SC33 0149 2_CICS_VS_Version_1_Release_6_Resource_Definition_Guide_Apr84 2 CICS VS Version 1 Release 6 Resource Definition Guide Apr84
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SC33-0149-2 Customer Information Control System/Virtual Storage (CICS/VS) VersDon 1 Release 6 Program Product Resource Definition Guide Program Numbers ------- ---------------- ~- 5740-XX1 (CICS/OS/VS) 5746-XX3 (CICS/DOS/VS) This edition applies to Version 1 Release 6 Modification Levels o and 1 (Versions 1.6 and 1.6.1) of the IBM program product Customer Information Control System/Operating System/Virtual Storage (CICS/OS/VS), program number 5740-XX1, and to Version 1 Release 6 (Version 1.6) of the IBM program product Customer Information Control System/Disk Operating System/Virtual Storage (CICS/DOS/VS), program number 5746-XX3. This edition is a major revision of SC33-0149-1, which now becomes obsolete. Changes from that edition are indicated by vertical lines to the left of the changes. Changes are made periodically to the information herein; before using this publication in connection with the operation of IBM systems, consult the latest IBM System/370 and 4300 Processors Bibliography, GC20-0001, for the editions that are applicable and current. References in this publication to IBM products, programs, or services do not imply that IBM intends to make these available in all countries in which IBM operates. Any reference to an IBM program product in this publication is not intended to state or imply that only IBM's product may be used. Any functionally equivalent program may be used instead. Publications are not stocked at the addresses given below. Requests for IBM publications should be made to your IBM representative or to the IBM branch office serving your locality. A form for readers' comments is provided at the back of this publication. If the form has been removed, comments may be addressed either to: International Business Machines Corporation, Department 812H, 180 Kost Road, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055, U.S.A. or to: IBM United Kingdom Laboratories Limited, Information Development, Mail Point 95, Hursley Park, Winchester, Hampshire, England, S021 2JN IBM may use or distribute whatever information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you. © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984 Preface This book provides information for CICS/DOS/VS Version 1 Release 6, CICS/OS/VS Version 1 Release 6, and CICS/OS/VS Version 1 Release 6 Modification 1. CICS/OS/VS Version 1 Release 6 Modification 1 is a modification release, for MVS systems only, of CICS/OS/VS Version 1 Release 6. The currency and availability of CICS/OS/VS Version 1 Release 6 is not affected by this modification release. OBJECTIVES OF THIS BOOK This book is written for system programmers who need to define the characteristics of data processing resources to CICS. These resources are real and virtual storage, networks, terminals, input/output paths, data bases, data files, programs, user profiles, and queues. This book tells you: • Which CICS tables define a resource. • The interactions between resources specified in one table and resources specified in other tables. A CICS system can be installed using: o The control tables specified in the starter system load libraries alone, or o Completely new control tables, or o A combination of pregenerated system control tables and new tables. So this book also explains: o What new tables are required after a pregenerated CICS system has been installed o How to change the definitions of existing operands, after a pregenerated CICS system has been installed. In addition, the third part of this book gives easy-to-find reference information on all CICS tables, including all the data you need for coding the tables. It is assumed that you have sorne knowledge and/or experience of the Basic Telecommunications Access Method (BTAM), the Telecommunications Access Method (TCAM), or the Virtual Telecommunications Access Method (VTAM). For details of system requirements, refer to the CICS/VS General Information manual. TERMINOLOGY In this book, CICS/VS Version 1 Release 6 is referred to as CICS 1.6, and CICS/OS/VS Version 1 Release 6 Modification 1 is referred to as CICS 1.6.1. Other references to CICS or CICS/VS relate to CICS/DOS/VS and CICS/OS/VS. In this book, the term VTAM refers to ACF/VTAM, to ACF/VTAME (CICS/DOS/VS only), and to the Record Interface of ACF/TCAM (CICS/OS/VS only). The term TCAM refers both to TCAM and to the DCB Interface of ACF/TCAM. The term B7AH refers to BTAM/SP on MVS/XA, BTAM (CICS/OS/VS only), and to BTAM-ES (CICS/DOS/VS only). Preface iii RELATED PUBLICATIONS This book is one of a series of books providing information about the design and installation of a CICS system: • The CICS/VS SYstem/Application Design Guide provides information for system design teams and systems analysts on the functions and facilities available in CICS that may be suitable for a particular installation or application. • The CICS/VS Installation and Operations Guide provides details on how to build and install a CICS system. It also contains information on applying CICS service, and on various batch operations. There are separate guides for CICS/OS/VS and CICS/DOS/VS. • The CICS/VS Customization Guide provides detailed information on the macro instructions and operands available to the system programmer for tailoring CICS to meet the requirements of a particular installation. It also contains information on writing user-exit code. For a complete list of the CICS books, refer to the Bibliography at the back of this book. iv CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide Contents Pa~t 1. Chapte~ Int~oduction 1.1. Int~oduction 1 to Resou~ce Definition Introduction to CICS Control Tables Mandatory and Optional Control Tables System Initialization Table Program Control Table ..•. Processing Program Table Terminal Control Table File Control Table Journal Control Table .....•.. Destination Control Table Temporary storage Table Sign-On Table .•.••.•.•. Monitoring Control Table Application Load Table Nucleus Load Table System Recovery Table Program List Table . Transaction List Table Terminal List Table Syntax Notation Pa~t 2. Resou~ca •••• 3 ...•. 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 Definition Online 9 Chapter 2.1. An Overview of Resource Definition Online The CICS System Definition File Securi ty ..............• Resource Definitions and Groups List s ................• Checking Inconsistent Resource Definitions Controlling Access to a Group or List Full Screen Display of Groups and Lists Managing Resource Definitions Selecting Hames •.....••. Audit Trail .......•... The DFHCSDUP Offline utility Program Initializing CICS .....•..•• IBM-Supplied Resource Definitions Introduction •••• 11 11 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 16 16 Chapter 2.2. Using the CEDA Transaction 17 11 Overview of the CEDA Transaction Display Format •••••••••. Entering Keywords ..•••••. Initiating the CEDA Transaction •••• Example of CEDA Transaction Syntax Display Panel Chapte~ 2.3. 17 17 19 20 21 31 Commands for the CEDA Transaction 33 Entering a CEDA Command CEDA Command Syntax Group and list Value CEDA Commands ..•• • . . • . Add a Group to a list ..•... Alter or Define a Resource Definition Append a List to Another list .•.• Check Related Resources •••.••. Copy a Resource Definition •..•. Delete a Resource Definition ..•.••••.. Expand a Group to Display its Resource Definitions Expand a List to Display its Groups . Install a Group on a Running CICS System lock or Unlock a Group Lock or Unlock a List 33 33 34 34 39 40 57 58 59 60 61 63 64 65 66 Contents v Remove a Group from a List Rename a Resource Definition Part 3. 67 68 Resource Definition - Macro Reference Information Chapter 3.1. 69 Introduction 71 71 71 Preparing Control Tables .. Naming and Suffixing the Tables Format of Macro Instructions Chapter 3.2. 72 ALT - Application Load Table 73 Purpose ............ . Elements of DFHALT ....... . Control Section - DFHALT TYPE=INITIAL Program Load Sequence - DFHALT TYPE=ENTRY ......•. End of Application Load Table - DFHALT TYPE=FINAL 73 73 73 Chapter 3.3. 77 DCT - Destination Control Table • • • • Purpose ......................... . Elements of DFHDCT ....................•.. Control Section - DFHDCT TYPE=INITIAL Extrapartition Destinations - DFHDCT TYPE=EXTRA Indirect Data Destinations - DFHDCT TYPE=INDIRECT Intrapartition Destinations - DFHDCT TYPE=INTRA ... Remote Transient Data Destinations - DFHDCT TYPE=REMOTE Data Set Control Information - DFHDCT TYPE=SDSCI ....... . End of Destination Control Table - DFHDCT TYPE=FINAL ... . How to Define Nonresident Extrapartition Data Sets Examples ..................... . Required Entries in Destination Control Table 74 75 77 77 78 79 80 81 84 85 88 88 89 92 Chapter 3.4. DL/I Directory List, DMB - DDIR (CICS/OS/VS Only) 95 95 95 96 Chapter 3.5. DL/I Directory List, PSB - PDIR (CICS/OS/VS only) 97 DFHDLDBD TYPE=INITIAL DFHDLDBD TYPE=ENTRY DFHDLDBD TYPE=FINAL DFHDLPSB TYPE=INITIAL DFHDLPSB TYPE=ENTRY DFHDLPSB TYPE=FINAL Chapter 3.6. . . . . . . . FCT - File Control Table . . . . . . . . • 98 •••••••••• Purpose ......................... . Elements of DFHFCT . . . . . . . . . . . . Control Section - DFHFCT TYPE=INITIAL ....... . VSAM ICIP Mixed Mode Access - DFHFCT TYPE=ALTERNATE (MVS) Data Sets - DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET ............. . Cross-Index Data Set Record - DFHFCT TYPE=INDACC ..... . Superset ISAM Logic Module - DFHFCT TYPE=LOGICMOD (CICS/DOS/VS Only) .................... . Remote Files - DFHFCT TYPE=REMOTE ....... . Segmented Records ....................•.• VSAM Shared Resources Control - DFHFCT TYPE=SHRCTL . . . . . End of File Control Table - DFHFCT TYPE=FINAL ........ . Examples ................. .... . Required Entry in File Control Table .... . Chapter 3.7. JCT - Journal Control Table Purpose .................. . Considerations ...........• Elements of DFHJCT . . . . . . . Control Section - DFHJCT TYPE=INITIAL Journal Entries - DFHJCT TYPE=ENTRY ..... End of Journal Control Table - DFHJCT TYPE=FINAL Example .............• Chapter 3.S. MCT - Monitoring Control Table Purpose .................•. Elements of DFHMCT ........ . Control Section - DFHMCT TYPE=INITIAL •. User Event Monitoring Points - DFHMCT TYPE=EMP Control Data Recording - DFHMCT TYPE=RECORD vi CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide 97 97 99 99 99 99 100 101 118 119 120 121 125 127 128 132 133 133 133 136 136 136 140 141 143 143 143 143 143 147 End of Monitoring Control Table - DFHMCT TYPE=FINAL Example .......... . 149 149 Chapter 3.9. 151 NLT - Nucleus Load Table Purpose ........ . . . . Elements of DFHNLT ...... . .... . Use of Shared Virtual Area (DOS) or Link Pack Area (OS) Default Load Order .......... . .. . Control Section - DFHNLT TYPE=INITIAL Module Load Sequence - DFHNLT TYPE=ENTRY End of Nucleus Load Table - DFHNLT TYPE=FINAL Chapter 3.10. 151 151 151 152 155 156 160 PCT - Program Control Table 161 Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . Elements of DFHPCT ........... . Control Sections - DFHPCT TYPE=INITIAL ..... . Transaction Control Information - DFHPCT TYPE=ENTRY Special Entries - DFHPCT TYPE=GROUP ...... . Transaction Description Options - DFHPCT TYPE=OPTGRP Session Processing Options - DFHPCT TYPE=PROFILE Remote Transactions - DFHPCT TYPE=REMOTE End of Program Control Table - DFHPCT TYPE=FINAL Examples ................. . Required Entries in the Program Control Table Program Control Table (Additional Features) 161 161 161 162 173 177 178 179 182 182 184 187 Chapter 3.11. Purpo se . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elements of DFHPLT .........•.• Control Section - DFHPLT TYPE=INITIAL .••. Entries in Program List Table - DFHPLT TYPE=ENTRY End of Program List Table - DFHPLT TYPE=FINAL Example . • . • • . • . . • . • • PLT - Program List Table 189 189 189 190 190 191 192 Chapter 3.12. Purpose . • . . • • • . . . . • • . Elements of DFHPPT ..•.•..•..• Control Section - DFHPPT TYPE=INITIAL .••• Processing Programs - DFHPPT TYPE=ENTRY ••••• Special Entries - DFHPPT TYPE=GROUP •••.•.. End of Processing Program Table - DFHPPT TYPE=FINAL Example ..•.•••....•.••.••• Required Entries in Processing Program Table PPT - processing Program Table 193 193 193 193 193 197 201 201 202 Chapter 3.13. SIT - system Initialization Table 207 Chapter 3.14. Purpose • . • • • . . . . Elements of DFHSNT .... . ..•. Control Section - DFHSNT TYPE=INITIAL .•.. Terminal Operators - DFHSNT TYPE=ENTRY .•.. Terminal Operators - DFHSNT TYPE=(ENTRY,DEFAULT) End of Sign-on Table - DFHSNT TYPE=FINAL Example . . . • . . . . . . • . . • • . SNT - Sign-On Table 237 237 238 238 240 241 241 Chapter 3.15. SRT - system Recovery Table 243 Purpose Example 207 235 237 Purpose . . . • . . . . • Elements of DFHSRT ...•....•... Control Section - DFHSRT TYPE=INITIAL Abend Codes - DFHSRT TYPE=SYSTEMIUSER •... End of System. Recovery Table - DFHSRT TYPE=FINAL Example .....•.......••.. 243 243 243 243 245 245 Chapter 3.16. 247 TCT - Terminal Control Table Introduction to the TeT •......•. CICS Terminals ..... . DFHTCT Macro Types DFHTCT TYPE=FINAL ..•....• Organization of this Chapter VTAM Environment .•.... 247 247 248 249 250 253 Contents vii CICS as a VTAM Application VTAM Terminals Definition CICS Terminals Definition Performance Documentation VTAM TCT Example • • . • . . . . • • . DFHTCT TYPE=INITIAL in Environment Including VTAM VTAM 3270 Devices Examples ...•..•••• VTAM Non-3270 Devices ..••• Examples .•.••. • • • . BTAM Environment ..••..•.... Method 1 - DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, LINE, TERMINAL Method 2 - DFHTCT TYPE=GPENTRY (CICS/DOS/VS Only) CICS/OS/VS JCL CICS/DOS/VS Job Control • Polling and Addressing of remote terminals Performance Documentati on o. STAM TCT Example DFHTCT TYPE=INITIAL for a BTAM Environment BTAM 3270 Devices Examples .. STAM Non-3270 Devices .. Exampl es ... OS/VS Consoles OS/VS Consoles - DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL . . • • . . . OS/VS Console TCT Examples VSE Console . • . . . . . VSE Console Method 1 - DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, LINE, TERMINAL VSE Console Method 2 - DFHTCT TYPE=GPENTRY . • . . Sequential Devices ...•.•........ CICS/OS/VS JCL ...•...••..... CICS/DOS/VS Job Control ........ . Method 1 - DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, LINE, TERMINAL ...•... Method 2 - DFHTCT TYPE=GPENTRY (CICS/DOS/VS Only) ..... . 2540 Card Reader-Punch/1403 Printer TCT Example under CICS/DOS/VS .•....•............ 2314 Disk TCT Example under CICS/DOS/VS .......... . TCAM DCB Interface (CICS/OS/VS Only) ....... ......• DFHTCT TYPE=INITIAL in Environment Including TCAM ..... TCAM - DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, LINE, TERMINAL TCAM TCT Example . . . . . . . Intercommunication ....•.. Multiregion Operation ......• LUTYPE 6.1 Intersystem Communication ... . LUTYPE 6.2 Intersystem Communication ... . Transaction Routing Remote Terminals . Intercommunication Documentation and TCT Example Shared DL/I Data Base Batch Links (CICS/OS/VS Only) DFHTCT TYPE=INITIAL for Intercommunicating Systems MRO - DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM Macro .........• lUTYPE 6.1 - DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM, TYPE=TERMINAL Macros LUTYPE 6.2 - DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM, TYPE=MODESET Macros LU6.2 Terminals - DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM Macro Transacti on Routi ng Remote Termi nals •.... Shared DL/I Batch Links - DFHTCT TYPE=IRCBCH Macro (CICS/OS/VS Only) . • . . • . • CICS Terminals List .•.•.. 253 254 254 254 255 256 259 277 284 306 317 318 319 319 319 320 321 321 323 326 352 366 394 417 417 418 419 419 419 422 422 422 423 426 Chapter 3.17. TLT - Terminal List Table 473 Chapter 3.18. TST - Temporary storage Table 0 0 0 • 0 • • • • • 0 0 • • • • • 0 0 • 0 • • 0 0 0 0 • • 0 0 • • 0 •• 0 • • • • 0 0 0 • • 0 0 0 • 0 • • • 0 •• • • • 0 • 0 . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 • • 0 • 0 • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • 00 0 • 0 • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • Purpose • • • . . . • . . Elements of DFHTLT ....•.. Control Section - DFHTLT TYPE=INITIAL ..... Entries in Terminal List Table - DFHTLT TYPE=ENTRY End of Terminal List Table - DFHTLT TYPE=FINAL Examples . . . . • • . . . . viii • • • CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide • • • •••• • • 465 467 473 473 474 474 475 475 Purpose . • . • . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . Elements of DFHTST ....• Control Section - DFHTST TYPE=INITIAL . . . . . . . . . .. Recoverable Temporary Storage - DFHTST TYPE=RECOVERYIENTRY ..... Remote Temporary Storage DATAIDs - DFHTST TYPE=REMOTE 0 427 427 428 428 429 435 438 438 438 439 440 440 442 443 444 447 451 455 458 • • • • 0 477 477 477 477 477 478 Temporary Storage Security Checking - DFHTST TYPE=SECURITY End of Temporary Storage Table - DFHTST TYPE=FINAL Example . . . • . . . . . . . . . . 479 480 480 Chapter 3.19. XLT - Transact;on L;st Table Purpo se . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elements of DFHXLT .............. . ..•. Control Section - DFHXLT TYPE=INITIAL . . . .. . ... Entries 1n Transaction List Table - DFHXLT TYPE=ENTRY End of Transaction List Table - DFHXLT TYPE=FINAL Example . • . . . • . . 481 481 481 481 481 482 482 Glossary 483 B;bl;ography ••••••••••••• Availability of Publications ...•. 489 Index 491 490 Contents ix Figures CICS Resource Definition Online CEDA Transaction. Initial Display · · Initial CEDA invocation · · Results of DEFINE PROGRAM Results of DEFINE TRANSACTION· (Panel 1) Results of DEFINE TRANSACTION (Panel 2) Results of EXPAND GROUP · · · 8. Results of CHECK GROUP · 9. Results of INSTALL GROUP 10. Results of ADD GROUP 11 . Results of EXPAND LIST · 12. Results of CHECK LIST · · 13. Example Syntax Display Panel · 14. CEDA Resource Management Commands · 15. CEDA Group Management Commands 16 . CEDA List Management Commands · 17. DCT Using Resident Data Set Control Blocks 18. DCT Using Nonresident Data Set Control Blocks and Resident Logic Modules 19. DCT Using Nonresident Data Set Control Blocks and Nonresident Logic Modules 20. PPT Entries For Data Set Control Blocks 21. File Control Table - Example File Control Table Example - I(J) () Job Title ................... Company .......................... . Address ..................................................... . .................................................... Zip ..... . --------,-~- § : : =-= ® w w - 6 .j::o. c.o ~ Part 1. Introduction Part 1. Introductlon 1 Chapter 1.1. Introduction to Resource Definition CICS has a variety of data processing resources. • • • • • • • • • These include: Networks Terminals Data bases Data files Journals Programs Transactions User profiles Queues. This book tells you how to define these resources to CICS, using either the resource definition online transaction (CEDA) or the CICS table definition macro instructions. You should use the CICS/VS Installation and Operations Guide to determine JCL for the control tables. That book tells you how to link-edit and assemble the macro instruction statements that you code for various purposes. The CICS/VS Custom;zation Guide tells you how to tailor CICS to meet the requirements of your installation. INTRODUCTION TO CICS CONTROL TABLES CICS operation is based on a variety of control tables that define the characteristics of the different resources. This chapter gives you an outline description of the control tables. Full details of the control tables and the macro instructions themselves are given in Part 3 of this book. All information regarding the terminals, data sets (permanent and temporary), programs, transactions, and operator identification is contained in these tables. The tables are created independently of system generation, but some of the tables are required for the system to be operational. MANDATORY AND OPTIONAL CONTROL TABLES Four CICS tables are considered essential: • • • • Program control table (PCT) Processing program table (PPT) System initialization table (SIT) Terminal control table (TCT). Other tables are needed only if you are using the corresponding CICS facilities. The control tables are shown below. Chapter 1.1. Introduction to Resource Definition 3 Table .. Purpose System initialization table Program control table Processing program table Terminal control table File control table Journal control table Destination control table Temporary storage table Sign-on table Monitoring control table Application load table Nucleus load table System recovery table Program list table Transaction list table Terminal list table Defines startup parameters Defines transactions and profiles Defines programs, map sets, and partition sets Defines terminal network Defines user files Defines the system log and user journals Defines extrapartition, intrapartition, and indirect destinations Defines special processing for temporary storage Defines authorized users Defines monitoring activity Defines various controls for resident programs Defines layout of CICS nucleus Defines user recovery Defines programs for special purposes Defines transactions for special purposes Defines terminals for special purposes A brief description of each of the above CICS control tables follows. Detailed descriptions of all these tables are given in Part 3. SYSTEM INITIALIZATION TABLE The system initialization table (SIT) contains data used by the system initialization process. In particular, the SIT can identify (by suffix characters) the versions of CICS system control programs and CICS tables that you have specified and that are to be loaded. PROGRAM CONTROL TABLE The program control table (PCT) contains the control information to be used by CICS for identifying and initializing a transaction. This table is required by CICS t~ verify incoming requests to start transactions, and to supply information about the transaction such as the transaction priority, the security key, and the length of the transaction work area. Task control uses a portion of each PCT entry to accumulate transaction statistics. The PCT can be created or modified with the resource definition online (RDO) facility described in "Part 2. Resource Definition Online." This allows for online definition of transactions and profiles. It can also be assembled using the DFHPCT macros, as described in "Part 3. Resource Definition - Macro Reference Information." PROCESSING PROGRAM TABLE The processing program table CPPT) defines the programs, map sets, and partition sets to CICS. The PPT can be created or modified with the resource definition online (RDO) facility described in "Part 2. Resource Definition Online." This allows for online definition of programs, map sets, and partition sets. It can also be assembled using the DFHPPT macros, as described in "Part 3. Resource Definition - Macro Reference Information." 4 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide TERMINAL CONTROL TABLE The terminal control table (TCT) describes a configuration of terminals, logical units, or other CICS systems connected to yours. In general, thero are entries to describe each communication line group (BTAM and TeAM networks), each communication line and control unit (BTAM networks), each terminal or logical unit (VTAM), and each remota CICS system. FILE CONTROL TABLE The file control table (FCT) describes any user data sets (files) that are processed by file management. These files can be ISAM, VSAM, or BDAM. The FCT entries are also required for DL/I data bases. JOURNAL CONTROL TABLE The journal control table (JCT) describes the system log and user journals and their characteristics for access through journal management. DESTINATION CONTROL TABLE The destination control table (OCT) contains an entry for each extrapartition, intrapartition, and indirect destination. Extrapartition entries address the DCB (DTF). Indirect destination entries address the OCT entry for the destination to which they indirectly refer. Intrapartition destination entries contain the information required to locate the queue in the intrapartition data set. TEMPORARY STORAGE TABLE Application programs can store data in temporary storage for later retrieval. For the data to be recoverable by CICS if the system terminates abnormally, data identifiers have to be specified in the temporary storage table (TST). A generic data identifier is acceptable and means that programs can generate a data identifier dynamically at execution time. Resource level security checking can be done on the temporary storage queues. SIGN-ON TABLE The sign-on table (SHT) defines terminal operator security codes. It is accessed when a terminal operator initiates the sign-on procedure via the CSSH transaction. MONITORING CONTROL TABLE The monitoring control table (MCT) describes the moni~oring actions (data collection) to be taken at each user event monitoring point (EMP). Different actions can be specified for each monitoring class at each EMP. The MCT also specifies where the data collected is to be recorded. APPLICATION LOAD TABLE The application load table (ALT) helps you use virtual storage more efficiently, by allowing you to specify the loading sequence and loading properties for application programs that are to be loaded when the system is initialized, and (for OS/VS) to select programs from the link pack area. Chapter 1.1. Introduction to Resource Definition 5 NUCLEUS LOAD TABLE The nucleus load table (NLT) helps you use virtual storage more efficiently, by specifying a loading sequence and loading properties that provide the smallest possible working set. The table is used by CICS to control the sequence in which the CICS nucleus is loaded, and, for CICS/OS/VS only, to select read-only modules from the link pack area. By means of this table, you can change the default load sequence established by the CICS system initialization program. SYSTEM RECOVERY TABLE The system recovery table (SRT) contains a list of abend codes that will be intercepted by the system. It also defines program code to be executed in the form of either a user- or a CICS-supplied routine. PROGRAM LIST TABLE The program list table (PLT) contains a list of related programs. You may wish to generate several PLTs to specify a list of programs that are to be executed in the post-initialization phase of CICS startup, executed during the first and/or second quiesce stages of controlled shutdown, or enabled or disabled as a group by a master terminal ENABLE or DISABLE command. TRANSACTION LIST TABLE The transaction list table (XLT) is a list of logically-related transaction identifications. XLT defines a list of transaction identifications that can be initiated from terminals during the first quiesce stage of system termination, or a group of transaction identifications that can be disabled or enabled through the master terminal. TERMINAL LIST TABLE The terminal list table (TLT) allows terminal and/or operator identifications to be grouped logically. TLT is required for use of a supervisory terminal operation to define and limit the effective range of the operation. It can also be used by a supervisory or master terminal operation to apply a function to a predetermined group of terminals. TLT can be used singly or in combination with other TLTs to provide predefined destinations for message switching. 6 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide SYNTAX NOTATION The symbols [ ], { }, I and , ••• are used in this book to show the operands for the CEDA commands, and the macro instructions, as clearly as possible. DO NOT USE THESE SYMBOLS IN YOUR SPECIFICATIONS. They act only to indicate how a command or macro instruction can be written; their definitions are given below: [ ] indicates optional operands. You mayor may not need to specify the operand enclosed in the brackets (for example, [FB1), depending on whether the associated option is desired. If more than one item is enclosed within brackets (for example, [BLOCKEDIUNBLOCKED]), you can specify either one or none. Any default value available is indicated by an underscore and will be taken if you do not specify an option from the group. ( J indicates that a choice must be made. One of the operands from the list within braces separated by a I symbol (for example, {YESINO}) must be specified, depending on which of the associated services is desired. Any default value is indicated by an underscore. indicates that a choice must be made between the operands that are separated by this symbol. ,... indicates that more than one set of operands can be designated. To simplify the syntax notation in the case where one or more operands may be specified, the notation: PARM=([Al[,Bl[,C][,D]) indicates that any number or none of A, B, C, or 0 may be specified. 00 not code any leading commas. If you only specify one operand, you need not code the enclosing parentheses. For example: PARM=A PARM=(A,B) PARM=(B,D) PARM=(C) are all valid interpretations of the above notation. Chapter 1.1. Introduction to Resource Definition 7 Part 2. Resource Definition Online Part 2. Resource Definition Online 9 Chapter 2.1. Introduction CICS provides facilities for defining CICS resources online and adding them dynamically to a running CICS system. You use the facilities to define, to the system, the characteristics and attributes of programs, transactions, map sets, partition sets, and profiles. This means that you do not have to code macro instructions to define such resources; a supplied interactive transaction, called CEDA, makes definition relatively easy. Furthermore, when you have defined new resources, you can use the CEDA transaction to check the definitions for consistency. When satisfied that the definitions are correct, you can apply them to your system while it is running. Let us consider what this means. Having coded, compiled, and link edited (or cataloged on VSE) a CICS application program and having defined, assembled and link edited (cataloged on VSE) an associated map set, you need to add them both to your CICS system. That is, you need to create entries for them in the processing program table (PPT). At the same time, you have to name a transaction to invoke the program. This involves creating an entry in the program control table (PCT). If you use resource definition online, you do not have to create table entries directly. Instead, you concentrate on defining accurately the relationships between different resources, and the properties of those resources. The resource definition online transaction (CEDA) prompts you for information. Its display menus show the operands you must specify, the values you can enter, and the defaults adopted if you don't specify anything. As well as replacing the table definition process, CEDA provides a mechanism for modifying CICS to include new resource definitions as they are created. You do not have to reassemble tables and reinitialize CICS to do this; CEDA extends the running system in response to your online requests. Despite the obvious advantages of resource definition online, you might be cautious about adopting it instead of the familiar table definition method. Having invested much time in tailoring a system, you might be unwilling to convert your table entries to the new format without careful consideration. Therefore, CICS allows you to use the macro method, the CEDA method, or a combination of both. Should you wish to change to the CEDA method of defining your system you can use a CICS supplied utility to convert existing PCTs and PPTs into a form accessible by the CEDA transaction. Detailed information about the CICS supplied utility and the ways in which you can migrate to using resource definition online can be found in the CICS/VS Installation and Operations Guide. This chapter describes resource definition online in detail, and discusses the effects it is likely to have on your system. Figure 1 on page 12 shows a general view of the online resource definition process. AN OVERVIEW OF RESOURCE DEFINITION ONLINE You use the resource definition online transaction CEDA to create and modify resource definitions interactively from an IBM 3270 Information Display System display terminal 1 with an 80-byte wide screen and a minimum page-depth of 24 lines. The transaction has much in common with the CICS transactions CECI and CEMT. If you have CICS Version 1 Release 5 experience, you will be familiar with the principles of operation, and the format~ of the displays. 1 L Such as an IBM 3277 Display Station, IBM 3278 Display Station, IBM 3279 Color Display Station, or IBM 8775 Display Terminal. Chapter 2.1. Introduction 11 PPT load module PCT load module i.,. \ / ~ Offl=l utility (DFHCSDUP) D (0 0\ r=;JQ CICS Initialization PCT PPT CEDA CICS Figure 1. 12 CICS Resource Definition Online CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide online Definition and Modification THE CICS SYSTEM DEFINITION FILE Before you can use CEDA, you must create a CICS system definition (CSD) file. You use the access method services (AMS) utility to define the file and the offline utility DFHCSDUP to initialize it. CICS will store all resource definitions on this file as you create them. If you decide to convert existing tables to the format required by CEDA, you do so using the offline utility DFHCSDUP. The conversion process is described in detail in the CICS/VS Installation and Operations Guide, which also describes how to create a CSD file. SECURITY The person who is authorized to use the CEDA transaction on a production CICS system will normally be an authorized system programmer, or someone responsible for installation management. If you have the Resource Access Control Facility (RACF) program product installed, you should consider RACF-protecting the CEDA transaction. You should also ensure that the CSD file has assigned to it an adequate resource level security value, to make it in~ccessible to other end users. RESOURCE DEFINITIONS AND GROUPS Having created a CSD file, you can define resource definitions using the DEFINE command. Every resource definition must be a member of a group. A group is a collection of resource definitions that can be manipulated by the group management commands. A resource definition of the same name can exist in more than one group. The DEFINE command must specify the name of the program, transaction, map set, profile, or partition set and the name of a group. Usually, the definitions within a group will have something in common. For example, all resource definitions belonging to one application can be contained within one group. If the target group specified in the DEFINE or COPY commands does not exist, it will be created. Once a resource definition has been defined within a group on the CSD you can alter it, copy it, rename it, or delete it. The complete set of commands available for use within the CEDA transaction is given in "Chapter 2.3. Commands for the CEDA Transaction." Some examples of the use of the commands are given in "Chapter 2.2. Using the CEDA Transaction." Us;ng u Group You can add or replace resource definitions in your system tables during a run by using the INSTALL command, which tells CICS to convert the image of your group on the CSD file into a series of entries to be added to the system tables. This allows minor changes to be made, or new resources to be added during a CICS run. It is particularly useful for test systems. LISTS A list is an ordered list of group names that can be collectivelY manipulated by the list management commands. You can create a list with the ADD or APPEND commands. You can take group names out of a list with the REMOVE command. If the list you specify in the ADD or APPEND commands does not exist, it will be created. Several lists can reference the same group, and the group need not exist before its name is added to a list. Chapter 2.1. Introduction 13 You can specify a list in the GRPLIST operand of the system initialization table (DFHSIT). During a cold or emergency start, each of the resource definitions for each group within the list is used to build the system tables for that run. A group name can similarly be contained in multiple lists. The combination of groups and lists makes it easy to vary the contents of the system from run to run; you simply maintain several different lists, and select the list appropriate for the run by specifying the GRPLIST operand either in the SIT or as a SIT override. CHECKING INCONSISTENT RESOURCE DEFINITIONS The CHECK command provides facilities to check the consistency of definitions within a group or within all of the groups within a list. If you use the CHECK GROUP command, CEDA cross-checks all of the resources in a specified group to ensure that the group is ready to be used. For example, CHECK might warn you that a transaction definition within the group does not name a program within the same group. Note, however that this might not be an error, because the group might intentionally always be paired with a group that does contain the program. If you use the CHECK LIST command, CEDA will perform a cross-check for every group named in the list. It does not simply check each group in turn, but merges the definitions in all of the listed groups, and checks them all. In this way it warns you if there are duplicate resource definitions, or references to definitions that do not exist. CONTROLLING ACCESS TO A GROUP OR LIST The LOCK and UNLOCK commands enable you to control update access to a group or list so that only one operator can make changes. FULL SCREEN DISPLAY OF GROUPS AND LISTS The EXPAND command provides a full screen display of the selected contents of a list or group. You can then type commands against individual elements. The EXPAND command is particularly useful if you wish to execute the same command for several definitions. MANAGING RESOURCE DEFINITIONS Consider how you might use the list and group mechanisms with transactions related to a company's salary operations. Certain transactions used by the salary administrators will be used daily. For example, a transaction for handling an employee's tax details may have to be performed at any time. Other transactions, such as minor weekly or monthly payroll adjustments, are run at predefined intervals, or on specific days or dates. You would therefore not want to include the same mixture of transactions and programs at every system bring-up. By creating a resource definition group for taxation transactions, and another for payroll transactions, you can add them to different lists to produce the required system tables for different runs. In the above example, one list would identify only the taxation group; the other would identify both taxation and payroll groups. You would choose the appropriate list during initialization. 14 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide Clearly, a real system would have many more groups and lists than this. However, for any system, the advantages of the online system over the macro definition system are the same. Under the macro definition system, every time a PPT or PCT entry is modified, each version of the PPT or PCT that contains it must be reassembled and link-edited into the appropriate library. With resource definition online, there is only one copy of the group of resource definitions; the one in the CSD file. All references to the group of definitions, whether in group lists or explicit CEDA INSTALL GROUP commands, use the same name. You don't have to perform an assembly and link-edit when something changes. You just modify the corresponding definition on the CSD file using CEDA. SELECTING NAMES You can use the characters + and * within a command to select names with similar spelling to enable you to perform many operations with one command. For example, the command: ALTER MAPSETCMPA*) GROUPC*) STATUSCDISABLED) will disable all map sets beginning with the characters MPA in all groups. The rules for selecting names are described in "CEDA Command Syntax" on page 33. AUDIT TRAIL You can maintain an audit trail of all commands executed online that modify the CSD file, or the running CICS system. This audit trail is written to the transient data destination CSDL which is defined in the destination control table CDCT). If CSDL is not defined in the OCT, no audit trail is maintained. For further details on how to define the CSDL destinations, see "Required Entries in Destination Control Table" on page 92. THE DFHCSDUP OFFLINE UTILITY PROGRAM The DFHCSDUP offline utility program can be run to modify the CSD file when CICS is not running. The commands for the DFHCSDUP offline utility program are: o INITIALIZE - initialize a CSD file ready for use by CEDA and create the standard IBM-supplied resource definitions. • MIGRATE - transfer the contents of the PPT and PCT from a CICS load library to the CSD file. • ERASE - erase all the group names from a list or all of the resource definitions from a group. o COpy - copy all of the resource definitions in a group to another group from the same or another CSD. • APPEND - add all of the groups in a list to another list from the same or another CSD. o LIST - produce a hardcopy listing of selected resource definitions, groups, and lists on the CSD file. o VERIFY - remove any internal locks left after abnormal termination. o SERVICE - carry out maintenance on your CSD between CICS releases, should it be required. For further details of the DFHCSDUP offline utility commands see the CICS/VS Installation and Operations Guide. Chapter 2.1. Introduction 15 INITIALIZING eICS To initialize CICS with a particular list you must first create the contents of the list and then name the list using the GRPLIST keyword of DFHSIT. Note that the contents of the list must include all CICS required resource definitions (see the CICS/VS Installation and Operations Guide for CICS-supplied contents of the CSO file). When the system is running, you can install further groups. If you then shut the system down normally, any CICS system modifications you have introduced using CEDA will persist across subsequent warm starts. During cold or emergency starts, CICS recreates the PCT and PPT by loading only groups named in the GRPLIST operand of the system initialization table (SIT), or its initialization overrides. You must add the name of a newly created group to a list, or it will not be installed during such starts. During a warm start CICS recreates the PCT and PPT from the data written to the restart data set by the warm keypoint. No reference is made to the CSD file, nor is the GRPLIST name used. So if you add a new group to the list without installing it on the running system, the definitions in that group will not be loaded during a CICS warm start. You can use the GRPLIST keyword of the DFHSIT macro instruction in conjunction with the PCT and PPT keywords. This will merge the groups of definitions identified by the list name, with the entries derived from the PCT and PPT load modules. Further details can be found in the CICS/VS Installation and Operations Guide. It is permissible for a definition for the same program to appear in more than one group in the list. It can be defined in the PPT as well. In such cases the most recently encountered definition is installed. Therefore, if the same program is defined in the PPT and in groups A and B in the list, where group A precedes group B, the definition in group B is the one that takes effect. The same rules apply to all types of resources. IBM-SUPPLIED RESOURCE DEFINITIONS When your CSD has been initialized by the DFHCSDUP offline utility program, it will contain a number of groups with related resource definitions, and one list. The group names and the list name all begin with the characters "OFH". If you wish to use another list for CICS initialization, you must APPEND the IBM-supplied list DFHLIST to your own list so that the resource definitions are included in whichever list you name with GRPLIST keyword in DFHSIT. Groups containing IBM-supplied resource definitions (those group names beginning with "DFH") and the list (DFHLIST) cannot be modified. Therefore, if you want to modify the definition of an IBM-supplied transaction, you must copy the relevant resource definition from that group into another group called by a different name, then alter the appropriate resource definition in the new group. In addition, the IBM-supplied list (DFHLIST) cannot be modified so, if you want to include the new group in your CICS bring-up, you must append DFHLIST to another list called by a different name and then add the new group to this list after the one it replaces (alternatively, you could replace the appropriate group name with the new group or remove the old group from the list). See the CICS/VS Installation and Operations Guide for further details of the IBM-supplied resource definitions and CICS initialization. 16 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide Chapter 2.2. Using the CEDA Transaction OVERVIEW OF THE CEDA TRANSACTION The CEDA transaction can be used to define, change, and delete definitions of transactions, programs, profiles, map sets, and partition sets held on the CICS system definition (CSD) file. This transaction runs in full-screen mode on a 3270-system display terminal. DISPLAY FORMAT The panels displayed as part of the CEDA transaction all have the following format: Command ;nput area the first line of the screen prompt;n9 area - the second line of the screen Informat;on area Response area - the three lines next to last line of the screen PF key descr;pt;on area - the last line of the screen Command Input Area Any of the commands valid for the CEDA transaction can be entered on the top line of the screen, optionally followed by the relevant operands. Usually, you can enter keywords in any order, but there are cases when the order is important. However, if you always name the resource type first in the command, you will avoid possible misinterpretations. Thus, for example, when defining a transaction, always start "CEDA DEFINE TRANSACTION ... ", not "CEDA DEFINE PROGRAM ... TRANSACTION". This is because a transaction name cannot be an attribute of a program, though a program name is an attribute of a transaction. Required operands not entered will be prompted for by the next display panel. Alternatively, a syntax panel will show what needs to be specified to make the command valid. A question mark (?) entered in front of a command in the command input area will cause the command to be syntax-checked, but not executed. The full syntax of the command and any messages will be displayed. The same display is produced when a command (without a 1) contains an error which prevents execution. Chapter 2.2. Using the CEDA Transaction 17 Prompt;ng Area The second line of the display gives an the next operation. If you do not wish can either enter a different command in press the ENTER key. This will usually Figure 2 on page 20. instruction on how to perform to perform this operation, you the command input area, or just restore the panel shown in There are three kinds of panels available: • • • overtype-to-mod;fy panels command-syntax-and-messages panels enter-commands panels. Informat;on Area The remainder of the screen, except for the last four lines, shows the options available for the next command or displays the information requested by a command. Usually this information can be modified directly to achieve more easily the effect of a new command. A plus sign (+) on the first or last line of the information area indicates that the available information continues on the previous or next panel. PF keys can then be used to display the rest of the information. Some of the CEDA panels contain intensified fields. On the overtype to modify panel, fields that are displayed intensified can be modified. The command syntax check panel shows in intensified characters the command as it has been specified so far, using either what you have specified or what has been assumed by default. Response Area These three lines of the display are used for messages and responses from the last command. The date and time that the last command was invoked are also displayed. If you make a mistake when entering a CEDA command, CEDA will put the resulting messages on the display, if there is room. If not, CEDA will tell you how many messages there are and their severity. To view the messages, press the PF9 key. The response shows whether or not a command has worked. NORMAL means that it has worked, ERROR means that it has not. A NORMAL response can be accompanied by informational or warning messages such as "NEW GROUP x CREATED" (informational) or "PRO IS AMBIGUOUS, PROGRAM ASSUMED" (warning). PF Key Descr;pt;on Area You can use PF keys to scroll data on the screen, request help information, and end the transaction. The PF keys available for use on a particular panel are displayed on the last line of that panel together with an abbreviation of their use. By positioning the cursor at the appropriate PF key description on this line and hitting ENTER, the function of that PF key is also achieved. The PF keys are used as follows: PFl HELP Displays a panel giving basic information on the use of CEDA. PF2 18 Not used. CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide PF3 END Terminates the CEDA transaction. If you press PF3 in conjunction with a new command or modification to a display, CEDA executes the command, or makes the changes without terminating. If you make a change to a display, hut then decide you do not wish it to take effect, press the CLEAR key. PF4 PFS PF6 Not used. Not used. Not used. PF7 SCROLL BACK HALF Scrolls the information area backwards by half a screen. PF8 SCROLL FORWARD HALF Scrolls the information area forwards by half a screen. PF9 MESSAGES Displays a screen showing all the messages produced by a command. PFIO SCROLL BACK Scrolls the information area backwards by a full screen. PFll SCROLL FORWARD Scrolls the information area forwards by a full screen. PF12 Not used. ENTERING KEYWORDS The syntax panels show the full form of each keyword used. CEDA accepts as few characters of a keyword as will uniquely identify it. Thus the keyword ADD can be entered as AD or ADD, but the abbreviation A is not permitted, because it can be confused with ALTER and APPEND. In its syntax panel displays, CEDA indicates minimum permitted abbreviations by displaying the mandatory portions of keywords in uppercase characters, the remainder in lowercase. These abbreviations are also shown in the syntax boxes in "Chapter 2.3. Commands for the CEDA Transaction." Chapter 2.2. Using the CEDA Transaction 19 INITIATING THE CEDA TRANSACTION To initiate the transaction enter the transaction name, CEDA. This will result in the panel shown in Figure 2 being displayed on the screen with the command input area (the top line) blanl<. Optionally, you can enter a specific command following CEDA. The appropriate information for that command will then be displayed. Command input area Prompting area ENTER ONE OF THE FOLLOWING ADd ALter APpend CHeck COpy DEFine DELete Expand Install Lock REMove REName Unlock ,I - Information area 1\ ~I PF: 1 HELP Figure 2. 3 END 9 MSG !- Response area PF key description area CEDA Transaction. Initial Display You can get a display of the syntax of any of the commands shown by entering, in the command input area, a question mark (?) followed by the command name. The display will also contain messages indicating which options must be specified to make the command valid. 20 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide EXAMPLE OF CEDA TRANSACTION Let us suppose that you know the syntax of tho want to do the following: command~ and that you • Define a program PI in group GRPI • Define a transaction Xl in group GRPI to run program PI o Expand the contents of group GRPI o Check group GRPI o Install group GRPI o Add group GRPI to list LI o Expand the contents of list LI o Check list LI. Define Program Pl in Group GRPl Enter the initial CEDA invocation in the command input area, as shown in Figure 3, to define a program PI in group GRPI, and then press the ENTER key. Figure 4 shows the results of this CEDA invocation. ceda define program(pl) group(grpl) Figure 3. Initial CEDA invocation Chapter 2.2. Using the CEDA Transaction 21 DEFINE PROGRAM(P11 OVERTYPE TO MODIFY CEDA DEFine PROGram ==> Group ==> language ==> REload ==> RESident ==> RSI ==> Status ==> DFH4800I I GROUP(GRP11 PI GRPI Assembler No No 00 Enabled I NEW GROUP 'GRPI' CREATED. RESPONSE: NORMAL PF: 1 HELP 3 END Figure 4. Assembler I Cobol I PI; I Rpg No Yes No Yes 0-24 I Public Enabled I Disabled TIME: 13.07.44 DATE: 82.111 7 SBH 8 SFH 9 MSG 10 SB 11 SF Results of DEFINE PROGRAM Figure 4 shows program PI now defined in group DFH4800I shows that this is the first resource The NORMAL response shows that the command has successfully. This is all that you need to do GRPI. The message definition in group GRPI. been executed to define the program Pl. The attributes listed on the left of this panel have their current values (in this case default values) listed to the right of the arrows. Further to the right are shown the possible values (where appropriate) for that attribute. The abbreviations for each value are shown in uppercase characters. On the overtype to modify display panel, attributes that can be overtyped and modified are intensified. For the DEFINE command, any attributes that are modified are applicable only to that definition; they are not applied to a subsequent DEFINE command. To change the value'of an attribute of program PI, you overtype the current value with the one that you require, and then press the ENTER key. This will result in a redisplay of the new values of program Pl. Therefore to change the source language attribute of program PI from assembler to Pl/I you overtype "Assembler" with "pH, and ·then press the ENTER key. Define Transaction Xl in Group GRPI to Run Program PI To define a transaction to run the program PI, overtype the command input area with the following command: DEFINE TRANSACTION(Xl) GROUP(GRPI) PROGRAM(PI) and then press the ENTER key. 22 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DEFINE TRANSACTION(Xl1 GROUP(GRP11 PROGRAM(Pl1 OVERTVPE TO MODIFV CEDA DEFine Transaction ==> Xl Group ==> GRPI PROGram PI ==> 00000 TWasize 0-32767 ==> PROFile DFHCICST ==> PArtitionset ==> No status Enabled I Disabled ==> Enabled remote-attributes Sysidnt ==> RMtname ==> Localq No I Yes ==> scheduling PRIority 001 0-255 ==> No TClass No I 1-10 ==> aliases TAskreq ==> No + Xtranid ==> No RESPONSE: NORMAL PF: 1 HELP 3 END Figure 5. TIME: 13.08.54 DATE: 82.111 7 SBH 8 SFH 9 MSG 10 SB 11 SF Results of DEFINE TRANSACTION (Panel 1) Figure 5 shows transaction Xl now defined in group GRP1 to run program Pl. The NORMAl response shows that the command has been executed successfully. This is all you need to do to define the transaction Xl. All attributes have taken default values. You can now modify these values by overtyping with a new value and pressing the ENTER key. This will result in a display of the new values of transaction Xl. In this definition you can also overtype and modify values in option fields that are initially blank (and thus not intensified). The plus sign (+) on the bottom line of the information area indicates that the list of attributes spans more than one panel. To display the remaining attributes press the PF8 key to scroll forward one half screen or the PFII key to scroll forward one full screen (as indicated in the bottom line of the panel). Pressing the PFl1 key will result in the panel shown in Figure 6 on page 24. Chapter 2.2. Using the CEDA Transaction 23 DEFINE TRANSACTION(X11 GROUP(GRP11 PROGRAM(P11 OVERTYPE TO MODIFY CEDA DEFine + recovery DTimout No No I 1-7000 ==> Backout Indoubt Backout I Commit I Wait ==> REstart No ==> No No I Yes SPurge No Yes ==> TPurge No No Yes ==> DUmp Yes ==> Yes No TRACe Yes No ==> Yes I security Extsec TRANsec RSL RSLC PF: 1 HELP Figure 6. ==> ==> ==> ==> No 01 00 No 3 END No I Yes 1-64 0-24 I Public No I Yes 7 SBH 8 SFH 9 MSG 10 SB 11 SF Results of DEFINE TRANSACTION (Panel 2) Expand contents of Group GRP1 To display all the resource definitions in group GRP1 overtype the command input area with the following command: EXPAND GROUP(GRP1) and then press the ENTER key. This produces a display like that shown in Figure 7 on page 25. Note that the display cursor is positioned within a blank field on the screen, beside the entry for the first resource in the group. The blank field is called the "operation field." You can type abbreviated commands into this field. You don't have to name the resources in your command; it operates on the adjacent resource. 24 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide EXPAND GROUP(GRP11 ENTER COMMANDS NAME TYPE P1 Xl PROGRAM TRANSACTION GROUP RESULTS: 1 TO 2 OF 2 PF: 1 HELP Figure 7. DATE GRP1 GRP1 TIME: 3 END TIME 82.111 13.07.38 82.111 13.08.40 13.09.38 DATE: 82.111 7 SBH 8 SFH 9 MSG 10 SB 11 SF Results of EXPAND GROUP Figure 7 shows a display of all resource definitions in group GRP1. A type of ALlC*) has been assumed. The date and time fields on the right of this panel show when the resource was last updated on the CSD file. You can now modify the definitions using any of the following commands in the operation field to the right of the resource name. o ALTER o COpy o DELETE o RENAME o = to repeat the command in the previous operation field o ? to display messages for this resource definition. Check Group GRP1 To check the resources in group GRP1 overtype the command input area with the following command: CHECK GROUPCGRP1) and then press the ENTER key. Chapter 2.2. Using the CEDA Transaction 25 CHECK GROUP(GRP11 OVERTVPE TO MODIFY CEDA CHeck Group ==> GRPl List ==> RESPONSE: NORMAL PF: 1 HELP 3 END Figure 8. TIME: 13.51.47 DATE: 82.111 7 SBH 8 SFH 9 MSG 10 SB 11 SF Results of CHECK GROUP Figure 8 shows the results of the CHECK GROUP command. The NORMAL response shows that the command has been executed successfully, and that no inconsistencies were found in group GRPI. If, at this point, you want to check another group or list, you can overtype the appropriate ~ield with a new group or list name. Pressing the ENTER key will then 1" voke another CHECK command. The command input area will not be changed 0 reflect the last command. You will, however, receive a respo se and any error messages in the same way as entering the command in he command input area. Install Group GRP1 To add the group dyn mically to the running system, overtype the command input area with the following command: INSTALL GROUPCG 1) and then press the ENTER key. 26 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide INSTALL GROUP(GRP11 OVERTYPE TO MODIFY CEDA Install ==> GRP1 Group RESPONSE: NORMAL PF: 1 HELP Figure 9. TIME: 13.56.56 DATE: 82.111 7 SBH 8 SFH 9 MSG 10 SB 11 SF 3 END Results of INSTALL GROUP Figure 9 shows the results of the INSTALL GROUP command. The response is NORMAL, so the command has worked and group GRP1 is now installed on the running system. If, at this point, you want to install another group, you can overtype the appropriate field with a new group name. Pressing the ENTER key will then invoke another INSTALL command. The command input area will not be changed to reflect the last command. You will, however, receive a response and any error messages in the same way as entering the command in the command input area. Add Group GRPl to L;st Ll To add group GRP1 to a list L1, which can be specifically named in the system initialization table (SIT), overtype the command input area with the following command: ADD GROUP(GRP1) LIST(L1) and then press the ENTER key. Chapter 2.2. Using the CEDA Transaction 27 ADD GROUP(GRPI) LIST(LI) OVERTYPE TO MODIFY CEDA ADd Group ==> GRPI List ==> Ll ==> ==> Before After DFH~80II I NEW LIST 'Ll' CREATED. RESPONSE: NORMAL PF: I HELP Figure 10. 3 END TIME: 13.57.35 DATE: 82.111 7 SBH 8 SFH 9 MSG 10 SB 11 SF Results of ADD GROUP Figure 10 shows the results of the ADD command. Group GRP1 has now been added to list Ll. The message DFH4801I indicates that this new list has been created on the CSD file. If, at this point, you want to add this group to another list, or nnother group to this list, or any other list, you can overtype the nppropriate field with a new group or list name. Pressing the ENTER key will then invoke another ADD command. The command input area will not be changed to reflect the last command. You will, however, recelve a response and any error messages in the same way as entering the command in the command input area. Expand contents of L;st Ll To display all of the groups in list L1, overtype the command input area with the following command: EXPAND LISTCL1) and then press the ENTER key. 28 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide EXPAND LIST(L11 ENTER COMMANDS NAME TYPE GRP1 GROUP TI~IE 82.111 13.57.32 L1 RESULTS: 1 TO 1 OF 1 PF: 1 HELP 3 END Figure 11. DATE LIST TIME: 13.57.49 DATE: 82.111 7 SBH 8 SFH 9 HSG 10 SB 11 SF Results of EXPAND LIST Figure 11 shows a display of all the groups in list L1. has been assumed. A group name of GROUPC~) The date and time fields on the right of the panel show when the group was added to the list~ You can now modify the list using any of the following commands in the operation field to the right of the group name. o ADD o REMOVE • = to repeat the command in the previous operation field o ? to display messages for this group. Check List L1 The contents of list II can be checked in the same way as groups. check list l1 overtype the command input area with the following command: To CHECK lISTCL1) and then press the ENTER key. Chapter 2.2. Using the CEDA Transaction 29 CHECK LIST(L11 OVERTYPE TO MODIFY CEDA CHeck Group List ==> ==> L1 RESPONSE: NORMAL PF: 1 HELP Figure 12. 3 END TIME: 13.58.17 82.111 Results of CHECK LIST Figure 12 shows the results of the CHECK LIST command. NORMAL, which indicates there are no errors. To terminate the CEDA transaction, press the PF3 key. 30 DATE: 7 SBH 8 SFH 9 MSG 10 SB 11 SF CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide The response is SYNTAX DISPLAY PANEL ~ If you enter a command which is incomplete (that is, one or more mandatory keywords are missing), you will be presented with a panel that displays the syntax of the command together with error messages. For example if you enter DEFINE TRANSACTION(X2) GROUP(GRP1) and press ENTER, the following panel will be displayed: DEFINE TRANSACTION(X21 GROUP(GRP11 COMMAND SYNTAX AND MESSAGES CEDA DEFine Transaction(X2 ) < Group(GRPl ) > < PROGram() > < TWasize(OOOOO) > < PROFile(DFHCICST) > < PArtitionset(No ) > < STatus( Enabled I Disabled) > < SYsidnt() > < RMtname() > < Localq( No I Yes ) > < PRlority(OOl) > < TClass(No) > < TAskreq(No ) > < Xtranid(No ) > < DTimout(No ) > < Indoubt( Backout I Commit I Wait 1 > < REstart( No I Yes ) > + < sPurge( No I Yes ) > DFH7052I S PROGRAM OR SYSIDNT MUST BE SPECIFIED. PF: 1 HELP Figure 13. 7 SBH 8 SFH 9 MSG 10 SB 11 SF 3 END Example Syntax Display Panel The fields shown in bold type are displayed intensified. These fields contain either what you have specified in the command line or what CEDA has assumed by default. Adding PROGRAM(P2) to the command in the command input area and pressing ENTER will result in a panel similar to that in Figure 5 on page 23. This example shows a single error message. Had there been more than one, CEDA would tell you that there were error messages. You would then press the PF9 key to view them. Chapter 2.2. Using the CEDA Transaction 31 Chapter 2.3. Commands for the CEDA Transaction This chapter lists all the options available for all the CEDA commands. The commands are listed by command type in "CEDA Commands" on page 34. Each command is presented in alphabetic order starting at "Add a Group to a List" on page 39. The ALTER and DEFINE commands are described together since they have similar parameters. ENTERING A CEDA COMMAND You can enter the command in upper or lower case, and you can abbreviate the command name to the letters shown in uppercase characters on the display and in the syntax boxes of each command in this chapter. For example, you can enter: DEFINE PROGRAMCA) GROUPCA) in the full form of each command and option, or you can enter: DEF PROGCA) GCA) in the fully abbreviated form. When entering a command, you need enter only those options for which you require something other than the default values. Any option that you do not enter will automatically be assigned its default value. For example, if you enter: DEFINE PROGRAMCA) GROUPCA) this will result in the following options being included: LANGUAGECASSEMBLER) RELOADCNO) RESIDENTCNO) RSLCO) STATUSCENABLED) If you enter an incomplete command Cthat is, a command with one or more missing mandatory argument values that cannot be defaulted), a syntax panel for that command will be displayed. CEDA COMMAND SYNTAX In the following command descriptions you can, in many cases, use generic specifications for the name field as follows: • The character * can be used in a name to specify any number of characters. • The character + can be used to specify any single character. For example: EXPAND GROUPCS3) PROGCPG*) will list all programs in the group 53 whose names begin with the characters PG, but: EXPAND GROUPCS3) PROGCPG++) will list only those programs in group S3 whose names are four characters long and begin with the characters PG. An equals sign C=) can be used within an EXPAND panel to repeat the previous command. Chapter 2.3. Commands for the CEDA Transaction 33 An option identifying a resource type (such as map set or program) can specify a generic name (except when the AS option is used since such a command can only operate on one object). If the resource option is specified without an argument, the generic name * is assumed. If the resource type specification is omitted altogether, ALL is assumed. GROUP AND LIST VALUE Each resource definition must belong to a group. Each group will usually contain resources that have something in common. Once you have invoked the CEDA transaction and used a command that specifies a group name, that name will be remembered as the current group until you enter another group name. You can omit the group name in subsequent commands as CEDA will default to the current group. The only exception to this is with EXPAND LIST, when the name GROUP(*) will be assumed if not otherwise specified. A current !;st value can also be set by using a command that specifies LIST(name). This will be remembered in the same way as the current group setting. The following points should be noted: • The current group or list value can be a generic name. • Several groups can contain identical resource definitions. • A resource definition must belong to a group, but a group need not necessarily belong to a list. o A list can contain a group name that does not exist. • Several lists can contain the same group name. • Each group and list name must be unique on the CSD. CEDA COMMANDS The CEDA commands are listed below by command type: • o 34 Resource management commands ALTER COpy modifies the options of an existing resource definition. DEFINE creates a new resource definition (described under "ALTER or DEFINE"). DELETE deletes resource definitions. EXPAND gives a full screen display of resources within groups. RENAME renames resource definitions within a group. copies resource definitions within a group or from one group to another. Group management commands CHECK cross checks the resource definitions within a group. INSTALL dynamically adds the resource definitions in a group to the running system. LOCK controls the update and delete access of a group. UNLOCK controls the update and delete access of a group. CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide • List management commands ADD adds a group name to a list. APPEND copies a list to another list. CHECK cross checks the resource definitions within the groups in a list. EXPAND gives a full screen display of group names within lists. LOCK controls the update and delete access of a list. REMOVE removes a group name from a list. UNLOCK controls the update and delete access of a list. Any resource, group, or list management command entered in the command input area will, if executed successfully, result 1n the display of a panel where the prompting area gives instructions on how to perform the next operation. The options you can take are indicated with arrows. Pressing the EHTER key returns you to the initial CEDA panel. Figure 14, Figure 15, and Figure 16 show the hierarchy of the commands within each command type. Chapter 2.3. Commands for the CEDA Transaction 35 DEFINE ALTER resource resource a a more than v Area (overtype to modify) v ALTER COpy DELETE RENAME COpy DELETE RENAME resources resources resources = I Area Prompting ALTER that resource ALTER COpy DELETE RENAME COPY other resources Input v v vV Command one one modify that definition EXPAND groups or resources V V DELETE other resources I = V Enter Commands (expanded display) Command Input Area V RENAME other resources I Prompting Area (overtype to modify) Enter Commands (expanded display) Figure 14. 36 CEDA Resource Management Commands CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide INSTALL a group vV INSTALL another group I LOCK or UNLOCK a group Command CHECK Input a group Area VV VV LOCK or UNLOCK another group or list CHECK another group or list I I Prompting Area (overtype to modify) Enter Commands (expanded display) Figure 15. CEDA Group Management Commands Chapter 2.3. Commands for the CEDA Transaction 37 ADD REMOVE APPEND group groups list V V a vV ADD another group V a REMOVE other groups I Input Area V APPEND another list I Command l Prompting Area (overtype to modify) Enter Commands (expanded display) EXPAND lists or groups CHECK a list LOCK or UNLOCK a list Command Input Area - - - -. - - - - - - - V V CHECK another list or group ---- I VV LOCK or UNLOCK another list or group I Prompting Area (overtype to modify) -------------------------------- V Enter ADD REMOVE Commands = Figure 16. 38 (expanded display) CEDA List Management Commands CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide CEDA ADD ADD A GROUP TO A LIST The ADD command is used either to add a group name to an existing list or to specify the first group name in a new list. The AFTER and BEFORE options may be used to control the placing of the new group name (which must not appear elsewhere in the list). The default action is to add the group name at the end of the list. Generic group names and list names are not permitted. ADd [Group(groupname)] [List(listname)] [{Before(groupname)IAfterCgroupname)}] Note: You can also use the EXPAND command to display the order of the groups within a list. You can then enter ADD against a group to insert the new group name in a particular position (see "Expand a List to Display its Groups"). Examples of the ADD Command • Create a list consisting of groups Gl and G3, in that order: ADD GROUP(Gl) LISTCL) ADD GROUPCG3) LISTCL) • Add group G2 to list L between groups Gl and G3: ADD GROUP(G2) LIST(L) AFTER(Gl) or ADD GROUP(G2) LISTCL) BEFORECG3) GROUP(9roupnamel Enter the name of the group that is to be added to the list. group name can be up to eight characters in length. The LIST(listnamel Enter the name of the list to which the group is to be added. The list name can be up to eight characters in length. The characters allowed are A-Z, 0-9, ~, I, and $. Lowercase characters are treated as uppercase characters. Do not use list names beginning with "DFH" because these characters are reserved for use by CICS. (BEFORE(9roupnamelIAFTER(9roupnamel) This controls the placing of a new group within the list of group names. Chapter 2.3. Commands for the CEDA Transaction 39 CEDA ALTERIDEFINE ALTER OR DEFINE A RESOURCE DEFINITION The ALTER command modifies the options of an existing resource definition stored on the eIeS system definition CeSD) file. The "name" field can be a generic specification allowing one command to alter many definitions in a group. Changes to the eSD file do not take effect on the running eIes system until you install the changed group, using the INSTALL command. If a specific resource name is not supplied and no options are specified, it results in an EXPAND of all objects of that resource type, which can then be altered. The DEFINE command creates a new resource definition on the eSD file. You can enter all the options you require for that particular definition in the command input area. CFor example, DEFINE PROGCP1) GROUPCG) LANGCPLI) RESCYES).) Alternatively, it is only necessary to enter the basic command in the command input area Cfor example, DEFINE PROG(Pl) GROUPCG» to create the new definition. Both formats of the command will result in a display of the new definition which can then be modified by overtyping any of the default values (see Figure 4 on page 22). If a definition of the same name and type already exists in the same group, any options specified in the command input area will be ignored, and the ex;st;ng resource definition will be displayed. You can then overtype and modify any of the existing values. Alternatively, you can change the resource name or group name in the command input area. Pressing ENTER will then cause the new DEFINE command to be executed. The DEFINE command must specify a group name. If the group does not already exist, it will be created by the DEFINE command. A group is simply a collection of resource definitions that you can manipulate with the group management commands. The same resource definition can exist in several groups. The following types of resources can be altered or defined: • • • • • Map set VPartition set Profile Program V Transaction.';'-· 40 CIeS/VS Resource Definition Guide CEDA ALTERIDEFINE MAPSET Alter or Def;ne Hap set {ALterIDEFine} Mapset(name) [Group(groupname)] [Rsl({1IvalueIPublic})] [Status({EnabledIDisabled})] (See note) Note: For DEFINE, a map set name must be entered. HAPSET(namel Enter the name of the map set, which can be up to eight characters in length. The characters allowed are A-Z, 0-9, ~, #, and $. Lowercase characters are treated as uppercase characters. Do not use map set names beginning with "DFH" because these characters are reserved for use by CICS. Note: For a BMS device-dependent map set, the map set name must be derived by adding the map set suffix to the original one- to seven-character map set name. The suffix depends on the parameter coded in the TERM operand of the DFHMSD macro instruction that defined the map set. For further information on map set suffixes, see the CICS/VS Application Programmer's Reference Manual (Command Level). GROUP(groupnamel Enter the name of the group, which can be up to eight characters in length. (See the description of GROUP under DEFINE PROGRAM for the characters that are allowed). For ALTER, an existing group must be named. For DEFINE, the name entered can be different from an existing group, in which case a new group will be created with this name. RSL([~lvalueIPUBLICll Enter the security level to be associated with this resource. This operand is used when an EXEC command is executed within a transaction that has been defined with RSLC(YES), and the command is attempting to reference the resource. value A value (in the range 0 to 24) of the security level. PUBLIC Any transaction is allowed to access the map set. STATUS({ENABLEDIDISABLEDll Enter the map set status. ENABLED May be used in a normal manner. DISABLED Usage will be prevented. Chapter 2.3. Commands for the CEDA Transaction 41 CEDA ALTERIDEFINE PARTITIONSET Alter or Define Partition set {ALterIDEFine} PArtitionset(name) [Group(groupname)] [Rsl({QlvalueIPublic})] [Status({EnabledIDisabled})] (See note) Note: For DEFINE, a partition set name must be entered. PARTITIONSET(namel Enter the name of the partition set, which can be up to seven characters in length. The characters allowed are A-Z, 0-9, ~, #, and $. Lowercase characters are treated as uppercase characters. Do not use partition set names beginning with "DFH" because these characters are reserved for use by CICS. A partition set is a table that describes to CICS how to partition a display screen. Partition sets are created by coding and assembling a series of commands, see the CICS/VS Application Programmer's Reference Manual (Command Level), for more details. Note: For a device-dependent partition set the partition set name must be derived by adding the partition set suffix to the original one- to six-character partition set name. The suffix depends on the parameter coded in the SUFFIX operand of the DFHPSD macro instruction that defined the partition set. For further information on partition set suffixes see the CICS/VS Application Programmer's Reference Manual (Command Level). GROUP(groupnamel Enter the name of the group, which can be up to eight characters in length. (See the description of GROUP under DEFINE PROGRAM for the characters that are allowed.) For ALTER, an existing group must be named. For DEFINE, the name entered can be different from an existing group, in which case a new group will be created with this name. RSL(CQlvalueIPUBLICll Enter the security level to be associated with this resource. This operand is used when an EXEC command is executed within a transaction that has been defined with RSLC(YES), and the command is attempting to reference the resource. value A value (in the range 0 to 24) of the security level. PUBLIC Any transaction is allowed to access the partition set. STATUS(CENABLEDIDISABLEDll Enter the partition set status. ENABLED May be used in a normal manner. DISABLED Usage will be prevented. 42 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide CEDA ALTERIDEFINE PROFILE {ALterIDEFine} PROFileCname) [GroupCgroupname)] [Scrnsize({Default)IAlternate})] [MOdename({Nolname}) (See note) Journaling [Journal({Nolvalue})] [MSGJrnl({NoIINPutIOutputIINOut})] Protection [MSGIntegC{NoIYes})] [OnewteC{NoTYes})] [Protect({NoIYes})] Protocols [Dvsuprt({AllINonvtamIVtam})] [Inbfmh({NoIAllIDipIEods})] [RAq({NoIYes})] [LogreCC{NoIYes})] Recovery [Nepclass({Qlvalue})] [RTimoutC{Nolvalue})] Note: For DEFINE, a profile name must be entered. PROFILE(name) Enter the name of the profile, which can be up to eight characters in length. The characters allowed are A-Z, 0-9, ~, #, and $. Lowercase characters are treated as uppercase characters. Do not use profile names beginning with "DFH" because these characters are reserved for use by CICS. A profile specifies the options that will control the interaction with a terminal or logical unit. A profile name is specified on the transaction definition to indicate the set of options that will control the communication between the transaction and its principal terminal. A profile name may also be specified on an EXEC CICS ALLOCATE command to indicate the set of options that will control communication between the transaction and the allocated terminal. CICS supplies a number of profile definitions that are suitable for most purposes. The names of the definitions are given in the CICS/VS Installation and Operations Guide. Further information is also given in the CICS/VS Intercommunication Facilities Guide. GROUP(9roupname) Enter the name of the group, which can be up to eight characters in length. (See the description of GROUP under DEFINE PROGRAM for the characters that are allowed.) For ALTER, an existing group must be named. For DEFINE, the name entered can be different from an existing group, in which case a new group will be created with this name. Chapter 2.3. Commands for the CEDA Transaction 43 CEDA ALTERIDEFINE PROFILE DVSUPRT((ALLINONVTAHIVTAHJJ Enter this to identify the devices (terminals or logical units) that are to be supported. The access method used by a particular terminal or logical unit is specified in its associated TCTTE. ALL The profile can be used with any terminal or logical unit. NONVTAH The profile can only be used with non-VTAM terminals. VTAH The profile can only be used with logical units. INBFHH((NOIALLIDIPIEODSJJ - SNA LUs only Enter this for profiles used with logical units. By generating this parameter you can specify whether a function management header (FMH) received from a logical unit is to be passed to the application program. The FMHs are discarded. ALL DIP EODS All FMHs (except LU6.2 FMHs and LU6.1 ATTACH and SYNCPOINT FMHs that are processed by CICS) are passed to the application program. This operand is required for CSMI transactions, and transactions that use Distributed Transaction Processing. The batch data interchange program (DFHDIP) is to process inbound FMHs. BMS will issue a batch data interchange receive request if a BMS receive request has been issued, and a batch data interchange received request is issued instead of a terminal control receive request. An FMH is only passed to the application program if it indicates end of data set (EODS). JOURNAL((NOlvalueJJ Enter where records generated during automatic journaling are to be stored. No automatic journaling of messages is to take place. value The journal 10 to be used for automatic journaling. This may be any value from 1 through 99. Journal number 1 is the system log. Note: If automatic journaling is specified, the journal control program and journal control table parameters must be coded to support the automatic journaling'requests. LOGREC((NOIYESJJ Enter LOGREC(YES) if the application wants each EXEC CICS RECEIVE request to be satisfied by a logical record. This option allows existing 2770- and 2780-based application programs to be attached to a batch logical unit (for example, 3790 or 8100) without modification to the program. This function is not required. YES 44 This function is required. CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide CEDA ALTERIDEFINE PROFILE MODENAME({NOlname} 1 Enter the mode name, which can be up to eight characters in length, that is to be used for the allocation of LU6.2 sessions. The characters allowed are A to Z, 0 to 9, ~, fi, and $. Lowercase characters are treated as uppercase characters. If a transaction which specifies this profile has been started using an EXEC CICS START command, this value will be used for allocation of the principal facility. If a transaction performs an EXEC CICS ALLOCATE command specifying this profile, this value will be used for allocation of the alternate facility. Notes: 1. MODENAME is applicable only to the allocation of LU6.2 sessions. 