SC23 0790 0_AIX_Operating_System_Commands_Reference_Version_2.1_Jan87 0 AIX Operating System Commands Reference Version 2.1 Jan87
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IBM RT PC Advanced Interactive Executive Operating System Version 2.1 AIX Operating System Commands Reference -------- . --- -- -- -----------, --- -~--- Personal Computer Software First Edition (January 1987) Portions of the code and documentation described in this book were developed at the Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences Department at the Berkeley Campus of the University of California under the auspices of the Regents of the University of California. This edition applies to Version 2.1 ofIBM RT PC AIX Operating System Licensed Program and to all subsequent releases until otherwise indicated in new editions or technical newsletters. Changes are made periodically to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of this publication. References in this publication to IBM products, programs, or services do not imply that IBM intends to make these available in all countries in which IBM operates. Any reference to an IBM program product in this publication is not intended to state or imply that only IBM's program product may be used. Any functionally equivalent program may be used instead. International Business Machines Corporation provides this manual "as is," without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. IBM may make improvements and/or changes in the products and/or the programs described in this manual at any time. Products are not stocked at the address given below. Requests for copies of this product and for technical information about the system should be made to your authorized IBM RT PC dealer. A reader's comment form is provided at the back of this publication. If the form has been removed, address comments to IBM Corporation, Department 997, 11400 Burnet Road, Austin, Texas 78758-3493. IBM may use or distribute whatever information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you. © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1985, 1986, 1987 © Copyright INTERACTIVE Systems Corporation 1984 © Copyright AT&T Technologies 1984 About This Book This book contains reference information on AIXI Operating System commands. It describes the commands you can run and summarizes who can call them, how one calls them, what they do, how they read input, how they write output, and how one modifies their actions. Who Should Use This Book To use this book, you should be familiar with AIX or UNIX2 System 5 commands. If you are not already familiar with AIX or UNIX System V, see Using the AIX Operating System. If you are familiar with the commands but need to review how to use the shell and write shell procedures, see "sh" on page 637. How To Use This Book Most of the AIX commands described in this book are in alphabetical order by command name. Some related commands are combined in one description, but these commands should appear in the "Contents" and the "Index." Therefore, if you cannot find a particular command in this book, the "Contents" or the "Index" should tell you where to find its description. Task Index A "Task Index" on page 7 appears before "Commands" on page 29 to help you locate the commands you need to perform specific tasks. The "Task Index" begins with a "Contents" listing general and specific tasks. To find a command to perform a specific task, go to the page shown and look at the commands and their purposes listed on that page. AIX is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. UNIX was developed and licensed by AT&T. It is a registered trademark of AT&T in the United States of America and other countries. About This Book iii Commands "Commands" begin on page 29. The discussion of each command includes the following information: Purpose A single-sentence description of the major function of each command. Syntax A syntax diagram that shows command line options. For a discussion of how to use this syntax diagram, see "Syntax Diagrams" on page 3. Description A discussion of the command that provides more details about its function and use. Flags A list of command line flags and associated parameters that explains how they modify the action of the command. Sub commands A list of subcommands (for interactive commands) that explains their use. Examples Specific examples of how you can use the command. Files A list of files used by the command. Related Information A list of related commands in this book and related discussions in other books. For details on other conventions used in this book, see "How To Use The Commands Section" on page 1. Special Key Sequences You can use the AIX Operating System from any of several different display stations, each of which has a different keyboard. In some cases, you must press different keys to perform the same special function from different keyboards. This book identifies both the function name (for example, INTERRUPT) and the necessary key sequence on the IBM RT Personal Computer 3 (in parentheses). If you do not have the IBM RT PC Keyboard, look at your keyboard reference chart to find out which keys on your keyboard produce the special function. 3 iv RT Personal Computer, RT PC and RT are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. Commands Reference Reference and Information Aids The standard system devices are described in Appendix A, "AIX Device Table" on page 869. A cross-reference listing of commands and program packages appears in Appendix B, "Program Cross-Reference Index" on page 871. Appendix C, "Details on Reading Syntax Diagrams" on page 879 contains a detailed description of how to read syntax diagrams. A "Glossary" of terms appears after the Appendixes, followed by an "Index." A Reader's Comment Form and Book Evaluation Form are provided at the back of this book. Use the Reader's Comment Form at any time to give IBM information that may improve the book. After you have become familiar with the book, use the Book Evaluation Form to give IBM specific feedback about the book. Prerequisite Information • IBM RT PC Using the AIX Operating System describes using the AIX Operating System commands, working with file systems, and developing shell procedures. • IBM RT PC Managing the AIX Operating System provides instructions for performing such system management tasks as adding and deleting user IDs, creating and mounting file systems, and repairing file system damage. Related Information • IBM RT PC AIX Operating System Programming Tools and Interfaces describes the programming environment of the AIX Operating System and includes information about using the operating system tools to develop, compile, and debug programs. In addition, this book describes the operating system services and how to take advantage of them in a program. This book also includes a diskette that includes programming examples, written in C language, to illustrate using system calls and subroutines in short, working programs. (Available optionally) • IBM RT PC AIX Operating System Technical Reference describes the system calls and subroutines that a C programmer uses to write programs for the AIX Operating System. This book also includes information about the AIX file system, special files, file formats, GSL subroutines, and writing device drivers. (Available optionally) • IBM RT PC Using AIX Operating System DOS Services provides step-by-step information for using AIX Operating System DOS Services. (Available optionally; packaged with IBM RT PC AIX Operating System DOS Services Reference) • IBM RT PC AIX Operating System DOS Services Reference provides reference information about the AIX Operating System DOS Services. This book also includes information on sharing DOS files with Personal Computer AT Coprocessor Services, About This Book v and on the differences between PC DOS and DOS Services. (Available optionally; packaged with IBM RT PC Using AIX Operating System DOS Services) • IBM RT PC C Language Guide and Reference provides guide information for writing, compiling, and running C language programs and includes reference information about C language data structures, operators, expressions, and statements. (Available optionally) • IBM RT PC Messages Reference lists messages displayed by the IBM RT PC and explains how to respond to the messages. • Virtual Resource Manager Technical Reference is a two-volume set. The first volume, Virtual Resource Manager Programming Reference, describes the VRM programming environment, including the internal VRM routines, VRM floating-point support, use of the VRM debugger, and the supervisor call instructions that form the Virtual Machine Interface. The second volume, Virtual Resource Manager Device Support, describes device IPL and configuration, minidisk management, the virtual terminal and block I/O subsystems, as well as the interfaces to the predefined VRM device drivers. This volume also describes the programming conventions for developing your own VRM code and installing it on the system. • IBM RT PC AIX Operating System Text Formatting Guide describes the functions and capabilities of NROFF and TROFF to perform text processing tasks. (Available optionally) See IBM RT PC Bibliography and Master Index for order numbers of IBM RT PC publications and diskettes. Ordering Additional Copies of This Book To order additional copies of this publication (without program diskettes), use either of the following sources: • To order from your IBM representative, use Order Number SBOF-0128. • To order from your IBM dealer, use Part Number 79X3853. A binder is included with the order. For information on ordering the binder and manual separately, contact your IBM representative or your IBM dealer. vi Commands Reference Contents How To Use The Commands Section .......................... 1 Command Input and Output ............................................... File Name Substitution ................................................... Syntax Diagrams ........................................................ Flag and Parameter Syntax Under Description ................................ 2 2 3 6 Task Index 7 Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . acctj* .............................................................. chargefee ....................................................... ckpacct ........................................................ dodisk ......................................................... lastlogin ........................................................ monacct ........................................................ nulladm ........................................................ prctmp ......................................................... prdaily ............................. _............................ prtacct ......................................................... remove ......................................................... shutacct ........................................................ startup ......................................................... turnacct ........................................................ acctcms acctcom ............................................................ acctcon ............................................................ acctconl ....................................................... acctcon2 ....................................................... acctdisk ............................................................ acctmerg ........................................................... acctprc ............................................................. acctprcl ........................................................ acctprc2 ........................................................ accton ......................................................... actman ............................................................ adb .............................................................. . admin .............................................................. ar ................................................................. arithmetic .......................................................... Contents 29 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 32 32 32 33 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 34 34 36 38 42 42 43 44 46 48 48 49 49 50 50.1 . 51 . 58 . 62 vii as .................................................................. 64 at, batch ............................................................ 66 awk ................................................................ 70 back ................................................................ 75 backup .............................................................. 76 banner .............................................................. 80 basename, dirname ................................................... 81 be .................................................................. 83 bdiff ................................................................ 88 bfs ................................................................. 90 bj . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 bs .................................................................. 95 cal ................................................................ 106 calendar ............................................................ 107 cat ................................................................ 109 cb ................................................................. 111 cc ................................................................. 112 cd ................................................................. 121 cdc ................................................................ 123 cflow .............................................................. 125 chgrp ............................................................. 126.1 chmod ............................................................. 128 chown ............................................................. 132 chparm ............................................................ 133 chroot ............................................................. 134 clri ................................................................ 136 cmp ............................................................... 138 col ................................................................ 140 comb .............................................................. 142 comm .............................................................. 144 confer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 146 config .............................................................. 150 connect ............................................................ 152 cp ................................................................. 156 cpio ............................................................... 158 cpp ................................................................ 163 craps .............................................................. 167 crash .............................................................. 168 cron ............................................................... 172 crontab ............................................................ 174 csh ................................................................ 177 csplit .............................................................. 202 ctab ............................................................... 204 ctags .............................................................. 208 cut ................................................................ 210 cvid ............................................................... 212 viii Commands Reference cw, checkcw ........................................................ 213 cxref .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 217 date ............................................................... 219 dc ................................................................. 222 dcopy .............................................................. 226 dd ................................................................. 228 defltey ............................................................. 232 del ................................................................ 234 delta ............................................................... 236 deroff .............................................................. 239 devices ............................................................. 241 devnm ............................................................. 242 df ................................................................. 244 diff ................................................................ 246 diff3 ............................................................... 249 diffmk ............................................................. 252 dircmp ............................................................. 254 diskusg ............................................................ 256 display ............................................................. 258 dos ................................................................ 262 dosdel .............................................................. 266 dosdir .............................................................. 267 dosread ............................................................ 269 doswrite ............................................................ 271 dsipc .............................................................. 272.1 dsldxprof .......................................................... 272.2 dsstate ............................................................ 272.4 dsxlate ............................................................ 272.6 du ................................................................. 273 dump .............................................................. 275 dumpfmt ........................................................... 277 echo ............................................................... 278 ed ................................................................. 280 edit ................................................................ 292 env ................................................................ 298 eqn, neqn, checkeq ................................................... 300 errdead ............................................................ 302 errdemon ........................................................... 303 errpt, errpd ......................................................... 305 errstop ............................................................. 309 errupdate ........................................................... 310 ex ................................................................. 312 expr ............................................................... 317 factor .............................................................. 321 ff .................................................................. 322 file ................................................................ 324 Contents ix find ................................................................ 326 fish ................................................................ 330 format ............................................................. 331 fortune ............................................................. 332 fptype ............................................................. 332.1 fsck, dfsck .......................................................... 333 fsdb ............................................................... 338 fuser ..................................................,............. 343 fwtmp .............................................................. 345 acctwtmp ....................................................... 345 wtmpfix ................ : ....................................... 346 gdev ............................................................... 347 hpd ............................................................ 347 erase .......................................................... 348 hardcopy ....................................................... 348 tekset .......................................................... 348 td ............................................................. 348 ged ................................................................ 350 gend ............................................................... 357 get ................................................................ 359 get opt .............................................................. 367 gettext ............................................................. 370 getty ............................................................... 372 graph .............................................................. 375 graphics ............................................................ 377 greek .............................................................. 379 grep ............................................................... 381 groups ............................................................. 385 gutil ............................................................... 386 bel ............................................................ 387 cvrtopt ......................................................... 387 gd ............................................................. 388 gtop ........................................................... 388 pd ............................................................. 388 ptog ........................................................... 388 quit ............................................................ 388 rem com ........................................................ 388 whatis ......................................................... 388 yoo ............................................................ 389 hangman ........................................................... 390 help ............................................................... 391 hp ................................................................. 392 hyphen ............................................................. 394 id ................................................................. 395 init ................................................................ 396 install .............................................................. 399 x Commands Reference installp ............................................................. 402 inusave ........................................................ 403 inurecv ........................................................ 404 inurest ......................................................... 405 ckprereq ....................................................... 406 mvmd .......................................................... 407 ipcrm .............................................................. 409 ipcs ................................................................ 411 ipctable ........................................................... 414.1 istat ............................................................... 415 join ................................................................ 417 keyboard ........................................................... 421 kill ................................................................ 422 killall .............................................................. 425 Id ................................................................. 427 lex ................................................................ 432 Ii .................................................................. 437 line ................................................................ 443 link, unlink ......................................................... 444 lint ................................................................ 446 In ................................................................. 450 locator ............................................................. 452 login ............................................................... 453 logname ............................................................ 456 lorder .............................................................. 457 Ip ................................................................. 459 Is .................................................................. 461 m4 ................................................................ 465 mail ............................................................... 470 make .............................................................. 474 makekey ........................................................... 481 mdrc ............................................................... 482 mesg ............................................................... 484 minidisks ........................................................... 485 mkdir .............................................................. 486 mkfs ............................................................... 487 mknod ............................................................. 490 mm, checkmm ...................................................... 492 mmt, checkmm ...................................................... 495 moo ............................................................... 497 mount ............................................................. 498 mv ................................................................ 502 mvdir .............................................................. 504 ncheck ............................................................. 505 ndtable ............................................................ 506.1 newform ........................................................... 507 Contents xi newgrp ............................................................ news .............................................................. nice .............................................................. nl ................................................................ nm ............................................................... nohup ............................................................. nroff .............................................................. number ........................................................... od ................................................................ open .............................................................. pack .............................................................. pcat .......................................................... unpack ........................................................ passwd ............................................................ paste ............................................................. penable ........................................................... pdisable ....................................................... phold ......................................................... pg ................................................................ piobe ............................................................. pr ................................................................ profiler ................................. -........................... prfld .......................................................... prfstat ........................................................ prfdc, prfsnap .................................................. prfpr .......................................................... print .............................................................. prof .............................................................. proto ............................................................. prs ............................................................... ps ................................................................ ptx ............................................................... puttext ............................................................ pwck .............................................................. pwd ............................................................... qdaemon .......................................................... quiz rc ................................................................ regcmp ............................................................ restore ............................................................ rm ............................................................... rmdel ............................................................. rmdir ............................................................. runacct ........................................................... sact .............................................................. sadc .............................................................. xii Commands Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 510 512 515 517 521 523 525 537 538 541 543 544 544 546 547 550 551 551 553 557 561 564 565 565 565 565 566 571 573 574 579 584 586 588 589 590 591 594 595 596 601 604 605 606 609 610 sal ............................................................ 611 sa2 ............................................................ 611 sag ................................................................ 612 sar ................................................................ 614 sccsdiff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 618 sdb ................................................................ 619 sdiff ............................................................... 627 sed ................................................................ 629 setdma ............................................................ 634.1 setmnt ............................................................. 635 sh ................................................................. 637 shlib ............................................................... 660 shutdown ........................................................... 663 size ................................................................ 665 skulker ............................................................ 667 sleep ...................................................... '. . . . . . . .. 668 sno ................................................................ 670 sort ................................................................ 672 sound .............................................................. 679 spell ............................................................... 681 spline .............................................................. 684 split ............................................................... 686 splp ................................................................ 687 stat ................................................................ 690 strip ............................................................... 716 stty ................................................................ 717 su ................................................................. 724 sum ............................................................... 726 sync ............................................................... 727 tab, untab .......................................................... 728 tabs ............................................................... 729 tail ................................................................ 732 tapechk ............................................................ 734 tar ................................................................ 735 tbl ................................................................. 739 tc ................................................................. 742 tctl ................................................................ 744 tee ................................................................ 746 termdef ............................................................ 748 test ................................................................ 750 tic ................................................................. 753 time ............................................................... 754 timex .............................................................. 755 toc ................................................................ 757 dtoc ........................................................... 757 ttoc ............................................................ 758 Contents xiii vtoc ........................................................... 758 touch .............................................................. 760 tplot ............................................................... 762 tput ............................................................... 763 tr ................................................................. 765 trace ............................................................... 768 trcrpt .............................................................. 772 trcstop ............................................................. 774 trcupdate ........................................................... 775 true ............................................................... 777 tsort ............................................................... 778 ttt ................................................................. 780 tty ................................................................ 781 turnon ............................................................. 783 ugtable ............................................................. 784 umask ............................................................ 784.1 umount ............................................................ 786 uname ............................................................. 788 unget .............................................................. 790 uniq ............................................................... 792 units ............................................................... 793 updatep ............................................................ 796 inudocm ........................................................ 799 inuupdt ........................................................ 800 users .............................................................. 802 uuclean ............................................................ 805 uucp ............................................................... 807 uulog .......................................................... 809 uuname ........................................................ 809 uustat ............................................................. 810 uusub .............................................................. 813 uuto ............................................................... 815 uupick ......................................................... 816 uux ................................................................ 818 val ................................................................ 821 varyon ............................................................. 823 vc ................................................................. 826 verify .............................................................. 830 vi, vedit, view ....................................................... 832 vrmconfig .......................................................... 842 wait ............................................................... 844 wall ............................................................... 845 wc ................................................................. 846 what ............................................................... 848 who ............................................................... 850 write ............................................................... 853 xiv Commands Reference wump .............................................................. 856 xargs .............................................................. 857 yacc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 861 300 ................................................................ 863 4014 ................................................................ 865 450 ................................................................ 866 Appendix A. AIX Device Table 869 Appendix B. Program Cross-Reference Index 871 Appendix C. Details on Reading Syntax Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 879 File Input ......................................................... 880 Syntax Diagrams .................................................... 881 Figures 889 Glossary 891 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 909 Contents xv xvi Commands Reference How To Use The Commands Section This book contains reference information about AIX commands. This information includes syntax diagrams to illustrate how to enter the commands on the command line, descriptions of how commands work, descriptions of command flags and subcommands, lists of related files, and cross-references to related commands in this book and related material in other books. The following includes a description of: • Command input and output • File name substitution by the shell • Syntax diagrams • Flag and parameter syntax. How To Use The Commands Section 1 Command Input and Output Many commands take their input from standard input and write their output to standard output. By default, standard input comes from the keyboard, and standard output goes to the display. It is important to remember this as you read the command descriptions, since they describe the default action. In this context, the verb display means "write to the standard output." Any command that reads standard input and writes to standard output can have its input or output redirected to a file and can be used in a pipeline, where the standard output of a previous command is directed to the standard input of the next command. For more information on pipelines, see "sh" on page 637. There are a few commands that must have a file name supplied or that must read standard input. You can see what a particular command can read by looking at the syntax diagram at the beginning of the description of the command. For instructions on interpreting syntax diagrams, see "Syntax Diagrams" on page 3. File Name Substitution When file is supplied as an argument to either a command or a flag, you can automatically produce a list of file name arguments by specifying a pattern that the shell matches against the file names in a directory. Most characters in such a pattern match themselves, but you can also use some special pattern-matching characters in your pattern. These special characters are: * Matches any string, including the null string. ? Matches anyone character. [ ... ] [! ... ] Matches anyone of the characters enclosed in square brackets. Matches any character other than one of the characters that follow the exclamation mark within square brackets. Inside square brackets, a pair of characters separated by a - (minus) specifies a set of all characters lexically within the inclusive range of that pair, so that [a-dyJ is equivalent to [abcdy]. Using pattern-matching characters in file names on the command line has some restrictions. If the first character of a file name is a . (dot), it can be matched only by a pattern that begins with a dot. For example, * matches the file names myfi 1 e and yourfi 1 e, but not .myfi 1 e and .yourfi 1 e. To match these file names, use a pattern such as: .*file If a pattern does not match any file names, the pattern itself is returned as the result of the match. 2 Commands Reference Note: File and directory names should not contain the characters *, ?, [, or ] because this may create infinite loops during pattern matching attempts. Syntax Diagrams Before each command discussion, you will find a syntax diagram that shows you how to enter that command correctly on the command line. These diagrams show: • • • • • o • Which flags can be entered on the command line Which flags must take parameters Which flags have optional parameters Default values of flags and parameters, if any Which flags can and cannot be entered together Where you must enter flags or parameters and where you have a choice Where you can repeat flag and parameter sequences. The following discussion explains how to interpret the syntax diagrams. It begins with an example diagram that shows most of the conventions used in diagrams. Each part of the diagram is labeled and explained. Following the example are sample diagrams taken from this book. Diagram items that must be entered literally on the command line are in bold. These items include the command name, all flags, and literal characters. Variable items are in italics. These items include parameters that follow flags, and parameters that the command reads, such as files and directories. If an item has a default value, it is shown in the normal font and the path is shown in bold. You do not enter on the command line any item shown in the normal font on a bold path. How To Use The Commands Section 3 The following diagram is an example to illustrate the conventions used in the syntax diagrams: [§] ~)TNE III command name ffi] [II DEFAULT VALUE [l] CONTINUE DIAGRAM ~ ~ D-J.~ GO TO )-( .......... REQUIRED ITEM UQ] INPUT OR OUTPUT Evalu~ ~ EparmF\.. f i l e r parm /f !]J OPTIONAL PARAMETER OL805370 1 Do not put a blank between these items. OL805308 You interpret the diagram as follows: 1 command name The first item in the diagram is the name of the command you want to invoke. It is in bold, so it must be entered exactly as it appears in the diagram. After the command name, the path branches into two paths. You can follow either path. 2 SINGLE CHOICE BOX If you follow the lower path, you encounter a box with the words one of over it. You can choose only one item from this box. 3 DEFAULT LINE If you follow the upper path, you bypass the single choice box,and enter nothing. The bold line around the box is a default line, which means that you do not have to enter anything from that part of the diagram. Exceptions are usually explained under "Description." One important exception, the blank default line around input and output files, is explained in item 10. 4 REPEAT ARROW When you follow a path that takes you to a box with an arrow around it, you must choose at least one item from the box. Then you can either follow the arrow back around and continue to choose items from it, or you can continue along the path. When following the arrow around just the box (rather than an arrow that includes several branches in the diagram), do not choose the same item more than once. 4 Commands Reference 5 REQU I RED ITEM Following the branch with the repeat arrow is a branch with three choices and no default line around them. This means that you must choose one of A, B, or C. 6 GO TO NEXT LIN E If a diagram is too long to fit on one line, this character tells you to go to the next line of the diagram to continue entering your command line. Remember, the diagram does not end until you reach the vertical mark. 7 CO NT I NU E 0 I AGRAM This character shows you where to continue with the diagram after it breaks on the previous line. S OPTIONAL PARAMETER If a flag can, but does not have to, take a parameter, the path branches after the flag to show this. If you cannot enter a space between the flag and parameter, you are told in a footnote. 9 DEFAULT VALUE Often, a command has default values or actions that it will follow if you do not enter a specific item. These default values are indicated in normal font in the default line if they are equivalent to something you could enter on the command line (for example, a flag with a value). If the default is not something you can enter on the command line, it is not indicated in the diagram. However, it is discussed under "Flags." Note: Default values are included in the diagram for your information. Do not enter them on the command line. 10 I NPUT OR OUTPUT A command that can read either standard input or input files has an empty default line around the file parameter. If the command can write its output to either a file or to standard output, it is also shown with a default line around the output file parameter. If a command can read only from standard input, input is not shown in the diagram, and standard input is assumed. If a command writes only to standard output, this is also assumed and output is not included in the diagram. When you must supply a file name for input or output, the file parameter is included in the diagram without a default line around it. Following are examples of how to enter this command based on this syntax diagram. command command cOlnmand command command command command command command command command command name name name name name name name name name name name name A C a d e e B B A 9 f A C 0 C 08 A E7 B myfi 1e a e 9 B 03 E6 myfile d f e h C 0 myfile How To Use The Commands Section 5 Note: Although the diagram implies that the order of the flags is important, it is usually not. When the order of the flags is important, it is indicated in the diagram, under "Flags," or in both places. With this in mind, an additional example of how to enter this command is: command name E9 a 0 9 A h f myfile This is a brief discussion of how to read syntax diagrams. If you need more information on the syntax diagrams, Appendix C, "Details on Reading Syntax Diagrams" on page 879 shows several more examples from this book, and explains in detail how to interpret the diagrams. Flag and Parameter Syntax Under Description The description of flags and parameters under "Description" uses the following conventions: bold Flags and other items in bold are to be entered literally. italics Items in italics are parameter names for which you substitute an appropriate value in that position on the command line. For example, if you see file, you should type in the name of a file in that position. [] Items in brackets are optional. The only exception is brackets that are themselves in bold. Brackets in bold are part of what is to be entered literally. Items followed by an ellipsis can be repeated. Thus, if you see file . .. , you can type several file names separated by blanks. Using these conventions, the following string: -Dname[ = value] shows that, with the -D flag,the name parameter is required but assigning a value to name is optional. The following are valid ways to specify this flag and parameter combination: -Daxis -Daxis=lO The next string shows a parameter that can be replaced by several values: -I file . .. The following are valid ways to enter the -I flag: -1 memo letter -1 memo -1 letter 6 Commands Reference Task Index This index lists most of the commands that are described in this book and gives the purpose of each command. The commands are grouped by task to help you find a command by the task it performs. Operating and Managing the System .............................................. 9 Starting and Stopping the System ............................................... 9 Installing Programs ......................................................... 9 Configuring the System ...................................................... 9 Controlling System Processes ................................................. 10 Displaying and Printing Data and Text ......................................... 11 Performing Calculator Functions .............................................. 11 Controlling System Security .................................................. 12 Displaying System Statistics and Information .................................... 12 Performing System Accounting Functions ....................................... 14 Managing File Systems ...................................................... 14 Analyzing System Activity ........... ,....................................... 15 Backing Up and Restoring System Files ......................................... 16 Working with Files and Directories .............................................. 16 Working with Directories .................................................... 16 Archiving Files ............................................................ 16 Comparing Files ........................................................... 17 Copying and Moving Files ................................................... 17 Creating and Editing Files ................................................... 17 Deleting Files ............................................................. 18 Merging and Splitting Files .................................................. 18 Printing and Displaying Files ................................................. 18 Scanning Files ............................................................ 19 Sorting Files .............................................................. 19 Displaying, Setting, and Changing File Permission ................................ 19 Working with Data ........................................................... 20 Working with Text ........................................................... 20 Creating and Editing Text Files ............................................... 20 Formatting Text ........................................................... 21 Communicating with Other Users ................................................ 22 Communicating with Other Systems .............................................. 22 Working with Disks and Diskettes ............................................... 22 Working with Tape ........................................................... 23 Working with Work Stations ................................................... 23 Working with Graphics ........................................................ 24 Task Index 7 Developing Programs ......................................................... Programming in Assembler ................................................... Programming in C ......................................................... Programming in Miscellaneous Languages ....................................... Programming in Shell ....................................................... Handling Messages ......................................................... Debugging Programs ........................................................ Managing Progrllills .......................................................... Making and Ins·:.alling Programs .............................................. Managing Source Programs Using the Source Code Control System (SCCS) ............. Managing Object Files ...................................................... Playing Games .............................................................. 8 Commands Reference 24 24 24 25 25 26 26 26 26 26 27 28 Operating and Managing the System Starting and Stopping the System actman Lets you interact with multiple virtual terminals. date Displays or sets the date. getty Sets the characteristics of ports. in it Initializes the system. login Allows you to sign on to the system. newgrp Changes your primary group identification. open Opens a virtual terminal. passwd Changes your login password. penable Controls or reports the availability of login ports. rc Performs normal startup initialization. shutdown Ends system operation. users Adds, deletes and changes user and group information. Installing Programs ckprereq Checks the level of the prerequisite licensed program. cvid Creates a VRM install diskette for backup purposes. install Installs a command. installp Installs a program. mvmd Updates the VRM minidisk. updatep Updates one or more programs. vrmconfig Installs peripheral devices. Configuring the System chparm Changes or examines system parameters. config Extracts configuration information from configuration files. devices Adds, deletes, changes, and displays device information. defkey Defines keyboard key assignments. Task Index 9 TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 display Selects the physical display that an existing or new virtual terminal uses and sets colors and fonts. I dsipc Installs the Interprocess Communication key mapping in the kernel. I dsxlate Installs Distributed Services UID/GID translate tables into the kernel. I dsldxprof Loads translate information into the UID/GID translate profiles. env Sets the environment for execution of a command. getty Sets the characteristics of ports. keyboard Controls the delay and repetition rates of the keyboard. locator Controls the sample rate of the locator. minidisks Adds, deletes, changes, and displays minidisks. mdrc Allows you to reinstall a user-created mini disk after you have reinstalled AIX. mknod Creates a special file. mvmd Updates the VRM minidisk. penable Controls or reports the availability of login ports. pdisable Kills the logger running on the specified port. phold Prevents new users from logging into a port. sound Controls the volume and click of the keyboard speaker. splp Changes or displays printer driver settings. stty Sets, resets, or reports work station operating parameters. termdef Queries terminal characteristics. users Adds, deletes and changes user and group information. varyon Makes an IBM 9332 Direct Access Storage Device and the minidisks and file systems defined on it available for use. verify Turns write verification on or off for a particular minidisk. vrmconfig Installs peripheral devices. Controlling System Processes at Runs commands at a later time. cron Runs commands automatically. crontab Submits a schedule of commands to cron. errdemon Starts the error-logging demon. errstop Terminates the error-logging demon. 10 Commands Reference kill Sends a signal to a running process. killall Cancels all processes except the calling process. nice Runs a command at a different priority. nohup Runs a command without hangups and quits. open Opens a virtual terminal. prs Displays a Source Code Control System (SCCS) file. qdaemon Schedules jobs enqueued by the print command. sleep Suspends execution for an interval. trace Starts the trace function. trcstop Stops the trace function. wait Waits for completion of a process. Displaying and Printing Data and Text banner Writes character strings in large letters to standard output. cal Displays a calendar. cat Concatenates or displays files. calendar Writes reminder messages to standard output. col Processes text having reverse linefeeds and forward/reverse half-linefeeds for output to standard output. echo lp Writes its arguments to standard output. Prints a file in a format suitable for sending to a line printer. pg Formats files to the work station. pr piobe Writes a file to standard output. Writes a file to standard output in a format suitable for sending to a line printer. print Enqueues a file. qdaemon splp Schedules jobs enqueued by the print command. Changes or displays printer driver settings. Performing Calculator Functions bc Provides an interpreter for arbitrary-precision arithmetic language. dc Provides an interactive desk calculator for doing arbitrary-precision integer arithmetic. Task Index 11 TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 factor Factors a number. Controlling System Security chgrp chmod chown id logname login newgrp passwd pwck su umask users Changes the group ownership of a file or directory. Changes permission codes. Changes the owner of files or directories. Displays the system identity of the user issuing the command. Displays your login name. Allows you to sign on to the system. Changes your primary group identification. Changes your login password. Checks the password and group files for inconsistencies. Obtains the privileges of another user, including superuser authority. Sets file-creation permission code mask. Adds, deletes and changes user and group information. Displaying System Statistics and Information chparm date Changes or examines system parameters. Displays or sets the date. devices Adds, deletes, changes, and displays device information. diskusg Generates disk accounting data by user ID. I dsstate errpt Sets the state of the Distributed Services kernel logic. Processes a report of logged errors. errupdate Updates an error report template. file Determines file type. fuser Identifies processes using a file or file structure. groups Displays your group membership. help Provides information about a Source Code Control System (SCCS) message or command or about certain non-SCCS commands. id Displays the system identity of the user issuing the command. ipcs Reports inter-process communication facility status. istat Examines i-nodes. logname Displays your login name. 12 Commands Reference minidisks Adds, deletes, changes, and displays minidisks. ncheck Generates path names from i-numbers. news Writes system news items to standard output. od Writes the contents of storage to the standard output. penable Controls or reports the availability of login ports. prfld Profiles the operating system. profiler Displays program profile data. ps Reports process status. pwck Checks the password and group files for inconsistencies. pwd Displays the path name of the working directory. sact Displays current Source Code Control System (SCCS) file editing status sadc Provides a system activity report package. sag Displays a graph of system activity. sar Collects, reports, or saves system activity information. splp Changes or displays printer driver settings. stty Sets, resets, or reports work station operating parameters. sum Displays the checksum and block count of a file. time Times the execution of a command. timex Times a command, and reports process data and system activity. tty Writes to standard output the full path name of your work station. uname Displays the name of the current operating system. uustat Reports the status of and provides rudimentary job control for the uucp command. Task Index 13 uusub Defines and monitors a uucp subnetwork structure. who Identifies the users currently logged in. Performing System Accounting Functions acctdisk Performs disk-usage accounting. acctcms Produces command usage summaries from accounting records. acctcom Displays selected process accounting record summaries. acctconl Performs connect-time accounting. acctmerg Merges total accounting files. acctprcl Performs process accounting. acct/* Provides accounting shell procedures. diskusg Generates disk accounting data by user ID. du Summarizes disk usage. fwtmp Manipulates connect accounting records. runacct Runs daily accounting. sadc Provides a system activity report package. Managing File Systems basename Returns the base name of a string parameter. chroot Changes the root directory of a command. clri Clears the specified i-node. cpio Copies files into and out of archive storage and directories. crash Examines system images. dcopy Copies file systems for the best access time. devnm N ames a device. df Reports number of available disk blocks. du Summarizes disk usage. ff Lists the file names and statistics for a file system. fsck Checks file system consistency and interactively repairs the file system. fsdb Debugs file systems. fuser Identifies processes using a file or file structure. 14 Commands Reference env Sets the environment for execution of a command. istat Examines i-nodes. link Performs the link system call. mdrc Allows you to reinstall a user-created minidisk after you have reinstalled AIX. mkfs Makes a file system. mknod Creates a special file. mount Makes a file system available for use. ncheck Generates path names from i-numbers. proto Constructs a prototype file for a file system. setmnt Creates mount table. skulker Cleans up file systems by removing unwanted files. sync Updates the superblock and writes buffered files to the fixed disk. unlink Performs the unlink system call. umount Makes a file system unavailable for use. varyon Makes an IBM 9332 Direct Access Storage Device and the minidisks and file systems defined on it available for use. Analyzing System Activity errdead Extracts error records from dump. errdemon Starts the error-logging demon. errpt Processes a report of logged errors. errstop Terminates the error-logging demon. errupdate Updates an error report template. dumpfmt Formats the VRM dump file. fuser Identifies processes using a file or file structure. prfld Profiles the operating system. time Times the execution of a command. trace Starts the trace function. trcrpt Formats a report from the trace log file. trcstop Stops the trace function. trcupdate Updates trace format templates. Task Index 15 Backing Up and Restoring System Files backup Backs up files. pack Compresses files. restore Copies back files created by the backup command. tapechk Performs consistency checking of the streaming tape device. tar Manipulates tape archives. tctl Gives commands to streaming tape. Working with Files and Directories Working with Directories cd Changes the current directory. chroot Changes the root directory of a command. dircmp Compares two directories and the contents of their common files. dosdir Lists the directory for DOS files. f"md Finds files matching expression. Ii Lists the contents of a directory. Is Displays the contents of a directory. mkdir Makes a directory. mvdir Moves (renames) a directory. pwd Displays the path name of the working directory. rm Removes files or directories. rmdir Removes a directory. Archiving Files ar Maintains portable libraries used by the linkage editor. backup Backs up files. cpio Copies files into and out of archive storage and directories. lorder Finds the best order for member files in an object library. pack Compresses files. 16 Commands Reference restore Copies back files created by the backup command. shlib Creates a shared library. tar Manipulates tape archives. Comparing Files cmp Compares two files. comm Selects or rejects lines common to two sorted files. bdiff Uses diff to find differences in very large files. diff Compares text files. diff3 Compares three files. diffmk Marks differences between files. dircmp Compares two directories and the contents of their common files. sdiff Compares two files and displays the differences in a side-by-side format. sccsdiff Compares two versions of a Source Code Control System (SCCS) file. uniq Deletes repeated lines in a file. Copying and Moving Files cat Concatenates or displays files. cp Copies files. dd Converts and copies a file. dosread Copies a DOS file. doswrite Copies AIX files to DOS files. In Links files. mv Moves files. uucp Copies files from one AIX system to another. uuto Copies public files from one AIX system to another system with local system control of file access. Creating and Editing Files admin Creates and initializes SCCS files. cdc Changes the comments in a Source Code Control System (SCCS) delta. ed Edits text by line. Task Index 17 edit Provides a simple line editor for the new user. ex Edits lines interactively, with screen display. get Creates a specified version of a Source Code Control System (SCCS) file. mknod Creates a special file. sed Provides a stream editor. uniq Deletes repeated lines in a file. vi Edits files with a full screen display. Deleting Files del Deletes files if the request is confirmed. dosdel Deletes DOS files. rm Removes files or directories. uniq Deletes repeated lines in a file. uuclean Deletes from the uucp spool directory or a named directory selected files older than a specified number of hours. Merging and Splitting Files csplit Splits files by context. cut Writes out selected fields from each line of a file. join Joins data fields of two files. paste Merges the lines of several files or subsequent lines in one file. sort Sorts or merges files. split Splits a file into pieces. tail Writes a file to standard output, beginning at a specified point. Printing and Displaying Files cat Concatenates or displays files. cut Writes out selected fields from each line of a file. lp Prints a file in a format suitable for sending to a line printer. nl Numbers lines in a file. od Writes the contents of storage to the standard output. pg Formats files to the work station. 18 Commands Reference piobe Writes a file to standard output in a format suitable for sending to a line printer. pr Writes a file to standard output. prs Displays a Source Code Control System (SCCS) file. print Enqueues a file. qdaemon Schedules jobs enqueued by the print command. splp Changes or displays printer driver settings. tail Writes a file to standard output, beginning at a specified point. Scanning Files awk Finds lines in files matching specified patterns and performs specified actions on them. bfs Scans files. file Determines file type. find Finds files matching expression. grep Searches a file for a pattern. sed Provides a stream editor. spell Finds spelling errors. uniq Deletes repeated lines in a file. we Counts the number of lines, words, and characters in a file. what Displays identifying information in files. Sorting Files lorder Finds the best order for member files in an object library. sort Sorts or merges files. tsort Sorts an unordered list of ordered pairs (a topological sort). Displaying, Setting, and Changing File Permission ehgrp Changes the group ownership of a file or directory. ehmod Changes permission codes. ehown Changes the owner of files or directories. groups Displays your group membership. Task Index 19 Ii Lists the contents of a directory. Is Displays the contents of a directory. umask Sets file-creation permission code mask. Working with Data cal Displays a calendar. calendar Writes reminder messages to standard output. echo Writes its arguments to standard output. ed Edits text by line. edit Provides a simple line editor for the new user. ex Edits lines interactively, with screen display. join Joins data fields of two files. tr Translates characters. units Converts units in one measure to equivalent units in another measure. vi Edits files with a full screen display. wc Counts the number of lines, words, and characters in a file. Working with Text Creating and Editing Text Files ed Edits text by line. edit Provides a simple line editor for the new user. ex Edits lines interactively, with screen display. hyphen Finds hyphenated words. spell Finds spelling errors. sed Provides a stream editor. tab Changes space characters into tabs. tr Translates characters. untab Changes tabs into space characters. vi Edits files with a full screen display. 20 Commands Reference Formatting Text col Processes text having reverse linefeeds and forward/reverse half-linefeeds for output to standard output. greek Converts output for a TELETYPE Model 37 work station to output for other work stations. hp Handles special functions for the HP2640- and HP2621-series terminals. hyphen Finds hyphenated words. cw Prepares constant-width text for troIT. deroff Removes nroff, troff, tbl, and eqn constructs from files. diffmk Marks differences between files. eqn Formats mathematical text for the nroff and troff commands. mm Displays or checks documents formatted with Memorandum Macros. mmt Typesets documents, manual pages, view graphs, and slides. newform Changes the format of a text file. nl Numbers lines in a file. nroIT Formats text for printing devices. paste Merges the lines of several files or subsequent lines in one file. ptx Generates a permuted index. tab Changes space characters into tabs. tabs Sets tab stops on work stations. tbl Formats tables for the nroff and troff commands. tc Simulates phototypesetter output for a Tektronix 4014 work station. troff Formats text for a phototypesetter. untab Changes tabs into space characters. 300 Handles special line-motion functions for DASI 300/300s work stations. 4014 450 Formats a full page 66-line screen display for a Tektronix 4014 work station. Handles special line-motion functions for the DASI 450 work station. Task Index 21 Communicating with Other Users confer Provides an on-line conferencing system. mail Sends messages to system users and displays messages from system users. mesg Permits or refuses write messages. news Writes system news items to standard output. sum Displays the checksum and block count of a file. wall Writes a message to all logged-in users. who Identifies the users currently logged in. write Sends messages to other users on the system. Communicating with Other Systems connect Establishes a connection to a remote system. sum Displays the checksum and block count of a file. uuclean Deletes from the uucp spool directory or a named directory selected files older than a specified number of hours. uucp Copies files from one AIX system to another. uustat Reports the status of and provides rudimentary job control for the uucp command. uusub Defines and monitors a uucp subnetwork structure. uuto Copies public files from one AIX system to another system with local system control of file access. uux Runs a command on another AIX system. Working with Disks and Diskettes format Formats diskettes. mdrc Allows you to reinstall a user-created mini disk after you have reinstalled AIX. minidisks Adds, deletes, changes, and displays minidisks. mount Makes a file system available for use. umount Makes a file system unavailable for use. 22 Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 varyon Makes an IBM 9332 Direct Access Storage Device and the minidisks and file systems defined on it available for use. verify Turns write verification on or off for a particular minidisk. Working with Tape tapechk Performs consistency checking of the streaming tape device. tar Manipulates tape archives. tctl Gives commands to streaming tape. Working with Work Stations display Selects the physical display that an existing or new virtual terminal uses and sets colors and fonts. echo Writes its arguments to standard output. hp Handles special functions for the HP2640- and HP2621-series terminals. keyboard Controls the delay and repetition rates of the keyboard. I defkey Defines keyboard key assignments. locator Controls the sample rate of the locator. penable Controls or reports the availability of login ports. stty Sets, resets, or reports work station operating parameters. tabs Sets tab stops on work stations. termdef Queries terminal characteristics. tic Translates terminfo files from source to compiled format. tput Queries the terminfo file. tty Writes to standard output the full path name of your work station. 300 Handles special line-motion functions for DASI 300/300s work stations. 4014 450 Formats a full page 66-line screen display for a Tektronix 4014 work station. Handles special line-motion functions for the DASI 450 work station. Task Index 23 Working with Graphics gdev ged gend graph graphics gutil spline stat toc tplot Provides graphical device routines and filters. Displays, makes, and edits graphical files on Tektronix 4010 terminals. Provides a general graphics device backend. Draws a graph. Accesses graphical and numerical commands. Provides graphical utility programs. Interpolates smooth curve. Provides tools for analyzing numerical data. Provides graphical table of contents routines. Produces plotting instructions for a particular work station. Developing Programs Programming in Assembler as sdb Assembles a 'source. file. Provides a symbolic debugger for C and assembler programs. Programming in C cb cc cflow cpp cxref factor ipcrm Performs file inclusion and macro substitution on C Language source files. m4 Preprocesses files, expanding macro definitions. lex Generates a C Language program that matches patterns for simple lexical analysis of an input stream. lint Checks C programs for potential problems. 24 Puts C source code into a form that is easily read. Compiles C programs. Generates a C flow graph of external references. Creates a C program cross-reference listing. Factors a number. Removes message queue, semaphore set or shared memory identifiers. Commands Reference regcmp Compiles patterns. sdb Provides a symbolic debugger for C and assembler programs. tic Translates term info files from source to compiled format. yacc Generates a LR(l) parsing program from input consisting of a context-free grammar specification. Programming in Miscellaneous Languages be Provides an interpreter for arbitrary-precision arithmetic language. bs Compiles and interprets modest-sized programs. lex Generates a C Language program that matches patterns for simple lexical analysis of an input stream. m4 Preprocesses files, expanding macro definitions. sno Provides a SNOBOL interpreter. Programming in Shell basename Returns the base name of a string parameter. csh Interprets commands read from a file or entered from the keyboard. cron Runs commands automatically. crontab Submits a schedule of commands to cron. echo Writes its arguments to standard output. env Sets the environment for execution of a command. expr Evaluates arguments as an expression. find Finds files matching expression. get opt Parses command line flags and parameters. line Reads one line from the standard input. nice Runs a command at a different priority. nohup Runs a command without hangups and quits. open Opens a virtual terminal. sh Interprets commands read from a file or entered at the keyboard. sleep Suspends execution for an interval. tee Displays the output of a program and copies it into a file. test Evaluates conditional expressions. Task Index 25 TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 time Times the execution of a command. true Returns an exit value of zero. wait Waits for completion of a process. xargs Constructs argument lists and runs commands. Handling Messages gettext puttext Extracts message/insert/help descriptions. Updates an output file that contains message/insert/help descriptions. Debugging Programs crash dump dumpfmt od prof ladb sdb time timex Examines system images. Dumps selected parts of an object file. Formats the VRM dump file. Writes the contents of storage to the standard output. Displays program profile data. Provides a general purpose debugger. Provides a symbolic debugger for C and assembler programs. Times the execution of a command. Times a command,' and reports process data and system activity. Managing Programs Making and Installing Programs make Maintains up-to-date versions of programs. install Installs a command. installp Installs a program. updatep Updates one or more programs. Managing Source Programs Using the Source Code Control System (SCCS) admin Creates and initializes SCCS files. cdc Changes the comments in a Source Code Control System (SCCS) delta. comb Combines SCCS deltas. 26 Commands Reference delta Creates a delta in a Source Code Control System file. get Creates a specified version of a Source Code Control System (SCCS) file. help Provides information about a Source Code Control System (SCCS) message or command or about certain non-SCCS commands. prs Displays a Source Code Control System (SCCS) file. rmdel Removes a delta from a Source Code Control System (SCCS) file. sact Displays current Source Code Control System (SCCS) file editing status. sccsdiff Compares two versions of a Source Code Control System (SCCS) file. unget Cancels a previous get command. val Validates Source Code Control System (SCCS) files. what Displays identifying information in files. Managing Object Files ar Maintains portable libraries used by the linkage editor. as Assembles a source file. dump Dumps selected parts of an object file. ld Links object files. lorder Finds the best order for member files in an object library. make Maintains up-to-date versions of programs. prof Displays program profile data. nm Displays the symbol table of an object file. size Displays the section sizes of common object files. strip Removes symbol and line number information from a common object file. touch Updates the access and modification times of a file. tsort Sorts an unordered list of ordered pairs (a topological sort). Task Index 27 Playing Games arithmetic Tests arithmetic skills. back Plays backgammon. bj Plays blackj ack. craps Plays craps. fish Plays the card game Go Fish. fortune Tells a fortune. hangman Plays hangman, the word-guessing game. moo Plays a number-guessing game. number Displays the written form of a number. quiz Tests your know ledge. ttt Plays tic-tac-toe. turnon Turns on execute permission for games. wump Plays the game Hunt the Wumpus. /' 28 Commands Reference Commands Commands 29 30 Commands Reference acct/* acct/* Purpose Provides accounting shell procedures. Syntax user - /usr/lib/acct/chargefee - -C /usr/lib/acct/ckpacct 1000 number-l ~ numblocksJ /usr/lib/acct/dodisk ~ \-01 /usr/Iib/ acct/lastlogin \!!!d -l OLB05236 /usr/lib/acct/monacct /usr/lib/acct/nulladm /usr/lib/acct/prctmp /usr/lib/accl/prdaily 1 2 ~ ~numberr T file -r -l -p:mmdd>r _ c The default number is the current month. The defaultmmddis the current day. 0L805237 Commands 31 TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 acct/* /usr/lib/accl/prtacct i - I fie/dspec -v K , heading' ~ /usr/lib/acct/remove /usr/lib/acct/shutacct / usr/Iib/ acct/startup ~ ~'reason,r I ---I /usr/lib/acct/turnacct 01.805238 Description Note: You should not share accounting files among nodes in a Distributed Services system. Each node should have its own copy of the various accounting files. chargefee The chargefee command charges the specified number of units to the specified user. number can have an integer or decimal value. It writes a record to /usr/adm/fee, to be merged with other accounting records by the runacct command. ckpacct The ckpacct command checks the size of /usr/adm/pacct. If the size exceeds the number specified in numb locks, ckpacct invokes turnacct switch. (The default value for numblocks is 1000.) If the number of free disk blocks in the /usr file system falls below 500, ckpacct automatically turns off the collection of process accounting records by invoking turnacct off. When 500 blocks are again available, accounting is activated again. This feature is sensitive to how frequently ckpacct is run (usually by cron). do disk The dodisk command performs the disk-usage accounting functions. cron normally runs this command periodically. By default, it does disk accounting on the special files whose stanzas in /etc/filesystems contain the attribute account = true. If you specify the -0 flag, it does a slower version of disk accounting by login directory. The file parameter specifies the one or more file system names where disk accounting is to be done. If you specify any file names, disk accounting is done on only these file systems. If you do not specify -0, file names should be the special file names of mountable file 32 Commands Reference acct/* acct/* Purpose Provides accounting shell procedures. Syntax user - /usr /Iib/acct/chargefee - --c /usr/lib/acct/ckpacct 1000 number---1 ~ numblocksF /usr/lib/acct/dodisk ~ \-0/ /usr/lib/acct/lastlogin \!!!d ---1 OL805236 /usr/lib/accl/monacct - { J-j number 1 /usr/lib/acct/nulladm /usr/Iib/ acct/prctmp /usr/llb/accl/prdaily 1 2 T . file ~ ---l ~mmdd~ _-c The default number is the current month. The defaultmmddis the current day. OLB05237 Commands 31 acct/* /usr/lib/acctfprtacct /usr/lib/acct/remove ---l :::1v fieldspec K. ..~ headIng ---l /usr/lib/acct/shutacct ... ~ ~'reason·r /usr/lib/acct/startup I ---l /usr/Iib/ acct/turnacct OL805238 Description chargefee The chargefee command charges the specified number of units to the specified user. number can have an integer or decimal value. It writes a record to /usr/adm/fee, to be merged with other accounting records by the runacct command. ckpacct The ckpacct command checks the size of /usr/adm/pacct. If the size exceeds the number specified in numblocks, ckpacct invokes turnacct switch. (The default value for numblocks is 1000.) If the number of free disk blocks in the /usr file system falls below 500, ckpacct automatically turns off the collection of process accounting records by invoking turnacct off. When 500 blocks are again available, accounting is activated again. This feature is sensitive to how frequently ckpacct is run (usually by cron). dodisk The do disk command performs the disk-usage accounting functions. cron normally runs this command periodically. By default, it does disk accounting on the special files whose stanzas in /etc/filesystems contain the attribute account = true. If you specify the -0 flag, it does a slower version of disk accounting by login directory. The file parameter specifies the one or more file system names where disk. accounting is to be done. If you specify any file names, disk accounting is done on only these file systems. If you do not specify -0, file names should be the special file names of mountable file 32 Commands Reference / acct/* systems. If you specify both file systems. -0 and file names, the files should be mount points of mounted lastlogin The lastlogin command updates the file /usr/adm/acct/sum/loginlog to show the last date each user logged on. runacct normally calls this command. monacct The monacct command performs monthly (or periodic) accounting. cron should run this command once each month or accounting period. number indicates the month or period to process. The default number is the current month. This default is useful if monacct is run by cron on the first day of each month. The monacct command creates summary files in /usr/adm/acct/fiscal and restarts summary files in /usr/adm/acct/sum. nulladm The nulladm command creates file, assigns it permission code 664, and ensures that its owner and group are adm. (See "chmod" on page 128 for an explanation of file permissions.) Various accounting shell procedures call nulladm. prctmp The prctmp command displays the session record file created by the acctconl command (normally /usr/adm/acct/nite/ctmp). prdaily The prdaily command formats a report of the day's accounting data. Use mmdd to specify a date other than the current day. The report resides in /usr/adm/acct/sum/rprtmmdd where mmdd specifies the month and day of the report. runacct invokes this command to format a report of the previous day's accounting data. Flags -c Reports exceptional resource usage by command, and may be used on the current day's accounting data only. -1 Reports exceptional usage by login ID for the specified date. Daily reports are deleted (and thus inaccessible) each time monacct runs. Commands 33 acctj* prtacct The prtacct command formats and displays any total accounting (tacct) file. You can specify a heading for the report by enclosing it in " " (double quotation marks). Flags -ffieldspec Selects fields to be displayed, using the field selection mechanism of acctmerg. -v Produces verbose output in which more precise notation is used for floating-point numbers. remove The remove command deletes all /usr/adm/acct/sum/wtmp*, /usr/adm/acct/sum/pacct*, and /usr/adm/acct/nite/lock* files. shutacct The shutacct command turns process accounting off and adds a "reason" record to /usr/adm/wtmp. It is usually invoked during a system shutdown. startup The startup command turns on the accounting functions when the system is started up. It should be called by the /etc/rc command file. turnacct The turnacct command provides an interface to accton for turning process accounting on or off. The switch flag turns accounting off, moves the current /usr/adm/pacct to the next free name in /usr/adm/pacctincr, where incr is a number starting at 1 and increased by one for each additional pacct file. After moving the pacct file, turnacct turns accounting back on. This command is usually called by ckpacct, which in turn is called by cron, keeping the pacct file down to a manageable size. Files /usr/adm/fee /usr/adm/pacct /usr/adm/pacct* 34 Commands Reference Accumulator for fees charged to login names. Current file for process accounting. Used if pacct gets large and during running of the daily accounting procedures. acct/* /usr/adm/wtmp /usr/lib/acct/ptelus.awk /usr/lib/acct/ptecms.awk /usr / adm/ acct/ni te /usr/lib/acct /usr/adm/acct/sum Login/logout history file. Shell procedure that calculates the limits for exceptional usage by login ID. Shell procedure that calculates the limits of exceptional usage by command name. Working directory. Holds all accounting commands. Summary directory. Related Information The following commands: "acctcms" on page 36, "acctcom" on page 38, "acctcon" on page 42, "acctmerg" on page 46, "acctprc" on page 48, "chmod" on page 128, "cron" on page 172, "fwtmp" on page 345, and "runacct" on page 606. The acct system call and the acct, utmp, and file systems files in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. "Running System Accounting" in Managing the AIX Operating System. Commands 35 acctcms acctcms Purpose Produces command usage summaries from accounting records. Syntax /usr /Iib/acct/acctcms -a OL805421 Description The acctcms command reads the specified files. It adds together all records for identically named processes, sorts them, and writes them to standard output in a binary format. Files are usually in the acct file format described in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. When you use the -0 and -p flags together, acctcms produces a report that combines prime- and nonprime-time. All the output summaries are of total usage except for number of times run, CPU minutes, and real minutes, which are split into prime and nonprime minutes. A typical sequence for performing daily command accounting and for maintaining a running total is: acctcms file. . . > today cp total previoustotal acctcms -s today previoustotal acctcms -a -s today 36 Commands Reference > total acctcms Flags -a Displays output in ASCII summary format rather than binary summary format. Each output line contains the command name, the number of times the command was run, its total kcore-time, its total CPU time, its total real time, its mean memory size (in K bytes), its mean CPU time per invocation of the command, and its CPU usage factor. The listed times are all in minutes. acctcm8 normally sorts its output by total kcore-minutes. The unit kcore-minutes measures the amount of storage used (in K-bytes) multiplied by the amount of time it was in use. -c Sorts by total CPU time rather than total kcore-minutes. -j Combines under the heading ***other all commands called only once. -n Sorts by the number of times the commands were called. -0 Displays a command summary of nonprime-time commands only. You can use this flag with only the -a flag. -p Displays a command summary of prime-time commands only. You can use this flag with only the -a flag. -8 Assumes that any named files that follow this flag are already in binary format. -t Processes all records as total accounting records. The default binary format splits each field into prime and non prime time sections. Related Information The following commands: "acct/*" on page 31, "acctcom" on page 38, "acctcon" on page 42, "acctmerg" on page 46, "acctprc" on page 48, "fwtmp" on page 345, and "runacct" on page 606. The acct system call and the acct and utmp files in A/X Operating System Technical Reference. "Running System Accounting" in Managing the A/X Operating System. Commands 37 acctcom acctcom Purpose Displays selected process accounting record summaries. Syntax acctcom -c seconds -9 -H -I -I -n group factor num line pattern -e time -[ time -s time -s time -0 seconds -u user OL805418 Description The acctcom command reads from specified files, from standard input, or from /usr/adm/pacct and writes records (selected by flags) to standard output. The input file format is described under acct in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. If you do not specify any file parameters and if standard input is assigned to a work station or to /dev/null (as it is when a process runs in the background), acctcom reads /usr/adm/pacct instead of standard input. By default, if you specify any file parameters, acctcom reads each chronologically by process completion time. Usually, /usr/adm/pacct is the current file that you want acctcom to examine. Because the ckpacct procedure keeps this file from growing too large, a busy system may have several pacct files. All but the current file have the following path name: /usr/adm/pacct? where? is an integer incremented each time a new file is created. Each record represents one completed process. The default display consists of the command name, user name, tty name, start time, end time, real seconds, CPU seconds, and mean memory size (in K bytes). These default items have the following headings in the output: 38 Commands Reference acctcom COMMAND NAME USER START TTYNAME TIME END REAL CPU TIME (SECS) (SECS) MEAN SIZE(K) By using the appropriate flags, you can also display the fork/exec flag (F), the system exit value (STAT), the ratio of total CPU time to elapsed time (HOG FACTOR), the product of memory used and elapsed time (KCORE MI N), the ratio of user time to total (system and user) time (CPU FACTOR), the number of characters transferred in input/output operations (CHARS TRNSFD), and the total number of blocks read or written (BLOCKS READ). If a process ran with superuser authority, its name is prefixed with a # (hash mark). If a process is not assigned to a known work station (for example, when cron runs it), a question mark (?) appears in the TTYNAME field. Note: The acctcom command only reports on processes that have finished. Use the ps command to examine active processes. If a specified time is later than the current time, it is interpreted as occurring on the previous day. Flags -a Shows some average statistics about the processes selected. The statistics will be displayed after the output records. -b Reads backwards, showing the most recent commands first. This flag has no effect when acctcom reads standard input. -c seconds Shows only processes whose total CPU time (system time + user time), exceeds number of seconds. -e time Selects processes existing at or before the specified time. You can use the NLTIME environment variable to specify the order of hours, minutes, and seconds. The default order is hh[mm[ssll. -E time Selects processes ending at or before the specified time. You can use the NLTIME environment variable to specify the order of hours, minutes, and seconds. The default order is hh[mm[ssll. If you specify the same time for both the -E and -8 flags, acctcom displays the process that existed at the specified time. -f Displays the fork/exec flag and the system exit value columns in the output. -g group Selects processes belonging to group. You can specify either the group ID or the group name. -h Instead of mean memory size, shows the fraction of total available CPU time consumed by the process while it ran (hog factor). This factor is computed as: (total CPU time)/(elapsed time) Commands 39 acctcom -H factor Shows only processes that exceed factor. (See the -h flag for a discussion of how this factor is calculated.) -i Displays columns showing the number of characters transferred in read or write operations (the I/O counts). -I num Shows only processes transferring more than num characters. -k Instead of memory size, shows total kcore minutes. -I line Shows only processes belonging to work station /dev/line. -m Shows mean main memory size. This flag is on by default. Specifying the -h or -k flags turns off -m. -n pattern Shows only commands matching pattern, where pattern is a regular expression like those in the ed command (see page 280), except that here you can use a + (plus sign) as a special symbol for one or more occurrences of the preceding character. -0 file Copies selected process records to file, keeping the input data format. This flag suppresses writing to standard output. -0 seconds Shows only processes with CPU system time exceeding seconds. -q Does not display any output records; just displays the average statistics that are displayed with the -a flag. -r Shows CPU factor. This factor is computed as: (user-time) / (system-time + user-time). 40 -s time Shows only those processes that existed on or after the specified time. You can use the NLTIME environment variable to specify the order of hours, minutes, and seconds. The default order is hh[mm[ss]]. -8 time Shows only those processes starting at or after the specified time. You can use the NLTIME environment variable to specify the order of hours, minutes, and seconds. The default order is hh[mm[ss]]. -t Shows separate system and user CPU times. -u user Shows only processes belonging to user. For user, you can give a user ID, a login name that is converted to a user ID, a # to select processes run with superuser authority, or a ? to select processes associated with unknown user IDs. -v Eliminates column headings from the output. Commands Reference acctcom Files /usr/adm/pacct /etc/passwd /etc/group Current process accounting file. User names and user IDs. Group names and group IDs. Related Information The following commands: "acctdisk" on page 44, "acctcms" on page 36, "acctcon" on page 42, "acctmerg" on page 46, "acctprc" on page 48, "acct/*" on page 31, "fwtmp" on page 345, "ps" on page 579, "runacct" on page 606, and "su" on page 724. The acct system call, the acct and utmp files and the environment miscellaneous facility in A/X Operating System Technical Reference. "Running System Accounting" and "Overview of International Character Support" in Managing the A/X Operating System. Commands 41 acctcon acctcon Purpose Performs connect-time accounting. Syntax /usr /Iib/ acct/ acctcon 1 / usr /Iib/ acct/ acctcon2 ---l OLB05233 Description acctconl The acctconl command converts a sequence of login and logout records (read from standard input) to a sequence of login session records (written to standard output). its input should normally be redirected from /usr/adm/wtmp. The acctconl command displays, in ASCII format, the login device, user ID, login name, prime connect time (seconds), nonprime connect time (seconds), session starting time (numeric), and starting date and time (in date/time format). It also maintains a list of ports on which users are logged in. When it reaches the end of its input, it writes a session record for each port that still appears to be active. It normally assumes that its input is a current file, so that it uses the current time as the ending time for each session still in progress (see the -t flag on page 43). Flags -1 file Writes to file a line-usage summary showing the line name, the number of minutes used, the percentage of total elapsed time used, the number of sessions charged, the number of logins, and the number of logouts. This file helps track line usage and identify bad lines. All hang-ups, terminations of login, and terminations of the login shell cause the system to write logout records, so the number of logouts is often much higher than the number of sessions. 42 Commands Reference acctcon -0 file Writes to file an overall record for the accounting period, giving starting time, ending time, number of restarts, and number of date changes. -p Displays input only, showing line name, login name, and time in both numeric and date/time formats. -t Uses the last time found in the input as the ending time for any current processes instead of the current time. This is necessary in order to have reasonable and repeatable values for noncurrent files. acctcon2 The acctcon2 command converts a sequence of login session records, produced by the acctconl command, into total accounting records. Files /usr/adm/wtmp Login/logout history file. Related Information The following commands: "acctdisk" on page 44, "acctcms" on page 36, "acctcom" on page 38, "acctmerg" on page 46, "acctprc" on page 48, "acct/*" on page 31, "fwtmp" on page 345, "init" on page 396, "login" on page 453, and "runacct" on page 606. The acct system call and the acct and utmp files in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. "Running System Accounting" in Managing the AIX Operating System. Commands 43 acctdisk acctdisk Purpose Performs disk-usage accounting. Syntax /usr/lib/acct/acctdisk ----l )-C- p /etc/passwd /usr/lib/acct/acctdusg - ( -u file -p file L ~ OLB05192 Description acctdisk The acctdisk command reads lines from standard input that contain a user ID, the user's login name, and the number of disk blocks occupied by his files. It converts these lines to total accounting records that can be merged with other accounting records and writes those records to standard output. acctdusg The acctdusg command reads a list of file names from standard input (usually piped from a find / -print command), computes disk resource usage (including indirect blocks) using the login name of the owner of the files, and writes the results to standard output. Flags -p file Searches file for login names and numbers, instead of searching /etc/passwd. -u file Places in file records of file names for which it does not charge. Files /etc/passwd /usr/lib/acct 44 Commands Reference Used to convert login names to user IDs. Directory holding all accounting commands. acctdisk Related Information The following commands: "acct/*" on page 31, "acctcms" on page 36, "acctcom" on page 38, "acctcon" on page 42, "acctmerg" on page 46, "acctprc" on page 48, "fwtmp" on page 345, and "runacct" on page 606. The acct system call and the acct and utmp files in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. "Running System Accounting" in Managing the AIX Operating System. Commands 45 acctmerg acctmerg Purpose Merges total accounting files. Syntax /usr /lib/acct/acctmerg -a -j -h -p -y 1 acctmerg always read standard imput in addition to any named files. 2Do not put a blank between these items. OLB05234 Description The acctmerg command reads records from standard input and up to nine additional files, all in the tacct binary format or the tacct ASCII format. It merges these by adding records with keys (normally user ID and name) that are identical, and expects the input records to be sorted by those key fields. It writes these merged records to standard output. The optional fieldspecs allow you to select input or output fields. A field specification is a comma-separated list of fields or field ranges. Field numbers are in the order specified in the tacct file in A/X Operating System Technical Reference, with array sizes, except for the ta _name characters, taken into account. For example, -h2-3, 7 ,15-13,2 displays the login name, prime CPU and connect times, fee, queueing system, and disk usage data, and the login name again, in that order, with column headings. The default specification is "all fields" (1-1S or 1-), which produces very wide output lines containing all the available accounting data. Queueing system, disk usage, or fee data can be converted into tacct records using the -ifieldspec argument. For example, disk accounting records, produced by acctdisk, consist of lines containing the user ID, login name, number of blocks, and number of disk samples (always 1). A file, dacct, containing these records can be merged into an existing total accounting file, tacct, with: acctmerg 46 -il-2,13,lS Commands Referenceoutput acctmerg Flags -a [fie ldspec] Produces output in the form of ASCII records. -h [fie ldspec] Displays column headings. This flag implies -a but is effective with -p or -v. -i[fieldspec] Expects input files composed of ASCII records. -p[fieldspec] Displays input without processing. -t Produces a single record that contains the totals of all input. -u Summarizes by user ID rather than by user name. -v [fieldspec] Produces output in ASCII format, with more precise notation for floating-point numbers. Example The following sequence is useful for making repairs to any file in tacct format: acctmerg -v file2 edit file2 as desired ... acctmerg -a filel Related Information The following commands: "acct/*" on page 31, "acctcms" on page 36, "acctcom" on page 38, "acctcon" on page 42, "acctdisk" on page 44, "fwtmp" on page 345, "acctprc" on page 48, and "runacct" on page 606. The acct system call and the acct and utmp files in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. "Running System Accounting" in Managing the AIX Operating System. Commands 47 acctprc acctprc Purpose Performs process accounting. Syntax /etc/pas:rWd /usr/lib/aeet/aeetprc 1 /usr/lib/aect/aeetprc2 ~ file --l ~ /usr/adm/Jacct / usr/Iib/ aect/ aeeton file OL805235 Description acctprcl The acctprcl command reads records from standard input that are in the acct format (described in A/X Operating System Technical Reference), adds the login names that correspond to user IDs, and then writes an ASCII record to standard output. This record contains the user ID, login name, prime CPU time, nonprime CPU time, the total number of characters transferred (in 512-byte units), the total number of blocks read and written, and mean memory size (in 64-byte units) for each process. If specified, file contains a list of login sessions in utmp format (described in A/X Operating System Technical Reference), sorted by user ID and login name. By default, acctprcl gets login names from the password file, /etc/passwd. The information in file helps distinguish among different login names that share the same user ID. 48 Commands Reference acctprc acctprc2 The acctprc2 command reads (from standard input) the records written by acctprcl, summarizes them by user ID and name, and writes the sorted summaries to standard output as total accounting records. accton The accton command without arguments turns process accounting off. If you specify file (the name of an existing file), the kernel adds process accounting records to it (fusr/adm/pacct by default). Files / etc/passwd, /usr / adm/pacct Related Information The following commands: "acct/*" on page 31, "acctdisk" on page 44, "acctcms" on page 36, "acctcom" on page 38, "acctcon" on page 42, "acctmerg" on page 46, "fwtmp" on page 345, and "runacct" on page 606. The acct system call and the acct and utmp files in A/X Operating System Technical Reference. "Running System Accounting" in Managing the A/X Operating System. Commands 49 actman actman Purpose Lets you interact with multiple virtual terminals. Syntax actman ---I OL805323 Description The actman command is the Activity Manager for the AIX Operating System. It is normally run by the AIX logger in the same manner as any program listed in the /etc/passwd file. Once started by the logger, actman creates the initial shell (fbin/sh) and monitors the number of open virtual terminals until all have been closed. It then exits to the AIX init process. If you try to end the initial shell when other virtual terminals are still open, actman restarts the initial shell. To take advantage of the multiple virtual terminal capability, use the open command (see page 541) to execute another shell in a separate virtual terminal. Note: You must log out of each existing shell to end your login session. You do not need an Activity Manager if you do not have virtual terminal capabilities. Thus if you do not log in from the local console, actman overlays itself with the initial shell. Related Information The following command: "open" on page 541. "Using Display Station Features" in Using the AIX Operating System. 50 Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 adb ,Purpose Provides a general purpose de bugger. ,Syntax 0L805465 , Description The adb command provides a debugger for C and assembler language programs. With it, you can examine object and core files and provide a controlled environment for running a program. Normally, objfil is an executable program file that contains a symbol table. If objfil does not contain a symbol table, the symbolic features of adb cannot be used, although the file can still be examined. The default objfil is a.out. The corfil is assumed to be a core image file produced by running objfil. The default corfil is core. While running, adb takes input from standard input and writes to standard output. adb does not recognize the Quit or Interrupt keys. These keys cause adb to wait for a new command. In general, requests to adb are of the form [address] [,count] [command] [;] where address and count are expressions. The default count is 1. If address is specified, then the expression. (dot) is set to address. The interpretation of an address depends on the context it is used in. If a subprocess is being debugged, addresses are interpreted in the usual way in the address space of the subprocess. For more information, see "Addresses" on page 50.7. You can enter more than one command at a time by separating the commands with a ; (semicolon). Commands 50.1 TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 adb Expressions Specifies the last address used by a command; this is also known as the current address. + Increases the value of. (dot) by the current increment. A Decreases the value of. (dot) by the current increment. II Specifies the last address typed by a command. integer Specifies an octal number if integer begins with 00, a hexadecimal number if preceded by Ox or #, a decimal number if preceded by Ot; otherwise, a number interpreted in the current radix. The radix is initially 16. 'ecce' Specifies the ASCII value of up to 4 characters. \ (slash) can be used to escape a , (apostrophe). < name Reads the current value of name. name is either a variable name or a register name. adb maintains a number of variables (see "Variables" on page 50.7) named by single letters or digits. If name is a register name, the value of the register is obtained from the system header in corfil. The register names are rO ... r15 pc ics cs mq; the names fp, pcp, and link are recognized as synonyms for rl, r14, and r15. symbol Specifies a sequence of upper or lower case letters, underscores, or digits, not starting with a digit. The value of the symbol is taken from the symbol table in objfil. An initial - (underscore) is prefixed to symbol if needed. -symbol Specifies, in C, the true name of an external symbol begins with - (underscore), as does the name of the constant pool of an external function. It may be necessary to use this name to distinguish it from internal or hidden variables of a program. .symbol Specifies the entry point of the function named by symbol. routine. name Specifies the address of the variable name in the specified C routine. Both routine and name are symbols. If name is omitted the value is the address of the most recently activated C stack frame corresponding to routine. (exp) 50.2 Specifies the value of the expression expo Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 adb Operators Integers, symbols, variables, and register names can be combined with the following operators: Unary *exp Contents of location addressed by exp in corefile. @exp Contents of the location addressed by exp in objfi/. -exp Integer negation. -exp Bitwise complement. Binary el+e2 Integer addition. el-e2 Integer subtraction. el*e2 Integer multiplication. el%e2 Integer division. el&e2 Bitwise conjunction. elle2 Bitwise disjunction. el#e2 el rounded up to the next multiple of e2. Binary operators are left associative and are less binding than unary operators. Commands You can display the contents of a text or data segment with the? or the I (slash) command. The = command displays a given address in the specified format f. (The commands? and I may be followed by *, see "Addresses" on page 50.7.) ?f Displays, in the format f, the contents of the objfil starting at address. The value of . (dot) increases by the sum of the increment for each format letter. If Displays, in the format f, the contents of the corfil starting at address. The value of • (dot) increases by the sum of the increment for each format letter. =f Displays the value of address in the format f. The i and s format letters are not meaningful for this command. The format consists of one or more characters that specify print style. Each format character may be preceded by a decimal integer that is a repeat count for the format character. While stepping through a format, . (dot) increments by the amount given for each format letter. If no format is given, the last format is used. The format letters available are as follows: o 2 Prin ts 2 bytes in octal. Commands 50.3 TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 adb o 4 Prints 4 bytes in octal. q 2 Prints 2 bytes in the current radix, unsigned. Q 4 Prints 4 bytes in the current radix, unsigned. d 2 Prints in decimal. D 4 Prints long decimal. x 2 Prints 2 bytes in hexadecimal. X 4 Prints 4 bytes in hexadecimal. u 2 Prints as an unsigned decimal number. U 4 Prints long unsigned decimal. b 1 Prints the addressed byte in the current radix, unsigned. c1 Prints the addressed character. C1 Prints the addressed character using the following escape conventions: 1. Prints control characters as - followed by the corresponding printing character. 2. Prints non-printable characters as - < n > where n is a hexadecimal value of the character. The character - prints as - -. s n Prints the addressed character until a zero character is reached. S n Prints a string using the - escape convention. n specifies the length of the string including its zero terminator. y 4 Prints 4 bytes in date format (see ctime in AIX Operating System Technical Reference). in Prints as instructions. n is the number of bytes occupied by the instruction. a 0 Prints the value of . (dot) in symbolic form. Symbols are checked to ensure that they have an appropriate type as indicated below. / ? 50.4 local or global data symbol local or global text symbol local or global absolute symbol p 4 Prints the addressed value in symbolic form using the same rules for symbol lookup as a. t 0 When preceded by an integer, tabs to the next appropriate tab stop. For example, 8t moves to the next 8-space tab stop. r 0 Prints a space. nO Prints a newline. Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 adb " ... "0 Prints the enclosed string. 1\ Decreases. (dot) by the current increment. Nothing prints. + Increases. (dot) by 1. Nothing prints. Decreases. (dot) decrements by 1. Nothing prints. newline Repeats the previous command incremented with a count of 1. [? /]lvalue mask Words starting at . (dot) are masked with mask and compared with value until a match is found. If L is used then the match is for 4 bytes at a time instead of 2. If no match is found then. (dot) is unchanged; otherwise. (dot) is set to the matched location. If mask is omitted then -1 is used. [? I1wvalue ... Writes the 2-byte value into the addressed location. If the command is W, write 4 bytes. If the command is V, write 1 byte. Alignment restrictions may apply when using w or W. [?l1m b1 e1 f1[?/] Records new values for (b1, e1, f1). If less than three expressions are given then the remaining map parameters are left unchanged. If the? or / is followed by * then the second segment (b2, e2, f2) of the mapping is changed. If the list is terminated by ? or / then the file (objfil or corfil respectively) is used for subsequent requests. (For example, /m? causes / to refer to objfil). > name Assigns. (dot) to the variable or register name. Calls a shell to read the rest of the line following !. $modifier Miscellaneous commands. The available modifiers are: < file Reads commands from file and returns to the standard input. > file Sends output to file. If file is omitted, output returns to the standard output. file is created if it does not exist. r Prints the general registers and the instruction addressed by pc and sets . (dot) to pc. b Prints all breakpoints and their associated counts and commands. c C stack backtrace. If address is given then it is taken as the address of the current frame (instead of using the frame pointer register). If C is used then the names and values of all automatic and static variables are printed for each active function. If count is given then only the first count frames are printed. Commands 50.5 TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 adb e Prints the names and values of external variables. w Sets the output page width for address. The default is 80. s Sets the limit for symbol matches to address. The default is 255. o Sets the current radix to 8. d Sets the current radix to address or 16, if none is specified. q Exits adb. v Prints all non-zero variables in octal. m Prints the address map. p Uses the remainder of the line as a prompt string. : modifier Manages a subprocess. Available modifiers are: 50.6 bc Sets the breakpoint at address. The breakpoint runs count -1 times before causing a stop. Each time the breakpoint is encountered, the command c runs. If this command sets. (dot) to 0, the breakpoint causes a stop. d Deletes the breakpoint at address. r Runs objfil as a subprocess. If address is given explicitly, the program is entered at this point; otherwise, the program is entered at its standard entry point. count specifies how many breakpoints are to be ignored before stopping. Arguments to the subprocess may be supplied on the same line as the command. An argument starting with < or > causes the standard input or output to be established for the command. On entry to the subprocess, all signals are turned on. es Continues the subprocess with signal s (see the signal system call in A/X Operating System Technical Reference). If address is given,the subprocess is continued at this address. If no signal is specified, the signal that caused the subprocess to stop is sent. Breakpoint skipping is the same as for r ss Continues the subprocess is single steps count times. If there is no current subprocess, objfil is run as a subprocess as for r. In this case no signal can be sent; the remainder of the line is treated as arguments to the subprocess. k Stops the current subprocess, if one is running. Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 adb Variables adb provides a number of variables. On entry to adb, the following variables are set from the system header in the corfil. If corfil does not appear to be a core file, then these values are set from objfil. b d e m s t The The The The The The base address of the data segment size of the data segment entry address of the program "magic" number (0405, 0407, 0410, or 0411) size of the stack segment size of the text segment. Addresses The address in a file associated with a written address is determined by a mapping associated with that file. Each mapping is represented by two triples (bl, el, fl) and (b2, e2, f2). The file address that corresponds to a written address is calculated as follows: bl ~ address < el = > file address = address + fl-bl or b2 ~ address < e2 = > file address = address + f2-b2, otherwise, the requested address is not legal. In some cases (for example, programs with separated I and D space) the two segments for a file may overlap. If a ? or I is followed by an *, then only the second triple is used. The initial setting of both mappings is suitable for normal a.out and core files. If either file is not of the kind expected, then for that file, bl is set to 0, el is set to the maximum file size and fl is set to 0; in this way, the whole file can be examined with no address translation. In order for adb to be used on large files, all appropriate values are kept as signed 32-bit integers. I Flags -pprompt Sets the prompt used by adb to prompt. If the prompt includes spaces, enclose the prompt in quotation marks. -w Opens the objfil and corfil for writing. This flag makes either file if they do not exist. Commands 50.7 TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 adb I Files /dev/mem /dev/swap a.out core. I Related Information The ptrace system call in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. The a.out and core files in IBM RT PC A/X Operating System Technical Reference. 50.8 Commands Reference admin admin Purpose Creates and initializes SCCS files. Syntax To Create SCCS Files: admin -( -n----------~ a . I 1 num -{ -I , one of b cnum dSID fnum j mmodule n qtext ttype ~pro-;:::J-Cmrly- -r -.I ~ _y comment / newfile 1 OL805160 2 If -0 is never used to specify users, then any user can run get -e on the file 0 OLB05417 Commands 51 admin sees To Change Existing Files: admin -f one of b cnum dSlD fnum j mmodule n qtext ttype -fv -t -d -dv b c d f m n q t OLS05385 To Check and Correct Damaged sces Files: one of admin~ OLS05158 1 Do not put a blank between these items. OLS05308 Description The admin command creates new Source Code Control System (SeeS) files or changes specified parameters in existing SCCS files. These parameters control how the get command builds the files that you can edit. They also provide information about who can access the file, who can make changes, and when changes were made. The admin command is most often used to create new SCCS files without setting parameters. See 52 Commands Reference admin "Examples" on page 56 for the syntax used to create an sees file with no parameters set in the new file. If the named file exists, admin modifies its parameters as specified by the flags. If it does not exist and you supply the -i or the -n flag, admin creates the new file and provides default values for unspecified flags. If you specify a directory name for file, admin performs the requested actions on all sees files in that directory (all files with the s. prefix). If you specify a - (minus) as a file name, admin reads standard input and interprets each line as the name of an sees file. An end-of-file character (Ctrl-D) ends input. If you are not familiar with the delta numbering system, see AIX Operating System Programming Tools and Interfaces for more information. SCCS File Conventions All sees file names must have the form New sees files are created with read-only permission. You must have write permission in the directory to create a file (see "chmod" on page 128 for an explanation of file permissions). admin writes to a temporary x-file, which it calls The x-file has the same permissions as the original sees file if it already exists, and it is read-only if admin creates a new file. After successful completion of admin, the x-file is moved to the name of the sees file. This ensures that changes are made to the sees file only if admin does not detect any errors while it is running. Directories containing sees files should be created with permission code 755 (read, write, and execute permissions for owner, read and execute permissions for group members and others). sees files themselves should be created as read-only files (444). With these permissions, only the owner can use non-SeeS commands to modify sees files. If a group can access and modify the sees files then the directories should include group write permission. The admin command also uses a temporary lock file (called, to prevent simultaneous updates to the sees file by different users. See "sees Files" on page 360 for additional information on the file. The following table contains the header flags that can be set with the -f flag and unset with the -d flags (see page 55). The header flags control the format of the g-file created with the get command (see "sees Files" on page 360 for details on the g-file). Commands 53 admin Header Flag b cnum Header Flag Purpose Lets you use the -b flag of a get command to create branch deltas. Makes num the highest release number that a get -e can use. The value of num must be less than or equal to 9999. (Its default value is 9999.) Makes num the lowest release number that a get -e can retrieve. num must be greater than 0 and less than 9999. (Its default value is 1.) Makes SID the default delta supplied to a get command. fnum dSID i j lnum[,num] ... n qtext mmodule ttype v [program] Figure 1. Treats the No id keywords ( 9 e 6) message issued by the get or delta command as an error (see "Identification Keywords" on page 362). Permits concurrent get commands for editing the same SID of an sees file. This allows multiple concurrent updates to the same version of the sees file. Locks the releases specified by num . .. against editing, so that a get -e against one of these releases fails. You can lock all releases against editing by specifying -fla and unlock specific releases with the -d flag. Causes delta to create a null delta in any releases that are skipped when a delta is made in a new release. For example, if you make delta 5.1 after delta 2.7, releases 3 and 4 will be null. The resulting null deltas can serve as points from which to build branch deltas. Without this flag, skipped releases do not appear in the the sees file. Substitutes text for all occurrences of the %Q% keyword in an sees text file retrieved by a get command. (See "Identification Keywords" on page 362 for more information on keywords.) Substitutes module for all occurrences of the %M% keyword in an sees text file retrieved by a get command. The default module is the name of the sees file without the s. prefix. Substitutes type for all % Y% keywords in a g-file retrieved by a get. Makes delta prompt for Modification Request (MR) numbers as the reason for creating a delta. program specifies the name of an MR number validity checking program (see "delta" on page 236). If v is set in the sees file, the admin -m flag must also be used, even if its value is null. sees Header Flags Flags You can enter the flags and input file names in any order. All flags apply to all the files. 54 Commands Reference admin -auser Adds the specified user to the list of users that can make sets of changes (deltas), to the sees file. user can be either a user name, a group name, or a group ID. Specifying a group name or number is the same as specifying the names of all users in that group. You can specify more than one -a flag on a single admin command line. If an sees file contains an empty user list, then anyone can add deltas. If a file has a user list, the creator of the file must be included in the list in order for the creator to make deltas to the file. -dhdrflag Removes the specified header flag from the sees file. You can specify this flag only with existing sees files. You can also specify more than one -d flag in a single admin command. See Figure 1 on page 54 for the header flags that admin recognizes. -euser Removes the specified user from the list of users allowed to make deltas to the sees file. Specifying a group ID is equivalent to specifying all user names common to that group. You can specify several -e flags on a single admin command line. -fhdrflag[value] Places the specified header flag and value in the sees file. You can specify more than one header flag in a single admin command. See Figure 1 on page 54 for the header flags that admin recognizes. -h Checks the structure of the sees file and compares a newly computed checksum with the checksum that is stored in the first line of the sees file. When the checksum value is not correct, the file has been improperly modified or has been damaged. This flag helps you detect damage caused by the improper use of nonSeeS commands to modify sees files, as well as accidental damage. The -h flag prevents writing to the file, so it cancels the effect of any other flags supplied. If an error message is returned indicating the file is damaged, use the -z flag to recompute the checksum. Then test to see if the file is corrected by using the -h flag again. -i[name] Gets the text for a new sees file from name. This text is the first delta of the file. If you specify the -i flag but you omit the file name, admin reads the text from standard input until it reaches END OF FILE (Ctrl-D). If you do not specify the -i flag, but you do specify the -n flag, admin creates an empty sees file. admin can only create one file containing text at a time. If you are creating two or more sees files with one call to admin, you must use the -n flag, and the sees files created are empty. -m[mrlist] Specifies a list of Modification Requests (MR) numbers to be inserted into the sees file as the reason for creating the initial delta. The v flag must be set. The MR numbers are validated if the v flag has a value (the name of an MR number validation program). admin reports an error if the v flag is not set or if MR validation fails. Commands 55 admin -n Creates a new, empty SCCS file. Do not specify this flag when you use the -i flag. -rnum.num Inserts the initial delta into num.num, the release and version respectively. You can specify -r only if you also specify the -i or -n flag. If you do not specify this flag, the initial delta becomes release 1, version 1. Use this flag only when creating an sees file. -t[file] Takes descriptive text for the sees file from file. If you use -t when creating a new sees file, you must supply a file name. In the case of existing sees files: • • -y[comment] Without a file name, -t causes removal of the descriptive text (if any) currently in the sees file. With a file name, -t causes text in the named file to replace the descriptive text (if any) currently in the sees file. Inserts comment text into the initial delta in a manner identical to that of the delta command. Use this flag only when you create an sees file. If you do not specify a comment, admin inserts a line of the following form: date and time created YYjMMjDD HH:MM:SS by login Recomputes the sees file checksum and stores it in the first line of the sees file (see the -h flag on page 55). -z Warning: Using admin with this flag on a damaged file can prevent future detection of the damage. This flag should only be used if the sees file is changed using non-SeeS commands because of a serious error. Examples 1. To create an empty admin 56 -n sees file named s.prog.c: s.prog.c Commands Reference admin 2. To convert an existing text file into an admin -iprogram.c sees file: s.prog.c This converts the text file program. c into the sees file s. prog. c. The original file remains intact, but it is no longer needed. You must rename or delete it before you can use the get command on s. prog. c. Related Information The following commands: "delta" on page 236, "ed" on page 280, "get" on page 359, "help" on page 391, "prs" on page 574, and "what" on page 848. The sccsfile file in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. "Maintaining Different Versions of a Program" in AIX Operating System Programming Tools and Interfaces. Commands 57 ar ar Purpose Maintains portable libraries used by the linkage editor. Syntax a posname b or ~-----l v d q P t x h library T name T I----------------.J OL805377 or - library w - ---l OLB05349 1 Do not put 0 blank between these items. OL805308 Description The ar command combines one or more named files into a single library file written in ar archive format. When ar creates a library, it creates headers in a transportable format; when it creates or updates one, it rebuilds the symbol table that the linkage editor (the ld command) uses to make efficient multiple passes over object file libraries. (The ar file entry in AIX Operating System Technical Reference describes the format and structure of portable archives and symbol tables.) Flags Note: You must list all selected flags together on the command line, without blanks between them. You must always specify one from the set dhmpqrtxw. You can also specify any number of optional flags from the set abcilsuv. If you select a positioning flag 58 Commands Reference ar (a, h, or i), you must also specify the name of a file within library (posname), immediately following the flag list (separated from it by a blank). a posname Positions the named files after the existing file identified by posname. h posname Positions the named files before the existing file identified by posname. c Suppresses the normal message that is produced when library is created. d Deletes the named files from the library. h Sets the modification times in the member headers of the named files to the current date and time. If you do not specify any file names, ar sets the time stamps of all member headers. i posname Positions the named files before the existing file identified by posname (same as h). 1 Places temporary files in the current (local) directory instead of directory /tmp. m Moves the named files to some other position in the library. By default, it moves the named files to the end of the library. Use a positioning flag (ahi) to specify some other position. p Writes to the standard output the contents of the named files or all files in a library if you do not specify any files. q Adds the named files to the end of the library. Positioning flags, if present, do not have any effect. Note that this process does not check to see if the named files are already in the library. In addition, if you name the same file twice, it may be put in the library twice. r Replaces a named file if it already appears in the library. Since the named files occupy the same position in the library as the files they replace, a positioning flag does not have any additional effect. When used with the u flag (update), r replaces only files modified since they were last added to the library file. If a named file does not already appear in the library, ar adds it. In this case, positioning flags do affect placement. If you do not specify a position, new files are placed at the end of the library. If you name the same file twice, it may be put in the library twice. s Forces the regeneration of the library symbol table whether or not ar modifies the library contents. Use this flag to restore the library symbol table after using the strip command on the library. t Writes to the standard output a table of contents for the library. If you specify file names, only those files appear. If you do not specify any files, t lists all files in the library. Commands 59 ar u Copies only files which have been changed since they were last copied (see the r flag discussed previously). v Writes to standard output a verbose file-by-file description of the making of the new library. When used with the t flag, it gives a long listing similar to that of the Is -I command, described under "Is" on page 461. When used with the x flag, it precedes each file with a name. When used with the h flag, it lists the member name and the updated modification times. The environment variables NLLDATE and NLTIME control the format of the archive date and time. w Displays the archive symbol table. Each symbol is listed with the name of the file in which the symbol is defined. x Extracts the named files by copying them into the current directory. These copies have the same name as the original files, which remain in the library. If you do not specify any files, x copies all files out of the library. This process does not alter the library. Examples 1. To create a library: ar vq lib.a strlen.o strcpy.o If 1i b . a does not exist, then this creates it and enters into it copies of the files strl en. 0 and strcpy. o. If 1 i b. a does exist, then this adds the new members to the end without checking for duplicate members. The v flag sets verbose mode, in which ar displays progress reports as it proceeds. 2. To list the table of contents of a library: ar vt lib.a This lists the table of contents of 1 i b. a, displaying a long listing similar to Is -I. To list only the member file names, omit the v flag. 3. To replace or add new members to a library: ar vr lib.a strlen.o strcat.o This replaces the members strl en. 0 and strcat. o. If 1 i b. a was created as shown in Example 1, then the strl en. 0 member is replaced. A member named strcat. 0 does not already exist, so it is added to the end of the library_ 4. To specify where to insert a new member: ar vrb strlen.o lib.a strcmp.o This adds strcmp. 0, placing the new member before strl en. o. 60 Commands Reference ar 5. To update a member if it has been changed: ar vru lib.a strcpy.o This replaces the existing strcpy. 0 member, but only if the file modified since it was last added to the library. 6. strcpy. 0 has been To change the order of the library members: ar vma strcmp.o lib.a strcat.o strcpy.o This moves the members strcat. 0 and strcpy. 0 to positions immediately after strcmp. o. The relative order of strcat. 0 and strcpy. 0 is preserved. In other words, if strcpy. 0 preceded strcat. 0 before the move, then it still does. 7. To extract library members: ar vx lib.a strcat.o strcpy.o This copies the members strcat. 0 and strcat.o and strcpy. 0, respectively. 8. To extract and rename a member: ar p lib.a strcpy.o This copies the member 9. strcpy. 0 into individual files named >stringcopy.o strcpy. 0 to a file named stri ngcopy. o. To delete a member: ar vd lib.a strlen.o This deletes the member s t r 1 en . 0 from the library 1 i b . a. Files /tmp/ar* Temporary files. Related Information The following commands: "backup" on page 76, "ld" on page 427, "lorder" on page 457, "make" on page 474, "nm" on page 521, "size" on page 665, and "strip" on page 716. The a.out and ar files and environment miscellaneous facility in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. The "Overview of International Character Support" in Managing the AIX Operating System. Commands 61 arithmetic arithmetic Purpose Tests arithmetic skills. Syntax 10\ arithmetic I ranger x / OL805164 1 Do not put a blank between these items. OLB05308 Description The arithmetic command displays simple arithmetic problems and waits for you to enter an answer. If your answer is correct, the program displays Ri ght! and presents a new problem. If your answer is wrong, it displays What? and waits for another answer. Every 20 problems, arithmetic displays the number of correct and incorrect responses and the time required to answer. The arithmetic command does not give the correct answers to the problems it displays. It provides practice rather than instruction in performing arithmetic calculations. The range is a decimal number specifying the permissible range of all numbers (except answers). The default range is 10. At the start, all numbers within this range are equally likely to appear. If you make a mistake, the numbers in the problem you missed become more likely to reappear. To quit the game, press INTERRUPT (Alt-Pause); arithmetic displays the final game statistics and exits. 62 Commands Reference arithmetic Flags Two types of optional flags modify the action of arithmetic. The first set specifies the type of arithmetic problem: + Specifies addition problems. Specifies subtraction problems. x Specifies multiplication problems. / Specifies division problems. If you do not select any flags, arithmetic selects addition and subtraction problems. If you give more than one problem specifier ( + -xf), the program mixes the specified types of problems in random order. Examples 1. To drill on addition and subtraction of integers from 0 to 10: /usr/games/arithmetic 2. To drill on addition, multiplication, and division of integers from 0 to 50: /usr/games/arithmetic +x/ 50 Commands 63 as as Purpose Assembles a source file. Syntax as -a -I -n name -oobjfi/e OLS05165 1 Do not put a blank between these items. OLS05308 Description The as command reads and assembles the named file (conventionally this file ends with a .s suffix). If you do not specify a file, as reads and assembles standard input. It stores its output, by default, in a file named a.out. The output file is executable if no errors occur and if there are no unresolved external references. Flags -a Provide extended addressing for handling large structures. -I [listfile ] Produces a assembler listing. If you do not specify a file name, a default name is produced by replacing the .s extension of the source file name with an .Ist extension. -n name Specifies the name that appears in the header of the assembler listing. By default, the header contains the name of the assembler source file. -0 64 objfile Writes the output of the assembly process to the specified file instead of to a.out. Commands Reference as Files a.out Default output file. Related Information The following commands: "cc" on page 112 and "ld" on page 427. The a.out file in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. The discussion of as in Assembler Language Reference and AIX Operating System Programming Tools and Interfaces. Commands 65 at at, batch Purpose Runs commands at a later time. Syntax ~ time-(today at date increment -1-------r batch --I 0L805002 Description The at and batch commands read from standard input the names of commands to be run at a later time: • • at allows you to specify when the commands should be run. batch runs jobs when the system load level permits. Both at and batch mail you all output from standard output and standard error for the scheduled commands, unless you redirect that output. They also write the job number and the scheduled time to standard error. Variables in the shell environment, the current directory, umask, and ulimit are retained when the commands are run. Open file descriptors, traps, and priority are lost. You can use at if your name appears in the file /usr/lib/cron/at.allow. If that file does not exist, at checks the file /usr/lib/cron/at.deny to determine if you should be denied access to at. If neither file exists, only the superuser can submit a job. The allow/deny files contain one user name per line. If at.allow does exist, the superuser's login name must be included in it for the superuser to be able to use the command. 66 Commands Reference at The required time parameter can be one of the following: 1. A number followed by an optional suffix. at interprets one-and two-digit numbers as hours. It interprets four digits as hours and minutes. The NLTIME environment variable specifies the order of hours and minutes. The default order is the hour followed by the minute. You can also separate hours and minutes with a : (colon). The default order is hour:minute. In addition, you may specify a suffix of am, pm, or zulu. If you do not specify am or pm, at uses a 24 hour clock. The suffix zulu indicates that the time is GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). The NLTMISC environment variable controls the suffixes that at recognizes. 2. at also recognizes the following keywords as special times: noon, midnight, and now. Note that you can use the special word now only if you also specify a date or an increment. Otherwise, at tells you: too 1ate. The NLTSTRS environment variable controls the additional keywords that at recognizes. You may specify the date parameter as either a month name and a day number (and possibly a year number preceded by a comma), or a day of the week. The NLDATE environment variable specifies the order of the month name and day number (by default, month followed by day). The NLLDAY environment variable specifies long day names; NLSDA Y and NLSMONTH specify short day and month names. (By default, the long name is fully spelled out; the short name abbreviated to three characters.) at recognizes two special "days," today and tomorrow by default. (The NLTSTRS environment variable specifies these special days.) today is the default date if the specified time is later than the current hour; tomorrow is the default if the time is earlier than the current hour. If the specified month is less than the current month (and a year is not given), next year is the default year. The optional increment can be one of the following: 1. A + (plus sign) followed by a number and one of the following words: minute[s], hour[s], day[s], week[s], month[s], year[s] (or their non-English equivalents). 2. The special word next followed by one of the following words: minute[s], hour[s], day[s], week[s], month[s], year[s] (or their non-English equivalents). The NLTUNITS environment variable specifies the non-English equivalents of the English defaults. Flags -1 -r job. .. Reports your scheduled jobs. Removes jobs previously scheduled by at or batch, where job is the number assigned by at or batch. If you do not have superuser authority (see "su" on page 724), you can remove only your own jobs. Commands 67 at Examples 1. To schedule the command from the terminal, use a command similar to one of the following: at 5 pm Friday uuclean Ctrl-D 2. next at now uuclean Ctrl-D week + 2 days To run uuclean at 3:00 in the afternoon on the 24th of January, use anyone of the following commands: echo echo echo 3. at now uuclean Ctrl-D uuclean uuclean uuclean at at at 3:00 pm January 3pm Jan 24 1500 jan 24 24 To run a job when the system load permits: batch «~I longjob 2)&1 )outfile mail myID ! This example shows the use of a here document to send standard input to at (see "Inline Input Documents" on page 650). The order of redirections is important here, so that only error messages are sent into the pipe to the mail command. If you reverse the order, both standard error and standard output are sent to outfi 1e (see the discussion of "Input and Output Redirection Using File Descriptors" on page 651 for details). 4. To have a job reschedule itself, invoke at from within the shell procedure by including code similar to the following within the shell file: echo 5. shellfile" now tomorrow -1 To cancel jobs: at -r 103 227 This cancels jobs 68 at To list the jobs you have sent to be run later: at 6. "sh Commands Reference 103 and 227. Use at -1 to list the job numbers assigned to your jobs. at Files lusr/lib/cron lusr/lib/cron/at.allow Iusr IIi b Icronl at. deny lusrlspool/cron/atjobs Main cron directory. List of allowed users. List of denied users. Spool area. Related Information The following commands: "cron" on page 172, "kill" on page 422, "mail" on page 470, "nice" on page 515, "ps" on page 579, and "sh" on page 637. The environment special facility in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. "Running Commands at Pre-set Times" and "Overview of International Character Support" in IBM RT PC Managing the AIX Operating System. Commands 69 awk awk Purpose Finds lines in files matching specified patterns and performs specified actions on them. Syntax awk 1 2 3 r-\ r'1\ ottern X octionJr'x ~ -Fchar1~ p -f pragfi/e variab/e=value XJ file The default char is a tab. The default pattern is every line. The default action is to print the line. OL805422 Description The awk command is a more powerful pattern matching command than the grep command. It can perform limited processing on the input lines, instead of simply displaying lines that match. Some of the features of awk are: • • • • • It It It It It can perform convenient numeric processing. allows variables within actions. allows general selection of patterns. allows control flow in the actions. does not require any compiling of programs. For a detailed discussion of awk, see AIX Operating System Programming Tools and Interfaces. The awk command, reads files in the order stated on the command line. If you specify a file name as - (minus) or do not specify a file name, awk reads standard input. The awk command searches its input line by line for patterns. When it finds a match, it performs the associated action and writes the result to standard output. Enclose pattern-action statements on the command line in single quotation marks to protect them from interpretation by the shell. 70 Commands Reference awk The awk command first reads all pattern-action statements, then it reads a line of input and compares it to each pattern, performing the associated actions on each match. When it has compared all patterns to the input line, it reads the next line. The awk command treats input lines as fields separated by spaces, tabs, or a field separator you set with the FS variable. Fields are referenced as $1, $2, and so on. $0 refers to the entire line. On the awk command line, you can assign values to variables as follows: variable = value Pattern-Matching Statements Pattern-matching statements follow the form: pattern { action } If a pattern lacks a corresponding action, awk writes the entire line that contains the pattern to standard output. If an action lacks a corresponding pattern, it matches every line. Actions An action is a sequence of statements that follow C Language syntax. These statements can include: format statement if ( conditional) statement [ else statement] if while ( conditional) statement while for ( expression; conditional; expression) statement for break continue { statement . .. } (assignment) variable = expression print print [expression-list] [> expression] printf printf format[, expression-list] [> expression] next exit Statements can end with a semicolon, a new-line character, or the right brace enclosing the action. If you do not supply an action, awk displays the whole line. Expressions can have string or numeric values and are built using the operators +, -, *, /, %, a blank for string concatenation, and the C operators ++, --, +=, -=, *=, /=, and %=. In statements, variables may be scalars, array elements (denoted x[iD or fields. Variable names may consist of upper- and lowercase alphabetic letters, the underscore character, the digits (0-9), and extended characters. Variable names cannot begin with a digit. Variables are Commands 71 awk initialized to the null string. Array subscripts may be any string; they do not have to be numeric. This allows for a form of associative memory. String constants in expressions should be enclosed in double quotation marks. There are several variables with special meaning to awk. They include: FS Input field separator (default is a blank). This separator character cannot be a two-byte extended character. The number of fields in the current input line (record). The number of the current input line (record). The name of the current input file. The output field separator (default is a blank). This separator character cannot be a two-byte extended character. The output record separator (default is a new-line character). This separator character cannot be a two-byte extended character. The output format for numbers (default %. 6g). NF NR FILENAME OFS ORS OFMT Since the actions process fields, input white space is not preserved on the output. The printf statement formats its expression list according to the format of the printf subroutine (see A/X Operating System Technical Reference), and writes it arguments to standard output, separated by the output field separator and terminated by the output record separator. You can redirect the output using the print> file or printf> file statements. You have two ways to designate a character other than white space to separate fields. You can use the -Fc flag on the awk command line, or you can start progfile with: BEG IN { FS = c } Either action changes the field separator to c. There are several built-in functions that can be used in awk actions. length exp(n) log(n) sqrt(n) int(n) substr(s,m,n) sprintf(fmt,expr,expr, ... ) Returns the length of the whole line if there is no argument or the length of its argument taken as a string. Takes the exponential of its argument. Takes the base e logarithm of its argument. Takes the square root of its argument. Takes the integer part of its argument. Returns the substring n characters long of s, beginning at position m. Formats the expressions according to the printf format string fmt and returns the resulting string. / 72 Commands Reference awk Patterns Patterns are arbitrary Boolean combinations of patterns and relational expressions (the !, II, and && operators and parentheses for grouping). You must start and end patterns with slashes (/). You can use regular expressions like those allowed by the egrep command (see "grep" on page 381), including the following special characters: + ? () One or more occurrences of the pattern. Zero or one occurrences of the pattern. Either of two statements. Grouping of expressions. Isolated patterns in a pattern apply to the entire line. Patterns can occur in relational expressions. If two patterns are separated by a comma, the action is performed on all lines between an occurrence of the first pattern and the next occurrence of the second. Regular expressions can contain extended characters with one exception: range constructs in character class specifications using square brackets cannot contain two-byte extended characters. Individual instances of extended characters can appear within square brackets; however, two-byte extended characters are treated as two separate one-byte characters. Regular expressions can also occur in relational expressions. There are two types of relational expressions that you can use. One has the form: expression matchop pattern where matchop is either: - (for "contains") or !- (for "does not contain"). The second has the form: expression relop expression where relop is any of the six C relational operators: <, >, <=, >=, ==, and! =. A conditional can be an arithmetic expression, a relational expression, or a Boolean combination of these. You can use the special patterns BEGIN and END to capture control before the first and after the last input line is read, respectively. You can only use these patterns before the first and after the last line in progfile. There are no explicit conversions between numbers and strings. To force an expression to be treated as a number, add 0 to it. To force it to be treated as a string, append a null string (" "). Flags -f progfile Searches for the patterns and perform the actions found in the file progfile. -Fchar Uses char as the field separator character (by default a blank). Commands 73 awk Examples 1. To display the lines of a file that are longer than 72 characters: awk "length >72 11 chapterl This selects each line of the file chapterl that is longer than 72 characters. awk then writes these lines to standard output because no action is specified. 2. To display all lines between the words s ta rt and stop: awk 3. II /start/, /stop/" chapterl To run an awk program (sum2. awk .) that processes a file (chapterl): awk sum2.awk -f chapterl The following awk program computes the sum and average of the numbers in the second column of the input file: { sum += $2 } END { pri nt "S um : ", sum; print "Average: sum/NR; II , } The first action adds the value of the second field of each line to the variable sum. awk initializes s urn (and all variables) to zero before starting. The keyword END before the second action causes awk to perform that action after all of the input file has been read. The variable NR, which is used to calculate the average, is a special variable containing the number of records (lines) that have been read. 4. To print the names of the users who have the C shell as the initial shell: awk -F: I /csh/{pri nt $l} I /etc/passwd Related Information The following commands: "lex" on page 432, "grep" on page 381, and "sed" on page 629. The printf subroutine in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. The "Overview of International Character Support" in Managing the AIX Operating System. The discussion of awk in A/X Operating System Programming Tools and Interfaces. 