SC33 0079 2_CICS_VS_Version_1_Release_5_Application_Programmers_Ref_Macro_Level_May80 2 CICS VS Version 1 Release 5 Application Programmers Ref Macro Level May80
SC33-0079-2_CICS_VS_Version_1_Release_5_Application_Programmers_Ref_Macro_Level_May80 SC33-0079-2_CICS_VS_Version_1_Release_5_Application_Programmers_Ref_Macro_Level_May80
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SC33-0079-2 Customer Information Control System/Virtual Storage (CICS/VS) Version 1 Release 5 Program Product Application Programmer's Reference Manual (Macro ~evel) Program Numbers -------- ---- ----------------_ .- 5740-XX1 5746-XX3 (CICS/OS/VS) (CICS/DOS/VS) Third Edition (Kay 1980) This edition applies to Version 1 Release 5 (Version 1.5) of the IBM program product customer Information Control Systam/Virtual Storage (CICSjVS), program numbers 5146-XX3 (for DOS/VS) and 5140-XX1 (for OS/VS). Until the OS/vs version is released, the information applicable to that version is for planning purposes only. This edition is based on the CICS/VS Version 1.4.1 edition, and changes from that edition are indicated by vertical lines to the left of the changes. Note, however, that the 1.4.1 edition remains current and applicable for users of Version 1.4.1 of CICS/VS. Information in this publication is subject to change. Changes will be published in new editions or technical newsletters. Before using this publication, consult the latest IBM Systemt370 and 4300 Processors Bibliography, GC20-0001, to learn which editions and technical newsletters are current and applicable. It is possible that this material may contain references to, or information about, IBK products (machines and programs), programming, or services that are not announced in your country. Such references or information must not be construed to mean that IBM intends to announce such IBK products, programming, or services in your country. Publications are not stocked at the addresses given below; requests for copies of IBK publications should be made to your IBM representative or to the IB! branch office serv ing your locality. A form for reader's comments is provided at the back of this publication; if the form has been removed, comments may be addressed either to: International Business !achines Corporation, Department 812BP, 1133 Westchester Avenue White Plains, New York 10604 • . 1 or to: IB! United Kingdom Laboratories Limited, Programming Publications, !ail Point 095, Bursley Park, Winchester, Hampshire S021 2JH, England. IB! may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation whatever. You may, of course, continue to use the information you supply. ~ Copyright International Business !achines Corporation 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980 t· 'J Preface This publication contains detailed information necessary to design and prepare application programs to execute under either of two IBM program products: CICS/DOS/VS (5746-XX3) and CICS/OS/VS (5740-XX1). It is intended for use mainly by application programmers, but will be useful also for system programmers and system analysts. This publication consists of eight parts, the first seven comprising one or more chapters and the eighth containing appendixes. Each of the first seven parts (except Part 1) contains information on a particular topic, both procedural and reference. In general, each chapter consists of the following: • A brief introduction to the facilities available by specifying the macro instructions that are described in detail in the remainder of the chapter. • The syntax of each macro instruction in the standard form ~escribed in Chapter 1.2). • The operands, in alphabetical order, that can be specified with the macro instructions. Where appropriate, examples in the three programming languages (Assembler, COBOL, and PL/I) that can be used with CICS/VS have been included. Part 1 is an introduction to macro-level application programming. It compares the CICS/VS DB/DC system with the conventional batch system of data processing. It also describes the general format of a CICS/VS macro instruction and explains the syntax notation used throughout the publication. Part 2 describes symbolic storage definition. This, together with addressability, must be specified in the application program to enable the application program to be executed under CICS/VS. The preparation of an applica~ion program for execution is described in the CICS/VS system Programmer's Guides. Part 3 describes data base operations: browsing) and DL/I services. file control (including Part 4 describes data communication operations: basic mapping support, and batch data interchange. terminal control, Part 5 describes control operations: interval control, task control, program control, storage control, transient data control, and temporary storage control. Part 6 describes built-in functions: table search, phonetic conversion, data field verif£cation, data field edit, bit manipulation, input formatting, and weighted retrieval. Part 7 describes error handling, debugging, and recovery/restart services: trace services, dump services, journal services, and recovery/restart services. Part 8 consists of appendixes. These include sample programs, BMS examples, fields that make up the application programming interface ~PI), and translate tables. Preface i. In this publication, the term VTA~ refers to ACF/VTAM, to ACF/VTAME (CICSjDOS/VS only), and to the Record Interface of ACF/TCAM (CICS/OS/VS only). The term TCAM refers both to TCAM and to the DCB Interface of ACF/TCAK. The term ~ refers to BTAM (CICS/OS/VS only) and to BTAM-ES (CICS/DOS/VS only). For further details of system requirements, refer to the publication CICStVS General Information. For more information about CICS/VS and related subjects discussed in this manual, the reader is referred to the publications listed in the Bibliography at the end of this manual. A glossary of terms applicable to CICS/VS is provided in the publication CI£~~~gn~ral InfQrmat~Q~. iv CICS/VS APRM(KL) Contents PART 1. CHAPTER INTRODUCTION 1.1~ CHAPTER 1.2. MACRO-LEVEL APPLICATION PROGRAMMING • 3 MACRO FORMAT AND SYNTAX NOTATION • • • 9 CHAPTER 1.3. PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES AND RESTRICTIONS Application Program Packaging Quasi-reenterability • • • • Storage Definition • • • • • • • Program Initialization • • • • • Restrictions • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Assembly-time Service (DFHCOVER Macro) • • • • Testing Responses to Macro Instructions ·. PART 2. 13 17 18 18 19 20 23 23 . STORAGE DEFINITION CHAPTER 2.1. INTRODUCTION TO STORAGE DEFINITION. CICS/VS storage Areas Common System Area (CSA) • • • • Task Control Area (TCA) •••• 27 27 33 35 CHAPTER Storage Storage Example 37 37 38 44 .. .. 2.2. STORAGE DEFINITION ASSEMBLER LANGUAGE •••• Defined During Initialization • • • • • • • •• Defined During Execution • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • of CICS/VS Assembler-Language Application Program • • • CHAPTER 2.3. STORAGE DEFINITION - COBOL • • Storage Defined During Initialization • • Storage Defined During Execution • • Addi tional Guidelines • • • • • • • Example of CICS/VS COBOL Application Program CHAPTER Storage Storage Example PART 3. 47 47 49 · ., . . . . . 54 57 59 59 60 66 2.4. STORAGE DEFINITION - PL/I • • • • Defined During Initialization Defined During Execution • • • • of CICS/VS PL/I Application Program DATA BASE OPERATIONS CHAPTER 3.1. INTRODUCTION TO DATA BASE OPERATIONS • • File Control Macro Instruction • • • • • DL/I Services • • • • • • • • •••••••• 71 71 71 CHAPTER 3.2. FILE CONTROL ~FHFC MACRO INSTRUCTION) • • • • • Browsing • • • • • • • • • • • segmented Records • • • • Alternate Indexing • • ••• • • •• Indirect Accessing • •• • • • • • • • • • • Duplicate Records Record Identification Field • • DAM Data Sets • • • • • • • Direct Retrieval (TYPE=GET) Direct Update or Addition (TYPE=PUT) Direct Deletion, VSAM Only (TYPE=DELETE) • • • • • • • Obtain a File Work Area (TYPE=GETAREA) • • • • • • Release Storage/Exclusive Control (TYPE=RELEASE) Initiate Browse (TYPE=SETL) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Forward Brow se (TY PE=GETNEXT) •••••••••• 73 74 75 76 76 79 81 ·. . Contents 84 87 96 99 100 103 105 109 Backward Browse, VSAM and Assembler Language Only (TYPE=GETPREV) •• Terminate Browse (TYPE=ESETL) ................. • •• Reset Browse (TYPE=RESETL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Test Response to a Request for File Services (TYPE=CHECK) File Control Response Codes • • .. .. • • .. • • • .. • • • Operands of DFHFC Kacro .. ~ 114 116 118 121 121 126 CHAPTER 3.3. DL/I SERVICES .. .. .. • • .. • .. Obtaining Addresses of Program Communication Blocks .... Building Segment Search Arguments .. .. • .. .. .. .. .. .. Acquiring an I/O Work Area . . . . . ~ .. .. .. .. • • .. .. • .. • Requesting DL/I Services .. • .. .. • .. .. • • • .. .. • .. Releasing a PSB in the CICS/VS Application Program .. .. DL/I Services Response Codes • • • • .. .. .. Test Response to a DL/I Request' (TYPE=CHECK) .. DL/I Requests in an Assembler-Language Program (CICS/OS/VS) DL/I Requests in a COBOL Program (CICSjOS/VS) ....... DL/I Requests in a PL/I Program (CICS/OS/VS) • .. • • Operands of DFHFC Kacro (DL/I) • .. • • • .. .. • • 135 135 137 138 139 141 142 145 146 148 150 152 .... • .. • • • .... .. .. .. .. .. • • • ..... • • .. .. ..... ........ .. • • ~!RT~~__ DA!!_COMMUliICAT!ON~g~RATIONS . .. INTRODUCTION TO DATA COMMUNICATION OPERATIONS CHAPTER 4.1. 159 CHAPTER 4.2. TERMINAL CONTROL (DFHTC MACRO INSTRUCTION) • Facilities for all Terminals and Logical units ., • • • • .. Facilities for Logical units .. .. .. • .. .. • .. • .. Terminal-Oriented Task Identification .. • .. • Syntax of the DFHTC Macro Instruction • • .. System/3 .. .. • System/370 .. .. .. .. • • • .. . .. System/7 • .. -. " .. 2260 Display Station .. .. • • • .. .. ., 2265 Display station .. .. .. 2140 Communication Terminal ... 2141 Communication Terminal 2170 Data Communication System .. .. 2180 Data Transmission Terminal ... .. .. . .. 2980 General Banking Terminal 3210 Information Display System ~TAM and TCAM) ......... 3210 Logical Unit ..... • 3210 LUTYPE2 Logical unit 3210 LUTYPE3 Logical unit . . . . . . . . .. .. 3210 SCSPRT Logical unit .. .. 3270 in 2260 Compatibility Mode (BTAM only) .. • .. • • 3600 Finance Communication System (BTAM) .. 3600 (3601) Logical unit .. 3600 Pipeline Logical Unit • .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • 3600 (3614) Logical Unit ............. .. .. .. • • .. .. 3630 Plant Communication System . . . .. .. 3650 Host Command Processor Logical 'Unit ....... 3650 Host Conversational (3210) Logical Unit .. • .. .. .. . • .. .. 3650 Pipeline Logical Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3650 Host Conversational (3653) Logical Unit • .. 3650 Interpreter Logical Unit • • • • • .. • • .. 3660 Supermarket Scanning System (BTAM) .. 3135 Programmable Buffered Terminal ••• .. 3140 Data Entry System • .. • .. • .. • .. ~ .. .. • .. 3161 Interactive Logical Unit • • • • • .. 3110 Interactive Logical Unit ... .; • .; ...... .. .. 3110 Batch and Batch Data Interchange Logical Unit .... .. • 3110 Full Function Logical Unit .. .. • .. .. .. • 3780 Data Communications Terminal • .. • 3190 Inquiry Logical Unit ........ 3190 Full Function Logical Unit • j .. .. .. .. • . .. .. . • · · .. .. . . .... ... . .. .. • • .. .. Ii .. .. • .. Ii . Ii . ........ . .. j j .. vi CICS/VS APRM(ML) • ......... .. j .. .. .. 161 163 169 111 119 182 182 183 185 186 186 181 190 190 191 197 198 200 201 202 203 205 208 208 208 209 209 209 210 210 211 211 212 214 215 215 216 216 216 211 211 .o..... . . . . . . . . 3190 (SCS Printer) Logical unit •• 3190 (3210-Display) and 3190 (3210-Printer) Logical Units • • • • • 3190 Batch Data Interchange Logical unit • • 1110 Audio Response Unit • • .. • • • • • • • • .. .. LUTYPE4 Logical Unit • .. .. • • .. .. • .. .. .. • .. • .. • • .. .. Other CICS/VS-Supported Terminals .. .. .. • .. ... TCAM Supported Logical Units (CICS/OS/VS Only) • .. • • .. .. Operands of DFHTC Macro ............ .... .. • • • • 211 211 218 219 220 221 221 222 CHAPTER 4.3. BASIC MAPPING SUPPORT .. • .. • • Advantages of BMS . . . . .. • • .. • • • • • .. • • • Facilities of BMS ............. Mapping Concepts and Technigues'.. ....................... Map Definition Macro Instructions • • • .. . . . • .. • Input and Output Operations Using the BMS Macro Instructions • • Input Mapping without I/O (TYPE= MAP) • .. .. .. .. • .. • • .. Input Operations with Mapping (TYPE=IN) .... ~ .. .. • ... • .... Building output Pages using Maps (TYPE=PAGEBLD) ....... .. .. Building Output Pages wi thout Using Maps (TYPE=TEXTBLD) ...... Direct Ou tpu t (TYPE=OUT) • .. • • • • • • • • .. • .. • Terminating a Logical Message (TYPE=PAGEOUT) • • .. .. • .. • .. • .. Deleting a Logical Message (TYPE=PURGE) ................... • Message Routing (TYPE=ROUTE) .. .. • • • • .. • • • .. .. • • .. .. ... Checking the Response to a BMS Request (TYPE=CHECK) .. .. .. .. BMS Response Codes .. • • .. .. .. • • • .. .. .. .. • BMS Message Recovery .. .. • • • • .. .. .. .. .. .. • • .. .. • • .. • • Terminal Code (TC) Table .. • • .. .. • .. .. .. • • • .. .. • • Standard Attribute List and printer Control Characters ~PHBMSCA) • Standard A tten tion Ident i f ier Li st (DPHA ID) .................. Programming Considerations for Paging Commands on Display Devices .. Operands of DFHBM S Macros . . . . .. • • .. .. • • • .. • .. • .. .. • • 235 235 236 240 241 214 211 218 280 290 291 293 294 295 300 300 303 303 304 304 305 301 CHAPTER 4.4. BATCH DATA INTERCHANGE (DFHDI MACRO INSTRUCTION) . . . . . Addition of Records to a Data Set (TYPE=ADD) • • • .. .. Deletion of Records from a Data Set (TYPE=ERASE) .. • .. .. • • .. .. • .. Replacement of Records in a Data Set (TYPE=REPLACE) .... Interrogation of Data Set (TYPE=QUERY) • • • .. • • • .. .. .. • • Termination of Operations on a Data Set' (TYPE=END) • Abnormal Termination of Operations on a Data Set ~IPE=ABORT) • Transmission of Data from Host to Output Devices (TYPE=SEND) • • Transmission of Data from Data Set to Host (TYPE=RECEIVE) .. • .. Obtaining the Relative Record Number of Next Record (TYPE=NOTE) ... Suspension of Execution of Task (TYPE=WAIT) Testing Response to a Reguest for Data Interchange Services (TYPE=CHECK) ..................... . .. • .. • • .. • Batch Data Interchapge Response Codes • • .. .. • • .. Operands of DFHDI Macro • • ~ .. • .. • • .. .. 321 321 328 329 330 330 331 331 332 333 333 .....o....o... . . PART 5. 334 335 336 CONTROL OPERATIONS CHAPTER 5.1. INTRODUCTION TO CONTROL OPERATIONS. .. .. CHAPTER 5.2. INTERVAL CONTROL (DFHIC MACRO) .. .. T ime-of-Day Upda ting (TYPE=GETIM E) .. .. • .. • ~ .. Delay Processing of a Task (TYPE=WAIT) • .. • .. .. .. .. Signal Expiration of a Specified Time (TYPE=POST) ..... Initiate a Task without Data (TYPE=INITIATE) .. .. .. .. .. .. Task Initiation with Data (TYPE=PUT) .. • .. .. .. .. Retrieve Time-Ordered Data (TYPE=GET) • ~ .. • • .. .. Cancel a Reguest for Time Services (TYPE=CANCEL) .. .. .. .. • I/0 Error Retry (TYPE=RETRY) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • .. ... Test Response to a Reguest for Time Services (TYPE=CHECK) Interval Control Response Codes ...... .. • Operands of D FHIC Macro . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ • • .. .. .. .. • .. .. . • • 341 • 343 • .. .. 344 .. • .. • 346 • .. .. 348 .. 350 352 • • 355 .. .. 351 . . . . . . . 359 .. • • 360 • • • .. .. 360 363 .. • Contents vii CHAPTER 5.3. TASK CONTROL (DFBKC MACRO) • • • • • • • • Initiate a Task (TYPE=A'rTACH) • • • • • • .o.o •. .o •. Change Priority of a Task (TYPE=CHAP) Synchronize a Task (TYPE=WAIT) . . . . . . . . . .. Enqueue Upon a Resource (TYPE=ENQ) • • • • • • • Dequeue Upon A Resource (TYPE=DEQ) Declare a Task to be Purgeable (TYPE=PURGE) Declare a Task to be Nonpurgeable (TYPE=NOPURGE) • • Operands of DFHKC Macro .o.o.....o. • . . • • • • . • • • • • .. 361 • 368 • 313 315 319 381 • 384 • 384 • 386 CHAPTER 5.4. PROGRAM CONTROL (DFHPC MACRO) Pass Program Control Anticipating Return (TYPE=LINK) • • a • • Transfer Program Control (TYPE=XCTL) • • • • Load a Program (TYPE=LOAD) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Return Program Control (TYPE=RETURN) ... Delete a Loaded Program (TYPE=DELETE) • • • • • Abnormally Terminate a Transaction (TYPE=ABE ND) • • .o.o • Activate or Cancel an Exit for Abnormal Termination Processing (TYPE=SETXIT) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Reactivate an Exit for Abnormal Termination Processing (TYPE=RESETXIT) a, • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Convert sy mbolic Label to Address (TYPE=COBADDR) • .. .o. ..... Test Response to a Request for Program Services ~YPE=CHECK) • Program Control Response Codes. • • • • • Operands of DFHPC Macro • .,; • • • .. • CHAPTER 5.5. STORAGE CONTROL (DFHSC MACRO) Obtain and Initialize Main Storage (TYPE=GETMAIN) Release Main storage (TYPE=FREEMAIN) • • • • • • • • • • • Ope rands of DFHSC Macro 389 391 392 393 395 396 391 399 402 403 404 404 406 • • • 409 • • 410 • • • 412 414 CHAPTER 5.6. TRANSIENT DATA CONTROL (DFHTD MACRO) Asynchronous Transaction Processing Dispose of Data (TYPE=PUT) • • • • • •• • • • Acquire Queued Data (TYPE=GET) • • • ••••• • • • Force End of Volume on an Extrapartition Data Set (TYPE=FEOV) Purge Intrapartition Data (TYPE=PURGE) • • • • • • • • • • Test Response to a Request for Transient Data Services (TYPE=CHECK) •••••••• • • • • ••• Transient Data Response Codes • • • • • • • • • Operands of DFHTD Macro .o... . • • • • • • • 417 419 421 423 426 427 • 428 • 428 • 431 CHAPTER 5.1. TEMPORARY STORAGE CONTROL (DFHTS MACRO) ..o.. • 433 Store Temporary Data as a Single Unit of Information (TYPE=PUT) 435 Store Data to a Temporary Storage Message Set (TYPE=PUTQ) • 431 438 Retrieve a Single unit of Temporary Data (TYPE=GET) ••••• Retrieve Data from a Temporary storage Message Set (TYPE=GETQ) • 441 Release a Single Unit of Temporary Data (TYPE=RELEASE) . . . . . • 442 Purge a Temporary Storage Message Set ~YPE=PURGE) . . . . . . . .. • • 443 Test Response to a Request for Temporary Storage Services (TYPE=CHECK) •••••• • .. • .. • • • 444 Temporary Storage Response Codes • • • • • • • • • • • • • 444 Operands of DFHTS Macro • • • .o ••• 447 PART 6. CICS/VS BUILT-IN FUNCTIONS CHAPTER 6.1. INTRODUCTION TO CICS/VS BUILT-IN FUNCTIONS • • • • • • 453 CHAPTER 6.2. STORAGE DEFINITION FOR BUILT-IN FUNCTIONS (DFHBFTCA MACRO) ....o... • . . • • • . • CHAPTER 6.3. CICS/VS BUILT-IN FUNCTIONS (DFHBIF MACRO) Table Search Built-in Function (TYPE=TSEARCH) ...o.o ... Phonetic Conversion Built-in Function (TYPE=PHONETIC) ••• Field Verify Built-in Function (TYPE=FVERIFY) • • .......o viii CICS/VS APRM(ML) • 455 • 451 • 451 • 460 • 463 Field Edit Built-in Function (TYPE=DEEDIT) Bit Manipulation Built-in Functions • • • Input Formatting Built-in Functions Weighted Retrieval Built-in Functions • • • • Operands of DFHBIF Macro • • • • • • • • PART 7. . .. . . . . . .... . .. . • • • • • • • 465 466 470 477 486 ERROR HANDLING AND DEBUGGING CHAPTER 7.1. INTRODUCTION TO ERROR HANDLING AND DEBUGGING CHAPTER 7.2. SEQUENTIAL TERMINAL SUPPORT ••• CHAPTER 7.3. TRACE CONTROL (DFHTR MACRO) Trace Table •••••• Controlling the Trace . . . . . . Initiate Trace (TYPE=ON) • • • • Terminate Trace (TYPE=OFF) Selected Entry Trace (TYPE=ENTRY) Operands of DFHTR Macro . . . . . . . . • 499 • • • 501 • • • • 503 • • 504 • 506 • .. • • • • ~ 507 • 508 .. .. 508 • • • • • • • 509 CHAPTER 7.4. DUMP CONTROL (DFHDC MACRO) Dump Transaction Storage ~YPE=TRANSACTION) •••• Dump CICS/VS Storage (TYPE=CICS) • • • • • • • • .. • • • • Dump Transaction Storage and CICS/VS Storage (TYPE=COMPLETE) • • • • Dump Partial Storage (TYPE=PARTIAL) • • • • • • Operands of DFHDC Macro • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 513 515 516 517 518 520 CHAPTER 7.5. JOURNAL CONTROL (DFHJC MACRO) • 523 Acquire a Journal Control Area (TYPE=GETJCA) . . . . . . . . . . . 525 Create a Journal Record and Wait for Output (TYPE=PUT) • • • • • 527 Crea te a Journal Record (TYPE=WRITE) • • • • • • • • .. • 531 Wait for Output of a Journal Record (TYPE=WAIT) • 536 Test Response to a Request for Journal Services (TYPE=CHECK) • • • • 539 Journal Control Response Codes • .. • • • • • • 539 Operands of DFHJC Macro • • .. • • • • • • • • • • .. • • 541 CHAPTER 7.6. RECOVERY/RESTART ~YNC POINT) CONTROL ~FHSP MACRO) • 545 Specify a Synchronization Poin t (TYPE=USER) • • • • • • • • • • • • 545 Backout Recoverable Resources (TYPE=ROLLBACK) (Assembler Language Only) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • 546 PART 8. APPENDIXES APPENDIX A. EXAMPLE OF A CICS/VS APPLICATION PROGRAM APPENDIX B. BMS MAP DEFINITION EXAMPLE • • • 565 • • • 565 • • • 565 TRANSLATION TABLES FOR THE 2980 BIBLIOGRAPHY • • • • • • • • .. • Availability of Publications INDEX • 549 • • • 561 APPENDIX C. INTER-RELEASE COMPATIBILITY • CICS/VS Macro Instructions • .. • • • • • . • • • CICS/VS Control Block Fields and Area Prefix Fields APPENDIX D. .... ........ . .. • 579 • • • 583 • • • 585 587 contents ix Figures D-3. conventional Batch Processing • .. • • • • • Transaction Processing of CICS/VS • • • • • • • • CICS/VS Data Base Concept • • • • • • • • • • • CICS/VS Transaction Flow • • • .. • • • • • • • • A Comparison of Batch and Online Environments • • • • Register Usage under CICS/VS • • • • • • • • ... Summary of CICS/VS Storage Areas • • • • • • • • • • • CICS/VS system Sections • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• Symbolic Names and Base Addresses of CICS/VS Storage Areas. Chaining of CICS/VS Storage Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Example of CICS/VS Assembler-Language Application Program Example of CICS/VS COBOL Application Program • • • Example of CICS/VS PL/I Application Program Indirect Accessing ~wo-Level Index) • • • • • • • Indirect Accessing (Three-Level Index) • • • .. Indirect Accessing (Search Argument Field) • Indirect Accessing (Duplicates Data Set) • • • • Indirect Accessing (Message to Terminal) • Record Identification Field (Block Reference) ... Record Identification Field (Physical Key) • • Record Identification Field (Deblocking Argument) • • • • • Record Identification Field (Adding More than One Record) Record Identification Field (Adding Single Record) File Control Response Codes (2 Parts) . . . . . . • CICS/VS-DLjI Interface Response Codes (2 Parts) • • • Terminal-Oriented Task Identification • • .. • • • Use of Trailer Maps in PAGEBLD Mapping Operations • Overflow Processing by Application Programs under BMS • BMS Status Flags • • • • • • • BMS Response Codes • • • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • BMS Terminal Code Table • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • "• • • 3270 Field Attributes and Printer Control Characters • • • • 3270 Attention Identifiers and Functions • • Batch Data Interchange Response Codes • • • • • • Interval Control Response Codes • • • • • • • Task Synchronization under CICS/VS .. • • • • Logical Relationship of Application Programs • • • ABEND Exit Processing • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Program Control Response Codes. .. • • • • •••••• Transient Data Control Response Codes • • • • • • Temporary storage Control Response Codes • • • Table Search Response Codes •• .. • • • • • Phonetic Conversion Response Codes • .. • • • • • • • Field verify Response Codes • • Bit Test Response Codes • • • _ • • Input Formatting Response Codes • • •• Selection of Records by Weighted Retrieval • • Weighted Retrieval Response Codes Journal Control Response Codes • • • • • • • • 2980-1 Character SetjTranslate Table • 2980-2 Character SetjTranslate Table 2980-4 Character Set/Translate Table •••• x CICS/VS APRM (!tL) 1.1-1. 1.1-2 .. 1 Ii 1-3. 1.1-4. 1.3-1. 1.3-2. 2. 1-1~ 2.1-2. 2.1-3. 2 .1-LL~ 2 ~ 2-1. 2.3-1. 2 ~ 4-1. 3.2-1. 3.2-2. 3.2-3. 3.2-4. 3.2-5. 3.2-6. 3.2-7. 3.2-8. 3.2-9. 3.2-10. 3.2-11. 3.3-1. 4 ~ 2-1. 4.3-1. 4.3-2. 4.3-3. 4.3-4. " .. 3-5. 4.3-6. 4.3-7. 4.4-1. 5.2-1. 5.3-1. 5.4-1. 5.4-2. 5.4-3. 5.6-1. 5.7-1. 6.3-1. 6.3-2. 6.3-3. 6.3-4. 6.3-5. 6.3-6. 6.3-7. 7.5-1. D-1. D-2. y • • • • • • • • • • " 4 5 8 15 20 29 30 32 34 44 57 66 77 79 80 80 81 82 83 84 86 86 122 143 178 288 289 298 301 303 304 305 335 361 371 390 400 404 429 445 458 460 460 469 475 478 483 540 580 581 582 Summary of Amendments for Version 1 Release 5 This edition (SC33-0079-2) provides information about the new or enhanced features introduced by CICS/VS Version 1 Release 5, as follows: • Extensions to the intercommunication facilities, offering: Multiregion operation (MRO) -- a new mechanism that allows communication between multiple connected CICS/VS regions within the same processing system without the use of SNA networking facilities. Distributed transaction processing (DTP) -- direct transationto-transaction communication across systems. (This facility is not available on MRO.) Intersystem Communication between CICS/VS and IMS/VS. Improved throughput by support of SNA parallel sessions. • Enhanced mastar terminal facilities for interactive control of CICS/VS. • Command-level interface enhancements: an intaractive command interpreter, and a new command-level interface with DL/I. • Security enhancements, including support for an external security manager (for example, the Resource Access Control Facility (RACF) program product). • Improved monitoring facilities. • Further device support, including: additional 3270 support. use of the OS/VS console as a CICSjVS terminal. networking of TWX and iTTY terminals through the Network Terminal Option (NTO) program product. • Usability and serviceability aids, including a new user exit mechanism and facilities in CICSjDOS/VS similar to those provided by the FERS service aid. Some of the above features are not described in this manual because they do not directly affect the macro-level application programmer; for information on these, refer to the other CICS/VS manuals listed in the bibliography_ Summary of Amendments xi Summary of Amendments for Version 1 Release 4.1. This technical newsletter (SN33-62Q3) provides information about the new features introduced by CICS/VS Version 1 Release 4.1, as follows: Chapter 3.2: Reference to fixed block architecture (FBA). Chapter 4.2: Information about terminal control support for LUTYPE4 terminals. Chapter 4.3: Information about basic mapping support terminals. (B~S) for LUTYPE4 Chapter 4.4: Information about batch data interchange support for LUTYPE4 terminals. Information about DFHDI TYPE=SEND macro instruction for transmitting data to batch data interchange terminals. Appendix C: Changes to clarify IBM's commitment about control block fields. In addition to the changes described above, minor editorial improvements and corrections have been made throughout the publication. Summary of Amendments for Version 1 Release 4 This edition (SC33-0019-1) provides information about the new features introduced by CICS/VS Version 1 Release 4, as follows: Chapter 4.2, Terminal Control: new syntax displays have been added for the IBM 3210 full function logical unit and the IBM 3210 logical unit types LUTYPE2, LUTYPE3 and SCSPRT. Chapter 4.3, Basic Mapping Support: references have been added to various new devices in the IBM 3210 range; there have been some changes and additions to operands of the map definition macro instructions (DFHMSD, DFHMDI, and DFHMDF). In addition, a significant amount of editorial work has been carried out to improve the usability of the chapter. There has been some rearrangement of the information; in particular, the descriptions of all operands of DFHBMS macro instructions have been grouped together, arranged alphabetically, and placed at the end of the Chapter. Chapter 1.6, Recovery/Restart: additions have been made to reflect the new transaction restart facilities offered by CICS/VS. A new macro type, DFHSP TYPE=ROLLBACK, is described. Appendix B, BMS Map Definition Example: this is an entirely new appendix containing examples of BMS map definition macro instructions. (The material previously contained in Appendix B, "Trace Tables," has been moved into the CICSLVS Problem Determination Guide.) Appendix C, Inter-Release Compatibility: this appendix has been updated. It defines any incompatibilities that exist between the application programming interface for CICS/VS Version 1.4 and previous versions of CICS/VS as well as listing control fields introduced at Version 1.4 that are guaranteed to be unchanged for future releases of CICS/VS. In addition to the changes described above, minor editorial improvements and corrections have been made throughout the publication. xii CICS/VS APRM (!L) Part 1. Introduction Chapter 1.1. Macro-Level Application Programming The IBM customer Information Control system/Virtual storage (CICS;VS) is a transaction-oriented data base/data communication (DBjDC) system. It can be applied to most online IBM system/370 systems, since it offers terminal facilities for many applications: message switching, inquiry, data collection, order entry, and conversational and batched data entry. CICS/VS works with either the Disk Operating System/Virtual Storage Extended (DOS/VSE) or the Operating system/Virtual Storage (OS/VS1 or OS/VS2). It can be thought of as an extension of the operating system or as an interface between the operating system and the user's application programs. The system is modular: at system generation or initialization, an installation can select the components it needs to tailor a CICS/VS system for a given application. In conventional batch processing (see Figure 1.1-1), similar transactions are grouped for processing, and the application programmer plans a series of runs to edit input transactions, update data sets, or write output reports. Because the programmer concentrates on manipulating data for most efficient handling of each transaction type, the data in batch processing becomes closely tied to the program logic and has little value for other applications. A real-time DB/DC system differs from batch processing primarily in the number and types of activities taking place in the system at the same time. A batch-processing system schedules each application independently and provides data base support unique to each application. A DB/DC system controls many random nonscheduled transactions for many applications and provides one integrated data base supporting all the applications on the system (see Figure 1.1-2). The CICS/VS program product (either CICS/OS/VS or CICS/DOS/VS) performs many functions essential to success in real-time DB/DC systems. Its major functions can be summarized as follows: • Provision of rapid response to simultaneously active online terminals • Control of a telecommunication network of mixed devices • Management of a wide mixture of transactions being serviced by a variety of application programs at the same time • Control of access to a data base • Management of system resources, such as main storage, to keep the system in continuous operation • Assignment of priorities to optimize use of the processor. with these functions assumed by CICS/VS, application programmers can concentrate on their particular applications. Programming takes less time, debugging is easier, and implementation time and costs are reduced accordingly. A key consideration in selecting a DB/DC system is its adaptability to present and future needs. CICS/VS is a family of systems that provides a DB/DC interface to IBM System/370 at most levels of the product line, offering a clear path for growth or migration of an installation. Chapter 1.1. Macro-Level Application Programming 3 Card Reader One Input Application Printer Output Figure 1 .. 1-1. Conventional Batch Processing Several Data Base Applications Figure 1.1-2. Transaction Processing of CICS/VS Figure 1.1-3 shows how the CICSjVS data base supports the information needs of multiple applications, independently and concurrently. CICS/VS APRl'1(ML) User File Inquiry File Change Report Request Program A Program B Program C Device CICS!VS Application Programs CICS!VS r - --,- - - - - - - - - I ( Data Base ..... "I Data Set I I I I I ........ - - - - - - I I I I I l - ----- ) '"' I I I Data Set B ------' --,- -.., I I I I I Figure 1.1-3. ( I I I A l --,-- - I I I -, - - ) (' I I I I I I I I I I I .,..,. ...... Data Set C "1 I I I I I I l ...... ---. __ ..,J CICS/VS Data Base Concept Chapter 1.1. Macro-Level Application Programming 5 Although application programmers need not be concerned with details of CICS/VS structure or performance, they should have a general understanding of how CICS/VS components interact to perform essential processing steps. CICS/VS consists of six major components, explained in greater detail in the publication CICStVS Diagnostic Reference. They are: • • • • • System management • Application services System services System monitoring System reliability System support Each of these £2mponents is divided into functions which provide services to CICS/VS users. The components that most directly affect the application programmer are system management, system monitoring, and system reliability. To help the application programmer understand some of the ways in which CICS/VS assists him, the system management functions are summarized below. • Terminal management - provides for communication between terminals and user-written application programs through the terminal control program. This function supports automatic task initiation to process new transactions. The testing of application programs is accommodated by the simulation of terminals by sequential devices such as card readers, line printers, tape units, or disk storage units. • File management - provides for the addition, update, direct retrieval, and selective retrieval (browsing) of data on BDAM, ISAM, and VSAM data base data sets. Additional capabilities provided only for VSAM data sets include record deletion, skipsequential processing, key-ordered mass insertion, relative byte addressing, search key high/equal, generic key, and locate mode processing for read-only requests. Optional access to the DL/I facility of the IBM Information Management System/Virtual Storage (IMS/VS) is provided under CICS/OS/VS. Such use of DL/I requires installation of the IB~ program product IMS/VS Data Base System. Note: Users of CICS/DOS/VS can interface with the IBM program product DOS/VS DL/I through DOS/VS DL/I CALLs, but CICS/VS file control macro instructions cannot be used. 6 • Transient data management - provides for optional queuing of data in transit between user-defined destinations. This function facilitates message switching and data collection. • Temporary storage management - provides an optional general-purpose "scratch pad" function intended for video display paging, broadcasting, data collection suspension, conservation of main storage, retention of control information, and similar. Where multiple records are used and random access to those records is required', this function also provides a queuing facility. • Storage management - provides control of main storage allocated to CICS/VS. Storage acquisition, disposition, initialization, and request queuing are among the services performed by this function. CICS/VS APRM(ML) • Program management - provides a multiprogramming capability through dynamic program management while offering a real-time program fetch capability. • Time management - provides control of various task functions (for example, runaway task control, task synchronization, and system stall detection) based on specified intervals of time or the time of day. • Task management - provides dynamic multitasking necessary for effective, concurrent transaction processing, such as priority scheduling, transaction synchronization~ and control of serially reusable resources. This function controls activities within the CICS/VS partition or region and is in addition to the multitasking or multiprocessing capabilities of the host operating system. • Journal management - provides for the creation and management of special-purpose sequential data sets, called journals, during realtime execution of CICS/VS. Journals are intended for recording (in chronological order) data that the user may need in subsequent reconstruction of data or events. Examples of such data sets are an audit trail, a change-file of data base updates and additions, and a record of system transaction activity (often called a log) • • Sync point management - works in conjunction with other CICS/VS functions such as transient data management and file management, to provide for an emergency restart of CICS/VS after abnormal termination. The CICS/VS transaction backout program (DFHTBP) or a user-written application program can make changes to data base data sets or transient data intrapartition queues for tasks "in-flight" at time of failure based on information recorded on a system log during online execution of CICS/VS. CICS/VS also provides dump management and trace management, which are used in program debugging. CICS/VS basic mapping support (BMS) facilitates information display on a wide variety of terminals and provides device independence, terminal paging, and message routing. A number of built-in functions are available for use by application programs. CICS/VS also provides system service programming to identify terminal operators, to give control of the entire system to a master terminal, to display real-time system statistics, to intercept abnormal conditions not handled directly by the operating system, and to end operation by collecting statistics, closing data sets, and returning control to the operating system. To provide rapid response to terminal users, CICS/VS executes in a multitasking mode of operation within its own partition or region. Such multitasking within a partition or region is analogous to multiprogramming within the total operating-system environment. Generally, tasks are initiated as a result of transactions entered at terminals. Whenever a task is forced to wait for completion of an I/O operation; availability of a resource, or some other cause, processing of another task within the system is initiated or continued. The processing of a typical transaction is shown in Figure 1.1-4. Some general characteristics of application programs to be run under CICS/VS and the use of other functions that it provides are explained in subsequent parts of this manual. Chapter 1.1. Macro-Level Application Programming 7 I I I I ( ( I \~--~~\ I I I PROGRAM LIBRARY \ TERMINAL CONTROL DATA BASE \ \ TASK CONTROL PROGRAM CONTROL I MESSAGE LOG ( \~--~~\ ~ ~. USER PROGRAM STORAGE CONTROL FILE CONTROL JOURNAL CONTROL TRANSLATE MSG + INITIATE TASK ---i~VALIDATE TRANSACTION t REQUEST WORKSTORAGE ----------~----------~GETSTORAGE SCHEDNEWTASK~----------~----------~----~ t DISPAT1H TASK SELECT PGM + LOAD PGM WAIT4-------t----~1 BUILD DATA ~------~----------~SETSEARCH KEY I '-----t-------I~ REQUEST INPUT AREA I READ FILE RECORD l WAIT ... """-I------t-----------t--------_+--------+-----l I REQUEST TERMTAL AREA GET STORAGE I BUILD TERMINAL OUTPUT 4It---t--_....J t BUILD ACTIVITY RECORD PUT ACTIVITY I'----~------_+-----~RECORDTO WAIT4---~-------~~-------~------+--------~-L-O-G~1 r -- - - - -REQUEST ..."""-~-+_------~------_+--~I TERMINAL WRITE - t I RErURN TERMINATE .-t-_....J TRANSACTION I I STORAGE I TERMINATE TASK 4 - - - - r - - - - - - - + - - - - - - 4 - - - J I I T SCHEDULE WRITE Figure 1.1-4. 8 FREE '----I-------i~TRANSACTION I CICS/VS Transaction Flow CICS/VS APR! (ML) Chapter 1.2. Macro Format and Syntax Notation Application programs to be executed under CICS/VS can be written at the macro level in assembler language, COBOL, or PL/I. Regardless of the language used, it is strongly recommended that CICS/VS is allowed to perform all supervisory and data management services for applications. Such services can be invoked by using CICS/VS macro instructions. CICS/VS macro instructions can also be used to request dump and trace facilities when testing or debugging an application program. Although an application program is not precluded from direct communication with the operating system, the results of such action are unpredictable and performance may be affected. Such action also has a limiting effect on migration from CICS/DOS/VS to CICS/OS/VS, a growth path that may become highly advisable for the CICS/DOS/VS user. CICS/VS macro instructions are written in a format similar to assembler-language macro instructions: Name Operation blank I DFHxxxxx or I symboll Operands Comments One or more operands separated by commas Comments for program documentation The name field must not contain a label if the macro instruction is used in a COSOL or PL/I program; however, if a label is desired for the macro instruction, it may be placed on the line preceding the macro instruction. For COBOL programs, the first six positions may contain a sequence number. The operation field must begin before column 16 and must contain the three-character combination "DFH" in the first three positions of the operation field. Up to five additional characters can be appended to DFH to complete this symbolic name for the appropriate program or table. Since DFH is reserved for CICS/VS macro instructions, no other line may begin with this three-character combination. The operands field is used to specify performed. th~ services and options to be The following general rules apply to the macros described in this manual: 1. Operands that are written in uppercase letters (for example, TYPE=INITIAL) are to be coded exactly as shown. 2. Operands that are written as a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters separated by an equal sign are to be coded with the keyword on the left as it appears and an appropriate substitution for the general class of elements on the right. For example, if the format description contains NORESP=symbolic address, the user may code NORESP=NORMROUT. Chapter 1.2. Macro Format and Syntax Notation 9 3~ Commas and parentheses are coded as shown. However, the parentheses are required only when more than one operand is specified. For example, the following coding is correct: TYPE=READ TY PE= (RE AD, WA IT) The commas are used as separators, but no comma should precede the first operand entry or follow the last one inside parentheses. Similarly, no comma should follow the last operand coded for a particular macro instruction. 4. Since a blank character indicates the end of the operand field, the operand field must not contain blanks except after a comma on a line to be continued or after the last operand of the macro instruction. The first operand on a continuation line must begin in column 16. 5. When a CICS/VS macro instruction is coded on more than one line, each line containing part of the macro instruction (except the last one) must contain a nonblank character (for example, an asterisk) in column 72 indicating that the macro instruction has been continued on the next line. 6. If a macro that has positional operands is coded with an invalid operand, the operand will be ignored. An error message will not be issued. 7. If a keyword is spelt incorrectly, the operand invalid positional operand as in point 6. 8. The rules for writing CICS/VS macro instruction operands are the same as those for assembler-language macros. ~y be treated as an SYNTAX NOTATION Throughout this manual, wherever a CICS/VS macro instruction is presented, the sym boIs ( }, I, [ ], and • ~ • are used in de fining the instruction format. These symbols are not part of the macro instruction and are not coded by the programmer~ Their purpose is to indicate how the macro instruction may be written, and they should be interpreted as follows: 1. Braces ( } are used to delimit parameters from which choices are made. For example, SEGSET={symbolic addresslYESIALL} which indicates that the coding SEGSET= must be followed by a programmer-selected symbolic address, the keyword YES, or the keyword ALL. 2. The vertical stroke I indicates that a choice is to be made. the same as the use of the word "or." For example, It is [,INTRVAL=(numeric value I YES} ] means that either "numeric value" or "YES", but not both, can be specified in the macro instruction. 10 CICS/V S APRM (11L) 3. Square brackets [ ] denote options. Anything enclosed in square brackets mayor may not be coded, depending on whether or not the associated option is desired. For example, !ODE=[ {11~1 LOCATE} ] If a default value is assumed by CICS/VS in the case of an omitted operand, that default value is indicated by underscoring. 4. An ellipsis ••• (three dots) denotes that the immediately preceding unit may appear one or more times in succession in the macro instruction. Chapter 1.2. !acro Format and Syntax Notation 11 Chapter 1.3. Programming Techniques and Restrictions Application programs to be run under CICS/VS may be coded at the macro level in assembler language, COBOL, or PL/I. Writing a program to be run under CICSjVS is not significantly different from writing a program to be run on any of numerous computing systems. However, the CICS/VS user should be aware that CICS/VS is an online system and that programs running under CICS/VS operate in an online environment. Some of the basic differences between online systems and the traditional batchprocessing environment are summarized in Figure 1.3-1. Single threading is the execution of a program to process inputs to completion, sequentially. Processing of one input is completed before another input is acted upon. In contrast, multithreading is the capability of using various sections of a single program concurrently. Under CICS/VS, for example, the first section of an application program may be executing to process one transaction. When that section is completed (in general, signaled by the execution of a CICS/VS macro instruction that causes a wait), processing of another transaction using a different section of code in the same program may ensue. Just as there is not usually one clearly superior, correct way to solve a problem, so there is not usually one correct way to write a program to implement that solution. Nevertheless, there are good and bad techniques of programming undec CICS/VS. How much time and thought should be given to programming style when writing a program? The answer depends largely on the expected usage of the program. will it be used once a day or once a year? When used, will it run for two minutes or five hours? The frequency and length of use are important factors to consider when deciding how much time to spend on programming techniques (that is, to devising the optimum solution to a problem). Some of the basic characteristics of application programs to be run under CICS/VS are summarized below. These characteristics should be viewed as essential to successful operation under CICSjVS (although some are not mandatory, they are highly advisable). 1. Programs must be quasi--i:"een terable later in this chapter) • 2. CICS/VS macro instructions (rather than programming-language statements such as READ, GET, PUT, or WRITE) are included to control the functions required in application programs. (See Chapter 1.2. "Macro Format and syntax Notation lt . ) 3. Input/output areas, temporary storage areas, and work areas are not included in an application program. Allor portions of these areas are defined outside of application programs. The application programmer must work with CICS/VS system programmers in defining these areas by means of tables within CICSjVS. (See "storage Definition", later in this chapter and Part 2.) 4. Files are not defined within application programs. As in item 3, the application programmer works with CICS/VS system programmers in esta blishing these def ini tions.l (See the CICS/VS system Programmer's Reference Manual and applicable operating-system publications. ) Chapter 1.3. (see tlQuasi-Reenterabili ty", Programming Techniques and Restrictions 13 5. The application programmer must establish addressability in his program to eIeS/Vs storage areas accessed by his program. 6. Working storage should not be tied up, for example, awaiting a reply from a terminal user. 7. Programs should be as efficient as possible, to work with eIeS/VS in providing rapid response to terminals. 8. Any feature, option, or statement that will transfer control to the operating system should not be used in a eIes/Vs program. 14 eIes/vs APR~(ML) Batch Processing Online Application Input Generally sequential from cards, tape, or a direct access storage device ~ASD); submitted as groups of related data, edited, and verif ied Random, multiple, concurrent but unrelated entries from terminals; immediate edit and verification of each entry Processing sequential, generally single-thread, with updating of sequential master files Random, multithreading, as one aspect of multitasking within a partition or region; for inquiry or updating purposes or both Output Generally in the form of updated master files and printed reports Messages to terminals, updated files, and system log of activities Sequence of operations start program Read transaction Read master Process System is initialized, then transactions are processed as they occur, with data rather than program as driver End of job signaled by last transaction Generally, end of shift or day Amount of activity Predictable, known before run Not predictable, can fluctuate widely Master files/ data sets Applications master files DASD; placed required for Files accessible to multiple, authorized applications; must be online; are on DASD Response time Varies widely; usually involves manual procedures Figure 1.3-1. "own" on tape or online when run Measured in seconds; generally occurs as message to terminal A Comparison of Batch and Online Environments The general structure of a CICS/VS application program can be summarized as follows: • Storage definition statements • Program initialization statements • Processing statements Chapter 1.3. Programming Techniques and Restrictions 15 • Termination statements No attempt is made in this text to teach the use of typical programming-language statements or general programming techniques within assembler language, COBOL, or PL/I. Documentation for these languages should be consulted for such information ~ee the Bibliography at the end of this manual). CICS/VS operates in a virtual storage environment. The key objective of programming in this type of environment is the reduction of page faults--those cases in which a program refers to an instruction or data that does not reside in real storage. When this occurs, the page in virtual storage that contains the referenced instruction or data must be transferred waged) into real storage. The more paging required, the lower the overall system performance. The application programmer who writes programs to be run in a virtual storage environment should understand the following concepts: • locality of reference - the consistent reference, during the execution of the application program, to instructions and data within a relatively small number of pages (compared to the total number of pages in a program) for relatively long periods • validity of reference - the consistent reference to valid data. This ensures that few storage references retrieve useless data • working set - the number and combination of pages of a program needed for satisfactory performance (low paging rate) during a given period In general, the application program should use techniques to improve the locality and validity of reference and to minimize the size of the working set at any time during execution of the program, as follows: 1. 2. 16 To achieve locality of reference, processing should be sequential for both code and data, as far as possible. a. Initialize data as close as possible to its first use. b. Define new data items as close as possible to the items that use them. c. Define arrays or other data structures in the order in which they will be referred to; refer to elements within structures in the order in which they are stored, for example, rowwise rather than columnwise when using PL/I. d. separate error-handling or unusual-situation routines from the main section of a program; they should be subprograms. e. Subprograms that are short and used only once or twice (other than those in d above) should be coded inline in the calling program. To achieve validity of reference. a. Avoid long searches for data. b. Use data structures that can be addressed directly, such as arrays, rather than structures that must be searched, such as chains. c. Avoid indirect addressing and any methods that simulate indirect addressing. CICS/VS APRM(ML) 3. To reduce the size of the working set, the amount of storage that a program refers to in a given period should be as low as possible. a. write modular programs and then structure the modules according to frequency and anticipated time of reference. b. Use separate subprograms whenever the flow of your program suggests that execution will not be s9quential. When all page frames in a real storage environment are filled and another page must be loaded into storage, a page replacement operation is required. The operating system replaces first those pages that have not been referred to for the longest period of time. If a page to be replaced has been modified, that page must be paged out onto virtual storage before the required page can be read in. The more page-out operations required, the lower the overall performance of the system. To avoid the necessity for page-out operations, the application program should be coded so that page-out operations are not required when a page containing a portion of the program must be replaced in real storage. The program need only avoid modifying instructions or data within itself. A program in which neither instructions nor data are modified is said to be reenterable. As noted earlier, programs to be run in a CICS/VS environment must be quasi-reenterable. For performance reasons, it may be wise to make them truly reenterable programs. The application program should not attempt to use overlays, that is, to incorporate paging techniques. System paging is automatic and generally more efficient. Application Program Packaging The design of an application program for a virtual environment is similar to the design of an application program in a real environment. The system should have all modules resident so that code on unreferenced pages need not be paged in. If the program is dynamic, the entire program must be loaded across adjacent pages before execution begins. Dynamic programs can be purged from storage if not in use and an unsatisfied storage request exists. Allowing sufficient dynamic area to prevent purging is less efficient than making the programs resident since a dynamic program will not share unused space on a page with another program. The reference pattern of the application should touch the fewest concurrent pages during its execution. 1. The main line execution should be as straight a line as possible. The ideal program executes sequentially with no branch logic referencing beyond a small range of address space. 2. Literals and subroutines should be coded as close to their use as possible. This would include LTORG statements at appropriate locations in the program. Place constants that are used only once near to the place where they are used. Executed instructions should be near the EX instruction. Perform and GO TO routines should be placed near the caller. 3. Avoid use of COBOL EXAMINE or VARIABLE MOVE operations since these expand into subroutine executions. 4. Do not alter anything within the program module. module is reenterable and is not paged out. Chapter 1.3. An unchanged Programming Techniques and Restrictions 11 5. Use the TWA for changeable data during execution, that is counters, switches, parameter passing, basic mapping support output area (use Bl'IS SAVE). 6. Do few or no user GETMAINS to minimize the task's reference pattern. 7. Avoid LINKs since it will cause a GETMAIN for a RSA and will search the PPT. 8. Try to keep the execution path straight line by using XCTL. 9. If specifying data for a CICS/VS service request by explicitly assigning a value to a CICS/VS field (for example, in the task control area), assign the value immediately prior to issuing the service request, with no other service requests intervening. Also, reassign the value immediately before issuing any subsequent request that needs it. Quasi-reenterability Application programs must be coded so that they are "serially reusable" between entry and exit points of the program. A serially reusable portion of an application program is executed by only one transaction at a time, and must initialize and/or restore any instructions or data that it alters within itself during execution. (It is recommended, however, that all applications be truly reenterable to minimize paging.) Entry and exit points coincide with the use of CICS/VS macro instructions, since an application program loses control only upon execution of a CICS/VS macro instruction. This required quality of application programs written to run under CICS/VS is called "quasi-reenterability," since the programs need not meet System/370 specifications for true reenterability. Quasireenterability allows a single copy of a user-written application program to be used to process several transactions concurrently, thereby reducing the number of copies of a program that must be in main storage. Intermediate exits may be taken during execution of an application program. Such exits constitute a transfer of control from the program. All switches, data, and intermediate results needed upon subsequent return to the program must be retained in a unique storage area such as the transaction work area (TWA). The application programmer must provide that unique intermediate storage area by symbolically defining it in his program ~s described in Part 2). A serially reusable application program that has no intermediate exits also has the quality of quasi-reenterability. Storage Definition The macro library supplied with CICS/VS contains symbolic storage definitions of CICS/VS control areas, work areas, and I/O areas. It is strongly recommended that the application programmer use these definitions rather than develop actual or direct displacements in his program. This protects the application program in the event of any relocation of CICS/VS. 18 CICS/VS APRM (11L) The assembler-language programmer includes symbolic storage definitions in his program by means of assembler-language COpy statements. For the PLjI programmer, the macro library contains numerous BASED structures, in the form of dummy control sections ~SECTS), that describe CICS/VS control areas. These DSECTs are available to the user through the use of %INCLUDE statements. The COBOL programmer uses similar definitions through COpy statements in the Linkage section of the Data Division of his application program. These definitions are discussed in Part 2. Program Initialization In the initialization section of the application program, the assemnlerlanguage programmer must establish a symbolic base address for his program, because this is not done by CICS/VS prior to entry. In doing so, he identifies a base register. Register 12 is reserved by CICS/VS for the address of the task control area (TCA) for this task. Register 13 is reserved for the address of the common system area (CSA). Both these registers are initialized by CICS/VS prior to entry and their contents must be preserved throughout execution of the program. For COBOL and PL/I, this preservation of registers is done automatically by CICS/VS. Registers 15 through 11 are available to the user and their contents are preserved when a CICS/VS macro instruction is executed; the contents of register 14 are destroyed whenever a CICS/VS macro instruction is executed. The contents of register 1 are destroyed if parameters are specified on a DL/I call. The different types of the DFHPC macro instruction that can be issued to transfer control from or to an application program are listed in the left-hand column of Figure 1.3-2. The status of all registers upon program entry or upon return to a program is as shown in the remaining columns. Although register 14 contains the program entry address, it is not advisable to use register 14 as the base register since it is used by CICS/VS to service requests for CICS/VS supervisory and data management services. Chapter 1.3. Programming Techniques and Restrictions 19 ,I At program entry because of: Initial Program Entry 1 Registers 15, and 0-11 12 13 Unknown TCA CSA User-program address 14 LINK Registers of program issuing the LINK TCA CSA User-program address XCTL Reg isters of program issuing the XCTL TCA CSA User-program address LOAD Unchanged TCA CSA Next seq uential instruction RETURN (issued by a linked-to program) Unchanged (from point-of-view of program issuing the LINK) TCA CSA Next sequentiall inst ruct ion I I I Following execution of: I Figure 1.3-2. Register Usage under CICS/VS Restrictions There are language and other restrictions that the application programmer should be aware of when writing programs to be run under CICS/VS. ASSEMBLER If CICS/VS macro instructions are included in an assembler-language application program, the assembler instruction COM (define blank common control section) must not be used. COBOL The use of CICS/VS macro instructions in a COBOL application program pr~cludes the use of the following COBOL features: 1. Environment and Data Division entries normally associated with data management services. 2. File Section of the Data Division. 20 CICS/VS APRM(ML) 3. Special features: ACCEPT,DISPLAY,EXHIBIT,REPORT WRITER, SEGMENTATION,SORT,TRACE, and UNSTRING. Any feature that requires an operating system GETMAIN. 4. DOS compiler options: OS compiler options: TEST. COUNT,FLOW,STATE,STXIT, or SYMDMP. COUNT,ENDJOB,FLOW,DYNAM,STATE,SYMDMP,SYST, or Any option that requires operating system services. 5. COBOL statements: READ, WRITE, OPEN, CLOSE. 6. QUOTE option, which signifies that literals are to be delineated by quotation marks (for example, "74 11 ) . Because CICS/VS macro instructions generate COBOL code using apostrophes to delineate literals (for example, 1741), the APOST option must be in effect. 7. The OPTIMIZE option of DOS Full COBOL Version 3 (5736-CB2.) SERVICE RELOAD statements must be coded in programs compiled under the following compilers when the OPTIMIZE option is active: • as • OSjVS COBOL Release 1 (5740-CB1) • DOS/VS COBOL (5746-CB 1) Full COBOL Version 4 (5734-CB2) If the NOOPTIMIZE option is used, SERVICE RELOAD can, but need not, be used.. Further details of SERVICE RELOAD appear in "Additional Guidelines ll in Chapter 2.3. CICS/VS macro instructions should not be coded within a COBOL statement, since each COBOL statement generated by a CICS/VS macro instruction is terminated by a period. CICS/VS macro instructions generate COBOL statements which use an apostrophe (I) to delineate literals. Code written by the application programmer cannot utilize quotes (n) to delineate literals. Duplicate names may not be used. This requirement is a result of preprocessing by the translator before COBOL statements are generated. Any COBOL program that is to run under CICS/VS must contain at least one CICS/VS macro instruction (for example, DFHPC TYPE=RETURN) for proper operation. Users of the OS/VS COBOL Release 2 compiler must specify LANGLVL(l), and must not use the INSPECT or USE FOR DEBUGGING statements. The macro level interface will not support a COBOL program with a TGT larger than4K. If a program generates a TGT greater than 4K the command level interface must be used. Chapter 1.3. Programming Techniques and Restrictions 21 PL/I The following restrictions apply to programs compiled by the PL/I F Compiler for CICS/OS/VS. However, if the PL/I Optimizing Compiler is used with the PLjI support supplied by CICS/VS, not all the restrictions apply. Refer to the PL/I Optimizing compiler Programmer's Guide for more information on the applicable restrictions. The use of CICS/VS macro instructions in a PL/I application program precludes the use of the following PL/I features: 1. The multitasking built-in functions: COMPLETION, STATUS, PRIORITY. 2. The multitasking options: 3. The PL/I statements: READ, WRITE, GET, PUT, OPEN, CLOSE, DISPLAY, DELAY, REWRITE, LOCATE, DELETE, UNLOCK, STOP, HALT, EXIT, and, for the PL/I Optimizing Compiler, FETCH and RELEASE. 4. PL/I Sort/merge. S. PL/I error handling. 6. A declaration for a nonstring element variable with the attributes STATIC EXTERNAL but without the INITIAL attribute. (This declaration will generate a common CSECT that cannot be handled by CICS/VS). PRIORITY, TASK, EVENT. The use of CICS/VS macro instructions in a PL/I application program to be compiled on the PL/I Optimizing Compiler also precludes the use of the following compiler options: REPORT, FLOW, GONUMBER, GOSTMT. An application program written in PL/I must consist of an external (MAIN) procedure. Internal procedure CALLs are allowed in a PL/I program to be run under CICS/VS, but external CALLs are not. Floating-point operations can be used, but CICS/VS does not dump the contents of floating-point registers, and programmers should be aware that a floating-point interrupt will cause the task to be abnormally terminated. Any CICS/VS macro instruction operand which defines a name or label of a storage area or routine should comply with the Assembler language restrictions of eight characters or less. This requirement is a result of preprocessing by the Assembler before PL/I statements are generated. LINK-EDITING Separate COBOL routines cannot be link-edited together. Neither can separate PL/I routines. Assembler-language routines may be link-edited, but routines invoked by CALL statements must conform to CICS/VS application program requirements. Facilities comparable to link-editing are provided under CICS/VS through DFHPC TYPE=LINK and DFHPC TYPE=XCTL (transfer control) macro instructions, which can be used to set up communication between programs. For details of the job control required to compile and link-edit application programs refer to the CICS/VS ~st§.!!!. Program!!!§!'~.2-Guifl~. 22 CICS/VS APRM{ML) OBJECT PROGRAM SIZE The object module resulting from any application program must not occupy more than 262,136 bytes of storage~ Assembly-time Service (DFHCOVER Macro) In addition to knowing the execution-time considerations discussed in this chapter, the application programmer should be aware of an assemb1ytime (or compile-time) service available under CICS/VS: the DFHCOVER macro instruction. This macro instruction specifies that the assembler or compiler in use print a cover page on tvo consecutive pages, which ensures that the application program listing can be torn off with one of the cover pages face up. Useful information (program name, date, time of assembly, remarks, and so on) may then be written on the cover page. The DFHCOVER macro instruction requires no operands and nothing else should appear on the same coding line. If the DFHCOVER macro instruction is coded as part of an Assemb1erlanguage application program, it should be coded as the first instruction in the program. If desired, hovever, this macro instruction may be coded after anything that is not vital to the listing (such as the TITLE line). The first line of a PL/I source program is printed as a header on each page of the source listing. This means that when the DFHCOVER macro instruction is part of a PL/I application program, the first line should be a comment containing information that the application programmer wants printed as a header. The second line should contain the DFHCOVER macro instruction. The actual PL/I code should begin with the third line. Since column 1 is used by the DFHCOVER macro for line and page spacing under PL/I, column 1 must be defined as reserved for control characters and columns 2-72 must be defined as available for data. For information concerning PL/I compile-time services, see the DOS PL/I QEtimizinq ComEiler Prog~~~ Guide, the OS P1L!-1l1 programmerts ~uide, and the OS PL/I Optimizing Compiler Programmerts Guide. The example in Appendix A shows how the DFHCOVER macro instruction is used. Testing Responses to Macro Instructions As a result of issuing CICS/VS macros, certain error conditions may be raised. A programmer can test for these conditions in any of the following ways: • Code the appropriate operands in the macro being issued. macro syntax display lists the operands available. • Code a DFHXX TYPE=CHECK macro immediately following the particular macro by which the service is requested. • Code instructions, following the macro by which the service was requested, that test the contents of certain CICS/VS control areas. The relevant control areas and the meaning of the returning bit patterns are discussed in each chapter that describes the services. Chapter 1.3. Each Programming Techniques and Restrictions 23 If the programmer does not c},eck the response to a request, program flow continues with the next sequential instruction. 24 CICS/VS APR!(ML) Part 2. Storage Definition 25 Chapter 2.1. Introduction to Storage Definition CICS/VS provides symbolic storage definitions in the form of dummy sections ~SECTs) that describe the layouts of a number of'storage areas. These storage definitions are contained in the CICS/VS libraries and can be copied into application programs where, in combination with user-defined layouts of the user1s sections of the storage areas, they provide symbolic addressing (addressability) to the storage areas. CICS/vS Storage Areas The storage areas for which symbolic storage definitions are provided consist of control areas, for example the Common system Area (CSA), work areas, for example the File Work Area (FWA), and input/output areas, for example the Terminal Input/Output Area (TIOA). CICS/VS storage areas are summarized in Figures 2.1-1 and 2.1-2. Some of these storage areas are acquired by CICS/VS during system initialization, others are acquired and released during execution of the system. Some areas are acquired by CICS/VS; some by the application program; and some by either CICS/VS or the application program. All CICS/VS storage areas, vith the exception of the journal control area (JCA) and VSAM work areas (VSWAs), consist of two sections. The first is the system section, used primarily by CICS/VS; the second is the user section, defined and used exclusively by the application program. This division exists whether the storage areas are acquired during system initialization (for example, the common system area) or acquired during execution (for example, a terminal input/output area). All CICS/VS pointers (areas containing addresses) are four bytes in length. A storage accounting field comprising eight bytes preceding and eight bytes following each storage area is built by CICS/VS for every storage area acquired for the user. If this field is altered or destroyed, CICS/VS may be abnormally terminated. The common system area (eSA) and the task control area (TCA) must be defined in every application program; other areas are defined as needed. It is the user1s responsibility to define the CSA and TCA as veIl as other storage areas required by the application program. Identifiers such as CSA and TCA, used in this manual, are also used in symbolic names, or labels, within CICS/VS modules and must be used by the application programmer to refer to the data that they represent. Names of fields within a storage area generally begin vith the characters of the label for that area. For example, TCA stands for Task Control Area, TCAFCAAA is a field in the TCA that points to a Facility Control Area, TCASCSA is a field in the TCA that points to a Storage Control Storage Area, and so on. Chapter 2.1. Introduction to Storage Definition 27 The letters A through G in Figure 2.1-1 denote the following: A Assembler language only. B Alternatively, the TCAFCAAA may point to the address of a DCT entry or to the address of an automatic initiate descriptor (AID). C COBOL equivalent: 01 DFHTCTTE COpy DFHTCTTE. MOVE TCAFCAAA TO TCTTEAR. PL/I equivalent: %INCLUDE DFHTCTTE; D EOB = End of Block. E TCAFCAA, TCATSDA, and TCATDAA: The same location within the TCA is used for these three pointers, only one of which is current at any given time. F TCASCSA may also point to an area to be released by a DFHSC TYPE=FREEMAIN macro instruction. G After a DFHPC TYPE=LOAD macro instruction, TCAPCLA points to the beginning address of the loaded program. Throughout Figure 2.1-1, the characters LL~~ represent a four-byte field in which the first two bytes define the length of the area. 28 CICS/VS APRM(ML) CSA COpy DFHCSADS System Section POinters to CICS/VS Modules and Tables. Save Areas. CWA Common Work Area· User's Section Allocated at sysgen, Default:. 512. MdXlrTlUm " 3584. Inltlatly binary leros. Exists for duration of CICS/VS. Usable by multiple tasks for statistics, to pass data, etc. Statlsllcs, Constants. Pdrarneters, TII'Tle of Day CSACDTA(current task) L CSACBAR II1EG.131 I CICSIVS'acquired LCSAWABA TeA TCACBA~(REG. • Q 121 TCTTE COpy DFHTCADS System Section Proqram Control Information, Task PriOrity. RSA POinters, etc. ~L I System Section g~:~~~~:~~~rmatlon TCTTEDA COPY DFHTCTTE L TCTTEAR, TCAFCAAA User's SectlQ~ 1 per terminal ~:: ::~~:~a~~p'T~TCWA. +-__-Lr-____________________- '__________- ; ~~Se~cu~,,~,y~K~e~Y'~________ L TCTTEAR I CICSIVS·acquired TCTTECIA COPY DFHTIDA L TIOABAR, TCTTEDA TIOA TCAFCAAA User's Section Terminal Input or output messages. Sile defined in TeT, and obtained as needed by CICS/VS. Also obtainable .hrough DFHSC TYPE" GETMAIN, CLASS' TERMINAL (da.a leng.h only!. LTiOABAR ..L - TIOADBA FIOA ~+ System Sec.ion aS: 64 bytes + 16.t ISAM DOS: 80 bytes I I CICS/VS or user·acqulred COPY DFHF lOA L FIDABAR, TCAFCAA User', SPc"on For h.le records. Size defined in Fer. Aut~maticallY acq~'red by FC?, as required. All records (f::xcept VSAM) read Into FIOA initially. Only one type (Inquiry. unblocked) processed here. All others moved to FWA. I CICSIVS'acQuired +L - FIOADBA L - FIOABAR COPY DFHFWADS L FWACBAR, TCAFCAA FWA System .fu-ctlon 16 by'es TCAPCLA User's Section For file records. Size defined In FeT, and acquired by FCP, as reqUired, or through DFHFC TYPE" GETAREA. Records moved here from FIOA or VSAM buffer for InquirY, Blocked; Updating; Browse; Segmented. Also, new records assembled here. H (<) +L - FWACBAR +L - - FCUWA ICICS/VS or user-acquired COPY DFHVSWA L VSWABAR, TCAFCAA VSWA System Sec.ion for VSAM 1/0 96 bytes for baSIC 1/0 and 136 bytes + I<.ey length for browse liD. Y+ Automatically aCClulred by FCP as required, and passed to user only for locate mode operations. •L-VSWAREA L - - VSWABAR 4L-VSWALEN COpy DFHSAADS L SAACBAR, TCASCSA SAA System Section B by.e, TCASCSA r LSAACBAR 8 TCATSDA User's Section User's work area. Area acqulled .hrough DFHSC TYPE L ~ GETMAIN, CLASS'USER (da.a leng.h only!. SAASACA (E)-t-----.. I I User-acquired COpy DFHTSIOA L TSIOABAR, TCATSDA TSIOA )I.. \CICSIVS-acqulled S,/stem SectIon 12 by'e, User's Section Temporary storage 1/0 area. Automatically acqUired by TSP on OFHTS TYPE = GET, or by user through DFHSC TYPE· GETMAIN, CLASS ~ TEMPSTRG (da.a + 4 by'es for LLbb!. '---'--t---in-cIW'fL Lbb LTSIOABAR L TSIOADBA COpy DFHTDOA L TDOABAR, TCATDAA TOOA TCA TDAA ( E) -+---.,.---" • User's Section Intrapartltlon output only. V/L records only. User-specified area_ May be obtained .hrough DFHSC TYPE = GETMAIN, CLASS = TRANSDATA (da.a + 4 byte, for LLbbl. I........--+-__.. y incl LLbb LTDOABAR TWA - Transaction Work Area User's Section Size defined in peT Default· O. Work area: task duration only. I Figure CICS/vS-acquired 2~1-1~ L TDOADBA System SectIon OS: 40 by.e, DOS: 12 by'es incl LLbb TDIABAR I User-acquired COpy DFHTDIA L TDIABAR, TCATDAA TOIA L ICICS/VS or user-acqUired USN'S Section IntrapartltlOn input only. V/L records only. Size = size of largest record in queue. Automatically acquired by TOP, as required. +L - TDIADBA I C ICSIVS-acquired Summary of CICS/VS Storage Areas Chapter 2.1 .. Introduction to storage Definition 29 TIOA TIOABAR X'S5' Terminal Input/Output Area IDFHTIOA) WORO HALFWORO BYTE BYTE '---:.;...;.......;.......;...._ I__....;T...;.IO;;,;A....;;S;;,;C~A.;..-. I MESSAGE OATA ~--~-----r~~~~=-r--------------------+----------+---~~---4------------~ TI OA TDL TI OADBA BYTE I Ir'--------------~~--~ ~ TIOALAC TIOACLCR TlOAWCI TIOABAR TIOACLCR TIOADBA TIOALAC - TIOA TIOA TIOA TIOA TIOASAL TIOASCA TIOATDL TlOAWCI Base Address Register Control write - Line or Copy Request Isame as TIOALACI Data Begin Address Line Address Control Isame as TIOACLCRI - TlOA TlOA TlOA TlOA Storage Accounting - area Length Storage Chain Address Terminal - message Data Length Write Control Indicator FIOA File Input/Output Area IDFHFIOAI FIOABAR _ x'sF'1 ,~(~11_______~_~_~___W=O=R=D______~I~J )~,~l~_______w_O_R_D____~-1/ TWO WORDS t t t FCFIOLRA FCFIOLRA - FCFIO Logical Record Address FIOADBA - File Input/Output Area Data Begin Address IDOSI FCDSOID - File Control Data - area lOS variablel FWA I File Work Area IDFHFWADSI t:X='B=F='=================T=W~O:=W=O=R=D=S==============~~~::~~W~O~R~D storage ac~ounting area FWACBAR - File Work Atea Control Base Address Register FCUFCTA - File Control Update File Control Table Address VSWABAR ________ Jf~~::~~W~O~R~D~-------t_:~~DATA~ FCUPDRA FCUFCTA FCUWA FCUPDRA - File Control UPDate Record Address FCUWA - File Control Update Work Area Idata begin addressl VSWA VSAM Work Area IDFHVSWAI t FCFIOFCT FCDS01D storage accounting control information FIOABAR - File Input/Output Area Base Address Register FCFIOxxx - File Control File Input/Output xxx FCFIOfCT - FCFIO File Control Table - entry address FWACBAR T:. .;W:.:.:O: :. . :.:W:.: O:. :. R:.: D:.: S~_ _ _ _ _...L_J/ I .f L._.::.X..!:'B:.:..F_'L.I__________ , WORD , ( VSWAREA )~(~lL. . r ~ ___________w==o=R=D==_ _ _ , VSWALEN VSWABAR - VSAM Work Area Base Address Register VSWAREA - VSAM Work Area REcord Address VSWAL~N - VSAM Work Area Record LENgth SAA SAACBAR BYTE X'BC' BYTE I HALFWORD Storage Accounting Area IDFHSAADSI I WORD ~~~~~~++-~SA.::.A~S~A:.:.:D~~+-------~~~-------i------------------------~7 SAASAFI DATA ./ SAASACA SAASACI SAASAFI - SAA Storage Accounting Format Identification SAASAD - SAA Storage Accounting Displacement (length I SAACBAR - SAA Control Base Address Register SAASACA - SAA Storage Accounting Chain Address SAASACI - SAA Storage Accounting Class Identification TSIOABAR TSIOA Temporary Storage Input/Output Area IDFHTSIOAI DATA WORD X'SE' ) TSIOASCA - TSIOA Storage Chain Address TSIOAVRL - TSIOA Variable Record Length ILLbbl" • TSIOABAR - TSIOA Base Address Register TSIOADBA - TSIOA Data Begin Address TSIOASAL - TSIOA Storage Accounting - area Length TDOABAR TOOA Transient Data Output Area IDFHTDOAI X'BD' DATA WORD TDOASCA - TDOA Storage Chain Address TDOAVRL- TDOA Variable Record Length ILLbbl" TDOABAR - TDOA Base Address Register TD,OADBA - TDOA Data Begin Address TDOASAL - TDOA Storage Accounting - area Length TOIA Transient Data Input Area IDFHTDIAI DATA WORD TDIADBA TDIASCA TDIABAR - TDIA Base Address Register TDIADBA - TDIA Data Begin Address TDIAIRL - TDIA Intrapartition Record Length ILLbbl" • Length is "Message Data" only Idoes not include TlOATDL itself, or the EOB byte). •• Length includes LLbb and data. Figure 2 .. 1-2 .. I TDOADBA TDOASCA 30 / TSIOADBA TSIOASCA TDIASAL - TDIA Storage Accounting - area Length TDIASCA - TDIA Storage Chain Address ••• Length includes LLbb and data unless STORCLS=TERMINAL in which case length is length of data only. CICS/VS System Sections CICS/VS APR! (ftL) ;' L-~)'ATA~ Copying Symbolic Storage Definitions Depending on the programming language used, a statement of one of the forms shown below is required to copy a symbolic storage definition into an application program. 1. Assembler-language COpy statement of the form: COpy name 2. COBOL COpy statement of the form: 01 name COpy name. specified in the Linkage Section of the Data Division. 3. PLjI preprocessor statement of the form: %INCLUDE library or %INCLUDE member; ~ember); Por example, assume that one or more terminal input/output areas (TIOAs) are to be acquired during program execution. One of the statements below must be included: COpy DPHTIOA Assembler: COBOL: 01 DPHTIOA COpy DPHTIOA. PL/I: %INCLUDE DFHTIOA; This statement copies the storage definition as a description or map of the storage area into the application program, but does not aquire storage for it. As pointed out above, sometimes CICS/VS acquires the area; in other cases, the user acquires it. Addressability The storage definition that has been copied into the application program must be mapped over the storage area acquired. This is done by moving the address of the area (stored in a particular location by CICS/VS) into a base locator for that area. Addressability through this base locator is limited to 4096 (0 through 4095) bytes. Depending on the programming language, a statement of one of the following forms vill normally be used to establish addressability to the area: 1. Assembler-language statement of the form: L 2. base-locator,location-containing-address COBOL statement of the form: MOVE location-containing-address TO base-locator. 3. PLjI based pointer assignment of the form: base-locator = location-containing-address; Chapter 2.1. Introduction to Storage Definition 31 For example, assume that a terminal input/output area (TIOA) has been acquired during program execution. TCASCSA is a four-byte field in the TCA that contains the address of the storage area that 'has been acquired. TIOABAR is the TIOA base address register. One of the statements below must be executed: Assembler: L TIOABAR,TCASCSA COBOL: MOVE TCASCSA TO TIOABAR. PL/I: TIOABAR=TCASCSA; FiguDe 2~1-3 contains the names used in copying CICS/VS-provided symbolic storage definitions into an application program and the names that represent base addresses used in establishing addressability. These symbolic names are used in Figures 2.1-1 and 2.1-2, which show how the areas are related and give a summary of the contents of each area. ,I ~----------------------------~---------------"~-----------~I------------~ I Storage Area I I Symbolic Name ,IBase LocatorlGeneral for I or IPurpose Defined StoragelBase AddresslRegister Register IAssignment I------------------------~~------------~----------~I------------ ICommon System Area (CSA) ITask Control Area (TCA) ITerminal Control Table I Terminal Entry ~CTTE) ITerminal Input/Output Area I (TIOA) IFile Input/Output Area I (FIOA) IFile Work Area (FWA) VSAM Work Area (VSWA) Storage Accounting Area (SAA) Temporary Storage Input/ Output Area (TSIOA) Transient Data Output Area (TDOA) Transient Data Input Area (TDI! ) Journal Control Area (JCA) DFHCSADS DFHTCADS CSACBAR TCACBAR 13 12 DFHTCTTE DFHTIOA TCTTEAR TIOABAR * DFHFIOA FIOABAR DFHFWADS DFHVSWA DFHSAADS FWACBAR VSWABAR S!ACBAR * * DFHTSIOA TSIOABAR * DFHTDOA TDOABAR * DFHTDIA TDIABAR * DFHJCADS JCABAR * * * * *Any register except 12, 13, or 14 (which are used by CICS/VS) or 0 (which cannot be used as a base or index register) Figure 2.1-3. Symbolic Names and Base Addresses of CICS/VS Storage Areas Chaining of CICS/VS Storage Areas Storage acguired by the application program through CICS/VS storage management is controlled by chaining together all storage associated with a task. This chaining allows CICS/VS to release all storage associated ~ith the task, either upon reguest from the user or when the task is terminated, normally or abnormally. 32 CICS/VS APRM (ML) The common system area (CSA), whose address is provided by CICS/VS, points to the task control area (TCA) which in turn points to the other storage areas required by the task. The TCA is the head of the chain of storage associated with each task, except for TIOAs, which are chained from the TCTTE. Figure 2.1-4 illustrates the chaining of CICS/VS storage areas and indicates the symbolic base address used to locate each storage area. Required Storaqe Areas At least two storage area definitions, namely, those for the CSA and the TCA, are required in every application program to be run under CICS/VS. The following sections describe these areas. Services performed by CICS/VS components are mentioned as necessary. Some tables that are basic to CICS/VS operation are also mentioned. These tables are explained in greater detail in the CICSLVS System Programmer's Reference Manual. Common System Area (eSA) The Common system Area (CSA) contains areas and data required for the operation of CICS/VS. It can be extended to include a user-defined common work area (CWA) that can be referred to by application programs. Data in the CSA that is required for the operation of CICS/VS includes: • CICS/VS save areas • Addresses of CICS/VS management programs • Control system and user statistics accumulators • Addr.esses of CICS/VS system control tables • Common system constants o System control parameters Chapter 2.1. Introduction to Storage Definition 33 CICSIVS - . CSACBAR FACILITIES FOR TASK C FACILITIES FOR TASK B COMMON WORK AREA CWA. FACI LITI ES CONTROL AREA ASSOCIATED ADDRESS 1----._ TIOABAR ~---------~ t~ ~1_'2__ BY_T_E_S~I______~______~ STORAGE CONTROL STORAGE ADDRESS (SAACBAR) + DFHSAADS ~ ~1_8_BY_T_ES-LI____~~__~~ FWACBAR +~ ~1 ~I________~.~ FILE CONTROL AREA ADDRESS ___ '6_B_YT_E_S__ FIOABAR ~ I DFH~IDA OSIVS-64 BYTES I, I ~~DO~S~/~VS~~~O~B~Y~T~E~S__-+~ __.~r__~~ VSWABAR +I ~i DFH~SWA ----"----------. I 96 BYTES I L - -_ _--J,~ TRANSIENT DATA AREA ADDRESS TEMPORARY STORAGE DATA AREA I I I I TRANSACTION WORK AREA I I TWA· ~ Figure 2.1-4. 34 THIS AREA IS DEFINED AFTER THE DFH.xxxx. THE PUI AND COBOL PROGRAMMER MUST COMPLETE THE BASED STRUCTURE (SYMBOLIC STORAGE DEFINITIONS) BY WRITING DECLARATIONS WITH A LEVEL NUMBER GREATER THAN 1. THE ASSEMBLER LANGUAGE PROGRAMMER MUST WRITE OS STATEMENTS' •• TCAFCAA. TCATDAA. AND TCATSDA ARE OVERLAYED IN SAME STORAGE. Chaining of CICS/VS storage Areas CICS/VS APRH (ML) Common Work Area (CWAl 4 . The Common Work Area ~WA) is an area within the CSA that can be used by application programs for user data that needs to be accessed by any task in the system. This area is acguired during system initialization and its size is determined by the system programmer at system generation. It is initially set to binary zeros. Its contents can be accessed and altered by any task during CICS/VS operation. Addressability for the CWA is provided when copying the CICS/VS storage definition for the CSA. However, addressability is limited to a combined total of 4096 (0 through 4095) bytes for the CSA and CWA. Addressability for any portion of the CWA extending beyond the 4096-byte limit is the responsibility of the user. Since the CWA is available to any task while it has control of the system, it is not advisable fo~ an application program to use this area for retention of data when requesting CICS/VS services; instead, it would be better to use the transaction work area (TWA) which has been designed to be used by individual tasks for their own purposes. The TWA is described later in this chapter. Task Control Area (TCA) The Task Control Area (TCA) is an area of main storage acquired by CICS/VS when a task is initiated by the task control program. Once acguired, the TCA exists until the task is terminated. It contains the current status of the task, its relative dispatching priority, and parameters and information being passed between CICS/VS and the application program. During execution of the task, the user can change the priority through task management services; further processing of the task is scheduled accordingly. The TeA provides the following items for its associated task: • Register save areas • Unigue fields (parameter areas) for communicating requests to CICS/VS • Address of the related Facility Control Area (FCA) • Task storage chain addresses The TCA makes no provision for residual data such as statistics. However, the TCA can be extended to include a transaction work area (TWA), the size of which is determined by the user to meet the needs of the transaction. (See "Transaction work Area", later in this chapter .. ) The TCA consists of three parts: • CICS/VS system section • communication section • Optional Transaction Work Area (TWA) The CICS/VS system section contains addresses and data needed by CICS/VS to control the task. Access to this section is limited to CICS/VS management and service programs. The communication section is used by CICS/VS and by user-written application programs for communication between the application program Chapter 2.1. Introduction to Storage Definition 35 and CICS/VS management and service programs, CICS/VS functions sometimes overwrite some of the fields in the communication section of the TCA. The assignment of required fields in the TCA for a particular CICS/VS request must therefore be done immediately prior to issuing the request, with no other requests intervening. The optional transaction work area is reserved for the exclusive use of the application program. In those cases in which a task is initiated from a terminal (nearly always the case) , CICS/VS places into the TCA the address of the terminal control table terminal entry (TCTrE) associated with the terminal. The TCTTE, in turn, contains the address of the terminal input/output area (TIOA). T~an2acti2n-!ork Area (TWAt The Transaction Work Area (TWA) is an extension of the TCA and is created at the option of the user to provide a work area for a given task. The TWA can be used for the accumulation of data and intermediate results during the execution of the task. It can also be used when the amount of working storage for a task is relatively static, when data must be passed between user-written application programs, or when data must be accessed by different programs during transaction p~ocessing. During multiple entries of data for a transaction, the application programs might retain the data in the TWA. This approach cannot be used for multiple transactions; the 'rWA is released automatically at task termination. The size of the TWA for the task must be determined by the application designer and must be specified in the program control table by the system programmer at system generation. The TWA must be defined immediately following the definition of the TCA in the application program. The sizes of TWAs within the system vary according to the needs of the transaction. The TWA is initially set to binary zeros. (For a discussion about establishing the TWA, see the explanation of the program control table in the CICStVS System Programmer's Reference Manual. Addressability of the TWA is provided when copying the CICS/VS storage definition for the TCA. However, addressability is limited to a combined total of 4096 (0 through 4095) bytes for the TCA and TWA. Addressability for any portion of the TWA extending beyond the 4095-byte limit is the responsibility of the user. 36 CICS/VS APRM (ML) Chapter 2.2. Storage Definition - Assembler Language The Assembler-language programmer must define storage for the CICS/VS control areas and any other storage areas required for the processing of the application program~ This is done by using the Assembler-language COPY statement to (1) copy the appropriate symbolic storage definitions into the application program and (2) specify the names of the storage areas being defined. All registers are available, except registers 12, 13, and 1~ (which are used by CICS/VS). All application programs must contain statements to copy the symbolic storage definitions for the common system area (CSA) and the task control area (TCA). If a terminal is to be used, the storage definition of a TCTTE must be copied also. The expansions of the CICS/VS macro instructions used in an application program refer to fields within these areas, so their locations must be identified. Whether additional definitions must be copied depends on the processing requirements (storage areas and macro instructions used) of the application program. Storage Defined During Initialization During CICS/VS initialization, the CSA is allocated as part of the CICS/VS nucleus. For each terminal that is to be used, a terminal control table terminal entry (TCTTE) must be included in the terminal control table (TCT). COMMON SYSTEM AREA ~SA) The statement COPY DFHCSADS copies the symbolic storage definition for the CSA and assigns register 13 as its base register. If CICS/VS is generated to include a common work area (CiA), a symbolic definition for that area must be included immediately following the COpy DFHCSADS statement. In the following example, a total of 16 bytes of storage are defined by the three DS statements. It is assumed that a CWA of at least 16 bytes has been defined. COpy BUCKET1 DS BUCKET2 DS TEMPNAME DS DPHCSADS F F cta Chapter 2.2. Storage Definition - Assembler Language 37 TERMINAL CONTROL TABLE TER~INAL ENTRY (TCTTE) The statement COPY DFHTCTTE copies the symbolic storage definition for the TCTTE. This definition can be used to obtain the address of the current terminal I/O area (the current terminal control table terminal entry data address, or TCTTEDA) or to request a terminal control service via the DFHTC macro instruction. An EQU statement must be included to set up a base register for the TCTTE, equating the label TCTTEAR to a general-purpose register. Addressability must also be established for the TCTTE by loading the address at TCAFCAAA into TCTTEAR. The following is an example of the coding required: TCTTEAR EQU 5 COpy DFHTCTTE L TCTTEAR,TCAFCAAA Storage Defined During Execution During execution of a task, the TCA, TIOA, and other storage areas required by the task are allocated by CICS/VS storage management upon request from either the application program or CICS/VS. The application program must include symbolic storage definitions for these storage areas by using COpy statements as described below. TASK CONTROL AREA (TCA) The statement co PY DFHTCADS copies the symbolic storage definition for the communication section only of the TCA and assigns register 12 as the base register for the whole of the TCA. If the application program requires the use of a transaction work area (TWA), DS statements for the TWA must immediately follow the COpy statement. The following is an example of the coding required to symbolically define storage for both the TCA and TWA. In the example, a total of 53 bytes of storage are defined by the four DS statements. It is assumed that a TWA of at least 53 bytes has been defined in the PCT for the transaction. STREET CITY STATE COPY DS DS DS DS DFHTCADS CL20 CL20 CL10 CL3 CICS/VS APR~ (ML) NA~E 38 TERMINAL INPUTjOUTPUT AREA (TIOA) The statement COPY DFHTIOA copies the symbolic storage definition for the CICS/VS system section of the TIOA~ This storage definition should precede the user's definition of a terminal input or output message. The user must code an EQU statement to set up a base register for the TIOA, equating the label TIOABAR to a general-purpose register~ Any action that requires a TIOA can then be specified. For example, a DFHSC TYPE=GETMAIN macro instruction requesting CICS/VS storage control to obtain dynamic storage for a TIOA for the program can be specified, as follows: TIOABAR EQU COpy NAME DS STREET DS DS 9 DFHTIOA CL20 CL20 CLS DFHSC TYPE=GETMAIN,NUMBYTE=4S,CLASS=TERMINAL L TIOABAR,TCASCSA For additional information about obtaining storage, see "Obtain and Initialize Main storage (TYPE=GETMAIN)" in Chapter 5.5. FILE INPUT/OUTPUT AREA (FIOA) The statement COpy DFHFIOA copies the symbolic storage definition for the CICS/VS system section of the FIOA. This storage definition should precede the user's defined layout of a file input or output area when reading an unblocked record without updating or segmenting, or when reading DAM blocked records without deblocking. If desired, the user can identify that the area returned in response to a user file request is an FIOA, rather than an FWA or VSWA, by testing label FIOAIND for a mixed condition using mask PIOAM. The user must code an EQU statement to set up a base register for the PIOA, equating the label FIOABAR to a general-purpose register. The FIOA is automatically acquired 'by CICSjVS file management whenever a request is made by the user to access a data base data set. If data is retrieved using the Indexed Sequential Access Method (ISAM) under CICS/OS/VS, a 16-byte filler must be defined prior to the user's data definition. The user must establish addressability for an PIOA acquired in response to a DFHFC macro instruction before referring to the FIOA. The following is an example of the coding required; it includes the optional test for FIOA identification. Chapter 2.2~ Storage Definition - Assembler Language 39 FIOABAR EQU COPY DS DS NAME STREET DS 7 DPHFIOA 16X CL20 CL5 OS/VS ISAM FILLER PIOABAR,TCAFCAA FIOAIND,FIOAM GOTPIOA WAS FIOA RETURNED? YES .l. ~ ], Tr! BM PILB WORK AREA (FWA) The statement COpy DPHPWADS copies the symbolic storage definition for the CICSjVS system section of the FWA. This storage definition should precede the user's defined layout of a file record area when reading or updating an existing blocked or segmented record, when adding a new record to a file, or when retrieving records using the browse feature. If desired, the user can identify that the area returned in response to a user file request is an PWA, rather than an FIOA or VSWA, by testing label FWAIND for a ones condition using mask PWAM. The user must code an EQU statement to set up a base register for the FWA, equating the label FWACBAR to a general-purpose register. The user must also establish addressability for an FWA acquired in response to a DPHPC macro instruction prior to any reference to the PiA. The following is an example of the coding required; it includes the optional test for FWA identification: FWACBAR EQU COPY NAME DS STREET DS ZIPCODE DS 7 DFHFWADS CL20 CL30 CL5 •J ~ TM BO VSAM iORK AREA PiACBAR,TCAFCAA FiAIND,FWAM GOTPWA WAS FiA RETURNED? YES ~SWA) The statement COpy DPHVSWA copies the symbolic storage definition for the CICS/VS system section of the VSA! work area (VSiA) and must be present in all programs using locate mode I/O. (See "Direct Retrieval (V SAM Locate Mode) II in Chapter 3.2.) If desired, the user can identify that the area returned in response to a user file request is a VSWA, rather than an PIOA or PWA, by testing label VSWAID for a zero condition using mask VSWA!. 40 CICS/VS APRr! (ML) The user must code an EQU statement to set up a base register for the VSWA, equating the label VSWABAR to a general-purpose register. After a VSWA is acquired by CICS/VS in response to a DPHPC macro instruction using locate mode I/O, the user must establish addressability for the VSWl prior to any reference to that area. The following is an example of the coding required; it includes the optional test for VSWA identification: VSWABAR EQU COPY L TM BZ 7 DPHVSWA VSWABAR,TCAPCAA VSWAID, VSWAM GOTVSWA WAS VSWA RETURNED? YES TRANSIENT DATA INPUT AREA (TDIA) The statement COpy DFHTDIA copies the symbolic storage definition for the CICS/VS system section of the intrapartition TDIA. This storage definition should precede the user's defined layout of the message area used for data obtained from an intrapartition destination by means of a DPHTD TYPE=GET macro instruction. ~ee "Acquire Queued Data (TYPE=GET)" in Chapter 5.6.). The user must code an EQU statement to set up a base register for the TDIl, equating the label TDIABAR to a general-purpose register. The user must also establish addressability for the TDIA following a DPHTD macro instruction. The following is an example of the coding required: TDIABAR EQU COpy NAKE DS STREET DS 9 DPHTDIA CL20 CL20 TDIABAR,TCATDAA TRANSIENT DATA OUTPUT lREA (TDOA) The statement COpy DFHTDOA copies the symbolic storage definition for the CICS/VS system section of the intrapartition TDOA. This storage definition should precede the user's defined layout of the message area for transient data to be directed to an intra partition or extrapartition destination by means of a DPHTD TYPE=PUT macro instruction. (See "Dispose of Data (TYPE=PUT)" in Chapter 5.6.) The user must code an EQU statement to set up a base register for the TDOA, equating the label TDOABAR to a general-purpose register. The address of the data to be output (including the four-byte length field Chapter 2.2. Storage Definition - Assembler Language 41 in the case of variable-length records) must be given to transient data control either through the TDADDR operand of the DFHTD macro instruction or by placing it in TCATDAA. The following is an example of the coding required: TDOABAR EQU COpy DS TIME DS DATE INTERM DS OUTTERM DS 9 DFHTDOA CL4 PL3 CL4 CL4 DFHSC TYPE=GETMAIN,CLASS=TRANSDATA,NUMBYTE=19 L TDOABAR,TCASCSA DFHTD TYPE=PUT,DESTID=POST,TDADDR=TDOAVRL TDOAVRL is a name associated with the first byte of the output message (LL~~ for variable-length records). TEMPORARY STORAGE INPUT/OUTPUT AREA (TSIOA) The statement COPY DFHTSIOA copies the symbolic storage definition for the CICS/VS system section of the TSIOA. This storage definition should precede the user's defined data fields. The user must code an EQU statement to set up a base register for the TSIOA, equating the label TSIOABAR to a general-purpose register. The address of the data, which always includes a length field (LL~~) for temporary storage must be given to temporary storage control either through the TSDADDR operand of the DFHTS macro instruction or by placing it in TCATSDA. The following is an example of the coding required: TSIOABAR EQU COPY PAGENO DS TITLE DS LINE1 DS 6 DFHTSIOA PL2 CL30 CL70 ~ ~ DFHTS TYPE=GET TSIOABAR,TCATSDA L sa TSIOABAR,=H'8' Upon execution of the DFHTS TYPE=GET macro instruction, CICS/VS returns the address of the data portion (LL~~ field) of the temporary storage record which is read in TCATSDA. To establish addressability to the TSIOA (that is, to use the DFHTSIOA'DSECT), the application program must subtract eight from this address to point to the storage accounting field of the storage area acquired by CICS/VS. If the TSDADDR operand is included in the DFHTS TYPE=GET macro instruction, this is not required, 42 CICS/VS APRM(M~ STORAGE ACCOUNTING AREA (SAA) The statement COpy DFHSAADS copies the symbolic storage definition for the SAA. This storage definition should precede the user's defined layout of a unique work area that is used within the application program. The user must code an EQU statement to set up a base register for the SAAt equating the label SAACBAR to a general-purpose register. The following is an example of the coding required: SAACBAR SYMBLA NAME SlREET SYMBLB EQU COPY EQU DS DS EQU 9 DFHSAADS * CLSO CL1S *-SYMBLA DFHSC TYPE=GETMIIN,INITIMG=OO,NUMBYTE=SYMBLB, CLASS=USER L SAACBAR,TCASCSA Having copied the symbolic storage definition for the SAA, the application program can specify a DFHSC TYPE=GETMAIN instruction requesting CICS/VS storage control to obtain main storage for use by the program. The address returned by CICS/VS in TCASCSA should be moved to SAACBAR, the base address register for the SAA. JOURNAL CONTROL AREA (JCA) The statement COpy DFHJCADS copies the symbolic storage definition for the CICS/VS system section of the journal control area (JCA) and must be present in all programs requesting journal services. (See "Journal Control", Chapter 7.5.) The user must code an EQU statement to set up a base register for the'JCI , equating the label JCABAR to a general-purpose register~ The following is an example of the coding required: JCABAR EQU COPY 9 DFHJCADS A JCA is acquired by means of a DPHJC TYPE=GETJCA macro instruction. Addressability to the JCA is automatically provided through the macro expansion, which loads the JCA address into JCABAR. Chapter 2~2. storage Definition - Assembler Language 43 Example of CICS/VS Assembler-language Application Program Pigure 2.2-1 is an Assembler-language program written to run under CICS/VS. The program asks a question of the terminal operator, receives a reply, dynamically acquires some storage, and sends the operator's message back to the terminal. In effect, an echo test is performed. (The line numbers in the figure are not part of the program.) 01 02 03 04 05 06 01 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 11 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 21 28 29 30 31 BASEREG EQU TCTTE1R EQU TIOAB1R EQU COPY COpy LENGTH DS MESSAGE DS COPY COpy MESSG DS CSECT BALR USING Pigure L L 8VC 8VC DPHTC L 8VC MVC DPHSC L ST MVC MVC DPHTC DPHPC END 2~2-1. 2 11 10 DPHCSADS DPHTCADS H CL32 DPHTCTTE DPHTIOA CL32 BASEREG,O * ,BASEREG TCTTEAR,TCAPCAAA TIOABAR,TCTTEDA MESSG,=CIENTER MESSAGE TO BE ECHOED I TIOATDL,=H I 26 1 TYPE=(WRITE,READ,WAIT,ERASE) TIOABAR,TCTTEDA LENGTH,TIOATDL MESSAGE,MESSG TYPE=GETMAIN, CLASS=TERMIHAL, NUMBYTE=32 TIOABAR,TCASCSA TIOABAR,TCTTEDA MESSG ,KESSAGE TIOATDL,LENGTH TYPE=WRITE TYPE=RETURN * * Example of CICSjVS Assembler-Language Application Program A discussion of the significance of each of the lines of Figure 2.2-1 follows. 44 CICS/VS APRM(ML) Line Number 01 02-03 04-05 06-01 08-09 10 11-13 14 15 16 11 18 19 20-21 22-24 25 26 21 28 29 30 31 Chapter 2.2. Description Assigns base register for program. Assigns base registers for TCTTE and TIOA symbolic storage definitions. Copies CSA and TCA symbolic storage definitions. Defines fields in TWA as save areas to provide for quasi-reenterability. Copies TCTTE and TIOA symbolic storage definitions. Defines message area in TIOA. Begins program; establishes addressability for program. Establishes addressability for TCTTE. Establishes addressability for TIOA. Moves message to output area of TIOA. Moves length of message to data length field of TIOA. CICS/VS macro instruction that writes message to terminal, waits for operator's reply, and reads operator's reply. Establishes addressability for new TIOA, using address in TCTTE. Saves the message and the length of the message in the TWA save areas. CICS/VS macro that requests 32 bytes of terminal type storage. Establishes addressability for new TIOA (address of newly acquired storage area is in TCASCSA field of the TCA). Places address of new TIOA in TCTTE. Moves the message from TWA save area to new TIO!. Moves the message length to data length field of new TIOA. CICS/VS macro instruction that writes message to terminal. CICS/VS macro instruction that returns control to CICS/VS and terminates this task. Required for Assembler language. Storage Definition - Assembler Language 45 Chapter 2.3. Storage Definition - COBOL The COBOL programmer must define storage for the CICS/VS control areas and any other storage areas required for the processing of the application program. This is done by using (1) the COpy statement in the Linkage section of the Data Division to copy the symbolic storage definitions into the program and specify the names of the storage areas being defined, and (2) the MOVE statement in the Procedure Division to establish addressabi1ity by moving symbolic storage addresses from one location to another. The working storage section of a COBOL program should contain only data constants. Variable data should be placed in a TWA or in an area of storage acquired by a DFHSC TYPE=GETMAIN macro instruction. (See "Obtain and Initialize Main storage (TYPE=GETMAIN)" in Chapter 5.5.) The statement 01 DFHBLLDS COpy DFHBLLDS. must be the first statement in the Linkage section of the Data Division of an COBOL program that is run under CICS/VS. This statement copies the symbolic storage definition for the Linkage section base locator (BLL), which provides the means by which a COBOL program can address dynamically acquired CICS/VS storage areas. Included in this definition are the symbolic base addresses for the common system area (CSA), common system area optional features list (CSAOPFL), and task control area (TCA). Symbolic storage definitions for these areas must be copied into every COBOL program. If other CICS/VS storage areas are needed, the COpy statement for the BLL must be followed immediately by statements of the form 02 name PICTURE S9 (8) USAGE IS COMPUTATIONAL. where name is the symbolic base address used to locate a specific storage area. There must be one of these statements for each additional type of storage needed by the application program. Furthermore, these 02-1eve1 statements must be coded in the same order as the corresponding 01-1eve1 COpy statements coded subsequently to copy the symbolic storage definitions for the areas into the application program. If the user is going to communicate with the system by means of a terminal, a terminal input/output area (TIOA) and a terminal control table terminal entry (TCTTE) are needed. Assuming that only the required control areas (CSA and TCA), a TIOA, and a TCTTE are needed for a particular application, the following example shows coding required in the linkage section of the Data Division: 01 DFHBLLDS COPY DFHBLLDS. 02 TCTTEAR PICTURE S9(8) USAGE IS COMPUTATIONAL. 02 TIOABAR PICTURE S9(8) USAGE IS COMPUTATIONAL. 01 DFHCSADS COpy DFHCSADS. 01 DFHTCADS COpy DFHTCADS. 01 DFHTCTTE COpy DFHTCTTE. 01 DFHTIOA COpy DFHTIOA. Chapter 2.3. storage Definition - COBOL 47 Storage Defined During Initialization During CICS/VS initialization, the common system area (CSA) is allocated as part of the CICS/VS nucleus. For each terminal that is to be used, a terminal control table terminal entry (TCTTE) must be included in the terminal control table (TCT). The COBOL programmer must provide symbolic storage definitions ,for the CSA and TCTTE (if needed) as follows. COMMON SY STEM AREA (CSA) The statement 01 DFHCSADS COPY DFHCSADS. copies the symnolic storage definition for the CSA. the CSA is included. Addressability for If CICS/VS is generated to include a common work area ~iA), a symbolic definition of that area must be included immediately following the COPY statement in the linkage section of the application program. The following is an example of the coding required: 01 DFHCSADS COPY DFHCSADS. 02 CiA. 03 FIELD1 PIC 1(4). TERMINAL CONTROL TABLE TERaINAL ENTRY (TCTTE) The statement 01 DFHTCTTE COpy DFHTCTTE. copies the symnolic storage definition for the TCTTE and must be present in all programs requesting communication with a terminal. The user must code the statement MOVE TCAFCAAA TO TCTTEAR. in the appropriate place in the Procedure Division to establish addressability for the TCTTE. TCAFCAAA contains the address of the facility that initiated the transaction. TCTTEAR is the terminal control table terminal entry address register. 48 CICS/VS APRM(ML) Storage Defined During Execution During the execution of a task, the task control area (TCA), the terminal input/output area (TIOA), and other storage areas required by the task are allocated by CICS/VS storage management upon request from either the application program or CICSjVS. Symbolic storage definitions for these storage areas must be provided as follows. TASK CONTROL AREA (TCA) The statement 01 DFHTCADS COPY DFHTCADS. copies the symbolic storage definitions for the CSA optional features list and the TCA. The user must code the statement KOVE CSACDTA TO TCACBAR. and can optionally code the statement MOVE CSAOPFLA TO CSAOPBAR. at the appropriate place in the Procedure Division to establish addressability for the TCA and the CSA optional features list. CSACDTA contains the address of the storage area obtained for the TCA (the common system area currently dispatched task address). This address is stored in TCACBAR, the TCA control base address register. If the application program requires the use of a transaction work area (TWA), the record layout of the TWA must be defined immediately following the COpy statement in the linkage section of the application program. The following is an example of the coding required: 01 DFHTCADS COPY DFHTCADS. 02 TWA PIC X(40). TERMINAL INPUT/OUTPUT AREA (TIOA) The statement 01 DFHTIOA COPY DFHTIOA. copies the symbolic storage definition for the CICS/VS system section of the TIOA and must be present in all programs that use terminal input records or that. provide output records to a terminal. The following is an example of the coding required to define the record(s) in the TIOA: 01 DFHTIOA COpy DFHTIOA. 02 TRANSID PIC XXXX. 02 TIOAMSG PIC X(20). Chapter 2.3. Storage Definition - COBOL 49 The user must establish addressability for the TIOA in the Procedure Division by coding in the appropriate place either the statement MOVE TCTTEDA TO TIOABAR. or the statement MOVE TCASCSA TO TIOABAR. The former statement is used to establish addressability to a TIOA acquired by CICS/VS during execution for data entered from a terminal. The latter statement is used to establish addressability for a new TIOA acquired by a DFHSC TYPE=GETMAIN macro instruction and should be coded immediately following that macro instruction~ FILE INPUTjOUTPOT AREA (FIOA) The statement 01 DFHFIOA COpy DFHFIOA. copies the symbolic storage definition for the CICS/VS system section of the FIOA and must be present in all programs requesting a read of an unblocked record without updating or segmenting, or a read of blocked records without deblocking. If desired, the user can identify that the area returned in response to a file request is an FIOA, rather than an FiA or VSWA, by testing FIOAM. If data is retrieved using the Indexed Sequential Access Method (ISAM) under CICS/OS/VS, a 16-byte filler must be defined prior to the user's data definition. The following is an example of the coding required to define records in the FIOA: 01 DFHFIOA COPY DFHFIOA. 02 FILLER PIC X(16). 02 KEYF PIC X (6). 02 NAME PIC X(20). 02 FIOAREC PIC X(74). NOTE OS/VS ISAM FILLER. The user must code the statement MOVE TCAFCAA TO FIOABAR. prior to any reference to the FIOA following a DFHFC macro instruction in the Procedure Division to establish addressability for the FIOA. To identify the area returned as an FIOA, the following instruction can be used: IF FIOAM THEN GO TO GOTFIOA. 50 CICS/VS APRM (ML) FILE iORK AREA (FiA) The statement 01 DFHFiADS COPY DFHPiADS. copies the symbolic storage definition for the CICS/VS system section of the FiA and must be present in all programs performing file operations wi th the exception of a "read without update" from an unblocked, unsegmented data set. If desired, the user can identify the area returned in response to a file request as an FiA, rather than an PIOA or VSil, by testing PiAM. The following is an example of the coding required to define records in the FiA: 01 DFHFiADS COpy DFHPWADS. 02 KEYF PIC X(6). 02 NAME PIC X(20). 02 FWAREC PIC X (24). The user must code the statement MOVE TCAPCAA TO PiACBAR. prior to any reference to the FiA following a DPHFC macro instruction in the Procedure Division to establish addressability for the FiA. To identify the area returned as an PHA, the following instruction can be used: IF FiAM THEN GO TO GOTFiA. VSAM WORK AREA (VSiA) The statement 01 DFHVSWA COpy DFHVSiA. copies the symbolic storage definition for the CICS/VS system section of the VSAM work area and must be present in all programs using VSAM locate mode I/O. (See "Direct Retrieval (VSAM Locate Mode) II in Chapter 3.2.) If desired, the user can identify that the area returned in response to a file request is a VSiA, rather than an FIOA or FHA, by testing VSWAM. The user must code the statement MOVE TCAFCAA TO VSiABAR. prior to any reference to the VSWA acquired by CICS/VS in response to a DFHFC macro instruction using locate mode I/O. To identify the area returned as a VSWA, the following instruction can be used: IF VSWAM THEN GO TO GOTVSiA. Chapter 2.3. storage Definition - COBOL 51 TRANSIENT DATA INPUT AREA (TDIA) The statement 01 DFHTDIA COpy DFHTDIA. copies the symbolic storage definition for the CICS/VS system section of the intra partition TDIA and must be present in all programs requiring a message area for transient data obtained by issuing a DFHTD TYPE=GET macro instruction that refers to an intrapartition destination. (See "Acquire Queued Data (TYPE=GET)" in Chapter 5.6.) The following is an example of the coding required to define records in the TDIA: 01 DFHTDIA COPY DFHTDIA. 02 MESSAGE PIC 1(25). The user must code the statement MOVE TCATDAA TO TDIABAR. prior to any reference to the TDIA following a DFHTD macro instruction in the Procedure Division to establish addressability for the TDIA. TRANSIENT DATA OUTPUT AREA (TDOA) The statement 01 DFHTDOA COpy DFHTDOA. copies the symbolic storage definition for the CICSjVS system section of the intrapartition TDOA and should be present in all programs issuing a DFHTD TYPE=PUT macro instruction to provide transient data as output. (See "Dispose of Data (TYPE=PUT)" in Chapter 5.6.) The following is an example of the coding required to define records in the TDOA: 01 DFHTDOA COpy DFHTDOA. 02 MESSAGE PIC 1(20). The user must code the statement MOVE TCASCSA TO TDOABAR. prior to any reference to the TDOA following a DFHSC macro instruction in the Procedure Division to establish addressability for the TDOA. TEMPORARY STORAGE INPUT/OUTPUT AREA (TSIOA) The statement 01 DFHTSIOA COpy DFHTSIOA. copies the symbolic storage definition for the CICS/VS system section of the TSIOA and should be present in all programs using temporary storage. The following is an example of the coding required to define records in the TSIOA: 52 CICS/VS APRl! (l!L) 01 DFHTSIOA COpy DFHTSIOA. 02 DATA PIC 1(10). To establish addressability for the TSIOA, the user must code the statements MOVE TCATSDA TO TSIOABAR. SUBTRACT 8 FRO! TSIOABAR. if the request is a GET or GETQ from temporary storage and the TSDADDR operand is not specified. The subtraction of eight ensures that TSIOABAR points to the storage accounting field (that is, to the beginning) of the storage area acquired by CICS/VS. The user must code the statement MOVE TCASCSA TO TSIOABAB. if an I)O area has been acquired during execution. In the case of a PUT or PUTQ, the symbolic address of the data is located at TSIOAVRL. Either statement must appear in the appropriate place in the Procedure Division of the COBOL program. STORAGE ACCOUNTING AREA ~AA) The statement 01 DFHSAADS COpy DFHSAADS. copies the symbolic storage definition for the SAA. This storage definition should precede the definition of user storage acquired through the DFHSC TYPE=GETMAIN,CLASS=USER macro instruction. The following is an example of the coding required to define records in the SAA: 01 DFHSAADS COpy DFHSAADS. 02 NAME PIC 1(20). 02 SAAREC PIC 1(10). The user must code the statement MOVE TCASCSA TO SAACBAR. prior to any reference to the SAA following a DFHSC macro instruction in the Procedure Division to establish addressability for the SAl. JOURNAL CONTROL AREA (JC1) The statement .01 DFHJCADS COpy DFHJCADS. copies the symbolic storage definition for the CICS/VS system section of the journal control area (JCA) and must be present in all programs requesting journal services. (See "Journal Control", Chapter 7.5.) Chapter 2.3. storage Definition - COBOL 53 A JCA is acquired by means of a DFHJC TYPE=GBTJCA macro instruction. Addressability to the JCA is provided automatically through the macro expansion, which loads the address of the area into JCABAR. Additional Guidelines. If the object of an OCCURS DEPENDING ON clause is defined in the linkage section, special consideration is required to ensure that the correct value is used at all times. In the following example, FIELD-COUNTER is defined in the linkage section. The !OVE FIELD-COUNTER TO FIELD-COUNTER statement is needed to ensure that unpredictable results do not occur when referencing DATA. LINKAGE SECTION. 01 DFHFiADS COpy DFSFiADS. 02 FIELD-COUNTER PIC 9(4) CO!P. 02 FIELDS PIC X(5) OCCURS 1 TO 5 TI!ES DEPENDING ON FIELD-COUNTER. 02 DATA PIC X(20). PRO~EDURE DIVISION. DFHFC TYPE=GET, etc. ~OVE TCAFCAA TO FWACBAR. ~OVE FIELD-COUNTER TO FIELD-COUNTER. !OVE DATA TO TWA-FIELD. The ~VE statement referring to FIELD-COUNTER causes COBOL to reestablish the value it uses to compute the current number of occurrences of FIELDS and ensures that it can correctly determine the displacement of DATA. If an area greater than 4096 bytes is defined in the linkage section, special considerations arise. An additional 02-level statement under DFHBLLDS and an ADD statement following the ~OVE statement to establish addressability to the area are required for each additional 4096 bytes. For example, if a file work area (PiA) exceeds 4096 bytes, the following code can be used. 54 CICS/VS APR! (!L) LINKIGE SECTION. 01 DFHBLLDS COpy DFHBLLDS. 02 FiACBAR PIC S9(8) CO!P 02 FiABR1 PIC S9(8) CO!P • 01 DFHFWADS COpy 02 FIELD1 PIC 02 FIELD2 PIC 02 FIELD3 PIC DFHFWADS. 1(4000). 1 (1000) .. X (400) • PROCEDURE DIVISION. DPHFC TYPE=GET, * ftOVE TCAFCAA TO PWACBAR. ADD 4096 TO FWACBAR GIVING FWIBR1. If the size of the COBOL working storage is close to, or greater than 64K then execution errors may occur. If an application program is to be compiled for execution under CICS/OSjVS using the full COBOL V4 Compiler (5734-CB2), the OS/VS COBOL Compiler (5740-CB1) with the optimization feature, or the DOS/VS COBOL Compiler (5746-CB1) with the optimization feature, a special translator control statement must be inserted at appropriate places within the program to ensure addressability to a particular area defined in the linkage section. This control statement has the form: SERVICE RELOAD fieldname. where fieldname is the symbolic name of a specific storage area, and is also defined in an 01-level statement in the linkage section. The first four statements of the Procedure Division must be: SERVICE RELaID DFHBLLDS. SERVICE RELOAD DPHCSADS. MOVE CSAOPPLA TO CSAOPBIR. SERVICE RELOAD CSAOPFL. Statements such as: MOVE TCIFCIII TO TCTTEAR. SERVICE RELOAD DPHTCTTE. or SUBTRACT 8 PROM TCASCSA GIVING TSIOABAR. SERVICE RELOAD DPHTSIOA. Chapter 2.3. storage Definition - COBOL 55 can be used to establish addressability for a particular storage area. ~ote that the SERVICE RELOAD statement must be used following each statement which modifies addressability to an area defined in the linkage section, that is, whenever an address is moved to a field named in an 02-1evel statement under 01 DPHBLLDS or the address in the 02level statement is changed in any way.) To establish addressability to the TCA, the following statements must be coded: !OVE CSACDTA TO TCACBAR. SERVICE RELOAD DPHTCA. Note that the RELOAD statement specifies DPHTCA, not DPHTCADS. Certain COBOL features cannot be used in an application program to be run under CICS/VS. Generally, these features are replaced by CICS/VS services~ They are identified under "Restrictions" in Part 1. 56 CICS/VS APRM(ML) Example of CICS/VS COBOL Application Program Figure 2~3-1 is a COBOL program written to run under CICS/VS. The program asks a question of the terminal operator, receives a reply, acquires storage, and sends the operator's message back to the terminal. In effect, an echo test is performed. (The line numbers in the figure are not part of the program.) 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. 'CBLSPRB' • ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. DATA DIVISION. LINKAGE SECTION. 01 DFHBLLDS COpy DFHBLLDS. 02 TCTTEAR PIC S9(8) COMP. 02 TIOABAR PIC S9(8) COMP. 01 DFHCSADS COPY DFHCSADS. 01 DFHTCADS, COPY DFHTCADS. 02 SAVE-LENGTH PIC S9(8) COMP. 02 SAVE-MESSAGE PIC X (36) • 01 DFHTCTTE COpy DFHTCTTE. 01 DFHTIOA COpy DFHTIOA. 02 TIOAMSG PIC X (36) • PROCEDURE DIVISION. MOVE CSACDTA TO TCACBAR. MOVE CSAOPFLA TO CSAOPBAR. MOVE TCAFCAAA TO TCTTEAR. MOVE TCTTEDA TO TIOABAR. MOVE 'ENTER MESSAGE TO BE ECHOED' TO TIOAMSG. MOVE 26 TO TIOATDL~ DFHTC TYPE=(WRITE,READ,WAIT) MOVE TCTTEDA TO TIOABAR. MOVE TIOATDL TO SAVE-LENGTH. MOVE TIOAMSG TO SAVE~ESSAGE. DFHSC TYPE=GETMAIN, NUMBYTE=36, CLASS=TERMINAL MOVE TCASCSA TO TIOABAR. MOVE TIOABAR TO TCTTEDA. MOVE SAVE-MESSAGE TO TIOA!SG. MOVE SAVE-LENGTH TO TIOATDL. DFHTC TYPE=WRITE DFHPC TYPE=RETURN GOBACK. Figure 2.3-1. * * Example of CICS/VS COBOL Application Program Chapter 2.3. storage Definition - COBOL 57 A discussion of the significance of each of the lines of Figure 2.3-1 follows. Line Number 01-05 06 01 08-09 10 11 12-13 14 15 16 11 18-21 22 23 24 25 26 21 28-30 31 32 33 3I.J 35 36 31 58 CICS/VS APRM(ML) Description Required for COBOL. start of linkage ssction. Copies symbolic storage definition for BLL; contains addresses of CICS/VS storage areas. Adds addresses for TCTTE and TIOA (required for statements 14 and 15). Copies symbolic storage definition for CSA. Copies symbolic storage definitions for TCA and CSA optional features list. Defines save areas in TWA to ensure quasireenterability (SAVE-LENGTH and SAVE-MESSAGE are used to save operator's reply). Copies symbolic storage definition for TCTTE. Copies symbolic storage definition for TIOA. Defines message area in TIOA. Required for COBOL (start of Procedure Division) • Establishes addressability for TCA, CSA optional features list, TCTTE, and TIOA (CICS/VS establishes addressability for BLL and CSA) • Moves message to output area of TIOA. Moves length of message to data length field of TIOA. CICS/VS macro instruction that writes message to terminal, waits for operator's reply, and reads operator's reply. Establishes addressability for new TIOA using address in TCTTE. Saves length of message in TWA. Saves message in TWA. CICS/VS macro instruction that requests 36 bytes of terminal storage (terminal storage is chained to terminal control table) • Establishes addressability for new iTIOA ~ddress of newly acquired storage area is in TCASCSA field of the TCA). Places address of new TIOA in terminal control table. Moves message to output area (TIOA). Moves length of message to output area (TIOA). CICS/VS macro instruction that writes message to terminal. CICS/VS macro instruction that returns control to CICS/VS. COBOL statement that marks the end of the program. Chapter 2.4. Storage Definition - PL/I The PL/I programmer must define storage for the CICS/VS control areas and other storage areas required for the processing of the application program. This is done by using a statement of the form %INCLUDE library (member) ; or %INCLUDE member; to (1) copy the appropriate symbolic storage definition into the application program at the place where the %INCLUDE statement appears, and (2) specify the name of the storage area being defined. The PL/I source code provided by CICS/VS in response to %INCLUDE statements is in the form of based structures. These structures describe the attributes of the storage areas and include pointer variables that provide the addresses of the actual locations in storage that the structures describe. All application programs must contain statements to copy the symbolic storage definitions for the common system area (CSA) and task control area (TCA). The expansions of the CICS/VS macro instructions used in an application program refer to fields within these areas, so their locations must be identified. Whether additional storage d~finitions must be copied depends on the processing requirements (storage areas and macro instructions used) of the application program. The statements to copy the symbolic storage definitions must be in the order CSA, TCA, TCTTE, TIOA; this is because addressability for the last three areas mentioned depends on the previous area already having been copied. A PL/I program to be run under CICS/VS must contain the REENTRANT option in the first PROCEDURE statement to satisfy the CICS/VS requirement that code be quasi-reenterable. See "Programming Techniques and Restrictions" in Part 1 for a list of PLjI features that cannot be used. Storage Defined During Initialization During CICS/VS initialization, the common system area (CSA) is allocated as part of the CICS/VS nucleus. For each terminal that is to be used, a terminal control table terminal entry (TCTTE) must be included in the terminal control table (TCT). The PL/I programmer must provide symbolic storage definitions for the CSA and TCTTE (if needed) as follows. COMMON SYSTEM AREA (CSA) The statement %INCLUDE DFHCSADS; copies the based structures that symbolically define the CSA and the CSA optional features list. Addressability for both areas is included. Chapter 2~4. Storage Definition - PL/I 59 If CICS/VS is generated to support a common work area (CiA), coding such as the following must be provided immediately following the %INCLUDE DFHCSADS macro: DECLARE 1 DFHCSAWK BASED (CSACBAR), 2 CSAFILL CHAR(512), 2 USERLBL1 attributes, 2 USERLBLn attributes; TERMINAL CONTROL TABLE TERMINAL ENTRY (TCTTE) The statement %INCLUDE DFHTCTTE; copies the based structure that symbolically defines the TCTTE and must be present in all programs requesting communication with a terminal. Addressability for the TCTTE is included. Storage Defined During Execution During execution of a task, the task control area (TCA), terminal input/output area (TIOA), and other storage areas required by the task are allocated by CICS/VS storage management upon request from either the application program or CICS/VS. Symbolic definitions for these storage areas must be provided as follows. TASK CONTROL AREA (TCA) The statement %INCLUDE DFHTCADS; copies the based structure that defines the TCA and establishes addressabili ty. The latter part of the based structure consists of a DECLARE statement that is not terminated by a semicolon. The declaration of the TCA structure must be completed by supplying an ending (for example, a semicolon) or, if a transaction work area (TiA) is desired, by supplying further declaration~ The following is an example of the coding required: %INCLUDE DFHTCADS; 2 TW A CH AR (40 ) ; 60 CICS/VS APR!(!L) TERMINAL INPUTjOUTPUT AREA (TIOA) The statement %INCLUDE DFHTIOAi copies the based structure that defines the CICS/VS system section of the TIOI and establishes addressability. This statement must be present in all programs that use terminal input 'records or that write output records to a terminal~ The declaration of the TIOA structure must be completed by supplying further declaration of the input/output area, which could be merely a dummy element. An action that requires a TIOA can be requested. For example, a DFHSC TYPE=GETMAIN macro instruction to obtain storage for a TIOI for the application program. The following is an example of the coding required %INCLUDE DFHTIOA; 2 NAME CHAR(20), 2 STREET CHAR(20); * DFHSC TYPE=GETMAIN, NUMBYTE=40, CLASS=TERMINAL TIOABAR=TCASCSA; /* TCASCSA FIELD OF TCA CONTAINS ADDRESS OF NEWLY ACQUIRED STORAGE */ * For additional information about GETMAIN, see uObtain and Initialize Main Storage (TYPE=GETMAIN)" in Chapter 5.5. FILE INPUT/OUTPUT AREA (FIOA) The statement %INCLUDB DFHFIOA: copies the based structure that defines the CICS/VS system section of the FIOA and must be present in all programs requesting a read of an unblocked record without updating or segmenting, or a read of blocked records without deblocking. If desired, the user can identify that the area returned in response to a file request is an FIOA, rather than an FWA or VSWA, by testing FIOAIND for a bit value of 01. The declaration of the FIOA must be completed, and addressability must be established for the FIOA using the statement FIOABAR=TCAFCAA; following the DFHFC macro instruction. If data is retrieved using the Indexed Sequential Access Method (ISAK) under CICS/OS/VS, a 16-byte filler must be defined prior to the user1s data definition. The following is an example of the coding required; it includes the optional coding for FIOA identification: Chapter 2.4. Storage Definition - PL/I 61 %INCLUDE DFHFIOA; 2 PILL CHAR (16) , 2 NAME CHAR(20), 2 ADDR CHAR (20) ; /*OS/VS ISAM FILLER*/ FIOABAR=TCAFCAA; IF FIOAIND=101 I B THEN GO TO GOTFIOAi FIL E WORK AREA (FW A) The statement %INCLUDE DFHFWADS; copies the based structure that defines the CICS/VS system section of the FWA. This statement should precede a user-declared file record area when reading or updating an existing blocked or segmented record, when adding a new record to a data set, or when retrieving records using the browse technique. If desired, the usp.r can identify that the area returned in response to a file request is an FWA, rather than an FIOA or VSWA, by testing FWAIND for a bit value of 11. The declaration of the FiA must be completed, and addressability must be established for the FWA using the statement FWACBAR=TCAFCAA; following a DFHFC macro instruction. The following is an example of the coding required; it includes the optional test for FWA identification: %INCLUDE DFHFWADS; 2 NAME CHAR (20), 2 ADDR CHAR (20); FWACBAR=TCAFCAA; IF FiAIND='llIB THEN GO TO GOTFWA; VSAM WORK AREA (VSiA) The statement %INCLUDE DFHVSWA; copies the based structure that defines the CICS/VS system section of the VSAM work area and must be present in all programs using locate mode I/O ~ (See "Direct Retrieval (VSAM Locate Mode) II in Chapter 3.2.) If desired, the user can identify that the area returned in response to a file request is a VSWA, rather than an FIOA or PWA, by testing VSWAID for a bit value of 00000000. Addressability must be established for the VSWA using the statement 62 CICS/VS APftM(ML) VSWABAR=TCAFCAAi following the DFHFC macro instruction using locate mode I/O which causes CICS/VS to acquire the VSWA. To identify the area returned as a VSWA, the following instruction can be used: IF VSWAID='O'B THEN GO TO GOTVSWA; TRANSIENT DATA INPUT AREA (TDIA) The statement %INCLUDE DPHTDIA; copies the based structure that defines the CICS/VS system section of the intrapartition TDIA and must be present in all programs requiring a message area for transient data obtained by issuing a DPHTD TYPE=GBT macro instruction that references an intr,apartition destination. (See "Acquire Queued Data (TYPE=GET) It in Chapter 5.6.) The declaration of the TDIA must be completed, and addressability must be established for the TDIA using the statement TDIABAR=TCATDAA; following a DPHTD macro instruction. coding required: %1 NCLUDE (OFHTDIA) 2 MSG CHAR(40); The following is an example of the i TDIABAR=TCATDAA; TRANSIENT OATA OUTPUT AREA (TDOA) The statement %INCLUDE DPHTDOA; copies the based structure that defines the CICS/VS system section of the intrapartition TOOA and should be present in all programs issuing a DFHTC TYPE=PUT macro instruction to provide transient data as output. (See "Dispose of Data (TYPE=PUT) It in Chapter 5.6.). The declaration of the TDOA must be completed, and addressability must be established for the TOOA using the statement TOOABAR=TCASCSA; following a DFHSC macro instruction. coding required: Chapter 2.4. The following is an example of the Storage Definition - PL/I 63 %INCLUDE DPHTDOA; 2 TI!E CHAR (2) , 2 DATA CHAR (3) , 2 INTER! CHAR (4) , 2 OUTTER! CHAR ~): • DPHSC TYPE=GET!AIN, NU!BYTE=XX, CLASS=USER TDOABAR=TCASCSA; * * TE!PORARY STORAGE INPUT/OUTPUT ARBA (TSIOA) The statement %INCLUDE DPHTSIOA: copies the based structure that defines the CICS/VS system section of the TSIOA and must be present in all programs using temporary storage. The declaration for the TSIOA must be completed. If the request is a' GET or GETQ from temporary storage and the TSDADDR operand is not specified, addressability must be established for the TSIOA using coding such as: DCL TSIOABAA FIXED BIN (31) BASED(TSIOABAB): TSIOABAR=TCATSDA; TSIOABAB=ADDR (TSIOABAR) ; TSIOABAA=TSIOABAA - 8: The subtraction of eight ensures that TSIOABAA points to the storage accounting field (that is, to the beginning) of the storage area acquired by CICS/VS. The statement TSIOABAR=TCASCSA; must be coded if the I/O area has been acquired during execution. In the case of a PUT or PUTQ, the symbolic address of the data is located at TSIOAVRL. STORAGE ACCOUNTING AREA (SAA) The statement %INCLUDE DFHSAADS; copies the based structure that defines the SAA and must be present in all programs requesting storage through use of the DPHSC TYPE=GETMAIN,CLASS=USER macro instruction. This statement must precede the definition of user storage. The declaration for the SAA must be completed, and addressability must be established for the SAA using the statement: 64 CICS/VS APR! (!L) SAACBAR=TCASCSA; The following is an example of the coding required: %INCLUDE DPHSAADS; 2 MSG CHAR (40) ; DPHSC TYPE=GETMAIN, NUM BYTE=60, CLASS=USER SAACBAR=TCASCSA; * * JOURNAL CONTROL AREA (JCA) The statement %INCLUDE DPHJCADS; copies the based structure that defines the CICS/VS system section of the journal control area (JCA) and must be present in all programs reguesting journal services ~ (See "Journal Control", Chapter 1.5.) A JCA is acquired dynamically by means of a DPHJC TYPE=GETJCA macro Addressability to the JCA is provided automatically through the macro expansion, which loads the address of the area into JCABAR. instruction~ Chapter 2.4. storage Definition - PL/I 65 Example of CICS/VS PL/I Application Program Figure 2~q-1 is a PL/I program written to run under CICS/VS. The program asks a question of the terminal operator, receives a reply, acquires storage, and sends the operator's message back to the terminal. In effect, an echo test is performed. (The line numbers are not part of the program.) 