SDTM 3.1.1 Implementation Guide
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CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Study Data Tabulation Model Implementation Guide: Human Clinical Trials Prepared by the CDISC Submission Data Standards Team Notes to Readers • This is the implementation guide for Version 1.1 of the CDISC Study Data Tabulation Model, posted for comment. • This Implementation Guide comprises version 3.1.1 of the CDISC Submission Data Standards and Domain Models. • See CDISC notes and assumptions regarding use of --OCCUR variable in CM, SU, AE, MH domains in Section 6. Revision History Date 2004-07-14 Version 3.1 2005-08-26 3.1.1 Final Summary of Changes Released version reflecting all changes and corrections identified during comment periods. Released version reflecting all changes and corrections identified during comment period. Note: Please see Appendix 10.7 for Representations and Warranties; Limitations of Liability, and Disclaimers. CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 1 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) CONTENTS 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................................5 PURPOSE.....................................................................................................................................................5 ORGANIZATION OF THIS DOCUMENT...........................................................................................................6 RELATIONSHIP TO PRIOR CDISC DOCUMENTS .......................................................................................6 HOW TO READ THIS IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE ...........................................................................................8 SUBMITTING COMMENTS .......................................................................................................................8 2 FUNDAMENTALS OF THE SDTM........................................................................................................................9 2.1 OBSERVATIONS AND VARIABLES ...........................................................................................................9 2.2 DATASETS AND DOMAINS .........................................................................................................................10 2.3 SPECIAL-PURPOSE DOMAINS ........................................................................................................... 11 2.4 THE GENERAL DOMAIN CLASSES .......................................................................................................... 11 2.5 THE CDISC STANDARD DOMAIN MODELS...............................................................................................12 2.6 CREATING A NEW DOMAIN .......................................................................................................................13 2.6.1 How to Include Variables in New Domains (Steps 4 through 7).....................................................15 3 SUBMITTING DATA IN STANDARD FORMAT .....................................................................................................16 3.1 STANDARD METADATA FOR DATASET CONTENTS AND ATTRIBUTES..........................................................16 3.2 USING THE CDISC DOMAIN MODELS IN REGULATORY SUBMISSIONS ......................................................17 3.2.1 CDISC Submission Dataset Definition Metadata ...........................................................................17 3.2.2 CDISC Submission Value-Level Metadata .....................................................................................19 3.2.3 Conformance...................................................................................................................................20 4 ASSUMPTIONS FOR DOMAIN MODELS ............................................................................................................21 4.1 GENERAL ASSUMPTIONS FOR ALL DOMAINS ............................................................................................21 4.1.1 General Dataset Assumptions .........................................................................................................21 4.1.2 General Variable Assumptions ........................................................................................................22 4.1.3 Coding and Controlled Terminology Assumptions .........................................................................23 4.1.4 Actual and Relative Time Assumptions ..........................................................................................25 4.1.5 Other Assumptions..........................................................................................................................31 5 MODELS FOR SPECIAL PURPOSE DOMAINS ....................................................................................................35 5.1.1 Demographics Domain Model — DM............................................................................................35 Assumptions for Demographics (DM) domain model ....................................................................37 5.1.2 Comments Domain Model — CO...................................................................................................38 Assumptions for Comments (CO) domain model...........................................................................39 6 DOMAIN MODELS BASED ON THE GENERAL CLASSES ...................................................................................40 6.1 INTERVENTIONS ........................................................................................................................................40 6.1.1 Concomitant Medications — CM ...................................................................................................40 Assumptions for Concomitant Medications (CM) domain model ..................................................43 6.1.2 Exposure — EX ..............................................................................................................................45 Assumptions for Exposure (EX) domain model .............................................................................47 6.1.3 Substance Use - SU.........................................................................................................................49 Assumptions for Substance Use (SU) domain model .....................................................................52 6.2 EVENTS ....................................................................................................................................................53 6.2.1 Adverse Events — AE ....................................................................................................................53 Assumptions for Adverse Events (AE) domain model....................................................................56 6.2.2 Disposition — DS ...........................................................................................................................59 Assumptions for Disposition (DS) domain model ..........................................................................60 6.2.3 Medical History — MH ..................................................................................................................62 Assumptions for Medical History (MH) domain model .................................................................64 Page 2 August 26, 2005 CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 6.3 FINDINGS ..................................................................................................................................................66 6.3.1 ECG Test Results — EG .................................................................................................................66 Assumptions for ECG (EG) domain model ....................................................................................69 6.3.2 Inclusion/Exclusion Exceptions — IE ............................................................................................70 Assumptions for Inclusion/Exclusion Exceptions (IE) domain model ...........................................71 6.3.3 Laboratory Test Results — LB........................................................................................................72 Assumptions for Laboratory Test Results (LB) domain model.......................................................75 6.3.4 Physical Examinations — PE..........................................................................................................76 Assumptions for Physical Examinations (PE) domain model.........................................................78 6.3.5 Questionnaires — QS......................................................................................................................79 Assumptions for Questionnaire (QS) domain model ......................................................................81 6.3.6 Subject Characteristics — SC .........................................................................................................82 Assumptions for Subject Characteristics (SC) domain model ........................................................83 6.3.7 Vital Signs — VS............................................................................................................................84 7 TRIAL DESIGN DATASETS ................................................................................................................................87 7.1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................87 7.2 PLANNED ELEMENTS, ARMS, AND VISITS ..........................................................................................88 7.2.1 Trial Elements .................................................................................................................................88 7.2.2 Trial Arms .......................................................................................................................................89 7.2.3 Trial Visits.......................................................................................................................................90 7.3 SUBJECT ELEMENTS AND VISITS ......................................................................................................91 7.3.1 Subject Elements.............................................................................................................................91 7.3.2 Subject Visits...................................................................................................................................92 7.4 TRIAL ARMS .............................................................................................................................................93 7.4.1 Identifying Trial Arms.....................................................................................................................93 7.4.2 Developing the Trial Arms Table ....................................................................................................94 7.4.3 Distinguishing between Branches and Transitions........................................................................101 7.4.4 Trial Epoch Concept .....................................................................................................................101 7.4.5 Rules concept ................................................................................................................................106 7.4.6 Recap of Trial Arms Variables ......................................................................................................106 7.4.7 Truncated Arms.............................................................................................................................107 7.5 TRIAL ELEMENTS ...................................................................................................................................107 7.5.1 Identifying Trial Elements ............................................................................................................109 7.5.2 Developing the Trial Elements Table ............................................................................................ 110 7.5.3 Recap of Trial Elements Variables ................................................................................................ 112 7.5.4 Distinguishing Elements from Epochs.......................................................................................... 112 7.6 TRIAL VISITS .......................................................................................................................................... 113 7.6.1 Identifying Trial Visits .................................................................................................................. 113 7.6.2 Developing the Trial Visits Table.................................................................................................. 113 7.6.3 Recap of Trial Visits Variables ...................................................................................................... 114 7.7 SUBJECT ELEMENTS ............................................................................................................................... 115 7.7.1 Identifying Subject Elements ........................................................................................................ 115 7.7.2 Unplanned Elements ..................................................................................................................... 115 7.7.3 Deriving SE End Date/Times ........................................................................................................ 115 7.7.4 Recap of Subject Elements Variables............................................................................................ 116 7.7.5 Using Subject Elements Data to Place Subject Data within an Element or Epoch ....................... 116 7.8 SUBJECT VISITS ...................................................................................................................................... 116 7.8.1 Identifying Subject Visits.............................................................................................................. 116 7.8.2 Recap of Subject Visits Variables.................................................................................................. 117 7.9 TRIAL INCLUSION/EXCLUSION CRITERIA................................................................................................ 117 7.10 TRIAL SUMMARY INFORMATION ......................................................................................................... 118 7.11 HOW TO MODEL THE DESIGN OF A CLINICAL TRIAL ................................................................................. 119 8 REPRESENTING DATA RELATIONSHIPS ....................................................................................................................120 8.1 RELATING GROUPS OF RECORDS WITHIN A DOMAIN .....................................................................121 8.1.1 --GRPID Example.........................................................................................................................121 CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 3 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 8.2 8.2.1 8.2.2 8.3 8.3.1 8.4 8.4.1 8.4.2 8.4.3 8.5 8.5.1 8.6 RELATING PEER RECORDS IN SEPARATE DATASETS ................................................................122 RELREC Dataset ..........................................................................................................................123 RELREC Dataset Examples..........................................................................................................123 RELATING DATASETS .......................................................................................................................124 RELREC Dataset Relationship Example ......................................................................................124 RELATING NON-STANDARD VARIABLE VALUES TO A PARENT DOMAIN .............................125 SUPPQUAL Dataset .....................................................................................................................126 Submitting Supplemental Qualifiers in Separate Datasets............................................................127 SUPPQUAL Examples .................................................................................................................127 RELATING COMMENTS TO A PARENT DOMAIN ..........................................................................128 COMMENTS Example.................................................................................................................128 HOW TO DETERMINE WHERE DATA BELONG IN THE SDTM...................................................................129 9 IMPLEMENTATION EXAMPLES ......................................................................................................................131 9.1 DEMOGRAPHICS EXAMPLE ............................................................................................................131 9.2 INTERVENTIONS EXAMPLES..........................................................................................................131 9.2.1 CM Example: Intermittent Use of Concomitant Medications......................................................131 9.2.2 EX Examples: ...............................................................................................................................133 9.2.3 SU Example: .................................................................................................................................135 9.3 EVENTS EXAMPLES ..........................................................................................................................139 9.3.1 AE Example ..................................................................................................................................139 9.3.2 DS Examples.................................................................................................................................140 9.3.3 MH Example: ............................................................................................................................................143 9.4 FINDINGS EXAMPLES.......................................................................................................................144 9.4.1 EG Examples ................................................................................................................................144 9.4.2 IE Example....................................................................................................................................147 9.4.3 LB Examples.................................................................................................................................148 9.4.4 PE Example...................................................................................................................................151 9.4.5 QS Examples.................................................................................................................................153 9.4.6 SC Example ..................................................................................................................................155 