SC34 0636 0_EDX_5.0_Messages_and_Codes_Dec84 0 EDX 5.0 Messages And Codes Dec84
SC34-0636-0_EDX_5.0_Messages_and_Codes_Dec84 SC34-0636-0_EDX_5.0_Messages_and_Codes_Dec84
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~. -- - --------- -- --- ----_ .- Series/1 SC34-0636-0 Event Driven Executive Messages and Codes Version 5.0 library Guide and Common Index Installation and System Generation Guide Operator Commands and Utilities Reference SC34-0645 SC34-0646 SC34-0644 Language Reference Communications Guide Messages and Codes SC34-0643 SC34-0638 SC34'{)636 Operation Guide Event Driven Language Programming Guide Reference Cards SC34'{)642 SC34-0637 SBOF -1625 Problem Determ i nation Guide Customization Guide Internal Design SC34-0639 SC34-0635 LY34-0354 -------- --- --- -------_.-~-- Series/1 SC34-0636-0 Event Driven Executive Messages and Codes Version 5.0 o Messages and Codes SC34·0636 o o 0,',', 'I First Edition (December 1984) Use this publication only for the purpose stated in the Preface. Changes are made periodically to the information herein; any such changes will be reported in subsequent revisions or Technical Newsletters. This material may contain reference to, or information about, IBM products (machines and programs), programming, or services that are not announced in your country. Such references or information must not be construed to mean that IBM intends to announce such IBM products, programming, or services in your country. Publications are not stocked at the address given below. Requests for copies of IBM publications should be made to your IBM representative or the IBM branch office serving your locality. This publication could contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. A form for readers' comments is provided at the back of this publication. If the form has been removed, address your comments to IBM Corporation, Information Development, 3406, P. O. Box 1328, Boca Raton, Florida 33432. IBM may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation whatever. You may, of course, continue to use the information you supply. © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1984 o Summary of Changes for Version 5.0 The following changes have been made to this document. New messages have been added to Chapter 2. They are issued by the following utilities and software features: o • • • $COPYUTI $DEBUG $TERMUT2 $TRANS. Summary of Changes for Version 5.0 iii o o o iv SC34-0636 c About This Book This book describes the messages and codes issued by the Event Driven Executive Version 5.0 operating system, and by related licensed programs that run under the Event Driven Executive . C Audience The information in this book is useful for anyone who uses the Event Driven Executive system, its utility programs or related licensed programs, or who codes, executes, or debugs application programs. How this Book is Organized This book contains two main parts and one appendix: • "Part 1. Messages" on page MC-1 explains error and special information messages issued by the Event Driven Executive system, utilities, and related licensed programs. • "Part 2. Codes" on page MC-297 explains completion, post, and return codes issued by the Event Driven Executive system, utilities, and related licensed programs. It also lists the stop codes. • Appendix A, "Program Checks and Processor Status Word (PSW)" on page MC-393 describes program check error messages, system program check error messages, and the processor status word. o About This Book v About This Book How this Book is Organized (continued) A Guide to the library o Refer to the Library Guide and Common Index for information on the design and structure of the Event Driven Executive library and for a bibliography of related publications. Contacting IBM about Problems with Event Driven Executive Services You can inform IBM of any problems you find when using this book by completing and mailing in the Reader's Comment Form at the back of the book. If you have a problem with the IBM Series/! Event Driven Executive services, you should fill out an authorized program analysis report (APAR) as described in the IBM Series/l Software Service Guide, GC34-0099. 0·. . , I ,1 o vi SC34-0636 c Contents Part 1. Messages MC-l c Chapter 1. Introduction to Messages MC-3 How Messages are Documented MC-4 Identifying Variables in Messages MC-4 Finding Messages in the Book MC-S How Messages are Alphabetized MC-S Finding Messages that Begin with Special Characters MC-S Finding Messages that Begin with Numbers MC-6 Other Hints for Finding Messages MC-6 Chapter 2. Messages MC-7 Tips for Finding Messages in This Chapter MC-7 Part 2. Codes MC-297 Chapter 3. Completion Codes MC-299 $EDXASM Completion Codes MC-300 $EDXLINK Completion Codes MC-30l $JOBUTIL Completion Codes MC-302 $UPDATE Completion Codes MC-303 $XPSLINK, $XPSPOST, $XPSPRE Completion Codes MC-304 Chapter 4. Post Codes MC-30S BIND Event Post Codes MC-306 Channel Attach Post Codes MC-307 Tape Post Codes Me-309 WAITM Instruction Post Codes MC-3l0 o Contents vii Contents Chapter S. Return Codes MC-3tt Binary Synchronous Communications (BSC) Return Codes MC-313 Channel Attach Return Codes MC-315 Data Formatting Return Codes MC-317 Disk and Diskette Read/Write Return Codes MC-318 $DISKUT3 Return Codes MC-320 EXIO Return Codes MC-321 Floating-Point Return Codes MC-322 Formatted Screen Image Return Codes MC-323 $IMDATA - Screen Image Unprotected Fields MC-323 $IMOPEN - Formatted Screen Image MC-323 $IMPROT - Screen Image Protected Fields MC-323 General Purpose Interface Bus (GPffi) Return Codes MC-324 Indexed Access Method Return Codes MC-325 Job Queue Processor Return Codes MC-328 LOAD Return Codes MC-329 Message Handler Return Codes MC-330 Multiple Terminal Manager Return Codes MC-331 $PDS Return Codes MC-333 $RAMSEC Return Codes MC-334 SBIO (Sensor-Based I/O) Return Codes MC-335 SDLC Communications Return Codes MC-336 Series/l-to-Series/l Attachment Return Codes MC-337 Sort/Merge Return Codes MC-338 Spool Return Codes MC-339 System Return Codes MC-340 Systems Network Architecture Return Codes MC-341 NETCTL Return Codes MC-341 NETGET Return Codes MC-343 NETINIT Return Codes MC-345 NETPUT Return Codes MC-346 NETTERM Return Codes MC-347 Systems Network Architecture Extended Error Codes MC-348 NETBIND Return Codes MC-348 NETCLOSE Return Codes MC-348 NETOPEN Return Codes MC-349 NETRECV Return Codes MC-349 NETSEND Return Codes MC-350 NETUBND Return Codes MC-352 Session Termination Return Codes MC-353 Tape (READ/WRITE) Return Codes MC-354 Terminal I/O Return Codes MC-355 T~rminal I/O - General MC-355 Telminal I/O - ACCA Return Codes MC-356 Terminal I/O - Interprocessor Communications Return Codes MC-356 Terminal I/O - Virtual Terminal Communications Return Codes MC-356 Terminal I/O - 4975 Printer Return Codes MC-357 TP (Host Communication Facility) Return Codes MC-358 o o I o viii SC34-0636 c Unmapped Storage Return Codes MC-360 X.21 Circuit Switched Network Return Codes MC-361 Return Codes Listed by Number MC-362 Chapter 6. Stop Codes MC-389 Appendix A. Program Checks and Processor Status Word (PSW) MC-393 How to Interpret the Program Check Message MC-393 Format 1: Standard Program Check Messages MC-393 Processor Status Word MC-395 Processor Status Word Bit Descriptions MC-396 Format 2: Program Check Message from $$EDXIT MC-398 Glossary of Terms and AbbreviationS MC-40t Index MC-4tt ·0 o Contents ix o o o x SC34-0636 Part 1. Messages Part 1 contains many of the messages issued by the following utilities, modules, licensed programs, and system functions: c • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • $BSCTRCE $BSCUTI $BSCUT2 $COMPRES $COPY $ COPYUT 1 $DASDI $DEBUG $DICOMP $DllNTR $DIUTIL $DISKUTI $DISKUT2 $DIRECT $DUMP $EDXASM $EDXLINK $GPIBUT1 $HXUTI $IAM (*) $IAMUTI (*) $IMAGE $INITDSK IOLOADER $IOTEST $JOBQUT o Part 1. Messages MC-l • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • $JOBUTIL $LOG $MEMDISK $MSGUTI $MTM(*) $PREFIND $RJE2780,$RJE3780 $RJESNA (*) $RMU $SNA (*) $SlASM $STGUTI $SUBMIT $SlSlUTl $TAPEUTI $TERMUTI $TERMUT2 $TRANS $TRAP $UPDATE $UPDATEH $VERIFY (*) $XPSLINK $XPSPOST $XPSPRE Loader Printer Spooling Sensor I/O (*) Sort/Merge (*). 0 0 An asterisk (*) indicates a licensed program or a utility related to a licensed program. A licensed program is a separately purchased program which is not part of the basic Event Driven Executive system. Part 1 consists of the following chapters: • Chapter 1, "Introduction to Messages" explains how the messages are organized and documented. It also gives tips for locating hard-to-find messages. • Chapter 2, "Messages" contains messages arranged in alphabetical order. o MC-2 SC34-0636 c Chapter 1. Introduction to Messages The messages in Chapter 2 are generated during: c • System and device initialization • Execution of a utility • Execution of an application program • Execution of a licensed program Assembling a source program • Compiling a source program. Most of the messages in this book indicate abnormal or error conditions. Others provide information during normal operations. Most messages require you to take some action, either to restore conditions to normal, or to allow normal operations to proceed. Self-explanatory information messages that do not require any user response, as well as most prompts, are not included in this book. o Chapter 1. Introduction to Messages MC-3 ,Introduction to Messages How Messages are Documented The documentation for each message includes the following information: o Message Text: Shows the actual message (in boldface type) worded exactly as issued. Variables are indicated by lower case letters. Issued By: Identifies the utility, program product, or system function that issued the message. Explanation: Explains the conditions or actions that caused the message to be issued. System Action: States what the utmty or system function does in response to the condition. When there is no action taken, "None" appears. User Response: Explains what action you must take to resume normal operations. Identifying Variables in Messages If you get a message that contains the name of a particular data set, volume, terminal, or other device, that name is a variable. Also, if you get a message that contains a number, such as an address, storage size, record number, or buffer size, that number is probably a variable. Variables are represented in this book as follows: xxx = First or only variable in a message yyy = 2nd variable in a message zzz = 3rd variable in a message non = 4th variable in a message o Note that they consist of three lowercase letters. In this book, representations of variables can stand for any combination of letters or numbers, regardless of the number and type of characters that actually appear in a variable in a message. For example, you may get the following message: DATA SET SAMPLEl,VOLUMEl NOT FOUND You know that SAMPLEl,VOLUMEl are variables because they refer to one of your own data sets. In the book, you would find the message documented as follows: DATA SET xxx,yyy NOT FOUND o MC-4 SC34-0636 o Finding Messages in the Book The messages are in alphabetical order, but here are a few tips to help you locate some that might seem hard to find. How Messages are Alphabetized The messages in this book are alphabetized word-by-word rather than letter-by-Ietter. The sample list of messages that follows illustrates the order in which messages appear: A COPY OF THE NEW DIRECTORY EXISTS ON $WRKDIR,IPL VOLUME A COPY STATEMENT IS NOT ALLOWED WITHIN COPY CODE A DATA ADDRESS MUST BE SPECIFIED A DATA SET MUST PRECEDE A COMMA A DEVICE ADDRESS MUST BE SPECIFIED ACTION= PARAMETER IS INCORRECT o Notice, for example, that the message A DEVICE ADDRESS MUST BE SPECIFIED appears before the message ACTION= PARAMETER IS INCORRECT. According to the word-by-word method, messages starting with the same first word (or in this case, a letter) are grouped together. Therefore, although the second letter in the word ACTION is a "c" while the second letter in the message A DEVICE ADDRESS MUST BE SPECIFIED is a "D", messages beginning with the word A appear first. Finding Messages that Begin with Special Characters Some messages begin with special characters: the pound sign (#), the dollar sign ($), and the asterisk (*). To find such a message, look at the letter that follows the special character. The message is listed alphabetically according to this letter. c Chapter 1. Introduction to Messages MC-5 Introduction to Messages Finding Messages in the Book (continued) Here is an example of finding a message that begins with a special character. Assume that the following message appears on your terminal: o $DISKUT3 LOAD ERROR ENCOUNTERED You know that "$" is a special character, so you note the first letter that comes after it in the message, which is "D". Going to Chapter 2, you look for the message under the listings for "D". You find the message documented the same way it was displayed: $DISKUT3 LOAD ERROR ENCOUNTERED Finding Messages that Begin with Numbers· A few messages begin with numbers that refer to things such as index registers and printers. These messages are at the end of the list of messages. For example, you might receive this message: 497S-01L REQUIRES BIT RATE OF 2400 Since the message begins with a number, you would go to the end of Chapter 2 to find it. Other Hints for Finding Messages o You may get a message that can be issued by several different utilities. The message texts may be the same, but the explanations are probably different. Make sure you check the heading "Issued by" when you look up a message. Then you will know that the message explapation you are reading is the right one. o MC-6 SC34-0636 c Chapter 2. Messages Tips for Finding Messages in This Chapter G To find a message that begins with a special character, (#, $, *) look for it under the first letter that follows the character. To find a message that begins with a number, go to the end of Chapter 2. Some messages are issued by more than one utility. Check the "Issued by" part of the message, to be sure that you are reading the correct explanation for the message you received. C "\j . "',I Chapter 2. Messages MC-7 A A COpy OF THE NEW DIRECTORY EXISTS ON $WRKDIR,IPL VOLUME A DATA ADDRESS MUST BE SPECIFIED o Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $IAMUTI Explanation: During the process of renaming the new directory data set to $IAMDIR (using the AL or AS sub commands of DR), an error occurred. The new directory data set name is $WRKDIR residing on the IPL volume. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Use $DISKUTI to rename Explanation: The address of a I-word storage area for the queue entry must be specified on the FIRSTQ, LASTQ, and NEXTQ instructions. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify the address or label of the area for "loc" on the FIRSTQ, LASTQ, and NEXTQ instructions. $WRKDIR to $IAMDIR. A DATA SET MUST PRECEDE A COMMA A COpy STATEMENT IS NOT ALLOWED WITHIN COpy CODE Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The copy code source module contains another COpy statement. Copy code cannot contain references to other copy code. Issued by: $SUBMIT Explanation: You left out the name of the data set in response to a prompt. The format of your response should be a data set name, a comma, and a volume (dataset,volume). System Action: Returns to command mode. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Remove the nested COPY statement from the source module by rearranging code or by converting copy code to in-line code. Recompile the program. o User Response: Enter a valid data set name followed by a comma and a volume name. Do not put a space between the data set name and the comma. c MC-8 SC34-0636 A o A DEVICE ADDRESS MUST BE SPECIFIED ACTIVE STRUCTURE IS NOT IF Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The ADDRESS= operand is required and must be within the range X'OO' to X'FF'. Explanation: $EDXASM has encountered instructions that are part of an "IF" structure (IF, ELSE or ENDIF), but the structure being processed is not an "IF" structure. This error can occur when the instruction terminating the previous structure was not recognized or was omitted. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify the address within X'OO' toX'FF'. ACTION= PARAMETER IS INCORRECT System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Check the structure preceding the "IF" structure and code a valid terminating instruction for it. Issued by: $EDXASM c Explanation: The parameter for the ACTION = operand of the GETEDIT /PUTEDIT instruction is specified incorrectly. Valid parameters are "10" and "STG". System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify either ACTION =10 or ACTION=STG. ACTIVE STRUCTURE IS NOT DO Issued by: $EDXASM ADAPTER=MFA IS INVALID WITH X.21 TYPE=AC OR TVPE=DC Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: You coded ADAPTER=MFA on the BSCLINE statement when you specified "AC" (auto-call) or "DC" (direct-call) for the TYPE operand. The ADAPTER operand is not valid with TYPE=AC or TYPE=DC. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Remove the ADAPTER operand from the BSCLINE statement. Explanation: The active structure is not DO or there was no active structure. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Ensure the DO logic is correct. Chapter 2. Messages MC-9 A ADAPTER OR DEVICE ADDRESS, OR DEVICE NAME INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED ADAPTER STATEMENT FOLLOWS END=YES ADAPTER STATEMENT o Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The ADDRESS= operand on the ADAPTER or TERMINAL statement must be specified for MFA and ALPA adapters. The device address must be within the address range of the adapter. In addition, the device name specified must be one of the valid device types supported. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify a valid address and device name. Explanation: All ADAPTER statements must be grouped together, preceding the definition of the first device attached to an MFA or ALPA adapter. The last ADAPTER statement must have END = YES specified. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Group all ADAPTER statements together with the last statement specifying END= YES. ADAPTER TYPE NOT SUPPORTED ADAPTER= PARAMETER IS INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The type specified on the ADAPTER= operand is invalid for this device. Explanation: The ADAPTER operand is coded incorrectly on the BSCLINE statement, or the label is missing on the BSCLINE statement where ADAPTER= is coded correctly. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. o User Response: Read the description of the ADAPTER operand for the device types that can be specified for this adapter. User Response: Ensure the BSCLINE statement has a label and the ADAPTER= operand is coded correctly. o MC-tO SC34-0636 A c ADC ADDRESS SPECIFIED INSTEAD OF MULTIPLEXER ADDRESS ADDR FIELD TOO LARGE - EXPANSION TERMINATED Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: You specified the address of the Analog Digital Controller on the IODEF statement. You should have specified the Analog Input Multiplexer address. Explanation: The device address operand on the previous CAxxx instruction contains a value greater than 255. System Action: Terminates the expansion. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Code the address of the Analog Input Multiplexer that you wish to access. ADDR FIELD TOO LARGE - CAxxx TERMINATED User Response: On the CAxxx instruction, specify a two-digit hexadecimal device address operand that is less than or equal to 255, and reassemble. ADDR FIELD TOO SMALL - CAxxx TERMINATED Issued by: $SIASM Issued by: $SIASM Explanation: The device address operand on the CAxxx instruction contains a value greater than 255. Explanation: The device address operand on the CAxxx instruction contains a value less than zero. System Action: Terminates expansion of the System Action: Terminates expansion of the CAxxx instruction. CAxxx instruction. User Response: On the CAxxx instruction, specify a two-digit hexadecimal device address operand that is less than or equal to 225, and reassemble. User Response: On the CAxxx instruction, specify a two-digit hexadecimal device address operand that is greater than or equal to zero, and reassemble. c Chapter 2. Messages MC-II A ADDR FIELD TOO SMALL - EXPANSION TERMINATED ADDR WAS NOT SUPPLIED-CAxxx TERMINATED Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $SlASM Explanation: The device address operand on the previous CAxxx instruction contains a value less than zero. Explanation: The device address operand on the CAxxx instruction is a required operand and was not supplied. System Action: Terminates the expansion. o System Action: Terminates the CAxxx instruction. User Response: On the CAxxx instruction, specify a two-digit hexadecimal device address operand that is greater than or equal to zero, and reassemble. ADDR SPECIFIED INCORRECTLY EXPANSION TERMINATED User Response: On the CAxxx instruction, specify a valid device address operand, and reassemble. ADDR WAS NOT SUPPLIED - EXPANSION TERMINATED Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The device address operand on the previous CAxxx instruction has an invalid hexadecimal entry in the first and/or second digits. Explanation: The device address operand on the previous CAxxx instruction is a required operand and was not supplied. System Action: Terminates the expansion. System Action: Terminates the expansion. User Response: On the CAxxx instruction, specify a valid device address operand whose first and second digits are valid hexadecimal entries, and reassemble. User Response: On the CAxxx instruction, specify a valid device address operand, and reassemble. o o MC-12 SC34-0636 A c ADDRESS= MUST BE SPECIFIED ALLOCATE ERROR. RETURN CODE = xxx Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $IAMUTI Explanation: The ADDRESS= operand is required and the address specified must be in the range of X'OO' to X'FF'. Explanation: During the process of allocating the directory data set (using the AL subcommand of DR) an error occurred. The result was a $DISKUT3 return code of xxx. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify the ADDRESS= operand in the range of X'OO' to X'FF' ALL DIRECTORY ENTRIES WILL BE DELETED, CONTINUE (YIN)? System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Check the $DISKUT3 return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. ALLOCATE FAILED FOR DATASETRETURN CODE = xxx Issued by: $IAMUTI Issued by: $IAMUTI Explanation: On a request to reallocate the c directory data set (using the AL or BN subcommands of DR), this prompt reminds you that all entries will be deleted, and requests confirmation to reallocate. Explanation: Using the DF command, an attempt to allocate the indexed file resulted in a $DISKUT3 return code of xxx. System Action: Current function terminated. System Action: Awaits operator response. User Response: Reply "Y" to delete all entries and reallocate the directory data set. Reply "N" to receive another prompt for the type of allocate request desired. User Response: Examine the $DISKUT3 return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-13 A ALLOCATION CONSISTENCY ERROR AN IF/ELSE/ENDIF OR DO/ENDDO CLAUSE HAS NOT BEEN TERMINATED o Issued by: $HXUTI Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: $HXUTI encountered a data set label that is inconsistent with the preceding labels on this diskette. For example, the areas defined for two data sets overlap. One of three possible messages immediately follows this message identifying the specific consistency error. Explanation: When the ENDPROG statement was encountered, it was determined an IF /ELSE/ENDIF or DO/ENDDO structure was active. System Action: None. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Refer to the message you received indicating the specific consistency error to correct the problem. ALTERNATE SECTOR IN ERROR AFTER ASSIGN - RETRY User Response: Ensure that all coding structures are terminated with the appropriate ending statement. AN INVALID KEYWORD PARAMETER WAS SPECIFIED Issued by: $DASDI Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: In attempting to verify the data after the alternate assignment was complete, an error was detected in the assigned alternate. Explanation: A parameter specified for a keyword operand was not valid for the instruction. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Assign another alternate sector for the alternate just assigned. o System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Determine the valid parameter values for the keyword operands in the instruction and code them accordingly. o MC-14 SC34-0636 A c ANY MORE DATA TO BE LOADED? ASSOCIATED SECONDARY ENTRIES WILL BE DELETED, CONTINUE (V IN)? Issued by: $IAMUTI Issued by: $IAMUTI Explanation: Using the LO command, an end of data condition was encountered on the input data set. It is possible that more input data exists in another data set. System Action: Awaits operator response. User Response: Reply "Y" to receive a prompt for the input data set. Reply "N" to end the function normally. ASSOCIATED PRIMARY ENTRY (DSNAME,VOLUME) Issued by: $IAMUTI c Explanation: Using the IE subcommand of DR, you are prompted for the name of the primary data set and volume associated with the new secondary entry. System Action: Awaits operator response. User Response: Enter the data set name and volume of the primary indexed file. If you omit the volume, the IPL volume is assumed. Explanation: The directory entry to be deleted (using the DE subcommand of DR) is a primary entry with associated secondary entries. This prompt reminds you that the secondary entries will also be deleted, and requests confirmation of the deletes. System Action: Awaits operator response. User Response: Reply "Y" to delete the primary entry and all its secondaries. Reply "N" to cancel the delete. ATTACHMENT RPQ 002242 ACTIVE ATTACHMENT RPQ 002241 INACTIVE Issued by: $SISlUTl Explanation: The primary processor is not active. The secondary processor is active. The attachment is not complete. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: Wait and retry. If possible, contact the operator of the primary processor to have it turned on. c Chapter 2. Messages Me-15 A ATTACHMENT RPQ 002241 ACTIVE ATTACHMENT RPQ 002242 INACTIVE ATTN LIST: SCOPE= MUST BE LOCAL OR GLOBAL Issued by: $SISI UTI Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The primary processor is active. The secondary processor is not active. The attachment is not complete. Explanation: The only valid operands for an ATTNLIST instruction are "LOCAL" or "GLOBAL" . System Action: Returns to command mode. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Wait and retry. If possible, contact the operator of the secondary processor to have it turned on. o User Response: Ensure the local or global operand is spelled correctly. ATTEMPT TO READ MORE RECORDS WITH 1 STATEMENT THAN ARE AVAILABLE Issued by: $TAPEUTI Explanation: You attempted to read more records than exist in the file. o System Action: Issues a tape read/write return code and continues processing. User Response: Check the tape read/write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. ATTNLIST COMMAND NAME MUST BE 1-8 CHARACTERS IN LENGTH Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: Entries in the ATTNLIST command name must not exceed 1-8 characters in length. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Ensure the command string does not exceed eight characters in length. o MC-16 SC34-0636 B o BITS= INVALID FOR AI AND AO Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The BITS= operand cannot be specified for AI, AO, DO PULSE, or external sync DI/DO operations. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Do not code the BITS= operand for the sensor I/O operations previously described. # BLOCKS IN FREEPOOL CHAIN DOES NOT MATCH FREE POOL COUNT IN FCB Issued by: $VERIFY Explanation: The FeB contains a count of the number of blocks in the freepool chain. That count does not match the actual number of blocks as counted by $VERIFY. System Action: Verification continues. User Response: Rebuild the $IAM file. BITS= MUST BE SPECIFIED WITH TVPE=SUBGROUP o BLOCKSIZE MUST BE NUMERIC Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $IAMUTI Explanation: The BITS= operand must be specified if TYPE=SUBGROUP is coded on the 10DEF statement. Explanation: Using the LO or UN commands, the response to the block size must be a decimal value up to 4 digits. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. reissued. User Response: Specify the starting bit and bit length for the BITS= operand. digits. System Action: The block size prompt is User Response: Enter a decimal value up to 4 BLOCK OUT OF SEQUENCE. RBN xxx Issued by: $VERIFY Explanation: A data block which is used but empty nevertheless has a high key assigned to it. In this case, the block is out of sequence according to that high key. System Action: Verification continues. User Response: Rebuild the $IAM file. c Chapter 2. Messages Me-17 B o BOE GREATER THAN EOE FOR DATA SET xxx DEFINED AT RECORD yyy DATA SET NOT CONSIDERED ALLOCATED BRACKET ERROR ENCOUNTERED ON LINE #xxx Issued by: $MSGUTI Issued by: $HXUTI Explanation: There is a syntax error in the right set of parameter brackets. Explanation: This message is preceded by "ALLOCATION CONSISTENCY ERROR". The beginning of extent (BOE) is larger than the end of extent (EOE) in the H-exchange diskette. data set. System Action: None. User Response: Enter the un command (update data set label by name) or the UH command (update data set label by number) and specify the correct starting and/or ending address (if known) to the prompt(s) for the beginning and ending extents. BOE OR EOE DEFINED IN HEADER LABEL AREA FOR DATA SET xxx DEFINED AT RECORD yyy DATA SET NOT CONSIDERED ALLOCATED Issued by: $HXUTI Explanation: This message is preceded by "ALLOCATION CONSISTENCY ERROR". Either the beginning of extent (BOE) or the end of extent (EOE) of a data set points to an area in the H -exchange data set label area. System Action: None. User Response: Enter the un command (update data set label by name) or the UH command (update data set label by number) and specify the correct starting and/or ending address (if known) to the prompt(s) for the beginning and ending extents. System Action: Continues processing source User Response: When processing finishes, correct the error and retry. BSC CLOSE ERROR - RC=xxx Issued by: $TRANS Explanation: The system encountered an error while executing the BSCCLOSE instruction. System Action: The utility ends. User Response: Check the BSC return codes and o take appropriate action. BSC OPEN ERROR - RC=xxx Issued by: $TRANS Explanation: The system encountered an error while executing the BSCOPEN instruction. System Action: The system prompts you to specify another BSC line address. User Response: Check to be sure you specified a valid BSC line address. If the address was incorrect, specify a valid one and try the BSCOPEN instruction again. If it was correct, end the utility. Check the BSC return codes and take appropriate action. o M C-18 SC34-0636 B c BSC READ ERROR - RC=xxx BSF ERROR - TAPE RC = XXX Issued by: $TRANS Issued by: $TAPEUTI Explanation: The system encountered an error while executing a BSCREAD instruction. Explanation: An I/O error occurred during the backspace file· function. The result was tape read/ write return code of xxx. System Action: The system returns to the command mode. User Response: Check the BSC return codes and take appropriate action. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: Check the tape read/write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. BSC WRITE ERROR - RC=xxx BSRERROR-TAPERC=xxx Issued by: $TRANS Issued by: $TAPEUTI Explanation: The system encountered an error while executing a BSCWRITE instruction. c System Action: The system returns to the command mode. Explanation: An I/O error occurred during the backspace record function. The result was a tape read/ write return code of xxx. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: Check the BSC return codes and take appropriate action. User Response: Check the tape read/write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. BSC WRITE FOR REMOTE SHUTDOWN FAILED, RC=xxx Issued by: $TRANS Explanation: While attempting to shutdown, the system encountered a bsc write error. (You entered the ES command on the local system.) System Action: $TRANS ends on the local system. User Response: Check the BSC return codes to find the cause of the problem. Use the EN command to shutdown on the remote system. BUFF ADDRESS IS NUMERIC - CAWRITE TERMINATED Issued by: $SlASM Explanation: The BUFFER operand on the CAWRITE instruction is numeric. The first character must be alphabetic. System Action: Terminates the CAWRITE instruction. User Response: On the CAWRITE instruction, specify a valid BUFFER operand whose first character is alphabetic, and reassemble. c Chapter 2. Messages MC-19 B o BUFF NAME IS NUMERIC - EXPANSION TERMINATED BUFFER DOES NOT CHECK OUT ABORT ECHO TEST Issued by: $SIASM Issued by: $SISIUTI Explanation: The BUFFER operand on the CAWRITE instruction is numeric. The first character must be alphabetic. Explanation: The echo test sends 1024 bytes of data back and forth to the CPU. The data does not contain the correct values. System Action: Terminates the expansion. System Action: Terminates function. User Response: On the CAWRITE instruction, specify a valid BUFFER operand whose first character is alphabetic, and reassemble. User Response: Retry the function. BUFFER LENGTH EXCEEDS 16380 WORDS BUFF NAME TOO LONG - CAWRITE TERMINATED Issued by: $SIASM Explanation: The BUFFER operand on the CAWRITE instruction has more than eight characters. Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The length specified on the BUFFER statement exceeded 16380 words. The next operand determines whether this length is in bytes or words. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. System Action: Terminates expansion of the CAWRITE instruction. User Response: On the CAWRITE instruction, specify a BUFFER operand that is less than or equal to eight characters in length, and reassemble. BUFF NOT SPECIFIED - EXPANSION TERMINATED Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The BUFFER operand on the CAWRITE instruction is a required operand and is not specified. System Action: Terminates the expansion. User Response: On the CAWRITE instruction, specify a valid BUFFER operand, and reassemble. MC-20 SC34-0636 User Response: Specify a buffer length not exceeding 16380 words (32760 bytes). 0 1,., I, B c BUFFER MAY NOT BE INDEXED - CAIOCB TERMINATED BUFFER SIZE xxx Issued by: $IAMUT1 Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The BUFFER= operand on the CAIOCB statement is specified as an indexable address. expansion. System Action: If you respond with a null input, no action is taken. If you respond with a new size, User Response: On the CAIOCB statement, the new size is stored and then is written to disk as the new buffer size. System Action: Terminates the CAIOCB specify the BUFFER= operand as a nonindexable address, and reassemble. BUFFER MUST BE AN ADDRESS - CAIOCB TERMINATED Issued by: $S1ASM c Explanation: Using the BF command, this message displays the current size of the Indexed Access Method buffer and provides you the opportunity to reset the size. Explanation: The BUFFER= operand on the CAIOCB statement is not supplied as an address. User Response: Reply with a null input to allow the buffer size to remain as it is. Reply with a new buffer size if you desire to change it. BUFFER SMALLER THAN INPUT OR OUTPUT RECORD. INCREASE BUFFER SIZE BEFORE REATTEMPTING OPERATION Issued by: $IAMUT1 System Action: Terminates the CAIOCB expansion. User Response: On the CAIOCB statement, specify the BUFFER= operand as an address, and reassemble. BUFFER POOL EXHAUSTED Issued by: $BSCUT2 Explanation: There is insufficient program storage to contain an input or output record. System Action: Terminates command. User Response: Increase the dynamic program size using the SS command of the $DISKUT2 utility. The buffer size must be large enough to contain the entire input and/or output record (whichever is larger). Explanation: An .internal error was detected. The system buffer overflowed. System Action: Terminates function. User Response: Check the system output to find the error; correct and retry. o Chapter 2. Messages M C-21 B BUFFER SUPPLIED HAS MORE THAN 8 CHARACTERS BUFFER WAS NOT SUPPLIED - CAIOCB TERMINATED Issued by: $SlASM Issued by: $EDXASM, $SlASM Explanation: The BUFFER= operand on the CAIOCB statement has more than eight characters. Explanation: The BUFFER= operand on the CAIOCB statement is required and was not supplied. System Action: Terminates expansion of the System Action: Terminates expansion of the CAIOCB statement. CAIOCB statement. User Response: On the CAIOCB statement, specify a BUFFER= operand that is less than or equal to eight characters in length, and reassemble. User Response: On the CAIOCB statement, specify a valid BUFFER= operand, and reassemble. o o o MC-22 SC34-0636 c c CAIOCB NAME IS NUMERIC - CAxxx TERMINATED CAIOCB NAME TOO LONG - CAxxx TERMINATED Issued by: $SlASM Issued by: $SlASM Explanation: The CAIOCB operand on the previous CAxxx instruction is numeric. The first character must be alphabetic. Explanation: The CAIOCB operand on the CAxxx instruction has more than eight characters. System Action: Terminates expansion of the System Action: Terminates the CAxxx CAxxx instruction. instruction. User Response: On the CAxxx instruction, specify a valid CAIOCB operand whose first character is alphabetic, and reassemble. CAIOCB NAME IS NUMERIC - EXPANSION TERMINATED User Response: On the CAxxx instruction, specify a CAIOCB operand that is less than or equal to eight characters in length, and reassemble. CAIOCB NOT SPECIFIED - EXPANSION TERMINATED Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM o Explanation: The CAIOCB operand on the CAxxx instruction is numeric. The first character must be alphabetic. Explanation: The CAIOCB operand on the previous CAxxx instruction is a required operand and is not specified. System Action: Terminates the CAxxx System Action: Terminates expansion of the expansion. CAxxx instruction. User Response: On the CAxxx instruction, User Response: On the CAxxx instruction, specify a valid CAIOCB operand, and reassemble. specify a valid CAIOCB operand whose first character is alphabetic, and reassemble. 0 \1 " Chapter 2. Messages MC-23 c CANNOT ALLOCATE DATA SET xxx RC=yyy CANNOT REASSIGN ADDRESS OF LOADING TERMINAL Issued by: Session Manager Issued by: $TERMUTI Explanation: While trying to submit a background job, the session manager tried unsuccessfully to allocate a temporary $JOBQ file on EDX003. Explanation: You attempted to change the address of the terminal you are currently using. The supervisor does not allow this. System Action: The session manager does not submit the job. It returns to the previous menu. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: Check the $DISKUT3 return codes for the cause of the error and take the appropriate action. o User Response: Either reassign a different terminal or go to another terminal and reassign your original terminal. CAPS= INVALID WITH IMMEDIATE TEXT CANNOT LOAD $JOBQ Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: Session Manager Explanation: You tried to submit a background job without first loading the job queue processor, $JOBQ. The session manager tried to load $JOBQ for you, but not enough free storage is available in the system. System Action: The session manager does not submit the job. It returns to the previous menu. User Response: Ensure that one of the partitions has approximately 32K bytes of free storage. Resubmit your background job. Explanation: If the "loc" operand is specified on the READTEXT as an immediate text character string, the CAPS operand is invalid. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. o User Response: Code either the CAPS operand or an immediate text character string but not both. CAPS= INVALID WITH XLATE=NO Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The CAPS= operand cannot be specified on the READTEXT or PRINTEXT instructions if XLATE=NO is specified. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify either the CAPS= operand or XLATE=NO but not both. o M C-24 SC34-0636 c c CAPS MUST BE SPECIFIED AS CAPS=Y(ES) OR A POSITIVE INTEGER CLOSE ERROR. RC = xxx TAPE NOT INITIALIZED Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $TAPEUTI Explanation: The CAPS= operand for folding to upper case characters on the READTEXT or PRINTEXT must be specified as either CAPS = Y or CAPS= YES or CAPS= character count. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to initialize a tape. The result was a tape read/ write return code of xxx. System Action: Returns to command mode. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Correct the error as appropriate User Response: Check the tape read/write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. and recompile. CLOSE ERROR - TAPE RC = xxx CDMINIT2 WAITING FOR STORAGE TO BECOME AVAILABLE FOR COMMAND PROCESSOR o Issued by: $MTM Explanation: CDMINIT2 is waiting to complete Communications Facility (CF) initialization because communications facility buffer has insufficient storage to start MTM/ CF station. System Action: Initialization waits until sufficient storage is available. Issued by: $TAPEUTI Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to close and set the tape offline. The result was a tape read/write return code of xxx. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: Check the tape read/write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. User Response: Delete messages using Communications Facility utility $UTI. CHECKSUM ERROR Issued by: $SlSlUTl Explanation: During transmissions between the two processors, the check sums indicate that data either not sent or not received correctly. System Action: Terminates function. User Response: Retry the function. c Chapter 2. Messages MC-25 c o CODE MUST BE SELF-DEFINING TERM COMMUNICATIONS FACILITY NO LONGER ACTIVE Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $MTM Explanation: The CODE= operand on the DEQ instruction must be explicitly defined as a positive or negative integer. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify an explicit positive or negative integer for CODE=. COMMAND= MUST BE SPECIFIED Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The COMMAND= operand of the IDCB instruction is required and was not specified. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. Explanation: Communications Facility was active during the execution of the CDMINIT2 initialization routine, but CDMINIT2 then detected that the Communications Facility was no longer active. Some stations may have been started and some asynchronous tasks may have been loaded. System Action: The initialization process terminates after this message is issued. Multiple Terminal Manager will be able to operate with all non-Communications Facility functions. User Response: Terminate Multiple Terminal Manager, restart Communications Facility, and then restart Multiple Terminal Manager. COMP= MUST BE SPECIFIED Issued by: $EDXASM User Response: Code the IDCB instruction with the COMMAND= operand and valid parameters. COMMAND PROCESSOR BUSY o Explanation: COMP= operand was not specified, and it is required. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. Issued by: $RJESNA User Response: Specify the COMP= operand on Explanation: You tried to enter an $RJESNA operator command before $RJESNA was finished processing the previously entered command. this instruction. System Action: $RJESNA continues to process the previous command. User Response: Wait and retry the command. o MC-26 SC34-0636 c c COMPID MUST BE SPECIFIED CONCATENATION FILE xxx,yyy NOT FOUND Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $RJE2780, $RJE3780 Explanation: COMPID operand was not specified for the COMP instruction, and it is a required operand. Explanation: The file name and volume you specified for concatenation does not exist. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Specify COMPID on the COMP instruction as a 1-4 character ID enclosed in User Response: Check that the name you specify refers to an existing file. quotes. COMPID MUST BE ENCLOSED IN QUOTES Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: COMPID operand on the COMP c CONDITION MUST BE EQ, NE, GT, LT, GE OR LE FOR STRING COMPARE Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: You did not specify one of the valid operators for a string compare operation. instruction was not enclosed in quotes. System Action: The error is flagged and System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. compilation continues. User Response: Specify COMPID on the COMP instruction as a 1-4 character ID enclosed in quotes User Response: Ensure one of the valid operators is specified for a string compare. for the message data set or storage resident message area. COMPID MUST BE 1-4 CHARACTERS IN LENGTH Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: COMPID specified was not 1-4 characters in length. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify COMPID on the COMP instruction as a 1-4 character ID enclosed in quotes for the message data set or storage resident message area. O "'i' i·1 Chapter 2. Messages MC-27 c CONSOLE NAME IS NUMERIC - $SYSPRTR BEING USED CONSOLE NOT SPECIFIED - $SYSPRTR BEING USED Issued by: $SlASM Issued by: $SlASM Explanation: The CONSOLE= operand on the CAPRINT instruction is numeric. The first character must be alphabetic. Explanation: The CONSOL:P= operand on the CAPRINT instruction is required and is not specified. System Action: Uses the default console System Action: Uses the default console $SYSPRTR. $SYSPRTR. User Response: If $SYSPRTR is not the needed console, then on the CAPRINT instruction specify a valid CONSOLE= operand whose first character is alphabetic, and reassemble. User Response: If $SYSPRTR is not the needed console, then on the CAPRINT instruction you must specify the CONSOLE= operand, and reassemble. CONSOLE= NAME TOO LONG - $SYSPRTR BEING USED o CONSOLE SPECIFIED INCORRECTLYDEFAULT ASSUMED Issued by: $SlASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The CONSOLE= operand on the CAPRINT instruction has more than eight characters. Explanation: The CONSOLE= operand on the CAPRINT instruction is incorrectly specified. o System Action: Uses the default console System Action: Uses the default console $SYSPRTR. $SYSPRTR. User Response: If $SYSPRTR is not the needed console, then on the CAPRINT instruction specify a CONSOLE= operand that is less than or equal to eight characters long, and reassemble. User Response: If $SYSPRTR is not the needed console, then on the CAPRINT instruction specify a valid CONSOLE= operand, and reassemble. o MC-28 SC34-0636 c o CONTROL STORE LOAD FAILED Issued by: $TERMUT2 Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The system was unable to open or load the control store using the LT command. Explanation: A copy code statement was encountered in the source module, but the requested copy code module was not found in any of the copy code volumes. System Action: None. User Response: Verify that you specified a valid control store data set name. To check this, invoke the LA ($DISKUTl) command. Valid data set names are any that are called $4980CSx (where x is any alphanumeric character). If the data set name you specified was not valid, load the control store again specifying a valid data set name. COpy CODE ERROR - EXPANSION TERMINATED Issued by: $EDXASM o COpy CODE MODULE NOT DEFINED System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: You can: 1. Ensure that the name of the copy code module is coded correctly. 2. Edit the language control data set so that it contains the correct volumes. 3. Move the desired copy code module into an existing copy code volume. Explanation: The copy code required for CACBl is not correct. System Action: Terminates the expansion. User Response: Verify that the copy code required is available in your library and is correct. COUNT IS NOT ALLOWED WITH INDEX REGISTERS Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: Index registers and the count operand cannot be used in the same instruction (mutually exclusive). System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Remove the count specification from the instruction and recompile. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-29 c COUNT MAY NOT BE MORE THAN 2 WITH REGISTER OPERANDS COUNT TOO HIGH IN PARM= OPERAND o Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The "count" must not exceed 2 (words) for register move operations. Explanation: The word count specified by the P ARM = operand caused the program header to exceed the maximum size. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. System Action: The error is flagged and User Response: Ensure that "count" does not User Response: Refer to the Language Reference for usage of the PARM= operand of the PROGRAM instruction. exceed 2 words. compilation continues. COUNT MUST BE A POSITIVE SELF-DEFINING TERM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: Self-defining terms are decimal constants, hexadecimal constants, EBCDIC constants, or symbols preceded by a "+" or "-" sign. The "count" must be specified explicitly and not as an address or through a register. o System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Ensure the "count" is specified as a positive self-defining term. COUNT NOT BETWEEN 0 AND 32767 Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The "length" or "count" on the TP instruction is too large or is negative. While the count on most TP instructions cannot exceed 256, the range allowed by $EDXASM is 0-32767. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify the length or count between the range of 0-32767. o MC-30 SC34-0636 c o CRDELAY SPECIFIED INCORRECTLY CSS ONLY REFLECTS LAST HARDWARE ERROR; NOT SOFTWARE Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $SISI UTI Explanation: The carriage return delay (CRDELAY) operand of the TERMINAL statement is coded incorrectly. Explanation: The cycle steal status may not reflect the most recent operation. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. System Action: None. User Response: Examine and recode the User Response: This is an informational message. No user response is needed. CRDELAY operand of the TERMINAL statement. o c Chapter 2. Messages MC-31 D DATA ERR - ECC INVERTED Issued by: $DASDI Explanation: One or more RBAs have an inverted ECC. This indicates than an unrecoverable data error occurred while moving the data in an alternate assignment operation. The integrity of the RBAs has been compromised. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Refresh the RBAs. If problems persist, then assign an alternate sector to the RBAs. DATA ERROR Issued by: $DASDI Explanation: One or more RBAs have returned a data check to the read data. This indicates that the integrity of the data in this RBA has been compromised. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Refresh the RBAs. If problems persist, then assign an alternate sector to the RBAs. DATA SET ALLOCATION OVERLAP FOR DATA SET xxx DEFINED AT RECORD yyy DATA SET NOT CONSIDERED ALLOCATED o Issued by: $HXUTI Explanation: This message is preceded by "ALLOCATION CONSISTENCY ERROR". The extent defined for an H-exchange data set overlaps with another extent. System Action: None. User Response: Enter the UD command (update data set label by name) or the UH command (update data set label by number) and specify the correct starting and/or ending address (if known) to the prompt(s) for the beginning and ending extents. DATA SET DSxxx NOT FOUND Issued by: $PREFIND o Explanation: The data set name you specified does not exist on the volume in use. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: Correct the data set name and/ or volume and retry the function. O"'*' 'I MC-32 SC34-0636 D c DATA SET HAS NO CHECK POINT DATA, RESTART INVALID DATA SET xxx IS NOT A PROGRAM TYPE Issued by: $PREFIND Issued by: $SPLUTI Explanation: When the spool utility tried to read data saved from a previous spool session, it found that the data was unusable. Explanation: The data set name you specified refers to a "data" type data set. It must be a "program" type data set. System Action: Returns to command mode. System Action: Ends the spool operation. User Response: You can: • • Start spooling over again from the beginning. Then rerun the spool job. User Response: Specify a data set that is of the program type and retry the function. DATA SET NAME $$ --- NOT PERMITTED FOR COPYCODE Restart spooling with another spool data set. Issued by: $EDXASM DATA SET INTEGRITY MAY BE COMPROMISED c Issued by: $DIUTIL Explanation: If data exists on the device in use, it may be lost in the next procedure. System Action: Awaits operator response. Explanation: A copy code module cannot have $$ as a prefix; this naming convention is reserved for system use. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Use $DISKUTI utility to rename the data set. Do not use $$ as a prefix in the name. User Response: Cancel the operation if desired, or proceed. DATA SET xxx IS NOT A DATA TYPE Issued by: $PREFIND Explanation: The data set name you specified refers to a "program" type data set. It must be a "data" type data set. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: Specify a data set that is of the data type and retry function. c·. },:· II'" Chapter 2. Messages MC-33 D DATA SET NOT ALLOCATED DATA SET xxx,yyy TOO SMALL, REALLOCATE LARGER o Issued by: $TAPEUTI Issued by: $XPSLINK from $XPSPRE Explanation: An I/O error occurred during the allocation process. System Action: Issues a tape read/write return code. Returns to command mode. User Response: Check the tape read/write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. DATA SET xxx,yyy NOT FOUND Explanation: The specified data set is too small to be used in the function you want to perform. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Reallocate the specified data set to be larger. DATA SET xxx TOO SMALL TO HOLD A NUCLEUS MUST BE AT LEAST 257 RECORDS Issued by: $PREFIND Explanation: The data set you specified does not exist on the volume in use. Issued by: $UPDATE System Action: Returns to command mode. Explanation: The data set you specified to contain a nucleus contains less than the required number of records. User Response: Specify correct data set and System Action: Returns to command mode. volume names. DATA SET NOT FOUND IN DIRECTORY o User Response: Allocate a larger data set of at least 257 records to hold the nucleus. Then retry the function. Issued by: $COPY Explanation: A basic exchange data set was not DATA SET USED FOR SORT HAS INCORRECT FORMAT found in the directory. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: Reenter a valid data set name. Issued by: $DIRECT Explanation: In the sort data set you created, you entered one or more lines the wrong way. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: Edit the sort data set to correct the errors and rerun the function. o MC-34 SC34-0636 D c DATA TYPE MUST BE WORD OR BYTE DCB ADDRESS MUST BE SPECIFIED Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The data type for the BUFFER statement is not "WORD" or "BYTE". Explanation: The DCB= operand must be specified when COMMAND = START or COMMAND=SCSS is coded on the IDCB instruction. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify either "WORD" or System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. "BYTE" for the BUFFER statement. User Response: Specify the label of a DCB statement on the DCB= operand. DATA TYPE MUST BE WORD WITH REGISTER OPERANDS Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: When registers are specified as operands, word precision must also be specified. System Action: The error is flagged and o compilation continues. User Response: Specify word precision when using registers as operands. DECOMPACTION REQUESTED - ROUTINE NOT AVAILABLE Issued by: $RJESNA Explanation: The host attempted to send a compacted data stream or a compaction table, but no decompaction routine has been supplied. System Action: None. User Response: To correct the condition, perform one of the following: DATA TYPE SPECIFICATION IS NOT RECOGNIZED Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: An invalid data type was used in a DATA or DC statement. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. Supply a decompaction routine. Check the host definition of the workstation and verify that compaction has not been specified. Check the link of the decompaction routine installation and verify correct completion. User Response: Examine data statements for invalid or incorrectly coded data constants. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-35 D DEFINED PRINTER IS BUSY DELETE OF 11 VOLUME NAME INVALID IN JOB MODE o Issued by: $RJESNA Issued by: $PREFIND Explanation: In an attempt to use a printer defined to $RJESNA with a PRINTON command or initialization, $RJESNA determined the printer was already in use by another task. A subsequent message, "ENTER C(CONTINUE), T(TERMINATE), R(REDIRECT):" is issued to allow recovery from this error. Explanation: You did not specify an actual volume name for use in job mode. System Action: Terminates function. User Response: Specify a valid volume name and rerun the procedure. System Action: Waits for response. User Response: Retry the operation by entering a "C", or cancel the PRINT command by entering a "T". If you enter a "T", the host is notified that the print function is unavailable, and a command to the host is required to start the printer. To redirect the output to a different printer, specify "R". DELETE ERROR. RETURN CODE = xxx Issued by: $IAMUTI Explanation: Using the AL, AS, or BN subcommands of DR, an error occurred during the process of deleting the old directory data set. The result was a $DISKUT3 return code of xxx. DELETED SECTOR DETECTED FOR DATA SET xxx,yyy AT RECORD zzz Issued by: $HXUTI Explanation: The utility detected a deleted sector on an H-exchange diskette during a copy operation (RX or WX commands). System Action: The utility then asks whether you want to continue or stop the copy operation and waits for your response. o User Response: Enter "Y" to stop the copy operation. Enter "N" to continue; the deleted sector is not copied (skipped) and the copy continues. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Check the $DISKUT3 return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. o MC-36 SC34-0636 D c DENSITY= MUST BE EITHER 1600,3200, OR DUAL (DEFAUlT=1600) DEVICE ADDRESS MUST BE FROM X'OO' TO X1FF'. Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: An invalid density was specified for the TAPE instruction for the 4968 tape device. Explanation: The device address must be within the range of X'OO' to X'FF'. System Action: The error is flagged and System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. compilation continues. User Response: Specify either 1600, 3200, or DUAL for DENSITY=. If omitted, DENSITY = 1600 is the default. User Response: Code the device address within the range X'OO' to X'FF'. DEVICE ADDRESS NOT ASSIGNED DENSITY= MUST BE EITHER 800,1600, OR DUAL (DEFAUlT=1600) Issued by: $EDXASM c Issued by: $TERMUTI Explanation: The terminal control block could not be found for the specified device. Explanation: An invalid density was specified for the TAPE instruction for the 4969 tape device. System Action: Returns to command mode. System Action: The error is flagged and User Response: Retry the function specifying a different terminal name. compilation continues. User Response: Specify either 800, 1600, or DUAL for DENSITY=. If omitted, DENSITY = 1600 is the default. DEVADDR POSITIONALPARAMETER MISSING Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The "devaddr" operand of the EXOPEN or EXCLOSE instruction is required and must be specified as 2-hexadecimal digits. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify the valid device address for "devaddr" as 2 hexadecimal digits within the range X'OO' to X'FF'. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-37 D 0 ', ,I' DEVICE AT ADDRESS xxx UNUSABLE DEVICE AT ADDRESS 22 UNUSABLE Issued by: $DASDI Issued by: $DASDI Explanation: A 4962 or 4963 disk or a 4964 or 4965 diskette device is marked unusable and this status message is printed if 110 operations to the device fail. Some possible causes are: Explanation: A 4966 is searched in slot 1 of magazine A and slot 1 of magazine B. If a diskette is found in anyone of these slots, searching continues until an empty slot is found. If no diskettes in the 4966 diskette device can be accessed, the device is marked unusable and this status message is printed. Some possible causes are: • Unrecoverable hardware error detected on this device at IPL • Diskette inserted incorrectly • Device definition conflict at IPL • • • Unrecoverable hardware error detected on this device at IPL Device not powered on • Diskette inserted incorrectly Device not ready at IPL. • Device definition conflict at IPL System Action: Terminates the initialization. • Device not powered on User Response: Check for problems that may exist with the diskette. Correct any problem and restart the initialization. • Device not ready at IPL. System Action: Terminates the initialization. o User Response: Insert a new diskette in the 4966 diskette device and restart the initialization. DEVICE CANNOT SUPPORT DISKETTE 20 Issued by: $HXUTI Explanation: The diskette was inserted in a diskette drive other than a 4965 or 4966, or you referred to a fixed disk. System Action: The utility rejects the diskette and asks again for the volume name. User Response: Insert the diskette into a 4965 or 4966 diskette drive and reenter the volume name. o MC-38 SC34-0636 D c DEVICE IS BUSY REQUIRED BY xxx DEVICE IS NOT READY Issued by: IOLOADER Issued by: $DASDI Explanation: The xxx group (where xxx is PI, DI, or DO) with external sync defined in the IODEF statement is in use by another resource. Explanation: The device is not turned on, is not plugged in properly, or is for some other reason not operating. System Action: The program load is terminated. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: Check the IODEF or SENSORIO statement and ensure the group xxx is not in use, then retry. User Response: Check the device to see that it is turned on and operational. DEVICE IS NOT SUPPORTED DEVICE IS BUSY REQUIRED BY xxx Issued by: $DASDI Issued by:.$IOTEST (in use by another program). Explanation: While trying to varyoff a device in preparation for initialization, the system found that it does not support the device. System Action: Returns to command mode. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Wait until the device is free and User Response: This is an informational message. No user response is needed. Explanation: The device you tried to use is busy c retry. DEVICE IS NOT A S1S1 ATTACHMENT DEVICE NOT OFFLINE. DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE? Issued by: $SlSlUTl Issued by: $TAPEUTl Explanation: The device address you specified does not refer to a Series/l to Series/l attachment device. Explanation: The operation you are performing will automatically vary off the device. The device may be in use by another program. System Action: Terminates function. System Action: Awaits operator response. User Response: Determine the supported attachment(s) for your system. Retry the function specifying a valid device address. User Response: Check to see why the device is online. If it is in use, answer the prompt "N". If it is not in use, answer "Y". Chapter 2. Messages MC-39 D DEVICE NOT SUPPORTED DEVICE SPECIFIED NOT SUPPORTED FOR DEVICE SAVE o Issued by: $IOTEST Issued by: $TAPEUTI Explanation: You issued a command for a specific device type, and the device name you specified is not that type of device. Explanation: The "type" code contained in the DDB of the device to be saved is not supported. System Action: Returns to command mode. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: Determine the proper device names with the· LS command. Then retry the function. User Response: Enter another command if necessary. DEVICE TYPE INVALID DEVICE NOT SUPPORTED BY MFA Issued by: $MTM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The device specified is not supported by the multifunction adapter (MFA). System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Refer to the Installation and System Generation Guide for devices that are supported by the MFA. DEVICE SPECIFIED IS NOT A SERIES/1 SERIES/1 Explanation: The device type specified for the TERMINAL file record listed immediately before this message is invalid or TYPE=3101 and no 3101 support was included. System Action: Does not connect the terminal. 0. 11 ' I, User Response: Edit the TERMINAL record to reflect the correct terminal type or rebuild Multiple Terminal Manager with the 3101 support. Stop and restart the manager. DEVICE TYPE IS NOT SPOOLABLE Issued by: $SISIUTI Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The address you specified does not refer to a S/I-S/1 device. Explanation: A device was incorrectly specified as spoolable. System Action: Terminates function. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Determine the addresses of S/I-S/1 device with the $IOTEST utility. Retry the function specifying the valid device address. User Response: Remove the SPOOL operand from the TERMINAL statement. o M C-40 SC34-0636 D c DIRECTORY DATA SET NOT FOUND Issued by: $IAMUTl Issued by: $INITDSK Explanation: An attempt was made to open the directory data set, but the directory data set could not be found. Explanation: The utility was unable to read or write to the directory of the disk. The result was a return code of xxx. System Action: Terminates the operation. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Create the directory data set using the AL subcommand of DR. User Response: Check the disk and diskette read/write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. It may be necessary to reinitialize the volume or device in question. DIRECTORY ENTRY BEFORE xxx IS INCORRECT COMPRESS ABORTED Issued by: $COMPRES o DIRECTORY I/O ERROR, DISK RC = xxx Explanation: $COMPRES was unable to continue because it found an error in the directory at the point specified by xxx. No compress occurred, but the directory was altered so that members are in order according to location on disk or diskette. System Action: The $COMPRES utility ends. User Response: Check the directory area indicated by xxx. Overlapping directory entries is a possible cause of error. DIRECTORY I/O ERROR RC = xxx Issued by: $COMPRES Explanation: An I/O error occurred in reading the directory of a volume or device being compressed. The compress cannot continue. System Action: Returns an error code. Ends the operation. User Response: Check the disk and diskette read/ write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. Then retry the function. DIRECTORY ERROR CONTINUING READ; STATUS =xxx AT DEVICE yyy. CONTINUING SCAN Issued by: $DISKUTl Explanation: An error occurred while reading the directory of the specified device. System Action: Continues processing. User Response : Possibly, the door of the diskette drive is open, or the disk device is varied offline. Chapter 2. Messages MC-41 o DIRECTORY OPEN ERROR. RETURN CODE DIRECTORY READ ERROR, RC=xxx o = xxx Issued by: $TRANS Issued by: $IAMUTI Explanation: During the process of attempting to open the directory data set, an error occurred. The result was a $DISKUT3 return code of xxx. Explanation: The system encountered an error when attempting to read a volume directory. System Action: Terminates the operation. System Action: The remote sytem displays an error message and a disk return code. The local system returns to command mode. User Response: Check the $DISKUT3 return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. User Response: Check the disk return codes to find the cause of the problem and take appropriate action. DIRECTORY OR VOLUME OVERFLOW ON REMOTE SYSTEM DIRECTORY WRITE ERROR, RC=xxx Issued by: $TRANS Issued by: $TRANS Explanation: The remote system did not have enough directory space or volume space to allocate another volume. System Action: The remote system displays an error message and a return code. The local system returns to command mode. User Response: Free space on the receiving volume or transmit to another volume. Explanation: The system encountered an error when attempting to write to a volume directory. System Action: The remote sytem displays an error message and a disk return code. The local system returns to command mode. o User Response: Check the disk return codes to find the cause of the problem and take appropriate action. DIRECTORY READ ERROR Issued by: $PREFIND Explanation: An error occurred while reading the directory of the volume in use. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: Use a data set or program from another volume, or attempt to back up the damaged volume. o MC-42 SC34-0636 o c DIRECTORY READ ERROR. RETURN CODE =xxx DISCONNECTED FROM xxx Issued by: $MTM Issued by: $IAMUTI Explanation: During the process of reading the directory data set, a read error occurred. The result was a return code of xxx. Explanation: The terminal xxx is disconnected from the Multiple Terminal Manager. System Action: Disconnects the terminal as requested by the user. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Check the disk and diskette read/write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. User Response: Reconnect the terminal if desired, or use it as you would any other terminal not connected to the Multiple Terminal Manager. DISCONNECT FAILED FOR xxx,yyy DIRECTORY WRITE ERROR. RETURN o CODE = xxx Issued by: $IAMUTI Issued by: $IAMUTI Explanation: A $IAM DISCONNECT request was issued for the named indexed file and resulted in an error condition. The fields xxx,yyy stand for the data set name and volume in question. Explanation: During the process of updating the directory data set (DE, IE, or UE subcommands of DR), a write error occurred or, during the process of adjusting the size of the directory data set (AS subcommand of DR), a write error occurred while writing to the new data set ($WRKDIR). The result was a return code of xxx. System Action: Ends the operation. Displays a completion code. User Response: Examine the $IAMUT 1 completion code and take the appropriate action. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Check the disk and diskette read/write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. DISK DIRECTORY NOT AVAILABLE Issued by: $INITDSK Explanation: The utility was unable to access the disk directory. It is in use by another program or device. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: Retry several times. If necessary, wait until the device or volume is not in use. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-43 D DISK ERROR DURING CONCATENATION OPEN DISK ERROR DURING OPEN - FUNCTION ABORTED Issued by: $RJE2780, $RJE3780 Issued by: $RJE2780 Explanation: While the system was trying to open a data set, an I/O error occurred. Explanation: While attempting to open a data set, the system encountered an I/O error, and could not continue processing the requested function. o System Action: Issues a return code. Ends the operation. System Action: Issues a return code. Ends the operation. User Response: Check the disk and diskette read/write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. DISK ERROR DURING INITIALIZATION, RC=xxx User Response: Check the disk and diskette read/write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. DISK ERROR - PUNCHING ABORTED Issued by: $MTM. Issued by: $RJE2780, $RJE3780 Explanation: A disk error occurred while reading the SCRNS volume directory, the PRGRMS volume directory, the TERMINAL data set, or an error occurred while writing to the $MTMSTORE data set. The result was a return code of xxx. Explanation: While performing the punching function, the system encountered an I/O error. It could not continue punching. System Action: Issues a return code. Ends the o operation. System Action: Aborts initialization. User Response: Check the Multiple Terminal Manager return code to find the cause of the problem, and take the appropriate action. User Response: Check the disk and diskette read/write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. o MC-44 SC34-0636 D c DISK ERROR RC =xxx DISK ERROR RC =xxx - RECORD NUMBER =yyy, SAVE PROCEEDING Issued by: $DICOMP Issued by: $TAPEUTI Explanation: During execution of the requested function, an error occurred in reading or writing to the disk. The result was a return code of xxx. Explanation: During the save of a tape, an error occurred in writing data to a disk. The result was a return code of xxx. System Action: Ends the operation. System Action: Continues processing. User Response: Check the disk and diskette read/write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. User Response: Check the disk and diskette read/ write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. DISK ERROR READING SUBMIT FILE DISK ERROR WHILE SPOOLING Issued by: $RJE2780, $RJE3780 Issued by: $RJE2780, $RJE3780 Explanation: While reading the submit file, the system encountered an I/O error. o Explanation: While performing the spooling function, the system encountered an I/O error. System Action: Issues a return code. Ends the operation. System Action: Issues a return code. Ends the operation. User Response: Check the disk and diskette read/write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. DISK ERROR RC = xxx - RECORD IGNORED, RESTORE PROCEEDING User Response: Check the disk and diskette read/ write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. DISK HAS NOT HAD AN 10 DONE VET Issued by: $TAPEUTI Issued by: $INITDSK Explanation: An error occurred while writing a record to disk. At least one 256-byte area of the record will be ignored as the record is rewritten. Explanation: You tried to access a device that has not been initialized for EDX. System Action: Returns to command mode. System Action: Continues processing. User Response: Initialize the device with User Response: Check the disk and diskette read/ write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. $INITDSK, or retry the function using another device. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-45 D DISK INITIALIZATION TERMINATED ABNORMALLY - RC =xxx DISK I/O ERROR ATTEMPTING TO READ $IAM PROGRAM. RETURN CODE =xxx Issued by: $DASDI Issued by: $IAMUTI Explanation: An error occurred during disk initialization, resulting in the termination of the utility. The return code was xxx. Explanation: The program was attempting to read the $IAM program to obtain current storage information. The read failed. The result was a return code of xxx. o System Action: Ends the operation. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Check the disk and diskette read/ write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. User Response: Check the disk and diskette read/write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. DISK I/O ERROR xxx Issued by: $COPYUTI Explanation: During the copy function that you requested, an error occurred in either reading or writing to the disk. The result was a return code of xxx. System Action: Ends the operation. For a multiple member copy, continues copying other members. User Response: Check the disk and diskette read/write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. DISK I/O ERROR ATTEMPTING TO WRITE $IAM PROGRAM. RETURN CODE =xxx Issued by: $IAMUTI Explanation: The program was attempting to write the new storage information back out to the $IAM program. The write failed. The result was a return code of xxx. o System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Check the disk and diskette read/ write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. o MC-46 SC34-0636 D c DISK I/O ERROR IS xxx FOR DATA SET yyy,zzz AT RECORD nnn Issued by: $HXUTI Issued by: $8UBMIT, $JOBQUT Explanation: The utility detected an I/O error during a copy operation (RX or WX commands). The result was a return code of xxx. The data set name and volume are yyy ,zzz. The record where the error occurred is nnn. Explanation: The utility could not get the proper information from the job queue data set. System Action: Displays information on the next exchange record and the next EDX record. The utility then asks whether you want to continue or stop the copy operation and waits for your response. User Response: Check the disk and diskette o DISK I/O ERROR RC = xxx IN THE JOB QUEUE DATA SET read/write return code to determine the problem and whether to continue the operation. Enter "Y" to stop the copy operation. Enter "N" to continue; the content of the copied record is undefined. To examine the copied record, use the dump facility of $DI8KUT2. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: Initialize the job queue data set with the IJQ command and retry the function. Note: this process will delete all jobs that were on the queue. DISK I/O ERROR READING NUCLEUS, • STATUS = xxx Issued by: $8181 UTI Explanation: An error occurred while reading the disk. The result was a return code of xxx. System Action: Returns to command mode. DISK I/O ERROR RC =xxx IN DATA SET yyy,zzz User Response: Recreate the nucleus or retry the function using a different nucleus. Issued by: $DI8KUT2, $M8GUTI Explanation: A disk read or write error was discovered in the named data set. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Check the disk and diskette read/write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. DISK I/O ERROR READING "IPLPGM", STATUS = xxx Issued by: $8181 UTI Explanation: "IPLPOM" is the bootstrap sent to the remote processor for an IPL function. The actual name of the program is IPL8 18 1. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: Verify that IPL8181 is on disk and retry the IPL function. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-47 D DISK I/O ERROR WRITING DISK DIRECTORY POINTER. RC =xxx DISK READ ERROR (DIRECTORY) o Issued by: $UPDATE , $UPDATEH Issued by: $INITDSK Explanation: The new device directory location has a read/write error. Explanation: An error occurred while reading the directory of the volume in use. System Action: Returns to command mode. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: Restore the volume and retry the User Response: Retry the function and specify a different location, or the default. function. DISK READ ERROR (OUTPUT PROGRAM) DISK IS IN USE BY ANOTHER PROGRAM Issued by: $UPDATE, $UPDATEH Issued by: $COMPRES, $DISKUTl, $COPYUTI Explanation: A read error occurred on the output program data set. Explanation: While trying to perform the function, the system found the target disk busy. System Action: Returns to command mode. System Action: Terminates the function or returns to command mode. User Response: Recreate output program data set and retry the function. User Response: Be sure that no one else is using the volume or device and retry the function or device. 0,' I, DISK READ ERROR RC = xxx Issued by: $COPY DISK READ ERROR Issued by: $MTM Explanation: During the copy function, an error occurred while reading from the disk. The result was a return code of xxx. Explanation: An internal Multiple Terminal System Action: Ends the operation. Manager disk read error has occurred. User Response: Check the disk and diskette System Action: Results are unpredictable. read/ write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. User Response: Determine the cause of the error and retry operation. o MC-48 SC34-0636 D c DISK SUPPORT NOT INCLUDED IN SYSTEM DISK WRITE ERROR RC = xxx Issued by: $COPY Issued by: $MEMDISK Explanation: You tried to load the $MEMDISK utility but there is no disk support in the system. System Action: The system cannot load the utility. User Response: If you wish to use the $MEMDISK utility, include the DISKIO module in your link control data set and regenerate your system. Explanation: During the copy function, an error occurred while writing to the disk. The result was a return code of xxx. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Check the disk and diskette read/ write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. DISKETTE DATA SET TOO SMALL DISK WRITE ERROR (DIRECTORY) Issued by: $UPDATE, $UPDATEH c Issued by: $COPY Explanation: The specified data set is too small to hold a copy of the source data. Explanation: An error occurred while writing to the directory in use. System Action: Awaits operator response. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: Use another, larger diskette data set, or a disk data set, to hold the copy. User Response: Check the directory to see that the member you were writing to exists. If the directory cannot be accessed in any way, you will have to restore the volume. DISKETTE I/O ERROR Issued by: $IMAGE DISK WRITE ERROR (OUTPUT PROGRAM) Explanation: An error occurred during a read or write of a diskette. Issued by: $UPDATE, $UPDATEH System Action: Supplies a return code. Ends the Explanation: A write error occurred on the output operation. program data set. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: Check the disk and diskette read/ write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. User Response: Reallocate the output program data set and retry the function. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-49 D DISKETTE IS ONE SIDED - CANNOT BE DOUBLE DENSITY DISK(ETTE) READ ERROR RC =xxx o Issued by: $TERMUT2 Issued by: $DASDI Explanation: You attempted to define a single-density, one-sided diskette as double-density. Explanation: An error occurred while reading from the input data set. The result was a return code of xxx. System Action: Returns to command mode. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Define the one-sided diskette as single-density, or use a two-sided double-density diskette (type 2D) and define it as double density. DISKETTE: xxx IS THE WRONG TYPE User Response: Check the disk and diskette read/write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. Recover the input data set and retry the function. DISKETTE READ ERROR, RETRY (Y IN)? Issued by: $MOVEVOL Issued by: $MOVEVOL Explanation: The diskette you specified is invalid for use with the $MOVEVOL utility. Explanation: A read error occurred on a diskette, causing the function to fail. System Action: Prompts for another diskette. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Specify a diskette of the proper User Response: Retry. If problem persists, use type and retry the function. another diskette. DISKETTE NOT SUPPORTED FOR xxx FUNCTION o DISK(ETTE) WRITE ERROR RC =xxx Issued by: $TERMUT2 Issued by: $TAPEUTl Explanation: The use of a diskette is unacceptable for either the save or restore function. The xxx identifies the function in question. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Specify a disk device for use by the function. Explanation: An error occurred while writing to the output data set. The result was a return code of xxx. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: Check the disk and diskette read/ write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. Save to another data set. o MC-SO SC34-0636 D c $DISKUT3 ERROR IS xxx $DISKUT3 LOAD ERROR. RETURN CODE = xxx Issued by: $HXUT1 Issued by: $IAMUT1 Explanation: The $DISKUT3 operation (on the target data set) requested by $HXUT1 failed. System Action: The command terminates. User Response: Check the $DISKUT3 return code to find the cause of the problem and take the appropriate action. Explanation: During the process of loading $DISKUT3 to perform an open, delete, rename or allocate operation, an error occurred. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Check the $DISKUT3 return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. $DISKUT3 ERROR ON REMOTE SYSTEM Issued by: $TRANS Explanation: An error occurred on the remote system while in a $DISKUT3 function. o System Action: The remote system displays an error message and a $DISKUT3 return code. The local system returns to command mode. User Response: Check the $DISKUT3 return codes to find the cause of the problem and take appropriate action. $DISKUT3 LOAD ERROR ENCOUNTERED Issued by: $VERIFY Explanation: $VERIFY was unable to load $DISKUT3. System Action: An ABEND message follows with the return code from LOAD contained in it. $VERIFY terminates. User Response: Check the LOAD return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. If the LOAD return code indicates insufficient storage, rerun $VERIFY when more space is available in the current partition. C·· '" ii.'