2. If MODENAMECNO) is specified, CICS will select a session from anyone of the mode groups that have been defined. 3. If PROFILE is not specified on an EXEC CICS ALLOCATE command, the CICS supplied profile DFHCICSA is used. For function shipping the profile DFHCICSF is always used. MODENAME is not included in the CICS supplied definitions, so CICS will select a session as described in note 2. You can add a MODENAME by making your own copy of the appropriate group definition and by changing the attributes of the profile. You must then ensure that the mode groups using your MODENAME have been defined (using DFHTCT TYPE=MODESET macros) for all the systems with which communication will take place using LU6.2. 4. If a mode name is specified and you wish to remove it, delete completely the value previously specified by pressing the ERASE EOF key. HSGINTEG(CNOIVES}l - SNA LUs only Enter MSGINTEGCYES) if a definite response is to be requested with an output request to a logical unit. This option must not be entered for a pipeline transaction (see DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL later in this book). HSGJRNL({NOIINPUTloUTPUTIINOUT}l Enter this to indicate which messages are to be automaticallY journaled. Unless NO is specified, a journal value is also required. No journaling is required. INPUT Journaling is required for input messages. OUTPUT Journaling is to be performed for output messages. INOUT Journaling is to be performed for input and output messages. NEPCLASS({Qlvalue}l - VTAM only Enter the class of the module (DFHZNEP). The value 0 will result in class routine (see the transaction for the node error program value coded can be between 0 and 255. The a subsequent link to the default transaction CICS/VS Customization Guide). ONEWTE({NOIVES}l Enter ONEWTECYES) if the transaction is only permitted one write operation or EXEC CICS SEND during its execution. Any additional write requests are treated as errors, and the task is readied for abnormal termination. BRACKET=YES must be coded in the DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL macro instruction for logical units. The ONEWTE option must be entered for a PIPELINE transaction. Chapter 2.3. Commands for the CEDA Transaction 45 CEDA ALTERIDEFINE PROFILE PROTECT({NOIVESJl - SNA LUs only Enter PROTECT(YES) to provide recovery for output message. This option provides message integrity (see the MSGINTEG option), and also causes message logging to take place. Also, CICS will record the contents of deferred write requests that are pending at a sync point, and record the receipt of the definite response associated with the deferred write on the system log for message recovery and resynchronization purposes. Journaling support is required during generation of the CICS system. The PROTECT option is ignored for all 3270s. Note: If PROTECT is entered, definitions for the transaction CSlG and CICS program DFHZRlG must be available. RAQ({NOlvESJl - SNA term;nals only Enter this to indicate whether the read ahead queuing option is required. The transaction will obey SNA protocols and only SEND and RECEIVE when in the ccrrect mode. If it does not follow the protocol then it may be abended with code ATCV. YES The transaction may violate SNA protocols, and CICS will queue incoming data on temporary storage until the data specifically requested by the transaction. RAQ(YES) is provided only for compatibility with transactions that support both bisynchronous devices and logical units, and its use is not recommended. If RAQ(YES) is entered, the temporary storage program must be generated. RTIMOUT({NOlvalueJl Enter the time-out value for the read time-out feature. The task that is timed out will receive an AKCT abend. (Note that if a value is specified and you wish to change it to NO, delete completely the value previously specified.) The read time-out feature is not required. value 46 An interval (MMSS for minutes and seconds) after which the task will be terminated if no input has been received from the terminal. The maximum value that can be specified is 70 minutes. The value specified in this option is rounded up to units of 16.78 seconds. Thus, the minimum value (after rounding-up) is 16.78 seconds. CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide CEDA ALTERIDEFINE PROFILE SCRNSIZE({DEFAULTlIALTERNATEJl Enter the 3270 screen or printer buffer size (defined in the DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL macro) to be used. For further information on the choice of screen sizes and buffer sizes, refer to the ALTSCRN and DEFSCRN operands in DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL. DEFAULT Default screen size mode will be applied, taking the values from the DEFSCRN operand in DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL. ALTERNATE Alternate screen size mode will be applied, taking the values from the ALTSCRN operand in DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL. SCRNSIZE(ALTERNATE) may be used for all CICS service transactions (for example, CSMT). Notes: 1. If SCRNSIZECDEFAULT) ;s coded, and if the DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL macro contains the ALTSCRN or DEFSCRN operands, the default screen size mode will be applied, using the erase write (EW) command. Th~t is, whenever the terminal issues a terminal output request with the ERASE option, the 3270 EW command will be inserted in the data stream. The screen size specified in the DEFSCRN operand will be assumed, and BMS will use the value specified in the PGESIZE operand as the page size. 2. If SCRNSIZE(ALTERNATE) is coded, and if DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL has the ALTSCRN operand, the alternate screen size mode will be applied using the erase write alternate (EWA) command. That is, whenever a terminal output request with the ERASE option is issued, the 3270 EWA command will be inserted in the data stream. The ALTSCRN value will be assumed as the screen size, and BMS will use the value in ALTPGE as the page size. 3. The SCRNSIZE value will be ignored if the DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL macro does not contain either ALTSCRN or DEFSCRN. That is, the screen size will be assumed from the related TRMMODL operand in DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, the page size will be taken from PGESIZE, and the ALTPGE value will be ignored. The 3270 EW command will be inserted for output requests with the ERASE option. Chapter 2.3. Commands for the CEDA Transaction 47 CEDA ALTERIDEFINE PROGRAM Alter or Define Program {AlterIDEFine} PROGramCname) [GroupCgroupname)] [languageC{AssemblerICobollpliIRpg})] [REloadC{No\Yes})] [RESidentC{NoIYes})] [RSlC{QlvalueIPublic})] [StatusC{EnabledIDisabled})] (See note) Note: For DEFINE, a program name must be entered. PROGRAM(name) Enter the name of the program, which can be up to eight characters in length. The characters allowed are A-Z, 0-9, ~, #, and $. lowercase characters are treated as uppercase characters. Do not use program names beginning with "DFH" because these characters are reserved for use by CICS. In order to be able to use the program in a running CICS/DOS/VS system, it must have been link-edited into the VSE private or system core-image library. Alternatively, if the program is reentrant, it may have been placed in the shared virtual area (SVA). For a CICS/OS/VS system, the program must have been link-edited into one of the libraries specified as part of the DFHRPl DD statement, or, if it is reentrant, it may have been placed in the link pack area (lPA). For more details see the CICS/VS Installation and Operations Guide. GROUP(groupname) Enter the name of the group, which can be up to eight characters in length. The characters allowed are A-Z, 0-9, ~, #, and $. lowercase characters are treated as uppercase characters. Do not use group names beginning with "DFH" because these characters are reserved for use by CICS. For AlTgR, an existing group must be named. For DEFINE, the name entered can be different from an existing group, in which case a new group will be created with this name. LANGUAGE({ASSEMBLERICOBOLlpLIIRPGJl Enter the program language. ASSEMBLER An assembler language program. COBOL PLI RPG 48 An ANS COBOL program. A Pl/I program. An RPG II program CCICS/DOS/VS only). be entered. CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide RELOADCYES) must also CEDA ALTERIDEFINE PROGRAM RELOAD({NOIYESJl Enter this to indicate whether a program control link, load, or XCTL request is to bring in a fresh copy of a program. A load request is ignored if the program is currently in storage. YES A fresh copy of the program is to be loaded by the program control program each time a load request for that program is issued. For RPG II programs, RELOADCYES) is enforced by CEDA. However, the storage is freed automatically by CICS. For non-RPG II programs, a storage control FREEMAIN, rather than a program control DELETE, must be used to free the storage. RELOADCYES) must not be entered for any program to be executed unless some means is devised to issue a FREEMAIN after the program is executed. If the FREEMAIN is not issued, the CICS dynamic storage area may fill up with copies of the program. Notes: 1. When a program is specified with RELOADCYES) and when a storage control FREEMAIN is issued, you must subtract 8 bytes from the address at which the program is loaded, unless the EXEC interface is used. 2. RELOADCYES) can be used to load tables or control blocks that are modified by execution of the associated programCs). It must not be entered for a program that is the first program loaded for a task, unless it is an RPG II program CCICS/DOS/VS only). This is because the task would have no way of issuing a FREEMAIN for the program. 3. If the dynamic open/close program ;s to be used, RELOADCYES) must be coded for each definition of a nonresident data set control block. In this case, CICS assumes responsibility for releasing the storage occupied by nonresident data set control blocks as they are used. 4. RELOADCYES) is enforced by CEDA for application programs written in RPG II. S. RELOADCYES) must also be entered for all CICS/DOS/VS transient logic modules. The dynamic open/close program maintains a use count for the logic modules to ensure that only one ~opy is in storage at anyone time. If the logic module is resident in the destination control table, this operand need not be coded. 6. If a program that is link-edited with the attribute RMODECANY) is specified as RELOADCYES) under MVS/XA, some means must be devised for issuing an MVS DELETE macro instruction for it (not CICS FREEMAIN), because the program will be loaded using an MVS LOAD macro instruction. The following actions are suggested: Without RMODECANY) Subtract 8 bytes from load point and issue CICS FREEMAIH With RMODECANY) Issue MVS DELETE Chapter 2.3. Commands for the CEDA Transaction 49 CEDA ALTERIDEFINE PROGRAM RESIDENT([NOIYES]) Enter the residence status of the program. Note: If the program is specified as resident in the application load table (AlT), this operand will be ignored. The program is not to be permanently resident. must be specified if RElOAD(YES) is specified. YES This value The program is to be loaded on first reference and is then to be permanently resident in virtual storage, but is to be pageable by the operating system. Programs specified as RESIDENT(YES) are packed together in alphabetic order, unless they are also specified in the AlT in which case the order of programs specified in the AlT takes precedence. Use of the AlT is the recommended method of specifying the load order. Notes: 1. If a program that is permanently resident is replaced by a copy of that program by means of a master terminal new copy command, the program will no longer be permanently resident and will be loaded dynamically when required. 2. If a program defined as resident is installed on a running CICS system, it will not be made permanently resident until the next CICS initialization. 3. RESIDENT(YES) is invalid with RPG II programs. RSL((~lvalueIPUBLIC]) Enter the security level to be associated with this resource (the application program). This operand is used when an EXEC command is executed within a transaction that has been defined with RSlC(YES), and the command is attempting to reference the resource. value A value (in the range 0 to 24) of the security level. PUBLIC Any transaction is allowed to access the program. STATUS([ENABLEDIDISABLED]) Enter the program status. ENABLED May be used in a normal manner. DISABLED Usage will be prevented. 50 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide CEDA ALTERIDEFINE TRANSACTION Alter or Def;ne Transact;on {AlterIDEFine} Transaction(name) [Group(groupname)] [PROGram(name)] [TWasize({Qlvalue})] [PROFile({DFHCICSTlname})] [PArtitionsetC{Nolname})] [STatus({EnableaTDisabled})] (See note) Remote attributes [SYsidntCname)] [RMtnameC{local-namelrmt-name})] [localq({NoIYes})] Scheduling [PRlority({llvalue})] [TClass({NoTvalue})] Resource aliases [TAskreqC{Nolvalue})] [Xtranid({Nolvalue})] Recovery [DTimout({Nolvalue})] [Indoubt({BackoutICommitIWait})] [REstartC{NoIYes})] [SPurge({NQTYes})] [TPurge({NoIYes})] [DUmpC{Yei}No})] [TRACe({YesINo})] Security [Extsec({NoIYes})] [TRANsec({llvalue})] [RSl({QlvalueIPublic})] [RSlC({Nolyes})] Note: For DEFINE, a transaction name must be entered. TRANSACTION(name) Enter the name of the transaction, which can be up to four characters in length. The characters allowed are A-Z, 0-9, ~, I, and $. Lowercase characters are treated as lowercase characters. Do not use transaction names beginning with "e" because this character is reserved for use by CICS. If you wish to use special characters in the transaction name use the XTRANID operand. When defining a transaction you must also code the PROGRAM or SYSIDNT operand. GROUP (groupname1 Enter the name of the group, which can be up to eight characters in length. (See the description of GROUP under DEFINE PROGRAM for the characters that are allowed.) For ALTER, an existing group must be named. For DEFINE, the name entered can be different from an existing group, in which case a new group will be created with this name. Chapter 2.3. Commands for the CEDA Transaction 51 CEDA ALTERIDEFINE TRANSACTION PROGRAM(namel Enter name of the program to which control is to be given to process this transaction. (See the description of PROGRAM under DEFINE PROGRAM for the characters that are allowed for the name of the program.) If SYSIDNT is specified PROGRAM is not valid. DTIMOUT((NOlvalue) 1 Enter the length of time after which the deadlock time-out facility will terminate a suspended task in such cases as a short-on-storage condition, a temporary storage SUSPEND, an unsatisfied ENQ when updating a recoverable resource, or where a task is suspended after having issued a request to a remote system while the link is in use. The task that is timed out will receive an AKCS (deadlock time-out) abend. When using CEDF, the user task should, if possible, specify DTIMOUT(NO), or a large value. The deadlock time-out feature is not required. value The length of time (MMSS for minutes and seconds) after which the deadlock time-out facility will terminate a suspended task. The maximum value that can be specified is 70 minutes and is accurate to intervals of one second. Note that, if you enter this option, a transaction that has SPURGE(NO) will be terminated after the interval specified in the DTIMOUT operand. DUMP({YESINO)l Enter this to indicate whether a dump is to be produced if the transaction terminates abnormally. Note that this operand has no effect on an EXEC CICS DUMP command, which will always produce a dump. If the transaction terminates with either a program interrupt (ASRA abend code), or with an operating system abend (ASRB abend code), a formatted dump will be produced in addition to a transaction dump. EXTSEC((NOIYES)l rnter this to indicate whether an external security facility (for example, RACF for MVS systems) is to be used for this transaction instead of the security facilities provided by CICS through the TRANSEC operand. See the CICS/VS Installation and Operations Guide and the CICS/VS Customization Guide for a discussion on installing external security. Only the security facilities provided by CICS will be used for this transaction. YES An external security facility will be used for this transaction. INDOUBT({BACKOUTlcoMMITIWAITJl Enter this to indicate the action required if the transaction is using intercommunication facilities, and abends at a critical" time during sync point or abend processing. See the CICS/VS Intercommunication Facilities Guide for more information. BACK OUT The effects of the transaction will be backed-out. COMMIT The effects of the transaction will be committed. WAIT 52 Critical resources will be locked until the session is recovered. The resources will then be committed or backed-out in step with the remote system. CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide CEDA ALTERIDEFINE TRANSACTION LOCALQ({NOIYESll Enter this to indicate whether queuing on the local system is to be performed. No local queuing is to be performed. YES Local queuing can be attempted for an EXEC START NOCHECK request when the system is not available and the system name is valid. A system is defined as not available when: • the system is 'OUT OF SERVICE' when the request is initiated. • the attempt to initiate any session to the remote system fails and the corrective action taken by the abnormal condition program (DFHZNAC) or the node error program (DFHZNEP) is to place the system 'OUT OF SERVICE'. Notes: 1. Local queuing should be used only for those EXEC START commands that represent time independent requests. The delay implied by local queuing will affect the time at which the request is actually started. It is your responsibility to ensure that this condition is met. 2. The effect of the LOCALQ operand may be overridden by use of the user exit (XISLCLQ) in module DFHISP. PARTITIONSET({NOlnamell Enter the one- to six-character name of the partition set that is to be the default "application partition set." (Note that if a name is specified and you wish to remove the name, delete completely the name previously specified by pressing the ERASE EOF key. ) If NO is specified CICS will destroy existing partitions prior to the first BMS output to the terminal from the transaction. If a name is specified CICS will destroy existing partitions (unless the "terminal partition set" for the terminal matches the requested "application partition set") and will load the requested partition set prior to the first BMS output to the terminal from the transaction. If the reserved name KEE~ is specified the transaction will use the "application partition set" for this terminal, whatever it may be. This option is normally used for successor transactions in a chain of pseudo-conversational transactions. The reserved name OWN is specified if the transaction performs its own partition management. PRIORITY({llvaluell Enter-the transaction priority. This one- to three-digit decimal value from 0 to 255 is used in establishing the overall transaction processing priority. (Transaction processing priority is equal to the sum of the terminal priority, transaction priority, and operator priority, not to exceed 255.) PROFILE({DFHCICSTInamel1 Enter the name of the profile that specifies the processing options used in conjunction with the terminal that initiated the transaction. The processing options provided by the default DFHCICST are given in the CICS/VS Installation and Operations Guide. Chapter 2.3. Commands for the CEDA Transaction 53 CEDA ALTERIDEFINE TRANSACTION RESTART({NOIYES}) Enter this to indicate whether the transaction restart facility is to be used to restart those tasks that terminate abnormally and are subsequently backed out by the dynamic transaction backout facility. If RESTARTCYES) ;s entered, the task that failed is restarted from the beginning of the initial program. If dynamic transaction backout fails, or if restart is suppressed dynamically, DFHPEP will be invoked in the normal way. The transaction restart facility is especially useful in such situations as a program isolation deadlock, where the task can be restarted automatically rather than resubmitted manually. For more information see the CICS/VS Recovery and Restart Guide. The restart facility is not required. YES The restart facility is to be used. RHTNAME({local-n~melrmt-name}l Enter the one- to eight-character name of the transaction that is to be invoked in the remote system or region when CICS intercommunication facilities are being used. The characters allowed are A to Z, 0 to 9, ~, #, and $. Lowercase characters are treated as lowercase characters. If the RMTNAME operand is omitted, its value will default to the name of the transaction. Note that the transaction need not necessarily reside on the remote system or region. RSL({OlvalueIPUBLIC}l Enter the resource security level to be associated with this resource (the transaction). This operand is used when an EXEC command is executed within a transaction that has been defined with RSLC(YES), and the command is attempting to reference the resource. value A value (in the range 0 to 24) of the security level. PUBLIC Any transaction is allowed to access the transaction. RSLC({NOIYES}l Enter this to indicate whether resource security level checking is to be performed. If a resource is referenced by an EXEC CICS statement and has an RSL value of zero, no access is allowed by transactions that have RSLC(YES) entered. SPURGE({NOIYES}l Enter this to indicate whether the transaction can be purged from the CIeS system when the system stalls because of a shortage of resources (for example, storage). The transaction is not purgeable when a system stall condition is detected. YES The transaction is purgeable in a stall condition. STATUS({ENABLEDIDISABLED} 1 Enter the transaction status. ENABLED Allows the transaction to be executed normally. DISABLED Prevents the transaction being executed. 54 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide CEDA ALTERIDEFINE TRANSACTION SYSIDNT[namel Enter the one- to four-character name to identify the intercommunication link to which this transaction definition is related. The characters allowed are A-Z, 0-9, ~, #, and $. Lowercase characters are treated as uppercase characters. The name provided must be the same as that in the SYSIDNT operand of a DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM macro instruction. TASKREQ[{NOlvalue} 1 Enter-one of the special PA or PF keys, the operator identification card reader, a light pen detec~able field on a 3270, or the 10/63 character magnetic stripe reader. Entering this parameter indicates that a task is to be initiated in response to the operator striking one of these special keys, reading the operator identification card, selecting a light pen detectable field, or using the 10/63 character magnetic stripe reader. (Note that if a value is specified and you wish to change it to NO, delete completely the value previously specified.) Valid specifications are: PAl, PA2, or PA3 - for PA keys. PF1 through PF24 - for PF keys. OPID - for the operator identification card reader. LPA - for a light pen detectable field on a 3270 device. MSRE - for the 10/63 character magnetic stripe reader. Note: There are several, possibly conflicting, uses of the 3270 PA/PF keys. In order of interpretation, these uses are: 1. To initiate printing, as specified in the PRINT operand of the DFHSIT macro instruction or at system start-up. Once so defined, the key cannot be used to initiate a task. 2. For page retrieval, as specified in the SKRxxxx operand of the DFHSIT macro instruction. The same key can also be used for purpose 3 below; it is interpreted as a page retrieval function only during a page retrieval session, during which it cannot be used to initiate other transactions. As a special case, if a transaction is defined with PROGRAM(DFHTPR) and TASKREQ(xxx), the key will also open the page retrieval session. 3. To initiate a task, as specified in the TASKREQ operand above. The same key can also be used for purpose 2 above. TCLASS[{NOlvalue}l Enter a value for class if a task is to have an associated class. No class is assigned to the task. value A value (from decimal 1 to 10) of the class associated with a task. Note: TCLASS should not be entered for CICS-supplied transactions because their initiation could be inhibited if the class threshold was reached. TPURGE({NOIYES}l Enter this to indicate (for BTAM terminals only) that the transaction can be purged because of a terminal error. The task cannot be purged when a terminal error occurs. Manual intervention by the master terminal operator will be required when this happens. YES The task can be purged when a terminal error occurs. Chapter 2.3. Commands for the CEDA Transaction 55 CEDA ALTERIDEFINE TRANSACTION TRACE([VESINO]l Enter this to indicate whether the activity of this transaction is to be traced. Trace the activity for this transaction. NO Do not trace the activity for this transaction. TRANSEC([!lvalue] 1 Enter a decimal value with a range of 1 through 64 that defines the transaction security that must be associated with any terminal operator who is allowed to invoke this transaction. Note: When a task is automatically initiated (through transient data or interval control), the operator signed on to the terminal must have a security code equal to the transaction initiated. To ensure that all automaticallY initiated tasks can be initiated without a security violation, either the security code of the transaction should be "1" or the operator signe~ on the terminal must have a matching security key prior to the automatic initiation of a task. In the case of a no-operator terminal, such as a 3284 printer, the operator security code defaults to "1"; therefore, any task associated with this type of terminal that is to be initiated automaticallY must have a security code of "1". TWASIZE([Olvalue] 1 Enter a one- to five-digit decimal value in the range 0 to 32767 that determines the size (in bytes) of the transaction work area to be acquired for this transaction. The TWASIZE of the CICS-supplied transactions should not be changed. XTRANID([NOlvalue] 1 Enter this to provide an alias transaction identifier for that entered in the TRANSACTION and TASKREQ operands. XTRANID can also be used for initiating transactions using codes that contain special characters. (Note that if a value is specified and you wish to change it to NO, delete completely the value previously specified.) An alias transaction identifier is not required. value 56 Enter a 4-byte transaction identifier in hexadecimal notation (the identifier therefore comprises up to eight hexadecimal digits). If fewer than eight hexadecimal digits are entered, the identifier will be padded on the right with blanks. XTRANID must not begin with X'C3', or anything less than or equal to X'40', and must not end with X'FFFFFF'. These values are reserved for use by CICS. CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide CEDA APPEND APPEND A LIST TO ANOTHER LIST The APPEND command copies a list to another list (which mayor may not exist). If the target list already exists, the source list will be appended to the end of the target list. Generic list names are not permitted. If the target list does not exist, it will be created. APpend [List(listnamel)] ToClistname2) Example of the APPEND Command • COpy list L to new list Ll: APPEND lIST(l) TO(ll) Chapter 2.3. Commands for the CEDA Transaction 57 CEDA CHECK CHECK RELATED RESOURCES The CHECK command performs a cross-check on one or more groups of resource definitions, and should be used before the INSTALL command. The checks performed are essentially consistency checks between resources. For example a check will be made for each transaction in the resources being checked, that the named program definition exists in one of the groups, though that does not necessarily mean it is available to the running system. The CHECK command can specify ~ither a list, so that errors can be found before a cold start is performed using that list Cas the GRPLIST operand in DFHSIT), or a group, to find errors before installing the group. A generic group name or list name is not permitted. CHeck {Group[(groupname)]IList[(listname)]} Example of the CHECK Command • Check group Gl: CHECK GROUPCGl) 58 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide CEDA COpy COPY A RESOURCE DEFINITION You USQ the COPY command to copy resource definitions within a group, or from one group (named in the GROUP option) to another (named by the TO option). You can even use it to copy all of the resource definitions within a group. When you copy a single resource definition, you can use the AS option to specify the name of the new definition. If you are copying a whole group into another group, and the groups contain duplicate resource names, you must specify either MERGE or REPLACE. If you specify MERGE, the resource in the TO group is retained, and that in the copied group is ignored. If you specify REPLACE, the resource in the group named by the GROUP operand repla~es the resource in the group named by the TO operand. If you specify ALL (without namel), but do not specify a resource type, you can copy all resources from group groupnamel into group groupname2. If you specify ALL with a name, you copy only the resources that have that name. Generic names are not allowed when the AS option is specified. COpy [{MErgeIReplace}] [{PROGram\MApsetIPArtitionsetITRansactionIPROFileIALl}]Cnamel) [GroupCgroupnamel)] [ASCname2)] [TO(groupname2)] Note: You can also use the EXPAND command to display the group and enter COpy against the appropriate definitions Csee "Expand a Group to Display its Resource Definitions"). Examples of the COpy Command o Merge group X into group Y: COpy GROUPCX; TOCY) MERGE • Create a transaction TX2 equivalent to transaction TXl in group A: COPY TRANSACTIONCTX1) ASCTX2) GROUPCA) o Copy all programs from group X to group Y: COpy PROGRAMC*) GROUPCX) TOCY) o COpy program A from group X to group Y c-nd call it B: COPY PROGRAMCA) GROUP(X) ASCB) TO(Y) /H4l5 0 / i(LIJ~S CE-lJA Oo/',/ ;0.1'<' & ee,f3j> /l5 {Cc8/1 Chapter 2.3. 03V Commands for the CEDA Transaction 59 'fL31j CEDA DELETE DELETE A RESOURCE DEFINITION The DELETE command causes one or more resource definitions to be deleted from the CSD file. Notice that resource type and name must be specified so that the entire current group is not too easily deleted. AlL(*) must be specified to delete all resource definitions in the group. Generic group names are not allowed. DElete {PROGramIMapsetIPArtitionsetITransactionIPROFileIAII}(name) [Group(groupname)] Note: If you want to delete several resource definitions from a group, you can use the EXPAND command and enter DELETE against the appropriate definitions (see "Expand a Group to Display its Resource Definitions"). Examples of the DELETE Command • Delete all resources in a group: DELETE ALLC*) GROUPCgroupname) • Delete all programs in a group: DELETE PROGRAMC*) GROUPCgroupname) • Delete all resources with name XYZ in a group: DELETE AlLCXYZ) GROUPCgroupname) 60 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide CEDA EXPAND GROUP EXPAND A GROUP TO DISPLAY ITS RESOURCE DEFINITIONS The EXPAND GROUP command can be used to obtain a full-screen list of information about one or more of the resources in a group. When the list of resources has been displayed you can type commands against individual resource entries to perform further operations. The commands you can type are ALTER, DELETE, COpy, RENAME, and equals sign (=). As usual, you can use abbreviated forms of the commands. The number of resources listed in a particular EXPAND display depends on the options you specify in the command. Unless you specify otherwise, CEDA displays all resources in a group. However, by specifying resource names, or generic names (containing * and + characters), you can limit the number of resource definitions displayed. If there are any errors or messages associated with a command entered against a resource definition, CEDA will put a message "ENTER? FOR MSGS" on the right hand side of the screen on the line where the command was entered. To view this (these) message(s), enter a ? on the appropriate line. To return from this message panel, press ENTER. If necessary, the command can now be modified to correct any errors. If you wish to issue the same command against several items in an EXPAND display, you type the command against the item that appears first on the screen, then type an equals sign (=) against each of the others. If you don't specify a group name, CEDA assumes the "current" group name. Expand Group[Cgroupname)] [{PROGramIMApsetIPArtitionsetITransactionIPROFileIALl}]Cname) Examples of the EXPAND GROUP Command o Display all resources in group X: EXPAND GROUPCX) o Display all profiles in all groups: EXPAND PROFILEr*) GROUPC*) Note: A command like this may take a long time to execute since it involves a complete search of the CSD file. o Display all resources whose name begins with the letter A in group X: EXPAND ALLCA*) GROUPCX) o Display all programs in all groups with names beginning with the characters DFH: EXPAND PROGRAMC*) GROUP(DFH*) Note: A command like this will require a large amount of storage because of the considerable number of definitions to be displayed. List all groups that contain program P. I · EXPAND PROGRAMCP) GROUPC*) Chapter 2.3. Commands for the CEDA Transaction 61 CEDA EXPAND GROUP The EXPAND GROUP command displays a list of resources. You can enter the following commands against any of the resources listed: ALTER[property_!;st] This allows options on an existing definition to be modified, and can be specified with or without a property-list. If a property-list is specified, the alterations will take place immediately the command is entered. If ALTER is specified and no property-list is specified, the definition will be displayed so that individual options can be overtyped. To get from an ALTER panel to the EXPAND panel, or to the next ALTER panel if you entered more than one, press the ENTER key. See the description of the appropriate ALTER command for details of the property-list keywords. COPV[TO(groupname2)][AS(name2)][HERGEIREPLACE] causes the definition specified to be copied within the same group or to another group. The TO option specifies that the option is to be copied to another group. The AS option specifies a new name for the object being copied. MERGE prevents the definition being copied if an object of the same name and type exists in the target group. REPLACE causes an existing object of the same name and type in the target group to be overwritten. DELETE causes the definition to be deleted from the CSD file. RENAME AS(~ame2) changes the name of a resource definition in a group. A definition of the same name and type must not already exist in the same group. = ? 62 causes the command entered in the previous operation field to be repeated against this definition. causes any messages for the corresponding resource definition to be displayed. CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide CEDA EXPAND LIST EXPAND A LIST TO DISPLAY ITS GROUPS The EXPAND LIST command causes a similar display to that produced by the EXPAND GROUP command. Commands may then be entered in the operation field against each group name. Both the list name and group name may be generic. If the list name is not specified the current list name is used. If the group name is not specified the generic name * is assumed. If the GROUP is omitted, GROUP(*) is assumed. The rules for using EXPAND LIST are similar to those for EXPAND GROUP. The characters "*", "+", and "=" have the same meanings as for EXPAND GROUP. Expand List[(listname)] [Group[(groupname)]] Example of the EXPAND LIST Command • Display all groups in list Ll: EXPAND LISTCLl) • Display all lists that contain group X. EXPAND LIST(*) GROUP(X) The EXPAND LIST command displays a list of group names. You can enter the following commands against any of the groups listed: ADD [GROUp(groupnamel][BEFORE[(groupname211IAFTER[(groupname2111 is used to add a new group before or after a certain position in the group list. The group name may be omitted, in which case the current group w~ll be used. If neither BEFORE nor AFTER is coded, the group is added to the end of the list. If BEFORE or AFTER is coded, but groupname2 is omitted, the name of the group on the corresponding line of the display is used. REMOVE causes the group name to be deleted from the list. = ? causes the last command entered in the operation field to be repeated against this definition. causes any messages for the corresponding group to be displayed. Chapter 2.3. Commands for the CEDA Transaction 63 CEDA INSTALL INSTALL A GROUP ON A RUNNING CICS SYSTEM The INSTALL command dynamically adds the resource definitions in the named group to the running system. If the named resource already exists in the running system, the existing definition is replaced by the new one. Replacement of an existing definition will only occur if it is not actually in use. If one or more of the resources in the group being installed is in use, the install will fail and no changes will have been made to the running system. (Note that Dynamic Transaction Backout (DTB) must be installed if the INSTALL command is to be used.) A generic group name is not permitted. Install [Group(groupname)] Example of the INSTALL Command • Install a group G1: INSTALL GROUP(G1) Error messages will be produced indicating the reason for the failure of the install. Note that the INSTALL command may cause an existing resource definition to be replaced. In such cases the statistics associated with the old resource definition are transferred to the new definition. If a program's definition is replaced, the program will be relocated on the library and loaded afresh when the new definition is referenced for the first time. In effect, the new definition implies a NEWCOPY operation. The same rules apply to map sets and partition sets. Notes: 1. On VSE, although it is possible to install a definition for a new program that uses DL/I, the program will not execute correctly until the program name has been added to the DL/I application control table (ACT). 2. It is not possible to change the properties of the CEDA transaction itself on a running CICS system. The properties can be changed only on a cold start of the CICS system. Also, it is not possible to change the properties of the following programs that support resource definition online: DFHAMP, DFHDMP, DFHEITSP, and DFHPUP. If you change their definitions on the CSD file they will have no effect, even on a cold start of the CICS system. However, it is possible to make these programs resident by coding an application load table (ALT). 64 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide CEDA LOCKIUNLOCK GROUP LOCK DR UNLOCK A GROUP The LOCK and UNLOCK command assures exclusive access to a group by restricting update and delete access to a single operator identifier. The group can be used, viewed, and copied by other users of CEDA, but cannot be changed or deleted by them. The only method of canceling a LOCK is to use the UNLOCK command. No other CEDA commands release a LOCK. For example, if you delete all the resources in a group, the LOCK remains. {LockIUnlock} Group[(groupname)] Example of the LOCK Command • Lock a group Gl: LOCK GROUP(Gl) The GROUP keyword must be specified, because the LOCK command can also be used with lists. If you don't specify a group name, CEDA assumes the "current" group name. The "lock" is held on the CSD file and remains in effect across restarts of CICS. The "lock" is owned by the user who is identified by a combination of the CICS system name and the user's operator identification. The CICS system name is derived from the APPLID operand specified in the system initialization table (SIT) or terminal control table (TCT), or as an initialization override. The operator identification is derived from the sign-on table (SNT) when the user signs on to the terminal used to invoke the CEDA transaction. Any user who is not signed on or has a different operator identification is not allowed to perform any operation that would change the "locked" group. However, any user is allowed to EXPAND, COpy, CHECK, or INSTALL a "locked" group. The "lock" can only be removed (using the UNLOCK command) by a user on the same system and with the same operator identification. You can lock nonexistent groups, thereby reserving the named group for your own future use. Chapter 2.3. Commands for the CEDA Transaction 65 CEDA LOCKIUNLOCK LIST LOCK OR UNLOCK A LIST The LOCK/UNLOCK command controls the locking of lists in the same way as for groups. The List keyword must be specified, because the LOCK command can also be used with groups. A generic list name is not permitted. {LockIUnlock} List[Clistname)] Example of the LOCK Command • Lock a list Ll: LOCK LISTCLl) A lock on a list is managed in the same way as a lock on a group. The only method of canceling a LOCK is to use the UNLOCK command. No other CEDA commands release a LOCK. For example, if you REMOVE all the groups in a list, the LOCK remains. This enables you to reserve the name for your own future use. 66 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide CEDA REMOVE REMOVE A GROUP FROM A LIST The REMOVE comm~nd removes a group name from a list. A generic list name is not permitted. A generlc group name can be specified to remove many or all groups from a list with one command. REMove [GroupCgroupname)] [ListClistname)] Examples of the REMOVE Command o Reduce a list consisting of groups Gl, Xl, G2, G3, X2, and G4 to a list consisting of Xl and X2: REMOVE GROUPCG*) LISTCL) o Remove all groups from list Ll: REMOVE GROUPC*) LISTCLl) Chapter 2.3. Commands for the CEDA Transaction 67 CEDA RENAME RENAME A RESOURCE DEFINITION The RENAME command renames one or more resource definitions within a group. An error will occur if a resource definition of the same name and type already exists in the group. Several resources different kind of common name using common name to be in a group can share the same name, but each must be a resource. You can rename all resources that share a a single command, using the ALL option to specify the changed. Generic names are not allowed. REName {PROGramIMapsetIPArtitionsetITransactionIPROFileIALI}(name) [Group(groupname)] ASCname2) Note: You can also use the EXPAND command to display the group and enter RENAME against the appropriate resource definitions (see "Expand a Group to Display its Resource Definitions"). Examples of the RENAME Command • Rename a program PI as P2: RENAME PROGRAM(Pl) ASep2) GROUpeX) • Rename all resources efor example, a program and transaction) with the name ABCD as WXYZ: RENAME ALLeABCD) GROUpeX) ASeWXYZ) 68 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide Part 3. Resource Definition - Macro Reference Information Front of Part 3 Back of Part 3 , ALT Application Load Table NLT Nucleus Load Table TCT Terminal Control Table DCT Destination Control Table PCT Program Control Table TLT Terminal List Table DL/I Directory List, DMB PLT Program List Table TST Temporary Storage Table DL/I Directory List, PSB PPT Processing Program Table XLT Transaction List Table FCT File Control Table SIT System Initialization Table JCT Journal Control Table SNT Sign-On Table MCT Monitoring Control Table SRT System Recovery Table Part 3. Resource Definition - Macro Reference Information I : ~ ~Mtt~,IIj ~) 1""~~I11I"""'h1...I"""'~. ~ ' i~ ""~ ~' ' / ~'.'1W • 'tI. . l"',r :f: :.~ ~ \... ~ \ ~ '..,l:llo . Chapter 3.1. Introduction PREPARING CONTROL TABLES CICS is configured under your control during system initialization. You select a SIT and through it, CICS selects other control tables. Each control table is created separately and may be recreated at any time prior to system initialization. You have to prepare the required control tables by coding the appropriate macro instructions. The CICS/VS Installation and Operations Guide tells you how to assemble and link-edit the control tables. For each table, the macro instructions automaticallY generate the necessary linkage editor control statements. NAMING AND SUFFIXING THE TABLES The tables are named in the following manner: Table Name System initialization table Program control table Processing program table Terminal control table File control table Journal control table Destination control table Temporary storage table Sign-on table Monitoring control table Application load table Nucleus load table System recovery table Program list table Transaction list table Terminal list table DFHSITxx DFHPCTxx DFHPPTxx DFHTCTxx DFHFCTxx DFHJCTxx DFHDCTxx DFHTSTxx DFHSNT DFHMCTxx DFHALTxx DFHNLTxx DFHSRTxx DFHPLTxx DFHXLTxx DFHTLTxx The first six characters of the name are standard for each of the tables. Except for the sign-on table, you can specify the last two characters (xx) through the SUFFIX operand to allow several versions of a table to be maintained; anyone or two characters (other than NO and DY which are used in the SIT to indicate dummy versions of modules) are valid. The suffix that you assign to a table is used to determine which version of that table is to be loaded into the system during system initialization. The CICS system table macro instructions in this part are arranged in alphabetical order by table acronym, except for the table macro instructions DFHDLPSB and DFHDLDBD (CICS/OS/VS only), used for DL/I support, and shown at the end of Part 3. The elements of each table, however, are presented in the following manner: • • • DFHxxx TYPE=INITIAL DFHxxx TYPE=ENTRY DFHxxxTYPE=FINAL. All CICS tables (except DFHSIT) must have TYPE=INITIAL and TYPE=FINAL as the first and last macros to be coded. Some tables have a more complex structure; two examples of this are the file control table (DFHFCT) and the terminal control table (DFHTCT). The introductory paragraphs to each such macro describe its structure. In the case of certain parts of the file control table, the program control table, and the terminal control table, the optional operands are presented alphabetically on an access method basis in the syntax display. Chapter 3.1. Introduction 71 The description of each table (with the exception of DFHALT) is concluded by an example of the coding for a typical table. Certain operands appear in many of the system tables without alteration to their meaning. These operands are listed in the syntax display for the table with a reference to this page for a description of the operand. The operands in question are: • TYPE=INITIAL establishes the control section into which the CICS system table is assembled, and produces the necessary linkage editor control statements. • SUFFIX=xx specifies the suffix (one or two characters except NO and DY, which are reserved) for the eICS system table. This suffix will be appended to the basic name (DFHxxx) and is used to name the module on the linkage eqitor output library. eICS will automatically generate the address of the entry point of each table through the DFHVM macro that is generated from each TYPE=INITIAL macro. The entry point label of the table will be DFHxxxBA. Only the END statement need be specified. A label (for example, DFHTCTBA) need not be provided, unless the table (where appropriate) is to be entry-point-aligned. FORMAT OF MACRO INSTRUCTIONS The eICS macro instructions are written in assembler language and, as all assembler language instructions, are written in the following format: Name blank or symbol Operat;on Operand DFHxxxxx One or more operands separated by commas Comments The operand field is used to specify the services and 'options to be generated. Operands are always in a keyword format and any parameters are specified according to the following general rules: • If the parameter associated with the operand is written in all capital letters (for example, TYPE=INITIAL), the operand and parameter must be specified exactly as shown. o If the parameter associated with the operand is written in lower case letters, the operand must be specified exactly as shown and the indicated value, address, or name for the lower case letters (for example, DATASET=name) must be substituted. o Commas and parentheses are specified exactly as shown, except that a comma following the last operand specified must be omitted. The use of commas and parentheses is indicated by brackets and braces, exactly as operands. The parentheses may be omitted when only one parameter of a particular operand is used. • Because a blank character indicates the end of the operand field, the operand field must not contain blanks except within quotes, after a comma on a continued line, or after the last operand of the macro instruction. The first operand on a continuation line must begin in column 16. • When a CICS macro instruction is written on more than one line, each line containing part of the macro instruction (except the last line) must contain a character (for example, an asterisk) in column 72, indicating that the macro instruction is continued on the next line. 72 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHALT TYPE=INITIAL Chapter 3.2. ALT - Application Load Table PURPOSE The application load table (ALT) enables you to use virtual storage efficiently by allowing you to control the order of loading application programs at system initialization. All programs specified in the ALT are made permanently resident. -4:': ,.~\ . . ~..../' ,. ",4"; I(~,L ~.-~ ~; ~:; ~,\)~ '> ,. The ALT is an optional feature. If it is not used, resident application programs will be loaded in the following order: 1. As specified by the processing program table (PPT), if there is one. 2. In alphabetic order of program name, if not yet loaded. If the ALT is used, the application programs specified in the table will be loaded first in the order specified by the ALT, and with the options specified in the ALT. Any programs specified as permanently resident but not specified in the ALT will be loaded with the options specified by the program definition. ELEMENTS OF DFHALT The following macro instructions are available to define the ALT entries: • • o Control Section - DFHALT TYPE=IHITIAL Program Load Sequence - DFHALT TYPE=EHTRY End of Application Load Table - DFHALT TYPE=FIHAL. CONTROL SECTION - DFHALT TYPE=INITIAL The DFHALT TYPE=IHITIAL macro instruction establishes the control section for the ALT. DFHALT TYPE=IHITIAL [,SUFFIX=xx] (See note) (See note) Note: See the first page of Part 3. Chapter 3.2. ALT - Application Load Table 73 .yJ'\ 'Y'~"Y~ :' DFHALT TYPE=ENTRY PROGRAM LOAD SEQUENCE - DFHALT TVPE=ENTRY Use the DFHALT TYPE=ENTRY macro instruction to add entries to the ALT. DFHALT TYPE=ENTRY ,PROGRAM=(name [, ••• ]) [,ADRSPCE={HIGHILOW}] [,ALIGN={NOIENTRYIYES}] [,CLASS={SPECIFIC GENERIC}] [,FIX={NOIYES}] [,PAGEOUT={NOIYES}] CICS/OS/VS only [,SHR={NOIYES}] TYPE=ENTRY indicates that an entry is to be added to the ALT. ADRSPCE=CHIGHILOWJ Code this if the program is to be loaded in high address space or low address space within the storage area used for resident programs. AlIGN=CNOIENTRYIYESJ Code this if the programs are to be page-aligned. No page-alignment is required. ENTRY YES The entry point of the module is to be loaded on a page boundary. This is useful when the working set of the module follows the module entry point, and the entry point is not at the start of the module. ALIGN=ENTRY can be used only when ADRSPCE=LOW is coded. The module is to be loaded on a page boundary. When ADRSPCE=HIGH is coded or defaulted in this macro instruction, the end of the program will be aligned on a page boundary. For ADRSPCE=LOW, the beginning of the program will be page-aligned. CLASS=CSPECIFICIGENERICl Code this if the program names in this entry are to be treated as specific program names or generic program names. SPECIFIC The individual program in the processing program table (PPT) with the name specified by this ALT entry will be loaded with the options specified by this entry. GENERIC All programs in the PPT, derived from either the PPT load module or the CICS system definition file (CSD), with names beginning with the characters specified by this ALT entry will be loaded with the options specified by this entry. 74 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHALT TVPE=FINAL FIX=CNOIVES} Code this if the programs are to be page-fixed. Page-fixing is not requirQd. YES Pages are to be page-fixed. If this option is coded in OS/VS, the appropriate SVC routine must be generated in the operating system through the CICSSVC operand of DFHSG TYPE=INITIAL. PAGEOUT=CNOIYES} Code this if CICS is to force the program(s) out of real storage when not in use, and (on CICS/DOS/VS only) subsequently force the page that contains the program entry point in when the program is needed. No paging operations are to be performed. YES Page-out and page-in operations are to be performed for this program. PAGEOUT=YES also causes page-alignment of the program to ensure that other programs are not inadvertently affected by the page-out request. However, if the next entry in the ALT is not page-aligned, it may be totally or partially included in the page-out of the previous program. If this option is coded in OS/VS, the appropriate SVC routine must be generated in the CICSSVC operand of DFHSG TYPE=INITIAL. PROGRAH=(name[, ••• ]) Code this if the program name(s) is to be added to the ALT. Multiple names may be coded; one entry will be created for each name. SHR=CNOIVES}(CICS/OS/VS only) Code this if PPT-defined modules are to be used from the OS/VS link pack area (LPA). The module is not to be used from the LPA (that is, it will be loaded into the CICS partition). YES The module may be used from the LPA if LPA=YES is coded in the DFHSIT macro instruction or as a start-up override. The use of the module from the LPA requires that it has been installed there and that the module is not named by the PRVMOD start-up option (see the CICS/OS/VS Installation and Operations Guide for details). END OF APPLICATION LOAD TABLE - DFHALT TVPE=FINAL The DFHALT TYPE=FINAL macro instruction indicates the end of the ALT. This is the last statement for the ALT before the assembler END statement. IDFHAlT TYPE=FINAL TYPE=FINAL Code this if this is the last entry for this ALT. This entry will also generate a dummy entry to be used as an end-of-table indicator. Chapter 3.2. ALT - Application Load Table 75 DFHDCT Chapter 3.3. DCT - Destination Control Table PURPOSE The destination control table (DCT) contains an entry for each extrapartition, intrapartition, and indirect destination. Extrapartition entries address the DCB (DTF). Indirect destination entries address the DCT entry for the destination to which they indirectly refer. Intrapartition destination entries contain the information required to locate the queue in the intrapartition data set. Entries are made to the DCT by generating the DCT (DFHDCT) macro instruction. Whether the specified destinations are extrapartition or intrapartition (or indirect destinations pointing to either extrapartition or intrapartition destinations), you have to provide the symbolic names of the destinations. CICS uses several destinations for its own purposes. These entries must be included in the generation of the DCT if the functions are being used. See "Required Entries in Destination Control Table" on page 92 for details of the required entries. ELEMENTS OF DFHDCT The following macro instructions can be used to define the DCT entries: • DFHDCT TYPE=INITIAL establishes the control section. • DFHDCT TYPE=EXTRA specifies extrapartition destinations. Sequential extrapartition destinations are used for storing data that is external to the CICS partition/region or for retrieving data from outside the partition/region. Data stored for this purpose includes data received from terminals, or data created internally as the result of some transaction requirement identified by a user-written program. Extrapartition data may be either input or output data, and is processed using QSAM under CICS/OS/VS or SAM under CICS/DOS/VS. It may also, for example, be a printer destination such as SYSLST in CICS/DOS/VS. • DFHDCT TYPE=INDIRECT specifies indirect data destinations. allows several transient data queues to be merged into one destination. • DFHDCT TYPE=INTRA specifies intrapartition destinations. This A single data set (managed by CICS) is used to hold the data for all intrapartition destinations. Intrapartition data may ultimately be transmitted upon request to a destination terminal, or retrieved sequentially from the intermediate data set for other uses, You can specify, through the DCT, that a task is to be created when a certain number of records (the "trigger level") has been accumulated for an intrapartition destination. The intrapartition destination may be defined as being either logically or physically recoverable. Log;cally recoverable destinations are recovered after an individual transaction or after total system failure, to the status they had at the end of the last completed unit of work that affected them. A "unit of work" begins with start of task or a sync point, and ends with end of task or a sync point. Phys;cally recoverable destinations are recovered, after a total system failure, to the status they had when the system failure occurred. Recovery will not occur if DCT=(,COLD) is coded in the DFHSIT macro instruction or in the system initialization overrides. Chapter 3.3. DCT - Destination Control Table 77 DFHDCT TYPE=INITIAL • DFHDCT TYPE=REMOTE indicates that the transient data destination is remote when CICS intercommunication facilities are used. • DFHDCT TYPE=SDSCI specifies the data set control information. The DCT includes the appropriate user-prepared data set control information for all resident extrapartition data sets. This data set control information must immediately follow the DFHDCT TYPE=INITIAl macro instruction. The extrapartition data sets supported under CICS can be blocked or unblocked, fixed or variable-length. In conjunction with the dynamic open/close facility, CICS allows nonresident (transient) data set control blocks and associated input/output areas and logic modules. Main storage normally occupied by these storage areas is, therefore, available to the dynamic main storage area until the use of the storage areas is required. Nonresident data set control blocks are defined through a combination of DFHDCT TYPE=INITIAl and DFHDCT TYPE=SDSCI macro instructions. • DFHDCT TYPE=FINAl concludes the entries for the DCT. CONTROL SECTION - DFHDCT TYPE=INITIAL The DFHDCT TYPE=INITIAl macro instruction establishes the entry point and beginning address for the DCT being defined. DFHDCT TYPE=INITIAl [,DEVICE={2314133301334013350}] [,SEPASMB={NOIYES}] [,SUFFIX=xx] [,TRNSUFX=(xx[,xx], ..• )] (See note) (CICS/DOS/VS only) (See note) Note: See the first page of Part 3. Note: The INDEX option is no longer required. ignored. If coded, it will be DEVICE=(23141333013340133S0J (CICS/DOS/VS only) Code this to specify the type of device on which the DAM intrapartition data set resides. The default is 2314. Note: If you generate DEVICE operand will be default of DEVICE=2314 resulting MNOTE should DFHSG PROGRAM=TDP with INTRA=VSAM, the ignored and need not be specified. The will nevertheless be applied and the be ignored. SEPASMB=CNOIYESJ Code this to indicate whether a full DCT is to be generated or whether only data set control information for nonresident data set definitions is to be generated. A full DCT is to be generated with data set control information. YES 78 Only the DFHDCT TYPE=INITIAl, DFHDCT TYPE=SDSCI, and DFHDCT TYPE=FINAl macro instructions are to be included in this DCT. This option does not generate a full DCT. For further information on the use of the SEPASMB=YES option, see "How to Define Nonresident Extrapartition Data Sets" on page 88. CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHDCT TYPE=EXTRA TRNSUFX=(xx[,xxl, ••• ) Code this if there is a list of one- or two-character alphanumeric suffixes associated with nonresident data set control blocks. Any suffix subsequently appearing in the SUFFIX operand of the DFHDCT TYPE=SDSCI macro instruction must also appear in this list. These suffixes must be specified in the order they are used. They are used to punch the control cards for the linkage editor (LNKEDT). Up to 255 suffixes can be coded. Note: During the link-editing of DFHDCT, there is one unresolved external reference in each phase/module created under the direction of TRNSUFX in DFHDCT TYPE=INITIAL. This message does not imply an error. EXTRAPARTITION DESTINATIONS - DFHDCT TYPE=EXTRA Destinations external to the CICS system (but which are allocated to CICS) are specified in the DFHDCT TYPE=EXTRA macro instruction. This macro instruction must be generated once for every extrapartition destination. Extrapartition destinations that use nonresident data set control blocks are not required to be associated with a specific data set definition. When such destinations are opened, a one- or two-character suffix must be supplied to the dynamic open/close program that indicates which nonresident data set control blocks are to be used for the destinations. DFHDCT TYPE=EXTRA ,DESTID=name [,DSCNAME=name] [,OPEN={INITIALIDEFERRED}] [,RESIDNT={YESINO}] [,RSL={1InumberIPUBLIC}] TYPE=EXTRA indicates an extrapartition destination. DESTID=name Code this with the symbolic name of the extrapartition destination. The symbolic name is the same'as that used in the transient data operations to specify the destination. Note: Any destination identification (DESTID) of more than four characters is truncated on the right. The name must not start with the letter "C", which is reserved for CICS, except to define one of the special destinations. This applies to DFHDCT TYPE=EXTRA, TYPE=INDIRECT, and TYPE=INTRA. See "Required Entries in Destination Control Table" on page 92 for a list of the special destination identification entries. DSCNAME=name Code this with the file name you must include in DFHDCT TYPE=SDSCI for destinations that use resident data set control blocks. This operand does not apply to destinations that use nonresident data set control blocks. Nonresident data set control blocks are identified when the destination is opened. OPEN=(INITIALIDEFERREDl Code this with the initial status of the data set. This operand applies only to extrapartition destinations that use resident data set control blocks. INITIAL The data set is to be opened by system initialization. Chapter 3.3. DCT - Destination Control Table 79 DFHDCT TYPE=INDIRECT DEFERRED The data set will remain closed until you indicate that you wish to open it by using the master terminal open/close service function or by a DFHOC macro instruction in an application program. RESIDNT=tYESINOJ Code this to indicate whether this destination is to use resident or nonresident data set control blocks. Resident data set control blocks are to be used. NO Nonresident data set control blocks are to be used. The CICS/DOS/VS extrapartition data sets that are closed and reopened by the dynamic open/close function of either the master terminal program or an application program, must be defined as nonresident, or unpredictable results may occur. See "Nonresident Extrapartition Data Set Definition" at the end of this section. RSL=tQlnumberIPUBLICJ Code this with the security level to be associated with this resource. This operand is used when an EXEC command is executed within a transaction that has been defined with RSLC(YES), and the command is attempting to reference this resource. number A number (in the range 1 to 24) of the security level. PUBLIC An¥ transaction is allowed to access the resource. INDIRECT DATA DESTINATIONS - DFHDCT TYPE=INDIRECT Indirect data destinations can be specified within the DCT by using the DFHDCT TYPE=INDIRECT macro instruction. The indirect data destination does not point to an actual data set but to another destination. This may be an extrapartition, an intrapartition, a remote destination, or another indirect destination. For example, assume that you will develop functional symbolic names for the destinations of several message types. These, in turn, may point to one actual destination. At a later time, you might choose to direct one of the message types to another destination. You do not change the programs but only alter the indirect destination name. DFHDCT TYPE=INDIRECT ,DESTID=name ,INDDEST=name TYPE=INDIRECT indicates an indirect destination. DESTID=name Code this with the symbolic name (up to four characters) of a particular indirect destination. The symbolic name is the same as that used in the transient data operation. 80 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHDCT TYPE=INTRA INDDEST=name Code this with the symbolic identification of an intrapartition, extrapartition, remote, or indirect destination. This identification must be the same as the DESTID of the actual destination. If the specified name is not defined in the DCT, an assembly error will result. INTRAPARTITION DESTINATIONS - DFHDCT TYPE=INTRA The DFHDCT TYPE=INTRA macro instruction specifies destinations for messages that are to be logged temporarily by CICS. This macro instruction must be coded once for every intrapartition destination. DFHDCT TYPE=INTRA ,DESTID=name [,DESTFAC={TERMINAlIFILE}] [,DESTRCV={NOlpHILG}] [,REUSE={YE~NO}] [,RSL={QlnumberIPUBLIC}] [,TRANSID=name] [,TRIGLEV={llnumber}] TYPE=INTRA indicates an intrapartition destination. DESTID=name Code this with the symbolic name of the intrapartition destination. The symbolic name is the same as that used in the transient data operation to specify the destination. It must not be more than four characters in length. If the ultimate destination of the data is a terminal, and if automatic task initiation (ATI) is associated with the destination, the name coded in the DESTID operand must be the same as the name coded in the TRMIDNT operand of DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL. You may find it convenient to use the same naming convention for terminal destinations and data set destinations, regardless of whether ATI is requested. DESTFAC=CTERMINALIFILE] Code this with the type of destination that the queue represents. TERMINAL The transient data destination is to be associated with a specific terminal (the default). If ATI is used, as specified in the TRANSID and TRIGLEV operands, the transaction that is initiated will be associated with the specified terminal, which must be available before the transaction can be initiated. FILE The transient data destination is to be used as a file of data records that are not associated with a particular terminal. ATI does not require a terminal to be available. DESTRCV=CNOlpHILG] Code this to indicate the recoverability attributes of the destination in the event of an abnormal termination of CICS or of the transaction processing the destination. This destination is not recoverable, and automat;c logging is not to be performed to keep track of accesses to this destination (the default). Chapter 3.3. DCT - Destination Control Table 81 DFHDCT TYPE=INTRA PH LG This destination is physically recoverable, and automatic logging is to be performed to keep track of accesses by application programs. In the event of emergency restart, this destination is to be recovered to its status at the time CICS terminated. This destination is logically recoverable, and automatic logging is to be performed to keep track of accesses by application programs. If a transaction that had accessed this destination was in-flight at the time of abnormal termination, in the subsequent emergency restart or dynamic transaction backout this destination is to be restored to the status it would have had if the in-flight unit of work had not modified it. Notes: 1. If DESTRCV=lG is coded, when this destination is accessed, the record being read or written will be enqueued upon. This enqueue will be maintained until the task terminates or issues a DFHSP macro instruction to signal the end of a logical unit of work. This is necessary to ensure the integrity of the data being accessed. Because the enqueues are thus maintained for a longer period of time, an enqueue lockout is possible if an application program that accesses this destination, performs what is effectively more than one logical unit of work against it without defining each separate logical unit of work to CICS by issuing the sync point request. Furthermore, when a PURGE request is issued for a logically recoverable queue, the input and output ends of the queue are enqueued upon. This increases the probability of an enqueue lockout. 2. If the destination is coded with REUSE=YES and DESTRCV=NO, a track is released as soon as the last record on it has been read. 3. When REUSE=YES and DESTRCV=PH are coded for a destination, a track is released during the next GET after the GET that read the last record. 4. For REUSE=YES and DESRCV=lG, a track is not released until the end of the task, or until after the next user-specified sync point. REUSE=(YESINO} Code this if the storage tracks are not to be reused. When intrapartition data is processed under VSAM, the storage is allocated in control intervals, when it is the VSAM control intervals that may be defined as being reusable. Intrapartition storage tracks for this destination are to be released after they have been read and returne'd to the pool of available tracks after the logical unit of work that read them has terminated. NO 82 Intrapartition storage tracks for this destination are not to be released until a transient data purge request is issuedi this causes all tracks associated with this DESTID to be released. If DESTRCV=lG is coded, tracks will not be released until the next sync point; otherwise track~ are released immediatelY. CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHDCT TYPE=INTRA RSL=tQlnumberIPUBLICl Code this with the security level to be associated with this resource. This operand is used when an EXEC command is executed within a transaction that has been defined with RSLC(YES), and the command is attempting to reference this resource. number A number (in the range 1 to 24) of the security level. PUBLIC Any transaction is allowed to access the resource. TRANSID=name Code this to identify the transaction that is to be automaticallY initiated when the trigger level is reached. The purpose of transactions that are initiated in such a way is to read records from the destination. If this operand is omitted, or if TRIGLEV=O is coded, some other means must be used to schedule transactions to read records from the destinations. Note: This transaction may not reside in a remote CICS system. it does, an ACRA abend will occur when an attempt is made to initiate it. If TRIGLEv=tllnumberl Code this with the number of data records (the "trigger level") to be accumulated for a destination before automatically requesting the creation of a task to process these records. If the TRANSID operand has been used, and if no trigger level has been specified, TRIGLEV defaults to a value of 1. The maximum that can be coded is 32767. If you have coded DESTFAC=TERMINAL, the task will not be initiated until the associated terminal (with the same name as that coded in DESTID) is available; the terminal will be connected to the task that has been initiated. If you have coded DESTFAC=FILE, no terminal ;s necessary for the task to be initiated. If the execution of a transient data write request results in the trigger level being reached (or exceeded) for a non-terminal destination, and if a "maximum tasks" (set either by the master terminal or by the CMXT and MXT operands of the DFHSIT macro instruction) or "short-on-storage" condition exists for CICS, the task to be automatically initiated is not initiated until a subsequent write request to the same destination occurs with the stress condition no longer existing. If a VTAM terminal is defined as the destination (with a trigger level of one) for the CSTL transient data set on two ISC CICS systems, a performance problem may arise where both systems repeatedly acquire and release the terminal in order to write out the session started and session ended messages. During CICS operation, the trigger level can be changed by means of the CSMT or CEMT transaction issued by the master terminal operator (see the CICS/VS Operator's Guide). If the trigger level is reduced to a number that is equal to or less than the number of records accumulated so far, the task will be initiated when the next record is put to the destination. Chapter 3.3. OCT - Destination Control Table 83 DFHDCT TYPE=REMOTE REMOTE TRANSIENT DATA DESTINATIONS - DFHDCT TYPE=REMOTE The DFHDCT TYPE=REMOTE macro instruction describes the remote transient data destinations that are used by the CICS intercommunication facilities. DFHDCT TYPE=REMOTE ,DESTID=name ,SYSIDNT=name [,LENGTH=length] [,RMTNAME=name] [,RSL={OlnumberIPUBLIC}] TYPE=REMOTE indicates that this OCT entry identifies a remote transient data destination. DESTID=name Code this with a four-character name by which the destination is known to application programs in the local system or region. SYSIDNT=name Code this with the four-character alphanumeric name of the system or region in which the remote transient data destination resides. The name specified must be the same as that given in the SYSIDNT operand of the DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM macro instruction. LENGTH=length Code this with the length in bytes of fixed records for a remote destination. The value specified must correspond to that specified for the OCT in the system or region in which the destination resides. If a value is not specified for the LENGTH operand, the LENGTH parameter must be given in READQ or WRITEQ requests in the application program. RMTNAME=name Code this with the four-character name by which the destination is known in the system or region in which that destination resides. If this operand is omitted (the normal case), the name specified in the DESTID operand is used. The RMTNAME operand allows two destinations, with the same name but in different systems or regions, to be referenced. RSL=(~lnumberIPUBLICJ Code this with the security level to be associated with this resource. This operand is used when an EXEC command is executed within a transaction that has been defined with RSLC(YES), and the command is attempting to reference this resource. number A number ·(in the range 1 to 24) of the security level. PUBLIC Any transaction is allowed to access the resource. 84 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHDCT TYPE=SDSCI DATA SET CONTROL INFORMATION - DFHDCT TYPE=SDSCI \, The data set control blocks (DTFs in CICS/DOS/VS; DCBs in CICS/OS/VS) are generated in response to the DFHDCT TYPE=SDSCI macro instruction. This macro instruction is needed only for extrapartition transient data, and must have a DFHDCT TYPE=EXTRA macro instruction associated with it for resident data set control blocks. All DFHDCT TYPE=SDSCI macro instructions must be issued immediately following the DFHDCT TYPE=INITIAL macro instruction, and preceding any DFHDCT TYPE=EXTRA, 'DFHDCT TYPE=INTRA, DFHDCT TYPE=INDIRECT, or DFHDCT TYPE=REMOTE macro instructions. DFHDCT TYPE=SDSCI ,DSCNAME=name [,BLKSIZE=length] [,BUFNO={llnumber}] [,ERROPT={IGNOREISKIP}] [,RECFORM={FIXUNBIFIXUNBAIFIXBLKIFIX,BLKAI VARBLK VARBLKA VARUNB VARUNBA}] [,RECSIZE=length] [,REWIND={LEAVEINORWDIREREADIUNLOAD}] [,SUFFIX=xx] [,TYPEFLE={INPUTIOUTPUTIRDBACK}] * CICS/DOS/VS Only ,DEVICE=device [,CTLCHR={YESIASA}] [,DEVADDR=symbolic-address] [,FILABL={NOISTD}] [,MODNAME=name] [,TPMARK=NO] * Default for CICS/DOS/VS only TYPE=SDSCI indicates that this DCT entry contains data set control information. BLKSIZE=length Code this with the length (in bytes) of the block (the maximum length for variable length records including four bytes for LLbb). For VSE disk output data sets, the eight bytes required by logical IOCS for creation of the count field must be added. BUFNO=(!lnumberl Code this with the number of buffers to be provided. For CICS/DOS/VS, any value other than 2 defaults to 1. For CICS/OS/VS, any number up to 255 may be coded. CTLCHR=(YESIASAl (CICS/DOS/VS Only) Code this with the type of control character to be used for printer devices. The control character must be the first byte of the user-supplied record. It is not supplied by CICS. The default is no control character. This operand must not be coded for DEVICE=1403. DEVADDR=symbol;c-address (CICS/DOS/VS Only) Code this with the symbolic unit address. This operand is not required for disk data sets when the symbolic address is provided through the CICS/DOS/VS EXTENT card. Chapter 3.3. DCT - Destination Control Table 85 DFHDCT TVPE=SDSCI DEVICE=dev;ce (CICS/DOS/VS Only) specifies the type of input/output device. Valid device types are: 1403, 1404, 1443, 1445, 3203, 3211, 5203, DISK, and TAPE. DSCNAME=name Code this with the data set control name. This name must be the same as that coded in the DSCNAME operand of any associated DFHDCT TYPE=EXTRA macro instruction, and is limited to seven characters in CICS/DOS/VS or eight characters in CICS/OS/VS. For CICS/OS/VS, the name used for DSCNAME must be used as the ddname on the DD statement, and will also be used as the name for the DCB that is created. In CICS/DOS/VS, this name must be the same as that ~oded on the DLBL system control statement. The name must not start with the letters "DFH", which are reserved for use by CICS, unless it is describing one of the standard destinations listed under "Required Entries in Destination Control Table" at the end of the description of this macro. Use of the prefix "DFH" may cause assembly errors and future compatibility problems, because the DSCNAME parameter becomes an externally-specified name. ERROPT={IGNOREISKIPJ Code this with the error option to be performed in the event of an I/O error. IGNORE The block that caused the error will be accepted. SKIP The block that caused the error will be skipped. FILABL={NOISTDJ (CICS/DOS/VS Only) Code this with the type of label on tape data sets. The tape data sets do not have standard labels (the default). STD The tape data sets have standard labels. MODNAME=name (CICS/DOS/VS Only) Code this with the name of the logic module to be used to process the transient data set. If this operand is omitted, a standard VSE name is generated for calling the logic module. This operand can be used in conjunction with the VSE subset/superset logic module facility to reduce the number of logic modules required to process sequential data sets (where supersetting is permissible). RECFORM={FIXUNBIFIXUNBAIFIXBLKIFIXBLKAlvARBLKI VARBLKAlvARUNBlvARUNBAJ Code this with the record format of the data set. CICS/DOS/VS is RECFORM=FIXUNB. FIXUNB Fixed unblocked records. FIXBLK Fixed blocked records. VARBLK Variable blocked records. VARUNB Variable unblocked records. FIXUNBA,FIXBLKA,VARBLKA,VARUNBA Data set has ASA control characters. 86 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide The default for DFHDCT TVPE=SDSCI RECSIZE=length Code this with the length (in bytes) of the record (the maximum length for variable length records including four bytes for LLbb). RECSIZE=length need be coded only for RECFORM=FIXBLK. REWEND={LEAVEINORWDIREREADluNLOADl Code this with the disposition of a tape data set. LEAVE NORWD The current tape ;s positioned to the logical end of the data set (CICS/OS/VS only). The tape is not to be rewound (CICS/DOS/VS only). REREAD The current tape is positioned to reprocess the data set (CICS/OS/VS only). UNLOAD The current tape is to be rewound and unloaded (CICS/DOS/VS only). SUFFIX=xx Code this with a one- or two-character alphanumeric suffix for the nonresident data set control block being generated. The use of this operand indicates that the data set control block being generated is nonresident. Nonresident data set control blocks reside on the VSE private or system core-image library or the OS/VS DFHRPL concatenation chain under the unique name DFHTRNxx, where "xx" is the suffix coded in this operand. The user-provided suffix characters must also be coded in the DFHDCT TYPE=INITIAL,TRNSUFX=(xx, ..