9.4.7 VS Example ..................................................................................................................................156 9.5 TRIAL DESIGN EXAMPLES...............................................................................................................158 9.5.1 Defining Epochs - a How-to Example Using the Example Crossover Study................................158 9.5.2 Trial Summary Example ...............................................................................................................162 10 APPENDICES ...................................................................................................................................................163 10.1 CDISC SDS TEAM .................................................................................................................................163 10.2 GLOSSARY OF TERMS ............................................................................................................................164 10.3 STANDARDIZED AND RESERVED CODES .......................................................................................165 10.3.1 Reserved Domain Codes...............................................................................................................165 10.3.2 Electrocardiogram Test Codes (for measured or calculated parameters) ......................................167 10.3.3 Vital Signs Test Codes ..................................................................................................................167 10.3.4 Supplemental Qualifiers Name Codes ..........................................................................................168 10.3.5 Trial Summary Codes ...................................................................................................................169 10.4 CDISC VARIABLE-NAMING FRAGMENTS ...............................................................................................171 10.5 LESSONS LEARNED FROM THE PILOT ......................................................................................................173 10.6 REVISION HISTORY .........................................................................................................................175 10.7 REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES; LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY, AND DISCLAIMERS ..........183 Page 4 August 26, 2005 CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 1 Introduction 1.1 PURPOSE This document describes the CDISC Version 3.1.1 (V3.1.1) Submission Data Standards (SDS), which have been prepared by the Submissions Data Standards team of the Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium (CDISC). Like its predecessors, V3.1.1 is intended to guide the organization, structure, and format of standard clinical trial tabulation datasets submitted to a regulatory authority such as the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). V3.1.1 supersedes all prior versions of the CDISC Submission Data Standards. This document should be used in close concert with the CDISC Study Data Tabulation Model (SDTM) available at and describes how to implement the SDTM for use with data tabulations submitted for human clinical trials. Version 1.1 of the SDTM, which should be read before this Implementation Guide (SDTMIG), describes a general conceptual model for representing clinical study data that is submitted to regulatory authorities. SDTMIG V3.1.1 provides specific domain models, assumptions, business rules, and examples for preparing standard datasets that are based on the SDTM. Tabulation datasets, which are electronic listings of individual observations for a subject that comprise the essential data collected in a clinical trial, are one of four types of data currently submitted to the FDA along with patient profiles, listings, and analysis files. By submitting tabulations that conform to the standard structure, sponsors may benefit by no longer having to submit separate patient profiles or listings with a product marketing application. V3.1.1 is not currently intended to fully meet the needs supported by analysis datasets, which will continue to be submitted separately in addition to the tabulations. Since July 2004, the FDA has referenced use of the SDTM in the Study Data Specifications for the Electronic Common Technical Document, available at The availability of standard submission data will provide many benefits to regulatory reviewers. Reviewers can be trained in the principles of standardized datasets and the use of standard software tools, and thus be able to work with the data more effectively with less preparation time. Another benefit of the standardized datasets is to support the FDA’s efforts to develop a repository for all submitted trial data and a suite of standard review tools to access, manipulate, and view the tabulations. Use of these data standards is also expected to benefit industry by streamlining the flow of data from collection through submissions, and facilitating data interchange between partners and providers. Note that the SDTM represents an interchange standard, rather than a presentation format -it is assumed that tabulation data will be transformed by software tools to better support viewing and analysis. This document is intended for companies and individuals involved in the collection, preparation, and analysis of clinical data that will be submitted to regulatory authorities. Audiences are also advised to read the CDISC Submission Metadata Model available at for additional historical background on how to provide metadata descriptions for submission data. The primary goal of the Metadata Model is to provide regulatory reviewers with a clear understanding of the datasets provided in a submission by communicating clear descriptions of the structure, purpose, attributes, and contents of each dataset and dataset variable. Guidance, specifications, and regulations for the application of this model will be provided separately by regulatory authorities. Audiences are advised to refer to these guidance documents for the most current recommendations for the submission of clinical data. CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 5 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 1.2 ORGANIZATION OF THIS DOCUMENT This document is organized into the following sections: • Section 1, INTRODUCTION, provides an overall introduction to the V3.1.1 models and describes changes from prior versions. • Section 2, FUNDAMENTALS OF THE SDTM, recaps the basic concepts of the SDTM, and describes how this implementation guide should be used in concert with the SDTM. • Section 3, SUBMITTING DATA IN STANDARD FORMAT, explains how to describe metadata for regulatory submissions, and how to assess conformance with the standards. • Section 4, ASSUMPTIONS FOR DOMAIN MODELS, describes basic concepts, business rules, and assumptions that should be taken into consideration before applying the domain models. • Section 5, MODELS FOR SPECIAL PURPOSE DOMAINS, describes the Demographics and Comments special-purpose domains. • Section 6, DOMAIN MODELS BASED ON THE GENERAL CLASSES, provides specific annotated metadata models based on the three general observation classes. These include the revised V3.1 models for the ten common domains previously modeled by CDISC in Version 2.0; the domains for Inclusion/Exclusion Exceptions, Subject Characteristics, and Substance Use introduced in Version 3.0; and the Questionnaires domain introduced with V 3.1. • Section 7, TRIAL DESIGN DATASETS, describes implementation issues related to the use of the Trial Design Model described in the SDTM. • Section 8, REPRESENTING DATA RELATIONSHIPS, describes how to represent relationships between separate domains, datasets, and/or records. • Section 9, IMPLEMENTATION EXAMPLES, provides specific examples based on actual clinical-trial data. Several of these examples were prepared as a result of the V3 Pilot Project conducted in the Summer of 2003. • Section 10, APPENDICES, provides additional background material and describes other supplemental material relevant to implementation. 1.3 RELATIONSHIP TO PRIOR CDISC DOCUMENTS As stated above, this document, Version 3.1.1, together with the SDTM, represents the most recent version of the CDISC Submission Data Domain Models, previously known as V3.1. Since all updates to Version 3.1 are intended to be backward compatible with version 3.1, the term “V3.x” is used to refer to Version 3.1 and all subsequent versions. The most significant changes since V3.1 in this version include: • The implementation guide has been expanded with new variables for consistency with Version 1.1 of the SDTM • Sponsors may now include any valid variable from the same SDTM general class in a domain model. Previously, domain models were restricted to only those qualifier variables specified in the Implementation Guide • A new Trial Summary (TS) dataset has been added to the Trial Design Model to describe summary characteristics of the study Page 6 August 26, 2005 CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) • A preferred alternative means of submitting supplemental qualifiers in separate datasets per domain has been defined in Section 8. • Substantial clarifications in Section 8 • A new section on warranties and disclaimers has been added as Appendix 10.7 • Numerous corrections have been applied to the text, assumptions, domain models and examples throughout. A detailed list of changes between versions is provided in Appendix 10.6. Note that V3.1.1 continues to represent most data in a vertical structure. Standard horizontal listings of data, such as those described in the V2 horizontal representations of ECGs and Vitals by visit, will be produced by FDA standard review tools. A complete list of changes from V3.1 is included in the V3.1.1 Change Log (see Section 10.6.3). V3.1 was the first fully implementation-ready version of the CDISC Submission Data Standards that was directly referenced by the FDA for use on clinical studies involving human drug products. However, future improvements and enhancements such as V3.1.1 will continue to be made as sponsors develop more experience submitting data in this format. Therefore, CDISC will be preparing regular updates to the implementation guide to provide corrections, clarifications, additional domain models, examples, business rules, and conventions for using the standard domain models. CDISC will produce further documentation on controlled terminology as separate publications beginning in 2005, so sponsors are encouraged to check the CDISC website ( frequently for additional information. CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 7 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 1.4 HOW TO READ THIS IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE The SDS V3.1.1 Implementation Guide (SDTMIG) is best read online, so the reader can benefit from the many hyperlinks included to both internal and external references. The following guidelines may be helpful in reading this document: 1. First read the SDTM to gain a general understanding of the conceptual model for the Submission Data Standards. 2. Next, read Sections 1-3 of this document to review the key concepts for preparing domains and submitting data to regulatory authorities. Refer to the Glossary in Section 10.2 as necessary. 3. Read the General Assumptions for all Domains in Section 4. 4. Review Sections 5 and 6, referring back to Assumptions as directed (hyperlinks are provided). 5. Review the Implementation examples for each domain in Section 9 to gain an understanding of how to apply the domain models for specific types of data. 6. Read Section 7 to understand the fundamentals of the Trial Design Model and consider how to apply the concepts for typical protocols. Since the Trial Design model includes many new concepts, readers may choose to defer this step until after they have mastered the essentials of creating standardized domains. New extensions to the trial design model will be published separately on the CDISC web site. 7. Review Section 8 to learn the advanced concepts of how to express relationships between datasets, records and additional variables not specifically defined in the models. 8. Finally, review the additional appendices as appropriate. 1.5 SUBMITTING COMMENTS Comments on this document can be submitted through the CDISC Discussion Board. Page 8 August 26, 2005 CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 2 Fundamentals of the SDTM 2.1 OBSERVATIONS AND VARIABLES The V3.x submission data standards are based on the SDTM Version 1.1 document, which provides a general framework for organizing information collected during clinical trials that is to be submitted to the FDA. The SDTM is built around the concept of observations collected about subjects who participated in a clinical study. Each observation can be described by a series of variables, corresponding to a row in a dataset or table. Each variable can be classified according to its Role. A Role determines the type of information conveyed by the variable about each distinct observation and how it can be used. Variables can be classified into four major roles: • Identifier variables, which identify the study, subject of the observation, the domain, and the sequence number of the record • Topic variables, which specify the focus of the observation (such as the name of a lab test) • Timing variables, which describe the timing of the observation (such as start date and end date) • Qualifier variables, which include additional illustrative text, or numeric values that describe the results or additional traits of the observation (such as units or descriptive adjectives). A fifth type of variable role, Rule, was introduced with V3.1 to express an algorithm or executable method to define start, end, or looping conditions in the Trial Design model. The set of Qualifier variables can be further categorized into five sub-classes: • Grouping Qualifiers are used to group together a collection of observations within the same domain. Examples include --CAT and --SCAT. • Result Qualifiers describe the specific results associated with the topic variable for a finding. It is the answer to the question raised by the topic variable. Examples include --ORRES, --STRESC, and --STRESN. Many of the values in the DM domain are also classified as Result Qualifiers. • Synonym Qualifiers specify an alternative name for a particular variable in an observation. Examples include --MODIFY and --DECOD, which are equivalent terms for a --TRT or --TERM topic variable, --TEST and --LOINC which are equivalent terms for a --TESTCD. • Record Qualifiers define additional attributes of the observation record as a whole (rather than describing a particular variable within a record). Examples include --REASND, AESLIFE, and all other SAE flag variables in the AE domain; and --BLFL, --POS and --LOC, --SPEC, --LOT, --NAM. • Variable Qualifiers are used to further modify or describe a specific variable within an observation and is only meaningful in the context of the variable they qualify. Examples include --ORRESU, --ORNRHI, and --ORNRLO, all of which are variable qualifiers of --ORRES, and --DOSU and --DOSFRM, all of which are variable qualifiers of --DOSE. For example, in the observation, 'Subject 101 had mild nausea starting on Study Day 6,' the Topic variable value is the term for the adverse event, 'NAUSEA'. The Identifier variable is the subject identifier, '101'. The Timing variable is the study day of the start of the event, which captures the information, 'starting on Study Day 6', while an example of a Record Qualifier is the severity, the value for which is 'MILD'. Additional Timing and Qualifier variables could be included to provide the necessary detail to adequately describe an observation. CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 9 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 2.2 DATASETS AND DOMAINS Observations are normally collected for all subjects in a series of domains. A domain is defined as a collection of logically-related observations with a topic-specific commonality about the subjects in the trial. The logic of the relationship may relate to the scientific subject matter of the data, or to its role in the trial. Typically, each domain is represented by a dataset, but it is possible to have information relevant to the same topicality spread among multiple datasets (see Section 8.6). Each dataset is distinguished by a unique, two-character DOMAIN code that should be used consistently throughout the submission. This DOMAIN code is used in the dataset name, the value of the DOMAIN variable within that dataset, and as a prefix for most variable names in the dataset. The dataset structure for observations is a flat file representing a table with one or more rows and columns. Normally, one dataset is submitted for each domain. Each row of the dataset represents a single observation and each column represents one of the variables. Each dataset or table is accompanied by metadata definitions that provide information about the variables used in the dataset. The metadata are described in a data definition document named 'Define' that is submitted along with the data to regulatory authorities. (See the Case Report Tabulation Data Definition Specification (define.xml), available on the CDISC website, for information about an xml representation of the data definition document.) The CDISC Submission Metadata Model uses seven distinct metadata attributes to be defined for each dataset variable in the metadata definition document: • The Variable Name (limited to 8-characters for compatibility with the SAS Transport format) • A descriptive Variable Label, using up to 40 characters, which should be unique for each variable in the dataset • The data Type (e.g., whether the variable value is a character or numeric) • The set of controlled terminology for the value or the presentation format of the variable (Controlled Terms or Format) • The Origin or source of each variable • The Role of the variable, which determines how the variable is used in the dataset. For the V3.x domain models, roles are used to represent the categories of variables as Identifier, Topic, Timing, or the five types of Qualifiers. Since these roles are predefined for all domains that follow the general classes, they do not need to be specified by sponsors in their Define data definition document. Actual submission metadata may use additional role designations, and more than one role may be assigned per variable to meet different needs. • Comments or other relevant information about the variable or its data. Data stored in dataset variables include both raw (as originally collected) and derived values (e.g., converted into standard units, or computed on the basis of multiple values, such as an average). In the SDTM only the name, label, and type are listed with a set of CDISC guidelines that provide a general description for each variable used by a general observation class. The Domain models included in Sections 5 and 6 of this document provide additional information about Controlled Terms or Format and Origin, as well as notes on proper usage. Comments are included as necessary according to the needs of individual studies. The presence of an asterisk (*) in the 'Controlled Terms or Format' column indicates that a discrete set of values (controlled terminology) is expected to be made available for this variable. This set of values may be sponsor-defined in cases where standard vocabularies have not yet been defined (represented by a single *) or from an external published source such as MedDRA (represented by **). The CDISC controlled terminology group will be publishing additional guidance on use of controlled terminology separately in the future. Page 10 August 26, 2005 CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 2.3 SPECIAL-PURPOSE DOMAINS The CDISC V3.x Submission Data Domain Models include special-purpose domains with a specific structure and cannot be extended with any additional qualifier or timing variables other than those specified. Two of these – Demographics and Comments -- are described in Section 5 of this document. .Demographics includes a set of standard variables that describe each subject in a clinical study; Comments describes a fixed structure for recording free-text comments on a subject, or comments related to records or groups of records in other domains. Additional fixed structure, non-extensible special-purpose domains are discussed in the Trial Design model described in Section 7 and in Section 8, which discusses record relationships. 