74 Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 back back Purpose Plays backgammon. Syntax /usr / games/back --t 01.805186 Description The back game provides you with a partner for backgammon. You select one of three skill levels: beginner, intermediate, or expert. You may also choose to roll your own dice during your turns, and you are asked if you want to move first. The points are numbered such that: • 0 is the bar for removed white pieces. • 1 is white's extreme inner table. • 24 is brown's extreme inner table. • 25 is the bar for removed brown pieces. For details on how to make your moves, enter y when back asks Instruct; ons at the beginning of the game. When it first asks Move?, enter? to see a list of choices other than entering a numerical move. When the game is finished, back asks you if you want to save game information. A Y response stores game data in the file back.log in your current directory. The back game plays only the forward game, even at the expert level. It will object if you try to make too many moves in a turn, but not if you make too few. Doubling is not implemented. To quit the game, press INTERRUPT (Alt-Pause). Files /usr / games/lib/backrules /tmp/b* back.log Rules file. Log temp file. Log file. Commands 75 backup backup Purpose Backs up files. Syntax backup -fdevice -Inum -v -Cnum -ddensity -ssize , - - - - - - -i - - - - - - -mCI fi/esystem -r OLS05082 Description The backup command copies files in the backup format described in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. The backup output device is usually a removable medium, such as diskette or magnetic tape. You can name either a file system (backup by i-node) or the actual files to be backed up (backup by name). In the first case, you can back up either all files on the system (a full backup) or only the files that have been modified since a specific full backup (an incremental backup). You can also specify a mini disk (backup by minidisk), in which case backup copies an exact image of the entire minidisk. Note: Because a backup by minidisk backs up an entire minidisk as an exact image, a large minidisk with a small or sparsely used file system may take longer and require more backup medium to back up this way, rather than by i-node or by name. If the file system you are backing up is mounted and is not the root file system, backup unmounts the file system before it performs an i-node backup and then remounts the file system before quitting. If the file systems you are backing up include the root file system, backup ensures that the other file systems are not in use. If one is, it warns you of this and quits. For a file system backup, you supply a level number and a filesystem name. The possible level numbers are 0-9; the default level is 9. A level 0 backup includes all files on the file 76 Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 backup system. A level n backup includes all files modified since the last level n-l backup. The level numbers, in conjunction with the -u flag, provide an easy way to maintain a hierarchy of incremental backups for each file system. See Managing the AIX Operating System for a discussions of backup strategy and the use of incremental backups. The name of a filesystem can be either the physical device name (the block or raw name) or the name of the directory on which the file system is normally mounted. When you specify a directory name, backup reads /etc/filesystems for the physical device name. In this case, it also acquires values for other backup parameters from /etc/filesystems. Note: The filesystem must specify a local device or directory. By default, backup writes to the device defined in the backupdev entry of /etc/filesystems for a backup by i-node or to /dev/rfdO for backups by minidisk or name or if no backupdev is defined in /etc/filesystems. You can override this default action with the -f flag. The backup command recognizes a special syntax for the names of output files. If the argument is a range of names, such as /dev/rfdO-3, backup automatically goes from one drive (in the range) to the next. After exhausting all of the specified drives, it halts and requests that new volumes be mounted. For individual file backup, use the -i flag. backup reads standard input for the names of files to be backed up. In this case, backup does not read /etc/filesystems and does not default to the settings specified there. Flags Warning: Ensure that the flags you specify match the backup medium. If the backup medium is not a disk or diskette, do not specify the -I flag. Similarly, if the backup medium is not a tape, do not specify the -d or -8 flags. If you do specify flags that do not go with the medium, backup displays an appropriate error message and continues the backup. -Cnum Specifies the number of blocks to write in a single output operation. If you do not specify num, backup uses a default value appropriate for the physical device selected. Larger values of num result in longer physical transfers to tape devices. The value of the -C flag is always ignored when backup writes to diskette. In this case, it always writes in clusters that occupy a complete track. -ddensity Specifies the density of a tape medium in bytes per inch. The default density is 700 bytes per inch. -fdevice Specifies the output device. -i Reads standard input for the names of files to back up. -Inum Uses num as the limit of the total number of block to use on a diskette. The default value is the entire diskette (2400 blocks). Commands 77 backup Backs up the entire minidisk as an exact image. -m Note: Incremental backups are not supported for this mode of backup. -r Indicates that removable medium is ready to use. When you specify this flag, backup proceeds without prompting you to prepare the backup medium or waiting for you to press the Enter key to continue. -slength Specifies the length in feet of usable space on a tape medium. This is a combination of the physical length and the number of tracks on the tape. In the case of IBM RT PC Streaming Tape, you should multiply the physical length of the tape by 9 (the number of tracks) to determine the usable space available. -u Updates the time, date, and level of the backup in the /etc/budate file. This file provides the information needed for incremental backups. -v Reports on each phase of the backup as it is completed and gives regular progress reports during the longest phase. -level Specifies the backup level (0-9). The default level is 9. You should use the -u flag when you do an incremental backup to ensure that information regarding the last date, time, and level of each incremental backup is written to the file /etc/budate. Examples 1. To back up an entire file system: backup -0 -u / This backs up the entire (-0) root file system (/) to the device defined in the backupdev entry in /etc/filesystems. It also updates the current backup level record in /etc/budate (-u). Only the root file system is backed up, not mounted file systems. 2. To back up all files modified since the last level 0 backup: backup 3. -1 -u / To back up selected files: find $HOME -print backup -v -i This backs up all of the user's files, displaying a progress report as each file is copied (-v). The -; flag causes backup to read from standard input the names of files to be backed up. In this example, the find command supplies the list of file names. For more information about this command, see "find" on page 326. 78 Commands Reference backup 4. To back up an entire minidisk: backup -mf/dev/rmtO /xyz This backs up the entire minidisk that contains the file system streaming tape (/ dev / rmtO). xyz, copying it to the Files / etc/filesystems /etc/budate /dev/rfdO /dev/rhdO Read for default parameters. Log for most recent backup dates. Default backup device. Default file system. Related Information The following commands: "find" on page 326, "format" on page 331, and "restore" on page 596. The backup and file systems files and the tape special file in A/X Operating System Technical Reference. "Backing up Files and File Systems" in Managing the A/X Operating System. Commands 79 banner banner Purpose Writes character strings in large letters to standard output. Syntax banner T string r OL805080 Description The banner command writes character strings to standard output in large letters. Each line in the output can be up to 10 uppercase or lowercase characters long. On output, all characters appear in uppercase, with the lowercase input characters appearing smaller than the uppercase input characters. Examples 1. To display a banner at the work station: banner SMILE! 2. To display more than one word on a line, enclose the text in quotation marks: banner "0ut to" Lunch This displays Out to on one line, 3. and Lunch To print a banner: banner We like Computers print Related Information The following command: "echo" on page 278. 80 Commands Reference on the next. basename basename, dirname Purpose Returns the base name of a string parameter. Syntax basename - string --CJ---l suffix dirname.-- path OLS050S5 ---l OLS05047 Description The basename command reads the string specified on the command line, deletes any prefix that ends with a I (slash), as well as any specified suffix, if it is present, and writes the remaining base file name to standard output. Note: A basename of I is null and is considered an error. The dirname command writes to standard output all but the last part of the specified path name (all but the part following the last I). The basename and dirname commands are generally used inside command substitutions within a shell procedure to specify an output file name that is some variation of a specified input file name. For more information, see "Command Substitution" on page 647. Examples 1. To display the base name of a shell variable: basename $WORKFILE This displays the base name of the value assigned to the shell variable WORKFI LE. If WORKFI LE is set to lui j; m/program. C, then program. C is displayed. Commands 81 basename 2. To construct a file name that is the same as another file name, except for its suffix: OFI LE='basename $1 . c'. 0 This assigns to 0 F I LEthe value of the first positional parameter ($1), but with its . c suffix changed to .0. If $1 is /u/jim/program.c, then OFILE becomes program.o. Because program. 0 is only a base file name, it identifies a file in the current directory. The' , (grave accents) perform command substitution. 3. To construct the name of a file located in the same directory as another: AOUTFI LE='di rname $TEXTFI LE'/ a. out This sets the shell variable AOUT F I LE to the name of an a.out file that is in the same directory as TEXTFI LE. If TEXTFI LE is /u/fran/prog. c, then the value of di rname $TEXTFILE is /u/fran and AOUTFILE becomes /u/fran/a.out. Related Information The following command: "sh" on page 637. 82 Commands Reference bc be Purpose Provides an interpreter for arbitrary-precision arithmetic language. Syntax be OL805081 Description The be command is an interactive process that provides unlimited precision arithmetic. It is a preprocessor for the de command. be invokes de automatically, unless the -e (compile only) flag is specified. If the -e flag is specified, the output from be goes to the standard output. The be command lets you specify an input and output base in decimal, octal, or hexadecimal (the default is decimal). The command also has a scaling provision for decimal point notation. The syntax for be is similar to that of the C language. The be command takes input first from the specified file. When be reaches the end of the input file, it reads standard input. The following description of syntax for be uses the following abbreviations: L means letters a-z; E means expressions; S means statements. Names Simple variables: L Array elements: L[E] The words ibase, obase, and scale. Comments are enclosed in /* and * /. Commands 83 be Other Operands Arbitrarily long numbers with optional sign and decimal point. (E) sqrt (E) length (E) number of significant decimal digits scale ( E ) number of digits to the right of the decimal point L (E, ... ,E) Operators + . * / ~/o " (% is remainder; " is power) + + .. (prefix and postfix; apply to names) ==<=>=!=<> = = + =. =* =/ =% Statements E { 8; ... ;8} if (E) 8 while (E) 8 for (E;E;E) 8 (null statement) break quit Function Definitions define L ( L, ... ,L ) { auto L, ... ,L 8; ... 8 return (E) } 84 Commands Reference =" be Functions in -1 Math Library s(x) e(x) e(x) I(x) a(x) j (n,x) SIne COSIne exponential log arctangent Bessel function All function parameters are passed by value. The value of a statement that is an expression is displayed unless the main operator is an assignment. A semicolon or new-line character separates statements. Assignments to scale controls the number of decimal places printed on output and maintained during multiplication, division, and exponentiation. Assignments to ibase or obase set the input and output number radix respectively. The same letter may refer to an array, a function, and a simple variable simultaneously. All variables are global to the program. "Auto" variables are pushed down during function calls. When you use arrays as function parameters, or define them as automatic variables, empty square brackets must follow the array name. All for statements must have all three E's. The quit statement is interpreted when read, not when executed. Flags -e Compiles file, but does not invoke de. -I Includes a library of math functions. Examples 1. To use be as a calculator: You: System: You: System: You: System: You: System: bc 1/4 0 scale 1 /* Keep 1 decimal place */ 1/4 0.2 scale = 3 /* Keep 3 decimal places */ 1/4 0.250 16+63/5 28.600 Commands 85 be You: System: ( 16 +63 ) 15 15.800 You: System: 71/6 You: System: 11.833 1/6 0.166 You may type the comments (enclosed in 1* */), but they are provided only for your information. be displays the value of each expression when you press the Enter key, except for assignments. When you enter be expressions directly from the keyboard, press END OF FILE (Ctrl-D) to end the be session and return to the shell command line. 2. To convert numbers from one base to another: You: System: You: System: You: System: bc obase = 16 ibase = 8 12 1* Display numbers in Hexadecimal *1 1* Input numbers in Octal *1 A 123 53 123456 A72 E When you enter be expressions directly from the keyboard, press END OF FILE (Ctrl-D) to end the be session and return to the shell command line. 3. To write and run C-like programs: You: System: You: System: You: System: bc -1 prog.bc e(2) 1* e squared *1 7.38905609893065022723 f(5) 1* 5 factorial *1 120 f(10) 1* 10 factorial *1 3628800 This interprets the be program saved in prog. bc, then reads more be statements from the work station keyboard. Starting be with the -1 flag makes the math library available. This example uses the e (exponential) function from the math library, and f is defined in the program file prog. bc as: 86 Commands Reference be /* compute the factorial of n */ define f(n) { auto i, r; r = 1; for (i=2; i<=n; i++) r =* i; return (r); } Note: The statement following a for or while statement must begin on the same line. When you enter be expressions directly from the keyboard, press END OF FILE (Ctrl-D) to end the be session and return to the shell command line. 4. To convert an infix expression to reverse polish notation (RPN): You: System: bc -c (a * b) % (3 + 4 * c) 1a1b* 3 41 c*+%ps. This compiles the be infix-notation expression into one that the de command can interpret. de evaluates extended RPN expressions. In the compiled output, the 1 (ell) before each variable name is the de subcommand to load the value of the variable onto the stack. The p displays the value on top of the stack, and the s. discards the top value by storing it in register. (dot). You can save the RPN expression in a file for de to evaluate later by redirecting the standard output of this command. For more details, see "Redirection of Input and Output" on page 649. When you enter be expressions directly from the keyboard, press END OF FILE (Ctrl-D) to end the be session and return to the shell command line. Files /usr /lib/lib. b /usr/bin/dc Mathematical library. Desk calculator proper. Related Information The following command: "de" on page 222. Commands 87 bdiff bdiff Purpose Uses diff to find differences in very large files. Syntax filel - bdiff - file2 3500JO -( num -s OL805083 Description The bdiff command compares filel and file2 and writes information about their differing lines to standard output. If either file name is - (minus), bdiff reads standard input. The bdiff command is used like diff to find lines that must be changed in two files to make them identical (see "diff" on page 246). Its primary purpose is to permit processing of files that are too large for diff. The bdiff command ignores lines common to the beginning of both files, splits the remainder of each file into num-line segments, and calls diff to compare the corresponding segments. In some cases, the 3500 line default for num is too large for diff. If diff fails, specify a smaller value for num and try again. The output of bdiff has the same format as that of diff. bdiff adjusts line numbers to account for the segmenting of the files. Note that because of the file segmenting, bdiff does not necessarily find the smallest possible set of file differences. Flag -8 Suppresses error messages from bdiff. (Note that the messages from dift). Example To display the differences between bdiff 88 chapl chapl.bak Commands Reference chapl and chapl. bak: -8 flag does not suppress error bdiff Files /tmp/bd* Temporary files. Related Information The following command: "diff' on page 246. Commands 89 bfs bfs Purpose Scans files. Syntax bls -0- file----' OL805084 Description The bfs command reads a file but does not do any processing of it, allowing you to scan but not edit it. The bfs command is basically a read-only version of the ed command, except it can process much larger files and it has some additional subcommands. Input files can be up to 32K lines long, with up to 255 characters per line. bfs is usually more efficient than ed for scanning a file, because the file is not copied to a buffer. It is most useful for identifying sections of a large file where you can use the csplit command to divide it into more manageable pieces for editing. If you enter the P subcommand, bfs prompts you with an * (asterisk). You can turn off prompting by entering a second P. bfs displays error messages when prompting is turned on. Forward and Backward Searches The bfs command supports all the address expressions described under "ed" on page 280. In addition, you can instruct bfs to search forward or backward through the file, with or without wrap-around. If you specify a forward search with wrap-around, bfs continues searching from the beginning of the file after it reaches the end of the file. If you specify a backward search with wrap-around, it continues searching backwards from the end of the file after it reaches the beginning. The symbols for specifying the four types of search are as follows: 90 /pattern/ Searches forward with wrap-around for the pattern. ?pattern? Searches backward with wrap-around for the pattern. > pattern> Searches forward without wrap-around for the pattern. >= = = != The relational operators « less than, . < = less than or equal to, > greater than, > = greater than or equal to, = = equal to, ! = not equal to) return 1 if the specified relation is True. They return 0 (false) otherwise. Relational operators at the same level extend as follows: a> b > c is the same as a> b & b > c. A string comparison is made if both operands are strings. The comparison is based on the collating sequence specified in the environment variable NLCTAB. Addition and subtraction. % " Multiplication, division, and remainder. Exponentiation. Functions Dealing With Arguments arg(i) Returns the value of the i-th actual argument at the current function call level. At level zero, arg returns the i-th command-line argument. For example, arg(O) returns bs. narg( ) Returns the number of arguments passed. At level zero, it returns the command line argument count. Mathematical Functions 100 abs(x) Returns the absolute value of x. atan(x) Returns the arctangent of x. ceil(x) Returns the smallest integer not less than x. cos(x) Returns the cosine of x. exp(x) Returns e raised to the power x. floor(x) Returns the largest integer not greater than x. log(x) Returns the natural logarithm of x. rand( ) Returns a uniformly distributed random number between zero and one. sin(x) Returns the sine of x. sqrt(x) Returns the square root of x. Commands Reference bs String Functions size(s) Returns the size (length in bytes) of s. format(f, a) Returns the formatted value of a, f being a format specification string in the style of the printf subroutine. Use only the % ... f, % ... e, and % ... s formats. index(x, y) Returns a number that is the first position in x containing a character that any of the characters in y matches. If there is no match, index yields zero. For two-byte extended characters, the index functions returns the location of the first byte. trans(s, f, t) Translates characters in the source string s which match characters in f into characters having the same position in t. Source characters that do not appear in f are copied unchanged into the translated string. If string f is longer than t, source characters that match characters found in the excess portion of f do not appear in the translated string. subst(s, start, length) Returns the substring of s defined by starting position and length. match(string, pattern) mstring(n) This function returns the number of characters in string that match pattern. The characters ., *, ? [, ], /\ (when inside square brackets), \( and \) have the following special meanings (see "ed" on page 280 for a more detailed discussion of this special notation): Matches any character except the new-line character. * Matches zero or more occurrences of the pattern element that it follows (for example, . * matches zero or more occurrences of any character except the new-line character). $ Specifies the end of the line. [.-.] [ ... ] [/\ .-.] [/\ ... ] [].-.] [] ... ] \( ... \) Matches anyone character in the specified range ([-.]) or list ([ ... ]), including the first and last characters. Matches any character except the new-line character and the remaining characters in the range or list. A circumflex (/\) has this special meaning only when it immediately follows the left bracket. Matches] or any character in the list. The right square bracket does not terminate such a list when it is the first character within it (after an initial /\, if any). Marks a substring and matches it exactly. Commands 101 bs To succeed, a pattern must match from the beginning of the string. It also matches the longest possible string. Consider, for example: match(l a 123ab123 ' ,I.*\([a-z]\)") == 6 In this instance, . * matches a 123 a (the longest string that precedes a character in the range a-z); \ ( [a-z] \) matches b, giving a total of six characters matched in the string. In an expression such as [a-z], the minus means "through" according to the current collating sequence. A collating sequence may define equivalence classes for use in character ranges. See the "Overview of International Character Support" in Managing the AIX Operating System for more information on collating sequences and equivalence classes. The mstring function returns the nth substring in the last call to match (n must be between 1 and 10 inclusive). File-Handling Functions open(name, file, mode) close(name) The name parameter must be a legal variable name (passed as a string). For open, the file parameter may be: • • • A 0, 1, or 2 for standard input, output, or error output, respectively A string representing a file name A string beginning with an !, representing a command to be run (via s h - c). The mode flag must be either r (read), w (write), W (write without new-line character), or a (append). After a close, the name becomes an ordinary variable. The initial associations are: open("get", 0, "r") open("put", 1, "W") open("puterr", 2, "Wl!) 102 access(p, m) Performs the access system call. Parameter p is the path name of a file; m is a bit pattern representing the requested mode of access. This function returns a 0 if the request is permitted, -1 if it is denied. (See AIX Operating System Technical Reference for a more extensive discussion of this system call.) ftype(s) Returns a single character indicating file type: f for regular file, p for FIFO (named pipe), d for directory, b for block special, or c for character special. Commands Reference bs Table Functions table(name, size) A table in bs is an associatively accessed, one-dimensional array. "Subscripts" (called keys) are strings (numbers are converted). The name parameter must be a bs variable name (passed as a string). The size parameter sets the minimum number of elements to be allocated. On table overflow, bs writes an error message. item(name, i) key( ) The item function accesses table elements sequentially (in normal use, there is an orderly progression of key values). Where the item function accesses values, the key function accesses the "subscript" of the previous item call. The name parameter should not be quoted. Since exact table sizes are not defined, the interrogation operator should be used to detect end-of-table; for example: table(lt",lOO) #If word contains "party", the following expression #adds one to the count of that word: ++t [word] # To display the key/value pairs: for i=O, ?(s=item(t, i)), ++i if key() put=key()_":"_s iskey(name, word) Tests whether the key word exists in the table name and returns one for true, zero for false. Miscellaneous Functions eval(string) The string parameter is evaluated as an expression. The function is handy for converting numeric strings to numbers. eval can also be used as a crude form of indirection, as in: name = "xyz" eval CI++"_ name ) which increments the variable xyz. In addition, eval preceded by the interrogation operator permits you to control bs error conditions. For example: ?eval (lopen(\IX\", \"XXX\", \"r\") ") Commands 103 bs returns the value zero if there is no file named II XXX II (instead of halting your program). The following performs a goto to the label L: (if it exists): label=IIL: if!(?eval(lIgotoll_label))puterr=lIno label ll 1I plot(request, args) The plot function produces output on devices recognized by the tplot command. The requests are as follows: Call Function plot(O, term) Causes further plot output to be piped into tplot with a flag of -Tterm. plot(1) "Erases" the plotter. plot (2, string) Labels the current point with string. plot(3, xl, yl, x2, y2) Draws the line between (xl, yl) and (x2, y2). plot(4, x, y, r) Draws a circle with center (x, y) and radius r. plot(5, xl, yl, x2, y2, x3, y3) Draws an arc (counterclockwise) with center (xl, yl) and endpoints (x2, y2) and (x3, y3). plot(6) Not implemented. plot(7, x, y) Makes the current point at (x, y). plot(8, xy) Draws a line from the current point to (x, y). plot(9, x, y) Draws a point at (x, y). plot(lO, string) Sets the line mode to string. plot(ll, xl, yl, x2, y2) plot(12, xl, yl, x2, y2) Makes (xl, yl) the lower left corner of the plotting area and (x2, y2) the upper right corner of the plotting area. Causes subsequent x (y) coordinates to be multiplied by xl (yl) and then added to x2 (y2) before they are plotted. The initial scaling is plot(12, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0). Some requests do not apply to all plotters. All requests except zero and 12 are implemented by piping characters to tplot. lastO 104 In immediate mode, last returns the most recently computed value. Commands Reference bs Related Information The following commands: "ed" on page 280, "sh" on page 637, and "tplot" on page 762. The access system call, the printf subroutine, and the plot file in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. "Overview of International Character Support" in Managing the AIX Operating System. Commands 105 cal cal Purpose Displays a calendar. Syntax cal r-\. ~monthr year--l OL805168 Description The cal command writes to standard output a calendar for the specified year or month. The month parameter names the month for which you want the calendar. It can be a number between 1 and 12 for January through December, respectively. The year parameter names the year for which you want the calendar. Since cal can display a calendar for any year from 1 to 9999, enter the full year rather than just the last two digits. Examples 1. To display a calendar for February 1984 at your work station: cal 2 1984 2. To print a calendar for 1984: cal 1984 3. I print To display a calendar for the year 84 A.D.: cal 84 106 Commands Reference calendar calendar Purpose Writes reminder messages to standard output. Syntax COlendor-G OL805169 Description The calendar command reads a file named calendar, which you create in your current (usually home) directory. It writes to standard output any line in the file that contains today's or tomorrow's date. The calendar command recognizes date formats such as Dec. 7 or 12/7. It also recognizes the special character * (asterisk). It interprets * /7, for example, as signifying the seventh day of every month. calendar does not recognize formats such as 7 December, 7/12, or DEC. 7. On Fridays, calendar writes all lines containing the dates for Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. It does not, however, recognize holidays, so "tomorrow" is the holiday rather than the next working day. For you to get reminder service, your calendar should have read permission for others (see "chmod" on page 128). Flag Calls calendar for everyone having a file calendar in his home directory and sends any reminders by mail Example To display information in the calendar file that pertains to the next two business days: calendar Commands 107 calendar A typical calendar file might look like this: */25 - Prepare monthly report Aug. 12 - Fly to Denver aug 23 - board meeting Martha out of town - 8/23, 8/24, 8/25 8/24 - Mail car payment sat aug/25 - beach trip August 27 - Meet with Simmons August 28 - Meet with Wilson If today is Friday, August 24, then the calendar command displays: */25 - Prepare monthly report Martha out of town - 8/23, 8/24, 8/25 8/24 - Mail car payment sat aug/25 - beach trip August 27 - Meet with Simmons Files $HOME/calendar /usr/lib/calprog /etc/passwd /tmp/cal* The program that determines dates. Used to identify users. Temporary files. Related Information The following commands: "chmod" on page 128 and "mail" on page 470. 108 Commands Reference cat cat Purpose Concatenates or displays files. Syntax cat OL805086 Description The cat command reads each file in sequence and writes it to standard output. If you do not specify file or specify - (minus) instead of a file, cat reads from standard input. Warning: Do not redirect output to one of the input files using the> redirection symbol. If you do this, you will lose the original data in the input file because the shell truncates it before cat can read it (see "sh" on page 637). Flags -8 Does not display a message if cat cannot find an input file. -u Does not buffer output. Examples 1. To display a file at the work station: cat notes This displays the data in the file notes. If the file is more than about 23 lines long, some of it will scroll off the screen. To list a file one page at a time, use the pg command. (See "pg" on page 553 for details.) 2. To concatenate several files: cat sectionl.l sectionl.2 sectionl.3 >sectionl Commands 109 cat This creates a file named sec t ion 1 that is a copy of sec t ion 1 . 1 followed by secti onI. 2 and secti onI. 3. 3. To suppress error messages about files that do not exist: cat -s section2.1 section2.2 section2.3 >section2 If secti on2.1 does not exist, this concatenates secti on2. 2 and secti on2. 3. The result is the same if you do not use the -8, except that cat displays the error message: cat: cannot open section2.1 You may want to suppress this message with the -s flag when you use the cat command in shell procedures. 4. To append one file to the end of another: cat sectionl.4 »sectionl This appends a copy of secti onl. 4 to the end of secti onI. Note: The» appends data to the end of secti onI, but using> replaces the file. For more details, see "Redirection of Input and Output" on page 649. 5. To add text to the end of a file: cat »notes Get milk on the way home Ctrl-D This adds the text Get mi 1 k on the way home to the end of notes. The cat command does not prompt, but waits silently for you to enter text. Pressing Ctrl-D indicates the end of the text to be added. 6. To concatenate several files with text entered from the keyboard: cat section3.1 section3.3 >section3 This concatenates secti on3 .1, text from the keyboard, and secti on3. 3. 7. To concatenate several files with output from another command: li cat section4.1 - >section4 This copies sect i on4. 1, followed by the output of the Ii command to a file named secti on4. Related Information The following commands: "cp" on page 156, "pr" on page 561, and "8h" on page 637. 110 Commands Reference cb cb Purpose Puts C source code into a form that is easily read. Syntax Cb~oneOf~ -s ~ ~ ::Ij length 01.,805170 Description The cb command reads C programs from standard input or from specified files and writes them to standard output in a form that shows, through indentations and spacing, the structure of the code. When called without flags, cb does not split or join lines. Note that punctuation in preprocessor statements can cause indentation errors. Flags -j Joins lines that are split. -1 length Splits lines that are longer than length. -s Formats the source code according to the style of Kernighan and Ritchie in The C Programming Language. (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1978.). Example pgm. c called pgm. pretty. c that is easy to read: pgm.pretty.c To create a version of cb pgm.c > Related Information The following command: "cc" on page 112. The discussion of cb in AIX Operating System Programming Tools and Interfaces. Commands 111 TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 CC cc Purpose Compiles C programs. Syntax Ordinary Operation -00. -G -p -I dir -L dir -g -a -0 -f -0 -h -w -f2 -x -z one of -y , d P out nome (/09 2 -Dnome m z n "f= file ~_I key~ OLB05171 , Do not put a blank between these items. 2 Use any flag belonging to as, cpp, or Id (except -I key). 3 Put this flag last if used (see the Id command). 4 Use any flag from the first diagram (except -I key) or any flag belonging to as, cpp or Id. OLB05343 112 Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 cc Extended Functions and Debugging ee fee vee /lib/O -8 - ( 1 prefix -t We, flog 2 OL805389 1 Do not put a blank between these items. 2 Use any flag belonging to as, cpp, or Id (except -I key). 3 Put this flag last if used (see the Id command). 4 Use any flag from the first diagram (except -I key) or any flag belonging to as, epp or Id. OLB05343 Description The ee command runs the C compiler. It accepts files containing C source code, assembler source code, or object code and changes them into a form that the computer system can run. ee compiles and assembles source files and then links them with any specified object files, in the order listed on the command line. It puts the resulting executable program in a file named a.out. The fee command is a link to ee that compiles programs to run with the Floating-Point Accelerator. fee should only be used on the ROM processor. It automatically uses the -f flag as well as special versions of the standard libraries that have been compiled for direct floating-point applications. Note that programs compiled with fee can run only on systems that have installed the Floating-Point Accelerator. The vee command is a link to ee that compiles modules to be installed in the VRM. Use the vrmfmt command to convert the a.out file produced by the vee command to a VRM-compatible object module. The syntax of this command is as follows: vrmfmt infile [outfile] The default output file name is a.vrm. Commands 113 TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 CC The cc command runs the following programs. Each program processes the source file and then sends the results to the next program in the sequence: cpp The macro preprocessor. ccomO The first pass of the compiler. ccomq The intermediate code optimizer (if you specify the -0 flag). This program provides a variety of optimizations to the intermediate code, such as removing loop invariants, eliminating common subexpressions, and allocating registers. The following cannot be optimized: • • Functions that call setjmp Functions that contain asm statements If you are compiling a large program and the flow optimizer runs out of space, the compiler stops the process and displays a message describing the problem. ccom! The second pass of the compiler. copt The optimizer (if you specify the -0 flag). as The assembler. ld The linkage editor. You can replace any or all of these passes with your own versions (see the -B and -t flags). Both cc and fcc use the cc.cfg configuration file, which specifies the standard runtime link options and libraries to be used with each version of the compiler. Input File Types The cc command recognizes and accepts as input the following file types: file.c The name of a C language source file should end with .c. After cc compiles this source file, it gives the resulting object file the same name, except that it ends in .0 rather than .c. If you use one command both to compile and to load a single C program, the compiler normally deletes the .0 file when it loads the program. If you use the -c flag, the compiler does not delete the .0 file. file.i The name of a file that contains preprocessed C source code ends in .i. 114 Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 CC file.o The name of an object file should end in command. .0. The cc command sends these files to the Id file.s The name of an assembly language source program should end with .s. After cc assembles this source file, it gives the resulting object file the same name, except that it ends in .0 rather than .s. Flags The cc command recognizes several flags. In addition, flags intended to modify the action of the linkage editor (Id), the assembler (as), or the preprocessor (cpp) may also appear on the cc command line. cc sends any flags it does not recognize to these commands for processing. The following list includes the most 'commonly used cpp flags (-D, -I), and Id flags (-1, -L, -0). See "as" on page 64, "cpp" on page 163, and "Id" on page 427 for a complete list of additional flags. Note: If you use the -1 flag, it must be the last entry on the command line, following any file parameters. Ordinary Operation -a Reserves a register for extended addressing. You should use this flag if a compiled procedure creates a stack greater than 32,767 bytes. Because this flag causes the compiler to reserve a register for use by the assembler, it reduces the number of available registers by one. -c Does not send the completed object file to the Id command. With this flag, the output of cc is a .0 file for each .c or .s file. -Dname[ = defJ Defines name as in a #define directive. The default def is l. -E Runs the named C source file through only the preprocessor and writes the result to standard output. -f Generates code that uses the Floating-Point Accelerator. Programs compiled with this flag will run correctly only on AIX processors configured with the Floating-Point Accelerator. -£2 Generates code that uses the Advanced Floating-Point Accelerator. Programs compiled with this flag will run correctly only"on AIX processors configured with the Advanced Floating-Point Accelerator and an Advanced Processor Card. Commands 115 TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 CC -g Produces additional information for use with the sdb command (the symbolic debugger). -G Indicates that global variables are volatile. The optimizer (ccomq) makes fewer transformations when you specify this flag. To make a particular variable volatile, add the "volatile" specification to its declaration. -h Treats files with the suffix .h in the same way as files with the suffix .c. -Idir Looks first in dir, then looks in the directories on the standard list for #include files with names that do not begin with / (slash). -I [key] Searches the specified library file, where key selects the file libkey.a. With no key, -I selects libc.a, the standard system library for C and assembly language programs. Id searches for this file in the directory specified by an -L flag, then in /lib and /usr/lib. The Id command searches library files in the order in which you list them on the command line. -Ldir Looks in dir for files specified by -I keys. If it does not find the file in dir, Id searches the standard directories. -N[ndpt]num Changes the size of the symbol table (n), the dimension table (d), the constant pool (p), or the space for building the parse tree (t). Each table must be changed separately. The default size of the symbol table is 1500; the default size of the dimension table is 2000; the default size for the constant pool is 600; the default space for the parse tree is 1000. -oname Assigns name rather than -0 Sends compiler output to the code optimizers. -p Prepares the program so that the prof command can generate an execution profile. The compiler produces code that counts the number of times each routine is called. If programs are sent to Id, the compiler replaces the startup routine with one that calls the monitor subroutine at the start (see AIX Operating System Technical Reference for a discussion of this subroutine), and writes a mon.out file when the program ends normally. -p Sends the specified C source file to the macro preprocessor and stores the output in a .i file. -Q! Turns off inlining. The following may be used: ? a~out to the output file. Shows the reason for not inlining in the output file. -name, name . . . Does not in line name + name,name . . . Inlines name 116 Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 CC Inum Limits the size increase of the function into which inlining occurs to num intermediate operations. The default num is 100. #num Limits the expansion of an individual call to num intermediate operators. The default num is 100. -@file Reads a list of forbidden functions from file. + @file Reads a list of requested functions from file. Requesting a function to be inlined overrides size constraints. -8 Compiles the specified C programs, storing assembly language output in a .s file. -w Prevents printing of warning messages about functions that cannot be optimized. -x Produces an assembler listing. This is stored in a file that has the same name as the assembler source file, but with the extension .1st instead of .s. -y[dmnpz] Specifies the rounding mode for floating-point constant folding. These modes are specified as follows: d m n p z -z Disables floating-point constant folding. Rounds toward negative infinity. Rounds to nearest. This is the default action and applies to constant folding in all applicable passes of the compiler. Rounds toward positive infinity. Rounds toward O. Uses the !ibm.a, or one specified by the user, version of the following transcendental functions: acos cos SIn aSIn exp sqrt at an log tan atan2 log10 If this flag is not used, the compiler generates calls to the AIX kernel, or the Advanced Floating Point Accelerator if possible. For more information, see math.h in A/X Operating System Technical Reference. Commands 117 cc Debugging -Ffile[:stanza] Uses an alternative file and/or stanza for cc configuration (see A/X Operating System Technical Reference for a discussion of the configuration file, cc.cfg). If used, this flag must be the first flag on the command line. -v Displays the trace as with -# and invokes the programs. -# Displays a trace of the actions to be taken (for example, invoking the preprocessor), without actually invoking any programs. Extended Functions -Bprefix Constructs path names for substitute preprocessor, compiler, optimizer, assembler, or linkage editor programs. prefix defines part of a path name to the new programs. To form the complete path name for each new program, cc adds prefix to the standard program names (see the discussion of the programs called by cc on page 114). For example, if you enter the command: cc testfile.c -B/usr/jim/new cc calls the following compiler programs: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. /usr/jim/newcpp /usrfjim/newccomO /usr/jim/newccom1 /usr/jim/newas /usr/jim/newld Similarly, if you enter the command: cc testfile.c -B/usr/jim/new/ cc calls the following compiler programs: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. /usr/jim/new/cpp /usrfjim/llew/ccom /usr/jirn/new/ccom1 /usrfjim/new/as /usr/jim/new/ld The default prefix is /lib/o. -t[pcqgoal] 118 Applies the -B flag instructions for constructing file names to only the designated preprocessor (p), compiler first (c), intermediate code optimizer (q), compiler second (g), optimizer (0), assembler (a), or linkage editor (I) passes. You can select any combination of pcqgoal. Commands Reference cc The -t flag with no additional p, c, q, g, 0, a, or I designates by default the preprocessor, compiler and optimizer programs (see the discussion of the programs called by cc on page 114). If you do not specify the -B flag when you specify the -t flag, the default file name prefix is /lib/n. Note: You can specify this prefix with the -B flag. However, depending on what combination of the -B and the -t flags you specify, prefix can have two possible default values. If you specify -B but no accompanying prefix, the default prefix is /lib/o. If you specify the -t flag without also specifying the -B flag, the default prefix is /lib/n. -Wc,fZagl[,fZag2 . . . ] Gives the listed flags to the compiler program c; c can be anyone of the values [pcqgoal] discussed with the -t flag. For example, since both ld and as recognize a -0 flag, use -W to specify the program to which the flag is to be sent. That is, -WI,-o sends it to Id. -Wa,-o sends it to as. Examples 1. To compile and link a C program, creating an executable a.out file: cc pgm.c 2. To compile a program, producing an object file to be linked later: cc -c pgm.c This compiles pgm. c and produces an object file named pgm.o. 3. To compile a program to run on the Floating-Point Accelerator: fcc pgm.c This compiles pgm. c using the special libraries libfc.a and libfm.a instead of the standard libraries libc.a and libm.a. 4. To view the output of the macro preprocessor: cc -P -C pgm.c This creates a file named pgm.i that contains the preprocessed program text including comments. To view this file, use an editor or see "pg" on page 553 cc passes the -P and -C flags to the preprocessor. See "cpp" on page 163 for more details about them. 5. To predefine macro identifiers: cc -DBUFFERSIZE=512 -DDEBUG pgm.c This assigns BUFFERSIZE the value 512 and cc passes the -D flag to the preprocessor. DEBUG the value 1 before preprocessing. Commands 119 cc 6. To use #include files located in nonstandard directories: cc -I/u/jim/include pgm.c This looks in the directory that contains pgm. c for the #include files with names enclosed in double quotes CI "), then in lui j im/i ncl ude, and then in the standard directories. It looks in lui j i m/i nc 1 ude for #include file names enclosed in angle brackets « then in the standard directories. cc passes the -I flag to the preprocessor. », 7. To optimize the object code and produce an assembler listing: cc -S -0 pgm.c This uses the optimizing compiler (-0 is minus, capital oh), and produces an assembler listing in a file named pgm.s (-8). Files file.c file. 0 file.s a.out /etc/cc.cfg /tmp/ctm* /lib/cpp /lib/ccomO /lib/ccomq /lib/ccoml /lib/cgen /lib/copt /bin/as /bin/ld /lib/crtO.o /lib/mcrtO.o /lib/libc.a /lib/libfc.a /lib/libm.a /lib/libfm.a /lib/librts.a /usr/include /usr/tmp/ctm* 120 C source file. Object file. Assembler file. Linked output. cc configuration file. Temporary. C preprocessor. Compiler first pass. Intermediate code optimizer. Compiler second pass. Compiler. optimizer. Assembler. Linkage editor. Runtime startoff. Runtime startoff for profiling. Standard library. Standard library for use with Floating-Point Accelerator. Standard math library. Standard math library for use with Floating-Point Accelerator. Runtime services. Standard directory for #include files. Temporary. Commands Reference cc Related Information The following commands: "as" on page 64, "Id" on page 427, "cpp" on page 163, "prof' on page 571, and "sdb" on page 619. The discussion of cc in AIX Operating System Programming Tools and Interfaces, in C Language Guide and Reference and in Assembler Language Reference. The monitor subroutine and the a.out and cc.cfg files in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. Commands 120.1 cc 120.2 Commands Reference cd cd Purpose Changes the current directory. Syntax /$HOME~ cd ~directoryF OL805087 Description The cd command moves you from your present directory to another. You must have execute (search) permission in the specified directory. If you do not specify a directory, cd moves you to your login directory ($HOME). If the specified directory name is a full path name, it becomes the current directory. A full path name begins with a / (slash-root directory), with a . (dot-current directory), or with a .. (dot dot-parent directory). If the directory name is not a full path name, cd searches for it relative to one of the paths specified by the $CDP ATH shell variable. This variable has the same syntax as, and similar semantics to, the $PATH shell variable. (See "Shell Variables and Command-Line Substitutions on page 641 for a discussion of these variables.) H Examples 1. To change to your home directory: cd 2. To change to an arbitrary directory: cd /usr/include This changes the current directory to /usr/i ncl ude. Now file path names that do not begin with / or .. / specify files located in /usr/i ncl ude. Commands 121 cd 3. To go down one level of the directory tree: cd sys us r / inc 1 ude and if it contains a subdirectory named sys, then /usr/i ncl ude/sys becomes the current directory. If the current directory is / 4. To go up one level of the directory tree: cd The special file name .. (dot-dot) always refers to the directory immediately above the current directory. Related Information The following commands: "pwd" on page 589 and "sh" on page 637. The chdir system call in A/X Operating System Technical Reference. 122 Commands Reference cdc cdc Purpose Changes the comments in a Source Code Control System (SCCS) delta. Syntax cdc - -rSID - ( -mmrlist X ft -ycomment file I Y cdc- -rSID-C-m \ .. i - ~- ~ -m mrlist ~.-y comment~ OL805088 Description The cdc command changes the Modification Requests (MRs) and comments for the SID specified by the -r flag for each named Source Code Control System (SCCS) file. If you specify a directory name, cdc performs the requested actions on all SCCS files in that directory (that is, all files with names that have the s. prefix). If you specify a - (minus) in place of file, cdc reads standard input and interprets each line as the name of an SCCS file. For more information on SCCS comments and Modification Requests, see AIX Operating System Programming Tools and Interfaces. You can change the comments and MRs for an SID only if you made the SID or you own the file and the directory. For more information on the permissions needed to change SCCS files, see "sccs Files" on page 360. Flags -m[mrlist] Supplies a list of MR numbers for cdc to add or delete in the SID specified by the -r flag. You can only use this flag if the file has the v header flag set (see Figure 1 on page 54). A null MR list has no effect. In the mrlist, MRs are separated by blanks, tab characters, or both. To delete an MR, precede the MR number with an ! (exclamation point). If the MR you want to delete is currently in the list of MRs, it is changed into a comment line. cdc places a list of all deleted MRs in the comment section of Commands 123 cdc the delta and precedes them with a comment line indicating that the following MRs were deleted. If you do not specify the -m flag, and the v header flag is set, MRs are read from standard input. If standard input is a work station, cdc prompts you for the MRs. The first new-line character not preceded by a backs lash ends the list on the command line. cdc continues to take input until it reads an end-of-file character (Ctrl-D) or a blank line. MRs are always read before comments (see the -y flag). If the v flag has a value, cdc interprets the value as the name of a program which validates the MR numbers. If the MR number validation program returns a nonzero exit value, cdc stops and does not change the MRs. -rSID Specifies the sees identification number of the delta for which cdc will change the comments or MRs. -y[comment] Specifies text to replace any comment already existing for the delta specified by the -r flag. cdc keeps the existing comments and precedes them by a comment line stating that they were changed. A null comment has no effect. If you do not specify -y, cdc reads comments from standard input until it reads an end-of-file character. If the standard input is a work station, cdc prompts for the comments and also allows a blank line to end input. If the last character of a line is a backslash (\), cdc ignores it and continues to read standard input. Note: If cdc reads standard input for file names (that is, when you specify a file name of -), you must use the -y and -m flags. Related Information The following commands: "admin" on page 51, "delta" on page 236, "get" on page 359, "help" on page 391, and "prs" on page 574. The sccsfile file in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. The discussion of sees in AIX Operating System Programming Tools and Interfaces. ,/ 124 Commands Reference cflow cflow Purpose Generates a C flow graph of external references. Syntax cflow -dnum -r -L -ix OL805172 Description The cflow command analyzes C, yacc, lex, assembler, and object files and writes a chart of their external references to standard output. It sends files with suffixes .y, .1, and .c to the yacc, lex, and cpp commands for the appropriate processing. This step is bypassed for .i files. It then runs the output of this processing through the first pass of lint. It assembles files which end in .s, extracting information from the symbol table (as it does with .0 files). From this output, cflow produces a graph of external references, which it writes to standard output. Each line of output begins with a line number followed by sufficient tabs to indicate the level of nesting. Then comes the name of the global, a colon, and its definition. This name is normally a function not defined as external and not beginning with an underline character; see the -i _ inclusion flag on p. 126. For information extracted from C source files, the definition consists of an abstract type declaration (for example, char*), the name of the source file, surrounded by angle brackets, and the line number on which the definition was found. Definitions extracted from object files contain the file name and location counter under which the symbol appeared. cflow deletes leading underline characters in C-style external names. Once cflow displays the definition of a name, later references to it contain only the cflow line number where the definition may be found. For undefined references, cflow displays only < >. If the nesting level becomes too deep to display in available space, pipe the output from cflow to the pr command, using the -e flag to compress the tab expansion to something less than every eight spaces. Commands 125 cflow Note: Files produced by lex and yacc cause the reordering of line number declarations which can confuse cflow. To get proper results, feed cflow the yacc or lex input. Flags In addition to the following, cflow recognizes the -I, -D, and -U flags of the cpp command. -dnum Sets to decimal integer num the depth at which the flow graph is cut off. By default this is a very large number. Do not set the cutoff depth to a nonpositive integer. -ix Includes external and static data symbols. The default includes only functions. -i Includes names that begin with an underline character. The default excludes these functions (and corresponding data if -ix is used). -r Produces an inverted listing which shows the callers of each function, sorted by called function. Related Information The following commands: "as" on page 64, "cc" on page 112, "lex" on page 432, "lint" on page 446, "nm" on page 521, "pr" on page 561, and "yacc" on page 861. The discussion of cflow in AIX Operating System Programming Tools and Interfaces. 126 Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 chgrp chgrp Purpose Changes the group ownership of a file or directory. Syntax chgrp ~ group ~-rr 0L805090 Description The chgrp command changes the group associated with the specified file or directory to groupname or group/D. If you do not own the file, you must have superuser authority to change the group ID. If the file or directory resides on a remote node, the translated group ID is used. I Flag Causes the untranslated group ID to be used. -r Examples To change the group ownership of the file or directory named proposal s to staff: chgrp staff proposals The group access permissions for proposal s now apply to the staff group. Files JetcJgroup Commands 126.1 TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 chgrp Related Information The following command: "groups" on page 385. The chown and chownx system calls and the group file in A/X Operating System Technical Reference. "Distributed Services id Translation" in Managing the A/X Operating System. 126.2 Commands Reference chgrp Commands 127 chmod chmod Purpose Changes permission codes. Syntax SYMBOLIC chmod ABSOLUTE chmod - 1 2 permcode Do not put a blank between these items. Do not put a blank on either side of the comma. OLB05091 Description The chmod command modifies the read, write, execute (file), or search (directory) permission codes of specified files or directories. You can use either symbolic or absolute mode to specify the desired permission settings. You can change the permission code of a file or directory only if you own it or if you are operating with superuser authority. 128 Commands Reference chmod Symbolic Mode When you use the symbolic mode to specify permission codes, the first set of flags selects the permission field, as follows: u g o a User (owner) Group All others User, group, and all others (same effect as ugo). This is the default permission field. The second set of flags selects whether permissions are to be taken away, added, or set exactly as specified: + Removes specified permissions Adds specified permissions Clears the selected permission field and sets it to the code specified. If you do not specify a permission code following =, chmod removes all permissions from the selected field. The third set of flags of the chmod command selects the permissions as follows: r w x Read permission. Wri te permission. Execute permission for files; search permission for directories. s Set user-ID or set group-ID permission. This permission bit sets the effective user-ID or group-ID to that of the file whenever the file is run. Use this permission setting in combination with the u or g field to allow temporary or restricted access to files not normally accessible to other users. An s appears in the user or group execute position of a long listing (see "Is" on page 461 or "Ii" on page 437), to show that the file runs "set user-ID" or "set group-ID." t The save text permission. Setting this permission bit causes the text segment of a program to remain in virtual memory after its first use. The system thus avoids having to transfer the program code of frequently-accessed programs into the paging area. A character special file with this bit set is a multiplexed file. You can specify this permission only with the u field. A t appears in the execute position of the "all others" field to indicate that the file has this bit (the sticky bit) set. You can specify multiple symbolic modes, separated with commas. Do not separate items in this list with spaces. Operations are performed in the order they appear from left to right. Commands 129 chmod Absolute Mode The chmod command also permits you to use octal notation to set each bit in the permission code. chmod sets the permissions to the permcode you provide. This permcode is constructed by combining (the logical OR of) the following values: 4000 2000 1000 1000 0400 0200 0100 0040 0020 0010 0004 0002 0001 Sets user-ID on execution Sets group-ID on execution Retains memory image after execution (executable file) Indicates multiplexed character special file Permits read by owner Permits write by owner Permits execute or search by owner Permits read by group Permits write by grdup Permits execute or search by group Permits read by others Permits write by others Permits execute or search by others All permission bits not explicitly specified are cleared. Examples 1. To add a type of permission to several files: chmod g+w chapl chap2 This adds write permission for group members to the files chapl and chap2. 2. To make several permission changes at once: chmod go-w+x mydir This denies group members and others the permission to create or delete files in mydi r (go-w). It allows them to search mydi r or use it in a path name (go+x). This is equivalent to the command sequence: chmod chmod chmod chmod 3. g-w o-w g+x o+x mydir mydir mydir mydir To permit only the owner to use a shell procedure as a command: chmod u=rwx,go= cmd This gives read, write, and execute permission to the user who owns the file (u=rwx). It also denies the group and others the permission to access cmd in any way (go=). 130 Commands Reference chmod If you have permission to execute the shell command file cmd, then you can run it by entering: cmd This may not work in some cases, depending on the value of the shell variable PATH. See page 646 for more information about PATH. 4. To use "set-ID" modes: chmod ug+s cmd When cmd is executed, this causes the effective user and group IDs to be set to those that own the file cmd. Only the effective IDs associated with the subprocess that runs cmd are changed. The effective IDs of the shell session remain unchanged. This feature allows you to permit restricted access to important files. Suppose that the file cmd has the set-user-ID mode enabled and is owned by a user called dbms. dbms is not actually a person, but might be associated with a database management system. The user betty does not have permission to access any of dbms's data files. However, she does have permission to execute cmd. When she does so, her effective user ill is temporarily changed to dbms, so that the cmd program can access the data files owned by dbms. This way betty can use cmd to access the data files, but she cannot accidentally damage them with the standard shell commands. 5. To use the absolute mode form of the chmod command: chmod 644 text This sets read and write permission for the owner, and it sets read-only mode for the group and others. Related Information The following commands: "Is" on page 461, "Ii" on page 437, and "umask" on page 784.1. Commands 131 TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 chown chown Purpose Changes the owner of files or directories. Syntax Chown-D-user -r OL805095 Description The chown command changes the owner of the specified files or directories to username or userID. The group associated with the file or directory is not affected. Note: If you give ownership of a file or directory to another user, you cannot regain ownership unless you have superuser authority. If the file or directory resides on a remote node, the translated user ID is used. tFlag -r Causes the untranslated user ID to be used. Example chown jim program.c The user access permissions for program. c now apply to jim. As the owner, jim can use chmod to permit or deny the other users access to program. c. See "chmod" on page 128 for details. Files /etc/passwd 132 Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 chown Related Information The following command: "passwd" on page 546. The chown and chownx system calls and the passwd file in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. "Distributed Services id Translation" in Managing the AIX Operating System. Commands 132.1 chown 132.2 Commands Reference chparm chparm Purpose Changes or examines system parameters. Syntax nOdename~/uniX~ . . chparm ~ename=newvalue nnnA kernel-image r 1 OL805093 Description The chparm command lets you change a system parameter or look at its current setting. Currently, only the nodename parameter may be examined or changed. The name assigned cannot be longer than eight characters. If you do not assign a newvalue, chparm writes the current value of nodename to standard output. The default kernel-image is /unix. Changes do not affect the running system. You must restart the system for the change to become effective. Examples 1. To display the nodename of your system: chparm nodename This displays the nodename of /unix, which is a file containing the kernel of the AIX operating system. This file is loaded and run when you start up the computer. 2. To change the nodename of a system: chparm nodename=COMP-CTR /unix.compctr of fun; x. compctr to COMP-CTR. fun; x. compctr is a This changes the nodename file that contains an alternate version of the operating system kernel. The change does not affect the running system, even if you change the /unix kernel. Commands 133 chroot chroot Purpose Changes the root directory of a command. Syntax chroot - directory-command--l OL805094 Description Warning: If special files in the new root have different major and minor device numbers than they have in the real root, it is possible to overwrite the file system. The chroot command can be used only by a user operating with superuser authority (see "su" on page 724). If you have superuser authority, the chroot command changes the root directory to the specified directory when executing command. The first / (slash) in any path name changes to directory for the specified command and any of its children. Notice that: chroot directory command > file creates the file. relative to the original root, not the new one. The directory path name is always relative to the current root. Even if a chroot is in effect, directory is relative to the current root of the running process. Several programs may not operate properly after chroot has been run. For example, the command Is -1 will fail to give user and group names if the current root location makes /etc/passwd beyond reach. In addition, utilities that depend on description files produced by the ctab command (see page 204) may fail altogether if these files are also not in the new root file system. It is your responsibility to ensure that all vital data files are present in the new root file system and that the path names accessing such files are changed as necessary. 134 Commands Reference chroot Examples 1. To run a subshell with another file system as the root: chroot /disketteO /bin/sh This makes the directory name / refer to /disketteO for the duration of the command /bin/sh. It also makes the original root file system inaccessible. The file system on /disketteO must contain the standard directories of a root file system. In particular, the shell will look for commands in /bin and /usr/bin on the /disketteO file system. Running the command /bin/sh creates a subshell, which runs as a separate process from your original shell. Press END OF FILE (Ctrl-D) to end the subshell and go back to where you were in the original shell. This restores the environment of the original shell, including the meanings of the current directory (.) and the root directory (/). 2. To run a command in another root file system and save the output: chroot /disketteO /bin/cc -E /u/bob/prog.c >prep.out This runs the /bin/ce command with / referring to /disketteO. It saves the output in the file prep. out, which is in the original root file system. This runs the C language preprocessor (/ bin / c c - E) on the file /di sketteO/u/bob/prog. c, reading #inelude files from /disketteO/usr/include, and putting the preprocessed text in prep. out on the primary root file system. Related Information The following commands: "ee" on page 112, "epp" on page 163, and "sh" on page 637. The ehdir and ehroot system calls in A/X Operating System Technical Reference. Commands 135 clri clri Purpose Clears the specified i-node. Syntax clr; ~ ~ filesystem t inumber r OL805097 Description Warning: Use this command only in emergencies and with extreme care. The clri command is used to clear i-node entries for files that do not appear in a directory. In general, you do not need to use this program because fsck can deal with most file system inconsistencies. Always run fsck on a file system after you have used clri on it, because it may create dangling directory references or missing blocks. These can be fixed if they are attended to promptly. Do not run the system when the file system has dangling directory references or a bad free list. The clri command zeroes over the flags word of the i-node, thus freeing it for reallocation. The inumber parameter specifies the i-node and filesystem specifies the file system it is on. inumber should be a decimal number, while filesystem can be either the name of the device on which the file system resides or the name by which it is normally mounted. If you use clri to remove an i-node that does appear in a directory, you should track down and remove all of these entries. Otherwise, when the i-node is reallocated to some new file, the old entry will still point to that file. At that point removing the old entry destroys the new file and the new entry again points to an unallocated i-node. By default, the clri command displays some information about the file and asks for confirmation before it destroys the file. If you enter a y or yes, the file is destroyed. Since clri only zeroes the flags word of the i-node, if you destroy the wrong file, you can recover the file by using the fsdb command to restore the flags word. Note: If the file is open, clri is likely to be ineffective. For this reason, you should run clri only on an unmounted file system. 136 Commands Reference clri Flags -f Destroys the file without confirmation, but writes a description of the file. -q Destroys the file without confirmation or writing a description of the file. Example To clear i-nodes 170 and 368 of the file system /disketteO and then clean up the file system: c 1ri fsck /disketteO /disketteO 170 368 Related Information The following commands: "fsck, dfsck" on page 333 and "fsdb" on page 338. The fs file in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. Commands 137 cmp cmp Purpose Compares two files. Syntax cmp --<{J>-ne of fi/e1- fi/e2 -I --l -s OL805157 Description The cmp command compares filel and file2 and writes the results to standard output. If you specify a - (minus) for filel, cmp reads standard input. Under default conditions, cmp displays nothing if the files are the same. If they differ, cmp displays the byte and line number at which the first difference occurs. If one file is an initial subsequence of the other (that is, if cmp reads an end-of-file character in one file before finding any differences), cmp notes this. Normally, you use cmp to compare non-text files and the diff command to compare text files. Flags -1 Displays, for each difference, the byte number in decimal and the differing bytes in octal. -s Returns only an exit value. (0 indicates identical files; 1 indicates different files; 2 indicates inaccessible file or a missing argument) Examples 1. To determine whether two files are identical: cmp prog.o.bak prog.o This compares prog. o. bak and prog. o. If the files are identical, then a message is not displayed. If the files differ, then the location of the first difference is displayed. 138 Commands Reference cmp For instance: prog.o.bak prog.o differ: char 5, line 1 If the message cmp: EOF on prog. o. bak is displayed, then the first part of prog. 0 is identical to prog. o. bak, but there is additional data in prog. o. 2. To display each pair of bytes that differ: cmp -1 prog.o.bak prog.o This compares the files, and then displays the byte number (in decimal) and the differing bytes (in octal) for each difference. For example, if the fifth byte is octal 101 in prog. o. bak and 141 in prog. 0, then cmp displays: 5 3. 101 141 To compare two files without writing any messages: cmp -s prog.c.bak prog.c This gives an exit value of 0 if the files are identical, 1 if different, or 2 if an error occurs. This form of the command is normally used in shell procedures. For example: if cmp -s prog.c.bak then echo No change fi prog.c This partial shell procedure displays No 653 for details about the if command. change if the two files are identical. See page Related Information The following commands: "comm" on page 144, "diff' on page 246, and "sh" on page 637. Commands 139 col col Purpose Processes text having reverse linefeeds and forward/reverse half-linefeeds for output to standard output. Syntax OL805173 Description The col command reads from standard input and writes to standard output. It performs the line overlays implied by reverse linefeeds (ASCII ESC-7), and by forward and reverse half-linefeeds (ASCII ESC-9 and ASCII ESC-8). col is particularly useful for filtering multi-column output made by the nroff .rt command and output from the tbl command. The input format accepted by col matches the output format produced by nroff -T37 or by nroff -TIp. Use -T37 and the col -f flag if the output is being sent to a device that can interpret half-line motions; use -TIp otherwise. The col command assumes that the ASCII control characters SO (\017) and SI (\016) begin and end text in an alternate character set. col remembers the character set each input character belongs to, and on output generates SI and SO characters as appropriate to ensure that each character is printed in the correct character set. On input, col accepts only the control characters for space, backspace, tab, return, the new-line character, SI, SO, VT, and ESC-7, 8, or 9. VT (\013) is an alternate form of full reverse linefeed included for compatibility with some earlier programs of this type. col ignores all other non-printing characters. Note: The col command cannot back up more than 128 lines. It allows at most 800 characters, including backspaces, on a line. It ignores local vertical motions that would result in backing up over the first line. As a result, the first line must not contain any superscripts. 140 Commands Reference col Flags -b Assumes that the output device in use is not capable of backspacing. In this case, if two or more characters are to appear in the same position, only the last one read appears in the output. -f Suppresses the default treatment of half-line motions in the input. Normally, col does not emit half-line motions on output, although it does accept them in its input. With this flag, output may contain forward half-linefeeds (ESC-9) but not reverse linefeeds (ESC-7 or ESC-8). -p Displays unknown escape sequences as characters, subject to overprinting from reverse line motions. Normally, col ignores them. You should be fully aware of the textual position of escape sequences before you use this flag. -x Suppresses changing the white space to tabs. Without this flag, col converts white space to tabs wherever doing so might shorten printing time. Related Information The following commands: "nroff' on page 525 and "tbl" on page 739. The discussion of col in Text Formatting Guide. Commands 141 comb comb Purpose Combines sees deltas. Syntax file comb --l OL805098 Description The comb command writes to standard output a shell procedure that can combine the specified deltas (SIDs) or all deltas into one delta. You may reduce the size of your sees file by running the resulting procedure on the file. You can see how much the file will be reduced by running comb with the -s flag. If you specify a directory in place of file, comb performs the requested actions on all sees files (that is, those with file names with the s. prefix). If you specify a - (minus) in place of file, comb reads standard input and interprets each line as the name of an sees file. comb continues to take input until it reads END OF FILE (Ctrl-D). If you do not specify any flags, comb preserves only leaf deltas and the minimal number of ancestors needed to preserve the tree (see "delta" on page 236). Note: The comb command may rearrange the shape of the tree deltas. It may not save any space; in fact, it is possible for the reconstructed file to actually be larger than the original. Flags Each flag or group of flags applies independently to each named file. -clist 142 Specifies a list of deltas (SIDs) that the shell procedure will preserve (see get -i list for the SID list format on page 364). The procedure will combine all other deltas. Commands Reference comb -0 Accesses the reconstructed file at the release of the delta to be created for each get -e generated; otherwise accesses the reconstructed file at the most recent ancestor. Using the -0 flag may decrease the size of the reconstructed sees file. It may also alter the shape of the delta tree of the original file. -pSID Specifies the SID of the oldest delta for the resulting procedure to preserve. All older deltas are combined in the reconstructed file. -s Causes comb to generate a shell procedure that produces a report for each file giving: the file name, size (in blocks) after combining, original size (also in blocks), and percentage change computed by the formula: 100 * (original - combined) / original You should run comb using this flag and run its procedure before combining sees files in order to judge how much space will actually be saved by the combining process. Files s.eOMB comb* The name of the reconstructed Temporary files. sees file. Related Information The following commands: "admin" on page 51, "delta" on page 236, "get" on page 359, "help" on page 391, and "prs" on page 574. The sccsfile file in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. The discussion of sees in AIX Operating System Programming Tools and Interfaces. Commands 143 comm comm Purpose Selects or rej ects lines common to two sorted files. Syntax one of comm - -1 -2-3 -12 -13 -23 -123 r-- file1- file2 --l OL805099 Description The comm command reads filel and file2 and writes, by default, a three-column output to standard output. The columns consist of: 1. 2. 3. Lines that are only in filel Lines that are only in file2 Lines that are in both filel and file2. If you specify - (minus) for one of the file names, comm reads standard input. Both filel and file2 should be sorted according to the collating sequence specified by the environment variable NLCTAB (see "ctab" on page 204 and "sort" on page 672), Flags Suppresses the display of the first column (lines in file 1). Suppresses the display of the second column (lines in file2). Suppresses the display of the third column (lines common to filel and file2). -1 -2 -3 Note: Specifying -123 does nothing (a noop). Examples 1. To display the lines unique to each file and common to both: comm 144 Commands Reference things.done comm If the files th i ng s . to . do and th i ng s . done contain: things. things.done buy soap groceries luncheon meeting at 3 system update tech. review 2nd revision interview luncheon system update tech. review weekly report then eomm displays: 2nd revision buy soap groceries interview luncheon meeting at 3 system update tech. review weekly report The first column contains the lines found only in thi ngs. to. do. The second column, indented with a tab character, lists the lines found only in thi ngs. done. The third column, indented with two tabs, lists the lines common to both. 2. To display the lines that appear in only one file: comm -23 things.done This suppresses the second and third columns of the eomm listing. If the files are the same as in Example 1, then the following is displayed: buy soap groceries meeting at 3 Related Information The following commands: "emp" on page 138, "etab" on page 204, "diff" on page 246, "sdiff" on page 627, "sort" on page 672, and "uniq" on page 792. The environment miscellaneous facility in A/X Operating System Technical Reference. "Overview of International Character Support" in Managing the A/X Operating System. Commands 145 TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 confer confer Purpose Provides an on-line conferencing system. Syntax n$LOGNAME confer ~ ..... -v joinconf - nome user -n nome -l 0L805174 Description The confer command sets up an on-line, written conference among logged-in users on your local node. You start a conference by running the confer command, specifying the users and/or work stations (@ttynum) that are part of the conference. If the users you specify are logged in and their work stations are writable, they are requested to join the conference by using the joinconf command. The other conferees are informed as each user joins the conference. Once you join a conference, everything you enter at your work station displays at all other work stations that are part of the conference. This display continues until you press Ctrl-D to end your own active participation or until you excuse a conference participant, thus stopping the display of your contributions at his work station. (See page 147.) To prevent the confusion that can be caused by several conferees typing at the same time, users should follow some agreed on protocol. The following is one recommended protocol: 146 • In order to take the floor, a user presses the Enter key before entering his contribution. This notifies other participants that he has the floor because his name displays in brackets at their respective work stations. • A user is presumed to have the floor until he relinquishes it by entering a blank line. • If two or more users try to claim the floor at the same time, the last person to do so (the one whose name appears last), is assumed to have the floor. The others should immediately relinquish the floor by typing single blank lines. Commands Reference confer The confer command gives each conference a unique name, normally the name of the conference leader, with additional letters added to it, if necessary. The conference leader can override this default by specifying the -n flag. A user who is logged in to more than one work station is normally written to on all of them, unless the conference leader specifies one of the work stations with the @ttynum flag when he invokes confer. A conferee ends his active participation by pressing Ctrl-D. This action causes his name and the word BY E to display at the work stations of the other conference participants. However, the contributions of the other participants will continue to display at his work station until the other participants each excuse him. You can run shell commands from within a conference by simply prefixing them with a I (vertical bar) or an! (exclamation point). Using the exclamation point causes the command to run in the normal fashion; the output displays only at the work station that runs it. Using the vertical bar, however, causes the command and all of its standard output and standard error output to become part of the conference, visible to all conferees. Three subcommands are run directly by confer and joinconf. These are: !excuse name... Excuses the specified conferees from the conference. No further conference material displays at these work stations. !- Makes all contributions from the user who issues it off the record until he issues the! - - subcommand. !- - Cancels a preceding! -, placing the user's remarks back on the record. Unless the conference leader makes a conference off the record by specifying the - flag, confer makes a transcript of all conference proceedings. When a participant leaves the conference, he is asked whether he wants a transcript. If he does, he is mailed a copy when the conference concludes. Any participant can make a comment off the record in a conference that is otherwise on the record by beginning the line with a - (tilde). Conference contributions are normally transmitted one line at a time. If the conference leader specifies the -v flag, transmission occurs one character at a time. As this mode of transmission sends all user typing errors and hesitations and imposes a considerably larger load on the system, its use is strongly discouraged. Flags -nname Assigns name to the conference transcript. The conference name is used by those joining the conference so that they get into the right one. The name of the user who starts the conference is the default conference name. -v Transmits conference messages one character at a time. Sets up the conference off the record, that is, no transcript of the proceedings is recorded. Commands 147 confer @ttynum Specifies a particular work station for a conferee, if a user is also specified (for example, ttyl). This is useful if a conferee is logged in to more than one work station. If no user is specified, this flag invites any user logged in to the specified work station to participate. Examples 1. To start a conference with confer steve steve and rache 1: rachel Running the confer command makes you the conference leader, so your login name is also the name of the conference. confer sends steve and rache 1 a message inviting them to join your conference and giving them the conference name. 2. To specify work stations that may join the conference: @ttylO steve@tty5 rachel Suppose that steve is logged in at the work stations tty3, tty4, and tty5, and that rache 1 is logged in at tty7 and tty8. This command invites steve to join the conference at work station tty5 only, invites rache 1 to join at either work station she confer is using or at both, and invites whoever is logged in at ttylO to join. 3. To join a conference named joinconf paul a: paula N ow the text you type becomes part of the dialog: prefixed with your name, displayed at each participant's work station, and recorded in the transcript of the conference. 4. Suppose that you start a conference by entering the command given in Example 2, and the person using ttylO decides not to join the conference. If you do nothing, this person also sees the dialog, even though not participating in it. To prevent this from happening, each person that has joined the conference must enter: !excuse @ttylO Similarly, if rache 1 decides to join the conference from tty7, the discussion is also displayed at her other work station, tty8, unless everyone enters: !excuse rachel@tty8 rachel should enter this, too, but only at tty7, the work station she is using for the conference. 5. To make a single-line statement off the record: ~Coffee and donuts at my place. confer displays lines beginning with - (tilde) at participants' work stations, but does not include them in the record of the conference. 148 Commands Reference confer To make a multiple-line statement: !- Everyone is invited to my place after the conference for coffee and donuts. !-- 6. To run a shell command privately, without leaving the conference: ! 1i This lists the current directory without including the Ii command or its output in the conference. 7. To include the output of a shell command in the discussion: Icat notes.conf This lists the contents of the file notes. conf at each participant's work station, and includes it in the conference record. 8. To send command output to others, off the record: !- Icat notes.conf !-- 9. To leave the conference, press Ctrl-D. If your user name is paul a, then after you press Ctrl-D, the message: [p au 1 a] BY E is sent to the other participants. The rest of the discussion continues to appear at your work station until each of the other participants enters: !excuse paula Files /etc/utmp /dev/tty?? /tmp/*.cnf /tmp/*.ln? /tmp/*.mls List of logged-in users. Work station names. User transcript files. Links to main conference file. Transcript mailing list. Related Information The following command: "write" on page 853. Commands 149 config config Purpose Extracts configuration information from configuration files. Syntax ~ m letc/mas:J-(tr-c c a n f . C X 1 speCialSJ-- canfig systemfile ---I -m mfile -c cfile -I spfile OL805416 Description The config program reads the AIX master and system configuration files (by default /etc/master and the specified systemfile). It writes a·C Language configuration file and a special file list (by default conf.c and specials). The special file list is a list of the mknod, chown, and chmod commands that the shell runs to define the necessary special files. The return code is the number of errors encountered. The C Language configuration file can then be compiled and linked with other kernel object files to produce a new kernel. Normally, when you want to reconfigure the kernel, you should run the make command with the Makefile supplied in the /usr/sys directory. This runs config and then builds a new kernel. For a discussion of reconfiguring the kernel, see Managing the A/X Operating System. Flags -c cfile Writes the C configuration file to cfile instead of to conf.c. -I spfile Writes the special fiie list commands to spfile instead of to specials. -m mfile Reads mfile instead of /etc/master. Files /etc/master /etc/system conf.c specials 150 Default master configuration file. A system configuration file. Default C configuration file. Default special file list. Commands Reference config Related Information The following commands: "make" on page 474 and "vrmconfig" on page 842. The master and system files in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. The discussion of config in Managing the AIX Operating System. Commands 151 TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 connect connect Purpose Establishes a connection to a remote system. Syntax connect - -b ~ ~file:T rmthost-1 r-------zO------~ connect -iname -wsec -targ -mprompt -parg -xarg rmthost~ !cmd file: rmt host -r pgm OL805388 Description The connect command lets you establish a connection to a remote host. connect runs in two parts. The first part makes the connection with the remote system specified by rmthost. The second part is a program called the talker. It runs automatically and exchanges data with the rmthost. For information about the talker program, see connect in A/X Operating System Technical Reference. Any flags that you specify are passed directly to the talker without interpretation. The default talker for asynchronous links is atalk. The connect command uses a system-wide control file, connect.con, located in /usr/lib/INnet. You can specify an additional control file, file:rmthost. If you do not specify an additional file, connect searches $HOME/bin for a connect.con file. Information needed to complete the connection is found in one of these files. Attributes needed to complete the connection are taken from the control file or from the command line assignment var = val. For a description of the parameters, see connect in A/X Operating System Technical Reference. 152 Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 connect When atalk detects an escape sequence in the input, it places the work station in its former mode of operation and prompts you with the local prompt. You can then use the flags that follow. Once the flag has run, atalk returns to its former mode. The connect command does not limit access to the phone system to control dialing based on the number to be called. Warning: The connect command lets you set up and maintain connections through a wide variety of communications devices. It interacts with you through the file connect. con which is free-format. Problems with the format of this file may cause unpredictable results. Flags Note: There are no spaces between the flags and the associated parameters. -b Sends a break to the port. This is done by lowering the transmission speed to 75 bps and transmitting an ASCII NULL on the port. If the speed is too low, less than 100 bps, this may not work. -d -q Closes, quits (q) or disconnects (d) the port. Note that this does not end your job or session at the remote site. After closing the port, connect exits. -e[esc] Sets the escape sequence to the character string esc. If you do not specify esc, connect displays escape sequence. It takes the default escape sequence from the environment variable CONESC, if defined, or else sets it to: Ctrl-V uCtrl-M -f -h Enables (-h) or disables (-f) local echoing. -iname Writes file name to the port. Warning: If you are connected to the remote host by RS-232 lines, data from the file may be lost if the remote host cannot keep up with the input. Normally, this flag is used to transfer a small file from the local site to the remote site. File transmission must be ended manually by pressing Ctrl-D. Commands 153 connect For example: cat> newfile [escape sequence] LOCAL: i fred Ctrl-D 154 -mprompt Set the local prompt to the prompt character string. connect displays this prompt when it recognizes the escape sequence. By default, it sets the prompt to the value of the environment variable CONPMT. If this variable is not set, it uses the the string LOCAL:. -parg Sets parity as specified by arg, where arg is one of the following characters: (odd), e (even), 7 (both even and odd), or 8 (eight data bits). -rpgm Runs the network program pgm. Anything following pgm on the command line is passed to pgm as an argument, along with the additional arguments -i3 -03. The port set up as file descriptor 3. The program is run as a child process. -srate Sets the transmission speed to rate, which is one of the following: 0, 50, 75, 110, 134, 150, 200, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 4800, 9600, exta, extb (0 effectively turns off the port). If you do not specify rate, current transmission speed displays. -targ Enables or disables transcripts. If arg is any character string other than a minus or plus sign, the transcript function is enabled with the specified file arg as transcript. When you use an existing file as a transcript file, new data is added to its end. Use t- to disable the transcript function, and t + to enable the transcript to the previous transcript file (no default). -wsec Sets the inter-line delay of the include function to cause a delay interval of the specified seconds between each line written to the port. The default value is 0. -xarg Enables or disables input or output flow control. If the input flow control is enabled, CTRL-S and CTRL-Q are automatically sent to the remote host to control the rate at which it transmits data. If the output flow control is enabled, CTRL-S and CTRL-Q are automatically honored if received from the host. This is useful when using the include command. xi + enables input flow control. xi - disables input flow control. xi displays the current state. For control of output flow control, replace xi with xo. See the discussion of IXON and INOFF in the termio file in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. !cmd Runs the AIX command cmd. Anything that follows !, including arguments to cmd, is passed to the local shell to be run by the system system call. In particular, all I/O redirection and piping works. Commands Reference 0 connect Files /usr/lib/IN net/ connect. con $H OME/bin/ connect. con /usr/lib/INnet/dialers/* $HOME/bin/* /usr/lib/IN net/ atalk /etc/sites /etc/locks System-wide connection control file. Private connection control file. System-wide dialer programs. Private dialer programs. Default talker program, asynchronous lines. Network sites file. Directory for locks on ports (devices) used for logins and out-going connections. Related Information The system and exec system calls, the connect subroutine, and the termio special facility in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. Commands 155 cp cp Purpose Copies files. Syntax Fc!-l ~ directory~ ~ infi/e -- outfi/e ~ OL805100 Description The cp (copy) command copies infile to a directory or another file, outfile. Do not name outfile as one of the input files. If your output is to a directory, then the files are copied to that directory with the same base file name. You can also copy special device files. If the file is a named pipe, the data in the pipe is copied into a regular file. If the file is a device, the file is read until the end of file and that data is copied into a regular file. Examples 1. To make another copy of a file in the current directory: cp prog.c prog.bak This copies prog. c to prog. bak. If the file prog. bak does not already exist, then cp creates it. If it does exist, then cp replaces it with a copy of prog. c. 2. To copy a file to the same name in another directory: cp jones clients This copies jones to clients/jones. Note the difference: prog. bak in Example 1 is the name of a file; cl i ents in Example 2 is a directory that already exists. 156 Commands Reference cp 3. To copy several files into another directory: cp listing clients/smith /u/tom This copies 1i sti ng to /u/tom/l i sti ng and cl i ents/smi th to lu/tom/smi tho 4. To use cp with pattern-matching characters: cp programs/*.c This copies all of the files in directory programs that end with. C into the current directory (.), giving them the same names they have in programs. Note that you must type a space between the C and the final period. Related Information The following commands: "cpio" on page 158, "link, unlink" on page 444, "In" on page 450, and "mv" on page 502. Commands 157 cpio cpio Purpose Copies files into and out of archive storage and directories. Syntax cpio- -0 OL805175 cpio- -i b c d m r t u v s 8 S 6 OL805350 cpio-p 1 Do ~,-- ~_~_v_1_m_?----I __ directory -l not put a blank between these items. OL805351 Description Warning: If you redirect the output from cpio to a special file (device), you should redirect it to the raw device and not the block device. Because writing to a block device is done asynchronously, there is no way to know if the end of the device has been reached. 158 Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 cpio cpio -0 This command reads file path names from standard input and copies these files to standard output along with path names and status information. Path names cannot exceed 128 characters. Avoid giving cpio path names made up of many unique linked files as it may not have enough memory to keep track of them and so would lose linking information. cpio -i This command reads from standard input the name of an archive file created by the cpio -0 command and copies from it the files with names that match pattern. These files are copied into the current directory tree. You may list more than one pattern, using the file name notation described under "sh" on page 637. Note, however, that in this application the special characters *, ?, and [ . . . ] match the / (slash) in path names, in addition to their use as described under "sh" on page 637. The default pattern is * (select all files in the current directory). In an expression such as [a-z], the minus means "through" according to the current collating sequence. A collating sequence may define equivalence classes for use in character ranges. See the "Overview of International Character Support" in Managing the AIX Operating System for more information on collating sequences and equivalence classes. cpio -p This command reads file path names from standard input and copies these files into the named directory. The specified directory must already exist. If these path names include directory names and if these directories do not already exist, you must use the d flag to cause the directory to be created. Note: You can copy special files only if you have superuser authority. Flags All flags must be listed together, without any blanks between them. Not all of the following flags can be used with each of the -0, -i, and -p flags. a Resets the access times of copied files to the current time. b Swaps both bytes and halfwords. Note: If there are an odd number of bytes or halfwords in the file being processed, data can be lost. B Performs block input/output, 5120 bytes to a record. c Writes header information in ASCII character form. Commands 159 cpio Cvalue Performs block input/output, value * 512 bytes to a record. Note: The C flag and the B flag are mutually exclusive. If you list both, cpio uses the last one it encounters in the flag list. d Creates directories as needed. f Copies all files except those matching pattern. 1 Links files rather than copies them, whenever possible. This flag is usable only with cpio -po m Retains previous file modification time. This flag does not work when copying directories. r Renames files interactively. If you do not want to change the file name, enter the current file name or press the Enter key only. In this last case, cpio does not copy the file. s Swaps bytes. This flag is usable only with cpio -i. Note: If there are an odd number of bytes in the file being processed, data can be lost. Swaps halfwords. This flag is usable only with cpio -i. S Note: If there are an odd number of halfwords in the file being processed, data can be lost. t Creates a table of contents. This does not copy any files. u Copies unconditionally. An older file now replaces a newer file with the same name. v Lists file names. If you use this with the t flag, the output looks similar to that of the Is -I command. 6 Processes an old file (one written in UNIX Sixth Edition format). This flag is usable only with cpio -i. Examples 1. To copy files onto diskette: cpio -ov /dev/rfdO This copies the files with path names that are listed in the file fi 1enames in a compact form onto the diskette (> / dey / rfdO). The -v flag causes cpio to display the name of each file as it is copied. This command is useful for making backup copies of files. The diskette must already be formatted, but it must not contain a file system or be mounted. 160 Commands Reference cpio 2. To copy files in the current directory onto diskette: ls *.C cpia -av >/dev/rfdO This copies all the files in the current directory whose names end with . c. 3. To copy the current directory and all subdirectories onto diskette: find -print cpia -av >/dev/rfdO This saves the directory tree that starts with the current directory (.) and includes all of its subdirectories and files. A faster way to do this is: find -cpia /dev/rfdO -print The -pri nt displays the name of each file as it is copied. 4. To list the files that have been saved onto a diskette with cpio: cpia -itv asks whether to give the file saved as prog. c a new name as it is copied in. To rename the file, type the new name and press Enter. To keep the same name, you must enter the name again. To avoid copying the file at all, press the Enter key alone. Commands 161 cpio 8. To copy a directory and all of its subdirectories: mkdi r find /u/jim/newdir -print cpio -pdl /u/jim/newdir This duplicates the current directory tree, including the current directory and all of its subdirectories and files. The duplicate is placed in the new directory /u/ j i m/newdi r. The -1 flag causes cpio to link files instead of copying them, when possible. Related Information The following commands: "ar" on page 58, "find" on page 326, and "In" on page 450. The cpio system call in A/X Operating System Technical Reference. "Overview of International Character Support" in Managing the A/X Operating System. 162 Commands Reference cpp cpp Purpose Performs file inclusion and macro substitution on C Language source files. Syntax /Iib/cpp 1 The 1 -D name - - t . . . - ( -Dname=def h--f--- infi/e default def is 1 . OL805378 Description The cpp program is the C Language preprocessor. It reads infile and writes to outfile (standard input and standard output by default). Although you can use this preprocessor by itself, it is best to use it through the cc command, which by default sends a C Language source file to cpp as the first pass in compilation. The cpp program recognizes two special names, __ LINE __ (the current line number) and __ FILE __ (current file name). These names can be used anywhere just as any other defined name. All cpp directive lines must begin with a hash sign (#). These directives are: #define name token-string Replaces subsequent instances of name with token-string. #define name(arg, ... ,arg) token-string Replaces subsequent instances of the sequence name (arg, ... ,arg) with token-string, where each occurrence of an arg in token-string is replaced by the corresponding token in the comma-separated list. Note that there must not be any space between name and the left parenthesis. #undef name Ignores the definition of name from this point on. Commands 163 cpp #include "file" #include < file> Includes at this point the contents of file, which cpp then processes. If you enclose file in double quotation marks (" "), cpp searches first in the directory of infile, second in directories named with the -I flag, and last in directories on a standard list . If you use the < file> notation, cpp searches for file only in the standard places. It does not search the directory in which infile resides. #line num ["file"] Includes line control information for the next pass of the C compiler. num is the line number of the next line and file is the file from which it comes. If you omit "file", the current file name remains unchanged. #endif Ends a section of lines begun by a test directive (#if, #ifdef, or #ifndef). Each test directive must have a matching #endif. #ifdef name Places the subsequent lines in the output only if name has been defined by a previous #define and has not been undefined by an intervening #undef. #ifndef name Places the subsequent lines in the output only if name has not been defined by a previous #define or has been undefined by an intervening #undef. #if expr Places subsequent lines in the output only if expr evaluates to nonzero. All the binary nonassignment C operators, the ?: operator, and the unary -, !, and - operators are legal in expr. The precedence of the operators is the same as that defined in the C Language. There is also a unary operator defined, which can be used in expr in these two forms: defined (name) defined name This allows the utility of #ifdef and #ifndef in a #if directive. Only these operators, integer constants, and names which are known by cpp should be used in expr. The sizeof operator is not available. #else Places subsequent lines in the output only if the expression in the preceding #if directive evaluates to False (and hence the lines following the #if and preceding the #else have been ignored). You can nest the test directives and the possible #else directives. 164 Commands Reference cpp Flags -C Copies source file comments to the output file. If you omit this flag, cpp removes all comments (except those found on cpp directive lines). -Dname[ = defJ Defines name as in a #define directive. The default de! is 1. -Idir Looks first in dir, then looks in the directories on the standard list for #include files with names that do not begin with a / (slash). See the previous discussion of #include. -p Preprocesses input without producing line control information for the next pass of the C compiler. -Uname Removes any initial definition of name, where name is a reserved symbol predefined by the preprocessor. Examples 1. To display the text that the preprocessor sends to the C compiler: /lib/cpp pgm.c This preprocesses pgm. c and displays the resulting text at the work station. You may want to see the preprocessor output when looking for errors in your macro definitions. 2. To create a file containing more readable preprocessed text: /lib/cpp -P -C pgm.c pgm.i This preprocesses pgm. c and stores the result in pgm. i. It omits line numbering information intended for the C compiler (-P), and includes program comments (-C). 3. To predefine macro identifiers: /lib/cpp -DBUFFERSIZE=512 -DDEBUG pgm.c pgm.i This defines BUFFERSIZE with the value 512 and DEBUG with the value 1 before preprocessing. 4. To use #include files located in nonstandard directories: /lib/cpp -I/u/jim/include pgm.c This looks in the current directory for quoted #include files, then in /u/jim/incl ude, and then in the standard directories. It looks in /u/jim/i for angle-bracketed #include files « and then in the standard directories. » ncl ude Commands 165 cpp Files /usr/include Standard directory for #include files. Related Information The following commands: "cc" on page 112 and "m4" on page 465. 166 Commands Reference craps craps Purpose Plays craps. Syntax /usr/games/craps -----1 OL805188 Description The craps game plays a form of the game of craps that is played in Las Vegas. It simulates the roller while you place bets. Bet with the roller by making a positive bet or with the House by making a negative bet. You start with a $2000 bankroll. When the program prompts with bet?, you may bet all or part of your bankroll. If you bet more than your bankroll, the program repeats the prompt until you make a legal bet. Then the roller throws the dice. The payoff odds are one to one. The player wins depending on whether the bet is placed with the roller or with the House. The first roll is the roll immediately following a bet. The following rules apply. On the first roll, 7 or 11 wins for the roller; 2, 3, or 12 wins for the House; and any other number becomes the point and you roll again (the next rule then applies). On subsequent rolls, the point wins for the roller; 7 wins for the House; and any other number rolls again. If you lose your bankroll, the House prompts marker?, offering to lend you an additional $2000. Accept the loan by responding y or yes. Any other response ends the game. When you hold markers, the House reminds you before a bet how many markers are outstanding. When you have markers and your bankroll exceeds $2000, craps asks Repay marker? If you want to repay part or all of your loan, respond with y (or yes). If you have more than one marker, craps asks you How many? If you respond with a number greater than the number of markers you hold, it repeats the prompt until you enter a valid number. If you accumulate 10 markers (a total loan of $20,000), craps tells you so and exits. If you accumulate a bankroll of more than $50,000 while holding markers, the money owed is repaid automatically. A bankroll of more than $100,000 breaks the bank, and craps will prompt New game? To quit the game, press INTERRUPT (Alt-Pause); craps displays whether you have won, lost, or broken even and exits. Commands 167 crash crash Purpose Examines system images. Syntax -c /deV/memy crash system OL805101 Description The crash command is an interactive utility for examining an operating system image (a core image or the running kernel). It has facilities for interpreting and formatting the various control structures in the system and certain miscellaneous functions useful for examining a dump. The system parameter specifies the file that contains the system image and the kernel symbol definitions. Its default value is /dev/mem. Thus you can run crash with no arguments to examine an active system. If you specify a system-image file, crash assumes that it is a system dump file, and it sets the default process to the process running at the time of the crash. Note: A source listing of the system header files may be helpful while using crash to identify the flags it uses. Stack tracing of the current process on a running system does not work. The crash command recognizes several aliases in the format specification accompanying the subcommands. They are as follows: Format byte character decimal directory hexadecimal 168 Aliases b char, c dec, e direct, dir, d hexadec, hex, h, x Commands Reference Format inode longdec longoct octal write Aliases ino, i Id, D 10,0 oct, 0 w / crash Subcommands The crash command presents a prompt (» when it is ready to interpret subcommands entered at the work station. The general subcommand format for crash is: subcommand [flags] [structures to be displayed] When allowed, flags modify the format of the data displayed. If you do not specify which structure elements you want to examine, all valid entries are displayed. In general, those subcommands that perform I/O with addresses assume hexadecimal notation. Most of the subcommands recognized by crash have aliases (abbreviated forms that give the same result). crash recognizes the following subcommands: user [process-table-entry]... Aliases: uarea, u_area, u Displays the user structure of the named process as determined by the information contained in the process table entry. (See the /usr/include/sys/user.h file for this structure definition.) If you do not specify an entry, the information about the last running process is displayed. Attempting to display a paged process produces an error message. trace [process-table-entry]... Aliases: t Displays a kernel stack trace of the current process. The trace starts at the bottom of the stack and attempts to find valid stack frames deeper in the stack. If you do not provide an entry number, information about the last running process is displayed. stack [process-table-entry]... Aliases: stk, s, kernel, k Displays a dump of the kernel stack of a process. The addresses shown are virtual data addresses rather than true physical locations. If you do not provide an entry number, information about the last running process is displayed. Stack tracing of the current process on a running system does not work. proc [-] [-r] [process-table-entry]... Aliases: ps, p Displays the process table. (See the /usr/include/sys/proc.h file for this structure definition.) The -r flag causes only runable processes to be displayed. The - (minus) alone displays a longer listing. inode [-] [i-node-table-entry]... Aliases: ino, i Displays the i-node table. The - flag also displays the i-node data block addresses. Unless specific i-node entries are requested, only those with a nonzero reference are displayed. file [file-table-entry]... Aliases: files, f Displays the file table. Unless specific file entries are requested, only those with a nonzero reference are displayed. mount [mount-table-entry]... Aliases: mnt, m Displays the mount table. Unless specific mount table entries are requested, only those in use are displayed. Commands 169 crash text [text-table-entry]... Aliases: txt, x Displays the text table. Unless specific text entries are requested, only those with a nonzero i-node pointer are displayed. tty [type] [-] [tty-entry]... Aliases: term, dz, dh Displays the tty structures. The type parameter specifies which structure is used (such as ksr, or rs). The last type entered with the tty command becomes the default. The - flag displays the stty parameters for the given line. stat Displays statistics found in the dump. These include the panic message (if a panic occurred), time of crash, and system name. var Aliases: tunables, tunable, tune, v Displays the tunable system parameters. buf [buffer-header] ... Displays the system buffer headers. buffer [format] [buffer] ... Displays the data in a system buffer according to format. If you do not provide a format parameter, the previous format is used. Valid formats include decimal, octal, hex, character, byte, directory, i-node and write. The write format creates a file in the current directory containing the buffer data. callout Aliases: calls, call, c, timeout, time, tout Displays all entries in the callout table. map [map-name] ... Displays the named system map structures. nm [symbol] ... Displays symbol value and type as found in the kernel-image file. ts [text-address] ... Finds the text symbols closest to the given addresses. ds [data-address] ... Finds the data symbols closest to the given addresses. od [symbol name or address] [count] [format] Dumps count data values starting at the symbol value or address given according to format. Allowable formats are octal, longoct, decimal, longdec, character, hex, or byte. Runs shell commands. 170 q Exits from crash. ? Displays summary of crash commands. Commands Reference crash Files /usr/include/sys/* .h /dev/mem /unix buf.# Header files for table and structure information. Default system-image file. Default kernel-image file. Files containing buffer data. Related Information The following commands: "mount" on page 498, "nm" on page 521, "ps" on page 579, "sh" on page 637, and "stty" on page 717. Commands 171 cron cron Purpose Runs commands automatically. Syntax eron 1 1 -l Not usually run from the command line, but included in fete/reo OL805184 Description The cron command runs shell commands at specified dates and times. Regularly scheduled commands can be specified according to instructions contained in crontab files. You can submit your crontab file via the crontab command (see page 174). Use the at command (see page 66) to submit commands that are to be run only once. Because cron never exits, it should be run only once. This is best done by running cron from the initialization process through the /etc/rc command file (see page 594). The cron command examines crontab files and at command files only during process initialization and when a file changes. This reduces the overhead of checking for new or changed files at regularly scheduled intervals. The cron command also executes a sync system call approximately once a minute to assure that all information in memory that should be on disk (buffered output) is written out. These periodic updates minimize the possibility of file system damage in the event of a crash. In addition, cron keeps a number of frequently used system directories open to keep their i-nodes in kernel memory for faster access. If the file /usr/lib/cron/log exists, cron records a history of its activities in it. For a discussion of how to schedule commands, see "crontab" on page 174. Files IusrIIibIcron IusrIIi bIcron/l 0 g lusrlspool/cron Ibin Ilib 172 Commands Reference Main cron directory. Accounting information. Spool area. Directory kept open. Directory kept open. cron /usr /usr/bin /usr/lib /etc /tmp Directory Directory Directory Directory Directory kept kept kept kept kept open. open. open. open. open. Related Information The following commands: "at, batch" on page 66, "crontab" on page 174, and "rc" on page 594. The sync system call and the crontab file in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. Commands 173 crontab crontab Purpose Submits a schedule of commands to cron. Syntax crontab OL805003 Description The crontab command copies the specified file, or standard input if you do not specify a file, into a directory that holds all users' crontab files. The cron command runs commands according to the instructions in these crontab files. It then mails you the output from standard output and standard error for these commands, unless you redirect standard output or standard error. When entries are made to a crontab file, all previous ertries are erased. You may use crontab if your logname appears in the file /usr/lib/cron/cron.allow. If that file does not exist, crontab checks the file /usr/lib/cron/cron.deny to determine if you should be denied access to crontab. If neither file exists, you can submit a job only if you are operating with superuser authority. The allow/deny files contain one user name per line. Note: If your login ID is associated with more than one login name, crontab uses the first login name that appears in the /etc/passwd file, regardless of which login name you might actually be using. If cron.allow exists, the superuser's logname must appear there for the superuser to be able to use the command. 174 Commands Reference crontab Each crontab file entry consists of a line with six fields, separated by spaces and tabs, that contain, respectively: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The The The The The The minute (0-59) hour (0-23) day of the month (1-31) month of the year (1-12) day of the week (0-6 for Sunday-Saturday) shell command. Each of these fields can contain: • • • • A number in the specified range Two numbers separated by a minus to indicate an inclusive range A list of numbers separated by commas, which selects all numbers in the list An asterisk, meaning all legal values. Note that the specification of days may be made by two fields (day of the month and day of the week). If you specify both as a list of elements, both are adhered to. For example the following entry: o 0 1, 15 * 1 command would run command on the first and fifteenth days of each month, as well as every Monday. To specify days by only one field, the other field should contain an *. The cron command runs the command named in the sixth field at the selected date and time. If you include a %(percent sign) in the sixth field, cron treats everything that precedes it as the command invocation and makes all that follows it available to standard input, unless you escape or quote the percent sign (\% or "%"). Note: The shell runs only the first line of the command field (up to a %or end of line). All other lines are made available to the command as standard input. The cron command invokes a subshell from your $HOME directory. This means that it will not run your .profile file. If you schedule a command to run when you are not logged in and you want to have commands in your .profile run, you must explicitly do so in the crontab file. (For a more detailed discussion of how sh can be invoked, see "sh" on page 637). cron supplies a default environment for every shell, defining HOME, LOGNAME, SHELL n/sh), and PATH (=: fbi n: /usr/bi n). (= fbi Flags -1 Lists your crontab file. -r Removes your crontab file from the crontab directory. Commands 175 crontab Examples The following examples show valid crontab file entries. 1. To write the time to the console every hour on the hour: o* * * * echo The hour is 'date'. >/dev/console This example uses command substitution. For more information, see "Command Substitution" on page 647. 2. To run calendar at 6:30 a.m. every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday: 30 6 * * 1,3,5 /usr/bin/calendar 3. To define text for the standard input to a command: o 16 10-31 12 5 wall%HAPPY HOLIDAYS!%Remember to turn in your time card. This writes a message to all users logged in at 4:00 p.m. each Friday between December 10th and 31st. The text following the %(percent sign) defines the standard input to the wall command as: HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Remember to turn in your time card. Files /usr/lib/cron /usr/spool/cron/crontabs /usr/lib/cron/cron.allow /usr/lib/cron/cron.deny Main cron directory. Spool area. List of allowed users. List of denied users. Related Information The following commands: "cron" on page 172 and "sh" on page 637. 176 Commands Reference csh csh Purpose Interprets commands read from a file or entered from the keyboard. Syntax one of -c cmd string" -s -t II csh file-r--\- ~ OL805447 Description The csh command is a system command interpreter and programming language that incorporates a history mechanism and a C-like syntax. Like the sh command, it is an ordinary user program that reads commands typed at the keyboard and arranges for their execution. In addition, it can read commands from a file, usually called a shell procedure or a command file. When you run csh, it begins by executing commands from the file .cshrc in your home directory, if it exists. If, on the other hand, csh runs as a login shell, it executes commands from your .cshrc file and your .login file. Commands A simple command is a sequence of words separated by blanks or tabs. A word is a sequence of characters and/or numerals that does not contain unquoted blanks. In addition, the following characters and doubled characters also form single words when used as command separators or terminators: & && II II « < »> These special characters may be parts of other words. Preceding them with a \ (backslash), however, prevents the shell from interpreting them as special characters. When the shell Commands 177 csh is not reading input from a work station, it treats any word that begins with a # (number sign) as a comment and ignores that word and all characters following up to the next new-line character. Strings enclosed in matched pairs of quotation characters or grave accents (I I, II II, or ' ') can also form parts of words. (Blanks, tab characters, and special characters do not form separate words when they are found within these quotation marks.) In addition, within pairs of single quotation marks (I I) and double quotation marks (II II), you may include the new-line character by preceding it with \ (backslash). The first word in the simple-command sequence (numbered 0), usually specifies the name of a command. any remaining words, with a few exceptions, are passed to that command. If the command specifies an executable file that is a compiled program, the shell immediately runs that program. If the file is marked executable but is not a compiled program, the shell assumes that it is a shell procedure. In this case it spawns another instance of itself (a subshell), to read the file and execute the commands included in it. A pipeline is a sequence of one or more commands separated by a I (vertical bar). The output of each command in a pipeline provides the input to the next command. A list is a sequence of one or more pipelines separated by a ; (semicolon), & (ampersand), && (two ampersands), or II (two vertical bars) and optionally ended by a ; (semicolon) or an & (ampersand). These separators and terminators have the following effects: Causes sequential execution of the preceding pipeline (the shell waits for the pipeline to finish). & Causes asynchronous execution of the preceding pipeline (the shell does not wait for the pipeline to finish). && Causes the list following it to be executed only if the preceding pipeline returns a zero exit value. II Causes the list following it to be executed only if the preceding pipeline returns a nonzero exit value. Note: The cd command is an exception. If it returns a nonzero exit value, no subsequent commands in a list are executed, regardless of the separators. The ; and & separators 4ave equal precedence, as do && and II. The single-character separators have lower precedence than the double-character separators. A un quoted new-line character following a pipeline functions the same as a ; (semicolon). Place any of the above in parentheses to form a simple command. The shell associates a job with each pipeline. It keeps a table of current jobs and assigns them small integer numbers. When you start a job asynchronously by terminating the command with a &, the shell displays a line that looks like the following: [1] 178 1234 Commands Reference csh This line indicates that the job number is 1 and that the job is composed of one process with a process-ID of 1234. Use the built-in jobs command (page 194) to see what jobs are currently running. A job running in the background competes for input if it tries to read from the work station. Background jobs can also produce output that competes for the work station and is interleaved there with the output of other jobs. There are several ways to refer to jobs in the shell. Use the %(percent) character to introduce a job name. This name can be either the job number or the command name that started the job, if this name is unique. So, for example, if a make process is running as job 1, you can refer to it as %1. You can also refer to it as %rna ke, if there is only one suspended job with a name that begins with the string rna ke. You can also use %? : string to specify a job whose name contains string, if there is only one such job. The shell detects immediately whenever a process changes state. Whenever a job becomes blocked so that further progress is not possible, a message is sent to the work station, but not until just before the shell prompt. If, however, the notify shell variable is set (see page 188), the shell issues a message that indicates changes in status of background jobs immediately. Use the notify built-in command (page 195) to mark a single process so that its status changes are immediately reported. By default, notify marks the current process. History Substitution History substitution lets you use words from previous commands as portions of new commands, thus making it easy to repeat commands, repeat the arguments of a previous command in the current command, or fix spelling mistakes in the previous command with little typing. History substitutions begin with the! (exclamation) character and may appear anywhere on the command line, provided they do not nest (in other words, a history substitution cannot contain another history substitution). You can precede the ! with a \ to prevent its special meaning. In addition, if you place the! before a blank, tab, new-line character, = (equal sign), or ( (left parenthesis), it is passed unchanged. History substitutions also occur when you begin an input line with a /\ (circumflex). (This special abbreviation is discussed on page 182.) The shell echoes any input line containing history substitutions at the work station before it executes that line. The history list saves commands that the shell reads from the work station and that consist of one or more words. History substitution reintroduces sequences of words from these saved commands into the input stream. The history shell variable (page 187) controls the size of the history list. You must set the history shell variable either in the .cshrc file or on the command line with the built-in set command (page 196). The previous command is always retained, however, regardless of Commands 179 csh the value of history. Commands in the history list are numbered sequentially starting from 1. The built-in history command (page 193) produces output of the type: 9 write michael ed write.c cat oldwrite.c 12 diff *write.c 10 11 The command strings are shown with their event numbers. It is not usually necessary to use event numbers to refer to events, but you can have the current event number displayed as part of your system prompt by placing an ! in the prompt string assigned to the prompt environmental variable (page 188). A full history reference contains an event specification, a word designator, and one or more modifiers in the following general format: event[:]word:modifier[:modifier] ... In the previous sample of history command output, the current event number is 13. Using this example, the following refer to previous events: Event Specification !10 Refers to event number 10 !-2 !d !?mic? Refers to event number 11 (the current event minus 2) Refers to a command word beginning with d (in this case event number 12) Refers to a command word that contains the string number 9). mi c (in this case, event These forms, without further modification, simply reintroduce the words of the specified events, each separated by a single blank. As a special case, ! ! refers to the previous command; the command! ! alone on an input line reruns the previous command. To select words from an event, follow the event specification with a : (colon) and one of the following word designators (the words of an input line are numbered sequentially starting from 0): Word Designator 180 o The first word (the command name) n The nth argument /\ The first argument $ The last argument Commands Reference csh % The word matched by an immediately preceding ?string? search x-y A range of words from the xth word to the yth word -y A range of words from the first word (0) to the yth word * The first through the last argument, or nothing if there is only one word (the command name) in the event x* The xth through the last argument x- Like x* but omitting the last word. You may omit the colon that separates the event specification from the word designator if the word designator begins with a ", $, *, -, or %. You can also place a sequence of the following modifiers after the optional word designator, each preceded by a colon: Modifier h Remove a trailing path name extension, leaving the head. r Remove a trailing" .xxx" component, leaving the root name. e Remove all but the trailing extension" .xxx." s/l/r/ Substitute l for r. With substitutions, it is an error for no word to be applicable. The left side of a substitution is not a patterns in the sense of the editors but, rather, a string. Normally, a / (slash) delimits the string (l) and its replacement (r). However, you can use any character as the delimiter if you precede that character with a \ (backslash). Thus, in the following example: s\%/ us r /myfi 1e\%/ us r /yourfi 1e\% the %becomes the delimiter allowing you to include the / in your strings. If you include an & in the replacement string, it is replaced by the text from the left-hand side (l). A null l string is replaced by either the last substitution or by the last string used in the contextual scan !? string? . You may omit the trailing delimiter (/) if a new-line character follows immediately. t Remove all leading path name components, leaving the tail. & Repeat the previous substitution. g Apply the change globally, that is, g&. p Display the new command, but do not run it. q Quote the substituted words, thus preventing further substitutions. x Act like q, but break into words at blanks, tabs, and new-line characters. Commands 181 csh Unless the modifier is preceded by a g, the change applies only to the first modifiable word. If you give a history reference without an event specification, for example. ! $, the shell uses the previous command as the event, unless a previous history reference occurs on the same line, in which case it repeats the previous reference. Thus, the following sequence: !?fOO?A !$ gives the first and last arguments of the command that matches ?foo? A special abbreviation of a history reference occurs when the first nonblank character of an input line is a A (circumflex). This is equivalent to ! : SA, thus providing a convenient shorthand for substitutions on the text of the previous line. The commanc Alb Ali b corrects the spelling of lib in the previous command. You can enclose a history substitution in {} (braces), if necessary, to insulate it from the characters that follow. For example, if you want to use a reference to the command: ls -ld -paul to perform the command: ls -ld -paula use the following: !{l}a whereas! 1a would look for a command starting with 1a Quoting with Single and Double Quotes Enclose strings in single and double quotation marks to prevent all or some of the substitutions that remain. Enclosing strings in single quotation marks (I I) prevents any further interpretation. Enclosing strings in double quotation marks (" ") allows further expansion. In both cases, the text that results becomes (all or part of) a single word. Only in one special case does a string quoted by" "yield parts of more than one word; strings quoted by I I never do (see "Command Substitution" on page 183). Command and File Name Substitution The shell performs command and file-name substitutions selectively on the arguments of built-in commands. This means that it does not expand those parts of expressions that are not evaluated. For nonbuilt-in commands, the shell substitutes the command name separately from the argument list. This occurs very late, after it performs input/output redirection and in a child of the main shell. 182 Commands Reference csh Command Substitution The shell performs command substitution on a command string ,enclosed in grave accents (' '). The shell normally breaks the output from such a command into separate words at blanks, tabs, and new-line characters; this text then replaces the original command string. Within strings surrounded by double quotation marks (" "), the shell treats only the new-line character as a word separator, thus preserving blanks and tabs within the word. In any case, the single final new-line character does not force a new word. Note that it is therefore possible for command substitution to yield only part of a word, even if the command outputs a complete line. File-name Substitution If a word contains any of the characters *, ?, [, or {, or begins with the - character, then that word is a candidate for file name substitution, also known as globbing. This word is then regarded as a pattern and replaced with an alphabetically sorted list of file names which match the pattern. The current collating sequence is used, which may be specified by the environment variables NLCTAB or NLFILE. In a list of words specifying file name substitution, it is an error for no patterns to match an existing file name, but it is not required that each pattern match. Only the character-matching symbols *, ?, and [ imply pattern matching; the characters - and { being more related to abbreviations. In matching file names, the character. (dot) at the beginning of a file name or immediately following a /, and the character /, must be matched explicitly. The * character matches any string of characters, including the null string. The? character matches any single character. The sequence [abed] matches anyone of the enclosed characters. Within [J, a lexical range of characters may be indicated by [a-z]. The characters that match this pattern are defined by the current collating sequence (see "ctab" on page 204). The - character at the beginning of a file name is used to see home directories. Standing alone, - expands to your home directory as reflected in the value of the home shell variable. When followed by a name that consists of letters, digits, and - characters, the shell searches for a user with that name and substitutes their home directory. Thus, - ken might expand to /usr/ken and -ken/chmach to /usr/ken/chmach. If the - character is followed by a character other than a letter or /, or appears not at the beginning of a word, it is left undisturbed. The pattern a{b, c, d}e is a shorthand for abe ace ade. The shell preserves the left-to-right order, with results of matches being stored separately at a low level to preserve this order. This construct may be nested. Thus: -source/sl/{oldls,ls}.c Commands 183 csh expands to: /usr/source/sl/o1d1s.c /usr/source/sl/1s.c if the home directory for source is /usr/source. Similarly: .. /{memo,*box} might expand to: .. /memo .. /box .. /mbox (Note that memo is not sorted with the results of matching *box.) As a special case, {, }, and {} are passed undisturbed. Alias Substitution The shell maintains a list of aliases that the alias and unalias built-in commands (page 190) can establish, display, and modify. After the shell scans the command line, it divides it into distinct commands and checks the first word of each command, left to right, to see if it has an alias. If it does, the shell uses the history mechanism available (see "History Substitution" on page 179), to replace the text of the alias with the text of the command it stands for. The words that result replace the command and argument list. If reference is not made to the history list, then the argument list is left unchanged. Thus, if the alias for the Is command is 1s - 1, the shell replaces the command 1s / us r with 1s - 1 / us r, the argument list here being undisturbed because there is not reference to the history list in aliased command. Similarly, if the alias for lookup is: grep !A /etc/passwd then the shell replaces lookup bi 11 with: grep bill /etc/passwd Here, ! refers to the history list and the shell replaces it with the first argument in the input line, in this case bill. A Note from this last example that you can use special pattern-matching characters in an alias. Thus the command: alias 1print 'pr \!* » print' makes a command which formats its arguments to the line printer. The! is protected from the shell in the alias so that it is not expanded until pr runs. If an alias is found, the word transformation of the input text is performed and the aliasing process begins again on the reformed input line. If the first word of the next text is the same as the old, looping is prevented by flagging it to prevent further aliasing. Other loops are detected and cause an error. 184 Commands Reference /' csh Variable Substitution The shell maintains a set of variables, each of which has as its value a list of zero or more words. Some of these variables are set by the shell or referred to by it. For instance, the argv variable is an image of the shell variable list, and words which comprise the value of this variable are referred to in special ways. You can change and display the values of variables with the set and unset commands. Of the variables referred to by the shell, a number are toggles; the shell does not care what their value is, only whether they are set or unset. For instance, the verbose variable is a toggle which causes command input to be echoed. The setting of this variable results from the -v flag on the command line. Other operations treat variables numerically. The @ command performs numeric calculations and the result is assigned to a variable. Variable values are, however, always represented as (zero or more) strings. For numeric operations, the null string is considered to be zero, and the second and subsequent words of multi-word values are ignored. After an input line is aliased and parsed, and before each command is run, variable substitution is performed, keyed by $ characters. You can prevent this expansion by preceding the $ with a \, except within II II (double quotation marks, where it always occurs, and within I I (single quotation marks), where it never occurs. Strings quoted by I are interpreted later (see "Command Substitution" on page 183), so $ substitution does not occur there until later, if at all. A $ is passed unchanged if it is followed by a blank, tab, or new-line character. Input/output redirections are recognized before variable expansion and are variable expanded separately. Otherwise, the command name and complete argument list expands together. It is therefore possible for the first (command) word to this point to generate more than one word, the first of which becomes the command name and the rest of which become parameters. Unless enclosed in II II or given the :q modifier, the results of variable substitution may themselves eventually be command and file name substituted. Within pairs of double quotation marks, a variable with a value that consists of multiple words expands to a (portion of a) single word, with the words of the variable's value separated by blanks. When you apply the :q modifier to a substitution, the variable expands to multiple words. Each word is separated by a blank and quoted to prevent later command or file name substitution. The following notation allows you to introduce variable values into the shell input. Except as noted, it is an error to reference a variable that is not set. ?name ?{name} Replaced by the words assigned to name, each separated by a blank. Braces insulate name from any following characters that would otherwise be part of it. Shell variable names start with a letter and consist of up to 20 letters and digits, including the _ (underline) character. If name is not a shell variable but is set Commands 185 csh in the environment, then that value is returned. The: modifiers and the other forms given below are not available in this case. ?name[selector] ?{name[selector]} ?#name ?{#name} ?o Used to select only some of the words from the value of name. The selector is subjected to $ substitution and may consist of a single number, or two numbers separated by a -. The first word of a variable's string value is numbered 1. If the first number of a range is omitted, it defaults to 1. If the last member of a range is omitted, it defaults to $#name. The * symbol selects all words. It is not an error for a range to be empty if the second argument is omitted or is in range. Gives the number of words in the variable. This is useful for later use in a [selector]. Substitutes the name of the file from which command input is being read. An error occurs if the name is not known. ?number ?{number} $a rgv [number] Equivalent to $argv [*]. Equivalent to ?* You can apply the modifiers :h, :r, :q, and :x to the substitutions above, as may :gh, :gt and :gr. If {} (braces) appear in the command form, then the modifiers must appear within the braces. The current implementation allows only one : modifier on each $ expansion. The following substitutions may not be changed with: modifiers. $?name ${?name} 186 Substitutes the string 1 if name is set; 0 if it is not set. $?O Substitutes 1 if the current input file name is known; 0 if it is not known. $$ Substitutes the (decimal) process number of the (parent) shell. $< Substitutes a line from the standard input, without further interpretation. Use it to read from the keyboard in a shell procedure. Commands Reference csh Predefined and Environmental Variables The following variables have special meaning to the shell. Of these, argv, cwd, home, path, prompt, shell, and status are always set by the shell. Except for cwd and status, this setting occurs only at initialization. These variables are not changed unless this is done explicitly by you. The csh command copies the environment variables USER, TERM, HOME, and PATH into the csh variables user, term, home, and path, respectively. The values are copied back into the environment whenever the normal shell variables reset. It is not necessary to worry about the setting of the path variable other than in the .cshrc file, since csh subprocesses import the definition of path from the environment and re-export it if it is changed. argv Set to the arguments to the shell; it is from this variable that positional parameters are substituted. cdpath Can be given a list of alternate directories to be searched by the chdir commands to find subdirectories. cwd The full path name of the current directory. echo Set when the -x command line flag is used; when set, causes each command and its arguments to echo just before it is run. For non built-in commands, all expansions occur before echoing. Built-in commands are echoed before command and file name substitution, since these substitutions are then done selectively. histchars Can be given a string value to change the characters used in history substitution. Use the first character of its value as the history substitution character, this replaces the default character !. The second character of its value replaces the " (circumflex) character in quick substitutions. history Can be given a numeric value to control the size of the history list. Any command that is referenced in this many events is not discarded. Very large values of history may run the shell out of memory. Saves the last command that ran on the history list, regardless of whether history is set. home Your home directory, initialized from the environment. The file name expansion of - refers to this variable. ignoreeof If set, the shell ignores an end-of-file character from input devices that are work stations. This prevents shells from accidentally being killed when it reads an end-of-file character (Ctrl-D). mail The files where the shell checks for mail. This is done after each command completion, which results in a prompt if a specified interval has elapsed. The shell displays the message, "You have new mai 1" if the file exists with an access time not greater than its change time. Commands 187 esh If the first word of the value of mail is numeric, it specifies a different mail checking interval (in seconds); the default is 10 minutes. If you specify multiple mail files, the shell displays the message, II , when there is mail in file. II New rna; 1 ; n file noelobber If set, places restrictions on output redirection to insure that files are not accidentally destroyed, and that > > redirections see existing files. (See "Redirecting Input and Output" on page 189) no glob If set, inhibits file name expansion. This is most useful in shell procedures that are not dealing with file names, or after a list of file names has been obtained and further expansions are not desirable. nonomateh If set, it is not an error for a file name expansion to not match any existing files; rather, the primitive pattern returns. It is still an error for the primitive pattern to be malformed. notify 188 If set, the shell notifies asynchronou~ly of changes in job status. The default presents status changes just before displaying the shell prompt. path Each word of the path variable specifies a directory in which commands are to be sought for execution. A null word specifies the current directory. If there is no path variable set, then only full path names run. The usual search path is the current directory, Ibin, and lusr/bin. For the superuser, the default search path is lete, Ibin, and/usr/bin. A shell which is given neither the -e nor the -t flags normally hashs the contents of the directories in the path variable after reading .eshre and each time the path variable is reset. If new commands are added to these directories while the shell is active, it may be necessary to give the rehash command (page 196), or the commands may not be found. prompt The string which is displayed before each command is read from an interactive work station input. If a ! appears in the string, it is replaced by the current even number, unless a preceding \ is given. The default prompt is %, # for the superuser. savehist Given a numeric value to control the number of entries of the history list that are saved in - I.history when you log out. Any command which is referenced in this many events is saved. During startup, the shell reads - I.history into the history list, enabling history to be saved across logins. Very large values of savehist slow down the shell startup. shell The file in which the shell resides. This is used in forking shells to interpret files which have execute bits set, but which are not executable by the system (see "Nonbuilt-in Command Execution" on page 199). This is initialized to the (system-dependent) home of the shell. Commands Reference csh status The status returned by the last command. If it ended abnormally, then 0200 is added to the status. Built-in commands that fail return exit status 1; all other built-in commands set status o. time Controls automatic timing of commands. If set, then any command that takes more than this many CPU seconds cause a line giving user, system, and real times and a utilization percentage, that is the ratio of user-plus-system-times to real time, displays when it ends. verbose Set by the -v command line flag, causes the words of each command to display after history substitution. Redirecting Input and Output You can redirect the standard input and standard output of a command with the following syntax: < name Opens file name (which is first variable, command, and file name expanded) as the standard input. « Reads the shell input up to a line which is the same as word. word is not subjected to variable, file name, or command substitution, and each input line is compared to word before any substitutions are done on this input line. Unless a quoting character (\, II, I , or ') appears in word, the shell performs variable and command substitution on the intervening lines, allowing \ to quote $, \, and '. Commands which are substituted have all blanks, tabs, and new-line characters preserved, except for the final new-line character, which is dropped. The resultant text is placed in an anonymous temporary file, which is given to the command as standard input. word > name >! name >& name >&! name Uses the file name as standard output. If the file does not exist, it is made. If the file exists, it is truncated, its previous contents being lost. If the noclobber shell variable is set, the file must not exist or be a character special file, or an error results. This helps prevent accidental destruction of files. In this case, use the ! forms to suppress this check. The forms involving & route the diagnostic output into the specified file as well as the standard output. name expands in the same way as input file names. < Commands 189 csh » name »& name »! name >>&! name >, Uses file name as standard output like but places output at the end of the file. If the noclobber shell variable is set, it is an error for the file not to exist, unless one of the ! forms is given. Otherwise, it is similar to >. A command receives the environment in which the shell was invoked, as changed by the input/output parameters and the presence of the command as a pipeline. Thus, unlike some previous shells, commands that run from a file of shell commands do not have any access to the text of the commands by default. Rather, they receive the original standard input of the shell. Use the «mechanism to present in line data. This lets shell command files function as components of pipelines and lets the shell block read its input. Note that the default standard input for a command run detached is not changed to be the empty file /dev/null. Rather, the standard input remains as the original standard input of the shell. To redirect the diagnostics output through a pipe with the standard output, use the form 1& rather than just 1 (vertical bar). Control Flow The shell contains some commands that can be used to regulate the flow of control in command files (shell procedures) and (in limited but useful ways) from work station input. These commands all operate by forcing the shell to reread or skip in its input and, because of the implementation, restrict the placement of some of the commands. The foreach, switch, and while statements, and the if-then-else form of the if statement, require that the major keywords appear in a single simple command on an input line. If the shell input is not searchable, the shell buffers input whenever a loop is being read and searches the internal buffer to do the rereading implied by the loop. To the extent that this allows, backward gotos succeed on inputs that you cannot search. Built-in Commands Built-in commands are run within the shell. If a built-in command occurs as any component of a pipeline except the last, it runs in a subshell. alias alias name alias name word list 190 Commands Reference Displays all aliases (first form). The second form displays the alias for name. The final form assigns the specified word list as the alias of name. wordlist is command and file name substituted. name is not allowed to be alias or unalias. ,/ csh break Resumes running after the end of the nearest enclosing foreach or while. Runs the remaining commands on the current line. Multi-level breaks are therefore possible by writing them all on one line. breaksw Breaks from a switch; resumes after the endsw. case label: Defines a label in a switch statement, as discussed in the following. cd cd name chdir chdir name Changes the current directory to name. If no argument is given, then changes to your home directory. If name is not found as a subdirectory of the current directory and does not begin with /, . /, or .. /, then each component of the cdpath shell variable is checked to see if it has a subdirectory name. Finally, if all else fails, but name is a shell variable with a value that begins with /, then this is tried to see if it is a directory. continue Continues execution of the nearest enclosing while or foreach. The rest of the commands on the current line run. default: Labels the default case in a switch statement. The default should come after all case labels. dirs Displays the directory stack, the top of the stack is at the left, the first directory in the stack being the current directory. echo string echo -n string ... else end endif endsw Writes the listed strings to the shell's standard output, separated by spaces and ending with a new-line character unless you specify the -n flag. See the description of the foreach, if, switch, and while statements. eval arg . .. Reads arg as input to the shell and runs the resulting command(s) in the context of the current shell. Use this to run commands generated as the result of command or variable substitution, since parsing occurs before these substitutions. exec cmd Runs the specified command in place of the current shell. Commands 191 csh exit exit (expr) Exits the shell with either the value of the status shell variable (first form) or with the value of the specified expression (second form). foreach name (list) end Successively sets name to each member of list and runs the sequence of commands between the foreach and the matching end. Both foreach and end must appear alone on separate lines. Use the continue statement to continue the loop and the break statement to end the loop prematurely. When this command is read from the work station, the loop is read once, prompts with ? before any statement in the loop runs. If a mistake is made in entering a loop, it can be corrected before you run the loop. Commands within loops, prompted for by ?, are not placed in the history list. glob list Functions like echo, but does not recognize backslash (\) escapes, and delimits words by null characters in the output. Useful for programs that wish to use the shell to file name expand a list of words. goto word Continues to run after the line specified by word The specified word is file-name and command expanded to yield a string of the form label. The shell rewinds its input as much as possible and searches for a line of the form label:, possibly preceded by blanks or tabs. ' history history num history -r num history -h num if (expr) cmd Displays the history event list. If you specify a number, only the n most recent events are displayed. The -r flag reverses the order of display to the most recent first rather than the oldest first. The -h flag causes the history list to be displayed without leading numbers. Use this to produce files suitable for used with the -h flag of the source command. Runs the single command (with arguments) if the specified expression evaluates true. Variable substitution on cmd happens early, at the same time it does for the rest of the if statement. cmd must be a simple command, not a pipeline, command list, or parenthesized command list. Note: Input and output redirection occurs even if expr is false (and the command is not executed). 