01 02 03 Oq 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 1q 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 PL1PROG: PROCEDURB OPTIONS (!AIN,REBNTRANT); %INCLUDE DFHCSADS; %INCLUDE DFHTCADS; 2 SAVE LENGTH BINARY FIXBD (15), 2 SlVE:!SG CHlR (36); %INCLUDE (DFHTCTTB); IINCLUDB (DFHTIOl); 2 TIOA!SG CHAR (36); TIOA!SG='BNTBR !BSSAGB TO BB BCHOBD'; TIOATDL=26; DFHTC TIPE=(WRITB,READ,WAIT) TIOABlR=TCTTEDA; SAVB_LBNGTH=TIOATDL; SlVE_!SG=TI01!SGi DFHSC TIPE=GBT!AIN, NU! BIT E= 36 , CL1SS=TER!INAL TIOABAR=TCASCSAi TCTTEDA=TIOABAR; TIOA!SG=SAVB_!SG; TIOATDL=SAVB_LBNGTH; DFHTC TIPE=WRITE END; Figure 2.q-1. * * Example of CICS/VS PL/I Application Program A discussion of the significance of each of the lines of Figure 2.q-1 follows. Line Number 01 02 03 Oij-05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13-1ij 15-17 18 19 20-21 22 23 Description Required for PL/I. REENTRANT option specified to meet requirement of CICS/VS that code be guasi-reenterable. Copies symbolic storage definitions for CSA and CSA optional features list and establishes addressability. Copies symbolic storage definition for TCA and establishes addressability. Defines the TWA and terminates the DECLARE statement. SAVE_"SG and SAVE_LENGTH are used to preserve the operator's reply. Copies symbolic storage definition for TCTTE and TCTTE and establishes addressability. Copies symbolic storage definition for TIOA and establishes addressability. Describes I/O area for terminal message and terminates the DECLARE statement. Places message to be sent to operator in the TIOA. Places the message length in the terminal data length field of the TIOA. CICS/VS macro instruction that writes the message to the terminal, waits for, and reads, the operator's reply. Reestablishes addressability for the TIOA using address in the TCTTE. saves the operator's message and its length in the TCA. CICS/VS macro instruction that requests 36 bytes of terminal storage (terminal storage is chained to the TCT). Establishes addressability for the new TIOA (address of the newly acquired storage is in TCASCSA). Places address of new TIOA in terminal control table. Moves message and length of message to output area (TIOA). CICS/VS macro instruction that sends operator's message back to the terminal. PL/I statement that marks the end of the procedure. Chapter 2.ij. Storage Definition - PL/I 67 Part 3. Data Base Operations 69 Chapter 3.1. Introduction to Data Base Operations The following two chapters in this part are concerned with the control of files within a user data base. Two main methods are described: the direct handling of records by the file control macro instruction; and the indirect handling by the DL/I interface. File Control Macro Instruction Chapter 3.2 describes how an application program handles records in a user data base by means of the file control program. Records in the data base are operated on by the file control macro instruction (DFHFC), according to the various TYPE operands; for example, records can be retrieved by the DFHFC TYPE=GET macro instruction. The file control program can be used only with direct-access data sets. sequential data sets are handled by the transient data program and the DFHTD macro instruction, as descrihed in Chapter 5.6. An application program can also browse a data set in a user data base by means of the file control macro instruction. Browsing is defined as the retrieval of records in a direct-access data set, starting and ending at specified records, in ascending or descending sequence. DL/I Services Chapter 3.3 describes the macro instructions and calls available to a CICS/VS application program that enable that program to use a DL/I data base. The method of invoking DL/I differs for the two operating systems used with CICS/VS.. For CICS/OS/VS, the DL/I interface is invoked by either a DL/I CALL statement or by a DFHFC macro instruction. For CICS/DOS/VS, however, the DL/I interface is invoked only by a DL/I CALL statement. DL/I is a general-purpose data base control system that executes in a virtual storage environment. When used online, it simplifies the task of creating and maintaining large data bases that are to be accessed by various application programs. For more information about DL/I, refer to the DL/I publications listed in the bibliography and to the CICSL!§ system/Application Design Guide. Chapter 3.1. Introduction to Data Base Operations 71 Chapter 3.2. File Control (DFHFC Macro Instruction) The file control program processes fixed- or variable-length, blocked or unblocked, undefined, or segmented records of a data set that is stored in a direct-access storage device. File control uses standard access methods of the host operating system, namely: • Direct Access Method (DAM) • Indexed Sequential Access Method (IS AM) • virtual storage Access Method (VSAM) Application programs can access DAM data sets on a logical record level, deblocking services being provided by file control. If an ISAM data set is converted to a VSAM data set organization, using VSAM data set conversion utilities, no alteration to application programs that access the data set is necessary, but the file control table (FCT) must be changed. Data sets on fixed block architecture (FBA) devices can be accessed by VSAM only. Through the file control macro instruction (DFHFC), an application program can perform file inquiry, that is, read a record from a data set; update a record in a data set; or add a record to a data set~ In the last case the application program must obtain sufficient main storage for the record by means of the DFHFC TYPE=GETAREA macro instruction. The application program can also release the main storage that has been acquired. For VSAM key-sequenced or relative-record data sets only, the DFHFC macro can be used to delete records, singly or in groups~ General file-handling capabilities available to application programs include indirect access to data sets, handling of IIduplicates ll data sets, and use of segmented records. These capabilities are explained later in this chapter. All buffers and work areas needed for data set operations are acquired by file control in accordance with the data set descriptions supplied in the FCT by the system programmer. All data sets and all segment sets referred to in DFHFC macro instructions must have been defined in the FCT. The application programmer should work with the system programmer in setting up these data set descriptions. However, the application program need deal only with logical records; it is not directly involved with other characteristics of the data set. For a DAM or ISAM data set, all data is read into or written from one of two main storage areas: (1) a file input/output area (FIOA) or (2) a file work area (FiA). An FIOA is required to handle records that are read-only, unsegmented, and unblocked~ An FWA is required to handle records that are segmented, blocked, to be added, or to be updated. In addition, an FWA is always used in a browse operation. For a VSAM data set, all data is read into or written from an FWA with two exceptions: a locate mode read-only request for an unsegmented record, and when operating in ISAM compatibility mode. (ISAM compatibility mode is indicated by the system programmer specifying RECFORM=(UNBLOCKED) in the file control table entry for tha data set.) In the first case, the address of the retrieved record, as it is positioned in the VSAM buffer, is made available to the application Chapter 3.2. File Control (DFHFC Macro Instruction) 73 program at VSWAREA within the VSWA. The record remains in the VSAM buffer, and must not be modified. In the second case, the retrieved record is moved to an FIOA for a read-only request for an unsegmented, unblocked record. A symbolic storage definition must be provided for this area (for example, an assembler-language DSECT) and addressability must be established to it. When operating in ISAM compatibility mode, a 16-byte filler must be defined (for OSjVS only) prior to the user's data (as in normal IS~M mode). CICS/VS permits the sharing of VSAM resources by means of the DFHFCT TYPE=SHRCTL system macro instruction as explained in the CIC2L!S~~t~ Programmer's Reference Manual. When a task requires resources in several VSAM data sets at the same time and these data sets are sharing resources, the possibility of a lockout increases. New VSAM data sets, and existing ones that are to be reused, must be loaded with at least one record before a CICS/VS file control macro can be used for normal addition and update. This may be done either online by a CICS/VS application program or offline by a batch program. In the case of a CICS/VS program, certain restrictions must be observed; these are explained in the CICStVS System Programmer's Reference Manual. If an error occurs while accessing a VSAM data set, a DFHFC TYPE=RELEASE macro must be issued after the error has occurred. to issue a TYPE=RELEASE may result in a permanent wait. Failure The user can determine which area (FIOA, FWA, or VSWA) is returned in response to a file request. Refer to Chapter 2.2, 2.3, or 2.4 (depending on the programming language being used) for details. File control executes at the priority of the requesting program, under control of the TCA of the requesting program, saving and restoring registers from this TCA~ The CICS/VS response to a request for file serv ices can be checked as explained under "Test Response to a Request for File Services," later in this chapter. Control can be routed to any of various user-written exception-handling routines based on the outcome of the file operation. Parameter values must be specified, when using the file control macro instruction, in either of two ways: • By including the parameters in operands of the DFHFC macro instruction by which file services are requested, or • By coding instructions that place the parameter values in fields of the TCA prior to issuing the DFHFC macro instruction. The second of these approaches is provided to allow the application program to specify parameters which can only be determined during execution, for example, input messages from a-terminal. Browsing The application program can browse a data set. This browsing is comparable to a visual, sequential search of a file. The file control macro instruction is used to specify a starting point for the browse, request each succeeding, or preceding record, reset the starting point for the browse (if desired), and terminate the browse. The browse operations are requested by the appropriate TYPE operands of the DFHFC macro. The TYPE operands are SETL, GETNEXT, GETPREV, RESETL, and ESETL. The capabilities associated with each are summarized 74 CICS/VS APRM(ML) below. Keyword operands to request checking of a CICS/VS response can be specified with these macro instr~ctions as with other DPHPC macro instructions (see "Test Response to a Request for Pile Services," later in this chapter.) Specific operands for each macro instruction are discussed in detail at the end of the chapter. When accessing a VSAM data set, the browse facility can be used to perform random skip-sequential processing in a forward direction only. The following steps are required: 1. Group several random requests into ascending key sequence. 2. Issue a DPHPC TYPE=SETL macro instruction which finds the first required record. To achieve this, the record identification field pointed to by the RDIDADR operand should be initialized to the key of the required record. 3. Prior to each DFHFC TYPE=GETNEXT macro instruction, place the key of the next required record into the record identification field. This procedure allows quick random access to a VSAM data set by reducing index search time. When the record having the highest key has been retrieved, an ESETL or RESETL should be issued to terminate or reset the operation. A browsing operation should always be terminated by issuing an ESETL macro, but will also be terminated by a normal or abnormal end of task. Segmented Records An optional feature of CICS/VS file management allows the user to create and define a data set containing segmented records. A segmented record is one in which the components of the record have been identified symbolically and then grouped according to some logical relationship such as function or frequency of use. The identifiable groups are called segments. A segment is one or more adjacent fields within a record. Some segments appear in all records (for example, segments containing identification or major record control fields), while other segments apply to, and appear in, only certain records. If it is planned to use segmented records in a program, the structure and individual segments of the data set must have been defined in the file control table by the system programmer. The maximum number of segments allowed is 99. The following general rules apply to the use of segmented records: 1. Segmented records can be used with VSAM, ISAM, or DAM data sets. 2. Segmented records can be used with any record format (that is, fixed, fixed blocked, variable, undefined) but are primarily advantageous when processing variable-length records. 3. A data set that contains segmented records cannot be an index data set in an indirect accessing hierarchy. The two CICS/VS features are mutually exclusive for anyone data set. However, the primary data set in an indirect accessing hierarchy may contain segmented records if it is not defined also as an index data set. (See "Indirect Accessing" later in this chapter.) Chapter 3.2. File Control (DPHPC !acro Instruction) 75 4. Every segment that may appear in a record, whether or not it actually exists in a particular record, must be defined in the file control table. 5. The user must create and maintain the control information that governs the segments in a record. For further information on segmented records see the CICS/VS System/Application Design Guide. Alternate Indexing Alternate indexing, an optional data base feature in CICS/VS under VSAM, allows a data set to have more than one index. The second and subsequent indexes are called alternate indexes and these enable a data set to be accessed by one or more alternate paths. These alternate paths can be specified by multiple keys. Also, a data set with the alternate index feature can have two or more records with the same alternate key~ To retrieve the first record with the same key the DFHFC TYPE=GET macro with the DUPKEY operand is sufficient. However, to continue retrieving the remaining records with the same key, a browse operation must be initiated. The DUPKEY operand also must be specified on the appropriate macro. The records will be retrieved in the order in which they were added to the data set, the duplicate key condition being raised for each record except the last. When changing to the browse operation, the first record will be retrieved twice, once by the TYPE=GET and once by the browse. Defining the alternate indexes as part of an update group will elimate the possibility of one or more indexes becoming invalid whenever the data set is updated. Indirect Accessing Indirect accessing, an optional data set feature in CICS/VS, provides for the use of cross-index data sets to access another data set. The data set that is accessed by an index data set is known as the primary (or target) data set. The user can include the search argument for an index data set in the identification of the primary data set. CICS/VS, using the user-defined index structure, carries out the search, involving as many levels (index data sets) as defined by the user, and ultimately retrieves the primary data set. The following general rules apply to indirect accessing: 1. A primary data set can have any number of index data sets. This is useful when many cross references to a master record exist. 2. Any data set can be both an index and a primary data set. The logical record content of any data base data set is user~defined and constructed, and therefore may contain certain master record information as well as a search argument for another data set. 3~ There is no logical limit to the number of index levels (data sets) that the user may define in an index hierarchy. For example, data set A is an index to data set B, which is an index to data set C, and so on. 76 CICS/VS APR! (ML) 4. An index hierarchy can be any combination of YSAM, ISAM, and DAM data sets. 5. An index data set cannot contain segmented records~ The two CICS/YS features are mutually exclusive for anyone data set. However, a primary data set can have segmented records if it is not defined also as an index data set. 6. An index data set cannot reference more than one primary data set unless the index data set is multiply defined in the file control table. 7. If the index data set is a BDAM data set, it cannot be defined as blocked. However, the primary data set can be defined as blocked BDAM. Figure 3.2-1 shows a simple two-level index hierarchy for indirect accessing. The search begins with the index data set CATLOG#. The primary data set being accessed (and from which data is to be returned to the application program) is PARTNO. The search argument to be used in accessing the index data set (CATLOG#) is CN222. The contents of the record located by the search of the index data set (CATLOG#) contains the search argument for the next data set (12345 for search of PARTNO). The primary data set (PARTNO) is searched and the data record returned to the requesting program. TRANSACTION PROCESSING PROGRAM CATLOG~ DFHFC TYPE=GET, INDEX=CATLOG#, DATASET=PARTNO, RDIDADR=~ PARTNO CN222 FIOA or FWA Figure 3.2-1. Indirect Accessing (Two-Level Index) An installation must create and maintain all data sets in its data base, and define all data sets (both index and primary) in the file control table. Each data set, whether index and/or primary, is first described as a primary data set. That is, its basic physical characte~istics (BLKSIZE, LRECL, KEYLEN, and so on) are defined so that CICS/VS file management can access it. If the data set is to be used as an index data set, the following information must also be specified: 1. The primary data set for which this data set is an index. 2. The location of the search argument, within the logical record of this data set, to be used for accessing the primary data set (or the next index data set) • If the user creates and defines an index hierarchy for indirect accessing, CICS/VS file management services any request requiring use of Chapter 3.2. File Control (DFHFC Macro Instruction) 77 that hierarchy, provided the requesting application program adheres to the following general rules and considerations: 1. The symbolic name of the first index data set to be searched in the retrieval process must be specified in the INDEX operand of the DFBFC macro instruction. This data set can be any index data set in a hierarchy of indexes, not necessarily the highest level index data set. 2. The symbolic name of the primary data set from which data is to be ultimately retrieved and returned to the requesting program must be specified through the DATASET operand of the DFHFC macro instruction. Any number of intervening data sets can be used in the search; however, the user specifies only the first and the last data set. The user can limit a search to only a portion of an index hierarchy; that is, it is not necessary to search an entire index hierarchy, because the user can specify that the search begin at other than the highest-level index. Indexing levels cannot be omitted from within the hierarchical chain. 3. The search argument to be used by CICS/VS file management to access the first referenced data set must be specified through the RDIDADR operand of the DFHFC macro instruction. This operand points to a record identification field containing a VSA~ key or relative byte address, an ISAM key, or DA~ block reference information. If multiple levels of index data sets are involved, CICS/VSfile management acguires a search argument for the next data set from the logical record of each successive data set. When stepping through a series of index data sets, CICS/VS file management uses the record identification field (specified in the RDIDADR operand) to store the search argument for each successive data set to be searched. This field must be as large as the largest search argument that is likely to be used in any given retrieval operation. Figure 3.2-2 is an example of the above consideration in a threelevel index hierarchy for indirect accessing. The search argument provided by the processing program is used to access the first index data set (CATLOGt) that provides the search argument for a second index data set (PARTNO) that provides the search argument for the primary data set {VENDOR) from which the data record is retrieved and returned to the application program. Since the search argument retrieved from the second index data set (PARTNO) is eight bytes in length (V0000996), the record identification field (RDIDADR) must be at least eight bytes in length, even though it initially contains only the five-byte search argument (CN222) for the first index data set. 78 CICS/VS APRM(ftL) TRANSACTION PROCESSING PROGRAM CATLOG# DFHFC TYPE=GET, INDEX=CATLOG#, DATASET=VENDOR, PARTNO J RDIDA CN222 FIOA or FWA Figure 3.2-2. Indirect Accessing (Three-Level Index) Duplicate Records An optional feature of the indirect accessing approach to data base retrieval is the capability to indicate that a search argument in an index data set, which normally refers to the primary data set, instead refers to a "duplicates" data set. The need for or use of duplicates data sets may best be described as follows. Assume that the application program requires access to an index data set organized by street address to obtain the name of the occupant at that address. The occupant's name is then used to access a primary data set organized by name. For single occupancy, no problem exists. However, if multiple occupancy is possible, the index data set cannot directly equate a street address to a primary data set record. In this case, the search argument field in the index record must indicate that mul tiple occupants (duplicates) exist and that the search argument refers to a duplicates data set rather than the primary data set. CICS/VS file management retrieves the referenced record from the duplicates data set and returns it to the application program with a response code indicating a duplicate record. The duplicate record may contain further information, which the application program can use to more accurately retrieve the appropriate record from the primary data set. If an index data set is to indicate that there can be duplicate keys for entries in the primary data set to which it refers, this information must also be noted in the file control table entry which describes the index data set. The index data set record must contain a unique onebyte duplicates indicator (user-defined) in the first byte of the search argument field. Care must be taken to ensure that this indicator is a unique code; it cannot be the same as the first byte of a normal search argument for the primary data set. The rest of the search argument field contains the search argument used by CICS/VS file management to retrieve a record from the duplicates data set~ This record may contain user-defined and user~constructed information that the application program can use to select the appropriate primary data set record. Figure 3.2-3 is an example of a search argument field in an index record that reflects duplicates: Chapter 3.2. File Control (DFHFC Macro Instruction) 79 SEARCH ARGUMENT FOR DUPLICATES RECORD -------------~--------------OR SEARCH ARGUMENT FOR NEXT LEVEL OF INDEX 3~2-3. Figure Indirect Accessing (Search Argument Field) The search argument for the duplicates data set must meet the same search argument format requirements as a normal cross-index data set. The length of the search argument used to access a duplicates data set is one byte smaller than a normal search argument because of the duplicates indicator. Figure 3.2-4 is an example of an index hierarchy that includes a duplicates data set. The application program begins the retrieval by accessing the index data set (PARTNAM) and ultimately accesses the primary data set (PARTNO). The search argument (GISMO) provided by the application program is a valid one for the index data set (PARTNAM), but it provides a record containing a duplicates flag. When the duplicates indicator is detected, CICS/VS file management uses the new search argument (from the PARTNAM data set) to access the duplicates data set (DUPLNAM), returning the duplicates record to the application program. In this example, the part name (GISMO) is not unique since there are several types of GISMOs in the part number (PARTNO) data set. The requesting program must provide qualifying data that indicates which GISMO is desired. PARTNO PARTNAM TRANSACTION PROCESSING PROGRAM DFHFC TYPE=GET, INDEX=PARTNAM, DATASET=PARTNO, RDIDA~ GISMO DUPLNAM FIOA or FWA RECORD RETRIEVED FROM DUPLNAM I ILARGE 1-------1-------- ------ --------- IPARTNAMIDESC Figure 3.2-4. 80 1 9123 IGISMO 1 IPARTNO MED DESC Indirect Accessing CICS/VS APRM(ML) 9872 PARTNO SMALL DESC (Duplicates Data Set) 9944 PARTNO Pigure 3.2-5 shows the message the application program might formulate to be routed to the inquiring terminal asking the terminal operator to make a choice. PLEASE SELECT SPECIPIC PART NUMBER PART NAME GISMO Pigure 3.2-5. DESCRIP PART NUMBER LARGE 9123 MED 9872 SMALL 9944 Indirect Accessing (Message to Terminal) Once the terminal operator has made a selection, the program can make a direct retrieval from the primary (PARTNO) data set. If the index record in the example in Pigure 3.2-4 had not contained a duplicates indicator, CICS/VS file management would have used the search argument to access the primary data set (PARTNO) and retrieve the requested data. Record Identification Field The record identification field is used by the application program to communicate to CICS/VS file control the identity, in the form of a key or address, of a specific record, or the starting point of a set of records, required in input/output operations. This field is identified by the RDIDADR operand of the DPHPC macro instruction. If multiple browse operations are performed concurrently by a single application program, a unique record identification field must exist for each operation. The application program must provide the storage area for the record identification field. Generally, this storage can be allocated within the transaction work area ~WA) of the task contro1 area (TCA), or some area acquired dynamically by the application program. Because CICS/VS application programs must be quasireenterable, it is not advisable to set up the record identification field within the application program. Por an ISAM data set, the record identification field simply contains the key of the logical record. Por CICS/OS/VS systems, the contents of the record identification field may have been changed following the addition of a new record when using ISAM; this point is worth considering in CICS/DOS/VS systems also, to avoid subsequent DOS to OS conversion difficulties. Por a VSAM data set, the record identification field contains either the logical record key or the relative byte address of the desired record. If the generic key option is used, the first byte of the field must contain the key length, in binary, and the remainder of the field must contain the generic key. A partial key may be used as a search argument in a browse operation referring to either an ISAM or a VSAM data set. The IS!M partial key is Chapter 3.2. pile Control (DPHPC Macro Instruction) 81 an implied generic key, recognized as such because of padding with binary zeros or blanks in insignificant positions of the key. In contrast, a VSA~ generic key is defined to be a generic key, with its length explicitly specified in the first byte of the record identification field. The ISAM implied generic key applies only to browse operations. The VSA~-defined generic key can be specified in many DFHFC macro instructions. For a DAM data set, the record identification field structure is more complex. The application program must supply the block reference information, the physical key (if keyed data sets are being used), and the deblocking argument (if blocked data sets are being used). The record identification field is really a concatenation of three subfields, as follows: 1. Block reference The block reference for the data set in the DAM block is specified by the RELTYPE operand of the DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET system macro and may be one of the following: a. Relative block (CICS/OS/VS only) three-byte binary (RELTYPE=BLK) b. Relative track and record - two-byte TT, one-byte R (RELTYPE=HEX) c. Relative track and record (zoned decimal format) siX-byte TTTTTT, two-byte RR (RELTYPE=DEC) d. Actual address - eight-byte MBBCCHHR (RELTYPE omitted) Figure 3.2-6 shows examples of the four ways of specifying the block reference information for a DAM data set. Byte I 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 RELBLK# Relative block (OS/VS only) (three byte binary) T T R Relative track and record (two byte hex, one byte hex) T T T T T T R R I I M B B C C H H R I Relative track and record (zoned decimal) -l Figure 3.2-6. 2. Actual address (eight bytes) Record Identification Pield (Block Reference) Physical key The physical key is required only if the data set being accessed is written with recorded keys. This key must be the same length as specified in the BLKKEYL operand for the file control table entry which defines the data set. It must immediately follow the block reference information, which can be any of the above. 82 CICS/VS APRM (ML) Figure 3.2-7 shows examples of the addition of the physical key for a DAM data set. By tel --I I I I I I I ,I Figure 3.2-7. 3. 0 1 2 3 5 4 RELBLKt ,I KEy ••• 6 7 8 (CICS/OS/VS only) T T R IKEY ••• T T T T T R R KEY ••• M B B C C H H R KEY ••• T Record Identification Field (Physical Key) Deblocking argument The deblocking argument is required only if the data set contains blocked records and specific logical records are to be retrieved from within a block. It is not mandatory that every physical record of a blocked 'data set be deblocked. If the application programmer does not specify a deblocking argument, an entire ~lock is read into an FIOA. The deblocking argument may be either a key or a relative record nu~er. The user's choice is specified in the RETMBTH (retrieval method) operand of the DFHFC macro instruction. If present, the deblocking argument must immediately follow the physical key (if present) or the block reference (if the physical key is not present). If the deblocking argument is a key, it must be the same length as specified in the KEYLEN operand of the file control table entry which describes the data set. The key used for deblocking need not be the same size as the physical record key ~LKKEYL). If the deblocking argument is a relative record number, it is represented by a one-byte binary number, with a value of zero representing the first logical record of a block. Figure 3~2-8 shows examples of the addition of a deblocking argument to the record identification field for a DAM data set. Chapter 3.2. File Control (DFHFC Macro Instruction) 83 key = 6 bytes, deblocking key = 3 bytes) ~hysical Byte o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 RELBLK RN RELBLK KEY I (CICS/OS/VS only) I (CICS/OS/VS only) KEY T T R K B B C C KEY H H R IRNI T T T T T R R Search by relative block; deblock by key Search by relative track and record and key; deblock by key Search by actual address; deblock by relative record '-I T Search by relative block; deblock by relative record KEY KEY Search by zoned decimal relative track and record and key; deblock by key T Figure 3.2-8. T R I KEY Search by relative track and record; deblock by key Record Identification Field (Deblocking Argument) DAM Data Sets Records in a nonkeyed DAM data set may be updated using either of two methods. One method is to issue a DFHFC TYPE=GET,TYPOPER=UPDATE to read the record, change the data in the FWA, and issue a DFBFC TYPE=PUT to physically update the record. This is the normal way that records are updated and should be used when portions of the record are to be changed and the actual contents of the record are unknown. An alternative method may be used when the contents of the record to be updated are known, or when the entire record is to be changed, regardless of its contents. A DFHFC TYPE=GETAREA macro instruction is used to acquire an FWA, the record is built in the FWA, and a DFHFC TYPE=PUT,TYPOPER=UPDATE is issued to write the data at the location specified in the record identification field, destroying whatever vas previously recorded at that location. This approach requires that both DAM update and DAM add capabilities be generated into the CICS/VS file control program (see the CIcstVS System pro~ammer's Reference Manual). Automatic logging must not be specified for files to be updated by this method. When adding new records to a DAM data set, the following considerations and restrictions apply: 84 CICS/VS APRM (ML) 1. When adding undefined or variable-length records (keyed or nonkeyed), the application programmer must indicate the track on which each new record is to be added. If space is available on the track, the new record is uritten following the last previously written record, and the record number is placed in the "R" portion of the record identification field of the record. The track specification may be in any of the acceptable formats except relative block. If zoned decimal relative format is used, the record number is returned as a two-byte zoned decimal number in the seventh and eighth positions of the record identification field. In the CICSjDOS/VS system, an attempt to add a variable-length or undefined record is limited to the single track specified by the application programmer. If insufficient space is available on that track, a nno space available" error is returned, and the application programmer may then try to add the record on another track. Under these circumstances, the record is returned to the application program in an FWA, the address of which is at TCAFCAA. The programmer need only modify the track identification and issue another DFBFC TYPE=PUT,TYPOPER=NEWREC macro instruction to add the record on another track. In the CICSjOS/VS system, the extended search option allows the record to be added to another track if no space is available on the specified track. Under these circumstances, the location at which the record vas added is returned to the application program. 2. The addition of keyed fixed-length records to DAM data sets requires that the data set first be formatted with dummy records or "slots" into vh ich nell records may be added. (The first byte of a dum~y record is a key of hexadecimal FFsi in CICS/OS/VS, the first byte of data contains the record number.) A pre-formatted DAM data set cannot be added to by a COBOL batch program. 3. For nonkeyed, fixed-length records, the exact physical block reference must be given in the record identification field. The data in the new records is aritten in the exact location specified, destroying the previous contents of that location. 4. For keyed, fixed-length record additions, only the track information is used as a starting location for the search of a dummy key and record. Hhen a dummy key and record are found, the new key and record replace it. The exact location at which the new record is located is returned to the application program in the block reference sub field of the record identification field. For example, suppose a user wishes to add a keyed, fixed-length record to a DAM data set. First, some algorithm determines that the search is to start at relative track 3. The record identification field of the new record might appear as follows: o 3 0 ALPHA T T R KEY When control is returned to the application program, the record identification field might reflect the fact that the record was added on relative track 4, record 6. o 4 6 ALPHA T T R KEY Chapter 3.2. File Control (DFHFC Macro Instruction) 85 5. When adding records of undefined length, the length of the physical record must be placed in two-byte binary format at TCAFCORL. When an undefined record is retrieved, the application program must determine its length. 6. When making additions to a BDA! data set containing variable-length blocked or unblocked records, the application program must include a record descriptor field (RDF) which contains the length (LL~~) of the entire block to be written. Also, for each logical record within that block, an RDF must be included which contains the length of the logical record. Effectively, this allows the application to add a block containing multiple logical records as shown in Figure 3.2-9. I 1 I 1 FWAIPREFIXI 961 541< I I I 1 • 1\ 1 BLOCK RDF Figure 3.2-9. 1 I 1 I 50-->1 241<--20-->1 141<-10-> I I I I I I 1\ 1\ 1\ I LOG REC RDF I LOG REC RDF I LOG REC RDF Record Identification Field (Addition of More than One' Record) If only a single logical record is to be added, the block RDF is still required, as shown in Figure 3.2-10. 1 1 1 1 I FWAIPREFIXI10811041<-------------------100------------------->1 1 1 1 1 I L I 1\ 1 BLOCK RDF Figure 3.2-10. 1\ I LOG REC RDF Record Identification Field Record) ~ddition of Single When updating records on a DAM dataset, the following restriction applies: If the file is blocked, and if two or more records are to be updated, a DFHFC TYPE=GET macro to retrieve a record must be followed by a DFHFC TYPE=POT macro to write the updated record (or a DFHFC TYPE=RELEASE macro if the updated record is not required) before any further record in the same block is retrieved for update. Failure to do so will result either in one or more updates being lost or in a lockout. 86 CICS/VS APR!! (ML) Direct Retrieval (TYPE=GET) The format of the DFHFC macro instruction to retrieve single records directly from a data set is as follows: DFHFC TYPE=GET [ ,DATASET=symbolic name] [,RDIDADR=symbolic address] [ ,SEGSET={symbolic nameIYESIALL} ] [,INDEX={symbolic nameIYES}) [,TYPOPER=UPDATE] <----------------------DAM [,RETMETH={RELRECIKEY}] [,ARGTYP={KEYIRBA}] < VSAM [,SRCHTYP={FKEQIFKGEIGKEQIGKGE}] < VSAM [ , MODE= {MOVE I LOCATE} ] < VSAM [,DUPKEY=symbolic address] <------VSAM & assembler [,NORESP=symbolic address] [,ERROR=symbolic address] [ ,DSIDER=symbolic address] [ ,SEGIDER=symbolic address] [ ,NOTFND=symbolic address] [,INVREQ=symbolic address] [ , IOERROR=symbolic address] [,DUPDS=symbolic address] [,NOTOPEN=symbolic address] [,ILLOGIC=symbolic address] <-------------------VSAM This macro instruction is used for direct read-only (inquiry) or update (DFHFC TYPE=GET, TYPOPER=UPDATE) operations. The requested record is returned in: • a file input/output area (FIOA) for read-only operations with unsegmented, unblocked records from a DAM or ISAM data set or VSAM data set in move mode • a file work area (FWA) for update operations, read-only operations with segmented or blocked records, or for read-only operations with a blocked VSAM data set • in a VSAM buffer area for locate mode read-only operations on unsegmented records of a VSAM data set Before this macro is used, instructions must be provided that define symbolically the required FIOA, FWA and/or VSWA by: 1. copying the appropriate storage definitions (DFHFIOA, DFHFWADS, and/or DFHVSWA) provided oy CICS/VS 2. providing storage definitions for the user's part of the FIOA, FWA, and/or the user's record in the VSAM buffer Hote: Under CICS/OS/VS, if ISAM data is to be read into in an FIOA, a 16-byte filler must be defined following the statement that copies DFHFIOA and preceding the user's data definition. CICS/VS performs the following services in response to a DFHFC TYPE=GET macro instruction: 1. Acquires the main storage areas required to read a record Chapter 3.2. File Control (DFHFC Macro Instruction) 87 2. Reads the requested record 3. Makes the requested record available to the application program. The record required in an input/output operation is identified in a record identification field. The format of this field, as required for the various access methods, is described under "Record Identification Pield", earlier in this chapter. When a DAM data set is referenced, the record identification field should contain a block reference. When an ISAM data set is referenced, the record identification field should contain a key. When a VSAM data set is referenced, the required record is accessed by either a relative byte address or a key. A search by key may be for a key equal to the search key, or for one equal to or greater than the search key, or for one equal to or less than the search key. A search may also be for a partial key (the first two bytes, or any number specified by the programmer), which may serve as a generic key. The generic or partial key search may, again, be either for an equal key or for an equal or greater key, or for an equal or less than key, but only the number of bytes specified will be compared. A protected, key-sequenced VSAM data set can be updated only by a full key equal search. In addition, CICS/VS can perform the following services, depending on the operands included in this macro instruction: • Retrieve a record indirectly • segment a record for inquiry (read-only) and return the requested segments in a work area • Acquire a file work area when the record is to be updated, or when records are blocked or segmented • Unpack a segmented record into a work area of the same length as the requested record The length of an acquired FWA depends on whether or not the record is to be updated. If the record is to be updated, the PWA acquired will be sufficient to contain a record of the maximum length specified by the system programmer in the PCT; otherwise, the PWA will be sufficient to contain the requested record. When an unsegmented record of a VSAM data set is retrieved in response to a read-only request, move mode or locate mode processing can be specified. In move mode, the record is handled in the same way as any DAM or ISAM record. In locate mode, the record is made available to the application program in the VSAM buffer. The application programmer must have copied the symbolic storage definition for the VSWA (DPHVSWA) and must also provide a symbolic storage definition for the record that is retrieved. After requesting file services, the programmer must establish addressability for any required PIOA or PWA. The address of the area involved, provided by CICS/VS at TCAPCAA, must be placed in PIOABAR or PWACBAR. In locate mode, the address of the VSWA is in TCAPCAA and must be placed in VSWABAR. The address of the area that holds the requested record is at VSWAREA within the VSWA and must be moved to the base locator that has been established for the symbolic storage definition of the area. When retrieving variable-length records from a VSAM data set in move mode, the file control program creates a length field and places it preceding the record in the PiA. The format of this length field is LL~, where LL is a two-byte binary length (including the q bytes for 88 CICS/VS APRM(ML) the length field itself) and ~~ is two bytes of binary zeros. In locate mode, the length is not included in the record itself but is placed at VSWALEN in the VSWA. When a VSAM record is retrieved for update,VSAM maintains exclusive control of the control interval containing that record. A task should not attempt to retrieve (for update) a second record from the same control interval as a record it is already holding for update, otherwise a permanent wait will occur. The update should first be completed, by a DFHPC TYPE=PUT macro, or if it cannot be completed, terminated by a DPHPC TYPE=RELEASE macro. A DFHFC TYPE=RELEASE macro instruction frees an FIOA or FWA acquired in response to a request for file services, or a VSWA and VSAM string established for a VSA! read-only request using locate mode I/O. Any of these areas that are not freed by the application program are freed by CICS/VS at task termination. Direct Retrieval @ead-only) The following examples show how to retrieve a single record directly from a master data set, assuming blocked records. For Assembler language: COpy KEYF DS FWACBAR EQU COpy RECORD DS COpy TCA SYMBOLIC STRG DEPN RECORD IDENT PIELD IN TWA ASSIGN BASE REGISTER FOR PWA SYMBOLICALLY DEFINE FWA RECORD LAYOUT FOLLOWS CONTROL FIELD AND HAS SAME BASE REGISTER DFHTCADS CL8 1 DFHPWADS OCL350 MVC KEYF,ACCTNO READREC DFHFC TYPE=GET, DATASET=MASTERA, RDIDADR=KEYF L FWACBAR,TCAPCAA Chapter 3.2. MOVE RECORD IDENT TO KEY FIELD GET RECORD FROM MASTER DATA SET * * ESTABLISH ADDRESSABILITY FOR FWA File Control (DFHFC Macro Instruction) 89 For COBOL: 02 FWACBAR PIC S9(8) CO!P. NOTE DEFINE BASE REGISTER FOR FWA. 01 DFHTCADS COPY DFHTCADS. 02 KEYF PIC X(8). NOTE COpy SYMBOLIC STRG DEFN FOR TCA. NOTE DEFINE KEY FIELD IN TWA. 01 DFHFWADS COPY DFHFWADS. 02 RECORD PIC X(350). NOTE COpy SYMBOLIC STRG DEFN FOR FWA. NOTE DEFINE RECORD LAYOUT IN FiA. PROCEDURE DIVISION. MOVE CSACDTA TO TCACBAR. MOVE ACCTNO TO KEYF. READREC. DFHFC TYPE=GET, DATA SET=MAS TERA, RDIDADR=KEYF MOVE TCAFCAA TO FWACBAR. NOTE ESTABLISH TCA ADDRESSABILITY. NOTE MOVE RECORD IDENT TO KEY. GET RECORD FROM MASTER DATA SET * * NOTE ESTABLISH FWA ADDRESSABILITY. For PL/I: ~INCLUDE DFHTCADS; KEYF CHAR (8) ; ~INCLUDE DFHFWADS; 02 RECORD CHAR (350) ; /*COPY SYMBOLIC STRG DEFN FOR TCA*/ /*DEFINE KEY FIELD IN TWA*/ /*COPY SYMBOLIC STRG DEFN FOR FWA*/ /*DEFINE RECORD LAYOUT IN FiA*/ KEYF=ACCTNO; READREC: DFHFC TYPE=GET, DATASET=MASTERA, RDIDADR=KEYF FWACBAR=TCAFCAA; /*ASSIGN RECORD IDENT TO KEY FIELD*/ 02 90 CICS/V 5 APRM (~L) GET RECORD FROM MASTER DATA SET * * /*ESTABLISH ADDRESSABILITY FOR FWA*/ The following examples show how to retrieve a single record directly from a VSAM data set using locate mode I/O. If the record is variable length, the LL~_ field will not be part of the record. The length of the record can be found in VSiALEN in the VSiA. For Assembler language: COPY DS KEYF VSWABAR EQU RECBAR EQU COpy DSECT RECDS DFHTCADS CL8 7 8 DFHVSWA USIl~G *,RECBAR OCL350 RECORD DS COpy TCA SYMBOLIC STORAGE DEFN DEFINE KEY FIELD IN TWA ASSIGN BASE REGISTER FOR VSiA ASSIGN BASE REGISTER FOR RECORD COpy VSiA SYMBOLIC DEFN DUMMY SECTION FOR RECORD MAKE RECORD ADDRESSABLE DEFINE RECORD LAYOUT lIVC KEYF,ACCTNO READREC DFHFC TYPE=GET, DATASET=MASTVSAM, RDIDADR=KEYF, HODE=LOCATE VSWA BA R, TCAFCAA L RECBAR,VSUAREA L 3, VSWALEN L MOVE RECORD ID TO KEY FIELD GET A RECORD FROM MASTER VSAM DATA SET USING LOCATE MODE * * * ESTABLISH VSWA ADDRESSABILITY ESTABLISH RECORD ADDRESSABILITY LOAD RECORD LENGTH INTO WORK REG For COBOL: 02 VSWABAR PIC S9(8) COMP. 02 RECBAR PIC S9 (8) NOTE DEFINE BASE REGISTER FOR VSiA. COMP. NOTE DEFINE BASE REGISTER FOR RECORD. 01 DFHTCADS COpy DFHTCADS. 02 KEYF PIC X(8). 02 RECLEN PIC S9(8) COMP. NOTE COpy SYMBOLIC STRG DEFN FOR TCA. NOTE DEFINE KEY FIELD IN TWA. NOTE DEFINE RECORD LENGTH WORK AREA. 01 01 DFHVSiA COpy DFHVSWA. RECDS SYNCHRONIZED. 02 RECORD PIC X (350) • NOTE COpy SYMBOLIC STRG DEFN FOR VSiA. NOTE DEFINE SYMBOLIC STRG DEFN FOR RECORD. NOTE DEFINE RECORD LAYOUT. PROCEDURE DIVISION. MOVE CSACDTA TO TCACBAR. MOVE ACCTNO TO KEYF. READREC. DFHFC TYPE=GET, DATASET=MASTVSAM, RDIDADR=KEYF, MODE=LOCATE MOVE TCAFCAA TO VSWABAR. MOVE VSWAREA TO RECBAR. MOVE VSWALEN TO RECLEN. Chapter 3.2. NOTE ESTABLISH TCA ADDRESSABILITY. NOTE MOVE RECORD ID TO KEY FIELD. GET A RECORD FROM MASTER VSAM DATA SET USING LOCATE MODE * * * NOTE ESTABLISH VSiA ADDRESSABILITY. NOTE ESTABLISH RECORD ADDRESSABILITY. NOTE MOVE RECORD LENGTH TO aORK AREA. File Control (DFHFC Macro Instruction) 91 For PL/I: %INCLUDE DFHTCADS; 02 KEYF CHAR(S), 02 RECLEN FIXED BINARY (31) 1 %INCLUDE DFHVSWA; DCL 01 RECDS BASED (RECBAR), 02 RECORD CHAR(350)1 /*COPY SYMBOLIC STRG DEFN FOR TCA*/ /*DEFINE KEY FIELD IN TWA*/ /*DEFINE RECORD LENGTH WORK AREA*/ /*COPY SYMBOLIC STRG DEFN FOR VSWA*/ /*DEFINE SYMB STRG DEFN FOR RECORD*/ /*DEFINE RECORD LAYOUT*/ KEYF=ACCTN01 READREC: DFHFC TYPE=GET, /*MOVE RECORD ID TO KEY FIELD*/ DA~ASET=MASTVASM, RDIDADR=KEYF, MODE =LOCATE VSWABAR=TCAFCAA; RECBAR=VSWAREA1 RECLEN=VSWALEN; GET A RECORD FROM MASTER VSAM DATA SET USING LOCATE MODE * * * /*ESTAB ADDRESSABILITY FOR VSWA*/ /*ESTAB ADDRESSABILITY FOR RECORD*/ /*MOVE RECORD LENGTH TO WORK AREA*/ Direct Retrieval (for Update) The following examples show how to retrieve a single record directly from a master data set for update. For Assembler language: COpy KEYF DS FWACBAR EQU COPY RECORD DS DFHTCADS CLa 7 DFHFWADS OCL350 • .MVC KEYF,ACCTNO READREC DFHFC TYPE=GET, DATASET=MASTERA, RDIDADR=KE YF , TYPOPER=UPDATE FWACBAR,TCAFCAA L 92 CICS/VS APRM (ML) COpy TCA SYMBOLIC STRG DEFN DEFINE KEY FIELD IN TWA ASSIGN BASE REGISTER FOR FiA SYMBOLICALLY DEFINE FWA RECORD LAYOUT FOLLOWS CONTROL FIELD AND HAS SAME BASE REGISTER MOVE RECORD IDENT TO KEY FIELD GET RECORD FROM MASTER DATA SET FOR UPDATE * * * ESTABLISH ADDRESSABILITY FOR FiA For COBOL: 02 FUACBAR PIC S9(8) COMP. NOTE DEFINE BASE REGISTER FOR FiA. 01 DFHTCADS COpy DFHTCADS. 02 KEYF PIC X (8). NOTE COpy SYMBOLIC STRG DEFN FOR TCA. NOTE DEFINE KEY FIELD IN TWA. 01 DFHFWADS COpy DFHFWADS. 02 RECORD PIC X~50). NOTE COpy SYMBOLIC STRG DEFN FOR FiA. NOTE DEFINE RECORD LAYOUT IN FiA. PROCEDURE DIVISION. MOVE CSACDTA TO TCACBAR. MOVE ACCTNO TO KEYF. READREC. DFHFC TYPE=GET, DATASET=MASTERA, RDIDADR=KEYF, TY PO PER=UPDA TE MOVE TCAFCAA TO FWACBAR. NOTE ESTABLISH TCA ADDRESSABILITY. NOTE MOVE RECORD IDENT TO KEY~ GET RECORD FROM MASTER DATA SET * * * NOTE ESTABLISH FWA ADDRESSABILITY. lor Pka: %INCLUDE DFHTCADS; 02 KEYF CHAR (8) ; %INCLUDE DFHFWADS; 02 RECORD CHAR(350); /*COPY SYMBOLIC STRG DEFN FOR TCA*/ /*DEFINE KEY FIELD IN TWA*/ /*COPY SYMBOLIC STRG DEFN FOR FWA*/ /*DEFINE RECORD LAYOUT IN FWA*/ KEYF=ACCTNO; READREC: DFHFC TYPE=GET, DATASET=MASTERA, RDIDADR=KEYF, TYPOPER=UPDATE FWACBAR=TCAFCAA; /*ASSIGN RECORD IDENT TO KEY FIELD*/ Chapter 3~2. GET RECORD FROM MASTER DATA SET * * * /*ESTABLISH ADDRESSABILITY FOR FWA*/ File Control (DFHFC Macro Instruction) 93 Indirect Retrieval (Indirect Access) The following examples show how to retrieve a single record for update when its kay is unknown. A cross-index data set containing the master key is available, making it possible to access the record indirectly. (See "Indirect Accessing", earlier in this chapter) • For Assembler la~~: COpy KEYF DS FWACBAR EQU COpy RECORD DS DFHTCADS CL25 1 DFHFWADS OCL350 MVC KEYF,INDEXA READING DFHFC TYPE=GET, DATASET=MASTERA, RDIDADR=KEYF, TYPOPER=UPDATE, IN DEX =IN DIR ECT L FWACBAR,TCAFCAA COpy TCA SYMBOLIC STRG DEFN DEFINE KEY FIELD IN TWA ASSIGN BASE REGISTER FOR FiA SYMBOLICALLY DEFINE FWA RECORD LAYOUT FOLLOWS CONTROL FIELD AND HAS SAME BASE REGISTER MOVE INDEX IDENT TO KEY FIELD GET RECORD FROM MASTER DATA SET BY FIRST ACCESSING A CROSS-INDEX DATA SET NAMED INDIRECT * * * * ESTABLISH ADDRESSABILITY FOR FiA For COBOL: 02 FWACBAR PIC S9(8) COMP. NOTE DEFINE BASE REGISTER. 01 DFHTCADS COpy DFHTCADS. 02 KEYF PIC X(25). NOTE COPY SYMBOLIC STRG DEFN FOR TCA. NOTE DEFINE KEY FIELD IN TWA. 01 DFHFWADS COpy DFHFWADS. 02 RECORD PIC X(350). NOTE COpy SYMBOLIC STRG DEFN FOR FiA. NOTE DEFINE RECORD LAYOUT IN FiA. PROCEDURE DIVISION. MOVE CSACDTA TO TCACBAR • • MOVE,PARTNAME TO KEYF. READREC. DFHFC TYPE=GET, DATASET=MASTERA, RDIDADR=KEYF, TYPOPER=UPDATE, INDEX=INDEXAB MOVE TCAFCAA TO FiACBAR. 9 ij CICS/V S APR! (ML) NOTE ESTABLISH TCA ADDRESSABILITY. NOTE MOVE INDEX IDENT TO KEY. GET RECORD FROM MASTER DATA SET BY FIRST ACCESSING A CROSS-INDEX DATA SET NAMED INDEXAB * * * * NOTE ESTABLISH FWA ADDRESSABILITY. For PL/I: %INCLUDE DFHTCADS; 02 KEYF CHAR(25); %INCLUDE DFHFWADS; 02 RECORD CHAR (350) ; /*COPY SYMBOLIC STRG DEFN FOR TCA*I /*DEFINE KEY FIELD IN TWA*/ /*COPY SYMBOLIC STRG DEFN FOR FWA*/ I*DEFINE RECORD LAYOUT IN FWA*I KEYF=PARTNAME; READREC: DFHFC TYPE=GET, DATASET =MASTER A, RDIDADR=KEYF, TYPOPER=UPDATE, INDEX=INDEXAB FWACBAR=TCAFC1A; I*ASSIGN INDEX IDENT TO KEY FIELD*I Chapter 3.2. GET RECORD FROM MASTER DATA SET BY FIRST ACCESSING A CROSS-INDEX DATA SET NAMED INDEXAB * * * * I*ESTABLISH lDDRESSABILITY FOR FWA*I File Control (DFHFC Macro Instruction) 95 Direct Update or Addition (TYPE=PUT). The format of the DFHFC macro instruction to update or add single records to a data set is as follows: DFHFC Note: TYPE=PUT [,RDIDADR=symbolic address] [ ,SEGSET=YES] [,TYPOPER={NEWRECIUPDATEIDELETE}] (See note) [,ARGTYP={KEI.IRBA}] <------------VSAM [ ,NORESP=symbolic address] [,ERROR=symbolic address] [,DUPREC=symbolic address] (,INVREQ=symbolic address] [,IOERROR=symbolic address] [,NOSPACE=symbolic address] [,NOTOPEN=symbolic address] [,ILLOGIC=symbolic address] <------------------VSA! DELETE can be used only with a VSA! KSDS or RRDS This macro instruction is used to: • update an existing record that has been retrieved through the DFHFC TYPE=GET,TYPOPER=UPDATE macro instruction • add a new record to an existing data set • update an existing record in a nonkeyed DAM data set without first reading the record for update A DFHFC TYPE=PUT macro instruction must never be issued without first issuing a DFHFC TYPE=GET,TYPOPER=UPDATE or DFHFC TYPE=GETAREA macro instruction, because the results of such action are unpredictable. When a VSAM key-sequenced or relative~record data set is being processed, a DFHFC TYPE=PUT,TYPOPER=DELETE macro instruction can be used to delete a record previously retrieved by a DFHFC TYPE=GET,TYPOPER=UPDATE macro instruction~ A file work area (FiA) is used to contain the record or segments to be written or updated. The first 16 bytes of the FiA form the CICS/VS system section, which is followed by the actual record or segments to be written to a data set. CICS/VS performs the following services in response to a DFHFC TYPE=PUT macro instruction: • writes updated or new records in user-defined data sets • Acquires or locates the main storage and control blocks required to write the record • Releases all data set storage associated with the request to write • Packs a segmented record, depending on the data set organization and the operands included in this macro instruction 96 CICS/VS APRM (ML) Before file services can be requested by means of the DFHFC TYPE=PUT macro instruction, the application program must include instructions that do the following: 1. Symbolically define the FWA by (1) copying the appropriate system section storage definition (DFHFWADS), and (2) providing a storage definition for the user1s section of the FWA. 2. Establish addressability for the new FWA by specifying a symbolic base address for the FWA. 3. Place the address of the PWA in TCAFCAA. This address was made available to the application program by CICS/VS in response to the DFHFC TYPE=GET or DFHFC TYPE=GETAREA request by which the FWA was acquired. It must have been stored by the application program at that time, and should be moved to TCAFCAA immediately preceding the DFHFC TYPE=PUT request, with no intervening requests that could cause the contents of TCAFCAA to be altered. If the records being written to a data set are undefined, the length of the record being written must be placed in TCAFCURL. For records written to a variable-length VSAM data set, the length of the record should be placed in an LL~~ field in the beginning of the record. The field is four bytes long, the first two bytes containing the length in binary (including the 4-bytes for the length field) and the last two bytes set to binary zeros. This field is used by CICS/VS to determine the length of the record and is not written to the data set. VSAM does not allow an update operation on a control interval from which a record has already been retrieved for update. If a task attempts to perform an update operation on such a control interval before a previous record already held by the same task is updated by a DFHFC TYPE=PUT, or before the update is terminated by a DFHFC TYPE=RELEASE, the program will go into a permanent wait. The programmer who is adding records to a DAM data set should also refer to "DAM Data sets" earlier in this chapter~ The following examples show how to retrieve a record at random, update it, and return it to the data set. For Assembler language: COPY KEYF DS FWACBAR EQU COpy RECORD DS DFHTCADS CLa COPY TCA SYMBOLIC STRG DEFN DEFINE KEY FIELD IN TWA ASSIGN BASE REGISTER FOR FWA SYMBOLICALLY DEFINE FWA RECORD LAYOUT FOLLOWS CONTROL FIELD AND HAS SAME BASE REGISTER 7 DFHFWADS OCL350 READUPD DFHFC TYPE=GET, DATASET=MASTERB, RDIDADR=KEYF, TYPOPER=UPDATE L FWACBAR,TCAFCAA READ RECORD FOR UPDATE * * * ESTABLISH ADDRESSABILITY FOR FWA (update record) ST FWACBAR,TCAFCAA WRITEUP DFHFC TYPE=PUT, RDIDADR=KEYF Chapter 3.2. PLACE FWA ADDRESS IN TCA WRITE THE UPDATED RECORD File Control (DFHFC Macro Instruction) * 97 For COBOL: 02 FWACBAR PIC S9(8) COMP. NOTE DEFINE BASE REGISTER FOR FWA. 01 01 DFHTCADS COpy DFHTCADS. 02 KEYF PIC X (8) • NOTE COpy SYMBOLIC STRG DEFN FOR TCA. NOTE DEFINE KEY FIELD IN TWA. DFHFWADS COpy DFHFWADS. RECORD PIC X(350). NOTB COpy SYMBOLIC STRG DEFN FOR FWA. NOTE DEFINE RECORD LAYOUT IN FWA. 02 PROCEDURE DIVISION. MOVE CSACDTA TO TCACBAR. READUPD. DFHFC TYPE=GET, DATASET=MASTERB, RDIDADR=KEYF, TYPOPER=UPDATE MOVE TCAFCAA TO FWACBAR. NOTE ESTABLISH TCA ADDRESSABILITY. READ RECORD FOR UPDATE * * * NOTE ES'rABLISH FWA ADDRESSABILITY. (upda te recor d) MOVE FWACBAR TO TCAFCAA. WRITEUP. DFHFC TY PE=PUT , RDIDADR=KEYF NOTE MOVE ADDRESS OF FWA TO TCA. WRITE THE UPDATED RECORD * IQ.~~: %INCLUDE DFHTCADS; 02 KEYF CHAR (8) ; %INCLUDE DFHFWADS; 02 RECORD CHAR (350); /*COPY SYMBOLIC STRG DEFN FOR TCA*/ /*DEFINE KEY FIELD IN TWA*/ /*COPY SY~BOLIC STRG DEFN FOR FWA*/ /*DEFINE RECORD LAYOUT IN FWA*/ READUPD: DFHFC TYPE=GET, DATASET=MASTERB, RDIDADR=KEYF, TYPOPER=UPDATE FWACBAR=TCAFCAAi READ RECORD FOR UPDATE * * * /*ESTABLISH ADDRESSABILITY FOR FWA*/ (upda te record) TCAFCAA=FWACBARi WRITEUP: DFHFC TY PE=PUT , RDIDADR=KEYF 98 CICS/VS APRM(ML) /*PLACE ADDR OF WORK AREA IN TCA*/ WRITE THE UPDATED RECORD * Direct Deletion. VSAM Only (TYPE = DELETE) The format of the DpHpC macro instruction to delete a record or group of records directly from a VSAM KSDS or RRDS is as follows: DpHpC TYPE=DEL ETE [,DATASET=symbolic name] [,RDIDADR=symbolic address] [ , ARGTYP=KEY ] [,SRCHTYP={pKEQIGKEQ} ] [,NORESP=symbolic address] [,ERROR=symbolic address] [ ,DSIDER=symbolic address] [,NOTPND=symbolic address] [ ,INVREQ=symbolic address] [,IOERROR=symbolic address] [,NOTOPEN=symbolic address] [,ILLOGIC=symbolic address] DpHpC TYPE=DELETE can be used to perform the following functions on VSAM key-sequenced and relative-record data sets only.: • Delete a single record. • Delete a group of records that share the same partial key; that is where the first part of the keys is the same. This is called generic delete. To delete a single record, the key must be placed in an area pointed to by the RDIDADR operand. To delete a group of records with the same partial key, that is where the first part of the keys is the same, the partial key must be placed in an area pointed to by the RDIDADR operand. The binary length of the key must be placed in the first byte of the area pointed to by the RDIDADR operand. SRCHTYP=GKEQ must be specified. Group deletes must not be attempted on data sets for which automatic logging has been specified, (DpHpCT TYPE=DATASET,LOG=YES). An attempt to do so will result in an invalid request condition. Neither an pIOA nor an pWA is required for a delete operation. Note that a DELRTE operation is an update operation, and therefore the control interval concerned is held under exclusive control. Exclusive control is released either by successful completion of the DELETE operation, or failing this, by issuing a DpHpC TYPE=RELEASE macro. Chapter 3.2. Pile Control (DpHpC Macro Instruction) 99 Obtain a File Work Area {TYPE =GET AREA) The format of the DFHFC macro instruction to obtain a file work area (FiA) for the application program is as follows: ~-----~-------r----------------------------------------------------------~ DFHFC TYPE=GETAREA [,DATASET=symbolic name] [ , INITIMG= {value I YES} ] [,TYPOPER=MASSINSERT] <------------------------VSAM [ , ARGTYP= {KEY I RBA} ] < VSAM [,NORESP=symbolic address] [ ,ERROR=symbolic address] [,DSIDER=symbolic address] [,INVREQ=symbolic address] [ ,NOTOPEN=symbolic address] The new main storage area is a file work area (FiA) and can be obtained only by this macro. (A storage control DFHSC TYPE=GETMAIN request cannot be used for file operations~) CICSjVS performs the following services in response to a DFHFC TYPE=GETAREA macro instruction: ~n 1. Acquires main storage FiA) for the creation of a new record 2. Includes and initializes the FWA control fields to the FiA) required by file control (a 16-byte prefix If several new records whose keys are in ascending sequence are to be added to a VSAM data set, the TYPOPER=MASSINSERT operand should be used, in which case, the FWA is retained and made available to the application program after each DFHFC TYPE=PUT macro instruction that adds a record to the data set. A mass insert operation is terminated by a DFHFC TYPE=RELEASE macro instruction. A lockout condition will occur if more than one transaction is simultaneously attempting to perform a mass insert to the same control interval of a protected data set. A lockout will occur also if a transaction uses keys that are not in ascending sequence. In a DFHFC TYPE=GETAREA macro, the ARGTYP operand is only applicable when TYPOPER=MASSINSERT has been specified. When the DFHFC TYPE=GETAREA macro instruction is used, the application program must include instructions that do the following: • Symbolically define the FWA by (1) copying the appropriate CICS/VS system section storage definition (DFHFWADS), and (2) providing a storage definition for the user's section of the FiA. o Establish addressaoility for the new FWA by specifying a symbolic base address for the FWA~ (The address of the area involved, returned by CICS/VS at TCAFCAA, must be placed in FWACBAR.) The following examples show how to obtain an FWA, build a new record in the FiA, and write that record to a data set. 100 CICS/VS APRM (ML) For Assembler language: COpy KEYF DS FWACBAR EQO COPY RECORD DS NEWREC COpy TCA SYMBOLIC STRG DEFN DEFINE KEY FIELD IN TWA ASSIGN BASE REGISTER FOR FWA SYl!BOLICALLY DEFINE FiA RECORD LAYOUT FOLLOWS CONTROL FIELD AND HAS SAME BASE REGISTER DFHTCADS CL8 7 DFHFWADS OCL350 DFHFC TYPE=GETAREA, DATASET=I1ASTERC L FWACBAR,TCAFCAA OBTAIN A FWA TO CREATE A NEW RECORD FOR A DATA SET ESTABLISH ADDRESS ABILITY FOR FWA * (build new record) ST FWACBAR,TCAFCAA WRITNEW DFHFC TYPE=PUT, TYPOPER=NEWREC, RDIDADR=KEYF PLACE ADDR OF NEW RECORD IN TCA WRITE THE NEW RECORD * * For COBOL: 02 FWACBAR PIC S9(8) COMP. NOTE DEFINE BASE REGISTER FOR FWA. NOTE COpy SYMBOLIC STRG DEFN FOR TCA. NOTE DEFINE KEY FIELD IN TWA. 01 DFHTCADS COPY DFHTCADS. 02 KEY F PIC X (8) • 01 DFHFWADS COPY DFHFiADS. 02 RECORD PIC X (350) • NOTE COPY SYMBOLIC STRG DEFN FOR FWA. NOTE DEFINE RECORD LAYOUT IN FWA. PROCEDURE DIVISION. MOVE CSACDTA TO TCACBAR. NOTE ESTABLISH TCA ADDRESSABILITY. NEWREC. DFHFC TYPE=GETAREA, DATASET=l!ASTERC MOVE TCAFCAA TO FWACBAR. OBTAIN A FWA TO CREATE A NEW RECORD FOR A DATA SET NOTE ESTABLISH PiA ADDRESSABILITY. * (build new record) l!OVE FWACBAR TO TCAFCAA. WRITNBW. DFHFC TYPE=PUT, TYPOPER=NEWREC, RDIDADR=KEYF Chapter 3.2. NOTE ADDRESS OF NEW RECORD TO TCA. WRITE THE NEW RECORD File Control (DFHFC Macro Instruction) * * 101 For PL/I: %INCLUDE DFHTCADS; 02 KEYF CHAR(S): %INCLUDE DFHFWADS; 02 RECORD CHAR(350); /*COPY SYMBOLIC STRG DEFN FOR TCA*/ /*DEFINE KEY FIELD IN TWA*/ /*COPY SYMBOLIC STRG DEFN FOR FWA*/ /*DEFINE RECORD LAYOUT IN FWA*/ J NEWREC: DFHFC TYPE=GETAREA, DATASET=r!ASTERC FWACBAR=TCAFCAA; OBTAIN A FWA TO CREATE A NEW * RECORD FOR A DATA SET /*ESTABLISH ADDRESSABILITY FOR FWA*/ (build new record) TCAFCAA=FWACBAR; WRITNEW: DFHFC TYPE=PUT, TYPOPER=NEWREC, RD IDADR=KEYF 102 CICS/VS APRr! (ttL) /*PLACE ADDR OF NEW RECORD IN TCA*/ WRITE THE NEW RECORD * * Release Storage/Exclusive Control (TYPE=RELEASE) The format of the DPHPC macro instruction to release a record from exclusive control, if applicable, and to release storage areas acquired for a record is as follows: I I I I I I I IL _______ DPHPC ~ TYPE=RBLEASE [ ,NORESP=symbolic address] [,ERROR=symbolic address] [,INVREQ=symbolic address] [,IOERROR=symbolic address] [,ILLOGIC=symbolic address] <------------------VSAM _______ ____________________________________________________________ ~ ~ If the storage area to be released contains a record that has been read for update (by means of a DPHPC TYPE=GET,TYPOPER=UPDATE macro), and the update is no longer required, this macro will release the record from exclusive control as well as free the storage areas associated with it. Before the DFHPC TYPE=RELEASE macro instruction is executed, the address of the PWA, PIOA, or VSWA to be released must be moved to TCAFCAA. Any associated areas are also released. A mass insert operation on a VSAM data set (initiated by the TYPOPER=MASSINSERT operand, followed by DFHPC TYPE=PUT,TYPOPER=NEWREC macro instructions) is terminated by a DFHFC TYPB=RELEASE macro instruction. A DFHPC TYPE=RELEASE macro instruction should also be used to release the VSWA established by CICS/VS in response to a read-only request for a VSAM data set record retrieved in locate mode. Failure to release the VSWA may cause significant performance degradation or task suspension if sUbsequent accesses are made to the file. The DFHFC TYPE=RELEASE macro instruction should not be specified if the DPHPC TYPE=PUT,TYPOPER=UPDATB macro instruction is used to perform a successful write of an updated record back to a data set. CICS/VS automatically releases all storage associated with the write operation. However, if an error condition occurs, preventing successful completion of the write, a DFHFC TYPE=RELEASE macro instruction should be issued to release the storage. DPHPC TYPE=RELEASE must be issued whenever a DUPREC, ILLOGIC, IOERROR, or NOTFND condition occurs. For further details of these conditions, see "Operands of DPHFC ~acro" at the end of this chapter. CICS/VS performs the following services in response to a DFHFC TYPE=RELEASE macro instruction: • Releases an PWA, FIOA, and/or VSWA • Releases a VSAM string, if a VSWA is released • Releases exclusive control of a record retrieved for update (if appl icable) Note, though, that for a file with auto-logging specified (by the system programmer), the resource remains under the task control enqueue until either a sync point is issued or end of task is reached. Chapter 3.2. Pile Control (DFHPC Macro Instruction) 103 There is a limit to the number of VSAM strings that may be in use at anyone time, determined by the STRNO operand of the DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET system macro instruction. If strings are not released when no longer required, tasks may have to wait unnecessarily owing to the strinqs all being in use. Any FWAs, FIOAs, VSiAs, and VSAM strings acquired during execution of a task are automatically released at termination of the task, if not released earlier in response to to a DFHFC TYPE=RELEASE macro instruction. The following examples show how to request the release of an FWA. For Assembler language: FiACBAR EQU COpy RECORD DS 7 ASSIGN BASE REGISTER FOR PiA SYMBOLICALLY DEFINE FiA RECORD LAYOUT FOLLOWS CONTROL FIELD AND HAS SAME BASE REGISTER DFHFiADS OCL350 ST FWACBAR,TCAFCAA RLSEREC DFHFC TYPE=RELEASE ADDRESS OF FiA TO BE RELEASED IN TCA AND ISSUE RELEASE REQUEST For COBOL: 02 FiACBAR PIC S9 (8) COMP. NOTE DEFINE BASE REGISTER FOR FiA. I 01 DFHFWADS COpy DFHFWADS. 02 RECORD PIC 1(350). PROCEDURE DIVISION. MOVE CSACDTA TO TCACBAR • • MOVE FWACBAR TO TCAFCAA. RLSEREC. DFHFC TYPE=RELEASE NOTE COpy SYMBOLIC STRG DEFN FOR FiA. NOTE DEFINE RECORD LAYOUT IN FiA. NOTE ESTABLISH TCA aDDRESSABILITY. NOTE ADDR OF FWA TO BE RELEASED. ISSUE RELEASE REQUEST For PL/I: DFHTCADS; /*COPY SYMBOLIC STRG DEFN FOR TCA*/ ~INCLUDE DFHFWADS; 02 RECORD CHAR(350); /*COPY SYMBOLIC STRG DEFN FOR FWA*/ /*DEFINE RECORD LAYOUT IN FWA*/ TCAFCAA=FWACBAR; RLSEREC: DFHFC TYPE=RELEASE /*ADDRESS OF FWA TO BE RELEASED*/ ~INCLUDE 104 CICS/VS APRM(ML) ISSUE RELEASE REQUEST Initiate Browse (TYPE=SETL) The format of the DFHFC macro instruction to initiate a browse operation on a data set is as follows: DFHFC TYPE=SETL [,DATASET=symbolic name] [,RDIDADR=symbolic address] [ , SEG SET= {sym bolic name I YES I ALL} ] [,RETMETH={RELRECIKEY} ] <-----------DAM [ ,ARGTYP= {KEY I RBA} ] < VSAM [,SRCHTYP={FKEQIFKGEIGKEQIGKGE}] < VSAM [ , MODE= {MOVE I LOCATE} ] < VSAM [,NORESP=symbolic address] [,ERROR=symbolic address] [,DSIDER=symbolic address] [,SEGIDER=symbolic address] [,NOTFND=symbolic address] [,INVREQ=symbolic address] [,IOERROR=symbolic address] [,NOTOPEN=symbolic address] [,ILLOGIC=symbolic address] <-----------------VSAM This macro instruction is used to establish the position within the data set where the browse operation is to begin. It must be issued before any DFHFC TYPE=GETNEXT macro instruction; however, no data is available until a DFHFC TYPE=GETNEXT is used. The starting point within a data set for a browse operation is identified by a record identification field established for the data set. (See "Record Identification Field", earlier in this chapter.) For an ISAM data set, the browse operation begins at the first record with a key equal to or greater than the key provided in the record idantification field. This key may be either a specific ~omplete) key or a generic (partial) key. For example, a complete key of D6ij2BR17 causes sequential processing to begin at the first record with a key equal to or greater than that key. A generic key is one in which the application programmer supplies only the significant characters of a desired group of keys, padding the remainder of the key field with blanks or binary zeros. Considering a data set whose records had eight byte key fields, then a generic key of 96ij2~~~~ would cause sequential processing to begin at the first record with a key whose first four characters were equal to or greater than 96ij2. A key field of all binary zeros causes sequential processing to begin at the first record of the data set. For a DAM data set, the record identification field must contain a block reference (for example, TTR or MBBCCHBR) which conforms to the addressing method defined for that data set. Processing begins with the specified block and continues with each subsequent block until the browse operation is terminated. If the data set contains blocked records, processing begins at the first record of the first block and continues with each subsequent record. For a VSAM data set, the contents of the record identification field may be either a key, a relative byte address, or a relative record number. If the field contains a relative byte address, the browse Chapter 3.2. File Control (DFHFC Macro Instruction) 105 operation begins at the specified address. If the field contains a key, it may be either specific or generic. If the key is generic, the length of the partial key is specified in the first byte of the record identification field. In either case, the application program can specify that the browse operation is to begin at the first" record having a key (1) equal to the key in the record identification field (for generic, compared on only the number of bytes specified), or (2) equal to or greater than the key in the record identification field (again, for generic, compared on only the bytes specified). When the DPHFC TYPE=SETL macro instruction is used, the application programmer must provide instructions that do the following: • Symbolically define the PWA by (1) copying the appropriate CICS/VS system section storage definition (DPHPWADS), and (2) providing his own storage definition for the user's section of the PiA. • Establish addressabi1ity for the PWA by specifying a symbolic base address for the PiA, typically following the DPHPC macro instruction ~ (The address of the FiA, provided by CICS/VS at TCAPCAA, must be placed at FWACBAR upon normal return from execution of the SETL macro instruction.) \.0 In most cases, records retrieved during a browse operation are returned to the application program in a file work area ~WA). However, in locate mode the addresses of the record are passed in the VSWA. The PWA allocated by CICS/VS following a SETL request is unique for the duration of that particular browse operation. If the application program issues another SETL request, for the same or another data set, a different PWA is created by CICS/VS. Thus it is possible for a single application program to concurrently : browse the same data set at several different locations. During a browse operation on a segmented data set, the original PWA (that is, the one allocated by CICS/VS in response to the SETL request) may be replaced with a different PWA if a se~ent set specified in a GETNEXT request requires a larger PWA than the segment set specified in the SETL request. In this situation, the application programmer should not assume that the same PWA is used for all GETNEXT requests. The address of the utilized FWA is available at TCAFCAA upon return from a GETNEXT request. CICSjVS performs the following services in response to a DPHPC TYPE=SETL macro instruction: 1. Acquires the main storage I/O areas and work areas to be associated with this browse operation 2. Preserves the segment set name (if any) as the default segment set name to be used if none is specified in subsequent GETNEXT requests 3. Returns the address of the allocated FWA in TCAPCAA for other than locate-mode nonsegmented VSAM data set processing; returns the address of the allocated VSWA that will contain the VSAM buffer"area address of each retrieved record for locate-mode nonsegmented VSAM data set processing The information supplied by the user in the record identification field is preserved by CICS/VS for use when GETNEXT requests are issued. Since CICS/VS places into this field the identification of each record retrieved in response to a subsequent GETNEXT request, the field should not be released by the application program. The information placed into the record identification field by CICSjVS is always in a form which completely identifies the record. 106 CICS/VS APRM(ML) Por example, assume a browse operation is to start with the first record of a blocked, keyed DAM data set. Before issuing the DFHFC TYPE=SETL macro instruction, the application programmer should place the TTR (assuming that is the addressing method) of the first block into the record identification field. After executing each DPHPC TYPE=GETNEXT macro instruction, CICS/VS places the complete record identification into the record identification field. After the first GETNEXT, the record identification field might contain X'0000010504' where 000001 represents the TTR value, 05 represents the block key, and 04 represents the record key. As another example, if the application program is browsing a blocked, nonkeyed DAM data set and the second record from the second physical block on the third relative track is read in response to a GETNEXT request, the record identification field contains X'00020201' upon return to the application program, where 0002 represents the track, 02 represents the block, and 01 represents the record within the block. The following examples show how to initiate a browse operation. Por Assembler language: COpy DS KEYP PWACBAR EQU COPY RECORD DS DPHTCADS CL8 COpy TCA SYMBOLIC STORAGE DEPN 7 ASSIGN BASE REGISTER POR PWA DEPINE SYSTEM SECTION OP PiA RECORD LAYOUT DPHFiADS OCL350 CSECT START ERROR MVC KEYP (5) ,=C'JONES' XC KEYP+5 (3) , KEYP+5 DPHPC TYPE=SETL, DATASET=MASTER, RDIDADR=KEYP, NOTOPEN=ERROR FWACBAR,TCAFCAA L GO TO ERROR LABEL IP ERROR ESTABLISH ADDRESSABILITY POR PiA • ENTRY TO ERROR ROUTINE DS OH INITIALIZE KEY PIELD INITIATE BROWSE Chapter 3.2.· Pile Control (DPHPC Macro Instruction) * * * 107 For COBOL: 02 FWACBAR PIC 59(8) COMP. NOTE DEFINE BASE REGISTER FOR FWA. 01 DFHTCAD5 COPY DFHTCADS. 02 KEYF PIC X ~). 01 DFHFWADS COpy DFHFWADS. 02 RECORD PIC X(350). NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE PROCEDURE DIVISION. MOVE CSACDTA TO TCACBAR. NOTE ESTABLISH TCA ADDRESSABILITY. MOVE 'JONES' TO KEYF. START. DFHFC TYPE=SETL, DATA5ET=MASTER, RDIDADR=KEYF, NOTOPEN=ERROR MOVE TCAFCAA TO FW1CBAR. COpy SYMBOLIC STRG DEFN FOR TCA. DEFINE KEY FIELD IN TWA. COPY SYMBOLIC STRG DEFN FOR FiA. DEFINE RECORD LAYOUT IN FWA. INITIATE BROWSE GO TO ERROR LABEL IF ERROR * * * ERROR. For PLII: %INCLUDE DFHTCADS; 02 KEYF CHAR(8); /*COPY SYMBOLIC STRG DEFN FOR TCA*/ • %INCLUDE DFHFWADS; 02 RECORD CHAR (350) ; /*COPY SYMBOLIC 5TRGDEFN FOR FWA*/ /*DEFINE RECORD LAYOUT IN FWA*/ KEYF= 'JONES' ; START: DFHFC TYPE=SETL, DATASET=MASTER, RDIDADR=KEYF, NOTOPEN=ERROR FWACBAR=TCAFCAA; ERROR: 108 CICS/VS APRM (ML) INITIATE BROWSE GO TO ERROR LABEL IF ERROR * * * Forward Browse (TYPE=GETNEXT) The format of the DFHFC macro instruction to retrieve the next record in ascending sequence during a browse operation is shown below. ~-----r--------r--------------------------------------------------------------' DFHFC TYPE=GETNEXT [ , SEGSET= {symbolic name I YES I ALL} ] [,DUPKEY=symbolic address] <---VSAM & assembler [,NORESP=symbolic address] [,ERROR=symbolic address] [,SEGIDER=symbolic address] [ ,NOTFND=symbolic address] [,INVREQ=symbolic address] [ ,IOERROR=symbolic address] [,NOTOPEN=symnolic address] [ ,ENDFILE=symbolic address] [,ILLOGIC=symbolic address] This instruction can also be used to perform skip-sequential processing upon a VSAM data set. After a DPHPC TYPE=SETL macro instruction has been issued to initiate a browse operation, the next (or first) record in ascending sequence can be obtained by issuing the DPHPC TYPE=GETNEXT macro instruction. When the first GETNEXT request is issued following a SETL request for an ISAM data set, CICS/VS acquires the first record with a key equal to or greater than the key presented by a previous SETL; for a DAM data set, CICS/VS acquires the first record specified by the user. Each subsequent GETNEXT request, whether for an ISAM or a DAM data set, causes CICS/VS to acquire the next record in ascending sequence. When ISAM is used, records that are flagged for deletion are presented to the application program, which must be able to recognize them. When VSAM is used, a browse operation can be specified to begin at a particular relative byte location or with a record identified by a key. In the former case, the first GETNEXT request retrieves that record. Each succeeding GETNEXT retrieves the next record in ascending sequence. If a key is specified for a VSAM data set, it may be either specific or generic, and the application programmer can specify that the search begin (1) at a record having a key equal to the specific or generic key, or (2) at a record having a key equal to or greater than the specific or generic key. The effects of GETNEXT macro instructions are as described below. Before issuing the DPHPC TYPE=GETNEXT macro instruction, the application programmer must place the address of the PWA associated with the particular operation in TCAPCAA. If the application program has initiated multiple browse operations, it must keep track of the PWA associated with each operation and refer to a specific PWA when requiring services related to that browse. Similar requirements apply to the address of a specific VSWA in locate-mode processing of VSAM nonsegmented records. CICS/VS performs the following services in response to a DPHPC TYPE=GETNEXT macro instruction referring to an ISAM, VSA!, or DAM data set: 1. Retrieves the next sequential record and places it in the PWA specified by the user at TCAPCAA Chapter 3.2. File Control (DPHFC Macro Instruction) 109 2. P1aces the identification (key, block identification, or the like) of the record just retrieved into the record identification field specified in the DFHFC TYPE=SETL request initiating the browse If the user issues a DFHFC TYPE=GET,TYPOPER=UPDATE request on the record returned in response to a DFHFC TYPE=GETNEXT request, the address of the record identification field can be specified in the DFHFC TYPE=GET request. The first DFHFC TYPE=GETNEXT macro instruction referring to a VSAM data set retrieves the record located in response to the DFHFC TYPE=SETL instruction initiating the browse. On a subsequent GETNEXT, CICS/VS checks the contents of the record 'identification field set aside for records of the data set. If this field contains the identification of the record previously received, CICS/VS retrieves the next logical record in sequence and places the identification of that record in the record identification field. Sequential retrieval such as described above for ISAM and DAM data 'sets then occurs. It is possible, however, when using VSAM data sets, for the application programmer to utilize a skip-sequential processing capability. All that is needed is to place the identification of the next record desired into the record identification field prior to issuing a GETNEXT request. If, upon checking this field, CICS/VS determines that its contents have been changed by the application program, CICS/VS accesses the record having the identification currently stored in the record identification field. This record need not be the next sequential record in the data set. This skip-sequential processing capability is available only for VSAM data sets. When VSAM skip-sequential processing is used, the record identification placed in the record identification field before issuing the GETNEXT request must be of the same form as that specified in the SETL or last RESETL request for this browse operation. That is, if the SETL or last RESETL specified a generic key, then the new record identification must be a generic key. It need not be the same length as that specified in the SETL or last RESETL. If the SETL or last RESETL specified an RBA, the new identification must be an RBA. Note that if the SETL or last RESETL specified an equal search (FKEQ'or GKEQ), a GETNEXT request using skip-sequential processing may result in a NOTFND (record not found) condition. In addition, CICS/VS can perform the following services, depending on the operands included in the DFHFC TYPE=GETNEXT macro instruction. 1. Present the user with segments as specified in the GETNEXT request. 2. Present the user with segments as specified in the SETL request if no segment set is specified in the GETNEXT request. 3. If the FWA is not large enough to process a segment set specified in the GETNEXT request, dispose of the old FWA and acquire a new one large enough to process the new request. If the NOTFND condition occurs during a browse operation, the application program must issue either a RESETL macro to reset the browse or an ESETL macro to terminate the browse. Both these macros are discussed later in this chapter. The following examples show how to initiate a browse operation and retrieve selected segments from successive records of the data set. 110 CICS/VS APaM (ML) For Assembl er lalliluaqe: COpy KEYF DS FWACBAR EQU COpy RECORDA DS COpy TCA SYMBOLIC STRG DEFN DEFINE KEY FIELD IN TWA ASSIGN FWA BASE REGISTER COpy CICS/VS CONTROL SECTION OF FWA DEFINE RECORD LAYOUT IN FWA. DFHTCADS 8X 7 DFHFWADS OCL350 ~ J C:SECT MVC KEYF (8) ,=8X' 00' INITIAL DFHFC TYPE=SETL, DATASET=MASTER, SEGSET=A, RDIDADR=KEYF FWACBAR,TCAFCAA L START AT BEGINNING OF DATA SET INITIATE BROWSE SET DEFAULT SEGMENT SET * * * ESTABLISH FiA BASE REGISTER ~ ST FWACB AR, TCAFCAA DFHFC TYPE=GETNEXT FWACBAR,TCAFCAA L RESTORE FWA ADDRESS GET NEXT SEQUENTIAL RECORD ·ASSURE ADDRESS ABILITY IF SEGMENTED ST FWACBAR,TCAFCAA DFHFC TYPE=GETNEXT, SEGSET=B L FWACBAR,TCAFCAA RESTORE FWA ADDRESS GET NEXT RECORD WITH SEGMENT B ASSURE ADDRESSABILITY IF SEGMENTED Chapter 3.2. File Control (DFHFC Macro Instruction) * 111 For COBOL: 02 FiACBAR PIC S9(8) COMP. NOTE DEFINE BASE REGISTER FOR FWA. 01 DFHTCADS COpy DFHTCADS. 02 KEYF PIC S9 (18) COMP. NOTE COpy SYMBOLIC STRG DEFN FOR TCA~ NOTE DEFINE KEY FIELD IN TiA • • 01 DFHFiADS COPY DFHFWADS. 02 RECORD PIC X(350). NOTE COpy SYMBOLIC STRG DEFN FOR FWA. NOTE DEFINE RECORD LAYOUT IN FiA. PROCEDURE DIVISION. MOVE CSACDTA TO TCACBAR. NOTE ESTABLISH TCA ADDRESSABILITY. !OVE 0 TO KEYF. NOTE START AT BEGINNING OF DATA SET. INITIAL. DFHFC TYPE=SETL, DATASET=MASTER, SEGSET=A, RDIDADR=KEYF MOVE TCAFCAA TO FiACBAR. 112 INITIATE BROWSE SET DEFAULT SEGMENT SET NOTE ESTABLISH FiA ADDRESSABILITY. MOVE FWACBAR TO TCAFCAA. DFHFC TYPE=GETNEXT MOVE TCAFCAA TO FiACBAR. GET NEXT SEQUENTIAL RECORD. MOVE FiACBAR TO TCAFCAA. DFHFC TYPE=GETNEXT, SEGSET=B MOVE TCAFCAA TO FiACBAR. GET NEXT RECORD WITH SEGMENT B NOTE POSSIBLE NEW FiA. CICS/VS APRM(ML) * * * * For PL/I: %INCLUDE DFHTCADS; 02 KEYF CHAR (8) i /*COPY SYMBOLIC STRG DEFN FOR TCA*/ /*DEFINE KEY FIELD IN TWA*/ %INCLUDE DFHFWADSi 02 RECORD CHAR (350) ; /*COPY SYMBOLIC STRG DEFN FOR FWA*/ /*DEFINE RECORD LAYOUT IN FWA*/ KEYF=LOW (8) ; /*START AT BEGINNING OF DATA SET*/ INITIAL: DPHFC TYPE=SETL, DATASET=MASTER, SEGSET=A, RDIDADR=KEYF FWACBAR=TCAFCAA; TCAFCAA=PWACBAR; DFHFC TYPE=GETNEXT FWACBAR=TCAFCAA: SET DEFAULT SEGMENT SET * * * /*ESTABLISH FWA ADDRESSABILITY*/ GET NEXT SEQUENTIAL RECORD TCAFCAA=FWACBAR; DFHFC TYPE=GETNEXT, SEGSET=B FWACBAR=TCAFCAAi Chapter 3.2. INITIATE BROWSE GET NEXT RECORD WITH SEGMENT B /*POSSIBLE NEW FWA*/ File Control (DFHFC Macro Instruction) * 113 Backward Browse. VSAM and Assembler Language Only TYPE=GETPREV) The format of the DFHFC macro instruction to retrieve the next record in descending sequence during a browse operation is shown below. The DFHFC TYPE=GETPREV macro can be used only in an assembler language application program and on a VSAM data set. DFHFC TYPE=GETPREV [,SEGSET={symbolic nameIYESIALL)] [,DUPKEY=symbolic address] [,NORESP=symbolic address] [,ERROR=symbolic address] [,SEGIDER=symbolic address] [,NOTFND=symbolic address] [,INVREQ=symbolic address] [,IOERROR=symbolic address] [,NOTOPEN=symbolic address] [,ENDFILE=symbolic address] [,ILLOGIC=symbolic address] After a DFHFC TYPE=SETL macro instruction has been issued to initiate a browse operation, the next (or first) record in descending sequence can be obtained by issuing the DFHFC TIPE=GETPREV macro instruction. A browse operation can be specifed to begin at a particular relative byte location or with a record identified by a key. In the former case, the first GETPREV request retrieves that record. Each succeeding GETPREV retrieves the next record in descending sequence. If a key is specified for a VSAM data set, it must be specific, and the application programmer can specify that the search begin at a record having a key equal to the specified key. The effects of GETPREV macro instructions are as described below. Before issuing the DFHFC TYPE=GETPREV macro instruction, the application programmer must place the address of the FiA associated with the particular operation in TCAFCAA. If the application program has initiated multiple browse operations, it must keep track of the FiA associated with each operation and refer to a specific FiA when requiring services related to that browse. Similar requirements apply to the address of a specific VSiA in locate-mode browsing of VSAM nonsegmented records. CICS/VS performs the following services in response to a DFHFC TIPE=GETPREV macro instruction referring to a VSAM data set: 1. Retrieves the next record in descending sequence and places it in the FWA specified by the user at TCAFCA~ 2. Places the identification (key, or relative byte address) of the record just retrieved into the record identification field specified in the DFHFC TYPE=SETL request initiating the browse If the user issues a DFHFC TIPE=GET,TYPOPER=UPDATE request on the record returned in response to a DFHFC TYPE=GETPREV request, the address of the record identification field can be specified in the DFHFC TYPE=GET request. 114 CICS/VS APRM(ML) The first DFHFC TYPE=GETPREV macro instruction retrieves the record located in response to the DFHFC TYPE=SETL instruction initiating the browse. On a subsequent GETPREV, CICS/VS checks the contents of the record identification field set aside for records of the data set. If this field contains the identification of the record previously received, CICS/VS retrieves the next logical record in sequence and places the identification of that record in the record identification field. If the DFHFC TYPE=GETPREV macro instruction is issued following a DFHFC TYPE=SETL macro instruction using a generic key, an invalid request will be indicated. In addition, CICS/VS can perform the following services, depending on the operands included in the DFHFC TYPE=GETPREV macro instruction. 1. Present the user with segments as specified in the GETPREV request. 2. Present the user with segments as specified in the SETL request if no segment set is specified in the GETPREV request. 3. If the FWA is not large enough to process a segment set specified in the GETPREV request, dispose of the old FWA and acquire a new one large enough to process the new request. Chapter 3.2. File Control (DFHFC Macro Instruction) 115 Terminate Browse (TYPE=ESETL) The format of the DFHFC macro instruction to terminate a browse operation on a data set is as follows: ------~------r--------------------------------------------------------~ I DFHFC I I I I I TYPE=ESETL [,NORESP=symbolic address) [,ERROR=symbolic address] [,INVREQ=symbolic address] [,ILLOGIC=symbolic address] <------------------VSAK I ~----_~------_I~------------------------------------------------------~ Before this macro is issued, the programmer must ensure that TCAFCAA contains the address of the file work area (FWA) associated with the browse operation he wishes to terminate. When locate-mode processing of VSAM nonsegmented records is utilized, TCAFCAA must contain the address of the VSWA associated with the browse operation being terminated. In response to an ESBTL request, CICS/VS releases all I/O and work areas associated with the browse operation. The following examples show how to terminate two concurrent browse operations. For Assem bIer lanQU2:g§l: COpy FWACELL1 DS *FWACELL2 DS * FWACBAR BQU RECORD COPY DS DFHFWADS OCL350 COpy TCA SYMBOLIC STRG DEFN CONTAINS ADDR OF FWA USED FOR FIRST BROWSE OPERATION CONTAINS ADDR OF FWA USED FOR SECOND BROWSE OPERATION ASSIGN FWA BASE REGISTER DEFINE PiA SYMBOLIC STORAGE DEFN DEFINE RECORD TCAFCAA,FWACELL1 TYPE=ESETL TCAFCAA,FCACELL2 TYPE=ESETL MOVE BROiSE ISSUE ESETL MOVE BROWSE ISSUE ESETL DFHTCADS A A 7 CSECT MVC DFHFC MVC DFHFC 116 CICS/VS APRM(ML) 1 FiA MACRO 2 FWA MACRO ADDR TO TCA INSTRUCTION ADDR TO TCA INSTRUCTION 02 FiACBAR PIC S9(8) COMP~ NOTE DEFINE BASE REGISTER FOR FWA. 01 DFHTCADS COPY DFHTCADS. 02 FWACELL1 PIC S9 (8) ~OMP. 02 FiACELL2 PIC S9 (8) COMP. 01 DFHFWADS COpy DFHFiADS. 02 RECORD PIC X(350). NOTE COPY SYMBOLIC STRG DEFN FOR TCA. NOTE COpy SYMBOLIC STRG DEFN FOR FiA. NOTE DEFINE RECORD LAYOUT IN FWA. MOVE FWACELL1 TO TCAFCAA. DFHFC TYPE=ESETL NOTE PREPARE TO END FIRST BROWSE. TERMINATE FIRST BROWSE MOVE FWACELL2 TO TCAFCAA. DFHFC TYPE=ESETL NOTE PREPARE TO END 2ND BROWSE. TERMINATE SECOND BROWSE. For PL/I: %INCLUDE DFHTCADS; /*COPY SYMBOLIC STRG DEFN FOR TCA*/ 02 FiACELL1 POINTER; 02 FWACELL2 POINTER; %INCLUDE DFHFWADS; 02 RECORD CHAR (350) ; /*COPY SYMBOLIC STRG DEFN FOR FHA*/ /*DEFINE RECORD LAYOUT IN FWA*/ TCAFCAA=FWACELL1; DFHFC TYPE=ESETL TCAFCAA=FWACELL2; DFHFC TYPE=ESETL /*MOVE BROWSE1 FWA ADDR TO TCA*/ Chapter 3.2. /*MOVE BROiSE2 FWA ADDR TO TCA*/ File Control (DFHFC Macro Instruction) 117 Reset Browse (TYPE=RESETL) The format of the DFHFC macro instruction to reset the search argument, default segment set name, and/or type of search argument (VSAM only) for a browse operation is as follows: DFHFC TYPE=RESETL [ ,SEGSET={symbolic nameIYESIALL}] <,-------------VSAM [,ARGTYP={KEYIRBA}] [,SRCHTYP={FKEQI~IGKEQIGKGE}] < VSAM [,NORESP=symbolic address] [,ERROR=symbolic address] [,SEGIDER=symbolic address] [,NOTFND=symbolic address] [,INVREQ=symbolic address] [,IOERROR=symbolic address] [,NOTOPEN=symbolic address] [,ILLOGIC=symbolic address] < ---------------VSAM Once a browse operation has been initiated, the application programmer may, at any time prior to issuing an ESETL request for the browse, reset the search argument to some record other than the next sequential record in the data set. The default segment set name and (for a VSAM data set) the type of search argument used in retrieving records can also be reset by issuing the DFHFC TYPE=RESETL macro instruction. Prior to issuing the request, the application programmer should place the address of the appropriate FWA into TCAFCAA and the new record identification in the record identification field specified in the original SETL request~ The use of the RESETL maCro instruction allows the application programmer to avoid issuing an ESETL request followed by another SETL request, and causes CICS/VS to use the same I/O and work area. Upon return from the RESETL request, TCAFCAA contains the address of a new FWA that the user can use for the browse operation. The RESETL request allows the user to "skip" through his data set in a browse operation with ease. A similar capability is available to VSAM Users through the GETNEXT instruction. A browse operation should be terminated by issuing a TYPE=ESETL macro, but a normal or abnormal end of task will also terminate a browse. The following examples show how to reset the search argument and the default segment set for a browse operation. For Assembler lagg!!~§.: COpy KEYF DS FWACBAR EQU COpy RECORD1 DS DPHTCADS D DPHFW ADS OCL350 COpy TCA SYMBOLIC STRG DEPN DEFINE KEY PIELD IN TWA ASSIGN FWA BASE REGISTER COpy FWA DSECT DEFINE RECORD WITH SEGSET A ORG RECORD2 DS RECORD 1 OCL250 DEPINE RECORD WITH SEGSET B 118 7 CICS/VS APRM (ML) CSECT MVC KEYF(8) ,=8X I OOI DFHFC TYPE=SETL, DATASET=MASTER, RDIDADR=KEYF, SEGSET=A L FWACBAR ,TCAFCAA INITIALIZE KEY FIELD ISSUE INITIAL SETL MACRO FOR DATA SET "MASTER" INITIAL SEARCH ARG=O FOR SEGSET=A ESTABLISH ADDRESSABILITY TO FWA * * * ST FWACBAR,TCAFCAA MVC KEYF(8),=CL8 I SMITHI DFHFC TYPE=RESETL, SEGSET=B L FWACBAR,TCAFCAA STORE FWA ADDR IN TCA ESTABLISH NEW SEARCH ARGUMENT ISSUE RESETL MACRO NEW SEGSET ID ESTABLISH ADDRESSABILITY TO FWA * 02 FWACBAR PIC S9(8) COMP. NOTE DEFINE BASE REGISTER FOR FiA. 01 DFHTCADS COPY DPHTCADS. 02 KEYF PIC S9(18) CaMP. NOTE COpy SYMBOLIC STRG DEFN paR TCA. NOTE DEFINE KEY FIELD IN TWA. 02 PILLER REDEFINES KEYP. 03 KEYC PIC X (8) • 01 DFHFWADS COpy DFHFWADS. 02 RECORD1 PIC X (350) • NOTE COpy SYMBOLIC STRG DEFN FOR FWA. NOTE DEFINE RECORD WITH SEGSET A. 01 DFHFWA REDEFINES DFHFWADS. 02 FILLER PIC X(16). 02 RECORD2 PIC X (250) • NOTE CREATE STRG DEFN FOR FWA. NOTE LENGTH OP FWA. NOTE DEFINE RECORD WITH SEGSET B. MOVE 0 TO KEYF. DFHFC TYPE=SETL, DATASET=MASTER, RDIDADR=KEYF, SEGSET=A MOVE TCAFCAA TO PWACBAR. ISSUE INITIAL SETL MACRO INSTR * FOR DATA SET "MASTER" * INITIAL SEARCH ARG=O * FOR SEGSET =A NOTE ESTABLISH ADDRESSABILITY TO FiA. MOVE FWACBAR TO TCAFCAA. MOVE 'SMITHI TO KEYC. DFHFC TYPE=RESETL, SEGSET=B MOVE TCAFCAA TO FWACBAR. NOTE STORE FWA ADDRESS IN TCA. NOTE Es'rABLISH NEi SEARCH ARGUMENT. ISSUE RESETL MACRO INSTRUCTION * NEW SEGSET ID NOTE ESTABLISH ADDRESSABILITY TO FiA. Chapter 3.2. File Control (DFHFC Macro Instruction) 119 For PL/I: IINCLUDE DFHTCADS; 02 KEYF CHAR(S); /*COPY SY!BOLIC STRG DEFN FOR TCA*/ /*DEFINE KEY*/ • ~INCLUDE DPHPWADS; /*COPY SYftBOLIC STRG DEFN POR FWA*/ 02 RECORD1 CHAR (350); /*DEFINE RECORD WITH SEGSET A*/ DECLARE 01 DPHXFWA BASED (FWACBAR), 02 PILL CHAR (16) , /*LENGTH OF PWA*/ 02 RBCORD2 CHAR (250) ; /*DEPINE RECORD WITH SEGSET B*/ KEYP=LOW(S); DPHFC TYPE=SETL, DATASET=MASTER, RDIDADR=KEYP, SEGSET=A PWACBAR=TCAFCAA; /*SET KEY VALUE TO ZERO*/ ISSUE INITIAL SETL !ACRO INSTR * POR DATA SET "MASTER" * INITIAL SEARCH ARG EQUALS ZERO * FOR SEGSET A /*ESTABLISH ADDRESSABILITY FOR PWA*/ TCAFCAA=PWACBAR; KEYP= 'SftITH'; DFHPC TYPE=RESETL, SEGSET=B PWACBAR=TCAPCAA; /*STORE FWA ADDR IN TCA*/ /*ESTABLISH NEW SEARCH ARGUMENT*/ ISSUE RESETL !ACRO INSTRUCTION * NEW SEGSET ID I*ESTABLISH ADDRESS ABILITY TO FWA*/ 120 CICS/VS APR!(!L) Test Response to a Request for File Services (TYPE=CHECK) The format of the DFHFC macro instruction to test the CICS/VS response to a preceding DFHFC request for file services is as follows: DFHFC TYPE =CHECK [,NORESP=symbolic address] [,ERROR=symbolic address] [ ,DSIDER=symbolic address] [,SEGIDER=symDolic address] [,NOTFND=symbolic address] [,DUPKEY=symbolic address] [,DUPREC=symbolic address] [,INVREQ=symbolic address] [,IOERROR=symbolic address] [,DUPDS=symbolic address] [,NOSPACE=symbolic address] [,NOTOPEN=symbolic address] [,ENDFILE=symbolic address] [,ILLOGIC=symbolic address] <--------VSAM & assembler <------------------VSAM I File Control Response Codes To test a response code the application programmer must know (1) the CICS/VS response codes and their meanings, and (2) the symbolic labels by which he can refer to the response codes. These are shown in Figure 3.2-11. If the Assembler-language or PL/I programmer elects to check for a particular response-code bit pattern, he can access the response code at TCAFCTR. The COBOL programmer who elects to check for a particular response-code bit pattern, can access the response code at TCAFCRC. Because the multipunch codes to be checked in a COBOL program commonly correspond to unprintable characters, an alternative facility is provided in CICS/VS for use by the COBOL programmer. He can evaluate the response by referring to the condition names generated by CICS/VS (for example, FCNORESP). Use of this approach is illustrated in the examples at the end of this discussion. Chapter 3.2. File Control (DFHPC Macro Instruction) 121 File Services Request by DFHFC Macro Instruction Response Code Condition -----. . . .------r=-----Assembler COBOLt PL/I All NORESP (Normal Response) X'OO' LOW-VALUES (FCNORESP) 00000000 GET,DELETE,GETAREA, SETL,CHECK DSIDER (Data set identification error) X'01' 12-1-9 (FCDSIDER) 00000001 GET,PUT,DELETE,SETL, GETNBXT,RESETL,CHECK, GETPREV ILLOGIC (VSAM only; error not covered by any other code) XI 02 1 12-2-9 (FCILLOGIC) 00000010 GET,SETL,GETNEXT, RESETL,CHECK,GETPREV SEGIDER2 (Segment set identification error) X I 04 1 12-4-9 (FCSEGIDER ) 00000100 All INVREQ (Invalid Request) X'08 1 12-8-9 (FCINVREQ) 00001000 GET ,CHECK DUPDS3 (Duplicate data set) X'OA' 12-2-8-9 (FCDUPDS) 00001010 GET, pu'r ,DELETE, GETAREA,SETL,GETNEXT, RESETL,CHECK,GETPREV NOTOPEN (Data set not open) X'OC' 12-4-8-9 (FCNOTOPEN) 00001100 GETNEXT,CHECK,GETPREV ENDFILE (End of file during browse) XIOF' 12-7-8-9 (FCENDFILE) 00001111 GET,PUT,DELETE,SETL, GETNEXT,RESETL,CHECK, GETPREV IOERROR (Error not covered by any other code) X I 80 1 12-0-1-8 (FC IOERROR) 10000000 GET,DELETE,SETL, GETNEXT,RESETL,CHECK, GETPREV NOTFND. (Record not found) X l 81 1 12-0-1 (FCNOTFND) 10000001 PUT, CHECK DUPREC (Duplicate records) XI 82 1 12-0-2 (FCDUPREC) 10000010 Figure 3.2-11. 122 (Part 1 of 2) CICS/VS APRM (ML) File Control Response Codes File Services Request by DFHFC Macro Instruction Response Code r Condition Assembler PUT, CHECK NOSPACEs (No DASD space for adding record) X'83' GET,GETNEXT,GETPREV, CHECK DUPKEY (VSAH & assembler only; duplicate key in alternate index) X1841 All ERROR (Any response other than NOR ESP) See Note 6 COBOLl PL/I 12-0-3 (FCNOSPACE) 10000011 See Note 6 See Note 6 Notes: 1. The names enclosed in parentheses in the COBOL column indicate the condition names generated by CICS/VS. These names may be used in testing for the respective conditions in a COBOL program. 2. The SEGIDER condition can occur only when the SEGSET operand is specified. 3. The DUPDS condition can occur only when the INDEX operand is specified. 4. For SETL, GETNEXT, GETPREV, or RESETL, the NOTFND condition can occur only for VSAM files. 5. The NOSPACE condition can occur only when TYPOPER=NEWREC is specified. 6. The test for the ERROR response is satisfied by a not equal condition; that is, not X'OO-, not LOW-VALUES, or not 00000000 for Assembler, COBOL, and PL/I, respectively. Figure 3~2-11 .. (Part 2 of 2) File Control Response Codes The keyword operands that can be used to reguest tests of the response to a request for file services (that is, a DFHFC macro instruction) are identified in the discussions of the instruction formats. The condition expressed by each keyword is explained in detail and should be referred to by the application programmer when using any of the checking methods described above. When certain exception conditions (for example, HOTFND, IOERROR, OR DUPREC) occur, the FIOA or VSWA that has been acquired for the file control request, is retained. Its address is available to the application program. Before other file control requests are issued, the Chapter 3.2. File Control (DFHFC Macro Instruction) 123 storage occupied by the FIOA or VSWA should be freed by a DFBFC TIPE=RELEASE macro instruction. When the exception conditions DSIDER, SEGIDER, INVREQ, or NOTOPEN occur no storage areas are acquired for the associated file control request. The following examples show how to examine the response code provided by ClCS/VS at TCAFCTR (for Assembler language or PL/I) or TCAFCRC ~or COBOL) and transfer control to an appropriate user-written errorhandling routine. The alternative approach available to COBOL programmers is also shown. For Assembler language: DFBFC TYPE=GET, DATASET=MASTER, RDIDADR=KEYF CLI TCAFCTR,X'OO' GOOD BE CLI TCAFCTR,X'SO' ERROR BE CLI TCAFCTR,X'OS' ERROR BE GOOD DS ERROR DS OR DFHPC TYPE=ABEND * * NORMAL RESPONSE I/O ERROR INVALID REQUEST OB For COBOL: DFHFC TYPE=GET, DATASET=MASTER, RDIDADR=KEYF IF TCAFCBC = LOW-VALUES GO TO GOOD. NOTE LOW-VALUES NORESP. IF TCAFCRC = , , GO TO ERROR. NOTE 12-0-1-8 IOERROR. NOTE 12-8-9 lNVREQ. IF TCAFCRCY=' • GO TO ERROR. * * GOOD. ERROR. DFHPC TYPE=ABEND where the value specified within single quotation marks is an unprintable multipunch code for the required hexadecimal value. For example, a hexadecimal SO has a multipunch code of 12-0-1-' S. 124 CICS/VS APRM(ML) The alternative approach to response code checking, which is available to COBOL programmers as described earlier, is generally a coding convenience and provides concise code documentation. When this approach is used, the IF statements above are replaced by statements of the form shown below, using the CICS/VS generated condition names: IF FCNORESP THEN GO TO GOOD. IF FCIOERROR THEN GO TO ERROR. IF FCINVREQ THEN GO TO ERROR. For P1L!.: DFHFC TYPE=GET, DATASET=MASTER, RDIDADR=KEYF IF TCAFCTR=IOOOOOOOO'B THEN GO TO GOOD; IF TCAFCTR=110000000 1B THEN GO TO ERROR; IF TCAFCTR='OOOO1000'B THEN GO TO ERROR; * * /* NORMAL RESPONSE */ /* I/O ERROR */ /* INVALID REQUEST */ GOOD: ERROR: DFHPC TYPE=ABEND Chapter 3 .. 2.. File Control (DFHFC Macro Instruction) 125 Operands of DFHFC Macro ARGTYP= describes the contents of the record identification field when operating on a VSAM data set. KEY indicates that the record identification field contains a search key or a relative record number. RBA indicates that the record identification field contains a relative byte address. In a DFHPC TYPE=GETAREA macro, the ARGTYP operand can only be used when TYPOPER=MASSINSERT is also specified. ARGTYP describes the record identification fields of the records to be mass-inserted by DFHPC TYPE=PUT macros. When used in a mass-insert operation, the ARGTYP operand cannot be overriden. DATASET=symbolic name is the symbolic name of the data set to be accessed. When indirect accessing is involved, this is the name of the primary data set (see "Indirect Accessing" earlier in this chapter). The name must appear in the file control table (FCT). If this operand is omitted, the symbolic name is assumed to be in TCAFCDI. DSIDER=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is to be passed if the data set specified by the DATASET operand (or at TCAFCD~ cannot be located in the FCT. The error also occurs if the data s~t specified in the INDEX operand of a DFHFC TYPE=GET macro instruction (or at TCAFCAI) , or any of the lower-level data sets in the indirect accessing hierarchy, cannot be found in the FCT. DSIDER signifies "data set identification error." The contents of TCAFCAA are not meaningful. DUPDS=symbo1ic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is to be passed if the record retrieved on an indirect access is from a duplicates data set rather than from the primary data set. The user's routine can include provisions for processing the duplicate record. DUPDS signifies "duplicates data set ... TCAFCAA contains: • The address of an PIOA if the duplicates data set is unblocked and its records are non-V SAM • 126 The address of an PiA if the duplicates data set is blocked or in all cases where records are VSAM. CICS/VS APRM(ML) DUPKEY=symbolic address • valid only for assembler language application programs and VSAM data sets. specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is to be passed if the duplicate key condition is raised. This can only occur with VSAM data sets where records are being accessed by alternate indexes. This condition indicates that a record has been retrieved but that there are other records in the data set which have the same (alternate) key. These records can be retrieved by a browse. DUPREC=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is to be passed if an attempt is made to add a record to a data set in which a record with the same key already exists. DUPREC signifies "duplicate record." TCAFCAA contains: • The address of an FIOA if the PUT request is against an ISAM data set • The address of a VSWA if the PUT request is against a VSAM data set The FWA will be released by the File Control Program. After any interrogation of the FlO! or VSWA returned is complete, the program should issue a DFHFC TYPE=RELEASE macro instruction. ENDFILE=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is to be passed if an end-of-file condition is detected during the sequential retrieval (browse) of records in a data set. This condition can occur only in response to a GETNEXT request. TCAFCAA contains the address of the FWA for the browse operation if move mode is specified or implied in the SETL request. TCAFCAA contains the address of the VSWA that represents the browse if locate mode is specified. ERROR=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to uhich control is to be passed if any error occurs on a file operation. The CICS/VS response code should be further interrogated in this user-written routine. ILLOGIC=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is to be transferred if a VSAM error that does not fall within one of the other CICS/VS response categories occurs. TCAFCAA contains the address of a VSWA. The user's routine may check the actual logical error codes in the RPL which is at VSWARPL. The error code is at VSWAERRC, and the return code is at VSWARTNC. After an interrogation of the area returned, the program should issue a DFHFC TYPE=RELEASE macro instruction. Chapter 3.2. File Control (DFHFC Macro Instruction) 127 INDEX= indicates that indirect accessing is to be used and specifies the symbolic name of the highest level index data set to be used. (This index data set is the first data set accessed in the hierarchy.) symbolic name is the symbolic name of the highest level index data set to be accessed. The name must have been defined in the FCT. YES indicates that the symbolic name of the highest level index data set has been placed in TCAFCAI. If the data set identified by this operand is a OAK data set, it cannot be blocked~ INITIKG= specifies a one-byte (two-digit) hexadecimal initialization value for the FWA. value is a two-digit hexadecimal numeral to be used as the initialization value. YES indicates that the hexadecimal initialization value has been placed in TCASCIB. If this operand is omitted, the FWA is initialized to EBCDIC blan ks (X' 40' ) • INVREQ=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is to be passed if the attempted file operation is not provided for or allowed according to the data set entry specification in the FCT ~ INVREQ signifies" invalid request. II TCAFCAA contains: • A non-zero value if the request is not allowed according to the FCT entry for the file. • Zero if the request is invalid or if the code to support the request has not been generated into the CICS/VS file control program. IOERROR=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is to be passed if an input/output error occurs during a file operation. When an I/O event error code is not covered by one of the CICS/VS error classes (for example, by NOSPACE or NOTFND), it is considered to be an I/O error. TCAFCAA contains: • 128 The address of an FIOA if the request is against an ISAK or a DAM data set CICS/VS APRK(KL) • The address of a VSiA if the request is against a VSA~ data s~ The application programmer should be aware of the following considerations: • Por an IS!M or DAM data set, the actual error codes may be checked in the PIOA by the user's routine (PCPIOEX for ISAM and PCPIOBEX for DAM). Because of access method and operating system dependencies, checks for these codes may have a limiting effect on the usability of an application program in varying environments, particularly if migration from CICSjDOS/VS to CICS/OS/VS becomes desirable. • Por a VSAM data set, the actual error codes may be checked in the request parameter list (RPL) located at VSWARPL. The error code is at VSiAERRC, and the return code is at VSiARTNC. Because of access method and operating system dependencies, checks for these codes may have a limiting effect on the usability of an application program in varying environments, particularly if migration from CICS/DOS/VS to CICS/OS/VS becomes desirable. • For RBSETL or GETNBXT the browse operation is still active, but the position in the data set may have been lost. A RESETL using the record identification for the next record required should be issued to reestablish the position in the data set. If move mode is specified or implied in the initiating SETL request, the FiA representing the browse operation must be used for the RESETL; if locate mode is specified in the SBTL request, the VSWA must be used. • For PUT, the FiA will have been released. Except for RESETL or GETNEXT, after any interrogation of the area returned is complete, the program should issue a DFHFC TYPE=RELBASE macro instruction. MODE= is used to specify the processing mode for a read-only or browse request to a VSAM data set. KOVE specifies move mode processing. Upon return to the application program, TCAFCAA contains the address of the PiA acquired for the read-only or browse operation. If the data set referred to contains variable-length records, the LL~~ length field is included as part of the record. LOCATE specifies locate mode processing. Upon return to the application program, TCAFCA! contains the address of a VSWA. The address of the retrieved record is at VSWAREA. If the data set referred to contains variable-length records, the LL~~ length field is not retrieved as part of the record; instead, the length of the record is placed in VSWALEN. This parameter cannot be specified if TYPOPER=UPDATB is specified and/or segmented records are being retrieved. Chapter 3.2. File Control (DFHFC Macro Instruction) 129 NORESP=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is to be passed if no error occurs on a file operation. NORESP signifies "normal response." The field TCAFCAA in the TCA of the task contains: • The address of an FIOA after a read-only unsegmented GET against an unblocked non-VSAM data set or a blocked DAK data set if deblocking is not requested • The address of an FWA after a GET against a blocked data set, a GET segmented, a GET for update, a GETAREA, SETL, GETNEXT, or RESETL. An FWA is always acquired for VSAM move mode operations, regardless of blocking • The address of a VSWA after a locate-mode GET or SETL against a VSAM data set and after a GETNEXT or RESETL for a browse operation initiated by a locate-mode SETL • Meaningless information aftar a PUT, DELETE, RELEASE, or ESETL NOSPACE=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is to be transferred if no direct access space is available for adding records to a data set. This error condition is not applicable when adding records to a fixedlength DAK data set that does not contain keys. TCAFCAA contains the address of an FWA containing the record to be added. This FWA may be at a different storage location than the FWA passed with the PUT request. NOTFND=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is to be passed if an attempt to retrieve or delete a record based on the search argument provided is unsuccessful. NOTFND signifies "record not found." TCAFCAA contains: • The address of an FIOA if the request was a GET against an ISAM or a DAM data set • The address of a VSWA if the request was a GET, DELETE, SETL, RESETL, or GETNEIT request using skip-sequential against a VSAM data set The application programmer should be aware of the following considerations: 130 • Except for RESETL or GETNEXT, the program should issue a DFHFC TYPE=RELEASE macro instruction when any interrogation of the area is complete. • For SETL, the browse operation was not initiated. CICSjVS APRM (ML) o For RESETL or GETNEXT, the browse operation is still active, but the position in the data set has been lost. A RESETL should be issued to reestablish the position in the data set. If move mode is specified or implied in the SETL request initiating the browse operation, the FWA representing the browse must be used for the RESETL; if locate mode is specified in the SETL request, the VSWA must be used. NOTOPEN=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-writ ten routine to which control is to be transferred if the requested data set is not open. This error condition can occur in response to any file service request (except RELEASE and ESETL), because a data set can be closed dynamically at any time without regard to outstanding activity on the data set. The contents of TCAPCAA are not meaningful. RDIDADR= specifies the symbolic address of the record identification field for a record, or the relative record number of a record. symbolic address is the symbolic address of the record identification field that contains the key (for ISAM), the block reference (for DAM), or the key, relative byte address, or the relative record number (for VSAM) of the record to be processed. If this operand is omitted, the address is assumed to be in TCAFCRI. This field is used when adding a new record (for ISAM, DAM, and VSAM) or when updating an existing record in a nonkeyed DAM data set without previously reading it for update. 1. This operand must not refer to a field in the FWA, because the FWA might be freed before the write occurs. 2. The DPHFC TYPE=PUT,TYPOPER=NEWREC macro instructions for a VSAM mass-insert operation may specify the same record identification field or different record identification fields. 3. The key field (for ISAM) may be altered by the access method during the file operation. If a new key is to derived by modifying the old key, the old key must be saved elsewhere before issuing the DPHPC macro. 4. i :~ When adding a new record to a VSAM entry-sequence data set, there is no need to supply a relative byte address (RBA). However, a field must be provided to receive the RBA after the record has been added; the address of the field must be supplied either in TCAFCRI or by using the RDIDADR operand. Chapter 3.2. File Control (DPHPC Macro Instruction) 131 relative record number is the number of the required record in a VSAM relativerecord data set (RRDS). If this operand is omitted, the address of the field which contains the record number is assumed to be in TCAFCRI. 1. The SRCHTYP operand is assumed to be FKEQ on all DFHFC macros except SETL and RSETL when only FKEQ and FKGE will be accepted. 2. In skip sequential operation, if the relative record number refers to a non-existent or deleted record, the NOTFND condition will be raised, even if SETL or RESETL included SRCBTYP=FKGE. RETMETH= applies only to blocked DAM data sets and is used to specify the argument type (retrieval method) for deblocking the data sets. It is also used to specify the format of the information placed in the record information field each time a record is retrieved in a browse operation. It is invalid if INDEX is specified, because a blocked DAM data set cannot be an index data set for indirect accessing. RELREC specifies that retrieval is to occur by relative record, with the first record in a block considered to be record zero. It also specifies that a one-byte binary relative record number is provided in a browse operation. KEY specifies that retrieval is to occur by key or that in a browse operation, a key is to be provided. If TYPOPER=UPDATE is specified for a DAM data set, this operand is required. If this operand is omitted and a request to read a blocked DAM data set is issued, the entire physical record (block) is returned in the FIOA to the application program. The block reference field, required by DAM, contains the criteria for deblocking the data set. If a retrieved record is "undefined," the application program must determine the length of the record. SEGIDER=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is to be passed if the segment set specified by the SEGSET operand (at TCAFCSI) cannot be located for this data set in the FCT. SEGIDER signifies "segment set identification error." The field TCAFCAA contains: • Zero for GET, SETL, or RESETL • The address of the FiA for GETNEXT For RESETL, the browse operation will have been terminated. 132 CICS/VS APRM (ML) SBGSBT= indicates that the data set specified in the DATASET operand contains segmented records and identifies the segment set to be retrieved, or specifies a new default segment set name to be used in a browse operation. When used in a browse operation, it also indicates the default segment set to be retrieved if no segment set name is specified in a subsequent TYPE=GETNEXT macro. This segment set name is used as the default throughout the browse unless altered by a TYPE=RESETL macro. If locate mode is specified in a TYPE=SETL macro initiating a browse, SEGSBT is invalid and including it will raise the invalid request (INVREQ) condition. symbolic name is the symbolic name of the segment set to be retrieved, or the symbolic name of the default segment set. The name must have been defined in tIle associated segment control section of the FCT. YES indicates that the symbolic name of the segment set to be retrieved, or of the default segment set, has been placed in TCAFCSI. When used with a TYPE=PUT macro it specifies that the data set contains segmented records. ALL indicates that the entire record in an unpacked and aligned format is required. SEGSBT=ALL is assumed by CICS/VS when updating a segmented record no matter what is specified in the SEGSET operand; the entire record is unpacked and returned to the application program. If this operand is omitted, and the DFHFC TYPE=GET or TYPE=SETL macro instruction refers to a data set containing segmented records, the record is returned in its packed unaligned format. Also, if this operand is omitted, the segment set name specified in a preceding SETL or RESETL macro instruction for a browse operation continues to be the segment set name. SRCHTYP= specifies how the search key in the record identification field is to be used (VSAM records only). This operand is meaningful only when ARGTYP=KEY is specified or implied by default. FKEQ indicates that the search key is a full key and that only a record with an equal key satisfies the search. When used with TYPB=DELETB, all records whose keys match the search key are deleted. FKGB indicates that the search key is a full key and that the first record with a key equal to or greater than the search key satisfies the search. Chapter 3.2. File Control (DFHFC Macro Instruction) 133 GKEQ indicates that the search key is a generic (partial) key, the binary length of which is specified in the first byte of the record identification field. A record whose key is equal to the search key (compared on only the number of bytes specified in the first byte of the record identification field) satisfies the search. When used with TYPE=DELETE, all records whose keys begin with the search key are to be deleted. A count of the number of records deleted is returned in TCAFCNRD. GKGE indicates that the search key is a generic key and that the first record with a key equal to or greater than the search key (compared on only the number of bytes specified in the first byte of the record identification field) satisfies the search. TYPOPER= describes the file operation to be performed. NEWREC indicates that a new record is to be added to an existing data set. UPDATE when used with a TYPE=PUT macro, it indicates that a record retrieved previously by a DFHFC TYPE=GET,TYPOPER=UPDATE instruction is to be updated (in effect, rewritten to the data set). When used with a TYPE=GET macro, it indicates that a record is to be obtained for updating, or, if a VSAM key-sequenced data set is referred to, for either updating or deletion. If records in a protected VSAM key-sequenced data set are to be updated or deleted, ARGTYP=KEY must be specified and SRCHTYP must be FKEQ. If the record is from a blocked DAM data set, the RET!ETH operand must be specified. If TYPOPER=UPDATE is omitted, a read-only operation is assumed. The UPDATE parameter can also be used with TYPE=PUT to write a record to a DAM data set after building the record in an area obtained by a DFHPC TYPE=GETAREA macro. This technique is described in detail in the section "DAM Data Sets" earlier in this chapter. DELETE is valid only when a VSA! key-sequenced data set is being accessed and indicates that a record previously retrieved for update by a DPHPC TYPE=GET,TYPOPER=UPDATE request is to be deleted from the data set. MASSINSERT is applicable only to VSAM data sets and specifies that the acquired FWA is to be used for a mass-insert operation. This ensures that the same PiA is used for subsequent DPBPC TYPE=PUT macro instructions adding new logical records with keys or relative byte addresses in ascending sequence to the data set. The PWA is made available to the application program after each DPHPC TYPE=PUT macro instruction. The PiA is reinitialized, before each return to the application program, to the value specified in the INITIMG operand (if specified) or otherwise to EBCDIC blanks ~·40·). A massinsert operation is terminated by a DPHPC TYPE=RELEASE macro instruction. 134 CICS/VS APRM(ML) Chapter 3.3. DLtI Services The CICS/VS application programmer can request Oata Language/I services in two ways: ~L/I) 1. By issuing a OL/I CALL statement, written according to OL/I specifications. This method is available to both CICS/OS/VS and CICS/OOS/VS users. This OL/I CALL is mandatory if the user wishes to access remote OL/I data bases using ISC. 2. By issuing a OFHFC macro instruction. CICS/OS/VS users only. This method is available to In both cases, control is passed to a routine that acts as an interface between the CICS/VS application program and the OL/I request handler. This routine performs validity checks on the CALL list, prepares OL/I to handle the request, and passes control and the CALL list to OL/I. After OL/I has handled the request, it returns control to the calling program unless a OL/I pseudo-abend has occurred, in which case the CICS/VS task is abnormally terminated. Under CICS/VS, two or more transactions (tasks) may require the same application program at any given time during system operation. Because CICS/VS application programs must be quasi-reenterable (see IIQ uasiReenterability," in Chapter 1.1), OL/I areas that may be modified under CICSjOS/VS (such as PCB pointers, I/O work areas, and segment search arguments) should not be placed in static storage. They should also not be placed in working storage (unless the application program contains one or more command-level statements, in which case working storage is dynamic). Storage for such areas must be obtained from CICS/VS dynamic storage by each transaction using the program. Four steps must be performed by an application program requesting OL/I data base services. These steps are listed below and explained in the sections that follow. 1. Obtain addresses of program communication blocks by the application program. (PCBs) to be used 2. Building segment search arguments the CALL. 3. Acquire I/O work areas for OL/I segments processed by the program. 4. Issue the OL/I CALL. (SSAs) if they are to be used in Obtaining Addresses of Program Communication Blocks An application program that uses the CICS/VS-OL/I interface accesses data bases by means of program communication blocks (PCBs). One PCB for each data base is included in the program specification block (PSB) for the program. To process OL/I CALLs within a CICS/VS transaction, the PSB for the transaction must be scheduled and the PCB addresses obtained before any OL/I CALLs are made. Scheduling involves, for example, that all the required OL/I control blocks exist and are in main storage, and that the processing options associated with this PSB permit it to be scheduled concurrently with those PSBs already scheduled. If they are not obtained, an INVREQ (invalid request) indicator is returned in response to any OL/I CALL within the program. Chapter 3.3. OL/I Services 135 A transaction may schedule only one PSB at a time. An attempt to schedule a second PSB while one is still scheduled causes the INVREQ indicator to be returned. A sync point request (refer to the DFHSP macro instruction in Chapter 7.5) by a task that is scheduled to use DL/I resources implies the release of those resources. This means that if, after issuing a DFHSP TYPE=USER macro instruction, access to a DL/I data base is required, the desired PSB must be rescheduled. The previous position of that data base has been lost. I/O PCBs (a type of control block used by I"S/VS) are not passed to CICS/VS programs, even though they may be included in a transaction's PSB, either explicitly or implicitly by means of the COMPAT=YES option. DFHFC MACRO INSTRUCTION (CICS/OS/VS ONLY) To schedule the desired PSB and obtain PCB addresses, the CICS/OS/VS application programmer may use a special form of the DFHFC macro instruction: r------~------·r----------------------------------------------------------, I I I I I I I I I I _______ L DFHFC TYPE=~L/I,PCB) [,PSB={'psbname'lsymbolic addressIYES}] [,NORESP=symbolic address] [,DLINA=symbolic address] [,PSBSCH=symbolic address] [,PSBNF=symbolic address] [,PSBFAIL=symbolic address] [,INVREQ=symbolic address] ~ _______ ________________________________________________________ ~ ~ where: TYPE=(DL/I,PCB) indicates that PCB addresses are to be acquired. ~: DL/I in the TYPE= operand may also be coded as DLI or DL1. If the PSB has been located, TCADLPCB contains the address of a list of PCB addresses in the sequence in which the PCB addresses were specified during the PSBGEN of this PSB. If the PSB cannot be found, TCADLPCB contains zero. If the PSB pool or DMB pool is too small to hold the requested blocks even when no other PSBs or DMBs are in their pools, the transaction is terminated with the ADLA ABEND code. 136 CICS/VS APRM(ML) DL/I CALL STATEMENT (CICS/DOS/VS OR CICS/OS/VS) Upon receiving control from CICS/VS, a CICS/VS application program must issue a DL/I call to perform scheduling before attempting to access DL/I data bases. If the scheduling call is successful, the address of the PCB list is returned in the field TCADLPCB and TCAFCTR is set to zeros. If the call is unsuccessful, TCADLPCB contains zeros and TCAFCTR ~ontains a one-byte return code. Before continuing with subsequent DLjI calls, it is the application programmer's responsibility to test these indicators to determine whether scheduling was successful. The format of the CALL statement to request scheduling is as follows: For Assembler language: CALLDLI {ASMTDLIICBLTDLI}, [parmcount, ]function,[psb]) For COBOL: CALL 'CBLTDLI' USING [parmcount,]function,[psb]. For PL/I: CALL PLITDLI [parmcount, ]function,[ psb ]) ; where: parmcount is the name of a binary fullword containing the parameter count (value of one or two). This parameter is optional. function is the name of the field containing the four-character function 'PCBJt' • psb is the name of the eight-byte field containing the PSB generation name which the application program accesses. (This name is one to eight bytes long under CICSjOS/VS, or one to seven bytes long under CICSjDOS/VS, and is left justified and padded on the right with blanks as appropriate.) This parameter is optional. Under CICS/DOS/VS if it is omitted, the PSB name is assumed to be the first PSB name associated with the application program name in the DL/I application control table generation. Under CICS/OS/VS if it is omitted, the PSB name is assumed to'be the name of the application program associated with the task in the PCT. Building Segment Search Arguments Both CICSjOS/VS and CICS/DOS/VS application programmers can use segment search arguments (SSAs) in a DL/I CALL to identify a specific segment, or, if qualified, to identify the range of values within which a segment exists. In addition, the CICS/OS/VS programmer can specify SSAs in a DFHFC TYPE=DL/I macro instruction. If used, SSAs must be built by the application programmer before a DL/I CALL is issued. (For information concerning how to build an SSA, CICSjOS/VS application programmers should refer to the IMSIYS Application Programming Reference Manual; Chapter 3.3. DL/I Services 131 CICSjDOS/VS users should refer to the DL/I DOS/yS Application ProqramminqReference Manual.) In a DL/I application program, SSAs are built in fixed storage within the program. In a CICS/VS application program, SSAs must be built in dynamic storage to maintain the quasi-reenterability of the program. The storage acquired to build the SSAs is addressed as follows: • For Assembler-language programs, the address should be placed in the register that establishes addressability for the SSA dynamic storage. • For COBOL programs, the address is moved to the BLL pointer for this storage. The BLL pointer is defined under the COpy DFHBLLDS statement in the Linkage section and must be in the same relative position in the BLL list as the 01 statement for the SSA dynamic storage is among the 01 statements in the Linkage Section. • - For PL/I, the address is stored in the variable upon which the SSA dynamic storage is based. After the storage has been acquired and the SSAs built, DL/I CALLs in which the SSAs are used can be issued by the application program. The names of the SSAs to be used, if any, are specified in the parameter list of the CALL. Under CICS/OSjVS, a DFHFC TYPE=DL/I macro instruction can also be used. In a DFHFC TYPE=DL/I macro instruction, the application programmer can specify the number and names of the SSAs in different ways: 1. SSAS=NO indicates that there are no SSAs in this CALL. 2. SSAS=(ssacount,ssa1,ssa2, ••• ), where ssacount is optional, represents either the fixed-point number of SSAs in the CALL or the symbolic address of the fullword that contains the number of SSAs. Specifying a field to contain the number of SSAs provides the application programmer with flexibility in writing one DFHFC statement to be used in many different CALLs. ssa1, ssa2, ••• , are the symbolic names of the SSAs. 3. SSALIST=YES indicates that the application programmer has built a list of fullwords, optionally containing the number of SSAs ~hich may be zero) in the first word, and the addresses of the SSAs in the following words, and that he has stored the address of this list at TCA DLSS A. 4. SSALIST=symbolic address indicates that the address of an SSA list built by the application programmer as indicated in item 3 is at the location specified. In Assembler-language programs, ssacount,ssa1,ssa2, ••• , can be contained in registers if the specifications are enclosed in parentheses" Acquiring an I/O Work Area When issuing a request for DL/I services, the address of a work area, either that in which a current segment is contained or that in which DL/I is to place the segment in a retrieval CALL, is required. This area must be specified by the CICSjOSjVS or CICS/DOS/VS programmer who issues a DL/I CALL. It may be provided by the interface, if the programmer desires, for a retrieval-type DFHFC macro instruction. 