2.4 THE GENERAL DOMAIN CLASSES Most observations collected during the study (other than those represented in special purpose domains) should be divided among three general observation classes: Interventions, Events, or Findings: • The Interventions class captures investigational treatments, therapeutic treatments, and surgical procedures that are intentionally administered to the subject (with some actual or expected physiological effect) either as specified by the study protocol (e.g., “exposure”), coincident with the study assessment period (e.g., “concomitant medications”), or other substances self-administered by the subject (such as alcohol, tobacco, or caffeine) • The Events class captures occurrences or incidents independent of planned study evaluations occurring during the trial (e.g., 'adverse events' or 'disposition') or prior to the trial (e.g., 'medical history'). • The Findings class captures the observations resulting from planned evaluations to address specific questions such as observations made during a physical examination, laboratory tests, ECG testing, and sets of individual questions listed on questionnaires. In most cases, the identification of the general class appropriate to a specific collection of data by topicality is straightforward. Often the Findings general class is the best choice for general observational data collected as measurements or responses to questions. In cases when the topicality may not be as clear, the choice of class may be based more on the scientific intent of the protocol or analysis plan or the data structure. Appendix 10.6 of this document proposes additional guidelines for choosing the appropriate general class and proposes a modeling approach where a findings structure should be used to represent data that may relate to interventions or events records. All datasets based on any of the general observation classes share a set of common Identifier variables and Timing variables, which are described in the SDTM. Three general rules apply when determining which variables to include in a domain: • • • The same set of Identifier variables applies to all domains based on the general observation classes. An optional identifier can be used wherever appropriate. Any valid Timing variable is permissible for use in any submission dataset (such as to describe studies with more precise time points such as a Pharmacokinetics trial), but it should be used consistently where applicable for all domains. Any additional Qualifier variables from the same general class may be added to a domain model. Assumptions for use of the Domain are described in Section 4 of this document. CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 11 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 2.5 THE CDISC STANDARD DOMAIN MODELS The following standard domains with their respective DOMAIN codes have been defined or referenced by CDISC in this document (domain models marked with an asterisk (*) are not included in this document and will be posted separately for comment): • Special-Purpose Domains: Demographics - DM • Comments - CO • Exposure - EX Interventions: • Concomitant Medications - CM • Substance Use - SU Events: • Adverse Events - AE • Disposition - DS • Medical History - MH • *Protocol Deviations - DV Findings: • *Drug Accountability - DA • ECG Tests - EG • Inclusion/Exclusion Exceptions - IE • Laboratory Tests - LB • *Microbiology Specimens - MB • Questionnaires - QS • *Microbiology Susceptibility - MS • Physical Examinations - PE • *Pharmacokinetics Concentrations - PC • Subject Characteristics - SC • *Pharmacokinetics Parameters - PP • Vital Signs - VS • Trial Design Domains: Trial Elements - TE • Trial Arms - TA • Trial Visits - TV • Subject Elements - SE • Subject Visits - SV • Trial Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria – TI • Trial Summary - TS • Special-Purpose Relationship Datasets (defined in Section 8): Supplemental Qualifiers - SUPPQUAL • Relate Records - RELREC Note, a sponsor would only submit the data domains that are actually collected. Decisions on what data to collect should be based on the scientific objectives of the study. A list of standard domain codes for other commonly used domains is provided in Appendix 10.3.1. In the future, additional domain models based on the three general observation classes, and additional standard domain codes will be published by CDISC, and sponsors are encouraged to check the CDISC web site periodically for updates. Page 12 August 26, 2005 CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) When preparing submissions based on the domain models, sponsors should not add any variables other than additional relevant timing variables and qualifiers from the same general class to the V3.x models, since non-standard variables could compromise the FDA’s abilities to populate the data repository and use standard tools. A sponsor is free to drop certain variables from the domain model, and the corresponding descriptions from the data definition document, but new variables (other than those that are from the same general class) must not be added, and existing variables should not be renamed, or modified for novel usage. When evaluating how to represent data according to the V3.x model, sponsors should keep in mind that the V3/V3.x paradigm is very different from that of previous versions. Data that historically would have been modeled horizontally into one record is now often converted into multiple records in V3.x. If additional variables remain that cannot be mapped to the variables defined for a standard domain model, Sponsors should use the Supplemental Qualifiers dataset described in Section 8.4 of this document. Note that any collected data in an analysis dataset must also appear in a tabulation dataset. If a sponsor wishes to propose that new variables be added to the Version 3.x models, they should provide the rationale and description of the added variable(s) to the CDISC SDS Team so the impact on V3.x models can be assessed. Specific examples are also requested to illustrate the context for the new variables. This information can be provided to the CDISC SDS Team by posting it on the CDISC Public Discussion Forum. 2.6 CREATING A NEW DOMAIN This section describes the overall process of how to create a new CDISC SDTM domain. New domains should only be created if a published standard domain does not already exist for the data being modeled. When a new domain is created, one of the most important decisions is the choice of the proper general class. Deciding on the number of separate domains to use within a general class should be made based on the specific requirements of the study. See Section 9 of this document for specific examples of the application of the CDISC SDTM for Interventions, Events and Findings general domain models. When creating a new domain, sponsors should follow the predefined steps listed below: 1. Ensure that there is a definite need to create a new domain. For example, the Findings vertical structure can often accommodate many types of information that may have previously spanned separate domains in a sponsor’s internal database. In V3.x, such information can often be represented as separate records in the same submissions domain. Mechanisms for incorporating new Qualifier variables not described in the general observation classes and for defining relationships between separate datasets or records are described in Section 8 of this document. 2. Once the need for a new domain is determined, verify that there are no existing domain models by reviewing the current models posted on the CDISC website. 3. Choose the general observation class (Interventions, Events, or Findings) that best fits the data as follows: a. Identify the topic of the observation and determine which of the three general observation classes it most closely resembles. If the new domain shares both the same topicality and general observation class as an existing domain in the submission, the existing domain should be used. b. Look for other existing domain models that may serve as a relevant prototype (most domains will follow the Findings model). c. Determine if the chosen general observation class has most of the required and expected qualifiers for the new domain. d. Select the variables that apply to the new domain once you have selected the general observation class. 4. Select and include the identifier variables (USUBJID, STUDYID, and --SEQ). 5. Include the topic variable from the identified general observation class (e.g., --TESTCD for Findings). CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 13 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 6. Select and include the relevant Qualifier variables from the identified general observation class (e.g., Findings) omitting any extraneous variables from the general model that do not apply. 7. Select and include the applicable timing variables from the SDTM. 8. Check with the CDISC website for a previously identified two-character domain identifier or abbreviation. If one has not been assigned by CDISC, then the sponsor may select the unique twocharacter domain code to be used consistently throughout the submission. 9. Apply the two-character domain code to the appropriate variables in the domain. a. Replace all variable prefixes shown in the models with two hyphens '--' with the domain code. 10. Set the order of variables consistent with the order of the domain model most similar to the new domain. 11. Adjust the labels of the variables only as appropriate to properly convey the meaning in the context of the data being submitted in the newly-created domain. Use title case for all labels (title case means to capitalize the first letter of every word except for articles, prepositions, and conjunctions). 12. Compare for consistency with CDISC General Assumptions and other variables used in similar domain examples to ensure new variables are not being created when appropriate standard variables already exist. 13. Label the dataset within the metadata definition document as follows:, , CDISC SDTM Version , . 14. Submit a request to add specific new variables necessary to represent additional information in the general observation classes through the CDISC Public Discussion Forum. As noted in Step 8 of the above process, each domain is distinguished by a unique, two-character DOMAIN code that should be used consistently throughout the submission. The two-character identifier should be controlled for consistency so that the FDA tools for receiving data can recognize it. The DOMAIN code should also be included in the name of the corresponding dataset files (e.g., ae.xpt) and also used as a prefix for variables to distinguish them in the event that merges are performed between datasets using SAS. CDISC will maintain a separate list of standard domain codes on the CDISC website and sponsors may post additional suggested codes to add to this list through the CDISC Public Discussion Forum. Page 14 August 26, 2005 CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 2.6.1 How to Include Variables in New Domains (Steps 4 through 7) Superset of CDISC SDS Variables Variables for Special Purpose Domains (Fixed & Study Design Domains) Variables for General Domain Classes Identifier Variables Timing Variables Topic & Qualifier Variables Interventions Specific Variables Events Specific Variables Demography & Comment Domain Variables Study Design Variables Findings Specific Variables New Domain As illustrated in the figure above, the CDISC SDTM has an inclusive superset or a predefined list of variables. The SDTM variables are subdivided into two general variable classes: those for the 'general observation classes' and those for the 'special domains' (those with fixed structures and the trial design domains). For more information regarding these classifications, please see sections 2.3 and 2.4. From a data modeling perspective, once it has been determined that a new domain is needed (i.e., there is no published equivalent domain), the sponsor determines the domain's general observation class (either as an Intervention, Event, or Finding) as described in steps 1, 2 and 3 above. Next the sponsor must go through a process of selecting the variables to include in the new domain (Steps 4 through 7). All new domains will contain variables from the Identifier (e.g., subject of the observation, the domain) and Timing (e.g., visit designators, start and end dates) variable classes. The 'Identifier Variables' and 'Timing Variables' boxes being connected to the 'New Domain' box via a bolded solid black line illustrate this. The new domain, however, can only inherit the Topic and Qualifier variables from the specific general observation class that it was determined to fit. Therefore, if a new domain has been classified as a Findings domain, it cannot contain Qualifier variables that were defined for the Intervention or Events domain classes and vice versa. This principle is illustrated in the graphic by the 'Intervention', 'Events', and 'Findings' boxes being connected to the 'New Domain' box via dashed lines. In summary, all new domains include Identifier and Timing variables. However, the choice of Topic and Qualifier variables that can be included is dependent upon which general observation class the domain has been modeled as 'Interventions', 'Events', or 'Findings'. CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 15 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 3 Submitting Data in Standard Format 3.1 STANDARD METADATA FOR DATASET CONTENTS AND ATTRIBUTES The V3.x CDISC SDS domain models provide a standard depiction of some of the most commonly used data domains, using the metadata attributes originally described in the CDISC Submission Metadata Model. The descriptive metadata attributes that should be included in a submission dataset definition file as applied in the domain models are: • The CDISC-standard variable name (standardized for all submissions, even though sponsors may be using other variable names internally in their operational database) • The CDISC-standard variable label • Data type of the variable (character or numeric, to conform to the data types recognized by SAS) • Controlled terms and formats used by the sponsor (the CDISC domain models use a single asterisk (*) or a double asterisk (**) to indicate when controlled terminology applies) • The origin or source of the data (e.g., CRF page, derived) • The role of the variable in the dataset corresponding to the role in the SDTM (Since these roles are predefined for all standard domains that follow the general classes, they do not need to be specified by sponsors in their Define data definition document.) In addition to these metadata attributes, the CDISC domain models include two other columns to assist sponsors in preparing their datasets — one column for notes relevant to the use of each variable, and one to indicate how a variable is classified as a CDISC Core Variable. The concept of core variable is used both as a measure of compliance and to provide general guidance to sponsors. CDISC Core Variables fall into three categories: • • • A Required variable is any variable that is basic to the identification of a data record (i.e., essential key variables and a topic variable) or is necessary to make the record meaningful. Required variables should always be included in the dataset and cannot be null for any record. An Expected variable is any variable necessary to make a record useful in the context of a specific domain. Columns for Expected variables are assumed to be present in each submitted dataset even if some values are null. A Permissible variable should be used in a domain as appropriate when collected or derived. All Timing variables (including those not explicitly included in a domain model) and any Qualifier variable specified in a domain model are permissible for use in that domain. Null values are allowed, but the Sponsor can decide whether a Permissible variable should be included as a column when all values for that variable are null. The Core Variable column provides guidance on which variables are normally required, expected or permissible to include in an actual dataset based on a model (see Section However, any decisions regarding the specific content that is to be included for any submission should always be discussed in advance with the regulatory agency. Page 16 August 26, 2005 CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) The domain models illustrate how to apply the SDTM when creating a specific domain dataset. In particular, these models illustrate the selection of a subset of the variables offered in one of the general observation classes along with applicable timing variables. The models also show how a standard variable from a general observation class should be adjusted to meet the specific content needs of a particular domain, including making the label more meaningful, specifying controlled terminology, and creating domain-specific notes and examples. Thus the domain models demonstrate not only how to apply the model for the most common domains, but also gives insight on how to apply general model concepts to other domains not yet defined by CDISC. 