")" 38 running fn ft, line nn: Invalid template or pattern 39 running fn ft, line nn: Evaluation stack overflow 40 running fn ft, line nn: Incorrect call to routine 41 running fn ft, line nn: Bad arithmetic conversion 42 running fn ft, line nn: Arithmetic Overflow/Underflow 43 running fn ft, line nn: Routine not found 44 running fn ft, line nn: Function did not return data 45 running fn ft, line nn: No data on function RETURN 48 running fn ft, line nn: Failure in system service 49 running fn ft, line nn: Interpreter failure In' IN INPUT TEXT FILE 'fn ft [fro]' 'nn' {PRINTINGIPUNCHING} FILE 'fn ft fro' 'nn' [PRINTING I PUNCHING} FILE 'fn ft fro' 'nn' LOADING 'fn ft' [DISKI 'fn ft'} 'nn' LOADING LIBRARY 'libname' 'nn' ON STATE FOR 'fn ft fro' 'nn' ON STATE FOR 'fn ft fm' 'nn' READING FILE 'fn ft fro' FROM DISK 'nn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK 'nn' READING FILE 'fn ft fro' FROM DISK 'nn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK 'nn' READING FILE 'fn ft fro' FROM DISK Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fro' FROM DISK 'nn' READING FILE 'fn ft fro' FROM DISK 'nn' READING FILE 'fn ft fro' FROM DISK 'nn' READING FILE 'fn ft fro' FROM DISK Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fro' FROM DISK 'nn' READING FILE 'fn ft fro' FROM DISK 'nn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK 'nn' READING FILE 'fn ft fro' FROM DISK Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fro' FROM DISK Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fro' FROM DISK Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fro' FROM DISK Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fro' FROM DISK Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fro' FROM DISK Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fro' FROM DISK Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fro' FROM DISK 'nn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fro' FROM DISK 'nn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK 'nn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fro' FROM DISK Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fro' FROM DISK Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fro' FROM DISK Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fro' FROM DISK Inn' READING FILE 'fn ft fm' FROM DISK Inn' SAVING LIBRARY 'libname' Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fro' ON DISK 'nn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fro' ON DISK Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fro' ON DISK Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fro' ON DISK nTCV 'nn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON U.L.uJ.'\. IBM VMjSP HPO System Messages and Codes DMSLBTI05S DMSLIOI05S DMSLLUI05S DMSLSTI05S DMSMODI05S DMSPOPI05S DMSPORI05S DMSPRVI05S DMSRDCI05S DMSRRVI05S DMSSRTI05S DMSSRVI05S DMSTMAI05S DMSTPDI05S DMSTPEI05S DMSUPDI05S DMSVMFI05S DMSVPDI05S DMSXCPI05S DMSXCTI05S DMSXPTI05S DMSDLK245S DMSDSV245S DMSZAP245S DMSZAP192W DMSFOR126S DMSRDR630S DMSWPK630S DMSWRC630S DMSCCK805S DMSNXD617E DMSWRC682E DMSWVV809E DMSSTA671E DMSDOS787E DMSCCK807S DMSCCK804S DMSWDC653E DMSWDF653E DMSITS122S DMSEXT072E DMSEXE085E DMSPRE234E DMSWVV794E DMSDDL639E DMSQRS639E DMSQRT639E DMSQRU639E DMSQRV639E DMSQRW639E DMSQRX639E DMSVIP785E DMSVIP786E DMSACC240S DMSARN008W DMSLKD008W DMSTMA138S DMSDSKl18S DMSPUNl18S DMSTLBIIOS DMSTMAIIOS DMSTPDIIOS ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK ERROR Inn' WRITING FILE 'fn ft fm' ON DISK ERROR 'nnn' ON PRINTER ERROR 'nnn' ON PRINTER ERROR 'nnn' ON PRINTER ERROR - ODD NUMBER OF DIGITS - SET NO GO SWITCH ERROR {READIWRIT}ING LABEL ON DISK mode raddr ERROR ACCESSING SPOOL FILE ERROR ACCESSING SPOOL FILE ERROR ACCESSING SPOOL FILE ERROR ASSIGNING OUTPUT TO PRINTER ERROR CODE n FORM DMSFRET WHILE UNLOADING 'module name' MODULE ERROR COPYING FILE 'fn ft fm', RC=nn FROM 'command' ERROR COPYING "VSEVSAM SCAN" FILE FROM S-DISK TO A-DISK ERROR CREATING FILE 'fn ft fm' RC=xx FROM 'command' ERROR DECOMPRESSING macro MACRO ERROR ENCOUNTERED ISSUING ASSGN FOR CATALOG ERROR ESTABLISHING CMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT ERROR EXECUTING 'command', RC=nn ERROR EXECUTING 'GLOBALV', RC=nn ERROR IN CALL TO routine FROM addr, ERROR CODE nnn (HEX xxxxxx) ERROR IN EXEC FILE fn LINE nnn - message ERROR IN fn ft fm, LINE nnn - message ERROR IN LOAD LIST FILE 'fn ft fm' [NO INPUT] ERROR IN MACLIB GENERATION ERROR IN 'routine' ROUTINE. RETURN CODE WAS 'xx' ERROR IN QUERY ROUTINE. RETURN CODE WAS 'xx' ERROR IN QUERY ROUTINE. RETURN CODE WAS 'xx' ERROR IN QUERY ROUTINE. RETURN CODE WAS 'xx' ERROR IN QUERY ROUTINE. RETURN CODE WAS 'xx' ERROR IN QUERY ROUTINE. RETURN CODE WAS 'xx' ERROR IN QUERY ROUTINE. RETURN CODE WAS 'xx' ERROR IN REQUEST MACRO PROCESSING: POSSIBLE USER PROGRAMMING ERROR. SEE VSE/VSAM ERROR CODE code, RETURN CODE code ERROR IN REQUEST MACRO PROCESSING: POSSIBLE SYSTEM ERROR. SEE VSE/VSAM ERROR CODE code, RETURN CODE code ERROR LOADING READ OS ROUTINE 'DMSROS TEXT' ERROR MESSAGES ISSUED ERROR MESSAGES ISSUED ERROR nn ERASING fn ft BEFORE LOADING TAPE ERROR PUNCHING FILE ['fn ft fm'] ERROR PUNCHING FILE ['fn ft fm'] ERROR READING 'TAPn raddr' ERROR READING 'TAPn raddr' ERROR READING 'TAPn raddr' Appendix D. Message Text-to-Message Identifier Cross-Reference 621 DMSTPEIIOS DMSVMFIIOS DMSVPDIIOS DMSDSK124S DMSRDC124S DMSWVV796E DMSWVV799E DMSWVV795E DMSWRC671E DMSWNM65.6E DMSWSF671E DMSARX074E DMSASM074E DMSTLBlllS DMSTPElllS DMSEDIl17S DMSPOWl17S DMSVMFl17S DMSXSCl17S DMSLI0169S DMSITP141T DMSITP144T ERROR READING 'TAPn raddr' ERROR READING 'TAPn raddr' ERROR READING 'TAPn raddr' ERROR READING CARD FILE ERROR READING CARD F~LE ERROR READING FROM "VSEVSAM SCAN" FILE ERROR READING FROM "VSEVSAM SCAN" FILE - ALL MACRO MAY NOT BE FOUND ERROR READING MACROS FROM TAPE ERROR RECEIVING FILE 'fn ft fm', RC=nn FROM 'command' ERROR SEARCHING YOUR NAMES FILE, RC=nn FROM NAMEFIND COMMAND ERROR SENDING FILE 'fn ft fm', RC=nn FROM 'command' ERROR SETTING/RESETTING AUXILIARY DIRECTORY ERROR SETTING/RESETTING AUXILIARY DIRECTORY ERROR WRITING 'TAPn raddr' ERROR WRITING 'TAPn raddr' ERROR WRITING TO DISPLAY TERMINAL ERROR WRITING TO DISPLAY TERMINAL ERROR WRITING TO DISPLAY TERMINAL ERROR WRITING TO DISPLAY TERMINAL ESDID TABLE OVERFLOW exception EXCEPTION OCCURRED AT addr IN ROUTINE called exception EXCEPTION OCCURRED AT addr IN ROUTINE called WHILE 'UFDBUSY' = xx. IPL CMS AGAIN DMSITP142T exception EXCEPTION OCCURRED AT addr IN ROUTINE routine DURING 'SPIE' EXIT ROUTINE DMSITP143T exception EXCEPTION OCCURRED AT addr in SYSTEM ROUTINE called. DMSLI0740I EXECUTION BEGINS ... DMSGL0649E DMSWNM649E DMSWPK649E DMSWRC649E EXTRANEOUS EXTRANEOUS EXTRANEOUS EXTRANEOUS DMSVGN364I DMSICP007E DMSICP002E DMSSTA703I DMSTPD703I DMSLBM056E DMSLBT056E DMSLI0056E DMSNCP056E DMSSYN056E DMSZAP056E DMSGLB002W DMSGND002W DMSLBM002W DMSLBT002W DMSZAP002W DMSARN007E DMSDLK007E DMSGRN007E DMSIFC007E DMSLKD007E DMSSYN007E DMSUPD007E DMSXUP007E DMSZAP007E DMSAMS007E DMSARX007E DMSASM007E DMSCPY030E DMSRNM030E FETCHING sysname ... FILE 'filename' IOCP IS NOT FIXED, 80 CHAR. RECORDS FILE 'filename' IOCP NOT FOUND FILE 'fn ft [fm]' {COPIED I CREATED} FILE 'fn ft [fm]' {COPIED I CREATED} FILE 'fn ft [fm]' CONTAINS INVALID {NAME I ALIAS I ENTRY IESD} FILE 'fn ~t [fm]' CONTAINS INVALID {NAMEIALIASIENTRYIESD} FILE 'fn ft [fm]' CONTAINS INVALID {NAME I ALIAS I ENTRY IESD} FILE 'fn ft [fm]' CONTAINS INVALID {NAMEIALIASIENTRYIESD} FILE 'fn ft [fm]' CONTAINS INVALID {NAME I ALIAS IENTRYIESD} FILE 'fn ft [fm] , CONTAINS INVALID {NAME I ALIAS IENTRYIESD} FILE 'fn ft [fm] , NOT FOUND FILE 'fn ft [fm] , NOT FOUND FILE 'fn ft [fm] , NOT FOUND FILE 'fn ft [fm] , NOT FOUND FILE 'fn ft [fm] , NOT FOUND FILE 'fn ft fm' [IS] NOT FIXED, 80 CHAR. RECORDS FILE 'fn ft fm' [IS] NOT FIXED, 80 CHAR. RECORDS FILE 'fn ft fm' [IS] NOT FIXED, 80 CHAR. RECORDS FILE 'fn ft fm' [IS] NOT FIXED, 80 CHAR. RECORDS FILE 'fn ft fm' [IS] NOT FIXED, 80 CHAR. RECORDS FILE 'fn ft fm' [IS] NOT FIXED, 80 CHAR. RECORDS FILE 'fn ft fm' [IS] NOT FIXED, 80 CHAR. RECORDS FILE 'fn ft fm' [IS] NOT FIXED, 80 CHAR. RECORDS FILE 'fn ft fm' [IS] NOT FIXED, 80 CHAR. RECORDS FILE 'fn ft fm' [IS] NOT FIXED, 80-CHAR. RECORDS FILE 'fn ft fm' [IS] NOT FIXED, 80-CHAR. RECORDS FILE 'fn ft fm' [IS] NOT FIXED, 80-CHAR. RECORDS FILE 'fn ft fm' ALREADY ACTIVE FILE 'fn ft fm' ALREADY ACTIVE 622 PARAMETER PARAMETER PARAMETER PARAMETER 'parameter' 'parameter' 'parameter' 'parameter' IBM VMjSP HPO System Messages and Codes RECORD RECORD RECORD RECORD RECORD RECORD FORMATS FORMATS FORMATS FORMATS FORMATS FORMATS DMSWRC024E DMSCPY024E DMSEDI024E DMSRNM024E DMSSTA024E DMSUPD024E DMSUTL024E DMSXIN024E DMSXCT594E DMSXED555E DMSXED555W DMSLBT056W DMSPRT033E DMSPUN033E DMSSVT033E DMSTYP033E DMSSRT034E DMSWRC024E DMSWFL024E DMSWSF024E DMSXCT002E DMSXGT002E DMSXIN002E DMSXUP002E DMSEDI132S DMSXIN132S DMSTPE096E DMSZAP208E DMSLGT0021 DMSLI00021 DMSLOS002I DMSAMS722I DMSWNT665E DMSWNT666E DMSWPK684E DMSFOR253E DMSSTT253E DMSPQU577E DMWPK132S DMSLST689E DMSFNS908T DMSACC060E DMSFLD224E DMSARX038E DMSASM038E DMSICP038E DMSBOP404S DMSSEG403S DMSBOP403S DMSCMP209W DMSXSE600E DMSFOR603R DMSFOR7331 DMSFRE167T DMSDOS094E DMSGL0631E FILE 'fn ft fm' ALREADY EXISTS FILE 'fn ft fm' ALREADY EXISTS [-- SPECIFY 'REPLACE'] FILE 'fn ft fm' ALREADY EXISTS [-- SPECIFY 'REPLACE'] FILE 'fn ft fm' ALREADY EXISTS [-- SPECIFY 'REPLACE'] FILE 'fn ft fm' ALREADY EXISTS [-- SPECIFY 'REPLACE'] FILE 'fn ft fm' ALREADY EXISTS [-- SPECIFY 'REPLACE'] FILE 'fn ft fm' ALREADY EXISTS [-- SPECIFY 'REPLACE'] FILE 'fn ft fm' ALREADY EXISTS [-- SPECIFY 'REPLACE'] FILE 'fn ft fm' ALREADY EXISTS. USE FFILE/SSAVE. FILE 'fn ft fm' ALREADY IN STORAGE FILE 'fn ft fm' ALREADY IN STORAGE FILE 'fn ft fm' CONTAINS INVALID [NAMEIALIASIENTRYIESD] RECORD FORMATS FILE 'fn ft fm' IS NOT A LIBRARY FILE 'fn ft fm' IS NOT A LIBRARY FILE 'fn ft fm' IS NOT A LIBRARY FILE 'fn ft fro' IS NOT A LIBRARY FILE 'fn ft fm' IS NOT FIXED LENGTH FILE 'fn ft fm' NOT FOUND FILE 'fn ft fm' NOT FOUND FILE 'fn ft fm' NOT FOUND FILE 'fn ft fm' NOT FOUND FILE 'fn ft fm' NOT FOUND FILE 'fn ft fm' NOT FOUND FILE 'fn ft fm' NOT FOUND FILE 'fn ft fm' TOO LARGE FILE 'fn ft fm' TOO LARGE FILE 'fn ft' DATA BLOCK COUNT INCORRECT FILE 'fn ft' IS NOT VARIABLE RECORD FORMAT FILE 'fn' [TXTLIBILOADLIB] NOT FOUND FILE Ifni [TXTLIBI LOADLIB] NOT FOUND FILE Ifni [TXTLIBI LOADLIB] NOT FOUND FILE 'fname2 LISTING fm' WILL HOLD AMSERV OUTPUT FILE 'USERID NOTE *' ALREADY EXISTS. ENTER 'NOTE' TO CONTINUE or SPECIFY 'REPLACE' . FILE 'USERID NOTE *' NOT FOUND. TO BEGIN A NEW NOTE ENTER 'NOTE name'. FILE CONTAINS INVALID RECORDS AND CANNOT BE REFORMATTED. FILE fn ft fm CANNOT BE HANDLED WITH SUPPLIED PARAMETER LIST FILE fn ft fm CANNOT BE HANDLED WITH SUPPLIED PARAMETER LIST FILE HAS BEEN CHANGED. USE QQUIT TO QUIT ANYWAY FILE IS TOO LARGE FILE MUST BE F-FORMAT 108 OR V-FORMAT FILE SYSTEM ERROR DETECTED. VIRTUAL ADDR 'vaddr'. REASON CODE 'nn'. FILE(S) 'fn [ft [fm]]' NOT FOUND. DISK 'mode vaddr' WILL NOT BE ACCESSED FILEID ALREADY IN USE FILEID CONFLICT FOR DDNAME 'ASM3705' FILEID CONFLICT FOR DDNAME 'ASSEMBLE' FILEID CONFLICT FOR DDNAME 'SYSIN' filename LOGIC MODULE NOT FOUND IN 'segname' SHARED SEGMENT filename SHARED SEGMENT NOT AVAILABLE - RELOAD CMSDOS filename SHARED SEGMENT NOT AVAILABLE. RELOAD CMSDOS FILES DO NOT COMPARE FIRST SELECTION LEVEL (nn) CANNOT BE GREATER THAN SECOND SELECTION LEVEL (nn) FORMAT WILL ERASE ALL FILES ON DISK 'mode vaddr'. DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE? (YES I NO) : FORMATTING DISK 'mode' FREE STORAGE MANAGEMENT ERROR, INTERNAL CODE ERROR nn FROM ADDRESS ON MVCOM MACRO INVALID function CAN ONLY BE EXECUTED FROM AN EXEC 2 or REXX EXEC [OR AS A CMS COMMAND] DMSNCP099W GENERATION PARAMETERS INCOMPATIBLE WITH VM/SP Appendix D. Message Text-to-Message Identifier Cross-Reference 623 DMSHLP254E HELP CANNOT FIND THE INFORMATION YOU REQUESTED. IF NOT MISSPELLED, PLEASE ENTER 'HELP' FOR MENU SELECTION OR 'HELP HELP' FOR THE HELP COMMAND DMSINI640R HELP DISK ADDRESS = addr DMSHLP251E HELP PROCESSING ERROR, CODE nnn 'description' DMSEI0632E DMSHLP907T DMSLBM907T DMSLI0907T DMSUTL907T DMSMVE128S DMSMVE129S DMSHLP250S DMSLDS222E DMSREA830E DMSLDS231E DMSCMP019E DMSRNM019E DMSSRT019E DMSDMP1461 DMSDMP325W DMSWVV790R DMSSTX326E DMSCPY903T DMSDLB305E DMSCMP054E DMSCPY054E DMSDSK054E DMSEDI054E DMSERS054E DMSGRN054E DMSPRT054E DMSPUN054E DMSRDC054E DMSRNM054E DMSRSV054E DMSSRT054E DMSSTT054E DMSTYP054E DMSUTL054E DMSWFL054E DMSWSF054E DMSXIN054E DMSMVE041E DMSCPY068E DMSUPD210W DMSXUP210W DMSXMD5731 DMSINI612R DMSFOR216E DMSNXL622E DMSEI0622E DMSNAM622W DMSNXM622E DMSFRE159T DMSEXE255T DMSGAM956E DMSUPD300E DMSUPD299E DMSGL0622S DMSCI0145S DMSPI0145S 624 I/O ERROR IN EXECIO: RC=XXX FROM 'command' COMMAND I/O ERROR ON FILE 'fn ft fm' I/O ERROR ON FILE 'fn ft fm' I/O ERROR ON FILE 'fn ft fm' I/O ERROR ON FILE 'fn ft fm' I/O ERROR ON INPUT AFTER READING nnn RECORDS: INPUT ERROR code ON ddname I/O ERROR ON OUTPUT WRITING RECORD NUMBER nnnn: OUTPUT ERROR code ON ddname I/O ERROR OR DEVICE ERROR I/O ERROR READING 'data set name' FROM {'fm" 10SIDOS} DISK I/O ERROR READING A RECORD FROM THE ERROR RECORDING CYLINDERS I/O ERROR READING VTOC FROM {'fm' lOS/DOS} DISK IDENTICAL FILEIDS IDENTICAL FILEIDS IDENTICAL FILEIDS IDUMP FOR identifier mm/dd/yy hh:mm IDUMP FOR jobname TERMINATED DUE TO ERROR ON 'OOE' IF THE DEFAULT LIBRARY NAME OF "VSEVSAM" IS TO BE USED, PRESS "ENTER." ELSE, ENTER THE NAME TO BE USED FOR THE LIBRARY ILLEGAL SVC svc (HEX xx) CALLED FROM addr IMPOSSIBLE PHASE CODE 'xx' INCOMPLETE EXTENT RANGE INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED INCOMPLETE FILEID SPECIFIED INPUT AND OUTPUT FILES ARE THE SAME INPUT FILE 'fn ft fm' NOT IN PACKED FORMAT INPUT FILE SEQUENCE ERROR' ........ ' TO ' . . . . . . . . INPUT FILE SEQUENCE ERROR' . . . . . . . . ' TO ' . . . . . . . . INPUT MODE: INSTALLATION HEADING = INSUFFICIENT BLOCKS ON DISK TO SUPPORT CMS DISK STRUCTURE INSUFFICIENT FREE STORAGE INSUFFICIENT FREE STORAGE FOR EXECIO INSUFFICIENT FREE STORAGE FOR NAMEFIND BUFFER, PROCESSING CONTINUES INSUFFICIENT FREE STORAGE (nn ENTRIES) INSUFFICIENT STORAGE AVAILABLE TO SATISFY DMSFREE REQUEST FROM addr INSUFFICIENT STORAGE FOR EXEC INTERPRETER INSUFFICIENT STORAGE FOR GAM/SP ANCHOR BLOCK INSUFFICIENT STORAGE TO BEGIN UPDATE INSUFFICIENT STORAGE TO COMPLETE UPDATE INSUFFICIENT STORAGE - NO TABLE MADE INTERVENTION REQUIRED ON {PRINTERIPUNCH} INTERVENTION REQUIRED ON {PRINTERIPUNCH} IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes DMSSPR145S DMSPRE183E DMSUPD183E DMSXUP183E DMSINI080E DMSJOI575E DMSSPL575E DMSXMC575E DMSXSE575E DMSAMS070E DMSARE070E DMSARX070E DMSASM070E DMSASN070E DMSDLB070E DMSDLK070E DMSDSK070E DMSDSL070E DMSDSV070E DMSERS070E DMSERV070E DMSFET070E DMSFLD070E DMSFOR070E DMSGND070E DMSICP070E DMSIDE070E DMSIMM070E DMSLBD070E DMSLBM070E DMSLKD070E DMSLLU070E DMSLST070E DMSMDP070E DMSMOD070E DMSMVE070E DMSNXD070E DMSNXL070E DMSNXM070E DMSOPT070E DMSOSR070E DMSPOR070E DMSPRT070E DMSPRV070E DMSQRY070E DMSRRV070E DMSRSV070E DMSRUN070E DMSSET070E DMSSRT070E DMSSRV070E DMSSSK070E DMSSTT070E DMSTMA070E DMSTPE070E DMSUPD070E DMSVMF070E DMSVPD070E DMSWFL070E DMSXIN070E DMSZAP070E DMSCMP062E DMSCPY062E DMSDSK062E INTERVENTION REQUIRED ON {PRINTERIPUNCH} INVALID {CONTROLIAUX} FILE CONTROL CARD INVALID {CONTROLIAUX} FILE CONTROL CARD INVALID {CONTROLIAUX} FILE CONTROL CARD INVALID {CYLIBLK} NUMBER - REENTER INVALID {JOINISPLITITABSIVERIFYIZONE} COLUMNS DEFINED INVALID {JOINISPLITITABSIVERIFYIZONE} COLUMNS DEFINED INVALID {JOINISPLITITABSIVERIFYIZONE} COLUMNS DEFINED INVALID {JOINISPLITITABSIVERIFYIZONE} COLUMNS DEFINED INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter'lARGUMENT 'argument'} INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter' ARGUMENT 'argument'} INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter' ARGUMENT 'argument'} INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter' ARGUMENT 'argument'} INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter' ARGUMENT 'argument'} INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter' ARGUMENT 'argument'} INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter' ARGUMENT 'argument'} INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter' ARGUMENT 'argument'} INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter' ARGUMENT 'argument'} INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter' ARGUMENT 'argument'} INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter' ARGUMENT 'argument'} INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter' ARGUMENT 'argument'} INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter' ARGUMENT 'argument'} INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter' ARGUMENT 'argument'} INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter' ARGUMENT 'argument'} INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter' ARGUMENT 'argument'} INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter' ARGUMENT 'argument'} INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter' ARGUMENT 'argument'} INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter' ARGUMENT 'argument'} INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter' ARGUMENT 'argument'} INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter' ARGUMENT 'argument'} INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter' ARGUMENT 'argument'} INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter' ARGUMENT 'argument'} INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter' ARGUMENT 'argument'} INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter' ARGUMENT 'argument'} INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter' ARGUMENT 'argument'} INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter' ARGUMENT 'argument'} INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter' ARGUMENT 'argument'} INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter' ARGUMENT 'argument'} INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter' ARGUMENT 'argument'} INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter' ARGUMENT 'argument'} INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter' ARGUMENT 'argument'} INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter' ARGUMENT 'argument'} INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter' ARGUMENT 'argument'} INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter'IARGUMENT 'argument'} INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter'lARGUMENT 'argument'} INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter'lARGUMENT 'argument'} INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter'IARGUMENT 'argument'} INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter' ARGUMENT 'argument'} INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter' ARGUMENT 'argument'} INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter' ARGUMENT 'argument'} INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter' ARGUMENT 'argument'} INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter' ARGUMENT 'argument'} INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter' ARGUMENT 'argument'} INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter' ARGUMENT 'argument'} INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter' ARGUMENT 'argument'} INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter' ARGUMENT 'argument'} INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter' ARGUMENT 'argument'} INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter' ARGUMENT 'argument'} INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter' ARGUMENT 'argument'} INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter' ARGUMENT 'argument'} INVALID {PARAMETER 'parameter' ARGUMENT 'argument'} INVALID [CHARI CHARACTER] '[=1* char]' IN [OUTPUTl FILEID ['fn ft [fm] '] INVALID [CHARI CHARACTER] '[=1* char]' IN [OUTPUT] FILEID ['fn ft [fm] '] INVALID [CHARI CHARACTER] '[=1* char]' IN [OUTPUT] FILEID ['fn ft [fm] '] Appendix D. Message Text-to-Message Identifier Cross-Reference 625 DMSPRT062E DMSPUN062E DMSRDC062E DMSRNM062E DMSSRT062E DMSSTT062E DMSTYP062E DMSWFL062E DMSWNT062E DMSWPK062E DMSWRC062E DMSWSF062E DMSCPY064E DMSPOR626E DMSCMS095E DMSDOS095E DMSDSV095E DMSGEN095E DMSRUN070E DMSASN087E DMSDSK078E DMSGRN078E DMSWSF676E DMSWTL676E DMSXSU062E DMSFLD704I DMSLBD704I DMSXCT527E DMSZAP190W DMSNCP025E DMSDSK445W DMSDLB221E DMSFLD221E DMSLBD221E DMSLDS221E DMSDLB086E DMSMVE086E DMSASN027E DMSDSV027E DMSERV027E DMSFLD027E DMSTLB027E DMSTPE027E DMSACC017E DMSARE017E DMSFOR017E DMSTPE017E DMSINI079E DMSASN090E DMSFRE160T DMSFRE161T DMSEXE175E DMSLDS227W DMSWFL680E DMSWSF680E DMSMOD032E DMSSYN032E DMSUTL032E DMSSMN133S DMSSTG133S DMSGL0628E DMSXDC544E DMSDSK014E 626 INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID [CHAR I CHARACTER] '[ = I * I char]' IN [OUTPUT] FILEID [' fn [CHARI CHARACTER] '[=I*lchar]' IN [OUTPUT] FILEID ['fn [CHARI CHARACTER] '[=I*lchar]' IN [OUTPUT] FILEID ['fn [CHARI CHARACTER] '[=I*lchar]' IN [OUTPUT] FILEID ['fn [CHARI CHARACTER] '[=I*lchar]' IN [OUTPUT] FILEID ['fn [CHARI CHARACTER] '[=I*lchar]' IN (OUTPUT] FILEID ['fn [CHARI CHARACTER] '[=I*lchar]' IN [OUTPUT] FILEID ('fn [CHARICHARACTER} '[=I*lchar]' IN [OUTPUT] FILEID ['fn [CHARI CHARACTER} '(=I*lchar]' IN [OUTPUT] FILEID ['fn [CHARI CHARACTER} '[=I*lchar]' IN [OUTPUT] FILEID ['fn [CHARICHARACTER} '[=I*lchar]' IN [OUTPUT] FILEID ['fn [CHARICHARACTER} '[=I*lchar]' IN [OUTPUT] FILEID ['fn [TRANSLATE] SPECIFICATION AT OR NEAR I • • • • • • • • • ACTION ROUTINE PARAMETER 'parameter' ADDRESS 'address' ADDRESS 'address' ADDRESS 'address' ADDRESS 'address' ARGUMENT 'argument' ASSIGNMENT OF 'SYSxxx' TO DEVICE 'device' CARD IN READER {DECKIFILE 'cardimage'} CARD IN READER {DECKIFILE 'cardimage'} CHARACTER '*' FOR NETWORK ID CHARACTER '*' FOR NETWORK ID CHARACTER IN FILEID 'fn ft fm' CLEAR REQUEST CLEAR REQUEST COLUMN NUMBER CONTROL RECORD OR NO GO SWITCH SET DATA IN 370X CONTROL PROGRAM DATA SET IN SEQUENCE FIELD, BYPASSING SEQUENCE CHECK DATA SET NAME DATA SET NAME DATA SET NAME DATA SET NAME DDNAME 'ddname' DDNAME 'ddname' DEVICE {'device name' I 'device' FOR 'SYSxxx'} DEVICE {'device name' I 'device' FOR 'SYSxxx'} DEVICE {'device name' I 'device' FOR 'SYSxxx'} DEVICE {'device name' I 'device' FOR 'SYSxxx'} DEVICE {'device name' I 'device' FOR 'SYSxxx'} DEVICE {'device name' I 'device' FOR 'SYSxxx'} DEVICE ADDRESS 'vaddr' DEVICE ADDRESS 'vaddr' DEVICE ADDRESS 'vaddr' DEVICE ADDRESS 'vaddr' DEVICE ADDRESS - REENTER DEVICE CLASS 'deviceclass' FOR 'device' DMSFREE CALL FROM addr DMSFRET CALL FROM addr, ERROR NUMBER nn EXEC COMMAND EXTENT FOUND FOR 'datasetname' ON 'fm' DISK FILEID SPECIFIED WITH 'FILELIST' OPTION FILEID SPECIFIED WITH 'FILELIST' OPTION FILETYPE 'ft' FILETYPE 'ft' FILETYPE 'ft' GETMAIN OR FREEMAIN SPECIFICATION GETMAIN OR FREEMAIN SPECIFICATION GLOBALV FUNCTION 'function' HEX DATA : xxxxxxxx FUNCTION 'function' IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft [fm]'] [fm] '] [fm] '] [fm] '] [fm] '] [fm] '] [fm] '] [fm] '] [fm] '] [fm] '] [fm] '] [fm] '] DMSDSL014E DMSGLB014E DMSIMA014E DMSIMM014E DMSLBM014E DMSLBT014E DMSOVR014E DMSPOR014E DMSQRY014E DMSSET014E DMSSPR014E DMSTPE014E DMSUTL014E DMSWDF014E DMSZAP014E DMSIMA349E DMSXCT521E DMSXGT521E DMSXSE521E DMSTYP049E DMSACC048E DMSARE048E DMSCPY048E DMSDLB048E DMSDSK048E DMSERS048E DMSFOR048E DMSGRN048E DMSLDS048E DMSLST048E DMSMVE048E DMSPRT048E DMSRNM048E DMSRUN048E DMSSET048E DMSSTT048E DMSTPE048E DMSUPD048E DMSWSF048E DMSXSE048E DMSXSU048E DMSRNM051E DMSXCT541E DMSWSF678E DMSXDC543E DMSALT520E DMSCAN520E DMSMOD520E DMSPQU520E DMSSCH520E DMSSOR520E DMSSTA520E DMSXCG520E DMSXCT520E DMSXDC520E DMSXSE520E DMSDLB304E DMSACC003E DMSAMS003E DMSARN003E DMSARX003E DMSASM003E DMSASN003E DMSCMP003E INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID FUNCTION 'function' FUNCTION 'function' FUNCTION 'function' FUNCTION 'function' FUNCTION 'function' FUNCTION 'function' FUNCTION 'function' FUNCTION 'function' FUNCTION 'function' FUNCTION 'function' FUNCTION 'function' FUNCTION 'function' FUNCTION 'function' FUNCTION 'function' FUNCTION 'function' LIBRARY 'libname' LINE NUMBER LINE NUMBER LINE NUMBER LINE NUMBER 'line number' MODE 'mode' MODE 'mode' MODE 'mode' MODE 'mode' MODE 'mode' MODE 'mode' MODE 'mode' MODE 'mode' MODE 'mode' MODE 'mode' MODE 'mode' MODE 'mode' MODE 'mode' MODE 'mode' MODE 'mode' MODE 'mode' MODE 'mode' MODE 'mode' MODE 'mode' MODE 'mode' MODE 'mode' MODE CHANGE NAME NOTE HEADER FORMAT. NOTE CANNOT BE SENT NUMBER: xxxxxxxx OPERAND operand OPERAND operand OPERAND operand OPERAND operand OPERAND operand OPERAND operand OPERAND operand OPERAND operand OPERAND operand OPERAND operand OPERAND operand OPERAND VALUE 'value' OPTION 'option' OPTION 'option' OPTION 'option' OPTION 'option' OPTION 'option' OPTION 'option' OPTION 'option' Appendix D. Message Text-to-Message Identifier Cross-Reference 627 DMSCPYOO3E DMSDLBOO3E DMSDLKOO3E DMSDSLOO3E DMSDSVOO3E DMSEDIOO3E DMSERSOO3E DMSFETOO3E DMSFLDOO3E DMSFOROO3E DMSGRNOO3E DMSHLPOO3E DMSICPOO3E DMSIMAOO3E DMSLBDOO3E DMSLBMOO3E DMSLBTOO3E DMSLDSOO3E DMSLIOOO3E DMSLLUOO3E DMSLSTOO3E DMSMODOO3E DMSMVEOO3E DMSNAMOO3E DMSNCPOO3E DMSPOPOO3E DMSPRTOO3E DMSPRVOO3E DMSPUNOO3E DMSQRYOO3E DMSRNMOO3E DMSRRVOO3E DMSSRVOO3E DMSSYNOO3E DMSTMAOO3E DMSTPDOO3E DMSTPEOO3E DMSTYPOO3E DMSUPDOO3E DMSUTLOO3E DMSWFLOO3E DMSWNTOO3E DMSWPKOO3E DMSWRCOO3E DMSWSFOO3E DMSWSF677E DMSXINOO3E DMSZAPOO3E DMSICP070E DMSQRS026E DMSQRV026E DMSQRY026E DMSSET026E DMSSPR026E DMSASN029E DMSCMP029E DMSCPY029E DMSEDI029E DMSFET029E DMSFLD029E DMSLBD029E DMSLIOO29E DMSNAM029E 628 INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALIQ INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID OPTION 'option' OPTION 'option' OPTION 'option' OPTION 'option' OPTION 'option' OPTION 'option' OPTION 'option' OPTION 'option' OPTION 'option' OPTION 'option' OPTION 'option' OPTION 'option' OPTION 'option' OPTION 'option' OPTION 'option' OPTION 'option' OPTION 'option' OPTION 'option' OPTION 'option' OPTION 'option' OPTION 'option' OPTION 'option' OPTION 'option' OPTION 'option' OPTION 'option' OPTION 'option' OPTION 'option' OPTION 'option' OPTION 'option' OPTION 'option' OPTION 'option' OPTION 'option' OPTION 'option' OPTION 'option' OPTION 'option' OPTION 'option' OPTION 'option' OPTION 'option' OPTION 'option' OPTION 'option' OPTION 'option OPTION 'option OPTION 'option OPTION 'option OPTION 'option OPTION 'option OPTION 'option' OPTION 'option' PARAMETER 'parameter' PARAMETER 'parameter' PARAMETER 'parameter' PARAMETER 'parameter' PARAMETER 'parameter' PARAMETER 'parameter' PARAMETER 'parameter' PARAMETER 'parameter' PARAMETER 'parameter' PARAMETER 'parameter' PARAMETER 'parameter' PARAMETER 'parameter' PARAMETER 'parameter' PARAMETER 'parameter' PARAMETER 'parameter' IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes FOR 'function' FOR 'function' FOR 'function' FOR 'function' FOR 'function' IN THE OPTION IN THE OPTION IN THE OPTION IN THE OPTION IN THE OPTION IN THE OPTION IN THE OPTION IN THE OPTION IN THE OPTION FUNCTION FUNCTION FUNCTION FUNCTION FUNCTION 'option' FIELD 'option' FIELD 'option' FIELD 'option' FIELD 'option' FIELD 'option' FIELD 'option' FIELD 'option' FIELD 'option' FIELD DMSPRT029E DMSTPE029E DMSTYP029E DMSWDF029E DMSWPK029E DMSWRC029E DMSXIN029E DMSCCK803E DMSXCT535E DMSDMP020W DMSSCH525E DMSXSE525E DMSPSH659E DMSPSW659E DMSPXX659E DMSXPX659E DMSXSE528E DMSMVE232E DMSTMA057E DMSTPE057E DMSINI081E DMSWSF081E DMSWVV789W DMSVGN360E DMSSPR352E DMSSRT053E DMSXMS053E DMSWPK650E DMSSSK363E DMSSSK362E DMSXCM512E DMSXDC512E DMSGAM951E DMSWEX654E DMSXDC548E DMSXSE548E DMSASN035E DMSFLD035E DMSVMF035E DMSUPD207W DMSXUP207W DMSMOD084E DMSZAP248W DMSINI608R DMSINI082E DMSINI902T DMSINI131S DMSINI147R INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter I IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' IN THE OPTION 'option' FIELD INVALID PARAMETER SPECIFICATION INVALID PARMS FOR RENUM INVALID PDUMP ADDRESS 'address' - NO DUMP OPERATION PERFORMED INVALID {PFKEYIPFKEY/PAKEY} NUMBER INVALID {PFKEYIPFKEY/PAKEY} NUMBER INVALID PREFIX SUBCOMMAND: nnnn INVALID PREFIX SUBCOMMAND: nnnn INVALID PREFIX SUBCOMMAND: nnnn INVALID PREFIX SUBCOMMAND: nnnn INVALID RANGE : TARGET2 (LINE nn) PRECEDES TARGETl (LINE nn) INVALID RECFM -- SPANNED RECORDS NOT SUPPORTED INVALID RECORD FORMAT INVALID RECORD FORMAT INVALID REPLY - ANSWER "YES" OR "NO" INVALID REPLY - ANSWER "YES" OR "NO" INVALID RESPONSE INVALID RESPONSE 'response' INVALID SETPRT DATA IN FILE 'fn ft' INVALID SORT FIELD PAIR DEFINED INVALID SORT FIELD PAIR DEFINED INVALID SPOOLID 'nnnn' INVALID STARTING ADDRESS 'startadr' INVALID STORAGE PROTECT KEY 'key' INVALID SUBSET COMMAND INVALID SUBSET COMMAND INVALID SVC nne GAM/SP NOT INSTALLED INVALID SYMBOL 'symbol'. {I/O' MUST BE SPECIFIED ALONE I INVALID CHARACTER 'char' FOLLOWING IIi SYMBOL} INVALID SYNONYM OPERAND operand INVALID SYNONYM OPERAND : operand INVALID TAPE MODE INVALID TAPE MODE INVALID TAPE MODE INVALID UPDATE FILE CONTROL CARD INVALID UPDATE FILE CONTROL CARD INVALID USE OF 'FROM' AND 'TO' OPTIONS INVALID VER/REP DISP - SET NO GO SWITCH IPL DEVICE ADDRESS = cuu IPL DEVICE ERROR - REENTER IPL DEVICE READ I/O ERROR IPL DEVICE WRITE I/O ERROR IS THE SHARED {S-DISKIY-DISK} DIRECTORY TO BE USED WITH THIS SYSTEM? YES OR NO DMSDOS160S JOB CANCELED DUE TO PROGRAM REQUEST DMSBTP106E JOB CARD FORMAT INVALID DMSJOI685E JOINED LINE(S) EXCEED ZONE SETTINGS DMSCPY157E DMSDSL213W DMSLBM213W DMSLBT213W DMSXCT533E DMSVGN362I DMSWNT699E DMSLIOl16S DMSMODl16S LABEL 'label' NOT FOUND IN FILE 'fn ft fm' LIBRARY 'fn ft fm' NOT CREATED LIBRARY 'fn ft fm' NOT CREATED LIBRARY 'fn ft fm' NOT CREATED LINE nn IS NOT RESERVED LINK EDITING sysname LIST OF ADDRESSES CANNOT BEGIN WITH ICC:' LOADER TABLE OVERFLOW LOADER TABLE OVERFLOW Appendix D. Message Text-to-Message Identifier Cross-Reference 629 DMSSET031E DMSXFD700E DMSXCT567E DMSXCT566E DMSXCT536E DMSXSE519E LOADER TABLES CANNOT BE MODIFIED LOGICAL AND OPERATOR '&' NOT VALID FOR COLUMN TARGETS LOGICAL SCREEN (sll,swl,shl,svl) AND (s12,sw2,sh2,sv2) OVERLAP EACH OTHER LOGICAL SCREEN (sll,swl,shl,svl) IS OUTSIDE THE PHYSICAL SCREEN LOGICAL SCREENS EXCEED PHYSICAL SCREEN SIZE LRECL MUST BE LOWER THAN WIDTH (nn) DMSLBM157S MACLIB LIMIT EXCEEDED [, LAST MEMBER ADDED WAS 'membername'] DMSWVV7931 MACLIB GENERATION COMPLETED DMSWVV808R MACRO LIBRARY "libname" WILL BE ERASED. PRESS "ENTER" TO CONTINUE OR "QUIT" TO EXIT DMSWVV8021 MACROS ERASED - VSEVSAM PROCESSING COMPLETE DMSDLB3201 MAXIMUM NUMBER OF DISK ENTRIES RECORDED DMSDLB3211 MAXIMUM NUMBER OF EXTENTS RECORDED DMSSRT212E MAXIMUM NUMBER OF RECORDS EXCEEDED DMSITS135S MAXIMUM SVC DEPTH 'nnnn' HAS BEEN EXCEEDED WITH CALL AT addr DMSZAP7511 MEMBER 'name' FOUND IN LIBRARY 'libname' DMSZAP247W MEMBER 'name' NOT FOUND - SET NO GO SWITCH DMSIMA013E MEMBER 'name' NOT FOUND IN LIBRARY~' ['fn ft fm' Ilibname]' DMSLBT013E