138 CICS/VS APRM(!L) If the CICS/OS/VS application programmer knows the address of the work area to be used in the DFHFC macro instruction, including the case for which storage is acquired for a retrieval-type (GXXX) request, he specifies the name of the pointer to that storage in the WRKAREA=name operand, or he places the address of the storage in TCADLIO before issuing the request and specifies WRKAREA=YES. If the application programmer wishes to allow the interface to obtain the work area for a retrieval-type request, he does not include the WRKAREA operand in the DFHFC macro request. If the request was serviced successfully, the address of an acquired I/O work area is in TCADLIO. The address at TCADLIO is the address of the storage accounting area (SAA) preceding the retrieved data. The area becomes the responsibility of the programmer and is not freed until he frees it or until the transaction terminates. If the application programmer elects to free the work area, he must use a DFHSC TYPE=FREEMAIN macro instruction. Note: The address of the I/O area is specified as the address of the storage accounting area preceding the data when a DFHFC macro instruction is used; the address of the first byte of the data area is required when a DL/I CALL is used. Requesting DL/I Services The application program request for DL/I services may be either a CICS/VS DFHFC macro instruction (CICS/OS/VS) or a DL/I call (CICS/OS/VS or CICSjDOS/VS). DFBFC MACRO INSTRUCTION (CICS/OS/VS) The format of the DFHFC macro instruction to request that a particular DL/I function be performed is as follows: r-------~-------~-----------------------------------------------------------------------------, DFHPC TYPE= (OL/I [,function]) [,PCB={symbolic addressl (register)}] [,WRKAREA={symbolic addresslYESI (register)}] [, SSAS= {NOI ([ ssacount][ ,ssa 1][ ,ssa2, ••• ]) I ([ (register1) ][ , (register2) , ~ •• ])} ] [,SSALIST={YESINOlsymbolic address I (register)}] [,NORESP=symbolic address] [,NOTOPEN=symbolic address] [,OLINA=symbolic address] [,FUNCNS=symbolic address] [,INVREQ=symbolic address] where: TYPE=(DL/I [,function]) specifies the two- to four-byte name of the function to be performed. If the function is not specified, it is assumed to be in TCAOLPUN. Note: OL1. OL/I in the TYPE= operand may also be coded as OLI or Chapter 3.3. OL/I Services 139 DL/I CALL STATEMENT (CICS/OS/VS OR CICS/DOS/VS) DL/I data base services are available to CICS/VS application programs through CALL statements. The CALL statement formats for COBOL and PL/I are similar. Por Assembler-language application programs, a CALLDLI macro instruction is used. The formats of the DL/I calls are as follows: Por Assembler language: CALLDLI {ASMTDLIICBLTDLI}[ , ([parmcount, ]function,pcb,workarea[,ssa, ••• ])] Por COBOL: CALL ICBLTDLII USING [parmcount,]function,pcb,workarea[,ssa, ••• ]. For PL/I: CALL PLITDLI Warmcount,function,pcb,workarea[,ssa, ••• ]); where: parmcount is the name of a binary fullword containing the parameter count or argument count of the arguments which follow; this is optional for Assembler language and COBOL. function is the name of the field containing the four-character DL/I input/output CALL function desired. pcb is the program communication block (PCB) name (or DSECT name if Assembler) • workarea is the name of the I/O work area. ssa1 to ssan are the names of the segment search arguments (SSAs); these are optional. Notes: 1. If no parameters are specified in an Assembler-language CALLDLI macro instruction, register 1 is assumed to contain the address of a parameter list. 2. In Assembler language, an alternative format may be used: CALLDLI (AS!TDLIICBLTDLI},!F=(E,(register) or address) where: address is the address of the parameter list, or register that contains the address of the parameter list. 140 CICS/VS APRM(!L) Releasing a PSB in the CICS/VS Application Program To reduce pool and intent contention, the CICS/OS/VS application program can release the PSB after a DL/I service has been requested. It is recommended that conversational programs release the PSB before writing to a terminal so that other transactions can use the PSB while the conversational program is waiting for an operator response. To ensure data-base integrity, a request to release a PSB other than a read-only PSB implies the end of a logical unit of work for the entire task. This means that a DFHSP TYPE=USER is issued on behalf of a task that is releasing a PSB, unless the PSB is read-only and is resident on the system that issued the call. DFHFC MACRO INSTRUCTION (CICS/OS/VS ONLY) To release a PSB for use by other transactions, the CICS/OS/VS application programmer may issue a macro instruction of the following format: i I I I I I LI ______ DFHFC ~ ______ TYPE=(DL/I,{TERMIT}) [,DLINA=symbolic address] [,TERMNS=symbolic address] [,INVREQ=symbolic address] .~ __________________________________________________________ where: TYPE= (DL/I,TERM) specifies that the PSB is to be released for use by other transactions, or, if not required, its pool space and associated DMB pool space may be released for other purposes. 1. DL/1 in the TYPE= operand may also be coded as DL1 or DLI. 2. TERM may be abbreviated as T. Before issuing any other DL/I CALls or DFHFC macro instructions requesting DL/I access to a data base, the application programmer must again issue a schedule request. All positioning in data bases referred to by the transaction is lost when the PSB is released. Thus, if the program was processing a hierarchy through GNxx requests before releasing the PSB, it is necessary to explicitly reposition the data bases after issuing another schedule request, to continue the GNxx requests. DL/I CALL STATEMENT (CICS/DOS/VS OR CICS/OS/VS) If the CICS/VS application program desires to relinquish control of the PSB, it must issue a terminal call to DL/1. The format of the CALL statement to request termination is as follows: Chapter 3.3. DL/I Services 141 For Assembler language: CALLDLI {AS!TDLI ICBLTDLI} , ([parmcount, )function) For COBOL: CALL ICBLTDLII USING [parmcount,]function. For PL/I: CALL PLITDLI [parmcount, ]function); where: parmcount is the name of a binary fullword containing the parameter count value of one. function is the name of the field containing the four-character function 'TER~' or ·T~~~·. When a termination call is issued for a previously scheduled PSB, the resources acquired for the task are releas8d, and tasks awaiting the resources are given an opportunity to be scheduled. DL/I Services Response Codes To test a response code, the application programmer must know the CICS/VS response codes and their meanings. If the Assembler-language or PL/I programmer elects to use this approach, he can access the response codes for NORESP, INVREQ, and NOTOPEN at TCAFCTR; the response codes for all other conditions can be accessed at TCADLTR. The COBOL programmer can access the response codes for NORESP, INVREQ, and NOTOPEN at TCAFCRC; the response codes for all other conditions can be accessed at TCADLTR. The possible response codes and the conditions to which they correspond are identified in the right-hand column of Figure 3.3-1. CICS/VS-DL/I interface requests for which the conditions are applicable are shown at the left. 142 CICS/VS APR~(!L) I I Response Code Assembler COBOL DL/I Interface Request Condition (DL/I, PCB) , (DL/! [,function]) ,CHECK NORESP (Normal Response) X'OO' LOW-VALUES (FCNORESP) 00000000 (DL/I[ , function]) , CHECK NOTOPEN (Not open) X'OC' 12-4-8-9 (FCNOTOPEN) 00001100 All INVREQ (Invalid Request) X'08 1 12-8-9 (FCINVREQ) 00001000 PL/I Codes returned in TCADLTR after NOTOPEN condit10n (DL/![ function]) , CHECK r Data base not open; request issued in X'OO' LOW-VALUES 00000000 oS/vs system Data base not open; request issued in DOS/VS system X'01 1 12-1-9 00000001 Intent scheduling conflict XI 02 1 12-2-9 00000010 Codes returned in TCADLTR after INVREQ condition ALL D/Base not in FCT, or D/Base not open according to I FCT, or in-I valid argument passed toDL/I x·oo· LOW-VALUES 00000000 (DL/! ,PCB) , CHECK PSBNF (PSB Not Found) XI Ol l 12-.1-9 (DLPSBNF) 00000001 CHECK TASKNA (Task Not Authorized) X' 02 1 12-2-9 (DLTASKNA) 00000010 (DL/I,PCB) , CHECK PSBSCH (PSB. Already Sche-I duled I X1 03' 12-3-9 (DLPSBSCH) 00000011 Figure 3.3-1. (Part 1 of 2) CICS/VS-DL/I Interface Response Codes Chapter 3.3. DL/I Services 143 Response Code DL/I Interface Request Condition Assembler CHECK LANGCON (Language Conflict) X'04' 12-4-9 (DLLANGCON) 00000100 (DL/I,PCB) , CHECK PSBFAIL (PSB Initialization Failed) X'OS' 12-5-9 (DLPSBFA IL) 00000101 CHECK PSBNA (PSB Not Authorized) X'06' 12-6-9 (DLPSBNA) 00000110 (DL/I,T) ,CHECK TER!NS (Termination Not Scheduled) X'01' 12-1-9 (DLTER!NS) 00000111 FUNCNS (Function Not Scheduled) X'OS' 12-8-9 (DLFUNCNS) 00001000 Any DL/I access CALL (except TER! and PCB) on a remote system Invalid PCB adddress X'10' 12-11-1-8-9 00010000 All DLINA (DL/I Not Active) X'FF' HIGH-VALUES 11111111 (DL/I[,function]), CHECK COBOL PL/I (DLIN A) Notes: 1. The TASKNA and LANGCON conditions apply only to CICS/DOS/VS. 2. PSBNA occurs only when the data base is on a DOS/VS system. 3. The names enclosed in parentheses in the COBOL column indicate the condition names generated by CICS/VS. These names may be used in testing for the respective conditions in a COBOL program. Figure 3.3-1. 144 (Part 2 of 2) CICS/VS APR! (!L) CICS/VS-DL/I Interface Response Codes I Test Response to a DL/I Request (TYPE=CHECK) The format of the DFHFC macro instruction to test the CICSjVS response to a preceding DLjI request is as follows: ~-------------r----------------------------------------------------------' DFHFC TYPE=CHECK [,NORESP=symbolic address] [,DLINA=symbolic address] [ ,PSBSCH=symbolic address] [,PSBNF=symbolic address] [,PSBFAIL=symbolic address] [,FUNCNS=symbolic address] [,TERMNS=symbolic address] [,LANGCON=symbolic address] [,TASKNA=symbolic address] [,PSBNA=symbolic address] [ , INVREQ=symbolic address] [ ,NOTOPEN=symbolic address] CICS/DOS/VS only CICS/DOSjVS only CICS/DOS/VS only where: TYPE=CHECK indicates that the CICS/VS-DL/1 interface response is to be checked. The application programmer may use the DFHFC TYPE=CHECK macro instruction following a DL/I CALL statement or a DFHFC TYPE=(DL/I[,function)) macro instruction. This macro instruction does not check the DL/I return codes in the PCB. If DL/I issues a pseudoabend during processing of the request, control is not returned to the application program. The transaction is terminated with CICS/VS abend code ADLA. For CICS/DOS/VS, if DL/I issues a pseudo-abend during a call, the transaction is terminated with a Dnnn abend code where nnn is the DL/I pseudo-abend code. If the application programmer does not provide for the checking of a particular response, and if the exception condition corresponding to that response occurs, program flow proceeds to the instruction following the DL/I request in the application program. Chapter 3.3. DL/1 Services 145 DL/I Requests in an Assembler-language Program (CICS/OSNS) The application programmer must first get the addresses of the PCB. When CICS/OS/VS returns from servicing the PCB request, if the programmer loads register 1 from TCADLPCB, his program is in the same state as after an ENTRY DLITCBL statement has been executed in an IMS/YS DL/I application program. The examples that follow show the options available to the application programmer in a few of the acceptable combinations. The application program must be guasi-reenterable. If a DFBFC macro instruction is issued, the PCB and MRKAREA operands are used to specify the addresses of pointers to fields rather than the addresses of fields desired. COpy DFHTCADS * PSBNAME DC CLS'PSBNAME' PCBFUN DC CL4'PCBb' PCBPTRS DSECT * PCB1PTR OS PCB2PTR DS F F WORKAPTR DS F COPY TCA DEFINITION - INCLUDES DL/I FIELDS NAME OF PSB TO BE USED PCB FUNCTION PCB POINTERS RETURNED BY INTERFACE STORAGE FOR PCB POINTERS *PCB1 DSECT STORAGE FOR POINTER IN I/O WORK AREA PCB DSECT PCB2 DSECT PCB DSECT WRKAREA DSECT DS 2F WORKA1 DS CL40 SSAREA DSECT DS 2F SSA1 DS CL40 SSA2 DS CL20 DFHFC TYPE= (DL/!, PCB) DFHFC TYPE=(DL/I,PCB), PSB='PSB14' DFHFC TYPE= (DL/I,PCB) , PSB=PSBNAME MVC TCADLPSB,=CLS'PSBA' DFHFC TYPE=(DL/I,PCB), PSB=YES R1,TCADLPCB L USING PCBPTRS,R 1 * ** * DL/I WORK AREA DSECT STORAGE PREFIX WORK AREA SSA DSECT STORAGE PREFIX SSA1 LAYOUT SSA2 LAYOUT USE PSB FOR THIS PROGRAM GET PCB'S IN 'PSB14 ' GET PCB'S IN SPECIFIED PSB PUT PSB NA!!E IN TCA GET PCB'S OF PSg NAftED IN TCA GET ADDRESS OF PCB ADDR LIST REG 1 IS BASE OF PCB POINTERS USER ftUST PROVIDE ADDRESSABILITY TO PCB'S WHEN USING THEft ISSUE A PCB REQUEST VIA CALLDLI CALLDLI CBLTDLI, (PCBFUN) USE PSB FOR THIS PROGRAM CALLDLI CBLTDLI,(PCBFUN,PSBNAftE)GET PCB'S IN SPECIFIED PSB L R1,TCADLPCB GET ADDRESS OF PCB ADDRESS LIST ACQUIRE STORAGE FOR WORK AREA 146 CICS/VS APRM(ML) * * * * * ** ** * ** * ** * DFHSC TYPE=GETMAIN, ••• L R2,TCASCSA USING WRKAREA ,R2 ACQUIRE STORAGE FOR SSA'S DFHSC TYPE=GETMAIN, ••• L R3,TCASCSA USING SSAREA ,R3 GET STORAGE FOR SSA'S REG 3 IS BASE FOR SSA'S INDICATE TO ASSEMBLER CALLDLI CBLTDLI, (function,PCB1,WORKA1,SSA1,SSA2) CALL DL/I VIA DFHFC MACRO -- VARIOUS EXAMPLES EXAMPLE 1 DFHFC TYPE=(DL/I,function), PCB=PCB1PTR, WRKAREA=WORKAPTR, SSAS=(2,SSA1,SSA2), NORESP=GOODl PCB IS POINTED TO WORK AREA IS POINTED TO SSA COUNT AND SSAS SPECIPIED NORMAL RESPONSE BRANCH ** * * EXAMPLE 2 MVC LA ST DFHFC TCADLPCB,PCB1PTR RO,WRKAREA RO,TCADLIO TYPE=(DL/I,DLET), WRKAREA=YES, SSAS=NO PRELOAD PCB POINTER PICK UP WORK AREA ADDRESS STORE IN TCA FUNCTION SPECIFIED WORK AREA ADDRESS PRELOADED NO SSAS * * EXAMPLE 3 MVC DFHSC L LA LA ST LA ST ST TCADLFUN,=CL4'GU' TYPE=GETMAIN, ••• R4,TCASCSA R4,8 (R4) RO,l RO,O (R4) RO,SSAl RO,4 (R4 ) R4, TCADLSSA 01 4 (R 4) , X• 80 ' DFHFC TYPE=DL/I, PCB=PCB lPTR, L * GET STORAGE FOR WORK AREA REG 2 IS BASE FOR WORK AREA TELL ASSEMBLER SSALIST=YES R3,TCADLIO PRELOAD FUNCTION GET STORAGE FOR SSA LIST PICK UP STORAGE ADDRESS BYPASS PREFIX GET COUNT OF SSA'S STORE IN SSA LIST GET ADDRESS OF 'SSA1' STORE IN SSA LIST STORE LIST ADDRESS IN TCA SET ON THE END-OF-LIST BIT DL/I CALL, FUNCTION PRELOADED * POINTER TO PCB TO BE USED * INTERFACE WILL PROVIDE WORK AREA* PROBLEM PGM PROVIDES SSA LIST PICK UP ADDRESS OF SUPPLIED WORK AREA Chapter 3.3. DL/I Services 147 DL/I Requests in a COBOL Program (CICS/OS/VS) Upon program entry, the COBOL programmer should obtain PCB addresses by issuing a DFHFC TYPE=(DL/I,PCB) request or a DL/I IPCBI call~ After CICS/OS/VS returns control, the programmer moves the contents of TCADLPCB to the BLL pointer which, is the base for the layout of the PCB pointers in the Linkage section. He then moves the addresses of the PCBs to their BLL pointers to provide the base addresses for the PCBs. When this is done, the program is in the same state as after an ENTRY 'DLITCBLI USING PCB1,PCB2 statement has been executed in an IftS/VS DLjI application program. For an explanation of how BLL pointers to 01 statements in the Linkage Section are defined, see the discussion of COBOL application programming in Chapter 2.3~ Examples showing how to write DLjI requests are given below. Only some combinations of operands are shown, but other combinations are acceptable. Note that, in a DFHFC request, BLL pointers to the PCB and work area are used rather than actual field names. This is the only way the addresses can be passed to DL/I. WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 11 PSBNAME PIC X(8) VALUE IPSBNAMEI. 11 PCB-FUNCTION PIC X(4) VALUE IPCB~I. 17 FUNCTION-l PIC X(4) VALUE IDLET'. 11 SSA-COUNT PIC 59(8) COMP VALUE 2. LINKAGE SECTION. 01 DFHBLLDS COpy DFHBLLDS 02 NOTE POINTERS TO OTHER CICS/VS AREAS NEEDED 02 B-PCB-PTRS PIC S9 (8) COl:!P. 02 B-PCBl PIC 59 (8) COMP. 02 B-PCB2 PIC S9 (8) COMP. 02 B-WORKAREA PIC S9 (8) COMP. 02 B-SSAS PIC 59 (8) COMP. 01 DFHC5ADS COPY DFHCSADS. 01 DFHTCADS COPY DFHTCADS. NOTE TWO DEFINITIONS. NOTE OTHER AREA DEFINITIONS. * 01 01 PCB-P TRS • 02 PCB1-PTR PIC S9(8) COMP. 02 PCB2-PTR PIC S9 (8) COMP. PCB1. 01 PCB2. 01 WORKAREA. 02 FILLER PIC X(8). 02 WORKA 1 PIC X (40)' • 01 148 SSAREA. 02 FILLER PIC X(8). 02 SSA1 PIC X(40). 02 SSA2 PIC X(60). CICS/VS APRM(ML) NOTE STORAGE PREFIX. PROCEDURE DIVISION. GET PCB ADDRESSES DFHFC TYPE=(DL/I,PCB) GET PSB FOR THIS PROGRAM GET PCB ADDRESSES VIA CALL CALL 'CBLTDLII USING PCB-FUNCTION,PSBNAME. NOTE GET PCB'S FOR SPECIFIED PSB. * SAVE PCB ADDRESSES IN BLL TABLE SO PCB'S CAN BE ADDRESSED MOVE TCADLPCB TO B-PCB-PTRS. MOVE PCB1-PTR TO B-PCB1. MOVE PCB2-PTR TO B-PCB2. OPTIONALLY, ACQUIRE STORAGE FOR WORK AREA DFHSC TYPE=GETMAIN, ••• MOVE TCASCSA TO B-WORKAREA. OPTIONALLY, ACQUIRE STORAGE FOR SEGMENT SEARCH ARGUMENTS DFHSC TYPE=GETMAIN, ••• MOVE TCASCSA TO B-SSAS. CALL DL/I VIA CALL CALL 'CBLTDLI' USING FUNCTION-l,PCB1,WORKA1,SSA1,SSA2. EXAMPLE 1 OF DFHFC MACRO INSTRUCTION DFHFC TYPE=(DL/I,GHU), FUNCTION * PCB=B-PCB1, PCB POINTER * WRKAREA=B-WORKAREA, WORK AREA POINTER * SSAS=(SSA-COUNT,SSA1,SSA2) SSA COUNT AND NAMES EXAMPLE 2 OF DFHFC MACRO INSTRUCTION MOVE 'GNP I TO TCADLFUN. NOTE PRELOAD FUNCTION. MOVE B-PCBl TO TCADLPCB. NOTE PRELOAD PCB ADDRESS. DFHFC TYPE=DL/I, FUNCTION PRELOADED * SSAS=NO PCB ADDRESS PRELOADED WORK AREA TO BE ACQUIRED NO SSA'S MOVE TCADLIO to B-WORKAREA. NOTE SAVE ACQUIRED HORK AREA ADDR. * * * * * * * * * Chapter 3.3. DL/I Services 149 DL/I Requests in a PL/I Program (CICS/OSNS) Upon entry to his program, the PL/I application programmer should get PCB addresses through a DFHFC TYPE=(DL/I,PCB) statement or a DL/I IPCBI call. When CICS/VS returns, the base address of a structure of PCB pointers is in TCADLPCB. The PL/I programmer must move the value from TCADLPCB to the based variable for his declared structure of PCB pointers. He then loads the pointers to all PCBs from this structure. When this has been done, the program is in the same state as an IMS/VS DL/I application program in which the DLITPLI: PROCEDURE (pcbname 1 , ~ ~ .) OPTIONS (REENTRA NT, MA IN); statement has been executed. The PL/I programmer may then make DL/I requests, either through CALLs or DL/I DFHFC macro instructions. Note that the PCB and WRKAREA operands in a DFHFC request specify the addresses of pointers to fields rather than of the fields desired. /* CSA DEFINITION */ /* TCA DEFINITION - INCLUDES */ /* DL/I FIELDS */ 1 PCB POINTERS BASED (B_PCB_PTRS), 2 PCB1 PTR POINTER, 2 PCB2:PTR POINTER; %INCLUDE DFHCSADS; %INCLUDE DFHTCADS; DECLARE 1 PCBl BASED (BPCB1), /* PCB DEFINITIONS */ 2 ••• 2 ••• ; DECLARE 1 PCB2 BASED (BPCB2), 2 ••• 2 ••• ; DECLARE 1 DLI_IOAREA BASED (BDLIIO), /* DL/I I/O AREA */ 2 STORAGE_PREFIX CHAR (8), 2 IOKEY CHAR (6) , 2 tit.. ; DECLARE 1 DLI_SSADS BASED (BSSADS), 2 STORAGE_PREFIX CHAR (8) , 2 SSA1, 3 SSA 1 KEY CHAR (6) , /* DL/I SSA LIST */ 3 ••• 2 SSA2, 3 ••• 3 ,j • • ; /* /* /* /* /* /* 150 DECLARE PSBNAME CHAR~) INIT ('PSBNAMEI); DECLARE PCB_FUNCTION CHAR (8) IN IT (IPCB I); OBTAIN PCB POINTERS */ DFHFC TYPE=(DL/I,PCB) GET PSB FOR THIS PROGRAM OBTAIN PCB POINTERS VIA CALL */ CALL PLITDLI (PARM_CT,PCB_FUNCTION,PSBNAME): /* GET SPECIFIED PSB */ SAVE POINTERS IN PCB BASES */ B_PCB_PTRS=TCADLPCB; BPCB1=PCBl PTR; BPCB2 =PCB 2:PTR ; ACQUIRE STORAGE FOR DL/I I/O AREA */ DFHSC TYPE=GETMAIN,CLASS=USER, ••• BDLIIO=TCASCSA; OPTIONALLY, ACQUIRE STORAGE IN WHICH TO BUILD SSA'S */ DFHSC TYPE=GETMAIN,CLASS=USER, ••• BSSADS=TCASCSA; OPTIONALLY, BUILD SEGMENT SEARCH ARGUMENTS */ SSA1KEY=TERMKEY; CICS/VS APRM ~L) /* CALL DL/I */ CALL PLITDLI(PARM_CT,DLI_FUNCTION,PCB1,IOKEY,SSA1, SSA2) ; /* EXAMPLE 1 OF DFHFC MACRO INSTRUCTION */ DFHFC TYPE=(DL/I,ISRT), PCB=BPCB1, PCB POINTER WRKAREA=BDLIIO, WORK AREA POINTER SSAS=(2,SSA1,SSA2) SSA COUNT AND NAMES /* EXAMPLE 2 OF DFHFC MACRO INSTRUCTION */ TCADLPCB=BPCB1; DFHFC TYPE=(DL/I,GU), PCB PRELOADBD SSAS=(SSA_COUNT,SSA1,SSA2) WORK AREA TO BE ACQUIRED SSA COUNT AND NAMES BDLIIO=TCADLIO; /* SAVE WORK AREA ADDRESS */ /* EXAMPLE 3 OF DFHFC MACRO INSTRUCTION */ TCADLFUN='GN'; /* PRELOAD FUNCTION */ TCADLIO=BDLIIO; /* PRELOAD WORK AREA ADDRESS */ DFHFC TYPE=DL/I, FUNCTION PRELOADED PCB=BPCB1, PCB POINTER WRKAREA=YES, WORK AREA ADDRESS PRELOAD ED SSAS=NO NO SSA'S * * * * * * * * When using the PL/I Optimizing Compiler, all SSAs used in DFHFC calls and all parameters used in CALLs must be defined as elementary items. This can be done by defining structures based on the same pointers as the structures containing the nonelementary definitions. DECLARE 1 DLI_CALL_SSADS BASED (BSSADS), 2 STORAGE_PREFIX CHAR(8), 2 CALL_SSA1 CHAR( ••• ), 2 CALL_SSA2 CHAR( ••• ); /* SET UP SSA1 AND USE IN CALL */ SSA1KEY=SEARCH_KEY; DFHFC TYPE=DL/I, SSAS=(SSA_COUNT,CALL_SSA1) CALL PLITDLI (PARM_CT,FUNCTION,PCB1,IOKEY,CALL_SSA1); Chapter 3.3. DL/I Services 151 Operands of DFHFC Macro (DLtI) DLINA=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is passed i f the CICS/VS-DL/I interface is inactive. FUNCNS=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is passed if a DL/I function request (a request other than PCB or TERM) is made and the task has no PSB scheduled. INVREQ=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is passed if: (1) a DLINA, FUNCNS, LANGCON, PSBFAIL, PSBNA, PSBNF, PSBSCH, TASKNA, or TERMNS condition occurs and the associated operand is omitted, or (2) an error condition is detected. The errors which may be detected are: (a) the required data base is not in the PCT, (b) the required data base is not open according to the PCT, or (c) an invalid argument was passed to DL/I. If an INVREQ condition occurs and the INVREQ and an associated expansion operand(s) are both omitted, processing continues with the next sequential instruction in the application program. LANGCON=symbolic address (CICS/DOS/VS only) specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is passed if the calling program is in a different source language than the called PSB. NORESP=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is passed upon normal execution of the request, that is, if the PSB is located and the PCB addresses are returned, or when the application program regains control. The CICS/VSDL/I interface must have been able to pass control to DL/1 and a DL/I pseudo-ABEND of the transaction cannot have occurred. The return code in the PCB must be checked to determine whether DL/1 was able to service the request. NORESP signifies "normal resp onse. II If this operand is omitted, but a described condition applies, processing continues with the next' sequential instruction in the application program. NOTOPEN=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is passed if the data base specified in the PCB used in this request is logically (not necessarily physically) closed. The PCB does not contain a DL/I AI status code. PCB= specifies the field that contains the address of the PCB. symbolic address is the symbolic address of the field containing the address of the PCB. 152 CICS/VS APRM .(1'1L) ~egister) is valid only when Assembler language is used and is the number of a register that contains the address of the PCB. PSB= specifies the name of the PSB to be scheduled for the transaction. 'psbname ' is the name of the PSB to be used. symbolic address is the symbolic address of an eight-byte field containing the name of the PSB, padded to the right with blanks. YES indicates that the name of the PSB has been placed in TCADLPSB by the application program. If this operand is omitted, the name of the program associated with the transaction in the CICS/VS program control table (PCT) is used as the PSB name. PSBFAIL=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the usee-written routine to which control is passed if the PSB fails to initialize. PSBNA=symbolic address (CICS/DOS/VS only) specifies the entry label of the usee-written routine to which control is passed if the task is not authorized to access this PSB. PSBNF=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is passed if the PSB cannot be found in the PSB directory. PSBSCH=symbolic address specifies the entry laoel of the usee-written routine to which control is passed if a PSB is already scheduled for this task. SSALIST= indicates whether or not segment seaech arguments are used in this request and if so, identifies the list containing these arguments. YES indicates that a list of segment search arguments is used and that the address of the list has been placed in TCADLSSA by the application progeam. NO indicates that no SSA list is used in this request. symbolic address is the symbolic address of a field that contains the address of the SSA list. Chapter 3.3. DL/I Services 153 (register) is valid only when Assembler language is used and is the number of a register that contains the address of the SSA list. If this operand is specified, SSAS cannot be specified. SSAS= indicates whether or not segment search arguments are used in this request and, if so, identifies them. NO 'indicates that no SSAs are used in this request. ([ ssacount ][ ,ssa 1 ][ ,ssa2 , ..... ]) specifies the names of segment search arguments used in this request (thereby creating an SSA list). The ssacount parameter specifies the number of SSAs to be used; it is the address of a fullword containing the count, or, in the case of Assembler language, may be expressed as a numeric value. Each ssa specification represents an element of the SSA list. The first element of an SSA list, or it may point to.a fullword containing this count; the remaining elements represent addresses of SSAs. If the first element of an SSA list is not a count; all elements of the SSA list are assumed to be addresses of SSAs; the high-order bit of the last element of the list must be set on to indicate the end 0 f the list. ([ (register 1) ][ , (register2) , ~ •• ]) is interpreted as described above; that is, register1 contains a count of the SSAs in the list or is the first ~ist entry, register2 is the first or second list entry (depending on whether a count has been specified), and so on. If this operand is specified, SSALIST cannot be specified. TASKNA=symbolic address (CrCS/DOS/VS only) specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is passed if the calling task is not authorized to access DL/I data bases. TERMNS=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is passed if a termination request is made and the task has no PSB scheduled. WRKAREA= specifies the address of the work area to be used. symbolic address is the symbolic address of a field that contains a pointer to the work area. YES indicates that the address of the work area to be used has been placed in TCADLIO by the application program. 154 CICS/VS APRM(ML) (register) is valid only when Assembler language is used and is the number of a register that contains the address of the work area. If this operand is omitted and a Gxxx function is to be performed, the CICS/VS-DL/I interface acquires storage for the work area and returns the address of the work area at TCADLIO~ The application program must save this address upon return. If any other type of function is requested, the application program must provide the work area. A work area whose address is specified in a DPHPC macro instruction or placed at TCADLIO prior to execution of the DFHPC macro instruction includes the CICS/VS storage accounting area prefix. A work area specified in a CALLDLI or CALL statement does not. Chapter 3.3. DL/I Services 155 Part 4. Data Communication Operations 157 Chapter 4.1. Introduction to Data Communication Operations This part describes the data communication operations Terminal Control (Chapter 4.2), Basic Mapping Support (Chapter 4.3), and Batch Data Interchange (Chapter 4.4). The essential differences between these data communication facilities is that terminal control is the basic method of communicating with devices whereas both Basic Mapping Support (BMS) and Batch Data Interchange (BDI) extend the facilities of terminal control to simplify further the manipulation of data streams. In fact, both BMS and BDI use terminal control facilities. Terminal Control provides specific macros and options for particular devices so that the application programmer can tailor his input and output requests according to the requirements of the devices. However, application programs written in this way are dependent on data formatting requirements of devices and therefore the application programmer must have detailed knowledge of the devices. Basic Mapping Support provides macros and options that the application programmer can use to format data in a standard manner. BMS performs the conversion of data streams provided by the application program to conform to the requirements of particular devices. Conversely, data received from a device is converted by BMS to a standard form. However, not all devices supported by CICS/VS can be used with BMS and therefore TC must be used. Also, in some cases, the overhead incurred to achieve data stream independence may outweigh the advantages. The choice as to whether BMS should be used is a matter for application design and is discussed more fully in the CICS/yS System/Application Design Guide. Batch Data Interchange is a set of macros that may be used either instead of Terminal Control macros, or in conjunction with Basic Mapping Support macros to communicate with the batch logical units of the 3190 and 3110 subsystems_ Chapter 4.1. Introduction to Data Communication Operations 159 Chapter 4.2. Terminal Control (DFHTC Macro Instruction) CICS/VS terminal control uses the standard access methods available with the host operating system. The basic telecommunications access method ~TAM) is used by CICS/VS'for most start-stop and BSC terminals. As an option for OSjVS, the telecommunications access method (TCAM) can be specified. The sequential access method (SA~) is used where keyboard terminals are simulated by sequential devices such as card readers and line printers. The virtual telecommunications access method (ACF/VTAM) or the telecommunications access method (TCA~) is used for systems network architecture (SNA) terminal systems. Terminal control polls terminals to see if they have any data to transmit, and addresses terminals by having the computer check whether terminals are ready to receive data. Terminal control is responsible for code translation, transaction initiation, synchronization of input and output operations, and the line control necessary to read from or write to a terminal. Thus, the application program is freed from having to physically control terminals~ During processing, an application program is connected to one terminal for one task and terminal control monitors which task is associated with which terminal. The algorithm used by terminal control to determine which task should be initiated is described later in this chapter under the heading "Terminal-oriented Task Identification." Terminal control detects and logs errors, and also, where appropriate, inserts a default. Terminal control can, as its name suggests, be used for communication with terminals. In SNA systems, however, it is used to control communication with logical units. A logical unit (LU) represents either a terminal directly, or a program stored in a subsystem controller which in turn controls one or more terminals. The CICS/VS application program communicates, by means of the logical unit, either with a terminal or with the stored program. For example, a 3161 terminal is represented by a single logical unit without any associated user-vritten application program. In contrast, a 3190 SUbsystem is represented by a 3191 controller, user-written 3190 application programs, and one or more 3190 terminals; when the subsystem is configured, one or more logical units are designated by the user. Facilities that apply specifically to logical units are described later in this chapter under "Facilities for Logical units". To request terminal control services, the application programmer uses the CICS/VS DFHTC (terminal control) macro instruction. Among the services that can be requested by the DFHTC macro instruction are some that are of interest to most, if not all, terminal types supported by CICS/VS such as: • Write data to a terminal. • Read data from a terminal. • Synchronize • Converse with a terminal. te~minal Chapter 4.2. input/output for a transaction. Terminal Control (DFHTC Macro Instruction) 161 • Read or write records to a card reader, disk data set, magnetic tape unit, or a line printer defined by the system programmer as a card-reader-in/line-printer-out (CRLP) terminal. This facility allows transactions to be tested when normal communications terminals are not available. For additional information concerning the last of these services, see "Sequential Terminal Support" in Chapter'7.2. Other services available in response to DFHTC macro instructions apply to specific types of terminal. Because many types of terminal are supported by CICS/VS, many special services are provided. (For a list of terminals supported by CICSjVS, see the publication CICS/VS General Information.) The following list is representative of the terminaloriented input/output services available: • Read the entire contents of a buffer (3270 Information Display System) • • Read a message containing both uppercase and lowercase data (3270 Information Display System). • Print out the contents of an information display buffer on a printer (3270 Information Display System) • • Transmit a message to a common buffer (2980 General Banking System) • • Read or write data in transparent mode, that translation (System/?, System/370, System/3, Communication System, 2780 Data Transmission Communication System ~TAM), 3740 Data Entry Communications Terminal) • • Use the attention key to interrupt a write operation or signal a read attention request (for example, on the 2741 Communication Terminal) • is, without 2770 Data Terminal, 3600 Finance System, 3780 Data The general form of the terminal control macro instruction (DFHTC) resembles that of other CICS/VS macro instructions. Keyword operands are specified separated by commas. Although most CICS/VS macro instructions use only one entry following the keyword TYPE, the DFHTC macro instruction can contain several. The DFHTC TIPE=(WRITE,READ) macro instruction, for example, causes a write to the terminal, a wait for that write to be completed (an implied wait), and a read from the terminal to which data has just been written. Another example is the DFHTC TIPE=(ERASE,WRITE,READ,WAIT) macro instruction, which causes an erase and then a write to a terminal, followed by an implied wait, followed by a read and a requested wait. The latter wait ensures that the read is complete before control is returned to the application program. Two separate DFBTC macros must be used when two options that would be incompatible for the same macro are needed. Examples of incompatible options are: 162 CICS/VS APRM (ML) DFHTC TYPE=(READ,WRITE) DFHTC TYPE=(WRITE,PRINT) DFHTC TYPE=(WRITE,READB) DFHTC TYPE=(PRINT,READ) In such cases, the first macro should include the WAIT option; for example: DFHTC TYPE=(WRITE,WAIT) DPHTC TYPE=READB As in other CICS/VS macro instruction operands, if only one entry is given in the TYPE operand, no parentheses are necessary. The application programmer must determine the combination of keywords that follow TYPE=, depending on the terminal (and sometimes, access method) used and the operations required. Additional operands may be required or desired, again depending upon the terminal and access method used. Some common input/output requests are discussed later in this chapter .. Before using the DFHTC macro instruction to request terminal services, the application program must include instructions that: 1. Symbolically define the TCTTE and TIOA by copying the appropriate storage definitions (DPHTCTTE and DFHTIOA) provided by CICS/VS. (It is assumed that the storage definitions for the CSA and TCA have already been copied, as described in Part 2.) 2. Establish addressability for the TCTTE by specifying a symbolic base address. If using the Assembler-language or COBOL, the application programmer must obtain the base address of the TCTTE from TCAPCAAA and place it in TCTTEAR; with PL/I, addressability for the TCTTE is established automatically. Any field in the TCTTE can then be accessed by field name. Addressability for the TIOA must be established each time a DFHTC TYPE=READ or TYPE=WRITE macro is issued. The ways of doing this are described in the following section. Facilities for all Terminals and Logical Units The facilities described in this section apply to all terminals and logical units. There may, however, be additional facilities that apply to specific devices. If this is so, details are given later in this chapter under headings for the relevant device types. READ DATA FROM A TERMINAL OR LU The application programmer can request that data be read from a terminal or logical unit by issuing the DPHTC TYPE=READ macro instruction. This causes a read to be issued to the terminal and the transaction to be placed in a wait state until the read completes. Chapter ij. 2. Terminal Control (DPHTC Macro Instruction) 163 The incoming data is placed in a 'rIOA acquired by terminal control, which places the address of the TIOA in TCTTEDA. On completion of the read operation, the application program must copy the address from TCTTEDA to the TIOA base address register (TIOABAR): any field in the TIOA can then be accessed by field name. The length of the data read into the TIOA is stored in TIOATDL. Terminal control attempts to reuse TIOAs that have been used in previous operations. For this purpose, it maintains a chain of TIOA addresses anchored in the TCTTE. If no TIOA is attached to the chain, or if the existing TIOAs are too short or are otherwise unsuitable, terminal control acquires a new TIOA. The current TIOA, as addressed by TCTTEDA, may be freed by terminal control unless the SAVE operand is specified. A new TIOA is also acquired by terminal control for the read when the DFHTC TYPE=(READ,SAVE) macro instruction is issued. All TIOAs currently chained off the TCTTB are retained and may subsequently be reused; a new TIOA is dynamically acquired for this read and is added to the chain. A write, followed by a read operation, can be specified in a single request. See "Write DATA and READ Response", later in this chapter. When a TIOA which was previously obtained as a line input-output area (LIOA) by the terminal control program (TCP) is passed to a user task, the contents of the data part cannot be guaranteed beyond the data length supplied in TIOATDL. Therefore users should not attempt to interrogate the contents of a TIOA beyond this supplied length. When the contents of a 3210 buffer are read (by using DFHTC TYPE=READB), the programmer should be aware that the attention identifier byte and the cursor address are made available at TCTTEAID and TCTTECAD respectively_ A set of standard symbolic names for testing the 3210 attention identifier is provided in a copy book called DFHAID. For further details refer to "Standard Attention Identifier List (DFHAID)" in Chapter q.3. "Basic Mapping Support". WRITE DATA TO A TERMINAL OR LU A request for data to be written to a terminal or logical unit can be issued using the DFHTC TYPE=WRITE macro instruction. Before issuing this macro instruction, the application program must acquire a TIOA in which to build the data to be transmitted, and must place the address of the TIOA in TCTTEDA and the length of the data to be written in TIOATDL. The maximum data length is 32,761 bytes which includes the length of the function management header ~MH) when writing to a logical unit. The required TIOA is acquired by a DFHSC TYPE=GETMAIN,CLASS=TEBKIHAL macro instruction. CICS/VS places the address of the TIOA in TCASCS!, from where it must be copied into the TIOA base address register (TIOABAR) • 164 CICS/VS APRM(ML) The application program must not change the contents of TCTTEDA until after the I/O operation has completed. The operation will only be complete when another terminal control request has been issued (that is, TYPE=WAIT or TYPE=READ) • If WAIT is not specified on a terminal control TYPE=WRITE operation, the operation may be deferred until the next terminal control request. When the next terminal control request is issued, the SNA flows are optimized before the actual I/O is issued. For example, a terminal control write followed by a terminal control read could cause two flo~s to be sent, whereas only one flow is sent if it can be determined that the next operation is a read request. When writing data to a 3600 (non-pipeline) or 3790 inquiry logical unit, the CICS/VS application program must not put data into the first three bytes of the TIOA, unless it is building its own FMH (see ItFunction Management Header" later in this chapter). The FMH is built either by CICS/VS or by the CICS/VS application program. When the write operation is completed by terminal control, the TIOA is released to a dynamic storage pool (unless SAVE is specified) • Subsequent reference to this TIOA by the application program will produce unpredictable results. However, a TIO! can be reused by the application program after a write if the request to write data to a terminal uses the DFHTC TYPE=(WRITE,SAVE,WAIT) macro instruction~ In this case, the TIOA is not released by terminal control. The WAIT parameter ensures that the write of the TIOA is complete before the area is reused. Note that the SAVE operand does not guarantee that the field TCTTEDA addresses the TIOA saved, but only that the TIOA is not freed. If a dump of the TIOA is required following a terminal control write, the SAVE and WAIT operands should be included with the DFHTC TYPE=WRITE macro instruction that precedes the DFHDC macro instruction. WRITE DATA AND READ REPLY As stated earlier, a write followed by a read operation can be specified in a single request by issuing the DFHTC TYPE=(WRITE,READ) macro instruction. A typical use for this macro instruction occurs in a conversational environment in which the application program writes a question to the terminal, waits for a reply, and subsequently reads the reply. Because the SAVE parameter is not specified, terminal control can reuse the TIOA (from which data is written) as a TIOA for the input data. Under certain conditions, however, a new TIOA is obtained for the read operation, for example: • Local 3270 terminals. • PSEUDOBIN specified with READ, WRITE. Chapter 4.2. Terminal Control (DFHTC Macro Instruction) 165 • The TIOA length for the WRITE instruction less than that specified by the system programmer in the DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL,TIOAL=length specification (binary synchronous terminals) or in the DFHTCT TYPE=LINE,INAREAL=length specification (all other terminals). • Certain error conditions. • A 3270 terminal used in 2260 compatibility mode. The user should alway§ reload TIOABAR from TCTTEDA following the (WRITE,READ) macro instruction. For a terminal connected to the 7770 Audio Response Unit, a read request that does not include the WRITE parameter causes the "ready" message (defined in the terminal control table by the system programmer) to be written to the terminal before the read operation occurs. If both a write and a read operation are specified in a single request by issuing DFHTC TYPE=(WRITE,READ,SAVE) the TIOA used for writing is saved; a new TIOA is then acquired by terminal control for the read. The size of the TIOA is determined by the system programmer when specifying the TCTTE for the terminal (rather than by the size of the TIOA used for the write). If the saved TIOA is reused later for either writing or reading, the application program must place the address of the TIOA into TCTTEDA prior to issuing the request to use the area. The manner in which the address of a TIOA is "remembered" is the application programmer's responsibility. Upon completion of a (WRITE,READ,SAVE) , place the value at TCTTEDA into TIOABAR to establish addressability for the newly-acquired TIOA. SYNCHRONIZE TERMINAL I/O (WAIT) In a task under which more than one terminal or logical unit operation is performed, the application programmer must ensure that a current terminal operation is complete before another begins. Therefore, after a terminal control write has been issued, but before another terminal control write can be issued, a terminal control wait must be issued. TcrTEDA can be changed to point to the new TIOA for output, and the next terminal control write can be issued. For SNA logical units, after a terminal control write has been issued, the next operation may be either a terminal control wait, or a terminal control read, according to whether a subsequent write, or terminal control read is to be issued. To do this the DFHTC TYPE=W AIT macro instruction is issued, where the WAIT parameter is coded separately, as shown, or in combination with READ or WRITE. A PUT can be coded in place of a (WRITE,WAIT); a GET can be coded in place of a (READ ,WAIT) • A terminal control read operation forces a wait to occur before the transaction is resumed, that is, the data will be available in the TIOA addressed by TCTTEDA at completion of the terminal control read operation. 166 CICS/VS APRM(ML) A wait may cause execution of a task to be suspended. If suspension is necessary, control is returned to CICS/VS. Execution of the task is resumed when the write is posted complete~ A wait need not be coded for a write if the write is the last terminal operation of the transaction~ The TIOA is retained until the data is written, even if the transaction and its associated storage are deleted from the system before the write occurs. CONVERSE WITH A TERMINAL OR LU To request a conversational mode of communication with a terminal or loqical unit, issue the DFHTC TYPE=CONVERSE macro instruction, where CONVERSB (or CONV) is the same as (WRITE,READ,WAIT). This instruction is always executed in the sequence: WRITE, implied wait, READ, WAIT. It is possible, for most devices, to use this macro instruction rather than TYPE=READ, but it must not be used for the 3600 or 3650 pipeline logical units. However, its use is recommended for all other logical units. DISCONNECT A SWITCHED LINE To break a line connection between a terminal or logical unit and a host CPU, the DFHTC TYPE=DISCONNECT macro instruction is used. This applies only to devices operating on switched lines or to logical units. When used with logical units, DISCONNECT, which does not become effective until the task has been terminated, terminates the session, without causing a physical disconnection. Note: CICS/OS/VS implements DISCONNECT for World Trade Teletype Terminals by writing a message to the terminal indicating that the terminal operator should manually disconnect. Examples The following examples show the coding required to: 1. Acquire storage for use as a terminal input/output area through the DPHSC macro instruction. 2. Place the address of the acquired area into TCTTEDA. 3. Place the length of the data to be written into TIOATDL. Chapter 4.2. Terminal Control ~PHTC Macro Instruction) 167 ij. Issue a terminal control macro instruction to a 3270 terminal, thus erasing the screen, returning the cursor to the upper left corner of the screen, writing to the terminal, and reading from the terminal (allowing terminal control to manage storage for the TIOA) • 5. Establish addressability to the ~IOA into which the data was read • ..., For Assembler Language J, DFHSC L ST MVC MVC TCTTEAR,TCAFCAAA TYPE=GETMAIN, NUMBYTE=80, CLASS=TERMINAL TIOABAR ,TCASCSA TIOABAR,TCTTEDA TIOADBA ~O),DATA TIOATDL,=H '80' TYPE=(WRITE,ERASE, READ, WAIT) TIO AB AR, TCTTEDA DFHTC L ESTABLISH ADDRESSABILITY FOR TCTTE OBTAIN TIOA FOR OUTPUT DATA * * ADDRESS OF TIOA PLACE OUTPUT ADDRESS IN TCTTE PLACE DATA IN TIOA PLACE DATA LENGTH IN TIOATDL ERASE SCREEN, WRITE TO TERMINAL, THEN READ ESTABLISH ADDRESSABILITY FOR TIOA * For COBOL: MOVE TCAFCAAA TO TCTTEAR. DFHSC TYPE=GETMAIN, NUMBYTE=80, CLASS=TERMINAL TCASCSA TO TIOABAR. MOVE TIOABAR TO TCTTEDA. MOVE DATA TO TIOADATA. MOVE NOTE EST ADDRESSABILITY FOR TCTTE. OBTAIN TIOA FOR OUTPUT DATA * * NOTE NOTE NOTE USER NOTE ADDRESS OF PLACE ADDR PLACE DATA DEFINED) • PLACE DATA TIOA OF TIOA IN TCTTE. IN TIOA ~IOADATA IS LENGTH IN TIOATDL. MOVE 80 TO TIOATDL. DFHTC TYPE=(WRITE,ERASE, ERASE SCREEN, WRITE TO READ,WAIT) TERMINAL, THEN READ TCTTEDA TO TIOABAR. NOTE EST ADDRESSABILITY FOR TIOl. MOVE * 1:QLPL/I.=.. TCTTEAR=TCAFCAAA; DFHSC TYPE=GETMAIN, NUMBYTE=80, CLASS=TERMINAL TIOABAR=TCASCSA; TCTTEDA=TIOABAR; TIODATA=DATA; TIOATDL=80; /*EST ADDRESSABILITY FOR TCTTE*/ OBTAIN TIOA FOR OUTPUT DATA * * /*ADDRESS OF TIOA*/ /*PLACE ADDR OF TIOA IN TCTTE*/ /*PLACE DATA IN TIOA (TIODATA IS USER-DEFINED)*/ I*PLACE DATA LENGTH IN TIOATDL*I .. DFHTC TYPE=(WRITE,ERASE, READ ,WAIT) TIOBAR=TCTTEDA; 168 CICS/VS APR!! (ML) ERASE SCREEN, WRITE TO TERMINAL, THEN READ /*EST ADDRESSABILITY FOR TIOA*/ * Facilities for Logical Units A CICS/VS application program communicates with a TCAM, VTAM, or EXTM logical unit in much the same way that it does with BTAM or TCAM terminals (that is, by using the various forms of the DFHTC macro instruction described above). However, communication with logical units is governed by the conventions (protocols) that apply to each type of logical unit. This section describes the additional facilities provided by CICS/VS to enable the application programmer to comply with these protocols. The types of logical units and the related protocols for each of the SNA subsystems supported by CICS/VS are described in the CICS/VS subsystem guides for the IBM 3270, IBM 3600/3630, IBM 3650, IBM 3767/3770 and the IBM 3790 (see Bibliography). SEND/RECEIVE MODE Por SNA logical units, a transaction conversing with such a logical unit must conform to the send/receive protocols of SNA, unless the read-ahead queueing feature has been specified. However, a transaction is normally in send mode and can issue any terminal control request. For displays (for example, the 3270), the send/receive mode is transparent to the application program, but for logical units that perform chaining, or make use of the full SNA . protocols (for example, the 3767), the send/receive mode should be taken into account. If the application program is in receive mode, flag TCTEURCV in field TCTERCVI is set on, and the application program must continue to issue terminal control READ requests. For compatibility, the read-ahead queueing feature (RAQ=YES specified in the DFHSG PROGRAM=TCP system macro) is provided so that the application program is independent of the send/receive mode. However, it is recommended that application programs be changed to use SNA send/receive protocols and that, wherever possible, they specify RAQ=NO. OVERLAPPING LOGICAL-UNIT OUTPUT Write operations are not initiated until a subsequent terminal control operation to the logical unit is issued, a syncpoint is taken, or the task terminates. If a terminal control write operation is awaiting completion, a terminal control wait should be issued unless the next operation is a read request, in which case a terminal control read can be issued directly. A terminal control write and wait request causes the operation to be initiated immediately. If only a terminal control write is issued, the operation is delayed until the next operation so that SNA flow handling can be improved. The point at which a wait is satisfied depends upon whether task protection, message integrity, or DEFRESP=YES is requested for the task. Task protection and message integrity are specified, by the system Chapter 4.2. Terminal Control (DFHTC Macro Instruction) 169 in the DFBPCT macro instruction; if data is sent with task protection or message integrity, a wait is completed when a logical unit responds to the write request; otherwise, the wait is completed after VTAM has accepted the output request. program~er, If a task is operating under task protection or message integrity and an exception response is returned for an output request, the output message is still available in the TIOA. The node error program (NEP) can therefore request that the operation be retried as many times as specified by the installation. CHAINING OF INPUT DATA For transmission purposes, data handled by a logical unit is divided into request/response units (RUs). The data may be transmitted as one or more RUs, called a chain, depending on the length of the data, and on the ~aximum size of the RU defined for the logical unit or that has been defined for the terminal network in general. Each RU contains a set of indicators that specify whether the RU is the first, middle, or end, of the chain (FOC, MaC, or EOC, respectively). If the chain consists of only one RU, this RU contains both the FOC and the EOC indicators. Data is transmitted as a chain of one or more RUs from a logical unit to the application program. If the chain contains more than one RU, further read requests are required, one for each RU, unless chain assembly has been specified. (Chain assembly is described later in this chapter.) The length of each RU must be less than or equal to the maximum RU size. The EOC operand of the DFHTC TYPB=RBAD macro is used to test for the presence of the EOC indicator. If it is present, that is, the complete chain has been received, control is passed to a user-written routine that provides additional processing. For some logical units, the data transmitted may contain a function management header (FMH), in which case, inbound-FMH processing will take precedence over BOC processing. (Inbound FMH is described later in this chapter.) Furtlier, if the FMH indicates the end of the data set, control will be passed to the BODS routine instead of to the INBFMH or EOC routines. THe DFHTC TYPB=WAIT macro with the BOC operand specifies that control is to be passed to an EOC routine from within either the inbound FMH or the EODS routine. An PMH may also occur in the first RU of a chain that contains more than one RU. In this case, control is passed to the INBFMH routine when a DFHTC TYPE=READ is satisfied by that RU. The application program must read all the data from the logical unit, that is, it should not terminate ~xcept abnormally) before BOC has been received. Application programs should also ensure that the complete data stream has been received from the logical unit; this will be ensured as long as the application program is not in receive mode when it terminates. 170 CICS/VS APRM(ML) CHAINING OF OUTPUT DATA As in the case of input data, output data is transmitted as request/response units (RUs)~ If the length of the data supplied in the TIOA exceeds the RU size, CICS/VS automatically breaks up the data into RUs and transmits these RUs as a chain. During transmission from CICS/VS to the logical unit, the RUs are marked FOC, MOC, or EOC to denote their position in the chain. An RU that is the only one in a chain is marked OC (only-in-chain). If the system programmer specified that the application program can control the chaining of outbound data, the application program can inhibit the end-of-chain marker on the last (or only) RU resulting from the write request by including the CCOMPL=NO operand (specifying that the chain is not yet complete). The data supplied in the TIOA for the next write request is treated as a continuation of the chain. CHAIN ASSEMBLY Chain assembly, which is specified by the system programmer in the TC'rTE, is the proce ss of assembling RU s together to form a chain which is transmitted as an entity to the application program in a single TIOA in response to a single read request. This ensures the integrity of the whole chain prior to presentation to the application program. If the EOC operand is specified in the read request, the EOC routine receives control for every read request (except when an FMH is received and the appropriate EODS or INBFMH routine is specified, as described earlier in this chapter under "Chaining of Input Data".) The length of the TIOA required to accommodate a chain is unknown since a chain can consist of any number of RUs. To allow for this, two TIOA lengths can be specified in the TCTTE by the system programmer. The first length specifies a TIOA that will normally be provided. The second specifies a larger TIOA for use when the normal TIOA is not large enough. If the larger TIOA cannot hold the complete chain, the node abnormal condition program ~FHZNAC) is invoked and the task is terminated abnormally. Additional processing of the chain can, however, be initiated by the node error program (DFHZNEP) when a further read request will ne needed to cause transmission of the rest of the chain. The use of two TIOA sizes minimizes storage requirements. Chain assembly is recommended for most interactive applications, since the input data is usually made up of a chain of more than one RU. In many cases the application program logic is simplified by use of this option. LOGICAL RECORD PRESENTATION Normally a chain contains the data to be processed and this chain is presented to the application program in a TIOA as specified in the TCTTE. In some cases, however, the chain contains many logical entities for processing. These may be each RU itself, or the RUs may be further subdivided into logical records delimited by inter-record separator control characters, or new line characters. Chapter ij.2. Terminal Control (DFHTC Macro Instruction) 171 The entire RU will be presented to the application program if chain assembly is not specified in the TCTTE. However, if the data stream is delimited by separators into logical records, the system programmer can specify in the PCT that logical records will be presented to the application program instead of RUs or chains, so overriding on an application basis the TCTTE options for the logical unit. If the RU contains more than one logical record, the records will be separated by NL (new line), IRS (inter-record separator), or TRN ~ransparent) characters. Except in the case of LUTYPE4, one logical record cannot be transmitted in more than one RU; the end of the RU is always the end of the logical record. Data from an LUTYPE4 unit may contain logical records that span RUS, in which case chain assembly should be specified. Since a card reader inserts an IRS character after the last non-blank character on the card, the user may receive card images that are less than 80 characters in length. Conversely, a series of full cards will begin at 81-character intervals~ For those application programs for which this option is specified, each read request results in one logical record being presented to the application program in a TIO!, regardless of whether chain assembly is specified or not. If the logical records are separated by IRS or TRN characters, these are removed, and do not appear in the TIOA. Therefore, a blank card will appear as a TIOA with a length of zero. If NL characters are used to separate the logical records, they are not removed, and the NL character from the end of each logical record appears at the end of the TIOA. All the previously-described communication features are still in operation. That is, notification of end-of-chain conditions, and ~or batch logical units only) notification of end-of-data-set conditions and presentation of the inbound FMH at the beginning of a chain, still occurs. If chain assembly has been specified, a logical record ends with a delimiter (either NL, IRS, or TRN), or the end of the assembled chain. The end of chain notification is given with the last logical record of the chain. DEFINITE RESPONSE The type of response requested by CICS/VS for outbound data is generally determined by the system programmer whe"n generating the PCT. The system programmer can specify that all outbound data for an application program will require a definite response, or allow the exception-response protocol to be used, which means that a response will be made only if an error situation occurs. The use of definite-response protocol has some performance disadvantages, but may be necessary for some application programs. To provide a more flexible method of specifying the protocol to be used, the DEFRESP operand is provided for use on the DFHTC TYPE=WRITE macro instruction~ One example of the use of this operand is to request a definite response for every tenth write request, exception response being the general rule. Because a response cannot be received until the whole chain has been sent, the DEFRESP operand and the CCO!PL=NO operand are mutually exclusive. The DEFRESP operand and the ERASE operand are also mutually exclusive. 112 CICS/VS APRM (ML) FUNCTION MANAGEMENT HEADER (FMH) A function management header (FMH) is a field that can be included at the beginning of an input or output message. It is used to convey information about the message and how it should be handled. For some logical units, the use of an FMH is mandatory, for others it is optional, and in some cases FMRs cannot be used at all. For output, the FMH can be built by the application program or by CICS/VS. For input, the FHH can be passed to the application program or it can be suppressed by CICS/VS. The rules governing the use of FMRs for each type of logical unit, and the formats of the FMHs, are given in the CICS/VS subsystem guides (for example, the CICSIVS IBM 3790 Guide), which are listed in the Bibliography. Inbound FMR The CICS/VS application program can request notification when an FMH is included in the data received during a read from a logical unit; when present, the FMR is at the start of the TIOA. Whether or not inbound FMHs will be passed to the application program is specified by the system programmer in the PCT. It can be specified that no inbound FMHs will be passed, or that only the FHR indicating end of data set (EODS) will be passed, or that all inbound FMHs will be passed, or that the data interchange program ~FRDIP) will process the FMH .. The INBFMR operand of the DFHTC TYPE=READ or WAIT macro instruction specifies that control is to be passed to a user-written routine whenever an inbound FMH is received. Use of the INBFMR operand implies that the WAIT option of the TYPE operand is in effect. The user-written routine can depending on, for example, from routine then scans the TIOA for the data is initial data from a identification will start after examine the FMR and take some action which device the data has come. The input data, starting after the FMH. If logical unit, the transaction the FMR. When input data is received as a chain of RUs, only the first (or only) RU of the chain contains an FMR. Some logical units require or by means of an FMH. For 3600 units, CICS/VS will build the reserve space in the TIOA for other type of logical unit. allow control information to be specified (non-pipeline) and 3790 inquiry logical FMH, but the application program must it. CICS/VS will not build on FMH for any If the FMH is to be built by the application program, the write request must specify FMR=YES. The FMR must start at the beginning of the TIOA. Chapter 4.2. Terminal Control (DFHTC Macro Instruction) 173 END OF DATA SET (EODS) The DFHTC TYPE=EOOS macro specifies that an FMH containing an EODS indicator is sent to a 3650 interpreter logical unit. This FMH delimits the output. The end of the input is detected similarly by the EODS operand of a OFHTC TYPE=READ macro. LOGICAL DEVICE CODE (LDC) A logical device code (LDC) is a code that can be included in an outbound FMH to specify the disposition of the data (for example, to which subsystem terminal it should be sent) • An LDC is a CICS/VS-supported and installation-defined logical device code. Each code can be represented by a unique LOC mnemonic. The installation can specify up to 256 two-character mnemonics for each TCTTE, and two or more TCTTEs can share a list of these mnemonics. Corresponding to each LDC mnemonic for each TCTTE is'a numeric value (the LOC itself whose code value can range from 0 to 255). A device type and a logical page size are also associated with each LDC. "LDC" or "LDC value" is used in this publication to refer to the code specified by the use r. .. LOC mnemonic" ref ars to th e two-character symbol that represents the LDC numeric value. Within the 3601 subsystem, a user-written application program provides the function of the logical unit. For batch and batch data interchange logical units the functions of the logical unit are built in and in general cannot be modified further by the user. The following paragraphs discuss some of the functions that may be provided in a userwritten application program When a CICS/VS application program issues a write request with the LDC operand specified, the numeric value associated with the mnemonic for the particular TCTTE is inserted in the FMH. The numeric value associated with the LDC mnemonic is chosen by the installation; the interpretation of that numeric value is the responsibility of the subsystem application program. As a minimum, the installation can choose a different LDC to correspond to each device attached to the logical unit. The values (codes) chosen for the LDC can correspond exactly to the logical device address (LDA) for each device. The subsystem application program can then take the CICS/VS output data and write it directly to the indicated LDA. LDCs can be used to provide support for multiple-form printers. When used for these printers, each LDC within a specified range corresponds to a particular type of form. Whenever the subsystem application program receives data with an LDC that indicates a particular printer and a particular form, the application program can check the device to determine whether the correct form is currently on the printer. If the correct form is on the printer, the application program proceeds with the output operation. If the correct form is not on the printer, the application program ean request the operator to load the appropriate form and to signal when the load is completed. Some LDCs can be used to indicate certain standard actions to be undertaken by the application program. Using the LDC in this way can reduce the overhead of writing messages to the subsystem application program. An example of this use of LDCs is an instruction to the application program to turn on specific indicator lights on a device. 174 CICS/VS APRM(ML) A range of LDCs can be specified for each device, each LDC within this range corresponding to a specific light. Upon receipt of such an LDC, the application program determines the appropriate device and indicator and issues the commands necessary to turn on the light. Other standard actions that can be invoked by LDCs are dumping operator totals, checking diskettes for transaction backlogs, or indicating a change in operational mode. The LDC operand of the DFHTC TYPE=WRITE macro is only for use with 3600 (3601) non-pipeline logical units and provides a symbolic way of conveying to CICS/VS the type of F~H it is to build on behalf of the application program. Alternatively, the application program may build its own FMH (which may be greater than three bytes) and indicate this by means of the FMH operand. Component or destination selection for batch and batch data interchange logical units is accomplished by means of an F~H, the length of which depends on the type of logical unit. The application program must build its own FMH, or use the LDC operands of the basic mapping support (BMS) macros DFHMSD or DFHBMS TYPE=OUT or TYPE=STORE to instruct BMS to build the correct F~H. If the FMH is to be built by the application program the DFHTC CTYPE=LOCATE, LDC=YES macro may be used to symbolically obtain the component selection value to be inserted in the appropriate FMH field. Refer to the IBM 3110 and IBM 3190 guides for a further discussion of component selection. UNSOLICITED INPUT If a task is in progress and unexpected data (that is, data from a terminal for which a read request has not been issued) arrives from a start-stop or BSC terminal, CICSjVS ignores the data and it is lost. If, however, unexpected data arrives from a 3600, 3650, 3161 or 3110 interactive (contention only), or 3190 inquiry logical unit, it is queued and is used to satisfy any future input requests for that logical unit. For the 3210 logical unit ~ut not for the 3210 LUTYPE2 logical unit, data is queued only if PUNSOL=NO is specified in the DFHSG PROGRAM=TCP macro; otherwise it is lost. Unsolicited input does not occur for the other logical units. SIGNAL COMMANDS FROM LOGICAL UNITS Signal by the allows signal in the entry data-flow-control commands from the logical unit must be handled application program. The DFHTC TYPE=SIGNAL macro instruction an address to be specified to which control will pass when a command is received. The associated signal code will be stored four-byte field TCTESIDI in the terminal contro~ table terminal (TCTTE). If a hard reguest-change-direction (RCD) signal is received from an LUTYPE4 unit ~ignal code = X' 00010000 ' ), the transaction should either end or read data from the logical unit. Any attempt to write to the unit immediately following a hard RCD would be an error, indicated by the flag TCTERCD in the TCTTE. If a further attempt to write to the logical unit is made, CICSjVS will abnormally terminate the transaction with an abend code of ATCL. Most logical units that can send a signal command with a code of X'00010000' do so when an attention key is pressed. Chapter 4.2. Terminal Control (DFHTC Macro Instruction) 115 BRACKET PROTOCOL The use of bracket protocol is a means of preventing interruption of the exchange of data between CICS/VS and a logical unit. CICS/VS or the logical unit may send begin-bracket, but only CICS/VS may send the endbracket. Brackets can delimit a conversation between CICS/VS and the logical unit or merely the transmission of a series of data chains in one direction. Bracket protocol is used when CICS/VS communicates with a logical unit. The use of brackets is usually transparent to the CICS/VS application program. Only on the last write operation of a task to a logical unit does the bracket protocol become apparent to the CICS/VS application program. On the last output request to a logical unit, the CICS/VS application program may specify LAST in the DFHTC TYPE=WRITE macro instruction. The last output request is defined as either the last DFHTC TYPE=WRITE macro specified for a task without chain control; or as the write operation that transmits the FOC or OC marker of the last chain of a transaction with chain control. The LAST specification causes CICS/VS to transmit an end-bracket indicator with the final output message to the logical unit. This indicator notifies the logical unit that tpe current transaction is ending. If the LAST operand is not specified, CICS/VS waits until the task detaches before sending the end-bracket indicator. Since an endbracket indicator is transmitted only with the first RU of a chain, the LAST operand is ignored for a transaction with chain control unless FOC or OC is also specified. Refer to the publication VTAM Concepts and Planning for more details on bracket protocol. 116 CICS/VS APRM(ML) Terminal-Oriented Task Identification When CICS/VS receives input from a terminal to which no task is attached, it has to determine which transaction should be initiated. The methods by which the user can specify the transaction to be initiated and the sequence in which CICS/VS checks these specifications are as follows (see also Figure 4.2-1). Test 1: Is the input from a PA key (of a 3270 terminal) that has been defined at system initialization as the print request key? If yes, printing of the data displayed on the screen is initiated. Test 2: a) b) Is this terminal of a type supported by the basic mapping support terminal paging facility? Is the input a paging command? (The terminal operator can enter paging commands defined by the system programmer in the DFHSIT macro instruction. See the CICS/VS System Programmer's Reference Manual.) If yes to both (a) and (b), the transaction CSPG, which processes paging commands, is initiated. Test 3: If an attach FMH is present in the data stream and Tests 4 and 5 are not fulfilled, the transaction specified in the attach FHH is initiated. The architectured attach names are converted to "CSMI". Test 4: Does the terminal control table entry for the terminal include a transaction identification (specified by the TRANSID operand of the DFHTCT macro)? If yes, the specified transaction is initiated. Test 5: Is a transaction specified by the TRANSID operand of a DFHPC TYPE=RETURN macro instruction (or by the application program moving the transaction name into TCANXTID)? If yes, the specified transaction is initiated. Test 6: a) b) c) Is the terminal a 3270 (including 3270 logical unit and 3650 host-conversational (3270) logical unit, connected via VTAM?) Is the input from a PA key, PF key, light pen attention (lPA) , or magnetic stripe card reader (OPID)? Is this input ~A, PF, LPA, or OPID) specified by the TASKREQ operand of a DFHPCT TYPE=ENTRY macro instruction? (See the CICS/VS system Programmer's Reference Manual.) If yes to (a), (b), and (c), the program specified by the PROGRAM operand of same DFHPCT TYPE=ENTRY macro instruction is given control. Test 7: Is a valid transaction identification specified by the first one to four characters of the terminal input? If yes, the specified transaction is initiated. For all PA keys and some LPAs there cannot be terminal input. If there is no terminal input an ninvalid transaction identification" message is sent to the terminal. Chapter 4.2. Terminal Control (DFHTC Macro Instruction) 177 If none of the above tests is met, an invalid transaction identification exists. Message DFH2001 is sent to the terminal. Note: The 3735 Programmable Buffered Terminal makeS an exception to this sequence when operating in inquiry mode. The test of input from the terminal ~est 7 above) is given highest priority. Initiate Printing Initiate CSPG No Initiate transaction specified in Attach FMH Initiate specified transaction Yes Initiate specified transaction Yes Initiate transaction Yes specified by terminal input AID Send "invalid transaction ident." message to terminal Figure 4.2-1. 178 Initiate transaction specified by terminal input Terainal-oriented Task Identification CICS/VS APRM(ML) Syntax of the DFHTC Macro Instruction This section shows the syntax of the DFHTC macro instruction available for use with each type of device or logical unit, arranged in numerical order. The syntax displays for each device and for the 3270 logical unit are followed by information specific to that device or logical unit. However, information about 3600, 3650, 3767, 3770, and 3790 logical units is given in the CICS/VS subsystem guides. TCAM SUPPORTED TERMINALS AND LOGICAL UNITS (CICS/OS/VS ONLY) Under CICS/OS/VS only, because TCAM permits many applications to share a single network, the CICS/VS TCAM interface supports data streams rather than specific terminals or logical units. Operations for terminals and logical units connected through TCAM use the same operands as the terminals and logical units connected through the other access methods used with CICS/VS. For input, TCAM supports only the READ And READL operations. For output, TCAM supports only the WRITE and WRITEL operations with the optional use of ERASE. The DEST operand can be specified for all TCAM output operations. (The syntax of the DFHTC macro for TCAM operations is given later in this chapter.) The 2260 compatibility option is not available for 3270 connected through TCAM. 3650 logical units cannot be connected through TCAM. BTAM PROGRAMMABLE DEVICES When BTAM is used by CICS/VS for programmable binary synchronous communication line management, CICS/VS initializes the communication line with a BTAM read initial (TI); the terminal response must be a write initial (TI) or the equivalent. If a user-written application program then issues a read, CICS/VS issues a read continue (TT) to that line; if the application program issues a write, CICS/VS issues a read interrupt (RVI) to that line. If end of transmission (EOT) is not received on the RVI, CICS/VS issues a read continu-e (TT) until the EOT is received. When TCAM is used, all of this line control is handled by the MCP rather than by CICS/VS. The programmable terminal response to a read interrupt must be nend of transmission" (EOT). The EOT response may, however, be preceded by writes, in order to exhaust the contents of output buffers; this is provided the input Duffer size is not exceeded by this data. The input buffer size is specified by the system programmer during preparation of the terminal control table. CICS/VS issues a read continue until it receives an EOT, or until the input message exceeds the size of the input buffer ~n error condition). After receiving an EOT, CICS/VS issues a write initial (TI) or the equivalent (depending on the type of line). The programmable terminal response must be a read initial (TI) or the equivalent. Chapter 4.2. Terminal Control (DFHTC Macro Instruction) 179 If another write is issued by the application program, CICS/VS issues a write continue (TT) to that line. If the application program issues a read after it has issued a write, CICS/VS turns the line around with a write reset (TR). (CIeS/VS does not recognize a read interrupt.) When CICS/VS initiates a transaction using the automatic transaction initiation facility, it first of all issues a write initial (TI) or the equivalent. The terminal must respond with a read initial (TI) or the equivalent. Reading from or writing to the terminal can then continue as if the write initial had been caused by a write instruction in the application program. To ensure that binary synchronous terminals (for example, System/310, 1130, 2180) remain coordinated, CICS/VS processes the data collection or data transmission transaction on any line to completion, before polling other terminals on that line. The programmable terminal actions required for the above activity, with the corresponding user application program macro instructions and CICS/VS actions, are summarized as follows: CICS/VS (note 1) Programmable Terminal Program Read initial (TI) write initial (TI) DFHTC TYPE=READ Read continue (TT) Write continue (TT) DFHTC TYPE=WRITE (note 2) (note 3) Read interrupt (RVI) Read continue (TT) write initial (TI) write reset (TR) , or write continue write reset Read initial (TI) DFHTC TYPE=WRITE Wr i te cont in ue (TT) Read continue (TT) DFHTC TYPE=READ (note 4) write reset (TR) Read initial (TI) Read continue (TT) Write initial (TI) Application Program Notes: 1. CICS/VS issues the macro instruction shown, or, if the line is switched, the equivalent. The user-written programmable terminal program must issue the equivalent of the BTAM operation shown. 2. An RVI sequence is indicated by the DECFLAGS field of the data extent control block (DECB) being set to X'02' and a completion code of X'1FI being returned to the event control block (ECB). 3. The read continue is issued only if the EOT character is not received on the read interrupt. 4. write reset is issued only for point-to-point terminals. Input data is deblocked to ETX, ETB, RS, and US characters. These characters are moved with the data to the TIOA but are not included in the data length (TIOATDL). The CICS/VS application programmer should be aware that characters such as NL, CR, LF, and EM are passed in the TIOA as data. 180 CICS/VS APRM(ML) TELETYPEWRITER PROGRAMMING The teletypewriter (World Trade only) uses two different control characters for print formatting: ex < carriage return, - line feed, (X128 1 in ITA2 code or XI 25 1 in EBCDIC) I 22' in ITA2 code or X115' in EBCDIC) The application programmer should always use < first; that is <= or <===., but never =.<, otherwise following characters (data) may be printed while the typebar is moving to the left. Message Format aessage B~in: To start a message on a new line at the left margin, the message text must begin with XI 1511 1 (EBCDIC). CICS/VS recognizes the XI 17' and changes it to XI 25' (X '17 1 is an idle character). Message Body: To write several lines with a single transmission, the lines must be separated by X1 1525 1 , or if multiple blank lines are required, by XI 152525 ••• 25'. Message End before Next Input: To allow input of the next message on a line at the left margin, the preceding message must end with X'1511'. CICSjVS recognizes X'15 1 and changes the character following it to XI 25' • Message End before Next Output: In the case of two or more successive output messages, the message begin and the message end look the same; that is XI 1511', except for the last message ~ee above). To make the message end of the preceding message distinguishable from the message begin of the next message, the penultimate character of the message end must not be X115 1 • Message Length. It is recommended that messages for teletypewriter terminals, do not exceed a length of about 3000 bytes or approximately 300 words. CONNECTION THROUGH VTAM Both the TWX Model 33/35 Common Carrier Teletypewriter Exchange and the WTTY Teletypewriter (World Trade only) can be connected to CICS/VS through BTAM, or through VTAM using NTO. If a device is connected through VTAM using NTO, the protocols used are the same as for the 3167 logical unit, and the application program can make use of these protocols. However, the data stream is not translated to a 3167 data stream but remains as that for a TWX iTTY. Chapter 4.2. Terminal Control (DFHTC Macro Instruction) 181 System/3 r- r--------------.---------------------------------------~ I I I, I DFHTC I TYPE=(READ[,SAVE]) ,I I I , I I I ______ L DFHTC I~ _____ TYPE=(WRITE[,WAITX ,SAVE][,TRANSPARENT]) [ ,DEST= {symbolic address I YES} ]->TCA! only [,ENDMSG=NO] ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ I I I DFHTC IL ______ '--______ TYPE= {DISCONNECT IRESET} ,~ _______________________________________________________' TYPE=DISCONNECT applies to switched line System/3s only. System/370 Support and macro instruction syntax identical to System/3. 182 CICS/VS APRM ~L) System/7 DFHTC L _______ ~ _______ TYPE=(READ[,WAIT][,SAVE] [ , {TRANSPARENT IPSEUDOBIN} ]) ~ ________________________________________________________ DFHTC ~ TYPE=(WRITE[,WAIT][,SAVE] [ , {TRANSPARENT I PSEUDOBIN} ]) [,DEST={symbolic addresslYES} }-->TCAM only CICSjVS treats the Systemj7 as any other programmable terminal. Transactions are normally initiated from the System/7 by issuing a fourcharacter transaction code as in the following example: TRNID * * O>XMIT PBER PLEX TRNID ERROR #IOLT .IOLT 3,CHECK,/0000,TRAN,2 3, * * CHECK, /0000, TRAN, 2 * * * TRAN CHECK PEQU PDC PDC * /A6D2 /CAOE PEQU * TRANSMIT TRANSACTION CODE BRANCH IF CONDITION ERROR CODE WAIT FOR COMPLETION GENERATE I/O LIST RETURN CONTROL ON INTERRUPT LEVEL 3 RETURN CONTROL AT LOCATION CHECK TRANSMIT MESSAGE IN BCD MODE MESSAGE LOCATED AT TRAN MESSAGE TWO HORDS LONG TRANSACTION 10 = 'TR' ='N7' TEST FOR SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION As shown above, the transaction identification is transmitted in BCD mode. Pseudo binary mode can be used only while communicating with an active CICS/VS transaction; it cannot be used to initiate the transaction. Note that the message length is given as the number of words to be transmitted (not as the number of characters) • When a transaction is initiated on a system/7, CICS/VS services that System/7 only for the duration of the transaction; that is, to ensure efficient use of the line, any other Systemj7s on the same line are locked out for the duration of the transaction. Therefore, CICS/VS application programs for the multipoint System/7 should be designed with the shortest possible execution time. It is an MSPj7 standard that the first word (two characters) of every message received by the System/7 be an identification word. Note, however, that all identification words beginning with "m" (X'20') are reserved by CICS/VS for future use. Chapter 4.2. Terminal Control (DFHTC Macro Instruction) 183 When the PSEUDOBIN parameter is specified as part ot an input request (for example, DPHTC TIPE=(READ,PSEUDOBIN», the length of the TIOA provided by the application program must be at least twice that of the data to be read. If for example, twenty System/1 words (40 bytes) are to be read, the data area of the TIOA must be at least 80 bytes in length. When the PSEUDOBIN parameter is specified as part of an output request, terminal control always obtains a new TIOA and frees the old TIOA unless SAVE is specified. Therefore, on a DPHTC TIPE=(WRITE,READ,PSEUDOBIN) request, the application program must reload the TIOA address (from TCTTEDA) to access the input data from the Systemj7. In the case of a System/1 on a dial-up (switched) line, the system/7 application program must, initially, transmit a four-character terminal identification. (This terminal identification is generated during preparation of the TCT through use of the DPBTCT TIPE=TERMINAL, TR!IDNT=parameter specification.) CICS/VS responds with either a "ready" message, indicating that the terminal identification is valid and that the System/7 may proceed as if it were on a leased line, or an INVALID TERMINAL IDENTIFICATION message, indicating that the terminal identification sent by the System/7 did not match the TRMIDNT=parameter specified. Whenever CICS/VS initiates the connection to a dial-up System/7, CICS/VS writes a null message, consisting of three idle characters, prior to starting the transaction. If there is no program resident in the System/1 capable of supporting the Asynchronous Communication Control Adapter (ACCA), BTA! error routines cause a data check message to be recorded on the CICS/VS (host) system console. This is normal if the task initiated by CICS/VS is to IPL the System/7. Although the data check message is printed, CICS/VS ignores the error and continues normal processing. If a program capable of supporting the ACCA is resident in the System/7 at the time this message is transmitted, no data check occurs. When a disconnect is issued to a dial-up System/7, the 'busy' bit is sometimes left on in the interrupt status word of the ACCA. If the line connection is reestablished by dialing from the System/1 end, the 'busy' condition of the ACCA prevents message transmission from the System/7. To overcome this problem, the System/7 program must reset the ACCA after each disconnect and before message transmission is attempted. This can be done by issuing the following instruction: PiRI 0,8,3,0 RESET ACCA This procedure is not necessary when the line is reconnected by CICS/VS (that is, by an automatically initiated transaction). 184 CICS/VS APRM(KL) 2260 Display Station DFHTC TYPE= ({READIREADL} [,WAIT][ ,SAVE]) DFHTC TYPE= ({WRITE IWRITEL} [,WAIT][ ,SAVE][ ,ERASE]) [,LINEADR={numberIYES} ] [,DEST={symbolic addresslYES} ]-->TCAM only I I I I I IL_______ ~ _______ ________________________________________________________ ~ ~ The following is an example of the coding required to write data to a 2260 terminal screen and specify the screen line address at which the write is to begin: DFBTC TYPE=WRITE, LINEADR=10 WRITE DATA TO A TERMINAL SCREEN STARTING AT THIS SCREEN LINE * The LINEADR operand specifies on which line writing is to begin. The hexadecimal equivalent of a line number in the range 1-12 ~O-FB) must be provided in the application program. This can be done in either of two ways: 1. By including the LINEADR=number operand in the DFHTC macro instruction, as shown above. 2. By coding a single instruction, prior to issuing the DFHTC macro instruction, that places the line number in the TIOALAC field of the current TIOA. If the latter method is used, the LINEADR=YES operand must be included in the DFHTC macro instruction. The following are examples of the coding required to write data to a 2260 terminal screen and dynamically determine the screen line address at which the write is to begin. Chapter 4.2. Terminal Control ~FHTC Macro Instruction) 185 I IFor Assembler Language 1 I MVI TIOALAC,X'FO' WRITE STARTING AT SCREEN LINE 1 1 I I I 1 I DFHTC TYPE=WRITE, LINEADR=YES WRITE DATA TO A TERMINAL SCREEN STARTING LINE ALREADY SPECIFIED * 1---------------------------------------------------------------------IFor COBOL STARTIN~ MOVE 240 TO TIOALAC. NOTE: PLACE LINE IN TIOA. DFHTC TYPE=WRITE, LINEADR=YES WRITE DATA TO A TERMINAL SCREEN STARTING LINE ALREADY SPECIFIED * For PL/I TIOALAC=240; /*START WRITE AT SCREEN LINE 1*/ DFHTC TYPE=WRITE, LINEADR=YES WRITE DATA TO A TERMINAL SCREEN STARTING LINE ALREADY SPECIFIED * 2265 Display Station Support and macro instruction syntax as for 2260 Display Station except that the hexadecimal equivalent of a line number can be in the range 1 through 15 (pO through FE). 2740 Communication Terminal I 1 DFHTC 1 TYPE=(READ[,W!IT]) ~ ____ ~ DFHTC 186 I _____ L _______________________________________________________ TYPE= (WRITE[ ,WAIT][ ,SAVE]) [,DEST=symbolic addresslYES} ]-->TCAM only CICS/VS APRM(ML) 2741 Communication Terminal DFHTC TYPE= (READ[ ,WAIT]) ,RDATT=symbolic address DFHTC TYPE= (WRITE[ , WAIT][ , SAVE]) ,WRBRK=symbolic address [,DEST=symbolic addressIYES}]-->TCAM only If 2741 read attention support is included by the system programmer at system generation, a 2741 terminal operator can signal Read Attention by pressing the ATTN key after typing a message. To provide for this, the application programmer must issue a DFHTC TYPE=READ, RDATT=symbolic address * macro instruction, where symbolic address is the label of a routine to which control is passed if the terminal operator terminates the input by pressing the AT'rN key. (See "Read Attention" below.) If 2741 write break support is included by the system programmer at system generation, a 2741 terminal operator can terminate the receipt of a message by pressing the ATTN key. To provide for this, the application programmer must issue a DFHTC TYPE=WRITE, WRBRK=symbolic address * macro instruction, where symbolic address is the label of a routine to which control is passed if the terminal operator presses the ATTN key while a message is being received. (Write Break support, described below, is not available under CICS/DOS/VS.) Read Attention support may be generated in any CICS/OSjVS or CICS/DOS/VS system to permit a response to the terminal operator pressing the ATTN key (rather than the return key) after typing a message, or without typing a message if no data is to be entered. Write Break support may be generated in any CICS/OSjVS system to permit a response to the terminal operator pressing the ATTN key while receiving a message. The following features must be installed on the 2741: • For Read Attention: • For write Break: Chapter 4.2. Transmit Interrupt (7900). Receive Interrupt (4708). Terminal Control (DFHTC Macro Instruction) 187 REA D ATTE NTIO N If the terminal operator presses the Attention key after typing a message, it is recognized as a Read Attention if: • Read Attention support is generated into the system (CICS/OS/VS or CICS/DOS/VS) • • The message is read by a DFBTC TYPE=READ,RDATT=symbolic address macro instruction (which has an implied WAIT). When this occurs, control is transferred to a CICS/VS read attention exit routine, if it has been generated into the system. This routine is a skeleton program that can be tailored by the system programmer to carry out actions such as the following: • Perform some data analysis or modification on a Read Attention. • Return a common response to the terminal operator following a Read Attention. • Return a response and request additional input that can be read into the initial input area or into a new area. • Request new I/O without requiring a return to the task to request additional input. When the Read Attention exit routine is completed, control is returned to the application program at the address specified in the DFHTC TYPE=READ macro instruction. The return is made whenever one of the following occurs: • The exit routine issues no more requests for input. • The exit routine issues a DFHTC TYPE=READ macro instruction and the operator terminates the input with a carriage return. (If the operator terminates the input with an Attention, the exit routine is reentered and is free to issue another READ.) If the terminal operator presses the Attention key during a read, it is recognised as a read attention only if read attention support is generated and if the RDATT operand is included in the DFBTC macro instruction requesting the input. If either or both of these conditions do not exist, the "Attention" is treated as a normal read completion, that is, as if the return key had been pressed. WRITE BREAK (CICS/OS/VS ONLY) If the terminal operator presses the Attention key while a message is being received, it is recognized as a write Break if: • Write Break support is generated into the system (available only in CICS/OS/VS) by the system programmer. • The write was initiated by a DFBTC TYPE=WRITE,WRBRK=symbolic address macro instruction (which has an implied WAIT). When this occurs, the remaining portion of the message is not sent to the terminal. The write is terminated as though it were successful, and a new-line character (XI1SI) is sent to cause a carrier return. control 188 CICS/VS APR!! (!L) is returned to the application program at the address specified in the DFHTC TYPE=WRITE macro instruction. If the Attention key is pressed and the write Break feature is generated in CICS/OS/VS, but the DFHTC TYPE=WRITE macro instruction does not have the WRBRK=symbolic address operand, the write break is treated as an I/O error. The same is true if the Attention key is pressed, but the Write Break feature is not generated in CICSjOS/VS. A write can be interrupted only if both conditions identified above are satisfied. ~: TYPE=WAIT and/or SAVE can be coded with READ and/or WRITE, but only RDATT or WRBRK (not both) can be specified in one DFHTC macro instruction. Chapter 4.2. Terminal Control (DFHTC ~acro Instruction) 189 2770 Data Communication System Support and macro instruction syntax identical to System/3. The 2770 Data Communication System recognizes a read interrupt and responds by transmitting the contents of the I/O buffer. After the contents of the buffer have been transmitted, the 2770 responds to the next read continue with an EDT. If the I/O buffer is empty, the 2770 transmits an EOT. CICS/VS issues a read interrupt and read continue to relinquish use of the line and to enable the application program to write to the 2770. Input from a 2770 consists of one or more logical records. CICS/VS provides one logical record for each read request to the application program. Note that the size of a logical record cannot exceed the size of the I/O buffer. If the input spans multiple buffers, multiple reads must be issued by the application program. The 2265 component of the 2770 Data Communication System is controlled by data stream characters, not BTAM macro instructions. Therefore, the user should provide the appropriate screen control characters in the TIOA. For 2770 input, data is deblocked to ETI, ETB, RS, and US characters. These characters are moved with the data to the TIOA but are not included in the data length (TIOATDL). The application programmer should be aware that such characters as NL, CR, and LF are passed in the TIOA as data. 2780 Data Transmission Terminal Support and macro instruction syntax identical to system/3. The 2780 Data Transmission Terminal recognizes a read interrupt and responds by transmitting the contents of the I/O buffer. After the contents of the buffer have been transmitted, the 2780 responds to the next read continue with an EDT. If the I/O buffer is empty, the 2780 transmits an EOT. CICS/VS issues a read interrupt and read continue to relinquish use of the line and to enable the application program to write to the 2780. Input from a 2780 consists of one or more logical records. CICS/VS provides one logical record for each read request to the application program. Note that the size of a logical record cannot exceed the size of the I/O buffer. If the input spans multiple buffers, multiple reads must be issued by the application program. Output to a 2780 requires that the application programmer insert the appropriate "escape sequence" for component selection associated with the output message. (For programming details, see the publication Component Descriotion: IBM 2780 Data Transmission Terminal.) For 2780 input, data is deblocked to ETI, ETB, RS, and US characters. These characters are moved with the data to the TIOA but are not included in the data length (TIOATDL). The application programmer should be aware that such characters as NL, CR, and LF are passed in the TIOA as data. 190 CICSjVS APRM(ML) 2980 General Banking Terminal .------,-I I I DFHTC I TYPE=(READ[,WAIT][,SAVE]) I __________________________________________________________ _ _ _ II L ~ DFHTC ~ TYPE={CBUFPIPASSBK} [,DEST={symbolic addresslYES} ]-->TCAM only PASSBOOK CONTROL Two one-byte fields of the terminal control table terminal entry (TCTTE) may be interrogated by an application program servicing passbook requests from the 2980. These fields are: • TCTTETAB, which contains the binary representation of the number of tabs necessary to position the print element to the correct pa ssbook ar ea. • TCTTEPCF, which contains the indicators ~lags) necessary for passbook control operations. The indicators TCTTEPCR and TCTTEPCH indicate whether or not the passbook is present on a read or a write operation, respectively. The same indicators are used to show the presence of the Auditor key on the 2980 Model 2. By testing indicators TCTTEPCR and TCTTEPCW, the application program can maintain positive control with regard to the absence or presence of a passbook during an update operation. Care must, however, be taken not to alter these indicators, otherwise unpredictable results may occur. If the passbook is present on a read (entry) operation, the TCT'rEPCR indicator is turned on (set to a binary one) by CICS/VS. In this case, the application program generally issues a write operation back to the passbook area to update the passbook. After the write operation, the application program must check the TCTTEPCW indicator to ensure that the passbook was present at the time the write occurred. If the TCTTEPCW indicator is off (set to a binary zero), the passbook was not present and the write operation did not occur. The data sent to the terminal (and not printed because of the "no passbook" condition) is, however, returned to the application program in its original form for subsequent retransmission. When the "no passbook" condition occurs on a write, CICS/VS allows an immediate write to the terminal. The application program should write an error message to the journal area of the terminal to inform the 2980 operator of this error condition. To allow the operator to insert the required passbook, CICS/VS automatically causes the transaction to wait 23.5 seconds before continuing. After regaining control from CICS/VS following the writing of the error message, the application program can attempt another write to the passbook area when it has ensured that the print element is positioned correctly in the passbook area. This is generally accomplished by issuing two carrier returns followed by the number of tabs required to Chapter 4.2. Terminal Control (DFHTC Macro Instruction) 191 move the print element to the correct position. tabs can be acquired from TCTTETAB.) (The correct number of If the TCTTEPCW indicator is off following the second attempt to write to the passbook area, the application program can send another error message or take some alternative action (for example, place the terminal "out of service"). In summary, all writes to the passbook area are conditional on a passbook being present before a write can be executed successfully. Therefore, a read operation cannot be combined with a passbook write. For example, a DFHTC TYPE=(WRITE,READ,WAIT) macro instruction is an invalid request for 2980 terminal services involving the passbook area. A DFHTC TYPE=PASSBK macro instruction is permissible because it implies only WRITE,WAIT. Hote: The application programmer should not insert shift characters in output data, because this is done automatically by CICS/VS. CICS/VS removes shift characters from input data. SEGMENTED WRITES CONTROL Segmented writes are supported for both the journal area and the passbook area. Journal area segmented writes are limited in. length by the hexadecimal halfword value that the user stores in TIOATDL. Passbook segmented writes are limited to a one-line logical write to ensure positive control when spacing (indexing) past the bottom of the passbook. . For example, consider a 2972 buffer length of q8 and a 2980 Model q logical write (print) area of 100 characters per line. The application program can write a logical record (DFHTC TYPE=PASSBK) of 100 characters to this area; CICS/VS automatically segments the record to adjust to the buffer size. The application program must insert the passbook indexing character (X'25 1 ) as the last character written in one logical write to the passbook area. This is done to control passbook indexing and thereby achieve positive control of passbook presence. If the message contains embedded passbook index characters and segmentation is necessary because of the logical length of the message, the write terminates if the passbook spaces beyond the bottom of the passbook; the remaining segments are not printed. 192 CICS/VS APRM(ML) DATA HANDLING SHIFT CHARACTERS: Shift characters are handled by the terminal control program and are of no concern to the application programmer. They are stripped from input messages and added to output messages as required. Data can be written in any mix of uppercase, lowercase, or special characters. (See the 2980 Translate Tables in Appendix D.) JOURNAL INDEXING: Journal indexing is the responsibility of the application programmer. Carriage returns (XI 151) may be inserted anywhere in the logical message. For futher information, see the appropriate SNA Guide. PASSBOOK INDEXING: Passbook indexing necessitates special consideration by the application programmer to control bottom-line printing on the passbook. (See "Passbook Control" and "Segmented writes Control"; the two preceding sections.) TAB CHARACTERS: The tab character (XIOSI) is controlled by the application programmer. As stated above, the number of tabs required to position the print element to the first position of the passbook is available at TCTTETAB. This value is specified by the system programmer when generating the terminal control table and may be unique to each terminal. Other tab characters are inserted as needed to control output format. MISCELLANEOUS CHARACTERS: Turn page, message light, openchute, and special banking characters can be used by the application programmer as needed. (See the 2980 Translate Tables in Appendix D.) AUDITOR KEY MODEL 2: Presence of the Auditor key is controlled through use of the DFHTC TYPE=PASSBK macro instruction and may be used in a manner similar to that for passbook control. (See "Passbook Control", earlier in this Chapter.) 2980 MODEL NUMBER: TCTTETM contains the 2980 model number expressed as a hexadecimal value (X I 01 1 , XI 021, X I 04 1 ) . Since CICS/VS uses the model number to select the correct translate table for each of the 2980 models, the application program should not alter this field. COMMON BUFPER: Common buffer writes (DFHTC TYPE=CBUFF) are translated to the receiving TCTTE model character set. If more than one 2980 model type is connected to the 2972 Control Unit, the lengths are automatically truncated if they exceed the buffer size. Chapter 4.2. Terminal Control (DFHTC Macro Instruction) 193 Por COBOL DATA DIVISION WORKING STORAGE SECTION. 01 DPH2980 COpy DPH2980. LINKAGE SECTION. 01 DPHBLLDS COpy DFHBLLDS. 02 TCTTEAR PIC S9(8) COMP. 02 TIOABAR PIC 59(8) COMP. 01 DFHTCTTE COpy DFHTCTTE. 01 DFHTIOA COpy DFHTIOA. 02 DATA PIC X (20) • 02 FILLER REDEFINES DATA. 03 TAB1-1 PIC X. 03 DATA1 PIC X(19). 02 FILLER REDEPINES DATA. 03 TAB1-2 PIC X. 03 TAB2-2 PIC X. 03 DATA2 PIC X(18). . . PROCEDURE DIVISION. IF TCTTETAB = TAB-ONE GO TO ONETBCH. IF TCTTETAB = TAB-TWO GO TO TWOTBCH. ONETBCH. MOVE TABCHAR TO TAB1-1. MOVE TOTAL TO DATA1. TWOTBCH. MOVE TABCHAR TO TAB1-2, TAB2-2. MOVE TOTAL TO DATA2. 194 CICS/VS APRM(ML) For PL/I: %INCLUDE DFHTIOAi 2 DATA CHAR (20); DECLARE 1 USERTIOA 1 BASED (TIOABAR), 2 TIOAFILL CHAR (12), 2 TAB1_l CHAR (1), 2 DATAl CHAR (19), DECLARE 1 USERTIOA 2 BASED (TIOABAR), 2 TIOAFILL CHAR (12), 2 TAB1_2 CHAR (1), 2 TAB2_2 CHAR (1), 2 DATA2 CHAR (18): . %INCLUDE DFH2980; IF (TCTTETAB = TAB_ONE) THEN GO TO ONETCBHi IF (TCTTETAB = TAB_TWO) THEN GO TO TWOTBCH; ONETBCH: TAB1_l = TABCHAR: DATAl = AMOUNT: TWOTBCH: TAB1_2 = TABCHAR; TAB2_2 = TABCHAR; DATA2 = AMOUNT; In the COBOL example, the structure DFH2980 is copied in the Working storage Section; in the PL/I example, DFH2980 is included following the %INCLUDE statements for the based structures. DFH2980 contains constants that may be used when writing application programs for the 2980. The application program is also expected to test the TCTTEPCF field to determine whether a passbook was present on a read or write. TCTTEPCR and TCTTEPCW are located in DFH2980 to aid in this testing. To test the TCTTEPCF field in COBOL, statements such as the follouing might be used: MOVE TCTTEPCF TO HOLDPCF. IF HOLDPCFB = (HOLDPCFB / TCTTEPCW) THEN GO TO BOOK-FOR-PRESENT-WRITE. * TCTTEPCW Substituting TCTTEPCR for TCTTEPCW allows the COBOL programmer to test for the presence of a passbook on a read. (HOLDPCF and HOLDPCFB are also part of DFH2980.) To test the TCTTEPCF field in PL/I, statements such as the following might be used: Chapter 4.2. Terminal Control (DFHTC Macro Instruction) 195 IF (TCTTEPCF I TCTTEPCi) THEN GO TO BOOK_PRESENT_iRITE; substituting TCTTEPCR for TCTTEPCi allows the PL/I programmer to test for the presence of a passbook on a read. To test the station identification and to determine whether the normal station or alternate station is being used, values of the forms shown below are predefined in DFH2980: STATION-#-A OR STATION-4-N (for COBOL) STATION_#_A OR STATION_#_N (for PL/I) where # is an integer (0 through 9) and A and N signify alternate and normal stations. The values are one-byte character values and can be compared to TCTTESID in an IF statement. To test the teller identification on a 2980 Model 4, the TCTTETID field is defined as a one-byte character value. It can be tested in an IF statement. Thirty special characters are defined in DFH2980. Twenty-three of these can be referred to by the name SPECCHAR-X or SPECCHAR_X (for COBOL or PL/I) where X is an integer (0 through 23). The seven other characters are defined with names that imply their usage, for example, TABCHAR. For further information on these thirty characters, see Appendix D. The names defined in DFH2980 for COBOL follow: STATION-O-N STATION-O-A STATION-1-N STATION-1-A STATION-2-N STATION-2-A STATION-3-N STATION-3-A STATION-4-N STATION-4-A STATION-S-N STATION-S-A STATION-6-N STATION-6-A STATION-7-N STATION-7-A STATION-8-N STATION-8-A STATION-9-N STAT ION-9-A TAB-ZERO TAB-ONE TAB-TWO TAB-THREE TAB-FOUR TAB-FIVE TAB-SIX TAB-SEVEN TAB-EIGHT TAB-NINE HOLDPCFB DFHFILL HOLDPCF TCTTEPCR TCTTEPCi TABCHAR OPENCH JRNLCR PSBKCR MSGLITE BCKSPACE TRNPGE SPECCHAR-1 SPECCHAR-2 SPECCHAR-3 SPECCHAR-4 SPECCHAR-5 SPECCHAR-6 SPECCHAR-7 SPECCHAR-8 SPECCHAR-9 SPECCHAR-10 SPECCBAR-11 SP ECCHA R-12 SPECCHAR-13 SPECCHAT-14 SPECCHAR-1S SPECCHAR-16 SPECCHAR-17 SPECCHAR-18 SPECCHAR-19 SPECCBAR-20 S PE CCHAR-21 SPECCHAR-22 SPECCBAR-23 The names defined in DFH2980 for PL/I follow: STATION 0 N STATION:O:A STATION 1 N STATION-1-A STATION-2-N STATION:2:A STATION 3 N STATION:3:) STATION_4_N STATION 4 A STATION:S:N STATION 5 A STATION-6-N STATION:6:A STATION_7_N 196 STATION 7 A STATION:8:N STAT ION_8_A STATION_9_N STATION_9_A TAB_ZERO TAB_ONE TAB_TiO TAB_THREE TAB_FOUR TAB-FIVE TAB_SIX TAB_SEVEN TAB_EIGHT TAB_NINE CICS/VS APRM(~L) TCCTEPCR TCTTEPCW TABCHAR OPENCB JRNLCR PSBKCR MSGLITE BCKSPACE TRNPGE SPECCHAR 1 SPECCHAR-2 SPECCHAR-3 SPECCHAR-4 SPECCHAR-S SPECCHAR:6 SPECCHAR_7 SPECCBAR_B SPECCBAR 9 SPECCHAR-10 SPECCHAR: 11 SPECCBAR 12 SPECCHAR -13 SPECCBAR:14 SPECCHAR_1S SPECCHAR 16 SPECCHAR -17 SPECCHAR 18 SPECCHAR -19 SPECCBAR:20 SPECCBAR_21 SPECCHAR_22 SPECCBAR_23 3270 Information Display System (BTAM and TeAM) DFHTC TYPE= ( {READ I REA DB} [ , WAIT ][ , SAVE ][ ,TEXT ]) READB not available under TCAM DFHTC TYPE=({WRITEICOPYIPRINTIERASEAUP} [,WAIT][,SAVE][,ERASE],[STRFIELD]) [ ,CTLCHAR= {hexadecimal number I YES} ] [,DEST={symbolic addresslYES} ]-->TCAM only COpy and PRINT not available under TCAM When input is to be received from a terminal of the 3270 Information Display System, the application programmer can use DFHTC TYPE=(RBAD,TEXT) or DFHTC TYPE=TEXT DFHTC TYPB=RBAD DFHTC TYPE=WAIT to request a temporary override of the uppercase translation features of CICS/VS, thus allowing a message containing both uppercase and lowercase data to be received from a terminal. If the 3270 print request facility was included in the terminal control program at CICS/VS system initialization, the application program can issue a DFHTC TYPE=PRINT macro instruction to cause the data currently displayed on a 3270 display to be printed on the first available eligible 3270 printer. For a printer to be available for printing from a display, it must be in service and not currently attached to a task. For it to be eligible, it must be attached to the same control unit as the display, must have a buffer capacity equal to or greater than that of the display, and must have had FEATURE=PRINT specified for it in the TCT by the system programmer. If the 3270 display is a 3275 with an attached printer, and FEATURE=PRTADAPT has been specified in the TCTTE; the data will be printed on the attached printer. Some 3270 displays have the facility to copy a screen image to a printer that is attached to the same control unit, without host intervention. This is a hardware facility, and is not under the control of CICS/VS. For further details see "printer authorization matrix", IBM 3270 Information Display System Component Description. For those devices with switchable screen sizes, the size of the screen that can be used and the size to be used for a particular transaction are defined at CICS/VS system generation. These values are available to the application programmer in fields in the TCTTE. These fields are listed in Appendix C. Chapter 4.2. Terminal Control (DFHTC Macro Instruction) 197 3270 Logical Unit DFHTC TYPE= ({READ IREADB} [ ,WAIT][ ,SAVE][ ,TEXT]) [,EOC=symbolic address] r------r-------r----------------------------------------------------------I DFHTC I TYPE=({WRITEIPRINTICOPYIERASEAUP] [,WAITX,SAVEX ,ERASE],[STRFIELD]) I [,CTLCHAR={hexadecimal numberIYES}] I [ ,CCOMPL=NO] I [ ,DEFRESP=YES ] I [,DEST={symbolic addressIYES}]-->TCAM only I L -_ _ _ _ _ ~ _______ I ,~ ________________________________________________________ ~ In general, programming for a 3270 logical unit is the same as for a 3270 via BTA~, that is, the COPY, PRINT, READB, ERASE, and ERASEAUP are supported as before. The additional operand (DEFRESP) has been added to the DFHTC terminal control macro instruction, and there are some restrictions: programm~ng • 2260 Compatibility is not supported. • ASCII code is not supported (but, for BSC 3270, code translation can be carried out by NCP translation tables in the 370Q/3705 communications controller). • DFHTC TYPE=COPY must specify a symbolic terminal identification; a physical device address cannot be specified. If the 3270 print request facility is included at system initialization, the DFHTC TYPE=PRINT macro will enable the data displayed on the screen to be printed on the first available printer that is eligible. An available printer is one that is in service and that is not attached to a task. An eligible printer is one for which the PRINTTO or ALTPRT option has been specified in the TCT. If COpy has also been specified with these options, the printer must I be attached to the same 3270 control unit as that used for the display. If an eligible printer is unavailable, the data in the display buffer is captured, a message is sent to the master terminal operator by the terminal abnormal or node abnormal condition program ~FHZNAC) and control is passed to a user-written terminal or node error program which provides an appropriate action, for example, if the printer is already attached to a task, the user-written error program can direct the data to another printer or hold the data until the busy printer becomes available. If the 3270 display is a 3275 with an attached printer, and FEATURE=PRTADAPT has been specified in the TCTTEi the data will be printed on the attached printer. Some 3270 displays have the facility to copy a screen image to a printer that is attached to the same control unit, without host 198 CICS/VS APR! (!L) intervention. This is a hardware facility, and is not under the control of CICS/VS. Por further details see "printer authorization matrix", IBM 3210 Information Display System Component Description. Por those devices with switchable screen sizes, the size of the screen that can be used and the size to be used for a particular transaction are defined at CICS/VS system generation. These values are available to the application programmer in fields in the TCTTE. These fields are listed in Appendix C. Chapter ij.2. Terminal Control (DP8TC Macro Instruction) 199 3270 LUTYPE2 Logical Unit DFHTC TYPE= ({READ I READB) [ , WAIT ][ ,SAVE][ ,TEXT]) [,EOC=symbolic address] DFHTC TYPE=({WRITBIPRINTIERASEAUP} [,WAIT][,SAVE][,ERASE][,STRFIELD]) [ ,CTLCHAR= {hexadecimal number I YES} ] [ , CCOr!PL=NO ] [,DBFRESP=YES] [,DEST={symbolic addresslYES} ]-->TCAr! only DFHTC TYPE=SIGNAL {,SIGADDR=symbolic address I,WAIT=YES} Logical unit type 2 (LUTYPE2) is a logical unit defined by SNA, and which accepts a 3210 display data stream. Support and macro syntax are the same as for the 3270 logical unit except that TYPE=COPY is not supported. Some 3270 displays have the facility to copy a screen image to a printer that is attached to the same control unit, without host intervention. This is a hardware facility, and is not under the control of CICS/VS. For further details see "printer authorization matrix", in the IBr! 3210 Information Display System Component Desc~iption. For those devices with switchable screen sizes, the size of the screen that can be used and the size to be used for a particular transaction are defined at CICSjVS system generation. These values are available to the application programmer in fields in the TCTTE. These fields are listed in Appendix C. 200 CICS/VS APRr!(!L) 3270 LUTYPE3 Logical Unit. I I DPHTC t TYPE=({WRITEIPRINTIERASBAUP} I [ , WAIT][ , SA VE ][ , BRASE][ , STRPIBLD ]) I [,CTLCHAR={hexadecimal numberIYES}] I [,CCO!PL=HO] I [,DEPRBSP=YES] I [,DEST= {symbolic addressl YES} ]->TCA! only I I DPHTC TYPE=SIGNAL {,SIGADDR=symbolic address I,WAIT=YES} Logical unit type 3 (LUTYPE3) is a logical unit defined by SNA, and which accepts a 3270 display data stream. Support and macro syntax are the same as for the 3270 logical unit except that TYPB=READ, READB and COpy are not supported, but TYPE=WRITE,WAIT,READ is supported for STRPIELD to issue QUERY. Chapter 4.2. Terminal Control (DPHTC Kacro Instruction) 201 -3270 SCSPRT Logical Unit DPHTC TYPE= (WBITE[ , WAIT][ , SAVE ][ ,LAST ]) [ , CCOMPL=NO] [,DEPBESP=YES] [,DEST={symbolic addresslYES} ]-->TCA! only DPHTC TYPE=(BEAD[,WAITI,SAVE]) [,EOC=symbolic address] r------·~------~------------------------------------------------------ I I I IL ______ DPHTC .~ ______ TYPE=SIGNAL {,SIGADDB=symbolic address I,WAIT=YES} ~ ____________________________________________________ ~ The SCS printer logical unit (SCSPBT) accepts an SCS data stream. SCS is defined by SK1. certain devices connected as SCSPBT have input capability (for example, PA keys on 3287), in which case TYPB=SIGNAL should be used to detect operator input, followed by TYPE=READ to obtain the input. Alternatively, TYPE=(READ,WAIT) can be issued alone, in which case the program viII wait for operator input. 202 CICS/VS APBM(!L) 3270 in 2260 Compatibility Mode (BTAM only) r-------~-------~----------------------------------------------------------~ I I IL _______ DFHTC ~ TYPE= ({READ I READL} [ , WAIT ][ ,SAVE][ , TEXT]) _______ ~_____________________________________________________________~ DFHTC TYPE= ({WRITE IWRITEL} ,WAIT ][SAVE][ ,ERASE]) [,CTLCHAR={hexadecimal numberIYES}] [,LINEADR={numberIYES}] [ ,DEST= {symbol ic address I YES} ]-->TCAM only If required, the 3270 may be used in 2260 compatibility mode. This means that a 3270 terminal is used in place of a 2260 terminal but uses 2260-based transactions developed for earlier versions of CICS/VS. To make this support available, the system programmer must, during system generation, have requested that 2260 compatibility be included in the CICS/VS system. This generates the code necessary to convert 2260 data streams from user-written application programs to the appropriate 3270 data stream format, or 3270 to 2260. 2260--compatibility support is not available for a 3270 connected to CICS/VS via VTAH (3270 logical unit or 3650 host--conversational (3270) logical unit). When a write to a 3270 terminal (operating in 2260 compatibility mode) is specified, that is, by issuing the DFHTC TYPE=(WRITE,ERASE) macro instruction, the screen is erased and the cursor is returned to the upper left corner of the screen before writing starts. If the ERASE parameter is omitted, writing begins wherever the cursor is located at the time the write is issued. To simply erase the screen, the application programmer can 1. Place at TCTTEDA the address of a TIOA. 2. Place at TIOATDL a data length of 3. Issue a DFHTC TYPE=(WRITE,ERASE) macro instruction. If operating in 2260 compatibility mode, the TID A" should only contain a start symbol. Set the data length in TIDATDL to 1 before issuing the DFHTC TYPE=(WRITE,ERASE). o. The following example shows how to write data to a 3270 terminal operating in 2260 compatibility mode, and how to specify the screen line address at which the write is to begin: DFHTC TYPE=WRITE, LINEADR=10 WRITE DATA TO A TERMINAL SCREEN STARTING AT THIS SCREEN LINE * The following examples show how to write data to a 3270 terminal operating in 2260 compatibility mode, beginning at a screen line address placed in TIOALAC prior to issuing the write request. Chapter 4.2. Terminal Control (DFBTC Macro Instruction) 203 Por Assembler Language: !tVI TIOALAC,X'PO' WRITE STARTING AT SCREEN LINE 1 DPHTC TYPE=WRITB, LINBADR=Y BS WRITB DATA TO A TER!tINAL SCREEN STARTING LINE ALREADY SPECIPIED * Por COBOL: !tOVE 240 TO TIOALAC. NOTE PLACE STARTING LINE IN TIOA. DPHTC TYPE=WRITE, LINEADR=YES WRITB DATA TO A TERMINAL SCREEN STARTING LINE ALREADY SPECIPIED * Por PL/I: 204 TIOALAC=240, /*START WRITE AT SCREEN LINE 1*/ DPHTC TYPE=WRITE, LINEADR=YES WRITE DATA TO A TERMINAL SCREEN STARTING LINE ALREADY SPECIPIED CICS/VS APR!t(!L) * 3600 Finance Communication System (BTAM) DFHTC TYPE=(READ[,WAIT][,SAVE]) DFHTC TYPE=(WRITE[,WAIT][,SAVE][,TRANSPARENT]) INPUT The unit of transmission from a 3601 to CICS/VS is a segment consisting of data link control characters, the one-byte identification of the 3600 logical unit that issued the CPU write, and the data written. The units received can be in the following forms: 5 E T X id data T B or 5 E T id data X T X where STX means "start of text", ETB means "end of block" and ETX means "end of text". A logical unit sends a message either in one segment, as follows: , 5 T id data X E I T I X I or in more than one segment, as follows: S E T id data X T B S T id data X E T B 5 E T id data X T X The input TIOA passed to the user-written application program consists of the data only. The one-byte field TCTTEDLM contains flags describing the data-link control character (ETB, BTX, or IRS) that ended the segment. The application program can issue terminal control macro instructions to read the data until it receives a segment ending with ETX. If blocked data is transmitted it is received by CICS/VS as follows: r--------·------~ I 5 I T id1 data IL ______________ X R ~ I I S id2 data E idn data R T X 5 l Chapter 4.2. Terminal Control (DFBTC ftacro Instruction) 205 For nlocked input, the flags in TCTTEDLM only indicate end of segment, not end of message. The CICS/V5 application program still receives only the data, but user-defined conventions may be required to determine the end of the message. The field TCTTEDLM also indicates the mode of the input, either transparent or non-transparent. Blocked input is non-transparent. The terminal control program does not pass input containing a "start of header" (50H) data link control character to a user-written application program. If it receives an 50H it sets an indicator in TCTTEDLM, passes the input to the user exit in the terminal control program, and then discards it. OUTPUT When an application program issues a terminal control write, the terminal control program determines, from the value specified in the BUFFER parameter of the DFBTCT TYPE=TERMINAL system macro, the number of segments to be built for the message. It sends the message to the 3600 logical unit in one segment, as follows: r I 5 I T I X data E T X or in multiple segments, as follows: 5 T X data E T B 5 T X data E T B 5 T X data E T X -I The host input buffer of the 3600 controller and the input segment of the receiving logical unit must be large enough to accommodate the data sent by CIC5/V5. However, space for the data link control characters need not be included. The 3600 application program reads the data from the host, by means of an LREAD, until it has received the entire message. The terminal control program sends data in transparent mode when the user-written application program issues a DFHTC TYPE=TRANSPARENT macro. Otherwise, data is sent in non-transparent mode. CIC5/V5 system output messages begin with "DFH" followed by a fourbyte message number and the message text. These messages are sent in non-transparent mode. It is suggested that CIC5/V5 user-written application programs do not send messages starting with "DFH" to the 3601. 206 CIC5/V5 APRM(!L) RESEND MESSAGE When a logical unit sends a message to the host and a short-on-storage condition exists or the input is unsolicited (the active task associated with the terminal has not issued a read), the terminal control program sends a "resend" message to the logical unit. The format of this message is DFH1033 RE-ENTER followed by Xl 1S 1 (a 3600 new line character) followed by the first eight bytes of the text of the message being rejected. No message is sent to the destinations CSMT or CSTL. The first eight bytes of data sent to CICS/VS can be used by the 3600 application program to define a convention to associate responses received from CICS/VS with transactions sent to the host, for example, sequence numbers could be used. If a CICS/VS user-written application program has already issued a terminal control write when a resend situation occurs, the resend message is not sent to the 3601 until the user-written application program message has been sent. 1 3600 logical unit cannot receive a resend message while receiving a segmented message. Only one resend message at a time can be queued for If a second resend situation occurs before CICS/VS has first, a resend message, containing the eight bytes of accompanied the second input transaction from the 3600 sent. a logical unit. written the data that logical unit, is The res end message is sent in transparent mode if the input data from the 3601 to be re-transmitted is received by CICS/VS in transparent mode. Otherwise it is sent in non-transparent mode. Chapter 4.2. Terminal Control (DFHTC Macro Instruction) 207 3600 (3601) Logical Unit i I I I I I DFBTC TIPB=(RBAD[ ,WAIT][ ,SAVE]) [,EOC=syabolic address] [,IHBF!H=symbolic address] DFBTC TYPE=(WRITB[,WAIT][SAVB][LAST]) [ ,LDC= {mnemonic I YES} ] [ ,F! B= {HO I YBS} ] [ , CCO!PL=HO ] [,DEFRESP=YES] [ , DBST= {symbolic address I YES} ]->TCA!l only DFHTC TIPE=SIGNAL {,SIGADDR=symbolic addressl,WAIT=YES} I 3600 Pipeline Logical Unit DFBTC TIPB= (WRITB[ , WAIT][ ,SAVE][ ,LAST]) 3600 (3614) Logical Unit DFBTC TIPE= (READ[ ,WAIT][ ,SAVE ]) I I DFBTC I TIPE=(WRITE[,iAIT][,SAVB]) ~---- 208 _______IL.__________________________________________________ CICS/VS APR!! (!L) ~ 3630 Plant Communication System The 3630 Plant Communication System is supported as a 3600. Two types of logical unit can be defined for a 3630: the 3600 (3601) logical unit and the 3600 pipeline logical unit. The macro instruction syntax is as shown above for these logical units. 3650 Host Command Processor Logical Unit r------r--------r---------------------------------------------------------, I I I I I I DFHTC I I L TYPE= (READ[ , WAIT ][ , SAVE ]) [,EOC=symbolic address] I I I ~ _____ ~ DFHTC I TY PE= (WRITE[ , WAIT][ ,SAVE ]) I [,FMH=YES] I [,CCOMPL=NO] _______ LI ________________________________________________________ ~ 3650 Host Conversational (3270) Logical Unit I I I I L I _______ DFHTC ~ _______ DFHTC TYPE= (READ[ ,WAIT][ ,SAVE]) [,EOC=symbolic address] ~ ______________________________________________________ ~ TYPE=({WRITEIPRINTIERASEAUP} [,WAIT][ ,SAVE][ ,ERASE][ ,LAST]) [,CTLCHAR={hexadecimal numberlYES}] [ , CCOMPL=NO ] [ ,DEFRESP=YES ] [,FMH=YES] OUTPUT DEVICE CONTROL Device control characters for 3650 devices can be inserted by CICS/VS application programs into output data streams. To avoid designing such device-dependent CICS/VS application programs, device responsibility can be moved to the 3650 application programs. Thus, the CICS/VS application programs would be concerned with data content, while data format would be the responsibility of the 3650 application program. Another alternative is available for handling device-dependent matters. Basic mapping support (BMS) can be used to write data to Chapter 4.2. Terminal Control (DFHTC Macro Instruction) 209 logical units (except for pipeline). BftS can be used to format data and insert the necessary 3650 device control characters. THE ERASE FUNCTION The erase option is supported by the DFHTC macro instruction when this sacro is issued for a host conversational (3270) logical unit. The erase function for this logical unit is controlled as a device-dependent character. The erase function can be obtained using BftS. 3650 Pipeline Logical Unit DFHTC TYPE= (WRITE[ , WAIT][ ,SAVE][ ,LAST]) 3650 Host Conversational (3653) Logical Unit DFHTC TYPE=(READ[,WAIT)[,SAVE) [,EOC=symbolic address] r------_-------_----------------------------------------------------------------------, DFHTC TYPE=(WRITE[,WAIT][ ,SAVE)[,LAST]) [ ,CCOMPL=NO ] [ ,DEFRESP=YES ] I I I I I • 210 CICS/VS APRM(HL) 3650 Interpreter Logical Unit r-----~-----r------------------------------------------------------~ I DPHTC I TYPE=PROGRAM I ,PRGNAME=name I [,VALID=address] I [,NONVAL=address] I [,CONNECT={ACTIVATEICONVERSE}] I [,NORESP=address] I ~-----~------'~----------------------------------------------------~ DFHTC TYPE=(READ[,WAIT][ ,SAVE]) [,EODS=symbolic address] [,EOC=symbolic address] [,INBPMH=symbolic address] DPHTC TYPE=(WRITE[,WAIT][,SAVE][,LAST]) [ ,FMH={YESINO} [,DEPRESP=YES] DFHTC TYPE=EODS-->VTAM only 3660 Supermarket Scanning System (BTAM) Support and macro instruction syntax identical to System/3, except that the 3660 cannot initiate communications; the host system initiates all transactions. Chapter 4.2. Terminal Control (DPHTC Macro Instruction) 211 3735 Programmable Buffered Terminal DFHTC I I I I I IL _______ TYPE=(READ[,WAITX,SAVE]) [,EOF=symbo1ic address] I ~ DFHTC I TYPE=(WRITE[,WAIT][,SAVE][,NOTRANSLATE]) I [ , DEST= {symbolic address I YES} ]->TCAI! only _______ 'I LI_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ The 3735 Programmable Buffered Terminal may be serviced by CICS/VS in response to terminal-initiated input, or as a result of an automatic or time-initiated transaction. Both are explained below. AUTOANSWER The 3735 transaction is attached by CICS/VS upon receipt of input from a 3735. Data is passed to the application program in 476-byte blocks; each block (one buffer) may contain multiple logical records. The final block may be shorter than 476 bytes; zero-length final blocks are not, however, passed to the application program. If the block contains multiple logical records, the application program must perform any necessary deblocking functions and the gathering of partial logical records from consecutive reads. It is recommended that the user spool input data from a 3735 to an intermediate data set (for example, an intrapartition destination) to ensure that all data has been captured before deblocking and processing that data. The application program must follow 3735 conventions and read to endof-file before attempting to write FDPs (form description programs) or data to the 3735. For this reason, the EOF=symbolic address operand must be used with each DFHTC TYPE=READ request. When the EOF branch is taken, the user may begin to write FDPs or data to the 3735, or, optionally, request CICS/VS to disconnect the line. It is possin1e that the 3135 will transmit the end-of-file condition immediately upon connection of the line. For this reason the user must code the initialization request (DFHTC EOF=symbolic address) before issuing any other terminal control requests. The user is responsible for formatting all special message headers for output to the 3135 (for example, SELECTRIC, POWERDOWN). If FDPs are to be transmitted to a 3735 with ASCII transmission code, the NOTRANSLATE operand must be included in the DFHTC TYPE=WRITE request for each block of FDP records. The user must issue a DFHTC TYPE=DISCONNECT macro instruction when all output has been transmitted to the 3735. If the application program ends during batch write mode prior to issuing the DISCONNECT request, CICS/VS forces a 3735 "receive abort" condition and all data just transmitted is ignored by the 3735. 212 CICS/VS APRM(I!L) AUTOCALL AND TIME-INITIATED In automatic and time-initiated transactions, all considerations stated above except use of the DFHTC EOF=symbolic address macro instruction apply when CICS/VS dials a 3735. The DFHTC EOF=symbolic address macro instruction is not used. CICS/VS connects the line and allows the user to indicate the direction of data transfer by means of the first terminal control reguest. If this first reguest is a WRITE and the 3735 has data to send, the 3735 causes the 1ine to be disconnected. Chapter 4.2. Terminal Control (DFHTC Macro Instruction) 213 3740 Data Entry System I I ~ _____ ~ DFHTC I TYPE= (READ[ ,WAIT][ ,SAVE ]) I [ , ENDFILE=symbolic address] ---->.except TCAM I [,ENDINPT=symbolic address] >except TCAM _______ L I ________________________________________________________ DFHTC ~ TYPE=(WRITE[,WAIT][,SAVE] [ ,ENDFILE ][ ,ENDOUTPUT ][ ,TRANSPARENT D [ , DEST= {sym bolic address I YES) }-->TCAM only The 3740 Data Entry System may be serviced by CICS/VS as a batch or inquiry mode application. Considerations for both modes are described in the following paragraphs. BATCH MODE APPLICATIONS In batch mode, the 3740 sends multiple files of data to CICSjVS during a single transmission. All input data files must be sent to CICS/VS before the 3740 is able to receive data from CICS/VS. When able to receive, the 3740 accepts multiple files of data in a single transmission. To communicate in this manner, a means is provided in the DFHTC macro instruction for identifying end-of-file, end-of-input, and end-of-output conditions. When sending data to the 3740, the DFHTC TYPE=ENDFILE macro instruction must be issued after each file to signal the end-of-file (EXT) condition to the 3740. The DFHTC TYPE=ENDOUTPUT macro instruction should be issued after all data has been sent to the 3740 (EOT) and must be immediately preceded by a DFHTC TYPE=ENDFILE macro instruction. Once end-of-output is signalled in this manner, no additional WRITEs should be issued. The WRITE, ENDFILE, and ENDOUTPUT parameters may be combined in the DFBTC macro instruction. For example, a DFHTC TYPE=(WRITE,ENDFILE) causes a write operation followed by an end-of-file signal. A DFHTC TYPE=(WRITE,ENDFILE,ENDOUTPUT) causes a write operation, an end-of-file signal, and then an end-of-output signal. A DFHTC TYPE=~NDFILE,ENDOUTPUT) causes an end-of-file signal followed by an end-of-output signal. The placement of the parameter within the macro instruction has no effect on the sequence. !ote: If ENDFILE is combined with any other parameter and SAVE is also present, the TIOA used to write the end-of-file record will be current TIOA after return from terminal control. 