! Chapter 2. Messages MC-51 D DISPLACEMENT OUT OF RANGE; MUST BE 0 - xxx DO NOT SPECIFY BOTH MODNAME AND DSX Issued by: $DEBUG Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: You specified a displacement value that was not within the range of the unmapped storage area. xxx is the highest value allowed. Explanation: Both MODNAME and DSX were specified on the COMP instruction, and only one is allowed. System Action: The system prompts you for a valid displacement value. System Action: The error is flagged and User Response: Enter the correct displacement User Response: Specify either MODNAME or DSX on the COMP instruction, but not both. value. DISPLAY DATA BASE - DATA INVALID o compilation continues. DO WHILE OR DO UNTIL MUST HAVE EVEN NUMBER OF OPERANDS Issued by: $DIINTR Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The data set in use contains invalid items. The data set is not a valid partitioned data set. specified. System Action: Ends the operation. System Action: The error is flagged and Explanation: An odd number of operands were compilation continues. o User Response: Rebuild the input data set. User Response: Ensure that an even number of operands is compared to each other. DO NOT RECOGNIZE THIS PROCESSOR TYPE: xxx Issued by: $STGUTI Explanation: The utility cannot perform the requested Junction on the model of processor in your system. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: Re-IPL to try to correct the problem. If the same message keeps occurring, you cannot use $STGUTI with your processor. o MC-52 SC34-0636 D c OS COMMAND NOT PRECEDED BY PROGRAM COMMAND DSLEN= OPERAND IS INVALID Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $JOBUTIL Explanation: One of the following occurred: Explanation: The size for the direct access space was specified incorrectly. • You entered information into the procedure data set in the wrong order. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. • When using option 7 of the session manager, you left out either an asterisk or the file name. User Response: Define the value for DSLEN = explicitly. System Action: Ends the utility. DSNAME= OPERAND MUST BE SPECIFIED User Response: Do one of the following: Issued by: $EDXASM • • o Edit the procedure data set and place all the information in the proper order. Then retry the utility. Make sure that you enter an asterisk or the file name when using option 7. DS#= OPERAND MUST BE SPECIFIED Explanation: The data set name for the data set control block to be accessed was omitted on the DSCB instruction. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify the 1-8 character name of the data set for the DSNAME= operand. Issued by: $EDXASM DSOPEN ERROR - DATA SET NOT FOUND Explanation: The name used to refer to a data set control block was omitted on the DSCB instruction. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. Issued by: $TAPEUTI Explanation : You specified an invalid data set name. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: Specify a 1-8 character name for the DS#= operand. User Response: Specify a valid data set name. O'~i;' .1" Chapter 2. Messages MC-53 D DSOPEN ERROR -INVALID IODA DSOPEN ERROR - VOLUME NOT FOUND Issued by: $TAPEUTI Issued by: $TAPEUTI Explanation: The system tried to open a data set on a device that doesn't exist. The device name you specified is invalid. name. o Explanation: You specified an invalid volume System Action: Returns to command mode. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Specify a valid volume name and User Response: Specify a data set on a valid retry. device. DSOPEN ERROR - I/O ERROR RC = xxx DUMP CANCELED. DISK I/O ERROR RC=xxx Issued by: $TAPEUTI Issued by: $BSCUTI Explanation: A disk read error prevented the data set from being opened. Explanation: An error occurred while the trace data was being dumped to the trace file. The result was a return code of xxx. System Action: Returns to command mode. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Check the disk and diskette read/ write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. DSOPEN ERROR ON REMOTE SYSTEM RC=xxx User Response: Check the disk and diskette read/ write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. o DUMP RANGE INVALID VALID RANGE IS xxxTOyyy Issued by: $TRANS Issued by: $DUMP Explanation: An error occurred on the remote system while in the DSOPEN function. Explanation: An invalid starting or ending storage address was entered during a partial storage dump. System Action: The remote system displays an error message and a DSOPEN return code. The local system returns to command mode. System Action: Terminates the $DUMP utility. User Response: Check the DSOPEN return User Response: Enter a valid storage address in the range xxx to yyy and restart the $DUMP utility. codes to find the cause of the problem and take appropriate action. c MC-54 SC34-0636 o o DUPLICATE NAME IN DIRECTORY - ADD ABORTED DUPLICATE VOLUME LABELS ARE NOT ALLOWED Issued by: $DICOMP Issued by: $COPY Explanation: The new name you specified with the ADD command is the same as an existing name. same volume. Explanation: You tried to copy to and from the System Action: Returns to command mode. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: List all existing names with User Response: Specify different source and target volumes and retry. $DIUTIL. Retry the function with anew, unique name. c o Chapter 2. Messages MC-55 E ECB NAME IS NUMERIC .. EXPANSION TERMINATED ECB NAME TOO LONG .. CAxxx TERMINATED Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $SlASM Explanation: The ECB operand on the CAxxx instruction is numeric. The first character must be alphabetic. Explanation: The ECB operand on the CAxxx instruction has more than eight characters. o System Action: Terminates expansion of the System Action: Terminates the expansion. CAxxx instruction. User Response: On the CAxxx instruction, specify a valid ECB operand whose first character is alphabetic, and reassemble. User Response: On the CAxxx instruction, specify an ECB operand that is less than or equal to eight characters in length, and reassemble. ECB NAME IS NUMERIC ECB NOT SPECIFIED - EXPANSION TERMINATED Issued by: $SlASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The ECB operand on the previous CAxxx instruction is numeric. The first character must be alphabetic. Explanation: The ECB operand on the CAxxx instruction is a required operand but is not specified. System Action: Terminates expansion of the CAxxx instruction. System Action: Terminates the expansion. User Response: On the CAxxx instruction, specify a valid ECB operand whose first character is alphabetic, and reassemble. User Response: On the CAxxx instruction, specify a valid ECB operand, and reassemble. o ECB NAME NOT SPECIFIED - CAxxx TERMINATED Issued by: $SlASM Explanation: The ECB operand on the CAxxx instruction is a required operand but is not specified. System Action: Terminates expansion of the CAxxx instruction. User Response: On the CAxxx instruction, specify a valid ECB operand, and reassemble. o MC-56 SC34-0636 E c EITHER YES= OR NO= MUST BE CODED END OF FILE ERROR (OBJECT MODULE) Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $UPDATE Explanation: A "YES=" or "NO=" operand must be coded on the QUESTION instruction, or the parameter for a keyword operand must be "YES" or "NO". Explanation: $UPDATE found an end of file (EOF) but found no end record. An error may have occurred during the compilation of the object module. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. utility. User Response: Specify either "YES=" or "NO=" operand on the QUESTION instruction or as the value of a keyword operand requiring such a response. System Action: Terminates the $UPDATE User Response: Recompile the object module and retry the utility. END OF FILE ERROR (OUTPUT PROGRAM) ENABLE SPECIFIED INCORRECTLY - YES ASSUMED c Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $UPDATE , $UPDATEH Explanation: An attempt to write to the output program data set failed because the end of file was encountered. The output file was too small. Explanation: A value other than "YES" or "NO" was entered for the ENABLE= operand on the CATRACE instruction. System Action: A value of "YES" is the default System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: Allocate a larger program data set and retry the function. for the ENABLE= operand on the CATRACE instruction. END OF INPUT DIS User Response: If "NO" is required for the ENABLE= operand on the CATRACE instruction, specify such, and reassemble. Issued by: $IAMUTI Explanation: Using the LO, UN, or RO commands, an end of data condition was encountered on the input data set. System Action: If the command is LO, a prompt is issued for another input data set. If the command is UN or RO, the function ends normally. User Response: Respond to the prompt for another input data set if desired. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-57 E END OF VOLUME ENCOUNTERED BEFORE VERIFY COMPLETE ENTER DSNAME,VOLUME, OR ALL FOR ALL SEC. FILES Issued by: $COMPRES Issued by: $VERIFY Explanation: Either you allocated two much dynamic storage when you loaded the utility, or the directory to be compressed is unusable due to an I/O error. Explanation: During the secondary index verification, the program requests the name of the secondary index file to be cross verified against the primary file just verified. System Action: Ends the operation. System Action: Awaits operator response. User Response: In the first case, load the utility with less (or none) dynamic storage. In the second case, restore the volume being compressed. User Response: If you want to cross verify the secondary index file, enter the data set name and volume name of the secondary file. Enter "ALL" to cross verify all secondary files. ENDRJE IN PROGRESS - SUBMIT/X NOT ALLOWED Issued by: $RJESNA Explanation: You tried to submit a job stream after the ENDRJE command was entered. System Action: Continues $RJESNA o EOD ERROR DETECTED ACTUAL DEV/VOL NOT EQUAL TO INDICATED LENGTH EXPECTED = xxx ACTUAL =yyy Issued by: $TAPEUTI termination. Explanation: An EOD was detected unexpectedly while reading the disk. User Response: Wait for $RJESNA to terminate, then restart $RJESNA and submit the job. System Action: Returns to command mode. o User Response: Rerun the function using the actual length specified. o MC-58 SC34-0636 E c EOD ON DISK - DEVICE NOT RESTORED Issued by: $TAPEUTI Explanation : You attempted to restore a disk device, volume, or data set from tape. The disk area you are restoring, however, is not large enough to hold the data on the tape. The system encountered an end-of-data condition while it was writing to the disk area. System Action: The system ends the operation. User Response: Ensure that the device, volume, or data set being restored is the same size as or larger than the device, volume, or data set saved on tape. ERROR xxx AT RECORD yyy Issued by: $INITDSK Explanation: The verify function has detected an error. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: When processing is finished, isolate the defective area and correct the problem, if possible. ERROR ALLOCATING NUCLEUS, $DISKUT3 RC=xxx Issued by: $XPSLINK from $XPSPOST ERROR - A COMMON SECTION AND AN OVERLAV CONTROL SECTION MATCHED -xxx c Explanation: An error occurred while trying to allocate the nucleus on disk or diskette. System Action: Terminates function or prompts Issued by: $EDXLINK for a retry. Explanation: A CSECT xxx specified in one of the overlay segments matched a COMMON section. User Response: Check the $DISKUT3 return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. System Action: Doesn't include the indicated CSECT in the generated program. $EDXLINK sets a completion code of 8. User Response: Resolve the conflict and relink. Perhaps the object module containing the CSECT was included in an overlay segment when it should have belonged in the root segment. ERROR ATTEMPTING TO OPEN $IAM. RETURN CODE = xxx Issued by: $IAMUTI Explanation: The program attempted to open the $IAM program to obtain current storage information. The open failed, resulting in a return code of xxx. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Check the $DISKUT3 return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-59 E ERROR - BLANK LINE NOT ALLOWED STATEMENT IGNORED ERROR - CANNOT RESTORE A VOLUME FROM A DATASET SAVE TAPE Issued by: $XPSLINK from $XPSPRE Issued by: $TAPEUTI Explanation: The current line in the link control data set is blank. Explanation: Using the RT command, a volume restore was requested; however, the tape only contained a data set. o System Action: Ends the operation. System Action: Terminates the utility. User Response: Remove the blank line from the link control data set. ERROR - CANNOT RESTORE A DEVICE FROM A xxx SAVE TAPE User Response: Request a data set restore to retrieve the data on the tape. ERROR - DATASET NAME CANNOT BE CURRENT NUCLEUS NAME Issued by: $TAPEUTI Issued by: $XPSLINK from $XPSPOST Explanation: Using the RT command, a device restore was requested, but the tape only contained a volume or data set. Explanation: You tried to create a nucleus with the same name and volume as the nucleus currently IPLed. This is not allowed. System Action: Terminates the utility. System Action: Terminates function or prompts User Response: Request a volume or data set restore to retrieve the data on the tape. for retry. o User Response: Retry with a different nucleus name or volume. ERROR - CANNOT RESTORE A xxx FROM A yyy SAVE TAPE ERROR - DATASET NAME TOO LONG - xxx Issued by: $TAPEUTI Issued by: $EDXLINK Explanation: Using the RT command, a device restore was requested, but the type of disk being restored (xxx) does not match the type of disk that was saved on tape (yyy). Explanation: The length of the data set name is more than eight characters. System Action: Data set is not opened; System Action: Terminates the utility. User Response: To retrieve the data on the tape, restore the volumes individually. $EDXLINK continues and sets a completion code of 8. User Response: Re-enter the data set name with a maximum of 8 characters. o MC-60 SC34-0636 E o ERROR DELETING EXISTING NUCLEUS, $DISKUT3 RC =xxx. ERROR - EDXSTART WAS NOT INCLUDED Issued by: $XPSLINK from $XPSPRE Issued by: $XPSLINK from $XPSPOST System Action: Terminates function or prompts Explanation: EDXSTART was not included in the link control data set and is required. for retry. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Check the $DISKUT3 return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. ERROR - DUPLICATELY DEFINED SYMBOL - xxx IN yyy ,zzz User Response: Include EDXSTART in the link control data set. ERROR - EDXSYS WAS NOT INCLUDED Issued by: $XPSLINK from $XPSPRE Issued by: $EDXLINK Explanation: Two externally defined symbols have the same name, xxx. They are located in data set yyy on volume zzz. c Explanation: EDXSYS was not included in the link control data set and is required. System Action: Ends the operation. System Action: $EDXLINK discards the second User Response: Include EDXSYS in the link symbol and any references to it are redirected to the first symbol. Also sets a completion code of 8. control data set. User Response: You may have included the same object module twice. If so, edit the control statement data set and remove the INCLUDE statement that refers to the extra object module. You may have given two different externally defined symbols the same name. If so, rename one of these externally defined symbols and relink. ERROR - EDXINIT WAS NOT INCLUDED Issued by: $XPSLINK from $XPSPRE Explanation: EDXINIT was not included in the link control data set and is required. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Include EDXINIT in the link control data set. 0,": " I" Chapter 2. Messages MC-61 E ERROR ENCOUNTERED DURING CLOSE OF INDEXED ACCESS METHOD xxx,yyy, ERROR CODE=zzz ERROR: END OF XPSTABlE NOT ENCOUNTERED o Issued by: $XPSLINK from $XPSPOST Issued by: $MTM Explanation: An error occurred during AUTOCLOSE of an Indexed Access Method data set named by xxx,yyy. The result was a return code of zzz. System Action: None. User Response: Check the Indexed Access Method return code to find the cause of the problem and take the appropriate action. Explanation: The XPSTABLE is not in the correct position. This is a fatal error to $XPSPOST. System Action: $XPSPOST ends unsuccessfully with a completion code of 12. The nucleus is not stored. User Response: Run $XPSLINK again. ERROR - EOF REACHED IN WORK DATA SET - xxx,yyy ERROR ENCOUNTERED USING $DISKUT3 FOR OPEN Issued by: $VERIFY Explanation: $VERIFY attempted to open the indexed file and a $DISKUT3 error occurred. Issued by: $EDXLINK Explanation: The work data set, xxx,yyy, which you supplied for $EDXLINK, was not large enough to complete the required link-edit. System Action: Terminates processing of the link System Action: An abend message follows with the return code from $DISKUT3 contained in it. $VERIFY terminates. User Response: Check the $DISKUT3 return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. o edit and ends $EDXLINK. Also sets a completion code of 16. User Response: Restart $EDXLINK specifying a larger work data set. o MC-62 SC34-0636 E c ERROR EXIT INCORRECTLY SPECIFIEDNONE ASSUMED ERROR - INCOMPLETE CONTROL STATEMENT DATA SET Issued by: $SIASM Issued by: $EDXLINK Explanation: The ERROR= operand on the CAxxx instruction is incorrectly specified. Explanation: No LINK statement was found in the primary control statement data set. System Action: Does not assume any error exit System, Action: Terminates because $EDXLINK didn't know where to put the program you were trying to generate. Also sets a completion code of 16. in the expansions. User Response: Either eliminate the ERROR= operand on the CAxxx instruction, or specify the operand correctly, and reassemble. ERROR EXPECTED RC =xxx ACTUAL RC = User Response: Edit the primary control statement data set. You must include a LINK statement to identify where to put the program. Then relink. yyy Issued by: $TAPEUTI c ERROR - INSUFFICIENT CONTIGUOUS SPACE ON THE VOLUME xxx Explanation: While exercising the tape, the utility expected to receive a certain return code, and actually received another code. Issued by: $EDXLINK System Action: Ends the operation. Explanation: There is not enough contiguous space on the volume to create the output program data set. User Response: Check the actual tape read/ write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. System Action: If $EDXLINK is invoked interactively or via "$L", a prompt will be issued for different volume name. Otherwise, $EDXLINK will print the map, but no program will be stored. $EDXLINK also sets a completion code of 12. User Response: Compress the volume using the $COMPRES utility. C. ,·i " Chapter 2. Messages MC-63 E ERROR - INSUFFICIENT CONTIGUOUS SPACE ON THE VOLUME xxx COMPRESS VOLUME *** REQUIRED CONTIGUOUS SPACE MUST BE yyy RECORDS Issued by: $XPSLINK from $XPSPOST Explanation: There is not enough contiguous space on the volume in use to perform the requested function. System Action: Terminates function or prompts for retry. User Response: Compress the volume using the $COMPRES utility; then retry. ERROR - INSUFFICIENT DIRECTORY SPACE ON THE VOLUME xxx ERROR - INSUFFICIENT DIRECTORY SPACE ON THE VOLUME xxx o Issued by: $XPSLINK from $XPSPOST Explanation: There was not a directory entry available for the nucleus. System Action: Terminates function or prompts for retry. User Response: Create a free directory entry on the volume originally specified by deleting a member, or specify a different volume, and try again. ERROR - INSUFFICIENT DYNAMIC STORAGE WHILE PROCESSING xxx,yyy Issued by: $EDXLINK Issued by: $EDXLINK Explanation: There is not enough directory space on the volume to create the output program data set. System Action: If $EDXLINK is invoked interactively or via "$L", a prompt will be issued for different volume name. Otherwise, $EDXLINK will print the map,but no program will be stored. $EDXLINK also sets a completion code of 12. Explanation: There was not enough dynamic storage to complete the linle o System Action: Terminates $EDXLINK after message is printed, and sets a completion code of 16. User Response: Use the Set Storage (SS) option of $DISKUT2 to set storage to a greater value for $EDXLINK. User Response: Specify a volume with a greater amount of directory space. o MC-64 SC34-0636 E c ERROR - INSUFFICIENT SPACE ON THE VOLUME xxx ERROR - INVALID DATASET NAME - xxx Issued by: $EDXLINK Issued by: $EDXLINK Explanation: There is not sufficient space on the indicated volume for the output of $EDXLINK. System Action: If $EDXLINK is invoked interactively or via "$L", a prompt will be issued for different volume name. Otherwise, $EDXLINK will print the map, but no program will be stored. $EDXLINK also sets a completion code of 12. Explanation: Data set xxx is one of the following invalid names: $$EDXLIB, $$EDXVOL, $$, or $DDExx, (where xx is the device address). System Action: Data set is not opened; $EDXLINK continues and sets a completion code of 8. User Response: Change the name of the data set to a valid name. User Response: Specify a volume with a greater amount of space. ERROR - INVALID ESD ITEM IN xxx,yyy Issued by: $EDXLINK c ERROR - INSUFFICIENT SPACE ON THE VOLUME xxx ***REQUIRED CONTIGUOUS SPACE MUST BE yyy RECORDS Issued by: $XPSLINK from $XPSPOST Explanation: The volume in use does not have enough free space to contain the nucleus. System Action: Terminates function or prompts for retry. User Response: Create more free space on the volume originally specified by deleting members, or use a different volume, and try again. Explanation: $EDXLINK encountered an ESD type it does not support. $EDXLINK only supports the following types: Section Definitions (CSECT), Label Definitions (ENTRY), External References (EXTRN), Private Code (unlabeled CSECT), Common Sections (COMMON), Weak External References, (WXTRN), and Global (GLOBAL). System Action: The indicated object module will not be included in the generated program. Also sets a completion code of 8. User Response: Look at the indicated object module to see whether it is a valid object module. If it is not, remove or replace it in your control statement data set. If it is, you are not permitted to link this object module with $EDXLINK. 0"" '" " Chapter 2. Messages MC-65 E ERROR -INVALID OBJECT MODULE RECORD IN xxx,yyy ERROR INVALID PARTITION NUMBER XXX o Issued by: $SUBMIT, $JOBQUT Issued by: $EDXLINK Explanation: The indicated object module contained an invalid object module record. Explanation: The partition number you entered is not in use in your system. System Action: Prompts for another partition System Action: Dumps 16 bytes starting at the location where the error occurred in the object module. The system will not include this object module in the program generated. Also sets a completion code of 8. User Response: You must regenerate the indicated object module. To do this, assemble or compile the source that generated the indicated object module and relink. number. User Response: Enter a valid partition number. To determine the partitions in your system, issue the $A ALL command. ERROR -INVALID PARTITION NUMBER. STATEMENT IGNORED Issued by: $XPSLINK from $XPSPRE ERROR -INVALID OBJECT RECORD IN Issued by: $EDXLINK Explanation: The PART statement contains an invalid partition number (either a number outside the range 1 - 8, or a partition number that does not exist in your system). Explanation: This data set contains an invalid System Action: Ends the operation. xxx,yyy o object record. User Response: Enter a valid partition number. System Action: Halts processing of the object module; $EDXLINK continues with remaining modules, and sets a completion code of 8. User Response: Reassemble or recompile the program and verify that it completes successfully. ERROR - INVALID STATEMENT. STATEMENT IGNORED Issued by: $XPSLINK from $XPSPRE Explanation: The current line in the link control data set contains an invalid statement (something other than IN, LI, PA, CO, AU, or EN). The line is printed for you to examine. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Remove the invalid entry from the line. o MC-66 SC34-0636 E c ERROR -INVALID SYNTAX - NO DATASET NAME SPECIFIED ERROR - I/O ERROR READING DIRECTORY OF VOLUME xxx Issued by: $EDXLINK Issued by: $EDXLINK Explanation: No data set name was entered on the INCLUDE control statement. Explanation: A hardware error occurred while reading the volume directory. System Action: Statement ignored; $EDXLINK continues, and sets a completion code of 8. System Action: Data sets on the volume will not be opened; $EDXLINK continues, but the program will not be stored. $EDXLINK also sets a completion code of 12. User Response: Enter a data set before the volume name. User Response: Investigate and correct the hardware error. ERROR -INVALID SYNTAX. STATEMENT IGNORED ERROR - I/O ERROR WRITING DIRECTORY c Issued by: $XPSLINK from $XPSPRE OF xxx Explanation: The current line in the link control data set contains invalid syntax. The line is printed for you to examine. Issued by: $EDXLINK Explanation: A write error occurred while writing the volume directory. System Action: Ends the operation. System Action: The data set will never be User Response: Correct the invalid syntax in the line. created; no output will be stored from $EDXLINK. User Response: Allocate the data set in a ERROR -I/O ERROR IN WORK DATA SETxxx,yyy RC=zzz different place. Issued by: $EDXLINK Explanation: $EDXLINK received an 110 error other than an EOF (RC= 10) while reading or writing the work data set. System Action: Terminates processing of the link edit and ends $EDXLINK. Also sets a completion code of 16. User Response: Restart $EDXLINK specifying a different work data set. 0" . I li~~ Chapter 2. Messages MC-67 E ERROR LOADING $DISKUT3 - LOAD RETURN CODE IS xxx ERROR .. NO OBJECT MODULE END RECORD IN xxx,yyy Issued by: $HXUTI Issued by: $EDXLINK Explanation: $HXUTI attempted to load $DISKUT3 and the load operation failed. The result was a return code of xxx. Explanation: The indicated object module is not complete because no END record is specified. System Action: The command terminates. User Response: Check the LOAD return code to find the cause of the problem and take the appropriate action. o System Action: Will not include this object module in the program generated. Sets a condition code of 8. User Response: Re-create the indicated object module. To do this, assemble or compile the source that generated the indicated object module and relink. ERROR - MODULE NAME TOO LONG. STATEMENT IGNORED Issued by: $XPSLINK from $XPSPRE Explanation: The module name specified is greater than eight characters in length. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Specify a module name of the correct length. ERROR - MUST BE IN PARTITION ONE. STATEMENT IGNORED ERROR - NO PROGRAM HEADER IN FIRST MODULE Issued by: $EDXLINK Explanation: The first data set included in this link does not contain a program header. o System Action: $EDXLINK does not put start address of program into program header (needed by loader) and sets a completion code of 8. User Resp,onse: Relink, specifying an object module with a program header as the first INCLUDE. Issued by: $XPSLINK from $XPSPRE Explanation: The module name specified was included in a partition other than partition one; that module is allowed only in partition one. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Move the module to partition one. o MC-68 SC34-0636 E c ERROR - xxx,yyy NOT DATA TYPE Issued by: $EDXLINK Issued by: $EDXLINK Explanation: The data set requested is not a data Explanation: The volume requested is not type data set. initialized. System Action: Data set is not opened; System Action: Volume is not opened; $EDXLINK continues and sets a completion code of 8. $EDXLINK continues, and sets a completion code of 8. User Response: Re-create the data set to be data User Response: Initialize the volume using the type. $INITDSK utility. ERROR - xxx NOT FOUND ON yyy o ERROR - xxx NOT INITIALIZED ERROR - NO TM DETECTED Issued by: $EDXLINK Issued by: $TAPEUTI Explanation: The data set requested does not exist on the volume specified. Explanation: While reading from the tape, the utility did not find a tape mark it expected. System Action: Data set is not opened; System Action: Continues processing. $EDXLINK continues, and sets a completion code of 8. User Response: Wait for processing to complete. User Response: Allocate the data set on the volume or correct the volume name. ERROR - xxx NOT MOUNTED Issued by: $EDXLINK ERROR - xxx NOT FOUND IN DIRECTORY ON TAPE Explanation: The volume requested is not mounted or does not exist. Issued by: $TAPEUTI System Action: Volume is not opened; Explanation: Using the RT command, a volume or data set restore was requested, but the volume or data set xxx was not found on the tape. $EDXLINK continues and sets a completion code of 8. User Response: Mount the volume or specify the System Action: Terminates the utility. new volume name. User Response: Run the utility again. Specify the correct name of the volume or data set. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-69 E ERROR OCCURRED DURING DISK READ ERROR - PARTITIONS CAN NOT BE SPLIT Issued by: $VERIFY Issued by: $XPSLINK from $XPSPRE Explanation: $VERIFY attempted to read from the indexed file and an unrecoverable disk read error occurred. Explanation: A partition containing supervisor support is split in the link control data set. o System Action: Ends the operation. System Action: An abend message follows with the return code from READ contained in it. $VERIFY terminates. User Response: Check the disk and diskette read/write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. ERROR ON TARGET - RC = xxx .- Issued by: $TAPEUTI Explanation: The device you are copying to detected an error condition. User Response: Group together all support for the same partition. Partition one must be first. ERROR - READ ERROR ENCOUNTERED ON xxx,yyy Issued by: $EDXLINK Explanation: A read error occurred while processing this data set. System Action: Terminates processing of the data set; $EDXLINK continues with remaining data sets, and sets a completion code of 8. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: Allocate the data set in a User Response: Check the tape read/write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. o different spac~. ERROR - xxx ON TAPE IS LARGER THAN ALLOCATED DISK SPACE MINIMUM SIZE REQUIRED IS yyy RECORDS Issued by: $TAPEUTI Explanation: Using the RT command, a volume or data set (xxx) restore was requested, but the target volume or data set is too small. System Action: Terminates the utility. User Response: Reallocate the volume or data set with at least yyy records and run the utility again. o MC-70 SC34-0636 E c ERROR READING LOG CONTROL RECORD ERROR RETURN CODE =xxx Issued by: $LOG Issued by: $VERIFY Explanation: A read error occurred on the log data set. Explanation: $VERIFY encountered an error such that it was unable to continue processing. The result was a return code of xxx. A previous message gives the reason for the termination. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: End $LOG and use a different log data set or use $DISKUTI to allocate a new one. Then reload $LOG with the new log data set. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Check the Indexed Access Method return code and take the appropriate action. Then retry the operation. ERROR - REPLACE NOT SPECIFIED AND PROGRAM EXISTS Issued by: $EDXLINK Explanation: There was no key word REPLACE on the LINK statement and the program exists. ERROR: SUPERVISOR NOT DEFINED FOR PARTITION 1 Issued by: $XPSLINK from $XPSPOST Explanation: While running $XPSPOST by itself c System Action: If in interactive mode or loaded through "$L", $EDXLINK will prompt for replace or new output data set name. Otherwise, $EDXLINK will print the map, but no program will be stored. $EDXLINK sets a completion code of 12. User Response: Change the name of the program on the LINK statement or add the operand "REPLACE" to the LINK statement. (not under $XPSLINK), you specified a work volume that does not contain XPS segments. It could also be that XPS segment 1 was deleted before it was used. System Action: $XPSPOST ends unsuccessfully with a completion code of 12. The nucleus is not stored. User Response: Use the work volume originally used by $XPSLINK and $XPSPRE, and run $XPSLINK again. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-71 E ERROR - TAPE NOT COMPATIBLE WITH RESTORE UTILITY ERROR - THE WORK DATA SET xxx,yyy MUST BE AT LEAST 400 RECORDS Issued by: $TAPEUTI Issued by: $XPSLINK from $XPSPRE Explanation: Using the RT command, the SAVE function ($TAPEUT I) used to create the tape is not the same version as the one being used to restore. For example, both the SAVE and RESTORE functions must be run under EDX V 4. Explanation: The work data set specified contains less than 400 records. System Action: Terminates the utility. User Response: If the utility version used to create the tape is not known, you can find it by dumping the first record of the tape and examining the seventh word in the 18-byte control block. This word contains the version number of the tape. o System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Reallocate the work data set to contain at least 400 records, or use a different work data set with 400 or more records. ERROR - UNABLE TO ALLOCATE xxx,yyy RC = zzz Issued by: $XPSLINK from $XPSPRE ERROR - THE FOLLOWING MODULE WAS INCLUDED MORE THAN ONCE. STATEMENT IGNORED Explanation: The specified data set was not allocated with $DISKUT3. System Action: Ends the operation. Issued by: $XPSLINK from $XPSPRE Explanation: The module specified was already included once in the link control data set. User Response: Check the $DISKUT3 return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. o System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Delete the second statement that includes the specified module. ERROR - UNABLE TO LOAD $DISKUT3 FROM LOAD OR IPL VOLUME RC =xxx Issued by: $XPSLINK from $XPSPRE and $XPSPOST Explanation: $DISKUT3 was not found on the load or IPL volumes, or some other LOAD error occurred. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Check the LOAD return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. o MC-72 SC34-0636 E o ERROR - UNABLE TO OPEN xxx,yyy RC=zzz ERROR - VOLUME xxx DOES NOT EXIST Issued by: $XPSLINK from $XPSPOST Issued by: $XPSLINK from $XPSPRE Explanation: The specified data set could not be opened. Explanation: In response to a prompt for a new nucleus name and volume, the volume you specified could not be found. System Action: Ends the operation. System Action: Terminates function or prompts for retry. User Response: Check the $DISKUT3 return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. User Response: Specify an existing volume and try again. ERROR - UNABLE TO SET END OF DATA FOR xxx,yyy RC = zzz ERROR - VOLUME NAME TOO LONG - xxx Issued by: $EDXLINK Issued by: $XPSLINK from $XPSPRE o Explanation: EOD was not set with $DISKUT3 for the specified data set. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Check the $DISKUT3 return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. Explanation: Length of volume name is more than six characters. System Action: Volume and data sets are not opened; $EDXLINK continues. User Response: Re-enter volume name with a maximum of 6 characters. ERROR-UNRESOLVED EXTERNAL REFERENCES Issued by: $EDXLINK Explanation: One or more external references remain unresolved after completion of the link edit. System Action: Lists all the unresolved external references that remained after completion of the link. $EDXLINK sets a completion code of 4. User Response: Re-edit the control statement data set and include the necessary statements (INCLUDE or AUTO CALL) to resolve external references. Then relink. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-73 E ERROR - VOLUME NAME TOO LONG. STATEMENT IGNORED ERROR - WORK DATASET TOO SMALL (MINIMUM =256 RECORDS) Issued by: $XPSLINK from $XPSPRE Issued by: $EDXLINK Explanation: The volume name specified contains more than six characters. 256 records. System Action: Ends the operation. System Action: Terminates $EDXLINK and sets o Explanation: Length of work data set is less than a completion code of 16. User Response: Re-enter volume name with a maximum of 6 characters. User Response: Delete and reallocate the work data set to be at least 256 records. ERROR - VOLUME NOT USABLE Issued by: $EDXLINK ERROR - WORK DATASET TOO SMALl. MINIMUM SIZE MUST xxx RECORDS Explanation: The volume requested is not usable. Issued by: $XPSLINK from $XPSPOST System Action: Volume is not opened; $EDXLINK continues, and sets a completion code of 8. User Response: Determine why the volume is not usable and correct or use a different volume. ERROR WHILE TRYING TO READ CYCLE STEAL STATUS Explanation: The work data set passed to $XPSPOST from $XPSLINK is not large enough to be used by $XPSPOST. System Action: $XPSPOST ends unsuccessfully with a completion code of 12. The nucleus is not stored. o User Response: Reallocate the work data set at the size specified (xxx) and restart $XPSLINK. Issued by: $DASDI Explanation: An attempt to print out the system cycle steal status failed. System Action: Prompts for a retry. User Response: Retry the function. If problem persists, the device is unusable. o MC-74 SC34-0636 E o ERROR - WRITE ERROR ENCOUNTERED ON xxx,yyy ERROR - $XPSLINK/$XPSPRE FOR SUPERVISOR LINKS ONLY Issued by: $EDXLINK Issued by: $XPSLINK from $XPSPRE Explanation: A write error occurred while processing this data set. Explanation: You attempted to link a data set that was not the supervisor ($EDXNUCx). System Action: $EDXLINK will print the link map but no program will be stored. $EDXLINK also sets a completion code of 12. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Allocate the data set in a User Response: Link $XPSLINK with the supervisor only. Use $EDXLINK for all other links. different place. ERROR WRITING HEADER RECORD xxx o ERROR: XPSTABLE ADDRESS IS UNRESOLVED Issued by: $DASDI Issued by: $XPSLINK from $XPSPOST Explanation: An error occurred while trying to write the header record on the device. Explanation: $XPSLINK did not resolve the XPSTABLE address. This is a fatal error to $XPSPOST. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Retry the function. If problem persists the device is unusable. System Action: $XPSPOST ends unsuccessfully with a completion code of 12. The nucleus is not stored. User Response: Run $XPSLINK again. ERROR WRITING LOG CONTROL RECORD Issued by: $LOG Explanation: A write error occurred on the log data set. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: End $LOG and use a different log data set or use $DISKUTI to allocate a new one. Then reload $LOG with the new log data set. c Chapter 2. Messages MC-75 E EVENT NAME IS NUMERIC - CAPRINT TERMINATED EVENT NAME TOO LONG - CAPRINT TERMINATED Issued by: $SIASM Issued by: $SIASM Explanation: The EVENT operand on the previous CAPRINT instruction is numeric. The first character must be alphabetic. Explanation: The event operand on the previous CAPRINT instruction has more than eight characters. System Action: Terminates expansion of the CAPRINT instruction. System Action: Terminates expansion of the CAPRINT instruction. User Response: On the CAPRINT instruction, specify a valid event operand whose first character is alphabetic, and reassemble. User Response: On the CAPRINT instruction, specify an event operand that is less than or equal to eight characters in length, and reassemble. EVENT NAME NOT SPECIFIED o EXCEPTION - BLOCK CHECK ERROR Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $BSCUTI Explanation: For the RESET instruction, the event name (label of an ECB statement) must be specified. For process interrupt activity, use PIn, where "n" is a process interrupt number in the range of 1-99. Explanation: During a trace of a BSC line, block checking detected an error in transmissions. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Examine the trace file for the faulty transmission. You may want to retrace the line. System Action: Formats the trace file up to the point of the error. Ends the operation. o User Response: Specify the event name for RESET or PIn for process interrupt. o MC-76 SC34-0636 E o EXCEPTION - MODEM INTERFACE ERROR EXCEPTION - OVERRUN Issued by: $BSCUTI Issued by: $BSCUTI Explanation: The trace of a BSC line shows that the modem or modem eliminator malfunctioned during transmissions. Explanation:. The size of the data set to hold the trace file was inadequate to contain all the trace records. System Action: Formats the trace file up to the point of the error. Ends the operation. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Check the connection between User Response: Retry the dump of trace data using a larger data set. the BSC line and the modem or modem eliminator. Re-trace the line. EXCEPTION - TIMEOUT EXCEPTION - MULTIPOINT TRANSMIT ERROR Issued by: $BSCUTI c Explanation: During the trace of a BSC line defined for multipoint operations, the utility encountered an error in either receiving or sending data. System Action: Formats the trace file up to the point of the error. Ends the operation. Issued by: $BSCUTI Explanation: During a trace of a BSC line, the system timed out while waiting to receive or send the next transmission. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Examine the trace file for evidence of the problem. You may want to change the timeout value for BSC line transmissions for your system. User Response: Examine the trace file for evidence of the problem. You may need to check the BSC line to see that it is properly defined, attached, and supported by the system. EXCEPTION - NOT DEFINED TO $BSCUT1 Issued by: $BSCUTI Explanation: The device you specified for output of the trace file does not exist. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Specify an existing device to receive the output. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-77 E EXCEPTION - WRONG LENGTH RECORD (xxx) EXPLICITLY DEFINED DECIMAL TERM INVALID FOR BYTE XP-MOVE Issued by: $BSCUTI Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The utility encountered a discrepancy between the length of one or more trace file records, and the length you specified for trace records with the $BSCTRCE utility. The field xxx indicates that the record was either too short or too long. Explanation: A decimal constant is not a valid immediate operand for a byte cross-partition move. If an immediate value is required, use hexadecimal (X) or character (C). o System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Examine the trace file for User Response: Recode the immediate value to be defined as hex or character data. evidence of the problem. EXEC COMMAND NOT PRECEDED BY PROGRAM COMMAND EXTENDED ERROR INFORMATION AVAILABLE, FUNCTION xxx - ERROR =yyy Issued by: $JOBUTIL Issued by: $RJESNA Explanation: In the procedure data set, you have placed the elements in the wrong order. Explanation: When $RJESNA issued the System Action: Ends the utility. User Response: Edit the procedure data set, placing the elements in the proper order. Then retry the utility. "NETWORK FUNCTION" error message, it determined that the SNA support had additional error information available. 0.I, 1.- The value for xxx indicates the base SNA or Event Driven Executive function that failed. The value for yyy indicates the return code received from that function. System Action: Terminates $RJESNA. User Response: Use this message in conjunction with the "NETWORK FUNCTION" error message to find and correct the problem. $RJESNA requires both native and host support. You may have to consult the programmer who wrote the host interface to help solve this problem. After the problem is corrected, restart $RJESNA. o MC-78 SC34-0636 E o EXTRA STORAGE SPECIFIED AT LOAD TIME MUST BE 4608 BYTES OR GREATER Issued by: $IMAGE Explanation: You loaded the utility and specified an amount of dynamic storage less than the required minimum. EXTRACT FAILED FOR xxx,yyy Issued by: $IAMUTI Explanation: An Indexed Access Method EXTRACT request was issued to the index file named in xxx,yyy. System Action: Displays an Indexed Access Method return code. Ends the operation. System Action: $IMAGE is not loaded. User Response: Reload the utility and take the default storage amount, or specify storage greater than 4608 bytes. User Response: Examine the Indexed Access Method return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. EXTRACT ERROR. RETURN CODE =xxx Issued by: $IAMUTI c Explanation: Using the PS command, an EXTRACT function was issued to $IAM either to obtain the paging statistics or to reset the statistics. The EXTRACT failed, resulting in a return code of xxx. System Action: If the failing EXTRACT was to obtain the statistics for display, the statistics are not displayed and the command terminates. If it was to reset the statistics, the statistics are not reset. User Response: Check the Indexed Access Method return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-79 F FATAL COMMUNICATION ERROR BSCLINE CLOSED FILE SUBMISSION ABORTED o Issued by: $RJESNA Issued by: $TRANS lines and ends the $TRANS utility on the receiving and transmitting systems. Explanation: The current job stream submission has been terminated prior to completion. If you did not enter an ABORT command, it may be due to $RJESNA's response to a host request (for example, the host system operator canceled the workstation's reader). The host may send a message specifying ·the reason for the abort. User Response: Reload the $TRANS utility on It may also be due to a "concat" open error on a the transmitting and receiving systems and try copying the data again. data set or to a read error. In these cases $RJESNA has issued a previous message specifying the error. Explanation: The system encountered an error it cannot recover from. System Action: The system closes the bisync FILE ALREADY IN USE Issued by: $IAMUTI Explanation: Using the DF command, the indexed file currently being defined is already being used by another application. System Action: DF command is terminated User Response: Verify that the file name provided to DF is correct. System Action: Terminates the current job stream submission. User Response: If $RJESNA has issued a previous message, consult its explanation and correct the "concat" open error or read error. If the host issued a message, correct any problem that it indicates on your system (if possible) and retry the file submission. o FIRST BYTE OF BUFFER IS NOT ALPHABETIC Issued by: $SlASM Explanation: The first byte of the BUFFER= operand on the previous CAIOCB statement is numeric. The first byte must be alphabetic. System Action: Terminates expansion of the CAIOCB statement. User Response: On the CAIOCB statement, specify a valid BUFFER= operand whose first byte is alphabetic, and reassemble. o MC-80 SC34-0636 F o FIRST DIGIT OF ADDR FIELD NOT HEX Issued by: $SlASM FIXED HEAD INITIALIZATION ERROR, DISK RETURN CODE =xxx IN THE TWO RECORDS STARTING WITH RECORD yyy Explanation: The device address operand on the previous CAxxx instruction has an invalid hexadecimal character as the first digit. Issued by: $DASDI System Action: Terminates expansion of the Explanation: The read/write operation encountered an error during fixed head refresh (at IPL). CAPRINT instruction. User Response: On the CAxxx instruction, specify a valid device address operand whose first digit is a hexadecimal character, and reassemble. FIRST DIGIT OF PORT IS NOT NUMERIC System Action: Fixed-head refresh continues for the rest of the fixed head area. User Response: Assign an alternate sector on disk using $DASDI. The verify option of $INITDSK may aid you in this process. Issued by: $SlASM Explanation: The PORT= operand on the o CAIOCB statement has a nonnumeric character as the first digit. System Action: Terminates the CAIOCB statement. User Response: On the CAIOCB statement specify a valid PORT= operand whose first digit is numeric, and reassemble. FLOATING POINT CONVERSION ERROR OR EBFLCVT NOT IN SUPERVISOR Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: An error was detected when trying to convert to binary the floating point or doubleword value specified on the DC or DATA statement. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Ensure floating point support is included in the supervisor and that the values to be converted are specified correctly. 0''· ' " i'l' Chapter 2. Messages MC-81 F FORMAT - I-TYPE SPECIFICATION IS INVALID FORMAT ERROR, CYLINDER xxx, HEAD yyy Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $DASDI Explanation: An invalid slash (I) was found in the list operand structure of the FORMAT statement. Explanation: During initialization of a diskette on a 4966, $DASDI was unable to format the diskette at cylinder xxx, head yyy. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. System Action: $DASDI prompts you for a User Response: Ensure that slashes are used correctly in the list operand structure. User Response: Reply "Y" to the retry prompt. If error condition persists, remove that diskette and o retry. try another diskette. FORMAT - A-TYPE SPECIFICATION IS INVALID FORMAT - EXCEEDS MAXIMUM NUMBER OF SPECIFICATIONS (80) Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The A-type specification in the list operand of the FORMAT statement is invalid. System Action: The error is flagged and Explanation: The number of consecutive constants specified on the FORMAT statement exceeds the maximum of 80. compilation continues. o System Action: The error is flagged and User Response: Code a valid A-type specification for the list operand. compilation continues. User Response: Ensure the number of consecutive constants specified does not exceed 80. FORMAT - DELIMITER SPECIFICATION IS INVALID Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: An invalid delimiter was found in the list operand of the FORMAT statement. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Use a valid delimiter in the list operand. 0,'" " MC-82 SC34-0636 F c FORMAT - F-TYPE SPECIFICATION IS INVALID FORMAT - MAXIMUM CHARACTER STRING IS 254 Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The F-type specification in the list operand of the FORMAT statement is invalid. Explanation: An error was detected in building a literal character string. The length of the character string exceeds the maximum of 254 bytes. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Code a valid F-type specification for the list operand. FORMAT - H-TYPE SPECIFICATION IS INVALID System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Ensure the literal character string does not exceed 254 characters in length. FORMAT - NUMERIC SPECIFICATION IS INVALID Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The H-type specification in the list operand of the FORMAT statement is invalid. c System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Code a valid H-type specification for the list operand. FORMAT - I-TYPE SPECIFICATION IS INVALID Explanation: A numeric specification in the list operand of the FORMAT statement is invalid. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Code a valid numeric specification for the list operand. FORMAT - X-TYPE SPECIFICATION IS INVALID Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The I-type specification in the list operand of the FORMAT statement is invalid. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. Explanation: The X-type specification in the list operand of the FORMAT statement is invalid. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Code a valid I-type specification for the list operand. User Response: Code a valid X-type specification for the list operand. Chapter 2. Messages MC-83 F FORMAT SPECIFICATION IS INVALID FROM KEY SPECIFIED WITH IMMEDIATE OPERAND o Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: An invalid conversion specification was coded in the list operand of the FORMAT statement. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. Explanation: Operand 2, the From Key address, cannot be immediate data in a cross-partition move. The move instruction, in this case, moves data from an address in one partition to an address in another partition. Therefore, an address, and not immediate data, must be specified. User Response: Code a valid specification. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. FORMAT SPECIFICATION NOT ALLOWED WITHIN GET/PUTEDIT Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The (format,list) operand specification is invalid if the program is compiled under $EDXASM; the "format" specification must, however, be present. User Response: Recode the cross-partition move so that operand 2 is an address and not immediate data. FUNCTION HAS COMPLETED WITH ERRORS. CHECK ALL OUTPUT Issued by: $MSGUT1 System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. Explanation: The utility detected one or more User Response: Specify the "format" operand errors during processing and sent error messages to the output terminal. o specification only when using $EDXASM. System Action: Returns to command mode. FROM KEY SPECIFIED WITH #1,#2 User Response: Check the output listing for errors. Correct them and rerun the function. Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: Index register #1 or #2 cannot be specified as a source address (operand 2) in a cross-partition move. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Recode the cross-partition move without using an index register as the source address. o MC-84 SC34-0636 F o FUNCTION IN PROCESS - PLEASE WAIT FUNCTION xxx UNSUCCESSFUl. RC = yyy Issued by: $RJESNA Issued by: $TAPEUTI Explanation: The function you requested is currently processing another request. Explanation: The function you requested failed. The result was a tape read/write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. System Action: $RJESNA continues processing the current operation. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: Wait for processing of the current operation to complete. Once the requested function becomes active, it is possible to abort it using the ABORT command. User Response: Check the tape read/write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. o C·.'· ,., Chapter 2. Messages MC-85 G GET SEQUENTIAL TO PRIME DATASET ERROR, INDEXED ACCESS METHOD RTCODE=xxx Issued by: $IAMUTI Explanation: During the secondary index load, an Indexed Access Method error has occurred in the Sort/Merge input exit routine. System Action: Sort/Merge terminates abnormally and you are prompted RETRY (Y /N)? User Response: Check the Indexed Access Method return code to find the cause of the problem and reply accordingly. GPIB NOT ATTACHED o Issued by: $GPIBUTI Explanation: The General Purpose Interface Bus is not physically attached to your system. It will not function and you cannot use the GPIB utility. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: If your system is supposed to have the GPIB capability, check the installation of the bus feature to make sure it is properly connected, defined and supported by your system. GPIB TERMINAL NOT DEFINED TO UTILITY GPIB KEYBOARD TASK DOES NOT EXIST. ATTENTION LISTS CANNOT BE DEFINED. CANNOT CHANGE PARTITION NUMBER Issued by: $GPIBUTI Explanation: No keyboard task is defined for the device you are using. Issued by: $GPIBUTI Explanation: You attempted to use a device that the utility does not recognize. System Action: Ends the operation. o User Response: Define the terminal to the utility and retry the function. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Define a keyboard task for the device and retry the function. o MC-86 SC34-0636 H o HEADER READ ERROR HOST REJECTED CONNECTION Issued by: $PREFIND Issued by: $RJESNA Explanation: A disk error occurred while reading a program header. Explanation: The host access method (VTAM or TCAM) or the host entry system has rejected the logon request from $RJESNA. System Action: Returns to command mode. System Action: Terminates $RJESNA. User Response: Recreate the program and rerun the function. User Response: Verify the following: 1. The logon parameters you entered are correct. HIGH KEY IN RBN xxx DOES NOT MATCH INDEX ENTRY IN RBN Issued by: $VERIFY Explanation: The index block which points to the block xxx shows a discrepancy between the designated high key and the actual high key for that block. c System Action: Verification continues. User Response: File is invalid and will have to be re-created. Contact the person who created the file for this purpose. 2. The host entry system is prepared to accept the logon request (such as logical line active). 3. The session parameters at the host are correct. For example, VTAM mode table name. $RJESNA requires native and host support. You may have to consult the programmer who wrote the host interface to help solve this problem. After the problem is corrected, restart $RJESNA. HOST/SEND PGM ERROR - REMOTE RECORD NOT STORED Issued by: $LOG HOST LINK DOWN TP ERROR: RC = xxx Issued by: $UPDATEH Explanation: The connection with the host processor is inoperative. Processing cannot continue. The result was a return code of xxx. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Check the Host Communication Facility TP return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. You will have to wait until the link is restored before you can retry. Explanation: The $LOG utility cannot find the host program (CJUALTHL) or the send program (CJUALTSL) for the Remote Manager. These programs must be loaded before the Remote Manager can receive error log records from $LOG. System Action: $LOG is active but it cannot write log records to the Remote Manager's buffers. User Response: Ensure that the host program and the send program are loaded. Chapter 2. Messages MC-87 I IA BUFFER LENGTH NOT BETWEEN 10 AND 100 $IAM PROGRAM NOT FOUND ON EITHER THE IPL VOLUME OR VOLUME xxx Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $IAMUT1 Explanation: The number specified for the maximum number of buffered interrupts is not within the valid range. The value fo~ the IABUF= operand of the SYSTEM statement must be a positive integer in the range 10-100. Explanation: The program was attempting to read the $IAM program to obtain current storage information. The read was attempted first for the IPL volume, then for the volume containing the $IAMUT1 program. Neither volume contained the $IAM program. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify a number from 10 - 100 for the IABUF = operand. $IAM HAS INCURRED A SEVERE ERROR $IAM CENTRAL BUFFER ADDRESS IS xxx - ADDRESS SPACE yyy System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Install $IAM on either the IPL volume or on the volume containing the $IAMUT 1 program. $IAM SHUTTING DOWN. INSUFFICIENT DYNAMIC STORAGE Issued by: $IAM Issued by: $IAM Explanation: $IAM program storage has been Explanation: The amount of storage specified for the $IAM module was not sufficient for control blocks and buffers. Either the storage parameter was specified where $IAM was loaded, or the amount of storage was changed via the SS command of $DISKUT2. Neither of these should be done. overwritten. Indexed data set control information has been destroyed. System Action: $IAM goes into an unrecoverable wait and will not process any access requests. User Response: You can dump the central buffer with the $D system command and take appropriate action to stop your application. You can use the recovery and backup procedures to restore the data set, or you can resume execution of your application. To restart your application, you can either IPL or cancel $IAM and reload it. o o System Action: $IAM terminates. User Response: Issue the BF command of $IAMUT1. This will reset the storage to an amount consistent with the number of control blocks and buffers. o MC-88 SC34-0636 I o $IAMQCB IS NOT INCLUDED IN SYSTEM ID= MUST BE SPECIFIED, AND A UNIQUE 1 - 6 CHARACTER LABEL Issued by: $IAMUT1 Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: In order to access the directory data set (DR command), $IAMQCB must be included in the system. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Include the $IAMQCB in the system generation and retry. IBIT MUST BE EITHER 0 OR 1 Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The setting of IBIT = operand o Explanation: The ID= operand of the TAPE statement is required and must specify a 1 - 6 character name that will be associated with the device. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify a 1 - 6 character name for the ID= operand. IF WAIT=NO, ERROR= AND END= MAY NQT BE SPECIFIED determines whether a device can present an interrupt when the PREPARE command of the IDCB instruction is issued. Issued by: $EDXASM System Action: The error is flagged and Explanation: If W AIT=NO is specified on the READ /WRITE instruction, you cannot code the compilation continues. User Response: Specify either IBIT=OFF (indicates 0) or IBIT=ON (indicates 1). ERROR= and END= operands. Any error, completion, or end-of-file checking must be performed by the application program. System Action: The error is flagged and IDCBADDR POSITIONAL PARAMETER MISSING compilation continues. User Response: Do not specify ERROR= or END= if WAIT=NO is coded. Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The "idcbaddr" operand of the EXIO instruction is required and must specify the address of the IDCB. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify the IDCB address for the "idcbaddr" operand. c Chapter 2. Messages MC-89 I 0 ',; , IF/DO NESTING LIMIT EXCEEDED ILLEGAL INPUT RECORD FORMAT Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $UPDATE,$UPDATEH Explanation: The limit of 20 nested loops was Explanation: You specified a data set that is not an object module and therefore cannot be built into a program. exceeded. , System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: Reduce the number of nested User Response: Specify a data set that contains an object module, or create an object module out of the original data set. loops. ILLEGAL CONTINUATION - DATA MUST START IN COLUMN 16 ILLEGAL NUMBER OF OPERANDS - MUST BE EVEN Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: All continuations of a line of code must begin in column 16. The continuation character must be coded in column 72. Explanation: An odd number of operands for the attention interrupt handling routine was specified on the ATTNLIST instruction. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Begin the continuing code in column 16 with column 72 containing the continuation character; otherwise remove the continuation character. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. o User Response: An even number of operands must be specified on the ATTNLIST instruction. Two entries are needed to specify each attention interrupt handling routine. ILLEGAL DISKETTE - NO VOL1 LABEL ILLEGAL - ODD ADDRESS Issued by: $INITDSK Issued by: $STGUTI Explanation: You tried to perform a function on a diskette that was not formatted for use by EDX. Explanation: You specified an odd address and the utility can only accept an even address. System Action: Returns to command mode. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: Use a diskette formatted for EDX or use $DASDI to reinitialize the original diskette. User Response: Retry the function and specify a correct address, or re-IPL the system. o Me-90 SC34-0636 I c IMAGE STORE LOAD FAILED INADEQUATE STORAGE, MIN BYTES REQUIRED Issued by: $TERMUT2 Issued by: $IAMUTI Explanation: The system was unable to open or load the image store using the LT command. System Action: None. User Response: You specified an incorrect image store data set name. To find a valid one, invoke the LA ($DISKUTl) command. Valid data set names are any that are called $4980ISx (where x is any alphanumeric character). Try loading the image store again specifying a valid data set name. Explanation: Using the LO, UN, or RO commands, the minimum storage required by the requested function is not available. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Increase the amount of available storage and retry the function. INCOMPATIBLE MARGINS IN ORDER TO RELOCATE THE VOLUME DIRECTORY IN THE DEVICE, THE NEW RECORD NUMBER MUST BE GREATER THAN THE DEFAULT Issued by: $INITDSK Explanation: You entered a location for the device directory which is lower than the default location. Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: When specifying the format of the output medium, the problem may be one of the following: Right margin specified is not between left margin and LINSIZE-l Left margin is not between zero and LINSIZE-l. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: Retry the function with a location higher than the default, or specify the default. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify the correct margin dimensions as explained. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-91 I INCORRECT DEVICE TYPE - MUST BE AN IBM DISK OR DISKETTE INCREASE BUFFER SIZE BEFORE REATTEMPTING OPERATION Issued by: $DASDI Issued by: $IAMUT1 Explanation: The device at the address entered in the INIT operator command is not 4962 disk, 4963 disk, 4967 disk, or 4964, 4965, or 4966 diskette. Explanation: Using the LO, UN, RO commands, the minimum storage required by the requested function is not available. System Action: The INIT function is terminated. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Specify the address of an IBM disk or diskette in another INIT command. User Response: Increase the amount of available storage and retry the function. INCORRECT PORTS SPECIFICATION EXPANSION TERMINATED INDEX ACCESS METHOD READ/WRITE ERROR. CODE=xxx Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $VERIFY Explanation: The PORTS= operand on the CACBx statement is incorrectly specified. Explanation: While performing verification of secondary indexes, an Indexed Access Method 1/0 error was encountered. System Action: Ends the expansion. System Action: $VERIFY terminates. User Response: Code a decimal number between zero and 31 for the PORTS= operand. o o User Response: Check the Indexed Access Method return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. INCORRECT WRAP COUNT SPECIFIED LOG DATA SET WRAP COUNT IS xxx HEX Issued by: $DISKUT2 Explanation: You entered an incorrect wrap count while using the PR or LR command of the $DISKUT2 utility. System Action: The system asks you for the correct wrap count. User Response: Enter the wrap count displayed in the-meSSage. c MC-92 SC34-0636 I c INDEX INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED - CAxxx TERMINATED INITIALIZATION ERROR Issued by: $MTM Issued by: $SIASM Explanation: An index field contains an entry other than #1, #2; or more than two fields are specified. Explanation: Initialization has been unsuccessful. This message is written to the terminal which loaded the Multiple Terminal Manager. Additional messages are printed on the Multiple Terminal Manager log device. System Action: Terminates expansion of the CAPRINT instruction. System Action: Terminates Multiple Terminal Manager. User Response: Specify #1 or #2 in the index field and make sure the index operand has only two fields. User Response: Based on the information in the additional messages that print out on the log device, determine the cause of the error and correct it. INDEX REGISTER IS AN INVALID OPERAND Issued by: $EDXASM o Explanation: The use of an index register as opndl or opnd2 is invalid for this instruction. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify opndl or opnd2 as explained in the instruction description. INDEXING NOT ALLOWED FOR THIS INSTRUCTION Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: You coded an indexed address (parameter,#register) in an instruction that does not allow indexing. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Code an address instead of an indexed address for the instruction operand and recompile the program. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-93 I INITIALIZATION WORK AREA OVERFLOW INPUT RECORD ASSUMED TO BE xxx BYTES. OK? o Issued by: $MTM Issued by: $IAMUTI Explanation: The work area overflowed for the CDMINIT2 initialization routine. As distributed, the CDMINIT2 routine has work area space for up to 36 terminals. Explanation: Using the LO command, the input record size is assumed to be the same as the output record size. System Action: The initialization process terminates and no Communication Facility stations are started. System Action: Awaits operator response. User Response: Reduce the number of terminals defined in the STATIONS file. INPUT DATA SET: xxx NOT FOUND User Response: Reply "Y" to continue processing with the indicated record size. Reply "N" to receive a prompt for the actual record size. INSUFFICIENT BUFFERS FOR LOG RATE; NUMBER OF TIMES: xxx Issued by: $UPDATE Issued by: $LOG Explanation: The name you specified as the object module does not exist. Explanation: The $LOG buffers cannot handle the number of 110 error interrupts that are occurring. The number of 110 error interrupts that were lost when the buffers overflowed is xxx. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: Specify the correct name for an existing object module. INPUT REC GT OUTPUT REC. TRUNCATION WILL OCCUR o System Action: None. User Response: Print the contents of the log data set with the $DISKUT2 utility to find the source of the 110 error interrupts. Issued by: $IAMUTI Explanation: Using the LO, UN, or RO command, the input record size is larger than the output record size. The records must be truncated. System Action: Issues prompt "OK TO PROCEED?" User Response: Reply to the prompt accordingly. c MC-94 SC34-0636 I c INSUFFICIENT CONTIGUOUS SPACE INSUFFICIENT STORAGE AVAILABLE FOR TERMINAL PROCESSING Issued by: $INITDSK Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The requested function requires more contiguous space than exists on the volume in use. Explanation: The terminal device handler was unable to load the program for the device; insufficient storage in the partition. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: Compress the volume to provide more contiguous space. Then retry the $INITDSK function. Or, allocate a smaller volume and retry the function. INSUFFICIENT CONTIGUOUS SPACE AT END OF VOLUME System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Load $EDXASM in the partition by itself or load $EDXASM in a larger partition. INSUFFICIENT STORAGE AVAILABLE, 512 BYTES REQUIRED Issued by: $INITDSK Issued by: $IAMUTI Explanation: You tried to split a volume and it c didn't have enough space at the end. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Compress the volume to provide more contiguous space, then retry. Or, retry the function and allocate a smaller volume. Explanation: Using the DR command, the directory function was not able to obtain a 512 byte buffer. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Increase the amount of dynamic storage and try again. INSUFFICIENT STORAGE Issued by: $HXUTI Explanation: $HXUTI attempted to load $DISKUT3 and sufficient storage was unavailable in the partition to successfully load $DISKUT3. System Action: The command terminates. User Response: Cancel some of the other programs executing (at your discretion) to free a portion of storage large enough to contain $DISKUT3 and retry. INSUFFICIENT STORAGE FOR DATA STREAM BUFFER Issued by: Spooling Explanation: The spool writer was unable to obtain a work area to contain the spool job's data stream System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Free storage in the partition in use and restart the writer. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-95 I INSUFFICIENT STORAGE FOR WRITER Issued by: Spooling Explanation: An attempt was made to start a writer when not enough main storage space was available. System Action: Does not start the spool writer. User Response: Use the $A command to display the programs in the partition. Obtain adequate space in the partition to start the writer by either: Canceling an unneeded program and/or restarting it in another partition. • INSUFFICIENT UNMAPPED STORAGE AVAILABLE. MAXIMUM AVAILABLE SIZE FOR MEMDSK =xxx. o Issued by: $MEMDISK Explanation: The system could not allocate the MEMDSK volume due to insufficient unmapped storage space. xxx is the amount of unmapped storage that is available. System Action: The system prompts you for the number of records. User Response: Specify the amount of storage that is available. Waiting until a program terminates. INTERFACE DATA CHECK INSUFFICIENT STORAGE TO ALLOCATE TARGET DATA SET - DATA SET NOT ALLOCATED Issued by: $GPIBUTI Explanation: The system is checking for data errors. Issued by: $HXUTI System Action: Continues processing. Explanation: The data set allocation operation by $DISKUT3 failed because of insufficient storage on the target volume. User Response: Investigate any errors, correct them, and retry the function. System Action: The command terminates. User Response: Specify a different volume for the target data set, or free a portion of storage in the target volume (DE command of $DISKUTI utility) and retry. o INTERNAL 3101 DATA STREAM TOO LARGE. 3101 ATTR CHARACTERS WILL NOT BE USED Issued by: $IMAGE Explanation: The utility will not use the supplied data stream to build a screen image. System Action: Prompts for the enter key. User Response: Either save the screen without attribute bytes or reduce content of the screen. 0", " MC-96 SC34-0636 I c INVALID ADDRESS=, MUST BE BETWEEN 100' AND IFFI INVALID AITYPE= Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The address must be specified and Explanation: An invalid entry was coded for AITYPE with a 4982 sensor I/O device specified. be within the range X'OO' to X'FF'. System Action: The error is flagged and· System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. compilation continues. User Response: Specify the address between the User Response: Recode the AITYPE operand in the SENSORIO statement using the valid entries: valid range. RR or RELAY for relay INVALID ADDRESS OPERAND • SS or SOLID for solid state. Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The address specified for the ADDRESS= operand of the BSCLINE statement is not in the range of X'OO' to X'FF'. o System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify a valid address. INVALID ADDRESS - STORAGE NOT RELEASED Issued by: $STGUTI INVALID AUTO-START Issued by: $MTM Explanation: The program name specified in the TERMINAL file to be auto-started was invalid or auto-start was specified with signon for a real terminal. System Action: The specified program is not auto started on the terminal. User Response: Specify a valid name for the program (in TERMINAL file) to be auto-started or specify no signon for a real terminal. Explanation: The address you specified is not valid for the function you requested. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: To find the correct address, issue the $A command. Then retry the function using the correct address. Chapter 2. Messages MC-97 I INVALID BIT=, MUST BE BETWEEN o AND 15 INVALID BIT RATE SPECIFIED o Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The BIT = operand must be specified and be within the range of 0-15 for PI sensor-based IODEF instruction. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify the bit range within 0-15. INVALID BIT RATE FOR DEVICE SPECIFIED Explanation: If RANGE=HIGH is coded, the value of the BITRATE operand must be at least 300 bits per second. If RANGE=LOW is coded, the value of the BITRATE operand must not exceed 1200 bits per second. When ADAPTER=MFA is specified, the BITRATE value must be 1200, 2400, 4800, or 9600 bits per second. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Code a valid bit rate in the TERMINAL statement. Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The bit rate for the 4975-01R must be 1200 bps. For a 4975-02R, the bit rate must be 1200, 2400, or 4800 bps. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. o User Response: Specify the the correct bit rate. If BITRATE= is omitted, 1200 bps is the default. INVALID BIT RATE/RANGE SPECIFICATION Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The combination of BITRATE and RANGE operands specified on this TERMINAL statement are not for this device. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Refer to the TERMINAL statement in the Installation and System Generation Guide for the appropriate specifications for these operands for this device. \ o MC-98 SC34-0636 I o INVALID BITRATE Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: You specified a line speed other than 100, 250, or 500 on the TERMINAL statement for the 4980 display station. Explanation: The syntax for the BOTM= operand of the TERMINAL statement was specified incorrectly. The value must be a positive self-defining term. The value must be between TOPM+NHIST and PAGSIZE-l. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify a line speed of 100,250, or 500 for the BITRATE operand of the TERMINAL statement. INVALID BITS=, MUST HAVE THE FORM BITS=(U,V) o INVALID BOTTOM MARGIN System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify a positive self-defining term for the BOTM= operand. INVALID BSe LINE ADDRESS Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $BSCTRCE Explanation: The BITS= operand of the SBIO instruction must have the format BITS = (U,V), where U is the starting bit number and V is the length of the bit string. Explanation: You specified a BSC line that the system cannot trace, for one of these reasons: The line is not attached to the system; the line is not supported by the supervisor; or the the line is not currently in use by an executing BSC program. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. System Action: Awaits operator response. User Response: Specify the starting bit number and bit length as explained. User Response: Determine the addresses of valid BSC lines by using the $IOTEST utility. If possible, check the source code of the executing BSC program to determine which line it uses. Then retry the trace specifying a valid BSC line address. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-99 I INVALID BSCIOCB ADDRESS SPECIFICATION INVALID CHARSET= KEYWORD SPECIFIED ON 4975 TERMINAL STATEMENT o Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The address specified on the BSCIOCB statement is not within the valid range of X'OO' to X'FF' (hexadecimal). System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. Explanation: The character set specified for the 4975 printer is not one of the available character sets or was specified incorrectly. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify an address within the valid range. User Response: Refer to the description of the TERMINAL statement for the valid CHARSET= operands. INVALID BSCREAD/BSCWRITE TYPE SPECI FICATION Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The operation specified for "type" on the BSCREAD, BSCWRITE, or BSCLINE statements is invalid. System Action: The error is flagged and o compilation continues. User Response: Check the valid types that can be specified. INVALID 'BUSY' SPECIFICATION Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The BUSY= operand on the ENQ instruction must be a label specifying the address of the routine to execute when the busy condition (resource unavailable) is encountered. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify a valid label (1-8 characters) for the BUSY= operand. o MC-IOO SC34-0636 I o INVALID ICOMMAND=I Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: An invalid I/O operation was specified in the COMMAND operand of an IDCB instruction. Explanation: During system generation, you coded the COMMON operand on the SYSTEM statement incorrectly. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Code a valid I/O operation. User Response: Refer to the SYSTEM statement description in the Installation and System Generation Guide for details on how to code the COMMON = operand. If you code more than one parameter for this operand, you must enclose the parameter list in parentheses. If you code only one parameter for the operand, do not enclose that parameter in parentheses. INVALID COMMAND Issued by: Any Utility Explanation: The command you entered is not one of the valid commands for the utility in use. System Action: Depending on the utility, either o INVALID COMMON= SPECIFICATION INVALID COMP= SPECIFICATION prompts for a new command, or waits for the operator to press the attention key and enter a command. Issued by: $EDXASM User Response: To obtain a list of the valid commands for the utility, enter a ? in response to Explanation: The COMP= operand must be a label of a COMP instruction which will indicate the four character ID of the message data set or storage resident messages. the COMMAND prompt, or enter HELP, depending on the utility. Then enter a valid command. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify a valid label for the COMP= operand. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-tOt I INVALID CONJUNCTION SPECIFIED (MUST BE AND' OR 'OR') I INVALID DATA IN DIRECTORY CONTROL ENTRY. Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $COMPRES Explanation: Neither "AND" nor "OR" was Explanation: Invalid data was found in the directory control area. The directory control is damaged. specified. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. System Action: Prompts for another compress. User Response: Ensure that only an "AND" or an "OR" conjunction is specified. User Response: Reinitialize and restore the volume or device being compressed. INVALID COPYCODE LIBRARY NAME INVALID DATA TYPE COMBINATION Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The copy code volume listed on the *COPYCOD statement cannot be found. Explanation: This error is associated with the SCREEN instruction in the graphics package. The screen coordinates entered were not the same data type. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Examine the name of the copy System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. code volume on the *COPYCOD statement and correct any errors. The statement is contained within the language control data set. User Response: Ensure that the screen coordinates are the same data type. INVALID COUNT= PARAMETER o INVALID DATA TYPE SPECIFIED Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The value specified for COUNT= on the FPCONV instruction must be a positive self-defining term. Explanation: The data type (such as byte, word) specified for this instruction is invalid. System Action: The error is flagged and o System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. compilation continues. User Response: Specify a positive self-defining User Response: Ensure the required data type is properly specified for this instruction. term for the number of values to be converted on the COUNT= operand. o MC-I02 SC34-0636 I o INVALID DATE FORMAT INVALID DEVICE ADDRESS Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $TERMUTI Explanation: The DATEFMT operand on the SYSTEM statement is specified incorrectly. you specified. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify the format as either "MMDDYY" or "DDMMYY". If omitted, Explanation: A device doesn't exist at the address System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: Determine the valid device addresses with $IOTEST and retry the function. "MMDDYY" is the default. INVALID DEVICE ADDRESS, MUST BE OMITTED FOR 4013 INVALID DCE ENCOUNTERED Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $DIRECT Explanation: Invalid data was found in the Explanation: An address must not be specified for a 4013 graphics terminal. directory record. o System Action: Ends the operation. