SCo Bi Quick Start Guide V1 0
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2018 Quick Start Guide v1.0 Orhan Eroglu, Dylan R. Boyd, Mehmet Kurum Impress Lab: Information and Sensor Processing Labs ⋅ Mississippi State University CONTENTS Q u i c k S t a r t P u r p o s e .................................................................................................................. 3 E x a m p l e 1 F o r e s t A n a l y s i s ................................................................................................... 4 E x a m p l e 2 A g r i c u l t u r e A n a l y s i s ..................................................................................... 5 E x a m p l e 3 S o i l A n a l y s i s ......................................................................................................... 6 E x a m p l e 4 R o o t - Z o n e A n a l y s i s ......................................................................................... 7 Page 2 of 7 Quick Start Purpose The purpose of this document is to familiarize the user by generating example SCoBi output values from the simulator user environment. It is suggested that the user consult the SCoBi User Manual if the user wishes to learn about the physical representation and definitions of the SCoBi simulator’s inputs. Page 3 of 7 Example 1 F o r e s t An a l y s i s 1. Run the script runSCoBi.m file located in .\source\lib\. 2. Select the Forest icon from the Analysis Selection Window. 3. Make sure the default-forest.mat system input file has been loaded. a. On an initial run this input file should be loaded. If the user has reason to believe SCoBi has previously been run with custom user inputs, the default-forest.mat system input file from .\source\input\system\ using the load inputs action button in the bottom left corner of the GUI. b. If the values have been loaded correctly, the GUI should be filled with the values depicted in Figure 1. Figure 1: Default Input Files Loaded from default-forest.mat 4. Select the run SCoBi button in the bottom left corner of the GUI. 5. After completion, the output files will be located in .\source\sims\master\ with a timestamp indicating when the program was run and the corresponding campaign title (e.g., “default_forest-16-Aug-2016_05_08_20.”) 6. Plot the output product using the script plotReflectivityVsVSM.m located in .\source\lib\scobi\plot\scobi. It will save the generated plot entitled Reflectivity_vs_EL-PH_15-VSM_0dot15-RMSH_1.tif under .\master\default_forest\figure\specular\reflectivity\vs_VSM\ Page 4 of 7 Example 2 Ag r i c u l t u r e An a l y s i s 1. Run the script runSCoBi.m file located in .\source\lib\. 2. Select the Agriculture icon from the Analysis Selection Window. 3. Make sure the default-agriculture.mat system input file has been loaded. a. On an initial run this input file should be loaded. If the user has reason to believe SCoBi has previously been run with custom user inputs, the defaultagriculture.mat system input file from .\source\input\system\ using the load inputs action button in the bottom left corner of the GUI. b. If the values have been loaded correctly, the GUI should be filled with the values depicted in Figure 2. Figure 2: Default Input Files Loaded from default-agriculture.mat 4. Select the run SCoBi button in the bottom left corner of the GUI. 5. After completion, the output files will be located in .\source\sims\master\ with a timestamp indicating when the program was run and the corresponding campaign title (e.g., “default_agriculture-16-Aug-2016_05_45_19.”) 6. Plot the output product using the scripts located in .\source\lib\scobi\plot\scobi\. It will save the generated plot entitled Reflectivity_vs_VSM-EL_50-PHI_0-RMSH_1dot5.tif in .\master\default_agriculture \figure\specular\reflectivity\vs_VSM\ Page 5 of 7 Example 3 S o i l An a l y s i s 1. Run the script runSCoBi.m file located in .\source\lib\. 2. Select the Soil icon from the Analysis Selection Window. 3. Make sure the default-soil.mat system input file has been loaded. a. On an initial run this input file should be loaded. If the user has reason to believe SCoBi has previously been run with custom user inputs, the default-soil.mat system input file from .\source\input\system\ using the load inputs action button in the bottom left corner of the GUI. b. If the values have been loaded correctly, the GUI should be filled with the values depicted in Figure 3. Figure 3: Default Input Files Loaded from default-soil.mat 4. Select the run SCoBi button in the bottom left corner of the GUI. 5. After completion, the output files will be located in .\source\sims\master\ with a timestamp indicating when the program was run and the corresponding campaign title (e.g., “default-soil-16-Aug-2016_05_49_19.”) 6. Currently, there is no released plotting functions for this type of analysis (Time-series over Multi-layered ground). It will be available in the near-future versions. Page 6 of 7 Example 4 R o o t - Z o n e An a l y s i s 1. Run the script runSCoBi.m file located in .\source\lib\. 2. Select the Root icon from the Analysis Selection Window. 3. Make sure the default-root_zone.mat system input file has been loaded. a. On an initial run this input file should be loaded. If the user has reason to believe SCoBi has previously been run with custom user inputs, the defaultroot_zone.mat system input file from .\source\input\system using the load inputs action button in the bottom left corner of the GUI. b. If the values have been loaded correctly, the GUI should be filled with the values depicted in Figure 4. Figure 4: Default Input Files Loaded from default-root_zone.mat 4. Select the run SCoBi button in the bottom left corner of the GUI. 5. After completion, the output files will be located in .\source\sims\master\ with a timestamp indicating when the program was run and the corresponding campaign title (e.g., “default-root_zone-16-Aug-2016_05_49_19.”) 6. Currently, there is no released plotting functions for this type of analysis (Time-series over Multi-layered ground). It will be available in the near-future versions. Page 7 of 7
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.5 Linearized : No Page Count : 7 Language : en-US Tagged PDF : Yes Author : Windows User Creator : Microsoft® Word 2016 Create Date : 2018:11:02 21:52:30-05:00 Modify Date : 2018:11:02 21:52:30-05:00 Producer : Microsoft® Word 2016EXIF Metadata provided by