3.2 USING THE CDISC DOMAIN MODELS IN REGULATORY SUBMISSIONS New users will find the V3.x CDISC domain models useful as a template for preparing submission files; however, users should be aware that the set of descriptive attributes shown in the models is not precisely the same as that required in the dataset definition document that must accompany a submission. The specific differences are as follows: • The column reserved for sponsor comments in the data definition document is not included in the CDISC domain models, since this needs to be created and populated by the sponsor for each dataset to explain any sponsor-specific rules and definitions • The CDISC Notes column should not be submitted to the agency • The CDISC Core column should not be submitted to the agency • The CDISC References column should not be submitted to the agency. The last three columns in the models that are not to be submitted are shaded so they can easily be distinguished. In addition to the variable notes, the CDISC models include a set of general assumptions applicable to all domains that describe many of the critical concepts behind the models (see Section 4). A set of specific assumptions applicable only to a particular domain is listed after the data definitions for that domain model. In summary, the main body of the Define data definition document submitted by a sponsor should display for each data domain the 'Variable Name', 'Variable Label', 'Type', 'Controlled Terms or Formats', 'Origin' and 'Comments' (‘Role’ is optional for standard domains). The dataset definition document that accompanies a submission should also describe each dataset that is included in the submission and describe the logical key structure of each dataset. While most studies will include DM and a set of safety domains based on the three general observation classes (typically including EX, CM, AE, DS, MH, IE, LB, and VS), the actual choice of which data to submit will depend on the protocol and the needs of the regulatory reviewer. Dataset definition metadata should include dataset filenames, descriptions, locations, structures, purpose, keys, and comments as described in the CDISC Submission Metadata Model and shown below in Section 3.2.1. Note that key variables should refer to the natural keys that determine the order of records within the dataset. The physical key structure that uniquely identifies each record in an SDTM dataset based on a general class is actually based on the STUDYID, USUBJID and --SEQ variable in each domain. 3.2.1 CDISC Submission Dataset Definition Metadata Key Variables Dataset Description Location Structure Purpose DM Demographics dm.xpt One record per subject Tabulation STUDYID, USUBJID CO Comments co.xpt One record per comment per subject Tabulation STUDYID, USUBJID, COSEQ CM Concomitant Medications cm.xpt One record per medication intervention episode per subject Tabulation STUDYID, USUBJID, CMTRT, CMSTDTC CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 17 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Key Variables Dataset Description Location Structure Purpose EX Exposure ex.xpt One record per constant dosing interval per subject Tabulation STUDYID, USUBJID, EXTRT, EXSTDTC SU Substance Use su.xpt One record per substance type per visit per subject Tabulation AE Adverse Events ae.xpt One record per adverse event per subject Tabulation DS Disposition ds.xpt One record per disposition status or protocol milestone per subject Tabulation STUDYID, USUBJID, VISITNUM, SUTRT STUDYID, USUBJID, AETERM, AESTDTC STUDYID, USUBJID, DSSTDTC MH Medical History mh.xpt One record per medical history event per subject Tabulation EG ECG eg.xpt One record per ECG observation per time point per visit per subject Tabulation IE Inclusion/ Exclusion Exceptions ie.xpt One record per Inclusion/Exclusion criteria exception per subject Tabulation STUDYID, USUBJID, IETESTCD LB Laboratory Tests lb.xpt One record per lab test per time point per visit per subject Tabulation STUDYID, USUBJID, LBTESTCD VISITNUM, TPTNUM PE Physical Exam pe.xpt One record per body system per visit per subject Tabulation STUDYID, USUBJID, VISITNUM, PETESTCD, QS Questionnaires qs.xpt One record per question per time point per visit per subject Tabulation STUDYID, USUBJID, QSTESTCD, VISITNUM, TPTNUM, QSSEQ SC Subject Characteristics sc.xpt One record per characteristic per subject Tabulation STUDYID, USUBJID, SCTESTCD VS Vital Signs vs.xpt One record per vital sign measurement per time point per visit per subject Tabulation STUDYID, USUBJID, VSTESTCD, VISITNUM, TPTNUM DV* Protocol Deviations dv.xpt One record per protocol deviation per subject Tabulation STUDYID, USUBJID, DVSEQ MB* Microbiology mb.xpt One record per specimen test or susceptibility test Tabulation STUDYID, USUBJID, MBTESTCD, MBSEQ Page 18 August 26, 2005 STUDYID, USUBJID, MHTERM STUDYID, USUBJID, EGTESTCD, VISITNUM,T PTNUM, EGSEQ CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Key Variables Dataset Description Location Structure Purpose MS* Microbiology Susceptibility ms.xpt One record per susceptibility observations. Tabulation STUDYID, USUBJID, MSTESTCD, MSSEQ DA* Drug Accountability da.xpt One record per accountability observation Tabulation STUDYID, USUBJID, DATESTCD, DADTC, DASEQ PC* PK Concentrations pc.xpt One record per concentration per analyte Tabulation STUDYID, USUBJID, PCTESTCD, VISITNUM, TPTNUM PP* PK Parameters pp.xpt One record per PK parameter per analyte Tabulation STUDYID, USUBJID, PPTESTCD, VISITNUM TE Trial Elements te.xpt One record per element Tabulation STUDYID, ETCD TA Trial Arms ta.xpt One record per planned element per arm Tabulation STUDYID, ARMCD, ETCD TV Trial Visits tv.xpt One record per planned visit per arm Tabulation STUDYID, VISITNUM, ARMCD SE Subject Elements se.xpt One record per actual element per subject Tabulation STUDYID, USUBJID, ETCD SV Subject Visits sv.xpt One record per subject per actual visit Tabulation STUDYID, USUBJID, VISITNUM TI Trial Inclusion/ Exclusion Criteria ti.xpt One record per I/E criterion Tabulation STUDYID, IETESTCD TS Trial Summary ts.xpt One record per trial summary parameter. Tabulation STUDYID, TSPARMCD, TSSEQ RELREC Related Records relrec.xpt One record per relationship Tabulation STUDYID, RDOMAIN, USUBJID, IDVAR, IDVARVAL, RELID SUPPQUAL Supplemental Qualifiers suppqual.xpt One record per qualifier value Tabulation STUDYID, RDOMAIN, USUBJID, IDVAR, IDVARVAL, QNAM *Domain models to be published separately for comment 3.2.2 CDISC Submission Value-Level Metadata In general, the CDISC Version 3.x data models are more closely related to normalized relational data models in a vertical structure. This structure requires every row to have a primary key since each row of a CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 19 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) dataset represents a single observation and each column represents one of the variables contained within the dataset. Since the V3.x data structures are essentially static, much of the information that may have been communicated in columns in a more horizontal structure will now involve adding new records instead. The model also includes variables that contain values that can be used to convert the dataset from the 'vertical' format to a 'horizontal' representation (or more 'denormalized'). Therefore, for some domains there is a need to provide record-level metadata (referred to as value-level or hierarchical metadata). For example, the Vital Signs data domain could contain subject records related to diastolic and systolic blood pressure, height, weight, and body mass index (BMI). If these data were submitted in compliance with the CDISC standards, it would be provided in the more normalized structure of one row per vital signs measurement. This means that there could be five records per subject (one for each parameter), and the parameter names would be stored in the Test Code/Name variables, and the parameter value in a result variable. Since the unique Test Code/Names have different attributes (i.e., different origins, roles, and definitions) there is a need to provide metadata for this information. The hierarchical metadata could be provided as a separate section of the Define data definition document. The table should be similar in structure to the CDISC Submission Metadata Model described previously. This information, which historically has been submitted as a pdf document named 'Define.pdf' may also be submitted in an XML format. For details on the CDISC specification for submitting the Define data definition document in XML, see 3.2.3 Conformance Conformance with the CDISC Domain Models is indicated by: • Following the complete metadata structure for data domains and variables • Following CDISC domain models wherever applicable • Including all collected and relevant derived data in one of the standard domains, special-purpose datasets or general-observation-class structures • Including all Required and Expected variables as columns in a domain • Using CDISC-specified standard domain names and prefixes • Using CDISC-specified standard variable names • Using CDISC-specified variable labels for all standard domains (as described in the SDTMIG) • Using CDISC-specified data types for all variables • Following CDISC-specified controlled terminology and format guidelines for variables, when provided • Ensuring that each record in a dataset includes a set of keys and a topic variable • Conforming to all business rules described in the CDISC notes and general and domain-specific assumptions. When creating new domains, sponsors should always review the CDISC-standard labels from comparable domains and adjust only if necessary to properly convey the meaning of the submitted data. Sponsors should also supply the correct origins, roles (optional for standard domains), and appropriate comments, plus any additional controlled terminology or format information required for the FDA reviewer to properly interpret the data. Since most regulatory submissions involve data that has been collected over many years, CDISC recognizes that full conformance with the SDS model may not be immediately achievable, but will improve over time. Page 20 August 26, 2005 CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 4 Assumptions for Domain Models 4.1 GENERAL ASSUMPTIONS FOR ALL DOMAINS 4.1.1 General Dataset Assumptions Review the Study Data Tabulation Model as well as this Implementation Guide before attempting to apply any of the individual domain models. The CDISC Submission Metadata Model may also be reviewed for additional background information on how to represent metadata for general datasets. See the Case Report Tabulation Data Definition Specification (define.xml), available on the CDISC website, for information about an xml representation of the data definition document. Additional analysis variables should be added to analysis datasets if required by regulatory reviewers or if necessary to accommodate the scientific requirements of the submission. These should be named consistently with other variables in the model, described clearly, and presented in a format that is consistent across a submission. Specific assumptions regarding data types should also be applied. However, no new variables should be added to any tabulation dataset except through the Supplemental Qualifiers mechanism described in Section 8. Additional Timing variables from the general observation classes can be added as needed to a standard domain model based on the three general observation classes. The order of variables in the Define data definition document should reflect the order of data in the dataset. The current order of variables in the CDISC domain models has been chosen to facilitate the review of the models and application of the models. Sponsors may thus wish to reorder timing and qualifier variables in order to place more emphasis on the most important variables, but are encouraged to apply a consistent variable ordering scheme for all domains in a submission wherever possible. CDISC Core variables: In V3.0, CDISC identified all Core variables in domain models (identified by a 'Y' in the 'Core' column). In V3.x, three categories of variables are specified in the 'Core' column: • A Required variable is any variable that is basic to the identification and meaning of a data record (i.e., essential key Identifiers and a Topic variable). Values cannot be null. • An Expected variable is any variable necessary to make a record meaningful in the context of a specific domain. In most cases, some but not all values for expected variables may be null in a domain if unknown or not done. But when an expected variable has not been collected, a null column should still be included and a comment should be included in the define data definition document to state it was not collected. • A Permissible variable may be used as appropriate, when collected or derived. CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 21 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) All timing variables are considered permissible. Any qualifier variables from the same general class are permissible for that domain. Required and expected variables must be included in the dataset. Required variables cannot be null, but the expected variables may contain some null values. In studies where limited data collection has been agreed upon in advance with the agency, some expected variables might be submitted with all null values. Normally the sponsor should only include those variables designated as permissible that were collected or derived; however, the sponsor can choose whether permissible variables that are always null should be included. o o 4.1.2 Additional guidance on dataset naming will be provided in future versions of the CDISC SDTMIG. General Variable Assumptions Data variable names should be limited to 8 characters, and cannot start with a number, nor should they contain characters other than letters, numbers, or underscores. This is a SAS V5 Transport file limitation, and since use of SAS V5 is specified in the current guidance this limitation will be in effect until the use of other formats (such as XML) becomes acceptable to regulatory authorities. Data variable descriptive names (labels), up to 40 characters, should be provided as data variable labels. This is a correction to the 32 characters noted as a limitation in the FDA guidance document, Providing Regulatory Submissions in Electronic Format – NDAs (IT-3, January 1999). Use of variable names (other than domain prefixes), formats, decodes, terminology, and data types for the same type of data should be consistent within and across studies within a submission. In general, sponsors should use the CDISC-standard labels in all standard domains. In order to minimize the risk of difficulty when merging/joining domains for reporting purposes, the two-character Domain Identifier is used as a prefix in most variable names. The rule for applying the prefix is as follows: All variable names should be prefixed with the Domain Identifier in which they reside except: a. b. c. d. Required Identifiers (STUDYID, DOMAIN, USUBJID) Commonly used Merge Keys (VISIT, VISITNUM, VISITDY, and many of the variables in trial design such as ELEMENT and ARM) All Demography domain (DM) variables with the exception of the DM-specific Timing variables DMDTC, and DMDY All variables in RELREC and SUPPQUAL. Required Identifiers are not prefixed because they are usually used as keys when merging/joining observations. The --SEQ and the optional Identifiers --GRPID and --REFID are prefixed because they are only used as keys when relating observations in special cases. 'Subject' should be used where applicable to generically refer to both 'patients' and 'healthy volunteers.' The term 'Subject' should be used consistently in all labels and comments. It is recommended that textual data be submitted in upper case text. Exceptions may include long text data (such as comment text), values of --TEST in Findings datasets (which may be more readable in mixed case if used as labels in transposed views) and certain controlled Page 22 August 26, 2005 CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) terminology (such as MedDRA terms) that are already in mixed case. The Sponsor’s Define data definition document may indicate as a general note or assumption whether case sensitivity applies to text data for any or all variables in the dataset. If case sensitivity differs across variables, it should be documented at the variable level in the Define document. If a special convention is used for missing values (or values that were not collected for certain records in a Tabulation), it should be described in the Define data definition document and should be used consistently in all datasets. Sponsors may assign categories (--CAT variable) and subcategories (--SCAT variable) within domains. The categories and subcategories will provide additional context for the Topic variable and should be used consistently across all records in the domain. For example, a lab record with LBTEST = 'SODIUM' might have LBCAT = 'CHEMISTRY' and LBSCAT = 'ELECTROLYTES'. The values for these variables may be collected on the CRF or derived. --CAT and --SCAT values should not be redundant with the domain or dictionary classification provided by --DECOD and --BODSYS. That is, they should provide a different means of defining or classifying records. For example, a sponsor may be interested in identifying all adverse events that the investigator feels might represent an infection, and thus will collect that categorization on the CRF. This categorization might differ from the categorization derived from the adverse-event coding dictionary. The intended relationship among the records grouped using --GRPID (see Section 8.1 for details) may appear to duplicate a relationship already identified by other variables such as VISIT, --CAT, --SCAT, or --CLAS. These latter variables have meaning across subjects, whereas the values of --GRPID apply to a specific domain and subject, and are intended solely to facilitate grouping a set of records for a subject. For example, in the Laboratory Test Results dataset, LBTEST values of HEMATOCRIT, HEMOGLOBIN, and RBC might be assigned a value of HEMATOLOGY for LBCAT. LBCAT would be populated for all records falling into that category across all subjects. However, for one subject, the investigator commented on these specific records noting that the subject had a long history of anemia. For this subject, the three hematology records would be assigned a common LBGRPID value. That value would be used in the COMMENTS special-purpose domain to link the comment to the appropriate lab records. 