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Delete the data set and re-create User Response: Delete the address. it. INVALID DISKETTE MOUNTED MUST BE INVALID DENSITY xxx Issued by: $TAPEUTI Issued by: $MOVEVOL Explanation: The density you specified is wrong for the type of tape in use. Explanation: The diskette mounted is invalid for use by the utility. System Action: Returns to command mode. System Action: Prompts for another diskette. User Response: Specify a valid density for the User Response: Mount a valid diskette type and tape in use. retry the function. Chapter 2. Messages MC-I03 I INVALID 'DS=' ON LOAD INVALID OS: SPECIFICATION Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The data set specification on the LOAD instruction is coded incorrectly. Explanation: An error in the DS= operand was detected while trying to construct the DSCB data for the PROGRAM instruction. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Refer to the description of the DS operand in the LOAD instruction for the various ways to specify data sets. INVALID 'DS=' ON OVERLAY LOAD, MUST HAVE THE FORM 'DSX' o System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Ensure the DS= operand is coded correctly. INVALID DUPLICATION FACTOR Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The data set specified for overlay load was specified incorrectly. Explanation: In an OTE instruction, the operand DUPFAC (the duplication factor for the object text element) must be a self-defining term. compilation continues. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify the DS= operand in the form: User Response: Recode the DUPFAC operand with a self-defining term. System Action: The error is flagged and () DS=(DS1,DS2,DS3, ... ,DS9) o MC-I04 SC34-0636 I o INVALID 'ERROR=' SPECIFIED Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The valid parameters for the END= operand are "YES" and "NO". The last device definition statement within that device type group must have END = YES specified. END=NO can be specified or defaulted to for all other device definition statements of that group. Explanation: The optional ERROR= operand on the SBIO instruction must be a label specifying the address of the routine to execute when the error condition is encountered. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify either END=YES or END=NO as appropriate. INVALID 'EOB ' SPECIFIED User Response: Specify the label (1-8 characters) of the routine on the ERROR= operand. INVALID FIRST CHARACTER IN PREC= Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The label specified for EOB= on the SBIO instruction was specified incorrectly. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify the label (1-8 characters) of the instruction to be executed upon completion of buffer operations with automatic indexing. Explanation: The first character in the PREC= specification must be either F (single precision), L (extended precision), or * (single precision as the default) for floating-point arithmetic operations. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify the first character for PREC = as explained. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-10S I INVALID FORMAT IN OPERAND 1 INVALID GPIB OPERATION Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The format of operand 1 on the FIND instruction must be a character specified as C'x' or as a bit string specified as X'xx'. Explanation: An invalid command or option was requested on the TERMCTRL GPIB statement. o System Action: The error is flagged and System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. compilation continues. User Response: Specify operand 1 as a character or hexadecimal byte. User Response: Refer to the description of the TERMCTRL instruction for GPIB for the valid operations. INVALID FORMAT= SPECIFICATION Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The FORMAT= operand on the CONVTB/CONVTD instruction is specified incorrectly. The syntax must be of the form FORMAT=(W,D,T) and all fields must be specified. System Action: The error is flagged and o compilation continues. User Response: Refer to the Language Reference for details on this operand. INVALID FORMAT= SPECIFICATION Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The width field of the FORMAT= operand is specified incorrectly on the GETVALUE or PRINTNUM instruction. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: For the width, specify a decimal value equal to the maximum field width (in bytes) expected from the terminal. O· , MC-I06 SC34-0636 ~,l I c INVALID HEXADECIMAL CONSTANT SPECIFIED Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The system encountered a hexadecimal constant that was not written in proper hex notation. Valid hexadecimal characters are 0-9,A-F. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. INVALID INDEX REGISTER SPECIFICATION - NOT #1 OR #2 Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: Only index registers #1 and #2 are valid. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Correct the error by specifying either # 1 or #2. User Response: Recode the data statement or instruction using valid hexadecimal characters. INVALID HEXADECIMAL ENTRY Issued by: $EDXASM c Explanation: An invalid hexadecimal character was detected. Valid hexadecimal characters are 0-9 and A-F. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify a valid hexadecimal entry and reassemble. INVALID IMMEDIATE OPERAND IN STRING COMPARE Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: In a string compare, opndl or opnd2 cannot be immediate data. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: You can change the immediate data to a label and specify the string in a DATA statement. c Chapter 2. Messages MC-I07 I INVALID 'INITPRT' PARM ON 'SYSTEM' INVALID LENGTH= SPECIFICATION Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The partition number designated for initialization modules to execute in must be within the range of the value specified on the P ARTS = operand (number of partitions) of the SYSTEM statement. Explanation: The length specified must be a self-defining term not exceeding 254. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify the length as a self-defining term not exceeding 254. o System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify a valid partition number (determined by PARTS=) for the INITPRT= operand. INVALID IODA INVALID LENGTH SPECIFIED ON LINE #xxx Issued by: $MSGUTI Issued by: $TAPEUTI Explanation: You supplied the wrong length for the type of operand specified. Explanation: The device address you specified is System Action: Continues processing. invalid. User Response: When processing finishes, System Action: Ends the operation. o correct the error and retry. User Response: Specify the correct address of an existing device. INVALID KEYWORD COMBINATION Issued by: $EDXASM INVALID LEVEL SPECIFICATION Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The number specified for the hardware interrupt level on the SENSORIa statement is invalid. Explanation: No other operand can be coded on the TERMCTRL instruction if the DCB= operand is coded. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify a number between 0-3 as the interrupt level. User Response: Ensure no other operands are specified with the DCB= operand. o MC-I08 SC34-0636 I c INVALID LINSIZE - MUST BE LESS THAN INVALID 'LSB' SPECIFIED 255 Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The LINSIZE= operand of the TERMINAL statement must not exceed 254. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify a value for the Explanation: The LSB= operand is valid only when the BITS= operand is coded on the SBIO instruction. Also an error can result if the range specification on the BITS= operand is equal to or greater than the value specified for LSB=. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. LINSIZE= operand not exceeding 254. INVALID 'LOGMSG=', MUST BE 'YES' OR 'NO' Issued by: $EDXASM c Explanation: The parameter specified for the LOGMSG= operand on the LOAD instruction was coded incorrectly. User Response: Ensure the BITS= operand is coded and that the bit range is less than the value for LSB. INVALID MC OPERAND Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The multi-line controller operand (MC=) is invalid. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify "YES" if the "program loaded" message is to print; otherwise specify "NO". User Response: Specify MC= YES if multi-line controller; otherwise, MC=NO for single line. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-I09 I INVALID, MISSING, OR DUPLICATE ADAPTER ADDRESS INVALID NAME o Issued by: $TAPEUTI Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The adapter address must be specified on the ADAPTER statement. A valid adapter address is a 2-digit hexadecimal number which must be divisible by 4. Explanation: You entered a data set name more than 8 characters long. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: Reenter valid data set name. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. INVALID NAME User Response: Ensure the adapter address specified is coded only once and that it is specified correctly. INVALID 'MODE=', MUST BE 'FIELD', 'LINE', OR 'SCREEN' Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: An invalid operand was specified for the MODE= operand of the ERASE instruction. Issued by: $XPSLINK from $XPSPOST Explanation: In response to a prompt for an output program data set, the name you entered was too long (more than 8 characters). System Action: Reprompts for an output program data set name. User Response: Reenter a valid data set name. o System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify either "FIELD", "LINE", or "SCREEN" as the operand for MODE=. INVALID MODE SPECIFICATION Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The MODE= operand was specified incorrectly. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Refer to the Language Reference for the valid responses to this operand on the instruction being used. o MC-IIO SC34-0636 I c INVALID NAME HAS BEEN POSITIONED INVALID NUMBER; MUST BE IN RANGE OF 1 TO xxx Issued by: $DIRECT Issued by: $COPYUTI Explanation: During the sort process, an invalid name has been positioned. System Action: Continues processing. User Response: When the process is done, delete the invalid name that you have tried to position. Explanation: The system found an invalid length in the member control record. The member directory entry is damaged. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Recreate the member directory entry. INVALID NO. OF ELEMENTS IN OPERANDSHOULD BE 1 OR 2 INVALID NUMERIC OPERAND Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The number of elements specified in one of the operands is invalid for the instruction. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. Explanation: The system encountered invalid numeric data while attempting to convert an EBCDIC character string to a binary value using the CONVTD instruction. User Response: Ensure that the number of elements you specified is correct for that operand. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. INVALID NUCLEUS NAME User Response: Examine the EBCDIC field for invalid characters and make the appropriate corrections. Issued by: $INITDSK Explanation: The name you specified does not refer to an actual nucleus. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Specify a name for a valid nucleus. o Chapter 2 .. Messages MC-III I INVALID NUMERIC RANGE ON COMMON= OPERAND, MUST BE 0 TO 31 INVALID OPERAND ON EXEC COMMAND o Issued by: $JOBUTIL Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: During system generation, you coded an invalid parameter for the COMMON operand on the SYSTEM statement. When specifying the size (in 2K blocks) of the common area in a partition, you must code a value from 0 to 31. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Ensure that all values coded for the COMMON operand are within the valid range. INVALID OPERAND 3. MUST BE 'ON' OR 'OFF' Explanation: In the procedure data set, you have entered invalid information. System Action: Ends utility. User Response: Edit the procedure data set, taking out the invalid information and placing all elements in the proper order. Then retry the utility. INVALID OPERAND SPECIFIED ON 'TERMCTRL' Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: An invalid operand or combination of operands was coded in the TERMCTRL statement. Explanation: For the SETBIT instruction, the third operand must be 'on' or 'off'. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. System Action: Continues processing but does not generate object text for that instruction. User Response: Examine the TERMCTRL statement and make the needed corrections. o User Response: Correct the indicated error and reassemble. INVALID OPERAND 3. MUST BE 'SECS' Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: For the STIMER instruction, the third operand must be SECS. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Correct the indicated error and recompile the program. o MC-112 SC34-0636 I c INVALID OPERATION FOR VIRTUAL TERMINAL Issued by: $TERMUTI . Explanation: You tried to vary off a virtual INVALID OR MISSING COUNT= SPECIFICATION Issued by: $EDXASM System Action: Returns to command mode. Explanation: The value specified for the number of queue elements to be generated was coded incorrectly or omitted. An equated value cannot be used for count. User Response: This is an informational message. No user response is needed. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. terminal. This is invalid. INVALID OPTION User Response: Specify an explicit positive integer for the COUNT operand on the DEFINEQ instruction. Issued by: $IAMUTI Explanation: Using the AL subcommand of DR, the directory data set already exists, and your response to the allocation option was other than AS, BN, EN or a null. o System Action: Displays the valid options and asks you to enter one. User Response: Reply with a valid response. INVALID OPTION ENTERED Issued by: $IAMUTI INVALID OR MISSING DEVICE TYPE SPECIFIED Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: A device was not specified or was specified incorrectly during system configuration. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify the device correctly on the TERMINAL statement or include the missing device. Explanation: You entered an option other than 0 through 3. System Action: Asks you to enter another option. User Response: Enter either 0, 1,2, or 3 as an option. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-113 I INVALID OR MISSING DI, DO, OR PI ADDRESS - ALL MUST BE PRESENT INVALID OR MISSING SIZE= SPECIFICATION Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: For the 4013 terminal, the DI, DO, and PI operands must be specified. Explanation: The value specified for the buffer size was coded incorrectly or omitted. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify all values and in the User Response: Specify the buffer size as a self-defining term for the SIZE operand on the DEFINEQ instruction. form: DI= (address ,termaddr) DO= (address ,termaddr) PI=(address,bit) o INVALID OR MISSING TYPE= PARAMETER Refer to the Installation and System Generation Guide for details on how to specify the TERMINAL statement for the 4013. INVALID OR MISSING LABEL ON 'ADAPTER' STATEMENT Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: All ADAPTER statements must have labels. A valid label cannot exceed 8 characters. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify a 1-8 character name as a label for each ADAPTER statement. Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The parameter for TYPE= on the ADAPTER statement was missing or specified incorrectly. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. o User Response: Specify TYPE=MFA or TYPE = ALPA on the ADAPTER statement. INVALID OR UNDEFINED OPERATION CODE Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The instruction was not found. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Ensure the instruction you specified is spelled correctly or that no blank lines appear in the source code. o MC-114 SC34-0636 I c INVALID OR UNSPECIFIED LENGTH OPERAND INVALID PARAMETER PASSED - DEFAULT TO NO ERROR MSG DISPLAY ON OCCURRENCE Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $LOG Explanation: The LENGTH operand is required in an SLE instruction and must be a self-defining term. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Code the LENGTH operand if it has not been coded or recode the existing operand with a self-defining term. INVALID PARAMETER COUNT Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The program or $JOBUTIL procedure that loaded the $LOG utility passed an invalid parameter. $LOG ignores the parameter and uses the default. If the utility encounters an error, such as the log data set being full, it will not display a message. You must use the $LOG command to display the utility's error messages. System Action: The program or $JOBUTIL procedure continues to execute. User Response: If you want $LOG to display utility error messages when they occur, code the correct parameter and reload the program or $JOBUTIL procedure. Explanation: Too few or too many operands were specified in an instruction. c System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: On the instruction in which the error occurred, code a valid number of operands. INVALID PARAMETER IN DATA LIST Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The contents of the list operand in a GETEDIT or PUTEDIT instruction were incorrectly specified. INVALID PARAMETER PASSED - DEFAULT TO NO TERMINATE ON DATA SET WRAP Issued by: $LOG Explanation: The program or $JOBUTIL procedure that loaded the $LOG utility passed an invalid parameter. $LOG ignores the parameter and uses the default. If the log data set becomes full during 110 error logging, $LOG will return to the third record in the data set and begin writing over the existing entries. System Action: The program or $JOBUTIL procedure continues to execute. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Check the list operand in the appropriate instruction and correct the format. User Response: If you want $LOG to end before it writes over any existing entries in the log data set, code the correct parameter and reload the program or $JOBUTIL procedure. e !1 .. \') Chapter 2. Messages MC-ttS I INVALID PARAMETER WITH 'ALIGN' OPERAND INVALID PARTITION o Issued by: $DEBUG Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The "type" operand specified on the ALIGN instruction is not one of the valid data alignment types. Explanation: You specified an invalid partition for the program being debugged. System Action: The system prompts you for a partition. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify for "type" either WORD, BYTE, or DWORD. If omitted, WORD is the default. User Response: Issue the operator command $A ALL to list all partitions that exist in the system. Enter a valid partition. INVALID PGM= SPECIFICATION INVALID PARM= SPECIFICATION Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The operand PARM = on the PROGRAM statement was either too large or was not specified as a positive self-defining word count. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: An error in the PGM= operand was detected while trying to construct the DSCB data for the PROGRAM instruction. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Ensure the PGM= operand is coded correctly. User Response: Ensure the value specified for P ARM = is a positive self-defining word count. The number of words specified in the operand list must not exceed 762 words less 33 for each data set (DS=) and each overlay (PGMS=). INVALID 'POINT=', MUST BE'O -15' FOR AI OR '0 - l' FOR AO Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The value specified for the POINT= operand on the IODEF instruction was omitted or specified incorrectly. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify a value 0-15 for analog input (AI) or 0-1 for analog output (AO). o MC-116 SC34-0636 I o INVALID PREC= SPECIFICATION INVALID PRECISION FOR REGISTER OPERATION Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The precision coded for the PREC= operand on the READ/WRITE was specified incorrectly. Must be either PREC=S or PREC=D. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify either "S" or "D" for PREC=. Also, if PREC=D is specified, the "relrecno" (relative record number) operand must be coded. Explanation: Only single precision arithmetic operations can occur with direct register specification. Addressing through registers is valid. For example, #reg cannot be specified for other than single precision (word) arithmetic operations. (n,#reg) can be used for all precisions. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Correct the error and recompile. INVALID PRECISION FOR IMMEDIATE OPERAND 2 o INVALID PRIORITY SPECIFICATION Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The immediate operand 2 cannot have byte specification. Explanation: The priority assigned to the task in a T ASK statement was not a self-defining term or was outside the accepted range of 1 (highest priority) to 510 (lowest priority). System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Operand 2 must be single System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. precision if specified as immediate data. User Response: Ensure that the priority coded in the TASK statement is a self-defining term within the accepted range. o Chapter 2. Messages M C-117 I INVALID PROCEDURE NAME xxx INVALID PROMPT MESSAGE Issued by: $JOBUTIL Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: This problem can occur if you have loaded the utility with the $L command, or through the Session Manager. One or more of the names you specified in the PROC statement were wrong. Either the data set does not exist on the volume specified, or the volume does not exist, or both. It is also possible that you did not enter the information starting in column 10. Explanation: The prompting message on the GETVALUE instruction was specified incorrectly. System Action: Ends the operation. o System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify the label of the TEXT statement containing the prompting message or specify an explicit character string enclosed in quotes. User Response: Retry the function and specify valid information. INVALID PROGRAM NAME Issued by: $PREFIND Explanation: The data set you specified to contain the program does not exist. o System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: Specify an existing program-type data set, or allocate one. INVALID PROGRAM NAME Issued by: $MTM Explanation: The name of the program requested from the primary menu was not found in the Multiple Terminal Manager program table or invalid parameters were supplied on a DISCONNECT command. System Action: Does not perform the requested function. User Response: Correct the program name or parameters and retry the request. o MC-118 SC34-0636 I 0 ,' Ii INVALID PROMPT= SPECIFICATION INVALID 'RANGE=', MUST BE 5V, 500MV, 200MV, 100MV, 50MV, 20MV, OR 10MV Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The PROMPT= operand for GETVALUE and READTEXT instructions was specified incorrectly. Valid operands are PROMPT=COND (advance input accepted), and PROMPT=UNCOND (prompt is displayed). Explanation: The value you specified for the RANGE= operand on the IODEF instruction is incorrect. System Action: The error is flagged and System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. compilation continues. User Response: Specify either COND or UNCOND with PROMPT=. If omitted, User Response: Specify either 5V, 500MV, 200MV, lOOMV, 50MV, 20MV, or lOMV as the value for RANGE = . PROMPT=UNCOND is the default. INVALID 'PULSE' SPECIFIED o INVALID RELATIONAL OPERATOR SPECIFIED ON STATEMENT SYNTAX Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The form of the PULSE operand for digital output on the SBIO instruction was specified incorrectly. Explanation: An IF or DO statement was formatted incorrectly, or a relational operator within the structure was invalid. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify the PULSE operand as User Response: Examine the statement syntax and the relational operator(s) used and make the appropriate corrections. follows: SBIO DOx, (PULSE,dir) where "dir" (direction) is either ON (or UP) or OFF (or DOWN). c Chapter 2. Messages MC-119 I INVALID RESET TYPE INVALID SENSOR INPUT/OUTPUT TYPE Issued by: $RJE2780, $RJE3780 Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The reset type you entered is not one of the valid types: CO, SU, SP, or PU. Explanation: The sensor input/ output type for the SBIO instruction was specified incorrectly. System Action: Utility returns to wait state (it is invoked with ATTNLIST processing). System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Retry the function, entering a User Response: Specify the input/output type as 3 or 4 characters in the format: AIx, AOx, Dlx, DOx - where x is a one- or two-digit number. valid command. o INVALID SECOND CHARACTER IN PREC= Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The second character in the PREC= specification must be either F (single precision), L (extended precision), or * (single precision as the default) for floating-point arithmetic operations. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. o User Response: Specify the second character for PREC= as explained. INVALID SELF-DEFINING TERM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: $EDXASM expected to find a self-defining term but has not found it. This error can occur if an instruction has an incorrect syntax and $EDXASM is reading the wrong part of a character string. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Examine the syntax of the instruction and make any needed corrections. This error message also can be triggered by previous errors in the program. o MC-120 SC34-0636 I o INVALID ISEQ::I FOR IAr INVALID SIGNON CHARACTER Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $MTM Explanation: The parameter coded for the SEQ= operand was specified incorrectly on the SBIO instruction. For type AI, the parameter for the SEQ= operand must be either YES or NO. Explanation: The SIGNON specification for the TERMINAL file record listed immediately before this message is not "Y" or "N". System Action: The terminal is not connected. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify either SEQ= YES or SEQ=NO as appropriate. User Response: Edit the TERMINAL record to correct the SIGNON specification. Stop and restart the manager. INVALID SIZE FOR AL INVALID SESSION PARAMETERS RECEIVED - BIND REJECTED Issued by: $RJESNA Issued by: $JOBUTIL Explanation: In the AL command, you specified an invalid size. o Explanation: The session parameters (BIND image) received from the host are not valid for the Event Driven Executive SNA support. System Action: Ends utility. System Action: The SNA support rejects the User Response: Edit the procedure data set, putting the elements in the proper order. Then rerun the utility. received session parameters and $RJESNA terminates. User Response: =x $RJESNA requires native and host support. You may have to consult the programmer who wrote the host interface to help solve this problem. After the problem is corrected, restart $RJESNA. INVALID SPECIFICATION FOR ECHO Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The valid parameters for the ECHO= operand are "YES" and "NO". Refer to the TERMINAL statement in the Installation and System Generation Guide to determine which parameters are valid for this device. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify either "YES" or "NO" for the ECHO= operand. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-121 I INVALID SPECIFICATION FOR 'OVFLINE ' INVALID SYNTAX IN OPERAND FIELD Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The parameter specified for the OVFLINE= operand (line overflow) on the TERMINAL statement must be either "YES" or "NO". Explanation: The syntax of one of the operands is invalid for this instruction. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. o System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify the correct syntax for the operands of this instruction. User Response: Specify either OVFLINE= YES or OVFLINE=NO. INVALID TASK NAME INVALID SPECIFICATION FOR 'SCREEN' Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The parameter specified for the SCREEN = operand on the TERMINAL statement was not "YES", "ROLL", or "NO" for 4013, 2741, TTY, or GPIB devices. For 4978/4979 or ACCA devices, the parameter specified was not "YES", "ROLL", "NO", or "STATIC". Issued by: $DEBUG Explanation: You specified the name of a task that does not exist in the program you are debugging. System Action: Awaits operator response. User Response: Reenter the information using the name of a valid task for the program you are debugging. 0', ' I __ I.L System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify the SCREEN= operand according to the device type. INVALID STORBlK ADDRESS Issued by: $DEBUG Explanation: You specified an invalid STORBLK address. System Action: The system prompts you for the correct STORBLK address. User Response: Refer to the assembly listing of the program you are debugging and enter the correct address of the STORBLK statement. o MC-122 SC34-0636 I o 1 INVALID TCB LABEL ON ITCBGET OR ITCBPUTI INVALID THIRD CHARACTER IN PREC= Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM TCBPUT instruction is not a valid pointer to a TCB field. Explanation: The third character in the PREC= specification must be either F (single precision), L (extended precision), or * (single precision as the default) for floating-point arithmetic operations. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Code a valid TCB label. User Response: Specify the third character for PREC= as explained. Explanation: Operand 2 in a TCBGET or INVALID TERMINAL INVALID TIMEOUT OR CHAIN OPERAND Issued by: $MTM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The terminal name entered with a DISCONNECT command is not a Multiple Terminal Manager terminal. c System Action: Does not disconnect the Explanation: If the TIMEOUT and CHAIN operands of the BSCREAD instruction are specified, the only valid parameters are either "YES" or "NO". terminal. User Response: Retry, specifying a valid System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. terminal name. User Response: Specify the valid parameter as appropriate. INVALID ITERMINAL NAME', MUST BE 1 - 8 CHARACTERS Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The terminal name specified exceeds the maximum of eight characters. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Ensure the terminal name does not exceed eight characters. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-123 I INVALID TOP MARGIN INVALID 'TYPE=', MUST BE 'DATA' OR 'ALL' o Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The syntax for the TOPM= operand of the TERMINAL statement was specified incorrectly. The value must be a positive self-defining term. The value must be between zero and P AGSIZE-l. Explanation: An invalid parameter was specified for the TYPE= operand of the ERASE instruction. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify either "DATA" or "ALL" as the operand for TYPE=. User Response: Specify a positive self-defining term for the TOPM= operand. INVALID "TYPE" OPERAND INVALID TYPE FOR AL Issued by: $JOBUTIL Explanation: You specified an invalid data set type in the AL command. Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: You coded an invalid parameter for the TYPE operand of the NETCTL instruction. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. System Action: Ends utility. User Response: Code one ot:ihe following User Response: Edit the procedure data set, putting the elements in the proper order. Then retry the utility. INVALID TYPE INDICATOR - xxx ON LINE #yyy Issued by: $MSGUTI Explanation: Invalid type specified in the () parameters for the TYPE operand: • RECV • ACCEPT • REJECT • CANCEL • QEC • RELQ • SIG • LUSTAT • RTR. operand. System Action: Continues processing. User Response: When processing finishes, correct the error and retry. o M C-124 SC34-0636 I C·'·' " INVALID 'TYPE=' SPECIFIED INVALID VOLUME LABEL Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $XPSLINK from $XPSPOST Explanation: The operand specified for TYPE= is invalid or its parameter is specified incorrectly on the TERMCTRL instruction for GETSTORE or PUTSTORE functions. Explanation: In response to a prompt for an output program data set, the volume name you entered was too long (more than 6 characters). System Action: The error is flagged and System Action: Asks again for the output program data set name and volume. compilation continues. User Response: Specify a volume name with 1 User Response: Refer to the description of the 6 characters. TERMCTRL instruction for the parameters that can be coded for a specific device. INVALID VOLUME LABEL INVALID VALUE Issued by: $TERMUT2 Issued by: $PREFIND Explanation: The volume you specified does not exist. o Explanation: The number you supplied in response to a prompt is not in the valid range or format. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: Specify a correct volume name System Action: Prompts for a valid number. (6 letters, starting with a letter) and retry the function. User Response: Reenter a valid hex number for the function being run. INVALID VOLUME LABEL ON *COPYCOD LABEL IN $EDXL INVALID VOLUME LABEL Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $TAPEUTI Explanation: The volume label you specified is in Explanation: The volume name specified on the *COPYCOD statement was not found. an unacceptable format for use with the allocate function. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. System Action: Awaits operator response. User Response: Specify a volume label with an User Response: Ensure that the volume name specified on the *COPYCOD statement is correct. acceptable format. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-12S I "0'"·, " INVALID WRES SUBCOMMAND INVALID 'ZCOR=', MUST BE 'YES' OR 'NO' Issued by: Spooling Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: An invalid subcommand has been specified on a $S WRES command. Explanation: The parameter specified for the ZCOR= operand (zero correction facility) on the 10DEF instruction was coded incorrectly. System Action: Does not perform the requested function. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Retry the function with valid subcommands. User Response: Specify either "YES" or "NO" for ZCOR= and code it only for analog input (AI). INVALID WRITER NAME INVALID 4982 BASE ADDRESS Issued by: Spooling Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: A device not designated as a spool device has been specified on a $S WSTR, WRES, or WSTP command, or the writer is already active. System Action: Does not perform the requested function. Explanation: The base address for a 4982 sensor I/O device must end in 0 or 8. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. 0, , User Response: Retry the command with a correct device specified. Use the $S DISP ALL command to determine the valid device names. User Response: Recode the base address in the ADDRESS operand of the SENSORIO statement. " INVALID 4982 FEATURE ADDRESS INVALID WSTP SUBCOMMAND Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: Spooling Explanation: An invalid subcommand has been specified on a $S WSTP command. Explanation: The addresses specified for one or more of the operands, AI, AO, DI, DO and PI, are not within the range of the base address for the 4982 device. System Action: The requested function is not performed. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Retry the function with valid subcommands. User Response: Ensure that the addresses specified for the operands fall within the range of the base address for the 4982 device. o M C-126 SC34-0636 I c I/O BUFFER ADDRESS NOT SPECIFIED Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The "loc" operand on the READ TEXT instruction must be coded. It specifies the label of the buffer storage area that is to receive data upon execution of the READTEXT. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. I/O ERROR DURING DSOPEN - RC = xxx Issued by: $TAPEUT1 Explanation: An error prevented the opening of a tape file. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: Check the tape read/write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. User Response: Specify the label of the storage area to receive the data. I/O ERROR ACCESSING DATA SET Issued by: $TERMUT2 c Explanation: A read or write error occurred in the output data set. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: Recreate the input data set and retry the function. I/O ERROR ATTEMPTING TO OPEN SEGMENT OR IPL VOL Issued by: $XPSLINK from $XPSPOST Explanation: The utility could not open the volumes needed to perform the requested function. System Action: $XPSPOST ends unsuccessfully with a completion code of 12. The nucleus is not stored. User Response: Rerun $XPSLINK. If the problem occurs again, there is probably a bad spot on the disk or diskette in the IPL or work volume in use. Use $INITDSK to verify those two volumes. c Chapter 2. Messages MC-127 I I/O ERROR DURING OPEN Issued by: $TAPEUTI Explanation: An I/O error prevented the opening of the data set you specified. System Action: Issues a tape read/write return code. Returns to command mode. User Response: Check the tape read/write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. I/O ERROR DURING SEARCH FOR VOLUME xxx Issued by: $INITDSK Explanation: A read/write error occurred while the utility was looking for the specified volume. System Action: Returns an error code. Ends utility. User Response: Check the disk and diskette read/write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. Then retry the function. You may have to wait until the system is not in use by anyone else. If the problem persists, you may have to reinitialize the volume or device. I/O ERROR INITIALIZATION FIXED HEAD DEV, DISK RETURN CODE=xxx IN THE TWO RECORDS STARTING WITH RECORDyyy o Issued by: $DASDI Explanation: An error was encountered during fixed head initialization starting with record yyy. The result was a return code of xxx. System Action: Terminates the initialization. User Response: Check the disk and diskette read/write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. I/O ERROR DURING OPEN OF COPYCODE DATASET Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: An I/O error occurred during the directory lookup for the copy code data set specified or the data set was not found in the directory. o System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Ensure that the copy code data set name is specified correctly and that it is present in at least one of the copy code volumes. o M C-128 SC34-0636 I o I/O ERROR ON S/1-S/1 - STATUS =xxx HEX yyy DEC I/O ERROR RC =xxx CONTENTS OF BUFF: Issued by: $TAPEUTI Issued by: $SISI UTI Explanation: A read/write error occurred on the Series/I. The result was a return code of yyy Explanation: A read or write error occurred while exercising the tape. (decimal value). System Action: Returns to command mode. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: Check the tape read/write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. User Response: Check the Series/l-to-Series/l return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. Then retry the function. I/O ERROR READING $SMMAIN $JOBUTIL FILE xxx RC= yyy I/O ERROR RC = xxx ON VOLUME Issued by: Session Manager Issued by: $MOVEVOL Explanation: A read or write error occurred on o the diskette in use. Explanation: While trying to submit a background job, the session manager encountered an error while reading file $SMWxxx on volume EDX003 (xxx is your user ID). System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Check the disk and diskette read/write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. Retry the function using another diskette. I/O ERROR RC =xxx System Action: The session manager does not submit the job. It returns to the previous menu. User Response: Check the disk and diskette read/write return codes for the cause of the error. You also can end the session manager and respond "N" to the question "Do you want to save work data sets (Y /N)?". Issued by: $TAPEUTI Explanation: An error occurred during the opening of the specified source or target data sets. System Action: Prompts, "REDEFINE? (Y,N):". User Response: Answer the prompt with 'Y' and specify different data areas. c Chapter 2. Messages MC-129 I 'IOTYPE=' MUST BE 'INPUT' OR 'OUTPUT' IPL TEXT I/O ERROR, DISK RETURN CODE o =xxx Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $INITDSK Explanation: The only valid parameters for the IOTYPE= operand are "INPUT" and "OUTPUT" . Explanation: A read/ write error occurred in the IPL text. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: Specify either "INPUT" or User Response: End the utility, reload and retry the function. If the problem occurs again, re-IPL and retry. "OUTPUT" as the parameter for IOTYPE= on the DCB statement. If omitted, IOTYPE=OUTPUT is the default. I/O ERROR WRITING $JOBQ $JOBUTIL FILE RC=xxx Issued by: Session Manager Explanation: While trying to submit a background job, the session manager encountered an error while writing to a temporary $JOBQ file on EDX003. System Action: The session manager does not IPL VOLUME CANNOT BE FIXED HEAD VOLUME Issued by: $INITDSK Explanation: You specified a fixed-head volume for use as the IPL volume. An IPL volume can only be a non-fixed-head volume. System Action: Ends the operation. o User Response: Specify a non-fixed-head volume as the IPL volume. submit the job. It returns to the previous menu. User Response: Check the disk and diskette read/write return codes for the cause of the error and take the appropriate action. IPL NUCLEUS HAS AN INVALID HEADER Issued by: $SlSlUTl Explanation: The utility has found invalid data in the target nucleus. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: Resolve the problem with the nucleus in question. Then retry. o MC-130 SC34-0636 I c IS THIS A SECONDARY ENTRY (YIN)? Issued by: $IAMUTI Explanation: This is a prompt (using the IE subcommand of DR) for information about the entry being inserted into the directory. System Action: Awaits operator response. User Response: Reply "Y" if you are inserting a secondary entry, so you can be prompted for the data set name and volume of the primary indexed file. Reply "N" if you are inserting a primary entry. o c Chapter 2. Messages MC-131 J JOB xxx NOT FOUND ON JOB QUEUE DATA SYSTEM JOB QUEUE PROCESSOR LOAD FAILED RC=xxx Issued by: $SUBMIT Issued by: $SUBMIT, $JOBQUT Explanation: The job number you specified does not exist. Explanation: The system cannot load the job queue processor at this time. System Action: Returns to command mode. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Find the correct job number by using the STQ command. Then retry using a valid job number. User Response: Check the LOAD return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. Then retry the function. JOB xxx WAS EXECUTING WHEN A SYSTEM FAILURE OCCURRED IT HAS BEEN PUT IN A HELD STATE Issued by: $JOBQUT Explanation: The held job may have caused the system to fail. It will start executing again when the system comes back up. System Action: None. User Response: Before restarting or releasing the job, determine that it did not cause the system to fail. o JOBID INVALID Issued by: Spooling Explanation: The specified spool job is not in the system. System Action: Does not perform the requested function. User Response: Determine the correct spool job ID and resubmit the command. The $S DISP ALL command can be used to display the current spool jobs. o JOB PRIORITY INVALID Issued by: $SUBMIT Explanation: You attempted to assign a job priority that is outside the valid range or that is in the wrong format. System Action: Issues message stating valid range and prompts for a correct job priority. User Response: Specify a job priority in the range of 0 - 3. o MC-132 SC34-0636 J c JOURNAL ABORTED - FILE ERROR xxx Issued by: $RJESNA Issued by: $RJESNA Explanation: An error occurred while the JOURNAL function attempted to open or write to the Series/l data set. The result was a return code of xxx. Explanation: This message is issued for one of the following reasons: System Action: Terminates the JOURNAL request. User Response: Check the disk and diskette read/ write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. JOURNAL ON/OFF REQUESTED - ROUTINE NOT AVAILABLE Issued by: $RJESNA c JOURNAL TERMINATED Explanation: You entered a JOURNAL command, but the journal processing routines were not included when $RJESNA was link-edited. System Action: None. 1. You entered a JOURNAL OFF command. 2. The JOURNAL facility failed to find the data set or volume you specified. A previous message will have identified the problem. 3. An error occurred in opening the specified data set. A previous message will have identified the error condition. 4. An I/O error occurred on the journal data set. A previous message will have identified the error condition. System Action: Terminates JOURNAL processing. User Response: If $RJESNA has issued a previous error message, examine its explanation and take the appropriate corrective action. User Response: To perform journal processing, link-edit $RJESNA again and include the journal processing routines distributed with the $RJESNA utility. After the link-edit, restart the $RJESNA utility and then enter the JOURNAL commands. c'·'· i, Chapter .2. Messages MC-133 K KEY OF INPUT REC xxx IS DUPLICATE OR OUT OF SEQUENCE. OMIT THE RECORD AND CONTINUE? KEYWORD SSCPID HAS TO BE 0 - 12 HEX CHARACTERS o Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $IAMUTI Explanation: A duplicate key exists in the input sequential data set xxx and could not be written to Explanation : You did not specify a value of 0-12 hexadecimal characters for the SSCPID operand of the NETHOST instruction. indexed data set. System Action: Waits for response. User Response: If "Y" is entered, the next record is read from input data set and processing continues. If "N" is entered, the command terminates. Check that the input data set contains the proper data. Check the KEYSIZE and KEYPOS operands used to define the indexed data set against the input data set records. Check that the data in the input data set is in the proper sequence. Redefine and reload data set if necessary. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Recode the SSCPID operand with a valid number of hexadecimal characters. o MC-134 SC34-0636 L c LABEL IS TOO LONG OR IS MISSING LABEL MUST START WITH AN ALPHABETIC OR SPECIAL CHARACTER Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The label is required if ADAPTER = MFA or ADAPTER=ALPA; otherwise the label is optional. Valid labels cannot exceed 8 characters. Explanation: Valid labels must have as the first character: A-Z, $, #, or @. System Action: The error is flagged and System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. compilation continues. User Response: Specify 1-8 characters for the User Response: Specify any of the valid characters as the first character of the label. label. LABEl=- MUST BE EITHER SL, NL, OR BLP (DEFAULT=SL) LABEL NOT SUPPLIED - CAIOCB TERMINATED Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: A label on the CAIOCB statement c Explanation: The parameter specified for the was not supplied. LABEL= operand of the TAPE statement must be either "SL" (standard label), "NL" (no label), or "BLP" (bypass label processing). System Action: Terminates expansion of the System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: On the CAIOCB statement, specify a label, and reassemble. CAIOCB statement. User Response: Specify either "SL", "NL", or "BLP" for the LABEL= operand. If omitted, LABEL=SL is the default. LABEL MUST BE SPECIFIED Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The label field required for this instruction was not coded. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify a 1-8 character name as the label on this instruction. 0·:·'; I'll Chapter 2. Messages MC-135 L LENGTH IGNORED IN TEXT FIELD ONLINE 'LEVEL' MUST BE EITHER 0, 1,2, OR 3 o # xxx Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $MSGUTI Explanation: Length should not be used in text (T) type parameter. Explanation: The hardware interrupt level specified to be assigned to a device by a PREPARE instruction is invalid on the IDCB instruction. System Action: Continues processing. User Response: When processing finishes, correct the error and retry. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify 0, 1, 2, or 3 for the hardware interrupt level on the LEVEL= operand. LENGTH NOT SPECIFIED IN CHARACTER FIELD ON LINE #xxx Issued by: $MSGUTI LIBRARY IS FULL Issued by: $DISKUTI Explanation: The character type parameter must specify length. Explanation: No data set directory space is left for the volume in use. System Action: Continues processing. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: When processing finishes, correct the error and rerun the function. User Response: Delete some unneeded data sets o or use a different volume. LENGTH OUT OF RANGE; MUST BE 0 - xxx Issued by: $DEBUG LINE LEVEL FOR THIS DEVICE: Issued by: $GPIBUTI Explanation: The length you specified is beyond the range of the unmapped storage area. xxx is the highest length allowed. Explanation: The system is asking for a line level value of either 1 or O. System Action: The system prompts you for a System Action: Awaits operator response. valid length. User Response: Enter the desired value. User Response: Enter the length that is within the range of the unmapped storage area. o MC-136 SC34-0636 L c LINE MODE TYPE NOT SUPPORTED 'LISTADDR' POSITIONAL PARAMETER IS MISSING Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The line mode type must be one of the following: RS422, LOCAL, PTTOPT, or SWITCHED. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. Explanation: The "listaddr" operand of the EXOPEN instruction is required and must specify the address (the label) of the first word of a list of three addresses. Briefly the addresses are: • User Response: Specify the correct line mode type in the LMODE operand of the TERMINAL statement. LINK LEVEL ACTIVATED VIA SNA Issued by: $SNAMAIN c Explanation: Series/l SNA support has been loaded and the resources required to operate the network have been obtained. The primary SDLC station has set the Series/l SDLC station to normal response mode. • • wordl - address of storage area for interrupt processing word2 - address of a list of ECB addresses word3 - DCB address. Refer to the Language Reference for a complete description of the operand. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify the "listaddr" operand as explained. LMODE=LOCAL/PTTOPT REQUIRED BY System Action: Normal processing continues. 4975-R User Response: This is an informational message. No user response is needed. Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The line mode (LMODE=) specification for the 4975-0lR and 4975-02R device must be either "LOCAL" or "PTTOPT". System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify either "LOCAL" or "PTTOPT" for the LMODE= operand of TERMINAL statement. o Chapter 2. Messages M C-l3 7 L ILMODE=LOCAL/PTTOPT/SWITCHED' MUST BE ON ADAPTER BASE ADDRESS Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: If ADAPTER=MFA is specified, and LMODE= LOCAL, PTTOPT, or SWITCHED, the address specified on the ACCA TERMINAL statement must be an MFA (multifunction adapter) base address (the address is divisible by 4). If LMODE=RS422, the terminal can be connected to any port of the MFA. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify an MFA-based address on the TERMINAL statement. LOAD ERROR ENCOUNTERED, RX = xxx LOAD ERROR RC=xxx Issued by: $MTM Explanation: A load failure occurred, resulting in a LOAD return code of xxx. System Action: The terminal is not available to the Multiple Terminal Manager. User Response: Check the LOAD return code to find the cause of the problem and take the appropriate action. LOAD ERROR RC = xxx JOB PROCESSOR ENDED Issued by: $JOBUTIL Explanation: The job queue processor was unable to load the program you requested. The result was a return code of xxx. Issued by: $XPSLINK System Action: Ends the operation. Explanation: $XPSLINK was unable to load $XPSPRE, $EDXLINK, or $XPSPOST. The result was a LOAD return code of xxx. o o User Response: Check the LOAD return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. Then try to load the program again. System Action: $XPSLINK ends. User Response: Check the LOAD return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. LOAD FAILED ($DISKUT3), RC = xxx Issued by: $IMAGE Explanation: The requested function required the system to load $DISKUT3, which it could not do. The result was a return code of xxx. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Check the $DISKUT3 return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. Retry the function. o MC-138 SC34-0636 L o LOAD FAILED FOR $IAMSTGM, RC=xxx, PTN=yyy, SIZE=zzz LOAD OF $SNAMAIN FAILED - RC= xxx Issued by: $SNA Issued by: $IAM Explanation: $IAM attempted to load $IAMSTGM in partition yyy, whose size is zzz. The result was a LOAD return code of xxx. System Action: Data paging initialization will continue. If you requested storage in other partition(s) and some or all of that storage is obtained and the total obtained is at least 4k, data paging will be activated. User Response: To correct the size of the page area, cancel $IAM and $IAMSTGM, make sure the storage is available in the partition you requested and reload $IAM. LOAD FOR SERVER xxx FAILED, RC=yyy c Explanation: During network activation, $SNA failed to load $SNAMAIN. System Action: $SNA unloads and issues the return code xxx. User Response: Check the LOAD instruction return codes for an explanation of the code received in this message and take the appropriate action. If the return code is 76 or 80, ignore the return code explanation and refer to the installation procedures in the SNA Program Install Directory. LOADER ERROR RC = xxx Issued by: $DICOMP Issued by: $MTM Explanation: A load error occurred during the requested function, resulting in a return code of xxx. Explanation: A load failure occurred during initialization for the server xxx, resulting in a LOAD return code of yyy. System Action: Ends the operation. System Action: The terminal is not available to User Response: Check the LOAD return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. Retry the function. the Multiple Terminal Manager User Response: Check the LOAD return code to find the cause of the problem and take the appropriate action. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-139 L LOADER ERROR WHILE PROCESSING TERMINAL STATEMENT LOG DATA SET WRAPPED xxx TIMES, LAST RECORD LOGGED BEFORE WRAP o =YYY Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $LOG Explanation: There is no room in the partition for a second level overlay which the TERMINAL statement is attempting to read. Second level overlays process individual TERMINAL devices. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Recompile the program after ensuring that there is enough room in the partition. $LOADER NOT FOUND ON MEMDSK Issued by: $MEMDISK Explanation: You tried to set or reset $LOADER but it was not in the MEMDSK directory. Explanation: The log data set has been "wrapped" xxx times. "Wrapping" occurs when the data set becomes full during 110 error logging. $LOG returns to the third record in the log data set and begins writing over the existing entries. The last record logged before the utility wrapped the data set is yyy. The value yyy is also the number of usable log records in the log data set. This value does not include the first two records of the data set which c6ntain control information. System Action: 110 error logging continues. User Response: Use the $DISKUT2 utility to display or print the existing error log records. LOGGING NOT INCLUDED IN SUPERVISOR System Action: The SL or RL command is terminated. Issued by: $LOG User Response: Use $COPYUTI to copy Explanation: You attempted to use the logging function, but your system does not support it. You cannot use $LOG. $LOADER from your IPL volume to the MEMDSK volume. Reissue the SL command. o System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: To include the logging function in your system, you must do another system generation and include the appropriate supervisor modules. Refer to the Installation and System Generation Guide for details on this procedure. o MC-140 SC34-0636 M o MAX # OF DIRECTORY ENTRIES MAXDCB= OUT OF LIMITS Issued by: $IAMUTI Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: This prompt (using the AL subcommand of DR) requests the maximum number of entries the directory data set is to contain. Explanation: The value specified for the maximum number of chained DeBs is not within the valid range. The valid range of the MAXDCB= operand of the EXIODEV statement is 0-8. System Action: Awaits operator response. c User Response: Enter the maximum number of System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. entries the directory data set is to contain. Enter a null line to use the default of 47 entries. The number of entries can range from 1 to 32767. User Response: Specify a value within the range of 0-8 for MAXDCB=. MAX # OF DIRECTORY ENTRIES MUST BE AT LEAST xxx MAXIMUM NUMBER OF PROGRAMS NOT BETWEEN 1 AND 100 Issued by: $IAMUTI Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: On a request (using the AL or AS subcommands of DR) to adjust the size of the directory data set, the requested new size is not sufficient to contain all the presently used entries. Explanation: At least one of the MAXPROG= operands on the SYSTEM statement is not within the range of 1-100. System Action: Asks again for the maximum System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. number of directory entries. User Response: Request a larger maximum number of directory entries. User Response: On the MAXPROG= operand, specify a value between 1-100 for the number of programs which will run concurrently in a partition. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-141 M MAXIMUM OF EIGHT PARMS EXCEEDED MAXIMUM RECORD SIZE xxx Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $IAMUTI Explanation: More than 8 parameters were specified for the P ARMS = operand. Explanation: Using the BF command of DR, this message displays the current maximum record size which can be supported by the Indexed Access Method for any indexed data set with secondary indexes and provides you the opportunity to reset the number. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify between 1 and 8 labels for the PARMS= operand. MAXIMUM OF 3 PREC= SPECIFICATIONS Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: For floating-point arithmetic operations, a maximum of three precisions can be specified for the PREC= operand if the RESULT= operand is coded. If RESULT = is not coded, the maximum is two. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify only three precisions for PREC = if RESULT = is coded; otherwise, specify only two precisions. MAXIMUM OF 8 HEXADECIMAL DIGITS (4 BYTES) PER OPERAND Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The operand exceeds the 4-byte maximum. o System Action: If you respond with a null input, no action is taken. If you respond with a new number, the new number is stored and later written to disk as the new maximum record size. User Response: Reply with a null input to allow the maximum record size to remain as it is. Reply with a new number if you desire to change it. If none of your files has a secondary index, you can specify zero as the size. If you specify a size, the actual amount of storage required to support the specified record size is twice that size plus 8 bytes. MAXPROG= AND PARTS= DO NOT MATCH Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: In a SYSTEM statement, the operand MAXPROG must contain the same number of entries as listed in the operand PARTS. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Make sure the lists coded for MAXPROG and PARTS have the same number of entries. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Ensure that the operand does not exceed the 4-byte maximum. o MC-142 SC34-0636 M o o MC=YES IS INVALID WITH X.21 TYPE=AC OR TYPE=DC MECBLST MUST BE BETWEEN 1 AND 64 (INCLUSIVE) Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: You coded MC=YES on the BSCLINE statement when you specified "AC" (auto-call) or "DC" (direct-call) for the TYPE operand. Explanation: During system generation, you coded a value outside the valid range of 1-64 on the MECBLST operand of the SYSTEM statement. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Code MC=NO on the BSCLINE statement if TYPE=AC or TYPE=DC. User Response: Code a value from 1-64 for the MECBLST operand and recompile the system definition statements. MC=YES NOT VALID WITH ADAPTER=MFA MEMBER: xxx UNKNOWN Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $UPDATEH Explanation: On the BSCLINE statement, MC= YES was specified when ADAPTER=MFA. Explanation: The host data set name you specified does not exist and the attempt to open it failed. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify MC=NO when ADAPTER=MFA on the BSCLINE statement. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: Specify a valid host data set name and retry the function. $MEMDISK IS ALREADY LOADED Issued by: $MEMDISK Explanation: You have already loaded $MEMDISK into the system. System Action: The system ignores the request to load $MEMDISK. User Response: Use the current copy of the $MEMDISK utility. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-143 M MEMDSK IS NOT ALLOCATED Issued by: $MEMDISK MEMDSK VOLUME COULD NOT BE ALLOCATED. INSUFFICIENT STORAGE IN PARTITION xxx Explanation: You tried to delete the MEMDSK volume but it was not allocated. Issued by: $MEMDISK System Action: The system ignores the DV volume command. Explanation: The request to allocate MEMDSK failed due to insufficient storage. Partition xxx does not have the required storage space. User Response: None. System Action: The IV command terminates. MEMDSK VOLUME COULD NOT BE ALLOCATED. INSUFFICIENT STORAGE IN ALL PARTTIONS Issued by: $MEMDISK Explanation: The request to allocate MEMDSK failed due to insufficient storage. System Action: The IV command terminates. User Response: If you want to load MEMDSK, o User Response: If you want to load MEMDSK, do one of the following: • Cancel all programs that are running in the partition. • Regenerate the system, allocating more space in the partition. MEMDSK VOLUME IS ALREADY ALLOCATED o do one of the following: Issued by: $MEMDISK • Cancel all programs that are running in one of the partitions. Explanation: You have allocated MEMDSK already. • Regenerate the system, allocating more space in a partition. System Action: The IV command is terminated. User Response: None. o MC-144 SC34-0636 M o MENUNAME INVALID MISSING OPERAND ON OS COMMAND MUST START ON COLUMN 10 Issued by: $MTM Issued by: $JOBUTIL Explanation: The primary menu name specified for the TERMINAL file record listed immediately before this message is invalid. Explanation: One of the following occurred: • You specified the job statement data set incorrectly. • When using option 6, you left out an asterisk or the file name. System Action: Does not connect the terminal. User Response: Edit the TERMINAL record and specify the correct primary menu name. Stop and restart the manager. System Action: Ends the operation. MESSAGE EXCEEDS 254 CHARACTERS ON LINE NUMBER xxx User Response: Do one of the following: • Make sure that you enter an asterisk or the file name when using option 6. • Edit the data set to correct the problem and retry the function. Issued by: $MSGUTI Explanation: The message in question is too long. System Action: Continues processing. User Response: When processing finishes, reduce the length of the message or break it into several messages. Then retry the function. MISSING OPERAND ON PROC COMMAND - MUST START IN COLUMN 10 Issued by: $JOBUTIL MESSAGE HAS NOT BEEN ENDED OR CONTINUED ON LINE #xxx Explanation: You specified the job statement data set incorrectly. Issued by: $MSGUT1 Explanation: You did not enter an end character (/*) or continuation character (non-blank in column 71) or on the line in question. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Edit the data set to correct the problem and retry the function. System Action: Continues processing. User Response: When processing finishes, correct the error and retry. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-145 M o MISSING OPERAND ON PROGRAM COMMAND - MUST START IN COLUMN 10 Issued by: $JOBUTIL Explanation: You specified the job statement data MORE THAN 16 ADAPTER STATEMENTS Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: While defining the system configuration, the maximum number of ADAPTER statements was exceeded. set incorrectly. System Action: Ends the operation. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Edit the data set to correct the problem and retry the function. User Response: Specify no more than 16 ADAPTER statements in the system configuration. MORE ECB'S SPECIFIED THAN DEFINED BY MAXECB KEYWORD MORE THAN ONE GLOBAL ATTNLIST HAS BEEN CODED Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: More ECB labels were specified in the first operand than the MECB has room for. Explanation: Only one global ATTNLIST is allowed per program. System Action: Flags the error and continues System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. processing. User Response: Restrict the number of ECB labels to the number specified the the MAXECB operand. MORE THAN EIGHT PARAMETERS ENCOUNTERED ON LINE #xxx User Response: Specify only one global ATTNLIST in the program. MORE THAN ONE LOCAL ATTN LIST HAS BEEN CODED Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $MSGUTI Explanation: You cannot specify more than eight parameters. System Action: Continues processing. User Response: When processing finishes, reduce the number of parameters to eight. Then retry the function. Explanation: Only one local ATTNLIST is allowed per program. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify only one local ATTNLIST in the program. o MC-146 SC34-0636 M c $MOVEVOL MUST HAVE AT LEAST 512 BYTES OF DYNAMIC STORAGE TO EXECUTE MSGNO MUST BE A POSITIVE SELF-DEFINING TERM OR + EQUATE Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $MOVEVOL Explanation: There is not enough dynamic storage in the partition to run the utility. Explanation: The value specified for the msgno operand is not a valid form for that operand. System Action: The error is flagged and System Action: Ends the operation. compilation continues. User Response: Allocate more storage to the User Response: Specify the msgno operand as a positive integer or the label of an equate preceded by a '+'. partition ($DISKUT2 SS command) and reload the utility. MSGID= MUST BE YES OR NO Issued by: $EDXASM c Explanation: The MSGID= operand parameter specified was not YES or NO, which are the only valid parameters. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify either MSGID= YES or MSGID=NO; the default is MSGID=NO. MSGNO MUST BE SPECIFIED Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The msgno operand was not specified on the MESSAGE instruction and it is a required operand. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify the msgno operand on the MESSAGE instruction as the first operand. It must be a positive integer or the label of an equate preceded by a '+'. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-147 M o $MTMSTORE DATA SET LIMITS EXCEEDED MULTIPLE TERMINAL MANAGER TERMINAL FILE RECORDS Issued by: $MTM Issued by: $MTM Explanation: The specified $MTMSTORE file is too small. This can occur after adding a new program with a storage requirement greater than any previous program's requirement, or after adding a new terminal or screen. Explanation: The TERMINAL file records processed by the Multiple Terminal Manager are listed after this message. Any messages pertaining to a specific TERMINAL file record will be displayed immediately after the file record. System Action: Terminates the Multiple Terminal Manager. processed. User Response: Delete the $MTMSTORE file and re-create it with more space. action as needed. System Action: Lists TERMINAL file records User Response: Review the listing and take MULTIPLE TERMINAL MANAGER SYSTEM FAILURE Issued by: $MTM Explanation: The Multiple Terminal Manager task error exit routine has been entered due to a machine or program error. System Action: The PSW and LSB at the time of failure have been saved at a displacement of X'172' into the program storage. Register 1 in the LSB contains the address of the failing instruction in the case of a program check. The Multiple Terminal Manager program remains active, waiting for an event which will not be posted. User Response: Use the Event Driven Executive operator facilities to display storage. o MC-148 SC34-0636 N o NAME MUST BE SPECIFIED AND IT MUST BE A LABEL NAME SUBLIST .GT. PARM SUBLIST Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: In the COMP instruction, the name operand was not specified and it is required. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: When the assembly is complete, correct the error and rerun. Explanation: The number of entries in the PARM= field on the USER statement must be greater than or equal to the number of entries specified for the P= field. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Reduce the number of entries specified for the P= field. NAME: xxx NOT ALLOWED Issued by: $UPDATE,$UPDATEH Explanation : You specified a name of a data set or volume that is in the wrong format or does not exist. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: Specify a valid name and retry NEITHER -DLE STX- OR -STXCONTINUING READ Issued by: $BSCUT2 Explanation: The utility has not yet received the necessary control characters to indicate the start of transmission of either transparent or non-transparent data. It continues to read from the line. the function. System Action: Continues processing. NAME NOT ALLOWED Issued by: $INITDSK User Response: If the delay in start of transmissions persists, you may want to cancel the current function and retry. Explanation: The data set or volume name you specified is restricted to system use, or is a name that the system doesn't recognize. System Action: Awaits operator response. User Response: Reenter the information, making sure that the name does not exceed the maximum length (8 characters for data sets, 6 for volumes) and refers to a valid data set or volume. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-149 N NEITHER POSITIONAL NOR KEYWORD PARAMETERS WERE SPECIFIED NETWORK DEACTIVATION IGNOREDSESSIONS ACTIVE Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $SNAMAIN Explanation: Both positional and keyword operands are missing from the $IDEF instruction. At least one positional or one keyword operand must be specified for this instruction to be meaningful. Explanation: SNA support has received a request to deactivate the network normally but there are still active sessions in progress. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. o System Action: SNA support ignores the request to deactivate the network. User Response: In this situation you have several choices: User Response: Specify at least one positional or one keyword operand. • You can deactivate the network from the host, or stop all sessions and have SNA support attempt to deactivate normally again. You can use the SNADACT operator command to deactivate the network abnormally. • You can use the $C operator command to cancel the SNA application. This should only be used after trying all other possibilities. n '-' If you decide you do not wish to deactivate the network, ignore this message. o MC-IS0 SC34-0636 N c NETWORK FUNCTION NETxxx ERROR yyy NEXTBUF ADDR IS NUMERIC - CAREAD TERMINATED Issued by: $RJESNA Issued by: $SlASM Explanation: An SNA function failed, and $RJESNA cannot recover from it. The value for xxx indicates the failing SNA function (for example, NETGET, NETPUT, NETINIT). The value for yyy is an SNA return code resulting from the error. Explanation: The nextbuf operand on the CAREAD instruction is numeric. The first character must be alphabetic. System Action: Terminates expansion of the CAREAD instruction. System Action: Terminates $RJESNA. User Response: Use this message in conjunction with the "EXTENDED ERROR" message to determine the problem. $RJESNA requires a two-part support: one native, and one on the host. You may have to consult the programmer who wrote the host interface to help solve this problem. After the problem is corrected, restart $RJESNA. User Response: On the CAREAD instruction, specify a valid nextbuf operand whose first character is alphabetic, and reassemble. NEXTBUF NAME IS NUMERIC EXPANSION TERMINATED Issued by: $EDXASM c NETWORK RE-ACTIVATION STARTED Issued by: $SNAMAIN Explanation: SNA support was either disconnected by the host or detected an unrecoverable hardware error in the network. SNA reconnects with the host because you defined the network with the UNLOAD parameter on the SNAPU statement as either "YES" or "SNADACT." The SNA application reestablished connection with the host. Explanation: The nextbuf operand on the CAREAD instruction is numeric. The first character must be alphabetic. System Action: Terminates the expansion. User Response: On the CAREAD instruction, specify a valid nextbuf operand whose first character is alphabetic, and reassemble. System Action: SNA support reinitializes its control blocks and then attempts a connection with the host. User Response: You may have to reactivate the network from the host. Chapter 2. Messages MC-1S1 N NEXTBUF NAME TOO LONG - CAREAD TERMINATED NUNES REQUIRED WITH NSPACES SPECIFICATION Issued by: $SlASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The nextbuf operand on the CAREAD instruction has more than eight characters. Explanation: When the "nspaces" positional operand (spaces between values) is coded on the PRINTNUM instruction, the "nlines" positional operand (number of values to be printed per line) must also be coded. System Action: Terminates expansion of the o CAREAD instruction. User Response: On the CAREAD instruction, specify a nextbuf operand that is less than or equal to eight characters in length, and reassemble. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify the "nlines" operand in addition to the "nspaces" operand. NEXTBUF NOT SPECIFIED - EXPANSION TERMINATED Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The nextbuf operand on the CAREAD instruction is a required operand and is not specified. o System Action: Terminates the expansion. User Response: On the CAREAD instruction, specify a valid nextbuf operand, and reassemble. NLINES MUST BE POSITIVE, SELF-DEFINING TERM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The "nline" positional operand (number of values to be printed per line) of the PRINTNUM instruction must be explicitly defined asa positive self-defining term. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify explicitly a positive self-defining term for "nline". o MC-lS2 SC34-0636 N c NO ACTIVE IF OR DO STRUCTURE NO BSC LINE AVAILABLE RJE TERMINATING Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $RJE2780, $RJE3780 Explanation: No "IF" or "DO" structure is currently being processed. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Check the "IF" and "DO" logic and ensure an ENDDO, ENDIF, or ELSE was not coded by mistake. Explanation: Either all existing BSC lines are in use, or there are no BSC lines supported by your system. In either case, the utility has no means of sending or receiving data and is unusable. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: In the case of busy BSC lines, wait and retry the utility. If no BSC lines exist on your system, you cannot use the RJE utility. NO ALTERNATE AVAILABLE Issued by: $DASDI o Explanation: No alternates remain available for use on the cylinder in use, which contains the RBA in question. A minimum of 7 and a maximum of 14 sectors are available for alternate assignments on a cylinder. System Action: Continues processing. User Response: Use another area of the device to store data. NO BRANCH ADDRESS SPECIFIED Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: All positional operands on the FIND/FINDNOT instructions are required. This operand specifies the "not found" condition and is the address of the instruction to be executed if the target character is not found. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify the address of the instruction to be executed if the target character is not found. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-1S3 N o NO BUFFER AVAILABLE TO SEND REQDISCONT NO BUFF GIVEN - CAWRITE TERMINATED Issued by: $SlASM Issued by: $SNAMAIN Explanation: SNA support is attempting to deactivate the network. The network cannot be deactivated because there is no SNA buffer to send REQDISCONT to the host. System Action: SNA support waits until a buffer is available. This buffer is then used to send REQDISCONT. Explanation: The buffer operand on the CAWRITE instruction is a required operand and none is given. System Action: Terminates expansion of the CAWRITE instruction. User Response: On the CAWRITE instruction, specify a valid buffer operand, and reassemble. User Response: In this situation you have several choices: NO CAIOCB GIVEN - CAxxx TERMINATED • You can deactivate the network from the host. Issued by: $SlASM • You can wait for SNA support to free a buffer, allowing SNA to send REQDISCONT. Explanation: The caiocb operand on the CAxxx instruction is a required operand and none is given. • You can use the $C operator command to cancel the SNA application. This should only be used after trying all other possibilities. System Action: Terminates expansion of the CAxxx instruction. o User Response: On the CAxxx instruction, specify a valid caiocb operand, and reassemble. NO BUFFER SUPPLIED. $IAMUT1 TERMINATING NO CHARACTER STRING SPECIFIED Issued by: $IAMUTI Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: No dynamic storage was specified. Therefore, no buffer exists for $IAMUTI. Explanation: All positional operands are required System Action: Program terminates. User Response: Use the SS command of $DISKUT2 or the third positional operand of the $L command to specify dynamic storage. on the FIND/FINDNOT instructions. This operand must specify the address of the string to be searched. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify the address of the string to be searched. o MC-lS4 SC34-0636 N o NO COMMUNICATIONS FACILITY STATIONS STARTED NO DATA IN SUBMIT FILE Issued by: $RJESNA Issued by: $MTM Explanation: During the initialization process, no Communications Facility stations were able to be started. This message is preceded by another message which more specifically identifies the problem. System Action: Communications Facility Explanation: The submit function cannot find data in the specified data set. System Action: Terminates the SUBMIT request. User Response: Determine if the correct data set was specified and reissue the SUBMIT command. initialization is terminated and Multiple Terminal Manager will not be able to use the Communications Facility. c User Response: Check the message issued prior to this message to determine the problem resolution. Some possible causes of error include DSOPEN error, STATIONS file disk error, initialization work area overflow, no main storage available for CDMCFREC tasks, or Communications Facility not active. NO COMMUNICATIONS FACILITY STATIONS TO BE STARTED Issued by: $MTM Explanation: The initialization module CDMINIT2 did not find any Communications Facility terminals to be started. If the STATIONS file contained only comments and an end-of-file or the terminals in the STATIONS file were not defined in the TERMINAL file, this message is also issued. System Action: No Communications Facility stations are started and no asynchronous tasks are loaded. However, Multiple Terminal Manager will be able to operate with all non-Communications Facility functions. User Response: Ensure that all terminals to be used by Multiple Terminal Manager and Communications Facility are defined as required. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-1SS N o NO DATA ON SUBMIT FILE NO OS NAME ON /*CONCAT STATEMENT Issued by: $RJE2780, $RJE3780 Issued by: $RJE2780, $RJE3780 Explanation: There are no commands in the input file data set. The first card is" / *END " . Explanation: No data set name follows System Action: Terminates the function. Awaits operator response. System Action: An / *END card is substituted and the function terminates. User Response: Correct the data set containing the submit file and resubmit. User Response: Add a valid data set name to the NO DATA SET NAMES PROVIDED TO $UPDATE /*CONCAT. /*CONCAT statement. NO DYNAMIC STORAGE ALLOCATED FOR COPY. COpy TERMINATED Issued by: $UPDATE Issued by: $COPYUTI Explanation: You ran the utility as a $JOBUTIL command procedure but did not provide any data set names. Explanation: There is not enough dynamic storage available to perform the requested function in the partition use. System Action: Ends the operation. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Edit the job procedure data set to supply the required data set names, and retry the function. User Response: Load the utility into a partition with more storage and retry the function. NO DISK AT DEVICE ADDRESS xxx o NO GPIB TERMINAL DEFINED IN SUPERVISOR Issued by: $INITDSK Issued by: $GPIBUTI Explanation: The address you specified refers to a device other than a disk. It is therefore an invalid address for use with $INITDSK. Explanation: Your system does not recognize or support any GPIB terminals or devices. You cannot use the GPIB utility on your system. System Action: Ends the operation. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Check for the address of the disk on your system with the $IOTEST utility. Then retry the $INITDSK function with a valid device address. User Response: You can define a GPIB terminal by performing another system generation, and including the required device and supervisor support. Refer to the Installation and System Generation Guide for details on this procedure. o MC-lS6 SC34-0636 N o NO INPUT PARAMETERS PASSED TO $PREFIND NO NAME ON /*CONCAT STATEMENT Issued by: $RJESNA Issued by: $PREFIND Explanation : You ran the utility in job mode and failed to supply the required parameters. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Supply the required parameters and retry the function. NO KEYWORD PARAMETER WAS SPECIFIED FOR THE KEYWORD OPERAND Issued by: $EDXASM o Explanation: A keyword operand in this instruction is missing a parameter. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Code a valid parameter for the keyword and recompile the program. Explanation: A I*CONCAT record was encountered in the job stream, but the data set name was missing. System Action: Terminates submit process as if an 110 error had occurred on the input file. Cancels the job stream submitted thus far to the host to prevent the host from executing a partial job stream. User Response: Specify the data set name and resubmit. NO NEXTBUF GIVEN - CAREAD TERMINATED Issued by: $SIASM Explanation: The nextbuf operand on the CAREAD instruction is a required operand and none is given. System Action: Does not expand the CAREAD instruction. NO MATCH ON xxx Issued by: $COPYUTI User Response: On the CAREAD instruction, specify a valid nextbuf operand, and reassemble. Explanation: The utility found no match on a copy with a prefix. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: Check that the prefix is spelled correctly and that the volume in use contains members with that prefix. Retry the function. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-IS7 N NO OPEN TASK STATEMENT FOR THE ENDTASK NO PARAMETERS PROVIDED TO $UPDATE Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $UPDATE Explanation: There is no TASK statement to correspond to the ENDTASK statement encountered. Explanation: You ran the utility in job mode but did not supply the required parameters in the job procedure data set. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Verify if there should be a o User Response: Edit the job procedure data set to correct the problem and retry the function. TASK statement for this ENDTASK; if not, delete the ENDTASK statement. NO OTHER OPERANDS ALLOWED WITH TIMER, ENTER, OR KEY WAIT Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: On the WAIT TIMER, WAIT ENTER, or WAIT KEY instructions, no additional operands may be specified. o System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Code the WAIT instruction as explained. o MC-IS8 SC34-0636 N o NO PROGRAM LOAD FACILITY Issued by: Loader Issued by: $IAMUT1 Explanation: During initial program load (IPL), it was determined that no program load facility would be available for one of the following reasons: Explanation: Using the IE subcommand of DR, there is not enough space in the directory data set to insert the entry. 1. There are no disks configured in the nucleus being IPLed. System Action: Terminates the operation. 2. The resident loader module (RLOADER) was not included in the nucleus. 3. The non-resident loader ($LOADER) could not be found either on the IPL volume or the fixed-head volume of the IPL device. 4. A disk read/write error (indicated by the previous message) was encountered while searching for $LOADER. c NO ROOM TO INSERT System Action: The IPL of the system continues with an attempt to attach the task named $PROG 1, which could have been included with the nucleus during system generation. User Response: If the ability to load programs is required, make the following corrections as related to the cause above: User Response: Either delete unnecessary entries from the directory, or use the AL directory command to enlarge the directory (AS subcommand) . NO SPACE FOR LOADER/MAX PROG Issued by: Loader Explanation: Either there is not enough storage to load $LOADER or the maximum number of programs allowed in the partition has been reached. System Action: Terminates $LOADER User Response: Change to another partition or regenerate the nucleus with a larger MAXPROG value (see the SYSTEM statement). 1. Add the required DISK statements(s) for a new system generation. 2. Change $LNKCNTL to INCLUDE RLOADER for a new system generation. 3. Copy $LOADER from XS4001 to either the IPL volume or the fixed-head volume on the IPL device. 4. Correct the cause of the I/O error in the directory of the IPL volume or fixed-head volume. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-1S9 N NO SPACE FOR MAPPED AREA; LIST CANCELED NO SPACE IN DIRECTORY o Issued by: $DISKUTI Issued by: $DEBUG Explanation: Unmapped storage could not be Explanation: There is no room to add more members to the volume in use. listed. This is because the 2K block of storage needed for the mapped area was not available. System Action: Returns to command mode. System Action: The system could not find available storage. User Response: Back up the volume and reallocate it with more directory entries, or delete existing members on the volume. User Response: Do one of the following: 1. Free mapped storage by canceling a job that is currently running and try the list again. 2. Wait until a job is completed and reissue the request. NO SPACE FOR PROGRAM; ANOTHER PARTITION? (YIN): Issued by: $DEBUG Explanation: The system could not load your program. There was not enough storage space in the partition you specified. System Action: The system does not load the program. User Response: You must reply to this message with a Y or N. If you specify Y, the system re-prompts you to specify a partition. You can do one of the following: 1. Free some storage space in the partition and specify it again. 2. Specify a different partition. If you specify N, $DEBUG ends. o MC-160 SC34-0636 N c NO STORAGE ADDRESS SPECIFIED NO STORAGE AVAILABLE FOR CDMCFREC TASKS Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $MTM Explanation: The required storage address (op2) was omitted for the GETSTORE, PUTSTORE, IPL, or STATUS functions of the TERMCTRL instruction. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify the storage address for the TERMCTRL function. Explanation: A request for storage to load asynchronous tasks (CDMCFREC) failed. System Action: No Communications Facility stations are started and none are usable. Multiple Terminal Manager will be able to operate with all non-Communications Facility functions. User Response: To acquire more storage in the partition, you can: NO STORAGE AVAILABLE FOR CDMINIT2 STATION BLOCK Issued by: $MTM o Explanation: CDMINIT2 creates a Communications Facility station for itself to receive messages. If CDMINIT2 is unable to create this station, this message is issued. System Action: The initialization process terminates. No Communications Facility stations are started; however, Multiple Terminal Manager will be able to operate with all non-Communications Facility functions. User Response: To acquire more store in the partition, you can either: • Selectively cancel non-Multiple Terminal Manager programs active in that partition Reduce the number of terminals in the TERMINAL file Reduce the size of the Multiple Terminal Manager application area by deleting CDMDUMMY and reallocating it with a smaller size NO SUCH GPIB DEVICE FOUND Issued by: $GPIBUTI Explanation: You specified a GPIB device that the system does not support, or the system does not recognize the name you entered. System Action: Ends the operation. • • • Selectively cancel non-Multiple Terminal Manager programs active in that partition Reduce the number of terminals in the TERMINAL file Reduce the size of the Multiple Terminal Manager application area by deleting CDMDUMMY and reallocating it with a smaller size User Response: Reenter the information, supplying the name of a valid GPIB device. c Chapter 2. Messages M C-161 N NO SUPERVISOR SPACE IN THIS LIBRARY NO THISBUF GIVEN - CAREAD TERMINATED o Issued by: $UPDATEH Issued by: $SlASM Explanation: You attempted to update the supervisor but no supervisor space is allocated in the library. Explanation: The THISBUP operand on the CAREAD instruction is a required operand and none is given. System Action: Returns to command mode. Systern Action: Term.inates the CAREAD User Response: Allocate space in the library and instruction. retry the function. User Response: On the CAREAD instruction, specify a valid thisbuf operand, and reassemble. NO TAPE FOUND Issued by: $TAPEUTI NO TRAP CONDITIONS SPECIFIED. $TRAP TERMINATED Explanation: No tape devices are supported by your system, or no tape devices are currently online in your system. Issued by: $TRAP System Action: Ends the operation. Explanation: No trap conditions have been specified. Some are required. User Response: If tape devices are not turned on, do so. Then retry. System Action: Terminates $TRAP. NO TERMINALS ARE AVAILABLE Issued by: $MTM Explanation: Three possible causes exist: no valid terminal specification records found in the TERMINAL file; no terminal servers can be loaded; all terminals are busy. Other messages generated indicate the problem area. System Action: Terminates the Multiple Terminal Manager. o User Response: Reload $TRAP and specify the necessary trap conditions. NO VOLUME AVAILABLE Issued by: $DISKUT2 Explanation: The name you specified does not refer to an existing volume. System Action: Asks again for the volume name. User Response: Specify a valid volume and retry the function. User Response: Determine the cause of the problem, and take corrective action. o MC-162 SC34-0636 N c NOMSG COMMAND NOT PRECEDED BY PROGRAM COMMAND NOT ENOUGH SPACE IN TARGET MEMBER AREA Issued by: $JOBUTIL Issued by: $DIUTIL Explanation: The procedure statement is in the wrong order. Explanation: The target member of a PDS is too small to hold your data. System Action: Ends the operation. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Edit the procedure statement and put everything in the correct order. Then retry the function. PDS. NOT ENOUGH FREE STORAGE TO LOAD THE JOB QUEUE PROCESSOR User Response: Allocate a larger member in the NOT ENOUGH STORAGE AVAILABLE FOR DATA PAGING Issued by: $IAM Issued by: $SUBMIT, $JOBQUT Explanation: Too many programs are currently executing for the job queue processor to be loaded. c Explanation: Not enough storage was obtained for data paging to be activated -less than 4k of page area was obtained by loading the $IAMSTGM storage module. System Action: Ends the operation. System Action: Data paging is deactivated but User Response: Determine which programs are running by issuing the $A ALL command. You may have to wait until a running program terminates, freeing up enough storage for you to load the job queue processor. NOT ENOUGH SPACE IN TARGET DIRECTORY $IAM initialization continues. Any copies of $IAMSTGM that were loaded are unloaded. User Response: Check each partition for available storage (use $A ALL command to see what is loaded in each partition), cancel $IAM and reload it. Also, make sure you set up your data page area size(s) using the $IAMUTI PP command before attempting to load $IAM. Issued by: $DIUTIL Explanation: The directory you specified is too small to hold the source directory. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: Reallocate another data set with more directory space or delete some unneeded members. 0 ',,1,' " Chapter 2. Messages MC-163 N NOT ENOUGH STORAGE FOR OTHER PROCESSOR NRF - 10 NOT READABLE o Issued by: $DASDI Issued by: $SlSlUTl Explanation: The nucleus that the primary Explanation: One or more RBAs have sector IDs which are unreadable. processor is using to IPL is larger than the available storage on the secondary processor. System Action: Continues processing. System Action: Returns to command mode. sector. User Response: Specify a smaller nucleus, or increase storage on the secondary processor. NRF - 10 NOT VALID xxx NOT ON VOL yyy Issued by: $RJESNA Explanation: Series/l data set xxx could not be found on volume yyy for /*CONCAT, PUNCH, JOURNAL, or SUBMIT processing. Issued by: $DASDI Explanation: One or more RBAs have sector IDs which are not valid. System Action: Continues processing. User Response: Assign the RBAs an alternate System Action: The function issuing this message ends. In the case of SUBMIT processing, no data is transmitted to the host. In the case of /*CONCAT processing, the job stream is canceled. In the case of PUNCH processing, if a punch data stream is about to be received, the punch function indicates this fact to you and subsequently' prompts you for the data set, volume name, and format. User Response: For punch processing, issue another PUNCH command to define a usable punch file. If a punch data stream is about to be received, you must respond to the system prompts. For SUBMIT or /*CONCAT processing, supply the correct data set or volume name. sector. {) '-.J NSPACES MUST BE POSITIVE, SELF-DEFINING TERM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The value for "nspaces" (number of spaces between values) on the PRINTNUM instruction must be specified explicitly as a positive self-defining term. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify explicitly a positive self-defining term for "nspaces". o MC-164 SC34-0636 N 0 '· ·"t NUCLEUS NOT FOUND ON VOLUME NUMBER OF DATA SETS MUST BE BETWEEN 1 - xxx Issued by: $SISI UTI Issued by: $MEMDISK Explanation: The volume you specified does not contain the nucleus, or you specified the wrong name for the nucleus. Explanation: The maximum number of data sets allowed when using the $MEMDISK utility is xxx. System Action: Returns to command mode. System Action: The system reprompts you for the number of data sets. User Response: Retry the function using the correct nucleus and volume names. User Response: Enter a valid number of data sets. NUll INVALID FOR PARAMETER Issued by: $IAMUTI Explanation: An attempt was made to specify a null response to one or more parameters on which this is invalid. c NUMBER OF EXTRNjWXTRN SYMBOLS CANNOT EXCEED 255 Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: Your program contains more than 255 EXTRN and WXTRN labels. System Action: Asks again for a parameter value. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Enter the proper response to the parameter prompt. See the $IAMUT 1 chapter in the IBM Series/l Event Driven Executive Indexed Access Method (5719-AM3~ for a description of each parameter. A null response is only valid for RSVBLK, RSVIX, FPOOL AND DELTHR parameters. User Response: Ensure that your program does not contain more than 255 EXTRN and WXTRN labels. NUll OR INVALID BRANCH TABLE ENTRY Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: A GOTO branch was improperly coded or formatted. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Examine the branch and make the needed corrections. Chapter 2. Messages MC-165 N NUMBER OF FCBS xxx NWAIT VALUE GREATER THAN NUMBER OF EVENTS IN OP1 OR MAXECB o Issued by: $IAMUTI Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: Using the BF command, this message displays the current number of FCBs allocated for use in the Indexed Access Method and provides you the opportunity to reset the number. System Action: If you respond with a null input, no action is taken. If you respond with a new number, the new number is stored and later written to disk as the new number of FCBs. Explanation: The NWAIT operand is coded to wait on more than the listed number of events for this MECB instruction. System Action: Flags the error and continues processing. User Response: Change the NWAIT to be equal to or less than the number of events in the list. User Response: Reply with a null input to allow the number of FCBs to remain as it is. Reply with a new number if you desire to change it. NUMBER OF IACBS xxx Issued by: $IAMUTI Explanation: Using the BF command, this message displays the current number of IACBs allocated for use in the Indexed Access Method and provides you the opportunity to reset the number. System Action: If you respond with a null input, no action is taken. If you respond with a new number, the new number is stored and later written to disk as the new number of IACBs. User Response: Reply with a null input to allow the number of IACBs to remain as it is. Reply with a new number if you desire to change it. o M C-166 SC34-0636 o o OK TO PROCEED? ONLY ONE NESTING LEVEL ALLOWED Issued by: $IAMUTI Issued by: $JOBUTIL Explanation: Using the LO, UN, or RO commands, this prompt is issued immediately after the message stating that truncation will occur. wrong order. Explanation: The procedure statement is in the System Action: Terminates the utility. System Action: Awaits operator response. User Response: Reply "Y" to continue processing. Reply "N" to terminate the function. OMIT THE RECORD AND CONTINUE? User Response: Edit the procedure statement and put everything in the correct order. Then retry the function. ONLY ONE OPERAND IS VALID, IILU" OR IIHOLDLU" Issued by: $IAMUTI Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: Using the LO command, an out of sequence or duplicate record in the input data set has been encountered. c Explanation: You coded both LU and HOLDLU on a NETINIT instruction. These operands conflict with each other. System Action: Awaits operator response. User Response: Reply "Y" to omit the record and continue the function. Reply "N" to terminate the function. ONE OR MORE UNDEFINED LABELS WERE REFERENCED System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Code either LU or HOLDLU on the NETINIT instruction. ONLY 1 HOSTCOMM STATEMENT IS ALLOWED Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: Referenced label(s) was not found. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Examine the name(s) of labels in the listing and check for misspelled or omitted label names. Also examine the undefined and weak external references listed at the end of the compilation. Explanation: More than one HOSTCOMM statement was specified in the system configuration. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Ensure that only one HOSTCOMM statement is specified. c Chapter 2. Messages MC-167 o OPEN ERROR xxx OPEN FOR LOAD RETURN CODE RETRY? =xxx. o Issued by: $RJE2780, $RJE3780 Issued by: $IAMUTI Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to open the BSC line. System Action: Ends the operation. Explanation: Using the LO or RO commands, a call to the Indexed Access Method for a LOAD function was unsuccessful. The result was a LOAD return code of xxx. User Response: Check the BSC return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. System Action: Awaits operator response. OPEN ERROR FOR xxx Issued by: $MTM Explanation: Either a DSOPEN error occurred on the STATIONS file or on CDMCFREC programs. User Response: Check the Indexed Access Method return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. Reply"Y" to receive the prompt again for data set name and volume. Reply "N" to terminate the function. OPEN FOR PROCESS RETURN CODE = xxx. RETRY? System Action: Initialization is terminated (CDMINIT2) . Issued by: $IAMUTI User Response: Normally, this message is issued if the STATIONS file or the CDMCFREC module cannot be found on the PRGMS volume. Explanation: $IAMUTI attempted to open the specified Indexed Access Method file in PROCESS mode, and was unsuccessful. The result was a return code of xxx. Issued by: $IAMUTI System Action: If retry = "Y", asks again for DSNAME, VOLUME and retries the $IAM open request. If retry = "N", command terminates. Explanation: A $IAM PROCESS or LOAD request was issued to the indexed file xxx,yyy. The result was an error return code. User Response: Check the Indexed Access Method return code to find the cause of the problem, and take the appropriate action. OPEN FAILED FOR xxx,yyy System Action: Displays $IAM return code and terminates the function. User Response: Examine the Indexed Access Method return code displayed in the subsequent message and take corrective action. Then retry the process. o MC-168 SC34-'0636 o c OPERAND ACQUIRE" MUST BE IIYES" ORIINO" II OPERAND FIELD IS TOO LARGE Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: You coded an invalid parameter for Explanation: The number of operands exceeds the expected maximum for the instruction. the ACQUIRE operand of the NETINIT instruction. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify no more than the maximum number of operands for this instruction. User Response: Code ACQUIRE=YES or ACQUIRE=NO on the NETINIT instruction. OPERAND FIELD LENGTH EXCEEDS 254 CHARACTERS OPERAND IIATTNEV" NOT ALLOWED WITH IIFULLDPX=YES" Issued by: $EDXASM c Explanation: When the logical unit is in full duplex mode, attention events are not allowed. Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The maximum size of operand parameters for any given instruction is 254 characters. System Action: The error is flagged and System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. compilation continues. User Response: Omit the ATTNEVoperand on the NETINIT instruction or code FULLDPX=NO. OPERAND IIBUFF" REQUIRED IF TYPE=RECV/REJECT/LUSTAT User Response: Do not code more than 254 characters as the parameter for an operand. OPERAND IIFMH" MUST BE IIYES" OR IINO" Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: You must code the BUFF operand if you code TYPE=RECV /REJECT /LUST AT on the NETCTL instruction. Explanation: You coded an invalid parameter for the FMH operand of the NETPUT instruction. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Code FMH= YES or FMH=NO on the NETPUT instruction. User Response: Specify the BUFF operand on the NETCTL instruction. c Chapter 2. Messages MC-169 o OPERAND "FULLDPX" MUST BE liVES" OR IINO" OPERAND "INVITE" MUST BE lIVES" OR IINO" Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: You coded an invalid parameter for the FULLDPX operand of the NETINIT instruction. Explanation: You coded an invalid parameter for the INVITE operand of the NETPUT instruction. System Action: The error is flagged and o System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. compilation continues. User Response: Code FULLDPX= YES or User Response: Code INVITE = YES or INVITE=NO on the NETPUT instruction. FULLDPX=NO on the NETINIT instruction. OPERAND IS NOT GOTO OR THEN OPERAND IIHOLD" MUST BE liVES" OR"NOII Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: You coded an invalid parameter for the HOLD operand of the NETTERM instruction. Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The "IF" statement must be followed by a GOTO or THEN. If neither is coded, THEN is assumed. Anything else coded is in error. System Action: The error is flagged and System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. compilation continues. User Response: Code HOLD=YES or o User Response: Ensure a GOTO or THEN statement follows the IF statement. HOLD=NO on the NETTERM instruction. OPERAND IIHOSTID" IS REQUIRED OPERAND II LAST" MUST BE liVES" OR IINO" Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The HOSTID operand is required when using the NETINIT instruction. Explanation: You coded an invalid parameter for the LAST operand of the NETPUT instruction. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. System Action: The error is flagged and User Response: Include the HOSTID operand on the NETINIT instruction. User Response: Code LAST = YES or LAST=NO on the NETPUT instruction. compilation continues. o MC-170 SC34-0636 o o OPERAND uLU u OR uHOLDLU u IS REQUIRED OPERAND "RECLEN" IS REQUIRED Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: You did not code the LU operand or the HOLDLU operand on the NETINIT instruction. One is required. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. Explanation: You must code the RECLEN operand when using the NETGET instruction. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Code the RECLEN the NETGET instruction. ~perand on User Response: Code the LU operand or the HOLDLU operand on the instruction. OPERAND "RESYNC" NOT ALLOWED WITH uFULLDPX=YES" OPERAND "MSGDATA" REQUIRED IF RESYNC=YES/INIT AND RTYPE=STG Issued by: $EDXASM c Explanation: You did not specify the MSGDATA operand on the NETINIT instruction when RESYNC=YES/INIT and RTYPE=STG. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Code MSGDATA on the NETINIT instruction. OPERAND NOT VALID WITH WAITM INSTRUCTION Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: When the logical unit is in full duplex mode, you cannot define message resynchronization. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Code the NETINIT instruction with RESYNC=NO or change to half duplex mode (FULLDPX=NO). OPERAND "RESYNC" MUST BE "YES," "INIT," OR uNO" Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The operand coded is invalid for use Explanation: You coded an invalid parameter for the RESYNC operand of the NETINIT instruction. with the WAITM instruction. System Action: The error is flagged and System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. compilation continues. User Response: Correct the indicated error and reassemble. User Response: Code RESYNC= YES, RESYNC=NO, or RESYNC=INIT on the NETINIT instruction. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-I?I o OPERAND IIRTVPE" MUST BE IIDISKII OR "STG" OPERAND 1 IS MISSING o Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: You coded an invalid parameter for the RTYPE operand of the NETINIT instruction. Explanation: The first operand was omitted but must be specified for this instruction. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify the first operand for this User Response: Code RTYPE=DISK or RTYPE=STG on the NETINIT instruction. instruction. OPERAND 2 IS MISSING OPERAND IIVERIFYII MUST BE IIYES OR "NO" 11 Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The second operand was omitted but must be specified for this instruction. Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: You coded an invalid parameter for the VERIFY operand of the NETPUT instruction. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify the second operand for this instruction. User Response: Code VERIFY = YES or VERIFY=NO on the NETPUT instruction. OPERANDS IIBUFF" AND IIBVTES" REQUIRED FOR IINETGET AND IINETPUTII 11 Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: You must code the BUFF and BYTES operands when using the NETGET and NETPUT instructions. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Code the BUFF and BYTES operands on the NETPUT or NETGET instruction. o MC-172 SC34-0636 o o OPERAND 3 IS MISSING OUT OF SEQUENCE, END=YES PREVIOUSLY SPECIFIED Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The third operand was omitted but must be specified for this instruction. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify the third operand for this instruction. OTE TYPE MUST BE SPECIFIED Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The TYPE operand must be specified in an OTE instruction. o System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Indicate the type of object element to be defined by coding the TYPE operand. Explanation: END=YES must be coded on the last configuration statement for each device type (terminal,disk) defined during system configuration. In this case, the error occurred when $EDXASM processed the END= YES for a device type and then encountered another configuration statement for the same device type. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues User Response: Delete the previous END = YES and make sure that an END= YES is only coded on the last configuration statement for each device type. OUT OF SEQUENCE OR DUPLICATE RECORD Issued by: $IAMUTI Explanation: Using the LO command, an attempt to load an out of sequence or duplicate record was encountered. The record number message precedes this message and a prompt to continue follows. System Action: Issues prompt to continue. User Response: Respond to system prompt. o Chapter 2. Messages Me-173 o OUT OF SPACE ON PUNCH FILE ABORTED OUTPUT DATA SeT DISK I/O ERROR. RETURN CODe = xxx Issued by: $RJESNA Issued by: $IAMUTI Explanation: The output data set is not large enough to contain the punched output. Explanation: Using the LO or RO commands, a disk read/write error occurred on the output data set. The result was a return code of xxx. o System Action: Terminates the output data stream. System Action: Current function is terminated. User Response: Allocate a larger data set and User Response: Examine the disk and diskette read/ write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. then retry. OUT OF SPACE ON PUNCH FILE - PUNCH ABORTED OUTPUT DATA SET ERROR. $IAM RETURN CODE xxx = Issued by: $RJE2780, $RJE3780 Issued by: $IAMUTI Explanation: The output data set is too small to hold the punch data. System Action: Ends the operation. Explanation: Using the LO or RO commands, an Indexed Access Method error occurred on the output data set. The result was a return code of xxx. n V User Response: Allocate a larger data set and rerun the function. OUT OF SPACE ON SPOOL FILE System Action: Current function is terminated. User Response: Examine the Indexed Access Method return code and take appropriate action. Issued by: $RJE2780, $RJE3780 Explanation: The spool file is full. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Wait until space is available on the file and retry the function. o MC-174 SC34-0636 o c OUTPUT RECORD ASSUMED TO BE xxx BYTES. OK? OVERLAY I/O ERROR Issued by: $OVLMGR Issued by: $IAMUTI Explanation: Using the UN command, the output record size is assumed to be the same as the input record size. Explanation: The overlay manager encountered an 110 error while attempting to read from a disk or diskette. System Action: The program ends. System Action: Awaits operator response. User Response: Reply "Y" to continue processing with the indicated record size. Reply "N" to receive a prompt for the actual record size. User Response: If you are using a diskette unit, make sure the diskette is in the slot and the door is closed. If the diskette is in the slot or if you are reading from a disk, the problem could be a defective record. Use the VD or VV command of the $INITDSK utility to locate defective records. OVERLAY AREA IS TOO SMALL, SIZE REQUIRED IS xxx HEX Issued by: $XPSLINK c Explanation: The overlay area you defined on the OVLAREA statement during system generation is not large enough to contain a supervisor overlay segment. System Action: The error is flagged and the link-edit continues. User Response: Redefine the starting and ending points of the overlay area to equal size xxx. Link-edit the definition statements with the link control data set. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-175 p PAGE AREA SIZE(S) RESET PARM POSITION GREATER THAN EIGHT ON LINE #xxx o Issued by: $IAMUTI Issued by: $MSGUTI Explanation: Using the PG command, the new page area size table has been written out to $IAM. Explanation: The parameter position must be from 1 - 8. System Action: When $IAM is loaded in the future, the new page area sizes will be in effect. Has no effect on the currently executing $IAM. System Action: Continues processing. User Response: Keep in mind the new page area User Response: When processing finishes, correct the error and retry. size the next time you load $IAM. PARMS= MUST BE A LABEL PARAMETER OMITTED OR TOO MANY DEVICES SPEC. IN DEVICES= PARAM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The DEVICES= operand must be specified on the ADAPTER statement. Up to four device names can be specified for the MFA, and up to eight device names for the ALPA adapter. System Action: The error is flagged and Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: One or more of the parameters specified for the PARMS= operand are not labels. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify all parameters for the P ARMS = operand as labels. compilation continues. User .Response: Specify no more than four device names on the DEVICES= operand. PARM COMMAND NOT PRECEDED BY PROGRAM COMMAND Issued by: $JOBUTIL Explanation: The procedure data set is not in the proper order. System Action: Ends the operation. PART NOT ALLOWED WITH OVERLAY PROGRAMS Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: A cross-partition load (as specified by the PART= operand) is not valid if overlay programs are to be loaded (PGMx operand coded). System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: If overlay programs will be loaded, do not specify the P ART = operand. User Response: Edit the procedure data set and put everything in the proper order. Then retry the utility. 0 . MC-176 SC34-0636 '.1 , p c PARTITION NUMBER IS INVALID PCI MUST BE YES OR NO Issued by: $DUMP Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: An invalid partition number was entered during a partial storage dump. Explanation: The parameter specified for the PCI= operand of the DCB statement must be either "YES" or "NO". System Action: Terminates $DUMP. User Response: Reload $DUMP and enter a System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. valid partition number. PARTITION SIZE EXCEEDS 32 BLOCKS Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: Entries in the P ARTS = operand of the SYSTEM statement (number of 2K blocks per partition) must be within the range of 2-32 User Response: Specifying PCI= YES causes the device to present an interrupt upon completion of the DCB fetch prior to data transfer. PCI=NO will not cause an interrupt to be presented and is the default. PDEN = COMP NOT VALID ON 4975 MODEL 1 (4K-64K). Issued by: $EDXASM c System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify a number 2-32 on the PARTS= operand of the SYSTEM statement. Explanation: You specified an invalid option for the printer in use. System Action: Continues processing. User Response: Retry the function with a valid PCB NOT SPECIFIED option. Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The plot control block (PCB) must be specified on the XYPLOT and XTPLOT graphics instructions. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify the label of an 8-word plot control block. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-I77 p PERFORMANCE VOLUMES MUST BE ALLOCATED AND THEN IPL SYSTEM AGAIN PERMANENT WRITE TRANSMISSION ERROR xxx o Issued by: $RJE2780, $RJE3780 Issued by: $INITDSK Explanation: While initializing a device, the utility Explanation: An unrecoverable BSCWRITE error occurred, resulting in a BSC return code of xxx. found a performance volume (volume name was specified on the disk system generation statement). System Action: Ends the utility. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: When a device is initialized, all performance volumes must be reallocated, or a new system generation must be performed to eliminate the sysgen volumes. PERMANENT ERROR Issued by: $DISKUT2 User Response: Check the BSC return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. POINTERS IN HEADER OF HIGH INDEX BLOCK NOT ZERO Issued by: $VERIFY Explanation: While trying to print a format log, a disk 110 error occurred. Explanation: In the highest level index block, the upward pointer, forward pointer, and backward pointer should all be zero. In this case, they were not. System Action: Ends the operation. System Action: Verification continues. User Response: Check the disk and diskette readl write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. User Response: In most cases the lAM file must be rebuilt. File may have to be regenerated. PERMANENT READ TRANSMISSION ERROR xxx Issued by: $RJE2780, $RJE3780 Explanation: An unrecoverable BSCREAD error occurred. The result was a BSC return code of xxx. System Action: Ends the utility. User Response: Check the BSC return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. o MC-178 SC34-0636 p o POLL ADDRESS MUST BE 2 HEX DIGITS PORT NOT NUMERIC - CAIOCB TERMINATED Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The poll address was specified incorrectly. A valid poll address consists of two hexadecimal digits. Explanation: The PORT= operand on the CAIOCB statement is not numeric. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. System Action: Terminates expansion of the User Response: Specify the poll address as two hexadecimal digits for the POLL operand. User Response: On the CAIOCB statement specify a valid PORT= operand that is a decimal number between zero and 31, and reassemble. POLl=: KEYWORD NECESSARY AND VALID ONLY IF TVPE=MT c CAIOCB statement. PORT NUMBER INVALID Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The POLL= operand is required if ADAPTER=MFA and TYPE=MT are specified on the BSCLINE statement. Explanation: On the ADAPTER statement, the port number specified is not in the correct format or range. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. System Action: The error is flagged and the compilation continues. User Response: Specify a list of 1-4 poll/select addresses as the POLL operand. User Response: Code the PORT= operand with the value 0 or 1 and reassemble. PORT= AND SECADDR= MUST BE SPECIFIED issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The PORT= and SECADDR= operands were not specified for the ADAPTER statement, and they are required. System Action: The error is flagged and the compilation continues. User Response: Specify the PORT= and SECADDR= operands and reassemble. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-179 p PORT NUMBER TOO LARGE - CAIOCB TERMINATED PORTS NUMBER TOO LARGE EXPANSION TERMINATED Issued by: $EDXASM, $SIASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The PORT= operand on the CAIOCB statement contains a value greater than 31. Explanation: The PORTS= operand on the CACBx statement contains a value greater than 31. System Action: Terminates expansion of the System Action: Terminates the expansion. o CAIOCB statement. User Response: On the CAIOCB statement, specify a PORT = operand that is less than or equal to 31, and reassemble. PORT NUMBER TOO SMALL - CAIOCB TERMINATED User Response: On the CACBx statement, specify a PORTS= operand that is less than or equal to 31, and reassemble. PORTS NUMBER TOO SMALL EXPANSION TERMINATED Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM, $SIASM Explanation: The PORT= operand on the Explanation: The PORTS= operand on the CACBx statement contains a value less than zero. CAIOCB statement contains a value less than zero. System Action: Terminates the expansion. System Action: Terminates expansion of the CAIOCB statement. User Response: On the CAIOCB statement, specify a PORT= operand that is greater than or equal to zero, and reassemble. User Response: On the CACBx statement, specify a PORTS= operand that is greater than or equal to zero, and reassemble. PORT WAS NOT SUPPLIED - CAIOCB TERMINATED Issued by: $EDXASM, $SIASM Explanation: The PORT= operand on the CAIOCB statement is required but was not supplied. System Action: Terminates expansion of the CAIOCB statement. User Response: On the CAIOCB statement, specify a valid PORT= operand, and reassemble. o MC-180 SC34-0636 p c PREVIOUSLY DEFINED FORMAT DESTROYED PRINT ERROR - ATTEMPT CORRECTION THEN RESPOND BELOW Issued by: $IMAGE Issued by: $RJESNA Explanation: Due to an open error the previously defined format is gone. Explanation: The Event Driven Executive has detected a printer problem (printer was powered off). A subsequent message, "ENTER C(CONTINUE), T(TERMINATE), R(REDIRECT):" is issued to allow for recovery from this error. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Redo the edit and retry the function. System Action: Suspends printing until the problem is corrected. PRIMARY MENU xxx FAILED FOR TERMINAL yyy Issued by: $MTM Explanation: A SETP AN function for the terminal yyy using the primary menu xxx has failed. c User Response: Retry the operation by entering a "C", or cancel the PRINT command by entering a "T". If a "T" is entered, the host is notified that the print function is not available, and a command to the host is required to start the printer. To redirect the output to a different printer, specify "R". System Action: Does not include the terminal in the Multiple Terminal Manager system. PROCESSING j*CONCAT - FILE ERROR xxx User Response: Ensure that a valid menu name is specified in the TERMINAL file for the specified terminal. PRIME INDEX DATASET CONTAINS NO RECORDS Issued by: $IAMUTI Explanation: During the secondary index load, no primary records were located in the prime file. Therefore no records can be loaded into the secondary file. System Action: Control returns to $IAMUTI Issued by: $RJESNA Explanation: $RJESNA encountered a disk error while opening the data set specified on the /*CONCAT record. The result was a return code of xxx. System Action: Cancels the job stream to prevent a partial job stream from executing on the host. Processing is terminated as if an error condition had occurred on the input file. User Response: Check the disk and diskette read/ write return codes to find the cause of the problem, and take the appropriate action. main procedure. User Response: Load the prime file first, and retry the operation. o Chapter 2. Messages M C-181 p _--" 0 -'I PROC COMMAND NOT ALLOWED AFTER PROGRAM COMMAND PROGRAM CANNOT BE TRACE FILE Issued by: $BSCUTI Issued by: $JOBUTIL wrong order. Explanation: You specified that a program type data set be used to hold BSC trace data. Only a data type data set can be used as a trace file. System Action: Ends the operation. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Edit the procedure statement User Response: Specify a data type data set for use as the trace file. If necessary, allocate such a data set. Explanation: The procedure statement is in the and put everything in the correct order. Then retry the function. PROGRAM AREA TOO SMALL TO HOLD PGM xxx PROGRAM CAPACITY EXCEEDED Issued by: $VERIFY Issued by: $MTM Explanation: The manager's program area is too small to hold the named program. Explanation: The amount of working storage allocated to $VERIFY is insufficient to process the indexed file specified. System Action: Does not use the program xxx. System Action: $VERIFY terminates. User Response: Increase the program area size User Response: Increase the amount of working by reallocating CDMDUMMY, or split the program into smaller link-edited programs. storage available to $VERIFY. Refer to the IBM Series/l Event Driven Executive Indexed Access Method (5719-AM3) for a description of how to calculate the amount of working storage required and how to modify the amount supplied. PROGRAM AREA - NOT RELEASED o Issued by: $STGUTI Explanation: The utility inspected the area and found it to be a program, which cannot be released with $STGUTI. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: If you still want to release the area of storage, use the $C operator command or re-IPL the system. o MC-182 SC34-0636 p o PROGRAM FILE LARGER THAN PROGRAM MANAGER BUFFER PUNCH ABORTED - FILE ERROR xxx Issued by: $RJESNA Issued by: $MTM Explanation: The program table built during initialization exceeds the size of the buffer used by the program manager. Explanation: An error occurred while a punch stream was being received from the host and written to a Series/1 data set, or an I/O error occurred during the opening of the data set. The result was a return code of xxx. System Action: Multiple Terminal Manager terminates. System Action: None. User Response: Increase the program manager User Response: Check the disk and diskette read/ write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. buffer size in module CDMCOMMN, assemble and relink $MTM. PROGRAM LOAD ERROR PUNCH DATA BEING RECEIVED - NO PUNCH FILE DEFINED Issued by: $MTM Issued by: $RJESNA Explanation: An Event Driven Executive LOAD o error occurred for the requested program. System Action: Does not load the program. User Response: Determine the cause of the problem. Rebuild the program if the problem persists. Explanation: A punched output data set is about to be received from the host, but no punch data set has been defined to $RJESNA. System Action: Issues a prompt requesting the punch data set name. User Response: Enter the punch data set name. PROTECT = MUST BE YES OR NO Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The PROTECT= operand must be specified as either yes or no. System Action: Continues processing. User Response: After the assembly completes, correct the error and rerun. C ','!, " I' Chapter 2. Messages MC-183 p PUNCH DATA BEING RECEIVED - NO PUNCH FILE DEFINED P1= INVALID WHEN USING CAPS= WITH IMMEDIATE DATA Issued by: $RJE2780, $RJE3780 Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: There is no punch file defined to hold the punch data being received from the host. Explanation: PI= cannot be used on the PRINTEXT or READTEXT instruction if the CAPS= character count is specified. PI = can be used if CAPS = YES is specified instead. System Action: Prompts for definition of a punch file: "ENTER PUNCH FORMAT - S OR 0·" User Response: Answer S for source, or 0 for object. Note: DS2 on program load is used. o System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify either CAPS= character count and omit PI, or specify CAPS= YES with PI coded. o MC-184 SC34-0636 Q c QUERY MESSAGE MUST BE SPECIFIED Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The required prompt message was omitted on the QUESTION instruction. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify the prompt message on the QUESTION instruction. o o Chapter 2. Messages Me-185 R RANGE= MUST BE HIGH FOR MFA ADAPTER RBA xxx, ALTERNATE ASSIGNED - DATA ERROR Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $DASDI Explanation: RANGE=LOW cannot be specified if ADAPTER=MFA on the ACCA TERMINAL statement. Explanation: During an alternate assignment, the data field was moved, but an uncorrectable Error Condition Code (ECC) was detected. The ECC will be inverted, indicating that the integrity of the data in the assigned alternate has been compromised. The xxx is the RBA in question. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify RANGE=HIGH. If omitted, RANGE=HIGH is the default. o System Action: Continues processing. User Response: Refresh the assigned alternate. RAN OUT OF MAIN STORAGE IN PARTITION Issued by: $MTM Explanation: Using the MTMUTIL utility, there was insufficient storage in the partition to load either the program or to contain the loader. System Action: The requested program is not loaded. User Response: Specify a different partition to MTMUTIL. RBA xxx, ALT UNASSIGNMENT - DATA ERR Issued by: $DASDI Explanation: During an alternate unassignment, the data field was moved, but an uncorrectable Error Condition Code (ECC) was detected. This indicates that the integrity of the data in the unassigned alternate has been compromised. The xxx is the RBA in question. System Action: Continues processing. User Response: Refresh the data. o MC-186 SC34-0636 R c RBA ERROR: xxx BAD FLAG - NO ALTERNATE FOUND RBN xxx CONTAINS INVALID FORWARD POINTER. Issued by: $DASDI Issued by: $VERIFY Explanation: The RBA in question, xxx, has an unreadable sector ID. Explanation: The indicated data block did not properly point to the next data block on the same level. System Action: Continues processing. System Action: Verification continues. User Response: Assign the RBA an alternate sector. User Response: In most cases the lAM file must be rebuilt. RBA xxx SECTOR WRITTEN - DATA ERR Issued by: $DASDI Explanation: An RBA has returned a data check to the read data. The integrity of the data in this RBA has been compromised. o RBN xxx CONTAINS INVALID UPWARD POINTER. Issued by: $VERIFY Explanation: The indicated file block did not properly point to its higher level index block. System Action: Continues processing. System Action: Verification continues. User Response: Refresh the RBA. User Response: In most cases the lAM file must be rebuilt. RBN xxx CONTAINS INVALID BACKWARD POINTER. Issued by: $VERIFY Explanation: The indicated index block did not properly point to the previous index block on the same level. System Action: Verification continues. User Response: In most cases the lAM file must be rebuilt. RBN xxx IS IN FREEPOOL CHAIN, BUT IS NOT A VALID FREEPOOL BLOCK. Issued by: $VERIFY Explanation: Every block in the freepool chain should have a block type of X'8000'. The indicated block did not. System Action: Verification continues. User Response: In most cases the lAM file must be rebuilt. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-187 R URDSCB U REQUIRED IF RESVNC=VES/INIT AND RTVPE=DISK READ ERROR (OBJECT MODULE) o Issued by: $UPDATE Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: You did not specify the RDSCB Explanation: A read error was encountered on the data set name. operand on the NETINIT instruction when RESYNC= YES/INIT and RTYPE=DISK. System Action: Returns to command mode. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Recreate the object module and retry the function. User Response: : Disk resynchronization requires an open dataset control block (DSCB). Code the RDSCB operand on the NETINIT instruction to point to the DSCB. READ ERROR DURING READBACK CHECK OF TARGET DATASET Issued by: $COPYUTI Explanation: A read error occurred in the target data set. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Choose a different target data set and retry the function. READ ERROR OCCURRED, RC = xxx Issued by: $XPSLINK from $XPSPOST Explanation: When attempting to read a record from disk or diskette, an error occurred. The result was a return code of xxx. System Action: $XPSPOST ends unsuccessfully with a completion code of 12. The nucleus is not stored. User Response: Check the disk and diskette read/write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. Rerun $XPSLINK. READ ERROR ENCOUNTERED ON xxx,yyy RC=zzz Issued by: $XPSLINK from $XPSPRE Explanation: $XPSPRE was unable to read the specified data set. The result was a return code of zzz. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Check the disk and diskette read/ write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. o MC-188 SC34-0636 R o READ ERROR ON RECORD NUMBER xxx RC=yyy READ ERROR - TAPE RC =xxx TAPE RECORD NUMBER =yyy Issued by: $COPY Issued by: $TAPEUTI Explanation: An error occurred while reading the disk record xxx. The result was a return code of yyy. Explanation: An error occurred while reading the tape record yyy. System Action: Returns to command mode. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: Check the disk and diskette read/write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. READ ERROR ON SOURCE, RC =xxx c User Response: Check the tape read/write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. READ INPUT DATASET RETURN CODE = xxx. RECORD NUMBER = yyy Issued by: $TAPEUTI Issued by: $IAMUTI Explanation: The source device used for the copy detected a read error. Explanation: An attempt to read the indexed input data set failed for a sequential data set. The result was a return code of xxx which occurred at record yyy. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: Check the tape read/write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. READ ERROR ON TAPE - RC = xxx DUMP ENDED System Action: Ends the command. User Response: For LO command, check the disk and diskette read/write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. to find the For the UN or RO commands, check the Indexed Access Method return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. Issued by: $TAPEUTI Explanation: A read error occurred that caused the dump to terminate. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: Check the tape read/write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-189 R READ INPUT DATASET RETURN CODE = xxx RECONNECT TERMINAL DEFINITION ERROR Issued by: $IAMUTI Issued by: $MTM Explanation: Using the UN or RO commands, a call to the Indexed Access Method for a GETSEQ function was unsuccessful. The result was a return code of xxx. Explanation: The RECONNECT operator interface facility has encountered a failure while attempting to reconnect a terminal to the Multiple Terminal Manager. Since initialization already would have performed all functions necessary to include the terminal in the terminal table, the TERMINAL file, SCRNS volume or source table in RECONNEC has probably been altered since the Multiple Terminal Manager was started. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Check the Indexed Access Method return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. ,·" 0 I' System Action: Does not connect terminal. REASSIGN UNSUCCESSFUL - TERMINAL, CODE xxx Issued by: $TERMUTI Explanation: The attempt to reassign the address of the terminal failed. Explanation: Determine the cause of the error (check TERMINAL file for correct data). RECORD DOES NOT VERIFY INPUT RECORD = xxx CHECK VALUE = yyy Issued by: $TAPEUTI System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: Check the terminal 110 general return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. Explanation: There is a discrepancy between the record the utility expected to read and the record it actually read. System Action: Returns to command mode. RECONNECT SYNTAX INVALID User Response: Enter a new command if necessary. Issued by: $MTM Explanation: The correct syntax has not been used on the RECONNECT operator command. System Action: Ignores the command. User Response: Retry the RECONNECT command with correct syntax. o MC-190 SC34-0636 R c RECORD MATCH NOT FOUND FOR SECONDARY INDEX RECORD SIZE MUST BE NUMERIC Issued by: $IAMUTI Issued by: $VERIFY Explanation: While verifying cross references, the program failed to find a match for a specific secondary or primary key. Explanation: Using the LO or UN commands, your reply to the prompt ENTER RECORD SIZE was not numeric. System Action: Reissues the prompt for record System Action: Issues messages that identify the primary and secondary key values and continues processing. size. User Response: Enter a numeric value for the record size. User Response: Secondary file does not match primary file and should be rebuilt. REGISTER SPECIFICATION INVALID RECORD NUMBER =xxx Issued by: $IAMUTI c Explanation: Using the LO, UN, or RO commands, the record number being processed is identified when an error occurs. This message is preceded by the error message. Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: Index registers #1 and #2 cannot be specified directly in the instruction. The registers can be used, however, in the parameter format: (parameter, #reg). System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. System Action: Dependent on the preceding error message. User Response: Recode the instruction. User Response: Examine the preceding error message and take corrective action. RECORD OUT OF SEQUENCE NEAR RBN xxx Issued by: $VERIFY Explanation: Records in the indicated data block were out of sequence. The records should be in ascending order by key. System Action: Verification continues. User Response: In most cases the lAM file must be rebuilt. c Chapter 2. Messages MC-191 R RELATIVE RECORD OUT OF RANGE ALLOWABLE RECORDS ARE 0001 - xxx HEX REMOTE MANAGEMENT UTILITY ERROR 2 - COMMUNICATIONS OPEN FAILED, RETURN CODE: xxx Issued by: $DISKUT2 Issued by: $RMU Explanation: The relative record number you entered while using the PR or LR command of the $DISKUT2 utility is invalid. Explanation: The OPEN of the BSC communication line failed. The result was a BSC return code of xxx. System Action: The system asks for a relative record number within the allowable range. System Action: Terminates the program. User Response: Enter a relative record number within the range displayed in the message. REMOTE MANAGEMENT UTILITY ERROR 1 - INSUFFICIENT BUFFER. SIZE: xxx o User Response: Check the BSC return code to find the cause of the problem, and take the appropriate action. REMOTE MANAGEMENT UTILITY ERROR 3 - COMMUNICATIONS CLOSE FAILED, RETURN CODE: xxx Issued by: $RMU Issued by: $RMU Explanation: The size of the buffer defined for use by the utility is xxx bytes, which is less than the 512-byte minimum. The default l024-byte buffer size has been modified incorrectly. Explanation: The CLOSE of the BSC communication line failed. The result was a BSC return code of xxx. System Action: Terminates the program. System Action: Terminates the program. User Response: Check the buffer size, respecify a valid size, and restart the program. User Response: Check the BSC return code to find the cause of the problem and take the appropriate action. o MC-192 SC34-0636 R c REMOTE MANAGEMENT UTILITY ERROR 4 - COMMUNICATIONS I/O ERROR. I/O FUNCTION xxx RETURN CODE: yyy REMOTE MANAGEMENT UTILITY ERROR 6 - OVERLAY FUNCTION MISSING. FUNCTION: xxx OVERLAY NUMBER yyy Issued by: $RMU Issued by: $RMU Explanation: BSCAM encountered an error during an 110 function, xxx, which can be one of the following: Explanation: The utility'S function table erroneously defined a function xxx as being contained within overlay yyy. Read initial Read continue Write EOT Write initial Write EOT (ABORT) Write continue The result was a BSC return code of yyy. System Action: Terminates the program. User Response: Check that the user written function is added properly to the function table. Correct any problem and restart the program. System Action: In cases of either a time-out o error (return code 10) or a sequence error (return code 12), the system terminates the current function and waits for the next request from the host. In cases of other error types, the system terminates after reporting the I/O error. User Response: Check the BSC return code to find the cause of the problem and take the appropriate action. REMOTE MANAGEMENT UTILITY ERROR 5 - LOAD OVERLAY FAILED, RETURN CODE: xxx OVERLAY NUMBER yyy Issued by: $RMU Explanation: The utility attempted to load an overlay program yyy with a LOAD instruction. The load failed, resulting in a LOAD return code of xxx. System Action: Terminates the program. User Response: Check the LOAD return code to find the cause of the problem, and take the appropriate action. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-193 R REMOTE MANAGEMENT UTILITY ERROR 7 - INVALID MULTIPOINT TRIBUTARY SELECT REMOTEQUE OVERFLOW - REMOTE RECORD NOT STORED o Issued by: $LOG Issued by: $RMU Explanation: The host system has improperly sent the utility a multipoint "select" when it should have sent a "poll". System Action: The utility returns an EOT (end of transmission) to the host, terminates the function in progress, and reads for the next request. User Response: Determine the problem with the host program that is communicating with the utility, correct it, and rerun the program. REMOTE MANAGER BUSY - REMOTE RECORDS NOT STORED Issued by: $LOG Explanation: The $LOG utility is unable to get access to the Remote Manager's buffers in order to write the log records. This message indicates a problem with the IBM -supplied software. System Action: $LOG is active but it cannot write log records to the Remote Manager's buffers. User Response: Contact your local IBM service representative. Explanation: The Remote Manager's buffers cannot handle the number of log records being written by the $LOG utility. System Action: $LOG continues to write log records but the records are not stored for the Remote Manager. User Response: Refer to the description manual for the RMl (Remote Manager) program product in order to correct this problem. RENAME ERROR. RETURN CODE =xxx Issued by: $IAMUTI Explanation: During the process of adjusting the size of the directory data set using the AS subcommand of DR, the rename of the new data set from $WRKDIR to $IAMDIR failed. The result was. a return code of xxx. ~ Ul System Action: Displays another message indicating the temporary name and volume of the new directory data set. User Response: Check the system return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. o M C-194 SC34-0636 R c REPLACEMENT OF PROGRAM xxx WAS NOT SPECIFIED REQUIRED STORAGE EXCEEDS 63K. NOT SET. Issued by: $UPDATE Issued by: $IAMUTI Explanation : You attempted to update an existing program but did not specify that the new update replace the old one. Explanation: Using the BF command, the total amount of storage required for the requested buffer size, number of IACBs, number of FCBs and maximum record size exceeds 63K bytes. It would be impossible to load $IAM into a single partition with this amount of dynamic storage. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Specify replacement of the existing program and retry. REQUIRED KEYWORD IS MISSING System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Specify more realistic values for the requested parameters. Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: For the STORBLK instruction, the TWOKBLK operand must be coded. c System Action: Continues processing but does not generate object text for that instruction. User Response: Correct indicated error and reassemble. REQUIRED PARAMETER IS MISSING Issued by: $EDXASM RESET OPERAND DOES NOT ALLOW ADDITIONAL OPERANDS Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: For the STIMER instruction, if the first operand is coded RESET, no additional operands may be coded. System Action: Continues processing but does not generate object text for that instruction. User Response: Correct the indicated error and reassemble. Explanation: The positional operands required for PUTEDIT and GETEDIT instructions are "text", "(list)", and either "format" or "(format,list)". System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Ensure the required positional operands are specified as explained. 0.';:'· .. ' Chapter 2. Messages MC-195 R RESET TYPE NOT SPECIFIED OR INVALID ASSUME RESET PUNCH? (Y,N) RESULT= MAY NOT BE SPECIFIED WITH MOVE OR MOVEA Issued by: $RJESNA Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: A RESET command or a RESET command with an undefined parameter was entered. Explanation: The "RESULT =" operand is invalid when used with MOVE or MOVEA instructions. The result of the operation is stored in the first operand by the MOVE and MOVEA instructions. o System Action: Awaits operator response. User Response: Answer "Y" or "N" depending on whether you wish to reset the punch data set name and format. If "N" is entered, the message "RESET NOT DONE" is issued and the RESET command is canceled. If "Y" is specified, $RJESNA resets the punch function. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Remove the "RESULT=" operand from the MOVE and MOVEA instruction. RESULT= OPERAND MUST BE SPECIFIED RESOURCE BUSY Issued by: Spooling Explanation: A $S command has been issued before a previous command has finished processing. Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The RESULT= operand must be specified in an arithmetic operation as it has been explicitly implied in the PREC= operand. 0 ( ,I, II System Action: The error is flagged and 1 " _ I. compilation continues. System Action: The second $S command is ignored. User Response: Code the RESULT= operand with a variable. Operator Response: Allow the first $S command to complete, then reissue the command. RESTART ON; CD/DS/GS/MA/MS/SO COMMANDS INVALID Issued by: $SPLUTl Explanation: After the spool facility has been restarted, the utility cannot perform any of the other listed command functions. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: Do not attempt to enter any of the listed commands. o MC-196 SC34-0636 R o RETRY SUPPLIED IS NOT NUMERIC EXPANSION TERMINATED $RJESNA SESSION TERMINATED BY HOST Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $RJESNA Explanation: The RETRY= operand on the CACBl statement is not numeric. Explanation: $RJESNA received a -16 return code (session terminated by host) in response to an SNA NETGET command. System Action: Terminates the expansion. System Action: $RJESNA terminates. User Response: On the CACBl statement, specify a valid RETRY = operand that is numeric, and reassemble. RETRY SUPPLIED IS NOT NUMERIC Issued by: $SIASM Explanation: The RETRY= operand on the CACB 1 statement is not numeric. o System Action: Terminates expansion of the CAIOCB statement. User Response: On the CACBl statement, specify a valid RETRY = operand that is numeric, and reassemble. User Response: If you entered a host session termination command, or the host operator terminated the session, no response is required. If session termination was not caused by either of these methods, you may have to consult the host systems programmer to determine the cause of session termination. $RJESNAM FILE ERROR xxx Issued by: $RJESNA Explanation: $RJESNA encountered an error while trying to read from its message data set $RJESNAM. The result was a return code of xxx. System Action: Terminates $RJESNA. User Response: Check the disk and diskette read/ write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-197 R RSB= MUST BE EVEN R TYPE MUST BE ON MFA BASE ADDRESS o Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The number specified for the number of residual status bytes on the EXIODEV statement must be zero or an even decimal number between 4 and 16 inclusive. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify a zero or and.even decimal number from 4-16 for RSB=. Explanation: 497S-01R and 497S-02R type devices must be attached to the MFA base address. This address is specified on the MFA ADAPTER statement. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify the MFA base address on the ADDRESS= operand of the TERMINAL statement. RSB= OUT OF LIMITS Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The number specified for the number of residual status bytes on the EXIODEV statement must be zero or an even decimal number between 4 and 16 inclusive. System Action: The error is flagged and o compilation continues. User Response: Specify a zero or an even decimal number from 4-16 for RSB=. o MC-198 SC34-0636 s c SCAN= PARAMETER IS INCORRECT SECOND DIGIT OF ADDR FIELD NOT HEX Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $SlASM Explanation: The parameter for the SCAN= operand of the GETEDIT /PUTEDIT instruction is specified incorrectly. Valid parameters are "FIXED" and "FREE". Explanation: The device address operand on the CAxxx instruction has an invalid hexadecimal character as the second digit. System Action: Terminates expansion of the System Action: The error is flagged and CAxxx instruction. compilation continues. User Response: Specify either "FIXED" (input data adheres to format statement) or "FREE" (input data is separated by a blank, comma, or slash). User Response: On the CAxxx instruction, specify a valid device address operand whose second digit is a hexadecimal character, and reassemble. SCREEN TABLE LARGER THAN INPUT BUFFER Issued by: $MTM o Explanation: The screen table built during initialization exceeds the Input Buffer size. System Action: Aborts initialization. User Response: Increase the Input Buffer size in module CDMCOMMN, reassemble and relink $MTM. SE= MUST BE YES OR NO Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The parameter specified for the SE= operand of the DCB statement must be either "YES" or "NO". System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specifying SE= YES will suppress exception condition reporting. SE=NO allows exception reporting and is the default. c Chapter 2. Messages M C-199 s SECOND DIGIT OF PORT IS NOT NUMERIC SECONDARY INDEX DATASET OPEN ERROR, $DISKUT3 RTCODE= xxx o Issued by: $SlASM Issued by: $IAMUTI Explanation: The PORT= operand on the CAIOCB statement has a non-numeric character as the second digit. System Action: Terminates expansion of the CAIOCB statement. User Response: On the CAIOCB statement, specify a valid PORT= operand whose second digit is numeric, and reassemble. Explanation: During the secondary index load, $IAMUTI was unable to open the secondary index data set as specified. The result was a $DISKUT3 return code of xxx. System Action: System prompts you: RETRY (YIN)? User Response: Check the $DISKUT3 return code to find the cause of the problem and respond to the prompt accordingly. SECOND OPERAND NOT RESET OR CLEAR Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: On the WAIT ECB instruction, the second operand specified can only be RESET or CLEAR. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. SELECTED TERMINAL IS NOT A 4980 Issued by: $TERMUT2 Explanation: You used the LT command to load a terminal that is not a 4980. System Action: The system does not load the terminal. User Response: Specify as the second operand (if coded) either RESET or CLEAR. User Response: You can only use the LT command to specify a 4980 terminal. Check to be sure you are using a 4980 terminal. SECONDARY ADDRESS OUT OF RANGE Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The value in the SECADDR= operand was out of the acceptable range. System Action: The error is flagged and the compilation continues. User Response: Specify a value within the range o - 255 for the SECADDR= operand and reassemble. o . MC-200 SC34-0636 s c SELF-DEFINING TERM INVALID FOR PDEN/PMODE/CHARSET KEYWORDS SESSIONS RESET - LINK LEVEL ACTIVE Issued by: $SNAMAIN Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: If the 4975 character set operands PDEN, PMODE, or CHARSET are specified, a self-defining term cannot be coded. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: If these operands are specified, code either a parameter name, an indexed value (register), or an address. Explanation: The host detected a serious error with the network and is reinitiating network activation. The host restarts SDLC by sending a SDLC SNRM command. System Action: SNA support clears the system of all sessions and resets all its control blocks for SDLC and SNA. User Response: You can restart lost sessions by reissuing NETINIT instructions. You can find out what error the host encountered by using the host network problem determination utilities. SENSOR I/O DEVICE AT ADDRESS xxx IS OFFLINE BSCA NOT THE DEVICE AT ADDR:yyy Issued by: Sensor I/O c Explanation: The system checks the status of any defined sensor I/O or Binary Synchronous Communications Adapter devices, and prints appropriate status messages. System Action: None. User Response: This is an informational message. No user response is needed. SEQJJE~1T~Al RECS~ZE GT BlOCKS~ZE Issued by: $IAMUTI Explanation: Using the LO or UN commands, a response to a prompt for sequential data set block size was less than the record size. This is an invalid block size. System Action: The block sizy prompt is reissued. User Response: Specify the correct block size. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-201 5 SHOULD THE 3101 DATA STREAM BE SAVED? SIZE OF TARGET DIRECTORY DOES NOT MATCH SIZE OF SOURCE DIRECTORY Issued by: $IMAGE Issued by: $MOVEVOL Explanation: The utility is asking if you want to save the edited screen for use on a 3101 terminal. Explanation: In order for the requested function to take place, the sizes of both directories must match. o System Action: Awaits operator response. System Action: Ends the operation. ! User Response: Answer "yes" to save the 3101 image, and "no" to save only the 4978/4979 image. User Response: Retry the function using directories that match in size. Or, using the original directories, delete and reallocate one so that its size matches the other. SIGNON PROGRAM NOT AVAILABLE FOR TERMINAL xxx $SNA LOAD ERROR xxx Issued by: $MTM Issued by: $RJESNA Explanation: The specified terminal is required to sign on and off but no program named SIGNON was found in the PRGRMS volume. Explanation: A problem was encountered by $RJESNA during an attempt to load SNA. The result was a LOAD return code of xxx. System Action: Does not include the terminal. System Action: Terminates $RJESNA. User Response: Place a program named SIGNON in the PRGRMS file, or designate that no signon is needed for the specified terminal. Restart the Multiple Terminal Manager. S1S1 ATTACHMENT SPECIFIED IS INOPERATIVE User Response: Check the LOAD return code to find the cause of the problem, and take the appropriate action. Note: The Event Driven Executive SNA must be on the same volume as $RJESNA if $SNA is loaded by $RJESNA. Issued by: $SISI UTI Explanation: The utility could not obtain status from the specified attachment and therefore marks it inoperative. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Check the attachment for hardware problem. Then retry the function. o MC-202 SC34-0636 s c SNA SYSTEM FAILURE - SNA TERMINATED DUE TO UNRECOVERABLE ERROR CONDITIONS SNA/SDLC CONFIGURATION ERROR, RETURN CODE = xxx Issued by: $SNAMAIN Issued by: $SNAMAIN Explanation: $SNAMAIN either program checked or encountered an unrecoverable error condition. Explanation: SNA support detected a configuration error. The return code xxx indicates the type of error. System Action: SNA support ends all sessions System. Action: The system deactivates the network and unloads $SNAMAIN and $SNA. It then dumps the Level Status Block (LSB), Task Control Block (TCB), and the SNA control blocks and buffers for $SNAMAIN. User Response: Take a stand-alone dump of storage and perform problem determination. c SNA UNLOADING - NO SEND BUFFERS WERE SPECIFIED FOR BUFFER POOLING and either unloads or attempts to reactivate depending on how you previously defined the UNLOAD operand on the SNAPU statement. User Response: Check the return code description for the cause of the error. The return codes are described under "SDLC Communications Return Codes" on page MC-336. SNA/SDLC IS MANUAL CALL - PLEASE DIAL YOUR NETWORK EXTENSION Issued by: $SNAMAIN Issued by: $SNAMAIN Explanation: You defined the network incorrectly causing SNA to unload. You must define some send buffers when using Buffer Pooling (BUFPOOL= YES on the SNAPU statement). Send buffers are equal to SBUFNO on the SNAPU statement plus the SENDBUF on all the LU statements. Explanation: The network has been loaded and is waiting for the host connection. System Action: None. User Response: Dial the network telephone number. System Action: SNA unloads. User Response: Recode the network parameter statements to include send buffers and then regenerate the network. Chapter 2. Messages MC-203 s SNA/SDLC TERMINATED DUE TO A PERMANENT SDLC ERROR CONDITION SDLC DEVICE ERROR - RETURN CODE $SORTL LOAD ERROR, LOAD RTCODE= xxx =xxx Issued by: $IAMUTI Issued by: $SNAMAIN Explanation: During the secondary index load, Explanation: SNA support encountered an $IAMUTI was unable to load the $SORTL program. This resulted in a return code of xxx. unrecoverable hardware error. The return code xxx indicates the type of error. System Action: Ends the operation. System Action: SNA support ends all sessions and either unloads or attempts to reactivate depending on how you previously defined the UNLOAD operand on the SNAPU statement. User Response: Check the LOAD return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. This error can be caused by insufficient storage available in the current partition. Try a larger partition. User Response: Check the return code description for the cause of the error. The return codes are described under "SDLC Communications Return Codes" on page MC-336. SOFT ERR - ECC CORRECTED Issued by: $DASDI Explanation: One or more RBAs were Error Condition Code corrected. These RBAs will have decreased perf.ormance time, but the data is still good. System Action: Continues processing. o SORT001P, SORT/MERGE SPECIFICATION PHASE STARTED Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: The specification phase of Sort/Merge has begun. Specification statements will be syntax checked for errors. System Action: Continues processing. User Response: This is an informational message. No user response is needed. User Response: To improve performance time, refresh the sectors. The integrity of the data will not be compromised. If problems persist and use of the sectors does not decrease performance time, you can assign alternate sectors. o MC-204 SC34-0636 s c SORT002T, ODD BLOCK SIZE INVALID FOR TAPE Issued by: Sort/Merge Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: The Data Set Definition specification statement for tape has indicated an odd block size for tape. Odd blocks are not valid for tape. Explanation: No header statement was found. System Action: Sort/Merge terminates the job. User Response: Change the block size to an even number and restart the job. SORT004W, TERMINAL DEVICE NAME INVALID; INVOKING TERMINAL ASSUMED Issued by: Sort/Merge c SORT006T, HEADER STATEMENT MISSING Explanation: The terminal device name on the log statement (positions 3-10) is invalid. It contains leading blanks. System Action: Sort/Merge assumes the invoking terminal will be used as the terminal device. If the warning message option (position 14 of the header statement) is P, the Sort/Merge operation completes. If it is blank or T, the job ends after the specification phase. System Action: The job ends. User Response: Include missing header statement and resubmit the job. SORT007T, JOB TYPE MISSING OR INVALID, POSITIONS 2-7 Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: A job type (SORTA, SORTR, SORTRS or MERGE) was not specified in the header statement. System Action: The job ends with no additional specification processing. User Response: Specify the job type in positions 2-7 of the header statement and resubmit the job. User Response: Specify a device name starting in positions 3-10 which has been defined on a TERMINAL statement at system generation. Resubmit the job. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-205 s SORTOO8S, CONTROL FIELD LENGTH MISSING OR INVALID, 256 ASSUMED SORT010S, INVALID DSD SPECIFICATION, pas 2; RECORD BYPASSED Issued by: Sort/Merge Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: The control field length (positions 8-10 in the header statement) is in error for one of Explanation: The referenced statement is a DSD statement. It should have an I (for input), 0 (for output) or a W (for work) in position 2, however, it does not. the following reasons: • No control field length was specified. • There is either a nonnumeric character or an embedded blank in positions 8-10. System Action: Sort/Merge bypasses the statement and goes on to the next statement. The job ends after the specification phase. • The control field specified is greater than 256 or less than 1. User Response: Specify an 1,0, or W in position 2 of the referenced statement and resubmit the job. o System Action: Sort/Merge assumes a control field length of 256 and continues the specification phase. The job ends after the specification phase. User Response: Place a valid number in positions 8-10 of the header statement and resubmit the job. SORTOO9S, ASCENDING/DESCENDING OPTION INVALID, pas 11; A ASSUMED Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: Position 11 of the header statement has neither a blank or an A for ascending, nor a D for descending sequence. SORT011S, WARNING MESSAGE OPTION INVALID, POSITION 14; T ASSUMED Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: The warning message option on the header statement (position 14) is not blank, T or P. System Action: Sort/Merge assumes a T in position 14, indicating termination of the specification phase if warning messages exist. The job ends after the specification phase. User Response: Specify either a blank, T, or P in position 14 of the header statement and resubmit the job. System Action: Sort/Merge assumes ascending sequence and continues the specification phase. The job ends after the specification phase. User Response: Enter an A or D in position 11 of the header statement and resubmit the job. o MC-206 SC34-0636 s C' , "~,I SORT012W, PRINT OPTION INVALID; ASSUMED TO BE 0 SORT015S, HEADER DROP/KEEP OPTION INVALID, POS 13; DROP ASSUMED Issued by: Sort/Merge Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: The print option in either the referenced header statement (position 12) or the referenced log statement (position 2) is not blank, 0, 1, or 2. Explanation: Position 13 of the header statement is neither a blank, a K, or a D. System Action: Sort/Merge assumes a 0 for the print option. If the warning message option (position 14 of the header statement) is P, the Sort/Merge operation completes. If it is blank or T, the job ends after the specification phase. System Action: Sort/Merge assumes a D in position 13 (drop control field) and continues the specification phase. The job ends after the specification phase. User Response: Enter a blank, a K, or a Din position 13 of the header statement and resubmit the job. User Response: Specify a blank, 0, 1, or 2 as the print option and resubmit the job. SORT016W, COLLATING OPTION INVALID; EBCDIC ASSUMED - POSITION 16 o SORT014W, I/O ERROR OPTION IS INVALID, POSITION 17; T IS ASSUMED Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: Position 17 of your header statement has neither a blank, T, S or A to indicate I/O error options. Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: The collating option in position 16 of the header statement is invalid. It is neither blank, E or A. System Action: Sort/Merge assumes a T in position 17, indicating termination on I/O error conditions. If the warning message option (position 14 of the header statement) is P, the Sort/Merge operation completes. If it is blank or T, the job ends after the specification phase. System Action: Sort/Merge assumes an E in position 16 (EBCDIC) to indicate collating sequence. If the warning message option specifies continue processing (a P in position 14 of the header statement), Sort/Merge continues processing after the specification phase. If it is blank or T, the job ends after the specification phase. User Response: Enter a blank, T, S or A in position 17 of the header statement and resubmit the job. User Response: Enter a blank, E, or A in position 16 of the header statement to indicate collating sequence. Resubmit the job. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-207 s o SORT017S, OUTPUT RECORD LENGTH> HEADER CONTROL FIELD LENGTH SORT018S, INPUT DS ORGANIZATION OPTION INVALID, POS 15; BLANK ASSUMED Issued by: Sort/Merge Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: This is a SORTR, SORTRS or MERGE job. Position 13 of the header statement indicates the control field is not being dropped. The output record length must include the control field length. Explanation: The entry in position 15 of the header statement for this job is invalid for one of the following reasons: • This is a SORTA job which requires a consecutive data set organization. Position 15 does not contain a blank or C indicating such an o~anization. • This is a SORTR, SORTRS, or MERGE job and position 15 does not contain a valid entry, which must be blank or C for a consecutive data set organization, or an I for an indexed organization. System Action: A length equal to the output record length plus the largest total control field (positions 8-10) is assumed. The specification phase continues processing. The job ends after the specification phase. User Response: Recompute your output record length, and change the record size of your output data set. Resubmit the job. System Action: Sort/Merge assumes a consecutive data set organization and continues processing. The job ends after the specification phase. User Response: Enter a valid character (blank, C, or I in position 15 of the header statement) and resubmit the job. o MC-208 SC34-0636 s c SORT019T, INVALID RECORD SIZE FOR SORT021T, RETURN CODE ISSUED xxx yyy xxx zzz Issued by: Sort/Merge Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: After issuing a CALL to request the EXTRACT function of the Indexed Access Method, for the data set xxx, Sort/Merge found the record size to be zero. Explanation: Sort/Merge is processing the data set zzz. After issuing a CALL to request the yyy function, Sort/Merge received a return code of xxx; yyy can be one of the following: System Action: Sort/Merge terminates Instr. Function requested IAM-PROC Process (PROCESS) IAM-EXTR Extract (EXTRACT) lAM-GET Get (GET) lAM-DISC Disconnect (DISCONN) processing. User Response: Position 15 of the header statements indicates that the data set is an Indexed Access Method data set. The data set probably contains all zeroes, indicating it has not been defined or loaded as an Indexed Access Method data set. Correct the error and resubmit the job. c SORT020T, ILLOGICAL ACTION CODE - NO OUTPUT DATA SET - SORT TERMINATED Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: The action code returned by the output exit routine indicates that Sort/Merge should take an action that is either impossible or illogical, or both. No output data set exists for Sort/Merge to continue processing the sorted records. System Action: Sort/Merge terminates processing for all of the above functions except GET, when the user I/O error exit routine, when provided, determines the disposition of the error. Otherwise, Sort/Merge continues processing as specified by the I/O error option in position 17 of the header statement. User Response: Check the Indexed Access Method return code for an explanation of the error. If a user error occurred, correct it and resubmit the job. System Action: Sort/Merge terminates the job. User Response: Check the logic of your routine in providing the action code. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-209 s SORT022T, NO SPECIFICATIONS PROVIDED SORT024S, OUTPUT RECORD LENGTH LESS THAN 4 - SORTA JOB Issilled by: Sort/Merge Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: If a specification data set was provided, no specifications were found in it. Explanation: This is a SORTA job. The record length defined for the output data set is incorrect. It must be equal to 4 or greater than 4. o If Sort/Merge was initiated from a user program with the LOAD instruction, and specifications were provided in main storage, the number of specification statements indicated was less than 1. System Action: Sort/Merge continues processing using an output record length of 4. The job ends after the specification phase. System Action: Sort/Merge terminates the job. User Response: Recreate the output data set with a record length of 4 or more bytes. User Response: If a specification data set was provided, be sure it contains the specifications. If Sort/Merge was initiated from a user program, and specifications are provided in main storage, be sure the number of specifications indicated is greater than O. SORT023S, SORTA JOB, INPUT RECORD NOT FIXED Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: This is a SORTA job. The record format of the input data set must be fixed. System Action: Sort/Merge ends after the SORT025S, INVALID SPECIFICATION TYPE; RECORD BYPASSED Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: The referenced statement cannot be processed. It is not a comment, DSD, ALTSEQ, include/ omit or field statement. System Action: Sort/Merge bypasses the statement. The job ends after the specification phase. User Response: Correct the statement or remove it from the specifications. Resubmit the job. specification phase. User Response: Provide an input data set with a record format of fixed, and resubmit the job. o MC-210 SC34-0636 s c SORT026S, MERGE JOB, OUTPUT RECORD FOR JOB> OUTPUT DATA SET RECSIZE Issued by: Sort/Merge Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: This is a MERGE job. The length of the output record created during the job is greater than the record length defined for the output data set. If you drop the control field (position 13 of the header statement contains aD), the length of the output record is equal to the record length (RECSIZE) defined for the input data set. Explanation: This a SORTRS job with an input data set of variable record format. The logical order of the referenced summary field statement (FS in positions 1-2) is invalid, because an entire record as a data field (FR in positions 1-2 of a field statement) has previously been specified in this include set. If you keep the control field (position 13 of the header statement contains a K or blank), the length of the output record is equal to the length of the control field (in positions 8-10 of the header statement) plus the record length (RECSIZE) defined for the input data set. c SORT027S, FR FIELD IN SET; SUMMARY FIELD MAY NOT FOLLOW; FD ASSUMED If the control field is dropped, Sort/Merge assumes the record length (RECSIZE) defined for the output data set to be equal to the record length defined for the input data set. If the control field is kept, Sort/Merge assumes the record length defined for the output data set to be equal to the length of the input record plus the total control field length (specified in position 8-10 of the header statement). System Action: The job ends after the specification phase. User Response: Determine the correct length of your output record and correct the output DSD statement. Resubmit the job. System Action: The referenced summary field statement is treated as a delimited data field statement (FD in positions 1-2). The job ends after the specification phase. User Response: Either remove the statement or change its order, and resubmit the job. SORT028S, ALTSEQ STATEMENT HAS INVALID DATA Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: The data to alter the normal sequence in the referenced ALTSEQ statement is in error. One of the 4-position groups (positions 3-6, 7-10, etc.) does not contain a valid hexadecimal number (0-9 or A-F). System Action: The job ends after the specification phase. User Response: Correct the statement and resubmit the job. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-211 s SORT029T, INCLUDE OR OMIT STATEMENT INVALID FOR MERGE JOB SORT031S, INVALID INCLUDE/OMIT CONTINUATION; RECORD BYPASSED Issued by: Sort/Merge Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: This is a MERGE job. Include and omit statements are not valid specifications for a MERGE job. The referenced statement was either an include or an omit. Explanation: This is a SORTA, SORTR, or SORTRS job. The referenced statement is part of an include or omit set. It should have an A (AND) or 0 (OR) in position 2. However, it does not. System Action: The job ends. System Action: Sort/Merge bypasses the statement and goes on to the next statement. The job ends after the specification phase. User Response: Check to make sure that a MERGE job was wanted. If it was, remove all include and/or omit statements. Verify that any remaining specification statements are correct and resubmit the job. SORT030S, FIRST INCLUDE/OMIT OF SET SPECIFIES CONTINUATION o User Response: Specify an A or 0 in position 2 of the referenced statement and resubmit the job. SORT032S, AND/OR NOT SPECIFIED, POSITION 2; OR IS ASSUMED Issued by: Sort/Merge Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: This is a SORTA, SORTR or SORTRS job. The referenced statement is the first in an omit or include set. However, it contains a non-blank character in position 2. A blank was expected. System Action: Sort/Merge ignores the non-blank character. The job ends after the specification phase. User Response: Enter a blank in position 2 of the referenced statement and resubmit the job. Explanation: This is a SORTA, SORTR or SORTRS job. The referenced statement is part of an include or omit set. It should contain an A (AND) or 0 (OR) in position 2; however, position 2 is blank. System Action: Sort/Merge assumes an 0 in position 2 and continues the specification phase. The job ends after the specification phase. User Response: Check the order of your statements. Determine if the referenced statement should have an A or an 0 in position 2 and resubmit the job. o MC-212 SC34-0636 s o o SORT033S, FACTOR 1 LENGTH EXCEEDS 64; 64 IS ASSUMED SORT034S, FACTOR 2 CONSTANT; INVALID DATA OR LENGTH Issued by: Sort/Merge Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: This is a SORTA, SORTR or SORTRS job. The referenced statement is an include or omit statement for character data (position 3 contains a C). Factor 2 is a field (position 14 contains an F). The length of factor 1 exceeds 64 bytes. Explanation: This is a SORTA, SORTR or SORTRS job. The referenced statement is an include or omit statement containing a factor 2 constant specified in positions 15-34. The factor 2 constant is in error for one of the following reasons: System Action: Sort/Merge assumes a factor 1 length of 64 and continues the specification phase. The job ends after specification phase. • The length of the factor 2 constant is not the same length as the factor 1 field specified in positions 4-11. User Response: Ensure that the factor 1 and factor 2 field location are correct. If they are (the field exceeds 64), use multiple include statements (specifying an A for AND in position 2) to cover the length of the entire field. • The data of the factor 2 constant is not consistent with the data type specified in position 3. System Action: Sort/Merge continues the specification phase. The job ends after the specification phase. User Response: Ensure that the factor 2 constant is consistent with the factor 1 field and the data type field specified in position 3. Resubmit the job. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-213 s SORT035S, CHARACTER CONSTANTLENGTH EXCEEDS 20; 20 IS ASSUMED SORT037S, ZONE SPECIFIEDRELATIONAL NOT EQ OR NE Issued by: Sort/Merge Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: This is a SORTA, SORTR or Explanation: This is a SORTA, SORTR or SORTRS job. The referenced statement is an include or omit statement for character data (position 3 contains a C). Factor 2 is a character constant (position 14 contains a C). The length of factor 1 is greater than 20, which is the maximum length allowed. SORTRS job. A zoned data type has been specified in position 3 of the referenced include/omit statement and positions 12-13 do not contain EQ or NE. System Action: Sort/Merge assumes a length of 20 for factor 1 and continues the specification phase. The job ends after the specification phase. User Response: Specify a length of 20 or less in positions 4-11 of the referenced statement and resubmit the job. o System Action: Sort/Merge continues the specification phase. The job ends after the specification phase. User Response: Specify an EQ or NE in positions 12-13 of the referenced statement, and resubmit the job. SORT038S, INVALID FACTOR 2 TYPE, POSITION 14; C IS ASSUMED SORT036S, INVALID RELATIONAL, POSITIONS 12-13 Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: This is a SORTA, SORTR or SORTRS job. The referenced statement is an include/omit statement and positions 12-13 (the relational between factor 1 and factor 2) does not contain an EQ, NE, LT, GT, LE or GE. System Action: Sort/Merge continues the specification phase. The job ends after the specification phase. User Response: Correct the statement and the Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: This is a SORTA, SORTR, SORTRS job. The referenced statement is an include / omit statement and position 14 contains neither an F (field) nor C (constant). System Action: Sort/Merge assumes factor 2 is a constant (C in position 14) and continues the specification phase. The job ends after the specification phase. User Response: Specify a C or an F in position 14 of the referenced statement and resubmit the job. resubmit job. o MC-214 SC34-0636 s o SORT039S, INVALID FIELD TYPE SPECIFICATION, POS 2; RECORD BYPASSED Issued by: Sort/Merge Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: The referenced statement is a field specification; however, position 2 does not contain an F, N, 0, D, S, orR. Explanation: This is a SORTR job. A summary data field specification (positions 1 and 2 contain FS) is valid only for SORTRS jobs. System Action: The referenced statement is bypassed. Processing continues with the next statement. The job ends after the specification phase. System Action: All FS specifications are treated as data specifications (an FD in positions 1-2). If User Response: Enter an F, N, 0, D, S, or R in position 2 and resubmit the job. o SORT041W, SUMMARY SPECIFICATION FOUND, NOT SORTRS JOB; FD ASSUMED SORT04OW, DATA SPECIFICATION IN SORTA/MERGEJOB;RECORD BYPASSED the warning message option (position 14 of header statement) is P, the Sort/Merge operation completes. If it is blank or T, the job ends after the specification phase. User Response: If a SORTR job is wanted, remove all summary specifications before running the job. Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: This is a SORTA or MERGE job. A data field specification (positions 1 and 2 contain FD, FR or FS) is not valid for a SORTA or MERGE job. System Action: Data field specifications are treated as comment cards and are bypassed. Processing continues with the next statement. If the warning message option (position 14 of the header statement) is P, the Sort/Merge operation completes. If it is blank or T, the job ends after the specification phase. User Response: Check to ensure that a SORTA or MERGE job was wanted. If so, remove all data specifications and resubmit the job. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-215 s SORT042S, FIELD STATEMENT NOT IN LOGICAL ORDER; RECORD BYPASSED ~ SORT043W, LOCATION FIELD NONBLANK, POSITIONS 4-11; BLANK ASSUMED Issued by: Sort/Merge Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: This is a SORTR or SORTRS job. Control field statements (FN, FO or FF in positions 1-2) must precede data field statements (FD, FR or FS in positions 1-2) in an include set. Explanation: The location field (position 4-11) in the referenced field statement contains non-blanks. The referenced field statement is one of the following: The logical order of the referenced statement is invalid for one of the following reasons: • Summary field statement with FSV in positions 1-3. • The referenced statement is a control field specification which has been preceded by a data field specification. • Forced data character statement with FDV in positions 1-3. • The referenced statement is a data field specification which has not been preceded by a control field specification. o Unconditional force statement. • Force-otherwise statement. Conditional force continuation statement. System Action: The statement is bypassed. Processing continues with the next statement. The job ends after the specification phase. The location field (positions 4-11) contains non-blanks. User Response: This statement is either System Action: If the warning message option misplaced or incorrectly specified. Correct the statement and resubmit the job. (position 14 of the header statement) is P, the Sort/Merge operation completes. If it is blank or T, the job ends after the specification phase. o User Response: Specify blanks in positions 4-11 and resubmit the job. o MC-216 SC34-0636 s o SORT044W, CONDITIONAL FORCE; POS 4-7 NONBLANK; BLANK ASSUMED SORT045S, CONDITIONAL FORCE LOCATION INVALID; POS 8-11; 1 ASSUMED Issued by: Sort/Merge Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: The referenced statement is a conditional force field statement. The location information in position 4-7 of the referenced statement is invalid. This field should be blank, but contains non-blanks. System Action: The location information in position 4-7 is ignored and blanks are assumed. Sort/Merge continues to process the statement. If the warning message option (position 14 of the header statement) is P, Sort/Merge continues processing after the specification phase; if the option is blank or T, the job ends after the specification phase. Explanation: The referenced statement is a conditional force field statement. The location information in position 8-11 of the referenced statement is invalid for one of the following reasons: The field contains a nonnumeric character or embedded blanks. The field entry is not right justified. • The location is greater than 4096. The location is less than 1. User Response: Specify blanks in position 4-7 and resubmit the job. c System Action: The location field is ignored and the length is assumed to be 1. Sort/Merge continues processing. The job ends after the specification phase. User Response: Correct the location field (positions 8-11) and resubmit the job. C·""' ' __ II. Chapter 2. Messages MC-217 s SORT046S, ILLEGAL CONDITIONAL CONTINUATION; RECORD BYPASSED SORT048S, EXTENDED SUMMARY FIELD LENGTH INVALID; LENGTH BYPASSED Issued by: Sort/Merge Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: The referenced statement is a conditional continuation statement (FF in positions 1-2, non-blank in positions 12 and 14). However, it does not follow a conditional force specification. Explanation: This is a SORTRS job. The referenced statement is a summary data field (FS in positions 1-2). The length of the extended summary field (positions 15-16) is invalid for one of the following reasons: System Action: Sort/Merge bypasses the statement. The job ends after the specification phase. • Greater than 18 if D or U specified in position 3 Greater than 8 if P specified in position 3 Not 2, 4 or 8 if S specified in position 3 SORT047S, ILLEGAL FORCE-OTHERWISE CONTINUATION; RECORD BYPASSED Explanation: The referenced statement is a field statement for a force-otherwise specification (F in position 2, blank in position 12, non-blank in position 14). However, it does not follow a conditional force specification. System Action: Sort/Merge bypasses the statement. The job ends after the specification phase. User Response: Remove the statement, or The field contains an invalid number or embedded blanks. The length is: User Response: Remove the statement, or precede it with a conditional force statement. Resubmit the job. Issued by: Sort/Merge o • The length is less than 1. • The entry is not right justified to position 16. ~.',",.I,J ('II • The length is less than or equal to the summary data field length. '"'" System Action: Sort/Merge assumes that no entry was made in positions 15-16 and continues the specification phase. The job ends after the specification phase. User Response: Correct the entry in positions 15-16 and resubmit the job. precede it with a conditional force statement. Resubmit the job. o MC-218 SC34-0636 s c SORT049S, DATA TYPE INVALID OR MISSING, POSITION 3; C IS ASSUMED SORTOS1S, POS 4-11 OR POS 1S-22 ARE INVALID; LENGTH 1 IS ASSUMED Issued by: Sort/Merge Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: The reference statement contains an invalid or missing data type (C/Z/D/P/U/S/V / A/L/T) in position 3. Explanation: The referenced statement is either an include/omit statement (I or 0 in position 1) or a field statement (FN, FO, FD, or FS only in positions 1-2). System Action: Sort/Merge assumes a C in position 3 and continues the specification phase. The job ends after the specification phase. The location information in positions 4-11 and/or positions 15-22 of the referenced statement is invalid for one of these reasons: User Response: Correct the data type in position 3 and resubmit the job. The from or to location contains a non-numeric character or embedded blanks The from or to entry is not right justified SORTOSOS, DATA TYPE INVALID OR MISSING, POSITION 3; D IS ASSUMED The to location is blank Issued by: Sort/Merge c Explanation: The referenced summary field statement (positions 1-2 contain FS) contains an invalid or missing data type in position 3. The valid data types are D/P lUIS or V. System Action: Sort/Merge assumes a D in position 3 and continues the specification phase. The job ends after the specifications phase. User Response: Correct the data type in position 3 and resubmit the job. The from or to location is zero • The from location is greater than the to location The lengths of factor 1 and factor 2 are not the same • The from or to location is greater than 4096 System Action: The location field(s) is ignored for this statement and the length is assumed to be 1. Sort/Merge continues processing. The job ends after the specification phase. User Response: Correct this statement and resubmit the job. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-219 s SORT052S, TO OR FROM FIELD NOT WITHIN INPUT RECORD SORT053S, DATA LENGTH INVALID FOR DATA TYPE; MAXIMUM ASSUMED Issued by: Sort/Merge Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: In the referenced include/omit or field statement, either or both entries in the to or from positions contain a value larger than your input record length. If record format is variable, the value is larger than the maximum record length of the data set, minus 4 bytes for the segment descriptor. Explanation: In the referenced field or include / omit statement, the length of the data field is invalid for the data type in position 3, as follows: System Action: The location field(s) is ignored. The job ends after the specification phase. Data Type C Z D U P S User Response: Ensure that you have the desired input data set. Also check that the from and to positions contain the desired values. Correct statement and the resubmit job. A L T o Valid Length 1-64 1 1-18 1-18 1-8 2,4, or 8 1-18 2-19 2-19 System Action: Sort/Merge assumes the maximum length for the data type specified in position 3. The job ends after the specification phase. User Response: Check the from and to positions of the referenced statement. Make the necessary corrections and resubmit the job. o MC-220 SC34-0636 s o SORT054S, NO SUMMARIZATION IN FIRST INCLUDE SET; RECORD BYPASSED Issued by: Sort/Merge Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: This is a SORTRS job with multiple include sets. The first include set did not specify a summary field, however the referenced statement in the current include set does (FS in positions 1 and 2). If summarization of data is desired, all include sets must have summary field statements. Explanation: This is a SORTRS job. More than 24 summary data fields (FS in positions 1 and 2) have been specified for the current include set. System Action: Sort/Merge bypasses the referenced summary statement and all subsequent summary statements. Sort/Merge ends after the specification phase. o SORT056S, SUMMARY DATA FIELDS IN INCLUDE SET> 24; RECORD BYPASSED System Action: The referenced summary statement is bypassed and Sort/Merge continues the specification phase. The job ends after the specification phase. User Response: Limit the number of summary data fields to 24 or less for each include set and resubmit the job. User Response: Determine if summarization is desired. If not, remove the summary statement(s) from the specifications. If so, specify summarization for all include sets. Resubmit the job. SORT055S, SUMMARY FIELD BYPASSED; DIFFERS FROM FIRST INCLUDE SET Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: This is a SORTRS job with multiple include sets. The referenced statement specifies a summary field (FS in position 1-2). Compare the referenced field statement with the field statement(s) that follow the first include set. System Action: Sort/Merge bypasses the referenced summary statement and all subsequent summary statements in this include set. Sort/Merge ends after the specification phase. User Response: Ensure that the summary specifications for each include set agree with the summary specifications for the first include set regarding number, length, location and data type of summary fields and regarding the summary overflow indicator (V). c Chapter 2. Messages M C-221 s SORT057S, MORE THAN ONE OVERFLOW INDICATOR IN INCLUDE SET; FDV ASSUMED SORT058S, SUMMARIZATION FOR ALL INCLUDE SETS NOT THE SAME o Issued by: Sort/Merge Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: This is a SORTRS job. The referenced field statement specifies a summary field overflow indicator (FSV in positions 1-3). At least one other overflow indicator has already been specified for this include set. Explanation: This is a SORTRS job with multiple include sets. One of the following is true: • Summary data fields were specified in the first include set, but not in all include sets. • treated as a forced data character (FDV in positions 1-3); the job ends after the specification phase. An overflow indicator (positions 1-3 contain FSV) was specified in the first include set, but not in all include sets. • The number of summary fields in an include set is less than the number in the first include set. User Response: Change the extra summary field overflow indicator to a forced data character field or remove the statement and resubmit the job. System Action: Sort/Merge ends after the specification phase. System Action: The referenced statement is User Response: Determine if summarization is desired. If so, supply summary specifications for all include sets, consistent with the summary specifications for the first include set. Resubmit the job. o o MC-222 SC34-0636 s c SORT059S, NUMBER OF CONTROL FIELDS FOR INCLUDE SET> 12 Issued by: Sort/Merge Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: The accumulated number of control field specifications within the current include set exceeds 12. Explanation: This is a SORTR or SORTRS job. The data field specifications (positions 1 and 2 contain FD, FS, or FR) for this include set are not consistent with the record size defined in the output DSD statement. If you drop the control field (position 13 of the header statement contains aD), the sum of the lengths of the data fields cannot be greater than the size of the output record. System Action: Sort/Merge bypasses the referenced statement and continues the specification phase. The job ends after the specification phase. User Response: Check the number of accumulated control fields for this include set. The number may not exceed 12. Correct the errors and resubmi~ the job. SORT060S, CONTROL FIELD LENGTH FOR INCLUDE SET> HEADER VALUE c SORT061S, DATA LENGTH FOR SET NOT CONSISTENT WITH DS RECSIZE Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: The accumulated length of control field statements within the current include set exceeds the length specified in positions 8-10 of the header statement. If you keep control fields (position 13 contains a K or is blank), the sum of the data field lengths plus the sum of the control field lengths (as specified in positions 8-10 of the header statement) cannot be greater than the size of the output record. System Action: Sort/Merge continues processing and terminates the job after the specification phase. User Response: Correct either (1) the record size defined in the output DSD statement or (2) the from and to fields (positions 4-11) in the field statement and resubmit the job. System Action: Sort/Merge bypasses the referenced statement and continues the specification phase. The job ends after the specification phase. User Response: Check the length specified in positions 8-10 of the header statement against the specified control fields. Correct the errors and resubmit job. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-223 s SORT062S, CONTROL FIELD DROPPED; DATA FIELD NOT IN ALL INCLUDE SETS SORT063W, NO SUMMARY SPECS FOUND IN FIRST INCLUDE SET - SORTRS JOB o Issued by: Sort/Merge Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: This is a SORTRS job; for one or more include sets, no data to create an output record has been specified. One of the following conditions exist: Explanation: A SORTRS job (record summary sort) was specified on the header statement, however, no summary data field specifications were provided in the first include set for this job. System Action: If the warning message option Fixed input records are being processed, position 13 of the header statement specifies that control fields be dropped, and no data field statements (an FD, FR, or FS in positions 1-2 of a field statement) have been specified in one or more include sets. • Variable records are being processed (for which control fields are always dropped) and no data field statements have been specified in one or more include sets. System Action: The job ends after the specification phase. User Response: If processing fixed records, either ensure that control fields are kept, or that data fields are specified for all include sets. If processing variable records, ensure that data fields are specified for all include sets. (position 14 of the header statement) is blank or T, the job ends after the specification phase. If it is P, the Sort/Merge operation completes and all records with duplicate control fields are eliminated from the output data set. User Response: Check the job type to be sure that SORTRS was intended. SORT064S, ALTSEQ STATEMENT IN WRONG ORDER; RECORD BYPASSED Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: An ALTSEQ specification (A in position 1) is in the wrong order. It cannot follow an include statement, an omit statement or a field statement. System Action: This statement is bypassed and processing continues with the next statement. The job ends after the specification phase. User Response: Remove the statement from the specifications or place it in the proper order. Resubmit the job. o MC-224 SC34-0636 s o SORT065S, SPECIFICATION IN WRONG ORDER; RECORD BYPASSED SORT067T, LAST SET NOT A VALID INCLUDE SET Issued by: Sort/Merge Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: This is a SORTA, SORTR or SORTRS job. If this is a control field statement (F in position 1), it improperly follows an omit statement (0 in position 1). If this is an omit statement, it improperly follows an include statement (I in position 1). Explanation: The last set of your specifications should have been an include set. However one of the following types of errors occurred: System Action: This statement is bypassed and processing continues with next statement. The job ends after the specification phase. User Response: Put the statement in the proper order and resubmit the job. 1. There were no statements after the header statement 2. There were no statements after the DSD statements 3. There were no statements after the ALTSEQ statement 4. The last set was an omit set 5. The last set was an include set, but it contained no field statements System Action: The job terminates immediately. c SORT066S, INCLUDE/OMIT SPEC AFTER INCLUDE-R; INCLUDE-R IGNORED Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: This is a SORTA, SORTR or SORTRS job. The referenced statement is an include or omit statement (position 1 contains an 1 or 0). An include-remaining statement has been previously read or has been implied (header or ALTSEQ followed by a control field statement). Only field statements (F in position 1) may follow include-remaining statements. System Action: This statement and all following statements are processed as though the include-remaining statement had not been read. The job ends after the specification phase. User Response: Make one of the following corrections depending upon the type of error that occurred: 1. Supply the statement(s) following the header statement 2. Supply the statement(s) following the DSD statements 3. Supply the statement(s) following the ALTSEQ statement 4. Eliminate this omit set as the records are omitted by default 5. Supply the missing field statements Resubmit the job. User Response: Change the include-remaining statement to an include statement or remove the referenced include/omit statement and all following statements. Resubmit the job. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-225 s 0, , SORT068T, NO STORAGE AVAILABLE, TOO MANY SPECIFICATIONS SORT070T, BLOCK SIZE INVALID, POSITIONS 25-29 Issued by: Sort/Merge Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: The main storage allocated by Sort/Merge to process the specification statements has been exceeded. Explanation: The block size specified on the referenced DSD statement (positions 25-29) is invalid for one of the following reasons: SystE;lm Action: The job ends with no additional specification processing. • The field contains a non-numeric character or embedded blanks User Response: Either (1) increase the dynamic storage allotted to Sort/Merge or (2) decrease the number of specifications provided in the job and resubmit the job. • The field entry is not right justified The field is blank The block size is greater than 32,767 SORT069T, RECORD FORMAT INVALID, POSITIONS 18-19 Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: The record format specified in positions 18-19 of the referenced DSD statement is not an F (followed by a blank), FB, V (followed by a blank), or VB. System Action: Sort/Merge terminates the job. • Positions 18-19 of the referenced statement are F or FB, and the block size specified is not greater than 0 • Positions 18-19 of the referenced statement are V or VB, and the block size specified is not greater than 8 System Action: Sort/Merge terminates the job. User Response: Correct the block size and resubmit the job. User Response: Specify a F, FB, V or VB in positions 18-19 of the DSD statement and resubmit the job. o MC-226 SC34-0636 I s c SORT071T, RECSIZE/BLKSIZE INCOMPATIBLE SORT072T, RECORD SIZE INVALID, POSITIONS 20-24 Issued by: Sort/Merge Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: The record size (in positions 20-24) and the block size (in positions 25-29) specified on the referenced DSD statement are incompatible for one of the following reasons: Explanation: The record size specified on the referenced DSD statement (in positions 20-24) is invalid for one of the following reasons: • Positions 18-19 are FB, and the block size is not a multiple of the record size • Positions 18-19 is V, and the block size is not equal to the record size plus 4 • Positions 18-19 are VB and the block size minus 4 is not a multiple of the record size • The field contains a non-numeric character or embedded blanks • The field entry is not right justified The field is blank • Positions 18-19 of the referenced statement are For FB, and the record size specified is < 1 or > 32,767 • Positions 18-19 of the referenced statement are V or VB, and the record size specified is < 5 or > 32,763. System Action: Sort/Merge terminates the job. User Response: Correct either the record size or c the block size to ensure consistency and resubmit the job. System Action: Sort/Merge terminates the job. User Response: Correct the record size and resubmit the job. Chapter 2. Messages MC-227 s SORT075P, SPECIFICATION PHASE ENDED SORT079T, MERGE INPUT DATA SET OUT OF SEQUENCE: - xxx o Issued by: Sort/Merge Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: The specification phase of Sort/Merge has ended. Specification statements have b~en syntax checked. System Action: If severe errors were found, the job ends after the specification phase. If warning errors were found, the job mayor may not proceed to the execution phase, depending on the warning message option on the header specification. If no errors were detected, the job proceeds to the execution phase of Sort/Merge. User Response: This is an informational Explanation: This is a MERGE job. All input data sets to be merged must be in sequence, either ascending or descending. The xxx specifies the data set and volume name that was out of sequence. System Action: The job ends. User Response: Ensure that each input data set to be merged is in sequence, and check the header statement to be sure that the correct sort sequence (A or D in position 11) was specified. Resubmit the job. message. No user response is needed. SORT082P, INPUT PHASE ENDED xxx yyy SORT076P, INPUT PHASE STARTED zzz Issued by: Sort/Merge Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: The execution phase of Sort/Merge has begun. Input records will be selected, work records built and written to the work data set. Explanation: Input records have been read. The records to be sorted or merged have been selected and formatted. System Action: None. The numbers represented by xxx, yyy, and zzz are aids for debugging an abnormal end of Sort/Merge processing. User Response: This is an informational message. No user response is needed. At the end of execution segment 1: • xxx is the number of work records created • yyy is the number of sorted strings created • zzz is the work block start number System Action: None. User Response: "This is an informational message. No user response is needed. o MC-228 SC34-0636 5 o SORT083P, INTERMEDIATE MERGE PHASE STARTED xxx yyy zzz SORT084P, INTERMEDIATE MERGE PHASE ENDED xxx Issued by: Sort/Merge Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: Records are being read and rewritten to the work data set. Explanation: The intermediate merge phase has completed successfully. The numbers represented by xxx, yyy, and zzz are aids for debugging an abnormal end of Sort/Merge processing. At the beginning of execution segment 2: The number represented by xxx is an aid for debugging an abnormal end of Sort/Merge processing. At the end of execution segment 2, xxx sorted strings remained to be merged in the final merge pass (execution segment 3). • xxx is the number of sorted strings created System Action: None. • yyy is the calculated order of merge for the intermediate merge User Response: This is an informational message. No user response is needed. zzz is the calculated order of merge for the final merge. c The order of merge is the number of sorted strings, as calculated by the program, that will be brought into storage at anyone time from the work data set. System Action: None. User Response: This is an informational message. No user response is needed. c Chapter 2. Messages MC-229 s SORT085P, FINAL MERGE PHASE STARTED xxx yyy zzz SORT088N, RECORDS READ FROM INPUT DATA SET(S) xxx Issued by: Sort/Merge Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: The final pass of this sort job has begun. Records are being written to your output file. Explanation: xxx is the number of records that Sort/Merge read from the input data sets. o System Action: None. The numbers represented by xxx, yyy, and zzz are aids for debugging an abnormal end of Sort/Merge processing. At the start of execution segment 3: • xxx is the number of strings to be merged • yyy is the calculated order of merge for the intermediate merge • zzz is the calculated order of merge for the final merge The order of merge is the number of sorted strings, as calculated by the program, that will be brought into storage at anyone time from the work data set. System Action: None. User Response: This is an informational message. No user response is needed. SORT086P, FINAL MERGE PHASE ENDED Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: The last pass of this sort was just successfully completed. System Action: None. User Response: This is an informational message. No user response is needed. User Response: This is an informational message. No user response is needed. SORT089N, RECORDS INSERTED BY INPUT EXIT ROUTINE: xxx Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: This is a SORTR or SORTRS job. xxx is the number of input records a user has passed to Sort/Merge via the input exit routine. System Action: None. User Response: This is an informational message. No user response is needed. SORT09ON, RECORDS DELETED BY INPUT EXIT ROUTINE: xxx Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: xxx is the number of records the user has deleted from the input data set via the user input exit routine. System Action: None. User Response: This is an informational message. No user response is needed. o MC-230 SC34-0636 s c SORT091N, RECORDS INSERTED BY OUTPUT EXIT ROUTINE: xxx SORT094N, I/O ERRORS ACCEPTED: xxx Issued by: Sort/Merge Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: One of two conditions exist: Explanation: This is a SORTR, SORTRS or MERGE job. xxx is the number of records added or inserted to the sorted output by the output exit routine. • Sort/Merge was initiated from a user program with an I/O exit routine. The routine has passed an action code after returning control to Sort/Merge indicating that Sort/Merge is to accept all I/O errors. • You have specified an A in position 17 of the header statement indicating that you want Sort/Merge to accept all I/O errors. System Action: None. User Response: This is an informational message. No user response is needed. SORT092N, RECORDS DELETED BY OUTPUT EXIT ROUTINE: xxx Issued by: Sort/Merge c Explanation: xxx is the number of records deleted from the sorted output by the output exit routine. xxx I/O errors have occurred after Sort/Merge issued one or more READ or WRITE, or both instructions. System Action: None. User Response: This is an informational message. No user response is needed. System Action: None. User Response: This is an informational message. No user response is needed. SORT093N, RECORDS WRITTEN TO OUTPUT DATA SET: xxx Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: xxx is the number of records which Sort/Merge has written to the output data set. System Action: None. User Response: This is an informational message. No user response is needed. SORT095N, I/O ERRORS SKIPPED: xxx Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: An I/O error has occurred during a read or write operation. You specified either on the header specification or in a user exit routine, that the I/O error will be skipped (the buffer contents are not used). The value xxx is the number of I/O errors skipped. System Action: None. User Response: This is an informational message. No user response is needed. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-231 s SORT097P, NORMAL ENDING FOR SORT/MERGE PROCESSING SO RT099P ,---- + ----1---- + ----2 o Issued by: Sort/Merge I ssued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: Sort/Merge has completed successfully. System Action: None. User Response: This is an informational message. No user response is needed. Explanation: This message is a positioning line which corresponds to the positions on a specification statement. If the print option on the header statement (position 12) contains a 0 or is blank, this line is printed immediately before the header statement. It can be used as a guide in determining if the entries in the specification statements are in the correct position. System Action: None SORT098S, NUMBER OF CONDITIONALS IN MULTI-CONDITIONAL TEST> 255 User Response: This is an informational message. No user response is needed. Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: The referenced statement is a field statement specifying a conditional force. It has exceeded the maximum number of conditional force-field statements allowed in a multi-conditional force. The maximum number of conditional force-field statements in a multi-conditional test is 255. System Action: Sort/Merge continues processing. The job ends after the specification phase. User Response: Limit the number of conditionals in the multi-conditional test to 255. Separate the current multi-conditional test into two or more tests, and resubmit the job. SORT101T, RETURN CODE ISSUED: xxx yyy Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: After issuing the instruction xxx, Sort/Merge received a return code of yyy. System Action: The job terminates. User Response: Read the explanation of the xxx instruction return code. If a user error occurred, correct it and resubmit the job. o MC-232 SC34-0636 s c SORT102P, RETURN CODE ISSUED: xxx yyy zzz Issued by: Sort/Merge Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: After issuing the I/O instruction xxx, Sort/Merge received a return code of yyy. The data set being processed was zzz. Explanation: There is insufficient main storage to build buffers in one or more of the Sort/Merge execution phases. System Action: If provided, the user I/O error exit routine determines disposition of the error. Otherwise, Sort/Merge takes the option specified in position 17 of the header statement. System Action: The job terminates. User Response: Read the explanation of the xxx instruction return code. If a user error occurred, correct it and resubmit the job. SORT104T, SORT/MERGE TERMINATED DUE TO I/O ERROR c SORT105T, NOT ENOUGH STORAGE TO BUILD BUFFERS Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: One of three conditions exists: An I/O error has occurred and you have instructed Sort/Merge, either through an I/O error exit routine or in position 17 of the header statement, to terminate processing. • An I/O error has occurred 10 consecutive times and Sort/Merge has terminated regardless of the options requested by the I/O exit routine or by the header statement. • An I/O error has occurred while processing the work data set. User Response: Increase the amount of dynamic storage available to Sort/Merge for execution, either through the LOAD instruction, a $JOBUTIL statement, or the SS command of $DISKUT2, depending on how Sort/Merge was invoked. See the Language Reference or Operator Commands and Utilities Reference for details. Other ways of getting more storage for buffers is to: • Decrease the blocking factor of the output data set. • Reblock the input data set using a smaller block size. Try to decrease the control field lengths or the output record length. System Action: The job terminates. User Response: Reallocate the data set, if possible. If you have specified terminate, you might want to change your option and accept the errors. Chapter 2. Messages M C-233 s SORT112S, DEVICE TYPE INVALID, POSITION 3; DISK/DISKETTE ASSUMED SORT116T, INVALID DATA IN CONTROL FIELD FOR SPECIFIED DATA TYPE o Issued by: Sort/Merge Issued by: Sort/Merge 3 of the referenced DSD statement is incorrect. Check for one of the following: Explanation: The data type (packed decimal or unpacked decimal) in position 2 of the field statement does not match the data actually found in the control field. • Not blank, D, or T System Action: Sort/Merge terminates the job. • A disk or diskette is not specified for the work file • Tape is specified for input and the header statement (column 15) indicates the input is indexed User Response: Correct either (1) the data type specification (position 2) or (2) the field location (positions 4-11 in the field statement), or both, and resubmit the job. Explanation: The device type specified in position System Action: Sort/Merge assumes a device type of disk or diskette and continues processing. The job ends after the specification phase. User Response: Enter the correct character (blank, D, or T), ensure compatibility with the header statement, and resubmit the job. SORT113T, INVALID ACTION CODE FROM USER I/O EXIT ROUTINE Issued by: Sort/Merge SORT117T, FIELD NOT WITHIN INPUT RECORD BOUNDARIES Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: A variable length record is being processed. Either a data field or a control field specified in a field statement does not lie within the input record. System Action: Sort/Merge terminates the job. User Response: Ensure that the position locations you specify are within the length of the input record and resubmit the job. Explanation: The action code issued with the RETURN instruction from a user I/O error exit routine is not a 0 (for terminate), a 4 (for accept), or an 8 (for skip). System Action: Sort/Merge terminates the job. User Response: Ensure that your I/O error exit routine provides the correct action code. o MC-234 SC34-0636 s c c SORT118W, INVALID DATA FOR SUMMARY DATA FIELD SORT120W, INVALID ACTION CODE FROM USER OUTPUT EXIT Issued by: Sort/Merge Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: The data type found in the summary data field does not agree with the type of data specified in position 3 of the summary data field statement; either the sign portion, or the data portion, or both are incorrect. Sort/Merge issues this message only once, regardless of the number of times it finds invalid data. Explanation: Sort/Merge was initiated from a user program with the LOAD instruction; bytes 4-5 of the user parameter list in the program contains the address of a user output exit routine. Sort/Merge has passed control to the output exit routine. Upon returning control to Sort/Merge the exit routine did not provide a valid action code. System Action: Sort/Merge summarizes the field, but the results will be unpredictable, and continues processing. System Action: Sort/Merge writes the records already processed to the output data set you have specified. If the output exit routine is responsible for writing the sorted or merged output records, Sort/Merge terminates the job. User Response: Ensure that you have specified in the field statement (1) the correct data type in position 3 and (2) the correct to and from positions (as specified in positions 4-11 of the field statement) that define the location of the summary field in the input record. Check also if the data in the input record is valid. User Response: Ensure that an appropriate action code of 0, 1, or 3 is returned to Sort/Merge from the output exit and resubmit the job. SORT121W, INSERT ACTION CODE INVALID IN SORTA JOB Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: This is a SORTA (record address sort) job. Either a user input exit routine or an output exit routine has provided an invalid action code. Note: SORTA does not permit inserting records, thus, if you have specified an address in the return information, you will receive this message. System Action: Sort/Merge continues processing without returning to the user exit. User Response: If necessary, correct the code in your exit routine and resubmit the job. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-235 s SORT122W, INSERT FAILED FOR VARIABLE OUTPUT RECORD - TOO LARGE SORT123W, ILLOGICAL ACTION CODE FROM OUTPUT EXIT o Issued by: Sort/Merge Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: Sort/Merge was initiated from a user program with the LOAD instructions; bytes 4-5 of the user parameter list indicate the address of an output exit routine. System Action: Your output exit routines attempted to pass a variable-length record to Sort/Merge. The sector descriptor of the records shows a record length greater than the maximum length specified in the definition for the output data set. Explanation: The action code returned by the output exit routine indicates that Sort/Merge should take an action that is either not possible, or not logical, or both. For example, on passing control to the exit routine, Sort/Merge may have indicated that all the output records have been processed, and your routine may have indicated in the action code that Sort/Merge is to process the record just passed. System Action: If you have specified an output data set, Sort/Merge writes the records already processed to the output data set. If you have specified an output data set, Sort/Merge writes the records already processed to the output data set. If you have not specified an output data set, but instead your output exit routine is responsible for output, Sort/Merge terminates processing. User Response: Ensure that the length of the variable output records and the maximum length established in the definition for the output data set conform, and then resubmit your job. User Response: Check the logic of your routine in providing the action code. Correct the program and resubmit the job. SORT124W, INVALID ACTION CODE FROM USER INPUT EXIT 1" (U Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: Your input exit routine passed an invalid action code to Sort/Merge. System Action: Sort/Merge continues processing the records already read from the input data set and does not return control to your input exit routine. User Response: Check for the valid input exit action codes. o MC-236 SC34-0636 s o SORT125W, INSERT FAILED FOR VARIABLE INPUT RECORD - TOO LARGE SORT127T, RETURN CODE WAS ISSUED FROM INSTRUCTION FOR SPEC PHASE xxx yyy Issued by: Sort/Merge Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: Sort/Merge was initiated from a user program with the CALL or LOAD instruction; bytes 4-5 of the user parameter list indicate the address of a user exit routine. An input exit routine is attempting to pass a variable-length record to Sort/Merge. The segment descriptor of the record shows a record length greater than the maximum length specified for the input data set or in the DSD list. Explanation: An I/O error occurred while processing the specification data set. After issuing the instruction yyy, Sort/Merge received a return code of xxx. System Action: The job terminates. User Response: Read the explanation of the yyy instruction return code. Correct and resubmit the job. System Action: Sort/Merge continues processing the records already read and does not return control to the input exit routine. c User Response: Ensure that the length of the variable records passed from the user exit routine do not exceed the maximum length specified. SORT126W, ILLOGICAL ACTION CODE FOR USER INPUT EXIT Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: The return code from an input exit routine returned to Sort/Merge should take an action that is either not possible, or not logical, or both. For example, on passing control to your exit, Sort/Merge may have indicated that all the records in the input data set have been read in, and you may have indicated in the input exit action code that Sort/Merge is to process the record just read. System Action: Sort/Merge processes the records already read from the input data set and does not return control to your input exit routine. User Response: Check the logic of your program in providing the input exit action code. Correct the program and resubmit the job. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-237 s SORT128P, TABLE OVERFLOW CONDITION BEING PROCESSED SORT130S, NUMBER OF OUTPUT OR WORK DSD SPECIFICATIONS> 1; RECORD BYPASSED o Issued by: Sort/Merge Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: This is a SORT job. During the intermediate merge phase, a table internal to sort processing has become filled. Sort/Merge performs remedial processing to allow processing to continue. System Action: The job runs to completion normally. User Response: This is an informational message. No user response is needed. Explanation: Only one work DSD and one output DSD statement are valid. A work or output DSD statement has been previously specified. System Action: Sort/Merge bypasses the referenced DSD statement and continues processing. The job ends after the specification phase. User Response: Ensure that only one work DSD and only one output DSD is defined. Resubmit the job. SORT129T, ATTRIBUTES NOT SAME FOR ALL INPUT DATA SETS Issued by: Sort/Merge SORT131T, OUTPUT DATA SET FORMAT INCOMPATIBLE WITH INPUT Explanation: This is a MERGE job or a sort job with more than one input data set. The record format or the record size specified in the DSD statements are inconsistent. The record formats must fall into one of two categories: (1) fixed (F) or fixed block (FB) or (2) variable (V) or variable block (VB). The record length must be the same for all the input data sets. output data set does not conform to the record format of the input data set(s). System Action: Sort/Merge terminates the job. User Response: Ensure that the record formats of the input and output data sets are both either variable or fixed, and resubmit the job. Issued by: Sort/Merge (~'J '"-' Explanation: The record format defined for the System Action: Sort/Merge terminates the job. User Response: Ensure the input data sets meet the above restrictions and then resubmit the job. o MC-238 SC34-0636 s c SORT132S, SORTA - MORE THAN ONE INPUT DSD PROVIDED; RECORD BYPASSED Issued by: Sort/Merge Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: This is a record address sort Explanation: This is a SORTR, SORTRS or MERGE job, for which a maximum of 8 input data sets is allowed. More then 8 input data sets have been defined for this job. (SORTA), for which only one input data set is allowed. More than one input data set has been specified for this job. c SORT134S, NUMBER OF INPUT DSD SPECIFICATIONS> 8; RECORD BYPASSED System Action: Sort/Merge bypasses the referenced statement and continues processing. The job ends after the specification phase. System Action: Sort/Merge bypasses the User Response: Provide only one input DSD statement (a DI in positions 1-2) and resubmit the job. User Response: Ensure that only 1 to 8 input data sets are defined and resubmit the job. SORT133T, NO WORK DATA SET PROVIDED - SORT JOB referenced statement and continues processing. The job ends after the specification phase. SORT135T, FEWER THAN 2 INPUT DATA SETS SPECIFIED FOR MERGE JOB Issued by: Sort/Merge Issued by: Sort/Merge SORTRS job. No work data set has been defined. Explanation: This is a MERGE job, which requires from 2 to 8 input data sets. Less than two data sets have been specified. System Action: Sort/Merge terminates the job. System Action: Sort/Merge terminates the job. User Response: Supply a DSD statement for the work data and resubmit the job. User Response: Provide an additional input DSD statement (a DI in positions 1-2) and resubmit the job. Explanation: This is a SORTA, SORTR, or o Chapter 2. Messages MC-239 s SORT136T, SORTR/SORTRS: NO INPUT DATA SET OR USER EXIT SPECIFIED SORT137T, RECORD FORMAT/LENGTH SPECIFICATION IN PARM LIST NOT VALID o Issued by: Sort/Merge Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: This is a SORTR or SORTRS job and the program has no input records to process because of one of the following conditions: • If Sort/Merge was initiated with the $L Explanation: Sort/Merge was initiated from a user program with the LOAD instruction. One of the following error conditions exists in the parameter list: operator command or the $JOBUTIL utility, no input DSD specifications were provided. • Byte 8 does not contain a 0 (indicating a fixed record format) or a 1 (indicating a variable record format). • Bytes 10-11 contain a 0, indicating a record length of zero. • Byte 8 does not contain a 0 (indicating a fixed record format) and the header statement indicates that indexed data sets are being processed. If Sort/Merge was initiated from a user program with the LOAD instruction, then bytes 2-3 of the user parameter list in the program do not specify the address of an input exit routine, and no input DSD specifications were provided. System Action: Sort/Merge terminates the job. User Response: Either supply a user input exit routine through which you supply records to Sort/Merge or supply input DSD specifications. System Action: Sort/Merge terminates the job. User Response: Correct the parameter list and o resubmit the job. o MC-240 SC34-0636 s c SORT138T, NO OUTPUT DATA SET OR USER EXIT SPECIFIED SORT140T, SORTA-NO INPUT DATA SET PROVIDED Issued by: Sort/Merge Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: The program has no data set for the output records, due to one of the following conditions: Explanation: This is a SORTA job, for which one input data must be provided. No input data set was specified. • If Sort/Merge was initiated with the $L System Action: Sort/Merge terminates the job operator command or the $JOBUTIL utility commands, no output DSD specification was provided. User Response: Supply a DSD statement for the input data set and resubmit the job. If Sort/Merge was initiated from a user program with the LOAD instruction, then bytes 4-5 of the user parameter list in the program do not specify the address of an output exit routine and no output DSD specification was provided. System Action: Sort/Merge terminates the job. c User Response: Either supply a user output exit routine through which you will write the Sort/Merge output records or supply an output DSD specification. SORT139T, THE OUTPUT DATA SET WILL OVERWRITE AN INPUT DATA SET SORT141T, THE WORK DATA SET WILL OVERWRITE AN INPUT DATA SET Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: This is a SORTA, SORTR or SORTRS job. The Sort/Merge work data set will overwrite a Sort/Merge input data set of the same name, preventing access to the input records by the program. System Action: Sort/Merge terminates the job. User Response: Ensure that the work data set and the input data set(s) are not the same. Resubmit the job. Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: This is a SORTA or MERGE job. The Sort/Merge output data set will overwrite the Sort/Merge input data set of the same name, preventing access to the input records by the program. System Action: Sort/Merge terminates the job. User Response: Ensure that the output data set and input data set(s) are not the same. Resubmit the job. 0 '1' I' Chapter 2. Messages MC-241 5 SORT142T, INDEXED ORGANIZATION IS NOT SUPPORTED SORT144T, OUT OF SPACE ON OUTPUT DATA SET xxx Issued by: Sort/Merge Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: This is a SORTR, SORTRS, or MERGE job. The data set organization in the header statement indicates that Indexed Access Method data sets are being supplied to Sort/Merge, but Sort/Merge was installed without Indexed Access Method support. Explanation: The physical end of the output data set xxx has been reached and there are more output records to be written. System Action: Sort/Merge terminates the job. User Response: Ensure that Release 1.1 or later of the Sort/Merge Licensed Program, which contains support for the Indexed Access Method, is installed according to the instructions in the program directory. SORT143T, OUT OF SPACE ON WORK DATASET xxx System Action: The job terminates. User Response: Increase the space allocated to the output data and resubmit the job. SORT145W, INPUT DATA SET CONTAINS NO DATA xxx Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: This is a MERGE job. Sort/Merge found no data in the data set xxx, which was specified to contain the input data to be sorted or merged for this job. Issued by: Sort/Merge System Action: Sort/Merge continues Explanation: This is a SORTA, SORTR, or SORTRS job. The amount of space allocated to the work data set xxx is not sufficient to hold all the work records being processed. o o processing. User Response: If the input data set should have contained data, take corrective action and resubmit the job. System Action: Sort/Merge terminates processing without completing the sort and without writing any records to the output data set. User Response: Recreate the work data set, increasing the allocation of space. See the Sort/Merge Programmer's Guide for guidelines in determining the amount of space required. o MC-242 SC34-0636 s c SORT146T, INSUFFICIENT STORAGE TO INITIATE SPECIFICATION PHASE SORT149N, RECORDS SORTED OR MERGED: xxx Issued by: Sort/Merge Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: Insufficient dynamic storage exists for the specification phase to execute. Explanation: xxx records have been selected (as determined by include/omit statements or an exit routine, when present) from the input data sets for Sort/Merge processing. System Action: Sort/Merge terminates processing. System Action: None. User Response: Increase the amount of dynamic storage available to Sort/Merge for execution either through the LOAD instruction, a $JOBUTIL statement, or the SS command of $DISKUT2, depending on how Sort/Merge was invoked. See the Language Reference or Operator Commands and Utilities Reference for details. User Response: This is an informational message. No user response is needed. SORT150P, PROCESSING TERMINATED; ERROR CONDITION ENCOUNTERED Issued by: Sort/Merge SORT147T, THE OUTPUT DATA SET WILL OVERWRITE THE WORK DATA SET c Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: Sort/Merge has terminated the job after encountering one or more of the following error conditions: Explanation: This is a SORTA, SORTR or SORTRS job. The Sort/Merge output data set will overwrite the Sort/Merge work data set, preventing access to the work records. • A terminal error during the specifications or execution phase. • A severe error during the specification phase. System Action: Sort/Merge terminates the job. • A warning message during the specification phase; you have specified a T in position 14 of the header statement indicating you want Sort/Merge to stop processing at the end of the specification phase if any warning messages have been issued. User Response: Ensure that the work data set and the output data are not the same. Resubmit the job. System Action: None. User Response: Check the errors indicated by the messages, correct them, and resubmit the job. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-243 s SORT151P, MERGE PROCESSING ENDED SORT160T, AN I/O ERROR OCCURRED DURING OPEN xxx yyy o Issued by: Sort/Merge Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: This is a MERGE job. Sort/Merge has completed processing the input records. Explanation: An I/O error occurred while trying to open the data set xxx located on volume yyy. System Action: None. System Action: Sort/Merge terminates the job. User Response: This is an informational message. No user response is needed. User Response: Correct the device problem or change the associated DSD specifications statement. SORT152P, MERGE PROCESSING STARTED Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: This is a MERGE job. Sort/Merge has started processing the input records. System Action: None. User Response: This is an informational message. No user response is needed. o SORT154T, INSUFFICIENT STORAGE TO INITIATE EXECUTION PHASE Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: Insufficient dynamic storage exists for the execution phase. System Action: Sort/Merge terminates processing. User Response: Increase the amount of dynamic storage available to Sort/Merge for execution either through the LOAD instruction, a $JOBUTIL statement, or the SS command of $DISKUT2, DEPENDING ON HOW SORT/MERGE WAS INVOKED. REFER TO THE Language Reference OR THE Operator Commands and Utilities Reference MANUAL FOR DETAILS. o M C-244 SC34-0636 s c SORT161T, I/O ERROR HAS OCCURRED DURING SETEOD xxx yyy SORT164T, OPEN FAILED; VOLUME I NVALI D xxx yyy Issued by: Sort/Merge Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: An I/O error occurred while trying to set the end-of-data for the output data set xxx located on volume yyy. Explanation: The volume yyy specified in the DSD statement could not be found. The volume yyy specified for the data set xxx in a DSD statement could not be found. System Action: Sort/Merge terminates the job. System Action: Sort/Merge terminates the job. User Response: Check the data set on which the I/O error occurred for possible errors and correct them. SORT162T, OPEN FAILED; DATA SET NOT FOUND xxx yyy o User Response: Ensure that the volume specified exists; if necessary correct the DSD statement. SORT165T, OPEN FAILED; LIBRARY NOT FOUND xxx yyy Issued by: Sort/Merge Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: The data set xxx could not be found on volume yyy, as specified in the DSD statement. Explanation: The library for the data set xxx and volume yyy could not be found. System Action: Sort/Merge terminates the job. System Action: Sort/Merge terminates the job. User Response: Ensure that the data set exists; if necessary, correct the DSD statement. User Response: Ensure that the data set and volume exists; correct the DSD statement if necessary. SORT163T, OPEN FAILED; DEVICE ADDRESS INCORRECT xxx yyy Issued by: Sort/Merge Explanation: The address of the device containing the data set xxx located on volume yyy is invalid. System Action: Sort/Merge terminates the job. User Response: Check the data set on which the error occurred for possible errors and correct them. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-24S s SORT166T, OPEN FAILED; VTOC IN ERROR xxx yyy SOURCE AND TARGET CANNOT BE THE SAME Issued by: Sort/Merge Issued by: $COPY Explanation: While trying to open the data set xxx on volume yyy, the VTOC for the device could not be read; it may have been destroyed. Explanation : You have specified the same data set name for the source and target, on the same volume. The data set names can be the same as long as they are on different volumes. o System Action: Sort/Merge terminates the job. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Ensure that the DSD statement is correct and the data set and volume exist as specified. If the problem recurs, there could be a device problem. User Response: Specify two different data set names, or use two different volumes for source and target. SORT167T, SORT TERMINATED BY USER REQUEST SOURCE AND TARGET DATA SETS DO NOT HAVE THE SAME ORGANIZATION Issued by: Sort/Merge Issued by: $COPYUTl, $COPY Explanation: A user exit routine has returned to Sort/Merge an action code which instructs Sort/Merge to terminate. Explanation: Both the source and target data set must be of the same type: either data type or program type, as specified when the data sets were allocated. o System Action: Sort/Merge terminates the job. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: This is an informational message. No user response is needed. User Response: Retry the function using two different data sets of the same type, or reallocate one of the original data sets, changing its organization to match the other. o MC-246 SC34-0636 s c SOURCE AND TARGET VOLUME SIZES ARE NOT EQUAL SPACE FOR THE SUPERVISOR IS TOO SMALL YOU MUST REORGANIZE LIBRARY Issued by: $MOVEVOL Issued by: $UPDATEH Explanation: The sizes of both volumes must be equal for the requested function to take place. Explanation: Not enough space was allocated to the supervisor. System Action: Ends the operation. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: Retry the function using two different volumes that match in size. Or, using the original volumes, reallocate one so that its size matches the other. User Response: Allocate more space for the supervisor and retry the function. SOURCE DATA SET HAS xxx RECORDS TARGET VOLUME HAS ONLYyyy RECORDS Issued by: $COPY c Explanation: The size of the target volume is too small to contain a copy of the source data set. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: Reallocate the target volume to accommodate the size of the source data set, or use a different, larger volume. SOURCE VOLUME HAS xxx RECORDS TARGET DATA SET HAS ONLYyyy o II:l"no nc.-'L."'Un..,~ Issued by: $COPY Explanation: The size of the target data set is too small to hold a copy of the source volume. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: Reallocate the target data set so its size can accommodate the source volume, or use a different, larger data set. o Chapter 2. Messages M C-24 7 s SPECIFIED COPYCODE MODULE IS NOT A DATASET SPECPI= MUST BE SPECIFIED FOR TYPE=GROUP AND TYPE=BIT Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The copy code module was found but the data set type is not "data". All copy code data sets must have a type of "data" (as opposed to "program" type). Explanation: If TYPE=GROUP or TYPE=BIT is specified for a process interrupt (PI) IODEF, the special process interrupt routine operand (SPECPI) must be present. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. System Action: The error is flagged and User Response: Ensure the copy code data set specified is a data set with a type of "data". User Response: Specify the label of the special process interrupt routine on the SPECPI= operand. SPECIFY WAIT=YES OR WAIT=NO FOR DISK OPERATIONS compilation continues. SPOOL ACTIVE LIMIT REACHED Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: Spooling Explanation: The WAIT = operand on the Explanation: An application program enqueued a spool device, which allocated the last free spool control block available. A free spooling control block becomes available when a program with an active spool job terminates, or when a spool job goes from active to ready status. READ /WRITE instruction was specified incorrectly. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify either WAIT = YES (suspend task until operation is complete) or WAIT=NO (control is returned after operation starts). If omitted, WAIT = YES is the default. o o System Action: The next program that enqueues on a spool device waits for a free control block to process the spool job. User Response: To prevent this situation from recurring in future spool sessions, run the $SPLUTI utility program, increasing the maximum number of allowable active spool jobs. o MC-248 SC34-0636 s c SPOOL DATA SET FULL Issued by: Spooling Explanation: Request for spool data set space on behalf of a task is unsuccessful because all of the spool data set records are allocated to existing spool jobs. System Action: The requesting task waits for de allocation of a spool data set group by spooling. User Response: To prevent this situation from recurring in future spool sessions, allocate a larger spool data set. The immediate alternatives are: • Allow the program to continue and wait until space in the spool data set becomes available SPOOL DATA SET HAS INVALID CHECKPOINT DATA, RESTART ABORTED Issued by: Spooling Explanation: When the spool facility tried to restart using data saved from a previous session, it found that the data was unusable. System Action: The spool operation ends. User Response: You can: Start spooling again from the beginning and rerun the spool job. • Restart spooling with another spool data set. Start a spool writer to print a spool job (and eventually delete it from the spool data set) o • Delete a ready or printed spool job • Release the held disposition (via $S REL) from a held spool job allowing a spool writer to print it (and eventually delete it from the spool data set) Remove the keep disposition (via $S KEEP N) from a kept spool job, allowing it to be deleted after being processed by a spool writer SPOOL DS READ ERROR, RC=xxx Issued by: Spooling Explanation: An error occurred while reading from the spool data set. The result was a return code of xxx. System Action: Returns to the program currently executing. User Response: Check the disk and diskette read/ write return codes to find the cause of the problem. 0··,;/, " Chapter 2. Messages MC-249 s SPOOL OS WRITE ERROR, RC=50 SPOOL ERROR, RC=xxx ' Issued by: Spooling Issued by: Spooling Explanation: A spool data set group is required for a spool job, and all spool data set groups have been allocated. The message "SPOOL GROUP CAPACITY REACHED" will have been issued prior to this message. Explanation: A condition was detected during spooling initialization which prevents the session from continuing. The result was a spool return code of xxx. o System Action: The spool session ends and System Action: Waits for space on the spool $SPOOL is unloaded. data set. User Response: See the explanation for the User Response: Check the spool return code and take the appropriate action. "SPOOL GROUP CAPACITY REACHED" message and take the appropriate action. SPOOL OS WRITE ERROR, RC=xxx Issued by: Spooling Explanation: An error occurred while writing to the spool data set. The result was a return code of xxx (any code except 50). o System Action: Returns to the program currently executing. User Response: Check the spool return codes or the disk and diskette read/write return codes to find the cause of the problem. o MC-250 SC34-0636 s c SPOOL GROUP CAPACITY REACHED SPOOL INITIALIZATION COMPLETE Issued by: Spooling Issued by: Spooling Explanation: This is a warning that the last group of records in the spool data set was allocated to a spool job. Future requirements for a data set group cause the issuing program to wait for a data set group to be deallocated. A spool data set group is deallocated when a spool job is deleted from the system. Explanation: Spooling initialization has been completed. Output may now be spooled. System Action: Starts designated autostart spool writers, if any. User Response: Enter $S spooling commands, if necessary, after automatic starting of spool writers. System Action: The program that issued the print instruction continues. Future print operations that result in a data set group allocation cause the issuing program to be placed in the wait state until a data set group becomes available. User Response: To prevent this situation from recurring in future spool sessions, allocate a larger spool data set. The immediate alternatives are to: c • Allow the program to continue and wait until space in the spool data set becomes available • Start a spool writer to print a spool job (and eventually delete it from the spool data set) Delete a ready or printing spool job • Release the held disposition (via $S REL) from a held spool job allowing a spool writer to print it (and eventually delete it from the spool data set) Remove the keep disposition (via $S KEEP N) from a kept spool job, allowing it to be deleted after being processed by a spool writer o Chapter 2. Messages M C-251 s SPOOL JOB CAPACITY REACHED SPOOL JOB CLOSED Issued by: Spooling Issued by: $DEBUG Explanation: An application program enqueued a spool device which used the last free entry in the spool job queue. A free entry in the spool job queue becomes available when a spool job is deleted from the system. Explanation: The system has no way of knowing if a spool job was already running. If a spool job was opened by the PRINT and LIST command, it is· now closed. The job is ready to be printed. If a spool job was not opened, a blank spool job, consisting of an ENQT and a DEQT, now exists. System Action: The program that enqueued the spool device continues. Future enqueue operations to a spool device cause the issuing program to be placed in the wait state until a free entry in the spool job queue becomes available. System Action: The system issues an ENQT and DEQT with CLOSE= YES, so that the job can be printed. User Response: To prevent this situation from User Response: Print the job. If a blank job exists, delete it by using the $S DE operator command. recurring in future spool sessions, run the $SPLUTI utility program, increasing the total maximum number of allowable spool jobs. o SPOOLING NOT ACTIVE The immediate alternatives are to: • • Wait until a spool job queue entry becomes available Start a spool writer to begin printing (and eventually deleting) a spool job • Delete a ready spool job • Release the held disposition (via $S REL) from a held spool job, allowing a spool writer to begin printing it (and eventually to delete it from the system) • Remove the keep disposition (via $S KEEP N) from a kept spool job, allowing it to be deleted Issued by: $DEBUG Explanation: Spooling was not active when you issued a CLOSE command. o System Action: None. User Response: This is an informational message. No user response is needed. o MC-2S2 SC34-0636 s c SPOOL WRITER xxx TERMINAL I/O ERROR RC=yyy ENTER Y TO RETRY OR N TO TERMINATE WRITER: STATIC SCREENS ARE NOT SUPPORTED FOR THIS TERMINAL TYPE Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: Spooling Explanation: The operand SCREEN=STATIC is Explanation: The spool writer xxx encountered a not valid for this terminal type. terminal I/O error on its output device (the device name is always the same as that of the spool writer). The result was a terminal I/O general return code of yyy. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. System Action: Waits for you to respond "Y" or "N": User Response: Refer to the TERMINAL statement in the Installation and System Generation Guide to determine which operands are valid for this device. • If you respond "Y", spool processing continues. If you respond "N", the system ends the spool job being printed. c User Response: Check the terminal I/O general return code and correct the problem if possible. If the system ends the current spool print job because the problem was uncorrectable, you can redirect the job to another spool writer using the $S ALT command. STATION xxx, TERMINAL yyy NOT FOUND IN TERMINAL FILE Issued by: $MTM Explanation: Either the terminal was not specified in the TERMINAL file or the terminal was specified incorrectly in the TERMINAL file. System Action: Does not start the terminal as a START= OPERAND MUST BE SPECIFIED Issued by: $EDXASM Communications Facility station. User Response: Ensure the terminal name is defined correctly in the TERMINAL file. Explanation: The "start" operand must be specified on the instruction. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify for "start" the label where program execution is to begin. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-253 s STATION xxx, TERMINAL yyy START ERROR RC=zzz STATIONS FILE DISK ERROR RC=xxx o Issued by: $MTM Issued by: $MTM Explanation: CDMINIT2 was unable to start a station and the station was not already started. The result was a return code of zzz. Explanation: A disk read error occurred while reading the STATIONS file. The result was a return code of xxx. System Action: The initialization routine System Action: The station identified as xxx will not be available through the Communications Facility. User Response: The return code returned is from the Communications Facility command processor. Check the command processor messages in the Communications Facility operator guide to determine the problem and take the appropriate action. STATION xxx, TERMINAL yyy STATION STARTED LOAD ERROR, RC=zzz STATION HALTED (CDMINIT2) is terminated and no Communications Facility stations are started. User Response: Check the disk and diskette read/write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. STORAGE SIZE MUST BE SPECIFIED (16K1024K) Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The STORAGE= operand on the SYSTEM statement is required and must be specified within the range of 16K - 512K bytes. Issued by: $MTM o System Action: The error is flagged and Explanation: The initialization routine (CDMINIT2) was unable to load an asynchronous task for the station it just started or found already active. The result was a LOAD return code of zzz. compilation continues. User Response: Code the STORAGE= operand and specify the storage size within 16K - 512K bytes. System Action: The station just started will be halted. The storage message queue will be purged. User Response: Check the LOAD return code to determine the problem and take the appropriate action. o MC-254 SC34-0636 s c STORBLK NOT INITIALIZED Issued by: $DEBUG Issued by: $BSCUT2 Explanation: You specified a STORBLK address that is not initialized. Explanation: The system detected an internal error. System Action: The system prompts for an initialized STORBLK address. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Do one of the following: • • c SUB2 PARAMETER ERROR Enter the STORBLK address that was initialized by your program. (You initialize a STORBLK address by issuing a GETSTG in your program.) Enter a zero to cancel the list or patch command. SUB1 INDEX PARAMETER ERROR User Response: Examine the output to find the problem, correct it and retry. SUBMIT ABORTED - FILE ERROR xxx Issued by: $RJESNA Explanation: A disk error occurred while a job stream was being transmitted to the host, or an I/O error occurred during the opening of the data set. The result was a return code of xxx. System Action: The system cancels the job if it was submitted or does not submit the job. Issued by: $BSCUT2 Explanation: The system detected an internal error. User Response: Check the disk and diskette read/ write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Examine the output to find the problem, correct it and retry. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-255 s SUPERVISOR AND COMMON AREA IN PARTITION # xxx EXCEEDS MAXIMUM SIZE OF 64K BY yyy (zzz HEX) SWAP AREA NOT INITIALIZED; MUST· BE 0 - xxx o Issued by: $DEBUG Issued by: $XPSLINK from $XPSPOST Explanation: The amount of common area and the size of the supervisor assigned together are too large to be contained in one partition. Explanation: $DEBUG is not able to access the requested swap area. This is because the swap area you specified was not initialized in the program. System Action: The system prompts you for a System Action: $XPSPOST ends unsuccessfully with a completion code of 12. The nucleus is not stored. User Response: Either decrease the size of the common area or move part of the supervisor to another partition. swap area. User Response: 0 - xxx are swap areas that were initialized in the program. Enter one of these swap areas. SWAP ERROR, RC= xxx SUPPORT DOES NOT EXIST FOR xxx Issued by: IOLOADER Explanation: A SENSORIO configuration statement could not be found for the Sensor 1/0 device xxx defined in the IODEF statement. System Action: Program load terminates. User Response: Correct the IODEF or SENSORIO statement and retry. Issued by: $DEBUG Explanation: $DEBUG encountered an error while issuing a swap. System Action: The list or patch commands are canceled. o User Response: Check the swap instruction return codes in the Language Reference and take appropriate action. SUPPORT DOES NOT EXIST FOR xxx Issued by: $IOTEST Explanation: The address you specified does not support any device in your system. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Specify a valid device address. To obtain valid addresses, use the LD command of $IOTEST. o MC-2S6 SC34-0636 s c SWAP VALUE OUT OF RANGE; MUST BE 0 - xxx SYSTEM RTCODE =xxx Issued by: $IAMUTI Issued by: $DEBUG Explanation: The swap value you specified does not match the value coded on your STORBLK statement. The swap value must be within the O-xxx range. Explanation: During the secondary index load, an Indexed Access Method error occurred and was reported in a previous message. This message provides further information when the error was caused by the failure of a system function which was issued by the Indexed Access Method. System Action: The system reprompts you for a valid swap value. System Action: System prompts you: RETRY (YIN)? User Response: Enter a valid swap value. SYMBOL EXCEEDS 8 CHARACTERS IN LENGTH Issued by: $EDXASM o Explanation: A symbol used in the program exceeded the maximum length. Valid symbols must be 1-8 characters in length. User Response: Check the system return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. SYSTEM VOLUME NAME ... ACCESS DENIED Issued by: $COMPRES, $COPYUT1, $DISKUT2, $INITDSK, $COPY compilation continues. Explanation : You attempted to access either volume $$EDXLIB or $$EDXVOL, which are reserved for use by the system. User Response: Specify the symbol as 1-8 characters in length. System Action: Returns to command mode. System Action: The error is flagged and User Response: Specify a valid volume name and SYMBOL IS MULTIPLY DEFINED retry the function. Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The same 1-8 character symbol has been explicitly defined more than once. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. ' User Response: Ensure that duplicate definitions do not appear in the code. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-257 T , 0 I'" ,! TAPE ERROR - CYLINDER xxx, TRACK yyy NOT RESTORED. RESTORE PROCEEDING TAPE ERROR RC = xxx RECORD NUMBER =yyy Issued by: $TAPEUTI Issued by: $TAPEUTI Explanation: Using the RT command, the restore utility encountered a read error on the tape. The tape record contained a full track's worth of data. That data has been lost and will not be written to the disk. The error occurred while it was processing cylinder xxx and track yyy on the disk. System Action: The utility continues. User Response: The disk is only partially restored. Use $DISKUTI (LACTS command) to determine which data sets are affected. Explanation: During the save of a tape, an error occurred in reading data to the save device. The error occurred at record yyy of the tape. The result was a return code of xxx. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Check the tape read/write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. Then retry. TAPE I/O ERROR RC = xxx Issued by: $TAPEUTI TAPE ERROR - FIXED HEAD TRACK xxx NOT RESTORED. RESTORE PROCEEDING Issued by: $TAPEUTI Explanation: Using the RT command, the restore utility encountered a read error on the tape while it was restoring the fixed head area on the disk. The tape record contained a full track's worth of data. That data has been lost and will not be written to the disk. The error occurred while it was processing track xxx under the fixed heads. Explanation: During the allocate function, an error occurred in either reading or writing to the tape. The result was a return code of xxx. System Action: Ends the operation. o User Response: Check the tape read/write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. Then retry the function. System Action: The utility continues. User Response: The fixed head area is only partially restored. Use $DISKUTI (LACTS command) to determine which data sets are affected. o MC-2S8 SC34-0636 T o TAPE xxx IS NOT A TAPE * * * TAPE xxx MARKED UNUSABLE TAPE VOLUMES NOT ALLOWED - ERROR Issued by: $COPY Issued by: $TAPEUTI Explanation: An address was incorrectly defined (for example, the device is not a tape); the tape drive was not turned on; or the tape drive has a hardware failure. System Action: Terminates the initialization. User Response: Correct the problem and restart the initialization. TAPE NOT COMPATIBLE WITH RESTORE UTILITY Issued by: $TAPEUTI Explanation: You cannot use a tape for the restore function. You must use a disk. c Explanation : You cannot use a tape volume for any $COPY function. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Specify a disk or diskette volume for use with $COPY. TARGET EDX DATA SET TOO SMALLMUST REALLOCATE IT Issued by: $HXUTI Explanation: After the RX command was entered, $HXUT 1 determined the target data set was not large enough to contain the multivolume H -exchange data sets. System Action: The RX request terminates. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Specify a disk device for use with the restore function. User Response: Use $DISKUTI to determine the allocation size of the target data set. Delete the target data set and then reallocate the target at a larger size and retry. TAPE xxx OFFLINE FOR BLP yyy BPI Issued by: $TAPEUTI Explanation: The address xxx is valid but the tape is not mounted. TARGET VOLUME IS IN USE BY ANOTHER PROGRAM Issued by: $COPY System Action: Terminates the initialization. Explanation : You cannot copy to the specified target volume because it is already in use. User Response: Mount the tape and restart the System Action: Ends the operation. initialization. User Response: Specify another target volume or wait and retry with the original target volume. 0 "1' I' Chapter 2. Messages MC-259 T TASK xxx ENTERED TERMINAL xxx BUSY Issued by: $BSCUT2 Issued by: $MTM Explanation: In response to your request, the utility is exercising one of the nine read or write tasks on a BSC line. Explanation: Terminal xxx specified in the TERMINAL file is connected to another program. o System Action: Does not use the terminal. System Action: Continues processing. User Response: Try to RECONNECT at a later User Response: This is an informational time. message. No user response is needed. TASK xxx EXITED TERMINAL BUSY, DO YOU WANT TO WAIT? YIN; Issued by: $BSCUT2 Issued by: $DEBUG Explanation: The utility has completed simulation of one of the nine read or write tasks on a BSC line. Explanation: The terminal you specified is busy. System Action: Continues processing. User Response: This is an informational message. No user response is needed. System Action: The system tried to load the program to the terminal you specified. The terminal was already being used for other processing. o· User Response: You must reply to this message with a Y or an N. TASK NAME NOT SPECIFIED If you reply Y, the system re-ENQT's the terminal. Then $DEBUG waits until the terminal is free. Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: A label must be coded on the instruction to define the task name. If you reply N, you may try to free the specified terminal and specify it again. You may also specify a new terminal or take the default. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify a 1-8 character name as the task name. o MC-260 SC34-0636 T o TERMINAL I/O RC = XXX TERMINAL xxx NOT DEFINED IN EVENT DRIVEN EXECUTIVE SYSTEM Issued by: $IMAGE Issued by: $MTM Explanation: A terminal I/O error occurred during the requested function. The result was a return code of xxx. Explanation: The specified terminal was not included in the definition of terminals when the Event Driven Executive system was generated. System Action: Ends the operation. System Action: Does not connect the terminal. User Response: Check the terminal I/O general return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. User Response: Include a terminal definition for the specified terminal when the Event Driven Executive system is generated. TERMINAL xxx I/O ERROR TERMINAL NAME INVALID Issued by: $MTM Issued by: $MTM Explanation: During Multiple Terminal Manager c initialization, an I/O error occurred in an attempt to write the IPL screen to the specified terminal ($TERMERR exit taken). A possible cause is the terminal being powered off at initialization. Explanation: The terminal name specified for the TERMINAL file record listed immediately before this message is invalid. System Action: Does not connect the terminal. System Action: The specified terminal will be in disconnected state. User Response: Determine cause of the I/O error and take the appropriate action. To reconnect the terminal, use the $RECON or RECONNECT utilities. User Response: Correct the TERMINAL record. Stop and restart the Multiple Terminal Manager. TERMINAL NOT RENAMED TO BLANKS Issued by: $TERMUTI Explanation: You entered blanks as the new terminal name. The utility will not change a terminal name to blanks. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: Enter a valid name for the new terminal name. 0 1: ,'. Chapter 2. Messages MC-261 T TERMINAL xxx NOT RECONNECTED -INVALID FOR PSEUDO TERMINAL TABLE OR STORAGE SIZE EXCEEDED Issued by: $MTM Issued by: $MTM Explanation: An attempt was made to reconnect a pseudo terminal. There is no physical device to which a pseudo terminal can be connected. A pseudo terminal need not be connected to run Multiple Terminal Manager applications. Explanation: While building the terminal table and loading servers, the storage size or the the maximum number of terminals (10) allowed has been exceeded. The work space, defined in CDMINIT, is defined to allow a maximum of 50 terminals. System Action: The specified pseudo terminal remains disconnected. User Response: This is an informational message. No user response is needed. TERMINAL xxx RECONNECTED o System Action: Initialization is aborted. User Response: Increase the terminal table size by changing module CDMCOMMN. If there is not enough room, make the partition larger, decrease the number of terminals, or make CDMDUMMY smaller. Restart the Multiple Terminal Manager. Issued by: $MTM Explanation: The named terminal has been reconnected to the Multiple Terminal Manager. System Action: Reconnects the terminal to the TERMINAL VARYOFF UNSUCCESSFULTERMINAL CODE xxx = Issued by: $TERMUTI o Multiple Terminal Manager. User Response: Use the terminal as needed. Explanation: An error occurred which prevented the varyoff. System Action: Returns to command mode. TERMINAL: xxx IS NOT ON THIS SYSTEM Issued by: $TERMUTl, $JOBQUT User Response: Check the terminal I/O general return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. Explanation: The terminal name you specified is not supported. System Action: Gives logging terminal name and prompts for new name. User Response: Enter a valid terminal name, an asterisk (*) for the terminal you are using, or just press enter to keep the current name. o MC-262 SC34-0636 T c TERMINAL VARYON UNSUCCESSFULRC xxx = THE ?? DATA SET NAMES CANNOT BE PRELOCATED Issued by: $TERMUTI Issued by: $PREFIND Explanation: An error occurred which prevented the varyon. Explanation: You must supply the actual data set names and not just "??". System Action: Returns to command mode. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Check the terminal I/O general return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. User Response: Enter the actual data set names and retry the function. TEXT MESSAGE IS NOT A VALID CHARACTER STRING THE ?? NAMES CANNOT BE RESOLVED IN JOB MODE Issued by: $PREFIND Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: Valid text messages in the form of Explanation: You did not specify the actual data set names to be opened. character strings must be enclosed in quotes. c System Action: Ends the operation. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify the actual data set names and retry the function. User Response: Enclose the text message in quotes. THE FIRST PI ENTRY IS INVALID THAT IS NOT A VALID JOB NUMBER Issued by: $SUBMIT Explanation : You specified a job number that does not exist. System Action: Returns to command mode. Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The first address specified on the PI operand of the SENSORIO statement must be equal to the base address or base address + 1 (as determined by the ADDRESS= operand). System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Obtain the correct job number (STQ command) and retry. User Response: Code the first PI entry as explained. Chapter 2. Messages MC-263 T THE ROW OR COLUMN FROM AN SBA WAS IN ERROR THE SECOND PI ENTRY IS INVALID o Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $IMAGE Explanation: The utility could not find a 3101 character in the 3101 translation table. Explanation: The second address specified on the PI operand of the SENSORIO statement must be equal to the base address or base address+ 1 (as determined by the ADDRESS= operand). System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Correct the image to eliminate System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. invalid characters and retry. User Response: Code the second PI entry as explained. THE SAVE WAS CANCELED BEFORE IT COMPLETED Issued by: $TAPEUTI Explanation: Using the RT command, the save utility ($TAPEUTl) was canceled before it completed saving the entire device, volume or data set. THE TOTAL NUMBER OF OPERAND DELIMITERS EXCEEDS MAXIMUM (70) Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: There can only be a maximum of 70 delimiters in an instruction. A delimiter is either a left parenthesis, right parenthesis, or a comma. System Action: Terminates the utility. System Action: The error is flagged and User Response: The target device, volume, or data set is only partially restored. Inspect the data (via $DISKUT2 DP command, for example) to see if it is sufficient. If not, delete the volume or data set. A partial device restore may be acceptable if the part not restored is never accessed. o compilation continues. User Response: Ensure the delimiters do not exceed the maximum of 70. THE TWO PI ENTRIES ARE EQUAL Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The two process interrupt entries specified on the PI= operand are the same. (SENSORIO statement) System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Examine the PI= entries and eliminate all duplicate addresses. "", C "' M C-264 SC34-0636 T o THERE IS NO FORMAT TO PRINT THIS ADDRESS HAS BEEN PREVIOUSLY DEFINED Issued by: $IMAGE Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: There is no screen image defined yet. System Action: Ends the operation. Explanation: An address specified by one of the operands on this SENSORIO statement has been previously defined on this or a previously defined SENSORIO statement. User Response: Define the screen image format in edit mode. THERE ARE NO INITIALIZED STORBLKS System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Check the addresses specified and ensure there are no duplicate addresses. Issued by: $DEBUG Explanation: You specified the UNMAP option but $DEBUG was unable to find the chain of initialized STORBLKS. System Action: The list or patch command is c THIS CPU UNABLE TO IPL Issued by: $SlSlUTl canceled. Explanation: Your processor is assigned as the secondary processor (RPQ D02242 is installed) and cannot perform IPL of the primary. User Response: Issue a GETSTG in your program to initialize a STORBLK and reissue the UNMAP option. System Action: None. User Response: This is an informational message. No user response is needed. THERE ARE xxx RECORDS IN YOUR DEVICE. THE DEFAULT OF THE VOLUME DIRECTORY FOR THIS DEVICE IS RECORD yyy. IT NOW EXISTS AT RECORD zzz. Issued by: $INITDSK Explanation: The utility is asking if you want to change the location on disk of the device directory. System Action: Awaits operator response. User Response: Press the enter key for the default location or enter the new location. THIS MEMBER NOT A DATA MEMBER Issued by: $DIUTIL Explanation: The data set name you specified refers to a program-type data set. You must specify a data-type data set. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Reenter the information and supply the name of a data-type data set. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-265 T THIS NUCLEUS WAS CONFIGURED WITHOUT THE DEBUG OPTION THISBUF NAME TOO LONG - CAREAD TERMINATED Issued by: $DEBUG Issued by: $SlASM Explanation: During system generation, the required support for the $DEBUG utility was not included. You cannot perform the debug function on your system. Explanation: The thisbuf operand on the CAREAD instruction has more than eight characters. System Action: Ends the operation. instruction. User Response: To include the $DEBUG utility, you must perform another system generation and include the required supervisor modules. Refer to the Installation and System Generation Guide for details on this procedure. User Response: On the CAREAD instruction, specify a thisbuf operand that is less than or equal to eight characters in length, and reassemble. o System Action: Terminates the CAREAD THISBUF NAME IS NUMERIC EXPANSION TERMINATED THISBUF ADDR IS NUMERIC - CAREAD TERMINATED Issued by: $SlASM Explanation: The thisbuf operand on the CAREAD instruction is numeric. The first character must be alphabetic. System Action: Terminates the CAREAD instruction. Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The thisbuf operand on the CAREAD instruction is numeric. The first character must be alphabetic. o System Action: Terminates the expansion. User Response: On the CAREAD instruction, specify a valid thisbuf operand whose first character is alphabetic, and reassemble. User Response: On the CAREAD instruction, specify a valid thisbuf operand whose first character is alphabetic, and reassemble. o MC-266 SC34-0636 T c THISBUF NOT SPECIFIED - EXPANSION TERMINATED TITLE NAME IS NUMERIC - CAPRINT TERMINATED Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $SlASM Explanation: The thisbuf operand on the CAREAD instruction is a required operand and is not specified. Explanation: The TITLE= operand on the CAPRINT instruction is numeric. The first character must be alphabetic. System Action: Terminates the expansion. System Action: Terminates the CAPRINT instruction. User Response: On the CAREAD instruction, specify a valid thisbuf operand, and reassemble. User Response: On the CAPRINT instruction, specify a valid TITLE= operand whose first character is alphabetic, and reassemble. TIMERS= REQUIRES 4 DECIMAL VALUES Issued by: $EDXASM c Explanation: If the TIMERS= operand is specified on the ACCA TERMINAL statement, all four timer values must be specified. The timer defaults for the LMODE= type are assumed if TIMERS= is omitted. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify the TIMERS= operand with four values or assume the LMODE= default. Refer to the Installation and System Generation Guide for details on how to specify a TERMINAL statement for ACCA devices. TITLE NAME IS NUMERIC - EXPANSION TERMINATED Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The TITLE= operand on the CAPRINT instruction is numeric. The first character must be alphabetic. System Action: Terminates the expansion. User Response: On the CAPRINT instruction, specify a valid TITLE= operand whose first character is alphabetic, and reassemble. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-267 T TITLE NAME TOO LONG - CAPRINT TERMINATED TOO MANY COPIES OF $DEBUG ARE CURRENTLY ACTIVE Issued by: $SIASM Issued by: $DEBUG Explanation: The TITLE= operand on the CAPRINT instruction has more than eight characters. Explanation: Only a limited number of copies of the debug utility can be executing at the same time. You cannot use $DEBUG at this time. System Action: Terminates the CAPRINT System Action: Ends the operation. o instruction. User Response: On the CAPRINT instruction, specify a TITLE= operand that is less than or equal to eight characters in length, and reassemble. User Response: To find out where all the copies of $DEBUG are executing, enter the $A ALL command. You may have to wait until someone is done using $DEBUG before you can try to load it again. TO KEY SPECIFIED WITH #1 OR #2 Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: Index register #1 or #2 cannot be specified as a destination address (operand 1) in a cross partition move. System Action: The error is flagged and o compilation continues. User Response: Recode the cross partition move without using an index register as the destination address. TOO FEW PREC= SPECIFICATIONS Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: Fewer than the minimum required parameters were specified as the precision for floating-point arithmetic on the PREC= operand. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: If RESULT= is coded, three precision parameters are required; otherwise specify two precision parameters. o MC-268 SC34-0636 T c TOO MANY DATA SETS SPECIFIED TOO MANY POSITIONAL OPERANDS WERE SPECIFIED Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The number of data sets specified for the DS= operand of the PROGRAM statement exceeds the limit of nine. Explanation: More positional operands were specified than are valid for the instruction. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify no more than nine data sets for the DS= operand. User Response: Check the syntax and description of the instruction and code it accordingly. TOO MANY OVERLAY PROGRAMS SPECIFIED TOTAL SIZE LESS THAN THE MINIMUM OF4K Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $IAMUTI Explanation: The number of overlay programs o specified by the PGMS= operand of the PROGRAM statement exceeds the maximum of nine. Explanation: Using the PP command, the sum of the sizes of the page areas in all partitions was less than the minimum required for data paging. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. modified. User Response: Specify no more than nine programs for the PGMS= operand. User Response: Either assign more storage for data paging or do not attempt to use it. System Action: Page area sizes were not TOO MANY PI= ENTRIES Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: A maximum of two addresses can be specified in the PI operand of the SENSORIO statement. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Ensure that the PI operand has no more than two entries. 0 ·\ , , Chapter 2. Messages . MC-269 T TRACE SIZE TOO LARGE - EXPANSION TERMINATED TRSIZE SUPPLIED IS NOT NUMERIC o Issued by: $SIASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The TRSIZE= operand on the CACBx statement contains a value greater than 'FF'. Explanation: The TRSIZE= operand on the CACBl statement is not numeric. System Action: Terminates the CAIOCB statement. System Action: Terminates the expansion. User Response: On the CACBx statement, specify a TRSIZE= operand that is less than or equal to 'FF', and reassemble. TRACE SIZE TOO SMALL - EXPANSION TERMINATED User Response: On the CACBl statement specify a valid TRSIZE= operand that is numeric, and reassemble. TRSIZE SUPPLIED IS NOT NUMERIC EXPANSION TERMINATED Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The TRSIZE= operand on the Explanation: The TRSIZE= operand on the CACBx statement is not numeric. CACBx statement contains a value less than zero. System Action: Terminates the expansion. System Action: Terminates the expansion. User Response: On the CACBx statement, User Response: On the CACBx statement, specify a TRSIZE= operand that is greater than or equal to zero, and reassemble. $TRAP MUST BE IN PARTITION #1. $TRAP TERMINATED o specify a valid TRSIZE= operand that is numeric, and reassemble. TWOKBLK KEYWORD MAY NOT EXCEED 64' Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $TRAP Explanation: $TRAP was loaded into a partition other than partition 1. It must be loaded into partition 1. Explanation: For the STORBLK instruction, the maximum value coded for the TWOKBLK operand may not exceed 64. System Action: Continues processing but does System Action: Terminates $TRAP. not generate object text for that instruction. User Response: Load $TRAP into partition 1 and restart the program. reassemble. User Response: Correct the indicated error and o MC-270 SC34-0636 T TYPE COUNT MUST BE BETWEEN 0 AND TYPE= MUST BE 'STG' OR 'DSK' 255 Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The count specified for the TERMCTRL GETSTORE/PUTSTORE function is not between 0 and 255 bytes. System Action: The error is flagged and Explanation: You coded an invalid parameter on the TYPE= operand of the COMP statement. Specify either STG or DSK. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. compilation continues. User Response: Specify the value for count between 0 and 255. User Response: Code a valid parameter for the TYPE= operand and recompile the program. TYPE=DSECT IS NOT SUPPORTED Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: TYPE=DSECT cannot be specified on the TERMINAL statement of a program compiled by $EDXASM. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Delete this operand from your program's TERMINAL statement. TYPE=MT REQUIRES POLl=: WITH 1 - 4 ADDRESSES Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: TYPE=MT was specified on the BSCLINE statement but the required POLL= operand was omitted. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify a list of 1 - 4 poll/select addresses as the POLL operand. Each address consists of two hexadecimal digits. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-271 u UNABLE TO ALLOCATE DATA SET xxx,yyy UNABLE TO LOAD REQUESTED PROGRAM Issued by: $MSGUTI Issued by: $DEBUG Explanation: The utility could not allocate the Explanation: One of the following occurred: o data set. • The name you specified refers to a data set and not to a program, or to a program that does not exist. • There is not enough room in the partition you specified. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: Compress the volume in use or specify the use of another volume. Then retry the function. System Action: Ends the operation. UNABLE TO ASSIGN ALTERNATE CYLINDER Issued by: $DASDI Explanation: An attempt failed to assign an User Response: Do one of the following: Specify the name of a valid, load able program. Specify a different partition. alternate sector for a defective cylinder. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: Device is unusable. Use another UNABLE TO LOAD REQUESTED TAPE FUNCTION RC = xxx device. o Issued by: $TAPEUTI UNABLE TO DELETE DATA SET xxx Issued by: $MSGUTI Explanation: You cannot use $MSGUTI to delete data sets in this particular case. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: Use $DISKUTI to delete the data set, then retry the function. Explanation: The requested program cannot be loaded for the tape function in progress. System Action: If the tape function is ST, RT, CD, or EX, the utility terminates. Otherwise, it returns to command mode. User Response: Check the tape read/write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. o MC-272 SC34-0636 u o UNABLE TO READ SECONDARY INDEX FCB, READ RTCODE= xxx UNDEFINED ERROR FROM $IMOPEN RC = xxx Issued by: $IAMUTI Issued by: $IMAGE Explanation: During the secondary index load, an error occurred while attempting to read the first record of the secondary index file. The result was a return code of xxx. Explanation: An I/O error occurred resulting in a return code from $IMOPEN. System Action: System prompts you: RETRY User Response: Check the $IMOPEN return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. (Y/N)? User Response: Check the disk and diskette read/ write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. System Action: Ends the operation. UNEXPIRED DATA SET! CONTINUE? Issued by: $TAPEUTI UNBALANCED PARENTHESIS IN OPERAND Issued by: $EDXASM c Explanation: All open parentheses must have corresponding close parentheses and vice versa. System Action: The error is flagged and Explanation: The tape label data has not expired. System Action: If answer is "no", returns to command mode. If the answer is "yes", continues processing. User Response: Answer the prompt "Y" to overwrite the expiration. compilation continues. User Response: Ensure the parentheses are all paired correctly. UNBALANCED QUOTES IN OPERAND Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: No terminating quote is present in the character string or quotes within the character string are not specified correctly. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Ensure that all beginning and ending quotes are paired correctly. Chapter 2. Messages MC-273 u UNRESOLVED REFERENCE xxx UNMAPPED STORAGE SUPPORT NOT IN SYSTEM o Issued by: $DICOMP Issued by: $MEMDISK Explanation: A line number reference is unresolved. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Check the valid line numbers and retry the function. UNASSIGNMENT NOT COMPLETED - NO USER DEFECT FOUND Issued by: $DASDI Explanation: This message is displayed in response to the UNASSIGN ALTERNATE SECTOR option from the 4967 initialization menu. No user assigned alternate was found for the RBA requested, therefore unassignment was not completed. System Action: Unassignment was not completed. Processing continues and the 4967 available options menu is displayed. Explanation: You cannot use the $MEMDISK utility when there is no unmapped storage support in the system. System Action: The utility terminates. User Response: If you wish to use the $MEMDISK utility, include the STORMGR module in your link control data set and regenerate the system. UNSUCCESSFUL ALLOCATE FOR $SORTWRK DATASET, $DISKUT3 RTCODE=xxx Issued by: $IAMUTI Explanation: During the secondary load, $IAMUTI was unable to allocate the work data set required by the $SORTL program. The result was a $DISKUT3 return code of xxx. o System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Reenter the UNASSIGN ALTERNATE SECTOR option using the correct RBA. User Response: Check the $DISKUT3 return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. This error can be caused by insufficient space in a single extent on direct access storage. Compress the disk or diskette volume using the $COMPRES utility. o M C-2 74 SC34-0636 u o UNSUCCESSFUL CLOSE TO PRIME DATASET, INDEXED ACCESS METHOD RTCODE=xxx UNSUCCESSFUL LOAD CALL, INDEXED ACCESS METHOD RTCODE= xxx Issued by: $IAMUTI Issued by: $IAMUTI Explanation: During the secondary index load, an error occurred while attempting to close the prime data set. The result was an Indexed Access Method return code of xxx. c Explanation: During the secondary index load, an Indexed Access Method error occurred in the Sort/Merge output exit routine. The result was an Indexed Access Method return code of xxx. System Action: Ends the operation. System Action: Sort/Merge terminates abnormally and the system prompts you: RETRY (Y/N)? User Response: Check the Indexed Access Method return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. It might be necessary to IPL to free the storage associated with the open file. User Response: Check the Indexed Access Method return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. UNSUCCESSFUL DELETE OF SORT/WORK DATASET, $DISKUT3 RTCODE= xxx UNSUCCESSFUL OPEN OF PRIMARY DATASET, $DISKUT3 RTCODE= xxx Issued by: $IAMUTI Issued by: $IAMUTI Explanation: During the secondary index load, an error occurred while attempting to delete the sort work data set ($SRTWORK). The result was a $DISKUT3 return code of xxx. Explanation: During the secondary index load, an error occurred while attempting to open the associated prime data set. The result was a $DISKUT3 return code of xxx. System Action: System prompts you: RETRY System Action: If the sort of prime records and the loading of these records was successful the operation is completed. Otherwise, the system prompts you: RETRY (Y/N)? User Response: Check the $DISKUT3 return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. Reply "N" to end the function. Reply "Y" to be prompted for another secondary data set name and volume. Use $DISKUTI to delete data set $SRTWORK. If it does not exist, someone else might have renamed or deleted it. If so, attempt to reload the secondary index to assure that no data has been lost. (Y/N)? User Response: Check the $DISKUT3 return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. Reply "N" to end the function, Reply "Y" to be prompted for another secondary data set name and volume. o Chapter 2. Messages M C-2 75 u UNSUCCESSFUL PRIME EXTRACT, INDEXED ACCESS METHOD RTCODE=xxx UNSUCCESSFULSECONDARVINDEX LOAD, SORT/MERGE RTCODE= xxx o Issued by: $IAMUTI Issued by: $IAMUTI Explanation: During the secondary index load, an Indexed Access Method error occurred while attempting to EXTRACT the prime file's FCB. The result was an Indexed Access Method return code of xxx. System Action: System prompts you: RETRY (Y/N)? User Response: Check the Indexed Access Method return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. UNSUCCESSFUL PRIME OPEN, INDEXED ACCESS METHOD RTCODE= xxx Issued by: $IAMUTI Explanation: During the secondary index load, $IAMUTI was unable to open the primary file as specified in the secondary index directory. The result was an Indexed Access Method return code of xxx. System Action: System prompts you: RETRY (Y/N)? Explanation: During the secondary index load, a Sort/Merge error occurred. The result was a Sort/Merge return code of xxx. System Action: System prompts you: RETRY (Y/N)? User Response: Check the Sort/Merge return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. USER STORAGE IN PARTITION #xxx WAS REDUCED TO ALLOW FOR SUPERVISOR CODE Issued by: $XPSLINK from $XPSPOST Explanation: This is a warning that the supervisor storage, common area, and user storage exceeded 64K. o System Action: User storage is reduced and processing continues. User Response: No response is needed, unless you want to move the supervisor code or common area to another partition to increase user storage. User Response: Check the Indexed Access Method return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. o MC-276 SC34-0636 v o VALUE FOR KEYWORD EXCEEDED 8 CHARACTERS Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: You coded more than 8 characters for the ISAPPID, ISMODE, ISP ASWD, or ISRQID operand of the NETHOST instruction. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Ensure that the parameter you code for the ISAPPID, ISMODE, ISPASWD, or ISRQID operand consists of 1-8 characters. VOL 1 LABEL IDENTIFIES A MULTI-VOLUME DISKETTE AND CANNOT BE USED AS A VOLUME NAME Issued by: $DIRECT Explanation: You did not specify the name of an actual volume on the multivolume diskette. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: Specify the name of a volume on the diskette. VALUE FOR KEYWORD "ISUSFLD" EXCEEDED 20 CHARACTERS Issued by: $EDXASM c Explanation: You specified a string of more than 20 characters for the ISUSFLD operand of the NETHOST instruction. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Code a 1-20 character string for the ISUSFLD operand. VALUE OUT OF RANGE Issued by: $IAMUT1 Explanation: An invalid value was entered for the parameter. System Action: Asks again for the parameter value. User Response: Enter the proper response to the parameter prompt. See the IBM Series/1 Event Driven Executive Indexed Access Method (5719-AM3) for a description of each parameter. c Chapter 2. Messages MC-277 v VOL1 LABEL INVALID FOR MULTI-VOLUME DISKETTES VOLUME xxx NOT FOUND o Issued by: $RJESNA Issued by: $COMPRES, $COPYUTl, $DISKUT2, $INITDSK, $COPY Explanation: You attempted to access a multivolume diskette by specifying the VOLllabel of the diskette. The VOLllabel refers to the diskette in general and not to any actual volume. System Action: Issues another message and/or returns to command mode. Awaits operator response. Explanation: The volume xxx identified on a prompt or a /*CONCAT record was not found. Either you specified the volume incorrectly or you forgot to issue a $VARYON command. System Action: If this was a /*CONCAT record, the system cancels the job stream submitted thus far to prevent a partial job stream from executing on the host. User Response: Correct the problem and retry. User Response: Determine the volumes located on the multivolume diskette and retry the function, specifying one of those volumes. VOLUME xxx NOT FOUND OR UNUSABLE Issued by: $INITDSK VOLUME xxx ALREADY EXISTS ON THIS DEVICE Issued by: $INITDSK Explanation: You attempted to initialize a new volume and give it the name of a volume that already exists on the same device. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Initialize the new volume and give it a unique name. Explanation: The volume you requested does not exist, was not initialized, or was not found on any of the I/O devices in your system. System Action: Returns to command mode. o User Response: If the volume has not been initialized, use $INITDSK IV command. If the volume does not exist, you can allocate it on an appropriate device. If it exists on a device that is not turned on or varied on, do so. o MC-278 SC34-0636 v o VOLUME EXISTS BUT IS OFF-LINE VOLUME NAMES BEGINNING WITH U$" INVALID Issued by: $INITDSK Issued by: $INITDSK Explanation: The device that contains the requested volume is varied off. The system recognizes the volume name but cannot access it. Explanation: You attempted to allocate a volume and give it a name beginning with "$", which is used exclusively for system volumes. System Action: Ends the operation. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Vary on the device that contains the volume. User Response: Allocate the volume using a name that begins with anything other than "$" and consists of no more than 6 characters. VOLUME FOR NUCLEUS NOT FOUND Issued by: $SISI UTI Explanation: The volume you specified does not contain the nucleus. System Action: Returns to command mode. o User Response: Retry the function using the name of the volume containing the nucleus. VOLUME LABEL I/O ERROR, DISK RC = xxx Issued by: $INITDSK Explanation: The utility was unable to read or write to the specified volume. The result was a return code of xxx. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Check the disk and diskette read/write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. You may have to reinitialize the volume if the problem persists. o Chapter 2. Messages MC-279 w WARNING - AUTOCALL DATA SET xxx,yyy OVERRIDDEN WARNING - COMMON SECTION LENGTH GREATER THAN MATCHING CSECTxxx o Issued by: $EDXLINK Issued by: $EDXLINK Explanation: You have already entered an AUTOCALL before. However, the AUTOCALL you just entered overrides the previous one. Explanation: The common control section and CSECT with the same name, xxx were of different lengths. This may be a potential problem. System Action: Accepts the new AUTO CALL statement. User Response: This is an informational message. No user response is needed. WARNING - BLOCK LENGTH MUST BE LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO 256, IT IS xxx System Action: Uses CSECT length and sets a completion code of 4. User Response: Look at both the common control section and the control section for the size difference. Correct any differences and relink. WARNING - CONTINUATION COLUMN NOT SUPPORTED Issued by: $HXUTI Issued by: $EDXLINK Explanation: The block length of the H-exchange diskette is not less than or equal to 256. System Action: The utility issues the message "CONFLICT WITH H EXCHANGE STANDARD". User Response: Enter the UD command (update data set label by name) or the UH command (update the data set label by number) and specify a value less than or equal to 256 to the prompt for the block length. Explanation: A character other than a blank was in column 72 of the control statement data set. o System Action: Puts a blank in column 72 and sets a completion code of 4. Processes the statement as if the character in column 72 were blank. User Response: Edit your data set to remove the character from column 72. o MC-280 SC34-0636 w o WARNING ... CONTINUING MAY RESULT IN UNPREDICTABLE RESULTS IF VOLUME IS ACCESSED IN ANY WAY WARNING - DUPLICATELY DEFINED CSECT - xxx IN yyy,zzz Issued by: $EDXLINK Issued by: $INITDSK Explanation: The results of accessing the disk are not under your control. It is impossible to predict whether or not any problems will occur. System Action: Throws away the second CSECT System Action: Prompts: CONTINUE? and redirects all references by the second CSECT to the first CSECT. User Response: Enter NO unless you are sure you want to continue. WARNING! DEVICE ISN'T OFFLINE CONTINUE? Issued by: $TAPEUTt o Explanation: Two CSECTs have the same name, xxx, in data set yyY,ZZZ. Explanation: The tape may be in use by someone else. The function you want to perform will vary off the tape. System Action: Awaits operator response. User Response: If the tape is in use, answer N. Wait until it is not in use and retry the function. User Response: You may have included the same module twice. If so, edit your control statement data set and remove the INCLUDE statement that refers to the extra object module, or you may have given two different CSECTS the same name. If so, rename one of the CSECTs and relink. WARNING - ENTRY xxx NOT FOUND IN AUTOCALLED OBJECT MODULE Issued by: $EDXLINK Explanation: The autocall data set contains an object module with an invalid entry point. System Action: $EDXLINK cannot resolve the EXTRN. User Response: Correct the autocall data set and relink. o Chapter 2. Messages ( MC-28t w WARNING - EXCHANGE TYPE MUST BE H, IT IS xxx WARNING - HEADER IDENTIFIER LABEL MUST BE HDR1, IT IS xxx Issued by: $HXUTI Issued by: $HXUTI Explanation: The exchange type indicator of the H -exchange diskette does not contain an "H" (type H data set). Explanation: The header identifier label of the H-exchange diskette does not contain "HDRl". System Action: The utility issues the message "CONFLICT WITH H EXCHANGE STANDARD". User Response: Ensure that the diskette to be processed is an H-exchange diskette. Enter the UD command (update data set label by name) or the UH command (update the data set label by number) and specify an "H" to the prompt for the exchange type. WARNING - EXTENT ARRANGEMENT INDICATOR MUST BE BLANK OR P, IT IS xxx - IT MAY BE RESET TO BLANK IN ALLOCATION Issued by: $HXUTI Explanation: The extent arrangement indicator of the H -exchange diskette does not contain a blank or "P". o System Action: The utility issues the message "CONFLICT WITH H EXCHANGE STANDARD". User Response: Enter the UH command (update the data set label by number) and specify "HDRl" to the prompt for the header identifier label. WARNING: I/O ERROR ACCESSING DIRECTORY RC=xxx EXTRA DISK SPACE IN TARGET WILL NOT BE ADDED TO SOURCE VOLUME DEFINITION Issued by: $TAPEUTI o Explanation: Using the RT command, you tried to restore a volume where the disk target volume is larger than the tape source volume definition. An I/O error was encountered while the utility was attempting to update the disk volume directory to reflect the added space available. The result was a tape read/write return code of xxx. System Action: None. System Action: Terminates the utility. User Response: Enter the UD command (update data set label by name) or the UH command (update data set label by number) and enter a blank (if appropriate) to the prompt for the extent arrangement indicator. User Response: The disk volume directory may be only partially updated and therefore unusable. Delete the volume and reallocate it in a different spot on the disk and run the utility again. 0, """,," MC-282 SC34-0636 w c WARNING - INVALID CONTROL STATEMENT-STATEMENT IGNORED WARNING - LAST OVERLAY STATEMENT IGNORED Issued by: $EDXLINK Issued by: $EDXLINK Explanation: You entered a control statement which was not recognized by $EDXLINK. Explanation : You specified an OVERLAY structure but you did not enter a valid INCLUDE statement between the last OVERLAY statement and the LINK statement. System Action: Doesn't process the statement. $EDXLINK sets a completion code of 4. User Response: Re-edit your control statement data set and retry. WARNING - LABEL EXTENSION INDICATOR MUST BE BLANK OR 0, IT IS xxx - DATA SETS DEFINED ON CYLINDERS PAST CYLINDER 0 CANNOT BE FOUND-NOR CAN DATA o SETS BE ALLOCATED ON THIS VOLUME Issued by: $HXUTI Explanation: The label extension indicator of the H -exchange diskette does not contain a blank or 0 (indicates all data set labels are on cylinder 0). Any data beyond cylinder 0 cannot be accessed. System Action: None. User Response: If you require access to the data beyond cylinder 0, the diskette must be re-created and a blank or zero specified for the label extension indicator. System Action: Ignores the last OVERLAY statement as if you'd never entered it. Also sets a completion code of 4. User Response: Examine the program structure and determine whether it is correct. If not, edit the control statement data set to reflect the structure you want. Then relink. WARNING - LINK STATEMENT NOT PERMITTED IN COpy DATA SET- STATEMENT IGNORED Issued by: $EDXLINK Explanation: COPY data set contained a LINK statement. System Action: Ignores the LINK statement and sets a completion code 4. User Response: Edit the COPY data set to remove the LINK statement. c Chapter 2. Messages MC-283 w WARNING - MULTIVOLUME INDICATOR MUST BE BLANK OR C OR L, IT IS xxx Issued by: $HXUTI Explanation: The multivolume indicator of the H -exchange diskette does not contain a blank (data set is wholly contained on this diskette), "c" (data set is continued on another diskette), or "L" (last diskette on which a continued data set resides). System Action: The utility issues the message "CONFLICT WITH H EXCHANGE STANDARD". WARNING: NO FSE AVAILABLE IN DIRECTORY. EXTRA DISK SPACE IN TARGET WILL NOT BE ADDED TO SOURCE VOLUME DEFINITION. o Issued by: $TAPEUTI Explanation: Using the RT command, you tried to restore a volume where the disk target volume is larger than the tape source volume definition. An 110 error was encountered while the utility was attempting to update the disk volume directory to reflect the added space available. System Action: Terminates the utility. User Response: Enter the UD command (update data set label by name) or the UH command (update the data set label by number) and specify a blank, "C", or "L" to the prompt for the multivolume indicator. WARNING - NESTED COpy STATEMENTS ARE NOT PERMITTED - STATEMENT IGNORED User Response: The disk volume is useable, except that the additional space cannot be accessed. To recover the extra space, the original volume must be saved again. Before saving the original volume, you must delete at least one member and compress the volume. After you do this, run the utility again. o Issued by: $EDXLINK Explanation: COPY data set contained a COpy statement. System Action: Ignores the statement and sets a completion code 4. User Response: Edit COPY data set to remove the nested COPY statement. o MC-284 SC34-0636 w c WARNING: NO FSE IN SOURCE DIRECTORY POINTS TO END OF VOLUME. EXTRA DISK SPACE IN TARGET WILL NOT BE ADDED TO SOURCE VOLUME DEFINITION Issued by: $TAPEUTI Explanation: Using the RT command you tried to restore a volume where the disk target volume is larger than the tape source volume definition. An 110 error was encountered while the utility was attempting to update the disk volume directory to reflect the added space available. To do this, one free space entry must point to the end of volume. The additional space will be added to that FSE. In this case, no FSE pointed to the end of volume. WARNING - NO ROOT TO OVERLAY REFERENCES WERE GENERATED Issued by: $EDXLINK Explanation: The program generated was built in an overlay structure but your program structure didn't reflect any of the overlay segments. System Action: Sets a completion code of 4. User Response: Examine the program structure and determine whether it is correct. If not, edit the control statement data set to reflect the structure you want. Then relink. WARNING! NOT STANDARD LABEL System Action: Terminates the utility. Issued by: $TAPEUTI User Response: The disk volume is useable, c except that the additional space cannot be accessed. To recover the extra space, the original volume must be saved again. Before saving the original volume, you must delete at least one member and compress the volume. Then run the utility again. WARNING - NO INCLUDES SINCE LAST OVERLAY STATEMENT - LAST OVERLAY STATEMENT IGNORED Explanation: The name you gave to a tape volume does not follow conventions for tape volume names. The name may cause problems when you use the volume for other procedures. System Action: Prompts: CONTINUE? User Response: Answer "N" to the prompt and give the volume a standard name. Issued by: $EDXLINK Explanation: An overlay structure was specified, but a valid INCLUDE statement was not entered between the last OVERLAY and LINK statements. System Action: Ignores the last OVERLAY statement and sets a completion code of 4. User Response: In non-interactive mode, edit the control statement data set and retry. c. "", "I Chapter 2. Messages MC-285 w WARNING - PHYSICAL RECORD LENGTH MUST BE 1, IT IS xxx WARNING - PHYSICAL RECORD SEQUENCE CODE MUST BE BLANK OR 01, IT IS xxx o Issued by: $HXUTI Issued by: $HXUTI Explanation: The physical record length field of the H-exchange diskette does not contain a 1 (indicates 256 bytes). System Action: The utility issues the message "CONFLICT WITH H EXCHANGE STANDARD" and does one of the following: • • Rejects the diskette, if you have just loaded $HXUTI and specified the volume name, or you issued a CV command (changed to another volume). Continues to prompt for the required volume label field until it is entered. This occurs only when you issue a UV command and update the volume label inconsistent with H-exchange standards. User Response: If the diskette is rejected, re-create the diskette consistent with H -exchange standards; otherwise (with the UV command) specify a 1 to the prompt for the physical record length. Explanation: The physical record sequence code of the H-exchange diskette does not contain a blank or a 01 (both indicate sectors are physically sequential). System Action: The utility issues the message "CONFLICT WITH H EXCHANGE STANDARD" and does one of the following: • Rejects the diskette, if you have just loaded $HXUTI and specified the volume name, or you issued a CV command (changed to another volume). Continues to prompt for the required volume label field until it is entered. This occurs only when you issue a UV command and update the volume label inconsistent with H -exchange standards. User Response: If the diskette is rejected, o re-create the diskette consistent with H -exchange standards, otherwise (with the UV command) specify a blank or a 01 to the prompt for the physical record sequence code. o MC-286 SC34-0636 w o WARNING - RECORD/BLOCK FORMAT MUST BE BLANK OR F, IT IS xxx WARNING - RESET STATEMENT ONLY VALID IN INTERACTIVE MODE- STATEMENT IGNORED Issued by: $HXUTl Issued by: $EDXLINK Explanation: The record/block format indicator of the H -exchange diskette does not contain a blank or "F" (indicates fixed-length records in fixed blocks). System Action: The utility issues the message "CONFLICT WITH H EXCHANGE STANDARD". User Response: Enter the UD command (update data set label by name) or the UH command (update the data set label by number) and specify a blank or "F" to the prompt for the record/block format. o WARNING - REQUIRED PARAMETER MISSING - STATEMENT IGNORED Issued by: $EDXLINK Explanation: Some control statements require parameters. The one you entered requires one. INCLUDE, COPY, and LINK statements all require a parameter. System Action: Ignores the statement as if you had never entered it. Explanation: $EDXLINK only accepts the RESET command in interactive mode. If it appears in a primary or secondary control statement data set, you'll receive the message and a completion code of 4. System Action: The statement is ignored. User Response: Edit your control statement data set. WARNING - RESIDENT SEGMENT HAS NOT BEEN DEFINED - STATEMENT IGNORED Issued by: $EDXLINK Explanation: Either you didn't specify an INCLUDE statement before, or something is wrong with a previous INCLUDE statement. System Action: Ignores the OVERLAY statement. there. Also sets a completion code of 4. User Response: Specify a valid INCLUDE statement in your data set. User Response: Edit your data set, put in the appropriate parameter, and relink. c Chapter 2. Messages MC-287 w WARNING - SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS INDICATOR MUST BE BLANK, IT IS xxx WARNING - STANDARD VERSION MUST BE W, IT IS xxx Issued by: $HXUTI Issued by: $HXUTI Explanation: The special requirements indicator of the H-exchange diskette does not contain a blank (no special requirements for accessing data). Explanation: The standard version indicator of the H -exchange diskette does not contain a "W" (indicates IBM standard labels). System Action: The utility issues the message "CONFLICT WITH H EXCHANGE STANDARD" and does one of the following: System Action: The utility issues the message • • Rejects the diskette, if you have just loaded $HXUT 1 and specified the volume name, or you issued a CV command (changed to another volume). Continues to prompt for the required volume label field until it is entered. This occurs only when you issue a UV command and update the volume label inconsistent with H -exchange standards. User Response: If the diskette is rejected, re-create the diskette consistent with H -exchange standards, otherwise (with the UV command) specify a blank to the prompt for the special requirements indicator. o "CONFLICT WITH H EXCHANGE STANDARD" and does one of the following: Rejects the diskette, if you have just loaded $HXUT 1 and specified the volume name, or you issued a CV command (changed to another volume). Continues to prompt for the required volume label field until it is entered. This occurs only when you issue a UV command and update the volume label inconsistent with H-exchange standards. User Response: If the diskette is rejected, re-create the diskette consistent with H -exchange standards, otherwise (with the UV command) specify a "W" to the prompt for the standard version indicator. o o MC-288 SC34-0636 w o WARNING - STATEMENT NOT PERMITTED IN COpy DATA SET - STATEMENT IGNORED WARNING - VOLUME LABEL IDENTIFIER MUST BE VOL 1, IT IS xxx Issued by: $HXUTI Issued by: $EDXLINK Explanation: The previous control statement is not permitted in a copy data set. Another name for copy data set is a secondary control statement data set. System Action: The utility issues the message "CONFLICT WITH H EXCHANGE STANDARD" and does one of the following: System Action: Control statement entered is ignored. Also sets a completion code of 4. • User Response: You must edit the secondary control data set and remove the statement not permitted from the secondary control data set. • WARNING - TERMINAL CURRENTLY IN USE CONTINUE VARYOFF PROCESSING? (Y IN) o Explanation: The volume label identifier of the H-exchange diskette does not contain "VOLI". Issued by: $TERMUTI Explanation: Someone is using the terminal you want to vary off. Rejects the diskette, if you have just loaded $HXUT I and specified the volume name, or you issued a CV command (changed to another volume). Continues to prompt for the required volume label field until it is entered. This occurs only when you issue a UV command and update the volume label inconsistent with H -exchange standards. User Response: If the diskette is rejected, re-create the diskette consistent with H-exchange standards, otherwise (with the UV command) specify "VOLI" to the prompt for the volume label identifier. System Action: Awaits operator response. User Response: Answer the prompt N. Wait until the terminal is not in use before attempting to vary it off. c Chapter 2. Messages MC-289 w WARNING - VOLUME SEQUENCE NUMBER MUST BE BLANK OR 01 THRU 99, IT IS xxx WARNING - VOLUME SURFACE INDICATOR MUST BE M, IT IS xxx o Issued by: $HXUTI Issued by: $HXUTI Explanation: The volume sequence number indicator does not contain a blank (no volume sequence checking) or 01 through 99. System Action: The utility issues the message "CONFLICT WITH H EXCHANGE STANDARD". Explanation: The volume surface indicator of the H-exchange diskette does not contain an "M" (indicates two double-density surfaces). System Action: The utility issues the message "CONFLICT WITH H EXCHANGE STANDARD" and does one of the following: • User Response: Enter the UD command (update data set label by name) or the UH command (update the data set label by number) and specify a blank or the volume sequence number (01-99) to the prompt for the multivolume indicator. • Rejects the diskette, if you have just loaded $HXUTI and specified the volume name, or you issued a CV command (changed to another volume). Continues to prompt for the required volume label field until it is entered. This occurs only when you issue a UV command and update the volume label inconsistent with H -exchange standards. User Response: If the diskette is rejected, re-create the diskette consistent with H-exchange standards, otherwise (with the UV command) specify an "M" to the prompt for the volume surface indicator. 0 ... o MC-290 SC34-0636 w o WARNING - UNRESOLVED WEAK EXTERNAL REFERENCES Issued by: $EDXLINK Issued by: $COPY Explanation: One or more weak external references were not resolved. Explanation: The data set you specified does not exist on the disk. System Action: Generates a list of all unresolved weak external references and then continues. This will not affect the completion code. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: If you see any weak external references in the list you wanted to have resolved, include the module necessary to resolve them. Then relink. WARNING - WRITE PROTECT INDICATOR IS NOT BLANK OR P, IT IS xxx Issued by: $HXUTI o WORK DATA SET NOT FOUND ON DISKERROR EXIT Explanation: The write protect indicator of the H -exchange diskette does not contain a blank (allows read/write access) or "P" (read only access). System Action: The utility issues the message "CONFLICT WITH H EXCHANGE STANDARD". User Response: Enter the UD command (update data set label by name) or the UH command (update the data set label by number) and specify a blank or "P" to the prompt for write protect. User Response: Specify the name of a valid disk data set and retry the function. WORKBUFFER OVERFLOW ENCOUNTERED ON LINE #xxx Issued by: $MSGUTI Explanation: You did not enter an end character or continuation character for the message on that line. System Action: Continues processing. User Response: When processing finishes, correct the error and retry. WRITE ERROR ENCOUNTERED ON xxx,yyy RC=zzz Issued by: $XPSLINK from $XPSPRE Explanation: $XPSPRE was unable to write to the specified data set. The result was a return code of zzz. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Check the disk and diskette read/ write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. c Chapter 2. Messages MC-29 1 w WRITE ERROR OCCURRED, RC = xxx WRITE ERROR ON UPDATED PROGRAM HEADER o Issued by: $XPSLINK from $XPSPOST Issued by: $PREFIND Explanation: While attempting to write a record to disk or diskette, an error an error occurred. The result was a return code of xxx. Explanation: A disk write error occurred while prefinding a program header. System Action: $XPSPOST ends unsuccessfully with a completion code of 12. The nucleus is not stored. System Action: Ends the operation. User Response: Check the disk and diskette read/write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. WRITE ERROR ON RECORD NUMBER xxx RC=yyy Issued by: $COPY Explanation: An error occurred while writing the specified record to disk. System Action: Returns to command mode. User Response: Check the disk and diskette read/ write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. User Response: Link and/or update the program, and retry the prefind function. WRITE ERROR - RC = xxx ENCOUNTERED AT APPROXIMATELYyyy FEET OF TAPE Issued by: $TAPEUTI Explanation: An error occurred in writing records at the tape length shown. System Action: Continues processing. User Response: Check the tape read/write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. o WRITE ERROR ON REMOTE SYSTEM Issued by: $TRANS Explanation: An error occurred on the remote system during a write operation. System Action: The remote system displays an error message and a disk write return code. The local system returns to command mode. User Response: Check the disk write return codes to find the cause of the problem and take appropriate action. o MC-292 SC34-0636 w o WRITE OUTPUT DATASET RETURN CODE WRITER LOAD ERROR, RC=xxx = XXX Issued by: Spooling Issued by: $IAMUTI Explanation: Using the RO or UN commands, an error occurred when writing to the output data set. The result was a return code of xxx. Explanation: An attempt was made to load a writer into storage and the load failed. The result was a LOAD return code of xxx. System Action: Does not start the spool writer. System Action: If the command is RO, the function is terminated. If the command is UN, you are prompted for another output data set. User Response: Check the disk and diskette read/ write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. User Response: Check the LOAD return code to find the cause of the problem and take the appropriate action. WRITER STOPPED Issued by: Spooling WRITE OUTPUT DATASET RETURN CODE = xxx. RECORD NUMBER = yyy. Explanation: The specified spool writer has been stopped. Issued by: $IAMUTI o Explanation: An attempt to write to a sequential (output) data set failed. The result was a return code of xxx that occurred at record yyy. System Action: Terminates command. System Action: Any spool jobs targeted to the printer to which the stopped writer was assigned remain unprinted. User Response: Restart the spool writer as needed. User Response: For the LO or RO commands, check the Indexed Access Method return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. (Note 1.) For the UN command, check the disk and diskette read/write return code to find the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action. (Note 2). Notes: 1. It may be necessary to redefine data set (SE,DF) and retry LO command. 2. It may be necessary to reallocate the data set and retry the UN command. C :,i _. Chapter 2. Messages MC-293 x XD= MUST BE YES OR NO Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The parameter specified for the XD= operand of the DCB statement must be either YES or NO. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specifying XD= YES indicates the DCB is a non-standard type. XD=NO indicates a standard DCB and is the default. XLATE= MUST BE YES OR NO X.21 SW CONNECTION FAILED FOR DEVICE ADDRESS xxx RETURN CODE = yvv o Issued by: $SNAMAIN Explanation: The X.21 Circuit Switched Network is unable to complete your call request. Device address xxx is in decimal. System Action: SNA network deactivates and issues the return code yyy. User Response: Check the X.21 Circuit Switched Network return codes for a description of the code returned in this message. Correct the problem and reactivate the SNA network. Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: On a message instruction, the operand XLATE= must be either YES or NO. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. o User Response: After the compile completes, correct the error and rerun. XPSSTK MUST BE BETWEEN 10 AND 128-DEFAULT IS 20 Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: During system generation, you coded a value outside the valid range of 10-128 for the XPSSTK operand of the SYSTEM statement. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Code a value from 10-128 for the XPSSTK operand and recompile the system definition statements. o MC-294 SC34-0636 x o X.21 SW REDIRECTION ACTIVATED FOR DEVICE ADDRESS xxx X.21 SW REGISTRATION/CANCELATION CONFIRMED FOR DEVICE ADDRESS xxx Issued by: $SNAMAIN Issued by: $SNAMAIN Explanation: The X.21 Circuit Switched Network has processed your redirection request. Device address xxx is in decimal. Explanation: The X.21 Circuit Switched Network has processed your registration or cancelation request. Device address xxx is in decimal. System Action: SNA network deactivates. System Action: SNA network deactivates. User Response: To continue processing, you can: User Response: To continue processing, you can: o • Redefine the SNA network, or • Change the X.21 connection record for the SNA network and reactivate the network. X.21 SW REDIRECTION DEACTIVATED FOR DEVICE ADDRESS xxx • Redefine the SNA network, or • Change the X.21 connection record for the SNA network and reactivate the network. X.21 SW TEST FAILED FOR DEVICE ADDRESS xxx RETURN CODE = yyy Issued by: $SNAMAIN Issued by: $SNAMAIN Explanation: The X.21 Circuit Switched Network has processed your redirection deactivation request. Device address xxx is in decimal. Explanation: The 2080 feature card is jumpered incorrectly or is malfunctioning. Device address xxx is in decimal. System Action: SNA network deactivates. User Response: To continue processing, you can: • Redefine the SNA network, or • Change the X.21 connection record for the SNA network and reactivate the network. System Action: SNA network deactivates and issues the return code yyy. User Response: Check the X.21 Circuit Switched Network return codes for a description of the code returned in this message. Correct the problem and reactivate the SNA network. (Refer to the IBM Implementation of X.21 Interface General Information Manual, GA27-3287 for information on how to jumper the 2080 feature card for the X.21 Circuit Switched Network.) c Chapter 2. Messages MC-295 NUMBERS #1 OR #2 USED IN FROM KEY OR TO KEY 4975-02L REQUIRES BITRATE OF 4800 Issued by: $EDXASM Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: Index registers #1 and #2 cannot be used as addresses in a cross partition move. Explanation: The bit rate for the 4975-02L printer must be 4800 bps. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Recode the operation so that an index register is not used as a source or destination address. User Response: Specify BITRATE=4800. If omitted, 4800 bps is the default. o 4975-01L REQUIRES BITRATE OF 2400 Issued by: $EDXASM Explanation: The bit rate for the 4975-01L printer must be 2400 bps. System Action: The error is flagged and compilation continues. User Response: Specify BITRATE=2400. If o omitted, 2400 bps is the default. 0'. '" '" MC-296 SC34-0636 o Part 2. Codes This part presents several types of codes issued by the Event Driven Executive: o Completion Issued by a utility program or $EDXASM upon completion to indicate whether or not execution was successful. Post Issued by the system to signal the occurrence of an event. Unless otherwise stated, post codes are returned in the first word of the event control block (ECB) that is posted when the event occurs. You must specify the ECB to be posted with the ECB statement. Return Issued as the result of executing an Event Driven Language instruction or subroutine to indicate whether an operation was a success or failure. The instruction can be in an application program or in a utility. Most return codes are returned in the first word of the task control block (TCB) of the program or task issuing the instruction. The TCB begins at the taskname (label) you specify on the PROGRAM or TASK statement. Stop Issued on Series/l programmer console to indicate an error condition while the system is running in diagnostic mode, and therefore cannot issue error messages or return codes. The completion and post codes are presented alphabetically, according to the function that issues them. The return codes are arranged in two ways: by the function that issues them, and by number. When you get a return code, you can look it up by its number and also by the issuing function. Many codes are issued by several functions. c Part 2. Codes MC-297 Part 2 consists of the following chapters: • o Chapter 3, "Completion Codes" lists and explains completion codes, which indicate the completion status of a utility or $EDXASM. Chapter 4, "Post Codes" lists and explains post codes, which signal the occurrence of events while a program is executing. • Chapter 5, "Return Codes" lists and explains return codes, which indicate the execution status of an Event Driven Language instruction or subroutine. • Chapter 6, "Stop Codes" lists and explains stop codes, which signal error conditions when the system is running in diagnostic mode and cannot issue messages or return codes. o o MC-298 SC34-0636 o Chapter 3. Completion Codes The completion codes and their meanings are presented in alphabetic order as follows: • C $EDXASM $EDXLINK • $JOBUTIL • $UPDATE • $XPSLINK, $XPSPOST, $XPSPRE. The completion codes are printed by the program on the specified list device upon completion unless otherwise noted. A completion code of zero is returned if the program is cancelled. c Chapter 3. Completion Codes MC-299 Completion Codes $EDXASM Completion Codes $EDXASM completion codes are accompanied by an appropriate error message and appear at the end of the $EDXASM listing. The completion codes can be tested by the job stream processor, allowing steps subsequent to the assembly to be skipped, if appropriate. The completion codes are: Completion Code Condition -1 Successful completion - no errors in assembly. Successful completion - one or more statements had warning type assembly errors that did not effect the generation of the object module data set. Unsuccessful completion - one or more statements had assembly errors that must be corrected. Location counter error - program size exceeds 64K. Out of space in work or object data set. I/O error in source, work, or object data set. Overlay-instruction table full. Unable to locate overlay program or copy code module. Operator cancelled assembly with A TIN CA command. 4 8 12 12 12 12 12 100 o o o Me-300 SC34-0636 Completion Codes o $EDXLINK Completion Codes The completion codes appear at the end of the $EDXLINK listing. Completion Code -1 4 8 12 16 Condition Successful completion. Warning - possible control statement syntax error or one or more unresolved EXTRNs. Program was generated and may work. Error occurred. Although a program was generated, you should resolve the problem and re-link. Severe error occurred and no program was generated. Resolve problem and re-link. Terminal error occurred. $EDXLlNK is unable to complete normal processing. o c Chapter 3. Completion Codes Me-30t Completion Codes $JOBUTIL Completion Codes 0 ', , , The $JOBUTIL completion codes are displayed on the terminal from which $JOBUTIL was loaded. Completion Code Condition -1 61 Successful completion. The transient loader ($LOADER) is not included in the system. No space available for the transient loader. A disk or diskette I/O error occurred during the load process. Not enough main storage available for· the program. Program not found on the specified volume. Disk or diskette I/O error while reading directory. Disk or diskette I/O error while reading program header. Referenced module is not a program. Referenced module is not a data set. Data set not found on referenced volume. Invalid data set name. LOAD instruction did not specify required data set(s). LOAD instruction did not specify required parameter(s). Invalid volume label specified. 64 67 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 o o MC-302 SC34-0636 Completion Codes c $UPDATE Completion Codes The text of the $UPDATE completion codes is written to the device specified to receive the printed output. The completion codes can be tested in a $JOBUTIL job stream. Completion Code -1 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 12 Condition Successful completion. No supervisor space in this library. Output name specified is not a program. Disk volume already in use by another program. No space in directory. No space in data set (output library). Invalid header format. Invalid program name. Volume not mounted. Volume off line. Library not found. Input data set not found. No parameter supplied via $JOBUTIL. No data set names provided via $JOBUTIL. Replacement of output data set not allowed. Any disk or diskette I/O errors. c Chapter 3. Completion Codes MC-303 Completion Codes $XPSLINK, $XPSPOST, $XPSPRE Completion Codes The cross-partition services utilities ($XPSLINK, $XPSPOST, and $XPSPRE) issue completion codes to the terminal where the utility was invoked. Completion Code Condition -1 1 Successful completion. Minor error; statement ignored, processing continues. Major error; $XPSPRE ends; $XPSLlNK loads $XPSPOST to delete any temporary data seta allocated by $XPSPRE. Severe error; utility ends. 8 12 o a c MC-304 SC34-0636 c Chapter 4. Post Codes The post codes and their meanings are presented as follows: BIND event (SNA) o Channel Attach • Tape • WAITM instruction. The Event Driven Language and function post codes are issued to signal the occurrence of an event. Unless otherwise stated, the post codes are returned to the first word of the event control block (ECB) of the calling program. c Chapter 4. Post Codes MC-305 Post Codes BIN D Event Post Codes The SNA BIND event post codes are returned to the area specified by the ERRCODE parameter of the NETINIT instruction. Post Code Condition 2 1 -9 -10 -11 UNBIND HOLD received. UNBIND received. Session terminated. Non-sequenced procedure error received. Minus response to INITSELF or TERMSELF received. c o o MC-306 SC34-0636 Post Codes c Channel Attach Post Codes The channel attach post codes are returned to the event control block (ECB) of the calling program for start and stop or to the CAIOCB for open, close, read, and write. Post Code 501 502 503 504 o 505 506 507 508-516 520 Condition EXIO Error - device not attached. The EXIO did not find a channel attach device at the specified address. If the address is correct, this indicates a hardware error. EXIO Error - busy. This is returned by EXIO when the channel attach device reports a busy condition. This occurs most frequently during multiple port applications. If the device is legitimately busy with another port, you can reissue the I/O. Otherwise this indicates a hardware error. Verify that the channel attach device has a shared unit control word (UCW) on the System/370 channel. An incorrect UCW specification can cause this error. EXIO Error - busy after reset. This indicates that a Series/1 reset was detected while the Series/1 and System/370 were connected (had matching commands in the channel attach device). This state is exited when the status is accepted by the System/370, a a System/370 reset occurs, or a power-on reset in the Series/1 occurs. EXIO Error - command reject. This occurs when the channel attach device is unable to accept a command from the Series / 1, or when there is a hardware error or the attachment has received a different command from the System/370. If there is no hardware problem, try reissuing the I/O after the conflicting System/370 command has been processed by the channel attach program. EXIO Error - intervention required. This means the channel attach device is not powered on and / or enabled. EXIO Error - interface data check. This error should not be returned unless there is a hardware error. EXIO Error - controller busy. This is not a valid condition code for the channel attach device. If returned, a hardware error is assumed. These EXIO errors should not occur unless there is a problem with the channel attach software support Interrupt error condition. An attention or exception interrupt was received when a device end or device end/attention interrupt was exprected. Examine the trace area to determine the cause of the incorrect interrupt. o Chapter 4. Post Codes MC-307 Post Codes Channei Attach Post Codes (continued) Post Code 521 522 523 524 525 567 572 599 Condition Negative acknowledgement. This occurs when the System/370 issues a write command as an acknowledgement of the previous Series/1 read, and bit 6 of the first byte of data is off. Response is determined by the retry logic in your application program. Buffer overlay. The System/370 issued two or more write commands to a buffer before the Series/1 issued a read command to read the data. Your application program should be written so that read and write commands are acknowledged and remain in synchronization to prevent this from occurring. Protocol error. A Series/1 program and a System/370 program are both attempting to read or write, or the System/370 issued an EAU when the Series/1 user has issued a write. Check your application programs to determine the cause of the protocol error. Timeout. The Series/1 channel attach support did not respond fast enough (within 480 milliseconds) to a System/370 I/O request. Wrong device type. The device at the user-specified address is not a channel attach device. System error - CAPGM terminating. The CAPGM task error exit module is called due to detection of an error in the channel attach code. Channel attach support is unloaded as part of the error cleanup. Terminal busy error. Returned when a message (such as a system error) needs to be sent to a terminal, but that terminal is owned by another task. CAPGM ended. Returned to a CASTOP instruction or STOP utility command if the channel attach support program is being unloaded. This occurs if no other channel attach devices are active. o o o Me-308 SC34-0636 Post Codes o Tape Post Codes The tape post codes are returned to the event control block (ECB) of the calling program. Post Code Condition -1 101 102 103 104 Function successful. TAPEID not found. Device not offline. Unexpired data set on tape. Cannot initialize BLP tapes. o 0 ·",' I ·,'r Chapter 4. Post Codes MC-309 Post Codes WAITM Instruction Post Codes The WAITM instruction post codes are returned in the first word of the MECB for the instruction. Post Code X'FFFF X'BADO' X'BAD1' X'BAD2' X'BAD3' o Condition Successful completion. WAITM instruction not supported (SWAITM module not in system). Too many WAITM operations active in system (maximum is 20). Cannot reset MECB because another program is using it. Invalid number of events specified. o o MC-310 SC34-0636 o Chapter 5. Return Codes The return codes and their meanings are presented in two ways: by the function that issues them, and by number. The functional list is in alphabetical order, as follows: 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Binary Synchronous Communications Channel Attach Data Formatting Disk and Diskette Read/Write $DISKUT3 EXIO Floating-point Formatted Screen Image: $IMDATA subroutine - $IMOPEN subroutine - $IMPROT subroutine General Purpose Interface Bus (GPIB) Indexed Access Method Job Queue Processor LOAD Message Handler Multiple Terminal Manager $PDS $RAMSEC SBIO (Sensor-Based I/O) Series/ I-to-Series/ 1 Attachment SDLC Communications Spool Systems Network Architecture (SNA) Systems Network Architecture extended error codes c Chapter 5. Return Codes MC-311 Return Codes • • • • Terminal I/O: General ACCA Interprocessor Communications Virtual Terminal 4975 Printer TP (Host Communication Facility) Unmapped Storage X.21 Circuit Switched Network. o The return codes are issued by EDL instructions in application programs, and by utility programs that invoke EDL instructions. In most cases, they are returned in the first word of the task control block of the calling application program, or in messages issued by utilities to terminals and other output devices. o o MC-312 SC34-0636 Return Codes (by Function) o Binary Synchronous Communications (BSC) Return Codes The BSC return codes are placed in the first word of the task control block of the program issuing the BSC instruction. The following utilities also issue BSC return codes to the terminal or the printer in use: $BSCTRCE, $BSCUTl, $BSCUT2, $RMU, $RJE2780, and $RJE3780. Return Code -32 -31 -30 -29 -27 -25 -24 -23 -22 -21 -20 0 -19 -18 -16 -15 -14 -13 -12 -11 -10 -9 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 Condition Notes System is unable to find X.21 support. Re-IPL the system. Not enough storage available to handle the number of X.21 requests. Use the $DISKUT2 S5 command to allocate more storage for $X21. You can issue three simultaneous requests for every 256 bytes of storage allocated. Your supervisor does not contain X.21 support. System does not have enough storage available to load the X.21 support or the connection record data set, $$X21 DS, is not on the IPL volume. Unrecoverable hardware error. If $LOG is active, check the error log record for the X.21 device for more details. Connection failed Time expired for the completion of a call request. Call request failed. You cancelled a call request with a $C command. Call request failed due to Public Data Network problems. Call progress signals invalid. Call request failed due to Public Data Network problems. Call progress signals incomplete Call request failed and network would not allow request to be retried. If $LOG is active, check the error log record for the X.21 device for more details. Number of retries exhausted for the call request. If $LOG is active, check the error log record for the X.21 device for more details. Hardware error for the 2080 feature card. I/O request could not be completed. The Network information field of the X.21 connection record has no plus sign or just a plus sign. The value in the Retry or Delay field of the X.21 connection record exceeds the maximum value allowed. The Retry or Delay field of the X.21 connection record contains a negative value. A comma must separate the Retry, Delay, and Network information fields of an X.21 connection record. The Retry or Delay field of the X.21 connection record contains an invalid character. System does not have enough storage to execute a call request. Not enough storage in partition 1 for X.21 to execute a request. An EDL instruction failed. If $LOG is active, check the error log record for the X.21 device to find the failing instruction. Text received in conversational mode. Successful completion. EOT received. DLE EOT received. Reverse interrupt received. Forward abort received. 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 o Chapter 5. Return Codes MC-313 Return Codes (by Function) Binary Synchronous Communications (BSC) Return Codes (continued) Return Code S 6 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 32 33 34 35 99 Condition Notes Remote station not ready (NAK received). Remote station busy (WACK received). Time-out occurred. Unrecovered transmission error (BSC error). I nvalid sequence received. Invalid multipoint tributary write attempt. Disregard this block sequence received. Remote station busy (WACK received). Your supervisor does not contain X.21 support. The connection type you defined on the BSCLINE statement is not valid for the X.21 Circuit Switched Network. The 2080 feature card is incorrectly jumpered for use with the X.21 Circuit Switched Network. The X.21 network has been deactivated (DCE CLEAR). Wrong length record - long (No COD). Wrong length record - short (write only). Invalid buffer address. Buffer length zero. Undefined line address. Line not opened by calling task. Registration or cancellation request processed. Redirection activated. Redirection deactivated. Modem interface error. Hardware overrun. Hardware error. Unexpected ring interrupt. Invalid interrupt during auto-answer attempt. Enable or disable DTR error. Access method error. 4 4 1 1 3 2 1 1 7 7 o 7 7 6 2 2 2 2 2 7 7 7 2 2 5 2 2 2 2 0 Notes: 1. Retried up to the limit specified in the RETRIES= operand of the BSCLINE statement. 2. Not retried. 3. Retried during write operation only when a wrong ACK is received following an ENQ request after timeout (indicating that no text had been received at the remote station). 4. Returned only during an initial sequence with no retry attempted. 5. Retried only after an unsuccessful start 110 attempt. 6. Retried only during read operations. 7. Returned only if your system contains support for the X.21 Circuit Switched Network. o MC-314 SC34-0636 Return Codes (by Function) o Channel Attach Return Codes The Channel Attach return codes are placed in the first word of the task control block of the program issuing the CA instruction. The $CHANUTl utility also issues the codes to the terminal where it was invoked. Return Code 0 Condition 551 Device not started. An attempt was made to open or do I/O to a device that is not started. Start the device with the CASTART instruction or with the utilities before attempting to use it. 552 Stop in progress. An attempt was made to issue a command to a device that is in the process of being stopped. Restart the device before using it. 553 Device in use. A stop command was issued to a device that still has one or more open ports. You must close all ports before stopping the device. 554 Device not found. A start command was issued for a device that does not have a channel attach control block (CACB). 556 Port out of range. A request was made to open a port that is greater than the highest port specified in the channel attach control block (CACB) for the associated device, or a request was made to open a negative port. 557 Port already open. A request was made to open a port that is already open. 558 Read buffer not provided. An address of 0 was specified as the buffer address for the next read operation 559 Read buffer count = O. A size of zero was specified as the size of the buffer for the next read operation. 560 Buffer not provided. A READ request when an address to THISBUF buffer control block was not provided. 562 Write buffer not provided. A zero was specified as the buffer address for the current write operation. 563 \l\Jrite buffer count = 0. A zero was specified as the size of the buffer for the current write operation. c Chapter 5. Return Codes MC-31S Return Codes (by Function) Channel Attach Return Codes (continued) 0··," '. Return Code 564 Condition User's CAIOCB not linked to port. The address of the CAIOCB for a read or write operation is inconsistent with the CAIOCB address given when the port was opened. 565 Trace already on. An attempt was made to turn on trace when it is already on. 566 Trace already off. An attempt was made to turn off trace when it is already off. 567 System error - CAPGM terminatng. The CAPGM task error exit module was called because of an error detected in the channel attach code. Channel attach support is unloaded as part of the error cleanup. 568 Port not opened. An attempt was made to perform I/O to a port that is not open. Use the CAOPEN instruction to open a port before attempting to use that port. 569 Device already started. An attempt was made to start a device that is already started. 570 Device in diagnostic mode. An attempt was made to: (1) stop a channel attach device while diagnostics (OlT5) were being run, or (2) to open port 0 while diagnostics were running. 571 CAPGM load error. The channel attach program cannot be loaded properly. 573 Open in progress. An attempt was made to stop a channel attach device while an open request was being processed. 