• ) list. In addition, the order of SUFFIX=xx operands coded in successive macro instructions must match that of the TRNSUFX specifications in DFHDCT TYPE=INITIAL, or unpredictable results will occur. For each data set control block generated using the DFHDCT TYPE=SDSCI,SUFFIX=xx macro instruction, the same suffixed name must be coded in the preparation of the program processing table (DFHPPT TYPE=ENTRY,PROGRAM=DFHTRNxx). TPHARK=NO (CICS/DOS/VS Only) Code this if no tapemark is to be written at the beginning of a data set (file). When TPMARK=NO ;s coded, FILABL=NO is required. TVPEFLE={INPUTloUTPUTIRDBACKl Code this with the type of data set. INPUT -----An input data set. OUTPUT An output data set. RDBACK An input data set that is to be read backward. An extrapartition SDSCI can be either input or output, not both. For further information on the above operands, see the VSE/Advanced Functions Macro Reference or the OS/VS Data Management Macro Instructions. Chapter 3.3. OCT - Destination Control Table 87 DFHDCT TYPE=FINAL END OF DESTINATION CONTROL TABLE - DFHDCT TYPE=FINAL Entries for the OCT are terminated by the DFHDCT TYPE=FINAL macro instruction. This macro instruction must be the last statement in the assembly of each destination control table before the assembler END statement. IDFHDCT TYPE=FINAL TYPE=FINAL indicates the end of the OCT. HOW TO DEFINE NONRESIDENT EXTRAPARTITION DATA SETS Nonresident extrapartition data sets are defined through theDFHDCT TYPE=INITIAL and DFHDCT TYPE=SDSCI macro instructions. The data set control blocks and associated input/output areas are generated and cataloged to the DOS/VS private or system core-image library or the OS/VS CICS160.LOADLIB as a separate table for each nonresident data set control block to be used. There must be an entry in the processing program table CPPT) for each nonresident data set control block. The format of the name is DFHTRNxxl where "xx" represents the suffix characterCs) coded in the DFHDCT TYPE=SDSCI,SUFFIX=xx macro instruction. In CICS/OS/VS, the necessary access methods are acquired when data sets are opened. In the description that followsl references to transient access methods Clogic modules) apply primarily to CICS/DOS/VS. In VSE AF release 1.2 and later, the logic modules for a version 3 DTF will be in the SVA. Version 3 DTFs are generated for sequential disk filesl but not for magnetic tape files. In CICS/DOS/VS, the logic modules for the nonresident data set control blocks may also be transient. If the use of nonresident logic modules is required, the logic modules must be assembled and cataloged to the VSE private or system core-image library prior to execution. The logic modules are assembled using the standard VSE SAM macro instructions and must be cataloged with the same program name generated by the nonresident data set control block for which it is to be used. The name can be found in the assembly of the data set control block. Unless otherwise specified in DFHDCT TYPE=SDSCI, this name is the standard VSE logic module name. In CICS/DOS/VS, if the OCT is generated to include the nonresident data set control block definitions, the logic modules for both the resident and nonresident data set control blocks are link-edited into the OCT. To allow the logic modules to be transient, the OCT must be assembled including only the resident data set control block defini·tions (DFHDCT TYPE=SDSCI). A separate assembly can then be accomplished to generate only the nonresident data set control blocks. This requires a DFHDCT TYPE=INITIAL,TRNSUFX=Cxx, ..• ),SEPASMB=YES macro instruction, followed by DFHDCT TYPE=SDSCI macro instructions for all nonresident data set definitions, followed by the DFHDCT TYPE=FINAL macro instruction. 88 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHDCT Examples EXAMPLES The figure below contains an example of the coding required to generate a DCT that uses resident data set control blocks. DFHDCT TYPE=INITIAL DFHDCT TYPE=SDSCI, DSCNAME=AAAXTRA, DEVADDR=SYSLST, RECFORM=FIXUNB DFHDCT TYPE=EXTRA, DSCNAME=AAAXTRA, DESTID=BETA DFHDCT TYPE=INTRA, DESTID=GAMA DFHDCT TYPE=INTRA, DESTID=SAMA DFHDCT TYPE=INTRA, DESTID=DAMA, TRIGLEV=5, DESTFAC=TERMINAL, TRANSID=AUTO DFHDCT TYPE=FINAL END Figure 17. START OF DESTINATION CONTROL TABLE SPECIFY DATA SET CONTROL INFO RELATED DESTINATION SYMBOLIC UNIT ADDRESS RECORD FOR~lAT EXTRAPARTITION DESTINATION SYMBOLIC NAME INTRAPARTITION DESTINATION SYMBOLIC NAME SYMBOLIC NAME SYMBOLIC NAME TRANSACTION ID END OF DESTINATION CONTROL TABLE * * * * * * * * * * * DCT Using Resident Data Set Control Blocks Figure 18 on page 90 and Figure 19 on page 91 show how the generation of a DCT can include extrapartition destinations that use nonresident data set control blocks. Figure 18 shows a DCT with nonresident data set control blocks and resident logic modules. Figure 19 shows a DCT with nonresident data set control blocks and nonresident lo~ic modules. The assembly of the macro instructions contained in Figure 18 results in a OCT with suffix of 22 (DFHDCT22), which contains one data set control block for the printer (TYPE=SDSCI, DSCNAME=PRINT). When the output of this generation is link-edited, the logic modules for tape and printer are automatically included, and the four tape data set control blocks are cataloged separately to the VSE private or system core-image library or OS/VS CICSI60.LOADLIB as DFHTRNAA, DFHTRNBB, DFHTRNCC, and DFHTRNDD. The extrapartition destination (DESTID=TAPE) can be opened through the CICS dynamic open/close program with any of the four suffixed data set control blocks (DFHTRNAA, DFHTRNBB, DFHTRNCC, or DFHTRNDD). It can then be closed and reopened with any of the other nonresident data set control blocks. Program processing table (PPT) entries must be included for the four data set control blocks cataloged separately. PPT entries must include the RELOAD=YES operand. Figure 20 on page 92 shows a PPT with the appropriate entries. Chapter 3.3. DCT - Destination Control Table 89 DFHDCT Examples DFHDCT TYPE=INITIAl, TRNSUFX=(AA,BB,CC,DD), SUFFIX=22 DFHDCT TYPE=SDSCI, DSCNAME=TAPE1, RECFORM=FIXBlK, TYPEFLE=OUTPUT, BlKSIZE=2000, DEVICE=TAPE, DEVADDR=SYS011, BUFNO=2, RECSIZE=200, SUFFIX=AA DFHDCT TYPE=SDSCI, DSCNAME=TAPE2, RECFOR~l=FIXBlK, DFHDCT DFHDCT DFHDCT DFHDCT DFHDCT DFHDCT END TYPEFlE=INPUT, BLKSIZE=2000, DEVICE=TAPE, DEVADDR=SYS012, BUFNO=2, RECSIZE=200, SUFFIX=BB TYPE=SDSCI, DSCNAME=TAPE3, RECFORM=FIXUNB, BlKSIZE=1240, TYPEFLE=INPUT, DEVICE=TAPE, DEVADDR=SYS013, SUFFIX=CC TYPE=SDSCI, DSCNAME=TAPE4, RECFORM=FIXUNB, BLKSIZE=1240, TYPEFlE=OUTPUT, DEVICE=TAPE, DEVADDR=SYS014, SUFFIX=DD TYPE=SDSCI, DSCNAME=PRINT, RECFORM=VARUNB, BLKSIZE=121, DEVICE=1403, DEVADDR=SYSLST TYPE=EXTRA, DSCNAME=PRINT, DESTID=PRNT TYPE=EXTRA, RESIDNT=NO, DESTID=TAPE TYPE=FINAl Figure 18. 90 DCT Using Nonresident Data Set Control Blocks and Resident logic Modules CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * DFHDCT E)(amples DFHDCT TYPE=INITIAL, TRNSUFX=(AA,BB,CC,DD), SEPASMB=YES DFHDCT TYPE=SDSCI, DSCNAME=TAPE1, RECFORM=FIXBLK, TYPEFLE=OUTPUT, BLKSIZE=2000, DEVADDR=SYSOll, BUFNO=2, RECSIZE=200, SUFFIX=AA DFHDCT TYPE=SDSCI, DSCNAME=TAPE2, RECFORM=FIXBLK, TYPEFLE=INPUT, BLKSIZE=2000, DEVADDR=SYSOll, BUFNO=2, RECSIZE=200, SUFFIX=BB DFHDCT TYPE=SDSCI, DSCNAME=TAPE3, RECFORM=FIXUNB, BLKSIZE=1240, TYPEFLE=INPUT, DEVADDR=SYSOll, SUFFIX=CC DFHDCT TYPE=SDSCI, DSCNAME=TAPE4, RECFORM=FIXUNB, BLKSIZE=1240, TYPEFLE=OUTPUT, DEVADDR=SYS011, SUFFIX=DD DFHDCT TYPE=FINAL END * * 1E * * * * * * * * ,E * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *,E DFHDCT TYPE=INITIAL, SUFFIX=YY DFHDCT TYPE=SDSCI, DSCNAME=PRINT, RECFORM=VARUNB, BLKSIZE=121, DEVADDR=SYSLST DFHDCT TYPE=EXTRA, DSCNAME=PRINT, DESTID=PRNT DFHDCT TYPE=EXTRA, RESIDNT=NO, DESTID=TAPE DFHDCT TYPE=FINAL END Figure 19. * H * * * * * * * DCT Using Nonresident Data Set Control Blocks and Nonresident Logic Modules Chapter 3.3. OCT - Destination Control Table 91 DFHDCT Requ;red Entr;es DFHPPT TYPE=ENTRY, PROGRAM=DFHTRNAA RELOAD=YES DFHPPT TYPE=ENTRY, PROGRAM=DFHTRNBB RELOAD=YES DFHPPT TYPE=ENTRY, PROGRAM=DFHTRNCC RELOAD=YES DFHPPT TYPE=ENTRY, PROGRAM=DFHTRNDD RELOAD=YES Figure 20. * * * * * * * * PPT Entries For Data Set Control Blocks The result of the generation of the macro instructions contained in Figure 19 is a DCT with a suffix of YY (DFHDCTYY). The DCT contains one data set control block for the printer (TYPE=SDSCI,DSCNAME=PRINT) and one logic module for the printer. The four data set control blocks for tape are also generated by the assembly of the macro instructions contained in Figure 19. When the output of that assembly is link-edited, the data set control blocks are cataloged as DFHTRNAA, DFHTRNBB, DFHTRNCC, and DFHTRNDD. However, you must have cataloged the logic modules used by these four data set control blocks in the VSE private or system core-image library, or the OS/VS CICS160.LOADLIB, and must have defined them to CICS and specified them as reloadable. When using the generated DCT of Figure 19, no storage is used for the data set control blocks or for the logic modules until the extrapartition destination (DESTID=TAPE) is opened using the CICS dynamic open/close program (DFHOCP). The dynamic open/close program will ensur~ that only one logic module of the same name is in storage at anyone time. If the logic module is not resident in the DCT, the dynamic open/close program frees the storage associated with the logic module when the data set is closed. For further details of the dynamic open/close facility, see the descriptions of dynamic open/close under DFHSG PROGRAM=OCP, and the Dynamic Open/Close Function (DFHOC), in the CICS/VS Customization Guide. REQUIRED ENTRIES IN DESTINATION CONTROL TABLE CSMT, CSTL, and CSSL must be coded in the DFHDCT TYPE=EXTRA, DFHDCT TYPE=INTRA, or DFHDCT TYPE=INDIRECT macro instructions. If the automatic statistics program is to be used, CSSM and CSSN must be coded in the DFHDCT TYPE=EXTRA macro instruction. If they are to be used with nonresident data set control blocks, they must be defined with suffixes of SM and SN respectively. Destinations CSML and CSCS (for the sign-on program), and destination CSDL (for the resource definition online transaction CEDA) are optional. Refer also to DFHXDCTD, DFHXDCTR, and DFHXDCTS in SAMPLIB for information about required entries in the DCT. 92 1. DESTID=CSMT The terminal abnormal condition program (DFHTACP), node abnormal condition program (DFHZNAC), and abnormal condition program (DFHACP) write terminal error and ABEND messages, respectively, to this destination. 2. DESTID=CSTL DFHTACP writes terminal I/O error messages to this destination. CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHDCT Requ;red Entr;es 3. DESTID=CSSL Statistics programs write data to this destination. 4. DESTID=CSSM DESTID=CSSN The automatic statistics program writes data to these destinations. The automatic statistics program requires that the CSSM and CSSN DCT entries are coded in DFHDCT TYPE=EXTRA, with a final destination of either a tape or a disk device. 5. DESTID=CSML Sign-off program outputs data to this destination. 6. DESTID=CSCS Receives messages from the sign-on program, which contain details of every sign-on, sign-off, or rejected attempt at signing on. Destination CSCS can be of any type and a logical record length of 125 bytes will be adequate. The actual length is 63 bytes but message types might change this. 7. DESTID=CSDL ,Ii "·DCT· '\. The resource definition online (RDO) transaction CEDA writes to this destination all commands that result in changes to the CICS system definition (CSD) file and the online system. The CSDL destination requires a minimum logical record size of 132, and should have RECFORM=VARUNB,BLKSIZE=136 coded in the DFHDCT TYPE=SDSCI macro instruction. CSDL is only required if the resource definition online transaction CEDA is used and an audit trail of CEDA commands is required. Note: The above entries may not be coded, either directly or indirectly, as logically or physically recoverable intrapartition destinations. These destinations must always be enabled. If any are defined as indirect destinations, their final target destination must also always be enabled. The CSMT, CSTL, CSSL, and CSML destinations require a minimum logical record size of 128 bytes. The CSSM and CSSN destinations require a minimum logical record size of 304 bytes. These entries are required only when the automatic statistics program is to be used and they should have RECFORM=VARBLK coded in DFHDCT TYPE=SDSCI. Only CSSM is required if no switching is to be done between the statistics data sets. If the transient data control program (DFHTDP) is not included in the generation of CICS, messages to these destinations are ignored. The entry for CSSL should read: DFHDCT TYPE=INITIAL DFHDCT TYPE=SDSCI, DSCNAME=NSGUSR, BLKSIZE=132, RECSIZE=132, RECFORM=VARUNB, TYPEFLE=OUTPUT, BUFNO=l DFHDCT TYPE=EXTRA, DESTID=CSSL, DSCNAME=MSGUSR * * * * * * * * I \ ,Chapter 3.3. DCT - Destination Control Table 93 DFHDCT Requ;red Entr;es The entry for CSSM should read: DFHDCT TYPE=INITIAL, TRNSUFX=( ... ,SM, .•• ) DFHDCT TYPE=SDSCI, DSCNAME=DFHSTN, BLKSIZE=304, RECFORM=VARBLK, TYPEFLE=OUTPUT, SUFFIX=SM, BUFNO=2 DFHDCT TYPE=EXTRA, DESTID=CSSM, RESIDNT=NO * * * * * * * * * The entry for CSSN should read: DFHDCT TYPE=INITIAL, TRNSUFX=( ... ,SN, ••• ) DFHDCT TYPE=SDSCI, DSCNAME=DFHSTN, BLKSIZE=304, RECFORM=VARBLK, TYPEFLE=OUTPUT, SUFFIX=SN, BUFNO=2 DFHDCT TYPE=EXTRA, DESTID=CSSN, RESIDNT=NO Notes: 1. If these DSCNAMEs (DFHSTM and DFHSTN) are used, an MNOTE message ("DSCNAME SHOULD NOT USE "DFH" PREFIX") will be issued. This message can be ignored. 2. Programs DFHTRNSM and DFHTRNSN must be defined to CICS and must be specified as reloadable. See the CICS-supplied pregenerated versions of the DFHDCT macro instructions for typical values to be coded for these operands. If you are installing PL/I-CICS support supplied by the PL/I Optimizer, destinations CPLI (SYSPRT output) and CPLD (PLIDUMP output) will .also be required. The minimum logical record size for CPLI is 137, and 125 for CPLD. If the destinations are extrapartition (direct o~ indirect), they must be V format. See PL/I Optimizer: Installation for further details. 94 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide * ** * * * * ** DFHDLDBD TYPE=ENTRY Chapter 3.4. DL/I Directory List, DMB - DDIR (CICS/OS/VS Only) For CICS/OS/VS only, to create a data managemellt block (OMB) directory list (ODIR), you have to code DFHDLDBD TYPE=INITIAL, TYPE=ENTRY, and TYPE=FINAL macro statements. DFHDLDBD TYPE=INITIAL The DFHOLDBD TYPE=INITIAL macro instruction has the following format and operands: DFHDLDBD TYPE=INITIAL [,{DLIIDL1}=y.y.y] [,SUFFIX=xx] (See note) (See note) Note: ,See the first page of Part 3. {DLIIDL1)=y.y.y indicates the IMS/VS level in the form: Version. Release. Modification level. The levels of IMS/VS supported are 1.2.0. 1.3.0. and DFHDLDBDOTYPE=ENTRY The DFHOLDBD TYPE=ENTRY macro instruction has the foilowing format and operands: DFHDLDBD TYPE=ENTRY ,L ... D=dbdname [,ACCESS={ROIRDIUPIEX}] (CICS 1.6.1 only) TYPE=ENTRY specifies that one or more entries are to be generated in the list. The maximum number of entries that can be included in the list is 5000. DBD=dbdname specifies the name of the data base description block (DBD). In a CICS intercommunication environment, only those DBDs that reside in the given CICS system or region need appear in the DDIR. Thus, if an application program in the local system or region makes a request for a data base on a remote system, the corresponding DBDes) need not appear in the DDIR for the local system or region. Any data bases that are to be accessed hy sharing regions should be included in the DDIR. Logical DBDs should not be included in the DDIR. Chapter 3.4. DL/I Directory List, OMB - OOIR (CICS/OS/VS Only) 95 DFHDLDBD TYPE=FINAL ACCESS=CROIRDIUPIEX} CICS 1.6.1 only specifies the access intent of CICS against the data base. Access intent is applicable both to data bases that are involved in IMS/VS data sharing and to data bases that are being shared only via VSAM share options. RO Code this to specify read-only access. Read-only access means that the status of the data that is read is not guaranteed (changes on the data base may not have been committed). There is also the possibility of a reading failure (for example, GET NEXT processing may fail because pointers are currently being changed). Read-only is the only access available in data base level sharing when another subsystem is to be authorized for update. RD Code this to specify read access. Read access means that the data will be read with full integrity. No uncommitted data will be read. UP Code this to specify update access. Update access means that this CICS sUbsystem is to be allowed to update (insert, delete, replace) records in the data base. EX Code this to specify exc!us;ve access. This means that this CICS subsystem requires exclusive access to the data base. Note: If there are no local data bases on the CICS system or region (that is, if the DL/I application programs make requests for remote data bases only), a DDIR (with no TYPE=ENTRY statements) must still be generated. DFHDLDBD TYPE=FINAL The DFHDLDBD TYPE=FINAL macro instruction has the following format: IDFHDLDBDI TYPE=FINAL TYPE=FINAL indicates the end of the DMB directory list. statement must also be coded. 96 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide An END DFSIDMDO DFHDLPSB TYPE=ENTRY Chapter 3.5. DL/I Directory List, PSB - PDIR (CICS/OS/VS Only) For CICS/OS/VS only, to create a PSB directory list (PDIR), you have to code DFHDLPSB TYPE=INITIAL, TYPE=ENTRY, and TYPE=FINAL macro statements. DFHDLPSB TYPE=INITIAl The DFHDLPSB TYPE=INITIAL macro instruction has the following format and operands: DFHDLPSB TYPE=INITIAL [,{DLIIDL11=y.y.y] [,SUFFIX=xx] (See note) (See note) Note:ISee the first page of Part 3. (DLIIDL1J=y.y.y indicates the IMS/VS level in the form: Version. Release. Modification level. The levels of IMS/VS supported are 1.2.0. 1.3.0. and DFHDLPSB TYPE=ENTRY The DFHDLPSB TYPE=ENTRY macro instruction has the following format and operands: DFHDLPSB TYPE=ENTRY ,PSB=psbname [,MXSSASZ=value] [,RMTNAME=name] [,SYSIDNT=name] TVPE=ENTRV indicates that one or more entries are to be generated in this list. The maximum number of entries that can be included in the list is 2000. PSB=psbname specifies the name of the program specification block (PSB). The PSBs required by IMS/VS batch application programs that participate in a shared data base session must be represented in this macro. If an application program is to access a PSB that resides on another CICS system, there must be an entry for the PSB in the CICS PDIR. The entry must specify the SYSIDNT and MXSSASZ (and, optionally, RMTNAME) operands. HXSSASZ=value specifies the maximum size of a segment search argument to be used for this PSB. This operand is only required if the SYSIDNT operand is specified. Note: An excessively large value for MXSSASZ will cause considerable increase in performance cost, and may lead to a data stream being shipped which is too large for the connected CICS system. Chapter 3.5. DL/I Directory List, PSB - PDIR (CICS/OS/VS Only) 97 DFHDLPSB TYPE=FINAL RMTNAME=name indicates the name by which the PSB is known in the remote system or region and need only be specified when the SYSIDNT operand is used. The default is the psbname specified in the PSB operand. If the original application program that makes the request against this PSB is a batch program using shared data base support, the PSB must be local to this system. SYSIDNT=name indicates the four-character alphanumeric name of the remote system or region for which the PSB is applicable when CICS intercommunication facilities are used. The name specified must be the same as that in the SYSIDNT operand in the TCT. The local system or region is assumed if this operand is omitted. DFHDLPSB TYPE=FINAL The DFHDLPSB TYPE=FINAL macro instruction has the following format: IDFHDLPSBI TYPE=FINAL TYPE=FINAL indicates the end of the PSB directory list. statement must also be coded. 98 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide An END DFSIDIRO DFHFCT TYPE=INITIAL Chapter 3.6. FCT - File Control Table PURPOSE The file control table (FCT) describes to CICS any user data sets (files) that are processed by file management. (Sequential data sets must be defined as extrapartition destinations by using the DFHDCT macro instruction.) ELEMENTS OF DFHFCT The DFHFCT macro instruction generates entries for the file control table and requests the following services: • DFHFCT TYPE=INITIAL establishes the beginning of the FCT. • DFHFCT TYPE=ALTERNATE defines the ICIP characteristics of data sets that can be accessed by either normal VSAM or by VSAM ICIP. These are referred to as "mixed mode" files, and can be used with the High Performance Option (HPO) under MVS. (This requires a special CICS system generation.) o DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET describes the characteristics of the data sets, such as access method used, record characteristics, and types of service allowed. o DFHFCT TYPE=INDACC defines the use of the data set as a cross-index, and provides the information to locate the next data set through indirect access. The indirect access and segmenting services are mutually exclusive; the entry "for one data set cannot specify both services. o DFHFCT TYPE=LOGICMOD generates an ISAM superset module in-line as part of the FCT (CICS/DOS/VS only). o DFHFCT TYPE=REMOTE defines files that are resident in a remote system or region when CICS intercommunication facilities are used. o DFHFCT TYPE=SEGDEF, TYPE=SEGHEAD, TYPE=SEGSET, and TYPE=SEGLAST define the segments and segment sets of a record. The indirect access and segmenting services are mutually exclusive; the entry for one data set cannot. specify both services. o DFHFCT TYPE=SHRCTL defines the resources that will be shared between VSAM files. • DFHFCT TYPE=FINAL terminates entries in the FCT. CONTROL SECTION - DFHFCT TYPE=INITIAL The DFHFCT TYPE=INITIAL macro instruction establishes the control section into which the FCT is assembled, and must be coded as the first statement in the source deck used to assemble the FCT. DFHFCT (See note) (See note) TYPE=INITIAL [,SUFFIX=xx] Note: See the first page of Part 3. Chapter 3.6. FCT - File Control Table 99 DFHFCT TVPE=ALTERNATE VSAM ICIP MIXED MODE ACCESS - DFHFCT TVPE=ALTERNATE (MVS) A "mixed mode" file is one that is defined so that it can be accessed either as a VSAM file or as a VSAM improved control interval processing (ICIP) file when the High Performance Option (HPO) is used, that is, when CICS/OS/VS contains the SRBSVC operand in DFHSG TYPE=INITIAL. To specify a mixed mode file, two consecutive DFHFCT macro instructions must be generated. The first (TYPE=DATASET) defines the VSAM access characteristics, and the second (TYPE=ALTERNATE) defines the ICIP characteristics. The TYPE=DATASET macro instruction defines the VSAM characteristics of the file by using the VSAM Cnon-ICIP) parameters of the FCT. In addition, the MODE parameter must be coded thus: MODE=({VSAMIICIP}[,MIXED]), where VSAM is the default. MIXED indicates that this is the first DFHFCT macro instruction of a mixed-mode pair, and describes the VSAM characteristics. VSAM or ICIP describes the mode in which the file is to be opened and subsequently accessed, when CICS is initialized. For example, if VSAM is coded, the file will be opened as a VSAM file with the characteristics defined in this FCT. If ICIP is coded, the file will be opened as an ICIP file with the characteristics defined in the TYPE=ALTERNATE macro instruction that follows. The second mixed-mode DFHFCT macro instruction (which must immediately follow the first) has TYPE=ALTERNATE and defines the ICIP characteristics of the file, using the parameters described below. The DATASET name must be the same as that coded in the preceding TYPE=DATASET macro instruction. The MODE operand need not be coded in this macro instruction. You are advised to study the examples of ICIP and mixed-mode files that are given at the end of the section on the FCT. DFHFCT TYPE=ALTERNATE ,ACCMETH=(VSAM[,KSDSIESDS]) ,DATASET=name ,SERVREQ=(request[,request], •.. ) ,STRNO=number [,BUFND=number] [,BUFNI=number] [,DATA=name] [,INDEX=(name[,number[,{INITIDYN}]])] [,JID={NOISYSTEMlnn}] -[,JREQ={ALLICrequest[,request, ... )]}] [ILOG={NOIYES}] [,PASSWD=password] [,RECFORM=([{FIXEDIUNDEFINEDIVARIABLE}] [,{BLOCKEDIUNBLOCKED}])] [,STRNOG=number] TVPE=ALTERNATE indicates that the FCT defines the ICIP characteristics of a data set that can be accessed by either VSAM or by VSAM ICIP. ACCMETH=(VSAM[,KSDSIESDS]) Code this with the type of VSAM data set to be accessed. The options are KSDS (key sequence data set) and ESDS (entry sequence data set). DATASET=name Code this with the name of the data set to be used for processing by either normal VSAM or by VSAM ICIP. This name must be the same as that coded in a preceding DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET macro instruction with MODE=MIXED coded. 100 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHFCT TVPE=DATASET SERVREQ=(request[,requestl, ••• ) Code this to define the types of service request that can be processed against the data set. The following parameters can be included: GET PUT Records on this data set may be read. Records may be written on this data set. UPDATE Records may be updated on this data set. If UPDATE is coded, both GET and PUT are implied an~ need not be coded. The STRNO, BUFND, BUFNI, DATA, INDEX, JID, JREQ, LOG, PASSWD, RECFORM, and STRNOG operands are as described in the DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET macro instruction, described below. DATA SETS - DFHFCT TVPE=DATASET The DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET macro instruction describes to CICS file management the physical characteristics of a data set. This macro instruction includes operands that provide information about the access method, record characteristics, and the types of service allowed for the data set. This information is used to generate a DTF or ACB for CICS/DOS/VS, or a DCB or ACB for CICS/OS/VS. Note: Any operand which is specified in the DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET macro instruction, and which is also specified in the DCB or ACB for the data set, cannot be overridden in inline OS JCL. If the DL/I facility of the IBM Information Management System/Virtual Storage (IMS/VS) is to be accessed under CICS/OS/VS, or if DL/I is to be used under CICS/DOS/VS, the DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET macro instruction provides information about Data Language/I (DL/I) data bases. DATASET and ACCMETH are the only operands required for DL/I data bases, although the OPEN operand can also be coded for CICS/DOS/VS. Physical characteristics of the DL/I data bases need not be specified, because they are specified during generation of IMS/VS or DL/I DOS/VS Data Base Descriptions (DBDs). A DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET entry must be provided for each physical, logical, and index DL/I data base (that is, for each DBD). The name coded in the DATASET operand must correspond to the name in the NAME parameter for the DBD. The FCr entry defining a VSAM data set will require a minimum of specific information. Such values as logical record length and key length will be obtained by system initialization and placed in the CICS portion of the FCT. Note: CICS does not support VSAM spanned records. The DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET macro instruction can include the operands shown below. The required operands appear first, then the optional operaQds, arranged by access method in the following sequence: o o o o o o o Operands that apply to all access methods. Operands that apply to all access methods except VSAM ISAM-only operands DAM-only operands VSAM-only operands CICS/DOS/VS-only operands CICS/OS/VS-only operands. Chapter 3.6. FCT - File Control Table 101 OFHFCT TYPE=DATASET DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET ,DATASET=name ,ACCMETH={BDAMIISAMIDL/IICVSAM[,{KSDS[,ADRIKEY] IESDS RRDS}])} ,SERVREQ=Crequest [,request], ... ) [,FILSTAT=C{ENABlEDIDISABLED},{OPENEDICLOSED})] [,JID={NOISYSTEMlnn}] [,JREQ={AllICrequest[,request, ... ])}] [,LOG={NOIYES}] [,OPEN={INITIAlIDEFERRED}] [,RECFORM=C[{UNDEFINEDIVARIABlEIFIXED}] [{,BlOCKEDIUNBlOCKED}] [,DCB format][,DOSISAM])] [,RSL={QlnumberIPUBlIC}] Non-VSAM [,BlKKEYL=length] [,BlKSIZE=(length[,length])] [,KEYLEN=length] [,lRECL=(length[,length])] [,RKP=number] [,VERIFY=YES] ISAM Only [,INDAREA=symbolic-name] [,INDSIZE=length] [,IOSIZE=length] DAM Only [,RELTYPE={BlKIDECIHEX}] [,SRCHM={YESlnumber}] VSAM Only [,BUFND=number] [,BUFNI=number] [,BUFSP=number] [,PASSWD=password] [,STRNO={llnumber}] CICS/DOS/VS Only [,CYlOFl=number] [,DEVICE=(2314,2314)ICn[,m])] [,EXTENT=number] [,INDSKIP=YES] [,MSTIND=YES] [,NRECDS=number] CICS/OS/VS Only [,BASE=name] [,DATA=name] [,INDEX=(name[,number[,{INITIDYN}]])] [,IOWORK=symbolic-name] [,MODE=C{VSAMIICIP}[,MIXED])] [,STRNOG=number] TYPE=OATASET indicates that the characteristics of user data sets are to be described in this macro instruction. 102 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHFCT TVPE=DATASET ACCHETH=CBDAr-lI ISAf-lIDL/I I (VSAM[, CKSDS[ ,ADR IKEV] I ESDS IRRDSJ] l) Code this with the method of organization for a specific data set. DDAH Basic Direct Access Method. ISAH Indexed Sequential Access Method. DL/I Data Language/I. Note: Any data set accessed by calls to DL/I ENTRY under VSE should have ACCMETH=VSAM, and not ACCMETH=DL/I. VSAH Virtual Storage Access Method. The VSAM organization parameter CKSDS, ESDS, or RRDS) coded must match that defined to Access Method Services. Key sequence data set. ADR KEY Addressed update ACB option (only for KSDS files with the SHROPT4 attribute). Keyed update ACB option (only for KSDS files with the SHROPT4 attribute). Notes: 1. The values ADR and KEY are applicable only to VSE/VSAM Release 2 and later. 2. ADR or KEY must be coded only for VSAM KSDS files known to have the SHROPT(4) attribute and for which SERVREQ specifies some form of output. ADR or KEY are used to restrict the access modes to either addressed or keyed access with SHROPT(4). ESDS Entry sequence data set. RRDS Relative record data set. BASE=name (CICS/OS/VS only) Code this with the name of the DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET entry describing the base data set of an AIX (alternate index) structure. This parameter can only be coded for an AIX path, and must be specified if the path and its base are to participate in VSAM data set name CDSN) sharing under CICS/OS/VS. The FCT must contain an entry for the base data set if this operand is coded. This implies that applications can access the base data set directly as well as through the AIX path. Figure 24 on page 130 at the end of the description of this table provides an example of how to code the CICS and VSAM entries for a VSAM alternate index structure. DSN sharing provides read integrity between AIX paths and the base data set. It also saves virtual storage because a single VSAM control block structure is used, into which all paths (for which BASE=name is specified) are tied. DSN the the sum sharing also causes strings to be shared among the paths and base. Thus, as soon as any member of the structure is opened, number of VSAM strings allocated to the base is equal to the of the number of the CICS strings (indicated in the STRNO Chapter 3.6. FCT - File Control Table 103 DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET operand) coded on the FCT entries. This"applies for the base data set and for all the paths defined over it that have BASE=name coded. This is true regardless of the order in which the paths or base are opened. The path5 and base that participate in DSN sharing are considered by VSAM to be a single entity for SHAREOPTIONS purposes. BLKKEYL=length (Non-VSAM) Code this with a decimal value from 1 through 255, which represents the physical key length for a direct access record. This operand must be coded for ISAM data sets and DAM data sets with physical keys. If a DAM data set contains blocked records, and deblocking is to be performed by using a logical key (that is, a key embedded within each logical record), the logical key length is specified by using the KEYLEN operand. The physical key cannot exceed 225 bytes. If necessary, CICS can place a record under exclusive control by building an ENQ argument by concatenating the data set name, the block reference (if DAM), and the physical key. An ENQ will then be issued using a maximum of 255 bytes of this argument. If the argument exceeds 255 bytes in length, the ENQ will place a range of keys under exclusive control. BLKSIZE=(length[,lengthl) (Non-VSAM) Code this with the length (in bytes) of the block. If blocks are variable-length or undefined, for CICS/OS/VS, the length specified should be the maximum block length. For undefined blocks with CICS/DOS/VS, the length must be the maximum user-defined block size plus 8. If the NEWREC or BROWSE operands are used for DAM fixed-length data sets with keys, BLKSIZE must be (LRECL + BLKKEYL) for unblocked records or (LRECL * BLOCKING FACTOR + BLKKEYL) for blocked records. This operand is not required for VSAM. For CICS/DOS/VS, this operand can contain only one value (parameter). This value must not be enclosed within parentheses. For CICS/OS/VS, if you wish to have a BLKSIZE value generated in the DCB, you must specify that value in the second parameter of the operand; for example, BLKSIZE=(250,250), where the first "250" relates to the FCT and the second "250" relates to the DCB. If the second parameter is not coded, the DCB is generated without a BLKSIZE value. The DCB value (second parameter) must always specify the true block size while the FCT value (first parameter) may, for DAM data sets, include the BLKKEYL value. The first BLKSIZE value specified must not be less than the actual block size of the data set. BUFND=number (VSAM only) For VSAM only, code this with the number of buffers to be used for data. The minimum specification is the number of strings plus one (see the STRNO operand). For VSAM files sharing resources (SERVREQ=SHARE), this number is not used by VSAM. It is used only by CICS/VS to calculate the default DFHFCT TYPE=SHRCTL statement. For VSAM ICIP files, BUFND must be omitted (when the value of STRNO will be used) or made equal to STRNO. If BUFND is less than STRNO, it will be set to the value in STRNO. If BUFND is greater than STRNO, extra fixed buffers and RPLs will be obtained and not used. 104 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET BUFNI=number (VSAM only) For VSAM only, code this with the number of buffers to be used for the index. For non-ICIP files, the minimum specification is the number of strings coded in the STRNO operand. For VSAM files sharing resources (SERVREQ=SHARE), this number is not used by VSAM. It is used only by CICS/VS to calculate the default DFHFCT TYPE=SHRCTL statement. BUFNI is required for VSAM KSDS files when MODE=ICIP is coded. The number specified for BUFNI need bear no special relation to the number of strings indicated in STRNO, but must be at least one. BUFNI specifies the number of index buffers and index RPLs that are obtained when the file is opened. Notes: 1. If BUFSP exceeds the requirements of BUFHD and BUFHI, the number of buffers will be increased proportionally. 2. All 1/0 buffers are acquired by OPEH for VSAM, and are controlled exclusively by VSAM during execution. CICS file management causes VSAM to move all data into a file work area. Under some circumstances, CICS will use LOCATE mode and will move the data itself into the appropriate area. If your request is for LOCATE mode, the address of the data in the VSAM buffer will be returned in a VSAM work area. BUFSP=number (VSAM only) For VSAM only, code this with the size in bytes of the area to be reserved for buffers for this data set within the CICS region/partition. If less than the minimum is specified, VSAM (under OS/VS) will not open the data set. Under VSE, VSAM will override the BUFSP value with the value from the catalog and will open the data set. If this operand is not coded, VSAM OPEH will obtain a minimum size area, which will be the minimum storage required to process the data set with its specified processing options. This operand is not required for VSAM ICIP files and will be ignored if coded. In VSE, if the BUFSP value specified is greater than the minimum value required but less than the values required for BUFHD and BUFNI, the size of the buffer space allocated will be changed to conform with the requirements of BUFHD and BUFHI. In OS/VS, the number of buffers will be proportionally reduced to comply with the requirements of BUFSP. For further details on defining VSAM buffer space, see the description of the ACB AM=VSAM macro instruction in the OS/VS System Programmer's Guide or in the VSE/Advanced Functions-Macro Reference manual. Note: Extreme care must be taken in choosing the value specified in the BUFSP operand. While the file is open, this storage space is controlled 'exclusively by VSAM; it will be used only for buffers and only for the specified file unless the VSAM shared resources facility is used (see "VSAM Shared Resources Control" later in this section). Even with quite low activity on the file, this buffer space could remain in main storage for a significant percentage of the time that the file is open. Thus it could have a considerable impact on the working set (see the CICS/VS Performance Guide). CYLOFL=number (CICS/DOS/VS only) Code this with the number of tracks per cylinder that are reserved for cylinder overflow records. Hote that CYLOFL=O is an invalid specification. If no cylinder overflow space is to be reserved, the operand should be omitted completely. This operand is only required if ACCMETH=ISAM. Chapter 3.6. FCT - File Control Table 105 DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET DATA=name (CICS/OS/VS only) Code this if a VSAM KSDS cluster is to be accessed using VSAM ICIP. Name is the symbolic name of a DD statement that defines the data component of the cluster. This operand must be coded when KSDS files are accessed using ICIP. See the examples of mixed mode files at the end of the file control section. DATASET=name Code this with the symbolic data set name to be used as the file control table entry for a specific data set. This data set name can consist of from one through seven characters in CICS/DOS/VS and from one through eight characters in CICS/OS/VS. Because this data set name is used when generating the operating system control block (DCB, DTF and ACB), it must be the same as the VSE file name or the OS/VS DDNAME used in the job control statement defining the data set. For VSAM ICIP KSDS files, the DDNAME of the cluster need not be'specified. You should never use two DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET entries to describe the same file, unless only one entry can update it. That is, two JCL statements must not name the same file. CICS exclusive control uses the name of the FCT entry for update integrity and assumes that no other FCT entry points to the same file for update. The only exception to this is that two entries are required when one entry specifies VSAM load mode. However, only one entry will define an open file at anyone time. CICS supports access to a base VSAM data set through an alternate index (AIX) path. This is specified by coding a DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET entry for each AIX path. The JCL statement for each FCT AIX path entry should name the AIX path as defined to VSAM. The association between the AIX and the base is made to VSAM when the structure is defined. If the base data set is to be accessed directly as well as through an AIX path, a DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET entry must be coded for it. For CICS/OS/VS, the BASE operand must be coded on the FCT entry for each path (see the description of the BASE operand). CICS does not support the processing of an AIX as a user data set, that is, AIX is never coded as an option on the ACB. Requests against a file control data set that is defined to VSAM as an AIX path will always flow through to the base data set. Further information on the CICS FCT and VSAM definition of alternate indexes can be found in Figure 24 on page 130. Note: The data set name must not start with characters "DFH", because this becomes an externally-specified name, and CICS reserves the right to use any character string beginning with "DFH". Use of "DFH" cciuld cause compatibility problems. In addition, using "FCT" for a data set name prefix can cause assembly errors. For a DL/I data base, the DATASET operand must specify the same data base name as that coded in the NAME operand when generating the DBD. DEVICE=C2314,23141ICn[,ml) (CICS/DOS/VS only) Code- this with the type of device to be used for ISAM data sets. The applicable devices are 2314, 3330, and 3340. This parameter is not needed for BDAM files. n m 106 The device type on which the prime data area (and overflow area, if present) r-esides. The device type containing the high-level index. CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET EXTENT=number (CICS/DOS/VS only) Code this with the maximum number of extents that are specified for a data set. This operand is required if ACCMETH=ISAM. EXTENT=2 represents a minimum value (one for prime data area and one for cylinder index). If ACCMETH=BDAM, the presence of the EXTENT operand indicates that relative addressing (as opposed to actual addressing) is being used and the RELTYPE operand must also be used. FILSTAT=({ENABLEDIDISABLED},{OPENEDICLOSED} 1 Code this for the initial status of the data set. be changed by using the master terminal function. The status may CLOSED The data set is to remain closed until a request is made to open it either through the master terminal function, or through a DFHOC macro instruction in an application program. DISABLED Any request against this data set will cause the application program to be abnormally terminated. CICS 1.6.1 only: Do not specify DISABLED status for DL/I data bases. The enabled/disabled status of a OL/I data base cannot be changed by using the master terminal transaction CEMT. ENABLED Normal processing is to be allowed against this data set. OPENED The data set is to be opened by system initialization. INDAREA=symbol;c-name (ISAM only) Code this with the unique symbolic name that is used by the OFHFCT macro instruction to generate a storage area automatically (within the FCT) that will contain all or part of the cylinder index. This operand is required only if ACCMETH=ISAM and the cylinder index is to be processed in dynamic storage. INDEX=(name[,number[,{INITIDYN}]]) (CICS/OS/VS only) Code this if the data set is a VSAM ICIP KSOS cluster and is to be accessed using ICIP by means of keys. See the examples of mixed mode files given at the end of the section on the file control table. DYN The in-memory index will be created dynamically; that is, an index record required in memory will only be put in memory when it is referenced in response to a GET request for that file. All levels of index that are to be retained in memory will be read into memory when the file is opened. name The symbolic name of a 00 statement, which specifies the index component of the cluster. number The number of levels of VSAM index to be excluded when building an in-memory index. The default is one. Chapter 3.6. FCT - File Control Table 107 DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET INDSIZE=length (ISAM only) Code this with the length (in bytes) of the cylinder index area specified in the INDAREA operand. For CICS/DOS/VS, the minimum number of bytes can be calculated as: (m+3)*(keylength+6) where "m" is the number of entries to be read into main storage at one time, 3 is the number of dummy entries, and 6 is an abbreviated pointer to the cylinder. If "m" is set to the number of prime data cylinders + 1, all of the cylinder index is read into main storage at one time. For CICS/OS/VS, the minimum number of bytes can be calculated as: i*e* (keylength + 10) where "i" is the number of tracks in the high-level index, and "en is the number of entries per track. This operand is applicable only if ACCMETH=ISAM and the INDAREA operand is coded. INDSKIP=YES (CICS/DOS/VS only) Code this if the index skip feature is to be used when index entries reside in main storage. This operand is only applicable if ACCMETH=ISAM and the INDAREA operand are coded. ~ IOSIZE=length (ISAM only) Code this with the number of bytes in the main storage area used when adding records to an ISAM data set. This operand must be used only when ACCMETH=ISAM and SERVREQ=NEWREC are also coded. In CICS/DOS/VS, this operand causes a static work area to be generated as part of the FCT entry for the data set being defined. In CICS/OS/VS, the IOWORK operand must also be used to supply a symbolic name to be associated with the work area. Note: Under CICS/DOS/VS with multiple ISAM files, if the IOSIZE operand is coded for anyone ISAM file with the SERVREQ=NEWREC option, in order to avoid the need for two ISAM logic modules (one with and one without the CORDATA=YES option), all other ISAM files must have SERVREQ=NEWREC and an adequate IOSIZE coded. IOWORK=symbol;c-name (CICS/OS/VS only) Code this with the symbolic name of a main storage work area to be used by the access method when adding records to ISAM data sets. If the data set contains variable-length records, this operand must be coded. This operand is only applicable if ACCMETH=ISAM. You can code same symbolic name in more than one data set definition, thus causing an area to be shared. CICS prevents the shared area from being used concurrently by more than one transaction. A static work area is generated within the FCT for each unique symbolic name encountered during FCT generation. The size of each area is equal to the largest IOSIZE specified for each symbolic name. 108 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET JID=CNOISYSTEMlnnJ Code this if automatic journal activity is to take place for this FCT entry, and to identify the file to be used to record the journaled data. The operations that will cause data records to be journaled are specified in the JREQ parameter. Journal activity will not occur on this FCT entry. SYSTEM Journaling is to be performed on the system log. nn The journal identification and can contain a value in the range 2 through 99. Note: Automatic journaling can be specified if you wish to record data set activity for subsequent processing by yourself (for example, user-written data set I/O recovery). It must not be confused with automatic logging (specified with LOG=YES), which is required if CICS is to perform data set backout to remove in-flight task activity during emergency restart or dynamic transaction backout. JREQ=CALLllrequest[,requ2st, ••• 11J Code this with the data base operations that are to be automatically journaled, and whether the journaling operation is to be synchronous or asynchronous with data set activity. When a synchronous journal operation is executed for a READ request, control is not returned to the program that issued the file control request until the data read is written on the journal data set. When a synchronous journal operation is executed for a WRITE request, the output operation to the data set is not initiated until the data is written on the journal data set. When an asynchronous journal operation is executed for a READ request, control can be returned as soon as the data read is moved to the journal I/O buffer. When an asynchronous journal operation is executed for a WRITE request, the output operation to the data set can be initiated as soon as the data is moved to the journal I/O buffer. Synchronization defaults provide asynchronous operation for READs and synchronous operation for WRITEs. If this operand is omitted and' JID is coded, JREQ will default to JREQ=(WU,WH). ALL ASY RO RU SYN WN WU Journal all data set activity with READ asynchronous and WRITE synchronous. Asynchronous journal operation for WRITE operations. Journal READ OHLY operations. Journal READ UPDATE operations. Synchronous journal operation for READ operations. Journal WRITE HEW operations. Journal WRITE UPDATE operations. Chapter 3.6. FCT - File Control Table 109 DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET KEYLEN=length (Non-VSAM) Code this with the length of the logical key for the deblocking of DAM data sets. This operand is also applicable for remote files. If omitted for this type of file, the-length option must be specified in the application program that refers to this file. The logical key for DAM data sets is embedded and located through the use of the RKP operand. The length of the recorded (physical) key is coded in the BLKKEYL operand, and can be different from the value specified for KEYLEN. This operand must always be coded when logical keys are used in blocked DAM data sets, and must not be coded for VSAM data sets. LOG={NOIYESl Code this if automatic logging to the system log is to be performed. The logging function, as opposed to automatic journaling, records all data necessary to backout data base updates, additions, and deletions in case of an emergency restart or dynamic transaction backout. On any update, deletion, or addition of a new record, the "before" image is automatically recorded on the CICS system log. Additional information can be found in the CICS/VS Recovery and Restart Guide. Automatic logging is not to be performed. YES Automatic logging is to be performed. Note: If LOG=YES is coded, when a request is made to alter the contents of this data set, the record being updated, added, or deleted will be enqueued upon, using the record identification and DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET name. This enqueue will be maintained until the task terminates or issues a DFHSP macro instruction to signal the end of a logical unit of work. This is necessary to ensure the integrity of the altered data. Because the enqueues are thus maintained for a longer period of time, an enqueue lockout can occur if an application program that accesses this data set performs what is effectively more than one logical unit of work against it, without defining each separate logical unit of work to CICS by issuing sync point request. Also, long-running tasks could tie up storage resources. If an alternate index structure is being used and recovery is required, all updates to the base data set must either be made via the base data set or via a single alternate index path. It is strongly recommended that all updates are made directly on the base data set and that alternate indexes are used for enquiry only. If an attempt is made to perform a generic DELETE or generic UPDATE operation when LOG=YES is coded, an invalid request will result. LRECL=(length[,lengthl) (Non-VSAM) Code this with the maximum length (in bytes) of the logical record. The value specified is also the length of records in a fixed length remote file. If this operand is not coded, the length can be specified in the application program. See the DFHFCT TYPE=REMOTE macro instruction for further information on remote files. For VSE ISAM data sets with variable-length records within fixed-length blocks, this number has no relation to the actual length of any logical record. However, the number specified, multiplied by the NRECDS parameter, must equal the actual block size on the data set. This operand must always be coded for ISAM and DAM data sets, but is not required for VSAM data sets. For CICS/DOS/VS, this operand must contain only one value (parameter). This value cannot be enclosed within parentheses. 110 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHFCT TVPE=DATASET With CICS/OS/VS, if you wish to have an LRECL value generated in the DCB, that value must be specified in the second parameter of the operand; for example, LRECL=(50,50), where the first "50" relates to the FCT and the second "50" applies to the DCB. If the second parameter is not coded, the DCB is generated without a LRECL value. If the data set is BDAM organized, the second parameter must never be coded. HODE=({VSAMIICIP][,MIXED]) (CICS/OS/VS only) Code this to indicate whether the data set can be accessed by normal VSAM processing, by VSAM improved control interval processing (ICIP), or by either method. This operand is only available when ACCMETH=VSAM is coded. The VSAM improved control interval processing feature (ICIP), which is only available in CICS/OS/VS when the SRBSVC operand is coded ir. DFHSG TYPE=INITIAL, provides a fast path that provides improved performance for accessing control intervals for both KSDS and ESDS files. The data set is to be opened for normal VSAM processing. ICIP The data set ;s to be opened for VSAM ICIP processing. The data format for ICIP files is identical to that of normal VSAM ESDS and KSDS data sets, and the data set can subsequently be processed using normal VSAM. When MODE=ICIP is coded, only the GET, PUT, and UPDATE options of the SERVREQ operand may be coded. MIXED The data set can be accessed by either normal VSAM or by VSAM ICIP, using the same data set name. The DFHOC macro instruction (with the MODE option coded) may be used to close and reopen the file. See the CICS/VS Customization Guide for further details on DFHOC. If MODE=MIXED is coded, a DFHFCT TYPE=ALTERNATE macro instruction must be specified. You should study the examples of ICIP and mixed mode files that are given at the end of the file control section. The following considerations apply to data sets that are accessed by VSAM ICIP: • • • • • • • • The control interval size must equal the physical record size. New records cannot be added to a file while it is being accessed using VSAM ICIP. Browsing and segmenting are not supported. Sharing of resources is not supported. Indirect access and alternate indexes are not supported. Relative record files are not supported. Buffers for use with VSAM ICIP will be in fixed pages to avoid the overhead of VSAM fixing pages for each access. Data sets that have either replicated index records or sequence set records adjacent to control areas are not supported. MSTIND=VES (CICS/DOS/VS only) Code this if a master index exists for the ISAM data set. This operand is only applicable if ACCMETH=ISAM and must be coded only if a master index exists for the data set. Chapter 3.6. FCT - File Control Table 111 DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET NRECDS=number (CICS/DOS/VS only) Code this with the number of logical records in a block (the blocking factor). This operand is only applicable if ACCMETH=ISAM, and if the records are blocked. For VSE ISAM data sets with variable-length records within fixed-length blocks, this number has no relation to the actual number of records within the block. However, the number specified multiplied by the LRECL parameter must equal the actual block size on the data set. Note: NRECDS=1, LRECL=blocksize, is not allowed. The most advantageous specification is NRECDS=n, LRECL=(blocksize/n) where "n" is some decimal value greater than 1. OPEN=(INITIALIDEFERREDl Code this with the initial status of the data set. This can only be coded if you have not coded the FILSTAT operand. INITIAL The data set is to be opened by system initialization. DEFERRED The data set will remain closed until you indicate that you wish to open it by using the master terminal open and close service function or by a DFHOC macro instruction in an application program. "Notes: 1. For DL/I data bases under VSE, if you code OPEN=DEFERRED, the data set will not be opened until the STRT system call is issued. 2. For DL/I data bases under OS/VS, do not code OPEN=DEFERRED. PASSWD=password (VSAM only) Code this with a one- to eight-character password, which VSAM will use to verify the user access to the data set. If less than eight characters are coded, the password will be padded to the right with blanks. If omitted and the data set is password protected, the console operator may be asked to provide the appropriate password. This operand is only applicable for ACCMETH=VSAM. RECFORH=([(UNDEFINEDlvARIABLEIFIXED1][(,BLOCKEDIUNBLOCKED1][,DCB Tormatl[,DOSISAM1) Code this to describe the format of records on the data set. default is UNDEFINED for ISAM and BDAM data sets and (VARIABLE, BLOCKED) for VSAM data sets. The BLOCKED Records are blocked. DCB Tormat Code this with the record format in the DCB; for example, RECFORM=(FIXED,BLOCKED,FBS). DOSISAH A VSE VSAM file that is generated directly from an originally unblocked ISAM file. If this option is coded, the KEYLEN operand must also be coded. FIXED Records are fixed length. UNBLOCKED Records are not blocked. 112 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHFCT TVPE=DATASET UNDEFINED Records are of undefined length. VARIABLE Records are variable length. Notes: 1. For CICS/OS/VS ISAM data sets with the BROWSE option coded, a DCB RECFM parameter of VB or FB is always generated. CICS/OS/VS does not support unblocked ISAM data sets that have the BROWSE option coded. 2. BLKSIZE must include an additional eight bytes for the count field when NEWREC is specified for undefined records in CICS/DOS/VS. 3. BLOCKED or UNBLOCKED must be coded for all ISAM and BDAM data sets of FIXED or VARIABLE format. 4. ISAM compatibility is indicated by specifying the UNBLOCKED characteristic for a VSAM data set. This means that the record will be returned in a FIOA for all non-segmented, read-only requests. 5. The DCB format is not applicable to VSAM data sets. 6. RECFORM=DOSISAM must be coded if an unblocked ISAM file is converted to a VSAM file and the original ISAM programs are to be used to access the file. 7. RECFORM=(VARIABLE,BLOCKED) must be coded for a VSAM ESDS data set that uses journaling, to ensure that transaction backout and dynamic transaction backout function correctly. RELTVPE={BLKIDECIHEX} (DAM only) Code this if relative addressing is being used in the block reference portion of the record identification field of DAM data sets only. If the RELTYPE operand is omitted, absolute addressing is assumed (that is, MBBCCHHR). The EXTENT parameter must also be coded if RELTYPE is used in CICS/DOS/VS. BLK. DEC HEX Relative block addressing is being used. CICS/OS/VS only. BLK applies to ~--- The zoned decimal format is being used. The hexadecimal relative track and record format is being used. RKP=number (Non-VSAM) Code this with the starting position of the kuy field in the record relative to the beginning of the record (position zero for DAM and ISAM data sets except position one for VSE ISAM data sets). With variable-length records, this operand must include the four-byte LLbb field at the beginning of each logical record. This operand must always be coded for data sets that have keys within each logical record, or when browsing. Notes: 1. SERVREQ=BROWSE requires embedded keys in the data field in VSE ISAM, therefore the RKP parameter is required. 2. In VSE ISAM, if records are unblocked, the following MNOTE will be generated by ISAM in the DTFIS: "0, KEYLOC INVALID, PARAMETER IGNORED". Chapter 3.6. FCT - File Control Table 113 DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET RSL=(OlnumberIPUBLICJ Code this for the resource security level to be associated with this resource (the data set). This operand is used when an EXEC commund is executed within a transaction that has been defined with RSLC(YES), and the command is attempting to reference this resource. number A number (in the range 1 to 24) of the security level. PUBLIC Any transaction is allowed access to the data set. SERVREQ=(request[,requestl, ••• ) Code this to define the types of service request that can be processed against the data set. The parameters that can be included are as follows: BROWSE Records may be sequentially retrieved from the data set. For CICS/DOS/VS, DFHFCT TYPE=LOGICMOD must be coded in order to use BROWSE for an ISAM file. DELETE Records can be deleted from this data set. DELETE implies that UPDATE was coded. This is applicable to VSAM KSDS (key sequence) and RRDS (relative record) data sets only. A generic delete cannot be used to delete records from a recoverable data set. GET Records on this data set can be read. INDACC The data set is used as a cross-index. If INDACC is coded, the DFHFCT TYPE=INDACC macro instruction must be generated immediately following this DATASET definition. KEY Records are to be retrieved from or added to a keyed DAM data set. This parameter can be coded only if ACCMETH=BDAM, and must be specified if the DAM data set is keyed. NEWREC Records can be added to the data set. NEWREC implies that PUT was also coded. NEWREC must be coded for OS/VS ISAM data sets with variable-length records, if updating with a change in length is to be performed. NOEXCTL Records are not to be placed under exclusive control when a read for update is requested. If you use OS/VS BDAM you get BDAM exclusive control by default. This provides integrity in the OS/VS system. For OS/VS BDAM files you may specify LOG=YES with SERVREQ=NOEXCTL. This will request only a CICS enqueue and suppress the BDAM exclusive control, thus only providing CICS integrity for the update until a sync point. i Note: The CICS enqueue is at the record level within the CICS region, and lasts until a sync point, whereas the OS/VS BDAM exclusive control operates on a physical block, i~ system wide, and lasts only until the update is complete. PUT Records can be written on this data set. This option need never be coded; the NEWREC or UPDATE options should be used. , .., .• --?' 114 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET REUSE This data set is to be opened in VSAM load mode. Recovery and restart support is not available for load mode data sets. This option applies only when ACCMETH=VSAM is coded and when the data set has been defined to Access Method Services as reusable. See also Note 5 below. SEGMENT Records are segmented. If SEGMENT is coded, the DFHFCT TYPE=SEGHEAD, DFHFCT TYPE=SEGDEF, DFHFCT TYPE=SEGSET, and DFHFCT TYPE=SEGLAST macro instructions must be generated immediately following this DATASET definition. SHARE This data set is to share resources. coded only when ACCMETH=VSAM. This parameter can be For CICS 1.6, this service cannot be requested for an alternate index path, or for the base data set of an alternate index structure in which there is an upgrade set. This restriction does not apply to CICS 1.6.1. If the SHARE option is coded, a DFHFCT TYPE=SHRCTL macro instruction will be generated. You can either use this CICS-provided macro instruction, or can generate one explicitly. For VSE, an error code of X'5C' may be returned on opening the file. This error, indicated by messages DFH1514 and 42281 (VSE), should be ignored. UPDATE Records can be updated on this data set. If UPDATE is coded, both GET and PUT are implied and need not be coded. An 'update on a generic key for a recoverable data set (LOG=YES) will result in an invalid request condition. Notes: 1. If any output service request option is to be added dynamically through the CSMT program facility, at least one output option (for example, SERVREQ=PUT) must be specified at assembly time. Similarly, for input options to be added with CSMT, at least one input option must be specified in SERVREQ at assembly time. 2. Only GET, PUT, and UPDATE are valid for VSAM ICIP data sets. 3. To support the dynamic transaction backout facility, the reverse function for each operation specified in the SERVREQ operand must be generated. For example, SERVREQ=DELETE must be coded as well as SERVREQ=NEWREC. 4. INDACC and SEGMENT cannot both be coded for the same data set. A data set used as a cross-index data set cannot be defined as blocked BDAM. 5. CICS 1.6.1 only: If INDACC or SEGMENT is coded, SHARE cannot be 6. When a VSAM data set is in LOAD mode (that is, when it has been defined as reusable and when it is opened with option RST for the first record to be written) the following restrictions apply: coded. o o o o NEWREC and REUSE must be the only SERVREQ options coded. STRNO=1 must be coded. Neither VSAM ICIP nor VSAM shared resources can be used. The data set must·be closed and reopened before any further processing can take place. That is, after writing the first record or sequence of records, close the file and open it through another DFHFCT TYPE=DATA~ET entry that does not specify REUSE. Chapter 3.6. FCT - File Control Table 115 DFHFCT Configurator • Use mass sequential insertion to add to the file. To avoid these restrictions, at least one record must be loaded into the data set by means of an offline batch program. Then SERVREQ=REUSE is not specified, and the file can be processed normally. SRCHM=(VESlnumberl (DAM only) Code this if multiple track search for keyed records is to be provided. This operand is applicable only to DAM keyed data sets. YES Multiple track search will be used. SRCHM=YES must be coded if fixed-length records with keys are to be added to the file. This option applies to CICS/DOS/VS only. number The number of track~ or blocks to be searched. O. This option applies to CICS/OS/VS only. The default is STRNO=(llnumberl (VSAM only) Code this with the number of concurrent requests that can be processed against the data set. The value must be at least one and not more than 255. When the number of requests reaches this limit, CICS will automatically queue any additional requests until one of the active requests terminates. For VSAM files sharing resources (SERVREQ=SHARE), this number is not used by VSAM. It is used only by CICS/VS to calculate the default DFHFCT TYPE=SHRCTl statement. This operand is applicable only if ACCMETH=VSAM is coded. For VSAM ICIP files, the value coded in BUFND is used (if available) when a value "for STRNO is not coded; otherwise a default value of 1 is assumed. Refer to the descriptions of the BUFND and BUFNI operands for their dependencies on the value of STRNO. CICS relies upon the STRNO value that is coded in the file control table. For CICS/OS/VS the STRNO value must not be overridden by the JCl AMP parameter. CICS will accumulate statistics that will help you in determining the optimum STRNO value for this particular configuration. Guidance on how to chose the optimum value for STRNO can be found in the CICS/VS Performance Guide. For ICIP files, STRNO specifies the number of data buffers and data RPls obtained when the data set is opened. A mass insert requires the use of two strings when DFHFCP does a pre-add read to check for duplicate records. STRNOG=number (CICS/OS/VS) Code this with the number of strings to be reserved for GET only processing for VSAM files. STRNOG specifies a decimal integer that is less than the STRNO value specified and greater than or equal to O. The default value is 207. of the STRNO value specified. VERIFV=VES (Non-VSAM) Code this if you want to check the parity of disk records after they are written. If this operand is omitted, records are not verified after a write request. This operand is not valid when ACCMETH=VSAM is coded. Conf;gurator This section is intended to help you in the preparation of the FCT when using the DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET macro instruction to describe the physical characteristics of the data sets. These descriptions include information about the access method (BDAM, DAM, ISAM, or VSAM) and record characteristics for the data sets. 116 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHFCT conf;gurator VSE-OS/VS VSAM H 0 N I C I I C I P p BLKKEYL EXTENT CYLOFL INDAREA INDSIZE INDSKIP MSTIND NRECDS IOSIZE IOWORK DEVICE SRCHM VERIFY RELTYPE lRECL BlKSIZE RKP RECFORM FIlSTAT OPEN KEYlEN SERVREQ BUFSP BUFNI BUFND STRNO PASSWD MODE DATA INDEX STRNOG BASE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R13 011 R 0 R12 R13 R13 0 0 13 0 R 0 RIO 0 0 OS/VS VSE ISAM B L 0 C K E D U R R R R2 R3 0 R4 R OS R R R R2 R3 0 R4 0 0 0 0 R R R R 0 0 R R R 0 0 0 0 N B L K E D DAM ISAM BLOCKED UNBLOCKED B L W W W W 0 / / 0 C 0 / K / K K E K E K E Y E Y E D Y Y U N B L K E D R Rl R R R2 R3 R2 R3 OS OS OS OS 0 0 R R R R R R R R Rl R Rl Rl OS 0 0 0 Rl R R6 R' R 0 0 R8 R9 0 0 Rl R R R' R 0 0 0 0 0 Rl R R6 R' R 0 0 0 0 0 Rl R R R' R 0 0 0 R9 0 0 BDAM BLOCKED UNBLOCKED W / K E Y 0 0 0 0 0 / K E Y 0 Rl R R6 R' R 0 0 RO R9 W / K E Y W 0 / K E Y R R 0 0 W 0 (j 0 Rl R R R' R 0 0 Rl 0 0 0 R6 R' R 0 0 R Rl R R R' R 0 0 0 R9 0 0 R 0 R Required Optional 1 2 Required if relative type addressing is to be used. Required if main storage high-level index processing is used. Required if INDAREA is coded. Required only if a master index exists. Optional; used only if SERVREQ=NEWREC; for ISAM data sets under CICS/OS/VS, IOWORK should also be coded. If SERVREQ=BROWSE or SERVREQ=NEWREC, this value must be BLKSIZE plus BLKKEYl. Required if key exists within logical records. Required if deblocking by key for BDAM (CICS/DOS/VS and CICS/OS/VS)i required for variable-length ISAM records in fixed-length blocks (CICS/DOS/VS only). SERVREQ=KEY is required. Required if there is an associated DFHFCT TYPE=ALTERNATE macro instruction. See the section on mixed mode files. BUFND should not be coded. The number of data buffers will be set to the value in STRNO. Required for TYPE=DATASET. Note that MODE= is not required for TYPE=ALTERNATE - see the section on mixed mode access, below. Required if ACCMETH=(VSAM,KSDS). o 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Chapter 3.6. FCT - File Control Table 117 DFHFCT TYPE=INDACC CROSS-INDEX DATA SET RECORD - DFHFCT TYPE=INDACC The record on a cross-index data set that points to the next data set to be read is described in the DFHFCT TYPE=INDACC macro instruction. This macro instruction may also contain information regarding duplicate records that can be referenced by this index record, including a pointer to a duplicate data set that contains additional identifying information. If this macro instruction is used, the SERVREQ operand of the DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET macro instruction must include GET and INDACC. For further information on indirect accessing, see the section on File Control in the CICS/VS Application Programmer's Reference Manual (Command level). DFHFCT TYPE=INDACC ,IALKFL=length ,IARlKP=number ,OBJDSID=name [,ARGTYP={KEYIRBA}] [,DUPDSID=namel [,IADADMI={KEYIRElREC}] [,IADIII=characterl [,SRCHTYP={FKEQIFKGEIGKEQIGKGE}] TYPE=INDACC Code this for an indirect access data set. IALKFL=length Code this with the length (in bytes) of the record identification field that is to be used to access the object data set. IARLKP=number Code this with the relative location within the cross-index data set record of the record identification field that is to be used to access the object data set. The displacement is relative to the beginning of the record (position zero). OBJDSID=name Code this with the name of the object data set referenced by the cross-index data set record. This name can consist of from one to seven characters in CICS/DOS/VS and from one to eight characters in CICS/OS/VS. ARGTYP=(KEVIRBAl Code this with information concerning the argument contained in the cross-index record. The argument is a key. RBA The argument is a relative byte address. The ARGTYP operand is applicable only when the object data set indicated by OBJDSID is a VSAM data set. DUPDSID=name Code this with the identification for the duplicate data set associated with the cross-index data set. This identification can contain up to seven characters for CICS/DOS/VS and up to eight characters for CICS/OS/VS. This operand can be omitted if a duplicate data set does not exist. 118 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHFCT TVPE=LOGICMOD IADADMI={KEVIRELREC} Code this with the argument type for the deblocking of a record from a blocked BDAM data set. This operand can only be used if the data set (file) to which this index data set points is the primary (target) data set. If this operand is omitted, and if the data set to which this index data set points is a blocked BDAM data set, the entire block is returned to you in the file control area. KEV The deblocking technique is key. RELREC The deblocking technique is relative record. IADIII=character Code this with a one-byte user-assigned hexadecimal character if the data in the record identification field refers to a duplicate data set rather than the normal object data set. This code must be contained in the first position of the record identification field and must be different from any other data that would normally appear in this position. This operand must always be coded if a duplicate data set name is coded (in the DUPDSID operand). SRCHTVP={FKEQIFKGEIGKEQIGKGE} Code this to describe the key and how it is to be used when retrieving the record from the object data set. This operand is only appl1cable when the object data set indicated by OBJDSID is a VSAM data set and when ARGTYP=KEY. The key contained at the RDIDADR address is a full key and a record with this exact key will satisfy the search. FKGE GKEQ GKGE The search argument is a full key and the first data record with a key equal to or greater than the argument will satisfy the search. The search argument is a generic (partial) key, the length of which is specified in the first byte of the record identification field. The search is satisfied if a record is found, the key of which is equal to the argument (compared only on the number of bytes specified). The search argument is a generic key and the first data record with a key equal to or greater than the generic argument will satisfy the search. SUPERSET ISAM LOGIC MODULE - DFHFCT TVPE=LOGICMOD (CICS/DOS/VS ONLY) A superset ISAM logic module can be generated in-line within the FCr. under CICS/DOS/VS by including a DFHFCT TYPE=LOGICMOD macro instruction as the last statement in the file control table. Any further ISAM logic modules required in order to resolve V-cons in the FCT are indicated by MNOTEs that are produced when DFHFCT is assembled. One FCT may need up to four DFHISMODs, depending on whether support for rotational position sensing (RPS) and the "prime data in main storage" option of ISAM record addition (the CORDATA=YES option) is required, giving a total of four combinations of functional support. In general, these additional modules must be assembled separately and link-edited into the FCT. Chapter 3.6. FCT - File Control Table 119 DFHFCT TYPE=REMOTE In many cases, you may only need one ISAM logic module; however, DFHFCT always makes provision for both RPS and non-RPS versions. If RPS is not used, the V-con(s) for the RPS module(s) can be left unresolved at the link-editing stage. Where RPS is used e>cclusively, the V-con(s) for the non-RPS moduleCs) can be left unresolved, but only at the risk of errors if the conditions at execution are unsuitable for the use of RPS. The requirement for ISAM logic modules both with and without CORDATA=YES is only avoided if all or none of the ISAM files specify both SERVREQ=NEWREC and the IOSIZE operand in DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET. For further details on preparing logic modules, see the CICS/DOS/VS Installation and Operations Guide. IDFHFCT TYPE=lOGICMOD [,RPS=SVAJ TYPE=LOGICNOD indicates that an ISAM logic module is to be created. RPS=SVA Code this if the logic module to be generated is to use rotational position sensing (RPS). The use of RPS will depend on the device and the availability of GETVIS space, which can be allocated through the SIZE parameter of the // EXEC job control statement. For further information, see VSE/Advanced Functions Macro Reference. When this operand is coded, enough GETVIS space must be allocated for a DTF work area for each ISAM data set. If insufficient space is allocated, those ISAM data sets for which a OTF extension could not be acquired will be disabled when the first I/O request is issued. At that time the requesting transaction will be abnormally terminated with code AFCR. You are responsible for ensuring that the FCT is link-edited with suitable ISAM logic modules for the conditions of execution. The diagnostic messages at the end of the FCT provide guidance. REMOTE FILES - DFHFCT TYPE=REMOTE The OFHFCT TYPE=REMOTE macro instruction defines the files that reside in a remote system or region when the CICS intercommunication facilities are being used. DFHFCT TYPE=REMOTE ,OATASET=name ,SYSIDNT=name [,KEYlEN=key-Iengthl [,lRECl=record-lengthl [,RMTNAME=namel [,RSL={1InumberIPUBlIC}] TYPE=REMOTE indicates that this FCT entry identifies a file that resides in a remote system or region. 120 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHFCT TYPE=SEGDEF DATASET=name Code this with a one- to seven- (VSE) or a one- to eight- (OS/VS) character name, which is referred to by the application programs in the 9ame system as this FCT. SYSIDNT=name Code this with the four-character alphanumeric name of the system or region in which the file is resident. The name given must be the same as that in the SYSIDHT operand in the DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM macro instruction or in an explicit remote request in an application program. KEVLEN=key-length Code this with the default key length for a file control request that is sent to a remote system. For a DAM data set, the value must be equal to DEBKEY, and must be the total length of the key. LRECL=record-len9th Code this with the default data length (in bytes) for a READ WRITE or REWRITE request that is sent to a remote system. Further information on the key and data length values to be specified for remote systems can be found under the KEYLENGTH and LENGTH operands in the CICS/VS Application Programmer's Reference Manual (Command Level). RMTNAME=name Code this with a 1- to 7-character (VSE) or 1- to 8-character (OS/VS) name by which the file is known to the system in which it resides. If this operand is omitted (the normal case), the name coded in the DATASET operand will be used. RMTNAME allows two files, with the same name but in different systems, to be referenced. RSL=(QlnumberIPUBLIC) Code this with the security level to be associated with this file. This operand is used when an EXEC command is executed within a transaction that has been defined with RSLC(YES), and the command is attempting to reference this resource. number A number (in the range 1 to 24) of the security level. PUBLIC Any transaction is allowed access to the file. SEGMENTED RECORDS The following macro instructions are used to define segmented records to CICS file management. They are presented alphabetically in the following description, but must be coded in the following sequence: 1. 2. 3. DFHFCT TYPE=SEGHEAD DFHFCT TYPE=SEGDEF DFHFCT TYPE=SEGLAST Or, if there are no SEGDEF or SEGHEAD statements: 1. 