MEMBER 'name' NOT FOUND IN LIBRARY' ['fn ft fm' Ilibname]' DMSLOS013E MEMBER 'name' NOT FOUND IN LIBRARY' ['fn ft fm' Ilibname]' DMSNCP013E MEMBER 'name' NOT FOUND IN LIBRARY' ['fn ft fm' Ilibname]' DMSPRT013E MEMBER 'name' NOT FOUND IN LIBRARY' ['fn ft fm' Ilibname]' DMSPUN013E MEMBER 'name' NOT FOUND IN LIBRARY' ['fn ft fm' Ilibname]' DMSTYP013E MEMBER 'name' NOT FOUND IN LIBRARY' ['fn ft fm' Ilibname]' DMSWNT637E MISSING {VALUE I 'value'} FOR THE {'option' OPTION I 'operand' OPERAND} DMSNXI589E MISSING FILEDEF DDNAME ddname DMSXDS589E MISSING FILEDEF FOR DDNAME SYSIN DMSWSF637E MISSING NODEID FOR THE 'AT' OPERAND DMSWTL637E MISSING NODEID FOR THE 'AT' OPERAND DMSALT545E MISSING OPERAND(S) DMSHEL545E MISSING OPERAND(S) DMSMOD545E MISSING OPERAND(S) DMSSCH545E MISSING OPERAND(S) DMSXCT545E MISSING OPERAND(S) DMSXDC545E MISSING OPERAND(S) DMSXMC545E MISSING OPERAND(S) DMSXSE545E MISSING OPERAND(S) DMSWDC652E MISSING OPERAND(S). ENTER EXECUTE en] DISCARD DMSUPD179E MISSING OR DUPLICATE 'MACS' CARD IN CONTROL FILE 'fn ft fm' DMSXUP179E MISSING OR DUPLICATE 'MACS' CARD IN CONTROL FILE 'fn ft fm' DMSUPD180W MISSING PTF FILE 'fn ft fm' DMSXUP180W MISSING PTF FILE 'fn ft fm' DMSWRC637E MISSING VALUE FOR THE ['NOTEBOOK'I 'SPOOLID'} OPTION DMSNAM637E MISSING VALUE FOR THE 'option' OPTION DMSWFL637E MISSING VALUE FOR THE PROFILE I FROM I FOR OPTION DMSWDF637E MISSING VALUE FOR THE PROFILE I FROM I FOR I NOTEBOOK OPTION DMSACC7231 mode vaddr {R/OIR/W} [-OSI-DOS] DMSNXL619E MODULE 'module name' NOT FOUND DMSLI0623S MODULE CANNOT BE LOADED AT LOCATION 'location' BECAUSE IT WOULD OVERLAY THE CMS MODULE DMSSLN350E MODULE IS MARKED NOT EXECUTABLE DMSSLN351E MODULE IS MARKED ONLY LOADABLE DMSARX052E MORE THAN 100 CHARS OF OPTIONS SPECIFIED DMSASM052E MORE THAN 100 CHARS OF OPTIONS SPECIFIED DMSIFC831E MORE THAN 100 CHARS OF OPTIONS SPECIFIED DMSOSR052E MORE THAN 100 CHARS OF OPTIONS SPECIFIED DMSGLB108S MORE THAN 8 LIBRARIES SPECIFIED DMSDOS093E MVCOM MACRO ATTEMPT TO ALTER OTHER THAN POSITION 12-23 OF COMREG DMSXCT540E NAME ALREADY DEFINED ON LINE 'nn' DMSXCT539E NAMED LINE NOT FOUND DMSXSE5301 nn FILE(S) IN STORAGE 630 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes DMSXCG504E DMSXCG593E DMSXCG506I DMSXCG501I DMSXCG517I DMSXCG518E DMSXCG522I DMSABN149T DMSABN150W DMSSET333E DMSSCH569E DMSCMP005E DMSDLB005E DMSFOR005E DMSLI0005E DMSLKD005E DMSMOD005E DMSQRY005E DMSTYP005E DMSPRV097E DMSRRV097E DMSSRV097E DMSWPK643E DMSARE028E DMSASN028E DMSFOR028E DMSDSL098E DMSFET098E DMSPRV098E DMSRRV098E DMSSRV098E DMSDSV028W DMSCPY063E DMSSRT063E DMSBTB100E DMSWPK643E DMSWRC643E DMSOPL158E DMSDSV022W DMSLDS226E DMSAMS228E DMSGND022E DMSPRT039E DMSPUN039E DMSTYP039E DMSUTL039E DMSNAM635I DMSLI0055E DMSCPY042E DMSRDC042E DMSRSV042E DMSTPE042E DMSUTL042E DMSLDS223E DMSAMS001E DMSARN001E DMSARX001E DMSASM001E DMSDLB001E DMSDLK001E DMSERV001E DMSEXC001E DMSICP001E DMSIMA001E nn LINE(S) {TRUNCATED I SPILLED} nn LINE(S) MERGED nn LINE(S) {TRUNCATED I SPILLED} nn LINES {MOVED I COPIED I MERGED} nn LINES DELETED nn OCCURRENCE(S) CHANGED ON nn LINE(S) nn OCCURRENCE(S) CHANGED ON nn LINE(S); nn LINE (S) TRUNCATED nn OCCURRENCES nnn (HEX xxx) DOUBLEWORDS OF SYSTEM STORAGE HAVE BEEN DESTROYED. RE-IPL CMS nnn (HEX xxx) DOUBLEWORDS OF SYSTEM STORAGE WERE NOT RECOVERED . nnnnnK PARTITION TOO LARGE FOR THIS VIRTUAL MACHINE NO 'CHANGE' OR 'CLOCATE' SUBCOMMAND SPECIFIED NO 'option' SPECIFIED NO 'option' SPECIFIED NO 'option' SPECIFIED NO 'option' SPECIFIED NO 'option' SPECIFIED NO 'option' SPECIFIED NO 'option' SPECIFIED NO 'option' SPECIFIED NO 'SYSRES' VOLUME ACTIVE NO 'SYSRES' VOLUME ACTIVE NO 'SYSRES' VOLUME ACTIVE NO {COMMAND I OPTIONS} SPECIFIED NO {DEVICEILOGICAL UNIT} SPECIFIED NO {DEVICE I LOGICAL UNIT} SPECIFIED NO {DEVICEILOGICAL UNIT} SPECIFIED NO {PHASE I PROCEDURE} NAME SPECIFIED NO {PHASE I PROCEDURE} NAME SPECIFIED NO {PHASEIPROCEDURE} NAME SPECIFIED NO {PHASE I PROCEDURE} NAME SPECIFIED NO {PHASE I PROCEDURE} NAME SPECIFIED NO {PRIVATE I SYSTEM} TRANSIENT DIRECTORY ENTRIES NO [SORTITRANSLATIONISPECIFICATIONl LIST {ENTERED I GIVEN} NO [SaRTI TRANSLATION I SPECIFICATION] LIST {ENTERED I GIVEN} NO BATCH PROCESSOR AVAILABLE NO CLASS 'class' FILES IN YOUR READER NO CLASS 'class' FILES IN YOUR READER NO CMS/DOS PROCEDURE LIBRARY SUPPORT NO CORE IMAGE DIRECTORY NO DATA SET NAME ALLOWED WITH FREE OPTION NO DDNAME ENTERED NO DIRECTORY NAME SPECIFIED NO ENTRIES IN LIBRARY 'fn ft fm' NO ENTRIES IN LIBRARY 'fn ft fm' NO ENTRIES IN LIBRARY 'fn ft fm' NO ENTRIES IN LIBRARY 'fn ft fm' NO ENTRIES WERE FOUND THAT MATCHED YOUR SEARCH CRITERIA NO ENTRY POINT DEFINED NO FILEID(S) SPECIFIED NO FILEID(S) SPECIFIED NO FILEID(S) SPECIFIED NO FILEID(S) SPECIFIED NO FILEID(S) SPECIFIED NO FILEMODE SPECIFIED NO FILENAME SPECIFIED NO FILENAME SPECIFIED NO FILENAME SPECIFIED NO FILENAME SPECIFIED NO FILENAME SPECIFIED NO FILENAME SPECIFIED NO FILENAME SPECIFIED NO FILENAME SPECIFIED NO FILENAME SPECIFIED NO FILENAME SPECIFIED Appendix D. Message Text-to-Message Identifier Cross-Reference 631 DMSLBM001E DMSLBT001E DMSLI0001E DMSLKDOD1E DMSMDP001E DMSMOD001E DMSNCP001E DMSNXL001E DMSPRE001E DMSRUN001E DMSTMA001E DMSUPD001E DMSZAP001E DMSMOD040E DMSDLB023E DMSFLD023E DMSIFC023E DMSTPE023E DMSFLD699E DMSLDS233I DMSRUN999E DMSRUN999E DMSDSK047E DMSDSL047E DMSDSV047E DMSGLB047E DMSGL0047E DMSIMA047E DMSIMM047E DMSLBM047E DMSLBT047E DMSOVR047E DMSQRY047E DMSSET047E DMSTPE047E DMSUTL047E DMSVMF047E DMSZAP047E DMSIMM261E DMSBTP105E DMSDSL046E DMSIMA046E DMSLBM046E DMSLBT046E DMSXCG502W DMSJOI585E DMSSPL585E DMSXSU585E DMSXGT562E DMSMDP018E DMSZAP246W DMSLDS229I DMSXFC557S DMSXSE538E DMSWSF675E DMSWNT670E DMSNXD624W DMSNXN624I DMSDSV027W DMSFCH016E DMSDSV024W DMSAMS006E DMSARN006E 632 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO FILENAME SPECIFIED FILENAME SPECIFIED FILENAME SPECIFIED FILENAME SPECIFIED FILENAME SPECIFIED FILENAME SPECIFIED FILENAME SPECIFIED FILENAME SPECIFIED FILENAME SPECIFIED FILENAME SPECIFIED FILENAME SPECIFIED FILENAME SPECIFIED FILENAME SPECIFIED FILES LOADED FILETYPE SPECIFIED FILETYPE SPECIFIED FILETYPE SPECIFIED FILETYPE SPECIFIED FILETYPE SPECIFIED OR 'vaddr' IS AN INVALID DISK ADDRESS FREE SPACE AVAILABLE ON 'fm' DISK ft MODULE FOUND ft PROCESSOR FOUND FUNCTION SPECIFIED FUNCTION SPECIFIED FUNCTION SPECIFIED FUNCTION SPECIFIED FUNCTION SPECIFIED FUNCTION SPECIFIED FUNCTION SPECIFIED FUNCTION SPECIFIED FUNCTION SPECIFIED FUNCTION SPECIFIED FUNCTION SPECIFIED FUNCTION SPECIFIED FUNCTION SPECIFIED FUNCTION SPECIFIED FUNCTION SPECIFIED FUNCTION SPECIFIED IMMEDIATE COMMAND NAME WAS SPECIFIED JOB CARD PROVIDED LIBRARY NAME SPECIFIED LIBRARY NAME SPECIFIED LIBRARY NAME SPECIFIED LIBRARY NAME SPECIFIED LINE TO RECOVER LINE(S) CHANGED LINE(S) CHANGED LINE(S) CHANGED LINE(S) SAVED BY PUT(D) SUBCOMMAND LOAD MAP AVAILABLE LOADER TABLE PRESENT FOR MODULE Ifni - SET NO GO SWITCH MEMBERS FOUND MORE STORAGE TO INSERT LINES NAME DEFINED NAMES SPECIFIED NAMES TO BE ADDED WERE SPECIFIED NUCLEUS EXTENSIONS ARE LOADED NUCLEUS EXTENSIONS ARE LOADED PRIVATE CORE IMAGE LIBRARY PRIVATE CORE IMAGE LIBRARY FOUND PROCEDURE DIRECTORY READ/WRITE ['A'] DISK ACCESSED [FOR 'fn ft'] READ/WRITE ['A'l DISK ACCESSED [FOR 'fn ft'] IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes DMSARX006E DMSASM006E DMSCMS006E DMSDLK006E DMSERV006E DMSGEN006E DMSLKD006E DMSLLU006E DMSPRV006E DMSQRS006E DMSRRV006E DMSSRV006E DMSVMF006E DMSWNT006E DMSWRC006E DMSWSF006E DMSICP006E DMSCPY173E DMSDSV023W DMSXMS063E DMSDSV025W DMSXCT554S DMSXDC554S DMSXED554S DMSXFD554S DMSXIN554S DMSXMS554S DMSXPT554S DMSXSE554S DMSXDC542E DMSXSE552E DMSSYN7121 DMSSYN7111 DMSBOP302E DMSDLB302E DMSLLU303E DMSDSV021W DMSSET061E DMSUPD181E DMSDLB3241 DMSFLD3241 DMSLBD3241 DMSQRU3241 DMSQRX3241 DMSNAM634E DMSERR215T DMSVIP230E DMSXSE524W DMSXFD560W DMSXSE560W DMSXCG505E DMSSCH586E DMSSPL586E DMSXSU586E DMSFLD420E DMSTMA420E DMSTPD420E DMSEI0618E DMSGL0618E DMSNAM618E DMSNXL618E DMSQRY618E DMSINI609R DMSINI083E NO READ/WRITE ['A'] DISK ACCESSED [FOR 'fn ft' ] NO READ/WRITE ['A'] DISK ACCESSED [FOR 'fn ft' ] NO READ/WRITE ['A'] DISK ACCESSED [FOR 'fn ft' ] NO ~EAD/WRITE ['A'] DISK ACCESSED [FOR 'fn ft' ] NO READ/WRITE ['A'] DISK ACCESSED [FOR 'fn ft' ] NO READ/WRITE ['A'] DISK ACCESSED [FOR 'fn ft' ] NO READ/WRITE ['A'] DISK ACCESSED [FOR 'fn ft' ] NO READ/WRITE ['A'] DISK ACCESSED [FOR 'fn ft' ] NO READ/WRITE ['A'] DISK ACCESSED [FOR 'fn ft' ] NO READIWRITE ['A'] DISK ACCESSED [FOR 'fn ft' ] NO READ/WRITE ['A'] DISK ACCESSED [FOR 'fn ft' ] NO READ/WRITE ['A'] DISK ACCESSED [FOR 'fn ft' ] NO READ/WRITE ['A'] DISK ACCESSED [FOR 'fn ft' ] NO READ/WRITE ['A'] DISK ACCESSED [FOR 'fn ft' ] NO READ/WRITE ['A'] DISK ACCESSED [FOR 'fn ft' ] NO READ/WRITE ['A'] DISK ACCESSED [FOR 'fn ft' ] NO READ/WRITE DISK ACCESSED NO RECORDS WERE COPIED TO OUTPUT FILE 'fn ft fm' NO RELOCATABLE DIRECTORY NO SORT LIST GIVEN NO SOURCE STATEMENT DIRECTORY NO STORAGE AVAILABLE NO STORAGE AVAILABLE NO STORAGE AVAILABLE NO STORAGE AVAILABLE NO STORAGE AVAILABLE NO STORAGE AVAILABLE NO STORAGE AVAILABLE NO STORAGE AVAILABLE NO SUCH SUBCOMMAND: name NO SYNONYM CURRENTLY DEFINED NO SYNONYMS. (DMSINA NOT IN NUCLEUS) NO SYSTEM SYNONYMS IN EFFECT NO SYSxxx OPERAND {ENTEREDISPECIFIED} NO SYSxxx OPERAND {ENTEREDISPECIFIED} NO SYSxxx SATISFIES REQUEST NO TRANSIENT DIRECTORY NO TRANSLATION CHARACTER SPECIFIED NO UPDATE FILES WERE FOUND NO USER DEFINED DLBL IN EFFECT NO USER DEFINED FILEDEF's IN EFFECT NO USER DEFINED LABELDEF's IN EFFECT NO USER DEFINED {DLBLIFILEDEFILABELDEF}'s IN EFFECT NO USER DEFINED {DLBLIFILEDEFILABELDEF}'s IN EFFECT NO VALUE TO SEARCH .FOR WAS SPECIFIED NO VIRTUAL CONSOLE ATTACHED. RE-IPL CMS NO. OF VSAM EXIT ROUTINES HAS EXCEEDED MAX OF 128 - UNABLE TO CONTINUE NONDISP CHARACTER RESET TO ' , NOT ENOUGH SPACE FOR SERIALIZATION BETWEEN TRUNC AND LRECL NOT ENOUGH SPACE FOR SERIALIZATION BETWEEN TRUNC AND LRECL NOT EXECUTED: THE TARGET LINE (nn) IS WITHIN THE LINES TO {MOVEICOPY} NOT FOUND {ON SCREEN} NOT FOUND NOT FOUND NSL EXIT FILENAME MISSING OR INVALID NSL EXIT FILENAME MISSING OR INVALID NSL EXIT FILENAME MISSING OR INVALID NUCEXT FAILED NUCEXT FAILED NUCEXT FAILED NUCEXT FAILED NUXEXT FAILED NUCLEUS {CYLIBLK} ADDRESS = nnn NUCLEUS {CYLIBLK} SPECIFICATION UNACCEPTABLE, ERROR 'X' Appendix D. Message Text-to-Message Identifier Cross-Reference 633 DMSRDC70lI DMSTPE70lI DMSXCTS36E DMSLBTl06S DMSCPYl03S NULL FILE NULL FILE NUMBER OF LINES EXCEEDS PHYSICAL SCREEN SIZE NUMBER OF MEMBER NAMES EXCEEDS MAX 'nnnn'. FILE 'fn ft' NOT ADDED NUMBER OF SPECS EXCEEDS MAX 20 DMSWVV800E ONE OF THE FILES NEEDED FOR MACLIB GENERATION IS MISSING. DMSVGN36SR ONE OR MORE OF THE TEXT FILES LISTED IN THE fn EXEC ARE MISSING. THE VSAM PP PID TAPE SHOULD BE ON TAPE DRIVE 181, Enter: 'GO' IF TAPE DRIVE IS READY TO LOADFILE OR 'QUIT' to STOP GENERATION PROCESS DMSSOP036E OPEN ERROR CODE 'nn' ON 'ddname' DMSVIP778E OPEN ERROR ON ddname: POSSIBLE VOLUME ERROR. SEE VSE/VSAM DOCUMENTATION FOR OPEN ERROR CODE code DMSVIP779E OPEN ERROR ON ddname: POSSIBLE USER PROGRAMMING ERROR. SEE VSE/VSAM DOCUMENTATION FOR OPEN ERROR CODE code DMSVIP780E OPEN ERROR ON ddname: POSSIBLE DLBL/EXTENT ERROR. SEE VSE/VSAM DOCUMENTATION FOR OPEN ERROR CODE code DMSVIP78lE OPEN ERROR ON ddname: POSSIBLE CATALOG ERROR. SEE VSE/VSAM DOCUMENTATION FOR OPEN ERROR CODE code DMSVIP782E OPEN ERROR ON ddname: POSSIBLE SYSTEM ERROR. SEE VSE/VSAM DOCUMENTATION FOR OPEN ERROR CODE code DMSXDS59lE OPEN ERROR ON SYSIN DMSJOIS62E OPTION 'CURSOR' VALID IN DISPLAY MODE ONLY DMSSPLS62E OPTION 'CURSOR' VALID IN DISPLAY MODE ONLY DMSWEXS62E OPTION 'CORSOR' VALID IN DISPLAY MODE ONLY DMSXCTS26E OPTION 'option' VALID IN DISPLAY MODE ONLY DMSXSES26E OPTION 'option' VALID IN DISPLAY MODE ONLY DMSUPD187E OPTION 'STK' INVALID WITHOUT 'CTL' DMSACC230W OS DISK - FILEID AND/OR OPTIONS SPECIFIED ARE IGNORED DMSASNOSOE DMSDLB050E DMSFLD050E DMSNXDOSOE DMSSET050E DMSZAP19lW DMSMVE22S1 DMSRSV909E DMSFNS909T DMSCRD17lT DMSCWR171T DMSCIT17lT DMSFOR125S DMSFET7l01 DMSFCH623S DMSFET623S DMSFCHllSE DMSZAP193W DMSPSH66lE DMSPSW66lE DMSPXX66lE DMSXPX66lE DMSXSUS88E DMSPRE238E DMSCMPOIOE DMSTPEOIOE DMSUPDOIOW DMSLBM167S DMSSTT2271 DMSPOP709E 634 PARAMETER MISSING AFTER {DDNAMEISYSxxxlfunction} PARAMETER MISSING AFTER {DDNAMEISYSxxxlfunction} PARAMETER MISSING AFTER {DDNAMEISYSxxxlfunction} PARAMETER MISSING AFTER {DDNAMEISYSxxxlfunction} PARAMETER MISSING AFTER {DDNAMEISYSxxxlfunction} PATCH OVERLAPS - SET NO GO SWITCH PDS MEMBER 'membername' MOVED PERM I/O ERROR ON 'vaddr'. CSW cccccccc SENSE ssssssss PERM I/O ERROR ON 'vaddr'. CSW cccccccc cccccccc SENSE ssssssss ssssssss ssssssss ssssssss ssssssss ssssssss. PERMANENT CONSOLE ERROR RE-IPL CMS. PERMANENT CONSOLE ERROR RE-IPL CMS. PERMANENT CONSOLE ERROR, RE-IPL CMS PERMANENT UNIT CHECK ON DISK 'mode vaddr' PHASE 'phase' ENTRY POINT AT LOCATION XXXXXX PHASE CANNOT BE LOADED AT LOCATION 'location' BECAUSE IT WOULD OVERLAY THE CMS NUCLEUS PHASE CANNOT BE LOADED AT LOCATION 'location' BECAUSE IT WOULD OVERLAY THE CMS NUCLEUS PHASE LOAD POINT LESS THAN 'address' PRECEDING CONTROL RECORD FLUSHED PREFIX 'name' IS INVALID FOR THE LINE ON WHICH IT WAS ENTERED PREFIX 'name' IS INVALID FOR THE LINE ON WHICH IT WAS ENTERED PREFIX 'name' IS INVALID FOR THE LINE ON WHICH IT WAS ENTERED PREFIX 'name' IS INVALID FOR THE LINE ON WHICH IT WAS ENTERED PREFIX SUBCOMMAND WAITING ... PRELOADER PROCESSING ERROR PREMATURE EOF ON FILE 'fn ft [fm]' PREMATURE EOF ON FILE ('fn ft [fm] , I NUMBER 'nn') PREMATURE EOF ON FILE 'fn ft fm' -- SEQ NUMBER' ........ ' NOT FOUND PREVIOUS MACLIB FUNCTION NOT FINISHED PROCESSING VOLUME 'no' IN DATA SET 'data set name' PROPCHK NOT SPECIFIED IN RTABLE FOR NODE 'nodeid' IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes DMSPOR709E DMSSPR199E DMSSPR1961 DMSLI0206W DMSLI0168S DMSWSF674E DMSXPT580W PROPCHK NOT SPECIFIED IN RTABLE FOR NODE 'nodeid' PRT 'OOE' NOT A VIRTUAL 3800 PRT raddr SETUP COMPLETE PSEUDO REGISTER ALIGNMENT ERROR PSEUDO REGISTER TABLE OVERFLOW PUNCH IS NOT READY PUT NOT EXECUTED. DMSDSK205W READER EMPTY OR NOT READY DMSRDC205W READER EMPTY OR NOT READY DMSDSK496S READER FILE ALTERED TO DISK LOAD AS: FILE HAS BEEN IN YOUR READER 'fn ft fm'. DISK LOAD STOPPED 1 DMSWPK674E DMSWRC674E DMSXSES1SE DMSEDI044E DMSPRT044E DMSPUN044E DMSRDC7381 DMSXGT563W DMSXPT579E DMSEDI144S DMSPOR627E DMSXCM514E DMSNAM633E DMSINI607R DMSITS140T DMSPOP620E READER IS NOT READY READER IS NOT READY RECFM MUST BE {FIVIFPIVP} RECORD LENGTH EXCEEDS ALLOWABLE MAXIMUM RECORD LENGTH EXCEEDS ALLOWABLE MAXIMUM RECORD LENGTH EXCEEDS ALLOWABLE MAXIMUM RECORD LENGTH IS 'nnn' BYTES RECORDS {TRUNCATEDISPILLED} RECORDS TRUNCATED TO nn WHEN ADDED TO 'fn ft fm' REQUESTED FILE IS IN ACTIVE STATUS RESULT IS 'nnnn' BYTES TOO LARGE FOR CP COMMAND BUFFER RETURN CODE Inn' FROM 'command' RETURNED VALUES WERE TRUNCATED REWRITE THE NUCLEUS? {YESINO} routine ROUTINE CALLED FROM addr DID DMSKEY WITH NO RESET RTABLE ERROR ON LINE 'nnn' - {NON-NUMERIC VALUE SPECIFIED I INCORRECT NUMBER OF PARAMETERSIMISALIGNED FIELD I INVALID PROP USERID} DMSITS1S4T DMSDOS091E DMSSET142S DMSXP0614E DMSXSC614E DMSDSK078W DMSUPD174W DMSXUP174W DMSUPD182W DMSUPD186W DMSXUP186W DMSUPD176W DMSGL06311 DMSSPR198E DMSARN012W DMSLKD012W DMSINSI00W DMSSETI00W DMSIMM262E DMSIMM263E SAVE AREA FOR SVC CALL FROM addr CANNOT BE ALLOCATED SAVEAREA ADDRESS IN PARTITION PIB NOT EQUIVALENT TO LTA SAVEAREA ADDRESS SAVED SYSTEM NAME 'name' INVALID SCREEN MODIFICATIONS LOST? 