574 Partition number in error. The partition number provided in the buffer control block was not between 1 and 8. o o MC-316 SC34-0636 Return Codes (by Function) o Data Fonnatting Return Codes The data formatting return codes are placed in the first word of the task control block of the program issuing the instruction. These return codes are issued by the CONVTB, CONVTD, GETEDIT, and PUTEDIT instructions. Return Code -1 1 2 3 Condition Successful completion. No data in field. Field omitted. Conversion error. o o Chapter 5. Return Codes MC-317 Return Codes (by Function) Disk and Diskette Read/Write Return Codes Disk and diskette return codes issued by read and write instructions are returned in two places: The Event Control Block (ECB) named DSn, where n is the number of the data set being referenced. • The task code word referred to by 'taskname'. Several utilities also issue disk and diskette read/write return codes. They issue them in messages that appear on the terminal where the utility was invoked, or on the printer in use. To obtain further information on a disk or diskette error, print all or part of the contents of the Disk Data Blocks (DDBs) located in the Supervisor. The starting address of the DDBs can be obtained from the linkage editor map of the supervisor. The contents of the DDBs are described in the Internal Design. The cycle steal status word and the interrupt status word save areas are of particular value, along with the contents of the word that contains the address of the next DDB in storage. Note: If an error is encountered during a sequential I/O operation, the relative record number for the next sequential request is not updated. Because the relative record number is not updated, all subsequent I/Os will be in error. o o Me-3I8 SC34-0636 Return Codes (by Function) c Disk and Diskette Read/Write Return Codes (continued) Return Code -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 o 14 15 16 17 18 24 30 Condition Successful completion. I/O error and no device status present (this code may be caused by the I/O area starting at an odd byte address). I/O error trying to read device status. I/O error retry count exhausted. Read device status I/O instruction error. Unrecoverable I/O error. Error on issuing I/O instruction. A no record found condition occurred, a seek for an alternate sector was performed, and another no record found occurred, for example, no alternate is assigned. A system error occurred while processing an I/O request for a 1024-byte sector diskette. Device was offline when I/O was requested. Record number out of range of data set--may be an end-of-file (data set) condition. Data set not open or device marked unusable when I/O was requested. DSCB was not OPEN; DDB address = O. If extended deleted record support was requested ($DCSBFLG bit 3 on), the referenced sector was not formatted at 128 bytes / sector or the request was for more than one 256-byte sector. If extended deleted record support was not requested ($DSCBFLG bit 3 off), a deleted sector was encountered during I/O. The first sector of the requested record was deleted. The second sector of the requested record was deleted. The first and second sectors of the requested record were deleted. Cache fetch error. Contact your IBM customer engineer. Bad cache error. Contact your IBM customer engineer. End of tape. Device not a tape. Note: The actual number of records transferred is in the second word of the TCB. c Chapter 5. Return Codes MC-319 Return Codes (by Function) $DISKUT3 Return Codes The $DISKUT3 program places a return code in the first word of a data set control block specified in a DSCB statement. Return Code -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 Condition Successful completion. Invalid request code parameter (not 1-6). Volume does not exist (All functions). Volume not specified ($JOBUTIL - ALLOCATE). Insufficient space in library (ALLOCATE). Insufficient space in directory (ALLOCATE). Data set already exists - smaller than the requested allocation. Insufficient contiguous space (ALLOCATE). Disallowed data set name, ego $$EDXVOL or $$EDXLlB (all functions except OPEN). Data set not found. (OPEN, RELEASE, RENAME). New name pointer is zero (RENAME). Disk is busy. (ALLOCATE, DELETE, RELEASE, RENAME). I/O error writing to disk. (ALLOCATE, DELETE, RELEASE, RENAME). I/O error reading from disk (All functions). Data set name is all blanks (ALLOCATE, RENAME). Invalid size specification (ALLOCATE). Invalid size specification (RELEASE). Mismatched data set type (DELETE, OPEN, RELEASE, RENAME). Data set already exists - larger than the requested allocation. SETEOD only valid for data set of 'data' type. Load of $DISKUT3 failed ($RMU only). Tape data sets are not supported. Volume not initialized or Basic Exchange Diskette has been opened. o o o MC-320 SC34-0636 Return Codes (by Function) c EXIO Return Codes The following codes are issued by the EXIO and EXOPEN instructions, and are returned in word 0 of the TCB. Word 1 of the TCB contains the supervisor instruction address. Return Code -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 o Condition Command accepted. Device not attached. Busy. Busy after reset. Command reject. Intervention required. Interface data check. Controller busy. Channel command not allowed. No DDB found. Too many DCBs chained. No address specified for residual status. EXIODEV specified zero bytes for residual status. Broken DCB chain (program error). Device already opened. Device not opened or already closed. Attempt to read or write to dynamic partition rejected. Use a static partition. The following codes are issued when an EXIO instruction was completed successfully, but the hardware performing the operation encountered an error. The hardware interrupt condition codes are returned in bits 4 - 7 of the ECB (word 0). If bit 0 is on, then bits 8 - 15 equal the device address. Return Code o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Condition Controller end. Program Controlled Interrupt (PCI). Exception. Device end. Attention. Attention and PCI. Attention and exception. Attention and device end. Not used. Not used. SE on and too many DCBs chained. SE on and no address specified for residual status. SE on and EXIODEV specified no bytes for residual status. Broken DCB chain. ECB to be posted not reset. Error in Start Cycle Steal Status (after exception). c Chapter 5. Return Codes MC-321 Return Codes (by Function) Floating-Point Return Codes The floating-point return codes are issued by the FADD, FDIVD, FMULT, and FSUB instructions and are placed in the first word of the task control block of the program issuing the instruction. Return Code -1 1 3 5 Condition Successful completion. Floating point overflow. Floating point divide check (divide by '0'). Floating point underflow. o o MC-322 SC34-0636 Return Codes (by Function) o Fonnatted Screen Image Return Codes These return codes are issued by the $IMDATA, $IMOPEN, and $IMPROT subroutines. They are returned in the second word of the task control block (TCB) of the calling program. $1 M DATA - Screen Image Unprotected Fields Return Code -1 9 12 $IMOPEN - o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 $IMPROT - Successful completion. Invalid format in buffer. Invalid terminal type. Formatted Screen Image Return Code -1 o Condition Condition Successful completion. Undefined error encountered. Disk I/O error. Invalid data set name. Data set not found. Incorrect header or data set length. Input buffer too small. Invalid volume name. No 3101 image available. Data set name longer than eight-bytes. Screen Image Protected Fields Return Code -1 9 10 11 12 Condition Successful completion. Invalid format in buffer. FTAB truncated due to insufficient buffer size. Error in building FTAB from 3101 format; partial FTAB created. Invalid terminal type. c Chapter 5. Return Codes MC-323 Return Codes (by Function) General Purpose Interface Bus (GPIB) Return Codes The GPIB return codes are issued by the TERMCTRL GPIB instructions and placed in the first word of the task control block of the program containing the instructions. To perform error recovery, retrieve the cycle steal block with the TERMCTRL GPIB,STAT operation and analyze the results. o The $GPIBUTI utility also issues the return codes on the terminal where it was loaded. Return Code -1 1 2 3 4 6 256 + 158 512 + 158 1024 Condition Successful completion. Device not attached. busy condition. busy after reset. command reject. Interface data check. Read exception. Write exception. Attention received during an operation (may be combined with an exception condition). Note: "ISB" is the Interrupt Status Byte. o o MC-324 SC34-0636 Return Codes (by Function) ,~ O Indexed Access Method Return Codes ... The following return codes are issued by Indexed Access Method support and by the $IAMUTI and $VERIFY utilities. For $IAM support, the codes are placed in the first word of the task control block (TCB) of the program issuing the instruction. For $IAMUTI and $VERIFY, the codes are issued to the terminal where the utility was invoked. Return Code -90 -85 -80 -79 -75 -58 -57 -1 01 07 08 o 10 12 13 14 17 22 23 31 32 34 36 37 38 39 Condition Request cancelled because the request was conditional and a wait on a lock or buffer would be required. Record to be deleted not found. End of data. Warning - File was opened and not closed during the last session. normal processing continues. Warning - File has either not been formatted or the invalid indicator is on in the directory for that file. Record not found. Data set has been loaded. Successful completion. Invalid function specified on CALL to $IAM Link module in use. synchronize use of link module with the program. Load error for $IAM. verify $IAM exists and enough storage is available to load it. Invalid request. Data set shut down due to error; see version 2 guide. error recovery. A required module is not included in $IAM. Invalid index block found - during processing an incorrect index block type was found. recreate the file. lAM is inactive - not enough storage available Use $IAMUT1 BF command to readjust storage size. Address supplied by your program is not a valid IACB. Insufficient number of IACBs. use BF command of $IAM UT1 to allocate more. FeB WRITE error during IDEF processing; check system return code. Blocksize not multiple of 256. Data set is too small. invalid block size during file definition process. Invalid record size. Invalid index size. Record size greater than block size. 0·'·, .. Chapter 5. Return Codes MC-325 Return Codes (by Function) Indexed Access Method Return Codes (continued) Return Code 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 54 55 56 60 61 62 65 70 76 77 78 80 85 90 o Condition Invalid number of free records. Invalid number of clusters. Invalid key size. Invalid reserve index value. Invalid reserve block value. Invalid free pool value. Invalid delete threshold value. Invalid free block value. Invalid number of bas~ records. Invalid key position. Data set is opened for exclusive use, cannot be opened exclusively. Data set already opened in load mode. Data set is opened, cannot be opened exclusively. $IAM buffer too small to process a file with this block size. Use the BF command of $IAMUT1 to increase the buffer size. Get storage error - FeB. READ error - FeB, refer to system return code. Out of sequence or duplicate key. End of file. Duplicate key found in process mode. Inconsistent free space parameters. RSVIX/RSVBLK or FPOOL/DYN were specified without one or the other. No space for insert. Reorganize the file. DSOPEN error occurred - The system error field in the OPEN table contains the DSOPEN errors: 21 - DSNAME,VOLUME not found 22 - VOLSERV error 23 - I/O error Record save area not large enough - use $IAMUT1 BF command to set maximum record size for secondary file processing. Attempted to open a secondary file for LOAD, file is not opened independently. FeB WRITE error during DELETE processing - see system return code. Key field modified by user. Internal key save area temporarily in use by another request. o 0 "1',' ..u.--'" MC-326 SC34-0636 Return Codes (by Function) o Indexed Access Method Return Codes (continued) Return Code 100 101 110 120 122 123 150 200 201 210 230 231 232 233 234 235 239 242 243 244 245 246 o 247 248 249 Condition READ error - check system return code. WRITE error - check system return code. WRITE error - data set closed. Invalid EXTRACT type. File does not contain FCB extension. Cannot extract paging statistics. Data paging is not active. Not enough storage available for data paging. Error occurred while accessing the primary file. Request failed because the primary file for this secondary could not be opened; check system return code. Request failed because $DISKUT3 could not be loaded. Directory read error from $IAMDIR. $IAMQCB not found; check sysgen for include of $IAMQCB. Directory open error for $IAMDIR; verify that directory exists. Directory related primary request is a primary entry. Directory error - DSNAME,VOL not found in $IAMDIR. Directory resource has not been requested. Directory write error; refer to previously displayed message. Secondary index is out of sync with primary file. Must rebuild file to get back in sync. Primary file failed to open on secondary open request. Primary I/O error. Error in opening an auto-update modification request. Auto-update processing an INSERT to a secondary failed, auto-update processing continues. During auto-update processing a GETSEQ to a secondary failed, auto-update processing continues. I/O error on primary file during a secondary request. GET UPDATE error occurred trying to update a bad RBN. Note: For return codes 243 through 249, multiple errors may have occurred. Use $ILOG to display the errors. o Chapter 5. Return Codes MC-327 Return Codes (by Function) Job Queue Processor Return Codes The job queue processor issues these codes in messages that appear on the terminal where the $JOBQUT or $SUBMIT utility was loaded. o The $SUBMITP program also issues return codes in the first word of the task control block of the EVENT = operand you specify in the LOAD instruction. Return Code -1 1 2 3 4 Condition Job successfully submitted. Job queue is full (job not submitted). Invalid data found in job queue data set. Disk I/O error while updating job queue data set. Unable to load job queue processor. o o MC-328 SC34-0636 Return Codes (by Function) o LOAD Return Codes The LOAD instruction return codes are placed in the first word of the task control block of the program issuing the instruction. Several utilities also issue LOAD return codes on the terminal where the utility was invoked. Note: If you load a program containing an SBIO operation and a sensor I/O error occurs, you will receive an SBIO return code, not a load return code. Return Code -1 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 c 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 Condition Successful completion. The transient loader ($LOADER) is not included in the system. In an overlay request, no overlay area exists. In an overlay request, the overlay area is in use. No space available for the transient loader. In an overlay load operation, the number of data sets passed by the LOAD instruction does not equal the number required by the overlay program. In an overlay load operation, no parameters were passed to the loaded program. A disk(ette) I/O error occurred during the load process. Reserved. Reserved. Not enough main storage available for the program. Program not found on the specified volume. Disk or diskette I/O error while reading directory. Disk or diskette I/O error while reading program header. Referenced module is not a program. Referenced module is not a data set. One of the data sets not found on referenced volume. Invalid data set name. LOAD instruction did not specify required data set(s). LOAD instruction did not specify required parameters(s). Invalid volume label specified (two or more programs referenced the same volume). Cross partition LOAD requested, support not included at system generation. Requested partition number greater than number of partitions in the system. Load instruction attempted to access a 1024 bytes/sector diskette without $101024 pre-loaded in storage. o Chapter 5. Return Codes MC-329 Return Codes (by Function) Message Handler Return Codes The following return codes are issued by the GETVALUE, READTEXT, QUESTION, and MESSAGE instructions, and are placed in the first word of the task control block of the program containing the instruction. The label of the TCB is the label of the program or task (taskname) . o For GETVALUE, READTEXT, and QUESTION, the system issues the codes when you retrieve a prompt message from a disk data set or from processor storage. Return Code 300 - 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 Condition Disk message read error (subtract 300 to get the disk read/write return code). Message number out of range. Parameter not found. No parameters in the instruction. Invalid parameter position. Invalid parameter type. Invalid disk message data set. Disk message read error. Storage resident module not found. Parameter output error. o o MC-330 SC34-0636 Return Codes (by Function) o Multiple Tenninal Manager Return Codes The following is a summary of the return codes that are returned in a variable you specify when the following functions are called: • • • • SETPAN FILEIO FTAB SETFMT CSEND CRECVE CHALT PSEUDO. Return Code -501 -500 -5 -4 o -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 Condition Screen data set not found. Terminal is not an IBM 4978/4979 or 3101; no action has been taken. Destination station is not active. Invalid message length. Either message length is less than 1, or it is greater than the buffer length minus 10. Note that the default length of the Multiple Terminal Manager input buffer is 2048. If the buffer length is insufficient, the message is truncated. For PSEUDO, invalid device name. Invalid buffer length (buffer length less than 11 for buffer other than the Input Buffer). FTAB code not link-edited with application. For CRECVE/CSEND, communication disabled. Either Communications Facility is not running, the receiving station cannot be started, or the terminal is not associated with the station. For PSEUDO, the terminal is busy. Successful completion. Warning: for SETPAN, this is an uninitialized panel. Input buffer has been set to unprotected blanks (x'QQ') and cursor position set to zero. For FTAB, no fields were found. For CRECVE, warning, no message is available. WAIT=O and message queue is empty. For SETPAN, unprotected data is truncated. For FTAB, the FTAB table is truncated. For SETFMT, data stream is truncated. For CSEND, the destination station does not exist. For SETFMT, no data stream found. For CRECVE, message truncated because larger than buffer size plus 10. Message length reflects size of message actually stored in buffer. For CSEND, no space in Communications Facility message pool. c Chapter 5. Return Codes MC-331 Return Codes (by Function) Multiple Tenninal Manager Return Codes (continued) Return Code 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 Other o Condition For CRECVE, receiver's output on hold. For CSEND, sender's input on hold. For CSEND, no space in destination disk queue. For CSEND, message longer than disk queue data set Disk queue I/O error. For CRECVE, receiver's station is stoped, disk queued message not received. Restart the station. For CSEND, CRECVE, and CHALT, the parameter length is invalid (less than 10 or greater than 32676). Issued only if general bridge request as indicated by non-zero communication code parameter. Communication code error. General bridge. For FILEIO, data set not found. For Communications Facility, no operator requesting that the Communications Facility station be shut down. Volume not found. No file table entries are available; all have updates outstanding. I/O error reading volume directory. I/O error writing volume directory. Invalid function request. Invalid key operator. SEOD record number greater than data set length. Return code from READ/WRITE or Indexed Access Method (FILEIO); disk I/O return code reading program table (PSEUDO). o o MC-332 SC34-0636 Return Codes (by Function) o $PDS Return Codes The $PDS program returns the status of an event in the event control block (ECB) specified by the EVENT = parameter on the LOAD instruction. Return Code -1 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 Condition Successful operation. Member not found. Member already allocated. No space. Directory is full. Member was not used. Record not in member. Member control block invalid. Space not released. Not a data member. o c Chapter 5. Return Codes MC-333 Return Codes (by Function) $RAMSEC Return Codes The application program returns the status of an event in the event control block (ECB) by the EVENT= parameter on the LOAD instruction. Return , Code -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 o Condition Successful operation. Image store load failed. Control store load failed. Image store and control store load failed. PARM3 (two words) was not coded as -1. PARM3 was not coded as -1 and image store load failed. PARM3 was not coded as -1 and control store load failed. PARM3 was not coded as -1 and control store and image store load failed. You did not enqueue 4980. System not able to ENQT 4980 before loading $RAMSEC. o 0 ," __ • ..l. MC-334 SC34-0636 Return Codes (by Function) o SBIO (Sensor-Based I/O) Return Codes The sensor-based 110 return codes are returned in the first word of the task control block of the program issuing the SBIO instruction. Return Code -1 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 100 101 102 104 Condition Successful completion. Device not attached. Device busy or in exclusive use. Busy after reset. Command reject. Invalid request. I nteriace data check. Controller busy. Analog Input over voltage. Analog Input invalid range. Analog Input invalid channel. Invalid count field. Buffer previously full or empty. Delayed command reject. o c Chapter 5. Return Codes MC-335 Return Codes (by Function) SOLC Communications Return Codes The SDLCreturn codes are returned in the first word of the task control block of the program issuing the instruction. Return Code -351 -354 -358 -359 -360 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 o Condition I/O reset failed. Enable / disable failed. Invalid connection type for SDLC device. Device not jumpered correctly for connection type. You specified an X.21 switched operation, but your system does not contain support for the X.21 Circuit Switched Network. Retry of enable/disable count exceeded. Time-out on switched line; hang up. Receive data set error; retry count exceeded. Send error retry count limit exceeded. Invalid cc. Disaster ISB; like DCB spec check. 010 retry failed. Single frame retransmit limit exceeded. X.21 connection attempt failed or DCE CLEAR received from the network. SNA/SDLC detected an error in your hardware configuration. o o MC-336 SC34-0636 Return Codes (by Function) c Series/1-to-Series/1 Attachment Return Codes The Series/ I-to-Series/ 1 attachment return codes are placed in the first word of the task control block of the program issuing TERMCTRL, PRINTEXT and READTEXT instructions. The $SlSlUTl utility also issues the return codes to the terminal where the utility was loaded. Return Code -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 138, 154 1002 1004 1006 1008 1010 1012 0 1014 1016 1050 1052 1054 Condition Successful. Device not attached. System error (busy condition). System error (busy after reset). System (command reject). Device not ready (not reported for S/1 - S/1). Interface data check. Overrun recieved (not reported for S /1 - S /1 ). An error has occurred that can only be determined by displaying the device cycle steal status word with the TERMCTRL STATUS function and checking the bits to determine the cause of the error. Other system not active. Checksum error detected. Invalid operation code or sequence. Timeout on data transfer. TERMCTRL ABORT issued by responding processor. Device reset (TERMCTRL RESET) issued by the other processor. Microcode load to attachement failed during IPL. Invalid or unsolicited interrupt occurred. TERMCTRL ABORT issued and no operation pending. TERMCTRL IPL attempted by slave processor. Invalid data length. o Chapter 5. Return Codes MC-337 Return Codes (by Function) Sort/Merge Return Codes o The Sort/Merge return codes indicate successful completion, the issuing of a diagnostic message, or the failure of a system-macro instruction. The codes are returned in the event specified in the EVENT = operand of the LOAD instruction that invoked Sort/Merge. Return Code -1 -2 -3 2 3 4 Condition Successful completion. Warning messages generated during the specification phase; warning message option header statement specified "process". Warning messages generated during the execution phase; processing continued. Warning message generated during the specification phase; warning message option in header statement specified "terminate". Severe or terminal error occurred during specification phase. Terminal error condition during the execution phase; job terminated. Non-zero return code issued after executing a system-macro instruction; job terminated. o o MC-338 SC34-0636 Return Codes (by Function) c Spool Return Codes The spool return codes are issued by $SPOOL. The return codes are sent to the terminal from which you loaded $SPOOL. If a program loads $SPOOL, the return codes are sent to the terminal from which you loaded the program. Return Code 4 5 7 8 9 Condition An invalid storage parameter was specified on the $L $SPOOL command. Adequate storage for spool control blocks is not available in partition 1. Spooling is already active; only one spool session can run at a time. No valid spool devices specified for the spool session; Spool devices must be printers defined with TERMINAL statement at system generation. Spooling support is not included in the supervisor. The spool data set cannot be restarted. You can: - Start spooling again from the beginning and rerun the spool job. - Restart spooling with another spool data set. c o Chapter 5. Return Codes MC-339 Return Codes (by Function) System Return Codes The system return codes are issued to indicate 110 errors during Indexed Access Method operations. The codes are returned in the FCB. Return Code -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 o Condition Successful completion. I/O error and no device status present (this code may be caused by the I/O area starting at an odd byte address). I/O error trying to read device status. I/O error retry count exhausted. Read device status I/O instruction error. Unrecoverable I/O error. Error on issuing I/O instruction. A 'no record found' condition occurred, a seek for an alternate sector was performed, and another 'no record found' occurred, for example, no alternate is assigned. A system error occurred while processing an I/O request for a 1024-byte sector diskette. Device was 'offline' when I/O was requested. Record number out of range of data set--may be an end-of-file (data set) condition. Data set not open or device marked unusable when I/O was requested. DSCB was not OPEN; DDB address = O. If extended deleted record support was requested ($DCSBFLG bit 3 on), the referenced sector was not formatted at 128 bytes / sector or the request was for more than one 256-byte sector. If extended deleted record support was not requested ($DSCBFLG bit 3 off), a deleted sector was encountered during I/O. The first sector of the requested record was deleted. The second sector of the requested record was deleted. The first and second sectors of the r~quested record were deleted. ' o o MC-340 SC34-0636 Return Codes (by Function) c Systems Network Architecture Return Codes The return codes for the following Event Driven Executive Systems Network Architecture instructions are listed: NETCTL NETGET NETINIT NETPUT NETTERM. The return codes are returned in the first word of the task control block of the program issuing the instruction. NETCTL Return Codes The positive return codes from NETCTL TYPE=RECV have bit-significant values to allow for efficient analysis in the Series/I SNA application. The bit positions have the following meanings: .... .... .... ... 1 .... .... .... .. 1. o End of transaction received . Right-to-send received . The following values are returned in combination with the above bit-significant information: X'OOIO' X'0020' X'0030' X'OOSO' X'0060' X'0070' Status message received. Message being received from host canceled. Session termination request received. Request for right-to-send received. Host permission to resume sending received. Message sent to host rejected. The valid combinations of the values and bit positions are listed in the following decimal return codes. O '·'·"! .!." Chapter 5. Return Codes MC-341 Return Codes (by Function) Systems Network Architecture Return Codes (continued) Return Code -1 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -25 -26 1 2 16 17 18 32 33 34 48 80 96 112 Condition Operation successful. LU is busy with another operation. Session does not exist. Instruction must be issued under program linked to $NETCMD. Invalid LU number. Invalid request. SNA system error. NETTERM in progress. Session abnormally terminated by host. Status available. Session quiesced. $SNA never loaded. UNBIND HOLD received. More than two tasks running under this LU. Limit is two tasks. Session reset. CLEAR and SOT commands received. Not right-to-send. No status available. END BRACKET received. CHANGE DIRECTION received. LUSTAT received. LUSTATwith EB received. LUSTAT with CD received. CANCEL received. CANCEL with EB received. CANCEL with CD received. SHUTDOWN received. SIGNAL received. RELQ received. Negative response received. o o o MC-342 SC34-0636 Return Codes (by Function) o Systems Network Architecture Return Codes (continued) NETGET Return Codes The positive return codes from NETGET have bit-significant values to allow for efficient analysis in the Series/1 SNA application. The bit positions have the following meaning: ............... 1 .............. 1. ............. 1.. ............ 1.. . ........... 1 .. .. .......... 1... .. Function Management Header received End of message received Right-to-send received Response to message requested End of transaction received Start of transaction received The valid combinations of the bit positions are listed in the following decimal return codes: Return Code -1 -9 -10 -11 o -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -19 -20 -21 -22 -25 -26 1 2 3 6 7 10 11 14 15 18 19 26 27 Condition Operation successful. LU is busy with another operation. Session does not exist. Instruction must be issued under program linked to $NETCMD. Invalid LU number. Invalid request. SNA system error. NETTERM in progress. Session abnormally terminated by host. Status available. $SNA never loaded. UNBIND HOLD received. More than two tasks running under this LU. Limit is two tasks. Session reset. CLEAR and SOT commands received. No messages available. Host initiated transaction. FMH received. End of message received. End of message and FMH received. End of message and right-to-send received. End of message, FMH, and right-to-send. End of message received, response requested received. End of message, and FM H received, response requested. End of message, and right-to-send received, response requested. End of message, FMH, and right-to-send received, response requested. End of transaction and end of message received. End of transaction, end of message and FMH received. End of transaction and end of message received, response requested. End of transaction, end of message and FMH received, response requested. 0. ·.',,1,. • ! Chapter 5. Return Codes MC-343 Return Codes (by Function) Systems Network Architecture Return Codes (continued) Return Code 32 33 34 35 38 39 42 43 46 47 50 51 58 59 Condition Start of transaction received. Start of transaction and FMH received. Start of transaction and end of message received. Start of transaction, end of message, and FM H received. Start of transaction, end of message, and right-to-send received. Start of transaction, end of message, FMH, and right-to-send received. Start of transaction, end of message, and response requested. Start of transaction, end of message, and FM H received, response requested. Start of transaction, end of message, and right-to-send received, response requested. Start of transaction, end of message, FMH, and right-to-send received, response requested. Start and end of transaction, and end of message received. Start and end of transaction, end of message and FMH received. Start and end of transaction, and end of message received response requested. Start and end of transaction, end of message and FM H received, response requested. o o o MC-344 SC34-0636 Return Codes (by Function) o Systems Network Architecture Return Codes (continued) NETINIT Return Codes The positive return codes from NETINIT have bit-significant values to allow for efficient analysis in the Series/1 SNA application. For a description of the bit-significant values, refer to the Systems Network Architecture. The following are the decimal return codes that could be returned from a NETINIT operation: Return Code -1 -12 -14 -15 -16 -19 -26 -27 -30 -31 -32 2 4 17 o 19 32 49 81 Condition Operation successful. Invalid LU number. SNA system error. N ETTERM is progress. Session abnormally terminated by host. $SNA never loaded. Logical unit already open. No logical unit available. BIND from host rejected. STSN error. No NETTERM HOLD=YES issued. Unpresented message from host lost. Partially presented message from host lost. Message flow to host cold-started, no messages to host lost. Message flow from host cold-started, no messages from host lost. Message flow to host cold-started. Message flow from host cold-started, message from host lost. Message to host lost. Message flow to host cold-started, message to host lost. Message flow from host cold-started no messages from host lost. Message flow to host cold-started, message to host possibly lost. Message flow from host cold-started, no messages from host lost. o Chapter 5. Return Codes MC-34S Return Codes (by Function) Systems Network Architecture Return Codes (continued) 0·"· I'i NETPUT Return Codes The positive return codes from NETPUT have bit-significant values to allow for efficient analysis in the Series/l SNA application. The bit positions have the following meaning: ............... 1 Host attempted to start a transaction The valid combinations of the bit positions are listed in the following decimal return codes: Return Code -1 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -25 1 Condition Operation successful. LU is busy with another operation. Session does not exist. Instruction must be issued under program linked to $NETCMD. Invalid LU number. Invalid request. SNA system error. NETTERM in progress. Session abnormally terminated by host. Status available. Session quiesced. $SNA never loaded. UNBIND HOLD received. More than two tasks running under this LU. The limit is two tasks. Session reset. CLEAR and SOT commands received. Not right-to-send. Host attempted to start transaction. o o MC-346 SC34-0636 Return Codes (by Function) o Systems Network Architecture Return Codes (continued) NETTERM Return Codes The positive return codes from NETTERM have bit-significant values to allow for efficient analysis in the Series/1 SNA application. The bit positions have the following meaning: .... .... .... ... 1 .... .... .... .. 1. .... .... .... . 1.. .... .... .... 1... Message from host rejected during termination . Message to host rejected during termination . Message to host aborted during termination . Message from host aborted during termination . The valid combinations of the bit positions are listed in the following decimal return codes: Return Code -1 -10 -11 c -12 -14 -15 -16 -19 -20 -25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Condition Operation successful. Session does not exist. Instruction must be issued under program linked to $NETCMD. Invalid LU number. SNA system error. NETTERM in progress. Session abnormally terminated by host. $SNA never loaded. UNBIND HOLD received. No UNBIND HOLD received. -RSP sent during NETTERM. -RSP received during NETTERM. -RSP received during NETTERM and -RSP sent during NETTERM. CANCEL sent during NETTERM. CANCEL sent during NETTERM and -RSP sent. CANCEL sent during NETTERM and -RSP received during NETTERM. CANCEL sent during NETTERM. -RSP received during NETTERM. and -RSP sent during NETTERM. CANCEL received during NETTERM. CANCEL received during NETTERM and -RSP sent during NETTERM. c Chapter 5. Return Codes MC-347 Return Codes (by Function) Systems Network Architecture Extended Error Codes The Event Driven Executive SNA returns extended error information from the failing function when the ERRCODE parameter is coded on the NETINIT instruction. The return codes from the following functions are listed: o NETBIND NETCLOSE NETOPEN NETRECV NETSEND NETUBND Session termination. Refer to Chapter 4, "Post Codes" on page MC-305 for SNA BIND event post codes. Refer to the disk and diskette read/write return codes for READ/WRITE operations. NETBIND Return Codes Return Code -9 -13 -15 -16 -18 -19 Condition Session terminated. BIND has not been received yet. Received BIND with invalid parameter. Network aborted. BIND FSM state not reset when checking BIND. BIND FSM state not PEND.ACTwhen sending response. o NETCLOSE Return Codes Return Code -51 -301 -306 -307 Condition Invalid session 10. No buffer available to send TERMSELF. HOLD=YES but no UNBIND HOLD. HOLD=YES but already held. o MC-348 SC34-0636 Return Codes (by Function) o Systems Network Architecture Extended Error Codes (continued) NETOPEN Return Codes Return Code -9 -10 -11 -13 -14 -15 -17 -18 -57 -58 -68 -71 -79 -82 -85 o -86 1 Condition Session terminated. Non-sequence procedure error message received. Minus response to INITSELF received. BI N D has not been received yet. BIND request received does not compare with user-specified BIND during extended BIND checking. Received BIND with an invalid parameter. Network pending deactivation. Session aborted. No buffer available for INITSELF message. INITSELF message greater than buffer size. SSCP 10 in the PUS not the same as user-supplied SSCP 10. UNBIND received. BIND buffer length does not equal ser-specified BIND length. No LU-SSCP session (returned when NETOPEN waits on a SSCP- LU session activation and some condition inhibits the activation). HOLDLU specified but session not closed with HOLD=YES. HOLDLU specifies an invalid LU number UNBIND received. NETRECV Return Codes Return Code -10 -12 1 2 3 Condition CLEAR received. No messages available. Successful and message available to be received. Message truncated. Message truncated and message available to be received. · '" c·. ,,"1 Chapter 5. Return Codes MC-349 Return Codes (by Function) Systems Network Architecture Extended Error Codes (continued) NETSEND Return Codes Return Code -9 -10 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -24 -25 -26 -28 -29 c Condition Session terminated. CLEAR received. Format indicator is on, on this request, and the session is bound no FM headers. Session bound RQN requests only and this request is not RQN. This request carries a BB or EB and not BC. Trying to send a request when the brackets manager is not one of the following states: BETB, PEND.BB, INB PEND.BETB.ECS PEND.BETB.PURGE.S PEND.BETB.S Trying to send a request when not on a "send" state. ORI=OFF on this request, when sending a set of ORis. Secondary session quiesced due to a receipt of OEC or SHUTD. Trying to send BC while the chain receive manager is in the INCHAIN state and this request in not a cancel. OC while not in PEND.ACT.QC. CANCEL required. Half session partner in purge state. Trying to send a RQD request that does not carry EC. Data traffic not active. Negative response to SHUTD not allowed. No normal flow response due. Invalid RU code for normal/expedited send request. The form of response is invalid, the response is not RQN, ROE or ROD. o o MC-350 SC34-0636 Return Codes (by Function) o Systems Network Architecture Extended Error Codes (continued) Return Code -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 ..,36 -37 -38 -39 -40 -41 -42 -43 -44 -45 -46 -47 -48 o -49 -50 -51 -52 -53 -54 C;' ' . . .1 Condition Response required to an EXR. Positive response to an ROE request not allowed. Invalid data length specified. Maximum RU length exceeded. Response to an outstanding ROD request has not been received . Response to an expedited request has not been received. Negative response to OEC not allowed. Negative response to RELO not allowed. State error in sending SHUTC while the SHUTD.ECV.FSM not on PEND.ACT.SHUTC. No response due to a normal request with this sequence number. Invalid RU for NRM response. No response due to an expedited request. No response due to an expedited request with this 10. No response due to this expedited RU. Trying to send a DFC command an EB while BSM is in the BETB state. Trying to send an FMD request with no BB while BSM is in the BETB state. Trying to send an FMD request with BB while BSM is in the INB state. Error in trying to send RTR while BSM is in the INB state. Trying to send an FMD request or CANCEL or RTR or any DFC command with EB while BSM is in PEND.BB state. CSI=ON on this request and the session is bound, no alternate code. Secondary logical unit not allowed to send EB. Session bound ROD requests only, and this request is an RON request. Session bound ROD requests only, and this request is an ROE request with EC. Session bound ROD or ROE requests only, and this request is an RON request. ! Chapter 5. Return Codes MC-3S1 Return Codes (by Function) Systems Network Architecture Extended Error Codes (continued) Return Code -55 -56 -57 -58 -59 -60 -62 -63 -64 -66 -67 -68 -69 -70 -71 -72 -73 -74 -75 Condition Session bound RQE requests only and this request is not a RQE request. Session bound no brackets, and this request has BB specified. Chain receive manager is in between chains state and this request does not carry BC. Chain receive manager is in between chains state and this is a CANCEL request. The half-duplex manager is in the contention ERP state and this request is not LUSTAT. The half-duplex manager is in the contention ERP state, and this request is LUSTAT with EB and/or CD. Invalid request for the FM profile for which the session was bound. Sending QEC when QECS.FSM not in reset or active state. Invalid request for the TS profile for which the session was bound. CDDCLEAR failed. This change of direction request does not carry EC. Invalid parameter list, does not specify a valid SNA function. Error in trying to send RTR when session is bound without brackets. Negative response to STSN is not allowed. The session was bound single RU chains from the secondary, and this request is not. This function management header request does not carry BC. Response to an outstanding RQR request has not been received. Violation of the session quiesced protocol. QECR FSM or SHUTD FSM are in the P.ACT.QC/P.ACT.SHUTC state. A request without both BB and EB indicators was sent on a duplex session supporting brackets. o () NETUBND Return Codes Return Code -9 -12 -13 Condition Session terminated. TERMSELF already sent. No buffer available for TERMSELF. o MC-3S2 SC34-0636 Return Codes (by Function) c Systems Network Architecture Extended Error Codes (continued) Session Termination Return Codes Return Code o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Condition Session active. BIND not received. UNBIND received. BIND response not sent. CLOSE in progress. ACTlU received. DACTLU received. Buffer count exceeded. SDLC failure (hard I/O error). Request discontact failure. Host disconnected or an attempt was made to reconnect the Series/1 while the network was still active. ACTPU received. DACTPU received. Negative response to request disconnect received. Network aborted. UNBIND HOLD received. c o Chapter 5. Return Codes MC-353 Return Codes (by Function) Tape (READ/WRITE) Return Codes Tape return codes are issued by the READ, WRITE and CONTROL instructions, and are returned in two places: o 1. The Event Control Block (ECB) named DSn, where n is the number of the data set being referenced. 2. The task code word referred to by taskname. Several utilities also issue tape READ/WRITE return codes to the terminal where the utility was invoked. Return Code -1 1 2 3 4 6 10 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Condition Successful completion. Exception but no status. Error reading cycle steal status. I/O error; retry count exhausted. Error issuing READ CYCLE STEAL STATUS. I/O error issuing I/O operations. End of data; a tape mark was read. Wrong length record. Device not ready. File protected. End of tape. Load point. Unrecoverable I/O error. SL data set not expired. Invalid blocksize. Offline, in-use, or not open. Incorrect device type. Close incorrect address. Block count error during close. Close detected on EOV1. o Note: The actual record length or number of records transferred is in the second word of the TCB. o MC-3S4 SC34-0636 Return Codes (by Function) o Tenninall/O Return Codes These codes are returned by the PRINTEXT, READTEXT, and TERMCTRL instructions. The codes differ depending on the type of terminal being accessed. Separate tables show general codes, ACCA, Interprocessor Communications, Virtual Terminal, and 4975 printer return codes. Several utilities also issue terminal 110 return codes to the terminal where the utility was invoked. Terminal I/O - General The return codes are placed in the first word of the task control block of the program issuing the instruction. Return Code -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a >10 o Condition Successful completion. Device not attached. System error (busy condition). System error (busy after reset). System error (command reject). Device not ready. Interface data check. Overrun received. Printer power has been switched off and switched back on or a power failure has occurred. A code greater than 10 can indicate multiple errors. To determine the errors, subtract 10 from the code and express the result as an a-bit binary value. Each bit (numbering from the left) represents an error as follows: Bit 0 123 4567- Unused System error (command reject) Not used System error (DeB specification check) Storage data check Invalid storage address Storage protection check Interface data check Notes: 1. If the return code is for devices supported by IOS2741 (2741, PROC) and a code greater than 128 is returned, subtract 128; the result then contains status word 1 of the ACCA. Refer to the IBM Series I 1 Communications Features Description, GA34-0028 to determine the special error condition. 2. If your program receives a return code of 5 while attempting to pedorm a PRINTEXT operation on a 4975 printer, the program should retry the operation a maximum of three times. c Chapter 5. Return Codes MC-355 Return Codes (by Function) Terminal I/O Return Codes (continued) Terminal I/O - o ACCA Return Codes The return codes are returned in the first word of the task control block of the program issuing the instruction. Return Code -1 1-08 11 12 14,15 Terminal I/O - Condition Successful completion. Return code for last operation placed in information status byte (lSB). Refer to the hardware description manual for status on the device you are using. Write operation (I/O complete). Read operation (I/O complete). Condition code +1 after I/O start or condition code after I/O complete. Interprocessor Communications Return Codes When an Event Driven Executive program is reading transmitted messages, the received end characters (hexadecimal) are stored in the task code word, and indicate the return code. The return codes are as follows for CODTYPE=EBCD/CRSP and CODTYPE=EBCDIC: CODTYPE= EBCDIC EBCDIC EBCDIC EBCD/CRSP EBCD/CRSP EBCD/CRSP Terminal I/O - Return Code FDFF FEFF FCFF 1F 5B (none) Condition End of transmission (EOT). End of record (NL). End of subrecord (EOSR). End of transmission (EOT). End of record (NL). End of subrecord (EOSR). o Virtual Terminal Communications Return Codes The return codes are returned in the first word of the task control block of the program issuing the instruction. The meaning of the return code differs if the terminal was receiving or sending. Return Code X'8Fnn' X'8Enn' -2 -1 1 5 8 Transmit Condition Not applicable. Not applicable. NA Successful completion. Not attached. Disconnect. Break. Receive Condition LI N E=nn received. SKIP=nn received. Line received (no CR). New line received. Not attached. Disconnect. Break. o MC-356 SC34-0636 Return Codes (by Function) o Terminal I/O Return Codes (continued) A further description of each of the virtual terminal return codes follows: LINE=nn (X'8Fnn'): Returned for a READTEXT or GETVALUE instruction if the other program issued an instruction with a LINE= operand. This operand tells the system to perform an I/O operation on a certain line of the page or screen. The return code enables the receiving program to reproduce on an actual terminal the output format intended by the sending program. SKIP=nn (X'BEnn'): The other program issued an instruction with a SKIP= operand. This operand tells the system to skip a number of lines before performing an I/O operation. Line Received (-2): Indicates that an instruction (usually READTEXT or GETVALUE) has sent information but has not issued a carriage return to move the cursor to the next line. The information is usually a prompt message. New Line Received (-1): Indicates transmission of a carriage return at the end of the data. The cursor is moved to a new line. This return code and the Line Received return code help programs to preserve the original format of the data they are transmitting. Not attached (1): A virtual terminal does not or cannot refer to another virtual terminal. Disconnect (5): The other virtual terminal program ended because of a PROGSTOP or an operator command. c Break (8): Indicates that both virtual terminal programs are attempting to perform the same type of operation. When one program is reading (READTEXT or GETVALUE), the return code means the other program has stopped sending and is waiting for input. When one program is writing (PRINTEXT or PRINTNUM), the return code means the other program is also attempting to write. If you defined only one virtual terminal with SYNC= YES, then that task always receives the break code. If you defined both virtual terminals with SYNC= YES, then the task that last attempted the operation receives the break code. Terminal I/O - 4975 Printer Return Codes The return codes are returned in the first word of the task control block of the program issuing the instruction. Return Code 301 302 Condition Invalid TERMCTRL request. Returned for SET function options PDEN, PMODE, and CHARSET. No terminal error exit taken. PRINTEXT message exceeds line width. Terminal error exit is taken. c Chapter 5. Return Codes MC-357 Return Codes (by Function) TP (Host Communication Facility) Return Codes The return codes are returned in the first word of the task control block of the program issuing the TP instruction. Return Code -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 50 51 100 101 102 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 211 o Condition· Successful completion. Illegal command sequence. TP I/O error. TP I/O error on host. Looping bidding for the line. Host acknowledgement to request. code was neither ACKO, ACK1, WACK, or a NACK Retry count exhausted - last error was a timeout: the host must be down. Looping while reading data from the host. The host responded with other than an EOT or an ENQ when an EOT was expected. Retry count exhausted - last error was a modem interface check. Retry count exhausted - last error was not a timeout, modem check, block check, or overrun. Retry count exhausted - last error was a transmit overrun. I/O error from last I/O in DSWRITE. I/O error when writing the last buffer. Length of DSNAME is zero. Length of DSNAME exceeds 52. Invalid length specified for I/O. Data set not on volume specified for controller. Invalid member name specification. Data set in use by another job. Data set already allocated to this task. Data set is not cataloged. Data set resides on multiple volumes. Data set is not on a direct access device. Volume not mounted (archived). Device not online. Data set does not exist. Record format is not supported. Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor HCFCOMM Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor DSCLOSE DSCLOSE 0 HCFCOMM HCFCOMM HCFINIT HCFINIT DSOPEN DSOPEN DSOPEN DSOPEN DSOPEN DSOPEN DSOPEN DSOPEN DSOPEN DSOPEN c MC-358 SC34-0636 Return Codes (by Function) o TP (Host Communication Facility) Return Codes (continued) Return Code 212 213 214 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 300 301 302 303 400 0 401 402 403 404 700 701 702 703 704 710 800 801 802 810 900 901 902 910 1xxx Condition Invalid logical record length. Invalid block size. Data set has no extents. Data set organization is partitioned and no member name was specified. Data set organization is sequential and a member name was specified. Error during OS/ OPEN. The specified member was not found. An I/O error occurred during a directory search. Invalid data set organization. Insufficient I/O buffer space available. End of an input data set. I/O error during an OS/ READ. Input data set is not open. A previous error has occurred. End of an output data set. I/O error during an OS/ WRITE. Output data set is not open. A previous error has occurred. Partitioned data set is full. Index, key, and status record added. Index exists, key and status added. Index and key exist, status replaced. Error - Index full. Error - Data set full. I/O Error. Index and key exist. Index does not exist. Key does not exist. I/O error. Index and/or key released. Index does not exist. Key does not exist. I/O error. An error occurred in a subordinate module during SUBMIT. 'xxx' is the code returned by that module. Module DSOPEN DSOPEN DSOPEN DSOPEN DSOPEN DSOPEN DSOPEN DSOPEN DSOPEN DSOPEN DSREAD DSREAD DSREAD DSREAD DSWRITE DSWRITE DSWRITE DSWRITE DSCLOSE SET SET SET SET SET SET FETCH FETCH FETCH FETCH RELEASE RELEASE RELEASE RELEASE S7SUBMIT o Chapter 5. Return Codes MC-359 Return Codes (by Function) Unmapped Storage Return Codes The following return codes are issued by the GETSTG, FREESTG, and SWAP instructions. They are returned in the first word of the task control block of the issuing program. Return Code -1 1 2 3 4 100 o Condition Successful completion. A mapped storage entry in storblk already exists (GETSTG). No storage entries exist in storblk (FREESTG). Swap area out of range (SWAP). No mapped storage area available (GETSTG). Swap area not initialized (SWAP). No unmapped storage area available (GETSTG). All unmapped storage entries in the STORBLK are in use (GETSTG). No unmapped storage support in system. o o MC-360 SC34-0636 Return Codes (by Function) o X.21 Circuit Switched Network Return Codes The following return codes are issued by the X.21 Circuit Switched Network support. Return Code -32 -31 -30 -29 -27 -26 -25 -24 -23 -22 -21 -20 -19 0 -18 -17 -16 -15 -14 -13 -12 -11 -10 -9 -1 0 1 2 3 Condition System is unable to find X.21 support. Re-IPL the system. Not enough storage available to handle the number of X.21 requests. Use the $DISKUT2 SS command to allocate more storage for $X21. You can issue three simultaneous requests for every 256 bytes of storage allocated. Your supervisor does not contain X.21 support. System does not have enough storage available to load the X.21 support or the connection record data set, $$X21 DS, is not on the IPL volume. Unrecoverable hardware error. If $LOG is active, check the error log record for the X.21 device for more details. Hardware error for the 2080 feature card. Invalid interrupt received. Connection failed. Time expired for the completion of a call request. Call request failed. You cancelled a call request with an SNADACT or $C command. Call request failed due to Public Data Network problems. Call progress signals invalid. Call request failed due to Public Data Network problems. Call progress signals incomplete. Call request failed and network would not allow the request to be retried. If $LOG is active, check the error log record for the X.21 device for more details. Number of retries exhausted for the call request. If $LOG is active, check the error log record for the X.21 device for more details. Hardware error for the 2080 feature card. I/O request could not be completed. No call request in progress. The Network information field of the X.21 connection record has no plus sign or just a plus sign. The value in the Retry or Delay field of the X.21 connection record exceeds the maximum value allowed. The Retry or Delay field of the X.21 connection record contains a negative value. A comma must separate the Retry, Delay, and Network information fields of an X.21 connection record. The Retry or Delay field of the X.21 connection record contains an invalid character. System does not have enough storage to execute a call request. Not enough storage in partition 1 for X.21 to execute a request. Either the connection record was never created or an EDL instruction failed. Successful completion. You cancelled a call request with an SNADACT or $C command. Registration or cancellation request processed. Redirection activated. Redirection deactivated. c Chapter s. Return Codes MC-361 Return Codes (Numbered) Return Codes Listed by Number The following list presents the return codes according to number. When you receive a code, first look it up by the number. Then go down the list until you find the utility, system function or EDL instruction that issued your code. o The "Issued by" column contains the following abbreviations: • • • • • • • • • BSC - Binary Synchronous Communications Disk READ/WRITE - Disk and Diskette read/write GPIB - General Purpose Interface Bus lAM - Indexed Access Method Job Queue - Job Queue Processor Msg Handler - Message Handler MTM - Multiple Terminal Manager SISI - Series/l-to- Series/I Attachment Interprocessor - Terminal I/O Interprocessor Communications TP /HCF - Host Communication Facility Unmapped Stor - Unmapped Storage X.21 - X.21 Circuit Switched Network. o c MC-362 SC34-0636 Return Codes (Numbered) o Return Code -1 Issued by Condition -2 BSC MTM Text received in conversational mode FTAB not found; module CDMFTAB link edited with application Line received (no CR). Warning message generated during the specification phase. End-of Transmission (EOT). All -1 codes indicate successful completion. Virtual Terminal Sort/Merge Interprocessor -3 Sort/Merge Interprocessor -9 BSC NETBIND NETCTL NETGET NETOPEN NETPUT NETSEND NETUBND X.21 -10 c BSC NETCTL NETGET NETOPEN NETPUT NETRECV NETSEND NETTERM X.21 -11 BSC NETCTL NETGET NETOPEN NETPUT NETTERM X.21 Warning messages generated during the execution phase. Refer to Sort/Merge manual. End-of-Subrecord (EOSR). An EDL instruction failed. If $LOG is active, check the error log record for the X.21 device to find the failing instruction. Session terminated. LU is busy with another operation. LU is busy with another operation. Session terminated. LU is busy with another operation. Session terminated. Session terminated. An EDL instruction failed. If $LOG is active, check the error 109 record for the X.21 device to find the failing instruction. Not enough storage in partition 1 for X.21 to execute a request. Session does not exist. Session does not exist. Non-sequence procedure error message received. Session does not exist. Clear received. Clear received. Session does not exist. Not enough storage in partition 1 for X.21 to execute a request. System does not have enough storage to execute a call request. Instruction must be issued under program linked to $NETCMD. Instruction must be issued under program linked to $NETCMD. Minus response to INITSELF received. Instruction must be issued under program linked to $NETCMD. Instruction must be issued under program linked to $NETCMD. System does not have enough storage to execute a call request. Figure 1 (Part 1 of 26). Event Driven Executive Return Codes Chapter 5. Return Codes MC-363 Return Codes (Numbered) o Return Code -12 Issued by Condition BSC The Retry or Delay field of the X.21 connection record contains an invalid character. Invalid LU number. Invalid LU number. Invalid LU number. Invalid LU number. No messages available. Format indicator on during this request. and the session is bound on FM header. Invalid LU number. TERMSELF already sent. The Retry or Delay field of the X.21 connection record contains an invalid character. A comma must separate the Retry, Delay, and Network information fields of an X.21 connection record. BIND has not been received yet. Invalid request. Invalid request. BIND has not been received yet. Invalid request. Session bound RON requests only and this request is not RON. No buffer available for TERMSELF. A comma must separate the Retry, Delay, and Network information fields of an X.21 connection record. The Retry or Delay field of the X.21 connection record contains a negative value. SNA system error. SNA system error. SNA system error. BIND request received does not compare with user-specified BIND during extended BIND checking. SNA system error. This request carries a BB or EB and not BC. SNA system error. The Retry or Delay field of the X.21 connection record contains a negative value. NETCTL NETGET NETINIT NETPUT NETRECV NETSEND NETTERM NETUBND X.21 -13 BSC NETBIND NETCTL NETGET NETOPEN NETPUT NETSEND NETUBND X.21 -14 BSC NETCTL NETGET NETINIT NETOPEN NETPUT NETSEND NETTERM X.21 o Figure 1 (Part 2 of 26). Event Driven Executive Return Codes o MC-364 SC34-0636 Return Codes (Numbered) c Return Code Issued by Condition -15 BSC The value in the Retry or Delay field of the X.21 connection record exceeds the maximum value allowed. Received BIND with invalid parameter. NETTERM in progress. NETTERM in progress. NETTERM in progress. Received BIND with an invalid parameter. NETTERM in progress. Trying to send a request when the brackets manager is not one of the following states: BETB, PEND.BB, INB PEND.BETB.ECS PEND.BETB.PURGE.S PEND.BETB.S NETTERM in progress. The value in the Retry or Delay field of the X.21 connection record exceeds the maximum value allowed. NETBIND NETCTL NETGET NETINIT NETOPEN NETPUT NETSEND NETTERM X.21 -16 o BSC NETBIND NETCTL NETGET NETINIT NETPUT NETSEND NETTERM X.21 -17 NETCTL NETGET NETOPEN NETPUT NETSEND X.21 The Network information field of the X.21 connection record has no plus sign or just a plus sign. Network aborted. Session abnormally terminated by host. Session abnormally terminated by host. Session abnormally terminated by host. Session abnormally terminated by host. Trying to send a request when not in a SEND state. Session abnormally terminated by host. The Network information field of the X.21 connection record has no plus sign or just a plus sign. Status available. Status available. Network pending deactivation. Status available. QRI=OFF on this request, when sending a set of QRIS. No call request in progress. Figure 1 (Part 3 of 26). Event Driven Executive Return Codes o Chapter 5. Return Codes MC-365 Return Codes (Numbered) c Return Code Issued by Condition -18 BSC Hardware error for the 2080 feature card. I/O request could not be completed. BIND FSM state not reset when checking BIND. Session quiesced. Session aborted. Session quiesced. Secondary session quiesced due to a receipt of OEC or SHUTD. Hardware error for the 2080 feature card. I/O request could not be completed. Number of retries exhausted for the call request. If $LOG is active, check the error log record for the X.21 device for more details. BIND FSM state not PEND.ACT when sending response. $SNA never loaded. $SNA never loaded. $SNA never loaded. $SNA never loaded. Trying to send BC while the chain receive manager is in the INCHAIN state and this request is not a cancel. $SNA never loaded. Number of retries exhausted for the call request. If $LOG is active, check the error log record for the X.21 device for more details. Call request failed and network would not allow the request to be retried. If $LOG is active, check the error log record for the X.21 device for more details. UNBIND-HOLD received. UNBIND-HOLD received. UNBIND-HOLD received. OC while not in PEND.ACT.OC. UNBIND-HOLD received. Call request failed and network would not allow the request to be retried. If $LOG is active, check the error log record for the X.21 device for more details. Call request failed due to Public Data Network problems. Call progress signals incomplete. More than two tasks already running under this LU. More than two tasks already running under this LU. More than two tasks already running under this LU. CANCEL required; half session partner in purge state. Call request failed due to Public Data Network problems. Call progress signals incomplete. NETBIND NETCTL NETOPEN NETPUT NETSEND X.21 -19 BSC NETBIND NETCTL NETGET NETINIT NETPUT NETSEND NETTERM X.21 -20 BSC NETCTL NETGET NETPUT NETSEND NETTERM X.21 -21 BSC NETCTL NETGET NETPUT NETSEND X.21 o Figure 1 (Part 4 of 26). Event Driven Executive Return Codes o MC-366 SC34-0636 Return Codes (Numbered) o Return Code -22 Issued by Condition BSC Call request failed due to Public Data Network problems. Call progress signals invalid. Session reset. CLEAR and SOT commands received. Session reset. CLEAR and SOT commands received . Session reset. CLEAR and SOT commands received. Trying to end RQD request that does not carry EC. Call request failed due to Public Data Network problems. Call progress signals invalid. You cancelled a call request with a $C command. You cancelled a call request with an SNADACT or $C command. Time expired for the completion of a call request. Call request failed. Data traffic not active. Time expired for the completion of a call request. Call request failed. Connection failed. Not right-to-send. No messages available. Not right-to-send. Negative response to SHUTD not allowed. No UNBIND-HOLD received. Connection failed. No status available. Host initiated transaction. Logical unit already open. No normal flow response due. Hardware error for the 2080 feature card. Invalid interrupt received. Unrecoverable hardware error. If $LOG is active, check the error log record for the X.21 device for more details. No logical unit available. Unrecoverable hardware error. If $LOG is active, check the error log record for the X.21 device for more details. Invalid RU code for normal/expedited send request. System does not have enough storage available to load the X.21 support or the connection record data set, $$X21 OS, is not on the I PL volume. The form of response is invalid; the response is not RQN, RQE, or RQD. System does not have enough storage available to load the X.21 support or the connection record data set, $$X2·j DS, is not on the IPL volume. NETCTL . NETGET NETPUT NETSEND X.21 -23 -24 BSC X.21 BSC NETSEND X.21 -25 -26 c -27 BSC NETCTL NETGET NETPUT NETSEND NETTERM X.21 NETCTL NETGET NETINIT NETSEND X.21 BSC NETINIT X.21 -28 -29 NETSEND BSC NETSEND X.21 Figure 1 (Part 5 of 26). Event Driven Executive Return Codes o Chapter 5. Return Codes MC-367 Return Codes (Numbered) o Return Code Issued by Condition -30 BSC NETINIT X.21 -31 BSC Your supervisor does not contain X.21 support. BIND from host rejected. Your supervisor does not contain X.21 support. Not enough storage available to handle the number of X.21 requests. Use the $DISKUT2 SS command to allocate more storage for $X21. You can issue three simultaneous requests for every 256 bytes of storage allocated. STSN error. Response required to an EXR. Not enough storage available to handle the number of X.21 requests. Use the $DISKUT2 SS command to allocate more storage for $X21. You can issue three simultaneous requests for every 256 bytes of storage allocated. NETINIT NETSEND X.21 -32 BSC NETINIT NETSEND X.21 System is unable to find X.21 support. Re-IPL the system. No NETTERM HOLD=YES issued. Positive response to ROE request not allowed. System is unable to find X.21 support. Re-IPL the system. -33 -34 NETSEND Invalid data length specified. NETSEND Maximum RU length exceeded. -35 NETSEND Response to an outstanding ROD request has not been received. -36 NETSEND Response to an outstanding expedited request has not been received. -37 -38 -39 NETSEND Negative response to OEC not allowed. NETSEND NETSEND Negative response to RELO not allowed. State error in sending SHUTC while the SHUTD.RCV FSM not on PEND.ACT.SHUTC. -40 NETSEND No response due to a normal request with this sequence number. -41 -42 -43 NETSEND Invalid RU for NRM response. NETSEND No response due to an expedited request. NETSEND No response due to an expedited request with this 10. -44 NETSEND No response due to this expedited RU. -45 NETSEND -46 NETSEND Trying to send DFC command on EB while BSM is in the BETB state. Trying to send FMD request with no BB while BSM is in the BETB state. -47 NETSEND -48 NETSEND o Trying to send FMD request with BB while BSM in the INB state. Error in trying to send RTR while BSM is in the IN B state. Figure 1 (Part 6 of 26). Event Driven Executive Return Codes o MC-368 SC34-0636 Return Codes (Numbered) c C Return Code Issued by Condition -49 NETSEND -50 NETSEND Trying to send FMD request or CANCEL or RTR or any DFC command with EB while BSM is in PEND.BB state. CSI=ON, on this request and the session is bound, no alternate code. -51 -52 NETCLOSE NETSEND NETSEND Invalid session 10. Secondary logical unit not allowed to send EB. Session bound ROD requests only, and this request is an RON request. -53 NETSEND -54 NETSEND -55 NETSEND -56 NETSEND -57 lAM NETOPEN NETSEND -58 lAM NETOPEN NETSEND -59 NETSEND -60 ·NETSEND -62 NETSEND Session bound ROD requests only, and this request is an ROE request with EC. Session bound ROD or ROE requests only and this request is an RON request. Session bound ROE request only and this request is not an ROE request. Session bound no brackets, and this request has BB specified. Data set has been loaded. No buffer available for INITSELF message. Chain receive manager is between chains state and this request does not carry BC. Record not found. INITSELF message greater than buffer size. Chain receive manager is in between chains state and this is a CANCEL request. The half-duplex manager is in the contention ERP state and this request is not LUSTAT. The half-duplex manager is in the contention ERP state, and this request is LUSTAT with EB and/or CD. Invalid request for the FM profile for which the session was bound. -63 -64 NETSEND NETSEND -66 -67 -68 NETSEND NETSEND NETOPEN Sending OEC when OECS.FSM not in reset or active state. Invalid request for the TS profile for which the session was bound. CDDCLEAR failed. This change of direction request does not carry EC. SSCP 10 in the PUS not the same as user-supplied SSCP 10. Figure 1 (Part 7 of 26). Event Driven Executive Return Codes c Chapter 5. Return Codes MC-369 Return Codes (Numbered) o Return Code Issued by Condition -68 NETSEND NETSEND Invalid parameter list. Does not specify a valid SNA function. Error in trying to send RTR when session is bound without brackets. Negative response to STSN is not allowed. UNBIND recieved. The session was bound single RU chains from the secondary, and this request is not. This function management header request does not carry BC. Response to an outstanding RQR request has not been received. Violation of the session quiesced protocol; QECR, FSM or SHUTD FSM are in the P.ACCT.QC/P.ACT.SHUT state. Warning - file has either not been formatted or the invalid indicator is on in the directory for that file. A request without both BB and EB indicators was sent on a duplex session supporting brackets. Warning - file was opened and not closed during the last session. BIND buffer length does not equal user-specified BIND length. End of data. No LU-SSCP session (returned when NETOPEN waits on a SSCP-LU session activation and some condition inhibits the activation). Record to be deleted not found. HOLDLU specified but session not closed with HOLD=YES. -69 -70 -71 NETSEND NETOPEN NETSEND -72 -73 -74 NETSEND NETSEND NETSEND -75 lAM NETSEND -79 lAM NETOPEN -80 -82 -85 -86 -90 -301 -306 -307 -351 -354 -500 -501 lAM NETOPEN lAM NETOPEN NETOPEN lAM NETCLOSE NETCLOSE NETCLOSE SDLC HOLDLU specified an invalid LU number. Request cancelled because no wait was requested and lAM would have to wait on a lock or buffer. No buffer available to send TERMSELF. HOLD=YES but no UNBIND HOLD. HOLD=YES but already held. SDLC MTM I/O reset failed. ENABLE/DISABLE failed. Terminal is not a 4978/4979/3101; no action has been taken. MTM Screen data set not found. o Figure 1 (Part 8 of 26). Event Driven Executive Return Codes o MC-370 SC34-0636 Return Codes (Numbered) o Return Code Issued by Condition o EXIO $IMOPEN Session Termination X.21 Interrupt-controller end. Undefined error encountered. Session active. You cancelled a call request with an SNADACT or $C command. $DISKUT3 $IMOPEN $PDS $RAMSEC BSC CONTVD Data Formatting Disk READ /WRITE Invalid request code parm (not 1-5). Disk I/O error. Member not found. Image store load failed. EOT received. Invalid data encountered during conversion. No data in field. I /0 error and no device status present (this may be caused by an odd byte address I/O area). Device not attached. Program controlled interrupt(PCI). Floating-point overflow. Floating-point overflow. Floating-point overflow. Floating-point overflow. Floating-point overflow. No data in field. Function code not recognized. For FTAB, no fields were found, input buffer has been set to unprotected blanks (X'QQ') and cursor position set to zero Warning: for SETPAN, this is an uninitialized panel. Job queue is full; job not submitted. END BRACKET received. FMH received. UNBIND received. Host attempted to start transaction. Successful and message available to be received. Negative response received during NETTERM. Device not attached. A mapped storage area entry in STORBLK already exists (GETSTG); No storage entries exist in STORBLK (FREESTG) Swap area out of range (SWAP). Not attached. BIND not received. Warning message generated during the specification phase. An invalid storage parameter was specified on $L SPOOL command. Exception but no STATUS. Device not attached. ISB of last operation (I/O complete). Device not attached. Device not attached. Invalid command sequence (Supervisor). Registration or cancellation request processed. EXIO EXIO FADD FDIVD Floating Point FMULT FSUB GETEDIT lAM MTM c Job Queue NETCTL NETGET NETOPEN NETPUT NETRECV NETTERM PRINTEXT Unmapped Stor Virtual Terminal Session Termination Sort/Merge SPOOL Tape READ /WRITE Terminal I/O ACCA GPIB S1S1 TP/HCF X.21 Figure 1 (Part 9 of 26). Event Driven Executive Return Codes o Chapter 5. Return Codes MC-371 Return Codes (Numbered) o Return Code Issued by Condition 2 $DISKUT3 $IMOPEN $PDS $RAMSEC BSC CONTVD Data Formatting Disk READ/WRITE EXIO EXIO GETEDIT Job Queue MTM Volume does not exist (all functions). Invalid data set name. Member already allocated. Control store load failed. DLE EOT received. Field omitted. Field omitted. I/O error trying to read device status. Busy. Exception. Field omitted. Invalid data found in the job queue data set. For SETPAN, unprotected data is truncated. For FTAB, the FTAB table is truncated. For SETFMT, data stream is truncated. CHANGE DIRECTION received. End of message received. Unpresented message from host lost. Message truncated. Negative response received during NETTERM. System error (busy condition). UNBIND received. A severe or terminal error occurred during the specification phase. I/O error trying to read device STATUS. System error (busy condition). ISB of last operation (I/O complete). Busy condition. System error (busy condition). TP I/O error. No mapped storage area available (GETSTG). Swap area not initialized (SWAP). Redirection activated. NETCTL NETGET NETINIT NETRECV NETTERM PRINTEXT Session Termination Sort/Merge Tape READ /WRITE Terminal I/O ACCA GPIB S1S1 TP/HCF Unmapped Stor X.21 o Figure 1 (Part 10 of 26). Event Driven Executive Return Codes o MC-372 SC34-0636 Return Codes (Numbered) o o Return Code Issued by Condition 3 $DISKUT3 $IMOPEN $PDS $RAMSEC BSC CONVTB CONVTD Data Formatting Disk READ /WRITE $DISKUT3 EXIO EXIO FDIVD Floating Point GETEDIT Job Queue MTM NETGET NETRECV NETTERM Volume not specified ($JOBUTIL - ALLOCATE). Data set not found. No space. Image store and control store load failed. Reverse interrupt received. Conversion error. Conversion error. Conversion error. I/O error retry count exhausted. volume not specified ($JOBUTIL, ALLOCATE). Busy after reset. Device end. Floating point divide check (divide by 0). Floating point divide check (divide by 0). Conversion error. Disk I/O error while updating job queue data set. No data stream found. End of message and FMH received. Message truncated and message available to be received. Response received during NETTERM and negative response sent during NETTERM. System error (busy after reset). Conversion error. BIND response not sent. System error (busy after reset). ISB of last operation (I/O complete). Busy after reset. System error (busy after reset). TP I/O error on host (HCFCOMM). No unmapped storage area available (GETSTG). Redirection deactivated. PRINTEXT PUTEDIT Session Termination Terminal I/O ACCA GPIB S1S1 TP/HCF Unmapped Stor X.21 Figure 1 (Part 11 of 26). Event Driven Executive Return Codes o Chapter 5. Return Codes MC-373 Return Codes (Numbered) o Return Code Issued by Condition 4 $DISKUT3 $IMOPEN $PDS $RAMSEC BSC Disk READ /WRITE EXIO EXIO Job Queue NETINIT NETTERM PRINTEXT Session Termination Sort/Merge Insufficient space in library (ALLOCATE). Incorrect header or data set length. Directory is full. PARM3 (two words) was not coded as -1. Forward abort received. Read device status I/O instruction error. Command reject. Attention. Unable to load job queue processor. Partially presented message from host lost. CANCEL sent during NETTERM. System error (command reject). CLOSE in progress. Sort/Merge received a non-zero return code after issuing a system macro instruction and ended the job. Not enough storage available for spool control blocks in partition 1. Read device status I/O instruction error. System error (command reject). ISB of last operation (I/O complete). Command reject. System error (command reject). Looping bidding for the line supervisor. All unmapped storage entries in STORBLK are in use (GETSTG). SPOOL Tape READ /WRITE Terminal I/O ACCA GPIB S1S1 TP/HCF Unmapped Stor Figure 1 (Part 12 of 26). Event Driven Executive Return Codes o o MC-374 SC34-0636 Return Codes (Numbered) o Return Code Issued by Condition 5 $DISKUT3 $IMOPEN $PDS $RAMSEC BSC Disk READ /WRITE EXIO EXIO FADD FDIVD Floating Point FMULT FSUB NETTERM Insufficient space in directory (ALLOCATE). Input buffer too small. Member was not used. PARM3 was not coded as -1 and image store load failed. Remote station not ready (NAK received). Unrecoverable I/O error. Intervention required. Attention and PCI. Floating-point underflow. Floating-point underflow. Floating-point underflow. Floating-point underflow. Floating-point underflow. CANCEL sent during NETTERM and negative response sent. Device not ready. Disconnect. ACTLU received. Spooling is already active; only one spool session can run at a time. Device not ready. ISB of last operation (I/O complete). Host acknowledgement to request code was neither ACKO,ACK1,WACK, nor a NACK (Supervisor). PRINTEXT Virtual Terminal Session Termination SPOOL Terminal I/O ACCA TP/HCF c 6 $DISKUT3 $IMOPEN $RAMSEC BSC DISK R/W EXIO EXIO NETGET NETTERM PRINTEXT Session Termination Tape READ/WRITE Terminal I/O ACCA GPIB S1S1 TP/HCF Data set already exists - smaller than requested. Invalid volume name. PARM3 was not coded as -1 and control store load failed. Remote station busy (WACK received). Error issuing I/O instruction. Interface data check. Attention and exception. End of message and right-to-send received. CANCEL sent during NETTERM and negative response received during NETTERM. Interface data check. DACTLU received. Error issuing I/O command. Interface data check. ISB of last operation (I/O complete). Interface data check. Interface data check. Retry count exhausted; last error was a timeout; the host must be down (Supervisor). Figure 1 (Part 13 of 26). Event Driven Executive Return Codes o Chapter 5. Return Codes MC-375 Return Codes (Numbered) o Return Code 7 Issued by Condition $DISKUT3 $IMOPEN $PDS $RAMSEC store load failed. Disk READ/WRITE Insufficient contiguous space (ALLOCATE). No 3101 image available. Record not in member. PARM3 was not coded as -1 and control store and image EXIO EXIO lAM NETGET NETTERM PRINTEXT Session Termination Spool Terminal I/O ACCA S1S1 TP/HCF Figure 1 (Part 14 of 26). Event Driven Executive Return Codes A no-record-found error occurred, an alternate sector seek was done, and a no-record-found reoccurred (no alternate is assigned). Controller busy. Attention and device end. Link module in use. End of message, FMH, and right-to-send received. CANCEL sent during NETTERM, negative response received during NETTERM, and negative response sent during NETTERM. Overrun received. Buffer count exceeded. No valid spool devices specified for spool session; spool devices must be printers defined with TERMINAL statements at system generation. Overrun received. ISB of last operation (I/O complete). Overrun received (not reported for S 1 - S 1). TP looping while reading data from the host (Supervisor). o o MC-376 SC34-0636 Return Codes (Numbered) c Return Issued by Condition $DISKUT3 Disallowed data set name, e.g. $EDXVOL or $EDXLlB (all functions). Data set name longer than eight bytes. Member control block invalid. You did not enqueue 4980. A system error occurred while processing an I/O request for a 1024- byte sector diskette. Channel command not allowed. Not used. Load error for $IAM. CANCEL received during NETTERM. Break. SDLC failure (hard I/O error). Spooling support not included in supervisor. ISB of last operation (I/O complete). The host responded with other than EOT or an ENQ when an EaT was expected (Supervisor). CQde 8 $IMOPEN $PDS $RAMSEC Disk READ /WRITE EXIO EXIO lAM NETTERM Virtual Terminal Session Termination Spool ACCA TP/HCF 9 c $DISKUT3 $1 M DATA $IMPROT $PDS $RAMSEC Disk READ /WRITE EXIO EXIO NETTERM Session Termination TP/HCF Data set not found (DELETE, OPEN, RELEASE, RENAME). Invalid format in buffer. Invalid format in buffer. Space not released. System not able to ENQT 4980 before loading $RAMSEC. Device was offline when I/O was requested. No DDB found. Not used. CANCEL received during NETTERM and a negative response sent during NETTERM. Request discontact failure. Retry count exhausted - last error was a modem interface check (Supervisor). Figure 1 (Part 15 of 26). Event Driven Executive Return Codes C:;' I 'l Chapter 5. Return Codes MC-377 Return Codes (Numbered) c Return Code 10 Issued by Condition $DISKUT3 $IMPROT $PDS BSC Disk READ /WRITE New name pointer is zero (RENAME). FTAB truncated due to insufficient buffer size. Not a data member. Timeout occurred. Record number out of range of data set. This may be an end-of-file (data set) condition. Too many DCBS chained (I NST}. SE on and too many DCBS chained (INTERRUPT). Invalid request. End of message received, response requested. Host disconnected or an attempt was made to reconnect the Series/1 while the network was still active. Tape mark (EOD). Retry count exhausted; last error not a timeout, modem check, block check or overrun (Supervisor). Codes greater than 10 represent possible multiple errors. To determine the errors, subtract 10 from the code and convert result to an 8-bit binary value. Each bit (from left) represents an error as follows: Bit 0 - not used 1 - system error (command reject) 2 - not used 3 - system error (DCB specification check) 4 - storage data check 5 - invalid storage address 6 - storage protection check 7 - interface data check Disk is busy (ALLOCATE, DELETE, RELEASE, RENAME). Error in building FTAB from 3101 format; partial FTAB created. Unrecoverable transmission error (BCC error). Data set not open or device marked unusable when I/O requested. No address specified for residual status (lNST). SE on; no address specified for residual status (INTERRUPT). End of message, and FMH received, response requested. ACTPU received. I/O complete on a write or control operation. Retry count exhausted - last error was a transmit overrun (Supervisor). EXIO EXIO lAM NETGET Session Termination Tape READ /WRITE TP/HCF >10 Terminal I/O 11 $DISKUT3 $IMPROT BSC Disk READ /WRITE EXIO EXIO NETGET Session Termination ACCA TP/HCF 12 $DISKUT3 $1 M DATA $IMPROT BSC Disk READ /WRITE EXIO EXIO lAM Session Termination ACCA o I/O error writing to disk (ALLOCATE, DELETE, RELEASE, RENAME). Invalid terminal type. Invalid terminal type. Invalid sequence received. DSCB was not open, DDB addr = O. EXIODEV specified 0 residual status bytes (lNST). SE on; EXIODEV specified 0 bytes for residual status (INTERRUPT). Data set shut down due to error. DACTPU received. Read operation I/O complete. Figure 1 (Part 16 of 26). Event Driven Executive Return Codes o MC-378 SC34-0636 Return Codes (Numbered) c Return Code Issued by Condition 13 $DISKUT3 BSC Disk READ/WRITE I/O error reading from disk (all functions). Invalid multipoint tributary write attempt. If extended deleted record support requested. ($DCSBLFG bit 3 on). referenced sector not formatted to 128 bytes per sector. or request was for more than one 256-byte sector. If extended deleted record support not requested ($DCSBFLG bit 3 off). a deleted sector was encountered. Broken DCB chain (program error) (lNST). Broken DCB chain (INTERRUPT). A required module is not included in $IAM; module not included in load module. Negative response to request disconnect received. Data set name is all blanks (ALLOCATE. RENAME). Disregard this block sequence received. The first sector of requested record deleted. ECB to be posted not reset (INTERRUPT). Invalid index block found - index block had incorrect block type. End of message. right to send received. response requested. Network aborted. Condition code +1 after I/O start. or condition code after I/O complete. Invalid size specification (ALLOCATE). Remote station busy (WACK received). The second sector of requested record deleted. Error; start cycle steal status after exception (INTERRUPT). End of message. FMH and right to send received. response requested. UNBIND-HOLD received. Condition code +1 after I/O start. or condition code after I/O complete. Your supervisor does not contain X.21 support. Invalid size specification (RELEASE). The first and second sectors of requested record deleted. Device already opened (I NST). An error oc~urred while attempting to open the directory. $IAMDIR. LUSTAT received. EXIO EXIO lAM 14 Session Termination $DISKUT3 BSC Disk READ/WRITE EXIO lAM NETGET Session Termination ACCA 15 $DISKUT3 BSC Disk READ /WRITE EXIO NETGET Session Termination ACCA 16 BSC $DISKUT3 Disk READ/WRITE EXIO lAM NETCTL Figure 1 (Part 17 of 26). Event Driven Executive Return Codes c Chapter 5. Return Codes MC-379 Return Codes (Numbered) o Return Code Issued by Condition 17 BSC The connection type you defined on the BSCLINE statement is not valid for the X.21 Circuit Switched Network. Mismatched data set type (DELETE, OPEN, RELEASE, RENAME). Device not opened or already closed. lAM is inactive - not enough storage available. Use $IAMUn BF command to readjust storage size. LUSTAT with EB received. Message flow to or from host cold-started, no messages to or from host lost. The 2080 feature card is incorrectly jumpered for use with the X.21 Circuit Switched Network. Data set already exists - larger than requested. Attempt to read or write to dynamic partition rejected. Use a static partition. LUSTAT with CD received. End of transaction and end of message received. The X.21 network has been deactivated (DCE CLEAR). SETEOD only valid for data sets of type DATA. End of transaction, end of message and FMH received. Message flow to and from host cold-started, message from host lost. Load of $DISKUT3 failed for $RMU. Wrong length record - long (no COD). Tape data set not supported. Wrong length record - short (write only). Wrong record length. $DISKUT3 EXIO lAM NETCTL NETINIT 18 BSC $DISKUT3 EXIO 19 20 21 NETCTL NETGET BSC $DISKUT3 NETGET NETINIT $DISKUT3 BSC $DISKUT3 BSC Tape READ /WRITE Figure 1 (Part 18 of 26). Event Driven Executive Return Codes o o MC-380 SC34-0636 Return Codes (Numbered) o Return Code Issued by Condition 22 BSC lAM Tape READ /WRITE BSC lAM Tape READ /WRITE Invalid buffer address. Invalid IACB address. Drive not ready. Buffer length zero. Get storage error - IACB. File protect. 