2. DFHFCT TYPE=SEGSET DFHFCT TYPE=SEGLAST Chapter 3.6. FCT - File Control Table 121 DFHFCT TVPE=SEGDEF segments of a Segmented Record - DFHFCT TVPE=SEGDEF Each segment of a segmented record is described by means of the DFHFCT TYPE=SEGDEF macro instruction. TYPE=SEGDEF must be generated for every segment in the record in the sequence in which it occurs within the record. The last segment defined must be followed by the TYPE=SEGLAST macro instruction, which must precede the TYPE=SEGSET operands to generate SEGSET=ALL automatically as the first segment pattern in the file control table. A maximum of 99 segments can be defined per record. DFHFCT TYPE=SEGDEF ,SEGNAME=name ,SEGLENG=length [,SEGCHAR=({FIXEDIVARIABLE},{BYTEIDOUBLEIFULLIHALF})] TVPE=SEGDEF Code this for segment definitions. SEGNAME=name Code this with the eight-character symbolic name (label) of the segment. This operand must always be coded. SEGLENG=length Code this with the length (in bytes) of the segmenti up to 255 bytes can be specified (the length of the largest segment allowed). If the segment is variable length, this value represents the maximum jength. This operand must always be coded. SEGCHAR=((FIXEDIVARIABLE1,(BVTEIDOUBLEIFULLIHALFll Code this with the characteristics (format,alignment) of the segment. If one characteristic is to be coded, both must be coded. FIXED -----The segment is fixed-length. VARIABLE The segment is of variable length. The first byte of the segment indicates the length of the segment. Th~ segment is byte-aligned. DOUBLE The segment is doubleword-aligned. FULL HALF 122 The segment is fullword-aligned. indicates that the segment is halfword-aligned. CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHFCT TVPE=SEGHEAD Header of segmented Record - DFHFCT TVPE=SEGHEAD ~ If the records on a data set are segmented, the DFHFCT TYPE=SEGHEAD macro instruction defines the header portion (root or control segment) of a segmented record. TYPE=SEGHEAD is the first of four statements that must be coded to specify segmented records. DFHFCT TYPE=SEGHEAD ,SEGLEHG=length ,INDDISP=number [,TSEGIHD={BITIDISPLACEMENT}] TVPE=SEGHEAD indicates that this is the header of a segmented record. SEGLENG=length Code this with the length (in bytes) of the header portion (root segment) of the record. For VSAM variable length data sets, this length must include 4 bytes for an LLbb field even though one does not exist on the data set. File management will create one after retrieving the physical record. This operand must always be coded. INDDISP=number Code this with the displacement of the segment indicator field relative to the beginning of the record (position zero). This does not include the length field for variable length VSAM data sets. This operand must always be coded. TSEGIND={BITIDISPLACEHENTJ Code this with the type of segment indicator field that is contained in the root segment. Segments are indicated by bits in the segment indicator field. DISPLACEMENT Segments are indicated by displacements in the segment indicator field. It is your responsibility to maintain the segment indicator field. Chapter 3.6. FCT - File Control Table 123 DFHFCT TYPE=SEGSET Last Segment Set - DFHFCT TYPE=SEGLAST The end of the segment definitions and the end of the segment set definitions are indicated by the DFHFCT TYPE=SEGLAST macro instruction, which must be generated immediately following the last macro instruction segment definition (TYPE=SEGDEF) and immediately following the last segment set (TYPE=SEGSET) for a data set. If no DFHFCT TYPE=SEGSET macro instructions have been coded, a DFHFCT TYPE=SEGLAST macro instruction (to indicate the end of the segment sets) must immediately follow the DFHFCT TYPE=SEGLAST used to indicate the end of the segment definitions. This macro instruction generates SEGSET=ALL, which includes all the segments in the record, as the first entry in the segment set portion of the FCT. IDFHFCT TYPE=SEGLAST TYPE=SEGLAST indicates the end of the segment definitions. Segment Sets - DFHFCT TYPE=SEGSET The pattern of segments for a particular data set is described using the DFHFCT TYPE=SEGSET macro instruction. As many segment sets as desired may be coded. If the only segment set required includes all the segments in the record, no DFHFCT TYPE=SEGSET macro instructions are necessary. A segment set of this type with a name of ALL is generated by the DFHFCT TYPE=SEGLAST macro instruction following the segment definitions. DFHFCT TYPE=SEGSET ,SEGSET=name ,SEGNAME=(name1 [,name2], ••• ) TYPE=SEGSET indicates that this describes the segment sets. SEGSET=name Code this with the eight-character symbolic name (label) assigned to a particular pattern of segments. This label is used in coding the DFHFC macro instruction when segment services ar.e required. The label may be the same as one of the segment names coded previously in a SEGDEF macro instruction but must be different from any other SEGSET name coded. The label ALL must not be used because CICS automaticallY creates a universal segment set with this label. SEGNAME=(namel[,name21, ••• ) Code this with the name of each segment to be included in the segment set, in the sequence in which the segment occurs in the segmented record. SEGNAME must be the same name as that coded in a previous DFHFCTTYPE=SEGDEF macro instruction. 124 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHFCT TVPE=SHRCTL VSAM SHARED RESOURCES CONTROL - DFHFCT TYPE=SHRCTL The DFHFCT TYPE=SHRCTl macro instruction can be used to control the sharing of VSAM resources by CICS VSAM files under both VSE and OS/VS, and by IMS/VS VSAM data bases under CICS/OS/VS. Because both the entry that describes the VSAM data set and the entry that controls the sharing of resources are referred to by the file control program whenever I/O is requested of a data set that is sharing resources, it may be desirable to group together all data sets that share resources in the FCT, along with the entry to control the sharing of resources. This will keep the number of pages required to perform I/O on any of the5e data sets to a minimum. The DFHFCT TYPE=SHRCTl macro instruction must follow the entries for the VSAM data sets that are sharing resources (that is, those that have SERVREQ=SHARE in DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET). If the FCT does not describe VSAM DL/I data sets under OS/VS, the D~HFCT TYPE=SHRCTl macro instruction need not be coded, because the CICS-supplied default version of the macro instruction may be suitable, depending on the performance characteristics of your system. If one or more VSAM data sets indicate that they are to share resources and this macro instruction has not been issued prior to the DFHFCT TYPE=FIHAL macro instruction, the entry necessary to control the sharing of resources is automatically generated with all values defaulted. Notes: 1. CICS 1.6 only: IMS/VS Version 1 Release 2 shares VSAM buffers and strings with files defined by the file control table. Buffers, strings, and key length requirements for both DL/I and File Control should be specified in the DFHFCT TYPE=SHRCTL macro. IMS/VS Version 1 Release 3 obtains its own buffer pool, but still shares VSAM strings with files defined by the file control table. With IMS/VS Version 1 Release 3, use DFSVAr1P to describe the buffer pools for IMS/VS, and the DFHFCT TYPE=SHRCTL macro to describe those for File Control (or allow it to default to the CICS calculation). Strings and key length requirements for both DL/I and File Control should be specified in the DFHFCT TYPE=SHRCTL macro. For either IMS/VS Version 1 Release 2 or Version 1 Release 3, if there are no File Control files sharing resources (SERVREQ=SHARE), IMS/VS will own the whole Local Shared Resource pool. In this case, do not code the DFHFCT TYPE=SHRCTL macro at all. Make all specifications through DFSVAMP. 2. CICS 1.6.1 only: if you are using the MVS/XA Data Facilities Product (DFP/XA) Version 1 Release 1 (or later), with either IMS/VS Version 1 Release 2 or Version 1 Release 3, do not specify any DL/I requirements at all in the DFHFCT TYPE=SHRCTl macro. The following rules apply if you do not have DFP/XA Version 1 Release 1: a. For IMS/VS Version 1 Release 2, buffers and key length requirements for both Dl/I and File Control, and string requirements for File Control only, should be specified in the DFHFCT TYPE=SHRCTL macro. Do not specify any Dl/I string requirements; they are calculated by CICS. b. For IMS/VS Version 1 Release 3, key length requirements for both DL/I and File Control, 'and buffer and string requirements for File Control only, should be specified in the DFHFCT TYPE=SHRCTl macro. Chapter 3.6. FCT - File Control Table 125 DFHFCT TYPE=SHRCTL DFHFCT TYPE=SHRCTL [,BUFFERS=(size(count)[, .•. ])] [,KEYLEN=number] [,RSCLMT=number] [,STRNO=number] TYPE=SHRCTL indicates that the entry required to control the sharing of VSAM resources is to be generated. BUFFERS=(s;ze(count)[, ••• ]) Code this to override part of the eICS resource calculation. Each pair of values specifies a buffer size and a number of buffers of this size to be allocated. Each buffer size must be a power of 2, at least 512, or if greater than 2048, a multiple of 4096 but not exceeding 32768. The number of buffers of each size must be at least 3 and less than 32768. If a given buffer size is not defined and it is required, the next larger buffer size will be used. When this parameter is coded, it overrides all of the buffer requirement calculation. The value specified in this parameter is exactly what will be passed to VSAM when the request is made to build the resource pool. VSAM allocates each set of buffers of a particular size on a 4K byte boundary. Therefore, specification of a count that results in less than 4K bytes being used for the pool of a particular buffer size will not save virtual storage. For the best performance, for each buffer size you should request a number of buffers such that the total allocation approaches a 4K byte boundary as closely as possible. If this parameter is not coded, CICS will determine the buffer sizes required and the maximum number of buffers of each size and will allocate the percentage specified or implied via the RSCLMT parameter. For IMS/VS Version 1 Release 2 (unless you are using CICS 1.6.1 with the MVS/XA data facilities product DFP/XA Version 1 Release 1) the BUFFERS operand must include the DL/I requirements. The DL/I requirement is twice the DLTHRED value specified in the system initialization table (SIT) plus one, plus the number of sequential mode DL/I data bases. You can prevent IMS/VS Version 1 Release 2 from processing in sequential mode by defining the HIDAM, HISAM, and INDEX data base entries twice when you code the CICS initialization PSB. IMS/VS Version 1 Release 3 does not share buffers with CICS File Control files. Therefore, the BUFFERS operand must not include data for IMS/VS Version 1 Release 3. In fact, the BUFFERS operand may be omitted, because CIeS will provide a default value. KEYLEN=number Code this to override part of the eIeS resource calculation. It specifies the maximum key length of any of the data sets that are to share resources. If not coded, eICS will determine the maximum key length. . Unless you are using CICS 1.6.1 with the MVS/XA data facilities product DFP/XA Version 1 Release 1, IMS/VS requirements must be included for any IMS/VS release. 126 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHFCT TYPE=FINAL RSCLHT=number Code this if CICS is to calculate the maximum amount of resources required by the VSAM data sets that are to share resources. Because these resources are to be shared, some percentage of this maximum amount of resources must be allocated. The RSCLMT operand specifies, as an integer, the percentage of the maximum amount of VSAM resources to be allocated. If this parameter is omitted, 50 percent of the maximum amount of resources will be allocated. If both the STRNO and BUFFERS parameters are coded, RSCLMT will have no effect. STRNO=number Code this to override part of the CICS resource calculation. It specifies the total number of strings to be shared among the data sets that are to share resources. The value must be at least one and not more than 255. If a number is not specified for STRNO, CICS will determine the maximum number of strings and allocate the percentage specified or implied in the RSCLMT parameter. Users of any release of IMS/VS with CICS 1.6 must ensure that the number specified in STRNO is large enough to allow for DL/I string requirements. With CICS 1.6.1, the number specified in STRNO should not allow for DL/I string requirements. For IMS/VS Version 1 Release 2, the number of strings required by DL/I is equal to the number specified in the DLTHRED operand (in DFHSIT), plus one, plus the number of sequential-mode DL/I data bases. You can prevent IMS/VS Version 1 Release 2 from processing in sequential mode by defining the HIDAM, HISAM, and INDEX data base entries twice when you code the CICS initialization PSB. For IMS/VS Version 1 Release 3, no initialization PSB is used, and the number of strings used by DL/I is equal to DLTHRED plus one. Note: Users of IMS/VS VSAM data bases must specify their own values for the above parameters, and must not accept the default values generated by CICS. END OF FILE CONTROL TABLE - DFHFCT TYPE=FINAL The end of the FCT is indicated by the DFHFCT TYPE=FINAL macro instruction, which creates a dummy table entry to signal the table end. This macro instruction is the last statement in the assembly before the assembler END statement, except in CICS/DOS/VS where you can also code the DFHFCT TYPE=LOGICMOD macro instruction. IOFHFCT TYPE=FINAL lYPE=FINAL indicates the end of the FCT. Chapter 3.6. FCT - File Control Table 127 DFHFCT Examples EXAMPLES Figure 21 illustrates the coding that is required to create a FCT for three data sets. The first data set in the table is a cross-index data set that provides indirect access to a master data set and may reference a duplicate data set. The master data set requires segmenting services. DFHFCT TYPE=INITIAL START OF FILE CONTROL TABLE DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET, DATASET=INDEX, ACCMETH=ISAM, SERVREQ=(UPDATE, NEWREC, INDACC), RECFORM=(FIXED,BLOCKED), LRECL=37, BLKSIZE=370, BLKKEYL=5 TABLE ENTRY FOR AN ISAM DATA SET USED AS A CROSSINDEX DATA SET FOR A DATA SET NAMED MASTER. THIS DATA SET MAY BE UPDATED AND ADDED TO. * ** ** * * * * THIS DATA SET REFERENCES A DATA SET NAMED MASTER, WHOSE KEY IS FOUND AT POSITION 26. IT IS 11 CHARACTERS. IT MAY POINT TO A DUPLICATES DATA SET NAMED DUPLICA. TABLE ENTRY FOR A BDAM DUPLICATES DATA SET WHICH CONTAINS KEYS TO THE MASTER DATA SET. IT IS A READ-ONLY DATA SET. * ** * * * * * * * * DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET, ACCMETH=(VSAM,KSDS), SERVREQ=(NEWREC, DELETE, UPDATE, BROWSE), DATASET=VSAMDS, STRNO=5, PASSWD=GUESS TABLE ENTRY FOR A VSAM DATA SET WHICH MAY BE UPDATED, ADDED TO, DELETED FROM, AND BROWSED. * * * * * * * * DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET, DATASET=MASTER, ACCMETH=ISAM, SERVREQ=(UPDATE, NEWREC, SEGMENT) , RECFORM=(FIXED,BLOCKED), LRECL=310, BLKSIZE=1550, RKP=11, BLKKEYL=5 TABLE ENTRY FOR AN ISAM DATA SET WHICH MAY BE UPDATED AND ADDED TO, AND WHOSE RECORDS ARE SEGMENTED. * * * * ** * * * * DFHFCT TYPE=INDACC, OBJDSID=MASTER, IARLKP=26, IALKFL=11, IADIII=FF, DUPDSID=DUPLICA DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET, DATASET=DUPLICA, ACCMETH=BDAM, LRECL=22, SERVREQ=(GET), RECFORM=(FIXED,UNBLOCKED), BLKSIZE=22 Figure 21 (Part 1 of 2). 128 File Control Table - Example CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHFCT Examples DFHFCT TYPE=SEGHEAD, SEGLENG=20, INDDISP=2, TSEGIND=BIT DFHFCT TYP E=S EGDEF, SEGNAME=SEGMENT1, SEGCHAR=(FIXED, DOUBLE), SEGLENG=50 DFHFCT TYPE=SEGDEF, SEGNAME=SEGMENT2, SEGCHAR=(VARIABLE, HALF), SEGLENG=70 DFHFCT TYPE=SEGDEF, SEGNAME=SEGMENT3, SEGLENG=45 DFHFCT TYPE=SEGLAST DFHFCT TYPE=SEGSET, SEGSET=PATTERN1, SEGNAME=(SEGMENT1,SEGMENT3) DFHFCT TYPE=SEGLAST DFHFCT TYPE=FINAL DFHFCT TYPE=LOGICMOD, RPS=SVA END Figure 21 (Part 2 of 2). SEGMENT HEADER DESCRIPTION SEGMENT 1 OF THE RECORD IS A FIXED-LENGTH, DOUBLEWORD ALIGNED FIELD, SEGMENT 2 OF THIS RECORD IS A VARIABLE LENGTH HALFWORD ALIGNED FIELD WHOSE MAXIMUM LENGTH IS 70 BYTES. SEGMENT 3 OF THE RECORD IS A FIXED-LENGTH UNALIGNED FIELD END OF SEGMENT DEFINITIONS ** * * * * * * ** * * * * * LAST SEGMENT ENTRY FOR MASTER END OF FILE CONTROL TABLE CREATE VSE ISAM LOGIC MODULE UTILIZE RPS File Control Table - Example Figure 22 illustrates the coding required to generate FCT entries for VSAM KSDS and VSAM ICIP KSDS data sets. DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET, TABLE ENTRY FOR A VSAM DATASET=VSAM1, KSDS DATA SET ACCMETH=(VSAM,KSDS), SERVREQ=(GET,PUT,UPDATE,DELETE,NEWREC), FILSTAT=(ENABLED,OPENED), RECFORM=FIXED, BUFSP=50000, BUFNI=10, BUFND=11, STRNO=10, PASSWD=LETMEIN DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET, TABLE ENTRY FOR A VSAM DATASET=VSAM2, ICIP KSDS DATA SET ACCMETH=(VSAM,KSDS), SERVREQ=(GET,PUT,UPDATE), FILSTAT=(ENABLED,OPENED), RECFORM=FIXED, BUFSP=50000, BUFNI=8, STRNO=15, PASSWD=LETMEIN, MODE=(ICIP), INDEX=(VSAMIND1,1,INIT), DATA=VSAMDAT1 Figure 22. * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * File Control Table Example - KSDS Files Chapter 3.6. FCT - 'File Control Table 129 DFHFCT Examples Figure 23 illustrates the coding required to generate a VSAM mixed mode file. Two consecutive DFHFCT macro instructions are required, as follows: DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET, DEFINES THE VSAM CHARACTERISTICS DATASET=VSAM3, OF A VSAM MIXED MODE FILE TO BE ACCMETH=(VSAM,KSDS), OPENED INITIALLY IN ICIP MODE SERVREQ=(GET,PUT,UPDATE,DELETE,NEWREC), FILSTAT=(ENABLED,OPENED), RECFORM=FIXED, BUFSP=50000, BUFNI=10, STRNO=10, PASSWD=LETMEIN, MODE=(ICIP,MIXED) DFHFCT TYPE=ALTERNATE, DEFINES THE ICIP CHARACTERISTICS DATASET=VSAM3, OF A VSAM MIXED MODE FILE ACCMETH=(VSAM,KSDS), SERVREQ=(GET,PUT,UPDATE), FILSTAT=(ENABlED,OPENED), RECFORM=FIXED, BUFSP=50000, BUFNI=8, STRNO=15, PASSWD=LETMEIN, INDEX=(VSAMIND2,1,DYN), DATA=VSAMDAT2 Figure 23. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * File Control Table Example - Mixed Mode Files Figure 24 provides an example of how to code a file control table that is to be used in conjunction with a VSAM alternate index. The VSAM file definition consists of four steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. Defining the base data set. Putting records into the base data set. Defining the alternate index path. Creating entries in the alternate index. Note: The JCL shown in this example is for OS/VS only. //DVSAMIOB EXEC PGM=IDCAMS DEFINE BASE DATA SET VSAMIOB DD VOL=SER=TST140,UNIT=3330,DISP=OLD //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A //SYSIN DD * DEFINE CLUSTERCNAMECDTGCAT.VSAM10B)VOLUMESCTST140) RECORDSC500,50) KEYSCIO,14) RECORDSIZEC100,300) FREESPACEC20,10) SHAREOpTIONS(2» IF LASTCC=OTHENLISTC ENTRIESCDTGCAT.VSAM10B) ALL //VOL1 Figure 24 CPart 1 of 2). 130 File Control Table Example - VSAM Alternate Index CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHFCT Examples //RVSAMIOB EXEC PGM=IDCAMS PUT RECORDS FROM DATA SET ISAM4 INTO BASE DATA SET VSAMIOB DSN=TESTDATA.ISAM4,DISP=SHR,DCB=(DSORG=IS) DSN=DTGCAT.VSAMIOB,DISP=OLD SYSOUT=A * //INDSETl DD //VSDSETl DD //SYSPRINT DD //SYSIN DD * REPRO INFILE(INDSET1) OUTFILE(VSDSET1) IF MAXCC=O THEN PRINT INFILE(VSDSET1) HEX //DVSAMIOA EXEC PGM=IDCAMS DEFINE ALTERNATE INDEX PATH VSAMIOP * //VOLl DD VOL=SER=TST140,UNIT=3330,DISP=OLD //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A //SYSIN DD * DEFINE ALTERNATEINDEXCNAMECDTGCAT.VSAMIOA) FREESPACEC20,lO) KEYS(lO,31) RECORDSCSOO,SO) RECORDSIZEC30,70) RELATECDTGCAT.VSAMIOB NOUNIQUEKEY UPGRADE SHAREOPTIONS(2) VOLUMESCTST140» DEFINE PATHCNAMECDTGCAT.VSAM10P) PATHENTRYCDTGCAT.VSAM10A» //BVSAMIOA EXEC PGM=IDCAMS CREATE ENTRIES IN ALTERNATE INDEX PATH VSAM10P * //VOL1 DD VOL=SER=TST140,UNIT=3330,DISP=OLD //BDSETl DD DSN=DTGCAT.VSAMIOB,DISP=OLD //ADSETl DD DSN=DTGCAT.VSAMIOA,DISP=OLD //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A //SYSIN DD * BLDINDEX INFILECBDSET1) OUTFILECADSET1) // DFHFCT TYPE=INITIAL DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET, DEFINE ALTERNATE INDEX PATH VSAM10P DATASET=VSAM10P, BASE=VSAMIOB, REQUIRED FOR CICS/OS/VS ONLY ACCMETH=VSAM, SERVREQ=CGET,BROWSE), RECFORM=CFIXED,BLOCKED), STRNO=S, FILSTAT=CLOSED DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET, DEFINE BASE DATA SET VSAM10B DATASET=VSAMIOB, ACCMETH=VSAM, SERVREQ=CGET,PUT,NEWREC,BROWSE,DELETE), RECFORM=(FIXED,BLOCKED), STRNO=S DFHFCT TYPE=FINAL Figure 24 CPart 2 of 2). * * * * * * * * * * * File Control Table Example - VSAM Alternate Index Chapter 3.6. FCT - File Control Table 131 DFHFCT Requ;red Entry REQUIRED ENTRY IN FILE CONTROL TABLE The following FCT entry is a sample of that required to define the CICS system definition (CSD) file to your CICS system: DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET,DATASET=DFHCSD,ACCMETH=(VSAM,KSDS), SERVREQ=(GET,PUT,UPDATE,NEWREC,BROWSE,DELETE), RECFORM=(VARIABLE,BLOCKED),BUFND=3,BUFNI=2,STRNO=2, OPEN=DEFERRED,LOG=NO * * * You can vary the above FCT specification in several ways. FCT Parameter Descr;pt;on TYPE=DATASET DATASET=DFHCSD ACCMETH=(VSAM,KSDS) SERVREQ= Must be as sample. Must be as sample. Must be as sample. May be varied to limit access to the CSD file. For instance, removal of PUT, UPDATE, NEWREC, and DELETE keywords would result in a read-only CSD file definition. RECFORM=(VARIABLE,BLOCKED) Must be as sample. BUFND= ) May be varied in accordance with ) earlier explanations, and in conjunction BUFNI= ) with STRNO. STRNO= Must not be less than 2 for the CSD file. May be increased to allow more than one concurrent CEDA user. Insufficient STRNO value will be diagnosed by CEDA. OPEN= DEFERRED is recommended, in which case the CSD file is opened for read-only access at CICS cold start, and as specified by the FCT entry at all other times. If DEFERRED is not specified, the CSD file is opened with access as specified by your FCT entry even though it may not be required by a CICS cold start. Must be as sample. The CSD file is not a LOG=NO CICS-recoverable file. Refer also to DFHXFCTR in SAMPLIB for information about the required entry in the FCT. For more information on the CSD file, refer to the appropriate CICS/VS Installation and Operations Guide. 132 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHJCT Chapter 3.7. JeT - Journal Control Table PURPOSE The journal control table (JCT) is the means by which you describe the system log and user journals and their characteristics to CICS for access through journal management. The JCT contains control informatio and operating system control blocks describing each journal. For VSE, the appropriate IOCS modules are assembled in the JCT. CONSIDERATIONS The following considers some of the factors involved in creating a JCT, including specifying devices and buffer size. Journal Dev;ces A journal may reside on tape or disk and may occupy either one or two tape drives or disk extents. On MVS/SE2 systems, the SMF data set may be used for user journals (see "System Management Facility (SMF)" in this section). This is specified through the JTYPE keyword of the DFHJCT TYPE=ENTRY macro instruction. The greater speed with which data can be written to tape should be considered in selecting the device to be used. This is especially significant when a disk drive contains other data sets that may be used concurrently with journaling or when you specify synchronous journal operations. Tape is also the better choice when journaled data is to be retained for a length of time. Standard user-labeled tape volumes can be used for system log and user journal data sets. Journal tapes are normally rewound and unloaded at end-of-volume or when the journal is closed. If two tape drives are assigned to a journal, the device is automatically switched at end-of-volume. Journal extents on disk are reused when filled. If two extents are specified, the system switches back and forth between them. If JOUROPT=PAUSE is specified through the DFHJCT TYPE=ENTRY macro instruction, an extent will not start to be reused until the console operator allows it. This protects the data until the operator verifies that it is no longer needed; the operator may wish to dump the data to tape or process it in some other way before it is destroyed. All disk extents for journal data sets must be preformatted prior to use in a CICS execution. After formatting, extents can be reused for successive CICS executions. See the CICS/VS Installation and Operations Guide for more information. When disk journal data sets are opened at system initialization, the pointers are positioned so that output will continue immediately after the last record written to the journal. For a DL/I data base, CICS starts logging at the start of extent A on a cold or warm start, and 'at the start of extent X on an emergency restart. Chapter 3.7. JCT - Journal Control Table 133 : ;. /"" '~r: I \,.. ..I, ~".' • ,,". I f~~CT' ~ . ,! .• ,~~. ~~f.;.:~, .~" 't '!~.""'~', l DFHJCT Buffer S;ze Journal records are blocked variable-length records. CICS writes a block label record as the first record of each block and adds a system prefix to each journal record written. The buffer size is specified by the BUFSIZE operand of the DFHJCT TYPE=ENTRY macro instruction. The minimum buffer size is the sum of the following: o I· • 42 bytes for the block length field and the block label record. 30 bytes for the record length field and the common root of the system prefix, plus the length of the variable portion of the system prefix. Sufficient space to satisfy the largest journal output request made through the journal control request, including: The length of the user prefix (plus 2 bytes) if specified by the PFXlGTH operand in the journal control output request. The length of the journal record as specified by the JCDlGTH operand in the journal control output request. The maximum buffer size is 32767 for tape or the track capacity of the device for disk. Other factors that need to be considered in selecting buffer size include: • The amount of logging being done for File Control files. File Control makes both synchronous and asynchronous journal requests without specifying STARTID. In a tightly loaded system, large journal buffers can delay tasks because the buffers are not being written out often enough. • If Dl/I logging is being done through CICS journaling, the minimum buffer size that can be specified is 1100 bytes for CICS/OS/VS. o The volume of records to be written. o The lengths of the records. o The percentage of synchronous requests. (When a synchronous request is made, the record is moved to the output area and the block is written regardless of its length. Control is not returned to the program that issued the journal output request until the data is recorded on the journal device.) • The advantage of allowing space in the buffer for additional blocks to be built while asynchronous blocks are being written. • If activity keypointing is specified, the TCA keypoint record will include all TCAs eligible to be keypointed. Each TCA entry will be 18 bytes in length. The following statistics are gathered for each journal to assist in tuning: • The number of output requests made. • The number of blocks written. • The average length of blocks written. • The number of times the buffer was full and a block had to be written before the next record could be moved to the buffer. • The number of occurrences of buffer shift-up. 134 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHJCT Buffer shift-up is used by journal co~trol to maximize free space in a journal buffer. This allows a smaller buffer to be used without impacting response time, and results in shorter output blocks while adding a small processing overhead for buffer reorganization. Normally, records ara added to a variablo-longth blocl< until thoro is insufficient free~ space in the buffer for the record or until a block is forced out by a synchronous request. However, when journal control uses buffer shift-up, the writing of a block may begin when the block is filled to the buffer shift-up value. For purpose of illustration, assume the following specifications and events: The buffer size is 1800 bytes, the buffer shift-up value is 1200 and no synchronous output requests are made. Records are moved to the buffer until 1140 bytes are used. The next record for this journal occupies 80 bytes, including its prefix. The record is moved to the buffer and a write operation is initiated for that block because the buffer shift-up value is reached. The next block is initiated by building its block label record beginning in the 1221st byte of the buffer. Control is then returned to the requesting program. This journal is able to add records to the next block until output event completion time for the previous block. At that time, the second block in the buffer is shifted-up, that is, it is moved so that it begins in the first byte of the buffer. If the buffer is filled before completion of the previous write event, further tasks will have to wait until the buffer is shifted-up. The buffer shift-up value is specified initiallY by the BUFSUV operand in DFHJCT TYPE=ENTRY. The maximum value for this operand, and the default, is the value specified by the BUFSIZE operand. The actual shift-up value is varied dynamically (in the absence of synchronous requests) over the range from zero to the initial value, in order to make the I/O rate approach one block per half-second. It is suggested that you initially specify a shift-up value in the range of 50 to 75 percent of the buffer size. The statistics described above should be considered for tuning aids. There is no minimum for the buffer shift-up value, but it is unlikely that you would specify a value less than 50 percent of the buffer size unless your intent is to have a large buffer to allow for exceptional circumstances and yet write short journal blocks. However, there is no guarantee that all blocks will be short. If asynchronous writes are being made to a journal file, and if one block is being written because the block size value has reached the value in BUFSUV, the next block will have records added to it until the last (510) has completed. This could result in the next block containing more records than are implied by the BUFSUV operand. Each journal task acquires space for a TCA, a JCA, and the specified buffer size at the time it is created during system initialization. The TCA has a TWA length of zero. The JCA is 128 bytes in length. You should do the following to minimize the paging of these areas: • Specify CLASS=LONG for the journal task's entry, transaction CSJC, in the program control table. Note: This option is not supported by the system programming interface. • Calculate BUFSIZE such that the total area acquired for the task, TCA plus JCA plus BUFSIZE, equals, or is a multiple of, the virtual storage page size for your system. system Hanagement Facility (SMFl CICS user journals that are used for output only (except the system log) can optionally use the System Management Facility (SMF) 110 type record and the SMF dataset to record data instead of tapes and disks. To do this, you will need to create the necessary Journal Control Table (JCT) entries by specifying FORMAT=SMF ~nd JTYPE=SMF on the DFHJCT TYPE=ENTRY macro instruction. If you are using SMF journals, the CICS SVC must have been installed on an MVS system. Chapter 3.7. JCT - Journal Control Table 135 DFHJCT TYPE=ENTRY ELEMENTS OF DFHJCT The following macro instructions Bre available to define the file control table entries: • • • Control Section - DFHJCT TYPE=IHITIAL Journal Entries - DFHJCT TYPE=EHTRY End of Journal Control Table - DFHJCT TYPE=FIHAL. CONTROL SECTION - DFHJCT TYPE=INITIAL The control section into which the JCT is assembled is established by the DFHJCT TYPE=INITIAl macro instruction. This macro instruction must be coded as the first statement in the source deck used to assemble the journal control table. DFHJCT TYPE=INITIAL [,SUFFIX=xx] (See note) (See note) Note: See the first page of Part 3. JOURNAL ENTRIES - DFHJCT TYPE=ENTRY Each journal referred to during CICS execution must have a JCT entry as generated by the DFHJCT TYPE=EHTRY macro instruction. DFHJCT TYPE=ENTRY ,JFILEID={SYSTEMlnn} ,BUFSIZE=nnnnn [,BUFSUV=nnnnn] [,FORMAT=SMF] [,JOUROPT=([CRUCIAl][,IHPUT][,PAUSE][,RETRY])] [,JTYPE={TAPEIITAPE2IDISKIIDISK2ISMF}] [,OPEH={INITIALIDEFERRED}] [,RSL={Q\number PUBLIC}] [,SYSWAIT={STARTIOIASIS}] CICS/OS/VS Only [,lABEl={HO/STANDARD}] [,lAYOUT={LINEAR/CYCLIC}] [,VOLCHT=numberJ CICS/DOS/VS Only [,DEVADDR=(SYSnnn[,SYSmmm])] TYPE=ENTRY indicates that an entry is to be generated in this table. JFIlEID={SYSTEMlnnl Code this with the journal identification for this entry. SYSTEM Code this if the journal being defined is the CICS system log. This log is required if CICS is to perform automatic logging of changes to CICS resources to support the emergency restart facility. 136 CICS,VS Resource Definition Guide DFHJCT TYPE=ENTRY The CICS system log must have an associated BUFSIZE value of at least 1100 bytes if DL/I is used in CICS/OS/VS. Note: 7-track tape drives in convert mode are not supported for the system log device. nn A decimal number between 2 and 99 that identifies the journal ID to be used. BUFSIZE=nnnnn Code this with a decimal number indicating the number of bytes to be used as a buffer for journal I/O operations. The minimum is 72. The maximum is 32767 for tape, the maximum track capacity for CKD disk devices, and 32761 for FBA devices. For CICS/OS/VS, BUFSIZE must be the same value as the DCB BLKSIZE, and for DL/I logging, the minimum buffer size is 1100 bytes. For a journal being defined for use by the CICS Monitoring Facilities, the BUFSIZE value specified must be large enough to contain a 68-byte block header and the largest buffer for the monitoring classes that are to be recorded on the journal. BUFSIZE has to be 68 bytes larger than the 2K-byte multiple value for MAXBUF coded in the DFHMCT TYPE=RECORD macro instruction. BUFSUV=nnnnn Code this with a decimal number to be used as a buffer shift-up value. The value must not be greater than the value specified for BUFSIZE. The default is the BUFSIZE value. See the CICS/VS Performance Guide for a description of the buffer shift-up technique. For an SMF-format journal, the BUFSUV value should be between one-half and two-thirds of the value of BUFSIZE. FORMAT=SMF Code this if journal records will be written in SMF format. It must be coded for journals used for the CICS Monitoring Facilities. JOUROPT=([CRUCIAL][,INPUT][,PAUSE][,RETRY]) Code this with the journaling option or options that are to apply to the journal represented by this entry. CRUCIAL CRUCIAL will cause CICS to abend if the log is inaccessible, probably because of a permanent I/O error that makes the log unreadable. Consequently, it may not be possible to correctly recover all resources, and abending CICS will make matters worse. An alternative and preferable procedure is to not specify CRUCIAL, in which case the operator is notified with a DFH4513 message, and CICS continues. The operator should perform a non-immediate shutdown of CICS, but before starting it again with a new log, should backup recoverable resources so the backups will be properly synchronized with the new log. INPUT Input operations are to be accepted for this journal. INPUT indicates that the journal may be read during CICS execution. An attempt to open for input a journal that does not have this option specified will return an invalid request indication. This option must be coded if emergency restart or dynamic transaction backout is required. This option is not valid if JTYPE=SMF is coded. Chapter 3.7. JCT - Journal Control Table 137 DFHJCT TYPE=ENTRY PAUSE RETRY Volume switching is required for a disk journal, and a message is to be sent to the console operator asking when this switch may proceed. If this option is not coded, the other extent will automatically be reused, thus overwriting the previous journal records. For more information on volume switching and the PAUSE option see the CICS/VS Installation and Operations Guide. Output I/O errors are to be retried automatically on a new output volume before taking the action indicated by the CRUCIAL option. RETRY indicates that if an I/O error is detected on output, journal control is to close the current volume (tape reel or disk extent), switch volumes, and try to write the block on the other volume. If the retry also fails (or if RETRY is not specified) a permanent I/O error condition will exist. JTYPE=(TAPE1ITAPE2IDISK1IDISK2ISMFl Code this with the type of journal being defined. TAPE1 TAPE2 DISK1 DISK2 A journal on one tape drive. A journal on two tape drives. A journal on disk that has one extent to be reused when full. A journal on disk that has two extents to be used alternately. Note: New DASD devices are supported by coding JTYPE=DISKIIDISK2. SMF For MVS,SE2 only, information used by the CICS monitoring facility will be sent to SMF (system management facilities) data sets, provided that the FORMAT=SMF operand is coded. Otherwise journal records will still go to non-SMF data sets. OPEN=(INITIALIDEFERREDl Code this if this journal is not to be opened by system initialization. INITIAL The journal is to be opened for output by system initialization. DEFERRED May be used for journals opened by transactions that are executing under CICS or by programs that are specified in the program list table (PLT). Note: The journal may be opened at any time in the run, either by an application program or by CEMT JOURNAL OPEN. 138 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHJCT TYPE=ENTRV RSL=(~lnumberIPUBLICl Code this with the security level to be associated with this resource (the journal). This operand is used when an EXEC command is executed within a transaction that has been defined with RSLCCYES), and the command is attempting to reference this resource. number A number (in the range 1 to 24) of the security level. PUBLIC Any transaction is allowed access to the journal. SYSWAIT=(STARTIOIASISl Code this if I/O is to be initiated immediately on synchronizing requests, namely PUT, CWRITE,WAIT), or WAIT, to this journal from CICS management modules. Hote that this operand has no effect on user journaling requests. STARTIO I/O is to be initiated immediately on synchronizing requests from CICS management modules to the journal. This option has the same effect as STARTIO=YES coded on all such requests. ASIS The option coded in the STARTIO I cx An entry, for each transaction list table generated by you with the DFHXLT macro instruction. DFHZHAC DFHZNEP VT Af'l Hode abnormal condition program. Hode error program linked to by DFHZHAC. This is either the interface module generated by the DFHZHEPI macro instruction, or the only user-written node error program. DFHZRLG RESPLOG Response logging program. Chapter 3.12. Required for VTAM. PPT - Processing Program Table 205 DFHPPT Requ;red Entries PROGRAM NAME FUNCTION GROUP USAGE DFHZRSP RES END Resend program. Required for VTAM support if message resynchronization requires retransmission of any in-doubt committed output message (see the CICS/VS Recovery and Restart Guide). Userspecified name User-written program to edit input data and transfer control to the appropriate transaction. Userspecified name The names of any recovery programs from the system recovery table. Userspecified name An entry is required for each map set name for for input and output basic mapping support operations. The RELOAD=YES option of the PPT must not be used with BMS maps. Userspecified name An entry is required for each user node error program as specified by the DFHZNEP module generated by the DFHZNEPI macro instruction. The following entries are required if the PL/I Optimizer-supplied PL/I-CICS support is to be installed. See the PL/I Optimizing Compiler: Installation manual for details. IBMBCCLA, IBMBETOA, IBMFESNA, IBMFPGDA, IBMBCCRA, IBMBETPA, IBMFKCSA, IBMFPMRA, IBMBEOCA, IBMBETAA, IBMBETBA, IBMBETCA, IBMBETIA, IBMBETQA, IBMBETTA, IBMDCCRA, IBMFEFCA, IBMFESMA, IBMFKMRA, IBMFKPTA, IBMFKTBA, IBMFKTCA, IBMFKTRA, IBMFSTVA. These entries may be generated as a functional group through the FN=PL/I operand of DFHPPT TYPE=GROUP. Records to define such entries are provided as part of the PL/I installation information. DLZHLPI, the language definition table for DL/I HLPI language, is required if EDF is to be used with applications containing EXEC DLI commands. DFSHLPI is required for CICS/OS/VS EXEC DLI support. only, DFSHLPI is provided in function group DLI. 206 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide For CICS 1.6.1 DFHSIT Chapter 3.13. SIT - System Initialization Table PURPOSE The initialization of CICS is both flexible and dynamic. Flexibility at the time of initialization is provided by the system initialization table (SIT). The contents of the SIT macro instruction, which is assembled as a table, supplies the system initialization program with the information to initialize the system to suit your unique environment. During the initialization process, you are given opportunities to change most of the parameters dynamically, as required. You can also generate more than one SIT, and select the appropriate one at the time of initialization. The information contained in DFHSIT can be grouped into three categories: • Information used to initialize and control system functions (for example, storage cushion size, partition/region exit time interval, and so on). o Module suffixes used to load the user-specified version of the CICS control modules and tables (for example, DFHFCTxx, DFHFCPxx, and so on). • Special information used to control the initialization process. DFHSIT TYPE={CSECTIDSECT}] [,AKPFREQ={1Idecimal-value}] [,ALT={HOlxx YES}] [,AMXT={MXT-valueldecimal-value}] [,APPLID={DBDCCICSlname}] [,ATP=([{HOIYES}],[{COLDIWARM}])] [,ATPIHS={lOOOlnumber}] [,ATPOUTS={lOOOlnumber}] [,ATPMB={MXT-lldecimal-value}] [,ATPMT={l number}] [,BFP={YES xxIHO}] [,BMS=({HO YESlxx}[,{WARMICOLD}])[,{UHALIGNIAlIGH}] (,{DDSIHODDS}]] [,CMP={HOIYES}] [,CMXT=([Vl][,V2] .... [,VlO])] [,CSA=([{YESlxx}],[{COlDIWARM}])] [,DATFORM={MMDDYYIDDMMYYiYYMMDD}] [,DBP={HOlxx/YES}] [,DBUFSZ={ 5OO lnnnnn}] [,DCP={YESlxx HO}] [,DCT=([{YESlxx/HO}],[{COLDIWARM}])] [,DIP=[{HOIYESlxx}] [,{DLIIDLl}={NOIYESlxx},[COLD]] [,DSB={YESlxx}] [~EXEC={YESINO}] [,EXITS={HO YES}] [,EXTSEC={HOIYES}] [,FCP={YESTXx}] [,FCT=([{YESlxxINO}],[{COLDIWARM}])] [,FDP=([xx]{[,FORMAT][,PARTN]}I[,FULl]I[,HO] [,SHAPI,PDUMP])] [,FLDSEP={'bbbb'I'xxxx'}] [,FLDSTRT={'n'I'character'}] Chapter 3.13. SIT - System Initialization Table 207 DFHSIT DFHSIT (continued) [,GRPLIST=name] [,ICP=([{YESlxx}],[{COlDIWARM}])] [,ICV={lOOOldecimal-value}] [,ICVR={SOOOldecimal-value}] [,ICVS={20000Idecimal-valuel] [,ICVTSD=[decimal-value]l [,IIP={YESlxx}] [,IRCSTRT={NOIYES}] [,ISC={NOIYES xx}] [,JCP={YES xx}] [,JCT={YES xxi NO}] [,KCP={YES xx}] [,KPP={YES xxi NO}] [,MCP={YES xx}] [,MCT={NOIYESlxx}] [,MONITOR=([ACC][,PER][,EXC])] [,MSGlVl={112IU}] [,MXT={2Idecimal-value}) [,M32={YESlxx}] [,NlT={NOlxxIYES}] [.PBP:{YES!XX}} [,PCP={YES xx}] [,PCT={YES xxi NO}] [,PGCHAIN=characterCs)] [,PGCOPY=character(s)] [,PGPURGE=characterCs)] [,PGRET=characterCs)] [,PGSIZE={204814096}] [,{PL1IPlI}={NOIYES}] ['PLTPI={NOIX~YES}] [,PLTSD={NO xx YES}] [,PPT={YE~xxINO}] [,PRGDlAY=hhmm] [,PRINT={NOIYESIPA1IPA2IPA3}] [.RLR:{YEllXX}] [,SCP={YES xx}] [,SCS={SOO decimal-value}] [,SIMODS={CAlzBlzClzDlzE1zF1zG1zHlzIlzJl)1 [ (phase, ... )}] [,SKRxxxx='page-retrieval-command'] [,SRP={YESlxx}] [,SRT={YES xxi NO}] [,START={AUTO COLD}] [,STARTER=YES] [,SUFFIX=xx] [,SVD={QlnnIYESINO}] r,TBP={YESlxx}] [,TCP={YES xxINO}] [,TCT=([{YESlxx}],[{COLDIWARMl)] [,TDP={YESlxx}] (CICS (CICS [. TDP: ({YES! xx} [,{3 decimal-value-1}] [,{3 decimal-value-2}])] [,TPP={YESTxx}] [,TRP=([{YESlxx}],[{ONIOFFIAUX}] [,TRT={Qldecimal-value}] [,TSMGSET={4Inumber}] [,TSP=([{YES xxINO}],[{COlDIWARM})) (CICS (CICS [.TSP:C{YESIXXINO)[.{COLDIWARM1] [,to Jldecimal-value-l}] [,{3 decimal-value-2}])] [,TST={NOIYESlxx}] [,WRKAREA={S12Inumber}] [.XLT:(NO!xxIYES [,XSP={NO YESlxx}] [,XTP={NO YES xx}] 208 )] CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide (See note) 1.6.0 only) 1.6.1 only) 1.6.0 only) 1.6.1 only) DFHSIT DFHSIT (continued) [,Z:P={YESlxx}] [,ZCP=({YESlxx}[,{NOHPOIHPO}])] (eleS 1.6.0 only) (CICS 1.6.1 only) CICS/DOS/VS Only [,FERS={YESINOIALL}] [,ICVSWT={1Qldecimal-value}] CICS/OS/VS Only [,CICSSVC={216Inumber}] [,DDIR={YESlxx}] [,DLDBRC={YESINO}] [,DLIRLM={YES nameINO}] [,DLLPA={HOIYES}] [,OLMON={NO YES}] [,OLTHREO={lldecimal-number}] [,DLXCPVR={NOIYES}] [,DMBPL={ilnumber}] [,ENQPL={2 number}] [,IocP={QTnumber}] [, LPA= HW YES}] [,OSCOR={8192Idecimal-value}] [,PDIR={VESlxx}] r,PISCHD={NOIYES}] [,PISCHD={NO YES}] [,PLISHRE={NOIVES}] [,PSB={CICSPSBlname}] [,PSBPL={ilnumber}] [,SRBSVC={215Inumber}] [,VSP={NOIYES}] [,XPSB={CICSPSBlname}] [,XTRAN={CICSTRNlname}] (eleS 1.6.1 only) (CICS 1.6.1 only) (eleS 1.6.1 only) (CleS 1.6.0 only) (CICS 1.6.1 only) (CleS 1.6.1 only) Note: See the first page of Part 3. Notes: 1. When the dummy version of a module is to be included in the SIT (either while generating OFHSIT or in the override parameters during start-up time), "Module name" =NO and not "Module name" =DY must be coded, unless the function to be dummied has an associated table. If it does, "Table name" =NO must be coded and nothing need be coded for "Module name." Example without table: Example with table: 2. KPP=NO or DCP=NO FCT=NO or DCT=NO The following parameter descriptions apply to the modules that contain a reference to Note 2. The operand indicates that a suffixed version or a dummy module can be loaded. xx YES indicates the one- or two-character suffix that is to be appended to the standard name before loading the CICS nucleus. For example, KCP=B1 causes the DFHKCPB1 task control module to be included in the CICS nucleus. . An unsuffixed version of the program, module, or table will be loaded. Chapter 3.13. SIT - System Initialization Table 209 DFHSIT NO A dummy module is to be loaded. For example, FCT=NO, SRT=NO, JCT=NO, and DCT=NO causes a dummy FCP, a dummy SRP, a dummy JCP, and a dummy TDP to be loaded, respectively. When the suffix option is specified with other parameters, the two parameters must be enclosed within parentheses: for example, DCT=(xx,WARM). For CICS/DOS/VS, the supplied pregenerated versions of CICS modules are described in the CICS/DOS/VS Installation and Operations Guide. You should use that information to select the suffix corresponding to the function required. 3. The following parameter descriptions apply to the modules that contain a reference to Note 3. The operand specifies the type of start that the system initialization program will make for that facility. The default is the option specified in the START operand. COLD WARM A cold start. A warm start. Note: Individual facilities may differ from the value specified in the START parameter when keypointing is used or when the appropriate tables are loaded from the keypoint data set. For example: START=COlD and FCT=(Ol,WARM). In this case the FCT would be warm started, while the default for the facilities not specified is a cold start. TYPE={CSECTIDSECTJ indicates the type of SIT to be generated. CSECT -----A regular control section and is normally used. DSECT A dummy control section. If you code modified or additional system initialization modules, a DSECT may be required to provide symbolic addressability to values in the table. AKPFREQ={Qldecimal-valueJ Code this with the number of times that activity keypoints are to be taken. If AKPFREQ=O (the default) is coded, no activity keypoints will be taken and subsequent emergency restart will not be possible. If AKPFREQ is a value other than zero, it specifies the number of consecutive blocks written by DFHJCP to the system log data set that will trigger the activity keypoint function. If AKPFREQ is non-zero, the minimum value that can be coded is 200 and the maximum value is 65535. Note: If a value other than zero is specified, the CICS system must support activity keypointing (that is, the CSKP transaction and DFHAKP program must be defined). For more information see the CICS/VS Recovery and Restart Guide. ALT={NOlxxIYESJ Code this if an application load table is to be used to control the load order of resident application programs. The PPT, not the AlT, will be used to determine the load order of resident application programs. 210 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHSIT XlC \ " YES A one- or two-character suffix that specifies which appl;cation load table is to be used. The load order specified in the ALT will be used. AMXT=[MXT-valueldecim~l-valueJ Due to resource constraints (for example, size of storage) it is necessary to limit the number of tasks within the CICS system. This is done via the MXT operand. To optimize performance it is possible to further restrict the number of tasks that CICS will consider for dispatching at any given moment. This is done via the AMXT operand. For example, if MXT=10 and AMXT=5, there could be 10 tasks within the system, but CICS will only consider dispatching 5 of them. This has the effect of reducing the working set size (the range of storage addresses being currently referenced) which may reduce system paging. There are two chains of tasks in CICS, the active chain and the suspend chain. Hew tasks go onto the active chain but are considered to be outside the group of tasks that CICS will dispatch (the number of tasks in this group equals the AMXT value). A task logically moves into the group only when the number of tasks in the group is below the AMXT value. Once in the group, the task stays there until such time as either it gets suspended, or it terminates. Tasks get suspended (that is, moved to the suspend chain) when they are likely to be waiting for a relatively long time (for example, when terminal I/O is involved). They get moved back to the active chain when the event they were waiting for happens, but they are once again considered to be outside the group that CICS will dispatch. As before, they are logically moved back into the group by the dispatcher when it finds that the number already in the group is below the AMXT value. Note: Journal control tasks and the terminal control task are not subject to the AMXT restriction due to the nature of their function, and should not be allowed for in the AMXT value. The range is 1 to 999. The default value for the number of maximum active tasks is equal to the maximum task value specified in the MXT operand. This parameter is especially useful in a conversational CICS environment where the maximum task value (in the MXT operand) is not an effective tuning tool, and would normally be set higher than the number of concurrent tasks the system is capable of servicing effectively. The maximum active task value can be used by the conversational CICS environment to control the load on CICS without limiting the number of terminals in use. If the ma)cimum active task value is set too low in an environment where tasks can wait for the completion of events being processed by other tasks, a lock-out can occur. It occurs mostly when one task attaches another and then waits for the completion of an event processed by the new task. The new task may be locked-out from running because of the presence of enough tasks of the first type to equal the maximum active task number. The user can prevent this condition by using a sufficiently high maximum active task value (AMXT) and/or a class maximum task value (CMXT), that is lower than the ma>cimum active task value, on tasks that wait for events from other tasks. If a stall condition occurs while CICS is at the AMXT limit, the AMXT value will be temporarily increased to allow other tasks to be dispatched. This action is taken on the assumption that it may relieve an interlock situation. Chapter 3.13. SIT - System Initialization Table 211 DFHSIT APPLID={DBDCCICslnameJ Code this with a one- to eight-character application name of the CICS system. If this operand is not coded in DFHSIT, DFHTCT TYPE=INITIAL, or as a system initialization override, APPLID will default to DBDCCICS. It is used as the ACF/VTAM APPLID and is also the name by which the CICS system is known to other CICS systems, including the batch system (for DL/I shared data base support in CICS/OS/VS). The name specified in this opera;)d must also be used in the NETHAME operand in DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM or DFHTCT TYPE=TERMIHAL for the remote system or region when CICS intercommunication facilities are being used. The name specified must match the label specified in the ACF/VTAM VBUILD TYPE=APPL definition. This is the globally known name in the network. If an ACBNAME is coded, this may be used as the name by which logical units in the same domain logon to CICS, however, CICS has no knowledge of this name. ATP=({NOIYESJ,{COLDIWARMJl Code this if the asynchronous transaction processing facility (ATP) is to be supported. ATP support is not required. YES COLD WARM ATP support is required. A cold start. A warm start. ATPINS={lOOOlnumberJ Code this with the size (in bytes) of the input buffer used by the asynchronous transaction input processing programs. The value specified must riot exceed the full track capacity for the device being used, or, in the case of CICS/OS/VS, must not exceed the block size specified on the intrapartition data set data definition (DD) card at startup time. ATPOUTS={lOOOlnumberJ Code this with the size (in bytes) of the output buffer used by the asynchronous transaction control program. The value specified must not exceed the full track capacity for the device being used, or, in the case of CICS/OS/VS, must not exceed the block size specified on the intrapartition data set data definition (DD) card at startup time. ATPMB={MXT-llnumberJ Code this as a decimal value with the asynchronous task inhibitor value. When the number of active tasks (both synchronous and asynchronous) reaches this level, the asynchronous transaction processing control program (DFHATP) does not initiate any new asynchronous tasks, even though the number of asynchronous tasks currently active is less than the value s~ecified in the ATPMT operand. Thus, even though no asynchronous tasks are active, none are initiated if the total of all other active tasks has reached the level specified in this operand. The default value is equal to one less than the value specified in the MXT operand. The range is 1 to 998. ATPMB must be less than MXT. ATPMT={llnumberJ Code .this as a decimal value with the maximum number of asynchronous tasks that can be initiated concurrently within CICS by the asynchronous transaction processing control program (DFHATP). When the number of active asynchronous tasks reaches this level, no new asynchronous tasks are initiated by DFHATP. The range is 1 to 998. ATPMT must be less than or equal to ATPMB. 212 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHSIT BFP={VESlxxINO} built-in functions program suffix - see Note 2 at the beginning of the description of this macro instruction. BHS=({NOIVESlxx}[,{WARMICOLD}])[,{UNALIGNIALIGN}][,{DDSINODDS}] Code this if basic mapping support is to be included. This operand determines whether the BMS modules will be loaded. The BMS modules (lIP, MCP, M32, PBP, RLR, DSB, and TPP) are individually suffixable. The BMS operand may be overridden during CICS bring-up in the normal way. A dummy basic mapping support module is to be loaded. YES xx Unsuffixed basic mapping support modules will be loaded. A one- or two-character suffix that specifies which BMS module is to be used. See the CICS/VS Installation and Operations Guide for the BMS module suffixes. The functions provided by the MINIMUM, STANDARD, and FULL versions of BMS are described in the CICS/VS Customization Guide. The BMS operand gives all BMS modules the same suffix. You can override that suffix for individual modules by coding other DFHSIT operands after the BMS operand. CICS delivers BMS recoverable messages awaiting delayed delivery during the previous CICS execution to the destination specified by its associated ICE. ICP=WARM and TSP=WARM must also be coded when the system is initialized. COLD CICS deletes delayed messages from temporary storage, and destroys their interval control elements (ICEs). UNALIGN BMS maps assembled before CICS/VS Version 1 Release 6 are unaligned. Results will be unpredictable if the stated alignment does not match the actual alignment. ALIGN BMS maps assembled before CICS/VS Version 1 Release 6 are aligned. , ...... BMS is to load suffixed versions of map sets and partition sets. BMS first tries to load a version that has the alternate suffix (if the transaction uses alternate screensize). If the load fails, BMS tries to load a version that has the default map suffix. If this fails too, BMS tries to load the unsuffixed version. DDS, which stands for "device dependent suffixing", is the default. You need to use map suffixes only if the same transaction is to be run on terminals with different characteristics (in particular, different screen sizes). If you do not use suffixed versions of map sets and partition sets, CICS need not test for them. NODDS BMS is not to load suffixed versions of map sets and partition sets. Specifying NODDS avoids the search for suffixed versions, saving processor time. CICSSVC={216Inumber} CICS 1.6.1 only Specify the number that you have assigned to the CICS type 2 SVC. The default number is 216. Chapter 3.13. SIT - System Initialization Table 213 I'}0 ' ,~ •• I ~ •• ,:. ::"SFF .':, '''', , " ~"':~~~'e•.·: ~ • ". DFHSIT Information on changing the SVC number is given in the CICS/OS/VS Installation and Operations Guide. A CICS type 2 SVC with the specified (or default) number must have been link-edited with the system nucleus. CMP=CNOIYESJ Code this if the CICS Monitoring Facilities are required in this initialization of CICS. CMXT=([Vl][,V2] •••• [,V10]) Code this with the maximum number of tasl ,,,:,:.\, 3601 3614 Pipeline 3767 3790 SESTYPE= 287 . DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL VTAM - DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL Operands for Non-3270 Dev;ces The operands of the DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL macro for non-3270 devices follow. ALTPGE=(!;nes,co!umns) See the description on page 262. ALTPRT=(!abel[,COPY]) See the description on page 262. ALTSCRN=(!;nes,columns) See the description on page 263. ALTSFX=number See the description on page 263. ACCMETH=VTAM Indicates that a VTAM TCTTE is to be created. BMSFEAT=([FMHPARM1[,~OROUTE1[,NOROUTEALL1[,OBFMT][,OBOPID1) Indicates which BMS features will be used for this TCTTE. FMHPARM BMS is to accept user-supplied parameters for inclusion in the FMH built by BMS. The macro instruction should restrict this parameter to 3650 logical units. NOROUTE BMS is not to produce routed data for this terminal. the required specification for 3653 terminals. This is NOROUTEALL BMS is not to include this terminal in the list of terminals to receive data in response to a BMS route request to all devices. This operand is never required, but may be coded for any terminal. OBFMT BMS is to support outboard formatting for this terminal. The macro instruction should restrict this parameter to 3650 logical units that are capable of supporting outboard formatting, and to 8100 Information Systems using the DPPX operating system with DPPX/DPS Version 2 for presentation services. See the CICS/VS IBM 3650/3680 Guide or the DPPX/Distributed Presentation Services Version 2 System Programming Guide for more details. Note: DPPX/DPS Version 2 is defined to CICS for performing outboard formatting as an LU Type2, therefore, specify TRMTYPE=LUTPYE2. OBOPID The outboard operator identifiers will be used by CICS in order to support the BMS routing facilities required for this terminal. This option only applies to the 3790 and 3770 "batch data interchange (SESTYPE=BATCHDI) logical units. Note: BMSFEAT does not apply to the 3790 inquiry logical unit, because there is no BMS support for this type of logical unit. BRACKET=(YESINOJ Code this if bracket protocol is not to be enforced for this logical unit. Bracket protocol is to be enforced. This option is required for the 3790 inquiry and full function logical units. (BRACKET=YES will be forced for all required sessions, including 3270 compatibility mode sessions if not coded 288 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHTCT TVPE=TERMINAL explicitly.) BRACKET=YES must also be coded if any of the interactive logical unit parameters or batch logical unit parameters are coded in the TRMTYPE operand. NO Bracket protocol is not to be enforced. BRACKET=NO must be coded for a 3614 logical unit and the 3650 Host Command Processor (HCP) session. BUFFER=buffer-size Code this with the size of the receive buffer for the logical unit. Buffer size represents the maximum data length that the logical unit can receive, and should be equal to the capability of the appropriate device. However, for devices with large buffers, line quality considerations may dictate a smaller value than the actual buffer size. For further information, see the appropriate hardware component description manual. <"~" ',,' ", ~\ ."," ~'~. If a longer message is presented by an application program to be sent by CICS, it is broken into as many request units as necessary. Each request unit has a maximum length equal to the buffer size specified. This length includes the FMH (if present) in the first request unit of the message. For recovery purposes, the complete message (that is, chain of request units) is treated as the unit of recovery. For 3270 compatibility mode logical units, the recommended buffer size values are: TRMTYPE=SCSPRT TRMTYPE=LUTYPE2 (or TRMTYPE=3790,SESTYPE=3277CM) TRMTYPE=LUTYPE3 (or TRMTYPE=3790,SESTYPE=3284CM) 256 1536 256 The value specified in BUFFER will be transmitted to the connected logical unit. This value may be adjusted slightly by CICS according to the value specified, because the value must be transmitted in an architected form. Thus, the value may be rounded down by CICS before being transmitted. If zero is specified or assumed by default, no chaining takes place. The data sent is the same size as presented to CICS by the application program. CHNASSV={NOIVES} Code this with whether or not chains are to be assembled on input by terminal control before any processing is performed on any part of the chain. CHNASSY=YES will be forced for 3270 display logical units (LUTYPE2). NO YES Any input TIOA received by an application program from this logical unit will contain one request unit (RU). Any input TIOA received by an application program from this logical unit will contain a complete chain. CONNECT=AUTO CICS is to issue a VTAM SIMLOGON macro instruction automaticallY for this logical unit when CICS is initialized. If this operand is not coded, this logical unit will not be logged on to CICS at initialization and must be logged on by: • • • • • The logical unit itself The master terminal operator, by acquiring the logical unit The VTAM network operator VTAM (automatically) via START options Automatic task initiation (ATI). Chapter 3.16. TCT - Terminal Control Table 289 ':, ;, .~':~ ~'lf: G"'T"i '.' '" ;:. ,;~,,,,.,,,,,,,~ ~J~,!~,"~"~~. "'1"11 • . ,.'1 VTAM NON-3270 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL This operand must not be coded for 3790 inquiry logical units. This operand may not be specified for the TWX or TLX via NTO because NTO does not support autocall. Notes: 1. If the VTAM macro has ISTATUS=INACTIVE, the SIMLOGON issued during CICS initialization will fail, and a CEMT SET ACQUIRED command will be required before the logical unit can be used by CICS. 2. If TRMSTAT='OUT OF SERVICE' has been coded, no SIMLOGON during CICS initialization will be issued, and a CEMT SET ACQUIRED will be required after the terminal is put back into service. DEFSCRN=(!;nes,co!umns) See the description on page 265. ERRATT=CNOI([LASTLINE][,INTENSIFY][,CBLUEIREDIPINKIGREENITURQUOISEIYELLOWI ~EUTRALl][,CBLINKIREVERSEIUNDERLINEl])l See the description on page 265. FEATURE=(feature[,feature], ••• ) Code this with the applicable fgatures for LUTYPE 4, 3767, 3770 and 3270 compatibility mode logical units. ASCII-8 Code this in order to communicate with ASCII-8 terminals. Devices configured with the ASCII-8 feature must be LU TYPE 1, 2, or 3 with or without extended 3270 and SCS data stream features, or LU TYPE 4. Any terminal configured with the ASCII-8 option will have all FM data outbound from CICS converted to ASCII-8, and all FM data inbound to CICS converted to EBCDIC. All FM request data will be translated. This will include the AID, cursor addrgss, FM headers and structured fields. Any other form of the RU such as LU status or sense data will be assumed to be in EBCDIC on input and will be transmitted in EBCDIC on output. Note that this ASCII-8 support is intended only for devices which will operate in EBCDIC but will translate or retranslate the data stream to or from ASCII-8 as is done by this CICS support. This is because the data stream is treated as a character string and any binary number fields will be translated byte by byte as though they were graphic characters, thus they may not represent their true value while in ASCII form. KATAKANA Katakana support is required. Katakana terminals do not have a lower case character set, but a Katakana character set instead. When coded for a Katakana terminal, all lower case characters directed to the terminal from the transactions CEDA, CEBR, CECI, CEDF, and CEMT will be translated to upper case. UCTRAN Code this for translation of lowercase data to uppercase in 3767 and 3770 SDLC input data streams. If UCTRAN is coded, the EBCDIC and/or ASCII parameters must also be coded in the UCTRAN operand of the DFHSG PROGRAM=TCP macro instruction. Translation can be overridden by the application program for specific READ requests. 290 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL The following operands also apply to the 3270 compatibility mode logical units. See the descriptions starting on page 266. ASCII-7 ASCII-8 AUDALARM COLOR DCKYBD EXTDS HILIGHT KAT AKANA MSRCNTRL PARTNS PS PTRADAPT SELCTPEN UCTRAN VALIDATION .' , ~,tC:r " . ,.. ,. , I • WI" Note: COPY should not be coded for 3270 compatibility mode logical units, and will be ignored if coded. FF=CNOIYES) Indicates whether the LUTYPE4 logical unit supports forms feed CFF). If FF=YES is coded, BMS will use this character when formatting output documents. For 3270 compatibility mode logical units, see the description on page 269. GMMSG=CNOIYES) Indicates whether the CICS "good morning" sign-on and sign-off message will be displayed when the logical unit is signed on to VTAM. Not~ that if you have used the ERRATT=LASTLINE option on the TCT entry for a 3270 terminal, the "good morning" message will not overwrite the error message line. VTAM The "good morning" message is not required. YES NON·3270 The "good morning" sign-on and sign-off message is to be displayed. This option causes transaction CSGM to be invoked, which runs when the OPNDST exit is successfully completed and a session is established. Note that transaction CSGM is initiated by means of automatic task initiation (ATI) and competes with other ATI-i~itiated transactions for use of the terminal. The terminal must be set to receive or transceive status using the TRMSTAT operand. HF=CNOIYES) Indicates whether the horizontal forms feature is to be supported by the batch, batch data interchange, interactive, or LUTYPE4 logical unit. HF=NO will override the HTAB=(tab, ... ) parameter in the DFHMSD macro instruction. label See the description on page 270. LASTTRM=VTAM Identifies the last VTAM terminal in the TCT. LDC=Cl;stnamel(aat=nnnl,bbt=nnnl,cc[=nnnl, ••• l) This TCTTE points to a list of logical device codes (LDCs). The list specifies which LDCs are valid for this logical unit and, optionally, which device characteristics are valid for each LDC. The first LDC generated in this list is the default when CICS must choose a default LDC for a logical unit. For more information see "Logical Device Codes" on page 299. Chapter 3.16. TCT - Terminal Control Table 291 DFHTCT TYPE=TERHINAL Note: This operand applies only to 3600, 3770 batch, 3770 and 3790 batch data interchange, and LUTYPE4 logical units. l;stname Code this with the name of the local LDC list or extended local LDC list to be associated with this logical unit. (This LDC list is generated by a DFHTCT TYPE=LDCLIST macro instruction or by a series of DFHTCT TYPE=LDC macro instructions for the extended local LDC list.) (aa[=nnnl,bb[=nnnl, ••• ) Generates a local LDC list that applies only to this logical unit. aa,bb, ••• is a list of two-character mnemonic LDCs. If BMS uses these LDC mnemonics, each LDC mnemonic specified must have a corresponding entry in an LDC list created by a DFHTCT TYPE=LDC macro instruction. nnn is a decimal value from 1 through 255 associated with this LDC. If no value is coded, the system default value from the table defined by DFHTCT TYPE=LDC is used. This value need not be specified for batch or LUTYPE4 logical units, but if it is, it must correspond to the device. LDC values for devices attached to batch or LUTYPE4 logical units are listed under the LDC parameter of the DFHTCT TYPE=LDC macro. LOGHODE=name Indicates a logmode name in the logon mode table that has been set up for use by this logical unit. This operand allows you to override the BIND image provided by CICS for the logical unit being generated. For further information, see the appropriate CICS subsystem guide. Note: You can specify LOGMODE=O which will cause a NIB to be built with the options of LOGMODE=O, BNDAREA=O. NETNAHE=tname-spec;f;ed-;n-TRHIDNTlname) Indicates a one- to eight-character symbolic network name for the logical unit as it is known throughout the network. The name is supplied to VTAM system definition and is used to build the node initialization block (NIB) that represents this TCTTE in CICS. When not coded for a VTAM TCTTE, the default is the logical unit's identification padded with 4 blanks. (A non-error MNOTE is issued.) NETNAME must be coded for 3614's. OPERID=operator-;dentificat;on-code Code this with the three-character operator identification code to be used when CICS signs on. Note: This operand (together with OPERPRI, OPERRSL, and OPERSEC) is usually omitted for display terminals. Instead, the operator information is supplied by the sign-on transaction from the sign-on table (SNT). OPERPRI=operator-pr;or;ty-code Code this with the operator priority code to be used when CICS signs on. The code may be any value from 0 through 255. Note: This operand (together with OPERID, OPERRSL, and OPERSEC) is usually omitted for display terminals. Instead, the operator information is supplied by the sign-on transaction from the sign-on table (SNT). 292 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL OPERRSL=(OI(number[, ••• lll \ , Code-this with the resource security level to be set in the TCT for a terminal or link if a sign-on is not to be performed. The resource security level comprises one or more decimal values from 1 through 24. This RSL value is checked with the resource RSL value by transactions that require resource level security checking. Note: This operand (together with OPERID, OPERPRI, and OPERSEC) is usually omitted for display terminals. Instead, the operator information is supplied by the sign-on transaction from the sign-on table (SHT). OPERSEC=(ll(number[, ••• ll 'I" • I "-:-.... " t·i1iErr:, ,,'" : " ~'. I . , Code-this with the security key for this TCTTE if sign-on is not performed by the terminal operator. The security key comprises one or more decimal values from 1 through 64. Notes: 1. In addition to the values specified, a value of 1 will also be generated. 2. For the 3614, the OPERSEC operand allows a signed-on condition for a 3614 logical unit to be generated. The OPERSEC operand must be coded for a 3614 unless the 3614 application program has a security key of 1. 3. If OPERRSL or OPERSEC is specified, the terminal operator will not be allowed to alter these values by performing a sign-on. 4. This operand (together with OPERID, OPERPRI, and OPERRSL) is usually omitted for display terminals. Instead, the operator information is supplied by the sign-on transaction from the sign-on table (SHT). For the 3600 and 3650, the OPERID, OPERSEC, and OPERPRI operands are used to specify the CICS operator sign-on parameters to be used with this .terminal. These operands can only be coded if PIPELINE, 3270, or USERPROG are coded in the SESTYPE operand. The above restrictions are enforced when the CICS terminal control table is created. These operands are not applicable when defining a 3650 host command processor (HCP) logical unit. PGESIZE=(l;nes,columnsl Indicates the default page size for this terminal. Note: BMS uses the page size values when preparing output data streams. The specified number of characters in each line of the page should not exceed the physical line width of the terminal. In the case of hard-copy devices that automatically perform a new-line function on reaching the end of the carriage, the line width specified in the operand should be less than the physical line width. This will ensure that the formatting of the output data is governed entirely by the new-line (NL) characters supplied by BMS or by you, not by new-line functions performed by th~ device itself, which would produce additional lines of output, resulting in a physical page depth greater than that specified in this operand. lines indicates the number of lines in the page. ( \ ,. Chapter 3.16. TCT - Terminal Control Table 293 " rW- l•• , VTAM NON~VO " "d" DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL columns indicates the number of characters in each line. If PGESIZE is not coded, the following defaults will be used: 3653 3650 User Program Terminal (6,30) (3,80) 3767, 3770 Interactive, 3770/3790 Batch Data Interchange, 3770, 3790 Full Function LUs (12,80) LUTYPE4 (50,80) For a VTAM 3600, the PGESIZE specified is used if a BMS page build operation is attempted without specifying a logical device code (LDC). A default device type of 3604 is assumed. If no PGESIZE is coded, the default values of (1,40) are taken for 3600. For 3770, LUTYPE4, or 3790 batch data interchange logical units, the PGESIZE specified is used if a BMS page build operation is requested without specifying a logical device code (LDC). The default device type is the console printer. The default PGESIZE is (12,80). For 3270 compatibility mode logical units, see the description on page 271. PGESTAT=(AUTOPAGElpAGE} Code this with the type of paging activity that may occur at a given terminal. AUTOPAGE All requests to output data to the terminal from the page supervisor are to be paged automatically unless specified otherwise in the BMS requests. When autopaging, the page supervisor writes all pages in a page series to the terminal automaticallY. AUTOPAGE is the default parameter for printers. Requests to write data directly to the terminal are not controlled by the PAGE or AUTOPAGE parameters because the page supervisor is not used for direct output. PAGE All requests to output data to the terminal from the page supervisor are to be paged unless specified otherwise in the BMS requests. When paging, the first page from the paging supervisor is written to the terminal when the terminal becomes available. All subsequent pages in a page series are written to the terminal on request of the terminal operator through the use of BMS paging commands. PAGE is the default for display terminals. The BMS paging commands are described in the CICS/VS Operator's Guide. PIPELN=[LASTIPOOL} This TCTTE is to be used in a 3600 or 3650 pipeline session. Code this if this TCTTE is the last of a pool of 3600 or 3650 pipeline TCTTEs. This option is only applicable when SESTYPE=PIPELINE is coded. This option must be coded for each SESTYPE=PIPELINE if each session is to be a pool of one pipeline session. POOL 294 Code this if this 3600 or 3650 pipeline TCTTE is pooled with other pipeline TCTTEs. This option is only applicable when SESTYPE=PIPELINE is coded and must be coded for each SESTYPE=PIPELINE (except the last in the pool) if the pipeline session is pooled. CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL PRINTTO=(label[,COPY]) See the description on page 272. " RELREQ= ([NO I YES), [NO I YES}) Indicates whether CICS is to release the logical unit, and whether disconnect requests are to be honored. (NO, ••• ) -- CICS is not to release the logical unit upon request by another VTAM application program. ~TC.~ (YES, ••• ) CICS is to release the logical unit, if the logical unit is not currently part of a transaction. "': I ','" • ( ••• ,NO) CICS is not to honor a disconnect request for a VTAM device. ( ••• ,YES) CICS is to honor a disconnect request for a VTAM device, and issue a VTAM CLSDST macro instruction to terminate the VTAM session with that logical unit. In addition, CSSF lOGOFF or GOODNIGHT from the terminal will cause disconnection if YES is coded. RUSIZE=C256Ivalue} Code this with the maximum size of a request unit (RU) that can satisfy a VTAM RECEIVE request. The value specified in RUSIZE will be transmitted to the connected logical unit. This value may be adjusted slightly by CICS according to the value specified, because the value must be transmitted in an architected form. Thus, the value may be rounded down by CICS before being transmitted. SESTYPE=sess;on-type VTAM NON·3270 Indicates the type of session that can be used for a VTAM SNA logical unit. The options are: • • • • • o • • • • PIPElN - for 3600 and 3650 pipeline logical units. 3270 - for 3650 host conversational (3270) logical units. 3653 - for 3560 host conversational (3653) logical units. USERPROG - for 3650 interpreter, 3650 host command processor (HCP), and 3770/3790 full function logical units. BATCHDI - for 3770/3790 batch data interchange logical units. 3277CM - for 3790 devices acting as 3270-compatible display logical units. 3284CM or 3286CM - for 3790 devices acting as 3270-compatible printer logical units. SCSPRT - for 3790 devices acting as SCS printer logical units. INTlU - for TLX and TWX model 33/35 devices acting as LUTYPE1 logical units in flip-flop mode. CONTLU - for TLX and TWX model 33/35 devices acting as LUTYPE1 logical units in contention mode. See the "TRMTYPE and SESTYPE Table" on page 287 for details of the combinations of TRMTYPE/SESTYPE specifications that can be used to generate support for logical units in CICS. TASKNO=number Code this with the number of concurrent tasks allowed to run in a pipeline session or in a pool of pipeline sessions and ;s only applicable when PIPElN=LAST is coded. Chapter 3.16. TCT - Terminal Control Table 295 DFHTCT TYPE=TERHINAL TCTUAL=number Code this with the length, in bytes (0 to 255), of the user area (the process control information field or PCI) for this terminal. It should be made as small as possible. The TCT user area is initialized to zeros at system initialization. TIOAL=tvaluel(valuel,value21) Indicates the terminal input/output area length to be passed to a transaction. value If CHNASSY=NO, "value" specifies the minimum size of the terminal input/output area for a user-requested READ operation that is to be passed to a transaction by the terminal control program. If the size of an input message exceeds the value specified in this operand, the size of the TIOA corresponds to the size of the message. If CHNASSY=YES, "value" is the normal chain size and ~lso the maximum chain size, so specifying the TIOA size. (valuel, value21 If CHNASSY=NO is coded, "value2" is ignored and "value1" is "value" above. If CHNASSY=YES, "value1" is the normal chain size and "value2" is the maximum chain size. If CHNASSY=YES, a TIOA of normal chain size will initiallY be acquired by DFHZCP to satisfy a RECEIVE request. If the normal chain size is not large enough, a larger TIOA will be acquired, and the maximum size of this TIOA will be limited by "value2". Note: If automatic transaction initiation is used, the minimum TIOAL that can be specified is one byte. TRANSID=transact;on-;dent;f;cat;on-code Code this with a one- to four-character transaction code that is to be initiated each time input is received from the terminal when there is no active task. If a TRANSID is not specified in the TCTTE, the TRANSID in a RETURN command from the previous transaction will be used. Otherwise, the first one- to four- characters of the data passed in the TIOA are used as the transaction code. A delimiter is required for transaction identifications of less than four characters. If this operand is coded for a 3790 Communication System, and multiple sessions are used to connect the same 3791, the same transaction code should be specified for all sessions. The TRANSID operand must be coded for 3614 logical units. optional for 3601 logical units. It is TRHIDNT=name Code this with a unique four-character symbolic identification to each terminal. The identification supplied will be left-justified and padded with blanks to four characters if less than four characters are supplied. The name and the destination identification in the destination control table, when applicable to terminal destinations, must be the same. For CICS/OS/VS only, the value CERR is reserved, as this is the identification generated for the error console. TRHHODL=tnumberlcharacter) See the description on page 274. 296 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL TRMPRTY={~lnumber) ~ Establishes the terminal priority. This decimal value (0 through 255) is used in establishing the overall transaction processing priority. (Transaction processing priority is equal to the sum of the terminal priority, transaction priority, and operator priority, not to exceed 255.) TRMSTAT={TRANSACTIONI(status, ••• ) Code this with the types of activity that may occur at a given terminal. This terminal status is initially set in the TCTTE and is a combination of the processing status and the service status. The default is TRMSTAT=TRANSACTION. ! :'TCT . .. ; , •• .... TRANSACTION A terminal with TRANSACTION status is used in the processing of transactions such as inquiries or order entries. A display station or a hard-copy terminal to which no messages are sent without a terminal request and through which transactions are entered is a TRANSACTION terminal. Note: This is the only processing status allowed for 3790 inquiry logical units. INPUT Indicates a terminal that can send messages to, but cannot receive messages from, CICS. Notes: 1. INPUT status is not valid for the 3270 and 3790 inquiry logical units. 2. System messages may be routed to an input terminal under conditions such as invalid transaction identification and ATP batch count. This causes DFHTACP to be scheduled. To handle this situation, you should code a DFHTEP to perform any user required action. See the CICS/VS Recovery and Restart Guide and the CICS/VS Customization Guide. VTAM NON~VO INTLOG Code this for a status that allows internally generated session requests to create a session. During CICS execution, this status can only be generated by a CEMT command. INTLOG allows EXEC START requests and automatic transaction initiation (ATI) requests for this terminal to cause a session to be created automaticallY. NOINTLOG Code this for a status that prevents internally generated session requests from actually creating a session. During CICS execution, this status can only be generated by a CEMT command. NOINTLOG prevents EXEC START requests and automatic transaction initiation (ATI) requests for this terminal causing a session to be created. This means that the requests are either queued or rejected when no session ;s currently established. The specification of CONNECT=AUTO is independent of the status of INTLOG or NOINTLOG. CONNECT=AUTO will cause the session to be created whenever CICS connects to VTAM (OPEN VTAM command). 