192 Commands Reference ,/ csh if (expr) then else if (expr2) then else endif jobs jobs -I kill %job kill -signal %job ... kill pid kill -signal pid ... kill -I limit limit resource limit resource max-use If expr is true, runs the commands that follow the first then; else if expr2 is true, runs the commands that follow the second then; else runs the commands that follow the second else. Any number of else-if pairs are possible; only one endif is needed. The else part is optional. The words else and endif must appear at the beginning of input lines. The if must appear alone on its input line or after an else. Lists the active jobs. With the -I flag, lists process-IDs in addition to the job number and process-ID. Sends to the jobs or process that you specify either the TERM (terminate) signal or signal. Specify signals either by number or by names (as given in /usr/inc1ude/signal.h, stripped of the SIG prefix). Signal names are listed by kill -1. Limits the usage by the current process and each process it creates to not individually exceed max-use on the specified resource. If a max-use is not given, the current limit displays; if a resource is not given, all limitations are given. Controllable resources are limited to filesize, stacksize, and datasize. You can specify max-use as a (floating-point or integer) number followed by a scale factor: k or kilobytes (1024 bytes), m or megabytes, or b or blocks (the units used by the ulimit system call). For both resource names and scale factors, unambiguous prefixes of the names suffice. filesize may be lowered by an instance of csh, but may only be raised by an instance whose effective user-ID is root. (See the ulimit system call in AIX Operating System Technical Reference.) Commands 193 csh login Ends a login shell, and replaces it with an instance of /bin/login. This is one way to log out (included for compatibility with the sh command). logout Ends a login shell. Especially useful if ignoreeof is set. nice nice +num nice cmd nice + num cmd nohup nohup cmd notify notify %job ... onintr onintr onintr label Sets the priority of commands run in this shell to 24 (first form). The second form sets the priority to the specified number. The final two forms run the specified command at priority 24 and the specified number, respectively. If you are have superuser authority you can specify nice with a negative number. The command always runs in a subshell, and the restrictions placed on commands in simple if statements apply. Causes hangups to be ignored for the remainder of the procedure (first form). The second form causes the specified command to be run with hangups ignored. All processes run in the background with & are effectively protected from being sent a hangup signal when you log out, but will still be subject to explicitly sent hangups unless nohup is used. Causes the shell to notify you asynchronously when the status of the current or specified jobs changes. Normally, notification is presented just before the shell prompt. This is automatic if the notify shell variable is set. Controls the action of the shell on interrupts. The first form restores the default action of the shell on interrupts, which is to end shell procedures or to return to the workstation command input level. The second form causes all interrupts to be ignored. The third form causes the shell to run a goto label when it receives an interrupt or a child process ends due to an in terru ption. In any case, if the shell is running detached and interrupts are being ignored, all forms of onintr have no meaning, and interrupts continue to be ignored by the shell and all invoked commands. popd popd +n 194 Commands Reference Pops the directory stack, returns to the new top directory. With a + n, discards the nth entry in the stack. The elements of the directory stack are numbered from the top starting at O. csh pushd pushd name pushd +n With no arguments, exchanges the top two elements of the directory stack. With name, changes to the new directory and pushes the old current directory (as given in the cwd shell variable) onto the directory stack. With a numeric argument, rotates the nth argument of the directory stack around to be the top element and changes to it. The members of the directory stack are numbered from the top starting at O. rehash Causes the internal hash table of the contents of the directories in the path shell variable to be recomputed. This is needed if new commands are added to directories in path while you are logged in. This should only be necessary if commands are added to one of the user's own directories, or if someone changes the contents of one of the system directories. repeat count cmd Runs the specified command, which is subject to the same restrictions as the if statement, count times. Note: I/O redirections occur exactly once, even if count is O. set set set set set name name = word name [index] name = (list) = word Shows the value of all shell variables (first form). Variables that have more than a single word as their value are displayed as a parenthesized word list. The second form sets name to the null string. The third form sets the indexth component of name to word; this component must already exist. The final form sets name to the list of words in list. In all cases, the value is command- and file-name expanded. These arguments may be repeated to set multiple values in a single set command. However, variable expansion happens for all arguments before any setting occurs. setenv name value Sets the value of environment variable name to be value, a single string. The most commonly used environment variables, USER, TERM, and PATH, are automatically imported to and exported from the csh variables user, term, and path; there is no need to use setenv for these. If you modify the environment variables NLFILE or NLCTAB, the current international character support environment and collating sequence are changed as specified for subsequent commands executed from the shell. Commands 195 csh shift shift variable source name source -h name Shifts the members of argv to the left. It is an error for argv not to be set or to have less than one word as its value. The second form does the same function on the specified variable. Reads commands from name. You can nest the source commands. However, if they are nested too deeply, the shell may run out of file descriptors. An error in a source command at any level ends all nested source commands. Normally, input during source commands is not placed on the history list. The -h flag causes the commands to be placed in the history list without running. switch (string) case strl: breaksw default: breaksw endsw time time cmd umask umask value 196 Commands Reference Successively matches each case label against string. The string is command and file-name expanded first. Use the pattern-matching characters *, ?, and [ ... ] in the case labels, which are variable expanded. If none of the labels match before a default label is found, then the execution begins after the default label. Each case label and the default label must appear at the beginning of a line. The breaksw command causes execution to continue after the endsw. Otherwise, control may fall through case labels and the default labels, as in C. If no label matches and there is no default, execution continues after the endsw. With no argument, displays a summary of time used by this shell and its children. If arguments are given, the specified command is timed, and a time summary as described under the time shell variable is displayed. If necessary, an extra shell is created to display the time statistic when the command completes. Displays the file creation mask (first form) or sets it to the specified value (second form). The mask is given as an octal value. Common values for the mask are 002, giving all access to owner and group and read and execute access to others, or 022, giving all access to the owner and all access except write access for users in the group or others. / csh unalias pattern Discards all aliases with names that match pattern. Thus, all aliases are removed by unalias *. It is not an error for nothing to be unaliased. unhash Disables the use of the internal hash table to locate running programs. unlimit unlimit resource Removes the limitation on resource. If you do not specify resource, then all resource limitations are removed. The only removable limitation is that on fllesize, and only the superuser can remove it. unset pattern Removes all variables with names that match the pattern. Use unset * to remove all variables. It is not an error for nothing to be unset. unsetenv pattern Removes all variables from the environment whose names match the specified pattern. (See the setenv built-in command on page 195.) wait Waits for all background jobs. If the shell is interactive, an INTERRUPT (Alt-Pause) can disrupt the wait, when the shell displays the names and job numbers of all jobs known to be outstanding. while (expr) end @ @ name = expr @ name [index] Evaluates the commands between the while and the matching end while expr evaluates nonzero. You can use break to end and continue to continue the loop prematurely. The while and end must appear alone on their input lines. If the input is a work station, prompts occur the first time through the loop, as for the foreach statement. expr Displays the values of all the shell variables (first form). The second form sets the specified name to the value of expr. If the expression contains <,), &, or I, then at least this part of the expression must be placed within parentheses. The third form assigns the value of expr to the indexth argument of name. Both name and its indexth component must already exist. C operators, such as *= and += are available. The space separating name from the assignment operator is optional. Spaces are, however, required in separating components of expr, which would otherwise be single words. Special postfix + + and -operators increase and decrease name. Commands 197 esh Expressions The @ built-in command and the exit, if, and while statements accept expressions which include operators similar to those of C, with the same precedence. The following operators are available: * + « <= -- % / » )= != ) -- !- In the preceding list, operators of equal precedence appear on the same line, below those lines containing operators (if any) that have greater precedence and above those lines containing operators having lesser precedence. The ==, ! =, =-, and! - operators compare their arguments as strings; all others operate on numbers. The =- and ! - operators are similar to ! = and ==, except that the right-most side is a pattern against which the left-hand operand is matched. This reduces the need for use of the switch statement in shell procedures when all that is really needed is pattern matching. Strings which begin with 0 are considered octal numbers. Null or missing arguments are considered O. The result of all expressions are strings, which represent decimal numbers. It is important to note that now two components of an expression can appear in the same word; except when next to components of expressions which are syntactically significant to the parser (& I expression components should be surrounded by spaces. < ) ( ), Also available in expressions as primitive operands are command executions enclosed in { and} and file inquiries of the form -l name where l is one of: r w x e o z f d Read access Write access Execute access Existence Ownership Zero size Plain file Directory The specified name is command and file name expanded and then tested to see if it has the specified relationship to the real user. If the file does not exist or is inaccessible, then all inquiries return false, that is, O. Command runs succeed, returning true (1), if the command exits with status 0, otherwise they fail, returning false (0). If more detailed status information is required, run the command outside an expression and the examine status shell variable. 198 Commands Reference csh Nonbuilt-in Command Execution When a command to run is found not to be a built-in command, the shell attempts to run the command with execve. (See the exec system call in AIX Operating System Technical Reference.) Each word in the path shell variable names a directory from which the shell attempts to run the command. If it is given neither a -c nor a -t flag, the shell will hash the names in these directories into an internal table so it only tries an exec in a directory if there is a possibility that the command resides there. If this mechanism has been turned off with unhash, or if the shell is given a -c or -t (and in any case for each directory component of path that does not begin with a I), the shell concatenates with the given command name to form a path name of a file, which it then attempts to run. Parenthesized commands always run in a subshell. Thus, (cd ; pwd) ; pwd displays the home directory without changing the current directory location, whereas cd ; pwd changes the current directory location to the home directory. Parenthesized commands are most often used to prevent chdir from affecting the current shell. If the file has execute permissions, but is not an executable binary to the system, then it is assumed to be a file containing shell commands and a new shell runs to read it. If there is an alias for shell, then the words of the alias will be prefixed to the argument list to form the shell command. The first word of the alias should be the full path name of the shell. Note that this is a special, late-occurring case of alias substitution and only allows words to be prefixed to the argument list without modification. Signal Handling The shell normally ignores QUIT signals. Jobs running detached are immune to signals generated from the keyboard (INTERRUPT, QUIT, and HANGUP). Other signals have the values the shell inherited from its parent. You can control the shell's handling of INTERRUPT and TERMINATE signals in shell procedures with onintr. Login shells catch the TERMINATE signal; otherwise, this signal is passed on to children from the state in the shell's parent. In no case are INTERRUPTs allowed when a login shell is reading the .logout file. Limitations The following are csh limitations: • Words can be no longer than 1024 characters. • Argument lists are limited to 5120 characters. • The number of arguments to a command that involves file name expansion is limited to 1/6th the number of characters allowed in an argument list. • Command substitutions can substitute no more characters than are allowed in an argument list. Commands 199 csh • To detect looping, the shell restricts the number of alias substitutions on a single line to 20. Flags If the first argument to the shell is - (minus), this is a login shell. The flags are interpreted as follows: -c Reads commands from the (single) following argument, which must be present. Any remaining arguments are placed in argv. -e Exits if any invoked command ends abnormally or yields a nonzero exit status. -f Starts without searching for or running commands from the .cshrc file in the your home directory. -i Prompts for its top-level input (an interactive shell), even if input does not appear to be coming from a work station. Shells are interactive without this flag if their input and output are attached to work stations. -n Parses commands but does not run them. This aids in syntactic checking of shell procedures. -s Takes command input from the standard input. -t Reads and processes a single line of input. You can use a \ to escape the new-line character at the end of the current line to continue onto another line. -v Sets the verbose shell variable, with the effect that command input is echoed after history substitution. -V Sets the verbose shell variable even before .cshrc runs. -x Sets the echo shell variable, so that commands are echoed immediately before they run. -x Sets the echo shell variable even before .cshrc runs. After processing of flag arguments, if arguments remain but none of the -c, -i, -s, or -t flags were given, the first parameter is taken as the name of a file of commands. The shell opens this file and saves its name for possible resubstitution by $0. The shell runs a standard shell, if the first character of a procedure is not a #, that is, if the procedure does not start with a comment. Remaining parameters initialize the argv variable. Files / $HOME/.cshrc $HOME/.login $HOME/.logout /bin/sh /tmp/sh* 200 Commands Reference Read at beginning of execution by each shell. Read by login shell, after .cshrc at login. Read by login shell, at logout. Standard shell. Temporary file for < <. csh /etc/passwd Source of home directories for - name. Related Information The following commands: "cd" on page 121, "make" on page 474, "pr" on page 561, and "sh" on page 637. The access, exec, fork, pipe, umask, and wait system calls, the a.out and environ files, and the environment miscellaneous facility in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. "Overview of International Character Support" in Managing the AIX Operating System. Commands 201 csplit csplit Purpose Splits files by context. Syntax csplit file -.- parm T OL805177 Description The csplit command reads a file and separates it into segments defined by the specified parameters (parm ... ). By default, csplit writes these segments to files xxOO + ... xxn, where n is the number of parms listed on the command line (n may not be greater than 99). These new files get the following pieces of file: 00: 01: n+l: From the start of file up to, but not including, the line referenced by the first parm. From the line referenced by the first parm up to the line referenced by the second parm. From the line referenced by the last parm to the end of file. Note that csplit does not alter the original file. The specified parms can be a combination of the following: /pattern/ Creates a file that contains the segment from the current line up to (but not including) the line containing pattern, which becomes the current line. %pattern % Makes the line containing pattern the current line, but does not create a file for the segment. +num -num Moves forward or backward the specified number of lines from the line matched by an immediately preceding pattern parameter (for example, /Page/ -5). 202 Commands Reference csplit linenum Creates a file containing the segment from the current line up to (but not including) linenum, which becomes the current line. {number} Repeats the preceding argument the specified number of times. This number can follow any of the pattern or linenum parameters. If it follows a pattern parameter, csplit reuses that pattern the specified number of times. If it follows a linenum parameter, csplit splits the file from that point every linenum of lines for the specified number of times. Quote all pattern parameters that contain blanks or other characters special to the shell. Patterns may not contain embedded new-line characters. In an expression such as [a-z], the minus means "through" according to the current collating sequence. A collating sequence may define equivalence classes for use in character ranges. See the "Overview of International Character Support" in Managing the A/X Operating System for more iriformation on collating sequences and equivalence classes. Flags -f prefix Specifies the prefix name for the created file segments. xx is the default prefix. -k Leaves created file segments intact in the event of an error. -s Suppresses the display of character counts. Examples 1. To split the text of a book into a separate file for each chapter: csplit book 11/" *Chapter *[0-9J* *$/{IO}II This creates files named xxOO, xxOl, xx02, ... ,xxlO, which contain individual chapters of the file boo k. Each chapter begins with a line that contains only the word Chapter and the chapter number. The file xxOO contains the front matter that comes before the first chapter. The {IO} after the pattern allows up to 10 chapters. 2. To specify the prefix for the created file names: csplit -f chap book 11/" *Chapter *[0-9J* *$/{IO}II This splits book into files named chapOO, chapOl, chap02, ... ,chaplO. Related Information The following commands: "ed" on page 280, "sh" on page 637, and "regcmp" on page 595. The regxp file in A/X Operating System Technical Reference. "Overview of International Character Support" in Managing the A/X Operating System. Commands 203 ctab ctab Purpose Produces a collating table. Syntax -i ctab.iX-O ctab.ouyt ctab - - ( -j infi/e -ooutfi/e OL805451 Description The ctab command takes an input file (by default a file named found in the current directory) and produces a binary file (by default named ctab.out) containing a collating table. These output files are stored in a conventional directory. Programs that need the current collating and case information use the NLCTAB environment variable to access that information. The following conventions are used to make it easier to set up a table file: • One line of information is present for each character explicitly named. • A line beginning with the word option serves to change one or more of the default conditions or metacharacters built into ctab. An option line contains a set of name/value pairs, with each half of each pair delimited by tab or space characters. The following is a list of recognized names: • 204 eclass Turns the use of equivalence classes on or off globally. The assigned value must be on (the default) or off. sep Uses the assigned value as the field separator character. The default value is : (colon). trans Uses the assigned value of the "translate" indicator in subject character fields. The default character is I (vertical bar). repeat Uses the assigned value as the "same as last line" indicator in subject character field. The default value is A (circumflex). comment Uses the assigned value as the comment character. The default value is the # character. The order of the per-character input lines specifies the collating sequence. Commands Reference ctab • By default, fields on a line are separated by colons. Tabs or spaces may surround fields or separators. You can change the separator character with an option line. • Use an octal escape sequence in the ASCII range to name a nonprintable character. A backslash character that does not form part of a valid escape sequence serves to strip the following character, including a second backslash, of any special meaning it otherwise would have. For example, to include the colon character in the collating sequence, use the following line: \ .... The input file format includes a comment convention, namely that the remainder of the line following a # character is ignored. The comment character can be changed with an option line. Input File Specification Use the following rules to build infile, entering field information for each line.: 1. The first field on a line contains the subject character, a character to be inserted into the collating sequence at that point. • This subject character definition can include a translation mechanism: Instead of a single character, this field may contain two or more characters that are to be collated as a single unit, or The single subject character may be followed by a vertical bar (I) and a singleor multiple-character string. The vertical bar indicates that the first character will be translated to the second string before being collated. For example, to treat an the following line: "e" (e acute) as equivalent to the character "e," use aloe One restriction is placed on the translation mechanism: the subject character cannot be contained in the translated string of characters. For example, the following line is illegal: aloe • Any form of the first field may contain a trailing circumflex (/\) to indicated that the current character is to collate to the same value as the preceding one. However, a circumflex following a translation string is illegal because the subject character to be translated has no inherent collating value. • If the subject field contains a string of multiple characters (to collate as a unit), its first character must be declared elsewhere to establish the default collating sequence of that character. Commands 205 ctab • 2. 3. The translate and collating no-change characters can be changed with option lines. The second and third fields specify whether or not a character is alphabetic and what its lower- and uppercase equivalents are: • If a subject character is to be treated as a lowercase alphabetic, the second field on its line is its uppercase equivalent, and the third field must be I or L. • If a subject character is to be treated as a uppercase alphabetic, the second field on its line is its lowercase equivalent, and the third field must be u or U. • If a subject character is to be treated as a control character or a space character, the third field must be c, C, s, or S. • Each character explicitly named whose line contains a nonnull second field will be considered alphabetic (that is, matched by NCisalpha). Characters that do not have an uppercase or lowercase equivalent (that is, that have a null second field) but that you wish to be considered alphabetic should simply contain a third field that is I, L, u, or u. The fourth field on a line is used explicitly to specify the first character in the equivalence class of the subject character. The members of one equivalence class must be consecutively listed in the input file. • There cannot be any gaps within a particular equivalence class. For example, the following lines will put the characters a, h, and c in the same equivalence class: a:A:l :a b: B: 1 : a c: c: 1 : a • As a convenience, if the fourth field is not specified, then the group of consecutive characters with blank fourth fields, provided that they are all based on the same Roman alphabetic character, will be placed in the same equivalence class. To reiterate, only characters with the same base will be placed into the same equivalence class by default. If you wish to have many characters from different bases belong to one equivalence class, as in the example above, the first character of the equivalence class has to be specified in the fourth field for every character specified. • It is illegal to specify an equivalence character that comes later in the collating sequence. The fourth field can refer only to characters that have already been mentioned. • All international character support characters not based on Roman alphabetic characters by default are the sole members of their equivalence class. Characters not named in the table file that have an ordinal value (that is, a value as an NLchar) below the ordinal value of the lowest-valued character named are put into the collating sequence below the first character in the table file. All other characters not 206 Commands Reference ctab named in the table file are put into the collating sequence above the last character in the table file. The standard characters for decimal and hexadecimal digits are always marked as digits (to be matched by NCisdigit and NCisxdigit). All other printable characters not marked as alphabetic are marked as punctuation. Flags -i infile -0 outfile Specifies the name of the input file ( by default). Specifies the name of the output file (ctab.out by default). Files /usr /lib/nls/ /usr/lib/nls/ Input file listing the ASCII range of characters. Input file listing the ISO Collating Sequence Related Information The NCisalpha, NCisdigit, NCisxdigit, nls, and NLgetenv subroutines in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. The "Overview of International Character Support" in IBM RT PC Managing the AIX Operating System. Commands 207 ctags ctags Purpose Makes a tags file. Syntax ctogs file OL805457 Description The ctags command makes a tags file for ex and vi editors from the specified C, Pascal, and FORTRAN source files. A tags file gives the locations of specified objects (in this case functions) in a group of files. Each line of the tags file contains the object name, the file in which it is defined, and an address specification for the object definition. Functions are searched with a pattern. Specifiers are given in separate fields on the line, separated by blanks or tabs. Using the tags file, ex and vi can quickly find these object definitions. If a file name ends in .c or .h, it is assumed to be a C source file and is searched for C routine and macro definitions. Others are first examined to see if they contain any Pascal or FORTRAN routine definitions; if not, they are processed again for C definitions. The tag main is treated specially in C programs. The tag formed is created by prefixing M to the file name, removing a trailing .c (if any), and removing the leading path name components. This makes use of ctags practical in directories with more than one program. Note: Recognitions of the keywords function, subroutine, and procedure in FORTRAN and Pascal code is performed in a very simple-minded way. No attempt is made to deal with block structure; if you have two Pascal procedures with the same name but in different blocks, ctags may yield inadequate results. The ctags command does not know about #ifdef. 208 Commands Reference /' ctags Flags -a Appends to tags file. -w Suppresses warning diagnostics. -x Causes ctags to display a list of object names, the line number and file name on which each is defined, as well as the text of that line. This provides a simple index index. If you specify this flag, ctags does not build a tags file. -u Updates the specified files in tags; that is, all references to them are deleted, and the new values are appended to the file. This flag may be slow. (It is usually faster to simply rebuild the tags file.) Files tags Output tags file Related Information The following commands: "ex" on page 312 and "vi, vedit, view" on page 832. Commands 209 cut cut Purpose Writes out selected fields from each line of a file. Syntax -c -flist~ -Clist cut -dchar' -s r file F , The default char is a tab. OL805178 Description The cut command cuts out columns from a table or fields from each line of a file and writes these columns or fields to standard output. If you do not specify a file, cut reads standard input. You must specify either the -c or -f flag. The list parameter is a comma-separated and/or minus-separated list of integer field numbers (in increasing order). The minus separator indicates ranges. Some sample lists are 1,4, 7; 1- 3,8; - 5, 10 (short for 1- 5, 10); and 3· (short for third through last field). The fields specified by list can be a fixed number of character positions, or the length can vary from line to line and be marked with a field delimiter character, such as a tab character. You can also use the grep command to make horizontal cuts through a file and the paste command to put the files back together. To change the order of columns in a file use cut and paste. Flags / -clist 210 Specifies character positions. For example, if you specify -cl-72, cut writes out the first 72 characters in each line of the file. Note that there is no space between -c and list. Commands Reference cut -dchar Uses the specified character as the field delimiter when you specify the -f flag. You must quote characters with special meaning to the shell, such as the space character. -flist Specifies a list of fields assumed to be separated in the file by a delimiter character, by default the tab character. For example, if you specify -fl, 7, cut writes out only the first and seventh fields of each line. If a line contains no field delimiters, cut passes them through intact (useful for table subheadings), unless you specify the -s flag. -s Suppresses lines that do not contain delimiter characters (use only with the -f flag). Example To display several fields of each line of a file: cut -fl,5 -d: /etc/passwd This displays the login name and full user name fields of the system password file. These are the first and fifth fields (- fl ,5) separated by colons (- d :). So, if the /etc/passwd file looks like this: su:UHuj9PgdvzOJ":O:O:User with special privileges:/:/bin/sh daemon:*:l:l::/etc: bin:*:2:2: :/bin: sys:*:3:3::/usr/src: adm:*:4:4:System Administrator:/usr/adm:/bin/sh pierre:boodwqT3irHFE:200:200:Pierre Harper:/u/pierre:/bin/sh joan:wijBNaYpCluL.:202:200:Joan Brown:/u/joan:/bin/sh then cut produces: su:User with special privileges daemon: bin: sys: adm:System Administrator pierre:Pierre Harper joan:Joan Brown Related Information The following commands: "grep" on page 381 and "paste" on page 547. Commands 211 cvid cvid Purpose Creates a VRM install diskette for backup purposes. Syntax -f vrmm)-{t -v IBMVRMX/vrm/vproto cvid - device - { ---I -( fs-ID -v vol-ID prototypefile) OL805104 Description The cvid command backs up the VRM minidisk onto a diskette. Since you can reinstall the VRM system from this backup diskette, use cvid as a precautionary measure before modifying the VRM. You must be a member of the system group or operating with superuser authority to run this command. The device parameter specifies the device (special file) to which cvid copies the VRM. This can be a block device name, a raw device name, or a directory name. If device is a directory name, cvid reads the /etc/filesystems file for the corresponding device. cvid uses the prototypeiile parameter to determine the size of the new file system. prototypeiile defaults to /vrm/vproto. For more information on prototype files, see "mkfs" on page 487 and "proto" on page 573. Flags -f is-ID Makes is-ID the label for the new file system. The default label is vrmmnt. -v vol-ID Makes vol-ID the volume label for the new file system. The default label is IBMVRM. Related Information The following commands: "mkfs" on page 487 and "mount" on page 498. 212 Commands Reference cw cw, checkcw Purpose Prepares constant-width text for troff. Syntax CW~-f3~ ~: J~fO~ checkcw - ( -Idelim - -rdelim h -Idelim - file -rdelim ~ file r L-J OL805427 Description The cw command preprocesses troff files containing text to be typeset in the constant-width (CW) font. cw reads standard input if you do not specify a file or if you specify a -. (minus) as one of the input file names. It writes its output to standard output. Since the text that is typeset by cw resembles the output of line printers and work stations, it can be used to typeset examples of programs and computer output in user manuals and programming texts. It has been designed to be distinctive when used with the Times Roman font. Because the CW font contains a "nonstandard" set of characters and because text typeset with it requires different character and interword spacing than is used for "standard fonts," you must use cw to preprocess documents that use the CW font. The CW font contains the 94 printing ASCII characters: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 ! $%& () \ I *+@. ,/: ; =? [J 1 __ , , - II <>{}#\ plus eight non-ASCII characters represented by four-character troff strings (in some cases attaching these strings to "nonstandard" graphics): Commands 213 cw Character IICentsll sign EBCDIC IInot" siqn Left arrow Riqht arrow Down arrow Vertical sinqle quote Control-sh ift si gn Visible space sign Hyphen Up arrow Home arrow Symbol Trott Name rt \(ct _\(no ~ +- \«- -+ \(-> \(do ~ I \(fm n \(d_9 n \(sq \(hy_ i , \(ua \(lh OL805409 The cw request output. should command recognizes five request lines, as well as user-defined delimiters. The lines look like troff macro requests. cw copies them in their entirety onto the Thus, you can define them as troff macros; in fact, the .CW and .CN macros be so defined. The five requests are: .CW Marks the start of text to be set in the CW font. This request causes a break. It can take the same flags (in the same format) as those available on the cw command line . . CN Marks the end of text to be set in the CW font. This request causes a break. It can take the same flags (in the same format) as those available on the cw command line . . CD Changes the delimiters and/or settings of other flags. It can take the same flags (in the same format) as those available on the cw command line. The purpose of this request is to allow the changing of flags other than at the beginning of a document . . CP argument-list Concatenates all the arguments (delimited like troff macro arguments), with the odd-numbered arguments set in the CW font and the even-numbered ones in the prevailing font . .PC argument-list Acts the same as .CP, except the even-numbered (rather than odd-numbered) arguments are set in CW font. The .CW and .CN requests should bracket text that is to be typeset in the CW font "as is." Normally, cw operates in the transparent mode. In that mode, every character between .CW and .CN request lines represents itself, except for the .CD request and the special four-character names listed previously. In particular, cw arranges for all periods (.) and apostrophes (') at the beginning of lines, and all backslashes (\) and ligatures (fi, ff, and so on) to be hidden from troff. The transparent mode can be turned off by using the -t flag, in which case normal troff rules apply. In either case, cw hides from the user the effect of the font changes generated by the .CW and .CN requests. 214 Commands Reference / cw You can also use the -I and -r flags to define delimiters with the same function as the .CW and .CN requests. They are meant to enclose words or phrases that are to be set in CW font in the running text. cw treats text between delimiters as it does text bracketed by .CW/.CN pairs, with one exception. Spaces within .CW/.CN pairs have the same width as other CW characters, while spaces within delimited text are half as wide, so they have the same width as spaces in the prevailing text. Delimiters have no special meaning inside .CW/ .CN pairs. The checkcw command checks that left and right delimiters, and the .CW/ .CN pairs are properly balanced. It prints out all lines in the section with the unmatched delimiters. Note: It is unwise to use. (period) or \ (backslash) as delimiter characters. Certain CW characters do not combine well with certain Times Roman characters, for example, the spacing between a CW & (ampersand) followed by a Times Roman comma (,). In such cases, using troff half-and quarter-space requests can help. The troff code produced by cw is difficult to rea~l. The mm and mv macro packages contain definitions of .CW and .CN macros that are adequate for most use. If you define your own, make sure that the .CW macro invokes the troff no-fill (.n£) mode, and the .CN macro restores the fill mode (.fi), if appropriate. When set in running text, the CW font is meant to be set in the same point size as the rest of the text. In displayed matter, on the other hand, it can often be profitably set one point smaller than the prevailing point size. The CW font is sized so that, when it is set in 9-point, there are 12 characters per inch. Documents that contain CW text may also contain tables and equations. If this is the case, the order of preprocessing must be cw, tbl, and eqn. Usually, the tables will not contain any CW text, although it is possible to have elements in the table set in the CW font. Care must be taken that cw does not modify the tbl format information. Attempts to set equations in the CW font are not likely to be pleasing or successful. In the CW font, overstriking is most easily accomplished with backspaces. Because spaces (and therefore backspaces) are half as wide between delimiters as inside .CW/.CN pairs, two backspaces are required for each overstrike between delimiters. Commands 215 cw Flags -d Displays the current flag settings on the standard error output in the form of troff comment lines. This flag is meant for debugging. -ffont Replaces font with the cw font (default = 3, replacing the bold font). -£5 is commonly used for formatters that allow more than four simultaneous fonts. This flag is useful only on the command line. -ldelim Sets the left delimiter as the one-or two-character string delim The left delimiter is undefined by default. -rdelim Set the right delimiter as delim The right delimiter is undefined by default. The left and right delimiters may (but need not) be different. -t Turns the transparent mode off. +t Turns the transparent mode on (this is the default). Files /usr/lib/font/ftCW CW font-width table. Related Information The following commands: "eqn, neqn, checkeq" on page 300, "mmt, checkmm" on page 495, "thl" on page 739, and "troff' on page 526. The mm and mv miscellaneous facilities in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. / 216 Commands Reference cxref cxref Purpose Creates a C program cross-reference listing. Syntax cxref~ 1 ~~ file • Do not put a space between these Items. OL805180 Description The cxref command analyzes C program files and creates a cross-reference table, using a version of the cpp command to include #define directives in its symbol table. It writes to standard output a listing of all symbols in each file processed, either separately or in combination (see the -c flag on page 217). When a reference to a symbol is that symbol's declaration, an * (asterisk) precedes it. You can also use the -D, -I, and -U flags from the cpp command. Flags -c -0 displays a combined listing of the cross-references in all input files. file Directs the output to the specified file. -s Does not display the input file names. -t Makes the listing 80 columns wide. -w[num] Makes the listing num columns wide, where num is a decimal integer greater than or equal to 51. If you do not specify num or if num is less than 51, the listing will be 80 columns wide. Commands 217 cxref Files /usr/lib/xcpp Special version of C-preprocessor. Related Information The following commands: "cc" on page 112 and "cpp" on page 163. The discussion of cxref in AIX Operating System Programming Tools and Interfaces. / 218 Commands Reference date date Purpose Displays or sets the date. Syntax -«6 )- )- Operating With Superuser Authority del. 1 1 hh mm ~ r.-\ , ~.'Ss~ yyJ dd MM OL805105 Operating Without Superuser Authority date 1 ~, ~ + string II lOr Do not put a blank between these items. OL805357 Description Warning: Do not change the date while the system is running with more than one user. If called with no flags or with a flag list that begins with a + (plus sign), the date command writes the current date and time to standard output. Otherwise, it sets the current date. Only a user operating with superuser authority can change the date and time. The NLDATE variable, if it is defined, controls the ordering of the day and month numbers in the date specifications. The default order is MMddhhmm.ssyy where: • • • • • • MM is the month number. dd is the number of the day in the month. hh is the hour in the day (using a 24-hour clock). mm is the minute number. .ss is the number of seconds. yy is the last two numbers of the year. The alternative ordering is ddMMhhmm.ssyy. Commands 219 date The current month, day, hour, and year are default values. The system operates in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). date takes care of the conversion to and from local standard and daylight time as specified in the NLTZ environmental variable. If you follow date with a + and a field descriptor, you can control the output of the command. You must precede each field descriptor with a percent sign (%). The system replaces the field descriptor with the specified value. Enter a literal %as %%. date copies any other characters to the output without change. date always ends the string with a new-line character. Output fields are fixed size (zero padded if necessary). Field Descriptors a Displays the abbreviated day of the week (Sun to Sat or the non-English equivalent). d Displays the day of month (01 to 31). D Displays the date as mm/dd/yy (the default), or as dd/mm/yy. This format is specified by the NLDATE environment variable, if defined. h Displays the abbreviated month (Jan to Dec or the non-English equivalent). H Displays the hour (00 to 23). j Displays the day of year (001 to 366). m Displays the month of year (01 to 12). M Displays the minute (00 to 59) n Inserts a new-line character. r Displays the time in AM/PM notation (or the non-English equivalent). S Displays the second (00 to 59). t Inserts a tab character. T Displays the time as hh:mm:ss (the default), or as mm:hh:ss. This format is specified by the NLTIME environment variable, if defined. w Displays the day of the week numerically (Sunday = 0). y Displays the last two numbers of year (00 to 99). Examples 1. To display current date and time: date 220 Commands Reference / date 2. To set the date and time: date 02171425.45 This sets the date and time to 14:25:45 (45 seconds after 2:25 p.m.) February 17 of the current year. 3. To display the date and time in a specified format: date +"%r %a %d %h %y (Julian Date: %j)" This displays the date (assume current year is 1984) shown in Example 2 as: 02:25:03 PM Fri 17 Feb 84 (Julian Date: 048) Files /dev/kmem Related Information See the time and stime system calls and the environment miscellaneous facility in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. "Overview of International Character Support" in Managing the AIX Operating System. Commands 221 dc de Purpose Provides an interactive desk calculator for doing arbitrary-precision integer arithmetic. Syntax de·· I\. ~ file r I OLB05106 Description The de command is an arbitrary precision arithmetic calculator. de takes its input from file or standard input until it reads an end-of-file character. It writes to standard output. It operates on decimal integers, but you may specify an input base, output base, and a number of fractional digits to be maintained. de is structured overall as a stacking, reverse Polish, calculator. The be command (see page 95) is a preprocessor for de. It provides infix notation and a syntax similar to the C language which implements functions and reasonable control structures for programs. Subcommands 222 number Pushes the specified value onto the stack. A number is an unbroken string of the digits 0-9. To specify a negative number, precede it with _ (underscore). A number may contain a decimal point. +-/*%/\ Adds (+), subtracts (-), multiplies (*), divides (/), remainders (%), or exponentiates (/\) the top two values on the stack. de pops the top two entries off the stack and pushes the result on the stack in their place. de ignores fractional parts of an exponent. sx Pops the top of the stack and stores it in a register named x, where x may be any character. Sx Treats x as a stack. It pops the top of the main stack and pushes that value onto stack x. Ix Pushes the value in register x on the stack. The register x is not changed. All registers start with zero value. Commands Reference de Lx Treats x as a stack and pops its top value onto the main stack. d Duplicates the top value on the stack. p Displays the top value on the stack. The top value remains unchanged. The p interprets the top of the stack as an ASCII string, removes it, and displays it. P Interprets the top of the stack as a string, removes it, and displays it. f Displays all values on the stack. q Exits the program. If de is executing a string, it pops the recursion level by two. Q Pops the top value on the stack and the string execution level by that value. x Treats the top element of the stack as a character string and executes it as a string of de commands. X Replaces the number on the top of the stack with its scale factor. [string] Puts the bracketed string onto the top of the stack. x =x v Pops the top two elements of the stack and compares them. Evaluates register x as if it obeys the stated relation. Replaces the top element on the stack by its square root. Any existing fractional part of the argument is taken into account, but otherwise the scale factor is ignored. Interprets the rest of the line as a AIX command. e Cleans the stack: de pops all values on the stack. Pops the top value on the stack and uses that value as the number radix for further input. I Pushes the input base on the top of the stack. o Pops the top value on the stack and uses that value as the number radix for further output. o Pushes the output base on the top of the stack. k Pops the top of the stack, and uses that value as a nonnegative scale factor. The appropriate number of places displays on output and is maintained during multiplication, division, and exponentiation. The interaction of scale factor, input base, and output base is reasonable if all are changed together. z Pushes the number of elements in the stack onto the stack. Commands 223 de z Replaces the top number in the stack with the number of digits in that number. ? Gets and runs a line of input. ,. be uses these characters for array operations. Examples 1. To use de as a calculator: You: System: You: System: You: System: You: System: You: System: 14/ P 0 [ 1 k 14/ P 0.2 3 k [ 14/ P 0.250 16 63 5 / + 28.600 16 63 5 + / 0.235 Keep 1 decimal place ] s. Keep 3 decimal places Js. p p You may type the comments (enclosed in [ ] s.), but they are provided only for your information. When you enter de expressions directly from the keyboard, press Ctrl-D to end the be session and return to the shell command line. 2. To load and run a de program file: dc prog.dc [ 5 factorial ] s. 5 1f X P System: 120 You: 10 1f X P [ 10 factorial ] s. System: 3628800 This interprets the de program saved in prog. dc, then reads from the work station You: keyboard. The If x evaluates the function stored in register f, which could be defined in the program file prog. Cas: [ f: compute the factorial of n Js. [ (n = the top of the stack) Js. [ If l)n do b; If l . Except in rare circumstances, diff finds a smallest sufficient set of file differences. An exit value of 0 indicates no differences, 1 indicates differences found, and 2 indicates an error. Note: Editing scripts produced by the -e or -f flags cannot create lines consisting of a single period (.). 246 Commands Reference dill Flags -b Ignores trailing spaces and tab characters and considers other strings of blanks to cQmpare as equal. -e Produces output in a form suitable for use with the ed command to convert filel to file2. -f Produces output in a form not suitable for use with ed, showing the modifications necessary to convert filel to file2 in the reverse order of that produced under the -e flag. -b Performs a faster comparison. This flag only works when the changed sections are short and well separated, but it does work on files of any length. The -e and -f flags are not available when you use the -b flag. Examples 1. To compare two files: diff chapl.bak chapl This displays the differences between the files 2. chapl. bak and chapl. To compare two files, ignoring differences in the amount of white space: diff -b prog.c.bak prog.c If two lines differ only in the number of blanks and tabs between words, then diff considers them to be the same. 3. To create a file containing commands that ed can use to reconstruct one file from another: diff -e chap2 chap2.o1d > This creates a file named new. to .01 d . ed that contains the ed commands to change chap2 back into the version of the text found in chap2. old. In most cases, new. to. old. ed is a much smaller file than chap2. old. You can save disk space by deleting chap2. old, and you can reconstruct it at any time by entering: (cat ; echo Il,$pl) led chap2 >chap2.o1d The commands in parentheses add l, $p to the end of the editing commands sent to ed. The l, $p causes ed to write the file to standard output after editing it. This modified command sequence is then piped to ed (I ed), and the editor reads it as standard input. The - flag causes ed not to display the file size and other extra information since it would be mixed with the text of chap2. old. See page 654 for details about grouping commands with parentheses. Commands 247 diff Files /tmp/d????? /usr/lib/diffh Temporary files. For the -h flag. Related Information The following commands: "bdiff" on page 88 "emp" on page 138, "eomm" on page 144, "ed" on page 280, and "sdiff" on page 627. ,/ 248 Commands Reference diff3 diff3 Purpose Compares three files. Syntax diff31Wne of filel- file2 -& file3 --l -j( -3 OL805053 Description The diff3 command reads three versions of a file and writes to standard output the ranges of text that differ, flagged with the following codes: = = = =1 = = = =2 = = = =3 All three files differ. filel differs. file2 differs. file3 differs. The type of change needed to convert a given range of a given file to match another file is indicated in one of these two ways in the output: file nl a Text is to be added after line number nl in file, where file is 1, 2, or 3. file nl [,n2] c Text in the range line nl to line n2 is to be changed. If nl = 1£2, the range may be abbreviated to nl. The original contents of the range follows immediately after a c indication. When the contents of two files are identical, diff3 does not show the contents of the lower-numbered file, although it shows the location of the identical lines for each. Note: Editing scripts produced by the -e flag cannot create lines consisting only of a single period (.). The diff3 command does not work on files longer than 64K bytes. Commands 249 diff3 Flags -e Creates an edit script for use with the ed command to incorporate into filel all changes between file2 and file3 (that is, the changes that normally would be flagged = = = = and = = = = 3). -li Produces an edit script to incorporate only changes flagged = = = = . -3 Produces an edit script to incorporate only changes flagged = = = = 3. Example To list the differences among three files: diff3 fruit.a fruit.b fruit.c If frui t. a, frui t. b, and frui t. c contain the following data: fruit.a fruit.b fruit.c banana grape kiwi lemon mango orange peach pare apple banana grapefruit kiwi orange peach pear grape grapefruit kiwi lemon mango orange peach pear then the output from diff3 shows the differences between these files as follows. (The comments on the right do not appear in the output.) ---• All three files are different. 1: 1, 2c - Lines 1 and 2 of the first file, frui t. a banana grape 2 : 1 ,3 c - Lines 1 through 3 of fru it. b apple banana grapefruit 3: 1, 2c - Lines 1 and 2 of frui t. c grape grapefruit ====2 • The second file, frui t. b, is different. 250 Commands Reference /' diff3 1:4,5c - Lines 4 and 5 are the same in frui t. a and frui t. c. - To make frui t. b look the same, add text after line 4. 2:4a 3:4,5c lemon mango ====1 • The first file, frui t. a, is different. 1:8c pare 2: 7 c - Line 7 of fruit.b and line 8 of fruit.c are the same 3:8c pear Files /tmp/d3* /usr/lib/diff3prog Related Information The following command: "diff' on page 246. Commands 251 diffmk diffmk Purpose Marks differences between files. Syntax file1 - diffmk file2 _r-\. ~file3F I -ce X -dbX -deX OLB05057 Description The diffmk command compares filel and file2 and creates a third file that includes change mark commands for the nroff and troff commands. filel and file2 are the old and new versions of the file. diffmk writes the newly created file to file3, if specified, or to standard output. This file contains the lines of file2 with formatter change mark (.me) requests inserted as appropriate. When file3 is formatted, the changed or inserted text is marked by a I (vertical bar) at the right margin of each line. An * (asterisk) in the margin indicates that a line. was deleted. If the environment parameter DIFFMARK is defined, it names a command string that diffmk uses to compare the files. (Normally, diffmk uses the diff command.) For example, you might set DIFFMARK to di ff -h in order to better handle extremely large files. Flags 252 -abX Uses X to mark where added lines begin. -a eX Uses X to mark where added lines end. -b Ignores differences that are only changes in tabs or spaces on a line. -ebX Uses X to mark where changed lines begin. Commands Reference /' diffmk -ceX Uses X to mark where changed lines end. -dbX Uses X to mark where deleted lines begin. -deX Uses X to mark where deleted lines end. Examples 1. To mark the differences between two versions of a text file: diffmk chap1.01d chap1 > chap1.nroff This produces a copy of chap 1 containing nroff/troff change mark commands to identify text that has been added to, changed in, or deleted from chap1. 01 d. This copy is saved in the file chap 1. nroff. 2. To mark differences with non-nroff/troff messages: diffmk -abl»New: 1 -ael«End New l chap1.01d chap1 >chap1.nroff This causes diffmk to write> >New: on the line before a section of new lines that have been added to chap 1 and to write «End New on the line following the added lines. Changes and deletions still generate nroff/troff commands to put a I or * in the margin. 3. To use different nroff/troff marking commands and ignore changes in white space: diffmk -b %1 chap1.01d chap1 > chap1.nroff This imbeds commands that mark changes with %, additions with I, and deletions with *. It does not mark changes that only involve a different number of spaces or tabs between words (- b). Related Information The following commands: "diff' on page 246, "nroff' on page 525, and "troff' on page 526. Commands 253 dircmp dircmp Purpose Compares two directories and the contents of their common files. Syntax dircmp W directory1 - directory2 --l -d -s OLB05004 Description The dircmp command reads directory 1 and directory2 and writes information about their contents to standard output. First, dircmp compares the file names in each directory. When the same file name appears in both, dircmp compares the contents of both files. In the output, dircmp lists the files unique to each directory. It then lists the files with identical names in both directories, but with different contents. With no flag, it also lists files that have identical contents as well as identical names in both directories. Flags -d Displays for each common file name both versions of the differing file lines. The display format is the same as that of "diff" on page 246. -8 Does not list the names of identical files. Examples 1. To summarize the differences between the files in two directories: dircmp proj.verl proj.ver2 This displays a summary of the differences between the directories proj. verI and proj . ver2. The summary lists separately the files found only in one directory or the other, and those found in both. If a file is found in both directories, dircmp notes whether or not the two copies are identical. 254 Commands Reference dircmp 2. To show the details of the differences between files: dircmp -d -5 proj.verl proj.ver2 The -s flag suppresses information about identical files. The -d flag displays a diff listing for each of the differing files found in both directories. Related Information The following commands: "emp" on page 138 and "diff' on page 246. Commands 255 TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 diskusg diskusg Purpose Generates disk accounting data by user ID. Syntax diskusg i -P/etc/paS~Wd C .....: -I . ~-pfil. c. f nmll st ~ ~ne of -u fil. N fil • -....;..v_.....J. L-. OL805402 Description The diskusg command generates intermediate disk accounting information from data in files or from standard input if you do not specify any files. diskusg writes lines to standard output, one per user, in the following format: uid login #blocks where: uid login #blocks Is the numerical user ID of the user Is the login name of the user; and Is the total number of disk blocks allocated to this user. The diskusg command normally reads only the i-nodes of file systems for disk accounting. In this case, files are the special file names of these devices. Note: This command is for local devices only. Flags -1 fnmlist -p file -s 256 Ignores the data on those file systems with a file system name in fnmlist. fnmlist is a list of file system names separated by commas or enclosed within quotation marks. diskusg compares each name in this list with the file system name stored in the volume ID. Uses file as the name of the password file to generate login names. /etc/passwd is used by default. Combines all lines for a single user into a single line. (The input date is already in diskusg output format.) Commands Reference diskusg -u file Writes records to file of files that are charged to no one. Records consist of the special file name, the i-node number, and the user ID. -v Writes a list to standard error of all files that are charged to no one. The output of diskusg is normally the input to acctdisk, which generates total accounting records that can be merged with other accounting records. diskusg is normally run in do disk (see "acct/*" on page 31). Examples The following will generate daily disk accounting information: for do in /dev/hdO /dev/hd1 /dev/hd2 diskusg $i > dtmp. 'basename $i done wait sort +On +1 diskusg -s dtmp.* I /dev/hd3 & acctdisk > dacct Files /etc/passwd Used for user ID to login name conversions. Related Information The following commands: "acct/*" on page 31, "acctcms" on page 36, "acctcom" on page 38, "acctcon" on page 42, "acctmerg" on page 46, "acctprc" on page 48, "fwtmp" on page 345, and "runacct" on page 606. The acct system call and the acct and utmp files in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. The discussion of accounting in Managing the AIX Operating System. Commands 257 display display Purpose Selects the physical display that an existing or new virtual terminal uses and sets colors and fonts. Syntax -t -m addr -size ® OL805442 Description The display command changes the physical display assigned to the current virtual terminal or assigns a default display to be used when you open a virtual terminal. It also sets the foreground and background colors, the active color palette, and the active and alternate fonts on the current display. The display parameter can be one of the following names: 258 pcmono PC Monochrome Adapter and Display egamono Enhanced Graphics Adapter and PC Monochrome Display ega col Enhanced Graphics Adapter and Display advmono Advanced Monochrome Graphics Adapter and Display advcol Advanced Color Graphics Adapter and Display extmono Extended Monochrome Graphics Adapter and Display megapel Megapel Display Adapter and IBM 5081 Display Models 16 and 19. Commands Reference display You can request only those displays that are actually installed on the system. If you have more than four, only four will be displayed on the -c and -d menus. Before display makes any changes, it checks all arguments for errors and, if it encounters one, displays a list of valid arguments and exits. Note: You must insure that the TERM shell variable contains the proper value for whatever the current display is. See"termdef" on page 748 and the terminfo file in A/X Operating System Technical Reference for a list of these values. Flags -b [color] Selects the background color. The color parameter is an integer from 1 to 8 for the Enhanced Graphics Display and from 1 to 16 for other color graphics displays. These values correspond to the first eight or sixteen entries in the active color palette (see the -p flag). For example, -b 5 selects the fifth entry. If you do not specify a number, display lists the palette of active background colors and prompts you to select a number for the new background color~ -c [display] Changes the display used by the current virtual terminal. If you do not specify a display, you are given a menu of available options. This menu consists of a numbered list of display names and descriptions. The display number reflects the number of physical displays installed and their relative positions in the Real Screen Table. The current default is always display number 1 in this list. Changing the default alters the display number associated with each physical display. If the virtual terminal does not know the display/adapter combination, the Name column will contain the words Unknown Di spl ay or ????? A prompt at the bottom of the display list asks you to enter the new display number for the current or default display setting. Whenever you change the current display, the screen of that display clears. -d [display] Changes the default display used when a virtual terminal is opened. If you do not specify a display, you are given a menu of available options (see the -c flag). -f [color] Selects the foreground color. The color parameter is an integer from 1 to 16. These values correspond to the first sixteen entries in the active color palette (see the -p flag). If you do not specify a color number, display lists the palette of active foreground colors and prompts you to select a number for the new foreground color. -m [addr size] Changes the DMA pinned page at the specified starting address to size 256K blocks. If you do not specify an address and a size, the current starting address and size is displayed. Commands 259 display -p [file] Changes the active color palette. The optional file parameter is the full path name to a file that contains a list of colors for the current display, one color per line, where each color is the decimal representation of the 32 bit color value. The color palette file can also contain blank lines and comment lines (a comment line must begin with a * character in column one). Each supported display has a corresponding color file which contains its default active color palette. The name of this file is /etc/vtm/ where name is the display name described on page 258. This is the default value for the file parameter. -t [font[,font] ... ] Selects the primary and active alternate fonts for the current virtual terminal on the current display. The first font named in the optional list following -t will be the primary font. The remaining fonts will be alternates, in the order listed, for the active font table. If you do not specify eight font IDs, the first font will be used to fill out in the remaining entries in the active font table. Note: All of the fonts in the list must be of the same size. Some applications that use the terminfo file expect the italic font to be the first alternate and the bold font to be the second alternate fonts (see the terminfo file in A/X Operating System Technical Reference for more information). If you do not specify any fonts, all of the fonts available for the current display will be listed, and you will be prompted first for the desired primary font ID and then for alternate font IDs until you enter F. As you enter alternate fonts, the display command checks that they are the same size as the new primary font. If you enter fewer than eight fonts, the primary font will be repeated in the remaining entries of the active font table. You can specify combinations of the same flags on a single command line. display processes -c and -d flags first. If you specify -c, you will see the message Changi ng to current di sp 1 ay ... , and the current display will be changed. Any menu interface for the color or font parameters will be displayed there. A -p flag will be processed next. The screen will be immediately redrawn with the colors from the new color palette. Then any foreground, background, or font flags will be processed. Examples ,/ 1. To change the current virtual terminal display: display -c egamono This changes the display to the Enhanced Graphics Adapter and PC Monochrome Display. 260 Commands Reference display 2. To make the Advanced Color Graphics Display the default virtual terminal display; display 3. -d advcol To change both the current and the default displays: display -c pcmono -d egacol This makes the PC Monochrome Adapter and Display the current display and makes the Enhanced Graphics Adapter and Display the default display. 4. To change the active color palette for the current display: display -p /u/new/palette Related Information The following commands: "open" on page 541 and "termdef' on page 748. The term info file in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. "Using Display Station Features" in IBM RT PC Using the AIX Operating System and "Managing Display Station Features" in IBM RT PC Managing the AIX Operating System. The default color palettes in Virtual Resource Manager Technical Reference. Commands 261 dos dos Purpose Starts DOS Services. Syntax dos W neOf -v -x OLS05330 Description The dos command starts a DOS emulation environment. It interprets DOS commands and runs programs that can use the routines that simulate DOS runtime behavior. (For more information on these routines and this environment, see AIX Operating System DOS Services Reference and Installing and Customizing the AIX Operating System.) When you enter dos, a DOS environment file is created from the process environment. (For details on how this is done, see dosinit in A/X Operating System Technical Reference.) Upon invocation, dos sets the current drive to A: or the first valid drive. The environment variable DOSDISK can be set to define the default current drive (B:, C:, D, and so on). The file parameter specifies a dos batch file to be run. file must have the extension .bat or .BAT. If the current DOS Services directory contains the batch file autoexec.bat or AUTOEXEC.BAT, then DOS Services initially reads and runs commands from this file. DOS commands are either built in (to the dos command itself), or they are external. External commands reside in the /usr/dos/bin directory. Normally, the search order for commands that you enter is as follows: • 262 The directory /usr/dos/bin Commands Reference dos • • The working directory Each directory in the dos path. When you enter a command, dos searches each directory fora file with a name composed of the command name and either the extension .BAT, the extension .bat, or no extension. If the file has the extension .BAT or .bat, it runs as a batch file. Otherwise, it runs as an AIX program. If it is a AIX program, it can be either a compiled program or a shell file. In either case you must have execute access to it. The dos command supports two types of file systems: AIX file systems and DOS file systems. Each dos minidisk can contain either an AIX-formatted file system or a DOS-formatted file system. However, diskette drives (such as /dev/fdO) may contain only DOS-formatted file systems, unless the device is mounted as an AIX file system before you invoke dose Warning: Only one user or process at a time can access a dos file system. If a dos file system resides on a minidisk, two or more users may attempt to access the mini disk at the same time. Because dos has no way to warn you that another process is using a minidisk, you should allocate minidisks containing dos file systems on a per-user basis. If a coprocessor on the system accesses a dos-formatted minidisk at the same time as an RT PC process, there is no conflict because only the first process has read/write privileges. Subsequent opens at the device level are limited to read-only access. There are different restrictions for file names on DOS drives and AIX drives. For DOS Services drives: • • • • File names cannot be longer than 12 characters. The name is always stored in uppercase. All files in the directory must have unique names. There can be only one period in a file name. For AIX file systems: • • • • • File names cannot be longer than 14 characters. Names may contain either uppercase or lowercase letters. Two files in the same directory can have the same name if the letter case is different. There can be more than one period in a file name. All files in the directory must have unique names. On AIX drives, file names that begin with a period specify hidden files. On DOS Services drives, hidden files have a bit set in the attribute byte of the file directory. There are differences between AIX and DOS Services file formats. AIX ASCII files and DOS Services ASCII files are similar and can be converted from one format to the other. Two new commands, FILETYPE and CONVERT, are available for detecting and changing a file format. Commands 263 dos DOS Services Commands and Programs There are several differences between the set of supported DOS Services commands and DOS commands. Unsupported DOS Commands and Programs You can use all of the standard DOS commands except BREAK, CTTY, EDLIN, EXE2BIN, GRAPHICS, and SYS. Modified DOS Commands The following DOS Services commands behave differently than the corresponding standard DOS commands: 1M parameter is not valid for DOS Services file systems. backup The chdir Unlike DOS, DOS Services may not allow you to change to the highest directory in the file system. date This command lets only superuser change the date. dir Does not list file-name extensions in a separate column when executed on an AIX drive. format The IB is not supported. Two additional flags, IU and IH are supported. Use the IU flag to format a AIX diskette. Use the IH flag to format a fixed disk to contain DOS Services file systems in a single partition. Note: The format command makes use of the mksf command, which in turn uses the letc/filesystems file. If you modify this file, it will affect the format command. label On an AIX-formatted drive, the label is written to a file called LABEL. VOL. Reading a label is accomplished by reading this file. Changing a label modifies the contents of this file. Note: The command del *.* deletes the volume label. mode Only option 3 (for an asynchronous communications adapter) is supported. print The DOS Services version does not ask you which device to store the print queue on. This information is set up in your user profile. The IB, D, M, IS, IQ, and IU configuration flags are not supported. 264 set A IU flag lets you display the AIX environment as it is inherited by the dos command. You can change the environment variables internal to dose When you exit from dos, the environment variables remain unchanged. time Allows only the superuser to change the time. Commands Reference dos Additional Commands In addition to DOS commands, the following commands are available: (The Escape command.) Runs the remainder of the command line as an AIX shell command. COMMAND The new flags which have been added to dos also apply to this command. CONVERT Converts a DOS format ASCII file to a AIX format ASCII file or a AIX format ASCII file to a DOS format ASCII file. ed Starts the line editor. EXIT Ends DOS Services. You can also use END OF FILE (Ctrl-D). FILETYPE Attempts to determine the format (AIX or DOS) and contents of the specified file. shutdown Provides for an orderly exit from the system. -a Does not run the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. -c cmd Runs the specified command. -n Reads commands but does not run them. -v Displays the commands and their flags as they are read. -x Displays the commands and their flags as they are run. Flags Files /usr/dos/bin/* AUTOEXEC.BAT autoexec.bat DOS Services external commands. Related Information The following commands: "dosdel" on page 266, "dosread" on page 269 and "doswrite" on page 271. The dosinit subroutine in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. The discussion of dos in Using AIX Operating System DOS Services and AIX Operating System DOS Services Reference. Commands 265 dosdel dosdel Purpose Deletes DOS files. Syntax dosdel ~ -v . ~ -Ddevlce ~ U file :r' OL805108 Description The dosdelcommand deletes the DOS file specified by file. Use the -v flag to obtain format information about the disk. File-naming conventions are those of DOS, with one exception. doswrite replaces the \ (backslash) character used to separate components of a DOS path name with the / (slash) because the backslash can have special meaning to AIX. dosdel converts lowercase characters in the filel name to uppercase before it checks the disk. Because all file names are assumed to be full (not relative) path names, you need not add the initial / (slash). Flags -D device Specifies a device or file system to use as the DOS disk. If you do not specify this flag the default device is /dev/fdO. -v Writes format information about the disk. Use primarily to verify the identify of a disk or file system as a DOS disk. Related Information The following commands: "dos" on page 262, "dosdir" on page 267, "dosread" on page 269, and "doswrite" on page 271. The pcdos subroutine in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. 266 Commands Reference ./ dosdir dosdir Purpose Lists the directory for DOS files. Syntax ~-D/deV/fdOr . -{ dosdlr -0 -I -e -t -d -D device OLS05358 Description The dosdir command displays information about the specified DOS file or directory (the current directory by default). If you specify a directory without also specifying the -d flag, dosdir displays information about the files in. that directory. File-naming conventions are those of DOS, with one exception. dosdir replaces the \ (backslash) character used to separate components of a DOS path name with a / (slash) because the backslash can have special meaning to the AIX Operating System. dos~ir converts lowercase characters in the file or directory name to uppercase before it checks the disk. Because all file names are assumed to be full (not relative) path names, you need not add the initial / (slash). Flags -a Writes information about all files. This includes hidden and system files as well as the. (dot) and .. (dot dot) files. -d Treats file as a file, even if it is a directory. If a directory is specified, information about the directory is listed" rather than information about the files it contains. Commands 267 dosdir -D [device] Specifies a device or file system to use as the DOS disk. If you do not specify this flag the default device is /dev/fdO. -e Uses the -I flag to write the list of clusters allocated to the file. -1 Produces a long list that includes the creation date, size in bytes, and attributes. The size of a subdirectory is specified as 0 bytes. The attributes have the following meanings: A D H R S Archive - the file has not been backed up since it was last modified. Directory - the file is a subdirectory, and is not included in the normal DOS directory search. Hidden - the file is not included in the normal DOS directory search. Read-only - the file cannot be modified. System - the file is a system file, and is not included in the normal DOS directory search. -t Lists the entire directory tree starting at the named directory. -v Writes information about the format of the disk. Related Information The following commands: "dosdel" on page 266, "dosread" on page 269, and "doswrite" on page 271. The pcdos subroutine in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. 268 Commands Reference dosread dosread Purpose Copies a DOS file. Syntax -D/deV/fdo)file1 dosread -D device ---c::r file2 OL805111 Description The dosread command copies the specified DOS filel to standard output or to the specified AIX file2 (by default the root directory). Unless otherwise specified, dosread copies as many bytes as are specified in the directory entry for filel. This means, in particular, that copying directories does not work, since directories by convention have a record size of o. File-naming conventions are those of DOS, with one exception. dosread replaces the \ (backslash) character used to separate components of a DOS path name with a / (slash) because the backslash can have special meaning to the AIX Operating System. dosread converts lowercase characters in the filel name to uppercase before it checks the disk. Because all file names are assumed to be full (not relative) path names, you need not add the initial / (slash). Note: Wild card characters (* and ?) are not treated in a special way by this command (although they are by the shell). If, for example, you do not specify a file-name extension, the file name is matched as if you had specified a blank extension. This command must be named dosread. Flags -a Replaces the sequence CRLF (carriage return-line feed) with NL (new-line character) and interprets a Ctrl-Z (ASCII SUB) as the end-of-file character. Commands 269 dosread -D device Specifies the name of the DOS device or file system. The default device is /dev/fdO. Note: This device must have the DOS-disk format. -v Writes information to the standard output about the format of the disk. Use this flag to verify that a device or file system is a DOS disk. Examples 1. To copy a text file from a DOS diskette to the AIX file system: dosread -a chapl.doc chapl This copies the DOS text file \CHAPI. DOC on /dev/fdO to the AIX file chapl in the current directory. 2. To copy a nontext file from a fixed-disk DOS file system to the AIX file system: dosread -D/dev/hdl /survey/test.dta /u/fran/testdata This copies the DOS data file \SURVEY\TEST. DTA on /dev/hdl to the AIX file / u/ fran/tes tdata. Files /dev/fdO Related Information The following commands: "dosdel" on page 266, "dosdir" on page 267, and "doswrite" on page 271. The pcdos subroutine in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. 270 Commands Reference doswrite doswrite Purpose Copies AIX files to DOS files. Syntax -D/dev/fdO doswrite :J- file1- file2 --I -D filesystem OLS05112 Description The doswrite command copies the specified AIX filel to the specified DOS file2. If file2 is a multi-component name (that is, if it contains I), each intervening component must exist as a directory and the last component (the named file), must not exist. File-naming conventions are those of DOS, with one exception. doswrite replaces the \ (backslash) character used to separate components of a DOS path name with the / (slash) because the backslash can have special meaning to AIX. doswrite converts lowercase characters in the filel name to uppercase before it checks the disk. Because all file names are assumed to be full (not relative) path names, you need not add the initial / (slash). Note: Wild card characters (* and ?) are not treated in a special way by this command (although they are by the shell). If, for example, you do not specify a file-name extension, the file name is matched as if you had specified a blank extension. This command must be named doswrite. Flags -a Replaces NL (new-line character) characters with the sequence CR-LF (carriage return-linefeed). A Ctrl-Z is added to the output at end of file. -D filesystem Specifies the name of the DOS device or file system. The default device is /dev/fdO. Note: This device must have the DOS-disk format. Commands 271 doswrite Writes information to the standard output about the format of the disk. Use this flag to verify that a device or file system is a DOS disk. -v Examples 1. To copy a text file from the AIX file system to a DOS diskette: doswrite -a chapl chapl.doc This copies the AIX file chap I in the current directory to the DOS text file \CHAPI. DOC on /dev/fdO. 2. To copy a non text file from the AIX file system to a fixed-disk DOS file system: doswrite -O/dev/hdl /u/fran/testdata /survey/test.dta This copies the AIX data file /u/fran/testdata to the DOS file \SURVEY\TEST. OTA on /dev/hdl. Files /dev/fdO Related Information The following commands: "dosdir" on page 267, "dosread" on page 269, and "dosdel" on page 266. The pcdos subroutine in A/X Operating System Technical Reference. 272 Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 dsipc Idsipc I Purpose Installs the Interprocess. Communication key mapping in the kernel. I Syntax dsipC-1 OLB05461 I Description The dsipe command replaces all IPC key mapping currently in the kernel with new mapping from the profile data base. The dsipe command is usually called, at system startup time, by /ete/re.ds to update the Distributed Services kernel. To use dsipe command from the command line, you must be a member of the system group or have superuser authority (see "su" on page 724). I Related Information "Using Distributed Services" in Managing the AIX Operating System. Commands 272.1 TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 dsldxprof Idsldxprof I Purpose Loads translate information into the UIDjGID translate profiles. I Syntax dsldxprof OLB05460 I Description The dsldxprof command loads translate information from a file into the UID/GID translate profiles. Each line in the file contains a row of translate information in the following format: UsrlOrp-name UIO Local-id Outbound-id Inbound-id Originating-node This is the same format as the translate information from the Network Users/Groups table (for information on Network Users/Groups, see Managing the AIX Operating System). You must specify the UIO, Local-id, and either the Inbound-id or Outbound-id fields. If you specify the Inbound-id field the Originating-node field must also be specified. A - (hyphen) is placed in unused fields as a placeholder. dsldxprof reads a row of data from the file, validates the data, and loads the data into profiles. Translate rows are rejected due to improper syntax or incorrect values, or they may conflict with translate rows already in the profiles. A translate row is in conflict if there is an existing row in the profiles with a matching UIO, LocaLid, Inbound-id, and Originating-node, or if there is an existing row in the profiles with a matching UIO, LocaLid, and Outbound-id, or both. If there is conflict, you are prompted to replace or reject the conflicting row. Rejected rows are written to standard error along with the information on why they are rejected. To delete a translate row from the profiles, precede an identical row in the file with ##. To use dsldxprof command, you must be a member of the system group or have superuser authority (see "su" on page 724). 272.2 Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 dsldxprof I Flags -a Places all rows that are in conflict into the profiles without prompting. -f filename Reads translate information from filename. -n nodename Updates translate profiles on the remote node nodename. -r I Related Rejects all conflicting rows without prompting. Information "Using Distributed Services" in Managing the AIX Operating System. Commands 272.3 TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 dsstate ,dsstate ,Purpose Sets the state of the Distributed Services kernel logic. ,Syntax dSSIQle-( -c V s e -0 - onfX b a 0# -s _ s e 01,805462 , Description The dsstate command changes the state of the Distributed Services kernel logic, including the number of kernel processes allocated for Distributed Services, whether incoming and outgoing remote requests are allowed, and where temporary storage takes place. Only members of the system group or users operating with superuser authority can use dsstate to change the state of the Distributed Services kernel logic (see "su" on page 724). Other users can use dsstate with no flags to write to the standard output the current state of the Distributed Services kernel logic. ,Flags 272.4 -c s Starts client sync, which forces all files for which this node is the client to be written directly to the server, preventing caching (temporary storage) of the file contents at the client. Starting client sync often affects the performance of file operations, and is used primarily for certain system startup and shutdown routines. -c e Ends client sync and allows some data to be stored at the local node. Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 dsstate -a b Breaks all connections with remote nodes and blocks new requests for remote file services. -a a Allows requests from this client node for remote file services. -s s Starts server sync, which forces all files for which this node is the server to be written directly to the server, preventing caching (temporary storage) of the file contents at the client node. Starting server sync often affects the performance of file operations, and is used primarily for certain system startup and shutdown routines. -s e Ends server sync and allows some data to be stored at the client node. -s b Blocks all requests for file services from other nodes, including both new requests and requests for files already in use. -s a Allows this server to accept requests for file services from other nodes. -k Starts the Distributed Services kernel processes. -p number Sets the number of active Distributed Services kernel processes to number. If number is greater than the number of kernel processes allocated for Distributed Services, then those that are available are activated. If number is o or a negative value, the number of kernel processes is not changed. By adjusting the number of active Distributed Services kernel processes, the rate at which services are provided to remote nodes can be varied. Lowering the number of active Distributed Services kernel processes lowers remote use of this node's processor, leaving more system resources for local use. Note: The Distributed Services kernel processes must have been started with a -k flag on either this dsstate command or an earlier dsstate command. I Related Information The dsstate system call in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. "Using Distributed Services" in Managing the AIX Operating System. Commands 272.5 TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 dsxlate Idsxlate I Purpose Installs Distributed Services UID/GID translate tables into the kernel. I Syntax dsxlate~ OLB05463 I Description The dsxlate command installs Distributed Services UID/GID translate tables. dsxlate is usually called, at system startup, by /ete/re.ds to update the kernel. To use dsstate command from the command line, you must be a member of the system group or have superuser authority (see "su" on page 724). dsxlate ensures that the Distributed Services kernel tables reflect the current profiles. All existing Distributed Services kernel information is discarded. I Related Information The following commands: "ipetable" on page 414.1, "ndtable" on page 506.1, and "ugtable" on page 784. The loadtbl system call in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. "Using Distributed Services" in Managing the AIX Operating System. 272.6 Commands Reference du du Purpose Summarizes disk usage. Syntax du ----G =~ =~ [T 0-G1] 1] file directory: rr 1)-< 0L805113 Description The du command gives the number of blocks in all files and (recursively), directories within each specified directory. By specifying the -a flag, you can also have du report the number of blocks in individual files. The block count includes the indirect blocks of each file and is in units of 512 bytes, independent of the cluster size used by the system. If you provide no file or directory name, du uses the current directory. Note: If you do not specify the -a flag, du does not report on any files. If there are too many distinct linked files, du counts the excess files more than once. Block counts are based only on file size; therefore, unallocated blocks are not accounted for in the block counts reported. Flags -a Displays disk use for each file. -1 Allocates blocks in files with multiple links evenly among the links. By default, a file with two or more links is counted only once. -r Indicates inaccessible files and directories. -8 Displays only the grand total (for each of the specified files or directories given). Commands 273 du Examples 1. To summarize the disk usage of a directory tree and each of its subtrees: du /u/fran For /u/fran and each of its subdirectories, this displays the number of disk blocks that the files in the tree beneath it contain. 2. To display the disk usage of each file: du -a /u/fran This displays the number of disk blocks contained in each file and subdirectory of /u/fran. The number beside a directory is the disk usage of that directory tree. The number beside a regular file is the disk usage of that file alone. 3. To display only the total disk usage of a directory tree: du -rs /u/fran This displays only the sum total disk usage of /u/fran and the files it contains (-s). The - r flag tells du to display an error message if it cannot read a file or directory. 274 Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 dump dump Purpose Dumps selected parts of an object file. Syntax dump -zname 1 Do not put a space between these items. 2 Use -p only with -c, or 3 Do not use -v with -5 or -0 . -0 . OL805404 Description The dump command dumps selected parts of the specified file. dump accepts object files, archive object files, and executable files (with the -x flag). It writes information in character, hexadecimal, octal, or decimal representation, as appropriate to format the information in a meaningful way. Flags You must use at least one of the following flags: -a Dumps the archive header of each member of each specified archive. -b Dumps the shared library key. -c Dumps the string table. Commands 275 dump -d Dumps the contents of the data section. -g Dumps the global symbols in the archive symbol table. -I Dumps line number information. -0 Dumps each optional header. -r Dumps relocation information. -s Dumps the contents of the object file section. -t Dumps symbol table entries. -x Dumps the object module extended header from executable files. The extended header contains the table of shared libraries that the program uses. The following optional flags are also available: -p Does not print the headers. -tnum Dumps only the index symbol table entry specified with num. Use -t with the + t flag to specify a range of symbol table entries. + tnum Dumps the symbol table entry in the range that ends with num. The range starts at either the first symbol table entry or at the entry specified by -to -u Underline the name of the file. -v Dumps the information in symbolic representation rather the numeric. You can use this with any of the above flags except -s or -0. -zname[,num] Dumps line number entries for name function or a range of line number entries that starts at the specified number. You can use a blank to replace the comma that separates name and num if the entire argument is quoted. + znum Dumps all line numbers up to num. Related Information The following commands: "ar" on page 58, "nm" on page 521, "shlib" on page 660, and "size" on page 665. The a.out and ar files in A/X Operating System Technical Reference. 276 Commands Reference dumpfmt dumpfmt Purpose Formats the VRM dump file. Syntax dumpfmt ~ /deV/f~a -5 file ;y -h 0L805109 Description The dumpfmt command formats a file containing VRM dump structures. If you do not specify a file name, the system reads data from /dev/fdO. By default, dumpfmt is an interactive utility program. To see the list of commands available for selecting a specific structure to format, enter a 1. To quit, enter q. Flags -a Batches the output and formats the entire diskette. -b Includes a Dump Data Header. This header contains general information about data on the dump diskette: the module name of the component, the data address of the module containing the component, and the offset address within the module of the component. -n Does not display a prompt when the screen fills with data during interactive output. -8 Limits the output of each structure to a maximum size of 32 bytes. Related Information The discussion of dumpfmt in AIX Operating System Programming Tools and Interfaces. Commands 277 echo echo Purpose Writes its arguments to standard output. Syntax echo T string r OL805115 Description The echo command writes its arguments to standard output. strings are separated by blanks and a new-line character follows the last string. Use echo to produce diagnostic messages in command files and to send data into a pipe. The echo command recognizes the following escape conventions: \b Display a backspace character. \c Suppress the new-line character. \f Display a form-feed character. \n Display a new-line character. \r Display a carriage return character. \t Display a tab character. \\ Display a backslash character. \num Display an 8-bit character. whose ASCII value is the 1-, 2-or 3-digit octal number num. The first digit of num must be a zero. Examples 1. To write a message to standard output: echo Please insert diskette . . . 278 Commands Reference echo 2. To display a message containing special characters: echo "\n\n\nIlm at lunch.\nIlll be back at 1:00. 11 This skips three lines and displays the message: Ilmatlunch. 1111 be back at 1:00. Note: You must quote the message if it contains escape sequences like the shell treats the \ specially. See page 641 for details about quoting. 3. \n. Otherwise, To use echo with pattern-matching characters: echo The back-up files are: *.bak This displays the message The back-up fi 1es are: followed by the file names in the current directory ending with. bak. 4. To add a single line of text to a file: echo Remember to set the shell search path to $PATH. »notes This adds the message to the end of the file notes after the shell substitutes the value of the shell variable PATH. 5. To write a message to the standard error output: echo Error: file already exists. >&2 Use this in shell procedures to write error messages. If the >&2 is omitted, then the message is written to the standard output. For details about this type of file redirection, see "Input and Output Redirection Using File Descriptors" on page 651. Related Information The following command: "sh" on page 637. Commands 279 ed ed Purpose Edits text by line. Syntax 01..805182 Description The ed command is a line editing program that works on only one file at a time by copying it into a temporary file buffer and making changes to that copy. ed does not alter the file itself until you use the write subcommand. You can specify on the command line the file you want to edit, or you can use the edit subcommands. If you specify a - (minus) on the command line, ed does not display character counts with the e, r, or w subcommands, diagnostic messages with the e or q subcommands, or the ! prompt after a !AIX-cmd. When ed reads a new file into the buffer, the contents of that file replaces the buffer's previous contents, if any. There is also a restricted version of ed, the red command, for use withth~ restricted shell (see "sh" on page 637). With red, you can edit only files that reside in the current directory, or in the /tmp directory, and you cannot use the !AIX-cmd subcommand (see page 290). An ed subcommand consists of zero, one, or two addresses, followed by a single-character subcommand, possibly followed by parameters to that subcommand. These addresses specify one or more lines in the buffer. Because every subcommand has default addresses, you frequently do not need to specify addresses. The ed program operates in one of two modes, command mode and text mode. In command mode, ed recognizes and executes subcommands. In text mode, ed adds text to the file buffer but does not recognize subcommands. To leave text mode, enter a . (dot) alone at the beginning of a line. 280 Commands Reference /' ed Pattern Matching The ed command supports a limited form of special pattern-matching characters that you can use as regular expressions (REs) to construct pattern strings. You can use these patterns in addresses to specify lines and in some subcommands to specify portions of a line. Regular Expressions (REs) The following REs match a single character: char An ordinary character (one other than one of the special pattern-matching characters), matches itself. A period (.) matches any single character except for the new-line character. [string] A string enclosed in square brackets ([ ]) matches anyone character in that string. Certain pattern-matching characters have special meanings within square brackets: A If the first character of string is a circumflex, then the RE ([ A string]) matches any character except the characters in string and the new-line character. A A has this special meaning only if it occurs first in the string. You can use a minus (-) to indicate a range of consecutive ASCII characters according to the current collating sequence. For example, [a-f] might be equivalent to [abcdef] or [aAbBcCdDeEfFJ or [aaabcdeeefJ. The collating sequence is defined by the environment variable NLCTAB or NLFILE. See Managing the A/X Operating System for more information. A collating sequence may define "equivalence classes" for characters. For example, if three characters-e, e, and e-are equivalent, the following expressions identify the same sequence of characters: [a-e] [a-e] The minus character loses its special meaning if it occurs first ([-string]), if it immediately follows an initial circumflex ([A-string]), or if it appears last ([string-]) in the string. When the right square bracket (]) is the first character in the string ([]string]) or when it immediately follows an initial circumflex ([ A ]string]), it is treated as a part of the string rather than as the string terminator. \sym A \ (backslash) followed by a special pattern-matching character matches the special character itself (as a literal character). These special pattern-matching characters are: Commands 281 ed .* [\ Always special except when they appear within square brackets ([D. 1\ Special at the beginning of an entire pattern or when it immediately follows the left bracket of a pair of brackets ([ D. 1\ $ ••• Special at the end of an entire pattern. In addition, the character used to delimit an entire pattern is special for that pattern. (For example, see how slash (/) is used in the g subcommand on page 286.) Forming Patterns The following rules describe how to form patterns from REs: 1. An RE that consists of a single, ordinary character matches that same character in a string. 2. An RE followed by an asterisk (*) matches zero or more occurrences of the character that the RE matches. For example, the following pattern: ab*ed matches each of the following strings: aed abed abbed abbbed but not the following string: abd If there is any choice, the longest matching leftmost string is chosen. For example, given the following string: 122333444 the pattern. * matches 122333444, the pattern. *3 matches 122333, and the pattern . *2 matches 122. 3. An RE followed by: \{m\} Matches exactly m occurrences of the character matched by the RE. \{m,\} Matches at least m occurrences of the character matched by the RE. \ {m,n \} Matches any number of occurrences of the character matched by the RE from m to n inclusive. m and n must be integers from 0 to 255, inclusive. Whenever a choice exists, this pattern matches as many occurrences as possible. 282 Commands Reference ed 4. You can combine REs into patterns that match strings containing that same sequence of characters. For example, AB\*CD matches the string AB*CD and [A-Za-zJ * [0-9J * matches any string that contains any combination of alphabetic characters (including none), followed by any combination of numerals (including none). 5. The character sequence \ (pattern\) marks a subpattern that matches the same string it would match if it were not enclosed. 6. The characters \num match the same string of characters that a subpattern matched earlier in the pattern (see the preceding discussion of item 5). num is a digit. The pattern \num matches the string matched by the numth subpattern, counting from left to right. For example, the following pattern: \ (A\) \ (B\) C\2\1 matches the string ABCBA. You can nest subpatterns. Restricting What Patterns Match A pattern 'can be restricted to match only the first segment of a line, the final segment, or both: 1. A (circumflex) at the beginning of a pattern causes the pattern to match only a string that begins in the first character position on a line. 2. A $ (dollar sign) at the end of a pattern causes that pattern to match only a string that ends with the last character (not including the new-line character) on a line. 3. The construction pattern $ restricts the pattern to matching only an entire line. 1\ 1\ In addition, the null pattern (that is, / /) duplicates the previous pattern. Addressing The current line, usually the last line affected by a command, is the point of reference in the buffer. ed always has a current line. This is the default address for several ed commands. (See "Subcommands" on page 285 to find out how each subcommand affects the current line.) There are three types of ed addresses: line number addresses, addresses relative to the current line, and pattern addresses. Following are guidelines for constructing addresses: 1. . (dot) addresses the current line. 2. $ (dollar sign) addresses the last line of the buffer. 3. n addresses the nth line of the buffer. 4. ' x addresses the line marked with a lowercase ASCII letter, x, by the k subcommand (see page 287). Commands 283 ed 5. /pattern/ (a pattern enclosed in slashes) addresses the next line contains a matching string. The search begins with the line after the current line and stops when it finds a match for the pattern. If necessary, the search moves to the end of the buffer, wraps around to the beginning of the buffer, and continues until it either finds a match or returns to the current line. 6. ?pattern? (a pattern enclosed in question marks) addresses the previous line that contains a match for the pattern. The? pattern? construct, like /pattern/, can search the entire buffer, but it does so in the opposite direction. 7. An address followed by + n or -n (a plus sign or a minus sign followed by a decimal number) specifies an address plus or minus the indicated number of lines. (The + sign is optional.) 8. An address that begins with + or - specifies a line relative to the current line. For example, - 5 is the equivalent of . - 5 (five lines above the current line). 9. An address that ends with - or + specifies the line immediately before (-) or immediately after (+) the addressed line. Used alone, the - character addresses the line immediately before the current line. The + character addresses the line immediately after the current line; however, the + character is optional. The + andcharacters have a cumulative effect; for example, the address -- addresses the line two lines above the current line. 10. For convenience, a , (comma) stands for the address pair 1, $ (first line through last line) and a ; (semicolon) stands for the pair. ,$ (current line through last line). Commands that do not accept addresses regard the presence of an address as an error. Commands that do accept addresses can use either given or default addresses. When given more addresses than it accepts, a command uses the last (rightmost) one(s). In most cases, commas (,) separate addresses (for example 2,8). Semicolons (;) also can separate addresses. A semicolon between addresses causes ed to set the current line to the first address and then calculate the second address (for example, to set the starting line for a search based on rules 5 and 6 above). In a pair of addresses, the first must be numerically smaller than the second. For many purposes, you may prefer to use a different editor that has different features: "edit" on page 292, a simple line editor for novice or casual users "sed" on page 629, a stream editor often used for writing programs "ex" on page 312, an extended (line) editor with numerous interactive subcommand features "vi, vedit, view" on page 832, a visual (screen) editor that also accesses ex line editing features while letting you view the text. 284 Commands Reference /' ed The following is a list of ed size limitations: • • • • 64 characters per file name. 512 characters per line (although there is currently a system-imposed limit of 255 characters per line entered from the keyboard). 256 characters per global subcommand list. 128K characters buffer size. (Note that the buffer not only contains the original file but also editing information. Each line occupies one word in the buffer.) In addition, the maximum number of lines permitted also depends on the amount of memory available to you. The maximum file size depends on the amount of physical data storage (disk or tape drive) available or on the maximum number of lines permitted in user memory. Subcommands In most cases, only one ed subcommand can be entered on a line. The exceptions to this rule are the p and 1 subcommands, which can be added to any ed command except e, f, r, orw. The e, f, r, and w subcommands accept file names as parameters. The ed program stores the last file name used with a subcommand as a default file name. The next e, f, r, or w given without a file name uses the default file name. The ed program responds to an error condition with one of two messages: ? (question mark) or ? file. When ed receives an INTERRUPT signal (Alt-Pause), it displays a ? and returns to command mode. When it reads a file, ed discards ASCII NULL characters and all characters after the last new-line character. ed cannot edit a file that contains characters not in the ASCII set (for example, an a.out file with bit 8 set on). Note: In the following list of ed subcommands, default addresses are shown in parentheses. (Do not key in the parentheses.) The address. (period) refers to the current line. (.)a The append subcommand adds text to the buffer after the addressed line. The a subcommand sets the current line to the last inserted line, or, if no lines were inserted, to the addressed line. Address 0 causes the a subcommand to add text at the beginning of the buffer. Commands 285 ed (.)c < text> The change subcommand deletes the addressed lines, then replaces them with new input. The c command sets the current line to the last new line of input, or, if there were none, to the first line that was not deleted. (.,.)d The delete subcommand removes the addressed lines from the buffer. The line after the last line deleted becomes the current line. If the deleted lines were originally at the end of the buffer, the new last line becomes the current line. e file The edit subcommand first deletes any contents from the buffer, then loads another file into the buffer, sets the current line to the last line of the buffer, and displays the number of characters read in to the buffer. If the buffer has been changed since its contents were last saved (with the w subcommand), e displays? before it clears the buffer. The e subcommand stores file as the default file name to be used, if necessary, by subsequent e, r, or w subcommands. (See the f subcommand.) When the ! character replaces file, e takes the rest of the line as a AIX shell (sh) command and reads the command output. The e subcommand does not store the name of the shell command as a default file name. E file The Edit subcommand works like e, with one exception: E does not check for changes made to the buffer since the last w subcommand. f [file] The file name subcommand changes the default file name (the stored name of the last file used) to file, if file is given. If file is not given-,-the-fsuhcomm-arni-prints-the default file name. (1, ?)g/pattern/subcmd-list The global subcommand first marks every line that matches the pattern. Then, for each marked line, this subcommand sets the current line to that line and executes subcmd-list. A single subcommand, or the first subcommand of a list, should appear on the same line with the g subcommand; subsequent subcommands should appear on separate lines. Except for the last line, each of these lines should end with a \. The subcmd-list can include the a, i, and c subcommands and their input. If the last command in subcmd-list would normally be the. (dot) that ends input mode, the. (dot) is optional. If there is no subcmd-list, ed displays the current line. The subcmd-list cannot include the g, G, v, or V subcommands. 286 Commands Reference /' ed Note: The g subcommand is similar to the v subcommand, which executes subcmd-list for every line that does not contain a match for the pattern. (1, ?)G/pattern/ The interactive Global subcommand first marks every line that matches the pattern, then displays the first marked line, sets the current line to that line, and waits for a subcommand. G accepts any but the following ed subcommands: a, c, i, g, G, v, and V. After the subcommand finishes, G displays the next marked line, and so on. G takes a new-line character as a null subcommand. An:& causes G to execute the previous subcommand again, if there was one. Note that subcommands executed within the G subcommand can address and change any lines in the buffer. The G subcommand can be terminated by pressing INTERRUPT (Alt-Pause). h The help subcommand gives a short explanation (help message) for the most recent? diagnostic or error message. H The Help subcommand causes ed to display the help messages for all subsequent? diagnostics. H also explains the previous ? if there was one. H alternately turns this mode on and off; it is initially off. (.)i < text> The insert subcommand inserts text before the addressed line and sets the current line to the last inserted line. If there no lines are inserted, i sets the current line to the addressed line. This subcommand differs from the a subcommand only in the placement of the input text. Address 0 is not legal for this subcommand. (.,. + l)j The join subcommand joins contiguous lines by removing the intervening new-line characters. If given only one address, j does nothing. (For splitting lines, see the s subcommand.) (.)kx The mark subcommand marks the addressed line with name x, which must be a lowercase ASCII letter. The address IX (single quotation mark before the marking character) then addresses this line. The k subcommand does not change the current line. (.,.)1 The list subcommand displays the addressed line(s). The 1 subcommand wraps long lines and, unlike the p subcommand, represents non-printing characters, either with mnemonic overstrikes or in octal notation. An 1 subcommand may be appended to any ed subcommand except: e,f,r, or w. Commands 287 ed (.,.)ma The move subcommand repositions the addressed line(s). The first moved line follows the line addressed by a. Address 0 for a causes m to move the addressed line(s) to the beginning of the file. Address a cannot be one of the lines to be moved. The m subcommand sets the current line to the last moved line. (.,.)n The number subcommand displays the addressed lines, each preceded by its line number and a tab character (displayed as blank spaces); n leaves the current line at the last line displayed. An n subcommand may be appended to any ed subcommand except e, f, r, or w. (.,.)p The print subcommand displays the addressed line(s) and sets the current line set to the last line displayed. A p subcommand may be appended to any ed subcommand except: e, f, r, or w. For example, the subcommand dp deletes the current line and displays the new current line. P The P subcommand turns on or off the ed prompt string (asterisk). Initially, P is off. q The quit subcommand exits the ed program. Before ending the program q checks to determine whether the buffer has been written to a file since the last time it was changed. If not, q displays the? message. Q The Quit subcommand exits the ed program without checking for changes to the buffer since the last w subcommand (compare with the q subcommand). (?)r file The read subcommand reads a file into the buffer after the addressed line; r does not delete the previous contents of the buffer. When entered without file, r reads the default file, if any, into the buffer (see e and f subcommands). r does not change the default file name. Address 0 causes r to read a file in at the beginning of the buffer. After it reads a file successfully, r, displays the number of characters read into the buffer and sets the current line to the last line read. If! (exclamation point) replaces file in a r subcommand, r takes the rest of the line as a AIX shell (sh) command whose output is to be read. The r subcommand does not store the names of shell commands as default file names. * (.,.)s/pattern/replacement/ (.,.)s/pattern/replacement/g The substitute subcommand searches each addressed line for a string that matches the pattern and then replaces the string with the specified replacement string. Without the global 288 Commands Reference /' ed indicator (g), s replaces only the first matching string on each addressed line. With the g indicator, s replaces every occurrence of the matching string on each addressed line. If s does not find a match for the pattern, it returns the error message? Any character except a space or a new-line character can separate (delimit) the pattern and replacement. The s subcommand sets the current line to the last line changed. An ampersand (&) in the replacement string is a special symbol that has the same value as the pattern string. So, for example, the subcommand s/are/&n't/ has the same effect as the subcommand s/are/aren'tl and replaces are with aren't on the current line. A backslash before the ampersand (\&) removes this special meaning of &in replacement. A subpattern is part of a pattern enclosed by the strings \( and \); the pattern works as if the enclosing characters were not present. In replacement, the characters \n refer to strings that match subpatterns; n, a decimal number, refers to the nth subpattern, counting from the left. (for example, s/\(t\)\(h\) \(e\)/t\l \2ose) replaces the with those if there is a match for the pattern the on the current line). Whether subpatterns are nested or in a series, \n refers to the nth occurrence, counting from the left, of the delimiting characters, \). The %(percent sign) character, when used by itself as replacement, causes s to use the previous replacement again. The %character does not have this special meaning if it is part of a longer rep lacement or if it is preceded by a \. Lines may be split by substituting new-line characters into them. In replacement, the sequence \Enter quotes the new-line character (not displayed) and moves the cursor to the next line for the remainder of the string. New-lines cannot be substituted as part of a g or v subcommand list. (.,.)ta The transfer subcommand inserts a copy of the addressed lines after address a. The t subcommand accepts address 0 (for inserting lines at the beginning of the buffer). The t subcommand sets the current line to the last line copied. u The undo subcommand restores the buffer to the state it was in before it was last modified by an ed subcommand. The commands that u can undo are: a, c, d, g, G, i, j, m, r, s, t, v, and V. Commands 289 ed (1, ?)v/pattern/subcmd-list The v subcommand executes the subcommands in subcmd-list for each line that does not contain a match for the pattern. Note: The v subcommand is a complement for the global subcommand g, which executes subcmd-list for every line that does contain a match for the pattern. (l,$)V /pattern/ / The V subcommand first marks every line that does not match the pattern, then displays the first marked line, sets the current line to that line, and waits for a subcommand. Note: The V subcommand complements the G subcommand, which marks the lines that do match the pattern. (1, ?)w file The write subcommand copies the addressed lines from the buffer to the file named in file. If the file does not exist, the w subcommand creates it with permission code 666 (read and write permission for everyone), unless the umask setting specifies another file creation mode. (For information about file permissions, see "umask" on page 784 and "chmod" on page 128.) The w subcommand does not change the default file name (unless file is the first file name used since you started ed). If you do not provide a file name, ed uses the default file name, if any (see the e and f subcommands). The w subcommand does not change the current line. If ed successfully writes the file, it displays the number of characters written. When ! replaces file, ed takes the rest of the line as a ArX shell (sh) command whose output is to be read; w does not save shell command names as default file names. Note: 0 is not a legal address for the w subcommand. Therefore, it is not possible to create an empty file with ed. ($)= Without an address, the = (equal sign) subcommand displays the current line number. With the address $, = displays the number of the last line in the buffer. The = subcommand does not change the current line and cannot be included in a g or v subcommand list. !AIX-cmd The! (exclamation point) subcommand allows ArX commands to be run from within ed. Anything following! on an ed subcommand line is interpreted as an ArX command. Within the text of that command string, ed replaces the unescaped character %with the current file name, if there is one. When used as the first character of a shell command (after the ! that runs a subshell) ed replaces the ! character with the 290 Commands Reference / ed previous AIX command; for example, the command !! repeats the previous AIX command. If the AIX command interpreter (the sh command), expands the command string, ed echoes the expanded line. The! subcommand does not change the current line. num +num -num ed interprets a number alone on a line as an address and displays the addressed line. Addresses can be absolute (line numbers or $) or relative to the current line (+num or - num). Entering a new-line character (a blank line) is equivalent to + Ip and is useful for stepping forward through the buffer one line at a time. Files /tmpje# ed.hup Temporary file; # is the process number. Work is saved here if the terminal hangs up while ed is running. Related Information The following commands: "grep" on page 381, "sed" on page 629, "sh" on page 637, "stty" on page 717, and "regcmp" on page 595. The regexp system call in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. The environment miscellaneous facility in Text Formatting Guide. The discussion and examples of ed in Using the AIX Operating System. The "Overview of International Character Support" in Managing the AIX Operating System. Commands 291 edit edit Purpose Provides a simple line editor for the new user. Syntax edit ~ file ----' ~-r~ 0L805329 Description Warning: The edit command does not support international characters. If you use this command to edit a file that contains extended characters, you can lose data. The edit command provides a line editor designed for beginning users. It is a simplified version of the ex command (see "ex" on page 312). To edit the contents of a file, enter: edi t file If file is the name of an existing file, edit copies it to a buffer and displays the number of lines and characters in it. Then it displays a colon prompt (:) to show that it is ready to read subcommands from standard input. If file does not already exist, edit tells you this, but still stores the name as the current file name. You can give more than one file name, in which case edit copies the first file into its buffer and stores the remaining file names in an argument list for later use. The edit command operates in one of two modes: command mode and text entry mode. In command mode, edit displays the colon prompt to show you that it is ready to accept edit subcommands. In text entry mode, edit places all input into its editing buffer. The general format of an edit subcommand is as follows: [addr ]subcommand [parameters] [count] If you do not specify an address, edit works on the current line. If you add a numeric count to most subcommands, edit works on the specified number of lines. For most subcommands, the last line affected becomes the new current line. That means, for example, that after edit reads a file into its buffer, the last line in the file becomes the current line. addr can be a line number or a pattern to be matched or, in some cases, a range of line numbers or patterns. To specify a range, separate two line numbers or 292 Commands Reference edit patterns with a comma or a semicolon (for example, 1,5 or 1 ; 5). In a range, the second address must refer to a line that follows the first addressed line in the range. Addressing Lines Within a File The simplest way to address a line within a file is to use its line number. But this can be unreliable because line numbers change when you insert and delete lines. edit provides a way to search through the buffer for strings. Given the following address: /pattern/ edit searches forward for pattern, while given: ?pattern? it searches backwards for pattern. If a forward search reaches the end of the buffer without finding pattern, it continues the search at the beginning of the file until it reaches the current line. A backwards search does just the reverse. The following characters have special meanings in these search patterns: " Matches the beginning of a line. $ Matches the end of a line. Thus, you can use /" pattern/ to search for patterns at the beginning of a line, and /pattern$/ to search for patterns at the end of the line. The current line has a symbolic name, dot (.), and the last line in the buffer has a symbolic name, dollar sign ($), that you can use in addresses. This is useful when working with a range of lines. For example, .,$print displays all lines from the current line to the last line in the buffer. Arithmetic with line references is also possible, so that $- 5 refers to the fifth line from the last and . +2 0 refers to the line 20 lines past the current line. You can also use the = (equal) command to find out the line number of the current line or the last line, as follows: $= To view the next line in the buffer, press the Enter key. Press Ctrl-D to display the next half-screen of lines. Note: Do not confuse the meaning of $ in text patterns (end of line) with its meaning in addresses (last line). Commands 293 edit U sing the ex Command As you become more experienced with using an editor, you may still find that edit meets your needs. If you become interested in using ex, you will find that it builds on the commands you are already familiar with from using edit. The edit subcommands work the same way in ex, but the editing environment is somewhat different. You should be aware of the differences that exist between the two editors. In edit, only the characters A, $, and \ have special meanings as pattern-matching characters. Several additional characters have special meanings in ex, as described under "ex" on page 312. Another feature of the edit environment prevents you from accidentally entering two alternative modes of editing, open mode and visual mode, in which the editor behaves differently from normal command mode. See "vi, vedit, view" on page 832 for a full discussion of visual mode. Flag -r Recovers file after an editor or system crash. Subcommands You can enter most edit subcommands as either a complete word or an abbreviation. In the following list, a subcommand abbreviation appears in parentheses. Unless noted otherwise, all subcommands work by default on the current line. edit recognizes and interprets the following subcommands when it displays the colon prompt: [addr]append text (a) Reads the input text into the file being edited, placing the text after the line at the specified address. If you specify address 0, edit places the text at the beginning of the buffer. [addrl[,addr2]]change (c) text Replaces the specified line or lines with the input text. If any lines are input, the last input line becomes the new current line. [addr 1 [,addr2]]delete [buffer] (d) Removes the specified line or lines from the editing buffer. The line following the last deleted line becomes the current line. If you specify a buffer by giving a letter from a to z, edit saves the specified lines in that buffer or, if the letter is uppercase, appends the lines to that buffer. 294 Commands Reference / edit edit file file (e) Begins an editing session on a new file. The editor first checks to see if the buffer has been modified (edited) since the last write subcommand. If it has, edit issues a warning and cancels the edit subcommand. Otherwise, it deletes the complete contents of the editor buffer, makes the named file the current file, and displays the new file name. After insuring that this file can be edited, it reads the file into its buffer. If edit reads the file without error, it displays the number of lines and characters that it read. The last line read becomes the new current line. Displays the current file name along with the following information about it: (f) • • • • file file Whether it has been modified since the last write. What the current line is. How many lines are in the buffer. What percentage of the way through the buffer the current line is. Changes the name of the current file to file. edit considers this file not edited. [addrl[,addr2]]global/pattern/cmds (g) Marks each of the specified lines that matches the pattern. Then edit carries out the specified subcommands (cmds) on each marked line. A single cmd or the first cmd in a subcommand list appears on same line as global. The remaining cmds must appear on separate lines, where each line (except the last) ends with a \ (backslash). The default subcommand is print. The list can include the append, insert, and change subcommands and their associated input. In this case, if the ending period comes on the last line of the command list, you may omit it. The undo subcommand and the global subcommand itself, however, may not appear in the command list. [addr]insert text (i) Places the given text before the specified line. The last line input becomes the current line. Otherwise, the current line does not change. [addr 1 [,addr2]]move addr3 (m) Repositions the specified line or lines to follow addr3. The first of the moved lines becomes the current line. next (n) Copies the next file in the command line argument list to the buffer for editing. [addr 1 [,addr2]]number (nu) Displays each specified line or lines preceded by its buffer line number. The last line displayed becomes the current line. Commands 295 edit preserve Saves the current editor buffer as though the system had just crashed. Use this command when a write subcommand has resulted in an error, and you do not know how to save your work. [addr 1 [,addr2]]print (p) Displays the specified line or lines. The last line displayed becomes the current line. [addr]put buffer (pu) Retrieves the contents of the specified buffer and places it after addr. If you do not specify a buffer, edit restores the last deleted or yanked text. Thus you can use this subcommand together with delete to move lines or with yank to duplicate lines between files. quit quit! (q) (q!) Ends the editing session. Note: The quit command does not write the editor buffer to a file. However, if you have modified the contents of the buffer since the last write, edit displays a warning message and does not end the session. In this case, either use the quit! subcommand to discard the buffer or write the buffer and then quit. recover file Recovers file from the system save area. Use this after a system crash, or a preserve subcommand. [addr 1 [,addr2]]substitute/pattern/repl/ (s) [addrl[,addr2]]substitute/pattern/repl/g Replaces on each specified line the first instance of pattern with the replacement pattern repl. If you add the g flag, it replaces all instances of pattern on each specified line. undo (u) Reverses the changes made in the buffer by the last buffer editing subcommand. Note that global subcommands are considered a single subcommand to an undo. You cannot undo a write or an edit. [addrl,[addr2]]write file (w) Writes the contents of the specified line or lines to file. The default range is all lines in the buffer. edit displays the number of lines and characters that it writes. If you do not specify a file, edit uses the current file name. If file does not exist, edit creates it. [addrl,[addr2]]yank [buffer] (ya) Places the specified line or lines in the named buffer (a buffer name is a single letter from a to z). 296 [addr]z displays a screen of text, beginning with the specified line. [addr]z- Displays a screen of text, with the specified line at the bottom of the screen. Commands Reference edit [addr]z. Displays a screen of text, with the specified line in the middle of the screen. Related Information The following commands: "ed" on page 280, "ex" on page 312, and "vi, vedit, view" on page 832. Commands 297 env env Purpose Sets the environment for execution of a command. Syntax env --- "D Subcommand Addresses $ + + num -num 314 The The The The The last line next line previous line numth line forward numth previous line Commands Reference x-num x,Y 'm " /$pat The numth line before x Lines x through y The line marked with m The previous con text The next line with pat at end of line ,/ ex % The first through last lines /"pat num line num The current line /pat ?pat The next line with pat at start of line The next line with pat The previous line with pat Scanning Pattern Formation " $ \< \> [string] [" string] [x-y] * The beginning of the line The end of the line Any character The beginning of the word The end of the word Any character in string Any character not in string Any character between x and y, inclusive Any number of the preceding character. Flags -1 Indents appropriately for Lisp code, and accepts the () {} [[ and]] characters as text rather than interpreting them as vi subcommands. The Lisp modifier is active in open or visual modes. -r [file] Recovers file after an editor or system crash. If you do not specify file, a list of all saved files is displayed. -R The readonly option is set, preventing you from altering the file. -t tag Loads the file that contains tag and positions the editor at tag. -v Invokes the visual editor. Note: When the v flag is selected, an enlarged set of subcommands are available, including screen editing and cursor movement features. See "vi, vedit, view" on page 832. Suppresses all interactive-user feedback. If you use this flag, file input/output errors do not generate a helpful error message. + subcmd Begins the edit at the specified editor search or subcommand. When subcomand is not entered, + places the current line to the bottom of the file. Normally ex sets current line to the start of the file, or to some specified tag or pattern. Commands 315 ex Files /usr/lib/ ex? ?strings /usr/lib/ex? ?recover /usr /lib/ ex? ?preserve /usr/lib/* /* $HOME/.exrc ./.exrc /tmp/Exnnnnn /tmp/Rxnnnnn /usr /preserve Error messages. Recover subcommand. Preserve subcommand. Describes capabilities of work stations. Editor startup file . Editor startup file. Editor temporary. Names buffer temporary. Preservation directory. Related Information The following commands: "vi, vedit, view" on page 832, "edit" on page 292, "awk" on page 70, "ed" on page 280, "grep" on page 381, and "sed" on page 629. The curses subroutine and the TERM, INIT, and terminfo files in A/X Operating System Technical Reference. 316 Commands Reference expr expr Purpose Evaluates arguments as an expression. Syntax expr - expression ~ OL805048 Description The expr command reads an expression, evaluates it, and writes the result to standard output. Within expression, you must separate each term with blanks, precede characters special to the shell with a backslash (\), and quote strings containing blanks or other special characters. Note that expr returns 0 to indicate a zero value, rather than the null string. Integers may be preceded by a unary minus sign. Internally, integers are treated as 32-bit, two's complement numbers. The operators and keywords are described in the following listing. Characters that need to be escaped are preceded by a backs lash (\). The list is in order of increasing precedence, with equal precedence operators grouped within braces ({}). expressionl \1 expression2 Returns expressionl if it is neither null nor 0; otherwise it returns expression2. expressionl \& expression2 Returns expressionl if neither expressionl nor expression2 is null or 0; otherwise it returns o. expressionl { <, \< =, \> , \>= , \ =, ! = } expression2 Returns the result of an integer comparison if both expressions are integers; otherwise returns the result of a string comparison. expressionl {+, - } expression2 Adds or subtracts integer-valued arguments. expressionl { \* , / , %} expression2 Multiplies, divides, or provides the remainder from the division of integer-valued arguments. Commands 317 expr expressionl expression2 Compares expressionl with expression2, which must be a pattern; pattern syntax is the same as that of the ed command (see page 280), except that all patterns are anchored, so (which anchors a pattern to the beginning of a line), is not a special character in this context. 1\ Normally, the matching operator returns the number of characters matched. Alternatively, you can use the \( ... \) symbols in expression2 to return a portion of expressionl. In an expression such as [a-z], the minus means "through" according to the current collating sequence. A collating sequence may define equivalence classes for use in character ranges. See the "Overview of International Character Support" in Managing the AIX Operating System for more information on collating sequences and equivalence classes. The expr command returns the following exit values: o The expression is neither null nor O. 1 The expression is null or O. 2 The expression is invalid. Note: After parameter processing by the shell, expr cannot distinguish between an operator and an operand except by the value. Thus, if $a is =, the command: expr $a = 1=1 looks like: expr = = = after the shell passes the arguments to expr, and they will all be taken as the The following works: operator. expr X$a = X= Examples 1. To modify a shell variable: COUNT='expr $COUNT + l' This adds 1 to the shell variable COUNT. The expr command is enclosed in grave accents, which causes the shell to substitute the standard output from expr into the COUNT= command. For more details, see "Command Substitution" on page 647. 2. To find the length of a shell variable: LENGTH='expr $STR : 318 Commands Reference II *", expr This sets LENGTH to the value given by the : (colon) operator. The pattern. * matches any string from beginning to end, so the colon operator gives the length of STR as the number of characters matched. Note that II. *11 must be in quotes to prevent the shell from treating the * as a pattern-matching character. The quotes themselves are not part of the pattern. If STR is set to the null string, the error message exp r: syntax error is displayed. This happens because the shell does not normally pass null strings to commands. In other words, the expr command sees only .. * (The shell also removes the quotation marks.) This does not work because the colon operator requires two values. We can fix this problem by enclosing the shell variable in double quotation marks: L ENGTH='exp r II $STR II : II. * II, Now if STR is null, LENGTH is set to zero. Enclosing shell variables in double quotes is recommended in general. However, do not enclose shell variables in single quotes. See page 641 for details about quoting. 3. To use part of a string: FLAG='expr "$FLAG" : "_*\(. *\) II, This removes leading minus signs, if any, from the shell variable FLAG. The colon operator gives the part of FLAG matched by the part of the pattern enclosed in \( \). If you omit the \( \), the colon operator gives the number of characters matched. If FLAG is set to - (minus), a syntax error message is displayed. This happens because the shell substitutes the value of FLAG before running the expr command. expr does not know that the minus is the value of a variable. It can only see: - : - *\ ( . *\) and it interprets the first minus sign as the subtraction operator. We can fix this problem by using: FLAG=expr "x$FLAG" : "x_*\(. *\) II Commands 319 expr 4. To use expr in an if statement: if expr II$ANSWER II : "[yYJII >/dev/null then # ANSWER begins with "y" or lIylI fi If ANSWER begins with y or Y, the then part of the if statement is performed. If the match succeeds, the result of the expression is 1 and expr returns an exit value of 0, which is recognized as the logical value TRUE by if. If the match fails, the result is 0 and the exit value 1 (FALSE). Redirecting the standard output of expr to the /dev/null special file discards the result of the expression. If you do not redirect it, the result is written to the standard output, which is usually your work station display. 5. Consider the following expression: expr II$STR II = 11=11 If STR has the value = (equal sign), then after the shell processes this command expr sees the expression: The expr command interprets this as three = operators in a row and displays a syntax error message. This happens whenever the value of a shell variable is the same as one of the expr operators. You can avoid this problem by doing the following: expr "x$STR Il = "X=II Related Information The following commands: "ed" on page 280 and "sh" on page 637. The "Overview of International Character Support" in Managing the A/X Operating System. /' 320 Commands Reference factor factor Purpose Factors a number. Syntax factor ~ ~numberr I OLB05051 Description When called without an argument, the factor command waits for you to enter a positive number less than 256. It then writes the prime factors of that number to standard output. It displays each factor the proper number of times. To exit, enter a 0 or any nonnumeric character. When called with an argument, factor determines the prime factors of number, writes the results to standard output, and exits. Example To calculate the prime factors of 123: factor 123 This displays: 123 3 41 Commands 321 TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 ff ff Purpose Lists the file names and statistics for a file system. Syntax ff -a num -c num -I -m num -n file -p prefix device ---., -s -u -I OL805122 Description Warning: This program is not intended for use with diskette-based file systems because of the difference in superblock structure and the general format of the file system. The ff command reads the i-list and directories specified by device and writes information about them to standard output. It assumes that device is a file system, and saves i-node data for files specified by flags. The output from the ff command consists of the path name for each saved i-node, in addition to other file information that you request with the flags. The output is listed in order by i-node number, with tabs between all fields. The default line produced by ff includes the path name and i-number fields. With all flags enabled, the output fields include path name, i-number, size, and DID. The num parameter in the flags descriptions is a decimal number, where + num means more than num, -num means less than num, and num means exactly num. A day is defined as a 24-hour period. The ff command lists only a single path name out of many possible ones for an i-node with more than one link, unless you specify the -1 flag. With -1, ff applies no selection criteria to the names listed. All possible names for every linked file on the file system are included in the output. On very large file systems, memory may run out before ff does. 322 Commands Reference ff Flags -a num Selects if the i-node has been accessed in num days. -c num Selects if the i-node has been changed in num days. -i i-node Generates names for only those i-nodes specified in the inode list. -I Does not display the i-node number after each path name. -1 Generates a list of all path names for files with more than one link. -m num Selects if the file associated with the i-node has been modified in num days. -n file Selects if the file associated with the i-node has been modified more recently than the specified file. -p prefix Adds the specified prefix to each path name. The default prefix is . (dot). -s Writes the file size, in bytes, after each path name. -u Writes the owner's login name after each path name. Examples 1. To list the path names of all files in a given file system: ff -I /dev/hdO This displays the path names of the files on the / de V/ hdO disk. If you do not specify the - I flag, then ff also displays the i-number of each file. 2. To list files that have been modified recently: ff -m -2 -u /dev/hdO This displays the path name, i-number, and owner's user name (- u) of each file on /dev /hdO that has been modified within the last two days (-m -2). 3. To list files that have not been used recently: ff -a +30 /dev/hdO This displays the path name and i-number of each file that was last accessed more than 30 days ago (- a +30). 4. To find out the path names of certain i-nodes: ff -1 -i 451,76 /dev/hdO This displays all the path names (-1) associated with i-nodes 451 and 76. Commands 322.1 ff Related Information The following commands: "find" on page 326 and "ncheck" on page 505. 322.2 Commands Reference ff Commands 323 file file Purpose Determines file type. Syntax ~ m file /ete/magie -m mfile -m jete/mOyie file - -c -( -m mfile OLS05124 Description The file command reads its input files, performs a series of tests on each one, and attempts to classify them by their types. file then writes the file types to standard output. If a file appears to be ASCII, file examines the first 512 bytes and tries to determine its language. If a file does not appear to be ASCII, file further attempts to distinguish a binary data file from a text file that contains extended characters. If file is an a.out file, and the version number is greater than zero (see "ld" on page 427), file displays the version stamp. The file command uses the file /etc/magic to identify files that have some sort of magic number, that is, any file containing a numeric or string constant that indicates its type. Comments at the beginning of /etc/magic explain its format. Flags 324 -c Checks the mfile (fetc/magic by default) for format errors. This validation is not normally done. File typing is not done under this flag. -f file Reads file for a list of files to examine. -m mfile Specifies mfile as the magic file (fetc/magic by default). Commands Reference file Examples 1. To display the type of information a file contains: fi 1e myfi 1e This displays the file type of myfi 1 e (directory, data, ASCII text, C-program source, archive, and so forth). 2. To display the type of each file named in a list of file names: file -f filenames This displays the type of each file with a name that appears in fi 1 enames. Each file name must appear alone on a line. To create fi 1enames: ls >filenames then edit fi 1enames as desired. Files /etc/magic File type database. Related Information "Overview of International Character Support" in Managing the AIX Operating System. Commands 325 TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 find find Purpose Finds files matching expression. Syntax find T path T expression - - l 01.805125 Description The imd command recursively searches the directory tree for each specified path, seeking files that match a Boolean expression written using the terms given below. The output from find depends on the terms used in expression. Expression Terms In the following descriptions, the parameter num is a decimal integer that can be specified as + num (more than num), -num (less than num), or num (exactly num). -name file True if file matches the file name. You can use pattern-matching characters, provided they are quoted. In an expression such as [a-z], the minus means "through" according to the current collating sequence. A collating sequence may define equivalence classes for use in character ranges. See "Overview of International Character Support" in Managing the AIX Operating System for more information on collating sequences and equivalence classes. -node nname True.if the file resides in the node nname. If nname is a valid nickname, it is used as is. If nname is not a valid nickname but has a valid NID syntax, it is used as a NID. -perm onum True if the file permission code of the file exactly matches the octal number onum (see "chmod" on page 128 for an explanation of file permissions). The onum parameter may be up to three octal digits. If you want to test the higher-order permission bits (the set-user-ID bit or set-group-ID bit, for example), prefix the onum parameter with a minus (-) sign. This makes more flag bits significant (see the stat system call for an explanation of the additional bits), and also changes the comparison to: 326 Commands Reference find (flags&onum) = = onum -type type True if the file type is of the specified type as follows: b e d f p Block special file Character special file Directory Plain file FIFO (a named pipe). -links num True if the file has num links. See "In" on page 450. -user uname True if the file belongs to the user uname. If uname is numeric and does not appear as a login name in the /ete/passwd file, it is interpreted as a user ID. -group gname True if the file belongs to the group gname. If gname is numeric and does not appear in the fete/group file, it is interpreted as a group ID. -size num True if the file is num blocks long (512 bytes per block). For this comparison the file size is rounded up to the nearest block. -atime num True if the file has been accessed in num days. -mtime num True if the file has been modified in num days. -etime num True if the file i-node has been changed in num days. -exee cmd True if the cmd runs and returns a zero value as exit status. The end of cmd must be punctuated ,by a quoted or escaped semicolon. A command parameter {} is replaced by the current path name. -ok cmd The find command asks you whether it should start cmd. If your response begins with y, cmd is started. The end of cmd must be punctuated by a quoted or escaped semicolon. -print Always true; causes the current path name to be displayed. find does not display path names unless you specify this expression term. -epio device Write the current file to device in cpio format. See "epio" on page 158. -newer file True if the current file has been modified more recently than the file indicated by file. -depth Always true. This causes the descent of the directory hierarchy to be done so that all entries in a directory are affected before the directory itself. This can be useful when find is used with epio to transfer files that are contained in directories without write permission. \( expression \) True if the expression in parentheses is true. Commands 327 find You may perform the following logical operations on these terms (listed in order of decreasing precedence): • Negate a term (! is the NOT operator). • Concatenate terms (juxtaposing two terms implies the AND operation). • Alternate terms (-0 is the OR operator). Examples 1. To list all files in the file system with a given base file name: find / -name .profile -print This searches the entire file system and writes the complete path names of all files named. profi 1e. The / tells find to search the root directory and all of its subdirectories. This may take a while, so it is best to limit the search by specifying the directories where you think the files might be. 2. To list the files with a specific permission code in the current directory tree: find -perm 0600 -print This lists the names of the files that have only owner-read and owner-write permission. The. (dot) tells find to search the current directory and its subdirectories. See "chmod" on page 128 for details about permission codes. 