4.1.3 Sponsors sometimes collect free text information on the CRF. When the CRF includes a list of values including "Other, Specify", then the free text value should be placed in a SUPPQUAL dataset as described in Section 8.4. For example, when a description of "Other Medically Important Serious Adverse Events" category is collected on a CRF then the free text description should be stored in the SUPPQUAL dataset. Coding and Controlled Terminology Assumptions The Submission Data Standards Team has defined two types of Controlled Terminology (CT). The first consists of CT that has been published externally (e.g., MedDRA, LOINC or maintained by CDISC in Appendix 10.4). The second consists of CT that is defined by a sponsor, and is used consistently throughout a submission (e.g., a standard code list). Two asterisks (**) within the Controlled Terms or Format column indicate the respective variable should be populated with values from an external source. A single asterisk (*) within the Controlled Terms or Format column indicates the respective variable should be populated with a value from a sponsor-controlled list. The values that appear in the Controlled Terms or Format column are expected to be used in submissions. CDISC will be providing future guidance on the use of controlled terminology in separate documents available through the CDISC website. If applicable, additional information is provided within this column for common alpha-codes, decodes, and references. CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 23 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) It is recommended that controlled terminology be submitted in upper case text other than the two exceptions noted below. Some sponsors may choose to submit controlled terminology in mixed case text to enhance the appearance of reports. As noted in item above, case sensitivity should be described in the Define document. a. b. If the external reference for the controlled terminology is not in upper case then the data should conform to the case prescribed in the external reference (e.g., MedDRA and LOINC). Units, which are considered symbols rather than abbreviated text (e.g., mg/dL). The controlled terminology should be displayed for each applicable variable within the 'Controlled Terms or Format' column of the Define data definition document. Variables with numerous controlled terms may be placed within an appendix section of Define. Controlled terminology or text should be used instead of, or in addition to, arbitrary number codes in order to reduce ambiguity for submission reviewers. For example, for concomitant medications, the verbatim term and/or dictionary term should be presented, rather than numeric codes. Separate coded values may be submitted as supplemental qualifiers or included in the define data definition document and may be necessary in analysis datasets. Controlled terminology for domain topic variables should be stored as follows: • • For safety events such as AEs and Medical History, fill --DECOD with the dictionary’s preferred term and fill --BODSYS with the preferred body system name. If a dictionary is multi-axial, the value in --BODSYS should represent the primary path. When using MedDRA, for example, --DECOD should contain the PT (Preferred Term), and --BODSYS should contain the primary SOC (System Organ Class). For concomitant medications, fill --DECOD with the drug's generic name, and fill --CLAS with the drug class only if the dictionary used codes drugs to a single class. When using WHODRUG, for example, --CLAS would not be filled since a drug may have multiple classes. In either case, no other intermediate levels or relationships should be stored in the dataset. By knowing the dictionary and version used, the reviewer will be able to obtain intermediate levels in a hierarchy (as in MedDRA), or a drug’s ATC codes (as in WHO Drug). The sponsor may be required to submit the dictionary if it is not already available to the reviewer. The topic variable for many of the general domain models is often stored as verbatim text. For an Event domain, the topic variable is --TERM. For an Interventions domain, the topic variable is --TRT. For a Findings domain, the topic variable, --TESTCD, should use Controlled Terminology (e.g., SYSBP for systolic blood pressure). If a CDISC-standard controlled terminology exists it should be used, otherwise the sponsor should define its own controlled list of terms. If the verbatim term is modified to facilitate coding, the modified text is stored in --MODIFY. In most cases (other than PE), the dictionary coded text is derived into --DECOD. Since the PEORRES variable is modified instead of the topic variable for PE, the dictionaryderived text would be placed in PESTRESC. The items used in each of the defined domains are: AE: DS: CM: MH: PE: Page 24 August 26, 2005 AETERM/AEMODIFY/AEDECOD DSTERM/DSDECOD CMTRT/CMMODIFY/CMDECOD MHTERM/MHMODIFY/MHDECOD PEORRES/PEMODIFY/PESTRESC CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Variables where the response is 'Yes' or 'No' ('Y'/'N') should normally be populated for both 'Y' and 'N' responses. This eliminates confusion regarding whether a blank response indicates 'N' or is a missing value. However, some variables are collected or derived in a manner that allows only one response, such as when a single check box indicates 'Yes'. In situations such as these, where it is unambiguous to only populate the response of interest, it is permissible to only populate one value ('Y' or 'N') and leave the alternate value blank. An example of when it would be acceptable to use only a value of 'Y' would be for Baseline Flag (BLFL) variables, where 'N' is not necessary to indicate that a value is not a baseline value. Note: Permissible values for variables with controlled terms of 'Y' or 'N' may be extended to include 'U' if it is the sponsor’s practice to explicitly collect or derive values indicating 'Unknown' for that variable. 4.1.4 Actual and Relative Time Assumptions Date/Time formats for --DTC Variables: The CDISC SDS V2 models included date variables and some separate time variables. In Version 3.0, to address the FDA’s request to provide a uniform date/time representation, all date and time variables were replaced with a single date/time variable ending in 'DTM'. These date and time values were stored as SAS date/times, which in SAS are stored as the number of seconds since midnight on January 1, 1960. A SAS format was required to display the date/times in human readable form. This was changed in version 3.1. Dates and time of day are now stored according to the international standard ISO 8601 (ISO, URL: The SDTMIG template uses ISO 8601 for calendar dates and times of day, which are expressed as follows: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss where: [YYYY] = four-digit year [MM] = two-digit representation of the month (01-12, 01=January, etc.) [DD] = two-digit day of the month (01 through 31) [T] = (time designator) indicates time information follows [hh] = two digits of hour (00 through 23) (am/pm is NOT allowed) [mm] = two digits of minute (00 through 59) [ss] = two digits of second (00 through 59) Other characters defined for use within the ISO 8601 standard are: [-] (hyphen): to separate the time elements "year" and "month", "month" and "day" [:] (colon): to separate the time elements "hour" and "minute", and "minute" and "second" [/] (solidus): to separate components in the representation of time intervals [P] (duration designator): precedes the components that represent the duration Key aspects of the IS0 8601 standard are as follows: • ISO 8601 represents dates as a text string using the notation YYYY-MM-DD. • ISO 8601 represents times as a text string using the notation hh:mm:ss. CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 25 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) • ISO 8601 does not require dashes to separate date parts nor colons to separate time parts; however, these are required for the SDTM and V3.x SDTMIG to improve readability. • When a date is stored with a time in the same variable (as a date-time), the date is written in front of the time and the time is preceded with 'T' using the notation YYYY-MM-DDT hh:mm:ss (e.g. 2001-12-26T00:00:01). Implementation of the ISO standard means that nominal date/time variables are no longer numeric data types but will now have to be character/text data types. The SDS fragment employed for date/time variables is --DTC, where '--' is the two letter domain code [with or without the ‘ST’ or ‘EN’ strings indicating start or stop dates]. Date/Time Precision. In V3.0, a separate date/time precision variable ending in 'DTP' was paired with each date/time variable to address the FDA desire to easily detect any value that was partially or fully imputed. This has been eliminated in V3.x. According to ISO 8601, precision (also referred to by ISO 8601 as "completeness" or "representations with reduced accuracy"), is specified by the number of parts present in the date, time, or date-time value. Whatever is unknown is not included so if the date is completely missing then the date value should be null. For example, if month is unknown, then only year is included in the value string. If day is unknown, only year and month are included in the value string. If seconds are unknown, all parts of the date-time string are included except the last two numbers representing seconds. If day is known but month is unknown then neither day nor month is included in the date representation. Furthermore, one-digit numbers are always padded with a leading zero. Hence, the use of a separate precision variable, as defined in Version 3.0, is no longer required. The table below provides examples of ISO 8601 representation complete date and truncated date/time values using ISO 8601 "appropriate right truncations" of incomplete datetime representations. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Date and Time as Originally Recorded December 15, 2003 13:14:17 December 15, 2003 13:14 December 15, 2003 13 December 15, 2003 December, 2003 2003 Interval of Uncertainty Complete date and time Unknown seconds Unknown minutes Unknown time Unknown day Unknown month Nominal Date/Time (--DTC) 2003-12-15T13:14:17 2003-12-15T13:14 2003-12-15T13 2003-12-15 2003-12 2003 This date and date/time model provides for nonstandard intervals of uncertainty, such as those commonly seen in Medical History. To represent these intervals while applying the ISO8601 standard, it is recommended that the sponsor concatenate the date/time values (using the most complete representation of the date/time known) that describe the beginning and the end of the intervals of uncertainty and separate them with a solidus as shown in the table below: Interval of Uncertainty Nominal Date/Time (--DTC) 1 Between 10:00 and 10:30 on the Morning of December 15, 2003 2003-12-15T10:00/2003-12-15T10:30 2 After the first of this year (2003) until "now" (February 15, 2003, noon) 2003-01-01/2003-02-15T12:00 3 Between the first and the tenth of December, 2003 2003-12-01/2003-12-10 4 Sometime in the first half of 2003 2003-01-01/2003-06-30 Page 26 August 26, 2005 CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Other uncertainty intervals may be represented by the omission of components of the date when these components are unknown. Examples of this method of omitted component representation are represented in the table below: Date and Time as Originally Recorded Interval of Uncertainty Nominal Date/Time (--DTC) 1 December 15, 2003 13:15:17 Complete date and time 2003-12-15T13:15:17 2 December 15, 2003 __:15 Unknown hour with known minutes 2003-12-15T15T-:15 3 December 15, 2003 13:__:17 Unknown minutes with known date, hours and seconds 2003-12-15T13:-:17 4 The 15th of some month in 2003 Unknown month and time with known year and day 2003---15 5 December 15, but can't remember the year Unknown year with known month and day --12-15 Using a character-based data type to implement the ISO 8601 date/time standard will ensure that the date/time information will be machine and human readable without the need for further manipulation, and will be platform and software independent. NOTE FOR BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY WITH SDS V. 3.0: Because the --DT fragment was used in the SDS Version 2 standards, and the DTM fragment was used to represent numeric based date/time values in Version 3, the “DTC” fragment has been used to identify character-based date/time information in Version 3.1. This will allow sponsors to continue to use the --DT and --DTM fragments for variables used in operational databases or analysis files. The SAS format IS8601DT can be used to display SAS date/time information in the ISO 8601 format. Examples are shown below: Date and time as SAS Numeric Formatted SAS originally recorded Date/Time (--DTM)1 Date/Time2 1 29June, 1956 11:32:09 -110636871 1956-06-29T11:32:09 2 29June, 1956 11:32:00 -110636880 1956-06-29T11:32:00 3 29June, 1956 11:00:00 -110638800 1956-06-29T11:00:00 4 29June, 1956 00:00:00 -110678400 1956-06-29T00:00:00 3 5 June1956 Not calculated Not calculated3 1 DTM = input(DTC, datetime18.) 2 format of --DTM IS8601DT 3 SAS requires a full, valid date. Apply a standard convention to impute days. Duration is frequently used during a review; however, the duration timing variable (--DUR) should generally be used in a domain if it was collected in lieu of a start date/time (--STDTC) and end date/time (--ENDTC). If both --STDTC and --ENDTC are collected, durations can be calculated by the difference in these two values, and need not be in the submission dataset. In V3.0, there were separate duration (--DUR) and duration unit (--DURU) variables. In V3.x, the --DURU variable is eliminated, as both duration and duration units can be provided in the single --DUR variable according to ISO 8601. The values provided in --DUR should follow one of the following ISO 8601 formats: PnYnMnDTnHnMnS or PnW The letter "P" precedes other values in the duration format. The 'n' preceding each letter represents the number of Years, Months, Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds, or Weeks. As with the date/time format, CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 27 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 'T' is used to separate the date and time components. Note, weeks cannot be mixed with days in representations When duration is being measured after an event, the correct usage when you know the start date/time from which the duration is measured is: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss/PnYnMnDTnHnMnS For duration measured prior to an event (like 2 hours before last dose) the syntax is: PnYnMnDTnHnMnS/YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss Note only the hyphen delimited extended format conforming to "Format with time-unit designators" (ISO - second edition 2000-12-15) is considered valid for SDTM use. Usage Notes: o There should be no spaces in the representation. o The 'T' designator must always precede Time components, but is not necessary if no time components are included. o Missing components can be omitted. The table below provides some examples of ISO 8601 compliant durations: Duration as originally recorded 2 Years 10 weeks 3 Months 14 days 3 Days 6 Months 17 Days 3 Hours 14 Days 7 Hours 57 Minutes 42 Minutes 18 Seconds 2 hours before a reference time point in RFTDTC --DUR Value P2Y P10W P3M14D P3D P6M17DT3H P14DT7H57M PT42M18S -PT2H The Study Day variable (--DY) describes the relative day of the observation starting with the reference date as Day 1. It is determined by comparing the date portion of any DTC variable to the date portion of the Subject Reference Date (RFSTDTC from the Demography domain). It is considered a descriptive representation of a relative date within the study. The subject reference date is designated as Study Day 1. The Study Day value is incremented by 1 for each date following RFSTDTC. Dates prior to RFSTDTC are decremented by 1, with the date preceding RFSTDTC designated as Study Day -1 (there is no Study Day 0). This algorithm for determining Study Day is consistent with how people typically describe sequential days relative to a fixed reference point, but creates problems if used for mathematical calculations because it does not allow for a Day 0. As such, Study Day is not suited for use in subsequent numerical computations, such as calculating duration. The raw date values should be used rather than Study Day in those calculations. All Study Day values are integers. Thus, to calculate Study Day: --DY = (date portion of --DTC) - (date portion of RFSTDTC) + 1 if --DTC is on or after RFSTDTC --DY = (date portion of --DTC) - (date portion of RFSTDTC) if --DTC precedes RFSTDTC The algorithm for this calculation should be consistent across all domains. Clinical encounters are described by the CDISC Visit variables. VISITNUM indicates the clinical encounter number, a numeric version of VISIT used for sorting. VISITDY indicates the planned study day of VISIT. A text description of the visit (VISIT) is recommended for intelligibility and consistency with the protocol and CRF. Page 28 August 26, 2005 CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) VISITNUM is required when data are collected more than once per subject or at a discrete time point (e.g., Labs, ECG, Vital Signs or other domains with multiple assessment points). VISITNUM is not included in Subject Characteristics because the data in this domain is collected only once per subject. It is permissible in Disposition if more than one disposition event is collected per subject. VISITNUM is not required in Adverse Events, Concomitant Medication, or Medical History. VISIT and VISITDY are permissible, but not required when VISITNUM is used. The following table shows an example of how the visit identifiers might be used: USUBJID 001 001 001 VISIT Week 1 Week 2 Week 2 Unscheduled VISITNUM 2 3 VISITDY 7 14 --DY 7 13 3.1 (Null) 17 The calculation of study days within subdivisions of time in a clinical trial may be based on one or more sponsor-defined reference dates not adequately represented by RFSTDTC. The Sponsor’s Define data definition document should reflect the reference dates used to calculate such study days. CDISC will define an appropriate model for representing such sponsor-defined dates in a future version of this document. The CDISC V2/V3 domain models included the timing variables --ONGO and --PRIOR, but the meaning of these variables was found to differ dramatically among different sponsors, and even across different trials for the same sponsor. For example, AEONGO often meant an event was ongoing as of the end of a study, while MHONGO meant a condition was ongoing at the beginning of the study. The meaning of these variables was further confused because it was not always apparent as to which time point to use to define the beginning or end of a study. To clarify this, V3.1 of the SDTMIG defined two new timing variables, --STRF, Start Relative to Reference Period, and -ENRF, End Relative to Reference Period. --STRF identifies the start of an observation (Event, Intervention, or Finding) as being 'BEFORE', 'DURING', or 'AFTER' the sponsor-defined reference period. The sponsor-defined reference period is a continuous period of time defined by a discrete starting point (RFSTDTC) and a discrete ending point (RFENDTC). --STRF should be populated for observations with information such as check boxes on the CRF (e.g., 'PRIOR', 'ONGOING', or 'CONTINUING') that indicates when they occur in reference to the study timeline. --STRF should be set to ‘U’ if its value is unknown. --ENRF identifies the end of the observation (Event, Intervention, or Finding) as being 'BEFORE', 'DURING', ‘DURING/AFTER' or 'AFTER' the sponsor-defined reference period. The sponsor-defined reference period is a continuous period of time defined by a discrete starting point (RFSTDTC) and a discrete ending point (RFENDTC). --ENRF should be populated for observations with information such as check boxes on the CRF (e.g. 