'OUT OF SERVICE' Indicates a terminal that can neither receive messages nor transmit input. Such terminals are not polled by CICS. The 'OUT OF SERVICE' parameter can be used in combination with any status setting. Chapter 3.16. TCT - Terminal Control Table 297 ~, , I ::, . DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL All terminals except the master terminal can be designated as 'OUT OF SERVICE'. When appropriate, the terminals can be placed in service by the master terminal and polling will be resumed. RECEIVE indicates a terminal to which messages are sent but from which no input is allowed. An example of this type of terminal is one that ;s located in a remote location, such as a warehouse, and is unattended, but may receive messages. Automatic transaction initiation is implemented as for TRANSCEIVE, below. TRANSCEIVE A terminal with TRANSCEIVE status is a TRANSACTION terminal to which messages are sent automatically by you. The automatic transaction initiation, either by transient data control or interval control, sets a condition in an appropriate terminal control table terminal entry. If the terminal status is TRANSCEIVE and if there is no transaction at the terminal, terminal control initiates the user-defined task. This task is expected to send messages to the terminal. Note: If automatic transaction initiation is used, the minimum TIOAl that can be specified is one byte. TRMTYPE Indicates the VTAM SNA terminal type. • • • • o • • • • • • o • • • • • • The options are: 3600 - for 3601 and 3600 pipeline logical units. 3614 - for 3614 logical unit. 3650 - for various 3650 logical units. 3767C - for 3767 interactive (contention) logical unit. 3767 or 37671 - for 3767 interactive (flip-flop) logical unit. 37701 - for 3770 interactive (flip-flop) logical unit. INTlU - interactive (flip-flop) logical unit, same as 3767, 37671, 37701. 3770C - for 3770 interactive (contention) logical unit. 3770 - for 3770 batch, full function, and batch data interchange logical units. 3770B - for 3770 batch and full function logical units. BCHlU - for 3770 batch logical unit. 3790 - for various 3790 logical units. lUTYPE2 - for 3790 3270 display logical unit. lUTYPE3 - for 3790 3270 printer logical unit. SCSPRT - for 3790 SCS printer logical unit. lUTYPE4 - for (U type 4. TlX - for TlX lUI (via NTO). TWX - for TWX lUI (via NTO). See the "TRMTYPE and SESTYPE Table" on page 287 for details of the combinations of TRMTYPE/SESTYPE specifications that can be used to generate support for logical units in CICS. VF=CNOIYESl Indicates whether the vertical form feature is to be supported by the batch, batch data interchange, interactive, or lUTYPE4 logical unit. VF=NO will override the VTAB=(tab, ••• ) parameter in the BMS map definition. 298 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHTCT TYPE=LDC Log;cal Dev;ce Codes ~ Certain types of logical unit may be used to gain access to more than one resource within a subsystem. For example, a card punch device may be attached to a 3770 logical unit: the CICS application program can direct punch output, through BMS, via the 3770 to the card punch device. The facility provided by CICS to permit communication to devices within logical units of this type is the Logical Oevice Code (LOC). The logical units that support LOCs are: 3601 logical unit 3770 batch logical unit 3770 batch data interchange logical unit 3790 batch data interchange logical unit LUTYPE 4 logical unit To reference such a device in a CICS application program, or in the CMSG transaction for message switching, you specify an LOe mnemonic which eICS will translate into a numeric LOe value. When CICS sends an output data stream to the logical unit, it includes the LDC value in the function management header (FMH). When the logical unit receives the data stream, it uses the LOC value to determine which component is to receive the output, or to perform some standard action. For further information on LOCs, see the appropriate CICS subsystem guide and the CICS/VS Application Programmer's Reference Manuals. Each LOC mnemonic to be referenced must be defined in the TCT, optionally with its associated LOC value and certain device characteristics for use by BMS functions. Such LOC information is contained in either the system LOC table, or in an extended local LOC list. You code the following OFHTCT macros to specify the system LOC table or an extended local LOC list: 1. Code OFHTCT TYPE=LOC macro(s) to generate entries in the system LOC table. You may generate certain default LOC entries provided by CICS. For example, DFHTCT TYPE=LOC,LDC=SYSTEM will generate the following entries in the system LOC table: Dev;ce Pages;ze (row,columnl PB LP MS 1 2 3 4 5 3604 keyboard display 3610 document printer Passbook and document printer 3618 administrative line printer 3604 magnetic stripe encoder 6,40 1,80 1,40 50,80 1,40 CO 0 R1 H1 P1 32 32 48 Console medium or default print data set group Card input medium Card output medium Print medium or print data set group 1,80 1,80 50,80 W1 W2 W3 W4 128 144 160 192 LDC Mnemonic OS JP LDC Value Word Word Word Word processing processing processing processing media media media media 1 2 3 4 50,80 50,80 50,80 50,80 " \'-Chapter 3.16. TCT - Terminal Control Table 299 VTAM NON-3270 DFHTCT TYPE=LDC You may also define LDCs specific~lly to add LDC entries to the system LDC table. For example, DFHTCT TYPE=LDC,LDC=XX,DVC=BLUPRT,PGESIZE=(12,80),PGESIZE=PAGE DFHTCT TYPE=LDC,LDC=YY,DVC=BLUPCH,PGESIZE=(1,80),PGESIZE=AUTOPAGE will add the following entries to the system LDC table: LDC Mnemonic LDC Value Device pagesize (row,column) xx 48 32 Batch LU printer Batch LU card output 12,80 1,80 YY 2. PAGE AUTOPAGE Instead of the system LDC table, you may code the following series of DFHTCT TYPE=LDC macros to create an extended local LDC list. Default entries may also be generated. For example, LDCl DFHTCT DFHTCT DFHTCT DFHTCT DFHTCT DFHTCT TYPE=LDC,LOCAL=IHITIAL TYPE=LDC,LDC=BCHLU * generate default CO,Rl,Hl,Pl LDCs TYPE=LDC,DVC=BlUPRT,LDC=AA,PGESIZE=(6,30) TYPE=LDC,DVC=BlUPCH,LDC=BB,PGESIZE=(1,80) TYPE=LDC,DVC=BlUCOH,LDC=CC,PGESIZE=(1,132) TYPE=lDC,LOCAl=FIHAl This will generate an extended local LDC list named LDCl containing the following entries: LDC Mnemonic LDC Value CO 0 Rl HI PI 32 32 48 AA BB CC 48 32 0 Device Console medium or default printer data set group Card input medium Card output medium Print medium or print data set group BlUPRT batch lU printer BLUPCH batch lU card output BLUCOH batch LU console printer Pagesize (row,column) 1,80 1,80 50,80 6,30 1,80 1,132 When you are defining a logical unit in the TCT, there are 3 ways to specify its LDCs: 1. Code a DFHTCT TYPE=LDCLIST macro to define a local list of LDC mnemonics (and optionally their LDC values). For example, LDC2 DFHTCT TYPE=LDCLIST,LDC=(DS,JP,PB=S,LP,MS) In the DFHTCT TYPE=TERMIHAl macro defining the logical unit, you specify in the LDC operand the name of the local list as defined by the DFHTCT TYPE=LDCLIST macro. For example, DFHTCT TYPE=TERMIHAL,TRMTYPE=3600,LDC=LDC2, has associated the LDCs DS, JP, PB, LP, MS with the 3601 logical unit which you are defining. The lDC values may either be specified in the local list, or are obtained from the system LDC table. If BMS uses these LDC mnemonics, their page size and page status must also be available from the system LDC table. Hote that a local list defined by a DFHTCT TYPE=lDClIST macro may be shared by a number of 3601, lUTYPE 4 and batch logical units. 300 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHTCT TYPE=LDC 2. In the DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL macro defining the logical unit, you specify in the LDC operand a local list of LDC mnemonics Cand optionally their LDC values). For example, DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL,TRMTYPE=3600,LDC=CDS,JP,PB=5,LP,MS), •.. has associated the LDCs DS, JP, PB, LP, MS with the 3601 logical unit which you are defining. The LDC values may either be specified in the local list, or are obtained from the system LDC table. If BMS uses these LDC mnemonics, their page size and page status must also be available from the system LDC table. 3. In the DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL macro defining the logical unit, you specify in the LDC operand the name of an extended local LDC list. For example, LDC1 DFHTCT DFHTCT DFHTCT DFHTCT DFHTCT DFHTCT TYPE=LDC,LOCAL=INITIAL TYPE=LDC,LDC=BCHLU TYPE=LDC,DVC=BLUPRT,LDC=AA,PGESIZE=(6,30) TYPE=LDC,DVC=BLUPCH,LDC=BB,PGESIZE=(1,80) TYPE=LDC,DVC=BLUCON,LDC=CC,PGESIZE=C1,132) TYPE=LDC,LOCAL=FINAL DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL,TRMTYPE=BCHLU,LDC=LDC1, .•. has associated the LOCs CO, R1, H1, P1, AA, BB, CC with the batch logical unit which you are defining. Their LOC values and device characteristics for BMS functions are described in the extended local LOC list which is named LOC1. When CICS requests an output or message switching operation using a particular LOC mnemonic for a logical unit, resolution of the mnemonic is attempted from the list (whichever form) as specified by the LOC operand of the OFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL macro. If the LOC is not located in the local list or in the extended local list, the LOC specified is not valid for that terminal entry. In this case, X'OO' is inserted in the logical device code portion of the FMH, and no destination name is inserted. When a BMS function is requested for an LOC, and the LOC mnemonic is successfully resolved, the device characteristics (for example, device name and destination name) are accessed for the BMS function. If the LOe is in an extended local LOC list, these characteristics lie in the located extended local list entry. Otherwise, the system LOC table is searched for the LOC and the associated device characteristics. DFHTCT TYPE=LDC Macro The OFHTCT TYPE=LOC macro instruction may only be used with 3600, LUTYPE4, 3770 batch logical unit and 3770/3790 batch data interchange logical units. You are responsible for setting up the LOC structure to be used with the terminal. The expansion of this macro is the same, regardless of where it is specified in the TCT definition. [name] DFHTCT TYPE=LOC [,DSN=destination-name] [,OVC=(device-type,sub-address)] [,LDC={SYSTEMILUTYPE413600IBCHLUICaa[=nnn])} [,LOCAL={INITIALIFINAL}] [,PGESIZE=(row,column)] [,PGESTAT={AUTOPAGEIPAGE}] Chapter 3.16. TCT - Terminal Control Table 301 VTAM NON·3270 DFHTCT TYPE=LDC name Code this with the name of the extended local LDC list. It should be the same as that specified in the LDC operand of the DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL macro, and is only required if LOCAL=INITIAL is coded. TYPE=LDC Code this if an LDC is being defined to the system LDC table or to the extended local LDC list. DSN=destination-name Code this with the name to be used by BMS for destination selection for the batch data interchange logical unit. See the relevant CICS subsystem guides for further information on destination selection. DVC=(device-type,sub-address) Code this with the device type associated with the LDC to be used for a BMS request. This operand can only be coded in conjunction with the LDC=aa[=nnnJ operand. device-type may be coded as follows: Device Type Explanation 3604 3610 3612 3618 3618P 36185 3618B Keyboard display Cut-forms document printer or journal printer (including the document/journal printer of a 3612) Passbook portion of a 3612 Currently selected carriage Primary carriage Secondary carriage Both carriages BLUCON BLUPRT BLURDR BLUPCH Batch logical unit console printer Printer component of a batch logical unit Card input component of a batch logical unit Card output component of a batch logical unit WPMEDI WPMED2 WPMED3 WPMED4 Word Word Word Word processing processing processing processing media media media media 1 2 3 4 Notes: 1. The device types BLUPRT, BLURDR, BLUPCH and BLUCON are devices attached to a batch, batch data interchange, or LUTYPE4 logical unit. 2. The WPMED1, 2, 3, and 4 options apply to LUTYPE4 logical units only. The component to which these options apply is defined by the particular type 4 logical unit implementation. sub-address Code this with the media sub-address. The range is 0 through 15, with a default of O~ A value of 15 indicates any sub-address. The sub-address differentiates between two units of the same device type (for example, BLUPRT,O and BLUPRT,l), which could be two print components attached to one logical unit. LDC=(SYSTEMILUTYPE413600IBCHLUI(aa[=nnn])J Code this with the LDC mnemonic and numeric value to be defined. Only the LDC=aa[=nnnJ option can be used in conjunction with the DVC, PGESIZE, and PGESTAT operands. 302 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHTCT TYPE=LDC SYSTEM The following system-default LDCs for 3600, batch, and LUTYPE4 logical units are to be established: LDC LDC DS JP PB 1 2 3 LP 4 MS 5 CO 0 Rl Hl Pl 32 32 48 Wl W2 W3 W4 128 144 160 192 Pages;ze (row,column) Mnemonic Value Dev;ce 3604 Keyboard Display 3610 Document Printer Passbook and Document Printer 3618 Administrative Line Printer 3604 Magnetic Stripe Encoder Console medium or default print data set group Card input medium Card output medium Print medium or print data set group Word Word Word Word processing processing processing prQcessing media media media media 1 2 3 4 6,40 1,80 1,40 50,80 1,40 1,80 1,80 50,80 50,80 50,80 50,80 50,80 LUTYPE4 System-default LDC mnemonics are to be established for an LUTYPE4 (word processing) logical unit. These consist of the CO, Rl, Pl, H1, Wl, W2, W3, and W4 mnemonics, the corre~ponding LDC values, and the appropriate page sizes. 3600 BCHLU aa System-default LDC mnemonics for the 3600 are to be established. These consist of the OS, JP, PB, LP, and MS mnemonics, the corresponding LDC values, and the appropriate page-size and page-status. System-default LDC mnemonics for a batch logical unit are to be established. These consist of the CO, Rl, P1, and Hl mnemonics, the corresponding LDC values, and the appropriate page-size and page-status. The two-character mnemonic to be used for this LDC. nnn The numeric value to be associated with the LDC in the system or extended local LDC list. The value in the system list is used as a default value for this LDC if a value is not found in a local LOC list (that is not extended) associated with a TCTTE. A value must be specified for 3600 devices. A value need not be specified for batch, batch data interchange, or LUTYPE4 logical units, but if one is specified it must correspond to the LDC value for the device type. Chapter 3.16. TCT - Terminal Control Table 303 VTAM NON-3270 DFHTCT TYPE=LDC LOCAL=(INITIALIFINALJ An extended local LOC list is to be generated. INITIAL This is the start of an extended local LOC list. FINAL This is the end of an extended local LOC list. Note: LOCAL=INITIAL or FINAL may not be coded in the same DFHTCT TYPE=LDC macro as other operands. All DFHTCT TYPE=lDC entries coded after lOCAL=INITIAL and before lOCAL=FINAL will form part of one extended local LDC list; the entries coded outside the structure of this group will be added to the system lDC table. See the extended local lDC list example below. The following is an example of an extended local lDC list. lDCA DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAl,TRMIDNT=BTCH,TRMTYPE=BCHLU, ACCMETH=VTAM,lDC=LDCA DFHTCT TYPE=LDC,lOCAl=INITIAL DFHTCT TYPE=lDC,DVC=BlUPRT,LDC=AA,PGESIZE=(6,30) DFHTCT TYPE=lDC,DVC=BlUPCH,LDC=BB,PGESIZE=(1,80) DFHTCT TYPE=lDC,DVC=BlUCON,lDC=CC,PGESIZE=(1,132), PGESTAT=AUTOPAGE DFHTCT TYPE=LDC,lOCAl=FINAL PGESIZE=(row,co!umnl Code this with the logical page size to be used with this lDC when BMS requests are processed. PGESTAT=(AUTOPAGEIPAGEJ Code this with the type of paging activity that may occur for this LDC. AUTO PAGE All requests to output data from the page supervisor are to be automaticallY paged, unless specified otherwise in the DFHBMS macro instruction. When autopaging, the page supervisor writes all pages in a page series automatically. Requests to write data directly to the logical unit are not controlled by the PAGE or AUTOPAGE parameter because the page supervisor is not used for direct output. If the default PGESIZE and/or PGESTAT values provided by the LDC operand ar~ to be overridden, a specific LDC should be coded with the mnemonic to be overridden. This overriding LDC must be coded in the lDC table prior to the lDC operand being coded. Note: PGESTAT=AUTOPAGE may be used to override the PGESTAT specification in DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL. PAGE 304 All requests to output data from the page supervisor are to be paged, unless specified otherwise in the DFHBMS macro instruction. When paging, the first page from the paging supervisor is written when the logical unit becomes available. All subsequent pages in a page series are written on request of the logical unit (through the operator if so designed) through the use of paging commands. CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHTCT TYPE=LDCLIST DFHTCT TYPE=LDCLIST Macro The DFHTCT TYPE=LuCLIST macro instruction, which may be used with 3600, LUTYPE4, and batch logical units, allows you to build a common list of logical device codes (LDCs) to be shared by more than one TCTTE. You are responsible for setting up the LDC structure to be used with the terminal. The expansion of this macro is the same, regardless of where it is coded in the TCT definition. listname DFHTCT TYPE=LDCLIST ,LDC=(aa [=nnn][,bb[=nnn]][,cc[=nnn], •.• ) l;stname is the required name of the LDC list. This name is referenced by TCTTEs through the LDC operand in DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL. TYPE=LDCLIST An LDC list is being defined. LDC=(aa[=nnn][,bb[=nnn]][,cc[=nnn]], ••• ) Code this with the LDCs (mnemonics and, optionally, the LDC numeric value) in this list. (aa[=nnn][,bbt=nnn]][,cct=nnn]], ••• ]) generates the LDCs in the list. aa,bb,cc ••• are the two-character mnemonics of the LDCs in this list. nnn is a decimal value in the range 1 to 255 to be associated with an LDC. If a value is not specified, the system default value from the table defined by the DFHTCT TYPE=LDC macro instruction, is used for this LDC. This value need not be coded for a batch or LUTYPE4 logical unit, but if it is, it must correspond to the LDC value for the device. LDCs for devices attached to a batch or LUTYPE4 logical unit are listed under the LDC parameter of the DFHTCT TYPE=LDC macro. Chapter 3.16. TCT - Terminal Control Table 305 VTAM NON~270 DFHTCT Examples EXAMPLES 3600/3630/4700 Communication systems The CICS/VS IBM 4700/3600/3630 Guide provides information for CICS users who intend to install a CICS system that communicates with a 4700 Finance Communication System, a 3600 Finance Communication System, or a 3630 Plant Communication System. 3601 Logical Unit TCT Example DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, TRMIDNT=WS12, TRMPRTY=50, TRMTYPE=3600, TRMSTAT=TRANSACTION, TIOAL=256, TCTUAL=100, PGESTAT=PAGE, PGESIZE=(6,40), BUFFER=224, LDC=BMSlLDCl, ACCMETH=VTAM, NETNAME=WS12, CONNECT=AUTO, RElREQ=(YES,YES), BRACKET=YES * * ** * ** * ** * ** * * Associated local lDC list: BMSllDCl DFHTCT TYPE=lDClIST, LDC=(OS,JP,PB=5,LP,MS) System lDC table entry: OFHTCT TYPE=LOC, lDC=(OS=l), OVC=3604, PGESIZE=(6,40), PGESTAT=PAGE Standard system lOC table: DFHTCT TYPE=lOC, lDC=SYSTEM Note: See the appropriate CICS subsystem guides for additional information regarding LOCs. 306 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide * * * * DFHTCT Examples 3614 Logical Uni, TCT Example DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAl, TRMIDNT=l14A, TRMTYPE=3614, ACCMETH=VTAM, TRANSID=36CB, TRMSTAT=('OUT OF SERVICE',TRANSCEIVE), TRMPRTY=50, TIOAl=256, OPERSEC=14, BRACKET=NO, NETNAME=FC3614lP, RElREQ=(NO,NO), CONNECT=AUTO * ** * * * * ** * * * .' TCT 3600 Pipeline Logical Unit The 3600 pipeline logical unit is designed to provide high throughput for particular types of transaction, such as credit card authorization or general inquiry applications. To achieve a high throughput of inquiry messages and their replies, the CICS pipeline session uses a restricted set of the communication protocols that are used with the 3601 logical unit. These restrictions result in a full duplex message flow whereby many inquiry messages are outstanding at any moment in time, and the replies may flow back in a different order from that of the original inquiries. The 4700/3600 application program controlling the inquiry terminals is responsible for maintaining the protocols as well as correlating replies with inquiries and controlling message flow to the group of terminals associated with the pipeline logical unit. When you define a 3600 pipeline logical unit using a DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAl macro instruction, you generate a TCTTE which is associated with a pool of TCTTEs. As messages enter CICS from the 3600 pipeline logical unit, a task is attached to process this message, using as anchor block one of the TCTTEs from the pool. In this way, consecutive messages sent via the pipeline logical unit can be processed concurrently, the number of concurrent transactions being limited by the number of TCTTEs in the pool. The number of TCTTEs in the pool should represent the high water mark of inquiry activity. In this way, the pipeline facility allows less TCTTEs to be defined to CICS than the total number of pipeline inquiry terminals. A pool of pipeline TCTTEs can be used by one pipeline logical unit, or it can be shared by a number of pipeline logical units. On the DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAl macro defining the 3600 pipeline logical unit, you specify PIPElN=POOl to indicate that this pipeline TCTTE is pooled with other pipeline TCTTEs. You specify PIPElN=lAST when the TCTTE is the last of the pool or when it is not pooled with other pipeline TCTTEs. With PIPElN=lAST, you specify the total number of TCTTEs in the pool in the TASKNO operand. More than one pool of pipeline TCTTEs can be defined. Consider the following three examples: 1. You are defining one pipeline logical unit lUOl which one TCTTE exclusivelY. DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAl,TRMIDNT=lU01, TRMTYPE=3600,SESTYPE=PIPElN, PIPElN=lAST, TASKNO=l, .•• TCTTE ~ses a pool of lU01 ( \ Chapter 3.16. TCT - Terminal Control Table 307 VTAM NON·3270 DFHTCT Examples 2. You are defining three pipeline logical units LUIA, LUIB and LU02, in a pool of five TCTTEs. Every TCTTE in the pool is available to each pipeline logical unit. DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL,TRMIDNT=LUIA, TRMTYPE=3600,SESTYPE=PIPELN, PIPELN=POOL, ..• TCTTE DFHTCTTYPE=TERMINAL,TRMIDNT=LUIB, TRMTYPE=3600,SESTYPE=PIPELN, PIPELN=POOL, ... TCTTE DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL,TRMIDNT=LU02, TRMTYPE=3600,SESTYPE=PIPELN, PIPELN=LAST,TASKNO=5, .•. TCTTE LUIA LUIB LU02 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) one pool of 5 TCTTEs shared by LUIA, LUIB and LU02 ) ) ) ) ) ) )---- TCTTE TCTTE 3. )----) You are defining three pipeline logical units LUIA, LUIB and LU02. LUIA uses a pool of two TCTTEs exclusively. LUIB and LU02 share a second pool of four TCTTEs. DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL,TRMIDNT=LUIA, TRMTYPE=3600,SESTYPE=PIPELN, PIPELN=LAST, TASKNO=2, •.. TCTTE LUIA TCTTE DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL,TRMIDNT=LUIB, TRMTYPE=3600,SESTYPE=PIPELN, PIPELN=POOL, •.. TeTTE DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL,TRMIDNT=LU02, TRMTYPE=3600,SESTYPE=PIPELN, PIPELN=LAST,TASKNO=4, •.. TeTTE TeTTE TeTTE LUIB LU02 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) first poo.} of 2 TeTTEs for LUIA second pool of 4 TCTTEs shared by LUIB and LU02 Notes: 1. You can define one or more logical units on a 4701, 4702, 3601 or 3602 controller. 2. Data-chaining is not available with the 3600 pipeline logical unit. The message length must not exceed that specified in the BUFFER operand of the DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL macro. 3. Input data is not inspected for a transaction ide Instead, the input is sent to the transaction specified in the TCTTE as defined by the TRANSID operand of the DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL macro. All TCTTEs in a pool must be associated with the same transaction. Different transactions require either different individual TCTTEs that are not pooled or different pools. In fact, the only reason for having more than one pool of TCTTEs is when you require TCTTEs to represent different transactions. 308 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHTCT Examples 4. Pipeline session may not request master terminal or sign-on services. Operator security and priority is assigned using the OPERID, OPERSEC, and OPERPRI operands of the DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL macro. 5. Also see the CICS/VS IBM 4700/3600/3630 Guide. 3600 Pipeline Logical Unit TCT Example ~_il""'Itf'Otfl,,"~~~(" DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, TRMIDNT=BPT8, TRMTYPE=3600, BMSFEAT=NOROUTE, TRMSTAT=('OUT OF SERVICE',TRANSACTION), TIOAL=256, SESTYPE=PIPELN, TRANSID=3606, OPERID.=JTWW, OPERPRI=5, OPERSEC=(5,6,7), PIPElN=lAST, BRACKET=NO, TASKNO=l, ACCMETH=VTAM, NETNAME=WS12, RElREQ=(YES,NO), BUFFER=32 * * * * 'TGT' ,<111M ... ,,,," 0 * * * * * ** * * ** * * 3650/3680 store Systems The CICS/VS IBM 3650/3680 Guide provides information for CICS users who intend to install a CICS system that communicates with a 3650 Retail store System, a 3650 Programmable Store System, or a 3680 Programmable Store System. VTAM NON-3270 3650 Host Conversational (3653) Logical Unit TCT Example DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAl, TRMIDNT=HCR1, TRMTYPE=3650, BMSFEAT=NOROUTE, TRMSTAT=('OUT OF SERVICE',TRANSACTION), TIOAl=256, SESTYPE=3653, OPERID=JTWW, OPERPRI=5, OPERSEC=(S,6,7), ACCMETH=VTAM, NETNAME=HCD1, CONNECT=AUTO, RElREQ=(YES,NO), BRACKET=YES, BUFFER=240 Chapter 3.16. TeT - Terminal Control Table * * ** * * * * ** ** * * * 309 DFHTCT Examples 3650 Pipeline Logical Unit TCT Example DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, TRMIDNT=PIP3, TRMTYPE=3650, BMSFEAT=NOROUTE, TRMSTAT=('OUT OF SERVICE',TRANSACTION), TIOAL=40, SESTYPE=PIPELN, TRANSID=3653, OPERID=JTW3, OPERPRI=5, OPERSEC=(5,6,7), PIPELN=LAST, TASKNO=4, ACCMETH=VTAM, NETNAME=PIPW, CONNECT=AUTO, RELREQ=(YES,YES), BUFFER=32, BRACKET=NO * ** * * ** ** * * * * ** * * * 3650 Host Conversational (3270) Logical Unit TCT Example DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, TRMIDNT=HCD2, TRMTYPE=3650, BMSFEAT=OBFMT, TRMSTAT=('OUT OF SERVICE',TRANSACTION), TIOAL=256, SESTYPE=3270, TRMMODL=l, OPERID=JTWW, OPERPRI=5, OPERSEC=(5,6,7), ACCMETH=VTAM, NETNAME=HCD2, CONNECT=AUTO, RELREQ=(YES,YES), BRACKET=YES, BUFFER=240 * * ** ** * ** * * ** * * * 3650 Interpreter Log;cal Un;t TCT Example DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, TRMIDNT=PROG, TRMTYPE=3650, BMSFEAT=(NOROUTEALL,FMHPARM), TRMSTAT=('OUT OF SERVICE',TRANSCEIVE), TIOAL=256, SESTYPE=USERPROG, OPERID=PRGl, OPERPRI=5, OPERSEC=(5,6,7), ACCMETH=VTAM, HETNAME=PROG, COHNECT=AUTO, RELREQ=(YES,YES), BRACKET=YES, BUFFER=240 I/VS Resource Definition Guide * * * * * ** * * *** * * * DFHTCT Examples 3650 Host Command Processor Logical Unit TCT Example DFHTCT TRMTYPE=TERMINAL, TRMIDNT=HCPA, "TRMTYPE=3650, TRMSTAT=TRANSCEIVE, TIOAL=256, SESTYPE=USERPROG, ACCMETH=VTAM, HETHAME=QEHCPROC, COHHECT=AUTO, RElREQ=HO, BUFFER=256, BRACKET=HO * ** * ** * ** * * w' "J "". I TCT , J "~~ ~l~ I. • . , 3767 Communication Terminal The CICS/VS IBM 3767/3770/6670 Guide provides information for CICS users who intend to install a CICS system that communicates with a 3767 Communication Terminal, a 3770 Communication System, or a 6670 Information Distributor. 3767 TCT Example DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, TRMIDHT=yyyy, TRMPRTY=60, TRMTYPE=3767, TRMSTAT=TRAHSCEIVE, TIOAl=256, PGESTAT=PAGE, PGESIZE=(12,80), BUFFER=256, BRACKET=YES, ACCMETH=VTAM, HETHAME=xxxxxxxx, COHHECT=AUTO, RElREQ=(YES,YES), VF=YES, HF=YES Chapter 3.16. * ** * ** ** * * * ** * * TCT - Terminal Control Table 311 VTAM NON-3270 ;'>I DFHTCT Examples 3770 Data Communication system The CICS/VS IBM 3767/3770/6670 Guide provides information for CICS users who intend to install a CICS system that communicates with a 3767 Communication Terminal, a 3770 Communication System, or a 6670 Information Distributor. 3770 Batch Logical Unit TCT Example DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, TRMIDNT=zzzz, TRMPRTY=50, TRMTYPE=3770, TRMSTAT=TRANSCEIVE, CHNASSY=YES, TIOAL=(256,1024), RUSIZE=256, PGESTAT=AUTOPAGE; PGESIZE=(12,80), BUFFER=256, BRACKET=YES, ACCMETH=VTAM, NETNAME=xxxxxx, CONNECT=AUTO, RELREQ=(YES,YES), VF=YES, HF=YES DFHTCT TYPE=LDC, LDC=BCHLU * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * LDCs for 3770 Batch Logical Unit TCT Example DFHTCT TYPE=LDC, lDC=XX, DVC=BlUPRT, PGESIZE=(12,80), PGESTAT=PAGE DFHTCT TYPE=LDC, lDC=YY, DVC=BlUPCH, PGESIZE=(1,80), PGESTAT=AUTOPAGE DFHTCT TYPE=lDC, lDC=SYSTEM 'VS Resource Definition Guide * * * * * * * * * DFHTCT Examples 3770 Batch Data Interchange Log;cal Un;t TCT Example , LDCA DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, TRMIDNT=lUT1, TRMPRTY=50, TRMTYPE=3770, SESTYPE=BATCHDI, TRMSTAT=TRANSCEIVE, TIOAl=(256,2048), PGESTAT=AUTOPAGE, RUSIZE=256, BUFFER=256, ACCMETH=VTAM, NETNAME=xxxyyy, RElREQ=YES, CHNASSY=YES, TRANSID=BDSA, HF=YES, VF=YES, LDC=lDCA, BRACKET=YES * * * * * ** * * * * ** * * ** * * DFHTCT TYPE=LDC, LOCAl=INITIAl DFHTCT TYPE=LDC, LDC=BCHLU DFHTCT TYPE=LDC, lDC=AA, DSN=POOOOO4, PGESTAT=AUTOPAGE, DVC=BLUPRT, PGESIZE=(30,132) DFHTCT TYPE=LDC, LDC=BB, DSN=POOOOO5, PGESTAT=AUTOPAGE, DVC=BLUPRT, PGESIZE=(30,132) DFHTCT TYPE=LDC, LDC=CC, DSN=POOOOO8, PGESTAT=AUTOPAGE, DVC=BlUPRT, PGESIZE=(1,132) DFHTCT TYPE=LDC, LDC=DD, DVC=BlUPRT, PGESIZE=(30,123) DFHTCT TYPE=LDC, LDC=EE, DSN=POOOOOAA, PGESTAT=AUTOPAGE, DVC=BlUCON, PGESIZE=(30,132) DFHTCT TYPE=LDC, LOCAL=FINAL * * * ** * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * Chapter 3.16. TCT - Terminal Control Table 313 ,~-"\'!iI:.o/.\~;,(IIi~if'''lI,' ):~TCT'I" t • .' .: -'; 4, ,,,, VTAM NON-3270 •• DFHTCT Examples 3770 Full Function Logical Unit TCT Example DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, TRMIDNT=PClU, TRMTYPE=3770, SESTYPE=USERPROG, TRMSTAT=TRANSCEIVE, TIOAl=256, BRACKET=YES, ACCMETH=VTAM, NETNAME=lU04, BUFF.ER=256 3790/3730/8100 systems The CICS/VS rBM 3790/3730/8100 Guide provides information for CICS users who intend to install a CICS system that communicates with a 3790 Communication System, or an 8100 Information System, or a 3730 Distributed Office Communication System. 3790 Full Function Logical Unit TCT Example DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAl, TRMIDNT=lU95, TRMTYPE=3790, SESTYPE=USERPROG, TRMSTAT=TRANSCEIVE, TIOAl=256, BRACKET=YES, ACCMETH=VTAM, NETNAME=lU95, BUFFER=256 ** ** * ** * * 3790 3270-Display Logical Unit TCT Example DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAl, TRMIDNT=CCC2, TRMTYPE=3790, TRMMODl=2, TRMSTAT=TRANSCEIVE, FEATURE=(SElCTPEN,AUDALARM,UCTRAN,PTRADAPT), TIOAl=(256,1536), ACCMETH=VTAM, SESTYPE=3277CM, (Screen compatibility) NETNAME=lU92, BUFFER=1536 * * * ** * * ** * 3790 3270-Printer Logical Unit TCT Example DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAl, TRMIDNT=CCC5, TRMTYPE=3790, TRMMODl=2, TRMSTAT=TRANSCEIVE, TIOAl=(256,1500), ACCMETH=VTAM, SESTYPE=3286CM, NETNAME=LU98, BUFFER=256 'S Resource Definition Guide (Print compatibility lU) * * * * * ** * DFHTCT Examples 3790 SCS-Printer Logical Unit TCT Example DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAl, TRMIDNT=CCC6, TRMTYPE=3790, TRMSTAT=TRANSCEIVE, ACCMETH=VTAM, SESTYPE=SCSPRT, NETNAME=lU99 (Pr;nt compat;b;l;ty lU) * * * * * /A~~ " ~ .I TCT . 3790 Batch Data Interchange Logical Unit TCT Example lDCA l DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAl, TRMIDNT=BlU1, TRMPRTY=50, TRMTYPE=3790, SESTYPE=BATCHDI, TRMSTAT=TRANSCEIVE, TIOAl=(256,2048), PGESTAT=AUTOPAGE, RUSIZE=256, BUFFER=256, ACCMETH=VTAM, NETNAME=SlU3790, RElREQ=YES, CHNASSY=YES, TRANSID=BD5A, HF=NO, VF=NO, BMSFEAT=OBOPID, l"DC=lDCA, BRACKET=YES * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * DFHTCT TYPE=lDC, lOCAl=ItHTIAl DFHTCT TYPE=lDC, lDC=BCHlU DFHTCT TYPE=lDC, lDC=AA, DSN=POOOOO4, PGESTAT=AUTOPAGE, DVC=BlUPRT, PGESIZE=(30,132) DFHTCT TYPE=lDC, lDC=BB, DSN=POOOOO5, PGESTAT=AUTOPAGE, DVC=BlUPRT, PGESIZE=(30,132) DFHTCT TYPE=lDC, lDC=CC, DSN=POOOOO8, PGESTAT=AUTOPAGE, DVC=BlUPRT, PGESIZE=(1,132) DFHTCT TYPE=lDC, lDC=DD, DVC=BlUPRT, PGESIZE=(30,123) DFHTCT TYPE=lDC, lDC=EE, DSN=POOOOOAA, PGESTAT=AUTOPAGE, DVC=BlUCON, PGESIZE=(30,132) DFHTCT TYPE=lDC, lOCAl=FINAl * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ** Chapter 3.16. * * * * * * * * * TCT - Term;nal Control Table 315 VTAM NON-3270 DFHTCT Examples 3790 Inquiry Logical Unit TCT Example DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAl, TRMIDNT=I1K3, TRMTYPE=3790, TRMSTAT=TRANSACTION, ACCMETH=VTAM, BUFFER=256, BRACKET=YES, RElREQ=(YES,NO) * * * * * * * 6670 Information Distributor The CICS/VS IBM 3767/3770/6670 Guide provides information for CICS users who intend to install a CICS system that communicates with a 3767 Communication Terminal, a 3770 Communication System, or a 6670 Information Distributor. 6670 LUTYPE 4 TCT Example DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAl, TRMIDNT=WPT1, TRMTYPE=lUTYPE4, ACCMETH=VTAM, TIOAl=(256,1024), CHNASSY=YES, NETNAME=REMWPT1, CONNECT=AUTO, TRMSTAT=TRANSCEIVE, TRMPRTY=100, HF=YES, VF=YES, FF=YES, lDC=(CO,R1,P1,W1,W2,W3) DFHTCT TYPE=lDC, lDC=SYSTEM DFHTCT TYPE=FINAl * * * * * * * * * * * * ~f local lDC list ~~ System lDC list 3101 Display -Terminal (via NTO) The 3101 Display TerminaJ is supported as a TWX 33/35. TWX 33/35 (via NTO) A TWX device connected via NTO appears to CICS as an SDlC 3767 device; it looks like a half duplex contention logical unit or a half duplex flip-flop logical unit to CICS. The choice of half duplex flip-flop or contention lU support is important for the use of TWX terminals which have no keyboard locl<. NTO provides a simulation of a keyboard lock when it does not have an INVITE request at the terminal. Contention mode avoids this keyboard lock simulation because NTO always has an INVITE request at the terminal. The application program interface does not change for contention mode support, except that you need to use the HANDLE CONDITION SIGNAL command to detect an inbound break request without data. The BIND parameters are similar to those existing for SDlC 3767 support, except for the user extension to the BIND. This BIND format is defined to provide support compatible with existing non-SNA support. The above discussion is provided for your information only. always refer to the appropriate NTO documentation. 316 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide You should DFHTCT BTAM BlAH ENVIRONMENT CIC5/BTAM ,fll, 0 • point to point ss nonsw multi point BSC 1 ~ 520 2741 AA01 TM01 line pool of two sw lines, ss 522 523 ~ terminal pool of TWX's BB01 ~ PR01 BBON TM03 BSC ss bisynchronous start-stop sw nonsw switched non-switched o o • Figure 41. Partial BTAM Network You can connect BTAM terminals to the central processor as: • local (channel-attached) • remote multipoint on a non-switched line (start-stop or bisynchronous link-attached) • remote point-to-point on a switched line (start-stop or bisynchronous link-attached) o remote point-to-point on a non-switched line (start-stop or bisynchronous link-attached.) To use BTAM, you need to: (,- • Define data set control information, line information, and terminal information in the CICS TCT • Define polling and addressing information for BTAM in the CICS TCT Chapter 3.16. '" TCT E P 1 c a , TeT - Terminal Control Table 317 . III .... ~~il j .' ... ' I DFHTCT BTAM o Code job control statements in the CICS startup job stream to identify the terminals and lines. There are two ways to define BTAM terminals to CICS in the TCT. One is to code DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, TYPE=lINE and TYPE=TERMINAl macro instructions. The other, for CICS/DOS/VS only, is to code DFHTCT TYPE=GPENTRY macro instructions. METHOD 1 - DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, LINE, TERMINAL You can connect terminals to the central processor in a variety of ways, depending on the characteristics of the terminals and the control units. In general, however, a group of local terminals are attached to a control unit that is, in turn, attached to a channel. Each terminal on this local BTAM line has its own physical address. Similarly, a typical configuration of remote terminals is for a group of remote terminals to be connected to a control unit that is, in turn, linked via modems and a communication line to a channel-attached transmission control unit. The transmission control unit is able to control a number of such BTAM lines, each line having its own physical address. You code one DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI macro to describe the data set control information for a BTAM line (local or link-attached). You can also group a number of BTAM lines into a line group under one DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI macro, provided that these lines meet the following operational requirements: • The line connection between the control unit and the remote devices is of the same type. For example, a switched network. o All devices within the line group have the same line features and operating characteristics. For example, autopoll. o For CICS/DOS/VS only, all lines in the group are attached to the channel through the same type of telecommunication control unit. For example, a 2701. You code one DFHTCT TYPE=lINE macro to define a BTAM line, immediately followed by DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAl macros to define all the terminals on this line. The last DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAl macro associated with the line should specify lASTTRM=lINE. If you are defining a line group, this is repeated for all the lines in this group. The BTAMRlN operand on the DFHTCT TYPE=lINE macro specifies the relative position of the line in the line group. However, o When you are describing a pool of communication lines in a switched network, all the lines for the given pool should be defined before the terminals associated with that line pool are defined. The DFHTCT TYPE=lINE macro defining the first line in the line pool must specify, in the POOlADR operand, the label of the DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAl macro that defines the first terminal associated with the line pool. The last DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAl macro associated with the line pool should specify lASTTRM=POOl. For example: DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, .•. DFHTCT TYPE=lINE,BTAMRlN=1,POOlADR=labeI1, DFHTCT TYPE=lINE,BTAMRlN=2, etc. label1 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAl, •.• etc. DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAl,lASTTRM=POOl, 318 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHTCT BTAM • When you are describing a local 3270 line group, you only code one DFHTCT TYPE=LINE macro. It must specify, in the POOLADR operand, the label of the DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL macro that defines the first local 3270 in the line group. The last DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL macro associated with the line group should specify LASTTRM=POOL. For example: DFHTCT DFHTCT label1 DFHTCT etc. DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, ... TYPE=LINE,POOLADR=label1, TYPE=TERMINAL, ... , 'I "'.....,1 tJ, \1"'~\'I,~..J~ ...I'1 """.'iIo/l' 1 'TeT ' " "~"I ~ TYPE=TERMINAL,LASTTRM=POOL, ... , The DSCNAME operand in the TYPE=SDSCI macro must be the same as the DSCNAME operand in the DFHTCT TYPE=LINE macros for the BTAM lines. The TRMIDNT operand on each DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL macro specifies the terminal name known to CICS. METHOD 2 - DFHTCT TYPE=GPENTRY (CICS/DOS/VS ONLY) Under CICS/DOS/VS, an alternative way to define a BTAM line or line group is to code one DFHTCT TYPE=GPENTRY macro instruction. It allows you to specify a subset of the operands of the DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, TYPE=LINE and TYPE=TERMINAL macros. The following devices can be defined: • Local 3270 • Remote 3270 on a non-switched line • Multipoint 2740 • Point-to-point 2740 or 2741 (switched or non-switched) CICS/OS/VS JCL The DDNAME operand on the DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI macro specifies the ddname of the DD statements you must provide in the CICS startup job stream. When you define a local BTAM line, you code concatenated DD statements for the terminals defined. For local 3270 and 2260, the LVUNIT operand in the DFHTCT TVPE=TERMINAL macro specifies the terminal's relative position in the concatenation of DD statements. For example, in the BTAM network in Figure 33, you can relate the data set control information for the local 3277 and 3286 to their physical addresses 011 and 012 respectively by coding the following DD statements: * DFHTCT TVPE=SDSCI,DDNAME=003270L, ... //DD3270L 00 UNIT=011 local 3277 terminal // 00 UNIT=012 local 3286 terminal When you define a remote BTAM line, you code one DD statement for the line. If you are defining a pool of switched lines, you code concatenated 00 statements for these lines. For example, in the BTAM network in Figure 33, you can relate the data set control information for the remote lines to their physical addresses by coding the following 00 statements: * OFHTCT TYPE=SOSCI,ODNAME=D03270R, ••• * OFHTCT TVPE=SOSCI,00NAME=002741, * OFHTCT TVPE=SOSCI,DONAME=ODTWX, remote //D03270R 00 UNIT=520 //002741 //DDTWX // "'----- 00 DO 00 UNIT=521 UNIT=522 UNIT=523 3270 line remote 2741 line remote TWX line 1 remote TWX line 2 ' Chapter 3.16. TCT - Terminal Control Table 319 • , f' f.' ,~'" , ~" ',1.1· ',., DFHTCT BTAM CICS/DOS/VS JOB CONTROL The LINELST operand on the DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI macro has the format (nnn,nnn, ••• ) where SYSnnn is the symbolic unit address of an ASSGN job control statement you must provide in the CICS startup job stream. When you define a local BTAM line, the LINELST operand specifies the symbolic unit address on the ASSGN statement which you must code for each terminal on the line. For example, in the BTAM network in Figure 41, you can relate the data set control information for the local 3277 and 3286 to their physical addresses 011 and 012 respectively by coding the following ASSGN statements: * // // DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI,LINELST=(021,022), ... ASSGN SYS021,011 local 3277 terminal ASSGN SYS022,012 local 3286 terminal For local 3270 and 2260, the LVUNIT operand in the DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL macro indicates the terminal's relative position in the corresponding DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI,LINELST=parameter specification. To allow for future expansion, you may want to include entries in the TCT for terminals that are not yet physically installed. To do this: 1. Use the 'ASSGN IGN' system control statement option for these terminals, for example~ // // 2. ASSGN ASSGN SYS021,IGN SYS022,IGN In addition, specify TRMSTAT='OUT OF SERVICE' on the DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL macros for these terminals. Note: The maximum number of terminals per line defined in this way is eight. If nine or more terminals on a line are ASSGNed IGN, the line will be placed irretrievably out of service at start-up time. When you define remote BTAM lines, the LINELST operand specifies the symbolic unit address on the ASSGN statement which you must code for each line. For example, in the BTAM network in Figure 41, you can relate the data set control information for the remote lines to their physical addresses by coding the following ASSGN statements: * ** / / // // // DFHTCT DFHTCT DFHTCT ASSGN ASSGN ASSGN ASSGN TYPE=SDSCI,LINELST=(031), .. . TYPE=SDSCI,LINELST=(041), .. . TYPE=SDSCI,LINELST=C051,052), SYS031,520 remote SYS041,521 remote SYS051,522 remote SYS052,523 remote 3270 line 2741 line TWX line 1 TWX line 2 POLLING AND ADDRESSING OF REMOTE TERMINALS You may need to identify further the terminals on a remote line, depending on their characteristics and those of their communication links: • For most non-switched lines, you must specify the hexadecimal addressing characters associated with a terminal in the TRMADDR operand of the DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL macro for that terminal. • For most bisynchronous devices and switched lines, you need to code a BTAM Define-Terminal-List CDFTRMLST) macro to provide the addressing characters of each terminal. You must specify the label of the DFTRMLST macro in the TRMADDR operand of the DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL macro for that terminal. 320 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHTCT BTAM o For most multipoint lines and switched lines, you code a DFTRMLST macro to provide the polling list for each line. You must specify the label of the DFTRMLST macro in the LISTADR operand of the DFHTCT TYPE=LINE macro for that line. For example: DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, ... DFHTCT TYPE=LINE,LISTADR= ..• DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL,TRMADDR= .•. DFTRMLST name (polling list) hexadecimal addressing characters or DFTRMLST name (addressing) If you code BTAM DFTRMLST macros, they should be placed in the TCT either immediately preceding the associated DFHTCT TYPE=LINE macro or immediately following the associated DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL macros. For a detail description of the DFTRMLST macro, see OS/VS Basic Telecommunications Access Method or BTAM-ES Programming. PERFORMANCE DOCUMENTATION See the CICS/VS Performance Guide for a discussion on selected DFHTCT operands and on data communications subsystem design. BTAH TCT EXAMPLE The following partial TCT illustrates the naming relationships for the BTAM network in Figure 41. eIes TeT L1 DFHTCT TYPE=INITIAL, DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, DEVICE=L3270, DSCNAME=DSC3270L, DDNAME=DD3270L, LINELST=(021,022), DFHTCT TYPE=LINE, ACCMETH=BTAM, DSCNAME=DSC3270L, TRMTYPE=L3270, POOLADR=L1, ... DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, TRMTYPE=L3270, TRMIDNT=TM01, LVUNIT=1, ... DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, TRMTYPE=L3270P, TRMIDNT=PR01, LVUNIT=2, LASTTRM=POOL, ... Chapter 3.16. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CICS/OS/VS only CICS/DOS/VS only ~ local 3277 local 3286 TCT - Terminal Control Table 321 DFHTCT BTAH DFHTCT DFHTCT TYPE=LINE, ACCMETH=BTAM, DSCNAME=DSC3270R, TRMTYPE=R3270, LISTADR=CPOLL77,WRAP), DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, TRMTYPE=R3275, TRMIDNT=TM02, TRMADDR=ADDR75, DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, TRMTYPE=R3270, TRMIDNT=TM03, lASTTRM=LINE, TRMADDR=ADDR77, POLL77 ADDR75 ADDR77 DFTRMlST DFTRMlST DFTRMlST DFHTCT 322 TYPE=SDSCI, DEVICE=BSCMDMPT, DSCNAME=DSC3270R, DDNAME=DD3270R, LINELST=(031), TYPE=SDSCI, DEVICE=2741C, DSCNAME=DSC2741, DDNAME=DD2741, lINElST=(041), DFHTCT TYPE=lINE, ACCMETH=BTAM, DSCNAME=DSC2741, TRMTYPE=2741C, DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, TRMTYPE=2741C, TRMIDNT=AA01, ... CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CICS/OS/VS only CICS/DOS/VS only remote 3275 remote 3277 CICS/OS/VS only CICS/DOS/VS only remote 2741 DFHTCT TYPE=INITIAL DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, DEVICE=TW35, DSCNAME=DSCTWX, DDNAME=DDTWX, LINELST=(051,052), ) ) ) ) CICS/OS/VS only ) CICS/DOS/VS only ) DFHTCT TYPE=LINE, ACCMETH=BTAM, DSCNAME=DSCTWX, TRMTYPE=TWX, BTAMRLN=1, POOLADR=L2, ANSWRBK=TERMINAL, LISTADR=POLLTWX, ) first switched line ) in line pool ) ) ) ) ) ) ) DFHTCT L2 DFHTCT TYPE=LINE, ACCMETH=BTAM, DSCNAME=DSCTWX, TRMTYPE=TWX, BTAMRLN=2, ANSWRBK=TERMINAL, LISTADR=POLLTWX, ) second switched line ) in line pool ) ) ) ) ) ) TYPE=TERMINAL, TRMTYPE=TWX, TRMIDNT=BB01, ... ) first TWX associated ) with line pool DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, etc. ) ) DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, TRMTYPE=TWX, TRMIDNT=BBON, LASTTRM=POOL, ) last TWX associated ) with line pool ) ) ) ) ) ) ) POllTWX DFTRMLST • • • DFHTCT TYPE=FINAl DFHTCT TYPE=INITIAL FOR A BTAM ENVIRONMENT If your environment includes VTAM, see "DFHTCT TYPE=INITIAL in Environment Including VTAM" on page 256. The DFHTCT TYPE=INITIAL macro instruction establishes the area of storage into which the TCT is assembled. This macro instruction must precede all other DFHTCT macro instructions in a TCT assembly. DFHTCT TYPE=INITIAL [,ACCMETH=([NONVTAM][,GAM])] [,APPLID={DBDCCICS\name}] [,ERRATT={NOI([LASTLINE][,INTENSIFY] [,{BLUETREDIPINKIGREENITURQUOISEIYEllOWINEUTRAl}] [,{BLINKIREVERSE UNDERLINE}])}] [,SUFFIX=xx] CICS/DOS/VS Only [,MODNAME={IJlBTMlname}] \ '-- Chapter 3.16. TCT - Terminal Control Table 323 DFHTCT TYPE=INITIAL ACCMETH=([NONVTAM][,GAM]) Code this to control the building of the access-method-dependent portions of the TCT. ACCMETH=NONVTAM is the default and indicates that the TCT is built for all access methods except VTAM and GAM. If you also require the CICS/OS/VS support for local 2260, then you can specify GAM to generate the GAM portion of the TCT. APPLID=CDBDCCICslnameJ Code this with a one- to eight-character name by which this CICS system or region is known in the VTAM network. ERRATT=CNOI([LASTLINE][,INTENSIFY][,CBLUEIREDIPINKIGREENITURQUOISE IVELLOWINEUTRALJ][,(BLIHKIREVERSEluNDERLINEJ])J Code this to indicate the attributes that are to be associated with error messages that are displayed on all 3270 screens in the TCT. An error message will be displayed at the current cursor position and without any additional attributes. LASTLINE An error message will be displayed starting at the beginning of the line nearest the bottom of the screen such that the message will fit on the screen. Note: Since all error messages occupy the same line, if the messages are received in quick succession they will overlay one another and the earlier messages may disappear before being read. The other values indicate that one or more of the 3270 attributes are to be used when an error message is displayed. Specification of any attribute implies LASTLINE. Valid attributes are: For field intensification: INTENSIFY For color: BLUE RED PINK GREEN TURQUOISE YELLOW NEUTRAL For highlighting: BLINK REVERSE UNDERLINE Any attributes specified that are not valid for a particular device will be ignored. 324 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHTCT TYPE=INITIAL HODNAHE=CIJLBTHlnamel CICS/DOS/VS only Code this with the BTAM module to be requested by name. IJLBTM The system default name if MODNAME=name is not coded. name The BTAM module name. Note: BTAM modules and names must be assembled and cataloged as described in the CICS/DOS/VS Installation and Operations Guide. SUFFIX=xx The TCT named DFHTCTxx is to be loaded at CICS initialization. one or two characters other than NO and DY may be coded. Any i \'-. Chapter 3.16. TCT - Terminal Control Table 325 DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI~ LINE, TERMINAL BTAM 3270 DEVICES The CICS/VS IBM 3270/8775 Guide contains a tutorial description of the DFHTCT macros that you can code to define 3270 terminals and 3270 similar terminals. TCT examples are also provided. There are two ways of defining a BTAM line or line group and its associated 3270 terminals: 1. Code a DFHTCTTYPE=SDSCI macro instruction, followed by DFHTCT TYPE=LINE macro instructions, and DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL macro instructions. 2. For CICS/DOS/VS only, code a single DFHTCT TYPE=GPENTRY macro instruction to define local 3270 and remote 3270 on a non-switched line. This section presents a description of the DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, TYPE=LINE, TYPE=TERMINAL, and TYPE=GPENTRY macros for defining BTAM-connected 3270 terminals. TCT examples are provided at the end of this section. BTAH - DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, LINE, TERMINAL for 3270 Dev;ces For BTAM terminals, you can specify data set control information through the DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI macro instruction, which causes the operating system to generate the appropriate data set control information. For CICS/OS/VS, this is DCB information. For CICS/DOS/VS, it is DTF information. One DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI macro instruction must be coded for each BTAM line group, where a line group is a group of communication lines that meet the following operational requirements: • The line connection between the control unit and the remote devices is of the same type. For example, a switched network. • All devices within the line group have the same line features and operating characteristics. For example, autopoll. • For CICS/DOS/VS, all lines in the group are attached to the channel through the same type of telecommunications control unit. For example, a 2701. For information on generating a BTMOD, refer to the CICS/DOS/VS Installation and Operations Guide. You code DFHTCT TYPE=lINE macro instructions communication paths to BTAM terminals on the this macro instruction is the TCT line entry data event control block (DECB) that is used to describe the system. The expansion of (TCTLE). This contains the to communicate with BTAM. One or more DFHTCT TYPE=LINE macro instructions must be generated for each line group. For CICS/DOS/VS, a DFHTCT TYPE=LINE macro instruction must be generated for each symbolic unit (relative line) specified in the LINELST operand of the DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI macro instruction. The DSCNAME=name operand of each of the DFHTCT TYPE=LINE macros must contain the same name as the DSCNAME=name operand of the related DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI macro inst~uction. The terminals related to this line must be defined with DFHTCT TTYPE=TERMINAL macros immediately following the DFHTCT TYPE=LINE macro. However, when defining a switched-line network, all the lines for a given pool should be defined contiguouslY before the terminals for that line pool are defined. For the local 3270 Information Display System only one DFHTCT TYPE=LINE macro instruction is generated for each line group. You code a DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL macro for each BTAM terminal in the system. The expansion of this macro instruction includes the TCT terminal entry (TCTTE). 326 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHTCT TVPE=SDSCI, LINE, TERMINAL A DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL macro instruction must be written for each terminal on a line. For single-dropped and multi dropped terminals on nonswitched lines, the DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL macro instruction must immediately follow the DFHTCT TYPE=LINE macro instruction. The DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL macro instruction entries must be contiguous for multi dropped terminals on nonswitched lines and for terminals in a terminal pool on switched lines. DFHTCT "'TC~' ..:.:" .,,,... ~1':.;" TYPE=SDSCI [,BSCODE={EBCDICIASCII}] ,DEVICE=device ,DSCHAME=name [,ERROPT={[N]I[E][C]}[T]] [,LERBADR=symbolic-address] • r ~ f CICS/DOS/VS Only [,COHFIG={PPTIMPT}] ,CU={2701127021270313272} [,FEATURE=(feature[,feature], •.. )] ,LIHELST=(nnn[,nnn], ... ) [,MODELST=(code[,code, ... ])] [,RETRY={Ilnumber}] [,SWITCH={NOIYES}] [,TERMTST={HOIYES}] CICS/OS/VS Only [,DDNAME={name-;n-DSCNAMElname}] [,MACRF=([R][,W])] [,MODE=([CNTRL],{AIB},{AIB})] DFHTCT TYPE=LINE ,ACCMETH=BTAM [,ANSWRBK={TERMINALIEXIDVER}] [,BSCODE={EBCDICIASCII}] [,BTAMRLN=number] [,CLASS=([{CONVIBATCH}][,VIDEO][,BISYNC])] [,COHVTAB={EBCDICIASCII}] ,DSCNAME=name [,ERRATT={HOI([LASTLINE][,INTENSIFY] [,{BLUETREDIPINKIGREENITURQUOISEIYELLOWINEUTRAL}] [,{BLINKIREVERSE UNDERLINE}])}] [,FEATURE=(feature[,feature], ..• )] [,FSTTERM=name] [,GENPOLL=YES] ,INAREAL=length [,LINSTAT='OUT OF SERVICE'] [,LISTADR=(name[,WRAP])] [,NPDELAY=number] [,POOLADR=symbolic-address] [,TCTUAL={Qllength}] [ , TRM~10DL =model] ,TRMTYPE=type CICS/OS/VS Only [,POOLCNT=number] l "'---- Chapter 3.16. TCT - Terminal Control Table 327 (STAM3270 '. , DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, LINE, TERMINAL label DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL [.ALTPGE=(lines.columns)] [.ALTSCRN=elines,columns)] [.ALTSFX=number] [.CLASS={class-s~ecified-in-TYPE=LINEI([{CONVIBATCH}] [,VIDEO][,BISYNC])}] [,DEFSCRN=elines,columns)] [,ERRATT={NOle[LASTLINE][.INTENSIFY] [.{BLUETREDIPINKIGREENITURQUOISEIYELLOWINEUTRAL}] [,{BLINKIREVERSE UNDERLINE}])}] [,FEATURE=(feature[.feature] •... )] [.FF={NOIYES}] [,LASTTRM={LINEIPOOL}] [.LVUNIT=number] [,OPERID=operator-identification-code] [,OPERPRI=operator-priority-code] [,OPERRSL={Oenumber[, .•. ])}] [,OPERSEC={Ilenumber[, •.• ])}] [,PGESIZE=elines,columns)] [,PGESTAT={AUTOPAGEIPAGE}] [,POLLPOS=number] [,TCTUAL={length-s~ecified-in-TYPE=LINEllength}] [,TIOAL={valuelevalue!,value2)}] [,TRANSID=transaction-identification-code] [,TRMADDR={addresslname}] ,TRMIDNT=name [,TRMMODL={model-s~ec;fied-in-TYPE=LINElmodel}] [,TRMPRTY={Qlnumber}] [,TRMSTAT={TRANSACTIONlestatus[,status], ..• )}] [,TRMTYPE={t~~e-s~ecified-;n-TYPE=lINEltype}] Configurators This section is intended to aid you in the preparation of the lCT as you use the operands of the DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, TYPE=LINE, and TYPE=TERMINAL macro instructions for defining 3270 terminals in a BTAM environment. It includes an indication of whether the operands of the DFHTCT macro instructions are: R - Required o- Optional *- applicable to CICS/DOS/VS only I - applicable to CICS/OS/VS only 328 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHTCT TVPE=SDSCI, LINE, TERMINAL Data set Control Informat;on (DFHTCT TVPE=SDSCI) DEVICE D D E F L S C C E S R E I W U 0 N V C R A N I A N 0 T E T * F I D A P U L C G D M T R S H E T R E B M R S 0 E C D T 0 E R D L Y E S T * T E R M T S T * * * * * 1 L3270 L3270pl R3270 1 R3270pl R3275 1 BSCMDMPT BSCMDPPT BSCMDSW 1. R R R R R R R R 0 0 0 0 0 0 R R R R R R R R 0 R R R 0 R R R 0 * * R R R R R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 L E R B A D R D M M D A 0 N A R M F E # D E 3 "re; ,:',~'~': ,: '~' ':, ~:;, # \ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .: . , 0 0 0 0 0 0 L3270 is equivalent to L3277 for local 3270 display devices. L3270P is equivalent to L3284 for local 3270 printer devices. R3270 is equivalent to 3277 for remote 3270 display devices. R3270P is equivalent to 3284 for remote 3270 printer devices. R3275 is equivalent to 3275. Commun;cat;on L;nes (DFHTCT TVPE=LINE) A C C M E T H C L A S S D S C N A M E I N A R E A L T B R T M A M M 0 R D L L N 2 L I S T A D R P A E 0 N A 0 S T L W U A R R D B F E R K B C P S 0 0 N C N 0 S 0 V L T D T C A E A N B T T L I T C T F S T U T A E L R M E R R A T T U TRMTYPE L3270 S L3270p5 R3270 S R3270p5 R3275 S 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. R3 0 R3 0 R3 0 R3 0 RJ 0 R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R 0 0 0 0 0 R R R 04 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R Rl 0 R Rl 0 R Rl 0 Rl 0 Rl 0 0 0 0 Required if a terminal work area (PCI) field is to be defined for all terminal entries associated with this line. TRMMODL may be specified in TYPE=LINE or TYPE=TERMINAL. Specify ACCMETH=BTAM. Required for first line in switched-line pooli specify ANSWRBK=EXIDVER for 3275D. L3270 is equivalent to 3277 for local 3270 display devices. L3270P is equivalent to L3284 and for local 3270 printer devices. R3270 is equivalent to 3277 for remote 3270 display devices. R3270P is equivalent to 3284 for remote 3270 printer devices. R3275 is equivalent to 3275. Chapter 3.16. TCT - Terminal Control Table (BTAM3270 329 . DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, LINE, TERMINAL Non-VTAM Term;nal Types (DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL) T R M I T R M P D R N T TRMTYPE T Y l3270 2 R 0 L3270p2 R 0 R3270 2 R 0 R3270p2 R 0 R3275 2 R 0 1. 2. 330 T R M M C L L L T T F A R R E A U S M M A S N T A S T 0 S I T D T U D T R D A R V L R 0 R 0 R 0 R 0 R 0 M R T E R R R R R R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R R R R P 0 L L P 0 T C A 0 T N A U S L A I L T R S D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T I 0 0 0 P E R R S L 01 0 01 01 0 01 01 0 Required for terminals when you define a 0-255 byte terminal work area (process control information field). L3270 is equivalent to L3277 for local 3270 display devices. L3270P is equivalent to l3284 and L3286 for local 3270 printer devices. R3270 is equivalent to 3277 for remote 3270 display devices. R3270P is equivalent to 3284 for remote 3270 printer devices. R3275 is equivalent to 3275. CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, LINE, TERMINAL BTAM 3270 DEVICE/TRMTYPE Table DEVICE/TRMTYPE 3277 ..........•.....•.•.•. L3270 3284,3286,3288 .•.....•.•.. L3270P local ... ~TCT ~",""I~" I 3270 di splays1 ......••..•.. L3270 3270 pri nters2. • • • . • • • . . • .• L3270P local C I C S a 3277 ...•.••..••..•••....•• R3270 3284,3286,3288 ..••.•.•.••. R3270P BSC n d nonsw B T 3270 di splays1 ..•••.•...•.. R3270 3270 printers2 .......•...•. R3270P BSC E A M nonsw BSC P sw or nonsw .••.. 3284 i ................... . R3275 BSC 3178,3278,3279 3262,3287,3289 nonsw 1 3270 displays: z 3270 printers: 3 R3270 R3270 R3270P 3178,3277,3278,3279,3290 3262,3284,3286,3287,3288,3289 Used for printing data displayed by 3275 only. by CICS. Not addressable The recommended TRMTYPE is L3270 or L3270P for a local 3270, and R3270, R3270P or R3275 for a remote 3270. L3270 is equivalent to L3277 for local 3270 displays. L3270P is equivalent to L3284 and L3286 for local 3270 printers. R3270 is equivalent to 3277 for remote 3270 displays. R3270P is equivalent to 3284 for remote 3270 printers. R3275 is equivalent to 3275. Chapter 3.16. TCT - Terminal Control Table 331 . ~. t,:,I\, , < " \. "t '''' ' DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, LINE, TERMINAL BTA" - DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, LINE, TERMINAL Operands for 3270 Dev;ces ACCMETH=STAM TYPE=LINE Code this to indicate that BTAM is to be used for all the terminals on the BTAM line. ALTPGE=(l;nes,columns) TYPE=TERMINAL Indicates the page size to be used by BMS for this terminal entry when ALTSCRN has been selected as the screen size. The default is the value specified in ALTSCRN. Unexpected results will occur if the columns value of ALTPGE is different from that of ALTSCRN. The lines value of ALTPGE can usefully be less than that of ALTSCRN, perhaps to reserve the bottom line of the screen for error messages (see the ERRATT operand). ALTSCRN=(l;nes,columns) TYPE=TERMINAL Defines the 3270 screen size to be used for a transaction that has SCRNSZE=ALTERNATE coded in DFHPCT TYPE=ENTRY. The default is the value specified in the DEFSCRN operand. The values that can be specified are: Device Alternate screen s;ze 3276-1, 3276-2, 3276-3, 3276-4, (12,80) (24,80) (32,80) (43,80) (27,132) (24,80) (32,80) 3278-1 3278-2 3278-3 3278-4 3278-5 3279-2A, 3279-2B 3279-3A, 3279-3B For 3287 and 3289 printers, the value specified must equal the buffer size of the particular device. For BTAM 3287 and 3289 printers, these sizes depend on the feature ordered, not on the model number. Note that there is no validity checking performed on the screen size selected, and that incorrp-ct sizes may lead to unpredictable results. For BSC devices, both the alternate and default screen sizes are determined by the device hardware. The alternate screen size is the maximum screen size. For the 3290 display, both the default and alternate screen sizes are determined by the customer setup procedure. See IBM 3290 Information Panel Description and Reference for further information. If dual screen sizes are used, you can make CICS transactions use the alternate screen size by coding SCRNSIZE=ALTERNATE in the DFHPCT TYPE=ENTRY macro instruction. If an application consists of several pseudo-conversationally linked transactions, you should code the PCT entries for each of these transactions with SCRNSIZE=ALTERNATE if the application uses alternate screen size. ALTSFX=number TYPE=TERMINAL Code this with a one-character numeric suffix (specified in the SUFFIX operand of the application programmer's DFHMSD TYPE={DSECTIMAP} macro). This suffix will be appended by BMS to 332 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHTCT TVPE=SDSCI, LINE, TERMINAL map set names if the screen size being used is the same value as the alternate screen size, that is, if the transaction has SCRNSZE=ALTERNATE coded in DFHPCT TVPE=ENTRV or if the default and alternate screen size are the same. In this case, BMS map set selection routines will attempt to load the map set with the suffix specified in the ALTSFX operand. If there is no such map set, BMS will try to load a map set suffixed with M or L and, if this load fails, BMS will try to load an unsuffixed map set version. If tha transaction uses default screen size, BMS will first try to load a map set suffixed with M or L and, if this load fails, BMS will try to load an unsuffixed map set version. ANSWRBK=CTERMINALIEXIDVERl TVPE=LINE Must be indicated for switched lines to specify the terminal identification to be used. If this operand is used, FEATURE=AUTOANSR must also be coded on the same DFHTCT TVPE=LINE macro. Only one of the following keyword parameters may be coded: TERMINAL The terminal will be identified by the operator. This parameter may be coded for dial-up binary synchronous devices. (For CICS/DOS/VS, after the dial-up, the operator must enter two terminal identifications. The first ID is the terminal ID as specified in the DFTRMLST macro instruction. This will enable BTAM to carry out ID verification and connect the line. The operator must then enter the terminal ID as it appears in the DFHTCT TVPE=TERM1NAL macro. For C1CS/OS/VS, coding a DFTRMLST macro instruction of the BSCLST format will enable BTAM to connect the line without operator intervention after the dial-up. The operator must enter the terminal ID as it appears in the DFHTCT TVPE=TERM1NAL macr~). If 3275s or 3735s share the line, EX1DVER must be coded. EXIDVER The terminal's unique 1D sequence will be identified by BTAM expanded ID verification. CICS supports expanded ID verification for 3275s. This parameter must be coded for any line on which there is a 3275. If devices that do not transmit unique ID sequences share the line with 3275s, the operator must enter the terminal identification for these devices after the dial-up connection has been made. Notes: 1. The use of EXIDVER requires that SWITCH=NEWID be coded in the BTMOD. 2. CICS supports expanded ID verification for 3275, 3735 and 3740 devices. For 3735 and 3740, see "BTAM Non-3270 Devices" on page 366. 3. These keyword parameters are valid only if the corresponding keyword parameters have been included in the DFHSG PROGRAM=TCP,ANSWRBK=(identification) operand. (STAM3270 BSCODE=CEBCDICIASCIIl TVPE=SDSCI and LINE Code this with the type of bisynchronous transmission code. When coded on the DFHTCT TVPE=LINE macro, it indicates the type of communication code to be used for a bisynchronous device on the line. EBCDIC Indicates transmission in Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code. ASCII Indicates transmission in American standard Code for Information Interchange. Chapter 3.16. TCT - Terminal Control Table 333 DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, LINE, TERMINAL BTAMRLN=number TYPE=LINE Code this with the relative line number within a line group. The relative line number can be specified in the range from 1 through 32 for CICS/DOS/VS and from 1 through 60 for CICS/OS/VS. This operand is not applicable to local 3270 devices for CICS/DOS/VS. CLASS=([{CONVIBATCH)][,VIDEO][,BISYNC]) TYPE=LINE and TERMINAL Code this on the DFHTCT TYPE=LINE macro to indicate the device classification associated with the BTAM line. The options for the CLASS operand are for purposes of documentation and clarity only. However, if the CLASS operand is used, CLASS=BISYNC must be coded for terminals on BSC lines, because this value will be inspected by DFHTCP. CLASS can be omitted, in which case BISYNC will be assumed for BSC lines. The CLASS specified for the line becomes the default CLASS specification for terminals on that line. It may also be specified on the DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL macros. However, the BISYNC subparameter is always inherited from the DFHTCT TYPE=LINE macro instruction. The applicable keyword parameters are: CONY BATCH VIDEO Device with conversational type application. Data collection type device. Display device. 3270 printers. Also, all units of the 3270 family, including BISYNC Binary synchronous device. Multiple parameters can be coded, taking into account that CONY and BATCH are mutually exclusive. CONFIG={PPTIHPT) TYPE=SDSCI, CICS/DOS/VS only Code this with the type of binary synchronous line configuration. The data link between the processor and the remote binary synchronous device is point-to-point. MPT The data link between the processor and the remote binary synchronous devices is a multipoint link. Note: MPT should be coded for terminals using the multipoint procedure even if there is only one terminal installed at that line. (For example, a 3270 display on a nonswitched line.) See BTAM-ES Programming for additional information. CONVTAB={EBCDICIASCII) TYPE=LINE Code this with the type of transmission code, and may be used instead of the BSCODE operand for binary synchronous devices. applicable keyword parameters are: EBCDIC Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code. 334 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide The DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, LINE, TERMINAL ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange. CU=(2701127021270JIJ272J TYPE=SDSCI, CICS/DOS/VS only Defines the control unit attached to the channel. The options are 2701, 2702 or 2703 for remote 3270, and 3272 for local 3270. I .~ • ~';\~~~"'j.f t DDNAME=(name-;n-DSCNAHElnameJ \:,rCT TYPE=SDSCI, CICS/OS/VS only .'.j . . . . . Supplies the name of the data definition eDD) statement associated with a particular data set (line group). If this operand is omitted, the DSCNAME becomes the DDNAME. DEFSCRN=(l;nes,columnsJ TYPE=TERMINAL Dofines the 3270 screen size or 3270 printer page size to be used on this device when attached to a transaction or used by BMS for which SCRNSZE=DEFAULT has been defined in DFHPCT TYPE=ENTRY. The default ;s the value associated with the appropriate option in the TRMMODL operand, and is valid for dual screen-size terminals only. The values that may be specified in the DEFSCRN operand are: Dev;ce Screen size 3278-1 3278-2 3276-3, 3278-3 3276-4, 3278-4 3278-5 3279-2A, 3279-2B 3279-3A, 3279-3B (12,40) (24,80) (24,80) (24,80) (24,80) (24,80) (24,80) For BSC devices, both default and alternate screen sizes are determined by the terminal hardware. The default screen size is 24,80, except for the 3278-1 where it is 12,40. DEVICE=dev;ce TYPE=SDSCI Code this with the valid device types for this data set in the TCT. One of the following may be chosen: R3275, L3270, L3270P, R3270, R3270P, 3275, 3277, L3277, 3284, L3284, 3286, L3286 BSCMDMPT, BSCMDPPT, BSCMDSW L3270 and L3270P signify "local 3270 attachment." L3270 indicates 3277 or a local 3284, 3286, 3278, and L3270P indicat~s a local 3287, 3288 or 3289. R3270 indicates a remote 3277 or 3278 R3270P indicates a remote 3284, 3286, 3287, 3288 or 3289. R3275 indicates a remote 3275. BSCMDPPT signifies "mixed binary synchronous point-to-point devices." BSCMDSW signifies "mixed binary synchronous switched devices." BSCMDMPT signifies "mixed binary synchronous multipoint devices." (See Notes below.) Chapter 3.16. TCT - Terminal Control Table 335 'L ~ " ~ ,. ,.~\.~\ i} t. "f ~ , ~ ~_ .. .... , ~, DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, LINE, TERMINAL Notes: 1. The "BTAM 3270 DEVICE/TRMTYPE Table" on page 331 provides guidance on how to specify DEVICE and TRMTYPE values for 3270 devices. 2. Support for all specified device types must be generated in the terminal control program using the DFHSG TYPE=TCP macro instruction. 3. Code DEVICE=BSCMDPPT, or BSCMDSW, or BSCMDMPT for binary synchronous devices that require transparent feature. DSCNAME=name TYPE=SDSCI and LINE Code this with the symbolic data set control name associated with the data set control information and its related communication line(s). The same DSCNAME must be specified on the DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI macro and on its related DFHTCT TYPE=LINE macro(s). ERRATT=CNOI([LASTLINE][,INTENSIFY][,CBlUEIREDIPINKIGREENITURQUOISEI YELLOWI NEUTRALJ][,CBLINKIREVERSEIUNDERLINEJJ1] TYPE=LINE and TERMINAL When coded on the TYPE=LINE macro, it indicates the attributes that are to be associated with error messages that are displayed on all 3270 screens on this line. This will override the value of ERRATT specified on the DFHTCT TYPE=INITIAL macro instruction. When coded on the TYPE=TERMINAl macro, it indicates the attributes that are to be associated with error messages that are displayed on this 3270 screen. This will override the value of the ERRATT operand coded in a DFHTCT TYPE=INITIAL or TYPE=lINE macro instruction. An error message will be displayed at the current cursor position and without any additional attributes. LASTLINE An error message will be displayed starting at the beginning of the line nearest the bottom of the screen such that the message will fit on the screen. Note: Since all error messages occupy the same line, if the messages are received in quick succession they will overlay one another and the earlier messages may disappear before being read. The other values indicate that one or more of the 3270 attributes are to be used when an error messages is displayed. Specification of any attribute implies LASTLINE. Valid attributes are: For field intensification: INTENSIFY For color: BLUE RED PINK GREEN TURQUOISE YELLOW NEUTRAL 336 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, LINE, TERMINAL For highlighting: BLINK REVERSE UNDERLINE Any attributes specified that are not valid for a particular device will be ignored. ERROPT=[E][C][T] TYPE=SDSCI Code this with the error recovery, error recording, and online test options to be provided for the line group. The applicable keyword parameters are: C CICS/OS/VS only. Code this if threshold error counts and cumulative error counts are to be maintained in the line error recording block (LERB) for the line for data check, intervention required, and non-text timeout errors. For CICS/DOS/VS, the LERB support is generated if the LERBADR parameter is coded on the DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI macro. Code this if the basic error recovery procedures are to be provided for the line group. If ERROPT is omitted, ERROPT=E is assumed. T CICS/OS/VS only. Code this if the online terminal test facility is to be used for the line group. This parameter is valid for all IBM terminals with or without error recovery capability. Notes: 1. For CICS/OS/VS, EROPT is also a valid spelling of this operand. 2. Commas must not be coded in this operand. FEATURE=(feature[,feature], ••• l TYPE=SDSCI, CICS/DOS/VS only Code this with device-dependent machine special features and programming special features. The applicable keyword parameters are: BSC must be coded when the DEVICE operand specifies a binary synchronous device. MAS or SLV may be used to specify whether the processor is to be Master (MAS) or Slave (SLV) when contention occurs in a binary synchronous processor-to-processor contention system (private line). If this operand is not used, FEATURE=MAS is assumed for this system. If FEATURE=MAS is coded, the remote device is to be the slave when contention occurs. If FEATURE=SLV is coded, the remote device is the master. RIX, RXW, or RIW may be used if ID verification for an answering operation is to occur in a binary synchronous point-to-point dial system. A more detailed explanation of these codes is given in BTAM-ES Programming. (See Note below.) Chapter 3.16. TCT - Terminal Control Table 337 (BTAM3270 DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, LINE, TERMINAL SIX, SXW, or SIW may be used if ID verification for a calling operation is to occur in a binary synchronous point-to-point dial system. A more detailed explanation of these codes is given in STAM-ES Programming. (See Note below.) Note: The SIX, SXW, SIW, RIX, RXW, and RIW parameters should not be used with expanded ID verification, that is, they should not be included if ANSWRSK=EXIDVER is coded in the DFHTCT TYPE=LINE macro instruction. FEATURE=(feature[,feature], ••• l TYPE=LINE One or more optional features are present on a given remote line. These features can be specified in any order using the following keyword parameters: AUTOANSR The automatic answering feature for switched lines. For terminals on switched-line networks, FEATURE=AUTOANSR must always be coded. AUTOCALL The automatic calling feature for switched lines. AUTOPOLL The automatic polling feature required for multipoint binary synchronous communication terminals. FEATURE=AUTOPOLL must be coded if AUTOLST or AUTOWLST is coded in the STAM DFTRMLST macro. FEATURE=(feature[,featurel, ••• l TYPE=TERMINAL Code this with the applicable features for the 3270 terminals. Further information on the features for 3270 devices can be found in the CICS/VS IBM 3270/8775 Guide. AUDALARM Code this for the Audible Alarm feature for a 3270 terminal. COLOR The 3270 device has the extended color feature, which allows colors to be selected for each field or character. COpy Code this if the Copy Feature for a 3270 display or printer is included in the 3270 control unit. EXTDS The 3270 device supports extensions to the 3270 data stream. This option is implied if anyone of the COLOR, HILIGHT, PS, or VALIDATION (3270 only) options is coded. HILIGHT The 3270 terminal has the extended highlight facility, which enables fields or characters to be displayed in reverse-video, underline mode, or blink (3270 only). KAT AKANA Katakana support is required. Katakana terminals do not have a lower case character set, but a Katakana character set instead. When coded for a Katakana terminal, all lower case characters directed to the terminal from the transactions CEDA, CEBR, CECI, CEDF, and CEMT will be translated to upper case. PARTNS Code this if the terminal, a 3290, is to support partitions. 338 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, LINE, TERMINAL PRINT must be coded for BTAM-supported 3270 printers that are eligible to receive print requests. This feature makes the 3270 printer eligible for print requests by means of the CICS print key (usually a Program Access key) from a 3270 display. In o~der to support print requests from a 3270 display, the remote 3270 control unit must have the COpy option (see above). For local 3270's, all TCTTEs for devices attached to the same local 3270 control unit must be generated on the same TCT SDSCI/LINE pair and a separate SDSCI/LINE pair must be generated for each local control unit. (See the PRINT operand in DFHSIT.) See the CICS/VS IBM 3270/8775 Guide for more information on screen printing. PS The programmed symbol (PS) facility can be used on this 3270 device. The facility enables up to six 191-character sets, with customer-defined and program-loaded fonts and codes, to be stored and accessed. PTRADAPT For the 3275, specifies the Printer Adapter feature and corresponding 3284 Printer Model 3 on the 3275 Display Station. This feature makes the 3284 eligible for print requests through the Program Access key from the host 3275. separate DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL macro instruction cannot be coded for the 3284 Printer Model 3, because this printer shares the buffer of the 3275 Display Station. A Note: If output is created on the screen by DFHBMS or DFHMSD macro instructions with CTRL=PRINT, by BMS requests with the NLEOM·option, or by the CMSG command, the contents of the screen are automaticallY copied to a 3270 printer, whether the Program Access key was hit or not. TRANSPARENCY Code this if terminal data is not to be translated on a read or write, allowing the sending or receiving of all 256 bit combinations in a byte. This applies to 3270 devices with extended data stream support, and is implied by FEATURE=EXTDS. This is itself implied by setting any extended attribute feature. UCTRAN Code this for translation of lowercase data to uppercase in 3270 input data streams. If UCTRAN is coded, the EBCDIC and/or ASCII parameters must also be coded in the UCTRAN operand of the DFHSG PROGRAM=TCP macro instruction. Only UCTRAN=EBCDIC is valid for 3270 devices. Translation can be overridden in the application program by coding the ASIS option on specific RECEIVE requests. VALIDATION The 3290 device has the validation feature, which allows fields to be defined as MANDATORY FILL or MANDATORY ENTER. Information in the TCTTE provided by coding the following features will not be used by CICS, but may be of use to applications programs requiring informaticn on the features available on particular devices. 