214 CICS/VS APRM(ML) 3767 Interactive Logical Unit DFHTC TYPE=(READ[,WAIT][,SAVE]) [ ,EOC=symbolic address] DFHTC TYPE= (WRITE[ ,WAIT][ ,SAVE][ ,LAST ]) [,FORCE=YES] [,CCOMPL=NO] [,DEFRESP=YES] [,DEST={symbolic addresslYES} ]-->TCAM only j I I I I I I IL_____ ~ ____________________________________________________________ ~ ~-----~-------r---------------------------------------------------------------------- DFHTC I TYPE=SIGNAL I {,SIGADDR=symbolic address I, WAIT=YES} I I 3770 Interactive Logical Unit DFHTC TYPE= (READ[ ,WAIT][ ,SAVE]) [,EOC=symbolic address] DFHTC TYPE= (WRITE[ , WAIT][, SAVE][ ,LAST]) [ , FORCE=YES ] [ , CCOMPL=NO ] [ ,DEFRESP=YES] [ ,DEST= {symbolic addresslYES} J-->TCAM only DFHTC TYPE=SIGNAL {,SIGADDR=symbolic address I,WAIT=YES} Chapter 4.2. Terminal Control (DFHTC Macro Instruction) 215 3770 Batch and Batch Data Interchange Logical Unit DPHTC TYPE=(READ[,WAITI,SAVE) [ ,EODS=symbolic address] [,EOC=symbolic address] [,INBP~H=symbolic address] , i DPHTC TYPE=(WRITE[,WAIT][,SAVE][,LAST]) [ , F~H= Ui.Q I YES} ) [ ,CCO~PL=NO] [ ,DEFRESP=YES ] [ , DEST= {sy mbolic address I YES} ]->TCA~ only , , , I I I I 3770 Full Function Logical Unit i I I DPHTC TYPE= (READ[ ,WAIT][ ,SAVE]) I [,EOC=symbolic address] I [,INBFMH=symbolic address] IL ________________________________________________________________~ r------------------------------------------------------------------, I I I I I I I I DFHTC TYPE=(WRITE[,WAITX,SAVEI,LAST]) [ ,FMH= lliQl YES} ] [ , CCOMPL=NO] [,DEFRESP=YES] [ , DEST= {symbolic address I YES} ]-->TCAM only 3780 Data Communications Terminal Support and macro instruction syntax identical to System/3. 216 CICS/VS APR~(!L) 3790 Inquiry Logical Unit DFHTC TYPE=(READ[,WAIT][,SAVE]) [,EOC=symbo1ic address] I i I I I I I I IL______ I I I I I I I DFHTC ~ TYPE=(WRITE[,WAIT][,SAVE][,LAST]) [,FMH=U!QIYES} ] [ ,CCOMPL=NO] [ , DEFRESP=YES] [,DEST={symbo1ic addresslYES} ]-->TCAM only ______ I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, 3790 Full Function Logical Unit DFHTC TYPE= (READ[ ,WAIT][ ,SAVE]) [,EOC=symbo1ic address] [,INBFMH=symbo1ic address] DFHTC TYPE= (WRITE[ ,WAIT][ ,SAVE][ ,LAST]) [,FMH={NO I YES} ] [,CCOMPL=NO] [ , DEFRESP=YES ] [,DEST={symbo1ic address I YES} ]-->TCAM only 3790 (SCS Printer) Logical Unit I I I I I I IL______ DFHTC ~ ______ TYPE= (WRITE[ ,WAIT][ ,SAVE][ ,LAST]) [,CCOMPL=NO] [,DEFRESP=YES] [,DEST={symbo1ic addresslYES} ]->TCAM only I~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _• _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ 3790 (3270-Display) and 3790 (3270-Printer) Logical Units These logical units are sometimes referred to collectively as the 3270 compatibility logical unit. Support and macro instruction syntax are the same as for the 3270 logical unit, apart from the following exceptions: Chapter 4.2. Terminal Control (DFHTC Macro Instruction) 217 • DPBTC TYPE=READB is not supported for the 3270-printer logical unit. • DPBTC TYPE=COPY is not supported for the 3270-display logical unit. • When using the DPHTC TYPE=PRINT macro, if PEATURE=PTRADAPT has been specified in the TCT, allocation of the printer is controlled by the 3790. If PEATURE=PTRADAPT has not been specified, allocation of printers is governed by the PRINTTO and ALTPRT options specified in the TCT. 3790 Batch Data Interchange Logical Unit Support and macro instruction syntax identical to 3770 Batch Logical Unit. 218 CICS/VS APRM(ML) 7770 Audio Response Unit DFHTC TYPE= (READ[ ,WAIT][ ,SAVE]) DFHTC TIPE=(WRITE[ ,WAIT][ ,SAVE]) Although CICS/VS does not distinguish between special codes (characters) entered at an audio terminal (for example, the 2721 Portable Audio Terminal), an application program is not precluded from performing special functions upon encountering these codes. For example, the following special hexadecimal codes may be entered from a 2721: I IKey I C~LL ICode END CNCL # VERIFY RPT EXEC F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 00 000 I IDENT 137 118 13B 12D 13D 126 IB1 IB2 IB3 IB4 IB5 lAO 13B 111, (see note) (see note) or 7B (see note) (see note) or BO 12, 13, or 14 plus two other characters L Note: These codes cause a hardware interrupt and are in the terminal input/output area (TIOA) immediately following the data; the codes are not included in the data length. For fUrther information concerning the 2721, see the publication 2721 Portable Audio Terminal Component Description. The following special hexadecimal codes may be entered from a TouchTone telephone (Touch-Tone is the trademark of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company.) I IKey ICode I 1* 1# lAO 13B or BO The * and # characters of a Touch-Tone telephone correspond to the 00 and 000 characters, respectively, on a 2721 Portable Audio Terminal. The # and 000 characters cause an end-of-inquiry (EOI) hardware interrupt (X' 3B') unless the EOI Disable feature ('3540) is installed on the 7770 Audio Response Unit !odel 3. If this feature is installed, the user can elect that neither, or only one, of the # and 000 characters Chapter 4.2. Terminal Control (DFHTC !acro Instruction) 219 viII cause a hardware interrupt. At the option of the user, either or both of the • and 000 characters do not cause a hardware interrupt, are presented in the TIOA with the rest of the data, and are included in the data length. If, after receiving at least one character from a terminal, no other characters have been received by the 1110 for a period of five seconds, the 1110 automatically generates an EOI hardware interrupt that ends the read operation. LUTYPE4 Logical Unit DFHTC TYPE= (READ[, WAIT][ ,SAVE]) [,EODS=symbolic address] [,EOC=symbolic address] [,INBF~B=symbolic address] DFHTC TYPE= (WRITE[ ,WAIT][ ,SAVE][ ,LAST]) [ , F~H= {NO I YES} ] [,CCOMPL=NO] [ ,DEFRESP=YES] L DFHTC I• TYPE=SIGNAL I {,SIGADDR=symbolic address I ,WAIT=YES} ~ I _____ ~_______ L ________________________________________________________~ The TYPE=SIGNAL macro instruction is required to detect a hard request change direction (RCD) signal from the terminal. The application program should not issue a TYPE=WRITE macro instruction following such a signal. LUTYPE4 terminals can operate in unattended mode. The application programmer can detect unattended mode by testing the TCTTE field TCTEMOP under the mask TCTEMOPU. 220 CICS/VS APRM(ML) Other CICS/VS-Supported Terminals DFHTC TYPE= (READ[, WAIT][ , SAVE]) DFHTC TYPE=(WRITE[,WAIT][ ,SAVE]) [ , DEST= {symbolic address I YES} ]->TCAl! only TCAM Supported Logical Units (CICS/OS/VS Only) ~----~-----r'--------------------------------------------------~ I DFHTC I TYPE= ({READI READL} [ ,WAIT][ ,SAVE]) I [,INBFMH=symbo1ic address] ,I r- I I DFHTC I I I I I I, TYPE=({WRITEIWRITEL}[,WAIT][,SAVE][,ERASE][,LAST] [ ,ERASEAUP]) [ , FHR= {NO I YES} ] [ ,CTLCHAR= {hex number IYES} ] [,LINEADR={numberIYES} ] [ ,DEST= {symbolic address I YES} ] Chapter 4.2. Terminal Control (DFHTC Macro Instruction) 221 Operands of DFHTC Macro CCOKPL=NO • Used with VTA! logical units only. indicates that the last request/response unit ~U) sent as a result of this write request will not complete the chain. If this operand is omitted, the last RU will terminate the chain. Before this operand may be used, the system programmer must have specified that the application program may control outbound chaining indicators by coding a DFHPCT TYPE=OPTGRP macro instruction with the CCONTR=YES operand. If CCOKPL=NO is used without this support, the task will be abnormally terminated. There are a number of restrictions on the use of the CCO!PL=NO operand; these restrictions are as follows: • If CCOKPL=NO is used without the authority (CCONTR) of the system programmer, the task will be abnormally terminated. • CCO!PL=NO cannot be used if the DEFRESP=YES operand is specified. • If CCOMPL=NO is specifiec, the application program must not issue a read request until a write request that does not specify CCO!PL=NO has been issued; failure to observe this restriction will lead to abnormal termination of the task. • CCOMPL=NO is not valid for a combined write and read request, including conversational write operations. TYPE=LAST ~s ignored if it is not FOC or OC. • Used with 3650 interpreter logical units only. CONNECT= This operand specifies the type of connection to be establish ed. ACTIVATE specifies that the 3650 application program will not communicate with the host cpu. CONVERSE specifies that the 3650 application program will communicate with the host CPU. 222 CICS/VS APRM (ML) CTLCHAR= • Used for 3270 logical units, 3650 host-conversational (3270) logical units, 3790(3270-display), and 3790 (3270printer) logical units only. This operand is used (1) in a DPHTC TYPE=WRITE macro instruction to provide the hexadecimal representation of the write control character (WCC) that controls the requested write operation, or (2) except for the 3650 host conversational (3270) LU, in a DPHTC TYPE=COPY macro instruction to provide the hexadecimal representation of the copy control character (CCC) that controls and defines the copy function to be performed. hexadecimal number is the hexadecimal representation of the WCC or CCC required for the operation specified in the TYPE= operand of this DPHTC macro instruction. YES indicates that the appropriate bit configuration has been placed in TIOACLCR. Por DPHTC TYPE=WRITE, if the functions defined by the WCC only are to be performed (that is, no data stream is to be supplied), TIOATDL must contain zero. If the CTLCHAR operand is omitted, all modified data tags are reset to zero, and the keyboard is restored. Por DFHTC TYPE=COPY, if the CTLCHAR operand is omitted, the contents of the entire buffer (including nulls) are copied and the start printer flag is not on. DEPRESP=YES • Used with VTAM logical units only. indicates that a definite response is required when the write operation has been completed. DEPRESP=YES cannot be specified if the CCOMPL=NO operand is used. This operand specifies, for this write operation only, that a definite response is required, even if neither the MSGINTEG operand nor the PROTECT operand has been specified in the DPHPCT TYPE=OPTGRP macro instruction by the system programmer. DEST= indicates that the output message is to be sent to a TCAM destination other than the source TCAM terminal. This operand is meaningful only for TCAM-supported terminals. symbolic name is the symbolic address of the storage area containing the TCAM destination to which the message must be sent. YES indicates that the application program has placed the fourbyte message destination in TCTTEDES before issuing the WRITE. This can be used to allow dynamic selection of the message destination. Chapter q.2. Terminal Control (DPHTC Macro Instruction) 223 ENDFILE=symbolic address • Used for 3740 Data Entry System only. indicates the label of the routine that is to receive control when end-of-file is encountered on batch input. It is set when a null block is received, indicating the end of a physical file. The task must continue reading. ENDINPT=symbolic address • Used for 3740 Data Entry System only. indicates the label of the routine that is to receive control when end-of-input is reached on batch processing. It is set by CICS/VS when an end of transmission signal is received and the ENDPILE indicator was set. After this condition the task must not issue any further reads to the device but must return to CICS so that the 3740 can be set to receive a new batch of input. ENDMSG=NO indicates that the block sent as a result of the write request does not complete the message. If this operand is omitted, the message will be regarded as complete when the write reguest has been fulfilled. Before this operand may be used, the system programmer must have specified that the application program m~y control outbound chaining by coding a DFHPCT TYPE=OPTGRP macro instruction with the MSGPREQ=CCONTRL operand. If ENDMSG=NO is used without this support, the task will be abnormally terminated. There are a number of restrictions on the use of the ENDMSG=NO operand; these restrictions are as follows: 224 o If ENDMSG=NO is used without the authority (MSGPREQ=CCONTRL) of the system programmer, the task will be abnormally terminated. • If ENDMSG=NO is specified, the application program·must not issue a read request until a write reguest that does not specify ENDMSG=NO has been issued; failure to observe this restriction will lead to abnormal termination of the task. • ENDMSG=NO is not valid for a combined write and read request, including conversational write operations. CICS/VS APRM(ML) BOC=symbolic address o Used for logical units only. specifies the label of the routine that is to receive control if the request/response unit (RU) is received with the end-ofchain (BOC) indicator set. If this operand is specified, the WAIT parameter of the TYPB operand is assumed. If an inbound FMH is received, the INBFMH operand will override this operand. If an end-of-data-set FHH is also received, the BODS operand will override both this operand and the INBFMH operand. (Overridden operands can be specified in a DFHTC TYPE=WAIT macro.) EODS=symbolic address • Used for 3650 interpreter logical units, batch logical units, and LUTYPE4 logical units only. • Cannot be used for 3650 Host Command Processor logical units. Indicates the label of a user-written routine that is to receive control if an end-of-data-set FHH is received. The TIOA contains the BODS indicators. If EODS is specified, the WAIT parameter of the TYPE operand is assumed. If EODS is specified, and end-of-data-set is received, the EOC and INBFMH operands are overridden; they can be specified in a DFHTC TYPE=WAIT macro within the end-of-data-set routine. Symbolic address is the address to which control is to be given if the CICS EODS indicator is set on. The indicator is set when a READ is issued and there is no data remaining for this data set. EOF=symbolic address indicates the label of the routine that is to receive control when end-of-file is encountered on batch input. This operand can be used in a special initialization macro instruction, DFHTC EOF=symbolic address, to test for the end-of-file condition upon initial connection to a 3735. It must be included in the initialization section of the application program that handles 3735 input, preceding other DFHTC macro instructions. Note: When the EOF condition occurs, TIOATDL is set to binary zeros to indicate that the TIOA for the input operation contains no valid data. FMH= • Used for 3600 (3601), 3650 host-conversational (3270), 3650 host-command processor, LUTYPE4, 3770 batch, 3790 full function, 3790 inquiry, and 3790 batch data interchange logical units only. This operand indicates whether the function management header (FMR) has been placed in the TIOA by the application program. If FMH is omitted, NO is assumed. For the 3600 (3601) and 3790 inquiry logical units, an FMH is required and is provided as described belove For the 3650 host-conversational (3270) logical unit, the FMH is required i f Chapter 4.2. Terminal Control (DFHTC Macro Instruction) 225 outboard maps are to be used; the FMH in such cases can be provided by BMS, if BMS is being used, or otherwise, by the application program. For LUTYPE4 and batch logical units, the FMH is required for device-selection and is provided as described below. NO indicates that the application program has not placed the FMH in the TIOA. For the 3600 (3601) and 3790 inquiry logical units, CICS/VS is responsible for placing the FMH in the TIOA; if NO is specified, space must be reserved in the TIOA for the FMH. For the 3650 host-conversational (3210) logical unit, CICS/VS does not build an FMH, and the data is transmitted unmodified. For all other logical units, no FMH is sent; refer to the appropriate CICSjVS subsystem guides for details of when an FMH is necessary. YES indicates that the application program has placed the FMH into the TIOA. Refer to the appropriate CICS/VS subsystem guides for size and format of the FMH for a specific terminal. The FMH=YES and LDC=YES options are mutually exclusive. FORCE=YES • Used for interactive logical units only. This operand indicates that the write operation is to be preceded by an outbound SIGNAL data-flow-control command to force the terminal into receive mode. This operand is used only for interactive logical units operating in contention mode, and is ignored otherwise. INBFMB=symbolic address specifies the label of the routine that is to receive control if the request/response unit (RU) contains an FMH, and CICS/VS has passed this FMH to the application program. The presence of an inbound FMH means that, if this operand is specified, the EOC operand is overridden. If an end-of-data-set FMH is received, the EODS operand will override the INBFMH operand. (Overridden operands can be specified in a DFBTC TYPE=WAIT macro.) For this operand to be effective, the system programmer must have specified INBFMH=ALL or EODS in the PCT entry for the transaction. If INBFaH=NO is specified, inbound FMHs will not be passed to the application program, and the INBFMH operand will never be operative. LDC • Used for the 3601 logical unit (but not for the 3614, even if attached to the 3601) only. This operand specifies the mnemonic to be used by CICS/VS to determine the logical device code (LDC) that is to be transmitted to the logical unit in the function management header. 226 CICS/VS APRM ~L) mnemonic is the two-character mnemonic used to determine the appropriate LDC numeric value. The mnemonic represents a LDC entry in the DFHTCT TYPE=LDC macro instruction. YES indicates that the application program has placed the mnemonic in TCATPLDH. The LDC=YES and FMH=YES options are mutually exclusive. LINEADR= • Used for 3270 in 2260 Compatibility Mode only. This operand specifies that writing is to begin on a specific line of a 2260/2265 screen simulated on a 3270 operating in 2260 compatibility mode. number is the hexadecimal equivalent of the starting line number. For the 2260, X'FO' through XIFBI correspond with line numbers 1 through 12 respectively. For the 2265, XIFOI through XIFEI correspond with line numbers 1 through 15 respectively. YES indicates that the hexadecimal equivalent of the line number has been placed in TIOALAC. NONVAL=address • Used with 3650 application programs only. This operand indicates the label of the user-coded routine to receive control if the name specified in the PRGNAME operand is invalid. NORESP=address • Used with 3650 logical units only. This operand indicates the label of a user-coded routine to receive control if there is a no error response. PRGNAME=name o Used with 3650 logical units only. This operand indicates the name of the 3650 application program. The name (up to eight characters) is transmitted to the 3651 for verification by the 3650 control program. Chapter 4.2. Terminal Control (DFHTC Macro Instruction) 221 RDATT=symbolic address indicates the label of the routine to which control is to be transferred if the read operation that responds to a DPHTC TYPE=READ macro instruction is terminated by pressing the attention (ATTN) key rather than the return key. This operand is meaningful only if 2741 Read Attention support has been generated in the CICS/VS system. See "Read Attention" and "Write Break" under "2741 Communication Terminal" earlier in this chapter. ~: SIGADDR=symbolic address • VTAM only specifies the symbolic address of the routine to be given control if SIGNAL is received. TYPE= describes the terminal or logical unit operations required, as follows: TYPE=CBUPP • Used with 2980 General Banking Terminal only. This is a stand-alone parameter used to place a message in the common buffer of the 2972 terminal control unit; the 2972 associated with the current TCTTE receives the output message. Both write and wait are implied. The output message is translated according to the model of 2980 described by the current TCTTE. If more than one model is attached to a 2972 Terminal Control Unit, the contents of the common buffer are intelligible only to the model for which the message was translated. Since shift characters are added to the message by CICS/VS during translation, the length of the message is dependent upon the contents of the message. Up to 23 characters, including shift characters, can be transmitted. ~: TYPE=COPY • Valid only for BSC-connected devices which have the copy feature, that is, BTAM remote connection, or VTAM non-SNA remote connection. This parameter is used to copy the format and data contained in the buffer of one terminal into the buffer of another terminal attached to the same remote 3270 control unit. The terminal from which data is to be copied can be identified in either of tvo ways: 1. Set TIOATDL to a value of 1, and the first byte of the output data area (TIOADBA) to the physical address of the terminal to be copied; or 228 CICS/VS APRM(ML) 2. Set TIOATDL to a value of 4 and the first four bytes of the output data area (TIOADBA) to the terminal identification of the terminal to be copied. If the terminal identification is less than four bytes, it must be leftjustified with blank padding on the right. The copy control character (CCC), which controls and defines the copy function to be performed, must be supplied in the CTLCHAR operand of the DFBTC macro instruction. Note: For VTAM-supported 3270 logical units, it is not possible to supply the physical address of the terminal to be copied; the terminal identification must be supplied. TYPE=DISCONNECT • Switched lines and logical units only. For switched lines, DISCONNECT is used to break the line connection between the terminal and the computer; if the terminal is a buffered device, the data in the buffer(s) is lost. • CICS/VS does not automatically disconnect a 3270 display at the end of a transaction. A disconnection occurs at the request of a terminal operator, at the request of the application program (through this macro instruction), or after a specified number of time-outs are encountered by DFHTEP for the terminal. (Refer to the CICSIYS~tem f£Qgrammer's Reference Manual for information about DFHTEP.) • When used with a TCAM terminal or logical unit, DISCONNECT sets the X'08' bit in the communication control byte (CCB) sent to TCAM. The message handler should provide the necessary function (that is, issue IEDH~LT, to terminate the logical-unit session) for disconnect. • When used with VTAM logical units, DISCONNECT, uhich does not become effective until the task has been terminated, terminates the session, without causing a physical disconnection. TYPE=ENDFILE • Used for 3740 Data Entry system only. indicates that an end-of-file record is to be written to the terminal. TYPE=ENDOUTPUT • Used for 3740 Data Entry System only. indicates that an end-of-output record is to be written to the terminal. TYPE=EODS • Used with 3650 interpreter logical units only. causes an end of data set FMH to be sent on behalf of the task. An I/O area need not be supplied by the CICS/VS application program. Refer to the CICS/yS 3650 Guide for details about communicating with a 3650 application program. Chapter 4.2. Terminal Control (DFHTC Macro Instruction) 229 Note: If the application receives the FMH, the FMH may have been presented on completion of a previous read request. The actual end of the data set is not until the CICS EODS indicator is set on. TYPE=ERASE • Used with 2260 Display station, 3270 Information Display System, 3270 logical units, 3650 host-conversational logical units, 3790 (3270-display), and 3790 (3270-printer) logical units only. This parameter is used with the WRITE or WRITEL operand. It blanks out the screen and sets the cursor to the upper left corner. Normally, TYPE=ERASE would be used on the first output request of a transaction to prepare the screen for new output data. TYPE=ERASE also sets the screen size to that specified for the transaction that issues the command. Therefore when switching from one screen size to another between transactions, a TYPE=BRASE must be issued to set the screen size of a new transaction. If one is not issued, the screen size will remain unchanged from a previous transaction's setting. The CLEAR key, if used within a transaction, sets the screen size to its default. However, CICS/VS will reset the transaction specified size following a CLEAR operation. Note: To erase the screen, 1. place the address of a TIOA into TCTTEDA, 2. place a data length of 0 into TIOADTL, and 3. issue a DFHTC TYPE=(WRITE, ERASE) macro instruction. If operating in 2260 compatibility mode, the TIOA should contain only a start symbol and the data length in TIOATDL should be set to 1 before issuing the OFHTC TYPE=(WRITE, ERASE). TYPE=ERASE and OEFRESP=YES are mutually exclusive. TYPE=ERASEAUP • Used with 3270 logical units, 3650 host-conversational (3270) logical units, 3790 (3270-display) and 3790 (3270printer) logical units only. This parameter issues an "erase all unprotected" command command and causes the following functions to be performed: 1. All unprotected fields are cleared to nulls (X'OO). 2. The modified data tags (MOTs) in each unprotected field are reset to zero. 3. The cursor is positioned to the first unprotected field. 4. The keyboard is restored. Neither WRITE, ERASE, nor COpy can be specified in a DFHTC macro instruction that includes the ERASEAUP parameter. No data stream is supplied. 230 CICS/VS APRM(ML) • This parameter is not meaningful for a 3270 operating in 2260 compatibility mode. TYPE=LAST signals CICS/VS that the WRITE is the last output for a transaction and, therefore, the end of a bracket. Specifying this parameter can improve system performance for VTAM logical units except when used with the 3270 logical unit. • This parameter has no effect when used with a 3270 logical unit. TYPE=NOTRANSLATE prevents translation of form description program ~DP) records which are to be transmitted to a 3735 using ASCII transmission code. (For further information, see 113735 Programmable Buffered Terminal", earlier in this chapter.) TYPE=PASSBK • Used with 2980 General Banking Terminal only. This is a stand-alone parameter used to cause output to be printed on a banking passbook. Both WRITE and WAIT are implied. If a passbook is not present, no printing occurs. error message can be sent to the operator of the terminal associated with the requesting task. An TYPE=PRINT o Used with 3270 logical units, 3650 host-conversational (3270) logical units, 3790 (3270-display) , and 3790(3270printer) logical units only. This parameter specifies that the data currently displayed on a 3270 display is to be printed on an eligible 3270 printer. TYPE=PROGRAM • Used with 3650 devices only. This parameter is used to request the loading of a 3650 application program. If the program is loaded, control is returned to the next sequential instruction following the DFHTC TYPE=program macro instruction unless NORESP=program is specified. Otherwise, control is returned to an address specified by one of the other operands of the macro instruction as listed below. TYPE=PSEUDOBIN indicates that the data being read is. to be translated from System/7 pseudobinary representation to hexadecimal. (For more information about System/7 programming, see "System/7 11 , earlier in this chapter.) TYPE=READ indicates that the data is to be read from a terminal or logical unit. When the contents of a 3270 buffer are read the programmer should be aware that the attention identifier byte and the cursor address are made available at TCTTEAID and TCTTECAD respectively. A set of standard symbolic names for testing the 3270 attention identifier is provided in a copy book called DFHAID. Por further details refer to "Standard Attention Chapter 4.2. Terminal Control (DFHTC Macro Instruction) 231 Identifier List (DFHAID) Support ... II in the chapter "Basic Mapping TYPE=READB • Used with BTAM 3270 and 3270 and 3790(3270-display) logical units only. This parameter reads the contents of the 3270 buffer, beginning at buffer location 0 and continuing until all contents of the buffer have been read. All character and attribute sequences (including nulls) appear in the input data stream in the same order that they appear in the 3270 buffer. READB cannot be specified for TCAM-supported terminals nor can it be used for 3790 (3270-printer) logical units. Note: Because of the relatively long transmision times required to transmit the entire contents of a remote 3270 buffer, the READB parameter should be used primarily for testing and diagnosing; the COpy parameter, which permits a selective transfer of buffer contents should be used in all other cases. TYPE=READL • Used with 2260, or 3270 operating in 2260 compatibility mode, only. indicates that the keyboard is to remain locked at the completion of a data transfer. This parameter is applicable only to CICS/OS/VS, but may be used on a CICS/DOS/VS application if compatibility with CICS/OS/VS is desired. TYPE=RESET • Used with binary synchronous devices only. This operand is used to relinquish use of a communication line; the next BTAM operation will be a read or write initial. RESET is not supported by TCAM, because line control is performed by TCAM in the MCP. TYPE=SAVE in the case of a read operation, it indicates that the TIOA used in a previous terminal operation is not to be used as an input area; a new TIOA is acquired. For a write operation, it indicates that the TIOA whose address is in TCTTEDA is not to be released upon completion of the write operation; however, there is no guarantee that TCTTEDA will remain unchanged. TYPE=SIGNAL • Used with VTAM interactive and LUTYPE2, LUTYPE3, LUTYPE4 and SCSPRT logical units, and VTAM 3600 (3601) logical units, only. Indicates that this macro instruction specifies the action to be taken by the application program when an inbound SIGNAL data-flow-control command is received from the logical unit. The four-byte field TCTESIDI in the terminal control table terminal entry (TCTTE) is set to the signal code received from the logical unit. If a hard request change direction (RCD) signal is received (signal code X'00010000') from an LUTYPE4 232 eICS/VS APRM(ML) unit, the transaction should either end or read from the unit. An attempt to follow the signal with a write would be an error. Most logical units will send a signal with a code of X'00010000' when an attention key is pressede TYPE=STRFIELD • Assembler language only. specifies that the TIOA contains structured fields. If this operand is specified, the contents of all structured fields must be handled by the application program. (Structured fields are described in the CICS/yS IBM 3270 Guide.) CTLCHAR and ERASE are mutually exclusive with STRFIELD and their use will generate an MNOTE. TYPE=TEXT • Used with 3270 only. is meaningful only when used in conjunction with a READ request. It specifies a temporary override of the uppercase translation feature of CICS/VS to allow the task to receive a message containing both uppercase and lowercase data. TYPE=TRANSPARENT • Applicable to System/3 when it indicates that output is to be sent in transparent mode (with no recognition of control characters, and accepting any of the 256 possible combinations of eight bits as valid transmittable data). • Applicable to System/1 when it indicates that the data being read is not to be translated. TYPE=WAIT ensures that the terminal or logical unit operation requested in the macro instruction is completed before starting subsequent processing. WAIT can be coded separately from a READ to accomplish overlapping of logical unit I/O operations; or with the EOC, EODS, or INBFMH operand, for example, to give control to user-written routines from within an end-of-data-set routine entered as a result of specifying the EODS operand. TYPE=WRITE indicates that data is to be written to a terminal or logical unit. TYPE=WRITEL • Used for a 3210 operating in 2260 compatibility mode only. This parameter indicates that the keyboard is to remain locked if locked previously, or to remain unlocked if unlocked previously, at the completion of data transfer. Chapter 4.2. Terminal Control (DFHTC Macro Instruction) 233 If DFHTC macro instructions are issued in the following sequence, the keyboard is locked or unlocked as indicated: READ WRITEL READL READL WRITEL WRITEL WRITE WRITEL WRITEL READ WRITE READL READ WRITEL L L L L L L U U U L U L L L VALID=address • Used with 3650 devices only. This operand indicates the label of a user-coded routine to receive control if the name specified in the PRGNAME operand is valid but sufficient resources are not available in the 3651 to initiate the 3650 application program. This routine can determine whether a DFHIC TYPE=INITIATE or DFHIC TYPE=PUT macro instruction is to be issued in order to restart the 3650 application program later. WAIT=YES specifies that the task is to be suspended until SIGNAL is received. This request is ignored if the logical unit cannot send a SIGNAL command; the contents of field TCTESIDI will be set to X'OOOOOOOO' in these circumstances. WRBRK=symbolic address is the symbolic address to which control is transferred if a write operation started in response to this DFHTC TYPE=WRITE macro instruction is interrupted by the terminal operator pressing the Attention (ATTN) key. • 234 This operand is meaningful only if 2141 write Break support has been generated into the system, an option available only under CICS/OS/VS. See "Read Attention" and "Write Break" under "2141 Communication Terminal" earlier in this chapter. CICS/VS APRM(ML) Chapter 4.3. Basic Mapping Support Basic mapping support (BMS) provides the CICS/VS application programmer with various formatting services that assist in interpreting input data streams from and preparing output data streams to the terminal network. These formatting services are provided by BMS modules that act as an interface betveen the user's application program and the CICS/VS terminal control program. The application program passes data to BMS and receives data from BMS in a device-independent format. BMS macro instructions are issued by the application program to control formatting of the data and to initiate input from and output to the terminal network. Advantages of BMS The two principal advantages to be obtained by using BMS are device independence and format independence. DEVICE INDEPENDENCE Device independence permits the application program to send data to a terminal or to receive data from a terminal without regard for the physical characteristics of the terminal. BMS can be used for communication uith any of the following devices and logical units: 1050 2740 2741 2770 2780 2980 Models 1 and 2 2980-4 (keyboard and printer only) 3270 3780 TttX Tape storage devices Disk storage devices CRLP (a device declared as card-reader-in/line-printer-out) TCAM-connected terminals (defined by TRMTYPE=TCAM in DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL macro) TCAM logical units (defined by TCAMFET=SNA in DFHTCT TYPE=LINB macro and SESTYPE=36001376713770137901BCHLUIINTLU in DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL macro) VTAM logical units: 3270 LUTYPE2 LUTYPE3 LUTYPE4 SCSPRT 3600 3650 ~ost-conversational ~270) and interpreter LUs only) 3767 3770 3790 (all except inquiry LU) Chapter 4.3. Basic Mapping Support 235 Some special BMS programming considerations that apply only to particular terminal sUbsystems are described in the various CICSjVS subsystem guides (for example, the IBM 3600/3630 Guide). These guides are listed in the Bibliography. With BMS, a CICS/VS installation with more than one type of terminal need provide only one program for each application transaction to support all terminal types in the installation. BMS identifies which terminal type is requesting use of the application program and provides for the conversion of the device-dependent data stream to and from the device-independent format used by the application program. A CICS/VS installation using only one type of terminal may nevertheless wish to use the formatting services of BMS to facilitate the addition of other terminal types or the conversion to another terminal type in the future. FORMAT INDEPENDENCE Format independence permits the application program to provide data to one or more terminals or to receive data from a terminal without regard for the physical placement of fields within the data stream or on the terminal. All references to data by the application program are through symbolic field names. The placement of fields within the data stream is accomplished by BMS through the use of information stored in data format tables called maEs. A CICS/VS installation in which BMS is used may rearrange the fields to be included in a terminal message by simply changing some values stored in the map that defines the format of the message. The application program that causes the message to be written need not be modified. Programming maintenance can thus be considerably simpler than if BMS were not used. Format independence also permits certain constant information, such as headings, field-identifying keywords, and 3270 screen formats, to be stored in maps. These constants can be modified simply by changing their values in the maps. Any programs that refer to the maps benefit from the changes, but none of the programs themselves need be modified. The format independence provided by BMS may be compared with the independence provided by DL/I for data bases. Both remove from the application program the requirement to know the physical placement of fields within the data record or message. Fields may be physically rearranged, removed, or added without necessitating program maintenance on all application programs using the record or message. Facilities of BMS The facilities that BMS provides are data mapping and formatting, terminal paging, and message routing. 236 CICS/VS APRM (ML) DATA MAPPING AND FORMATTING Data mapping is the technique used by BMS to convert the standard device-independent data format that the application program uses to and from the device-dependent data stream required for the particular terminal type in use. Device-dependant control characters are embedded or removed by BMS during this processing. The application program may select any of three standard data formats in which to provide or accept data from BHS: field data format, block data format, or text data format. When field data format is used, data is passed to BMS as separate fields. Each field is given a symbolic field name by the application programmer. This name is used when passing data to, or retrieving data from, BMS. Each field consists of a two-byte length area (used by BMS on input), a single attribute byte (used for 3270 output operations only, but present for all terminal types), and the data area. A map describing the position of the field when displayed or printed, the data length, and other information about each field is created to control the mapping function. When block data format is used, data is passed to BMS as line segments. Fields positioned within the line segments may be given symbolic field names to aid the application program in positioning the fields. Each field provides for a single attribute byte and the data area. A gap consisting of several blanks may separate consecutive fields in the line segment. A map is used to describe the number and lengths of line segments, the field positions when displayed or printed, data lengths, and other necessary information. When text data format is used, output data consisting of a data stream with optional new-line (XI lSI) characters is passed to BMS. BMS divides the data stream into lines no longer than those defined for the particular terminal to which the data stream is related. BMS will only allow a line break to occur where it encounters a blank (X'40'). If a word will not fit into the space remaining in a line, BMS places the Whole word on a new line. If new-line characters are included in the data stream, they too are honored. CICS/VS inserts the appropriate leading characters, carrier returns, and inle characters, and eliminates trailing blanks from each line. If tab control characters are contained in the data stream, the user should also supply all the necessary newline characters. Maps are not used with text data format. Field data format is the commonest data format for both display and printer terminals. Block data format may be used with both display and printer terminals, but it is more useful for input operations on printer terminals. Text data format is used with both display and printer terminals and is especially convenient for handling data that is not divided into fields. When text data format is used with a 3270 device, an attribute byte appears on the 3270 as a blank at the beginning of each line and in front of each new piece of data. Chapter 4.3. Basic Mapping support 237 TERMINAL PAGING Terminal paging permits the application program to (1) combine several small mapped data areas into one or more pages of output, or (2) prepare more output than can be contained in one page of output. By definition, a ~ is the physical area of a terminal on which data is displayed or printed at one time. The size of the area (in numbers of lines and columns) is specified for the particular terminal in the CICS/VS terminal control table by the system programmer. Since a page of output may be constructed by BMS from several small maps, it is convenient to generate these maps together in a map set. A map set is a collection of maps generated and stored together in the CICS/VS program library. A reference to one map in the map set causes the entire map set to De loaded into storage for the duration of the task or until another map set is referred to by the task. DFHMSD, DFHMDI, and DFHMDF macro instructions, described later in this chapter, are used in constructing the map set. During execution, the application program issues DFHBMS TYPE=PAGEBLD macro instructions to position portions of an output page. If all the data cannot be contained on one page, BMS recognizes an overflow condition and can transfer control to an overflow routine Hithin the application program. This routine normally causes the current page to be written to temporary storage, a new paga to be started, a heading to be placed on the new page, and the data causing the overflow to be mapped on the new page. As each page of the output message is completed, the page is written to temporary storage to await completion of the 10qic~!_mg§2~~. A logical message is the result of one or more BMS requests for output services all of which have the same disposition (OUT, STORE, or RETURN, as explained later in this chapter). To cause the logical message to be completed, the application program issues a DFHBMS TYPE=PAGEOUT macro instruction. Alternatively, the logical message is completed upon termination of the application program unless a short-on-storage condition exists, in which case the logical message is deleted. Terminal paging provides the additional function of building a logical message without the use of maps. A DFHBMS TYPE=TEXTBLD macro instruction is issued to request this type of page building. The data is passed to BMS as text data, which BMS places on succeeding lines (and pages, if necessary) without reference to maps. A word is not split between lines; any word that cannot fit on the remaining portion of a line is placed on the next line. The formatting of the logical message can be controlled through the data itself by embedding neW-line characters (XI1SI) within the data. To cause the TEXTBLD logical message to be completed, the application program issues a DFHBMS TYPE=PAGEOUT macro instruction or terminates execution. DFHBMS TYPE=PAGEBLD and TYPE=TEXTBLD macro instructions cannot be used to build portions of the same logical message. The process of building a logical message can be discontinued by means of a DFHBMS TYPE=PURGE macro instruction. This instruction deletes the portions of the message already built in main storage or on temporary storage. MESSAGE ROUTING Message routing permits an application program to build and route a logical message to one or more terminals. The message is automatically scheduled for each designated terminal, to be delivered as soon as the terminal is available to receive messages or at some future time. 238 CICS/VS APRM (ML) The page building facil~ty of BMS is used for message routing, so the design of application programs is very similar for the two facilities. Message routing allows application-built messages to be sent to any prescribed terminals. To initiate a routing operation, the application program issues a DFHBMS TYPE=ROUTE macro instruction followed by DFHBMS TYPE=(PAGEBLD,STORE) or TYPE=(TEXTBLD,STORE) instructions to build the logical message that is to be routed. A DFHBMS TYPE=PAGEOUT macro instruction terminates the page building and causes the message to be routed. When individual logical messages are routed to a terminal, they are not necessarily delivered in the sequence in which they were issued. If a specific sequence is required, the pages must be output as one message. A parameter of the DFHBMS TYPE=ROUTE macro instruction points to a list of terminals to receive the routed message. The list may contain the terminal identification and operator identification of each terminal designated to receive the message. If only a terminal identification is specified, the message is routed to that terminal, regardless of who is signed on at the terminal. If both the terminal identification and the operator identification are specified, the message is routed to the terminal but delivered only when the specified operator is signed on. If only the operator identification is specified, BMS scans the terminal control table and delivers the message to the first terminal at which the operator is signed on. Another paramet8r of the DFHBMS TYPE=ROUTE macro instruction is a specific operator class code. If specified, only an operator signed on with that class code may receive the routed message. One to twenty-four class codes may be assigned to operators in the CICS/VS sign-on table. The DFHBMS TYPE=ROUTE macro instruction further designates whether the message is to be delivered as soon as possible or at a specific time or after some inte~val of time. If the routed message cannot be delivered within a specified length of time, an error message may be returned to the terminal sending the message or to some designated alternative terminal. The message may be deleted, or it may be retained indefinitely -- until delivered or until deliberately deleted by an operator at the receiving terminal. If a message is to be routed to more than one terminal type, BMS builds a device-dependent message for each terminal type. Each such message is stored on temporary storage until all terminals for which it is destined have received the message. If a terminal is scheduled to receive a message but is not eligible, the message is stored until one of the following conditions occurs: o A change in terminal status allows the message to be sent. o A time period (specified at system generation) has elapsed, causing the message to be deleted by BMS. o The message is deleted by the destination terminal. Another consideration of routing to different terminal types is the handling of overflow conditions. since different terminal types may have different page sizes, the overflow condition is apt to occur at different times in page building. BMS returns control to an overflow routine in the application program, indicating which terminal type caused the overflow and how many pages have been created for that terminal type. If a message is routed to terminals with alternate screensize capabilities, the selection of the screensize to be used is taken from Chapter 4.3. Basic Mapping Support 239 the SCRNSZE parameter in the PCT for the routing transaction. (The SCRNSZE parameter is described in the CICS/VS System Programmer's Reference Manual.) The message routing facility of BMS is an ideal tool for developing message switching and broadcasting applications. CICS/VS provides a generalized message switching transaction that uses the message routing facility of BMS. Use of the message switching transaction is described in the CICSIVS Operator's Guide. Mapping Concepts and Techniques Most of the facilities of BMS (text data format is the exception) require two forms of map to be defined by CICS/VS macro instructions and assembled offline in advance of running the application program. The (1) a physical map used by BMS to convert data to or two forms are: from the format desired by the application programmer, and (2) a symbolic description map used by the application programmer to symbolically refer to the data in the terminal buffer. The physical map is a table of information about each field, and is stored in the CICS/VS program library to be loaded by BMS at execution time. The symbolic description map is a set of source statements that are cataloged into the appropriate source library (Assembler, COBOL, PL/I, or RPG II) and copied into the application program when it is assembled or compiled. The programmer defines and provides names for fields and groups of fields that may be written to and received from the devices supported by BMS. The symbolic description map can be copied into each application program that uses the associated physical map. Data can thus be passed to and from the application program under the field names in the symbolic description map. since the application program is written to manipulate the data under the field names, altering the map format by adding new fields or rearranging old fields does not necessarily alter the program logic. If the map format is altered, it is necessary in most cases to make the appropriate changes to the macro instructions that describe the map and then reassemble both the physical map and the symbolic description map. The new symbolic description map must then be copied into the application program and the program reassembled. There are certain map alterations that can be made without necessitating reassembly of the symbolic description map. An application program has access to the input and output data fields using the names supplied to the fields when the maps were generated. The application logic should be dependent upon the named fields and their contents but should be independent of the relative positions of the data fields within the terminal format. If it becomes necessary to reorganize or add to a map format, the existing application program must be reassembled to gain access to the new positions of these data fields. Reprogramming is not necessary to account for new fields or for the changed terminal format of those fields. By using BMS to construct and interpret data streams, application programmers can insulate application programs from the device-dependent considerations required to handle the data streams. If necessary, the application program has the facility to temporarily modify the attributes or the initial data of any named field in an output map. A collection of named attribute combinations is supplied within BMS so that the application program remains essentially independent of the data stream format. 240 CICS/VS APRM ~L) The ability to progressively add to map definitions without obsoleting existing application programs permits the design and implementation of systems in a modular fashion with a progressive expansion of the screen formats. Design and programming of the first stages of applications can begin before later stages have been designed. These early implementations are protected from updates in the terminal formats. Note: To use pre-VS application programs requiring the BMS functions, the application programs must be reassembled. However, physical maps and symbolic description maps need not be reassembled provided that the COMPAT=PRE-VS operand is specified in the DFHSG PROGRAa=Bas system generation macro (descrioed in the CICSIYS System Programmer's Reference ~~!) . MAP DEFINITION All maps must be generated as members of a map set; a single map must be generated as the only member of such a map set. A map set is a collection of related maps that are generated and stored together in the CICS/VS libraries. Map definition is accomplished through the use of three different macro instructions: DFHMSD, DFH~DI, and DFHMDF. The DFHMSD macro instruction o defines a map set • indicates whether a particular set of macros is for a physical map or for a symbolic description map o specifies whether the map is for input, output, or both • can specify the data format: field or block. The DFHMDI macro instruction o defines a map • defines the position of the map on the page, either absolutely or in relation to other maps • specifies the size of the map • can specify the data format: field or block. The DFHMDF macro instruction • defines a field within a map • specifies the position of the field • specifies the length of the field. The formats of these macro instructions are given later in this An example of their use and of the symbolic storage definitions generated is given in Appendix B. chapter~ The map definition macro instructions are assembled twice, once to produce the map used by BMS, and once to produce the symbolic storage definition (or DSECT) that will be copied into the application program. Chapter 4.3. Basic Mapping Support 241 Mote: In pre-VS versions of CICS, BMS provided support for the 3270 Information Display System through OFHMOI and DFHMOF macro instructions only. For compatibility, OPHMOI and OFHMOP macro instructions written to use this support will be assembled correctly under CICS/VS BMS; however, maps requiring functions that were not available in pre-VS versions of CICS cannot be defined in this way. INPUT MAPPING For an input map, the maximum data length and the starting position of each field must be defined. The TIOA symbolic storage definition contains an area for the length of each input data field, followed by a flag byte and an area for the data itself. Space is reserved for the maximum number of bytes defined for each field. The program can access the length, flag, and data areas of any field by symbolic labels. The length area is a halfword binary field and is addressed by the name Ifieldname.L" or "groupname.L". The flag is a one-byte field and is addressed by the name "fieldname.FfI or "groupname.F". The data portion of each field (or group of fields) is contiguous with the length and flag areas. A group of fields, or a single field not within any group of fields, has one data portion addressed by the name "groupname.IfI or "fieldname.IfI. For fields contained within a group, there are no intervening length or flag areas (only "groupname .L" exists) but each field is addressed by a name flfieldname.I". In assembler language programs, the first byte of the first occurrence of a field defined by the OFHMOF operand OCCURS=n (where n is greater than 1) is named "fieldname 0", and the first byte of the next occurrence of the field is named "fieldname N". These names refer to the first oyte of the length area if OATA=FIELO is specified, and to the first byte of the attribute data if DATA=BLOCK is specified. In COBOL and PL/I programs, "fieldname Oil is the name of the array of minor structures containing the length, flag, and data areas of the field. (For a description of the effects of the OCCURS operand in RPG programs, refer to the CICSIYS Application programmer's Reference Manual for RPGII.) Note that "." is a concatenation symbol used here the symbolic names are suffixed; the period is never Por example, in the case of field name XIZ, the data XIZI; the data length is referenced as XYZL; and the as XYZF. only to show how actually coded. is referenced as flag is referenced The length specified for a field may differ from the number of characters that are entered for the field at program execution time. If more data is keyed than specified in the map, the data is truncated on the right to the number of characters specified. The length that is returned to the application program is the truncated length. If less data is keyed than specified, the remaining character positions are filled with blanks or zeros and the length of the keyed data is returned in the length field. The flag byte is normally set to X'OO'. However, if the field has been modified but no data has been sent (as, for example, if it has been modified to all nulls), the flag byte is set to X'SO' and the length area is set to zeros. 242 CICS/VS APRM(ML) Any fields that are entered as input but are not defined in the map are discarded. The length and data areas of any fields defined but not keyed are set to nulls (X·OO·). Por a pen-detectable field, although no data is passed, a single data byte is reserved. This byte contains X'FP' if the field is selected or X'OO' if the field is not selected. The length area of a pen-detectable field contains a binary one if selected or a binary zero if not selected. OUTPUT MAPPING Por each output field, the starting location, length, field characteristics, and default data (if desired) must be defined. The fields of an output map are assigned names in the DPHMDP macro instruction. The characteristic or attribute byte is named "fieldname.A" or "groupname.A". Por a field contained \lithin a group, the data area is given the name IIfieldname.O Il , but there is no separate attribute byte for the field. (Only the group name has the attribute byte.) Por a group name, or a field not contained within a group, the data area is given the name "groupname.O" or "fieldname.O." In assembler language programs, the first byte of the first occurrence of a field defined by OCCURS=n (where n is greater than 1) is named IIfieldname D", and the first byte of the next occurrence of the field is named "fieldname Nil. These names refer to the first byte of the length area if DATA=FIELD is specified, and to the first byte of the attribute data if D~TA=BLOCK is sPecified. In COBOL and PL/I programs, "fieldname D" is the name of the array of minor structures containing the attribute byte and data area of the field, together with the unused two-byte length field (described below). (For a description of the effects of the OCCURS operand in RPG programs, refer to the CICS/VS Application Programmer's Reference Manual for ~PGII.) A field not contained within a group is treated as a group containing one field entry. An unused two-byte length field precedes each attribute byte and data field to provide a format similar to an input symbolic storage description TIOA. Application programs written to use pre-VS data formats are source compatible if all references to TIOA data are symbolic. Note that "." is a concatenation symbol used here only to show how the symbolic names are suffixed; the period is never actually coded. For example, in the case of field name XYZ, the data is referred to as XYZO; the attribute byte is referred to as XYZA. If output maps are to be used by application programs coded at command level, the TIOAPFX=YES operand must be specified in the DPHMSD or DFHMDI macros that create the maps. Also, if the symbolic description maps are referred to by a PL/I program, the STORAGE=AUTO operand must be specified in the DPHMSD macro. When defining fields, the user may provide a name for any field that he wishes to refer to at execution time. Such names are associated with the fields in the symbolic storage definition of the TIDA to allow symbolic references to be made to them. The user may specify not only the characteristics of the field but also the default data to be written as output for a field when no data is supplied for that field by an application program. This facility permits the specification of titles, headers, and so forth, for output maps. The user may temporarily override the field characteristics, the data, or both field Chapter 4.3. Basic Mapping Support 243 characteristics and data of any field for which he has specified a name. The desired changes are simply inserted into the TIOA under the specified field name in the symbolic storage definition (symbolic description map) in the program. Note: Output field data supplied by the application program must not begin with a null character (X'OO'), or the entire field will be ignored by BMS. A suitable character to use in the first position is blank (X'40') • Pen-detectable fields should be "auto skip" to prevent data from being keyed into them. Because of the nature of pen-detectable fields, in most instances, they should not be modified. If the data field is modified, the application program must ensure that the first character is a "?II, ">", U&II, or blank character; otherwise, the field is no longer pen-detactable. Fields that can be keyed should be delimited by a stopper field to ensure that all the data keyed and transmitted can be mapped. INPUT/OUTPUT MAPPING Input/output (INOUT) maps combining all the functions of input and output maps can also be created using the DFHMSD, DFHMDI, and DFHMDF macro instructions. The number of fields which can be specified for a COBOL or PL/I input/output map is limited. These limits are stated in the description of the DFHMDF macro instruction later in this chapter. MAP RETRIEVAL Map sets placed in the CICS/VS program library are accessed by BMS through program control DFHPC TYPE=LOAD macro instructions. Therefore, each map set name must be entered in the processing program table (PPT) by the system programmer. When device-dependent map sets are placed in the CICS/VS program library, they must be identified by the devicedependent suffixed name, and a corresponding entry of the same name must appear in the PPT. (Device-dependent suffixes are described below under the 'mapset' name of the DFHMSD macro instruction and under the SUFFIX and TERM operands of that macro.) To avoid having to load a map set during execution, an assemblerlanguage programmer using the macro level interface may include the map set in the program, place the address of the map set at TCAMSMSA, and code MSETADR=YES in the DFHBMS macro. Alternatively, the programmer may code MSETADR=symbolic-address, where the symbolic address is the label of the map set. The MAP=map-name specification must also be provided with the MSETADR parameter to locate a specific map within the map set. similarly, the MAPADR operand enables an assembler-language programmer to specify, directly or indirectly, the address of an individual map. 244 CICS/VS APRM(ML) COPYING SYMBOLIC DESCRIPTION MAPS The B~S ~y~bclic description maps must be copied into the application program as shown in the following examples. These examples use the macro level interface, examples using the command level interface are given in CICUVS AEElication Prog,~!!t2£.2-!!ef~1:~~ l1a!lllLJCoyand Level). In the following examples, mapsetname1, mapsetname2, and mapsetname3 are the names of members that contain the assembly of a BKS symbolic storage definition. 1. Assembler-language COPY instructions for each symbolic storage definition. To ensure that each definition overlays the same area, the second and subsequent COpy instructions must be preceded by an ORG instruction to reposition the Assembler to the start of the TIOA data area. COpy COpy ORG COpy ORG COPY 2. DFHTIOA mapsetname1 TIOADBA mapsetname2 TIOADBA mapsetname3 COBOL COpy statements for each symbolic storage definition. Note that mapname1I, mapname2I, and mapname3I in this example are the names of the first maps in the map sets. LINKAGE SECTION. 01 DFHBLLDS COpy DFHBLLDS. 02 TIOABAR PIC S9(8) COMP. 01 01 01 01 01 01 Note: is: DFHCSADS COPY DFHCSADS. DFHTCADS COPY DFHTCADS. DFHTIOA COpy DFHTIOA. mapnamelI COPY mapsetnamel. mapname2I COpy mapsetname2. mapname31 COpy mapsetname3. For MODE=IN and MODE=INOUT the format of the COPY statement 01 mapname1I COpy mapsetname1 For 110DE=OUT the format of the COpy statement is: 01 mapnamel0 COPY mapsetnamel 3. PLII %INCLUDE statements. %INCLUDE DFHTIOA; 2 DUMMY CHAR (1) ; %INCLUDE mapsetnamel; %INCLUDE mapsetname2; %INCLUDE mapsetname3; Chapter 4.3. Basic Mapping Support 245 In addition to providing the BMS symbolic storage definition for the TIOA, the application programmer must establish addressability for this storage definition. Depending on the programming language used, this is accomplished as follows: 1. Assembler-language L instruction to set up TIOABAR, normally from TCASCSA. For example: COpy COpy ORG COpy ORG COpy DFHTIOA mapsetname1 TIOADBA mapsetname2 TIOADBA mapsetname3 DFHSC * TYPE=GET~AIN, NU~BYTE=mapname.E-TIOADBA, CLASS=TER~INAL, L INITIMG=OO TIOABAR,TCASCSA * * ESTABLISH TIOA ADDRESSABILITY ~: BMS offline macros generate a label at the end of each map description and a label at the end of each mapset description; these labels have the form Imapname.EI and 'mapsetname.T', respectively, where ' . ' is a concatenation symbol used only for documentational purposes. The start of each map, or mapset, can be referred to by the label TIOADBA. Thus an Assembler-language programmer can specify the amount of storage required in the way shown in the example above. 2. COBOL 02 level statements immediately following the COpy statement for the Linkage section Base Locator (BLL). These 02 statements must be coded in the same order as the corresponding 01 statements. For example: LINKAGE SECTION. 01 DFHBLLDS COPY DFHBLLDS. 02 02 02 02 01 01 01 01 TIOABAR PIC S9(8) COMP. MAPBASE1 PIC S9(8) COMP. MAPBASE2 PIC S9 (8) COMP. MAPBASE3 PIC S9 (8) COMP. DFHTIOA COPY DFHTIOA. mapname1 COPY mapsetname1. mapname2 COPY mapsetname2. mapname3 COpy mapsetname3. PROCEDURE DIVISION. DFBse TYPE=GETMAIN,NUMBYTE=120,CLASS=TERMINAL,INITIMG=OO ~OVE TCASeSA TO TIOABAR. ADD 12 TIOABAR GIVING MAPBASE1. MOVE MAPBASE1 TO MAPBASE2 MAPBASE3. 246 CICS/VS APRM(ML) 3. Set up the PL/I based pointer variable structures are based. For example: %lNCLUDE %INCLUDE %INCLUDE %INCLUDE DFHTIOA;; mapsetnamel; mapsetname2; mapsetname3; ~MSMAPBR) on which the map /*EACH OF THESE MAPS IS*/ /*BASED ON THE SAME POINTER*/ /*VARIABLE - BMSMAPBR*/ DFHSC TYPE=GETMAIN, NUMBYTE=120, CLASS=TERMINAL, INITIMG=OO TIOABAR=TCASCSA; BHSMAPBR=ADDR(TIOADBA); * * * Note that this code assumes that the TIOAPFX operand of the DFHMSD and DFHMDI macro instructions has been omitted or coded as TIOAPFX=NO. Map Definition Macro Instructions The syntax and operand descriptions of the three map definition macro instructions (DFHMSD, DFHMDI, and DFHHDP) are given belove Chapter 4.3. Basic Mapping Support 247 DEFINING A MAP SET (DFHMSD MACRO INSTRUCTION) B!S the map for the generates and stores map sets in the CICS/VS program library under names selected by the application programmers. A reference to one in the map set causes the entire map set to be loaded into storage the duration of the task, or until another map set is referred to by task. Information pertaining to an entire map set is specified in the DFHMSD macro instruction, whiCh always appears at the beginning and end of each map set generation. The one at the beginning indicates whether physical maps or symbolic description maps are being generated; the one at the end indicates the end of the map set. All operands other than the TYPE operand of a DFHMSD macro instruction are the same for a physical map generation run and for the corresponding symbolic description map generation run. The application programmer should specify TYPE=MAP for the former, and TYPE=DSECT for the latter. Alternatively, physical maps and symbolic description maps can be assembled in the same job by the use of job control language options, as described in the CICS/VS-2Y§tem Programmer's Guide. The format of the I I DFH~SD I~------'r----------------------------------------------------------' 1 mapsetlDFHMSD 1 1 1 I I 1 , TYPE={DSECTIMAPIFINAL} [ ,BASE=name ] [ ,COLOR={DEFAULTIBLUEIREDIPINKIGREENITURQUOISEI YELLOW 1NEUTRAL} ] [ ,CTRL= ([ PRINT][ , {L40 IL641 L80 1HONEOM} ] [ ,FREEKB][ , ALARM ][ , FR SET ]) ] [,DATA={FIELDIBLOCK}] [ , EXTATT= {NO 1YES 1MAPONLY} ] [,HILIGHT={~IBLINKIREVERSEIUNDERLINE} ] [ ,HTAB=tab[,tab] ••• ] [ ,LANG= {ASM 1COBOL I PLI 1RPG} ] RPG: DOS only [ , LDC=m nemonic ] [ , HODE= {IN 1OUT 1INOUT} ] [ ,OBFMT= {YES I NO} ] [ , PS= {BASE 1psid} ] [ , STORAGE=AUTO ] [ , SUFFIX=n ] [,TERM=terminal-type] [ ,TIOAPFX={YESI!!Q} ] [ , VALIDN= ([ MUSTFILL][ ,~USTENTER]) ] [,VTAB=tab[,tab] ••• ] where: 248 macro instruction is as follows: CICS/VS APRM(ML) is the one- to seven-character name of the map set, to be specified in the MAP SET operand of any DFHBMS macro instruction that refers to the map set. The name must begin with an alphabetic character and, if the map is to reside in the CICSjVS program library, must differ from other map names or program names. A suffix specified by the SUFFIX operand, or based on the terminal type specified in the TERM operand of the DFHMSD macro instruction is appended to the map set name during assembly. This suffixed name is the name that should be used in the NAME card (OS) or the PHASE card (DOS) in cataloging the mapset (see the appropriate CIC~L!~_liYstem Programmer's Guide for further details) , and the name that should be specified by the system programmer in the PPT entry (see the CICS/VS System Programmer's Reference Manual). The suffixes are tabulated in the description of the TERM operand, below. When a mapping operation is r~guested by means of a DFHBMS macro instruction in an application program, CICSjVS automatically appends a similar suffix to the map set name specified in that instruction, and attempts to load a map set with the suffixed name. If the load is unsuccessful, that is, the suffixed map set name cannot be found in the library, CICS/VS will load a map set with an unsuffixed name (equivalent to being suffixed with a blank). CICSjVS obtains the suffix from the TCT terminal entry for the appropriate terminal (either the terminal associated with the transaction or, for routing, the destination terminal), and this suffix depends on the terminal type specified in the TRMTYPE operand (together with the SESTYPE operand for VTAM terminals) of the DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL (or TYPE=LINE) macro. If the alternate page size is being used, as specified by the ALTPGE operand of the DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL system macro, and the ALTSFX operand of that same system macro has also been specified, an attempt will be made to load the map set that has the alternate suffix specified in the SUFFIX operand of the DFHMSD macro. If this load is unsuccessful, normal map set selection will occur. For example, if two maps are assembled, one with TERM=CRLP and the other with TERM=ALL, the first will be suffixed with A and the second with blank (that is, unsuffixed). The system programmer should use these suffixed names in the PHASE/NAME cards and in the PPT entry. If a CICS/VS transaction now routes a message to two terminals, one of which has TRMTYPE=CRLP and the other TRMTYPE=L3277, TRMMODL=2, BMS will attempt to load mapset.A and mapset.M to do the mapping in the two cases. The second of these will be unsuccessful, so Bas will then look for the unsuffixed map set name for routing to the 3277. TYPE= indicates the generation function of the macro instruction. Chapter 4.3. Basic Mapping Support 249 DSECT -----indicates that this is a symbolic description map generation run to create the list of field names to be copied into an application program. If a single map set is to be used by application programs written in different languages, a separate DFHMSD TYPE=DSECT macro instruction must be written for each language to put the table of field names into the copy library of the language. MAP indicates that this is a physical map generation run to create the control information block used by BMS to perform mapping. This physical map is stored in the CICS/VS program library and loaded as required by BMS. The assembler-language application programmer can, alternatively, generate the map in his program and pass the address of the map to BMS instead of using this facility to generate and store the map beforehand in the CICS/VS program library. FINAL must be coded in the DFHMSD macro instruction that marks the end of the map set. If other parameters are coded in the DFHMSD TYPE=FINAL macro instruction, they will be ignored. BASE=name is used to indicate that the same storage base will be used for the symbolic description maps from more than one map set. The same name is coded in the BASE operand for each map set that is to share the same storage base. Since all map sets with the same base describe the same storage, data related to a previously-used map set may be overwritten when a new map set is used. Furthermore, different maps within the same map set will also overlay one another. This operand is not valid for assembler-language or RPG II programs. As an example, assume that the following DFHMSD macro instructions are used to generate symbolic description maps (symbolic storage definitions) for two map sets. MAP1 DPHMSD TYPE=DSECT, TERM=2780, LANG=COBOL, BASE=DATAREA1, MODE=IN * * * * MAP2 DPHMSD TYPE=DSECT, TERM=3270, LANG=COBOL, BASE=DATAREA1, MODE=OUT * * * * The symbolic storage definitions of this example might be referred to in a COBOL application program as follows: 250 CICS/VS APRM (ML) LINKAGE SECTION. 01 DFHBLLDS COpy DFHBLLDS. 02 TIOABAR PIC S9(8) CaMP. 02 MAPBASE1 PIC S9(8) CaMP. 01 01 01 01 DFHTIOA COpy DFHTIOA. DATAREA1 PIC 1(1920). name COPY MAP1. name COPY MAP2. MAP1 and HAP2 multiply redefine DATAREA1; only one 02 statement is needed to establish addressability. However, the program can only use the fields in one of the symbolic map areas at a time. If BASE=DATAREA1 is deleted from this example, an additional 02 statement is needed to establish addressability for MAP2; the 01 DATAREAl statement is not needed. The program could then refer to fields concurrently in both symbolic map areas. In PLjI application programs, the name specified in the BASE operand is used as the name of the pointer variable on which the symbolic storage definition is based. If this operand is omitted, the default name (BMSMAPBR) is used for the pointer variable. The PL/I programmer is responsible for establishing addressability for the based structures. COLOR= specifies the default color for all fields in all maps in a map set unless overridden explicitly by the COLOR option of a DFHMDI or DFHMDF macro. If this option is specified when EXTATT=NO, a warning will be issued and the option ignored. If this option is specified, but EXTATT is not, EXTATT=MAPONLY will be assumed. CTRL= is used to specify device characteristics related to terminals of the 3270 Information Display System. CTRL=ALARM is valid for TCAM 3270 SDLC and VTAM-supported terminals (except interactive and batch logical units): all other parameters for CTRL are ignored. To be effective, this operand must be specified on the last (or only) map of a page unless the CTRL operand of the DFHBMS macro is being used to override the corresponding operand in the DFHMSD macro. If the CTRL operand is specified in the DFHMDI macro, it cannot be specified in the DFHMSD macro. PRINT must be specified if the printer is to be started; if omitted, the data is sent to the printer buffer but is not printed. This operand is ignored if the map set is used with 3270 displays without the Printer Adapter feature. Chapter 4.3. Basic Mapping Support 251 L40, L64, LBO, HONEOM are mutually exclusive options that control the line length on the printer. L40, L64, and LBO force a carrier return/line feed after 40, 64, or BO characters, respectively. HONEOM causes the printer to honor all newline (NL) characters and the first end-of-message (EM) character that appear in displayable fields of the data stream. If the latter option is specified, the application program must insert the NL and EM characters into the data stream. If the NL character is omitted, a carrier return/line feed occurs at the physical end of the carriage. If the EM character is omitted, printing stops at the end of the 3270 buffer. FREEKS specifies that the keyboard should be unlocked after this map is written out. If omitted, the keyboard remains locked; further data entry from the keyboard is inhibited until this status is changed. ALARM activates the 3270 audible alarm feature. For a VTAM terminal ALARM signals SMS to set the alarm flag in the function management header; this feature is not supported by interactive and batch logical units. FRSET indicates that the modified data tags (MDTs) of all fields currently in the 3270 buffer are to be reset to a notmodified condition (that is, field reset) before any map data is written to the buffer. This allows the DFHMDF ATTRB specification for the requested map to control the final status of any fields written or rewritten in response to a DFHBMS macro instruction. DATA= specifies the format of the data as seen by the application program. FIELD ----Indicates that the data is passed as contiguous fields in the following format: ILLIAldata fieldlLLIAldata field ILLIAletc. I LL is two bytes specifying the length of the data as input from the terminal (this field is ignored in output processing). A is a byte into which the programmer may place an attribute to override that specified in the map used to process this data (see "Standard Attribute List and Printer control Characters (DFHBMSCA)," later in this chapter). 252 CICS/VS APRM(ML) BLOCK indicates that the data is passed as a continuous stream which is processed as line segments of the length specified in the map used to process this data set. The data is in the form that it appears on the terminal; that is, it contains data fields and interspersed blanks corresponding to any spaces that are to appear between the fields on output. The first byte of each line is the attribute byte; it is not available for data. EXTATT=YES cannot be used if DATA=BLOCK is specified. A Idata fieldlspacel A Idata fieldlspacel A Idata fieldletc. The data type associated with any map depends on the DATA specifications, or lack thereof, in both the DFHMSD and DFHMDI macro",...i,.nstructions: 1. A DATA operand in a DFHMDI macro will always override that in a DFHMSD macro. 2. If no DATA operand is coded in the DFHMDI macro, the DATA operand in the DFHMSD macro will apply. 3. If no DATA operand is coded in either macro, DATA=FIELD is the default. EXTATT= specifies whether the extended attributes and VALIDN) are supported. (COLOR, HILIGHT, PS, NO specifies that the extended attributes are not supported; the physical and symbolic description maps will be the same as those generated under Version 1 Release 4. "NO" is the default unless COLOR, HILIGHT, PS, or VALIDN is specified in the DFHMSD macro, in which case EXTATT=MAPONLY will be assumed. If the TERM operand is specified and is other than 3270, 3270-1, 3270-2, or ALL, EXTATT=MAPONLY or EXTATT=YES will be invalid, and the COLOR, HILIGHT, PS, and VALIDN operands on the DFHMSD, DFHMDI, and DFHMDF macros will be invalid. YES specifies that the extended attributes can be specified in a map, and that they can be modified dynamically. The symbolic description map (DSECT) will contain subfields for the attributes, identified by suffixes C (for COLOR), H (for HILIGHT), P (for PS) , and V (for validation) • MAPONLY specifies that the extended attributes can be specified in a map, but that the resulting symbolic description map will contain no fields for them, and that it will be the same as one generated under Version 1, Release 4. This operand can be used to add the extended attributes to an existing map without recompiling the application program. HILIGHT= specifies the default highlighting attribute for all fields in all maps in a map set. Chapter 4.3. Basic Mapping Support 253 is the default and means that no hiqhlighting is used. BLINK specifies that the field is to "blink" at a set frequency. REVERSE specifies that the field is displayed in "reverse video", for example, on a 3218, black characters on a green background. UNDERLINE specifies that a field is underlined. If this option is specified when EXTATT=NO, a warning will be issued and the option ignored. If this option is specified, but EXTATT is not, EXTATT=MAPONLY will be assumed. HTAB=tab[ ,tab] ••• specifies one or more tab positions for use with interactive and batch logical units having horizontal forms control. LANG= specifies the language in which the application program referring to a symbolic description map is written and, hence, is applicable for only a DFHMSD TYPE=DSECT macro instruction. indicates that the symbolic description map is to be referred to by an assembler-language program. COBOL indicates that the symbolic description map is to be referred to by a COBOL program. PLI indicates that the symbolic description map is to be referred to by a PL/I program. RPG indicates that the symbolic description map is to be referred to by an RPG II program. This parameter is valid for CICS/DOS/VS only. LDC=mnemonic specifies the mnemonic to be used by CICS/VS to determine the logical device code that is to be used for a BMS output operation and transmitted in the function management header to the logical unit if no LDC operand has been specified on any previous BMS output in the logical message. This operand is used only for TCAM and VTAM-supported 3600 terminals, and batch logical units. MODE= IN indicates an input map generation. indicates an output map generation. 254 CICS/VS APRM(!L) INOUT indicates that the map definition is to be used for both input and output mapping operations. Not~: Input mapping is not available for VTAM-supported 3600 terminals. However, INOUT may be specified for map generation. The map can then be used as a dummy input map for input operations using the DFHBMS TYPE=IN macro instruction. OBFMT= specifies whether outboard formatting is to be used. This operand is available only for 3650 logical units. Refer to the CICSt'S 3650 Guide for details of 3650 logical units and of outboard formatting. YES indicates that all maps within this mapset are eligible for use in outboard formatting, except those for which OBFMT=NO is specified in the DFHMDI macro instruction. indicates that no maps within this mapset are eligible for use in outboard formatting, except those for which OBFMT=YES is specified in the DFHMDI macro instruction. PS= specifies that programmed symbols are to be used. BASE specifies that only the basic symbols are used. psid specifies a single EBCDIC character or a hexadecimal code on the form X'nnl, that identifies the set of programmed symbols. If this option is specified when EXTATT=NO, a warning will be issued and the option ignored. If this option is specified, but EXTATT is not, EXTATT=MAPONLY will be assumed. STO RA GE =A UTO o This operand is not valid for RPG programs. specifies, for COBOL programs, that the symbolic storage definitions of the maps in the map set are to be separate (that is, not redefined) areas. This operand is used when the symbolic storage definitions are copied into the WORKINGSTORAGE section of a program using the command-level ,interface and the storage for the separate maps in the map set is to be used concurrently. (For information about the command-level interface, see the £ICSL!L!£El.icatiQ.!!LPr~~ruru!ler·§_RefergnQg Manual (Command Level).) specifies, for PL/I programs, that the symbolic storage definitions are to be declared as having the AUTOMATIC storage class. If not specified, the symbolic storage definitions are declared as having the BASED storage class. specifies, for assemoler language programs, that separate maps within a map set are to occupy separate storage,. not to overlay one another. Chapter 4.3. Basic Mapping Support 255 If STORAGE=AUTO is specified, BASE=name cannot be used. STORAGE=AUTO is specified and TIOAPFX is not specified, TIOAPFX=YES is assumed. If SUFFIX=n specifies a one-character map set suffix that overrides any suffix implied by the TERM operand. A message will indicate that the TERM operand has been ignored. The user should catalog the map set, with this suffixed name, in the program library, and ensure also that there is no conflict with a generated name of another version of the map. The use of numeric suffixes would help prevent conflict. TERM=terminal type indicates the type of output device or logical unit associated with the map set. The parameters that may be coded after TER8= are given in the left-hand column of the table below. TERM= Remarks CRLP TAPE DISK TWX 1050 2740 2141 2710 2180 3180 3210-1 3210-2 INTLUI316713170IISCS Card-Reader-In/Line-Printer-Out 2980 2980-4 3210 3601 3653 3650UP 3650/3210 BCHLU 13170B ALL 256 CICS/VS APRM(ML) Map Set Suffix A B C D E F G I J K Use for 40-column displays L Use for 80-column displays M These four parameters are synonymous. They cover all interactive logical units, including the 3790 fullfunction LU and the SCS-printer LUs (3270 and 3790) • P Excluding the 2980 Model 4 Q R For use when it is not important to distinguish between different models. This parameter is synonymous with ALL, and is the default applied if the operand is not coded. blank U Use for the host-conversational (3653) LU Use for the interpreter LU Use for the host-conversational (3270) LU These two parameters are synonymous. They cover all batch and batch data interchange logical units. Covers all the above V W X Y blank For TCAM-connected terminals pther than 3270 or SNA devices), use either CRLP or ALL; for TCAM-connected 3270s or SNA devices, select the appropriate parameter in the normal way. The application programmer who specifies ALL in the TERM operand must be certain that device-dependent characters are not included in the map set and must ensure that format characteristics such as page size are suitable for all input/output operations (and all terminals) in which the map set will be applied. For example, some terminals are limited to 480 bytes, others to 1920 bytes; the 3604 is limited to six lines of 40 characters each. within these guidelines, use of ALL can offer important advantages. Since an assembly run is required for each map generation, a specification of ALL, indicating that one map is to be used for multiple terminals, can result in significant time and storage savings. However, better run-time performan~e for maps used by single terminal types will be achieved if the terminal type (rather than ALL) is specified in the TERM operand. Alternatively, the BMS support for device-dependent map sets can be left ungenerated by specifying BMSDDS=NO in the DFHSG PROGRAM=BMS system generation macro instruction. (See the CICS/VS System Programmer's Reference Manual for further details.) TIOAPFX= specifies whether BMS should include a filler in the symbolic TIOA description(s) to allow for the unused TIOA prefix. If this operand is coded, the same storage address may be used for TIOABAR and the map base. YES indicates that the filler should be included in the symbolic TIOA description~). This operand is ignored unless TYPE=DSECT is coded. If TIOAPFX=YES is coded, all maps within the map set have the filler, except when' TIOAPFX=NO is coded on the DFHHDI macro instruction. TIOAPFX=YES is the default where LANG=RPG. is the default (except for RPG) and indicates that the filler is not to be included. The filler may still be included for a specific map if TIOAPFX=YES is coded on the DFHMDI macro instruction. Note: In previous versions of CICS/VS, it has not been valid to code TIOAPFX=YES for an assembler language application program. If this operand was coded in this way, CICS/VS disregarded it and applied the default specification (TIOAPFX=NO). In CICS/VS Version 1.4, it is valid to code TIOAPFX=YES for an assembler program: doing so will thus produce a different object program under CICS/VS 1.4 from that which would be produced under earlier versions. VALIDN= MUSTFILL specifies that the field must be filled completely with data. An attempt to move the cursor from the field before it has been filled, or to transmit data from an incomplete field, will raise the inhibit input condition. Chapter 4.3. Basic Happing Support 257 MUSTE8TER specifies that data must be entered into the field. An attempt to move the cursor from an empty field will raise the ~nhibit input condition. VTAB=tab[ ,tab] ••• specifies one or more tab positions for use with interactive and batch logical units having vertical forms control. 258 CICS/VS APRM ~L) DEFINING A MAP (DFHMDI MACRO INSTRUCTION) The DFHMDI macro instruction is used to define a single map. It defines the size of the data to be mapped and its position within the input or output. When defining more than one map within a map set, the corresponding number of DFHMDI macro instructions must be used. If the maps are for use in a COBOL program, and STORAGE=AOTO has been specified in the DFHMSD macro, they must be specified in descending size sequence (size refers to the generated 01 level COBOL data areas and not to the size of the map on the screen). The format of tha DFHMDI macro instruction is as follows: I map I DFHMDI [,COLOR={DEFAULTIBLUEIREDIPINKIGREENITURQUOISEI YELLOW I NEUTRAL} ] [,COLUMN={numberINEXTI~} ] [ ,CTRL= ([ PRINT][ , {L40 I L64 I L80 I HONE OM} ] [ ,FREEKB][ ,ALARK][ ,FRSET]) ] [ ,DATA= {FIELD IBLOCK} ] [,HEADER=YES] [,HILIGHT={OFFIBLINKIREVERSEIUNDERLINE} ] [, JUSTIFY= ([ {LEFTI RIGHT} ][, {FIRST I LAST} ]) ] [,LINE={numberINEXTISAME} ] [,OBFMT={YESINO} ] [ ,PS={BASEIPsid}] [ ,SIZE= (line,column) ] [ ,TIOAPFX= {YES I NO} ] [ , TRAILER=YES] [ , VALIDN= ([ MUSTFILL ][ ,MUST ENTER]) ] where: map is the one- to seven-character name of the map, to be specified in the MAP operand of any DFHBMS macro instruction that refers to the map. Note, however, that for RPG programs the map name must not exceed 5 characters. COLOR= specifies the default color for all fields in a map unless overridden explicitly by the COLOR operand of a DFHMDF macro. If this option is specified when EXTATT=NO, a warning will be issued and the option ignored. If this option is specified, but EXTATT is not, EXTATT=MAPONLY will be assumed. COLUMN= specifies the column in a line at which the map is to be placed, that is, it establishes the left or right map margin. The JUSTIFY specification controls whether map and page margin selection and column counting are to be done with reference to the left or right side of the page. The columns between the specified map margin and the page margin are not available for subsequent use on the page for any lines included in the map. number is the column from the left or right page margin where the left or right map margin is to be established. Chapter 4.3. Basic Mapping Support 259 NEXT indicates that the left or right map margin is to be placed in the next available column from the left or right on the current line. SAME ----indicates that the left or right map margin is to be established in the same column as the last map used that specified COLUMN=number and the same JUSTIFY parameters as this macro instruction. Refer to the section "Map Positioning," later in this chapter, for a more detailed discussion. CTRL= is used to specify device characteristics related to terminals of the 3270 Information Display System. CTRL=ALARM is valid for TCAM SNA 3270 SDLC and VTAM-supported terminals (except interactive and batch logical units); all other parameters for CTRL are ignored. To be effective, this operand must be specified on the last (or only) map of a page unless the CTRL operand of the DFHBMS macro is being used to override the corresponding operand in the DFHMSD macro. If the CTRL operand is specified in the DFHMDI macro, it cannot be specified in the DFHMSD macro. PRINT must be specified if the printer is to be started; if omitted, the data is sent to the printer buffer but is not printed. This operand is ignored if the BMS output request is directed to a 3270 display without the Printer Adapter feature. L40, L64, LBO, HONEOM are mutually exclusive options that control the line length on the printer. L40, L64, and LBO force a carrier return/line feed after 40, 64, or BO characters, respectively. HONEOM causes the default line printer length to be used. PREEKB specifies that the keyboard should be unlocked after this map is written out. If omitted, the keyboard remains locked; further data entry from the keyboard is inhibited until this status is changed. ALARM activates the 3270 audible alarm feature. For a VTAM terminal, ALARM signals BMS to set the alarm flag in the function management header; this feature is not applicable to interactive and batch logical units. FRSET indicates that the modified data tags (MDTs) of all fields currently in the 3270 buffer are to be reset to a notmodified condition (that is, field reset) before any map data is written to the buffer. This allows the DFHMDP ATTRB specification for the requested map to control the final status of any fields written or rewritten in response to a DPHBMS macro instruction. 260 CICS/VS APRM(ML) DATA= specifies the format of the data as seen by the application program. FIELD ----indicates that the data is passed as contiguous fields in the following format: ILLIAldata fieldlLLIAldata field ILLIAletc. LL is two bytes specifying the length of the data as input from the terminal (this field is ignored in output processing). A is a byte into which the programmer may place an attribute to override that specified in the map used to process this data. (See "Standard Attribute List and Printer Control Characters (DFHBMSCA), II later in this chapter. ) BLOCK indicates that the data is passed as a continuous stream which is processed as line segments of the length specified in the map used to process this data set. The data is in the form that it appears on the terminal; that is, it contains data fields and interspersed blanks corresponding to any spaces that are to appear between the fields on output. The first byte of each line is the attribute byte; it is not available for data. A I data field I space I A I data field space I A I data field I etc. A DATA specification in a DFHMDI macro instruction overrides a DATA specification in a DFHMSD macro instruction. HEADER=YES allows this map to be used during PAGEBLD overflow without terminating the overflow condition (see "PAGEBLD Overflow Processing," later in this chapter). This operand may be specified for more than one map in a map set. HILIGHT= specifies the default highlighting attribute for all fields in a map. is the default and means that no highlighting is used. BLINK specifies that the field is to "blink" at a set frequency. REVERSE specifies that the field is displayed in "reverse video", for example, on a 3278, black characters on a green background. Chapter 4.3. Basic Mapping Support 261 UNDERLINE specifies that a field is underlined. If this option is specified when EXTATT=NO, a warning will be issued and the option ignored. If this option is specified, but EXTATT is not, EXTATT=MAPONLY will be assumed. JUSTIFY= describes the margins on a page in which a map is to be formatted. LEFT ----indicates that the map is to be positioned starting at the specified column from the left margin on the specified line. RIGHT indicates that the map is to be positioned starting at the specified column from the right margin on the specified line. FIRST indicates that the map is to be positioned as the first map on a new page. Any partially formatted page from preceding DFHBMS requests is considered to be complete. This operand can be specified for only one map per page. LAST indicates that the map is to be positioned at the bottom of the current page. This operand can be specified for multiple maps to be placed on one page. However, maps other than the first map for which it is specified must be able to be positioned horizontally without requiring that more lines be used. LEFT and RIGHT are mutually exclusive, as are FIRST and LAST. If neither LEFT nor RIGHT is specified, LEFT is assumed. If neither FIRST nor LAST is specified, the data is mapped at the next available position as determined by other parameters of the map definition and the current mapping operation. FIRST and LAST are ignored unless PAGEBLD is specified, since otherwise only one map is placed on each page. Refer to the section "Map Positioning," later in this chapter, for a more detailed discussion. LINE= specifies the starting line on a page in which data for a map is to be formatted. number is a value from 1 to 240, indicating a starting line number. A request to map data on a line and column that has been formatted in response to a preceding request causes the current page to be treated as though complete. The new data is formatted at the requested line and column on a new page. NEXT ----indicates that formatting of data is to begin on the next available completely empty line. If LINE=NEXT is specified in the DFHMDI macro, it is ignored for input operations and LINE=1 is assumed. 262 CICS/VS APRM(ML) SAME indicates that formatting of data is to begin on the same line as that used for a preceding DPHBMS request. If the data does not fit on the same line, it is placed on the next available completely-empty line. Refer to the section "Map Positioning," later in this chapter, for a more detailed discussion. OBPMT= specifies whether outboard formatting is to be used. This operand is available only for 3650 logical units. Refer to the CICS/VS 3650 Guide for details of 3650 logical units and of outboard formatting. If OBFMT is not coded in the DPHMDI macro instruction, the OBPMT specification in the DPHMSD macro instruction is used. YES indicates that this map is to be used with outboard forma tting. NO indicates that this map is not to be used with outboard formatting. PS= specifies that programmed symbols are to be used. BASE specifies that only the basic symbols are used. psid specifies a single EBCDIC character or a hexadecimal code on the form X'nn', that identifies the set of programmed symbols. If this option is specified when EXTATT=NO, a warning will be issued and the option ignored. If this option is specified, but EXTATT is not, EXTATT=MAPONLY will be assumed. SIZE= gives the dimensions of a map in terms of length and width. line is a value from 1 to 240, indicating the length of a map as a number of lines. column is a value from 1 to 240, indicating the width of a map as a number of characters per line. Space for the attribute byte should be included in the column specification. The SIZE operand is required in the following cases: • A POS=(line,column) specification is given in a DPHMDP macro instruction defining a specific field within this map. • This map is to be referred to in a DPHBMS TYPE=PAGEBLD macro instruction. Chapter 4.3. Basic Mapping Support 263 • This map is to be used when referring to input data from other than a 3270 terminal in a DFHBKS TYPE=IN or DFHBKS TYPE=KAP macro instruction. TIOAPFX= specifies whether or not BKS should include a filler in the symbolic TIOA description to allow for the unused TIOA prefix. If this operand is coded, the same storage address may be used for TIOABAR and the map base. If this operand is not coded, the TIOAPFX specification derived from the DFHKSD macro is used. YES indicates that the filler should be included in the symbolic TIOA description for this map. This operand is ignored unless TYPE=DSECT is coded on the DFHMSD macro instruction. NO indicates the filler is not to be included for this map. In previous versions of CICS/VS, it has not been valid to code TIOAPFX=YES for an assembler language application program. If this operand was coded in this way, CICS/VS disregarded it and applied the default specification (TIOAPFX=NO). In CICS/VS Version 1.4, it is valid to code TIOAPFX=YBS for an assembler program: doing so will thus produce a different object program under CICS/VS 1.4 from that which would be produced under earlier versions. ~: TRAILER=YES allows this map to be used during PAGEBLD overflow without terminating the overflow condition (see "PAGEBLD Overflow Processing," later in this chapter). This operand may be specified for more than one map in a map set. If a trailer map is used other than in the overflow environment, the space normally reserved for overflow trailer maps is not reserved while mapping the trailer map. VALIDN= KUSTFILL specifies that the field must be filled completely with data. An attempt to move the cursor from the field before it has been filled, or to transmit data from an incomplete field, will raise the inhibit input condition. KUSTENTER specifies that data must be entered into the field. An attempt to move the cursor from an empty field will raise the inhibit input condition. 264 CICS/VS APRK(KL) DEFINING A FIELD (DFHMDF MACRO INSTRUCTION) The DFHMDF macro instruction is used to define one field in a map. One DFHMDF macro instruction is required for each field, giving information such as symbolic field name, field position, field length, attribute byte (for 3270 terminals), initial constant data, justification of input, and COBOL or PL/I data picture. The maximum number of named fields that can be defined for a COBOL or PL/I input/output map is 1023: The format of the macro instruction is as follows: i [fld] I DFHMD.F [ , POS= {number, (line,column)} ] [ , ATTRB= ([ {ASKIP IPROT IUNPROT[ , NUM]} ][ , {BRT I NORM I DRK} ] [,DET][ ,IC][ ,FSET]) ] [,COLOR={DEFAULTIBLUEIREDIPINKIGREENITURQUOISEI YELLOWINEUTRAL} ] [ ,GRPNAME=group-name] [,HILIGHT={OFFIBLINKIREVERSEIUNDERLINE} ] [,INITIAL='character data"XINIT=hexadecimal data] [ ,JUSTIFY= ([ {LEFT IRIGHT} ][ , {BLANKI ZERO} ]) ] [ , LENGTH=number ] [ ,OCCURS=number] [,PICIN='value'] [,PICOUT=lvalue l ] [ , PS= {BASE I psid} ] [,VALIDN=([MUSTFILL][,MUSTENTBR]) ] where: fld is the one- to seven-character name of the field, used as a symbolic reference to the field by the application program. Note, however, that for RPG programs, the field name must never exceed 5 characters, and if OCCURS= is specified, the field name must not exceed 3 characters. Although specification of a field name is not required for every field within a map, a field name must be specified for at least one field of any map to be compiled under COBOL or PL/I. All fields within a group must have names. If no name is specified for a field, an application program cannot access the field map to change its attributes or alter its contents. For an output map, omitting the field name may be appropriate when the INITIAL operand is used to specify field contents. If a field name is specified and the map that includes the field is used in a mapping operation, any data supplied by the user overlays data supplied by initialization ~nless DATA=NO is specified or assumed by default). Chapter 4.3. Basic Mapping Support 265 POS= is used to specify the individually addressable character location in a map at which the attribute byte that precedes this field is positioned. Specification of the DFHMDF macro instruction must be sequenced by the POS operand except for output mapping operations using DATA=FIELD. The POS operand defines the location of fields in a map. The location of data on the output medium is dependent on DFH~DI macro parameters as well. For each field definition (DFHMDF macro instruction), the first position is reserved for an attribute byte. When supplying data for input mapping from non-3270 devices, the actual input data must allow space for this attribute byte. Input data must not start in column 1 but may start in column 2. The POS operand always contains the location of the first position in a field, which is normally the attribute byte when communicating with the 3270. For the second and subsequent fields of a group, the POS operand points to an assumed attribute-byte position, ahead of the start of the data, aven though no actual attribute byte is necessary. If the fields follow on immediately from one another, the POS operand should point to the last character position in the previous field in the group. When a position number is coded which represents the last character position in the 3270, then two special rules apply: • The IC attribute should not be coded on that DFHMDF macro. The cursor may be set to location zero by using the cursor operand of the DFHBMS macro. • If the field is to be used in an output mapping operation with the DATA=ONLY specification, an attribute byte for that field must be supplied in the TIOA by the application program. number is an absolute displacement (relative to zero) from the beginning of the map being defined. Uine,column) are line and column specifications (relative to one) the map being defined. 266 CICS/VS APRM(ML) ~ithin ATTRB= is applicable only to fields to be displayed on a 3270 and specifies device-dependent characteristics and attributes, such as the capability of a field to receive data or the intensity to be used when the field is output. If the ATTRB operand is specified within a group of fields, it must be specified in the first field entry. A group of fields appears as one field to the 3270. Therefore, the ATTRB specification refers to all of the fields in a group as one field rather than as individual fields. (Refer to the IBM 3270 Information Display System Component Description for a full explanation of the effects of the attribute byte settings.) This operand applies only to 3270 data stream devices; it will be ignored for other devices, including the SCS Printer Logical Unit. It will also be ignored if PROPT=NLEOM is specified on the DFHBMS TYPE=PAGEBLD macro for transmission to a 3270 printer. In particular, ATTRB=DRK should not be used as a method of protecting secure data on output. It could, however, be used for making an input field non-display for secure entry of a password from a screen. For input map fields, DET and NUM are the only valid options; all others are ignored. ASKIP indicates that data cannot be keyed into the field and causes the cursor (current location pointer) to automatically skip over the field. PROT indicates that data cannot be keyed into the field. If data is to be copied from one device to another attached to the same 3270 control unit, the first position (address 0) in the buffer of the device to be copied from must not contain an attribute byte for a protected field. When preparing maps for 3270s, ensure that the first map of any page does not contain a protected field starting at position o. Refer to the publication IBM 3270 Information Dispi~_System Component Description for further information. UNPROT indicates that data can be keyed into the field. NUM ensures that the data entry keyboard is set to numeric shift for this field unless the operator presses the alpha shift key, and prevents entry of nonnumeric data if the Keyboard Numeric Lock feature is installed. BRT specifies that a high-intensity display of the field is required. By virtue of the 3270 attribute character bit assignments, a field specified as BRT is also potentially detectable. However, for the field to be recognized as detectable by BMS, DET must also be specified. NORM specifies that the field intensity is to be normal. DRK specifies that the field is nonprint/nondisplay. cannot be specified if DET is specified. Chapter 4.3. DRK Basic Mapping Support 267 DET specifies that the field is potentially detectable. The first character of a 3210 detectable field must be a "1", ">", "S", or blank. If the first character is liS" or blank, the field is an attention field; if the first character is "?" or ">", the field is a selection field. (See the publication IBM 3210 Information Display System ComEQagnt D~scriptiQ~ for further details of detectable fields. ) A field for which BRT is specified is potentially detectable to the 3210, by virtue of the 3210 attribute character bit assignments, but is not recognized as such by BMS unless DET is also specified. DET and DRK are mutually exclusive options. If DET is specified for an input field, only one data byte is reserved for each input field. This byte is set to X'OO', and remains unchanged if the field is not selected. If the field is selected the byte is set to X'FF'. No other data is supplied, even if the field is a selection field and the ENTER key has been pressed. If the data in a detectable field is required, all of the following conditions must be fulfilled: 1. The field must begin wi th either a "?" n>", or "S" and DET must be specified in the output map. 2. The ENTER key (or some other attention key) must be pressed after the field has been selected, although for detectable fields beginning with US" the ENTER key is not required. 3. DET must not be specified for the field in the input map. DET must, however, be specified in the output map. IC indicates that the cursor is to be placed in the first position of this field. The IC attribute for the last field for which it is specified in a map is the one that takes effect. If not specified for any fields in a map, the default location is zero. Specifying IC with ASKIP or PROT causes the cursor to be placed in an unkeyable field. This option may be overridden by specifying the CURSOR operand for the BMS request that causes the write operation. See the descriptions of the DFHBMS TYPE=PAGEBLD, TEXTBLD, and OUT macros, later in this chapter. 268 CICS/VS APRM(ML) FSET specifies that the modified data tag (MDT) for this field should be set when the field is sent to a terminal. Specification of FSET causes the 3270 to treat the field as though it has been modified. On a subsequent read from the terminal, this field is read, whether or not it has been modified. The "DT remains set until the field is rewritten without ATTRB=FSET or until an output mapping request (for example, DFHMSD CTRL=PRSET or DFBBMS CTRL=FRSET) causes the r!DT to be reset. Either of two sets of defaults may apply when a field to be displayed on a 3270 is being defined but not all parameters are specified. If no ATTRB parameters are specified, ASKIP and NORM are assumed. If any parameter is specified, UNPROT and NORM are assumed for that field unless overridden by a specified parameter. COLOR= specifies the color to be used. If this option is specified when EXTATT=NO, a warning will be issued and the option ignored. If this option is specified, but EXTATT is not, EXTATT=MAPONLY will be assumed. GRPNAME=group name is the name used to generate symbolic storage definitions and to combine specific fields under one group name. The group name has a maximum length of five characters for RPG II programs, and seven characters for other languages. The same group name must be specified for each field that is to belong to the group. The fields in a group must follow oni there can be intervening gaps between them, but not other fields from outside the group. A field name must be specified for every field that belongs to the group, and the pas operand must be also specified to ensure the fields follow each other. All the DFHMDF macros defining the fields of a group must be placed together, and in the correct order (upward numeric order of the pas operand). For example, the first 20 columns of the first six lines of a map can be defined as a group of six fields, so long as the remaining columns on the first five lines are not defined as fields. The ATTRB= operand specified on the first field of the group applies to all of the fields within the group. The lengths of the fields within the group must not collectively exceed 256 bytes. If this operand is specified, the OCCURS operand canno.t be specified. Appendix B contains examples showing, amongst other things, the effect of the GRPNAME operand. HILIGHT= specifies the type of highlighting to be used. is the default and means that no highlighting is used. BLINK specifies that the field is to "blink" at a set frequency. Chapter 4.3. Basic Mapping Support 269 REVERSE specifies that the field is displayed in "reverse video", for example, on a 3218, black characters on a green . background. UNDERLINE specifies that a field is underlined. If this option is specified when EXTATT=NO, a warning will be issued and the option ignored. If this option is specified, but EXTATT is not, EXTATT=MAPONLY will be assumed. INITIAL=lcharacter data'IXINIT=hexadecimal data is used to specify constant or default data for an output field. The INITIAL operand is used to specify data in character form; the XINIT operand is used to specify data in hexadecimal form. INITIAL and XINIT are mutually exclusive. For fields with the DET attribute, initial data that begins with a blank character, "&", ">", or "1" should be supplied. The number of characters that can be specified in the INITIAL operand is restricted to the continuation limitation of the assembler to be used or to the value specified in the LENGTH operand (whichever is the smaller •• Hexadecimal data is written as an even number of hexadecimal digits, for example, XINIT=C1C2. If the number of valid characters is smaller than the field length, the data will be padded on the right with blanks. For example, XINIT=C1C2 might result in an initial field of lAB • If hexadecimal data is specified that corresponds with line or format control characters, the results will be unpredictable. The XINIT operand should therefore be used with care. JUSTIFY= indicates the field justifications for input operations. This operand is ignored for TCAM-supported 3600 and 3190, and for VTAM-supported 3600, 3650, and 3190 terminals, as input mapping is not available. LEFT specifies that data in the input field is left-justified. RIGHT specifies that data in the input field is right-justified. BLANK specifies that blanks are to be inserted in any unfilled positions in an input field. ZERO specifies that zeros are to be inserted in any unfilled positions in an input field. LEFT and RIGHT are mutually exclusive, as are BLANK and ZERO. If certain parameters are specified but others are not, assumptions are made as follows: 210 CICS/VS APRM(ML) specified LEFT RIGHT BLANK ZERO BLANK ZERO LEFT RIGHT If JUSTIFY is omitted, but the NUM attribute is specified, RIGHT and ZERO are assumed. If JUSTIFY is omitted, but attributes other than NUM are specified, LEFT and BLANK are assumed. Note: If a field is initialized by an output map or contains data from any other source, data that is keyed as input may not be justified and the additional data may remain in the field. LENGTH=number indicates the length (from 1 to 256 bytes) of this field. This specified length should be the maximum length required for application-program data to be entered into the field; it should not include the one-byte attribute indicator appended to the field by CICS/VS for use in subsequent processing. The sum of the lengths of the fields within a group must not exceed 256 bytes. LENGTH can be omitted if PICIN or PICOUT is specified but is required otherwise. The map dimensions specified in the SIZE operand of the DFHMDI macro instruction defining a map may be smaller than the actual page size or screen size as defined for the terminal. The LENGTH specification in a DFBHDF macro instruction cannot cause the map-defined boundary on the same line to be exceeded. That is, the length declared for a fiel~ cannot exceed the number of positions available from the starting position of the field to the final position of the map-defined line. For example, given an aO-position page line, the following map definition and field definition are valid: DFHMDI DFHMDF SIZE=(2,40), ••• POS=22,LENGTH=11, ••• but the following definitions are not acceptable: DFHMDI DFHMDF SIZE=~,40), ••• POS=22,LENGTH=30, ••• OCCURS=number specifies that the indicated number of entries for the field are to be generated in a map and that the map definition is to be generated in such a way that the fields are addressable as entries in a matrix or an array. This permits several data fields to be addressed by the same name (subscripted, of course) without generating a unique name for each field. OCCURS and GRPNAME are mutually exclusive; that is, OCCURS cannot be used when fields have been defined under a group name. If this operand is omitted, a value of 1 is assumed. Appendix B contains examples showing, amongst other things, the effect of the OCCURS operand. Chapter 4.3. Basic Mapping Support 211 PICIN='value' specifies a picture to be applied to an input field in an IN or INOUT map; this picture serves as an editing specification which is passed to the application program, thus permitting the user to exploit the editing capabilities of COBOL or PLIT. The PICIN operand is not valid for assembler or RPG programs. BMS checks 'value' to ascertain that the specified characters are valid picture specification characters for the language of the map. However, no validity checking of the input data is performed by BMS or the high-level language when the map is used, so any desired checking must be performed by the application program. The length of the data associated with 'value' should be the same as that specified in the LENGTH operand if LENGTH is specified. If both PICIN and PICOUT (see below) are used, an error message is produced if their calculated lengths do not agree; the shorter of the two lengths is used. If PICIN or PICOUT is not coded for the field definition, a character definition of the field is automatically generated regardless of other operands that are coded, such as ATTRB=NUM. As an example, assume the following map definition is created for reference by a COBOL application program: MAPX MAP P1 P2 P3 DFHMSD DFHMDI DPHMDF DFHMDP DFHMDP DPHMSD TYPE=DSECT,LANG=C0BOL,MODE=INOUT LINE=1,COLUMN=1,SIZE=(1,80) POS=0,LENGTH=30 POS=40,LENGTH=10,PICOUT='$$$,$$0.00' POS=60,LENGTB=6,PICIN='9999V99',PICOUT='ZZ9.99' TYPE=PINAL The following DSECT is generated: 01 01 272 MAPI. 02 F1L COMP PIC S9(4). 02 P1A PICTURE x. 02 PILLER REDEPINES P1A. 03 P1F PICTURE x. 02 P11 PIC X(30). 02 FILLER PIC X. 02 P2L COMP PIC S9(4). 02 P2A PICTURE X. 02 PILLER REDEPINES P2A. 03 F2P PICTURE X. 02 F21 PIC X(10). 02 PILLER PIC X. 02 P3L COMP PIC S9(4). 02 F31 PICTURE X. 02 PILLER REDEFINES F3A. 03 F3P PICTURE X. 02 F31 PIC 9999V99. 02 FILLER PIC X. MAPO REDEFINES MAPI. 02 PILLER PICTURE X (3) • 02 F10 PIC X~O). 02 FILLER PIC X. 02 FILLER PICTURE X(3). 02 F20 PIC $$$,$$0.00. 02 FILLER PIC X. 02 FILLER PICTURE X(3). 02 F30 PIC ZZ9.99. 02 FILLER PIC X. CICS/VS APRM(ML) PICOUT='value' is similar to PICIN, except that a picture to be applied to an output field in the OUT or INOUT map is generated. Like PICIN, PICOUT is not valid for assembler or RPG programs. PS= specifies the programmed symbol set to be used for the display of the field. BASE specifies that only the basic symbols are used. psid specifies a single EBCDIC character or a hexadecimal code on the form Xlnnl, that identifies the set of programmed symbols. If this option is specified when EXTATT=NO, a warning will be issued and the option ignored. If this option is specified, but EXTATT is not, EXTATT=MAPONLY will be assumed. VALIDN= MUSTFILL specifies that the field must be filled completely with data. An attempt to move the cursor from the field before it has been filled, or to transmit data from an incomplete field, will raise the inhibit input condition. MUSTENTER specifies that data must be entered into the field. An attempt to move the cursor from an empty field vill raise the inhibit input condition. Chapter 4.3. Basic Mapping Support 213 Input and Output Operations Using the BMS Macro Instructions Input and output operations using the facilities of BMS are requested by issuing DFHBMS macro instructions. Parameters provided by the application program indicate whether an input or an output operation is needed, the name of the map to be used by BMS, and other information to control the mapping function. Control is passed to BMS, which performs any required input/output operations through terminal control. Initial terminal input, which causes a task to be initiated, is stored in the initial TIOl of the task as a native-mode data stream. The initial input data can be mapped into a particular format by·issuing a DFHBMS TYPE=MAP macro. The format of this initial input data must correspond to that of the requested map. Input data to be mapped from a 3270 must contain 3270 device-dependent code (in particular, the data stream must contain an SBA). Similarly, the DFHBMS TIPE=MAP macro can be used to map further input data, obtained by means of a terminal co"ntrol RElD request, into a particular format. Alternatively, the DFHBMS TYPE=IN macro can be issued; this macro causes a terminal control READ/WAIT operation to occur, and the resulting terminal input is mapped into a particular format. The data returned from an input mapping operation is in TIOA format. The address of the TIOA containing the mapped data is placed in TCTTEDA for a TYPE=IN operation: for a TYPE=MAP operation, or an output operation, the address will be placed in the location (TCTTEDA or TCAMSIOA) used to specify the input data area. (See the section, nAddressing InputjOutput Areas," below, for details of specifying input data areas.) For an output mapping operation, if data is to be passed from the TIOA of an application program, the application program must have obtained, through storage control, a TIOA large enough to contain the symbolic storage definition of the map being used. Any fields for which data is not to be passed to the mapping operation must be set to nulls (X100I); this is best achieved through use of the INITIMG=OO operand of the DFHSC TYPE=GETMAIN macro instruction. The first position of a field to be sent must not contain a null; if it does, the field will be ignored. Maps are defined ·in a map set, which permits the formatting of a page of output using one or more of the maps in the map set. If the map set has been placed in the CICS/VS program library, the user should specify MAPSET=map-set-name and MAP=map-name in any DFHBMS macro instruction requesting an operation in which the map is required. If preferred, the user may place the seven-character name of the map set at TCAMSMSN and the name of the map at TCABMSMN; the MAPSET=YES and MAP=YES operands inform BMS that the names have been supplied in this way. (~: Map sets did not exist in pre-VS BMS. For pre-VS application programs, BMS takes the name of the map to be the name of the map set.) Implied READ/WRITE DFHBMS TYPE=IN or TYPE=OUT macro instructions result in a terminal control READ or WRITE, respectively. ·Therefore, the user does not need to code any terminal control (DFHTC) macro instructions. However, nothing prevents the user from intermingling native-mode and BMS operations. A DFHBMS TYPE=MlP instruction can be used to format a native-mode input TIOl. If a MAP operation is requested for input from an unformatted 3270 buffer, mapping is not performed and the unformatted native-mode TIOl is returned to the application program. 274 CICS/VS APRM(ML) It is nevertheless possible to use DFHBMS TYPE=MAP for the TIOA containing a transaction-initiating data stream. All that is necessary to do so is to format the screen uith the preceding task. Addressinq Input/Oyt~t-!~ Before a task issues a DFBBMS TYPE=MAP, or any BMS output macro, the address of the data being passed must be set up in either TCTTEDA or TCAMSIOA. The rules for deciding which area to use are: • If the task is not terminal-oriented, the address of the TIOA-like area being used must be put in TCAMSIOA. TCTTEDA cannot be referenced as the task has no TCTTE. • If the task is terminal-oriented, but a TIOA is not being used, the address of the TIOA-like area containing the user data must be put into TCAMSIOA and TCTTEDA must be filled with binary zeros. • If the task is terminal-oriented and the data is in a TIOA, the address of the TIOA may be put into either TCTTEDA or TCAMSIOA. the address is put into TCAMSIOA, TCTTEDA must be filled with binary zeros. If the address is put into both TCTTEDA and TCAMSIOA, the address in TCTTEDA is used. If TCTTEDA is altered by BMS; the user must not assume that its contents are unchanged. A BMS input operation places the data into a TIOA, and the address of the TIOA is returned in TCTTEDA. Terminal-oriented tasks need not use actual TIOAs. Any task may pass data to BMS in any portion of dynamically acquired storage which looks like a TIOA in all respects except two: o The storage class need not be terminal. o The storage chain address need not refer to a TCTTE or other terminal storage. Non-Terminal-Oriented Tasks These tasks do not have a TIOA or a TCTTE; therefore such tasks cannot issue any BMS macro instructions that use information in these areas. They can issue only DFHBMS TYPE=ROUTE, DFHBMS TYPE=PAGEBLD with a disposition of STORE or RETURN, and DFHBMS TYPE=TEXTBLD with a disposition of STORE or RETURN. The NULL built-in function cannot be used to set TCTTEDA to binary zeros because this places hexadecimal IFFI in the high-order byte of the address. Instead, the following statement can be used: UNSPEC(TCTTEDA)=32 I OI B; Chapter 4.3. Basic Mapping Support 275 DFHBMS Macro Instructions BMS macro instructions are provided to enable the application programmer to: • Map data that is already in a TIOA place) (DFHBMS TYPE=MAP) • Read in and map data from a terminal (DFHBMS TYPE=IN) • Cumulatively build one or more pages of output data using maps ~FHBMS TYPE=PAGEBLD) • Cumulatively build one or more pages of output data without using maps (DFHBMS TYPE=TEXTBLD) • Terminate the accumulation of output data that has been logically combined and write it to an output device (DFHBMS TYPE=PAGEOUT) • Write data (without accumulation) to an output device (DFHBMS TYPE=OUT) • Discontinue the process of building a logical message (DFHBMS TYPE=PURGE) • Define the terminal(s) or operator(s) that are to receive an output message (DFHBMS TYPE=ROUTE) • Check the response to a BMS request (DFHBMS TYPE=CHECK) ~ithout any terminal I/O taking In the sections that follow, the syntax of each type of DFHBMS macro Parameters of the TYPE= operand are discussed separately under each macro. Descriptions of all other operands for the DFHBMS macros are gathered into a single section, arranged in alphabetical order, at the end of the chapter. is shown, and the use of the macro is explained. There are a variety of ways in which the various DFHBMS macros can be used, and combined, for output operations. The simplest case is DFHBMS TYPE=OUT (without PAGEBLD or TEXTBLD). This macro instruction results in a simple output operation similar to that resulting from a DFHTC TYPE=WRITE macro, but with a mapping operation probably, but not necessarily, included. When an application programmer wishes to output data which may occupy more than one device output buffer he can build a single logical message using a series of DFHBMS TYPE=PAGEBLD macros (if he wants mapping to be included) or DFHBMS TYPE=TEXTBLD (if mapping is not required). When the logical message is complete, he terminates the process of accumUlation and causes physical output to occur by issuing a DFHBMS TYPE=PAGEOUT macro. The DFHBMS TYPE=ROUTE macro does not itself cause any output operation to occur; it defines the destination for ensuing BMS output macros. The effect of a ROUTE macro should be terminated by a PAGEOUT macro before another ROUTE macro is issued. Output operations that do not send user-supplied data (TYPE=PAGEBLD, DArA=NO or TYPE=OUT, DATA=NO) do not require TIOAs. 276 CICS/VS APRM ~L) Input Mapping without I/O (TYPE=MAP) To request that data already in an input TIOA is mapped according to a specified map. i I I IDFHBMS I I I I 1 I 1 ,I 1 TYPE=(MAP[,SAVE]) I [ , MAP= {map-name IYES} ] I[ ,MAPADR= {symbolic-address 1YES) ]1 [,MAPSET={mapset-nameIYES} ]I[,MSETADR= 1 {symbolic-addressIYES)] I [ ,ERROR=symbolic-address] 1 [ ,INVMPSZ=symbolic-addre ss] 1 [,MAPFAIL=symbolic-address] I [,NORESP=symbolic-address] 1 1 I TYPE=MAP specifies an input mapping operation without any associated terminal I/O operation. The application program must have placed the address of an input TIOA containing data to be mapped into TCTTEDA or TCAMSIOA. The data in the TIOA is positioned into a new TIOA using the map specified in the MAP operand of the DFHBMS macro instruction, but no terminal I/O operation occurs. An example of such a TIOA is the initial TIOA given to a transaction upon entering a transaction code. If data is included with the transaction code, the screen must have been formatted previously by another transaction, or the data is not mapped. The address of the new TIOA is returned to the application program in the location in which the original data area was specified ~CTTEDA or TCAMSIOA) • The following types of data are not mapped, but are left in the TIOA unaltered. • data from TCAM-supported 3600 or 3790 • data from VTAM-supported 3600 or 3650 (except 3650 host conversation (3270) logical unit) • data from 3790 • word processing data streams, that is, data received from a word processing medium type 1, 2, 3 or 4. SAVE When used with MAP, SAVE specifies that the user-supplied data area addressed by TCTTEDA or TCAMSIOA is not to be altered, and that a new TIOA is to be acquired for the operation. The address of the new TIOA is returned to the application program in the location in which the original data area was specified (TCTTEDA or TCAMSIOA) • The use of the SAVE operand merely stops CICS/VS overwriting a data area that you want to retain. It is still necessary to store the address of any such area elsewhere, so that it can be accessed later, because the location containing the address is overwritten. Chapter 4.3. Basic Mapping support 277 Input Operations with Mapping (TYPE=IN) To request BMS services for input operations, a DPHBMS macro instruction of the following format is used: r------~i-------r- I DFHBMS ~_____ ~_______ L --------------------------------------------------------, TY PE= (IN[ , SA VE )[ , TEXT )) [,MAP={map-nameIYES} ]1[,MAPADR={symbolic-addressIYES}) [,MAPSET={mapset-nameIYES} ]I[,MSETADR= {symbolic-addressIYES} ] [,EOC=symbolic-address] [ ,EODS=symbolic-address] [,ERROR=symbolic-address] [ ,INVMPSZ=symbolic-address] [,MAPPAIL=symbolic-address] [,NORESP=symbolic-address] [ ,RDATT=symbolic-address] _______________________________________________________~ TYPE=IN specifies an input mapping operation. Input is accepted from the terminal through a terminal control READ/WAIT request. The input data is then mapped into the TIOA and made available to the application program by placing the TIOA address at TCTTEDA. The fields entered as part of the input data stream are available to the application program under the field names specifie.d in the DPHMDP macro instructions by which they are defined, suffixed with the letter I to correspond to the name generated by CICS/VS in the definition of the area. The following types of data are not mapped, but are left in the TIOA unaltered. • data from TCAM-supported 3600 or 3790 • data from VTAM-supported 3600 or 3650 (except 3650 host conversation (3270) logical unit) • data from 3790 • word processing data streams, that is, data received from a word processing medium type 1, 2, 3 or 4. If DPHBMS TYPE=IN macro instructions are used to read data from a VTAM batch logical unit, the inbound function management headers (PMHs) will be removed before the data is placed in the TIOA. If an PMH is required, the application programmer should issue a DPHTC TYPE=READ macro instruction, deal with the PMH, and then issue a DPHBMS TYPE=MAP macro instruction to map the data. Inbound PMHs are applicable only to batch logical units. 278 CICS/VS APRM(ML) SAVE when used with IN, specifies that the data area addressed by TCTTEDA is not to be altered; a new TIOA is to be acquired for the operation, and its address returned in TCTTEDA. The use of the SAVE operand merely stops CICS/VS overwriting a data area that you want to retain. It is still necessary to store the address of any such area elsewhere, so that it can be accessed later, because the location containing the address is overwritten. TEXT indicates that uppercase and lowercase characters are contained in the input data stream. This parameter is used to override a FEATURE=UCTRAN specification in the DFHTCT macro instruction used by the system programmer for the input terminal. (See the CICS/VS System Programmer's Reference Manual.) Chapter 4.3. Basic Mapping Support 279 Building Output Pages Using Maps (TYPE=PAGEBLD) To build an output page cumulatively, using maps, the application program uses the DPHBMS TYPE=PAGEBLD macro instruction. This causes the data in the area defined by a specified symbolic description map to be mapped according to the physical map. The mapped data is positioned within an area large enough to contain one page of output. The application programmer issues another DPHBMS TYPE=PAGEBLD macro instruction to map and position the next portion of the output page. The mapping operation continues until the application program has completed the message to be sent to the terminal. Because of CICSjVS terminal paging facilities, the application programmer need not keep track of when a page is full. He can either let BMS force a new page automatically or include the OPLOW operand in the DPHBMS TYPE=PAGEBLD macro instructions to cause BMS to transfer control to an overflow routine (which the programmer must provide) when a page of data cannot contain the data to be mapped. The format of the DFHBMS TYPE=PAGEBLD macro instruction is as follows: i I DFHBMS TYPE= (PAGEBLD[, {OUT[ ,WAIT)I STORE IRETURN} ] [,SAVE][,ERASEX,ERASEAUP][,LAST]) [ ,DATA= {NOIYES IONLY} ] [,MAP={map-nameIYES} ] [,MAPSET={mapset-nameIYES} ]1 [ , MSETADR= {symbolic-address I YES} ] [,CTRL=([PRINT][,{L40IL64IL80IHONEOM} ] [ ,PREEKB][ , ALARM ][ ,FRSET]) ] [,CURSOR={number IYES} ] [,FMHPARM={parameterIYES} ] [,LDC={mnemonicIYES} ] [ , PROPT=NLEOM ] [ ,REQID= {prefix IYES} ] [,ERROR=symbolic-address] [ ,IGREQID=symbolic-address] [,INVLDC=symbo1ic-address] [ ,INVMPSZ=symbolic-address] [,INVREQ=symbo1ic-address] [,NORESP=symbolic-address] [ ,OFLOW=symbo1ic-address] [,RETPAGE=symbo1ic-address] [,TSIOERR=symbolic-address] [,IGREQCD=symbolic-address] ---->Assembler only [,WRBRK=symbolic-address] >CICS/OS/VS only where: TYPE=PAGEBLD indicates that one page of data is to be accumulated and formatted from data submitted through multiple PAGEBLD requests. In each PAGEBLD request, a map defines the number of lines and columns that the data is to occupy on the page. When a page is complete, as defined by one or more maps, it is written according to an OUT, STORE, or RETURN disposition. 