3. To search several directories for files with certain permission codes: find manual clients proposals -perm -0600 -print This lists the names of the files that have owner-read and owner-write permission and possibly other permissions. The directories manua 1, cl i ents, and proposa 1s, and their subdirectories, are searched. Note that -perm 0600 in the previous example selects only files with permission codes that match 0600 exactly. In this example, -perm -0600 selects files with permission codes that allow at least the accesses indicated by 0600. This also matches the permission codes 0622 and 2744. 4. To search for regular files with multiple links: find -type f -links +1 -print This lists the names of the ordinary files (- type f) that have more than one link (- 1inks +1). Note that every directory has at least two links: the entry in its parent directory and its own. (dot) entry. See "In" on page 450 for details about multiple file links. 328 Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 find 5. To back up selected files in cpio format: find -name II*.C" -cpio /dev/rfdO This saves all the. C files onto the diskette in cpio format. See "cpio" on page 158 for details. Note that the pattern 11*. C II must be quoted to prevent the shell from treating the * as a pattern-matching character. This is a special case in which find itself decodes the pattern-matching characters. 6. To perform an action on all files that meet complex requirements: find. \( -name a.out -0 -name 11*.0 11 \) -atime +7 -exec rm {} \; This deletes (-exec rm {} \;) all files named a. out or that end with. 0, and that were last accessed over seven days ago (- at i me +7). The - 0 flag is the logical OR operator. Files /etc/passwd /etc/group Related Information The following commands: "cpio" on page 158, "sh" on page 637, and "test" on page 750. The stat system call and the cpio and fs files in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. "Overview of International Character Support" and "Using Distributed Services" in Managing the AIX Operating System. Commands 329 fish fish Purpose Plays the card game Go Fish. Syntax /usr/games/fish ---i 01.805189 Description The object of the fish game is to accumulate books of four cards with the same face value. You and the program take turns asking each other for a card in your hand. If your opponent has any of that card, he must hand them over. If not, he says GO FI SH, and you draw a card from the pool of undealt cards. If you draw the card you asked for, you draw again. As books are made, they are laid down on the table. Play continues until there are no cards left. The player with the largest number of books wins the game. fish tells you the winner and exits. The fish game asks if you want instructions before play begins. To see the instructions, enter y or yes. Entering p as your first move gives you the professional level game. The fish game tells you the cards in your hand each time it prompts for a move. It tells you when either side makes a book, says GO FI SH for you, and draws for you. All you must enter as play prcgresses is the value of the card you want to ask for. If you press only the Enter key, you are given information about the number of cards in your opponent's hand and in the pool. To exit the game before play is completed, press INTERRUPT (Alt-Pause). 330 Commands Reference format format Purpose Forma ts diskettes. Syntax -d/dev/fdO\ format -ddevice I ~ OLS05395 Description The format command formats diskettes in the specified device (fdev/fdO by default). format determines the device type, either a 360K or a 1.2M diskette drive. By default, it formats a diskette in a 360K drive to have 40 cylinders, 9 sectors per track, and 2 sides and a diskette in a 1.2M drive to have 80 cylinders, 15 sectors per track, and 2 sides. Flags -ddevice Specifies the device containing the diskette to be formatted. -f Formats the diskette without checking for bad tracks, thus formatting the diskette faster. -1 Formats a 360K diskette in a 1.2M diskette drive. Warning: A 360K diskette drive may not be able to read a 360K diskette that has been formatted in a 1.2M drive. -s Specifies a single-sided diskette. Use only for 360K diskette drives. -t Specifies that the number of sectors on a 360K diskette should be 8. Related Information The fd file in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. Commands 331 fortune fortune Purpose Tells a fortune. Syntax /usr/games/fortune --j OLB05190 Description The fortune game tells a fortune, selected at random from the file /usr/games/lib/fortunes, and exits. You can edit the file /usr/games/lib/fortunes to add your own fortunes. Each saying in the file should be a single line. fortune folds long sayings into multiple lines as necessary. Files /usr / games/lib/fortunes 332 Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 fptype ,fptype ,Purpose Displays the floating point configuration of the system. ,Syntax fptype -j OL805471 , Description The fptype command calls a subroutine which determines the current floating point configuration. fptype returns one of the following values and displays the corresponding message: Return Value Message o Floating Point Type = Software Emulation 1 Floating Point Type = FP A Card 2 Floating Point Type = APC Card with MC68881 4 Floating Point Type = AFPA - No DMA Support 12 Floating Point Type = AFPA - With DMA Support , Related Information The fpfp subroutine in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. Commands 332.1 TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 fptype 332.2 Commands Reference fsck fsck, dfsck Purpose Checks file system consistency and interactively repairs the file system. Syntax fsck -SCYI:SkiP . -Scyl : skip ~-dblocknum 1 The n ~ =: K file : -bblocknum ,r A-iinumXfileSystemr default action is to check every file system with the attribute check-true in the file /etc/fllesysfem. OL8055384 dfsck r--\. ~ f/ag/ist1 r filesystem1 _ _ 1 r--\. ~ f/aglist2 r filesystem2 --I 1 Use a - to separate the groups when you specify flags as part of the arguement. OL805456 Description Warning: Always run fsck on file systems after a system crash. Corrective actions may result in some loss of data. The default action for each consistency correction is to wait for the operator to respond yes or no. If you do not have write permission for an affected file, fsck defaults to a no response in spite of your actual response. The fsck command checks and interactively repairs inconsistent filesystems. It should .be run on every file system as part of system initialization (see "rc" on page 594). You must have superuser authority to run fsck. Normally, the file system is consistent, and fsck Commands 333 fsck merely reports on the number of files, used blocks and free blocks in the file system. If the filesystem is inconsistent, fsck displays information about the inconsistencies found and prompts you for permission to repair them. fsck is conservative in its repair efforts and tries to avoid actions that might result in the loss of valid data. In certain cases, however, fsck recommends the destruction' of a damaged file. If you do not specify filesystem, fsck looks at /etc/filesystems to find a list of file systems to check by. default. fsck can perform checks (on separate arms) in parallel (running in parallel processes). This can reduce the time required to check a large number of file systems. In /etc/filesystems, automatic checking may be enabled by adding a line in the stanza, as follows: check=true If you specify the -p flag, fsck can perform multiple checks at the same time. To tell fsck which file systems are on the same drives change the check specification in /etc/filesystems as follows: chec k=number The number tells fsck which group contains a particular file system. File systems on a single drive are placed in the same group. Each group is checked in a separate parallel process. File systems are checked, one at a time, in the order that they appear in /etc/filesystems. All check=true file systems are in group 1. fsck attempts to check the root file system before any other file system regardless of order specified on the command line or in /etc/filesystems. The fsck command checks for the following inconsistencies: • • • • • • • • 334 Blocks allocated to multiple files or to a file and the free list. Blocks allocated to a file or on the free list outside the range allowable block numbers. Discrepancies between the number of directory references to a file and the link count in the file. Size checks: - Incorrect number of blocks. - Directory size not I6-byte aligned. Bad i-node format. Blocks not accounted for anywhere. Directory checks: File pointing to an i-node that is not allocated. I-node number out of range. Dot (.) link missing or not pointing to itself. Dot dot (.. ) link missing or not pointing to the parent directory. Files that are not referenced or directories that are not reachable. Superblock checks: More than 65535 i-nodes. - More blocks for i-nodes than there are in the file system. Commands Reference ,/ fsck • • Bad free block list format. Total free block and/or free i-node count incorrect. Orphaned files and directories (those that cannot be reached) are, if you allow it, reconnected by placing them in the lost + found subdirectory in the root directory. The name assigned is the i-node number. The only restriction is that the directory lost + found must already exist in the root directory of the file system being checked and must have empty slots in which entries can be made (accomplished by copying a number of files to the directory and then removing them before you run fsck). If you do not allow fsck to reattach an orphaned file, it requests permission to destroy the file. When fsck displays i-node information, the NLTIME environment variable controls the format of the modification time. In addition to its messages, fsck records the outcome of its checks and repairs through its exit value. This exit value can be any sum of the following conditions: o 2 4 8 All checked file systems are now ok. fsck was interrupted before it could complete checks or repairs. fsck changed the mounted file system; the user must restart the system immediately. The file system contains unrepaired damage. When the system is being started up normally, fsck runs with the -p flag from /etc/rc (see "rc" on page 594). If fsck detects and repairs errors on the root or other mounted file systems, it displays a message on the console and restarts the system, if possible. If it cannot restart the system or if it detects errors that it cannot repair, it displays appropriate messages on the console and returns an exit value indicating that an immediate restart is necessary. Note: All statistics reported by fsck are in 512-byte blocks, regardless of the actual block size of the file system being checked. All user specifications should be specified in 512-byte blocks. dfsck The dfsck command lets you simultaneously check two file systems on two different drives. Use the {laglisti and {laglist2 arguments to pass flags and parameters for the two sets of file systems. Use a - (minus) to separate the file system groups if you specify flags as part of the arguments. The dfsck command permits you to interact with two fsck commands at once. To aid in this, dfsck displays the file system name with each message. When responding to a question from dfsck, you must prefix your response with a 1 or a 2 to indicate whether the answer refers to the first or second file system group. Note: Do not use dfsckto check the root file system (fdev/hdO). Commands 335 fsck Flags 336 -bblocknum Designates a block as bad. fsck searches for any files that contain the specified block. If it finds any such files, it asks permission to delete them. If it finds no such files or is told to delete all such files, the specified block is added to the bad block list in i-node 1. This keeps the block out of circulation so that it cannot be allocated to any user file. -dblocknum Searches for references to a specified disk block. Whenever fsck encounters a file that contains a specified block, it displays the i-node number and all path names that refer to it. -f Performs a fast check. Under normal circumstances, the only file systems likely to be affected by halting the system without shutting down properly are those that were mounted when the system stopped. the -f flag tells fsck not to check file systems that were cleanly unmounted. fsck determines this by inspecting the s _fmod flag in the file system superblock. this flag is set whenever a file system is mounted and cleared when it is cleanly unmounted. if a file system was cleanly unmounted, it is unlikely to have any problems. because most file systems are cleanly unmounted, not checking those file systems can reduce the checking time. -iinum Searches for references to a specified i-node. Whenever fsck encounters a directory reference to a specified i-node number, it displays the full path name of the reference. -n Assumes a no response to all questions asked by fsck; does not open filesystem for writing. -p Does not display messages about minor problems, but fixes them automatically. This flag does not grant the wholesale license that the -y flag does and is useful for performing automatic checks when the system is to be started normally. You should use this flag whenever the system is being run automatically as part of the system startup procedures. -s[cyl:skip] Ignores the actual free list and unconditionally reconstructs a new one. You can specify an optional interleave specification with this flag: cyl specifies the number of blocks per cylinder; skip specifies the number of blocks to skip. If you do not specify cyl or skip, fsck uses the interleave parameters in the superblock. The file system should be unmounted while this is done; if this is not possible, be sure that you are running no programs and that you perform a system restart immediately afterwards so that the old copy of the superblock in memory is not written to disk. -S[cyl:skip] Conditionally reconstructs the free list. This flag is like the -s flag except that the free list is rebuilt only if there are no discrepancies discovered in the file system. Using -S forces a no response to all questions asked by fsck. Use this flag to force free list reorganization on uncontaminated file systems. Commands Reference fsck -tfile Uses file as a scratch file if lsck cannot obtain enough memory to keep its tables. If you do not specify -t and lsck needs a scratch file, it prompts you for the name of the scratch file. However, if you have specified the -p flag, lsck fails. The file chosen must not be on the file system being checked. If it is not a special file, it is removed when lsck ends. -y Assumes a yes response to all questions asked by lsck. This lets lsck take any action that it considers necessary. Use this flag only on severely damaged file systems. Examples 1. To check all the default file systems: fsck This checks all the file systems marked check=true in /etc/filesystems. This form of the lsck command asks you for permission before making any changes to a file system. 2. To fix minor problems with the default file systems automatically: fsck -p 3. To check a specific file system: fsck /dev/hdl This checks the unmounted file system located on the /dev /hdl device. 4. To simultaneously check two file systems on two different drives: dfsck -p /dev/hdl -p /dev/hd7 This checks both file systems simultaneously, if the file systems on the devices /dev /hdl and /dev /hd7 are located on two different drives. You can also specify the file system names that are found in the /etc/filesystems file. Files /etc/filesystems Contains default list of file systems to check. Related Information The following commands: "rc" on page 594, "lsdb" on page 338, "istat" on page 415, "mkls" on page 487, "ncheck" on page 505, and "shutdown" on page 663. The filesystems and Is files in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. The discussion of lsck and dfsck in Managing the AIX Operating System Commands 337 fsdb fsdb Purpose Debugs file systems. Syntax Isdb - filesysfem -0 OLB05244 Description Warning: This program is not intended for use with diskette-based file systems because of the difference in superblock structure and the general format of the file system. You can use the fsdb command to examine and patch a damaged file system after a system crash. It allows you to access blocks and i-numbers and to examine various parts of an i-node. You can reference components of the i-node symbolically. These features simplify procedures for correcting control-block entries or for descending the file-system tree. The file system to be examined can be specified by a block device name, a raw device name, or a mounted file system name. In the latter case, fsdb determines the associated file name by reading the file /etc/filesystems. Any numbers you enter are considered decimal by default, unless you prefix them with a 0 (zero) to indicate an octal number. Because fsdb reads and writes one block at a time, it works with raw as well as with block I/O. It uses a buffer management routine to retain commonly used blocks of data in order to reduce the number of read system calls. All assignment operations write the corresponding block immediately. Flag Disables the error checking routines used to verify i-node and block addresses. The 0 subcommand toggles these routines on and off. When these routines are running, fsdb reads the i-size and f-size entries from the superblock of the file system. 338 Commands Reference fsdb Subcommands The subcommands you give to fsdb are requests to display or modify information. A display subcommand is a block address optionally followed by a display format specification. A field modification subcommand is similar to the display subcommand but may include a subfield specification, an operator, and a value. An address specification is a number optionally followed by a type specifier and subfield specification. The display subcommands are: num i-numberi block-addressb directory-s lot-offsetd q ! Display data at absolute address num. Display data at i-number. Display data at block-address. Display data at directory-slot-offset. Quit. Escape to the shell. The display formats are: P f General display facilities File display facility. You can step through the i-node information examining each byte, word, or double word. Select the desired display mode by entering one of the following subcommands: B D W o Begin displaying in byte mode. Begin displaying in double word mode. Begin displaying in word mode. Toggle error checking on or off. Moving forward or backward through the i-node data is done with the following symbols: +num -num Move forward the specified number of units currently in effect. Move backward the specified number of units currently in effect. The following symbols allow you to store the current address and return to it conveniently: > address < Store address for later reference. If you do not specify address, fsdb stores the current address. Return to the previously stored address. The display format applied to the information at the selected address is the one currently in effect. You may receive an error message indicating improper alignment if the address you specify does not fall on an even boundary. The display facilities display a formatted output in various styles. The current address is normalized to an appropriate boundary before display begins. It advances with the displaying and is left at the address of the last item displayed. The output can be ended at any time by pressing INTERRUPT (Alt-Pause). Commands 339 fsdb If you enter a number after the p symbol, fsdb displays that number of entries. A check is made to detect block boundary overflows because logically sequential blocks are generally not physically sequential. If you enter a count of zero, fsdb displays all entries to the end of the current block. The display formats available are: i d o e c b y Display Display Display Display Display Display Display as as as as as as as i-nodes. directories. octal words. decimal words. characters. octal bytes. hex bytes. Use the f symbol to display data blocks associated with the current i-node. If you enter a number after f, fsdb displays that block of the file. Block numbering begins at zero. The desired display subcommand follows the block number, if present, or the f symbol. The display facility works for large as well as small files. It checks for special devices and also checks the data are not zero. You can use dots (.), tabs, and spaces as subcommand delimiters, but they are not necessary. Pressing just the Enter key (entering a blank line) increments the current address by the size of the data type last displayed. That is, the address is set to the next byte, word, double word, directory entry or i-node, allowing you to step through a region of a file system. fsdb displays information in a format appropriate to the data type. Bytes, words and double words are displayed as an octal address followed by the octal representation of the data at that address and the decimal equivalent enclosed in parentheses. fsdb adds a .B or .D to the end of the address to indicate a display of byte or double word values. It displays directories as a directory slot offset followed by the decimal i-number and the character representation of the entry name. It displays i-nodes with labeled fields describing each element. The environment variables NLLDATE and NLTIME control the formats of the date and time. The following mnemonics are used for the names of the fields of an i-node and refer to the current working i-node: md In uid gid sz an at mt maj min 340 Commands Reference Permission mode Link count User number Group number File size Data block numbers (0 - 12) Access time Modification time Major device number Minor device number fsdb The general form for assigning new values is: mnemonic operator new-value The fsdb command modifies the value of the field specified by mnemonic according to the operator and new-value. Valid operators include: = Assign new-value to the specified mnemonic. Increment the mnemonic by the specified new-value. The default new-value is 1. Decrease the mnemonic by the specified new-value. The default new-value is 1. Assign character string new-value to the specified mnemonic. =+ -= II Examples The following examples show subcommands that you can use after starting fsdb. 1. . To display an i-node: 386i This displays i-number 386 in i-node format. It now becomes the current i-node. 2. To change the link count for the current i-node to 4: In=4 3. To increase the link count of the current i-node by 1: In=+l 4. To display part of the file associated with the current i-node: fc This displays as ASCII text block zero of the file associated with the current i-node. 5. To display entries of a directory: 2i . fd This changes the current i-node to the root i-node (i-node 2), then displays the directory entries in the first block associated with that i-node. 6. To go down a level of the directory tree: d5i .fc This changes the current i-node to the one associated with directory entry 5. Then it displays the first block of the file as ASCII text (fc). Directory entries are numbered starting from 0 (zero). Commands 341 fsdb 7. To display a block when you know its block number: 1b.pOo This displays the superblock (block 1) of file system in octal. 8. To change the i-number of a directory entry: 2; .aOb.d7=3 This changes the i-number of directory entry 7 in the root directory (2;) to 3. This example also shows how several operations can be combined on one line. 9. To change the file name of a directory entry: d7.nm=lchap1.rec" This changes the name field of directory entry 7 to ch ap 1 . rec. 10. To display a given block of the file associated with the current i-node: a2b.pOd This displays block 2 of the current i-node as directory entries. Related Information The following command: "fsck, dfsck" on page 333. The fs and dir files and the environment miscellaneous facility in A/X Operating System Technical Reference. The "Overview of International Character Support" in Managing the A/X Operating System. 342 Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 fuser fuser Purpose Identifies processes using a file or file structure. Syntax fus.r~file~ OLB05055 Description The fuser command lists, for local processes, the process numbers of the processes using the specified local or remote file. For remote processes that use local files, fuser lists the node (NID) that has the files open. It does not list the process numbers, user names, or usage information. For block special devices, all processes using any file on that device are listed. The process number is followed by a letter indicating how the process is using the file: c p r Using file as the current directory Using file as the parent of the current directory (only when in use by the system) Using file as the root directory. The process numbers are written as a single line to standard output, separated by spaces and ended with a single new-line character. All other output is written to standard error. Flags -k Sends the SIGKILL signal to each local process. Only the person operating with superuser authority can kill another user's process (see "kill" on page 422). SIGKILL is not sent to remote processes. -u Indicates the login name in parentheses after the process number. The login name is not listed for remote processes. Cancels any flags selected for the previous set of file or files. Flags may be respecified between groups of files on the command line. The new set of flags replaces the old set. Commands 343 TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 fuser Examples 1. To list the ID numbers of the processes using the /etc/passwd file: fuser 2. To list the process IDs and user names of the processes using the /etc/filesystems file: fuser 3. /etc/passwd -u /etc/filesystems To stop all of the processes using a given disk drive: fuser -k -u /dev/hdl This lists the process ID and user name, and then stops each process that is using the /dev /hdl disk drive. You must have superuser authority to stop processes that belong to someone else. You might want to do this if you are trying to unmount /dev/hdl, and a process accessing it is preventing you from doing so. 4. To perform the actions of the previous examples in reverse order: fuser -k -u /dev/hdl -u /etc/filesystems /etc/passwd Note that lone dashes before the -u and before /etc/passwd turn off both the -k and -u flags. Files /unix /dev/kmem /dev/mem System kernel image. For system image. Also for system image. Related Information The following commands: "killall" on page 425, "mount" on page 498, and "ps" on page 579. The kill and signal system calls in A/X Operating System Technical Reference. "Using Distributed Services" in Managing the A/X Operating System. 344 Commands Reference fwtmp fwtmp Purpose Manipulates connect accounting records. Syntax /usr/lib/acct/fwtmp~ '--icJ /usr/lib/acct/wtmpfix ~ ~ /usr/lib/acct/acctwtmp - "reason" ~ 0L805239 Description fwtmp The fwtmp command reads wtmp records from standard input and converts them to formatted ASCII records, which it writes to standard output. Flag -ic Reads ASCII input and writes output in binary form. acctwtmp The acctwtmp command writes to standard output a utmp record containing the string reason and the current date and time. reason can contain 11 or fewer characters. Commands 345 fwtmp wtmpfix The wtmpfix command examines standard input or the named files containing records in wtmp format, corrects the date and time stamps to make the entries consistent, and writes the corrected input to standard output. (It is necessary that date and time stamps be consistent because acctconl generates an error and stops when it encounters inconsistent date change records.) Each time the date is set (on system startup or with the date command) a pair of date change records is written to /usr/adm/wtmp. The first record is the old date, denoted by the string old time placed in the line field and the flag OLD _TIME placed in the type field. The second record is the new date, denoted by the string new time placed in the line field and the flag NEW _TIME placed in the type field. The wtmpfix command uses these records to synchronize all date and time stamps in the file. In addition to correcting date and time stamps, wtmpfix checks the validity of the name field to ensure that it consists solely of alphanumeric characters, a dollar sign ($), or spaces. If it encounters an invalid name, it changes the login name to INVALID and writes a diagnostic to standard error. In this way, wtmpfix reduces the chance that acctcon2 will fail when it processes connect accounting records. Files /usr/adm/wtmp /usr/include/utmp.h Related Information The following commands: "acct/*" on page 31, "acctcms" on page 36, "acctcom" on page 38, "acctcon" on page 42, "acctdisk" on page 44, "acctmerg" on page 46, "acctprc" on page 48, and "runacct" on page 606. The acct system call and the acct and utmp files in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. "Running System Accounting" in Managing the AIX Operating System. 346 Commands Reference gdev gdev Purpose Provides graphical device routines and filters. Syntax hpd -c num -xv num -p num -yd num -s num -yv num -xd num erase --l hardcopy --l tekset - - l td --0-f ~:e ~-e J of \ . file ~ -rnum I T L- OL777036 Description The following commands provide various graphical device routines and filters. They all reside in the /usr/bin/graf directory (see "graphics" on page 377). hpd The hpd command takes a graphical file in gps format (standard input by default), and translates it into instructions for the Hewlett-Packard 7221A Graphics Plotter. See the gps file in AIX Operating System Technical Reference for a description of this file format. It computes a viewing window from the maximum and minimum points in the file, unless you specify the -r or -u flags. Commands 347 gdev Flags cnum Selects character set num, where num is an integer between 0 and 5. See the Hewlett-Packard 7221A Graphics Plotter documentation for a list of these character sets. pnum Selects pen numbered num, where num is an integer between 1 and 4 inclusive. rnum Displays a window on a GPS J.:.egion, where num is an integer from 1 to 25 inclusive. snum Slants characters num degrees clockwise from the vertical. u Displays window on the entire GPS universe. xdnum Sets x displacement of the viewport's lower left corner to num inches. xvnum Sets width of viewport to num inches. ydnum Sets y displacement of the viewport to num inches. yvnum Sets height of viewport to num inches. erase The erase command sends characters to a Tektronix 4010 series storage terminal to erase the screen. hardcopy When issued at a Tektronix display terminal with a hard copy unit, the hardcopy command produces a screen copy on the unit. tekset The tekset command send characters to a Tektronix terminal to clear the display screen, set the display mode to alpha, and set characters to the smallest font. td The td command translates a GPS object to scope code for a Tektronix 4010 series storage terminal. It computes a viewing window from the maximum and minimum points in file, unless you specify the -u or -rnum flag. Standard input is the default input file. Flags ,/ 348 e Does not erase the screen before initiating display. rnum Displays GPS region num, where num is an integer between 1 and 25 inclusive. u Displays the entire GPS universe. Commands Reference gdev Related Information The following commands: "ged" on page 350, "gend" on page 357, and "graphics" on page 377. The gps file in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. Commands 349 ged ged Purpose Displays, makes, and edits graphical files on Tektronix 4010 terminals. Syntax ged ~~ ~:e of -e -R -rnum r (Return). Prior to the final < cr >, you may cancel the subcommand by pressing INTERRUPT (Alt-Pause). You can edit the input of a stage, during the stage, by using the erase and kill characters of the calling shell. The * (star) prompt indicates that ged is waiting at stage 1. Each subcommand consists of a subset of the following stages: 1. Command line, whose format is the same as the format of a shell command: subcommand-name [-flags] [filename] followed by pressing the Enter key. The subcommand-name consists of the first character of the subcommand. ged echoes the full command name and pauses for the remainder of the command line. Flags are indicated by a leading - (minus). To generate a list of ged subcommands, enter: ? 2. Text, a sequence of characters terminated by an unescaped Enter You can have a maximum of 120 lines of text. 3. Points, a sequence of one or more screen locations (maximum of 30), indicated either by the terminal crosshairs or by name. The prompt for entering points is the appearance of the crosshairs. When the crosshairs are visible, typing: sp (space) Enters the current location as a point. The point is identified by a number. $num Enters the previous point numbered num. >x labels the last point entered with the upper case letter x. $x Enters the point labeled x. Establishes the previous points as the current points. At the start of a command, the previous points are those locations given with the previous command. Echoes the current points. $.num Enters the point. # Erases the last point entered. @ Erases all of the points entered. 4. Pivot, a single location entered by pressing the Enter key or by using the $ operator and indicated with a * (star). 5. Destination, a single location entered by pressing the Enter key or by using $ (dollar sign). Commands 351 ged Subcommand Summary In the following lists, characters printed in bold are to be entered literally. Subcommand stages are printed in bold italics. Arguments surrounded by [] (brackets) are optional. Parentheses surrounding arguments separated by "or" indicate that you must specify exactly one of the arguments. Construct Subcommands Arc [-echo,style,weight] points Box [-echo,style,weight] text Circle [-echo,style,weight] point Hardware [-echo] text points Lines [-echo,style,weight] points Text [-angle,echo,height, mid-point,right-point,text, weight] text points Edit Subcommands Delete (-(universe or view) or points) Edit [-angle,echo,height,style,weight] (-(universe or view) or points) Kopy [-echo,points,x] points pivot destination Move [-echo,points,x] points pivot destination Rotate [-angle,echo,kopy,x] points pivot destination Scale [-echo,factor,kopy,x] points pivot destination View Subcommands coordinates points erase new-display 352 o bj ect-handles (-(universe or view) or points) point-handles (-(labelled-points or universe or view) or points) view (-(home or universe or region) or [-x] pivot destination) x [-view] points zoom [-out] points Commands Reference ,/ ged Other Subcommands quit or Quit read [-angle,echo,height, mid-point,right-point,text, weight] file-name[destination] set [-angle,echo,factor, heigh t,kopy ,mid-poin t,poin ts, righ t-point,sty Ie, text, weigh t,x] write file-name !command ? Options Options specify parameters used to construct, edit, and view graphical objects. If a parameter used by a subcommand is not specified as an option, the default value for the parameter will be used (see set following). The format of subcommand options is: -option[,option] where option is keyletter[value]. Flags take on the values of true or false indicated by + and - respectively. If no value is given with a flag, true is assumed. Object Options anglen Specifies an angle of n degrees. echo When true, changes made to the display buffer are echoed to the screen. factorn Specifies a scale factor is n percent. heightn Sets the height of text to n universe-units (0 kopy When true, copies rather than moves. mid-point When true, uses the mid-point of a text string to locate string. points When true, operates on points; otherwise operates on objects. right-point When style type Sets the line sty Ie to one of following types: so da dd tr~le, ~n < 1280). uses the rightmost point of the text string to locate string. solid dashed dot-dashed dotted long-dashed. text do ld When false, outlines rather than draws text strings. weighttype Sets line weight to one of following types: Commands 353 ged n m b narrow medium bold. Area Options home References the home-window. out Reduces magnification during zoom. regionn References the region n. unIverse References the universe-window. view References those objects currently in view. x Indicates the center of the referenced area. Subcommand Descriptions Construct Subcommands Arc Lines Box Circle Text Hardware 354 Behave similarly. Each consists of a command line followed by points. The first point entered is the object-handle. Successive points are point-handles. Lines connects the handles in numerical order. Arc fits a curve to the handles (currently a maximum of 3 points will be fit with a circular arc; splines will be added in a later version). Special cases of Lines and Arc, respectively. Box generates a rectangle with sides parallel to the universe axes. A diagonal of the rectangle would connect the first point entered with the last point. The first point is the object-handle. Point-handles are created at each of the vertices. Circle generates a circular arc centered about the point numbered zero and passing through the last point. The circle's object-handle coincides with the last point. A point-handle is generated 180 degrees around the circle from the obj ect-handle. Generate text objects. Each consists of a command line, text and points Text is a sequence of characters delimited by < cr >. Multiple lines of text may be entered by preceding a cr with a \ (backslash). The Text subcommand creates software generated characters. Each line of software text is treated as a separate text object. The first point entered is the object-handle for the first line of text. The Hardware command sends the characters in text, uninterpreted, to the terminal. Commands Reference / ged Edit Subcommands Edit subcommands operate on portions of the display buffer called defined-areas. A defined-area is referenced either with an area option or interactively. If an area option is not given, the perimeter of the defined-area is indicated by points. If no point is entered, a small defined-area is built around the location of the < cr >. This is useful to reference a single point. If only one point is entered, the location of the < cr > is taken in conjunction with the point to indicate a diagonal of a rectangle. A defined-area referenced by points will be outlined with dotted lines. Delete Removes all objects whose object-handle lies within a defined-area. The universe option removes all objects and erases the screen. Edit Modifies the parameters of the objects within a defined-area. Parameters that can be edited are: angle height style weight Kopy Move Specifies Specifies Specifies Specifies the the the the angle of text height of text style of lines and arc weight of lines, arc, and text Copies (or moves) object- and/or point-handles within a defined-area by the displacement from the pivot to the destination. Rotate Rotates objects within a defined-area around the pivot. If the kcopy flag is true then the objects are copied rather than moved. Scale For object whose object-handles are within a defined-area, point displacements from the pivot are scaled by factor percent. If the kopy flag is true then the objects are copied rather than moved. View Subcommands coordinates Displays the location of point(s) in universe- and screen-units. erase Clears the screen (but not the display buffer). new-display Erases the screen then displays the display buffer. o bj ect-handles poin t-handles VIew Labels object- (and/or point-handles) that lie within the defined-area with o (or P). point-handles identifies labeled points when the labeled-points flag is true. Moves the window so that the universe point corresponding to the pivot coincides with the screen point corresponding to the destination. Options for home, universe, and region display particular windows in the universe. Commands 355 ged x Indicates the center of a defined-area. Option view indicates the center of the screen. zoom Decreases (zoom out) or increases the magnification of the viewing window based on the defined-area. For increased magnification, the window is set to circumscribe the defined-area. For a decrease in magnification the current window is inscribed within the defined-area. Other Subcommands quit Quit Exit from ged. quit responds with? if the display buffer has not been written since the last modification. read Inputs the contents of a file. If the file contains a GPS object, it is read directly. If the file contains text it is converted into text object(s). The first line of a text file begins at destination. set When given option(s) resets default parameters, otherwise it prints current default values. write Outputs the contents of the display buffer to a file. Escapes ged to execute a AIX Operating System command. ? Lists ged subcommands. Related Information The following commands: "gdev" on page 347, "graphics" on page 377, and "sh" on page 637. The gps file in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. / 356 Commands Reference gend gend Purpose Provides a general graphics device back end. Syntax gend 0L805458 Description The /usr/bin/graf/gend command displays GPS files on the graphics output devices supported by the Advanced Display Graphics Support Library (GSL). For more information about GSL, see the "Advanced Display Graphics Support Library" in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. By default, gend reads standard input and writes to the current display (see "display" on page 258), but gend can also drive printers and plotters if you have installed the VDI drivers that are in the Extended Services Program. You can specify the name of one or more GPS files on the command line. If you enter a file name of - (minus), gend reads standard input. When gend displays an image, it opens a new virtual terminal. You can move to and from this virtual terminal by pressing Next Window (Alt-Action). See "open" on page 541 and Using the AIX Operating System for for information on virtual terminals. To end gend and close the virtual terminal, press END OF FILE (Ctrl-D). Note: The gend command produces the standard GPS line style attributes with one exception. Line style 4 (long dashed) is rendered as dash-dot-dot. Flags -nnum Specifies the number of chords per circle. Legal values are 64, 128, 256, or 512. The default value is 128. Rather than drawing truly circular arcs or circles, gend converts them into a series of very short line segments (chords), whose end points lie on the circle. For most devices and images, the default value of 128 is satisfactory. The higher values give a smoother image; the lower value provides faster drawing time. Commands 357 gend -rnum Displays data in GPS region num. A GPS object is defined in a Cartesian plane of 64K points on each axis. The plane, or universe, is divided into 25 square regions numbered 1 to 25 from the lower left to the upper right. -u Displays data in the entire GPS universe. -Tname Uses the device specified by the name environment variable. The default is the current display (this must be supported by /dev/hft). When the image is to be displayed on other devices, you must ensure that the proper VDI device handler is installed. Files /usr /bin/ graff gend /tmp/dev.XXXXXX The general devices backend. Temporary file. Related Information The following commands: "ged" on page 350, "gdev" on page 347, "graphics" on page 377, and "open" on page 541. "Advanced Display Graphics Support Library" in AIX Operating System Technical Reference Installing programs in Installing and Customizing the AIX Operating System. / 358 Commands Reference get get Purpose Creates a specified version of a Source Code Control System (SCCS) file. Syntax -g get -ccutoff -iJist -m -n -p -rSID -s -t -x/ist -wstring OL805058 get -b -ccutoff -j list -r SID -s -t -x/ist OL805355 Description The get command reads the specified versions of the named Source Code Control System (SeeS) files, creates an ASCII text file for each file according to the specified flags, and writes each text file to a file with the same name as the original SCCS file without the s. (s period) prefix (the g-file). The flags and files can be specified in any order, and all flags apply to all named files. If you specify a directory in place of file, get performs the requested actions on all the files in the directory that begin with the s. prefix. If you specify a - (minus) in place of a file, get reads standard input and interprets each line as the name of an SCCS file. get continues to read input until it reads END OF FILE (Ctrl-D). If the effective user has write permission in the directory containing the SCCS files but the real user does not, then only one file can be named when the -e flag is used. If you are not familiar with the terms SID and delta or you do not know the numbering system of the deltas, see AIX Operating System Programming Tools and Interfaces for more information. Commands 359 get sees Files In addition to the file with the s. prefix (the 8-file), get can create several auxiliary files: the g-file, I-file, p-file, and z-file. These files are identified by their tag, the letter before the hyphen. get names auxiliary files by replacing the leading s. in the sees file name with the proper tag, except for the g-file, which is named by removing the s. prefix. So, for a file named s.sample, the auxiliary file names would be sample, l.sample, p.sample, and z.sample. These files serve the following purposes: s-file This file contains the original file text and all the changes (deltas) made to the file. It also includes information about who can change the file contents, who has made changes, when those changes were made, and what the changes were. You cannot edit this file directly since the file is read-only. It contains the information needed by the sees commands to build the g-file, the file you can edit. g-file The g-file is an ASeII text file that contains the text of the sees file version that you specify with the -r flag (or the latest trunk version by default). You can edit this file directly. When you have made all your changes and you want to make a new delta to the file, you can then apply the delta command to the file. get creates the g-file in the current directory. The get command creates a g-file whenever it runs, unless the -g flag or the -p flag is specified. The real user owns it (not the effective user). If you do not specify the -k or the -e flag, the file is read-only. If the -k or the -e flag is specified, the owner has write permission for the g-file. You must have write permission in the current directory to create a g-file. I-file The get command creates the I-file when the -I flag is specified. The I-file is a read only file. It contains a table showing which deltas were applied in generating the g-file. You must have write permission in the current directory to create an I-file. Lines in the I-file have the following format: * appears otherwise. 1. A blank character if the delta was applied; a 2. A blank character if the delta was applied or was not applied and ignored; a appears if the delta was not applied and was not ignored. 3. A code indicating a special reason why the delta was or was not applied: Blank Included or excluded normally. I Included using the -i flag. X Excluded using the -x flag. C eut off using the -c flag. 360 4. The SID. 5. The date and time the file was created. 6. The login name of person who created the delta. Commands Reference * get Comments and MR data follow on subsequent lines, indented one horizontal tab character. A blank line ends each en try. For example, for a delta cutoff with the -c flag, the entry in the I-file might be: **C 1.3 85/03/13 12:44:16 pat and the entry for the initial delta might be: 1.1 85/02/27 15:42:20 pat date and time created 85/02/27 15:42:20 by pat p-file The get command creates the p-file when the -e or the -k flag is specified. The p-file passes information resulting from a get -e to a delta command. The p-file also prevents a subsequent execution of get with a -e flag for the same SID until delta is run or the joint edit keyletter 0) is set in the sees file. The j keyletter allows several gets on the same SID. The p-file is created in the directory containing the sees file. To create a p-file in the sees directory, you must have write permission in that directory. The permission code of the p-file is read-only to all but its owner, and it is owned by the effective user. The p-file contains: • • • • • • The The The The The The current SID SID of new delta to be created user name date and time of the get -i flag, if it was present -x flag, if it was present The p-file contains an entry with the above information for each pending delta for the file. No two lines have the same new delta SID. z-file The z-file is a lock mechanism against simultaneous updates. The z-file contains the binary process number of the get command that created it. It is created in the directory containing the sees file and exists only while the get command is running. When you use the get command, it displays the SID being accessed and the number of lines created from the sees file. If you specify the -e flag, the SID of the delta to be made appears after the SID accessed and before the number of lines created. If you specify more than one file, or a directory, or standard input, get displays the file name before each file is processed. If you specify the -i flag, get lists included deltas below the word Inc 1 uded If you specify the -x flag, get lists excluded deltas below the word Exc 1 uded Commands 361 get Identification Keywords You can use identification keywords in your files to insert identifying information. These keywords are replaced by their values in the g-file when get is invoked without the -e or -k flag. The following identification keywords can be used in sees files: Module name: the value of the m flag in the sees file The SID (%lR%.%L%.%B%.%S%) of the g-file Release Level Branch Sequence Date of the current get (YY/MM/DD) Date of the current get (MM/DD/YY) Time of the current get (HH:MM:SS) Date newest applied delta was created (YY/MM/DD) Date newest applied delta was created (MM/DD/YY) Time newest applied delta was created (HH:MM:SS) Module type: the value of the t flag in the sees file sees file name Full path name of the sees file The value of the q flag in the file The current line number. This keyword is intended for identifying messages output by the program. It is not intended to be used on every line to provide sequence numbers. %Z% The 4-character string @(#) recognized by the what command % W% A shorthand notation for constructing what strings for AIX program files. Its value is the characters and keyletters: %M% %1% %R% %L% %B% %S% %D% %H% %T% %E% %G% %U% %Y% %F% %P% %Q% %C% %VV% = %A % %Z%%~% %I% Another shorthand notation for constructing what strings for non-AIX program files. Its value is the keyletters: %A% = %Z%%Y% %~% %I%%Z% The following table illustrates how get determines the SID of the file it retrieves, and what the pending SID is. The column SID Specified shows the various ways the SID can be specified with the -r flag. The two columns illustrate the various conditions that can exist, including whether or not the -b flag is used with the get -e. The SID Retrieved indicates the SID of the file that makes up the g-file. The SID of Delta to be Created column indicates the SID of the version that will be created when delta is applied. 362 Commands Reference get SID Specified none! none! (R)elease R R R R R R.(L)evel R.L R.L R.L.(B)ranch R.L.B R.L.B.(S)equence R.L.B.S R.L.B.S 1 -b Used no yes no no yes yes N/A N/A no yes N/A no yes no yes N/A Other Conditions R defaults to mR2 R de fa ults to mR R > mR R = mR R > mR R = mR R < mR and R does not exist R < mR and R exists No trunk successor No trunk successor Trunk successor in release ~ R No branch successor No branch successor No branch successor No branch successor Branch successor SID Retrieved mR.mL mR.mL mR.mL mR.mL mR.mL mR.mL hR.mL4 R.mL R.L R.L R.L R.L.B.mS R.L.B.mS R.L.B.S R.L.B.S R.L.B.S SID of Delta to be Created mR.(mL+1) mR.mL.(mB + 1).1 R.13 mR.(mL+1) mR.mL.(mB + 1).1 mR.mL.(mB + 1).1 hR.mL.(mB + 1).1 R.mL.(mB + 1).1 R.(L+1) R.L(mB + 1).1 R.L.(mB + 1).1 R.L.B.(mS + 1) R.L.(mB + 1).1 R.L.B.(S + 1) R.L.(mB + 1).1 R.L.(mB + 1).1 Applies only if the d (default SID) flag is not present in the file (see "admin" on page 51) 2 The mR indicates the maximum existing release. 3 Forces creation of the first delta in a new release. 4 The hR is the highest existing release that is lower than the specified, nonexistent, release R. Figure 2. SID Determination Flags -b Specifies that the delta to be created should have an SID in a new branch. The new SID is numbered according to the rules stated in Figure 2. You can use -b only with the -e flag. It is only necessary when you want to branch from a leaf delta (a delta without a successor). Attempting to create a delta at a nonleaf delta automatically results in a branch, even if the b header flag is not set. If you do not specify the b header flag in the sees file, get ignores the -b flag Commands 363 get because the file does not allow branching (see the discussion of header flags on page 54). -ccutoff Specifies a cutoff date and time, in the form: YY[MM[DD[HH[MM[SS]]]]] get includes no deltas to the sees file created after the specified cutoff in the g-file. The values of any unspecified items in the cutoff default to their maximum allowable values. Thus, a cutoff date and time specified with only the year (YY) would specify the last month, day, hour, minute, and second of that year. Any number of nonnumeric characters can separate the two-digit items of the cutoff date and time. This allows you to specify a date and time in a number of ways, as follows: -c85/9/2,9:00:00 -c"85/9/2 9:00:00" "- c85/9/2 9:00:00" -e Indicates that the g-file being created is to be edited by the user applying get. The changes are recorded later with the delta command. get -e creates a p-file that prevents other users from issuing another get -e and editing a second g-file on the same SID before delta is run. The owner of the file can override this restriction by allowing joint editing on the same SID through the use of the admin command with the -fj flag. Other users, with permission, can obtain read-only copies by using get without the -e flag. The get -e command enforces sees file protection specified via the ceiling, floor, and authorized user list in the sees file (see "admin" on page 51). -g Suppresses the actual retrieval of text from the sees file. Use the -g flag primarily to create an I-file or to verify the existence of a particular SID. Do not use it with the -e flag. -ilist Specifies a list of deltas to be included in the creation of a g-file. The SID list format consists of a combination of individual SIDs separated by commas and SID ranges indicated by two SIDs separated by a hyphen. You specify the same SIDs with both the following command lines: get -e -i1.4,1.5,1.6 s.file get -e -i1.4-1.6 s.file You can specify the sees Identification of a delta in any form shown in the SID Specified column of Figure 2 on page 362. get Interprets partial SIDs as shown in the SID Retrieved column of the table. -k 364 Suppresses replacement of identification keywords in the g-file by their value (see "Identification Keywords" on page 362). The -k flag is implied by the -e flag. If you accidentally ruin the g-file created by get with an -e flag, you can recreate it by reissuing the get command with the -k flag in place of the -e flag. Commands Reference get -l[p] Writes a delta summary to an I-file. If you specify -lp, the delta summary is written to standard output, and get does not create the I-file. Use this flag to determine which deltas were used to create the g-file currently in use. See "sees Files" on page 360 for the format of the I-file. -m Writes before each line of text in the g-file the SID of the delta that inserted the line into the sees file. The format is: SID tab line of text -n Writes the value of the %M% keyword before each line of text in the g-file (see "Identification Keywords" on page 362 for information on keywords). The format is the value of %M%, followed by a horizontal tab, followed by the text line. When both the -m and -n flags are used, the format is: %M% value tab SID tab line of text -p Writes the text created from the sees file to standard output and does not create a g-file. get sends output normally sent to standard output to file descriptor 2 instead. If you specify the -s flag with the -p flag, output normally sent to standard output does not appear anywhere. Do riot use -p with the -e flag. -rSID Specifies the sees identification string (SID) of the sees file version to be created. Figure 2 on page 362 shows what version of a file is created and the SID of the pending delta as functions of the SID specified. -s Suppresses all output normally written to standard output. Error messages (written to standard error output), remain unaffected. -t Accesses the most recently created delta in a given release or release and level. Without the -r flag, get accesses the most recent delta regardless of its SID. -wstring Substitutes string for the % W% keyword in g-files not intended for editing (see "sees Files" on page 360 for information on g-files). -xlist Excludes a list of deltas in the creation of a file. See the -i flag for the SID list format on page 364. Examples 1. To get an get -e sees file for editing: s.prog.c This creates a file named prog. c that only you have permission to modify. No one else can use prog. c or s. prog. c until you use the delta command to indicate that you are finished. Commands 365 get 2. To get an get sees file for reading: s.prog.c This creates a file named prog. c that anyone can read, but that no one can modify. You can do this before searching files with the grep command or before compiling programs that are controlled with sees. If you are also using the make command to manage the development of a software project, make automatically does the get before compiling a program. Related Information The following commands: "admin" on page 51, "delta" on page 236, "help" on page 391, "prs" on page 574, and "what" on page 848. The sccsfile file in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. The discussion of sees in AIX Operating System Programming Tools and Interfaces. 366 Commands Reference get opt get opt Purpose Parses command line flags and parameters. Syntax set - - - - ' getopt - opstring -$.' ---l 1 1 This command is not entered on the command line, but is used in shell procedures. OL805050 Description The getopt command is used to break up flags and parameters in command lines for easy parsing by shell procedures and to check for valid flags. opstring is a string of recognized flags (see the getopt subroutine call in AIX Operating System Technical Reference). Extended characters are not permitted. If a letter within opstring is followed by a colon, the flag is expected to take a modifying parameter that mayor may not be separated from it on the command line by one or more tabs or spaces. If you specify -- as the last flag on a command line processed by getopt, getopt recognizes it and stops its processing; otherwise, get opt creates the terminating --. In either case, getopt places it at the end of the flags. When the output from getopt is passed by command substitution to the shell set command, set resets all of the shell positional parameters ($1, $2 ... ) so that each flag is preceded by a - (minus) and occupies its own positional parameter. Each parameter (for example, file names and other parameters) is also parsed into its own positional parameter. The get opt command writes a message to standard error when it encounters a flag not included in opstring. The set command returns a nonzero value if a flag appears on the command line but is not specified in opstring. Consequently, you can test the validity of command flags by testing the value of the shell variable $? If it is nonzero, the command line contains an unrecognized flag. Example The following shell procedure is a front end to the ar command. It uses getopt to separate the flags and parameters, then translates them into the ar command syntax and runs ar with these flags. Commands 367 getopt # @(#) lib: Front end to the ar command. # # Accepts the following flags: ar flags with II_II prefixes. See the ar command. # -L library The default library is 1I1ibsubs.a # # Note: 1I1ib -r -b sub1.o -v -1 newsub.o " performs liar rbvl sub1.o libsubs.a newsub.o". # The ar command DOES interpret this correctly. # ll • set -- 'getopt clsvmrua:b:i:dpqtxwL: $*' if [ $? 1= 0 ] # Test for syntax error then exit 2 fi # Default library name FLAGS= POSNAME= LIBRARY=libsubs.a ] whi 1e [ $1 1= do case $1 in -L) LIBRARY=$2 shift; shift # Shift past the -L and library name ,, -al-bl-i) FLAGS=$FLAGS'expr "$111 : 11_\(.\)11, POSNAME=$2 shift; shift # Shift past the flag and parameter -*) ,, # Strip the from the flag FLAGS=$FLAGS'expr "$111 : 11_\(.\)11' shift ,, II_" esac done shift # Shift past the 11 __ 11 from getopt FLAGS=${FLAGS:-vt} # Default if action not specified ar $FLAGS $POSNAME $LIBRARY $* If this shell procedure is stored in a file named 1 i b, then all of the following commands are equivalent: 368 Commands Reference get opt lib lib lib lib -L mylib.a -v -r -b putfld.o getnam.o getfld.o getaddr.o -Lmylib.a -v -r -bputfld.o getnam.o getfld.o getaddr.o -Lmylib.a -vrbputfld.o getnam.o getfld.o getaddr.D -Lmylib.a -v -rbputfld.o -- getnam.o getfld.o getaddr.o In each of these cases, get opt breaks down the command into: -L mylib.a -v -r -b putfld.o -- getnam.o getfld.o getaddr.o The get opt command writes to its standard output. Because this command is enclosed in , '(grave accents), the shell takes its standard output and uses it to construct the command: set -- -L mylib.a -v -r -b putfld.o -- getnam.o getfld.o getaddr.o This is called command substitution. For more details, see "Command Substitution" on page 647. The set command (page 656) sets the positional parameters $1, $2, $3 ... to each of the values - L, my 1i b. a, - v ... , respectively. The shell procedure then uses the positional parameters to construct and run the command: ar vrb putfld.o mylib.a getnam.o getfld.o getaddr.o The ar command (page 58) accepts the flags in any order. Therefore, you can specify flags to 1 i b in any order, as long as a parameter immediately follows a -a, -h, -i, or -L flag, and all the flags come before any file names. This means that: lib -bputfld.o -rv -Lmylib.a getnam.o getfld.o getaddr.o produces the command: ar brv putfld.o mylib.a getnam.o getfld.o getaddr.o which performs the same action as each of the previous commands. See "test" on page 750 and "expr" on page 317 for more information about these commands. Related Information The following command: "sh" on page 637. The getopt subroutine in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. Commands 369 gettext gettext Purpose Extracts message/insert/help descriptions. Syntax gettext r-----p maximum three each -h -m -t ) - outfi/e ----j he/pnum Linfi/e mesgnum insertnum OL805130 Description The gettext command gets message, insert, or help descriptions from infile and places the descriptions in outfile. If you specify the -p flag or gettext outfile, gettext places a message/insert/help template in outfile. When you have your message, insert, or help descriptions or your message/insert/help template in outfile; you can edit outfile. The outfile is an AIX ASCII file that consists of a header to identify the component and a group of message/insert/help descriptions. The contents of the message/insert/help descriptions includes a delimiter, control information and message/insert/help text. See AIX Operating System Programming Tools and Interfaces for a description of the outfile format and contents. Flags 370 -h helpnum Extracts help information from infile. You specify the index value used for the desired help number with helpnum. -m mesgnum Extracts message information from infile. You specify the index value used for the desired message number with mesgnum. -p Makes a message/insert/help template for outfile. -t insertnum Extracts text insert information from infile. You specify the index value used for the desired insert number with insertnum. Commands Reference / gettext The syntax for the mesgnum, insertnum, and helpnum parameters is as follows: num-num Retrieves index numbers num to num. num,num. .. Retrieves a list of index numbers specified with num, num, num, and so on (maximum of 50 numbers). num- Retrieves index numbers equal to and larger than num. -num Retrieves index numbers from one to num. Related Information The following command: "puttext" on page 586. The discussion of gettext in AIX Operating System Programming Tools and Interfaces. Commands 371 getty getty Purpose Sets the characteristics of ports. Syntax ~ - portname ~ ~-dr getty . OL805333 Description The init process runs the getty command for each portname enabled for login. Its primary function is to set the characteristics of the port specified by portname. Port characteristics include: • • • • • • • • Line speed (baud rate). Parity. Carriage return, tab, new-line, and form feed delays. Character set mapping, such as uppercase to lowercase, carriage return to new-line translation, and tab expansion. Extended character support. Character erase and line erase editing characters. Local or remote echo. Screen length for paging. The getty command obtains these settings by reading the port attributes specified in the /etc/ports configuration file and by observing the behavior of the port itself. (For details regarding the format of /etc/ports, see AIX Operating System Technical Reference. For the logmodes and runmodes parameter settings, see "stty" on page 717.) When getty is invoked, it first opens the specified port. However, if carrier detection (modem control) is available on the port, getty cannot open the port until the carrier is present. Once the port is opened, getty sets the work station attributes according to the first speed, logmodes, parity, erase, kill and other parameters in the ports file and writes the herald message herald to the port. getty then reads a login name from the port. If the login name contains extended characters, they are translated to the single ASCII characters most resembling them. If a framing error occurs while reading, either because a user generates a BREAK signal from the work station or because the line speed is not the same as that of the transmitting work station, the port parameters are reset to the next combination specified in the ports 372 Commands Reference / getty file. Once getty reads a login name, it resets the work station modes according to the runmodes parameter, turns on carriage-return-to-new-line mapping if the login name was terminated by a carriage return, turns on uppercase-to-lowercase mapping if the alphabetic characters in the login name were uppercase, and executes the program specified by the logger parameter. That program, defaulting to /bin/login, runs in the same process as getty not as its child. Any additional arguments entered after the login name are passed to the logger program. The login command interprets these as shell variable settings and places them in the environment. On dial-in ports, it is often desirable to set no parity generation or checking as a default, but to permit the user to select parity as an option. For example, the following line, in the / etc/ports file: parity = none,odd+inpck,even+inpck accepts logins with any parity, but if a user generates BREAK before typing a login name, getty sets the port to generate odd parity and to check incoming characters for odd parity, while two BREAKs generate and check for even parity. Similarly, the line: speed=1200,300 works with 1200 baud, reverting to 300 baud when a BREAK is received before the login name. The default runmodes parameter (which must appear on one line in the ports file), is generally satisfactory. However, for work stations that have built-in tabs to every eight character positions and do not require tab delays, eliminating the tab3 from the default in jete/ports will provide faster output with less system load. Special Purpose Options If there is a timeout keyword in the ports file, getty waits only the specified number of seconds for a response to the herald before advancing to the next port settings or, after all the settings are exhausted, exiting. If there is a program keyword for the port, then instead of displaying the herald a.nd gathering a login name, it executes the specified program immediately. This feature is a general mechanism for supporting special service ports such as network mail demons that need to be spawned when a connection is made from the outside world. As a special case, if you specify: program = HOLD the runinodes, owner, and protection of the port are set and getty holds the port open indefinitely, thereby preventing the port modes from reverting to their open-default settings. This is useful, for example, in setting the modes on serial printer ports when it is inconvenient or impossible to have the programs that use them do so. Commands 373 getty Flag -d Uses standard input as the work station for which parameters are to be set according to those governing portname. Instead of executing a logger or a program, getty displays the name of the program that would have been run. Example To test a new fete/ports entry: getty -d /dev/tty5 This tests a new port definition for /dev/tty5 by simulating the login sequence of this device at your work station. Files /etc/ports /bin/login /bin/setmaps Related Information The following commands: "login" on page 453, "init" on page 396, and "stty" on page 717. The tty and ports files in A/X Operating System Technical Reference. The "Overview of International Character Support" in Managing the A/X Operating System. / 374 Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 graph graph Purpose Draws a graph. Syntax graph -g grid -h space -lIable -m style -r space -0-('-(0 -s -t -u space -w space num lowlim -x lolim uplim -y lolim uplim OL805429 Description The graph command reads pairs of numbers from standard input, where each pair is the x and y coordinates of a point on a graph. It processes the data so that when it is printed, successive points are connected by straight lines. It writes the graph to standard output. You can then use the tplot command to code the output for printing (see "tplot" on page 762). Commands 375 graph In the input, non-numeric strings following the coordinates of a point are labels. Labels begin on the point. Labels can be surrounded with" (double quotation marks), in which case they can be empty or contain blanks and numbers. Labels cannot contain new-line characters. The graph command stores all points internally and drops those for which there is not room. It also drops segments that run out of bounds. Flags -a [num [lolim]] Supplies abscissas missing from the input automatically. num determines the spacing on the axis (the default is 1). lolim determines the starting point for automatic abscissas (the default is 0 or the lower limit given by -x[lolim]. -b Breaks the graph after each label in the input. -c char Uses the character string char as the default label for each point. -g grid Uses grid as the grid style, where grid = 0 indicates no grid, grid = 1 indicates a frame with tick marks, and grid = 2 indicates a full grid (default). -h space Uses space as a fraction of space for height. -I "label" Uses label as a label for the graph. -m style Uses style as the style of connecting lines, where style =0 indicates disconnected lines, and style = 1 indicates connected lines (default). -r space Uses space as the fraction of space to move to the right before plotting. -s Saves the current graphic screen image, does not erase before starting the plot. -t Transposes horizontal and vertical axes. (-x now applies to the vertical axis). -u space Uses space as the fraction of space to move up before plotting. -w space Uses space as a fraction of space for width. -x [1] [lolim [uplim [space]]] Makes the x axis logarithmic if 1 is used. Use lolim as the lower x axis limit and uplim as the upper x axis limit. Use space for the grid spacing on x axis. Normally these are determined automatically. -y [1] [lolim [uplim [space]]] Acts the same as -x for the y axis. The graph command produces a legend indicating grid range with a grid unless you specify the -s flag. If a specified lower limit exceeds the upper limit, graph reverses the axis. Note that logarithmic axes cannot be reversed. Related Information The following commands: "spline" on page 684 and "tplot" on page 762. 376 Commands Reference graphics graphics Purpose Accesses graphical and numerical commands. Syntax graphics ;----\, '--rJ OL777038 Description The graphics command appends the path name /usr/bin/graf to the current $PATH value, changes the primary shell prompt to and executes a new shell. The directory /usr/bin/graf contains all of the graphics subsystem commands. 1\, The command line format for a command in graphics is command name followed by argument(s). An argument may be a filename or an flag string. A filename is the name of any AIX Operating System file, except those beginning with -. The filename - is the name for the standard input. An flag string consists of - followed by one or more flag(s). A flag consists of a keyletter possibly followed by a value. Flags may be separated by commas. The graphical commands have been partitioned into four groups. • Commands that manipulate and plot numerical data; see "stat" on page 690. • Commands that generate tables of contents; see "toc" on page 757. • Commands that interact with graphical devices; see "gdev" on page 347 and "ged" on page 350. • A collection of graphical utility commands; see "gutil" on page 386. To produce a list of graphics commands, enter whatis in the graphics environment. Flag -r Creates access to the graphical commands in a restricted environment; that is, it sets $PATH to :/usr/bin/graf:/rbin:/usr/rbin and invokes the restricted shell, rsh. To restore the environment that existed prior to issuing the graphics command, press Ctrl-D (END OF FILE). To log out of the graphics environment, enter quit. Commands 377 graphics Related Information The following commands: "gdev" on page 347, "ged" on page 350, "gend" on page 357, "gutil" on page 386, "stat" on page 690, and "toe" on page 757. The gps file in A/X Operating System Technical Reference. 378 Commands Reference greek greek Purpose Converts output for a TELETYPE Model 37 work station to output for other work stations. Syntax greek -C -T$TERM y - Tworkstation OL805185 Description The greek command reinterprets the TELETYPE Model 37 character set, including reverse and half-line motions, for display on other work stations. It simulates special characters, when possible, by overstriking. greek reads standard input and writes to standard output. Flag -Tworkstation Uses the specified workstation. If you omit the -T flag, greek attempts to use the work station specified in the environment variable $TERM (see the environ special facility in A/X Operating System Technical Reference.) workstation can be anyone of the following: 300 300-12 300s 300s-12 450 450-12 1620 1620-12 2621 2640 2645 4014 hp tek DASI300. DASI 300 in 12-pitch. DASI300s. DASI 300s in 12-pitch. DASI450. DASI 450 in 12-pitch. Diablo 1620 (alias DASI 450). Diablo 1620 (alias DASI 450) in 12-pitch. Hewlett-Packard 2621, 2640, and 2645. Hewlett-Packard 2621, 2640, and 2645. Hewlett-Packard 2621, 2640, and 2645. Tektronix 4014. Hewlett-Packard 2621, 2640, and 2645. Tektronix 4014. Commands 379 greek Files /usr/bin/300 /usr/bin/300s /usr/bin/4014 /usr/bin/450 /usr/bin/hp Related Information The following commands: "300" on page 863, "4014" on page 865, "450" on page 866, "eqn, neqn, checkeq" on page 300, "hp" on page 392, "mm, checkmm" on page 492, "tplot" on page 762, and "nroff' on page 525. The greek miscellaneous facility in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. ,/ 380 Commands Reference grep grep Purpose Searches a file for a pattern. Syntax grep pattern ~ ~ OLB05275 egrep pattern a ~ l - - f - - - e pattern--~ -f stringfile file OLB05359 fgrep --1--- ':""epattern pattern :3 ( d -f stringfile file OLB05361 Description Commands of the grep family search input files (standard input by default), for lines matching a pattern. Normally, they copy each line found to standard output. Three versions of the grep command permit you to express the matching pattern in varying levels of complexity: grep Searches for patterns, which are limited regular expressions in the style of the ed command. grep uses a compact nondeterministic algorithm. Commands 381 grep egrep Searches for patterns which are full regular expressions as in ed, except for \ ( and \) and with the addition of the following rules: • A regular expression followed by a plus sign (+) matches one or more occurrences of the regular expression. • A regular expression followed by a question mark (?) matches 0 or 1 occurrences of the regular expression. • Two regular expressions separated by a vertical bar (I) or by a new-line character match strings that are matched by either. • A regular expression may be enclosed in parentheses 0 for grouping. The order of precedence of operators is [], then *? and the new-line character. +, then concatenation, then I The egrep command uses a deterministic algorithm that needs exponential space. fgrep Searches for patterns which are fixed strings. It searches for lines that contain one of the strings (lines are separated by new-line characters). All versions of grep display the name of the file containing the matched line if you specify more than one file name. Characters with special meaning to the shell ($ * [ I \), must be quoted when they appear in patterns. When pattern is not simple string, you usually must enclose the entire pattern in single quotation marks. In an expression such as [a-z], the minus means "through" according to the current collating sequence. A collating sequence may define equivalence classes for use in character ranges. See the "Overview of International Character Support" in Managing the A/X Operating System for more information on collating sequences and equivalence classes. A ( ) The exit value of these commands is: o A match was found. 1 No match was found. 2 A syntax error was found or a file was inaccessible (even if matches were found). Note: Lines are limited to 512 characters; longer lines are broken into multiple lines of 512 or fewer characters (grep only). Paragraphs (under the -p flag) are currently limited to a length of 5000 characters. Running grep on a special file produces unpredictable results and is discouraged. Flags 382 -b Precedes each line by the block number on which it was found. Use this flag to help find disk block numbers by context. -c Displays only a count of matching lines. Commands Reference grep -e pattern Specifies a pattern. This works the same as a simple pattern but is useful when the pattern begins with a - (does not work with grep). -f stringfile Specifies a file that contains patterns (egrep) or strings (fgrep). -1 Lists just the names of files (once) with matching lines. Each file name is separated by a new-line character. -n Precedes each line with its relative line number in the file. -pparsep Displays the entire paragraph containing matched lines. Paragraphs are delimited by paragraph separators, parsep, which are patterns in the same form as the search pattern. Lines containing the paragraph separators are used only as separators; they are never included in the output. The default paragraph separator is a blank line (grep only). -8 Suppresses error messages about inaccessible files (grep only). -v Displays all lines except those that match the specified pattern. -x Displays lines that match the pattern exactly with no additional characters (fgrep only). Examples 1. To search several files for a simple string of characters: fgrep II strcpyll * .c e This searches for the string strcpy in all files in the current directory with names ending in . C 2. To count the number of lines that match a pattern: fgrep fgrep -c -c II {II II}II pgm.c pgm.c This displays the number of lines in pgm. c that contain open and close braces. If you do not put more than one {or } on a line in your C programs, and if the braces are properly balanced, then the two numbers displayed will be the same. If the numbers are not the same, then you can display the lines that contain braces in the order that they occur in the file with: egrep II{I}II pgm. c 3. To use a pattern that contains some of the pattern-matching characters *, \), \{, and \}: grep II A [a-zA-ZJII pgm.s A, ?, [, ], \(, This displays all lines in pgm. s that begin with a letter. Commands 383 grep Note that because fgrep does not interpret pattern-matching characters: fgrep II" [a-zA-ZJ II pgm. s makes fgrep search only for the string" [a-zA-IJ in pgm. s. 4. To use an extended pattern that contains some of the pattern-matching characters ?, I, (, and ): egrep "\( *([a-zA-ZJ*1 [0-9J*) *\)" +, my.txt This displays lines that contain letters in parentheses or digits in parentheses, but not parenthesized letter-digit combinations. It matches (y) and ( 783902), but not (alpha19c). Note: When using egrep, \( and \) match parentheses in the text, but (and ) are special characters that group parts of the pattern. The reverse is true for grep. 5. To display all lines that do not match a pattern: grep -v ""#" This displays all lines that do not begin with a # character. 6. To display the names of files that contain a pattern: fgrep -1 II strcpyll *.c This searches the files in the current directory that end with. c and displays the names of those files that contain the string strcpy. Related Information The following commands: "ed" on page 280, "sed" on page 629, and "sh" on page 637. The "Overview of International Character Support" in Managing the AIX Operating System. 384 Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 groups groups Purpose Displays your group membership. Syntax groups 1 The ~ ~ user , 1J default user is the person running the command. OLS05129 Description The groups command writes to standard output the groups to which you or the specified user belong. The AIX Operating System allows you to belong to many different groups at the same time. Your primary group is specified in the file /ete/passwd. Once you are logged in, you can change your active group with the newgrp command (see page 510). When you create a file, its group ID is that of your active group. Other groups that you belong to are specified in the file fete/group. If you belong to more than one group, you can access files belonging to any of those groups without changing your primary group ID. These are called your concurrent groups. Note: The /ete/passwd and /ete/opasswd files must be on the same node. I Files /etc/group /etc/passwd /etc/opasswd Related Information The following command: "newgrp" on page 510. The setgroups system call and the initgroups subroutine in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. Commands 385 gutil gutil Purpose Provides graphical utility programs. Syntax bel -l cvrtopt =sstring =f string =i string =t string gd -Gfile~ gtop pd ifi,eJr OL777039 ptog quit ifi,e~ ----1 0L805449 386 Commands Reference gutil remcom ---.r I ~ I Lfile~ whatis ~ I ---f)..J yoo - ~-o ..J ~nameJ file --I OL805450 Description The following are the miscellaneous device-independent utility commands found in the /usr/bin/graf directory. If you do not specify any files, these commands read standard input. All output is sent to standard output. Graphical data is stored in GPS format; see the gps file in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. bel Sends the ASCII BEL character to the terminal. cvrtopt The cvrtopt command reformats its arguments (usually the command line arguments of a calling shell procedure) to facilitate processing by shell procedures. An arg is either a file name or a flag string. A file name is either a - (minus) by itself or a string not beginning with a -. A flag string is a string of flags beginning with a - (minus). cvrtopt produces output of the following form: -flag -flag. .. file ... All flags appear singularly in the output and precede any file names. Arguments that take values or are two letters long must be described through flags to cvrtopt. The cvrtopt command is usually used with the set command as the first line of a shell procedure (see page 656 for a description of the set command): set 'cvrtopt [=flagsJ . . . $@' Flags sstring The specified string accepts string values, where string is a one or two letter flag name. Commands 387 gutil fstring The specified string accepts floating point numbers as values, where string is a one or two letter flag name. istring The specified string accepts integers as values, where string is a one or two letter flag name. tstring The specified string is a two letter flag name that takes no value. gd The gd command produces a readable listing of a file in GPS format. gtop The gtop command transforms a GPS format into plot file commands displayable by plot filters. GPS objects are translated if they fall within the window that circumscribes the first file, unless specify one of the following flags: Flags rnum Translates objects in GPS region num. u Translates all objects in the GPS universe. pd The pd command displays a readable listing of plot format graphical commands. ptog The ptog command transforms plot file commands into a GPS file. quit The quit command terminates the session. remcom The remcom command copies its input to its output with comments removed. Comments are as defined in the C language (/* comment *I). whatis The whatis command displays a short description of each name specified. If you do not specify a name, then whatis displays the current list of description names. The command wh at i s \* displays every description. 388 Commands Reference gutil Flag -0 Displays only command flags. yoo The yoo command is a piping primitive that deposits the output of a pipeline into a file used in the pipeline. Note that without yoo, this is not usually successful because it causes a read and write on the same file simultaneously. Related Information The following command: "graphics" on page 377. The gps format in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. Commands 389 hangman hangman Purpose Plays hangman, the word-guessing game. Syntax /usr/games/hangman _~J ~fi'er OL805228 Description The hangman game chooses a word of at least seven letters from a standard dictionary. You try to guess the word by guessing the letters in it, one at a time. You are allowed seven mistakes. The file parameter specifies an alternate dictionary. To quit the game, press INTERRUPT (Alt-Pause) or END OF FILE (Ctrl-D). / 390 Commands Reference help help Purpose Provides information about a Source Code Control System (SCCS) message or command or about certain non-SCCS commands. Syntax help ~ errorCOdeJr command OL805054 Description The help command writes to standard output information about the use of a specified secs command or about messages generated while using the commands. Each message has an associated errorcode, which can be supplied as a argument to the help command. Zero or more arguments may be supplied. If you do not supply a argument, help prompts for one. You may include any of the sces commands as arguments to help. The errorcode consists of numbers and letters, and is found at the end of the message. For example, in the message no i d keywords (ge6), the error code is ge6. Files /usr/lib/help /usr /Ii b /hel p/hel ploc Directory containing files of message text. File containing locations of help files not in /usr/lib/help. Related Information The discussion of sees in AIX Operating System Programming Tools and Interfaces. Commands 391 hp hp Purpose Handles special functions for the HP2640- and HP2621-series terminals. Syntax hP~ ~ 01.805018 Description The hp command reads standard input (usually output from nroff), and writes to standard output, which is usually Hewlett-Packard 2640-and 2621-series terminal displays. If your terminal has the display enhancement feature, you can display subscripts and superscripts. With the mathematical-symbol feature, you can display Greek and other special characters the same way as the 300 command, with two exceptions: hp approximates the logical operator NOT with a right arrow and it only shows the top half of the integral sign. For overstrike characters (characters followed by a backspace and another character), if either character is an underscore character, the other appears underlined or in inverse video depending on terminal enhancements. Note: Some sequences of control characters (reverse line-feeds and backspaces) can make text disappear from the display. Tables with vertical lines generated by the tbl command will often be missing lines of text containing the bottom of a vertical line. You can avoid these problems by first piping the input through col, and then through hp. Flags 392 -e Shows overstruck characters underlined, superscripts in half-bright, and subscripts half-bright underlined. Otherwise, all overstruck characters, subscripts, and superscripts appear in inverse video (dark-on-light). Use this flag only if your display has the display enhancements feature. -m Produces only one blank line for any number of successive blank lines in the text. Commands Reference hp Related Information The following commands: "300" on page 863, "col" on page 140, "eqn, neqn, checkeq" on page 300, "greek" on page 379, "nroft'" on page 525, and "thl" on page 739. Commands 393 hyphen hyphen Purpose Finds hyphenated words. Syntax hYPhOn~ 'C:i OL805019 Description The hyphen command reads the input files (standard input by default), finds all the lines ending with hyphenated words, and writes those words to standard output. A word is considered hyphenated only if the hyphen occurs at the end of a line. hyphen reads standard Input if you do not specify any file names on the command line. Note: The hyphen command cannot handle hyphenated italic words. It also sometimes gives unnecessary output. Examples 1. To check the way words are hyphenated in a text file: hyphen chapl This lists the words in 2. ch ap 1 that are hyphenated at the end of a line. To check the hyphenation performed by a text formatting program: mm chapl hyphen This lists the words that nroff decides to hyphenate across lines. Related Information The following commands: "mm, checkmm" on page 492, "nroff" on page 525, and "troff" on page 526. 394 Commands Reference / id id Purpose Displays the system identity of the user issuing the command. Syntax id --l OL805131 Description The id command writes a message to standard output containing the user and group IDs and corresponding names of the invoking process. When effective and real names and IDs do not match, id writes both. Related Information The following command: "logname" on page 456. The getuid subroutine in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. Commands 395 init init Purpose Initializes the system. Syntax init --l 1 This command should not be entered on the command line. OL805132 Description After the kernel completes the basic processor initialization, it starts a process that is the ancestor of all other processes in the system. The process is init, the program that controls the state in which the system is running, normally either maintenance mode or multiuser mode. It is the program from which all loggers and most system demons are started. When init starts up, it determines what the startup mode should be based on information in the file /etc/.init.state, or, if this file does not exist or is unreadable, on an argument passed to it by the kernel. The usual startup modes for init are: maintenance Starts a shell on the console, but do not start any other processes (single-user mode). multiuser Runs the command file /etc/rc and spawn loggers on all enabled ports. exec-program Runs the specified program. Maintenance Mode The maintenance mode is used for system installation, correcting problems on the file system using the fsck command, and other operations requiring an inactive system. There are three ways to bring the system up in maintenance mode: 1. 396 If the system is currently running in normal (multiuser) mode, use the shutdown -m command to bring the system down to maintenance mode (shutdown sends init a SIGINT signal). Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 init 2. Start the system from the Installation/Maintenance Diskette and specify the Maintenance Mode option from the End System Management menu. 3. Edit the file /ete/ .init.state such that it consists of the character m. This causes the system to come up in maintenance mode each time it is started up. Maintenance mode starts a shell program with superuser authority on the console. When you log off this shell by pressing END OF FILE (Ctrl-D), init asks you if you want to leave maintenance mode. A response beginning with n or N indicates "no," and init starts another shell on the console. Any processes running in the background continue to run. Any other response indicates "yes." If the response is yes, init enters normal mode, as described in the following section. It also asks if the file system should be assumed to be clean. If you believe this to be true (for example, you have run fsek and corrected all problems), answer yes. Your answer determines whether the re command is run with an m or d argument. Normal Mode After the normal startup of the system (either from system startup or by leaving maintenance mode), init runs the normal initialization command file fete/reo It passes re an argument of either m (normal startup, clean root), or d (normal startup, dirty root). The latter is the default argument if the startup is from maintenance mode. re is responsible for performing integrity checks, doing any necessary cleanups, mounting the normal file systems, enabling standard ports, and starting system demons. If an error occurs during the running of this command file (indicated by a nonzero return code), init either forces a system restart by executing the reboot system call or enters maintenance mode. Once re completes successfully, init starts logger processes (normally getty) on each enabled port. Whenever someone ends a logger by logging off a port, init notes the logout and starts a new logger on the port. Everything init knows about enabling ports is contained in the file /ete/portstatus, which is maintained by the penable command. Through this file, you can enable new ports or disable ports that were previously enabled. Whenever init receives a SIGUP (hangup) signal, it rereads the portstatus file to see if any changes of port status have been requested. init then reads the commands in the /ete/re.ds file, if that file exists. Typically, /ete/re.ds contains commands to start Distributed Services. Any commands that are needed to run remote mounts should be placed in /ete/re.ds. If, at any time after the system starts up normally, init discovers that no ports are enabled or if init receives an INTERRUPT signal, it decides again on startup options. Generally, this means init will go through normal startup, assuming a dirty root. Commands 397 init Environments Because init is the ultimate ancestor of every process on the system, its environment parameters are inherited by every process. As part of its initialization sequence, in it reads the file fete/environment and copies any assignments found in that file into the environment passed to all of its subprocesses. It treats umask differently. If it is assigned a reasonable octal value, init does a umask system call for the specified value, rather than passing the value in the environment. Similarly, if filesize is specified, init issues a ulimit call with the given size as the argument. Files /etc/utmp /usr/adm/wtmp /etc/portstatus /etc/rc /etc/environment Record of logged-in users. Permanent login accounting file. Enabled port status file. Initialization command file. System-wide environment variables. Related Information The following commands: "getty" on page 372, "penable" on page 550, "re" on page 594, and "shutdown" on page 663 The reboot and umask system calls and the portstatus file in A/X Operating System Technical Reference. The discussion of starting up the system in Managing the A/X Operating System. 398 Commands Reference install install Purpose Installs a command. Syntax file~ install -n directory ~ -c directory file-----J, install - { -f directory OL805022 1;:>escription The install command installs file in a specific place within a file system. It is most often used in "makefiles" (see "make" on page 474). When replacing files, install copies each file into the appropriate directory, thereby retaining the original owner and permissions. A newly-created file has permission code 755, owner bin, and group bin. install writes a message telling you exactly which files it is replacing or creating and where they are going. If you do not supply any arguments, install searches a set of default directories (lbin, /usr/bin, fete, /lib, and /usr/lib, in that order) for a file with the same name as file. The first time it finds one, it overwrites it with file and issues a message indicating that it has done so. If a match is not found, install issues a message telling you there was no match and exits with no further action. If any directories are specified on the command line, install searches them before it searches the default directories. Flags -c directory Installs a new command file in directory only if that file does not already exist there. If it finds a copy of file there, it issues a message and exits without overwriting the file. This flag can be used alone or with -so Commands 399 install -f directory Forces installation of file in directory whether or not file already exists. If the file being installed does not already exist, install sets the permission code and owner of the new file to 755 and bin, respectively. This flag can be used alone or with -0 or -so -i Ignores the default directory list and searches only those directories specified on the command line. This flag cannot be used with -c or -f. -n directory Installs file in directory if it is not in any of the searched directories and sets the permissions and owner of the file to 755 and bin, respectively. This flag cannot be used with -c or -f. -0 Saves the old copy of file by copying it to OLDfile in the directory in which it found it. This flag cannot be used with -c. -s Suppresses display of all but error messages. Examples 1. To replace a command that already exists in one of the default directories: install fixit This replaces fi xi t if it is found in /bin, /usr/bin, /etc, /lib, or /usr/lib. Otherwise, it is not installed. For example, if /usr/bin/fixit exists, then this file is replaced by a copy of the file fi xi t in the current directory. 2. To replace a command that already exists in a specified or default directory, and to preserve the old version: install -0 fixit fete /usr/games This replaces fi xi t if found in /etc, /usr/games, or one of the default directories. Otherwise it is not installed. If fi xi t is replaced, the old version is preserved by renaming it OLDfi xi t in the directory in which it was found (-o). 3. To replace a command that already exists in a specified directory: install -i fixit /u/jim/bin /u/joan/bin /usr/games This replaces fixit if found in /u/jim/bin, /u/joan/bin, or /usr/games. Otherwise it is not installed. 4. To replace a command if found in a default directory, or install it in a specified directory if not found: install -n /usr/bin fixit This replaces fi xi t if found in one of the default directories. If fi xi t is not found, it is installed as lusr/bi n/f; x; t (-n /usr/bin). 400 Commands Reference install 5. To install a new command: install -c lusr/bin fixit This creates a new command by installing a copy of fi only if this file does not already exist. 6. x; t as Ius rib; nI f; x; t, but To install a command in a specified directory whether or not it already exists: install -f lusr/bin fixit This forces f; x; t to be installed as lusr/b; n/f; X; t whether or not it already exists. The old version, if any, is preserved by moving it to Ius rib; nIOLDf; x; t (-0). The -0 -s messages that tell where the new command was installed are suppressed (-8). Related Information The following command: "make" on page 474. The mk system maintenance procedure in A/X Operating System Technical Reference. Commands 401 installp installp Purpose Installs a program. Syntax r -d Idev/rfd0)--Cn $LOGNAyM installp~ -d device -n name OL805021 Description Warning: Before you install a program, you must restart your system and be sure that no other users are on the system and no other programs are runnIng. The installp command installs a program. You must be a member of the system group or operating with superuser authority to run this command. Because more than one program may be on a set of diskettes, installp asks whether or not you want to install each program. If you do, installp checks to see if it is an older version than the one currently installed. If it is, installp asks if you wish to continue. The installp command makes a backup copy of the program history file before installation begins. If installation is not successful, it sets the Version, Release, and Level fields of the last record of the history file to 00.00.0000 and logs the exit value in the program history file. The history file remains on the system as /usr/lpp/pgm-name/lpp.hist, where pgm-name is the program name. Note: Only ordinary files with the prefix lpp. remain in /usr/lpp/pgm-name after completion of installp. All other ordinary files are removed. You cannot use INTERRUPT (Alt-Pause) to stop the installp command. To stop installp, press QUIT WITH DUMP (Ctrl-V). This should be used only in extreme circumstances since the state of the system cannot be predicted. For example: 402 • The write-verify feature may be left on for all minidisks. See "verify" on page 830 • All terminals other than the console may be disabled. See "penable" on page 550. • Some install control files may need to be deleted. Commands Reference / installp Flags -d device Installs the program from the specified device. The default device is /dev/rfdO. -n name Logs the first eight nonblank characters of name in the program history file. The default name is the value of the environment variable $LOGNAME. The installp command runs a program-provided installation procedure instal. Each installation procedure returns one of the following exit values to installp: o 2 3 4 5 6 Installation completed; take no action. Update superblocks, i-nodes, and delayed block I/O (sync), then restart the AIX Operating System. Build the kernel, then update the superblocks, i-nodes, and delayed block I/O (sync) and shut down the VRM. Build the kernel, then update the superblocks, i-nodes, and delayed block I/O (sync) and restart the AIX Operating System. Installation cancelled without errors. Update superblocks, i-nodes, and delayed block I/O (sync), then shut down the VRM. Any other return value indicates that installation failed. Internal Commands Install procedures can use the following internal commands. Because they are internal commands, they do a minimum validation of input parameters. Their purpose is to provide common code for the save and recovery functions frequently needed by most program-provided procedures. Because these internal commands function as subcommands, they return exit values rather than issue error messages. However, messages may come from other system commands that they run. C Language programmers of install procedures that call these commands can use the /usr/include/inu21.h file to define the return codes for them. inusave The inusave command saves some or all of the files and archive files that will be changed during a program install or update procedure. It uses the following syntax: inusave listfile pgm-name The pgm-name parameter specifies the program to be installed or updated. pgm-name can be a maximum of 8 characters. lis tfile , which must be a full path name, contains a list of relative path names (relative to the root) for all of the files that need to be saved. listfile must be in the format of an apply list (see AIX Operating System Programming Tools and Interfaces for a discussion of the format of an apply list). The inusave command creates the save directory (fusr/lpp/pgm-name/inst ). This is the directory in which the install and update procedures store saved files and the Commands 403 installp control list that correlates the local file names with their full path names. inusave uses listfile as a basis to determine which files need to be temporarily saved. If the file named in listfile already exists, inusave copies that file to /usr/lpp/pgm-name/inst n, where n is an integer assigned by inusave. If the file does not exist, inusave assumes that this entry in listfile represents either a new file or a file to be archived or processed by the archive procedure. inusave maintains a list of saved files in /usr/lpp/pgm-name/inst The format of each entry in the list is: update.n file where update.n is the name of the saved file and file is the full path name of the file. An archived constituent file is saved if there is a valid archive control file, /usr/lpp/pgm-name/lpp.acf, for the program. If this file exists, inusave compares each of the file names in listfile to the constituent file names in /usr/lpp/pgm-name/lpp.acf. When it finds a match, inusave uses the ar command to extract the constituent file from its associated archive file. It then moves it to /usr/lpp/pgm-name/inst n, where n is an integer selected by inusave. inusave maintains a list of the extracted files that have been saved in the file /usr/lpp/pgm-name/inst . The format of each entry in the list is: archive.n cfile afile where archive.n is the name of the saved file and cfile and afile are the constituent and archive files defined in the archive control file. The inusave command returns the following exit values: o 105 107 202 204 207 No error conditions occurred. Failure occurred trying to create a save directory. Copy of a file from one directory to another failed. This implies that the update apply has not yet begun and that the old level of the program is still usable. One or more parameters missing. Too many parameters were entered. Could not access the apply list. inurecv The inurecv command recovers all files and archive-constituent files saved from the previous inusave. inurecv uses the following syntax: inurecv pgm-name reject-flag It uses the control lists from the /usr/lpp/pgm-name/inst directory to recover the files. inusave creates the /usr/lpp/pgm-name/inst directory and control lists. inurecv also recovers files that may have been saved by the program-provided install or update procedure (see AIX Operating System Programming Tools and Interfaces for details). 404 Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 installp The inurecv command has to distinguish between an immediate recovery that occurs because of an error condition during an install or update and an update rejection that occurs because a user rejects an update (updatep -r). If the reject-flag argument is yes, inurecv assumes that it is being run because of an update rejection. If the argument is no or if no flag is specified, inurecv assumes that it is being run because of an immediate recovery. The inurecv command returns the following exit status values: o 101 102 104 205 No error conditions occurred. The save directory does not exist. A copy of a file from one directory to another failed. This implies that the program could not be recovered and that it must be reinstalled and any updates reapplied. A file that was saved in the save directory was not found. Replacement of a constituent file in an archive file failed while attempting to recover a program. This implies that the program is no longer useable and should be reinstalled and any updates reapplied. inurest The inurest command does simple restores and archives. It does not do any additional processing or user interaction. inurest uses the following syntax: inurest [-ddevice] [-q] listfile pgm-name The listfile is the full path name of a file containing the relative directory target path name (relative to the root), of files that a program needs to restore. It must be in the format of an apply list. inurest restores all files in the list relative to the root directory. pgm-name specifies the name of the program to be installed or updated. It can be a maximum of 8 characters. To archive a file, there must be an archive control file, /usr/lpp/pgm-name/lpp.acf. If it exists, inurest compares each of the target names in listfile to the component files listed in there. Whenever inurest finds a match, it archives the restored file into the corresponding archive file and deletes the restored file. Flags The following flags modify the action of inurest: -d device Specifies the input device. The default device is /dev/rfdO. -q Prohibits restore from displaying the "insert volume 1" prompt. The inurest command returns the following exit status values: o 106 201 No error conditions occurred. Failed trying to restore an updated version of files. An invalid flag was specified. Commands 405 TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 installp 202 204 206 208 One or more parameters missing. Too many parameters were entered. Failed trying to replace file in an archive file. Could not access the apply list. ckprereq The ckprereq command determines whether the system level is compatible with the program to be installed or updated. It uses the following syntax: ckprereq [-v] [-f prerequisites] You can run ckprereq only if you are a member of the system group or are operating with superuser authority. prerequisites is a program prerequisite list file. Each record in this file contains the name of a prerequisite program and describes the version, release, and level requirements. There is one record for each prerequisite program. The default prerequisites file is prereq. See AIX Operating System Programming Tools and Interfaces for details on the format of ckprereq file entries. The ckprereq command tests the current version, release, and level found in the history file and marks each "prereq state" field of the prereq file with one of the following codes if the test fails: n s v r I The history file was not found. There is a syntax error in the prereq file. The test is false for version. The test is false for release. The test is false for level. A blank "prereq state" field indicates that the test was true. The exit value of ckprereq is the number of records that did not test true. If all records test true, the exit value is O. Note: If a program is installed on a local node and executed on a remote node, the remote node must have file trees that have all necessary prerequisite files available. Flags 406 -f prerequisites Specifies the prerequisites file to use in place of prereq. -v Sends a descriptive message to standard error for each failure in the prerequisite program test. The messages give the same information as the prereq state field of the prereq file. Commands Reference installp mvmd The mvmd command updates the VRM minidisk. It uses the following syntax: mvmd mvmd mvmd mvmd mvmd -a file -D VRM-dir [-fp [file]] -1 pgm-name -c VRM-file permissions -1 pgm-name -d VRM-file -1 pgm-name -m VRM-file [-fp [file]] -1 pgm-name -r file -D VRM-dir -1 pgm-name You must be a member of the system group or operating with superuser authority to run mvmd. Flags -a file Adds the specified file to the VRM minidisk. Use the -D flag to specify the destination VRM directory. file must not already exist in the specified directory. By default, mvmd adds the file to the first unused position in the VRM directory. To specify a position, use the -f or -p flag. -c VRM-file permissions Changes the permission code of the specified VRM-file to the octal value, permissions. The VRM-file parameter must be a full path name. Valid combinations of permission bits are as follows: 0700 0450 0440 0410 0040 The loadlist processor loads, runs, and deletes this module. The loadlist processor transfers control to this module after all loadlist directory entries have been processed. The loadlist processor loads this module. This module is a virtual machine. If the system startup device is a diskette, the loadlist processor is to load the module. If the system startup device is a fixed disk, the loadlist processor does not load the module. Inste~d, it maps the module. The loadlist processor ignores any module that does not have the load bit set. For more information about these permission bits, see Virtual Resource Manager Technical Reference. -d VRM-file Deletes the specified file from the VRM minidisk. The VRM-file parameter must be a full path name. -D VRM-dir Specifies the full path name of the VRM directory. -f [file] Specifies the position following file in the directory list or, if you do not specify file, the bottom of the directory list. Use this positioning flag with the -a or -m flags. Commands 407 installp -I pgm-name Specifies the name of a program that is modifying the VRM minidisk. The pgm-name, the date, the user name, and a descriptive title are place in a record appended to the VRM history file. If you do not specify this flag, then a record with the name UNKNOWN is appended to the VRM history file. -m VRM-file Moves the specified file within its VRM directory. By default, mvmd moves the file to the first unused position. To specify a position, use the -f or -p flag. -p [file] Specifies the position prior to file in the directory list or, if you do not specify file, the top of the directory list. Use this positioning flag with the -a or -m flags. -r file Replaces the specified file on the VRM minidisk. Use the -D flag to select the VRM directory of the file to be replaced. Both the replacement file and the file to be replaced must have the same name. The mvmd command returns an exit status of 0 if no errors occurred. A nonzero return indicates that an error did occur. Files instal liblpp.a lpp.hist prereq /usr/lpp/pgm-name/lpp.acf /usr/lpp/pgm-name/ /usr/lpp/pgm-name/inst_updt/inuPIDtempn /usr/include/inu21.h Program installation procedure. Central archive file. Program history file. Program prerequisite list file. Archive control file. Directory for saved files. Temporary files. Defines error codes returned from internal commands. Related Information The following command: "updatep" on page 796. The fork and exec system calls and the Ipp.hist file in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. The discussion of installing programs in AIX Operating System Programming Tools and Interfaces. 408 Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 ipcrm ipcrm Purpose Removes message queue, semaphore set or shared memory identifiers. Syntax ipcrm -I msqid -L msgkey -m shmid -q msgid -s semid -M shmkey msgkey -5 semkey -Q OL805135 Description The ipcrm command removes one or more message queue, semaphore set, or shared memory identifiers. Flags -lmsqid Removes local information about the remote queue msqid without removing the remote queue. -Lmsgkey Removes local information about the remote queue msgkey without removing the remote queue. -m shmid Removes the shared memory identifier shmid. The shared memory segment and data structure associated with shmid are also removed after the last detach. -M shmkey Removes the shared memory identifier, created with key shmkey. The shared memory segment and data structure associated with it are also removed after the last detach. -q msqid Removes the message queue identifier msqid and the message queue and data structure associated with it. Commands 409 ipcrm -Q msgkey Removes the message queue identifier, created with key msgkey, and the message queue and data structure associated with it. -s semid Removes the semaphore identifier semid and the set of semaphores and data structure associated with it. -8 semkey Removes the semaphore identifier, created with key semkey, and the set of semaphores and data structure associated with it. The details of the remove operations are described in msgctl, shmctl, and semctl in the A/X Operating System Technical Reference. The identifiers and keys can be found by using the ipcs command. Related Information The following command: "ipcs" on page 411. The msgctl, msgget, msgrcv, msgsnd, semctl, semget, semop, shmctl, shmget, and shmop system calls in A/X Operating System Technical Reference. 410 Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 ipcs ipcs Purpose Reports inter-process communication facility status. Syntax -c Idev/kmem \ / - N / u n i x ipcs -c corefile ~ kernel-i~ -N -c -0 -p -t 0L805432 Description The ipcs command writes to the standard output information about active inter-process communication facilities. If you do not specify any flags, ipcs writes information in a short form about currently active message queues, shared memory segments, semaphores, remote queues, and local queue headers. The column headings and the meaning of the columns in an ipcs listing follow. The letters in parentheses indicate the flags that cause the corresponding heading to appear. all means that the heading always appears. These flags only determine what information is provided for each facility. They do not determine which facilities will be listed. T (all) Type of facility: q Q m s message queue message queue resides on a remote node shared memory segment semaphore. ID (all) The identifier for the facility entry. KEY (all) The key used as a parameter to msgget, semget, or shemget to make the facility entry. Note: The key of a shared memory segment is changed to IPC-PRIVATE when the segment is removed until all processes attached to the segment detach it. Commands 411 ipcs MODE (all) The facility access modes and flags. The mode consists of 11 characters that are interpreted as follows: The first two characters can be: R S D C if a process is waiting on a msgrev if a process is waiting on a msgsnd if the associated shared memory segment has been removed. It disappears when the last process attached to the segment detaches it. if the associated shared memory segment is to be cleared when the first attach is run if the corresponding special flag is not set. The next 9 characters are interpreted as three sets of three bits each. The first set refers to the owner's permissions; the next to permissions of others in the user-group of the facility entry; and the last to all others. Within each set, the first character indicates permission to read, the second character indicates permission to write or alter the facility entry, and the last character is currently unused. The permissions are indicated as follows: r w a if read permission is granted if write permission is granted if alter permission is granted if the indicated permission is not granted. OWNER (all) The login name of the owner of the facility entry. GROUP (all) The name of the group that owns the facility entry. CREATOR (a,e) The login name of the creator of the facility entry. CGROUP (a,e) The group name of the group of the creator of the facility entry. Note: For the OWNER, GROUP, CREATOR, and CGROUP, the user and group IDs display instead of the login names. 412 CBYTES (a,o) The number of bytes in messages currently outstanding on the associated message queue. QNUM (a,o) The number of messages currently outstanding on the associated message queue. QBYTES (a,b) The maximum number of bytes allowed in messages outstanding on the associated message queue. LSPID (a,p) The ID of the last process that sent a message to the associated queue. If the last message sent was from a process in a node other than the node which holds the queue, then LSPID is the PID of the kernel process which actually placed the message on the queue, not the PID of the sending process. Commands Reference ipcs LRPID (a,p) The ID of the last process that received a message from the associated queue. If the last message received was from a process in a node other than the node which holds the queue, then LRPID is the PID of the kernel process which actually received the message on the queue, not the PID of the receiving process. STIME (a,t) The time when the last message was sent to the associated queue. For remote queues, this is the server time. No attempt is made to compensate for any clock skew between the local clock and the server clock. RTIME (a,t) The time when the last message was received from the associated queue. For remote queues, this is the server time. No attempt is made to compensate for any clock skew between the local clock and the server clock. CTIME (a,t) The time when the associated entry was created or changed. For remote queues, this is the server time. No attempt is made to compensate for any clock skew between the local clock and the server clock. NATTCH (a,o) The number of processes attached to the associated shared memory segment. SEGSZ (a,b) The size of the associated shared memory segment. CPID (a,p) The process ID of the creator of the shared memory entry. LPID (a,p) The process ID of the last process to attach or detach the shared memory segment. ATIME (a,t) The time when the last attach was completed to the associated shared memory segment. DTIME (a,t) The time the last detach was completed on the associated shared memory segment. NSEMS (a,b) The number of semaphores in the set associated with the semaphore entry. OTIME (a,t) The time the last semaphore operation was completed on the set associated with the semaphore entry. Flags -a Uses the -b, -c, -b Writes the maximum number of bytes in messages on queue for message queues, the size of segments for shared memory, and the number of semaphores in each semaphores set. -c Writes the login name and group name of the user that 'made the facility. -Ccorefile Uses the file corefile in place of /dev/kmem. corefile is a memory image file produced by the Ctrl-(left)Alt-End key sequence. -0, -p and -t flags. Commands 413 TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 ipcs -m Writes information about active shared memory segments. -Nkernel-image Uses the specified kernel-image (funix is the default). -0 Writes the following usage information: • • • -p Number of messages on queue Total number of bytes in messages in queue for message queues Number of processes attached to shared memory segments. Writes the following: • • • Process number of the last process to receive a message on message queues Process number of the creating process Process number of last process to attach or detach on shared memory segments. -q Writes information about active message queues. -s Writes information about active semaphore set. -t Writes the following: • • • • Time of the last control operation that changed the access permissions for all facilities Time of the last msgsnd and last msgrcv on message queues Time of the last shmat and last shmdt on shared memory Time of the last semop on semaphore sets. Files /unix /dev/kmem /etc/passwd /etc/group System kernel image. Memory. User names. Group names. Related Information The ipcs, msgrcv, msgsnd, semop, shmat, and shmdt system calls in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. The discussion of generating core files in Problem Determination Guide. 414 Commands Reference ipctable lipctable I Purpose Accessess the Distributed Services IPC Queues Table. I Syntax ipctable ---j OL805468 I Description The ipctable command lets you build, examine, or change the Distributed Services IPC Queues Table. Only members of the system group or users operating with superuser authority can use ipctable to change the state of the Distributed Services IPC Queues Tables (see "su" on page 724). Other user can use ipctable to browse the IPC Queues Table. I Related Information "Getting Started With Distributed Services Configuration Menus" in Managing the A/X Operating System. Commands 414.1 ipctable 414.2 Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 istat istat Purpose Examines i-nodes. Syntax ----.ristat ~ ;"" filename inumber - dJ OLS05138 Description The istat command writes information about the i-nodes specified with inumber to standard output. Use the istat command to write information about the i-node for a specified filename, or to write the contents of a specified i-node, inumber on an arbitrary file system. If you specify filename, istat writes the following information about the file: • • • • • The device where the file resides. The i-node number of the file, on that device. The file type (normal, directory, block device, and so on). What protection is on the file. The name and identification number of the owner and group. • • • • • • Note: The owner and group names for remote files are taken from the local /etc/passwd file. The number of links to the file. If the i-node is for a normal file, the length of the file. If i-node is for a device, the major and minor device designations. The date of the last time the i-node was updated. The date of the last time the file was modified. The date of the last time the file was referenced. If you specify inumber and device, istat also displays, in long decimal values, the block numbers recorded in the i-node. You can specify the device as either a device name or as a mounted-file-system name. Note: inumber and device cannot specify a remote device. Commands 415 istat Examples 1. To display the information stored in a file i-node: istat /bin/sh This displays the i-node information for the file something like this: fbi n/sh. The information looks Inode 34 on device 0/10 File Sti cky Protection: rwxr-xr-x Group: O(system) Owner: O(su) Length 54240 bytes Lin k count: 1 Last updated: Last modified: Last accessed: 2. Tue Dec 18 01:07:36 1984 Sat Jun 30 18:11:47 1984 Wed Feb 13 11:06:37 1985 To display i-node information if given a file i-number: istat 34 /dev/hdO This displays the information contained in i-node number 34 on the In addition to the information shown in Example 1, this displays: Block pointers: 219 220 227 228 221 229 222 o 223 o 224 225 /dev /hdO device. 226 These numbers are addresses of the disk blocks that contain the data about the file. Related Information The following command: "fsdb" on page 338. The stat system call and the filesystems and fs files in A/X Operating System Technical Reference. 416 Commands Reference join join Purpose Joins data fields of two files. Syntax join 1 Do file1 - file2 ~ not put a blank on either side of the comma. OL805371 Description The join command reads filel and file2, joins lines in the files according to the flags, and writes the results to standard output. Both files must be sorted according to the collating sequence specified by the NLCTAB environment variable, if set, for the fields on which they are to be joined (normally the first field in each line). One line appears in the output for each identical join field appearing in both filel and file2. The join field is the field in the input files that join looks at to determine what will be included in the output. The output line consists of the join field, the rest of the line from filel, then the rest of the line from file2. You can specify standard input in place of filel by substituting a - (minus) for the name. Both input files must be sorted in increasing ASCII collating sequence on the fields on which they are to be joined (the join field, normally the first field in each line). Fields are normally separated by a blank, a tab character, or a new-line character. In this case, join treats consecutive separators as one, and discards leading separators. Flags -anum When num is 1, join produces an output line for each line found in filel but not in file2. When num is 2, join produces an output line for each line found in the file2 but not in filel. Commands 417 join -e string Replaces empty output fields with string. -j[n] num Joins the two files on the numth field of file n. n is 0 or 1. If you do not specify n, join uses the numth field in each file. -0 n.num[,n.num .. . ] Makes each output line consist of the fields specified in list, in which each element has the form n.num, where n is a file number and num is a field number. -tchar Uses char as the field separator character in the input and the output. Every appearance of char in a line is significant. The default separator is a blank. With default field separation, the collating sequence is that of sort -b. If you specify -t, the sequence is that of a plain sort. To specify a tab character, enclose it in single quotation marks ("). Examples Note: The vertical alignment shown in these examples may not be consistent with your output. 1. To perform a simple join operation on two files whose first fields are the same: join phonedir names phonedi r contains the following telephone directory: and name s is this listing of names and department numbers: then join displays: Brown Dickerson Elder Green Harper vohnson Lewis McGuff Wilde Elder Frost Green McGuff Wilde Elder G. 555-1234 Dept. 389 Green P. 555-2240 Dept. 311 McGuff M. 555-5341 Dept. 454 Wilde c. 555-1234 Dept. 520 If J. B. G. P. M. M. B. M. c. 555-6235 555-1842 555-1234 555-2240 555-0256 555-7358 555-3237 555-5341 555-1234 Dept. Dept. Dept. Dept. Dept. 389 217 311 454 520 Each line consists of the join field (the last name), followed by the rest of the line found in phonedi r and the rest of the line in names. 2. To display unmatched lines with the command: join 418 -a2 phonedir Commands Reference names join If phonedi r contains: Brown Di c kerson Elder Green Harper Johnson Lewis McGuff Wilde J. B. G. 555-6235 555-1842 555-1234 555-2240 555-0256 555-7358 555-3237 555-5341 555-1234 P. M. M. B. M. C. and name s contains: Elder Dept. 389 Frost Dept. 217 Green Dept. 311 McGuff Dept. 454 Wilde Dept. 520 then join displays: Elder G. 555-1234 Frost Dept. 217 Green P. 555-2240 McGuff M. 555-5341 Wilde C. 555-1234 Dept. 389 Dept. 311 Dept. 454 Dept. 520 This performs the same join operation as in Example 1, and also lists the lines of names that have no match in phonedi r. Itincludes Frost's name and department number in the listing, although there is no entry for Frost in phonedi r: 3. To display selected fields: join -0 2.3 2.1 1.2 1.3 phonedir names This displays the following fields in the order given: Field Field Field Field of name s of name s 2 of phonedi r 3 of phonedi r 3 1 If phonedi r contains: Brown Di ckerson Elder Green Harper Johnson Lewis McGuff Wilde 4. J. B. G. P. M. M. B. M. C. 555-6235 555-1842 555-1234 555-2240 555-0256 555-7358 555-3237 555-5341 555-1234 (Department Number) (Last Name) (First Initial) (Telephone Number) and names contains: Elder Dept. 389 Frost Dept. 217 Green Dept. 311 McGuff Dept. 454 Wilde Dept. 520 then join displays: 389 311 454 520 Elder Green McGuff Wilde G. 555-1234 P. 555-2240 M. 555-5341 C. 555-1234 To perform the join operation on a field other than the first: sort +2 -3 phonedir; join -j1 3 - numbers This combines the lines in phonedi r and names, comparing the third field of phonedi r to the first field of numbers. Commands 419 join First, this sorts phonedi r by the third field, because both files must be sorted by their join fields. The output of sort is then piped to join. The - (minus sign) by itself causes the join command to use this output as its first file. The -j 1 3 defines the third field of the sorted phonedi r as the join field. This is compared to the first field of numbers because its join field is not specified with a -j flag. If numbers contains: then this command displays the names listed in each telephone number: 555-0256 555-1234 555-5555 555-7358 555-0256 555-1234 555-1234 555-7358 phonedi r for Harper M. Elder G. Wilde C. Johnson M. Note that join lists all the matches for a given field. In this case, join lists both El der G. and Wi 1de C. as having the telephone number 555-1234. The number 555-5555 is not listed because it does not appear in phonedi r. Related Information The following commands: "awk" on page 70, "comm" on page 144, "sort" on page 672, "cut" on page 210, and "paste" on page 547. The environment miscellaneous facility in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. The "Overview of International Character Support" in Managing the AIX Operating System. 420 Commands Reference keyboard keyboard Purpose Controls the delay and repetition rates of the keyboard. Syntax keyboard OL805443 Description The keyboard command changes the keyboard delay and repetition rates. These rates are initially set at system startup to 500 milliseconds and 14 characters per second, respectively. Flags -drate Sets the delay rate to the specified value. rate can be 300, 400, 500, or 600 milliseconds. -rrate Sets the rate of repetition to the specified value. This rate can be an integer from 2 to 40, inclusive. Example To change both the delay and repetiton rates: keyboard -d300 -r40 This sets the keyboard to a delay of 300 milliseconds and the repetition rate to 40 characters per second. Commands 421 kill kill Purpose Sends a signal to a running process. Syntax kill -C -15~ . process-ID - sIgnal OLB05139 Description The kill command sends a signal to a running process, by default signal 15 (SOFTWARE TERMINATE). This default action normally kills processes that do not catch or ignore the signal. You specify a process by giving its process-ID (process identification number, or PID). The shell reports the PID of each process that is running in the background (unless you start more than one process in a pipeline, in which case the shell reports the number of the last process). You can also use the ps command to find the process ID number of commands. In addition, there are special process-IDs that cause the following special actions: o The signal is sent to all processes having a process-group ID equal to the process-group ID of the sender (except those with PID's 0 and 1). -1 If the effective user ID of the sender is not 0 (root), signal is sent to all processes with a process-group ID equal to the effective user ID of the sender. (except those with PID's 0 and 1). If the effective user ID of the sender is 0 (root), signal is sent to all processes, excluding numbers 0 and 1. -process-ID The signal is sent to all processes whose process-group number is equal to the absolute value of process-ID. Note that when you specify a minus PID, you must also specify the signal to be sent, even signal 15. See the kill system call in AIX Operating System Technical Reference for a complete discussion of kill. For a list of signal numbers, see the signal systems call in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. Unless you are are operating with superuser authority, the process you wish to stop must belong to you. When operating with superuser authority, you can stop any process. 422 Commands Reference /' kill Examples 1. To stop a given process: ki 11 1095 This stops process 1095 by sending it the default signal, 15 (also called SIGTERM). Note that process 1095 might not actually stop if it has made special arrangements to ignore or override signal 15. 2. To stop several processes that ignore the default signal: ki 11 -9 1034 1095 This sends signal 9 (SIGKILL) to processes 1034 and 1095. Signal 9 is a special signal that normally cannot be ignored or overridden. 3. To stop all of your background processes: ki 11 0 This sends signal 15 to all members of the shell process group. This includes all background processes started with &. (See page 638 about running background processes.) Although the signal is sent to the shell, it has no effect because the shell ignores signal 15. 4. To stop all of your processes and log yourself out: ki 11 -9 0 This sends signal 9 to all members of the shell process group. Because the shell cannot ignore signal 9, this also stops the login shell and logs you out. If you are using multiple windows on a high-function terminal, then this closes the active window. 5. To stop all processes that you own: kill -9 -1 This sends signal 9 to all processes owned by the effective user, even those started at other work stations and that belong to other process groups. If you are using multiple windows on a high-function terminal, then this closes all of the windows. If a listing that you requested is being printed, then it is also stopped. Note: To send signal 15 with this form of the kill command, you must specify -15 explicitly: kill -15 -1 Commands 423 kill 6. To send a different signal code to a process: kill -16 1103 This sends signal 16 (SIGUSRl) to process 1103. The name of the kill command is misleading because many signals, including 16, do not stop processes. The action taken on signal 16 is defined by the particular application you are running. Related Information The following commands: "ps" on page 579 and "sh" on page 637. The kill and signal system calls in A/X Operating System Technical Reference. 424 Commands Reference kill all killall Purpose Cancels all processes except the calling process. Syntax /unix killall kernel-iJ OL805140 Description The killall command cancels all processes that you started, except those producing the killall process. This command provides a convenient means of cancelling all processes created by the shell that you control. When started by a user operating with superuser authority, killall cancels all cancellable processes except those that started it. The kernel-image parameter specifies the name of the system load module (by default, /unix). Flags Sends a SIGTERM signal initially and then sends a SIGKILL (kill) signal to all processes that survive for 30 seconds after receipt of the signal first sent. This gives processes that catch SIGTERM signal an opportunity to clean up. (For more information, see the signal system call in AIX Operating System Technical Reference.) -signal Sends the specified signal number. (For information about signal numbers, see the signal system call in AIX Operating System Technical Reference.) Examples 1. To stop all background processes that have started: killall This sends all background processes the kill signal 9 (also called SIGKILL). Commands 425 killall 2. To stop all background processes, giving them a chance to clean up: killall This sends signal 15 (SIGTERM), waits 30 seconds, and then sends signal 9 (SIGKILL). 3. To send a specific signal to the background processes: killall -2 This sends signal 2 (SIGINT) to the background processes. Files /unix /dev/mem System kernel image. Used for reading the process table. Related Information The following command: "kill" on page 422. The signal system call in A/X Operating System Technical Reference. 426 Commands Reference ld ld Purpose Links object files. Syntax Id -z str -d -Anum -j -e label -Bnum -K -Hnum -m -L dir -n -Rnum -r -T num -5 -u sym -x -Vnum -y num ~-j -{~ ~key: J -k key:path -Dnum -5 num }-<[;]X-I keyr OL805362 1 Do not put a blank between these items. OL805308 Description The ld command (the linkage editor) combines the specified object files into one, resolving external references and searching libraries. It produces an object module that can be run or that can become a file parameter in another call to ld. In the latter case, you must use the -r flag to preserve the relocation bits. ld places its output in a file named a.out. It makes this file executable if no errors occur during the link and if the -r flag is not specified. The linkage editor links object files and searches object libraries in the order specified. It links object modules unconditionally, but links from the library only those files that define Commands 427 ld an unresolved external reference. If a routine from a library calls another routine in that library, the called routine must follow the calling routine. Unless you use the -e flag to specify another entry point, the first byte of the first nonnull text segment (or the first byte of the data segment if all text segments are null) becomes the entry point of the output file. The reserved symbols _text, _data, _sdata, _etext, _edata, and _end (in C text, data, sdata, etext, edata, and end) are set to the first location of the program, the first location of the data, the segment number of the data, the first location above the program, the first location above initialized data, and the first location above all data, respectively. You cannot define these symbols. Because you can use Id to link modules intended to run on other machines, some of its action depends upon the architecture of the computer system on which you intend to run the module. Id recognizes that architecture automatically from the input modules and modifies its action accordingly. You can use some of its flags to alter the default behavior of Id for a particular architecture. Flags The Id command recognizes several flags. Except for -I entries, which are really abbreviations for file names, the order in which you specify flags does not affect the way they work. You can specify numeric values in either decimal, octal (with a leading 0), or hexadecimal (with a leading Ox or OX) format. 428 -Anum Stores num in the a_mise field of the output file header. This field indicates the size of memory, in bytes, allocated to the process which runs the file. On many systems, the stand-alone loader or kernel uses this value to set the base of the runtime stack pointer. -Bnum Makes num the starting address for the uninitialized data (bss) segment of the output file. The default starting address is the first storage unit after the end of the data segment. Not all architectures support the separation of data and bss segments. -d Defines common storage, even if you have specified the -r flag. -Dnum Makes num the starting address for the initialized data segment of the output file. The default starting address begins at location 0 (if -i is in effect), at the first storage unit after the end of the text segment, or, if -n is in effect, at the next page or segment boundary. -elabel Makes label the entry point of the executable output file. -Hnum Makes num the boundary, usually the page size, to which the text segment must be padded if it has a different protection than does the data segment. Specify this parameter only to override the default value for the given architecture. Commands Reference ld Assigns text and data segments to separate address spaces in memory, with the text segment read-only-if the architecture supports read-only memory-and shared among all users. The data segment starts at location zero unless set with -D. If the architecture does not support separate instruction and data space, this flag is treated as if it were -no -i -j [key:]num Assigns the shared library image key to location num. If you do not specify key, do not use location num when you assign the runtime location of the shared library text images. The exact interpretation of num depends on the target architecture. On the RT PC, num refers to the segment register, one of 4 through 13. You can specify -j once for each shared library image that has an assigned location. -kkey:path Maps any reference to the shared library image with the shared library key into path. Instead of adding the shared library key to the runtime table, add path. You can specify -k once for each shared library image with a remapped key. -K Loads the a.out header into the first bytes of the text segment, followed by the text segments from the object modules. This flag causes pages of executable files to be aligned on pages in the file system so that they can be demand paged on systems that support paging. This flag provides mapped file support for the text and data segments. -Ikey Searches the specified library file, where key selects the file libkey.a. Id searches for this file in the directory specified by an -L flag, then in /lib and /usr/lib. It searches library files in the order that you list them on the command line. -Ldir Looks in dir for files specified by -I keys. If it does not find the file in dir, Id searches the standard directories. -m Lists on standard output the names of all files and archive members used to create the output file. -n Makes the text segment read-only-if the architecture supports read-only memory-and shared among all users running the file. The data segment starts at the first segment boundary following the end of the text unless set with -D. On architectures which only permit read-only text with separate text and data spaces, the -n flag is treated as if it were the -i flag. -0 name Assigns name rather than a.out to the output file. -r Writes relocation bits in the output file so that it can serve as a file parameter in another Id call. This flag also prevents common symbols from being assigned final definitions and suppresses the undefi ned symbo 1 diagnostic messages. -Rnum Makes num bytes the allocation unit for objects manipulated by ld, such as segments or common objects. Typically this value ranges from 1 to 8. Specify this parameter only to override the default value for the given architecture. Commands 429 ld -s Strips the symbol table, line number information, and relocation information from the output. This saves space but impairs the usefulness of the debugger. U sing the strip command has the same effect. This flag is turned off if there are any undefined symbols. -8 num Makes num the maximum size the user stack is allowed to grow. This value represents the number of bytes allowed. If you do not specify this argument, the system assumes a default limit of 1 MB. -Tnum Makes num the starting address for the text segment of the output file. If not specified, the text segment begins at location zero. -u sym Enters sym into the symbol table as an undefined symbol. This is useful when linking from only a library, since initially the symbol table is empty and an unresolved reference is needed to force the linking of the first routine. -Vnum Stores num in the a_version field of the output file header; num must be in the range 0 to 32767. -x Does not enter local symbols in the output symbol table; enters only external symbols. This flag saves some space in the output file. -Y num In a segmented system, makes num the boundary to which the te'Xt segment should be padded if it has a protection different from that of the data segment. If num is zero, the padding is either that selected by the -H flag or the default value associated with that flag. Specify this parameter only to override the default value for the given architecture. -Zstr Prefixes with str the names specified by the -I key. For example, with -Z/test and -Ixyz, Id looks for the file /test/lib/llbxyz.a or, if that file does not exist, /test/usr/lib/libxyz.a. The ordinary directories will not be searched. This flag is most useful when cross-compiling. Examples 1. To link several object files and produce an a.out file to run under the AIX Operating System without the Floating-Point Accelerator: ld -n -tOxlOOOOOOO -K /lib/crtO.o pgm.o subsl.o subs2.o -lrts -lc A simpler way to accomplish this is to use the cc command to link the files as follows: cc pgm.o subsl.o subs2.o Since the cc command automatically uses the link options and necessary support libraries, you do not need to specify them on the command line (it gets this information from the configuration file cc.cfg). For this reason, you should use cc to link files when you are producing programs that run under the AIX Operating System. 430 Commands Reference ld 2. To specify the name of the output file: cc -0 pgm pgm.o subsl.o subs2.0 This stores the linked output in the file pgm. 3. To conditionally link library subroutines: cc pgm.o subsl.o subs2.0 mylib.a -ltools This links the object modules pgm. 0, subs 1.0, and subs2. 0 unconditionally. It then links the subroutines from my 1 ; b . a that are used by the preceding modules. (This is often called conditional linking.) Then Id conditionally links subroutines from the library specified by - 1 too 1 s. (This means /1 i b /1 i btoo 1 s . a, if it exists. If Id does not find this file, then it looks for /usr/l; b/l; btool s. a.) Note: Always list libraries and -I flags at the end of the Id or cc command lines. Files /lib/lib* .a /usr/lib/lib*.a a.out Libraries. Libraries. Output file. Related Information The following commands: "ar" on page 58, "as" on page 64, "cc" on page 112, and "shlib" on page 660. The a.out file in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. The discussion of Id in AIX Operating System Programming Tools and Interfaces and in Assembler Language Reference. Commands 431 lex lex Purpose Generates a C Language program that matches patterns for simple lexical analysis of an input stream. Syntax lex OL805025 Description The lex command reads file or standard input, generates a C Language program, and writes it to a file named lex.yy.c. This file, lex.yy.c, is a compilable C Language program. The lex command uses rules and actions contained in file to generate a program, lex.yy.c, which can be compiled with the cc command. It can then receive input, break the input into the logical pieces defined by the rules in file, and run program fragments contained in the actions in file. For a more detailed discussion of lex and its operation, see AIX Operating System Programming Tools and Interfaces. The generated program is a C Language function called yylex. lex stores yylex in a file named lex.yy.c. Yau can use yylex alone to recognize simple, one-word input, or you can use it with other C Language programs to perform more difficult input analysis functions. For example, you can use lex to generate a program that simplifies an input stream before sending it to a parser program generated by the yacc command. The function yylex analyzes the input stream using a program structure called a "finite state machine." This structure allows the program to exist in only one state (or condition) at a time. There is a finite number of states allowed. The rules in file determine how the program moves from one state to another. If you do not specify a file, lex reads standard input. It treats multiple files as a single file. Note: Since lex uses fixed names for intermediate and output files, you can have only one lex-generated program in a given directory. 