'PRIOR', 'ONGOING', or 'CONTINUING') that indicate when they occur in reference to the study timeline. --ENRF should be set to ‘U’ if its value is unknown. Figure below illustrates how to populate these variables in a CM domain. For both variables, sponsors should define the reference period in the study metadata. CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 29 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Figure Example of CMSTRF and CMENRF Variables When the date and time of collection is reported in a domain based on the Findings general class, the date should go into the --DTC field -- e.g., EGDTC (Date/Time of ECG). When an interval (start and end) date/time is reported, the start date and time goes into --DTC and the end date and time goes into --ENDTC. For example, in the LB domain the LBDTC date variable is used for all single point collections or spot urine collections. For timed lab collections (e.g., 24 hour urine collections) the LBDTC variable is used for the start date/time of the collection and LBENDTC for the end date/time of the collection. This approach will allow the single point and interval collections to use the same date/time variables consistently across all datasets for the findings general class. The table below illustrates the proper use of these variables. Note --STDTC is not used for collection dates, so is blank in the following table. Date Collected Interval Collected --DTC X X --STDTC --ENDTC X . Dates are generally used only as timing variables to describe the timing of an event, intervention or collection activity, but there may be occasions when it may be preferable to model a date as a result in a Findings dataset. Note that using a date as a result to a findings question is unusual and atypical, and should be approached with caution, but this situation may occasionally occur when a) a group of questions (each of which has a date response) is asked and analyzed together; or b) the event(s) and intervention(s) in question are not medically significant (often the case when included in questionnaires). Consider the following cases: Calculated due date? Date of last day on the job? Date of birth of youngest child? End date of last reporting period? Page 30 August 26, 2005 CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) One approach to modeling these data would be to place the text of the question in --TEST and the response to the question, a date represented in ISO 8601 format, in --ORRES and --STRESC as long as these date results do not contain the dates of medically significant events or interventions. Again, use extreme caution when storing dates as the results of findings. Remember, in most cases, these dates should be timing variables associated with a record in an Intervention or Events dataset. 4.1.5 Other Assumptions Original and Standardized Results of Findings The --ORRES variable contains the result of the measurement or finding as originally received or collected. --ORRES is an expected variable, and should always be populated with two exceptions: • • When --STAT = 'NOT DONE' When a record is derived (e.g., to represent an average or sum of collected values), in such a way as to make it impossible to meaningfully populate --ORRES. Derived records are flagged with the --DRVFL variable. When the derived record comes from more than one visit, the sponsor must define the value for VISITNUM, addressing the correct temporal sequence. When --ORRES is populated, --STRESC must also be populated, regardless of whether the data values are character or numeric.--STRESC is derived either by the conversion of values in --ORRES to values with standard units, or by the assignment of the value of --ORRES (as in the PE Domain, where --STRESC could contain a dictionary-derived term). A further step is necessary when --STRESC contains numeric values. These are converted to numeric type and written to --STRESN. Because --STRESC may contain a mixture of numeric and character values, --STRESN may contain null values, as shown in the flowchart below. ORRES (all original values) STRESC (derive or copy all results) STRESN (copy numeric results only) When the original measurement or finding is a selection from a defined code list, the --ORRES or --STRESC variables should contain results in decoded format, that is, the textual interpretation of whichever code was selected from the code list. Occasionally data that are intended to be numeric are collected with characters attached that cause the character-to-numeric conversion to fail. For example, numeric cell counts in the source data may be specified with a greater than (>) or less than (<) sign attached (e.g. >10,000 or <1). In order for these values to be reported as numeric in --STRESN, and assuming this is desirable, the sponsor must apply a rule to derive a numeric value for these strings and document this in the value-level metadata. For example the rule may be to remove the character symbol or to compensate for the symbol in some other way, such as adding to values using > or subtracting from values using <. Tests Not Done When an entire examination (Laboratory draw, ECG, Vital Signs or Physical Examination), or a group of tests (hematology or urinalysis), or an individual test (glucose, PR interval, blood pressure, or hearing) is not done, and this information is explicitly captured with a yes/no or done/not done question on the CRF, a record could be created in the dataset to record this information. See the examples below. If the data on the CRF is missing and yes/no or done/not done was not explicitly captured a record should not be created to indicate that the data was not collected. If a group of tests were not done • • • • • --TESTCD should be --ALL --TEST should be --CAT should be --ORRES should be NULL --STAT should be "NOT DONE" CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 31 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) For example, if urinalysis is not done then • • • • • LBTESTCD should be "LBALL" LBTEST should be "LAB" LBCAT should be "URINALYSIS" LBORRES should be NULL LBSTAT should be "NOT DONE”. Laboratory Examples: • Numeric values that have been converted or copied (Rows 1 & 3). • A character result that has been copied (Row 2). • A result of 'TRACE' converted to a numeric value of 1 (Row 4). • Value of 1+ converted to numeric 1 (Row 5). • A result of 'BLQ' converted to a numeric value of zero (Row 6). • Some original character results in LBORRES such as '<10,000', which are converted to numeric results per sponsor-defined algorithms (Row 7). • A result is missing because the observation was 'NOT DONE', as reflected in the --STAT variable; neither LBORRES nor LBSTRESC are populated (Row 8). • A result is derived from multiple records such as an average of baseline measurements for a baseline value (Row 9). • None of the scheduled tests were completed as planned (Row 10) • A group of tests were not completed as planned (Row 11) Row 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 LBTESTCD GLUCOSE UBAC SGPT URBC UWBC KETONE WBC 8 9 10 11 HCT MCHC LBALL LBALL LBSTAT LBCAT LBORRES 6.0 MODERATE 12.1 TRACE 1+ BLQ <10,000 LBORRESU mg/dL mg/L LBSTRESC LBSTRESN LBSTRESU LBDRVFL 60.0 60.0 mg/L MODERATE 12.1 12.1 mg/L 1 1 1 1 0 0 [sponsor[sponsordefined value] defined value] NOT DONE 33.8 33.8 g/dL Y NOT DONE NOT DONE HEMATOLOGY ECG Examples: • Numeric and character values that have converted or copied (Rows 1, 2, and 3). • A result is missing because the test was 'NOT DONE', as reflected in the EGSTAT variable; neither EGORRES nor EGSTRESC are populated (Row 4). • The overall interpretation is included as a new record (Row 5) • The entire ECG was not done (Row 6) Row 1 2 3 4 5 EGTESTCD QRS QT RHYMRATE PR INTP 6 EGALL Page 32 August 26, 2005 EGSTAT EGORRES 362 221 ATRIAL FLUTTER EGORRESU SEC MSEC EGSTRESC 362 .221 ATRIAL FLUTTER EGSTRESN 362 .221 EGSTRESU SEC SEC NOT DONE ABNORMAL, CLINICALLY SIGNIFICANT ABNORMAL, CLINICALLY SIGNIFICANT NOT DONE CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Vital Signs Examples: • Numeric and character values that have converted or copied (Rows 1 and 2). • A result is missing because the Vital Signs test was 'NOT DONE', as reflected in the VSSTAT variable; neither VSORRES nor VSSTRESC are populated (Row 3). • The result is derived by having multiple records for one measurement and the derived value is recorded in a new row with the derived record flagged. (Rows 4, 5, and 6). • The entire examination was not done (Row 7) Row 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 VSTESTCD HT WT HR SYSBP SYSBP SYSBP VSALL VSSTAT VSORRES VSSTRESC VSSTRESN VSSTRESU 60 110 VSORRESU IN LB 152 50 152 50 cm kg 96 100 mmHg mmHg 96 100 98 96 100 98 mmHg mmHg mmHg VSDRVFL NOT DONE Y NOT DONE Questionnaire Examples: • Character values that have converted to standard scores (Row1). • A result is derived from multiple records (Row 2) • A result is missing because the observation was 'NOT DONE', as reflected in the QSSTAT variable; neither QSORRES nor QSSTRESC are populated (Row 3). • The entire questionnaire was not done (Row 4) Row 1 2 3 4 QSTEST HEALTH HEALTH PERCEPTIONS (0-100) HEALTH QSALL QSSTAT QSORRES VERY GOOD QSSTRESC QSSTRESN 4.4 4.4 82 QSDRVFL Y NOT DONE NOT DONE Multiple observations may be linked (associated with each other) using the RELREC dataset described in Section 8 of this document. Comments should be stored in the Comments domain (CO). Additional Qualifier variables that were not specified in the model should be included in the Supplemental Qualifiers (SUPPQUAL) dataset. CDISC realizes that some sponsors may have text strings longer than 200 characters for some variables. Because of the current requirement for Version 5 SAS transport file format, it will not be possible to store those long text strings using only one variable. Therefore, CDISC has defined a convention for storing a long text string by using a combination of the standard domain dataset and the Supplemental Qualifiers (SUPPQUAL) dataset. For a text string of more than 200 characters in length, the first 200 characters of text should be stored in the standard domain variable and each additional 200 characters of text should be stored as a record in the SUPPQUAL dataset. In this dataset, the value for QNAM should contain a sequential variable name, which is formed by appending a one-digit integer, beginning with 1, to the original standard domain variable name. When splitting a text string into several records, the text should be split between words to improve readability. As an example, if a sponsor had text for Medical History Reported Term (MHTERM) for one subject of 500 characters in length, the sponsor would put the first 200 characters of text in the standard domain variable and dataset (MHTERM in MH), the next 200 characters of text as a first supplemental record in the SUPPQUAL dataset, and the final 100 characters of text as a second record in the SUPPQUAL dataset. Variable QNAM would have the values MHTERM1 and MHTERM2 for the first and second records in SUPPQUAL, respectively, for this one particular text string. Sponsors should place the text itself into variable QVAL and the label of the original standard domain variable into variable QLABEL. In this case, IDVAR and IDVARVAL should be used in SUPPQUAL to relate the associated supplemental text records to the first 200 characters of text in the standard domain. CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 33 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) In cases where the standard domain variable name is already 8 characters in length, sponsors should replace the last character with a digit when creating values for QNAM. As an example, for Other Action Taken in Adverse Events (AEACNOTH), values for QNAM for the SUPPQUAL records would have the values AEACNOT1, AEACNOT2, and so on. Examples of how SUPPQUAL would be populated are presented below: STUDYID RDOMAIN USUBJID IDVAR IDVARVAL QNAM 12345 MH 99-123 MHSEQ 6 MHTERM1 12345 MH 99-123 MHSEQ 6 MHTERM2 12345 AE 99-123 AESEQ 4 AEACNOT1 QLABEL QVAL QORIG QEVAL Reported Term 2nd 200 for Condition or chars of text Procedure Reported Term last 200 for Condition or chars of text Procedure Other Action Taken last 200 chars of text CRF CRF CRF For the Interventions and Events observation classes, all data are assumed to be attributed to the Principal Investigator, or derived from such data by the sponsor. The observations recorded in the Findings class include the --EVAL qualifier because the observation may originate from more than one source (e.g., an Investigator or Central Reviewer). The QEVAL variable can be used to describe the evaluator for any data item in SUPPQUAL, but is not required when the data is objective. For all observations that have a primary and supplemental evaluation, sponsors should always put data from the primary evaluation into the standard domain dataset and data from the supplemental evaluation into the Supplemental Qualifiers dataset (SUPPQUAL – see Section 8.4). In SUPPQUAL, each variable for the evaluation should be represented as a record. Within each record, the value for QNAM should be formed by appending a “1” to the corresponding standard domain variable name. In cases where the standard domain variable name is already 8 characters in length, sponsors should replace the last character with a “1” (incremented for each additional attribution). The result of, response to, or value associated with QNAM should be placed in variable QVAL. The label of the corresponding standard domain variable should be placed in variable QLABEL. As an example, if an adjudication committee evaluates an adverse event, data in SUPPQUAL for this evaluation would look as below. (Note that QNAM takes on the value AERELNS1, as the corresponding standard domain variable AERELNST is already 8 characters in length.) The adverse event data as determined by the primary investigator would reside in the standard AE dataset. STUDYID RDOMAIN USUBJID IDVAR IDVARVAL QNAM QLABEL QVAL QORIG QEVAL 12345 AE 99-123 AESEQ 3 AESEV1 Severity/ Intensity MILD CRF ADJUDICATION COMMITTEE 12345 AE 99-123 AESEQ 3 AEREL1 Causality POSSIBLY RELATED CRF ADJUDICATION COMMITTEE 12345 AE 99-123 AESEQ 3 Possibly related to aspirin use. CRF ADJUDICATION COMMITTEE Page 34 August 26, 2005 AERELNS1 Relationship to Non-Study Treatment CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 5 Models for Special Purpose Domains 5.1.1 Demographics Domain Model — DM dm.xpt, Demographics — Version 3.1.1, August 26, 2005. One record per subject, Tabulation Variable Name Variable Label Type Controlled Terms or Format Origin STUDYID DOMAIN Study Identifier Domain Abbreviation Char Char **DM CRF Derived USUBJID Unique Subject Identifier Char Sponsor Defined SUBJID Subject Identifier for the Study Subject Reference Start Date/Time Char CRF Char ISO 8601 Sponsor Defined RFENDTC Subject Reference End Date/Time Char ISO 8601 Sponsor Defined SITEID Study Site Identifier Char INVID Investigator Identifier Char * CRF or Derived CRF or Derived INVNAM Investigator Name Char BRTHDTC Date/Time of Birth Char ISO 8601 RFSTDTC CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Role CDISC Notes Core References SDTM 2.2.4 SDTM 2.2.4 CRF or Derived Identifier Unique identifier for a study within the submission. Req Identifier Two-character abbreviation for the domain most relevant to the Req observation. Identifier Unique subject identifier within the submission. This can be a Req unique number or a compound identifier formed by concatenating STUDYID-SITEID-SUBJID. Since a subject may participate in more than one study (as in a follow-on), the USUBJID may differ from the SUBJID in some cases. Topic Subject identifier used within the study. Often the ID of the subject Req as recorded on a CRF. Timing Reference Start Date/time for the subject in ISO 8601 character Exp format. Usually equivalent to date/time of first intake of drug. Required for all randomized subjects; null for screen failures (if screen failures are submitted). Timing Reference End Date/time for the subject in ISO 8601 character Exp format. Usually equivalent to the date/time when subject was determined to have ended the trial, and often equivalent to date/time of last intake of drug. Required for all randomized subjects; null for screen failures (if screen failures are submitted). Record Unique identifier for a study site within a submission. Req Qualifier Record An identifier to describe the Investigator for the study. May be Perm Qualifier used in addition to the SITEID. Not needed if SITEID is equivalent to INVID. Synonym Name of the investigator for a site. Perm Qualifier CRF or Derived Result Date/time of birth of the subject. Qualifier SDTMIG Perm SDTM 2.2.4 SDTMIG SDTMIG Page 35 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Variable Name Variable Label Type AGE Age in AGEU at RFSTDTC Num AGEU Age Units SEX Controlled Terms or Format Origin CRF or Derived Role CDISC Notes Core References Result Usually derived as (RFSTDTC -BRTHDTC), but BRTHDTC may Exp Qualifier not be available in all cases (due to subject privacy concerns). Variable Qualifier Exp Sex Char ** YEARS, CRF or MONTHS, Derived DAYS, HOURS, WEEKS Char **M, F, U CRF Result M, F, U for Male, Female, Unknown Qualifier Req RACE Race Char ** CRF ETHNIC Ethnicity Char ** CRF ARMCD Planned Arm Code Char * CRF or Derived Result Race of the subject. In cases of mixed race, primary race should be Exp Qualifier listed. If additional race values are collected, they should be represented as separate records in the Subject Characteristics domain with TESTCD of ‘RACEOTH’. The variable itself is required by FDA, but with ongoing discussions in Europe about the permissibility of collecting this data, the variable may be optional in future. Result Ethnicity of subject. Perm Qualifier Result Short version of ARM, used for sorting and programming Req Qualifier (Formerly TRTCD). ARM Description of Planned Arm Char * CRF or Derived Synonym Name given to the arm the subject was assigned to (Formerly Qualifier TRTGRP). COUNTRY Country Char **ISO 3166 3char. code CRF or Derived Result Country of the investigational site in which the subject participated Req Qualifier in the trial. DMDTC Date/Time of Collection Char ISO 8601 CRF or Derived Timing Use if collected. Perm SDTMIG DMDY Study Day of Collection Num Derived Timing 1. Study day of collection of the demographic information, measured as integer days. 2. Algorithm for calculations must be relative to the sponsordefined RFSTDTC variable in Demographics. This formula should be consistent across the submission. Perm SDTMIG Req * indicates variable may be subject to sponsor-controlled terminology; ** indicates variable may be subject to external controlled terminology. Page 36 August 26, 2005 CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Assumptions for Demographics (DM) domain model 1. Investigator (INVID) and/or site (SITEID) identification: Companies use different methods to distinguish sites and/or investigators. CDISC assumes that site will always be present, with investigator used as necessary to group data. This should be done consistently for the submission and the meaning of the variable made clear in the Define data definition document. Investigator name (INVNAM) may also be included as a support variable. 2. Subject identification: It is presumed that every subject in a study will have a subject identifier (SUBJID) and that in some cases a subject may be included in more than one study within a submission. To identify a subject uniquely across a submission, a unique identifier (USUBJID) should be assigned and included in all datasets within the submission. 