280 CICS/VS APRM(ML) HAP POSITIONING The position of a map on a screen is determined by two major factors: the current contents of the screen, and the values coded for the LINE, COLUMN, and JUSTIFY operands of the DFHMDI macro. Positioning is also affected if the DFHMDI macro specifies HEADER=YES or TRAILER=YES, and by the depth of the deepest trailer map in the map set. The Screen Contents At any instant, the part of the screen which is still available for maps is in the form of either an L, a reversed L, a rectangle or an inverted T, as shown by the unshaded area in the following diagram. next column from left current line left reference column next column from right right reference column ------<~ next free line - - - - + I free area trailer size Chapter 4.3. Basic Mapping Support 281 The shape and size of this area is represented internally by four variables: current line, next free line, next column from left, and next column from right. Three other pointers are maintained that are relevant to map placement though they do not affect the area available: left reference column and right reference ~lumn, which are used when ~OL=SAME is specified, and trailer size. The Trailer Area The trailer size is equal to the number of lines that would be occupied by the deepest trailer map in the map set currently in use. It is determined when the map set is assembled, and is copied from the map set whenever one is loaded. The area defined by trailer size is not available for mapping unless no overflow routine has been specified or the map has TRAILER=YES specified in its DFHMDI macro. JUSTIFY=FIRST and JUSTIFY=LAST If JUSTIFY=FIRST is specified, the map is placed on a new page, so that the only maps above it are the header maps used in overflow processing. The LINE operand may also be used with JUSTIFY=FIRST to place the map below the top of the page. If JUSTIFY=LAST is specified, the map is placed as low as possible on the page. For a non-trailer map, this is immediately above the trailer area; for a trailer map, it is at the bottom of the page. A map defined with JUSTIFY=LAST cannot be used in input operations unless it was previously put out without PAGEBLD, in which case JUSTIFY=LAST is ignored and the map is positioned at the top of the page. The LINE Operand The LINE operand specifies the line of the screen on which the first line of the map is to be placed. The initial determination of this line is made without regard to the specification of the COLUMN operand or the columns available on the screen on that particular line. If it transpires that the map will not fit on the chosen line, the first subsequent line that will satisfy the column requirements is selected. If LINE=SAME or LINE=NEXT is specified, the initial line selected for the start of the map is the current line or the next free line , respectively. If a number is specified in the LINE operand, the line with that number is selected, provided the number is greater than or equal to the number of the current line; if not, the overflow condition is raised so that the map can be placed on the next page. The line selected becomes the new current line and, if it is below the next free line, the next free line is reset to the same line; the next column from the left and right are also reset, to the left and right margins respectively. 282 CICS/VS APRM(ML) If the line selected is such that the end of the map extends into the trailer area for a non-trailer map or beyond the end of the page for a trailer map, the overflow condition is raised and the map will be placed on the first available line of the next page when the reguest is reissued after handling the overflow. The COLUKN and JUSTIFY O£~~2 The COLUMN specification may be either NEXT, SAME, or a number and is processed in conjunction with the LEFT or RIGHT specification of the JUSTIFY operand. JUSTIFY=LEFT is the default and implies that the column specification is related to the left-hand margin. Conversely, JUSTIFY=RIGHT implies that the column specification is related to the right-hand margin. For the purposes of this explanation, it is assumed hereafter that JUSTIFY=LEFT has been specified (or applied by default). If COLUKN=NEXT is specified, the column chosen for the map is the next column from the left. If a numeric value is specified, the column with that number is chosen, counting from the left. If COLUMN=SAME is specified, the left reference column is chosen. (The left reference column is the one that was most recently specified by number with JUSTIFY=LEFT. ) The map is then checked to ensure that its right margin is not to the right of the next column from the right. If it is, the map will not fit in the leg of the inverted T, so a new line must be selected. This will be either the next full line or, if the map is too deep, the first available line on the next page. Finally, the column pointers are updated by setting the next column from the left to the right margin of the map, and, if COL=number was specified, by setting the left reference column to the specified column number. Pagebuilding Examples The effects of the mechanisms described above are illustrated by the following examples. The examples show the interactions between SIZE, LINE, COLUMN, and JUSTIFY=LEFT or RIGHT; header and trailer maps and JUSTIFY=FIRST or LAST are not brought into the examples. In processing a PAGEBLD reguest, BKS determines whether the area of the page required by the map is wholly available or whether any part of it has been used by an earlier PAGEBLD reguest. "Used" means actually filled by a map or rendered unavailable as described below. Chapter 4.3. Basic Mapping Support 283 1. When the LINE operand of the DFHMDI macro is coded, all lines above the specified line are rendered unavailable. Example: A DFHMDI ••• ,LINE=3, ••• 3 2. When JUSTIFY=LEFT is coded ~r applied by default), all columns to the left of the leftmost map column, for the full depth of the map, are rendered unavailable. ExamRle: A DFHMDI ••• ,LINE=3,COLUMN=5,JUSTIFY=LEFT, ••• 5 3. When JUSTIFY=RIGHT is coded, all columns to the right of the rightmost map column, for the full depth of the map, are rendered unavailable. Example: A DFHMDI ••• ,LINE=3,COLUMN=35,JUSTIFY=RIGHT, ••• 35 3 284 CICS/VS APRM(ML) 1 4. When two or more maps are placed so that they share certain lines, all columns beneath a map that ends higher are rendered unavailable to the depth of the map that ends lowest. Similarly rendered unavailable are all columns to the left (if the higher map is left justified) or to the right (if the higher map is right justified) of the 'used' area beneath the higher map. Example (a): A DFHMDI B DFHMDI ••• ,LINE=3,COLUMN=2 ,JUSTIFY=LEFT, ••• ••• ,LINE=4,COLU~N=20,JUSTIFY=LEFT, ••• A DFHMDI B DFHMDI ••• ,LINE=3,COLUMN=2,JUSTIFY=LEFT, ••• ••• ,LINE=4,COLUMN=20,JUSTIFY=RIGHT, ••• A DFHMDI B DFHMDI ••• ,LINE-=3,COLUMN=40,JUSTIFY=RIGHT, ••• ••• ,LIN-E=3,COLUMN=1 ,JUSTIFY=LEFT, ••• 3 Example (b): 3 Example (C): 3 Chapter 4.3. Basic Mapping Support 285 MapC Map 0 JUSTIFY = RIGHT JUSTIFY = LEFT If BMS discovers that an area of the page directly specified for a map has already been used by a previous map, it raises the overflow condition, described below under "PAGEBLD Overflow Processing." Handling Returned Pages Whenever one or more pages have been completed and the programmer has specified TYPE=RETURN, TCAMSRLA contains the address of a list of completed pages. since more than one page of output may result from a single BMS output request, there may be more than one entry in the list for a given terminal type. All entries for a particular terminal type immediately follow one another in the list. The list is laid out as follows: TC I Page Buffer I TC I page Buffer 4 bytes 4 bytes XIFF ••• FFI 4 bytes TC = Terminal code (see "Terminal Code (TC) Table," later in this chapter). The page buffer pointer points to an area of USER-class storage which has a 12-byte prefix similar to that of a terminal input/output area (TIOA), as follows: CICS/VS storage Acctng 8 bytes 286 CICS/VS APRM Buffer Length 2 bytes ~L) Reserved Data 2 bytes x bytes At this point, page buffers are on the USER-class storage chain and are disassociated from BMS control blocks; it is therefore the user's responsibility to release page buffers when they are no longer needed. The storage containing the list of buffers should not be freed by the programmer; it is the intention of BMS to reduce processing time by reusing the list. This list will be altered by the next BMS request. Therefore, the programmer must save the contents before issuing the next BMS request. Subsequent output of pages should normally be done using BMS. The use of the OFHTC macro to handle the output of paqes is not recommended. However, if a OFHTC TYPE=WRITE macro is used, st\ ~ Je must be obtained by a DFHSC TYPE=GETMAIN macro with the CLASS=TERM operand included, and the output pages moved to the TIOA so acquired. The DFHTC TYPE=WRITE macro can then be used to transmit the pages from this new TIOA. When terminals of the 3270 Information Display System are used, the write control character (WCC) containing the CTRL specification can be found at TIOACLCR in the page buffer after addressability to the area has been established. ~IOACLCR is a defined field in OFHTIOA and is addressable if the buffer address is loaded into TIOABAR.) PAGEBLO Overflow Processi~ Overflow occurs when the number of lines in the requested map plus the number of lines in the largest trailer map in the map set (if there are any trailer maps) is greater than the number of lines remaining in the page being built for the terminal involved in an output operation. For TCAM and VTAM terminals having LOC support, pages are accumulated individually by LOC mnemonic. Therefore, overflow may occur at end of page for each different LDC mnemonic used in different BMS requests. The LDC mnemonic is passed to the user's overflow routine in TCAMSLOM, and the LOC numeric value is passed in TCAMSLOC. PAGEBLO overflow can occur on a logical message being built for a ROUTE environment. If the ROUTE environment was created with a route list containing more than one LOC mnemonic, then the returned LOC mnemonic and numeric value is the first LDC mnemonic resolved in the route list. The routine to which control is transferred must be in the application program, but no special considerations apply. ~he data which was to have been mapped, but which caused the overflow, is not mapped by BMS and remains unaltered in the TIOA. If a DFHBMS TYPE=ROUTE macro instruction has not been previously issued, there is only one destination. If a DFHBMS TYPE=ROUTE macro instruction has been issued, the logical message is probably being built for a multiple-destination environment. Since the application programmer has the capability of concurrently building pages for terminals that have different-sized output, overflow may occur at different times for different terminal groups. The overflow routine gets control every time anyone of the destinations or groups of destinations encounters an overflow condition, that is, every time a specified map will not fit a page. The application program overflow routine must determine which destination or group of destinations has encountered the overflow. Upon return to the application program from a DFHBMS TYPE=ROUTE macro instruction, a count (relative to one) of the number of destinations or groups of destinations is available in TCAMSOCN. This overflow control count tells the application programmer how many overflow ~ontrol areas (for example, accumulators) he may want to keep. Whenever the overflow Chapter 4.3. Basic Mapping Support 287 routine gets control, TCAMSOCN indicates the relative overflow control number of the destination that has encountered the overflow. This number indicates which control area should be output, perhaps through one or more trailer maps. In addition to the relative control count, BMS returns the current page number for the destination that has encountered the overflow. This page number is located at TCAMSPGN. To place trailer data on a page, the programmer codes DFHBMS TYPE=PAGEBLD request(s) to process the trailer data.' The map(s) used to format the data must contain TRAILER=YES so that the amount of space on the page to reserve for overflow can be calculated. More than one trailer map may be placed on a page. There should be a dummy trailer map (not otherwise used) in the map set specifying the number of lines to be reserved for trailer data if no single trailer map extends over the total number of lines required for trailer data (see Figure 4.3-1). Maps used to map trailer data may contain JUSTIFY=LAST to force their placement at the bottom of the page. If the programmer tries to place more lines of trailer data on the page than are available, that trailer data is placed on a separate page by itself. Still another page is built to continue mapping with or without a header map. L____________________________ __ TRl TR2 TR3 Dummy trailer required. Figure 4.3-1 • Use of Trailerl!aps in PAGEBLD Mapping Operations To place header data on a page, the programmer codes DFHBKS TYPE=PAGEBLD request(s) to process the header data. The map~) used to map header data must specify JUSTIFY=FIRST to complete processing of the previous page if that has not been done, and to begin a new page. (JUSTIFY=FIRST is ignored if BMS is positioned at the top of a new page.) If the programmer tries to place more header data on the page than the page can contain, multiple pages are created. After overflow has been raised, the first map to be used in a TYPE=PAGEBLD request must be one that specified JUSTIFY=FIRST. Failure to do this will result in overflow being raised again immediately. When all trailer and/or header data has been processed, the programmer must reissue the DFHBMS request that caused the overflow, since this data has not yet been mapped for all destinations. If the user does not specify an overflow routine while issuing PAGEBLD requests, no overflow occurs and new pages will be forced automatically. If a header is to be placed on the first page and a trailer on the last, the OFLOW parameter would not be used. 288 CICS/VS APRM(ML) A general overview of overflow processing is given in the flowchart in Figure 4.3-2. Application program prepares & issues a PAGEBLD request and includes an OFLOW routine address DFHBMS macro expansion BALRs to BMS program APPLICATION PROGRAM'S OVERFLOW ROUTINE 1) Save sufficient information to be able to reissue the request that just caused an overflow. BMS programs process the request 2) DFHBMS macro expansion checks to see if an overflow occurred Using the overflow control number in TCAMSOCN, determine the appropriate control area to map its contents via PAGEBLD requests, specifying trailer map(s). 3) The current page number is available at TCAMSPGN and could be supplied with the data to be mapped by the trailer map(s); and/or this page number could be incremented and supplied with the data to be mapped by header map(s). Yes 4) At this point, do not update any control areas to reflect the original PAGEBLD request that caused the overflow. 5) Do reinitialize the control areas that just supplied the data for overflow processing. DFHBMS macro expansion has returned control to application program and the PAGEBLD request has been mapped for all of the desti nations. 6) Do return to the logic(@)that issued the original PAGEBLD request and reissue that request. The application program updates ~ overflow control areas to reflect the last PAGEB LD request (which mayor may not have caused an overflow). •• • Figure 4.3-2. Overflow Processing by Application Programs under BMS Chapter 4.3. Basic Mapping Support 289 Building Output Pages without Using Maps (TYPE=TEXTBLD) To request the building of pages of data without the use of maps, the application program issues DFHBMS TYPE=TEXTBLD macro instructions. These macro instructions cause BMS terminal paging to create pages containing application-program-supplied text data. The length of the data each macro instruction is to process must be supplied in TIOATDL, prior to issuing the macro instruction. Completion of a logical message is signaled by a DFHBMS TYPE=PAGEOUT macro instruction. The beginning and ending of pages are handled by BMS and need be of no concern to the application program. The format of the DFHBKS TYPE=TEXTBLD macro instruction is as follows: DFHBMS TYPE=(TEXTBLD[, rOUTE ,WAIT]ISTOREIRETURN} ] [,SAVE)[ ,ERASE)[ ,LAST]) [,HEADER={symbolic-addressIYES} ] [ ,JUSTIFY={FIRSTILASTlline-numberIYES}) [,TRAILER={symbolic-andressIYES} ] [,CTRL=([PRINT][,{L40IL64IL80IHONEOM} ] [,FREEKBli,ALARM) ] [ ,CURSOR= {number I YES} ) [,FMHPARM={parameterIYES} ) [,LDC={mnemonicIYES} ] [ , PROPT=NLEOM] [ ,REQID= {prefix I YES} ] [,ERROR=symbolic-address) [,IGREQID=symbolic-address] [,INVLDC=symbolic-address] [,INVREQ=symbolic-address] [,NORESP=symbolic-address) [,RETPAGE=symbolic-address] [,TSIOERR=symbolic-address] [,IGREQCD=symbolic-address] )Assembler only [,WRBRK=symbolic-address] >CICS/OS/VS-2741 only where: TYPE=TEXTBLD indicates that (1) one page of output is to be formed from data submitted through multiple TEXTBLD requests, or (2) multiple pages of output are to be formed from one TEXTBLD request. When TEXTBLD is specified, no map is used. When no mora data can fit on a page, the page is written according to the OUT, STORE, or RETURN disposition (see below), and another page is started if necessary. 290 CICS/VS APRM(ML) Direct Output (TYPE=OUT) An output request in which neither TEXTBLD nor PAGEBLD is specified can be issued by the application program. Such a request may cause multiple pages to be written as output, but multiple requests cannot be issued to accumulate and format data within one page. One map may be used to format data on one page, and that page may be written directly to the terminal (TYPE=OUT). The rules governing this type of output are as follows: . • Multiple requests cannot be accumulated to build one page, whether mapped or unmapped. • When using maps, one request cannot build more than one page. • When not using maps, a single request can result in more than one page. • If the disposition is STORE, multiple requests can cause multiple pages (each request starting a new page) to be included in one logical message. • For both mapping and nonmapped operations, if the disposition is STORE, a DFHBMS TYPE=PAGEOUT request must be issued to terminate the logical message. r------~-------r--------------------------------------------------------~ DFHBHS TYPE= ([ {CUTe , tiA IT] I STORE I RETURN} ][ ,NOEDIT][ , SAVE] [ , ERASE][ , ERASEAUP][ , LAST]) [,DATA={NOIYESIONLY} ] [,MAP={map-nameIYES} ]1,MAPADR={symbolic-addressIYES}] [,MAPSET={mapset-nameIYES} ]I[,MSETADR= {symbolic-addressIYES} ] [,CTRL=([PRINT][ ,{L40IL64IL80IHONEOM}] [ ,FREEKB][ , ALARM ][ , FR SET ]) ] [,CURSOR=(numberIYES} ] [,FMHPARH=(parameterIYES} ] [,LDC={mnemonicIYES}] [ ,PROPT=NLEOM] [,REQID={prefixIYES} ] [ , ERROR=sy mbolic-address ] [,IGREQID=symbolic-address] [,INVLDC=symbolic-address] [ ,INVMPSZ=symbolic-address] [ ,INVREQ=symbolic-address] [ ,NORESP=symbolic-address] [,RETPAGE=symbolic-address] [,TSIOERR=symbolic-address] [ ,IGREQCD=symbolic-address] )Assembler only [ , WRBRK=symbolic-address] >CICSjOS/VS only where: Chapter 4.3. Basic Mapping Support 291 TYPE=OUT indicates that the output is to be written to the originating terminal at once if that terminal is to receive it. Once a DFHBMS macro with OUT disposition has been issued, the application program must not issue a DFHSC TIPE=FREEMAIN,RELEASE=ALL macro until either a DFHBMS TYPE=PAGEOUT or DFHBMS TYPE=PURGE macro has been issued. 292 CICS/VS APRM(ML) Terminating a Logical Message (TYPE=PAGEOUT) When the combining of pieces of data to form a logical message has been requested by means of DFHBMS TYPE=PAGEBLD or TYPE=TEXTBLD macro instruction(s), such combining must be terminated by means of a DFHBMS TYPE=PAGEOUT macro instruction. A logical message created by means of one or more noncumulative output requests with STORE disposition must be terminated by a DFHBMS TYPE=PAGEOUT macro instruction. The format of this macro instruction is as follows: r------r-------rDFHBMS ~ --------------------------------------.------------------~ TYPE=(PAGEOUT[,LAST]) [ ,CTRL= ([ {PAGE I AUTOPAGE} ], {RETAINI RELEASE} ]) [ , EODPURG= fA UTO lOPER} ] [,FMHPARM={parameterlYES}] [ ,TRAILER= {symbolic-address I YES} ] [,TRANSID=transaction code] [,WRBRK={symbolic-addresslcURRENTIALL} ] [,ERROR=symbolic-address] [,NORESP=symbolic-address] [,RETPAGE=symbolic-address] [,IGREQCD=symbolic-address] >Assembler only [ ,TSIOERR=symbolic-address] _____ ~_______ L- ______________________________________________________~ where: TYPE=P~GEOUT specifies the termination of a logical message. No data is formatted in response to this request. Any remaining data in the page buffer is processed according to the OUT, STORE, or RETURN described in the previous macro instruction. If a logical message is being built for a routing environment, PAGEOUT completes the logical message under route. An additional PAGEOUT macro instruction is required to complete-a-logical message to the originating terminal. If an error occurs during PAGEOUT processing, control is returned to the application program, and the RETAIN or RELEASE specifications are ignored. The logical message is not considered complete. The application program should either retry the PAGEOUT operation or PURGE the message. Any logical message that has been started but not completed when a DFHSP (sync point) macro is issued is forced to completion by an implied TYPE=PAGEOUT macro. Chapter 4.3. Basic Mapping Support 293 Deleting a Logical Message (TYPE =PURGE) To discontinue the process of building a logical message, a DFHB!S TYPE=PURGE macro instruction is issued. This instruction causes the portions of the message already built in main storage or on temporary storage to be deleted and returns control to the applica~ion program at the instruction following the DFHBMS TYPB=PURGB macro expansion. (The TYPE=PURGE instruction is not to be used if TYPB=RBTURN was us'ed in the BMS PAGEBLD or TEXTBLD request.) The format of the macro instruction is as follows: I I DFBBKSI TYPE=PURGE I, where: TYPE=PURGE specifies that all data prepared for a logical message but not yet transmitted to a terminal is to be deleted from the system. 294 CICS/VS APRM CML) Message Routing (TYPE=ROUTE) A DPHB!S TYPE=ROUTE request defines the terminal and/or operator to receive the message created by ~ubsequent DPHBMS output requests. The message may be directed to any or all BMS-supported terminals. The ROUTE macro defines the destination of the message; it does not cause transmission to occur. The ROUTE macro must thus be followed by one or more BMS ouput macros. A DPHBMS TYPE=PAGEOUT request causes the logical message to be completed and terminates the effect of the DPHBMS TYPE=ROUTE macro instruction. If a ROUTE request followed by one or more BMS output requests is not terminated by a PAGEOUT request before a subsequent ROUTE request is issued or before the application program terminates, the message is forced to completion. since the application program did not issue the PAGEOUT request, BMS applies the PAGBOUT defaults to the message. A ROUTE request may be issued immediately following another ROUTE request. In this case, the first ROUTE request is nullified, and the second one determines the routing environment. A message is considered undeliverable to a destination if it cannot be delivered within a certain interval after the requested delivery time. This interval is specified in the PRGDLAY operand of the DPHSG PROGRAM=BMS macro instruction by the system programmer. If the PRGDLAY operand is not included, no action is taken for undelivered messages and the message awaits delivery indefinitely. If PRGDLAY is specified, the transient data destination CSMT is notified of the number of undeliverable messages purged for a destination; the application programmer can ensure that additional documentation is provided for an undeliverable message by including the BRRTERM operand in the DPHBMS TYPE=ROUTE macro instruction. Bxamples of situations causing undeliverable messages might occur, for example, when a message is routed to a terminal that is out of service, or when an operator identification is specified with a terminal identification and that operator is not signed on that terminal at the time the message is to be delivered. If operating in a DL/I environment, a message should not be routed to more than 40 terminals by using only one TYPE=ROUTE macro. If it is required to route to more than 40 terminals, several TYPE=ROUTE macros must be issued, each with a LIST operand that specifies a list of terminals with more than 40 entries. Each TYPB=ROUTE macro must be issued with all other DPHBMS macros relevant to the message. The format of the DPHBMS TYPB=ROUTB macro instruction is as follows: Chapter 4.3. Basic Mapping Support 295 OFHB8S ~ TYPE=ROUTE [,ERRTERM={termidIORIGIYES} ] [,LIST={symbolic addressIYESIALL}] [,OPCLASS={decimal-value, ••• IYES}] [,TITLE={symbolic-addressIYES} ] [,INTRVAL={numeric-valueIYES} ]I[,TIME= {numeric-valueIYES} ] [ , LOC= {mnemonic I YES} ] [ ,PROPT=NLEOM ] [ ,REQIO={prefix IYES} ] [,ERROR=symbolic-address] [ ,IGREQID=symbolic-address] [,INVET=symbolic-address] [,NORESP=symbolic-address] [,RTEFAIL=symbolic-address] [,RTESOME=symbolic-address] _____ L-~______,L-________________________________________________________~ where: TYPE=ROU'l'E specifies the initiation of an output page routing operation. ~isposition and Message Routing A routed logical message can be built using either of two dispositions: STORE or RETURN. The first BMS output request issued following the ROUTE request· (with some exceptions noted below) determines the disposition of the logical message. This first request may specify STORE or RETURN; if neither is specified, the default is STORE. Once established, the disposition remains unchanged until the logical message is completed ~AGEOUT). It need not be repeated for subsequent requests. An output request specifying a disposition that is not in effect results in a return code of INVREQ. A disposition of STORE is the normal disposition and finally results in the message either being delivered or deleted. A disposition of RETURN causes the routed logical message to be returned to the application program. It is the responsibility of the application program to deliver the logical message. A task can converse with the terminal to which it is currently attached (assuming the task is terminal-oriented) during the time that it is building the logical message. That attached terminal is known as the direct terminal; a terminal to which the message is to be routed is known as a routing terminal. If any input requests (DFHBMS TYPE=IN or TYPE=MAP) are encountered while the message is being built, they are processed as usual. To transmit output to the direct terminal while the routed logical message is being built, the task can issue non-TEXTBLO, non-PAGEBLD requests with an explicit disposition of OUT. The disposition of OUT isolates the output request to the direct terminal from the requests that are building the routed logical message. The following points summarize rules for conversation with the direct terminal while a routed logical message is being built: • 296 OUT must be specified in any output request that is to go to the direct terminal. CICS/VS APRM(ML) • TEXTBLD and PAGEBLD ~equests with a disposition of OUT and ~esult in a ~etu~n code of INVREQ. a~e • The di~ect te~minal may be included in the routing environment without impai~ing the ability to converse with it while under ROUTE. Data routed to the direct terminal will be delivered as though the ROUTE had been issued from another terminal. invalid A list of nabridged" requests, in order of execution, is gi ven below. The action taken by BMS for each is indicated. Action Taken by BMS di~ect DFHBMS TYPE=OUT Transmit to DFHBMS TYPE=ROUTE Establish routing environment. DFHBMS TYPE=OUT Transmit to direct terminal. DFHBMS TYPE=IN Receive from direct terminal. DFHBMS TYPE=TEXTBLD First output request eligible for routing establishes default disposition of STORE and TEXTBLD as mode of page building. DFHBMS TYPE=OUT Transmit to direct terminal. DFHBMS TYPE=TEXTBLD,RETURN INVREQ - routed logical message has already established a disposition of STORE. DFHBMS TYPE=TEXTBLD continue building routed logical message. DFHBMS TYPE=PAGEBLD,STORE INVREQ - routed logical message being built with TEXTBLD requests cannot tolerate PAGEBLD request. DFHBMS TYPE=PAGEBLD,OUT INVREQ - cannot issue PAGEBLD or TEXTBLD request to direct terminal while building a routed logical message. DFHBMS TYPE=TEXTBLD,STORE Continue building routed logical message. DFHBMS TYPE=PAGEOUT Terminate routed logical message and routing operation. DFHBMS TYPE=OUT Transmit to direct terminal. status Fl~yte terminal. in User-Supplied Route List Each route list entry contains a status flag byte used by BMS to indicate to the application program the status of the destination at the time the DFHBMS TYPE=ROUTE macro instruction was issued. Upon return, the application program can investigate the status byte for each route list entry and take appropriate action. The status flag byte settings are shown in Figure 4.3-3. Their meanings are explained in greater detail in the text that follows. Chapter 4.3. Basic Mapping Support 297 Status Flag Condition (See explanation below.) Assembler COBOL PL/I ENTRY SKIPPBD X '80' 12-0-1-8 10000000 INVALID TERMINAL IDENTIFICATION X'40' no punches 01000000 TERMINAL NOT SUPPORTED UNDER BMS X'20' 11-0-1-8-9 00100000 OPERATOR NOT SIGNED ON X'10' 12-11-1-8-9 00010000 OPERATOR SIGNED ON UNSUPPORTED TERMINAL X'OS' 12-8-9 00001000 INVALID LDC MNEMONIC X'04 1 12-4-9 00000100 Figure 4.3-3. BMS Status Flags ENTRY SKIPPED A route list entry that is flagged as skipped was not included in the resolved routing environment. If an entry has been skipped, another flag indicating why the entry was skipped may be on in the status byte. This second flag could be 2n~ of the following: • INVALID TERMINAL IDENTIFICATION • TERMINAL NOT SUPPORTED UNDER BMS • OPERATOR NOT SIGNED ON - only an operator identification was specified in the route list entry and that operator was not signed on any terminal • OPERATOR SIGNED ON UNSUPPORTED TERMINAL • INVALID LDC MNEMONIC If only the ENTRY SKIPPED flag is on, neither a terminal identification nor an operator identification was specified in the route list entry. INVALID TERMINAL IDENTIFICATION This flag indicates that the terminal identification specified in the route list entry does not have a corresponding TCTTE in the terminal control table. This entry is also flagged as ENTRY SKIPPED. TERMINAL NOT SUPPORTED UNDER BMS This flag indicates that the terminal identification specified in the route list entry is for a terminal type that is not supported under BMS or the terminal table entry indicated that the terminal identification was not eligible for routing. This entry is also flagged as ENTRY SKIPPED. 298 CICS/VS APRM(ML) OPERATOR NOT SIGNED ON This flag indicates that the specified operator is not signed on. Any ~ of the following conditions causes this flag to be set: 1. An operator identification was specified with a terminal identification, but the specified operator was not signed on the terminal. This entry is not skipped. 2. An operator identification was specified without a terminal identification, and the operator was not signed on any terminal. This entry is also flagged as ENTRY SKIPPED. 3. The OPCLASS operand was specified with the DFHBMS TYPE=ROUTE macro instruction and a terminal identification was specified in the route list entry, but the operator signed on the terminal did not qualify under OPCLASS. This entry is not skipped. OPERATOR SIGNED ON UNSUPPORTED TERMINAL This flag indicates that only an operator identification was specified in the route list entry, and that operator vas signed on a terminal not supported by BMS. This entry is also flagged as ENTRY SKIPPED. The unsupported terminal identification is returned in that route list entry at URLTRMID for informational purposes only. INVALID LDC MNEMONIC This flag indicates that one of the following conditions occurred: 1. The LDC mnemonic specified in the route list does not appear in the LOC list associated with the TCTTE. 2. The device type generated in the system LDC table for the specified or implied Loe mnemonic is not the same as the device type for the first LDC specified in the route environment. A symbolic storage definition of the user-supplied route list is available on the source library (s) under the member name DFHURLDS. This symbolic storage definition can be used as an aid in building the route list, and if necessary, in testing the status flag byte for each entry upon return from aDFHBMS TYPE=ROOTE request that refers to a list. The symbolic base register is URLBAR. Chapter 4.3. Basic Mapping Support 299 Checking the Response to a BMS Request (TYPE=CHECK) The format of the DFHBMS TYPE=CHECK macro instruction is as follows: r------.r-------'r----------------------------------------------------------, I DFHBMS TYPE=CHECK [,EOC=symbolic-address] [,EODS=symbolic-address] [ ,ERROR=symbolic-address] [,IGREQID=symbolic-address] [,INVET=symbolic-address] [,INVLDC=symbolic-address] [,INVMPSZ=symbolic-address] [,INVREQ=symbolic-address] [,KAPFAIL=symbolic-address] [,NORESP=symbolic-address] [,RETPAGE=symbolic-address] [,RTEFAIL=symbolic-address] [,RTESOME=symbolic-address] [ , IGREQCD=symbolic-address ] ----->Assembler only [,TSIOERR=symbolic-address] where: TYPE=CHECK indicates that the BMS response to a request for BMS services is to be checked. Some response codes may appear in combination with other response codes. These combinations are: RTEFAIL and INVET, and RTESOME and INVET. The order used by BMS in checking for all conditions that the application programmer specifies is as follows: NORESP, TSIOERR, INVREQ, RETPAGE, MAPFAIL, RTEFAIL, RTES03E, INVET, IGREQID, INVLDC, INVMPSZ, EODS, EOC, and ERROR. Thus, if the application programmer has specified INVET and RTEFAIL and both of these responses apply, BMS transfers control to the user-written exception-handling routine identified in the RTEFAIL operand. In this situation, the INVET operand is not acted upon. BMS Response Codes To test a BMS response code the application programmer must know the codes and their meanings. For this approach, the application programmer can access the response code(s) at TCAMSRC1, TCAMSRC2, and TCAMSRC3. The possible response codes and the conditions to which they correspond are identified in the right-hand columns of Figure 4.3-4. DFHBMS service requests for which the conditions are applicable are shown at the left. The keywords are explained in detail at the end of this chapter (see "Operands of DFHBMS Macros") • 300 CICS/VS APRM(ML) i 1 DFHBMS 1 Service 1 Reguest Condition IROUTING,CHECK 1 (Normal response) 1 Response Code Response Code 1----------------------------IAssemblerl COBOL PL/I Location 1---------------------------------------------------------------------1 INPUT ,OUTPUT, NORESP LOW-VALUES 1000000001TCAMSRC1, X'OO' 1 OUTPUT,CHECK OUTPUT,CHECK INPUT,CHECK INPUT,CHECK INPUT,OUTPUT, CHECK INPUT,CHECK OUTPUT ,CHECK OUTPUT, ROUTING,CHECK ROUTING,CHECK ROUTING,CHECK ROUTING,CHECK INPUT,OUTPUT ROUTING,CHECK OUTPUT,CHECK OUTPUT,CHECK IUVREQ X'Ol' (Invalid request) RETPAGE X'02' (R eturn Page) MAPFAIL X'04' (Mapping a ttempt failure) EODS X'04' (End of data set) INVMPSZ X'OS' (Invalid map size) EOC X'OS' (End of chain) INVLDC X' 10' (In valid LDC mnemonic) IGREQID X '10' (Ignore REQID specifica tion) INVET X'20' (In valid error terminal) RTE SOME X'40' (Routing to only some terminals) RTEFAIL X'80' (Routing failure) See note ERROR (Any re sponse other than NORESP) TSIOERR X'80' (Temporary storage I/O error) IGREQCD X'40' (Request change direction ignored) 12-1-9 12-2-9 12-4-9 1 1 ITCAMSRC2,and 1TCAMSRC3 1 1 100000001 TCAMSRCl 1 1 100000010 TCAMSRCl 1 00000100 TCAMSRCl 12-4-9 00000100 TCAMSRC3 12-8-9 00001000 TCAMSRC1 12-8-9 00001000 TCAMSRC3 12-11-1-8-9 00010000 TCAMSRC2 12-11-1-8-9 00010000 TCAMSRC3 11-0-1-8-9 00100000 TCAMSRC1 no punches 01000000 TCAMSRCl 12-0-1-8 10000000 TCAMSRC1 See note See note TCAMSRC1, TCAMSRC2,and TCAMSRC3 12-0-1-8 10000000 TCAMSRC2 No punches 01000000 TCAMSRC2 Note: The test for the ERROR response is satisfied by a not~gual condition; that is, not X'OO', not LOW-VALUES, or not 00000000 for Assembler, COBOL, and PL/I, respectively. Figure 4.3-4. BMS Response Codes Chapter 4.3. Basic Mapping Support 301 The following examples show how to examine the response code provided by BMS at TCAMSRC1,TC1MSRC2, and TCAMSRC3, and transfer control to the appropriate user-written routine accordingly. Por Assembler ERROR GOOD DFHBMS CLI BNE CLI BNE CLI BE DS DFHPC DS Languag~: TYPE=(TEXTBLD,STORE) TCAMSRC1,X I OO I ERROR TCAMSRC2,X I OOI ERROR TCAMSRC3,X I OO' GOOD OH TYPE=ABEND OS BUILD OUTPUT ANY UNUSUAL CONDITIONS, TEST 1 •• YES, GO TERMINATE THE TASK •• NO, ANY UNUSUAL CONDITIONS, TEST 2 •• YES, GO TERMINATE THE TASK •• NO, ANY UNUSUAL CONDITIONS, TEST 3 •• NO, GO CONTINUE PROCESSING YES, TERMINATE THE TASK TERMINATE THE TASK For COBOL: DFHBMS TYPE=(TEXTBLD,STORE) BUILD OUTPUT IP TCAMSRCl NOT = I I THEN GO TO ERROR. IP TCAMSRC2 NOT = I I THEN GO TO ERROR. IF TCA!SRC3 = , , THEN GO TO GOOD. ERROR. DPHPC TYPB=ABEND TERMINATE THE TASK GOOD. where the value specified within the single quotation marks is an unprintable multipunch code for the required hexadecimal value. Por PLII: DPHBMS TYPE= (TEXTBLD ,STORE) BUILD OUTPUT IP TCAMSRC1 = 'OIB & TCAMSRC2 = 'OIB & TCAMSRC3 = 10'B THEN GO TO GOOD; ERROR: DPHPC TYPE=ABEND TERMINATE THE TASK GOOD: 302 CICS/VS APRM (!L) BMS Message Recovery BMS provides message recovery for routed and non-routed messages. recoverable, messages must satisfy the following requirements: To be • The DPHBMS TYPE=STORE operand must have been specified on the BMS output requests that built the logical message. • The BMS default REQID (**) or the specified REQID for the logical message must have been identified to Temporary storage Program (via the TST) as recoverable. • The task that built the message must have reached its logical end of task. G The Temporary storage Program (TSP) and the Interval Control Program (lCP) must also support recovery. Terminal Code (TC) Table A terminal code table is established within BMS for reference in servicing BMS-supported terminals. There is one entry in this table for each terminal supported under BMS. The terminal codes that appear in the table are given in Pigure 4.3-5. This code appears in the list of completed pages available at TCAMSRLA when the application programmer has specified that pages of output be returned (that is, RETURN is the disposition parameter in the output request). The code is available at TCAMSRI1 when an invalid map size (INVMPSZ) response is returned. Codg, Character A B C D E P G H I J K L ! P Q R U V W X Y pigure 4.3-5. Terminal ~ CRLP or TRMTYPE=TCAM terminals Magnetic Tape Sequential Disk TWX Model 33/35 1050 2140 Models 1 and 2 (Without Buffer Receive) 2141 2740 Model 2 (With Buffer Receive) 2110 2780 3180 3270 models with 40-column displays 3210 models with 80-column displays Interactive LU P167, 3110 Interactive); 3790 Pull Punction LU; and SCS Printer LUs (3210 and 3190) 2980 Models 1 and 2 2980 Model 4 3601 Host Conversational (3653) 3650 User Program 3650/3210 Host Conversational (3210) Batch LU (3110 Batch), Batch Data Interchange LU (3110, 3190, LUTYPE4) BMS Terminal Code Table Chapter 4.3. Basic Mapping support 303 Standard Attribute List and Printer Control Characters (DFHBMSCA) The application programmer can obtain a set of commonly used 3270 field attributes and printer control characters by copying DFHBMSCA into his program. For COBOL, this definition must be copied into the Working storage Section. DFHBMSCA consists of a set of EQU statements in the case of Assembler language, a set of 01 statements in the case of COBOL, and DECLARE statements defining elementary character variables in the case of PL/I. One possible use for DFHBMSCA is for the purpose of temporarily changing attribute characters in a map. The field attributes/printer control characters and corresponding symbolic names are listed in Figure 4.3-6. These attributes cannot be combined by the application programmer in any manner. If any combinations other than those listed are required, the application programmer must either use the ATTRB operand of the DFHMDF macro instruction to obtain the desired combinations or generate new attribute combinations offline. Symbolic Name Field Attributel Printer Control Character DFHBMPEK DFHBMPNL DFHBMASK DFHB8UNP DFHBPlUNN DFHBMPRO DFHBMBRY DFHB8DAR DFHB8FSE DFHB8PBF DFHBMASF DFHBMASB 3270 Printer end of message 3270 Printer new-line character Autoskip Unprotected Unprotected and numeric Protected High intensity Dark, nonprint 8DT on Protected and MDT on Autoskip and MDT on Autoskip and high intensity Figure 4.3-6. 3270 Field Attributes and Printer Control Characters Standard Attention Identifier List (DFHAID) To test the method of initiating an incoming READ from the 3270 Information Display System, the application programmer is provided with a set of 3270 attention identifiers (single-character variables called AIDs) that can be used to test the value at TCTTEAID. He can obtain this set of attention identifiers by copying DFHAID into his program. For COBOL, this definition must be copied into the Working Storage Section. DFHAID consists of a set of EQU statements in the case of Assemnler language, a set of 01 statements in the case of COBOL, and DECLARE statements defining elementary character variables in the case of PL/I. The symbolic names for the attention identifiers and the corresponding 3270 functions are given in Figure 4.3-7. 304 CICS/VS APRM(8L) Symbolic Name 3270 Function DFHENTER DFHCLEAR DFHOPID DFHPEN DFHPA 1 DFHPA2 DPHPA3 DFHPF1 Enter key Clear key Operator Identification Card Reader Immediately detectable field PA 1 key PA2 key PA3 key PP1 key DFHPP24 Figure 4.3-7. PF24 key 3270 Attention Identifiers and Functions Programming Considerations for Paging Commands on Display Devices The commands used by terminal operators to communicate with CICS/VS BMS are collectively known as terDinal paging commands, or simply as paging commands. They are defined by the system programmer through the DPHSIT macro, which is described in the CICSLVS2yst~~~gra!!!!ru~r's-I!g!~g, Manual. Their format and use are discussed in detail in the CICS/VS Q.E.~rator's Guide. The application programmer must be auare of the terminal paging commands in order to write applications that involve terminal operators. The use of BMS at map definition time and in executable programs can have a significant effect on terminal operator procedures. It is important to note that uhen in a page retrieval session, that is, when using paging commands, all PA and PF keys are treated as paging commands, regardless of whether or not they have been defined in the SKRXXXX operand of the DFHSIT macro. Cursor placement is an important consideration in programming for paging commands. Any of the follouing items can cause a paging command not to be the first data read by CICS/VS and therefore not to be interpreted as a paging command. • After a print operation on a 3270 display, the cursor is set to position zero. A paging command entered at this location is not recognized unless the last position of the buffer contains an attribute byte or the buffer has been cleared. o A field sent with DATA=ONLY and no attribute byte in the TIOA is uritten into the buffer uithout an attribute byte. If the application programmer places the cursor in this field and the operator keys a paging command beginning at the cursor location, the paging command is not recognized. Since the field has no attribute byte, the hardware considers the data to be an extension of the previously defined field. When the operator keys into the middle of the hardware-recognized field and presses the enter key, the field is transmitted from the beginning of the previously defined field. The data at the beginning of the field is examined for a paging command and responded to accordingly. Chapter 4.3. Basic Mapping Support 305 • 306 Cursor specification in the DFHBMS macro instruction can adversely affect operator action if the cursor is not set at the beginning of a field. Paging commands entered at a cursor location that is not the beginning of a field are not recognized by BMS because data transmission starts at the beginning of the field if the field is not set to nulls X'OO'. CICS/VS APRM(ML) Operands of DFHBMS Macros CTRL= PAGEBLD~XTBL~and OUT Macros In DFHBMS TYPE=PAGEBLD, TEXTBLD, and OUT macros, CTRL= is used to specify device characteristics related to terminals of the 3270 Information Display System (including VTAM 3270 logical units, 3650 host-conversational (3270) logical units, and 3790 (3270-displayand 3270-printer) logical units). CTRL=ALARM is also valid for TeAM SDLC and VTAM-supported terminals (except interactive and batch logical units), for which all other parameters for CTRL are ignored. To be effective, this operand must be 'specified in the DFHBMS TYPE=PAGEBLD macro that causes a page of output to be completed, or in the DFBMDI macro for the associated map, or in the DFBMSD macro for the associated mapset. If the operand is specified in more than one of these macros, the specification in a DFBBMS macro will override that in a DFHMDI macro, which in turn overrides that in a DFHMSD macro. If CTRL is not specified in a request for a 3270, an appropriate WCC for the 3270 should be placed in TIOACLCR before the request is issued. If this is not provided, the default WCC will be used. PRINT must be specified if the printer is to be started; if omitted, the data is sent to the printer buffer but is not printed. This operand is ignored for 3270 displays without printer features. L40,L64,L80,HONEOM are Llutually exclusive options that control the line length on the printer. L40, L64, and L80 force a carrier return/line feed after 40, 64, or 80 characters, respectively. HONEOM causes the default printer line length to be used. FREEKB specifies that the keyboard should be unlocked after this map is written out. If omitted, the keyboard remains locked; further data entry from the keyboard is inhibited until thi s status is changed. ALARM activates the 3270 audible alarm feature. For TCAM and VTAM terminals supporting function management headers (FMHs) (except interactive and batch logical units), ALARM signals BMS to set the alarm flag in the FMH. Chapter 4.3. Basic Mapping Support 307 FRSET is valid only when mapping is used. FRSET indicates that the modified data tags (MDTs) of all fields currently in the 3270 buffer are to be reset to a not-modified condition (that is, field reset) before any map data is written to the buffer. This allows the DFHMDF ATTRB specification for the requested map to control the final status of any fields written or rewritten in response to a DFHBMS macro instruction. PAQ~QQ! MaQro In the DFHBMS TYPE=PAGEOUT macro, CTRL= specifies how pages are to be displayed at the terminal (when the disposition is OUT or STORE) and whether or not control is to be returned to the application program. PAGE specifies that pages are to be paged one at a time to the terminal. BMS writes the first page to the terminal when the terminal becomes available or upon request of the operator. All subsequent pages are written to the terminal in response to a terminal operator request (see the description of paging commands in the CICSIVS Operator's Guide). If automatic paging was specified for the terminal at system generation, this specification overrides the automatic paging for this logical message. For TCAM SNA and VTAM-supported terminals, PAGE applies to all LDC page sets accumulated within the logical message. AUTOPAGE specifies that pages are to be paged automatically to the terminal. BMS writes each page of the logical message to the terminal when it becomes available. If paging upon request was specified for the terminal at system generation, this specification overrides it for this logical message, provided that the terminal is not a 3270 video terminal (AUTOPAGE cannot be specified for a 3270 video terminal). For TCAM SNA and VTAM-supported terminals, AUTOPAGE applies to all LDC page sets accumulated in the logical message. A specification of PAGE for 3284 or 3286 devices is ignored. That is, AUTOPAGE is assumed for these devices. If neither PAGE nor AUTOPAGE is specified, the paging status specified for the terminal at system generation determines how pages are to be written to the terminal. For TCAM SNA and VTAM-supported terminals with LDC support, paging status for each LDC is obtained from the system LDC table. 308 CICS/VS APRM(ML) RETAIN indicates that BHS is to return control to the application program for further processing after it has written the page(s) to the terminal and has received data other than a purge, copy, or paging command from the operator. RETAIN is intended to be used for a combination of page display from the page file (logical message built using the. STORE disposition) and operator data entry. BMS issues a GET to the terminal after writing the appropriate pagels) to the terminal. BtIS issues the GET only if the logical message was built with STORE disposition. If the logical message lias not built l1ith STORE disposition, BMS returns control to the appJ.ication program after the last page is written to the terminal, and without issuing a GET to the terminal. The operator may enter any page, purge, or copy commands that are valid for the particular message. Any other entered data is passed back to the application program after the current message is purged. The address of the newly acguired TIOA is in TCTTEDA. A chaining command is not valid at this point because it requests the creation of a new task for the terminal to which a task is already attached. RELEASE indicates that control is to be returned to the program at the next higher logical level after BMS has written the pagels) to the terminal. When RELEASE is specified, LAST is assumed for TCAM SNA and VTAM-supported terminals, except when the PAGEOUT is for a route operation. Note: To ensure that a logical message appears at the receiving terminal at once, before any other transaction is initiated from the terminal and before any other messages that may have been routed to it, CTRL=RELEASE should be specified. If neither RETAIN nor RELEASE is specified, and STORE is the disposition for the logical message, a new task is scheduled by CICS/VS task control for uriting the pages to the terminal, and control is returned to the application program at this time rather than after the pages are written. After the application program has terminated, the pages will be written to the terminal in response to terminal operator reguests (see the description of paging commands in the CICS/VS Operator's Guigg). If pages are being routed, a specification of either RELEASE or RETAIN is ignored. If messages are being chained, and the second transaction uses BMS in paging mode, the use of RETAIN will prevent further chaining. RELEASE must be used to allow more than two transactions to be chained together. CURSOR= is used to position the cursor upon completion of a write operation to a 3270 device. This operand is valid in TYPE=OUT macros only when maps are used. Chapter 4.3. Basic Mapping Support 309 number is an integer indicating a particular position relative to zero on the screen; the range of values that may be specified depends upon the screen size of the 3210 being used. y~ indicates that a value indicating the desired cursor position has been placed in TCABMSCP. (Note, though, that TCABMSCP may be used by CICS/VS for other purposes. The user should not rely on the cursor position specification remaining intact throughout a transaction.) This operand overrides the IC option of the !TTRB operand of the DFHMDF macro instruction, if it is specified in a macro that completes a pagebuilding operation and thus causes a write operation. Previous specifications' of the IC option and of the CURSOR operand for the other maps making up the page are ignored. Similarly, a CURSOR operand on a later TEXTBLD macro always overrides a CURSOR operand on an earlier TEXTBLD macro. An alternate method may be used to dynamically position the cursor on the output screen. This method is called symbolic cursor positioning (SCP). SCP allows a field in the TIO! to be marked, symbolically, such that the cursor is placed under the first data byte of the field on the output screen. Requirements for SCP use are as follows: • MODE=INOUT must be specified on the DFBMSD macro for maps and DSECTs which will be used with SCP. • CURSOR=YES must be specified on the DFHBMS macro. o Field TCABMSCP must be initialized ~ith hexadecimal Fs; for example, MVC TCABMSCP,=X'FFFF'. (In COBOL move minus'one into TCABMSCP which has been defined as PIC S9(4) COMP.) • The length field, suffix "L", associated with the field under which the cursor is to be placed must be initialized with hexadecimal Fs. For example, MVC FIELD3L,=X'FFFF'. The remainder of the TIOA may be built as desired by the user. SCP is operable only for devices which allow cursor placement to be performed independent of data placement; for example, 3604 and 3210. SCP specification is ignored for other devices. DATA= indicates one of the following three output mapping data selection modes. specifies that only default data is to be written from the selected map. YES specifies that data placed in the TIOA by the application programmer is to be merged with default data from the map. The user-supplied data and/or attribute character (3210 only) supplied for a given field replaces the corresponding default data and/or attribute character from the map. 310 CICS/VS APRM(ML) ONLY specifies that only data placed in the TIO! by the application programmer is to be uritten. The attribute characters (3270 only) must be specified for each field in the TIOA. Any default data or attributes from the map are ignored. This operand is valid only when mapping is used. If it is omitted, DATA=NO is assumed. The first position of each field in data placed in the TIOA by the application program must contain a non-null character. A suitable replacement character for a null character is a blank (XI401). EOC=symbolic address specifies the symbolic address of the routine to be given control if the request/response unit (RU) is received, during a BMS input operation, vith the end-of-chain indicator set. This operand is used only for VTAM interactive and batch logical units. EODPURG= specifies the manner in which CICS/VS deletes the current message. AUTO specifies that CICS/VS is to delete the message automatically if the operator enters a transaction that is not a paging command. Alternatively, the operator may delete the message uith a purge command (see the CICS/yS oEe£~1Qrls_Guide) • OPER specifies that CICS/VS is not to delete the message until the terminal operator explicitly requests deletion with a purge command. Note: If temporary storage is reinitialized, all messages are lost, regardless of any other specifications. EODS=symbolic address indicates the label of a user-ffritten routine to receive control if end-of-data-set (EODS) has been received during a BMS input operation. If this condition occurs, no data has been received (only a standalone function management header). No data is mapped and TCTTEDA is set to zero. This operand applies only to VTAM batch logical units. ERROR=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is passed if any of the response conditions except NORESP occurs. ERRTERM= indicates the terminal to be notified if the message is purged because it is undeliverable. The message number, title identification, and destination of the message are indicated. termid is the terminal identification of the terminal to be notified. Chapter 4.3. Basic Mapping Support 311 ORIG indicates that the originating terminal is to be notified. YES indicates that the terminal identification of the terminal to be notified has been placed in TCAMSTI prior to issuing the DFHBMS TYPE=ROUTE macro instruction. This operand is operative only if the PRGDLAY operand was specified in the DFHSG PROGRAM=BMS macro instruction by the system programmer. If PRGDLAY was not specified, this operand has no effect. FMHPARM= specifies information to be included in a function management header (FMH) being transmitted to a 3650 logical unit. Refer to the CICS/VS 3650 Guide for details of the FMH and of 3650 logical units. This operand applies only to VTAM-supported 3650 logical units with outboard formatting. It specifies the name of the map to be used with this BMS request. parameter specifies the eight-character name of the map. YES indicates that the map name has been stored in the eightcharacter TCAMSFMP field. HEADER= specifies that header data is to be placed at the beginning of each output page and points to that data. symbolic address is the symbolic address of the header record that will be used to place header information at the beginning of each page. YES indicates that the application programmer has placed the address of the header record in TCAMSHDR prior to issuing this DFHBMS macro instruction. If this operand is used in a DOS COBOL program, the label must not be longer than eight characters. The record pointed to by HEADER or TRAILER operands has the following format: I I I I I ILLpIC<--------~Data------PPPpp--------------------------->1 I , I I I where: LL is a two-byte field containing the length of the header or trailer information. ~12 CICS/VS APRM(ML) I I P is a one-byte field containing a character of the userls choice that indicates which, if any, are the embedded page number positions in the data area. The character chosen must, obviously, be one that does not otherwise appear in the data area. The embedded page number positions will initially contain this same character. The character must not be any of the following, which are reserved: XIOCI, X11s l , X1171, X126 1 , and XIPPI. If page-numbering is not required, P should be set to blank (X'40 1 ). C is a reserved one-byte field. Data and PPPPP is the header or trailer information to be placed at the beginning or end of each page of output. This information consists of a constant character string with, optionally, a page-number field of up to five characters embedded within it. The placement of the page-number field within the data area is entirely at the user's choice. If such a field is defined, BM5 will place the current page number in it for each page built. The number is padded on the left with zeros if it does not fill the defined field; it is truncated on the left if it is too large for the defined field. Page numbering starts at 1 and can run up to 32,767. It is automatically reset to 1 after each DFHBMS TYPE=PAGEOUT request or if the output disposition is changed. The legibility of the code will be improved if the page-number field is separated from the constant data by blanks or other suitable characters, though such separation is not required by BM5. New-line characters (XI1SI) may be included in the constant data if a multiple-line header or trailer is required. IGREQCD=symbo1ic address specifies the entry label of a user-written routine to which control is passed if an output operation is attempted after a signal command with a hard request change direction (RCD) code (X I 000100001) has been received from an LUTYPE4 logical unit. Applies to output operations only. Valid in assembler language only. IGREQID=symbolic address specifies the entry label of a user-coded routine to which control is to be passed if the prefix specified is different from the established (via a previous specification or default) REQID for this logical message. INTRVAL= specifies the interval of time after which data being routed to the page file is to be transmitted to the terminal(s). numeric value is of the form HHMM55, where HB represents hours from 00 to 99, MM represents minutes fro~ 00 to 59, and 55 represents seconds from 00 to 59. Chapter 4.3. Basic Mapping Support 313 YES indicates that the interval of time has been placed in packed decimal form (OHHMMSS+) in TCAMSRTI prior to issuing the DPRBMS TYPE=ROUTE macro instruction. INVET=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is passed i f the terminal identification specified by the ERRTERM operand of a DPHBMS TYPE=ROUTE macro instruction is invalid or is assigned to a terminal of a type not supported under BMS. INVLDC=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is passed if the LDC mnemonic specified by the LDC operand does not appear in the LDC list associated with the TCTTE. INVMPSZ=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is to be passed i f (1) the specified map is too wide for a receiving' terminal, or (2) OPLOW has been requested and the specified map is too long for the receiving terminal. Upon entry to the user-written routine, TCAMSRI1 contains a terminal code that further identifies the receiving terminal (see "Terminal Code (TC) Table," earlier in this chapter). INVREQ=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is passed if the request for BMS services is invalid. This response may be caused by any of the following conditions: • Changing the disposition of a routed logical message prior to its completion, through DFHBMS TYPE=PAGEOUT • Issuing a separate TYPE=TEXTBLD or TYPE=PAGEBLD request to the direct (originating) terminal while in the process of building a routed logical message • Mixing TYPE=TEXTBLD and TYPE=PAGEBLD requests when building a logical message • Specifying NOEDIT with a TYPE=PAGEBLD or TYPE=TEITBLD request • Specifying the TRAILER operand with TYPE=PAGEOUT when terminating a logical message built using TYPE=PAGEBLD requests • Issuing a DFHBMS request with DATA=YES or DATA=NO and specifying a map with no field specifications • Issuing a DPHBMS request with TYPE=STORE from a CICS/VS application program communicating with a host conversational (3653) logical unit. I JUSTIFY= describes the pOSitioning of the text data. 314 CICS/VS APRM(ML) FIRST indicates that this TEXTBLD data is to be positioned at the top of the page. Any partially formatted page from preceding DFHBMS requests is considered to be complete. If the HEADER operand is specified, the header precedes the TEXTBLD data. LAST indicates that this TEXTBLD data is to be positioned at the bottom of the page. If the TRAILER operand is specified, the trailer appears after the TEXTBLD data. The page is considered to be complete after the request is processed. line number indicates that this TEXTBLD data is to be positioned at line nnn of the page. YES indicates that the application programmer has placed a binary value from 1 to 255 in TCAMSJ prior to issuing this DFHBMS TYPE=TEXTBLD macro instruction. A value in the range from 1 through 240 represents a line number; 254 represents LAST; and 255 represents FIRST. The values from 241 through 253 are reserved and should not be specified. LDC= specifies the mnemonic to be used by CICS/VS to determine the logical device code that is to be used for the BMS operation and transmitted in the function management header (FMH) to the logical unit. This operand is meaningful only for TCAM and VTAM terminals with LDC support. mnemonic is the two-character mnemonic used to determine the appropriate LDC numeric value. The mnemonic represents an LDC entry in the DFHTCT TYPE=LDC macro instruction. Chapter 4.3. Basic Mapping Support 315 YES indicates that the application program has placed the LDC mnemonic in TCAMSLDM. When an LDC is specified, BMS uses the device type, the page size, and the page status associated with the LDC mnemonic to format the message. These values are taken from the extended local LDC table for the LU, if it has one. If the LU has only a local (unextended) LDC table, the values are taken from the system LDC table. The numeric value of the LDC is obtained from the local LDC table, unless this is an unextended table and the value is not specified, in which case it is taken from the system table. If the LDC operand of the DFHBMS macro is omitted, the LDC mnemonic specified in the DFHMSD macro is used, (except in TEXTBLD operations, when maps do not apply). If the LDC operand has also been omitted from the DFHMSD macro, the action depends on the type of the logical unit. For a 3601 LU, the first entry in the local or extended local LDC table is used, if there is one. If a default cannot be obtained in this way, a null LDC numeric value (X'OO') is used. The pagesize used is the value that was specified in the DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL macro, or (1,40) if such a value was not specified. For a batch or batch data interchange LU, the local LDC table is not used to supply a default LDC; instead, the message is directed to the LU console ~hat is, to any medium that the LU receive such messages. Note that for a batch data interchange LU, this does not imply sending an LDC in an FMH) • The pagesize is obtained in the manner described for the 3601 LU. For DFHBMS TYPE=ROUTE operations, the LDC operand of the ROUTE macro takes precedence over all other sources. If this operand is omitted and a route list is specified (LIST=symbolic address or YES), the LDC mnemonic in the route list is used; if the route list contains no LDC mnemonic, or no route list is specified, a default LDC is chosen as described above. LIST= specifies the terminals and/or operators to which paged data is to be directed. symbolic address is the label of a list of terminals and/or operators to which data is to be directed. If this parameter is used on a DOS COBOL program the label must not be longer than eight characters. YES indicates that the address of the list of terminals and/or operators to which data is to be directed has been placed in TCAMSRLA prior to issuing the DFHBMS TYPE=ROUTE macro instruction. ALL indicates that all terminals supported by Bas are to receive the paged data. The list of destination terminals and/or operators consists of 16-byte entries as follows: 316 CICS/VS APRM(ML) contents 1-4 contain a four-character (including trailing blanks) terminal or logical unit identification, or blanks 5-6 contain the two-character LDC mnemonic for TCAM and VTAM-supported terminals with LDC support, or blanks 7-9 contain the operator identification, or blanks 10 serve as a status flag for the route entry (see "Status Flag Byte in User-Supplied Route List, II earlier in this chapter.) 11-16 reserved; must contain blanks The end of the list is designated as folIous: Assembler: COBOL: PL/I: DC AL2 (-1) PIC S9 (4) CaMP VALUE -1. DECLARE FIXED BINARY (15) INITIAL (-1); It may be necessary for the application program to supply this list of destinations in noncontiguous areas called segments. If the list is supplied in segments, every segment except the last is terminated with ~t least) an eight-byte entry as follows: Bytes Contents 1-2 Assembler: COBOL: PL/I: DC AL2 (-2) PIC S9(4) CaMP VALUE -2. DECLARE FIXED BINARY (15) INITIAL (-2); 3-4 reserved 5-8 contain the chain address to the first entry of the next segment The end of the list is designated as described above for an unsegmented list. If, for any entry in the list, 1. The terminal identification is specified but the operator identification is omitted, the data is routed to that terminal without regard to operator identification. 2. The operator identification is specified but no terminal identification is given, the data is routed to the 'first' terminal at which the operator is signed on under the specified operator identification. The 'first- is determined by the physical location of the terminal entry in the CICS/VS terminal control table. If no operator is signed on under the specified operator identification when the DFHBMS TYPE=ROUTE macro instruction is executed, the route list entry is ignored. Chapter 4.3. Basic Mapping support 317 3. Both terminal identification and operator identification are specified, the data is routed to that terminal. For either 2 or 3 above, the data is displayed only if the operator with the specified identification is signed on at the terminal when the data is ready to be displayed, or when the operator signs on after the data is ready to be displayed. Entries of all three types may be included in one segmented or unsegmented list. It should be noted that the status flag in each route list entry is used to notify the application program of certain status conditions for that requested destination. Therefore, if the route list is contained within the application program and Bes alters the status flag, the application program can no longer be considered reentrant. MAP= specifies the name of the map to be used when mapping formatted pages. map name is the one- to seven-character name of the map within a map set. YES indicates that the application programmer has placed the name of the map in TCABMSMN prior to issuing this DFHBMS macro instruction. The name must be left-justified and padded with trailing blanks to eight characters. Because map sets did not exist in pre-VS BMS, pre-VS application programs will not specify a MAPSBT or MSBTADR parameter. In this case, BMS takes the name specified in the MAP operand as the name of the map set. It does not suffix this name with a terminal type suffix, as described under the DFHMSD macro instruction, because the concept of devicedependent map sets was also inapplicable in pre-VS BMS. ~: MAPADR= specifies the address of the map to be used when mapping formatted pages. This operand is valid only when the map has been coded within an assembler-language program. symbolic address is the one- to seven-character symbolic label that has been assigned to the map. YES indicates that the application programmer has placed the address of the map in TCABMSMA prior to issuing this DFHBMS macro instruction. If KAPADR is specified, MAP, MAPSET, and MSETADR should not be used. 318 CICS/VS APRM(ML) MAPFAIL=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is passed if the data to be mapped has a length of zero or does not contain a SBA (start buffer address) seguence. This response can occur only if TYPE=IN or TYPE=MAP is specified and data is mapped from a 3270 device. For TYPE=IN, the address of the erroneous TIOA is available at TCTTEDA. For TYPE=MAP, this address is wherever the user placed it prior to the reguest (either in TCTTEDA or TCAMSIOA) •. MAPSET= specifies the name of the map set to be used in the mapping operation. map set name is the one- to seven-character name of the map set. YES indica testhat the application programmer has placed the name of the map set in TCAMSMSN prior to issuing the DFHBMS macro instruction. The name must be left-justified and padded with trailing blanks to eight characters. The map set established by this operand must reside in the CICS/VS program library, and a corresponding entry for the map set must exist in the processing program table (PPT). If MAPSET is coded, MAP must also be coded. MSETADR= specifies the address of the map set to be used in the mapping operation. This operand is valid only when the map has been coded within an assembler-language program. symbolic address is the one- to eight-character symbolic label that has been assigned to the map set. YES indicates that the appli6ation programmer has placed the address of the map set in TCAMSMSA prior to issuing this DFHBMS macro instruction. MAPSET and MSETADR are mutually exclusive operands. is coded, MAP must also be coded. If MSETADR NORESP=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is passed i f none of the other response conditions ~hether checked for or not) occurs. NORESP signifies "normal response." OFLOw=symbolic address specifies the symbolic address of a routine to which control is to be transferred if the mapped data does not fit on the current page ~ee "PAGEBLD Overflow Processing," earlier in t his chap ter) • OPCLASS= specifies the operator class (es) to which data is to be routed. Chapter 4.3. Basic Mapping Support 319 decimal value, •••. consists of one or more decimal values in the range from 1 through 24, separated by commas, specifically identifying the operator class (es) • YES indicates that values identifying operator classes have been placed in TCAKSOC (three-byte field) prior to issuing the DFHBMS TYPE=ROUTE macro instruction. A bit position corresponding to each value from 1 through 24 is established in a three-byte field which is matched against the three-byte operator class field in the CICS/VS terminal control table terminal entry (TCTTEOCL) for a terminal. At least one pair of corresponding bits must match in order for the message to be routed to the terminal. The value in TCTTEOCL is set during sign-on according to the OPCLASS operand of the DFRSNT TYPE=ENTRY macro instruction specified by the system programmer. If data is to be routed to an operator class, the application programmer may do one of the following: 1. Specify OPCLASS and omit LIST. Data is routed to each terminal at which an operator is signed on with the specified OPCLASS at the time the DFHBMS macro instruction is issued. 2. Specify OPCLASS and LIST=ALL. terminals. Data is routed to all In both cases, the data is not displayed on a terminal until an operator is signed on with the specified OPCLASS. In general, LIST=ALL is specified with OPCLASS only when it is anticipated that someone will eventually sign on with the specified OPCLASS at g~~ supported terminal. If the application programmer specifies OPCLASS and LIST=symbolic address, and the list contains operator identifications, a specified operator identification overrides OPCLASS for that entry. 320 CICS/VS APRM(ML) PROPT=NLEOH requests BMS to build a logical message specifically for a 3270 printer or a 3270 display with the Printer Adapter Feature. If used, this operand must be specified in the first DFHBMS macro for each logical message. If routing, this operand must be specified on the TYPE=ROUTE request. Specification of this operand overrides the CTRL operand, if present; CTRL=(PRINT,HONEOM,FREEKB,PRESET) is assumed. specification of this operand will cause the page to be formatted using new line (NL) characters as for the other hard copy devices. An end-of-message (EM) character is placed at the end of the data. As the data is printed, a new line character causes printing to continue on the next line. The end-of-message character terminates printing. The next print operation will start on a new line. The following restrictions apply when using this parameter: Buffer updating and attribute modification of fields previously written into the buffer are not allowed. BMS issues an ERASE with every write to the terminal. When building a logical message, BHS will insert a new line (NL) character at the end of each line and an end-of-message (EM) character at the end of the text. Each NL and the EM character occupies a 3270 buffer position; therefore, to avoid possible wrap-around due to excessive data in the buffer, the PGESIZE values defined in the DFHTCT system macro should be such that the remainder of the 3270 buffer will contain these additional characters. This operand is ignored if the direct or a routing terminal is not a 3270 printer or display with the Printer Adapter Feature. RDATT= specifies the address of a routine to receive control if the operator presses the ATTN key on a 2741 when input is being entered from the terminal in response to a DFHBMS TYPE=IN request. This operand can be specified only if 2741 Read Attention support, an option available under either CICS/DOS/VS or CICS/OS/VS, has been generated into the system (see "2741 Read Attention and write Break Support .. in Chapter 4.2) • REQID= specifies the prefix to be used with the temporary storage identification. The identification (including the prefix) is used by CICS/VS when attempting message recovery. BMS message recovery is provided for a logical message only if the STORE operand is specified in the BHS output request and if the logical end of task has been reached. Only one prefix can be specified for each logical message. If the REQID operand is not specified, CICS/VS assigns the prefix ** (two asterisks). prefix indicates the alphanumeric prefix to be used as the first two characters of a temporary storage identification. Chapter 4.3. Basic Mapping Support 321 YES indicates that the prefix has been stored at TCA~SRID. RETPAGE=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is passed if one or more completed pages are returned to the application program. This response can occur only if TYPE=RETURN is specified in the DFHB~S macro instruction (see the description of TYPE=RETURN for further information). RTEFAIL=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is passed if a DFHBMS TYPE=ROUTE request results in a null routing environment (that is, the message will be sent, by default, to only the originating terminal). (To determine why route list entries were skipped, refer to "status Flag Byte in User-Supplied Route List", earlier in this chapter.) RTESOME=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is passed if (1) some of the entries in the userspecified route list named in the LIST operand of a DFHBMS TYPE=ROUTE macro instruction are excluded from the routing environment, or (2) LIST=ALL is specified and not all of the entries in the terminal control table are included in the routing environment. (To determine why some route list entries were skipped, refer to "Status Flag Byte in User-Supplied Route List", earlier in this chapter.) TIME= specifies the time of day at which data being routed to the page file is to be transmitted to the terminal(s). numeric value is of the form HHMMSS, where HH represents hours from 00 to 99, MM represents minutes from 00 to 59, and SS represents seconds from 00 to 59. YES indicates that the time of day has been placed in packed decimal form (OHH~MSS+) in TCAMSRTI prior to issuing the DFHBMS TYPE=ROUTE macro instruction. TITLE= specifies the symbolic address of a record that contains a title to be associated with the logical message created under this routing environment. symbolic address is the symbolic address of the title length field that precedes the title in the title record. If this parameter is used in a DOS COBOL program the label must not be longer than eight characters. 322 CICS/VS APRB(ML) YES indicates that the address of the title length field in the title record has been placed in TCAMSTA prior to issuing the DFHBMS TYPE=ROUTE macro instruction. The title pointed to by the TITLE operand is displayed with the logical message ID when the terminal paging query command is entered (see the CICS/VS Operator1s Guide). This title serves as an additional message identifier, displayed upon request with the message ID, not on the logical message. The value in the two~byte length field preceding the title includes the bytes used for the length field. The length field and title, in total, may be up to 64 bytes long. For example: IX'001AI IMONTHLY~INVENTORY~REPORTI I I 2-byte length field 24-byte title field TRAILER= specifies that user-defined trailer data is to be placed at the foot of each page completed by the TEXTBLDmacro in which the operand is coded, or at the foot of the last page if the operand appears on a PAGEOUT macro. The operand is ignored if no page is completed by the macro in which it appears. The operand is invalid in a PAGEOUT macro that is completing a message built using PAGEBLD macros; if TRAILER= is used in such circumstances, BMS returns an INVREQ return code. The format of trailer data is the same as that for header data, described above (see "HEADER="). Page numbering can be accomplished automatically, as with header data. symbolic address is the symbolic address of the trailer record that will be used to place trailer data at the bottom of the last page. If this parameter is used in a DOS COBOL program, the label must not be longer than eight characters. YES indicates that the application programmer has placed the address of the trailer record in TCAMSTRL prior to issuing this DFHBMS macro instruction. TRANSID=transaction code specifies a one- to four-character transaction identification to be used with the next input message entered from the terminal to which this task is attached. This operand is valid only when CTRL=RELEASE is specified. TSIOERR=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is to be passed if an unrecoverable temporary storage input/output error occurs. Chapter 4.3. Basic Mapping Support 323 TYPE= The following TYPE= parameters distinguish with distinct purposes. As such, they are operands and so described in this section; explained individually in earlier sections CHECK IN MAP PAGEBLD macro instructions not treated as instead, they are in this chapter. PAGE OUT PURGE ROUTE TEXTBLD The SAVE and TEXT parameters have special meaning for TYPE=IN ~oth) and TYPE=MAP (SAVE only) macros, and are described with the individual macros. The following four TYPE= parameters indicate the disposition of output data: OUT indicates that the output is to be written to the originating terminal when the page is complete. Once a DFHBMS macro with OUT disposition has been issued, the application program must not issue a DFHSC TYPE=FREEMAIN,RELEASE=ALL macro until either a DFHBMS TYPE=PAGEOUT or DFHBMS TYPE=PURGE macro has been issued. When the OUT parameter is not preceded by either PAGEBLD or TEXTBLD, it effectively distinguishes a macro with a different purpose. This usage is described earlier in this chapter under the heading "Direct Output (TYPE=OUT)." RETURN indicates that the complete pagels) is to be returned to the application programmer. (See "Handling Returned Pages," earlier, for further information.) The application program regains control (1) immediately following the BMS instruction if the current page is not yet completed, or (2) at an alternative entry point specified through the RETPAGE operand of this macro instruction if one or more pages have been completed. STORE indicates that the output is to be placed in temporary storage to be displayed in response to paging commands entered by the terminal operator (for more information about these commands, see the CICSLVS QEg£B1Q£~§_2uide) • If STORE is specified with a REQID that is defined in the Temporary Storage Table (TST), CICSjVS provides message recovery for logical messages if the task has reached logical end. The CICSjVS Temporary Storage facility is needed to hold messages awaiting delivery to terminals. WAIT indicates that BMS is to wait until all output operations are complete before returning control to the application program. WAIT must be specified uith every output request except the following: 324 CICS/VS APRM(aL) The last output request prior to task termination The last output request prior to an input operation The last output request prior to issuing a DFHBMS TYPE=PAGEOUT macro instruction that precedes task termination or an input operation If no disposition is specified, the output is sent to the originating terminal. Once the disposition has been established for a logical message, it is not necessary to repeat the disposition for that logical message. Any change of disposition specified while in the process of building a logical message forces that logical message to completion with its original disposition. Then a new logical message is started vith a nev disposition. The disposition parameter is handled differently under DFHBMS TYPE=ROUTE (see "Disposition and !essage Routing"). The remaining TYPE= parameters are: ERASB specifies that a 3270 buffer or 3604 screen is to be erased before this page of output is displayed. A printer buffer will contain meaningless data from prior messages if all positions are not filled vith current data. The first output operation in any transaction, or in a series of pseudo-conversational transactions, should alvays specify BRASB. For transactions attached to 3278 screens, this will also ensure that the correct screen size is selected as defined for the transaction in the PCT. BRASBAUP specifies that all unprotected character locations in a 3270 buffer are to be erased before this page of output data is displayed. There are no further effects of specifying this parameter. LAST signals to CICS/VS that this is the last output for a transaction and, therefore, the end of a bracket operation. This operand is meaningful only for TCAM SNA terminals and for VTAM-supported terminals and is applicable only when OUT is the specified disposition. For TCAM, an indicator is set in the communication control byte (CCB) requesting that the message handler send end-of-bracket. ROBDIT specifies that CICS/VS need not insert device-dependent control characters ~arrier return, line feed, idle characters, and so on) into the output data stream. The application program, therefore, assumes responsibility for providing any required control characters. This parameter is ignored for all output operations specifying maps. This parameter cannot be uSed vith 3601 devices. SIVE specifies that the user-supplied data area addressed by TCTTBDA or TCAMSIOA is to be saved. The location containing the address of the data area viII be changed by B!S, so the address should be stored elsewhere before issuing the macro. Chapter 4.3. Basic Mapping Support 325 WRBB~= is used to specify the action that is to occur i f the ATTN key on a 2741 is pressed while data is being written to the terminal. symbolic address specifies the symbolic address of the routine to receive control when the ATTN key on a 2741 is pressed during the actual write to the terminal. This operand is operative when 2741 write Break support has been generated into CICS/VS (available only under OS/VS) and when the task would normally have regained control. It is not valid on B!S macros where TYPE=STORE or TYPE=RETURN is specified, or on a PAGEOUT macro when CTRL=BELEASE is specified. CURRENT specifies that transmission of the current page to the terminal is to cease, but, if autopaging has been requested, transmission of the next page ~f any) begins. ALL specifies that transmission of the current page to the terminal is to cease and that no additional pages are to be transmitted. The logical message is purged. Both CURRENT and ALL are meaningful only if 2741 Write Break support has been generated into CICS/VS ~vailable only under OS/VS), and if TYPE=STORE was specified in preceding DPBB!S requests, or data has been sent to terminals other than the originating terminal. In these cases, data has been placed in temporary storage and is being displayed by a program other than the one associated with the originating terminal. 326 CICS/VS APR8(8L) Chapter 4.4. Batch Data Interchange (DFHDI Macro Instruction) The CICS Batch Data Interchange program provides for communication between an application program and a named data set (or destination) or a selected output medium. Tbe named data set (or destination) must be part of a batch data interchange logical unit in an outboard controller; the selected output medium must be part of either such a logical unit or an LUTYPE4. The term "outboard controller" is a generalized reference to a programmable subsystem, such as the IBK 3770 Data Communication system or the IBM 3790 Data Communication System, which uses SMA protocols. (Details of SNA protocols and the data sets that can be used are given in the CICSt'S 3767, 3770 and 6610 Guide and the CICStVS 3790 §uide. ) The batch data interchange macro instruction (DFHDI) is used to specify ADD, ERASE, REPLACE, QUERY, END, ABORT, SEND, RECEIVE, and CHECK operations on data sets in an outboard controller. Where the controller is an LUTYPE4 logical unit, only the END, ABORT, SEND, RECEIVE and CHECK operations are supported. The DPHDI macro instruction can be used only with assembler language application programs. It is not available for COBOL or PL/I programs, which must use the command level interface if they require these facilities. Addition of Records to a Data Set (TYPE=ADD) The format of the DPHDI macro instruction to add records to a data set is as follows: r------~-------r--------------------------------------------------------~ DFHDI TYPE= (ADD[ , {SAVE INOSAVB} ][, {WAIT INOWAIT} ]) ,DNADDR={symbolic addresslYES} [,NUMREC={integerIYBS} ] [ ,DEFRBSP=YBS] [,VOLADDR={symbolic addresslYES}] [,NORBSP=symbolic address] [,FUNCBRR=symbolic address] [,SELNBRR=symbolic address] [,UNEXPIN=symbolic address] This macro specifies that a record in the current TIOA, as indicated by the TCTTBDA, is to be added to the sequential or keyed direct data set corresponding to the destination name specified in the DNADDR operand. The SA VB parameter specifies that the contents of the TIOA is to be saved; however, there is no guarantee that TCTTBDl viII remain unchanged. The WAIT parameter indicates that task activity is to be suspended until the DFHDI macro has been executed. Chapter 4.4. Batch Data Interchange (DFHDI Macro Instruction) 327 Deletion of Records from a Data Set (TYPE=ERASE) The format of the DFHDI macro instruction to delete records from a data set is as follows: DFHDI TYPE= (BRASE[ , {WAIT I NOWAIT} ]) ,DNADDR={symbolic addresslYES} {,KEYADDR={symbolic addresslYBS} I,RBNADDR= {record-idIYES}} [,DEFRESP=YES] [,VOLADDB={symbolic addressIYES}] [,NORESP=symbolic address] [,FUNCERR=symbolic address] [,SELNERR=symbolic address] [,UNEXPIN=symbolic address] This macro specifies that a record, identified by the KEYADDR or RRNADDR operand, is to be deleted from the keyed direct data set corresponding to the destination name specified in the DNADDR operand. The WAIT parameter indicates that task activity is to be suspended until the DFHDI macro has been executed. 328 CICS/VS APR!(!L) Replacement of Records in a Data Set (TYPE=REPLACE) The format of the DFHDI macro instruction to replace records in a data set is as follows: DFHDI TYPE=(REPLACE[ ,SAVEINOSAVE}][, {WAITINOWAIT}]) ,DNADDR={symbolic addresslYES} {,KEYADDR={symbolic addresslYES} I,RRNADDR= {record-idIYES}} [,NUMREC={integerIYES} ] [ ,DEFRESP=YES] [,VOLADDR={symbolic addressIYES}] [,NORESP=symbolic address] [,FUNCERR=symbolic address] [,SBLNERR=symbolic address] [ ,UNEXPIN=symbolic address] This macro specifies that a record identified by the RRNADDR xor KEYADDR operand, in the current TIOA, is to replace a record in the addressed direct data set corresponding to the destination name specified in the DNADDR operand. Where more than one record is to be replaced, the second and subsequent records are replaced consecutively, starting with the one specified in the RRNADDR or KBYADDR operand. The number of records to be replaced is specified in the NUMREC operand. The SAVE parameter specifies that the contents of the TIOA are to be saved; however, there is no guarantee that TCTTEDA will remain unchanged. The WAIT parameter indicates that task activity is to be suspended until the DFHDI macro has bean executed. Chapter 4.4. Batch Data Interchange (DFHDI ftacro Instruction) 329 Interrogation of Data Set {TYPE=QUERY} , The format of the DFHDI macro to interrogate a data set is as follows: DFRDI TYPE=QUERY ,DNADDR={symbolic addresslYES} [,VOLADDR={symbolic addressIYES}] [,NORESP=symbolic address] [,FUNCERR=symbolic address] [,SELNERR=symbolic address] [,UNEXPIN=symbolic address] This macro specifies that the name of the data set corresponding to the destination name specified in the DNADDR operand is to be solicited to allow the outboard batch program to transmit the data set to the host. The program must issue input requests to receive the records fro. the data set. Termination of Operations on a Data Set (TYPE=END) The format of the DFHDI macro to terminate operations on a data set is as follows: r------·r-------·~--------------------------------------------------------, DFBDI TYPE=END {{,DNADDR={symbolic addressIYES}} I {,SELECT={(CONSOLEIPRINTICARDIWPMEDIA1IWPMEDI121 WPMEDIA3tWPMEDIA4[,nn]) tYES}}} [,VOLADDR={symbolic addresslYES}] [,NORESP=symbolic address] [,FUNCERR=symbolic address] [,SELNERR=symbolic address] [,UNEXPIN=symbolic address] This macro specifies that operations on a data set are to be terminated normally. The current outboard destination is de-selected normally. 330 CICS/VS APRM(KL) Abnormal Termination of Operations on a Data Set (TYPE=ABORT) The format of the DFHDI macro to terminate operations abnormally is as follows: DFHDI TYPE=ABORT {{,DNADDR={symbolic addressIYES}} I {,SELECT={(CONSOLEIPRINTICARDIWPMEDIA1IWPMEDIA21 WPMEDIA3IWPMEDIA4[,nn]) IYES}}} [,VOLADDR={symbolic addressIYES}] [,NORESP=symbolic address] [,FUNCERR=symbolic address] [,SELNERR=symbolic address] [,UNEXPIN=symbolic address] This macro specifies that operations on a data set are to be terminated abnormally. The current outboard destination is de-selected abnormally. Transmission of Data from Host to Output Devices (TYPE=SEND) The format of the DFHDI macro instruction to send data to an output device controlled by a logical unit is as follows: DFHDI TYPE= (SEND( , {SAVE I NOSAVE} ][ , {WAIT I NOWAIT} ]) {{,DNADDR={symbolic addressIYES}} I {,SELECT={(CONSOLEIPRINTICARDIWPMEDIA1IWPMEDIA21 WPMEDIA3IWPMEDIA4[,nn]) IYES}}} (,VOLADDR={symbolic addressIYES}] [ , DEFRESP=YES ] ( ,FUNCERR=symbolic address] [,SELNERR=symoolic address) (,UNEXPIN=symbolic address) [,NORESP=symbolic address) Data for an output medium is transmitted to the logical unit from the TIOA, as indicated by the TCTTEDA. The SAVE parameter indicates that the TIOA is to be saved; however, there is no guarantee that TCTTEDl will remain unchanged. The WAIT parameter indicates that task activity is to be suspended until the previous DFHDI macro has been executed. Chapter 4.4. Batch Data Interchange ~FHDI Macro Instruction) 331 Transmission of Data from Data Set to Host (TYPE = RECEIVE) The format of the DFHDI macro to enable the host to accept records is as follows: DFHDI TYPE= (RECEIVE[ , {SAVE I NOSAVE} ]) [,NORESP=symbolic address] [,EODS=symbolic address] [,DSSTAT=symbolic address] [,UNEXPIN=symbolic address] This macro specifies that DPHTC TYPE=READ macro instructions are to be generated to obtain records from the inbound data stream. These records are returned to the application program in a TIOA addressad by TCTTEDA. The number of records returned by the TYPE=READ macro depends upon whether the chain assembly or logical read options have been specified by the system programmer, which in turn depend upon the data format transmitted by the outboard controller. When an FKH is encountered it is removed from the data stream and a response code is set to inform the application program of the change in destination selection status (see "Response Codes" later in this chapter). When the FKH is for BEGIN or RESUME DESTINATIONi and no data is obtained from the READ, a further READ is issued so that the request can complete with user data. When the FKH is for SUSPEND, END or ABORT destination, the data, if present, is presented first to the application program .with a normal response code; on the next request, the appropriate response code is set. The response code indicating the change of destination status is presented to the application program with no user data. If a name was sent, TCADIDNA is set, on completion of each request, to point to a field describing the host destination as a one byte length field followed by the destination name. If no destination name was sent, the field TCADISEL is set to the medium and sub-address sent. For descriptions of the formats and codes used, see the desciption of the SELECT operand later in this chapter. When reading from multiple data sets on an LUTYPE4, the DSSTAT condition will be raised by any attempted read after an end-of-data-set FKH has been received. The condition indicates that the logical unit has currently no more data to send. The SAVE operand specifies that the contents of the TIOA are to be saved; however, there is guarantee that the TCTTEDA will remain unchanged. 332 CICS/VS APRK(ML) Obtaining the Relative Record Number of Next Record (TYPE=NOTE) The format of the DPHDI macro to return the relative record number of the next record is as follows: r------r-------r----------------------------------------------------------, I I I I I I I I I I DFHDI I TYPE=NOTE I ,DNADDR={symbo1ic addresslYES} I [,VOLADDR={symbo1ic addressIYES}] I [,NORESP=symbolic address] I [ ,PUNCERR=symbo1ic address] I [,SELNERR=symbolic address] I [,UNEXPIN=symbolic address] I ~,----------------------~--------------------------------~ , This macro specifies that the relative record number of the position in the data set of the next available record is to be returned to the application program in a fullword field whose address is placed in the TCA at TCADIRNA after execution of the macro. The outboard destination is a user-defined addressed direct data set. Suspension of Execution of Task (TYPE=WAIT) The format of the DPHDI macro to suspend the execution of a task is as follows: r------r- .r----------------------------------------------------------, I I I DFHDI I TYPE=WAIT I, IL__________________________________________________________ ~ This macro specifies that task activity is to be suspended until the previous DFHDI macro has been executed. This macro is meaningful only following a DPHDI TYPE=ADD, TYPE=ERASE, TYPE=REPLACE or TYPE=SEND. Chapter 4.4. Batch Data Interchange (DPHDI Macro Instruction) 333 Testing Response to a Request for Data Interchange Services (TYPE = CHECK) The format of the DFHDI macro to test the response code for a request for data interchange services is as follows: DFHDI TYPE=CHECK [,NORESP=symbolic address] [,EODS=symbolic address] [,DSSTAT=symbolic address] [,FUNCERR=symbolic address] [,SELNERR=symbolic address] [,UNEXPIN=symbolic address] This macro specifies that the macro is to be tested and, where written routine whose address is operands: NORESP, EODS, DSSTAT, 334 CICS/VS APRM(ML) response code from the previous DFHDI necessary, a branch made to the userspecified in one of the following FUNCERR, SBLNERR, or UBEIIN. Batch Data Interchange Response Codes Response codes are grouped into categories according to the operands. Each category is given a code, for example NORESP has category code X'OO' which is placed in field TCADIRC1 in the TCA. Each category is subdivided into response codes that indicate the success or failure of a specified operation, for example "End destination Fr!H received" in category X'04 1 is 11. These response codes are placed in field TCIDIRC2 in the TCA. The categories, operands, response codes and their causes are shown in Figure 4.4-1. r----------~------------~-----------------------------------~--------~ category Operand Condition X'OO' RORBSP Successful Begin destination FHH received Resume destination FMH received X'04' DSSTAT,EODS End destination FHH received I Suspend destination FMH received Abort destination FMH received Currently no data to send X'OS' FUHCERR Request invalid for data set organization Record too long Data set full Invalid keyvord or record identifier Resource not available Invalid NUMREC Insufficient resource Request for change direction (RCD) signalled Transient Data error during logging X'OC • X' 10' SBLNERR UNEXPIN Figure 4.4-1. Chapter 4.4. Response Codg 00 01 02 r Data set not found Destination does not exist Media not supported' Invalid destination name Transient Data error during logging Unexpected sense Unexpected FMB Unsupported input 11 12 13 15 21 22 23 24 25 26 2S 2B 60 r I I I I I I 29 41 43 44 60 r I I I, F1 F2 F3 Batch Data Interchange Response Codes Batch Data Interchange (DFHDI Macro Instruction) 335 Operands of DFHDI Macro DEPRESP=YES All DPHTC TYPE=WRITE macros issued as a result of the current invocation of DPHDI will request a definite response from the outboard patch program, irrespective of the specification of message integrity for the CICS/VS task. DNADDR= specifies the name of an outboard destination. If a destination with a different name is currently selected, it is de-se1ected before this one is selected. If the current destination is being re-specified then no selection is performed. This operand cannot be used with the SELECT operand. symbolic-address is the address of a field defining the destination name. This field consists of a one byte name length followed by the name itself. YES indicates that the application program has set this address into the word field TCADIDNA. The current implementation gives a maximum length of 8 characters for the destination name. DSSTAT=srmbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-vritten routine to which control is passed when testing of the return code indicates a discontinuity in the inbound data stream. Return codes are described earlier in this chapter. EODS=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is passed when testing of the response code indicates the end of the data stream. Return codes are described earlier in this chapter. PUNCERR=symbo1ic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is passed when testing of the return code indicates a function error. Return codes are described earlier in this chapter. KEYADDR= This identifies a record of a keyed direct data set. symbolic address specifies the address of a field defining the primary key of the record in a keyed direct data set to be erased. This field consists of a one byte key length followed by the key itself. 336 CICS/VS APR! (!L) YES indicates that the application has set this address into fullword TCADIKYA. The current implementation gives a maximum length of 24 characters for the record key. Note: This operand is not required when adding records to a 3790 keyed direct data set as the key value is embedded in the data specified by the DATA operand. See 3790 Host System Programmer's Guide for a specification of valid keys. HUMREC= specifies the number of records affected by the current request. The 3790 will accept values greater than 1 only for the REPLACE operation on an addressed direct data set. The value is not meaningful to CICS/VS but is conveyed to the outboard batch program as part of the function selection information. Records are replaced sequentially starting with the one identified by the RRNADDR operand. integer specifies the number of records, in the range 1 thru 255, that are to be replaced. YES specifies that the application has set the binary value into the one byte field TCADINRS. If omitted this operand defaults to the value 1. NORESP=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is passed when testing of the return code indicates normal response, that is, no errors have occurred during the processing specified by a DPHDI macro. Return codes are described earlier in this chapter. RRNADDR= identifies a record of an addressed direct data set for the function REPLACE. record-id is the address of a one word field containing the relative record number of the record being replaced. YES indicates that the application has set this address into the full word TCADIRNA. Note: Record identifiers begin with the value 1. SELECT= specifies the type of output medium for the function SEND. This operand cannot be used with the DNADDR operand. CONSOLE specifies the medium provided for messages to the operator. PRINT specifies a printer. Chapter 4.4. Batch Data Interchange (DPHDI Macro Instruction) 337 CARD specifies a card reader/punch. iPMEDIA1 through WP!EDIA4 specify, respectively, word processing media 1, 2, 3 and 4. nn specifies a medium sUb-address in the range 00 to 15, where 15 means any available subaddress. The default is 00. YES specifies the medium code and sub-address have been placed in the one.-byte field TCADISEL by the application program. The first half of this field must contain a hexadecimal code indicating the type of medium, as shown below. The second half must contain the hexadecimal value of the subaddress (X'OO' through X'1S'). Code Meaning X'OO' X' 20' X '30' X'SO' X'90' X'lO' X'CO' CONSOLE CARD PRINT WP!EDIA1 WPl'lEDIA2 WPl'lEDIA3 WPl'lEDIA4 SELNERR=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is passed when testing of the return code indicates errors during destination selection. Return codes are described earlier in this chapter. UNEXPIN=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is passed when testing of the return code indicates that unexpected or unrecognizable input or response is received in reply to a DFHDI macro. Return codes are described earlier in this chapter. VOLADDR= specifies, for the 3110 programmable subsystem only, the name of the diskette volume containing the data set named in the DNADDR operand. This name is used to qualify the data set name for destination selection. Subsequent specifications of the same data set name without a diskette volume name, or with a different diskette volume name, will cause a new destination to be selected. In the former case, all mounted diskette volumes will be searched for the data set named in the DNADDR operand. symbolic address specifies the address of the field defining the diskette volume name (to a maximum of six characters). The field consists of a one-byte name length followed by the name itself. YES indicates that the application program has set this address into the fullword field TC1DIVNA. 338 CICS/VS APRM(l'lL) Part 5. Control Operations 339 Chapter 5.1. Introduction to Control Operations This part of the manual describes the CICS/VS macro instructions that control the execution of tasks within a CICS/VS system. The macros are associated with appropriate control programs and the specification of the various TYPE= operands invokes a range of operations. The control programs and the macro instructions associated with each are as follows: • Interval Control Program (DFHIC Macro). This macro specifies operations that depend on the time of day and can have nine types of operations associated with it: GETIMB, WAIT, POST, INITIATE, PUT, GET, CANCEL, RETRY, and CHECK. These operations are described in Chapter 5.2. • Task Control Program (DFHKC Macro). This macro specifies operations that affect task activity or the control of resources. It can have eight types of operation associated with it: ATTACH, SCHEDULE, CHAP, WAIT, ENQ, DEQ, PURGE, and NOPURGE. These operations are described in Chapter 5.3. • Program Control Program (DFHPC ~acro). This macro specifies operations that affect the flow of control between application programs. It can have ten types of operation associated with it: LINK, XCTL, LOAD, RETURN, DELETE, ABEND, SETXIT, RESETXIT, COBADDR, and CHECK. These operations are described in Chapter 5.4. • Storage Control Program (DFHSC Macro). This macro specifies operations that affect the acquisition and release of areas of main storage. It can have two types of operation: GETMAIN and FREEMAIN. These operations are described in Chapter 5.5. • Transient Data Control Program (DFHTD Macro). This macro specifies operations that affect the queuing and retrieval of data in main storage or auxiliary storage. It can have five types of operation: PUT, GET, FEOV, PURGE, and CHECK. These operations are described in Chapter 5.6. • Temporary Storage Control Program (DFHTS Macro). This macro specifies operations that affect the temporary storage of data in main storage or auxiliary storage. It can have seven types of operation: PUT, PUTQ, GET, GETQ, RELEASE, PURGE, and CHECK. These operations are described in Chapter 5.7. Chapter 5.1. Introduction to Control Operations 341 Chapter 5.2. Interval Control (DFHIC Macro) CICS/VS maintains the current time of day in two formats: a binary value, in CSACTODB, which is updated automatically during task dispatching to reflect the time of day maintained by the operating system, and a packed value, in CSATODP, which is updated when control returns from an operating system WAIT or when a DFHIC TYPE=GETIME,FORM=PACKED macro is executed. The accuracy of these values at a given moment depends upon the task mix and the frequency of task switching operations. Time management fuv=tions based on services available programmer through (DFHIC, • provides the capability of controlling various task the time of day or on intervals of time. The time are listed below and are available to the application use of the interval control macro instruction 1. Provide the time of day in binary or packed decimal representation. 2. Provide task synchronization based on time-dependent events. 3. Provide automatic time-ordered task initiation with associated data retention and recovery support. The application programmer must specify parameter values when using the DFHIC macro instruction. The values can be specified in either of two lIays: 1. By including the parameters in operands of the DFHIC macro instruction by which time services are requested, or 2. By coding instructions that place the parameter values in fields of the TCA prior to issuing the DFHIC macro instruction. The second of these approaches provides flexibility in that the parameter values of a single DFHIC macro instruction can be altered at execution time. The application programmer can check the CICS/VS response to a request for time services as explained under "Test Response to a Request for Time Services," later in this chapter. If the programmer does not check for a particular response, and the condition corresponding to that response occurs, program flow proceeds to the next sequential instruction in the application program. All operands that can be included in the DFHIC macro instruction are discussed in detail at the end of the chapter. Chapter 5.2. Interval Control (DFBIC Macro) 343 Time-of-Day Updating (TYPE=GETIME) The format of the DFHIC macro instruction to request updating of CICS/VS-maintained time-of-day values to the current clock time is as follows: DFHIC TY PE=GET IME [ , FORM= {BINAR!.I PACKED} ] [,TIMADR={symbolic addresslYES}) [,NORESP=symbolic address] [,INVREQ=symbolic address] [,ERROR=symbolic address] In the course of normal operation, CICS/VS maintains the current time of day in binary form at CSACTODB and in packed decimal form at CSATODP. The binary representation is expressed as a four-byte positive value in hundredths of a second. The packed decimal representation is expressed as a four-byte positive signed value of the form HHMMSSt+ where the seconds are truncated to tenths of a second. The binary value is updated periodically during task dispatching, and the packed decimal value is updated when returning from an operating system WAIT. The accuracy of these values at any given moment depends on the task mix and the frequency of task switching operations. The application programmer can ensure that one or both of these timeof-day values are updated to a current setting by issuing the DFHIC TYPE=GETIME macro instruction. This macro instruction causes one or both forms of the time of day to be updated in the CSA and, optionally, places the requested form of the time of day in a four-byte field specified by the application programmer. When the programmer wants the time of day to be returned in a field other than those of the eSA i either the symbolic label of the four-byte field must be specified in the DFHIC TYPE=GETIME macro instruction or the address of the field must be placed in TCAICDA prior to issuing the DFHIC TYPE=GETIME macro instruction. Bote: For performance reasons, it should be recognized that lengthy conversion routines must be executed whenever updating of the packed decimal representation of time of day is requested. The following example shows how to request that the time of day be placed at the storage locations represented by the symbolic label CLOCK. DFHIC TYPE=GETIME, FORM=PACKED, TIMADR=CLOCK REQUEST CURRENT TIME--OF-DAY PACKED DECIMAL FORM SYMBOLIC ADDRESS FOR RESPONSE The following examples show how to request that the time of day be placed in a field selected prior to (and independent of) execution of the DFHIC TYPE=GETIME macro instruction. For Assembler lanqua~: MVC TCAICDA,=A (CLOCK) 344 CICS/VS APRM (ML) MOVE ADDR FOR RESPONSE TO TCA * * DFHIC TYPE=GETIME, FORM=PACKED, TIMADR=YES • REQUEST CURRENT TIME-OF-DAY PACKED DECIMAL FORM RESPONSE ADDRESS GIVEN * For COBOL: MOVE CLOCKADR TO TCAICDA. NOTE MOVE ADDR FOR RESP TO TCA. DFHIC TYPE=GETIME, FORM=PACKED, TIMADR=YES REQUEST CURRENT TIME-DF-DAY PACKED DECIMAL FORM RESPONSE ADDRESS GIVEN • * For PL/I: TCAICDA=ADDR(CLOCK); I*MOVE ADDR FOR RESP TO TCA*I DFHIC TYPE=GETIME, FORM=PACKED, TIMADR=YES REQUEST CURRENT TIME-oF-DAY PACKED DECIMAL FORM RESPONSE ADDRESS GIVEN Chapter 5.2. Interval Control (DFHIC Macro) • * 345 Delay Processing of a Task (TYPE=WAIT) The format of the DFHIC macro instruction to delay processing of a task until a specified time occurs is as follows: ~-----~-------r- --------------------------------------------------------- I DFHIC I TYPB=WAIT I [,INTRVAL={numeric valuelYBS} ]I[,TIMB={numeric I valueIYBS}] t [,RBQID={name IYBSI'prefix'} ] I [,NORBSP=symbolic address] I [,INVRBQ=symbolic address] I [,BXPIRD=symbolic address] I [,BRROR=symbolic address] ~_____ ~_______ I L- ______________________________________________________~ The task synchronization feature of CICS/VS time management provides the capability either of delaying the processing of a requesting task until a specified time occurs or of signaling the requesting task when a specified interval of time has elapsed. It also supports the cancellation of a pending time-ordered synchronization event by another task. (See nTime-Ordered Request Cancellation (CANCEL), It later in this chapter .) This macro instruction causes the requesting task to temporarily suspend processing, and to resume control at a specified time of day or after a specified interval of time has elapsed. The INTRVAL and TI!B operands are mutually exclusive. It supersedes and cancels any previously initiated DFHIC TYPE=POST request for the task. A numeric value specified in, or before issuing, the DPBIC TYPB=WAIT macro instruction is used by CICS/VS to calculate the time at which the requested time service is to be providede If the calculated ti~e of day is the same as the current clock time, or up to and including six hours preceding the current clock "time, the specified time is considered to have elapsed (occurred) and the requested service is provided immediately. If the calculated time of day is earlier than the current clock time, the requested service is provided when the specified time occurs. If the calculated time of day precedes the current clock time by lIore than six hours, the requested service is provided the next day at the specified time. To identify the request and any data associated with it, a unique identification is assigned to each time-ordered request. The application programmer can specify a request identification to be assigned to his DFHIC TYPB=WAIT macro by the RBQID operand. If none is assigned by the programmer, CICS/VS assigns a unique request identification. A request identification should be specified by the application programmer if he wishes to provide another task with the capability of canceling the unexpired WAIT request. (See the section "Time-ordered Request Cancellation (CANCEL)," later in this chapter.) The following example shows bow to temporarily suspend the processing of a task for a specified period of time: DFHIC TYPE=WAIT, INTRVAL=500, REQID=GXLBZQKR 346 CICS/VS APRM(KL) DELAY TASK PROCESSING, WAIT 5 MINUTBS 0 SBCONDS UNIQUE BEQUEST ID * * The following examples show how to request the suspension of a task until the time of day stored previously in TCAICRT is reached. A request identification previously selected by the user is stored in TCAICQID as a unique identifier for this request for time service. IQr Assembler langyage: MVC TCAICRT,=PL4 1 124500 1 HVC TCAICQID,UNIQCODE MOVE 12:45 TO TCA UNIQUE REQUEST ID TO TCA DFHIC TYPE=WAIT, TIME=YES, REQID=YES DELAY TASK PROCESSING EXPIRATION TIME GIVEN UNIQUE ID GIVEN * * For COBOL: MOVE 124500 TO TCAICRT. MOVE UNIQCODE TO TCAICQID. NOTE MOVE 12:45 TO TCA. NOTE UNIQUE REQUEST ID TO TCA. DFHIC TYPE=WAIT, TIl'!E=YES, REQID=YES DELAY TASK PROCESSING EXPIRATION TIME GIVEN UNIQUE ID GIVEN * * For PL/I: TCAICRT=124500; TCAICQID=UNIQCOOE; /*MOVE 12:45 TO TCA*/ /*UNIQUE REQUEST IO TO T:A*/ DFHIC TYPE=WAIT, TIME=YES, REQIO=YES DELAY TASK PROCESSING EXPIRATION TIME GIVEN UNIQUE ID GI VEN Chapter 5.2. Interval Control ~FHIC Macro) * * 341 Signal Expiration of a Specified Time (TYPE=POST) The format of the DFHIC macro instruction to request that CICS/VS signal when a specified time has expired is as follows: DFHIC TYPE=POST [,INTRVAL={numeric valuelYES} 11[,TIME={numeric val ue I YES} ] [,REQID={nameIYESI 'prefix'}] [,NORESP=symbolic address] [,INVREQ=symbolic address] [,EXPIRD=symbolic address] [,ERROR=symbolic address] In response to this macro instruction, CICS/VS makes a timer event control area available to the user for testing. This four-byte storage area is initialized to binary zeros and its address is returned to the requesting task in TCAICTEC. When CICS/VS determines that the time specified in a DFHIC TYPE=POST macro instruction has expired, byte 0 of the,timer event control area is set to X'40' and byte 2 is set to X'80'. This form of posting is compatible with the completion code postings performed by the operating systems. The timer event control area can be used as the event control area referred to in a DFHKC TYPE=WAIT macro instruction. (See the discussion of task synchronization in Chapter 5.3.) The timer event control area provided to the user is not released or altered (except as described above) until one of the following events occurs: o The task issues a subseguent DFHIC TYPE=WAIT, DFHIC TYPE=POST, DFHIC TYPE=INITIATE, or DFHIC TYPE=PUT macro. • The task issues a DFHIC TYPE=CANCEL macro request to nullify the DFHIC TYPE=POST macro (this releases the storage area occupied by the timer event control area). • The task terminates, normally or abnormally. A task can have only one DFHIC TYPE=POST request active at any given time. Any DFHIC TYPE=WAIT, DFHIC TYPE=POST, DFHIC TYPE=INITIATE, or DFHIC TYPE=PUT request supersedes and cancels a previously issued DFHIC TYPE=POST request by the task. Note: The expiration of any CICS/VS time-ordered event is determined by CICS/VS when it is performing its task dispatching function. Therefore, for "posting" to occur, the application programmer must ensure that the task relinquishes control of CICSjVS before each testing of the timer event control area. This can be done directly by issuing the DFHKC TYPE=WAIT or DFHKC TYPE=CHAP macro instruction (see the discussion of task synchronization in Chapter 5.3.) or indirectly by requesting a CICSjVS service that in turn initiates a task service on behalf of the task. A numeric value specified in, or before iSSUing, the DFHIC TYPE=POST macro instruction is used by CICS/VS to calculate the time at which the requested time service is to be provided. If the calculated time of day is the same as the current clock time, or up to and including six hours 348 CICS/VS APRM(ML) preceding the current clock time, the specified time is considered to have elapsed (occurred) and the requested service is provided immediately. If the calculated time of day is in advance of the current clock time, the requested service is provided uhen the specified time occurs. If the calculated time of day precedes the current clock time by more than six hours, the requested service is provided the next day at the specified time. The application programmer can specify a request identification to be assigned to a posting request by the REQID operand. If none is assigned by the programmer, CICS/VS assigns a unique request identification, which is returned to the application program in TCAICQID. In either case, the request identification provides a means of symbolically identifying the request. This macro indicates that CICS/VS is to make a four-byte timer event control area available to the application program for testing. The area is initialized to binary zeros, and its address is returned in TCAICTEC to the application program. This area is available to the application program for the duration of the task and is overridden if the application program issues another DFHIC request of the follouing types: POST, WAIT, PUT, or INITIATE. The follouing example shows how to request that CICS/VS provide a signal for the task uhen a specified interval of time has elapsed: DFHIC 'rYPE=POST, INTRVAL=30 SIGNAL HHEN INTERVAL PASSES INTERVAL IS 30 SECONDS * The following examples show how to dynamically request that CICS/VS provide a signal for the task when the time of day previously stored in TCAICRT is reached. Since no request identification is specified by the application programmer, CICS/VS automatically assigns one and returns it to the application program at TCAICQID. For Assembler language: MVC TCAICRT,PACKTIME STORE CALCULATED EXPIR TIME DFHIC TYPE=POST, TIME=YES HVC UNIQCODE,TCAICQID SIGNAL WHEN TIME OCCURS EXPIRATION TIME GIVEN SAVE CICS/VS UNIQUE REQUEST ID MOVE PACKTIME TO TCAICRT. NOTE STORE CALC EXPIR TIME. DFHIC TYPE=POST, TIHE=YES MOVE TCAICQID TO UNIQCODE. SIGNAL WHEN TIME OCCURS EXPIRATION TIME GIVEN NOTE SAVE UNIQUE REQUEST ID. * * For PLL!: TCAICRT=PACKTIME; /*STORE CALCULATED EXPIR TIME*/ DFHIC TYPE=POST, TIHE=YES UNIQCODE=TCAICQID; SIGNAL WHEN TIME OCCURS EXPIRATION TIME GIVEN /*SAVE UNIQUE REQUEST ID*/ Chapter 5.2. Interval Control (DFHIC Macro) * 349 Initiate a Task without Data (TYPE = INITIATE) The format of the DFBIC macro instruction to request that CICS/VS initiate a task at some future time is as follows: r------~-------r- --------------------------------------------------------~ DFHIC TYPE=IN ITIATE [,INTRVAL={numeric valuelYES} ]I[ ,TIME={numeric val ue I YES} ] [,REQID={nameIYESI 'prefix'}] [ , TRANSID=name] [ ,TRMIDNT= {name IYES} ] [,NORESP=symbolic address] [,INVREQ=symbolic address] [,TRNIDER=symbolic address] [,TRMIDER=symbolic address] [,ERROR=symbolic address] ~_____ ~_______ L- ________________________________________________________~ Through this macro instruction, the application programmer provides the transaction identification of the task to be initiated at some future time and other information pertaining to the task. CICS/VS queues the request until the specified time occurs. When the necessary resources are available (for example, a terminal), the task is initiated. Only one task is initiated if multiple DFHIC TYPE=INITIATE requests for the same transaction and terminal expire at the same time or prior to terminal availability. No data can be passed to the future task by means of the DFHIC TYPE=INITIATE macro instruction. (To do so, see "Task Initiation with Data (PUT)," which follows.) This request supersedes and cancels any previously initiated DFHIC TYPE=POST request by the initiating task. A numeric value specified in or before issuing the DPHIC TYPE=INITIATE macro instruction is used by CICS/VS to calculate the time of day at which the requested time service is to be provided. If the calculated time of day is the same as the current clock time, or up to and including six hours preceding the current clock time, the specified time is considered to have elapsed (occurred) and the requested service is provided immediately. If the calculated time of day is in advance of the current clock time, the requested service is provided when the specified time occurs. If the calculated time of day precedes the current clock time by more than six hours, the requested service is provided the next day at the specified time. As stated earlier, a unique request identification is assigned to each time-ordered request as a means of symbolically identifying the request and any data associated with it. The application programmer can specify an identifier for his initiation request, or he can let CICS/VS assign one, in which case it is returned to the application program in TCAICQID. The application programmer must specify the transaction identification of the future task, either in the DFHIC TYPE=INITIATE macro instruction or by placing it in TCAICTI before issuing the macro instruction. CICS/VS validates the transaction identification by scanning the program control table (PCT). If the specified identifier is not found in the table, CICS/VS does not provide the requested service; a response code is placed at TCAICTR (for Assembler language or PL/I) or at TCAICRC (for COBOL) to ind.icate that the transaction identification is not valid. 350 CICS/VS APRM(ML) If the future task must communicate with a terminal, the application programmer must also specify a terminal identification, either in the macro instruction or by placing it beforehand in TCAICTID. CICS/VS validates the terminal identification by scanning the terminal control table (TCT); if it fails to locate the terminal identification in the TCT, CICS/VS provides a response code at TCAICTR ~or assembler language or PL/I) or at TCAICRC (for COBOL) without servicing the request. The following example shows how to request automatic initiation of a specified task not associated with a terminal: DFHIC TYPE=INITIATE~ INTRVAL=10000, TRANSID=TRNL REQUEST TASK INITIATION IN ONE HOUR TRANSACTION IDENTIFICATION * * The following examples show how to dynamically request automatic initiation of a task associated with a terminal. The task initiation time, transaction identification, and terminal identification are moved to fields of the TCA before the DFHIC TYPE=INITIATE macro instruction is issued. Since no request identification is specified by the application programmer, CICS/VS automatically assigns one and returns it to the application program at TCAICQID. For Assembler language: MVC TCAICRT,=PL4'10000', MVC TCAICTI,=CL4'TRNl l MVC TCAICTID,=CL4'STASI MOVE ONE HOUR TO TCA TRANSACTION ID TO TCA TERMINAL ID TO TCA DFHIC TYPE=INITIATE, INTRVAL=YES, TRMIDNT=YES HVC UNIQCODE,TCAICQID REQUEST TASK INITIATION INTERVAL OF TIME GIVEN TERMINAL ID GIVEN SAVE CICS/VS UNIQUE REQUEST ID * * For COBOL: MOVE 10000 TO TCAICRT. HOVE 'TRN1' TO TCAICTI. MOVE 'STASi TO TCAICTID. NOTE MOVE ONE HOUR TO TCA. NOTE TRANSACTION ID TO TCA. NOTE TER!INAL ID TO TCA. DFHIC TYPE=INITIATE, INTRVAL=YES, TRMIDNT=YES MOVE TCAICQID TO UNIQCODE. REQUEST TASK INITIATION INTERVAL OF TIME GIVEN TERMINAL ID GIVEN NOTE SAVE UNIQUE REQUEST ID. * * For PL/I: TCAICRT=10000; TCAICTI=ITRN1'; TCAICTID=ISTASli /*MOVE ONE HOUR TO TCA*/ /*TRANSACTION ID TO TCA*/ /*TERMINAL ID TO TCA*/ DFHIC TYPE=INITIATE, INTRVAL=YES, TRMIDNT=YES UNIQCODE=TCAICQIDi REQUEST TASK INITIATION INTERVAL OF TIME GIVEN TERMINAL ID GIVEN /*SAVE UNIQUE REQUEST ID*/ Chapter 5.2. Interval Control (DFBIC Macro) * * 351 Task Initiation with Data (TYPE=PUT) The format of the DFHIC macro instruction to request automatic task initiation and/or request that data be made available to a task is as follows: r---- r - - - - - r DFHIC ~ TYPE=PUT [,INTRVAL={numeric valuelYES} 11[,TIME={numeric val ue I YES} ] [,REQID={nameIYESI 'prefix'}] [ , TRANSID=name] [ ,TRMIDNT= {name IYES} ] [,ICDADDR={symbolic addressIYES}] [,NORESP=symbolic address] [,INVREQ=symbolic address] [,TRNIDER=symbolic address] [,TRMIDER=symbolic address] [,IOERROR=symbolic address] [,ERROR=symbolic address] _____ •_______ L - ________________________________________________________~ This macro indicates that CICS/VS is to initiate a nonterminaloriented task at some future time and makes one data record available to that task, or provides time-ordered data to be made available to a terminal-oriented task that is to be initiated at some future time. This macro instruction is used to provide the transaction identification, the location of the data to be stored, and oth6r information applicable to the task to be initiated. CICS/VS stores the data and queues the request until the specified time occurs. As soon as all necessary resources are available (for example, a terminal), the task is initiated. CICS/VS temporary storage management facilities support this facility of time management. The DFHIC TYPE=PUT macro instruction is used only when data is to be passed to a task to be initiated at some future time. It supersedes and cancels any previously initiated DFHIC TYPE=POST request of the task. If only task initiation at a future time is needed, the DFHIC TYPE=INITIATE macro instruction should be used. If the task to be initiated is associated with a terminal, the initial DFHIC TYPE=PUT request causes the task to be initiated at the specified time. Subsequent PUTs with the same terminal itlentification~ transaction identification, and expiration time are used to store data for subsequent retrieval by the initiated task. If the task to be initiated is not associated with a terminal, each DFHIC TYPE=PUT request results in a task being initiated at the specified time. That is, only one physical data record can be passed to a task not associated with a terminal. (See the section "Retrieve Time-Ordered Data (GET),n which follows.) Most operands of the DFHIC TYPE=PUT macro instruction are analogous to similar operands of the DFHIC TYPE=INITIATE macro instruction. The discussions of time calculation, request identification, transaction identification, and terminal identificatit)n given in the section "Task Initiation without Data (INITIATE)," which precedes this section, apply to DFHIC TYPE=PUT in the same manner as they apply to DFHIC 352 CICS/VS APRM(ML) TYPE=INITIATE. In addition, because the DFHIC TYPE=PUT macro instruction permits data to be passed, the application programmer must specify the symbolic address of the field containing the data. The label may be provided as a parameter of the macro instruction or move the address to TCAICDA prior to issuing the macro instruction. The data passed to an initiated task must have the standard variablelength format, with the first four bytes containing LL~~. LL is a twobyte binary length field (the value of which includes the length of the data plus the first four bytes), and ~~ is a two-byte field containing binary zeros. Note: An IOERROR will occur if there is not enough auxiliary temporary storage available to hold the data being passed. See the CICS/VS System Programmer's Reference Manual discussion of temporary storage for further details of auxiliary temporary storage requirements. The following example shows how to request automatic task initiation and/or request that time-ordered data be made available to a task associated with a terminal: DFHIC TYPE=PUT, TIME=173000, TRANSID=TRN2, TRMIDNT=STA3, ICDADDR=DATAFLD REQUEST TASK INITIATION TIME IS 5:30 PM TRANSACTION IDENTIFICATION TERMINAL IDENTIFICATION DATA ADDRESS * * * * The following examples show how to dynamically request automatic task initiation and/or request that time-ordered data be made available to a task associated with a terminal. Values for time, request identification, transaction identification, and terminal identification, as well as the address of data to be passed, are moved to appropriate fields of the TCA before issuing the DFHIC TYPE=PUT macro instruction. For Assembler language: avc MVC MVC MVC MVC TCAICRT,PACKTIHE TCAICQID,UNIQCODE TCAICTI,=CL4'TRN2' TCAICTID,=CL4'STA3' TCAICDA,=A ~ATAFLD) DFHIC TYPE=PUT, TIME=YES, TRMIDNT=YES, REQID=YES, ICDADDR=YES Chapter 5.2. CALCULATED EXPIR TIME TO TCA UNIQUE REQUEST ID TO TCA TRANSACTION ID TO TCA TERMINAL ID TO TCA ADDRESS OF DATA TO TCA REQUEST TASK INITIATION EXPIRATION TIME GIVEN TER~INAL ID GIVEN UNIQUE REQUEST ID GIVEN DATA ADDRESS GIVEN Interval Control (DFHIC Macro) * * * * 353 MOVE MOVE MOVE MOVE MOVE PACKT1ME TO TCAICRT. UN1QCODE TO TCAICQID. 'TRN2' TO TCAICTI. 