'SET FULLREAD ON' TO USE PAKEYS SAFELY 'SET FULLREAD ON' TO USE PAKEYS SAFELY SCREEN MODIFICATIONS LOST? SEQUENCE ERROR DETECTED LOADING 'fn ft' EXPECTED ' ..... ' FOUND ' ..... ' SEQUENCE ERROR INTRODUCED IN OUTPUT FILE: ' ........ ' TO ' ....... . SEQUENCE ERROR INTRODUCED IN OUTPUT FILE: ' ........ ' TO ' ....... . SEQUENCE INCREMENT IS ZERO SEQUENCE NUMBER [' ........ '] NOT FOUND SEQUENCE NUMBER [' ........ '] NOT FOUND SEQUENCING OVERFLOW FOLLOWING SEQ NUMBER' ....... . SETL/SETLP/SETLS CAN ONLY BE EXECUTED FROM AN EXEC 2 EXEC OR AS A COMMAND SETPRT CAUSED A LOAD CHECK - SNS=ssssssss SEVERE ERROR MESSAGES ISSUED SEVERE ERROR MESSAGES ISSUED SHARED {SSTATIYSTAT} NOT AVAILABLE SHARED {SSTATIYSTAT} NOT AVAILABLE SPECIFIED IMMEDIATE COMMAND NOT FOUND SPECIFIED IMMEDIATE COMMAND IS A NUCLEUS EXTENSION AND CANNOT BE CLEARED SOFTWARE INCOMPATIBILITY AT THE CPEREP-EREP INTERFACE. CODE=nnn SPOOLID 'nnnn' DOES NOT EXIST SPOOLID 'nnnn' DOES NOT EXIST STORAGE NOT INITIALIZED FOR VSAM PROCESSING STORAGE NOT INITIALIZED FOR VSAM PROCESSING STRING 'string' FOUND. --- PFnn SET FOR SELECTIVE CHANGE STRING2 CONTAINS MORE ARBITRARY CHARACTERS THAN STRINGl STXIT SAVEAREA ADDRESS INVALID SUBCOMMAND IS ONLY VALID IN {DISPLAY I EDITING} MODE SUBCOMMAND IS ONLY VALID IN {DISPLAYIEDITING} MODE SUBCOMMAND IS ONLY VALID IN {DISPLAY I EDITING} MODE SUBCOMMAND IS ONLY VALID IN {DISPLAYIEDITING} MODE DMSIFC832S DMSWPK655E DMSWRC655E DMSBOP413S DMSLDF413S DMSSCH5511 DMSXCG511E DMSDOS092E DMSMOD529E DMSPOW529E DMSSCH529E DMSXCT529E Appendix D. Message Text-to-Message Identifier Cross-Reference 635 DMSXMD529E DMSXML529E DMSITS136T DMSPSH686E DMSPXX686E DMSXDC549E DMSXDC547E DMSVGN363I DMSBOP400S DMSSET400S DMSSSK400S DMSVIB400S DMSABN148T DMSPOQ148T DMSABN152T DMSINI606R DMSSSK365E DMSVGN365I DMSDLB306E SUBCOMMAND IS ONLY VALID IN {DISPLAYIEDITING} MODE SUBCOMMAND IS ONLY VALID IN {DISPLAYIEDITING} MODE SVC CALL FROM addr ILLEGALLY RE-ENTERS INTSVC. RE-IPL CMS SYNONYM 'name' NOT RECOGNIZED BY PREFIX MACRO 'macroname' SYNONYM 'name' NOT RECOGNIZED BY PREFIX MACRO 'macroname' SYNONYM ABBREVIATION TOO LARGE SYNONYM DEFINITION INCOMPLETE sysname DOSLIB CREATED ON DISK 'A' SYSTEM 'sysname' DOES NOT EXIST SYSTEM 'sysname' DOES NOT EXIST SYSTEM 'sysname' DOES NOT EXIST SYSTEM 'sysname' DOES NOT EXIST SYSTEM ABEND xxx CALLED FROM 'addr' SYSTEM ABEND xxx CALLED FROM 'addr' SYSTEM ABEND xxx CALLED FROM addr WHILE 'UFDBUSY' xx. RE-IPL CMS SYSTEM DISK ADDRESS = addr SYSTEM NAME NOT SPECIFIED SYSTEM sysname SAVED SYSxxx NOT ASSIGNED FOR 'IGNORE' DMSTMA139S DMSXDC546E DMSXFD698E DMSTPD707I DMSMVE706I DMSARN016W DMSLKD016W DMSXI0572E DMSWNT688E DMSFLE495E TAPE FILE EXCEEDS 9 CMS MACLIBS TARGET NOT FOUND TARGET STRING TOO LONG, UNABLE TO PARSE THE ENTIRE TARGET STRING TEN FILES COPIED TERM INPUT -- TYPE NULL LINE FOR END OF DATA TERMINAL ERROR MESSAGES ISSUED TERMINAL ERROR MESSAGES ISSUED TERMINAL ERROR. FORCED CASE UPPERCASE THE 'ADD' OPTION MUST BE SPECIFIED ALONE THE 'modu1el' MODULE CAN ONLY BE EXECUTED BY THE 'modu1e2' MODULE, IT CANNOT BE EXECUTED BY ITSELF THE ENTIRE FILE MUST BE PEEKED AT TO BE REFORMATTED THE FILE HAS AN LRECL GREATER THAN 255 AND CANNOT BE REFORMATTED THE FOLLOWING NAMES ARE UNDEFINED: THE LIBRARY NAME WILL BE "libname." PRESS "ENTER" TO CONTINUE, ELSE ENTER "QUIT" OR THE NAME WILL BE USED FOR THE LIBRARY THE LOGICAL SCREENS MUST COVER THE FULL PHYSICAL SCREEN WIDTH THE NICKNAME FIELD MUST BE FILLED IN THE USER TAG NAME 'tagname' IS TOO LONG TO DISPLAY IN THE PANEL THE VALUE FOR THE 'tag' TAG IS TOO LONG TO DISPLAY IN THE PANEL THE VSE/VSAM OPTIONAL SOURCE STATEMENT LIBRARY TAPE MUST BE MOUNTED AS VIRTUAL 181. IF IT IS NOT, ENTER "QUIT" HERE AND HAVE THE TAPE MOUNTED. ELSE PRESS "ENTER" TO CONTINUE THERE {ISIARE} nn UNDISPLAYED T~G(S) THIS IS AN UNNAMED FILE. SPECIFY FILENAME AND FILETYPE THIS IS A SYSTEM {HELP I DUMP} FILE. THIS FILE CANNOT BE {PEEKED ATIRECEIVED} THIS MODULE MUST BE CALLED WITHIN THE EDITOR THIS MODULE MUST BE CALLED WITHIN THE EDITOR TO LABEL 'label' {EQUALS I IS AN INITIAL SUBSTRING OF} FRLABEL 'label' TOF: TOO MANY FILE IDS TOO MANY LOGICAL SCREENS DEFINED TOO MANY OPERANDS IN SYNONYM DEFINITION TOO MANY TAGS WERE ENCOUNTERED. MAXIMUM IS 64 PER LINE TOO MANY WCGM'S NEEDED FOR 'CHARS' TOTAL VERIFY WIDTH EXCEEDS SCREEN SIZE (nn) {TRUNCATED I SPILLED} {TRUNCATED I SPILLED} {TRUNCATED I SPILLED} TYPEWRITER MODE DMSWPK683E DMSWPK683W DMSLI0201W DMSWVV791I DMSXCT697E DMSWNM660E DMSWNM645W DMSWNM660E DMSWVV798R DMSWNM663W DMSWRC681E DMSWPK687E DMSXMS596S DMSXP0596S DMSCPY172E DMSXSU584I DMSCPYI02S DMSXCT534E DMSXDC550E DMSNAM663E DMSSPR204E DMSXMC576E DMSJOI503E DMSXCG503E DMSXMD503E DMSXCT523I 636 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes DMSXUP598S DMSXUP599S DMSAMS136S DMSEDI143S DMSEDI143S DMSEDI143S DMSXUP597E DMSLOS073E DMSMVE073E DMSUTL073E DMSXIN500E DMSXER556S DMSWNM657E DMSWSF657E DMSSPR197S DMSCPY901T DMSUTL901T DMSCVH161S DMSLDF161S DMSXCP161S DMSFRE166T DMSCPY904T DMSPOR513E DMSXCM513E DMSPRE236E DMSMVE127S DMSBOP088E DMSCLS088E DMSPDP088E DMSDOSl19S DMSSVTl19S DMSLIC096S DMSSTT229E DMSXSU229E DMSGMF121S DMSSVT121S DMSITS134S DMSNCP045E DMSXUP570W DMSUPD304I DMSSOP036W DMSUPD178I DMSXUP178I DMSXCG509W DMSABN155T DMSSTT228I DMSWTL499E DMSWNT648E DMSWSF648E DMSWTL648E DMSWNT647E DMSWSF647E UNABLE TO BUILD UPDATE FILE INTERNAL LIST DESTROYED UNABLE TO BUILD UPDATE FILE SERIALIZATION DESTROYED UNABLE TO LOAD 'IDCMAS' nn' ] UNABLE TO LOAD SAVED SYSTEM OR LOAD MODULE ['ERROR CODE nn' ] UNABLE TO LOAD SAVED SYSTEM OR LOAD MODULE ['ERROR CODE nn' ] UNABLE TO LOAD SAVED SYSTEM OR LOAD MODULE ['ERROR CODE UNABLE TO MERGE UPDATES CONTAINING ' . / S' CARDS UNABLE TO OPEN FILE ddnarne UNABLE TO OPEN FILE ddnarne UNABLE TO OPEN FILE ddnarne UNABLE TO UNPACK FILE 'fn ft frn' UNDEFINED MESSAGE (DMSXER CALLED AT hex lac) UNDEFINED PFKEY/PAKEY UNDEFINED PFKEY/PAKEY UNDIAGNOSED ERROR FROM PRINTER 'OOE' UNEXPECTED ERROR AT 'addr': PLIST 'plist fn ft frn' AT addr, BASE addr, RC nn UNEXPECTED ERROR AT 'addr': PLIST 'plist fn ft frn' AT addr, BASE addr, RC nn UNEXPECTED ERROR CODE 'nn' ON 'SYSxxx' UNEXPECTED ERROR CODE 'nn' ON 'SYSxxx' UNEXPECTED ERROR CODE 'nn' ON 'SYSxxx' UNEXPECTED ERROR IN FREE STORAGE MANAGEMENT ROUTINE (INTERNAL ERROR CODE nn). RE-IPL CMS UNEXPECTED UNPACK ERROR AT 'addr', BASE 'addr' UNKNOWN CP/CMS COMMAND UNKNOWN CP/CMS COMMAND UNRESOLVED EXTERNAL REFERENCE(S) ENCOUNTERED UNSUPPORTED DEVICE FOR ddname UNSUPPORTED DTF TYPE 'dtftype' UNSUPPORTED DTF TYPE 'dtftype' UNSUPPORTED DTF TYPE 'dtftype' UNSUPPORTED FORM OF {'macro' I 'parm'} {MACROISVC} UNSUPPORTED FORM OF {'macro' I 'parm'} {MACROISVC} UNSUPPORTED FUNCTION IN A LIOCS ROUTINE UNSUPPORTED OS DATA SET, [ERROR 'code'] UNSUPPORTED OS DATA SET, [ERROR 'code'] UNSUPPORTED SVC svc (HEX xx) CALLED FROM addr UNSUPPORTED SVC svc (HEX xx) CALLED FROM addr UNSUPPORTED SVC 203 CODE nn CALLED FROM addr UNSUPPORTED 370X CONTROL PROGRAM TYPE UPDATE 'updtname' SPECIFIED IN THE 'UNTIL' OPTION FIELD NOT FOUND UPDATE PROCESSING WILL BE DONE USING DISK UPDATE REQUESTED FOR READ-ONLY DISK UPDATING 'fn ft fm' APPLYING 'fn ft fm' [APPLYING 'fn ft fm'] UPDATING ['fn ft fm'] WITH 'fn ft fm' USE GET AND/OR PUT (D) TO MOVE LINES IN UPDATE MODE USER ABEND nnnn CALLED FROM addr USER LABELS BYPASSED ON DATA SET 'data set name' USER NOT AUTHORIZED TO ISSUE 'command' COMMAND USERID 'name' NOT FOUND. CHECK THE 'userid NAMES' FILE USERID 'name' NOT FOUND. NO FILES HAVE BEEN SENT USERID 'name' NOT FOUND. NO MESSAGES HAVE BEEN SENT USERID NOT SPECIFIED FOR 'nickname' IN 'userid NAMES' FILE USERID NOT SPECIFIED FOR 'nickname' IN 'userid NAMES' FILE DMSHLP252E DMSZAP200W DMSINI611R DMSINI260T DMSWSF672E DMSWPK672E DMSWRC672E DMSACCI09S DMSAMSI09S DMSBWRI09S VALID OPTIONS ARE: DESC FORM PARM ALL VERIFY REJECT - SET NO GO SWITCH VERSION IDENTIFICATION = VIRTUAL MACHINE SIZE TOO SMALL TO IPL NON-SHARED COpy OF CMS VIRTUAL PUNCH INVALID OR NOT DEFINED VIRTUAL READER INVALID OR NOT DEFINED VIRTUAL READER INVALID OR NOT DEFINED VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED Appendix D. Message Text-to-Message Identifier Cross-Reference 637 DMSCMPI09S DMSDLBI09S DMSERSI09T DMSFCHI09S DMSFNSI09T DMSHLPI09S DMSIMMI09S DMSLBMI09S DMSLIOI09S DMSMODI09S DMSNCPI09S DMSOVRI09S DMSPREI09S DMSQRSI09S DMSQRTI09S DMSQRUI09S DMSQRVI09S DMSQRWI09T DMSQRXI09T DMSQRYI09S DMSRSVI09T DMSSMNI09S DMSSOPI09S DMSSTGI09S DMSTMAI09S DMSTPDI09S DMSTPEI09S DMSVIBI09S DMSVIPI09S DMSVMFI09S DMSVPDI09S DMSXBGI09S DMSGAM952E DMSFRE162T DMSBOP401S DMSLDF401S DMSSET401S DMSVIB401S DMSSSK364E DMSSET444E DMSCCK806S VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEED~D VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED VIRTUAL STORAGE SIZE TOO LARGE FOR 'CMSGAM' SHARED SEGMENT TO LOAD AT nnnnnn VITAL FREE STORAGE POINTERS DESTROYED (INTERNAL ERROR CODE nn), RE-IPL CMS VM SIZE (size) CANNOT EXCEED 'sysname' START ADDRESS (address) VM SIZE (size) CANNOT EXCEED 'sysname' START ADDRESS (address) VM SIZE (size) CANNOT EXCEED 'sysname' START ADDRESS (address) VM SIZE (size) CANNOT EXCEED 'sysname' START ADDRESS (address) VM STORAGE NOT LARGE ENOUGH TO CONTAIN SYSTEM LOADING AT startadr to endadr VOLUME 'label' IS NOT A DOS SYSRES VSE/VSAM PHASE "IKQVCHK" NOT FOUND DMSWNM660W WARNING: DMSWNM660W DMSWPK684W DMSXFD559W DMSXSU559W DMSARN004W DMSLKD004W DMSUPD177I DMSXFD592W DMSXML592W DMSDI0905S DMSXSE558W THIS ENTRY DUPLICATES AN EXISTING NICKNAME WARNING: THIS ENTRY DUPLICATES AN EXISTING NICKNAME WARNING: THIS FILE HAS NO RECORDS WARNING FILE IS EMPTY WARNING FILE IS EMPTY WARNING MESSAGES ISSUED WARNING MESSAGES ISSUED WARNING MESSAGES ISSUED (SEVERITY = nn). {'REP' OPTION IGNORED} WRAPPED WRAPPED WRITE-INHIBIT SWITCH SET ON DRIVE ... NOTIFY OPERATOR WRONG FILE FORMAT FOR SERIALIZATION DMSXMD587I XEDIT: DMSXSU587I XEDIT: DMSINI615R DMSWNM662E DMSZAP750I DMSSCR151E 638 Y - DISK ADDRESS = addr YOU ARE NOT ON AN ENTRY. PRESS PF 5, 7, OR 8 TO MOVE TO AN ENTRY ZAP PROCESSING COMPLETE 3278 MOD 5 DISPLAY TERMINAL NOT SUPPORTED BY OLD CMS EDITOR IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes RSCS Message Summary DMTCMX3001 ACCEPTED BY TASK task DMTCMX7001 ACTIVATING LINK linkid task type vaddr c DMTINI4l0R ALSO IPL CYLINDER O? [YESINO] DMTNPT5301 COMMAND FORWARDED ON LINK linkid DMTCMX205E CONFLICTING KEYWORD keyword DMTCMX207E CONFLICTING OPTION keyword option DMTSML937E DMTCMX703E DMTCMX707E DMTCMX705E DECOMPRESSION ERROR ON linkid -- LINK DEACTIVATED DEV cuu IS NOT A LINE PORT -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED DRIVER type FILE FORMAT INVALID -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED DRIVER type NOT FOUND ON DISK vaddr -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED DMTCMX706E DMTAXSl04I DMTAXS524E DMTCMX661I DMTSML5l0I DMTNPT5l0I DMTAXS520I DMTAXSIOII DMTSML6001 DMTNPT6001 DMTAXS521I DMTCMX6601 DMTAXS525E DMTCMX655I DMTAXSI06I DMTSML581E DMTNPT58lE DMTCMX664E DMTAXS526E DMTCMX662I DMTAXSI02I DMTCMX663I DMTSML580I DMTNPT580I DMTAXSI05I DMTAXSI03E DMTAXS522I DMTCMXOOII DMTSML1701 DMTNPT1701 FATAL ERROR LOADING FROM vaddr -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED FILE SPOOLED TO userid2 -- ORGlocidl (namel) mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss FILE spoolid ACTIVE -- NO ACTION TAKEN FILE spoolid ACTIVE ON LINK linkid FILE spoolid BACKSPACED FILE spoolid BACKSPACED FILE spoolid CHANGED FILE spoolid ENQUEUED ON LINK linkid FILE spoolid FORWARD SPACED FILE spoolid FORWARD SPACED FILE spoolid HELD FOR LINK linkid FILE spoolid INACTIVE ON LINK linkid FILE spoolid IS FOR LINK linkid -- NO ACTION TAKEN FILE spoolid locid userid CL a PR mm REC nnnnnn {All} FILE spoolid MISSING -- DEQUEUED FROM LINK linkid FILE spoolid NOT ACTIVE FILE spoolid NOT ACTIVE FILE spoolid NOT FOUND FILE spoolid NOT FOUND -- NO ACTION TAKEN FILE spoolid ORG locidl useridl mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss TO loclid2 userid2 FILE spoolid PENDING FOR LINK linkid FILE spoolid PR mm CL a CO nn {HOI NOR} 01 distcode, NA {fn ftldsname} FILE spoolid PROCESSING TERMINATED FILE spoolid PROCESSING TERMINATED FILE spoolid PURGED FILE spoolid REJECTED -- INVALID DESTINATION ADDRESS FILE spoolid RELEASED FOR LINK linkid FREE STORAGE = nn PAGES FROM linkid: (MSG message text) FROM linkid: (MSG message text) DMTSML070E DMTNPT070E DMTSML934E DMTNPT934E DMTREX091T DMTCMX201E DMTINI480E DMTINI479E DMTCMX204E DMTCMX202E DMTCMX206E DMTINI48lE DMTSML906E DMTSML901E DMTSML190E DMTNPTl90E I/O ERROR vaddr SIOCC cc CSW csw SENSE sense CCW ccw I/O ERROR vaddr SIOCC cc CSW csw SENSE sense CCW ccw 10 CARD MISSING ON LINK linkid -- INPUT FILE PURGED 10 CARD MISSING ON LINK linkid -- INPUT FILE PURGED INITIALIZATION FAILURE -- RSCS SHUTDOWN INVALID COMMAND command INVALID CYLINDER NUMBER - REENTER INVALID DEVICE ADDRESS - REENTER INVALID KEYWORD keyword INVALID LINK linkid INVALID OPTION keyword option INVALID REPLY - ANSWER "YES" OR "NO" INVALID SML BUFFER PARAMETER -- LINK (linkid) NOT ACTIVATED INVALID SML MODE SPECIFIED LINK (linkid) NOT ACTIVATED INVALID SPOOL BLOCK FORMAT ON FILE spoolid INVALID SPOOL BLOCK FORMAT ON FILE spoolid Appendix D. Message Text-to-Message Identifier Cross-Reference 639 DMTCMX203E DMTCMX208E DMTINI402T DMTINI431S INVALID SPOOL FILE ID spoolid INVALID USER ID userid IPL DEVICE READ I/O ERROR IPL DEVICE WRITE I/O ERROR DMTCMX704E DMTSML1601 DMTNPT1601 DMTCMX702E DMTSML1411 DMTNPT141I DMTSML935E DMTCMX670I DMTCMX551E DMTCMX542E DMTCMX6521 DMTCMX7511 DMTCMX750E DMTSML612E DMTNPT612E DMTSML571E DMTNPT571E DMTREX0021 DMTCMX6531 DMTSML8011 DMTNPT8011 DMTCMX0031 DMTSML6111 DMTNPT6111 DMTCMX552E DMTCMX6711 DMTCMX6511 DMTCMX303E DMTCMX302E DMTSML149I DMTNPT149I DMTSML1421 DMTNPT142I DMTSML143I DMTNPT1431 DMTCMX543E DMTCMX544E DMTSML591E DMTNPT591E DMTCMX5501 DMTSML5701 DMTNPT5701 DMTCMX6541 DMTAXS5231 DMTCMX5411 DMTSML5901 DMTNPT5901 DMTCMX752I DMTSML610I DMTNPT6101 DMTSML810E DMTNPT810E DMTSML803I DMTNPT803I DMTSML811E DMTNPT811E DMTSML802I DMTNPT8021 LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK 640 vaddr CC=3 NOT OPERATIONAL -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED vaddr DISABLED FOR LINK linkid vaddr DISABLED FOR LINK linkid vaddr IS IN USE BY LINK linkidl -- LINK linkid2 NOT ACTIVATED vaddr READY FOR CONNECTION TO LINK linkid vaddr READY FOR CONNECTION TO LINK linkid (linkid) IN RJE MODE -- PRINT FILE (spoolid) PURGED linkid ACTIVE -- LINE vaddr {HOINOH} linkid ACTIVE -- NOT DELETED linkid ACTIVE -- NOT REDEFINED linkid ACTIVE task type vaddr c {HOINOH} {DRINOD} {TRAITREINOT} Q=m P=n linkid ALREADY ACTIVE -- NEW CLASS(ES) SET AS REQUESTED linkid ALREADY ACTIVE -- NO ACTION TAKEN linkid ALREADY IN HOLD STATUS linkid ALREADY IN HOLD STATUS linkid ALREADY SET TO DEACTIVATE linkid ALREADY SET TO DEACTIVATE linkid DEACTIVATED linkid DEFAULT task type vaddr c R=m linkid ERROR TRACE STARTED linkid ERROR TRACE STARTED linkid EXECUTING: (command line text) linkid FILE TRANSMISSION SUSPENDED linkid FILE TRANSMISSION SUSPENDED' linkid HAS A FILE QUEUE -- NOT DELETED linkid INACTIVE linkid INACTIVE linkid IS NOT ACTIVE linkid IS NOT DEFINED linkid LINE ACTIVITY: TOT= mmmi ERRS= nnni TMOUTS= ppp linkid LINE ACTIVITY: TOT= mmmi ERRS= nnni TMOUTS= ppp linkid LINE vaddr CONNECTED linkid LINE vaddr CONNECTED linkid LINE vaddr DISCONNECTED linkid LINE vaddr DISCONNECTED linkid NOT DEFINED -- LINK LIMIT REACHED linkid NOT DEFINED -- TYPE NOT SPECIFIED linkid NOT IN HOLD STATUS linkid NOT IN HOLD STATUS linkid NOW DELETED linkid NOW SET TO DEACTIVATE linkid NOW SET TO DEACTIVATE linkid Q=m P=n linkid QUEUE REORDERED