432 Commands Reference lex Input File Format (file) The input file can contain three sections; definitions, rules, and user subroutines. Each section must be separated from the others by a line containing only the delimiter, % %. The format is: definitions 0/00/0 rules %0/0 user subroutines The purpose and format of each are described in the following sections. Definitions If you want to use variables in your rules, you must define them in this section. The variables make up the left column, and their definitions make up the right column. For example, if you want to define D as a numerical digit, you would write; o [0-9J You can use a defined variable in the rules section by enclosing the variable name in braces ({D}). In the definitions section, you can set table sizes for the resulting finite state machine. The default sizes are large enough for small programs. You may want to set larger sizes for more complex programs. %p n Number of positions is n (default 2000) %n n Number of states is n (default 500) %t n Number of parse tree nodes is n (default 1000) %a n Number of transitions is n (default 3000) If extended characters appear in regular expression strings, you may need to reset the output array size with the %0 parameter (possibly to array sizes in the range 10,000 to 20,000). This reset reflects the much larger number of characters relative to the number of ASCII characters. Commands 433 lex Rules Once you have defined your terms, you can write the rules section. It contains strings and expressions to be matched in file to yylex, and C commands to execute when a match is made. This section is required, and it must be preceded by the delimiter % %, whether or not you have a definitions section. lex does not recognize your rules without this delimiter. In this section, the left column contains the pattern to be recognized in an input file to yylex. The right column contains the C program fragment executed when that pattern is recognized. Patterns can include extended characters with one exception: these characters may not appear in range specifications within character class expressions surrounded by square brackets. The columns are separated by a tab. For example, if you want to search files for the keyword KEY, you might write: (KEY) printf("found KEY"); If you include this rule in file, the lexical analyzer yylex matches the pattern KEY and runs the printf command. Each pattern may have a corresponding action, a C command to execute when the pattern is matched. Each statement must end with a semicolon. If you use more than one statement in an action, you must enclose all of them in braces. A second delimiter, % %, must follow the rules section if you have a user subroutine section. When yylex matches a string in the input stream, it copies the matched file to an external character array, yytext, before it executes any commands in the rules section. You can use the following operators to form patterns that you want to match: x Matches the character written. x matches the literal character x. [] Matches anyone character in the enclosed range ([.-.]) or the enclosed list ([ ... ]). [a,b,c,x-z] matches a,b,c,x,y,or z. "" Matches the enclosed character or string even if it is an operator. "$" prevents lex from interpreting the character $ as an operator. \ Acts the same as " ". $ as an operator. * Matches zero or more occurrences of the character immediately preceding it. x* matches zero or more repeated + Matches one or more occurrences of the character immediately preceding it. ? Matches either zero or one occurrences of the character immediately preceding it. 1\ 434 \$ also prevents the shell from interpreting the character Matches the character only at the beginning of a line. beginning of a line. Commands Reference 1\ X matches an x at the lex ["] Matches any character but the one following the ". [" x] matches any character but x. Matches any character except the new-line character. $ Matches the end of a line. Matches either of two characters. X I Y matches either x or y. / Matches one character only when followed by a second character. It reads only the first character into yytext. x/y matches x when it is followed by y, and reads x into yytext. () Matches the pattern in the parentheses. This is used for grouping. It reads the whole pattern into yytext. A group in parentheses can be used in place of any single character in any other pattern. (xyz123) matches the pattern xyz123 and reads the whole string into yytext. {} Matches the character as you defined it in the definitions section. If you defined D to be numerical digits, {D} matches all numerical digits. {m,n} Matches m to n occurrences of the character. x{2,4} matches 2, 3, or 4 occurrences of x. If a line begins with only a blank, lex copies it to the output file, lex.yy.c. If the line is in the declarations section of file, lex copies it to the declarations section of lex.yy.c. If the line is in the rules section, lex copies it to the program code section of lex.yy.c. User Subroutines The lex library has three subroutines defined as macros, and which you can use in the rules. input( ) Reads a character from yyin. unput( ) Replaces a character after it has been read. output( ) Writes an output character to yyout. You can override these three macros by writing your own code for these routines in the user subroutines section. But if you write your own, you must undefine these macros in the definition section as follows: %{ #undef input #undef unput #undef output }% Commands 435 TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 lex There is no main( ) in lex.yy.c because the lex library contains the main( ) that calls yylex. Therefore, if you do not include main( ) in the user subroutines section, when you compile lex.yy.c, you must enter cc -ll lex.yy.c, where II will call the lex library. External names generated by lex all begin with the preface yy, as in yyin, yyout, yylex, and yytext. Flags -n Suppresses the statistics summary. When you set your own table sizes for the finite state machine (see page 433), the lex automatically produces this summary if you do not select this flag. -t Writes lex.yy.c to standard output instead of to a file. -v Provides a one-line summary of the generated finite-state-machine statistics. Files /usr/lib/libl.a Run-time library. Related Information The following command: "yacc" on page 86l. The description of lex in AIX Operating System Programming Tools and Interfaces. "Overview of International Character Support" in Managing the AIX Operating System. 436 Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 Ii Ii Purpose Lists the contents of a directory. Syntax Ii -C -oa1 bcdfpx -0 a f b p c x d -R:Jy& , -_ _ _ _ _ -Rl _ _ _ _~ one of -R num -f -v -num -k ~ q c f P 9 r h s i u I OL805372 di OL805346 1 Do not put a blank between these items. OL805308 Commands 437 TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 Ii Description The Ii command lists the contents of each named directory or archive file on standard output. For each non archive file named, Ii displays the file name and any information requested. If you do not specify a file or directory, Ii lists the current directory. By default, Ii sorts the output alphabetically and lists it in multiple columns. The collating sequence is determined by the NLCTAB environment variable (see "ctab" on page 204). It displays control characters in file names in expanded form (for example, "D, \177, and so on). When you specify more than one file or directory, Ii sorts them appropriately, but files appear before directories and their contents. When the date and time appear, the NLLDATE and NLTIME environment variables control their format. The NLSMONTH environment variable controls the short names for months. The di command is equivalent to 1 i-I a1mops. Permissions Field The permissions field displayed with the -Ip flag contains 11 characters. The first character is: d b c p D F B C P The The The The The The The The The The entry entry entry entry entry entry entry entry entry entry is is is is is is is is is is a directory. a block-type special file. a character-type special file. a pipe (FIFO). an ordinary file. a remote directory. a remote ordinary file. a remote block special file. a remote character special file. a remote first-in first-out (FIFO) special file. The next nine characters are interpreted as three sets of three bits each. The first set refers to owner permissions, the next to permissions for others in the same group, and the last to all others. Each of the three characters within each set indicate, respectively, permission to read, write, or execute the file. For a directory, "execute" permission is interpreted as permission to search the directory for a special file. These permissions are indicated as follows: r w x If the If the If the If the file is readable. file is writable. file is executable. corresponding permission is not granted. The group-execute permission is given as s if the file has set-group-ID mode. The user-execute permission character is given as s if the file has set-user-ID mode. (For a discussion of these modes, see "chmod" on page 128.) 438 Commands Reference TNL t)N:lU-~~(jl (~(j June nn:n) to ;:'Li~0-U/~U-U Ii The last character of the field is normally blank, but is displayed as t if the 1000 bit of the mode is on. (See the chmod system call in AIX Operating System Technical Reference for the current meaning of this mode.) Note: Some combinations of flags do not work well together. For example, 1i -vRa looks unusual, and 1i - RSx and 1i - Sx * are both nearly unintelligible if there are subdirectories contained in the current directory, due to confusion about what level is being listed. Flags Flags are grouped into five classes, four of which are always introduced by an uppercase letter: fields (lor E), restrictions (0), recursion (R), sort orders (8), and miscellaneous. The following flags modify the action of Ii: -I [hiplogcsmaunrfb] -E [hiplogcsmaunrfb] Requests the inclusion (-I) or exclusion (-E) of certain fields. These fields are selected by the flags in the subset hiplogcsmaunrfb. -I includes and -E excludes the selected fields in the order in which they appear in the argument list. For example, - 1 - Ep excludes the protections field, while - Ep - 1 includes it, since -1 (the equivalent of -Icg1mop) follows -Ep. The only field included by default is the name (n) field. If you include any other fields, Ii lists the output in single-column rather than multiple-column format. Ii lists the following fields in the following order: h p 1 o g c s m a u n r f b Headers I-number Protections Link count Local owner (name or UID) Local group (name or GID) Character count Size in blocks Modified time Accessed time Updated (i-node modified) time Name Node where the entry resides Raw UID of the entry's owner Raw GID of the entry's group. If the file is a special file, the size (s) field contains the major-and minor-device numbers. If you select the c (character count) or s (size in blocks) flags, Ii writes a total number of blocks for each directory and a grand total when appropriate. Commands 439 ~ 1.'1.1...1 01.'I~U-~OOl. \L;O dune U1tH) to ;::HJ~0-U'/~U-U Ii For remote files and directories, the local owner and local group are obtained by using inverse IDs. If there is no inverse ID or if Ii cannot determine the inverse ID, a - (minus sign) displays in the corresponding field. If possible, remote nodes are identified with nicknames. Otherwise, they are identified by their NID displayed in hexadecimal. (See "Distributed Services Concepts" in Managing the A/X Operating System.) For local files and directories that do not have a nickname defined for the local node ID, the node ID field displays as a - (minus sign), and the raw UID (GID) field contains the local owner UID (group GID). -0 [abcdfpx] Requests that the listing be restricted to files of certain types. These types are selected from the subset abcdfpx. The possible types are: a b c d f p x Archives Block devices Character devices Directories Files (normal, not special) Pipes (FIFOs) Executable files (any file with execute permission) -R[num]apq Lists recursively to number levels deep. The default depth is infinite. This normally displays a single column, with a two-column indentation for each level of the directory structure. When Ii reaches a directory with no subdirectories, it lists the contents of that directory in multiple-column form. Specifying either -Ra or -Rp suppresses the indentation and multiple-column display. These flags display either the full (-Ra) or relative (-Rp) path names of each file found. The -Rq flag also lists the contents of archive files. When using the -Rq flag to list the contents of remote archive files, the user and group fields display as a - (minus sign) unless the -k flag is specified. With the -k flag, the user and group fields for archive entries display as raw as found in the archive. (See the archive file format in A/X Operating System Technical Reference.) -8 [acmnrsux] Describes the order in which the listing is to be displayed. The default order is by name (n). The -8x flag specifies no sorting. Choosing a flag from the subset acmnsu selects which field the listing will be sorted by: a c m n s u Accessed time, latest first Character count, largest first Modified time, latest first Name Size (same as character count) Updated time, latest first If you include the r flag with any of these, Ii reverses the order of the sort. 440 Commands Reference Ii The miscellaneous flags are: -a Lists all entries, including those beginning with. (dot). -d Lists only the name, not the contents, of directories. -f Forces Ii to interpret each file as a directory and to list the name found in each slot. All flags requiring information not found in directory entries are turned off and the -a flag is turned on. Names are listed in the order that they appear in the directory. -k Provides a listing that is equivalent to 1 i-I bcfmpr. That is, it lists the permission code, node ID, remote UID, remote GID, time of last modification, character count, and file name for remote entries. -1 Uses a listing that is equivalent to 1 i-I cg 1mop (the long form listing). That is, it lists the permission code, link count, owner, group, character count, time of last modification, time of last access, and name of each file. -n Inhibits the interpretation of control characters in file names. This flag is useful for generating lists of file names for program input or for editing into per-file commands. -s Provides a listing similar to that of the -v flag, except that the distinguishing marks for file types do not affect sorting (a sortable verbose list). Subdirectories appear in the listing as name/, files with execute permission as name* and special files as name? -v Lists files in a way that visually differentiates file types (a verbose visual listing). With this flag, Ii lists subdirectories as [name], files with execute permission as < name>., and special files as *name*. This differentiation occurs before the -S sort. Thus, different types of files are sorted into different parts of the listing. -x Displays every available field except headers (an extended form listing). This is equivalent to specifying 1i-I abcfgl i moprsu. -num Lists with a maximum of num columns. If num is unreasonable, Ii picks its own num. This flag can be used as in 1 i -1 to make shell files or 1 i-I 09 to force Ii to display its output in multiple columns. A number appearing in any flag argument is assumed to be the number of columns unless it follows the -R flag. Examples 1. To list the files in the current directory in alphabetical order: 1i 2. To list all files in the current directory, including those with names beginning with a . (dot): 1i -a Commands 441 TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 Ii 3. To display detailed information: li -1 chapl .profile This displays a long listing with detailed information about chapl and .profile. It lists all the information that you probably need to see. However, Ii can supply even more information with the -x flag. 4. To display detailed information about a directory: 1i -d -1 . manual manual/chapl This displays a long listing for the directories. and manua 1, and for the file manual/chapl. -d flag, this would list the files in . and manual instead of the detailed information about the directories themselves. 5. To list the files in order of modification time: 1i -Sm - 1 This displays a long listing of the files that were modified most recently, followed by the older files. 6. To include extra information in the listing: li -Ichil In addition to the file name, this lists the character count (-Ie), i-number (-Ii), and link count (-II) for each file in the current directory. The -Ih tells Ii to write a heading at the top of each column of information. 7. To list the contents of each directory in a tree: 1i -R manual This lists the names in each subdirectory of the tree that starts with manual. Files /etc/passwd Contains user names for 1i-I o. /etc/group Contains group names for 1 i-I g. Related Information The following commands: "etab" on page 204 and "Is" on page 461. The ehmod system call and the environment miscellaneous facility in A/X Operating System Technical Reference. "Overview of International Character Support" in Managing the A/X Operating System. 442 Commands Reference Ii "Distributed Services Concepts" in Managing the AIX Operating System. Commands 442.1 Ii 442.2 Commands Reference line line Purpose Reads one line from the standard input. Syntax line ---l OL805142 Description The line command copies one line from standard input and writes it to standard output. It returns an exit value of 1 on an end-of-file and always writes at least a new-line character. Use this command within a shell command file to read from your work station. Example To read a line from the keyboard and append it to a file: echo 'Enter comments for the log:' echo ': \c' line »log This shell procedure displays the message: Enter comments for the log: then reads a line of text from the work station keyboard and adds it to the end of 1og. The echo ': \c' command displays a colon prompt. See "echo" on page 278 for information about the \c escape sequence. Related Information The following command: "sh" on page 637. The read system call in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. Commands 443 link link, unlink Purpose Performs the link system call. Syntax link - filet - fi/e2 --j OLB05143 unlink - file ---l OL805227 Description The link and unlink commands perform the corresponding system calls of the same name on the specified file, abandoning all error checking. These commands can be run only by a user operating with superuser authority (see "su" on page 724). You should be familiar with the link and unlink system calls described in A/X Operating System Technical Reference. The link and unlink commands do not issue error messages when the associated system call fails; you must check the exit value to determine if the command completed normally. Each returns a 0 if it succeeds, a 1 if you specify too few or too many parameters, and a 2 if its system call fails. Warning: The link and unlink commands allow the superuser to deal with unusual problems, such as moving an entire directory to a different part of the directory tree. They also permit you to create directories that cannot be reached or escaped from. Be careful to preserve directory structure by observing the following rules: 444 • • Be certain every directory has a . (dot) link to itself. Be certain every directory has a .. (dot dot) link to its parent directory. • Be certain every directory has no more than one link to it. • Be certain every directory is accessible from the root of its file system. Commands Reference link Example To restore the. (dot) entry of the damaged directory di r: link dir dir/. Warning: Do this only if the. (dot) entry has somehow been destroyed and fsck is unable to repair it. This happens very rarely. Related Information The following commands: "In" on page 450 and "fsck, dfsck" on page 333. The link and unlink system calls in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. Commands 445 TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 lint lint Purpose Checks C programs for potential problems. Syntax lint -Ikey -b -n -Q -h -p -Nnnum -Y -x OL805433 Description The lint program checks C language source code for coding and syntax errors and for inefficient or nonportable code. You can use this program to • • • • • • • Identify Enforce Identify Identify Identify Identify Identify source code and library incompatibility type checking rules more strictly than does the compiler potential problems with variables potential problems with functions problems with flow control legal constructions that may produce errors or be inefficient possibly nonportable code. The lint command assumes that file names ending in .c are C Language source files. It assumes that those ending in .In are the result of an earlier running of lint with either the -c or the -0 flag used. These .In files are analogous to the .0 (object) files produced by the cc command when given a .c file as input. lint warns you about files with other suffixes and ignores them. The lint command takes all the .c and .In files and the libraries specified by -I flags and processes them in the order that they appear on the command line. By default, it adds the standard lint library (llib-Ic.In) to the end of the list of files. However, when you select the -p flag, lint uses the portable library llib-port.In. By default, the second pass of lint checks this list of files for mutual compatibility; however, if you specify the -c flag, lint ignores the .In and lib-Ix files. The -c and -0 flags allow for incremental use of lint on a set of C Language source files. Generally, you use lint once for each source file with the -c flag. Each of these runs produces a .In file that corresponds to the .c file and writes all messages that are about 446 Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 lint just that source file. After you have run all source files separately through lint, you run it once more, without the -c flag, listing all the .In files with the needed -I arguments. This writes all inter-file inconsistencies. This procedure works well with the make command, allowing it to run lint on only those source files that have been modified since the last time that set of source files was checked. The following comments in a C source program change the way that lint operates when checking the source program: /*NOTREACHED* / Suppresses comments about unreachable code. /*VARARGSn*/ Suppresses checking the following function declaration for varying numbers of arguments but does check the data type of the first n arguments. If you do not include a value for n, lint checks no arguments (n = 0). /* ARGSUSED* / Turns on the -v flag for the next function. /*LINTLIBRARY* / If you place this comment at the beginning of a file, lint does not identify unused functions in the file. The lint command first writes messages about each source file as it processes the file. It collects messages about included files and writes those after it has gone through all the source files. Finally, if you have not specified the -c flag, it collects information gathered from all input files and checks it for consistency. At this point, if it is not clear whether a message stems from a given source file or from one of its included files, lint displays the source file name followed by a question mark. Flags -a Suppresses messages about assignments of long values to variables that are not long. -b Suppresses messages about unreachable break statements. -b Does not try to detect bugs, improve style, or reduce waste. -c Causes lint to produce a .In file for every .c file on the command line. These .In files are the product of the first pass of lint only and are not checked for inter-function compatibility. -lkey Includes the additional lint library llib-lkey.In. You can include a lint version of the math library llib-Im.ln by specifying -1m on the command line or llib-ldos.ln by specifying -Idos on the command line. Use this flag to include local lint libraries when checking files that are part of a project having a large number of files. This flag does not prevent lint from using the llib-Ic.ln library. -n Does not check for compatibility with either the standard or the portable lint libraries. Commands 447 lint -Nnnum -0 Increases the size of the symbol table. The default size is 1500. lib Causes lint to create a lint library with the name llib-llib.ln. The -e flag nullifies any use of the -0 flag. The lint library produced is the input that is given to the second pass of lint. The -0 flag simply causes this file to be saved in the named lint library. To produce a llib-llib.ln without extraneous messages, use the -x flag. The -v flag is useful if the source files for the lint library are just external interfaces (for example, the way the file llib-Ie is written). These flag settings are also available through the use of lint comment lines. -p Checks for portability to other C dialects. -u Suppresses messages about functions and external variables that are either used and not defined or defined and not used. Use this flag to run lint on a subset of files of a larger program. -v Suppresses messages about function parameters that are not used. -x Suppresses messages about variables that have external declarations but are never used. In addition, lint recognizes the following flags of the epp command (macro preprocessor): -Dname[ = defJ Defines the name, as if by #define. The default de! is 1. -Idir Adds dir to the list of directories in which lint searches for #inelude files. -Uname Removes any initial definition of name, where name is a reserved symbol that is predefined by the particular preprocessor. Examples 1. To check a C program for errors: lint 2. program.c To suppress some of the messages: lint -v -x program.c This checks program. c, but does not display error messages about unused function parameters (-v) or unused externals (-x). 3. To check the program against an additional lint library: lint -lsubs program.c This checks prog ram. c against both the standard lint library (fusr/lib/llib-Ie.ln) and /usr/lib/llib-ls ub s .In. 448 Commands Reference lint 4. To check against the portable library and an additional library: lint -lsubs -p program.c This checks program. c against both the portable lint library (fusr/lib/llib-port.ln) and /usr /lib /llib-l sub s .In. 5. To check against a nonstandard library only: lint -lsubs -n program.c This checks program. c against only /usr/lib/llib-lsubs.ln. Files /usr/lib/lint[12] /usr /lib/llib-Ic.ln /usr/lib/llib-Ic /usr/lib/llib-port.ln / usr /li b /lli b-port /usr/lib/llib-Im.ln /usr/lib/llib-Im / usr /li b /lli b-Idos .In /usr/lib/llib-Idos /usr/tmp/*lint* Programs. Declarations for Declarations for Declarations for Declarations for Declarations for Declarations for Declarations for Declarations for Temporary files. standard functions (binary format). standard functions (source). portable functions (binary format). portable functions (source). standard math functions (binary format) standard math functions (source) DOS Services functions (binary format). DOS Services functions (source). Related Information The following command: "cc" on page 112. The topic "Checking C Progams" in AIX Operating System Programming Tools and Interfaces. The "Overview of International Character Support" in Managing the AIX Operating System. Commands 449 In In Purpose Links files. Syntax In ~ directory ~ ~ file - - newname --.1-----' OLB05028 Description The In command links file to newname (in the current directory), or to the same name (file) in another existing directory. You can link directories, provided the two directories have the same parent. If you are linking a file to a new name, you can list only one file. If you are linking to a directory, you can list more than one file. Note: You cannot link files across file systems. Examples 1. To create another name (also called an alias) for a file: In chapl intro This links chapl to the new name i ntro. If i ntro does not already exist, the file name is created. If i ntro does exist, the file is replaced by a link to chapl. Now chapl and i ntro are two file names that refer to the same file. Any changes made to one also appear in the other. If one name is deleted with del or rm, the file is not actually deleted, but remains under the other name. 2. To link a file to the same name in another directory: 1n index manua 1 This links index to the new name manual Ii ndex. Note the difference: ; ntro in Example 1 is the name of a file; manua 1 in Example 2 is a directory that already exists. 450 Commands Reference In 3. To link several files to names in another directory: In chap2 jim/chap3 /u/manual This links chap2 to the new name /u/manual /chap2 and jim/chap3 to /u/manua 1/ chap3. 4. To use In with pattern-matching characters: In manual/* This links all files in the directory manua 1 into the current directory (.), giving them the same names they have in manua l. Note that you must type a space between the asterisk and the period. Related Information The following commands: "rm" on page 601, "mv" on page 502, and "cp" on page 156. The chmod and link system calls in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. Commands 451 locator locator Purpose Controls the sample rate of the locator. Syntax locator - -r rate ---1 OL805444 Description The locator command sets the rate at which the system checks, per second, the cursor position controlled by the mouse. You can specify any of the following rates: 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, or 100. Initially, at system startup, this rate is set at 60. Note: You can run the locator command only from the system console. Flag -rrate Sets the sampling rate to the specified value. Example To set the locator rate to 40: locator 452 -r40 Commands Reference login login Purpose Allows you to sign on to the system. Syntax login ---l 1 This 1 command is not normally entered on the command line. OL805005 Description The login program logs you onto the system. Its primary functions are: • • • • To validate your password. To make the required accounting and log entries. To set up your processing environment. To run the command interpreter that is specified in the password file, usually the sh program. A logger process, initially running the getty program, is started for each enabled port. getty reads a login name and sets work station modes (see "getty" on page 372). Then it runs login, which may ask for a password. If you do not have a password, press the Enter key. Your log in attempt might fail for the following reasons: • • • Your login name/password pair does not match an entry in the password file. Your password has expired. This can happen if your system requires that you change your password after a set number of days. In this case, login runs the passwd command instead of letting you log in. (For more information, see "passwd" on page 546.) After you change your password, you can attempt to log in again. The system has reached the limit of simultaneously logged-in users. Each AIX kernel sets a limit on the number of concurrent log ins by nonprivileged users; this limit may be one. A privileged user is one that has a user ID from 0 to 20. A privileged user can log in at any time. In one special case, login does not ask for a user name and password pair. When the login port is the console and the file /etc/autolog contains a valid user name, login creates a login session for that user automatically. Other processing by login proceeds normally. Commands 453 login When a user logs in successfully, the login program makes entries in /ete/utmp, the record of users logged into the system, and in /usr/adm/wtmp (if it exists), for use in accounting. On invalid login attempts (due to an incorrect login name or password), login makes entries in the /ete/ .Hog file. Once you are logged in to the system, the login program lists your previous login time and the system message of the day (stored in the /ete/motd file), if it has been modified since your last log in or if this is your first log in of the day. If a user file size limit has been specified in the passwd file, the limit is set with ulimit system call. When you log in as user root or su and the /ete/.Hog file is not empty, you see a message advising the you to check the /ete/ .Hog file for a record of unsuccessful login attempts. The login program sets the LOGNAME and HOME environment variables from information in the password file. Environment variables inherited from getty and init (such as those specified in fete/environment) are kept. You may expand or modify the environment by supplying additional parameters to login when it requests your login name. These may take the form xxx or xxx = yyy. Parameters without an equal sign are placed in the environment as Lnum = xxx, where num is a number starting at 0 and incremented each time a new variable name is required. Parameters containing an equal sign are placed into the environment without modification. If they already exist, the new assignment replaces the older value. There are two exceptions: You cannot change the shell variables PATH and SHELL. (This restriction prevents people, logging into restricted environments, from spawning secondary shells that are not restricted.) Both login and getty understand simple single-character quoting conventions. Typing a backslash (\) in front of a character quotes it and allows you to include such things as spaces and tab characters. The login command changes the current directory to your HOME directory, changes the ownership of the port (work station) to the user logging in, sets the user-and group-IDs of the process, and then runs the program specified for the user in the password file, normally the shell (fbin/sh). login calls this program with a name consisting of - (minus) followed by the last segment of its path name. An instance of the shell can therefore determine from its invocation name whether it is a login shell or a subshell. The /ete/passwd file entry may include parameters that are always passed to the shell program. For more details, see the passwd file in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. Files /etc/utmp /usr/adm/wtmp /etc/.ilog /etc/autolog /usr/motd /etc/passwd .llog 454 Commands Reference Accounting. Accounting. Accounting. Login ID for automatic login. Message of the day. Password file. Date of last login . login Related Information The following commands: "users" on page 802, "getty" on page 372, "init" on page 396, "passwd" on page 546, and "penable" on page 550. The passwd and utmp files in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. The discussion of login sessions in Managing the AIX Operating System. Commands 455 logname logname Purpose Displays your login name. Syntax logname ---l OL805145 Description The logname command writes to standard output the name you used to log into the system. It is the contents of the environment variable $LOGNAME, which is set when you log into the system. Files /etc/profile Related Information The following commands: "env" on page 298 and "login" on page 453. The logname subroutine AIX Operating System Technical Reference. The environ special facility in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. 456 Commands Reference lorder lorder Purpose Finds the best order for member files in an object library. Syntax lorder T file T OL805029 Description The lorder command reads one or more object or library archive files, looking for external references and writing a list of paired file names to standard output. The first of each paired files contains references to identifiers that are defined in the second file. You can send this list to the tsort command to find an ordering of a library member file suitable for one-pass access by ld. If object files do not end with .0, lorder overlooks them and attributes their global symbols and references to some other file. Example To create a subroutine library: lorder charin.o scanfld.o scan.o scanln.o I tsort I xargs ar qv libsubs.a This creates a subroutine library named 1i bsubs. a that contains chari n. 0, scanfl d. 0, scan.o, and scan 1 n. 0. The ordering of the object modules in the library is important. The ld command requires each module to precede all the other modules that it calls or references. The lorder and tsort commands together add the subroutines to the library in the proper order. Commands 457 lorder Suppose that scan.o calls scanfld.o and scanln.o. scanfld.o also calls charin.o. First, the lorder command creates a list of pairs that shows these dependencies: charin.o charin.o scanfld.o scanfld.o scan.o scan.o scanln.o scanln.o scanfld.o charin.o scanln.o charin.o scan.o scanfld.o Next, the I (vertical bar) sends this list to the tsort command, which converts it into the ordering we need: scan.o scanfld.o scanln.o charin.o Note that each module precedes the module it calls. another module, is last. chari n. 0, which does not call The second I then sends this list to xargs, which constructs and runs the following ar command: ar qv libsubs.a scan.o scanfld.o scanln.o charin.o This ar command creates the properly ordered library. Files /tmp/sym* Temporary files Related Information The following commands: "ar" on page 58, "ld" on page 427, "nm" on page 521 "tsort" on page 778, and "xargs" on page 857. The ar file in A/X Operating System Technical Reference. 458 Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 lp lp Purpose Prints a file in a format suitable for sending to a line printer. Syntax -fl=66 -fw=80 /usr/lpd/lp -fl = value -fw = value -elite -indent = val ue -wp -skip = val ue -pip -statusfile OL805396 Description The Ip command prints file on its standard output in a form that is suitable for a line printer. The Ip command is normally invoked by the qdaemon command. qdaemon directs the output from Ip to the appropriate device. Flags are passed to Ip in the following ways: • Flags specified in the qconfig structure are passed each time that Ip is invoked. The -pIp, -ibmgp, -oki, and -statusfile flags most likely appear in qconfig. • Flags that are not recognized by the print command are assumed to be for Ip and are passed to Ip with the requested job. Flags -elite Prints the text at 12 characters per inch instead of 10 characters per inch. This flag changes the default forms width to 96 characters. -fl = value Sets the forms length equal to value. The default length is 66 lines. -fw= value Sets the forms width equal to value. The default width is 80 columns. Lines that are wider than value are truncated. If you set value to 0, no truncation is performed. -ibmgp Specifies an IBM Graphic Printer. Commands 459 lp -indent = value Indents the printed output the number of spaces specified with value. -oki Specifies an Okidata Model 92 or 93. -plot Passes text directly to the printer without processing. This is useful when using the printer as a plotter. Normally, lines that contain backspaces and carriages return characters are processed so that they print with minimum print head motion. The sequence ESC-9 maps to half line feeds. -pip Sets and resets printer port parameters, if the printer is attached with a parallel interface. -skip = value Does not print the first value blank lines in the file. -statusfile Updates the status information in the status file that is open on file descriptor 3. The status information is passed from qdaemon. -wp Sets the printer, if possible, to the Word Processing mode. Related Information The following commands: "print" on page 566 and "qdaemon" on page 590. The qconfig file in A/X Operating System Technical Reference. 460 Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 Is Is Purpose Displays the contents of a directory. Syntax Is OL805030 Is - - f di rectory OLS05243 Description The Is command writes to standard output the contents of each specified directory or the name of each specified file, along with any other information you ask for with the flags. If you do not specify a file or directory, Is displays the contents of the current directory. By default, Is displays all information in alphabetic order by file name. The collating Commands 461 TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 Is sequence is determined by the NLCTAB environment variable (see "ctab" on page 204). Individual file names are listed before directory names. There are three main ways to format the output: 1. 2. 3. List one entry per line. This is the default format. List entries in multiple columns by specifying either the -C or -x flags. List entries in a comma-separated series by specifying the -m flag. To determine the number of character positions in the output line, Is uses the environment variable COLUMNS. If this variable is not set, it reads the terminfo file. If Is cannot determine the number of character positions by either of these methods, it uses a default value of 80. The mode displayed with the -1 flag is interpreted as follows: If the first character is: d b c p D F B C P The The The The The The The The The The entry entry entry entry entry entry entry entry entry entry is is is is is is is is is is a directory. a block special file. a character special file. a first-in first-out (FIFO) special file. an ordinary file. a remote directory. a remote ordinary file. a remote block special file. a remote character special file. a remote first-in first-out (FIFO) special file. The next nine characters are divided into three sets of three characters each. The first three characters show the owner's permission. The next set of three characters show the permission of the other users in the group. The last set of three characters show the permission of anyone else with access to the file. The three characters in each set show read, write and execute permission of the file. Execute permission of a directory lets you search a directory for a specified file. Permissions are indicated as follows: r w x You You You You can read the file. can edit (write) the file. can search the file. do not have permission to the file. The group-execute permission character is s if the file has set-group ID mode. The user-execute permission character is s if the file has set-user-ID mode. The last character of the mode (normally x or -) is t if the 1000 (octal) bit of the mode is set; see "chmod" on page 128 for the meaning of this mode. The indications of set-ID and 1000 bit. of the mode are capitalized (8 and T respectively) if the corresponding execute permission is not set. When the size of the files in a directory are listed, the Is command displays a total count of blocks, including indirect blocks. 462 Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 Is The environment variables NLLDATE and NLTIME control the format of the date and time. The environment variable NLSMONTH controls the short names of months. Flags -a Lists all entries in the directory including the entries that begin with a . (dot). -b Displays nonprintable characters in an octal \nnn notation. -c Uses the time of last modification of the i-node (file created, mode changed, and so on) for sorting (when used with -t) or for displaying (when used with -I). This flag has no effect when not used with either -t or -lor both. -c Sorts output vertically in a multi-column format. -d Displays only the information for the directory named. This is useful with the -I flag to get the status of a directory. -f Lists the name in each slot for each named directory. This flag turns off -I, -t, -s, and -r, and turns on -a; the order is the order in which entries appear in the directory. -F Puts a / (slash) after each file name if the file is a directory and an each file name if the file can be executed. -g Displays the same information as with -I, except for the owner. -i Displays the i-number in the first column of the report for each file. -k Displays the permission codes, node ID, remote UID, remote GID, time of last modification, size (in bytes), and file name for remote entries. * (asterisk) after For remote files and directories, the local owner and local group are obtained by using inverse IDs. If there is no inverse ID or if Is cannot determine the inverse ID, a - (minus sign) displays in the corresponding field. If possible, remote nodes are identified with nicknames. Otherwise, they are identified by their NID displayed in hexadecimal. (See "Distributed Services Concepts" in Managing the A/X Operating System.) For local files and directories that do not have a nickname defined for the local node ID, the node ID field displays as a - (minus sign), and the raw UID (GID) field contains the local owner UID (group GID). -I Displays the mode, number of links, owner, group, size (in bytes), and time of last modification for each file. If the file is a special file, the size field will instead contain the major and minor device numbers. -m Uses stream output format (a comma-separated series). -n Displays the same information as with -I, except that it displays the user and the group IDs instead of the user and group names. -0 Displays the same information as with -I, except for the group. Commands 463 Is -p Puts a slash after each file name if that file is a directory. This is useful when you pipe the output of Is to the pr command as follows: ls -p I pr -5 -t -w80 -q Displays nonprintable characters in file names as the character ? -1' Reverses the order of the sort, giving reverse alphabetic or the oldest first, as appropriate. -R Lists all subdirectories recursively. -s Gives size in blocks (including indirect blocks) for each entry. -t Sorts by time of last modification (latest first) instead of by name. -u Uses the time of the last access instead of time of the last modification for sorting (when used with -t) or for displaying (when used with -1). This flag has no effect when not used with either -t or -lor both. -x Sorts output horizontally in a multi-column format. Examples 1. To list all files in the current directory: 1s -a This lists all files, including. (dot), .. (dot-dot), and other files with names beginning with a dot. 2. To display detailed information: ls -1 chapl .profile This displays a long listing with detailed information about chapl and .profile. 3. To display detailed information about a directory: ls -d -1 manual manual/chapl This displays a long listing for the directories. and manua 1, and for the file manual/chapl. Without the -d flag, this would list the files in . and manual instead of the detailed information about the directories themselves. 4. To list the files in order of modification time: ls -1 -t This displays a long listing of the files that were modified most recently, followed by the older files. 464 Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 Is Files /etc/passwd /etc/group /usr/lib/terminfo/* Contains user IDs. Contains group IDs. Contains terminal information. Related Information The following commands: "chmod" on page 128, "ctab" on page 204, and "find" on page 326. The environment miscellaneous facility in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. "Overview of International Character Support" in Managing the AIX Operating System. "Distributed Services Concepts" in Managing the AIX Operating System. Commands 464.1 Is 464.2 Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to 8C23-0790-0 m4 m4 Purpose Preprocesses files, expanding macro definitions. Syntax -oname-(="" = value OLS05434 Description The m4 command is a macro processor used as a preprocessor for C and other languages. You can use it to process built-in macros or user-defined macros. Each file is processed in order. If you do not specify a file or if you give a minus (-) as a file name, m4 reads standard input. It writes the processed macros to standard output. Macro calls follow the form: macroname(argument . . . ) The left parenthesis must immediately follow macroname. If the left parenthesis does not follow the name of a defined macro, m4 reads it as a macro call with no arguments. Macro names consist of ASCII alphabetic letters, digits, and the underscore character (-). Extended characters are not allowed in macro names. The first character cannot be a digit. While collecting arguments, m4 ignores unquoted leading blanks, tabs, and new-line characters. Use single quotation marks to quote strings. The value of a quoted string is the string with the quotation marks stripped off. When m4 recognizes a macro, it collects arguments by searching for a matching right parenthesis. If you supply fewer arguments than appear in the macro definition, m4 considers the trailing arguments in the definition to be null. Macro evaluation proceeds Commands 465 m4 normally during the collection of the arguments. All commas or right parentheses within the value of a nested call are translated literally; they do not need an escape character or quotation marks. After collecting arguments, m4 pushes the value of the macro back onto the input stream and scans again. Built-in Macros The m4 command makes available the following built-in macros. You may redefine them, but you will lose the original meaning. The values of these macros are null unless otherwise stated: define(name,new-name) Replaces the macro name with the value of new-name. The new-name string can take the form $n . . . (where n is a digit). In this case, each occurrence of n in the replacement text is replaced by the n-th argument of name. $0 is the name of the macro. The null string replaced missing arguments. The number of arguments replaces $#. A comma-separated list of all arguments replaces $*. $@ acts like $*, but each argument is quoted with the current quotation character (see changequote). undefine(name) Removes the definition of name. defn(name . . . ) Returns the quoted definition of name. pushdef(name,new-name) Redefines name with new-name as in define, but save any previous definition. popdef(name . . . ) Removes the current definition of name and returns to the previous definition, if one existed. ifdef(name,true,[false]) Returns the value of true only if name is defined, otherwise return false. If you do not supply false, its value is null. Note: The word unix is predefined. 466 shift(argument . . . ) Returns all but the first argument. The other arguments are quoted and pushed back with commas in between. The quoting nullifies the effect of the extra scan that will subsequently be performed. changequote(L,R) Changes quote symbols to Land R. The symbols can be up to five bytes long. changequote without arguments restores the original values (' '). changecom(Lcom,Rcom) Changes left and right comment markers from the default # and new-line character to Lcom and Rcom. With no arguments, the comment mechanism is disabled. With one argument, the left marker becomes the parameter and the right marker becomes a new-line character. With two arguments, both Commands Reference m4 markers are affected. Comment markers can be up to five bytes long. divert(num) Changes the current output stream to stream num. There are 10 output streams, numbered 0-9. The final output is the concatenation of the streams in numerical order. Initially, stream 0 is the current stream. m4 discards output diverted to a stream other than 0-9. undivert(num ... ) Causes immediate output of text from the specified diversions (or all diversions if there is no argument). Text may be undiverted into another diversion. Undiverting discards the diverted text. divnum Returns the value of the current output stream. dnl Reads and discards characters up to and including the next new-line character. ifelse([string1,string2,true,[false]] ... ) If string1 and string2 are the same, then the value is true. If they are not and if there are more than four arguments, m4 repeats the process with the additional arguments (4, 5, 6, and 7). Otherwise, the value is either false or null if you provide no value for false. incr(num) Returns the value of its argument incremented by 1. decr(num) Returns the value of its argument decreased by 1. eval(expr[,numl[,num2]]) Evaluates its first argument as an arithmetic expression, using 32-bit arithmetic. The operators you can use include +, -, *, /,%, (exponentiation), bitwise &, I, -, and relationals, and parentheses. Octal and hex numbers can be specified as in C. num1 specifies the radix for the result of the expression. The default radix is 10. The optional num2 specifies the minimum number of digits in the result. 1\ 1\ len(string) Returns the number of bytes in string. dlen(string) Returns the number of displayable characters in string; that is, two-byte extended characters are counted as one displayable character. index(s1,s2) Returns the position in the string s1 where the string s2 begins (zero origin), or -1 if the second parameter does not occur. substr(string ,position,num) Returns a substring of string. The beginning of the substring is selected with position, and num indicates the length of the substring. Without num, the substring includes everything to the end of the first string. Commands 467 m4 translit(string ,from ,to) Transliterates the characters in string from the set given by from to the set given by to. No abbreviations are permitted. Two-byte extended characters are correctly mapped into the corresponding replacement characters. include (file) Returns the contents of file or displays an error message if it cannot access the file. sinclude(file) Returns the contents of file, but it gives no error message if file is inaccessible. syscmd(command) Runs the AIX command. No value is returned. sysval Returns the return code from the last call to syscmd. maketemp( ... XXXXX ... ) Replaces XXXXX in its argument with the current process ID number. m4exit(value) Exits from m4 immediately, returning the specified exit value (the default is 0). m4wrap(lastmacro) Runs lastmacro after reading the end-of-file character. For example: m4wrap ('c1 eanup () I) runs the c1 eanup macro at the end of m4. errprint(message) Includes message on the diagnostic output file. dumpdef([name . .. ]) Writes to standard output the current names and definitions for the named items or for all if no arguments are provided. traceon(macro) Turns on tracing for macro. If none is named, tracing is turned on for all macros. traceoff(macro . . . ) Turns off trace globally and for any macro specified. Macros specifically traced by traceon can be untraced only by specific calls to traceoff. Flags 468 -Bnum Makes num the size of the push-back and parameter collection buffers (the default is 4096). -e Operates interactively. Interrupts are ignored and the output is not buffered. -Hnum Makes num the size of the symbol table hash array (the default is 199). The size must be a prime number. -s Enables the line sync output for the C preprocessor (#line ... ). Commands Reference m4 -Snum Makes num the size of the call stack (the default is 800 slots). take three slots, and nonmacro arguments take one. -Tnum Makes num the size of the token buffer (the default is 512 bytes). Macros The preceding flags must appear before any file names and before any -D or -U flags. -Dname[ = val] Define name as val. If val is not specified, name becomes null. -Uname Undefines a name previously defined with the -D flag. Example To preprocess a C language program with m4 and compile it: m4 cc prog.m4 prog.c >prog.c Related Information The following commands: "cc" on page 112 and "cpp" on page 163. The "Overview of International Character Support" in Managing the A/X Operating System. Commands 469 mail mail Purpose Sends messages to system users and displays messages from system users. Syntax -I $HOME/mbox ~ y -ffile--mail OL805347 one of Imail ~mail KJ.: -t user --r OL805034 Description The mail command with no flags writes to standard output, one message at a time, all stored mail addressed to the your login name. Following each message, mail prompts you with a question mark (?). Press the Enter key to display the next mail message, or enter one of the sub commands which control the disposition of the message (see "Subcommands" on page 471). When sending mail, you specify users, and then mail reads a message from standard input until you press END OF FILE (Ctrl-D) or enter a line containing only a period (.). It prefixes this message with the sender's name and the date and time of the message (its postmark) and adds this message to the file /usr/mail/user for each user specified on the command line. The action of mail can be modified in two ways by manipulating /usr/mail/user: 1. 470 The default permission assignment for "others" is "read-only." If you change this permission assignment to "read/write" or to all permissions denied, the system preserves the file, even when it is empty, in order to maintain the desired permissions. Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 mail 2. You can edit the file to contain as its first line: Forward to person This causes all messages sent to user to be sent to person instead. The Forward to feature is especially useful for sending all of a person's mail to a particular machine in a network environment. The rmail command is similar to mail except that it only allows the user to send mail. The uucp command uses rmail for security reasons, allowing a user to send mail to a remote system, but not to read mail on that system. To specify a recipient on a remote system, prefix the system name and an exclamation mark (!) to user. See "uucp" on page 807 for a detailed discussion of how to address remote systems. Flags -e Does not display any messages. This flag causes mail to return an exit value of 0 if the user has mail, an exit value of 1 if he has no mail. -f file Saves mail in the named file instead of in the default mailfile, $HOME/mbox. -p Displays mail without prompting for a disposition code. This flag does not delete, copy, or forward any messages. (For disposition codes, see "Subcommands"). -q Causes mail to exit when you press INTERRUPT (Alt-Pause). Normally, pressing INTERRUPT (Alt-Pause) stops only the message being displayed. (In this case, the next message sometimes does not display until you enter the p subcommand.) -r Displays mail in first-in, first-out order. -t Prefixes each message with the names of all recipients of the mail. (Normally, only the individual recipient's name appears as addressee.) Usually, user is a name recognized by the login command. It can also be the ASCII synonym that is automatically defined for any name that contains NLS code points. If the system does not recognize one or more of the specified users or if mail is interrupted during input, mail saves messages in the file $HOME/dead.letter to allow for editing and resending. Subcommands The following subcommands control message disposition: + Displays the next mail message (the same as pressing the Enter key). Displays the previous message. Commands 471 mail Deletes the current message and displays the next message. p Displays the current message again. Saves the message in the named file instead of in the default mailfile, s [file] $HOME/mbox. w [file] Saves the message, without its postmark, in the named file instead of in the default mailfile, $HOME/mbox. Forwards the message to the named user. m user Writes any mail not yet deleted to /usr/mail/user and exits. Pressing END OF q FILE (Ctrl-D) has the same effect. Writes all mail unchanged to /usr/mail/user and exits. x !AIX-cmd Runs the specified AIX command. Displays a subcommand summary. * d Examples 1. To display your mail: mai 1 After the most recent message is displayed, a ? (question mark) indicates that mail is waiting for one of the subcommands explained previously ( +, -, d, p, etc.). Enter * (asterisk) to list the subcommands available. 2. To send mail to other users: mail tom rachel Don't forget the meeting tomorrow at 9:30. Ctrl-D This mails the message Don't forget the meeti ng tomorrow at 9: 30. to users tom and rache 1. The Ctrl-D indicates the end of the message, but is not included in the text. 3. To send a file to another user: mail fran /dev/null > defaults This lists the internal rules and macros and saves them in the file defaul ts for viewing or editing. All exported shell environment variables are included in the list of macro definitions. Files Makefile makefile s.Makefile s.makefile Related Information The discussion of make in AIX Operating System Programming Tools and Interfaces. 480 Commands Reference makekey makekey Purpose Generates an encryption key. Syntax /usr/lib/makekey -l OL805240 Description The makekey command generates an encryption key to use with programs that perform encryption. Its input and output are usually pipes. The makekey command reads 10 characters from standard input and writes 13 characters to standard output. The first 8 of the 10 input characters can be any sequence of ASCII characters. The last two input characters (the salt), are best chosen from the set [a-zA-ZO-9. ,fl. The salt characters are repeated as the first two characters of the output. The remaining 11 output characters are chosen from the same set as the salt and constitute the output key that you use as the key parameter to programs that perform encryption. Example To generate an encryption key: fusrfl i bfmakekey 1234567890 This generates an encryption key based on the string 1234567890. The key 90y7 4T fNXwl Uis displayed at the work station. Do not press Ctrl-D after typing the input key 1234567890 because this would end your shell session. Also, the shell prompt appears immediately after the generated key, instead of appearing on a separate line as it usually does. This is normal. Commands 481 mdrc mdrc Purpose Allows you to reinstall a user-created minidisk after you have reinstalled AIX. Syntax mdrc -h hdisknum OL805440 Description The mdrc command provides access to user-created minidisks. You should run this command if you have reinstalled the AIX Operating System or if you have had to replace the /etc/system, /etc/filesystems, or /etc/ddi/cpmgr files with copies that do not contain stanzas describing any user-installed minidisks. The system uses the information in these stanzas to configure the minidisks at system startup, and mdrc recreates the necessary stanzas. Normally, mdrc uses the backup copy of /etc/filesystems produced by the minidisk command when you use it to create a new minidisk. This backup copy is named /u/filesystems. If mdrc cannot recreate the original /etc/filesystems stanza for AIX Operating System minidisks, it assigns attributes of Auto Mount = no, Read/Write Status = R/W, and Mount Directory = /tmp/directory/hdn to the minidisk. In this case, you should then run the minidisk command to change the attributes to the values you want. You might also need to run the mkdir command to create the mount directory, if you reinstalled the entire AIX Operating System. If minidisk has been created for use by the Personal Computer AT Coprocessor, mdrc will update the /etc/ddi/cpmgr file. If you have not installed Personal Computer AT Coprocessor Services before running mdrc, it creates an entry in /etc/system, but displays a warning message because the /etc/ddi/cpmgr does not exist. You must run mdrc again after you install the Coprocessor to be able to use the Coprocessor minidisks. The mdrc command does not recognize external disks and any mini disks on them if the disks are not configured. To configure an external disk and its minidisks, see "varyon" on page 823. You must have superuser authority or be a member of the system group to run the mdrc command. 482 Commands Reference ,/ mdrc Flag -h hdisknum[, hdisknum] ... Specifies any disks that have been removed or damaged and tells mdrc to remove the minidisk configuration entries for these disks. If you do not specify this flag and an external disk is not configured, mdrc ignores entries in the configuration files for the external disk's minidisks. Note: If you do not have any external disks, you do not need to specify this flag. Files /etc/filesystems /etc/system /etc/ ddi/ cpmgr Related Information The following commands: "minidisks" on page 485 "mkdir" on page 486 and "varyon" on page 823. The filesystems and system files in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. Commands 483 mesg mesg Purpose Permits or refuses write messages. Syntax mes 9 W OL805036 Description The mesg command controls whether other users on the system can send messages to you with the write command. Called without arguments, mesg displays the current work station message-permission setting. The shell start-up process permits messages by default. You can override this default action by including the line: mesg n in your $HOME/.profile file. A user with superuser authority can send write messages to any work station, regardless of its message permission setting. Message permission has no effect on mail messages. Flags n Disables incoming write messages. Use this form of the command to avoid having others clutter your display with incoming messages. y Permits write messages. Files /dev/tty* Related Information The following commands: "write" on page 853 and "mail" on page 470. 484 Commands Reference ,/ minidisks minidisks Purpose Adds, deletes, changes, and displays minidisks. Syntax minidisks --I OL805307 Description The minidisks command lets you add, delete, show or change characteristics of a minidisk. To use the minidisks command, you must be a member of the system group or have superuser authority. The minidisks command is menu-driven. For information on how to use it, see Installing and Customizing the AIX Operating System. Files /dev /tmp /etc/ddi /etc/master /etc/system /etc/mdkaf /etc/filesystems /tmp/CONFIGREPORT Directory. Directory. Directory. Related Information The following command: "mkdir" on page 486. The discussion of minidisks in Installing and Customizing the AIX Operating System. Commands 485 TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 mkdir mkdir Purpose Makes a directory. Syntax mkdir T directory T OLS05037 Description The mkdir command makes a new directory in either the local or a remote node. mkdir creates the new directories with read, write, and execute permissions enabled for all users. You can change the permissions it sets by default with the umask command (see page 784.1). mkdir also creates by default the standard entries . (dot), for the directory itself, and .. (dot dot), for its parent. Note: To make a new directory you must have write permission in the parent directory. Related Information The following commands: "sh" on page 637, "rm" on page 601, and "umask" on page 784.1. The mkdir system call in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. 486 Commands Reference mkfs mkfs Purpose Makes a file system. Syntax -p/stand/boot \ mkfs - device -f fi/esystem -s cy/: skip -p ..... program~ -v volume -bblocknum one of blocks blocks: inodes prototype OL805364 Description The mkfs command makes new file systems. mkfs initializes the volume label and file system label, start-up block, bad-block list, and interleaves the free list in accordance with the flags or with defaults found in the /etc/filesystems file. The mkfs command creates the new file system on the device specified on the command line. device can be a block device name, raw device name, or file system name. If it is a file system name, mkfs uses this name as the filesystem and uses the following parameters from the applicable stanza in /etc/filesystems: dev cyl skip vol bad size boot Device name. See the following -s flag. See the following -s flag. Volume ID. List of bad blocks separated by commas. File system size. Program to be installed in start up block. Commands 487 mkfs File System Size You can specify the size of a new file system in the following way: • • • On the command line In the prototype file In the /etc/filesystems entry for the given file system If the size is not specified in any of these places, mkfs takes it from the devinfo structure for the block device associated with the file system being generated. (See the ioctl system call and the devinfo file in AIX Operating System Technical Reference.) The size provided in the devinfo structure is the maximum size of the file system in any case. A size specification on the command line overrides any defaults found in the devinfo structure or in /etc/filesystems. Prototype Files To initialize the contents of a new file system in accordance with a prototype, specify the name of a prototype file on the command line. The proto command can be used to construct prototype files from existing file systems. The prototype file contains tokens separated by spaces or new-line characters. The first token is the name of a file to be copied onto block 0 as the bootstrap program. The second token is a number specifying the size of the created file system. Typically it is the number of blocks on the device, perhaps diminished by space for paging. The next token is the number of i-nodes in the i-list. (mkfs rounds this to fill out the appropriate number of blocks.) The next set of tokens contains the specifications for the root file. File specifications consist of tokens giving the mode, the user name, the group name, and the initial contents of the file. The syntax of the contents field depends on the mode. The mode token for a file is a six-character string. The first character specifies the type of the file. (The characters -, b, c, and d specify regular, block special, character special, and directory files, respectively.) The second character must be either u or -. If u is used, the set-user-ID mode is specified; if - is used the set-user-ID mode is not specified. The third character must be either g or - for specifying the set-group-ID mode. The rest of the mode is a three-digit octal number giving the owner, group, and other read, write, execute permissions (see "chmod" on page 128). Two decimal number tokens come after the mode. They specify the user and group names of the owner of the file. If the file is a regular file, the next token is a path name from which the contents and size are copied. If the file is a block or character special file, two decimal number tokens follow, which give the major and minor device numbers. 488 Commands Reference mkfs If the file is a directory, mkfs makes the entries. (dot) and .. (dot dot) and then recursively reads a list of names and file specifications for the entries in the directory. The scan is ended with the token $ (dollar sign). Flags -bblocknum When present, specifies the number of blocks allocated to file i-node! which is automatically created. -ffilesystem Specifies the file system label for the new file system. This can be up to six characters. -pprogram Specifies the name of a program to be installed in block 0 of the new file system. The default bootstrap program is /stand/boot. -scyl:skip Specifies an interleaving of the free list. (Interleaving the free list can improve the speed of disk I/O.) cyl is the number of blocks per cylinder, and skip is the number of blocks to skip. -vvolume Specifies the volume label for the new file system. This can be up to six characters. blocks[:inodes] A size specification where blocks is the number of 512-byte blocks in the file system. When inodes is specified, it determines the number of i-nodes on the system. If inodes is not specified, a number suitable for the size of the file system is used. The number of i-nodes is rounded up so that the i-node area occupies an integral number of blocks. Examples 1. To create an empty file system on a diskette: mkfs 2. /dev/fdO To specify volume and file system names for a new file system: mkfs /dev/fdO -fWORKFS -vVOLOOl This creates an empty file system on the diskette, giving it the volume serial and file system name WORKFS. VOLOOI Related Information The following command: "fsck, dfsck" on page 333. The ioctl system call and the devinfo, dir, fllesystems, and fs files in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. Commands 489 mknod mknod Purpose Creates a special file. Syntax . mknod - rC ~)-major-minor \ devIce \ j---l '-----p------' OL805146 Description The mknod command makes a directory entry and corresponding i-node for a special file. The first parameter is the name of the entry device. Select a name that is descriptive of the device. The mknod command has two forms. In the first case, the second argument is b or c. b indicates that the special file is a block-oriented device (disk, diskette, tape). c indicates that it is a character-oriented device (other devices). The last two parameters are numbers specifying the major device, which helps the operating system find the device driver code, and the minor device, that is, the unit drive, or line number, which may be either decimal or octal. The assignment of major device numbers is specific to each system. Device numbers are determined by examining the system source file conf.c. Note: If you change the contents of conf.c to add a device driver, you must rebuild the operating system. See the discussion of device drivers in AIX Operating System Programming Tools and Interfaces and in A/X Operating System Technical Reference. The second form of mknod is used to create FIFOs (named pipes). The p flag after device indicates that you are creating a named pipe. See the A/X Operating System Technical Reference for an explanation of FIFOs and named pipes. Example To create the special file for a new diskette drive: mknod 490 /dev/fd2 Commands Reference b 1 2 mknod This creates the special file /dev/fd2, which is a block special file with major device number 1 and minor device number 2. Related Information The mknod file and device driver description in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. The discussion of device drivers in AIX Operating System Programming Tools and Interfaces. Commands 491 mm mm, checkmm Purpose Displays or checks documents formatted with Memorandum Macros. Syntax mm -12 -c -e -E -t - T workstation checkmm OLS05039 Description Using the nroff command and the Memorandum Macro text-formatting package (MM), the mm command writes files to standard output. If you specify a - (minus) instead of any files, mm reads standard input. Do not specify both file names and standard input on the command line. The mm command has flags to specify preprocessing by the tbl and/or eqn commands and postprocessing by various work station oriented output filter. It generates the proper pipelines and the required arguments for nroff and MM, depending on the flags selected, creates the required pipelines. The checkmm command is a program for checking the contents of the named files for errors in the use of MM and some eqn and neqn constructions. The program skips all directories, and if you do not specify a file, checkmm reads standard input. Note: Use the -olist argument of nroff to specify ranges of pages to be output. Note, however, that invoking mm with one or more of the -e, -t, and - minus arguments together with nroff -olist may cause a harmless broken pi pe diagnostic if the last page of the document is not specified in list. The mm command calls nroff with the -h flag. With this flag, nroff assumes that the work station has tabs set every eight character positions. 492 Commands Reference / mm If you use the -s flag of nroff (to stop between pages of output), use a linefeed (rather than Enter or a new-line character) to restart the output. The -s flag of nroff does not work with the -c flag of mm or if mm automatically calls the col command. If you provide inaccurate information to mm about the kind of work station its output is to be printed on, you will get unsatisfactory results; however, if you are redirecting output to a file, use the -T37 flag and then use the appropriate work station filter when you actually print the file. Flags Any flags on the command line not listed below are passed to nroff or to MM, as appropriate. The flags can occur in any order, but they must come before file. To obtain a list of mm flags, enter the command name with no arguments. -c Invokes the col command. Note that col is invoked automatically by mm unless workstation (the -T flag parameter) is one of the following: • • • • • • • • • 0 300 300s 450 37 4000a 382 4014 tek 1620 X -e Invokes the neqn command. -E Invokes the -e flag of nroff. -t Invokes the tbl command. -Tworkstation Uses work station specification workstation. For a list of recognized values for workstation, enter: help terml By default, mm uses the value of the shell variable $TERM from the environment as the value of workstation. If $TERM is not set mm uses lp. If several work station types are specified, the last one listed takes effect. -12 Uses 12-pitch font. This may be used when $TERM is set to one of 300, 300s, 450, or 1620. (The pitch switch on the DASI 300 and 300s work stations must be manually set to 12 if this flag is used.) Commands 493 mm Related Information The following commands: "col" on page 140, "env" on page 298, "eqn, neqn, checkeq" on page 300, "greek" on page 379, "mmt, checkmm" on page 495, "nroff" on page 525, and "tbl" on page 739. The profile file and the eqnchar, mm, and term miscellaneous facilities in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. The discussion of mm in Text Formatting Guide. 494 Commands Reference mmt mmt, checkmm Purpose Typesets documents, manual pages, view graphs, and slides. Syntax one of mt mmt mant mvt Checkmm~ ~ 1 If no files are given, these commands will display their flags. OL805092 Description These commands are similar to the mm command, except they typeset their input via troff as opposed to formatting it via nroff. The mvt, mt, and mant commands are links to mmt. mmt uses the MM Macro Package (see mm in A/X Operating System Technical Reference), mvt uses the macro package for view graphs and slides (see mv in A/X Operating System Technical Reference), mant uses the manual page macros, and mt does not use a macro package. These commands have flags to specify preprocessing by tbl, CW, or eqn. mmt generates the proper pipelines and the required arguments for troff and for the macro package used, depending on the flags selected. These commands read standard input if you specify a (minus) instead of any file names. The checkmm command can be used to check the input to mmt. If the input contains a troff comment line consisting solely of the string I \ II X (single quotation mark, backs lash, double quotation mark x), where x is any combination of the three letters c, e, and t and where there is exactly one blank between the double quotation Commands 495 mmt mark and x, then the input will be processed through the appropriate combination of cw, eqn, and tbl, respectively, regardless of the command-line arguments. Note: Use the -olist argument of troff to specify ranges of pages to be output. Note, however, that calling these commands with one or more of the -c, -e, -t, and - arguments together with troff -olist may cause a harmless bra ken pi pe diagnostic if the last page of the document is not specified in list. Flags Flags other than the ones listed below are passed to troff or to the macro package, as appropriate. All flags must appear before the file names. If you do not provide any arguments, these commands print a list of their flags. -a Invokes the -a flag of troff. -c Preprocesses the input files with cwo -e Preprocesses the input files with eqn. -t Preprocesses the input files with tbl. -T4014 -Ttek Directs the output to a Tektronix 4014 work station via the tc command. Related Information The following commands: "env" on page 298, "eqn, neqn, checkeq" on page 300, "mm, checkmm" on page 492, "tbl" on page 739, "tc" on page 742, and "troff' on page 526. The profile file and the environ, mm, and mv miscellaneous facilities in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. 496 Commands Reference moo moo Purpose Plays a number-guessing game. Syntax /usr/gamos/moo --I 01.805231 Description The moo command picks a random four-digit decimal number with nonrepeating digits. You guess four digits and score a "cow" with a correct digit in an incorrect position and a "bull" with a correct digit in a correct position. The game continues until you guess the number. To quit the game, press INTERRUPT (Alt-Pause) or END OF FILE (Ctrl-D). Commands 497 TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 mount mount Purpose Makes a file system available for use. Syntax r---- mount -t string _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---; directory OL805467 I Description The mount command instructs the operating system to make a file system available for use. In addition, you can use mount to build other file trees made up directory and file mounts. In the case of file system mounts, mount mounts the specified device on the specified directory and records its availability in /etc/mnttab. After mount has finished, directory becomes the root of the newly mounted file system. Any user can issue a mount directory directory or mount file file command if : • • • He has search permission to the directory or file he wants to mount (directoryl or filel). He owns the directory or file that he wants to mount over (directory2 or file2). He has write permission to the parent directory of directory2 or file2. Members of the system group can do any mount that a user can do plus any mount described in the /etc/filesystems file (mount directory). Users operating as superuser can issue any mount command. Unless you specify the -s flag, device and directory names are restricted to strings of 100 characters or less. The mount command without flags writes to standard output a list of all mounted file systems, except those mounted with the -s flag, along with their location and whether they are read-only. The environment variables NLLDATE and NLTIME control the appearance of the modification date and time. If you specify only a directory name, mount takes it to be the name of the dir~ctory or file on which a file system, directory, or file is usually mounted (as defined in the /etc/filesystems file). mount looks up the associated device, directory, or file and mounts 498 Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 mount it. This is the most convenient way of using the mount command, as it does not require you to remember what is normally mounted on a directory or file. The /etc/filesystems file should include a stanza for each mountable file system, directory, or file. This stanza should specify at least the name of the file system and either the device on which it resides or the directory name. If the stanza includes a mount attribute, the mount command uses the associated values. It recognizes five values in the mount attribute: true, false, removable, inherit and read-only (see the filesystems file in AIX Operating System Technical Reference for a description of these mount attributes.) The command mount all causes all file systems with the attribute mount = true to be mounted in their normal places. This command is typically used during system initialization. If you are operating with superuser authority, you can mount a file system arbitrarily by naming both a device and a directory on the command line. mount takes device to be the name of the block device special file and directory to be the directory on which it should moun t the file system. The mount and umount programs maintain the mount table in /etc/mnttab as accurately as possible. However, some events can invalidate this mount table. (The system itself has an internal mount table that it maintains independently.) Several programs and library routines use /etc/mnttab to determine the fully qualified name of the current directory. If /etc/mnttab does not properly reflect the state of all mounted file systems, these programs may stop working. Using the -8 flag, deleting /etc/mnttab, or truncating it after file systems have been mounted will almost surely invalidate its contents. When the system is restarted after a crash, an old (possibly invalid) /etc/mnttab may still be present. If you suspect that your /etc/mnttab is invalid, you can use mount to check it and clean it up as follows: 1. Run a simple mount without any arguments to weed out any entries that describe file systems that are not actually mounted. 2. Enter mount all to remount all of the usual file systems. While mount cannot remount file systems that are already mounted, it notices that file systems are not listed as mounted and adds the appropriate entries to /etc/mnttab. Flags -i Requests an inherited mount. (For information on inherited mounts, see Managing the AIX Operating System.) -n node Specifies the node that holds the directory to be mounted. If you use -n node without a directory, mount displays a list of all mounts issued at node. -p Mounts a file system as a removable file system: While there are open files, a removably mounted file system behaves the same as a normally mounted file system. However, when there are not open files (and no Commands 499 TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 mount process has a current directory on the file system), all of the file system's disk buffers are written to the medium, and the operating system "forgets" the structure of the file system. This allows you to remove and reinsert media such as diskettes without issuing a mount or umount command each time. Use this flag only for diskette mounts. -r Mounts a file system as a read-only file system, regardless of the specification in /etc/filesystems. -s Does not record the availability of the new file system in /etc/mnttab. This allows a file systems to be mounted on a read-only root where /etc/mnttab would not be writable. As several programs and library routines depend on /etc/mnttab, use this flag with caution. -t string Mounts all stanzas in /etc/filesystems that have a type value equal to string and are not mounted. Examples 1. To list the file systems that are mounted: mount For each file system, this lists the device name, the name under which it is mounted, the access permitted (read only or read/write), and the time it was mounted. 2. To mount a diskette: mount /dev/fdO /disketteO This mounts a diskette (/ dey /fdO) onto the directory / di s ketteO. A file system must already exist on the diskette, and the directory /di s ketteO must already exist. (See "mkfs" on page 487 to create a file system, or "mkdir" on page 486 to create a directory. ) To access a file on the diskette, use a path name that begins with / dis ket teO. For example, to access prog. c use / di s ketteO/prog. c. Warning: Be sure that the current directory is not still on the diskette when you remove it from the drive, or you may lose some of your data. 3. To mount a write-protected diskette: mount -r /dev/fdO /disketteO This mounts the diskette on /disketteO as a read-only, file system. This tells the operating system not to update file access times, which would cause errors with a write-protected diskette. 4. 500 To mount a default file system: Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 mount mount /disketteO This mounts the device that is usually mounted on /disketteO, which is determined by information in the file /ete/filesystems. 5. To mount all default file systems: mount all This mounts all standard file systems in /ete/filesystems marked 6. mount=true. To mount a remote directory: mount -n nodeA /u/tom /u/tom This mounts the remote nodeA directory /u/tom onto the local node directory /u/tom. 7. To mount a file or directory from the /ete.filesystem file: mount -t remote This mounts all files or directories in the /ete/filesystems file that have a stanza that contains the attribute type=remote. Files /etc/mnttab /etc/filesystems Record of mounted file systems. Descriptions of mountable file systems. Related Information The following command: "umount" on page 786. The mount, mntetl, umount, and vmount system calls and the filesystems and mnttab files in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. "Overview of International Character Support" in Managing the AIX Operating System. Commands 501 mv mv Purpose Moves files. Syntax o L8050 10 Description Warning: The mv command may overwrite many files if you do not ensure that the file path names you are specifying do not already exist. The mv (move) command moves files from one directory to another, or it renames a file or directory. If you move a file to a new directory, it retains the base file name. When you move a file, all links to other files remain intact, except when you move it to a different file system. You can only rename a directory with mv; you cannot move it. Both directory and newname must have the same parent. All files in directory are moved to a newly-created directory newname under the same file names. When you use mv to rename a file, then newname can specify either a new file name or a new directory path name. If moving the file would overwrite an existing write-protected file and if standard input is a workstation, mv displays the permission code of the file to be overwritten and reads one line from standard input. If the line begins with y, the move takes place and the file is overwritten. If not, mv does nothing with the file. Note: If the file is on different file system than directory, mv must copy the file to the new file system and delete the original. In this case, the owner name becomes that of the user, and all links to other files are lost. 502 Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 mv Examples 1. To rename a file: mv appendix apndx.a This renames append; x to apndx. a. If a file named apndx. a already exists, its old contents are replaced with those of appendi x. 2. To rename a directory: mv book manual This renames boo k to man u a1. If a directory named man ua1 already exists, then an error message is displayed. 3. To move a file to another directory and give it a new name: mv intro manual/chapl This moves; ntro to manual /chapl. The name i ntro is removed from the current directory, and the same file appears as ch ap 1 in the directory manua 1. 4. To move a file to another directory, keeping the same name: mv chap3 manual This moves chap3 to manual /chap3. Note the difference: Examples 1 and 3 name two files, Example 2 names two existing directories, and Example 4 names a file and a directory. 5. To move several files into another directory: mv chap4 jim/chap5 /u/manual This moves chap4 to /u/manual /chap4 and jim/chapS to /u/manual /chapS. 6. To use mv with pattern-matching characters: mv manual/* This moves all files in the directory manua 1 into the current directory (.), giving them the same names they had in manua 1. This also empties manua 1. Note that you must type a space between the star and the period. Related Information The following commands: "chmod" on page 128, "In" on page 450, and "rm" on page 601. The rename system call in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. Commands 503 TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 mvdir mvdir Purpose Moves (renames) a directory. Syntax mvdir - directory1 - directory2 --l 0L805137 Description The mvdir command renames directories within a file system. To use mvdir, you must have write permission to the parent directories of directoryl and directory2. The directoryl parameter must name an existing directory. If directory2 does not exist, directoryl is moved to directory2. If directory2 exists, directoryl becomes a subdirectory of directory2. Neither directory can be a subset of the other. Note: directoryl and directory2 may be the names of files. If directory2 is a file name, it is replaced with directoryl. Example To rename or move a directory to another location: mvdir appendixes manual Ifmanual does not exist, then this renames the directory appendixes to manual. You can also rename a directory with the mv command. If a directory named manua 1 already exists, this moves appendi xes and its contents to manua 1/ appendi xes. In other words, appendi xes becomes a subdirectory of manua 1. Related Information The following commands: "mkdir" on page 486 and "mv" on page 502. The rename system call in A/X Operating System Technical Reference. 504 Commands Reference ncheck ncheck Purpose Generates path names from i-numbers. Syntax nchecl< -j OLB05196 Description The ncheck command without any flags writes to standard output the path name and i-number list for all files in filesystem. If you specify an invalid file system, the?? in the name stands for the parent of a file system that does not have a parent. Path names beginning with ... (dot dot dot) indicate a loop. Flags -a Lists includes the file names. (dot) and .. (dot dot). -i inumber Lists only the file specified by inumber. -s Lists only special files and files with set-user-ID mode. Examples 1. To list the i-number and path name of each file in the default file systems: ncheck Commands 505 ncheck 2. To list all the files in a specified file system: ncheck -a I This lists the i-number and path name of each file in the root file system (/), including the. (dot) and .. (dot-dot) entries in each directory (- a). 3. To list the name of a file when you know its i-number: ncheck -i 690 357 280 Idi5ketteO This lists the i-number and path name for every file in the file system /disketteO with i-numbers of 690, 357, or 280. If a file has more than one link, all of its path names are listed. 4. To list special and set-user-ID files: ncheck -5 I This lists the i-number and path name for every file in the root file system that is a special file (also called a device file) or that has set-user-ID mode enabled. Related Information The following commands: "fsck, dfsck" on page 333 and "sort" on page 672. 506 Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 ndtable Indtable I Purpose Accesses the Distributed Services Node Table. I Syntax ndtable ----l OL805470 i Description The ndtable command lets you build, examine, or change the Distributed Services Network Node Table. Only members of the system group or users operating with superuser authority can use ndtable to change the state of the Distributed Services network node table (see "su" on page 724). Other users can use ndtable to browse the Network Node Table. I Related Information "Getting Started With Distributed Services Configuration Menus" in Managing the AIX Operating System. Commands 506.1 TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 ndtable 506.2 Commands Reference newform newform Purpose Changes the format of a text file. Syntax newform 1 Do not put a blank between these items. OL805197 Description The newform command takes lines from file (standard input by default), and writes the formatted lines to standard output. Lines are reformatted in accordance with command line flags in effect. Except for -8, command line flags can appear in any order, can be repeated, and can be mixed with the file parameter. Command line flags are processed in the order specified. In other words, flag sequences like -e15 -160 yield results different from -160 -e15. Flags are applied to all files on the command line. An exit value of 0 indicates normal execution, a 1 indicates an error. Note: The newform command normally only keeps track of physical characters; however, for the -i and -0 flags, newform keeps track of backspaces in order to line up tabs in the appropriate logical columns. The newform command does not prompt you if a tabspec is to be read from the standard input (by use of -i-- or -0 --). If the -f flag is used and the last -0 flag specified was -0-- and was preceded by either a -0-- or a -i--, the tab specification format line will be incorrect. Commands 507 newform Flags -a[num] Adds num characters to the end of the line when the line length is less than the effective line length (see the -c and -p flags in this section). -b[num] Truncates num characters from the beginning of the line when the line length is greater than the effective line length (see -Inum). The default action truncates the number of characters necessary to obtain the effective line length. If you specify -b with no num, the default takes effect. This flag can be used to delete the sequence numbers from a COBOL program as follows: newform -11-b7 file-name The -11 must be used to set the effective line length shorter than any existing line in the file so that the -b flag is activated. -c[char] Changes the prefix/add character to char. Default character for char is a space. -e[num] Same as -bnum except that characters are truncated from the end of the line. -f Writes the tab specification format line to standard output before any other lines are written. The tab specification format line displayed corresponds to the format specified in the last -0 flag. If no -0 flag is specified, the line displayed contains the default specification of -8. -i[tabspec] Replaces all tabs in the input with the number of spaces specified by tabspec. tabspec recognizes all tab specification forms described in "tabs" on page 729. If you specify a -- (minus minus) for the value of tabspec, newform assumes that the tab specification can be found in the first line read from standard input (see fspec in AIX Operating System Technical Reference). The default tabspec is -8. A tabspec of -0 expects no tabs; if any are found, they are treated as -1. -I[num] Sets the effective line length to num characters. If num is not entered, -I defaults to 72. The default line length without the -I flag is 80 characters. Note that tabs and backspaces are considered to be one character (use -i to expandtabstospace~. 508 -0 [tabspec] Replaces spaces in the input with a tab in the output, according to the tab specifications given. The default tabspec is -8. A tabspec of -0 means that no spaces are converted to tabs on output. -p[num] Prefixes num characters (see -cchar) to the beginning of a line when the line length is less than the effective line length. The default action is to prefix the number of characters that are necessary to obtain the effective line length. -s Removes leading characters on each line up to the first tab and places up to eight of the removed characters at the end of the line. If more than eight characters (not counting the first tab) are removed, the eighth character is Commands Reference newform replaced by an * (asterisk) and any characters to the right of it are discarded. The first tab is always discarded. The removed characters are saved internally until all other flags specified are applied to that line. The characters are then added at the end of the processed line. For example, to convert a file with leading digits, one or more tabs, and text on each line, to a file beginning with the text, all tabs after the first expanded to spaces, padded with spaces out to column 72 (or truncated to column 72), and the leading digits placed starting at column 73, the command would be as follows: newform -5 -i -1 -a -e fi 1e-name The newform command displays an error message and stops if this flag is used on a file without a tab on each line. Related Information The following commands: "tabs" on page 729 and "csplit" on page 202. The fspec file in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. Commands 509 newgrp newgrp Purpose Changes your primary group identification. Syntax newgrp ----.1\._. ~ ~-J\..groupr OL805198 Description The newgrp command changes your primary group identification to group. newgrp recognizes only group names, not group ID numbers. Without an argument, it changes your primary group to the one specified in the /ete/passwd file. If the group has a password and you do not or if the group has a password and you are not listed in the fete/group file as a member, then newgrp asks you for the group password. (The use of group passwords is not encouraged because, by their very nature, they encourage poor security practices.) Note: Any active user-generated shell will be terminated when newgrp is used. Flag Changes the environment to the login environment of the new group. Examples 1. To change the primary group ID of the current shell session to admin: newgrp 2. admin To change the primary group ID back to your original login group: newgrp 510 Commands Reference newgrp Files fete/group /ete/passwd Related Information The following commands: "login" on page 453 and "users" on page 802. The group and passwd files in Installing and Customizing the AIX Operating System. Commands 511 news news Purpose Writes system news items to standard output. Syntax news -s OLB05199 Description The news command keeps you informed of news concerning the system. Each news item is contained in a separate file in directory /usr/news. Anyone having read/write permission to this directory can create a news file. If you run the news command without any flags, it displays every current file in /usr/news, showing the most recent first. Or you can specify the items you want displayed. Each file is preceded by an appropriate header. To avoid reporting old news, news stores a currency time. news considers your currency time to be the modification time of the file named $HOME/.news _time. Each time you read the news, the modification time of this file changes to that of the reading. Only news item files posted after this time are considered current. Pressing INTERRUPT (Alt-Pause) during the display of a news item stops the display of that item and starts the next. Pressing INTERRUPT (Alt-Pause) again ends news. Most users run news each time they log in by including the line: news -n in their $HOME/.profile file or in the system's fete/profile. Flags -a 512 Displays all news items, regardless of the currency time. The currency time does not change. Commands Reference news -n Reports the names of current news items without displaying their contents. The currency time does not change. -s Reports the number of current news items without displaying their names or contents. The currency time does not change. Examples 1. To display the items that have been posted since you last read the news: 2. news To display all the news items: news -a pg This displays all the news items a page at a time (I pg) whether or not you have read them yet. 3. To list the names of the news items that you have not read yet: news -n Each name is a file in the directory /usr /news. 4. To display specific news items: news newusers services This displays news about newusers and servi ces, which are names listed by news -no 5. To display the number of news items that you have not read yet: 6. news -s To post news for everyone to read: cp schedule /usr/news This copies the file schedule into the system news directory, /usr/new5, to create the file /usr/news/schedul e. To do this you must have write permission for /usr/news. Files /etc/profile /usr/news/* $HOME/.news_time Commands 513 news Related Information The following command: "pg" on page 553. The profile file and environ special facility in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. 514 Commands Reference nice nice Purpose Runs a command at a different priority. Syntax -c - =>10 nice 1 cmdstring ---l - number 1 Maximum increment is 19. OLS05200 Description The nice command lets you run the specified command at a lower priority. The value of number can range from 1 to 19, with 19 being the lowest priority. The default value of number is 10. If you have superuser authority, you can run commands at a higher priority by specifying number as a negative number, such as --10. Examples 1. To run a command at low priority: nice cc -c *.c This runs the command cc -c *. c at low priority. Note that this does not run the command in the background. Your work station is not available for doing other things. 2. To run a low priority command in the background: nice cc -c *.c & This runs the command cc -c *. C at low priority in the background. Your work station is free so that you can run other commands while cc is running. See page 638 for details about starting background processes with &. Commands 515 nice 3. To specify a very low priority: nice -15 cc -c *.c & This runs cc in the background at a priority that is even lower than the default priority set by nice. 4. To specify a very high priority: nice --10 wall «end System shutdown in 2 minutes! end This runs wall at a higher priority than all user processes. Doing this slows down everything else running on the system. If you do not have superuser authority when you run this command, then the wall command runs at the normal priority. «end and end define a "Here Document," which uses the text entered before the end line as standard input for the command. For more details, see "Inline Input The Documents" on page 650. Related Information The following command: "nohup" on page 523. The nice system call in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. /' 516 Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 nl nl Purpose Numbers lines in a file. Syntax , . . - - - - - -bt -hn -fn - - - - " " nl one t -12) -( :f -I num -v1 -w6 -nrn -i 1 -dOl\; II -p -dxx -wnum -n format n ppattern ~ -stay-c:rb -s file -ssep OL805386 Description The nl command reads files (standard input by default), numbers the lines in the input, and writes the numbered lines to standard output. In the output, nl numbers the lines on the left according to the flags you specify on the command line. The input test must be written in logical pages. Each logical page has a header, a body, and a footer section (you can have empty sections). Unless you use the -p flag, nl resets the line numbers at the start of each logical page. You can set line numbering flags independently for the header, body, and footer sections (for example, no numbering of header and footer lines while numbering text lines only in the body). Commands 517 nl Signal the start of logical page sections with lines in file that contain nothing but the following delimiter characters: Line contents Start of \:\:\: Header \:\: \: Body Footer You can name only one file on the command line. You can list the flags and the file name in any order. Flags All the parameters are set by default. Use the following flags to change these default settings. Except for the -s flag, enter a flag without a parameter to see its default value. -htype Chooses which body section lines to number. The recognized types are: a t n ppattern Numbers Does not Does not Numbers all lines. number blank lines (default). number any lines. only those lines containing the specified pattern. -dxx Uses xx as the delimiters for the start of a logical page section. The default characters are \: (backslash followed by a colon). You may specify two ASCII characters, two one-byte extended characters, or one extended extended character. If you enter only one one-byte character after -d, the second character remains the default (colon). If you want to use a backslash as a delimiter, enter two backslashes (\ \). -ftype Chooses which logical page footer lines to number. The types recognized are the same as in -htype. The default type is n (no lines numbered). -htype Chooses which logical page header lines to number. The types recognized are the same as in -htype. The default type is n (no lines numbered). -inum Increments logical page line numbers by num. The default value of num is 1. -Inum Uses num as the number of blank lines to count as one. For example, -13 will only number the third adjacent blank. The default value of num is 2. This flag can only be used in documents where the -ha flag is used. -nformat Uses format as the line numbering format. Recognized formats are: In Left justified, leading zeroes suppressed. rn Right justified, leading zeroes suppressed (default). rz Right justified, leading zeroes kept. -p 518 Does not restart numbering at logical page delimiters. Commands Reference nl -s[sep] Separates the text from its line number by the sep character. The default value of sep is a tab character. If you enter -8 without a parameter, there is no separation between the line number and its text. -vnum Sets the initial logical page line number to num, (1 by default). -wnum Uses num as the number of characters in the line number. The default value of num is 6. Examples 1. To number only the nonblank lines: nl chapl This displays a numbered listing of chapl, numbering only the nonblank lines in the body sections. If ch ap 1 contains no \:\:\ + :, \:\ + :, or \: delimiters, then the entire file is considered the body. 2. To number all lines: nl -ba chapl This numbers all the lines in the body sections, including blank lines. This form of the nl command is adequate for most uses. 3. To specify a different line number format: nl -i 10 -nrz -5:: -vl0 -w4 chapl This numbers the lines of chapl starting with ten (-vl0) and counting by tens (-i 10). It displays four digits for each number (-w4), including leading zeroes (-nrz). The line numbers are separated from the text by two colons (- 5 : :). ch ap 1 contains the text: A not-50-important note to remember: You can't kill time without injuring eternity. For example, if then the numbered listing is: 0010::A not-50-important 0020::note to remember: 0030::You can't kill time 0040::without injuring eternity. Note that the blank line was not numbered. To do this, use the Example 2. -ba flag as shown in Commands 519 nl Related Information The following command: "pr" on page 561. The "Overview of International Character Support" in Managing the AIX Operating System. 520 Commands Reference nm nm Purpose Displays the symbol table of an object file. Syntax nm~ ~file=r -T -e -u one of -0 -n -x OL805202 Description The nm command writes the symbol table of each specified object file to standard output. file can be a single relocatable or absolute common object file or an archive library of relocatable or absolute common object files. nm displays the following information for each symbol: Name The name of the symbol. Value Class Its value expressed as an offset or an address depending on its storage class. Type Its type and derived type. If the symbol refers to a structure or a union, the structure or union tag follows the type declaration. If the symbol is an array, the array dimensions follow the type. Note that you must have compiled the object file with cc -g for this information to appear. Size Its size in bytes, if available. Note that you must have compiled the object file with cc -g for this information to appear. Line The source line number at which it is defined, if available. Note that you must have compiled the object file with cc -g for this information to appear. Section For static and external storage classes, the object file section containing the symbol. Its storage class. Commands 521 nm Flag -e Displays only static and external symbols. -h Does not display output header data. -n Sorts external symbols by name before displaying them. Use this flag only in conjunction with the -e flag. -0 Displays a symbol's value and size as an octal rather than a decimal number. -T Truncates every name that would otherwise overflow its column, making the last character displayed in the name an asterisk. By default, nm displays the entire name of the symbols listed, and a name that is longer than the width of the column set aside for it causes every column after the name to be misaligned. -u Displays only undefined symbols. -v Sorts external symbols by value before displaying them. Use this flag only in conjunction with the -e flag. -x Displays a symbol's value and size as a hexadecimal rather than a decimal number. Files a.out Default input file Related Information The following commands: "ar" on page 58, "as" on pa,ge 64, "backup" on page 76, "cc" on page 112, "Id" on page 427, "size" on page 665, and "strip" on page 716. The a.out and ar files in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. 522 Commands Reference nohup nohup Purpose Runs a command without hangups and quits. Syntax nohup -- command ~ OL805203 Description The nohup command runs command, ignoring all hangups and QUIT signals. Use this command to run programs in the background after you log out of the system. Unless redirected, the output goes to the file nohup.out. If nohup.out is not writable in the current directory, the output is redirected to $HOME/nohup.out Examples 1. To leave a command running after you log out: nohup find / -print & Shortly after you enter this, the following is displayed: 670 $ Sending output to nohup.out The number will probably be different when you use this command. It is the ID of the background process started by & (ampersand). (See page 638 about starting background processes with &.) The $ (dollar sign) is your shell prompt. Sendi ng output . is a message from nohup telling you that it is storing the output from the. fi nd command in the file nohup. out. You can log out after you see these messages, even if the finished yet. 2. fi nd command has not To do the same, but redirecting the standard output to a different file: nohup find / -print >filenames & Commands 523 nohup This runs the fi nd command and stores its output in a file named fi 1enames. Now only the process ID and your prompt are displayed: 677 $ Wait for a second or two before logging out. The nohup command takes a moment to start the command you specified. If you log out too quickly, your command may not run at all. Once your command has started, logging out will not affect it. Related Information The following command: "nice" on page 515. The signal system call in A/X Operating System Technical Reference. 524 Commands Reference nroff nroff Purpose Formats text for printing devices. Syntax - T37 -s1 nroft -unum -snum -q -raN -z -m name -e -Tname -h OL805204 traff - -b---l -s1 traff -s'lum -rON -pflum -i -0 -z -w -m name -q -f OL805368 Description A complete list of nroff and troff requests, escape sequences and number registers begins on page 528. See Text Formatting Guide for a complete list of the naming conventions for the non-ASCII special characters and for information on writing text suitable for processing by troff or nroff. Commands 525 nroff nroff The nroff command reads files (standard input by default), formats the text in its input for printing, and writes to standard output. nroff formats text for line printers and other printing devices, excluding phototypesetters. An input file name of - (minus) indicates standard input. troff The troff command formats text in the input files (or standard input by default) for a phototypesetter, and writes its output to standard output. It is similar to the nroff command. An input file name of - (minus) indicates standard input. nroff and troff Flags: -i Reads standard input after the input files. -mname Adds /usr/lib/tmac/ to the beginning of the list of input file names. -nnum Numbers the first printed page num. Do not use this flag with -oUst. -oUst Prints only pages with page numbers appearing in list which consist of a comma-separated list of page numbers and ranges. A range of A-B means print pages A through B; an initial -A means print from the beginning to page A; and a final A- means print from page A to the end. Note: When this flag is used in a pipeline (for example, with CW, eqn, or tbl) it may cause a broken pipe diagnostic if the last page in the document is not specified in list. 526 -q Invokes the simultaneous input/output mode of the .rd request. nroff echoes the .rd prompt, but does not echo your input. When you enter two consecutive new-line characters, normal output is resumed. -raN Sets register a to N. a must have a one-character name. This is useful for automatic numbering of sections, paragraphs, lines, and so forth. -snum Stops every num pages (the default is 1). nroff or troff will halt every num pages to allow paper loading or changing and will resume upon receipt of a line-feed or new-line character. This flag does not work in pipelines. When nroff halts between pages, an ASCII BEL character is sent to the printing device. -z Suppresses the formatted output. Prints only messages generated by . tm (work station message) requests. Commands Reference nroff nrott Flags: -e Produces equally spaced words in adjusted lines, using the full resolution of the printing device. -h Uses tab characters during horizontal spacing. Tab settings are assumed to be every eight spaces. -Tname Prepares the output for the specified printing device. Known names are: 37 tn300 300s 300 450 lp 382 4000A 832 X 2631 TELETYPE Model 37 work station (default) GE TermiNet 300 or any work station without half-line capability DASI300s DASI300 DASI450 Any ASCII line printer DCT-382 Trendata 4000A Anderson J aco bson 832 any EBCDIC printer Hewlett Packard 2631 line printer. Use a name of 2631-c to get compressed print. Use 2631-e to get expanded print. -u[num] Sets the number of character overstrikes for boldface to num or to zero if num is not specified. trott Flags: -a Sends a printable ASCII approximation of the output to standard output. -b Reports whether the phototypsetter is busy or available. No text processing is done. -f Does not feed out paper and stop the phototypesetter at the end of the run. -pnum Prints all characters in the point size specified by num. Smaller point sizes may reduce the printing time. -t Directs output without modification to standard output instead of the phototypsetter. -w Waits until phototypesetter is available if it is currently busy. Commands 527 nroll nroll and troll Requests Request Form . ps ± N . ssN . cs F N M .bdFN . bd SF N .ft F .fpNF Request Form . pI ± N . bp ± N . pnN . po ±N . neN .mkR Function -- Font and Character Size Control Change point size by N points. Also, for troff only, \s ± N . Space-character size set to N/36 em (troff) only . Constant character space (width) mode (fontF) (troff only) . Embolden font F by N units (troff only). Embolden Special Font when current font is F (troff only) . Change to font F . Mount font F on position N (1-4) . . rt ±N Function -- Page Control Change page length by N . Eject current page, next page number is N . Next page number is N . Page offset = N . Need N vertical space . Mark current vertical place in register R . Return (upward only) to marked vertical place . Request Form .br .fi . nf . ad [c] . na .ceN Function -- Text Filling, Adjusting, and Centering Break. Fill subsequent output lines . No filling or adjusting of output lines . Adjust output lines with mode c. Do not adjust output lines . Center the following N lines . 528 Commands Reference nroff Request Form . vs N .Is N . spN . svN . os . ns .rs Request Form Function -- Vertical Spacing Set vertical base-line spacing to N . Output N-! base-line spaces after each text output line . Space vertical distance N in either direction . Save vertical distance N . Output saved vertical space . Turn no-space mode on . Restore spacing, turn no-space mode off. . ti ±N Function -- Line Length and Indenting Change line length by N . Change indenting by N . Change the indent on the next line by N . Request Form . de xx yy . am xxyy . ds xx string . as xx string .rmxx . rn xx yy . di xx .da xx Function -- Macros, Strings, Diversion, and Position Traps Define or redefine macro xx; end at call of yy . Append to a macro . Define a string xx containing string . Append string to string xx . Remove request, macro, or string named xx . Rename request, macro, or string xx to yy . Divert output to macro xx . Divert and append to xx. . wh Nxx . ch xx N . dt N xx . it N xx .emxx Set location trap; negative is with respect to the end of the page . Change trap location . Set a diversion trap . Set an input line trap . End macro is xx . .Ii ±N .in ±N Commands 529 nroff Request Form .nr R ±N M . afR c . rrR Function -- Number Registers Define and set number register R;auto-increment by M. Assign format to register R (c = 1, i, I, a, A) . Remove register R . Request Form .ta Nt ... . tc c .Ic c .fc a b Function -- Tabs, Leaders, and Fields Tab settings; left type, unless t=R (right) or C (centered) . Tab repetition character . Leader repetition character . Set field delimiter a and pad character b . Request Form . ec c . eo . lg N . ulN . cuN . ufF . cc c .c2 c .tr abcd ... Function -- Input/Output Conventions and Character Translations Set escape character . Turn off escape character mechanism . Ligature on if N> o. Underline in nroff or italicize in troff the next N input lines . Continuous underline in nroff. Acts like .ul in troff. Underline font set to F (to be switched to by .ul) . Set control character to c. Set no-break control character to c. Translates a to b, and so on, on output. Request Form . nh .hyH .hc c .wc word ... Function -- Hyphenation No hyphenation . Hyphenate; N = mode . Hyphenation indicator character c Exception words. 530 Commands Reference nroff Request Form .tl ' left' center' right' . pc c .It ±N Function -- Three Part Titles Three part title. Page number character . Length of title . Request Form .nm ±N M 81 . nmN Function -- Output Line Numbering Number mode on or off, set parameters. Do not number next N lines . Request Form .if c.anything Function -- Conditional Acceptance of Input If condition c is true, accept anything as input. For multiple lines, use \ {anything\} . .if !c anything . if N anything .if! N anything If condition c is false, accept anything as input . If expression N> 0, accept anything as input. If expression N .if I string 11 string2 I anything .if !'string1'string2.' anything . ie c anything .el anything ~ 0, accept anything as input. If string1 is identical to string2, accept anything as input. If string1 is not identical to string2, accept anything as input. If part of if-else; can take all forms of if above . Else part of if-else. Request Form .evN Function -- Environment Switching Environment switched (push down). Request Form .rdprompt . ex Function -- Insertions from Standard Input Read insertion. Exit from nroff or troff. Commands 531 nroff Request Form .so file . nx file . piprogram Function -- Input/Output File Switching Switch source file (push down) . Next file. Pipe output to program (nroff only) . Request Form .mccN .tm string . ig yy . pm t •£1 .ab [text] Function -- Miscellaneous Set margin character c and separation N . Print string on standard error output . Ignore untill call of yy . Print macro names and sizes; if t is present, print only the total of sizes . Flush output buffer . ! cmdparms Prints text on standard error output and stops output. User abort is printed if no text is included. Runs the AIX command cmd and interpolates at that point. The standard input for cmd is closed. Escape Sequences for Characters, Indicators, and Functions Escape Sequence \\ \e \'. \'. \- \. \(space) \0 \1 532 Meaning Prevents or delays interpretation of \. Printable version of the current escape character. Acute accent; equivalent to \(aa. Grave accent; equivalent to \(ga. Minus sign in the current font. Dot. Unpaddable space-size character. Digit width space. 1/6 em narrow space character (zero width in nroff). Commands Reference nroff Escape Sequence \" \& \! \$N \% \(xx \\*x, \*(xx \a \b'abc . .. \c \d \fx, \f(xx, \fN \gx, \g(xx \h'N' \jx, \jxx \kx \l'N[c]' \L'N[c]' \nx, \(xx , \o'abc . .. \p \r \sN, \s±N \t \u \v'N' \w'string' Meaning 1/12 em half-narrow space character (zero width in nroff). Non-printing, zero-width character. Transparent line indicator. Interpolate argument 1 ~ N ~ 9. Default optional hyphenation character. Character named xx. Interpolate string x or xx. Non-interpreted leader character. Bracket building function. Interrupt text processing (continue word across input line break). Forward (down) 1/2 em vertical motion (1/2 line in nroff). Change to font N named x or xx, or font position N. Return the format of register x or xx. Return nothing if the register has not yet been referenced. Local horizontal motion; move right N (negative left). Mark in register x or xx the current horizontal position on the output line. Mark horizontal input place in register x. Horizontal line drawing function. Vertical line drawing function. Interpolate number register x or xx. Overstrike characters a, b, c, . ... Break and spread output line. Reverse 1 em vertical motion (reverse line in nroff). Point-size change function. Non-interpreted horizontal tab. Reverse (up) 1/2 em vertical motion (1/2 line in nroff). Local vertical motion; move down N (negative up). Interpolate width of string. Commands 533 nroff Escape Sequence \x'N' \zc \{ \} \(new line) \X Meaning Extra line-space function (negative before, positive after). Print c with zero width without spacing. Begin conditional input. End conditional input. Concealed new line. X, any character not listed above. Predefined General Number Registers Register Name % ct dl dn dw dy hp In mo nl sb st yr 534 Description Current page number. Character width type (set by width function). Maximum width of last completed diversion. Height (vertical size) of last completed diversion. Current day of the week (1 = Sunday ... 7 = Saturday). Current day of the month (1-31). Current horizontal place on the input line. Output line number. Current month (1-12). Vertical position of last printed text base-line. Depth of string below base line (generated by width function). Height of string above base line (generated by width function). Last two digits of current year. Commands Reference nroff Predefined Read-Only Number Registers Register Name $ .A .F .H .L .P .R .T .v .a .h •c .d .f .h .i .j .k .1 .n •0 .p .s .t .U Meaning Number of arguments available at the current macro level. Set to 1 in troff if the -a flag is used; always 1 in nroff. The name of the current input file . Available horizontal resolution in basic units. Contains the current line spacing parameter . Contains the value 1 if the current page is being printed, 0 otherwise . The number of columns available . Set to 1 in nroff, it the -T flag is used; always 0 in troff. Available vertical resolution in basic units. Post-line extra line-space most recently utilized using \s'N' . Emboldening factor of the current font . Number of lines read from current input file, including .so files . Current vertical place in current diversion; equal to nl if no diversion . Current font as physical quadrant . Text base-line high-water mark on current page or diversion. Current indent . Current adjustment mode and type . Contains the horizontal size of the text portion of the current, partially-collected output line, if any, in the current environment. Current line length . Length of text portion on previous output line . Current page offset . Curren t page length . Current point size . Distance to the next trap . Equal to 1 in fill mode; equal to 0 in no-fill mode . Commands 535 nroff Register Name •v .w .x .y .z Meaning Current vertical line spacing . Width of previous character . Reserved version-dependent register . Reserved version-dependent register . Name of current diversion . Files /usr/lib/suftab /tmp/ta$# /usr /lib/tmac/tmac. * /usr/lib/macros/* /usr/lib/font/* /usr/lib/term/* Suffix hyphenation tables. Temporary file. Standard macro files. Standard macro files. Font width tables for troff. Work station driving tables for nroff. Related Information The following commands: "col" on page 140, "ew, eheekew" on page 213, "eqn, neqn, eheekeq" on page 300, "mm, eheekmm" on page 492, "mmt, eheekmm" on page 495, "greek" on page 379, "thI" on page 739, and "te" on page 742. The mm miscellaneous facility in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. The discussion of nroff and troff in Text Formatting Guide. 536 Commands Reference number number Purpose Displays the written form of a number. Syntax /usr/games/number ---l OL805229 Description The number game displays the written form of a number that it reads from standard input. The largest number it can translate accurately contains 66 digits. The number game does not prompt you for a number. Once loaded, it simply waits for input. To exit the program, press INTERRUPT (Alt-Pause) or END OF FILE (Ctrl-D). Example To display the written form of several numbers: You: System: You: System: You: /usr/games/number 829 ei ght hundred twenty ni ne. 12345678 twelve million. three hundred forty five thousand. six hundred seventy eight. Ctrl-D Commands 537 od od Purpose Writes the contents of storage to the standard output. Syntax r--------o------~ r----------+O----------~ od +0--""", one of +num num· +num. numb +numb OL805205 1 Do not put a blank between these items. OL805308 Description The od command reads file (standard input by default), and it writes to standard output the information stored in file using the format specified by the first flag. If you do not specify the first flag, -0 is the default. When od reads standard input, num must be preceded by a + (plus sign). Flags -b Displays bytes as .octal values. -c Displays bytes as ASCII characters. The following nongraphic characters appear as C escapes sequences: \0 \b \f \n 538 Null Backspace Form feed New-line character Commands Reference od \r \t Return Tab \81 \82 \83 \84 Extended character shifts. Others appear as 3-digit octal numbers. -C Displays any extended characters as standard printable ASCII characters using the appropriate character escape string. -d Displays 16-bit words as unsigned decimal values. -0 Displays 16-bit words as octal values. -8 Displays 16-bit words as signed decimal values. -x Displays 16-bit words as hexadecimal values. The num parameter specifies the point in the file where the storage output starts. The num parameter is interpreted as octal bytes. If a . (dot) is added to num, it is interpreted in decimal. If b is added to num, it is interpreted in blocks of 512 bytes. The storage output continues until the end of the file. Examples 1. To display a file in octal a page at a time: od a. out pg This displays a.out in octal (base 8) word format a page at a time. 2. To translate a file into several formats at once: od -ex a.out >a.xed This writes a. out in hexadecimal (base 16) format (-x) into the file a. xed, giving also the ASCII character equivalent, if any, of each byte (-e). 3. To start in the middle of a file: od -bex a.out +100. This displays a. out in octal-byte, character, and hexadecimal formats, starting from the 100th byte. Note: The. (dot) after the offset makes it a decimal number. Without the dot, the dump would start from the 64th (100 octal) byte. Commands 539 od Related Information The following commands: "sdb" on page 619 and "pg" on page 553. The "Overview of International Character Support" in Managing the AIX Operating System. 540 Commands Reference open open Purpose Opens a virtual terminal. Syntax OL805337 Description The open command opens a virtual terminal and runs the specified file on that terminal. If file does not reside in one of the directories specified in the shell PATH variable, you must give a full path name. Any arguments that follow file on the command line are passed to file. To move from one virtual terminal to another, press Next Window (Alt-Action). To close a virtual terminal, press END OF FILE (Ctrl-D) or end the application that is running on it. Note: You should run the actman command before opening any virtual terminals (see "actman" on page 50). Usability Services Commands The following additional commands are available to you from within the Usability Services Activity Manager (fusr/bin/actmngr): hide Removes an activity window from the window ring. activate Activates an activity window. cancel Cancels an activity window. For details about using these commands, see Usability Services Reference or Usability Services Guide. Commands 541 open Example To run another shell on a new virtual terminal: open sh To move back and forth between this new virtual terminal and any others that you have opened, press Next Window (Alt-Action). To close this terminal and log off the new shell, press END OF FILE (Ctrl-D). Related Information The following command: "actman" on page 50. "Using Display Station Features" in Using the A/X Operating System. 542 Commands Reference pack pack Purpose Compresses files. Syntax paCk~ OL805061 Description pack The pack command stores the specified file in a compressed form. The input file is replaced by a packed file with a name derived from the original file name (file.z), with the same access modes, access and modification dates, and owner as the original file. The input file name must contain no more than 12 characters to allow space for the added .z extension. Directories cannot be compressed. If pack cannot create a smaller file, it stops processing and reports that it is unable to save space. (A failure to save space, generally happens with small files or files with uniform character distribution.) The amount of space saved depends on the size of the input file and the character frequency distribution. Because a decoding tree forms the first part of each .z file, you will generally not be able to save space with files smaller than three blocks. Typically, text files are reduced 25 to 40 percent. The exit value of the pack command is the number of files that it could not pack. Packing is not done under anyone of the following conditions: • • • • • • • The file is already packed. The input file name has more than 12 characters. The file has links. The file is a directory. The file cannot be opened. No storage blocks are saved by packing. A file called file.z already exists. Commands 543 pack • • The.z file cannot be created. An I/O error occurs during processing. Note: Both pcat and unpack operate only on files ending in .z. As a result, when you specify a file name that does not end in .z, pcat and unpack add the suffix and search the directory for a file name with that suffix. pcat The pcat command reads the specified files, unpacks them, and writes them to standard output. unpack The unpack is the reverse of the pack command. It reads the input files, expands them, and writes them to their original file name, the name without the .z suffix. The exit value of pcat is the number of files it was unable to unpack. A file cannot be unpacked if anyone of the following occurs: • • • The file name (exclusive of the .z) has more than 12 characters. The file cannot be opened. The file is not a packed file. The unpack command expands files created by pack. For each file specified, unpack searches for a file called file.z. If this file is a packed file, unpack replaces it by its expanded version. The unpack command names the new file name by removing the .z suffix from file. The new file has the same access modes, access and modification dates, and owner as the original packed file. The exit value is the number of files the unpack command was unable to unpack. A file cannot be unpacked if anyone of the following occurs: • • • • The file cannot be opened. The file is not a packed file. A file with the unpacked file name already exists. The unpacked file cannot be created. Note: The unpack command writes a warning to standard output if the file it is unpacking has links. The new unpacked file has a different i-node than the packed file from which it was created. However, any other files linked to the packed file's original i-node still exist and are still packed. Flag Displays statistics about the input files. The statistics are calculated from a Huffman minimum redundancy code tree built on a byte-by-byte basis. Repeating - (minus) on the command line toggles this function. 544 Commands Reference pack Examples 1. To compress files: pack chapl chap2 This compresses chapl and chap2, replacing them with files named chapl.z and chap2.z. pack displays the percent decrease in size for each file. 2. To display statistics about the amount of compression done: pack chapl chap2 This compresses chapl and chap2 and displays statistics about chapl, but not about chap2. The first - (minus) turns on the statistic display, and the second turns it off. 3. To display compressed files: pcat chapl.z chap2 pg This displays the compressed files chapl. z and chap2.z on the screen in expanded form, a page at a time (: pg). Note that pcat added the .z to the end of chap2, even though we did not enter it. 4. To use a compressed file without expanding the copy stored on disk: pcat chapl.z grep IGreece l This pipes the contents of ch ap 1 . z in its expanded form to the grep command. See page 638 for a discussion of piping. 5. To expand compressed files: unpack chapl.z chap2 This expands the compressed files chapl. z and chap2.z, replacing them with files named chapl and chap2. Note that you can give unpack file names either with or without the .z suffix. Related Information The following command: "cat" on page 109. Commands 545 TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 passwd passwd Purpose Changes your login password. Syntax passwd - user ---l 01.805206 Description The passwd command establishes or changes the password associated with your login user name. When you enter this command, you get a prompt for the old password if one exists. Then you get two successive prompts for the new password. You must enter the same password twice for it to take effect. Passwords can be from four to eight characters. Only the owner of the password or the superuser can change it. To change a password, the owner must know the old password. Only a user operating with superuser authority can create a null password (by removing the password entry from the /etc/passwd file). The system password file does not change when a new password is the same as the old one, nor does it change if the password has not aged sufficiently. Note: The /etc/passwd and /etc/opasswd files must be on the same node. I Files / etc/passwd /etc/opasswd Related Information The following commands: "login" on page 453 and "users" on page 802. The crypt and getpwent subroutines and the passwd file in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. 546 Commands Reference paste paste Purpose Merges the lines of several files or subsequent lines in one file. Syntax paste ~-d"\t"~ 11 =~ II file! L file2:r list OL805207 paste - - s T file -r OL805366 Description The paste command reads input files (standard input if you specify a - as a file name), concatenates the corresponding lines of the given input files, and writes the resulting lines to standard output. Output lines are restricted to 511 characters. Without a flag, or with the -d flag, paste treats each file as a column and joins them horizontally with a tab character by default (parallel merging). You can think of paste as the counterpart of the cat command (see page 109), which concatenates files vertically, that is, one file after another. With the -s flag, paste combines subsequent lines of an input file (serial merging). These lines are joined with the tab character by default. Note: The action of pr -t -m is similar to that of paste, but creates extra blanks, tabs and lines for a nice page layout. Flags -dlist Changes the delimiter that separates corresponding lines in the output with one or more characters in list (the default is a tab). If more than one character is in list, then they are repeated in order until the end of the output. In parallel merging, the lines from the last file always end with a new-line character, instead of one from list. Commands 547 paste The following special characters can also be used in list: \n \t \\ \0 c New-line character Tab Backslash Empty string (not a null character). An extended character. You must quote characters that have special meaning to the shell. -s Merges subsequent lines from the first file horizontally. With this flag, paste works through one entire file before starting on the next. When it finishes merging the lines in one file, it forces a new line and then merges the lines in the next input file, continuing in the same way through the remaining input files, one at a time. A tab separates the lines unless you use the -d flag. Regardless of the list, the last character of the file is forced to be a new-line character. Examples 1. To paste several columns of data together: paste names places dates > npd This creates a file named npd that contains the data from names in one column, places in another, and dates in a third. If names, places, and dates look like: names places dates rachel jerry mark marsha scott New York Austin Chicago Boca Raton Seattle February 5 March 13 June 21 July 16 November 4 npd rachel jerry mark marsha scott then contains: New York February 5 Austin March 13 Chicago June 21 Boca Raton July 16 Seattle November 4 A tab character separates the name, place, and date on each line. As in this example, the columns do not always line up because the tab stops are set at every eighth column. 548 Commands Reference paste 2. To separate the columns with a character other than a tab: paste -d"!@" names places dates > npd This alternates! and @as the column separators. If names, places, and dates are the same as in Example 1, then npd contains: rachel !New York@February 5 jerry!Austin@March 13 mark!Chicago@June 21 marsha!Boca Raton@July 16 scott!Seattle@November 4 3. To display the standard input in multiple columns: 1s paste This lists the current directory in four columns. Each - tells paste to create a column containing data read from the standard input. The first line is put in the first column, the second line in the second column, ... , the fifth line in the first column, and so on. This is equivalent to: 1 s I paste -d"\t\t\t\n" -s which fills the columns across the page with subsequent lines from the standard input. The -d"\t\t\t\n" defines the character to insert after each column: a tab character (\ t) after the first three columns, and a new-line character (\n) after the fourth. Without the -d flag, paste -s - would display all of the input as one line with a tab between each column. Related Information The following commands: "grep" on page 381, "cut" on page 210, and "pr" on page 561. The "Overview of International Character Support" in Managing the AIX Operating System. Commands 549 penable penable Purpose Controls or reports the availability of login ports. Syntax penable one of -a oJ I~~~~ble~ -w devIce OL805208 Description The penable command makes a port (device) available for logging on. If you do not specify any arguments, penable reports the names of all enabled ports. Use the device parameter to specify the ports to be affected. Permitted values for device include: • • • A full device name, such as /dev /ttyl. A simple device name, such as ttyl. A general class of devices in the form attribute = value, which is equivalent to naming each port with a stanza in fete/ports that includes the specified attribute (see Example 4 on page 551). These programs work by updating an entry in the /ete/portstatus file and then sending a signal to init. When init receives the signal and reads the updated status entry, it takes the appropriate action. 550 Commands Reference penable pdisable The pdisable command kills the logger running on the specified port, even if a user is logged on, and makes the ports unavailable for logging in. If you do not specify any arguments, pdisable reports the names of all disabled ports. phold The phold command allows logged-on users to continue, but does not allow any more users to log on. If you do not specify any arguments, phold reports the names of all ports on hold. Flags -a With penable, enables all ports normally enabled in the /etc/ports file. This is equivalent to penable enabled = true. With pdisable and phold, disables or holds all ports currently enabled in the portstatus file. -i Reinitializes an existing /etc/portstatus file instead of updating the existing one. This flag can only be used with penable. You typically use this flag in the /etc/rc command file to re-establish default port enabling before starting up the system with multiple users. -w Makes the applicable command return immediately rather than wait for init to confirm the changes in port status. You must use this flag when running penable either in maintenance mode or from /etc/rc because init does not initiate loggers until the system is in normal mode. Examples 1. To list the ports that are currently enabled: penable 2. To list the ports that are currently on hold: phold 3. To disable the work station attached to the /dev/tty8 port: pdisable 4. tty8 9600 baud ports on hold: speed=9600 To put all phold Commands 551 penable Files /etc/ports /etc/portstatus Descriptions of all known login ports. Current status of each known login port. Related Information The following command: "init" on page 396. The ports and portstatus files in A/X Operating System Technical Reference. 552 Commands Reference pg pg Purpose Formats files to the work station. Syntax one of pg + linenum +/ pattern/ -num -c -9 -f -n -p string -s OL805245 Description The pg command reads files and writes them to standard output one screen at a time. If you specify file as - (minus) or run pg without arguments, pg reads standard input. Each screen is followed by a prompt. If you press the Enter key, another page is displayed. The pg command lets you back up to review something that has already passed. To determine work station attributes, pg scans the file terminfo for the wor~ station type specified by the environment variable TERM. The default type is dumb. See AIX Operating System Technical Reference for information on terminfo. Subcommands When pg pauses and issues its prompt, you can issue a subcommand. Some of these subcommands change the display to a particular place in the file, some search for specific patterns in the text, and others change the environment in which pg works. The following commands display a selected place in the file: page Displays the specified page. +num Displays the page num pages after the current page. -num Displays the page num pages before the current page. 1 Scrolls the display one line forward. Commands 553 pg numl Displays a screen with the specified line number at the top. +numl Scrolls the display num lines forward. -numl Scrolls the display num lines backward. d Scrolls half a screen forward. Pressing Ctrl-D also does this. -d Scrolls half a screen backward. Pressing -Ctrl-D also does this. Ctrl-L Displays the current page again. A single period also does this. $ Displays the last page in the file. Do not use this when the input is from a pipeline. The following commands search for text patterns in the text. You can use the patterns described in "ed" on page 280. They must always end with a new line character, even if the -n flag is used. In an expression such as [a-z], the minus means "through" according to the current collating sequence. A collating sequence may define equivalence classes for use in character ranges. See the "Overview of International Character Support" in Managing the A/X Operating System for more information on collating sequences and equivalence classes. [num]fpattern/ num?pattern? num " pattern" Search for the numth occurrence of pattern. The search begins immediately after the current page and continues to the end of the current file, without wrap around. The default for num is 1. Search backward for the numth occurrence of pattern. The searching begins immediately before the current page and continues to the beginning of the current file, without wrap around. The" (circumflex) is useful for the Adds 100 work station, which cannot handle the? The default for num is 1. After searching, pg normally displays the line found at the top of the screen. You can change this by adding m or b to the search command to leave the line found in the middle or at the bottom of the window with all succeeding subcommands. Use the suffix t to return to displaying the line with the pattern to the top of the screen. You can change the pg environment with the following subcommands: 554 [num]n Begins examining the numth next file in the command line. The default num is 1. [num]p Begins examining the numth previous file on the command line. The default num is 1. [num]w Displays another window of text. If num is present, sets the window size to num. s file Saves the input in file. Only the current file being examined is saved. This command must always end with a new line character, even if you specify the -n flag. Commands Reference pg h Displays an abbreviated summary of available subcommands. q or Q Quits pg. !AIX-cmd Sends the specified AIX command to the shell named in the SHELL environment variable. If this is not available, the default shell is used. This command must always end with a new line character, even if the -n flag is used. At any time when output is being sent to the work station, you can press QUIT WITH DUMP (Ctrl-V) or INTERRUPT (Alt-Pause). This causes pg to stop sending output and displays the prompt. Then you can enter one of the above commands in the normal manner. Note: Some output is lost when when you press QUIT WITH DUMP (Ctrl-V) or INTERRUPT (Alt-Pause) because any characters waiting in the output queue are purged when the QUIT signal is received. If standard output is not a work station, pg acts like the cat command, except that a header displays before each file. While waiting for work station input, pg stops running when you press INTERRUPT (Alt-Pause). Between prompts these signals interrupt the current task and place you in the prompt mode. Note: When you use pg in a pipe, an Interrupt is likely to end the other commands in the pipe. If work station tabs are not set every eight positions, unpredictable results can occur. When using pg in a pipe with other commands that change work station I/O options, work station settings may not be restored correctly. Flags -c Moves the cursor to the home position and clears the screen before each page. This flag is ignored if clear _screen is not defined for your work station type in the terminfo file. -e Does not pause at the end of each file. -f Does not split lines. Normally, pg splits lines longer than the screen width. -n Stops processing when a pg command letter is entered. Normally, commands must end with a new-line character. -p string Uses string as the prompt. If the string contains a %d, the %d is replaced by the current page number in the prompt. The default prompt is : (colon). If string contains spaces, you must quote it. -s Highlights all messages and prompts. Commands 555 pg + linenum Starts at linenum. -num Specifies the number of lines in the window. On work stations that contain 24 lines, the default is 23. + /pattern/ Starts at the first line that contains pattern. Files /usr/lib/terminfo/* /tmp/pg* Related Information The following commands: "ed" on page 280 and "grep" on page 381. The terminfo file in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. The "Overview of International Character Support" in Managing the AIX Operating System. / 556 Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 piobe piobe Purpose Writes a file to standard output in a format suitable for sending to a line printer. Syntax /usr/lpd/piobe -prof i le=/etc/dd i/pprinter -prof ile= pnome -fw= num OL805391 -device=dnome -display -dpc=volue -cs=volue -Im=num -fw=num -Ipi=num -start=num -fnt= num -mhp -plot -strip -kpoe -fl=num -tm=num -bm=num -ph=num -fid=volue -psd=volue OL805452 Description The piobe command writes file to its standard output in a form that is suitable for a line printer. If you do not specify a file, piobe reads standard input. piobe is normally called by the qdaemon command after you have enqueued a file with the print command (see "print" on page 566). The qdaemon directs the output from piobe to the appropriate device. Commands 557 TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 piobe Flags You can specify the following flags on the print command line or in the /etc/qconfig file (see AIX Operating System Technical Reference). 558 -bm = num Sets the bottom margin to num lines from the top of the page. -cdp -nocdp Turns the condensed printing mode on (-cdp) or off (-nocdp). -cs = value Uses PC code set 1 or 2. -device = dname Specifies the name of a printer stanza in the printer configuration file (see "Files" on page 559). -display Specifies that the input data stream has KSR code page controls. -dpc = value Prints in the specified color. Valid color values are red, blue, yellow, and black. -dsp -nodsp Turns the double strike mode on (-dsp) or off (-nodsp). -dwp -nodwp Turns the double wide printing mode on (-dwp) or off (-nodwp). -elite Sets the character pitch to 12, the same as specifying -pitch = 12. -ep -noep Turns the emphasized printing mode on (-ep) or off (-noep). -fid= value Specifies the font identifier for an IBM 5202 Quietwriter® III Printer font. Valid values for embedded fonts are 11 (Courier 10), 85 (Courier 12), 254 (Courier 17), and 159 (Boldface). Values for fonts in the pluggable cartridges precede the font name on the cartridge label. -fl=num Sets the form length to num. -fnt=num Allows font change. Valid values for num are 1 through 8. -fw=num Sets the right margin at num characters from the left edge of the carriage. -kpoe Forgives keying mistakes and ignores invalid flags. If you specify this flag, piobe processes the job and sends you no message. If you do not specify this flag, piobe does not forgive invalid flags and does not print the job. In this case, it sends you a message detailing the error. -lm=num Sets the left margin at num characters from the left edge of the carriage. -lpi=num Sets the number of lines per inch to num. Valid settings are 6 and 8. Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 piobe -mhp Allows thJ horizontal position on the print line to be maintained for line feed and vertical tab controls, if desired. -ph=num Allows you to use single-sheet paper in the QuietwriterOO printer. The printer stops at the end of each page, beeps three times, and waits for you to push the start button. num can have the following values: o Manual operation. 1 Sheetfeed operation. 2 Continuous operation. -pitch=num Sets the character pitch to num. -plot Specifies that the input data is to be passed through without modification. This allows arbitrary files to be printed on arbitrary printers. -pq = value Prints in specified print quality. Valid quality values are dp, text, and letter. -profile = pname Specifies the name of a printer configuration file. The default name is jetcjddijpprinter. -psd = value Specifies a paper source drawer for the optional IBM 5202 Quietwriter® III Printer two-drawer sheetfeeder. Valid values are 1 (top drawer), 2 (bottom drawer), and 3 (envelopes). -start=num Sets the starting page number to num. -strip Strips all multibyte controls from the data stream. This flag is useful in filter mode in order to send data that has imbedded printer controls to a nonprinter device. -tm=num Sets the top margin to num lines. -trunc Specifies' that lines exceeding the value set by -fw should be truncated. -wll Specifies that lines exceeding the value set with the -fw flag should overflow to the next line. This is the reverse of the -trunc flag. -wp Selects word processing mode, the same as specifying -pq = letter. Files /etc/ddi/pprinter /etc/ddi/sprinter Parallel configuration information. Serial configuration information. Commands 559 piobe Related Information The following commands: "print" on page 566 and "qdaemon" on page 590. The qconfig file in A/X Operating System Technical Reference. 560 Commands Reference pr pr Purpose Writes a file to standard output. Syntax -1 -166 -00 + 1 -m pr -d -f -num -Inum -onum -p -r -wnum +num ~-O-C5~8~ -? -n char 1 num 1 1 file ~um Do not put a blank between these items. OL805437 Description The pr command writes file to the standard output. If you do not specify file or if file is a (minus), pr reads standard input. A heading that contains the page number, date, time, and the name of the file separates the output into pages. Unless specified, columns are of equal width and separated by at least one space. Lines that are too long for the page width are cut off. If the standard output is a work station, pr does not display any error messages until it has ended. Flags -a Displays multi-column output across the page. -d Double-spaces the output. Commands 561 pr 562 -e[charHnum] Expands tabs to character positions num + 1, 2*num + 1, 3*num + 1, and so on. The default value of num is 8. Tab characters in the input expand to the appropriate number of spaces to line up with the next tab setting. If you specify char (any character other than a digit) that character becomes the input tab character. The default value of char is the ASCII TAB character. -f Uses a form-feed character to advance to a new page. (Otherwise pr issues a sequence of line-feed characters.) Pauses before beginning the first page if the standard output is a work station. -h" string" Displays string as the page header instead of the file name. -i[charHnum] In the output, replaces white space wherever possible by inserting tabs to character positions num + 1, 2*num + 1, 3*num + 1, and so on. The default value of num is 8. If you specify char (any character other than a digit), that character becomes the output tab character. (The default value of char is the ASCII TAB character). -Inum Sets the length of a page to num lines (the default is ,66). -m Combines and writes all files at the same time, with each file in a separate column. (This overrides the -num and -a flags). -n[charHnum] Provides num-digit line numbering (the default value of num is 5). The number occupies the first num + 1 character positions of each column of normal output or each line of -m output. If you specify char (any character other than a digit), that character is added to the line number to separate it from whatever follows (the default value of char is an ASCII T AB character). -onum Indents each line by num character positions (the default is 0). The number of character positions per line is the sum of the width and offset. -p Pauses before beginning each page if the output is directed to a work station. (pr sounds the alarm at the work station and waits for you to press the Enter key.) -r Does not display diagnostic messages if the system cannot open files. -schar Separates columns by the single character char instead of by the appropriate number of spaces (the default for char is an ASCII TAB character). -t Does not display the five-line identifying header and the five-line footer. Stops after the last line of each file without spacing to the end of the page. -wnum Sets the width of a line to num character positions (the default value is 72 for equal-width multi-column output, no limit otherwise). -num Produce num-column output (the default is 1). The -e and -i flags are assumed for multi-column output. Commands Reference pr +num Begin the display with page num (the default value is 1). Examples 1. To print a file with headings and page numbers on the printer: pr prog.c print This adds page headings to prog. c and sends it to the print command. The heading consists of the date the file was last modified, the file name, and the page number. 2. To specify a title: pr -h "MAIN PROGRAM" prog. c pri nt This prints prog. c with the title MAl N PROGRAM in place of the file name. The modification date and page number are still printed. 3. To print a file in multiple columns: pr -3 word. 1st print This prints the file word. 1 s t in three columns. Consecutive lines of word. 1 s t go down the page. 4. To print several files side-by-side on the paper: pr -m -h "Members and Visitors" member.1st visitor. 1st print This prints member. 1 stand vi s i tor. 1 s t side by side with the title Members and Vi s i tors. 5. To modify a file for later use: pr -t -e prog.c > prog.notab.c This replaces tab characters in p rog . c with blanks and puts the result in prog. notab. c. Tab positions are at columns 9, 17, 25, 33, .... The -e tells pr to replace the tab characters; the - t suppresses the page headings. Files fdevftty* To suspend messages. Related Information The following command: "cat" on page 109. Commands 563 profiler profiler Purpose Profiles the operating system. Syntax /unix=r prfld -Lrnel-image prfstat - ( o n off prfdc - prfsnap - ~ -.1-' file file ----l /unix=r prfpr - file cutoff kernel-image OL805006 Description With the prfld, prfstat, prfdc, prfsnap, and prfpr commands, you can examine the activity of the AIX operating system. 564 Commands Reference profiler prfld Use prfld to initialize the recording mechanism in the system. It produces a table containing the starting address of each system subroutine as extracted from kernel-image. prfstat Use prfstat to enable or disable the sampling mechanism. prfstat also reveals the number of text addresses being measured. prfde, prfsnap Use prfdc and prfsnap to collect profiler data by copying the current value of all the text address counters to a file where the data can be analyzed. prfdc stores the counters into file every specified minutes and turns off at hour (0-24). prfsnap collects data at the time of invocation only, adding the counter values to file. prfpr Use prfpr to format the data collected by prfdc or prfsnap. It converts each text address to the nearest text symbol (as found in kernel-image) and displays it if the percent activity for that range is greater than cutoff. Files /dev/prf /unix Interface to profile data and text addresses. System kernel image file. Related Information The prf file in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. Commands 565 TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 print print Purpose Enqueues a file. Syntax print queue -C -bp=2 one o f \ ... -bp -b~r -nb -bp=1 -bp=2 O 1 : device -from=name -nc=num -tl=title -pr=num -to=name _q -cp -no -rm 2 OL805348 one of -co print -su=user 2 -op= num OL805147 one of print _~2 I ~ 0L805354 print - - ( queue ---c,0 YI O~:dOf f 1 . : devIce 566 dk -du 1 Do not put a blank between these items. 2 Only members of the system group can use these flags. 3 Only specify -fi once. Commands Reference print Description With the print command you can enqueue files on -queue. (See Managing the AIX Operating System for information on establishing the default queue.) If more than one device services a queue, you can request a particular device by putting the device number after the queue name, separating them with a colon. Otherwise, the job is sent to the first available device. You can also use print to cancel a print request (-ca), alter the priority of a print request (-ap), and display the status of print queues and devices (-q). Note that to print a file, you must have read access to it. To remove a file, you must have write access to the directory containing that file. If you do not specify any file names, print copies standard input into a file, which it enqueues for printing. Flags and file names may be interspersed in any order. Note: If you want to continue changing the file after you use print but before it is printed, you must use the -cp flag. Flags If you give print a list of file names, it enqueues them all for printing on the default printer. -ap=num -bp=num -bp -nb Changes to num the priority of the named file (which must already have been submitted for printing). See "-pr" on page 568 for a description of priorities. Controls the printing of burst pages according to the value of num as follows: o 1 2 Does not print headers or trailers. Prints one header page before each file. No trailer appears. Prints a header page at the beginning and a trailer page at the end of each file. The header stanza in the qconfig file defines the default treatment of burst pages. Specifying only -bp is the same as specifying -bp = 2. Specifying -nb is the same as specifying -bp = o. -ca Cancels the printing of the named files. -cp Copies the file. Ordinarily, to save disk space, print remembers the name of the file, but does not actually copy the file itself. Use the -cp flag if you want to continue changing the file while you are waiting for the current copy to be printed. Commands 567 print -fi Causes print to act as a filter. The print command automatically reads standard input if you do not specify files as arguments. However, if you do specify file arguments, you can use the -fi flag to force print to read standard input at the appropriate time. -nc=num Prints num copies of the file. Normally a file is printed only once. -no Notifies you when your job is finished. If the -to flag is also used, print notifies the user for whom the request is intended (see the -to flag on page 568). -pr=num Sets the priority of the named file to num. Higher numbers assign higher priority. The default priority is 15. The maximum priority is 20 for most users and 30 for the users with superuser authority and members of the system group (group 0). -q Displays the status of the queues and printers. The environment variable NLTIME controls the appearance of the time field. -rm Removes the file after it has been successfully printed. -tl = title Puts title on the header page and displays it when the -q flag is specified. Normally the job title is the name of the file. If print reads from standard input, the job title is PRIMARY. OUTPUT. -to = name Labels the output for delivery to name. Normally the output is labeled for delivery to the person issuing the print request. In addition the flags available to all users, users with superuser authority and members of the system group (group 0), can use the following additional flags: -dd Turns off the device associated with queue. The qdaemon no longer sends jobs to the device, and entering pri nt -q shows its status as OFF. Any job currently running on the device is allowed to finish. -dg Kills the qdaemon after all currently running jobs are finished. This is the only clean way to bring the qdaemon down. Using the kill command may cause problems, such as jobs hanging up in the queue. -dk Acts the same as -dd, except current jobs are killed. They remain in the queue, and are run again when the device is turned on. -du Turns on the device associated with queue. The qdaemon sends jobs to it again and entering pri nt -q shows its status as READY. Note: If more than one device is associated with a queue, you must specify the device as well as the queue when you use the -dd, -dk, and -du flags. Devices are numbered, starting at zero, in the order that they appear in the qconfig file. For example, -1 p: 0 designates the first device on the Ip queue. - 1P designates the same device only if there is no other device on that queue. 568 Commands Reference print -from = name Labels the output as though name had submitted it. You can only use this flag with superuser authority. -rr Forces the qdaemon to reread the qconfig file after all currently running jobs are finished. With this flag, a user with superuser authority can change the qconfig file without having to kill and restart the qdaemon. -su = user Cancels or changes the priority on another user's job when used with the -ca or the -ap flags. For example, a job report submitted by user ann can be cancelled as follows: print -su=ann -ca report The print command passes flags it does not recognize to the backend that does the printing. Thus, for each queue there are flags not described above that can be included on the print command line. See "piobe" on page 557 for a list of these flags. Examples 1. To print a file on the default printer: print 2. memo To print a file with page numbers: pr prog.c print The pr command puts a heading at the top of each page that includes the date the file was last modified, the name of the file, and the page number. The print command then prints the file. 3. To see if a file is still waiting to be printed: print -q This displays the status of the queues and printers. If a file has not been printed yet, then it appears in the queue status listing. If you piped data to print, as in Example 2, then it is listed as PRIMARY. OUTPUT. 4. To stop printing a file: print -ca chapterl This cancels the request you made earlier to print the file chapterl. If the file is currently being printed, then the printer stops immediately. If the file has not been printed yet, then it is removed from the queue so that it will not be printed. Commands 569 print If the file is not in the queue, print displays the message: no such request from you 5. ~- perhaps it's done? To disconnect a printer from the queueing system: print -a:2 -dd This stops print requests from being sent to the third printer that serves the - a queue. If a file is currently being printed, it is allowed to finish. You must be a member of the system group (group 0) to run this command. Note: The printers serving a given queue are numbered starting with zero in the order that they appear in the /etc/qconfig file. Files /etc/qdaemon /usr/lpd/qdir/* /usr/lpd/stat/* /usr/spool/qdaemonJ* /etc/qconfig Queueing demon. Queue requests. Information on the status of the devices. Temporary copies of enqueued files. Queue configuration file. Related Information The following commands: "piobe" on page 557, "pr" on page 561, and "qdaemon" on page 590. The qconfig file in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. The discussion of print in Managing the AIX Operating System. The "Overview of International Character Support" in Managing the AIX Operating System. / 570 Commands Reference prof prof Purpose Displays program profile data. Syntax prof -Q-t~c-m one of one of -c -t -a -n -0 -x -9 -z -s -h mon.out)-(a.out -mmdata prog r OL805438 Description The prof command interprets profile data collected by the monitor subroutine for the object file prog (a.out by default). It reads the symbol table in the object file prog and correlates it with the profile file (mon.out by default). prof displays, for each external text symbol, the percentage of execution time spent between the address of that symbol and the address of the next, the number of times that function was called, and the average number of milliseconds per call. For the number of calls to a function to be tallied, you must have compiled the file using the -p flag of the cc command. This flag also arranges for the object file to include a special profiling start-up function that calls the monitor subroutine at the beginning and end of execution. It is the call to monitor at the end of execution that writes mon.out. Thus, only programs that explicitly exit or return from main cause the mon.out file to be produced. Note: No more than 600 functions can have call counters established during program execution. If you exceed this limit, prof overwrites other data and damages the mon.out file. prof automatically reports the number of call counters used whenever the number exceeds 500. Flags The mutually exclusive flags a, c, n, and t determine how prof sorts the output lines: -a Sorts by increasing symbol address. -c Sorts by decreasing number of calls. -n Sorts lexically by symbol name. Commands 571 prof -t Sorts by decreasing percentage of total time (default). The mutually exclusive flags monitored. 0 and x specify how to display the address of each symbol -0 Displays each address in octal, along with the symbol name. -x Displays each address in hexadecimal, along with the symbol name. Use the following flags in any combination: -g Includes nonglobal symbols (static functions). -h Suppresses the heading normally displayed on the report. (This is useful if the report is to be processed further.) -m mdata Takes profiling data from mdata instead of mon.out. -s Displays a summary of monitoring parameters and statistics on standard error. -z Includes all symbols in the profile range, even if associated with zero calls and zero time. mon.out a.out Default profile. Default object file. Files Related Information The following commands: "ee" on page 112 and "nm" on page 521. The exit and profil system calls and the monitor subroutine in A/X Operating System Technical Reference. ,/ 572 Commands Reference proto proto Purpose Constructs a prototype file for a file system. Syntax jete/proto - directory ....... r-\. . ~prefix~ OL805007 Description The proto command makes a prototype file for a file system or part of a file system. Use the prototype file as input to the mkfs command to construct a file system according to a predefined template. The prototype file consists of a recursive directory listing of every file on the file system, with its owner, group, and protection. It also contains the file from which the prototype file is to be initialized, formatted as described in the mkfs command. Specify the base directory from which the prototype file is made with directory. The prototype file includes the complete subtree below directory that is contained on the same file system as directory. The prefix parameter is added to the names of all the initialization files, forcing the initialization files to be taken from a place other than the prototype. Before the output from proto can be used with mkfs, mkfs needs a start up program, a file system size, and an i-list size. Link information is not preserved with the proto command. The collating sequence is determined by the ct _collate array in the NLctab subroutine. Related Information The following command: "mkfs" on page 487. The "Overview of International Character Support" in Managing the AIX Operating System. Commands 573 prs prs Purpose Displays a Source Code Control System (SeCS) file. Syntax prs OL805248 Description The prs command reads files, and writes to standard output a part or all of a Source Code Control System (SeCS) file. If you specify a directory in place of file, prs performs the requested actions on all sees files (those with a name that has the s. prefix). If you specify a - (minus) in place of file, prs reads standard input and interprets each line as the name of an SCCS file. prs continues to take input until it reads an end-of-file character (Ctrl-D). Data Keywords Data keywords specify which parts of an secs file are to be retrieved and written to standard output. All parts of an secs file have an associated data keyword. There is no limit to the number of times a data keyword can appear in a string. The information that prs displays consists of user-supplied text and appropriate values (extracted from the sees file) substituted for the recognized data keywords in the order of appearance in string. The format of a data keyword value is either simple, in which the keyword substitution is direct, or multi-line, in which the substitution is followed by a carriage return. Text is any characters other than recognized data keywords. Specify a tab character with \t and a carriage return/new-line character with a \n. Remember to quote the \t and \n with an extra \ to prevent shell from interpreting the \ and just passing a t or n to prs as text. 574 Commands Reference prs The following table lists the keywords associated with information in the delta table in the sees file (see the sccsfile file in AIX Operating System Technical Reference for the structure of an sees file), Keyword :R: :L: :B: :S: :1: :Dy: :Dm: :Dd: :D: :Th: :Tm: :Ts: :T: :DT: :P: :DS: :DP: :Dt: :Dn: :Dx: :Dg: :DI: :Li: :Ld: Data Represented Release number Level number Branch number Sequence number sees ID string (SID) Year delta created Month delta created Day delta created Date delta created Hour delta created Minute delta created Second delta created Time delta created Delta type User who created the delta Delta sequence number Previous delta sequence number Delta information Sequence numbers of deltas included Sequence numbers of deltas excluded Sequence numbers of deltas ignored Sequence numbers of deltas included, excluded, and ignored Lines inserted by Delta Lines deleted by Delta Figure 3 (Part 1 of 2). Value num num num num :R::L::B::S: YY MM DD YY/MM/DD HH MM SS HH:MM:SS D orR login name num num :DT::I::D: :T::P::DS::DP: :DS:" , :DS:" , :DS:" , :Dn:/:Dx:/:Dg: Format Simple Simple Simple Simple Simple Simple Simple Simple Simple Simple Simple Simple Simple Simple Simple Simple Simple Simple Simple Simple Simple Simple num num Simple Simple Delta Table Keywords Commands 575 prs Keyword :Lu: :DL: :MR: :C: Data Represented Lines unchanged by Delta Delta line statistics MR numbers for delta Comments for delta Figure 3 (Part 2 of 2). Format Simple Simple Value num :Li:/:Ld:/:Lu: text text Multi-line Multi-line Delta Table Keywords The following table lists the keywords associated with the header flags in the SCCS file. For more information of Header flags, see Figure 1 on page 54. Keyword :Y: :MF: :MP: :KF: :BF: :J: :LK: :Q: :M: :FB: :CB: :Ds: :ND: :FL: Figure 4. 576 Data Represented module type MR validation flag set MR validation program name Keyword/error warning flag set Branch flag set Joint edit flag set Locked releases User defined keyword Module name Floor boundary Ceiling boundary Default SID Null Delta flag set Header flag list Header Flag Keywords Commands Reference Value text yes or no text yes or no yes or no yes or no :R: ... text text :R: :R: :1: yes or no text Format simple Simple Simple Simple Simple Simple Simple Simple Simple Simple Simple Simple Simple Multi-line prs The following table lists the keywords associated with other parts of the Keyword sees file. :FD: :BD: :GB: :W: :A: :Z: Data Represented user names descriptive text body of text text in a g-file a what string a what string a what string delimiter Value text text text text :Z::M: \tab :1: :Z::Y::M::I::Z: @(#) Format Multi-line Multi-line Multi-line Multi-line Simple Simple Simple :F: :PN: sees file sees file text text Simple Simple :UN: Figure 5. name path name Other Keywords Flags Each flag or group of flags applies independently to each named file. -a Writes information for the specified deltas, whether or not they have been removed (see "rmdel" on page 604). If you do not specify the -a flag, prs supplies information only for the specified deltas that have not been removed. -ccutoff Specifies a cutoff date and time for the -e and -I flags. Specify cutoff in the following form: YY[MM[DD[HH[MM[SS]]]]] All omitted items default to their maximum values, so specifying -c8402 is the same as specifying -c840229235959. You can separate the fields with any non-numeric characters. For example, you can specify -c84/2/20, 9: 22: 25 or -c Il 84/2/20 9: 22: 25 11 or lI-c84/2/20 9: 22: 25 11 • -d" string" Specifies the data items to be displayed. string is a string consisting of optional text and sees file data keywords. You must enclose all text and spaces in string in quotation marks. -e Requests information for all deltas created earlier than and including the delta specified by the -r flag. -I Requests information for all deltas created later than and including the delta specified by the -r flag. Commands 577 prs -rSID Specifies the SID of a delta for which prs will retrieve information. If no SID is specified, prs retrieves the information for the SID of the highest numbered delta. Files /tmp/pr????? Related Information The following commands: and "help" on page 391. "admin" on page 51, "delta" on page 236, "get" on page 359, The sccsfile file in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. The discussion of sees in AIX Operating System Programming Tools and Interfaces. 578 Commands Reference ps ps Purpose Reports process status. Syntax -t console one of -g glist -e -p plist -d -t tlist -u ulist ps -c/dev/mem\ -c corfile r--n/unix~ ~-n kernel-image r OLS05439 Description The ps command writes certain information about active processes to standard output. Without flags, ps displays information about the current work station. The column headings in a ps listing have the following meaning. The letters f and 1 following the column heads indicate which flags cause the corresponding heading to appear. If all follows the column head, that heading always appears. Note that the -f and -1 flags determine only what information is provided about a process; they do not determine which processes are listed. F (1) Flags (octal and additive) associated with the process: 01 02 04 10 20 40 100 In core System process Locked in core (for example, for physical I/O); Waiting for a page default, or forking Being traced by another process Another tracing flag Process has shared text. S (1) The state of the process: o S W R Nonexistent Sleeping Waiting Running Commands 579 TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 pS I Z T K X Intermediate Canceled Stopped Available kernel process Growing. UID (f,1) The user ID of the process owner; the login name is displayed with the -f flag. PID (all) The process ID of the process. PPID (f,l) The process ID of the parent process. C (f,1) Processor utilization for scheduling. STIME (f) Starting time of the process. The NLLDATE and NLTIME environment variables control the appearance of this field. PRI (1) The priority of the process; higher numbers mean lower priority. NI (I) Nice value; used in calculating priority. ADDR (I) The segment number of the process stack, if normal; if a kernel process, the address of the pre-process data area. SZ (I) The size in blocks of the core image of the process. WCHAN (I) The event for which the process is waiting or sleeping; if blank, the process is running. TTY (all) The controlling work station for the process. TIME (all) The total execution time for the process. CMD (all) The command name; the full command name and its parameters are displayed with the -f flag. A process that has exited and has a parent, but has not yet been waited for by the parent, is marked < defunct> . 580 Commands Reference ps With the -f flag, ps determines what the command name and parameters were when the process was created by examining memory or the paging area. If it cannot find this information, the command name, as it would appear without the -f flag, displays in square brackets. Note: Things can change while ps is running. Some data displayed for defunct processes are irrelevant. The current work station is defined as the one associated with standard error. Thus redirecting standard error, for example: ps 2> /dev/null does not work as expected. Flags -a Writes to standard output information about all processes except the process group leaders and processes not associated with a terminal. -c corefile Uses corefile instead of the default fdev fmem. corefile is a core image file that has been created by the Ctrl-(left)Alt-End key sequence. -d Writes information to standard output about all processes except the process group leaders. -e Writes information to standard output about all processes except kernel processes. -f Generates a full listing. The meaning of columns in a full listing is described on page 579. -g glist Writes information to standard output only about processes that are in the process groups listed in glist. The glist is either a comma-separated list of process-group identifiers or a list of process-group identifiers enclosed in double quotation marks C1 ") and separated from one another by a comma and/or one or more spaces. -k Writes information to standard output about kernel processes. Otherwise, it does not list kernel processes. -I Generates a long listing. The meaning of a long listing is described on page 579. -n kernel-image Takes kernel-image as the name of an alternate kernel-image file (funix is the default). -p plist Displays only information about processes with the process numbers specified in plist. plist is either a comma-separated list of process-ID numbers or a list of process-ID numbers enclosed in double quotation Commands 581 ps marks (II II) and separated from one another by a comma and/or one or more spaces. -t tlist Displays only information about processes associated with the work stations listed in tlist. tlist is either a list of comma-separated work-station identifiers or a list of work-station identifiers enclosed in double quotation marks (II II) and separated from one another by a comma and/or one or more spaces. -u ulist Displays only information about processes with the user ID numbers or login names specified in ulist. ulist is either a comma-separated list of user ID's or a list of user ID's enclosed in double quotation marks (" II) and separated from one another by a comma and/or one or more spaces. In the listing, ps displays the numerical user ID unless the -f flag is used; then it displays the login name. Examples 1. To list the processes that you have started: ps This displays a short listing of information about the processes associated with your work station. 2. To display all process information available: ps -e -f -1 This displays all the information ps has to offer (- 1 - f) about all processes (-e for " everything"). 3. To list processes owned by specific users: ps -f -1 -ujim,jane,su This displays all the information available (- 1 - f) about the processes being run by the users jim, jane, and s u. 4. To list processes associated with specific work stations: ps ~t-,conso1e This displays information about processes not connected to any work station (- t -), and processes associated with the work station I dev I can so 1e. 582 Commands Reference ps Files /unix /dev/mem /etc/passwd /etc/ps_data /dev System kernel image. Memory. Supplies DID information. Internal data structure. Searched to find work station ("TTY") names. Related Information The following commands: "kill" on page 422 and "nice" on page 515. Commands 583 ptx ptx Purpose Generates a permuted index. Syntax ptx infile OL805250 Description The ptx command reads infile (standard input by default), creates a permuted index from its input, and writes to outfile (standard output by default). The ptx command searches infile for keywords, sorts the lines, and generates the file outfile. outfile can then be processed with nroff or troff to produce a permuted index from the file infile. The ptx command follows three steps: 1. 2. 3. In the permutation, generates one line for each keyword in an input line, and rotates the keyword to the front. Sorts the permuted file. Rotates the sorted lines so that the keyword comes at the middle of each line. The resulting lines in output are in the form: .xx, "tail" "before keyword" "keyword and after" "head" where .xx is an nroff or troff macro provided by the user, or provided by the mptx macro package (see the AIX Operating System Technical Reference for information on this macro package). The before keyword and keyword and after fields incorporate as much of the line as will fit around the keyword when it is printed. tailor head, at least one of which is always the empty string, are wrapped-around pieces small enough to fit in the unused space at the opposite end of the line. Note: Line length counts do not account for overstriking or proportional spacing. Lines that contain tildes (-) do not work because ptx uses that character internally. 584 Commands Reference ptx Flags -b break Uses the characters in the break file to separate words. Tab characters, new-line characters, and spaces are always used as break characters. -f Does not distinguish between uppercase and lowercase characters while sorting (see "sort" on page 672). -g num Uses num as the number of spaces displayed between the four parts of the line. The default num is 3. -i ignore Does not use any words in the ignore file as keywords. If the -i and not used, /usr/lib/eign is the default ignore file. -0 only -0 flags are Uses only the words in the only file as keywords. -r Takes any leading nonblank characters of each input line to be a reference identifier separate from the text of the line. Attaches that identifier as a fifth field on each output line. -t Prepares the output for the phototypesetter. -w num Uses num as the length of the output line. The default line length is 72 characters for nroff and 100 for troff. Files /bin/sort /usr/lib/eign /usr/lib/tmac/tmac.ptx Related Information The following commands: "nroff" on page 525 and "troff" on page 526. The mm and mptx miscellaneous facilities in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. The "Overview of International Character Support" in Managing the AIX Operating System. Commands 585 puttext puttext Purpose Updates an output file that contains message/insert/help descriptions. Syntax puttext ~ infi/e _r--\. , ...~ -nJ ~ outfi/e r OL805209 Description The puttext command uses the message/insert/help descriptions in infile to change, delete and add message/insert/help text to outfile for a component. (For information about the format and contents of infile, see AIX Operating System Programming Tools and Interfaces.) The infile parameter specifies the name of the file where the message/insert/help descriptions reside. See AIX Operating System Programming Tools and Interfaces for a discussion of the gettext output file parameters that describes the format and contents of this file. The outfile parameter specifies the name of the output file. If you specify an outfile that does not exist, a new component file is created. If you specify an existing outfile, a copy of that file is renamed as a backup file. In this case, an old backup file will be deleted. Note: In order for the new file to be accessed by the message support run-time services, the output file name must be in the format xxxccc_EN.m. If you do not specify outfile, the component ID is prefixed to _EN.m to form the output file name. Flag -n 586 Causes puttext to assign available index numbers to the input descriptions. If you specify this flag, all the index number fields of the input file must be underscore characters or blanks. Commands Reference puttext Related Information The following commands: "gettext" on page 370. The discussion of puttext in AIX Operating System Programming Tools and Interfaces. Commands 587 pwck pwck Purpose Checks the password and group files for inconsistencies. Syntax /etc/pas=rSWd pwck ~ file ~ /etc/gro=rup grpck file OL805008 Description The pwck command scans the named file or the default file /etc/passwd and writes to standard output any inconsistencies. The checks include validation of the number of fields, login name, user ID, group ID, and existence of the login directory and optional program name. The grpek command scans the named file or the default file fete/group and writes to standard output any inconsistencies. The checks include validation of the number of fields, group name, group ID, and whether all login names appear in the password file. grpck writes to standard output any group entries that do not have login names. Files /etc/group /etc/passwd Related Information The following commands: "groups" on page 385, "passwd" on page 546, and "users" on page 802. The discussion of passwords in Managing the AIX Operating System. 588 Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 pwd pwd Purpose Displays the path name of the working directory. Syntax pwd ---l OL805210 Description The pwd command writes to standard output the full path name of your current directory (from the root directory). All directories are separated by a / (slash). The root directory is represented by the first /, and the last directory named is your current directory. Related Information The following command: "cd" on page 12l. The fullstat and ffullstat system calls in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. Commands 589 qdaemon qdaemon Purpose Schedules jobs enqueued by the print command. Syntax qdaemon ----l 1 This command is not usually entered on the command line. OL805148 Description The qdaemon is a background process (usually started by the rc command file) that schedules printing jobs enqueued by print. Files /usr/lpd/qdir/* /usr/lpd/stat/* /usr/spool/qdaemon/* Print requests. Information on the status of the devices. Temporary copies of files to be printed. Related Information The following commands: "lp" on page 459, "piobe" on page 557, and "print" on page 566. The qconfig file in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. 590 Commands Reference quiz . qUIZ Purpose Tests your knowledge. Syntax /usr/games/quiz category1 - category2 OL805230 Description The quiz game gives associative knowledge tests on various selectable subjects. It asks about items chosen from categoryl and expects answers from category2. If you do not specify the categories, quiz gives instructions and lists the available categories. The quiz game gives the correct answer whenever you press the Enter key by itself. The game ends when questions run out or when you press INTERRUPT (Alt-Pause); quiz reports a score and exits. Flags -ifile Substitutes the named file for the standard index file. Note: In the following syntax description, brackets are normally used to indicate that an item is optional; a bold-faced bracket or brace, however, should be entered as a literal part of the syntax. A vertical list of items indicates that one and only one must be chosen. The lines in file must have the following syntax: line category alternate primary option category [ :category] .. . alternate [ lalternate ] .. . [primary] character [category] option = {category} In an index file, the first category of each line must specify the name of an information file (the information file contains the names of files with quiz material). Commands 591 quiz The remaining categories specify the order and contents of the data in each line of the information file. The quiz data in an information files follows the same syntax. A \ (backslash) is an escape character which allows you to quote syntactically significant characters or to insert a new-line character (\n) into a line. When either a question or its answer is blank, quiz does not ask it. The construct alab does not work in an information file. Use arb}. -t Provides a tutorial. Repeats missed questions and introduce new material gradually. Examples 1. To start a Latin-to-English quiz: /usr/garnes/quiz latin english The quiz command displays Latin words and waits for you to enter what they mean in English. 2. To start an English-to-Latin quiz: /usr/garnes/quiz english latin 3. To set up a Latin-English quiz, add the following line to the index file: /usr/garnes/lib/quiz/latin:latin:english This line specifies that the file / u s r / 9 arne s / 1i b / qui z / 1at i n contains information about the categories 1ati nand engl ish. You can add new categories to the standard index file, /usr/games/lib/quiz/index, or to an index file of your own. If you create your own index file, run the quiz command with the -i file flag to give it your list of quiz topics. 4. This is a sample information file: cor:heart sacerdos:priest{ess} quando:whenlsincelbecause optat:{{s}he lit }[desireslwishesJ\ Idesi relwi sh alb [u s Ia Iurn] : \., hit e This information file contains Latin and English words. The: (colon) separates each Latin word from its English equivalent. Items enclosed in { } (braces) are optional. A I (vertical bar) separates two items when entering either is correct. The [ ] (brackets) group items separated by vertical bars. 592 Commands Reference quiz The first line accepts only the answer heart in response to the Latin word cor. The second accepts either pri es t or pri es tes s in response to s acerdos. The third line accepts when, since, or because for quando. The \ (backslash) at the end of the fourth line indicates that this entry continues on the next line. In other words, the fourth and fifth lines together form one entry. This entry accepts any of the following in response to optat: she desires she wishes he desires he wishes it desires it wishes desires wishes desire wish If you start a Latin-to-English quiz, then the last line of this sample information file instructs quiz to ask you the meaning of a 1 bus. If you start an English-to-Latin quiz, then quiz displays whi te and accepts al bus, al ba, or al bum for the answer. If any of the characters {, }, [, ], or I appear in a question item, then quiz gives the first alternative of every I group and displays every optional group. Thus, the English-to-Latin question for the fourth definition in this sample is she desi res. Files /usr/games/lib/quiz/index /usr / games/lib/ quiz/* Commands 593 rc rc Purpose Performs normal startup initialization. Syntax /etc/rc 1 This -l command is not usually run from the command line. OL805339 Description When the init process starts up the system in normal operating mode, it runs the command file /ete/re to perform the necessary system initialization, including the enabling of various loggers. If the system is being brought up with no file system checking, init passes the argument m to re. If init determines that the root file system needs consistency checking, it passes the argument d to re. The contents of /ete/re may be installation specific, but there are a few things that it should do: • Run the fsek command to check the default file systems if re is passed the d flag. • Mount the default file systems (note that the root file system is implicitly mounted). • Purge temporary files. • Start system demons. • Enable default ports. If all of the necessary operations complete successfully, the file exits with a zero return code that allows init to start loggers to complete normal initialization and startup. Related Information The following commands: "fsek, dfsek" on page 333 and "init" on page 396. The discussion of starting up the system in Managing the AIX Operating System. 594 Commands Reference regcmp regcmp Purpose Compiles patterns. Syntax regcmp~ OL805211 Description The regcmp command compiles the pattern in file, placing its output in file.i. In most cases, regcmp makes unnecessary the use of the regcmp system call in your C programs, saving execution time and program size. The output of regcmp is C source code. Make each file entry a C variable name, followed by one or more blanks, followed by a pattern enclosed in double quotation marks (" II). Compiled patterns are initialized char declarations. Thus, file.i can be included in C programs, and file.c can be a file parameter to the cc command. The C program that uses regcmp output should use the regex subroutine to apply it to a string. (See regcmp and regex in AIX Operating System Technical Reference.) Flag Places the output in file.c Related Information The regcmp subroutine in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. Commands 595 restore restore Purpose Copies back files created by the backup command. Syntax one of restore ---r=rl L=IJ OL805251 restore - -x -d -h -q -f device -v -cnum OL805352 one of restore ~ l=BJ fi/esystem ~ OL805353 restore - - m fi/esystem ---l OL805441 Description The restore command reads backup files written by the backup command and copies them back into the file system. There are four ways to use it: • • 596 To display a table of contents for the backup (-T) or to display label information (-t) To restore individually named files (-x) Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 restore • • To restore an entire file system (-r) or begin at an arbitrary volume number (-R). To restore an entire minidisk (-m). If more than one diskette is required, restore reads the one mounted, then halts and requests a new one. After inserting the new diskette, press the Enter key to continuing restoring files. Note: If the file system you are restoring is mounted and is not the root file system, restore unmounts the file system before it performs an i-node restore and then remounts the file system before quitting. If the file systems you are restoring include the root file system, restore ensures that the other file systems are not in use. If one is, it warns you of this and quits. Flags -Cnum Specifies the number of blocks to read in a single input operation. If you do not specify this flag, restore selects a default value appropriate for the physical device you have selected. Larger values of num result in longer physical transfers from tape devices. restore always ignores the value of the -C flag when it reads a diskette; the input is always read in clusters that occupy a complete track. -d Indicates that if file is a directory, all files in that directory should be restored. In this case, the name of each restored file is always its name as shown by restore -T, whether the backup was by name or by i-node. The file names supplied need not be directories. Thus, for i-node backups: restore -x a/b/file.c creates a file whose name is its i-node number, while: restore -xd a/b/file.c creates a file named a/b/fi 1e. c. With this flag, file names can include pattern-matching characters, although you must quote these characters to prevent their expansion by the shell. Use this flag only when you are restoring by individual file name (-x). -fdevice Specifies the local input device. By default, restore reads the device defined in the backupdev entry of /etc/filesystems if you are are restoring an entire file system and /dev/rfdO if you are restoring a mini disk image, restoring individually named files, or displaying a table of contents or if no backupdev is defined in /etc/filesystems. The restore command recognizes a special syntax for the names of input files. If the device parameter is a range of names, for example /dev/rfdO-3, restore automatically goes from one drive (in the range) to the next. After using all of the specified drives, it stops and requests that another diskette be inserted. Commands 597 restore -h Specifies that the access and modification times of restored files are to be set to the time of restoration. (When restore is run under superuser authority, the default action is to use the file access and modification times from the backup medium.) If a restored file is an archive, the modification times in all the member headers are also set to the time of restoration. You can specify this flag only when you are restoring individually named files. -m Restores an entire minidisk as an exact image. Note: You can use this flag only with minidisks that are at least as large as the original mini disk that was backed up. If the minidisk is larger than the original, the leftover space becomes unusable after restoring the mini disk. You can use restore -t to see how large a minidisk you need. -q Specifies that the removable medium is ready to use. In this case, restore proceeds without prompting you to prepare the removable medium. -r Restores an entire file system. Use this flag with i-node backups only (see "backup" on page 76). filesystem can be a device name (block or character special file) or a directory name that restore looks up in jetcjfilesystems. If you are restoring a full (level 0) backup, run the mkfs command to create an empty file system before doing the restore. If you are restoring an incremental backup at, say, level 2, run mkfs, then restore the appropriate level 0 backup, then the level! backup, and finally the level 2 backup. Warning: If you do not follow this procedure carefully, you can ruin an entire file system. As an added safety precaution, run fsck after you restore each backup level. 598 -R Restarts an aborted restore at a specified point. restore prompts you for the starting volume number. This flag is invalid in combination with the -m flag. -T Displays the backup file header and the names of the backed up files. If the backup was made by name (backup -i), the names displayed are the ones you provided to backup. If the backup was made by i-node, restore displays the i-number of each file along with the file name. The names are relative to the root directory of the file system backed up. The only exception is the root directory itself, whose name is given as a slash (/). -t Displays only the backup file header. -v Reports the progress of the restoration as it proceeds. -x Restores individually named files. The names must be in the same form as the names shown by restore -T. With a name backup, restore gives the restored file whatever name was supplied when the file was backed up. If the original name was specified relative to the current directory, restore creates a file relative to the current directory. restore automatically creates any needed Commands Reference restore directories. With an i-node backup, the name of the restored file is the same as its i-number. This flag is invalid with the -m flag. Examples 1. To list the names of files previously backed up: restore -T If individual files were backed up, then only the file names are displayed. If an entire file system was backed up, then the i-number is also shown. Note: Unless you specify otherwise with the -f flag, restore reads the /dev/rfdO as the default backup device. 2. To display technical information about a backup: restore -t This displays information including when the backup was made, which file system was saved, and whether it is an individual file backup (Files backed up by name), a minidisk backup (Files backed up by minidisk), or a file system backup (Files backed up by inode). Note: Files must be restored using the same method by which they were backed up. 3. To copy files to the main file system: restore -x -v This extracts all the files from the backup diskette and restores them to their proper places in the file system (- x). This displays a progress report as each file is restored (- v). If a file system backup is being restored, then the files are named with their i-numbers. 4. To copy selected files: restore /u/jim/manual/chapl This extracts the file /u/jim/manual /chapl from the backup diskette and restores it. To work properly, /u/jim/manual /chapl must be a name displayed by restore -T. 5. -x -v To copy all the files in a directory: restore -x -d -v manual the directory manua 1 and This restores all the files in it. A directory named created in the current directory to hold the files being restored. manua 1 IS Commands 599 restore 6. To restore an entire file system backup: mkfs /dev/hdl restore -r -v /dev/hdl This restores an entire file system backup onto /dev /hdl. It destroys and replaces any file system that was previously stored on /dev /hdl. If the backup was made using incremental file system backups, restore the backups in increasing backup-level order (0, 1, 2 ... ). 7. To restore a minidisk: restore -m /dev/hdl This restores the exact image of mini disk /dev/hdl. You can also identify the mini disk by its stanza name in the /etc/filesystems file. Files / etc/filesystems /dev/rfdO Consulted for default parameters. Default restore device. Related Information The following command: "backup" on page 76. The discussion of filesystems and backup in A/X Operating System Technical Reference. "Backing up and Restoring Files" in Using the A/X Operating System. 600 Commands Reference rm rm Purpose Removes files or directories. Syntax OL805212 Description The rm (delete) command removes the entries for files from a directory. If an entry is the last link to a file, it is destroyed. To remove a file, you must have write permission in its directory, but neither read nor write permission for the file itself if you own it or are acting with superuser authority. If a file has no write permission and standard input is a work station, rm displays the file permission code and reads a line from standard input. If that line begins with y, rm deletes the file; otherwise it remains. Flags -f Does not prompt before removing a write-protected file. -i Prompts you before deleting each file. When you use both -i and -r together, rm also asks if you want to examine directories. -r Permits recursive removal of directories and their contents (for cases where file is a directory). Examples 1. To delete a file: rm myfi 1e If there is another link to this file, then the file remains under that name, but the name myfi 1e is removed. If myfi 1e is the only link, the file itself is deleted. Commands 601 rm 2. To delete a file silently: rm -f core This removes core without asking any questions or displaying any error messages. This is normally used in shell procedures. It prevents confusing messages from being displayed when deleting files that mayor may not exist. 3. To delete files one by one: rm -i mydir/* This interactively asks you if you want to remove each file. After each file name is displayed, enter y to delete the file, or press Enter alone to keep it. 4. To delete a directory tree: rm -ir manual This recursively removes the contents of all subdirectories of manua 1, then removes manua 1 itself, asking if you want to remove each file. For example: rm -ir manual di rectory manua 1 : You: System: You: y System: You: y System: You: y System: You: y System: You: y System: You: System: You: System: You: di rectory manual /draftl: manual /draftl/chapterl: manual /draftl/chapter2: manual /draftl: di rectory manual/draft2 y manual /draft2: n manua 1 : y Here, rm first asks if you want it to search the directory manua 1. Because manua 1 contains directories, rm next asks for permission to search manual /draftl for files to delete, and then asks if you want it to delete the files manual /draftl/chapterl and manua 1/ draftl/ chapter2. rm next asks for permission to search the directory manual /draft2, and then asks for permission to delete the directories manual/draftl, manual/draft2, and manual. Because you denied permission to 602 Commands Reference ,/ rm remove manual /draft2, rm will not remove message rmdi r: manua 1 not empty. manua 1. Instead, you will see the Related Information The following commands: "del" on page 234 and "In" on page 450. The unlink system call in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. Commands 603 rmdel rmdel Purpose Removes a delta from a Source Code Control System (SCCS) file. Syntax rmdel - -r SID T file =r OL805213 Description The rmdel command removes the delta specified by SID from each named Source Code Control System (SeCS) file. You can remove only the most recently created delta in a branch, or the latest trunk delta if it has no branches. In addition, the SIn you specify must not be a version currently being edited for the purpose of making a delta. To remove a delta, you must either own the SCCS file and the directory, or you must be the user who created the delta you want to remove. If you specify a directory in place of file, rmdel performs the requested actions on all SCCS files (those with file names that have the s.prefix). If you specify a - (minus) in place of file, rmdel reads standard input, and interprets each line as the name of an SCCS file. rmdel continues to take input until it reads an end-of-file character (Ctrl-D). Flag -rSID Removes the delta SID from the SCCS file. This flag is required. Related Information The following commands: and "prs" on page 574. "delta" on page 236, "get" on page 359, "help" on page 391, The sccsfile file in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. The discussion of SCCS in AIX Operating System Programming Tools and Interfaces. 604 Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 rmdir rmdir Purpose Removes a directory. Syntax rmdir ~ directory T OL805252 Description The rmdir command removes a directory from the system. The directory must be empty before you can remove it, and you must have write permission in its parent directory. Use the Ii -1 command to see if the directory is empty. Example To empty and remove a directory: rm mydir/* rmdir mydir mydir/.* This removes the contents of mydi r, then removes the empty directory. The rm command displays an error message about trying to remove the directories. (dot) and .. (dot dot), and then rmdir removes them. Note that rm mydi r/* mydi r/. * first removes files with names that do not begin with a that dot, then those with names that do begin with a dot. You may not realize that the directory contains file names that begin with a dot because the Ii command does not normally list them. Related Information The following command: "rm" on page 60l. The unlink and rmdir system calls in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. Commands 605 runacct runacct Purpose Runs daily accounting. Syntax /usr/lib/accl/runacct Y --{mmdd-( state OL805253 Description The runacct command is the main daily accounting shell procedure. Normally initiated by cron, runacct processes connect, fee, disk, queueing system and process accounting data files. It also prepares summary files for the prdaily procedure or for billing purposes. The runacct command protects active accounting files and summary files in the event of run-time errors. It records its progress by writing descriptive messages into the file /usr/adm/acct/nite/active. When runacct encounters an error, it writes a diagnostic message to /dev/console, sends mail to users root and adm, and exits. The runacct procedure also creates two temporary files, lock and lockl in the directory /usr/adm/acct/nite, which it uses to prevent two simultaneous calls to runacct. It uses the file lastdate (in the same directory), to prevent more than one invocation per day. The runacct command breaks its processing into separate, restartable states. As it completes each state, it writes the name of the next state in /usr/adm/acct/nite/statefile. runacct processes the various states in the following order: 606 State Actions SETUP Moves the active accounting files to working files and restarts the active files. WTMPFIX Verifies the integrity of the wtmp file, correcting date changes if necessary. CONNECT! Calls acctconl to produce connect session records. Commands Reference runacct CONNECT2 Converts connect session records into total accounting records (tacct.h format). PROCESS Converts process accounting records into total accounting records (tacct.h format). MERGE Merges the connect and process total accounting records. FEES Converts the output of chargefee into total accounting records (tacct.h format) and merges them with the connect and process total accounting records. DISK Merges disk accounting records with connect, process, and fee total accounting records. QUEUEACCT Sorts the queue (printer) accounting records, converts them into total accounting records (tacct.h format), and merges them with other total accounting records. MERGETACCT Merges the daily total accounting records in daytacct with the summary total accounting records in /usr/adm/acct/sum/tacct. CMS Produces command summaries in the file /usr/adm/acct/sum/cms. USEREXIT If the shell file /usr/adm/siteacct exists, calls it at this point to perform site-dependant processing. CLEANUP Deletes temporary files and exit. To restart runacct after a failure, first check the /usr/adm/acct/nite/active file for diagnostic messages, then fix any damaged data files such as pacct or wtmp. Remove the lock files and lastdate file (all in the /usr/adm/acct/nite directory), before restarting runacct. You must specify the mmdd parameter if you are restarting runacct. It specifies the month and day for which runacct is to rerun the accounting. runacct determines the entry point for processing by reading statefile. To override this default action, specify the desired state on the runacct command line. For a more detailed discussion of restarting runacct, see Managing the AIX Operating System. It is not usually a good idea to restart runacct in the SETUP state. Instead, perform the setup actions manually and restart accounting with the WTMPFIX state, as follows: runacct mmdd WTMPFIX If runacct fails in the PROCESS state, remove the last ptacct file, because it will be incomplete. Examples 1. To start runacct: nohup /usr/lib/acct/runacct 2> /usr/adm/acct/nite/accterr & Commands 607 runacct This starts runacct in the background (&), ignoring all INTERRUPT and QUIT signals (nohup). All standard error output is written to the file /usr/adm/acct/nite/accterr. 2. To restart runacct: nohup /usr/lib/acct/runacct 0601 2» /usr/adm/acct/nite/accterr & This restarts runacct for the day of June 1 (0601). runacct reads the file /usr/adm/acct/nite/statefile to find out the state to begin with. Standard error output is added to the end of the file / us r / adm/ acct/ni tel accterr. 3. To restart runacct in a specific state, in this case the MERGE state: nohup /usr/lib/acct/runacct 0601 MERGE 2» /usr/adm/acct/nite/accterr & Files /usr/adm/wtmp /usr/adm/pacct* /usr / adm/ acct/nite/ daytacct /usr/adm/qacct /usr/adm/fee /usr/ adm/ acct/ sum/* /usr/adm/acct/nite/ptacct*.mmdd /usr / adm/ acct/ni tel active /usr/ adm/ acct/nite/lock* /usr / adm/ acct/nite /lastda te /usr/adm/acct/nite/statefile Login/logout history file. Process accounting file. Disk usage accounting file. Active queue accounting file. Record of fees charge to users. Command and total accounting summary files. Concatenated version of pacct files. runacct message file. Prevent simultaneous invocation of runacct. Contains last date runacct was run. Contains current state to process. Related Information The following commands: "acct/*" on page 31, "acctcms" on page 36, "acctcom" on page 38, "acctcon" on page 42, "acctmerg" on page 46, "acctprc" on page 48, "cron" on page 172, and "fwtmp" on page 345. The acct system call and the acct and utmp files in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. "Running System Accounting" in IBM RT PC Managing the AIX Operating System. 608 Commands Reference sact sact Purpose Displays current Source Code Control System (SCeS) file editing status. Syntax sact -.-- file r OL805063 Description The sact. command reads Source Code Control System (SCCS) files and writes to standard output the contents, if any, for the p-file associated with file (see "sccs Files" on page 360 for information on the contents of the p-file). If - (minus) is specified for file, sact. reads standard input, and interprets each line as the name of an SCCS file. If file is a directory, sact. performs its actions on all SCCS files (that is, those files with the s. prefix). Related Information The following commands: page 790. "delta" on page 236, "get" on page 359, and "unget" on The sccsfile file in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. The discussion of SCCS in AIX Operating System Programming Tools and Interfaces. Commands 609 TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 sadc sadc Purpose Provides a system activity report package. Syntax /usr/lib/sa/sadc - ( L }{ interval - num /usr/lib/sa/sa1-( interval - num L ~ outfile ~ ; , 1 /usr/lib/sa/sa2 ---1 See the sar command for the format and flag description. Note that you cannot use the -0 and -f flags withsa2 . OL805254 Description The operating system contains a number of counters that are incremented as various system actions occur. They include the following: • • • • • • • • System unit utilization counters Buffer usage counters Disk and tape I/O activity counters TTY device activity counters Switching and system-call counters File-access counters Queue activity counters Inter-process communications counters The sadc command and the sal and sa2 shell procedures sample, save and process this data. Note: These commands only report on local activities. 610 Commands Reference sadc sadc The sadc command, the data collector, samples system data num times every interval seconds. It writes in binary format to outfile or to the standard output. If you do not specify interval or num, a special record is written. This facility is used at system startup to mark the time when the counter restarts from zero. sal Use the shell procedure sal, a variant of sadc to collect and store binary data in the file /usr/adm/sa/sadd, where dd is the day of the month. The interval and num parameters specify that the record should be written num times at interval seconds. If you do not specify these parameters, one record is written. You must have permission to write in the directory /usr/adm/sa to use this command. The sal command is designed to be started automatically by the cron command. sa2 Use the shell procedure sa2, a variant of the sar command, to write a daily report in the file /usr/adm/sa/sardd. See "sar" on page 614 for a description of the flags. The sa2 command is designed to be started automatically by the cron command. Files /usr/adm/sa/sadd /usr/adm/sa/sardd /tmp/sa.adrfl Daily data file, dd represents the day of the month. Daily report file, dd represents the day of the month. Address file. Related Information The following commands: "cron" on page 172, "sag" on page 612, "sar" on page 614, and "timex" on page 755. Commands 611 TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 sag sag Purpose Displays a graph of system activity. Syntax sag -cc S 0 8 : 0 0 y - c ; : e 1 8 : o Y - C -f /usr/adm/sa/sadd -s hh -e hh -f file - - - - - - - - ' -shh:mm .. r - - - - \ / ~ 1 -j seconds r -ehh:mm -T$TERM ~ -Tworkstation The default for -y is • % usr 0 100; % usr + % sys 0 100; % usr + % sys + %wio 0 100' OL805387 Description The sag command displays a graph of system activity. It gets information either from the daily activity file usr/adm/sa/sadd or from the binary data file selected by the -f flag. You must have already created this file by running the sar command with the -0 flag. (See "sar" on page 614.) The sag command calls the sar command, selecting the desired data by string-matching the data column header. Flags The sag command passes the first four of the following flags to sar in order to collect the desired data for display. The last three flags specify plotting parameters. -e hh[:mm] 612 Selects data up to the time specified by hh[:mmD. The default time is 18:00. Commands Reference sag -f file Reads data from file. The default file is /usr/adm/sa/sadd, the current daily data file. -i seconds Selects data at intervals as close as possible to seconds. -s hh[:mm] Selects data later than the specified time. Default is 08:00. -T workstation Produces output suitable for workstation. (See "tplot" on page 762 for known work stations.) If you do not specify a work station, sag uses the value found in the shell variable $TERM. -x spec Specifies the x axis. spec has the following form: name [opname] . . . [10 hi] where name is a character string matching a column header in the sar-created data file (with an optional device name in brackets), or it is an integer value. op is +, -, *, or / surrounded by blanks, with up to five names specified. Parentheses are not recognized and evaluation is left to right. Note that + and - have precedence over * and I in evaluating expressions. 10 and hi specify numeric scale limits. If these limits are unspecified, sag gets these limits from the data. -y spec Specifies the y axis. spec has the same form as x spec. Specify only one spec for the x axis. If unspecified, the x axis assumes the time specified with the -e and -s flags (or their defaults if they are not used) as x axis limits. You can specify up to five specs separated by : (semicolons) for -yo If unspecified, the y axis has the value: -y "%usr 0 100; %usr + %sys 0 100; %usr + %sys + %wio 0 100" If you include blanks or an escaped carriage return (\Enter) within the -x and -y specs, enclose them in " " (double quotation marks). Files /usr/adm/sa/sadd Daily data file for day dd. Related Information The following commands: "sar" on page 614 and "tplot" on page 762. Commands 613 TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 sar sar Purpose Collects, reports, or saves system activity information. Syntax interval -A sor -C1~J numberJ sar -0 -u -b -c -k -m -q -v -w -y -r --c ---A------0-C----, -u ,'--o----m----w'-r-J -b -q -y -c -u -k -v OL805390 -:~::~~ I=~~~: mm -shh: mm :ss -r -e 18:00 ~-f/usr/adm/sa/sa dd ~ one of OL805:i69 Description The first format of the sar command writes to standard output the contents of selected cumulative activity counters in the operating system. It writes information a total of number times spaced interval seconds apart. The default value of number is l. You can also save the collected data in the file specified by -0 file. 614 Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 sar In the second format (with no sampling interval specified), sar extracts and writes to standard output records previously saved in a file. This file can be either the one specified by the -f flag or, by default, the standard system activity daily data file, /usr/adm/sa/sadd, for the current day, dd. You can select with flags the system activity you want information about. Not specifying any flags selects only cpu activity. Specifying the -A flag selects all activities. Note: This command only reports on local activities. Flags -a Reports use of file access system routines: iget/s namei/s dirblk/s Calls per second to the i-node look-up routine. Calls per second to the directory search routine. Directory blocks read per second by nameiO. -A Report all data. -b Reports buffer activity for transfers, accesses, and cache hit ratios: lread/s, lwrit/s Number of logical read/write requests per interval. bread/s, bwrit/s Number of block read/write operations per interval. %rcache, %wcache Cache hit ratios (for example, 1 - bread/lread). pread/s, pwrit/s Read/writes per interval on seekable raw devices. -c Reports system calls: scall/s rchar/s, wchar/s sread/s, swrit/s fork/s, 8xec/s Total number of system calls per second. Characters transferred per interval by read/write calls. Specific system calls per second. -e hh[:mm[:ss]] Sets the ending time of the report. The default ending time is 18:00. -f file Extracts records from file (created by daily data file, /usr/adm/sa/sadd. -i seconds Selects data records at intervals as close as possible to the specified number of seconds. Otherwise, sar reports all intervals found in the data file. -k Reports kernel activity: ksched/s kproc-ov/s kexit/s -m -0 file). The default file is the current Number of kernel processes assigned to tasks per second. Number of overflows occurring between sampling points. Number of kernel processes terminating per second. Reports message and semaphore activities: msg/s sema/s IPC message primitives per second. IPC semaphore primitives per second. Commands 615 sar -0 -q file Saves the readings in file in binary form. Each reading is in a separate record and each record contains a tag identifying the time of the reading. Reports average queue length while occupied, and percentage of time occupied: runq-sz, %runocc -r Reports VRM paging statistics: slots cycle/s fault/s odio/s -8 -u The The The The Percentage Percentage Percentage complete. Percentage of CPU time devoted to the user. of CPU time devoted to the kernel. of CPU time waiting for block 1/0 to of CPU time idle. Reports status of text, process, i-node, and file tables: text-sz, proc-sz, inod-sz, file-sz text-ov, proc-ov, inod-ov, file-ov Entries in use at each sample point for each table. Overflows occurring at each sample point for each table. Reports system switching activity: pswch/s -y of free pages on the paging minidisk. of page replacement cycles per second. of page faults per second. of nonpaging disk I/0s per second. Reports CPU activity (this flag is on by default): 010 idle -w number number number number hh[:mm[:ss]] Sets the starting time of the data. That is, extract records time-tagged at or following the time specified. The default starting time is 08:00. %usr %sys %wio -v Runs queue of processes in memory and runable. Process switches per second. Reports TTY device activity: rawch/s canch/s outch/s revin/s xmtin/s mdmin/s Tty raw input queue characters per second. TTY canonical input queue characters per second. TTY output queue characters per second. TTY receive interrupts per second. TTY transmit interrupts per second. TTY modem interrupts per second. Files IusrIadml sal sadd 616 Commands Reference Daily data file, where dd are numbers representing the day of the month. sar Related Information The following command: "sag" on page 612. The discussion of monitoring system activity in Managing the AIX Operating System. Commands 617 sccsdiff sccsdiff Purpose Compares two versions of a Source Code Control System (SCCS) file. Syntax sccsdiff - -r SID1 - -r SlD2 ~ ::~ num ~ file --r OL805258 Description The sccsdiff command reads two versions of an sees file, compares them, and writes to standard output the differences between the two versions. Any number of SCCS files can be specified, but the same arguments apply to all files. Flags -p Pipes the output through pro -rSIDl Specifies SIDl as one delta of the SCCS file for sccsdiff to compare. -rSID2 Specifies SID2 as the other delta of the SCCS file for sccsdiff to compare. -snum Specifies the file segment size for bdiff to pass to diff. This is useful when diff fails due to a high system load. Related Information The following commands: and"pr" on page 561. "bdiff' on page 88, "get" on page 359, "help" on page 391, The sccsfile file in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. The discussion of SCCS in AIX Operating System Programming Tools and Interfaces. 618 Commands Reference sdb sdb Purpose Provides a symbolic debugger for C and assembler programs. Syntax a.out-core--.------_ sdb -w -w -n kernel-image object file --c core_. core file --C' dirlist OLS05214 Description The sdb command provides a symbolic debugger to be used with C and assembler programs. With it you can examine object and core files and provide a controlled environment for running a program. You can set breakpoints at selected statements or run the program one line at a time. You can debug using symbolic variables and instruct sdb to display them in their correct format. Normally, objectfile is an executable file produced by invoking cc with the -g flag. If you have not compiled objectfile using the -g flag or if it is not executable (because of compiler or loader errors), the symbolic capabilities of sdb are limited, but you can still examine the file and debug the program. objectfile should always be in the same directory as the source files used to construct it. Its default name is a.out. The corefile parameter specifies a core image file. Its default is core. The system writes out this core image of a process when it ends abnormally. Specifying - (minus) for corefile instructs sdb to ignore any core image file that may be present. The colon-separated list of directories specified by the dirlist parameter identifies the location of the source files used to build corefile. The default is the current directory. If dirlist is the name of a file, the contents of the file should be a colon-separated list of directory names. While running, sdb always recognizes a current line and current file. If corefile exists, sdb initially sets the current line and the current file to the line and the file that contains the source statement at which the process ended. Otherwise, it sets them to the first line in main and the file containing main. There is also a current function, which is the function you are working with at any given time. You can change the current line, file, or function with the e command. Commands 619 sdb Write variable names as you do in C language programs. Access variables local to a function by using the form function:variable. The current function is the default function. You can also specify a variable by its address. Since you can use all forms of integer constants which are valid in C, addresses can be expressed as decimal, octal, or hexadecimal values. Refer to structure members as variable.member, pointers to structure members as variable- > member, and array elements as variable[number]. If you use the form number. member or number- > member, sdb assumes number to be the address of the last structure referred to. Generally, sdb interprets a structure as a set of variables. Thus, it displays the values of all elements when you request it to display a structure. If, however, you request the address of a structure, it displays this value and not the addresses of individual elements. Refer to elements of a multidimensional array as variable[number][number] or as variable[number,number]. In place of number, use the form number;number to indicate a range of values. You can also use an * (asterisk) to represent all legitimate values for a subscript or omit subscripts to indicate the full range of values. As with structures, sdb displays all the values of an array or of a section of an array if you omit trailing subscripts. If you omit subscripts, it displays only the address of the array itself or of the section specified. Refer to a variable on the stack by using the form function:variable,. Here, number specifies the variable's location on the stack, counting the top, or most recently pushed variable, ao the GroL. Uoe Llii::; [ui' i'ecul'sivt:: fUJ.lctiull calls. Th6 Cui"i"6lit fulictiGli is thc default. Refer to line numbers as filename:number or function:number. The current file and current function are the default values. Note: Data stored in text sections is indistinguishable from functions. Line number information in optimized functions is unreliable, and some information may be missing. Source line and local symbol information for routines in shared libraries is not implemented, and these modules should not be compiled with the -g flag. Break points may be set in these routines by address only, and code in shared library modules may be single-stepped by instruction only. The sdb command cannot comprehend a module in which C functions (as opposed to declarations and preprocessor definitions) occur in include files. / 620 Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 sdb Flags -n kernel-image Specifies the name of the running kernel (or the one running when corefile was produced). This enables proper traces back through the floating-point emulation code. /unix is the default value. -w Allows overwriting of locations in o bjectfile. -W Turns off the warnings normally given if source files cannot be found or are newer than objectfile. Subcommands Examining Program Data T Displays the top line of the stack trace. t Displays a stack trace of the program that ended abnormally. variable/[nlfJ Displays variable or n memory locations starting at the address of variable. The 1 parameter selects the number of bytes in one memory location. Your choices are: b h 1 One byte Two bytes Four bytes. The f parameter selects the display format. This can be one of the following: a c d r g I o t p s u Displays all bytes from the address of the variable to the first null byte. Displays a character value. Displays a decimal value. Displays a 32-bit, single-precision floating-point value. Displays a 64-bit, double-precision floating-point value. Interprets values as assembly language instructions and displays numerically. Interprets values as assembly language instructions and displays them numerically and symbolically. Displays an octal value. Displays F if variable = 0; otherwise, displays T. Displays a pointer to a function. Treats variable as a string pointer and displays characters beginning with the address to which it points and ending at the first null byte reached. Displays an unsigned decimal value. Commands 621 sdb x Displays a hexadecimal value. If you do not specify n, I, or f, sdb chooses a value appropriate to variable type as declared in the source file. Specifying a memory location size only works with formats c, d, 0, u, and x. You can specify the number of memory locations (n) to be displayed by the s or a formats. For strings that contain two-byte extended characters, the font shift character is represented by a backslash followed by lowercase s and the font shift number. For example, \sl means that the current byte being displayed is a font shift character. This form of representation for the font shift byte is only available when a count is specified. However, if the first character contained in the address specified by the a format is the second byte of a two-byte extended character, then that byte is displayed without the proper shift affixed to construct the whole two-byte sequence. The default action for these formats is to display characters until either a null byte is reached or 128 characters have been displayed. The command .J (dot slash) redisplays the last variable. You can use the special sh characters * (asterisk) and? (question mark) in function and variable names, providing a limited form of pattern matching. If you give no function name, global variables and variables local to the current function are matched. If you specify a function name, then only variables local to that function are matched. To match only glohal variables, use the form :pattern. The sdb command recognizes structures, arrays, and pointers so that all of the following commands work: array [2][3] / sym. i d/ psym->usage/ xsym[20].p->usage/ line? [Ill variable?[lll line = [Ill variable = [Ill number = [Ill variable!value 622 Displays the value found in objectfile at the address selected by line or variable (function name), using the specified length and format. The default format is i. Displays the address of variable or line or the value of numbe~ in the specified length and format. The default is Ix. number = [Ill provides a convenient way to convert decimal, octal, and hexadecimal values. Sets variable to the given value. value may be a numeric or character constant or another variable. Expressions that produce more than one value, such as structures, are not allowed as value. However, variable may be an expression which represents more than one variable, such as an array or structure name. Commands Reference sdb Specify a character constant with an initial' (single quote), for example, 'c. Numbers are treated as integers unless they contain a decimal point or an exponent. In the latter case, they are treated as having the type double. Register values are viewed as integers. If you give an address of a variable, it is treated as the address of a variable of type into C conventions are used in any type conversions that are necessary to perform the indicated assignment. x Displays the machine registers and the current assembly language instruction. x Displays the current assembly language instruction. Displaying and Manipulating Source Files e e e e function file dir/ dir file Changes the current function, file, or directory. Specifying only function also sets the current file to the one containing the selected function. sdb reports the current function, file, or directory for any unspecified parameters. /pattern/ Searches forward from the current line for a line containing a string matching pattern. The trailing / (slash) can be omitted. See "ed" on page 280 for a discussion of pattern notation. ?pattern? Searches backward from the current line for a line containing a string matching pattern. The trailing? (question mark) can be omitted. p Displays the current line. z Displays the current line and the following nine lines. Sets the current line to the last line displayed. w Displays the 10 lines around the current line (a window). number Sets the current line to number. Displays the new current line. number+ Advances the current line by the specified number of lines. Displays the new current line. number- Decreases the current line by the specified number of lines. Displays the new current line. Ctrl-D Scrolls. Pressing Ctrl-D displays the next 10 lines of source or data. Enter If the previous command displayed a source line, pressing the Enter key advances the current line by one line and displays the new current line. If the previous command displayed a memory location, pressing the Enter key displays the next memory location. Commands 623 sdb Controlling the Running of the Source Program [num] r [p [P2] ... ] [num] R Runs the program with the given parameters. If you specify no parameters with r, it reuses previously specified parameters. R runs the program with no parameters. A parameter beginning with < (left angle bracket) or > (right angle bracket) redirects input or output, respectively. If given, num selects the number of breakpoints to be ignored. [line] b [command[; command] ... ] Sets a breakpoint at the given line. If you specify a function name without a line number, sdb places a breakpoint at the first line in the function, even if it was not compiled with the -g flag. If you do not specify a line, a breakpoint is placed at the current line. If you specify no commands, the program stops running just before the breakpoint and returns control to sdb. Otherwise sdb performs the specified commands when the breakpoint is encountered, and then the program being debugged continues. If the k command is specified, however, control returns to sdb. B Lists the currently active breakpoints. [line] d Deletes a breakpoint at the selected line. If you select no line, breakpoints are deleted interactively. sdb displays each breakpoint location and reads a line from standard input. If the line begins with a y or d, then it deletes the breakpoint. D Deletes all breakpoints. [line] c [num] [line] C [num] [line] g [num] Continues after a breakpoint, with execution resumed at the given line. num specifies how many breakpoints to ignore. I Displays the last executed line. i 1 624 Continues running program after a breakpoint or an interrupt. C continues after resetting the signal that caused the program to stop. c ignores the signal. An optional num selects the number of breakpoints to ignore. If you specify a line, sdb places a temporary breakpoint at the line and continues the program. It deletes the breakpoint when the command finishes. Runs the program one machine level instruction at a time, ignoring the signal that stopped the program (i) or passing the signal back to the program (I). Commands Reference sdb s [num] S [num] Runs the program for one or the specified number of lines. S is equivalent to s except that it does not stop within called functions. Use S if you are confident that the called function works, but want to test the calling routine. variable$m [num] address:m [num] Runs the program until the specified location is modified with a new value or is modified a specified num of times. The variable must be accessible from the current function. line a If line is of the form function:number, this command has the effect of the sdb subcommand: line b 1. If line is of the form function:, it has the effect of the sdb subcommand: function: b T. [level] v Toggles verbose mode, for use with the S, s or m commands. If you omit level, then just the current source file or subroutine name is displayed when either changes. If level is 1 or greater, each C source line is displayed before it is executed; if level is 2 or greater, each assembler statement is also displayed. If verbose mode is on for any level, another v turns it off. function(p [p ... D[ff] Runs the named function, passing to it the specified parameters. These can be integer, character, or string constants or the names of variables accessible to the current function. You can specify the format of displayed values. The default format is d (decimal). k Kills the program being debugged. M Displays the address maps. Program addresses are mapped to file addresses using two field triples: bl, el, fl and b2, e2, f2. The fl field is the length of the header at the beginning of the file; the f2 field is the displacement from the beginning of the file to the data. For a plain executable file with mixed text and data, this is the same as the length of the header; for shared text and split instruction/data files, this is the length of the header plus the size of the text portion. The band e fields are the starting and ending locations for a segment. Given an address A, calculate its location in the file (either a.out or core) as follows: If bl < A < el then file address = (A-bl) fl If b2 < A < e2 then file address = (A-b2) f2 Commands 625 sdb M[?/][*] b e f Records new values for the address map. The parameters? and / specify the text and data maps respectively. The first segment is changed unless you specify *, in which case the second segment is changed. (These segments differ only in programs with split instruction and data space. In this case, use the second segment to examine the data section of the a.out file rather than the data section of the core image file.) If you give fewer than three values, the remaining map parameters are left unchanged. " string Displays the given string. sdb recognizes C escape sequences of the form \character. !AIX-command Performs the specified AIX-command. file Redirects standard output to file. q Exits the debugger. Debugging the Debugger Q V Displays a list of functions and files being debugged. Displays the version number. Files a.out, core Related Information The following commands: "cc" on page 112, "ed" on page 280, and "sh" on page 637. The a.out and core files in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. The "Overview of International Character Support" in Managing the AIX Operating System. The topic "Debugging Programs" in AIX Operating System Programming Tools and Interfaces. 626 Commands Reference sdiff sdiff Purpose Compares two files and displays the differences in a side-by-side format. Syntax ~- file 1 ~-o outfile J sdiff i r < ofn e -w130 -I -w num -s file2--l OL805301 Description The sdiff command reads filel and file2, uses diff to compare them, and writes the results to standard output in a side-by-side format. sdiff displays each line of the two files with a series of blanks between them if the lines are identical, a < (less than sign) in the field of blanks if the line only exists in filel, a > (greater than sign) if the line only exists in file2, and a I (vertical bar) for lines that are different. When you specify the -0 flag, sdiff produces a third file by merging filel and file2 according to your instructions. Flags Displays only the left side when lines are identical. -1 -0 outfile Creates a third file, outfile, by a controlled line-by-line merging of file 1 and file2. The following subcommands govern the creation of this file: 1 Adds the left side to outfile. r Adds the right side to outfile. s Stops displaying identical lines. v Begins displaying identical lines. Commands 627 sdiff el er eb e Starts ed with the left side, the right side, both sides, or an empty file, respectively. Each time you exit from ed, sdiff writes the resulting edited file to the end of outfile. If you fail to save the changes before exiting, sdiff writes the initial input to outfile. q Exits the program. -s Does not display identical lines. -w num Sets the width of the output line to num, 130 characters, by default. Examples 1. To print a comparison of two files: sdiff chapl.bak chapl print This prints a side-by-side listing that compares each line of chapl. bak and chapl. The I pri nt sends the listing to the print command. sdiff assumes that your printer has wide paper (130 columns). 2. To display only the lines that differ: sdiff -s -w 80 chapl.bak chapl This displays the differences at the work station. The -w 80 sets page width to 80 columns. The -s flag tells sdiff not to display lines that are identical in both files. 3. To selectively combine parts of two files: sdiff -s -w 80 chapl.combo chapl.bak chapl This combines chapl.bak and chapl into a new file called chapl.combo. For each -0 group of differing lines, sdiff asks you which group to keep or whether you want to edit them using ed. Related Information The following commands: "diff' on page 246 and "ed" on page 280. 628 Commands Reference sed sed Purpose Provides a stream editor. Syntax script script sed -8 _ " II - f - sfile OL805302 Description The sed command modifies lines from the specified file according to an edit script and writes them to standard output. The sed command includes many features for selecting lines to be modified and making changes only to the selected lines. The sed command uses two work spaces for holding the line being modified: the pattern space, where the selected line is held, and the hold space, where a line can be stored temporarily. An edit script consists of individual subcommands, each one on a separate line. The general form of sed subcommands is: [address-range] function [modifiers] The sed command processes each input file by reading an input line into a pattern space, applying all sed subcommands in sequence whose addresses select that line, and writing the pattern space to standard output. It then clears the pattern space and repeats this process for each line in the input file. Some of the subcommands use a hold space to save all or part of the pattern space for subsequent retrieval. When a command includes an address, either a line number or a search pattern, only the addressed line or lines is affected by the command. Otherwise, the command is applied to all lines. An address is either a decimal line number, a $ (dollar sign), which addresses the last line of input, or a context address. A context address is a regular expression similar to those used in ed except for the following differences: Commands 629 sed • You can select the character delimiter for patterns. The general form of the expression is: \?pattern? where? is a character delimiter you select. This delimiter cannot be a two-byte international character support extended character. The default form for the pattern IS: /pattern/ • The sequence \n matches a new-line character in the pattern space, except the terminating new line. • A. (dot) matches any character except a terminating new-line character. That is, unlike ed, which cannot match a new-line character in the middle of a line, sed can match a new-line character in the pattern space. Certain commands allow you to specify one line or a range of lines to which the command should be applied. These commands are called addressed commands. The following rules apply to addressed commands: • A command line with no address selects every line. • A command line with one address, expressed in context form, selects each line that matches the address. • A command line with two addresses separated by commas selects the entire range from the first line that matches the first address through the next line that matches the second. (If the second address is a number less than or equal to the line number first selected, only one line is selected.) Thereafter the process is repeated, looking again for the first address. Note: The text parameter accompanying the a\, c\, and i\ commands can continue onto more than one line provided all lines but the last end with a \ to quote the new-line character. Backslashes in text are treated like backslashes in the replacement string of an s command and can be used to protect initial blanks and tabs against the stripping that is done on every script line. The rfile and wfile parameters must end the command line and must be preceded by exactly one blank. Each wfile is created before processing begins. Flags 630 -e "script" Uses the file script as the editing script. If you are using just one -e flag and no -f flag. the -e flag may be omitted. -f sfile Uses sfile as the source of the edit script. sfile is a prepared set of editing commands to be applied to file. -n Suppresses all information normally written to standard output. Commands Reference sed Subcommands In the following list of functions, the maximum number of permissible addresses for each function is indicated in parentheses. The sed script subcommands are as follows: (1) a\ text Places text on the output before reading the next input line. (2)b[label] Branches to the: command bearing the label. If label is empty, it branches to the end of the script. (2)c\ text Deletes the pattern space. With 0 or 1 address or at the end of a 2-address range, places text on the output. Starts the next cycle. (2)d Deletes the pattern space. Starts the next cycle. (2)D Deletes the initial segment of the pattern space through the first new-line character. Starts the next cycle. (2)g Replaces the contents of the pattern space by the contents of the hold space. (2)G Appends the contents of the hold space to the pattern space. (2)h Replaces the contents of the hold space by the contents of the pattern space. (2)H Appends the contents of the pattern space to the hold space. (1)i\ text Writes text to standard output before reading the next line into the pattern space. (2)1 Writes the pattern space to standard output showing nondisplayable characters as two-digit octal values. Long lines are folded. (2)n Writes the pattern space to standard output. Replaces the pattern space with the next line of input. (2)N Appends the next line of input to the pattern space with an embedded new-line character. (The current line number changes.) You can use this to search for patterns that may be split onto two lines. (2)p Writes the pattern space to standard output. (2)P Writes the initial segment of the pattern space through the first new-line character to standard output. (l)q Branches to the end of the script. Does not start a new cycle. (2)r rfile Reads the contents of rfile. Places contents on the output before reading the next input line. Commands 631 sed (2)s/pattern/replacement/flags Substitutes the replacement string for the first occurrence of the pattern in the pattern space. Any character appearing after the s can substitute for the / separator. You can add zero or more of the following flags: g Substitutes all nonoverlapping instances of the pattern rather than just the first one. p Writes the pattern space to standard out if a replacement was made. w wfile Writes the pattern space to wfile if a replacement was made. Appends the pattern space to wfile. If wfile was not already created by a previous write by this sed script, sed creates it. (2)tlabel Branches to :label in the script file if any substitutions were made since the most recent reading of an input line execution of a t subcommand. If you do not specify label, control transfers to the end of the script. (2)w wfiIe Appends the pattern space to wfile. (2)x Exchanges the contents of the pattern space and the hold space. (2)y /patternl /pattern2/ Replaces all occurrences of characters in patternl with the corresponding characters pattern2. The byte lengths of patternl and pattern2 must be equal. (2)!sed-cmd Applies the specified sed subcommand only to lines not selected by the address or addresses. (O):label This script entry simply marks a branch point to be referenced by the band t commands. This label can be any sequence of eight or fewer bytes. (1) = Writes the current line number to standard output as a line. (2){subcmd Groups subcommands enclosed in {} (braces). 632 Commands Reference sed Examples 1. To perform a global change: sed "s/happy/enchanted/g" chap1 > This replaces each occurrence of happy found in the file chap1 with enchanted, and puts the edited version in a separate file named chap 1. new. The g at the end of the s subcommand tells sed to make as many substitutions as possible on each line. Without the g, sed replaces only the first happy on a line. The sed stream editor operates as a filter. It reads text from standard input or from the files named on the command line (chap1 in this example), modifies this text, and writes it to standard output. Unlike most editors, it does not replace the original file. This makes sed a powerful command when used in pipelines. 2. To use sed as a filter in a pipeline: pr chap2: sed lis/Page *[0-9J*$/(&)/": print This encloses the page numbers in parentheses before printing chap2. The pr command puts a heading and page number at the top of each page, then sed puts the page numbers in parentheses, and the print command prints the edited listing. The sed pattern /Page * [0-9J *$/ matches page numbers that appear at the end of a line. The s subcommand changes this to (&), where the & (ampersand) stands for the page number that was matched. 3. To display selected lines of a file: sed -n "/food/p" chap3 This displays each line in chap3 that contains the word food. Normally, sed copies every line to standard output after it is edited. The -n flag stops sed from doing this. You then use subcommands like p to write specific parts of the text. Without the -n, this example would display all the lines in chap3, and it would show each line con taining f 00 d twice. 4. To perform complex editing: sed -f script. sed chap4 > It is always a good idea to create a sed script file when you want to do anything very complex. You can then test and modify your script before using it. You can also reuse your script to edit other files. Create the script file with an interactive text editor. Commands 633 sed 5. A sample sed script file: :join /\\$/{N s/\\\n/ / b join } This sed script joins each line that ends with a \ (backslash) to the line that follows it. First, the pattern /\\$/ selects a line that ends with a \ for the group of commands enclosed in { }. The N subcommand then appends the next line, imbedding a new-line character. The s/\\\n/ / deletes the \ and imbedded new-line character. Finally, b j oi n branches back to the label: j oi n to check for a \ at the end of the newly joined line. Without the branch, sed writes the joined line and read the next one before checking for a second \. Note: The N subcommand causes sed to stop immediately if there are no more lines of input (that is, if N reads the end-of-file character). It does not copy the pattern space to standard output before stopping. 'rhis means that if the last line of the input ends with a \, then it is not copied to the output. Related Information The following commands: "awk" on page 70, "ed" on page 280, and "grep" on page 381. / 634 Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 setdma Isetdma I Purpose Sets the DMA channel adapter of the specified adapter. I Syntax one of setdma OL805466 I Description The setdma command sets the DMA channel of the specified adapter. eesdi 0 sets the DMA adapter channel to O. eesdi 1 sets the DMA adapter channel to 1. I Related Information Installing and Customizing the AIX Operating System. Commands 634.1 TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 setdma 634.2 Commands Reference setmnt setmnt Purpose Creates mount table. Syntax setmnt - l OL805062 Description The setmnt command reads lines from standard input and writes the /etc/mnttab table to standard output (see the mnttab file in AIX Operating System Technical Reference). The /etc/mmttab is needed for both the mount and unmount commands. setmnt creates a mnttab entry for each line read. Input lines have the format: filesys directory where filesys is the name of the file system's special file and directory is the root name of that file system. Thus, filesys and directory become the first two strings in the mnttab entry. filesys and directory must not be longer than 100 characters. The setmnt command enforces an upper limit on the maximum number of mnttab entries. Examples To set the mount table after it has been destroyed or made invalid: setmnt «end /dev/hdl /u /dev/fdO /a /dev/fdl /b end This sets the mount table to show /dev/hdl mounted on on lb. /u, /dev/fdO on la, and /dev/fdl The «end and end define a Here Document, which uses the text entered before the end line as the standard input for the setmnt command. For more details, see "Inline Input Documents" on page 650. Commands 635 setmnt Files /etc/mnttab Related Information The mnttab file in A/X Operating System Technical Reference. 636 Commands Reference sh sh Purpose Interprets commands read from a file or entered at the keyboard. Syntax one of a n e t f u v h k x file one of -c cmdstring -s OL805425 1 Do not put a blank between these items. Description The sh command is a system command interpreter and programming language. It is not a part of the operating system kernel, but an ordinary user program that reads commands entered at the keyboard and arranges for their execution. In addition, it can read commands that you have saved in a file. Such a file is usually called a shell procedure or a command file. For a complete description of how to write shell procedures to take advantage of this useful tool, see Using the AIX Operating System. A restricted version of shell (the rsh command) is available that allows you to create user environments with a limited set of privileges and capabilities. See "Restricted Shell" on page 658 for additional information on the restricted shell. Commands A simple command is a sequence of words separated by blanks or tabs. A word is a sequence of characters and/or numerals that contains no un quoted blanks. The first word in the sequence (numbered as 0), usually specifies the name of a command. Any remaining words, with a few exceptions, are passed to that command. The value of a simple command is its exit value if it ends normally or (octal) 200 status if it ends abnormally. For a list of status values, see the signal system call in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. Commands 637 sh A command is either a simple command or a control command (see "Control Commands" on page 653). A pipeline is a sequence of one or more commands separated by a I (vertical bar) or, for historical compatibility, by a " (circumflex). In a pipeline, the standard output of each command becomes the standard input of the next command. Each command runs as a separate process, and the shell waits for the last command to end. A filter is a command that reads its standard input, transforms it in some way, then writes it to its standard output. A pipeline normally consists of a series of filters. Although the processes in a pipeline (except the first process) can execute in parallel, they are synchronized to the extent that each program needs to read the output of its predecessor. The exit value of a pipeline is the exit value of the last command. A list is a sequence of one or more pipelines separated by ; (semicolon), & (ampersand), && (two ampersands), or II (two vertical bars) and optionally ended by a ; (semicolon) or an & (ampersand). These separators and terminators have the following effects: Causes sequential execution of the preceding pipeline (the shell waits for the pipeline to finish). & Causes asynchronous execution of the preceding pipeline (the shell does not wait for the pipeline to finish). && Causes the list following it to be executed only if the preceding pipeline returns a zero exit value. II Causes the list following it to be executed only if the preceding pipeline returns a nonzero exit value. Note: The cd command is an exception. If it returns a nonzero exit value, no subsequent commands in a list are executed, regardless of the separator characters. The; and & separators have equal precedence, as do && and II. The single-character separators have lower precedence than the double-character separators. An unquoted new-line character following a pipeline functions the same as a ; (semicolon). The shell treats as a comment any word that begins with a # character and ignores that word and all characters following up to the next new-line character. Command Execution Each time the shell executes a command, it carries out the substitutions discussed in the following text. If the command name matches one of the built-in commands discussed in "Built-in Commands" on page 654, it executes it in the shell process. If the command name does not match a built-in command but matches the name of a defined function, it executes the function in the shell process. The shell sets the positional parameters to the parameters of the function. If the command name matches neither a built-in command nor the name of a defined function and the command names an executable file that is a compiled (binary) program, 638 Commands Reference / sh the shell (as parent) spawns a new (child) process that immediately runs the program. If the file is marked executable but is not a compiled program, the shell assumes that it is a shell procedure. In this case, the shell spawns another instance of itself (a subshell), to read the file and execute the commands included in it (note how this differs from the execution of functions). The shell also executes a parenthesized command in a subshell (see page 654). From your point of view as a user, a compiled program is run in exactly the same way as a shell procedure. The shell normally searches for commands in four places in the file system. The shell first looks for the command in the /bin directory. If it does not find the command there, it looks in the /usr/bin directory. If this also fails, it looks in the fete directory and then, finally, in the current directory. You can also give a specific path name when you invoke a command, for example fbi n/ sort, in which case .the shell does not search any directories other than the one you specify in the path name. If the command name contains a / (slash), the shell does not use the search path (note that the restricted shell will not execute such commands). You can give a full path name that begins with the root directory (as in fbi n/sort), or a path name relative to the current directory, for example bi n/myfi 1 e. In this last case, the shell looks in the current directory for a directory named bin and in that directory for my f i 1 e. You can change the particular sequence of directories searched by resetting the PATH variable (page 646). The shell remembers the location in the search path of each executed command (to avoid unnecessary execs later). If the command was found in a relative directory (one whose name does not being with I), the shell must redetermine its location whenever the current directory changes. The shell forgets all remembered locations whenever you change the PATH variable or execute the hash -r command (page 655). Signals The shell ignores INTERRUPT and QUIT signals for an invoked command if the command is terminated with a & (that is, if it is running in the background). Otherwise signals have the values inherited by the shell from its parent, with the exception of signal 11 (see also the built-in trap command on page 657). The . profile File When you log in, the shell is called to read your commands. Before it does that, however, it checks to see if a file named fete/profile exists on the system, and if it does, it reads commands from it (this file should set variables needed by all users). After this, the shell looks for a file named .profile in your login directory. If it finds one, it executes commands from it. Finally, the shell is ready to read commands from your standard input. Commands 639 sh File-name Substitution Command parameters are very often file names. You can automatically produce a list of file names as parameters on a command line by specifying a pattern that the shell matches against the file names in a directory. Most characters in such a pattern match themselves, but you can also use some special pattern-matching characters in your pattern. These special characters are: * Matches any string, including the null string. ? Matches anyone character. [ ... ] Matches anyone of the characters enclosed in square brackets. [! ... ] Matches any character other than one of the characters that follow the exclamation mark within square brackets. Inside square brackets, a pair of characters separated by a - (minus) specifies a set of all characters lexically within the inclusive range of that pair, according to the current collating sequence (see "ctab" on page 204). The NLCTAB environment variable controls the collating sequence. The current collating sequence may group characters into equivalence classes for the purpose of defining the end points of a range of characters. For example, if the collating sequence defines the lexical order to be AaBbCc . . . and groups upper- and lowercase characters into equivalence classes, then all the following have the same effect: [a-c], [A-C], [a-C], and [A-c]. Pattern matching has some restrictions. If the first character of a file name is a . (dot), it can be matched only by a pattern that literally begins with a dot. For example, * matches the file names myfi 1 e and yourfi 1 e but not the file names. myfi 1 e and .yourfi 1e. To match these files, use a pattern such as the following: .*file If a pattern does not match any file names, then the pattern itself is returned as the result of the attempted match. File and directory names should not contain the characters *, ?, [, or ] because this can cause infinite recursion (that is, infinite loops) during pattern-matching attempts. 640 Commands Reference sh Shell Variables and Command-Line Substitutions The shell has several mechanisms for creating variables (assigning a string value to a name). Certain variables, positional parameters and keyword parameters, are normally set only on a command line. Other variables are simply names to which you or the shell can assign string values. Positional Parameters When you run a shell procedure, the shell implicitly creates positional parameters that reference each word on the command line by its position on the command line. The word in position 0 (the procedure name), is called $0, the next word (the first parameter) is called $1, and so on up to $9. To refer to command line parameters numbered higher than 9, use the built-in shift command (page 656). You can also assign values to these positional parameters explicitly by using the built-in set command (page 656). User-defined Variables The shell also recognizes alphanumeric variables to which string values can be assigned. You assign a string value to a name, as follows: name=string A name is a sequence of letters, digits, and underscores that begins with an underscore or a letter. To use the value that you have assigned to a variable, add a $. (dollar sign) to the beginning of its name. Thus $name yields the value string. Note that no blanks surround the = (equal sign) in an assignment statement. (Positional parameters cannot appear in a assignment statement; they can only be set as described earlier.) You can put more than one assignment on a command line, but remember: the shell performs the assignments from right to left. If you surround string with quotation marks, either double or single (" " , '), the shell does not treat blanks, tabs, semicolons, and new-line characters within it as word delimiters but imbeds them literally in the string. If you surround string with double quotation marks (" "), the shell still recognizes variable names in the string and performs variable substitution; that is, it replaces references to positional parameters and other variable names that are prefaced by $ with their corresponding values, if any. The shell also performs command substitution (see "Command Substitution" on page 647) within strings that are surrounded by double quotation marks. If you surround string with single quotation marks (' '), the shell does no variable or command substitution within the string. The following sequence illustrates this difference: Commands 641 sh You: stars=***** asterisksl="Add $stars" asterisks2='Add $stars echo $asterisksl Add ***** echo $asterisks2 Add $s ta rs l Display: You: Display: The shell does not reinterpret blanks in assignments after variable substitution (see "Blank Interpretation" on page 653). Thus the following assignments result in $fi rst and $second having the same value: first='a string with embedded blanks ' second=$first When you reference a variable, you can enclose the variable name (or the digit designating a positional parameter) in {} (braces) to delimit the variable name from any following string. In particular, if the character immediately following the name is a letter, digit, or underscore and the variable is not a positional parameter, then the braces are required: You: Display: You: Display: a= This i s a echo "${a}n example" Thi sis an examp 1e echo $a tes t This i sat est I I II II See "Conditional Substitution" on page 643 for a different use of braces in variable substitutions. A Command's Environment All the variables (with their associated values) that are known to a command at the beginning of its execution constitute its environment. This environment includes variables that a command inherits from its parent process and variables specified as keyword parameters on the command line that calls the command. The shell passes to its child processes the variables that have been named as arguments to the built-in export command. export places the named variables in the environments of both the shell and all its future child processes. Keyword parameters are variable-value pairs that appear in the form of assignments, normally before the procedure name on a command line (but see also the -k flag on page 656). Such variables are placed in the environment of the procedure being called. 642 Commands Reference sh For example, given the following simple procedure that echoes the values of two variables (saved in a command file named key_command): key_command # echo $a $b the following command lines produce the output shown: a=keyl b=key2 key_command keyl key2 a=tom b=john key_command tom john You: Display: You: Display: A procedure's keyword parameters are not included in the parameter count stored in $#. A procedure can access the values of any variables in its environment; however, if it changes any of these values, these changes are not reflected in the shell environment. They are local to the procedure in question. To place these changes in the environment that the procedure passes to its child processes, you must export these values within that procedure. To obtain a list of variables that have been made exportable from the current shell, enter: export (You will also get a list of variables that have been made readonly.) To get a list of name-value pairs in the current environment, enter: env Conditional Substitution Normally, the shell replaces $variable with the string value assigned to variable, if there is one. However, there is a special notation that allows conditional substitution, depending on whether the variable is set and/or not null. By definition, a variable is set if it has ever been assigned a value. The value of a variable can be the null string, which you can assign to a variable in anyone of the following ways: A= bcd="" Efg= I set I I I 1111 The first three of these examples assign the null string to each of the corresponding variable names. The last example sets the first and second positional parameters to the null string and unsets all other positional parameters. Commands 643 sh The following is a list of the available expressions you can use to perform conditional substitution: ${variable-string} If the variable is set, substitute the value of variable in place of this expression. Otherwise, replace this expression with the value of string. ${variable:-string} If the variable is set and is not null, substitute the value of variable in place of this expression. Otherwise, replace this expression with the value of string. ${ variable = string} If the variable is set, substitute the value of variable in place of this expression. Otherwise, set variable to string and then substitute the value of the variable in place of this expression. You cannot assign values to positional parameters in this fashion. ${variable: = string} If the variable is set and is not null, substitute the value of variable in place of this expression. Otherwise, set variable to string and then substitute the value of the variable in place of this expression. You cannot assign values to positional parameters in this fashion. ${variable?string} If the variable is set, substitute the value of variable in place of this expression. Otherwise, display a message of the form: variable: string and exit from the current shell (unless the shell is the login shell). If you do not specify string, the shell displays the following message: variable: ${ variable:?string} parameter null or not set If the variable is set and not null, substitute the value of variable in place of this expression. Otherwise, display a message of the form: variable: string and exit from the current shell (unless the shell is the login shell). If you do not specify string, the shell displays the following message: variable: 644 parameter null or not set ${ variable + string} If the variable is set, substitute the value of string in place of this expression. Otherwise, substitute the null string. ${variable: + string} If the variable is set and not null, substitute the value of string in place of this expression. Otherwise, substitute the null string. Commands Reference sh In conditional substitution, the shell does not evaluate string until it uses it as a substituted string, so that, in the following example, the shell executes the pwd command only if d is not set or is null: echo ${d:-'pwd'} Variables Used by the Shell The shell uses the following variables. The shell sets some of them, and you can set or reset all of them: CDPATH The search path for the cd (change directory) command (see the PATH variable in the following list for an explanation of search paths). HOME The name of your login directory, the directory that becomes the current directory upon completion of a login. The login program initializes this variable. The cd command uses the value of $HOME as its default value. If you use this variable in your shell procedures rather than using explicit full path name, your procedures run even if your login directory is changed or if another user runs them. LOGNAME Your login name, marked readonly in the fete/profile file. MAIL The path name of the file used by the mail system to detect the arrival of new mail. If MAIL is set, the shell periodically checks the modification time of this file and displays the value of $MAILMSG if this time changes. You should set MAIL in your .profile file. The value normally assigned to it by users of the mail command is /usr/mail/$LOGNAME. MAILCHECK The number of seconds that the shell lets elapse before checking again for the arrival of mail in the files specified by the MAILPATH or MAIL parameters. The default value is 600 seconds (10 minutes). If you set MAILCHECK to 0, the shell checks before each prompt. MAILPATH A colon-separated list of file names (see PATH). If you set this parameter, the shell informs you of the arrival of mail in any of the files specified in the list. You can follow each file name by a %(percent sign) and a message to be displayed when mail arrives. Otherwise, the shell uses the value of MAILMSG or by default "you have rna; 1". MAILMSG The mail notification message. If you explicitly set MAILMSG to a null string (MA I L= II II), no message is displayed. NLCTAB Defines the collating sequence to use when sorting names and when character ranges occur in patterns. If absent, it may be taken form the parameter NLFILE. If both are absent, the American English collating Commands 645 sh sequence is used. See "Overview of International Character Support" in IBM RT PC Managing the AIX Operating System for further information. PATH An ordered list of directory path names separated by colons. The shell searches these directories in the specified order when it looks for commands. A null string anywhere in the list represents the current directory. PATH is normally initialized in the fete/profile file, usually to /bin:/usr/bin:/ete::. You can reset this variable to suit your own needs. Thus if you wish to search your current directory first, rather than last, you would enter: PATH=:/bin:/usr/bin:/etc where, by definition, a null string is assumed in front of the leading colon. If you have a personal directory of commands (say, $HOME/bin) that you want searched before the standard system directories, set your PATH as follows: PATH=$HOME/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/etc: : The best place to set your PATH to something other than the default value is in your .profile file (see "The .profile File" on page 639). You cannot reset PATH if you are executing commands under the restricted shell. 646 PSI The string to be used as the primary system prompt. An interactive shell displays this prompt string when it expects input. The default value of PSI is "$" (a $ followed by a blank). PS2 The value of the secondary prompt string. If the shell expects more input when it encounters a new-line character in its input, it prompts with the value of PS2. The default value of PS2 is "> "(a > followed by a blank). IFS The characters that are internal field separators (the characters that the shell uses during blank interpretation, see "Blank Interpretation" on page 653). The shell initially sets IFS to include the blank, tab, and new-line characters. SHACCT The name of a file (that you oV/n). If this parameter is set, the shell writes an accounting record in the file for each shell procedure executed. You can use accounting programs such as aeeteom and aeetems to analyze the data collected. SHELL A path name whose simple part (the part after the last /) contains an "r" if you want the shell to become restricted when invoked. This should be set and exported by the $HOME/.profile file of each restricted login. Commands Reference sh TIMEOUT A number of minutes. After the shell displays its prompt, you have TIMEOUT minutes to enter a command. If you fail to do so, the shell exits; in the login shell, such an exit is a logout. Setting TIMEOUT to 0 inhibits automatic logout. Predefined Special Variables Several variables have special meanings; the following are set only by the shell: $# $? $$ The number of positional parameters passed to the shell, not counting the name of the shell procedure itself. $# thus yields the number of the highest-numbered positional parameter that is set. One of the primary uses of this variable is to check for the presence of the required number of arguments. The exit value of the last command executed. Its value is a decimal string. Most UNIX commands return 0 to indicate successful completion. The shell itself returns the current value of $? as its exit value. The process number of the current process. Because process numbers are unique among all existing processes, this string of up to five digits is often used to generate ·unique names for temporary files. The following example illustrates the recommended practice of creating temporary files in a directory used only for that purpose: temp=$HOME/temp/$$ ls >$temp rm $temp $! $- The process number of the last process run in the background (using the & terminator). Again, this is a string of up to five digits. A string consisting of the names of the execution flags (page 656) currently set in the shell. Command Substitution To capture the output of any command as an argument to another command, place that command line within grave accents (' '). This concept is known as command substitution. The shell first executes the command or commands enclosed within the grave accents, and then replaces the whole expression, grave accents and all, with their output. This feature is often used in assignment statements: today='date' Commands 647 sh This statement assigns the string representing the current date to the variable today. The following assignment saves, in the variable fi 1 es, the number of files in the current directory: files='ls I ws -1' You can enclose any command that writes to standard output in grave accents. You can nest command substitutions as long as you quote the inside sets of grave accents with a preceding \ (backslash): 10gmsg='echo Your 1 ogi n di rectory is \'pwd\" You can also give values to shell variables indirectly by using the built-in read command. read takes a line from standard input (usually your keyboard), and assigns consecutive words on that line to any variables named: read first init last will take an input line of the form: J. Q. Public and have the same effect as if you had typed: first=J. init=Q. last=Public read assigns any excess words to the last variable. Quoting Mechanisms Many characters have a special meaning to the shell; sometimes you want to conceal that meaning. Single (' ') and double (" ") quotation marks surrounding a string or a backslash (\) before a single character provide this function in somewhat different ways. Within single quotation marks, all characters (except the single quotation character itself), are taken literally, with any special meaning removed. Thus: stuff=lecho $? $*; ls * I wc l results only in the literal string echo $? $*; 1 s * I we being assigned to the variable stuff; the echo, 1 s, and wc commands are not executed, nor are the variables $? and $* and the special character -)..- expanded by the shell. Within double quotation marks, the special meaning of certain characters (the $, " and ") does persist, while all other characters are taken literally. Thus, within double quotation marks, command and variable substitution takes place. In addition, the quotation marks do not affect the commands within a command substitution that is part of the quoted string, so characters there retain their special meanings. 648 Commands Reference sh Consider the following sequence: You: Display: You: Display: 1s * f i 1e 1 fi1e2 fi1e3 message=IIThi s di rectory contai ns '1 s * , II echo $message Thi s di rectory contai ns fi 1 el fi 1e2 fi 1 e3 This shows that the * special character inside the command substitution was expanded. To hide the special meaning of $, " and" within double quotation marks, precede these characters with a \ (backslash). Outside of double quotation marks, preceding a character with \ is equivalent to placing it within single quotation marks. Hence, a \ immediately preceding the new-line character (that is, a \ at the end of the line) hides the new-line character and allows you to continue the command line on the next physical line. Redirection of Input and Output In general, most commands do not know or care whether their input or output is associated with the keyboard, the display screen, or a file. Thus a command can be used conveniently either at the keyboard or in a pipeline. Standard Input and Standard Output When a command begins running, it usually expects that three files are already open: standard input, standard output, and diagnostic output (sometimes called error output or standard error output). A number called a file descriptor is associated with each of these files as follows: File descriptor 0 Standard input File descriptor 1 Standard output File descriptor 2 Diagnostic (error) output A child process normally inherits these files from its parent; all three files are initially assigned to the work station (0 to the keyboard, 1 and 2 to the display). The shell permits them to be redirected elsewhere before control is passed to a command. Any argument to the shell in the form < file or > file opens the specified file as the standard input or output, respectively. In the case of output, this process destroys the previous contents of file, if it already exists. An argument in the form> > file directs the standard output to the end of file, thus allowing you to add data to it without destroying its existing contents. If file does not exist, the shell creates it. Commands 649 sh Such redirection arguments are subject only to variable and command substitution; neither blank interpretation nor pattern matching of file names occurs after these substitutions. Thus: echo 'this is a test' > *.999 produces a one-line file named *·999 (a disastrous name for a file), and: cat > » with a 2 (the number of the file descriptor). For example, the following line adds error messages from the cc command to the file ERRORS: cc testfile.c 2» ERRORS Note that there must be no blanks between the file descriptor and the redirection symbol; otherwise, the shell interprets the number as a separate argument to the command. You can also use this method to redirect the output associated with any of the first 10 file descriptors (numbered 0 through 9) so that, for instance, if a command (cmd) writes to file descriptor 9 (although this is not a recommended programming habit), you can capture that output in a file savedata as follows: cmd 9> savedata If a command writes to more than one output, you can independently redirect each one. Suppose that a command directs its standard output to file descriptor 1, directs its error output to file descriptor 2, and builds a data file on file descriptor 9. The following command line redirects each of these outputs to a different file: cmd > standard 2> error 9> data Inline Input Documents Upon seeing a command line of the form: cmd < &fd2 where fdl and fd2 are valid file descriptors, you can direct the output that would normally be associated with file descriptor fdl to the file associated with fd2. The default value for fdl and fd2 is 1 (standard output). If, at execution time, no file is associated with fd2, then the redirection is void. The most common use of this mechanism is to direct standard error output to the same file as standard output, as follows: cmd 2>&1 If you want to redirect both standard output and standard error output to the same file, enter: cmd > file 2>&1 The order here is significant. First, the shell associates file descriptor 1 with fi 1e; then it associates file descriptor 2 with the file that is currently associated with file descriptor l. If you reverse the order of the redirections, standard error output will go to the display and standard output would go to fi 1e because at the time of the error output redirection, file descriptor 1 was still associated with the display. Commands 651 sh You can also use this mechanism to redirect standard input. You could enter: fda<&fdb to cause both file descriptors to be associated with the same input file. For commands that run sequentially, the default value of fda and fdb is 0 (standard input). For commands that run asynchronously (commands terminated by &), the default value of fda and fdb is /dev/null. Such input redirection is useful for commands that use two or more input sources. Summary of Redirection Options The following can appear anywhere in a simple command or can precede or follow a command, but they are not passed to the command: < file Use file as standard input. > file Use file as standard output. Create the file if it does not exist; otherwise truncate it to zero length. > > file- Use file as standard output. Create the file if it does not exist; otherwise add the output to the end of the file. < < [-]eofstr Read as standard input all lines from eofstr up to a line containing only eofstr or up to an end-of-file character. If any character in eofstr is quoted, the shell does not expand or interpret any characters in the input lines; otherwise, it performs variable and command substitution and ignores a quoted new-line character (\new-line). Use a \ to quote characters within eofstr or within the input lines. If you add a - (minus) to < < then all leading tabs are stripped from eofstr and from the input lines. < &digit Associate standard input with file descriptor digit. > &digit Associate standard output with file descriptor digit. < &- Close standard input. > &- Close standard output. The restricted shell does not allow the redirection of output. /' 652 Commands Reference sh Blank In terpreta tion After the shell performs variable and command substitution, it scans the results for internal field separators (those defined in the shell variable IFS, see page 646). It splits the line into distinct words at each place it finds one of these characters. It retains explicit null arguments ('III I I) and discards implicit null arguments (those resulting from parameters that have no values). Control Commands The shell provides several flow control commands that are useful in creating shell procedures: for name [ in word . .. ] do list done For each word, sets name to word and executes the commands in list. If you omit in word . .. , then the for command executes list for each positional parameter that is set. Execution ends when there are no more words in the word list. case word in pattern [Ipattern] ... ) list;; [ . pattern [Ipattern] ... ) list;;] esac Executes the commands in the list associated with the first pattern that matches word. Uses the same character-matching notation in patterns that you use for file-name substitution (see "File-name Substitution" on page 640), except that you do not need to match explicitly a slash, a leading dot, or a dot immediately following a slash. if list then list [elif list] ... [else list] fi Executes the list following the if keyword. If it returns a zero exit value, execute the list following the first then. Otherwise, execute the list following elif (if there is an elif), and if its exit value is zero, execute the next then. Failing that, execute the list following the else. If no else list or then list is executed, the if command returns a zero exit value. while list do list done Executes the list following the while. If the exit value of the last command in the list is zero, executes the list following do. Continue looping through the lists until the exit value of the last command in the while list is nonzero. If no commands in the do list are executed, the while command returns a zero exit value. Commands 653 sh until list do list done Executes the list following the until. If the exit value of the last command in the list is nonzero, executes the list following do. Continues looping through the lists until the exit value of the last command in the until list is zero. If no commands in the do list are executed, the until command returns a zero exit value. (list) Executes the commands in list in a subshell. {list;} Executes the commands in list in the current shell process (does not spawn a subshell). name 0 { list; } Defines a function that is referenced by name. The body of the function is the list of commands between the braces. The following words are recognized only as the first word of a command and when not quoted: if then else elif fl case esac for while until do done {} Built-in Commands Does nothing. This null command returns a zero exit value. 654 • file Reads and executes commands from file and returns. Does not spawn a subshell. The search path specified by PATH is used to find the directory containing file. break [n] Exits from the enclosing for, while, or until loop, if any. If n is specified, then breaks n levels. continue [n] Resumes the next iteration of the enclosing for, while, or until loop. If n is specified, resumes at the nth enclosing loop. cd [dir] Changes the current directory to dir. The value of the shell variable HOME is the default dir. The shell variable CDPATH defines the search path for the directory containing dir. Alternative directory names appear in a colon-separated list. A null path name specifies the current directory (which is the default path). This null path name can appear immediately after the equal sign in the assignment or between the colon delimiters anywhere else in the path list. If dir begins with a slash, the shell does not use the search path. Otherwise, the shell searches each directory in the path. cd cannot be executed by the restricted shell. echo [arg ... ] Writes arguments to standard output. See "echo" on page 278 for a discussion of its usage and parameters. eval [arg ... ] Reads arguments as input to the shell and executes the resulting command(s). Commands Reference ,/ sh exec [arg ... ] Executes the command specified by argument in place of this shell without creating a new process. Input and output arguments can appear and, if no other arguments appear, cause the shell input or output to be modified (not a good idea with your login shell). exit [n] Causes a shell to exit with the exit value specified by n. If you omit n, the exit value is that of the last command executed (an end of file will also cause a shell to exit). export [name . .. ] Marks the specified names for automatic export to the environments of subsequently executed commands. If you specify no names, export displays a list of all names that are exported in this shell. You cannot export function names. hash [-r] [name . .. ] For each name, finds and remembers the location in the search path of the command specified by name. The -r flag causes the shell to forget all locations. If you do not specify the flag or any names, the shell displays information about the remembered commands. In this information, hits is the number of times a command has been run by the shell process. Cost is a measure of the work required to locate a command in the search path. There are certain situations that require that the stored location of a command be recalculated (for example, the location of a relative path name when the current directory changes). Commands for which that might be done are indicated by an asterisk next to the hits information. Cost is incremented when the recalculation is done. newgrp [arg ... ] Executes the newgrp command in the current shell process. See "newgrp" on page 510 for a discussion of command options. pwd Displays the current directory. See "pwd" on page 589 for a discussion of command options. read [name . .. ] Reads one line from standard input. Assigns the first word in the line to the first name, the second word to the second name, and so on, with leftover words assigned to the last name. This command returns a 0 unless it encounters an end of file. readonly [name ... ] Marks the specified names readonly. The values of these names cannot be reset. If you do not specify any names, readonly displays a list of all read only names. return [n] Cause a function to exit with a return value of n. If you do not specify n, the function returns the status of the last command executed in that function. This command is valid only when executed within a shell function. Commands 655 sh set [flag . .. [arg] ... ] -a Marks for export all variables that are modified or changed. -e Exits immediately if a command exits with a nonzero exit value. -f Disables file-name substitution. -h Locates and remembers the commands called within functions as the functions are defined (normally these commands are located when the function is executed-see the hash command on page 655). -k Places all keyword parameters in the environment for a command, not just those that precede the command name. -n Reads commands but do not execute them. -t Exits after reading and executing one command. -u Treats an unset variable as an error when performing variable substitution. -v Displays shell input lines as they are read. -x Displays commands and their arguments as they are executed. Does not change any of the flags. This is useful in setting $1 to a string beginning with a - (minus). Using a + (plus) rather than a - (minus) unsets flags. You can also specify these flags on the shell command line. The special variable $contains the current set of flags. Any arguments to set are positional parameters and are assigned, in order, to $1, $2, and so on. If you specify no flags or parameters, set displays all names. shift [n] Shifts command line arguments to the left; that is, reassign the value of the positional parameters by discarding the current of value of $1 and assigning the value of $2 to $1, of $3 to $2, and so on. If there are more than 9 command line arguments, the tenth is assigned to $9 and any that remain are still unassigned (until after another shift). If there are 9 or fewer arguments, a shift unsets the highest-numbered positional parameter. $0 is never shifted. The command shift n is a shorthand notation for n consecutive shifts. The default value of n is 1. test expr I [ expr] Evaluates conditional expressions. See "test" on page 750 for a discussion of command options. 656 Commands Reference sh times Displays the accumulated user and system times for processes run from the shell. trap [arg] [n] . .. Runs the command specified by arg when the shell receives signal(s} n. (Note that the shell scans parm once when the trap is set and once when the trap is taken). trap commands are executed in order of signal number. Any attempt to set a trap on a signal that was ignored on entry to the current shell is ineffective. If you specify no arg, then all trap(s} n are reset to their current values. If arg is the null string, then this signal is ignored by the shell and by the commands it invokes. If n is 0, then arg is executed on exit from the shell. If you specify no arg and no n, trap displays a list of-commands associated with each signal number. type [name . .. ] For each name, indicates how the shell would interpret it as a command name. ulimit [-b [m]] [-fJ [n] [-s [m]] Sets or queries size limits. The -b flag sets the break value to m. This limits the size of data segment to m pages. If you specify -b with no m, ulimit displays the current break value. The -f flag imposes a size limit of n blocks on files written by the child processes (files of any size can be read). Without n, ulimit displays the current limit (this is the default action of ulimit). Note: Since the shell rounds n down to the nearest cluster size, it is best to make it a multiple of 4 (for example, specifying values of 1, 2, or 3 for n all result in a size limit of O). Any user can decreased this limit, but only a user operating with superuser authority can increase the limit. The -s flag imposes a size limit of m pages on the stack. If you specify -s with no m, ulimit displays the current stack size limit. umask [nnn] Sets the user file-creation mask to nnn (see the umask system call). If you omit nnn, umask displays the current value of the mask. unset [name . .. ] For each name, removes the corresponding variable or function. The variables PATH, PSI, PS2, MAILCHECK and IFS cannot be unset. wait [n] Waits for the child process whose process number is n to end and reports its termination status. If you do not specify n, then the shell waits for all currently active child processes and the return value is 0 (see "wait" on page 844). Commands 657 sh Running the Shell The sh command can be run either as a login shell or as a Only the login command can call sh as a login shell. It does this by using a special form of the sh command name: - 5 h. When called with an initial - (minus), the shell first reads and runs commands found in the system profile file and your $HOME/.profile, if one exists. It then accepts commands as described in the following discussion of flags. Once logged in and working under a login shell, you can call sh with the command name sh. This command runs a subshell, a second shell running as a child of the login shell. Restricted Shell The restricted shell, rsh, is used to set up login names and environments whose capabilities are more controlled than those of the standard shell. The actions of rsh are identical to those of sh, except that the following are not allowed: • Changing directory (see "cd" on page 121) • Setting the value of $pATH • Specifying path or command names containing / • Redirecting output (> and> ». The restrictions above are enforced after .profile is interpreted, meaning that the restrictions can override settings originally set in .profile. When a command to be run is found to be a shell procedure, rsh starts sh to run it. Thus, it is possible to provide to the end-user shell procedures that have access to the full power of the standard shell, while imposing a limited menu of commands; this scheme assumes that the end-user does not have write and run permissions in the same directory. The net effect of these rules is that the writer of the .profile has complete control over user actions, by performing setup actions and leaving the user in an appropriate directory (probably not the login directory). When called with the name -rsh, rsh reads the user's .profile (from $HOME/.profile). It acts as the standard sh while doing this, except that an interrupt causes an immediate exit instead of a return to command level. Flags The following flags are interpreted by the shell only when you call it. Note that unless you specify either the -c or -s flag, the shell assumes that the next parameter is a command file (shell procedure). It passes anything else on the command line to that command file (see "Positional Parameters" on page 641). 658 Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 sh -c cmdstring Runs commands read from cmdstring. The shell does not read additional commands from standard input when you specify this flag. -i Makes the shell interactive, even if input and output are not from a work station. In this case the shell ignores the TERMINATE signal (so that kill 0 does not stop an interactive shell) and traps an INTERRUPT (so that you can interrupt wait). In all cases, the shell ignores the QUIT signal. (See the signal system call in AIX Operating System Technical Reference, "kill" on page 422, and "wait" on page 844 for more information about signals.) -r Creates a restricted shell (the same as running rsh). -s Reads commands from standard input. Any remaining parameters specified are passed as positional parameters to the new shell. Shell output is written to standard error, except for the output of built-in commands (see "Built-in Commands" on page 654). The remaining flags and parameters are described in the built-in set command on page 656. Files /etc/environment /etc/profile $HOME/.profile /tmp/sh* /dev/null Related Information The following commands: "cd" on page 121, "echo" on page 278, "env" on page 298, "login" on page 453, "newgrp" on page 510, "pwd" on page 589, "test" on page 750, "umask" on page 784.1, and "wait" on page 844. The dup, exec, fork, fullstat, pipe, signal, ulimit, and umask system calls and the a.out, .profile, and environ files in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. "Using the Shell with Processes" and "Advanced Shell Features" in Using the AIX Operating System. "Overview of International Character Support" in Managing the AIX Operating System. Commands 659 shlib shlib Purpose Creates a shared library. Syntax shlib infi/e -mone of a -n outfi/e -v OLB05448 Description The shlib command creates a shared library from a set of unshared object and/or archive files. The shared library it creates has two parts: • A single shared library text image that contains the code, and only the code, from all of the input files. • Modified archive or object files that refer to the text image, each of which corresponds to one of the shlib input files. By default, shlib uses the name of the first input file to generate the shared library key. It does this by removing any directory path from the file name and, if the file name does not contain a suffix, adding the suffix .yyddd, where yy is the last two digits of the current year and ddd is the number of the day. shlib puts this key in each of the modified output files. By default, it also uses this key as the name of the shared library text image, which contains the shared library key in a form that can be found by the what command. The shlib command transforms each input file specified on the command line and copies it to (or verifies it against) an output file. Each ouLput object module differs from the corresponding input object module in that the text portion has been removed and added to the end of the shared library text image. shlib also appends the shared library key to each output module and marks its a.out header so the ld command recognizes that the file refers to a shared library and relocates references appropriately. Once you create an archive for a shared library, you can use the ar command to replace individual object files. The new object files will not refer to the shared library, thus allowing you to patch shared libraries. 