3270E The device is one of the 3270 range having the alternate screen size facility (3276, 3278, 3279, 3287 or 3289). This option may not be coded for a 3287 printer attached to a 3271 or 3272 control unit. APLKYBD The 3270 device has the APL keyboard feature. Chapter 3.16. TCT - Terminal Control Table 339 DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, LINE, TERMINAL APLTEXT The 3270 device has the APL text feature. This option may not be coded for a 3288 printer (with or without the TEXTPRINT option, below). The APLTEXT feature is used in conjunction with the TEXTKYBD and APLKYBD options. DCKYBD Code this for the typewriter keyboard and/or operator console keyboard for a 3270 display. Both uppercase and lowercase data can be transmitted with either of these keyboards. SELCTPEN Code this for the Selector Pen feature for a 3270 display. TEXTKYBD The 3270 device has the text-keyboard feature. TEXTPRINT A 3288 printer has the text-print feature. This option may be used in conjunction with the 3270E option to indicate that the text-print feature will be used on a 3289 printer. FF={NOIYES) TYPE=TERMINAL Indicates whether the terminal supports forms feed (FF). If FF=YES is coded, BMS will use this character when formatting output documents. For 3270 displays and printers, FF=YES must be used in conjunction with the FORMFEED option in the BMS SEND commands. Use of form feed on display devices provides for a skip to a new page when the screen data is copied to a printer. Refer to the CICS/VS Application Programmer's Reference Manual (Command Level) for further information on the use of the FORMFEED option. FSTTERM=name TYPE=LINE Code this with the name of the first terminal on the line. The operand prevents the default assembler name being given to the first DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL macro. The FSTTERM operand and the label parameter in DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL for the first terminal entry in the line group must be coded when the number of lines multiplied by 10 plus the number of terminals multiplied by 10 is-greater than 9999. This will prevent duplicate labels from being generated in large terminal control tables. Note that the FSTTERM and POOLADR operands on the DFHTCT TYPE=LINE macro are mutually exclusive. GENPOLL=YES TYPE=LINE Must be coded for a multipoint binary synchronous communication line if one or more of the polling sequences in the DFTRMLST macro instruction is a general poll sequence. If this operand is used, the POLLPOS operand must be included in each DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL specification associated with the line. For remote 3270 devices, GENPOLL=YES is the default. INAREAL=length TYPE=LINE Code this with the message input area length. minimum, must be coded as follows: • 340 This value, as a For the remote 3270, you should specify either 256, or 300 if the Request For Test (RFT) facility is used. At no time can a message whose length exceeds the INAREAL value by more than 4000 bytes be read. CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, LINE, TERMINAL • For the local 3270, the value specified may be any number greater than zero. This value indicates the minimum size of the Terminal Input/Output Area (TIOA) that will be passed to the transaction by the terminal control program. For performance considerations and to minimize screen "blinking", the value specified should be equal to or greater than the length of the majority of the expected input messages. At no time can a message be read whose length exceeds the IHAREAL value by more than 4000 bytes (unless the transaction provides a TIOA for the read large enough to contain the message). Also see the CICS/VS Performance Guide. label on TYPE=TERMINAL macro Provides a one- to eight-character name for the DFHTCT TYPE=TERMIHAL macro instruction being generated and must be coded on the DFHTCT TYPE=TERMIHAL macro instruction that: • identifies the first terminal in a pool of switched terminals or local 3270 terminals. If used in this manner, "label" should be the same as that used in the POOLADR operand of DFHTCT TYPE=LIHE. • identifies a 3270 printer referenced by the PRIHTTO or ALTPRT operands on a DFHTCT TYPE=TERMIHAL macro (see these operands). It is optional otherwise. LASTTRH=tLINElpOOLl TYPE=TERMIHAL Indicates a "last terminal" condition. LINE POOL applies to BTAM nonswitched line processing (except local 3270). applies to BTAM switched-line processing and the local 3270 Information Display System. It must be coded to identify the last terminal in the pool. LERBADR=symbol;c-address TYPE=SDSCI Code this with the label of the BTAM line error recording block (LERB) that you create by means of the BTAM 'LERB' macro instruction. LERB is also a valid spelling. Notes: 1. For CICS/OS/VS, this parameter should not be coded unless ERROPT=C is also coded. 2. This parameter should not be coded for local 3270 terminals. LINELST=(nnn[,nnnl, ••• ) TYPE=SDSCI, CICS/DOS/VS only Code this with the correspondence between symbolic unit (SYSnnn) and relative line number. You code one three-digit number (nnn interpreted as SYSnnn) for each line in the line group. The order in which the three-digit numbers are coded determines which symbolic units are associated with the individual lines in the line group. As many as 32 three-digit numbers from 000 through 244 may be specified in this operand. For local 3270 terminals, each number entry represents a physical device. Chapter 3.16. TCT - Terminal Control Table 341 DFHTCT TVPE=SDSCI, LINE, TERMINAL LINSTAT='OUT OF SERVICE' TYPE=LINE The line is to be initiated with an default is "in service." ~out of service" status. The LISTADR=(namel[,WRAP1] TYPE=LINE Code this with the name of the BTAM define-terminal-list macro instruction (DFTRMLST) in which you have specified a polling list for the communication line. Use of the prefixes "DFH", "NIB", and "TCT" in the label could cause assembly errors. DFTRMLST entries should be coded immediately preceding DFHTCT TYPE=LINE entries or immediately following DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL entries. One separate DFTRMLST must be coded for each communication line on a switched network. A terminal must not be specified more than once in a polling list. name WRAP The name of the label of the DFTRMlST macro instruction. A wraplist (WRAPlST, AUTOWlST, or SSAWlST) was specified in the DFTRMlST macro instruction. The default is an open list. Care must be taken to ensure that the correct parameter is coded, otherwise system performance may be degraded. Notes: 1. When expanded ID verification is used for 3275 in a switched network (i.e. ANSWRBK=EXIDVER is coded), the LISTADR operand must specify the name of a DFTRMLST macro instruction of the SWlST,AN format. The user data portion of the entries in this list must be either of the following: a. The name of the corresponding DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAl macro instruction for each 3275; or b. Hexadecimal zeros for terminals that share the line with the 3275 but do not transmit unique ID sequences. For the switched line containing 3275 using expanded ID verification with or without other binary synchronous devices, the answering list must be coded as follows: symbol DFTRMLST SWlST,AN,xx,4,yy,zz, (authsequence,O,userdata), ... , ... , (2D,O,ZERO) where: 342 ** symbol is the user name specified by the lISTADR operand of the DFHTCT TYPE=lINE macro instruction and ,xx,yy,zz are as defined in the BTAM manual. (authsequence,O,userdata) is a sublist in the answering list for each 3275 in which: authsequence is as defined in the BTAM manual, o must be specified for the control value, and userdata is the name of the DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAl entry. and (2D,O,ZERO)is a sublist in the answering list for all other devices on the line which do not transmit unique ID sequences where: 2D is the ID ENQ sequence for such other devices, o must be specified for the control value, and ZERO is the name used to represent user data (the following statement must be coded: ZERO EQU 0). CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, LINE, TERMINAL 2. Polling list entries for remote non-dial 3270 displays must specify a general poll. The use of a general poll allows a single entry in the polling list to invite input from all devices attached to each remote control unit or display station. In this form of operation, the polling list should contain only one entry for each 3270 control unit or for each 3270 display on the line. For 3270 systems, this form of operation is achieved by using a device address code of X'7F' (EBCDIC) or X'22' (ASCII) in each polling list entry applicable to a 3270 control unit or 3270 station. For remote 3270 terminals, see the discussion of the GEHPOLL operand on the DFHTCT TVPE=LIHE macro, and of the POLLPOS operand on the DFHTCT TVPE=TERMIHAL macro. 3. "J, ~ • ~~,,"I"~\ ~t·~, ~" TeT ~ .!ol-!,I, ',," ~~ ...1. \ . Manual dial-out (MD) is not supported in CICS. For more information, see BTAM-ES Programming or OS/VS Basic Telecommunications Access Method. LVUNIT=number TVPE=TERMIHAL Code this with a decimal number from 1 to n that identifies the local video unit. For local 3270, n is a maximum of 32. This operand is applicable when TRMTVPE=L3277, TRMTVPE=L3284, or TRMTVPE=L3286 is coded. For CICS/DOS/VS, the LVUNIT specification indicates the local video unit's relative position in the corresponding DFHTCT TVPE=SDSCI, LIHELST=parameter specification. For CICS/OS/VS, the LVUHIT specification indicates the local video unit's relative position in the concatenation of data definition (DD) statements for the corresponding DFHTCT TVPE=SDSCI specification. I1ACRF= ( [R 1 , un 1 TVPE=SDSCI, CICS/OS/VS only Code this with how access to the BTAM line group or to sequential devices is to be gained. R w indicates the READ macro instruction. indicates the WRITE macro instruction. The default for BTAM line groups is MACRF=(R,W); the OPEN option for BTAM line groups defaults to input. MODE=([CNTRL1,{AIB1,{AIBll TVPE=SDSCI, CICS/OS/VS only Code this with the mode of communication for a binary synchronous line group. Hote that because CICS does not support the IBC parameter described in OS/VS Basic Telecommunications Access Method, a leading comma must be used. A Code this if communications are to be through the 2701 Data Adapter ~nit's Dual Communication Interface A. B Code this if communications are to be through the 2701s Dual Communication Interface B. This parameter must not be coded if this feature is not present on the 2701. Code this if transmission code A is to be used for the 2701 Data Adapter Unit Dual Code Feature. Chapter 3.16. TCT - Terminal Control Table 343 (BTAM3270 ;.I, I'~ DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, LINE, TERMINAL B CNTRL Code this if the transmission code designated by Code B is to be used for the 2701 Dual Code Feature. This parameter must not be coded if this feature is not present on the 2701. should be coded if the central computer is to be given control when contention occurs on a point-to-point nonswitched line. It should be omitted if the remote station is to be given control. MODELST=(code[coJel, ••• ) TYPE=SDSCI, CICS/DOS/VS only Specifies a code (0, 1, 2, or 3) for each ;line in a binary synchronous line group to be used by BTAM'at OPEN time. For example, a line group comprised of 5 lines coded as: MODELST=(,1,,3,) would assign a code of 1 to line 2, 3 to line 4 and 0 (default) to lines 1, 3 and 5. CICS/DOS/VS does not support the use of codes 4, 5, 6, end 7. A more detailed explanation of this operand is given in BTAM-ES Programming. If converting from CICS/DOS/VS to CICS/OS/VS, this operand must be recoded to MODE. NPDELAY=number TYPE=LINE Negative poll delety that specifies the interval of time, in milliseconds, between line polls (invitations) when a negative response to a poll is detected. This number can be specified in the range 0 to 20000, with default values varying by device type. NPDELAY may not be coded for lines that use WRAPLST, AUTOWLST, or SSAWLST. Also see the CICS/VS Performance Guide. OPERID=operator-;dent;f;cat;on-code TYPE=TERMINAL Code this with the three-character default operator identification code to be used when CICS signs on. Note: This operand (together with OPERPRI, OPERRSL, and OPERSEC) is usually omitted for display terminals. Instead, the operator information is supplied from the sign-on table (SNT) by the sign-on transaction. OPERPRI=operator-pr;or;ty-code TYPE=TERMINAL Code this with the operator priority code to be used when CICS signs on. The code may be any value from 0 through 255. Note: This operand (together with OPERID, OPERRSL, and OPERSEC) is usually omitted for display terminals. Instead, the operator information is supplied from the sign-on table (SNT) by the sign-on transaction. OPERRSL=C~I(number[, ••• ]) TYPE=TERMINAL Code this with the resource security level to be set in the TCT for a terminal or link if a sign-on is not to be performed. The resource security level comprises one or more decimal values from 1 through 24. Thi~ RSL value is checked with the resource RSL value by transactions that require resource level security checking. Note: This operand (together with OPERID, OPERPRI, and OPERSEC) is usually omitted for display terminals. Instead, the operator information is supplied from the sign-on table (SNT) by the sign-on transaction. 344 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, LINE, TERMINAL OPERSEC=(ll(number[, ••• l l TYPE=TERMINAL Code this with the security key for this TCTTE if sign-on is not performed by the terminal operator. The security key comprises one or more decimal values from 1 through 64. Notes: 1. In addition to the values specified, a value of 1 will also be generated. 2. If OPERRSL or OPERSEC is specified, the terminal operator will not be allowed to alter these values by performing a sign-on. 3. This operand (together with OPERID, OPERPRI, and OPERRSL) is usually omitted for display terminals. Instead, the operator information is supplied from the sign-on table (SNT) by the sign-on transaction. .lIt !~, !. .... J I'..... • \ tlJlII I!, If . . I. o BTAM DFTRMLST macro instruction of the form SWLST,AN. The user portion of each 3740 DFTRMLST entry must point to the corresponding TCTTE. o DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL,TRMTYPE=3740. " O!'I\, If FEATURE=AUTOCALL is specified in the DFHTCT TYPE=L1NE macro instruction, the following must also be specified: o BTAM DFTRMLST macro instruction of the form SWLST,AD. • DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL,TRMADDR=parameter. If the 3740 does not have the expanded 1D verification feature (specified in the ANSWRBK=EXIDVER operand of DFHTCT TYPE=L1NE macro), the first record (block) from the 3740 must contain only the terminal identification; any other data in the first block will be disregarded. Data must begin in byte 1 of the second block. 3740 (Multipoint) TCT Example under eICS/DOS/VS Bisynchronous transmission on multipoint line DFHTCT TYPE=SDSC1, DEVICE=3740, DSCNAME=MPT3740, CU=2703, LINELST=(026), MODELST=(O), FEATURE=(BSC), CONFIG=MPT, DFHTCT TYPE=LINE, ACCMETH=BTAM, TRMTYPE=3740, INAREAL=600, DSCNAME=MPT3740, BTAMRLN=l, LISTADR=(POLL3740,WRAP), FEATURE=AUTOPOLL DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, TRMIDNT=L374, TRMTYPE=3740, TIOAL=128, TRMADDR=ADDR3741, TRMSTAT=TRANSCEIVE, FEATURE=TRANSPARENCY, BUFFER=128 POLL3740 DFTRMLST AUTOWLST,3732,C1C12D,C2C22D ADDR3740 DFTRMLST OPENLST,(81812D) ADDR3741 DFTRMLST OPENLST,(82822D) Chapter 3.16. TCT - Terminal Control Table * * * ** * * * * * ** * * * BTAM NON-3270 403 ... · ;~'/, 'jl: DFHTCT Examples 3740 (Sw;tchedJ TCT Example under CICS/DOS/VS Bisynchronous transmission on switched line with expanded id verification DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, DEVICE=3740, DSCNAME=DD3741A, BSCODE=EBCDIC, FEATURE=(BSC), SWITCH=YES, CU=2703, CONFIG=PPT, LINELST=(016), MODELST=(O) DFHTCT TYPE=LINE, ACCMETH=BTAM, TRMTYPE=3740, DSCNAME=DD3741A, ANSWRBK=EXIDVER, INAREAL=514, BTAMRLN=l, LISTADR=LISTANA, FEATURE=(AUTOANSR,AUTOCALL), POOLADR=TRMA3741, BSCODE=EBCDIC TRMA3741 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, TRMIDNT=A374, TRMTYPE=3740, LASTTRM=POOL, TRMADDR=LISTADA, TRMSTAT=TRANSCEIVE, TIOAL=128, FEATURE=TRANSPARENCY LISTANA DFTRMLST SWLST,AN,10,4,2,1070,(A58189A52D"TRMA3741) LISTADA DFTRMLST SWLST,AD,4,3729,8,O,l,2D,(A58189A51070) Bisynchron~us verification transmission on switched line without expanded id DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, DEVICE=3740, DSCNAME=DD3740D, BSCODE=EBCDIC, FEATURE=(BSC,RIX), SWITCH=YES, CU=2703, CONFIG=PPT, LINELST=(015), MODELST=(O) DFHTCT TYPE=LINE, ACCMETH=BTAM, TRMTYPE=3740, DSCNAME=DD3740D, ANSWRBK=TERMINAL, INAREAL=514, BTAMRLN=l, LISTADR=ID3740D, FEATURE=(AUTOANSR), POOLADR=T3740, BSCODE=EBCDIC TRMA3741 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, TRMIDNT=3740, LASTTRM=POOL, TRMSTAT=TRANSCEIVE, TIOAL=128, FEATURE=TRANSPARENCY· ID3740D DFTRMLST IDLST,O,5,A58189A52D,0 404 ** * * ** ** * ** * ** * ** * * * ** * * * * CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide * * * * * ** * * * * * * ** * * ** * ** ** DFHTCT TYPE=7770MSG 3740 (Switched) TCT Example under CICS/OS/VS Bisynchronous transmission on switched line DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, DEVICE=BSCMDPPT, DSCHAME=DD3740 DFHTCT TYPE=LIHE, ACCMETH=BTAM, TRMTYPE=3740, DSCHAME=DD3740, IHAREAL=608, BTAMRLH=l, LISTADR=AHSW3740, FEATURE=(AUTOAHSR,AUTOCAll), POOLADR=T3740, ANSWRBK=EXIDVER T3740 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, TRMIDHT=3740, TRMTYPE=3740, LASTTRM=LIHE, TRMSTAT=TRANSCEIVE, FEATURE=TRANSPARENCY, TIOAL=128, BUFFER=128 ANSW3740 DFTRMLST SWLST,AN,10,4,2,1070,(A58189A52D"T3740) DIAl3740 DFTRMlST SWLST,AD,4,3375,8,0,1,2D,(A58189ASI070,1) ** * * * * * ** ~L.,: . . ,.J~ "7[CT \ ,I l J. /, " , * * ** * * * 3780 Data Communication Terminal TCT Example under CICS/OS/VS Bisynchronous transmission on multipoint line DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, BSCODE=EBCDIC, DDNAME=DD3780, DEVICE=3780, DSCHANE=DCB3780 DFHTCT TYPE=LINE, TRMTYPE=3780, DSCNAME=DCB3780, ACCMETH=BTAM, BTANRLN=I, BSCODE=EBCDIC, INAREAL=S20, FEATURE=AUTOPOLl, LISTADR=(LA3780,WRAP) DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, TRMIDNT=B37A, LASTTRM=LINE, TIOAL=80, TRMTYPE=3780, BUFFER=SI2, TRMADDR=TA3780 lA3780 DFTRMLST AUTOWLST,(CICIF02D,37373737) TA3780 DFTRMLST OPENLST,(81812D) ** * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * 7770 Audio Response Unit DFHTCT TYPE=7770MSG Note: ~. BTAM NON-3270 The 7770 audio response unit is not supported by MVS/XA. For CICS to communicate with an audio terminal (for example, the 2721 Portable Audio Terminal), two digital response messages (an error message and a ready message) must be defined in the TCT for each line. This is accomplished by issuing the DFHTCT TYPE=7770MSG macro instruction, which must immediatelY precede the DFHTCT TYPE=FINAL macro Chapter 3.16. TCT - Terminal Control Table 405 "'6"'~' DFHTCT TYPE=7770MSG instruction. To avoid confusion, thes~ messages should be unique; that is, these messages should not also be defined in user-written application programs. The ready message is used by CICS: • In response to a valid terminal identification being entered subsequent to line connection. • When the sign-on sequence has been completed. • When a 7770 Audio Response Unit is connected to a line and no transaction is associated with the 7770. • In response to a READ request if the request sequence was not a WRITE, READ. The error message is used by CICS: • In response to an invalid terminal identification being entered subsequent to line connection. • When a valid terminal identification has been entered but: (1) the terminal has an "out of service" status, or (2) the terminal has an "in service" status but the terminal identification has already been entered on another line. • In response to an invalid or disabled transaction identification. • In response to an error during the signon/signoff sequence. • If the input message is too long. • If the transaction associated with the 7770 is abnormally terminated. • If a 32-second timeout occurs. o If no terminal entry is available in the terminal pool. name name DFHTCT TYPE=7770MSG, MESSAGE='message' is required and must be the same as the symbolic address specified in the RDYMSG or ERRMSG parameters of DFHTCT TYPE=lINE. TYPE=7770MSG indicates audio response messages. MESSAGE='message' defines digital response messages for the 7770 Audio Response Unit. These messages must be constructed in the form of hexadecimal constants, enclosed within single quotes, and may contain up to 48 hexadecimal digits (24 bytes). The first two digits must contain binary zeros (00) to represent a one-byte "silence" track address on the 7770; subsequent digits may be used to represent up to 23 additional one-byte 7770 track addresses. For further details, see Component Description 7770 Audio Response Unit Model 3. 406 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHTCT Examples 7770 TCT Example under CICS.lOS.lVS local attachment DCB DFHTCT TVPE=SDSCI, DEVICE=7770, DSCNA~1E=DCB7770 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * , APPENDG=Z3 l17770 DFHTCT TYPE=lINE, ACCMETH=BTAM, TRMTYPE=7770, DSCNAME=DCB7770, INAREAl=256, BTAMRLN=l, FEATURE=AUTOANSR, ANSWRBK=TERMINAl, CONVTAB=ABB, RDYMSG=READY, ERRMS G'= ERRO R, POOLADR=T17770 l27770 DFHTCT TYPE=LINE, ACCMETH=BTAM, TRMTYPE=7770, DSCNAME=DCB7770, INAREAL=256, BTAMRlN=2, FEATURE=AUTOANSR, ANSWRBK=TERMINAl, CONVTAB=ABB, RDYMSG=READY, ERRMSG=ERROR l37770 DFHTCT TYPE=LINE, ACCMETH=BTAM, TRMTYPE=7770, DSCNAME=DCB7770, INAREAl=256, BTAMRLN=3, FEATURE=AUTOANSR, ANSWRBK=TERMINAL, CONVTAB=ABB, RDYMSG=READY, ERRMSG=ERROR l47770 DFHTCT TYPE=LINE, ACCMETH=BTAM, TRMTYPE=7770, DSCNAME=DCB7770, INAREAL=256, BTAMRLN=4, FEATURE=AUTOANSR, ANSWRBK=TERMINAL, CONVTAB=ABB, RDYMSG=READY, ERRMSG=ERROR T17770 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAl, TRMIDNT=7771, TRMPRTY=30, TRMTYPE=7770, TRMSTAT=TRANSCEIVE T27770 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, TRMIDNT=7772, TRMPRTY=30, TRMTYPE=7770, TRMSTAT=TRANSCEIVE T37770 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, TRMIDNT=7773, TRMPRTY=30, TRMTYPE=7770, TRMSTAT=TRANSCEIVE Chapter 3.16. TCT - Terminal Control Table 407 "reT' " ';'; , BTAM NON·3270 (, DFHTCT Examples T47770 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAl, TRMIDNT=7774, TRMPRTY=30, TRMTYPE=7770, TRMSTAT=TRANSCEIVE, LASTTRM=POOL READY DFHTCT TYPE=7770MSG, MESSAGE='OOIDOB' ERROR DFHTCT TYPE=7770MSG, MESSAGE='OOOAOF' * * * * * * * 7770 TCT Example under CICS/DOS/VS Local attachment DTF l17770 l27770 l37770 l47770 408 DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, DEVICE=7770, DSCNAME=DTF7770, SWITCH=YES, lINELST=(080,081,082,083), BLKSIZE=256 DFHTCT TYPE=lINE, ACCMETH=BTAM, TRMTYPE=7770, DSCNAME=DTF7770, INAREAL=256, BTAMRlN=l, FEATURE=AUTOANSR, ANSWRBK=TERMINAL, CONVTAB=ABB, RDYMSG=READY, ERRMSG=ERROR, POOLADR=T17770 DFHTCT TYPE=LINE, ACCMETH=BTAM, TRMTYPE=7770, DSCNAME=DTF7770, INAREAL=256, BTAMRlN=2, FEATURE=AUTOANSR, ANSWRBK=TERMINAl, CONVTAB=ABB, RDYMSG=READY, ERRMSG=ERROR DFHTCT TYPE=lINE, ACCMETH=BTAM, TRMTYPE=7770, DSCNAME=DTF7770, INAREAl=256, BTAMRLN=3, FEATURE=AUTOANSR, ANSWRBK=TERMINAL, CONVTAB=ABB, RDYMSG=READY, ERRMSG=ERROR DFHTCT TYPE=LINE, ACCMETH=BTAM, TRMTYPE=7770, DSCNAME=DTF7770, INAREAL=256, BTAMRlN=4, FEATURE=AUTOANSR, ANSWRBK=TERMINAl, CONVTAB=ABB, RDYMSG=READY, ERRMSG=ERROR CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * DFHTCT "'--- EX~mple5 T17770 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMIHAL, TRMIDHT=7771, TRMPRTY=30, TRMTYPE=7770, TRMSTAT=TRAHSCEIVE T27770 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMIHAL, TRMIDHT=7772, TR~lPRTY=30 , TRMTYPE=7770, TRMSTAT=TRAHSCEIVE T37770 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMIHAL, TRMIDHT=7773, TRMPRTY=30, TRMTYPE=7770, TRMSTAT=TRAHSCEIVE T47770 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMIHAL, TRMIDHT=7774, TRMPRTY=30, TRMTYPE=7770, TRMSTAT=TRAHSCEIVE, lASTTRM=POOL READY DFHTCT TYPE=7770MSG, MESSAGE='OOlDOB' ERROR DFHTCT TYPE=7770MSG, MESSAGE='OOOAOF' * * ** * * * * ** 1( * * * * 1( * * * Personal computer (TWX) The PC with the ASYHC communications package can be attached to CICS as a TWX terminal using start-stop communication. Personal Computer (TWX) TCT Example under CICS/DOS/VS Start-stop transmission on switched line TWXSC1 DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, BSCODE=ASCII, DEVICE=TW35, DSCHAME=TWXONE, CU=2703, SWITCH=YES, lIHElST=(079) TWXIDL DFTRMlST IDlST,O,11,OOB150FFC393C3CBB15088 TWXLINE DFHTCT TYPE=LIHE, ACCMETH=BTAM, POOLADR=TWXDIAL, IHAREAL=5000, TRMTYPE=TWX, LIHSTAT='OUT OF SERVICE', BTAMRLH=l, DSCHAME=TWXONE, FEATURE=AUTOAHSR, AHSWRBK=TERMIHAL, ClASS=(HARDCOPY), LISTADR=TWXIDL TWXDIAL DFHTCT TYPE=TERMIHAL, TRMSTAT=TRAHSCEIVE, TRMIDHT=TWX1, TRMPRTY=l, LASTTRM=POOL, TI O,A L=50 0 0 INAREAL=SOOO should be increased or decreased depending on the ASY program specification. BTAM NON·3270 ~-Chapter 3.16. TCT - Terminal Control Table 409 DFHTCT Examples system/3 TCT Example under CICS/OS/VS Bisynchronous transmission on switched line DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, BSCODE=EBCDIC, DDNAME=DDDSYS3, DEVICE=SYS/3, DSCNAME=DCBDSYS3, MACRF=CR,W) DFHTCT TYPE=LINE, TRMTYPE=SYS/3, DSCNAME=DCBDSYS3, ACCMETH=BTAM, BTAMRLN=l, BSCODE=EBCDIC, POOLADR=SYS3D, INAREAL=500, FEATURE=AUTOANSR, LISTADR=LASYS3, ANSWRBK=TERMINAL SYS3D DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, TRMIDNT=DSY3, LASTTRM=POOL, TIOAL=lOO, TRMTYPE=SYS/3, TRMADDR=TASYS3, TRMSTAT=TRANSCEIVE, TRMPRTY=126 LASYS3 DFTRMLST BSCLST,0,1,2D,2,1070 TASYS3 DFTRMLST BSCLST,0,2,1070,1,2D 96 X 5 + 20 PAD * * ** * * * * ** ** * * * ** * * * * * system/7 Additional information on writing a transaction to IPL the System/7 is provided in the CICS/VS Customization Guide. The following information on TCT preparation is repeated here. CICS supports the initial program load CIPL) of a System/7 with the binary synchronous communications adapter CBSCA) using a multipoint line only. This feature requires that a DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL macro be coded which includes the following parameters: TRMTYPE=S/7BSCA, TRMSTAT=IPL, TRMADDR=label, FEATURE=TRANSPARENCY, •.• The DFTRMLST pointed to by the TRMADDR parameter must specify an address in the form CSEL SEL DCl DCl ENQ), where SEL is the System/7 selection address. This logical terminal is used exclusively for the IPL of the System/7. One additional TCTTE DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL macro is required for each logical tarminal in the System/7. The number of logical terminals that reside in a System/7 is limited by the application program running in the System/7. No entry should be made in the polling list for the System/7 IPL logical terminal. 410 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHTCT TVPE=TLXID TWX 33/35 TCT Example under CICS/DOS/VS start-stop transmission on point-to-point switched line, using auto-ID and auto-poll DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, CU=2702, DEVICE=TW35, LINELST=(039), SWITCH=YES, DSCNAME=TWXONE IDLTWX DFTRMLST IDLST,O,19,01B151FFC393C3CB052BEB1BB151E1E1E1E1A1 TWXIDA DFTRMLST IDLST,7,4931683,10,500AB222C3052B2B9AB1 DFHTCT TYPE=LINE, ACCMETH=BTAM, TRMTYPE=TWX, DSCNAME=TWXONE, INAREAL=120, BTAMRLN=1, LISTADR=IDLTWX, FEATURE=(AUTOANSR,AUTOCALL), POOLADR=TWXAUTO, ANSWRBK=AUTO TWXAUTO DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, TRMIDNT=TWXA, TRMADDR=TWXIDA, TRMPRTY=201, TRMSTAT=TRANSCEIVE, LASTTRM=POOL * * * * * ;. ',,~,:; 1 * * * * * ** * * * * * * * Note: The hexadecimal representations in the answering list are dependent on the value coded for the PARGEN operand for the line group in the GROUP macro instruction of the EP. Teletypewriter (Countries other than the U.S.) For teletypewriters (countries other than the U.S.), one DFHTCT TYPE=LINE and one DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL macro instruction must be coded for each line attachment in the system. DFHTCT TVPE=TLXID The DFHTCT TYPE=TLXID macro instruction defines teletypewriter (countries other than the U.S.) station identifications. label DFHTCT label TYPE=TLXID ,TLXID='name' [,LASTID={NOIYES}] the name field of the macro instruction is required and must be the same as the symbolic address specified ;n the TRMADDR parameter of the DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL macro instruction. TYPE=TLXID Code this with one entry for the identification of teletypewriters (countries other than the U.S.). I "--. Chapter 3.16. TCT - Terminal Control Table 411 BTAM NON-3270 DFHTCT TVPE=TLXHSG TLXID='name' Code this with the identification of a teletypewriter (countries other than the U.S.> subscriber as stored on a mechanical drum within the terminal. A more detailed explanation is given in OS/VS Basic Telecommunications Access Method and BTAM-ES Programming. An Jdentification is a string of up to 20 characters. The first three .characters are control characters and are not part of the name operand. Only the first 12 characters of the operand are used to form the name, which is a string of alphanumeric characters. Valid characters are: A-Z, 0-9, <, =, and blank. LASTID=CNOIVESJ indicates the last identification. A value of YES should be coded in the last DFHTCT TYPE=TLXID macro in each region. DFHTCT TVPE=TLXHSG (CICS/OS/VS Only) CICS/OS/VS does not support program disconnect for teletypewriters (countries other than the U.S.). If a DFHTC TYPE=DISCONNECT request is issued, a message is written to the terminal, indicating that the terminal operator should manually disconnect. The message that is written can be coded in a DFHTCT TYPE=TLXMSG macro. name name DFHTCT TYPE=TLXMSG ,MESSAGE='message' is required and must be the same as the name specified in the DISMSG parameter of DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL. TYPE=TLXHSG A DISCONNECT message is being defined. HESSAGE='message' defines the message to be written in response to a DFHTC TYPE=DISCONNECT request. 412 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHTCT Example Teletypewr;ter TCT Example under CICS/DOS/VS start-stop transmission on point-to-point switched line DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, DEVICE=TLX, DSCNAME=WTTLX, FEATURE=(WRU), CU=2701, LINELST=(051), MONDLY=lO, EOM=WRU, EOT=X'371F' FSlST DFTRMLST WTTALST,O,8,FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF,7,F2F2F6F7F7FOF5 DFHTCT TYPE=LINE, ACCMETH=BTAM, TRMTYPE=TLX, INAREAL=300, CLASS=HARDCOPY, DSCNAME=WTTLX, BTAMRLN=I, LISTADR=FSLST, FEATURE=AUTOANSR, POOLADR=TERMl, ANSWRBK=AUTOMATIC TERMI DFHTCT TVPE=TERMINAL, TRMIDNT=UHFM, CLASS=HARDCOPY, LASTTRM=POOL, TRMADDR=IDLIST IDlIST DFHTCT TYPE=TLXID, TLXID='7266521 IBM D' DFHTCT TVPE=TLXID, TLXID='8354305 IBM D', LASTID=YES * * * * * * * * . ' Tel- . , .',' ....., . '"~ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * BTAM NON-3270 Chapter 3.16. TCT - Terminal Control Table 413 " " DFHTCT TYPE=GPENTRY BTAM - DFHTCT TYPE=GPENTRY Macro for 2740/2741 (CICS/DOS/VS only) Available for CICS/DOS/VS only, the DFHTCT TYPE=GPENTRY macro instruction provides a restricted selection of operands that may be used with the following device types in a non-SNA environment: ; • Multipoint 2740 o Point-to-point 2740/2741 (switched or non-switched) The DFHTCT TYPE=GPENTRY macro allows you to specify terminal types and device characteristics for a group of lines, and may be used instead of indicating the desired features in the DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, LINE, and TERMINAL macro instructions. The options in each operand of this macro are positional; for example, LINFEAT=CO,B"B) indicates that the first terminal in this line group has open polling, the second terminal has the buffered-receive feature, the third terminal h~s only wrap-around polling (implied), and the fourth also has the buffered-receive feature. DFHTCT TYPE=GPENTRY [,GPNTRMS=nn] ,GPTCU={27011270212703IICA} ,GPTYPE=type ,LINELST=(nnn[, •.. ], ... ) [,lINFEAT=(feature[, .•. ], ••• )] ,LININL=(number[, ... ], ... ) [,TRMADDR=(nn[, •.• ], ... )] [,TRMFEAT=T] [,TRMIDNT=(xxxx[, ••.• ], .... )] [,TRMMODL=Cmodelnumber, ••• , •.• )] [,TRMPOSN=Cnn[, •. ], .. )] [,TRMPRTY=(number[, •.. ], ..• )] [,TRMSTAT=(status[, ••. ])] [,TRMUAL={QICnumber[, •.• ], ••• )}] GPNTRMS=nn Applies to 2740/2741 dial-up terminals only, and specifies the number of terminals in the line group. The range is 1 through 40. GPTCU=C270112702127031ICAJ Specifies the transmission control unit attached to the processor. 270x must be coded when the 270x control unit is being emulated by a 370x~ 2701 may not be coded for 2741 point-to-point (switched and non-switched) terminals. GPTYPE=type Code this with the type of terminal in the line group. One type option may be coded in each DFHTCT TYPE=GPENTRY macro. The options are: • 2740S - Multipoint 2740 with the station control feature. following suffixes may be appended: C - for the VRC/LRC checking feature A - for the start/stop autopoll feature. This option cannot be used for lines attached to a 2701. CA - for both these features. 414 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide The DFHTCT TYPE=GPENTRY • 2740 - Point-to-point 2740/2741 (non-switched). are: The options 2740 - 2740 model 1 without the VRC/LRC checking feature 2740C - 2740 model 1 with the VRC/LRC checking feature 2741C - 2741 with correspondence code 2741E - 2741 with PTTC/EBCD transmission code • 2740D - Dial-up 2740/2741. The options are: 2740D - 2740 model 1 without VRC/LRC checking 2740DC - 2740 model 1 with VRC/LRC checking 2741DC - 2741 with correspondence code 2741DE - 2741 with PTTC/EBCD transmission code LINELST=(nnn[, ••• l, ••• ) Specifies the system symbolic unit number (nnn interpreted as SYSnnn) assigned to each line in the group. A maximum of 31 lines may be defined in this list. Example: LINELST=(020,021,022) interpreted as (SYS020,SYS021,SYS022) LINFEAT=(feature[, ••• l, ••• ) ° Applies to multipoint 2740 terminals, and specifies the line features. Wrap-around polling is implied; indicates open polling, B (2740-2 only) indicates the buffered receive feature, and BO or OB (2740-2 only) indicates buffered receive and open polling. Example: LINFEAT=(,O,) means that the first and third lines have no features, and the second line has open polling. LININL=(number[, ••• l, ••• ) Specifies the terminal input area length. The number specified should be large enough to handle 80~ of the input messages. Only one value can be specified for dial-up terminals. is given to all lines in the dial pool. This value For 2740 model 2 multipoint devices, the maximum length is the buffer size minus 2. CICS truncates messages longer than this length. Each number specified applies to one line, as defined by the LINELST operand. Example: LININL=(50,0,100) TRHADDR=(nn[, ••• l, ••• ) Applies to 2740 multipoint terminals, and specifies the address of each terminal in the line group. The range is A-Z, 0-9, and &. Example: TRMADDR=(0,1,2,0,0) means that, if TRMPOSN=(1,1,1,2,3), the first three terminals are on the first control unit with addresses 0, 1, and 2, the fourth terminal is on the second control unit with address 0, and the fifth terminal is on the third control unit with address O. TRHFEAT=T Applies to 2740/2741 point-to-point (non-switched) and 2741 dial-up terminals, and indicates the features for each terminal in the line group. • T - 2740/2741 text mode (lowercase letters are to be preserved in input messages). Chapter 3.16. TCT - Terminal Control Table 415 BTAM NON-3270 DFHTCT TYPE=GPENTRY TRMIDNT=(xxxx[, •••• ], •••• ) Specifies a four-character terminal identification for each terminal in the line group. A default terminal identification of the form "Tnnn" is automatically generated if this operand is omitted. Example: TRMIDNT=CR77A,R77B,R86A,R75B) TRMHODL=(modelnumber[, ••• ], ••• ) Applies to multipoint 2740 terminals, and indicates the model number of each terminal in the line group. The options are: Dev;ce 2740 model 1 2740 model 2 Buffer size Hodel number 120 248 440 1A 2B 2C 1 TRMPOSN=(nn[, •• ], •• ) Applies to 2740 multipoint devices, and indicates the relative position of the line CLINELST=1 through 31) to which each terminal is attached. A maximum of 40 terminals may be defined. TRMPRTY=(number[, ••• J, ••• ) Indicates the priority assigned to each terminal in the line group. The task processing priority is equal to the sum of the terminal, operator, and transaction priorities. The sum must not exceed 255. Example: TRMPRTY=C50,50,100) TRHSTAT=(status[, ••• J) Applies to 2740 multipoint, 2740/2741 point-to-point (non-switched) and 2741 switched, and indicates the status of each terminal i·n the line group. The options are: • • • • • T I A X R - transaction status input status transceive status out of service terminal is being used as a printer and may not be used to enter data. Example: TRMSTAT=CT,A,RX) For details of these options, see "BTAM - DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, LINE, TERMINAL Operands for Non-3270 Devices" on page 372. TRHUAL=C!I(number[, ••• ], ••• )] Indicates, for each terminal in the line group, the size of the terminal control table user area if this area is used by application programs. Any information stored in this area is available to all transactions originated by this terminal. The maximum TRMUAL size is 255 bytes. It should be made as small as possible. Also see the CICS/VS Performance Guide. Example: 416 TRMUAL=C50,50,0,50,50) CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL OS/VS CONSOLES CICS/OS/VS uses the WTO or the WTOR OS/VS macros to support one or more OS/VS system consoles as CICS terminals. You code a DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL macro specifying TRMTYPE=CONSOLE and CONSLID=number to define each console. This creates a TCT terminal entry (TCTTE) and an associated console control element CCCE) for the console. For example~ DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, TRMTYPE=CONSOLE, TRMIDNT=name, CONSLID=number, The TRMIDNT operand specifies the terminal name known to CICS. The CONSLID operand specifies the identification number of the as defined to the operating system. consol~ Notes: 1. Use of an OS/VS console as a terminal is not supported for transaction routing. 2. Messages entered through an OS/VS console can be directed to any CICS system via the MODIFY command. OS/VS CONSOLES - DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL label DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL ,CONSLID=number [,FEATURE=Cfeature[,feature], ... )] [,LPLEN={120Ivalue}] [,OPERID=operator-identification-code] [,OPERPRI=operator-priority-codel [,OPERRSl={OCnumber[, ... ])}] [,OPERsEC={IICnumber[, ... ])}] [,PGESIZE={(6,80)IClines,columns)}] [,PGESTAT={AUTOPAGcIPAGE}] [,TCTUAl=number] [,TIOAL=value] [,TRANSID=transaction-identification-code] ,TRMIDNT=name [,TRMPRTY={Qlnumber}] [,TRMSTAT={TRANSCEIVEICstatus, ... )}] ,TRMTYPE=CONSOlE For a description of the operands, see "VTAM - DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAl Operands for 3270 Terminals" on page 262. The following information pertains to OS/VS consoles. Chapter 3.16. TCT - Terminal Control Table 417 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL CONSLID=number Code this with the identification of the console to be supported by CICS/OS/VS. number Code this with a number from 0 to 99, used to generate a specific TCTTE to indicate which individual console is to be used as a terminal. The number specified must match the identification number with which the console was defined to the OS/VS system. Thus, the primary MVS console should be specified with a CONSLID value of 1, if it is intended to use that console as a CICS terminal. The first MVS secondary console should be specified with a CONSLID value of 2, the second MVS secondary console with a CONSLID value of 3, and so on. LPLEN=(120Ivalue) Controls the length of the print line for SAM output line printers. If no NL symbols are found in a segmented write, the print line length is the LPLEN value. The default is LPLEN=120 which is also the maximum value for an OS/VS console. PGESIZE=(C6,80) I (l;nes,columns) (6,80) is the default for consoles. TRMIDNT=name The value CERR is reserved for the error console. CICS always generates an error console with a TRMIDNT of CERR for out of service and undefined console situations, even if no consoles are defined by you. TRMSTAT=CTRANSCEIVEI(status, ••• lJ The options are TRANSCEIVE (which is the default), TRANSACTION, 'OUT OF SERVICE', INPUT, and RECEIVE. TRMTYPE=CONSOLE Indicates that you are defining an OS/VS console. OS/VS CONSOLE TCT EXAMPLES DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, TRMIDNT=CNSL, TRMTYPE=CONSOLE, TIOAL=119, CONSLID=2~, TRMSTAT=TRANSCEIVE, TRMPRTY=100, TCTUAL=.O t OPERID=SWW, OPERPRI=O, OPERSEC=I, PGESIZE=(6,80), LPLEN=80 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, TRMTYPE=CONSOLE, CONSLID=2, TRMIDNT=CA2, FEATURE=UCTRAN 418 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * DFHTCT TVPE=SDSCI, LINE, TERMINAL VSE CONSOLE CICS/DOS/VS supports the VSE console as a SAM unblocked data set. are two methods to define the VSE console in the TCT: 1. There Code the following three macro instructions contiguously: DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI,DEVICE=CONSOlE, •.. DFHTCT TYPE=lINE,TRMTYPE=CONSOlE, ... DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAl,TRMIDNT=name, .•• 2. Code a single DFHTCT TYPE=GPENTRY,GPTYPE=CONSOlE,TRMIDNT=CNSl, macro instruction. The TRMIDNT operand on the DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAl or DFHTCT TYPE=GPENTRY macro specifies the terminal name known to CICS. The VSE console is assumed to be identified in the VSE system by the symbolic unit address SYSlOG. VSE CONSOLE METHOD 1 - DFHTCT TVPE=SDSCI, LINE, TERMINAL DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI ,DEVICE=CONSOlE DFHTCT TYPE=lINE [,ACCMETH={SAMIBSAMISEQUENTIAl}] [,INAREAl={80Ilength} [,LINSTAT='OUT OF SERVICE'] [,TCTUAL={Qllength}] ,TRMTYPE=CONSOLE DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAl [,LPLEN={120Ivalue}] [,OPERID=operator-identification-code] [,OPERPRI=operator-priority-code] [,OPERRSL={OCnumber[, ... ])}] [,OPERSEC={IICnumber[, ... ])}] [,PGESIZE={(6,80)IClines,columns)}] [,PGESTAT={PAGEIAUTOPAGE}] [,TCTUAL={number-seecified-in-TYPE=lINElnumber}] [,TIOAl=valuel [,TRANSID=transaction-identification-code] ,TRMIDNT=name [,TRMPRTY={Qlnumber}] [,TRMSTAT={TRANSACTIONICstatus, ..• )}] VSE CONSOLE VSE CONSOLE METHOD 2 - DFHTCT TVPE=GPENTRY DFHTCT TYPE=GPENTRY ,GPTYPE=CONSOLE ,TRMIDNT=CNSl [,TRMPRTY={Orlnumber}] [,TRMUAl={QTnumber}] Chapter 3.16. TCT - Terminal Control Table 419 DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, LINE, TERMINAL For a description of the operands, see: • "BTAM - DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, LINE, TERMINAL Operands for 3270 Devices" on page 332 • "BTAM - DFHTCT TYPE=GPENTRY Macro for 3270 Devices (CICS/DOS/VS Only)" on page 359 The following information pertains to the VSE console. ACCMETH={SAMIBSAMISEQUENTIAL} TYPE=LINE Specify SAM, BSAM or SEQUENTIAL. default. For the VSE console, SAM is the SAM and BSAM are functionally synonymous in CICS and can be used interchangeably. DEVADDR TYPE=SDSCI This operand is not coded. forced. For the VSE console, DEVADDR=SYSLOG is DSCNAME TYPE=SDSCI and LINE This operand is not coded. forced. For the VSE console, DSCNAME=CONSOLE is INAREAL={80 I length} TYPE=LINE The maximum length (and default) is 80. specified if desired. Shorter lengths may be LPLEN={120Ivalue} TYPE=TERMINAL Controls the length of the print line for SAM output line printers. If no NL symbols are found in a segmented write, the print line length is the LPLEN value. The default is LPLEN=120. PGESIZE={(6,80) I (l;nes,columnsl) TYPE=TERMINAL (6,80) is the default for consoles. PGESTAT={PAGEIAUTOPAGEJ TYPE=TERMINAL PAGE is the default for the VSE console. TRMIDNT=name TYPE=TERMINAL and GPENTRY You must specify TRMIDNT=CNSL on the DFHTCT TYPE=GPENTRY macro instruction. 420 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHTCT Example TRMSTAT={TRANSACTIONI(status, ••• TYPE=TERMINAL l) The options are TRANSACTION (which is the default), TRANSCEIVE, 'OUT OF SERVICE', INPUT, and RECEIVE. In a CICS/DOS/VS-BTAM environment, when TRMSTAT=TRANSCEIVE is coded for the VSE console, there will always be an outstanding read for the console, and the page containing the console I/O area will be temporarily fixed (TFIX). If BTAM later permanently fixes (PFIX) the same page for another terminal's Terminal I/O Area (TIOA), CICS will be locked waiting for the temporary free (TFREE). Input from the console, such as a CEMT command, will be required to restart CICS processing. (TFIX, PFIX, and TFREE are BTAM macro instructions.) TRMTYPE=CONSOLE TYPE=LINE Indicates that you are defining a VSE console. VSE Console TCT Example DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, DEVICE=CONSOLE DFHTCT TYPE=LINE, ACCMETH=SEQUENTIAL, INAREAL=80, TRMTYPE=CONSOLE DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, TRMIDNT=CNSL, TRMSTAT=TRANSCEIVE Chapter 3.16. VSE CONSOLE * * TCT - Terminal Control Table 421 DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, LINE, TERMINAL SEQUENTIAL DEVICES CICS uses BSAM or SAM to control sequential devices such as card readers, line printers, magnetic tape, and DASD to simulate terminals. Only unblocked data sets can be used with BSAM or SAM. These "sequential terminals" may be used before actual terminals are available, or during testing of new applications. There are two methods to define a sequential terminal: 1. Code the following four macro instructions contiguously: DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI,DSCNAME=isadscn, DDNAME=indd, DEVADDR=SYSmmm, .•• defining the input datase~ CICS/OS/VS only CICS/DOS/VS only DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI,DSCNAME=osadscn, DDNAME=outdd, DEVADDR=SYSnnn, ••. defining the output dataset CICS/OS/VS only CICS/DOS/VS only DFHTCT TYPE=LINE, ISADSCN=isadscn, OSADSCN=osadscn, DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL,TRMIDNT=name, The two data sets defined by the DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI macros simulate a CICS terminal known by the name specified in the TRMIDNT operand of the DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL macro. The DSCNAME's of the input and output data sets must be specified in the ISADSCN and OSADSCN operands of the DFHTCT TYPE=LINE macro respectively. 2. For CICS/DOS/VS only, code a single DFHTCT TYPE=GPENTRY macro instruction: DFHTCT TYPE=GPENTRY, GPNAME=(INname,OUTname), GPSEQLU=(mmm,nnn), TRMIDNT=name, DASD only The DFHTCT TYPE=GPENTRY macro defines two data sets which simulate a CICS terminal known by the name specified in the TRMIDNT operand. CICS/OS/VS JCL The DDNAME operands on the DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI macros specify the ddname of the DD statements which you must provide in the CICS startup job stream: //indd //outdd DD DD input data set output data set where indd is the data set where input from the simulated terminal is submitted, and outdd is the data set where output to the simulated terminal is sent. CICS/DOS/VS JOB CONTROL The DEVADDR operands in the DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI macros specify the symbolic unit addresses of the ASSGN job control statements which you must provide in the CICS startup job stream: // // ASSGN ASSGN SYSmmm, .•• SYSnnn, .•. input data set output data set where SYSmmm is the file where input from the simulated terminal is submitted, and SYSnnn is the file where output to the simulated terminal is sent. 422 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHTCT TVPE=SDSCI, LINE, TERMINAL If DASD data sets are used to simulate a CICS terminal, then you must also provide DLBL and EXTENT job control statements. The DSCNAME operands of the DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI macros specify the file names of the input and output data sets respectively. // i sadscn, DLBL EXTENT SYSmmm, ASSGN SYSmmm, ) ) ) input data set // // // osadscn, DLBL EXTENT SYSnnn, ASSGN SYSnnn, ) ) ) output data set // // If you use the DFHTCT TYPE=GPENTRY macro, specified in the GPSEQLU operands are the input and output data sets respectively. simulate a CICS terminal, then INname and GPNAME operands specify the file names of respectively. then SYSmmm and SYSnnn as symbolic unit addresses of the If DASD data sets are used to OUTname as specified in the the input and output data sets METHOD 1 - DFHTCT TVPE=SDSCI, LINE, TERMINAL DFHTCT DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI [,BLKSIZE=length] [,DDNAME={name-;n-DSCNAMElname}] ,DEVADDR=SYSnnn ,DEVICE=dev;ce ,DSCNAME=input-name [,MACRF=([R][,W])] [,RECFM={YIFIV}] TYPE=SDSCI [,BlKSIZE=length] [,DDNAME={name-;n-DSCNAMElname}] ,DEVADDR=SYSnnn ,DEVICE=device , DSCNAME=output-name [,MACRF=([R][,W])] [,RECFM={YIFIV}] DFHTCT TYPE=LINE ,ACCMETH={SAMIBSAMISEQUENTIAL} ,INAREAL=length ,ISADSCN=input-name [,LINSTAT='OUT OF SERVICE'] ,OSADSCN=output-name [,TCTUAL={Qllength}] ,TRMTYPE={U/RlcRlPIDASDITAPE} DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL [,LPLEN={120Ivalue}] [,PGESIZE=(I;nes,columns)] CICS/OS/VS only CICS/DOS/VS only CICS/OS/VS only CICS/OS/VS only CICS/OS/VS only CICS/DOS/VS only CICS/OS/VS only CICS/OS/VS only [,TCTUAL={number-s~ecif;ed-in-TYPE=LINElnumber}] [,TRANSID=transaction-identification-code] ,TRMIDNT=name [,TRMPRTY={Qlnumber}] [,TRMSTAT={TRANSACTIONICstatus[,status], ... )}] For a description of the operands, see "BTAM - DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, LINE, TERMINAL Operands for Non-3270 Devices" on page 372. Chapter 3.16. TCT - Terminal Control Table 423 DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, LINE, TERMINAL The following information pertains to sequential devices. ACCMETH=CSAMIBSAMISEQUENTIALJ TYPE=LINE Specify SAM, BSAM or SEQUENTIAL. SAM and BSAM are functionally synonymous in CICS and can be used interchangeably. BLKSIZE=length TYPE=SDSCI Code this with the maximum length (in bytes) of a block. For CICS/OS/VS, the default is omitted, the block size can be (DO) statement associated with explanation of this operand is Instructions. BLKSIZE=O. If this operand is specified in the data definition the data set. A more detailed given in OS/VS Data Management Macro For CICS/DOS/VS, the default is BLKSIZE=80. A more detailed explanation of this operand is given in VSE/Advanced Functions Macro Reference. DEVADDR=SYSnnn TYPE=SDSCI, CICS/DOS/VS only Code this with the symbolic unit address of the sequential data set. DEVICE=dev;ce TYPE=SDSCI One of the following values may be coded: 1442 2501 2520 2540 2560 2596 3505 3525 5425 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 1403 1404 1443 1445 3203 3211 5203 ) ) ) ) ) card readers I i'ne printers ) ) TAPE 2314 3330 3340 3350 DASD DISK FBA (CICS/DOS/VS only) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Code either the device type or the generic parameter DASD or DISK. The TAPE specification generates tape work files for both the input and the output data sets. Note that if an input tape with an expired label is used, the header may be rewritten, causing the first data records to be destroyed. 424 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, LINE, TERMINAL DSCNAHE=n~me, ISADSCN=name, OSADSCN=name TYPE=SDSCI and LINE ISADSCN on the DFHTCT TYPE=LINE macro instruction specifies the input BSAM file name, which must also be specified in the DSCNAME operand of the corresponding DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI macro instruction. OSADSCN on the DFHTCT TYPE=LINE macro instruction specifies the output BSAM file name, which must also be specified in the DSCNAME operand of the corresponding DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI macro instruction. INAREAL=len9th , Code this with the message input area length. The value should be equal to the length of the longest initial logical record of a transaction that may include multiple physical records. (See "EODI" under DFHSG PROGRAM=TCP in the CICS/VS Customization Guide.) LPLEN=(120Ivalue] TYPE=TERMINAL Controls the length of the print line for SAM output line printers. If no NL symbols are found in a segmented write, the print line length is the LPLEN value. The default is LPLEN=120. HACRF= ([R] [, W] ) TYPE=SDSCI, CICS/OS/VS only Code this with how access to the sequential device is to be gained. indicates the READ macro instruction. indicates the WRITE macro instruction. The default is MACRF=R for a card reader and MACRF=W for a line printer. For other sequential devices, MACRF=R or MACRF=W must be coded. PGESIZE=(l;nes,columns) TYPE=TERMINAL The default page size for a 1403 or CRLP terminal is (12,80). RECFH=(YIFIV] TYPE=SDSCI, CICS/OS/VS only Code this with the record format for the DeB. indicates undefined records. DEVICE=1403 or 3211. F v " . ,.· . : ------ TYPE=LINE R ~ , ,,:~"'" U:;"A·,..,:i:,"'." This option must be coded for Indicates fixed-length records. Indicates variable-length records. If this operand is omitted, the record format can be specified in the data definition (DD) statement associated with the sequential data set. Chapter 3.16. TCT - Terminal Control Table 425 ' DFHTCT TYPE=GPENTRY TRMTYPE=(U/RICRLPIDASDITAPE) TYPE=LINE It indicates the sequential device type. WR any reader or printer CRLP DASD TAPE a card reader and a line printer a direct access storage device a magnetic tape device METHOD 2 - DFHTCT TYPE=GPENTRY (CICS/DOS/VS ONLY) DFHTCT TYPE=GPENTRY ,GPBlKSZ=(nnnnn,nnnnn) [,GPNAME=(INname,OUTname)] [,GPSEQlU=(nnn,nnn)] ,GPTYPE=(Input,Output) ,lININl=number [,TRMIDNT=xxxx] [,TRMSTAT=[{TIIIAIR}][X]] [,TRMUAl={Qlnumber}] For a description of the operands, see "BTAM - DFHTCT TYPE=GPENTRY Macro for 2740/2741 (CICS/DOS/VS Only)" on page 414. The following information pertains to sequential devices. GPBLKSZ=(nnnnn,nnnnn) Specifies the block sizes of the input and output files. The range is 20 through 32000. For unit record devices, the block size specified must be the same as the device buffer size. GPNAME=(INname,OUTname) Applies only to DASD sequential devices, and specifies the input and output VSE file names for DASD files. The name specified must be the same as in the DlBL job control statements. GPSEQLU=(nnn,nnn) Applies to sequential devices except DASD, and specifies the system logical unit number to be assigned to the input and output files. IPT and lST may be coded for unit record devices. GPTYPE=(Input,Outputl Code this with the type of the input and output sequential devices. The options are: • For tape: (TAPE,TAPE) • For DASD: ({33301334013350IDISKIFBA},{33301334013350IDISKIFBA} (Disk can be used instead of FBA and specific DASD device names, but DISK must be used for new DASD devices.) • For unit record devices: input: 1442,2501,2520,2540,3505,3525, or 2596 output: 1403,1404,3203,5203,1443,1445, or 3211 426 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHTCT Examples LININL=number Specifies the terminal input area length. The number specified should be large enough to handle 80Y. of the input messages. The value in LININL must be greater than that in GPBLKSZ if the application program will reuse the same message area for output. 2540 CARD READER-PUNCH/1403 PRINTER TCT EXAMPLE UNDER CICS/DOS/VS DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, DEVADDR=SYSIPT, DEVICE=2540, DSCNAME=READER DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, DEVADDR=SYSLST, DEVICE=1403, DSCNAME=PRINTER DFHTCT TYPE=LINE, ACCMETH=BSAM, TRMTYPE=CRLP, ISADSCN=READER, OSADSCN=PRINTER, INAREAL=80 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, TRMIDNT=SAMA, TRMTYPE=CRLP, TRMSTAT=TRANSCEIVE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 2314 DISK TCT EXAMPLE UNDER CICS/DOS/VS ',,- DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, DEVADDR=SYSOO1, DEVICE=2314, DSCNAME=DISKIN1 DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, DEVADDR=SYSOO6, DEVICE=2314, DSCNAME=DISKOT1 DFHTCT TYPE=LINE, ACCMETH=SEQUENTIAL, TRMTYPE=DASD, ISADSCN=DISKIN1, OSADSCN=DISKOT1, INAREAL=80 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, TRMIDNT=SAMB, TRMPRTY=11, TRMSTAT=(TRANSCEIVE,'OUT OF SERVICE') Chapter 3.16. TCT - Terminal Control Table * * * * * * * * ** * * ** 427 DFHTCT TYPE=INITIAL TCAM DCB INTERFACE (CICS/OS/VS ONLY) CICS/OS/VS supports TCAM and the record and DCB interfaces of ACF/TCAM: 1. CICS supports the record interface (also known as the ACB interface) of ACF/TCAM in an SNA environment. Terminals which are connected via this interface are defined to CICS in the ACCMETH=VTAM operand of the DFHTCT macro. Note that ACF/TCAM does not support the 3650 Retail store System logical units. No additional discussion specific to this interface will be provided in this chapter. 2. CICS also supports TCAM, or the DCB interface (also known as the GET/PUT interface) of ACF/TCAM in an SNA or non-SNA environment. This section will describe the DFHTCT macros which you code to define the CICS terminals connected to this interface. For simplicity, we will use CICS to mean CICS/OS/VS, and TCAM to mean this DCB interface where not explicitly stated in this section. With the CICS support of the TCAM DCB interface, each TCAM communication line has associated with it two "sequential" queues: the input process queue and the output process qu~ue. CICS will route messages for terminals connected via the TCAM DCB interface to the queue named in the DEST option of the SEND and CONVERSE commands. This CICS support presupposes the existence of a user-written Message Control Program (MCP) that processes messages on the TCAM queues. CICS terminal control will relinquish responsibility to the TCAM MCP for the polling and addressing of terminals, code translation, and line control. Therefore a number of DFHTCT operands which are associated with such activities become irrelevant in the TCAM DCB interface environment. For a full description of this CICS/OS/TCAM interface, see the CICS/VS Customization Guide. This section describes how to define CICS terminals attuched to the TCAM DCB interface. Only information specific to the TCAM DCB interface will be provided. DFHTCT TYPE=INITIAL IN ENVIRONMENT INCLUDING TCAM The DFHTCT TYPE=INITIAL macro instruction establishes the area of storage into which the TCT is assembled. This macro instruction must precede all other DFHTCT macro instructions in a TCT assembly. DFHTCT TYPE=INITIAL [,ACCMETH=([NONVTAM][,VTAM][,GAM])] [,APPLID={DBDCCICSFname}] [,ERRATT={NOI([LASTLINE][,INTENSIFY] [,{BLUETREDIPINKIGREENITURQUOISEIYELLOWINEUTRAL}] [,{BLINKIREVERSE UNDERLINE}])}] [,SUFFIX=xx] VTAM Only [,GMTEXT={welcome-to-CICSI'text'}] [,OPNDLIM={lQlnumber}] [,RAMAX=valuel [,RAPOOL={~lvalue}l [,RATIMES={2Ivalue}] [,RESP={FMETRRN}] CICS/DOS/VS and BTAM Only [,MODNAME={IJLBTMlname}] For a description of the operands, see "DFHTCT TYPE=INITIAL in Environment Including VTAM" on page 256. 428 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, LINE, TERMINAL Note: ACCMETH=(VTAM,NONVTAM) must be coded for TCAM SNA if LDC support is required. TCAM - DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, LINE, TERMINAL You code one DFHlCl lYPE=SDSCI macro for each input queue, and one for each output queue. The macros generate DCBs, corresponding to TPROCESS blocks. A queue is treated like a communication line by CICS, and each one must be described by a DFHTCT TYPE=LINE macro. The DFHTCT TYPE=LINE macro will generate a TCT line entry (TCTLE), of which where is one for each queue. Each TCAM terminal must be described in a DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL macro. The DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL macro will generate a TCT terminal entry (TCTTE), of which there is one for each terminal. To avoid duplication of the TCTTEs for both the input queue and the output queue, all the terminals are described immediately following the DFHTCT TYPE=LINE macro for the output queue. Although attached to the output TCTLE, these TCllEs will be used for both input and output processing. One dummy TCTTE must also be generated for the input TCTLE; this need have only a TRMIDNT operand giving a dummy terminal identification and a LASTTRM operand. Each input record from TCAM must contain the source terminal identification. Using this identification as a search argument, the corresponding TCTTE can be located by CICS by comparing against the NETNAME value for each TCTTE. Note: The usual way of ensuring that the input records contain the source terminal identification is to specify OPTCD=W in the DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI macro. If this specification is omitted, the TCAM user is responsible for .ensuring that the record contains a suitable source terminal identification. Using the POOL feature (by specifying POOL=YES on the DFHTCT TYPE=LINE macro), it is possible to establish a pool of common TCTTEs on the output TCTLE that do not contain terminal identifiers. As required, terminal identifiers are assigned to the TCTTEs or removed from association with the TCTTEs. This POOL feature necessarily imposes a number of restrictions and should be thoroughly understood before being implemented. For additional information, see the CICS/VS Customization Guide. The following is only a description of the DFHTCT operands which are specific to the TCAM DCB interface. For a full description of the DFHTCT macros for defining telecommunication devices to CICS, see: "VTAM "VTAM "BTAM "BTAM 3270 Devices" on page 259 Non-3270 Devices" on page 284 3270 Devices" on page 326 Non-3270 Devices" on page 366 DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI ,BLKSIZE=length ,DDHAME={name=in-DSCNAMElname} ,DEVICE=TCAM ,DSCNAME=name ,MACRF=([R][,W]) [,OPTCD={WIWUIWCIWUCIUICIUC}] ,RECFM=!! [,SYNAD=symbolic-name] Chapter 3.16. TCT - Terminal Control Table 429 DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI~ DFHTCT LINE~ TERMINAL TYPE=lINE ,ACCMETH=TCAM ,DSCNAME=name ,INAREAl=length [,NPDELAY={Qlnumber}] [,OUTQ=symbolic-name] [,POOl=YES] [,QUEUEID=hexadecimal-number] [,TCTUAl={Qllength}] ,TRMTYPE=type TCAM SNA Only [,TCAMFET=SNA] label DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAl [,ACCMETH={method-seecified-in-TYPE=lINEIVTAM}] [,AlTPGE=Clines,columns)] [,ALTSCRN=Clines,columns)] [,AlTSFX=number] [,BUFFER=buffer-size] [,DEFSCRN=Clines,columns)] [,ERRATT={NOIC[lASTLINE][,INTENSIFY] [,{BlUETREDIPINKIGREENITURQUOISEIYEllOWINEUTRAl}] [,{BlINKIREVERSE UNDERLINE}])}] [,FEATURE=Cfeature[,feature], ••. )] [,FF={NOIYES}] [,lASTTRM=lINE] [,NETNAME={name-seecified-in-TRMIDNTlname}] [,OPERID=operator-identification-code] [,OPERPRI=operator-priority-code] [,OPERRSl={OCnumber[, ... ])}] [,OPERsEc={Ilenumber[, ... ])}] [,PGESIZE=elines,columns)] [,PGESTAT={AUTOPAGEIPAGE}] [,TCTUAl={number-seecified-in-TYPE=lINElnumber}] [,TIOAl={value!evaluel,value2)}] [,TRANSID=transaction-identification-code] ,TRMIDNT=name [,TRMMODl={number-seecified-in-TYPE=lINEI numbercharacter}] [,TRMPRTY={Qlnumber}] [,TRMSTAT={TRANSACTIONICstatus[,status], ..• )}] [,TRMTYPE={tYee-seecified-in-TYPE=lINEltypel] TCAM SNA Only [,BMSFEAT=C[NOROUTE][,NOROUTEAll][,OBFMT][,OBOPID])] [,HF={NOIYES}] [,lDC={listnameICaa[=nnn],bb[=nnn],cc[=nnn], •.. )}] [,SESTYPE=session-type] [,VF={NOIYES}] 430 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHTCT TVPE=SDSCI, LINE, TERMINAL ACCMETH=TCAN TYPE=LINE Indicates that TCAM is to be used. BLKSIZE=len9th TYPE=SDSCI Code this with the maximum length (in bytes) of a block. For TCAM queues, the block size value must specify the maximum length that any CICS application program will require to be written in one request. Note that CICS application programs include the master terminal command. A block size of at least 2024 bytes (one screen size plus attribute bytes) should be specified. DEVICE=TCA~l TYPE=SDSCI This causes CICS/OS/VS to generate the appropriate data set control information to handle the TCAM input or output process queue. INAREAL=len9th TYPE=LINE Code this with the message input area length. o For an input line entry, the INAREAL value must be equal to or greater than the corresponding TCAM PCB buffer size. o For an output line entry, the INAREAL value must be equal to or less than the corresponding TCAM PCB buffer size. NETNAME=Cname-spec;f;ed-;n-TRMIDNTlnamel TYPE=TERMINAL For TCAM devices, the name must be the same as that used .in the TCAM TERMINAL macro. NPDELAV=CQlnumberl TYPE=LINE When used with a TCAM line, this parameter specifies the time interval that is to expire before control is passed to DFHTEP when a CICS/OS/VS task is not ready to accept a record from an input process queue. If the CICS/OS/VS task issues a read before the time interval expires, processing continues normally and DFHTEP is not notified. The default value is z~ro. OPTCD=cwIWUIWCIWUCIUlcIUCl TYPE=SDSCI Code this with the optional fields for the TCAM work unit. C U Code this if a one-byte field in the work area, called the position field, indicates whether the work unit being handled is the first, an intermediate, or the last segment of the message, and, on input, whether a record delimiter has been detected in the data. Code this if the work unit to be handled is either a message or a message segment that is not a record. If U is omitted, the work unit is assumed to be a record. Chapter 3.16. TCT - Terminal Control Table 431 DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, LINE, TERMINAL For input, specifies that TCAM is to place the name of the source of each message in an eight-byte origin field in the work area. If OPTCD=W is omitted, the TCAM user must ensure that a source name is placed in the origin field. For output, specifies to TCAM, that the name of the destination of the message will be placed in an eight-byte destination field in the work area before a TCAM WRITE macro instruction is executed. CICS always inserts a destination name. If OPTCD=W is omitted, the TCAM user must provide for interpretation of the destination field. For further information on the OPTCD operand, see the OS/VS TCAM Application Programmer's Guide. OUTQ=symbolic-name TYPE=lINE This is required in all TCAM input process queue terminal control table line entries. The symbolic name identifies the corresponding TCAM output process queue TCTlE. Multiple input process queues may reference the same output process queue. POOL=YES TYPE=lINE Coding POOL=YES on the TCAM output process queue indicates that the TCAM POOL feature is supported for that TCAM line. Before using this parameter, you should analyze the POOL feature restrictions discussed in the CICS/VS Customization Guide. QUEUEID=hexadecimal-number' TYPE=LINE Specifies a unique user ID for the TCAM process queue. The ID is an unframed, one byte hexadecimal number (00 to FF) that is placed in the input and output line entry at TCTLEQID to provide queue identification while executing a user exit. RECFt-1=U TYPE=SDSCI Code this with the record format for the DCB. This indicates undefined records. for TCAM queues used by CICS. This option must be coded SESTYPE=session-type TYPE=TERMINAL See TRMTYPE=type and SESTYPE=session-type below. SYNAD=symbolic-name TYPE=SDSCI It specifies the address of a subroutine that is to be given control if message processing is used, if the work unit is larger than the work area, or if OPTCD=C is not coded. For input queues, a user-written SYNAD routine can be specified for which an EXTRN is generated. If SYNAD is not coded, a CICS/OS/VS generated SYNAD routine is provided. If CICS/OS/VS SYNAD is used and the exit occurs: 1. 2. 3. 4. 432 Message DFH4000 is issued. The DCB is closed. The DCB is reopened. Data is truncated to the specified block size and is passed to the CICS/OS/VS application program. CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHTCT TVPE=SDSCI, LINE, TERMINAL TCAMFET=SNA TYPE=LINE This must be coded if TCAM SHA devices are to be used on this line. The same DFHTCT TYPE=LIHE macro must not include specifications for TCAM SHA and non-SHA devices. Specifying TCAMFET=SHA allows TCAM SHA devices to be used in conjunction with the TRMTYPE/SESTYPE combination of operands in DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL to generate logical units. This operand is required if SNA support (for example, FMH) is to be supplied by BMS or by DFHDIP. TCAMFET=SNA and TRMTYPE=TCAM are mutually exclusive on the same DFHTCT TYPE=LIHE macro. TRANSID=transaction-identification-code TYPE=TERMIHAL When using TCAM, TRAHSID applies only to TCTLEs associated with the TCAM output queue. TRMTYPE=type TYPE=LINE In a non-SNA environment, you can specify TRMTYPE=TCAM to define a TCAM-only terminal associated with the line. This allows terminals supported by TCAM to use the TCAM interface through CICS/OS/VS. Device dependent editing must be handled by your message control program if a TCAM terminal type is specified. CICS systems programs only insert NL characters. When using TRMTYPE=TCAM, the following parameters are required on the DFHTCT TYPE=LINE macro: ACCMETH=TCAM, DSCNAME, and IHAREAL. QUEUEID, HPDELAY, and OUTQ are optional. If either 3270 data stream or 2260 support is required under TCAM, the appropriate 3270 terminal type (for example, L3270, L3270P) or the appropriate 2260 terminal type (for example, L2260) must be specified in the TRMTYPE operand. This will enable BMS to generate the correct data stream. TRMTYPE=TCAM should be used for all other terminals that require EBCDIC support. BMS will supply new line editing for those terminals specified in this way. TRMTYPE=TCAM and TCAMFET=SHA are mutuallY exclusive on the DFHTCT TYPE=LINE macro. In an SNA environment, you must specify TCAMFET=SNA on the DFHTCT TYPE=LIHE macro, and code the correct TRMTYPE (see TRMTYPE=type and SESTYPE=session-type below) on the DFHTCT TYPE=LINE macro. Code TRMTYPE=3767 for a TCAM-SHA device type 3767 . . TRMTYPE is also mandatory on the DFHTCT TYPE=LIHE macro when a 3600 TCAM+SNA device is associated with the line. TRMTYPE=type and SESTYPE=session-type TYPE=TERMIHAL In a non-SNA environment, the TRMTYPE operand can be used to specify the terminal type: 1. If the terminal type has not already been specified in the DFHTCT TYPE=LIHE macro instruction, or 2. To override the type specified in that macro instruction. In an SNA environment, support for TCAM SNA logical units is generated by coding the appropriate TRMTYPE/SESTYPE combinations described in tha following table. Chapter 3.16. TCT - Terminal Control Table 433 DFHTCT TYPE=~DSCI, LINE, TERMINAL Terminal Subsystem Logical Unit TRMTYPE= SESTYPE= 3270 Logical unit type 2 Logical unit type 3 SCS printer LUTYPE2 LUTYPE3 SCSPRT 3600 3601 3614 3600 1 3614 -- 3767 Interactive (flip-flop mode) (contention mode) 3767,37671, or INTLU 3767C - Interactive (flip-flop mode) (contention mode) Batch (flip-flop mode) 37701, or INTLU 3770C - 3770,3770B or BCHLU 3770 or 3770B 3770 - 3770 Full Function Batch Data Interchange 3790 Full Function Inquiry Batch Data Interchange 3270-display 3270-printer SCS printer 6670 1 logical unit type 4 3790 3790 3790 3790 lUTYPE2 3790 lUTYPE3 3790 SCSPRT lUTYPE4 - - USERPROG BATCHDI USERPROG - BATCHDI 3277CM SCSPRT - 3284CMI3286CM TRMTYPE=3600 also generates support for the 3630 Plant Communication System logical unit. Notes: 1. TCAM does not support the 3650 Retail Store System or the 3600 pipeline logical unit. 2. The ERROPT operand on the DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI macro is not valid for TCAM devices because error recovery is performed in the message handler. 3. In generating a TeAM-only system, the following operands in DFHTCT TYPE=LINE do not apply: FEATURE, BSCODE, ANSWRBK, CONVTAB, BTAMRlN, ISADSCN, OSADSCN, and lISTADR. 434 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHTCT Examples TCAM TCT EXAMPLE This example defines a local line with two 2260 terminals, and a remote line with three 3270 terminals. Local line with two 2260 terminals Input queue Ll Output queue L2 TYPE=SDSCI DDNAME=QIN1 DCB DCB TYPE=SDSCI DDHAME=QOUT1 G~ u~u· '~.,lr' .",1"',, . I I";"(i"" .,.!'," TYPE=LINE OUTQ=OUTQ TCTLE TCTLE TYPE=LINE labelled OUTQ TCTTE TYPE=TERMIHAL TRM1 TCTTE TYPE=TERMIHAL TRM2 ~-----------> • TYPE=TERMIHAL •. DMMY TCTTE These two TCTTEs for the two L2260 terminals are used for both input and output processing. Remote line with three 3270 terminals Input queue R70IN Output queue R700UT TYPE=SDSCI DDHAME=R3270IN TYPE=LINE OUTQ=OUTQ70 DCB TYPE=5DSCI DDHAME=R32700UT TCTLE TYPE=LIHE TCTTE TYPE=TERMIHAL 570A TCTTE TYPE=TERMIHAL 570B TCTTE TYPE=TERMIHAL 575A r----------- > labelled OUTQ70 • TYPE=TERMINAL . DMMX TCTTE TCTLE DCB These three TCTTEs for the three remote 3270 terminals are used for both input and output processing. \ '--.. Chapter 3.16. TCT - Terminal Control Table 435 DFHTCT Examples TCAM TERMINAL CONTROL TABLE (CICS/OSJVS ONLY) OUTQ 436 DFHTCT TYPE=INITIAL, SUFFIX=TV DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, DEVICE=TCAM, DSCNAME=Ll, DDNAME=QINl, OPTCD=WU, MACRF=R, RECFM=U, BLKSIZE=500 DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, DEVICE=TCAM, DSCNAME=L2, DDNAME=QOUTl, OPTCD=WU, MACRF=W, RECFM=U, BLKSIZE=500 DFHTCT TYPE=LINE, ACCt1ETH=TCAM, QUEUEID=Fl, INAREAL=500, TRMTYPE=L2260, DSCNAME=Ll, OUTQ=OUTQ DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, TRMIDNT=DMMY, TRMPRTY=32, LASTTRM=LINE DFHTCT TYPE=LINE, ACCMETH=TCAM, QUEUEID=FO, INAREAL=500, TRMTYPE=L2260, DSCNAME=L2 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, TRMIDNT=TRMl, TRMPRTY=32 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, TRMIDNT=TRM2, LASTTRM=LINE, TRMPRTY=32 DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, DEVICE=TCAM, DSCNAME=R70IN, DDNAME=R3270IN, OPTCD=WU, MACRF=R, RECFM=U, BLKSIZE=500 DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, DEVICE=TCAM, DSCNAME=R700UT, DDNAME=R32700UT, OPTCD=WU, MACRF=W, RECFM=U, BLKSIZE=500 DFHTCT TYPE=LINE, ACCMETH=TCAM, INAREAL=500, DSCNAME=R70IN, OUTQ=OUTQ70, TRMTYPE=3277 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, TRMIDNT=DMMX, TRMPRTY=32, LASTTRM=LINE DCB for input queue for local 2260 line DCB for output queue for local 2260 line Input queue for local 2260 line Dummy Output queue for local 2260 line First local 2260 terminal on the line Second and last local 2260 terminal on the line DCB for input queue for remote 3270 line DCB for output queue for remote 3270 line Input queue for remote 3270 line Dummy CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide * ** ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ** * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * DFHTCT Examples OUTQ70 DFHTCT TYPE=lINE, ACCMETH=TCAM, INAREAl=500, DSCNAME=R70QUT, TRMTYPE=3277 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, TRMPRTY=32, TRMIDNT=S70A DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, TRMPRTY=32, TRMIDNT=S70B DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAl, TRMPRTY=32, TRMIDNT=S75A, lASTTRM=lINE DFHTCT TYPE=FINAl END Output queue for remote 3270 line * ** First remote 3270 terminal on the line * Second remote 3270 terminal on the line * * * Third and last remote 3270 terminal on the line * * * * \ "'---- Chapter 3.16. TCT - Terminal Control Table 437 DFHTCT Intercommunication INTERCOMMUNICATION Processor 2 Processor 1 IL773: , CICB , I MRO M R 0 ! l L774 , CICE I· ~~~~ ~~~~ .. I I CICC I C I C A ISC LUTYPE 6.1 ,I IMSR I ,, CICD I ISC LUTYPE 6.2 MRO CICS systems: ClCA ClCB ClCC ClCD ClCE IMS system: IMSR 8815 Scanmaster: SCAN 3270 terminals: L771 l772 l773 L774 Figure 42. ISC LUTYPE 6.1 I I ISC LUTYPE 6.2 IL7711 I SCAN I IL7721 Partial Network of Intercommunicating Systems MULTIREGION OPERATION Under multi region operation (MRO), a remote CICS region is defined to the local CICS region in a DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM macro instruction with ACCMETH=IRC and the SEND or RECEIVE operands. You can also define an indirect MRO link to a remote region using a DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM macro instruction with ACCMETH=INDIRECT when using transaction routing. For example, to allow transaction routing between a terminal owned by CICE and a transaction owned by ClCA, you could define in CICA an indirect link to CICE via an intermediate region CICB. You must also define a direct MRO link between CICA and CICB, and between CICB and CrCE. LUTYPE 6.1 INTERSYSTEM COMMUNICATION A remote ClCS LUTYPE 6.1 system can be defined to the local CICS system with a single DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM macro. This creates a pool of sessions with identical characteristics in the TCT. If you have a requirement for sessions of differing characteristics, you can code a DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM macro to define the remote CICS system, immediately followed by DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAl macro instructions to define the individual sessions. Similarly, a remote IMS LUTYPE 6.1 system is defined to the local CICS system with a DFHTCT TVPE=SYSTEM macro, immediately followed by DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL macro instructions to define the individual sessions. 438 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHTCT Intercammun;catian This is necessary because IMS/VS requires the individual sessions to be explicitly named (via the NETNAMQ operands). These session-defining DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL macros must have TRMTYPE=LUTYPE6, each with the same SYSIDNT name as in the DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM macro. Those instructions with SESTYPE=RECEIVE must precede those with SESTYPE=SEND. LUTYPE 6.2 INTERSYSTEM COMMUNICATION ~~\J:~~~r~~ i ~I~ :~ ~~ ~ t: :~: :'.t:. :~~~:I 4:~~~' Within the LUTYPE 6.2 or Advanced Program-to-Program Communication (APPC) architecture, CICS can communicate with other LUTYPE 6.2 systems which can be: 1. another CICS system 2. certain device-level systems (for simplicity, they will be referred to as LUTYPE 6.2 terminals): o o o Displaywriter 8815 Scanmaster System/38 Parallel sessions are supported on a CICS-to-CICS LUTYPE 6.2 link. You code a DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM macro with TRMTYPE=LUTYPE62 to define the LUTYPE 6.2 link. This is followed by DFHTCT TYPE=MODESET macro instructions to define groups of sessions with identical characteristics, each group being identified by a logmode name in the MODENAM operand. These DFHTCT TYPE=MODESET macros must have the same SYSIDNT operand as the DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM macro. An LUTYPE 6.l terminal is considered to be a special case of an LUTYPE 6.2 system which supports only a single session and which does not support an LU services manager. In this case, you only need to code a single DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM macro, specifying FEATURE=SINGLE and naming the logmode name in the MODENAM operand. Single session support may also be used for CICS-to-CICS LUTYPE 6.2 communication. However, parallel sessions would normally be used since they provide greater performance and functional capabilities. The data stream employed for LUTYPE 6.2 communication is the SNA generalized data stream (GDS). LUTYPE 6.2 is the first SNA LU type to have a defined application programming language in which conversations can be coded. Two types of LUTYPE 6.2 conversations are defined: 1. Mapped conversations In mapped conversations, the data passed between the LUTYPE 6.2 systems is simply user data. 2. Unmapped conversations In unmapped conversations, the data passed between the LUTYPE 6.2 systems contains GDS headers that contain control information. The user is responsible for coding and interpreting these GDS headers. A CICS application program will communicate with a System/38 application program using mapped conversations, while the Displaywriter and 8815 Scanmaster only support unmapped conversations. Chapter 3.16. TCT - Terminal Control Table 439 ~.:CT I II ..... ' " j, I I \ ! 