24 BSC $DISKUT3 Tape READ /WRITE Undefined line address. Extent data set already exists. EOT detected. 25 BSC $DISKUT3 Tape READ /WRITE Line not opened by calling task. Program type data sets are not extendable. Load point. 26 BSC NETGET Registration or cancellation request processed. End of transaction and end of message received, response requested. Uncorrected I/O error. 23 Tape READ/WRITE 27 C Tape READ /WRITE Redirection activated. End of transaction, end of message and FM H received, response requested. WRITE issued but OS date not expired. 28 BSC Tape READ /WRITE Redirection deactivated. Invalid BLKSIZE Data set not open. Modem interface error. Incorrect device type. BSC NETGET 29 Tape READ /WRITE 30 BSC Tape READ/WRITE 31 BSC lAM Tape READ/WRITE Hardware overrun. FCB WRITE error during IDEF processing; check system return code. Incorrect request type on close request. Figure 1 (Part 19 of 26). Event Driven Executive Return Codes o Chapter 5. Return Codes MC-381 Return Codes (Numbered) o Return Code Issued by Condition 32 BSC lAM NETCTL NETGET NETINIT Tape READ/WRITE Hardware error. Blocksize not multiple of 256. CANCEL received. Start of transaction received. Message to host lost. Block count error during close. 33 BSC NETCTL NETGET Tape READ /WRITE 34 BSC lAM NETCTL NETGET BSC NETGET Unexpected ring interrupt. CANCEL with EB received. Start of transaction and FMH received. EOV1 label encountered during close. Invalid interrupt during auto-answer. Data set too small. CANCEL with CD received. Start of transaction and end of message received. Enable or disable DTR error. Start of transaction, end of message, and FMH received. 35 36 37 38 lAM lAM lAM NETGET 39 lAM NETGET 40 41 lAM 42 lAM lAM NETGET 43 lAM NETGET 44 45 46 lAM lAM lAM NETGET 47 lAM NETGET 48 lAM NETCTL Invalid block size during file definition processing. Invalid record size. Invalid index size. Start of transaction, end of message, and right-to-send received. Record size greater than block size. Start of transaction, end of message, FMH and right-to-send received. Invalid number of free records. Invalid number of clusters. Invalid key size. Start of transaction, end of message, and response requested. Invalid reserve index value. Start of transaction, end of message, and FM H received, response requested. o Invalid reserve block value. Invalid free pool value. Invalid delete threshold value. Start of transaction, end of message and right-to-send received, response requested. Invalid free block value. Start of transaction, end of message, FMH and right-to-send received, response requested. Invalid number of base records. SHUTDOWN received. Figure 1 (Part 20 of 26). Event Driven Executive Return Codes o MC-382 SC34-0636 Return Codes (Numbered) Return Code Issued by Condition 49 lAM NETINIT Invalid key position. Message flow to host cold-started, message to host lost; message flow from host cold-started, no messages from host lost. 50 lAM Data set is opened for exclusive use, cannot be opened exclusively. Start and end of transaction, and end of message received. I/O error from the last I/O in DSWRITE (DSCLOSE). Data set opened in load mode. Start and end of transaction, end of message and FM H received. I/O error when writing the last buffer (DSCLOSE). Data set is open; can't be opened exclusively. Invalid block size during PROCESS/LOAD processing. Get storage error - FCB. Read error - FCB. Start and end of transaction, end of message received, response requested. Start and end of transaction, end of message and FM H received, response requested. NETGET 51 52 54 55 56 58 0 TP/HCF lAM NETGET TP/HCF lAM lAM lAM lAM NETGET 59 NETGET 60 61 lAM lAM LOAD 62 lAM LOAD 63 64 65 LOAD LOAD lAM LOAD 66 LOAD 67 LOAD 68 69 70 LOAD LOAD lAM LOAD LOAD LOAD LOAD 71 72 73 Out of sequence or duplicate key. End of file The transient loader ($LOADER) is not included in the system. Duplicate key found in PROCESS mode. In an overlay request, no overlay area exists. In an overlay request, the overlay area is in use. No space available for the transient loader. Inconsistent free space parameters. RSVIX/RSVBLK or FPOOL/DYN specified without one or another. In an overlay load operation, the number of data sets passed by the LOAD instruction does not equal the number required by the overlay program. In an overlay load operation, no parameters were passed to the loaded program. A disk/diskette I/O error occurred during the load process process. Reserved. Reserved. No space for insert. Not enough main storage available for the program. Program not found on the specified volume. Disk or diskette I/O error while reading directory. Disk or diskette I/O error while reading program. header Figure 1 (Part 21 of 26). Event Driven Executive Return Codes o Chapter 5. Return Codes MC-383 Return Codes (Numbered) o Return Code 74 Issued by Condition LOAD Referenced module is not a program. 75 76 LOAD lAM Referenced module is not a data set. DSOPEN error occurred. The system error field in the open table contains the DSOPEN errors: 21-DSNAM~VOLUMENOTFOUND 77 78 79 80 81 LOAD lAM 22 - VOLSERV ERROR 23 - I/O ERROR Data set not found on referenced volume. LOAD Record save areas not large enough - use $IAMUT1 BF command to set maximum record size for secondary file processing. Invalid data set name. lAM LOAD LOAD Attempted to open a secondary file for load. LOAD instruction did not specify required data set. LOAD instruction did not specify required parameters. lAM LOAD NETCTL FCB write error during delete processing. Invalid volume label specified. SIGNAL received. LOAD Cross partition LOAD requested, support was not included at system generation. Message flow to host cold-started; message to host possibly lost. Message flow from host cold-started; no message from host lost. NETINIT 82 LOAD 85 90 lAM Requested partition number greater than number of partitions in the system. Key field modified by user. lAM SBIO Key save area in use. Device not attached. 91 SBIO Device busy or in exclusive use. 92 93 94 95 96 SBIO Busy after reset. SBIO Command reject. SBIO Invalid request. SBIO Interface data check. NETCTL SBIO 97 98 99 SBIO RELQ received. Controller busy. Analog input over vOltage. 100 101 SBIO Analog input invalid range. BSC Access method error. lAM SBIO TP/HCF Unmapped Stor lAM SBIO TP/HCF Read error; check system return code. Analog input invalid channel. Length of DSNAME is zero (HCFCOMM). No unmapped storage support in system. Write error -(check system return code). Invalid count field. Length of DSNAME exceeds 52 (HCFCOMM). o Figure 1 (Part 22 of 26). Event Driven Executive Return Codes o MC-384 SC34-0636 Return Codes (Numbered) C Return Code Issued by Condition 102 SBIO TP/HCF SBIO lAM NETCTL Buffer previously full or empty. Invalid length specified for I/O (HCFINIT). Delayed command reject. Write error - data set closed. 104 110 112 120 122 123 lAM lAM lAM 138 S1S1 150 154 200 lAM S1S1 lAM TP/HCF 201 lAM 202 C 203 MTM TP/HCF lAM MTM TP/HCF lAM MTM 205 TP/HCF lAM MTM TP/HCF lAM 206 MTM TP/HCF lAM 207 MTM TP/HCF lAM 204 208 MTM TP/HCF lAM MTM TP/HCF Negative response received. Invalid extract type. Invalid file for type FCBEXT. Data paging not currently active for EXTRACT. An error has occurred that can only be determined by displaying the device cycle steal status words with the TERMCTRL STATUS function and checking the bits to determine the cause of the error. Not enough storage available for data paging. See RC code 138 and 1002-1054. Error occurred while accessing the primary file. Data set not on volume specified for controller (HCFINIT). Request failed because primary file for this secondary could not be opened; check system return code. Data set not found. Invalid member name specification (DSOPEN). Secondary index is out of sync with primary file. Volume not found. Data set in use by another job (DSOPEN). Primary file failed to open on secondary open request. No file table entries are available - a" have updates outstanding. Data set already allocated to this task - (DSOPEN). Error in opening an auto-update modification request. I/O error reading volume directory. Data set is not cataloged (DSOPEN). Auto-update PUTDE to a secondary failed, auto-update processing continues. I/O error writing volume directory. Data set resides on multiple volumes (DSOPEN). Auto-update processing an INSERT to a secondary failed; auto-update processing continues. Invalid function request. Data set not on a direct access device (DSOPEN). During auto-update processing a GETSEQ to a secondary failed; auto-update processing continues. Invalid key operator. Volume not mounted (archived) (DSOPEN). I/O error on primary file during a secondary request. SEOD record number greater than data set length. Device not inline (DSOPEN). Figure 1 (Part 23 of 26). Event Driven Executive Return Codes Chapter 5. Return Codes MC-385 Return Codes (Numbered) o Return Code 209 Issued by Condition lAM GET UPDATE error occurred trying to update a bad RBN. Data set does not exist (DSOPEN). Request failed because $DISKUT3 could not be loaded. Record format is not supported (DSOPEN). Invalid logical record length (DSOPEN). 210 211 212 213 214 216 TP/HCF lAM TP/HCF TP/HCF TP/HCF TP/HCF TP/HCF 217 TP/HCF Data set organization is sequential and a member name was specified (DSOPEN). 218 219 220 TP/HCF TP/HCF TP/HCF Error during OS OPEN (DSOPEN). The specified member was not found (DSOPEN). An I/O error occurred during a directory search (DSOPEN). 221 222 230 231 TP/HCF TP/HCF lAM Invalid data set organization (DSOPEN). 232 233 234 235 239 lAM lAM lAM lAM lAM 242 lAM 244 lAM 245 lAM 247 lAM 248 249 lAM lAM 256 GPIB lAM Invalid block size (DSOPEN). Data set has no extents (DSOPEN). Data set organization is partitioned and no member name was specified (DSOPEN). Insufficient I/O buffer space available (DSOPEN). Directory read error from $IAMDIR. $IAMQCB not found; check sysgen for include of$IAMQCB. Directory open error for $IAM DI R. Directory related primary request is a primary entry. Directory error - dsname,vol not found in $IAMDIR. Directory resource has not been requested. Directory write error; refer to previously. displayed message Secondary index is out of sync with primary file. Must rebuild file to get back in sync. Error in opening auto-update on secondary modification request modification request. Auto update PUTDE to a secondary failed, auto-update processing continues. During auto-update processing a GETSEQ to a secondary failed, auto-update processing continues. o I/O error on primary file during a secondary request. GET UPDATE error occurred trying to update a bad RBN. 256 + ISB read exception Figure 1 (Part 24 of 26). Event Driven Executive Return Codes o MC-386 SC34-0636 Return Codes (Numbered) c Return Code Issued by Condition 300 300-325 TP/HCF Msg Handler End of an input data set (DSREAD). 301 302 303 326 327 TP/HCF TP/HCF TP/HCF Msg Handler 328 329 330 331 332 c 400 401 402 403 404 512 551 552 553 554 556 557 558 559 560 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 Msg Handler Msg Handler Msg Handler Msg Handler Msg Handler Msg Handler TP/HCF TP/HCF TP/HCF TP/HCF TP/HCF GPIB Channel Attach Channel Channel Channel Channel Channel Channel Channel Attach Attach Attach Attach Attach Attach Attach Channel Attach Channel Attach Channel Channel Channel Channel Channel Attach Attach Attach Attach Attach Channel Attach Channel Attach Disk message read error (subtract 300 to get the disk read/write return code). I/O error during an OS READ (DSREAD). Input data set is not open (DSREAD). A previous error has occurred (DSREAD). Message number out of range. Parameter not found. No parameter in the instruction. Invalid parameter position. Invalid parameter type. Invalid disk message data set. Disk message read error. End of an output data set (DSWRITE). I/O error during an OS WRITE (DSWRITE). Output data set is not open (DSWRITE). A previous error has occurred (DSWRITE). Partitioned data set is full (DSCLOSE). 512 +ISB write exception. Device not started. Stop in progress. Device in use. Device not found. Port out of range. Port already open. Read buffer not provided. Read buffer count = O. Buffer not provided. Write buffer not provided. Write buffer count =O. User's CAIOCB not linked to port. Trace already on. Trace already off. System error;CAPGM terminating. Port not opened. Device already started. Figure 1 (Part 25 of 26). Event Driven Executive Return Codes o Chapter 5. Return Codes MC-387 Return Codes (Numbered) o Return Code 570 571 573 574 700 701 702 703 704 710 800 801 802 810 900 901 902 Issued by Condition Channel Attach Channel Attach Device in diagnostic mode. CAPGM load error. Channel Attach Channel Attach Open in progress. Partition number in error. Index, key, and status record added (SET). TP/HCF TP/HCF TP/HCF TP/HCF TP/HCF TP/HCF TP/HCF TP/HCF TP/HCF TP/HCF TP/HCF TP/HCF Index exists, key and status added (SET). Index and key exist, status replaced (SET). Error; index full (SET). Error; data set full (SET). I/O error (SET). Index and key exist (FETCH). Index does not exist (FETCH). Key does not exist (FETCH). I/O error (FETCH). Index and/or key released (RELEASE). Index does not exist (RELEASE). Key does not exist (RELEASE). I/O error (RELEASE). 910 999 TP/HCF TP/HCF GPIB 1002 1004 1006 S1S1 S1S1 S1S1 Other Series /1 not active. Checksum error detected. Invalid operation code or sequence. 1010 1012 S1S1 S1S1 1014 1016 1024 S1S1 S1S1 GPIB 1050 1052 1054 1XXX S1S1 TERMCTRL ABORT issued by responding processor. Device reset TERMCTRL RESET issued by other processor. Microcode load to attachment failed during IPL. Invalid or unsolicited interrupt occurred. Attention recieved during an operation (may be combined with an exception condition). TERMCTRL ABORT issued and no operation pending. TERMCTRL IPL attempted by responding processor. Invalid data length. An error occurred in a subordinate module during SUBMIT; xxx is the code returned by that module. S1S1 S1S1 TP/HCF Attention received during an operation (may be combined with an exception condition). o Figure 1 (Part 26 of 26). Event Driven Executive Return Codes o MC-388 SC34-0636 c Chapter 6. Stop Codes The system uses stop codes to signal error conditions that occur when the system cannot issue error messages or return codes. It is possible to obtain the stop codes only on systems that have programmer consoles. c To obtain the stop codes, set the Mode switch on the Series/l basic console to Diagnostic mode. If an error condition occurs, the processor will stop. Press the OP REG button on the programmer console to get the stop code. The code is displayed in the console lights in the form "64xx". The "xx" portion of the code indicates the error condition. For a description of how to read the console lights, refer to the Problem Determination Guide. Many times an error condition is shown by a run loop when the console switch is in Normal mode. If a run loop is encountered, set the Mode switch to Diagnostic mode. If it is a stop code type error, the processor will stop. You can then obtain the stop code. The following section describes the meaning of the values that can appear for the "xx" portion of the stop code. The values are shown in hexadecimal format. o Chapter 6. Stop Codes MC-389 Stop Codes o Stop Code C4 Module TIMRINIT Error The 7840 timer feature card is not attached or is malfunctioning. Action J Resnonse Check the 7840 card to determine if it is attached correctly. If it is attached correctly, the card may be defective. C5 BSCINIT Hardware error for the 2080 feature card or you did not jumper the card to match your software support. Check the 2080 card to determine if it is jumpered correctly. If it is jumpered correctly, the card may be defective. CE $SADUMP I/O error reading volume label Bits 0, 1, and 2 of the LSR contain status. Press START to read cycle steal status. Go to stop code E7. CF $SADUMP I/O error reading volume label Press START to retry operation. If condition continues, recreate the dump diskette using $DASDI. D3 $OVLMGRO I/O error while reading initialization overlay routines. Re-IPL. If you receive the stop code again, regenerate the nucleus. DA INIT4980 1. Read error for random access memory load data set. 1. Recopy the image store ($4980IS0), the control store ($4980CSO), and the microcode ($4980R01) to the I PL volume. 2. Error during load of 4980 terminal random access memory. 2. Hardware error. DB INITMFA I/O error writing random access memory record to the MFA. Bits 0, 1, and 2 of level status register (LSR) contain I/O condition code or interrupt condition code. The initialization module INITMFA terminates. DC INITMFA Read error on MFA random access memory load data set. The initialization module INITMFA terminates. Recopy $MFARAM to IPL volume. DD INITMFA Open error on the multifunction adapter (MFA) random access memory load data set. Ensure that $MFARAM resides on the IPL volume. Use the $INITDSK commands, VD (to verify the device), and W (to verify the volume). DE INITMFA Error reading correct random access memory load data set. Recopy $MFARAM to IPL volume. DF INITMFA Error finding correct random access memory data set. Ensure that $MFARAM resides on IPL volume. EO $SADUMP I/O error reading stand alone dump program off diskette. Recreate the stand alone dump diskette using $DASDI o Figure 2 (Part 1 of 3). Stop Codes o MC-390 SC34-0636 Stop Codes o Stop CQd_e~ Module E1 $SADUMP E2 Error Unexpected class interrupt Action / Response· $SADUMP, $TRAP I/O error writing control blocks Press START to retry operation. If condition continues, recreate the dump diskette using $DASDI. E3 $SADUMP, $TRAP I/O error writing control blocks Bits 0, 1, and 2 of the LSR contain status. Press START to read cycle steal status. Go to stop code E7. E4 $SADUMP, $TRAP I/O error on Seek/Recalibrate for dump program (see response for code E3) E5 $SADUMP, $TRAP $SADUMP, $TRAP $SADUMP, $TRAP I/O failed on storage dump. (see response for code E2) I/O error interrupt writing storage (see response for code E3) Read cycle steal status after error. Console lights show contents of cycle steal status word 2. Dump program terminates. E8 $SADUMP None E9 $TRAP Stand alone dump has completed successfu IIv. $TRAP successful EB INIT4978 Processor storage parity error during load of 4978 terminal random access memory. Hardware error. EC INITADAP Too many loads of random access memory have been performed for this adapter card (limit is 99). Severe hardware problem. Adapter card is unusable. ED INITADAP I/O error while writing random access memory record to the adapter. Bits 0, 1, and 2 of the level status register (LSR) contain I/O condition code or interrupt condition code. Examine them to determine cause of the problem. EE INITADAP Read error for random access memory load data set. Verify the disk in use with the $1 N ITDSK utility. Then recopy the random access memory load data set to the IPL volume. EF INITADAP Open error on the random access memory load data set. Ensure that the random access memory load data set in on the I PL volume. FO SEGINIT Not enough physical storage for supervisor code. Generate a smaller system (with fewer I/O devices and/or fewer software features). E6 E7 o None. Re-IPL. Re-IPL. Figure 2 (Part 2 of 3). Stop Codes o Chapter 6. Stop Codes MC-391 Stop Codes o Stop Code Fl Module XPSINIT Error DDB chain or IPL device DDB undefined. F2 XPSINIT Disk(ette) device type is undefined. Use $IOTEST to find which device was incorrectly defined. Regenerate the system, correcting the device definition. F3 XPSINIT I/O error on seek/recalibrate (hardware error). Copy nucleus to another volume. Re-IPL. F4 XPSINIT Seek/ recalibrate interrupt was bad. Copy nucleus to another volume. Re-I PL. F5 XPSINIT I/O error reading I PL text from disk(ette). Device type incorrectly defined. Use $IOTEST to find which device is incorrectly defined. Regenerate the system; then re-IPL. F6 XPSINIT Interrupt on read of IPL text from disk(ette) was bad. Device type incorrectly defined at IPL. Use $IOTEST to find which device is incorrectly defined. Re-IPL, writing text to another volume. F7 XPSINIT XPS header record was not found. Regenerate the nucleus. Re-IPL. F8 XPSINIT Device type in XPSINIT IPL text is undefined. Copy the nucleus to another volume. Re-IPL. F9 XPSINIT I/O failed during load of XPS segments. Copy the nucleus to another volume. Re-I PL. If you receive the stop code again, regenerate the nucleus and re-IPL. FB EDXSVCX IA buffer overflow Re-I PL. Consider a system generation to increase the IABUF parameter on the SYSTEM statement. (default is 20). FC EDXSVCX Overflow; no free XPSTK entries Re-IPL. Increase the XPSTK parameter of the SYSTEM statement during system generation (default is 20). FD EDXSVCX Invalid TCBINDX Re-IPL. FE EDXSVCX Invalid SVC request Press the start button. Action / Response Use $IOTEST to find which disk was not included in the system. Regenerate the system, including the device. o Figure 2 (Part 3 of 3). Stop Codes o MC-392 SC34-0636 c Appendix A. Program Checks and Processor Status Word (PSW) c Program check messages provide status information on errors that occur during processing of programs. These messages are displayed in the terminal defined as $SYSLOG. The supervisor issues two types of program check messages: system program check and application program check. The information in this appendix applies to programs written in the Event Driven Language. How to Interpret the Program Check Message The program check message can be in one of the following two formats: • Format 1 is the standard type of message that the supervisor issues when you have not specified a task error exit in your program (ERRXlT = operand is not coded in the PROGRAM or TASK statement). • Format 2 is displayed when you specify $$EDXlT as the task error exit for your program (ERRXlT=$$EDXlT is coded in the PROGRAM or TASK statement). Format 1: Standard Program Check Messages For programs with no task error exit specified, the supervisor issues two kinds of program check messages: application program checks, and system program checks. c Appendix A. Program Checks and Processor Status Word (PSW) MC-393 Program Checks and Processor Status Word (PSW) How to Interpret the Program Check Message (continued) The following is an example of the standard application program check message: o PROGRAM CHECK: PLP TCB PSW IAR AKR LSR RO R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 3AOO 0120 8002 2AD6 0110 8000 0064 3BOA 3B20 3A37 3A34 015C 00B8 0000 The next example shows the system program check message: SYSTEM PGM CHECK: PSW IAR AKR LSR RO R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 8002 2AD6 0110 8000 0064 3BOA 3B20 3A37 3A34 015C 00B8 0000 The headings displayed in the message have the following meanings. PLP The address in storage of the program load point. This is the address at which the program was loaded for execution and represents the first word of your program listing. For a system program check message, this field is omitted because the failing instruction is within the supervisor. TCB The address in storage of the active task control block (TCB). For a system program check message, this field is omitted because the failing instructiod is within the supervisor. [ o PSW The value of the processor status word (PSW) when the program check occurred. Refer to the section "Processor Status Word" on page MC-395 to determine the meaning of this value. IAR The contents of the instruction address register (IAR) at the time of the error. The value shown is the address of the machine instruction currently executing. AKR The value of the address key register (AKR) at the time of the error. This last 3-hexadecimal digits indicate in which address space operand 1 and operand 2 reside and in which address space the IAR is executing. LSR The value of the level status register (LSR) when the error occurred. This information indicates the status of the last assembler instruction executed. The next portion of the program check message displays the contents of the hardware registers RO- R 7. If the failing program is written in a language other than EDL, refer to the user's guide for that language to determine the register usage. RO Because the supervisor uses this register as a work register, the contents are usually not significant to the failing program. o MC-394 SC34-0636 c How to Interpret the Program Check Message (continued) Rl The address in storage of the failing EDL instruction. R2 The address in storage of the active task control block (TCB). R3 The address in storage of EDL operand 1 of the failing instruction. R4 The address in storage of EDL operand 2 of the failing instruction (if applicable). R5 Byte 2 shows the EDL operation code of the failing instruction. R6 Because the supervisor uses this register as a work register, the contents are usually not significant to the failing program. However, if the value in R6 is equal to twice the value of the operation code (second byte of RS multiplied by 2), this indicates that the processor was emulating EDL code. R7 Because the supervisor uses this register as a work significant to the failing program. reglst~r, the contents are usually not After reviewing the information shown in the program check message, you must analyze the contents displayed for the processor status word (PSW). c The processor status word is a 16-bit register the system uses to save error status. By looking at the processor status word, you can determine whether the error is hardware or software related. The next section explains how to interpret the processor status word. Processor Status Word In the standard program check messages, the processor status word (PSW) consists of 4 hexadecimal digits. Each hexadecimal digit represents the sum of 4 binary bits. Starting from left to right, the value of each bit (when set) is 8, 4, 2, and 1. To interpret the bit settings, you must convert each hexadecimal digit to binary. For example, if the PSW showed the value X'8002', the binary representation and the bit positions would be as shown below: Hex value Binary value PSW bits 8 1000 0~3 0 0000 0000 0010 4-7 0 2 8 - 11 12 - 15 Figure 3. Sample processor status word bit settings In the previous example, note that bits 0 and 14 are set. These bit settings are the same as X'8002'. After you convert the value to binary and identify which bit positions are set, refer to "Processor Status Word Bit Descriptions" on page MC-396 for an explanation of what each bit indicates. Remember that bit 0 is the leftmost bit in the 16-bit string. o Appendix A. Program Checks and Processor Status Word (PSW) MC-395 Program Checks and Processor Status Word (PSW) How to Interpret the Program Check Message (continued) Processor Status Word Bit Descriptions o Figure 4 shows the PSW bits and their general assignment for the different processors. An explanation of the bit settings follows Figure 4. Refer to the specific processor description manual for details on class interrupts, I/O interrupts, and the basic instruction set (including indicator settings and possible exceptions conditions). Bit Processor type 495x 23456 Condition Class interrupt 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX X XXX XXXXX XXX XXXXX Specification check Invalid storage address Privilege violate Protect check Invalid function Floating-point exception Stack exception Not used Program check Program check Program check Program check Soft-exception Soft- exception Soft-exception 8 XXXXX Storage parity check Not used Processor control check I/O check Sequence indicator Auto IPL Translator enabled Power /thermal warning Machine check 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX X XXX XXXXX Machine check Machine check None None None Power /thermal o Figure 4. Processor Status Word Bit Assignments Processor Status Word Bit Descriptions The information in the processor status word falls into three categories: • Software problems - • Hardware problems - • Processor status - bits 0-6 bits 8, 10, or 11 bits 12-15. Each of the bits is described below. • Bit 0, Specification Check. Set to 1 if (a) the storage address violates the boundary requirements of the specified data type, or (b) the effective (computed) address is odd when attempting to execute a floating-point instruction and the floating-point feature is not installed. • Bit 1, Invalid Storage Address. Set to 1 when an attempt is made to access a storage address outside the storage size of the system. o MC-396 SC34-0636 c How to Interpret the Program Check Message (continued) • Bit 2~ Privilege Violate. Set to 1 if a program in problem state attempts to issue a privileged instruction. The processor can run in either supervisor or problem state. Some assembler instructions can be used only while in supervisor state. If an assembler program in problem state attempts to issue a privileged instruction~ the privilege violate condition occurs. This error normally never occurs in an EDL program. Bit 3 ~ Protect Check. Set to 1 if a program attempts to access protected storage. The processor can control access to areas in storage by using a storage protect feature. If a program attempts to address any part of the protected storage~ the protect check indicator is set. This error normally never occurs in an EDL program. • Bit 4~ Invalid Function. Set to 1 if any of the following conditions occur: Attempted execution of an illegal operation code or function combination. The processor attempts to execute an instruction associated with a feature that is not installed. c • Bit 5~ Floating-Point Exception. Set to 1 when an exception condition is detected by the optional floating-point processor. Floating-point hardware sets this bit to indicate underflow~ overflow~ and divide check exceptions. An EDL program can detect these exceptions by the return code from floating-point instruction. No program check message is issued when this exception occurs. • Bit 6~ Stack Exception. Set to 1 when an attempt has been made to pop an operand from an empty processor storage stack or push an operand into a full processor storage stack. A stack exception also occurs when the stack cannot contain the number of words to be stored by an assembler Store Multiple (STM) instruction. This error normally never occurs in an EDL program. • Bit 8~ Storage Parity. Set to 1 when the hardware detects a parity error on data being read out of storage by the processor. • Bit 1O~ Processor Control Check. Set to 1 if no levels are active but execution continues. !' Bit 11~ I/O Check. Set to 1 when a hardware error has occurred on the I/O interface that may prevent further communication with any I/O device. Bit 12~ Sequence Indicator. Set to 1 to reflect the last I/O interface sequence to occur. This indicator is used in conjunction with I/O check (bit 11). • Bit 13 ~ Auto IPL. Set to 1 by the hardware when an automatic IPL occurs. • Bit 14~ Translator Enabled. Set to 1 when the·Storage Address Relocation Translator Feature is installed and enabled. o Appendix A. Program Checks and Processor Status Word (PSW) MC-397 Program Checks and Processor Status Word (PSW) How to Interpret the Program Check Message (continued) • Bit 15, Power Warning and Thermal Warning. Set to 1 when these conditions occur (refer to the appropriate processor manual for a description of a power/thermal warning class interrupt) . o Format 2: Program Check Message from $$EDXIT The $$EDXIT task error exit causes the supervisor to issue a program check message with descriptive headings, which provides more information than the standard program check messages. $$EDXIT also provides an analysis of the processor status word. When a program check occurs, the program check message is directed to $SYSLOG and $SYSPRTR. The following is an example of a program check message issued by $$EDXIT. An explanation of each item in the sample output follows the example. o The fields of the $$EDXIT program check message are described below. PROGRAM NAME identifies the name of the failing application program. In this example, the program PCHECK failed. • PSW indicates the value of the processor status word when the error occurred. $$EDXIT interprets this value and displays its meaning as shown in the PSW ANALYSIS field. A detailed description of the processor status word and the associated bits are presented in the section "Processor Status Word Bit Descriptions" on page MC-396. o MC-398 SC34-0636 c How to Interpret the Program Check Message (continued) VOLUME NAME identifies the name of the volume from which the failing application program was loaded. In this example, the name of the volume is MYVOL. • JAR (instruction address register) contains the address of the currently executing assembler instruction. • PROGRAM LOAD POINT contains the address at which the program was loaded for execution. The address represents the first word of your program listing. AKR (address key register) shows the address space of the currently executing assembler instruction and its operands. ADDRESS OF THE ACTIVE TCB contains the address of the active task control block (TCB). LSR (level status register) indicates the status of the last assembler instruction executed. c • ADDRESS OF CCB contains the address of the terminal control block (CCB) assigned to the failing program. • RO contains the contents of hardware register 0 when the error occurred. Because the supervisor uses this register as a work register, the contents are ~sually not significant when you analyze the failing program. • NUMBER OF DATA SETS shows the number of data sets that were open for use by the failing program. • Rl contains the address of the failing EDL instruction. • NUMBER OF OVERLAYS indicates the number of overlay programs specified on the PGMS= operand of the PROGRAM statement. • R2 contains the address of the active task control block. $TCBADS contains the target task address space. The value of this field plus 1 indicates the partition number in which the program was running. • R3 contains the address of operand 1 for the failing EDL instruction. • ADDRESS OF FAILURE contains the address of the failing EDL instruction. This is the address shown in the compiler listing. This is also the address shown in the R 1 field. In this example, the failing EDL instruction is at address X'OlOA'. • R4 contains the address of operand 2 for the failing EDL instruction. • RS contains the EDL operation code of the instruction that was executing when the failure occurred. o Appendix A. Program Checks and Processor Status Word (PSW) MC-399 Program Checks and Processor Status Word (PSW) How to Interpret the Program Check Message (continued) • DUMP OF FAIL ADDRESS shows the location and content of the instruction that was executing when the failure occurred. The information at this address also appears in the compiler listing. • R6 contains the contents of general purpose register 6 when the error occurred. Because the supervisor uses this register as a work register, the contents are usually not significant when you analyze the failing program. • R7 contains the contents of general purpose register 7 when the error occurred. Because the supervisor uses this register as a work register, the contents are usually not significant when you analyze the failing program. • $TCBCO shows the value in the first word of the failing program's task control block (TCB). The value is displayed in decimal and followed by the hexadecimal equivalent. o #1 shows the contents of index register 1 when the failure occurred. In this example, #1 contains the value X'0037'. $TCBC02 shows the value in the second word of the failing program's task control block (TCB). The value is displayed in decimal and followed by the hexadecimal equivalent. • #2 shows the contents of index register 2 when the failure occured. • PSW ANALYSIS explains the meanings of the bit settings in the processor status word (PSW). The hexadecimal format of the processor status word is shown in the PSW field. This information indicates the type of error that occurred. o o MC-400 SC34-0636 c Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations This glossary defines terms and abbreviations used in the Series/1 Event Driven Executive software publications. All software and hardware terms pertain to EDX. This glossary also serves as a supplement to the IBM Data Processing Glossary, GC20-1699. c $SYSLOGA, $SYSLOGB. The name of the alternate system logging device. This device is optional but, if defined, should be a terminal with keyboard capability, not just a printer. asynchronous communications control adapter. An ASCII terminal attached via #1610, #2091 with #2092, or #2095 with #2096 adapters. $SYSLOG. The name of the system logging device or operator station; must be defined for every system. It should be a terminal with keyboard capability, not just a printer. attention key. The key on the display terminal keyboard that, if pressed, tells the operating system that you are entering a command. $SYSPRTR. The name of the system printer. attention list. A series of pairs of 1 to 8 byte EBCDIC strings and addresses pointing to EDL instructions. When the attention key is pressed on the terminal, the operator can enter one of the strings to cause the associated EDL instructions to be executed. abend. Abnormal end-of-task. Termination of a task prior to its completion because of an error condition that cannot be resolved by recovery facilities while the task is executing. ACCA. See asynchronous communications control adapter. address key. Identifies a set of Series/1 segmentation registers and represents an address space. !t is one !ess than the partition number. address space. The logical storage identified by an address key. An address space is the storage for a partition. application program manager. The component of the Multiple Terminal Manager that provides the program management facilities required to process user requests. It controls the contents of a program area and the execution of programs within the area. backup. A copy of data to be used in the event the original data is lost or damaged. base record slots. Space in an indexed file that is reserved for based records to be p!aced. base records. Records are placed into an indexed file while in load mode or inserted in process mode with a new high key. basic exchange format. A standard format for exchanging data on diskettes between systems or devices. binary synchronous device data block (BSCDDB). A control block that provides the information to control one Series/1 Binary Synchronous Adapter. It determines the line characteristics and provides dedicated storage for that line. application program stub. A collection of subroutines that are appended to a program by the linkage editor to provide the link from the application program to the Multiple Terminal Manager facilities. o Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations MC-401 Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations block. (1) See data block or index block. (2) In the Indexed Method, the unit of space used by the access method to contain indexes and data. block mode. The transmission mode in which the 3101 Display Station transmits a data data stream, which has been edited and stored, when the SEND key is pressed. BSCAM. See binary synchronous communications access method. be used to contain control blocks or data that will be accessed by more than one program. completion code. An indicator that reflects the status of the execution of a program. The completion code is displayed or printed on the program's output device. constant. A value or address that remains unchanged thoughout program execution. binary synchronous communications access method. A form of binary synchronous I/O control used by the Series/1 to perform data communications between local or remote stations. controller. A device that has the capability of configuring the GPIB bus by designating which devices are active, which devices are listeners, and which device is the talker. In Series/1 GPIB implementation, the Series/1 is always the controller. BSCOOB. See binary synchronous device data block. conversion. See update. buffer. An area of storage that is temporarily reserved for use in performing an input/ output operation, into which data is read or from which data is written. See input buffer and output buffer. control station. In BSCAM communications, the station that supervises a multipoint connection, and performs polling and selection of its tributary stations. The status of control station is assigned to a BSC line during system generation. bypass label processing. Access of a tape without any label processing support. o cross-partition service. A function that accesses data in two partitions. CCB. See terminal control block. central buffer. The buffer used by the Indexed Access Method for all transfers of information between main storage and indexed files. character image. An alphabetic, numeric, or special character defined for an IBM 4978 Display Station. Each character image is defined by a dot matrix that is coded into eight bytes. character image table. An area containing the 256 character images that can be defined for an IBM 4978 Display Station. Each character image is coded into eight bytes, the entire table of codes requiring 2048 bytes of storage. cross-partition supervisor. A supervisor in which one or more supervisor modules reside outside of partition 1 (address space 0). data block. In an indexed file, an area that contains control information and data records. These blocks are a multiple of 256 bytes. data record. In an indexed file, the records containing customer data. data set. A group of records within a volume pointed to by a directory member entry in the directory for the volume. character mode. The transmission mode in which the 3101 Display Station immediately sends a character when a keyboard key is pressed. data set control block (OSCB). A control block that provides the information required to access a data set. volume or directory using READ and WRITE. cluster. In an indexed file, a group of data blocks that is pointed to from the same primary-level index block, and includes the primary-level index block. The data records and blocks contained in a cluster are logically contiguous, but are not necessarily physically contiguous. data set shut down. An indexed data set that has been marked (in main storage only) as unusable due to an error. COO (change of direction). A character used with ACCA terminal to indicate a reverse in the direction of data movement. cold start. Starting the spool facility by erasing any spooled jobs remaining in the spool data set from any previous spool session. command. A character string from a source external to the system that represents a request for action by the system. o OCE. See directory control entry. device data block (DOB). A control block that describes a disk or diskette volume. direct access. (1) The access method used to READ or WRITE records on a disk or diskette device by specifying their location relative the beginning of the data set or volume. (2) In the Indexed Access Method, locating any record via its key without respect to the previous operation. (3) A condition in terminal I/O where a READTEXT or a PRINTEXT is directed to a buffer which was previously enqueued upon by an 10CB. common area. A user-defined data area that is mapped into the partitions specified on the SYSTEM definition statement. It can o MC-402 SC34-0636 o directory. (1) A series of contiguous records in a volume that describe the contents in terms of allocated data sets and free space. (2) A series of contiguous records on a device that describe the contents in terms of allocated volumes and free space. (3) For the Indexed Access Method Version 2, a data set that defines the relationship between primary and secondary indexed files (secondary index support). directory control entry (DCE). The first 32 bytes of the first record of a directory in which a description of the directory is stored. external label. A label attached to the outside of a tape that identifies the tape visually. It usually contains items of identification such as file name and number, creation data, number of volumes, department number, and so on. external name (EXTRN). The 1- to 8-character symbolic EBCDIC name for an entry point or data field that is not defined within the module that references the name. FCA. See file control area. FCB. See file control block. directory member entry (DME). A 32-byte directory entry describing an allocated data set or volume. display station. An IBM 4978, 4979, or 3101 display terminal or similar terminal with a keyboard and a video display. DME. See directory member entry. DSCB. See data set control block. dynamic storage. An increment of storage that is appended to a program when it is loaded. c end-of-data indicator. A code that signals that the last record of a data set has been read or written. End-of-data is determined by an end-of-data pointer in the DME or by the physical end of the data set. ECB. See event control block. EDL. See Event Driven Language. emulator. The portion of the Event Driven Executive supervisor that interprets EDL instructions and performs the function specified by each EDL statement. end-of-tape (EOT). A reflective marker placed near the end of a tape and sensed during output. The marker signals that the tape is nearly full. enter key. The key on the display terminal keyboard that, if pressed, tells the operating system to read the information you entered. event control block (ECB). A control block used to record the status (occurred or not occurred) of an event; often used to synchronize the execution of tasks. ECBs are used in conjunction with the WAIT and POST instructions. Event Driven Language (EDL). The language for input to the Event Driven Executive compiler ($EDXASM), or the Macro and Host assemblers in conjunction with the Event Driven Executive macro libraries. The output is interpreted by the Event Driven Executive emulator. EXIO (execute input or output). An EDL facility that provides user controlled access to Series/1 input/output devices. 0 file. A set of related records treated as a logical unit. Although file is often used interchangeably with data set, it usually refers to an indexed or a sequential data set. file control area (FCA). A Multiple Terminal Manager data area that describes a file access request. file control block (FCB). The first block of an indexed file. It contains descriptive information about the data contained in the file. file control block extension. The second block of an indexed file. It contains the file definition parameters used to define the file. file manager. A collection of subroutines contained within the program manager of the Multiple Terminal Manager that provides common support for all disk data transfer operations as needed for transaction-oriented application programs. It supports indexed and direct files under the control of a single callable function. floating point. A positive or negative number that can have a decimal point. formatted screen image. A collection of display elements or display groups (such as operator prompts and field input names and areas) that are presented together at one time on a display device. free pool. In an indexed data set, a group of blocks that can be used for either data blocks or index blocks. These differ fforn other free blocks in that these are not initially assigned to specific logical positions in the file. free space. In an indexed file, records blocks that do not currently contain data, and are available for use. free space entry (FSE). An 8-byte directory entry defining an area of free space within a volume or a device. FSE. See free space entry. general purpose interface bus. The IEEE Standard 488-1975 that allows various interconnected devices to be attached to the GPIB adapter (RPQ D02118). '11' 'I Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations MC-403 Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations GPIB. See general purpose interface bus. group. A unit of 100 records in the spool data set allocated to a spool job. H exchange format. A standard format for exchanging data on index register (#1, #2). Two words defined in EDL and contained in the task control block for each task. They are used to contain data or for address computation. o input buffer. (1) See buffer. (2) In the Multiple Terminal Manager, an area for terminal input and output. diskettes between systems or devices. host assembler. The assembler licensed program that executes in a 370 (host) system and produces object output for the Series / 1. The source input to the host assembler is coded in Event Driven Language or Series/1 assembler language. The host assembler refers to the System/370 Program Preparation Facility (5798-NNQ). host system. Any system whose resources are used to perform services such as program preparation for a Series/1. It can be connected to a Series/ 1 by a communications link. IACB. See indexed access control block. IAR. See instruction address register. input output control block (lOCB). A control block containing information about a terminal such as the symbolic name, size and shape of screen, the size of the forms in a printer, or an optional reference to a user provided buffer. instruction address register (lAR). The pointer that identifies the machine instruction currently being executed. The Series/1 maintains a hardware IAR to determine the Series/1 assembler instruction being executed. It is located in the level status block (LSB). integer. A positive or negative number that has no decimal point. interactive. The mode in which a program conducts a continuous dialogue between the user and the system. ICB. See indexed access control block. liB. See interrupt information byte. image store. The area in a 4978 that contains the character image table. immediate data. A self-defining term used as the operand of an instruction. It consists of numbers, messages or values which are processed directly by the computer and which do not serve as addresses or pointers to other data in storage. index. In an indexed file, an ordered collection of pairs of keys and pointers, used to sequence and locate records. index block. In an indexed file, an area that contains control information and index entries. These blocks are a multiple of 256 bytes. indexed access control block (lACB/ICB). The control block that relates an application program to an indexed file. indexed access method. An access method for direct or sequential processing of fixed-length records by use of a record's key. internal label. An area on tape used to record identifying information (similar to the identifying information placed on an external label). Internal labels are checked by the system to ensure that the correct volume is mounted. interrupt information byte (liB). In the Multiple Terminal Manager, a word containing the status of a previous input/output request to or from a terminal. o invoke. To load and activate a program, utility, procedure, or subroutine into storage so it can run. job. A collection of related program execution requests presented in the form of job control statements, identified to the jobstream processor by a JOB statement. job control statement. A statement in a job that specifies requests for program execution, program parameters, data set definitions, sequence of execution, and, in general, describes the environment required to execute the program. job stream processor. The job processing facility that reads job control statements and processes the requests made by these statements. The Event Driven Executive job stream processor is $JOBUTIL. indexed data set. Synonym for indexed file. indexed file. A file specifically created, formatted and used by the Indexed Access Method. An indexed file is sometimes called an indexed data set. index entry. In an indexed file, a key-pointer pair, where the pointer is used to locate a lower-level index block or a data block. jumper. (1) A wire or pair of wires which are used for the arbitrary connection between two circuits or pins in an attachment card. (2) To connect wire(s) to an attachment card or to connect two circuits. key. In the Indexed Access Method, one or more consecutive characters used to identify a record and establish its order with respect to other records. See also key field. c MC-404 SC34-0636 c key field. A field, located in the same position in each record of an indexed file, whose content is used for the key of a record. level status block (LSB). A Series/1 hardware data area that contains processor status. This area is eleven words in length. library. A set of contiguous records within a volume. It contains a directory, data sets and / or available space. line. A string of characters accepted by the system as a single input from a terminal; for example, all characters entered before the carriage return on the teletypewriter or the ENTER key on the display station is pressed. multivolume file. A data file that, due to its size, requires more than one unit of recording media (such as tape reel or disk pack) to contain the entire file. new high key. A key higher than any other key in an indexed file. link edit. The process of resolving external symbols in one or more object modules. A link edit is performed with $EDXLlNK whose output is a loadable program. non labeled tapes. Tapes that do not contain identifying labels (as in standard labeled tapes) and contain only files separated by tapemarks. listener. A controller or active device on a GPIB bus that is configured to accept information from the bus. null character. A user-defined character used to define the unprotected fields of a formatted screen. load mode. In the Indexed Access Method, the mode in which records are loaded into base record slots in an indexed file. option selection menu. A full screen display used by the Session Manager to point to other menus or system functions, one of which is to be selected by the operator. (See primary option menu and secondary option menu.) load module. A single module having cross references resolved and prepared for loading into storage for execution. The module is the output of the $UPDATE or $UPDATEH utility. load point. (1) Address in the partition where a program is loaded. (2) A reflective marker placed near the beginning of a tape to indicate where the first record is written. c multiple terminal manager. An Event Driven Executive licensed program that provides support for transaction-oriented applications on a Series/1. It provides the capability to define transactions and manage the programs that support those transactions. It also manages multiple terminals as needed to support these transactions. lock. In the Indexed Access Method, a method of indicating that a record or block is in use and is not available for another request. logical screen. A screen defined by margin settings, such as the TOPM, BOTM, LEFTM and RIGHTM parameters of the TERMINAL or IOCB statement. LSB. See level status block. mapped storage. The processor storage that you defined on the SYSTEM statement during system generation. member. A term used to identify a named portion of a partitioned data set (PDS). Sometimes member is also used as a synonym for a data set. See data set. menu. A formatted screen image containing a list of options. The user selects an option to invoke a program. menu-driven. The mode of processing in which input consists of the responses to prompting from an option menu. message. In data communications, the data sent from one station to another in a single transmission. Stations communication with a series of exchanged messages. output buffer. (1) See buffer. (2) In the Multiple Terminal Manager, an area used for screen output and to pass data to subsequent transaction programs. overlay. The technique of reusing a single storage area allocated to a program during execution. The storage area can be reused by loading it with overlay programs that have been specified in the PROGRAM statement of the program or by calling overlay segments that have been specified in the OVERLAY statement of $EDXLlNK. overlay area. A storage area within a program reserved for overlay programs specified in the PROGRAM statement or overlay segments specified in the OVERLAY statement in $EDXLlNK. overlay program. A program in which certain control sections can use the same storage location at different times during execution. An overiay program can execute concurrently as an asynchronous task with other programs and is specified in the EDL PROGRAM statement in the main program. overlay segment. A self-contained portion of a program that is called and sequentially executes as a synchronous task. The entire program that calls the overlay segment need not be maintained in storage while the overlay segment is executing. An overlay segment is specified in the OVERLAY statement of $EDXLlNK or $XPSLlNK (for initialization modules). overlay segment area. A storage area within a program or supervisor reserved for overlay segments. An overlay segment area is specified with the OVLAREA statement of $EDXLlNK. multifile volume. A unit of recording media, such as tape reel or disk pack, that contains more than one data file. 0 ,' I",,'" " Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations MC-405 Glossary of Tenns and Abbreviations parameter selection menu. A full screen display used by the Session Manager to indicate the parameters to be passed to a program. partition. A contiguous fixed-sized area of storage. Each partition is a separate address space. performance volume. A volume whose name is specified on the DISK definition statement so that its address is found during IPL, increasing system performance when a program accesses the volume. physical timer. Synonym for timer (hardware). polling. In data communications, the process by which a multipoint control station asks a tributary if it can receive messages. precision. The number of words in storage needed to contain a value in an operation. prefind. To locate the data sets or overlay programs to be used by a program and to store the necessary information so that the time required to load the prefound items is reduced. process mode. In the Indexed Access Method, the mode in which records can be retrieved, updated, inserted, or deleted. o processor status word (PSW). A 16-bit register used to (1) record error or exception conditions that may prevent further processing and (2) hold certain flags that aid in error recovery. program. A disk- or diskette-resident collection of one or more tasks defined by a PROGRAM statement; the unit that is loaded into storage. (See primary task and secondary task.) program header. The control block found at the beginning of a program that identifies the primary task, data sets, storage requirements and other resources required by a program. program/storage manager. A component of the Multiple Terminal Manager that controls the execution and flow of application programs within a single program area and contains the support needed to allow multiple operations and sharing of the program area. protected field. A field in which the operator cannot use the keyboard to enter, modify, or erase data. PSW. See processor status word. primary file. An indexed file containing the data records and primary index. primary file entry. For the Indexed Access Method Version 2, an entry in the directory describing a primary file. aCB. See queue control block. aD. See queue descriptor. aE. See queue element. primary index. The index portion of a primary file. This is used to access data records when the primary key is specified. primary key. In an indexed file, the key used to uniquely identify a data record. primary-level index block. In an indexed file, the lowest level index block. It contains the relative block numbers (RBNs) and high keys of several data blocks. See cluster. primary menu. The program selection screen displayed by the Multiple Terminal Manager. primary option menu. The first full screen display provided by the Session Manager. primary station. In a Series/1-to-Series/1 Attachment, the processor that controls communication between the two computers. Contrast with secondary station. primary task. The first task executed by the supervisor when a program is loaded into storage. It is identified by the PROGRAM statement. priority. A combination of hardware interrupt level priority and a software ranking within a level. Both primary and secondary tasks will execute asynchronously within the system according to the priority assigned to them. queue control block (aCB). A data area used to serialize access to resources that cannot be shared. See serially reusable resource. o queue descriptor (aD). A control block describing a queue built by the DEFINEQ instruction. queue element (aE). An entry in the queue defined by the queue descriptor. quiesce. To bring a device or a system to a halt by rejection of new requests for work. quiesce protocol. A method of communication in one direction at a time. When sending node wants to receive, it releases the other node from its quiesced state. record. (1) The smallest unit of direct access storage that can be accessed by an application program on a disk or diskette using READ and WRITE. Records are 256 bytes in length. (2) In the Indexed Access Method, the logical unit that is transferred between $IAM and the user's buffer. The length of the buffer is defined by the user. (3) In BSCAM communications, the portions of data transmitted in a message. Record length (and, therefore, message length) can be variable. recovery. The use of backup data to re-create data that has been lost or damaged. o MC-406 SC34-0636 c reflective marker. A small adhesive marker attached to the reverse (non recording) surface of a reel of magnetic tape. Normally, two reflective markers are used on each reel of tape. One indicates the beginning of the recording area on the tape (load point), and the other indicates the proximity to the end of the recording area (EaT) on the reel. relative block address (RBA). The location of a block of data on a 4967 disk relative to the start of the device. relative record number. An integer value identifying the position of a record in a data set relative to the beginning of the data set. The first record of a data set is record one, the second is record two, the third is record three. relocation dictionary (RLD). The part of an object module or load module that is used to identify address and name constants that must be adjusted by the relocating loader. remote management utility control block (RCB). A control block that provides information for the execution of remote management utility functions. reorganize. The process of copying the data in an indexed file to another indexed file in a manner that rearranges the data for more optimum processing and free space distribution. c restart. Starting the spool facility w the spool data set contains jobs from a previous session. The jobs in the spool data set can be either deleted or printed when the spool facility is restarted. return code. An indicator that reflects the results of the execution of an instruction or subroutine. The return code is usually placed in the task code word (at the beginning of the task control block). roll screen. A display screen which is logically segmented into an optional history area and a work area. Output directed to the screen starts display at the beginning of the work area and continues on down in a line-by-line sequence. When the work area gets full, the operator presses ENTER/SEND and its contents are shifted into the optional history area and the work area itself is erased. Output now starts again at the beginning of the work area. secondary key. For the Indexed Access Method Version 2, the key used to uniquely identify a data record. secondary option menu. In the Session Manager, the second in a series of predefined procedures grouped together in a hierarchical structure of menus. Secondary option menus provide a breakdown of the functions available under the session manager as specified on the primary option menu. secondary task. Any task other than the primary task. A secondary task must be attached by a primary task or another secondary task. secondary station. In a Series/ 1-to-Series/ 1 Attachment, the processor that is under the control of the primary station. sector. The smallest addressable unit of storage on a disk or diskette. A sector on a 4962 or 4963 disk is equivalent to an Event Driven Executive record. On a 4964 or 4966 diskette, two sectors are equivalent to an Event Driven Executive record. selection. In data communications, the process by which the multipoint control station asks a tributary station if it is ready to send messages. self-defining term. A decimal, integer, or character that the computer treats as a decimal, integer, or character and not as an address or pointer to data in storage. sensor based I/O control block (5BIOCB). A control block containing information related to sensor I/O operations. sequential access. The processing of a data set in order of occurrence of the records in the data set. (1) In the Indexed Access Method, the processing of records in ascending collating sequence order of the keys. (2) When using READ/WRITE, the processing of records in ascending relative record number sequence. serially reusable resource (5RR). A resource that can only be accessed by one task at a time. Serially reusable resources are usually managed via (1) a QCB and ENQ/DEQ statements or (2) an ECB and WAIT/POST statements. service requesi:. A device generated signal used to inforrn the controller that service is required by the issuing device. 5BIOCB. See sensor based I/O control block. GPIB second-level index block. In an indexed data set, the second-lowest level index block. It contains the addresses and high keys of several primary-level index blocks. session manager. A series of predefined procedures grouped together as a hierarchical structure of menus from which you select the utility functions, program preparation facilities, and language processors needed to prepare and execute application programs. The menus consist of a primary option menu that displays functional groupings and secondary option menus that display a breakdown of these functional groupings. secondary file. See secondary index. secondary index. For the Indexed Access Method Version 2, an indexed file used to access data records by their secondary keys. Sometimes called a secondary file. shared resource. A resource that can be used by more than one task at the same time. secondary index entry. For the Indexed Access Method Version 2, this an an entry in the directory describing a secondary index. o Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations MC-407 Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations shut down. See data set shut down. source module/program. A collection of instructions and statements that constitute the input to a compiler or assembler. Statements may be created or modified using one of the text editing facilities. spool job. The set of print records generated by a program (including any overlays) while engueued to a printer designated as a spool device. spool session. An invocation and termination of the spool facility. spooling. The reading of input data streams and the writing of output data streams on storage devices, concurrently with job execution, in a format convenient for later processing or output operations. system partition. The partition that contains the root segment of the supervisor (partition number 1, address space 0). o talker. A controller or active device on a GPIB busthat is configured to be the source of information (the sender) on the bus. tape device data block (TDB). A resident supervisor control block which describes a tape volume. tapemark. A control character recorded on tape used to separate files. task. The basic executable unit of work for the supervisor. Each task is assigned its own priority and processor time is allocated according to this priority. Tasks run independently of each other and compete for the system resources. The first task of a program is the primary task. All tasks attached by the primary task are secondary tasks. SRQ. See service request. stand-alone dump. An image of processor storage written to a diskette. stand-alone dump diskette. A diskette supplied by IBM or created by the $DASDI utility. standard labels. Fixed length aO-character records on tape containing specific fields of information (a volume label identifying the tape volume, a header label preceding the data records, and a trailer label following the data records). static screen. A display screen formatted with predetermined protected and unprotected areas. Areas defined as operator prompts or input field names are protected to prevent accidental overlay by input data. Areas defined as input areas are not protected and are usually filled in by an operator. The entire screen is treated as a page of information. station. In BSCAM communications, a BSC line attached to the Series/1 and functioning in a point-to-point or multipoint connection. Also, any other terminal or processor with which the Series/1 communicates. subroutine. A sequence of instructions that may be accessed from one or more points in a program. supervisor. The component of the Event Driven Executive capable of controlling execution of both system and application programs. system configuration. The process of defining devices and features attached to the Series/1. SYSGEN. See system generation. system generation. The processing of defining I/O devices and selecting software options to create a supervisor tailored to the needs of a specific Series/1 hardware configuration and application. task code word. The first two words (32 bits) of a task's TCB; used by the emulator to pass information from system to task regarding the outcome of various operations, such as event completion or arithmetic operations. task control block (TCB). A control block that contains information for a task. The information consists of pointers, save areas, work areas, and indicators required by the supervisor for controlling execution of a task. task supervisor. The portion of the Event Driven Executive that manages the dispatching and switching of tasks. o TCB. See task control block. terminal. A physical device defined to the EDX system using the TERMINAL configuration statement. EDX terminals include directly attached IBM displays, printers and devices that communicate with the Series/1 in an asynchronous manner. terminal control block (CCB). A control block that defines the device characteristics, provides temporary storage, and contains links to other system control blocks for a particular terminal. terminal environment block (TEB). A control block that contains information on a terminal's attributes and the program manager operating under the Multiple Terminal Manager. It is used for processing requests between the terminal servers and the program manager. terminal screen manager. The component of the Multiple Terminal Manager that controls the presentation of screens and communications between terminals and transaction programs. terminal server. A group of programs that perform all the input/ output and interrupt handling functions for terminal devices under control of the Multiple Terminal Manager. () MC-408 SC34-0636 c terminal support. The support provided by EDX to manage and control terminals. See terminal. timer. The timer features available with the Series/1 processors. Specifically, the 7840 Timer Feature card (4955 only) or the native timer (4952, 4954, and 4956). Only one or the other is supported by the Event Driven Executive. update. (1) To alter the contents of storage or a data set. (2) To convert object modules, produced as the output of an assembly or compilation, or the output of the linkage editor, into a form that can be loaded into storage for program execution and to update the directory of the volume on which the loadable program is stored. trace range. A specified number of instruction addresses within which the flow of execution can be traced. user exit. (1) Assembly language instructions included as part of an EDL program and invoked via the USER instruction. (2) A point in an IBM-supplied program where a user written routine can be given control. transaction oriented applications. Program execution driven by operator actions, such as responses to prompts from the system. Specifically, applications executed under control of the Multiple Terminal Manager. variable. An area in storage, referred to by a label, that can contain any value during program execution. transaction program. See transaction-oriented applications. transaction selection menu. A Multiple Terminal Manager display screen (menu) offering the user a choice of functions, such as reading from a data file, displaying data on a terminal, or waiting for a response. Based upon the choice of option, the application program performs the requested processing operation. vary offline. (1) To change the status of a device from online to offline. When a device is offline, no data set can be accessed on that device. (2) To place a disk or diskette in a state where it is unknown by the system. vary online. To place a device in a state where it is available for use by the system. vector. An ordered set or string of numbers. tributary station. In BSCAM communications, the stations under the supervision of a control station in a multipoint connection. They respond to the control station's polling and selection. unmapped storage. The processor storage in your processor that you did not define on the SYSTEM statement during system generation. volume. A disk, diskette, or tape subdivision defined using $INITDSK or $TAPEUT1. volume descriptor entry (VDE). A resident supervisor control block that describes a volume on a disk or diskette. volume label. A label that uniquely identifies a single unit of storage media. unprotected field. A field in which the operator can use the keyboard to enter, modify or erase data. Also called non-protected field. c Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations MC-409 o o o MC-410 SC34-0636 c Index The following index contains entries for this book only. See the Library Guide and Common Index for a Common Index to all Event Driven Executive books. Special Characters c $$EDXIT task error exit routine interpreting the output MC-393 output example MC-393 $DISKUT3 program return codes MC-320 $EDXASM Event Driven Language compiler completion codes MC-300 $EDXLlNK utility completion codes MC-301 $IAM return codes MC-325 $IMDATA subroutine return codes MC-323 $IMOPEN subroutine return codes MC-323 $IMPROT subroutine return codes MC-323 $JOBUTIL utility completion codes MC-302 $PDS utility program return codes MC-333 $RAMSEC return codes MC-334 $UPDATE utility completion codes MC-303 A ACCA return codes MC-356 address, failing instruction MC-394 auto IPL, description MC-397 B binary synchronous communications (BSC) return codes MC-313 bit descriptions, PSW MC-396 auto IPL indicator (bit 13) MC-397 floating-point exception (bit 5) MC-397 I/O check (bit 11) MC-397 invalid function (bit 4) MC-397 invalid storage address (bit 1) MC-396 power /thermal warning indicator (bit 15) MC-398 privilege violate (bit 2) MC-397 processor control check (bit 10) MC-397 protect check (bit 3) MC-397 sequence indicator check (bit 12) MC-397 specification check (bit 0) MC-396 stack exception (bit 6) MC-397 storage parity (bit 8) MC-397 translator enabled indicator (bit 14) MC-397 bit settings processor status word MC-396 boundary violations MC-396 O v,' '" Index M C-411 Index c I channel attach post codes MC-307 return codes MC-315 class interrupt descriptions MC-396 codes overview MC-297 completion codes $EDXASM MC-300 $EDXLlNK MC-301 $JOBUTIL MC-302 $UPDATE MC-303 cross-partition supervisor MC-304 . overview MC-298 cross-partition supervisor completion codes MC-304 o I/O check, description MC-397 instruction address, failing MC-394 interprocessor communications return codes MC-356 interrupt descriptions, class MC-396 invalid function, description MC-397 invalid storage address, description MC-396 J job queue processor return codes MC-328 L D data formatting return codes MC-317 disk read/write return codes MC-318 diskette read/write return codes MC-318 E EXIO return codes MC-321 F floating-point exception, description MC-397 return codes MC-322 G general purpose interface bus return codes MC-324 H Host Communications Facility return codes MC-358 LOAD return codes MC-329 M message handler return codes MC-330 Multiple Terminal Manager return codes MC-331 N o NETBIND return codes MC-348 NETCLOSE return codes MC-348 N ETCTL instruction return codes MC-341 NETGET instruction return codes MC-343 NETINIT instruction return codes MC-345 NETOPEN return codes MC-349 N ETPUT instruction return codes MC-346 NETRECV return codes MC-349 NETSEND return codes MC-350 N ETTERM instruction return codes MC-347 NETUBND return codes MC-352 o MC-412 SC34-0636 o c p post codes channel attach MC-307 overview MC-304 SNA BIND event MC-306 tape MC-309 WAITM instruction MC-310 power /thermal warning, description MC-398 privilege violate, description MC-397 processor control check, description MC-397 processor status word (PSW) converting to bits MC-395 how to interpret MC-395 program check $$EDXIT program check MC-398 application program check MC-393 bit settings, interpreting PSW MC-396 locating failing instruction MC-394 message description MC-394 message types MC-393 $$EDXIT error exit MC-398 application check MC-393 system check MC-394 message, examples MC-393 overview MC-393 processor status word, analysis MC-395 register contents at failure MC-394 system program check MC-393 protect check, description MC-397 PSW (processor status word) bit meanings MC-395 interpreting MC-395 R register contents, program check MC-394 return codes $DISKUT3 MC-320 $IAM MC-325 $IMDATA subroutine MC-323 $IMOPEN subroutine MC-323 $IMPROT MC-323 $JOBQUT MC-328 $PDS MC-333 $RAMSEC MC-334 $SUBMIT MC-328 $SUBMITP MC-328 ACCA MC-356 binary synchronous communications MC-313 channel attach MC-315 data formatting MC-317 disk and diskette read/write MC-318 EXIO MC-321 floating-point MC-322 GPIB MC-324 Host Communications Facility MC-358 interprocessor communications MC-356 job queue processor MC-328 LOAD MC-329 message handler MC-330 MTM MC-331 NETBIND MC-348 NETCLOSE MC-348 NETCTL MC-341 NETGET MC-343 NETINIT MC-345 NETOPEN MC-349 NETPUT MC-346 NETRECV MC-349 NETSEND MC-350 NETIERM MC-347 NETUBND MC-352 overview MC-310 SDLC MC-336 sensor-based I/O MC-335 Series/l-to-Series/l attachment MC-337 session termination (SNA) MC-353 sort/ merge MC-338 spool MC-339 system MC-340 tape read/write MC-354 terminal I/O MC-355 unmapped storage MC-360 X.21 Circuit Switched Network MC-361 4975 printer MC-357 s SDLC communications return codes MC-336 sensor- based I/O return codes MC-335 sequence indicator error, description MC-397 Series/l-to-Series/l attachment return codes MC-337 SNA BIND event post codes MC-306 sort/merge return codes MC-338 specification check, description MC-396 spooling return codes MC-339 stack exception, description MC-397 standard program check message, formats MC-393 stop codes meanings MC-390 obtaining MC-389 storage parity error, description MC-397 c Index M C-413 Index w T tape post codes MC-309 read/write return codes MC-354 task error exit routine $$EDXIT MC-39B terminal I/O return codes MC-355 translator enabled, description MC-397 u o WAITM instruction post codes MC-310 x X.21 circuit switched network return codes MC-361 4 unmapped storage return codes MC-360 4975 printer return codes MC-357 v virtual terminals return codes MC-356 o o MC-414 SC34-0636 ~ :: ;-:~ ==-=~= Series/1 Event Driven Executive Publications Order Form Instructions: Order: 1. Description Complete the order form, supplying all of the requested information. (Please print or type.) 2. If you are placing the order by phone, dial 1-800-IBM-2468. 3. If you are mailing your order, fold the order form as indicated, seal with tape, and mail. We pay the postage. Order number Reference books: ~et of the foHowingsixboolE 0. E 0 '+- VI ::::l ..c 0- +-' 0..> OJ CO 0..> C '';:; VI 0 +-' VI 'co 0 0..> 0. <"0 +-' E ""0 ""0 E E 0..> +-' <"0 E 0 +-' 0..> ::::l OJ ..... ::::l 0..> <"0 ..c C +-' ..c 0 .~ 0 +-' VI E 0..> ..0 0 a. 0..> VI 0..> > .;:;; '';:; C 0..> VI ~ ::::l ::::l VI VI c a. <"0 U <"0 U 0..> 0..> VI VI ::::l 0..> 0..> 0.. <"0 +-' CJ) VI <"0 0..> a: Qj +-' 0 Z c Thank you for your cooperation. No postage stamp necessary if mailed in the U.S.A. (Elsewhere, an IBM office or representative will be happy to forward your comments or you may mail directly to the address in the Edition Notice on the back of the title page.) I I I I SC34-0636-0 I .... Printed in U.S.A. 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