660 Commands Reference shlib The shlib command can process all cc and 117 programs. Other programs must have KCALL relocation entries as the only external references within the text portion (see the a.out file in A/X Operating System Technical Reference). KCALL relocation entries are replaced by balax instructions to location OxCOO, which contain a code fragment to continue calls across segments. That code requires that register 0 point to the constant pool of the called routine, the first entry of which is the entry point of the invoked routine. Flags -a outfile Adds new object modules in archives to outfile. This lets you add functions to a shared library, replacing the shared library text image without relinking programs that refer to it. The entire shared library image must be rebuilt. -kkey Uses the shared library key in the output object modules to refer to the shared library text image. If key does not contain a . (period), a suffix in the form .yyddd is added. -n outfile Makes a new output file for each input file. -ofile Assigns the name file to the shared library text image. shlib always makes a new shared library text image, replacing the old one. -rstring Adds string to the end of the shared library key in the what string. This only applies to the text image file. -v outfile Verifies components of a changed shared library, thus ensuring that the resulting object files are the same as the files previously created by shlib. Changes can be made to C source code as long as references to external names are not added, deleted, or rearranged and no floating point, string, or static' initial values are modified. Examples 1. To create a new shared text image: shlib -kclibs -r"C shared library text" \ /lib/libc.a -n /lib/libcs.a /lib/librts.a -n /lib/librtss.a This creates shared libraries 1 i bcs. a and 1 i brtss. a and the text image file cl i bs. 86133 (86133 indicates that this file was produced on 13 May 1986). 2. To modify an existing shared text image: shlib -kclibs -r"C shared library text" \ /lib/libc.a -a /lib/libcs.a /lib/libm.a -n /lib/libms.a Commands 661 shlib This updates the shared library 1 i bcs . a, creates the shared library 1 i bms . a, and u pda tes the the shared text image c 1 i b s . 86133. (1 i b c . a may contain new members that are added to the shared library and the the text image.) 3. To create a shared text image with a different name than its key: shlib -kclibs -octext-image -rliC shared library textll \ /lib/libc.a -n /lib/libcs.a /lib/librts.a -n /lib/librtss.a This produces a text image file named ctext- i mage. Note that you must use the -k flag when you compile programs that use this text image, since the key and the file name are not the same: cc myproj.c -kclibs:ctext-image -lrtss -lcs Related Information The following command: "Id" on page 427. The profil system call, monitor subroutine and a.out file in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. The discussion of shared libraries in AIX Operating System Programming Tools and Interfaces. 662 Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 shutdown shutdown Purpose Ends system operation. Syntax shutdown /\ ,-vU-C J 60 ~ _. ~,ne of -f ~m -v -d seconds OL805215 Description The shutdown command brings the AIX Operating System from distributed mode to multiuser mode, from multiuser mode to maintenance mode, or halts the operating system completely by shutting down the virtual machine. You can run shutdown only if you are a member of the system group or if you have superuser authority. During the default shutdown, all users are notified through the wall command of the impending system shutdown. The hold command prevents any new logins. After the specified number of seconds (60 by default), the system stops the accounting and error-logging processes. shutdown then runs the killall command to end any remaining processes and runs the sync command to flush all memory resident disk blocks. Finally, it unmounts the file systems and sends the appropriate signal to init. These signals are: SIGINT SIGTERM Maintenance mode Virtual machine halt. Note: Users who have files open on the node that is running shutdown, but who are not logged on that node are not notified about the shutdown. If you request a complete halt to the operating system, shutdown kills all processes, unmounts all file systems, and sends init the SIGTERM signal. Warning: If you are bringing the system down to maintenance mode, you must run shutdown from the root directory to ensure that it can cleanly unmount the file systems. Commands 663 TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 shutdown Flags -d Brings the system down from a distributed mode to a multiuser mode. -f Does a fast shutdown, bypassing the messages to other users and bringing the system down as quickly as possible. If you do not specify this flag, shutdown sends a message to each logged-in user and waits a certain amount of time before bringing the system down, to allow each user to log off cleanly. -m Brings the system down to maintenance mode. From maintenance mode, you can return to multi-user mode. -v Shuts down the virtual machine (halts the operating system completely). Examples 1. To tell the operating system you are about to turn off the machine: shutdown This shuts down the system, waiting 60 seconds before stopping the user processes and the init process. 2. To give users and the system more time to finish what they are doing: shutdown -m 120 * This brings the system down from multiuser mode to maintenance mode after waiting 120 seconds. Files /etc/ /etc/ Related Information The following commands: "acct/*" on page 31, "errstop" on page 309, "init" on page 396, "kill" on page 422, and "killall" on page 425, The dsstate and signal system calls in A/X Operating System Technical Reference. 664 Commands Reference size size Purpose Displays the section sizes of common object files. Syntax size OL805216 Description The size command writes to the standard output the number of bytes required by the text, initialized data, and uninitialized data, along with their sum for each file. The default file is a.out. Flags The output is in decimal notation unless you change the output with the following flags: -0 Writes in octal notation. -x Writes in hexadecimal notation. Examples 1. To display the size of a.out in decimal: size This displays the size in bytes of the executable file a.out. The size of each section of the object file is given, followed by the total. The three sections are program text, data, and bss (uninitialized data). The values are in decimal. 2. To display the size of an object file in octal: size -0 driver.o This displays the size of the object file dri ver. 0 in octal. Commands 665 size 3. To display the size of several object files in hex: size -x *.0 This displays in hexadecimal the size of each file in the current directory ending with .0. Related Information The following commands: "ar" on page 58, "as" on page 64, "cc" on page 112, "dump" on page 275, "ld" on page 427, "nm" on page 521, and "strip" on page 716. The discussion of the a.out and ar files in A/X Operating System Technical Reference. 666 Commands Reference skulker skulker Purpose Cleans up file systems by removing unwanted files. Syntax skulker ---I OL805217 Description Warning: Because this command file runs with superuser authority and its whole purpose is to remove files, it has the potential for unexpected results. Before installing a new skulker, test any additions to its file removal criteria by running it manually using the xargs -p command. After you have verified that the new skulker removes only the files you want removed, you can install it. The skulker command is a shell command file for periodically purging obsolete or unneeded files from file systems. Candidate files include those in /tmp, .bak files older than a specified age, and files named a.out, core, or ed.hup. The skulker command is normally invoked daily, often as part of an accounting procedure run by cron during off-peak periods. Individual sites should modify skulker to suit local needs following the patterns shown in the distributed version. Local users should be made aware of the criteria for automatic file removal. The find and xargs commands form a powerful combination for use in skulker. Most file selection criteria can be expressed conveniently with find expressions. The resulting file list, generated with the -print flag of the find command, can then be segmented and inserted into rm commands using xargs to reduce the overhead that would result if each file were deleted with a separate command. Related Information The following commands: "cron" on page 172, "find" on page 326, "rm" on page 601, and "xargs" on page 857. Commands 667 sleep sleep Purpose Suspends execution for an interval. Syntax sleep - seconds ---I OL805218 Description The sleep command suspends execution of a process for the interval specified by seconds. seconds can range from 1 to 65,536 seconds. Examples 1. To run a command after a certain amount of time has passed: echo "SYSTEM SHUTOm·JN IN 10 MINUTES! II I wall (sleep 300; echo "SYSTEM SHUTDm~N IN 5 MINUTES!II I wall) & (sleep 540; echo "SYSTEM SHUTDm~N IN 1 MINUTE! II I wall) & (sleep 600; shutdown) & This command sequence warns all users 10 minutes, 5 minutes, and 1 minute before the system is shut down. 2. To run a command at regular intervals: while true do date sleep 60 done This shell procedure displays the date and time once a minute. To stop it, press INTERRUPT (Alt-Pause). 668 Commands Reference sleep Related Information The following commands: "shutdown" on page 663 and "wall" on page 845. The alarm system call and the sleep, pause, and signal subroutines in A/X Operating System Technical Reference. Commands 669 sno sno Purpose Provides a SNOBOL interpreter. Syntax sno~ ~ OL805219 Description The sno command provides a SNOBOL compiler and interpreter, with some differences from standard SNOBOL. It reads the named files and the standard input. It compiles all input through a statement containing the label end. The rest is available to syspit. The sno command differs from SNOBOL in the following ways: • There are no unanchored searches. To get the same effect: a ** b' a *x* b = x c • There is no back referencing. x = "abc" a *x* x • Unanchored search for b Unanchored assignment. Unanchored search for abc. Function declaration is done at compile time by the use of the (nonunique) label define. Execution of a function call begins at the statement following the define. Functions cannot be defined at run time, and the use of the name define is preempted. There is no provision for automatic variables other than parameters. Examples: define fO define f(a, b, e) 670 • All labels except define (even end), must have a non empty statement. • Labels, functions, and variables must all have distinct names. In particular, the non empty statement on end cannot merely name a label. • If start is a label in the program, program execution begins there. If not, execution begins with the first executable statement. define is not an executable statement. • There are no built-in functions. Commands Reference sno • Parentheses for arithmetic are not needed. Normal precedence applies. Because of this, the arithmetic operators \ (backslash) and * (asterisk) must be set off by spaces. • The right side of assignments must be nonempty. • Either I (single quotation mark) or .. (double quotation mark) can be used for literal quotation marks. • The pseudo-variable sysppt is not available. Related Information The following command: "awk" on page 70. Commands 671 TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 sort sort Purpose Sorts or merges files. Syntax sort -ooutfi/e -b -c -f -j -r -d -A -m -t char -u -n + fskip - (skip OL805380 Description The sort command sorts lines in its input files and writes the result to standard output. It treats all of its input files as one file when it performs the sort. A - (minus) in place of a file name specifies standard input. If you do not specify any file names, it sorts standard input. The default sort key (the part of the line used for sorting) is an entire line. Default ordering is lexicographic by characters in the collating sequence. The file /usr/pub/ascii shows the default collating sequence. To change the default collating sequence, see "ctab" on page 204. The two numbers, fskip and cskip, specify the sort key. Both numbers have two parts, as follows: + fskip.cskip -fskip.cskip The {skip specifies the number of fields to skip from the beginning of the input line, and cskip specifies the number of additional characters to skip to the right beyond that point. For both the starting point (+ fskip.cskip) and the ending point (-fskip.cskip) of a sort key, 672 Commands Reference sort fskip is measured from the beginning of the input line, and cskip is measured from the last field skipped. If you omit .cskip, .0 is assumed. If you omit fskip, 0 is assumed. If you omit the ending field specifier (-fskip.cskip), the end of the line is the end of the sort key. You can supply more than one sort key by repeating + fskip.cskip and -fskip.cskip. In cases where you specify more than one sort key, keys specified further to the right on the command line are compared only after all earlier keys are sorted. For example, if the first key is to be sorted in numerical order and the second in dictionary order, all strings that start with the number one are sorted alphabetically before the strings that start with the number two. Lines that are identical in all keys are sorted with all characters significant. You can also specify different flags for different sort keys in multiple sort keys. See the examples for illustration. A field is one or more characters bounded by the beginning of a liJ)e and the current field separator, or one or more characters bounded by a the field separator on either side. The space character is the default field separator. Note: Very long lines are truncated silently. Flags -A Sorts on a byte-by-byte basis. This sort is functionally compatible with the Version 1.1 sort command, prior to the addition of international character support. -b Ignores leading blanks, spaces, and tabs in sort key comparisons. -c Checks that the input is sorted according to the ordering rules specified in the flags. Displays nothing unless the is not sorted. -d Sorts in dictionary order. Only letters, digits and blanks are considered in comparisons. -f Merges uppercase and lowercase letters. Case is not considered in the sorting, so that initial-capital words and all-capital words are not grouped together at the beginning of the output. -i Sorts only by characters in the ASCII range octal 040-0176 (all printable characters and the space character) in nonnumeric comparisons. -m Merges only; the input is already sorted. -n Sorts any initial numeric strings (consisting of optional blanks, optional minus signs, and zero or more digits with optional decimal point) by arithmetic value. The -n flag automatically gives you the -b flag. -0 -r outfile Directs output to outfile instead of standard output. outfile can be the same as one of the input files. Reverses the order of the specified sort. Commands 673 sort -tchar Sets field separator character to char. To specify the tab character as the field separator, you must enclose it in single quotation marks (I I ). -u Suppresses all but one in each set of equal lines. Ignored characters (such as leading tabs and spaces) and characters outside of sort keys are not considered in this type of comparison. Examples 1. To perform a simple sort: sort fruits This displays the contents of frui ts sorted in ascending lexicographic order. This means that the characters in each column are compared one by one, including spaces, digits, and special characters. For instance, if frui ts contains the text: banana apple orange Persimmon apple %%banana pear ORANGE then sort displays: %%banana ORANGE Persimmon apple apple banana orange pear This order follows from the fact that in the ASCII collating sequence, %(percent sign) precedes the uppercase letters, which precede the lowercase letters. If the system uses a character set other than ASCII, your results may be different. 674 Commands Reference sort 2. To sort in dictionary order: sort -d fruits This sorts and displays the contents of frui ts, comparing only letters, digits, and blanks. If frui ts is the same as in Example 1, then sort displays: ORANGE Persimmon apple apple %%banana banana orange pear The - d flag tells sort to ignore the %character because it is not a letter, digit, or blank. This puts %%banana next to banana. 3. To group lines that contain uppercase and special characters with similar lowercase lines: sort -d -f fruits This ignores special characters (-d) and differences in case Example 1, this displays: (-f). Given the frui ts of apple apple %%banana banana ORANGE orange pear Persimmon 4. To sort as in Example 3 and remove duplicate lines: sort -d -f -u fruits The - U flag tells sort to remove duplicate lines, making each line of the file unique. This displays: apple %%banana orange pear Persimmon Commands 675 sort Note that not only was the duplicate app 1e removed, but banana and ORANGE as well. These were removed because the -d told sort to treat %%banana as if it were banana, and the -f told it to treat ORANGE as orange. Thus, sort considered %%banana to be a duplicate of banana and ORANGE a duplicate of orange. Note: There is no way to predict which duplicate lines it will remove. 5. sort - u will keep and which To sort as in Example 3 and remove duplicates, unless capitalized or punctuated differently: sort -u +0 -d -f +0 fruits The +0 - d - f does the same type of sort done with - d - f in Example 3. Then the +0 performs another comparison to distinguish lines that are not actually identical. This prevents - U from removing them. Given the frui ts file shown in Example 1, the added +0 distinguishes %%banana from banana and ORANGE from orange. However, the two instances of app 1e are identical, so one of them is deleted. apple %%banana banana ORANGE orange pear Persimmon 6. To specify the character that separates fields: sort -t: +1 vegetables This sorts vegetab 1es, comparing the text that follows the first colon on each line. The +1 tells sort to ignore the first field and to compare from the start of the second field to the end of the line. The - t: tells sort that colons separate fields. If vegetab 1es contains: yams:] 04 turnips:8 potatoes:15 carrots:104 green beans:32 radishes:5 lettuce:15 676 Commands Reference sort then sort displays: carrots:104 yams: 104 lettuce:15 potatoes:15 green beans:32 rudishes:5 tUI~ni ps: 8 Note that the numbers are not in numeric order. This happened because a lexicographic sort compares each character from left to right. In other words, "3" comes before "5" and "2" comes before" ", so "32" comes before "5 " 7. To sort numbers: sort -t: +1 -n vegetables This sorts vegetab 1es numerically on the second field. If vegetab 1es is the same as in Example 6, then sort displays: radishes:5 turnips:8 lettuce:15 potatoes:15 green beans:32 carrots:104 yams:104 8. To sort on more than one field: sort -t: +1 -2 -n +0 -1 -r vegetables This performs a numeric sort on the second field (+ 1 -2 -n). Within that ordering, it sorts the first field in reverse alphabetic order (+0 -1 - r). The output looks like this: radishes:5 turnips:8 potatoes:15 lettuce:15 green beans:32 yams:104 carrots:104 Now the lines are sorted in numeric order. When two lines have the same number, they appear in reverse alphabetic order. Commands 677 sort 9. To replace the original file with the sorted text: sort -0 vegetables vegetables This stores the sorted output into the file vegetab 1es (-0 vegetab 1es). Files /usr/tmp/stm??? Related Information The following commands: "comm" on page 144, "join" on page 417, and "uniq" on page 792. The "Overview of International Character Support" in Managing the A/X Operating System. 678 Commands Reference sound sound Purpose Controls the volume and click of the keyboard speaker. Syntax sound ~f----i OL805415 Description The sound command controls the volume of the sound output (the console bell and the keyboard click) and, additionally, whether or not the keyboard click is produced. You can modify these two sound characteristics independently of each other. The system startup process sets the sound volume to medium. Note: You can run sound only from the console (fdev/console). Flags You must select at least one flag from the following two groups of flags or, optionally, one flag from each of the two groups. The first group of flags controls the volume of all sound output: -h Sets the volume to high. -I Sets the volume to low. -m Sets the volume to medium. -0 Turns the volume off. Commands 679 sound The second group of flags controls whether or not click sounds are produced: -c Turns clicking on. -q Turns clicking off (quiet). Example To set the volume to low and turn the click function on: sound -lc In addition to turning on the keyboard click (-c), this command sets the volume of both the bell and the click to low (- 1). 680 Commands Reference spell spell Purpose Finds spelling errors. Syntax spell -i -v -b -x -I +wordlist /usr /Iib/spoll/hashmal mistakes This creates a file named mi stakes containing all the words found in chapl that are not in the system spelling dictionary. Some of these may be correctly spelled words that spell does not know about. It is a good idea to save the output of spell in a file because the word list may be long. 2. To check British spelling: spell chapl >mistakes This checks ch ap 1 against the British dictionary and writes the questionable words in mi stakes. 682 -b Commands Reference spell 3. To see how spell derives words: spell -v chapl >deriv This lists the words that are not found literally in the dictionary, but are derived forms of dictionary words. The prefixes and suffixes used to form the derivative are indicated for each word. Words that do not appear in the dictionary at all are also listed. 4. To check your spelling against an additional word list: spell +newwords chapl This checks the spelling of words in ch ap 1 against the system dictionary and against newwords. The file newwords lists words in alphabetical order, one per line. You can create this file with a text editor, such as ed, and alphabetize it with the sort command. Files D_SPELL = /usr/lib/spell/hlist[ab] S_SPELL = /usr/lib/spell/hstop H_SPELL = /usr/lib/spell/spellhist /usr/lib/compress /usr/lib/spell/spellprog Hashed spelling lists, American and British. Hashed stop list. History file. Executable shell program to compress the history file. Program. Related Information The following commands: "deroff' on page 239, "eqn, neqn, checkeq" on page 300, "sed" on page 629, "sort" on page 672, "thI" on page 739, "tee" on page 746, and "troff" on page 526. Commands 683 spline spline Purpose Interpolates smooth curve. Syntax -x lowlim spline OL805261 Description The spline command reads from the standard input pairs of numbers that represent the coordinates of a point on an x,y axis. From this input, spline calculates the coordinates of points to form a smooth curve through the points in the input set. It then writes these points to standard output. The output points are approximately equally spaced and includes the points that you provided as input. The cubic spline output has two continuous derivatives, and enough points so that when plotted with the graph command it looks smooth. When data is not strictly monotone in x, spline reproduces the input without interpolating extra points. You can only use 1,000 input points. Flags -anum Supplies abscissas automatically; spacing is given by the next parameter or is assumed to be 1 if the next parameter is not a number. -knum Uses the constant num in the boundary value calculation: Yo = kY l ' y =numy The default for num is zero. 684 Commands Reference spline -nnum Spaces output points so that approximately num intervals occur between the lower and upper x limits (set with the -x flag). The default num is 100. -p Makes output periodic, that is, matches derivatives at ends. First and last input values should normally agree. -xlowlim[uplim] Sets lower and upper x limits as lowlim and uplim. Normally, these limits are calculated from the data. Automatic abscissas start at lower limit, defaults to zero. Related Information The following command: "graph" on page 375. Commands 685 split split Purpose Splits a file into pieces. Syntax SPlit-{-1000~ r--x~ - num~ fi/e~ prefix ~ I OL805262 Description The split command reads file and writes it in num-line pieces (default 1000 lines) to a set of output files. The name of the first output file is prefixaa, the second is prefixab, and so on lexicographically, through prefixzz (a maximum of 676 files). prefix cannot be longer than 12 characters. If you do not specify an output name, x is assumed. If you do not specify an input file, or if you specify - (minus) in place of file, then split reads standard input. Examples 1. To split a file into 1000-line segments: book This splits book into 1000-line segments named xaa, xab, xac, and so forth. split 2. To split a file into 50-line segments and specify the file name prefix: -50 book sect This splits book into 50-line segments named sectaa, sectab, sectac, and so forth. split Related Information The following commands: "bfs" on page 90 and "csplit" on page 202. 686 Commands Reference splp splp Purpose Changes or displays printer driver settings. Syntax /deV/IP~ splp indent=num width=num length=num timer=num csn speed one of fontinit parenb parodd sync cstopb wrap plot bs ff tb cr nl cap err device OLB05263 1 Do not put a blank between these items. 0L805308 Description The splp command changes or displays settings for a printer driver (device). The default device is /dev/lpO. If you do not specify any flags, splp reports the current settings for the specified device. Select flags to change the current settings. No other processing is done, and there is no other output. The changes that splp makes remain in effect until the next time you restart the system or rerun splp. You can run splp from the /etc/rc command file to configure your printer each time you start up the system. Flags timer = num Sets the time out period to num seconds, where num is an integer. indent = num Indents num columns, where num is an integer. length = num Prints num lines per page, where num is an integer. width = num Prints num columns, where num is an integer + bs (-bs) Sends (does not send) backspaces to the printer. Commands 687 TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 splp + cap (-cap) Converts (does not convert) all lowercase characters to uppercase. + cr (-cr) Sends carriage returns (translates carriage returns to line-feeds). + cstopb (-cstopb) Selects 2 (1) stop bits per character. cs5 cs6 cs7 cs8 Selects character size. See termio in A/X Operating System Technical Reference for additional information on character size. + err (-err) Issues (does not issue) a signal (SIGIOINT) upon receiving a VRM error and attempts to resume I/O. + ff (-fO Sends form-feeds (simulates a form-feed with line-feeds or carriage returns). + fontinit (-fontinit) Indicates that fonts are (are not) loaded. Use this flag to control the initialization of fonts for the 3812 Pageprinter. +nl (-nl) Sends line-feeds (translates line-feeds to carriage returns). +parenb (-parenb) Enables (disables) parity generation and detection. + parodd (-parodd) Selects odd (even) parity. +plot Sends all characters to the printer unmodified. This overrides other settings. -plot Translates characters according to the settings. + sync (-sync) Does not (does) return immediately without waiting for all data to be sent out. + tb (-tb) Expands (does not expand) tabs on eight position boundaries. +wrap (-wrap) Wraps (truncates) characters beyond the specified width to the next line and (with + wrap), prints" . . . " before the new-line character. 50 75 110 134 150 300 600 1200 1800 2400 4800 9600 exta extb Sets the speed to the specified number of bits per second (exta is 19200). Examples 1. To display the current printer settings: splp 688 Commands Reference splp 2. To change the printer settings: splp width=80 +wrap +cap This changes the settings of the Idev IIp printer for 80-column paper (width = 80). It wraps each line that is more than 80 columns wide onto a second line (+wrap), and prints all alphabetic characters in uppercase (+ cap). Related Information The following command: "Ip" on page 459. The Ip file in A/X Operating System Technical Reference. Commands 689 stat stat Purpose Provides tools for analyzing numerical data. Description The stat commands, residing in /usr/bin/graf, provide a package of tools for analyzing data. All numerical data are stored in vectors. A vector is a sequence of numbers separated by delimiters, where a number has the form: [sign] (digits)(.digits)[e[sign]digits] Fields surrounded by brackets are optional; one or both of those surrounded by parentheses are required. Any input character that is not part of a number is assumed to be a delimiter. Vectors are text strings that can be stored in text files and created and modified by text editors. Note: Some commands limit the size of an input vector. These commands can be divided into four classes: • Those that produce an output vector based upon definable parameters (generators). • Those that operate upon an input vector and output the resulting value (transformers). • Those that perform mathematical or statistical operations on vectors (summarizers). • Those that convert vectors into a format that can be viewed pictorially (translators). The following parameters are used to designate the expected type of the value: c A character value. An integer value. f A floating-point or integer value. file A file name. vector A vector taken from standard input or the name of a file containing a vector. Except for the gas, prime, and rand commands, all of the commands discussed under stat read vectors from standard input (by default) or from text files as specified on the command line. A file name of - (minus) specifies standard input in a file list. string A character string (quoted if it includes white space). 690 Commands Reference stat Commands That Produce Definable Vectors (Generators) gas Syntax gas [-ci,if,ni,sf,tfj Description The gas command produces an additive sequence. Flags -ci Specifies the number of columns per line of output (5 by default). -if Specifies the increment between successive elements (1 by default). -nl Specifies the number of elements in the vector (10 by default). -sf Specifies the starting point of the sequence (1 by default). -tf Specifies the end of the sequence (infinity by default). Examples 1. To generate the numbers 1 through 10: gas 2. To generate the sequence. 01 .02 .03 .04 .05: gas 3. -s.01,t.05,i.Ol To generate the sequence 3 5 3 5: gas -s3,t5,i2,n4 Commands 691 stat prime Syntax prime [-ci,hi,Ii,ni] Description The prime command generates consecutive prime numbers. Flags -ci Specifies the number of columns per line of output (5 by default). -hi Specifies the high boundary (infinity by default). -Ii Specifies the low boundary (2 by default). -n~ Specifies the number of elements in the sequence (10 by default). Example To generate all prime numbers between 200 and 300: prime -1200,-h300 rand Syntax rand [-ci,hf,l{,mf,ni si] Description The rand command generates a random sequence of numbers. Flags 692 -ci Specifies the number of columns per line of output (5 by default). -hf Specifies the high boundary (1 by default). -If Specifies the low boundary (0 by default). Commands Reference stat -ni Specifies the number of elements in the sequence (10 by default). -si Specifies a seed number (1 by default). Example To produce a random sequence: rand This generates ten random numbers between 0 and 1. rand -110,m25,c3 The generates ten random numbers between 10 and 35, three per line. Commands That Map Input to Output (Transformers) abs Syntax abs [-ci] [vector . .. ] Description The abs command provides the absolute value of a number. Flag -ci Specifies the number of columns per line of output (5 by default). Example To obtain the absolute value of each element in a vector: abs -c3 myfile This produces the absolute value of each number in the file values three per line. myfi 1e and displays these Commands 693 stat af Syntax af [-ci, t, v] expression ... Description The af command performs arithmetic operations on numbers. Expressions Expression operands are: Vectors File names with the restriction that they must begin with a letter and be composed only of letters, digits, and the _ (underscore) and. (dot) characters. The first unknown file name (one not in the current directory) references standard input. Functions The name of a command followed by the command arguments in parentheses. List arguments as you would on the command line. Constants Floating-point and integer numbers (but not E notation). Expression operators are, in order of decreasing precedence: 'v The next value from vector v. x" y -x The value x raised to the power y; the negation of x. Both associate right to left. x*y x/y x%y The value x multiplied by, divided by, modulo y, respectively. All associate left to right. x + y x-y The value x plus or minus y. Both associate left to right. x,y The value of x followed by the value of y. This associates from left to right. You can use parentheses to alter precedence. Because many of the operator characters are special to the shell, it is good practice to quote expression arguments. Flags 694 -ci Specifies the number of columns per line of output (5 by default). -t Cause the output to be titled from the vector on standard input. -v Echoes function expansions. Commands Reference stat Examples 1. To perform arithmetic operations: "3+4*5" af This yields 23. 2. To produce a matrix: IA,IA,A+1A,B" af This yields a four-column matrix with columns of: 3. a. odd elements from vector A h. even elements from A c. sum of adjacent odd and even elements from A d. elements from vector B. To use functions: "sin (A)"2" af This yields the square of the sin of the elements of vector A. ceil Syntax ceil [-ci] [vector . .. ] Description The ceil command rounds a number up to the next integer. Flag -ci Specifies the number of columns per line of output (5 by default). Commands 695 stat cusum Syntax cusum [-ci] [vector . .. ] Description The cusum command calculates a cumulative sum. Output is a vector with the ith element being the sum of the first i elements from the input vector. Flag -ci Specifies the number of columns per line of output (5 by default). exp Syntax exp [-ci] [vector . .. ] Description The exp command provides the exponential function. Output is a vector with elements e raised to the x power, where e is approximately 2.71828 and x is each element in the input vector. Flag -ci Specifies the number of columns per line of output (5 by default). floor Syntax floor [-ci] [vector . .. ] Description The floor command rounds a number down to the nearest integer. 696 Commands Reference stat Flag -ci Specifies the number of columns per line of output (5 by default). gamma Syntax gamma [-ci] [vector . .. ] Description The gamma command provides the gamma function. Flag -ci Specifies the number of columns per line of output (5 by default). list Syntax list [-ci,dstring [ file . .. ] Description The list command lists vector elements. Flags -ci Specifies the number of columns per line of output (5 by default). -dstring Specifies delimiters characters. If you do not specify -d, any character that is not part of a number is considered a delimiter. If you specify -d, the space, tab, and new-line characters, plus the characters in string are delimiters. Only numbers surrounded by delimiters are listed. Commands 697 stat Examples 1. To output each element: list -c3 myfile This outputs each element in myfi 1 e, three per line. 2. To specify delimiters: 1 i st -d\\, myfi 1 e This outputs each element of myfi 1 e that is delimited by commas or white space, five per line. A comma requires two backslashes because it is a special character for list. log Syntax log [-ci,-bi] [vector . .. ] Description The log command provides the logarithmic function. Flag -ci Specifies the number of columns per line of output (5 by default). -bi Specifies the base (e by default). Example To calculate a logarithm: log -b2,c3 mydata This outputs the logarithm base 2 of each element in mydata, three per line. 698 Commands Reference stat mod Syntax mod [-ci mf] [vector . .. ] Description The mod command returns the modulo. The output is a vector with each element being the remainder of dividing the corresponding element from the input vector by the modulus. -ci Specifies the number of columns per line of output (5 by default). -mf Specifies the modulus (2 by default). Example To output remainders: mod -m8,c3 mydata This outputs the elements of mydata modulo 8, three per line. pair Syntax pair [-ci,Ffile,xi] [vector . .. ] Description The pair command pairs elements. Output is a vector with elements taken alternatively from a base vector and from another input vector. Flags -ci Specifies the number of columns per line of output (5 by default). -Ffile The file containing the base vector. If you do not specify -F, then the base vector comes from standard input. If both the base vector and the paired vector come from standard input, the base vector precedes the paired vector. -x~ The number of elements per group in the base vector (1 by default). Commands 699 stat Example To pair elements: pair -x3,Fbasefile datafile This outputs a vector with three elements from basefi 1e, one from datafi 1e, three from basefi 1e, one from datafi 1e, and so on. power Syntax power [-ci,pf] [vector . .. ] Description The power command raises a number to a power. Flag -ci Specifies the number of columns per line of output (5 by default). -pf Specifies the power (2 by default). root Syntax root [-ci,rf] [vector . .. ] Description The root command takes the root of a number. Flags 700 -ci Specifies the number of columns per line of output (5 by default). -rf Specifies the root (2 by default). Commands Reference stat round Syntax round [-ci,pi,si] [vector . .. ] Description The round command rounds a number to the nearest integer (.5 rounds to 1). Flags -ci Specifies the number of columns per line of output (5 by default). -pi Specifies the number of places after the decimal point (0 by default). -si Specifies the number of significant digits. Example To round numbers to two significant digits: round -s2,c3 mydata sHine Syntax sHine [-ci,if,ni,sf] [vector . .. ] Description The sHine command generates a line, given slope and intercept. Flags -m Specifies the number of columns per line of output (5 by default). -if Specifies the intercept (0 by default). -nl Specifies the number of positive integers. -sf Specifies the slope of the line. Commands 701 stat Example To output a linear fit: siline -'lref -o,FA B' A This outputs a simple linear fit of vector B on vector A (The slope and intercept in option form of B regressed on A.) 0 flag of lreg outputs the sin Syntax sin [-ci] [vector . .. ] Description The sin command provides the sine function. Flags -ci Specifies the number of columns per line of output (5 by default). subset Syntax subset [-a{,b{,ci,F{ile,ii,l{,nl,np,pf,si,ti] [vector . .. ] Description The subset command produces a subset of the numbers in a vector. Flags 702 -af -bf Specifies the number above which subset members are selected. -ci Specifies the number of columns per line of output (5 by default). -Ffile Specifies the file containing the master vector. -ii Specifies the increment between successive elements (1 by default). Specifies the number below which subset members are selected. Commands Reference stat -If The number of elements to leave. -nli Specifies that the master file contains element numbers to leave. -npi Specifies that the master file contains element numbers to pick. -pf The number of elements to pick. -sf -tf Specifies the starting point of the sequence (1 by default). Specifies the end of the sequence (32,767 by default). Examples 1. To specify the even elements of a vector: subset 2. -i2,s2 myfile To specify corresponding elements: subset -FB,p1 A For each element in B with a 1, output the corresponding element in A. Commands That Calculate Statistics (Summarizers) bucket Syntax bucket [-ai,ci,Ffiie,hf,ii,If,ni] [vector . .. ] Description The bucket command groups numbers into buckets. The input vector must be sorted. The output vector consists of odd (parenthesized) elements that are bucket limits and even elements that are bucket counts. The count is the number of elements greater than or equal to the lowest limit and less than or equal to the higher limit. Unless otherwise specified, bucket limits are generated based on the input date and the following rule: #buckets = 1 + log2(#elements) Flags -ai Specifies the average size of the bucket. Commands 703 stat -ci Specifies the number of columns per line of output (5 by default). -Flile Specifies the file containing bucket boundaries. -hi Specifies the high boundary (by default, the largest element in the input vector). -ii Specifies the interval between successive elements. -Ii Specifies the low boundary (by default, the smallest element in the input vector). -Dl Specifies the number of buckets. Example To divide elements into buckets: bucket -a12,1-5 myfile This outputs limits and counts for the elements of myfi 1e, where the lowest limit is and the average bucket count is 12. -5 cor Syntax cor [-Flile] [vector . .. ] Description The cor command provides the ordinary correlation coefficient. Use the F flag to specify the base vector; otherwise it is assumed to come from standard input. Each vector is compared to the base vector (both must be of the same length). Flag -Flile Specifies the file containing base vector. Example To obtain correlation coefficients: cor -Ffilea olddata newdata This outputs the ordinary correlation coefficients between vectors and vectors fi 1ea and newdata. 704 Commands Reference fi 1ea and 01 ddata stat hilo hilo [-h,l,o,ox,oy] [vector . .. ] Description The hilo command finds high and low values across all of the input vectors. -h Finds the high value only. -1 Finds the low value only. -0 Outputs the high and low values in option form (suitable for plot). -ox Outputs the high and low values in option form with x prefixed. -oy Outputs the high and low values in option form with y prefixed. Example To find the lowest value: hila -ox,l filel file2 This finds the lowest value in vectors fi 1eland fi 1e2 and outputs it with it. X1 prefixed to lreg Syntax lreg [-Ffile,i,o,s] [vector . .. ] Description The lreg command provides linear regression. Output is the slope and intercept from a least squares linear regression of each vector on a base vector. The default base vector is the ascending positive integers from zero. Flags -Ffile Specifies a file containing the first vector. -i Outputs only the intercept. -0 Outputs the slope and intercepts in option form (suitable for siline). Commands 705 stat -s Outputs only the slope. Example To output only the intercept: lreg -Fbase,i mydata This outputs the intercept from the linear regression of vector mydata on base vector base. mean Syntax mean [-ff,ni,pl] Description The mean command calculates the (trimmed) arithmetic mean. Flags -fl Specifies the fraction of elements to trim from each end. This is calculated as follows: (1/1) k where k is the total number of elements. -n~ Specifies the number of elements to trim from each end. -pi Specifies the percentage of elements to trim from each end. Example To output the mean: mean -p.25 mydata This outputs the mean of the middle 50% of the elements of mydata; that is, mydata is trimmed by 25% of its elements from both ends. 706 Commands Reference stat point Syntax point [-ff,ni,pf,sj [vector . .. ] Description Output from the point command is a linearly interpolated value from the empirical cumulative density function for the input vector. By default, point returns the median (50% point). Flags -ff Returns the (1/f)*100 percent point. -nL Returns the ith element. -pf Returns the (k100 percent point. -s Specifies that the input has been sorted. Example To output the 25% point: point -s,p.25 mydata prod Syntax prod Description The prod commands calculates an internal product. Output is the product of the elements in the input vectors. Commands 707 stat qsort Syntax qsort [-ci] [vector . .. ] Description The qsort command does a quick sort. Output is a vector of the elements from the input vector in ascending order. Flag -ci Specifies the number of columns per line of output (5 by default). rank Syntax rank [vector . .. ] Description The rank command ranks vectors. Output is the number of elements in each input vector. total Syntax total [vector ... ] Description The total command calculates a sum total. Output is the sum total of the elements in the input vector(s). 708 Commands Reference stat var Syntax var [vector . .. ] Description The var command calculates the variance. Commands That Produce Pictorial Output (Translators) Input to these commands can be either a vector or a GPS object (a format for storing a picture). A picture is defined in a Cartesian plane of 64K points on each axis. The plane, or universe, is divided into 25 square regions numbered 1 to 25 from the lower left to the upper right. bar Syntax bar [-a,b,f,g,ri,wi,xf,xa,yf,ya,yl{,yhf] [vector . .. ] Description The bar command builds a bar chart. It operates on an input vector, each element of which defines the height of a bar (y-axis). By default, the x-axis is labeled with positive integers, beginning at 1. For other labels, see label. Flags -a Suppresses the axes. -b Plots the bar chart with bold weight lines (medium is the default weight). -f Does not build a frame around the plot area. -g Suppresses the background grid. -ri Puts the bar chart in GPS region i, where i is between 1 and 25 inclusive (13 by default). -WI, Specifies the ratio of the bar width to center-to-center spacing expressed as a percentage (50 by default, giving equal bar width and bar space). Commands 709 stat -xf -yf Positions the bar chart in the GPS universe with the x-origin (y-origin) at f. -xa -ya Does not label the x-axis (y-axis). -yhf Specifies the y-axis high boundary. -ylf Specifies the y-axis low boundary. Example To produce a bar chart: bar -rlO,xa,w75 myfile This outputs the bar chart described by vector myf; 1 e, located in region 10 of the GPS universe, with no x-axis labels. The bar width is 75% of center-to-center spacing. hist Syntax hist [-a,b,f,g,ri,xf,xa,yf,ya,yl{,yhf] [vector . .. Description The hist command builds a histogram. The input vector is the type produced by bucket, of odd rank, with odd elements being limits and even elements being bucket counts. Flags -a Suppresses axes. -b Plots histogram with bold weight lines (the default weight is medium). -f Does not build a frame around the plot area. -g Suppresses the background grid. -ri Puts the histogram in GPS region i, where i is between 1 and 25 inclusive (13 by default). -xf -yf Positions the histogram in the GPS universe with the x-origin (y-origin) at f. -xa -ya 710 Does not label the x-axis (y-axis). Commands Reference stat -yhf Specifies the y-axis high boundary. -ylf Specifies the y-axis low boundary. Example To produce a histogram: hist -r5,ya myfile This outputs the histogram described by vector GPS universe, with no y-axis labels. myfi 1e and locates it in region 5 of the label Syntax label [-b,c,Ffile,h,p,ri,x,xu,y,yr] [GPSfile ... ] Description The label command labels the axis of a GPS file. Flags -b Assumes that the input is a bar chart. -c Retains lowercase letters in labels; otherwise all letters are uppercase. -Ffile Specifies a label file. Each line of the file is taken as one label. Blank lines yield null labels. Either the GPS or the label file, but not both, can come from standard input. -h Assumes that the input is a histogram. -p Assumes that the input is an x-y plot. This is the default assumption. -r~ Rotates labels i degrees. The pivot point is the first character. -x Labels the x-axis. This is the default action. -xu Labels the upper x-axis (the top of the plot). -y Labels the y-axis. -yr Labels the right y-axis (the right side of the plot). Commands 711 stat Examples 1. To label a plot: label -Flabs A.g The file A. g, assumed to be an x-y plot, is labeled with labels from the file 1 abs. 2. To label a plot from labels taken from standard input: label -yr,r-45 A.g The file A. 9 is labeled from the standard input. The labels are printed at 45 degrees below the horizontal. pie Syntax pie [-b,o,p,pni,ppi,ri,v,xi,yi] [vector . .. ] Description The pie command builds a pie chart. The input vector has a restricted format. Each input line represents a slice of the pies and has the following form: [ < i e f ceolor >] value [label] with brackets indicating optional fields. The control field options have the following effects: i The slice will not be drawn, though a space will be left for it. e The slice is "exploded" or moved away from the pie. f The slice is filled. The angle of fill lines depends on the color of the slice. ceolor The slice is drawn in the specified color rather than the default black. Legal values are b (black), r (red), g (green), and u (blue). The pie is drawn with the value of each slice printed inside and the label printed outside. Flags 712 -b Draws pie chart with bold weight lines (the default weight is medium). -0 Places output values around the outside of the pie. -p Expresses output values as a percentage of the total pie. Commands Reference stat -pni Expresses output values as a percentage, but the total of the percentages equals i rather than 100. -ppi Draws only i percent of the pie. -r~ Puts the pie chart in GPS region i, where i is between 1 and 25 inclusive (13 by default). -v Does not output values. -x~ -yi Positions the pie chart in the GPS universe with x-origin (y-origin) at i. Example To draw a pie chart: pie -pp80,pn80 chartfile This draws the pie chart specified by chartfi 1e in 80% of a circle and outputs the values as percentages of that total 80 percent. plot Syntax plot [-a,b,cstring,d,f,Ffile,g,m,ri,xf,xa,xif,xhf,xl{,xni,xt ,yf,ya,yif,yhf,yl{,yni,yt] [vector . .. ] Description The plot command plots a graph. The input vectors contain the y values of an x-y graph. Values for the x-axis come from the file specified by -F. Axis scales are determined from the first vector plotted. Flags -a Suppresses the axes. -b Plots the graph with bold weight lines (medium is the default weight). -d Does not connect plotted points (this implies -m). -f Does not build a frame around the plot area. -Ffile Uses the specified file for x values; otherwise the positive integers are used. You can specify this flag more than once, causing a different set of x values to be paired with each input vector. If there are more input vectors than sets of x values, the last set applies to the remaining vectors. Commands 713 stat -g Suppresses the background grid. -m Marks the plotted points. -rl. Puts the graph in GPS region i, where i is between 1 and 25 inclusive (13 by default). -xf -yf Positions the graph in the GPS universe with the x-origin (y-origin) at f. -xa -ya Does not label the x-axis (y-axis). -xa -ya Does not label the x-axis (y-axis). -xhf -yhf Specifies the x-axis (y-axis) high boundary. -xl{ -yl{ Specifies the x-axis (y-axis) low boundary. -xnl. -yni Specifies the approximate number of ticks on the x-axis (y-axis). -xt -yt Omits the x-axis (y-axis) title. Examples 1. To plot against the positive integers: plot 2. plotdata To customize x- and y-axes: plot -r5,ylO,xa,Fxfile yfile This plots vector yfi 1e against vector X fi 1e, with y-axis ticks beginning at zero, no x-axis labels being printed, and the plot being placed in region 5 of the GPS universe. plot -'hila -oy filea fileb' filea filcb This plots vectors fi 1ea and fi 1eb against the positive integers, with y-axis ticks going from the lowest to the highest values in the two vectors. plot -Ffilea,Ffileb filec filed filee This plots vectors fi 1ec against fi 1ea; fi 1ed and fi 1ee against fi 1eb. The y-axis scale is determined from fi 1ec; the x-axis scale from fi 1ea. 714 Commands Reference stat title Syntax title [-b,c,lstring,vstring,lL~tring] [vector . .. ] Description The title command prefixes a title to a vector or appends one to a GPS object. Flags -b Makes the GPS title bold. -c Retains lowercase letters in the title; otherwise all letters are uppercase. -lstring Uses the specified string as a GPS lower title. -ustring Uses the specified string as a GPS upper title. -vstring Labels a vector with the specified string. Related Information The following commands: "ged" on page 350, "graphics" on page 377, and "spline" on page 684. The gps file in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. Commands 715 strip strip Purpose Removes symbol and line number information from a common object file. Syntax r \ . + !ile =r ~-Hfi strip __ OL805265 Description The strip command removes the symbol table and line number information from common object files, including archive libraries. Once you use this command, symbolic debugging of the file is difficult; therefore, you should normally run strip only on production modules that you have debugged and tested. Using strip reduces the file storage overhead required by an object file. For each object module, strip removes all symbol table information. For each archive, strip removes the local symbol table information from each member. You can restore a stripped symbol table to an archive or library file by using the ar -s command. Flag -H Removes the object file header as well as all symbol table information. Files /usr/tmp/strp* Related Information The followIng commands: "ar" on page 58, "as" on page 64, "ee" on page 112, "dump" on page 275, "ld" on page 427, "nm" on page 521, and "size" on page 665. The ar and a.out files in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. 716 Commands Reference stty stty Purpose Sets, resets, or reports work station operating parameters. Syntax stty OL805266 Description The stty command sets certain work station I/O options for the device that is the current standard input. If you run it without any specifications, stty writes to standard output information about any system adapters installed and reports the settings of certain options. If you list any work station specifications, stty sets or resets the specified work station options. You can find detailed information about the modes listed in the first six of the following groups in the discussion of the termio special facility in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. The last group contains options produced by combining options in the first six groups. Note: The stty command does not make compatibility checks on any parameter combinations. Flags -a Writes the current state of all option settings to standard output. -g Writes option settings to standard output in a form usable by another stty command. Commands 717 stty Specifications Control Modes The following options apply only when your work station connects to the system through an asynchronous line adapter. See asy in AIX Operating System Technical Reference for detailed information about this group. parenb (-parenb) Enables (disables) parity generation and detection. parodd (-parodd) Selects odd (even) parity. cs5 cs6 cs7 cs8 Selects character size. See termio in AIX Operating System Technical Reference for additional information on character size. o Hangs up phone line immediately. 50 75 110 134 150 300 600 1200 1800 24004800 9600 19200 19.2 38400 38.4 exta extb Sets the work station speed to the specified number of bits per second (exta, 19200, and 19.2 are synonyms; extb, 38400, and 38.4 are synonyms). Regardless of the baud rate, the software only works with terminals that generate the ASCII character set. hupcl (-hupcl) hup (-hup) Hangs up (does not hang up) dial-up connection on the last close. cstopb (-cstopb) Selects 2 (1) stop bits per character. The next two options apply to all work stations, regardless of the line adapter: cread (-cread) Enables (disables) the receiver. clocal (-clocal) Assumes a line without (with) modem control. Input Modes ignbrk (-ignbrk) Ignores (does not ignore) BREAK on input. brkint (-brkint) Signals (does not signal) INTR on break. ignpar (-ignpar) Ignores (does not ignore) parity errors. parmrk (-parmrk) Marks (does not mark) parity errors. 718 inpck (-inpck) Enables (disables) input parity checking. istrip (-is trip) Strips (does not strip) input characters to 7 bits. inlcr (-inlcr) Maps (does not map) NL to CR on input. igncr (-igncr) Ignores (does not ignore) CR on input. Commands Reference stty iernl (-iernl) Maps (does not map) CR to NL on input. iuele (-iucle) Maps (does not map) uppercase alphabetic characters to lowercase. ixon (-ixon) Enables (disables) START/STOP output control. Once START/STOP output control has been enabled, you can pause output to the work station by pressing Ctrl-S and resume output by pressing Ctrl-Q. ixany (-ixany) Allows any character (only Ctrl-Q) to restart output. ixoff (-ixoff) Sends (does not send) START/STOP characters when the input queue is nearly empty/full. Output Modes opost (-opost) Processes output (does not process output; that is, it ignores all other output options). oleue (-oleue) Maps (does not map) lowercase alphabetic characters to uppercase on output. onler (-onler) Maps (does not map) NL characters to CR-NL characters. oernl (-oernl) Maps (does not map) CR-NL characters to NL characters. onoer (-onoer) Does not (does) output CR characters at column zero. onlret (-onlret) On the terminal, NL performs (does not perform) the CR function. ofill (-ofill) Uses fill characters (uses timing) for delays. ofdel (-ofdel) Uses DEL (NUL) characters for fill characters. erO erl er2 er3 Selects style of delay for CR characters. nlO nll Selects style of delay for NL characters. tabO tabl tab2 tab3 Selects style of delay for horizontal tabs. bsO bsl Selects style of delay for backspaces. ffO ffl Selects style of delay for form feeds. vtO vtl Selects style of delay for vertical tabs. Commands 719 TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 stty Local Modes isig (-isig) Enables (disables) the checking of characters against the special control characters INTR and QUIT. icanon (-icanon) Enables (disables) canonical input (canonical input allows input-line editing with the ERASE and KILL characters). xcase (-xcase) Echoes (does not echo) uppercase characters on input, and displays uppercase characters on output with a preceding \ (backslash). echo (-echo) Echoes (does not echo) every character typed. echoe (-echoe) Echoes (does not echo) the ERASE character as the backspace-space-backspace string. Note: This mode does not keep track of column position, so you may get unexpected results when erasing tabs, escape sequences, and the like. echok (-echok) Echoes (does not echo) a NL character after a KILL character. likc (-lfkc) Functions the same as echok. This is an obsolete mode. echonl (-echonl) Echoes (does not echo) the NL character. noflsh (-noflsh) Does not clear (does clear) buffers after INTR or QUIT. Control Assignments control-character c Set control-character to c, where control-character is erase, kill, intr, quit, eof, eo I, min, or time. (Use min and time with -icanon.) If c is in the form \" c (backs lash circumflex c), then its value is the corresponding CTRL character. A \"? (backslash circumflex question mark) is interpreted as DEL. A \" - (backslash circumflex minus) is interpreted as undefined. enhedit (-enhedit) Enters (leaves) the enhanced line editing discipline (see the termio special facility in A/X Operating System Technical Reference). ascedit (-ascedit) Enters (leaves) the ASCII keyboard mode for dosedit. line i 720 Sets the line discipline. i can be either 0 or 1. s tty 1i ne 0 is the same as stty -enhedi t. stty 1 i ne 1 is the same as stty enhedi t. Commands Reference stty Screen Length page (-page) Pauses (does not pause) during output after each screen displayed. Typing any character during the pause causes output to resume. Typing a space during the pause causes output to continue uninterrupted until the next command is entered. length n Sets screen length to n lines, where n is an integer from 1 through 255. An automatic pause in output occurs after n lines if page is enabled. Combination Modes evenp I parity Enables parenb and es7. oddp Enables parenb, es7, and parodd. -parity, -evenp, -oddp Disables parenb and sets es8. raw (-raw I cooked) Enables (disables) raw input and output (no ERASE, KILL, INTR, QUIT, EOT, or output processing). nl (-nl) Unsets (sets) iernl and onler. Specifying -nl sets iernl and onler and also unsets inler, igner, oernl, and onlret. lease (-lease) LCASE (-LCASE) Sets xcase, iuclc, and olcue. (Used for work stations with uppercase characters only.) tabs (-tabs I tab3) Preserve tabs (expand to spaces) when printing. ek Sets ERASE and KILL characters to Ctrl-H and Ctrl-U, respectively. sane Resets parameters to "reasonable" values. term Sets all parameters according to work station type term, where term is one of tty33, tty37, vt05, tn300, ti700, or tek. Terminal Mapping imap mapname Loads /etc/nls/termmap/ as the terminal input map. omap mapname Loads /ete/nls/termmap/mapname.out as the terminal output map. Commands 721 stty Examples 1. To display a short listing of your work station configuration: stty This lists settings that differ from the defaults. 2. To display a full listing of your work station configuration: stty 3. -a To enable a key sequence that stops listings from scrolling off the screen: stty ixon ixany This sets ixon mode, which lets you stop runaway listings by pressing Ctrl-S. The i xany parameter allows you to resume the listing by pressing any key. The normal work station configuration includes i xon and -i xany, which allows you to stop a listing with Ctrl-S, but only Ctrl-Q will restart it. 4. To prevent all listings from scrolling off the screen: stty page length 24 This sets page mode with a page (screen) length of 24 lines. When a listing is more than 24 lines long, the system pauses after each page. It beeps, reminding you to press any key (except the space bar) to view the next page. Press the space bar to let the rest of the listing scroll off the screen and get to the end. Paging then resumes with the next listing. 5. To reset the configuration after it has been messed up: Ctrl-J stty sane echo -tabs Ctrl-J Sometimes the information displayed on the screen may look strange, or the system won't respond when you press the Enter key. This can happen when you use stty with parameters that are incompatible or that do things you don't understand. It can also happen when a screen-oriented text editor ends abnormally and doesn't have a chance to reset the work station configuration. Entering stty sane sets a reasonable configuration, but it may differ slightly from your normal configuration. That is why this example also includes two commonly used parameters, echo (erase characters as you backspace over them) and -tabs (expand tab characters to spaces on the display screen). Press Ctrl-J before and after the command instead of Enter. The system usually recognizes Ctrl-J when the parameters that control the Enter key processing are messed up. 722 Commands Reference stty 6. To save and restore the work station's configuration: OLDCONFIG='stty -g' stty -echo echo Enter pas sword: read PASSWD stty $OLDCONFIG II # save do not # # get the password restore configuration # \c configuration display password II This saves the work station's configuration, turns off echoing, reads a password, and restores the original configuration. The' . . . '(grave accents) in the first command tell the shell to insert the standard output of stty -g into the OLDCONFIG= command. This is called command substitution. For more information, see "Command Substitution" on page 647. The stty -echo turns off echoing, which means that the password does not appear on the screen when you type it at the keyboard. This has nothing to do with the echo command, which displays a message on the screen Related Information The following command: "tabs" on page 729. The ioctl system call and the terminfo and config files in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. The discussion of stty and the "Overview of International Character Support" in IBM RT PC Managing the AIX Operating System. Commands 723 su su Purpose Obtains the privileges of another user, including superuser authority. Syntax su -o-c - root user -c "cmdstring" OL805267 Description The su command lets you operate with the privileges of the specified user (by default root). If you use su to become the superuser, su sets the PATH variable to /bin:/etc:/usr/bin and changes the prompt to #. (Note that this PATH does not include the current directory.) If you are not already operating with superuser authority, su prompts for the password associated with user before granting you these privileges. Unless you enter a command, su creates a new shell that runs under user. This new shell is the program named in the shell field of the passwd file. All exported environment variables are available, unless you use the - flag when you call suo If you need to run only one command as user, you can run the desired command by including it (along with any of its associated flags) on the command line as an argument to the shell -c flag (see "sh" on page 637 for a description of this flag). In this case, su calls the shell to run the command and exits. Each time someone uses su to become the superuser, su writes a record in the file /usr/adm/sulog, (creating this file, if necessary). To restore your normal privileges, press END OF FILE (Ctrl-D). This action ends the new shell, returning you to the previous shell and previous ID. Flag The following flag modifies the environment of the new shell if the optional program named in the shell field of the passwd file is a program like sh. 724 Commands Reference su Creates the same environment for the new shell as the login shell of user. This is done by calling the new shell as a login shell (see "sh" on page 637), so it reads the system profile file and the user's $HOME/ .profile file. The environment variables NLLDATE and NLTIME control the appearance of the date and time. Note: The TERM and TZ variables are an exception. They are preserved at their current values. These variables are normally set by init or getty prior to login; hence su handles them differently. Examples 1. To obtain superuser authority: su This runs a subshell with the effective user ID and privileges of user root. The su command asks for a password, as if you were logging in as root. Now the commands you run have superuser authority. Press END OF FILE (Ctrl-D) to end the subshell and return to your original shell session and privileges. 2. To obtain jim's privileges: su jim This runs a subshell with the effective user ID and privileges of jim. 3. To set up the environment as if you had logged in as jim: su jim This runs a subshell with the effective user ID and privileges of jim. The - causes the shell variable LOGNAME to be set to jim, HOME to be set to the path name of jim's home directory, and j; m's $H 0 ME / .profile shell procedure file to be run before prompting for the first shell command. 4. To run a single command with superuser authority: su root -c "backup -9 _U" This runs the shell command backup -9 -u with superuser authority (if you know the password assigned to root). Related Information The following command: "sh" on page 637. Commands 725 sum sum Purpose Displays the checksum and block count of a file. Syntax sum -0- file ---l -r OL805268 Description The sum command reads file and calculates a I6-bit checksum for the file and the number of blocks in the file. The checksum and number of blocks are written to standard output. The sum command is generally used to determine if a file that has been copied or communicated over transmission lines is an exact copy of the original. Flag -r Uses an alternate algorithm to compute the checksum (rigorous byte-by-byte computation rather than the default word by word computation). Example To display the checksum of, and the number of blocks in datafi 1e: sum datafile If the checksum of datafi 1e is 16053 and if the file contains 3 blocks, then sum displays: 16053 3 Related Information The following command: "we" on page 846. 726 Commands Reference sync sync Purpose Updates the superblock and writes buffered files to the fixed disk. Syntax sync - l OL805221 Description The sync command runs the sync system primitive. If you have to stop the system, you must run sync to ensure file system integrity. sync writes all unwritten system buffers to disk. This includes modified superblocks, modified i-nodes, delayed block I/O, and read-write mapped files. Note: The writing, although scheduled, is not necessarily complete upon return from the sync system call. Related Information The sync system call in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. Commands 727 tab tab, untab Purpose Changes space characters into tabs. Syntax tab~ \.--e~ ~ OL805069 untab~ ~ OL805065 Description The tab command reads files (standard input by default), replaces spaces in the input with tab characters wherever it can eliminate one or more spaces. It writes the resulting file back to file or, if the input was standard input, to standard output. tab assumes that the tab stops are set every eight columns starting with column nine. The untab command reads files or standard input, replaces tabs in the input with space characters and writes back to the original file or to standard output. Flag -e Replaces only those spaces at the beginning of a line up to the first nonspace character. Related Information The following command: "newform" on page 507. 728 Commands Reference tabs tabs Purpose Sets tab stops on work stations. Syntax tabs -c 10 tabspec 1 -moy +m-{ -8J-(:-T$Term--:J-C - Tworkstation num Do not put a space between these items. OL805381 Description The tabs command clears up to 20 previous tabs and sets up to 40 tabs on the work station according to the supplied tabspec. tabspec can be either a flag indicating an available code or column numbers. The available codes cover formats required by most structured programming languages. When you use the tabs command, always see the leftmost column number as 1, even if your work station refers to it as zero (0). If you do not specify a tabspec, the default value is -8. Tabspecs -a Sets the tabs to 1, 10, 16, 36, and 72 (IBM S/370 Assembler first format) -a2 Sets the tabs to 1, 10, 16, 40, and 72 (IBM S/370 Assembler second format) -c Sets the tabs to 1, 8, 12, 16, 20, and 55 (COBOL normal format) -c2 Sets the tabs to 1, 6, 10, 14, and 49 (COBOL compact format, columns 1-6 omitted). With this code, the first column position corresponds to card column 7. One space gets you to column 8, and a tab reaches column 12. Files using this code should include a format specification of: <:t-c2 m6 566 d:> Commands 729 tabs For an explanation of format specifications, see the fspec file in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. -c3 Sets the tabs to 1, 6, 10, 14, 18, 22, 26, 30, 34, 38, 42, 46, 50, 54, 58, 62, and 67 (COBOL compact format with more tabs than -c2. This is the recommended format for COBOL. Files using this code should include a format specification of: <:t-c3 m6 566 d:> -f Sets the tabs to 1, 7, 11, 15, 19, and 23 (FORTRAN). -p Sets the tabs to 1, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25, 29, 33, 37, 41, 45, 49, 53, 57, and 61 (PL/I). -s Sets the tabs to 1, 10, and 55 (SNOBOL). -u Sets the tabs to 1, 12, 20, and 44. In addition to the preset formats, three other types of tabspecs are available: -num Sets regularly repeating tabs at every numth column. (-8 is the standard AIX tab setting and the one required for use with the nroff -h flag.) Another special case is -0, which implies no tabs at all. num[,num] . .. Sets tabs at the named column numbers (a comma-separated list in ascending order). You may specify up to 40 numbers. If any number except the first has a plus sign prefix, the prefixed number is added to the previous number for the next setting. Thus, the tab lists 1,10,20,30 and 1,10, +10, +10 provide the same tab settings. --filep Reads the first line of the named filep for a format specification. If it finds one, it sets tabs the same way. If it does not find a format specification, it sets tabs to the system default (-8). Use this tabspec to make sure that a file has the same tab settings as those in a file already correctly formatted. Flags Note: If the same flag occurs more than once, only the last one takes effect. -Tworkstation +mnum +mnum 730 Identifies the work station so that tabs can set tabs and margins correctly. workstation is one of the work stations listed under the greek command. If you do not provide a -T flag, tabs uses the shell variable $TERM. If no workstation can be found, tabs tries a general value that works for most work stations. Moves all tabs to the right num columns, and makes column numl the left margin. If m is given without a value, 10 is assumed. The leftmost margin on most work stations is defined by mO. Commands Reference tabs Related Information The following commands: "greek" on page 379, "nroff' on page 525, and "troff' on page 526. The discussion of term and environ in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. Commands 731 tail tail Purpose Writes a file to standard output, beginning at a specified point. Syntax 101 tail ~ one of + 10 1 num OL805303 1 Do not put a blank between these items. OL805308 Description The tail command writes the named file (standard input by default) to standard output, beginning at a point you specify. It begins reading at + [num] lines from the beginning of file or -[num] lines from the end of file. The default num is 10. num is counted in units of lines, blocks, or characters, according to the subflag appearing after num (see the following flags). Flags -f + [num]l + [num]b + [num]c 732 Does not end after it copies the line of the input file if the input file is not read from a pipe, but enters an endless loop in which it sleeps for a second and then attempts to read and copy further records from the input file. Thus, it can be used to monitor the growth of a file being written by another process. Begins reading num lines (1, the default), blocks (b), or characters (c) from the beginning of the input. Commands Reference tail -[num]l -[num]b -[num]c Begins reading num lines (1, the default), blocks (b), or characters (c) from the end of the input. Examples 1. To display the last 10 lines of a file: tai 1 2. notes To specify how far from the end to start: tail -20 notes This displays the last 20 lines of notes. 3. To specify how far from the beginning to start: tail +200c notes pg This displays notes a page at a time starting with the 200th character from the beginning. 4. To follow the growth of a file: tail -1 -f accounts This displays the last line of accounts. Once a second, tail displays any lines that have been added to the file. This continues until stopped by pressing INTERRUPT (Alt-Pause). Related Information The following command: "dd" on page 228 and "pg" on page 553. Commands 733 TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 tapechk tapechk Purpose Performs consistency checking of the streaming tape device. Syntax tcpechk - ( ? Y -{ numl num2 OL805445 Description The tapechk command performs rudimentary consistency checking on an attached streaming tape device. Some hardware malfunctions with a streaming tape drive can be detected by simply reading a tape. tapechk provides a way to perform tape reads on the file level. Since the streaming tape drive cannot backspace over physical data blocks or files, tapechk rewinds the tape to its starting position prior to each check. You can specify numeric arguments to control the number of files checked or skipped. If you do not specify any arguments, tapechk rewinds the tape and checks only the first physical block. Although you can use tapechk on any streaming tape cartridge, it is primarily designed for checking tapes written by the backup command. Flags numl Checks data for the next numl files. num2 Skips the next num2 files from the beginning of the tape. ? Explains the format of the tapechk command. Note: If you specify this argument, it must be the first argument. 734 Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 tar tar Purpose Manipulates tape archives. Syntax -b16----.. tar -c -r -t -u -x -w -d -I -h -bblocks -num -j inputlist -C blocks -m one of -f file -f file -num one of blocksb -s feet -s feet«lensity -5 OL80542:1 Description The tar command writes files to or retrieves files from archival storage. tar normally looks for archives on a magnetic tape, but you can specify other archival files with the -f flag. File names must not be longer than 100 characters and must not contain blanks (tar ignores all characters following the first blank.) When writing to an archive, tar uses a temporary file (/tmp/tar*) and maintains in memory a table of files with several links. You will receive an error message if tar cannot create the temporary file, or if there is not enough memory available to hold the link tables. Backspacing is not supported on a raw magnetic tape device, so the -u and -r flags will rewind the tape, and then open and read it again. Backspacing is supported and used on ordinary files and block special files. Records are always one block long on block magnetic tape, but they are typically less than half as dense as blocked records on raw magnetic tape (because of inter-record gaps). Therefore, although a blocked raw tape must be read twice, the total amount of tape motion is less than it is when reading one-block records from a block magnetic tape once. Note: There is no way to ask for any occurrence of a file other than the last, and there is no recovery from tape errors. Commands 735 tar Flags You must supply one of the following five function flags to control the actions of tar: c Creates a new archive from the named files. Writing begins at the beginning of the tape. r Writes files at the end of the tape. t Lists the files in the order in which they appear on the tape. Files may appear more than once on a tape. u Adds files to the tape only if they are not already there or if they have been modified since last written onto the tape. x Extracts files from the tape. If a file specifies a directory, tar extracts all files on the tape in that directory. If you do not specify a file, tar extracts all files on the tape. If multiple copies of the same file are on the tape, tar extracts only the last one and overwrites all earlier ones. If you have superuser authority (see "su" on page 724), tar creates all files and directories with the same user and group IDs as on the tape. If you do not have superuser authority, the files and directories have your user and group IDs. The other optional flags to tar are listed below. In all cases, a directory parameter refers to all the files and subdirectories, recursively, within that directory. Flags without corresponding parameters may appear separately or be grouped together. Flags that take parameters may have them adjacent to the flag letter or as the entire following argument. -bblocks Specifies the number of 512-byte blocks per tape record. The default is 16, which is appropriate for tape records. Due to the size of inter-record gaps, tapes written with large blocking factors can hold much more data than tapes with only one block per record. The block size is determined automatically when tapes are read (function flags -x or -t). When archives are updated with the -u and -r functions, the existing record size is used. tar will write archives using the specified blocks value only when creating new archives under the -c function. For output to ordinary files with the -f flag, you can save disk space by using a blocking factor that matches the size of disk blocks (for example, -b4 for 2048-byte disk blocks). Ordinary files must be read using the same blocking factor used when they were created. -Cblocks 736 Allows tar to use very large clusters of blocks when it deals with streaming tape archives. Note, however, that on input, tar cannot automatically determine the block size of tapes with very long block sizes created with this flag. In the absence of a -Cnum argument, the largest block size that tar can automatically determine is 20 blocks. Commands Reference tar -d Makes separate tape entries for directories, blocks and character special files, and FIFOs. Normally, tar writes only ordinary files to tape, and extracts only ordinary files and the directories required to contain them as determined by the path names on the tape. When writing to tape with the -d flag, tar makes it possible to preserve the directory permission codes and to restore empty directories, special files, and FIFOs with the -x flag. Note: Although anyone can archive special files, only a user with superuser authority can extract them from the tape. -ffile[-num] Uses file as the archive to be read or written. Without this flag, tar uses a system-dependent default file name of the form /dev/rmt? If the file given is - (minus), tar writes to standard output or reads from standard input. If you write to standard output, the -c function flag must be used. If you specify num, tar provides automatic spillover from one file or tape unit to another. For example, -f/dev/rmtO-2 writes or reads /dev /rmtO, followed by /dev /rmtl, and then /dev /rmt2 before requesting that additional volumes be mounted. This feature allows the operator of a system with multiple tape drives to use multi-tape archives without having to change tapes. -h Ignores header checksum errors. tar writes a file header containing a checksum for each file on the tape. Without this flag, when it reads a tape, it verifies the contents of the header blocks by recomputing the checksum, and aborts with a di rectory checksum error when a mismatch occurs. With this flag, tar logs the error and then scans forward on the tape until it finds a valid header block. This permits restoring files from later volumes of a multi-volume archive without reading earlier volumes. -iinputlist Writes the files named in the file inputlist to the archive. inputlist contains one file name per line. Files from inputlist are not treated recursively. If you include the name of a directory in inputlist, tar does not write that directory's subdirectories to the tape, only that directory's files. If files are listed on the command line, the contents of inputlist are included after tar has written all the files and their subdirectories to the archive. -1 Writes error messages to standard output if tar cannot resolve all of the links to the files archived. (If you do not specify this flag, you will not get these messages.) -m Uses the time of extraction as the modification time, even if invoked by a user with superuser authority. Usually, when tar is invoked by a user with superuser authority, it preserves the modification time of extracted files. Commands 737 tar -8 -8 -8 blocksb feet feet @density Specifies the number of 512-byte blocks per volume (first format), independent of the tape blocking factor. You can also specify the size of the tape in feet by using the second form, and tar assumes a default density. The third form allows you to specify both tape length and density. Feet are assumed to be 11 inches long to be conservative. This flag lets you deal more easily with multi-volume tape archives, where tar must be able to determine how many blocks fit on each volume. . -v Lists the name of each file as it is processed. With the -t function flag, -v gives more information about the tape entries, including file sizes, times of last modification, UID, and GID, and permissions. -w Displays the action to be taken followed by the file name, then wait for user confirmation. If the response begins with y or Y, the action is performed; otherwise, the file is ignored. -num Uses /dev/rmtnum instead of the default. For example, -2 is the same as -f/dev /rmt2. In AIX systems with multi-density tape drives, this flag allows selecting a particular density. The default unit is system dependent and is chosen to match the default density, as described under the -s flag. Files /dev/rmt? /tmp/tar* /bin/find /bin/sort 738 Commands Reference tbl tbl Purpose Formats tables for the nroff and troff commands. Syntax tbl OL805222 Description The tbl command is a preprocessor that formats tables for nroff and troff. It reads the specified files or, if you do not specify any file names or you specify a - (minus) as a file name, it reads standard input. The input is copied unchanged to standard output, except for text between lines containing .TS and .TE. This text describes tables, and is reformatted by tbl. The .TS and .TE lines are not altered by tbl. For more detailed information on how to format text for tbl, see Text Formatting Guide. Note: When tbl is used with eqn or neqn, tbl should come first to minimize the volume of data passed through pipelines. At the start oftbl text, you should include a line containing .TS. You can follow this with a line containing global options. The available global options are: center expand box doublebox allbox tab (x) linesize (n) delim (x,y) Centers the table (the default is left-adjusted). Makes the table as wide as the current line length. Encloses the table in a box. Encloses the table in a double box. Encloses each item of the table in a box. Uses the character x instead of a tab to separate items in a line of input data. Sets lines and rules for boxes in point size n. Sets x and y as the eqn and neqn text delimiters. End the list of global options with a ; (semicolon). After the global options, enter lines describing the format of each row in the table. Each format line (except the last) describes one row of the table. The last one describes all remaining rows of the table. This must end with a period to indicate that it is the end of Commands 739 tbl the format specification. Each column of the table is described by a single keyletter. The available keyletters are: Centers the item in the column. Right-adjusts the item in the column. Left-adjusts the item in the column. Adjusts the numerical items in the column to line up at the decimal point or right-adjusts them if there are no decimal points. Allows the previous item on the left to spill over into this column if the item is too wide for its column. Centers the longest line in this column and then left-adjusts all other lines in it with respect to the centered line. Allows the item above to spill over into this column if the item is too large. Replaces this entry with a horizontal line. Replaces this entry with a double horizontal line. c r I n s a /\ After the keyletter, you can enter specifiers that determine where vertical lines appear between columns, column width, inter-column spacing, and the font and point size of the item. See "Column and Item Specifiers" on page 745 for legal specifiers. The format lines are followed by lines containing data for the table. The last line consists of . TE. Within the data lines, data items are separated by tab characters, unless the global option, delim is used. If a data line consists of only _ (underscore) or = (equal sign), a single or double line is drawn across the table at that point. If an entry in a data line consists of only _ or =, then that item is replaced by a single or double line. Specifier e or E for F nnn p or P s or S tor T orU v orV Meaning Equal width columns. Font change. Column separation. Point size change. Spanned item. Vertical spanning at top. Text block. Staggered columns. Vertical spacing change. Figure 6. tbl Column and Item Specifiers T{ ..• T} U 740 Commands Reference Specifier worW z or Z .xx I I II II \/\ \\Rx Meaning Minimum width column. Zero width column. Included troff request. Vertical line. Double vertical line. Vertical span. Short horizontal line. Repeat character. tbl Flag -TX Uses only full vertical line motions, making the output suitable for line printers and other devices that do not have partial vertical line motions. Related Information The following commands: "cw, checkcw" on page 213, "eqn, neqn, checkeq" on page 300, "mm, checkmm" on page 492, "mmt, checkmm" on page 495, "nrofr' on page 525, and "trofr' on page 526. The mm and mv miscellaneous facilities in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. The discussion of tbl in Text Formatting Guide. Commands 741 tc tc Purpose Simulates phototypesetter output for a Tektronix 4014 work station. Syntax tc -pnum OL805271 1 Do not put a blank between these items. OL805308 Description The tc command interprets its input, either a file or standard input, as a troff document. It then simulates the typesetter output for a Tektronix 4014 work station with ASCII and APL character sets and writes the results to standard output (usually the work station display). The 16 typesetter sizes are mapped into the 4014's four sizes; the entire troff character set is drawn using the 4014's character generator, with overstruck combinations where necessary. At the end of each page, tc waits for a new-line character from the keyboard before continuing to the next page. While it is waiting, the command e suppresses the screen erase before the next page. !AIX-cmd sends AIX-cmd to the shell. Flags -pnum letter -t Sets page length to num and scale to letter. letter may include the scale factors p (points), i (inches), c (centimeters), and P (picas). The default is picas~ Do not put a space between num and letter. Does not wait between pages (use in a pipeline). There are no font distinctions in the display. 742 Commands Reference / tc Example To use tc in a pipeline with troff: troff -t chapterl tc Related Information The following commands: "sh" on page 637, "tplot" on page 762, "troff' on page 526, and "4014" on page 865. Commands 743 tctl tctl Purpose Gives commands to streaming tape. Syntax tctl-C -f$TAPE 1 }-SUbCmd----' \r , ~ -ftapename count OL805397 Description The tetl command gives subcommands to a streaming tape device. If you do not specify the -f flag with tapename, the environment variable TAPE is used. If the environment variable does not exist, tetl uses the device /dev/rmt4. The tapename parameter must be a raw (not block) tape device. You can specify more than one operation with count. Subcommands eof we of Writes count end-of-file markers at the current position on the tape. fsf Moves the tape forward count files. fsr Moves the tape forward count records. rewind Rewinds the tape. The count parameter is ignored. Note: It is sometimes necessary to issue a reset before issuing a rewind subcommand. 744 offline rewoffl reset Places the tape drive off-line. The count parameter is ignored. erase Erases all contents on the tape and rewinds it. retension Moves the tape to the beginning, the end, and back to the beginning of the tape. If you have excessive read errors during a restore operation, you should run the ret ens ion subcommand. If the tape has been exposed to environmental extremes, you should run the retension subcommand before the save operation. Commands Reference /' TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 tctl rasl Performs a checksum on the tape drive. ras2 Checks the capstan speed, verifies the operations of the BOT, EOT, and SAFE sensors, and writes a worst case pattern on the tape and attempts to verify the pattern. i Files /dev/rmt?? The raw streaming tape interface. Related Information The following command: "dd" on page 228. The ioctl system call and the tape and environ files in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. Commands 745 tee tee Purpose Displays the output of a program and copies it into a file. Syntax tee OLR05272 Description The tee command reads standard input and writes the output of a program to standard output and copies it into file at the same time. Flags -a Adds the output to the end of file instead of writing over it. -i Ignores interrupts. Note: If you specify both flags, each must appear separately on the command line, preceded by a - (minus). Examples 1. To view and save the output from a command at the same time: 1i nt program. c tee program. lint This displays the standard output of the command 1 i nt program. c at the work station, and at the same time saves a copy of it in the file program. 1 i nt. If program. 1 i nt already exists, it is deleted and replaced. 746 Commands Reference tee 2. To display and append to a file: lint program.c tee-a program. lint This displays the standard output of 1i nt program. c at the work station and at the same time appends a copy of it to the end of program. 1 i nt. If the file program. 1 i nt does not exist, it is created. Commands 747 termdef termdef Purpose Queries terminal characteristics. Syntax -t termdef ¥ n ofe -c -I -t OL805454 Description The termdef command identifies the current display type, the active lines setting, or the current columns setting, thus simplifying the task of resetting the lines and columns when you switch fonts or of resetting the $TERM environment variable when you switch displays. The terminfo file defines the default number of lines and columns for each display, but the lines and columns can change depending upon which font is currently active. In addition, the $TERM environment variable does not automatically reflect the display currently being used. If you are using a display other than the ibm5151, you must explicitly reset this variable to access the terminfo correctly. Flags -c Returns the current column value. -I Returns the current lines value. -t Returns the name of the current display (this is the default action). Example To set enviroment variables according to the values of the currently active font and display, add the following lines to the /etc/rc file: TERM='termdef' COLUMNS='termdef -c' LINES='termdef -1' export TERM LINES COLUMNS 748 Commands Reference termdef Related Information The following command: "display" on page 258. The terminfo file and the hft special file in A/X Operating System Technical Reference. Commands 749 test test Purpose Evaluates conditional expressions. Syntax tost [ - expression---l expression - ] ---I OL805273 Description The test command evaluates expression and, if its value is true, returns a zero (true) exit value; otherwise it returns a nonzero (false) exit value; test also returns a nonzero exit value if there are no parameters. Note: In the second form of the command, that is the one that uses square brackets ([ J), rather than the word test, the brackets must be surrounded by blanks. Functions All the functions and operators are separate parameters to test. The following functions are used to construct expression: 750 -r file True if file exists and has read permission. -w file True if file exists and has write permission. -x file True if file exists and has execute permission. -f file True if file exists and is a regular file. -d file True if file exists and is a directory. -c file True if file exists and is a character special file. -b file True if file exists and is a block special file. -p file True if file exists and is a named pipe (FIFO). -u file True if file exists and its set-user-ID bit is set. Commands Reference test -g file True if file exists and its set-group-ID bit is set. -k file True if file exists and its sticky bit is set. -s file True if file exists and has a size greater than zero. -t [filedescr] True if the open file with file descriptor number filedescr (1 by default) is associated with a work station device. -z s1 True if the length of string s1 is zero. -n s1 True if the length of the string s1 is nonzero. s1 = s2 True if strings s1 and s2 are identical. s1 ! = s2 True if strings s1 and s2 are not identical. s1 True if s1 is not the null string. n1 -eq n2 True if the integers n1 and n2 are algebraically equal. Any of the comparisons -ne, -gt, -ge, -It, and -Ie can be used in place of -eq. These functions can be combined with the following operators: Unary negation operator. -a Binary AND operator. -0 Binary OR operator (-a has higher precedence than -0). \( expression \) Parentheses for grouping. Examples 1. To test whether a file exists and is not empty: if test! -s "$1" then echo $1 does not exist or is empty. fi If the file specified by the first positional parameter to the shell procedure does not exist, this displays an error message. If $1 exists, it displays nothing. Note that there must be a space between -s and the file name. The double quotes around $1 ensure that the test will work properly even if the value of $1 is the empty string. If the double quotes are omitted and $1 is the empty string, test displays the error message test: parameter expected. Commands 751 test 2. To do a complex comparison: if [ $# - 1t 2 - 0 then exit ! - S II $111 ] fi If the shell procedure was given fewer than two positional parameters or the file specified by $1 does not exist, then this exits the shell procedure. The special shell variable $# represents the number of positional parameters entered on the command line that started this shell procedure. For more details, see "Shell Variables and Command-Line Substitutions" on page 641. Related Information The following commands: "find" on page 326 and "sh" on page 637. 752 Commands Reference tic tic Purpose Translates term info files from source to compiled format. Syntax y tic -(-v -{ file T num OL805340 Description The tic command translates term info files from the source format into the compiled format. tic places the results in the directory /usr/lib/terminfo. If the environment variable TERMINFO is set, the results are placed there instead of in /usr/lib/terminfo. The tic command compiles all term info descriptions in files. When tic finds a use = field, it searches first the current file, then the master file, ./terminfo.src. The total compiled entries cannot exceed 4096 bytes and the name field cannot exceed 128 bytes. Flag -vnum Writes trace information on the progress of tic. num is an integer that increases the level of the verbosity. Files /usr /lib/terminfo/? /* Compiled terminal capability data base. Related Information The curses subroutine and the terminfo file in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. Commands 753 time time Purpose Times the execution of a command. Syntax command time - ~ OL805274 Description The time command times the execution of the named command. time writes to standard error the elapsed time of the command, the system time used, and the execution time, in seconds. Examples 1. To measure the time required to run a program: time a.out This runs the program a.out and writes to the standard error output the amount of real, system, and user time that it uses: real user sys 2. To save a record of the time information in a file: time ~ ~ ~T 10.5 0.3 3.6 ~ a.out 2> a.time , • .n.ela"(;ea .lnIOrmataon J The following command: "timex" on page 755. The times system call in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. 754 Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 timex timex Purpose Times a command, and reports process data and system activity. Syntax limex--<@X _P~~ ~ ~ V-commond---" 1 Do not put a blank between these items. OL805275 Description The timex command reports, in seconds, the elapsed time, user time, and system execution time for command. With flags specified, timex can list or summarize process accounting data for command and all of its children, and report total system activity during the execution interval. The output of the timex command is written to standard error. Note: timex only reports on local commands. The timex commands uses the accounting file /usr/adm/pacct to select process records associated with command. It also includes background processes having the same user ID, work station ID, and execution time window. Flags -0 Reports the total number of blocks read or written and total characters transferred by command and all its children. -p Lists process accounting records for command and all its children. The f, h, k, m, r, and t arguments modify the data items reported and are defined in the acctcom command (see page 38.) The number of blocks read or written and the number of characters transferred are always reported. -s Reports total system activity that occurred during the execution of command. All the data items listed in sar are reported (see page 614). Commands 755 timex Related Information The following commands: "acctcom" on page 38 and "sar" on page 614. 756 Commands Reference toc toe Purpose Provides graphical table of contents routines. Syntax dtoc-C =r directory ttoc - mmfi/e---l vtoc -c -d -h num -j -m -s -v num OL777076 Description All of the commands listed below reside in /usr/bin/graf (see "graphics" on page 377). dtoc The dtoc command makes a textual table of contents, TTOC, of all subdirectories beginning at directory (by default the current directory.). The list has one entry per directory. The entry fields from left to right are level number, directory name, and the number of ordinary readable files in the directory. dtoc is useful in making a visual display of all or parts of a file system. The following will make a visual display of all the readable directories under the root directory (f): dtoc / I vtoc I td Commands 757 toe ttoc Output is the table of contents generated by the .TC macro of the mm command translated to TTOC format. The input is assumed to be a mm file that uses the .R family of macros for section headers. If no file is given, the standard input is assumed. vtoc The vtoc command produces a GPS describing a hierarchy chart from a TTOC. The output drawing consists of boxes containing text connected in a tree structure. If no file is given, the standard input is assumed. Each TTOC entry describes one box and has the form: id[line-weight, line-style] "text" [mark] where: id is an alternating sequence of numbers and dots. The id specifies the position of the entry in the hierarchy. The id o. is the root of the tree. line-weight is either: n, normal-weight; or m, medium-weight; or b, bold-weight. line-style is either: so, solid-line; do, dotted-line; dd, dot-dash line; da, dashed-line; or ld, long-dashed text is a character string surrounded by quotes. The characters between the quotes become the contents of the box. To include a quote within a box it must be escaped (\"). mark is a character string (surrounded by quotes if it contains spaces), with included dots being escaped. The string is put above the top right corner of the box. To include either a quote or a dot within ,a mark it must be escaped. Entry example:,daIlABOII OEF Entries may span more than one line by escaping the new-line (\new-line). Comments are surrounded by the /*,*/ pair. They may appear anywhere in a TTOC. 758 Commands Reference toe Flags c Uses text as entered, (default is all upper case). d Connects the boxes with diagonal lines. hnum Sets horizontal interbox space to num% of box width. Suppresses the box id. m Suppresses the box mark. s Do not compact boxes horizontally. vnum Vertical interbox space is num% of box height. Related Information The following command: "graphics" on page 377. The gps file in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. Commands 759 touch touch Purpose Updates the access and modification times of a file. Syntax ~ -0 --=:0 louch ~ _~ -m -c =2r directory mmddhhmm'y fife mmddhhmmyy 'The current year is the default year. OL805276 Description The touch command updates the access and modification times of each file or directory named to the one specified on the command line. If you do not specify a time, touch uses the current time. If you specify a file that does not exist, touch creates a file with that name unless you request otherwise with the -c flag. The environment variables NLDATE and NLTIME, if defined, specify the order of month and day in the date specification and of hour and minute in the time specification. Otherwise, these orders default to mmdd and hhmm. The return code from touch is the number of files for which the times could not be successfully modified (including files that did not exist and were not created). Flags 760 -a Changes only the access time. -c Does not create the file if it does not already exist. -m Changes only the modification time. Commands Reference touch Examples 1. To update the access and modification times of a file: touch program.c This sets the last access and last modification times of program. c to the current date and time. If program. c does not exist, touch creates an empty file with that name. 2. To avoid creating a new file: touch 3. -c program.c To update only the modification time: touch -m *.0 This updates only the last modification times of the files in the current directory that end with . o. touch is often used in this way to alter the results of the make command. 4. To explicitly set the access and modification times: touch -c 02171425 program.c This sets the access and modification dates to 14:25 (2:25 p.m.) February 17 of the current year. Related Information The following command: "date" on page 219. The utime system call in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. The "Overview of International Character Support" in Managing the AIX Operating System. Commands 761 tplot tplot Purpose Produces plotting instructions for a particular work station. Syntax tplot I ~ -T$TERM \ /\ J I -Tworkstation F\ OL805277 Description The tplot command reads plotting instructions from standard input or from file, if specified. (For more information about plotting instructions, see the plot file format A/X Operating System Technical Reference). tplot writes instructions suitable for the specified workstation to standard output. If workstation is not specified, the environment variable TERM is used. (For more information about environment variables, see the environ file in A/X Operating System Technical Reference). Flag -Tworkstation Uses the plotting instructions for workstation. The known workstation is: lp IBM PC graphics printer Files /usr/lib/tcolor /usr/lib/tprint Related Information The following commands: "graph" on page 375 and "splp" on page 687. The plot subroutine and the plot file in A/X Operating System Technical Reference. 762 Commands Reference tput tput Purpose Queries the terminfo file. Syntax -T$TERM tput -{ -Ttype OL805398 Description The tput. command uses the terminfo file to make terminal-dependent information available to the shell. The output of tput. is a string if the attribute cap name (for capability name) is of type string or an integer if the attribute is of type integer. If the attribute is of type Boolean, tput. simply sets the exit value (0 for TRUE, 1 for FALSE), and produces no other output. Flags -Ttype Indicates the type of work station. Normally, the value of type is supplied by the environment variable $TERM. capname Indicates the attribute from the term info file. For more information, see the terminfo file in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. Examples 1. To echo the clear-screen sequence for the current work station: tput 2. To display the number of columns for the current work station: tput 3. clear cols To display the number of columns for the 450 work station: tput -T450 cols Commands 763 tput 4. To set the shell variable bo 1d to the highlight mode sequence for the current work station: bo 1d='tput smso' This might be followed by a prompt: echo 5. "${bold}Please type in your name: \e" To set the exit value to indicate if the current work station is a hardcopy terminal: tput he Files /usr/lib/terminfo/? /* /usr/include/term.h /usr/include/curses.h Terminal descriptor files. Definition files. Related Information The following command: "stty" on page 717. The terminfo file in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. 764 Commands Reference tr tr Purpose Translates characters. Syntax string/ tr '----string/ string2 ~ ~ , OL805278 Description The tr command copies characters from the standard input to the standard output with substitution or deletion of selected characters. Input characters from string 1 are replaced with the corresponding characters in string2. tr cannot handle an ASCII NUL (\000) in stringl or string2; it always deletes NUL from the input. Abbreviations that can be used to introduce ranges of characters or repeated characters are: [a-z] Stands for a string of characters whose ASCII codes run from character a to character z, inclusive. [a*num] Stands for num repetitions of a. num is considered to be in decimal unless the first digit of num is 0; then it is considered to be in octal. Use the escape character \ (backslash) to remove special meaning from any character in a string. Use the \ followed by 1, 2, or 3 octal digits for the ASCII code of a character. Flags -A Translates on a byte-by-byte basis. When you specify this flag, tr does not support extended characters. -c Complements (inverts) the set of characters in stringl with respect to the universe of characters whose ASCII codes are 001 through 377 octal, if you specify -A, and all characters, if you do not specify -A. Commands 765 tr -d Deletes all input characters in stringl. -8 Changes characters that are repeated output characters in string2 into single characters. Examples 1. To translate braces into parentheses: tr I {} I I () I newfi 1e This translates each { to ( and each} to ). All other characters remain unchanged. 2. To translate lowercase characters to uppercase: tr 3. I [a-zJ I I [A-IJ I newfi 1e This is what happens if the strings are not the same length: tr I [0-9J I I#I newfi 1e This translates each 0 to a # (number sign). Note: If the two character strings are not the same length, then the extra characters in the longer one are ignored. 4. To translate each digit to a #: tr I [0-9J I I [#*J I newfile tells tr to repeat the # enough times to make the second string as long as the The * first one. 5. To translate each string of digits to a single num: tr 6. -5 I [0-9J I I L#*J I newfile To translate all ASCII characters that are not specified: tr -C I[ _-JI '[A-_J?' newfile This translates each non-printing ASCII character to the corresponding control key letter (\001 translates to A, \002 to B, etc.). ASCII DEL (\177), the character that follows - (tilde), translates to ? 7. To create a list of the words in a file: tr -C5 I [a-zJ [A-IJ I I [\012*J I newfile This translates each string of nonalphabetic characters to a single new-line character. The result is a list of all the words in textfi 1e, one word per line. 766 Commands Reference tr Related Information The following commands: "ed" on page 280 and "sh" on page 637. The ascii file in A/X Operating System Technical Reference. The "Overview of International Character Support" in Managing the A/X Operating System. Commands 767 trace trace Purpose Starts the trace function. Syntax ~c/trcprOfile\ trace (-9medes profile -I , ~ OL805279 Description The trace command starts the trace function in the background. This trace function provides a base for debugging the system. trace monitors the occurrence of selected events in the system and records on disk important data specific to each of these events. You can format this output with the trcrpt command. Any user or program that needs the trace process enabled for debugging or error determination can start trace. When starting trace, you must provide a profile. This allows you to tailor the output of the trace session to individual needs. The default profile is /etc/trcprofile. There may be more than one trace profile in the file system at a time. The trace profile contains the classes of events that you can select to trace, listed by event class and by a descriptive label. See "Example" on page 770 for a sample profile. You may keep different profiles to trace different combinations of event classes. trace also takes additional information about the trace session from the configuration file /etc/rasconf (see A/X Operating System Technical Reference for a discussion of this file). You set the name and size of the output file in this configuration file. In a multi-user environment, trace records all system events, not just events at one virtual terminal. 768 Commands Reference trace Flags -g {iledes Indicates that this is a generic trace session. Generic tracing applies only to the VRM. In this type of session, events to be recorded do not necessarily have a fixed event class, but are allocated to a temporary event channel by the trace device driver, Ide v/vrmtrace. Thus, starting a generic trace does not require a trace profile. Generic traces are started and stopped by other processes, such as communications session managers. Therefore, the interface to the demon is somewhat diffferent. The -g flag is useful only when trace is started by another process. The {iledes parameter is a file descriptor from the parent process. trace writes this following information to this file descriptor: • • o • The The The The process ID of the trace demon address of the trace buffer size (in bytes) of the trace buffer temporary channel bit allocated to this event. When tracing a generic event, the trace demon does not record its process ID so that it can be stopped by the trcstop command. Thus, more than one trace demon may be running at any time, but there may be as many as seven traces in the system at once (one normal trace and from one to six generic traces). Use the trc_start and trc_stop subroutines to start and stop a generic trace. Indicates that the VRM trace device driver should log only the last buffer filled before the trace demon stops. This flag is valid only during a generic trace (-g). -1 -0 name Specifies the name of the log file into which the trace demon stores the trace data. For generic traces (-g), this name must be different from the default file name specified in the configuration file letc/rasconf. -n num Specifies the number of entries in the trace buffer. trace multiplies this number by the size of the entries (see the -s flag) and uses the resulting value to size the trace buffer. If you do not specify this flag, trace uses the buffer size specified in the configuration file letc/rasconf. -s Slze Specifies the size (in bytes) of the entries that the trace demon will be handling. The default size is 40 bytes. The size can be no less than 20, which is the number of bytes in the trace header for each entry. All entries must be the same size in a particular trace log file. Commands 769 trace Example ******************************************************************************* * SYSTEM TRACE PROFILE ******************************************************************************* * To set trace on for an event class, remove the comment mark (*) from the * first column of the line containing the event you wish to trace. * Add a comment mark (*) in the first column of lines containing event types * you wish to stop tracing. ***** Event Type * Description ***** Applications ***** * 36 AIX Extensions Config ***** * * * * * * * * * 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 AIX System Calls Shared Memory Messages Semaphores Signals Time File System File Handling Directory Handling Process ***** * * * * * * 100 110 112 113 114 115 * 150 770 VRM Components SVC Handler Async/5080 Peripherals Async/5080 Peripheral Interrupts Virtual Terminal Manager Keyboard Interrupts Locator Interrupts User-Defined Events Commands Reference ,/ trace Files /etc/trcprofile /usr/adm/ras/trcfile /etc/rasconf Default profile. Output file defined in /etc/rasconf. Configuration file. Related Information The following commands: "trcstop" on page 774 and "trcrpt" on page 772. The rasconf configuration file in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. The discussion of trace in AIX Operating System Programming Tools and Interfaces. Commands 771 trcrpt trcrpt Purpose Formats a report from the trace log file. Syntax i(C trcrpti -s date -edate . /usr/adm/ras/trcfile t file ~ I OL805280 Description The trcrpt command writes to standard output a chronological listing in readable format of the trace log file or files specified. You can specify a maximum of 10 log files. If you do not specify any files, trcrpt reads /etc/rasconf for a file name. This name is usually /usr / adm/ras/trcfile. Flags -e date Ends the report time with entries on or before date. The format of date is the same as the date command, MMddhhmmyy. -s date Starts the report with entries on or later than date. The format of date is the same as the date command, MMddhhmmyy. If you do not specify this flag, trcrpt formats the entire log file. Example To format a trace log file: trcrpt -s0109100384 -e0109100584 /u/dave/trc_log print This formats the log file /u/dave/trc_l og, starting with entries from January 09,1984 at 10:03 and ending at 10:05. It pipes the formatted output to the print queue. 772 Commands Reference trcrpt Files /usr/adm/ras/trcfile Default log file. /etc/trcfmt Trace format file. /usr/adm/ras/.trcevents Trace event types table. Related Information The following commands: "trace" on page 768 and "trcstop" on page 774. The rasconf file in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. The discussion of trcrpt AIX Operating System Programming Tools and Interfaces. Commands 773 trcstop trcstop Purpose Stops the trace function. Syntax trcsto P ---l OL805223 Description The trcstop command sends a Software Terminate signal to the trace background process. This gracefully ends trace and forces cleanup. Files Related Information The following commands: "trace" on page 768 and "trcrpt" on page 772. The discussion of trcstop in AIX Operating System Programming Tools and Interfaces. 774 Commands Reference trcupdate trcupdate Purpose Updates trace format templates. Syntax trcupdcte - file ~ ~-or I OL805399 Description The trcupdate command adds, replaces, or deletes trace report format templates in the files /etc/trcfmt and /usr/adm/ras/.trcevents and the event types in file /etc/trcprofile. trcupdate creates three undo files in the current directory named file.undo.trc, .trcevents.undo.evt, and These undo files can be used as input to trcupdate with the -0 (override) flag to undo the changes trcupdate has just made. The trcupdate command reads three files named file.trc, file.evt, and The trc file contains trace format templates; the evt file contains trace event types and their corresponding hook IDs; the pro file contains the event type line for the trace profile. The first field of each template contains an operator: + To add or replace a template To delete a template. If the operation is +, then the following fields contain the template to be replaced. The hook ID of the template is also added to the /usr/adm/ras/.trcevents file, and the event type line is added to the trace profile /etc/trcprofile. If the operation is a -, then the second field contains the hook ID of the template to delete. That hook ID is also deleted in /usr/adm/ras/.trcevents, and the event type line is deleted from /etc/trcprofile. When adding or replacing, trcupdate compares the version numbers of each input template with the version number of the existing template of the same hook IDs. If the version number of the input template is later, it replaces the old template with the input template. If the template does not already exist, then it is added to the file. The input file must contain an identifier line on the first line: * /etc/trcfmt or trcupdate rejects the input file. The file.evt file contains a table of trace system event types and hook IDs that fall under these types. trcupdate reads in the file /usr/adm/ras/.trcevents and adds in any hook IDs from file.evt that are not already accounted for or reassigns/deletes hook IDs to the Commands 775 trcupdate event type given in the update file. The first line of the event/hook update file must be: or trcupdate rejects the input file. * /ras/. trcevents The contains the lines that are to be added to or deleted from /etc/trcprofile. trcupdate reads /etc/trcprofile and adds or deletes the specified event type line from The first line of the event type file must be: * / etc/trcprofi 1 e or trcupdate rejects the input file. Flags Does no version number checking. -0 Examples 1. The following is a sample trc file: * /etc/trcfmt + 355 1.0 new_fmt - 351 - 352 - 353 2. The following is a sample evt file: * ras/.trcevents 350 355 356 357 Files /etc/trcfmt /usr/adm/ras/. trcevents file.evt file. undo.evt file.trc file.undo.trc Related Information /' The following command: "trcrpt" on page 772. AIX Operating System Programming Tools and Interfaces. 776 Commands Reference true true Purpose Returns an exit value of zero. Syntax true --l false --l OL805064 Description The true command returns a zero exit value. The false command returns a nonzero value. These commands are usually used in input to the sh command. Example To construct an infinite loop in a shell procedure: while true do date sleep 60 done This shell procedure displays the date and time once a minute. To stop it, press INTERRUPT (Alt-Pause). Related Information The following command: "sh" on page 637. Commands 777 tsort tsort Purpose Sorts an unordered list of ordered pairs (a topological sort). Syntax tsort -----'\ J ~fi'er OLB05224 Description The tsort command reads from file or standard input an unordered list of ordered pairs, it builds a completely ordered list, and writes it to standard output. The input file should contain pairs of non empty strings separated by blanks. Pairs of different items indicate a relative order. Pairs of identical items indicate presence, but no relative order. You can use tsort to sort the output of the lorder command. If file contains an odd number of fields, tsort writes the error message Odd data Example To create a subroutine library: larder charin.a scanfld.a scan.a scanln.a tsart xargs ar qv libsubs.a This creates a subroutine library named 1 i bsubs. a that contains chari n. a, scanfl d. a, scan. a, and scan 1 n. a. The ordering of the object modules in the library is important. The ld command requires each module to precede all the other modules that it calls or references. The lorder and tsort commands together add the subroutines to the library in the proper order. 778 Commands Reference tsort Suppose that scan.o calls scanfld.o and scanln.o. scanfld.o also calls charin.o. First, the lorder command creates a list of pairs that shows these dependencies: charin.o charin.o scanfld.o scanfld.o scan.o scan.o scanln.o scanln.o scanfld.o charin.o scanln.o charin.o scan.o scanfld.o Next, the I (vertical bar) sends this list to the tsort command, which converts it into the ordering we need: scan.o scanfld.o scanln.o charin.o Note that each module precedes the module it calls. another module, is last. chari n. 0, which does not call The second I then sends this list to xargs, which constructs and runs the following ar command: ar qv libsubs.a scan.o scanfld.o scanln.o charin.o This ar command creates the properly ordered library. Related Information The following commands: "ar" on page 58, "lorder" on page 457, and "xargs" on page 857. Commands 779 ttt ttt Purpose Plays tic-tac-toe. Syntax /usr / games/ttt OL805282 Description The ttt game plays the popular X and 0 game. This is a learning version, but it learns slowly. It loses nearly 80 games before completely mastering the game. Flags -e Increases the speed of the learning. -i Displays the instructions prior to the start of the game. To quit the game, press INTERRUPT (Alt-Pause) or END OF FILE (Ctrl-D). Files /usr/games/ttt.a 780 Commands Reference Learning file. tty tty Purpose Writes to standard output the full path name of your work station. Syntax IIY~ OL805283 Description The tty command writes the name of your work station to standard output. Flag -s Suppresses reporting the path name. The exit value has the following possible meanings: o 1 2 Standard input is a work station. Standard input is not a work station. Invalid flags specified. If your standard input is not a work station and you do not specify the -s flag, you get the message not a tty. Examples 1. To display full path name of your work station: tty 2. To test whether or not the standard input is a work station: if tty - s then echo 'Enter the text to print: fi print I >/dev/tty Commands 781 tty If the standard input is a work station, this displays the message Enter the text to pri nt: as a prompt and prints the text that the user types. If the standard input is not a work station, this displays nothing. It merely prints the text read from the standard input. The echo . . . >/ dev /tty displays the prompt on the screen even if you redirect the standard output of the shell procedure. This way the prompt is never written into an output file. The special file /dev/tty always refers your work station, although it also has another name like /dev/console or /dev/tty2. 782 Commands Reference turn on turnon Purpose Turns on execute permission for games. Syntax turnon ----l OLB05405 turnoff ---l OLB05406 Description The turnon and turnoff commands are shell procedures that set the permission codes of files in the /usr/games directory. You must be operating with superuser authority to run this command. The turnon command looks for files with permissions set to 000 and sets them to 111 (execute permission for all users). The turnoff command looks for files in /usr/games whose permissions are set to 111 and sets these permissions to 000. If you install any new games in the /usr/games directory, set their permissions to 111. Commands 783 TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 ugtable lugtable I Purpose Accesses the Distributed Services Network User/Groups Table. I Syntax ugtable ---1 OL805469 I Description The ugtable command lets you build, examine, or change the Distributed Services Network User/Group Table. Only members of the system group or users operating with superuser authority can use ugtable to change the state of the Distributed Services Network User/Group Tables (see "su" on page 724). Other users can use ugtable to browse the Network User/Groups Table. I Related Information "Getting Started With Distributed Services Configuration Menus" in Managing the AIX Operating System. 784 Commands Reference umask umask Purpose Sets file-creation permission code mask. Syntax umaSk-Q--l nnn 01.805286 Description The umask command sets your file-creation mask to nnn, three octal digits that represent the read/write/execute permissions for owner, group, and others, respectively. When you create a file, the system ANDs the complement of nnn to the file-creation permission code, in effect removing the corresponding permissions. (See" ehmod" on page 128 for more information on file and directory permission codes.) If you do not specify nnn, umask displays the current value of your file-creation permission code mask. The initial system mask (set in fete/profile) is 022. Examples 1. To display the current file creation mask: umask 2. To prevent other people from writing into your files: umask 022 This sets the file creation mask to 022, which takes away write permission for group members and others. Now a file that would normally be created with permission code 777 has code 755, and a file normally 666 has 644. 3. To prevent other people from using your files: umask 077 This sets the file creation mask to 077, which removes read, write, and execute permission for group members and others. Now a file that would normally be created with permission code 666 has code 600. Commands 784.1 umask Related Information The following commands: "chmod" on page 128 and "sh" on page 637. The creat, chmod, mknod, open, and umask calls in A/X Operating System Technical Reference. The discussion of tailoring the user environment in Managing the A/X Operating System. 784.2 Commands Reference umask Commands 7~5 TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 umount umount Purpose Makes a file system unavailable for use. Syntax OL805225 Description The umount command unmounts a previously mounted file system, directory, or file. Processing on the file system, directory, or file completes and it is unmounted. Members of the system group and users operating with superuser authority can issue any umount command. Other users can unmount any directory or file that they have mounted. For local mounts, you can specify the file system, directory, or file as either the directory or device on which it is mounted. If you specify all, umount unmounts all mounted file systems. For remote mounts, specify the directory of the file as directory. If you specify allr, umount unmounts all remote mounts. Flags -n node Specifies the remote node for the unmount. node can be either a nickname or a node ID. The umount -n node command unmounts all remote mounts made from node. -s Prohibits the use of the /etc/mnttab file if it is damaged or not writable. If you use this flag, you must specify the name of the device to be unmounted. N ote: You cannot use the umount command on a device that is in use. A device is in use if any file is open for any reason or if a user's current directory is on that device. 786 Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 umount Examples 1. To unmount a diskette drive: umount /dev/fdO 2. To unmount the device mounted on /disketteO: umount /disketteO 3. To unmount all mounts from a remote node: umount -n nodeA Files /etc/mnttab Table of currently mounted file systems. Related Information The following command: "mount" on page 498. The mount, umount, vmount, uvmount, and mntctl system calls and the mnttab file in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. Commands 787 uname uname Purpose Displays the name of the current operating system. Syntax uname OL805287 Description The uname command writes to the standard output the name of the operating system that you are using. Flags -a Displays all information specified with the -m, -n, -r, -s, and -v flags. -1 Displays the LAN network number. -m Displays the type of hardware running the system. -n Displays the name of the node (this may be a name that the system is known by to a communications network). -r Displays the release number of the operating system. -s Displays the system name. (This flag is on by default.) -v Displays the operating system version. -x Displays the information specified with the -a flag and the LAN network number. If you enter a flag that is not valid, uname exits with an error message, an error return status, and no output. 788 Commands Reference uname Example To display the complete system name and version banner: uname -a Related Information The uname system call in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. Commands 789 unget unget Purpose Cancels a previous get command. Syntax unget OL805284 Description The unget command allows you to restore a g-file created with a get -e before the new delta is created, and therefore discarding the changes (see "get" on page 359 and "delta" on page 236). If you specify a - (hyphen) in place of file, standard input is read, and each line of standard input is interpreted as the name of an SCCS file. unget continues to take input until it reaches an end of file character, which is a Ctrl-D if input is from the keyboard. If you specify a directory in place of file, unget performs the requested actions on all SCCS files (those files with the 8. prefix). Flags Each flag or group of flags applies independently to each named file. 790 -n Prevents the automatic deletion of the g-file. This flag allows you to retain the edited version of the file without making a delta. -rSID Specifies the new delta that would have been created by the next use of the delta command. You must use this flag if you have two or more pending deltas to the file under the same login name. You can look at the p-file to see if you have more than one delta pending to a particular SID under the same login name. The SID specification must unambiguously specify only one SIn to discard, or unget displays an error message and stops running. -8 Suppresses writing the deleted SIn to standard output. Commands Reference unget Example To discard the changes you have made to an unget sees file after doing a get -e: s.prog.c Related Information The following commands: page 609. "delta" on page 236, "get" on page 359, and "sact" on The sccsfile file in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. The discussion of sees in AIX Operating System Programming Tools and Interfaces. Commands 791 uniq uniq Purpose Deletes repeated lines in a file. Syntax uniq infi/e OL805285 Description The uniq command reads standard input or infile, compares adjacent lines, removes the second and succeeding occurrences of a line, and writes to standard output or the specified file outfile. infile and outfile should always be different files. Repeated lines must be on consecutive lines in order to be found. You can arrange them with the sort command (see page 672) before processing. Flags -c Precedes each output line with a count of the number of times each line appears in the file. This flag supersedes -d and -u. -d Displays only the repeated lines. -u Displays only the unrepeated lines. -num Skips over the first num fields. A field is a string of nonspace, nontab characters separated by tabs and or spaces from adjacent data on the same line. + num Skips over the first num characters. Fields specified by num are skipped before characters. Related Information The following commands: "comm" on page 144 and "sort" on page 672. 792 Commands Reference units units Purpose Converts units in one measure to equivalent units in another measure. Syntax units ---l OL805226 Description The units command converts quantities expressed in one measurement to their equivalents in another. units is an interactive command. It prompts you for the unit you want to convert from and the unit you want to convert to (see "Examples" on page 794). This command only does multiplicative scale changes. That is, it can convert from one value to another only when the conversion is done with a multiplication factor. For example, it can not convert between degrees Fahrenheit and degrees Celsius, because 32 must be added or subtracted in the conversion. You can specify a quantity as a multiplicative combination of units, optionally preceded by a numeric multiplier. Indicate powers by suffixed positive integers and division by I (slash). The units command recognizes lb as a unit of mass, but considers pound to be the British pound sterling. Compound names are run together (such as light year). Prefix British units differing from their American counterparts with br (brgallon for instance). The file /usr/lib/unittab contains a complete list of the units that the units command uses. Most familiar units, abbreviations, and metric prefixes are recognized, together with the following: pi c e g force mole water au Ratio of circumference to diameter Speed of light Charge on an electron Acceleration of gravity Same as g Avogadro's number Pressure head per unit height of water Astronomical unit. Commands 793 units Examples To start the units command, enter: units Now you can try the following examples. In these examples, the text that you enter is shown in bold type and the output from units is shown in non-bo 1d type. 1. To display conversion factors: you have: in you want: em * 2.540000e+OO / 3.937008e-01 The output from units tells you to multiply the number of inches by 2. 540000e+OO to get centimeters, and to multiply the number of centimeters by 3. 937008e-01 to get inches. These numbers are in standard exponential notation, so 3. 937008e-01 means 3.937008 x 10-1, which is the same as 0.3937008. The second number is always the reciprocal of the first. That is, 2.54 = 1 -7- 0.3937008. 2. To convert a measurement to different units: you have: 5 years you want: mierosee * 1.577846e+14 / 6.337753e-15 The output shows that 5 years equals 1. 577846x10 14 microseconds, and that one microsecond equals 6. 337753x10-15 years. 3. To give fractions in measurements: you have: 113 mi you want: km * 5.364480e-01 / 1.864114e+OO The I (vertical bar) indicates division, so 113 means one-third. This shows that one-third mile is the same as 0.536448 kilometers. 4. To include exponents in measurements: you have: 1.2-5 gal you want: floz * 1.536000e-03 / 6.510417e+02 794 Commands Reference units The expression 1.2-5 gal stands for 1. 2xl0-5. Do not type an e before the exponent. This example shows that 1.2xl0-5 (0.000012) gallons equall.536 x l0-3 (0.001536) fluid ounces. 5. To specify complex units: you have: gram centimeter/second2 you want: kg-m/sec2 * 1.000000e-05 / 1.000000e+05 The units gram centimeter/second2 mean "grams x centimeters -:- second 2." similarly, kg-m/sec2 means "kilograms x meters -:- sec 2," which is often read as "kilogram-meters per seconds squared." Note that you can show multiplication of units with a - (hyphen) or with a blank. 6. If the units you specify after "you have" and "you want" are incompatible: you have: ft you want: lb conformability 3.048000e-Ol m 4.535924e-Ol kg The message conformabi 1 i ty means that the units you specified cannot be converted. Feet measure length, and pounds measure mass, so converting from one to the other doesn't make sense. Therefore, the units command displays the equivalent of each value in standard units. In other words, this example shows that one foot equals 0.3048 meters and that one pound equals 0.4535924 kilograms. units shows the equivalents in meters and kilograms because the command considers these units to be "standard" measures of length and mass. Files fusrflibfunittab Commands 795 updatep updatep Purpose Updates one or more programs. Syntax one of updatep -a -ac -aci -ai -s -r -rx -c y -n $LOGNAXd IdeV/rfdO -n user -d device OL805392 Description Warning: Before you apply or reject an update, you must restart your system and be sure that you are not running any programs and that no other work stations are enabled. The updatep command controls the update process for one or more programs. It also lets you determine the status of pending program updates and provides documentation about the updates. You must be a member of the system group to run this command. The updatep command supports an apply/commit/reject philosophy. To apply one or more programs, you use the -a or the -ai flags. You must then use either the -c flag to commit the program or the -r flag to reject the program. Normally you should not use -r until you have tested the program on your system. If you specify -ac or -aci, you can apply and commit in one operation. The -r flag must be used separately. During an apply, updatep normally saves the current versions of files that are being updated. If needed, these files can be used to do a recovery or rej ect. You are responsible for reserving update save space in the /usr file system. updatep checks to insure that there is adequate save space in /usr before it applies an update. If there is insufficient free space, updatep gives you the option of either ending the command or of allowing it to continue. If you end the command, you can take action to increase the free space in your /usr file system. If you continue, no current versions of files will be saved, and updatep will automatically commit the update, even though you may not have requested a commit originally. Normally, you should reserve 4000 blocks (2 megabytes) of free space in the /usr file system for updates. 796 Commands Reference updatep You cannot use INTERRUPT (Alt-Pause) to stop the updatep command. To stop updatep, press QUIT \\lITH DUMP (Ctrl-V). This should be used only in extreme circumstances since the state of the system cannot be predicted. For example: • The write-verify feature may be left on for all minidisks. See "verify" on page 830 • All terminals other than the console may be disabled. See "penable" on page 550. • Some update control files may need to be deleted. Flags -a[i] Applies the updates for one or more programs. If there is a pending update for any program on the system, updatep does not permit an apply. You must either commit or reject all pending updates before it accepts another update apply. The updatep command asks you to select the program you wish to update. After you select a program, updatep runs the inudocm command for any specific update instructions. If it finds any, it copies them into the file /usr/ipp/pgm-name/ui.vv.rr.llll., where vv is the version, rr the release, and llll the level of the program Normally you should review instructions before continuing. To restart the update procedure and ignore the check for existing update instructions, enter updatep -ai or updatep -aci. The updatep command applies the update for each program by running inuupdt for each name. After each update, it deletes the /usr/lpp/pgm-name/inst_updt directory. It then runs inudocm to check for any update documentation. If there is information for a manual, updatep copies it into the file /usr/ipp/pgm-name/me.vv.rr.llll and writes a message. -c Accepts a previous update apply. updatep presents selection information for programs that have pending updates. You select the programs that you want to commit. Any programs that you apply as a group must be committed as a group. Management control information about the update changes to indicate that the program is accepted. updatep deletes the directory that contains the update recovery information, /usr/pgm-name/inst_ -d device Specifies the input device name. The default input device is /dev/rfdO. -n user Lets you specify a name in the program history file that is responsible for the program. The default is the value of the system variable $LOGNAME. If you specify user, the first 8 nonblank characters are stored in the program history file. -r Rejects a previous update apply for one or more programs. updatep presents selection information for the programs that have pending updates. You select the programs to rej ect. Commands 797 updatep programs that are grouped together by the system must be rejected or applied as a group. Specify -r without -x if you want automatic recovery of saved files. If you do specify the -x flag, the management control information about the update reflects that thp. 11!1natp. i~, hllt. l1!,r1~t~~ d0e~ !!0! !'e~0't.Te!' s~'!ed. files. You should look at the information in /usr/lpp/pgm-name/inst_ updt/save to recover the necessary files. This flag should be used only by someone very knowledgable about the system. -s Writes status information about all pending program updates. -x Cancels the automatic recovery of saved files (use with -r). The updatep command receives the following exit codes indirectly from update through inuupdt: o 2 3 4 5 6 7 Normal return, no errors indicated. Use the sync command to update the super blocks, i-nodes, and delayed block I/O and then restart the system. Build the kernel, then update the superblocks, i-nodes, and delayed block I/O (sync) and shut down the VRM. Use the cfgaply subroutine to build the kernel. Use the sync command to update the super blocks, i-nodes, and delayed block I/O and then restart the system. Installation cancelled without errors. Update superblocks, i-nodes, and delayed block I/O (sync), then shut down the VRM. Update cancelled by update procedure, recovery needed. If it receives any other exit code, it runs the recovery function inurecv. If the system cannot run updatep, it returns an exit code of 1. Internal Commands The updatep command uses the inudocm command for update documentation control. It uses the inuupdt command to apply an update to a single program. inuupdt runs a program-provided update procedure, update. updatep passes the following parameters to the update procedure: • • The full path name of the apply-list. The full path name of the device (file) where the update information is stored in backup format. In addition to the commands discussed here, program-provided update procedures can use all of the internal commands discussed under "installp" on page 402. Since they are internal commands, they do a minimum validation of input parameters. Their purpose is to provide common code for functions frequently needed by most program-provided procedures. Since these internal commands function as subcommands, they return exit values rather than issue error messages. However, messages may come from other system commands that they run. C Language programmers of update procedures that call these commands can use the /usr/include/inu21.h file to define the return codes for them. 798 Commands Reference updatep inudocm The inudocm command is normally used as an internal command to get copies of specific update instructions or manual errata information that you can print out. There may be cases, however, when you would enter this command from the command line (for example, if you have misplaced the manual errata information that came with a previous update). You must be a member of the system group to run this command. The inudocm command has the following syntax inudocm -eu [-d device] [pgm-name] [level] [-f file] where pgm-name specifies the name of the program being checked. It must be specified unless you use the -f flag. It can be a maximum of 8 characters. level specifies the current level of pgm-name. This value must be identical to the level value for the last committed entry in /usr/lpp/pgm-name/lpp.hist. It must be specified unless you use the -f flag. Flags -d device Restores file from this device. device must be the full path name of a device special file. The default device is /dev/rfdO. You must not specify this flag if you use the -f flag. -e Requests the existing manual errata information for pgm-name from level. If you select this flag, inudocm uses the ar x command to extract the archive file /usr/sys/inst_ updt/pgm-name_erata. (If this file is not present, no information is available.) inudocm extracts any level-dependent manual errata information files if there are any more recent than the current level. Selected files are moved to /usr/Ipp/pgm-name/me.vv.rr.llll. -f file Identifies a file that already contains the pgm-name and the level. Only updatep itself should use this flag. -u Requests the existing specific update instructions for pgm-name from level. If you select this flag, inudocm uses the ar x command to extract the archive file /usr/sys/inst_ updt/pgm-name_instr. (If this file is not present, no information is available.) inudocm extracts any level-dependent specific update instruction files if there are any more recent than the current level. Selected files are moved to /usr/Ipp/pgm-name/ui.vv.rr.llll. The inudocm command returns the following exit values: o 1 2 4 6 201 202 Normal return, no error occurred. The system cannot run inudocm. Specific update instruction files were requested but not found. Manual errata information was requested, but none were found. Specific update instructions and manual errata were both requested but not found. An invalid flag was specified, or the first argument was not -e, -eu, or -u. One or more parameters were missing. Commands 799 updatep 204 250 251 253 Too many parameters were entered. The level parameter did not contain exactly 4 characters, or they were not numeric. An error occurred while attempting to restore /usr/sys/inst_ updt/control. The directory /usr/lpp/pf{m-name does not exist. inuupdt The inuupdt command provides a common interface for applying an update to a single program. Normally, updatep runs inuupdt. The inuupdt command has the following format: inuupdt -d device current-level new-level pgm-name where pgm-name is the name of a program and current-level specifies the current maintenance level. new-level is the level of the update to be applied. pgm-name can be a maximum of 8 characters and current-level must be identical to the level value in the /usr/lpp/pgm-name/lpp.hist file. Flag -d device Updates the program from the specified device. The inuupdt command passes the following exit values to the process that called it: o 2-7 101-102 104-107 201-202 204-208 Normal return. Normal return. Places error code Places error code Places error code Places error code in in in in the the the the history history history history file. file. file. file. It returns the follows exit status values: 100 Unknown return code received by inuupdt. It changes any unknown return code to 100 and logs it in the history file. 103 The restore of the archive file that contains the update control list, /usr/lpp/pgm-name/inst_ updt/arp, failed. 201 An invalid minus parameter was specified. 202 One or more parameters were missing. 203 Apply list does not exist or was not readable. 