'STA3' TO TCAICTID. DATADDR TO TCAICDA. DFHIC TYPE=PUT, TIME=YES, TRM IDNT=YES, REQID=YES, ICDADDR=YES NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE CALC EXPIR TIME TO TCA. UNIQUE REQUEST ID TO TCA. TRANSACTION ID TO TCA. TERMINAL ID TO TCA. ADDRESS OF DATA TO TCA. REQUEST TASK INITIATION EXPIRATION TIME GIVEN TERMINAL ID GIVEN UNIQUE REQUEST ID GIVEN DATA ADDRESS GIVEN * * * * For PL/I: 354 TCAICRT=PACKTIME; TCAICQID=UNIQCODE; TCAICTI='TRN2' ; TCAICT1D='STA3'; TCAICDA=ADDR(DATAFLD) ; /*CALC EXP1R TIME TO TCA*/ /*UNIQUE REQUEST ID TO TCA*/ /*TRANSACT10N ID TO TCA*/ /*TERMINAL ID TO TCA*/ /*ADDRESS OF DATA TO TCA*/ DFHIC TYPE=PUT, TIME=YES, TRM1DNT=YES, REQID=YES, ICDADDR=YES REQUEST TASK INITIATION EXPIRATION TIME GIVEN TERMINAL ID GIVEN UNIQUE REQUEST 1D GIVEN DATA ADDRESS GIVEN CICS/VS APRM (ML) * * ** Retrieve Time-Ordered Data (TYPE=GET) The format of the DFHIC macro instruction to retrieve data stored by a DFHIC TYPE=PUT macro instruction (issued by another task) is as follows: DFHIC TYPE=GET [,ICDADDR={symbolic addressIYES}] [ , RELEASE=NO ] [,NORESP=symbolic address] [,INVREQ=symbolic address] [,NOTFND=symbolic address] [,ENDDATA=symbolic address] [,IOERROR=symbolic address] [,TSINVLD=symbolic address] [,ERROR=symbolic address] Only data from an expired DFHIC TYPE=PUT request can be accessed using the DFHIC TYPE=GET macro instruction. To retrieve data stored by use of a DFHIC TYPE=PUT request, the DFHIC TYPE=GET macro instruction must be used. When time-ordered data is to be retrieved by means of a DFHIC TYPE=GET macro instruction, the application programmer may specify the address of a storage area into which the data is to be placed. The address is specified either by including the address in the macro instruction or by storing it in TCAICD! prior to issuing the macro instruction. In either case, the storage area must be large enough to contain the four-byte length field (LL~) at the beginning of the data record as well as the data portion of the record. If the application programmer does not select a storage area, CICS/VS automatically acquires an area of sufficient size and returns the address of that area in TCAICD!. Each originating DFHIC TYPE=PUT request provides the transaction identification of the task to receive the data, and if applicable, symbolically identifies the terminal associated with the task's operation. When CICS/VS services a DFHIC TYPE=PUT request, it does so in two steps; it first queues the request for automatic task initiation at a specified time and then stores the data. When the specified time occurs, the task is ready to be initiated, and the stored data is then available for retrieval. A task not associated with a terminal that is initiated as a result of an expired DFHIC TYPB=PUT request can access only the single physical data record associated with the original request. It does this by issuing one DFHIC TYPE=GBT macro instruction. The storage occupied by the data associated with the task is released upon execution of the DFBIC TYPE=GET request, or upon termination of the task (normally or abnormally) if no DFHIC TYPE=GET macro instruction is executed prior to termination. A task associated with a terminal that is initiated as the result of an expired DFHIC TYPE=PUT request, or that is active at the time of expiration of a DFHIC TYPE=PUT request, can access all data records associated with expired DFBIC TYPE=PUT macro requests having the same transaction identification and terminal identification. Therefore, a task associated with a terminal can retrieve all data made available to the terminal and the task up to the current time by issuing consecutive DFHIC TYPE=GET requests. Expired data records are presented to the task Chapter 5.2. Interval Control (DFHIC !acro) 355 upon request in expiration time sequence. The storage occupied by the single data record associated with a DPHIC TYPE=PUT request is released after the data has been retrieved by a DPHIC TYPE=GET request or upon termination of CICS/VS. Data passed in subsequent expired DPHIC TYPE=PUT requests specifying the same terminal identification and transaction identification can be retrieved in response to DPHIC TYPE=GET requests by the same task if that task is still active at their expiration times. Otherwise, such a DPHIC TYPE=PUT request causes a new task to be initiated. When all passed data for which specified times have expired has been retrieved, CICS/VS provides an end-of-data response at TCAICTR (for Assembler language or PL/I) or TCAICRC (for COBOL) in response to a DPHIC TYPE=GET macro instruction. The following example shows how to request retrieval of a timeordered data record into a data area specified in the request: DPHIC TYPE=GET, ICDADDR=DATAPLD RETRIEVE TIME-ORDERED DATA USER-PROVIDED DATA AREA • The following examples show bow to dynamically request retrieval of a time-ordered data record. The address of the storage area reserved for the data record is placed in TCAICDA prior to the issuance of the DPBIC TYFE=GET macro instruction. Por Assembler language: MVC TCAICDA,=A(D1T1PLD) DATA PIELD ADDR TO TCA DPHIC TYPE=GET, ICDADDR=YES RETRIEVE TIME-ORDERED DATA DATA PIELD ADDRESS GIVEN • Por COBOL: MOVE DATADDR TO TCAICDA. NOTE DATA PIELD ADDR TO TCA. DPHIC TYPE=GET, ICDADDR=YES RETRIEVE TIME-ORDERED DATA • For PL/I: 356 TCAICDA=ADDR(DATAFLD) ; /*DATA PIELD ADDR TO TCA./ DFHIC TYPE=GET, ICDADDR=YES RETRIEVE TIME-ORDERED DATA CICS/VS APRM(ML) • Cancel a Request for Time Services (TYPE=CANCEL) The format of the DFHIC macro instruction to cancel a DFHIC TYPE=WAIT, DFHIC TYPE=POST, DFHIC TYPE=INITIATE, or DFHIC TYPE=PUT request is as follows: r------~-------r----------------------------------------------------------~ I I I I I I I L I _______ I DFHIC I TYPE=CANCEL I [,REQID={nameIYES}] I [,NORESP=symbolic address] I [,INVREQ=symbolic address] I [,NOTFND=symbolic address] I [,ERROR=symbolic address] ~ I _______ ~I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ This macro specifies that a request of one of the following types is to be acted upon as follows: 1. DFHIC TYPE=WAIT issued by another task treated as though expired. (now suspended) is to be 2. DFHIC TYPE=POST issued by this task is to be removed from the system. 3. DFHIC TYPE=POST issued by another task is to be treated as though expired. 4. DFHIC TYPE=INITIATE is to be removed from the system. 5. DFHIC TYPE=PUT is to be removed from the system. The effect of the cancellation is dependent on whether a request identification is specified for the DFHIC TYPE=CANCEL request and on the type of service request being canceled. £~acel an Interval Control POST Request A DFHIC TYPE=POST request can be canceled by the originating task or by another task through use of the DFftIC TYPE=CANCEL macro instruction. When the originating task cancels a DFHIC TYPE=POST request, no request identification should be specified for the cancellation request. This cancellation request can be made either before or after expiration of the original request. In either case, the storage reserved for the timer event control area is released, and all references to the original request are removed from the system. When a task other than the originating task cancels a DFHIC TYPE=POST request, the request identification of that request must be specified. The effect of the cancellation is the same as an early expiration of the original DFBIC TYPE=POST request. That is, the timer event control area for the originating task is posted as though the original expiration time had been reached. Chapter 5.2. Interval Control (DFHIC Macro) 357 Cancel an Interval Control WAIT Reguest A DFHIC TYPE=WAIT request can only be canceled prior to its expiration, and only by a task other than the task that issued the DFHIC TYPE=WAIT (the originating task is suspended for the duration of the request). The request identification of the suspended task must be specified. The effect of the cancellation is the same as an early expiration of the original DFHIC TYPE=WAIT or DFHKC TYPE=CHAP request. That is, the originating task resumes control (based on its normal dispatching priority) as though the original expiration time had been reached. Cancel an Interval Control INITIATE or PUT Reguest A request identification must be specified when the DFHIC TYPE=CANCEL macro instruction is used to cancel a DFHIC TYPE=INITIATE or DFHIC TYPE=PUT request. The effect of the cancellation is to remove the original request from the system, treating the original request as though it had never been made. The cancellation request is effective only prior to expiration of the original request. 358 CICS/VS APRM(ML) I/O Error Retry (TYPE=RETRY) The format of the DFHIC macro instruction to retry an operation requested by a DFHIC TYPE=GBT Dacro instruction uhen an I/O error occurs is as follows: DFHIC TYPE=RETRY [ ,RELEASE=NO] [,NORESP=symbolic address] [,INVREQ=symbo1ic address] [ ,NOTFND=symbolic address] [,IOERROR=symbo1ic address] [,ERROR=symbolic address] CICS/VS attempts to retrieve the data record whose symbolic eightcharacter identification is specified at TCAICQID, and place it into the data area specified at TCAICDA. These fields are praset by CICS/VS at the time the I/O error responsa vas returned to the application prograDe Chapter 5.2. Interval Control (DPHIC Hacro) 359 Test Response to a Request for Time Services (TYPE=CHECK) The format of the DFHIC macro instruction to test the CICS/VS response to a request for time services is as folJ,ovs: DFHIC TYPE=CHECK [ ,NORESP=symbolic address] [,INVREQ=symbolic address] [,EXPIRD=symbolic address] [,TRNIDER=symbolic address] [ ,TRMIDER=symbolic address] [,NOTFND=symbolic address] [,ENDDATA=symbolic address] [ ,IOERROR=symbolic address] [,TSINVLD=symbolic address] [,ERROR=symbolic address] Interval Control Response Codes The Assembler-language or PL/I programmer can access interval control response codes at TCAICTR; the COBOL programmer can access interval control response codes at TCAICRC. The possible response codes and the conditions to which they correspond are identified in the right-hand columns of Figure 5.2-1. DFHIC macro instructions for which the conditions are applicable are shown at the left. 360 CICS/VS APRM (HL) Time Services Request by DFHIC Macro Instruction I Response Code I I IAssemblerl COBOL Condition ALL NORESP I (Normal response) I I ENDDATA I (End of data condition) GET ,CHECK PL/I X'OO' LOW-VALUES (ICNORESP) 00000000 X'Ol' 12-1-9 (ICENDDATA) 00000001 PUT,GET,RETRY, CHECK IOERROR (INPUT/Outpu t error) X' 04' 12-4-9 (ICIOERROR) 00000100 INITIATE, POT, CHECK TRNIDER (Transaction identification error) X' 11' 11-1-9 (ICTRNIDER) 00010001 INITIAT E ,PUT, CHECK TRMIDER (Terminal identification error) X'12· 11-2-9 (ICTRMIDER) 00010010 GET,CHECK TSINVLD (No temporary storage support) X'14 I 11-4-9 (ICTSINV LD) 00010100 WAIT, POST ,CHECK EXPIRD (Expired) X120' 11-0-1-8-9 (ICEXPIRD) 00100000 GET,CANCEL, RETRY,CHECK NOTFND (Not found) X'81 1 12-0-1 (ICNOTPND) 10000001 ALL INVREQ (Invalid request) X'FP' ALL ERROR (Any response other than NORESP) (Note 2) 12-11-0-7-8-9 (ICINVREQ) (Note 2) 11111111 (Note 2) 1. The names enclosed in parentheses in the COBOL column indicate the condition names generated by CICS/VS. These names may be usedl in testing for the conditions in a COBOL program. I I 2. The test for the ERROR response is satisfied by a not equal I condition; that is, not X'OOI, not LOW-VALUES, or not 00000000 I for Assembler, COBOL, and PL/I, respectively. _____________________________________________________________________ - - - - JI ~ Figure 5.2-1. Interval COutrol Response Codes If the application programmer does not check for a particular response to his service request, and the exception condition corresponding to that response occurs, program flow proceeds to the next sequential instruction in the application program. The following examples show how to examine the response code provided by CICS/VS at TCAICTR (for Assembler language or PL/I) or TCAICRC (for COBOL) and transfer control to the appropriate user-written exceptionChapter 5.2. Interval Control (DPBIC Macro) 361 handling routine. The alternative approach available to COBOL programmers is also shown. For Assembler DFHIC GOOD CLI BE DFHPC DS langugg~: TYPE=GET , ICDADDR=DATAFLD TCAICTR,X'OO' GOOD TYPE=ABEND,ABCODE=TIME OH * NORMAL RESPONSE For COBOL: DFHIC IF THEN ELSE DFHPC TYPE=GET, ICDADDR=DATAFLD TCAICRC = LOW-VALUES GO TO GOOD NEXT SENTENCE. NOTE LOW-VALUES NORESP. TYPE=ABEND * GOOD. Alternatively, the COBOL programmer may make use of the CICS/VS generated condition names to test responses. For example: IF ICNORESP THEN GO TO GOOD. For PL/I: DFHIC TYPE=GET, ICDADDR=DATAFLD IF TCAICTR='O'B THEN GO TO GOODi/*NORMAL RESPONSE*/ DFHPC TYPE=ABEND GOOD: 362 CICS/VS APRM(ML) * Operands of DFHIC Macro ENDDATA=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is to be passed if no more data is stored for the task issuing a DFHIC TYPE=GET request. It can be considered a normal end-of-file response when retrieving sequential timeordered data records. ERROR=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is to be passed if any of the response conditions other than NORESP occurs. EXPIRD=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is to be passed if the time specified in a DFHIC TYPE=POST or DFHIC TYPE=HAIT request has expired at the time the request is issued. FOR~I= indicates which time-of-day representation is desired. BINARY specifies that a binary representation of time of day ~ four-byte positive value in hundredths of a second) is to be updated and retained in CSACTODB. PACKED specifies that the binary representation of time of day (described above) and the packed decimal representation (a four-byte positive value of the form HHMMSSt+ where seconds are truncated to tenths of a second) are to be updated and retained in CSACTODB and CSATODP respectively. Note: COBOL and PL/I programmers should be aware that the portion of the low-order byte of this positive number contains hexadecimal F rather than C or D. zone ICDADDR= specifies the location of the data to be stored for the task to be initiated at some future time. symbolic address is the symbolic address of the storage area containing the data to be made available to the task. YES indicates that the symbolic address of the storage area containing the data has been placed in TCArCDA. If no data is to be passed, DFHIC TYPE=INITIATE rather than DFHIC TYPE=PUT should be used. INTRVAL= specifies the interval of time that is to elapse before CICS/VS initiates a task, or before CICS/VS posting is to occur, or for which a task is to be suspended. Chapter 5.2. Interval Control (DFHIC Macro) 363 numeric value is of the form HHMMSS, where HH represents hours from 00 to 99, MM represents minutes from 00 to 59, and SS represents seconds from 00 to 59. This numeric value is added to the current clock time by CICS/VS when the associated macro instruction is executed to calculate the time of day (clock time) when the task is to be initiated or posted, or when processing of the task is to be resumed. When used with TYPE=INITIATE, if the specified interval is zero, or if both INTRVAL and TIME are omitted, the task is initiated immediately. YES indicates that the interval of time (in packed decimal form, HRMMSS+) has been placed in TCAICRT. If this operand is specified, the TIME operand cannot be specified. INVREQ=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is to be passed if an invalid type of request was received for processing by the interval control program. IOERROR=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is to be passed if an input/output error occurs during a DFHIC TYPE=GET or DFHIC TYPE=PUT operation on auxiliary storage. The DFHIC TYPE=RETRY macro instruction can be used in the routine for handling DFHIC TYPE=GET input/output errors. One of the causes of this error is during a TYPE=PUT if there is insufficient auxiliary temporary storage available to hold any data which is to be passed. See the CICS/VS System Programmer's Guide discussion of temporary storage for further details of auxiliary temporary storage requirements. NORESP=symoolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is to be passed if no error occurs. NORESP signifies "normal response. II NOTFND=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is to be passed if the request identification specified in a DFHIC TYPE=CANCEL macro instruction fails to match an unexpired time-ordered request. It is also applicable to DFHIC TYPE=GET or DFHIC TYPE=RETRY requests and signifies that the time-ordered data stored for retrieval through the DFHIC TYPE=PUT macro instruction cannot be located using the unique request identification contained in TCAICQID at the time of this request. This condition occurs on a retrieval operation if some prior task retrieved the data stored under the request identification directly through temporary storage facilities and then released the data area. It also occurs if the request identification associate~ with the original DFHIC TYPE=PUT request fails to remain a unique identification. 364 CICS/VS APRM(ML) RELEaSE=NO indicates that CICS/VS is not to release the record from temporary storage after obtaining the record for the application program. Upon completion of a successful DF8IC TYPE=GET,RELEASE=NO request, CICS/VS places the identification of the temporarystorage record in TCAICQID. Using this identification, the user can retrieve or release the record from temporary storage through the DFHTS macro instruction; the record is not available to any subsequent DFHIC get requests. This operand is valid only for a retry of a DFHIC TYPE=GET request. REQID= is an optional operand used to assign a unique request identification to this request, as a means of symbolically identifying the request. It should be used if the application programmer wishes to provide another task with the capability of canceling an unexpired WAIT request (see the discussion of DFHIC TYPE=CANCEl, later in this chapter). The data is put in temporary storage with this identification. name is a unique identifier, up to eight characters in length, selected for this request by the application programmer. YES indicates that an eight-character request identification has been placed in TCAICQID by the application program. 'prefix' is a two-character (including blanks) prefix to be affixed to the Request Identification generated by CICS/VS. If REQID=" is specified, the prefix is assumed to be in the two-byte field TCAICQPX. If this operand is omitted, CICS/VS generates a unique request identification in the form "DFNNNHNN"; the prefix is DF. TIMADR= is used when the time of day is to be returned in an application programmer-selected four-byte field. For FORM=BINARY, the binary representation is returned; for FORM=PACKED, the packed decimal representation is returned. symoolic address is the symbolic ad~ress of the field in which the time of day is to be made available to the application program. YES indicates that the symbolic address of the field for the time of day is in TCAIeDA. If this operand is omitted, the fields of the CSA are updated, but the time of day is not placed in another field for reference by the application program. Chapter 5.2. Interval Control (DFHIC Macro) 365 TIME= specifies the time of day at which CIC~/VS is to initiate the requested service. If the specified ti,me of day is the same as the current clock time or up to and including six hours preceding the current clock time, the specified time is considered to have occurred, and the requested service is provided immediately. numeric value is of the form HHMMSS, where HH represents hours from 00 to 99, MM represents minutes from 00 to 59, and SS represents seconds from 00 to 59. YES indicates that the time of day (in packed decimal form, HHMMSS+) has been placed in TCAICRT. If this operand is specified, the INTRVAL operand cannot be specified. TRANSID=name is the symbolic transaction identification of the task to be initiated. If this operand is omitted, the transaction identification is assumed to be in TCAICTI. TRMIDER=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is to be passed if the symbolic terminal identification specified in the DFHIC TYPE=INITIATE or DFHIC TYPE=PUT request cannot be found in the terminal control table (TCT). TRMIDNT= is the symbolic terminal identification of the terminal associated with the task to be initiated. This ooerand is required when the task to be initiated must communicate with a terminal; it s~ould be omitted otherwise. TRNIDER=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is to be passed if the symbolic transaction identification specified in a DFHIC TYPE=INITIATE or DPHIC TYPE=PUT request cannot be found in the program control taole. TSINVLD=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is to be passed if the CICS/VS temporary storage program does not support a DFHTS TYPE=GET request issued by the CICS/VS interval control program. This situation can occur when a dummy temporary storage program is included in the current CICS/VS system ill place of a functional temporary storage program. 366 CICS/VS APRM(ML) Chapter 5.3. Task Control (DFHICC Macro) Task management provides the capability to process transactions ~asks) concurrently. Transactions are scheduled, through task control, and processed according to priorities assigned by the user. Control of the processor is given to the highest priority task that is ready to be processed. Control of the processor is returned to the operating system when no further work can be done by CICS/VS or by user-written application programs. Rhen a transaction is initiated in CICS/VS, task control dynamically allocates storage for the task control area (TCA), places the task on the dispatching priority queue, obtains the program identification of the program initialJy required to process the task from the program control table (PCT), and transfers control to program control. The Task ~anagement macro instruction (DPHKC) is used to request any of the following services: 0 Initiate a task 0 Change the priority of a task • Synchronize a task • Synchronize the use of a resource by a task 0 Purge a task on system overload The application programmer must specify parameter values uhen using the DPHKC macro instruction. The values can be specified in either of two ways: 1. By including the parameters in operands of the DFHKC macro instruction by which task control services are requested, or 2. By coding instructions that place the parameter values in fields of the TCA prior to issuing the DPHKC macro instruction. The second method adds flexibility by letting the programmer vary the parameter values of a single DPHKC macro instruction to meet the needs of a given program. Chapter 5;3. Task Control ~FHKC Macro) 367 Initiate a Task (TYPE=ATTACH) The format of the DFHKC macro instruction to initiate a task is as follows: r------~-------~----------------------------------------------------------~ I I I I I _______ L DFHKC ~ TYPE=ATTACH [ ,FCADDR=symbolic address] [ ,TRANSID=name] _______ L __________________________________________________________ ~ This macro instruction causes task control to obtain the task control area (TCA) for a task and insert the task in the dispatching priority queue according to the overall transaction processing priority of the task. This macro instruction is intended to be used by other CICS/VS control modules, but it is also available for use by the application programmer to initiate additional tasks. Any additional tasks initiated by the application programmer must terminate themselves through use of the program control DFHPC TYPE=RETURN macro instruction. Most tasks running under CICS/VS are initiated at a terminal and are thus associated with a terminal. Tasks initiated by CICS/VS management programs (for example, automatic task initiation by transient data control) mayor may not be associated with a terminal. The contents of TCAFCAAA varies depending upon whether the attached task is associated with a terminal, a'~ discussed in th e section "Task Control Area (TCA)," in Chapter 2.1. The number of tasks that can be active within the system at a given time is limited by the availability of main storage and/or by the "maximum number of tasks" control established by the system programmer at system generation or initialization. A new task is not initiated by CICS/VS unless sufficient main storage is available to process it. Instead, the request to initiate a task is queued (stored) until sufficient main storage becomes available. Tasks initiateJ by CICS/VS management modules (for example, terminal control) are subject to the maximum number of tasks limitation. Application program requests for attachment of tasks are not subject to this limitation and therefore are allowed to exceed the maximum. If the DFHKC TYPE=ATTACH macro instruction is used by the application programmer, he must provide the facility control area address and transaction identification required by CICS/VS to initiate a new task. The address and identification can be specified in two ways. 1. By coding two instructions that assign a facility control area address to TCAKCFA and a transaction identification to TCAKCTI Erio~ to issuing the DFHKC TYPE=ATTACH macro instruction, or 2. By including the FCADDR=symbolic address operand and TRANSID=symbolic name operand in the DFHKC TYPE=ATTACH macro instruction, which then stores the assigned values in TCAKCFA and TCAKCTI, respectively. For all transactions associated with a terminal, the facility control area address in TCAKCFA is the address of the TCTTE for the terminal. This address provides access to control information necessary for communication netween the program and the terminal. The first byte is an X·01·. If the attaching task owns a terminal, ownership of that terminal (but of no other terminal) may be passed in TCAKCFA. When 368 CICS/VS APRM(ML) attaching a task and passing ownership of the terminal to that task, the address of the TCA must be stored in TCTTECA. If a task is not associated with a terminal, the facility control area address can serve as a pointer to additional facility control information required for execution of the task. For example, it can be the address of an entry in the destination control table (DCT) that is associated with a hardware resource (for example, a data set) • The transaction identification is used only for the current ATTACH; it is not carried in the TCA for the duration of the task. The specified task is not attached if the transaction identification is not in the PCT or the program name is not in the Processing Program Table (PPT). If this situation exists or the attached task ABENDs, a message is sent to the terminal operator, but the attaching task is not notified of the condition. Therefore, the DPHKC TIPE=ATTACH macro instruction must De used with extreme caution by the application programmer. Although the application programmer has the capability of attaching a task directly to a terminal by means of the DFHKC TIPE=ATTACH macro, this procedure is not recommended. (The DPHKC TYPE=ATTACH macro ~ot be used to attach a task to a VTAM logical unit.) Instead, one of the following approaches should be used: • Automatic task initiation through transient data management • Automatic task initiation through time management (interval control program); for example, a DFHIC TYPE=INITIATE macro with a zero interval o Identification of the transaction identification to be used with the next input message frohl the terminal by means of a DFHPC TYPE=RETURN,TRANSID= macro instruction. The flowchart in Figure 5.3-1 shows Task A attaching Task Band synchronizing the processing steps of both tasks through use of the facility control address passed to the newly created task at attach time. Since Task B is a nonterminal-oriented task, it is unable to use terminal control macro instructions. FCADDR specifies the address of Task A's TCA; ECBl and ECB2 are fields in the TWA for Task A. Figure 5 .. 3-1 includes steps labeled "POST ECB". Posting an ECB entails setting on the appropriate bit in the EeB, which is a 4-byte field. In CICS/OS/VS, the bit to be set on (that is, set to '1') is bit 1 of byte 0; in CICS/DOS/VS, it is bit 0 of byte 2. The following examples show how to set bits on for each programming language. These examples set on both the bit required for CICS/OS/VS and that required for CICS/DOS/VS, so they may be used for hoth systems. Chapter 5.3. Task Control ~FHKC Macro) 369 Por Assembler ECBl la~y~~: DC HiC P'O' BCB1(3) ,=X ' Q00080' Por COBOL: 77 ECBl PIC 59(8) COMP VALUE ZERO. PROCEDURE DIVISION. COBPUTE ECBl = 2 ** 15 + 2 ** 30. Eor PL/I: DCL ECBl BIT(32) ALIGNED INIT(IOIB); ECBl = '01000000000000001'B; 370 CICS/VS APRM(ML) TASK A TASK B Attach Task B and Point FCADDR toTCA Obtain Address of ECB1 and ECB2 by Use of Address Now in TCAFCAAA - If Task 'B' is lower in priority it becomes active here. " Processing Step 1 " Wait on ECB1 (Note 1) Post ECB1 to Make Task 'A' Dispatchable If Task 'B' is hiltaer in priority it becomes active here. Task 'B' gives up control here. Wait on ECB2 (Note 2) Task 'A' is aware if Task 'B' completed Processing Step 1. Processing Step 2 Task 'B' is aware of completion of both Step 1 and Step 2. Task 'B' regains control here. , Post ECB2 Processing Step 3 Note: Give Up Control By a Wait or PC Return If Task B is not attached (e.g. Trans ID not in PCT), or if Task B ABEND, ECB 1 may never be posted. Note 2: If Task A ABEND, ECB2 may never be posted. Figure 5.3-1. Task Synchronization under CICS/VS The DFHPC TYPE=RETURN macro instruction can be used to terminate any tasks initiated by the application programmer through use of the task control DFHKC TYPE=ATTACH macro instruction. The following example illustrates the coding reguired to statically provide a facility control area address and transaction identification: Chapter 5.3. Task Control (DPHKC Macro) 311 DFHKC TYPE=ATTACH, FCADDR=FACCTL, TRANSID=TRNl INITIATE NEi TASK USER'S FCA ADDRESS TRANSACTION IDENTIFICATION The following examples illustrate the coding required to dynamically provide a facility control area address and transaction identification. For Assembler language: MVC TCAKCTI,=CL4'TRN1' MVC TCAKCFA,=A(FACCTL) TRANSACTION IDENTIFICATION USER'S FCA ADDRESS DFHKC TYPE=ATTACH INITIATE NEi TASK For COBOL: 312 MOVE 'TRN1' TO TCAKCTI. MOVE FACADR TO TCAKCFA. NOTE TRANSACTION IDENTIFICATION. NOTE USER'S FCA ADDRESS. DFHKC TYPE=ATTACH INITIATE NEW TASK TCAKCTI='TRN1'i TCAKCFA=FACADR; /*TRANSACTION IDENTIFICATION*/ /*USER'S FCA ADDRESS*/ /*FACADR IS A POINTER VARIABLE*/ DFHKC TYPE=ATTACH INITIATE NEW TASK CICS/VS APRM(ML) * * Change Priority of a Task (TYPE = CHAP) The format of the DFBKC macro instruc~ion to change the dispatching priority of a task is as follows: r'------~------'r---------------------------------------------------------~ I I I IL_______ DFHKC ~ TYPE=CHAP [,PRTY=priority value] _______ L ________________________________________________________ ~ The overall transaction processing priority of a task is the sum of related transaction, terminal, and operator priorities as specified or established by default at system generation. This priority determines the position of the task in the dispatching priority queue and, therefore, its scheduling under CICS/VS. The priority of an existing task can be changed by issuing the DFHKC TYPE=CHAP macro instruction. The specified priority value must be in the range from 0 through 255, where 255 represents the highest priority. This task is placed below all other tasks of equql or higher priority in the dispatching priority queue. The application programmer can include the PRTY=priority value operand in the DFHKC TYPE=CHAP macro instruction to assign a new dispatching priority to a task. Alternatively, the programmer can assign a priority value to the dispatching priority field ~CATCDP) Erio~ to issuing the DFHKC TYPE=CHAP macro instruction. A task can relinquish control to all tasks of equal or higher priority by issuing a DFHKC TYPE=CHAP macro instruction. No priority value need be specified, and the current priority value of the taSK as stored in TCATCDP is not changed. However, the fact that the macro instruction is issued permits control to be transferred from the task issuing the instruction to an equal or higher priority task within CICS/VS. This capability is designed particularly for compute-bound tasks which, by continually demanding inordinate amounts of processor time, can sign1iicantly affect overall system performance. The following example ShOWS how to statically assign a new task dispatching priority value: DFHKC TYPE=CHAP, PRTY=255 CHANGE PRIORITY OF THIS TASK NEW PRIORITY VALUE * The following examples illustrate the coding required to assign a dynamically selected priority value. This value can be specified as a binary, decimal, or hexadecimal number, depending on the programming language used. Chapter 5.3. Task control (DFHKC Kacro) 373 For Assembler language: MVI TCATCDP,X'FF' ASSIGN NEW PRIORITY VALUE DFHKC TYPE=CHAP CHANGE PRIORITY OF THIS TASK For COBOL: MOVE HIGH-VALUES TO TCATCDP. NOTE ASSIGN NEW PRIORITY VALUE. DFHKC TYPE=CHAP CHANGE PRIORITY OF THIS TASK For PL/!: 374 TCATCDP='11111111'B; I*ASSIGN NEW PRIORITY VALUE*/ DFHKC·TYPE=CHAP CHANGE PRIORITY OF THIS TASK CICS/VS APRM (ML) Synchronize a Task (TYPE=WAIT) The format of the DFHKC macro instruction to synchronize the execution of a task with the completion of an event, or to relinquish control to a task of higher priority, is as follows: r------r-------r------------------------------------------------------------, ~ I I I DFHKC I TYPE=WAIT I I [, DCI= {SINGLE I LIST I DISP I CICS} ] I I [,ECADDR=symbolic address] I __________________________________________________________ _____ I' L ~ The application programmer can synchronize a task with the completion of an event or one of a list of events initiated by the same task or by another task, or relinquish control to a task of higher dispatching priority, by issuing the DFHKC TYPE=WAIT macro instruction. In the first case, this macro instruction provides a method of directly relinquishing control to some other task until the event being waited on is completed. In the latter case, the task remains dispatchable. That is, execution of the task is resumed if no task of higher priority is ready to be processed. The application programmer must specify the circumstances under which synchronization of a task is to occur by including the DCI=keyword operand (dispatch control indicator) • If the task is to be synchronized with the completion of a single event or an event in a list of events, the application programmer must specify the symbolic address of either the single event control area or the list of event control areas. The address can be specified by including the ECADDR=symbolic address operand in the DFHKC TYPE=W1IT macro instruction, or by coding a single instruction that place~ the event control address in TCATCEA prior to issuing the DFHKC TYPE=WAIT macro instruction. In either case, the referenced event control area(s) must conform to the format and standard posting conventions of ECBs. Examples showing how to post ECBs are given in the section "Initiate a Task (AT'rACH)," earlier in this chapter. An event control area can also be the timer event control area referred to in a DFHIC TYPE=POST macro instruction. (See the discussion of task synchronization in Chapter 5.2.) In a CICS/OS/VS system, if two tasks are allowed to wait on the same event control area, CICS/VS may terminate abnormally. The DFHKC TYPE=WAIT,DCI=SINGLE macro instruction is used by the application programmer to synchronize a task with the completion of a single event initiated by the same task or by another task. The following example shows how to synchronize a task with a single event, statically providing the symbolic address of the appropriate event control area: DFHKC TYPE=WAIT, DCI=SINGLE, ECADDR=EVENTCTL Chapter 5.3. RELINQUISH CONTROL OF CICSjVS WAIT ON SINGLE EVENT ADDRESS OF EVENT CONTROL AREA Task Control (DFHKC Macro) * * 375 The following examples show how to synchronize a task with a single event, dynamically providing the symbolic address of the appropriate event control area. For Assembler language: ST SINGADDR,TCATCEA DFHKC TYPE=WAIT, DCI=SINGLE PLACE SY~BOLIC ADDRESS IN TCA RELINQUISH CONTROL OF CICS/VS WAIT ON SINGLE EVENT * For COBOL: 376 MOVE SINGADDR TO TCATCEA. NOTE PLACE SYMBOLIC ADDR IN TCA. DFHKC TYPE=WAIT, DCI=SINGLE RELINQUISH CONTROL OF CICS/VS WAIT ON SINGLE EVENT TCATCEA=SINGADDR; /*PLACE SYMBOLIC ADDRESS IN TCA*/ /*SINGADDR IS A POINTER VARIABLE*/ DFHKC TYPE=WAIT, DCI=SINGLE RELINQUISH CONTROL OF CICS/VS WAIT ON SINGLE EVENT CICS/VS APRM (aL) * * The DFHKC TYPE=WAIT,DCI=LIST macro instruction is used by the application programmer to synchronize a task with the completion of one event of a list of events. This list consists of a series of contiguous four-byte fields, each field containing the symbolic address of a single event control area. The last four-byte field of the list contains binary ones, hexadecimal IFF's, or the card code ~ultipunch) 12-11-0-18-9. The following example shows how to synchronize a task with one of a list of events, statically providing the symbolic address of the appropriate list of events: RELINQUISH CONTROL OF CICS/VS WAIT ON ~ LIST OF EVENTS ADDRESS OF LIST OF EVENTS DFHKC TYPE=WAIT, DCI=LIST, ECADDR=TOPOLIST * * The following examples show how to synchronize a task with one of a list of events, dynamically providing the symbolic address of the appropriate list of events. For Assembler lanquagg: ST LISTADDR,TCATCEA PLACE SY~BOLIC ADDRESS IN TCA RELINQUISH CONTROL OF CICS/VS WAIT ON A LIST OF EVENTS DFHKC TYPE=WAIT, DCI=LIST * For COBOL: MOVE LISTADDR TO TCATCEA. NOTE PLACE SYMBOLIC ADDR IN TCA. DFHKC TYPE=WAIT, DCI=LIS'r RELINQUISH CONTROL OF CICS/VS WAIT ON A LIST OF EVENTS * f2f:~1L!: TCATCEA=LISTADDR; /*PLACE SYMBOLIC ADDRESS IN TCA*/ /*LISTADDR IS A POINTER VARIABLE*/ DFHKC TYPE=WA IT, DCI=LIST RELINQUISH CONTROL OF CICS/VS WAIT ON A LIST OF EVENTS * ,Relin9,.Yish Control to a Task of-1!llher Prioriil The DFHKC TYPE=WAIT,DCI=DISP macro instruction is used by the application programmer to voluntarily relinquish control to a task of higher dispatching priority. Control is returned to the-task issuing the macro instruction if no other task of a higher priority is ready to be processed. Chapter 5.3. Task Control CDFHKC MaCro) 317 When binary synchronous communication lines are part of the user's configuration, these lines may time out if excessive processor time is required by an application program. One way to avoid this condition is to include one or more DFHKC TIPE=WAIT,DCI=DISP macro instructions in the application program to voluntarily relinquish control before the line time-out can occur. The following example shows how to voluntarily relinquish control to a task of higher dispatching priority: DFHKC TIPE=WAIT, DCI=DISP RELINQUISH CONTROL OF CICS/VS AND REMAIN DISPATCHABLE * No~~: The DFHKC TIPE=UAIT macro instruction differs from a TYPE=CHAP macro instruction that does not indicate a priority in that the former relinquishes control only to a task of higher priority, while the latter may relinquish control to a task of either equal or higher priority. 378 CICS/VS APRM (ML) Enqueue Upon a Resource (TYPE=ENQ) The format of the DFHKC macro instruction to enqueue upon a resource, causing execution of a task to be synchronized with the availability of that resource, is as follows: DFHKC TYPE=ENQ[,COND=YESINO] [,QARGADR=symbolic address] [,QARGLNG=number] In the CICS/VS environment, where tasks are processed concurrently, it is sometimes desirable to protect a given resource from concurrent use by multiple tasks. In effect, the resource can be treated as serially reusable. To provide this resource protection, an installation convention must be estaDlished for all application program4ers to follow. The convention is based on use of the DFHKC TYPB=ENQ macro instruction, identifying the resource by a symbolic address or a character-string argument. When executed, this macro instruction causes further execution of the task issuing the instruction to be synchronized with the availability of the specified resource; control is returned to the task when the resource is available. When all tasks accessing a resource adhere to the convention of enqueuing upon the resource, the resource is afforded tlsingle-serverll protection. When a single-server resource is being used by a task and other tasks concurrently enqueue upon the same resource, the first task to issue the DFHKC TYPE=ENQ macro instruction receives the resource when it becomes available. The other tasks obtain the resource, in turn, in the order in which they enqueue upon it. For assembler-language application programs only, wh6n COND=YES is specified, control is returned to the requesting transaction whether or not the requested resource is availanlei task control places a return code in TCATCTR indicating the result of the enqueue request. The return codes and their meanings are: TCATCOK The requested resource has been given to the requestor TCATCONQ The requested resource is not available TCADUPQ The requestor already has the requested resource COND=NO is the default, and when this is specified, either explicitly or by default, the normal enqueue mechanism operates (that is, the requestor is enqueued upon the resource if it is not immediately available) • Chapter 5.3. Task control (DFHKC Macro) 379 ~ When issuing the DFHKC TYPE=ENQ macro instruction, the application programmer must identify the single-server resource he is enqueuing upon by one of the following methods: 1. Specify a symbolic main storage address that represents the singleserver resource. The application programmer must provide the symbolic main storage address in the DFHKC TYPE=ENQ macro instruction or by coding instructions (prior to issuing the DFHKC TYPE=ENQ macro instruction) that place the address in the low-order three bytes of TCATCQA, a ~our-byte field. He must place binary zeros in the high-order byte. 2. Specify a symbolic main storage address that contains a unique character-string argument (for example, an employee name) that represents the single-server resource. The unique argument may be up to 255 bytes in length, beginning at the location pointed to by the contents of the specified address. The application programmer must provide the symbolic main storage address and the length in the DFHKC TYPE=ENQ macro instruction or by coding instructions (prior to issuing the DFHKC TYPE=ENQ macro instruction) that place the symbolic address in the low-order three bytes of TCATCQA, a four-byte field, and the length (in bytes) in the high-order byte. CICS/VS task control makes a copy of this pointer in its storage for use in controlling the resource. 380 CICS/VS APRM(aL) Dequeue Upon A Resource (TYPE=DEQ) The format of the DFHKC macro instruction to dequeue upon a resource (effectively, to revoke a preceding enqueue request upon that resource) is as follows: DFHKC TYPE=DBQ [ ,QARGADR=symbolic address] [,QARGLNG=number] When issuing the DFHKC TYPE=DBQ macro instruction, the application programmer must identify the resource he is dequeuing by the method that was used in enqueuing. The COBOL programmer may find it convenient to use the program control DFHPC TYPB=COBADDR macro instruction (see the example below) if preloading of the address is desired. If a task enqueues upon a resource but does not dequeue it, task control automatically de queues the single-server protection request upon termination of the task. The following examples show how to enqueue upon a single-server resource using method 1, above. Substituting "DEQ" for "ENQ" in these examples illustrates the ways in which the application programmer can release single-server protection from a resource prior to termination of the associated task. COpy DFHCSADS DS F CSAWABA DFHKC TYPE=ENQ, QARGADR=CSAWABA ENQ ON SINGLE-SERVER RESOURCE SPECIFY SYMBOLIC ADDRESS * OR LA ST WORKREG,CSAWABA WORKREG,TCATCQA DFHKC TYPE=ENQ Chapter 5.3. Task control (DFHKC Macro) 381 For COBOL: 01 DFHCSADS COpy DFBCSADS. 02 CSAWABA PIC X(50). MOVE ZEROS TO TCATCQA. DFHKC TYPE=ENQ, QARGADR=CSAWABA ENQ ON SINGLE-SERVER RESOURCE SPECIFY SYMBOLIC ADDRESS * OR DFHPC TYPE=COBADDR, LABBL=CSAWABl MOVE TCAPCLA TO TCATCQA. * DFHKC TYPE=ENQ %INCLUDE DFBCSADS; DECLARE 1 DFHEXCSA BASED (CSACBAR), 2 FILLER CHAR ~12), 2 CSAWABA CHAR (50); DF HKC TYPE=ENQ, QARGA DR=CSAWABA ENQ ON SINGLE-SERVER RESOURCE SPECIFY SYMBOLIC ADDRESS * OR TCATCQA=ADDR(CSAWABA); DFHKC TYPE=ENQ The following examples show how to enqueue upon a single-server resource using method 2. The resource to be enqueued upon is identified by the nine-character social security number in a field labeled SOCSECNO. Task control makes a copy of this field for its use in controlling the resource. Substituting "DEQ" for "ENQ" in these examples illustrates the ways in which the application programmer can release single-server protection from a resource prior to termination of the associated task. For Assembler lanqu~~: DFHKC TYPE=ENQ, QARGADR=SOCSECNO, QARGLNG=9 OR LA WORKREG,SOCSECNO ST WORKREG,TCATCQA MVI TCATCQAL,X'09' 382 CICS/VS APRM(ML) * * DFHKC TYPE=ENQ DFHKC TYPE=ENQ, QARGADR=SOCSECNO, QARGLNG=9 * * For PL/I: DFHKC TYPE=ENQ, QARGADR=SOCSECNO, QARGLNG=9 * * OR %INCLUDE DFHTCADS; DECLARE 1 DFHEXTCA BASED (TCACBAR), 2 FILLER CHAR (20), 2 TCATCQAL BIT(S); TCATCQA=ADDR(SOCSECNO); TCATCQAL=I00001001 I B; DFHKC TYPE=ENQ Chapter 5.3. Task Control (DFHKC Macro) 383 Declare a Task to be Purgeable (TYPE = PURGE) The format of the DFHKC macro instruction to declare that a task may be purged if a system stall condition occurs is as follows: r------r--------~--------------------------------------------------·----------, I I I I I DFHKC I L TYPE=PURGE I certain overload conditions, where all of a given system resource (for example, main storage) has been allocated and where each task requires still more of that resource, can occur in CICS/VS. The result is a situation in which no task is able to continue processing and no new task can be initiated; the system stalls. CICSjVS has the capability of detecting certain system stall conditions and taking corrective action. Corrective action consists, in part, of purging (deleting) the lowest priority task in the system that is designated a.s stall purgeable. A task is initially defined as purgeable or not purgeable in the program control table (PCT) entry associated with the transaction identification for that task. This ent~y is established by the system programmer at system generation. The application programmer can dynamically change the purgeability status of a task by issuing the DFHKC TYPE=PURGE macro instruction to indicate that the task is purgeable, or the DFHK~ TYPE=NOPURGE macro instruction to indicate that the task is not purgeable. The designated status remains in effect for that task until another change is initiated or until the task is terminated. For example, a longrunning task may issue a DFHKC TYPE=NOPURGE macro instruction prior to critical processing, then issue a DFHKC TYPE=PURGE macro instruction after that processing is completed. This ensures that the task is not stall-purged during the critical processing. Declare a Task to be Nonpurgeable (TYPE=NOPURGE) The format of the DFHKC macro instruction to declare that a task cannot be purged if a system stall condition occurs is as follows: ~-------r--------'-------------------------------------------------------------' ~ I I DFHKC _______ •I TYPE=NOPURGE L__________________________________________________________ ~ Note: The PURGE and NOPURGE options of the DFHKC macro are intended to be used as temporary overrides to the SPURGE specification in the DFHPCT TYPE=ENTRY macro for a task. For example, if a DFHKC ·rYPE=NOPURGE macro is issued in a program for a task, the task cannot be purged even though SPURGE=YES is specified in the DFHPCT TYPE=ENTRY macro for the task at 384 CICS/VS APRM(ML) system generation. Refer to the publication CICS/yS System PrQg~r's Reference Manual for details about the SPURGE option of the DPHPCT TYPE=ENTRY macro. Chapter 5.3. Task Control (DFHKC Macro) 385 Operands of DFHKC Macro COND= specifies whether or not an enqueue is to be conditional (assembler language only). YES the enqueue request is conditional~ Control is returned to the requestor whether or not the requested resource is available. A return code at TCATCTR indicates the result of the request: TCATCOK TCATCONQ TCADUPQ The resource has been given to the requestor The resource is not available The requestor already has the resource NO the enqueue is not conditional. If the requested resource is not immediately available, the requesting transaction will be enqueued upon it. COND=NO is the default. DCI= specifies when synchronization is to occur. SINGLE indicates that the task is to be synchronized with the completion of a single event. LIST indicates that the task is to be synchronized with the completion of one event in a list of events. indicates that the task wishes to give up control to any higher priority task that is ready to be processed; if none exists, control is to be returned to this task. CICS • CICS/OS/VS only and assembler language only indicates that the ECB will be posted by another transaction rather than by the operating system. This option means that the ECB will not be added to the operating system WAIT macro issued by CICS/VS. ECBs to be posted by other transactions should reside in permanent storage. Tasks that wish to synchronize with each other as illustrated in figure 5.3-1, may do so by using either DCI=CICS or DCI=SINGLE (CICS/DOS/VS must use DCI=SINGLE only). DCI=CICS must be used if more than one synchronizing task is going to wait on the same ECB. In all other cases it is preferable to use DCI=SINGLE. 386 CICS/VS APRM(ML) ECADDR=symoolic address is used with DCI=SINGLE or DCI=LIST to specify the symbolic address of the single event control area or list of event control areas identifying the event with which this task is to be synchronized; if omitted when SINGLE or LIST is specified, the address is assumed to be in TCATCEA. FCADDR=symbolic address is the symbolic address of the facility control area (FCA) associated with this task; if omitted, the address is assumed to be in TCAKCFA. PRTY=priority value is a decimal numeral in the range from 0 through 255 to be taken as the priority value for this task; if omitted, the priority value is assumed to be in TCATCDP. QARGADR=symbolic address is either the symbolic address of the resource to be enqueued or dequeued, or the symbolic address of a location that contains a unique argument (for example, an employee name) that represents the resource. If this operand is omitted, the address is assumed to be in the three low-order bytes of TCATCQA, a four-byte field. QARGLNG=number is the length, in bytes, of the resource to be enqueued upon or to be dequeued. This operand is needed only if the QARGADR operand is a unique argument that represents the resource to be enqueued. If omitted in such a case, the contents of the highorder byte of TCATCQA are assumed to be the length of the argument. COBOL programs must not use this operand unless the QARGADR operand is used. TRANSID=name is the transaction identification for the task; if omitted, the transaction identification is assumed to be in TCAKCTI. Chapter 5.3. Task Control (DFHKC Kacro) 387 Chapter 5.4. Program Control (DFHPC Macro) All program communication within CICS/VS is accomplished by program management. The program management macro instruction (DFHPC) is used to request any of the following services: • Link one user-written application program to another, anticipating subsequent return to the requesting program (TYPE=LINK). • Transfer control from one user-written application program to another, anticipating no return to the requesting program (TYPE=XCTL) • o Load a designated application program, table, or map (generally, for use with basic mapping support) into main storage and return control to the requesting program (TYPE=LOAD). • Return control from one user-written application program to another or to CICS/VS (TYPE=RETURN). o Delete a previously loaded application program from main storage (TYPE=DELET E) • • Abnormally terminate a transaction and its related task (TYPE=ABEND) • • Activate, cancel, or reactivate an exit that permits user-uritten abnormal termination processing (TYPE=SETXIT or TYPE=RESETXIT) • • Convert a symbolic label in a COBOL program into an address which is returned in TCAPCLA (TYPE=COBADDR). Application programs running under CICS/VS are executed at various logical levels. For example, where one user-written application program is linked to another, the linked-to program is considered to reside at the next lower logical level. Where control is simply transferred from one application program to another, the two programs are considered to reside at the same logical level. A DFHPC TYPE=LINK macro instruction is used for the former; a DFHPC TYPE=XCTL macro instruction (where XCTL means transfer control) is used for the latter. Figura 5.4-1 illustrates this difference between program linkage and transfer of program control. Each of the programs shown in this figure may have been written in any of the CICS/VS-supported languages (Assembler language, COBOL, and PL/I). Use of LINK, XCTL, RETURN, and ABEND is explained in greater detail below. Tasks can share the use of common work areas. However, each task requires the use of a unique intermediate storage area, such as the transaction work area (TWA), to retain information needed upon SUbsequent return to that task. The application programmer must provide addressability to that intermediate storage area by symbolically defining it in his program. Parameters can be passed from one program to another in the same task through user-defined storage areas, for example, the transaction work area (TWA), the terminal input/output area (TIOA), the terminal control table terminal entry ~CTTE), or the file work area (FWA). CICS/VS automatically saves program control information and generalpurpose registers, when applicable, in the task control area (TCA). CICS/VS automatically restores general-purpose registers, as necessary, Chapter 5.4. Program Control (DFHPC Macro) 389 to return control to a program. The name of any program referred to in a request for program services must have been placed in the processing program table (PPT) prior to execution of CICS/VS. ! CICS/vS Program Control I t ---. Application Program A LINK /" ~ RETURN XCTL ~ -. Application Program Application Program LINK C B - f- . /~ XCTL RETURN ~ Appl i cati on Program Appl ication Program D E - RETURN Figure 5.4-1. 390 Logical Relationship of Application Programs CICS/VS APRM(ML) Pass Program Control Anticipating Return (TYPE=LINIC) The format of the DFHPC macro instruction to pass control to an application program at the next lower logical level is as folIous: DFHPC TYPE=LINK [ ,PROGRAM=name ] [ , COND=YES ] [,NORESP=symbolic address] [,PGMIDER=symbolic address] When a DFHPC TYPE=RETURN macro is executed in the linked-to program, control is returned to the first program at the next sequential ~xecutable) instruction. The application programmer must specify the name of the program to which control is to be passed in the PROGRAM operand or in a single instruction that places the program name in TCAPCPI prior to issuing this macro instruction. The COND operand specifies that control vill be returned to the first program if the specified program is disabled or its name cannot be found in the PPT. The following example shovs hoy to request a link to an application program: DFHPC TYPE=LINK, PROGRAM=PROG1 * The following examples shou how to link to an application program specified by an instruction executed prior to DFHPC TYPE=LIUK. For Assembler language: MVC TCAPCPI ,=CL8 'PROG1' DFHPC TYPE=LINK PLACE LINKED-TO PROGRAH lIAHE In TCA LINK TO PROGRAH AT nEXT LOIIER LEVEL For COBOL: MOVE 'PROG1' TO TCAPCPI. NOTE LINKED-TO PROGRAM NAME TO TCA. J DFHPC TYPE=LINK LINK TO PROGRAM AT NEXT LoaER LEVEL TCAPCPI= 'PROG1'; /*PLACE LINKED-TO PRGH NAHE IN TCA*/ DFHPC TYPE=LINK LINK TO PROGRAM AT NEXT LOUER LEVEL Chapter 5.4. Program Control (DFHPC Macro) 391 Transfer Program Control (TYPE=XCTL) The format of the DFHPC macro instruction to pass (transfer) control to an application program at the same logical level is as follows: r------~-------~----------------------------------------------------------~ I I I ,I DFHPC TYPE=XCTL [ ,PROGR Aii=name ] This macro specifies that program control is transferred from one user-written application program to another at the same logical level. The program from which control is transferred is released. Any return from the transferred-to program is to a program from which there was an exit at the next higher logical level. If there is no user-written application program at the next higher logical level, control is returned to CICS/VS. . The application programmer must specify the name of the program to which control is to be transferred in the PROGRAM operand or in a single instruction that places the program name in TCAPCPI prior to issuing this macro instruction. The field TCAPCPI is eight bytes in length. If the program name is less than eight bytes, the field must be padded on the right with blanks. The following example shows how to request a transfer of control to a particular application program: DFHPC TYPE=XCTL, PROGRAM=PROG2 * The following examples show how to transfer control to an application program specified by an instruction executed prior to DFuPC TYPE=XCTL. For Assembler language: MVC TCAPCPI,=CLSIPROG2 1 PLACE TRANSFERRED-TO PRGM NAME IN TCA DPHPC TYPE=XCTL TRANSFER PROGRAM CONTROL MOVE IPROG2 1 TO TCAPCPI. NOTE TRANSFERRED-TO PRGM NAME TO TCA. DFHPC TYPE=ICTL TRANSFER PROGRAM CONTROL For PL/I: TCAPCPI=IPROG2 1 ; /*PLACE PROGRAM NAME IN TCA*/ DFHPC TYPE=ICTL 392 CICS/VS APRM(ML) TRANSFER PROGRAM CONTROL Load a Program (TYPE=LOAD) The format of the DFHPC macro instruction to load a program, table, or map from its location in a CICS/VS program library is as follows: r------r-------r----------------------------------------------------------, I I I I I I I I .L I DFHPC I TYPE=LOAD I [ ,PROGRAM=name] I [ , LOADLST=NO] I [ ,COND=YES] I [,NORESP=symDolic address] I [,PGMIDER=symbolic address] IL __________________________________________________________ ~ This macro specifies that programs, tables, or maps are to be fetched from the library where they reside and loaded into main storage. This facility is used to (1) load a program that will De used repeatedly, thereby reducing system overhead through a one-time load, (2) load a table to which control is not to be passed, or (3) load a map to be used in a mapping operation (see Chapter 4.3). CICS/VS returns the address of the loaded program in TCAPCLA. The loaded program remains in main storage until the DFHPC TYPE=DELETE macro instruction is issued or until the task that issued the DFHPC TYPE=LOAD is terminated, either normally or abnormally (unless LOADLST=NO is specified). If LOADLST=NO is specified, the loaded program remains resident until it is deleted by this, or another, task. The application programmer must provide the name (identification) of the program to be loaded in the DFHPC TYPE=LOAD macro instruction or in a single instruction that places the program name in TCAPCPI prior to issuing the DFHPC TYPE=LOAD macro instruction. The following example shows how to load a user-written application program: DFHPC TYPE=LOAD, PROGRAM=PROG3 The follo~ing examples show how to load an application program specified dynamically by an instruction executed prior to DFHPC TYPE=LOAD. For Assembler language: MVC TCAPCPI,=CLS'PROG3' PLACE PROGRAM NAME IN TCA DFHPC TYPE=LOAD LOAD THE SPECIFIED PROGRAM MOVE 'PROG3' TO TCAPCPI. NOTE PLACE PRGM NAME IN TCA. DFHPC TYPE=LOAD LOAD THE SPECIFIED PROGRAM Chapter 5.4. Program Control (DFdPC Macro) 393 For PL/I: 394 TCAPCPI=' PROG3'; /*PLACE PROGRAM NAME IN TCA*/ DFHPC TYPE=LOAD LOAD THE SPECIFIED PROGRAM CICS/VS APRM (KL) Return Program Control (TYPE=RETURN) The format of the DFHPC macro instruction to return control from an application program to the program at the next higher logical level is as follows: r------~-------r------------------------------------------------------------, I I I IL_______ I DFHPC I I ~ TY PE=R ET URN [,TRANSID=transaction code] _______ ILI_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ When this macro instruction is executed in a lower level (linkea-to) program, it restores the registers of the higher level (linked-from) program to their contents at the time the DFHFC TYPE=LINK was issued and releases save areas for the lower-level program. In general, the program to which control is returned must have relinquished control by execution of a DFHPC TYPE=LINK macro instruction and must reside one logical level higher than the program returning control. Upon normal termination of transaction processing, control is returned to CICS/VS. If no default transaction code has been assembled into the terminal control table terminal entry (TCTTE) for a particular terminal, the application programmer can specify the transaction identification for the next program to be associated with that terminal in either of two ways: (1) by including the desired transaction identification in the DFHPC TYPE=RETURN macro instruction, or (2) by coding a single instruction that places the desired transaction identification in TCANXTID prior to issuing the DFHPC TYPE=RETURN macro instruction. By doing so, the programmer ensures that subsequent unsolicited input can be entered from the terminal without the specification of a transaction identification. A flexible means of starting the next task is thus provided. Note, however, that the methods of specifying the transaction described above may be overridden by issuing BMS paging commands. (See ItTerminal-Oriented Task Identification," in Chapter 4.2, for a precise description .) Chapter 5.4. program Control ~FHPC Macro) 395 Delete a Loaded Program (TYPE=DELETE) The format of the DFHPC macro instruction to delete a previously loaded program is as follows: r----------------------------------------------------------, I DFHPC I I I TIPE=DELETE [,PROGRAM=name] ~-----~------_~I--------------------------------------------------------~ This macro specifies that a program previously loaded through use of the DFHPC TIPE=LOAD macro instruction with or without the LOADLST=NO operand is to be deleted. If the DFHPC TIPE=LOAD macro instruction contained LOADLST=NO, the loaded program is deleted only in response to a DFHPC TYPE=DELETE macro instruction. If LOADLST=NO is not specified, the loaded program can be deleted by a DFHPC TYPE=DELETE request, or it will be automatically deleted when the task that issued the load request is terminated. The application programmer must specify the name (identification) of the program to be deleted in the DFHPC TIPE=DELETE macro instruction or in an instruction that places the program name in TCAPCPI prior to issuing the DFHPC TYPE=DELETE macro instruction. The following example shows how to delete a user-written application program loaded in response to a DFHPC TYPE=LOAD macro instruction. DFHPC TYPE=DELETE, PROGRAM=PROG4 The following examples show how to dynamically delete an application program loaded in ~esponse to a DFHPC TYPE=LOAD macro instruction. For Assembler MVC la~~: TCAPCPI,=CLS'PROG4' DFHPC TIPE=DELETE PLACE PROGRAM NAME IN TCA DELETE THE SPECIFIED PROGRAM £:or COBOL: MOVE 'PROG4' TO TCAPCPI. NOTE PLACE PRGM NAME IN TCA. DFHPC TYPE=DELETE DELETE THE SPECIFIED PROGRAM For PL/I: 396 TCAPCPI='PROG4'; /*PLACE PROGRAM NAME IN TCA*/ DFHPC TIPE=DELETE DELETE THE SPECIFIED PROGRAM CICS/VS APRM(ML) Abnormally Terminate a Transaction (TYPE=ABEND) The format of the DFHPC macro instruction to abnormally terminate a transaction (task) is as follows: r------r- .r----------------------------------------------------------, I I I I I I I DFHPC I I I I I I I I I TYPE=ABEND [,ABCODE={valueIYES} ] [ ,CANCEL=YES] IL________________________________________________________ ~ This macro specifies that a transaction and its related task is to be terminated abnormally. If a task is attached by another task, only the task that issues the ABEND is terminated. The main storage associated with the terminated transaction is released. If CANCEL=YES is specified, all exits established by DFHPC TYPE=SETXIT macro instructions at any level in the task are canceled. The application programmer can request a dump of main storage related to the terminated transaction. The request must specify a fourcharacter abnormal termination code that dump control will place in the formatted storage dump to identify the ABEND condition. This code can be specified in either of two ways: 1. It can be specified in the TYPE=ABEND macro instruction, as follows: DFHPC TYPE=ABEND, ABCODE=1234 2. It can be placed in TCAPCAC before issuing the macro instruction, as follows: For Assembler language: MVC TCAPCAC,=CLij'1234' DFHPC TYPE=ABEND, ABCODE=YES PLACE TERMINATION CODE IN TCA TERMINATE PGRM, TRANS, & TASK USE ABCODE ALREADY SPECIFIED * For COBOL: MOVE '1234' TO TCAPCAC. NOTE TERMINATION CODE TO TCA. DFHPC TYPE=ABEND, ABCODE=YES TERMINATE PGRM, TRANS, & TASK USE ABCODE ALREADY SPECIFIED Chapter 5.4. Program Control (DFHPC Macro) * 397 For PLtI: TCAPCAC=11234 1 ; I*PLACE TERMINATION CODE IN TCA*/ DFHPC TYPE=ABEND, ABCODE=YES TERMINATE PGRM, TRANS, & TASK USE ABCODE ALREADY SPECIFIED * !Qte: The DFHPC macro will preserve the original contents of the two bytes starting at TCAPCTR by moving them to TCACCSV1. Thus a dump will contain the response codes from the last CICS/VS service call. If ABCODE (but not ABCODE=YES) is specified, the original contents of TCAPCAC will also be preserved in TCACCSV2. If ABCODE=YES is specified, and you wish the original contents of TCAPCAC to appear in the dump, they must be stored elsewhere before you store the ABEND code there. It is therefore preferable to use method 1 above when specifying a dump code. 398 CICS/VS APRM ~L) Activate or Cancel an Exit for Abnormal Termination Processing (TYPE=SETXIT) The format of the DFHPC macro instruction to activate or cancel an exit to a user-written routine or program to be executed upon abnormal termination of a task is as follows: r------r- I r- ----------------------------------------------------------, I I I DFHPC I I I I I I I f I I I I I I I I I I IL_ TYPE=SETXIT [,PROGRAM={nameIYES} ]I[,ROUTINE={symbolic addressIYES}) [,NORESp=symbolic address] [ ,PGHIDER=symbolic address] ________________________________________________________~ This macro specifies that a user exit is to be: 1. Activated, if the PROGRAM or ROUTINE operand is specified 2. Canceled, if no additional operands are specified During abnormal termination of a task, a program-level ABEND exit facility is provided in CICS/VS program control so that a user-uritten exit routine can be executed if desired. One example of a function performed by such a rout ine is the "clean-up" of a program tha t has started but not completed normally. An ABEND exit within an application program is activated in response to the DFHPC TYPE=SETXIT macro instruction. The application programmer must specify the name of a program, or (for Assembler-language and COBOL programs) the address of a routine, to be given control when an abnormal termination condition occurs. The program name or routine address can be specified in the DFHPC TYPE=SETXIT macro, or placed in the appropriate field in the TCA before the macro is issued. A program name is placed in TCAPCPI; a routine address is placed in TCAPCERA. The PROGRAM and ROUTINE operands are mutually exclusive. A DFHPC TYPE=SETXIT macro instruction in which a program or routine name is specified overrides (effectively, replaces) any preceding DFHPC TYPE=SETXIT macro instruction in any application program at the same logical level. (Logical levels are illustrated in Figure 5.4-1.) Thus, each application program of a transaction can have its own exit, but only one exit at each logical level can be active. To cancel a previously established exit at the logical level of the application program in control, the application programmer can issue a DFHPC TYPE=SETXIT macro instruction in which neither the program name nor the routine name operand is specified. When a task ABEND occurs, CICS/VS searches for an active exit, starting at the logical level of the application program in which the ABEND occurred, and proceeding, i f necessary, to successively higher levels. The first active exit found, if any, is given control. This procedure is shown in Figure 5.4-2, which also shows how subsequent ABEND exit processing is determined by the user's exit routine or program. Chapter 5.4. Program Control ~FHPC Macro) 399 Task ABEND - - --, I Action taken _-"'"T-r--=-_A"T"B..,.E_N_D_ I in ex it program __ J or routine Figure 5.4-2. ABEND Exit Processing Note: When a DFHPC TYPE=XCTL macro is to be used to transfer control from an application program, there is a potential problem if an exit routine (rather than a program) has been specified within that application program, and the exit for the routine is still active when control is transferred. If, later, a short-on-storage condition occurs, the storage occupied by the application program may be re-used, and any attempt to refer to the re-used storage, as a result of a subsequent task ABEND, will have unpredictable results. This situation will not occur if an exit program is specified, instead of a routine. Routines can be used without risk in .application programs that do not use a DFHPC TYPE=XCTL macro. To prevent recursive ABENDs in an exit routine, CICS/VS deactivates an exit upon entry to the exit routine. If attempting a retry of the operation, the programmer can branch to a point in the program that was in control at the time of the ABEND and issue the DFHPC TYPE=RESETXIT macro instruction to reactivate the exit. The user can also use this macro instruction to reactivate an exit that was canceled previously as described above. No additional parameters are required. Upon entry to an exit program, no addressability can be assumed other than that normally assumed for an application program coded in the 400 CICS/VS APRM (ML) language. If the exit logic is in the form of a routine, the amount of addressability varies with the source language, as detailed under "creating a Tas}c ABEND Exit" in the CICS/VS System Programller's Reference Han.Ytl. For additional information concerning preparation of the exit routine, see that manual. The follouing example shows how to establish a program as an exit: DFHPC TYPE=SETXIT,PROGRAM=EXITPGM The follouing examples show how to establish a program as an exit by dynamically storing the program name prior to executing the DFHPC TYPE=SETXIT macro instruction. HVC TCAPCPI,=CLS'EXITPGM' DFHPC TYPE=SETXIT,PROGRAM=YES For COBOL: HOVE 'EXITPGM' TO TCAPCPI. DFHPC TYPE=SETXIT,PROGRAM=YES For PL/I: TCAPCPI=IEXITPGMI; DFHPC TYPE=SETXIT,PROGRAM=YES The following examples show how to establish a routine as an exit by dynamically storing the address of the routine prior to executing the DFHPC TYPE=SETXIT macro instruction. (Note that routines cannot be established as exits in PL/I application programs.) For Assembler language: LA ST 14 , EX IT RTN 14,TCAPCERA DFHPC TYPE=SETXIT,ROUTINE=YES For COBOL: DFHPC TYPE=COBADDR,LABEL=EXITRTN MOVE TCAPCLA TO TCAPCERA. DFHPC TYPE=SETXIT,ROUTINE=YES Chapter 5.4. Program Control (DFHPC ~acro) 401 Reactivate an Exit for Abnormal Termination Processing (TYPE=RESETXIT) The format of the DPHPC macro instruction to reactivate an exit to a user-written routine or program to be executed upon abnormal termination of a transaction (task) is as follows: DPHPC TYPE=R ESETXIT This macro specifies that an exit to user-written abnormal termination processing is to be reactivated after a preceding application program cancellation or CICS/VS cancellation upon execution of the exit routine. 402 CleS/VS APRM ~L) Convert Symbolic Label to Address (TYPE=COBADDR) The format of the DFHPC macro instruction to convert a symbolic label appearing in a COBOL program to an address is as follows: DFHPC TYPE=COBADDR ,LABEL=symbolic label This macro specifies that the address of the location represented by a symbolic label is to be returned in TCAPCLA to the application program. The first byte of TCAPCLA can be non-zero, and should therefore be initialized if necessary. A comparable facility is availaole within both PLjI and Assembler language; this macro instruction is designed to provide the capability for COBOL programmers. COBOL support must have been generated within CICS/VS to support COBOL programs. Chapter 5.4. Program Control (DFHPC Macro) 403 Test Response to a Request for Program Services (TYPE=CHECK) The format of the DFHPC macro instruction to test the CICS/VS response to a request for program management services is as follows: DFHPC ~ _____ ~ TYPE=CHECK [,NORESP=symbolic address] [,PGMIDER=symbolic address] _______ L ______________________________________.____________________ ~ Program Control Response Codes To test the response code the application programmer must know (1) the CICS/VS response codes and their meanings, and (2) the symbolic label by which he can refer to the response code. If the Assembler-language or PL/I programmer elects to check for a particular response-code bit pattern, he can access the response code at TCAPCTR. The COBOL programmer who elects to check for a particular response-code bit pattern can access the response code at TCAPCRC. The possible response codes and the conditions to which they correspond are identified in the right-hand columns of Figure 5.4-3. DFHPC macro instructions for which the conditions are applicable are shown at the left. r , Program ,Services Request , by DFHPC Macro I Instruction , 1 I 1 Condition 1 Response Code 1----------------------------------1 IAssemblerl COBOL PL/I I -----------------------------------------------------------------------1 LINK,LOAD, NORESP LOW-VALUES , 00000000 SETXIT,CHECK (Normal response) LINK ,LOAD, SETXIT,CHECK PGMIDER (Program iden tification error) (PCARCNR) 1 1 X' 0 l' 12-1-9 , 00000001 (PCPGMIDER) I I I Note: The names enclosed in parentheses in the COBOL column indicate the condition names generated by CICS/VS. These-names may be used in testing for the conditions in a COBOL program. Figur,e 5.4-3. Program Control Response Codes Note: Because the multipunch codes to be checked in a COBOL program commonly correspond to unprintable characters, an alternative facility is provided in CICS/VS for use by the COBOL programmer. In COBOL the response code can be referred to by a condition name, formed as a twocharacter identification of the CICS/VS management module providing the requested service, followed by the keyword for the condition being checked (for example, PCNORESP). Use of this approach is illustrated in the examples at the end of this discussion. To provide for the possibility of failure to find a requested program in the processing program table (PPT), or finding a disabled program in response to DFHPC TYPE=LINK or TYPE=LOAD, the COND operand must be 404 CICS/VS APRM(ML) included in these macros. This operand causes control to be passed to the user-specified exception-handling routine specified in the PGHIDER operand if the error occurs. If the COND operand is not specified and the error occurs, the requesting program is apnormally terminated uith an APCT ABEND code. The following examples show how to'examine the response code provided by CICS/VS at TCAPCTR (for Assembler language or PL/I) or TCAPCRC (for COBOL) and transfer control to an appropriate user-written errorhandling routine. The alternative approach available to COBOL program~ers is also shown. For Assembler language: DFHPC GOOD CLI BE DFHPC DS TYPE=SETXIT, PROGRAM=MYPROG TCAPCTR,X·OO· GOOD TYPE=ABEND OB * NORMAL RESPONSE TYPE=SETXIT, PROGRAM=MYPROG IF TCAPCRC = • • THEN GO TO GOOD. DFHPC TYPE=ABEND * DFHPC NOTE 12-0-1-8-9 NORESP. GOOD. Alternatively, the COBOL programmer may test responses by using the CICS/VS generated condition names. IF PCNORESP THEN GO TO GOOD. For PL/I: DFHPC TYPE=SETXIT, PROGRAM=MYPROG IF TCAPCTR=IO·B THEN GO TO GOOD; DFHPC TYPE=ABEND * /* NORMAL RESPONSE */ GOOD: Chapter 5.4. Program Control (DFHPC aacro) 405 Operands of DFHPC Macro ABCODE= indicates that main storage related to the transaction is to be dumped and prov1des a four-character abnormal termination code to identify the output dump. value is a combination of four alphabetic, numeric, and/or special characters to be printed as the abnormal termination code. YES indicates that the abnormal termination code has been placed in TCAPCAC. Note: If a dump is requested, any information in the common control area of the application program communication section of the TCA is likely to be different in the dump. The DFHPC TYPE=ABEND macro preserves the original contents of the overwritten fields in the TCA by moving the tHO bytes starting at TCAPCTR to TCACCSV1. If an explicit abnormal termination code is specified, the macro viII also move the original contents of TCAPCAC to TCACCSV2. If ABCODE=YES is specified, and the original contents of TCAPCAC are required in the dump, the information must be stored elsewhere before storing an abnormal termination code there. If the ABCODE operand ·is not specified, the macro does not use the TCAPCAC field. CANCEL=YES indicates that all exits established by DFHPC TYPE=SETXIT macro instructions at any level in the task are to be canceled; in effect, they are ignored. COND=YES indicates that control is to be returned to the program issuing the macro instruction if the program specified in the PROGRAM operand cannot be found in the PPT or is disabled. If this operand is omitted and the requested program cannot be found or is disabled, the task is abnormally terminated with the ABEND code "A PCT II • LABEL=symbolic label is the symbolic label that represents the location in the COBOL program for which the address is required. LOADLST=NO indicates that the loaded module is not to be deleted when the task issuing the load request is terminated; that is, the loaded module remains resident until deleted at the request of this task or of another task. NORESP=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is to be passed if no errors occur during program control processing. NORESP signifies "normal response. 1I 406 CICS/VS APRM (ML) PGMIDER=sy£bolic address specifies the entry label of the user-uritten routine to which control is to be passed if the requested program cannot be found in the PPT or is disabled. Control will not be passed unless the COND operand is specified also in the TYPE=LINK or TYPE=LOAD macros, or unless the PROGRAM operand is specified also in the TYPE=SETXIT macro. PROGRAM=name is the name of the program to lIhich control is to be passed or the name of the program, table, or map to be loaded; if omitted, the name is assumed to be in TCAPCPI. TCAPCPI is an eight-character field; names less than eight characters must be padded right with blanks. If the requested program cannot be found or is disabled, the task is abnormally terminated with the ABEND code "APCTIt. For the TYPE=SETXIT macro only, PROGRAM=name specifies the name, in the PPT, of the program to receive control if abnormal termination occurs. PROGRAM=YES specifies that the name of the program to receive control has been placed in TCAPCPI. ROUTINE= identifies the routine to receive control if abnormal termination occurs. (This operand applies only to Assemblerlanguage and COBOL programs.) There is a risk involved in the use of this operand if the application program transfers control using a DPHPC TYPE=XCTL macro. The occurrence of a short-on-storage condition could lead to the storage used by this application program being reused, and any reference to the re-used storage ~10uld have unpredictable results. symbolic address is the symbolic address of the routine to receive control. YES indicates that the address of the routine to receive control has been placed in TCAPCERA. TRANSID=transaction code is the transaction identification to be used with the next input message entered from the terminal with which this requesting task has been associated prior to this request for return of control. Chapter 5.4. Program Control (DFHPC Macro) 401 Chapter 5.5. Storage Control (DFHSC Macro) storage written storage storage management controls all main storage for CICS/VS and for userapplication programs. Requests to acquire or release main are communicated to CICS/VS storage control by means of the management macro instruction (DPHSC). CICSjVS management programs automatically issue requests for main storage to provide input/output areas, program load areas, and userdefined work areas needed to process a task. An application program can also issue requests for main storage to provide intermediate work areas and any other main storage area not automatically provided by CICS/VS but needed to process a task. Main storage acquired by an application program can be initialized to any bit configuration, for example, binary zeros or EBCDIC blanks. Main storage associated with a task is controlled and accounted for by CICS/VS. This allows CICS/VS to release all main storage associated with a task upon request or when the task is normally or abnormally terminated. Main storage is account8d for as follows: • Task control areas (TCAs) are accounted for through pointers in the dispatch control areas (DC As). The DCAs are chained from the common system area (CSA). • Task storage is chained off the task control area • Terminal storage is chained off the TCTTE (the TCTTESC field is the origin of the terminal input/output area (TIOA) chain; the TCTTEDA field contains the address of the current TIOA regardless of the position of that TIOA on the chain). • Program storage is accounted for in the processing program table (TCA). (PPT) • • Suspended tasks are accounted for by the suspending CICS/VS management program (task control, storage control, or temporary storage control). If there is insufficient main storage to satisfy a storage acquisition request, TCASCSA is filled with binary zeros. All activity within the task is suspended until sufficient dynamic storage becomes available and its address is placed in TeASCSA, unless the application programmer has specified in his request that control is to be returned to the application program. Lack of storage will cause a short-onstorage condition. The initiation of new tasks is restricted by CICS/VS until the short-on-storage condition is alleviated. Normally, this occurs as a result of some other task releasing storage currently reserved for it. (See IIDeclare a Task to be Purgeable ll in Chapter 5.3., for corrective action that can be taken if the snort-on-storage condition continues.) Chapter 5.5. Storage Control (DPHSC Macro) 409 Obtain and Initialize Main Storage (TYPE=GETl\~AIN) The format of the DFHSC macro instruction to obtain main storage and initialize the area obtained, if required, is as follows: r------r-------r---------------------------'--------------------------------- I i , DFHSC I I I IL______ L -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ TY PE=G E'r HIt IN [,INITIMG={numberIYES} ] [,NUHBYTE=number] [,COND={YESI (YES,symbolic addr) I (NO,symbolic addr)}] (,CLASS={TERMINALIUSERITRANSDATAITEMPSTRG} ] ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ This macro instruction is used to obtain main storage of a specified size and class and, optionally, to initialize that storage to a specified bit configuration. The address of the storage area obtained is placed in TCASCSA on a doubleuord boundary by CICS/VS. TERMINAL, TRANSDATA, and TEMPSTRG can be abbreviated to TERM, TD, and TS respectively. When using this macro instruction, the application programmer should: o Check whether any existing storage that is no longer required by the task should be released, to avoid causing a short-on-storage condition to occur, or if it may be left for CICS/VS to release when the task is terminated. • Specify the class of storage required using the CLASS operand. o Calculate the number of bytes required and either specify that amount in the NUMBYTE operand, or place it in TCASCNB, in binary form, before issuing the DFHSC macro instruction. A zero data length is not allowed for a DFHSC TYPE=GETMAIN macro instruction. o Specify the COND operand if control is to be returned to the application program, irrespective of whether the requested storage has been acgu~lired or not .. o Specify a symbolic base address for the storage area. o Hove the storage address located at TCASCSA to the symbolic Oase address. (This address points to the storage accounting area of the storage area.) o Copy the symbolic storage definition for the appropriate input/output area or storage accounting area Erio~ to the symbolic definition of the user's program storage area. The following example shoHS hOH to request a 1024-byte area of main storage: DFHSC TYPE=GETMAIN, IN ITII1 G=OO , NU~IBY'rE= 1 024, CLASS=TERHINAL OBTAIN NEW STORAGE AREA INITIALIZE WITH BINARY ZEROS SIZE OF STORAGE REQUESTED CLASS OF STORAGE REQUESTED The follolTing examples shon hOll to specify the size of a required storage area and the value to \Thich it is to be initialized and then request that the storage be acquired. 410 CICS/VS AP RM (~lL) * * * For Assembler MVI MVC lafr[Qa~: TCASCIB,B'O' TCASCNB,=H'1024' INITIALIZE WITH BINARY ZEROS SIZE OF STORAGE REQUESTED DFHSC TYPE=GETMAIN, INITIMG=YES, COND=YES, CLASS=TERMINAL CLC TCASCSA,=F'O' BE NOSTRG L TIOABAR,TCASCSA OBTAIN NEW STORAGE AREA INITIALIZE WITH BINARY ZEROS RETURN CONTROL CLASS OF STORAGE REQUESTED W1S STORAGE AVAILABLE? BRANCH IF NOT LOAD REGISTER IF STORAGE FOUND * * * For COBOL: NOTE INITIALIZE WITH BLANKS NOTE SIZE OF STORAGE REQUESTED. MOVE • • TO TCASCIB. MOVE 1024 TO TCASCNB. DFHSC TYPE=GETMAIN, OBTAIN NEW STORAGE AREA INITIMG=YES, INITIALIZE WITH BLANKS COND=YES, RETURN CON TROL CLASS OF STORAGE REQUESTED CLASS=TERMINAL IF TCASCSA EQUAL 0 GO TO NOSTRG. MOVE TCASCSA TO TIOABAR. * * * For PL/I: TCASCIB=O; TCASCNB=1024 ; /*INITIALIZE WITH BINARY ZEROS*/ /*SIZE OF STORAGE REQUESTED*/ DFHSC TYPE=GETMAIN, INITIMG=YES, COND=YES, CLASS=TERMINAL IF UNSPEC(TCASCSA) TIOABAR=TCASCSA; chapter o OBTAIN NEW STORAGE AREA INITIALIZE WITH BINARY ZEROS RETUR N CON TR OL CLASS OF STORAGE REQUESTED THEN GO TO NOSTRG; /*LOAD REGISTER IF STORAGE FOUND*/ 5.~. Storage Control (DFHSC Macro) * * * 411 Release Main Storage (TYPE=FREEMAIN) The format of the DFHSC macro instruction to release main storage is as follows: r------r-------r----------------------------------------------------------, I DFHSC I TYPE=FREEMAIN I [,RELEASE=ALL] I • If the task itself does not release acquired storage, the storage is released by CICS/VS upon termination of the task. When this macro instruction is used to release a single storage area, the address of that area must be placed in TCASCSA prior to execution of the macro instruction. If all terminal storage acquired by means of DFHSC TYPE=GETMAIN,CLASS=TERMINAL macro instructions in the application program or by CICS/VS on pehalf of the task is to be released, the RELEASE=ALL operand will achieve that result; in this case, it is not necessary to place an address in TCASCSA. The following example shows how to release all main storage currently allocated to a terminal: DFHSC TYPE=FREEMAIN, RELEASE=ALL RELEASE ALL TERMINAL STORAGE The use of the RELEASE=ALL operand is restricted during basic mapping support (BMS) output operations having "OUT" disposition, to preserve the terminal storage used by BMS. Once a DFHBMS macro with "OUT" disposition has been issued, the application program must not issue a DFHSC TYPE=FREEMAIN,RELEASE=ALL macro until either a DFHBMS TYPE=PAGEOUT or DFHBMS TYPE=PURGE macro has been issued. The use of the RELEASE=ALL operand is also restricted during data interchange output operations (ADD, ERASE, REPLACE, NOTE, QUERY, END, and ABORT) to preserve the terminal storage used by the data interchange program (DFHDIP). Once a destination has been selected, RELEASE=ALL must not be specified until TYPE=END, TYPE=QUERY, or TYPE=ABORT has been specified in the DFHDI macro for that destination. The following examples show how to release a single main storage area, placing the address of the area to be released in TCASCS! before issuing the release request. ST TIOABAR,TCASCSA DFHSC TYPE=FREEMAIN q12 CICS/VS APRM(ML) PLACE STORAGE AREA ADDRESS IN TCA RELEASE STORAGE AREA * ~or COBOL: MOVE TIOABAR TO TCASCSA. NOTE PLACE STRG AREA ADDR IN TCA. DFHSC TYPE=FREEMAIN RELEASE STORAGE AREA For PL/I: TCASCSA=TIOABARi /*PLACE STORAGE AREA ADDRESS IN TCA*/ DFHSC RELEASE STORAGE AREA TYPE=FREEM~IN Chapter 5.5. Storage Control (DFHSC Macro) 413 Operands of DFHSC Macro CLASS= specifies the class of the storage to be acquired. TERMINAL or TERM indicates that the storage area is to be used as a terminal input/output area (TIOA), which is chained to the terminal control table terminal entry ~CTTE). All requests for storage related to terminal input/output must specify this class. If storage other than TERMINAL class is used as a TIOA for subsequent terminal control input/output operations, storage violations may occur. USER indicates that the storage area is to be associated with the application program and used by that program. This area is chained to the TCA associated with the requesting task. TRANSDATA or TD indicates that the storage area is to be used for transient data record storage (a TDIA or TDOA). This area is chained to the TCA associated with the requesting task and is use~ by transient data control. TEMPSTRG or TS indicates that the storage area is to be used as a temporary storage input/output area (TSIOA). This area is chained to the TCA associated with the requesting task and is used by temporary storage control. Note: USER, TRANSDATA, and TEMPSTRG specifications have essentially the same effect. The advantage of using CLASS=TRANSDATA or CLASS=TEMPSTRG when either is appropriate is that the specification serves as documentation Doth in the program and in the class code of the storage accounting field for the area. COND= is an optional operand that ensures that control is returned to the application program, whether or not the requested storage area is acquired. YES indicates that control is to be given to the instruction immediately following the macro expansion for the DFHSC TYPE=GETMAIN macro instruction in the application program. To determine whether the reguested storage area was acquired, the application program must examine TCASCSA, which is set to binary zeros if the request cannot be satisfied. 414 CICS/VS APRM(ML) (YES,symbolic address) causes a branch to the location specified by the symbolic address if the requested storage Has acquired; otheruise, cont~ol is returned to the instruction immediately follouing the macro expansion for the DPHSC TYPE=GETMAIN macro instruction in the application program. (NO ,symbolic address) causes a branch to the location specified by the symbolic address if the requested storage vas not acquired; othervise, control is returned to the instruction immediately follouing the macro expansion for this macro instruction in the application program. INITIl1G= is an optional operand that can be used to initialize the acquired storage area to the bit configuration desired. number is a tuo-digit hexadecimal numeral indicating the bit configuration desired. YES indicates that the desired bit configuration is in TCASCIB. NUMBYTE=number is a decimal nuoeral up to 65520 (32767 when CLASS=TERllINAL) specifying the size, in bytes, of the storage area being requested; if omitted, the number of bytes is assumed to be stored in binary form in TCASCNB. n zero data length is not alloued for a DPHSC TYPE=GETMAIN macro instruction. In BMS mapping operations, the number of bytes can be specified as an Assembler language expression, for example: NUMBYTE=mapname.E-TIOADBA Not~: Depending upon the class of storage specified (see the CLASS operand), CICS/VS storage management automatically increments the amount of storage requested to allou for the storage accounting field and other control information. For CLASS=USER and CLASS=TERMINAL ~IOn) storage, the exact number of bytes required should be specified. For CLASS=TRANSDATA (TDIA and TDOA) and CLASS=TEHPSTRG (TSIOA) storage, the amount requested must include four additional bytes to allow for a portion of CICS/VS control information, namely, the length (LL~)zf) field at the beginning of the area. (See also the section II Tldditional Guidelines" in Chapter 2.3 that apply uhen programming in COBOL.) Chapter 5.5. Storage Control ~FHSC Macro) 415 RELEASE=ALL indicates that all main storage acquired by means of DFHse TYPE=GETMAIN,CLASS=TERMINAL macro instructions is to be released. The use of the RELEASE=ALL operand is restricted during ba~ic mapping support (BMS) output operations that have an OUT disposition; this restriction preserves the terminal storage used by BMS. Once a DFHBMS ~acro instruction with an OUT disposition has been issued, the application program must not issue a DFHSC TYPE=FREEMAIN,RELEASE=ALL macro instruction until either a DFHBMS TYPE=PAGEOUT or DFHBMS TYPE=PURGE macro instruction has been issued. If this operand is not specified, only one storage area can be released by a DFHSC TYPE=FREEMAIN macro instruction; the address of that area must be in TCAseSA and must be the main storage address returned as a result of a previously issued DFHse TYPE=GETMAIN macro instruction. 416 CICS/VS APRM(ML) Chapter 5.6. Transient Data Control (DFHTD Macro) Transient data management provides, through transient data control, a generalized queuing facility. Data can be queued (stored) for subsequent internal or external processing. Selected units of information, as specified by the application programmer, can be routed to or from predefined symbolic destinations, either intrapartition or extrapartition. The definitions for tha destinations must be contained in a destination control table (DCT) established by the system programmer at system generation. Intrapartition destinations are queues of data on direct access storage devices developed for input to one or more programs running asynchronously (concurrently) as separate tasks; they are internal to the CICS/VS partition/region. Data directed to or from these internal destinations is called intrapartition data and must consist of variablelength records. Intrapartition destinations can be associated with either a terminal or an output data set. Intrapartition data may be ultimately transmitted upon request to a destination terminal or retrieved sequentially from the output data set. Typical uses of this facility involve message suitching, broadcasting, data base access and routing of output to multiple terminals (for example, for order distribution), queuing of data (for example, for assignment of order numbers or priority by arrival), and data collection (for example, for batched input from 2180 Data Transmission Terminals). An intrapartition queue is reusanle. The system programmer can indicate, by symbolic destination, "hether (1) transient data space management is to control the reuse of tracks associated with a particular destination identification (DESTID), or (2) the releasing of track space is to be controlled through use of the transient data PURGE macro instruction. If transient data space management is not used, an intrapartition queue continues to grou, irrespective of whether the data has been read, until the application programmer purges it. Extrapartition destinations are queues (data sets) external to the CICS/VS partition/region, residing on any sequential device (DASD, tape, printer, and so on). In general, sequential extrapartition destinations a~e used for storing data 8xternal to the CICS/VS partition/region or for retrieving data from outside the partition/region. For example, one task may read data from a remote terminal, edit the data, and write the results to a data set for subsequent processing in another partition/region. Logging data, statistics, and transaction error messages are examples of data that can be written to extrapartition destinations. In general, extrapartition data created by CICS/VS is intended for subsequent batched input to non-CICS/VS programs. Data can also be routed to an output device such as a line printer. Data directed to or from an external destination is called extrapartition data and consists of sequential records that are fixedor variable-length, blocked or unblocked. The record format for a particular extrapartition destination must be described by the system programmer when setting up the destination control table (see the f!~~Y~~~i~~~£Q~£~mmQr·s Refg£gn£g Manual) • Intrapartition and extrapartition destinations can be used as indirect destinations, uhich are symbolic references to still other destinations. This facility provides some flexibility in program maintenance in that data can be routed to a destination known by a different symbolic name, uithout the necessity for recompiling existing programs that use the original name. Only the destination control table Chapter 5.6. Transient Data Control (DFHTD Macro) 417 n6ed be changed. The application programs can route data to the destination using the previous symbolic name; however, the previous name is now an indir8ct destination that refers to the new symbolic name. Since indirect destinations are established by means of destination control table entries, the application programmer need not usually be concerned with how this is done. Further information is available in the £ICS/VS System Programmer's Reference Manual. For intra partition destinations, CICS/VS provides the option of automatic task initiation. A basis for automatic task initiation is established by the system programmer by specifying a nonzero trigger level for a particular intrapartition destination in the DCT. (See the discussion of the DFHDCT TYPE=INTRA macro instruction in 'the CICSIYS 2Ystem Programmer's Reference Manual.) When the number of entries (PUTs from one or more programs) in the queue (destination) reaches the specified level, a transaction specified in the definition of the destination is automatically initiated. Control is passed to a program that processes the data in the queue; the program must issue repetitive GETs to deplete the queue. Once the queue has been depleted, a new automatic task initiation cycle begins. That is, a new task is scheduled for initiation when the specified trigger level is again reached, whether or not execution of the prior task has terminated. If an automatically initiated task does not deplete the queue, access to the queue is not inhibited. The tas~ may be normally or abnormally terminated before the queue is emptied (that is, before a QUEZERO response is returned in response to a DFHTD TYPE=GET macro instruction). If the destination is a terminal, the same task is reinitiated regardless of the trigger lev8l. If the destination is a data set, the task is not reinitiated until the specified trigger level is reached. If the trigger level of a queue is zero T no task is automatically initiated. To ensure that termination of an automatically initiated task occurs when the queue is empty, the application program should test for a QUEZERO condition rather than for some application-dependent factor such as an anticipated number of records. It is the QUEZERO condition only that indicates a depleted queue. Requests for transient data services are communicated to transient data control through CICS/VS macro instructions. Transient data control then executes as a service program under control of the TCA of the requesting program. It runs at the priority of the reques,ting program and saves and restores registers from its TCA. After the requested transient data service has been provided (or attempted), control is returned to the next executable instruction in the requesting program. The transient data management macro instruction request any of the following services: ~FHTD) is used to 1. Direct data to a predefined symbolic destination which references a data set or a terminal 2. Acquire data from a predefined symbolic source which references a data set or a terminal 3. Control the processing of an extrapartition data set 4. Purge data associated with an intrapartition data set 5. Check the response to a request for transient data services The application programmer must specify the parameters required when requesting transient data services. Parameters can be specified in tvo ways: (1) by including the parameters in operands of the DFHTD macro 418 CICS/VS APRM(ML) instruction by whLch the service is requested, or (2) by coding instructions that move the required parameters to fields of the TCA 2rior to issuing the DFHTD macro instruction. The latter approach provides some degree of flexibility in that a single DPHTD macro instruction can be tailored according to current logic needs uithin the application program. The application programmer can check the CICS/VS response to a request for transient data services as described under "Test Response to a Request for Transient Data Services," later in this chapter. The operands that can be specified in DPHTD macro instructions are explained in detail at the end of the Chapter. CICS/VS routes a variety of messages generated by CICS/VS programs or tasks to transient data control. For example, terminal control detects a line or terminal problem (not related to a user-provided task) and routes control to the CICS/VS terminal abnormal condition program (DPHTACP). DPHTACP then generates a message to the control system terminal log (CSTL) and/or to the control system master ter~inal (CSMT). Destination definitions for all user and CICS/VS destinations must be included in the destination control table (DCT). Lack of a destination definition leads to an IDERROR (identification error) response to a DPHTD macro instruction. Asynchronous Transaction Processing Typically, a task to be run under CICS/VS is initiated from a terminal and processed at regular intervals until completion, according to system service patterns established for CICS/VS. This mode of operation is sometimes referred to as §Ynch£Qgous transaction processing, because the task has complete control of the terminal uhich initiated it. Support for aSYn£hronou~ transaction processing can also be generated into a CICS/VS system. This capability is designed primarily to permit a type of batch processing uithin CICS/VS. A task is initiated from a terminal as described above, but the specified transaction code causes a CICS/VS-provided asynchronous transaction processing program to read the data to an intrapartition data set. In effect, data collection from a device such as the 2780 Data Transmission Terminal is possible. When the data has been read, the device is freed for other activity. An application program processes the data, and, upon operator request, output is queued for subsequent transmission to a specified terminal. If the automatic task-initiation feature is generated into CICSjVS, that application program can be initiated automatically when a specified trigger level is reached ~hat is, uhen a specified number of inputs have been entered in the intrapartition data set) • The asynchronous transaction processing (A'rp) facility is designed specifically for handling input from batch terminals like the 2780 and 2770. Generally, ATP can also be used for other, interactive terminals like the 2741. Hovever, ATP is not intended for, and will not support, input from the 2980, 3270, 3600 BTAM, 3735, or 3740; ATP is not available for VTAM logical units. Another consideration is that application programs intended to execute under control of ATP must not contain basic mapping support (BMS) macro instructions requesting BMS terminal paging facilities. Additional information concerning the creation of user exits for asynchronous transaction processing and the coding of the exit routines is given in the CICS/VS System Programmer's Reference Manual. The Chapter 5.6. Transient Data Control (DFHTD Macro) 419 init~ation of ATP by means of terminal commands is described in the CI£~~-.Q:eera tor 's Quid~. Q20 CICS/VS APRM (ML) Dispose of Data (TYPE=PUT) The format of the DFHTD macro instruction to direct transient data to a predefined symbolic destination is as folIous: r------r-------r------------------------------------------------------------, TYPE=PUT [ , DE 5TiD=symbolic name] [,TDADDR=symbolic address] [,NORESP=symbolic address] [,IDERROR=symbolic address] [,IOERROR=symbolic address] [,NOTOPEN=symbolic address] [,NOSPACE=symbolic address] DFHTD Destinations are intrapartition if associated with a facility allocated to the CICS/VS partition/region and extrapartition if the data is directed to some destination that is external to the CICS/VS partition/region. If intrapartition data is to be placed in the transient data output area, the symbolic storage definition for this area (DFHTDOA) should be copied in the application program. The first four bytes of this definition are a length field. All references to the output area should be made through the use of a register (TDOABAR) \Thich points to the beginning of the area. The address of the output area containing the data to be uritten, must either be specified in the TDADDR operand or placed in TCATDAA prior to issuing the macro instruction. For variable-length records or intrapartition data, the first four bytes of the output area must contain the length of the record. For fixed length records, the start of the output area must be the start of the data. The format of the length field is LL~~, where LL is a tvo-byte binary length (the value of which includes the length of the data plus the four bytes for the length field) and ~~ should be two bytes containing binary zeros. Transient data control does not release this area after the data is uritten as output. If the destination is extrapartition, TYPEFLE=OUTPUT·must be specified in the appropriate DFHDCT TYPE=SDSCI system macro, otherwise unpredictable results or an abnormal termination nill occur. The following examples show how to write data to a predefined symbolic destination, in this cas~, the control system message log (CSHL). The address of TDOAVRL, the four-byte length field at the beginning of the transient data output area (TDOA), is a pointer to the start of the variable-length data to be written. For Assembler language: TDOABAR DATA EQU COpy DS 7 DFHTDOA CL10 DFHSC TYPE=GETMAIN, CLASS=TRANSDATA, NUMBYTE=14 TDOABAR,TCASCSA TDOAVRL,LENGTH L Mve Chapter 5.6. Transient Data Control * * (DFHTD Macro) 421 HVC DATA,MESSAGE MVC TCATDDI,=C'CSML' DFHTD TYPE=PUT, TDADDR=TDOAVRL * For COBOL: 02 TDOABAR PIC S9~) COMP. 01 DFHTDOA COPY DFHTDOA. 02 SDATA PIC X (10) • DFHSC TYPE=GETMAIN, CLASS=TRANSDATA, NUMBYTE=14 MOVE TCASCSA TO TDOABAR. MOVE SLENGTH TO TDOAVRL. MOVE SMESSAGE TO SDATA. MOVE 'CSML' TO TCATDDI. DFH'rD TY PE=PUT , TDADDR=TDOAVRL * * * For PL/I: %INCLUDE DFHTDOA; 2 DATA CHAR (10) ; DFHSC TYPE=GETMAIN, CLASS=TRANSDATA, NUMBYTE=14 TDOABAR=TCASCSA; TDOAVRL=LENGTH; DATA=MESSAGE; TCATDDI= 'CSML'; DFHTD TYPE=PUT, TDADDR=TDOAVRL 422 CICS/VS APRM(ML) * * * Acquire Queued Data (TYPE=GET) The format of the DFHTD macro instruction to retrieve queued data from an extrapartition or ~ntrapartition destination is shown below. The address of the retrieved data is returned at TCATDAA. DFHTD TYPE=GET [,DESTID=symbolic name] [,QUEBUSY=symbolic address] [,NORESP=symbolic address] [,QUEZERO=symbolic address] [,IDERROR=symbolic address] [,IOERROR=symbolic address] [,NOTOPEN=symbolic address] If the data is extrapartition, TCATDAA points to the first word of the data area. For variable-length records, the first four bytes of this area contain the length (LL~~) as specified for variable-length data sets. TYPEFLE=INPUT or TYPEFLE=RDBACK must be specified in the appropriate DFHDCT TYPE=SDSCI system macro, and DESTID must not indicate a system spool file, otherwise unpredictable results or an abnormal termination will occur. If the data is intrapartition, the symbolic storage definition for the transient data input area (DFHTDIA) must have been copied in the application program. TCATDAA points to a CICS/VS input area defined by DFHTDIA. TDIAIRL contains the length (data length plus the length of the length field) of the area. Transient data (either intrapartition or extrapartition) must be moved from the input area before it can be used in any other input/output operation. If the application programmer issues a DFHTD TYPE=GET macro instruction, the input area acquired for the previous GET is reused if it is long enough to contain the input record. If it is not, CICS/VS acquires a new input area of sufficient length and releases the input area previously used. If the application programmer issues a DFHTD TYPE=PUT macro instruction, the input area acquired for a previous GET may also be changed or released. The application programmer should always move data to be saved from the input area to a user area to ensure that it is not overlaid with new data. Addressability to the area should also be reestablished following each GET. The application programmer should not attempt to free storage acquired by the transient data control program in response to a DFHTD TYPE=GET macro instruction. This storage is freed by CICS/VS in the case of intrapartition data, or by the operating system in the case of extrapaLtition data. An attempt to free storage acquired for extrapartition data may result in an abnormal termination of CICS/VS, since the storage area address returned by transient data control points to storage that is not part of the CICS/VS dynamic storage subpool. The following examples show hou to read a variable-length record from an intrapartition data set specified prior to issuing the DFHTD TYPE=GET macro instruction. In these examples, the data set is the control system message log (CSML). Chapter 5.6. Transient Data Control (DPHTD Macro) 423 For Assembler language: TDIABAR EQU COpy 7 DFHTDIA MVC DFHTD TCATDDI,=C'CSKL' TYPE=GET TDIABAR,TCATDAA L 02 01 TDIABAR PIC S9 (8) COMP. DFHTDIA COpy DFHTDIA. MOVE 'CSML' TO TCATDDI. DFHTD TYPE=GET MOVE TCATDAA TO TDIABAR. For PL/I: %INCLUDE DFHTDIA; 2 DUMMY CHAR (1) ; TCATDDI=' CSML' ; DFHTD TYPE=GET TDIABAR=TCATDAA; Assume that,' in the above examples, the variable-length record is read from an extrapartition data set. The address placed at TCATDAA by CICS/VS is the address of the l8ngth (LL~~) field that precedes the actual data. Since the DFHTDIA symbolic storage definition is being used, the address must be adjusted to point to the CICS/VS system section preceding the actual data. Therefore, an instruction to adjust the address should be inserted immediately following the instruction that moves the contents of TCATDAA to TDlABAR. The following examples apply to CICS/OS/VS but are applicable to CICS/DOS/VS if '36' is replaced by '8'. For Assembler lanqusgg: SH TDIABAR,=H I 36' 424 CICS/VS APRM(ML) SUBTRACT 36 FROM TDIABAR. For PL/I: DCL TDIABAA FIXED BIN(31) BASED(TDIABAB); TDIABAB=ADDR(TDIABAR); /* OVERLAY POINTER */ TDIABAA=TDIABAA-36 /* DO POINTER ARITHMETIC */ Since these examples deal with variable-length records, the first byte of the data is assumed to be the length field ~L~~). If the examples dealt with fixed-length records, appropriate values would be qO and 12 for CICS/OS/VS and CICS/DOS/VS, respectively. Note: These values are subject to change in future versions of CICS/VS, because this DSECT is intended only for intrapartition data sets. No DSECT is provided for extrapartition data. Each user should define the extrapartition DSECT so as not to use the absolute values in the above example. Chapter 5.6. Transient Data Control (DFHTD Macro) 425 Force End of Volume on an Extrapartition Data Set (TYPE=FEOV) The format of the DFHTD macro instruction to create a '~orced end of volume" situation on an extrapartition magnetic tape data set is as follows: I I I DFHTD I I I I I TY PE=FEOV [,DESTID=symbolic name] [,NORESP=symbolic address] [,IDERROR=symbolic address] [,NOTOPEN=symbolic address] I This macro specifies that a magnetic tape reel is to be rewound and unloaded; output labels are to be created as required and new input labels verified according to host operating system forced-end-of-volume processing. CICS/VS operation is halted, and the next tape reel must be loaded before CICS/VS operation is resumed. !ote: This facility should be used with caution, since CICS/VS operation is halted until the new tape reel has been loaded. The following examples show how to create a "forced end of volume" situation on an extrapartition magnetic tape data set. MVC TCATDDI,=C'CSML' DFHTD TYPE=FEOV MOVE 'CSML' TO TCATDDI. DFHTD TYPE=FEOV For PL/I: TCATDDI='CSML' i DFHTD TYPE=FEOV 426 CICS/VS APRM(ML) Purge Intrapartition Data (TYPE=PURGE) The format of the DFHTD macro instruction to purge all data associated with a particular intrapartition destination (queue) is as follous: r I I I I I ______ L DFHTD ~ TYPE=PURGE [,DESTID=symbolic name] [,NORESP=symbolic address] [,IDERROR=symbolic address] _______ ~ __________________________________________________________ ~ When transient data associated with a particular intrapartition destination (queue) is no longer needed, the application programmer can purge the data associated with that destination by issuing this macro instruction, which causes all storage associated with the destination to be freed (deallocated). This macro instruction must be used to free storage associated with a destination designated as nonreusable in the destination control table. Otheruise, the storage remains allocated to the destination; the data and amount of storage associated with the destination continue to groy whenever a DFHTD TYPE=PUT macro instruction refers to the d~stination. Chapter 5.6. Transient Data Control (DFHTD Macro) q27 Test Response to a Request for Transient Data Services (TYPE=CHECK) The format of the DFHTD macro instruction to test the CICS/VS response to a request for transient data services is as follows: r------~------~-----------------------------------------------------------, I I ,,, , I I I DFHTD TYPE=CHECK t,NORESP=symbolic address] [,QUEZERO=symoolic address] [,IDERROR=symbolic address] [ ,IOERROR=symbolic address] [,NOTOPEN=symbolic address] [,NOSPACE=symbolic address] I Transient Data Response Codes The Assembler-language or PL/I programmer accesses transient data response codes at TCATDTR; the COBOL programmer accesses these response codes at TCATDRC. In addition, the COBOL programmer can refer to the response codes by means of condition names (for example, TDNORESP, TDQUEZERO etc.). The possible response codes and their meanings are shown in Figure 5.6-1. If the application programmer does not check for a particular response to a service request, and the exception condition corresponding to that response occurs, program flow proceeds to the next sequential instruction in the application program. 428 CICS/V 5 APRM (ML) Transient Data Request by DFHTD liacro Instruction I I I Condition Response Code IAssembler I COBOL PL/I NORESP (Normal response) x·oo· GET ,CHECK QUEZERO (Queue is zero) X'OlD 12-1-9 (TDQUEZ ERO) 00000001 ALL IDERROR (Identification error) X'02' 12-2-9 (TDIDERROR) 00000010 PUT ,GET ,CHECK IOERROR (Input/Output error) X'04' 12-4-9 (TDIOERROR) 00000100 PUT ,GET ,FEOV, CHECK NOTOPEN (Journal not open) X'OS' 12-S':"'9 (TDUOTOPEN) 00001000 PUT,CHECK NOSPACE (Uo space on intrapartition queue, or urite not serviceable) X' 10' 12-11-1-8-9 (TDNOSPACE) 00010000 ALL LOU-V~LUES 00000000 (TDNORESP) Note: The names enclosed in parentheses in the COBOL column indicate the condition names generated by CICS/VS. These names may be used in testing for the respective conditions in a COBOL program. Figure 5.6-1. Transient Data Control Response Codes The following examples sholl how to examine the response code provided by CICSjVS and transfer control to the appropriate user-uritten exception-handling routine. For Assembler language: DFHTD TYPE=GET, * DESTID=CS~lL CLI TCATDTR,X '00' GOOD DFHPC TYPE=ABEND,ABCODE=GETE DS OH NORMAL RESPONSE BE GOOD Chapter 5.6. Transient Data Control (DFHTD l1acro) 429 For COBOL: DFHTD TYPE=GET, DESTID=CSML IF TCATDRC = , , THEN GO TO GOOD. DFHPC TYPE=ABEND,ABCODE=GETE * NOTE 12-0-1-8-9 NORESP. GOOD. Alternatively, the COBOL programmer may test responses by using the CICS/VS generated condition names. IF TDNORESP THEN GO TO GOOD. DFHTD TYPE=GET, DESTID=CSML IF TCATDTR='O'B THEN GO TO GOOD; DFHPC TYPE=ABEND,ABCODE=GETE GOOD: 430 CICS/V S APRM (ML) * 1* NORMAL RESPONSE */ Operands of DFHTD Macro DESTID=symbolic name specifies the symbolic name of the destination to which the data is to be routed and queued, or from which queued data is to be read. This name must appear in the destination control table (DCT). If this operand is omitted, the symbolic name of the destination is assumed to be in TCATDDI. For a TYPE=GET macro, DESTID must not indicate a system spool file. IDERROR=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is to be passed if the symbolic destination referred to by a DFHTD macro instruction cannot be found. IOERROR=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is to be passed if an input/output error occurs on a data record and the data record in error is skipped. Transient data returns an IOERROR indication as long as the queue can be read; a QUEZERO response is returned when the queue cannot be read, in vhich case, the user may attempt a restart. This condition can also be raised if an attempt is made to write a zero length record to an intrapartition data set. This condition can also be raised under VSAM if the record is too large to fit in a control interval. NORESP=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is to be passed if no error occurs during a data set (file) operation. NORESP signifies "normal response." NOSPACE=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is to be passed if no more space exists on a particular intrapartition queue or if the write request cannot be serviced. If the NOSPACE response is received, no more data should be written to the queue, because it may be lost. NOTOPEN=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is to be passed if a destination is closed. QUEBUSY=symbolic address specifies the symbolic address of the routine to receive control if the input request attempts to access a record on an input intrapartition queue that has been enqueued upon for output by a PUT or PURGE request. If this operand is omitted, the task issuing the request waits until the queue is no longer being used for output. QUEZERO=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is to be passed when the destination (queue) accessed by a DFHTD TYPE=GET macro instruction is empty. Chapter 5.6. Transient Data Control (DFHTD Macro) 431 TDADDR=symbolic address specifies the symbolic address of the output area containing data to be written (for intrapartition data and variable-length extrapartition data, the first four bytes of this area must contain the length of the record). If this operand is omitted, the address of the output area is assumed to be in TCATDAA. 432 CICS/VS APRM(aL) Chapter 5.7. Temporary Storage Control (DFHTS Macro) Temporary storage control enables user-written application programs to store temporary data in main storage or in auxiliary storage on a direct access storage device. Temporary data is stored, retrieved, and released using a symbolic name (up to eight characters) assigned to the data by the originating task. (The symbolic name must not consist solely of binary zeros.) The data ~ay be a single record or records retrieved from or added to a temporary storage message set. The former provides a typical "scratch pad" facility. The latter is designed primarily for terminal paging. It is used in conjunction with basic mapping support (see Chapter 4.3) and page supervision programs to achieve random access to generalpurpose storage files. In general, the paging facility of temporary storage should be used only when multiple records are involved and random access to those records is necessary. This queuing of message sets should not be used for sequential data. Transient data management provides facilities for efficient handling of sequential data sets. If data contained in a message set is to be updated and retrieved by multiple tasks, it may be necessary to protect i t by means of the task control enqueuing facility. Data placed in temporary storage can remain intact beyond the time that the originating task is active in the system. That is, even after the originating task is terminated and its transaction storage released, data placed in temporary storage can be accessed by other tasks through references to the symbolic name under which it was stored. Temporary data remains intact until released by the originating task or by any other task. Prior to release, it can be accessed any number of times. When temporary data is released, the space that it occupied is reusable. If the data was in main storage, the storage area becomes part of available dynamic storage. If the data was on auxiliary storage, the physical space that the data occupied becomes available and can be reused for other data •. Temporary data can be retrieved by the originating task or by any other task using the symbolic name assigned to it. The name assigned to a single record should be unique. If more than one record has the same name, the record is queued in temporary storage. If an attempt is made to retrieve a record from the queue, the records will De presented on a first in first out basis. All information moved to or from a temporary storage message set is referred to by a unique name assigned to the message set. Specific entries (logical records) within a message set are referred to by relative position numbers. To avoid conflicts caused by duplicate names, a naming convention should be established and followed by all programmers. For example, the operator identification, terminal identification, or transaction identification could be appended as a prefix or suffix to each programmer-supplied symbolic name. Temporary data can be stored in either main or auxiliary storage. Generally, main storage should be used if the data is needed for only short periods of time; auxiliary storage should be used if the data must De kept for extended periods of time. Another consideration is that data stored on auxiliary storage is maintained after CICS/VS termination and can be recovered in a subsequent restart. No attempt is made to recover data in main storage. Main storage might be used to pass data from task to task or for unique storage that allows programs to meet the requirement of CICS/VS that they be quasi-reenterable. Chapter 5.7. Temporary storage Control (DFHTS Macro) 433 Some uses of the page queuing facility follow: 1. Terminal paging. A task could retrieve a large master record from a direct access data set, format it into several screen images, store the screen images temporarily in auxiliary storage, and then ask the terminal operator which "page" (screen image) is desired. The application programmer can provide coding (as a generalized routine or unique to a single application) to advance page by page, advance or back up a relative number of pages, and the like. This facility is provided by CICS/VS Basic ~apping Support as described in Chapter 4.3. 2. A suspend data set. Assume a data collection task is in progress on a certain terminal. The task reads in one or more units of input and then allows the terminal operator to interrupt the process. If no interruption occurs (some kind of coded input), the task repeats the data collection process. If the operator interrupts the data collection stream with coded input, the data collection task writes its "incomplete" data to temporary storage and terminates the task. The terminal is now free for entry of a different transaction (perhaps a high-priority inquiry). When the terminal is available to continue the dat'a collection operation, the operator initiates the task in a "resume" mode, causing the task to recall its suspended data from temporary storage and continue as though it had not been interrupted. 3. An application that accepts input data to be written as output on a preprinted form. The DFHTS macro is used to: • Acquire data from main or auxiliary storage • Send data to main or auxiliary storage • Update data in main or auxiliary storage • Release temporary data in main or auxiliary storage • Check the response to a request for temporary storage services Parameters can be specified in either of two ways: • By including the parameters in operands of the DFHTS macro instruction by which temporary storage services are requested, or • By coding instructions that place the parameter values in fields of the TCA prior to issuing the DFHTS macro instruction The second of these approaches provides flexibility in that the parameters of a single DFHTS macro instruction can vary to meet the logic needs of the application program. The CICS/VS response to a request for temporary storage services can be checked, as explained under" "Test Response to a Request for Temporary Storage Services," later in this chapt~r. If the programmer does not check for a particular response, and the condition corresponding to that response occurs, program flow proceeds to the next sequential instruction in the application program. All operands that can be included in the DFHTS macro instruction are discussed at the end of the chapter. 434 CICS/VS APRM (ML) Store Temporary Data as a Single Unit of Information (TYPE=PUT) The format of the DFHTS macro instruction to store a single unit of information as temporary data in main or auxiliary storage (that is, as though using a "scratch pad") is as follows: DFHTS TYPE=PUT [,TYPOPER=REPLACE] [ ,DATAID=name] [,TSDADDR={symbolic addressIYES}] [,STORFAC={AUXILIARYIMAIN} ] [ ,COND=YES] [,NOSPACE=symbolic address [,NORESP=symbolic address] [,IOERROR=symbolic address] [,INVREQ=sym~olic address] [,ERROR=symbolic address] This macro causes data to be written to temporary storage as a single unit of information (logical record) • Temporary data may be written from a temporary storage input/output area (TSIOA) or from a main storage area identified by the application programmer. It must have the standard variable-length format, with the data length specified in the first four bytes. These bytes should contain LL~~, where LL is a two-byte binary length field (the value of which includes the length of the data plus the four bytes for the length field) and ~~ is a two-byte field of binary zeros. The maximum temporary storage record size is based on user-specified data set characteristics. (See temporary storage in the CICS/OS/VS syste,!!! g£Q~~m~r's_Quide or CI£S/DO~L!~_~ystem Programmer's Guide.) Existing temporary storage data can be updated by adding the TYPOPER=REPLACE operand. This causes the current data identified by the DATAID operand to be released and replaced with the data provided. If the data cannot be found, the TYPOPER=REPLACE operand is ignored. The following examples show how to write a single record of information to temporary storage. For Assembler TSIOABAR DATA langua~: EQU COPY DS 7 DFHTSIOA CL'11 DFHSC TY PE=GET MA IN, CLASS=TEMPSTRG, NUMBYTE=15 L TSIOABAR,TCASCSA MVC TSIOAVRL ,LENGTH MVC DATA,MESSAGE DFHTS TYPE=PUT, DATAID=UNIQNME, TSDADDR=TSIOAVRL Chapter 5.7. Temporary Storage Control (DFHTS Macro) * * * * 435 'DC DC LENGTH HESSAGE AL2(L'HESSAGE+4) C'HELLO THERE' WORKING-STaRAGE SECTION. 77 SMESSAGE PIC X (11) 77 SLENGTH PIC 9(8) LINKAGE SECTION. VALUE 'HELLO THERE'. CaMP VALUE 15 02 TSIOABAR PIC S9(8) caMP. 01 DFHTSIOA COpy DFHTSIOA. 02 SDATA PIC X(11). DFHSC TYPE=GETMAIN, CLASS=TEMPSTRG, NU~IBYTE=15 MOVE TeASCSA TO TSIOABAR. MOVE SLENGTH TO TSIOAVRL. HOVE SMESSAGE TO SDAT!. DFHTS TYPE=PUT, DATAID=UNIQNME, TSDADDR=TSIOAVRL * * * * For PL/I: %INCLUDE DFHTSIOA; 2 DATA CHAR(ll); DFHSC TYPE=GETMAIN, CLASS=TEl'IPSTRG, NUHBYTE=15 TSIOABAR=TCASCSA; TSIOAVRL=LENGTH; DATA=MESSAGE; DPHTS TYPE=PUT, DATAID=UUIQNME, TSDADDR=TSIOAVRL DCL MESSAGE CHAR(1l) INIT ('HELLO THERE'); DCL LENGTH FIXED BIN(15) INIT(1S); 436 CICS/VS APRM (ML) * * * * Store Data to a Temporary Storage Message Set (TYPE=PUTQ) The format of the DFHTS macro instruction to cause an entry to be uritten to a tellporary storage message set is as follows: ~-----r-------~----------------------------------------------------------~ DFHTS TYPE=PUTQ [ ,TYPOPER=REPLACE] [ ,DATAID=name] [ , TSDADDR= {symbolic address I YES} ] [,STORFAC={AUXILIARYIMAIN} ] [,EUTRY= {nIYES}] [,COND=YES] [,NOSPftCE=symoolic address] [,NORESP=symbolic address] [,IOERROR=symbolic address] [,INVREQ=symbolic address] [,ENERROR=symbolic address] [,ERROR=symbolic address] This macro causes a unit of iDformation to be written to a message set, or queue, in temporary storage. The unit is written in a relative position that is one beyond the last entry ~ritten to the message set. Follouing a PUTQ request, the relative record number is returned to the user in TCATSRN, a tvo-byte field. Temporary data may be uritten from a temporary storage input/output area (TSIOA) or from a main storage area identified by the application programmer. It must have the standard variable-length format, with the data length specified in the first four bytes. These bytes should contain LL):1):1, uhere LL is a tllo-byte binary length field (the value of uhich includes the length of the data plus the four bytes for the length field) and )1)1 is a tuo-byte field of binary zeros. The maximum temporary storage record size is based on user-specified data set characteristics. (See temporary storage in the £IC~S System Proqrammer1s Guides.) Existing temporary storage data can be updated by specifying the TYPOPER=REPLACE and ENTRY operands. The specified record within the message set is released and replaced uith the data provided. If the data cannot be found an invalid entry number error occur~, and the TYPOPER=REPLACE and ENTRY operands are ignored. Chapter 5.1. Temporary Storage Control (DFHTS Macro) 437 Retrieve a Single Unit of Temporary Data (TYPE=GET) The format of the DFHTS macro instruction to retrieve a single unit of temporary data is as follows: r------r-------·r---------------------------------------------------------~ DFHTS TYPE=GET [,STORCLS={TERMINALITERMITEMPSTRGITS} ] [ ,DATAID=name] [,TSDADDR={symbo1ic addressIYES}] [ ,RELEASE= {YES I!QJ ] [,NORESP=symbo1ic address] [,IDERROR=symbo1ic address] [ ,IOERROR=symbo1ic address] [ ,INVREQ=symbo1ic address] [,ERROR=symbo1ic address) This macro instruction causes a single record to be retrieved from temporary storage. A record stored in temporary storage by a DFHTS TYPE=PUT macro can be retrieved only by this macro instruction. A record, once retrieved, can be released by the RELEASE=YES operand. If RELEASE=NO is specified, or is assumed by default, the record is retained until released by another task or when CICS/VS is terminated. The STORCLS and TSDADDR operands are mutually exclusive. If the TSDADDR operand is specified, the record, including its length field ~L~~), is placed either in storage at the symbolic address specified, or at the address in TCATSDA if YES is specified. If STORCLS=TEMPSTRG is specified, the record, including its length field (LL~~), is placed in a temporary storage class storage area whose address is returned in TCATSDA. Before this area can be used as a TSIOA, the application program must reduce the address in TCATSDA by eight bytes to include the storage accounting area. This makes it addressable by TSIOABAR. If STORCLS=TERMINAL is specified, the record, including its length field (LL~~, is placed in a terminal class storage area. This area is prefixed by CICS/VS with an 8 byte storage area. The address of the prefixed area is returned in TCATSDA. If neither STORCLS nor TSADDR is specified, STORCLS=TEMPSTRG is assumed by default and processing is as described above. The following examples show how to read a single record from temporary storage with the required addressability and adjustments. The examples show the use of the DFHTS TYPE=GET macro with STORCLS=TEMPSTRG assumed by default. 438 CICS/VS APRM(~L) TSIOABAR EQU COpy 7 DFHTSIOA DFHTS TYPE=GET, DATAID=UNIQNME L TSIOABAR,TCATSDA SH TSIOABAR,=HISI * For COBOL: 02 01 TSIOABAR PIC S9(8) COMP. DFHTSIOA COpy DFHTSIOA. DF HTS TYPE=GET, DATAID=UNIQNME MOVE TCATSDA TO TSIOABAR. SUBTRACT 8 FROM TSIOABAR. * For PL/I: %INCLUDE DFHTSIOA; 2 DATA CHAR(10); DFHTS TYPE=GET, DATAID=UNIQNME DCL TSIOBAA FIXED BIN (30) BASED (TSIOBAD); TSIOABAR=TCATSDA; TSIOBAB=ADDR (TSIOABAR) ; TSIOBAA=TSIOBAA-S; The following examples show the use of the DFHTS STORCLAS=TERMINAL specified explicitly_ TIOABAR EQU COpy TtPE=GI~ eacro with 7 DFHTIOA DFHTS TYPE=GET, STORCLS=TERM, DATAID=UNIQNME L TIOABAR,TCATSDA Chapter 5.7. Temporary Storage Control * * ~FHTS Bacro) 439 02 01 TIOABAR PIC S9 (8) COMP. DFHTIOA COPY DFHTIOA DFHTS TYPE=GET, STORCLS=TERM, DATAID=UNIQNME MOVE TCATSDA TO TIOABAR. * * For PL/I: %INCLUDE DFHTIOA; 2 DATA CHAR (10) ; DFHTS TYPE=GET, STORCLS=TERM, DATAID=UNIQNME TIOABAR=TCAT SD!; 440 CICS/VS APRM(aL) * * Retrieve Data from a Temporary Storage Message Set (TYPE=GETQ) The format of the DFRTS macro instruction to retrieve a logical record from a temporary storage message set is as follous: DFHTS TYPE=GETQ [,STORCLS={TERMINALITEMPSTRG} ] [ , DATAID=name ] [,TSDADDR={symbolic addresslYES}] [ , ENTRY= {n I YES} ] [ , NORESP=symbolic address] [,IDERROR=symbolic address] [,IOERROR=symbolic address] [,INVREQ=symbolic address] [,ENERROR=symbolic address] [,ERROR=symbolic address] This macro causes an entry previously written to a temporary storage message set, or queue, to be retrieved. A record stored in temporary storage by a DFHTS TYPE=PUrQ macro can only be retrieved by a TYPE=GETQ macro. The record to be retrieved from a queue is identified by the ENTRY operand which indicates its relative position within the queue. The position of an entry is determined by its order of creation. Chapter 5.7. Temporary storage Control (DFHTS Macro) qq1 = Release a Single Unit of Temporary Data (TYPE RELEASE) The format of the DFHTS macro instruction to release a single unit of data placed in temporary storage by means of a DFHTS TYPE=PUT macro instruction is as follows: r------~------r----------------'------------------------------------------, I I I I I I I I I DFHTS I I I I I I TYPE=RELEASE [,DATAID=name] [, NORESP=symbolic address] [,IDERROR=symbolic address] [,INVREQ=symbolic address] [,ERROR=symbolic address] I IL_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~------------------------------------------~ I This macro causes the main or auxiliary storage area used for a single record of temporary data (created by means of a DFHTS TYPE=PUT macro instruction) to be released. If temporary data named in a DFHTS TYPE=RELEASE macro instruction is in main storage, the area that it occupies is released and returned to the available dynamic storage area. If the data is in auxiliary storage, the space is made available for reuse. A single unit of data should be released at the earliest possible time to a void using excessive amounts of 'storage for this purpose. The following examples show how to release a single record from temporary storage. For Assembler language: MVC TCATSDI,=C!UNIQNME! DFHTS TYPE=RELEASE For COBOL: MOVE 'UNIQNME' TO TCATSDI. DFHTS TYPE=RELEASE For PL/I: TCATSDI='UNIQNME'~ DFHTS TYPE=RELEASE ijij2 CICS/VS APRM(KL) Purge a Temporary Storage Message Set (TYPE=PURGE) The format of the DFHTS macro instruction to purge, or free, data saved as a temporary storage message set (that is, in response to DFHTS TYPE=PUTQ macro instructions) is as follows: r------~------r-----------------------------------------------------------~ I I I I I I I I I DFHTS I TYPE=PURGE I [, DATAID=name] I [,NORESP=symbolic address] I [,IDERROR=symbolic address] I [,INVREQ=symbolic address] I [,ERROR=symbolic address] IL__________________________________________________________ ~ I This macro causes all existing entries in a temporary storage queue (created by means of DFHTS TYPE=PUTQ macro instructions) to be freed. There is no way to free selected records from a temporary storage message set; in particular, a DFHTS TYPE=RELEASE macro instruction cannot be used to free a record that is part of a message set created by means of DFHTS TYPE=PUTQ. If the temporary data is in main storage, the area that it occupies is freed and returned to the available dynamic storage area. If the data is in auxiliary storage, the space is made available for reuse. A temporary storage message set should be purged at the earliest possible time to avoid using excessive amounts of storage for this purpose. Chapter 5.7. Temporary storage Control (DFHTS Macro) 443 Test Response to a Request for Temporary Storage Services (TYPE = CHECK) The format of the DFHTS macro instruction to test the CICS/VS response to a request for temporary storage services is as folIous: i I I I I I I I I I IL_______ DFHTS ~ _______ L TIPE=CHECK [,NOSPACE=symnolic address] [ ,NORESP=symbolic address] [,IDERROR=symbolic address] [,IOERROR=symbolic address] [,INVREQ=symbolic address] [,ENERROR=symbolic address] [,ERROR=symbolic address] ________________________________________________________ ~ Temporary Storage Response Codes The Assembler-language or PL/I programmer can access temporary storage response codes at TCATSTRi the COBOL programmer can access temporary storage response codes at TCATSRC. In addition, the COBOL programmer can refer to the response codes by means of condition names (TSNORESP, TSIDERROR, and so on). (See the examples at the end of this discussion~) The possible response codes and the conditions to which they correspond are identified in the right-hand columns of Figure 5.71. DFHTS macro instructions for which the conditions are applicable are shouu at the left~ 44q CICS/VS APR~l (ML) Temporary Storage Request by DFHTS Hacro Instruction Condition I I Response Code I I IAssemblerl COBOL PL/I ALL NOR ESP (Normal response) X '00' LOH-VALUES (TSllORESP) 00000000 GET,GETQ, RELEASE,PURGE, CHECK IDERROR (Identifica tion error) X'02' 12-2-9 (TSIDERROR) 00000010 PUT ,PUTQ, GET, GETQ,CHECK IOERROR (Input/Output error) X'04 1 12-4-~ 00000100 All INVREQ (Invalid request) X'20' 11-0-1-8-9 (TSINVREQ) 00100000 PUTQ,GETQ, CHECK ENERROR X110' 12-1-9 (TSEUERROR) 00010000 PUT ,pu'rQ NOSPACE (No space on auxiliary storage) X'OSI 12-8-9 (TSNOSPACE) 00001000 All ERROR (Any of above but unspecified) (Uote 2) (Note 2) (En~ry (TSIOERROR) error) (Note 2) l!otes: 1. The names enclosed in parentheses in the COBOL column indicate the condition names generated by CICS/VS. These names cay be used in testing for the conditions in a COBOL program. 