3. Recent ongoing discussions regarding subject privacy suggest that care must be taken with regard to the collection of variables like BRTHDTC. This variable is included in the Demographics model as an example of a variable that might be included in a submission; however, sponsors should follow regulatory guidelines and guidance as appropriate. 4. Arm/Treatment identification: Note that in Version 3.x the variables ARM and ARMCD have replaced TRTGRP and TRTCD for consistency with the trial design, and to more clearly distinguish the planned arm from the actual treatment. When a sponsor is submitting trial design information, the values of ARM and ARMCD should be identical to the values defined for that subject in the Subject Elements (SE) dataset. The assignment of values should be consistent, if possible, within a submission. 5. Justification for using SEX vs. GENDER: Page 71 of 'Providing Regulatory Submissions in Electronic Format - NDAs' (IT-3, January, 1999), available at specifically lists SEX as part of demographic data. Similarly, page 60 of 'Guidance for Industry, Providing Regulatory Submissions to the Center for Biologics Evaluation in Electronic Format - Biologics Marketing Applications' (November, 1999), available at specifically lists SEX as part of demographic data. SEX is used consistently in both documents except for one instance where GENDER is used (page 30 for Table 6 which may have been from another writer). 'ICH E3: Structure and Content of Clinical Study Reports' (November 30, 1999) only uses SEX (not GENDER). 6. Attributions used to classify study populations for review and analysis, such as the COMPLT, SAFETY, ITT and PPROT variables discussed in the V3 DM domain, should be placed in the ‘suppdm.xpt” SUPPQUAL dataset as described in Section 8.4. 7. When additional free text information is reported about subject's RACE using 'Other, Specify', sponsors should place the free text value in the Subject Characteristics (SC) dataset with TESTCD of ‘RACEOTH’ as described in the CDISC note for RACE. 8. Data for screen failure subjects, if submitted, should be included in the Demographics dataset, with ARMCD = “SCRNFAIL" and ARM = “Screen Failure” to distinguish screen failures from randomized subjects. Sponsors may include a record in the Disposition dataset indicating when the screen dropout event occurred. See section "9.3.2 DS Examples" for examples of screen dropout records. CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 37 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 5.1.2 Comments Domain Model — CO The COMMENTS special-purpose domain is a fixed domain that provides a solution for submitting free-text comments related to data in one or more SDS domains or collected on a separate CRF page dedicated to comments. Comments are generally not responses to specific questions; instead, comments usually consist of voluntary, free-text, unsolicited observations. COMMENTS has a structure that is similar to the Supplemental Qualifiers (SUPPQUAL) specialpurpose dataset but it allows for one comment to span multiple variables (COVAL-COVALn) in order to accommodate comments longer than 200 characters.1 Comments may be related to a Subject or to specific parent records in an SDTM domain. The approach for relating comments is described in Section 8.5. co.xpt -- Version 3.1.1. August 26, 2005. One record per comment per subject, Tabulation Variable Name Variable Label STUDYID Study Identifier DOMAIN Domain Abbreviation RDOMAIN Related Domain Abbreviation Controlled Terms or Format Type Char Char Char USUBJID Unique Subject Identifier Char COSEQ Sequence Number Num IDVAR Identifying Variable Char **CO ** ** IDVARVAL Identifying Variable Value Char Origin Role CDISC Notes Core References CRF Derived Derived Identifier Unique identifier for a study within the submission. Req Identifier Two-character abbreviation for the domain most relevant to the observation. Req Identifier Domain abbreviation of the parent record(s). Null for comments collected on a Exp general comments or additional information CRF page. SDTM 2.2.4 SDTM 2.2.4 Sponsor Defined CRF or Derived Identifier Unique subject identifier within the submission. SDTM 2.2.4 Derived Identifier Identifying variable in the dataset that identifies the related record(s). Perm Examples --SEQ, or --GRPID. Null for comments collected on separate CRFs. Derived Identifier Value of identifying variable of the parent record(s). Used only when Perm individual comments are related to domain records. Null for comments collected on separate CRFs Record CRF page of parent record(s) to which the comment refers, or on which the Perm Qualifier comment was collected. COREF may be the page number, e.g. 650, or the page name e.g. DEMOG, or a combination of information that uniquely identifies the reference both e.g. 650-VITALS- VISIT 2. Timing Perm Result The text of the comment. COVAL cannot be null – a value is required for the Req Qualifier record to be valid. The first 200 characters of the comment will be in COVAL, then next 200 in COVAL1, and continuing as needed to COVALn. COREF Comment Reference Char * CRF CODTC COVAL Date/Time of Comment Comment Char Char ISO 8601 CRF CRF COEVAL Evaluator Char * CRF or Derived Req Identifier Sequence Number given to ensure uniqueness within a domain. Can be used to Req join related records . SDTMIG Record Used to describe the originator of the comment. Controlled terminology will Perm Qualifier consist of values such as ADJUDICATION COMMITTEE, STATISTICIAN, DATABASE ADMINISTRATOR, CLINICAL COORDINATOR, and PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR. * indicates variable may be subject to sponsor-controlled terminology; ** indicates variable may be subject to external controlled terminology. 1 Allowing for multiple variables per comment is an interim solution until the limitations posed by SAS® Version 5 transport files are eliminated. Page 38 August 26, 2005 CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Assumptions for Comments (CO) domain model 1. The COMMENTS dataset accommodates two sources of comments: 1) those collected alongside other data on topical CRF pages such as Adverse Events; and 2) those collected on a separate page specifically dedicated to comments. The value of the variable RDOMAIN for comments of the first type should be the domain code of the parent record(s). The value of the variable RDOMAIN of the second type should be null. Assumptions for the use of GRPID and SEQ as values for IDVAR are the same as for the Supplemental Qualifiers (SUPPQUAL) special purpose dataset described in Section 8, except that when there is no parent record (i.e., for comments collected on a dedicated comments CRF) IDVAR and IDVARVAL should be NULL. COMMENTS records without a parent record (i.e. those collected on a dedicated Comments CRF) should have CODTC filled if it is collected on the CRF. COMMENTS records with a parent record inherit timing variables from the parent, thus CODTC is NULL in COMMENTS. The variable COREF may be NULL unless it is used to identify the source of the comment. 2. Example of use of COMMENTS special-purpose dataset --Subject with four comments: One comment collected on each of the AE, EX, and VS pages, and another collected on a separate Comments CRF 1) Columns 3 and 6 (RDOMAIN and IDVAR) represent information from the parent record, if applicable. 2) Row 4 contains general comments from the Comments CRF Page. There is no parent record for this comment, thus DOMAIN has the value CO and RDOMAIN, IDVAR and IDVARVAL are NULL. 3) Row 1 contains a comment text > 400 characters; Rows 2 and 3 contains text between 200 and 400 characters, Row 4 contains 150 characters of comment text. ROW STUDYID DOMAIN RDOMAIN USUBJID COSEQ IDVAR IDVARVAL COREF COVAL COVAL1 COVAL2 COEVAL 1 1234 CO AE AB-99 1 AESEQ 7 650 First 200 characters Next 200 characters More Text PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR 2 1234 CO EX AB-99 2 EXGRPID 17 320-355 First 200 characters Next 200 characters PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR 3 1234 CO VS AB-99 3 VSGRPID 5 First 200 characters More text PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR 4 1234 CO AB-99 4 CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL 800 Total 150 characters PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR Page 39 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 6 Domain Models Based on the General Classes 6.1 INTERVENTIONS 6.1.1 Concomitant Medications — CM cm.xpt, Concomitant Medications — Interventions, Version 3.1.1, August 26, 2005. One record per medication intervention episode per subject, Tabulation Variable Name Variable Label Type STUDYID Study Identifier Char DOMAIN Domain Abbreviation Char USUBJID Unique Subject Identifier CMSEQ Controlled Terms or Format Origin Role CDISC Notes Core References CRF Identifier Unique identifier for a study within the submission. Req SDTM 2.2.4 Derived Identifier Two-character abbreviation for the domain most relevant to Req the observation. SDTM 2.2.4 Char Sponsor Defined Identifier Unique subject identifier within the submission. Req SDTM 2.2.4 Sequence Number Num CRF or Derived Identifier Sequence number given to ensure uniqueness within a dataset for a subject. Can be used to join related records. Req SDTM 2.2.4 CMGRPID Group ID Char Sponsor Defined Identifier Used to tie together a block of related records in a single domain to support relationships within the domain and between domains. Perm SDTMIG 2.1; SDTM 2.2.4 CMSPID Sponsor-Defined Identifier Char Sponsor Defined Identifier Optional sponsor-defined reference number. Perhaps pre- Perm printed on the CRF as an explicit line identifier or defined in the sponsor’s operational database. Example: line number on a concomitant medication page. Page 40 August 26, 2005 **CM CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL SDTM 2.2.4 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Variable Name Variable Label Type Controlled Terms or Format Origin Role CDISC Notes Core CMTRT Reported Name of Drug, Med, or Therapy Char CRF Topic Verbatim medication name that is either pre-printed or collected on a CRF. CMMODIFY Modified Reported Name Char CMDECOD Standardized Medication Name Char ** Sponsor Defined Derived Synonym Qualifier Synonym Qualifier CMCAT Category for Medication Char * Sponsor Defined Grouping Qualifier CMSCAT Subcategory for Medication Char * Sponsor Defined Grouping Qualifier If CMTRT is modified, then CMMODIFY will contain the Perm modified text. Standardized or dictionary-derived text description of Perm CMTRT or CMMODIFY. Equivalent to the generic medication name in WHO Drug. The sponsor should specify the dictionary name and version in the Sponsor Comments column of the Define document. If an intervention term does not have a decode value in the dictionary then CMDECOD will be left blank. Used to define a category of medications/treatments. Perm Examples: ANTI-CANCER MEDICATION, or GENERAL CONMED. A further categorization of medications/ treatment. Perm Examples: CHEMOTHERAPY, RADIOTHERAPY, HORMONAL THERAPY, ALTERNATIVE THERAPY. CMOCCUR CM Occurrence Char **Y, N or Null CRF or Sponsor Defined Record Qualifier Used when the use of specific medications is solicited To Perm indicate whether a medication was taken or not. Values are null for spontaneously reported medications. Note: Use of this variable is under evaluation by the SDS Team. CMSTAT Concomitant Medication Status Char **NOT DONE CRF or Sponsor Defined Record Qualifier The status indicates that the question was not asked. CMREASND Reason Medication Not Collected Char CRF Record Qualifier CMINDC Indication Char CRF or Derived Record Qualifier Describes the reason concomitant medication was not Perm collected. Used in conjunction with CMSTAT when value is NOT DONE. Denotes why a medication was taken or administered. Perm Examples: NAUSEA, HYPERTENSION. CMCLAS Medication Class Char Derived Variable Qualifier CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL ** References Req SDTMIG SDTMIG SDTMIG SDTMIG 2.1 SDTMIG 2.1 Perm Use only when the dictionary used codes to a single class. If Perm using a dictionary that allows links to multiple classes, then omit CMCLAS from the dataset. For example, sponsors who use WHO Drug, which allows links from a medication to multiple ATC codes, would not include CMCLAS. Page 41 August 26, 2005 SDTMIG SDTMIG CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Variable Name Variable Label Type CMCLASCD Medication Class Code Char CMDOSE Dose per Administration CMDOSTXT Controlled Terms or Format Role CDISC Notes Core References Derived Variable Qualifier Use only when the dictionary used codes to a single class. Perm Num CRF or Sponsor Defined Record Qualifier Amount of CMTRT taken. Perm Dose Description Char CRF or Derived Record Qualifier Dosing amounts or a range of dosing information collected Perm in text form. Example: 200-400. CMDOSU Dose Units Char * CRF or Sponsor Defined Variable Qualifier Units for CMDOSE and CMDOSTOT. Examples: ng, mg, Perm or mg/kg. CMDOSFRM Dose Form Char * CRF or Sponsor Defined Variable Qualifier Dose form for CMTRT. Examples: TABLET, LOTION. Perm CMDOSFRQ Dosing Frequency Per Interval Char * CRF or Sponsor Defined Variable Qualifier Usually expressed as the number of dosings given per a specific interval. Examples: BID, QID. Perm CMDOSTOT Total Daily Dose using CMDOSU Num CRF or Derived Record Qualifier Total daily dose of CMTRT using the units in CMDOSU. Perm CMDOSRGM Intended Dose Regimen Char CRF or Derived Variable Qualifier Text description of the (intended) schedule or regimen for the Intervention. Examples: TWO WEEKS ON, TWO WEEKS OFF. Perm CMROUTE Route of Administration Char * CRF or Sponsor Defined Variable Qualifier Route of administration for CMTRT. Examples: ORAL, INTRAVENOUS. Perm CMSTDTC Start Date/Time of Medication Char ISO 8601 CRF Timing Perm SDTMIG CMENDTC End Date/Time of Medication Char ISO 8601 CRF Timing Perm SDTMIG CMSTDY Study Day of Start of Medication Num Derived Timing Study day of start of medication relative to the sponsordefined RFSTDTC. Perm SDTMIG CMENDY Study Day of End of Medication Num Derived Timing Study day of end of medication relative to the sponsordefined RFSTDTC. Perm SDTMIG Page 42 August 26, 2005 ** Origin CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL SDTMIG CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Variable Name Variable Label Type Controlled Terms or Format Origin CRF Role CMDUR Duration of Medication Char ISO 8601 Timing CMSTRF Start Relative to Reference Period Char ** BEFORE, Derived DURING, AFTER Timing CMENRF End Relative to Reference Period Char ** BEFORE, Derived DURING, AFTER, DURING/ AFTER, U Timing CDISC Notes Core Collected duration and unit of a treatment. Used only if Perm collected on the CRF and not derived from start and end date/times. Identifies the start of the medication with respect to the Perm sponsor-defined reference period. Sponsors should define the reference period in the study metadata. CMSTRF should be populated when a start date is not collected. If information such as "PRIOR", "ONGOING", or "CONTINUING" was collected, this information should be translated into CMSTRF. Identifies the end of the medication with respect to the Perm sponsor-defined reference period. Sponsors should define the reference period in the study metadata. Medications that are ongoing at the end of the reference period should have a value of AFTER for this variable. CMENRF should be populated when an end date is not collected. If information such as "PRIOR", "ONGOING", or "CONTINUING" was collected, this information should be translated into CMENRF. References SDTMIG SDTMIG * indicates variable may be subject to sponsor-controlled terminology; ** indicates variable may be subject to external controlled terminology. Assumptions for Concomitant Medications (CM) domain model 1. CM Definition a. CRF data that captures the Concomitant and Prior Medications/Therapies used by the subject. Examples are the Concomitant Medications/Therapies given on an as needed basis and the usual and background medications/therapies given for a condition. b. This domain should contain one record per each Concomitant Medication/Therapy intervention episode. 2. Concomitant Medications Description and Coding a. CMTRT captures the name of the Concomitant Medications/Therapy and it is the topic variable. It is a required variable and must have a value. b. CMMODIFY should be included if the sponsor’s procedure permits modification of a verbatim term for coding. The modified term is listed in CMMODIFY. c. CMDECOD is the standardized medication/therapy term derived by the sponsor from the coding dictionary. It is expected that the reported term (CMTRT) or the modified term (CMMODIFY) will be coded using a standard dictionary. The sponsor is expected to provide the dictionary name and version used to map the terms in the metadata (using the Comments column in the Define document). If a sponsor chooses to use more than one dictionary to code different types of data within the same dataset (e.g., drug and non-drug therapies), then the variables CMCAT or CMSCAT can be used to categorize the data by type. The metadata will specify which dictionary is applied to each category. d. CMCLAS is used only when the dictionary used codes to a single class. If using a dictionary that allows links to multiple classes, then omit CMCLAS from the submission dataset. CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 43 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 3. Additional Categorization and Grouping a. CMCAT and CMSCAT may be used as categorization variables to group data across subjects. Examples of CMCAT could include values such as ANTI-CANCER MEDICATION, or GENERAL CONMED. CMSCAT may be used to further categorize the Concomitant Medications/Therapy taken by the subject. Examples: CHEMOTHERAPY, RADIOTHERAPY, HORMONAL THERAPY or ALTERNATIVE THERAPY. Neither CMCAT nor CMSCAT are expected variables in the submission dataset. b. CMGRPID is used to link a block of related records at the subject level in a single domain to support relationships within the domain and between domains. 