linkid REDEFINED linkid RESUMING FILE TRANSFER linkid RESUMING FILE TRANSFER linkid STILL ACTIVE -- DRAIN STATUS RESET linkid TO SUSPEND FILE TRANSMISSION linkid TO SUSPEND FILE TRANSMISSION linkid TRACE ALREADY ACTIVE linkid TRACE ALREADY ACTIVE linkid TRACE ENDED linkid TRACE ENDED linkid TRACE NOT ACTIVE linkid TRACE NOT ACTIVE linkid TRACE STARTED linkid TRACE STARTED IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes DMTCMX7l0E MAX (nn) ACTIVE -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED DMTCMX540I DMTAXS640I DMTAXSl07I DMTSML5llE DMTNPT5llE DMTCMX672I DMTCMX673I DMTSML936E DMTNPT936E DMTCMX70lE DMTSML902E DMTNPT902E DMTINI409R DMTINI483E NEW LINK linkid DEFINED nn fILE(S) PURGED ON LINK linkid nn PENDING FILES FOR LINK linkid MISSING NO FILE ACTIVE ON LINK linkid NO FILE ACTIVE ON LINK linkid NO LINK ACTIVE NO LINK DEFINED NO REMOTE PUNCH AVAILABLE ON LINK linkid -- FILE spooled PURGED NO REMOTE PUNCH AVAILABLE ON LINK linkid -- FILE spoolid PURGED NO SWITCHED LINE AVAILABLE -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED NON-SIGNON CARD READ ON LINK linkid NON-SIGNON CARD READ ON LINK linkid NUCLEUS CYL ADDRESS = nnn NUCLEUS WILL OVERLAY CMS FILES - RECOMPUTE DMTSML903E PASSWORD SUPPLIED ON LINK linkid IS INVALID DMTNPT903E PASSWORD SUPPLIED ON LINK linkid IS INVALID DMTSMLl45I DMTNPTl45I DMTSMLl44I DMTNPTl44I DMTCMX304E DMTCMX30lE DMTINI407R DMTCMX200I DMTREXOOOI DMTCMX560I RECEIVED: FILE FROM locidl (namel) FOR locid2 (userid2) RECEIVED: FILE FROM locidl (namel) FOR locid2 (userid2) RECEIVING: FILE FROM locidl (namel) FOR locid2 (userid2) RECEIVING: FILE FROM locidl (namel) FOR locid2 (userid2) REJECTED BY TASK task -- NOT RECEIVING REJECTED BY TASK task -- PREVIOUS COMMAND ACTIVE REWRITE THE NUCLEUS? [YESINO] RSCS RSCS (VER v, LEV 1, mm/dd/yy) READY RSCS DISCONNECTING DMTSMLl46I DMTNPTl46I DMTSML147I DMTNPT147I DMTNPT905I DMTSML905I DMTNPT904E DMTNPT907E DMTINI482E DMTSMLl08E DMTNPTl08E DMTAXSl08E SENDING: FILE spoolid ON LINK linkid, REC nnnnnn SENDING: FILE spoolid ON LINK linkid, REC nnnnnn SENT: FILE spoolid ON LINK linkid SENT: FILE spoolid ON LINK linkid SIGNON OF LINKID (linkid) COMPLETE SIGNON OF LINKID linkid COMPLETE SIGNON PARAMETER=parameter INVALID SIGNON TYPE PARAMETER MISSING SYSTEM DISK ERROR - REENTER SYSTEM ERROR READING SPOOL FILE spoolid SYSTEM ERROR READING SPOOL FILE spoolid SYSTEM ERROR READING SPOOL FILE spoolid DMTCMX709E TASK NAME task ALREADY IN USE -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED DMTCMX56lE USERID userid NOT RECEIVING DMTCMX708E VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED -- LINK linkid NOT ACTIVATED Appendix D. Message Text-to-Message Identifier Cross-Reference 641 IPCS Message Summary DMMDSC7211 DMMMOD7061 DMMMOD7071 DMMCPA8051 DMMREG7241 DMMREG724I &NAME TABLE IS FULL 'entry name' NOT FOUND IN THE LOAD MAP 'module' 'page' PAGE NOT VALID 'nnn' ABEND CODE NOT RECOGNIZED BY DATA EXTRACTION {AP} REGISTERS REQUESTED FOR UNIPROCESSOR DUMP {MP} REGISTERS REQUESTED FOR UNIPROCESSOR DUMP DMMINI800S DATA EXTRACTION FAILURE DMMIOB7121 DEVICE 'cuu' NOT FOUND DMMEDM861I DUMP FILE 'filename' NOT FOUND DMMMAP806R DMMDSC701R DMMINI803S DMMINI400S DMMDSC7191 DMMPR0300S DMMINI300S DMMMAP8101 DMMSUMIOOS DMMSTAIOOS DMMSEAIOOS DMMREGIOOS DMMPROIOOS DMMMODIOOS DMMINIIOOS DMMGRCIOOS DMMGETIOOS DMMWRT200S DMMSUM200S DMMSTA200S DMMPR0200S DMMPRM200S DMMMAP200S DMMINI200S DMMDSC500S DMMMOD705E ENTER ENTER ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR 'filename filetype fm' OF NUCLEUS LOAD MAP OR ENTER NULL DUMP NUMBER AND MODE 'nnn' ATTEMPTING TO LOADMOD VMFDUMP2 'nnn' CLOSING 'filename filetype fm' 'nnn' IN FSSTATE 'filename fIletype fm' 'nnn' ON FSSTATE 'filename filetype fm' 'nnn' ON FSSTATE 'filename filetype fm' 'nnn' READING FILE 'fileid' 'nnn' READING FILE 'filename filetype fm' 'nnn' READING FILE 'filename filetype fm' 'nnn' READING FILE 'filename filetype fm' 'nnn' READING FILE 'filename filetype fm' 'nnn' READING FILE 'filename filetype fm' 'nnn' READING FILE 'filename filetype fm' 'nnn' READING FILE 'filename filetype fm' 'nnn' READING FILE 'filename filetype fm' 'nnn' READING FILE 'filename filetype fm' 'nnn' WRITING FILE 'filename filetype fm' 'nnn' WRITING FILE 'filename filetype fm' 'nnn' WRITING FILE 'filename filetype fm' 'nnn' WRITING FILE 'filename filetype fm' 'nnn' WRITING FILE 'filename filetype fm' 'nnn' WRITING FILE 'filename filetype fm' 'nnn' WRITING FILE 'filename filetype fm' 'nnn' WRITING TO VIRTUAL PRINTER IN ITEM TABLE DMMEDM8601 FATAL I/O ERROR READING DUMP DMMEDM8521 FATAL I/O ERROR WRITING DUMP DMMDSC7221 DMMLOC7171 DMMEDM863E DMMSUM501S INVALID INVALID INVALID INVALID ENTRY INTO &NAME TABLE FORM OF LOCATE COMMAND PARAMETER - parameter PARM 'badparm' PASSED TO SUMMARY UPDATE PROGRAM DMMDSC7201 LOAD MAP ALREADY PRESENT DMMVMB7111 LOOP IN VMBLOK CHAIN DMMEDM8531 DMMSCR7091 DMMFEX704I DMMFED7031 DMMFED7021 DMMHEX7141 DMMLOC7151 DMMTRC7101 DMMMAP801I DMMMAP808I 642 NO DUMP FILE EXIST NO VALID SCROLL ADDRESS NON-HEX CHARACTER IN ADDRESS - RETRY NON-HEX CHARACTER IN ADDRESS - RETRY NON-HEX CHARACTER IN COUNT - RETRY NON-HEX CHARACTER IN INPUT - RETRY NON-HEX CHARACTER IN STRING NON-NUMERIC COUNT CHARACTER - RETRY NUC MAP 'filename filetype fm' IS NOT VALID FOR THIS DUMP. NUCLEUS MAP INVALID 'filename filetype fm' IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes DMMSTA601I OPERAND 'operand' NOT RECOGNIZED DMMGET708I DMMEDM864I DMMSUM502S DMMMAP802I DMMPRM804I PAGE 'page' NOT FOUND IN DUMP PAGE REFERENCED NOT AVAILABLE WHILE EDITING xxxxxxxx PROBLEM 'PRBnnnnn' NOT FOUND IN SYMPTOM SUMMARY PROCEEDING .... PROCESSING ERROR IN DATA EXTRACTION DMMGRC809I REQUESTED ADDRESS NOT IN DUMP DMMLOC716I STRING 'string'{NOT FOUNDINOT FOUND BEFORE END OF DUMP} DMMEDM851I DMMDSC723I DMMMOD718I DMMDSC700I TEN DUMP FILES ALREADY EXIST THE DUMP IS NOT ON THE A-DISK THIS DUMP HAS NO LOAD MAP - SEE MAP SUBCOMMAND TYPE 'HELP' OR ENTER DMMMAP807I UNABLE TO LOCATE 'filename filetype fm' DMMEDM850I UNABLE TO READ DUMP FROM READER DMMIOB713I USER 'userid' VMBLOK NOT FOUND Appendix D. Message Text-to-Message Identifier Cross-Reference 643 Appendix E.Restrictions VM/SP High Performance Option when used in conjunction with VM/System Product, is an operating system capable of running an IBM System/370 operating system as long as certain restrictions are not violated. Many of these restrictions also apply to VM/SP and should not be construed strictly as VM/SP High Performance Option system limitations. Channel Programs Avoid using channel programs that loop. Execution of a Backward Transfer In Channel CCW followed by an I/O CCW that present concurrent Channel End and Device End may result in locking out the device as well as the channel. Users attempting to access devices on the channel will also be locked out. To recover from this situation, issue the CP HALT command to the device or have the operator issue a SYSTEM RESET. Dynamically Modified Channel Programs In general, virtual machines may not execute channel programs that are. dynamically modified (that is, channel programs that are changed between the time the START I/O (SIO) is issued and the time the I/O ends, either by the channel program itself or by the processor). Exceptions (that is, dynamically modified channel programs given special consideration by CP) are: • Those generated by the Indexed Sequential Access Method (ISAM) running under as/pcP, OS/MFT, and OS/MVT • Those generated by ISAM running in an OS/VS virtual = real partition • Those generated by the OS/VS Telecommunications Access Method (TCAM) Level 5, with the VM/370 option • Those containing polling sequences The self-modifying channel programs that ISAM generates for some of its operations receive special handling if the virtual machine using ISAM has that option specified in its directory entry. If ISAM is to run in an OS/VS virtual = real partition, you must specify the ISAM option in the directory entry for the OS/VS virtual machine. You do not have to specify the ISAM option in the directory entry for an OS/VS virtual machine running DOS/ISAM or ISAM in a virtual = virtual partition. Virtual machines using OS/VS TCAM(Level 5, generated or invoked with the VM/370 option) modify the channel program with a DIAGNOSE instruction. This instruction causes CP to forward the change made in the virtual CCW string to the real CCW string being executed by the channel. CP is then able to execute the dynamically modified channel program properly. Appendix E. Restrictions 645 When a virtual machine starts a channel program containing a polling sequence, the CCW translation sets the PCI bit in the real CCW string. Each time the real CCW string is executed, the resulting PCI interruption causes CP to examine the corresponding virtual CCW string for changes. Any changes to the virtual CCW string are also made to the real CCW string while it is executing. The restrictions for using dynamically modified channel programs do not apply if the virtual machine is using the virtual = real performance option of the SET command with the NOTRANS option set ON. Minidisk Restrictions The following restrictions exist for minidisks: 1. In the case of Read Home Address with the Skip bit off, CP modifies the home address data in user storage at the completion of the channel program because the addresses must be converted for minidisks. Therefore, the data buffer area may not be dynamically modified during the input/output operation. 2. In the case of read device characteristics to an FBA device with the Skip bit off, CP modifies the data in user storage at completion of the channel program so the data reflects the true minidisk size and characteristics. Therefore, the data buffer area cannot be dynamically modified during the input/output operation. Note: You should not attempt to use this data during the I/O operation. 3. On a minidisk, if a CCW string uses multitrack search on input/output operations, subsequent operations to that disk must have preceding seeks or continue to use multitrack operations. There is no restriction for dedicated disks. 4. as/pcP, MFT, and MVT IS AM or OS/VS ISAM running virtual = real may be used with a minidisk only if the mini disk is located at the beginning of the physical disk (that is, at cylinder 0). There is no such restriction for DOS ISAM or OS/VS ISAM running virtual = virtual. Note: Because the VS1 system does no paging, CP treats any ISAM programs run under VS1 as though they are running in an ADDRSPC = REAL partition. 646 5. CP does not return an end-of-cylinder condition to a virtual machine that has a virtual 2311 mapped to the top half (that is, tracks 0 through 9) of 2314 or 2319 cylinders. 6. If the user's channel program for a count-key-data minidisk does not perform a Seek operation, then to prevent accidental accessing, CP inserts a positioning Seek operation into the user's channel program. Thus, certain channel programs may generate a condition code (CC) of 0 on a SIO instead of an expected CC of 1, which is returned to the virtual machine. The final status is returned to the virtual machine as an interruption. 7. A DASD channel program directed to a 3330,3340,3350,3375, or 3380 device may give results on dedicated drives that differ from results on minidisks having nonzero relocation factors. This occurs if the channel program includes multiple-track operations and depends on a Search Id High or Search Id Equal or High I/O command code to terminate the program. This is because the record 0 count fields on the 3330, 3340, 3350, 3375, and 3380 devices must contain the real cylinder number of the track on which they IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes reside. Therefore, a Search Id High, for example, based on a low virtual cylinder number may terminate prematurely if a real record 0 is encountered. a. Minidisks with nonzero relocation factors on 3330, 3340, 3350, 3375, and 3380 devices are not usable under as and OS/VS systems. This is because the locate catalog management function employs a Search Id Equal or Search Id High I/O command code to find the end of the VTOC. b. This restriction also applies to minidisks with a VTOC of more than one track. c. On a 3330,3340, or 3350 DASD with a VTOC of more than one track, an OS or OS/VS minidisk must start at real cylinder O. 8. If the DASD channel programs directed to 3330, 3340, 3350, 3375, or 3380 devices include a write record R(O), then results differ depending on whether the direct access storage device is dedicated (this includes a minidisk defined as the entire device) or nondedicated. For dedicated devices of the listed device types, a write R(O) is allowed, but the user must be aware that the track descriptor record may not be valid from one DASD to another. For a nondedicated device, a write record R(O) is replaced by a read record R(O) and the skip flag is set on. This could result in a command reject condition due to an invalid command sequence. 9. When performing DASD I/O the real Search Id command uses the relocated search argument instead of the argument that was read dynamically. To avoid this problem, the record field of a Search Id I/O command should not be set to binary zero if the search argument is to be dynamically read or if a Search Id on record 0 is not intended. 10. On FBA devices, the use of the CE area is different for dedicated devices and minidisks. Any user with a dedicated device can use the CE area. However, only class F users can use the CE area for minidisks. 11. FBA diagnostic commands are also handled differently for dedicated devices and minidisks. Any user with a dedicated device can issue diagnostic CCWs. For minidisks, however, only users with a mini disk equal to the size of the entire pack can issue a diagnostic control command. Because Diagnostic Sense commands must be chained from a Diagnostic Control command, this restriction indirectly applies to those commands also. 12. Diagnostic Read Home Address and Diagnostic Write Home Address I/O commands are supported only for: • • Dedicated devices Minidisks that start at real cylinder 0 Only privilege class F users may use the I/O command Diagnostic Write Home Address. 13. Refer to Device Support Facilities, GC35-0033, for procedures to format 3375/3380 DASD for use in an OS/VS operating system running in a virtual machine. 14. Any minidisk that is used by an MVS/SP virtual machine operating with preferred machine assist, must be allocated as a full-extent virtual disk (the entire pack). Because a temporary disk (TDISK) is never fuJI-extent, do not specify a TDISK for a virtual machine using preferred machine assist. 