'I.: 'I" ,,~( DFHTCT Examples TRANSACTION ROUTING REMOTE TERMINALS Transaction routing is the facility under MRO which allows a terminal in a remote CICS region in the same processor to initiate a transaction in the local CICS region. You must define the terminals as local terminals to the terminal-owning region, and as remote terminals to the transaction-owning region. Remote terminals can be defined in one of two ways: 1. Code DFHTCT TYPE=REMOTE macros to define the remote terminals. The terminal-owning system is identified via the SYSIDNT operand of the DFHTCT TYPE=REMOTE macro. You must have defined this system in a DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM macro that appears before any DFHTCT TYPE=REMOTE macros. The DFHTCT TYPE=REMOTE macro is essentially a subset of the DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL macro. Any of the remaining operands can be specified. They are ignored unless the SYSIDNT operand names the local region, in which case the macro instruction becomes equivalent to the DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL form. The same DFHTCT TYPE=REMOTE macro can therefore be used to define the same terminal in the TCT's of both the local and the remote regions. 2. Code a DFHTCT TYPE=REGION macro followed by one or more DFHTCT macros to define the remote terminals. The terminal-owning system is identified via the SYSIDNT operand of the DFHTCT TYPE=REGION macro. The DFHTCT TYPE=REGION macro may precede a set of DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL macros for VTAM-connected terminals, otherwise it precedes a set of DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, TYPE=LINE, TYPE=TERMINAL macros. If the SYSIDNT operand on the DFHTCT TYPE=REGION macro does not specify the local region, only the information required to build a remote terminal entry is extracted from the succeeding DFHTCT definitions. DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI definitions are ignored. Operands of DFHTCT TYPE=LINE and TYPE=TERMINAL that are not part of the TYPE=REMOTE subset are also ignored. The choice of a method is largely a matter of convenience in the particular circumstances. Both methods allow you to create copybooks containing the same terminal definitions to be included in the TCT's of both the local and the remote regions. INTERCOMMUNICATION DOCUMENTATION AND TCT EXAMPLE The CICS/VS Intercommunication Facilities Guide contains additional information and examples of the various DFHTCT macros for all forms of MRO, ISC and Remote terminals. The following partial TCT illustrates the naming relationships among the intercommunicating systems in Figure 42. TCT for CICA DFHTCT TYPE=INITIAL, APPLID=CICSAAAA, SYSIDNT=CICA, · .. DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, TRMIDNT=L771, · .. DFHTCT TYPE=REMOTE, SYSIDNT=CICA, TRMIDNT=L772, .. · 440 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Local region CICA Local terminal L771 Local terminal L772 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHTCT Examples DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM, ACCMETH=IRC, HETHAME=CICSBBBB, SYSIDHT=CICB, ... ) MRO link to ) CICB ) ) ) DFHTCT TYPE=REMOTE, SYSIDHT=CICB, TRMIDHT=L773, ... ) Remote terminal ) L773 DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM, ACCMETH=IHDIRECT, HETHAME=CICSEEEE, SYSIDHT=CICE, I HDSYS =CI CB, ... ) Indirect MRO ) link to ) CICE ) ) ) ) DFHTCT TYPE=REGIOH, SYSIDHT=CICE DFHTCT TYPE=TERMIHAL, TRMIDHT=L774, ... ) Remote terminal ) L774 DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM, HETHAME=CICSCCCC, ACCMETH=VTAM, SYSIDHT=CICC, ... ) LUTYPE 6.1 link ) to CICC DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM, HETHAME=SYSIMS, ACCMETH=VTAM, SYSIDHT=IMSR, ... ) lUTYPE 6.1 link ) to IMS system ) IMSR DFHTCT TYPE=TERMIHAl, TRMTYPE=LUTYPE6, ) ) ) ) ) ) ) SYSIDHT=I~1SR, HETNAMQ=CIC1, SESTYPE=SEND, ..• DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM, TRMTYPE=LUTYPE62, ACCMETH=VTAM, NETNAME=CICSDDDD, SYSIDNT=CICD, ... DFHTCT TYPE=MODESET, SYSIDHT=CICD, MODENAM=M1, ... DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM, TRMTYPE=LUTYPE62, FEATURE=SINGLE, NETHAME=SCAHLU, SYSIDHT=SCAH, MODENAM=M2, ... ) ) ) session CIC1 ) ) LUTYPE 6.2 link ) to CICD ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) LUTYPE 6.2 link (single session) to LU6.2 terminal 8815 Scanmaster SCAN ) ) DFHTCT TYPE=FINAL TCT for CICS DFHTCT TYPE=INITIAl, APPLID=CICSBBBB, SYSIDNT=CICB, ... DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM, ACCMETH=IRC, NETNAME=CICSAAAA, SYSIDNT=CICA, ... ) MRO link to ) CICA ) ) Chapter 3.16. TCT - Terminal Control Table 441 DFHTCT Examples DFHTCT TYPE=REMOTE, SYSIDNT=CICB, TRMIDNT=L773, ••• DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM, ACCMETH=IRC, NElNAME=CICSEEEE, SYSI DNT=CI CE, ... ) local 3270 ) ) ) MRO link to ) CICE ) ) DFHTCT TYPE=FINAL TCT for CICE DFHTCT TYPE=INITIAL, APPLID=CICSEEEE, SYSIDNT=CICE, ... DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, TRMIDNT=L 774, ..• ) local 3270 DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM, ACCMETH=IRC, NETNAME=CICSBBBB, SYSIDNT=ClCB, ... ) MRO link to ) CICB ) ) ) DFHTCT TYPE=FINAL TCT for CICC DFHTCT TYPE=INITIAL, APPLID=CICSCCCC, SYSIDNT=CICC, .•• DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM, ACCMETH=VTAM, NETNAME=ClCSAAAA, SYSIDNT=CICA, .•• ) lUTYPE 6.1 link ) to CICA ) ) DFHTCT TYPE=FINAL TCT for ClCD DFHTCT TYPE=INITIAL, APPLID=CICSDDDD, SYSIDNT=CICD, ..• DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM, ACCMETH=VTAM, TRMTYPE=LUTYPE62, NETNAME=CICSAAAA, SYSIDNT=CICA, ... ) LUTYPE 6.2 link ) to CICA ) ) ) DFHTCT TYPE=MODESET, SYSIDNT=CICA, MODENAM=Ml, ..• DFHTCT TYPE=FINAL SHARED DL/I DATA BASE BATCH LINKS (CICS/OS/VS ONLY) In addition to MRO and ISC, CICS/OS/VS also allows batch regions to share a DL/I data base which is controlled in the CICS region. You code a DFHTCT TYPE=IRCBCH macro instruction to define such batch links. 442 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHTCT TYPE=INITIAL DFHTCT TYPE=INITIAL FOR INTERCOMMUNICATING SYSTEMS The DFHTCT TYPE=INITIAL macro instruction establishes the area of storage into which the TCT is assembled. This macro instruction must precede all other DFHTCT macro instructions in a TCT assembly. Each individual CICS region or system is named in the SYSIDNT operand of the DFHTCT TYPE=IHITIAL macro in its TCT. DFHTCT TYPE=INITIAL [,ACCMETH=([NONVTAM][,VTAM][,GAM])] [,APPLID={DBDCCICSlname}] [,ERRATT={HOI([LASTLINE][,INTENSIFY] [,{BLUETREDIPINKIGREENITURQUOISEIYELLOWINEUTRAL}] [,{BLINKIREVERSE UNDERLINE}])}] [,SUFFIX=xx] [,SYSIDNT={CICSlname}] VTAM Only [,GMTEXT={welcome-to-CICSI'text'}] [,OPNDLIM={lQlnumber}] [,RAMAX=value] [,RAPOOL={~\value}] [,RATIMES={2\value}] [,RESP={FMETRRN}] CICS/DOS/VS and BTAM Only [,MODNAME={IJlBTMlname}] For a description of the operands, see "DFHTCT TYPE=IHITIAL in Environment Including VTAM" on page 256. The following information pertains to the CICS intercommunication facilities. APPLID=[DBDCCIcslnameJ Code this with a one- to eight-character name by which this CICS system or region is known to other remote systems or regions, or to the batch region during a DL/I shared data base session under CICS/OS/VS. It matches the value of the NETNAME operand of the DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM macro of the remote system or region. For ISC, the name specified must match ACF/VTAM VBUIlD TYPE=APPl definition. name in the network. If an ACBNAME is the name by which logical units in the however, CICS has no knowledge of this the label specified in the This is the globally known coded, this may be used as same domain logon to CICS, name. SVSIDNT=[CICSlname] If you use the MRO or ISC facilities of CICS, code this with a oneto four-character name to identify the local CICS region. Any section commencing with a DFHTCT TYPE=REGION macro instruction specifying the SYSIDNT operand with this value will be incorporated in this region. Any DFHTCT TYPE=REMOTE macro instructions specifying the SYSIDNT operand with this value will also be incorporated in this region. Chapter 3.16. TCT - Terminal Control Table 443 DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM NRO - DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM MACRO This section presents the DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM for defining an MRO link between CICS regions. For a more detail description and examples, see the CICS/VS Intercommunication Facilities Guide. To define an MRO link, you code a DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM macro specifying ACCMETH=IRC together with the SEND or RECEIVE operands. This will generate a TCT system entry (TCTSE) that describes the remote region, and a set of TCT terminal entries (TCTTEs) each defining one session in a pool of parallel sessions between the CICS regions. The system entry's name (SYSIDNT) is the name used in the SYSIDNT operands of the OCT, FCT, TCT, PCT, and TST, and in the SYSID option on EXEC requests to remote systems or regions. DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM ,ACCMETH={IRCICIRC,XM)IINDIRECT} [,INDSYS=name] [,NETNAME=name] ,RECEIVE=Cprefixl,numberl) ,SEND=(prefix2,number2) ,SYSIDNT=name TCTTE Operands [,OPERPRI=operator-priority-code] [,OPERRSL={OI(nUmber[,number] .•. )}] [,OPERSEC={l Cnumber[,number] ..• )}] [,TIOAL=valuel [,TRMPRTY=numberl [,TRMSTAT='OUT OF SERVICE'l [,XSNAME=namel The operands are as described in "VTAM - DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL Operands for Non-3270 Devices" on page 287. The following information pertains to MRO. ACCMETH={IRCI(IRC,XMlIINDIRECTl Indicates the access method to be used on this link session. IRCI(IRC,XMl Intercommunication is to take place between CICS regions within the same processing unit, using the multi region operation facility. IRC specifies that the CICS type 2 SVC is to be used for the interregion communication. (IRC,XM) eICS 1.6.1 only specifies that MVS cross-memory services are to be used for the interregion communication. MVS cross-memory services are used only if the other end of the link also specifies ACCMETH=(IRC,XM). Only the SEND, RECEIVE, TRMSTAT, OPERPRI, OPERSEC, OPERRSL, TIOAL, TRMPRTY, and XSNAME operands may be coded with ACCMETH=IRC. INDIRECT Intercommunication with the named region will be via the system named in the INDSYS operand. 444 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEH INDSVS=name Indicates the name of a remote system that will be used to relay communication between this system and the remote system. This operand must only be coded if ACCMETH=INDIRECT is coded. The name specified in this operand must be the same as the name specified for the SYSIDNT operand in a DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM macro instruction with ACCMETH=IRC or ACCMETH=(IRC,XM). NETNAME=name Provi des a uni que one- to ei ght-character alphanumeri c network name that identifies the remote CICS region to IRC, and is the same name as that specified in the APPLID operand of DFHTCT TYPE=INITIAL in the remote region. The default for NETNAME is the name specified in the SYSIDNT operand. All IRC system entries must have a different NETNAME specified. RECEIVE=(prefixl,numberll The intercommunication link is to be used for IRC sessions. IRC sessions, the RECEIVE operand must be coded. For prefixl a prefix that will be used to represent the first characters of the TRMIDNTs of the terminal entries. For IRC sessions between CICS 1.6.1 systems, a one-character or two-character prefix can be specified. In all other cases, a two-character prefix must be specified. numberl a number that will be used to indicate the number of parallel sessions that will receive before sending. This must be in the range 1 through 99 if a two-character prefix is specified, or 1 through 999 if a one-character prefix is specified. The number specified will be used to generate last characters of the TRMIDNTs for the terminal entries, starting at 1 and increasing by one up to the value specified. The number specified must match the number of SEND sessions in the remote system. For IRC, RECEIVE sessions can only receive before sending. SEND=(prefix2,number21 The intercommunication link is to be used for IRC sessions. IRC sessions, the SEND operand must be coded. For prefix2 a prefix that will be used to represent the first two characters of the TRMIDNT of the terminal entry. For IRC sessions between CICS 1.6.1 systems, a one-character or two-character prefix can be specified. In all other cases, a two-character prefix must be specified. number2 a number 'that will be used to indicate the number of parallel sessions that will usually send before receiving. This must be in the range 1 through 99 if a two-character prefi), is specfied, or 1 through 999 if a one-character prefix is specified. The number specified will be used to generate last characters of the TRMIDNTs for the terminal entries, starting at 1 and increasing by one up to the value specified. The numb~r specified must match the number of RECEIVE sessions in the remote system. For IRC, SEND sessions can only send before receiving. Chapter 3.16. TCT - Terminal Control Table 445 ,,-----' DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM SYSIDNT=name Provides a one- to four-character alphanumeric name to identify the intercommunication link. This name must also be specified in the SYSIDNT operand in DFHDCT TYPE=REMOTE, DFHFCT TYPE=REMOTE, DFHPCT TYPE=REMOTE, or DFHTST TYPE=REMOTE for a remote entry unless the name is specified in an explicit remote request by an application program. If the NETNAME operand is omitted, SYSIDNT must satisfy the requirements that apply to NETNAME. TIOAL=value This value is the minimum size of the TIOA to be used by the corresponding IRC session. TRMSTAT='OUT OF SERVICE' Code the status of the terminal entries generated by the TYPE=SYSTEM macro instruction. For ACCMETH=IRC or ACCMETH=CIRC,XM), the only terminal status that may be specified is 'OUT OF SERVICE'. XSNAME=name Code this with the 1- to 8-character external security identification of the remote region. For MRO, XSNAME specifies the external security identification that the remote system must have for the connection to be made. If the remote system's external security identification does not match the value specified for XSNAME, then the connection will be rejected. If XSNAME is not coded, a connection will be made to the remote system regardless of its external security identification. Note: Any transaction initiated by a request from the remote system will have a security check performed against it. This will ensure that the system has the security compatibility to run that transaction. It is therefore necessary to code an OPERSEC value that permits required transactions to be executed, in order to prevent security violations against the remote user. 446 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM, TERMINAL LUTYPE 6.1 - DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM, TYPE=TERMIHAL MACROS This section presents the DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM and DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL macros which you code to define an LUTYPE 6.1 link to a remote CICS or IMS system. For a more detail description and examples, see the CICS/VS Intercommunication Facilities Guide. The simplest way to define a TYPE=SYSTEM macro which will describes the remote system, each defining one session in systems. CICS-to-CICS LU6.1 link is to code a DFHTCT generate a TCT system entry (TCTSE) that and a set of TCT terminal entries (TCTTEs), a pool of parallel sessions between the To define a CICS-to-IMS LU6.1 link, you must code a DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM macro which will generate a TCT system entry (TCTSE) that describes the remote system. Then you must code a series of DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL statements immediately following the TYPE=SYSTEM macro instruction, each with the same SYSIDNT name as in the DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM macro instruction. Any statements with SESTYPE=RECEIVE must precede those with SESTYPE=SEND. The TCTTE operands in the TYPE=SYSTEM macro will provide defaults for all the defined sessions. The system entry's name (SYSIDNT) is the name used in the ,SYSIDNT operands of the DCT, FCT, TCT, PCT, and TST, and on EXEC requests to remote systems or regions. Note: You must not code the TRMTYPE operand on the DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM macro, as it is the absence of TRMTYPE that identifies the link as an LU6.1 system to CICS. DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM ,ACCMETH=VTAM [,NETNAME=nama] [,RECEIVE=(prefix1,number1)] [,SEND=(prefix2,number2)] ,SYSIDNT=name TCTTE Operands [,BUFFER=buffer-size] [,CHNASSY={HOIYES}] [,CONNECT=AUTO] [,DATASTR={USERI3270IscsISTRFIELDILMS}] [,OPERID=operator-identification-code] [,OPERPRI=operator-priority-code] [,OPERRSL={Of(nUmber[,number] ... )}] [,OPERSEC={l (number[,number] •.. )}] [,RECFM={!!IVB}] [,RUSIZE={256Isize}] [,TCTUAL=number] [,TIOAL={valuelevalue1,value2)}] [,TRMPRTY=number] [,TRMSTAT=TRAHSCEIVE] [,XSHAME=name] The operands are as described in "VTAM - DFHTCT TYPE=TERMIHAL Operands for Non-3270 Devices" on page 287. The following information pertains to LUTYPE 6.1 communication. ACCMETH=VTAM Indicates the access method to be used on this link session. Chapter 3.16. TCT - Terminal Control Table 447 DFHTCT TVPE=SVSTEM, TERMINAL VTAH VTAM is to be used to control data passed between CICS systems in the same domain or cross domain. BUFFER and RUSIZE the buffer size and request unit size to be used for this TCTTE. A non-zero BUFFER size must be specified because this is transmitted to the connected system and is used as the RUSIZE ·value. For lUTYPE6 logical units, a buffer size of at least 256 bytes must always be specified. Increasing the buffer size will cause more storage to be allocated for the session but may decrease the number of physical messages sent between the two nodes. ~Indicate For further information on BUFFER and RUSIZE, see "VTAM - DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAl Operands for Non-3270 Devices" on page 287. DATASTR={USERI3270IscslsTRFIELDILMS] Code this with the type of data stream. Code this if the data stream is user defined. 3270 SCS Code this if the data stream is a 3270 data stream as defined in the type 6.1 logical unit (lU6.1) architecture. Code this if the data stream is an SCS data stream as defined in the lU6.1 architecture. STRFIELD Code this if the data stream is a structured field data stream as defined in the lU6.1 architecture. L~lS Code this if the data stream is a logical Message Services (lMS) data stream consisting of FMH4s and FMH8s as defined in the lU6.1 architecture. Note: If you are communicating between multple CICS systems you should use the default value of USER. NETNAME=name Provides a unique one- to eight-character alphanumeric network name that identifies the remote CICS system to ACF/VTAM, and is the same name as that specif\ed in the APPlID operand of DFHTCT TYPE=INITIAl in the remote system or region. For ACF/VTAM this is the same name as that specified for the label of the remote ACF/VTAM VBUIlD TYPE=APPl statement. The default for NETNAME is the name specified in the SYSIDHT operand. You cannot have two lUTYPE 6.2 links or one lUTYPE 6.1 and one lUTYPE 6.2 link to the same network name. RECEIVE=(prefix!,number!l The intercommunication link is to be used for VTAM parallel sessions. If the RECEIVE and SEND (see below) operands are coded, there is no need to write a DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAl statement for each parallel session if there are no essential differences between the sessions. If the RECEIVE and SEND operands are not coded, at least one DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL macro instruction must be written to describe the session. prefix! a two-character prefix that will be used to represent the first two characters of the TRMIDNTs of the terminal entries. numberl a number in the range 1 through 99, which will be used to indicate the number of parallel sessions that will usually receive before sending. The number specified will be used to generate last two characters of the TRMIDNTs for the terminal 448 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM, TERMINAL entries, starting at 1 and increasing by one up to the value specified. The number specified should match the number of SEND sessions in the remote system. RECFH=(yIVB} Code this with the type of SNA chain. Code this if only the SNA chain is an understood message. You can have private block algorithms within the SNA chain. VB Code this if the SNA chain is formatted according to the VLVB standard as defined in the LU6.1 architecture. Note: If you are communicating between multple CICS systems you should use the default value of U. SEND=(pref;x2,number21 The intercommunication link is to be used for VTAM parallel sessions. If the RECEIVE (see above) and SEND operands are coded, there is no need to write a DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL statement for each parallel session if there are no essential differences between the sessions. If the RECEIVE and SEND operands are not coded, at least one DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL macro instruction must be written to describe the session. pref;x2 a two-character prefix that will be used to represent the first two characters of the TRMIDNT of the terminal entry. number2 a number in the range 1 through 99, which will be used to indicate the number of parallel sessions that will usually send before receiving. The number specified will be used to generate last two characters of the TRMIDNTs for tha terminal entries, starting at 1 and increasing by one up to the value specified. The number specified should match the number of RECEIVE sessions in the remote system. SYSIDNT=name Provides a one- to four-character alphanumeric name to identify the intercommunication link. If the NETNAME operand is omitted, SYSIDNT must satisfy the requirements that apply to NETNAME. TRMSTAT=TRANSCEIVE For LUTYPE 6.1 links, the only terminal status that may be specified is TRANSCEIVE Cit is also the default). XSNAME=name Code this with the 1- to 8-character external security identification of the remote system. For ISC connections, XSNAME specifies the external security identification of the remote system that will be used by thQ external security facility to check resources required by the remote system. Note: Any transaction initiated by a request from the remote system will have a security check performed against it. This will ensure that the system has the security compatibility to run that transaction. It is therefore necessary to code an OPERSEC value that permits required transactions to be executed, in order to prevent security violations against the remote user. Chapter 3.16. TCT - Terminal Control Table 449 DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM, TERMINAL DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL ,NETNAMQ=name ,SESTYPE={SENDIRECEIVE} ,SYSIDNT=name , TR~lIDNT=name ,TRMTYPE=LUTYPE6 TCTTE Operands [,BUFFER=buffer-sizel [,CHNASSY={NOIYES}] [,CONNECT=AUTO] [,DATASTR={U5ERI3270IscSlsTRFIELDILMS}J [,OPERID=operator-identification-code] [,OPERPRI=operator-priority-code] [,OPERRSL={O!Cnumber[,number] .•. )}] [,OPERSEC={l Cnumber[,number] .•• )}] [ , RECFM= {!! I'JB} J [,RUSIZE={256Isize}] [,TCTUAL=number] [,TIOAL={value/Cvaluel,value2)}] [,TRMPRTY=number] [,TRMSTAT=TRANSCEIVE] [,XSNAME=nameJ The operands are as described in the preceding DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM macro description and in "VTAM - DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL Operands for Non-3270 Devices" on page 287. The following information pertains to LUTYPE 6.1 communication. NETNAHQ=name Code this with the one- to eight-character name by which the remote system knows this particular parallel session. For CICS to CICS communication, the NETNAMQ name is the one- to four-character TERMID in the remote CICS system that defines this parallel session. SESTYPE=sess;on-type Indicates the type of session that can be used for the LUTYPE 6 logical unit. The options are: • SEND - for LU6.1 secondary logical unit for transaction to transaction communication. • RECEIVE - for LU6.1 primary logical unit for transaction to transaction communication. SYSIDNT=name Code this with the four-character alphanumeric name that must be specified for an explicitly generated TCTTE that is a member of a VTAM parallel session. The name must be the same as that used in the associated DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM macro. TRMIDNT=name Code this with a unique four-character symbolic identification to be used as the local half of a session qualifier pair in a CICS intercommunication parallel session. The identification supplied will be left-justified and padded with blanks to four characters if less than four characters are supplied. For CICS/OS/VS only, the value CERR is reserved, as this is the identification generated for the error console. 450 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEH, HODESET LUTYPE 6.2 - DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM, TYPE=MODESET MACROS This section presents the DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM and DFHTCT TYPE=MODESET macros which you code to define a parallel-session LUTYPE 6.2 link between two CICS systems. For a description of the DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM macro which you code to define a single-session LUTYPE 6.2 link, see "LU6.2 Terminals - DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM Macro" on page 455. For a more detailed description and examples, see the CICS/VS Intercommunication Facilities Guide. To define a parallel-session LUTYPE 6.2 link between two CICS systems, you code a DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM macro instruction which will generate a TCT system entry (TCTSE) that describes the remote system. This is followed by a series of DFHTCT TYPE=MODESET statements each with the same SYSIDNT name as in the DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM macro instruction. The TCTTE operands in the DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM macro provide defaults for the sessions generated by the TYPE=MODESET macro instructions. The system entry's name (SYSIDNT) is the name used in the SYSIDNT operands of the DCT, FCT, TCT, PCT, and TST, and in the SYSID option on EXEC requests to remote systems or regions. DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM (LUSo2 ,ACCMETH=VTAM [,FEATURE=PARALLELl [,NETNAME=name] ,SYSIDNT=name ,TRMTYPE=LUTYPE62 TCTTE Operands [,BUFFER=buffer-size] [,CONNECT=AUTOl [,OPERID=operator-identification-code] [,OPERPRI=operator-priority-code] [,OPERRSL={ol(nUmber[,numberl ... )}] [,OPERSEC={l (number[,number] ... )}] [,RUSIZE={256Isize}] [,TCTUAL=number] [,TRANSID=name] [,TRMPRTY=number] [,TRMSTAT=(TRANSCEIVE[,'OUT OF SERVICE'])] [,XSNAME=name] For LU6.1 systems on LU6.2 link [,DATASTR={USERI3270IsCSISTRFIELDILMS}] [,RECFM={Y.IVB}] The operands are as described in "VTAM - DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL Operands for Non-3270 Devices" on page 287. The following information pertains to parallel-session communication. ACCMETH=VTAM Indicates the access method to be used on this link session. VTAM VTAM is to be used to control data passed between CICS systems in the same domain or cross domain. \'----- Chapter 3.16. TCT - Terminal Control Table 451 DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM, MODESET BUFFER and RUSIZE Indicate the buffer size and request unit size to be used for this TCTTE. A non-zero BUFFER size must be specified because this is transmitted to the connected system and is used as th~ RUSIZE value. For further information on BUFFER and RUSIZE, see "VTAM DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL Operands for Non-3270 Devices" on page 287. CONNECT=AUTO For LUTYPE6.2 systems, specifies that sessions are to be established (that is, BIND is to be performed) during CICS initialization, or when communication with VTAM is started using the CEMT SET VTAM OPEN master terminal command. If the connection cannot be made at this time because the remote system is unavailable, the link must be subsequently acquired using the CEMT SET SYSTEM(name) INS ACQ master terminal command, unless the remote sys{em becomes available in the meantime and itself initiates communications. For systems with FEATURE=PARALLEL specified, the sessions established are: 1. The special sessions in mode group SNASVCMG. 2. Sessions in mode groups which also have CONNECT=AUTO specified on the DFHTCT TYPE=MODESET macro instruction. DATASTR=(USERI3270IscslsTRFIELDILMSJ Code this with the type of data stream. Code this if the data stream is user defined. 3270 scs Code this if the data stream is a 3270 data stream as defined in the type 6.1 logical unit (LU6.1) architecture. Code this if the data stream is an SCS data stream as defined in the LU6.1 architecture. STRFIELD Code this if the data stream is a structured field data stream as defined in the LU6.1 architecture. LMS Code this if the data stream is a Logical Message Services eLMS) data stream consisting of FMH4s and FMH8s as defined in the LU6.1 architecture. FEATUR~=PARALLEL Indicates that the LUTYPE6.2 system being defined supports multiple sessions. DFHTCT TYPE=MODESET macros must be used to define each group of sessions that is required. Special sessions for the exclusive use of the LU services manager are built automaticallY by CICS, using the modename SNASVCMG. NETNAME=name Provides a unique one- to eight-character alphanumeric network name that identifies the remote CICS system to ACF/VTAM, and is the same name as that specified in the APPLID operand of DFHTCT TYPE=INITIAL in the remote system or region. For ACF/VTAM this is the same name as that specified for the label of the remote ACF/VTAM VBUILD TYPE=APPL statement. The default for NETNAME is the name specified in the SYSIDNT operand. You cannot have two LUTYPE 6.2 links or one LUTYPE 6.1 and one LUTYPE 6.2 link to the same network name. 452 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHTCT TVPE=SVSTEH, HOOESET RECFH=(uIVB) Code this with the type of SNA chain. Code this if only the SNA chain is an understood message. You can have private block algorithms within the SNA chain. VB Code this if the SNA chain is formatted according to the VLVB standard as defined in the LU6.1 architecture. SVSIDNT=name Provides a one- to four-character alphanumeric name to identify the intercommunication link. If the NETNAME operand is omitted, SYSIDNT must satisfy the requirements that apply to NETNAME. TRANSIO=name It provides a default value for all the mode groups (except the SNASVCMG mode group) in the system, which may be overridden by specifying TRANSID on the DFHTCT TYPE=MODESET macro instruction. For a description of TRANSID, see "VTAM - DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL Operands for Non-3270 Devices" on page 287. TRHSTAT=(TRANSCEIVE[,'OUT OF SERVICE']) Code the status of the terminal entries generated by the TYPE=SYSTEM macro instruction. For TRMTYPE=LUTYPE62 and FEATURE=PARALLEL, only TRANSCEIVE, and optionally 'OUT OF SERVICE' may be specified. TRHTVPE=LUTVPE62 Identifies that an LUTYPE6.2 intercommunication link is to be defined. XSNAME=name Code this with the 1- to 8-character external security identification of the remote system or region. For ISC connections, XSNAME specifies the external security identification of the remote system that will be used by the external security facility to check resources required by the remote system. Note: Any transaction initiated by a request from the remote system will have a security check performed against it. This will ensure that the system has the security compatibility to run that trans~ction. It is therefore necessary to code an OPERSEC value that permits required transactions to be executed, in order to prevent security violations against the remote user. Chapter 3.16. TCT - Terminal Control Table 453 (LUSo2 DFHTCT TVPE=SVSTEM, HODESET DFHTCT TYPE=MODESET ,SYSIDNT=name ,MODENAM=name [,MAXSESS=Cllm1,1Im2)] [,CONNECT=AUTOl These values override those specified on TYPE=SYSTEM [,BUFFER=buffer-size] [,OPERID=operator-identification-codel [,OPERPRI=operator-priority-codel [,OPERRSL={lICnumber[,numberl .•• )}] [,OPERSEC={l Cnumber[,numberl .•• )}] [,RUSIZE={256Isize}] [,TCTUAL=number] [,TRANSID=namel [,TRMPRTY=number] [,TRMSTAT=(TRANSCEIVE[,'OUT OF SERVICE'])] The operands are as described in the preceding description of the DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM macro and in "VTAM - DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL Operands for Non-3270 Devices" on page 287. The following information pertains to LUTYPE 6.2 parallel-session communication. CONNECT=AUTO Indicates that all contention winner sessions in the group are to be bound: 1. as soon as communication with the remote system is established (see CONNECT=AUTO under DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM), or 2. when the master terminal command CEMT SET MODENAMECname) AVAILABLE(number) increases the number of sessions available. CThe ACQUIRED option need not be specified on the command.) If CONNECT=AUTO is omitted from the macro, binding will take place: 1. in response to the master terminal command CEMT SET MODENAMECname) ACQUIRED, or 2. when an application program performs an ALLOCATE command. MAXSESS=(!lml,Qlm21 Indicates the maximum number of sessions that are to be supported for the group. !Iml Qlm2 the maximum number of sessions in the group. the maximum number of sessions that are to be supported as contention winners. The value specified for m2 must not be greater than the number specified for m1. MODENAM=name Indicates a one- to eight-character name that identifies the group of related sessions. It must be unique for each group of sessions defined for anyone intersystem link. The name will be passed to ACF/VTAM as the LOGMODE name. SVSIDNT=name Indicates a one- to four-character name that identifies an intersystem link. The name must be the same as that specified in the associated DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM macro. 454 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHTCT TVPE=SVSTEM LU6.2 TERMINALS - DFHTCT TVPE=SVSTEM MACRO , This section describes the DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM macro for defining an LUTYPE 6.2 terminal which can be: Displaywriter (supporting unmapped conversations) 8815 Scanmaster (supporting unmapped conversations) System/38 (supporting mapped conversations). L~W;ill ~~1'UI~'1'1"",~ I'I~' .~JIi.II"~!r.~;;,,, The information in this section also applies to CICS-to-CICS LUTYPE 6.2 communication if you are running only a single session between the CICS systems. However, parallel sessions would normally be used since they provide greater performance and functional capability. -TC~,' : The DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM macro instruction generates a TCT system entry (TCTSE) which describes the remote LUTYPE 6.2 terminal, and a TCT terminal entry (TCTTE) which describes the single session. DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM ,ACCMETH=VTAM [,CONNECT=AUTO] ,FEATURE=SINGLE ,MODENAM=name [,NETNAME={name-specified-in-SYSIDNTlname}] ,SYSIDNT=name ,TRMTYPE=LUTYPE62 ( TCTTE Operands [,BUFFER=buffer-size] [,OPERID=operator-identification-code] [,OPERPRI=operator-priority-code] [,OPERRSL={O\Cnumber[,number] •.. )}] [,OPERSEC={l (number[,number] •.. )}] [,RUSIZE={256Isize}] [,TCTUAL=numberl [,TRANSID=name] [,TRMPRTY=number] [,TRMSTAT=(TRANSCEIVE[,'OUT OF SERVICE'])] [,XSNAME=namel ACCMETH=VTAM VTAM is to be used to control data passed between eIeS and the remote LUTYPE 6.2 terminal. BUFFER=buffer-s;ze It specifies the maximum RU size that CICS expects to use for SEND's. However, if the LUTYPE 6.2 terminal wishes to RECEIVE smaller request units (RU's), this value may be negotiated downwards when the session is bound. CONNECT=AUTO It specifies that the session is to be established (that is, BIND is to be performed) during eICS initialization, or when communication with VTAM is started using the CEMT SET VTAM OPEN master terminal command. If the connection cannot be made at this time because the LUTYPE 6.2 terminal is unavailable, the link must be subsequently acquired using the CEMT SET SYSTEM(name) INS ACQ master terminal command, unless the remote terminal becomes available in the meantime and itself initiates communications. eIeS will attempt to bind as the contention winner, but will accept a negotiation to contention loser. Chapter 3.16. TCT - Terminal Control Table 455 LUS.2 " , .'7 ~ ~ DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM FEATURE=SINGLE An LUTYPE 6.2 terminal is supported on a single-session LUTYPE 6.2 link to CICS. In this case, the MODENAM operand can be used to supply a modename for this single-session group. DFHTCT TYPE=MODESET cannot be used to define any session groups for a single-session group. A single-session group is built automatically by CICS. MODENAM=name It provides a unique one- to eight-character modename of an LUTYPE6.2 single session group. The name will be passed to VTAM as the LOGMODE name. NETNAME=n~me-spec;f;ed-;n-SYSIDNTlname It provides a unique one- to eight-character alphanumeric network name that identifies the LUTYPE 6.2 terminal to VTAM. The default for NETNAME is the name specified in the SYSIDNT operand. You cannot have· two LUTYPE6.2 links or one LUTYPE6.1 and one LUTYPE6.2 link to the same network name. OPERID=operator-;dentiTication-code Code this with th~ three-character operator identification code to be used when CICS signs on. OPERPRI=operator-prior;ty-code Code this with the operator priority code to be used when CICS signs on. The code may be any value from 0 through 255. OPERRSL={QI(number[, ••• llJ Code this with the resource security level to be set in the TCT for the LUTYPE 6.2 terminal. The resource security level comprises one or more decimal values from 1 through 24. This RSL value is checked with the resource RSL value by transactions that require resource level security checking. OPERSEC={!I(number[, ••• ll Code this with the security key fo~ this TCT entry. The security key comprises one or more decimal values from 1 through 64. In addition to the values specified, a value of 1 will also be generated. RUSIZE={256IvalueJ Code this with the maximum size of a request unit (RU) that can satisfy a VTAM RECEIVE request. SYSIDNT=name It provides a one- to four-character alphanumeric name to identify the intercommunication link. If the NETNAME operand is omitted, SYSIDNT must satisfy the requirements that apply to NETNAME. TCTUAL=number Code this with the length, in bytes (0 to 255), of the user area for this TCT entry. TRANSID=transaction-identification-code Code this with a one- to four-character transaction code. The TRANSID operand specifies the code of a transaction that is to be initiated each time input is received from the LUTYPE 6.2 terminal when there is no active task. This parameter only applies when a mapped conversation is to be initiated. TRMPRTY={QlnumberJ It establishes the terminal priority. This decimal value (0 through 255) is used in establishing the overall transaction processing priority. (Transaction processing priority is equal to the sum of the terminal priority, transaction priority, and operator priority, not to exceed 255.) 456 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHTCT Example TRMSTAT=(TRANSCEIVE[,'OUT OF SERVICE']) Code this with the type of activity that may occur at the LUTYPE 6.2 terminal. You may specify TRANSCEIVE which is the default, and optionally 'OUT OF SERVICE'. TRANSCEIVE Transactions may be initiated from the LUTYPE 6.2 terminal, and you may automatically send messages to the terminal. 'OUT OF SERVICE' indicates that the LUTYPE 6.2 terminal can neither receive messages nor transmit input. TRMTVPE=LUTVPE62 It indicates that an LUTYPE 6.2 intercommunication link is to be defined. XSNAME=name Code this with the 1- to 8-character external security identification of the LUTYPE 6.2 terminal. It will be used by the external security facility to check resources required by the remote system. Note: Any transaction initiated by a request from the LUTYPE 6.2 terminal will have a security check performed against it. This will ensure that the system has the security compatibility to run that transaction. It is therefore necessary to code an OPERSEC value that permits required transactions to be executed, in order to prevent security violations against the remote user. 8815 Scanmaster TCT Example DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM, ACCMETH=VTAM, FEATURE=SINGLE, TRMTYPE=LUTYPE62, SYSIDNT=REM2, NETNAME=SCANLU, BUFFER=256, RUSIZE=256, TRMSTAT=TRANSCEIVE Chapter 3.16. TCT - Terminal Control Table 457 DFHTCT TYPE=REMOTE, REGION, TERMINAL TRANSACTION ROUTING ~EMOTE TERMINALS This section presents the DFHTCT TYPE=REMOTE, DFHTCT TYPE=REGION, and TYPE=TERMINAL macros which you code to define remote terminals using the CICS tr'ansacti'on routi ng faci Ii ty under MRO. The following terminals and logical units cannot use transaction routing and therefore cannot be defined as remote: Pooled 3600 or 3650 pipeline logical units IBM 7770 or 2260 terminals The OS/VS operator console Pooled TCAM terminals For a more detail description and examples, see the CICS/VS Intercommunication Facilities Guide. DFHTCT TYPE=REGION, TYPE=TERMINAl The DFHTCT TYPE=REGION macro introduces information about the named region. The information consists of DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL macro instructions for VTAM-connected terminals, or DFHTCT TYPE=LINE and TYPE=TERMINAL macro instructions for other terminals. These macro instructions must follow the DFHTCT TYPE=REGION macro. For a remote region, the DFHTCT TYPE=LINE macro will not generate a TCT line entry (TCTLE). Every terminal that can participate in transaction routing must be defined. Only certain DFHTCT macro types and operands are relevant in remote region definitions, all others will be ignored. The operands that are relevant are those listed on the DFHTCT TYPE=REMOTE macro definition (see below). DFHTCT TYPE=REGION ,SYSIDNT={nameILOCALJ SYSIDNT={namellOCAll Indicates the four-character name of the region whose information starts or resumes here. SYSIDNT=LOCAL can be specified to indicate that the definitions following it refer to the home region, as do all definitions preceding the first DFHTCT TYPE=REGION macro. The name of the home region (that is, the region in which this terminal control table will be used) is the value of the SYSIDNT operand of the DFHTCT TYPE=INITIAL The name can also be that of a previously defined MRO link (the SYSIDNT of a previous DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM macro) . 458 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHTCT TYPE=REMOTE, REGION, TERMINAL DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL , ACCMETH=access-method [,ALTPGE=(lines,columns)] [,ALTSCRN=(lines,columns)] [,ALTSFX=number] [,DEFSCRN=(lines,columns)] [,ERRATT={NOI([LASTLINE][,INTENSIFY] [,{BLUETREDIPINKIGREENITURQUOISEIYELLOWINEUTRAL}] [,(BLINKIREVERSE UNDERLINE}])}] [,FEATURE=(feature[,feature], ..• )] [,OPERRSL={OI(nUmber[, ... ]}] [,OPERSEc={I (number[,number], .•. )}] [,PGESIZE=(lines,columns)] [,RMTNAME={name-specified-in-TRMIDNTlname}] ,SYSIDNT=name [,TCTUAL=number] [,TIOAL={valuel(value1,value2)}] ,TRMIDNT=name [,TRMMODL=numbercharacter] ,TRMTYPE=terminal-type Non-VTAM [,DISMSG=name] [,LPLEN={132Ivalue}] [,STN2980=number] [,TAB2980=(1Ivalue}] VTAM and TCAM SNA Only [,BMSFEAT=([FMHPARM][,NOROUTE][,NOROUTEALL] [,OBFMT][,OBOPID])] [,HF={NOIYES}] [,LDC={listnameICaa[=nnn],bb[=nnn],cc[=nnn], ... )}] [,SESTYPE=session-type] [,VF=(NOIYES}] [ ] ] (ROUTING VTAM Only [,FF={NOIYES}] With the exception of the SYSIDNT and RMTNAME operands, the details for the operands are as described in the appropriate section in this chapter depending on the type of terminal: "VTAM 3270 Devices" on page 259 "BTAM 3270 Devices" on page 326 "VTAM Non-3270 Devices" on page 284 "BTAM Non-3270 "Devices" on page 366 "VSE Console" on page 419 "Sequential Devices" on page 422 "TCAM - DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, LINE, TERMINAL" on page 429 The other operands of the DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL and DFHTCT TYPE=LINE macros are valid (except CONSLID), but will be ignored if the SYSIDNT operand on the preceding DFHTCT TYPE=REGION macro indicates a remote region. The CONSLID operand is not valid because the OS/VS operator console is not supported by transaction routing. The following information pertains to transaction routing remote terminals. Chapter 3.16. TCT - Terminal Control Table 459 DFHTCT TYPE=REMOTE, REGION, TERMINAL PRINTTO and ALTPRT The PRINTTO and ALTPRT operands must name a printer owned by the same system as the subject of the DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL macro instruction. RMTNAME=(name-spec;f;ed-;n-TRMIDNTlnameJ Specifies the 1- to 4-character name by which the terminal is known in the system or region that owns the terminal. If this operand is omitted the name in the TRMIDNT operand is used. TRHIDNT=name DFHTCT TYPE=REMOTE Terminal entries for remote systems or regions can be defined to CICS using the DFHTCT TYPE=REMOTE macro instruction as an alternative to defining them using DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL macro instructions in conjunction with a DFHTCT TYPE=REGION macro. The expansion of the DFHTCT TYPE=REMOTE macro instruction is independent of the region currently referenced. DFHTCT TYPE=REMOTE , ACCMETH=access-method [,ALTPGE=(lines,co!umns)] [,ALTSCRN=(!ines,co!umns)] [,ALTSFX=number] [,DEFSCRN=(!ines,co!umns)] [,ERRATT={NOIC[LASTLINE][,INTENSIFY] [,{BLUETREDIPINKIGREENITURQUOISEIYELLOWINEUTRAL}] [,{BLINKIREVERSE UNDERLINE}])}] [,FEATURE=(feature[,feature], ... )] [,OPERRSL={Olcnumber[, •.. ]}] [,OPERSEc={I Cnumber[,number], .•• )}] [,PGESIZE=(!ines,co!umns)] [,RMTNAME={name-specified-in-TRMIDNTlname}] ,SYSIDNT=name [,TCTUAL=number] [,TIOAL={va!ueICva!ue1,va!ue2)}] ,TRMIDNT=name [,TRMMODL=numbercharacter] ,TRMTYPE=termina!-type Non-VTAM [,DISMSG=name] [,LPLEN={132Ivalue}] [,STN2980=number] [,TAB2980={1Ivalue}] VTAM and TCAM SNA Only ] [,BMSFEAT=([FMHPARM][,NOROUTE][,NOROUTEALL] ] [ [,OBFMT][,OBOPID])] [,HF={NOIYES}] [,LDC={listnameICaa[=nnn],bb[=nnn],cc[=nnn], ••• )}] [,SESTYPE=session-type] [,VF={NOIYES}] VTAM Only [,FF={NOIYES}] 460 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHTCT Examples With the exception of the SYSIDNT and RMTNAME operands, the details for the operands for the DFHTCT TYPE=REMOTE macro are as described in the appropriate section in this chapter depending on the type of terminal: "VTAM 3270 Devices" on page 259 "BTAM 3270 Devices" on page 326 "VTAM Non-3270 Devices" on page 284 "BTAM Non-3270 Devices" on page 366 "VSE Console" on page 419 "Sequential Devices" on page 422 "TCAM - DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, lINE, TERMINAL" on page 429 The but The not other operands of DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAl are valid (except CONSlID), will be ignored if the SYSIDNT operand indicates a remote region. CONSlID operand is not valid because the OS/VS operator console is supported by transaction routing. If the SYSIDNT operand indicates that the terminal is owned by the home region then all the operands of the DFHTCT TYPE=TERMIHAl macro become valid on the DFHTCT TYPE=REMOTE macro and have the same meaning as for TYPE=TERMINAl. The following information pertains to transaction routing remote terminals. RMTNAME=Cname-spec;f;ed-;n-TRMIDNTlname} Specifies the 1- to 4-character name by which the terminal is known in the system or region that owns the terminal. If this operand is omitted the name in the TRMIDNT operand is used. SYSIDNT=name Specifies the name of the system or region that owns this terminal. The name must be the same as that used in the SYSIDNT operand of DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM or TYPE=IHITIAl. TRMIDNT=name (ROUTING HRO and Transaction Routing Remote Terminals TCT Example The first CICS system is defined as follows: DFHTCT DFHTCT TYPE=INITIAL, APPlID=CICSA TYPE=SYSTEM, NETNAME=CICSB, SYSIDNT=CICB, ACCMETH=IRC, TRMPRTY=100, SEND=(SB,3), RECEIVE=(RB,2), TRMSTAT='OUT OF SERVICE', TIOAl=(300), XSNAME=OPA, OPERSEC=15, OPERPRI=35, OPERRSl=1 3 outbound sessions 2 inbound sessions sessions to be initially unusable min TIOA size for sessions ** * * * * * * * * * ~ The second CICS system is defined as follows: DFHTCT DFHTCT TYPE=INITIAL, APPlID=CICSB TYPE=SYSTEM, NETNAME=CICSA, SYSIDNT=CICA, ACCMETH=IRC, SEND=(SA,2), RECEIVE=(RA,3), TIOAl=(300) ~E correspond to A's RECEIVE sessions co~respond to A's SEND sessions * * ',,-- Chapter 3.16. TCT - Terminal Control Table 461 DFHTCT Examples The following example for multi region operation includes the use of a copy book for the definition of terminals known to both systems. TITLE 'DFHTCTAI PRODUCTION SYSTEM TCT' ********************************************************************** * ** THIS IS ONE OF TWO SAMPLE TCTS CODED FOR AN INSTALLATION THAT USES * MULTI REGION OPERATION. THE INSTALLATION IS ASSUMED TO BE RUNNING * A PRODUCTION CICS SYSTEM WITH A NETWORK NAME OF PRODSYS AND A TEST * CICS SYSTEM WITH A NETWORK NAME OF TESTSYS * PRODSYS HAS A VTAM TERMINAL (L77A), A BTAM TERMINAL (L77B) AND A * CONSOLE (CNA1). * TESTSYS HAS A CONSOLE (CNA2) AND KNOWS ABOUT L77A AND L77B ON * PRODSYS. * TERMINAL OPERATORS ON L77A OR L77B CAN RUN TRANSACTIONS IN PRODSYS * OR TESTSYS DEPENDING ON WHETHER THE TRANSACTION ID THEY ENTER IS * DEFINED IN PRODSYS'S DFHPCT TO BE LOCAL OR REMOTE. PRODUCTION * TRANSACTION IDS ARE LOCAL AND THOSE UNDER TEST ARE REMOTE. *******************************************************************~e*** EJECT DFHTCT TYPE=INITIAL, SUFFIX=Al, RAMIN=20, RAMAX=5l2, RATIMES=16, RAPOOL=3, RESP=FME, ACCMETH=(VTAM,NONVTAM), APPLID=PRODSYS, UNIQUE NETWORK NAME OF THIS CICS SYSIDNT=PROD NAME BY WHICH WE KNOW OURSELVES * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * ********************************************************************** ** * DEFINE OUR CONSOLE ********************************************************************** * *CONAl CONSLAI CONTAI * DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI,DEVICE=CONSOLE DFHTCT TYPE=LINE,ACCMETH=SEQUENTIAL,INAREAL=80,TRMTYPE=CONSOLE DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL,TRMIDNT=CNA1,TRMSTAT=TRANSCEIVE * **************************************************************H*****H* *~E * DEFINE THE LINKS TO THE OTHER SYSTEM. ********************************************************************** * * 462 DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM, ACCMETH=IRC, NETHAME=TESTSYS, SYSIDNT=TEST, SEHD=(S2,2), RECEIVE=(R2,2), TIOAL=512 INTERCOMMUNICATION SVC UNIQUE NETWORK NAME OF OTHER SYSTEM NAME BY WHICH PRODSYS KNOWS TESTSYS TWO SEND LINKS CALLED S2l AND S22 TWO RECEIVE LINKS R2l AND R22 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide * * * * * DFHTCT Examples *~********************************************************************* DEFINE THE TERMINALS OWNED BY THIS SYSTEM. * USE OF DFHTCT TYPE=REGION MACROS ALLOWS THE SOURCE FOR THE ~ TERMINALS KNOWN TO BOTH SYSTEMS TO BE KEPT IN A COPY BOOK * USED BY BOTH TCTS. ********************************************************************** * COPY TCTTERMS TERMINALS KNOWN TO BOTH SYSTEMS * FURTHER DEFINITIONS COULD FOLLOW OF TERMINALS * KNOWN TO PRODSYS BUT NOT TO TESTSYS. ** * * * * DFHTCT TYPE=FINAL END DFHTCTBA TITLE 'DFHTCTA2 TEST SYSTEM TCT' DFHTCT TYPE=INITIAL, SUFFIX=A2, RAMIN=20, RAMAX=512, RATIMES=16, RAPOOL=3, RESP=FME, ACCMETH=(VTAM,NONVTAM), APPLID=TESTSYS, UNIQUE NETWORK NAME OF THIS CICS SYSIDNT=TEST NAME BY WHICH WE KNOW OURSELVES ** * * * ** ** *~********************************************************************* DEFINE OUR CONSOLE ********************************************************************** * DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI,DEVICE=CONSOLE CNA1 ** * * DFHTCT TYPE=LINE,ACCMETH=SEQUENTIAL,INAREAL=80,TRMTYPE=CONSOLE DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL,TRMIDNT=CNA2,TRMSTAT=TRANSCEIVE * ********************************************************************** * DEFINE THE LINKS TO THE OTHER SYSTEM. ** ********************************************************************** * * DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM, ACCMETH=IRC, NETNAME=PRODSYS, SYSIDNT=PROD, SEND=(S1,2), RECEIVE=(R1,2), TIOAL=512 INTERCOMMUNICATION SVC UNIQUE NETWORK NAME OF OTHER SYSTEM NAME BY WHICH TESTSYS KNOWS PRODSYS TWO SEND LINKS CALLED S11 AND S12 TWO RECEIVE LINKS R11 AND R12 * * * * * ~E ********************************************************************** ** * DEFINE THE TERMINALS OWNED BY PRODSYS BUT KNOWN TO TESTSYS. * USE OF DFHTCT TYPE=REGION MACROS ALLOWS THE SOURCE FOR THE * TERMINALS KNOWN TO BOTH SYSTEMS TO BE KEPT IN A COpy BOOK * USED BY BOTH TCTS. ********************************************************************** * DFHTCT TYPE=REGION,SYSIDNT=PROD COpy TCTTERMS * * * * TERMINALS KNOWN TO BOTH SYSTEMS DFHTCT TYPE=FINAl END DFHTCTBA * TCTTERMS COPY *L77A DFHTCT BOOK * * * * TYPE=TERMINAL,TRMIDNT=L77A,TRMTYPE=L3277,TRMMODL=2, CLASS=(CONV,VIDEO),TIOAL=1500,RELREQ=(YES,YES), FEATURE=(SELCTPEN,AUDALARM,UCTRAN), ACCMETH=VTAM,TCTUAL=8, CONNECT=AUTO,TRMSTAT=(TRANSCEIVE) Chapter 3.16. TCT - Terminal Control Table 463 (ROUTING DFHTCT Examples * NOTE THAT TYPE=SDSCI MACROS * CURRENT REGION IS REMOTE TO * ASSEMBLED FOR. * DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, DO NOT GENERATE ANYTHING IF THE THE SYSTEM THIS IS BEING CU=3272, DEVICE=L3277, LINELST=(035), DSCNAME=DDAll, BSCODE=EBCDIC * NOTE THAT TYPE=LINE MACROS DO NOT GENERATE ANYTHING IF THE * ASSOCIATED TERMINAL IS REMOTE TO THE SYSTEM THIS IS BEING * ASSEMBLED FOR. HOWEVER, THE DEFAULTS SET UP FOR SUBSEQUENT * TERMINAL MACROS STILL TAKE EFFECT (IE ACCMETH AND TRMTYPE). * DFHTCT TYPE=LINE, L77B 464 ACCMETH=BTAM, TRMTYPE=L3277, DSCNAME=DDAll, INAREAL=512, TRMMODL=2, BTAMRLN=l, POOlADR=l77B, BSCODE=EBCDIC, DUMMY=DUMMY DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, TRMIDNT=L77B, LVUNIT=l, FEATURE=(SElCTPEN,UCTRAN,AUDALARM), . TRMSTAT=TRANSCEIVE, lASTTRM=POOl, TCTUAl=8,TIOAL=80 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * DFHTCT TYPE=IRCBCH SHARED DL/I BATCH LINKS - DFHTCT TYPE=IRCBCH MACRO (CICS/OS/VS ONLY) Under OS/VS, an IMS/VS batch job may access a DL/I data base controlled ina CICS/OS/VS regi on. Any DI./I request from the IMS/VS batch application program is handled through the facilities of CICS/OS/VS instead of IMS/VS DB. This CICS shared DL/I data base support is provided by the interregion communications (IRC) component of CICS. You code the DFHTCT TYPE=IRCBCH macro instruction to define the link between the CICS/OS/VS system and the batch systems that share DL/I data bases with CICS. . . TCT Note: A better way to share a DL/I data base between CICS/OS/VS and IMS/VS is to use the IMS/VS data sharing facility. This facility requires CICS/OS/VS Version 1 Release 6 Modification 1 and IMS/VS Version 1 Release 3. This facility does not require IRC, and it does not require DFHTCT TYPE=IRCBCH entries in the TCT. DFHTCT TYPE=IRCBCH DFHTCT TYPE=IRCBCH must be placed before the VTAM terminal entries. DFHTCT TYPE=IRCBCH ,SESNUMB=number [,ACCMETH={IRCICIRC,XM)}l (CICS 1.6.1 only) [,OPERID=operator-identification-code] [,OPERPRI=operator-priority-code] [,OPERRSL={QI(nUmber[, ... ])}] [,OPERSEC={! (number[, ... ])}] [,TRMSTAT='OUT OF SERVICE'] [,XSNAME=namel ACCMETH=(IRCI(IRC,XM)] CICS 1.6.1 only specifies the type of communication that is required for shared data base sessions: IRC specifies that the CICS type 2 SVC is to be used. SHARED (IRC,XM) specifies that MVS cross-memory services are to be used. The CICS type 2 SVC is still required as it is used when the link is opened. OPERID=operator-identification-code Code this with the three-character operator identification code to be used when batch regions connect to CICS. OPERPRI=operator-priority-code Code this with the priority at which the CICS task acting on behalf of the batch region runs. The code may be any value from 0 through 255. OPERRSL=C~I(number[, ••• ])] Code this with the resource security level to be set in the TCT for the batch links. This controls the access to CICS resources by batch regions communicating with CICS. The resource security level comprises one or more decimal values from 1 through 24. i \, OPERSEC=Cll(number[, ••• ])] Code this with the security key for batch regions that communicate with CICS. The security key comprises one or more decimal values from 1 through 64. Chapter 3.16. TCT - Terminal Control Table 465 DL/I .~ ... DFHTCT TYPE=IRCBCH SESNUMB=number Code this with the maximum number of batch regi~ns that can concurrently share DL/I data bases when in seSSlon with CICS/OS/VS. Note that the number of DL/I threads (specified in the DLTHRED operand of DFHSIT) may need to be increased to accommodate the value specified in SESNUMB. Under certain circumstances, an extra session is required around checkpoint time, and it may be necessary to increase SESNUMB to cater for this extra session. TRMSTAT='OUT OF SERVICE' Code this if batch regions will not be able to communicate with CICS, even when IRC is activated (either by the IRCSTRT=Y operand of DFHSIT or initialization override or by the CEMT SET IRC OPEN master terminal command). Communication will be enabled by the CEMT SET SYS(~BCH) INSERVICE master terminal command. (~BCH is the system name of all the batch regions currently connected to the CICS system through IRC.) XSNAME=name Code this with the one- to eight-character external security identification that any batch region must have for the connection to be made. If the batch region external security identification does not match the value specified for XSNAME, the connection will be rejected. If XSNAME is not coded, a connection will be allowed regardless of its external security identification. Shared DL/I Data Base Batch L;nks TCT Example DFHTCT TYPE=INITIAL, ACCMETH=(NONVTAM), or (VTAM), SUFFIX=AA, APPLID=CICSA DFHTCT TYPE=IRCBCH, SESNUMB=3 466 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide * * * * NAME USED FOR CICS * IN "CICS" OPTION OF * BATCH EXEC PARAMETER ** COMMUNICATION WITH BATCH REGION * NO MORE THAN 3 BATCH * REGIONS CAN SHARE * DL/I DATA BASES WITH ** CICS/OS/VS AT SAME TIME * NO VTAM TERMINALS VTAM TERMINALS DFHTCT Terminals List eICS TERMINALS LIST Figure 43 is a list of supported CICS terminals, indicating: • • • • • The terminal type Whether BTAM or VTAM supported The communication path and protocol The logical units associated with the terminal The section of this chapter that documents the DFHTCT macros for defining the terminal. , , , ~ Additional information on the CICS support of specific devices and subsystems is provided in the CICS/VS General Information manual. 'I TeT , , • I J • In the list of CICS terminals, the abbreviations used in the "How Attached" column are: SDLC synchronous data link control BSC bisynchronous ss start-stop sw switched line or dial-up line nonsw non-switched line or leased line LDC logical device code CHCST Communicating Magnetic Card Selectric Typewriter TWX 33/35 Common Carrier Teletypewriter Exchange Terminal Station CPT-TWX model 33 or 35 WTTY World Trade Teletypewriter and in the "Documentation" column: VTAH 3270 "VTAM 3270 Devices" on page 259 VTAH non-3270 "VTAM Hon-3270 Devices" BYAM 3270 "BTAM 3270 Devices" on page 326 BYAH non-3270 "BTAM Hon-3270 Devices" on page 366 Console "OS/VS Consoles" on page 417 or "VSE Console" on page 419 Sequential "Sequential Devices" on page 422 MRO "MRO - DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM Macro" on page 444 and the CICS/VS Intercommunication Facilities Guide LU6.1 "LUTYPE 6.1 - DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM, TYPE=TERMINAL Macros" on page 447 and the CICS/VS Intercommunicati6n Facilities Guide LU6.2 "LUTYPE 6.2 - DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM, TYPE=MODESET Macros" on page 451 and the CICS/VS Intercommunication Facilities Guide LU6.2 trm. "LU6.2 Terminals - DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM Macro" on page 455 and the CICS/VS Intercommunication Facilities Guide Remote "Transaction Routing Remote Terminals" on page 458 and the CICS/VS Intercommunication Facilities Guide IRCBCH "Shared DL/I Batch Links - DFHTCT TYPE=IRCBCH Macro (CICS/OS/VS Only)" on page 465 Chapter 3.16. ~n page 284 TCT - Terminal Control Table 467 TERMINALS LIST DFHTCT Term;nals L;st Term;nal How Attached Documentat;on Page 1050 BTAM ss sw or nonsw BTAM non-3270 366 2260/5 BTAM ss nonsw GAM (CICS/OS/VS) or BTAM (CICS/DOS/VS) support for local 2260 BTAM non-3270 BTAM non-3270 366 366 2740 BTAM ss sw or nonsw BTAM non-3270 366 2741 BTAM ss sw or nonsw BTAM non-3270 366 2770 BTAM BSC sw or nonsw BTAM non-3270 366 2780 BTAM BSC sw or nonsw BTAM non-3270 366 2980 BTAM BSC nonsw BTAM non-3270 366 3101 VTAM (via NTO) ss: - supported as TWX LUI (flip-flop mode) - supported as TWX LUI (contention mode) BTAM ss sw: - supported as TWX 33/35 VTAM non-3270 284 BTAM non-3270 366 VTAM SDLC: - Interactive LU flip-flop mode (INTLU) BTAM BSC: - supported as 2741 VTAM non-3270 284 BTAM non-3270 366 VTAM SDLC or local SNA: - 3270 Display LU - 3270 Printer LU - SCS Printer LU VTAM BSC or local non-SNA: - 3270 Display - 3270 Printer BTAM BSC or local: - 3270 displays and printers VTAM 3270 259 VTAM 3270 259 BTAM 3270 326 VTAM SDLC: - 3601 lU (LDCs supported) - 3614 LU - Pipeline LU BTAM BSC nonsw VTAM non-3270 284 BTAM non-3270 366 VTAM non-3270 284 VTAM non-3270 284 VTAM 3270 VTAM 3270 259 259 VTAM non-3270 284 3230 3270 3600 3630 VTAM SDLC: - supported as 3601 LU - supported as 3600 Pipeline LU 3640 VTAM SDLC: - Interactive LU flip-flop mode (INTLU) - SCS printer LU - 3270 display LU (3643) 3650 VTAM SDLC: - Pipeline LU Host Conversational (3270) LU Host Conversational (3653) LU Interpreter LU Host Command Processor (HCP) LU 3790 Full Function LU Figure 43 (Part 1 of 4). 468 TCT Terminals List CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHTCT Term;nals List Terminal How Attached Documentation Page 3660 BTAM BSC sw BTAM non-3270 366 3680 VTAM SOLC: - supported as 3650 HCP LU - supported as 3790 Full Function LU VTAM non-3270 284 3730 VTAM local: - supported as 3790 Batch Data Interchange LU VTAM non-3270 284 3735 BTAM BSC sw BTAM non-3270 366 3740 BTAM BSC sw or nonsw BTAM non-3270 366 3767 VTAM SDLC: - Interactive LU (flip-flop mode) - Interactive LU (contention mode) BTAM ss: - supported as 2740/2741 VTAM non-3270 284 BTAM non-3270 366 VTAM non-3270 284 BTAM non-3270 366 3770 VTAM SOLC: - Interactive LU (flip-flop mode) - Interactive LU (contention mode) - Batch LU (LDCs supported) - Full Function LU - Batch Data Interchange LU (LOCs supported) BTAM BSC: - supported as 2770 .~4Ii'_:~~It~~j,*I~~~t.~.~;nJ.."~r_j 1 ~ 3780 BTAM BSC sw or nonsw BTAM non-3270 366 3790 VTAM local or SDLC: - Full Function LU Inquiry LU Batch Data Interchange LU (LDCs supported) 3270 display LU 3270 printer LU SCS printer LU VTAM non-3270 284 4700 VTAM SDLC: - supported - supported - supported BTAM BSC: - supported VTAM non-3270 284 BTAM non-3270 366 as 3601 LU as 3614 LU as 3600 Pipeline LU as 3600 BSC 5100 BTAM ss: - supported as 2741 BTAM non-3270 366 5110 BTAM BSC: - supported as 2770 BTAM non-3270 366 5230 BTAM BSC: - supported as 3741 BTAM non-3270 366 5260 BTAM BSC: - supported as 3741 BTAM non-3270 366 Figure 43 (Part 2 of 4). TCT Terminals List Chapter 3.16. . , II.!CT' TeT - Terminal Control Table 469 .. '<>.,. I,. TERMINALS LIST DFHTCT Term;nals L;st Term;nal How Attached Documentat;on Page 5280 VTAM or BTAM: - supported as 3270 BTAM BSC: - supported as 3741 VTAM 3270, BTAM 3270 BTAM non-3270 259 326 366 5520 VTAM SDlC: - supported as 3790 Full Function lU BTAM BSC: - supported as 2770 VTAM non-3270 284 BTAM non-3270 366 5937 VTAM or BTAM, SDlC or BSC: - supported as 3270 VTAM 3270, BTAM 3270 259 326 6640 BTAM BSC: - supported as 2770 BTAM non-3270 366 6670 VTAM SDlC: - lUTYPE 4 (lDCs supported) BTAM BSC: - supported as 2770 VTAM non-3270 284 BTAM non-3270 366 BTAM non-3270 366 'BTAM-like (CICS/OS/VS) or BTAM (CICS/DOS/VS) support, local 7770 8100 VTAM SDlC: - with DPPX, as 3790 Full Func. lU with DPCX/DXAM, as 3790 Batch Data Interchange lU with DSC, as 3270 display lU with DSC, as 3270 printer lU VTAM non-3270 284 8775 VTAM SDlC: - supported as 3270 Display lU VTAM 3270 259 CICS IRC VTAM MRO lU6.1, lU6.2 447 451 CMCST BTAM ss: - supported as 2741 BTAM non-3270 366 Consoles OS/VS consoles VSE console Console Console 417 419 Displaywriter VTAM SDlC: - lUTYPE 6.2 VTAM: - 3270 SNA VTAM or BlAM: - 3277 emulation 'BTAM BSC: - supported as 3780 BTAM ss: - supported as 2741 lU6.2 trm. 455 VTAM 3270 259 BTAM 3270 326 BTAM non-3270 366 BTAM non-3270 366 IMS batch IRC IRCBCH 465 IMS DB/DC VTAM lU6.1 447 Figure 43 (Part 3 of 4). 470 TeT Terminals list CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide 444 DFHTCT Terminals List Terminal How Attached Documentation Page Personal Computer VTAM: - 3270 SNA VTAM or BTAM: - 3277 emulation BlAM ss: - supported as TWX 33/35 VTAM 3270 259 BTAM 3270 326 BTAM non-3270 360 Remote terminals IRC Remote 458 8815 Scanmaster VTAM SOLC: - LUTYPE 6.2 LU6.2 trm. 455 Sequential devices BSAM or SAM Sequential 422 Series/1 VTAM SOLC: - supported as 3650 Pipeline LU - supported as 3790 Full Function LU BTAM BSC: - supported as System/3 VTAM non-3270 284 BTAM non-3270 366 System/3 BTAM BSC sw or nonsw BTAM non-3270 366 System/7 BTAM BSC sw or nonsw BTAM ss sw or nonsw BTAM non-3270 BTAM non-3270 366 366 System/23 BTAM BSC: - supported as 3741 BTAM non-3270 366 System/32 VTAM SOLC: - supported as 3770 Batch LU BTAM BSC: - supported as 2770 VTAM non-3270 284 BTAM non-3270 366 VTAM SOLC: - supported as 3770 Batch LU BTAM BSC: - supported as System/3 VTAM non-3270 284 BTAM non-3270 366 VTAM SOLC through ISC LU6.1 LU6.2 BTAM non-3270 447 451 366 LU6.2 trm. VTAM non-3270 BTAM non-3270 455 284 366 VTAM non-3270 284 BTAM non-3270 366 VTAM non-3270 284 BTAM non-3270 366 System/34 System/370 303X 308X 4300 BTAM BSC requires a suitable telecommunications program (such as the VSE/3270 Bisync Pass-Through Program) in the system connected to CICS. System/38 VTAM SOLC: - LUTYPE 6.2 - supported as 3770 Batch LU BTAM BSC: - supported as System/3 TWX 33/35 VTAM (via NTO) ss sw: - supported as LU1 (flip-flop mode) - supported as LU1 (contention mode) BTAM ss sw WTTY VTAM (via NTO) ss nonsw: - supported as LU1 (flip-flop mode) - supported as LU1 (contention mode) BTAM ss sw Figure 43 (Part 4 of 4). TCT Terminals List Chapter 3.16. TCT - Terminal Control Table 471 TERMINALS LIST DFHTLT Chapter 3.17. TLT - Terminal List Table PURPOSE A terminal list table (TLT) generated by the OFHTLT macro instruction allows terminal and/or operator identifications to be grouped logically. A TLT: TRAN ID TLT SUFFIX SPECIFIED nv me o Is required for use of a supervisory terminal operation to define and limit the effective range of the operation. CEST •.. SUPRIO(md o May be used by a supervisory or master terminal operation to apply a function to a predetermined group of terminals. (For a CEST function, this TLT must define a subset of the TLT specified by SUPRID.) CEST CEMT ••. CLASS()O() . • • CLAS S ( )GC ) May be used singly or in combination with other TLTs to provide predefined destinations for message switching. CMSG ... ROUTE=.xx o ~J11fr ....... The module name of the TLT is DFHTLTxx where xx is a one- or two-character suffix to provide unique identification for each TLT used. There must be an entry in the processing program table (PPT) for each terminal list table to be used. Note: As the names TLTBA, TlTBB, TlTBC, and TLTEA are used within the TlT, suffixes BA, BB, BC, and EA must not be used. The same TlT can be used for message switching and for supervisory or master terminal functions. For example, a TlT that defines the terminals that are under control of a supervisory terminal, could also be used as a destination list for sending messages to those terminals. For some logical units, logical device code (LOC) mnemonics that may be associated with each table entry, are used for message switching and are ignored for master and su~ervisory terminal operations. In an intercommunication network all the terminals in a terminal list table must be owned by the system on which the table is used. ELEMENTS OF DFHTLT The following macro instructions are available to define the TlT entries: o o o Control Section - DFHTLT TYPE=INITIAl Entries in Terminal list Table - DFHTLT TYPE=ENTRY End of Terminal list Table - DFHTlT TYPE=FINAL. Chapter 3.17. TLT - Terminal list Table 473 DFHTLT TYPE=ENTRY CONTROL SECTION - DFHTLT TYPE=INITIAL The entry point and the address of the start of the terminal list table being defined are established by the DFHTLT TYPE=INITIAL macro instruction. Note: A TLT must have a suffix to be used by the message switching transaction (CMSG). DFHTLT TYPE=INITIAL [,LDC=aal [,SUFFIX=xxl (See note) (See note) Note: See the first page of Part 3. LDC=aa Code this with a two-character logical device code (LDC) mnemonic that is associated with every logical unit identification except for those for which an LDC mnemonic has been specified by the ldc parameter of the TRMIDNT operand of the DFHTLT TYPE=ENTRY macro instruction. ENTRIES IN TERMINAL LIST TABLE - DFHTLT TYPE=ENTRY Entries are coded in the TLT as follows: DFHTLT TYPE=ENTRY ,TRMIDNT=<[termid-l[*ldc-l11[/opid-l1 [, term'; d-2[*ldc-21 [/opi d-21, ••• 1) TYPE=ENTRY Code this if one or more entries are to be generated in this table. TRHIDNT=([termid-l[~lde-l]][/opid-l][,termid-2[~lde-2][/opid-2], ••• ]) Code this with a list of start-stop and BSC terminal, and/or logical unit identifications, and/or operator identifications. A logical unit identification can be qualified by an LDC mnemonic. termid indicates a one- to four-character start-stop or BSC terminal or logical unit identification. Note: A 3614 attached to a communications controller may be used in master or supervisory terminal operations but should not be used in message switching operations. (A 3614 is not valid for a message destination.) Ide indicates a two-character LDC mnemonic, which must be preceded by an asterisk (*) and is only used following the "termid" parameter. indicates a one- to three-character operator identification that must be preceded by a slash (/). 474 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHTLT Examples Notes: 1. Any terminal or operator identification specified should also be specified in the TRMIDNT operand of the DFHTCT macro instruction or the OPIDENT operand of the DFHSNT macro instruction, except for outboard operator identifiers for the batch logical unit, which n~ed not be defined to DFHSNT (see the BMSFEAT=OBOPID operand in DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAl). Any lDC mnemonic specified should also be specified in the lDC operand of the DFHTCT TYPE=lDC and DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAl macro instructions. 2. Supervisory and master terminal functions use all terminal and logical unit identifications included in the TlT, but ignore all references to lDC mnemonics and operator identifications. END OF TERMINAL LIST TABLE - DFHTLT TVPE=FINAL The macro instruction used to specify the end of a terminal list table is: TYPE=FINAl TVPE=FINAL indicates the end of the TlT. follow. The assembler END statement must EXAMPLES Figure 44 illustrates coding to create a terminal list table. EXample I DFHTlT TYPE=INITIAl, SUFFIX=AA DFHTlT TYPE=ENTRY, TRMIDNT=(NYC,CHI,lA,WDC) DFHTlT TYPE=ENTRY, TRMIDNT=SF DFHTLT TYPE=ENTRY, TRMIDNT=(BSTN/OP1,ATl/OP5,/OP9,DNVR) DFHTlT TYPE=ENTRY, TRMIDNT=/OP6 DFHTlT TYPE=FINAl END * * * * * Example 2 DFHTlT TYPE=INITIAl, SUFFIX=XX DFHTlT TYPE=ENTRY, TRMIDNT=(NYC,T361*LP,T362*LP/OP1) DFHTLT TYPE=ENTRY, TRMIDNT=(T363/0P2,T364/0P5,T365) DFHTLT TYPE=FINAL END Figure 44. * * * Terminal List Table - Examples Chapter 3.17. TLT - Terminal List Table 475 DFHTST TVPE=INITIAL Chapter 3.18. TST - Temporary Storage Table PURPOSE The temporary storage table (TST) is a list of generic mnemonics used to identify temporary storage DATAIDs. These can be coded as follows: • DFHTST TYPE=RECOVERYIENTRY - each entry in the table specifies the leading characters of DATAIDs for which CICS will provide protection against transaction failure (if dynamic transaction backout is being used) or against system failure. • DFHTST TYPE=REMOTE - specifies the leading characters of user defined DATAIDs for which CICS will route the temporary storage request to a remote system when CICS intercommunication facilities are used. • DFHTST TYPE=SECURITY - resource level security checking of DATAIDs is provided. When a task modifies temporary storage data designated as recoverable, the data is protected from modification by a concurrent task by enqueuing on the data identification (DATAID). The DATAID is not dequeued until the task terminates or issues a task sync point request to designate the end of a logical unit of work. At this time a log record is written to the system log data set to provide external information sufficient to recover the data if the system subsequently terminates abnormally. ELEMENTS OF DFHTST The following macro instructions are available to define the TST entries: • ;" • • • Control Section - DFHTST TYPE=INITIAL Recoverable Temporary Storage, DFHTST TYPE=RECOVERY I ENTRY Remote Temporary Storage DATAIDs, DFHTST TYPE=REMOTE Temporary storage Security Checking, DFHTST TYPE=SECURITY End of Temporary Storage Table, DFHTST TYPE=FINAL. CONTROL SECTION - DFHTST TVPE=INITIAL The entry point and the beginning address for the temporary storage table being defined are established by the DFHTST TYPE=INITIAL macro instruction. DFHTST TYPE=INITIAL [,SUFFIX=xx] [,TSAGE={!lnumber}] (See note) (See note) Note: See the first page of Part 3. TSAGE=[~lnumberl defines the aging limit of temporary storage data used by the temporary storage recovery program (DFHTSRP) during emergency restart of CICS. Data that is older than the specified limit will not be recovered. The value is specified in days with a maximum value of 512. A value of zero indicates that no data is to be purged on this basis. Chapter 3.18. TST - Temporary Storage Table 477 DFHTST TYPE=REMOTE RECOVERABLE TEMPORARY STORAGE - DFHTST TYPE=RECOVERYIENTRY The generic mnemonics used to define temporary storage DATAIDs for which recovery is applicable, are specified by the DFHTST TYPE=RECOVERYIENTRY macro instruction. DFHTST TYPE={RECOVERYIENTRY} [,DATAID=(character-string,character-string, .•• )] TYPE=CRECOVERYIENTRYJ Code this to identify the temporary storage queue names that are recoverable. If, when CICS intercommunication facilities are being used, a temporary storage queue name is such that it could be remote and recoverable, it is considered to be remote. Recoverability can only be specified in the system in which the queue is local. DATAID=(character-str;ng, ••• ) specifies a one- to eight-character alphameric mnemonic representing the leading characters of temporary storage DATA IDs for which recovery is applicable. The parentheses are not required if only one character string is coded. Note: If a TST is generated with no TYPE=RECOVERYIENTRY entries, no recovery processing will be performed, even though the temporary storage program is generated with the recovery option. If an interval control PUT request is issued without the REQID parameter, CICS will generate request identifications starting with the prefix "DF". If recovery is required for these requests, the TST should be generated with the corresponding generic mnemonic. All DATAID prefixes used in restartable transactions (those with RESTART=YES in DFHPCT TYPE=ENTRY) should be made recoverable (including the default "DF" prefix). Only data on auxiliary storage can be made recoverable. Data put to main storage is not recoverable, regardless of the DATAID specified or the options generated in the temporary storage program. REMOTE TEMPORARY STORAGE DATAIDS ~ DFHTST TYPE=REMOTE The DFHTST TYPE=REMOTE macro instruction generates temporary storage queue names that relate to remote systems or regions when CICS intercommunication facilities are being used. DFHTST TYPE=REMOTE ,DATAID=character-string ,SYSIDNT=name [,RMTNAME=character-string] TYPE=REMOTE indicates that this TST entry defines a set of remote temporary storage queues. 478 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHTST TYPE=SECURITY DATAID=character-str;ng indicates a one- to eight-character alphanumeric mnemonic that represents the leading characters of the DATAID of a temporary storage queue that will reside on a remote system or region (identified by the name in the SYSIDNT operand). The DATAID name is used by application programs in the system or region that is local to this TST. SYSIDNT=name identifies the system or region in which the remote temporary storage queue resides. The four-character alphanumeric name specified must be the same as that used in SYSIDNT in the DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM macro instruction. RHTNAME=character-str;ng Code this with the 1- to 8-character prefix that is to be used by CICS to replace that specified in the DATAID operand when a reference to the temporary storage queue is transmitted to a remote system or region. This operand will default to the character string specified in the DATAID operand. The length of the character string specified in this operand must be the same as that in the DATAID operand. This mechanism allows access to a temporary storage queue in the remote system with the same name as one in the local system. TEMPORARY STORAGE SECURITY CHECKING - DFHTST TYPE=SECURITY The DFHTST TYPE=SECURITY macro instruction indicates that security checking is required for the temporary storage queues specified in the TST. DFHTST TYPE=SECURITY [,DATAID=character-string] [,RSL={QlnumberIPUBLIC}] TYPE=SECURITY indicates that this TST entry defines a set of temporary storage queues that require security checking. You are advised to code this operand for each temporary storage queue that can be browsed by the CEBR transaction. DATAID=character-str;ng Code this with a 1- to 8- character alphanumeric mnemonic representing the leading characters of the temporary storage DATAID for which security checking is required. RSL=COlnumberIPUBLICJ Code this with the security level to be associated with this resource. This operand is used when an EXEC command is executed within a transaction that has been defined with RSLC(YES), and the command is attempting to reference this resource. number A number (in the range 1 to 24) of the security level. PUBLIC Any transaction is allowed access to the resource. If you want security checking to be performed on the entries, a separate DFHTST TYPE=SECURITY macro instruction must be coded as well as a DFHTST TYPE=ENTRY or TYPE=REMOTE. If the RSL operand is coded on a DFHTST TYPE=ENTRY or TYPE=REMOTE macro instruction, an MNOTE will be generated informing the user of this restriction. Chapter 3.18. TST - Temporary storage Table 479 DFHTST Example END OF TEMPORARY STORAGE TABLE - DFHTST TYPE=FINAL The end of the TST is indicated to the control system by the DFHTST TYPE=FINAL macro instruction, which is the last statement in the assembly of the temporary storage table before the assembler END sta~ement. Thi5 macro instruction creates a dummy entry to signal the table end. IDFHTST TYPE=FINAL TYPE=FINAL indicates the end of the TST. EXAMPLE Figure 45 illustrates an example of the coding necessary to create a CICS TST. DFHTST TYPE=INITIAL, SUFFIX=Ol * * DFHTST TYPE=RECOVERY, DATAID=R DFHTST TYPE=REMOTE, DATAID=RM, SYSIDHT=RSYS, RMTNAME=LC DFHTST TYPE=FINAL END Figure 45. 