204 Too many parameters were entered. Files /usr/lpp/pgm-name/inst_ updt /usr/lpp/inst_ updt /usr/sys/inst_ updt/updt_cntrl 800 Commands Reference Temporary directory. Temporary directory. Temporary file. updatep /usr/sys/inst_ updt/pgm-name /usr/sys/inst_ updt/inutemp.xx ... x /usr/lpp/pgm-name/inst_ /usr/sys/inst_ updt/control /usr/sys/inst_ updt/pgm-name_instr /usr/Ipp/pgm-name/ui.vv.rr.llll /usr/sys/inst_ updt/pgm-name_erata /usr/Ipp/pgm-name/me.vv.rr.llll /usr /include/inu21. h Control file. Temporary files. Directory for saved files. Temporary file. Update instruction library. Update instruction file. Document change library. Document change file. Error code definitions for internal routines. Related Information The following command: "installp" on page 402. The lpp.hist file in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. The discussion of updating programs in AIX Operating System Programming Tools and Interfaces. Commands 801 users users Purpose Adds, deletes and changes user and group information. Syntax U~:~SOf J/USr/adm/USer.cfile~ Iadduserl L . ~---J configfi/e _ _ OL805076 Description The users command lets you add, change, or delete user and group information in the /ete/passwd and fete/group files. To use the users command, you must be a member of the system group or have superuser authority (see "su" on page 724). Note: It is possible to delete a user who still owns files or to delete a group that still has members. This causes problems later, when the user name or group name is reused. The users command does all of its work in temporary files. When you enter the quit subcommand, the temporary files become the permanent files. The old versions of /ete/passwd and fete/group are renamed /ete/opasswd and /ete/ogroup. If users is ended by an INTERRUPT (Alt-Pause), it removes the temporary files, and the system files remain as they were before the session. Note, however, that any directories created still exist. Therefore, it may be necessary to remove these directories after sending an INTERRUPT. For configuration, users uses the file /usr/adm/user.efile, the file specified with configfile, or the default parameters that follow: 802 Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 users Parameter udir program minage Default Value maxage null siteinfo filesize null null gname minid staff maxid 60000 pfile gfile owner invalid /etc/passwd /etc/group bin Figure 7. lui null null 200 /usr/lib/sorry Description Prefix of user home directory names. The name of the user login program. Minimum number of weeks that a password must be in effect before the password can be changed. Maximum number of weeks that a password can be in effect before the password must changed. Any site-specific information. Size, in blocks, of the largest file that a user can make. N arne of the group that a user is initially assigned. Minimum number that can be assigned as a user or group ID. Maximum number that can be assigned as a user or group ID. N arne of the password file. N arne of the group file. N arne of the owner of password and group files. Program for invalid accounts. Configuration File Parameters For information on how to use the users command, see Managing the AIX Operating System. Note: The /etc/passwd, /etc/opasswd, /etc/group, /etc/ogroup, and /usr/adm/user.cfile files must all exist on the same node. Subcommands add Adds a new user or group. change Changes data for an existing user or group. delete Deletes an existing user or group. help Displays a summary of available commands. Entering a question mark (?) also works for help. invalidate Changes a user's shell to a do-nothing program. Commands 803 users quit Updates files and exit. show Shows information about a user or group. The initial letter of each subcommand is recognized as the subcommand name. Files /usr/adm/user.cfile /usr/ adm/newuser.sys /usr/adm/newuser.usr /etc/passwd /etc/group / etc/ opass wd /etc/ogroup Default configuration file. Initialization shell file for added users. Initialization shell file for added users. Password file-identifies all known users. Group file-identifies all known groups. Saved previous version of the password file. Saved previous version of the group file. Examples The following is a sample /usr/adm/user.cfile: pfile gfi 1e owner minid maxid udir program gname invalid /ete/passwd jete/group root 200 1000 lui /bin/sh staff /usr/lib/sorry Related Information The group and passwd files in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. The discussion of users in Managing the AIX Operating System. 804 Commands Reference uuclean uuclean Purpose Deletes from the uucp spool directory or a named directory selected files older than a specified number of hours. Syntax -d/usrISPOOI/UU?-C /usr/lib/uucp/uuclean ~:::~directorY -n72)- -nhours -P-\-pref~X )--Q _ file 10 maximum OL805379 Description The uuclean command scans the spool directory (or a directory named with the -d flag) for files with the specified prefix and deletes any of those that are older than a specified number of hours. Typically, cron runs uuclean on a regular basis. Flags -ddirectory Cleans directory instead of the uucp spool directory (fusr/spool/uucp). -m Notifies owners of deleted files by mail. -nhours Deletes only files older than hours that match the prefix specified in the following -p flag. The default time is 72 hours. -pprefix Deletes files beginning with prefix that are older than the number of hours selected by the -n flag. In a file name, a prefix is separated from the rest of the name by a . (dot.) You can specify up to ten prefixes by repeating -pprefix. If you do not specify a prefix, uuclean deletes all files older than the specified time. Files /usr/lib/uucp /usr/spool/uucp Commands 805 uuclean Related Information The following commands: "cron" on page 172, "uucp" on page 807, and "uux" on 806 ______ ()"1() pube 01.0. Commands Reference uucp uucp Purpose Copies files from one AIX system to another. Syntax uucp destination ~ -esystem -9X -r -nuser -m uulog uuname~ I ~-,r OL805382 Description uucp The uucp command copies one or more source files from one system to a single destination on another system. A file name may be a path name on your system or may have the form: system!pathname where system is taken from a list of system names which uucp knows about. The system parameter can also be a list of names such as: system!system! ... !system!pathname Commands 807 uucp in which case the file is sent via the specified route (but only to a destination in /usr/spool/uucppublic). You must be sure that the intermediate systems in this route are willing to forward information (see AIX Operating System Communications Guide). In ~r1(lition n~l1'lt:\ on tht:\ rt:\l1'lott:\ c!Uc:!tt:\l1'l f'f'\nt~inQ t:\vtont1ot1 f'haraf'torQ all -., if .- tlu" - -- filt:\ ---- ---------- ---- -------- -J------ ----------- ---------- -----------, --- intermediate systems must support extended characters. You can use the special shell characters ?, *, and [] in path names. The appropriate system will expand them. However, these characters must be escaped or quoted to prevent the local shell from interpreting them. Path names can be one of the following: 1. A full path name 2. A path name preceded by -user, where user is a login name on the specified system. uucp replaces this with that user's login directory. 3. A path name preceded by - /user, where user is a login name on the specified system. uucp replaces this with that user's directory under /usr/spool/uucppublic. 4. A partial path name, which is assumed to begin in the current directory. If destination is a directory, uucp uses the last part of the source name. When transmitting files, uucp preserves execute permissions and grants read and write permissions to everyone. (uucp owns the file.) The system administrator should restrict the accessing of local files by users on other systems. Because using the -esystem flag to get files from other systems often fails, ask someone on the other systems to send them to you. Sending files to arbitrary destination path names on other systems often fails because of security restrictions. Flags -c Transfers source directly, rather than first copying it to the spool directory for transfer from there. (See the -C flag immediately following.) This flag is on by default. -C Copies the source file to the spool directory for transfer from there. -d Creates all directories as necessary. This flag is on by default. -esystem Sends uucp to the specified system to be executed there. This succeeds only if the other system allows /usr/lib/uucp/uuxqt to run uucp. Note: Relative file names are resolved locally before being sent. -f 808 Does not create intermediate directories during file copy. Commands Reference uucp -gX Marks the created spool file grade X, where X is an uppercase letter. uucp processes spooled files with alphabetically higher grades first. It makes grade S transfers only when the local site is the not the controlling end of the connection. -m Notifies the requester by mail when uucp completes the copy. The -m flag works for sending a number of files but for receiving only a single file. -nuser Notifies user on the other system that you sent a file. -r Does not start the spooling program that moves files between systems. uulog The uulog command provides information about uucp and uux activities, which it reads from the file jusrjspooljuucpjLOGFILE. The format of the date in the log files is controlled by the environment variable NLDATE, if it is defined. Flags -ssystem Displays information about copy requests involving the named system (or all systems if you do not specify a system). -uuser Displays information about copy requests involving the named user. uuname The uuname command writes to standard output the names of all other systems accessible to the local system. Flag -I Writes the local system name. Files /usr/spool/uucp /usr/spool/uucppublic /usr/lib/uucp/* Spool directory. Public directory for receiving and sending. Other data and program files. Related Information The following commands: "mail" on page 470 and "uux" on page 818. The "Overview of International Character Support" in Managing the A/X Operating System. Commands 809 uustat uustat Purpose Reports the status of and provides rudimentary job control for the uucp command. Syntax uustat hour -ssystem -uuser -v -y hour -0 -m ___ I; all ~machine OL805383 Description The uustat command writes to standard output the status of uucp commands or general status on uucp connections to other systems. You can also use this command with the -k flag to cancel uucp copy requests. If you invoke uustat with no flags, it reports the status of all uucp requests issued by the current user. uustat reports status as: job# use rid system-name time status where time is the latest status time and status is either an octal number or a verbose description. Flags The following flags are mutually exclusive: -chour 810 Removes status entries older than hour. The person using this flag must either be the one who made the uucp request being removed or be operating with superuser authority. Commands Reference uustat -jjobnum Reports the status of the uucp request jobnum. If you specify all for jobnum, uustat reports the status of all jobs. -kjobnum Cancels the uucp request jobnum. The person using this flag must either be the one who made the uucp request being canceled or be operating with superuser authority. -mmachine Reports the status of system machine. If you specify all for machine, uustat reports the status of all machines known to the local system. The following flags may be combined with one of the preceding flags and with each other. -ohour Reports the status of all uucp requests older than hour. -ssystem Reports the status of all uucp requests that communicate with remote system. -uuser Reports the status of all uucp requests by user. -v Reports the uucp status verbosely. If you do not specify this flag, an octal status code is displayed with each uucp request. The octal codes are: -yhour OCTAL STATUS 000001 000002 000004 000010 000020 000040 000100 000200 000400 001000 002000 004000 010000 020000 The copy failed, but the reason cannot be determined. Permission to access local file is denied. Permission to access remote file is denied. Bad u ucp command is generated. Remote system cannot create temporary file. Cannot copy to remote directory. Cannot copy to local directory. Local system cannot create temporary file. Cannot execute uucp. Copy (partially) succeeded. Copy finished, job deleted. Job is queued. Job is killed (incomplete). Job is killed (complete). Reports the status of all uucp requests younger than hour. Files /usr/spool/uucp Spool directory /usr/lib/uucp/L_stat System status file /usr/lib/uucp/R_stat Request status file Commands 811 uustat Related Information The following command: "uucp" on page 807. 812 Commands Reference uusub uusub Purpose Defines and monitors a uucp subnetwork structure. Syntax uusub -a system -csystem -d system -LI hour -f -I -r OL805342 Description The uusub command defines a uucp subnetwork and monitors the connection and traffic among the systems in the subnetwork. Flags -asystem Adds system to the subnetwork. -csystem Connects to system. If you use all for system, uusub. connects to all systems in the subnetwork. -dsystem Deletes system from the subnetwork. -f Clears the connection statistics. -1 Reports connection statistics as follows: system #call #ok time #noacu #login #nack #other where: system #call #ok time #noacu #login The remote system name. The number of times the local system tried to call system since the last clear was done. The number of successful connections. The latest successful connect time. The number of unsuccessful connections due to no auto call unit. The number of connections due to unsuccessful login. Commands 813 uusub #nack #other The number of unsuccessful connections due to no response (for example, line busy, system down). The number of unsuccessful connections for other reasons. sysname sfile sbyte rfile rbyte where: -uhour sysname The name of the system. sfile The number of files sent. sbyte The number of bytes sent during the period specified in the most recent uusub command with the -uhour flag. rfile The number of files received. rbyte The number of bytes received during the period specified in the most recent uusub command with the -uhour flag. Gathers the traffic statistics over the past hours. Files /usr/spool/uucp/SYSLOG /usr/lib/uucp/L_sub /usr/lib/uucp/R_sub System log file. Connection statistics. Traffic statistics. Related Information The following commands: "uucp" on page 807 and "uustat" on page 810. 814 Commands Reference uuto uuto Purpose Copies public files from one AIX system to another system with local system control of file access. Syntax uuto ~ source T -p destination ~ -m UUPiCk·-~ ~-ssystemr OLS05290 Description uuto The uuto command copies one or more sources from one system to a single destination on another system. uuto uses the uucp command to send files, but it allows the local system to control the file access with the uupick command. Flags -m Notifies the sender by mail when the copy is complete. -p Copies the source file to the spool directory for transfer from there. The default action is to transfer a source file directly. Commands 815 uuto A source is a path name on the local system or a path name on the system that runs the command. The destination has the form: system! user where system is the name of a system connected to the local system. (Run the uuname command to learn which systems are connected.) user is the login name of someone on the specified system. The system parameter can also be a list of names such as: system!system! ... !system!pathname in which case the file is sent via the specified route (but only to a destination in /usr/spool/uucppublic). You must be sure that the intermediate systems in this route are willing to forward information (see AIX Operating System Communications Guide). In addition, if the file name on the remote system contains extended characters, all intermediate systems must support extended characters. The uuto command sends files to /usr/spool/uucppublic on system. Specifically, it sends files to: /usr/spool/uucppublic/receive/user/mysystem/files The uuto command notifies the recipient by mail when files arrive. uupick The uupick command accepts or rejects the files transmitted to user. Specifically, uupick searches /usr/spool/uucppublic for files destined for user. For each entry (file or directory) found, uupick writes the following message to standard output. from system: [fi 1e file-name] [di r dirname]? It then waits for a response from standard input to determine the disposition of the file, as follows: 816 Enter Goes to next entry. d Deletes the entry. m [dir] Moves the entry to directory dir. The default is the current directory. a [dir] Move to dir all the files sent from system. p Writes the contents of the file to standard output. q Stop. Ctrl-D !cmd Same as q. * Writes a command summary to standard output. Runs the specified AIX command. Commands Reference uuto Flags You can modify the action of uupick with the following flag: -ssystem Search /usr/spool/uucppublic only for files sent from system. Files /us~spooUuucppublic Public directory. Related Information The following commands: "mail" on page 470, "uuclean" on page 805, "uucp" on page 807, "uustat" on page 810, and "uux" on page 818. Commands 817 uux uux Purpose Runs a command on another AIX system. Syntax uux cmdstring - 4 OL805291 Description The uux command gathers files from various systems, runs a command on a specified system, and then writes the results to a file on a specified system. For security reasons, many installations permit uux to run only mail. The cmdstring is made up of one or more arguments that look like an AIX command line, except that cmdstring may be prefixed by system-name!. The default system-name is the local system. The system parameter can also be a list of names such as: system!system! ... !system!pathname in which case the command (or files) are searched for via the specified route. You must be sure that the intermediate systems in this route are willing to forward information (see AIX Operating System Communications Guide). In addition, if the file name on the remote system contains extended characters, all intermediate systems must support extended characters. Note: Only the first command in a pipeline may have a system-name!. All other commands are executed on the system of the first command. File names may be one of the following: 818 1. A full path name. 2. A path name preceded by - user, where user is a login name on the specified system. uucp replaces this with that user's login directory. 3. A partial path name, which is assumed to begin in the current directory. Commands Reference uux The pattern-matching characters ?, *, and [] in pathname are expanded on the appropriate system. However, the * may not do what you want it to do. Quote special characters such as <, >, ;, and I, either by quoting the entire cmdstring or by quoting the individual characters. Do not use the redirection symbols < < and > >. The uux command attempts to move all files to the execution system. Use parentheses for output files so that uux will not try to move them. Unless you specify the -n or -z flags, uux notifies you if the remote system did not allow the requested command. The response comes by remote mail from the other system. Flags -c Copies the source file directly rather than copying the file to the spool directory for transfer from there. -gX Marks the created spool file grade X, where X is an uppercase letter. uux processes spooled files with alphabetically higher grades first. It makes grade S transfers only when the local site is the noncontrolling end of the connection. -1 Links source files to the spool directory rather than copying them. If the link fails, then copy them to the spool directory as usual. -n Does not notify user by mail, regardless of whether the command fails or completes successfully. -p Uses the standard input to the uux command as the standard input to cmdstring. A - (minus) has the same effect. -r Does not start the spooling program that transfers files between systems. -z Does not notify user by mail if the remote command completes successfully. Examples 1. To compare files that are located on two different systems: uux "!diff usg!/usr/dan/fl pwba!/a4/dan/fl > !fl.diff" This gets the /usr/dan/fl files located on the usg and pwba systems, runs a diff command, and puts the results in fl. di ff in the local directory. You should escape special characters such as <, >, ;, or :, either by quoting the entire cmdstring or by quoting special characters as individual arguments. 2. To specify an output file on a different system: uux aluucp bl/u/file \(cl/u/file\) Commands 819 uux This command sends the uucp command to system a to get lu/f; 1e from system b and send it to system c. Since uux attempts to get all files to the execution system, you must use parentheses to escape any output-file or nonfile arguments containing exclamation points. Files /usr/spool/uucp /usr/lib/uucp/QTCMDS /usr/lib/uucp/* Spool directory. List of commands permitted to be run remotely on the local machine. Other data and programs. Related Information The following commands: "uuclean" on page 805 and "uucp" on page 807. 820 Commands Reference val val Purpose Validates Source Code Control System (SCCS) files. Syntax val -mname -rSID -s -ytype OL805292 Description The val command reads files and determines if the specified file is an Source Code Control System (SCCS) file meeting the characteristics specified by the flags. If you specify a (minus) for file, val reads standard input and interprets each line of standard input as val flags and the name of an SCCS file. val continues to take input until it reaches an end-of-file character (Ctrl-D). The val command displays error messages to standard output for each file processed. val also returns a single 8-bit code upon exit. The 8-bit code indicates possible mismatches or errors. It is interpreted as a bit string in which set bits (from left to right) are interpreted as follows: bit 0 :55 1 bit 2 bit 3 bit 4 bit 5 bit 6 bit 7 = = = = = = = = missing file parameter unknown or duplicate flag damaged SCCS file cannot open file or file not SCCS SID is invalid SID does not exist 010 Y%, -y mismatch %M%, -m mismatch When val processes two or more files on a given command line or multiple command lines (when reading the standard input), a code is returned that is a logical OR of the codes generated for each command line and file processed. val can process up to 50 files on a single command line. Any number above 50 produces a dump. Commands 821 val Flags Each flag or group of flags applies independently to each named file. The flags may appear in Rny ornpr -mname Compares the value name with the sees %M%) identification keyword in file. See "Identification Keywords" on page 362 for more information on the %M% keyword. -rSID Specifies the SID of the file to be validated. The SID must be valid and unambiguous. -s Suppresses the error message normally written to standard output. -ytype Specifies a type to compare with the sees % Y% identification keyword in file. See "Identification Keywords" on page 362 for more information on the % YOlo keyword. Related Information The following commands: and "prs" on page 574. "admin" on page 51, "delta" on page 236, "get" on page 359, The sccsfile file in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. The discussion of sees in AIX Operating System Programming Tools and Interfaces. 822 Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 varyon varyon Purpose Makes an IBM 9332 Direct Access Storage Device and the minidisks and file systems defined on it available for use. Syntax r---- varyon -d hdisknum 1\ '--vJ -p directory OL805455 Description The varyon command adds an IBM 9332 Direct Access Storage Device and any minidisks residing on the disk to the existing AIX Operating System hardware and minidisk configurations. It runs the fsck command to perform file system consistency checks and mounts the file system if the attributes vcheck = true and mount = true are present in the corresponding stanza in the /etc/filesystems file. Normally, varyon sends only generalized completion messages to standard output, routing more detailed error messages to the file /etc/varyon.out. Flags -c Does not perform file consistency checking. This flag can be specified only with the -m or -p flags. -d hdisknum Specifies the AIX Operating System name for an IBM 9332 Direct Access Storage Device, where num is an integer from 6 to 33, inclusive. The names hdiskO through hdisk5 are reserved for internal fixed drives. Commands 823 varyon The varyon command uses vrmconfig to configure all minidisks residing on the drive. It uses fsck to check each file system whose stanza in the /etc/filesystems file contains the attribute vcheck = true. It mounts each file system that has the attribute mouni; = i;rue. -m hdnum . . . Specifies the minidisk or minidisks to be made available for use. varyon runs vrmconfig to configure the minidisk. It configures the disk drive containing each minidisk, if it is not already configured, and checks and mounts each file system. -p directory . . . Makes the minidisk associated with each specified directory available for use. varyon runs vrmconfig to configure the minidisk. It checks and mounts each file system and configures each disk drive containing the minidisk, if it is not already configured. -v Sends all messages to standard output. Examples 1. To configure an entire IBM 9332 Direct Access Storage Device: varyon -d hdisk7 This configures a disk drive named hdi s k7 into the operating system, configures any minidisks defined on the disk, and performs fsck and mount functions on file systems as specified by the /etc/filesystems file. 2. To configure more than one IBM 9332 Direct Access Storage Device: varyon hdisk9 hdisk7 hdisk12 This makes disk drives hdi sk9, hdi sk7, and hdi sk12 available for use. 3. -d To configure the device containing a specified minidisk: varyon -m hd8 This instructs vary on to find the name of the disk drive that contains the minidisk named hd8, to configure it into the system, and to add the minidisk definition to the minidisk configuration. varyon performs fsck and mount functions unconditionally on the file system defined on the minidisk. 4. To configure several minidisks: varyon -m hd7 hd8 hdll This makes minidisks hd7, hd8, and hdll available for use, configures the corresponding drives, and unconditionally performs fsck and mount functions. 824 Commands Reference varyon 5. To configure a minidisk without performing fsck functions: varyon 6. -c -m hd7 hd8 hdll To configure a minidisk using its mount directory path name: varyon -p /usr/lib This causes the appropriate disk drive and minidisk definitions to be configured into the operating system and unconditionally performs fsck and mount functions on the file system. 7. To configure several minidisks by specifying their mount directory path names: varyon 8. /usr/lib /job/lib To avoid fsck functions when configuring a minidisk associated with a specified mount directory path name: varyon 9. -p -c -p /usr/lib To direct all detailed status and error messages to standard output: varyon -v -d hdisklO Files / etc/filesystems /etc/system /etc/varyon.out Descriptions of mountable file systems. Default system file. Default error output file. Related Information The following commands: "fsck, dfsck" on page 333, "mount" on page 498, and "vrmconfig" on page 842. The filesystems file in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. Commands 825 vc vc Purpose Substitutes assigned values in place of keywords. Syntax vc keyword=va/ ue -cchar -s OL805293 Description The ve command is used to control writing different versions of a file to standard output. However, since Source Code Control System commands ("admin" on page 51, "get" on page 359, and "delta" on page 236) provide more efficient and complete control, they should be used instead of ve. The ve command copies lines from standard input to standard output. The flags and keywords on the command line and control statements in the input modify the resulting output. ve replaces user declared keywords with their value assigned on the command line. These keywords can be replaced both in text and in control statements. Control Statements A control statement is a single line beginning with a control character (the default control character is a : (colon». They provide conditional processing of the input. The allowable types of control statements are: :if condition text :end 826 Writes all the lines between the :if statement and the matching :end to standard output only if condition is true. You can nest :if-:end statements, but once a condition is false, all remaining nested :if-:end statements are ignored. See "Condition Syntax" on page 827 for the syntax of conditions and allowable operators. Commands Reference vc :dcl keyword [, keyword ... ] Declares keywords. All keywords must be declared. :asg keyword = value Assigns value to keyword. An :asg statement takes precedence over keyword assignment on the vc command line. A later :asg statement overrides all earlier assignments of the associated keyword. keywords declared, but not assigned values have null values. :: text Removes the two leading control characters and replaces keywords with their values, and then copies the line to the standard output. :on :off Turns on or off keyword replacement on all lines. :ctl char Changes the control character to char. :msg message Writes a message to standard error output in the form: Message (n): message The n indicates the line number on which the message appeared in the input. :err message Writes an error message to standard error in the form: ERROR: message ERROR: err statement on line n (vc15) vc stops processing and returns an exit value of 1. Condition Syntax Item condition or statement and statement expression operator Statements Allowed : : =or statement : : =not or statement : : =and statement : : =and statement I or statement : : =expression : : =expression & and statement : : = ( or statement ) : : =value operator value : : == or ! = or or < > Commands 827 vc Item value Statements Allowed : : =ASCII string : : =numeric string The available condition operators and their meanings are as follows: equal not equal and or greater than less than used for logical groupings may only occur immediately after the if, and when present, inverts the value of the entire condition. != & > < () not The > and < (greater than and less than symbols) operate only on unsigned integer values; for example: 012 > 12 is false. All other operators take strings as modifiers; for example: 012 ! = 12 is true. The precedence of the operators, from highest to lowest precedence, is as follows: = != > < all of equal precedence & Parentheses can be used, of course, to alter the order of precedence. Values must be separated from operators or parentheses by at least one blank or tab. Keyword Replacement A keyword must begin and end with the same control character used in control statements. A keyword may be up to nine alphanumeric characters, where the first character must be alphabetic. Keyword values can be any ASCII string. A numeric keyword value is an unsigned string of digits. values cannot contain tabs or spaces. Examples of keyword = value assignments are: numlines=4 prog=acctg pass4=yes The vc command removes all control characters and keywords from input text lines marked with two control characters as it writes the text to standard output. To prevent a control character from being interpreted, precede it with a backslash, as in the following example: ::the :prog: program includes several of the following\: 828 Commands Reference vc The keyword :prog: is replaced by its value, but the \: is passed to standard output as : (colon). Input lines beginning with a \ (backslash) followed by a control character are not control lines, and are copied to standard output without the backslash. vc writes lines beginning with a backslash and no following control character without any changes (including the initial backslash). Flags -a Replaces keywords surrounded by control characters with their assigned value in all text lines (not just those beginning with two control characters). -cchar Uses char as the control character. -8 Does not display the warning messages normally displayed to standard error. -t Ignores all characters from the beginning of a line up to and including the first tab character for detecting a control statement. If vc finds a control character, it ignores all characters up to and including the tab. Related Information The following commands: "admin" on page 51, "delta" on page 236, and "get" on page 359. Commands 829 verify verify Purpose Turns write verification on or off for a particular minidisk. Syntax one of verify -1::~ -v 1- device --1 OL805446 Description The verify command turns write verification on or off for the specified minidisk device. Generally speaking, you can verify any device name that is by shown by the minidisk command. More specificially, the name must be a stanza name in the fete/system file. When write verification is on, the system checks each write operation to the minidisk by comparing the data written to disk with the data in the write buffer. If it detects an uncorrectable error, then it passes an error code back from the write operation. At system startup, write verification is turned off. Flags -0 Turns write verification off. -q Tells you whether write verification is set on or off. -v Turns write verification on. Files /dev / config /etc/system 830 Commands Reference verify Related Information The following command: "minidisks" on page 485. The mdverify subroutine in A/X Operating System Technical Reference. Commands 831 vi vi, vedit, view Purpose Edits files with a full screen display. Syntax -wnum OL805424 Description Warning: These commands do not support international characters. If you use them to edit a file that contains extended characters, you can lose data. The vi command is a display editor based on an underlying line editor (ex). The view command is a read-only version of vi. The vedit command is a version of vi intended for beginners. In it, the report option is set to 1, and the showmode and novice options are set. For more information on these options, see "set and map Commands" on page 833. The file parameter specifies the file or files to be edited. If you supply more than one file on the command line, vi edits each file in the order specified. When you use vi, changes you make to a file are reflected in your display. The position of the cursor on the display indicates its position within the file. The subcommands effect the file at the cursor position. The vi editor has the following operational states: 832 Command This is the initial state. Any subcommand can be entered (except commands that can only be used in the input state). When subcommands and the other states end, they return to this state. Pressing ESCAPE (Esc) cancels a partial command. Input Entered by the a, A, i, I, 0, 0, c, C, s, S, and R subcommands. After entering one of these commands, you can enter text into the file buffer at the current cursor position. To return to the command state, press Commands Reference vi ESCAPE (Esc) for normal exit or press INTERRUPT (Alt-Pause) to end abnormally. Last Line Some subcommands (those with the prefix :, \, ?, or !!) read input on a line displayed at the bottom of the screen. When you enter the initial character, vi places the curser at the bottom of the screen, where you enter the remaining characters of the command. Press the Enter key to perform the subcommand and INTERRUPT (Alt-Pause) to cancel it. Defining Macros If you use a sequence of subcommands frequently, you can create a macro that will issue the commands whenever you call the macro. You can enter your sequence of subcommands into buffer x. Then You invoke the macro by entering @x. Entering @@ repeats the last macro you invoked. set and map Conlmands The vi editor has options which can be changed with the set command. To view all the options enter: set a 11 while in vi. To change the value of an option, enter a line of the form set option = value To toggle an option that is either on or off, enter a line of the form set option (to set it on) or set noption (to set it off). All options can be abbreviated when they are set. Some of the most useful options and their abbreviations are: Option autoindent autowrite ignorecase lisp list magic number paragraphs redraw Abbreviation Description ai Indents automatically (default setting is noai). aw Writes the buffer to the file automatically before the :n, :ta, Ctrl-" , and! subcommands (the default is noaw). IC Ignores case during searches (the default is noic). lisp Forces the (, ), {, and} commands to deal with S-expressions (the default is nolisp). list Prints tabs as Ctrl-I; the end of lines are marked with $ (the default is nolist). magic Treats the characters. (dot), [, and * as special characters in scans (the default is magic) nu Displays lines prefixed with their line numbers (the default is nonu). para = value Defines to vi macro names that start paragraphs (the default is para = IPLPPPQPbpP LI). re Simulates a smart work station on a dumb work station (the default is nore). Commands 833 vi Option sections shiftwidth showmatch slowopen term Abbreviation Description sect = Defines to vi macro names that start sections (the default is sect = NHSHH HU). sw = Sets the shift distance for the commands >, <, and the input commands Ctrl-D and Ctrl-T (the default is sw = 8). sm Shows the matching opening ( or { as you type the closing) or } (the default is nosm). slow Postpones updating the display during inserts (the default is slow). term = Sets the kind of work station you are using (the default is dumb). You can use the map command to set a keystroke to a sequence of subcommands. For example, to force @ to delete lines, enter: map @ dd Flags -1 Enters vi in LISP mode. In this mode, vi indents appropriately for LISP code and the (, ), {, }, [[, and]] subcommands are modified to act appropriately for LISP. -r [file] Recovers file after an editor or system crash. If you do not specify a file name, vi displays a list of all saved files. -R Sets the readonly option to protect the file against overwriting. -t tag Edits the file containing the tag and positions the editor at its definition. -wnum Sets the default window size to num. This is useful when you use the editor over a low speed line. + [subcmd] Performs the ex subcommand before editing begins. If you do not specify subcmd, the cursor is placed on the last line of the file. Subcommands In the following lists, < ESC> stands for pressing the ESCAPE key instead of pressing the Enter key. 834 Commands Reference · VI Counts Before Subcommands You may prefix many subcommands with a number. vi interprets this number in one of the following ways: 1. Go to line number: 5G 10z 2. Go to column number: 251 3. Scroll number lines: 10Ctrl-D 10Ctrl-U Moving Within The File There are many commands that you can use to move within a file. They can be entered while vi is in the Command state. Small Movements ~ orh Moves the cursor one character to the left. ! or j i or k Moves the cursor down one line (but it remains in the same column). ~ Moves the cursor one character to the right. or 1 Moves the cursor up one line (but it remains in the same column). Character Positioning A Moves the cursor to the first nonblank character. o Moves the cursor to the beginning of the line. $ Moves the cursor to the end of the line. fx Moves the cursor to the next x character. Fx Moves the cursor to the last x character. tx Moves the cursor to one column before the next x character. Tx Moves the cursor to one column after the last x character. Repeat the last f, F, t, or T subcommand. Commands 835 vi Repeat the last f, F, t, or T subcommand in the opposition direction. numl Moves the cursor to the specified column. Words, Sentences, Paragraphs w Moves the cursor to the next word (includes punctuation as words). b Moves the cursor to the previous word (includes punctuation as words). e Moves the cursor to the end of the word (includes punctuation as words). W Moves the cursor to the next word (ignores punctuation). B Moves the cursor to the previous word (ignores punctuation). E Moves the cursor to the to the end of the word (includes punctuation as part of the current word). Line Positioning H Moves the cursor to the top line on the screen. L Moves the cursor to the last line on the screen. M Moves the cursor to the middle line on the screen. + Moves the cursor to the next line at its first nonblank character. Moves the cursor to the previous line at its first nonblank character. Moves the cursor to the next line at its first nonblank character. Scrolling Ctrl-U Scrolls up one half screen. Ctrl-D Scrolls down one half screen. Ctrl-F Scrolls forward one screen. Ctrl-B Scrolls backward one screen. Searching for Patterns 836 [num]G Places the cursor at line number num or to the last line if num is not specified. /pattern Places the cursor at the next line containing pattern. Commands Reference · VI ?pattern Places the cursor at the next previous line containing pattern. n Repeats last search for pattern in the same direction. N Repeats last search for pattern in the opposite direction. /pattern/ + num Places the cursor at the numth line after the line matching pattern. ?pattern?-num Places the cursor at the numth line before the line matching pattern. % Finds the parentheses or brace that matches the one at the current cursor position. Moving to Sentences, Paragraphs, or Sections ]] Places the cursor at next section (or function if you are in the LISP mode). [[ Places the cursor at previous section (or function if you are in the LISP mode). ( Places the cursor at the beginning of the previous sentence (or the previous s-expression if you are in the LISP mode). ) Places the cursor at the beginning of the next sentence (or the next s-expression if you are in the LISP mode). Places the cursor at the beginning of the next paragraph (or at the next list if you are in the LISP mode). } Places the cursor at the beginning of the next the paragraph (or at the next list if you are in the LISP mode). Marking and Returning \\ Moves the cursor to the previous location off current line. " Moves cursor to the beginning of the line containing the pervious location off the current line. mx Marks the current position with letter x. 'x Moves cursor to mark x. 'x Moves cursor to the beginning of the line containing mark x. Adjusting the Screen Ctrl-L Clears and redraws the screen. Commands 837 · VI Ctrl-R Redraws the screen and eliminates blank lines marked with a @. z Redraws the screen with the current line top of the screen. z- Redraws the screen with the current line at the bottom of the screen. z. Redraws the screen with the current line at the center of the screen. /pattern/zRedraws the screen with the line containing pattern at the bottom. znum. Makes the window num lines long. Ctrl-E Scrolls the window down 1 line. Ctrl-Y Scrolls the window up 1 line. Subcommands For Editing Use the following subcommands to edit your text. Those subcommands that do not have an * (asterisk) following them enter the input state. You return to the Command state by pressing the ESCAPE (Esc) key. These subcommands affect the text relative to the current cursor position. Editing the FIle itext Inserts text before the current cursor position. cwtext Changes word to text. atext Inserts text after the cursor. itext Inserts text before the cursor. Atext Adds text to the end of the line. Itext Inserts text before the first nonblank character in the line. o Adds an empty line below the current line. o Adds an empty line above the current line. rx Replaces the current character with x. (Commands followed by the input state.) Rtext Overwrites characters with text. * x * s * Deletes a character. x 838 * Deletes characters before cursor (dh). Substitutes characters (cl). Commands Reference * do not enter · VI S * Substitutes lines (cc). * dw * dd * Joins lines. D* Deletes the rest of the line (d$). cw Changes a word. cc Changes a line. C Changes rest of line (c$). * yy * Yanks a word into the undo buffer. «* Shifts one line to the left. > Yanks a line into the undo buffer. * >L ! * u* Shifts one line to the right. Shifts all lines from the cursor to the end of the screen to the right. Indents for LISP. Undoes the previous change. Corrections During Insert Use the following commands only while in the Insert state. They have different meanings in the Command state. Ctrl-H Erases last character. Ctrl-W Erases last word. \ Quotes the erase and kill characters. < ESC> Ends insertion, back to command mode. Ctrl-? Interrupts, terminates insert or Ctrl-D. Ctrl-D Goes back to previous autoindent stop. A Ctrl-D (circumflex control-D) Kills auto indent for this line only. OCtrl-D Moves cursor back to left margin. Ctrl-V Enters nonprinting character. Commands 839 vi Moving Text p Puts back text in the undo buffer after the cursor. P Pu ts back text in the undo buffer before the cursor. "xp Puts back text from the buffer x. "xd Deletes text into the buffer x. y Places the object that follows (for example, w for word) in the undo buffer. "xy Y Places the object that follows in the x buffer, where x is any letter. Places the line in the undo buffer. Restoring and Repeating Changes u Undoes the last change. U Restores the current line. Repeats the last change. "n p Retrieves the nth last delete. Interrupting, Cancelling, and Exiting vi 840 ZZ Exits vi, saving changes. :q Quits vi. If you have changed the buffer contents, vi displays a warning message and does not quit. :q! Quits vi, discarding changes. !!cmd Executes shell command cmd and includes output in buffer. :sh Runs a shell. You can return to vi by pressing Ctrl-D. :!cmd Runs cmd, then returns. Ends insert or ends an incomplete subcommand. Ctrl-? Interrupts a subcommand. Ctrl-L Redisplays a screen. Ctrl-R Redisplays the screen if Ctrl-L is the Commands Reference -+ key. vi File Manipulation :w Writes the buffer contents to the original file. :w file Writes the buffer contents to the named file. :w! file Overwrites file with the buffer contents. :e file Edits file. :e! Re-edits the current file and discards all changes. :e + file Edits file starting at the end. :e +num Edits file starting at line num. :e # Edits the alternate file. The alternate file is the last file name you entered with a last line command. :n Edits next file in the list entered on the command line. :n files Specifies new list of files to edit. Ctrl-G Shows current file name and line. :ta tag Edits a file containing tag at the location of tag. Related Information The following commands: "ed" on page 280 and "ex" on page 312. Commands 841 vrmconfig vrmconfig Purpose Installs peripheral devices. Syntax -m jete/master -h jete -I specials -s jete/system one of -startup -shutdown vrmeonfig -m mfile -h helpdir -I sprile -s syrile OL805400 Description The vrmeonfig command installs VRM device drivers. Normally, it runs automatically at each system startup. Its exit value is the number of errors it encountered. Note: Most users will never need to run this command from the command line. The vrmeonfig command performs its operations through the /dev/eonfig driver. Flags 842 -a stanza Adds devices to a running system. vrmeonfig processes the specified stanza in fete/system or the file specified with the -s flag. -d stanza Deletes a device from a running system. vrmeonfig processes the specified stanza in fete/system or the file specified with -so The special file list produced includes commands to remove relevant special files, since vrmeonfig assumes that the device has been removed from the configuration. -h helpdir Specifies the directory that contains the configuration helper programs. The default value is fete. -1 spfile Specifies the output special file list. The default value is specials. Commands Reference vrmconfig -m mfile Specifies the input master configuration file. The default value is fete/master. -s syfile Specifies the input system configuration file. The default value is fete/system. -u Causes only AIX-related configuration steps to be performed, that is, AIX driver installation calls. This flag may be used only with the -a or -d flags. -v Causes only VRM-related configuration steps to be performed, that is, DefineDevice calls. This flag may be used only with the -a or -d flags. -shutdown Causes all installed drives to be deleted for shutting down the system. Special files are not deleted, since the actual configuration is not considered changed. -startup Causes all defined devices to be configured in at system start up. (Any stanza that contains the attribute noipl = true is skipped.) For devices such as minidisks, which remain configured between system restarts, vrmeonfig does not perform "once-only" configuration steps. It does not modify special files that already exist. Files /etc/confgstatus /etc/system /etc/master specials /etc /etc/vrmdd /vrm/vrmdd /etc/ddi Status file recording current configuration status. Default system file. Default master file. Default special file list. Default directory containing configuration helper programs. Directory containing VRM device driver modules. Directory containing VRM device driver modules. Directory containing device specific information files. Related Information The following command: "eonfig" on page 150. The master and system files in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. Installing and Customizing the AIX Operating System. Commands 843 wait wait Purpose Waits for completion of a process. Syntax wait ---l OL805294 Description The wait command causes the shell to wait until child processes started with an &have completed. The shell waits on all of its currently active children, and the return code from wait is zero. Because the wait system call must be run in the parent process, the shell runs wait without creating a new process. Note: Not all processes of a three or more stage pipeline are children of the shell, and thus cannot be waited for. Example To wait for all processes started with &to finish: wait Related Information The following command: "sh" on page 637. 844 Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 wall wall Purpose Writes a message to all logged-in users. Syntax wall~ OLR05017 Description The wall command reads a message from standard input until it reaches an end-of-file character. It then sends the message to all logged-in users preceded by the following heading: Broadcast Message from user To override any protections other users have set up, you must be operating with superuser authority. Typically, the superuser uses wall to warn all users of an impending system shutdown. Note: This command only sends messages to the local node. Files /dev/tty* Related Information The following commands: "mesg" on page 484, "su" on page 724. and "write" on page 853. Commands 845 wc we Purpose Counts the number of lines, words, and characters in a file. Syntax we OL805242 Description The we command counts the number of lines, words, or characters in file or in the standard input if you do not specify any files. It writes the results to standard output. It also keeps a total count for all named files. A word is defined as a string of characters delimited by spaces, tabs, or new-line characters. we counts lines, words, and characters by default. When you specify more than one file on the command line, we displays the name of the file along with the counts. Flags -e Counts bytes. -1 Counts lines. -w Counts words. Examples 1. To display the line, word, and character counts of a file: wc chapl This displays the number of lines, words, and characters in the file 846 Commands Reference ch ap 1. we 2. To display only character and word counts: WC -CW chap* This displays the number of characters and words in each file whose name starts with chap, and displays the totals. Commands 847 what what Purpose Displays identifying information in files. Syntax what _I\. . file -----' ~-s~ OL805295 Description The what command searches the named files for all occurrences of the pattern that get substitutes for the %Z%) keyletter (see "Identification Keywords" on page 362). By convention, the value substituted is @(#). what writes to standard output whatever follows the pattern up to but not including the first double quotation mark ("), greater than symbol (», new-line character, backslash (\), or null character. The what command is intended for use in conjunction with the get command, which automatically inserts the identifying information. You can also use what on files where the information is inserted manually. Flags -s Searches for only the first occurrence of @( # ) . Examples Suppose that the file test. c contains a C program that includes the line: char ident[ ] 848 = Commands Reference "@(#)Test Program"; what test. c to produce test. 0 and a. out, then the command: what test.c test.o a.out If you compile displays: test.c: test.o: a.out: Test Program Test Program Test Program Related Information The following commands: "get" on page 359, and "help" on page 391. The sccsfile file in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. The discussion of sees in AIX Operating System Programming Tools and Interfaces. Commands 849 who who Purpose Identifies the users currently logged in. Syntax /etc/utmp \ who I file~ -s -u -I who am i --l OLS05296 Description The who command with no flags writes to standard output the login name, work station name, and date and time of login for all users currently on the system. who am i gives this information only for you. With flags, who can also display the elapsed time since line activity occurred, the process-ID of the command interpreter (shell), logins, logouts, restarts, and changes to the system clock, as well as other processes generated by the init process. The general format of the output of who is as follows: name [state] 1 i ne time acti vi ty pi d [1 ocati on] [exi t] where: 850 • n arne is the user's login name. • S tate indicates whether or not the line is readable by everyone (see the -T flag on page 851). • • 1i ne is the name of the line as found in the directory /dev. time is the time that user logged in. Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 who • acti vi ty is the hours and minutes since activity last occurred on that user's line. A dot (.) here indicates line activity within the last minute. If the line has been quiet more than 24 hours or has not been used since the last system startup, the entry is marked old. • pi d is the process-ID of the user's shell. • 1 ocati on is the location associated with this line as found in file fete/ports. This file can contain information about where the work station is located, the telephone number of the dataset, the type of work station if direct-connected, and other related information. • ex it is the exit status of ended processes (see the -d flag on page 851). To obtain its information, who normally examines /ete/utmp. If you specify another file, who examines the named file instead. This file will usually be /usr/adm/wtmp, which contains the history of all logins since the file was last created or /ete/ .Hog, which contains the history of invalid logins. Only someone operating with superuser authority or a member of the system group can examine /ete/.Hog Note: This command only identifies users on the local node. Flags -a Processes /ete/utmp or the named file with all flags on. -b Indicates the time and date of the most recent system startup. The NLTIME and NLLDATE environment variables control the format of the login time and date. -d Displays all processes that have expired without being regenerated by init. The exit field appears for dead processes and contains the termination and exit values (as returned by wait) of the dead process. (This flag is useful for determining why a process ended.) -1 Lists only work stations not in use. The name field is LOGIN in such cases. Other fields are the same as for user entries except that the state field doesn't appear. -s Lists only the name, line, and time fields. (This is the default; thus, who and who -s are equivalent.) The NLTIME environment variable controls the format of the time. -t Indicates the last change to the system clock by the superuser using the date command. The NLTIME environment variable controls the format of the time. -T Displays the state of the work station line and indicates who can write to that work station as follows: + writable by anyone ? writable only by the superuser or its owner bad line encountered. Commands 851 who -u Displays the user name, work station name, login time, line activity, and process-ID of each current user. The NLTIME environment variable controls the format of the login time. Examples 1. To display information about who is using the system: who This lists the user name, work station name, and login time of all users currently using the system. 2. To display your user name: who am i This displays the user name you typed when you logged in, the name of the work station you are using, and the time you logged in. Your login user name may be different from your current user name if you have used the su command. 3. To display a history of logins, logouts, system startups, and system shutdowns: who /usr/adm/wtmp Files /etc/utmp /usr/adm/wtmp /etc/ports Related Information The following commands: "date" on page 219, "init" on page 396, "login" on page 453, "mesg" on page 484, and "su" on page 724. The wait system call and the ports and utmp files in A/X Operating System Technical Reference. "Overview of International Character Support" in Managing the A/X Operating System. 852 Commands Reference TNL SN20-9861 (26 June 1987) to SC23-0790-0 write write Purpose Sends messages to other users on the system. Syntax write - user-~ ~/iner I OLB05297 Description A common use of this command is to converse with another logged-in user. That is, each user alternately sends and receives short messages from the other work station. Long messages can be sent by first putting the complete message in a file and then redirecting that file as input to the write command. For other users to receive your message, they must be logged in, and they must not have refused message permission. When a person you are trying to reach is not logged in, you get the message user not logged in. When the person you are trying to reach has refused message permission, you get the message write: permission denied. Note: This command only sends messages to users on the local node. When you run the write command, it immediately sends the following message, along with an attention-getting sound (the ASCII BEL character) to the person whose login name you entered. Message from yourid (ttynn) [dateJ . . . After successful connection, write then sends two ASCII BEL characters to your work station to alert you that whatever you enter now is being sent to the other user. Sending continues until you press Ctrl-D, at which point write sends an end-of-text character to the other work station and exits. At this point, the other user can respond by sending a write message back. For this type of exchange, the following convention is useful: When you first write to others, wait for them to write back before sending any text. End a message with a signal such as 0 (over) to alert the other person to reply. Use 00 (over and out) when the conversation is finished. Commands 853 write When you write to a user logged in at more that one work station, write uses the first login instance found in file /etc/utmp as the message delivery point, and you get the message: use rid is logged on more than one place. You a re connected to work station II II • Other locations are: work station You can contact this user at another location by specifying the line. line indicates to which work station (ttyOO, for example) the message should be sent. Permission to write to another user is granted or denied by the other user with the mesg command. Some commands deny message permission while they are running to prevent interference with their output. A user with superuser authority can write to any work station regardless of the work station's message permission. Examples 1. To write a message to a user who is logged in: write scott 1 need to see you! Meet me in my office at 12:30. Ctrl-D If your user ID is janet and you are using work station tty3, then scott's work station displays: Message from janet tty3 ... 1 need to see you! Meet me in my office at 12:30. EOF 2. To hold a conversation: write scott Are you free at 12:30? (0) This starts a conversation with scott. The (0) at the end stands for "over." It tells Scott that you are waiting for a response. Do not press Ctrl-D yet because this would end the conversation. N ow Scott replies by typing: write janet No, but 11m free after 3. (0) 854 Commands Reference write And you might respond: write scott OK. Meet me in my office at 3. (00) The (00) stands for "over and out," telling Scott that you have nothing more to say. If Scott is also finished (00), then you both press Ctrl-D to end the conversation. 3. To write someone a prepared message: write fred -CC/trcprofile\ trace (-9filedes -I , profile~ OL805279 If no profile file is supplied, trace reads the file equivalent command lines: trace trace 886 /etc/trcprofile Commands Reference /etc/trcprofi 1e. The following are Diagrams Taking More Than One Line Some of the more complex diagrams do not fit on one line. They are marked with an arrowhead where they break, and they continue on the next line. For example: -166 -00 +1 -1-----------_ pr -d -f -I num -0 num -p -r -w num + num 1 Do not put a blank between these items. OL805437 As you follow this diagram, you can choose as many as eight flags. Then, you have a choice of entering no flag, the -m flag, or the - flag with a number, num On any of these three branches, you continue until you reach the arrowhead. Then you must go down to the next arrowhead, which is right below the command name, pro You can then choose no flag, the -t flag, or the -h flag. These can be followed by the -n flag, and its parameters. You then reach another arrowhead, and you must go down another line to the second arrowhead beneath the command name. As you work your way through this line, you finally reach the end mark. Note that while following the diagram will impose a specific order to the flags, you do not need to strictly follow that order when entering the command. If strict order is important, it is stated under "Description" in the commands discussion. The following are some of the ways you can enter pr on the command line: pr pr pr pr pr pr -d -04 -r -m -sX memo letter -r -m -t -n4 -iX3 memo letter report -m -n4 -r -iX3 -t memo report letter -130 5 -3 -a -nX -iX3 -eY memo report There are a few other features to note in this diagram. One is that many flags that take parameters have default values. Entering -n is equivalent to entering -n5, since 5 is num's default value. This diagram also has a footnote. Footnotes are used to show Appendix C. Details on Reading Syntax Diagrams 887 information that cannot be diagramed. In this case, it tells you that you cannot put a space between the -e or -i flags and their parameters. You cannot type -e Y or -i X 3. You have to type them without spaces, according to the footnote. Commands With More Than One Diagram Several commands are shown with two or more diagrams. For example, the cdc command requires two diagrams: cdc - -rSJD ~ \'-mmrlist X cdc- - r S I D - C - m , - ; - - y -m mrlist L -ycommentJ t file ~- -r J -l F"\....-y comment-.l OL805088 When you want cdc to read named files, you look at the first diagram for the syntax. It shows that the -m and -y flags are optional, but they must have parameters. However, if you want cdc to read standard input, you look at the second diagram. It shows that you must supply a - (hyphen) to read standard input. It also shows that the -m and -y flags are required, while their parameters are optional. The following are ways you can enter cdc according to the diagrams: cdc cdc cdc cdc -r15.2 -r15.2 -r15.2 -r15.2 s.memo s.letter -mfilel s.letter -m -y -mfilel -y By following the above rules, you can enter commands using the correct syntax. 888 Commands Reference Figures 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. SCCS Header Flags ......................................................... SID Determination ........................................................ Delta Table Keywords ...................................................... Header Flag Keywords ..................................................... Other Keywords .......................................................... tbl Column and Item Specifiers ............................................... Configuration File Parameters ............................................... Figures 54 363 575 576 577 740 803 889 890 Commands Reference Glossary access. To obtain data from or put data in storage. access permission. A group of designations that determine who can access a particular AIX file and how the user may access the file. account. The log in directory and other information that give a user access to the system. activity manager. A collection of system-supplied tasks allowing users to manage their activities. Provides the ability to list current activities (Activity List) and to begin, cancel, hide, and activate activities. All Points Addressable (APA) display. A display that allows each pel to be individually addressed. An AP A display allows for images to be displayed that are not made up of images predefined in character boxes. Contrast with character display. allocate. To assign a resource, such as a disk file or a diskette file, to perform a specific task. alphabetic. Pertaining to a set of letters a through z. alphanumeric character. Consisting of letters, numbers and often other symbols, such as punctuation marks and mathematical symbols. American National Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII). The code developed by ANSI for information interchange among data processing systems, data communications systems, and associated equipment. The ASCII character set consists of 7-bit control characters and symbolic characters. American National Standards Institute. An organization sponsored by the Computer and Business Equipment Manufacturers Association for establishing voluntary industry standards. application. A program or group of programs that apply to a particular business area, such as the Inventory Control or the Accounts Receivable application. application program. A program used to perform an application or part of an application. argument. Numbers, letters, or words that change the way a command works. ASCII. See American National Standard Code for Information Interchange. attribute. A characteristic. For example, the attribute for a displayed field could be blinking. auto carrier return. The system function that places carrier returns automatically within the text and on the display. This is accomplished by moving whole words that exceed the line end zone to the next line. backend. The program that sends output to a particular device. There are two types of backends: friendly and unfriendly. background process. (1) A process that does not require operator intervention that can be run by the computer while the work station is used to do other work. (2) A mode of program execution in which the shell does not wait for program completion before prompting the user for another command. backup copy. A copy, usually of a file or group of files, that is kept in case the or.iginal Glossary 891 file or files are unintentionally changed or destroyed. supporting a file system. See also character special file. backup diskette. A diskette containing information copied from a fixed disk or from another diskette. It is used in case the original information becomes unusable. bootstrap. A small program that loads larger programs during system initialization. bad block. A portion of a disk that can never be used reliably. base address. The beginning address for resolving symbolic references to locations in storage. base name. The last element to the right of a full path name. A filename specified without its parent directories. batch printing. Queueing one or more documents to print as a separate job. The operator can type or revise additional documents at the same time. This is a background process. batch processing. A processing method in which a program or programs process records with little or no operator action. This is a background process. Contrast with interactive processing. binary. (1) Pertaining to a system of numbers to the base two; the binary digits are 0 and 1. (2) Involving a choice of two conditions, such as on-off or yes-no. branch. In a computer program an instruction that selects one of two or more alternative sets of instructions. A conditional branch occurs only when a specified condition is met. breakpoint. A place in a computer program, usually specified by an instruction, where execution may be interrupted by external intervention or by a monitor program. buffer. (1) A temporary storage unit, especially one that accepts information at one rate and delivers it at another rate. (2) An area of storage, temporarily reserved for performing input or output, into which data is read, or from which data is written. burst pages. On continuous-form paper, pages of output that can be separated at the perforations. byte. The amount of storage required to represent one character; a byte is 8 bits. call. (1) To activate a program or procedure at its entry point. Compare with load. callouts. An AIX kernel parameter establishing the maximum number of scheduled activities that can be pending simultaneously. bit. Either of the binary digits 0 or 1 used in computers to store information. See also byte. cancel. To end a task before it is completed. block. (1) A group of records that is recorded or processed as a unit. Same as physical record. (2) In data communications, a group of records that is recorded, processed, or sent as a unit. (3) A block is 512 bytes long. (4) A logical block is 2048 bytes long. carrier return. (1) In text data, the action causing line ending formatting to be performed at the current cursor location followed by a line advance of the cursor. Equivalent to the carriage return of a typewriter. (2) A keystroke generally indicating the end of a command line. block file. A file listing the usage of blocks on a disk. case sensitive. Able to distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters. block special file. A special file that provides access to an input or output device is capable of character. A letter, digit, or other symbol. 892 Commands Reference character display. A display that uses a character generator to display predefined character boxes of images (characters) on the screen. This kind of display cannot address the screen any less than one character box at a time. Contrast with All Points Addressable display. character key. A keyboard key that allows the user to enter the character shown on the key. Compare with function keys. code. (1) Instructions for the computer. (2) To write instructions for the computer; to program. (3) A representation of a condition, such as an error code. code segment. See segment. collating sequence. The sequence in which characters are ordered within the computer for sorting, combining, or comparing. character position. On a display, each location that a character or symbol can occupy. color display. A display device capable of displaying more than two colors and the shades produced via the two colors, as opposed to a monochrome display. character set. A group of characters used for a specific reason; for example, the set of characters a printer can print or a keyboard can support. column. A vertical arrangement of text or numbers. character special file. A special file that provides access to an input or output device. The character interface is used for devices that do not use block I/O. See also block special file. character string. A sequence of consecutive characters. character variable. The name of a character data item whose value may be assigned or changed while the program is running. child. (1) Pertaining to a secured resource, either a file or library, that uses the user list of a parent resource. A child resource can have only one parent resource. (2) In the AIX Operating System, child is a process spawned by a parent process that shares resources of parent process. Contrast with parent. e language. A general-purpose programming language that is the primary language of the AIX Operating System. class. Pertaining to the I/O characteristics of a device. AIX devices are classified as block or character. close. (1) To end an activity and remove that window from the display. column headings. Text appearing near the top of columns of data for the purpose of identifying or titling. command. A request to perform an operation or run a program. When parameters, arguments, flags, or other operands are associated with a command, the resulting character string is a single command. command interpreter. A program that sends instructions to the kernel; also called an interface. command line. The area of the screen where commands are displayed as they are typed. command line editing keys. Keys for editing the command line. command programming language. Facility that allows programming by the combination of commands rather than by writing statements in a conventional programming language. compile. (1) To translate a program written in a high-level programming language into a machine language program. (2) The computer actions required to transform a source file into an executable object file. Glossary 893 compress. (1) To move files and libraries together on disk to create one continuous area of unused space. (2) In data communications, to delete a series of duplicate characters in a character string. concatenate. (1) To link together. (2) To join two character strings. condition. An expression in a program or procedure that can be evaluated to a value of either true or false when the program or procedure is running. configuration. The group of machines, devices, and programs that make up a computer system. See also system customization. configuration file. A file that specifies the characteristics of a system or subsystem, for example, the AIX queueing system. consistent. Pertaining to a file system, without internal discrepancies. console. (1) The main AIX display station. (2) A device name associated with the main AIX display station. constant. A data item with a value that does not change. Contrast with variable. context search. A search through a file whose target is a character string. control block. A storage area used by a program to hold control information. control commands. Commands that allow conditional or looping logic flow in shell procedures. control program. Part of the AIX Operating System system that determines the order in which basic functions should be performed. controlled cancel. The system action that ends the job step being run, and saves any new data already created. The job that is running can continue with the next job step. 894 Commands Reference copy. The action by which the user makes a whole or partial duplicate of already existing data. crash. An unexpected interruption of computer service, usually due to a serious hardware or software malfunction. current directory. The directory that is active, and can be displayed with the pwd command. current line. The line on which the cursor is located. current working directory. See current directory. cursor. (1) A movable symbol (such as an underline) on a display, used to indicate to the operator where the next typed character will be placed or where the next action will be directed. (2) A marker that indicates the current data access location within a file. cursor movement keys. The directional keys used to move the cursor. customize. To describe (to the system) the devices, programs, users, and user defaults for a particular data processing system. cylinder. All fixed disk or diskette tracks that can be read or written without moving the disk drive or diskette drive read/write mechanism. daemon. See daemon process. daemon process. A process begun by the root or the root shell that can be stopped only by the root. Daemon processes generally provide services that must be available at all times such as sending data to a printer. data block. See block. data communications. The transmission of data between computers, or remote devices or both (usually over long distance). data stream. All information (data and control information) transmitted over a data link. debug. (1) To detect, locate, and correct mistakes in a program. (2) To find the cause of problems detected in software. in equipment or a mistake in a computer program. digit. Any of the numerals from 0 through 9. directory. A type of file containing the names and controlling information for other files or other directories. default. A value that is used when no alternative is specified by the operator. disable. To make nonfunctional. default directory. The directory name supplied by the operating system if none is specified. discipline. Pertaining to the order in which requests are serviced, for example, first-come-first-served (fcfs) or shortest job next (sjn). default drive. The drive name supplied by the operating system if none is specified. disk I/O. Fixed-disk input and output. default value. A value stored in the system that is used when no other value is specified. delete. To remove. For example, to delete a file. dependent work station. A work station having little or no standalone capability, that must be connected to a host or server in order to provide any meaningful capability to the user. device. An electrical or electronic machine that is designed for a specific purpose and that at~aches to your computer, for example, a prInter, plotter, disk drive, and so forth. device driver. A program that operates a specific device, such as a printer disk drive or display. " diskette. A thin, flexible magnetic plate that is permanently sealed in a protective cover. It can be used to store information copies from the disk or another diskette. diskette drive. The mechanism used to read and write information on diskettes. display device. An output unit that gives a visual representation of data. display screen. The part of the display device that displays information visually. display station. A device that includes a keyboard from which an operator can send information to the system and a display screen on which an operator can see the information sent to or received from the computer. device name. A name reserved by the system that refers to a specific device. dump. (1) To copy the contents of all or part of storage, usually to an output device. (2) Data that has been dumped. diagnostic. Pertaining to the detection and isolation of an error. dump diskette. A diskette that contains a dump or is prepared to receive a dump. diagnostic aid. A tool (procedure, program, reference manual) used to detect and isolate a device or program malfunction or error. dump formatter. Program for analyzing a dump. diagnostic routine. A computer program that recognizes, locates, and explains either a fault EBCDIC. See extended binary-coded decimal interchange code. Glossary 895 EBCDIC character. Anyone of the symbols included in the 8-bit EBCDIC set. edit. To modify the form or format of data. expression. A representation of a value. For example, variables and constants appearing alone or in combination with operators. edit buffer. A temporary storage area used by an editor. extended binary-coded decimal interchange code (EBCDIC). A set of 256 eight-bit characters. editor. A program used to enter and modify programs, text, and other types of documents and data. feature. A programming or hardware option, usually available at an extra cost. emulation. Imitation; for example, when one computer imitates the characteristics of another computer. field. (1) An area in a record or panel used to contain a particular category of data. (2) The smallest component of a record that can be referred to by a name. enable. To make functional. FIFO. See first-in-first-out. enter. To send information to the computer by pressing the Enter key. file. A collection of related data that is stored and retrieved by an assigned name. entry. A single input operation on a work station. file name. The name used by a program to identify a file. See also label. environment. The settings for-shell variables and paths set associated with each process. These variables can be modified later by the user. filename. In DOS, that portion of the file name that precedes the extension. error-correct backspace. An editing key that performs editing based on a cursor position; the cursor is moved one position toward the beginning of the line, the character at the new cursor location is deleted, and all characters following the cursor are moved one position toward the beginning of the line (to fill the vacancy left by the deleted element). escape character. A character that suppresses the special meaning of one or more characters that follow. exit value. A numeric value that a command returns to indicate whether it completed successfully. Some commands return exit values that give other information, such as whether a file exists. Shell programs can test exit values to control branching and looping. file specification (filespec). The name and location of a file. A file specification consists of a drive specifier, a path name, and a file name. file system. The collection of files and file management structures on a physical or logical mass storage device, such as a diskette or minidisk. filetab. An AIX kernel parameter establishing the maximum number of files that can be open simultaneously. fiIter. A command that reads standard input data, modifies the data, and sends it to standard output. first-in-first-out (FIFO). A named permanent pipe. A FIFO allows two unrelated processes to exchange information using a pipe connection. fixed disk. A flat, circular, nonremoveable plate with a magnetizable surface layer on 896 Commands Reference which data can be stored by magnetic recording. fixed-disk drive. The mechanism used to read and write information on fixed disk. flag. A modifier that appears on a command line with the command name that defines the action of the command. Flags in the AIX Operating System almost always are preceded by a dash. font. A family or assortment of characters of a given size and style. foreground. A mode of program execution in which the shell waits for the program specified on the command line to complete before returning your prompt. format. (1) A defined arrangement of such things as characters, fields, and lines, usually used for displays, printouts, or files. (2) The pattern which determines how data is recorded. formatted diskette. A diskette on which control information for a particular computer system has been written but which mayor may not contain any data. free list. A list of available space on each file system. This is sometimes called the free-block list. free-block list. See free list. full path name. The name of any directory or file expressed as a string of directories and files beginning with the root directory. generation. For some remote systems, the translation of configuration information into machine language. Gid. See group number. global. Pertains to information available to more than one program or subroutine. global action. An action having general applicability, independent of the context established by any task. global character. The special characters * and ? that can be used in a file specification to match one or more characters. For example, placing a ? in a file specification means any character can be in that position. global search. The process of having the system look through a document for specific characters, words, or groups of characters. global variable. A symbol defined in one program module, but used in other independently assembled program modules. graphic character. A character that can be displayed or printed. group name. A name that uniquely identifies a group of users to the system. group number (Gid). A unique number assigned to a group of related users. The group number can often be substituted in commands that take a group name as an argument. hardware. The equipment, as opposed to the programming, of a computer system. function. A synonym for procedure. The C language treats a function as a data type that contains executable code and returns a single value to the calling function. header. Constant text that is formatted to be in the top margin of one or more pages. function keys. Keys that request actions but do not display or print characters. Included are the keys that normally produce a printed character, but when used with the code key produce a function instead. Compare with character key. here document. Data contained within a shell program or procedure (also called in line input). header label. A special set of records on a diskette describing the contents of the diskette. Glossary 897 highlight. To emphasize an area on the display by any of several methods, such as brightening the area or reversing the color of characters within the area. history file. A file containing a log of system actions and operator responses. i-number. A number specifying a particular i-node on a file system. inodetab. An AIX kernel parameter that establishes a table in memory for storing copies of i-nodes for all active files. input. Data to be processed. hog factor. In system accounting, an analysis of how many times each command was run, how much processor time and memory it used, and how intensive that use was. input device. Physical devices used to provide data to a computer. home directory. (1) A directory associated with an individual user. (2) The user's current directory on login or after issuing the cd command with no argument. input list. A list of variables to which values are assigned from input data. I/O. See input/output. ID. Identification. IF expressions. Expressions within a procedure, used to test for a condition. indirect block. A block containing pointers to other blocks. Indirect blocks can be single-indirect, double-indirect, or tri ple-indirect. informational message. A message providing information to the operator, that does not require a response. initial program load (IPL). The process of loading the system programs and preparing the system to run jobs. See initialize. initialize. To set counters, switches, addresses, or contents of storage to zero or other starting values at the beginning of, or at prescribed points in, the operation of a computer routine. inline input. See here document. i-node. The internal structure for managing files in the system. I-nodes contain all of the information pertaining to the node, type, owner, and location of a file. A table of i-nodes is stored near the beginning of a file system. 898 Commands Reference input file. A file opened by a program so that the program can read from that file. input redirection. The specification of an input source other than the standard one. input-output file. A file opened for input and output use. input-output device number. A value assigned to a device driver by the guest operating system or to the virtual device by the virtual resource manager. This number uniquely identifies the device regardless of whether it is real or virtual. input/output (I/O). Pertaining to either input, output, or both between a computer and a device. interactive processing. A processing method in which each system user action causes response from the program or the system. Contrast with batch processing. interface. A shared boundary between two or more entities. An interface might be a hardware component to link two devices together or it might be a portion of storage or registers accessed by two or more computer programs. interleave factor. Specification of the ratio between contiguous physical blocks (on a fixed-disk) and logically contiguous blocks (as in a file). interrupt. (1) To temporarily stop a process. (2) In data communications, to take an action at a receiving station that causes the sending station to end a transmission. (3) A signal sent by an I/O device to the processor when an error has occurred or when assistance is needed to complete I/O. An interrupt usually suspends execution of the currently executing program. keyword. One of the predefined words of a programming language; a reserved word. IPL. See initial program load. kill character. The character that is used to delete a line of characters entered after the user's prom pt. job. (1) A unit of work to be done by a system. (2) One or more related procedures or programs grouped into a procedure. job queue. A list, on disk, of jobs waiting to be processed by the system. justify. To print a document with even right and left margins. kbuffers. An AIX kernel parameter establishing the number of buffers that can be used by the kernel. K-byte. See kilobyte. kernel. The memory-resident part of the AIX Operating System containing functions needed immediately and frequently. The kernel supervises the input and output, manages and controls the hardware, and schedules the user processes for execution. kernel parameters. Variables that specify how the kernel allocates certain system resources. key pad. A physical grouping of keys on a keyboard (for example, numeric key pad, and cursor key pad). keyboard. An input device consisting of various keys allowing the user to input data, control cursor and pointer locations, and to control the dialog between the user and the display station keylock feature. A security feature in which a lock and key can be used to restrict the use of the display station. keyword argument. One type of variable assignment that can be made on the command line. kill. An AIX Operating System command that stops a process. kilobyte. 1024 bytes. kprocs. An AIX kernel parameter establishing the maximum number of processes that the kernel can run simultaneously. label. (1) The name in the disk or diskette volume table of contents that identifies a file. See also file name. (2) The field of an instruction that assigns a symbolic name to the location at which the instruction begins, or such a symbolic name. left margin. The area on a page between the left paper edge and the leftmost character position on the page. left-adjust. The process of aligning lines of text at the left margin or at a tab setting such that the leftmost character in the line or filed is in the leftmost position. Contrast with rig ht-adj us t. library. A collection of functions, calls, subroutines, or other data. licensed program product (LPP). Software programs that remain the property of the manufacturer, for which customers pay a license fee. line editor. An editor that modifies the contents of a file one line at a time. linefeed. An ASCII character that causes an output device to move forward one line. Glossary 899 link. A connection between an i-node and one or more file names associated with it. literal. A symbol or a quantity in a source program that is itself data, rather than a reference to data. load. (1) To move data or programs into storage. (2) To place a diskette into a diskette drive, or a magazine into a diskette magazine drive. (3) To insert paper into a printer. loader. A program that reads run files into main storage, thus preparing them for execution. local. Pertaining to a device directly connected to your system without the use of a communications line. Contrast with remote. log. To record; for example, to log all messages on the system printer. A list of this type is called a log, such as an error log. log in. To begin a session at a display station. log in shell. The program, or command interpreter, started for a user at log in. mask. A pattern of characters that controls the keeping, deleting, or testing of portions of another pattern of characters. matrix. An array arranged in rows and columns. maxprocs. An AIX kernel parameter establishing the maximum number of processes that can be run simultaneously by a user. memory. Storage on electronic chips. Examples of memory are random access memory, read only memory, or registers. See storage. menu. A displayed list of items from which an operator can make a selection. message. (1) A response from the system to inform the operator of a condition which may affect further processing of a current program. (2) Information sent from one user in a multi-user operating system to another. minidisk. A logical division of a fixed disk. log out. To end a session at a display station. minor device number. A number used to specify various types of information about a particular device, for example, to distinguish among several printers of the same type. logical device. A file for conducting input or output with a physical device. mode word. An i-node field that describes the type and state of the i-node. loop. A sequence of instructions performed repeatedly until an ending condition is reached. modem. See modulator-demodulator. log off. To end a session at a display station. main storage. The part of the processing unit where programs are run. maintenance system. A special version of the AIX Operating System which is loaded from diskette and used to perform system management tasks. major device number. A system identification number for each device or type of device. mapped files. Files on the fixed-disk that are accessed as if they are in memory. 900 Commands Reference modulation. Changing the frequency or size of one signal by using the frequency or size of another signal. modulator-demodulator (modem). A device that converts data from the computer to a signal that can be transmitted on a communications line, and converts the signal received to data for the computer. module. (1) A discrete programming unit that usually performs a specific task or set of tasks. Modules are subroutines and calling programs that are assembled separately, then linked to make a complete program. (2) See load module. mount. To make a file system accessible. mountab. An AIX kernel parameter establishing the maximum number of file systems that can be mounted simultaneously. multiprogramming. The processing of two or more programs at the same time. multivolume file. A diskette file occupying more than one diskette. nest. To incorporate a structure or structures of some kind into a structure of the same kind. For example, to nest one loop (the nested loop) within another loop (the nesting loop); to nest one subroutine (the nested subroutine) within another subroutine (the nesting subroutine). networ k. A collection of products connected by communication lines for information exchange between locations. new-line character. A control character that causes the print or display position to move to the first position on the next line. null. Having no value, containing nothing. null character (NUL). The character hex 00, used to represent the absence of a printed or displayed character. numeric. Pertaining to any of the digits 0 through 9. object code. Machine-executable instruction, usually generated by a compiler from source code written in a higher level language. consists of directly executable machine code. For programs that must be linked, object code consists of relocatable machine code. octal. A base eight numbering system. open. (1) To make a file available to a program for processing. operating system. Software that controls the running of programs; in addition, an operating system may provide services such as resource allocation, scheduling, input/output control, and data management. operation. A specific action (such as move, add, multiply, load) that the computer performs when requested. operator. A symbol representing an operation to be done. output. The result of processing data. output devices. Physical devices used by a computer to present data to a user. output file. A file that is opened by a program so that the program can write to that file. output redirection. The specification of an output destination other than the standard one. override. (1) A parameter or value that replaces a previous parameter or value. (2) To replace a parameter or value. overwrite. To write output into a storage or file space that is already occupied by data. owner. The user who has the highest level of access authority to a data object or action, as defined by the object or action. pad. To fill unused positions in a field with dummy data, usually zeros or blanks. page. A block of instructions, data, or both. page space minidisk. The area on a fixed disk that temporarily stores instructions or data currently being run. See also minidisk. pagination. The process of adjusting text to fit within margins and/or page boundaries. paging. The action of transferring instructions, data, or both between real storage and external page storage. Glossary 901 parallel processing. The condition in which multiple tasks are being performed simultaneously within the same activity. phase. One of several stages file system checking and repair performed by the fsck command. parameter. Information that the user supplies to a panel, command, or function. physical device. See device. parent. Pertaining to a secured resource, either a file or library, whose user list is shared with one or more other files or libraries. Contrast with child. physical file. An indexed file containing data for which one or more alternative indexes have been created. parent directory. The directory one level above the current directory. physical record. (1) A group of records recorded or processed as a unit. Same as block. (2) A unit of data moved into or out of the computer. partition. See minidisk. PID. See process ID. password. A string of characters that, when entered along with a user identification, allows an operator to sign on to the system. pipe. To direct the data so that the output from one process becomes the input to another process. password security. A program product option that helps prevent the unauthorized use of a display station, by checking the password entered by each operator at sign-on. pipeline. A direct, one-way connection between two or more processes. path name. See full path name and relative path name. pattern-matching character. Special characters such as * or ? that can be used in search patterns. Some used in a file specification to match one or more characters. For example, placing a ? in a file specification means any character can be in that position. Pattern-matching characters are also called wildcards. pitch. A unit of width of typewriter type, based on the number of times a letter can be set in a linear inch. For example, 10-pitch type has 10 characters per inch. platen. The support mechanism for paper on a printer, commonly cylindrical, against which printing mechanisms strike to produce an impression. pointer. A logical connection between physical blocks. permission code. A three-digit octal code, or a nine-letter alphabetic code, indicating the access permissions. The access permissions are read, write, and execute. port. (1) To make the programming changes necessary to allow a program that runs on one type of computer to run on another type of computer. (2) An access point for data input to or data output from a computer system. See connector. permission field. One of the three-character fields within the permissions column of a directory listing indicating the read, write, and run permissions for the file or directory owner, group, and all others. position. The location of a character in a series, as in a record, a displayed message, or a computer printout. 902 Commands Reference positional parameter. A shell facility for assigning values from the command line to variables in a program. print queue. A file containing a list of the names of files waiting to be printed. printout. Information from the computer produced by a printer. priority. The relative ranking of items. For example, a job with high priority in the job queue will be run before one with medium or low priority. priority number. A number that establishes the relative priority of printer requests. privileged user. The account with superuser authority. problem determination. The process of identifying why the system is not working. Often this process identifies programs, equipment, data communications facilities, or user errors as the source of the problem. problem determination procedure. A prescribed sequence of steps aimed at recovery from, or circumvention of, problem conditions. procedure. See shell procedure. process. (1) A sequence of actions required to produce a desired result. (2) An entity receiving a portion of the processor's time for executing a program. (3) An activity within the system begun by entering a command, running a shell program, or being started by another process. process accounting. An analysis of the use each process makes of the processing unit, memory, and I/O resources. process ID (PID). A unique number assigned to a process that is running. profile. (1) A file containing customized settings for a system or user (2) Data describing the significant features of a user, program, or device. program. A file containing a set of instructions conforming to a particular programming language syntax. prompt. A displayed request for information or operator action. propagation time. The time necessary for a signal to travel from one point on a communications line to another. qdaemon. The daemon process that maintains a list of outstanding jobs and sends them to the specified device at the appropriate time. queue. A line or list formed by items waiting to be processed. queued message. A message from the system that is added to a list of messages stored in a file for viewing by the user at a later time. This is in contrast to a message that is sent directly to the screen for the user to see immediately. quit. A key, command, or action that tells the system to return to a previous state or stop a process. quote. To mask the special meaning of certain characters; to cause them to be taken literally. random access. An access mode in which records can be read from, written to, or removed from a file in any order. readonly. Pertaining to file system mounting, a condition that allows data to be read, but not modified. recovery procedure. (1) An action performed by the operator when an error message appears on the display screen. Usually, this action permits the program to continue or permits the operator to run the next job. (2) The method of returning the system to the point where a major system error occurred and running the recent critical jobs again. redirect. To divert data from a process to a file or device to which it would not normally go. Glossary 903 reference count. In an i-node, a record of the total number of directory entries that refer to the i-node. relational expression. A logical statement describing the relationship (such as greater than or equal) of two arithmetic expressions or data items. relational operator. The reserved words or symbols used to express a relational condition or a relational expression. relative address. An address specified relative to the address of a symbol. When a program is relocated, the addresses themselves will change, but the specification of relative addresses remains the same. relative addressing. A means of addressing instructions and data areas by designating their locations relative to some symbol. relative path name. The name of a directory or file expressed as a sequence of directories followed by a file name, beginning from the current directory. remote. Pertaining to a system or device that is connected to your system through a communications line. Contrast with local. reserved character. A character or symbol that has a special (non-literal) meaning unless quoted. reserved word. A word that is defined in a programming language for a special purpose, and that must not appear as a user-declared identifier. reset. To return a device or circuit to a clear state. restore. To return to an original value or image. For example, to restore a library from diskette. right adjust. The process of aligning lines of text at the right margin or tab setting such that 904 Commands Reference the rightmost character in the line or file is in the rightmost position. right justify. See right align. right margin. The area on a page between the last text character and the right upper edge. right-adjust. To place or move an entry in a field so that the rightmost character of the field is in the rightmost position. Contrast with left-adjust. root. Another name sometimes used for superuser. root directory. The top level of a tree-structured directory system. root file system. The basic AIX Operating System file system, which contains operating system files and onto which other file systems can be mounted. The root file system is the file system that contains the files that are run to start the system running. routine. A set of statements in a program causing the system to perform an operation or a series of related operations. run. To cause a program, utility, or other machine function to be performed. run-time environment. A collection of subroutines and shell variables that provide commonly used functions and information for system components. scratch file. A file, usually used as a work file, that exists until the program that uses it ends. screen. See display screen. scroll. To move information vertically or horizontally to bring into view information that is outside the display screen boundaries. sector. (1) An area on a disk track or a diskette track reserved to record information. (2) The smallest amount of information that can be written to or read from a disk or diskette during a single read or write operation. security. The protection of data, system operations, and devices from accidental or intentional ruin, damage, or exposure. segment. A contiguous area of virtual storage allocated to a job or system task. A program segment can be run by itself, even if the whole program is not in main storage. separator. A character used to separate parts of a command or file. sequential access. An access method in which records are read from, written to, or removed from a file based on the logical order of the records in the file. session records. In the accounting system, a record of time connected and line usage for connected display stations, produced from log in and log out records. set flags. Flags that can be put into effect with the shell set command. shared printer. A printer that is used by more than one work station. shell. See shell program. shell procedure. A series of commands combined in a file that carry out a particular function when the file is run or when the file is specified as an argument to the sh command. Shell procedures are frequently called shell scripts. shell program. A program that accepts and interprets commands for the operating system (there is an AIX shell program and a DOS shell program). shell prompt. The character string on the command line indicating the the system can accept a command (typically the $ character). shell script. See shell procedure. shell variables. Facilities of the shell program for assigning variable values to constant names. size field. In an i-node, a field that indicates the size, in bytes, of the file associated with the i-node. software. Programs. sort. To rearrange some or all of a group of items based upon the contents or characteristics of those items. source diskette. The diskette containing data to be copied, compared, restored, or backed up. source program. A set of instructions written in a programming language, that must be translated to machine language compiled before the program can be run. special character. A character other than an alphabetic or numeric character. For example; *, +, and % are special characters. special file. Special files are used in the AIX system to provide an interface to input/output devices. There is at least one special file for each device connected to the computer. Contrast with directory and file. See also block special file and character special file. spool files. Files used in the transmission of data among devices. standalone shell. A limited version of the shell program used for system maintenance. standalone work station. A work station that can be used to preform tasks independent of (without being connected to) other resources such as servers or host systems. standard error. The place where many programs place error messages. standard input. The primary source of data going into a command. Standard input comes from the keyboard unless redirection or piping is used, in which case standard input can be Glossary 905 from a file or the output from another command. standard output. The primary destination of data coming from a command. Standard output goes to the display unless redirection or piping is used, in which case standard output can be to a file or another command. subscript. An integer or variable whose value refers to a particular element in a table or an array. subshell. An instance of the shell program started from an existing shell program. substring. A part of a character string. stanza. A group of lines in a file that together have a common function. Stanzas are usually separated by blank lines, and each stanza has a name. subsystem. A secondary or subordinate system, usually capable of operating independently of, or synchronously with, a controlling system. statement. An instruction in a program or procedure. superblock. The most critical part of the file system containing information about every allocation or deallocation of a block in the file system. status. (1) The current condition or state of a program or device. For example, the status of a printer. (2) The condition of the hardware or software, usually represented in a status code. storage. (1) The location of saved information. (2) In contrast to memory, the saving of information on physical devices such as disk or tape. See memory. storage device. A device for storing and/or retrieving data. string. A linear sequence of entiti"es such as characters or physical elements. Examples of strings are alphabetic string, binary element string, bit string, character string, search string, and symbol string. suo See superuser. subdirectory. A directory contained within another directory in the file system hierarchy. subprogram. A program invoked by another program, such as a subshell. subroutine. (1) A sequenced set of statements that may be used in one or more computer programs and at one or more points in a computer program. (2) A routine that can be part of another routine. 906 Commands Reference superuser (su). The user who can operate without the restrictions designed to prevent data loss or damage to the system (user ID 0). superuser authority. The unrestricted ability to access and modify any part of the operating system that is associated with the user who manages the system. The authority obtained when one logs in as root. system. The computer and its associated devices and programs. system call. A request by an active process for a service by the system kernel. system customization. A process of specifying the devices, programs, and users for a particular data processing system. system date. The date assigned by the system user during setup and maintained by the system. system dump. A copy, of memory made whenever an error stops the system. Contrast with task dump. system management. The tasks involved in maintaining the system in good working order and modifying the system to meet changing requirements. system parameters. See kernel parameters. system profile. A file containing the default values used in system operations. track. A circular path on the surface of a fixed disk or diskette on which information is magnetically recorded and from which recorded information is read. system unit. The part of the system that contains the processing unit, the disk drives, and the diskette drives. trap. An unprogrammed, hardware-initiated jump to a specific address. Occurs as a result of an error or certain other conditions. system user. A person who uses a computer system. tree-structured directories. A method for connecting directories such that each directory is listed in another directory except for the root directory, which is at the top of the tree. target diskette. The diskette to be used to receive data from a source diskette. task. A basic unit of work to be performed. Examples are a user task, a server task, and a processor task. task dump. A copy of memory associated program that failed (and its data). Contrast with system dump. terminal. An input/output device containing a keyboard and either a display device or a printer. Terminals usually are connected to a computer and allow a person to interact with the computer. text. A type of data consisting of a set of linguistic characters (for example, alphabet, numbers, and symbols) and formatting controls. text application. A program defined for the purpose of processing text data (for example, memos, reports, and letters). text editing program. See editor and text application. texttab. A kernel parameter establishing the size of the text table, in memory, that contains one entry each active shared program text segment. trace. To record data that provides a history of events occurring in the system. trace table. A storage area into which a record of the performance of computer program instructions is stored. truncate. To shorten a field or statement to a specified length. typematic key. A key that repeats its function multiple times when held down. typestyle. Characters of a given size, style and design. Uid. See user number. update. An improvement for some part of the system. user. The name associated with an account. user account. See account. user ID. See user number. user name. A name that uniquely identifies a user to the system. user number (Uid). (1) A unique number identifying an operator to the system. This string of characters limits the functions and information the operator is allowed to use. The Did can often be substituted in commands that take a user's name as an argument. user profile. A file containing a description of user characteristics and defaults (for example, printer assignment, formats, group ID) to be conveyed to the system while the user is signed on. utility. A service; in programming, a program that performs a common service function. Glossary 907 valid. (1) Allowed. (2) True, in conforming to an appropriate standard or authority. resources can be used independently of each other. value. (1) In Usability Services, information selected or typed into a pop-up. (2) A set of characters or a quantity associated with a parameter or name. (3) In programming, the contents of a storage location. virtual resources. See virtual resource manager. variable. A name used to represent a data item whose value can change while the program is running. Contrast with constant. verify. To confirm the correctness of something. version. Information in addition to an object's name that identifies different modification levels of the same logical 0 bj ect. virtual storage. Addressable space that appears to be real storage. From virtual storage, instructions and data are mapped into real storage locations. virtual terminal. Any of several logical equivalents of a display station available at a single physical display station. Volume ID (Vol ID). A series of characters recorded on the diskette used to identify the diskette to the user and to the system. VRM. See virtual resource manager. virtual device. A device that appears to the user as a separate entity but is actually a shared portion of a real device. For example, several virtual terminals may exist simultaneously, but only one is active at any given time. word. A contiguous series of 32 bits (4 bytes) in storage, addressable as a unit. The address of the first byte of a word is evenly divisible by four. virtual machine. A functional simulation of a computer and its related devices. work file. A file used for temporary storage of data being processed. virtual machine interface (VMI). A software interface between work stations and the operating system. The VMI shields operating system software from hardware changes and low-level interfaces and provides for concurrent execution of multiple virtual machines. work station. A device at which an individual may transmit information to, or receive information from, a computer for the purpose of performing a task, for example, a display station or printer. See programmable work station and dependent work station. virtual resource manager (VRM). A set of programs that manage the hardware resources (main storage, disk storage, display stations, and printers) of the system so that these working directory. See current directory. 908 Commands Reference wildcard. See pattern-matching characters. wrap around. Movement of the point of reference in a file from the end of one line to the beginning of the next, or from one end of a file to the other. Index I Special Characters I 647 647 $$ 647 $? 647 $# 647 $- $! abs command 693 access times of a file, changing 760 accounting ASCII format 47 ASCII summary format 37 billing summary file 606 binary summary format 37 combining total accounting files 46 connect 42 daily 606 disk 32 line-usage summary 42 login 33 merging total accounting files 46 monthly reports 33 process 32, 48 reports 33 session 33 shell procedures 31 start 34 turn off process 34 usage summaries 36 accounting commands acctcms 36 acctcom 38 acctconl 42 acctcon2 43 acctdisk 44 acctdusg 44 acctmerg 46 accton 49 acctprcl 48 acctprc2 49 acctwtm p 345 chargefee 32 ckpacct 32 dodisk 32 fwtmp 345 lastlogin 33 monacct 33 nulladm 33 prctmp 33 prdaily 33 prtacct 34 runacct 606 shutacct 34 startup 34 turnacct 34 wtmpfix 346 accounting file 33 accounting files /usr/adm/acct/fiscal 33 /usr/adm/acct/nite/active 606 /usr/adm/acct/nite/ctmp 33 /usr/adm/acct/nite/lastdate 606 /usr/adm/acct/nite/lock 606 /usr/adm/acct/nite/lockl 606 /usr/adm/acct/nite/statefile 606 /usr/adm/acct/sum 33 /usr/adm/acct/sum/loginlog 33 /usr/adm/acct/sum/rprt 33 /usr/adm/fee 32 /usr/adm/pacct 32 acctcom 38 accton 49 ckpacct 32 turnacct 34 Index 909 /usr/adm/wtmp acctcon1 42 billing summary file 606 creating 33 accounting records ASCII 48 ASCII format 42 converting ASCII to binary 345 converting binary to ASCII 345 display 38 examining connect records 345 login session 42 repairing wtmp records 346 session 42 total accounting login session 43 accounting report, process 38 accounting, disk usage 44 acctcms command 36-37 acctcom command 38-41 acctcon1 command 42-43 acctcon2 command 43 acctdisk command 44 acctdusg command 44 acctmerg command 46-47 accton command 49 acctprc2 command 49 acctwtmp command 345 activity graph, system 612 activity manager 50 activity reporter, system 610, 614 actman command 50 adb command 50.1-50.8 adding devices 241 groups 802 header flags, SCCS 55 users 802 users, SCCS 55 adduser command 802-804 admin command 51-57 Advanced Floating-Point Accelerator 910 Commands Reference Advanced Processor Card 115 af command 694 ar command 58-61 arbitrary precision arithmetic 83 arithmetic game 62-63 arithmetic, shell variable 317 as command 64-65, 115 assembler 64 assembling source code as 64 asm 64 cc 113 masm 64 at command 66-69 awk command 70-74 115 back game 75 backing up files 76 backup command 76-79 banner command 80 bar command 709 basename command 81-82 batch command 66-69 bc command 83-87 bdiff command 88-89 bel command 387 belonging to different groups 385 bfs command 90-93 billing summary file, accounting 606 bj game 94 blackjack game 94 block count of a file, display 726 branching from nonleaf deltas 363 break command 654 bs command 95-105 bucket command 703 C Language programming See also managing programs See also programming assembling source code 113 commands ar 58 as 64 cb 111 cc 112 cflow 125 cpp 163 fcc 113 lint 446 vcc 113 vrmfmt 113 cross-reference listing 217 files a.out 113 formatting source code 111 linking object files 113 maintaining linkage libraries 58 preprocessing source code 113 syntax checking 446 cal command 106 calculating CPU factor 40 CPU time 39 hog factor 39 calculator program 83 calculator, desk 222 calendar command 107-108 calprog program 108 case command 653 cat command 109-110 cb command 111 cc command 112-120.1, 135 cd command 121-122 654 cdc command 123-124 CDPATH 645 ceil command 695 cflow command 125-126 changing ASCII accounting records to binary 345 binary accounting records to ASCII 345 changing permission codes 128 current directory 121 devices 241 files, SCCS 236 format of a file 507 group identification 510 group ownership 126.1 groups 802 login environment 510 owner-ID of files or directories 132 password 546 primary group 510 root directory 134 SCCS delta comments 123 system parameters 133 users 802 changing Distributed Services ipc queues table 414.1 changing Distributed Services network user/groups table 784 changing Distributed Services node table 506.1 changing state values 272.4 chargefee command 32 charting external references 125 checkcw command 215-216 checkeq command 300-301 checking process accounting files 32 checkmm command 492 checksum of a file, display 726 chgrp command 126.1-127 changing group ownership 126.1 chmod command 128-131 chown command 132-133 chparm command 133 chroot command 134-135 ckpacct command 32 ckprereq command 406 clearing an i-node 136 clri command 136-137 cmp command 138-139 col command 140-141 collating sequence collating sequence Index 911 csh command 183 ctab command 204 sh command 640 sort command 672 csh command 183 ctab command 204 equivalence classes ctab command 204 Ii command 438 Is command 462 NLeTAB environment variable 645 sh command 640 sort command 672 colors setting active display palette 258 setting background display 258 setting foreground display 258 comb command 142-143 combining deltas, sees 142 total accounting files 46 comm command 144-145 command execution environment 298 command line flag parsing 367 command usage summary 36 commands See accounting commands See e Language programming See communication commands See editors See filter commands See graphics commands See maintenance commands See Multi-User Services commands See programming See reading standard input See sees, commands See system group commands Sep. text processing commands See writing to standard output communication commands confer 146 connect 152 mesg 484 news 512 uuclean 805 912 Commands Reference uucp 807 uulog 807 uuname 807 uupick 815 uustat 810 uusub command 813 uuto 815 uux 818 wall 845 who 850 300 863 4014 865 450 866 communication, inter-process status 411 comparing directories dircmp 254 files 627 bdiff 88 cmp 138 diff 246 diffmk 252 diff3 249 dircmp 254 sees files 618 compilers bs 95 cc 112 sno 670 compress program 683 compressing files 543 concatenate files 109 concurrent groups 385 conditional expressions, evaluating 750 confer command 146-149 config command 150-151 configuration information 150 connect accounting 42 connect command 152-155 consistency check and repair of files dfsck command 335 fsck command 333 constant-width text 213 constructing a file system 487 contents of directory, listing 267, 437 context split. 202 continue command 654 converting ASeII accounting records to binary 345 binary accounting records to ASeII 345 copy command 156-157 copying AIX files copy 156 cp 156 DOS files dosread 269 doswrite 271 cor command 704 cp command 156-157 cpio command 158-162 cpp command 115, 163-166 epu factor computation 40 epu time computation 39 craps game 167 crash command 168-171 creating e program cross-reference listing 217 delta, sees 236 mount table 635 sees files 51 special file 490 specified version of an sees file 359 cron command 172-173, 606 used with the sal command 611 used with the sa2 command 611 crontab command 174-176 cross-reference listing, e program 217 csh command 177-201 csplit command 202-203 ctab command 204-207 ctags command 208-209 curren~ ~~rec~ory, . '-'U.L~'VJ..1'" U.&.J.,-,\,...ollV.&.J, '-".£..!.L4.a..'&b'&'&'.I.b cusum command 696 cut command 210-211 cvid command 212 cvrtopt command 387 cw command 213-216 used in pipeline with nroff 526 cxref command 217-218 daily accounting 606 database operator 417 date command 219-221, 272.3, 272.6 dc command 222-225 dcopy command 226-227 dd command 228-231 debugger, file system 338 defining shell functions 654 defkey command 232-233 del command 234-235 deleting delta from sees file 604 devices 241 directories rm 601 rmdir 605 DOS files 266 files del 234 rm 601 skulker 667 groups 802 repeated words 792 users 802 users, sees 55 delta command 236-238 delta summary of sees file 365 deltas, branching from nonleaf 363 demon, error-logging 303 demon, error-logging termination 309 deroff command 239-240 description file, make command 479 desk calculator 222 device (special) files /dev/null acctcom 38 standard input assigned to 38 adding 241 changing 241 creating 490 deleting 241 Index 913 device name 242 devices devices command 241 devnm command 242-243 df command 244 dfsck command 335-337 di command 437-443 diff command 138, 246-248 diffmk command 252-253 dif£3 command 249-251 dircmp command 254-255 directories changing owner-ID 132 comparIng dircmp 254 listing contents di 437 DOS directories 267 li 437 Is 461 removing rm 601 rmdir 605 directory 504 change root 134 changing changing current 121 create 486 moving 504 renaming 504 return path name 81 directory contents, listing 267, 437 dirname command 81-82 disk usage accounting 44 disk usage summary 273 diskusg command 256-257 display command 258-261 display station changing DMA pinned page 259 setting active color palette 258 setting background colors 258 setting fonts 258 setting foreground colors 258 displaying a calendar 106 914 Commands Reference accoun ting report 33 compressed files 543 connect accounting records 345 contents of i-nodes 415 corresponding group names and IDs 395 corresponding user names and IDs 395 current directory 589 date 219 documents formatted with the Memorandum Macros 492 file checksum 726 files 90, 109 formatted files 553, 561 login name 456 news items 512 packed files 543 process accounting records 38 process status 579 profile data 571 sees file editing activity 609 session record 33 squeezed files 543 system images 168 system parameters 133 total accounting report 34 Distributed Services dsldxprof 272.2 dividing a file into pieces 686 DMA channel, setting 634.1 dodisk command 32 dos command 262-265 dosdel command 266 dosdir command 267 -268 dosread command 269-270 doswrite 271-272 drill in arithmetic skills 62 dsipc command 272.1 dsldxprof command 272.2 dsstate command 272.4-272.5 dsxlate command 272.6 dtoc command 757 du command 273-274 dump command 275-276 dump, extracting error records 302 dump, octal 538 dumpfmt command 277 echo command 278-279 ed command 280-291 edit command 292-297 editors ed 280 edit 292 ex 312 ged 350 red 280 sed 629 vedit 832 vi 832 view 832 egrep command 381-384 end a process 422 env command 298-299 environment, changing login 510 eqn command 300, 301 constructs removed by the deroff command 239 used in pipeline with nroff 526 used with tbl 739 erase command 348 errdead command 302 errdemon command 303-304 error-logging demon 303 error-logging demon termination 309 error records extraction from dump 302 error report 305 errpd command 304, 308 errpt command 305-308 errstop command 309 errupdate 311 prrllnc1~tf~ romm::mo illO eval command 654 evaluating expressions expr 317 test 750 ex command 312-316 examining connect accounting records contents of i-nodes 415 files 90 system images 168 system parameters 133 exec command 655 exercising link system call 444 exit command 655 exp command 696 expanding packed files 543 export command 655 expr command 317-320 expression evaluation 317 extended character support See international character support external references, flow graph 125 extract error records from dump 302 factor command 321 factoring a number 321 false command 777 fcc command 113 ff command 322-322.2 fgrep command 381-384 file display checksum 726 file command 324-325 file formats acct 36,48 ar 58 backup 76 tacct 46 utmp 345 wtmp 346 file pattern search 381 file !ystem ., UC:C 345 Cl.i.:lU .. U~ • V 1.\""'--' / • '1'\. ~., \u'pv\...t.J.lA.iJ ........ ..l."-'1tJ' See also maintenance commands See also system files backing up 76 make available for use 498 make unavailable for use 786 making 487 moving a directory 504 renaming a directory 504 Index 915 unmount 786 file system debugger 338 files See also accounting files See also device (special) files See also sees, files See also system files a.out 113 backing up 76 calendar 107 changing owner-ID 132 checking consistency dfsck command 335 fsck command 333 comparing 627 cmp 138 diff 246 diffmk 252 diff3 249 dircmp 254 comparing large files 88 compressing 543 concatenating 109 copying AIX files 156 DOS files 269, 271 creating sees files 51 deleting del 234 DOS files 266 determining type 324 displaying 109 displaying formatted files 553, 561 expanding 543 finding 326 identifying the processes using a file initializing sees files 51 linking 450 merge lines 547 merging 672 modifying the user mask 784.1 naming sees files 53 packing 543 parallel merging 547 removing 916 Commands Reference 343 rm 601 skulker 667 repairing dfsck command 335 fsck command 333 repairing damage 168 return base name 81 scanning 90 searching 90 searching for a pattern 381 serial merging 547 setting file-creation permission code mask 784.1 sorting 672 squeezing 543 text changing the format 507 transforming 228 translating 228 unpacking 543 unsqueezing 543 writing the last part 732 3-way comparison 249 fil ter commands acctcom 38 acctcon1 42 acctmerg 46 awk 70 bdiff 88 cb 111 cmp 138 col 140 comb 142 cw 213 definition of 638 fwtmp 345 hp 392 nl 517 nroff 526 paste 547 ptx 584 tbl 739 troff 526 wtmpfix 346 find command 326, 329 acctdusg 44 find hyphenated words 394 find necessary order of files in an object library 457 fish game 330 fixed minidisk information 485 Floating-Point Accelerator 115 floating point configuration 332.1 floor command 696 flow graph of external references 125 fonts setting virtual terminal 258 for command 653 format command 331 formats See file formats formatting C Language source code 111 formatting text constant-width text 213 for a phototypesetter 525 for a printing device 525 inverse linefeeds and half-linefeeds 140 mathematical text 300 tables for nroff 739 tables for troff 739 fortune game 332 forwarding mail 471 fptype command 332.1 free disk space, reporting 244 fsck command 333-337 fsdb command 136, 338-342 fuser command 343-344 fwtm p command 345 bailIe;::, arithmetic 62 back 75 backgammon 75 bj 94 blackjack 94 craps 167 fish 330 fortune 332 hangman 390 moo 497 number 537 quiz 591 ttt 780 wump 856 gamma command 697 gd command 388 gdev commands 347-349 ged command 350-356 gend command 357-358 generating C program cross-reference listing 217 generating names from i-numbers 505 get command 236, 237, 359-366 getopt command 367 -369 gettext command 370-371 getty command 372-374 going to maintenance mode 663 graph command 375-376 graph, system activity 612 graphical editor 350 graphics command 377-378 graphics commands abs 693 af 694 bar 709 bel 387 bucket 703 ceil 695 cor 704 cusum 696 cvrtopt 387 dtoc 757 erase 348 exp 696 floor 696 0-------- - gd 388 ged 350 gend 357 graph 375 graphics 377 gtop 388 hardcopy 348 hilo 705 Index 917 hist 710 hpd 347 label 711 list 697 log 698 lreg 705 mean 706 mod 699 pair 699 pd 388 pie 712 plot 713 point 707 power 700 prime 692 prod 707 ptog 388 qsort 708 quit 388 rand 692 rank 708 remcom 388 root 700 round 701 siline 701 sin 702 spline 684 subset 702 td 348 tekset 348 title 715 total 708 tplot 762 ttoc 758 utility commands 386 var 709 vtoc 758 whatis 388 graphing external references 125 greek command 379-380 grep command 381-384 group adding 802 changing 802 deleting 802 918 Commands Reference group identification, changing 510 group IDs and names, displaying 395 group membership 385 group membership, display 385 groups command 385 grpck command 588 gtop command 388 guess a word 390 hangman game 390 hardcopy command 348 hash command 655 hash check command 682 hashmake command 682 header flags, sees 53, 55 help command 391 hilo command 705 hist command 710 hog factor computation 39 HOME 645 hp command 392-393 hpd command 347-348 hyphen command 394 hyphenated words 394 i-node content, displaying 415 i-node examination 415 i-numbers generating names 505 I/O counts 40 id command 395 ID, special user adm 606 root 422, 606, 724, 725 if command 653 IFS 646 init command 396-398 initialization, normal startup 594 ini tializing secs files 51 install command 399-401 installp command 402-408 inter-process communication status 411 interactive processor 83 international character support at command 67 batch command 67 collating sequence csh command 183 ctab command 204 dd command 229 dfsck command 335 equivalence classes fsck command 335 fsdb command 340 Ii command 438 Is command 462 od command 539 print command 568 ps command 580 sh command 645 sort command 672 stty command 721 interpolating a smooth curve 684 interpretors bc 83 bs 95 sno 670 Interprocess Communication key mapping installation 272.1 in udocm command 799-800 inuupdt command 800 ipc queues table access 414.1 l1J\,;1111 \,;Vl1UHC1llU join command 417-420 joinconf command 146 joining database files 417 joint editing of an sees file kcore minutes, definition 37 keyboard command 421 keyboard, redefine 232 kill all nonancestral processes kill command 422-424 killall command 425 364 425 label command 711 language support See international character support lastlogin command 33 Id command 115, 427-431 lex command 432-436 li command 437-443, 605 library maintainer 58 library search order 116 line command 443 line editor 280 line numbering filter 517 line printer backend 459 1~ .... 1,. ",..,~ ........ .., .... r1 II II II_II II t; "ZV.::J-"Z.J.V ipcs command 411-414 ipctable command 414.1 istat command 415-416 link library maintaining linkage editor 427 linking files 450 object files cc 113 Id 427 lint command 446-449 58 Index 919 list command 697 listing directory contents di 437 Ii 437 Is 461 DOS directory contents 267 file names for a file system 322 statistics for a file system 322 In command 450-451 locator command 452 log command 698 logged error report 305 login command 453-455 login environment, changing 510 login session records 42 login shell subshell under the login shell. LOGNAME 645 logname command 456 looking at connect accounting records 345 contents of i-nodes 415 files 90 system images 168 system parameters 133 lorder command 457-458 lp command 459-460 lreg command 705 Is command 461-465 m4 command 465, 469 macro processor 465 MAIL 645 mail command 470-473 MAILCHECK 645 MAILMSG 645 MAILP A TH 645 maintaining groups of programs 474 maintaining linkage libraries 58 maintenance commands backup 76 clri 136 920 Commands Reference 658 cplO 158 mount 498 umount 786 unmount 786 maintenance mode, going to 663 make a directory 486 make a tags file 208 make command 474-480 makekey command 481 making a file system 487 making two files the same 88 manager, virtual terminals 50 managing programs See also programming See also SCCS make 474 mant command 495 marking differences between files 252 mdrc command 482-483 mean command 706 membership, display group 385 merging files 672 merging lines in files 547 merging total accounting files 46 mesg command 484 message queue removal 409 messages, permitting 484 messages, refusing 484 messages, send 470 messages, sending 853 minidisks 485 minidisks command 485 mkdir command 486 mkfs command 487 -489 mknod command 490-491 mm command 492-494 mmt command 495-496 mod command 699 modification request number 237 modification times of a file, changing 760 modifying· changing permission codes 128 current directory 121 devices 241 files, sees 236 group identification 510 group ownership 126.1 groups 802 login environment 510 owner-ID of files or directories 132 password 546 primary group 510 root directory 134 SCCS delta ~omments 123 system parameters 133 users 802 modifying access times of a file 760 modifying modification times of a file 760 monacct command 33 moo game 497 mount a file system 498 mount command 498-501 mount table, creating 635 move command 502-503 moving a directory 504 moving files 502 mt command 495 Multi-User Services commands acctcms 36 acctcom 38 acctcon1 42 acctcon2 43 acctdisk 44 acctdusg 44 acctmerg 46 accton 49 acctprc1 48 acctprc2 49 acctwtm p 345 chargefee 32 ckpacct 32 dodisk 32 fwtmp 345 ~r1 '.)0::; lastlogin 33 mesg 484 monacct 33 nulladm 33 prctmp 33 prdaily 33 prtacct 34 runacct 606 sar 614 shutacct 34 startup 34 turnacct 34 who 850 wtmpfix 346 300 863 4014 865 450 866 mv command 502-503 mvdir command 504 mvmd command 407-408 mvt command 495 ncheck command 505-506 ndtable command 506.1 neqn command 300-301 used with tbl 739 network user/groups table access 784 newform command 507-509 newgrp command 510-511,655 news command 512-514 nice command 515-516 nl command 517-520 NLCTAB 645 nm command 521-522 node table access 506.1 nohup command 523-524 normal startup initialization 594 _____ pp _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _., ~ n - ~ n f" tbl, preprocessor 739 nulladm command 33 number factoring 321 number game 537 numbering lines 517 Index 921 object library ordering relation 457 octal dump 5a8 od command 538-540 open command 541, 542 used after actman command 50 pack command 543-545 pair command 699 parallel merging of lines in files 547 parameters work station erase 372 kill 372 logmodes 372 owner 373 parity 372 program 373 protection 373 runmodes 372, 373 special purpOSE; options 373 speed 372 parameters, setting work station 717 terminal mapping 721 parsing command line flags 367 passwd command 546 password, change 546 paste command 547-549 PATH 646 path name, return directory 81 pattern matching acctcom 40 awk 70 pattern, search for 381 pcat command 543-545 pd command 388 pdisable command 550-552 penable command 550-552 922 Commands Reference perform disk accounting functions 32 perform. monthly accounting 33 perfo~m.lng process accounting 48 permISSIOn codes, changing 128 changing permissions 128 permi tting messages 484 pg command 553-556 phold command 550-552 pie command 712 piobe command 557-560 pipe fitting 746 pipeline asynchronous execution 638 conditional execution 638 definition of 638 sequential execution 638 plot command 713 point command 707 port characteristics 372 port characteristics, setting 372 power command 700 pr command 561-563 prctmp command 33 prdaily command 33, 606 precision arithmetic 83 preprocessing source code cc 113 cpp 163 preprocessor macro 465 primary group 385 pr~mary group, changing 510 pnme command 692 print command 566-570 printer backend 459 printing a calendar 106 accounting report 33 compressed files 543 corresponding group names and IDs 395 corresponding user names and IDs 395 current directory 589 date 219 documents formatted with the Memorandum Macros 492 file checksum 726 formatted files 55:1, 561 login name 456 news items 512 packed files 543 process accounting records 38 process status 579 profile data 571 sees file editing activity 609 session record 33 squeezed files 543 total accounting report 34 priority, running a command 515 process a report of logged errors 305 process accounting 48 process accounting records, display 38 process accounting report 38 process accounting, turn off 34 /usr/adm/wtmp shutacct 34 process suspenSIOn 422 prod command 707 producing e program cross-reference listing 217 prof command 116, 571-572 profiler commands 564 profiling the operating system 564 program checking, e programs 446 program maintenance 474 program update 800 program updating 474 programmIng See also managing programs assembler as 64 assembling source coue 113 awk command 70 bs 95 e Language cb 111 cc 112 cflow 125 cpp 163 fcc 113 formatting source code lint 446 vcc 113 vrmfmt 113 debugging programs files a.out 113 linking object files 113 managIng programs awk 70 make 474 messages miscellaneous languages ar 58 awk 70 preprocessing source code the shell proto command 573 prs command 574-578 prtacct command 34 ps command 579-583 PSI 646 PS2 646 ptecms.awk program 35 ptelus.awk program 35 ptog command 388 ptx command 584-585 puttext command 586-587 pwck command 588 pwd command 589, 655 qdaemon command 590 qsort command 708 query terminal characteristics quit command 388 quiz game 591-593 ] 11 113 748 Index 923 rand command 692 rank command 708 rc command 594 startup 34 read command 655 read operations 40 reading one line 443 reading standard input acctcon1 42 acctmerg 46 as 64 at 66 awk 70 batch 66 bdiff 88 cb 111 cmp 138 comb 142 fwtmp 345 wtmpfix 346 readonly command 655 recovering from a system crash 168 red command 280 redefine keyboard 232 refusing messages 484 regcmp command 595 rejecting lines common to two sorted files relational database operator 417 rem com command 388 reminder service 107 remote system mail 471 remote system, connection 152 remotely-settable hardware tabs 729 remove a message queue 409 remove a semaphore set 409 remove a shared memory id 409 remove command 34 removing delta from sees file 604 devices 241 directories rm 601 rmdir 605 924 Commands Reference 144 DOS files 266 files del 234 rm 601 skulker 667 groups 802 repeated words 792 users 802 users, sees 55 renaming a directory 504 renaming files 502 repairing damaged files 168 repairing wtmp records 346 repeated words, deleting 792 report process data and system activity 755 report, process accounting 38 reporting free disk space 244 reports sees 143 reports, accounting restore command 596-600 return base file name or directory path name 81 return command 655 returning a true or false value 777 rm command 601-603, 605 rmail command 471 rmdel command 604 rmdir command 605 root command 700 root directory, changing 134 round command 701 rsh command 658 runacct command 606-608 runn~ng a command at low priority 515 runnIng commands at a later time 66 sact command 609 sadc command 610-611 sag command 612-613 sar command 614-617 saving files 76 sal command 610-611 sa2 command 610-611 scanning files 90 sees branching from leaf deltas 363 changing delta comments 123 checking the structure of sees files 55 commands admin 51 cdc 123 comb 142 delta 236 get 359 help 391 prs 574 sact 609 sccsdiff 618 unget 790 val 821 what 848 creating a file 51 creating a specified version of a file 359 Data Keywords 574 delta summary 365 files auxiliary files 360 creating a delta 236 g-file 53, 236, 237, 359, 360, 365 I-file 360, 365 lock file 53 p-file 360, 361, 364 s-file 360 x-file 53 z-file 53, 360 getting help information 391 header flags 53 identification keywords 362 Inluallzlng a rue D1 in terpreting errors 391 joint editing of files 364 modification request (MR) number 56, 237 Modification Requests 123 naming a file 53 recalculating the sees file checksum 56 removing a delta 604 reports 143 SID (SeeS Identification) 237 specifying version date cutoff 364 z-file 361 RccRdiff command 618 scheduling commands 66 scheduling queue requests 590 sdb command 619-626 sdiff command 627-628 search order, library 116 searching files 90 sed command 629-634 segment files 202 selecting fields from a file 210 selecting lines common to two sorted files 144 semaphore set removal 409 sending messages 470, 853 serial merging of lines in files 547 session records 42 set command 367, 656 set environment 298 setdma command 634.1 setmnt command 635-636 setting DMA channel 634.1 setting file-c~eation permission code mask 784.1 setting port characteristics 372 setting tabs on a work station 729 setting the date 219 setting the parameters for a work station 717 sh command 637 -659 See also shell command line separators and terminators 638 SHAeCT 646 shared memory id removal 409 shell 646 actman 50 Ulall1\. lUl.,eqJI"t:!l.,aLlUU OiJO built-in commands 654 command environment 642 command execution 638 command-line substitution 641 command substitution 647 conditional substitution 643 control commands 653 diagnostic output 650 Index 925 file descriptors 649 file-name substitution 640 inline input documents 650 positional parameters 641 predefined special variables profile file 639 quoting mechanisms 648 redirection of input and output 649, 653 running the shell 658 shell variables $- 647 $! 647 $$ 647 $? 647 $# 647 CDPATH 645 HOME 645 IFS 646 LOGNAME 645 MAIL 645 MAILCHECK 645 MAILMSG 645 MAILP ATH 645 NLCTAB 645 PATH 646 PSI 646 PS2 646 SHACCT 646 SHELL 646 TIMEOUT 647 signals 639 standard input and output 649 subshell 639 summary of redirection options 652 user-defined variables 641 variables 641 shell environment 373 shell procedures for accounting 31 shell variable arithmetic 317 shift command 656 shlib command 660-662 show login records 33 showing a calendar 106 accounting report 33 compressed files 543 926 Commands Reference corresponding group names and IDs 395 corresponding user names and IDs 395 current directory 589 date 219 documents formatted with the Memorandum Macros 492 file checksum 726 formatted files 553, 561 login name 456 news items 512 packed files 543 process accounting records 38 process status 579 profile data 571 secs file editing activity 609 session record 33 squeezed files 543 total accounting report 34 shutacct command 34 shutdown command 663-664 shutting down the system 663 siline command 701 sin command 702 size command 665-666 skulker command 667 sleep command 668-669 sno command 670-671 sort command 672-678 sorting files 672 sound command 679-680 source code external references flow graph 125 Source Code Control System See sees special (device) files /dev/null acctcom 38 standard input assigned to 38 adding 241 changing 241 creating 490 deleting 241 special user ID adm 606 root 422, 606, 724, 725 specifying version date cutoff 364 spell command 681-683 spellin command 682 spellprog program 683 spline command 684-685 split command 686 split files by context 202 splitting a file into pieces 686 splp command 687-689 squeezing files 543 standard input acctconl 42 acctmerg 46 as 64 at 66 awk 70 batch 66 bdiff 88 cb 111 cmp 138 comb 142 fwtmp 345 wtmpfix 346 standard output acctcon1 42 acctmerg 46 acctwtmp 345 awk 70 bdiff 88 cal 106 cb 111 cflow 125 cmp 138 comb 142 fwtmp 345 wtmpfix 346 start accounting functions 34 starting up the system 396 startup command 34 startup initialization 594 startup shell actman 50 stat commands 690-715 state values changing 272.4 status of inter-process communication stop a process 422 411 stopping error-logging demon 309 stream editor 629 strings 80 strip command 716 stty command 717-723 su command 724-725 subset command 702 sum command 726 summarize disk usage 273 summary of command usage 36 superblock update 727 superuser authority 568, 569, 737, 811 commands adduser 802 at 66 chmod 128 chroot 134 ck prereq 406 cpio 159 crontab 174 cvid 212 date 219 devices 241 dfsck 335 errdemon 303 errstop 309 fsck 333 installp 402 killall 425 mesg 484 minidisks 485 mount 498 mvmd 407 nice 515 passwd 546 print 568 removing scheduled jobs 67 rm 601 shown in report 39 shutdown 663 tar 736 updatep 796 users 802 uustat 810 dsipc 272.1 dsldxprof 272.2 Index 927 dsstate 272.4 dsxlate 272.6 ipctable 414.1 ndtable 506.1 removing files 601 ugtable 784 suspend a process 422 sync command 727 syntax checking, C programs 446 system activity graph 612 system activity reporter 610, 614 system files $HOME/.profile 725 /dev/null expr 320 /etc/.ilog 454, 851 /etc/budate mount 78 /etc/environment 398, 454 /etc/filesystems 334, 344, 487 cvid 212 mount 77,498,499 /etc/group 802 groups 385 /etc/magic 324 /etc/mnttab 499 mount 498 umount 786 /etc/ogroup 802 /etc/opasswd 802 /etc/passwd 454, 724, 802 acctdisk 44 acctprc1 48 groups 385 /etc/portstatus 397, 551 /etc/profile 725 /etc/qconfig 558 /etc/rasconf 303 jusr/adm/sulog 724 jusr/adm/user.cfile 802, 804 /usr/adm/wtmp 346, 851 /usr/games/lib/backrules 75 /usr/lib/cron/at.allow 66 /usr/lib/cron/at.deny 66 /usr/lib/eign 585 /usr/lib/terminfo 555 928 Commands Reference /usr/lib/tmac 239 a.out 64 connect. con 152 group 327, 510 passwd 327, 510, 546 ports 550, 851 portstatus 550 utmp 851 system group commands adduser 802 backup 76 ck prereq 406 cvid 212 date 219 devices 241 dsipc 272.1 dsldxprof 272.2 dsstate 272.4 dsxlate 272.6 installp 402 ipctable 414.1 minidisks 485 mount 498 mvmd 407 ndtable 506.1 print 568 turnoff 783 turn on 783 ugtable 784 users 802 system image examination 168 system parameters, changing or examining system procedures starting the error-logging demon 303 system startup 396 tab command 728 tabs command 729-731 tail command 732-733 tape archiver 735 tapechk command 734 tar command 735-738 133 tbl command 739, 741 descriptions removed by the deroff command 239 used in pipeline with nroff 526 tc command 742-743 tctl command 744-745 td command 348 tee command 746-747 tekset command 348 termdef command 748 terminal characteristics 748 terminal mapping 721 terminals DASI300 863 DASI300s 863 DASI450 866 Diablo 1620 866 HP2621 392 HP2640 392 phototypesetter simulator 742 Tektronix 4014 742, 865 Xerox 1700 866 terminals, multiple virtual 50 terminating error-logging demon 309 test command 656, 750-752 text file, changing the format of 507 text processing commands checkcw 213 checkeq 300 checkmm 492 col 140 cw 213 eqn 300 eqncheck 300 greek 379 mant 495 mm 492 mmt 495 mt 495 mvt 495 neqn 300 nroff 525 spell 681 tbl 739 troff 526 tic command 753 time a command 754, 755 time command 754 TIMEOUT 647 times command 657 timex command 755-756 title command 715 toc commands 757-759 total command 708 touch command 760-761 tplot command 762 tput command 763-764 tr command 765-767 trace command 768-771 translate characters 765 translate profile trap command 657 trcrpt command 772-773 trcstop command 774 trcupdate command 775-776 troff command 526, 536 requests removed by the deroff command 239 tbl, preprocessor 739 true command 777 tsort command 778-779 ttoc command 758 ttt game 780 tty command 781-782 turn off process accounting 34 turn on accounting functions 34 turnacct command 34 turning the computer off 663 turnoff command 783 turnon command 783 type command 657 ugtable command 784 ulimit command 657 umask command 657, 784.. 1-784.2 umount command 499, 786-787 uname command 788-789 unget command 790-791 Index 929 uniq command 792 units command 793-795 unlink 444 unlin k command 445 unmount command 786-787 unmounting a file system 786 unpack command 543-545 unset command 657 untab command 728 until command 654 update a program 800 update groups of programs 474 updatep command 796-801 updating access times of a file 760 updating modification times of a file updating the superblock 727 usage, command summary 36 user adding 802 adm 33 changing 802 deleting 802 user ID, special adm 606 root 422, 606, 724, 725 user IDs and names, displaying 395 user mask, modifying 784.1 users command 802-804 using display station features 258 u uclean command 805-806 uucp command 807-809 u ulog command 807 -809 uuname command 807-809 uupick command 815-817 uustat command 810-812 uusub command 813-814 uuto command 815-817 uux command 818-820 930 Commands Reference 760 val command 821-822 var command 709 varyon command 823-825 vc command 826-829 vcc command 113 vedit command 832-841 verify command 830-831 version date cutoff, specifying 364 vi command 832-841 view command 832-841 virtual terminal assigning default display 258 assigning physical display 258 changing DMA pinned page 259 setting active color palette 258 setting background colors 258 setting fonts 258 setting foreground colors 258 virtual terminal manager 50 vrmconfig command 842-843 vrmfmt command 113 vtoc command 758 wait command 657, 844 wall command 845 wc command 846-847 what command 848-849 whatis command 388 utility commands 389 while command 653 who command 850-852 work station characteristics 748 work station parameters. setting 717 work stations DABI300 863 DABI300s 863 DABI450 866 Diablo 1620 866 HP2621 392 HP2640 392 phototypesetter simulator 742 Tektronix 4014 742, 865 Xerox 1700 866 write command 853-855 write operations 40 writing buffered files to fixed disk 727 writing the last part of a file 732 writing to standard output acctcon1 42 acctmerg 46 acctwtmp 345 awk 70 bdiff 88 cal 106 cb 111 cflow 125 cmp 138 comb 142 fwtmp 345 wtmpfix 346 wtmpfix command wum p game 856 xargs command yacc command 346 857-860 861-862 I Numerics I 300 command 863-864 4014 command 865 450 command 866-867 Index 931 932 Commands Reference ------ ----------------_.- The IBM RT PC Programming Family Reader's Comment Form AIX Operating System Commands Reference SC23-0790-0 Your comments assist us in improving our products. IBM may use and distribute any of the information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation whatever. You may, of course, continue to use the information you supply. For prompt resolution to questions regarding set up, operation, program support, and new program literature, contact the authorized IBM RT PC dealer in your area. Comments: 111111 NO POSTAGE NECESSARY IF MAILED IN THE UNITED STATES BUSINESS REPLY MAIL FIRST CLASS PERMIT NO. 40 ARMONK, NEW YORK POSTAGE WILL BE PAID BY ADDRESSEE International Business Machines Corporation Department 997, Building 998 11400 Burnet Rd. Austin, Texas 78758 L __ _ I adBl pUB PI adBl pUB PIO.:! Q) c :.::i C) c o « -0 "0 l.L o ..... ::J U !:linn. _ ..,.1_.- ._ .. ______ I • IBM RT PC AIX Commands Reference SC23-0790 Book Title Order No. Book Evaluation Form Your comments can help us produce better books. 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