2. The test for the ERROR response is satisfied by a not equal condition; that is, not X'OO', not LOW-VALUES, or not 00000000 for Assembler, COBOL p and PL/I, respectively. Figure 5.7-1. Temporary Storage Control Response Codes If the application programmer does not check for a particular response to a service request, and the exception condition corresponding to that response occurs, program flou proceeds to the next seqaential instruction in the application program. The following examples show how to examine the response code provided by CICS/VS and transfer control to the appropriate user-written exception-handling routine. For Assembler language: GOOD DFHTS TYPE=GET, DATAID=UNIQNHE, TSDADDR=YES CLI TCATSTR,X'OOI BE GOOD DFHPC TYPB=ABEND DS OH Chapter 5.7. * * NORMAL RESPONSE Temporary Storage Control ~FHTS Macro) 445 For COBOL: DFHTS TYPE=GET, DATAID=UNIQNME, TSDADDR=YES IF TCATSRC = , , THEN GO TO GOOD. DFHPC TYPE=ABEND * * NOTE 12-0-1-8-9 NORESP. GOOD. Alternatively, the COBOL programmer may test responses by using the CICS/VS generated condition names. IF TSNORESP THEN GO TO GOOD. For PLII: DFHTS TYPE=GET, DATAID=UNIQNME, TSDADDR=YES IF TCATSTR='OIB THEN GO TO GOOD; DFHPC TYPE=ABEND GOOD: 446 CICS/VS APRM (liL) * * /* NOR~AL RESPONSE */ Operands of DFHTS Macro COND=YES indicates that control is to be returned to the application program when the request cannot be satisfied immediately because sufficient space is not available on the temporary storage data set. If this operand is omitted, the requesting task is suspended when no space is available and is resumed when the space becomes available. Space becomes available as it is released by other tasks in the system. DATAID=name specifies the unique alphameric name, up to eight characters in length, to be assigned to the temporary data to be stored. If this operand is omitted, the name is assumed to be in TCATSDI. Note: The application program should not construct a DATAID beginning with any of the hexadecimal characters FA through FF. Use of these characters for this purpose is reserved for CICS/VS. ENERROR=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is to be passed if the entry number specified or implied is invalid (that is, not within the limits of the message set). ENTRY= specifies the number, relative to one, of the logical record to be retrieved from the message set. n is a decimal numeral to be taken as the relative number of the logical record to be retrieved. This number may be the number of any entry that has been written to the temporary storage message set. YES indicates that the number (in binary) of the logical record to be retrieved is in TCA'rSR N, a two-byte field. If this operand is omitted, CICS/VS retrieves (1) the first logical record from the message set, for the first retrieval request, or (2) the next sequential logical record following the last-retrieved record, for other than the first request. In the latter case, the relative record number is returned in TCATSRN. ERROR=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is to be passed if an error occurs and the corresponding specific error routine operand (for example, IDERROR) has not been specified. Chapter 5.7. Temporary storage Control ~FHTS Macro) 447 IDERROR=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is to be passed if the symbolic destination identification referred to by a GET, GETQ, RELEASE, or PURGE request cannot be found in either main storage or auxiliary storage. INVREQ=symbolic address . specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is to be passed if (1) a PUT or PUTQ request refers to data whose length is equal to zero or greater than the control interval size of the auxiliary data set minus 84 bytes for control information, or (2) the request is otherwise determined to be invalid. IOERROR=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is to be passed if an unrecoverable input/output error occurs. NORESP=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is to be passed if no errors occur during temporary storage processing. NORESP siJnifies "normal response." "NOSPACE=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is to be passed when insufficient space is available on the temporary storage data set to contain the data in a POT or PUTQ request. The user-written NOSPACE routine is passed control only if COND=YES is also specified in the PUT or PUTQ request. RELEASE= specifies the disposition of the temporary data following the move operation. YES the data and storage area used for the data are to be released after this operation. NO the data is to be retained, available for subsequent similar reference. STORCLS= specifies the class of storage to be obtained for the temporary data. This operand is ignored if TSADDR is specified. TERMINAL (TERM) specifies that the data is to be placed in a TERMINAL class storage area. 448 CICS/VS APRM(ML) TEMPSTRG(TS) specifies that the data is to be placed in a temporary storage area. If this operand is omitted, TEMPSTRG is assumed. STORFAC= specifies the type of storage to be used for the temporary data. AUXILIARY indicates that the data is to be placed in auxiliary storage on a direct access storage device. MAIN indicates that the data is to be placed in main storage. If this operand is omitted, AUXILIARY is assumed. TSDADDR= specifies the symbolic address of the data portion (including the LL~~ field) of the area in which the temporary data is stored. symbolic address is the symbolic address of the data portion of the storage area that contains the temporary data. YES indicates that the symbolic address of the data portion of the storage area has been placed in TCATSDA by the application programmer~ If this operand is omitted, the appropriate symbolic address is assumed to be in TCATSDA. TYPOPER=REPLACE indicates that the specified record within the data set or message set is to be released and replaced with the record or data provided. If the message set does not exist (DATAID cannot be found), an invalid entry number error occurs, and the data provided is placed in temporary storage as in a normal PUTQ without TYPOPER=REPLACE specified. For TYPE=PUTQ, whenever REPLACE is specified the ENTRY operand must also be coded. Chapter 5.7. Temporary Storage Control (DFHTS Macro) 449 Part 6. CICS/VS Built-In Functions tJ51 Chapter 6.1. Introduction to CICS/VS Built-In Functions Several commonly used functions are available to the application programmer through CICS/VS macro instructions. These are functions which would otherwise have to be coded as separate subroutines by the programmer. These functions, referred to as built-in functions, provide the following services: • Table search • Phonetic conversion • Verification of a data field o Editing of a data field • Bit manipulation • Input formatting • Weighted retrieval Requests for these services ars communicated to the CICS/VS built-in functions program (DFHBFP) through the DFHBIF macro instruction. DFHBFP is then executed, at the priority of the requesting task, under control of the common control communication area ('rCACCCA) of the TCA of the requesting task. Normally, control is returned to the next sequential instruction following the macro expansion in the requesting program; however, conditional branch options can be specified in the macro request if desired. Since DFHBFP uses TC~CCCA, the application program must issue the DFHBFTCA macro instruction to copy the symbolic storage definition for t~is area and store any required information therein before issuing the DFHBIF macro instruction. Chapter 6.2 explains how to do this. The formats and operands of the DFHBIF macro instruction are described in Chapter 6.3. Chapter 6.1. Introduction to CICS/VS Built-in Functions 453 Chapter 6.2. Storage Definition for Built-In Functions (DFHBFTCA Macro) When CICS/VS built-in functions (BIFs) are used in an application program, the symbolic storage definition for the TCACCCA used by these built-in functions must be copied into the application program. This copying is achieved by means of a DFBBFTCA macro instruction, which must im~ediately follow the statement that copies the TCA and the user1s definition of a TWA, if any. The format of the DFHBFTCA macro instruction is as follows: I I IDFHBFTCAI [OPTION=(BASICIWTRET}] I I where: OPTION= indicates which built-in functions are to be used. BASIC is required if any of the following functions are used: table search, phonetic conversion, field verification, field editing, bit manipulation, or input formatting. WTRET is required if weighted retrieval is used. If the OPTION operand is omitted, both BASIC and WTRET are assumed .. The following examples show the statements n8eded to copy the symbolic storage definitions referred to by the built-in functions, positioned as required. NAME STREET CITY STATE COP Y DFHTCADS DS CL20 DS CL20 DS CL10 DS CL3 DFHBFTCA ·:rWA TWA TWA TWA For COBOL: 01 DFHTCADS COpy DFBTCADS. 02 NAME PICT X(20). 02 STREET PIC X ~O). 02 CITY PIC X (10) • 02 STATE PIC X(3). DFHBFTCA Chapter 6.2. NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE TWA TWA TWA TWA storage Definition for Built-in Functions 455 %INCLUDE (DFHTCADS); 2 NAME CHAR (20) , 2 STREET CHAR (20) , 2 CITY CHAR(10), 2 STATE CHAR (3) ; DFHBPTCA 456 CICS/VS APRM (ML) /*TWA*/ /*TWA*/ /*TWA*/ /*TWA*/ Chapter 6.3. CICS/VS Built-In Functions (DFHBIF Macro) Table Search Built-in Function (TYPE=TSEARCH) The format of the DFHBIP macro instruction to request the search of a table is as follows: ~-----r-------~---------------------------------------------------------' DFHBIF ~ _____ L-_______ TYPE=TSEARCH [ ,ARG=symbolic address] [,TARGET=symbolic address] [ ,ATABLE= ([ sa 1 ][ ,sa21 YES} ][ , n 1][, {n21 YES} ][ , n3]) ] [, FTABLE= ([ {sa 11 YES} ][ , {sa21 YES} ][ , {n 11 YES} ] [, {n2IYES}]) ] [,ORDER={ASCENDINGIDESCENDING} ] [,SUBST={symbolic addressl 'literal value'}] [ ,NOMATCH=symbolic address] [,INDEX=symbolic address] [ ,RANGE=YES] [,ERROR=symbolic address] ~ ________________________________________ .________________ ~ This macro specifies that a table is to be searched for a given entry, causing a corresponding value within that table or a second table, the address of the corresponding value, and the index of the selected entry (relative to one) to be returned. The search argument is compared on a byte-for-byte basis with a specified field of entries in the table being searched. Optionally, a default value can be returned in lieu of a corresponding value if the searched-for entry is not found. If an index is requested, but the entry is not found, an index value of zero is returned. Hote: In the syntax display, symbolic address and numeric value have, in some cases, been shortened to "xa" and linn respectively. Returned Values An entry in the argument table that matches the search argument satisfies the table search built-in function. If such an entry is ,found, the address of the corresponding entry in the function table is returned in TCATSA5, a fullword field. If the TARGET operand is specified, the function value is returned in the location identified by that operand. If the function table contains more than one matching entry, the address (and the function value, if requested) of the first matching entry encountered during the search is returned. If the ORDER operand is specified, a binary search is performed, and the address returned is that of the first matching entry found. Chapter 6.3. CICS/VS Built-in Functions (DFHBIF Macro) 457 If the ORDER operand is omitted, a sequential search is performed, starting at the last entry in the table, and the address returned is that of the last matching entry in the table~ The index of the matching entry is returned in TCATSH4 and in the field identified by the INDEX operand if specified. If the RANGE=YES operand is specified, a matching entry satisfies the search as described above. If no matching entry is found, the search is satisfied in an alternative manner: o If ORDER=ASCENDING is specified, the argument table entry having the largest argument value less than the search argument satisfies the search. • If ORDER=DESCENDING is specified, the argument table entry having the smallest argument value greater than the search argument satisfies the search. Figure 6.3-1 defines the conditions that may occur during a table search and defines the possible return codes. r ,, Condition ,,Match ,, Pound JATABLE Field Address < Entry Address , (symbolic address2 < symbolic , address 1) J ,, -, Response Code JAssembler, COBOL PLjI X '00' LOW-VALUES 'OOOOOOOO'B (TCATSMH) X '04 ' 12-4-9 'OOOOO100'B (rCATSER2) 'OOOO1000'B 12-8-9 (TCATSER 1) PTABLE Field Address < Entry Address (symbolic address2 < symbolic address 1) X '08 ' No Match Pound X 'FO' '0 ' '0 ' Note: The names enclosed in parentheses in the COBOL column indicate the condition names generated by CICS/VS. These names may be used in testing for the respective conditions in a COBOL program. Figure 6.3-1. ~~~mple Table Search Response Codes - Separate Tables The following example shows how the DFHBIF TYPE=TSEARCH macro instruction can be used in an Assembler-language program. A fourcharacter argument is matched against fields in a seven-entry argument table. If the search is satisfied, the address of a two-character corresponding field in the function table is placed in TCATSA5 and the index value of the matching entry is placed in TCATSH4. If no matching entry is found, a branch to BR1 occurs. 458 CICS/VS APRM(ML) DFHBIF TYPE=TSEARCH, ARG=ARG 1, ATABLE=(ATBL,AFLD,9,4,7), FTABLE=(PTBL,FFLD,5,2), ERROR=ERROR1, NOMATCH=BRl * * * * * ERRORl BRl ATBL AFLD FTBL FFLD ARGl DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS Example - FIRST ENTRY OF ARG TABLE OXL9 XL5 XL4 6XL9 OXL5 XL3 XL2 6XL5 XL4 FIRST ARGUMENT FIELD SPACE FOR SIX MORE ENTRIES FIaST ENTRY OF FUN TABLE FIRST FUNCT ION PIELD SPACE FOR SIX MORE ENTRIES SEARCH ARGUMENT Complex Table The following example shows hov the TYPE=TSEARCH macro is used for a complex table, that is, a table which contains both argument and function values. The search is similar to that above, except that only one table is described. DFHBIP TYPE=TSEARCH, ARG=ARG1, ATABLE=(TBL1,PLDA,S,2,3), PTABLE= (TBL 1 ,PLDF, 5,3), ERROR=ERROR1, NOMATCH=BR1 * * ** * ERROR1 BRl TBLl FLDA FLDF ARG1 DS DS DS DS DS OCLS CL2 CL3 2CL5 CL2 Chapter 6.3. FIRST ENTRY OF ARG/FUN TABLE FIRST ARGUMENT FIELD FIRST FUNCTION FIELD SPACE FOR TWO MORE ENTRIES SEARCH ARGUMENT CICS/VS Built-in Functions (DFHBIF Macro) 459 Phonetic Conversion Built-in Function (TYPE=PHONETIC) The format of the DFHBIF macro instructions to request that a 16-byte field of data be encoded phonetically is as follows: r-------~-------·t------------------------------------------------------------~ I I I I I I DFHBIFI TYPE=PHONETIC I [,FIELD=symbolic address] I [,ERROR=symbolic address] I This macro converts a name into a key, which can be used to access data in a data base data set. The key that is generated is based upon the sound of the name; names that sound alike, even though spelled differently, produce identical keys. For example, the names SMITH, SMYTH, and SMYTHE produce a phonetic key of SS30. In addition to the phonetic conversion built-in function, a CICS/VS subroutine that performs similar conversion of keys is available for use by offline user-written programs. Together, these facilities allow the CICS/VS user to organize his file according to name ~r any similar alphabetic key) and access the file using search arguments that may be misspelled or misunderstood to retrieve the required data. The returned value is placed at TCAPHON. This valu~ is the four-byte phonetic equivalent of the data passed to the built-in function. It consists of the first character of the data and three EBCDIC numbers representing the characters in the remainder of the data. If an error is det6cted during execution of the phonetic conversion macro, an error code is placed in TCAPHNR. Figure 6.3-2 shows the conditions that cause an error, and the codes that are returned. r----------------------------------------------------------------------------~ Response Code Assembler Condition 1st character not alphabetic COBOL X'SO' '& ' PL/I '& • (TCAPINN) Note: Th e names enclosed in parentheses in the COBOL column are the condition-names generated by CICS/VS. Figure 6.3-2. 460 Phonetic Conversion Response Codes CICS/V S AP RM (I.'1L) Phonetic Coding Method The application programmer need not be familiar \lith the CICS/VS method of phonetic coding to use the phonetic conversion function. Remember that the first character of the field to be coded is not changed; it becomes the first character of the returned value. Three digits are selected to represent the remaining characters in accordance with the following rules: Code Value B, P, F, V C, G, J, K, Q, s, X, 1 2 3 4 5 6 Z D, T L M, N R A, E, H, I, 0, Y, H, U, Bypassed, no code value blanks, and nonalphabetic characters o Lowercase letters are translated to uppercase. o Double letters are coded as a single letter. o Two or more adjacent letters with the same value are coded as a single lett·er. o If more than three EBCDIC numbers can be computed from the data, only the first three are used. o If fewer than three numbers can be computed from the name, the result is padded on the right \lith EBCDIC zeros to form a four-byte result. Examples DFHBIF TYPE=PHONETIC, FIELD=NAME * where NAME is a 16-byte field, yields results as follows: LEHMICKE WONG sao yields yields yields L520 W520 SOOO A CICS/VS subroutine that performs phonetic conversion of 16-character names in the same manner as the phonetic conversion built-in function is available for use by offline user-written programs. The subroutine can be called by a program running under any of the operating systems under which CICS/VS can be run. A 16-character name to be converted is provided as input to the subroutine; the four-byte phonetic equivalent of that name is returned as a result. The rules given above under "Phonetic Coding Method" are applied in the conversion process. Chapter 6.3. CICSjVS Built-in Functions (DFHBIF Macro) 461 The general form of the macro instruction to invoke the subroutine is as follows: For Assembler language: CALL DFHPHN,(lang,name,phon) For COBOL: CALL 'DFHPHN' USING lang name phon. For PL/I: CALL DFHPHN (lang,name,phon); where: lang is the symbolic address of a one-byte code indicating the programming language being used: XIFO' indicates COBOL or Assembler language; X'F1~ indicates PL/I. If an error occurs during processing of this request, X·SO· is returned in this location. If no error occurs, X'OO' is returned, and the location must be reset to indicate the programming language before the location can be reused. name is the symbolic address of the field that contains the 16character name to be converted. phon is the symoolic address of the field in which the four-byte phonetic equivalent of the name passed to the subroutine is returned to the calling program. 462 eICS/VS APRH (ML) Field Verify Built-in Function (TYPE=FVERIFY) The format of the DFHBIF macro instruction to verify the contents of a data field is as follows: I I I I I I I I I I I _______ L ~ DFHBIFI I I I I I _______ I TYPE=FVERIFY [, FIELD=symbolic address] [, LENGTH= {symbolic address Inumeric value} ] [, ALPHA=symbolic address] [, NUMER IC=symbolic address] [,PACKED=symbolic address] LI_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ This macro verifies that the contents of a data field are: o Entirely alphabetic: blanks or A-Z o Entirely EBCDIC numbers, with or without trailing sign: through X IF9') o Entirely packed decimal (COMPUTATIONAL-3 in American National standard CANS) COBOL or FIXED DECIMAL in PL/I) 0-9 (XIFOI A branch is made to an appropriate user-written routine accordingly. The ALPHA, NUMERIC, and PACKED operands may be specified in any combination or order, but at least one of them must be specified. The conditions specified are tested upon request in the order ALPHA, NUMERIC, P~CKED, irrespective of the order of the operands. If none of the test conditions is met, control goes to the instruction following the DFHBIF TYPE=FVERIFY macro instruction in the application program. Returned Values The purpose of the field verify built-in function is to determine what kind of data must be processed and cause control to be transferred to an appropriate routine in the application program accordingly. The results of the verify built-in function can be tested by examining the response code at TCACHKR. Figure 6.3-3 indicates the conditions and response codes. Chapter 6.3. CICS/VS Built-in Functions (DFHBIF Macro) 463 Response Code Assembler Condition COBOL PL/I Packed field X·20· 11-4-9 (TCACKPK) 00100000 Numeric field X·40· No punches (TCACKNM) 01000000 Alphabetic field X·SO· 12-0-1-8 (TCACKAL) 10000000 Mixed field X·EO· 0-2-S (TCACKMX) 11100000 !iote: The names in parentheses in the COBOL column indicate the condition names generated by CICS/VS. These names may be used in testing for the respective conditions in a COBOL program. I Figure 6.3-3. DFHBIF Field Verify Response Codes TYPE=FVERIPY, FIELD=CONT, LENGTH=16, ALPHA =MYROUT * * * Execution of the DFHBIF macro instruction above causes the contents of CaNT, a 16-byte field, to be checked to determine whether it contains only alphabetic characters and/or blanks. If it does, control is transferred to MYROUT. Otherwise, control returns to the instruction following this DFHBIF instruction in the application program. 464 CICS/VS APRM(ML) Field Edit Built-in Function (TYPE=DEEDIT) The format of the DPHBIP macro instruction to edit a data field is as follows: , I I I I I L ,r-------------------------------------------------------------, I DPHBIPI TYPE=DEEDIT I [,FIELD=symbolic address] I [, LENGTH= {symbolic address I numeric value} ] L--_________ I _______________________________________________________________ II~ This macro specifies that alphabetic and/or special characters, are to be removed from an EBCDIC data field. The remaining, numeric characters, are right-justified with zero padding at the left as necessary. If the field ends with a minus sign or 'CRI, a negative zone is placed over the low--order byte. Returned Values All bytes (except the rightmost byte) containing other than EBCDIC numeric characters are deleted from the data field. The remaining characters are right-justified in the field with zero padding at the left as necessary. If the field ends with a minus sign or a ICR', a negative zone (XIDI) is placed over the rightmost (low-order) byte. The zone portion of the rightmost byte may contain any hexadecimal character from X'AI through XIPI. The digit portion of this byte may contain one of the hexadecimal digits from XIO' through Xigi. Where this is the case, the rightmost byte is returned unaltered (see the example below). This permits the application program to operate on a zoned numeric field. In any case, the returned value is in the field that initially contained the unedited data. Example DPHBIP TYPE=DEEDIT, FIELD=CONTG, LENGTH=9 * * Execution of this macro instruction removes all characters other than EBCDIC numbers from CONTG, a nine-byte field, and returns the edited result in that field to the application program. Say, for example, the field contains 14-6704/B before the DFHBIF TYPE=DEEDIT macro instruction is issued. After editing, it contains 00146704B. Chapter 6.3. CICS/VS Built-in Functions (DFHBIF Macro) 465 Bit Manipulation Built-in Functions The bit manipulation built-in functions are designed to change or test the state of specified bits in a given area of main storage. They are particularly useful for COBOL application programs, which are otherwise unable to manipulate bits. The built-in functions are invoked by different versions of the DFHBIF macro instruction, as follows: TYPE=BITSETON ensures that all bits selected by a specified bit pattern are on after execution of the macro. TYPE=BITSETOFF ensures that all bits selected by a specified bit pattern are off after execution of the macro. TYPE=BITFLIP causes the state of each bit selected by a specified bit pattern to be changed. TYPE=BITEST causes the state of each bit, selectad by a specified bit pattern, to be tested, and an indicator to be set. TYPE=BITSETON The format of the DFHBIF macro instruction to set bits in a byte to an on-condition is as follows: ~-----.--------.------------------------------------------------------------, I DFHBIFI I I I I I TYPE=BITSETON [,FIELD=symbolic address] [,BIT={symbolic addresslvalue}] [,BITON=symbolic address] [,BITOFF=symbolic address] I This macro specifies that all bits selected by a specified bit pattern are on after execution of the macro. The application programmer specifies the eight-bit mask (nit pattern) to be applied against the byte containing bits to be operated on. The mask can be described by a single EBCDIC character within single quotation marks: for example, or -M-. Alternatively, the symbolic address of a one-byte field containing the mask can be specified. If desired, control can be transferred to a specified location if all affected bits (or all bits in the byte) are on after completion of the bit manipulation. -5- The returned value is the contents of the byte specified in the FIELD operand, with selected bits modified as specified. 466 CICS/VS APRM(ML) The macro instruction DFHBIF TYPE=BITSETON, FIELD=DATAP, BIT=PATERN, BITON=BLABEL * ** PATERN DC X IFFI ensures that all bits of the one-byte field DATAF are set on and causes a branch to BLABEL. TYPE = BI TS ETOFF The format of the DFHBIF macro instruction to set bits in a byte to an off-condition is as follows: r------~------Ir------------------------------------------------------------, I I I I I I IL I DFHBIFI TYPE=BITSETOFF I [,PIELD=symbolic address] I [,BIT= {symbolic address t value} ] I [,BITON=symbolic address] t [, BITOFF=symbolic address] tL__________________________________________________________ ~ This macro specifies that all bits selected by a specified bit pattern are off after execution of this macro. The application programmer specifies the eight-bit mask (bit pattern) to be applied against the byte containing bits to be operated on. The mask can be described by a single EBCDIC character within single quotation marks: for example, lSI or IMI. Alternatively, the symbolic address of a onebyte field containing the mask can be specified. If desired, control can be transferred to a specified location if all affected bits (or all bits in the byt~) are off, after completion of the bit manipulation. The returned value is the contents of the byte specified in the FIELD operand, with selected bits modified as specified. TYPE=BITFLIP The format of the DFHBIF macro instruction to change the state of bits in a byte is as follows: Chapter 6.3. CICSjVS Buiit-in Functions (DPHBIF Macro) 467 ~-----r--------r----------------------------------------------------------~ L ______ I DFHBIFI TYPE=BITFLIP I [,FIELD=symbolic address] I [,BIT={symbolic addresslvalue}] I [,BITON=symbolic address] I [,BITOFF=symbolic address] _______ .II_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ ~ This macro specifies that the state of each bit selected by a specified bit pattern is changed. The application programmer specifies the eight-bit mask ~it pattern) to be applied against the byte containing bits to be operated on. The mask can be described by a single EBCDIC character within single quotation marks: for example, '5' or 'M'. Alternatively, the symbolic address of a one-byte field containing the mask can be specified. If desired, control can be transferred to a specified location if all affected bits (or all bits in the byte) are on, or if all affected bits (or all bits in the byte) are off, after completion of the bit manipulation. The returned value is the contents of the byte specified in the FIELD operand, with selected bits modified as specified. TYPE=BITEST The format of the DFHBIF macro instruction to test the state of specific bits in main storage is as follows: I I I I I I I IL ______ I I DFHBIFI I I I I I ______ L TYPE=BITEST [,FIELD=symbolic address] [,BIT={symbolic addresslvalue}] [,BITON=symbolic address] [,BITOFF=symbolic address] ~ This macro specifies that the state of each bit in a specified bit pattern is to be tested and an indicator is to be set accordingly. The BIT operand specifies the eight-bit mask (bit pattern) that is to be applied against the byte containing bits to be operated on. The mask can be described by a single EBCDIC character within single quotation marks: for example, '5' or 'M'. Alternatively, the symbolic address of a one-byte field containing the mask can be specified. If desired, control can be transferred to a specified location if all affected bits (or all bits in the byte) are on, or if all affected bits (or all bits in the byte) are off, after completion of the bit manipulation. This built-in function is particularly useful for COBOL programs, which are otherwise unable to carry out bit manipulation. 468 eICS/VS APRM(ML) Returned Values For BITEST, the result of the test is returned in TCABITR as shown in Figure 6.3-4. If BITON, BITOFF, or both BITON and BITOFF are specified, and if certain conditions are met as described in the explanations of these operands, control is transferred. I 1 I Condition 1 I Testad Bits Are Off I I Tested Bits Are On I Response Code in TCABITR Assembler COBOL PLjI X'OO' LOW-VALUES (TCABIFOF) 'OOOOOOOO'B XIFO' 'a' '0' (TCABIFON) 1-------------------------------------------------I Note: I The-names enclosed in parentheses in the COBOL column indicate I the condition names generated by CICS/VS. These names may be IL______________________________ used in testing for the conditions in a COBOL program. ________ .________________________ ___ ~ Figure 6.3-4. Bit Test Response Codes The macro instruction DFHBIF TYPE=BITEST, BIT='!', BITOFF=CLABEL * * causes a bit pattern of 110000u1 to be applied to the one-byte field whose address is stored in TCABITF. If all tested bits are off, control is transferred to CLABEL. Chapter 6.3. CICS/VS Built-in Functions (DFHBIF Macro) 469 Input Formatting Built-in Functions There are two versions of the DFHBIF built-in function to handle input formatting, as follows: TYPE=DEFLDNM defines keywords in free-format input TYPE=INFORMAT specifies formatting of terminal input Both these versions are described later in this chapter. The input formatting built-in function allows free-format terminal input to be converted into a predefined fixed format that can be processed by the application program •. The application program can accept any of three forms of input from the terminal. These forms are discussed in order of increased flexibility oelow. FIXED FORMAT This is the simplest case, but it requires a rigid adherence to form. The input transaction must be identical in format to the fixed internal format established by statements in the application program. For example, assume the fixed internal format for data consisting of a transaction iden tification'; last name, first name, and middle initial; and identification number is as follows: £ols 1-4 .2 1 TRANS )t1}f LAST ID NAME 12 £1 )6)6 FIRST NAME 1.1 33 34 36 42 JzIJzI M )6)1 ID NO EOB I The input transaction must be formatted as shown by the following example: INQR HUGHES .JOHN Q 096556 EOB Each input field must be entered by the terminal operator in the positions established for it in the fixed internal format. POSITIONAL FORMAT This option allows the terminal operator to enter a systeru-program~er selected field-separator character to indicate the end of a field or the absence of a field. The order of the fields on input must be the same as the order established for the fixed internal format; the field lengths need not be the same. If other fields follow, the end of a field or the absence of a field within the input must be indicated by a field-separator character. Assume that input consisting of a transaction identification; last name, first name, and middle initial; and id~ntification number is to be entered from a terminal. Further assume that the input formatting built-in function is invoked by the application program to process this input, recognizing the slash (/) as a field-separator character. The following examples show permissible free-format positional input. Each input transaction is terminated by an end-of-block (EOB) character. 410 CICS/V S APRM (ML) • Complete input INQR/HUGHES/JOHN/Q/096556 EOB • Middle initial unknown INQR/HUGHES/JOHN//096556 EOB • Middle initial and identification number unknown INQR/HUGHES/JOHN EOB KEYWORD FORMAT The keyword format provides an even greater degree of flexibility in that terminal input can be entered in any order. The terminal operator need only be familiar with the keyword identifiers that have been established for the input fields. Each keyword identifier consists of up to four characters selected by the application programmer. The keyword identifier must be preceded by a field-name start character and followed by a field-separator character, both of which must be specified at system initialization by the system programmer. If either of these characters is not specified, the default assumed is a blank; however, since the field-name start character must be different from the fieldseparator character, it is invalid to take both defaults. As an example, assume that keyword identifiers are established by use of the TYPE=DEFLDNM macro (described later in this chapter) as follows: LN FN MI ID last name field first name field middle initial field identification number Further assume that the period has been specified as the field-name start character and the equal sign has been specified as the fieldseparator character. The following examples show permissible freeformat keyword input. • Complete input INQR.FN=JOHN.MI=Q.ID=096556.LN=HUGHES EOB • First name unknown INQR.LN=HUGHES.MI=Q.ID=096556 EOB • First name and identification number unknown INQR.LN=HUGHES.MI=Q EOB The first entry in each of these examples is the transaction identification. Since CICS/VS expects this identification, it must be first and no keyword identifier is required for it. Succeeding data fields are ent8red in any order. The input is t~rminated by the end-ofblock (EOB) character. Chapter 6.3. CICS/VS Built-in Functions (DFflBIF Macro) 471 COMBINATION INPUT CICS/VS DFHBIF macro instructions can be included in an application program to permit a combination of fixed, positional, and keyword input. For example, the following variations may be allowed. • Complete input INQR.LN=HUGHES.FN=JOHN/Q/096556 EOB INQR.FN=JOHN.LN=HUGHES.MI=Q/096556 EOB INQR/HUGHES/JOHN/Q 096556 EOB • First name unknown INQR.LN=HUGBES//Q/096556 EOB INQR/HUGHES//Q.ID=096S56 EOB INQR HUGHES//Q 096556 EOB • First name and identification number unknown INQR.LN=HUGHES//Q EOB INQR/HUGHES.MI=Q EOB INQR HOGHES.MI=Q EOB The application programmer can write a program to handle free-format input entered from a terminal. The free-format input may be either p0sitional or keyword-oriented, or both, and may be entered in combination with fixed-format input. Examples are: INQR/HUGHES/JOHN/Q/0965S6 EOB positional INQR.FN=JOHN.MI=Q.ID=096556.LN=HUGHES EOB key word-orien ted A task that issues DFHBIF macro instructions to provide input formatting must be attached to a terminal. Storage Definition As a first step in defining storage, the programmer must copy the CICS/VS control section of the terminal input/output area (TIOA) into his program. Definitions of the fields for whiCh input data may be entered should follow the definition of the CICS/VS control section. For example, the Assembler-language programmer may write the following code: * TIOATI TIOALN TIOAFN TIOAMI TIOA ID COpy DFHTIOA DS DS DS DS DS CL4 CL15 CL9 CLl CL6 BEGINNING OF TIOA TRANS ID LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE INITIAL IDENTIFICATION TIOADBA is the CICS/VS-established name representing the first byte of the user's section of the TIOA for Assembler language only. Succeeding names are application-programmer-selacted identifiers of the input fields. (The copying of symbolic storage definitions is described in Part 2.) 472 CICS/VS APRM(ML) TYPE=DEFLONM The format of the DFHBIF macro instruction that defines keywords in free-format input is as follows: I I DFHBIFI TYPE=DEFLDNM I , NAMES= (keyword[ ,keyword, ••• ]) I ,LABEL=symbolic address I If this macro instruction is used in a COBOL program; it must appear in the Working storage section of the program. It must app~ar with other data definitions in an Assembler-language or PL/I program. This macro instruction is not needed if only free-format positional input is to be handled by a program. For example, a DFHBIF TYPE=DEFLDNM macro instruction defining keywords that the user can entar to refer to fields of the TIOA in the previous section, "storage Definition," is: DFHBIF TYPE=DEPLDNM, NAMES= (TI ,LN ,FN ,MI,ID) , LABEL=DEFI * * In this example, the keywords are formed by taking the last two characters of the TIOA field names. Use of similar names within the DFHBIF macro instruction and the TIOA definition is wise programming practice, but not a requirement. Thus, the following macro instruction is also acceptable. DFHBIF TYPE=DEFLDNM, NALi E S = (TR AN, LAS T , FIR, M10 , IDE N) , LABEL=MYIN * * In both of these examples, the first keyword is a dummy name, because the first field will contain the transaction identification. The keyword for this field is provided to obtain the correlation betw68n the TIO! definition and the macro instruction, but would not appear in the free-format input from the terminal. When providing free-format keyword-oriented input capabilities to terminal users, the application programmer, working with system programmers, must define a field-name start character and a fieldseparator character for the system before initialization. ~ee the CICS/VS System Proqrammer1s Reference Manual for details.) Chapter 6.3. CICS/VS Built-in Functions (DFHBIF Macro) 473 TYPE=INFORMAT The format of the DFHBIF macro instruction that specifies formatting of terminal input is as follows: I I DFHBIFI I I I I I TYPE=INFORMAT ,FIELDS=(symbolic address [,symbolic address, ••• ]) [,NAMES={symbolic addressIYES}] [,LENGTH={symoolic addresslnumeric value}] [,ERROR=symbolic address] Data entered as free-format input (keyword-oriented or positional) is read into a TIOA in the same manner as other data entered from a terminal. CICS/VS places the address of the TIO! into TCTTEDA (as it must be for a formatting operation). To provide for the formatting of this free-format input, a DFHBIF TYPE=INFORMAT instruction should be issued immediately following the terminal control (DFHTC) macro instruction that causes data to be moved into the TIOA to make sure that the address of the TIOA containing data to be formatted is in TCTTEDA. This built-in function reformats data from the input TIOA into a CICS/VS-acguired TIOA. Data is moved from the input TIOA into locations in the output TIOA named in the FIELDS operand. The length of the data moved is the difference between displacements of the field being processed and the next field named in the FIELDS operand. All data is treated as alphameric, is left justified in each output field, and is padded on the right with blanks, or is truncated, as necessary. If, however, the form of input is positional and an input data item is longer than the internal field defined for it, the data item is not truncated unless it is for the last field. Instead, a response code of 4 is set, as described below, and the data is treated as fixed-format input. (The reason for this treatment is that mixed formats are allowed, so it is impossible for the built-in functions program to distinguish between an intentional fixed-format input for more than one field and a positional input of excessive length for a single field.) The input TIOA supplied by the user is released by the built-in function program (DFHBFP). The address of the fixed-format TIOA is returned in TCTTEDA to the application program. The application program~er sho~d establish addressability to this TIOA immediately, just as for any TIOA used in the program. (See the instructions for copying symbolic storage definitions in Part 2.) If the DFHBIF TYPE=INFORMAT macro instruction is issued immediately following the read instruction, the address of the TIOA containing the data to be formatted will be stored in TCTTEDA. If any intervening macro instructions are issued, the application programmer is responsible for saving and restoring the contents of TCTTEDA. For COBOL, TIOABAR must be loaded before a DFHBIP because the expansion will contain "CALL DFHCBLI USING fields." 414 CICS/VS APRM(ML) The address of the fixed-format TIOA containing the reformatted data is availanle in TCTTEDA. This address must be loaded into TIOABAR, the base register for the area. Certain error conditions may be detected during execution of the DFHBIP TYPE=INFORMAT macro instruction. In such cases, an error indication (response code) is return8d to the application program in TCAINRC, a one-byte field. The error conditions that may occur and the response code for each are shown in Figure 6.3-5. For error conditions other than XIF41, no reformatted data is returned; that is, TCTTEDA does not contain the address of a fix~d-format TIOA containing the reformatted data. r--------------'-------------------------- , Response Code in TCAINRC 1-------------------------------,Assembler, COBOL PL/I Condition No Error , X·OO· I The input data does not contain ,X'20' field-name start or field-separator' , characters. (Such data may not be , erroneous, if deliberately entered , in this manner.) , I The input data contains two field- , XIF1' name start characters with no fieldseparator character between them. LOW-VALUES (TCAINNOE) 11-0-1-8-9 (TCAINALS) The input data contains an invalid name. X'F2 1 '2 I (TCAINER2) 12' A field name is specified in the input data, but no DFHBIF TYPE= DEFLDNM macro instruction is contained in the ~pplication program. X'F3 1 13' (TCAINER3 ) '3 I The length of an input data field exceeds defined internal field size. X'F4 1 141 (TCAINER4) The subparameters of the FIELDs operand are not specified in order of ascending displacem~nt within the TIOA. X'F5' '51 (TCAINERS) I 1• (TCA INER 1 ) 00000000 00100000 • 1' • 4' 15' Note: The names enclosed in parentheses in the COBOL column indicate the condition names generated by CICS/VS. These names may be used in testing for the conditions in a COBOL program. Figure 6.3-5. Input Formatting Response Codas Note: Application programmers and terminal operators should be aware that if fixed-format input is provided to an application program designed to accept free-format input, field overrun (X'F41) errors are apt to occur. Chapter 6.3. CICS/VS Built-in Functions (DFHBIF Macro) 475 Assume the TIOA definition and the first DFHBIF TYPE=DEFLDNM macro instruction above. Further assume that the period has been ~stablished as the field-name start character and the egual sign and the slash as field-separator characters. The free-format positional input INQR/HUGHES/JOHN/Q/096556 EOB can be processed by issuing the following macro instruction: DFHBIF TYPE=INFORMAT, FIELDS=(TIOAIN,TIOALN,TIOAFN,TIOAMI,TIOAID) * The free-format keyword input INQR.FN=JOHN.MI=Q.ID=096556.LN=HUGHES EOB can be processed by issuing the following macro instruction: DFHBIF TYPE=INFORMAT, FIELDS=(TIOAIN,TIOALN,TIOAFN,TIOAMI,TIOAID) , NllMES=DEFI * * A mixture of free-format positional and keyword input can be handled by this latter form of DFHBIF TYPE=INFORMAT macro instruction. For example, INQR.LN=HUGHES//Q/096556 EOB will be handled correctly. 476 CICS/VS APRM (ML) Weighted Retrieval Built-in Functions The weighted retrieval built-in function allows the application programmer to search a group of records in a VSAM key sequenced data set, selecting only those records that satisfy or are closest to the selection criteria provided. In general, a series of DFHBIF macro instructions is involved. 1. A DFHBIF TYPE=WTRETST macro instruction indicates the start of a weighted retrieval operation. 2. One or more DFHBIF TYPE=WTRTPARM macro instructions provide the specifications to be used by CICS/VS in the weighted retrieval process. 3. One or more DFHBIF TYPE=WTRETGET macro instructions retrieve one or mor9 selected records. 4. A DFHBIF TYPE=WTRETREL macro instruction releases the VSAM work area (VSWA) and other main storage used for the weighted retrieval process. 5. A DFHBIF TYPE=WTRETCHK macro instruction performs a check on the success of a phase of the weighted retrieval process. Each of these macro instructions is discussed more fully below. Each record with a specified partial key (beginning with the first one, or with the one having a specified relative number) is examined to see whether entries in certain other fields of the record match the values specified for those fields as selection criteria. Matching may be on exact comparison or within a given range. Differentiating among individuals is one example of an area in which weighted retrieval processing is advantageous. In federal and state governments, the banking industry, and many other application areas dealing with large populations, name alone does not provide unique identification. A number of people may have the same name, so additional identifying characteristics are required. Such attributes as sex, race, birth date, address, relatives, and employment tend to permit unique identification. A basic example showing weighted retrieval on the basis of last name, initial, and mother's maiden name is given later in this chapter. Each comparison performed during weighted retrieval causes a match value to be added to a current total counter maintained automatically by CICS/VS. If the comparison yields a match, the match value is also added to a weighted counter. If the compared fields do not match, the no-match value is subtracted from the weighted counter. Fields in the search criteria or in a record being examined that contain a predefined null character may be ignored (not included in the search) if desired. When all fields to be considered in the selection process have been examined, a weighted qualification percentage (WQP) is calculated for the record. If this percentage is within the limits of acceptability established in the application program, the percentage and complete key of the record are saved in a key-save storage block. After all records with the specified partial key have been examined, the saved keys are sorted into descending percentage-value order. Under normal processing, the records whose keys have been saved are retrieved one at a time and made available to the application program in order of decreasing acceptability. A further judgment as to acceptability or Chapter 6.3. CICSjVS Built-in Functions (DFHBIF Macro) 477 verification of identifiers is then made by the application program, which may involve the terminal operator in the final selection. If the number of saved keys exceeds a maximum established in the application program (say, n), all keys having a weighted qualification percentage (WQP) equal to or lower than that of the "n+1"th key are dropped. If this dropping causes less than the application programspecified maximum number of keys to be saved but some keys are saved (as in Figure 6.3-6), no indication is given to the application program. However, if all percentages are the same so that all keys are dropped thereby, control is passed to an overflow routine (if one is specified in the application program). If the amount of storage reguired for saved keys exceeds the amount of storage available for keys, an overflow also occurs, and the application program is notified. An alternative, lower maximum can he established by the application program. The maximum number of records that can be retrieved is restricted by the maximum size of a key-save block (64K). This maximum is calculated as storage size divided by saved key length plus one. N [N+1 o 20 10 WOP of these records is less than that of N+1 WOP of these records (including N) is equal to that of N+ 1 wOP of these records is greater than that of N+1 30 40 50 \~----~V~------------------~/\~--- 70 60 VKeys dropped Keys of records made available to application program v 80 90 / ~ Keys of records evaluated by Weighted Retrieval Figure 6.3-6. Selection of Records by Weighted Retrieval 1. Because of the potential effect of weighted retrieval operations on system performance, this function should not be used indiscriminately. The amount of file accessing and the use of main storage should be taken into account. 2. The computations applied by CICS/VS in weighted retrieval processing can be expressed as follows: 478 CICS/VS APRM(aL) Let a. MV NMV match value = no-match value The weighted counter (WC), which holds the sum of all match values that had a match minus the sum of all no-match values that had no match: WC = (MV b. + ••• + MV ) - (NMV + NMV + ••• + NMV The sum of all match values specified in WTRTPARM macro instructions for the weighted retrieval operation; the pot&ntial count (Pq: PC c. + MV = MV + MV + ••• MV The sum of all match values generated by the record comparisons (excludes those comparisons bypassed because the null character is pres8nt); the current total counter (eTC): CTC = MV + MV + ••• + MV n$k d. The weighted potential e. The weighted qualification percentage (WQP): WQP (riP): WC WP An overall effect of this method of computation is to provide a minimum weighting penalty for records having absent fields but yet prevent them from being chosen in preference to records that have all identifiers present. INITIATE WEIGHTED RETRIEVAL (TYPE=WTRETST) The format of the DFHBIF macro instruction to indicate the start of a weighted retrieval operation is as follows: Chapter 6.3. CICS/VS Built-in Functions (DFHBIF Macro) 479 r r--------------------------------------- r- I DFHBIFI TYPE=WTRETST I [,DATASET=symbolic name] [,RDIDADR=symholic address] [ , INPUTNO= {symbolic address I numeric value I YES} ] [,INPUTST={symholic addresslnumeric valueIYES}] [ , INPUTPC= ([ suboperand 1 ][ , suboperand2]) ] [,NRECDS={symbolic addresslnumeric valueIYES}] [ ,NORESP=symbolic address] (,DSIDER=symbolic address] [,NOTOPEN=symbolic address] (,NOTFND=symbolic address] (,INVREQ=symbolic address] (,IOERROR=symbolic address] [,OFLOW=symbolic address] [,ILLOGIC=symbolic address] Returned Values The address of a VSAM work ar8a (VSWA) to be used by weighted retrieval throughout this series of weighted retr5_eval operations is returned in TCAWRAA, a four-byte field. Since any CICS/VS macro instruction issued within the application program may cause the contents of TCAWRAA to be changed, the application programmer should save this address. It must be restored in TCAWRAA prior to any subsequent DFHBIF macro instruction included in this series of weighted retrieval operations. A response code indicating how CICS/VS has responded to this request is returned in TCAWTRC, a one-byte field (see "Test Response to a Request for Weighted Retrieval," later in this chapter.) ESTABLISH SELECTION CRITERIA (TYPE=WTRTPAR~) The format of the DFHBIF macro instruction to pass selection criteria to CICS/VS is as follovs: DFHBIF TYPE=WTRTPARfi [ , FIELD 1 = «( sy mbolic address][, numeric value][ ,char]) ] [ , FIELD2= «( symbolic address1][ ,symbolic address2]) ) [,NULL={symbolic addresslcharacter valueIYES}] [,MATCH={symbolic addresslnumeric value}] (,NO~ATCH={symbolic addresslnumeric value}] [,RANGE={suboperand1,suboperand2(,suboperand3]) ] One of these macro instructions must be coded for each field that is to be examined during the selection process. ~atch and no-match values are established separately for each field. Then, during weighted retrieval processing, the applicable match and no-match values for examined fields of a record are used to determine a weighted qualification percentage for the record. 480 CICS/VS APRM(ML) RETRIEVE SELECTED RECORDS (TYPE=WTRETGET) The format of the DPHBIP macro instruction to retrieve a record that has been saved by the weighted retrieval built-in function is as follows: r------r-------r-------------------------------------I DFHBIFI I I I I I I I I I TYPE=WTRETGET [,NORESP=symbolic address] . [,ENDPILE=symDolic address] [,NOTOPEN=symbolic address] [,NOTPND=symbolic address] [,INVREQ=symbolic address] [,IOERROR=symbolic address] [,OPLOW=symbolic address] [,ILLOGIC=symbolic address] I This macro specifies that next record saved by weighted retrieval (as ordered according to decreasing weighted qualification percentage) is to be retrieved. Before this macro instruction is executad, TCAWRAA must contain the address of the VSAM work area (VSWA) used in this series of weighted retrieval operations. Returned Values A record saved as the result of weighted retrieval is returned to the application program. The address of this record is contained in VSWAREA within the VSWA provided by the WTRETST macro instruction. The length of the record is returned in VSWALEN. In addition, the contents of several halfword fields are significant. TCAWGH1 contains the highest percentage of acceptability for this weighted retrieval operation, TCAWGH2 contains the lowest percentage of acceptability for this weighted retrieval operation, TCAWGH3 contains the percentage of acceptability of this record, and TCAWGH4 contains the number of records left to be presented to the user. After the first DFHBIP TYPE=WTRETGET macro instruction, TCAWGHS contains a count of any records dropped to remain within the maximum specified in the NRECDS operand of the WTRETST macro instruction. On succeeding WTRETGETs, TCAWGH5 contains zero. The full key of the returned record is returned at the location specified in the RDIDADR operand of the DPHBIP TYPE=WTRETST macro instruction initiating this weighted retrieval operation. TCABFTR, a one-byte field, contains the response code that describes the CICS/VS response to this DPRBIF TYPE=WTRETGET macro instruction. This response code can be interrogated as described under "Test Response to a Request for Weighted Retrieval," later in this chapter. Chapter 6.3. CICS/VS Built-in Functions (DPRBIP Macro) 481 RELEASE WEIGHTED RETRIEVAL STORAGE AREAS (TYPE=WTRETREL) The format of the DFBBIF macro instruction to specify that the VSWA established when the DFHBIF TYPE=WTRETST macro instruction is issued and the main storage used for saving the records is released is as follows: r------~------~---------------------------------------------------------, I I I I I IL I DFHBIFI TYPE=WTRETREL I [,NORESP=symbolic address] I [,INVREQ=symbolic address) I [,ILLOGIC=symno1ic address] IL________________________________________________________ L- ~ TEST RESPONSE TO A REQUEST FOR WEIGHTED RETRIEVAL (TYPE=WTRETCHK) The general format of the DFHBIF TYPE=WTRETCHK macro instruction is as follows: r------~------·r---------------------------------------------------------~ DPHBIF TYPE=WTRETCHK [,NORESP=symbo1ic address] [,DSIDER=symbo1ic address] [,NOTOPEN=symbo1ic address] [,NOTFND=symbolic address] [,INVREQ=symbo1ic address] [,ENDFILE=symbolic address] [,IOERROR=symbolic address] [,OFLOW=symbolic address] [,ILLOGIC=symbolic address] WEIGHTED RETRIEVAL RESPONSE CODES The response codes and the conditions to which they correspond are identified in the right-hand columns of Figure 6.3-7. DFHBIF macro instructions for which the conditions are applicable are shown at the left. If checking for a response to a weighted retrieval macro instruction is not provided, and if the exception condition corresponding to that response occurs, program flow proceeds to the instruction following the weighted retrieval macro instruction in the application program. 482 CICS/VS APRM(ML) -, I Condition NORESP (Normal response) RE:sponse Codes in TCAWTRC I I IAssemblerl COBOL x·oo· LOW-VALUES PL/I I I 000000001 I I . DSIDER (Data set identifica tion error) X'Cl' , A' ) NOTOP EN (Data set not open) X'C2' 'B' 'B' NOTPND (Record not found) X'CS' , H' D ENOFILE (End of file) X'C4' '0' 'D' INVREQl (Invalid request) X'C3' 'C • IOERROR (Input/Output error) X'CS' , E' OPLOW2 (Overflow) X'C6' ILJ.. OGIC3 (VSAM error) X'C7' \~ :\ I I I il • {: ; • G' Notes: T:It the data set is not a VSAM file, the field TCAWRAA i:; set to zero. CICS/VS file control handles other errors of thi; type, in vh ich case, rCAW RAA contains the address of the PCT~n try for the data set. 2. Por WTRETST, this response indicates that the system-d2tined maximum storage GETMAIN (64K) is insufficient to hold all retrieved record keys and these records have the same percentage of acceptability. In this case, the terminal operator must specify a relative record number (the relative position of the first record to be retrieved among the retrieval records) and a number of records (NRECDS) to be presented. Por WTRETGET, this response means that no records were returned because all had identical percentages of match and not all could be returned because of the limit specified in NRECOS. 3. This response indicates that a VSAM error that does not fall into one of the above categories has occurred. The VSWA contains the VSAM request parameter list that contains the VSAM logical error. error. Pigure 6.3-7. Weighted Retrieval Response Codes Chapter 6.3. CICS/VS Built-in Punctions (DPHBIP Macro) 4S3 Example Assume that, for purposes of state welfare applications, a VSAM file labeled SRCHFILE is maintained on magnetic disk. SRCRRECD is an area of storage that holds individual records retrieved from the file. The file is to be searched to retrieve up to 100 records that satisfy (or come closest to satisfying) the criteria: last name = SMITH, first initial = J, and mother's name = MARY. LNAME FINIT MOM COpy DFHTCADS DS CL18 DS CLl DS CL7 DFHBFTCA OPTION=WTRET SRCHRECD DSECT USING LAST DS FIRST DS MOTHER DS *,RCDBASE CL18 CLl CL7 DFHBIF TYPE=WTRETST, DATASET=SRCRFILE, RDIDADR=KEYFLD, INPUTNO=lOO, INPOTST=10, INPUTPC=(10O,80), NRECDS=50, NORESP=STARTOK * * * * * * * (error processing) STARTOK DS OR L VSWABAR,TCAWRAA DFHBIF TYPE=WTRTPARM, FIELD1=(LNAME,18,C) , FisLD2=(SRCHRECD,LAST), MATCH=50 DFHBIF TYPE=WTRTPARM, FIELD1=(FINIT,1,C) , FIELD2=(SRCHRECD,FIRST) , MATCH=30 DFHBIF TYPE=WTRTPARM, FIELD1=(MOM,7,C) , FIELD2=(SRCHRECD,MOTHER), MATCH=20 WRGET DS OH ST VSWABAR,TCAWRAA DFHBIF TYPE=WTRETGET, NORESP=GETOK, ENDFILE=ENDPROC ~rror GETOK DS L 484 processing) OH RCDBASE,VSWAREA CICS/VS APRM(ML) GET ADDRESSABILITY TO RECORD * * * * ** * * * * * · (on first WTRETGET, check to see whether too many records have been skipped, enough records returned, acceptable range of ~ returned, and the like) (process retrieved record) B WRGET ENDPROC DS OH ST VSWABAR,TCAWRAA DFHBIF TYPE=WRETREL Chapter 6.3. CICS/VS Built-in Functions (DFHBIF Macro) 485 Operands of DFHBIF Macro ALPHA=symbolic address is the address to which control is to be passed if the field consists entirely of alphabetic characters (A through Z) and/or blanks. ARG=symbolic address is the symbolic address of the field that contains the search argument; if omitted, the address is assumed to be in TCATSA1, a fullword field. ATABLE= is a description of the table to be searched (the argument table). symbolic addressl is the address of the first entry in the argument table; if omitted, the address is assumed to be in TCATSA2, a fullword field. symbolic address2 or YES is the address of the field in the first entry of the argument table to be compared with the search argument. If YES is specified, the field address is assumed to be in TCATSA4, a fullword field. If this operand entry is omitted, symbolic address2 is assumed to be the same as symbolic addressl. If specified, the address represented by symoolic address2 must be equal to or greater than the address represented by symbolic addressl. If it is not, bit 4 of TCATSRC is set on and no search is made. numeric value1 is the length of each entry in the argument table (including any other fields in the entry or slack bytes required for boundary alignment). A value in the range from 1 through 32767 may be specified. If this operand entry is omitted, the length is assumed to be in TCATSH2, a halfword field. numeric value2 or YES is the length of the field in the argument table to be compared with the search argument. If YES is specified, the length is assumed to be in TCATSAF, a one-byte field. If this operand entry is omitted, numeric value2 is assumed to be the same as numeric value1. If specified, the value must be between 1 and 255 inclusive. If numeric valuel is not within this range, numeric value2 must be specified. numeric value3 is the maximum number of entries to be s.earched. A value in the range from 1 through 32767 may be specified. If this operand entry is omitted, the numeric value is assumed to be in TCATSH1, a halfword field. If one or more of these operand entries are omitted, but other operand entries follow, the comma that ordinarily follows an omitted entry must be included in the operand. 486 CICS/VS APRM(ML) BIT= specifies the bit pattern (mask) to be applied to the specified byte. symbolic address is the address of a byte that contains the bit pattern. value is a single EBCDIC character enclosed in single quotation marks. If this operand is omitted, the bit pattern is assumed to be in TCABITV, a one-byte field. BITOFF=symbolic address is the symbolic address to which control is transferred if-• For BITSETON, BI~SBTOFF, or BITFLIP: All bits in the specified byte are off after the operation is completed • For BITEST: All bits that are on in the bit pattern are off in the field that is tested BITON=symbolic address is the symbolic address to which control is transferred if-• For BITSBTON, BITSBTOFF, or BITFLIP: All bits in the specified byte are on after the operation is completed • For BITEST: All bits that are on in the bit pattern are on in the field that is tested DATASET=symbolic name is the one- to eight-character identification of the VSAM data set from which the retrieval is to be made; if omitted, the data set identifier is assumed to be in TCAWTDI, an eight-byte field. DSIDER=symbolic address spec~fies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is to be passed if the data set specified by the DATASET operand cannot be located. DSIDER signifies "data set identifica~ion error". ENDFILE=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is to be passed if an end-of-file condition is detected. Chapter 6.3. CICS/VS Built-in Functions (DFHBIF Macro) 481 ERROR=symbolic address is the address to which control is to be passed if occurs. This branch is taken, for example, if the specified for the function field to be examined is the address specified for the first function table an error address lower than entry. FIELD=symbolic address is the symbolic address of the byte or field to be processed; if omitted, the address is as'sumed to be in the fullword field TCANAME (for TYPE=PHONETIC) , TCACKFD (for TYPE=FVERIFY), TCAFLD ~or TYPE=DEEDIT), or TCABITF (for TYPE=BITSETON). FIELDS=(symbolic address[,symbolic address, ••• ]) are the labels of fields defined within the internal fixedformat TIDA to which the input data is to be transferred. The fields must be named in order of increasing displacement from the start of the TIOA, and there must be a one-to-one correspondence between the field names in this macro instruction and the fields in the TIOA. The length of each field is determined by calculations based on the location represented by the symbolic address of the following field. Each field should be at least one byte in length. For positional input, each field for which data may be entered ~hat is, each position in the receiving area of storage) must be defined. FIELD1= specifies the characteristics of the search field to be compared against a corresponding field in records of the data . set on which the weighted retrieval function is to operate. symbolic address is the symbolic address of the field. If omitted, the address of the field is assumed to be in TCAWPA1, a fourbyte field. numeric value is the length of the field in bytes and may range from 1 to 32161. If omitted, the length of the field is assumed to be in TCAWPH1, a halfword field. char is one character indicating the format of the data in the field as follows: C Z P H F EBCDIC characters Zoned decimal numbers Packed decimal numbers Halfword binary ~ Fullword binary If this parameter is omitted, the character is assumed to be in TCAWPB1, a one-byte field. If one of these operand entries is omitted but succeeding operand entries follow, the comma that otherwise follows the entry must be included in the operand. 488 CICS/VS APRM (ML) 1. The application programmer must ensure that the integrity of PIELD1 is not destroyed prior to the first DFHBIP TYPE=WTRETGET macro instruction. These values are used by the built-in functions program (DPHBPP) at that time. In particular, it is not advisable to utilize an area within a TIDA for this value. 2. The largest decimal number that can be contained in a zoned decimal (Z) or packed decimal (P) field cannot exceed 16 digits, including the sign. PIELD2= specifies the location of the data in the field of each record of the data set involved in the comparison with the search data in PIELD1. symbolic addressl is the symbolic address (label) of the first byte of the storage area that will contain the record to be examined. If omitted, the address of the main storage area is assumed to be in TCAWPA3, a four-byte field. symbolic address2 is the symbolic address (label) of the field within the storage area identified by symbolic address1 to be used in the weighted retrieval comparison. If omitted, the address of the field is assumed to be in TCAWPA4, a four-byte field. If the first operand entry is omitted but the second is specified, the comma that otherwise follows the first entry must be included in the operand. PTABLE= is a description of the table from which ~ value is to be retrieved (the function table). If no function value is to be retrieved (for example, if only the index of a matching argument table entry is needed), this operand can be omitted. If this operand is specified, but some entries are omitted, the values of the corresponding entrias in the ATABLE operand are assumed to apply. If a complex table (where each table entry contains both an argument and a function value) is being searched, the argument table and function table, as defined for this macro instruction, are actually within the same table in storage. Alternatively, two separate tables, one containing search fields and one containing function values, may be used. symbolic addressl or YES is the address of the first function table entry. If YES is specified, the address is assumed to be in TCATSA3, a fullword field. symbolic address2 or YES is the address of the function field within the first function table entry. If YES is specified, the address is assumed to be in TCATSA5, a fullword field. This address must be equal to or greater than symbolic addressl. If it is not, bit 5 of TCATSRPC is set on and no search is made. Chapter 6.3. CICSjVS Built-in Punctions (DPHBIF Macro) 489 valuel or YRS is the length of each entry in the function table (including any other fields in the entry or slack bytes required for boundary alignment). A value in the range from 1 through 32767 may be specified. If YES is specified, the value is assumed to be in TCATSH3, a halfword field. numer~c numeric value2 or YES is the length of the field to be retrieved from the function table. If YES is specified, the length is assumed to be in TCATSFF, a one-byte field. The length must be between 1 and 255 inclusive. If this operand is omitted, the default is the corresponding entry in the ATABLE, or its default if the corresponding entry is not specified in the ATABLE. The default for this operand is not numeric valuel above. ILLOGIC=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is to be passed if a VSAM error that does not fall within one of the other CICS/VS response categories occurs. INDEX=symbolic address specifies the address of a halfword field in which an index value relative to one, identifying the matching argument-table entry, is to be returned to the application program. In addition, the index value is placed in TCATSH4, a halfword field, whether or not the INDEX operand is specified. Both fields contain zero if no matching entry is found. INPUTNO= specifies the maximum number of records that can be examined. A value from 1 to 32767 may be specified. symbolic address is the address of a halfword field that contains the maximum number of records that can be examined. numeric value is a decimal numeral indicating the maximum number of records that can be examined. YES indicates that the maximum num,ber of records to be examined has been placed in TCAWTH1, a halfword field. If this operand is omitted, a default value of 512 is placed in TCAWTH1. INPUTPC= specifies the percentages to be used by the weighted retrieval built-in function to determine the limits of acceptability. suboperandl specifies the maximum percentage, a value from 0 to 100; this value can be indicated by the symbolic address of a halfword field containing the maximum value, a decimal numeral, or YES, which indicates that the value has been placed .in TCAWTH3. If omitted, the maximum percentage is assumed to be 100. 490 CICS/VS APRM(ML) suboperand2 specifies the m~n~mum percentage, a value from 0 to 100; this value can be indicated by the symbolic address of a halfuord field containing the minimum value, a decimal numeral, or YES, which indicates that the value has been placed in TCAWTH4. If omitted, the minimum percentage is assumed to be o. If the first suboperand is omitted, but the second is specified, the comma that otheru ise follo\l s the first suboperand must be included. If only one suboperand is given, it is assumed to be the first suboperand (the maximum percentage, 100). INPUTST= indicates the number of records with the specified partial key to be skipped before examination of records begins. The maximum value that can be specified is 32767. symbolic address is the address of a halfword field that contains the relative numDer of the record that is to be examined first. numeric value is a decimal numeral indicating the relative number of the record that is to be examined first. YES indicates that the relative number of the desired record has been placed in TCAUTH2, a halfuord field. If this operand is omitted, a default value of 0 is placed in TCAWTH2. The weighted retrieval begins \lith the first record having the specified partial key. INVREQ=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-\lrit ten routine to uhich control is to be passed if an invalid type of request is received. IOERROR=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-urit ten routine to uhich control is to be passed if an input/output error occurs. LABEL=symbolic address is the label to be assigned to the list of keywords. This label must be unique \lithin the application program and may be from one to eight characters in length. LENGTH= specifies the length of the field to be processed or the size of the TIOA to be acquired. symbolic address is the address of a halfword field that contains the length val ue • Chapter 6.3. CICSjVS Built-in Functions (DFHBIF Hacro) 491 numer1c value is the length, in bytes, of the field to be processed, or the area to be acquired for the TIOA. . The maximum length of a field is 32767 bytes. The length of the TIOA must be suffici6nt to accomodate all fields specified in the FIELDS operand. If this operand is omitted, the length is assumed to be in the halfword field TCACKLN «for TYPE=FVERIFY), TCAFLN (for TYPE=DEEDIT), or in TCAINH1 (for TYPE=INFORMAT). MATCH= specifies a value to be added to the current total counter if the comparison is performed and to the weighted counter if the compared fields are equal. The value may range from -32768 through +32767. symbolic address is the symbolic address of a halfword field containing the value. numeric value is a decimal numeral in the range stated above. If this parameter is omitted, the value is assumed to be in TCAWPH2. Note: All match and no-match values specified for a weighted retrieval operation must have like signs. NAMES= indicates that field names may be present as keywords in the input data stream. symbolic address is the LABEL parameter specified in a DFHBIF TYPE=DEFLDNM macro instruction in which the keywords that may be specified are defined. YES indicates that the label specified in the DFHBIF TIPE=DEFLDNM macro instruction defining the field names is in TCAINA2, a fullword field. ••• ]) is a list of the Keywords that may be entered by the terminal user to indicate which fields are to receive input data. Each keyword may be from one to four characters in length. Any combination of alphabetic, numeric, and/or special characters may be specified. The keywords must be specified in the order in which the corresponding fields that will hold the data are defined in the fixed-format TIOA. ~eyword[,keyword, NOMATCH= specifies a value to be used during weighted retrieval, or the address to which control is to be passed if matching is unsuccessful. 492 CICS/VS APRM(M~ symbolic address is the symbolic address of a halfuord field containing the value to be subtracted from the ueighted counter if the compared fields are not equal, or it is the address to which control is to be passed if no table entry matching the search argument is found. numeric value is a decimal numeral in the range -32768 through +32767. If this parameter is omitted, the value is assumed to be in TCAWPH3. Note: All match and no-match values specified for a weighted retrieval operation must have like signs. If this operand is specified, the SUBST operand cannot be specified. NORESP=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is to be passed if no error occurs. NORESP signifies "normal response". NOTFND=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is to be passed if an attempt at weighted retrieval is unsuccessful. NOTFND signifies "record not found". NOTOPEN-symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is to be passed if the requested data set is not open. NRECDS= indicates the maximum number of records to be made available to the application program. A value from 1 to 32761 can be specified. symbolic address is the address of a halfuord field that contains the maximum number of records. numeric value is a decimal numeral indicating the maximum number of records. YES indicates that the maximum number has been placed in TCAWGCNT, a halfword field. If this operand is omitted, a default value of 200 is assumed. NULL= specifies a one-byte "null character" which, if present in either FIELD1 or FIELD2, indicates that no comparison is to be performed. symbolic address is the symbolic address of a one-byte field containing the null character. Chapter 6.3. CICSjVS Built-in Functions (DFHBIF Macro) 493 character value is a single EBCDIC character within single quotation marks. YES indicates that the null character has been placed in TCAWPNL, a one-byte field. The null character cannot be a binary zero (that is, XIOOI); such a specification is ignored. NUMERIC=symbolic address is the address to which control is to be passed if the field consists entirely of EBCDIC numbers (X'FO' through XIF9') with an optional trailing minus sign or 'CRI. OFLOW=symbolic address specifies the entry label of the user-written routine to which control is to be passed if an overflow condition occurs. ORDER= describes the sequence used in ordering the entries of the argument table and is optional if RANGE is not specified. The sequence must be EBCDIC; packed, fullword and halfword binary, and floating-point tables cannot oe searched. When this parameter is specified, a quick binary search is used (rather than a sequential search). ASCENDING indicates that table entries are organized in ascending order according to the entries in the field to be compared with the search argument. DESCENDING indicates that table entries are organized in descending order according to the entries in the field to be compared with the search argument. In either case, the field representations. If this argument table is assumed sequentially, starting at values are interpreted as EBCDIC operand is not specified, the to be unordered and is searched the last entry of the table. PACKED=symbolic address is the address to which control is to be passed if the field consists entirely of packed decimal characters, that is, of half-bytes with hexadecimal values in the range 0 through 9, except for the rightmost half-byte, which must contain a hexadecimal value in the range A through F. RANGE=YES is an optional operand indicating that, if no field compared with the search argument is an exact match, an existing table entry that would be adjacent to such an entry is to be taken as the function value. When this operand is specified, ORDER must be specified; otherwise, a sequential search of the table is made, starting at the last entry. RANGE= indicates that the compared fields are to be considered equal if FIELD2 falls vithin a given range of FIELD1. 494 CICS/VS APRM (ML) suboperand1 specifies the type of range used in the comparison. This entry can be a single character or YES, uhich indicates that the single character specifying type has been placed in TCAWPTR. The valid characters are as follows: Character ~e of Range Percentage units Value P U V suboperand2 specifies the upper limit, exceeding the value in FIELD1, which is to be considered a match. ~his entry can be a positive numeric value up to 32767 or YES, which indicates that the upper limit has been placed in TCAWPH4. suboperand3 specifies the lower limit, below the value in FIELD1, which is to be considered a match. This entry can be a positive numeric value up to 32767 or YES, which indicates that the lower limit has been placed in TCAWPH5. If suboperand3 is omitted, suboperand2 is assumed to apply both above and below the value in FIELD1. For example, if the value in FIELD1 is 165 and RANGE=(U,5) is specified, then any value from 160 through 170 is considered a match. If RANGE=(U,5,10) is specified, then any value between 155 and 170 is considered a match. If RANGE=(P,20) is specified, then any value between 132 and 198 {165*(1±20%)} is acceptable. If RANGE=(V,190,160), then any value between 160 and 190 is acceptable. If the data field contains EBCDIC characters (that is, C is specified in the FIELD1 operand), the RANGE operand is ignored. Notg: The upper bound and lower bound values are computed using the following formulas (where K is the value of FIELD1): 1. For P-type range, specified UB K LB = 2. K * (1 + * (1 x/l00) UB K * (1 + x/l 00) LB K * (1 x/l00) or y/100) For o-type range, UB = K + x specif~ed or (P,x): ~,x,y) (O,x ,y) or (U ,x) : UB = K + x or LB = K 3. y LB K- x Por V-type range, specified (V,x,y): UB = x LB = Y Chapter 6.3. CICS/VS Built-in Functions (DFHBIF Macro) 495 RDIDADR=symbol1c address is the symbolic address of the record identification field that contains ~~e partial key of the record at which the data set is to be positioned prior to the retrieval process~ if omitted, the. address is assumed to be in TCAWTRI, a fullword field. (The format of the record identification field for a VSAK data set is described under "Record Identification Field" in'Chapter 3. 1 .) SUBST= specifies a value to be stored in TARGET if no entry matching the search argument is found in the argument table. symbolic address is the address of a field that contains the value to be stored. 'literal value' is the value to be stored; single quotation marks must enclose the value in this specification but are not stored as part of the data. If this operand is specified, the TARGET operand must be specified, and the NOMATCH operand cannot be specified. TARGET=symbolic address is the symbolic address of the field in which the built-in function value is to be returned to the application program. The address of the function value is placed in TCATSAS, a fullword field, regardless of whether TARGET is specified. 496 CICS/VS APRM(ML) Part 7. Error Handling and Debugging 497 Chapter 7.1. Introduction to Error Handling and Debugging A number of aids to testing, monitoring, and debugging are provided by CICSjVS, as follows: o Sequential Terminal support - provides a method in which sequential devices, such as a card reader or disk unit, can be made to simulate the online interactive terminals or subsystems of a CICS/VS netuork. This enables early testing to be carried out without the need for remote terminals or subsystems in the network to be active. Sequential terminal support is described in Chapter 7.2. o Trace Management - provides a trace table containing entries that reflect the execution of CICS/VS macro instructions by user-written application programs and by CICS/VS management programs. The trace table can be stored also in auxiliary storage on a sequential device through the' CICSjVS Auxiliary Trace facili ty. The trace table and the DFHTR macro instruction by \'lhich it is invoked are described in Chapter 7.3. o Dump Management - provides a dump of main storage that can be analysed to locate errors in application programs or in CICS/VS. 'Areas of main storage can De dumped onto a sequential data set, either tape or disk, for subsequent offline formatting and printing by a CICS/VS utility program. The types of dumps and the DFHDC macro instruction that produces them are described in Chapt8r 7.4. o Journal Hanagement ~ provides a journal or log of the real-time activity that occurs during the execution of the CICS/VS system. This journal is stored in a sequential data set and the information it contains is essential for the reconstruction of that real-time activity. The contents of a journal, and the DFHJC macro instruction used to control these contents, are described in Chapter 7.5. o Recovery/Restart (Sync Point) Management - provides for the emergency restart of CICS/VS after it has terminated abnormally and also allows for erroneous operations to be backed out. The setting up of the sync points and the DFHSP macro instruction used to do this are described in Chapter 7.6. Chapter 7.1. Introduction to Error Handling and Debugging 499 Chapter 7.2. Sequential Terminal Support Even at the simplest level of program testing, the implementer faces problems. It is not efficient to test a program from a terminal if all test data must be keyed into the system from that terminal for each test shot. The programmer cannot easily retain a backlog of proven test data and quickly test programs through the key-driven terminal as changes are made. There is also the risk that a fault developing in a test procedure being used in an operational system could affect the whole system. CICS/VS allows the application programmer to begin testing programs without the use of a telecommunication device. It is possible to specify through the terminal control table that sequential devices be used as terminals. These sequential devicss may be card readers, line printers, disk units, or magnetic tape units. In fact, a terminal control table can include combinations of sequential devices such as: card reader and line printer, one or more disk or tape data sets as input, one or more disk or tape data sets as output. A table that contains references to these card-reader-in/line-printer-out (CRLP) terminals can also include references to other terminals on the system. The input data submitted from a sequential device must be prepared in the form that it would come from a telecommunications device. A one- to four-character transaction identification only, or if data is included, a one- to four-character transaction identification (followed by a system-defined transaction code delimiter or a blank if lass than four) must appear in the first one to four positions of the first input for a transaction. If a sequential device is being uSed as a terminal, an end-of-data indicator, a 0-2-8 punched card code (XIEOI) or th~ equivalent as specified at system generation, must follow the input message or the system-defined data termination character. The input is processed sequentially and must be unblocked. The Sequential Access Method (SAM) is used to read and write the necessary inputs and outputs. The operating system utilities can be used to create the input data sets and print the output data sets. Using this approach, it is possiole to prepare a stream of transaction test cases to do the basic testing of a program module. As testing progresses, the user can generate additional transaction streams to validate the multiprogramming capabilities of his programs or to allow transaction test cases to be run concurrently. At some point in testing, it is necessary to use telecommunication devices to ensure that the transaction formats are satisfactory, the terminal operational approach is satisfactory, and the transactions can be processed on the terminal. The terminal control table can be altered to contain more and different devices as the testing requirements change. When the testing has proven that transactions can be processed concurrently and the necessary data sets (actual or duplicate) for online operation have been created, the user begins testing in a controlled environment with the telecommunication uevices. In this environment, the transaction test cases should represent all functions of the eventual system, but on a smaller, measurable scale. For example, a company whose information system will work with 15 district offices may select one district office for the controlled test, during which all transactions, data set activity, and output activity from the system should be measured closely. Chapter 7.2. Sequential Terminal support 501 Requests for input or output from a sequential terminal are specified in terminal control macro instructions (DFHTC), just as other requests for input/output operations. In response to a DFHTC TYPE=READ, where the terminal has been described in the terminal control table as a CRLP, DISK, or TAPE terminal, data is read from the input data set until any of the following occurs: • An end-of-data indicator is detected in the input stream. (The indicator must be defined by the user at system generation time.) • sufficient input has been read to fill the input area associated with the line used for transmission. If an end-of-data indicator is not detected before the input area is filled, all further data preceding an end-of-data indicator is bypassed and treated as a system error, which is passed to the user-installation terminal error program (DFHTEP). o End of file (EOF) is detected. The READ is considered complete. Any subsequent READ is treated as a system error, which is passed to the user-installation terminal error program (DFHTEP) with a response code of 4. Wnder CICS/DOS/VS, EOF applies to a card reader only.) In response to a DFHTC TYPE=WRITE from a CRLP terminal, multiple lines are written in print format as follows: o If there is no new-line (XI 151) character within the number of characters contained in one print line of the specified line size ~s found in TCTTELPL, a field in the TCTTE), the output is written in fixed-length lines of the size specified. o If new-line characters are encountered, a new line is begun for each. writing of output continues until the end of the terminal input/output area (TIOA) is reached. For additional information about the DFHTC macro instruction, see Chapter 4.2. 502 CICS/VS APRM(ML) Chapter 7.3. Trace Control (DFHTR Macro) The CICS/VS trace facility is a debugging aid for application programmers and IBM field engineers. It maintains in main storage a trace table consisting of standard CICS/VS entries and entries defined by the user. The table is filled in a wrap-around manner: when it is full, subsequent entries begin to overwrite the entries at the beginning of the table. Tracing can be activated and deactivated by a DFHTR macro instruction in an application program or by the master terminal transaction caST. The macro instruction can also be used to specify the events to be recorded in the table. The trace entries can also be stored in auxiliary storage on a sequential data set, as well as recorded in the trace table, by the CICS/VS auxiliary trace facility, which is activated and deactivated only by the the master terminal transaction CSKT. The auxiliary-trace data set does not wrap around: all entries are preserved so that a complete history is obtained. The CICSjVS trace utility program (DFHTUP), the use of which is described in the ~ICS/V~_§yst~m ~£2grammer's Guides, can be used to print the contents of the auxiliarytrace data set or selected entries from it. Standard entries can·be recorded in the trace table each time one of the following macro instructions is issued by an application program or by a CICSjVS management or service program. (This list does not cover all entries; refer to the CICS/VS Problem Determination Guide for further details.) • DFHKC (Task Control) • DFHSC (storage Control) o DFHPC (Program Control) • DFHIC (Interval Control) • DFHDC (Dump Control) o DFHFC (File control) • DFHTD (Transient Data Control) • DFHTS (Temporary Storage Control) • DFHJC (Journal Control) • DFHBMS (Basic Mapping Support) • DFHBIF (Built-In Functions) • DFHTC (Terminal Control for VTAM-supported terminals only) • DFHSP (Sync Point Program) • DFHDI (Data Interchange Program) • CICS/VS-DL/I Interface (OS only) Chapter 7.3. Trace Control (DFHTR Macro) 503 In addition to these standard entries, other entries produced by the terminal abnormal condition program can be recorded in the trace table. These entries, termed field engineering (FE) entries, are normally inhibited but can be activated by the DFHTR macro instruction. A third class of entry, the user entry, can be defined by the application programmer with the DFHTR macro instruction. Trace control is branched to by the requesting program and executes as a service routine under the TCA of the requesting program. Registers are saved and restored. Return after the requested service has been performed is to the next sequential instruction in the requesting program. Trace Table The CICS/VS trace table consists of a trace header and a number of fixed-length entries that can be used to trace the flow of transactions through the system. Assuming that the trace program has been generated, the trace table will be built during system initialization if the number of entries specified in the TRP parameter of the DFHSIT system macro is other than zero. The trace table can be initially disabled by specifying OFF in the TRP parameter. The master terminal can be used to turn trace or auxiliary trace on or off during CICS/VS execution. If a nonzero number of entries in the trace table is specified, the address of the trace header is placed at CSATRTBA. The address of the trace table header is held in field CSATRTBA (contents of R13 plus X'11C'). Each entry in the trace table is 16 bytes in length and aligned on a double-doubleword boundary. The table is used in a wraparound manner so that when the last entry is used, the next entry is placed at the neginning of the table. The first three words of the trace table contain "HEADER AT" and the fourth word contains the address of the trace header. The trace header format is: lrlte§. 0-3 4-7 8-11 12-15 .£Ql!ten.i§ Address of the last-used entry Address of the beg inning of the table Address of the end of the table Reserved The format of an entry in the trace table is: Contents 504 o Trace identification of entry. See "Trace Identification" later in this Chapter. 1-3 If byte 0 contains other than one of the values from X-FO' througn X'FC', these bytes contain the contents of registe~ 14 at entry to the trace control program. If byte 0 contains a value from X'FO' through X'FC', these bytes contain the contents of register 14 at entry to the CICS/VS management or service program involved. 4 and 5 For user entries, these bytes are unused. CICS/VS APRM(ML) ~its 0-3) If byte 0 contains one of the values from X'PO' through X'PC' or X'CS' through X'ES', these bytes generally contain the type of request code as it relates to the CICS/VS management or service program involved as follows: Program Trace Identification Task control Storage Control Program control Interval control Dump control Pile control Transient data control Temporary storage control CICS/VS-OL/I interface Journal control Basic mapping support Built-in functions Terminal control Sync point Data interchange Trace control Dynamic transaction backout EXEC interface Pield Engineering User exit interface X'PO',X'OO' X'Pl',X'C8',X'C9 1 ,X'CA' X 'P2' X'P3' X 'P4' X 'PS' X 'P6' X'P7' X'P8' X'P9 1 X'PA',X'CO',X'CP' X'PB' X'PC' X'OSI X '07 I X'FO',X'PE',X'PF' X'CBI X'El' X'E6' through X'EF' X'OS' Indicate the type of entry, as follows: 5 (bits 4-7) X'8' Reserved X '0 ' Reserved X'9' Reserved X'l' FE entry X'2' User entry X'A' Reserved X'B' Reserved X'3' LIPO system entry X'C' Reserved X'4 ' System entry X'5 I LIPO response/return X'D' On/off entry X' 6' Reserved X'E' Aux trace entry X'F' Extended entry X'7' Reserved 6-7 Transaction identification as found in TCAKCTTA, a field in the system section of the TCA. This identification is either a user task sequence number from 1 to 9999, assigned by CICS/VS and stored in packed decimal form in the rightmost (low-order) bytes, or the system task identification (KC for task control, TC for terminal control, or JC for journal control) stored in the leftmost bytes. 8-11 Data field A. 12-15 Data field B. The contents of byte 0 and the two data fields (bytes B through 15) of application program-requested entries are determined by the OFHTR TYPE=ENTRY macro instruction. The contents of trace table entries for CICS/VS programs are fully described in the £IC~LY2-~roblem Det~min~~!Qll-~~id~. If consecutive, identical entries are generated, the first entry only is entered into the table. In these cases, a special trace control entry with trace identification X'PO' is created, and a count of the Chapter 7.3. Trace Control (OPHTR Macro) 505 nu~ber of times the previous entry is repeated is stored therein. Trace control entries with trace identification X'FEI or X'FF' indicate the turning on or turning off of the trace facility, respectively. Some of the functions required for recovery/restart as available under CICS/OS/VS are performed by the sync point program. The trace table entry for this program is described in Figure 8.B-16. An entry with a trace identification in the range from X'E6' through X'EF' is a special Field Engineering (FE) entry. The trace identification X'E6' is included in all entries produced by the terminal abnormal condition program. The contents and format of these entries are described in the CICSIVS Problem Determination Guide. If the entry is written to the auxiliary-trace data set, a 4-byte prefix is appended to the entry. This prefix contains the time that the entry was written to that data set. Auxiliary trace writes the time, to the data set, in units of 128 microseconds. The trace utility programs convert this time to hours: minutes: seconds: microseconds, when formatting the auxiliary trace output. The contents of any fields characterized as IINot used ll in the descriptions should be ignored during the analysis of a trace table entry. Trace Identification Each standard entry contains in byte zero a unigue trace identification from 240 through 0 (XIFOI through XIOOI) and information to aid the application programmer in determining where the macro instruction was issued and what type of reguest was made to the management program. The application programmer can make direct, nonstandard entries in the trace table by using the DFHTR macro instruction. A trace identification number from 0 through 199 (XIOOI through X'C7') and accompanying data is assigned for each trace entry. Thus, by defining several unique trace entries, the programmer can trace the logical path through a particular application or group of application programs. Controlling the Trace The trace control macro instruction DFHTR is used to activate and deactivate tracing, and to insert user-defined entries in the trace table. The trace can be activated and deactivated for the entire CICS/VS system or for the issuing task alone. The tracing facility can be controlled at various levels, as follows: 1. Master trace control 2. System, FE, or user control 3. (a) Within System, class control (b) With User, single task control To make a user trace entry, the master trace control flag must be on, together with either the user control flag on or the single task trace flag on. The first is accomplished by issuing DFHTR TYPE=ON, STYPE=USER; the second is done by DFHTR TYPE=ON, STYPE=SINGLE. 506 CICS/VS APRM (ML) To activat8 all tracing functions, issue DFHTR TYPE=ON, STYPE=ALL To activate system trac6 entries only, issue DFHTR TYPE=ON, STYPE=SYSTEM followed by DFHTR TYPE=ON, STYPE=(appropriate class name) or use DFHTR TYPE=ON, STYPE=ALL as above. Tracing of eaCh event specified in a DFHTR TYPE=ON macro instruction continues until terminated by a DFHTR TYPE=OFF macro instruction. The STYPE operand in the DFHTR TYPE=OFF macro instruction specifies which events are no longer to be logged. The STYPE operand of the DFHTR macro instruction is used to specify whether the instruction applies to the entire CICS/VS system or only to the issuing task (SINGLE and SYSTEM parameters). The application programmer can use the DFHTR TYPE=ENTRY macro instruction to place his own entries in the trace table. The following example illustrates how to activate the trace facility for the issuing task and then to initiate tracing for all classes of event except FE. It also shows how to suppress tracing of user entries and finally to deactivate the trace facility. DFHTR TYPE=ON,STYPE=SINGLE ACTIVATE TRACE FOR THIS TASK DFHTR TYPE=ON,STYPE=ALL START LOGGING ALL CLASSES EXCEPT FE DFHTR TYPE=OFF,STYPE=USER STOP LOGGING USER ENTRIES DFHTR TYPE=OFF,STYPE=SINGLE DEACTIVATE TRACE Initiate Trace (TYPE=ON) The format of the DFHTR macro instruction to start logging entries into the trace table is as follows: r------r-------r------------------------------------------------------------, , DFHTR , TYPE=ON I [ ,STYPE= {SINGLE I ALL I (sy stem symbo11[, sys ••• ]) I SY STEM, USER, FE} ] L._ _ _ _ L.-._ __ _ ,, L__________________________________________________. ________ Chapter 7.3 •. Trace Control (DFHTR Macro) ~ 507 Terminate Trace (TYPE=OFF) The format of the DFHTR macro instruction to stop logging entries into the trace table is as follows: I I I I DFHTR TYPE=OFF I [ ,STYPE= {SINGLE I ALL I (system symboll[, sys ••• ]) I I SYSTEMIUSERIFE}] IL______. L -_ _ _ _ _ _ L -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I I I I I ~I Selected Entry Trace (TYPE=ENTRY) The format of the DFHTR macro instruction to cause a given entry to be logged is as follows: DFHTR 508 TYPE=ENTRY [ ,STYPE= {SYSTEM IUSER I FE} ] ,ID=number [ , DATA 1= {symbol I (symbol)} ] [ ,RDATA 1= {register I (register)} ] [,DATA2={symboll ~ymbol)}] [ ,RDATA2= {register I (register)} ] [,DATA1TP={HBINIFBINICHARIPACKIPOINTER} ] [,DATA2TP={HBINIFBINICHARIPACKIPOINTER} ) CICS/VS APRM(ML) Operands of DFHTR Macro DATA1= specifies the address of the data to be placed in the first data field (bytes 8 to 11) of the trace table entry. symbol is the symbolic address of the data to be placed in the first data field of the table entry. (symbol) is the symbolic address of an area that contains the address of the data to be placed in the first data field. When this operand is included in a high-level language program, DATA1TP is required. DATA1TP= specifies the format of the data to be placed in the first data field of the trace table entry. The meanings of the keyword parameters are as stated below: Specification Data Pormat Field Definition DATA1TP=HBIN Halfword, binary COBOL: 9 (4) .COMP PL/I: BIN PIXED(15) DATA1TP=PBIN Fullword, binary COBOL: 9(8) COMP PL/I: BIN FIXED (31) DATA1TP=CHAR 1 to 4 characters COBOL: X (4) PL/I: CHAR (4) DATA1TP=PACK 1 to 4 bytes, packed decimal COBOL: 9 (7) COMP-3 PL/I: DEC FIXED (7) DATA lTP=POINTER PL/I pointer variable PL/I: POINTER This operand is valid only for COBOL and PL/I programs. omitted, the default is PBIN. If DATA2= is similar to DATAl except that it is used for the second data field ~ytes 12 to 15) of the trace table entry. When this operand is included in a high-level language program, DATA2TP is required. DATA2TP= is similar to DATA1TP except that it is used for the second data field of the trace table entry. Chapter 7.3. Trace Control (DPHTR Macro) 509 ID=number specifies the trace identification number for this entry and must be coded as a self-defining term. A number from 0 through 199 may be specified when STYPE=USERi a number from 200 through 229 may be specified when STYPE=SYSTEM; and a number from 230 through 239 may be specified when STYPE=FE. (The number 230 is included in all entries produced by the terminal abnormal condition program.) Numbers 240 through 253 (XIFO' through X'FD') are reserved for system macro instruction trace entries. The numbars 254 ~IFE') and 255 (X'FF') indicate TYPE=ON and TYPE=OFF entries, respectively. RDA'l~A 1= (Assembler-language programs only) specifies the register whose contents are to be placed in the first data field of the trace table entry. register the number of the register whose contents are to be placed in the first data field. (register) the number of the register whose contents are the address of the data to be placed in the first data field. RDATA2= (Assembler-language programs ~nly) is similar to RDATA1 except that it is used for the second data field of the trace table entry. STYPE= indicates the type of entries to be logged or for which logging is to be discontinued. If this operand is omitted, USER is assumed. SINGLE when included in the DFHTR TYPE=ON macro, specifies that the tracing of user entries is to be turned on for the task issuing the macro for the duration of the task or until turned off by a DFHTR TYPE=OFF, STYPE=SINGLE macro. when included in the DFHTR TYPE=OFF macro, specifies that the tracing of user entries is to be turned off for the task issuing the macro. ALL specifies that all tracing facilities (except Field Engineering) are to be turned on. This parameter turns on the master system trace flag and all of the individual system trace flags, in addition to performing the function of the USER parameter. It also, when used in the DFHTR TYPE=OFF macro, specifies that all tracing facilities (including Field Engineering) are to be stopped. (system symbol1[ ,sys ••• ]) specifies ona or more system symbols that turn on or off appropriate system macro trace facilities. The valid system symbols are as follows: 510 CICS/VS APRM(ML) KC SC PC IC DC FC TD TS BM SF TC SP DI UE Task Control (DFHKC) Storage Control (DFHSC) Program Control (DFHPC) Interval Control (DFHIC) Dump Control (DFHOC) File Control (DFHFC) Transient Data Control (DFHTD) Temporary Storage Control (DFHTS) Journal Control (DFHJC) Basic Mapping Support (OFHBMS) Built-In Functions (OFHBIF) Terminal Control (OFHTC) (for VTA M-supported terminals only) Sync Point Control (DFHS~ Data Interchange Control (DFHDI) User Exit Interface For TYPE=ON, each symbol turns on a single system trace flag. Before tracing of any system macros occurs, the master systam trace flag must also be turned on by means of the SYSTEM parameter. Note that two DFHTR macros must be issued to accomplish this; SYSTEM and system symbols cannot both be specified on the same macro. SYSTEM sp~cifies that the entry is a CICS/VS entry. This parameter turns on or off the system master trace flag, which must be on in addition to the individual system trace flags before tracing of any system macros occurs. When used to turn off the master trace flag it does not turn off the individual system trace flags. See also the description of the system symbols above. Therefore, although all tracing activities for the system macros are suppressed, the previous pattern of activity could be reinstated by issuing a OFHTR TY~E=ON,STYPE=SYSTEM macro instruction, without the need to issue a DFdTR TYPE=ON macro with the various system symbols defined. USER specifies that the entry is a user entry and that when included in a DFHTR TYPE=ON macro specifies that the trace facility is to be turned on for all user entries for all active tasks; that is, causes the trace facility to begin logging user entries to the trace table for all tasks currently active in the system, and for all tasks becoming active subsequently, until the user trace facility is turned off. FE (Assembler-language programs only) specifies that the entry is a Field Engineering (FE) entry. This is the only parameter that will turn on the FE tracing facilities. Chapter 7.3. Trace Control ~FHTR Macro) 511 Chapter 7.4. Dump Control (DFHDC Macro) Dump management provides the capability of dumping specified areas of main storage onto a sequential data set, either tape or disk. This data set contains information about the user's transaction or application program, and can be subsequently formatted and printed offline (or while the dump data set is closed) using a CICS/VS dump utility program (DFHDUP) • Requests for dump services are communicated to dump control through the DFHDC macro instruction. A CICS/VS Snap dump can also be req~ested by the master terminal operator. Dump control executes at the priority of the requesting program, under control of the TCA of the requesting program saving and restoring registers from this TCA. After a requested dump service has been provided, control is returned to the next executable instruction in the requesting program. Dump control operates as a serially reusable program resource. Only one service request is processed at a time. If additional requests for dUmp services are made while a dump is in progress, the tasks associated with those service requests are delayed (suspendad) and placed in a "hold" status until the dump is completed. Remaining dump request5 are serviced on a first-in first-out (PIFO) basis. The dump management macro instruction of the following services: (DPHDC) is used to request any • Dump ~ain storage areas related to a transaction and its associated task (or any other main storage areas) • Dump the following CICS/VS control taDles: program control table WCT), processing program table (PPT), system initialization table (SIT), terminal control table (TCT), file control table (FCT), ando destination control table (DCT) • Dump transaction-oriented storage areas and CICS/VS control tables • Dump selected main storage areas. • For CICS/OS/VS only, dump DL/I control blocks. To ensure a dump of the TIOA following a terminal control write that precedes a DFHDC macro instruction, the application programmer must issue a SAVE and WAIT with the DFHTC TYPE=WRITE macro instruction. When the DFHDC macro instruction is executed, information is stored in °fields TCADCTR and TCADCDC of the common communication area of the TCA, which is used for CICS/VS sarvice requests. Before doing so, however, the macro preserves the previous contents of the fields by copying TCADCTR (2 bytes) to TCACCSV1, and TCADCDC (4 bytes) to TCACCSV2. The previous contents can therefore be seen in the dump. The field TCADCDC is saved only if DMPCODE=value is specified. If DMPCODE=YBS is specified, the user must preser'Te the contents of TCADCDC (if they are to appear in the dump) before storing the dump code in that field. The Dump Control module will use the register save area, TCACCRS, of the common communication area. To see the previous contents in a dump the application program must obtain 14 words of storage into which to copy the contents of TCACCRS before issuing the DFHDC macro. Chapter 7.4. Dump Control (DFHDC Macro) 513 CICS/VS control tables will be dumped only if the CICSDMP=YES operand is specified in the DFHSG PROGRAM=DCP macro instruction at system generation. (See the CICS/VS System~rammer's Ref~ce Ma~al.) Every dump request will include the TCA, CSA, and trace table, unless one or more of these are suppressed with the SUPPR operand. The trace table will also be suppressed if the trace facility is not currently active. 514 CICS/VS APRM(!L) Dump Transaction Storage (TYPE=TRANSACTION) The format of the DFHDC macro instruction to specify a follows: ~ump is as r-------~-------ri--------------------------------------- I I I I I ______ ~I I DFHDC I TYPE=TRANSACTION I [, DMPCODE= {val ue I YES} ] I [, SUPPR= ([ CSA ][ , TCA][ ,TRT]) I ALL] ______ IL__________________________________________________________ ~ ~ This macro specifies a dump of all main storage areas related to a transaction and its associated task. This dump is normally used during the testing and debugging of user-written application programs. (CICS/VS automatically provides this service if the related task is abnormally terminated.) For CICS/OS/VS only, DL/I control blocks will also be dumped. folloaing main storage areas can be dumped: The u~rl~ 1. Task control area (TCA) and, if applicable, the transact iop area (T{'i A) 2. Common system area (CSA), including the user's portion of th9 CSli (CriA ) 3. Trace table 4. Contents of general-purpose registers upon entry to dump control from requesting task 5. Either the terminal control table terminal entry (TCTTE) or the destination control table entry associated with the requesting task 6. All transaction storage areas chained off the TCA storage accounting field 7. All program storage areas containing user-written application program(s) active on behalf of the requesting task 8. Register save areas 9. All terminal input/output areas (TIOAs) chained off the terminal control table terminal entry (TCTTE) for the terminal associated with the requesting task (if any) ~SAs) indicated by the RSA chain off the TCA Whenever the TCTTE is dumped (see 5 above), the terminal control table user area ~f any) and the message control blocks (if any) associated uith the TCTTE are dumped. The latter are used by basic mapping support. The following example illustrates the coding required to request a dump of transaction storage: DFHDC TYPE=TRANSACTION, DMPCODE=D010 REQUEST TRANSACTION STORAGE DUMP USER-SPECIFIED DUMP CODE Chapter 7.4. Dump Control (DFHDC Macro) * 515 Dump CICS/VS Storage (TYPE=CICS) The format of the DFHDC macro instruction to specify a dump of system tables is: r------~------~I------------------------------------- I I I I I ~ I DFHDC I TYPE=CICS I [,DMPCODE={valuelYES}] I [, SUPPR= ([ CSA][ , TCA ][ ,TRT]) I ALL] LI ________________________________________________________ _____ L _______ ~ The application programmer can request a dump of PCT, PPT, TCT, FCT, and DCT by issuing the DFHDC TYPE=CICS macro instruction. This facility is available if the CICSDMP=YES operand is specified in the DFHSG PROGRAM=DCP macro instruction at system generation (see the CICS/VS ~ystem Programmer's Reference Manual). This dump is typically the first dump taken in a testing situation in which the base of the test must be established; subsequent dumps are usually of the TRANSACTION type. This macro specifies that PCT, PPT, SIT, TCT, FCT, and DCT are to be dumped. The TCA (and the TWA, if applicable), CSA (and CiA), and trace table ar9 also dumped. The following example illustrates the coding required to request a dump of PCT, PPT, SIT, TCT, FCT, DCT, CSA, TCA, and the trace table: DFHDC 'rYPE=CICS, DMPCODE=D020 516 CICS/VS APRM (riL) REQUEST CICS/VS STORAGE DUMP USER-SPECIFIED DUMP. CODE * Dump Transaction Storage and CICS/VS Storage (TYPE=COMPLETE) The format of the DFHDC macro instruction to specify a complete dump is: r-----,-- I I DFHDC I I L______ I ______ ~ TYPE=COMPLETE [ ,DMPCODE= (value I YES} ] [ , SUPPR= ([ CSA][ ,TCA ][ , TRT]) I ALL] ~ ______________________________________________________ ~ The application programmer can request a dump of both transaction/task-related storage and PCT, PPT, SIT, TCT, FCT, and DCT by issuing the DFHDC TYPE=COMPLETE macro instruction. The PCT, PPT, SIT, TCT, FCT, and DCT will be dumped if CICSDMP=YES was specified in the DFHSG PROGRAM=OCP macro instruction at system generation (see the CICS/VS Syste~~ro~rammer's Reference Manual). For CICS/OS/VS only, DL/I control blocks will also be dumped. To request a complete dump is sometimes appropriate during execution of a task, but this macro instruction should not be used excessively. CICS/VS control tables are primarily static areas; therefore, requesting one CICS dump and a number of TRANSACTION dumps is generally more efficient than requesting a comparable number of COMPLETE dumps. This macro specifies that transaction/tasK-related storage and PCT, PPT, SIT, TCT, FCT, and DCT are to be dumped. The following example illustrates the coding required to request a dump of both transaction storage and PCT, PPT, SIT, TCT, FCT, and OCT: DFHDC TYPE=COMPLETE, DMPCODE=D030 Chapter 1.4. REQUEST COMPLETE STORAGE DUMP USER-SPECIFIED DUMP CODE Dump Control (OFHDC Macro) * 517 Dump Partial Storage (TYPE=PARTIAL) The format of the DFHDC macro instruction to specify a partial dump is: DFHDC TYPE=PARTIAL ,LIST= ([TERMINAL][ ,PROGRAM][ ,TRANSACTION][ ,SEGMENT]) [,DMPCODE={valueIYES} ] [ ,SUPPR= ([ CSA][ ,TCA][ ,TRT]) I ALL] The application programmer can request a dump of selected main storage ar~as related to the requesting task by issuing the DPHDC TYPE=PARTIAL macro instruction. This type of dump can be used during the testing and debugging of user-written application programs. It includes only the storage areas specified. If SEGMENT is specified in the LIST operand, the application programmer must code two instructions that place the address of thd main storage area to be dumped into TCADCSA and the length (in binary) of the area to be dumped into TCADCNB prior to execution of the DPHDC TYPE=PARTIAL macro instruction. The maximum length that can be specified in TCADCNB is 32,767 bytes. The specified area must be a valid area, that is, storage allocated by the operating system within the CICS/VS region/partition boundaries. It is possible to dump several user areas rather than just one. The application programmer must construct a table of the user areas to be dumped, and their lengths, and place the address of the table ~n TCADCSA. Also, TCADCNB must be set to zero. Both of these actions must precede the DFHDC TYPE=PARTIAL macro. The table must consist of eightbyte entries, each entry containing a four-byte length field followed by a four-byte address field. The table should then be completed by adding an extra four-byte field containing X'FFFFFFFP'. The following example shows how to request a PARTIAL storage dump that includes, along with all program storage areas, all transaction storage areas associated with this task: DPHDC TYPE=PARTIAL, LIST=(TRANSACTION, PROGRAM) , DMPCODE=DT3P REQUEST PARTIAL STORAGE DUMP AREAS ASSOCIATED WITH TRANSACTION PROGRAM STORAGE AREAS USER-SPECIFIED DUMP CODE * * * This example is applicable to Assembler language, COBOL, or PL/I programs. All values passed to CICS/VS are specified in the DFHDC macro instruction. As noted above, when SEGMENT is specified, certain values must be stored in fields of the TCA prior to execution of the DFHDC macro instruction. The programmer can also store the dump code in the TCA prior to execution of the macro instruction. The following examples show how to request a PARTIAL dump of a selected main storage area, using either Assembler language, COBOL, or PL/I. ST HVC 518 R5,TCADCSA TCADCNB,=H'16384' CICS/VS APRM ~L) PLACE STORAGE ADDRESS IN TCA PLACE LENGTH OF AREA IN TCA MVC TCADCDC,=CL4 t AB12 DFHDC TYPE=PARTIAL, LIST=SEGMENT, DMPCODE=YES t PLACE DUMP CODE IN TCA REQUEST PARTIAL STORAGE DU~P DUMP AREA PREVIOUSLY SPECIFIED DUMP CODE PREVIOUSLY SPECIFIED * NOTE PLACE STRG ADDRESS IN TCA. NOTE PLACE LENGTH OF AREA IN TCA. NOTE PLACE DUMP CODE IN TCA. REQUEST PARTIAL STORAGE DUMP DU~P AREA PREVIOUSLY SPECIFIED DUMP CODE PREVIOUSLY SPECIFIED * * For COBOL: MOVE DATADDR TO TCADCSA. MOVE 16384 TO TCADCNB. MOVE IAB121 TO TCADCDC. DFHDC TYPE=PARTIAL, LIST=SEGMENT, DMPCODE=YES * For PL/I: TCADCSA=ADDR(DATA); TCADCNB=16384 ; TCADCDC=IAB12 1 ; DFHDC TYPE=PARTIAL, LIST=SEGMENT, DMPCODE=YES /*PLACE STORAGE ADDRESS IN TCA*/ /*PLACE LENGTH OF AREA IN TCA*/ /*PLACE DUMP CODE IN TCA*/ REQUEST PARTIAL STORAGE DUMP DUMP AREA PREVIOUSLY SPECIFIED DUMP CODE PREVIOUSLY SPECIFIED Chapter 7.4. Dump Control (DFHDC Macro) * * 519 Operands of DFHDC Macro DMPCODE= is a four-character dump code to be printed out with the requested dump to identify iti this code should be unique so that it is informative concerning the condition that caused the dump. value is a combination of four alphabetic or numeric characters to be printed as the dump code. YES indicates that the dump code has been placed in TCADCDC. LIST= identifies specific areas to be dumped. TERMINAL indicates that all storage areas associated with the terminal are to be dumped. These storage areas are as follows: 1. Task control area (TCA) and, if applicable, the transaction work area (TWA) 2. Common system area (CSA), including the user's portion of the CSA (CiA) 3. Trace table 4. All terminal input/output areas ~IOAs) chained off the terminal control table terminal entry (TCTTE) for the terminal associated with the requesting task 5. contents of general-purpose registers upon entry to dump control from the requesting task 6. Either the terminal control tahle terminal entry (TCTTE) or the destination control table entry associated with the requesting task Whenever the TCTTE is dumped, the terminal control table user area (if any) and the message control blocks (if any) associated with the TCTTE are dumped. The latter are used by basic mapping support. PROGRAM indicates that all program storage areas associated with this task are to be dumped. These storage areas include: 520 CICS/VS APRM(ML) 1. Task control area (TCA) and, if applicable, the transaction work area (TWA) 2. Common system area of the CSA (CWA) 3. Trace table 4. All program storage areas containing user-vritten application program(s) active on behalf of the requesting task 5. Register save areas (RSAs) indicated by the RSA chain off the TCA 6. Contents of general-purpose registers upon entry to dump control from the requesting task 7. Either the terminal control table terminal entry (TCTT~ or the destination control table entry associated with the requesting task ~SA), including the user's portion Whenever the TCTTE is dumped, the terminal control table user area (if any) and the message control blocks (if any) associated with the TCTTE are dumped. TRANSACTION is typically used in combination with other types of PARTIAL dump requests to include all transaction storage areas associated with the task. These areas include: 1. Task control area (TCA) and, if applicable, the transaction work area (TWA) 2. Common system area of the CSA (CWA) 3. Trace table 4. Contents of general-purpose registers upon entry to dump control from the requesting task 5. All transaction storage areas chained off the TCA storage accounting field 6. Either the terminal control table terminal entry (TCTTE) or the destination control table entry associated with the requesting task 7. DL/I control blocks ~SA), including the user's portion (CICS/OS/VS only) Whenever the TCTTE is dumped, the terminal control table user area (if any) and the message control blocks (if any) associated with the TCTTE are dumped. SEGMENT is used to include in the PARTIAL dump any area of main storage specified. In addition to the selected area, the contents of the following storage areas are displayed: Chapter 7.4. Dump Control ~FHDC Macro) 521 1. Task control area (TCA) and, if applicable, the transaction work area (TWA) 2. Common system area (CSA), including the user's portion of the CSA (CWA) 3. Trace table 4. Contents of general-purpose registers upon entry to dump control from the requesting task 5. Either the terminal control table terminal entry (TCTTE) or the destination 'control table entry associated with the requesting task Whenever the TCTTE is dumped, the terminal control table user area (if any) and the message control blocks (if any) associated with the TCTTE are dumped. These parameters are not mutually exclusive. They can be specified in any combination and any order. The parentheses are optional when only one parameter is specified. At least one parameter is required. No storage area is dumped more than once as a 'result of a single DFHDC TYPE=PARTIAL request. Thus, for example, if DFHDC TYPE=PARTIAL,LIST=(TERMINAL,TRANSACTION) is specified, the contents of the TeA and CSA are displayed only once. SUPPR= indicates that one or more CICS control tables will not be dumped. The dumps to be suppressed are determined by coding one or more of the following: CSA TCA TRT Common system area Task control area Trace table These parameters are not mutually exclusive. They can be specified in any combination and any order.' The parentheses are optional when only one parameter is specified. At least one parameter is required. Alternatively, all three of the above areas can be suppressed by coding SUPPR=ALL. 522 CICS/iS APRM(ML) Chapter 7.5. Journal Control (DFHJC Macro) ~ournal management provides facilities for creating and managing 'special-purpose sequential data sets, called 'journals,' during realtime CICS/VS execution. Journals may contain data the user needs to facilitate subsequent reconstruction of events or data changes. For example, a journal might act as an audit trail, a change-file of database updates and additions, or a record of transactions passing through the system (often called a 'log'). In addition to the output services described in this chapter, journal management also provides support for: • Operational control and disposition of volumes (see the CICS/VS Programmer's Guide (DOS/VS) or the £ICS/VS System ~stem PrQ[~~~~2-Q~~de_(OS~ • Requests to switch volumes and/or read journal data sets during real-time CICS/VS execution (see the CICStyS system Progr~!§ Reference Manual) Requests for journal output services are made by issuing the journal control macro instruction (DFHJC), either directly from a user task or from a CICS/VS management program on behalf of a user task. Data may be directed to any journal data set specified in the journal control table (JCT), which defines the journals available during a particular CICS/VS execution. The JCT may define one or more journals on tape or direct access storage. Each journal is identified by a number, in the range 2 through 99, known as the journal file identification. The value of 1 is reserved for a journal known as the system log. All buffer space and other work areas needed for journal data set physical operations are acquired and managed by the journal control program (JCP). The user task supplies only the address and length of the data to be output. The data is moved to journal buffer space by JCP when building a journal record. The user task retains the use and control of the data and its CICS/VS storage area. Journal output requests are serviced by JCP. Journal records are built into blocks compatible with standard variable-blocked format. JCP uses the sequential access method of the host operating system to write the blocks to auxiliary storage. Each logical journal record begins with the standard four-byte length field, a user-specified identifier, and a system-supplied prefix. This data is followed in the journal record by any user-supplied prefix data (optional), and finally by the user-specified data. Journal control is designed so that the application programmer requesting output services need not be concerned further with the detailed layout and precise contents of journal records. He needs to know only which journal to use, what user data to specify, and what unique user-identifier to supply. Normally, he obtains this information from the application system analyst or the person(s) responsible for programs for reading journal data sets. (See the CICS/VS System Programmer's Reference Manual.) JCP builds journal records for output requests at the priority of the requesting program, under control of the TCA of the requesting program. However, the TCA is not used to communicate requests and to save/restore registers. Instaad, a separate control area called a journal control Chapter 7.5. Journal Control (DFHJC Macro) 523 area (JCA) is used; this area must be acquired by the task before any journal output requests are issued. If no other event is in-process to the journal, output to a journal data set is also initiated under the requestor's TCA. However, output event completion is always processed under a different TCA--that of a high-priority journal task associated with the journal data set. Journal tasks are activated when CICSjVS execution begins, but are suspended when there are no output events outstanding. In a heavy load situation, where many user tasks request journal output while one output is in-process, a journal task initiates more output immediately after completion of the in-process output event. The application programmer may specify parameter values for journal control requests in either of two ways: • By including the parameters in oparands of the DFBJC macro instruction by which journal services are requested, or • By coding instructions that place the parameter values in fields of the JCA prior to issuing the DFHJC macro instruction The second of these methods provides greater economy, in that the parameter values can be varied to meet the logic needs of the application, but only a single DFHJC macro instruction need be coded. Journal output services that may be requested through the journal control macro instruct10n are introduced and explained in the following paragraphs. 524 CICS/VS APRM(ML) Acquire a Journal Control Area (TYPE=GETJCA) The format of the DFHJC macro instruction to acquire a journal control area (JCA) is as follows: r------r-------r'------------------------------------------------------------, I L -_ _ _ _ _ ~ DFHJC I TYPE=GETJCA _______I L __________________________________________________________ ~ This macro specifies that an area to be used for communication between the application program and the CICS/VS journal control program is to be acquired. The address of the JCA is returned in TCAJCAAD to the application program. If journal output services are requested in an application program through DFHJC macro instructions, the application programmer must provide the symbolic definition of the JCA by copying the CICS/VS storage area map DFHJCADS. The JCA must be acquired for the task prior to any journal output requests by issuing the macro instruction: DFHJC TYPE=GETJCA The JCA may be acquired separately, as shown above, in which case no other operands are needed. Alternatively, the JCA may be acquired by and with the program's first journal output request; for example: DFHJC TYPE= (GETJCA,PUT) If the latter approach is chosen, then it is not possible to place additional parameter values for the output request directly into the JCA prior to the request, because the JCA does not exist prior to this request. If any such request is attempted, warning messages are issued and the request is not processed. In addition to acquiring the JCA for the task, the DFHJC TYPE=GETJCA macro instruction establishes addressability to the area by moving the contents of the JCA address field (TCAJCAAD) to JCABAR, the base locator specified for the area. Once acquired for the task, the JCA is reused for all subsequent journal requests issued by or on behalf of the task. Subsequent TYPE=GBTJCA requests only cause JCABAR to be reloaded with the same value. The JCA may not be released by the user. The following examples show how to acquire the journal control area (JCA) for the task: For Assembler language: COpy DFHTCADS COpy TCA SYMBOLIC DEFINITIONS JCABAR EQU CO PY 10 DFHJCADS ASSIGN BASE REGISTER FOR JCA COpy JCA SYMBOLIC DEFINITIONS GETJCA DFHJC TYPE=GETJCA Chapter 7.5. REQUEST ACQUISITION OF THE JCA Journal Control (DFHJC Macro) 525 For COBOL: 02 JCABAR PIC S9 (8) COMP. NOTE DEFINE BASE LOCATOR FOR JCA. 01 DFHTCADS COPY DFHTCADS. NOTE COPY TCA SYMBOLIC DEFINITIONS. 01 DFHJCADS COpy DFHJCADS. NOTE COpy JCA SYMBOLIC DEFINITIONS. PROCEDURE DIVISION. MOVE CSACDTA TO TCACBAR. NOTE LOAD TCA BASE LOCATOR VALUE. GETJCA. DFHJC TYPE=GETJCA REQUEST ACQUISITION OF THE JCA For PL/I: %INCLUDE DFHTCADS; /*COPY TCA SYMBOLIC DEFINITIONS*/ %INCLUDE DPHJCADS; /*COPY JCA SYMBOLIC DEPINITIONS*/ GETJCA: DFHJC TYPE=GETJCA REQUEST ACQUISITION OF THE JCA 526 CICS/VS APRM(ML) Create a Journal Record and Wait for Output (TYPE=PUT) The format of the DFHJC macro instruction to create a journal record, initiate its output, and wait for completion is as follows: r------~------~-----------------------------------------------------------, DFHJC TYPE= {PUT I (WRITE ,WAIT)} ,JFILElD={nnISYSTEMIYES} ,JTYPElD={nnnnIYES} ,JCDADDR={symbolic addresslYES} ,JCDLGTH={decimal valuelYES} [,PFXADDR={symbolic addressIYES}] [,PFXLGTH={decimal valueIYES}] [ , STARTlO= {YES I NO} ] [,NORESP=symbolic address) [,lDERROR=symbolic address] [,LERROR=symbolic address] [,lOERROR=symbolic address] [,NOTOPEN=symoolic address) [,lNVREQ=symbolic address] [,STATERR=symbolic address] This macro specifies that a journal record is to be created in the journal buffer area and then written out; the requesting task will wait until the physical record has been written. TYPE=(WRITE,WAlT) implies, and is equivalent to, TYPE=PUT. Because the maximum buffer length that can be used to write a journal record is 32,767 bytes, the combined length specified by JCDLGTH and PFXLGTH (or stored in JCALD~TA and JCALPRFX, respectively) cannot exceed 32,767. The STARTlO=YES operand specifies that the journal record is to be written out immediately. This is also the default. If STARTIO=NO is specified, initiation of output will be delayed until either the journal buffer is full, output is initiated by another request to the same journal, or one second elapses. Use of this macro ensures that the journal record is written on the auxiliary storage device associated with the journal before processing continues; the task is said to be 'synchronized' with the output event. Most ClCSjVS-provided data output service is performed in a synchronous manner. The application programmer may request synchronous journal output services either by a DFHJC TYPE=PUT macro instruction as above, or by specifying DFHJC TYPE= ~RlTE,WAIT). In both cases, certain additional keyword operands are mandatory. These keywords are JPILEID (the journal data set to receive data), JCDADDR (the address of the 'lSer data to be included in the journal record), JCDLGTH (the length of the user data) , and JTYPElD (the two-byte user-specified hexadecimal identifier for the journal record). optional accompanying keywords are PFXADDR (the address of user prefix data for inclusion in the journal record) and PFXLGTH (the length of the user prefix data); the application programmer may also include keyword operands to direct control to exceptionhandling routine s in the program. (See "Test Response to a Request for Journal Services," later in this chapter.) The following examples show how to request and wait for journal output service. Chapter 7.5. Journal Control (DFHJC Macro) 521 COpy DFHrt1CADS COpy TCA SYMBOLIC DEFINITIONS EQU COpy 10 DFHJCADS ASSIGN BASE REGISTER FOR JCA COpy JCA SYMBOLIC DEFINITIONS FWACBAR EQU COpy RECORD DS KEYDATA DS ACCNTNO DS AMOUNT DS DS NAME ADDRESS DS 9 DFRFWADS OCL90 OCL8 PL4 PL4 CL20 CL40 ASSIGN BASE REGISTER FOR FWA COpy FWA SYMBOLIC DEFINITIONS JCABAR DFRJC TYPE=PUT, JFILEID=2, JCDADDR=KEYDATA, JCDLGTH=8, JTYPEID=OFO 1, NORESP=OK OR OK DS 528 CICS/VS APRM(ML) REQUEST SYNCHRONOUS OUTPUT TO JOURNAL ID 2, OF TRE 'KEY' DATA, OF LENGTH=8 BYTES. (IDENTIFIER FOR JOURNAL RECORD) BRANCH ADDR FOR NORMAL RESPONSE * * * * * For COBOL: 02 J CA BA R PIC S 9 (8) Cali P • nOTE DEFINE BASE LOCATOR FOR JCA. 01 DFHTCADS COpy DFHTCADS. NOTE COPY TCA SYMBOLIC DEFINITIONS. 01 DFHJCADS COpy DFHJCADS. NOTE COpy JCA SYMBOLIC DEFINITIONS. 