15. Do not use duplicate volume ID's for SYSRES or CP-owned volumes as the results are undesirable. Appendix E. Restrictions 647 16. For minidisks with virtual reserve/release capabilities - Guest virtual machines must issue a SIO sense command after a unit check occurs. This ensures correct information processing in the event that another user has already reserved the same minidisk. If a guest fails to do so and proceeds to RESERVE or UNCONDITIONALly RESERVE the minidisk, there will be no indication that the minidisk in question remains unreserved to the guest. Results will be unpredictable. Timing Dependencies Time dependent applications in input/output devices or programming do not function consistently under VM/SP High Performance Option: 1. The following telecommunication access methods (or the designated option) violate the restriction on timing dependency by using program-controlled interruption techniques and/or the restriction on dynamically modified channel programs: • OS Basic Telecommunications Access Method (BTAM) with the dynamic buffering option. • OS Queued Telecommunications Access Method (QTAM). • DOS Queued Telecommunications Access Method (QTAM). • OS Telecommunications Access Method (TCAM). • OS/VS Telecommunications Access Method (TCAM) Level 4 or earlier, and Level 5 if TCAM is not generated or invoked with the VM/SP High Performance Option. These access methods may run in a virtual = real machine with CCW translation suppressed by the SET NO TRANS ON command. Even if SET NOTRANS ON is issued, CCW translation will take place if one of the following conditions is in effect: • The channel program is directed at a nondedicated device (such as a spooled unit record device, a virtual CTCA, a minidisk, or a console). • The channel program starts with a Sense operation code. • The channel program is for a terminal invoked by the DIAL command. • Start I/O tracing is in effect. • The CAW is in page zero or beyond the end of the virtual = real area. (OS BTAM can be generated without dynamic buffering, in which case no virtual machine execution violations occur. However, the BTAM reset poll macro will not execute under VM/SP High Performance Option if issued from third level storage. For example, a reset poll macro has no effect if executed from a virtual = virtual storage under a VS1 system that is running under VM/SP High Performance Option.) 2. 648 Programming that makes use of the PCI channel interruption for channel program or processor signalling must be written to allow processing to continue normally if the PCI interruption is not recognized until I/O completion or if the modifications performed are not executed by the channel. IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 3. Devices that expect a response to an interruption within a fixed period of time may not function correctly because of execution delays caused by normal VM/SP High Performance Option system processing. An example of such a device is the IBM 1419 Magnetic Character Reader. 4. The operation of a virtual block multiplexer channel is time dependent. For this reason, the channel appears available to the virtual machine operating system, and channel interruptions are not observed. However, operations on virtual block-multiplexing devices should use the available features like Rotational Position Sensing to enhance utilization of the real channels. Processor Model-Dependent Functions On the System/370 Model 158 and the I/O processor of the 158AP, the Virtual Machine Assist feature and the System/370 Extended F~ature are mutually exclusive; however, installation of RPQ (#MK3272) allows coexistence of Virtual Machine Assist and the System/370 Extended Feature on a 158-3. Programs written for processor-model dependent functions may not execute properly in the virtual machine under VM/SP High Performance Option. The following points should be noted: 1. Programs written to examine the machine logout area do not have meaningful data since CP does not reflect the machine logout data to a virtual machine. 2. Programs written to obtain processor identification (via the CP command STIDP) receive the real processor value. When the STIDP instruction is issued by a virtual machine, the version code contains the value 255 in hexadecimal ("FF") to represent a virtual machine. 3. No simulation of other processor models is attempted by VM/SP High Performance Option. 4. Since an operating system's channel error recovery procedures may be model-dependent for processors and channels, operating systems that will run in a virtual machine may have to be generated for the same model of processor that VM/SP High Performance Option will be running on. 5. Shared segments and named systems created on processors utilizing 2K storage protection keys may not execute correctly on processors that utilize 4K storage protection keys. 6. User application programs that rely on 2K key virtual storage may not execute correctly when loaded on a 4K key processor or when loaded on a processor that contains both 4K key and 2K key real storage frames. 7. Virtual machines saved on 2K key processors using the CP command VMSAVE or SAVESYS may not execute correctly when loaded on 4K key processors. 8. Guest virtual machine operating systems that use 2K pages cannot be executed on processors with extended storage. 9. For Release 3.4, System/370 Model I55-II and System 370 Model I65-II are supported in uniprocessor mode only. Appendix E. Restrictions 649 Channel Model-Dependent Functions Channel checks (channel data check, channel control check, and interface control check) are returned to the virtual machine as are other I/O errors. This provides the operating system or other programs in the virtual machine with the opportunity to attempt recovery or close out its operation in an orderly manner. To take full advantage of this, the virtual machine should comply with the following requirement: • Each virtual channel should map to real channels of a single type. In other words, the virtual devices on a virtual channel should all map to. real devices on real channels of a single type and model. These real channels should all be the same as each other, but not necessarily the same as the virtual channel. If the I/O configuration of a virtual machine does not meet the above requirement, no warning message is issued and the virtual machine will run successfully until a channel check occurs. In this case, when a channel check occurs, there is a possibility that the channel extended logout data area may be inconsistent with the data provided by the store channel id (STIDC) instruction. Note: Virtual machines running CMS need not comply with these requirements. Here, only unit record spooling and diagnose I/O are performed. For unit record spooling, there are no channel checks and for diagnose I/O, CP attempts to perform the error recovery itself. When the store channel id instruction (STIDC) is executed in a virtual machine, it returns information from an arbitrary channel. The type, model, and logout length data returned by the STIDC are the same as the real channel except that when a real channel is a block multiplexer and the virtual channel is a selector, the type field returned by STIDC indicates a selector channel. Since the STIDC returns identifying data from the real channel, channel type-dependent error recovery procedures can use STIDC to identify the channel. Channel extended logouts are reflected to the virtual machine in a manner that is model-dependent for processors and channels and consistent with the data returned by STIDC (provided that the virtual-to-real channel mapping the requirement stated previously is met). A deviation in handling channel extended logouts occurs if the virtual machine uses the control bit in register 14 to mask out channel extended logouts. Channel extended logouts will not be lost when they are kept pending along with their associated I/O interruptions. Regardless of whether or not the setting causes the virtual machine to lose the channel extended logout, CP will still successfully record the logout in its own error recording areas. Virtual Machine Characteristics Other characteristics that exist for a virtual machine under VMjSP High Performance Option are as follows: 1. 650 The minimum virtual machine size is BK. The maximum size for a virtual machine is 16 megabytes. The size is defined in the user directory and may be temporarily altered by the user with the CP command DEFINE. IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 2. If the virtual = real option is selected for a virtual machine, input/output operations specifying data transfer into or out of the virtual machine's page zero, or into or out of storage locations whose addresses are greater than the storage allocated by the virtual = real option, must not occur. The storage protection key mechanism of the processor and channels operates in these situations but is unable to provide predictable protection to other virtual machines. In addition, violation of this restriction may compromise the integrity of the system. The results are unpredictable. 3. The DIAGNOSE instruction cannot be issued by the virtual machine for its normal function. CP uses this instruction to allow the virtual machine to communicate system services requests. The diagnose interface requires the operand storage addresses passed from the virtual machine issuing the DIAGNOSE instruction to be real. For more information about the DIAGNOSE instruction in a virtual machine, see the VM/ SP High Performance Option System Programmer's Guide. 4. A two-channel switch can be used between the processor executing a virtual machine under VM/SP High Performance Option and another processor. 5. A control unit normally does not appear busy to a virtual machine. An exception exists when a forward space file or backward space file command is executed for a tape drive. Subsequent I/O operations to the same virtual control unit result in a control unit busy condition until the forward space file or backward space file command completes. If the real tape control unit is shared by more than one virtual machine, a control unit busy condition is reflected only to the virtual machine executing the forward space file or backward space file command. When a virtual machine attempts an I/O operation to a device for which its real control unit is busy, the virtual machine is placed in I/O wait (nondispatchable) until the real control unit is available. If the virtual machine executed a SIOF instruction (rather than SIO) and was enabled for block-multiplexing, it is not placed in I/O wait for the above condition. 6. The CP command IPL cannot simulate self-modifying IPL sequences from dedicated unit record devices or certain self-modifying IPL sequences from tape devices. 7. The VM/SP High Performance Option spooling facilities do not support punch-feed-read, stacker selection, or column binary operations. Detection of carriage control channels is supported for a virtual 3211 only. 8. VM/SP High Performance Option does not support count control on the virtual 1052 operator's console. 9. Programs that ~se the integrated emulators function only if the real computing system has the appropriate compatibility feature. VM/SP High Performance Option does not attempt simulation. The DOS emulator running under OS or OS/VS is not supported under VM/SP High Performance Option. 10. The Read Direct and Write Direct instructions are not supported for a virtual machine. 11. The SET CLOCK instruction cannot be simulated, and hence, is ignored if issued by a virtual machine. The STORE CLOCK instruction is a nonprivileged instruction and cannot be trapped by the control program; it provides the true TOD clock value from the real processor. Appendix E. Restrictions 651 12. The 1050/1052 Model 2 Data Communication System is supported only as a keyboard operator's console. Card reading, paper tape I/O, and other modes of operation are not recognized as unique, and hence may not work properly. This restriction applies only when the 1050 system is used as a virtual machine operator's console. It does not apply when the 1050 system is attached to a virtual machine via a virtual 2701, 2702, or 2703 line. 13. The pseudo-timer (usually device address OFF, device type TIMER) does not return an interruption from a Start I/O; therefore, do not use EXCP to read this device. 14. A virtual machine device IPL with the NO CLEAR option overlays one page of virtual machine storage. The IPL simulator uses one page of the virtual machine to initiate the IPL function. The starting address of the overlaid page is either the result of the following formula: virtual machine size -------------------- = starting address 2 of the overlaid page or the hexadecimal value 2000, whichever is smaller. 15. To maintain system integrity, data transfer sequences to and from a virtual system console are limited to a maximum of 2032 bytes. Channel programs containing data transfer sequences that violate this restriction are terminated with an interruption whose CSW status indicates incorrect length and a channel program check. a. A data transfer sequence is defined as one or more connected read or write CCWs. The introduction of command chaining defines the start of a new data transfer sequence. h. Data chained Seek CCWs with counts of less than four are inconsistent with VM/SP High Performance Option data security and therefore will give an error when attempting to use. 16. Whet?- a unit check occurs on a device, the processor maintains a contingent connection between that device and the virtual machine until CP issues a SENSE CHANNEL command and records sense data. No other I/O activity can occur on the device at this time. However, other I/O activity from a different virtual machine or another processor can begin on this device when CP sends the sense data to the virtual machine. On a shared disk, the access mechanism may possibly move during this time and cause an I/O error. 17. The mode setting for 7-track tape devices is maintained by the control unit. Therefore, when a virtual machine issues the Set Mode channel command to a 7-track tape device, it changes the mode setting of all 7-track tape devices attached to that control unit. This has no effect on virtual machines (such as OS or DOS) that issue Set Mode each time a CCW string is to be executed. However, it can cause a problem if a virtual machine fails to issue a Set Mode with each CCW string executed. Another virtual machine may change the mode setting for another device on the same control unit, thereby changing the mode setting for all 7-track tape devices attached to that control unit. 18. A shared system or one that uses discontiguous saved segments cannot be loaded (via IPL) into a virtual machine running in the virtual = real area. 652 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 19. The DUMMY feature for VSAM data sets is not supported and should not be used at program execution time. Specifying this option on the DLBL command will cause an execution-time OPEN error. 20. The 3066 is supported as a 3215. It is not supported as a graphics terminal; therefore, it is recommended that the NODISP option of the EDIT command be used when editing in a 3066. 21. The Program Controlled Interruption (PCI) FETCH option for load module retrieval is not supported for OS/MFT or VS1. 22. 4341, 4381, 308x processor complex, and 3090 processors, do not permit use of one megabyte segments for virtual machines. Any attempt by a relocatable virtual machine using 1 Mb segments to invoke the DAT facility for address translation, results in a translation exception. 23. MVS subsystems and application programs that issue the store processor id (STIDP) instruction to determine whether they are executing under VM/SP High Performance Option, should consider the following: a. If the MVS/SP virtual machine is using preferred machine assist and the STIDP instruction gives a return code X'FE'; this indicates that CP will not intercept any DIAGNOSE instructions. The MVS/SP virtual machine with preferred machine assist runs in supervisor state. b. If the MVS/SP virtual machine is using preferred machine assist and the STIDP instruction gives a return code X'FE', the MVS subsystem or application program must use the TEST BLOCK instruction to determine available storage locations. Do not use the MVCL instruction. Use of the MVCL instruction for determining available storage locations produces unpredictable results. 