480 LIST OF DATAID MNEMONICS TO BE RECOVERABLE OR REMOTE LOCAL DATAIDS BEGINNING WITH 'R' ARE RECOVERABLE DATAIDS BEGINNING WITH 'RM' RESIDES ON SYSTEM 'RSYS' WHERE THEIR NAMES BEGIN WITH 'LC'. (THEY ARE NOT RECOVERABLE ALTHOUGH THEIR NAMES BEGIN WITH 'R' UNLESS SPECIFIED AS SUCH IN THE REMOTE SYSTEM. Temporary Storage Table - Example CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide * * * * * * ** * * * DFHXLT TYPE=ENTRY Chapter 3.19. XLT - Transaction List Table PURPOSE The transaction list table (XLT), generated by the DFHXLT macro instruction, is a list of logically related transaction identifications. The XLT can be used to define: o A list of transaction identifications that can be initiated from terminals during the first quiesce stage of system termination. If there are no PLT programs to execute, the first quiesce time can be short, thus giving little time tb enter any XLT program before going into the second quiesce stage. The suffix of the table to be used is specified at system initialization and can be changed during system termination. In addition to the transactions listed in the XLT, the following CICS supplied transactions can be initiated from terminals during the first quiesce stage: CEMT, CSMT, CSAC, CSIR, CSTE, CSNE, CSSF, CLS1, and CLS2. o A group of transaction identifications to be disabled or enabled through the master terminal. The suffix of the table to be used in this case is provided through the master terminal at execution time. Figure 46 on page 482 illustrates the coding to create a XLT. ELEMENTS OF DFHXLT The following macro instructions are available to define the XLT entries: o • o Control Section - DFHXLT TYPE=INITIAL Entries in Transaction List Table - DFHXLT TYPE=ENTRY End of Transaction List Table - DFHXLT TYPE=FINAL. ",'" \,,,?". , " ' DFHXLT Example TYPE=ENTRY Code this if one or more entries are to be generated in the XLT. TASKREQ=(kkkk[,kkkkl, ••• ) represents one of the following 3270 special keys that can be used to initiate a task: PAl through PA3, and PF1 through PF24. LPA (light pen attention) indicates that a transaction is to be initiated when a light pen detectable field is selected. OPID (operator identification card reader) indicates that a transaction will be initiated when the appropriate operator's identity badge has been read in. TASKREQ=MSRE indicates that transactions will be initiated when the 10/63 character magnetic stripe reader is used. An entry in the PCT is required for each TASKREQ generated. TRANSID=(xxxx[,xxxxl, ••• ) represents a one- to four-character transaction code. the PCT is required for each TRANSID used. Note: An entry in TASKREQ and TRANSID are mutually exclusive parameters. If the TRANSID contains a special character, for example, a comma, then the TYPE=ENTRY instruction must contain only one TRANSID, which must have quotation marks as delimiters. END OF TRANSACTION LIST TABLE - DFHXLT TYPE=FINAL IDFHXLT TYPE=FINAL TYPE=FINAL indicates the end' of the XLT. follow. The assembler END statement must EXAMPLE DFHXLT TYPE=INITIAL, SUFFIX=IH * * * ** * DFHXLT TYPE=ENTRY,TASKREQ=PF5 DFHXLT DFHXlT DFHXLT DFHXLT END TYPE=ENTRY,TRANSID=(USR1,USR2) TYPE=ENTRY,TRANSID='AA,l' TYPE=ENTRY,TRANSID='AA,2' TYPE=FINAL DFHXLT TYPE=INITIAL, SUFFIX=Gl * * DFHXLT DFHXLT DFHXLT DFHXLT END Figure 46. 482 TYPE=ENTRY,TRANSID=(TSSA,TSRA) TYPE=ENTRY,TRANSID=(TDSA,TDRA) TYPE=ENTRY,TRANSID=ICSA TYPE=FINAL Transaction List Tabla - Example CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide LIST OF TRANSACTIONS * WHICH WILL BE ACCEPTED DURING THE FIRST QUIESCE PHASE OF SYSTEM TERMINATION (TASKREQ MUST ALSO BE ENTERED IN THE PCT AND AN ENTRY FOR THE XLT MUST ALSO BE MADE IN THE PPT) LIST OF LOGICALLY RELATED TRANSIDS TO BE ENABLED OR DISABLED BY MASTER TERMINAL (TRANSIDS MUST ALSO BE ENTERED IN THE PCT) Glossary This glossary includes definitions developed by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). This material is reproduced from the American National Dictionary for Information Processing, copyright 1977 by the Computer and Business Equipment Manufacturers Association, copies of which may be purchased from the American National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, New York 10018. ANSI definitions are preceded by an asterisk (*). This glossary is also intended to give definitions of the most frequently-used abbreviations. The PDG (which gives descriptions, in alphabetic order, of CICS storage areas) may also be useful to the reader seeking explanations of abbreviated names. No attempt is made here to define the abbreviations used in CICS commands and macros. abend. Abnormal end of task. information interchange among data processing systems, data communication systems, and associated equipment. The ASCII set consists of control characters and graphic characters. ATI. Automatic task initiation. ATP. Asynchronous transaction processing. BCA. BDAM. Batch control area. Basic direct access method. BISAM. Basic indexed sequential access method. BLL. Base locator linkage (COBOL). BMP. Batch message processing program (IMS/VS). BMS. Basic mapping support. BSC. Binary synchronous communication. ACB. Access method control block (VTAM and VSAM). BTAM. Basic telecommunications access method. ACF. Advanced communication facility. CCE. Console control element (OS/VS only). ACP. CEDA. The resource definition online (ROO) transaction. Abnormal condition program. ACT. Application control table (DL/I). AFCB. Authorization facility control block. COBOL. Common business-oriented language. A business data processing language. command. ALT. Application load table. In CICS, an instruction similar in format to a high-level programming language statement. Contrast with macro. CICS commands invariably include the verb EXECUTE (or EXEC). ANS. American national standard. CSA. Common storage area. DAM. Direct access method. AID. (1) Automatic initiate descriptor (CICS). (2) Attention identifier (VTAM or BTAM). ANSI. American National Standards Institute. APAR. Authorized program analysis report. *Standard ASCII. (American National Code for Information Interchange) The standard code, using a coded character set consisting of 7-bit coded characters (8 bits including parity check), used for DASD. Direct access storage device. DBD. Data base definition. DB/DC. Data base/data communication. DBR. Dynamic backout record. DCA. Dispatch control area. Glossary 483 DCB. Data control block (operating system). OCT. Destination control table. Generalized trace facility. HLL. High-level language. HLPI. High-level programming interface (CICS command-level interface). DECB. Data event control block (operating system). DL/I. GTF. Data language 1. HPO. High-performance option. Data management block (DL/I). ICE. Interval control element. DOS. Disk Operating System. Improved control interval processing (VSAM). DSA. Dynamic storage area. ID. DTF. Define the file. IDA. DMB. DTP. Distributed transaction processing. DWE. ICIP. binary-coded code. A coded character set consisting of 8-bit coded characters. ICIP data area. IMS. Information Management System. intercommunicat;on facilities. Deferred work element. *decimal EBCDIC. Extended interchange Identity. A generic term covering ISC and MRO. I/O. Input/output (primarily from and to terminals). IRC. ECB. Event control block (operating system). Interregion communication. IRS. Interchange record separator. EDF. Execution (command level) diagnostic facility. ISA. Initial storage area (PL/I). EIB. EXEC interface block. ISAM. Indexed sequential access EIS. EXEC interface storage. EDT. End of transmission. ESDS. (VSAM). method. IS8. Interface scheduling block (DL/I). ISC. Entry sequenced data set ESTAE. Extended specify task asynchronous exit. EXEC. EXECUTE (as used in a CICS command). Intersystem communication commuhication between separate systems by means of SNA networking facilities. JC. JCA. Journal control area. JCL. Job control language. JCR. Journal control record. EREP. Error recording, editing, and printing. FAQE. Free area queue element. FBA. Fixed block architecture. FBWA. File browse work area. FCT. File control table. FERS. Facility error recognition FIOA. File input/output area. system. FMH. Function management header FWA. File work area. GAM. Graphics access method. (SHA). 484 Journal control. CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide JCTTE. Journal control table table entry. KP. Key point. KSDS. LDC. LECB. LERAD. Key-sequenced data set. Logical device code. Line event control block. Logical error address. LIFO. Last-in/first-out (storage). LIOA. Line input/output area. LLA. Load list area. LUW. Logical unit of work. macro. In CICS, an instruction similar in format to an assembler language instruction. (Contrast with command.) map. In CICS, a format established for a page or a portion of a page. master terminal operator. Any CICS operator whose security keyes) allow use of the master terminal functions transaction. MCB. Message control block. MCR. Message control record. MCT. Monitoring control table. MRO. Multiregion operation communication between CICS systems in the same processor without the use of SNA networking facilities. MSG. Message. MVS. Multiple virtual storage. An alternative name for OS/VS2 Release 3. NACP. Node abnormal condition program. NCP. Network control program. Program interrupt element (operating system). PL/I. A programming language designed for use in a wide range of commercial and scientific applications. ~ PLT. Program list table. PPT. Processing program table. Oefines all the application programs and maps in the system, and also various CICS modules and tables. Processor. Host processing unit. PSB. Program specification block (OL/I). PST. Partition specification table (OL/I). psw. Program status word. PTF. Program temporary fix. QEA. Queue element area. RACF. The Resource Access Control Facility program product. reg;on. A section of the dynamic area that is allocated to a job step or system task. In this manual, the term is used to cover partitions and address spaces as well as regions. NIB. Node initialization block (VTAM). RDO. Resource definition online (the CEDA transaction). NL. RLN. New line. NLT. Nucleus load table. OLTEP. program. Online test executive OSPWA. Output services processor work area. Relative line number. RMSR. Recovery management support recording (BTAM). rollback. A programmed return to a prior checkpoint. ~ RPG II. PAM. Page allocation map. Report Program Generator, version 2. A commercially oriented programming language specifically designed for writing application programs that meet common business data processing requirements. (RPG is available only with CICS/OOS/VS.) PCP. Program control program. RPL. Request parameter list. OPD. IBM Office Products Division. as. Operating System. PCT. Program control table. The table defines the transactions known to the system. RSA. Register save area. SAA. Storage accounting area. PEP. SAM. Sequential access method. Program error program (usually user-written). ~- PIE. PGT. Program global table. PGM. Program. SOLC. Synchronous data link control. Glossary 485 SCD. System contents directory. SCIL. System core image library. TCT. TCTSE. Terminal control table system entry. SCP. Storage control program. SCS. SNA character stream. SIT. System initialization table. TGT. SMI. Standard message indicator. TIOA. SNA. Terminal control table. TCTTE. Terminal control table terminal entry. Task global table. Terminal input/output area. Systems network architecture. TOLTEP. SNT. Sign-on table. TP. Teleprocessing (subpool). 50S. Short on storage. TR. Transaction restart. SPIE. Specify program interrupt element (OS/VS). SRA. SRB interface control area. SRB. Service request block (MVS). SRP. System recovery program. SRT. System recovery table. STAE. Specify task asynchronous exit (OS/VS). starter system. A set of pregenerated programs provided as part of the CICS program product. STXIT. SVC. Set exit (VSE). Supervisor call. supervisory terminal operator. Any CICS operator whose security keyes) allow use of the supervisory terminal functions. Terminal on-line testing error program. transaction. A transaction may be regarded as a unit of processing (consisting of one or more application programs) initiated by a single request, often from a terminal. A transaction may require the initiation of one or more tasks for its execution. Contrast with task. transaction identification code. Synonym for transaction identifier. For example, a group of up to four characters entered by an operator when selecting a transaction. transaction identifier. Synonymous with transaction identification code. TS. Temporary storage. TST. Temporary storage table. TSUT. Temporary storage unit TTP. Terminal type parameter. Terminal abnormal condition line entry. TTR. Track/record (disk address). task. (1) A unit of work for the processor; therefore the basic multiprogramming unit under the control program. (CICS runs as a task under DOS/VS or OS/VS.) (2) Under CICS, the execution of a transaction for a particular user. Contrast with transaction. TWA. Transaction work area. *ASCII. USASCII. TACB. Transaction abend control block. TACLE. TC. TCA. Terminal control. table. Deprecated term for UIB. User interface block (DL/I). URL. User route list. VS. Task control area. Virtual storage. VSAM. Virtual storage access VSWA. VSAM work area. method. TCAM. Telecommunications access TCB. Task control block (OS/VS). VTAM. Virtual telecommunications access method. TCP. Terminal control program. WRE. method. 486 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide Write request element. WT-A/FE. IBM World Trade, Americas/Far East. WT-E/ME/A. IBM World Trade, Europe/Middle East/Africa. XLT. Transaction list table. Glossary 487 Bibliography For further information about CICS refer to the following pUblications: Application Programmer's Reference Manual (Macro Level), SC33-0079 Customer Information Control System/ Disk Operating Systeml Virtual Storage CCICS/DOS/VS) Version 1 Release 6: IBM 3270/8775 Guide, SC33-0096 IBM 4700/3600/3630 Guide, SC33-0072 Release Guide, GC33-0130 IBM 3790/3730/8100 Guide, SC33-0075 Installation and Operations Guide, SC33-0070 Operator's Guide, SC33-0080 Application Programmer's Reference Manual (RPGII), SC33-0085 Messages and Codes, SC33-0081 Problem Determination Guide, SC33-0089 Data Areas, LY33-6033 Diagnosis Reference, LC33-0105 Customer Information Control System/ Operating System/ Virtual Storage (CICS/OS/VS) Version 1 Release 6: Application Programmer's Reference Summary (Command Level), GX33-6012 Release Guide, GC33-0132 Program Debugging Reference Summary,' SX33-6010 Installation and Operations Guide, SC33-0071 Master Index, SC33-0095 Data Areas, LY33-6035 Customer Information Control System/ Operating System/ Virtual storage (CICS/OS/VS) Version 1 Release 6 Modification 1: Customer Information Control System/Virtual Storage (CICS/VS): General Information, GC33-0155 System/Application Design Guide, SC33-0068 Release Guide, GC33-0171 IBM 3650/3680 Guide, SC33-0073 Installation and Operations Guide, SC33-0172 IBM 3767/3770/6670 Guide, SC33-0074 Messages and Codes, SC33-0173 Data Areas, LC33-0174 Customer Information Control Systeml Virtual storage (CICS/VS) Version 1 Release 6: Customization Guide, SC33-0131 Intercommunication Facilities Guide, SC33-0133 You may also want to refer to the following IBM publications: Systems Network Architecture Logical Unit Types, GC20-1868 Systems Network Architecture Introduction to Sessions Between Logical Units, GC20-1869 Performance Guide, SC33-0134 DPPX/Distributed Presentation Services Version 2 System Programming Guide, SC33-0117 Recovery and Restart Guide, SC33-0135 OS/VS Basic Telecommunications Access Method, GC27-6980 Application Programmer's Reference Manual (Command Level), SC33-0077 OS/VS Data Management Macros, GC26-3794 OS/VS2 Planning and Use Guide, GC28-0600 Bibliography 489 OS/VSl storage Estimates, GC24-5094 IMS/VS System Administration Guide, SH20-9178 OS/VS2 Storage Estimates, GT28-0604 ACF/TCAM Installation Reference, SC30-3133 OS/VS TCAM System Programmer's Guide, GC30-2051 ACF/TCAM Support for IBM SUbsystems, SC30-3152 OS/VS TCAM Application Programmer's Guide, GC30-3036 ACF/VTAM System Programmer's Guide, SC38-0258 OS/VSl Planning and Use Guide, GC24-5090 Component Description 7770 Audio Response Unit Model 3, GA27-2712 OS/VSl Data Management for System Programmers, GC26-3837 AVAILABILITY OF PUBLICATIONS Pl/I Optimizer: Installation, SC33-0026 MVS System Programming library: Data Management, GC26-3830 VSE/Advanced Functions Macro Reference, SC24-5211 The availability of a publication is indicated by its use key, which is the first letter in the order number. The use keys and their meanings are: G Generally available: Provided to users of IBM systems, products, and services without charge, in quantities to meet their normal requirements. Can also be purchased by anyone through IBM branch offices. S Sold: Can be purchased by anyone through IBM offices. L Licensed material, property of IBM: Available only to licensees of the related program products under the terms of the license agreements. Basic Telecommunications Access Method - Extended Support (BTAM-ES) Programming Reference, ST38-0293 IBM 3270 Information Display System: library User's Guide, GA23-0058 IBM 3290 Information Panel Description and Reference, GA23-0021 IMS/VS Utilities Reference Manual, SH20-9029 IMS/VS System Programming Reference Manual, SH20-9027 490 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide Index ',- ABCODE operand DFHSRT TYPE=SYSTEMIUSER 243 abend codes DFHSRT TYPE=SYSTEMIUSER 243 ACCMETH operand DFHFCT TYPE=ALTERNATE 100 DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET 103 DFHTCT TYPE=INITIAL, BTAM 324 DFHTCT TYPE=INITIAL, VTAM 256 DFHTCT TYPE=IRCBCH 465 DFHTCT TYPE=LINE 420, 424 DFHTCT TYPE=LINE, BTAM 332, 372 DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM, LUTYPE 6.1 447 DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM, LUTYPE 6.2 451 DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM, MRO 444 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL 262 ACCOUNT operand DFHMCT TYPE=EMP 145 ADD command BEFORE operand 39 examples 39 EXPAND LIST command 63 GROUP operand 39 group to group list 39 LIST operand 39 add group to list CEDA transaction example 27 additional features program control table 187 ADRSPCE operand DFHALT TYPE=ENTRY 74 DFHNLT TYPE=ENTRY 156 advanced program-to-program communication (APPC) 439 AKPFREQ operand DFHSIT 210 ALIGN operand DFHALT TYPE=ENTRY 74 DFHNLT TYPE=ENTRY 157 ALT (application load table) 5, 73 end of application load table, DFHALT TYPE=FINAL 75 link pack area 5, 75 LPA 5, 75 program load sequence, DFHALT TYPE=ENTRY 74 ALT operand DFHSIT 210 ALTER command 40 EXPAND GROUP command 62 ALTER MAPSET command GROUP operand 41 MAPSET operand 41 RSL operand 41 STATUS operand 41 ALTER PARTITIONSET command GROUP operand 42 PARTITIONSET operand 42 RSL operand 42 STATUS operand 42 ALTER PROFILE command DVSUPRT operand 44 GROUP operand 43 INBFMH operand 44 JOURNAL operand 44 LOGREC operand 44 MODENAME operand 45 MSGINTEG operand 45 MSGJRNL operand 45 NEPCLASS operand 45 ONEWTE operand, 45 PROFILE operand 43 PROTECT operand 46 RAQ operand 46 RTIMOUT operand 46 SCRNSIZE operand 47 ALTER PROGRAM command GROUP operand 48 LANGUAGE operand 48 PROGRAM operand 48 RELOAD operand 49 RESIDENT operand 50 RSL operand 50 STATUS operand 50 ALTER TRANSACTION command DTIMOUT operand 52 DUMP operand 52 EXTSEC operand 52 GROUP operand 51 INDOUBT operand 52 LOCALQ operand 53 PARTITIONSET operand 53 PRIORITY operand 53 PROFILE operand 53 PROGRAM operand 52 RESTART operand 54 RMTNAME operand 54 RSl operand 54 RSlC operand 54 SPURGE operand 54 STATUS operand 54 SYSIDNT operand 55 TASKREQ operand 55 TCLASS operand 55 TPURGE operand 55 TRACE operand 56 TRANSACTION operand 51 TRANSEC operand 56 TWASIZE operand 56 XTRANID operand 56 ALTPGE operand DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, BTAM DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, VTAM ALTPRT operand DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL 262 ALTSCRN operand DFHTCT TYPE=GPENTRY 360 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, BTAM DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, VTAM ALTSFX operand DFHTCT TYPE=GPENTRY 360 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, BTAM DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, VTAM AMXT operand DFHSIT 211 answering list 342 ANSWRBK operand 332 262 332 263 332 263 Index 491 DFHTCT TYPE=LINE, BTAM 333, 372 ANTICPG operand DFHPCT TYPE=ENTRY 165 APPC (advanced program-to-program communication) 439 APPEND command 57 APPENDG operand DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, BTAM 373 application load table (ALT) 5, 73 end of application load table, DFHALT TYPE=FINAL 75 link pack area 5, 75 LPA 5, 75 program load sequence, DFHALT TYPE=ENTRY 74 application programs resident loading 73 APPLID operand 443 DFHSIT 212 DFHTCT TYPE=INITIAL, BTAM 324 DFHTCT TYPE=INITIAL, VTAM 256 ARGTYP operand DFHFCT TYPE=INDACC 118 ATP operand DFHSIT 212 ATPINS operand DFHSIT 212 ATPMB operand DFHSIT 212 ATPMT operand DFHSIT 212 ATPOUTS operand DFHSIT 212 audit trail 15 BASE operand DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET 103 batch links 465 TCT example 466 BEFORE operand ADD command 39 BFP operand DFHSIT 213 BLKKEYL operand DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET 104 BLKSIZE operand DFHDCT TYPE=SDSCI 85 DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET 104 DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI 424 DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, BTAM 373 BMS operand DFHSIT 213 BMSFEAT operand DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL 288 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, VTAM 263 BRACKET operand DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL 264 BSCODE operand DFHTCT TYPE=LINE, BTAM 373 DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, BTAM 333 BTAM define-terminal-list macro 342, 382 TCT example 321 TCT for BTAM non-3270 devices 366 TCT for 3270 devices 326 TCT introduction 317 492 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide BTAMRLN operand DFHTCT TYPE=LINE 334 DFHTCT TYPE=LINE, BTAM 373 buffer BUFSUV operand 135 factors in selecting size 134 maximum size 134 mlnlmum size 134 shift-up value 135 BUFFER operand DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM 448, 452 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, BTAM 373 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, VTAM 264 BUFFERS operand DFHFCT TYPE=SHRCTL 126 BUFND operand DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET 104 BUFNI operand DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET 105 BUFNO operand DFHDCT TYPE=SDSCI 85 BUFSIZE operand DFHJCT TYPE=ENTRY 137 BUFSP operand DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET 105 BUFSUV operand 135 DFHJCT TYPE=ENTRY 137 CEDA commands 34 ADD 39 ALTER MAPSET 41 ALTER PARTITIONSET 42 ALTER PROFILE 43 ALTER PROGRAM 48 ALTER TRANSACTION 51 APPEND 57 CHECK 58 COpy 59 examples 59 DEFINE MAPSET 41 DEFINE PARTITIONSET 42 DEFINE PROFILE 43 DEFINE PROGRAM 48 DEFINE TRANSACTION 51 DELETE examples 60 EXPAND GROUP 61 EXPAND LIST 63 INSTALL 64 LOCK 65 list 66 REMOVE 67 RENAME 68 examples 68 UNLOCK 65 list 66 CEDA transaction commands syntax 33 display format 17 command input area 17 information area 18 PF key description area prompting area 18 response area 18 entering keywords 19 example 21 18 /. add group to list 27 check group 25 check list 29 define program in group 21 define transaction in group to run -program 22 expand contents of group 24 expand contents of list 28 install group 26 initiating 20 overview 17 security considerations 13 syntax display panel 31 using 17 CHECK command cross-check related resources 58 examples 25, 29 checking resource definitions 14 CHNASSY operand DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL 264 CICS system definition (CSD) file resource definition online 13 CICS, initializing 16 CICSSVC operand DFHSIT 213 CLASS operand DFHALT TYPE=ENTRY 74 DFHMCT TYPE=EMP 144 DFHMCT TYPE=RECORD 147 DFHPCT TYPE=ENTRY 165 DFHTCT TYPE=LINE, BTAM 334, 374 CMP operand DFliSIT 214 CMXT operand DFHSIT 214 command input area CEDA transaction 17 communication lines, DFHTCT TYPE=LINE TCAM SNA devices 433 CON FIG operand DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, BTAM 334, 375 configurator file control table (FCT) 116 TCT for STAM non-3270 devices 369 TCT for STAM 3270 devices 328 TCT for VTAM non-3270 devices 286 TCT for VTAM 3270 devices 260 CONNECT operand DFHTCT TYPE=MODESET 454 DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM 452 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL 265 consoles 248 consoles, coding TCT for 417 control data recording, DFHMCT TYPE=RECORD 147 control information, DFHDCT TYPE=SDSCI data set 85 control tables introduction 3 mandatory and optional 3 naming 71 preparing 71 suffixing 71 CONV operand DFHMCT TYPE=RECORD 148 CONVTAB operand DFHTCT TYPE=LINE, BTAM 334, 375 copy list to another list 57 COPY command examples 59 EXPAND GROUP command 62 resource definition 59 CPU operand DFHMCT TYPE=RECORD 148 cross-check related resources CHECK command 58 cross-index data set record, DFHFCT TYPE=INDACC 118 CSA operand DFHSIT 214 CSD (CICS system definition) file 13 CTLCHR operand DFHDCT TYPE=SDSCI 85 CU operand DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, BTAM 335, 375 CUADDR operand DFHTCT TYPE=GPENTRY 360 CUFEAT operand DFHTCT TYPE=GPENTRY 360 CUPOSN operand DFHTCT TYPE=GPENTRY 361 CYLOFL operand DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET 105 data base description (DBD) block 95 data destinations, DFHDCT TYPE=REMOTE remote transient 84 data management block directory (DDIR) list 95 DATA operand DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET 106 data set control information, DFHDCT TYPE=SDSCI 85 data set definition nonresident extrapartition 88 DATAID operand DFHTST TYPE=ENTRY 478 DFHTST TYPE=RECOVERY 478 DFHTST TYPE=REMOTE 479 DFHTST TYPE=SECURITY 479 DATASET operand DFHFCT TYPE=ALTERNATE 100 DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET 106 DFHFCT TYPE=REMOTE 121 DFHMCT TYPE=RECORD 147 DATASTR operand DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM 448, 452 DATFORM operand DFHSIT 214 DBD operand DFHDLDBD TYPE=ENTRY 95 DBP operand DFHSIT 214 DBUFSZ operand DFHSIT 214 DCP operand DFHSIT 215 OCT (destination control table> 5, 77 data set control information, DFHDCT TVPE=SDSCI 85 end of destination control table, DFHDCT TYPE=FINAL 88 examples 89 extrapartition destinations, DFHDCT TYPE=EXTRA 79 indirect data destinations, DFHDCT TVPE=INDIRECT 80 Index 493 intrapartition destinations, DFHDCT TYPE=INTRA 81 nonresident extrapartition data set definition 88 remote transient data destinations, DFHDCT TYPE=REMOTE 84 DCT operand DFHSIT 215 DDIR (data management block directory) list 95 DDIR operand DFHSIT 215 DDNAME operand DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, BTAM 335, 375 DEFINE command 40 DEFINE MAPSET command GROUP operand 41 MAPSET operand 41 RSl operand 41 STATUS operand 41 DEFINE PARTITIONSET command GROUP operand 42 PARTITIONSET operand 42 RSL operand 42 STATUS operand 42 DEFINE PROFILE command DVSUPRT operand 44 GROUP operand 43 INBFMH operand 44 JOURNAL operand 44 lOGREC operand 44 MODENAME operand 45 MSGINTEG operand 45 MSGJRNl operand 45 NEPCLASS operand 45 ONEWTE operand 45 PROFILE operand 43 PROTECT operand 46 RAQ operand 46 RTIMOUT operand 46 SCRNSIZE operand 47 DEFINE PROGRAM command example 21 GROUP operand 48 LANGUAGE operand 48 PROGRAM operand 48 RELOAD operand 49 RESIDENT operand 50 RSl operand 50 STATUS operand 50 DEFINE TRANSACTION command DTIMOUT operand 52 DUMP operand 52 example 22 EXTSEC operand 52 GROUP operand 51 INDOUBT operand 52 lOCAlQ operand 53 PARTITIONSET operand 53 PRIORITY operand 53 PROFILE operand 53 PROGRAM operand 52 RESTART operand 54 RMTNAME operand 54 RSL operand 54 RSlC operand 54 SPURGE operand 54 STATUS operand 54 SYSIDNT operand 55 TASKREQ operand 55 TCLASS operand 55 TPURGE operand 55 494 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide TRACE operand 56 TRANSACTION operand 51 TRANSEC operand 56 TWASIZE operand 56 XTRANID operand 56 DEFSCRN operand DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, BTAM 335 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, VTAM265 DELETE command examples 60 EXPAND GROUP command 62 resource definition 60 DESTFAC operand DFHDCT TYPE=INTRA 81 DESTID operand DFHDCT TYPE=EXTRA 79 DFHDCT TYPE=INDIRECT 80 DFHDCT TYPE=INTRA 81 DFHDCT TYPE=REMOTE 84 destination control table (DCT) 5 data set control information, DFHDCT TYPE=SDSCI 85 end of destination control table, DFHDCT TYPE=FINAL 88 examples 89 extrapartition destinations, DFHDCT TYPE=EXTRA 79 indirect data destinations, DFHDCT TYPE=INDIRECT 80 intrapartitiun destinations, DFHDCT TYPE=INTRA 81 nonresident extrapartition data set definition 88 remote transi ent data desti nati ons" DFHDCT TYPE=REMOTE 84 required entries 92 DESTRCV operand· DFHDCT TYPE=INTRA 81 DEVADDR operand DFHDCT TYPE=SDSCI 85 DFHJCT TYPE=ENTRY 140 DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI 424 DEVICE operand DFHDCT TYPE=INITIAL 78 DFHDCT TYPE=SDSCI 86 DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET 106 DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, BTAM 335, 376 DFHALT TYPE=ENTRY 74 ADRSPCE operand 74 ALIGN operand 74 CLASS operand 74 FIX operand 75 PAGEOUT operand 75 PROGRAM operand 75 SHR operand 75 DFHALT TYPE=FINAl 75 DFHALT TYPE=INITIAL 73 DFHDCT TYPE=EXTRA DESTID operand 79 DSCNAME operand 79 extrapartition destinations 79 OPEN operand 79 RESIDNT operand 80 RSL operand 80 DFHDCT TYPE=FINAL 88 DFHDCT TYPE=INDIRECT 80 DESTID operand 80 INDDEST operand 81 DFHDCT TYPE=INITIAL 78 DEVICE operand 78 SEPASMB operand 78 TRNSUFX operand 79 '---- DFHDCT TYPE=INTRA DESTFAC operand 81 DESTID operand 81 DESTRCV operand 81 intrapartition destinations REUSE operand 82 RSL operand 83 TRANSID operand 83 TRIGLEV operand 83 DFHDCT TYPE=REMOTE 84 DESTID operand 84 LENGTH operand 84 RMTNAME operand 84 RSL operand 84 SYSIDNT operand 84 DFHDCT TYPE=SDSCI 85 BLKSIZE operand 85 BUFNO operand 85 CTLCHR operand 85 DEVADDR operand 85 DEVICE operand 86 DSCNAME operand 86 ERROPT operand 86 FILABL operand 86 MODHAME operand 86 RECFORM operand 86 RECSIZE operand 87 REWIND operand 87 SUFFIX operand 87 TPMARK operand 87 TYPEFLE operand 87 DFHDLDBD 95 DFHDLDBD TYPE=ENTRY DBD operand 95 DFHDLDBD TYPE=FINAL 96 DFHDLDBD TYPE=INITIAL DLI operand 95 DLl operand 95 SUFFIX operand 95 DFHDLPSD TYPE=ENTRY MXSSASZ operand 97 PSB operand 97 RMTNAME operand 98 SYSIDNT operand 98 DFHDLPSB TYPE=FINAL 98 DFHDLPSB TYPE=INITIAL DLI operand 97 DLl operand 97 SUFFIX operand 97 DFHFCT TYPE=ALTERNATE 100 ACCMETH operand 100 DATASET operand 100 SERVREQ operand 101 DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET 101 ACCMETH operand 103 BASE operand 103 BLKKEYL operand 104 BLKSIZE operand 104 BUFND operand 104 BUFNI operand 105 BUFSP operand 105 CYLOFL operand 105 DATA operand 106 data sets 101 DATASET operand 106 DEVICE operand 106 EXTENT operand 107 FILSTAT operand 107 INDAREA operand 107 INDEX operand 107 INDSIZE operand 108 INDSKIP operand 108 81 IOSIZE operand 108 IOWORK operand 108 JID operand 109 JREQ operand 109 KEYLEN operand 110 LOG operand 110 LRECL operand 110 MODE operand 111 MSTIND operand 111 NRECDS operand 112 OPEN operand 112 PASSWD operand 112 RECFORM operand 112 RELTYPE operand 113 RKP operand 113 RSL operand 114 SERVREQ operand 114 SRCHM operand 116 STRNO operand 116 STRNOG operand 116 VERIFY operand 116 DFHFCT TYPE=FINAL 127 DFHFCT TYPE=INDACC 118 ARGTYP operand 118 DUPDSID operand 118 IADAMI operand 119 IADIII operand 119 IALKFL operand 118 IARLKP operand 118 OBJDSID operand 118 SRCHTYP operand 119 DFHFCT TYPE=INITIAL 99 DFHFCT TYPE=LOGICMOD 119 RPS operand 120 DFHFCT TYPE=REMOTE DATASET operand 121 KEYLEN operand 121 LRECL operand 121 remote files 120 RMTNAME operand 121 RSL operand 121 SYSIDNT operand 121 DFHFCT TYPE=SEGDEF 122 SEGCHAR operand 122 SEGLENG operand 122 SEGNAME operand 122 DFHFCT TYPE=SEGHEAD 123 INDDISP operand 123 SEGLENG operand 123 TSEGIND operand 123 DFHFCT TYPE=SEGLAST 124 DFHFCT TYPE=SEGSET 124 segment sets 124 SEGNAME operand 124 SEGSET operand 124 DFHFCT TYPE=SHRCTL 125 BUFFERS operand 126 KEYLEN operand 126 RSCLMT operand 127 STRNO operand 127 DFHJCT TYPE=ENTRY BUFSIZE operand 137 BUFSUV operand 137 DEVADDR operand 140 FORMAT operand 137 JFILEID operand 136 journal entries 136 JOUROPT operand 137 JTYPE operand 138 LABEL operand 139 LAYOUT operand 139 OPEN operand 138 Index 495 RSL operand 139 SYSTEM operand 136 SYSWAIT operand 139 VOLCNT operand 140 DFHJCT TYPE=FINAL 140 DFHJCT TYPE=INITIAL 136 DFHMCT TYPE=EMP 143 ACCOUNT operand 145 CLASS operand 144 ID operand 144 PERFORM operand 145 DFHMCT TYPE=FINAL 149 DFHMCT TYPE=INITIAL 143 EVENT operand 143 DFHMCT TYPE=RECORD CLASS operand 147 CONV operand 148 CPU operand 148 DATASET operand 147 EXIT operand 147 FREQ operand 148 MAXBUF operand 148 DFHNLT TYPE=ENTRY 156, 160 ADRSPCE operand 156 ALIGN operand 157 FIX operand 157 MODULE operand 156 PAGEIN operand 157 PAGEOUT operand 158 PROTECT operand 158 SHR operand 159 DFHNLT TYPE=INITIAL 155 PROTECT operand 155 SHR operand 156 DFHPCT TYPE=ENTRY 162 ANTICPG operand 165 CLASS operand 165 DTB operand 166 DTIMOUT operand i66 DUMP operand 167 DVSUPRT operand 167 EXTSEC operand 167 FDUMP operand 167 INBFMH operand 171 JFILEID operand 172 LOGREC operand 172 MODENAM operand 172 MSGJRNl operand 172 NEPClAS operand 172 OPTGRP operand 173 PARTSET operand 168 PRIVATE operand 168 PRMSIZE operand 173 PROGRAM operand 163 RAQ operand 173 RESTART operand 168 RSL operand 168 RSlC operand 169 RTIMOUT operand 169 SCRNSZE operand 169 SPURGE operand 170 TASKREQ operand 164 TClASS operand 170 TPURGE operand 170 TRACE operand 170 TRANSEC operand 170 TRANSID operand 164 TRNPRTY operand 171 TRNSTAT operand 171 TWASIZE operand 171 XTRANID operand 171 DFHPCT TYPE=FINAL 182 496 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHPCT TYPE=GROUP EXTSEC operand 177 FN operand 174 KEYID operand 177 special entries 173 DFHPCT TYPE=INITIAL 161 DTB operand 161 EXTSEC operand 162 FDUMP operand 162 SCRNSZE operand 162 TRANSEC operand 162 DFHPCT TYPE=OPTGRP 177 MSGPOPT operand 177 MSGPREQ operand 178 DFHPCT TYPE=PROFILE 178 INBFMH operand 178 JFILEID operand 179 MODENAM operand 179 MSGJRNL operand 179 NEPCLAS operand 179 PROFILE operand 178 DFHPCT TYPE=REMOTE LOCALQ operand 181 remote transactions 180 RMTNAME operand 180 SYSIDNT operand 181 DFHPLT TYPE=ENTRY 190 PROGRAM operand 190 DFHPLT TYPE=FINAL 191 DFHPLT TYPE=INITIAL 190 SUFFIX operand 190 DFHPPT TYPE=ENTRY MAPSET operand 194 PARTSET operand 194 PGMLANG operand 194 PGMSTAT operand 194 processing programs 193 PROGRAM operand 194 RELOAD operand 194 RES operand 195 RSL operand 197 USAGE operand 197 DFHPPT TYPE=FINAL 201 DFHPPT TYPE=GROUP FN operand 198 special entries 197 DFHPPT TYPE=INITIAL 193 DFHSIT 207 AKPFREQ operand 210 AlT operand 210 AMXT operand 211 APPLID operand 212 ATP operand 212 ATPINS operand 212 ATPMB operand 212 ATPMT operand 212 ATPOUTS operand 212 BFP operand ~13 BMS operand 213 CICSSVC operand 213 CMP operand 214 CMXT operand 214 CSA operand 214 DATFROM operand 214 DBP operand 214 DBUFSZ operand 214 DCP operand 215 OCT operand 215 DDIR operand 215 DIP operand 215 DLDBRC operand 215 DLI operand 215 '-- DLIRU'1 op£!rand 215 DLLPA operand 216 DLNOH operand 216 DLTHRED operand 216 DLXCPVR operand 216 Dl1 operand 215 DMBPL operand 216 DSB operand 216 ENQPl operand 216 EXEC operand 216 EXITS operand 217 EXTSEC operand 217 FCP operand 217 FCT operand 217 FOP operand 217 Fi:RS operand 218 FLDSEP operand 218 FLDSTRT operand 218 GRPLIST operand 219 ICP operand 219 lCV operand 219 lCVR operand 219 lCVS operand 220 ICVSWT operand 220 lCVTSD operand 220 lIP operand 221 IOCP operand 221 IRCSTRT operand 221 1SC operand 221 JCP operand 221 JCT operand 221 KCP operand 221 KPP operand 221 LPA operand 221 I'1CP operand 222 ~1CT operand 222 1"10NITOR operand 222 MSGLVL operand 222 ~lXT operand 222 f'132 operand 222 NLT operand 223 OSCOR operand 223 PBP operand 225 PCP operand 225 PCT operand 225 PDIR operand 225 PGCHA1N operand 225 PGCOPY operand 225 PGERT operand 225 PGPURGE operand 225 PGSIZE operand 226 P1SCHD operand 226 PL1 operand 226 Pl1SHRE operand 226 PLTPI operand 226 PLTSD operand 227 PL1 operand 226 PPT operand 227 PRGDLAY operand 227 PRINT operand 227 PSB operand 228 PSBPL operand 229 RLR operand 229 SCP operand 229 SCS operand 229 SIMODS operand 229 SKR>oo()( operand 229 SRBSVC operand 230 SRP operand 230 SRT operand 230 START operand 230 STARTER operand 230 operand 230 operand 231 operand 231 operand 231 operand 231 operand 232 operand 232 operand 232 TS~1GSET operand 232 TSP operand 232 TST operand 233 TYPE operand 210 VSP operand 233 WRKAREA operand 234 XLT operand 234 XPSB operand 234 XSP operand 234 XTP operand 234 XTRAN operand 234 ZCP operand 234 DFHSNT TYPE=(ENTRY,DEFAULT) terminal operators 240 OFHSNT TYPE=ENTRY EXTSEC operand 239 NAMFORM operand 239 OPCLASS operand 239 OPlDENT operand 238 OPNAME operand 239 OPPRTY operand 239 PASSWRD operand 240 RSLKEY operand 240 SCTYKEY operand 240 terminal operators 238 DFHSNT TYPE=F1NAL 241 DFHSNT TYPE=1NIT1AL 238 EXTSEC operand 238 DFHSRT TYPE=F1NAL 245 DFHSRT TYPE=1NITIAL 243 DFHSRT TYPE=SYSTEMIUSER ABCODE operand 243 abend codes 243 PROGRAM operand 244 ROUTINE operand 244 DFHTCT TYPE=GPENTRY 359 ALTSCRN operand 360 ALTSFX operand 360 CUADDR operand 360 CUFEAT operand 360 CUPOSH operand 361 example 364 GPBLKSZ operand 426 GPNAME operand 426 GPSEQLU operand 426 GPTCU operand 361 GPTYPE operand 414, 426 GPTYPE operand, BTAM 361 L1NELST operand 361 L1NFEAT operand 361 L1NINL operand 427 LININL operand, BTAM 361 TRMADOR operand 361 TRMFEAT operand 361 TRMIDNT operand 362 TRMINL operand 362 TRMMODL operand 362 TRMPOSN operand 363 TRMPRTY operand 363 TRMSTAT operand 363 TRMUAL operand 363 DFHTCT TYPE=IHITIAL, BTAM 323 DFHTCT TYPE=INITIAL, intercommunication 443 SVD TBP TCP TCT TDP TPP TRP TRT Index 497 DFHTCT TYPE=INITIAl, TCAM 428 DFHTCT TYPE=INITIAl, VTAM 256 DFHTCT TYPE=IRCBCH 465 ACCMETH operand 465 OPERID operand 465 OPERPRI operand 465 OPERRSL operand 465 OPERSEC operand 465 SESNUMB operand 466 TRMSTAT operand 466 XSNAME operand 466 DFHTCT TYPE=lDC 301 DSN operand 302 DVC operand 302 lDC operand 302 lOCAL operand 304 PGESIZE operand 304 PGESTAT operand 304 DFHTCT TYPE=lDClIST 305 lDC operand 305 DFHTCT TYPE=lINE ACCMETH operand 420, 424 ACCMETH operand, BTAM 332, 372 answering list 342 ANSWRBK operand, BTAM 333, 372 BSCODE operand, BTAM 373 BTAM define-terminal-list macro 382 BTAMRlN operand 334 BTAMRlN operand, BTAM 373 CLASS operand, BTAM 334, 374 CONVTAB operand, BTAM 334, 375 DSCNAME operand, BTAM 376 ERRATT operand, BTAM 336 ERRMSG operand, BTAM 377 FEATURE operand, BTAM 338, 380 FSTTERM operand, BTAM 340, 381 GENPOLl=YES operand, BTAM 340, 381 INAREAL operand 425 INAREAL operand, BTAM 340, 381 LINSTAT='OUT OF SERVICE' operand, BTAM 342, 382 lISTADR operand, BTAM 342, 382 negative poll delay 344, 385 NPDELAY operand, BTAM 344, 385 OUTQ operand 432 pool of TCTLEs 347 POOL operand 432 POOLADR operand, BTAM 346, 386 POOLCNT operand, BTAM 347 process control information (PCl) field 347, 388 QUEUEID operand 432 RDYMSG operand, BTAM 387 TCAM output process queue 432 TCAM POOL feature 432 TCAM process queue 432 TCAMFET=SNA operand 433 TCTUAL operand, BTAM 347, 388 terminal model number 349, 390 TRMMODL operand, BTAM 349, 390 TRMTYPE operand, BTAM 351, 392_ 2260 screen format 391 7770 ready message 387 DFHTCT TYPE=MODESET CONNECT operand 454 MAXSESS operand 454 MODENAM operand 454 SYSIDNT operand 454 DFHTCT TYPE=REGION SYSIDNT operand 458 DFHTCT TYPE=REMOTE RMTNAME operand 461 498 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide SYSIDNT operand 461 DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI APPENDG operand, BTAM 373 BLKSIZE operand 424 BLKSIZE operand, BTAM 373 BSCODE operand, BTAM 333 CONFIG operand, BTAM 334, 375 CU operand, BTAM 335, 375 DDNAME operand, BTAM 335, 375 DEVADDR operand 424 DEVICE operand, BTAM 335, 376 DSCNAME operand, BTAM 336 EOM operand, BTAM 377 EOT operand, BTAM 377 ERROPT operand, BTAM 337, 377 FEATURE operand, BTAM 337, 378 FLNNAME operand, BTAM 380 LERBADR operand, BTAM 341, 382 LINELST operand, BTAM 341, 382 MACRF operand 425 MACRF operand, BTAM 343, 384 MODE operand, BTAM 343, 384 MODElST operand, BTAM 344, 384 MONDLY operand, BTAM 384 OPTCD operand 431 RECFM operand 425, 432 RETRY operand, BTAM 347, 387 SWITCH operand, BTAM 347, 387 SYNAD operand 432 TERMTST operand, BTAM 348, 388 DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM ACCMETH operand, lUTYPE 6.1 447 ACCMETH operand, LUTYPE 6.2 451 ACCMETH operand, MRO 444 BUFFER operand 448, 452 CONNECT operand 452 DATASTR operand 448, 452 FEATURE operand 452 INDSYS operand 445 NETNAME operand, lUTYPE 6.1 448 NETNAME operand, lUTYPE 6.2 452 NETNAME operand, MRO 445 RECEIVE operand 445, 448 RECFM operand 449, 453 RUSIZE operand 448, 452 SEND operand 445, 449 SYSIDNT operand, lUTYPE 6.1 449 SYSIDNT operand, LUTYPE 6.2 453 SYSIDNT operand, MRO 446 TIOAL operand 446 TRANSID operand 453 TRMSTAT operand, lUTYPE 6.1 449 TRMSTAT operand, lUTYPE 6.2 453 TRMSTAT operand, MRO 446 TRMTYPE operand 453 XSNAME operand, lUTYPE 6.1 449 XSNAME operand, lUTYPE 6.2 453 XSNAME operand, MRO 446 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL ACCMETH operand 262 AlTPGE operand, BTAM 332 ALTPGE operand, VTAM 262 ALTPRT operand 262 AlTSCRN operand, BTAM 332 AlTSCRN operand, VTAM 263 AlTSFX operand, BTAM 332 AlTSFX operand, VTAM 263 BMSFEAT operand 288 BMSFEAT operand, VTAM 263 BRACKET operand 264 BUFFER operand, BTAM 373 BUFFER operand, VTAM 264 CHNASSY operand 264 CONNECT operand 265 DEFSCRN operand, BTAM 335 DEFSCRN operand, VTAM 265 DISMSG operand, BTAM 376 DUALADR operand, BTAM 377 ERRATT operand 265 FEATURE operand, BTAM 338, 380 FEATURE operand, VTAM 266, 290 FF operand, BTAM 340 FF operand, VTAM 269, 291 GMMSG operand 270 GMMSG operand, VTAM 291 HF operand 270 HF operand, VTAM 291 LASTTRM operand, BTAM 341, 381 LASTTRM operand,. VTAM 270, 291 LDC operand 291 LOGMODE operand 270 LOGMODE operand, VTAM 292 LPLEN operand 418, 420, 425 LVUNIT operand, BTAM 343, 383 NETNAME operand 270 NETNAMQ operand 450 OPERID operand 385 OPERID operand, BTAM 344 OPERID operand, VTAM 271, 292 OPERPRI operand, BTAM 344, 385 OPERPRI operand, VTAM 271, 292 OPERRSL operand, BTAM 344, 385 OPERRSL operand, VTAM 271, 293 OPERSEC operand, BTAM 345, 385 OPERSEC operand, VTAM 271, 293 PGESIZE operand, BTAM 345, 385 PGESIZE operand, VTAM 271, 293 PGESTAT operand, BTAM 346, 386 PGESTAT operand, VTAM 272, 294 PIPELN operand, VTAM 294 POLLPOS operand, BTAM 346, 386 PRINTTO operand 272 RELREQ operand 273 RELREQ operand, VTAM 295 RMTNAME operand 460 RUSIZE operand 273 RUSIZE operand, VTAM 295 SESTYPE operand 295, 450 STN2980 operand, BTAM 387 SYSIDNT operand 450 TAB2980 operand, BTAM 387 TASKNO operand, VTAM 295 TCTUAL operand 273 TCTUAL operand, VTAM 296 TIOAL operand 273 TIOAL operand, BTAM 348, 388 TIOAL operand, VTAM 296 TRANSID operand 273 TRANSID operand, BTAM 348, 388 TRANSID operand, VTAM 296 TRMADDR operand, BTAM 349, 389 TRMIDNT operand 274, 450 TRMIDNT operand, BTAM 349, 390 TRMIDNT operand, VTAM 296 TRMMODL operand 274 TRMPRTY operand 274 TRMPRTY operand, BTAM 350, 391 TRMPRTY operand, VTAM 297 TRMSTAT operand 274 TRMSTAT operand, BTAM 350, 391 TRMSTAT operand, VTAM 297 TRMTYPE operand 275 TRMTYPE operand, VTAM 298 VF operand 276 VF operand, VTAM 298 DFHTCT TYPE=TLXID LASTID operand 412 TLXID operand 412 DFHTCT TYPE=7770MSG 405 MESSAGE operand 406 DFHTCT, introduction to macro types 248 DFHTLT TYPE=ENTRY TRMIDNT operand 474 DFHTLT TYPE=FINAL 475 DFHTLT TYPE=INITIAL 474 LDC operand 474 DFHTST TYPE=ENTRY DATAID operand 478 DFHTST TYPE=FINAL 480 DFHTST TYPE=INITIAL 477 TSAGE operand 477 DFHTST TYPE=RECOVERY DATAID operand 478 DFHTST TYPE=REMOTE DATAID operand 479 RMTNAME operand 479 SYSIDNT operand 479 DFHTST TYPE=SECURITY DATAID operand 479 RSL operand 479 DFHXLT TYPE=ENTRY TASKREQ operand 482 TRANSID operand 482 DFHXLT TYPE=FINAL 482 DFHXLT TYPE=INITIAL 481 DFTRMLST macro, BTAM 342, 382 DIP operand DFHSIT 215 DISMSG operand DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, BTAM 376 display details of resources within group 61 display format CEDA transaction command input area 17 information area 18 PF key description area 18 prompting area 18 response area 18 display panel CEDA transaction syntax 31 DL/I data base file control table (FCT) 5, 101 DFHDLDBD 95 DLI operand DFHDLDBD 95 DFHDLPSB 97 DFHSIT 215 DL1 operand DFHDLDBD 97 DFHDLPSB 97 DFHSIT 215 DMB directory (DDIR) list 95 generate DDIR, DFHDLDBD 95 generate PDIR, DFHDLPSB 97 PDIR 97 DL/I, shared batch regions 248 DLDBRC operand DFHSIT 215 DLI operand DFHDLDBD 97 DFHDLPSB 97 DFHSIT 215 DLIRLM operand Index 499 DFHSIT 215 DLLPA operand DFHSIT 216 DLMON operand DFHSIT 216 DLTHRED operand DFHSIT 216 DLXCPVR operand DFHSIT 216 DL1 operand DFHDLDBD 97 DFHDLPSB 97 DFHSIT 215 DMB directory list (DDIR) 95 DMBPL operand DFHSIT 216 DSB operand DFHSIT 216 DSCNAME operand DFHDCT TYPE=EXTRA 79 DFHDCT TYPE=SDSCI 86 DFHTCT TYPE=LINE, BTAM 376 DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, BTAM 336 DSN operand DFHTCT TYPE=LDC 302 DTB operand DFHPCT TYPE=ENTRY 166 DFHPCT TYPE=INITIAL 161 DTIMOUT operand ALTER TRANSACTION command 52 DEFINE TRANSACTION command 52 DFHPCT TYPE=ENTRY 166 DUALADR operand DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, BTAM 377 DUMP operand ALTER TRANSACTION command 52 DEFINE TRANSACTION command 52 DFHPCT TYPE=ENTRY 167 DUPDSID operand DFHFCT TYPE=INDACC 118 DVC operand DFHTCT TYPE=LDC 302 DVSUPRT operand ALTER PROFILE command 44 DEFINE PROFILE command 44 DFHPCT TYPE=ENTRY 167 ENQPL operand DFHSIT 216 entering keywords CEDA transaction 19 EOM operand DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, BTAM 377 EOT operand DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, BTAM 377 ERRATT operand DFHTCT TYPE=INITIAL, BTAM 324 DFHTCT TYPE=INITIAL, VTAM 256 DFHTCT TYPE=LINE, BTAM 336 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL 265 ERRMSG operand DFHTCT TYPE=LINE, BTAM 377 'ERROPT operand DFHDCT TYPE=SDSCI 86 DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, BTAM 337, 377 ESDS file control table (FCT) 100 500 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide EVENT operand DFHMCT TYPE=INITIAL 143 EXEC operand DFHSIT 216 EXIT operand DFHMCT TYPE=RECORD 147 EXITS operand DFHSIT 217 expand contents of group CEDA transaction example 24 expand contents of list CEDA transaction example 28 EXPAND GROUP command 61 ALTER command 62 COpy command 62 DELETE command 62 examples 61 RENAME command 62 EXPAND LIST command 63 ADD command 63 REMOVE command 63 EXTENT operand DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET 107 extents journal 133 extrapartition destinations, DFHDCT TYPE=EXTRA 79 EXTSEC operand ALTER TRANSACTION command 52 DEFINE TRANSACTION command 52 DFHPCT TYPE=ENTRY 167 DFHPCT TYPE=GROUP 177 DFHPCT TYPE=INITIAL 162 DFHSIT 217 DFHSNT TYPE=ENTRY 239 DFHSNT TYPE=INITIAL 238 FCP operand DFHSIT 217 FCT (file control table> 99 configurator 116 cross-index data set record, DFHFCT TYPE=INDACC 118 data sets, DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET 101 DL/I data base 5, 101 end of file control table, DFHFCT TYPE=FINAL 127 examples 128 header of ' segmented record, DFHFCT TYPE=SEGHEAD 123 last segment set, DFHFCT TYPE=SEGLAST 124 remote files, DFHFCT TYPE=REMOTE 120 segment sets, DFHFCT TYPE=SEGSET 124 segmented records 121 segments of segmented record, DFHFCT TYPE=SEGDEF 122 superset ISAM logic module, DFHFCT TYPE=LOGICMOD 119 VSAM ICIP mixed mode access, DFHFCT TYPE=ALTERNATE 100 VSAM shared resources control, DFHFCT TYPE=SHRCTL 125 FCT operand DFHSIT 217 / FDP operand DFHSIT 217 FDUMP operand DFHPCT TYPE=ENTRY 167 DFHPCT TYPE=INITIAl 162 FEATURE operand DFHTCT TYPE=lINE, BTAM 338, 380 DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, BTAM 337, 378 DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM 452 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAl, BTAM 338, 380 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAl, VTAM 266, 290 FERS operand DFHSIT 218 FF operand DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAl, BTAM 340 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAl, VTAM 269, 291 FIlABl operand DFHDCT TYPE=SDSCI 86 f1le control table (FCT) 99 configurator 116 cross-index data set record, DFHFCT TYPE=INDACC 118 data sets, DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET 101 Dl/I data base 5, 101 end of file control table, DFHFCT TYPE=FINAl 127 ESDS 100 examples 128 header of segmented record, DFHFCT TYPE=SEGHEAD 123 last segment set, DFHFCT TYPE=SEGlAST 124 remote files, DFHFCT TYPE=REMOTE 120 segment sets, DFHFCT TYPE=SEGSET 124 segmented records 121 segments of segmented record, DFHFCT TYPE=SEGDEF 122 superset ISAM logic module, DFHFCT TYPE=lOGICMOD 119 VSAM ICIP mixed mode access, DFHFCT TYPE=AlTERNATE 100 VSAM shared resources control, DFHFCT TYPE=SHRCTl 125 FIlSTAT operand DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET 107 FIX operand DFHAlT TYPE=ENTRY 75 DFHNlT TYPE=ENTRY 157 FlDSEP operand DFHSIT 218 FlDSTRT operand DFHSIT 218 FlNNAME operand DFHTCT TYPE=SDCSI, BTAM 380 FN operand DFHPCT TYPE=GROUP 174 DFHPPT TYPE=GROUP 198 format of macro instructions 72 FORMAT operand DFHJCT TYPE=ENTRY 137 FREQ operand DFHMCT TYPE=RECORD 148 FSTTERM operand DFHTCT TYPE=lINE, BTAM 340, 381 generate DDIR, DFHDlDBD data base description (DBD) block DBD operand 95 SUFFIX operand 95 TYPE=ENTRY operand 95 TYPE=INITIAl operand 95 generate PDIR, DFHDLPSB MXSSASZ operand 97 program specification blocks (PSBs) 97 PSB operand 97 RMTNAME operand 98 segment search argument 97 SUFFIX operand 97 SYSIDNT operand 98 TYPE=ENTRY operand 97 TYPE=INITIAL operand 97 GENPOlL=YES operand DFHTCT TYPE=LINE, BTAM 340, 381 general poll 381 GMMSG operand DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAl 270 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, VTAM 291 GMT EXT operand DFHTCT TYPE=INITIAL, VTAM 257 GPBLKSZ operand DFHTCT TYPE=GPENTRY 426 GPNAME operand DFHTCT TYPE=GPENTRY 426 GPSEQLU operand DFHTCT TYPE=GPENTRY 426 GPTCU operand DFHTCT TYPE=GPENTRY 361 GPTYPE operand DFHTCT TYPE=GPENTRY 414, 426 DFHTCT TYPE=GPENTRY, BTAM 361 GROUP operand ADD command 39 ALTER MAPSET command 41 ALTER PARTITIONSET command 42 ALTER PROFILE command 43 ALTER PROGRAM command 48 ALTER TRANSACTION command 51 DEFINE MAPSET command 41 DEFINE PARTITIONSET command 42 DEFINE PROFILE command 43 DEFINE PROGRAM command 48 DEFINE TRANSACTION command 51 groups 13 GRPlIST operand DFHSIT 219 95 header of segmented record, DFHFCT TYPE=SEGHEAD 123 HF operand DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAl 270 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, VTAM 291 how to create CICS control tables mandatory and optional 3 Index 501 IADAMI operand DFHFCT TYPE=INDACC 119 IADIII operand DFHFCT TYPE=INDACC 119 IALKFL operand DFHFCT TYPE=INDACC 118 IARLKP operand DFHFCT TYPE=INDACC 118 ICP operand DFHSIT 219 ICV operand DFHSIT 219 ICVR operand DFHSIT 219 ICVS operand DFHSIT 220 ICVSWT operand DFHSIT 220 ICVTSD operand DFHSIT 220 ID operand DFHMCT TYPE=EMP 144 lIP operand DFHSIT 221 INAREAL operand DFHTCT TYPE=LINE 425 DFHTCT TYPE=LINE, BTAM 340, 381 INBFMH operand ALTER PROFILE command 44 DEFINE PROFILE command 44 DFHPCT TYPE=ENTRY 171 DFHPCT TYPE=PROFILE 178 INDAREA operand DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET 107 INDDEST operand DFHDCT TYPE=INDIRECT 81 INDDISP operand DFHFCT TYPE=SEGHEAD 123 INDEX operand DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET 107 indirect data destinations, DFHDCT TYPE=INDIRECT 80 INDOUBT operand ALTER TRANSACTION command 52 DEFINE TRANSACTION command 52 INDSIZE operand DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET 108 INDSKIP operand DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET 108 INDSYS operand DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM 445 information area display format CEDA transaction 18 initializing CICS 16 initiating CEDA transaction 20 INSTALL command 64 install group CEDA transaction example 26 intercommunication, TCT examp!e 440 interregion links 248 intersystem links 248 intrapartition destinations, DFHDCT TYPE=INTRA 81 IOCP operand DFHSIT 221 502 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide IOSIZE operand DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET IOWORK operand DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET IRCSTRT operand DFHSIT 221 ISC operand DFHSIT 221 108 108 JCP operand DFHSIT 221 JCT (journa! contro! table) 5, 133 DFHJCT TYPE=FINAL 140 DFHJCT TYPE=INITIAL 136 example 141 journal entries, DFHJCT TYPE=ENTRY 136 JCT operand DFHSIT 221 JFILEID operand DFHJCT TYPE=ENTRY 136 DFHPCT TYPE=ENTRY 172 DFHPCT TYPE=PROFILE 179 JID operand DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET 109 journal devices 133 extents 133 journal control table (JCT) 5, 133 DFHJCT TYPE=FINAL 140 DFHJCT TYPE=INITIAL 136 example 141 journal entries, DFHJCT TYPE=ENTRY 136 journal entries, DFHJCT TYPE=ENTRY 136 journal management buffer size 134 journal devices 133 statistics 134 JOURNAL operand ALTER PROFILE command 44 DEFINE PROFILE command 44 journal records 134 JOUROPT operand DFHJCT TYPE=ENTRY 137 JREQ operand DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET 109 JTYPE operand DFHJCT TYPE=ENTRY 138 KCP operand 'DFHSIT 221 KEYID operand DFHPCT TYPE=GROUP 177 KEYLEN operand DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET 110 DFHFCT TYPE=REMOTE 121 DFHFCT TYPE=SHRCTL 126 keywords entering CEDA transaction 19 KPP operand DFHSIT 221 LABEL operand DFHJCT TYPE=ENTRY 139 LANGUAGE operand ALTER PROGRAM command 48 DEFINE PROGRAM command 48 last segment set, DFHFCT TYPE=SEGLAST 124 LASTID operand DFHTCT TYPE=TLXID 412 LASTTRM operand DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, BTAM 341, 381 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, VTAM 270, 291 LAYOUT operand DFHJCT TYPE=ENTRY 139 LDC operand DFHTCT TYPE=LDC 302 DFHtCT TYPE=LDCLIST 305 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL 291 DFHTLT TYPE=INITIAL 474 LDCs for 3770 Batch Logical Unit TCT example 312 LENGTH operand DFHDCT TYPE=REMOTE 84 LERBADR operand DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, BTAM 341, 382 line group types, DFHTCT TYPE=GPENTRY local 3270 terminals 359 LINELST operand DFHTCT TYPE=GPENTRY 361 DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, BTAM 341, 382 LINFEAT operand DFHTCT TYPE=GPENTRY 361 LININL operand DFHTCT TYPE=GPENTRY 427 DFHTCT TYPE=GPENTRY, BTAM 361 link pack area application load table (ALT) 5, 75 nucleus load table (NLT) 151 LINSTAT='OUT OF SERVICE' operand DFHTCT TYPE=LINE, BTAM 342, 382 LIST operand ADD command 39 list, DFHTCT TYPE=LDCLIST local LDC 305 LISTADR operand BTAM define-terminal-list macro 342 DFHTCT TYPE=LINE, BTAM 342, 382 lists 13 loading resident application programs 73 local LDC list, DFHTCT TYPE=LDCLIST 305 LOCAL operand DFHTCT TYPE=LDC 304 local 3270 terminals 359 LOCALQ operand ALTER TRANSACTION command 53 DEFINE TRANSACTION command 53 DFHPCT TYPE=REMOTE 181 LOCK command group of resources 65 list 66 lOG operand DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET 110 logical device codes 299 LOGMODE operand DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAl 270 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, VTAM 292 LOGREC operand ALTER PROFILE command 44 DEFINE PROFILE command 44 DFHPCT TYPE=ENTRY 172 LPA application load table (ALT) 5, 75 nucleus load table (NLT) 151 LPA operand DFHSIT 221 LPLEN operand DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL 418,~ 420, 425 LRECL operand DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET 110 DFHFCT TYPE=REMOTE 121 LUTYPE 4 T'CT example 316 LUTYPE 6.1 ISC 438 coding TCT for 447 LUTYPE 6.2 ISC 439 coding TCT for 451 LVUNIT operand DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, BTAM 343, 383 MACRF operand DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI 425 DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, STAM 343, 384 macro instructions format of 72 managing resource definition 14 mandatory and optional control tables 3 MAPSET operand ALTER MAPSET command 41 DEFINE MAPSET command 41 DFHPPT TYPE=ENTRY 194 MAXBUF operand DFHMCT TYPE=RECORD 148 maximum buffer size 134 MAXSESS operand DFHTCT TYPE=MODESET 454 MCP operand DFHSIT 222 MCT (monitoring control table) 5, 143 control data recording, DFHMCT TYPE=RECORD 147 DFHMCT TYPE=INITIAL 143 example 149 user event monitoring points, DFHMCT TYPE=EMP 143 MCT operand DFHSIT 222 MESSAGE operand DFHTCT TYPE=7770MSG 406 minimum buffer size 134 MODE operand DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET 111 DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, BTAM 343, 384 MODELST operand DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, BTAM 344, 384 MODENAM operand DFHPCT TYPE=ENTRY 172 DFHPCT TYPE=PROFILE 179 DFHTCT TYPE=MODESET 454 MODENAME operand ALTER PROFILE command 45 DEFINE PROFILE command 45 Index 503 MODNAME operand DFHDCT TYPE=SDSCI 86 DFHTCT TYPE=INITIAL, BTAM 32S module load sequence, DFHNLT TYPE=ENTRY 156 MODULE operand DFHNLT TYPE=ENTRY 156 MONDLY operand DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, BTAM 384 MONITOR operand DFHSIT 222 monitoring control table (MCT) 5, 143 control data recording, DFHMCT TYPE=RECORD 147 DFHMCT TYPE=FINAL 149 DFHMCT TYPE=INITIAL 143 example 149 user event monitoring points, DFHMCT TYPE=EMP 143 monitoring points, DFHMCT TYPE=EMP user event 143 MRO coding TCT for 444 TCT examples 461 TCT introduction 438 MSGINTEG operand ALTER PROFILE command 45 DEFINE PROFILE command 45 MSGJRNL operand ALTER PROFILE command 45 DEFINE PROFILE command 45 DFHPCT TYPE=ENTRY 172 DFHPCT TYPE=PROFILE 179 MSGLVL operand DFHSIT 222 MSGPOPT operand DFHPCT TYPE=OPTGRP 177 MSGPREQ operand DFHPCT TYPE=OPTGRP 178 MSTIND operand DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET 111 multi region operation (see MRO) MVS/SE2 System Management Facility (SMF), use of 135 MXSSASZ operand 97 MXT operand DFHSIT 222 M32 operand DFHSIT 222 NAMFORM operand DFHSNT TYPE=ENTRY 239 naming control tables 71 negative poll delay 344, 385 NEPCLAS operand DFHPCT TYPE=ENTRY 172 DFHPCT TYPE=PROFILE 179 NEPCLASS operand ALTER PROFILE command 45 DEFINE PROFILE command 45 NETNAME operand DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM, LUTYPE 6.1 DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM, LUTYPE 6.2 DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM, MRO 445 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL 270 NETNAMQ operand 504 448 452 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL 450 NLT (nucleus load table) 6, 151 DFHNLT TYPE=INITIAL 1SS link pack area 151 module load sequence, DFHNLT TYPE=ENTRY 156 NLT operand DFHSIT 223 nonresident extrapartition data set definition 88 NPDELAY operand DFHTCT TYPE=LINE, BTAM 344, 385 NRECDS operand DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET 112 nucleus load table (NLT) 6, 151 DFHNLT TYPE=FINAL 160 DFHNLT TYPE=INITIAL 155 LPA 151 module load sequence, DFHNLT TYPE=ENTRY 156 OBJDSID operand DFHFCT TYPE=INDACC 118 ONEWTE operand ALTER PROFILE command 45 DEFINE PROFILE command 45 OPCLASS operand DFHSNT TYPE=ENTRY 239 OPEN operand DFHDCT TYPE=EXTRA 79 DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET 112 DFHJCT TYPE=ENTRY 138 OPERID operand DFHTCT TYPE=IRCBCH 465 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL 385 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, BTAM 344 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, VTAM 271, 292 OPERPRI operand DFHTCT TYPE=IRCBCH 465 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, BTAM 344, 385 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, VTAM 271, 292 OPERRSL operand DFHTCT TYPE=IRCBCH 465 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, BTAM 344, 385 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, VTAM 271, 293 OPERSEC operand DFHTCT TYPE=IRCBCH 465 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, BTAM 345, 385 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, VTAM 271, 293 OPIDENT operand DFHSNT TYPE=ENTRY 238 OPNAME operand DFHSNT TYPE=ENTRY 239 OPNDLIM operand DFHTCT TYPE=INITIAL, VTAM 257 OPPRTY operand DFHSNT TYPE=ENTRY 239 OPTCD operand DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI 431 OPTGRP operand DFHPCT TYPE=ENTRY 173 optional and mandatory control tables OS COR operand DFHSIT 223 outboard formatting OUTQ operand 432 PAGEIN operand DFHNLT TYPE=ENTRY 157 PAGEOUT operand DFHALT TYPE=ENTRY 75 DFHNLT TYPE=ENTRY 158 PARTITIONSET operand ALTER PARTITIONSET command 42 ALTER TRANSACTION command 53 DEFINE PARTITIONSET command 42 DEFINE TRANSACTION command 53 PARTSET operand DFHPCT TYPE=ENTRY 168 DFHPPT TYPE=ENTRY 194 PASSWD operand DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET 112 PASSWRD operand DFHSNT TYPE=ENTRY 240 PBP operand DFHSIT 225 PCP operand DFHSIT 225 PCT (program control table) 4, 161 additional features 187 DFHPCT TYPE=INITIAL 161 examples 182 remote transactions, DFHPCT TYPE=REMOTE 180 required entries 184 session processing options, DFHPCT TYPE=PROFILE 178 special entries, DFHPCT TYPE=GROUP 173 transaction control information, DFHPCT TYPE=ENTRY 162 transaction description options, DFHPCT TYPE=OPTGRP 177 PCT operand DFHSIT 225 PDIR (program specification block directory) list 97 PDIR operand DFHSIT 225 PERFORM operand DFHMCT TYPE=EMP 145 Personal Computer TCT example 409 PF key description area display format CEDA transaction 18 PGCHAIN operand DFHSIT 225 PGCOPY operand DFHSIT 225 PGESIZE operand DFHTCT TYPE=LDC 304 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, BTAM 345, 385 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, VTAM 271, 293 PGESTAT operand DFHTCT TYPE=LDC 304 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, BTAM 346, 386 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, VTAM 272, 294 PGMLANG operand DFHPPT TYPE=ENTRY 194 PGMSTAT operand DFHPPT TYPE=ENTRY 194 PGPURGE operand DFHSIT 225 PGRET operand DFHSIT 225 PGSIZE operand DFHSIT 226 PIPELN operand DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, VTAM 294 PISCHD operand DFHSIT 226 PLI operand DFHSIT 226 PLISHRE operand DFHSIT 226 PLT (program list table) 6, 189 DFHPLT ~YPE=ENTRY 190 DFHPLT TYPE=FINAL 191 DFHPLT TYPE=INITIAL 190 example 192 PLTPI operand DFHSIT 226 PLTSD operand DFHSIT 227 PL1 operand DFHSIT 226 POLLPOS operand DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, BTAM 346, 386 pool of TCTLEs 347 POOL operand 432 POOLADR operand DFHTCT TYPE=LINE, BTAM 346, 386 POOLCNT operand DFHTCT TYPE=LINE, BTAM 347 PPT (processing program table) 4, 193 DFHPPT TYPE=INITIAL 193 example 201 processing programs, DFHPPT TYPE=ENTRY 193 required entries 202 special entries, DFHPPT TYPE=GROUP 197 PPT operand DFHSIT 227 preparing control tables 71 PRGDLAY operand DFHSIT 227 PRINT operand DFHSIT 227 PRINTTO operand DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL 272 PRIORITY operand ALTER TRANSACTION command 53 DEFINE TRANSACTION command 53 PRIVATE operand DFHPCT TYPE=ENTRY 168 PRMSIZE operand DFHPCT TYPE=ENTRY 173 process control information (PCI) field 347, 388 process queue, TCAM 432 processing program table (PPT) 4, 193 DFHPPT TYPE=FINAL 201 DFHPPT TYPE=INITIAL 193 example 201 processing programs, DFHPPT TYPE=ENTRY 193 required entries 202 special entries, DFHPPT TYPE=GROUP 197 processing programs, DFHPPT TYPE=ENTRY 193 PROFILE operand ALTER PROFILE command 43 ALTER TRANSACTION command 53 DEFINE PROFILE command 43 Index 505 DEFINE TRANSACTION command 53 DFHPCT TYPE=PROFILE 178 program control table (PCT) 4, 161 additional features 187 DFHPCT TYPE=FINAL 182 DFHPCT TYPE=INITIAL 161 examples 182 remote transactions, DFHPCT TYPE=REMOTE 180 required entries 184 session processing options, DFHPCT TYPE=PROFILE 178 special entries, DFHPCT TYPE=GROUP 173 transaction control information, DFHPCT TYPE=ENTRY 162 transaction description options, DFHPCT TYPE=OPTGRP 177 program list table (PLT) 6, 189 DFHPlT TYPE=ENTRY 190 DFHPlT TYPE=FINAl 191 DFHPlT TYPE=INITIAl 190 example 192 program load sequence, DFHAlT TYPE=ENTRY 74 PROGRAM operand ALTER PROGRAM command 48 ALTER TRANSACTION command 52 DEFINE PROGRAM command 48 DEFINE TRANSACTION command 52 DFHAlT TYPE=ENTRY 75 DFHPCT TYPE=ENTRY 163 DFHPlT TYPE=ENTRY 190 DFHPPT TYPE=ENTRY 194 DFHSRT TYPE=SYSTEMIUSER 244 program specification block directory (PDIR) list 97 program specification blocks (PSBs) 97 prompting area display format CEDA transaction 18 PROTECT operand ALTER PROFILE command 46 DEFINE PROFILE command 46 DFHNlT TYPE=ENTRY 158 DFHNLT TYPE=INITIAL 155 PSB directory (PDIR) list 97 PSB operand 97 DFHSIT 228 PSBPl operand DFHSIT 229 PSBs (program specification blocks) 97 pUblications related iv QUEUEID operand DFHTCT TYPE=LINE 506 432 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide RAMAX operand DFHTCT TYPE=INITIAL, VTAM 257 RAPOOL operand DFHTCT TYPE=INITIAL, VTAM 257 RAQ operand ALTER PROFILE command 46 DEFINE PROFILE command· 46 DFHPCT TYPE=ENTRY 173 RATIMES operand DFHTCT TYPE=INITIAl, VTAM 257 RDYMSG operand DFHTCT TYPE=LINE, BTAM 387 ready message, 7770 387 RECEIVE operand DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM 445, 448 RECFM operand DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI 425, 432 DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM 449, 453 RECFORM operand DFHDCT TYPE=SDSCI 86 DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET 112 records segmented file control table (FCT) 121 recoverable temporary storage, DFHTST TYPE=RECOVERYIENTRY 478 RECSIZE operand DFHDCT TYPE=SDSCI 87 related publications iv related resources 58 cross-check 58 RELOAD operand ALTER PROGRAM command 49 DEFINE PROGRAM command 49 DFHPPT TYPE=ENTRY 194 RELREQ operand DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL 273 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, VTAM 295 RELTYPE operand DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET 113 remote files, DFHFCT TYPE=REMOTE 120 remote temporary storage DATAIDs, DFHTST TYPE=REMOTE 478 remote transactions, DFHPCT TYPE=REMOTE 180 remote transient data destinations, DFHDCT TYPE=REMOTE 84 REMOVE command 67 example 67 EXPAND LIST command 63 RENAME command examples'. 68 EXPAND GROUP command 62 resource definition 68 required entries in destination control table 92 required entries in processing program table 202 required entries in program control table 184 RES operand DFHPPT TYPE=ENTRY 195 RESIDENT operand ALTER PROGRAM command 50 DEFINE PROGRAM command 50 RESIDNT operand DFHDCT TYPE=EXTRA 80 resource definition l, ~ alter 40 checking 14 COpy command 59 define 40 DELETE command 60 introduction 3 RENAME command 68 resource definition online CICS system definition (CSD) file groups 13 introduction 11 lists 13 managing 14 offline utility program 15 overview 11 resources 58 cross-check related 58 RESP operand DFHTCT TYPE=INITIAL, VTAM 258 response area display format CEDA transaction 18 RESTART operand ALTER TRANSACTION command 54 DEFINE TRANSACTION command 54 DFHPCT TYPE=ENTRY 168 RETRY operand DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, BTAM 347, 387 REUSE operand DFHDCT TYPE=INTRA 82 REWIND operand DFHDCT TYPE=SDSCI 87 RKP operand DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET 113 RLR operand DFHSIT 229 RMTNAME operand ALTER TRANSACTION command 54 DEFINE TRANSACTION command 54 DFHDCT TYPE=REMOTE 84 DFHDLPSB TYPE=ENTRY 98 DFHFCT TYPE=REMOTE 121 DFHPCT TYPE=REMOTE 180 DFHTCT TYPE=REMOTE 461 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL 460 DFHTST TYPE=REMOTE 479 ROUTINE operand DFHSRT TYPE=SYSTEMIUSER 244 RPS operand DFHFCT TYPE=LOGICMOD 120 RSCLMT operand DFHFCT TYPE=SHRCTL 127 RSL operand ALTER MAPSET command 41 ALTER PARTITIONSET command 42 ALTER PROGRAM command 50 ALTER TRANSACTION command 54 DEFINE MAPSET command 41 DEFINE PARTITIONSET command 42 DEFINE PROGRAM command 50 DEFINE TRANSACTION command 54 DFHDCT TYPE=EXTRA 80 DFHDCT TYPE=INTRA 83 DFHDCT TYPE=REMOTE 84 DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET 114 DFHFCT TYPE=REMOTE 121 DFHJCT TYPE=ENTRY 139 DFHPCT TYPE=ENTRY 168 DFHPPT TYPE=ENTRY 197 DFHTST TYPE=SECURITY 479 RSLC operand ALTER TRANSACTION command 54 13 DEFINE TRANSACTION command 54 DFHPCT TYPE=ENTRY 169 RSLKEY operand DFHSNT TYPE=ENTRY 240 RTIMOUT operand ALTER PROFILE command 46 DEFINE PROFILE command 46 DFHPCT TYPE=ENTRY 169 RUSIZE operand DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM 448, 452 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL 273 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, VTAM 295 Scanmaster, TCT example 457 SCP operand DFHSIT 229 SCRNSIZE operand ALTER PROFILE command 47 DEFINE PROFILE command 47 SCRNSZE operand DFHPCT TYPE=ENTRY 169 DFHPCT TYPE=INITIAL 162 SCS operand DFHSIT 229 SCTYKEY operand DFHSNT TYPE=ENTRY 240 security checking, DFHTST TYPE=SECURITY temporary storage 479 security considerations CEDA transaction 13 SEGCHAR operand DFHFCT TYPE=SEGDEF 122 SEGLENG operand DFHFCT TYPE=SEGDEF 122 DFHFCT TYPE=SEGHEAD 123 segment search argument 97 segment sets, DFHFCT TYPE=SEGSET 124 segmented records file control table (FCT) 121 segments of segmented record, DFHFCT TYPE=SEGDEF 122 SEGNAME operand DFHFCT TYPE=SEGDEF 122 DFHFCT TYPE=SEGSET 124 SEGSET operand DFHFCT TYPE=SEGSET 124 SEND operand DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM 445, 449 SEPASMB operand DFHDCT TYPE=INITIAL 78 sequential devices 248 sequential devices, codihg TCT for 422 SERVREQ operand DFHFCT TYPE=ALTERNATE 101 DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET 114 SESNUMB operand DFHTCT TYPE=IRCBCH 466 session processing options, DFHPCT TYPE=PROFILE 178 SESTYPE operand DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL 295, 450 shared virtual area 151 SHR operand DFHALT TYPE=ENTRY 75 DFHNLT TYPE=ENTRY 159 DFHNLT TYPE=INITIAL 156 sign-on table (SNT) 5 Index 507 DFHSNT TYPE=FINAL 241 DFHSNT TYPE=INITIAL 238 example 241 terminal operators, DFHSNT TYPE=(ENTRY,DEFAULT) 240 terminal operators, DFHSNT TYPE=ENTRY 238 SIMODS operand DFHSIT 229 SIT (system initialization table) 4, 207 SKRxxxx operand DFHSIT 229 SMF (System Manage~ent Facility) use with MVS/SE2 135 SNT (sign-on table> 5, 237 DFHSNT TYPE=INITIAL 238 example 241 terminal operators, DFHSNT TYPE=(ENTRY,DEFAULT) 240 terminal operators, DFHSNT TYPE=ENTRY 238 special entries, DFHPCT TYPE=GROUP 173 special entries, DFHPPT TYPE=GROUP 197 SPURGE operand ALTER TRANSACTION command 54 DEFINE TRANSACTION command 54 DFHPCT TYPE=ENTRY 170 SRBSVC operand DFHSIT 230 SRCHM operand DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET 116 SRCHTYP operand DFHFCT TYPE=INDACC 119 SRP operand DFHSIT 230 SRT (system recovery table) 6 abend codes - DFHSRT TYPE=SYSTEM/USER 243 DFHSRT TYPE=INITIAL 243 example 245 SRT operand DFHSIT 230 START operand DFHSIT 230 STARTER operand DFHSIT 230 statistics, journal management 134 STATUS operand ALTER MAPSET command 41 ALTER PARTITIONSET command 42 ALTER PROGRAM command 50 ALTER TRANSACTION command 54 DEFINE MAPSET command 41 DEFINE PARTITIONSET command 42 DEFINE PROGRAM command 50 DEFINE TRANSACTION command 54 STN2980 operand DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, BTAM 387 storage queues - DFHTST TYPE=REMOTE remote temporary 478 STRNO operand DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET 116 DFHFCT TYPE=SHRCTL 127 STRNOG operand DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET 116 SUFFIX operand DFHDCT TYPE=SDSCI 87 DFHDLDBD TYPE=INITIAL 95 DFHDLPSB TYPE=INITIAL 97 DFHPLT TYPE=INITIAL 190 DFHTCT TYPE=INITIAL, BTAM 325 508 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide DFHTCT TYPE=INITIAL, VTAM 258 suffixing control tables 71 SVD operand DFHSIT 230 SWITCH operand DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, BTAM 347, 387 SYNAD operand DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI 432 syntax CEDA transaction commands 33 syntax display panel CEDA transaction 31 syntax notation 7 SYSIDNT operand 443 ALTER TRANSACTION command 55 DEFINE TRANSACTION command 55 DFHDCT TYPE=REMOTE 84 DFHDLPSB TYPE=ENTRY 98 DFHFCT TYPE=REMOTE 121 DFHPCT TYPE=REMOTE 181 DFHTCT TYPE=MODESET 454 DFHTCT TYPE=REGION 458 DFHTCT TYPE=REMOTE 461 DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM, LUTYPE 6.1 449 DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM, LUTYPE 6.2 453 DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM, MRO 446 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL 450 DFHTST TYPE=REMOTE 479 system initialization table (SIT) 4, 207 system LDC table and extended local LDC list, DFHTCT TYPE=LDC 301 System Management Facility (SMF) use with MVS/SE2 135 SYSTEM operand DFHJCT TYPE=ENTRY 136 system recovery table (SRT) 6 abend codes - DFHSRT TYPE=SYSTEM/USER 243 DFHSRT TYPE=FINAL 245 DFHSRT TYPE=INITIAL 243 example 245 System/3 TCT example 410 System/7 410 SYSWAIT operand DFHJCT TYPE=ENTRY 139 table and extended local LDC list, DFHTCT TYPE=LDC system LDC 3_01 TAB2980 operand DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, BTAM 387 TASKNO operand DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, VTAM 295 TASKREQ operand ALTER TRANSACTION command 55 DEFINE TRANSACTION command 55 DFHPCT TYPE=ENTRY 164 DFHXLT TYPE=ENTRY 482 TBP operand DFHSIT 231 TCAM coding TCT for 428 output process queue 432 POOL feature 432 r '-- process queue 432 TCT example 436 TCAM SNA devices 433 TCAMFET=SNA operand 433 TCAMFET=SNA operand 433 TCLASS operand ALTER TRANSACTION command 55 DEFINE TRANSACTION command 55 DFHPCT TYPE=ENTRY 170 TCP operand DFHSIT 231 TCT (terminal control taole) 5 BTAM example 321 BTAM non-3270 devices 366 BTAM overview 317 BTAM 3270 devices 326 configurator for BTAM non-3270 devices 369 configurator for BTAM 3270 devices 328 configurator for VTAM non-3270 devices 286 configurator for VTAM 3270 devices 260 introduction 247 line group types, DFHTCT TYPE=GPENTRY 359 macro types 248 VTAM example 255 VTAM non-3270 devices 284 VTAM overview 253 VTAM 3270 devic~s 259 TCT operand . DFHSIT 231 TCTUAL operand DFHTCT TYPE=LINE, BTAM 347, 388 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL 273 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, VTAM 296 TDP operand DFHSIT 231 telecommunication devices 247 teletypewriter disconnect message, DFHTCT TYPE=TLXMSG 411 teletypwriter (countries other than the u.s.) 411 TCT example 413 temporary storage recoverable, DFHTST TYPE=RECOVERYIENTRY 478 security checking, DFHTST TYPE=SECURITY 479 temporary storage security checking, DFHTST TYPE=SECURITY 479 temporary storage table (TST) 5, 477 DFHTST TYPE=FINAL 480 DFHTST TYPE=INITIAL 477 recoverable temporary storage, DFHTST TYPE=RECOVERYIENTRY 478 remote temporary storage DATAIDs, DFHTST TYPE=REMOTE 478 temporary storage security checking, DFHTST TYPE=SECURITY 479 terminal control table (see TCT) terminal list table (TLT) 6, 473 DFHTLT TYPE=ENTRY 474 DFHTLT TYPE=FINAL 475 DFHTLT TYPE=INITIAL 474 examples 475 terminal list, TCT 467 terminal model number 349, 390 terminals local 3270 359 TERMTST operand DFHTCT TYPE=SDSCI, BTAM 348, 388 TIOAL operand DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM 446 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL 273 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, BTAM 348, 388 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, VTAM 296 TLT (terminal list table) 6, 473 DFHTLT TYPE=ENTRY 474 DFHTLT TYPE=FINAL 475 DFHTLT TYPE=INITIAL 474 examples 475 TLXID operand DFHTCT TYPE=TLXID 412 TPMARK operand DFHDCT TYPE=SDSCI 87 TPP operand DFHSIT 232 TPURGE operand ALTER TRANSACTION command 55 DEFINE TRANSACTION command 55 DFHPCT TYPE=ENTRY 170 TRACE operand ALTER TRANSACTION command 56 DEFINE TRANSACTION command 56 DFHPCT TYPE=ENTRY 170 transaction control information, DFHPCT TYPE=ENTRY 162 transaction description options, DFHPCT TYPE=OPTGRP 177 transaction list table (XLT) 6, 481 DFHXLT TYPE=ENTRY 481 DFHXLT TYPE=FINAL 482 DFHXLT TYPE=INITIAL 481 example 482 TRANSACTION operand ALTER TRANSACTION command 51 DEFINE TRANSACTION command 51 transaction routing 248, 440 coding TCT for 458 TRANSEC operand ALTER TRANSACTION command 56 DEFINE TRANSACTION command 56 DFHPCT TYPE=ENTRY 170 DFHPCT TYPE=INITIAL 162 TRANSID operand DFHDCT TYPE=INTRA 83 DFHPCT TYPE=ENTRY 164 DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM 453 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL 273 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, BTAM 348, 388 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, VTAM 296 DFHXLT TYPE=ENTRY 482 TRIGLEV operand DFHDCT TYPE=INTRA 83 TRMADDR operand DFHTCT TYPE=GPENTRY 361 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, BTAM 349, 389 TRMFEAT operand DFHTCT TYPE=GPENTRY 361 TRMIDNT operand DFHTCT TYPE=GPENTRY 362 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL 274, 450 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, BTAM 349, 390 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, VTAM 296 DFHTLT TYPE=ENTRY 474 TRMINL operand DFHTCT TYPE=GPENTRY 362 TRMMODL operand DFHTCT TYPE=GPENTRY 362 DFHTCT TYPE=LINE, BTAM 349, 390 Index 509 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL 274 TRMPOSN operand DFHTCT TYPE=GPENTRY 363 TRMPRTY operand DFHTCT TYPE=GPENTRY 363 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL 274 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, BTAM 350, 391 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, VTAM 297 TRMSTAT operand DFHTCT TYPE=GPENTRY 363 DFHTCT TYPE=IRCBCH 466 DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM, LUTYPE 6.1 449 DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM, LUTYPE 6.2 453 DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM, MRO 446 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAl 274 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAl, BTAM 350, 391 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAl, VTAM 297 TRMTYPE operand DFHTCT TYPE=lINE, BTAM 351, 392 DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM 453 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMIHAl 275 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAl, VTAM 298 TRMUAl operand DFHTCT TYPE=GPENTRY 363 TRNPRTY operand DFHPCT TYPE=ENTRY 171 TRNSTAT operand DFHPCT TYPE=ENTRY 171 TRNSUFX operand DFHDCT TYPE=INITIAL 79 TRP operand DFHSIT 232 TRT operand DFHSIT 232 TSAGE operand DFHTST TYPE=INITIAL 477 TSEGIND operand DFHFCT TYPE=SEGHEAD 123 TSMGSET operand DFHSIT 232 TSP operand DFHSIT 232 TST (temporary storage table) 5, 477 DFHTST TYPE=FINAl 480 DFHTST TYPE=INITIAL 477 recoverable temporary storage, DFHTST TYPE=RECOVERYIENTRY 478 remote temporary storage DATAIDs, DFHTST TYPE=REMOTE 478 temporary storage security checking, DFHTST TYPE=SECURITY 479 TST operand DFHSIT 233 TWASIZE operand ALTER TRANSACTION command 56 DEFINE TRANSACTION command 56 DFHPCT TYPE=ENTRY 171 TWX 33/35, TCT example 411 TYPE operand DFHSIT 210 TYPE=ENTRY operand DFHDLDBD 95 DFHDLPSB 97 TYPE=INITIAL operand DFHDLDBD 95 DFHDLPSB 97 TYPE=LDClIST local lDC list, DFHTCT 305 TYPE=RECOVERY/ENTRY recoverable temporary storage, DFHTST 478 TYPE=REMOTE 510 CICS/VS Resource Definition Guide remote temporary storage DATAIDs, DFHTST 478 TYPE=SECURITY temporary storage security checking, DFHTST 479 TYPE=TlXID teletypewriter station identification, DFHTCT 411 TYPEFlE operand DFHDCT TYPE=SDSCI 87 UNLOCK command group of resources 65 list 66 USAGE operand DFHPPT TYPE=ENTRY 197 user event monitoring points, DFHMCT TYPE=EMP 143 using CEDA transaction 17 utility program, resource definition online 15 VERIFY operand DFHFCT TYPE=DATASET 116 VF operand DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL 276 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, VTAM 298 VOlCNT operand DFHJCT TYPE=ENTRY 140 VSAM ICIP mixed mode access, DFHFCT TYPE=AlTERNATE 100 VSAM shared resources control, DFHFCT TYPE=SHRCTl 125 VSP operand DFHSIT 233 VTAM TCT example 255 TCT for non-3270 devices 284 TCT for 3270 devices 259 TCT introduction 253 WRKAREA operand DFHSIT 234 XLT (transaction list table) example 482 XLT operand DFHSIT 234 XPSB operand DFHSIT 234 XSNAME operand DFHTCT TYPE=IRCBCH 466 6, 481 DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM, LUTYPE 6.1 DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM, LUTYPE 6.2 DFHTCT TYPE=SYSTEM, MRO 446 XSP operand DFHSIT 234 XTP operand DFHSIT 234 XTRAN operand DFHSIT 234 XTRANID operand ALTER TRANSACTION command 56 DEFINE TRANSACTION command 56 DFHPCT TYPE=ENTRY 171 449 453 ZCP operand DFHSIT 234 Numerics 1050 Data Communication System TCT example 394 2260 Display Station screen formats 391 TCT example 395 2740 Communication Terminal DFHTCT TYPE=GPENTRY (CICS/DOS/VS only) 414 TCT example 396 2741 Communication Terminal DFHTCT TYPE=GPENTRY (CICS/DOS/VS only) 414 TCT example 397 2770 Data Communication System TCT example 397 2780 Data Transmission Terminal TCT example 398 2980 General Banking Terminal TCT example 399 3270 terminals local 359 3600 Finance Communication System 400 TCT example 306 3600 Pipeline Logical Unit TCT example 307 3614 Consumer Transaction Facility TCT example 307 3650 Host Command Processor Logical Unit TCT example 311 3650 Host Conversational (3270) Logical Unit TCT example 310 3650 Host Conversational (3653) Logical Unit TCT example 309 3650 Interpreter Logical Unit TCT example 310 3650 Pipeline Logical Unit TCT example 310 3660 Supermarket System 402 3735 Programmable Buffered Terminal 402 TCT example 402 3740 Data Entry System 403 TCT example 403 3767 Communication Terminal TCT example 311 3770 Batch Data Interchange Logical Unit TCT example 313 3770 Data Communication System LDCs for batch LU TCT example 312 TCT example 312 3770 Full Function Logical Unit TCT example 314 3780 Data Communication Terminal TCT example 405 3790· Batch Data Interchange Logical Unit TCT example 315 3790 Full Function Logical Unit TCT example 314 3790 Inquiry Logical Unit TCT example 316 3790 SCS-Printer Logical Unit TCT example 315 3790 3270-Display Logical Unit TCT example 314 3790 3270-Printer Logical Unit TCT example 314 6670 Information Distributor TCT example 316 7770 Audio Response Unit messages for 405 TCT example 407 8815 Scanmaster, TCT example 457 Index 511 Customer Information Control System/Virtual Storage (CICS/VS) Version 1 Release 6 Resource Definition Guide READER'S COMMENT FORM Order No. SC33-0149-2 This manual is part of a library that serves as a reference source for systems analysts, programmers, and operators of IBM systems. 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