01 DFHFWADS COpy DFHFHADS. NOTE COPY FWA SYMBOLIC DEFINITIONS. 02 RECORD. 03 KEYDATA. 04 ACCNTNO PIC S9(7) COMP-3. 04 AMOUNT PIC S9(7) COMP-3. 03 NAME PIC X (20) • 03 ADDRESS PIC X(40). PROCEDURE DIVISION. HOVE CSACDTA TO TCACBAR. DFHJC TYPE=PUT, JFILEID=2, JCDADDR=KEYDATA, JCDJ.. GTH=8, JTYPEID=OFO 1, NORESP=OK NOTE LOAD TCA BASE LOCATOR VALUE. REQUEST SYNCHRONOUS OUTPUT TO JOURNAL ID 2, OF THE IKEY I DATA, OF LENGTH=8 BYTES. (IDENTIFIER FOR JOURNAL RECORD) BRANCH ADDR FOR NORMAL RESPONSE * * * * * OK. Chapter 7.5. Journal Control (DFHJC Macro) 529 lQ~~L/I: %INCLUDE DFBTCADS; /*COPY TCA SYMBOLIC DEFINITIONS*/ IINCLUDE DFBJCADS; /*COPY JCA SYMBOLIC DEFINITIONS*/ .. IINCLUDE DFHFWADS; /*COPY FWA SYMBOLIC DEFINITIONS*/ 02 RECORD, 03 KEYDATA, /*8-BYTE aINOR STRUCTURE*/ 04 ACCNTNO FIXED DECIMAL (7), 04 AMOUNT FIXED DECIMAL n), 03 NAME CBAR (20), 03 ADDRESS CHAR ~O), DFHJC TYPE=PUT, JFILEID=2, JCDADDR=KEYDATA, JCDLGTH=8, JTYPEID=OFO 1, NORESP=OK OK: 530 CICS/VS APRM(ML) REQUEST SYNCHRONOUS OUTPUT TO JOURNAL ID 2, OF THE 'KEY' DATA, OF LENGTH=8 BYTES. (IDENTIFIER FOR JOURNAL RECORD) BRANCH ADDR FOR NORMAL RESPONSE * * * * * Create a Journal Record (TYPE=WRITE) The general format of the DFHJC macro instruction to create a journal record for subsequ~nt output is as follows: DFHJC TYPE=WRITE ,JFILEID={nnISYSTE~IYES} ,JTYPEID={nnnnIYES} ,JCDADDR={symbolic addresslYES} ,JCDLGTH={decimal valuelYES} [,PFXADDR=(symbolic addresslYES}] [,PFXLGTH={decimal valueIYES}] [ ,STARTIO= {YES I NO} ] [ ,COND= ( (YES, symbolic address) 11!Q} [,NORESP=symbolic address] [,IDERROR=symbolic address] [,LERROR=symbolic address] [,NOTOPEN=symoolic address] [,INVREQ=symbolic address) [,STATERR=symbolic address] ] This macro causes a journal record to be created in the journal buffer area, but allows the requesting task to retain control and thus to continue with other processing. At some later time, the task may wish to ensure that the journal record has been written. If the JCA is to be used for any other journal requests, that task should save the event control number (four bytes) returned in JCAECN after a journal record is successfully created in response to the DFHJC TYPE=WRITE request. The event control number must be restored to the JCA immediately before the DFHJC TYPE=WAIT request used to check and wait for output. If the JCA is not used in the interim for any other journal requests for the task, there is no need to save and restore the event control number. However, restoring the event control number prior to issuing a DFHJC TYPE=WAIT macro is a good programming practice. CICS/VS management modules also u~e the JCA of the task for journal requests. For example, automatic journaling is used in the file control program, and logging can be performed for recovery purposes at the user's option. Additional keyword operands applicable to TYPE=WRITE requests are as described above under "Create a Journal Record and Wait for Output." The basic process of building journal records in the buffer space of a given journal continues until such time as one of the following situations occurs: • A request is made for synchronous output of a journal record. • A request is rejected because of insufficient journal buffer spaceo • The available buffer space is reduced below a user-specified level (see the CICS/VS System Programmer's Reference Manual) ~ At that time, all journal records present in the buffer, including any 'deferred' output resulting from asynchronous requests, are written to external storage, as one block. Chapter 7.5. Journal Control (DFHJC Macro) 531 If a task creates deferred output and delays synchronizing, the deferred output may be written 'for free' along with other requests; when the task attempts to synchronize, there will be no need for it to wait. Thus, the advantages that may be gained by deferring journal output are: (1) transactions may get better response times by waiting less, (2) the load of physical I/O requests on the host system may be reduced, and P) journal data sets may contain fewer but larger blocks and so better utilize external storage devices. However, these advantages are achievable only at the cost of more buffer space and greater programming complexity. It is necessary to plan and program to coutrol synchronizing with journal output. Additional decisions which depend on the data content of the journal record and how it is to be used must be made in the application program. In any case, the full benefit of deferring journal output is obtain8d only when the load on the journal data set is high. The STARTIO keyword governs whether output is to be initiated (YES) or not (NO). The default option is NO for WRITE requests and YES for PUT, (WRITE,HAIT), or WAIT requests. The option NO should be used uhenever possible because, if every journal request uses STARTIO=YES, no improvement over synchronous output requests, in terms of reducing the number of physical I/O operations and increasing the average block size, is possible. The COND keyword governs what happens if the journal buffer space available at the time is not sufficient to contain the journal record for the request. If the default option COND=NO is taken, the requesting task loses control. The contents of the current buffer are written out, and the journal record for this request is built in the resulting freed buffer space before control returns to the requesting task. If the requesting task is not willing to lose control, for example, if some housekeeping must be performed before other tasks get control, than COND=(YES,symbolic address) should be specified. If buffer space is momentarily insufficient, no journal record is built for the request, and control is returned directly to the requesting program at the location identified by symbolic address. The requesting program can perform any housekeeping needed before reissuing the journal output request. The following example shows how to request deferred journal output, but ensure that the requesting task retains control to perform housekeeping, if necessary. For Assembler 1anquagQ: COPY DS DFHCSADS CL10 COPY CSA SYMBOLIC DEFINITIONS AND COMMON WORK AREA COpy SAVEDATA DS MYDATA DS DFHTCADS CL10 CL10 COPY TCA SYMBOLIC DEFINITIONS SAVE AREA FOR COMMON DATA AREA FOR MY DATA JCABAR EQU COpy 10 DFHJCADS ASSIGN BASE REGISTER FOR JCA COPY JCA SYMBOLIC DEFINITIONS MVC SAVEDATA,COMDATA SAVE COMDATA 532 CICS/VS APRM(ML) CO~MON DATA liVC COM DATA ,MYDATA DFHJC TYPE=WRITE, JCDADDR=COMDATA, JCDLGTB=10, J FILEID=SYSTEM, JT!PEID=0101, STARTIO=NO, COND=(YES,RETRY), NORESP=OK OK DS OB RETRY DS MVC MVC DFHJC OH MYDATA,COMDATA COMDATA,SAVEDATA TYPE=WRITE, JCDADDR=MYDATA, JCDLGTB=10, JFILEID=SYSTEM, JTYPEID=0101, COND=NO, STARTIO=NO, NORESP=OK Chapter 1.5. REPLACE WITH MY DATA FOR WORKING REQUEST ASYNCHRONOUS OUTPUT OF COMMON DATA AREA, LENGTH=10 BYTES, TO SYSTEM LOG. ~DENTIFIER FOR JOURNAL RECORD) REQUEST DEFERRED OUTPUT, BUT RETAIN CONTROL IF ~UFFER FULL. BRANCH ADDR FOR GOOD RESPONSE * * * * * * * HOUSEKEEPING: MOVE DATA, THEN RESTORE COMMON DATA. REQUEST ASYNCHRONOUS OUTPUT OF DATA, LENGTH=10 BYTES, TO SYSTEM LOG. (IDENTIFIER FOR JOURNAL RECORD) IF BUFFER FULL, WE'LL WAIT. DEFER OUTPUT. BRANCH ADDR FOR GOOD RESPONSE * * * * * * * Journal Control (DFHJC Macro) 533 02 JCABAR PIC S9~) COMP. NOTE DEFINE BASE LOCATOR FOR JCA. 01 DFHCSADS COpy DFHCSADS. 02 COMDATA PIC X(10). NOTE COpy CSA SYMBOLIC DEFINITIONS. NOTE DEFINE COMMON DATA AREA. 01 DFHTCADS COPY DFHTCADS. 02 SAVEDATA PIC X(10). 02 MYDATA PIC X(10). NOTE COpy TCA SYMBOLIC DEFINITIONS. NOTE SAVE AREA FOR COMMON DATA. NOTE AREA FOR MY DATA. 01 DFHJCADS COpy DFHJCADS. NOTE COpy JCA SYMBOLIC DEFINITIONS. PROCEDURE DIVISION. MOVE CSACDTA TO TCACBAR. NOTE LOAD TCA BASE LOCATOR VALUE. MOVE COMDATA TO SAVEDATA. MOVE MYDATA TO COMDATA. DFHJC TYPE=WRITE, JCDADDR=COMDATA, JCDLGTH=10, JFILEID=SYSTEM, JTYPEID=0101, STARTIO=NO, COND=(YES,R3TRY), NORESP=OK NOTE SAVE COMMON DATA. NOTE REPLACE WITH MY DATA FOR WORKING. REQUEST ASYNCHRONOUS OUTPUT OF COMMON DATA AREA, LENGTH=10 BYTES, TO SYSTEM LOG. (IDENTIFIER FOR JOURNAL RECORD) REQUEST DEFERRED OUTPUT, BUT RETAIN CONTROL IF BUFFER FULL. BRANCH ADDR FOR GOOD RESPONSE * * * * * * * NOTE DO HOUSEKEEPING, THEN RETRY. NOTE MOVE DATA, THEN. NOTE RESTORE COMMON DATA. REQUEST ASYNCHRONOUS OUTPUT OF MY DATA, LENGTH=10 BYTES, TO SYSTEM LOG. (IDENTIFIER FOR JOURNAL RECORD) REQUEST DEFERRED OUTPUT, BUT IF BUFFER FULL, WE CAN WAIT. BRANCH ADDR FOR GOOD RESPONSE * * * * * * * OK. RETRY. MOVE COMDATA TO MYDATA. MOVE SAVEDATA TO COMDATA. DFHJC TYPE=WRITE, JCDADDR=MYDATA, JCDLGTH=10, JFILEID=SYSTEM, JTYPEID=0101, STARTIO=NO, COND=NO, NORESP=OK 534 CICS/VS APRM(ML) !Q.!:~: %INCLUDE DFHCSADSj DCL 01 DFHCSAWK BASED (CSACBAR) 02 FILL CHAR (512), 02 COMDATA CHAR (10); I*COPY CSA SYMBOLIC DEFINITIONS*I I*AND COHaON WORK AREA*I %INCLUDE DFHTCADSj 02 SAVEDATA CHAR (10), 02 MYDATA CHAR (10), I*COPY TCA SYMBOLIC DEFINITIONS*I %INCLUDE DFHJCADS; I*COPY JCA SYMBOLIC DEFINITIONS*I SAVEDATA=COMDATA; COMDATA=MYDATA; I*SAVE COMMON DATA*I I*REPLACE WITH MY DATA FOR WORKING*I DFHJC TYPE=WRITE, JCDADDR=COMDATA, JCDLGTH= 10, JFILEI D=SY STEM, JTYPEID=0101, STARTIO=NO, COND=(YES,RETRY), NORESP=OK I*SAVE AREA FOR COMMON DATA*I I*AREA FOR MY DATA*/ REQUEST ASYNCHRONOUS OUTPUT OF COMMON DATA AREA, LENGTH=10 BYTES, TO SYSTEM LOG. ~DENTIFIER FOR JOURNAL RECORD) REQUEST DEFERRED OUTPUT, BUT RETAIN CONTROL IF BUFFER FULL. BRANCH ADDR FOR GOOD RESPONSE * ** * * * * OK: RETRY: MYDATA=CO MDATA; COMDATA=SAVEDATA; DFBJC TYPE=WRITE, JCDADDR=MYDATA, JCDLGTH=10, JFILEID=SYSTEM, JTYPEID=0101, STARTIO=NO, COND=NO, NORESP=OK Chapter 7.5. I*HOUSEKEEPING:*I I*MOVE DATA, TBEN*I I*RESTORE COM!ON DATA.*I REQUEST ASYNCHRONOUS OUTPUT OF MY DATA, LENGTH=10 BYTES, TO SYSTEM LOG. (IDENTIFIER FOR JOURNAL RECORD) REQUEST DEFERRED OUTPUT, BUT IF BUFFER FULL, WE CAN WAIT. BRANCH ADDR FOR GOOD RESPONSE Journal Control (DFHJC Ha cro) * * * * * * * 535 Wait for Output of a Journal Record (TYPE = WAIT) The general format of the DFHJC macro instruction to wait for output of a previously created journal record is as follows: DFHJC TYPE=WAIT ,JFILEID={nnISYSTEMIYES} [ , STARTIO= {YES I NO} ] [,NORESP=symbolic address] [,IDERROR=symbolic address] [,IOERROR=symbolic address] (,NOTOPEN=symbolic address] [,INVREQ=symbolic address] This macro specifies that the requesting task is to be placed in a wait state until the block containing a journal record has been written as output (that is, the journal operation is to be synchronized with continued execution of the task issuing the journal write request). If the block containing the journal record has not been written, the requesting task is placed in a" wait state until the write is completed. The operand can be specified if the user has restored the event control number, because JCAJFID is part of the event control number. Before issuing a synchronizing request, the task must ensure that the event control number (four bytes) corresponding to the journal record in question is in field JCAECN of the JCA. An event control number is returned in JCAECN after every successful journal output request. Since the JCA is used for every journal request issued by the task (or by CICS/VS on its behalf), the requesting program must save the event control number immediately after an asynchronous output request if it is to be used later. This is necessary because the particular event control number may be overwritten during reuse of the JCA. If the JCA is not reused between the output request and the synchronize request, the requesting program need not save and restore the event control number. It is the user's responsibility to determine whether or not he needs to save and restore it. If the requesting program has made a succession of successful asynchronous output requests to the same journal data set, it is only necessary to synchronize on the last of these requests to ensure that all of the journal records have reached the external storage device. This may be done either by issuing a stand-alone DFHJC TYPE=WAIT request, or by making the last output request itself synchronous, a DFHJC TYPE=PUT or TYPE=(WRITE,WAIT). The following examples show a typical sequence of instructions to request synchronization with the output of a journal record. For Assembler language: COpy SAVEDECN DS JDATA DS DFHTCADS CL4 CL36 COpy TCA SYMBOLIC DEFINITIONS SAVED EVENT CONTROL NUMBER DATA TO WRITE TO JOURNAL JCABAR 10 ASSIGN BASE REGISTER FOR JCA 536 EQU CICS/VS APRM(ML) COpy DFHJCADS DFftJC TYPE=WRITE, JCDADDR=JDATA, OK1 DS MVC DS REQUEST ASYNCHRONOUS OUTPUT OF DATA AT JDATA, ETC. NORESP=OK 1 BRANCH TO OK1 IF GOOD RESPONSE OH SAVEDECN,JCAECN SAVE EVENT CONTROL NUMBER HVC JCAECN,SAVEDECN DFHJC TYPE=HAIT, NORESP=OK2 OK2 COPY JCA SYMBOLIC DEFINITIONS * *• * * RESTORE EVENT CONTROL NUMBER, AND SYNCHRONIZE WITH OUTPUT. BRANCH TO OK2 IF GOOD RESPONSE * OH 02 JCAB!R PIC S9(8) COMP. NOTE DEFINE BASE LOCATOR FOR JCA. 01 DFHTCADS COPY DFHTCADS. 02 SAVEDECN PIC X(q). 02 JDATA PIC X(36) • NOTE COpy TCA SYMBOLIC DEFINITIONS. NOTE SAVED EVENT CONTROL NUMBER. NOTE DATA TO WRITE TO JOURNAL. 01 DFHJCADS COpy DFHJCADS. NOTE COpy JCA SYMBOLIC DEFINITIONS. PROCEDURE DIVISION. MOVE CSACDTA TO TCACBAR. NOTE LOAD TCA BASE LOCATOR VALUE. DFHJC TIPE=WRITE, JCDADDR=JDATA, NORESP=OK1 OK1. KOVE JCAECN TO SAVEDECN. MOVE SAVEDECN TO JCAECN. Chapter 7.5. REQUEST ASYNCHRONOUS OUTPUT OF DATA AT JDATA, ETC. BRANCH TO OK1 IF GOOD RESPONSE * * * * * NOTE SAVE EVENT CONTROL NUMBER. NOTE RESTORE EVENT CONTROL NUMBER. Journal Control (DFHJC Macro) 537 DFHJC TY PB=W AIT , NORESP=OK2 AND SYNCHRONIZE WITH OUTPUT. BRANCH TO OK2 IF GOOD RESPONSE. * OK2. For PL/I: %INCLUDE DFHTCADS; 02 SAVEDECN CHAR (4), 02 JDATA CHAR (36); /*COPY TCA SY~BOLIC DEFINITIONS*/ /*SAVED EVENT CONTROL NO~BER*/ /*DATA TO WRITE TO JOURNAL*/ %INCLUDE DFHJCADS; /*COPY JCA SYMBOLIC DEFINITIONS*/ DFHJC TYPE=WRITE, JCDADDR=JDATA, NORESP=OK 1 REQUEST ASYNCHRONOUS OUTPUT OF DATA AT JDATA, ETC. BRANCH TO OKl IF GOOD RESPONSE OK1: SAVEDECN=JCAECN; /*SAVE EVENT CONTROL NUMBER*/ JCAECN=SAVEDECN; DFHJC TYPE=WAIT, NORESP=OK2 /*RESTORE EVENT CONTROL NUMBER,*/ AND SYNCHRONIZE WITH OUTPUT. BRANCH TO OK2 IF GOOD RESPONSE OK2: 538 CICS/VS APRM (ML) * * * * * * Test Response to a Request for Journal Services (TYPE=CHECK) The general format of the DFHJC macro instruction to check the CICS/VS response to a request for journal services is as follows: r------r-------·r-----------------------------------------------------------, DFHJC TYPE=CHECK [,NORESP=symbolic address] [ ,IDERROR=symoolic address] [,LERROR=symbolic address] [,IOERROR=symbolic address] [,NOTOPEN=symbolic address] [,INVREQ=symbolic address] [,STATERR=symbolic address] Journal Control Response Codes To test a response code the application programmer must know the actual settings of the response code, which is returned at JCAJCRC. The possible response codes and the requests, conditions, and keyword operands to which they correspond are identified in Figure 7.5-1. Chapter 7.5. Journal Control (DFHJC Macro) 539 Journal Requestl by DFHJC Macro I Instruction I Condition I Response codes in JCAJCRC I IAssembler I COBOL PL/I PUT,WRITE,WAIT, CHECK NORESP (Normal response) X'OO' LOW-VALUES (JCARCNR) 00000000 PUT,WRITE,WAIT, CHECK IDERROR (Journal identifica tion error) X'Ol' 12-1-9 (JCARCIDE) 00000001 PUT,WRITE,CHECK LERROR (Journal record length error) X'06' 12-6-9 (JCARCLE) 00000110 PUT,WAIT,CHECK IOERROR (Output I/O error) X '07' 12-7-9 (JCARCIOE) 00000111 PUT,WRITE,WAIT, CHECK NOTOPEN (Journal not open) X '05' 12-5-9 (JCARCNOE) 00000101 PUT,WRITE,WAIT, CHECK INVREQ (Invalid request) X'02' 12-2-9 (JCARCIRE) 00000010 PUT,WRITE,CHECK STATERR (Request incompat-I ible with current status of journal X'03' 12-3-9 (JCARCSE) 00000011 I I Note: I The names enclosed in parentheses in the COBOL column indicate I the condition names generated by CICS/VS. These names may be IL______________ used in testing for the conditions in a COBOL program. .__________________________________________________________ Figure 7.5-1. ~ Journal Control Response Codes If the application programmer does not provide for checking a particular response code and the corresponding condition occurs, program execution resumes at the instruction immediately following the DFHJC macro instruction which requested the journal service. 540 CICS/VS APRM(ML) Operands of DFHJC Macro COND= specifies that control is to be returned to the application program if the request cannot be satisfied immediately because insufficient journal buffer space is available. If control is to be returned, the point of return must be specified as a second parameter of this operand. (YES,symnolic address) indicates that control is to be returned to the location represented by symbolic address in the application program if the request cannot be satisfied immediately. No journal record will have been created for the request. NO indicates that the contents of the current buffer are to be written out and the requesting task placed in a wait state until its request has been satisfied (by the building of a record in buffer space freed by the write operation). IDERROR=symbolic address is the address to which control is to be returned if the specified journal file identification does not exist in the journal control table (JCT). INVREQ=symbolic address is the address to whiCh control is to be returned if the TYPE operand is invalid. IOERROR=symbolic address is the address to which control is to be returned if the physical output of a journal record was not accomplished because of an unrecoverable I/O error. This operand is applicable only to requests that may cause a Hait for completion of output, that is, to TYPE=PUT, TYPE=(WRITE,WAIT), or TYPE=WAIT. JCDADDR is the address of the user data to be built into the journal record. symbolic address is the symbolic address of the user data. YES indicates that the address of the user data has been placed in JCAADATA prior to issuing this macro instruction. JCDLG'rH= is the length of the user data to be built into the journal record. decimal value is a decimal numeral in the range from 1 to 32000 ~r a lower maximum, because of the journal buffer size), indicating the length, in bytes, of the user data. Chapter 7.5. Journal Control (DFBJC Macro) 541 YES indicates that the length, in binary, of the user data has been placed in JCALDATA prior to issuing this macro instruction. JFILEID= is the one-byte identification of the journal file (data set) referred to in this journal operation. nn is a decimal value in the range from 2 through 99 to be taken as the journal file identification. SYSTE" indicates that the system log data set is the journal for this operation. YES indicates that the journal file identification has been placed in JCAJFID prior to issuing this macro instruction. JTYPEID= is an identifier to be placed in the journal record to identify its origin. nnnn is a one- to four-character hexadecimal value to be taken as the identifier for the journal record; if fewer than four characters are specified, padding with zeros occurs on the right. YES indicates that the journal record identification has been placed in JCAJRTID prior to issuing this macro instruction. LERROR=symbolic address is the address to which control is to be returned if the computed length for the journal record exceeds the total buffer space allocated for the journal data set, as specified in the JCT entry for the data set. NORESP=symbolic address is the address to which control is to be returned if the requested operation was performed successfully. NOTOPEN=symbolic address is the address to which control is to be returned if the journal request cannot be satisfied because the specified journal data set has been disabled and is not available. PFXADDR= is the address of user prefix data to be included in the journal record. symbolic address is the symbolic address of the user prefix data. 542 CICS/VS APR" ~L) YES indicates that the address of the user prefix data has been placed in JCAAPRFX prior to issuing this macro instruction. PFXLGTH= is the length of the user prefix data to be included in the journal record. decimal value is a decimal numeral in the range from 1 to 32000 (or a lower maximum, because of the journal buffer size), indicating the length, in bytes, of the user prefix data. YES indicates that the length, in binary, of the user prefix data has been placed in JCALPRFX prior to issuing this macro instruction. STARTIO= specifies whether output of the journal record is to be initiated immediately. YES indicates that output of the journal record is to be initiated. NO indicates that no output operation is required at this time. The default value is YES if a synchronizing request is issued, namely PUT, (WRITE,WAIT), or WAIT. The default is NO for a simple WRITE request. If STARTIO=NO is specified with a synchronizing request the maximum delay allowed before output is initiated is one second. srATERR= is the address to which control is to be passed if the current status of the journal precludes the requested operation. For example, a status error will occur if a DFHJC TYPE=PUT macro is issued for a journal file that has been closed and then opened for input. This is because closing the file gave exclusive control to the requesting task but opening for input has not released exclusive control. (For further details, refer to the CI£§L!~~y~tem P~gra~g~§~uig~.) Chapter 7.5. Journal Control (DFHJC Macro) 543 Chapter 7.6. Recovery IRestart (SYNC Point) Control (DFHSP Macro) Sync point management works in conJunction with other CICS/VS components, such as transient data management and file management, to provide the user with facilities needed for an emergency restart after an abnormal termination of CICS/VS. In an emergency restart, changes made in protected resources (for example, in transient data intrapartition queues) can be backed out for tasks that were "in flight" at the time of failure. This backout is based upon information about the tasks recorded on a system log during execution. Each synchronization point in an application program marks the completion of a logical unit of work. By definition, a logical unit of work (LUW) is an application programmer-defined unit of work that performs a complete processing function. One task may perform one LUi, or several LUWs, generally delimited by conversational terminal operations (a terminal write, followed by a terminal read). Specify a Synchronization Point (TYPE=USER) The format of the DFHSP macro that specifies completion of a logical unit of work, or sync point, is as follows: ~-----r-------~-----------------------------------------------------------' I I DFHSP I TYPE=USER A sync point is always requested by CICS/VS at termination of a task. The completion of a logical unit of work indicates to CICS/VS that: • All updates or modifications performed by the task are logically complete, and should not be backed out if a system failure occurs. • Functions requested prior to the synchronization point, but deferred until the end of the logical unit of work, are to be processed, even if a subsequent system failure occurs. An example of such an operation is a purge of a transient data intrapartition queue, as requested by the application program. • All resources protected aatomatically on behalf of the task up to this point are to be released. An example of such a resource may be a transient data intrapartition destination that is logically associated with the task or a resource previously enqueued by the user. • All resources previously enqueued by the user are dequeued. The location of a sync point for a task on the system log data set, relative to other logged activity for that task, determines the extent to which CICSjVS (or user programs) may need to provide transaction backout. Generally, sync points are not needed for short-duration tasks. Chapter 7.6. Recovery/Restart Control (DFHSP Kacro) 545 Sync points are also used by C1CS/VS to delimit the extent to which user data set modifications may need to be backed out for a task. During emergency restart, C1CS/VS collects all user data set modifications for tasks that were engaged in a LUW at the time of uncontrolled shutdown and copies them in a restart data set. The modifications can then be read by the C1CS/VS transaction backout program or by user-written programs executed during the postinitialization phase of restart. Through these facilities, sync point management not only permits emergency restart but also provides the means by which the activity required for such restart can be controlled by the user. The functions performed by other C1CS/VS programs involved in sync point/uncontrolled shutdown/emergency restart activities are explained in greater detail in the C1CS/VS~stem Programmer's Reference Manual and £1CS~ system/Application Design Guide. A sync point request for a task that is scheduled to use a OL/1 resource implies the release of that resource. This means that if, after issuing a OFHSP TYPE=USER macro instruction, access to a OL/1 data base is required, the desired PSB must be rescheduled through the DFHFC TYPE=(OL/I,PSB) macro ~nstruction. The previous position of that data base has been lost. conversely, when a OL/1 termination instruction is issued, CICS/VS will issue a DFHSP TYPE=USER instruction on behalf of the task that is releasing a PSB. Any BMS logical message that has beeu started but not completed when a DFHSP macro is issued is forced to completion by means of an implied DFHBMS TYPE=PAGEOUT instruction. !ote: If sync points are to be issued in a transaction that is eligible for transaction restart, the application programmer must seek advice from the systems programmer. I Backout Recoverable Resources (TYPE=ROLLBACK) (Assembler Language Only) The format of the DFHSP macro that restores recoverable resources is as follows: ~-----~-------r------------------------------------------------------------' I I IL______ I DFHSP I TYPE=ROLLBACK ~ _______ III_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ This macro causes all changes to recoverable resources made by the task since its last sync point to be backed out so that those resources are then in the state that they were at the time the sync point was taken. After the recoverable resources have been restored, a sync point is taken and control is passed to the user. 546 CICS/VS APRM(ML) Part 8. Appendixes 547 Appendix A. Example of a CICS/VS Application Program This appendix contains an executable application program that performs a limited message switching function; that is, data collection, message entry, and message retrieval. The program is shown in each of the languages supported under CICSjVS: Assembler language, COBOL, and PL/I. *********************************************************************** * ASS E M B L E R E X AMP L E PRO B L E M * * *********************************************************************** * TITLE 'CICS/VS MESSAGE SWITCHING PROGRAM EXAMPLE' DFHCOVER **********************************************************************~ ** * * A P P L I CAT ION PRO G RAM * ** * *********************************************************************** * * * DUM M Y SEC T ION S * * * *********************************************************************** TWA'rSRL TWATDDI TWAREAI TWAQEMCI Tc'rTEAR TIOABAR TIOADATA T IOATID TIOARRI TIOARAIl TIOADID TIOASSF TIOAMBA TIOARAI2 COpy EJECT COpy DS DS DS DS DS EJECT EQU COpy EQU COpy DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DFHCSADS DFHTCADS H H CL4 CL4 C 11 DFHTCTTE 10 DFHTIOA OCLaO CL4 C OC16 OCL3 CL4 OCL4 C OC CL3 COPY COMMON SYSTEM AREa DSECT LISTING CONTROL CARD - EJECT COPY TASK CONTROL AREA DSECT TEMPORARY STORAGE RECORD LENGTH DESTINATION IDENTIFICATION RETRIEVE ALL INDICATOR QUEUE EMPTY MESSAGE CONTROL IND LISTING CONTROL CARD - EJECT TERM CONT TABLE TERM ENT ADR RG COPY TERM CONT TABLE TERM ENTRY TERM I/O AREA BASE AOOR REG COpy TERMINAL I/O AREA OSECT DATA AREA TRANSACTION IDENTIFICATION DELIMITER RESUME REQUEST IDENTIFICATION RETRIEVE ALL INDICATOR 1 DESTINATION IDENTIFICATION SUSPEND STORAGE FACILITY IDENT DELIMITER TER~INAL MESSAGE BEGINNING ADDR RETRIEVE ALL INDICATOR 2 *********************************************************************** TDIABAR SPACE a EQU 9 COpy DFHTDIA EJECT App&ndix A. LISTING CONTROL CARD - SPACE a TRANS DATA IN AREA BASE ADDR RG COPY TRANS DATA INPUT AREA LISTING CONTROL CARD - EJECT Example of a CICS/VS Application Program 549 *********************************************************************** * * * * A P P L I CAT ION PRO G RAM * * * * *********************************************************************** CICSATP CSECT CONTROL SECTION - APPL TEST PGM USING *,3 USING REGISTER 3 AT * LOAD PROGRAM BASE REGISTER LR 03,14 B ATPIPIN GO TO INIT PROG INSTR ENTRY *********************************************************************** EJECT LISTING CONTROL CARD - EJECT *********************************************************************** * * * DEC L A RAT I V E S * * * *********************************************************************** MCPDIEM DC Y~CPDEML-4) TERMINAL MESSAGE LENGTH DC H'O' NEW LINE SYMBOL CONSTANT DC X'lS' DC 08X'17' HARDCOPY TERM IDLE CHARACTERS DC C'DESTINATION IDENTIFICATION ERROR - PLEASE RESUBMIT' NEW LINE SYMBOL CONSTANT DC X'lS' TERMINAL MESSAGE TOTAL LENGTH MCPDEML EQU *-MCPDIEM *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** * D A T A COL L E C T ION * *********************************************************************** DCPDCAML DC DATA COLL ACKNOWLEDGMENT LEN Y ~'DCPDCAMD) DC H'O' C' DATA COLLECTION HAS BEEN REQUESTED AND IS ABOUT TO BE* DCPDCAMD DC GIN DATA COLLECTION ACKNOWLEDGMENT DCPEODML DC Y(L'DCPEODMD) END OF DATA MESSAGE LENGTH DC H'O' DCPEODMD DC C' THE DATA HAS BEEN RECEIVED AND DISPATCHED TO THE DESI* GNATED DESTINATION END OF DATA MESSAGE DCPEOVML DC Y(L'DCPEOVMD) DC HIO' DCPEOVMD DC CI END OF VOLUME REQUEST HAS BEEN RECEIVED DCPSRAM DC Y{DCPSRAL-4) TERMINAL MESSAGE LENGTH DC alo' NEW LINE SYMBOL CONSTANT DC X'lS' HARD COPY TERM IDLE CHARACTERS DC 08X I 17 1 DC C'DATA COLLECTION SUSPENSION HAS BEEN REQUESTED I NEW LINE SYMBOL CONSTANT DC X'ls' TERMINAL MESSAGE TOTAL LENGTH DCPSRAL EQU *-DCPSRAM DCPRRAM DC Y{DCPRRAL-4) TERMINAL MESSAGE LENGTH DC H'O' DC X'ls' NEW LINE SYMBOL CONSTANT DC OSX'17' HARDCOPY TERM IDLE CHARACTERS DC C'DATA COLLECTION RESUMPTION HAS BEEN REQUESTED AND IS I DC C'ABOUT TO BEGIN' DC X'ls' NEW LINE SYMBOL CONSTANT DCPRRAL EQU *-DCPRRAM TERMINAL MESSAGE TOTAL LENGTH *********************************************************************** SPACE 4 LISTING CONTROL CARD - SPACE 4 *********************************************************************** * M E S SAG E E N TRY * *********************************************************************** MEPMEAML DC Y(LIMEPMEAMD) MSG ENTRY ACKNOWLEDGMENT LNGTH DC HIO' MEPMEAMD DC C' YOUR MESSAGE HAS BEEN RECEIVED AND DISPATCHED TO THE * DESIGNATED DESTINATION • MESSAGE ENTRY ACKNOWLEDGMENT **~******************************************************************** SP'C~ 4 LISTING CONTROL CARD - SPACE 4 *********************************************************************** * M E S SAG E R E T R I E V A L * ***************~******************************************************* MRPNMMM 550 DC DC Y ~RPNMML-4) HIO' CICS/VS ~PRM(ML) TERMINAL MESSAGE LENGTH MRPNIH1L MRPNMQM MRPNQML NET,~ LINE SYMBOL CONS'rANT qARDCOPY TERM IDLE CHARACTERS X '15' OSl'17' DC DC DC CITHERE ARE DC C"~SSAGZS DC EQU DC DC DC DC DC DC EQU X'15 1 *-MRPNMMM Y(MRPNQML-4) ~O ~ORE QUEJ~D I ¥OR fHIS DESTINATION' NEW LINE SYMBOL CONSTANT TER~INAL MESSAGE TOTAL LENGTH TERMINAL MESSAGE LENGTH H '0 ' NEW LINE SYMBOL CONSTANT HARDCOPY TERM IDLE CHARACTERS C'THERE ARE NO MESSAGES QUEUED FOR THIS DESTINATION' NEW LINE SYMBOL CONSTANT X '15 ' TERMINAL MESSAGE TOTAL LENGTH *-MRPNMQI1 X '15 ' OSX '17' *********************************************************************** EJECT LISTING CONTROL CARD - EJECT *********************************************************************** * * * IMP ERA T I V E S * * * *********************************************************************** * * * * *********************************************************************** ATPIPIN DS DC DS L L CLC BE CLC BE CLC BE DPHPC OD STORAGE ALIGNMENT - DOUBLEWORD CL32'MESSAGE CONTROL PROGRAM' OD INITIAL PROGRAM INSTRUCTION ENT' TCTTEAR,TCAFCAAA LOAD TERM CONT AREA ADDR REG TIOABAR,TCTTEDA LOAD TERM I/O AREA ADDR REG =C'DSDC',TIOATID COMPARE TRANSACTION IDENT ALPDCPN GO TO DATA COLLECTION PROG IF = =CIDSME',TIOATID COMPARE TRANSACTION IDENT ALPMEPN GO TO MESSAGE ENTRY PROG IF = =C'DSMR',TIOATID COMPARE TRANSACTION IDENT ALPMRPN GO TO MESSAGE RETRIEVAL PROG TYPE=ABEND, * ABCODE=XAPT EJECT LISTING CONTROL CARD - EJECT *********************************************************************** * * * * A P P L I CAT ION LOG I C * * * * *********************************************************************** D A T A COL L E C T ION *********************************************************************** DC CL32'DATA COLLECTION PROGRAM' *********************************************************************** ALPDCPN DCPFEOV DS CLC BNE MVC MVC MVC DFHTS OH DATA COLLECTION PROGRAM ENTRY =C'RESUME',TIOARRI COMPARE FOR RESUME REQUEST DCPRRBN GO TO RESUME REQUEST BYPASS TIOATDL (DCPRRAL),DCPRRAM MOVE TERMINAL MESSAGE TO OUTPUT TCATSDI(4) ,=C'DSDC' MOVE TEMP STRG DATA IDENT TCATSDI+4(4) ,TCTTETI MOVE TEMP STRG DATA IDENT TYPE=GET, * TSDADDR=TWATSRL, * NORESP=DCPRRNR, * RELEASE=YES DFHPC TYPE=ABEND, * ABCODE=XDCR EQU * FORCED END OF VOLUME ROUTINE DFHTD TYPE=FEOV ISSUE TRANSIENT DATA MACRO MVC TIOATDL«4+L'DCPEOVMD» ,DCPEOVML DFHTC TYPE= (WRITE) B RETURN *********************************************************************** DCPRRBN EQU MVC MVC CLC BE MVC * RESUME REQUEST BYPASS ENTRY TWATDDI,TIOADID MOVE DESTINATION IDENTIFICATION TCATDDI,TWATDDI TIOAMBA(4),=C'FEOV' CHECK FOR FORCED END OF VOL REQ DCPFEOV BRANCH TO END OF VOLUME ROUTINE TIOATDL«(4+LIDCPDCAMD» ,DCPDCAML Appendix A. Example of a CICSjVS Application Program 551 DCPRRNR * EQU DFHTC rYPE=(WRITE) DFHTC TYPE=(READ) RESOME REQUEST NORMAL RESPONSE *********************************************************************** DCPTEWN DCPSRMB DCPSRAB DCPSRNR DCPSRBN SPACE DS DFHTC L CLC BE CLC BE CLC BNE HVC MVC MVC CLC BNE DFHTS 4 OH TYPE=(WAIT) TIOABAR,TCTTEDA =C'DUMP',TIOATID DCPDPTS =C'EOD',TIOADBA DCPEXIT =C'SUSPEND',TIOADBA DCPSRBN TWATSRL,=H'32 1 TCATSDI ~),=C'DSDCt TCATSDI+4(4) ,TCTTETI =CtMAIN',TIOASSF DCPSRMB TYPE=PUT, TSDADDR=TWATSRL, STORFAC=MAIN DCPSRAB B EQU DFHTS TYPE=PUT, TSDADDR=TWATSRL, STORFAC=AUXILIARY EQU * DPHTS rYPE=CHECK, NORESP=DCPSRNR DFHPC TYPE=ABEND, ABCODE=XDCS EQU * TIOATDL (DCPSRAL),DCPSRAM HVC DFHTC TYPE=(WRITE) B RETURN EQU HVC TCATDDI,rWATDDI XC TCTTEDA,TCTTEDA DFHTC TYPE=(RE~D) 14,TIOATDL LH LA lij,4(O,14) STH 14,TIOATDL DFHTD TYPE=PUT, TDADDR=TIOATDL, NORESP=DCPNRCN, IDERROR=DCPDIEN DFHPC TYPE=ABEND, ABCODE=XDCP * * LISTING CONTROL CARD - SPACE 4 TERMINAL EVENT WAIT ENTRY LOAD TERM I/O AREA ADDR REG GO TO DUMP TRANSACTION STORAGE COMP DATA FOR EOD INDICATION GO TO EXIT IF EQUAL CO~PARE FOR SUSPEND REQUEST GO TO SUSPEND REQUEST BYPASS MOVE TEMP STRG RECORD LENGTH MOVE TEMP STRG DATA IDENT MOVE TEMP STRG DATA IDENT GO TO MAIN STRG FACILITY BYPASS * * GO TO AUX STRG FACILITY BYPASS MAIN STORAGE FACILITY BYPASS * * AUX STORAGE FACILITY BYPASS * * SUSPEND REQUEST NORMAL RESPONSE MOVE TERMINAL MESSAGE TO OUTPUT GO TO RETURN ENTRY SUSPEND REQUEST BYPASS ENTRY MOVE DESTINATION IDENTIFICATION RESET TERMINAL DATA ADDRESS LOAD TERMINAL DATA LENGTH INCREMENT TERMINAL DATA LENGTH STORE TERMINAL DATA LENGTH * * * * *********************************************************************** DCPNRCN D~ OH ST TIOABAR,TCASCSA DFHSC TYPE=FREEMAIN B DCPTEWN NORMAL RESP CODE ENTRY ADDRESS STORE TERM I/O AREA ADDRESS GO TO TERM EVENT WAIT ENTRY *********************************************************************** SPACE 4 LISTING CONTROL CARD - SPACE 4 *********************************************************************** DCPDPTS EQU DFHDC XC DFHTC B * DUMP TRANSACTION STOR ROUTINE TYPE=TRANSACTION,DMPCODE=TRAN TCTTEDA,TCTTEDA CLEAR TERMINAL DAT~ AREA ADDR TYPE=(READ) DCPNRCN RETURN TO MAINSTREAM LOGIC ************.********************************************************** SPACE 4 *********************************************************************** 552 CICS/VS APRM(ML) DCPEXIT * EQU EXIT MVC TIOATDL (~+L'DCPEODMD»,DCPEODML DFHTC TYPE=(WRITE) B RETURN GO TO RETURN ENTRY *********************************************************************** EJECT LISTING CONTROL CARD - EJECT *********************************************************************** * M E S SAG E * E N TRY *********************************************************************** DC CL32'MESSAGE ENTRY PROGRAM' *********************************************************************** ALPMEPN DS MVC MVC LH LA STH DFHTD OH TCATDDI,TIOADID TIOATID,TCTTETI 14,TIOATDL 14,~(0,14) 14,TIOATDL TYPE=PUT, TDADDR=TIOATDL, NORESP=MEPNRCN, IDERROR=MEPDIEN DFHPC TYPE=ABEND, ABCODE=XMEP MESSAGE ENTRY PROGRAM ENTRY MOVE DESTINATION IDENTIFICATION MOVE SOURCE IDENTIFICATION LOAD TERMINAL DATA LENGTH INCREMENT TERMINAL DATA LENGTH STORE TERMINAL DATA LENGTH * * * * *****************~***************************************************** KEPNRCN DS MVC DFHTC B OR NORMAL RESP CODE ENTRY ADDRESS TIOATDL«4+L'MEPMEAMD»,MEPMEAML TYPE= ~RITE) RETURN GO TO RETURN ENTRY *********************************************************************** EJECT LISTING CONTROL CARD EJECT *********************************************************************** * * M E S SAG E R E T R I E V A L *********************************************************************** DC CL32'MESSAGE RETRIEVAL PROGRAM' *********************************************************************** SPACE 4 LISTING CONTROL CARD - SPACE 4 *********************************************************************** ALPMRPN MRPAI1B MRPDEBN DS MVC MVC CLC BNE BVC B DS CLC BE MVC DS OH TWAREAI,TIOARAI2 TWATDDI,TCTTETI =C'ALL',TIOARAI1 MRPAI1B TWAREAI,TIOARAI1 MRPDEBN OH =CL4' ',TIOADID MRPDEBN TWATDDI,TIOADID OH MESSAGE RETRIEVAL PROGRAM ENTRY MOVE RETRIEVE ALL INDICATOR MOVE DESTINATION IDENTIFICATION COMPARE ALL INDICATOR FOR ALL MOVE RETRIEVE ALL INDICATOR ALL INDICATOR 1 BYPASS COMPARE DEST IDENT TO BLANKS GO TO DEST ID = BL IF EQUAL MOVE DESTINATION IDENTIFICATION DESTINATION IDENT EQUALS BLANKS ********.**************************************~*********************** SPACE 4 LISTING CONTROL CARD - SPACE 4 ******************************************~**************************** MRPGTDN DS OH MVC TCATDDI,TWATDDI DFHTD TYPE=GET, NORESP=MRPNRCN, QUEZERO=MRPQERN, IDERROR=MRPDIEN DFHPC TYPE=ABEND, ABCODE=XMRP GET TRANSIENT DATA ENTRY MOVE DESTINATION IDENTIFICATION * * * * *********************************************************************** SPACE 2 LISTING CONTROL CARD - SPACE 2 *********************************************************************** MRPNRCN DS L OH TDIABAR,TC~TDAA Appendix A. NORMAL RESP CODE ENTRY ADDRESS LOAD TRANS DATA AREA ADDRESS Example of a CICSjVS Application Program 553 MRPMTDI DFHTC TYPE= (WAIT) MRPMTDI+1 (1) ,TDIAIRL+1 MVC TIOATDL (0) ,TDIAIRL MVC LH 14,TIOATDL 14,=H'4 1 SH STH 14,TIOATDL DFHTC TYPE=(WRITE, SAVE) =CL3'ALLI,TWAREAI CLC BNE RETURN MVI TWAQEMCI,XIFF' MRPGTDN B MOVE DATA LENGTH TO MOVE INSTR MOVE TRANS DATA TO TERM AREA LOAD TERMINAL DATA LENGTH SUBTRACT 4 FROM LENGTH STORE TERMINAL DATA LENGTH * COMPARE RETRIEVE ALL IND TO ALL GO TO RETURN ENTRY IF NOT EQUAL MOVE MESSAGE CONTROL INDICATOR GO TO GET TRANSIENT DATA ENTRY *********************************************************************** SPACE 4 LISTING CONTROL CARD - SPACE 4 *********************************************************************** MRPQERN DS CLI BE MVC B MRPNMQMB DS DFHTC MVC OH TWAQEMCI,X'FF' MRPNMQMB TIOATDL(MRPNQML),MRPNMQM MRPWRCS OH TYPE=(WAIT) TIOATDL(MRPNMML),MRPNMHM DESTINATION QUEUE EMPTY ENTRY COMPARE MESSAGE CONTROL IND GO TO 80 MSG QUEUED MSG BYPASS MOVE TERMINAL MESSAGE TO OUTPUT GO TO WRITE & RETURN TO C S NO MESSAGES QUEUED MSG BYPASS MOVE NO MORE MESSAGE TO T 0 A *********************************************************************** MRPWRCS DS OH DFHTC TYPE=(WRITE) B RETURN WRITE AND RETURN TO CONT SYS GO TO RETURN ENTRY *********************************************************************** EJECT LISTING CONTROL CARD - EJECT *********************************************************************** ************************************************************************ * ** DCPDIEN HEPDIEN MRPDIEN DS ST DS DS MVC DFHTC OH TIOABAR,TCTTEDA OB OB TIOATDL(MCPDEML),MCPDIEM TYPE= (WRITE) DESTINATION IDENT ERROR ENTRY STORE TERM 1/0 AREA ADDRESS DESTINATION IDENT ERROR ENTRY DESTINATION IDENT ERROR ENTRY MOVE TERMINAL MESSAGE TO OUTPUT *********************************************************************** RETURN SPACE 4 DS OH DFHPC TYPE=RETURN LISTING CONTROL CARD - SPACE 4 RETURN TO CONTROL SYSTEM *********************************************************************** LTORG * LITERAL ORIGIN AT CICSATP END OF ASSEMBLY - * *********************************************************************** END 554 CICS/VS APRM(ML) APPL TEST PGM *********************************************************************** COB 0 L E X A H P L E PRO B L E M *********************************************************************** ID DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. CICSATP. ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. DATA DIVISION. WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. *77 77 77 77 DCPDCAML DCPDCAMD PIC 99 PIC X(58) , BEEN REQUESTED AND IS DCPEODML PIC 99 DCPEODMD PIC X(73) 'ECEIVED AND DISPATCHED , 77 77 77 77 77 *01 MELMEAML MEPMBAMD . C0I1P VALUE 58. , DATA COLLECTION HAS VALUE ABOUT TO BEGIN '. COMP VALUE 73. VALUE • THE DATA HAS BEEN R TO THE DESIGNATED DESTINATION PIC 99 COMP VALUE 77. PIC X(77) VALUE 'YOUR MESSAGE HAS BEE 'N RECEIVED AND DISPATCHED TO THE DESIGNATED DESTINAT 'ION PIC 99 MRPNMML COliP VALUE 68. PIC 99 COliP VALUE 63. MRPNQML PIC 99 COMP VALUE 64. MCPDEHL MESSG1. PIC 99 COMP VALUE 60. 03 MCPDIEli PIC 99 VALUE ZERO. 03 FILLER COMP VALUE DESTINAT ION 03 MESSAGE1 PIC X (60) , IDENTIFICATION ERROR - PLEASE RESUBMIT ,. *01 *01 MESSG2. 03 MRPNHMM PIC 99 PIC ~9 03 FILLER 03 11ESSAGE2 PIC X (64) '0 MORE MESSAGES QUEUED COliP VALUE 64. VALUE ZERO. CaMP VALUE THERE ARE N FOR THIS DESTINATION' MESSG3. 03 MRPNMQM PIC 99 03 FILLER PIC 99 03 MESSAGE3 PIC X(59) '0 MORE MESSAGES QUEUED CaMP VALUE 59. CaMP VALUE ZERO. VALUE THERE ARE N FOR THIS DESTINATION ' *LINKAGE * 01 * 01 *01 *01 *01 SECTION. DFHBLLDS COpy DFHBLLDS. PIC S9 (8) 03 TCTTEAR 03 TIOABAR PIC S9 (8) PIC S9 (8) 03 TDIABAR CaMP. COHP. CaMP. DFHCSADS COpy DFHCSADS. DFHTCADS COPY DFHTCADS. PIC X (4) • 03 TWATDDI 03 TWAREAI PIC X (4) • PIC S9 03 TWAQEMCI COMP. DFHTCTTE COpy DFHTCTTE. DFHTIOA COpy DFBTIOA. 03 TIOADATA PIC X (80) • 03 FILLER REDEFINES TIOADATA. 05 EODTEST PIC X(3). 05 FILLER PIC X (77) • 03 FILLER REDEFINES TIOADATA. Appendix A. Example of a CICS/VS Application Program 555 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 *01 TIOATID PIC X(4). FILLER PIC X. TIOADID PIC X(4). FILLER REDEFINES TIOADID. 07 TIOARAI1 PIC X (3) • 07 FILLER PIC X. TIOARAI2 PIC X(3). FILLER REDEFINES TIOARAI2. 07 TIOAMBA PIC X. 07 FILLER PIC XX. FILLER PIC X (68) • DFHTDIA COpy DFHTDIA. 02 TDIADBA PIC X (80). * PROCEDURE DIVISION. ************** ATPIPIN. ************** MOVE MOVE MOVE CSACDTA TO TCACBAR. TCAFCAAA TO TCTTEAR. TCTTEDA TO TIOABAR. IF THEN TIOATID = 'BSDC' GO TO ALPDCPN. IF THEN TIOATID = 'BSME' GO TO ALPMEPN. IF THEN TIOATID = 'BSMR' GO TO ALPMRPN. DFHPC TYPE=ABEND, ABCODE=XAPT * *************** ALPDCPN. ************** * * DATA COLLECTION MOVE MOVE MOVE TIOADID TO TiATDDI. DCPDCAML TO TIOATDL. DCPDCAMD TO TIOADATA. DFHTC TYPE=(WRITE,READ,WAIT) DCPTEWN. MOVE TCTTEDA TO TIOABAR. IF THEN EODTEST = IEDO' GO TO DCPEXIT. MOVE MOVE ADD TWATDDI TO TCATDDI. ZEROES TO TCTTEDA. 4 TO TIOATDL. DFHTD TYPE=PUT, TDADDR=TIOATDL, NORESP=DCPNRCN, IDERROR=DCPDIEN * DFHPC TYPE=APEND, ABCODE=XDCP * DCPNRCN. 556 CICS/VS APRM (ML) * * MOVE DFHSC DFHTC GO TO DCPEXIT. MOVE ADD MOVE DFHTC GO TO TIOABAR TO TC~SCSA. TYPE=FREEMAIN TYPE= (READ,liAIT) DCPTEUU. DCPEODML TO TIOATDL. 4 TO TIOATDL. DCPEODMD TO TIOADATA. TYPE=WRITE RETURN1. * ************** ALP8EPN. ************** * MESSAGE ENTRY * MOVE MOVE ADD TIOADID TO. TCATDDI. TCTTETI TO TIOATID. 4 TO TIOATDL. DFHTD TYPE=PUT, TDADDR=TIOATDL, NORESP=MEPNRCN, IDERROR=MEPDIAN * * * DFHPC TYPE=ABEND, ABCODE=XMEP * MEPNRCN. MOVE ADD MOVE DFIlTC GO TO MEPMEAHL TO TIOATDL. 4 TO TIOATDL. MEPMEAMD TO TIOADATA. TYPE=WRITE RETURN1. * ************** ALPMRPN. *****lIJ******** * MESSAGE RETRIEVAL * MOVE MOVE TIOARAI2 TO TWAREAI. TCTTETI TO TWATDDI. IF THEN TIOARAIl NOT = 'ALL' GO TO MRPAI1B. MOVE GO TO TIOARAIl TO THAREAI. MRPDEBN. MRPAI1B. IF THEN TIOADID = SPACES GO TO MRPDEBN. MOVE TIOADID TO TWATDDI. MRPDEBN. MRPGTDN. MOVE TWATDDI TO TCATDDI. DFHTD TYPE=GET, NORESP=MRPNRCN, QUEZERO=MRPQERN, IDERROR=MRPDIEN Appendix A. Example of a CICS/VS Application Program * * '" 557 DFHPC TYPE=ABEND, ABCODE=XMR P MRPNRCN. MOVE TDIAIRL TO TIOATDL. MOVE TDIADBA TO TIOADATA. SUBTRACT 4 FROM TIOATDL. DFHTC TYPE=(WRITE,HAIT,SAVE) IF THEN TWAREAI NOT = 'ALL' GO TO RETURN1. HOVE GO TO 255 TO TWAQEMCI. MRPGTDN. MRPQERN. IF THEN TWAQEMCI = 255 GO TO MRPNMQMB. MOVE MOVE GO TO HRPNMQM TO TIOATDL. MESSAGE3 TO TIOADATA. MRPr7RCS. MRPNMQMB. MOVE MOVE MRPNMMM TO TIOATDL. MESSAGE2 TO TIOADATA. MRPHRCS. DFHTC GO TO TYPE=WRITE RETURN1. DCPDIEN. 110VE MEPDIEN. MRPDIEN. MOVE MOVE DFHTC TIOABAR TO TCTTEDA. MCPDIEM TO TIOATDL. MESSAGEl TO TIOADATA. TYPE=WRITE * ************** RETURN1. ************** * 558 DFHPC TYPE=RETURU CICS/VS aPRM (ML) * *********************************************************************** P L I I E X AMP L E PRO B L E M *********************************************************************** 1* PL/I EXAMPLE PROBLEM *1 DFHCOVER CICSATP: PROCEDURE OPTIONS (MAIN,REENTRANT); %INCLUDE DFHCSADS; %INCLUDE DFHTCADS; 2 TWATDDI CHAR (4), 2 TWAREAI CHAR (4), 2 TWAQEMCI BINARY FIXED (8); ~INCLUDE DFHTCTTEi %INCLUDE DFHTIOA; 2 TIOADATA CHAR (80); DECLARE 1 TIOA 1 BASED (TIOABAR), 2 FILL1 CHAR (12), 2 TIOATID CHAR (4), 2 FILL2 CHAR (1), 2 TIOARAI1 CHAR (3), 2 FILL3 CHAR (2), 2 TIOAMBA CHAR (1); DECLARE 1 TIOA2 BASED (TIOABAR), 2 FILL1 CHAR (12), 2 EODTEST CHAR (3), 2 FILL2 CHAR (2), 2 TIOADID CHAR (4), 2 FILL3 CHAR (1), 2 TIOARAI2 CHAR (3); %INCLUDE DFHTDIAi 2 TDIADBA CHAR (80); DCL MCPDEML FIXED BIN INIT (56), MCPDIE~ CHAR(56) INITIAL (' DESTINATION IDENTIFICATION ERROR - PLEASE RESUBMIT'); DCL DCPDCAML FIXED BIN INIT(57), DCPDCAMD CHAR (57) INITIAL (' DATA COLLECTION HAS BEEN REQUESTED AND IS ABOUT TO BEGIN ') ; DCL DCPEODML FIXED BIN INIT(72), DCPEODMD CHAR (72) INITIAL (. THE DATA HAS BEEN RECEIVED AND DISPATCHED TO THE DESIGNATED DESTINAT ION .) ; DCL MEPMEAML FIXED BIN INIT(76), MEPEAMD CHAR (76) INITIAL (I YOUR MESSAGE HAS BEEN RECEIVED AND DISPATCHED TO THE DESIGNATED DEST INATION') ; DCL MRPNMML FIXED BIN INIT(60), MRPNMKM CHAR (60) INITIAL (' THERE ARE NO MORE MESSAGES QUEUED FOR THIS DESTINATION'); DCL MRPNQML FIXED BIN INIT (55), MRPNMQN CHAR (55) INITIAL (. THERE ARE NO MESSAGES QUEUED FOR THIS DESTINATION'); ATPIPIN: TCTTEAR = TCAFCAAA; TIOABAR = TCTTEDAi IF TIOATID = 'PSDC' THEN GO TO ALPDCPNi IF TIOATID = 'PSME' THEN GO TO ALPMEPN; IF TIOATID = 'PSMR' THEN GO TO ALPMRPN; DFHPC TYPE=ABEND, * ABCODE=XAPT 1* DATA COLLECTION PROGRAM *1 ALPDCPN: TWATDDI = TIOADIDi TIOATDL = DCPDCAHL; TIOADATA = DCPDCAHD; DFHTC TYPE= (WRITE,READ,WAIT) DCPTEWN: TIOABAR = TCTTEDA; IF EODTEST = 'EODt THEN GO TO DCPEXIT; TCATDDI = TWATDDli UNSPEC (TCTTEDA) = 0; TIOATDL = TIOATDL + 4; DFHTD TYPE=PUT, * TDADDR=TIOATDL, * Appendix A. Example of a CICS/VS Application Program 559 DFHPC NORESP=DCP NRCN, IDERROR=DCPDIEN * TYP~~ABEND, * ABCODE=XDCP DCPNRCN: TCASCSA = TIOABAR; DFHSC TYPE=FREEMAIN DFHTC TYPE= (READ ,WAIT) GO TO DCPTEWN; DCPEXIT: TIOATDL = DCPEODML; TIOADATA = DCPEODMD; DFHTC TYPE=HRITE GO TO RETURN; /* MESSAGE ENTRY PROGRAM */ ALPMEPN: TCATDDI = TIOADID; TIOATID = TCTTETI; TIOATDL = TIOATDL + 4; DFHTD TYPE=PU'r, TDADDR=TIOATDL, NOR ESP=MEPNRCN, IDERROR=MEPDIEN DFHPC TYPE=ABEND, ABCODE=XMEP MEPNRCN: TIOATDL = MEP~EAML; TIO~DATA = MEPEAMD; DFHTC TYPE=WRITE GO TO RETURN; /* MESSAGE RETRIEVAL PROGRA~ */ ALPMRPN: TWAREAI = TIOARAI2; THATDDI = TCTTETI; IF TlOARAIl ~= 'ALL' THEN GO TO MRPAI1B; TWAREAI = TIOARAI1; GO TO MRPDEBN; MRPAI1B: IF TIOADID = , , THEN GO TO MRPDEBN; TWATDDI = TIOADID; MRPDEBN: MRPGTDN: TCATDDI = TWATDDI; DFHTD TYPE=GET, NORESP=MRPNRCN, QUE ZERO=MR PQ ER N, IDERROR=MRPD IEN DFHPC TYPE=ABEND, ABCODE=XMRP MRPNRCN: TDlABAR = TC~TD~A; TIOATDL = TDIAIRL - 4; TIOADATA = TDIADBA; DFHTC TYPE=(WRITE,WAIT,SAVE) IF TWAREAI ~= 'ALL' THEN GO TO RETURN; TWAQEMCI = '11111111'B; GO TO MRPGTDN; MRPQERN: IF TWAQEMCI = '11111111'B THEN GO TO MRPNMQMB; TIOATDL = MRPNQML; TIOADATA = MRPNMQN; GO TO MRPWRCS; MRPNMQMB: TIOATDL = MRPNMML; TIOADATA MRPN~MM; MRPWRCS: DFHTC TYPE=WRITE GO TO RETURN; DCPDIEN: TCTTEDA = TIOABAR; MEPDIEN: MRPDIEN: TIOATDL = MCPDEML; TIOADATA = MCPDIEM; DFHTC TYPE=WRITE RETURN: END CICSATP; 560 CICS/VS APRM(ML) * * * * * * * * Appendix B. BMS Map Definition Example This appendix shows the BMS map definition macro instructions used to generate the symbolic storage definition associated with an input map for a display with the format shown below. The appendix also shows, for each programming language, the symbolic storage definition that is generated by the macro instructions. 0 PAYROLL D NAME: D DATE: 0 MMDDYY 0 SEX: 0 ? MALE 0 SKILLS: 0 0 PAY: 0 0 The following map definition macro instructions would be used to create the symbolic storage definition (DSECT) assoc1ated with an input map for an assembler language application program. (To create the map itself, the TYPE=DSECT operand would be replaced by a TYPE=MAP operand.) l1APSET DFHMSD TYPE=DSECT,MODE=IN,CTRL=(FREEKB,FRSET), MAP1 DFHMDI LINE=1,COLUMN=1,JUSTIFY= (LEFT,FIRST) DFHMDF POS=9,LENGTH=7,INITIAL='PAYROLL',ATTRB=BRT, HILIGHT=UNDERLINE DFHMDF POS=40,LENGTH=8,INITlaL='NAME:' DFHMDF POS=49,LENGTH=20,ATTRB=IC,COLOR=RED DFHMDF POS=80,LENGTH=8,INITIAL='DATE:' DFHMDF POS=89,LENGTH=2,GRPNAME=DATE,INITIAL='MM',ATTRB=NUM DFHMDF POS=91,LENGTH=2,GRPNAME=DATE,INITIAL='DD', JUSTIFY=(LEFT,BLANK) DFHMDF POS=93,LENGTH=2,GRPNAME=DATE,INITIAL=IYY' DFHMDF POS=120,LENGTH=8,INITIAL='SEX:' DFHMDF POS=129,LENGTH=5,ATTRB=DET,INITIAL='?MALE' DFHMDF POS=160,LENGTH=8,INITIAL='SKILLS:' DFHMDF POS=169,LENGTH=4,ATTRB=UNPROT,OCCURS=3 DFHMDF POS=200,LENGTH=8,INITIAL=IPAY:I DFHMDF POS=209,LENGTH=6,ATTRB=NUM,COLOR=BLUE DFHMSD TYPE=FINAL END LANG=ASM,EXTATT=~APONLY' NAME MONTH DAY YEAR SEX SKILLS PAY Appendix B. BMS Map Definition Examp~e 561 The assembler DSECT produced as a result of the above statements would be as follows: DS OC SPACE NAMEL DS CL2 OC NAMEF DS DS C NAMEI DS CL2D SPACE DATA GROUP DATE * START NEW DATEL DS CL2 DATEF DS OC DS C DATEI DS DC SPACE 2 MONTHI DS CL2 SPACE DAYI DS CL2 SPACE YEARI DS CL2 SPACE SEXL DS CL2 SEXF DS DC DS C SEXI DS CL 1 SPACE SKILLSD DS OC SKILLSL DS CL2 SKILLSF DS OC DS C Cl4 SKILLSI DS SKILLSN EQU * ORG SKILLSD+3* (3+4 ) SPACE PAYL DS CL2 DS PAYF DC DS C PAYI DS CL6 SPACE * * * END OF MAP DEFINITION * * * SPACE 3 ORG MAPSETT EQD * * END OF MAPSET * * * END OF MAP SET DEFINITION * * * SPACE 3 MAPII 562 CICS/VS APRM(ML) INPUT DATA FIELD LENGTH DATA FIELD FLAG DATA FIELD ATTRIBUTE DATA FIELD INPUT GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP FIELD FIELD FIELD FIELD LENGTH FLAG ATTRIBUTE ORIGIN DATA FIELD DATA FIELD DATA FIELD INPUT DATA FIELD LENGTH DATA FIELD FLAG DATA FIELD ATTRIBUTE DATA FIELD FIRST OCCURRING FIELD INPUT DATA FIELD LENGTH DATA FIELD FLAG DATA FIELD ATTRIBUTE DATA FIELD NEXT OCCURRING FIELD ALLOCATE OCCURRING FIELD SPACE INPUT DATA FIELD LENGTH DATA FIELD FL~G DATA FIELD ATTRIBUTE DATA FIELD By changing LANG=ASM to LANG=COBOL in the DFHHSD macro, the following symbolic storage definition could be produced. 01 MAPII. 02 NAM.EL COr!P PIC S9 (4) • 02 NAMEF PIC X. 02 NAMEI PIC X (20) • 02 DATEL COMP PIC S9(4). 02 DATEF PIC X. 02 DATEI. 03 MONTHI PIC X(2). 03 DAYI PIC X(2). 03 YEARI PIC X (2) • 02 SEXL COMP PIC S9 ~) • 02 SEXF PIC X. 02 SEX I PIC X (1) • 02 SKILLSD OCCURS 3 TIMES. 03 SKILLSL COMP PIC S9 (4). 03 SKILL SF PIC X. 03 SKILLSI PIC X(4). 02 PAYL COMP PIC S9(4). 02 PAYP PICE X. 02 PAYI PIC X(6). Similarly, changing LANG=ASM to LANG=PLI in the DFHMSD macro would produce the following symbolic storage definition: DECLARE 2 2 2 2 1 MAPII BASED(BMSMAPBR) UNALIGNED, NAMEL FIXED BIN (15,0), NAMEP CHAR(l), NAMEI CHAR (20) , DATEL FIXED BIN(lS,O), 2 DATEF CHAR (1) , 2 DATEI , 3 MONTHI CHAR (2) , 3 DAYI CHAR(2), 3 YEARI CHAR (2) , 2 SEXL FIXED BIN(15,0), 2 SEX F CHAR (1) , 2 SEXI CHAR(l), 2 SKILLS D (3) , 3 SKILLSL FIXED BIN(15,0), 3 SKILLSF CHAR(1), 3 SKILLSI CHAR (4), 2 PAYL FIXED BIN(15,O), 2 PAYF CHAR (1) , 2 PAYI CHAR (6) , 2 FILL0024 CHAR (1 ) ; 1* END OF MAP DEFINITION *1 Appendix B. BM.S aap Definition Example 563 Appendix C. Inter-Release Compatibility This appendix defines any incompatibilities that exist between the application programming interface (API) for CICS/VS Version 1.5 and Versions 1.1.0, 1.1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, and 1.4.1. Such incompatibilities can be divided into two categories: source incompatibilities, that is, input code that CICS/VS Version 1.5 will treat differently from previous versions of CICS/VS, thus producing a different object program; and object incompatibilities, that is, differences in the results that will be obtained when the same object program is executed under CICS/VS Version 1.5 from those obtained running under earlier versions. There are no incompatibilities between Versions 1.4 and 1.4.1. Source Incompatibilities In versions of CICS/VS previous to 1.4, it has not been valid to code TIOAPFX=YES in the DFHMSD or DFHMDI macro instruction for an assemoler language application program. If this operand was coded in this way, CICS/VS disregarded it and applied the default specification (TIOAPFX=NO). In CICS/VS Versions 1.4, 1.4.1, and 1.5, it is valid to code TIOAPFX=YES for an assembler program: doing so will thus produce a differ&nt object program under CICS/VS 1.4, 1.4.1, or 1.5 from that which would be produced under earlier versions. There are no other source incompatibilities. ~bject Incompatibilities There are no object incompatibilities. Definition of the Application Programmer Interface The remainder of this appendix defines the application programming interface that applies to users converting from Versions 1.1.0, 1.1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, or 1.4.1 of CICS/VS to Version 1.5 of CICS/VS. The API is defined as the CICS/VS macro instructions, control block fields, and area prefix fields that are available for use by a userwritten application program. With the exception of the single source incompatibility (TIOAPFX=YES when LANG=ASM) described above, application programs using these macros or fields will execute successfully under Versions, 1.4, 1.4.1, and 1.5 without recompilation. The macros and fields of the API that are valid for a given release are those documented in the CICSIYS Application Programmer's Reference Manual (Macro Levell for that release. References to fields or macros other than those documented in the manual, or to fields marked "unused" or "reserved" in former releases, may cause problems. Application programs containing such references should be recompiled, tested, and where necessary modified to ensure correct execution. Appendix C. Inter-Release Compatibility 565 Users should also refer to the "Memorandum to Users" distributed with Version 1.5 for a further discussion of compatibility, particularly with respect to BMS maps. CICS/VS Macro Instructions The following macro instructions are those that are valid for Version 1.4 and 1.4.1 of CICS/VS, and for which compatibility can be guaranteed for Version 1.5 for uses that were valid in Versions 1.4, and 1.4.1. They are documented in the CICS/VS Version 1, Release 4 Application Programmer's Reference Manual (Macro-Level), Order No. SC33-Q079-1. DFHBIF DFHBMS DFHDC DFHDI DFHFC DFHIC DFHJC DFHKC DFBMDF DFHPC DFHSC DFHSP DFHTC DFHTD DFH'rR DFHTS The CICS/OS/VS CALLDLI macro is also part of the API for Versions 1.4 and 1.4.1. Only the operands and parameters of the macros described in the publication cited above are supported by CICS/VS for use by user-written application programs. CICS/VS Control Block Fields and Area Prefix Fields Many of the fields in CICS/VS areas, for example, the CSA, or prefixes to user I/O areas, for example, a TIOA, are referred to directly when a CICS/VS macro is executed and it is essential that their location, type, and meaning remain unchanged across releases. The following fields form the API for Version 1.5 of CICS/VS. Those marked with an asterisk were introduced in Version 1.5. Those that are not marked with an asterisk form the API for Version 1.4 and are referred to throughout the APRM for Version 1.4. 566 CICS/VS APRM(ML) CSABFNAC Address of built-in functions CSABMS BMS address CSACD'rA Common System Area Currently Dispatched Task Address CSACTODB Common System Area Current Time of Day in Binary format CSADCNAC Dump Control Entry Address CSAPCNAC Pile Control Entry Address CSAICNAC Time Control Entry Address CSAICRNX NOP/Branch Flush Routine Interface CSAJCNAl Journal Control Macro Entry Pointer 1 CSAJCNA2 Journal Control Macro Entry Pointer 2 CSAJYDP Common System Area Date in Packed decimal format (OOOYYDDD) CSAKCNAC Task Control Entry Address CSAOPFLA Common System Area Optional Peatures List Address CSAPCNAC Program Control Entry Address CSASCNAC storage Control Entry Address CSASPNAC Sync Point Program Entry Address CSATCNAC Terminal Control Entry Address CSATCRWE Terminal Control Read/Write Entry Address CSATDNAC Transient Data Control Entry Address CSATODP Common System Area Time of Day in Packed decimal format (four bytes) CSATRMFl Trace Haster Flags CSATRMP2 Trace System Flags CSATRMF3 Trace System Flags CSATRNAC Trace Control Entry Address CSATRTBA Common System Area TRace TaBle Address CSATSNAC Temporary storage Entry Address CSAWABA Common System Area Work Area Beginning Address FCDSOID Beginning Address Data Area FCFIOBEX File Control File Input/Output BDAM Error Code (four bytes) FCFIOEX File Control File Input/Output ISAM Error Code (four bytes) FCFIOFCT File Control Entry Table Address Appendix C. Inter-Release Compatibility 567 PCPIOLRA Logical Record Address FCUPCTA File Control Table Entry Address FCUPDRA File Input/Output Area Address PCUWA File Control Update Work Area PIOADBA Data Beginning Address FIOAIND File I/O Area Indicator FWAIND File Work Area Indicator JCAADATA Journal Control Area Address of DATA to be written to journal data set JCAAPRFX Journal Control Area Address of User-Prefix Data JCAECN Journal Control Area Event Control Number (four bytes) JCAJCRC Journal Control Area Journal Control Response Code (one byte) JCAJFID Journal Control Area Journal File IDentification ~ne byte) JCAJRTID Journal Control Area Journal Record Type IDentification ~wo (data begin address) bytes) JCALDATA Journal Control Area Length of DATA to be written to journal data set (two bytes) JCALPRFX Journal Control Area Length of user PReFiX ~wo bytes) JCANOTE Note Request Returned-Data JCARST Run Start Time JCATR1 Type Request Byte1 JCATR2 Type Request Byte2 JCATR3 (Reserved for CICS usage) JCAVCD Volume Creation Date (YYDDD+) JCAVSN Volume Sequence Number (NNN+) SAASACA storage Accounting Area Storage Accounting Chain Address SAASAD Storage Area Displacement SAASCI Storage Class Identification SAASFI Storage Format Identification TCAATAC Abnormal Termination Abend Code TCABFPA! Address Pointer Initialization (Built-In Functions) 568 CICS/VS APRM~L) (HHMMSSS+) TCABFTR Task Control Area Built-in Function Type of Request (one byte) TCABITF Task Control Area BIT Manipulation address of one-byte bit Field to be operated on TCABITR Task Control Area BIT Manipulation Result of BITEST operation ~ne byte) TCABITTP Bit Function Type Indicator TCABITV Task Control Area BIT Manipulation address of bit pattern (mask) to be applied to a specified byte TCABMSCP Task Control Area basic mapping support Cursor position (two bytes) TCABMSMA Task Control Area basic mapping support Map Address TCABMSMN Task Control Area basic mapping support Map Name (eight bytes) TCACCCA Task Control Area Common Control Communication Area TCACCSV 1 Save Area for Bytes Overlaid by DFHDC TCACCSV2 Save Area for Bytes Overlaid by DFHDC TCACHKR Response Indicator (Built-In Function) TCACKFD Task Control Area Field Verify address of FielD to be ChecKed TCACKLN Task Control Area Field Verify LeNgth of field to be ChecKed (two bytes) TCADCDC Task Control Area Dump Control Dump Code TCADCNB Task Control Area Dump Control Number of Bytes in area to be dumped ~wo bytes) TCADCSA Task Control Area Dump Control storage be dumped TCADCTR Task Control Area Dump Control Type of Request (Assembler or PL/Ii two bytes) TCADIDNA Task Control Area Batch Data Interchange Destination Name Address TCADIKYA Task Control Area Batch Data Interchange Key Address TCADINRS Task Control Area Batch Data Interchange Number of Records in Request (one byte) TCADIRNA Task Control Area Batch Data Interchange Relative Record Number Address TCADIVNA Task Control Area Batch Data Interchange Volume Name Address TCADLFUN Task Control Area DL/1 FUNction (four bytes) TCADLIO Task Control Area DL/I Input/Output area address Appendix C. (four bytes) Addre~s of area to Inter-Release Compatibility 569 TCADLPCB Task Control Area DL/1 Program Control Block address TCADLPSB Task Control Area DL/1 program specification block name (eight bytes) TCADLSSA Task Control Area DL/I address of segment search argument list TCADLTR DL/1 Type of Invalid Response TCAFCAA Task Control Area File Control Area Address TCAFCAAA Task Control Area Facility Control Area Associated Address TCAFCAI Task Control Area File Control indirect Access data set Identification (eight bytes) TCAFCDI Task Control Area File Control Data set Identification (eight bytes) TCAFCI Facility Control Indicator TCAFCNRD Task Control Area File Control Number of Records Deleted (two bytes binary) TeAFCRI Task Control Area File Control record identification (eight bytes) TCAFCSI Task Control Area File Control Segment Identification (eight bytes) TCAFCTR Task Control Area File Control Type of Request/Response ~ssembler or PL/I: one byte) TCAFCURL Task Control Area File Control Undefined Record Length (two bytes) TCAFLD Task Control Area Field Edit address of FieLD to be edited TCAFLN Task Control Area Field Edit LeNgth of Field to be edited (two bytes) TCAICCLS Unique Identification of Request Identification TCAICDA Task Control Area Interval Control Data Area TCAICQID Task Control Area Interval Control reQuest IDentification (eight bytes) TCAICQPX Task Control Area Interval Control reQuest Prefix ~wo bytes) TCAICRT Task Control Area Interval Control Request Time (four bytes) TCAICTEC Task Control Area Interval Control Timer Event Control area address TCAICTI Task Control Area Interval Control Transaction Identification (four bytes) TCAICTID Task Control Area Interval Control Terminal IDentification (four bytes) 570 CICS/VS APRM(ML) TCAICTR Task Control Area Interval Control Type of Request/Response (Assembler or PL/I; one byte) TCAINAM Name List Indicator TCAINA1 Task Control Area INput Formatting Address of list of offsets for the internal fixed-format TIOA TCAINA2 Task Control Area INput Formatting Address of list of field names that may appear in input stream TCAINH1 Task Control Area INput Formatting length of the TIOA to be acquired for the internal fixed-format representation of data (Halfword field) TCAINRC Task Control Area INput Formatting Response Code (one byte) TCAJCAAD Task Control Area Journal Control Area ADdress TCAKCFA Task Control Area Task Control (KCP) Facility control area Address TCAKCRC system Macro Return Code TCAKCTA Task Control Area Task Control (KCP) TCA Address TCAKCTI Task Control Area Task Control (KCP) Transaction Identification (four bytes) TCAMSFMP Task Control Area Mapping Support Function Management Parameter TCAMSFSC Field Separator Characters TCAMSHDR Task Control Area Happing support HeaDeR address (four bytes) TCAMSIOA Task Control Area Mapping Support Input/Output Area Address TCAMSJ Task Control Area Mapping support Justification (one byte) TCAMSLDC Logical Device Code TCAMSLDM LDC Mnemonic TCAMSMSA Task Control Area Happing support Map Set Address TCAMSMSN Task Control Area Mapping Support Map Set Name (eight bytes) TCAKSOC Task Control Area Mapping Support Operator Class (three bytes) TCAMSOCN Overflow Control Number TCAMSPGN Task Control Area Mapping Support PaGe Number (current page; two bytes binary) TCAMSRC1TCAMSRC3 Task Control Area Mapping Support Response Code (one byte each) TCAMSRID Task Control Area Mapping Support Request IDentification Appendix C. Inter-Release Comp~tibility 571 TCAMSRIl Task Control Area Mapping Support Return Information (one byte) TCAMSRLA Task Control Area Mapping Support Routing List Address, or Returned page List Address TCAMSRTI Task Control Area Mapping Support Routing Time or Tiae interval Indicator ~our bytes packed decimal) TCA!!STA. Task Control Area Mapping Support Title Address TCAMSTI Task Control Area Mapping Support error Terminal Identification (four bytes) TCAMSTRL Task Control Area Mapping Support TRaiLer address (four bytes) TCAMSTR1TCAMSTR7 Task Control Area Mapping Support Type Request (one byte each) TCAMSWCC Write Control Characters TCANAME Task Control Area Phonetic Conversion 16-byte field containing data (NAME) to be phonetically encoded TCANXTID Task Control Area NeXt Transaction IDentification (four bytes) TCAOCLA Open/Close List Address TCAOCTR Open/Close Type of Request TCAPCAC Task Control Area Program Control ABEND Code (four bytes) TCAPCARO Abend Recovery option TCAPCERA Task Control Area Program Control Exit Routine Address TCAPCLA Loaded Program Beginning Address TCAPCPI Task Control Area Program Control Program Identification (eight bytes) TCAPCPSW System Recovery Program PSW TCAPCSR Program Control Secondary Request TCAPCTR Type of Request/Response TCAPHNR Task Control Area PHoNetic Conversion error Response indicator (contains X'54' if invalid name was encountered; one byte) TCAPHON Task Control Area PHONetic Conversion 4-byte returned value TCAPURGI Task Purge Indicator TCASCIB Task Control Area Storage Control Initialization Byte TCASCNB Task Control Area Storage Control Number of Bytes of storage requested ~wo bytes) TCASCSA Task Control Area Storage Control Storage Address 572 CICS/VS APRM(ML) of area acquired or to be freed TCASCTR storage Control Type of Request TCASPTR Sync Point Request TCASV!fID service Module Control Indentification TCATCDC Task Control Area Task Control Dispatcher Control indicator (one byte) TCATCDP Task Control Area Task Control Dispatching Priority (one byte) TCATCEA Task Control Area Task control Event control area Address (ECB or CCB or list) TCATCEI Task Control Event Control Indicator TCATCQA Task Control Area Task Control enQueued resource length (high-order byte) and Address (three low-order bytes) TCATCTR Task Control Type of Request TCATDAA Task Control Area Transient Data Area Address TCATDDI Task Control Area Transient Data Destination Identification (four bytes) TCATDTR Task Control Area Transient Data Type of Request/Response (Assembler or PL/I; one byte) TCATPAPR Application Reqaest Response Code TCATPCON Connection Type Flag TCATPCS1 External Control Request Byte 1 TCATPCS2 External Control Request Byte 2 TCATPLDA Logic Device Code Entry Address TCATPLDC Logical Device Code TCATPLDM Logical Device Mnemonic TCATPLRC Locate Return Code TCATPOC2 Operation Control Byte 2 TCATPOC3 Operation Control Byte 3 TCATPOS1 External Operation Request Byte 1 TCATPOS2 External Operation Request Byte 2 TCATPPN!f Program Name Field TCATPTA Terminal Address or Identification TCATRFl Trace Entry Data Area 1 TCATRF2 Trace Entry Data Area 2 TCATRID Trace Entry Identification Appendix C. Inter-Release Compatibility 573 TCATRIDl Trace Entry Identification Extension TCATRBP TCA Trace Control (Single Task) TCATRTR Type of Trace Request TCATSAP Task Control Area Table Search length of Pield in Argument table entry to be compared with search argument (one byte) TCATSAl Task Control Area Table Search Address of search arguaent TCATSA2 Task Control Area Table Search Address of first entry in arg ument table TCATSA3 Task Control Area Table Search Address of first function table entry TCATSA4 Task Control Area Table Search Address of field in first entry in argument table to be compared with search argument TCATSA5 Task Control Area Table Search Address of (1) function field within first function table entry,on input, or (2) function field within function table entry which contained value retrieve~, on output TCATSDA Task Control Area Temporary Storage Data Address TCATSDI Task Control Area Temporary Storage Data Identification (eight bytes) TCATSPC Function Code (Built-In Function) TCATSFF Task Control Area Table Search length of Field in Function table entry to be retrieved ~ne byte) TCATSH1 Task Control Area Table Search maximum number of entries to be searched (halfword) TCATSH2 Task Control Area Table Search length of each argument table entry (halflford) TCATSH3 Task Control Area Table Search length of each function table entry (halfword) TCATSH4 Task Control Area Table Search index value (relative to 1) identifying the matching argument table entry returned to application program; if zero, no matching entry was found (halfword) TCATSRN Task Control Area Temporary Storage Record Number TCATSRPC Task Control Area Table Search ResPonse Code TCATSTR Task Control Area Temporary Storage Type of Request/Response (Assembler or PL/Ii one byte) TCATSTR2 Type of Request (Secondary) TCAWGAA Task Control Area WeiGhted Retrieval VSWA pointer TCAWGCNT Task Control Area Weighted Retrieval Count of maximum number of records to be made available to application 514 CICS/VS APRM(ML) program; NRECDS parameter ~alfword field) TCAHGH1 Task Control Area WeiGhted Retrieval highest percentage of acceptability for a ~eighted retrieval function (halfword) TCAWGH2 Task Control Area WeiGhted Retrieval lowest percentage of acceptability for a weighted retrieval function (halfword) TCAWGH3 Task Control Area WeiGhted Retrieval percentage of acceptability of this record saved as the result of a weighted retrieval operation (Halfword field) TCAW,GH4 Task Control Area WeiGhted Retrieval number of records left to be presented to user (Halfword field) TCAW"GH5 Task Control Area WeiGhted Retrieval number of records dropped to remain within user-specified maximum (NRECDS) (Halfword field) TCAWPAA VSWA Pointer TCAWPA1 Task Control Area Weighted Retrieval Address of search argument TCAWPA3 Task Control Area Weighted Retrieval Address of area containing record to be examined TCAWPA4 Task Control Area Weighted Retrieval Address of field within area containing record to be examined TCAWPB1 Task Control Area Weighted Retrieval character indicating format of search argument ~ne byte) TCAW PH 1 Task Control Area Weighted Retrieval length of search argument (halfword) TCAHPH2 Task Control Area Heighted Retrieval match value (halfword) TCAHPH3 Task Control Area Weighted Retrieval no match value (halfword) TCAWPH4 Task Control Area Weighted Retrieval upper limit of comparison range (halfword) TCAWPH5 Task Control Area Weighted Retrieval lower limit of comparison range (halfword) TCAWPNL Task Control Area Weighted Retrieval Null character (one byte) TCAWPTR Task Control Area Weighted Retrieval Type of Range (one byte) TCAiRAA Task Control Area weighted Retrieval VSWA pointer TCAWTDI Task Control Area Weighted ReTrieval Data Identif ication (eigh t bytes) TCAWTH1 Task Control Area Weighted ReTrieval maximum number of records to be retrieved (halfword) Appendix C. Inter-Release Compatibility 575 TCAWTH2 Task Control Area Weighted ReTrieval relative number of record with same partial key to be examined first (halfword) TCAWTH3 Task Control Area Weighted ReTrieval maximum percentage of acceptability for retrieved records (halfword) TCAWTH4 Task Control Area Weighted ReTrieval minimum percentage of acceptability for retrieved records (halfword) TCAWTRC Task Control Area Weighted Retrieval Response Code (one byte) TCAWTRI Task Control Area Weighted ReTrieval address of partial key of Record at which retrieval is to begin (fullword) TCTEASCC 3210 Alternate Screen Size (Columns) TCTEASCL 3270 Alternate Screen Size TCTEASCZ 3210 Alternate Screen Size TCTEDSCC 3210 Default Screen Size TCTEDSCL 3210 Default Screen Size (Rows) TCTEDSCZ 3210 Default Screen Size TcrEEOCI EOC or OC Received Indicator TCTEFMHI FMR Area for 3600 Devices TCTESIDI Field containing inbound SIGNAL data (4 bytes) TCTESIDO Area for Outbound Signal Data TCTETDST Data Stream Type Byte TCTETXTF 3210 Text Feature Flag byte TCTEVLDC Logical Device Code TCTE32EF * ~ows) (Columns) ~PL/TEXT) 3210 Data Stream Extensions Flag TCTE32SF 3210 Screen Size Flag TCTTEAID Terminal Control Table Terminal Entry Attention IDentifier (used with the 3270 Information Display System; one byte) TCTTEBMN Name of Format Image in Buffer TCTTECAD Cursor Address in Binary TCTTECIA Terminal Control Table Terminal Entry Control Information Area pointer TCTTECIL Length of User Area TCTTECR Request Completion Analysis TCTTECRE Request Completion Extension TCTTEDA Terminal Control Table Terminal Entry Data Address 576 CICS/VS APRM (ML) TC'fTEDES TCAa Destination Name TCTTEFIB Terminal Feature Flag Byte TCTTEOCL Operator Class Code TCTTEPCF Terminal Control Table Terminal Entry Passbook Control Field (2980 General Banking Terminal System; one byte) TCTTESC Terminal Storage Chain Address TCTTESID Terminal Control Table Terminal Entry station IDentification (2980 General Banking Terminal System; one byte) TCTTETAB Terminal Control Table Terminal Entry TABs needed to position print element (2980 General Banking Terminal System; one byte) TCTTETCM TCAM Operation Code Flag TCTTETI Terminal Identification TCTTETID Terminal Control Table Terminal Entry Teller IDentification (2980 General Banking Terminal; one byte) TCTTETM Terminal Control Table Terminal Entry Terminal (one byte) TCTTETS Terminal Status TCT'rETT Terminal Control Table Terminal Entry Terminal Type (one byte) TDIADBA Transient Data Input Area Data Begin Address TDIAIRL Transient Data Input Area Intrapartition Record Length (two bytes) TDIASAL Storage Accounting Area Length TDIASCA Transaction storage Chain Address TDOADBA Transient Data Output Area Data Begin Address TDOASAL Storage Accounting Area Length TDOASCA Transaction Storage Chain Address TDOAVRL Transient Data Output Area Variable Record Length (two bytes) TIOACLCR Terminal Input/Output Area ControL CharacteR TIOALAC; one byte) TIOADBA Terminal Input/Output Area Data Begin Address TIOALAC Terminal Input/Output Area Line Address Control (same as TIOACLCR; one byte) TIOATDL Terminal Input/Output Area Transmission Data Length (two bytes) TIOAWCI Write Control Indicator Appendix C. ~odel (same as Inter-Release Compatibility 511 TSIOADBA Temporary storage InputjOutput Area Data Begin Address TSIOASAL storage Accounting Area Length TSIOASCA Transaction storage Chain Address TSIOAVRL Temporary Storage InputjOutput Area Variable Record Length (two bytes) VSWAERRC Error Code VSWAID RPL Identifier VSWALEN VSA~ VSWAREA VSAK Work Area REcord Address VSWARTNC RPL Return Code 578 CICS/VS Work Area record LENgth (four bytes) APR~(ML) Appendix D. Translation Tables for the 2980 This appendix contains translation tables for the following components of the IBM 2980 General Banking Terminal System: • 2980 Teller Station Model 1 • 2980 Administrative Station Model 2 • 2980 Teller station Model 4 The line codes and processor codes listed in these tables are unique to CICS/VS and are represented as standard EBCDIC characters. Appendix D. Translation Tables for the 2980 579 580 CICS/VS APRM (ML) 1 -, KEI No. ENGRAVING Top (tC) Front (UC) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 53 = 1 Q A 2 1 F1 D8 C1 F2 E9 E6 E2 F3 E7 C5 C4 F4 C3 D9 C6 F5 E5 E3 C7 F6 C2 E8 C8 F7 D5 E4 D1 F8 04 C9 D2 F9 6B D6 D3 FO 4B D7 53 60 61 5C 7B 50 05 36 06 16 15 06 40 26-ETB 03-ETX Z if S ; 3 X E D 4 C R F % 5 V T G • 6 B I H > 7 N U J * M 8 I K ( 9 I a , t ) -, 0 . P $ ? tINE I CPU CODE Code Numeric (LC) Alpha (UC) / ¢I " #: + & TAB LOCK SHIFT BACKSPACE RETURN SHIFT (SPACE) SEND F1 98 81 F2 A9 A6 A2 F3 A7 85 84 F4 83 99 86 F5 AS A3 87 F6 82 A8 88 F7 95 A4 91 F8 94 89 92 F9 6B 96 93 FO 4B 97 5B 60 61 70 7B 50 05 36 06 10 15 06 40 (1) (q) (a) (2) (z) (w) (s) (3) (x) (e) (d) (4) (c) (r) (f) (5) (v) (t) (g) (6 ) (b) (y) (h) (7) (0) (u) (j) (8) (m) (i) (k) (9 ) (, ) (0 ) (1) (0 ) . ( ) (p) ($) (-) V) (I) (#) (& ) 7E D8 C1 4C E9 E6 E2 5E E7 C5 C4 7A C3 D9 C6 6C E5 E3 C7 70 C2 B8 C8 6E D5 E4 01 5C 04 C9 02 4D 4F 06 D3 50 5F 08 SA 6D 6F 4A 7F 4E 05 36 06 16 15 06 40 BtL ID (=) CQ) (A) «) (Z) (W) ( S) (;) (X) (E) (D) (:) (C) (R) (F) (%) (V) (T) (G) (. ) (B) (I) (H) (» (N) (U) (J) (*) (M) (I) (K) (0 (I) (0) (L) 0) (-,) (P) (!) LJ ( 1) (¢) ( ") (+) BCKSPACE No keyfroot engraving on a 2980 Administration Station Model 2 Figure D-2. 2980-2 Character Set/Traoslate Table Appendix D. Translation Tables for the 2980 581 KEY No. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ENGRAVING Top (LC) Front (UC) CK $ Q A CK # 0 Z W S 1 IMD 2 8 X 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 E D 2 C R F 3 V T G 4 B Y H 5 N U 48 49 50 51 Il!D 1 CODE AMT OB J ACCT #' K 7 7 4 1 8 0 5 2 9 0 L 8 P $ 9 6 3 VAL TAB ALPHA NUMERIC SEND RETURN NUMERIC SPACE FEED OPEN Figure D-3. 582 6 N I *# & LINE I CPU CODE Code Numeric (LC) Alpha (UC) D9 D3 C1 C9 E9 E6 E2 5B E7 C5 C4 4B C3 60 C6 E8 E5 E3 C7 5C C2 61 D7 D8 D5 E4 D1 C8 D4 D6 D2 F7 6B F4 P1 F8 FO F5 F2 F9 7B F6 F3 50 05 36 06 26-ETB 03-ETX 15 06 40 04 BC D3 C1 B7 4B 5C 5B 4F AE C5 6F BF C3 60 C6 BB AO A1 C7 BE C2 61 D7 B2 D5 AF D1 7B E7 D6 D2 F7 BLANK F4 F1 F8 FO F5 F2 F9 BO F6 F3 50 05 60 D8 C1 C9 E9 E6 E2 F1 E7 C5 C4 P2 C3 D9 C6 F3 E5 E3 C7 P4 C2 E8 C8 F5 D5 E4 D1 F6 D4 C9 D2 F7 6B D6 D3 F8 4B D7 5B F9 7B 5C 7B 50 05 15 15 40 40 2980-4 Character Set/Translate Table CICS/VS APRM(ML) BLL ID 19 14 5 22 23 21 9 6 7 OPENCH Bibliography For further information on the Customer Information Control System/Virtual Storage (CICS/VS), the reader of this manual is to the following IBM publications: Customer Information Control referr~d SystemLvirt~!_~~Q£~g-1£ICSL!~L Ve~§i~~ 1, Release 5: General Information, GC33-0066 SystemLApplication Design Guide, SC33-0068 ~stem Programmer's R~,erence llstem Prog ra mmer' s Guide Manual, SC33-0069 (DOSLVS1, SC33-0070 System Programmer's Guide (OSIVS), SC33-0071* !2plication Programmer's Reference Manua1-j£ommand Levell, SC33-0077 Application Programmer's Reference Manual (RPG II), SC33-0085 IBM 3270 Guide, SC33-0096 3650/3680 Guide, SC33-0073 3767L3770L6670 Guide, SC33-0074 3790/3730 Guide, SC33-0075 Operator's Guide, SC33-0080 Messages and Codes, SC33-0081 Entry Level System User's Guide (DOSLVS), SC33-0086 Problem Determination Guide, SC33-0089 Di~nostic Reference, LC33-0105 Data Areas (DOSIYS) " Data Areas Applicgtion GX33-6012 LI33-6033 roS/VS), LI33-6035* P~Qg£~~r's Refgrence Summary (Command Level), Master Terminal 02erator's Reference Summa£y, 5X33-6010 Master Index, 5C33-0095* *Available at the same time as CICS/OS/V5 version 1 Release 5 Bibliography 583 The reader of this manual may also want to refer to the following publications: IB~_2!stgmL360 IB~ Disk Operating System: Subset American National Standard COBOL Compiler and Library Programmer's Guide, SC28-6439 Full American National Standard COBOL compiler and Libra£y, Version 3, Programmer's Guide, SC28-6441 Full American Nati~nal Standard COBOL Programmer's Guide, GC28-6398 IBM System/360 Operating System: Full American National Standard COBOL Compiler and Library, Version 4, Programmer's Guide, SC28-6456 Full American National Standard COBOL Compiler and Library, Version 3~grammer's Guide, SC28-6437 Full A.!!lg£i£~1LNational_st~ndard Versi~~rogrammer's COBOL Compil~-ill!g Library, Guide, GC28-6399 System Network Architecture: Functional Description of Logical unit Types, GC20-1868 1Ypes of Logical Unit to Logical Unit Sessions, GC20-1869 DOS/yS COBOL Compiler and Library Programmer's Guide, SC28-6478 OS/yS COBOL Com2!ler and Library Programmer's Guide, SC28-6483 OS-f1LI Optimizing Compiler Programmer's Guide, SC33-0006 DOS PL/I Optimizing Compiler Programmer's Guide, SC33-0008 IBM system/360 Operating System PLII (F) Programmer's Guide, GC28-6594 IMS/VS Application Programming Reference Manual, SH20-9026 DLtI D~S Application Programming Reference Manual, SH12-5411 DLtI DOS/yS utilities and Guide for the System Programmer, S812-5412 IBM 3270 Information Display System Component Description, GA27-2749 Component Description: IBM 2721 Portable Audio Terminal, GA27-3029 IBM 2780 Data Transmission Terminal Component Description, GA27-3035 584 CICS/VS APRM(ML) Availability of Publications The availability of a publication is indicated by its use key, vhich is the first letter in the order number. The use keys and their meanings are: G Generally available: Provided to users of IBM systems, products, and services without charge, in quantities to meet their normal requirements. Can also be purchased by anyone through IBM branch offices. S Sold: L Licensed material, property of IBK: Available only to licensees of the related program products under the terms of the license agreements. Can be purchased by anyone through IBM offices. Bibliography 585 Index Each page number in this index refers to the start of the paragraph containing the indexed item. %INCLUDE statement 19 ABCODE operand DFBPC 406 ABEND exit processing 399 ABEND type of DFHPC macro 397 abnormal termination ABEND exit processing 399 activate ABEND exit 399" cancel ABEND exit 399 reactivate ABEND exit 400 transaction 397 abnormal termination on data set (DFHDI) 331 addition of records (DFHDI macro) 327 address of TIOA 164 addre ssabili ty application program 19 BMS operation 275 common system area (CSA) Assembler language 37 COBOL 48 PL/I 59 common work area (CWA) Assembler language 37 COBOL 48 PL/I 60 file input/output area (FIOA) Assembler language 39 COBOL 50 PL/I 61 file uork area (FWA) Assembler language 40 COBOL 51 PL/I 62 journal control area (JCA) Assembler language 43 COBOL 53 PL/I 65 storage accounting area (SA!) Assembler language 43 COBOL 53 PL/I 64 storage area 31 task control area (TCA) COBOL 49 PL/I 60 temporary storage input/output area (TSIOA) Assembler language 42 COBOL 53 PLjI 64 terminal control table terminal entry (TCTTE) Assembler language 38 COBOL 48 PL/I 60 terminal input/output area (TIOA) Assembler language 39 COBOL 50 addressability (continued) terminal input/output area (TIOA) (continue PL/I 61 transaction work area (TWA) COBOL 49 PL/I 60 transient data input area (TDIA) Assembler language 41 COBOL 52 PL/I 63 transient data output area (TDOA) Assembler language 41 COBOL 52 PL/I 63 VSAM work area (VSWA) Assembler language 40 COBOL 51 PL/I 62 addressability for DFHTC macro 163 AID byte 164,231 alternate index 76 alternate key 76 APLHA operand DFHBIF 486 application programs addressability 19 basic characteristics 13 CICS/VS macro instruction 9 communication and logical relationships 389 communication with operating system restrictions 9 considerations of virtual storage 16 CWA restriction 35 deleting 396 general structure 15 initialization 19 languages 13 link-editing 22 linking programs 391 need for CSA and TCA 27 object module size restriction 23 overlay restriction 17 packaging 17 quasi-reenterability 18 register usage 19 rest rictions 20 storage definition 27 system environment 13 techniques 13,16,17 testing and debugging 496 transfer of control 19 ARG operand DFHBIF 486 ARGTYP operand DFHFC 126 Assembler language addressability of storage areas 31 addressability requirement 19 CSA, common system area 37 CSW, common work area 37 FIOA, file I/O area 39 Index 587 Assembler language (continued) FWA, file work area 40 JCA, journal control area 43 link-editing 22 program examples (see program examples) register usage 19 SA!, storage accounting area 43 storage definitions 37 example of copying 44 TCT~E, terminal control table terminal entry 38 TDIA, transient data input area 41 TDOA, transient data output area 41 TIOA, terminal I/O area 39 transfer of control 19 TSIOA, temporary storage I/O area 42 TWA, transaction work area 38 VSWA, VSAM work area 40 Assembler languages restrict ions 20 assembly-time service 23 asynchronous journal output 531 asynchronous transaction processing 419 ATABLE operand DFHBIF 486 ATI (automatic task initiation) 418 ATTACH type of DFHKC macro 368 attaching tasks 368 ATTRB operand DFHMDF 267 attributes, symbolic 304 autoanswer (3735) 212 autocall (3735) 213 automatic task initiation (ATI) 418 auxiliary trace 506 backout recoverable resources 546 base addresses 31 BA SE operand DFHMSD 250 basic mapping support (BMS) abnormally terminating a logical message 294 address of data 275 address of TIOA 275 advantages 235 block data format 237 condition codes 297 copying symbolic maps 245 data mapping and formatting 237 data, address of 275 device independence 235 DFHAID 304 DFHBMSCA 304 disposition and message routing 296 establishing addressability 275 facilities 236 field data format 237 field definition macro 265 format independence 236 implied read/write 274 input mapping 242 input operations 278 input/output mapping 244 introduction to 235 map building 241 map definition macro 259 588 CICS/VS APRM(ML) basic mapping support (BHS) (continued) map positioning 281 map retrieval 244 map set definition macro 248 message recovery 303 message routing 238 non-cumulative page building 291 non-terminal-oriented tasks 275 output mapping 243 page building examples 283 page building with mapping 280 page building without mapping 290 PAGEBLD overflow processing 287 paging commands on video devices 305 physical map 240 printer control characters 304 program examples map definition 561 test response code 302 programming considerations 240 response codes 301 specifying maps 242 standard attention identifier list 304 standard attribute list 304 status flag byte 297 symbolic description map 240 terminal code table 303 terminal paging 238 terminating a logical message 293 test response 300 text data format 237 TIOA address 275 trailer maps 288 using maps 274 Batch Data Interchange (DFHDI macro) DFHDI macro 327 Batch Data Interchange LU (3770) 216 Batch Data Interchange LU (3790) 218 Batch LU (3770) 216 batch mode (3740) 214 batch processing 3 bit manipulation macro instruction 466 returned values 469 BIT operand DFHBIF 487 BITEST type of DFHBIF macro 468 BITFLIP type of DFHBIF macro 468 BITO FF op e ra nd DFHBIF 487 BITON operand DFHBIF 487 BIT SETOFF type of DFHBIF macro 467 BITSETON type of DFHBIF macro 466 BHS (see basic mapping support) bracket 176 bracket protocol 176 browsing abnormal condition handling 110 backwards 114 description of 74 error handling 110 examples initiate browse operation 107 reset sequential retrieval 118 retrieve next sequential record 110 terminate sequential retrieval 116 forward 109 browsing (continued) generic key 105 initiate 105 multiple browse record identification field 81 operation 7 q partial key 105 reset 118 sequential retrieval 105 skip-sequential processing 75 start browse 105 terminate 116,118 BTAM programmable devices 179 built-in functions 453 bit manipulation 466 copying storage referred to by BIF 455 field edit 465 field verify 463 input formatting 470,472 listing of 453 phonetic conversion 460 table search 457 example using complex table 459 example using separate tables 458 weighted retrieval 477 cancel INITIATE or PUT request 358 CANCEL operand DFHPC 406 cancel POST request 357 CANCEL type of DFHIC macro 357 cancel WAIT request 358 card-reader-in/line-printer-out (CRLF) 501 CCOMPL operand DPHTC 222 CCOMPL=NO operand 171 chain 170 chain assembly 171 for LUTYPE4 172 chaining of input data 170 chaining of output data 171 chaining of storage areas 32 CHAP type of DPHKC macro 373 CHECK type of DPHBMS macro 300 CHECK type of DPHPC macro 121 DL/I form 145 CHECK type of DPHIC macro 360 CHECK type of DPBJC macro 539 CHECK type of DPHPC macro 404 CHECK type of DPHTD macro 428 CHECK type of DPHTS ma.,·o 444 CICS type of DPHDC macro 516 CICS/VS (see Customer Information Control system) CLASS operand DFHSC 414 COBADOR type of DFHPC macro 403 COBOL addressability and optimization feature 55 addressability of storage areas 31 area size restriction in linkage section 54 CSA, common system area 48 CWA, common work area 48 data constant location 47 PIOA, file I/O area 50 COBOL (continued) PWA, file work area 50,51 guidelines, storage definition 54 JCA, journal control area 53 link-editing 22 OCCURS DEPENDING ON clause usage 54 optimization feature restrictions 55 program examples ~ee program examples) register usage 19 restrictions 20 SA!, storage accounting area 53 SERVICE RELOAD 55 storage definitions 47 example of copying 57 TCTTE, terminal control table terminal entry 48 TDIA, transient data input area 52 TOOA, transient data output area 52 TIOA, terminal I/O area 49 transfer of control 19 TSIOA, temporary storag~ I/O area 52 TWA, transaction work area 49 variable data location 47 VSWA, VSAM work area 51 working storage size restriction 55 working storage, use of 47 code translation 161 COLOR operand 251 OPHMDP 269 DFHMDI 259 DFHMSD 251 COLUMN operand DPHMDI 259 common system area (CSA) addressability of Assembler language 37 COBOL 48 PL/I 59 contents of 33 CWA 35 storage definition Assembler language 37 COBOL 48 PL/I 59 common work area (CWA) address ability of Assembler language 37 COBOL 48 PL/I 60 addressability restriction 35 size 35 storage definition Assembler language 37 COBOL 48 PL/I 60 uses of 35 COMPLETE type of DFHDC macro 517 component of CICS/VS 6 CONO operand DPHJC 541 DPHKC 386 DFHPC 406 DPHSC 414 DFHTS 447 CONNECT opera nd DPHTC 222 converse with a terminal or LU 161 convert label to address 403 Index 589 COpy statement 19 copying storage definitions (see storage definitions) CRlP (card-reader-in/line-printer-out) 501 cross-index data set 76 CSA (see co mmon sy st em area) CTlCHAR operand DFHTC 223 CTRl operand DFHBMS 301 DFHMSD 251,260 cursor address 164,231 CURSOR operand DFHBMS 309 Customer Information Control System/Virtual Storage assembly-time service 23 batch vs online 15 built-in functions 453 data base concept 4 dump services 513 execution mode 7 macro instructions 9 major components 6 major functions 3 online environments 13 sample programs 549 sequential terminal support 501 storage dump 516 system management functions 6 transaction flow 1 virtual storage environment 16 CiA (see common work area) DAM data set adding records 84 fixed, keyed 85 fixed, non-keyed 85 formatting data set 85 RDF, record descriptor field 86 undefined 85,86 variable 85,86 block reference 82 browse operation 105 deblocking 83 direct retrieval 81 extended search option 85 physical key 82 record identification field 82 retrieval method 132 update a record 86 updating nonkeyed 84 logging restriction 84 data base concept 4 data base/data communication ~B/DC) 3 data handling (2980) 193 Data Language/I (DL/I) acquiring an I/O work area 138 building segment search arguments 137 call statement 140 PSB, schedule the 137 release PSB 141 Dl/I requests Assembler language 146 COBOL 148 Pl/I 150 message routing restriction 295 590 CICS/VS APRM(ML) Data language/I (Dl/I) (continued) PCB, obtain addresses 136 program communication blocks (PCB) 135 program examples Assembler language 146 COBOL 148 PL/I 150 programming requirements 135 PSB, schedule the 136 quasi-reenterability considerations 135 releasing a PSB 141 requesting services 139 requesting services of 135 response codes 143 data length for write to terminal or LU 164 data mapping and formatting ~MS) 231 DATA operand DFHBMS 310 DFHMDI 261 DFHMSD 252 data set cross-index 16 index 16 primary 76 target 16 data set name DATASET operand 126 DATAID operand DFHTS 441 DATASET operand DFtlBIF 487 DFHFC 126 DATAl operand DFHTR 509 DATA1TP operand DFHTR 5~9 DATA2 operand DFHTR 509 DATA2TP operand DFHTR 509 DCI operand DFHKC 386 DCT (destination control table) 417 DEEDIT type of DFHBIF macro 465 deferred journal output 531 definite response 112 DEFLDNM type of DFHBIF macro 413 DEFRESP operand 112 DFHDI 336 DFHTC 223 delay task 346 delete a program 396 DELETE type of DFHFC macro 99 DELETE type of DFHPC macro 396 deletion of records CDFHDI macro) 328 DEQ type of DFHKC macro 381 DEST operand DFHTC 223 DESTID operand DFHTD macro 431 destination control table (DCT) 411 destination of data 114 DFBAID 164,231,304 DFHBFTCA macro instruction operands 455 operation of 455 DFHBIF macro instruction examples (see program examples) operands 486 prerequisites 453 TYPE=BITEST operands 468 TYPE=BITFLIP operands 468 TYPE=BITSETOFF operands 467 TYPE=BITSETON operands 466 returned values 469 TYPE=DEEDIT operands 465 returned values 465 TYPE=DEFLDNM operands 413 operation of 473 required delimiters 413 TYPE=FVERIFY operands 463 returned values 463 TYPE=INFORMAT operands 474 operation of 474 returned values 475 TYPE=PHONETIC error codes 460 operands 460 phonetic coding method 461 returned value 460 TYPE=TSEARCH complex table 459 operands 457 returned values 457 separate tables 458 TY PE=WTR ETCHK operands 482 TYPE=HTR ETGET operands of 481 operation of 481 returned values 481 'r!PE=RTRETREL operands 482 operation of 482 TYPE=HTRETST operands 480 returned values 480 TYPE=WTRTPARM operands 480 operation of 480 DFHBMS macro instruction 276 examples (see program examples) operands, list of 307 TYPE=CHECK operands 300 TYPE=IN operands 278 operation of 278 TYPE=MAP operands 277 TYPE=OUT operands 291 operation of 291 TYPE=PAGEBLD operands 280 opera tion of 280 DFHBMS macro instruction (continued) TYPE=PAGEOUT operands 293 operation of 293 TYPE=PURGE operands 294 operation of 294 TYPE=ROUTE operands 296 operation of 295 TYPE =TEXTBLD operands 290 operation of 290 DFHBM SCA 304 DFHCOVER macro instruction 23 DFBDC macro instruction examples (see program examples) listing of services 513 operands 520 requirements 513 TYPE=CICS operands 516 operation of 516 TYPE=COMPLETE operands 511 operation of 517 TYPE=PARTIAL operands 518 operation of 518 TYPE=TRANSACTION operands 515 operation of 515 DFHDI macro abnormal termination operations on data set 331 addition of records 321 deletion of records 328 interrogation of data set 330 operand s 336 relative record number 333 replacement of records 329 response codes 335 suspend execution of task 333 terminate operations on data set 330 test response 334 transmission of data 331,332 TYPE=ABORT 331 TYPE =ADD 327 TYPE=CHECK 334 TYPE=END 330 TYPE=ERASE 328 TYPE=NOTE 333 TYPE=QUERY 330 TYPE=RECEIVE 332 TYPE=REPLACE 329 TYPE=SEND 331 TYPE =WAIT 333 DFHFC macro instruction examples (see program examples) listing of services 73 operands 126 segmented records 133 TYPE= (DL/I ,PCB) operands 136 TYPE= (DL/I,T) operands 141 TYPE=CHECK operands 121,145 Index 591 DPBPC macro instruction (continued) TYPE=CBECK (continued) response codes 121 TYPE=DELETE operands 99 operation of 99 TYPE=DL/I operands 139 TYPE=ESETL operands 116 operation of 116 TYPE=GET 87 CICS/VS services for 87 data set name 126 index identification 128 operands 87 prerequisites 81 segment set identification 133 TYPE=GETAREA CICS/VS services for 100 operands 100 operation of 100 prerequisites 100 TYPE=GETNEXT CICS/VS services for 109 operands 109 operation of 109 prerequisites 109 TYPE=GETPREV CICS/VS services for 114 operands 114 operation of 114 prerequisites 114 TYPE=PUT 96 CICS/VS services for 96 operands 96 requirements 97 TYPE=RELEASE CICS/VS services for 103 operands 103 operation of 103 prerequisites 103 TYPE=RESETL operands 118 operation of 118 TYPE=SETL CICS/VS services for 106 operands 105 opera tion of 105 prerequisites 106 DPHIC macro instruction examples (see program examples) listing of services 343 operands 363 TYPE=CANCEL operands 351 operation of 357 TYPE=CHECK operands 360 TYPE=GET operands 355 operation of 355 TYPE=GETIME operands 344 operation of 344 TYPE=INITIATE operands 350 operation of 350 592 CICS/VS APRM(ML) DPHIC macro instruction (continued) TYPE=POST operands 348 operation of 348 TYPE=PUT operands 352 operation of 352 TYPE=RETRY operands 359 operation of 359 TYPE=WAIT operands 346 operation of 346 DPHJC macro instruction examples (see program examples) operands 541 TYPE=CHECK operands 539 TYPE=GETJCA operands 525 operation of 525 TYPE=PUT operands 527 operation of 521 TYPE=WAIT operands 536 operation of 536 TYPE=WRITE operands 531 operation of 531 DF8KC macro instruction examples (see program examples) listing of services 361 operands 386 TYPE=ATTACH caution of use 369 operands 368 operation 368 requirements for 368 TYPE=CHAP operands 373 operation of 373 TYPE=DEQ operands 381 operation of 381 requirements for 381 TYPE=ENQ operands 379 operation of 379 requirements for 380 TYPE=NOPURGE operands 384 operation of 384 TYPE=PURGE operands 384 operation of 384 TYPE=WAIT operands 315 operation of 315 requirements for 375 DFHMDF macro instruction operands 265 operation of 265 DFHMDI macro instruction operands 259 operation of 259 DFH!SD macro instruction operands 248 DPHHSD macro instruction (continued) operation of 248 )PHPC macro instruction examples (see program examples) listing of services 389 operands 406 TYPE=ABEND operands 397 operation of 397 TYPE=CHECK operands 404 TYPE=COBADDR operands 403 operation of 403 TYPE=DELETE operands 396 opera tion of 396 requirements for 396 TYPE=LINK operands 391 operation of 391 requirements for 391 TYPE=LOAD operands 393 operation of 393 prerequisites 393 TYPE=RESETXIT operands 402 operation of 400 TYPE=RETURN operands 395 operation of 395 requirements for 395 TYPE=SETXIT operands 399 operation of 399 TYPE=XCTL operands 392 operation of 392 requirements for 392 DFHSC macro instruction examples (see program examples) operand 414 TYPE=PREEMAIN operands 412 operation of 412 prerequisites 412 TYPE=GETMAIN operands 410 operation of 410 prerequisites 410 DFHSP macro instruction backout recoverable resources 546 operation of 545 TYPE=ROLLBACK 546 TYPE=USER 545 DPHTC macro instruction 220 addressability to the TCTTE and TIOA 163 data length 164 examples (see program examples) FHH length 164 incompatible options 162 list of services 161 LUTYPE4 logical unit 220 operands 222 other CICS/VS supported terminals 221 DFHTC macro instruction (continued) printer authorization matrix 197,198,200 program testing and debugging 502 storage definition for TCTTE and TIOA 163 syntax 179 System/3 182 System/370 182 System/7 183 TCAM supported LUs 221 TIOA acquisition for vrite 164 TIOA address 166 TIOA dumping 165 2260 Display station 185 2265 Display Station 186 2740 Communication Terminal 186 2741 Communication Terminal 187 2770 Data Communication System 190 2780 Data Transmission Terminal 190 2980 data handling 193 2980 General Banking Terminal 191 2980 passbook control 191 2980 segmented writes control 192 3270 (2260 compatibility) 203 3270 BTAM 197 3270 compatibility logical unit 217 3270 local copy 197,198,200 3270 logical unit 198 3270 LUTYPE2 logical unit 200 3270 LUTYPE3 logical unit 201 3270 SCSPRT logical unit 202 3270 switchable screen sizes 197,199,200 3600 (3601) LU 208 3600 (3614) LU 208 3600 BTAM 205 3600 pipeline logical unit 208 3600 Supermarket System 211 36 50 (3 653) LU 2 10 3650 host command processor LU 209 3650 host conversational (3270) LU 209 3650 Interpreter LU 211 3650 output device control 209 3650 pipeline logical unit 210 3650(3270) erase function 210 3735 Programmable Buffered Terminal 212 3740 Data Entry System 214 3767 Interactive LU 215 3770 Batch Data Interchange LU 216 3770 Batch LU 216 3770 full function LU 216 3770 Interactive LU 215 3780 Data Communications Terminal 216 3790 (3270-Oisplay) LU 217 3790 (3270-Printer) LU 217 3790 batch data interchange LU 218 3790 Full Function LU 217 3790 Inquiry LU 217 3790 SCS Printer LU 217 7770 Audio Response unit 219 DFHTD macro instruction examples (see program examples) listing of services 418 operands 431 TYPE=CHECK operands 428 Index 593 DFHTD macro instruction (continued) TYPE=FEOV operands 426 operation of 426 TYPE=GET operands 423 operation of 423 TYPE=PURGE operands 427 operation of 427 TYPE=PUT operation of 421 requirements of 421 DFHTR macro instruction operands 509 TYPE=ENTRY opera nds 508 TYPE=OFF operands 508 TYPE=ON operands 507 DFHTS macro instruction examples (see program examples) listing of services 434 operands, list of 447 TYPE=CHECK operands 444 TYPE=GET operands 438 operation of 438 TYPE=GETQ operands 441 opera tion of 438 TYPE=PURGE operands 443 operation of 442 TYPE=PUT operands 435 operation of 435 TYPE=PUTQ operands 437 operation of 435 TYPE=RELEASE operands 442 operation of 442 disconnect a logical unit 167 disconnect a switched line 167 DL/I (see Data Language/I) DL/I type of DFHFC macro DLINA operand DFHFC DL/I services 152 DM PCODE operand DFHDC 520 DNADDR operand DFHDI 336 DSECT type of DFHMSD macro 248 DSIDER operand DFHBIF 487 DFHFC 126 DSSTAT operand DFHDI 336 dump of TIOA 165 dump services 513 CICS/VS storage dump 516 macro instruction 513 partial storage dump 518 examples 518 594 CICS/VS APRM(ML) dump services (continued) transaction and CICS/VS storage dump 517 transaction storage dump 515 DUPDS operand DFHFC 126 DUPKEY operand DFHFC 127 duplicate record 79 DUPREC operand DFHFC 127 ECADDR operand DFRKC 387 ECBs 369 end of data set (EODS) 174 ENDDATA operand DFHIC 363 ENDFILE operand DFHBIF 487 DFRFC 127 DFHTC 224 ENDINPUT operand DFHTC 224 ENDMSG operand DFRTC 224 ENERROR operand DFHTS 447 ENQ type of DFHKC macro 379 ENTRY operand DFRTS 447 ENTRY type of DFRTR macro 508 EOC indicator 170 EOC operand 170 DFHBMS 311 DFRTC 225 EODPURG operand DFHBMS 311 EODS ~nd of data se~ 174 EODS operand DFHBMS 311 DFHDI 336 DFHTC 225 EOF operand DFdTC 225 error codes DFHBIF TYPE=PHONETIC 460 phonetic conversion 460 ERROR operand DFHBIF 488 DFHBMS 311 DFHFC 127 DFHIC 363 DFHTS 447 ERRTERM operand DFHBMS 311 ESETL type of DFRFC macro 116 examples of programs (see program exception response 172 exclusive control, release 103 expiration of specified time 348 EXPIRD operand DFHIC 363 EXTATT operand 253 DFHMSD 253 exa~ples) extended search option extrapartition data sets alignment requirements 424 data 417 forced end of volume 426 indirect destinations 411 queue 411 facilities for logical units 169 FCADDR operand DFHKC 387 FEOV type of DFHTD macro 426 field definition macro (BMS) 265 field edit macro instruction 465 operation 465 returned values 465 FIELD operand DFHBIF 488 field verify macro instruction 463 operation 463 returned values 463 FIELDS operand DFHBIF 488 FIELD1 operand DFHBIF 488 FIELD2 operand DFHBIF 489 file I/O area (PIOA) addressability of Assembler language 39 COBOL 50 PL/I 61 storage definition Assembler language 39 COBOL 50 PL/I 61 use in file services 73 file serv ices access methods 73 accessing a record 88 browsing 74 data york areas 73 delete data 99 direct retrieval B7 file control 73 file management 73 generic delete 99· group delete 99 introduction to 73 mass insert 103 obtain a file work area 100 priority of 74 program examples building a new record 100 check response code 124 initiate browse operation 107 obtaining an PHA 100 random read-only operation 89 random retrieval for update 92 random retri~val via indirect access 94 random update or add data 97 releasing an PiA 104 reset sequential retrieval 118 retrieve next sequential record file services (continued) program examples (continued) terminate sequential retrieval 116 VSAH locate mode IIO 91 read-only retrieval 87 release file storage 103 reset sequential retrieval 118 response codes 121 retrieval for update 87 retrieval via indirect access 94 retrieve next sequential record 109 retrieve previous sequential record 114 sequential retrieval 105 summary of 6 terminate sequential retrieval 116 update or add data 96 file work area (PWA) addressability of Assembler language 40 COBOL 51 PL/I 62 obtaining 100 release file storage 103 storage definition Assembler language 40 CaBO L 51 PL/I 62 use in file services 73 PINAL type of DFHMSD macro 248 FIOA (see file IIO area) fixed block architecture (PBA) 73 PMH (function management header) 173 FMH length 164 PHH operand DFHTC 225 PHH, inbound 173 FHH, outbound 173 PI1HPARM operand DPHBMS 312 POC indicator 170 force end of volume (transient data) 426 PORCE operand DFHTC 226 FORH operand DPHIC 363 format notation of macros 10 forms, different types 174 FREEMAIN type of DPHSC macro 412 PTABLE operand DFHBIF 489 FUNCERR operand DFHDI 336 FUNCNS operand DFHFC DL/I services 152 function management header (PMH) 173 functions of CICS/VS 3 PVERIFY type of DFHBIF macro 463 FW A (se e file work area) 110 generic key 81,105 GET type of DPHFC macro 87 GET type of DPHIC macro 355 GET type of DFHTC macro 166 GET type of DFHTD macro 423 GET type of DFHTS macro 438 GETAREA type of DFHPC macro 100 GETIME type of DFHIC macro 344 Index 595 GETJCA type of DPHJC macro 525 GETMAIN type of DPBSC macro 410 GETNEXT type of DPBPC macro 109 GETPREV type of DPBPC macro 114 GETQ type of DPHTS macro 441 GRPNAME operand DPBMDP 269 hard request-change-direction signal HEADER operand DPHBI!S 312 DPHMDI 261 BILIGHT operand 253,269 DPHMDP 269 DPHMDI 261 DPHMSD 253 HTAB operand DPHMSD 254 175 I/O PCB (input/output program control blocks) 136 ICDADDR operand DPHIC 363 ID operand DPHTR 510 IDERROR operand DPHJC 541 DPHTD macro 431 DPHTS 448 IGREQCD ope rand DPHBMS 313 IGR EQID operand DPHBMS 313 ILLOGIC operand DPHPC 127 IN type of DPBBMS macro 278 INBPMH operand 173 DPBTC 226 inbound PMH 173 incompatible options on DFHTC macro 162 index data set 76 index identification INDEX operand 128 INDEX operand DFHBIF 490 DFHPC 128 index, alternate 76 indirect accessing 76 duplicate record 79 INPORMAT type of DPHBlF macro 474 INITIAL operand DFHMDF 270 initiate a task 368 INITIATE type of DFHIC macro 350 INITIMG operand DPHFC 128 DFBSC 415 input formatting combination input 472 fixed format 470 keyword format macro instructions 473,474 opera tion 471 required delimiters 473 returned values 475 ;96 CICS/VS APRM(ML) input formatting (continued) positional format macro instruction 474 operation 470 returned values 475 storage definition 472 input mapping (BMS) 242 input/output mapping (BMS) 244 input, unsolicited 175 INPUTNO operand DPBBIF 490 INPUTPC operand DFHBIF 490 INPUTST operand DPHBIP 491 inter~ecord separator (IRS) character interrogation of data set (DPHDI macro) 330 intrapartition data sets data 417 indirect destinations 417 purge 427 queue 417 INTRVAL operand DPHBMS 313 DFHIC 363 INVET operand DFHBMS 314 INVLDC operand DPHBMS TYPE=CHECK 314 IN VM PSZ operand DFHBMS 314 INVREQ operand DPHBlF 491 DFHBMS 314 DPHFC 128 DFHPC DL/I services 152 DFHIC 364 DFHJC 541 DPHTS 448 IOERROR operand DPHBIP 491 DFllPC 128 DFHIC 364 DFHJC 541 DFHTD macro 431 DPHTS 448 IRS (inter-record separator) character ISAM data set record identification field 81 JCA (see journal control area) JCDADDR operand DPHJC 541 JCDLGTH operand DPHJC 541 JCP (journal control program) 523 JCT (journal control table) 523 JPILEID operand DPHJC 542 journal control area (JCA) addressability of Assembler language 43 COBOL 53 PL/I 65 storage definition Assembler language 43 172 172 journal control area (JCA) (continued) storage definition (continued) COBOL 53 PL/I 65 journal control program (JCP) 523 journal control table (JCT) 523 journal record 523 journal services acquire the journal control area 525 asynchronous journal output 531 create a journal record 521,531 asynchronous journal output 531 synchronous journal output 521 deferred journal output 531 introduction to 523 journal management 523 journal record 523 journal record synchronization 536 priority of 523 program examples acq~ire the journal control a:t'ea 525 asynchronous journal output 532 journal record synchronization 536 synchronous journal output 521 requests for 523 response codes 539 summary of 1 synchronous journal output 527 test response 539 JTYPEID operand DFBJC 5~2 JUSTIFY operand DFHBMS 314 DFBMDF 210 DFHMDI 262 key, alternate 16 KEYADDR operand DFBDI 336 LABEL operand DFHBIF 491 DFHPC 406 LANG operand DFHMSD 254 LANGCON operand DFHFC DL/I services 152 LAST parameter DFHBMS TYPE=PAGEOUT 294 LDA (logical device address) 174 LDC (logica 1 device code) 114 LDC operand DFHBMS 315 DFHMSD 254 DFHTC 226 LENGTH operand DFHBIF 491 DFHMDF 211 LERROR operand DFHJC 542 line control 161 ~INE operand DFHMDI 262 INEADR operand DFHTC 227 LINK type of DFHPC macro 391 link-editing 22 linking programs 391 LI ST op erand DFHBKS 316 DFBDC 520 load a VSAM data set 14 LOAD type of DFHPC macro 393 loading a program 393 LOADLST operand DFHPC 406 locality of reference 16 locate mode 88,106 logical device address (LDA) 114 logical device code (LDC) 114 logical record presentation 111 logical unit (LU) 161 logical unit (TCAM-supported) 221 logical unit facilities 169 logical unit of work (LUW) 545 logical units supported by TCAM 119 LU (log ical unit) 161 LUTYPE2 logical unit 200 LUTYPE3 logical unit 201 LUTYPE4 chain assembly of response units 172 LUTYPE4 logical unit 220 LUW (logical unit of work) 545 macro instruction DFHFC 13 macro instructions DFHBF 450 DFHBFTCA macro instruction 455 DFHBMS macro instruction 276 DFHDC macro instruction 513 DFHFC macro instruction DL/1 forms 135 DFHIC macro instruction 343,344 DFHJC macro instruction 523 DFHKC macro instruction 367,369 DFH~DF macro instruction 265 DFHMDI macro instruction 259 DFHMSD macro instruction 248 DFHPC macro instruction 389,391 DFHSC macro instruction 409,410 DFHSP macro instruction 5~5 DFHTC 162 DFHTD macro instruction 418,421 DFHTS macro instruction 434,437 general format 9 name field restriction 9 operand field rules 9 operation field rules 9 syntax notation 10 map building ~MS) 241 map definition macro 259 MAP operand DFHBMS 318 map positioning 281 map retrieval ~aS) 244 map set definition macro 248 MAP type of DFHBKS macro 217 KAP type of DFBMSD macro 248 MAPADR operand DFHBM~ 318 Index 597 MAPFAIL operand DFHBMS 319 maps, copying symbolic 245 MAPSET operand DFHBMS 319 mass insert 103 MATCH operand DFBBIF 492 media selection in logical unit 331 message integrity 169 message recovery, BMS 303 message routing 295 disposition and message routing 296 DL/I restrictions 295 macro instruction 296 status flag byte 297 MOC indicator 170 MODE operand DFHFC 129 DFHMSD 254 move mode 88 MSETADR operand DFHBMS 319 multiple form printers 174 multithreading 13 NAMES operand DFHBIF 492 new line (NL) character 172 NL (new line) character 172 node abnormal condition program 171 node error program 171 NOMATCH operand DFHBIF 492 NONVAL operand DFHTC 227 NOPURGE type of DPHKC macro 384 NORESP operand DPHBIF 493 DFHBMS 319 DPHDI 337 DFHPC 130 DFBPC DL/I services 152 DPHIC 364 DFHJC 542 DFHTC 227 DFHTD macro 431 DPHTS 448 NOSPACE operand DFBPC 130 DPHTD macro 431 DFHTS 448 NOTPND operand DPHBIF 493 DFHFC 130 DPHIC 364 NOTOPEN operand DPHFC 131 DFHFC DL/I services 152 DFHJC 542 DFHTD ma~ro 431 NOTOPEN operands DFHBIF 493 NRECDS operand DFHBIP 493 NULL operand DFHBIP 493 598 CICS/VS APRM (ML) NUMBYTE operand DPBSC 415 NUMERIC operand DFHBIF 494 NUMREC operand 337 DPHDI 337 OBPMT operand DFHM DI 263 DFHMSD 255 OCCURS operand DPHMDP 271 OFP type of DPHTR macro 508 OFLOW operand DFHB IF 494 DPHBMS 319 ON type of DFHTR macro 507 OPCLASS operand DPHBMS 319 operands of DPHDI macro 336 operands of DFHTC macro 222 OPTION operand 455 DFHBFTCA 455 ORDER operand DFHBIF 494 OUT type of DFHBMS macro 291 outbound FMH 173 output mapping (BMS) 243 overlapping logical unit output 169 PACKED operand DFHBIF 494 page building COLUMN operand 283 examples 283 JUSTIFY operand 283 justify operands 282 LINE operand 282 map positioning 281 message routing 295 non-cumulative 291 operation 238 overflow processing 287,289 paging commands on video devices 305 returned pages 286 screen contents 281 terminating a logical message 293 trailer area 282 trailer maps 288 with mapping 280 without mapping 290 page queuing facility 434 page-out operations 17 PAGEBLD type of DPHBMS macro 280 PAGEOUT type of DPHBMS macro 293 paging commands on video devices 305 partial key 81,105 partial storage dump 518 PARTIAL type of DPHDC macro 518 passbook control (2980) 191 passing program control 391 PCB (program communication blocks) 135 PCB operand DPHFC DL/1 services 152 PPXADDR operand DPHJC 542 PFXLGTH operand DFHJC 543 PGMIDER operand DFHPC 407 phonetic conversion error codes U60 macro instruction 460 operation 460 phonetic coding method 461 returned value 460 subroutine 461 PHONETIC type of DFHBIF macro 460 physical map ~MS) 240 PICIN operand DFHMDF 272 PICOUT operand DFHMDF 273 pipeline logical unit (3600) 208 pipeline logical unit (3650) 210 PL/I addressability of storage areas 31 CSA, common system area 59 CWA, common work area 60 FIOA, file I/O area 61 FWA, file work area 62 JCA, journal control area 65 link-editing 22 program examples (see program examples) REENTRANT requirements 59 register usage 19 restrictions 22 SAA, storage accounting area 64 storage definitions 59 example of copying 66 required order of definition 59 TCA, task control area 60 TCTTE, terminal control table terminal entry 60 TDIA, transient data input area 63 TDOA, transient data output area 63 TIOA, terminal I/O area 61 transfer of control 19 TSIOA, temporary storage I/O area 64 TWA, transaction work area 60 VSWA, VSAM work area 62 polling of terminals 161 POS operand DFHMDF 266,274 POST type of DFHIC macro 348 posting ECBs 369 PRGNAME ope rand DFHTC 227 primary data set 76 print requast facility (3270) 198 printer authorization matrix 197,198,200 printer control characters (BMS) 304 priority of a task 373 program communication blocks (PCB) 135 program examples basic mapping support (BMS) 561 map definition 561 test response code 302 built-in functions copying storage referred to by BIP 455 table search using complex table 459 program examples (continued) built-in functions (continued) table search using separate tables 458 copying storage definitions Assembler language 44 COBOL 57 PL,/I 66 Data Language/I (DL/I) Assembler language 146 COBOL 148 PL/I 150 executable CICS/VS sample program Assembler language 549 COBOL 555 PL/I 559 file services building a new record 100 check response code 124 initiate browse operation 107 obtaining an FWA 100 random read-only operation 89 random retrieval for update 92 random retrieval via indirect access 94 random update or add data 97 releasing an FWA 104 reset sequential retrieval 118 retrieve next sequential record 110 terminate sequential retrieval 116 VSAM locate mode I/O 91 journal services acquire the journal control area 525 asynchronous journal output 532 journal record synchronization 536 synchronous journal output 527 partial dump request 518 posting ECBs 369 storage services abnormally terminate a transaction 397 check response code 405 deleting a program 396 establish program exit 401 linking programs 391 loading a program 393 obtain and initialize main storage 410 release main storage 412 transferring program control 392 task services attaching tasks 371 change priority of a task 373 multiple events task synchronization 377 relinquish control to higher priority task 378 single event task synchronization 375 single-server resource synchronization 381 temporary storage services check response code 445 free temporary data 442 retrieve temporary data 438 store temporary data 435 Index 599 program examples (cont5.nued) tille services check response code 361 retrieval of time-ordered data 356 signal for time expired 349 suspend task processing 346 task initiation with data 353 task initiation without data 351 time-of-day services 344 transient data services acquire queued data 423 check response code 429 dispose of data 421 extrapartition alignment requirements 424 forced end of volume 426 weighted retrieval 484 program initialization 19 PROGRAM operand DFBPC 401 program services abnormally terminate a transaction 391 communication and logical relationships 389 convert label to address 403 delete a program 396 introduction to 389 load a program 393 logical levels 389 macro instruction 391 pass control anticipating return 391 program management 389 response codes 404 return program control 395 summary of 1 test response 404 transfer control 392 program specification blocks (PSB) 135 program testing and debugging card-reader-in/line-printer-out (CRLP) 501 dump services 513 introduction to 496 sequential terminal support 501 trace services 503 programming considerations data base considerations adding records to DAM data sets PROPT operand DFHBMS 321 PRTI operand DFHKC 381 PS operand 255 DFHKDF 213 DFHMDI 263 DFHMSD 255 PSB (program specification blocks) PSB operand DFHFC DL/I services 153 PSBFAIL operand DFHFC DL/I services 153 PSBNA operand DFHFC DL/I services 153 PSBUF operand DFHFC DL/I services 153 PSBSCH operand DFHFC DL/I services 153 PURGE type of DFHBMS macro 294 600 CICS/VS APRM (ML) 84 135 PURGE type of DFHKC macro 384 PURGE type of DFHTD macro 421 PURGE type of DFHTS macro 443 PUT type of DFHFC macro 96 PUT type of DFHIC macro 352 PUT type of DFHJC macro 521 PUT type of DFHTC macro 166 PUT type of DFHTD macro 421 PUT type of DFHTS macro 435 PUTQ type of DFHTS macro 431 QARGADR operand DFHKC 381 QARGLNG operand DFHKC 381 quasi-reenterability QUEBUSY operand DFTD macro 431 QUEZERO operand DFHTD macro 431 18 random retrieval for update example of 92 retrieval via indirect access update or add data example of 91 RANGE operand DFHBIF 494 RCD signal 115 RDATAl operand DFHTR 510 RDATA2 operand DFHTR 510 RDATT operand DFHBl!S 321 DFHTC 228 RDIDADR operand 81 DFHBIF 496 DFHFC 131 structure 81 read attention (2141) 94 188 read from a terminal or LU 163 read-ahead queueing 169 ready message for 1110 166 record 15 duplicate 19 segmented 15 record identification address of 131 record identification field DAM data set 82 ISAM data set 81 multiple browse 81 RDIDADR operand 81 VSAM data set 81 recovery/restart services summary of 1 sync point management 545 reenterable program 11 register usage 19 relative record number (DFHDI macro) RELEASE operand DFHIC DFHSC DFHTS 365 416 448 333 RBLBASE type of DFHFC macro 103 UELBASE type of DFHTS macro 442 alinquish control to higher priority task 377 replacement of records (DFHDI macro) 329 REQID operand DFHBMS 321 DFHIC 365 request-change-direction signal 175 requestjresponse unit (RU) 170 RBSETL type of DFHFC macro 118 RES&TXIT type of DFHPC macro 402 response codes DL/I services 143 file control 121 interval control 360 journal control 539 methods of testing 23 program control 404 temporary storage control 444 transient data control 428 response codes (DFHDI macro) 335 restart ~ee recovery/restart) restore recoverable resources 546 restrictions Assembler language 20 COBOL 20 link-editing 22 object module size 23 overlays in application programs 17 PL/I 22 RETMETH ope rand DFHFC 132 RETPAGE operand DFHBMS 322 retrieve time-ordered data 355 RETRY type of DFHIC macro 359 return program control 395 RETURN type of DFHPC macro 395 ROLLBACK type of DPHSP macro 546 ROUTE type of DFHBMS macro 296 ROUTINE operand DFBPC 407 RRNADDR ope rand DFHDI 337 RTEFAIL operand DFHBMS 322 RTESOME operand DFHBMS 322 RU (request/response unit) 170 RU indicators (POC,MOC,EOC) 110 SAVE parameter DFHBMS TYPE=IN 279 DFHBMS TYPE=MAP 277 scratch pad (temporary storage) SCSPRT logical unit 202 SEGIDER operand DFHFC 132 segment 75 segment set identification SEGSET operand 133 segmented record 75 general rules 75 segmented writes control (2980) SEGSET operand DPHFC 133 6 192 SELECT operand DPHDI 337 selecting media in logical unit 331 SELNERR operand DFHDI 338 SEND/RECEIVE mode 169 sequential terminal support 501 sequential retrieval reset sequential retrieval 118 retrieve next sequential record 109 retrieve previous sequential record 114 skip-sequential processing 15 start browse 105 terminate sequential retrieval 116 service invocation file services 73 journal services 523 program services 389 recovery/restart services 545 storage services 409 task services 367 temporary storage services 433 terminal services 161 time services 343 transient data services 417 SERVICE RELOAD 55 SETL type of DPHPC macro 105 SETXIT type of DPHPC macro 399 SIGADDR operand DFHTC 228 signal commands from logical units 175 LU (logical unit) signal command 175 single event task synchronization 375 single threading 13 SIZE op erand DFHMDI 263 skip-sequential processing 75,110 SNA (Systems Network Architecture) system 161 SNA protocols 169 SRC HTYP operand DFHFC 133 SSALIST operand DFHFC DL/I services 153 SSAS operand DFBFC DL/I services 154 standard attribute list (BMS) 304 STARTIO operand DFRJC 543 STATERR operand DFHJC 543 storage accounting area (SAA) addressability of Assembler language 43 COBOL 53 PL/I 64 storage definition Assembler language 43 COBOL 53 PL/I 64 storage areas addressability of (see addressability) base addresses 31 chaining 32 definitions (see storage definition) required 33 Index 601 storage areas (continued) summary 29 symbolic names 32 storage definition addressability 31 base addresses 31 chaining of storage areas 32 common system area (CSA) Assembler language 37 COBOL 48 PL/I 59 common work area (CWA) Assembler language 37 COBOL 48 PL/I 60 copying 31 file input/output area (FIOA) Assembler language 39 COBOL 50 PL/I 61 fi Ie work area (FW A) Assembler language 40 COBOL 51 PL/I 62 journal control area (JCA) Assembler language 43 COBOL 53 PL/I 65 recommendation 18 required storage areas 33 storage accounting area (SAA) 43 Assembler language 43 COBOL 53 PL/I 64 storage accounting field 27 task control area (TCA) Assembler language 38 COBOL 49 PL/I 60 temporary storage input/output area (TSIOA) Assembler language 42 COBOL 52 PL/I 64 terminal control table terminal entry (TCTTE) Assembler language 38 COBOL 48 PL/I 60 terminal input/output area (TIOA) Assembler language 39 COBOL 49 PL/I 61 transaction work area (TWA) Assembler language 38 COBOL 49 PL/I 60 transient data input area ~DIA) Assembler language 41 COBOL 52 PL/I 63 transient data output area (TDOA) Assembler language 41 COBOL 52 PL/I 63 VSAM work area (VSW~ 40 Assembler language 40 COBOL 51 602 CICS/VS APRM (ML) storage definition (continued) VSAM work area (VSWA) (continued) PL/I 62 storage definition for DFHTC macro 163 storage definitions Assembler language 37 COBOL 47 PL/I 59 STORAGE operand DFHMSD 255 storage services accounting for storage 409 activate ABEND exit 399 cancel ABEND exit 399 introduction to 409 macro instruction 410 obtain and initialize main storage 410 program examples abnormally terminate a transaction 397 check response code 405 deleting a program 396 establish program exit 401 linking programs 391 loading a program 393 obtain and initialize main storage 410 release main storage 412 transferring program control 392 reactivate ABEND exit 400 release main storage 412 storage control 409 storage management 409 summary of 6 STORCLS op erand DFHTS 448 STORFAC operand DFBTS 449 strings, VSAM 104 STIPE operand DFHTR 510 SUBST operand DFHBIF 496 SUFFIX operand 256 DFHMSD 256 SUPPR operand suspend data set 434 suspend execution of task (DFHDI macro) 333 switchable screen sizes 197,199,200 symbolic description map (BMS) 240 sync point management summary of 7 sync point 545 sync point, specify 545 synchronization of I/O 161 synchronize a task 375 synchronize terminal I/O DFBTC TIPE=WAIT 166 return of control 166 synchronous journal output 527 syntax notation of macros 10 syntax of DFHTC macro 179 system management functions file services 73 program services 389 recovery/restart services 545 storage services 409 system management functions (continued) sUIlcary of 6 task services 361 temporary storage services 433 time services 343 transaction flow 1 transient data services 411 System/3 182 System/310 182 system/1 183 systems network architecture (SNA) system 161 table searc h complex table 459 macro instruction 457 operation 457 returned values 457 separate tables 458 target data set 76 TARGET operand DFHBIF 496 task control area (TCA) addressability COBOL 49 P;L/I 60 contents of 35 logical sections 35 storage definition Assembler language 38 COBOL 49 PL/I 60 -task identification, sequance 177 task protection 169 task services attaching tasks 368 change priority of a task 373 initiate a task 368 listing of 367 macro instruction 369 multiple events task synchronization 371 program examples attaching tasks 371 change priority of a task 373 multiple events task synchronization 377 relinquish control to higher priority task 378 single event task synchronization 375 single-server resource synchronization 381 relinquish control to higher priority task 377 single event task synchronization 375 single-server resource synchronization 379 summary of 7 synchronize a task 375 task control 367 task management 367 task purgeability on system overload 384 task synchronization 375 task synchronization 346 TASKNA operand DFHFC OL/I services 154 TCA (see task control area) TCAM supported logical units 179 TCAM supported LO 221 TCAM supported terminals 179 TCTTE (see terminal control table terminal entry) TOADOR operand OPHTD macro 432 TDIA (see transient data input area) TOOA ~ee transient data output area) teletypewriter programming 181 temporary storage I/O area (TSIOA) addressability of 42 Assembler language 42 COBOL 53 PL/I 64 obtaining a 414 storage definition Assembler language 42 COBOL 52 PL/I 64 temporary storage services free temporary data 442 introduction to 433 macro instruction 437 page queuing facility 434 program examples check response code 445 free temporary data 442 retrieve temporary data 438 store temporary data 435 response codes 444 retrieve temporary data 438 scratch pad 6 store temporary data 43S summary of 6 temporary storage control 433 temporary storage management 433 test response 444 TERM operand DFHMSD 256 terminal code table 303 terminal control table terminal entry (TCTTE) addressability of Assembler language 38 COBOL 48 PL/I 60 storage definition Assembler language 38 COBOL 48 PL/I 60 terminal I/O area (TIO!) addressability of Assembler language 39 COBOL 50 PL/l 61 data length warning 164 obtaining a 414 storage definition Assembler language 39 COBOL 49 PL/I 61 terminal paging BMS :l38,280 temporary storage services 434 Index 603 terminal services accesS methods 161 code translation 161 line control 161 logical unit 161 polling 161 requests for 161 sequential devices 161 SNA system 161 summary of 6 synchronization of I/O 161 terminal control 161 transaction initiation 161 terminals supported by TCAM 179 terminate operations on data set (DFHDI macro) 330 TERMNS operand DFHFC DL/I services 154 test response BMS services 300 journal services 539 methods of 23 program services 404 temporary storage services 444 time services 360 transient data services 428 weighted retrieval 482 test response (DFHDI macro) 334 TEXT parameter DFHBMS TYPE=IN 279 TEXTBLD type of DFHBMS macro 290 TIMADR operand DFHIC 365 time of day 344 Tn! E operand DFBBMS 322 DFHIC 366 time services cancel INITIATE or PUT request 358 cancel POST request 357 cancel WAIT request 358 delay task 346 expiration of specified time 348 introduction to 343 listing of 343 macro instruction 344 program examples check response code 361 retrieval of time-ordered data 356 signal for time expired 349 suspend task processing 346 task initiation with data 353 task initiation without data 351 time-of-day services 344 response codes 360 response codes 360 retrieve time-ordered data 355 retry capability 359 summary of 7 task initiation with data 352 task initiation without data 350 task synchronization 346 test response 360 time of day format 344 time-of-day services 344 time-ordered data 355 time-ordered request cancellation 357 time-ordered task initiation 350 604 CICS/VS APRM(ML) time-initiated (3735) 213 TIOA (see terminal I/O area) TIOA acquisition for read 164 TIO! acquisition for write 164 TIOA address 164,166 TIOA for a chain 171 TIOA, reuse of 164,165 TIOAPFX operand DFHMDI 264 DFHMSD 257 TITLE operand DFHBMS 322 trace services auxiliary trace 506 introduction to 503 trace control 504 trace entry format 504 trace ENTRY function 508 trace OFF function 508 trace ON function 507 trace table duplicate entries 505 loca tion of 503 trace entry general format 504 trace header 504 TRAILER operand DFHBMS 323 DFBMDI 264 transaction flow 7 transaction and CICS/VS storage dump 517 transaction initiation 161 transaction storage dump 515 TRANSACTION type of DFHDC macro 515 transaction work area (TWA) addressability of COBOL 49 PL/I 60 addressability restriction 36 description of 36 size of 36 storage definition Assembler language 38 COBOL 49 PL/I 60 transfer of control 19,392 TRANSID operand DFHBMS 323 DFHIC 366 DFHKC 387 DFBPC 407 transient data input area (TDIA) addressability of Assembler language 41 COBOL 52 PLI 63 obtaining a 414 storage definition Assembler language 41 COBOL 52 PL/I 63 transient data output area (TDOA) addressability of Assembler language 41 COBOL 52 PL/I 63 obtaining a 414 transient data output area (TDOA) (continued)VALIDN operand (continued) storage definition DFHMDF 273 Assembler language 41 DFBMDI 264 COBOL 52 DFHMSD 257 PL/I 63 virtual storage transient data services concepts 16 acquire queued data 423 locality of reference 16 automatic task initiation (ATI) 418 techniques 16,18 dispose of data 421 validity of reference 16 extrapartition data 417 working set 16 forced end of volume 426 VOLADDR operand indirect destinations 417 DFHDI 338 intrapartition data 417 VSAM data set introduction to 417 access error requirement 74 macro instruction 421 adding several records at once 100 program examples alternate index 76 acquire queued data 423 browse operation 105 check response code 429 browsing dispose of data 421 random access 75 extrapartition alignment skip-sequential processing 75 requirements 424 termination requirement 75 forced end of volume 426 direct retrieval 87 purge intrapartition data 427 exclusive control 89 response codes 428 ISAM compatibility mode 73 loading 74 summary of 6 test response 428 locate mode 73,106 transient data control 417 lockout 89 transient data management 417 mass insert 100,131 translation tables for the 2980 579 record identification field 81 transmission of data (DFHDI) 331,332 reusing 74 transparent ~RN) character 172 shared resources 74 TRMIDER operand skip-sequential processing 110 DFHIC 366 strings limited in number 104 TRMIDNT operand TYPE=RELEASE after error 74,89 DFHIC 366 TYPE=RELEASE requirements 97 TRN (transparent) character 172 variable-length records 88 TRNIDER operand VSAM work area (VSWA) DFHIC 366 addressability of TSDADDR operand Assembler language 40 DFHTS 449 COBOL 51 TSEARCH type of DPHBIF macro 457 PL/I 62 TSINVLD operand storage definition DFHIC 366 Assembler language 40 COBOL 51 TSIOA (see temporary storage I/O area) TSIOERR operand PL/I 62 DPHBMS 323 VSWA (see VSAM work area) TWA (see transaction work area) VTAB operand TYPE operand DFBMSD 258 DFHBMS 324 DFHMSD 249 TYPE= parameter WAIT operand DPHTC 228 DPHTC 234 TYPOPER operand WAIT type of DFBIC macro 346 WAIT type of DFBJC macro 536 DFHPC 134 WAIT type of DPHKC macro 375 DPHTS 449 weighted retrieval initiate 479 UNEXPIN operand macro instructions 477 DPHDI 338 operation 477 unsolicited input 175 program example 484 USER type of DPHSP macro 545 release storage areas 482 using maps (BMS) 274 retrieve selected records 481 selection criteria 480 test response 482 VALID operand working set 16 DPHTC 234 WRBRK operand validity of reference 16 DPHBKS 326 VALIDN operand 257 DPHTC 234 Index 605 write break (2741) 188 write followed by a read 165 write to a terminal or LU 164 WRITE type of DFHJC macro 531 WRKAREA operand DFHFC DL/I services 154 WTRETCHK type of DFHBIF macro 482 WTRETGET type of DFHBIF macro 481 WTRETREL type of DFHBIF macro 482 WTRETST type of DFHBIF macro 480 WTRTPARM type of DFHBIF macro 480 3270 local copy 197,198,200 3270 logical unit 198 3270 LUTYPE2 logical unit 200 3270 LOTYPE3 logical unit 201 3270 printer request facility XCTL type of DFHPC macro 3270 read buffer 2260 compatibility (3270) 164,231 203 3270 SCSPRT logical unit 2260 Display station 202 185 3270 switchable screen sizes 2740 Communication Terminal 186 2741 Communication Terminal read attention 188 write break 188 187 2741 read attention 2741 write break 198 392 188 3600 (3601) LO 208 3600 208 (3614) LO 3600 BTA!! 188 205 3600 pipeline logical unit 2770 Data Communication System 190 2780 Data Transmission Terminal 2980 General Banking Terminal 190 191 197,199,200 3600 Supermarket system 3650 P653) LU 208 211 210 3650 host command processor LO 209 3270 (2260 compatibility) 203 3650 host conversational (3270) LU 3270 attention identifier 164,231 3650 Interpreter LO 3270 BTA!! 197 3270 compatibility logical units 3270 data stream 217 164,231 3270 field attributes 30Q 3270 information display system 2260 compatibility mode ~ee 2260 compatibility mode (3270» 211 3650 output device control 209 3650 pipeline logical unit 210 3650(3270) erase function 3735 Programmable Buffered Terminal 212,213 autocall 213 time-initiated 213 3740 Data Entry system batch mode 214 606 CICS/VS APRM(ML) 214 210 209 3753 Programmable Buffered Terminal autoansuer 212 3767 Interactive LU 215 3770 Batch Data Interchange LU 3770 Batch tu 216 216 3770 full function LU 3770 Interactive tU 216 215 3780 Data Communications Terminal 3790 (3270-Display) tU 217 3790 217 (327 o-Prin ter) LU 3790 Batch Data Interchange tU 3790 Full Function LU 3790 Inquiry tU 212 216 218 217 217 3790 SCS Printer LU 217 7770 Audio Response unit ready message 166 219 Index 607 SC33·0079·2 Q (") en < en » "0 "9.. ~r .-+ 0' ::J ..,"'t:I o co .., Q) 3 3 en .., VJ~ :JJ en -+I ..,en en ::J "Sen Q) ::J C Q) s Q) ..," o r en < ~ .., "'t:I :;' .-+ en 0- :;' C en ~ en (") w w ---- .=:® ___ -- - - -----9_ - - -- -~- 6 o-...J CD "-> READER'S COMMENT FORM Customer 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