24. VM/SP High Performance Option executes in a virtual machine under VM/System Product Release 2 and subsequent releases; however, such a virtual machine cannot use preferred machine assist. 25. If you are executing MVS/SP version 1 release 3 or a later release in a V = R virtual machine on a 3033 processor, before issuing the SPMODE or QVM command you must activate either preferred machine assist or cross memory assist. 26. When MVS/SP is executing with preferred machine assist active, the Diagnose instruction cannot be used to communicate between MVS/SP and VM/SP High Performance Option. 27. Extended control mode (ECMODE) virtual machines executing on a processor with DAT on where available storage exceeds 16Mb must use 4K pages. The ECMODE virtual machine receives a program check if the page size is not 4K. 28. The MVS/SP V = R virtual machine will not be recovered following a CP abend if a different CP nucleus was loaded onto the system disk after the system became operational. Do not load a new CP nucleus onto the system disk after VM/SP HPO is IPLed. If a new nucleus is loaded, MVS/SP V = R recovery results are unpredictable. 29. When you issue CCW's containing an address, that address must be within the virtual machine size whether or not data transfer is involved. Using an address above the virtual machine size will result in VM/SP HPO forcing a channel program check. Appendix E. Restrictions 653 Device Dependent Restriction VM/SP and VM/SP HPO do not provide alternate track recovery for overflow records on 3340/3344 devices. When this situation arises, a unit check occurs. and produces sense data that state "TRACK CONDITION CHECK" and "OPERATION INCOMPLETE". A fatal I/O error results. Mass Storage System Restrictions 1. There are two OS/VS system data sets associated with Mass S.torage System: The mass storage volume inventory and the mass storage volume control journal. There is one copy of each data set per Mass Storage System, not necessarily one per operating system. If more than one OS/VS system (running either in native mode or in a virtual machine) is connected to a common Mass Storage System, then the OS/VS systems must share a common inventory and journal. 2. When a real 3330V device is dedicated to a virtual machine as a virtual 3330V, the programming support in the virtual machine must recognize and access the virtual device as a 3330V. 3. The following must be compatible: the definition of 3330V addresses in the MCS tables; the DMKRIO module; and the 10GEN for any OS/VS system running in a virtual machine with a dedicated MSG port. 4. Each active volume in the MSS must have a unique volume number. If you wish to have two or more user volumes having the same volume serial (such as different versions of an OS/VS2 system residence volume both having a volume serial of VS2037), then create two MSS volumes having different volume serials and allocate the user volumes as minidisks. 5. Mass Storage System volumes may not be used for system residence, paging, spooling, or temporary disk space. 6. You must not change the volume serial of a real 3330V volume (the volume serial as known by the MSC) except by using the OS/VS access method services utilities. If, for example, cylinder 0 of a 3330V is dedicated to a virtual machine and that virtual machine alters the volume serial using DDR, then the volume cannot be mounted. 7. The MSS Central Service Application Program is not supported by MVS/SP when MVS is executing with preferred machine assist. 8. CP commands that require action from the MSS Control Server must not be issued from the Central Server virtual system. 3880 Storage Subsystem Restrictions The following restrictions apply to 3880 Storage Control Models 11 and 21: 1. 654 You cannot use 3880 devices for spooling, to define minidisks or temporary storage, to hold directories, as system residence volumes, or to receive VMSA VE data. IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 2. The subsystem cache cannot be shared. If the cache is in use, it must be dedicated to a single virtual machine or owned by the system. 3. When using 308x processors, you must execute the Input/Output Configuration Program to define the device to the system. 4. The system programmer must code the FEATURE = operand of the RCTLUNIT macro as FEATURE = 32-DEVICE because 3880 Storage Control addresses span multiple control units. 5. You must supply the base address when defining a device in the RDEVICE macro or when referring to devices in a CP command (for example, the VARY, ATTACH, or DETACH commands). On the Model 21, the exception to this restriction is the QUERY command. You may QUERY a paging address. 6. System programmers should format all subsystem storage devices as PAGE space. Storage devices formatted as any other type will be reallocated as PERM space. 7. You should be aware of the following when coding a device address for either Storage Subsystem Model: As a real device -- • you may use a maximum of four addresses per storage director • for the Model 11 only, the control unit portion (second digit from the right) of the address must be an even number; and the device portion (rightmost digit) of the address must range from 0 to 7. • for the Model 21 only, the device portion of the address must range from 0 to 3. As a virtual device -• in addition to the restrictions above, the device portion of the address must match that of the real device. The restrictions that follow apply to the 3880 Storage Control Model 21 only: 1. To define this subsystem, you must code the DEVTYPE operand of the RDEVICE macro as 3351P. 2. If you choose to use both storage directors available on the Model 21, you must code the ALTCU operand of the RDEVICE macro. In addition, the storage directors must be placed on separate channels. 3. If you do not specify the ALTCU operand when you code the RDEVICE macro, you must place both strings of DASDs on the same channel. 4. In a multiprocessing configuration, online channel paths must be symmetrical. See the "Hardware Configuration" section of VM/SP HPO 3880 Model 21 Storage Subsystem for more information. Appendix E. Restrictions 655 General Restrictions for Preferred Machine Assist 1. Preferred machine assist supports only MVS/SP Version 1 Release 1 with Release 1 Enhancement or later releases. MVS/SP Version 1 Release 3 or later releases are needed to support" extended storage" above 16 megabytes. Any attempt to run another system using the preferred machine assist feature may result in CP abending. 2. The MSS Central Server Application Program, a VM/370 Release 6 Program that runs under MVS, cannot rUn when preferred machine assist is active unless control switch assist is also active. 3. Devices on channels that belong to the preferred virtual machine are not defined to VMjSP HPO at system generation. Because these devices are unknown to VM/SP HPO, the VM/SP HPO system operator cannot vary them online to VM/SP HPO without reinitializing the system and including the devices in DMKRIO. 4. Do not issue DIAGNOSE instructions when running a guest MVS system with preferred machine assist, unless control switch assist is also active and you IPLed the guest with the PMAV operand. Otherwise, the results of using a DIAGNOSE in a preferred machine assist environment are unpredictable. For example, suppose an MVS guest is running with preferred machine assist but not control switch assist. If you issue a DIAGNOSE X'80' to vary a channel offline, the DIAGNOSE instruction will go directly to the hardware and the channel will be varied offline. VM/SP HPO is unable to intercept the DIAGNOSE in this case. 656 5. An MVS V = R guest that was IPLed with the PMAV operand cannot issue a DIAGNOSE or IUCV instruction from above the 16 Mb line, nor can it specify on the operands of such an instruction an address above the 16 Mb line. 6. When you are running either in single processor mode or as a preferred machine assist guest, I/O deadlocks can occur if you have CP and MVS DASD on the same string. For example, if an MVS guest has a channel of its native processor to the same string on which CP owns a channel, deadlocks may occUr. Therefore: • You must segregate MVS and CP spool DASD onto separate strings if you are using virtual spool devices. • You must segregate MVS and CP DASD if you issue CP commands from the MVS virtual machine console and you are not using the Single Console Image Facility. 7. If you started single processor mode on a 308x or 3033 UP-generated system to IPL with the PMA or PMAV option, the MVS guest must vary off the native side before issuing SPMODE off. 8. If you are running single processor mode on a 308x or 4381 processor and you IPL with the PMAV option, the MVS guest must issue DIAGNOSE and IUCV instructions from the CP side (not the native side). In order to accomplish this, the MVS system programmer must establish affinity for the program issuing the DIAGNOSE and IUCV instructions. 9. When you are running in either single processor mode or as a preferred machine assist guest, do not use the CP PER command. IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 10. To use preferred machine assist on the 3090 processor, you must use the release of MVS currently supported on the 3090 processor. Conversational Monitor System Restrictions The following restrictions apply to CMS, the conversational monitor system of VM/SP. Note: VM/SP High Performance Option adds no additional functions to the CMS component of VM/SP. compact 1. CMS executes only on a virtual machine controlled by VM/SP or VM/SP High Performance Option. 2. CMS employs the spooling facilities of VM/SP to perform unit record I/O. However, a program running under CMS can issue its own SIOs to attached dedicated unit record devices. 3. Only those OS and DOS facilities that are simulated by CMS can be used to execute OS and DOS programs produced by language processors under CMS. 4. Programs that operate under CMS are encouraged to use documented interfaces. Those programs which modify DMSNUC or other CMS control blocks in order to accomplish their interfaces with the CMS system, may hamper the performance and reliability of the system. 5. CMS can read sequential and partitioned OS data sets and sequential VSE files. j<, The following restrictions apply when CMS reads OS data sets that reside on OS disks: • Except for VSAM, read-password-protected data sets are not read. • BDAM and ISAM data sets are not read. • Multivolume data sets are read as single-volume data sets. End-of-volume is treated as end-of-file and there is no end-of-volume switching. • Except for VSAM, keys are ignored and only the data is read. • User labels in user-labeled data sets are bypassed. The following restrictions apply when CMS reads VSE files that reside on DOS disks: • Only VSE sequential files can be read. CMS options and operands that do not apply. to OS sequential data sets (such as the MEMBER and CONTACT options of FILEDEF and the PDS option of MOVEFILE) also do not apply to VSE sequential files. Appendix E. Restrictions 657 • The following types of DOS files cannot be read: VSE DAM and ISAM files Files with the input security indicator on VSE files that contain more than 16 extents Note: User labels occupy the first extent; therefore, the file can hold only 15 additional data extents. • Multivolume files are read as single-volume files. End-of-volume is treated as end-of-file .. There is no end-of-volume switching. • User labels in user-labeled files are bypassed. • Since VSE files do not contain BLKSIZE, RECFM, or LRECL parameters, these parameters must be specified via FILEDEF or DCB parameters; otherwise, defaults of BLOCKSIZE = 32760 and RECFM = U are assigned. LRECL is not used for RECFM = U files. • CMS does not support the use of OS/VS DUMMY VSAM data sets at program execution time. Specifying the DUMMY option with the DLBL command causes an error. 6. Assembler program usage of VSAM and the IS AM Interface Program (lIP) is not supported. 7. If eMS cannot calculate a valid time, it will display x.xx. 8. Only those OS and DOS facilities that are simulated by CMS can be used to execute OS and VSE programs produced by language processors under CMS. 9. Many types of object programs produced by CMS (and OS) languages can be executed under CMS using CMS's simulation of OS supervisory functions. Although supported in OS and VSE virtual machines under VM/SP the writing and updating of non-VSAM OS data sets and VSE files are not supported under CMS. *.** in place ofn.nn or 10. Setting the PSW EC mode bit on is not recommended because CMS handles interrupts in BC mode only. 11. eMS/DOS support is based on the VSE/Advanced Functions program product. With VSE, prior releases of VSAM are not supported under CMS/DOS. 12. System logical units (SYSIN, SYSRDR, SYSIPT, SYSLST, and SYSPCH), are not supported for VSE formatted FBA devices because the SYSFIL function (SVC 103) of VSE is not supported under CMS/DOS. 13. Programs compiled using CMS/DOS are not recommended for transfer directly to a VSE machine. The following explanations support this restriction: 658 • The CMS/DOS VSE linkage editor is designed to link edit VSE programs under CMS/DOS only. • Programs compiled using the eMS/DOS assembler may have incorrect external symbol dictionaries. In this situation, the OS assembler is used. The OS assembler is not compatible with VSE. IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes • Some VSE macros and SVC's are simulated. The code generated is not complete under CMS/DOS. • CMS handles interruptions in BC mode only, therefore, setting the PSW EC mode bit on is not recommended. 14. The maximum sizes (in cylinders or blocks) of CMS minidisks are as follows: Device Type Model(s) CMS/VSAM CMS 800-Byte Format CMS lK, 2K, or 4K Format 2314/2319 3310 3330 3330 3333 3333 3348 3348 3350 3370 3370 3375 3380 200 cyl 126,016 blk 404 cyl 808 cyl 404 cyl 808 cyl 349 cyl 696 cyl 555 cyl 558,000 blk 712,752 blk 959 cyl 885 cyl 203 not 246 246 246 246 348 682 115 not not 182 121 203 cyl 126,016 blk 404 cyl 808 cyl 404 cyl 808 cyl 348 cyl 696 cyl 555 cyl 558,000 blk 712,752 blk 959 cyl 885 cyl 1 or 2 11 1 11 35 70 native mode Al or HI A2 or B2 cyl supported cyl cyl cyl cyl cyl cyl cyl supported supported cyl cyl 15. To ensure that the saved copy of the S-STAT or Y-STAT is current, a validity check is performed only for S-DISKS and Y-DISKS formatted in 1024; 2048, or 4096-byte CMS blocks. For 800-byte block disks, the saved copy of the S-STAT or Y-STAT is used. 16. Programs that operate under CMS should use documented interfaces. Those programs which modify DMSNUC or other CMS control blocks in order to accomplish their interfaces with the CMS system may hamper the performance and reliability of the system. Miscellaneous Restrictions 1. The number of pages used for input/output must not exceed the total number of user pages available in real storage. Violation of this restriction causes the real computing system to be put into an enabled wait state. 2. When you define virtual devices for a virtual machine, you must consider free storage requirements for virtual device tables. Virtual device tables must reside in contiguous free storage, and sometimes enough is not available. For Release 3.6, if you define more than 51 devices for a virtual machine, you may receive an error message because you need more than one page of contiguous free storage. The number "51" results from the size of the VDEVBLOK as it relates to a full page (512 doublewords) of free storage. Because the size of the VDEVBLOK varies from one release to the next, the device number will be different for each release. Consider the following to avoid the free storage problem: • You need 512 doublewords of contiguous free storage for every (512/VDEVBLOK size) virtual devices. (For Release 3.6, the size of the VDEVBLOK is 10 doublewords. 512 divided by 10 is 51.2. Thus, if you define more than 51 devices you need more than one page of contiguous free storage. Appendix E. Restrictions 659 • Virtual machines with more than 51 devices should be the first to logon after IPL. Contiguous pages of free storage are sure to be available only immediately after IPL, before other virtual machines have logged on. • For the current size of the VDEVBLOK (virtual device block), see VM/SP HPO Data Areas and Control Block Logic- CPo 3. If the number of virtual devices exceeds the formula (7FFF divided by the VDEVBLOK size) unpredictable results may occur. This is due to the design usage of the virtual control block structure. 4. For remote 3270's, VM/SP High Performance Option supports a maximum of 256 binary synchronous lines, minus one (if there are any 3704/3705 Communications Controllers in emulation mode). 5. If an I/O device (such as a disk or tape drive) drops ready status while it is processing virtual I/O activity, any virtual machine users performing I/O on that device are unable to continue processing or to log off. Also, the CP commands LOGOFF and FORCE are not effective because they do not complete until all outstanding I/O is finished. The system operator should determine which I/O device is involved and make that device ready. 6. Any modifications to local OPTIONS COPYFILE, unless otherwise specified in existing documentation, is not supported. 7. If an installation is using an IBM 3031, 3032, or 3033 processor, it must dedicate the service record file (SRF) device to the control program. Thus, the channel on which the SRF is located cannot be dedicated to any virtual machine. 8. When using the SPOOL, DEDICATE, and SPECIAL directory control statements to define virtual devices, specify virtual addresses that do not conflict or contend with the virtual control unit interface. This conflict or contention occurs because devices can require special I/O interface protocol from control units such as shared and nonshared subchannel operations. Putting devices that require different real control units on the same virtual control unit can result in a hung or busy condition. To avoid this problem, users must define (and separate) devices within their own control unit range. For example, if the entry specifies: SPOOL 102 3211 SPECIAL 103 3270 the control unit 0 on channell controls both a nonshared device (the 3211 printer) and a shared device (the 3270 display unit). Processing of channel programs involving these two devices can result in a hung or busy condition. 9. 660 Logical device support is not designed to simulate all aspects of real device support. Some instances are: • Logical device support always presents the channel status words Channel End and Device End to the virtual machine at the same time. • Logical device support does not manipulate the PCI bit in the CCW. • Only the I/O ending status is returned to the virtual machine. Never the initial status. IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes 10. When using two channel-to-channel adapters dedicated to virtual machines and the CTCAs are operating on the same channels on each processor, the virtual machines should use the control CCW to prevent locking out the channel. 11. The SEREP program is not supported as a service strategy on the 4341, 4381, 308x processor complex, and 3090 processors. 12. When sending a large graphics data stream, a user may incur a performance degradation. 13. When TERMINAL CONMODE 3270 is invoked, tracing should not be performed at the same console; the results are unpredictable. 14. If using CONMODE 3270 with a guest system control program such as MVS, SCRNSAVE ON must be specified. If not specified, unpredictable results can occur. 15. If a terminal has an inhibited (non-display) read up and either a delayed PF key or an undefined PF key is used, the input area will be rewritten without the inhibited attribute byte. Any data typed in at this point is displayed. To rewrite the inhibited read, use the clear key after using the PF key. 16. VM/SP High Performance Option does not support the VM/System Product Small CP Option. 17. If a NETWORK ENABLE Is issued to a device with advanced features and a NETWORK ATTACH is issued prior to powering the device on, then the advanced features will be non-operational. The device must be powered on and enabled prior to the NETWORK ATTACH. 18. The DIAL command does not reset a 3278-Mod 4 to default mode (a 24 line screen) after the system has switched the terminal to alternate mode (a 43 line screen). Alternate r.node is initiated after the system has written the logo and issued an erase write alternate to the screen. 19. In Single Processor Mode, CP owned volumes must be on strings and control units that are not online to the MVS native side. 20. Support of the 3800 as a non-dedicated virtual spooling device does not save the loaded FCB between spool files. When a virtual spool file is closed, the loaded FCB is not kept. When a spool file is opened, a default FCB is set. A X'63' (LOAD FCB) CCW must be issued to set up any other FCB for the spool file. This support is inconsistent with VM/SP HPO support of other virtual spooling devices, such as the 3211. 21. Do not use volume identifiers for SYSRES or CP-owned volumes that are the same as volume IDs specified for dedicated volumes or minidisk volumes. 22. When using the virtual channel-to-channel adapter, it is possible to receive a spurious attention interrupt after receiving attention plus busy in response to a data transfer operation. The spurious attention interrupt might occur if both virtual CTCAs are doing the same data transfer operation (for example, if both are doing writes or both are doing reads). Appendix E. Restrictions 661 23. Do not define swap areas on the following types of devices: • • • 3310 or 3375 or are not 2314 or 3370 FBA devices 3380 devices equipped with Extended-Count-Key-Data support that attached to a high speed channel 3340 disk devices 24. Allocate paging and spooling areas on pseudo cylinder boundaries for FBA devices. This is necessary because the system does not use pages outside of cylinder boundaries even though these pages are within allocation extents. 25. If the system terminates the Input/Output Configuration Program (IOCP) prematurely while an input/output configuration data set write is in progress, the CP IOCP write lock will remain set. To clear the lock, you must do one of the following: • • • Rerun the IOCP program to completion. Perform a virtual system restart. Re-IPL the virtual machine. 26. The total number of area specifications in all the SYSPAG macros cannot exceed 255. 27. You can specify a given volid only once on the same SYSPAG macro. However, you can specify a given volid on different SYSPAG macros. 28. Areas that you specify as TYPE = PS on a SYSPAG macro must be areas allocated as TEMP by DMKFMT. 29. Areas that you specify as TYPE = DU on a SYSPAG macro must be areas allocated as DUMP by DMKFMT. 30. When the VM/SP HPO product is installed, the system cannot be shutdown by an IPL of a new nucleus. 31. When migrating between VM/SP HPO Release 3.4 and 3.2, if you have spool files on FBA devices, a warmstart is not permitted. To recover spool files, perform a checkpoint start and then issue the SPTAPE command. 32. When a real channel uses a hardware LIFO stacking mechanism, missing interrupts may occur at the control unit level. Because the hardware LIFO mechanism stacks the interrupts in the channel, the channel may present the control unit end interrupt to the host before it presents the control unit busy interrupt. Use the missing-interrupt handler to relieve this situation. 33. If you attach a channel to a virtual machine, any device on that channel may experience trouble when the virtual machine issues an Assembler Language Clear Channel (CLRCH) command. 34. In order to defer error processing, VM uses the stacking of CPEXBLOKs to device-dependent error recovery modules. Subsequent interrupts may occur before error processing in completed for the fh'st interrupt. As a result, two CPEXBLOKs may be stacked to the ERP module for the same IOBLOK. 35. An MVS guest operating system using preferred machine assist, single processor mode, or non-disruptive transition on the 3090 processor, must use the release of MVS currently supported on the 3090 processor. 662 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes Index abbreviations message 2 abend See abnormal termination (abend) abnormal termination (abend) CMS action for 48-50 codes 48-50 reason for 48-50 recovery 45 collect information 15 CP codes 18-45 dump 15 reason for 18-45 CP abend codes 18-45 in CMS 45 in CP 15 problem determination 15, 45 recovery 45 channel programs dynamically modified 645-646 characteristics virtual machine 650-654 CMS (Conversational Monitor System) abnormal termination (abend) action for 48-50 codes 48-50 collect information 45 problem determination 45 reason for 48-50 recovery 45 command-to-message cross-reference 483-510 dump at abnormal termination 45 error messages 191-395 CMS Editor '397-403 CMS EXEC interpreter 407 DEBUG command 404-406 VM/SP System Product Editor 191-395 messages alphameric ally by message identifier 542-571 command-to-message cross reference 483-510 message text-to-message identifier cross-reference 612-638 message-to-module cross-reference 582-588 restrictions 657-659 return codes 6 CMS commands See CMS (Conversational Monitor System) CMS EDIT subcommand messages 397-403 CMS Editor messages 397-403 CMS EXEC messages 407 codes abend CMS 48-50 CP 18-45 wait state CP 6 loader 11-14 RSCS 15 command-to-message cross-reference CMS 483-510 CP 465-482 IPCS 516-517 RSCS 511-516 Control Program See CP (Control Program) control switch assist 656 Conversational Monitor System See CMS (Conversational Monitor System) CP (Control Program) abnormal termination (abend) action for 18-45 codes 18-45 dump 17 reason for 18-45 SET DUMP command 17 TAPE DUMP command 17 VMFDUMP command 17 command-to message cross-reference 465-482 error message numbers 2 error messages 51-189 messages alphameric ally by message identifier 519-541 command-to-message cross-reference 465-482 message text-to-message identifier cross-reference 591-611 message-to-module cross-reference 577-581 problem determination 2 return codes 6 wait state codes 6-11 description of 6-11 CP commands See CP (Control Program) cross-reference command-to-message CMS 483-510 CP 465-482 IPCS 516-517 RSCS 511-516 Index 663 message text-to-message identifier CMS 612-638 CP 591-611 IPCS 642-643 RSCS 639-641 message-to-module CMS 582-588 CP 577-581 IPCS 590 RSCS 589 DDR command return codes 6 DEBUG command error messages 404-406 debugging for CMS abnormal termination (abend) 45 for CP abnormal termination (abend) 2, 17, format of messages identifier 1 text 1 functions channel model-dependent 650 processor model-dependent 649 general user action on CP errors 2 18-45 dependencies timing 648-649 Device Support Facility disk initialization program messages 451-464 DIAGNOSE instructions use with control switch assist 656 diagnostic messages Device Support Facility 451-464 DIRECT command return codes 6 displaying message identifier 2 displaying messages at the terminal 2 default settings 2 error messages CMS 191-395 CMS EXEC interpreter 407 CP 51-189 DEBUG command 404-406 Device Support Facility 451-464 EXEC 2 interpreter 407 IPCS 441-451 RSCS 411-439 errors action by general user 2 by system operator 2 EXEC 2 messages 407 664 IBM VMjSP HPO System Messages and Codes Interactive Problem Control System See IPCS (Interactive Problem Control System) IPCS (Interactive Problem Control System) messages 441-451 alphameric ally by message identifier 575-576 command-to-message cross-reference 516-517 message text-to-message identifier cross-reference 642-643 message-to-module cross-reference 590 return codes 6 loader wait conditions 11-14 wait state codes 11-14 Mass Storage System (MSS) restrictions 654 message format 1 identifier 1 message number description of 1 message summary alphameric ally by message identifier CMS 542-571 CP 519-541 IPCS 575-576 RSCS 572-574 message syntax conventions 2 message text-to-message identifier cross reference CMS 612-638 CP 591-611 IPCS 642-643 RSCS 639-641 message-to-module cross-reference CMS 582-588 CP 577-581 IPCS 590 RSCS 589 messages CMS EDIT subcommand 397-403 CMS EXEC interpreter 407 DEBUG command 404-406 default setting for displaying 2 diagnostic Device Support Facility 451-464 displaying at the terminal 2 error CMS 191-395 CP 51-189 Device Support Facility 451-464 IPCS 441-451 RSCS 411-439 EXEC 2 interpreter 407 format 1 identifier message number 1 module code 1 prefix 1 type code 1 special 2 syntax conventions 2 abbreviations 2 System Product Editor 1 text 1 MNOTES 2 model-dependent functions channel 650 processor 649 module code description of 1 MSS restrictions 654 PER command when not to use 656 preferred machine assist summmary of restrictions prefix description of 1 problem determination CP procedures 2 656 general user action 2 system operator action 2 RC See return codes Remote Spooling Communication Subsystem See RSCS (Remote Spooling Communications System) responses unnumbered 2 restrictions CMS 657-659 minidisk 646-648 miscellaneous 659-662 MSS 654 VM/SP HPO 645-662 when using preferred machine assist 656 return codes CMS DDR command 6 example of 6 CP DIRECT command 5 example of 5 IPCS 6 RSCS (Remote Spooling Communications System) error messages 411-439 messages alphameric ally by message identifier 572-574 command-to-message cross-reference 511-516 message text-to-message identifier cross-reference 639-641 message-to-module cross-reference 589 wait state codes 15 RSCS commands See RSCS (Remote Spooling Communications System) severity codes meanings 1 types 1 special message facility 2 subcommands DEBUG messages 404-406 EDIT messages 397-403 syntax conventions messages 2 system operator action on CP errors 2 System Product Editor Index 665 See Virtual Machine/System Product(VM/SP) terminals displaying messages at 2 termination abnormal CMS abend codes 48-50 CP abend codes 18-45 type code description of 1 virtual machine characteristics 650-654 Virtual Machine/System Product (VM/SP) High Performance Option restrictions 645-662 Virtual Machine/System Product(VM/SP) System Product Editor 1 VM/SP See Virtual Machine/System Product(VM/SP) VM/SP High Performance Option restrictions 645-662 wait state codes CP 6-11 loader 11-14 RSCS 15 666 IBM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes READER'S COMMENT FORM VM/SP HPO System Messages and Codes Order No. SC19-6226-4 This manual is part of a library that serves as a reference source for systems analysts, programmers, and operators of IBM systems. 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