4. Presence or Absence of Concomitant Medications a. Information regarding Concomitant Medications/Therapy is generally collected in two different ways, either by recording free text or using a prespecified list of terms. In the latter case, the solicitation of information on specific concomitant medications may affect the frequency at which they are reported; therefore, the fact that use of a specific medication was solicited may be of interest to reviewers. Consequently, the SDS Team is proposing the addition of a new variable --PRESP to the SDTM to indicate that the use of those specific medications was solicited. Until then, CMPRESP can be used as a supplemental qualifier. b. CMOCCUR may be used when a CRF includes a pre-specified list of Concomitant Medications/Therapies to indicate whether or not a medication/therapy was used. Proper use of this variable is under evaluation by the SDS Team. 5. ConMed Structure a. The structure of the CM domain is one record per medication intervention episode per subject. It is the sponsor's responsibility to define an intervention episode. This definition may vary based on the sponsor's requirements for review and analysis. The submission dataset structure may differ from the structure at the time of collection. One common approach is to submit a new record when there is a change in the dosing regimen. Another approach is to collapse all records for a medication to a summary level with either a dose range or the highest dose level. Other approaches, including a visit-based record, may also be reasonable as long as they meet the sponsor's evaluation requirements. Page 44 August 26, 2005 CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 6.1.2 Exposure — EX ex.xpt, Exposure — Interventions, Version 3.1.1 August 26, 2005. One record per constant dosing interval per subject, Tabulation Variable Name Variable Label Type STUDYID Study Identifier Char DOMAIN Domain Abbreviation Char USUBJID Unique Subject Identifier EXSEQ Controlled Terms or Format Origin Role CDISC Notes Core References CRF Identifier Unique identifier for a study within the submission. Req SDTM 2.2.4 Derived Identifier Two-character abbreviation for the domain most relevant Req to the observation. SDTM 2.2.4 Char Sponsor Defined Identifier Unique subject identifier within the submission. Req SDTM 2.2.4 Sequence Number Num CRF or Derived Identifier Sequence number given to ensure uniqueness within a Req dataset for a subject. Can be used to join related records. SDTM 2.2.4 EXGRPID Group ID Char Sponsor Defined Identifier Used to tie together a block of related records in a single Perm domain to support relationships within the domain and between domains. SDTMIG 2.1; SDTM 2.2.4 EXSPID Sponsor-Defined Identifier Char Sponsor Defined Identifier Sponsor-defined reference number. Perhaps pre-printed Perm on the CRF as an explicit line identifier or defined in the sponsor’s operational database. Example: Line number on a CRF Page. SDTM 2.2.4 EXTRT Name of Actual Treatment Char CRF or Topic Randomization File or Derived Name of the intervention treatment — usually the verbatim name of the investigational treatment given during the dosing period for the observation. Req SDTMIG EXCAT Category for Treatment Char * Sponsor Defined Grouping Qualifier Used to define a category of related records. Example: COMPARATOR CLASS. Perm SDTMIG 2.1 EXSCAT Subcategory for Treatment Char * Sponsor Defined Grouping Qualifier A further categorization of treatment. Perm SDTMIG 2.1 EXDOSE Dose per Administration Num CRF or Sponsor Defined Record Qualifier Amount of EXTRT administered or given. CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL **EX Exp Page 45 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Variable Name Variable Label Type EXDOSTXT Dose Description Char EXDOSU Dose Units Char EXDOSFRM Dose Form EXDOSFRQ Controlled Terms or Format Origin Role CDISC Notes Core CRF or Derived Record Qualifier Dosing amounts or a range of dosing information collected in text form. Example: 200-400. * CRF or Sponsor Defined Variable Qualifier Units for EXDOSE and EXDOSTOT. Examples: ng, mg, Exp or mg/kg. Char * CRF or Sponsor Defined Variable Qualifier Dose form for EXTRT. Examples: TABLET, LOTION,. Req Dosing Frequency Per Interval Char * CRF or Sponsor Defined Variable Qualifier Usually expressed as the number of dosings given per a specific interval. Examples: BID, QID. EXDOSTOT Total Daily Dose Using EXDOSU Num CRF or Derived Record Qualifier Total daily dose of EXTRT using the units in EXDOSU. Perm EXDOSRGM Intended Dose Regimen Char CRF or Derived Variable Qualifier EXROUTE Route of Administration Char CRF or Sponsor Defined Variable Qualifier EXLOT Lot Number Char CRF Record Qualifier Lot Number of the EXTRT product. EXLOC Location of Dose Administration Char * CRF or Sponsor Defined Record Qualifier Specifies anatomical location of administration Example: Perm LEFT ARM for a topical application. EXTRTV Treatment Vehicle Char * CRF or Sponsor Defined Record Qualifier Describes vehicle used for treatment. Example: SALINE. EXADJ Reason for Dose Adjustment Char CRF or Sponsor Defined TAETORD Order of Element within Arm Num Sponsor Defined / Protocol Record Qualifier Describes reason or explanation of why a dose is adjusted Perm – used only when an adjustment is represented in EX. May be used for variations from protocol-specified doses, or changes from expected doses. Timing Number that gives the order of the Element within the Perm arm. Page 46 August 26, 2005 * Perm Perm Text description of the (intended) schedule or regimen for Perm the Intervention. Examples: two weeks on, two weeks off. Route of administration for EXTRT. Examples: ORAL, Perm INTRAVENOUS. Perm Perm CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL References CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Variable Name Variable Label Type Controlled Terms or Format Origin Role CDISC Notes Core References EXSTDTC Start Date/Time of Treatment Char ISO 8601 CRF or Derived Timing The time when the dose was administered. Req EXENDTC End Date/Time of Treatment Char ISO 8601 CRF or Derived Timing May not be relevant for injections. Perm SDTMIG EXSTDY Study Day of Start of Treatment Num Derived Timing Study day of start of treatment relative to the sponsordefined RFSTDTC. Perm SDTMIG EXENDY Study Day of End of Treatment Num Derived Timing Study day of end of treatment relative to the sponsordefined RFSTDTC. Perm SDTMIG EXDUR Duration of Treatment Char CRF Timing EXTPT Planned Time Point Name Char CRF or Derived Timing EXTPTNUM Planned Time Point Number Num Timing EXELTM Planned Elapsed Time from Char Reference Pt Sponsor Defined Sponsor Defined Collected duration and unit of a treatment. Used only if Perm collected on the CRF and not derived from start and end date/times. 1. Text Description of time when a dose should be given. Perm 2. This may be represented as an elapsed time relative to a fixed reference point, such as time of last dose. See EXTPTNUM and EXTPTREF. Examples: Start or 5 min post. Numerical version of EXTPT to aid in sorting. Perm Timing Elapsed time (in ISO 8601) format relative to the planned Perm fixed reference (EXTPTREF). This variable is useful where there are repetitive measures. Not a clock time. EXTPTREF Time Point Reference Sponsor Defined Timing Name of the fixed reference point referred to by EXELTM, EXTPTNUM, and EXTPT. Examples: Previous Dose, Previous Meal. • ISO 8601 ISO 8601 Char SDTMIG Perm indicates variable may be subject to sponsor-controlled terminology; ** indicates variable may be subject to external controlled terminology. Assumptions for Exposure (EX) domain model 1. EX Definition a. The Exposure domain model records the details of a subject’s exposure to protocol-specified study treatment. Study treatment may be any intervention that is prospectively defined as a test material within a study, and is typically but not always supplied to the subject. Examples include but are not limited to placebo, active comparator, and investigational product. Treatments that are not protocol-specified should be recorded in the Concomitant Medication (CM) domain. CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 47 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) b. This domain should contain one record per constant dosing interval per subject. "Constant dosing interval" is sponsor-defined, and may include any period of time that can be described in terms of a known treatment given at a consistent dose. e.g., for a study with once-a-week administration of a standard dose for 6 weeks, exposure may be represented with a single record per subject, spanning the entire treatment phase. Or if the sponsor monitors each treatment administration and deviations in treatment or dose occur, there could be up to six records (one for each weekly administration). 2. Categorization and Grouping a. EXCAT and EXSCAT may be used when appropriate to categorize treatments into categories and subcategories. For example, if a study contains several active comparator medications, EXCAT may be set to 'ACTIVE COMPARATOR.' Since such categorization may not apply to many studies, these variables are permissible but not expected. Page 48 August 26, 2005 CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 6.1.3 Substance Use - SU su.xpt, Substance Use — Interventions, Version 3.1.1, August 26, 2005. One record per substance type per visit per subject, Tabulation Variable Name Variable Label Type STUDYID Study Identifier Char DOMAIN Domain Abbreviation Char USUBJID Unique Subject Identifier SUSEQ Controlled Terms or Format Origin Role CDISC Notes Core References CRF Identifier Unique identifier for a study within the submission. Req SDTM 2.2.4 Derived Identifier Two-character abbreviation for the domain most relevant to the observation. Req SDTM 2.2.4 Char Sponsor Defined Identifier Unique subject identifier within the submission. Req SDTM 2.2.4 Sequence Number Num CRF or Derived Identifier Sequence number given to ensure uniqueness within a dataset Req for a subject. Can be used to join related records. SDTM 2.2.4 SUGRPID Group ID Char Sponsor Defined Identifier Used to tie together a block of related records in a single domain to support relationships within the domain and between domains. Perm SDTMIG 2.1; SDTM 2.2.4 SUSPID Sponsor-Defined Identifier Char Sponsor Defined Identifier Sponsor-defined reference number. Perhaps pre-printed on the Perm CRF as an explicit line identifier or defined in the sponsor’s operational database. Example: Line number on a Tobacco & Alcohol use CRF page. SDTM 2.2.4 SUTRT Reported Name of Substance Char CRF Topic Substance name. Examples: Cigarettes, Coffee. Req SDTMIG SUMODIFY Modified Substance Name Char Sponsor Defined Synonym Qualifier If SUTRT is modified, then the modified text is placed here. Perm SDTMIG SUDECOD Standardized Substance Name Char ** Derived Synonym Qualifier Standardized or dictionary-derived text description of SUTRT Perm or SUMODIFY if the sponsor chooses to code the substance use. The sponsor should specify the dictionary name and version in the Sponsor Comments column of the Define document. If an intervention term does not have a decode value in the dictionary then SUDECOD will be null SDTMIG SUCAT Category for Substance Use Char * SUSCAT Subcategory for Substance Use Char * Sponsor Defined Sponsor Defined Grouping Qualifier Grouping Qualifier Used to define a category of related records. Examples: TOBACCO, ALCOHOL, or CAFFEINE. A further categorization of substance use. Examples: CIGARS, CIGARETTES, BEER, WINE CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL **SU Perm SDTMIG 2.1 Perm SDTMIG 2.1 Page 49 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Variable Name Variable Label Type Controlled Terms or Format Origin Role SUOCCUR SU Occurrence Char **Y, N or Null CRF or Sponsor Defined Record Qualifier SUSTAT Substance Use Status Char **NOT DONE CRF SUREASND Char SUCLAS Reason Substance Use Not Collected Substance Use Class Char * Derived SUCLASCD Substance Use Class Code Char * Derived SUDOSE Substance Use Consumption Num Record Qualifier Record Qualifier Variable Qualifier Variable Qualifier Record Qualifier SUDOSTXT Char SUDOSU Substance Use Consumption Text Consumption Units Char * SUDOSFRM Dose Form Char * SUDOSFRQ Use Frequency Per Interval Char * SUDOSTOT SUROUTE Total Daily Consumption using Num SUDOSU Route of Administration Char VISIT Visit Name Page 50 August 26, 2005 Char CRF * CRF or Sponsor Defined CRF or Derived CRF or Sponsor Defined CRF or Sponsor Defined CRF or Sponsor Defined CRF or Derived CRF or Sponsor Defined CRF or Derived CDISC Notes Core Used when the use of specific substances is solicited to Perm indicate whether a substance was taken or not. Values are null for spontaneously reported substances. Note: Use of this variable is under evaluation by the SDS Team. Used to indicate that the question was not asked. Perm Describes the reason substance use was not collected. Used in Perm conjunction with SUSTAT when value is NOT DONE. May be used when coding certain substance use cases such as Perm alcoholism or drug abuse. May apply when coding substance abuse use cases. Perm Amount of SUTRT consumed. Perm Record Qualifier Variable Qualifier Substance use consumption amounts or a range of consumption information collected in text form. Units for SUDOSE. Examples: OUNCES, CIGARETTE EQUIVALENTS, or GRAMS. Perm Variable Qualifier Dose form for SUTRT. Examples: INJECTABLE, LIQUID, Perm or POWDER. Variable Qualifier Usually expressed as the number of uses consumed per a specific interval. Examples: PER DAY, PER WEEK, OCCASIONAL. Total daily use of SUTRT using the units in SUDOSU. Perm Route of administration for SUTRT. Examples: ORAL, INTRAVENOUS, INHALATION. Perm 1. Protocol-defined description of clinical encounter. 2. May be used in addition to VISITNUM and/or VISITDY. Perm Record Qualifier Variable Qualifier Timing References SDTMIG SDTMIG SDTMIG Perm Perm CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL SDTMIG 7.8; SDTMIG CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Variable Name Variable Label Type Controlled Terms or Format Origin Role VISITNUM Visit Number Num CRF or Derived Timing VISITDY Planned Study Day of Visit Num CRF or Derived SUSTDTC Start Date/Time of Substance Use Char ISO 8601 SUENDTC End Date/Time of Substance Use Char ISO 8601 SUSTDY CDISC Notes 1. Clinical encounter number. 2. Numeric version of VISIT, used for sorting. Core References Req SDTMIG 7.8; SDTMIG Timing Perm SDTMIG 7.8; SDTMIG CRF or Derived Timing Perm SDTMIG CRF or Derived Timing Perm SDTMIG Study Day of Start of Substance Num Use Derived Timing Study day of start of substance use relative to the sponsordefined RFSTDTC. Perm SDTMIG SUENDY Study Day of End of Substance Num Use Derived Timing Study day of end of substance use relative to the sponsordefined RFSTDTC. Perm SDTMIG SUDUR Duration of Substance Use Char ISO 8601 CRF Timing Collected duration and unit of substance use. Used only if collected on the CRF and not derived from start and end date/times. Perm SUSTRF Start Relative to Reference Period Char ** BEFORE, Derived DURING, AFTER Timing Identifies the start of the substance use period with respect to Perm the sponsor-defined reference period. Sponsors should define the reference period in the study metadata. SUSTRF should be populated when a start date is not collected. If information such as "PRIOR", "ONGOING", or "CONTINUING" was collected, this information should be translated into SUSTRF. SDTMIG SUENRF End Relative to Reference Period Char ** BEFORE, Derived DURING, AFTER, DURING/ AFTER, U Timing Identifies the end of the substance use period with respect to Perm the sponsor-defined reference period. Sponsors should define the reference period in the study metadata. Use of substances that is ongoing at the end of the reference period should have a value of AFTER for this variable. SUENRF should be populated when an end date is not collected. If information such as "PRIOR", "ONGOING", or "CONTINUING" was collected, this information should be translated into SUENRF. SDTMIG * indicates variable may be subject to sponsor-controlled terminology; ** indicates variable may be subject to external controlled terminology. CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 51 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Assumptions for Substance Use (SU) domain model 1. The intent of the domain is to capture substance use information that may be used to assess the efficacy and/or safety of therapies that look to mitigate the effects of chronic substance use, or that could be used as covariates to support the efficacy and/or safety analyses of other topic variables. 2. SU Definition a. This information may be independent of planned study evaluations or may be a key outcome (e.g., planned evaluation) of a clinical trial. b. In many clinical trials detailed substance use information as represented by this domain may not be required (e.g., the only information collected may be a response to the question ‘Have you ever smoked tobacco?’); in this case many of the qualifying variables would not be submitted. 3. Substance Use Description and Coding a. SUTRT captures the verbatim term collected for the substance. It is the topic variable for the SU dataset. SUTRT is a required variable and must have a value. b. SUMODIFY is a permissible variable and should be included if the sponsor’s procedure permits modification of a verbatim substance use term for coding. The modified term is listed in SUMODIFY. The variable may be populated as per the sponsor’s procedures; null values are permitted. c. SUDECOD is the preferred term derived by the sponsor from the coding dictionary. It is a permissible variable; Null values are permitted. Where deemed necessary by the sponsor the verbatim term (SUTRT) should be coded using a standard dictionary such as WHODRUG. The sponsor is expected to provide the dictionary name and version used to map the terms in the metadata (using the Comments column in the Define document). d. SUCLAS and SUCLASCD can be used to classify substances using a dictionary that codes to a single class. These variables would not be used if the sponsor were to use WHODRUG to classify substances. 4. Additional Categorization and Grouping a. SUCAT and SUSCAT should not be redundant with the domain code or dictionary classification provided by SUDECOD. That is, they should provide a different means of defining or classifying SU records. For example, a sponsor may be interested in identifying all SU records that the investigator feels might represent opium use and thus will collect that categorization on the CRF. This categorization might differ from the categorization derived from the coding dictionary. It is not necessary to populate these variables. b. SUGRPID may be used to link (or associate) different records together to form a block of related records at the subject level within SU. It should not be used in place of SUCAT or SUSCAT, which are used to group data across subjects. It is not necessary to populate this variable. 5. Presence or Absence of Substance Use a. If specific substances are solicited (i.e., a pre-specified list of terms is collected), SUOCCUR may be used to indicate whether or not each substance was consumed. Use of this variable is under evaluation by the SDS Team. b. For cases when it is important to know whether the occurrence of specific substances is solicited (i.e., a pre-specified list of terms is collected), the SDS Team is proposing the addition of a new variable --PRESP to the SDTM. Until then, SUPRESP can be used as a supplemental qualifier. 6. Timing Variables a. SUSTDTC and SUENDTC may be populated as required. Null values are permissible. b. If substance use information is collected more than once within the CRF (indicating that the data are visit-based) or collected only once within the CRF then VISITNUM is required. VISITDY and VISIT are always permissible. 7. Other Qualifier Variables a. In those instances where detailed dosing information is collected, the variables SUDOSE, SUDOSTXT, SUDOSU, SUDOSFRM, SUDOSFRQ, SUDOSTOT and SUROUTE may be populated; null values are permitted. b. When the response for a substance use question on a CRF was not collected, then the value of SUSTAT = 'NOT DONE' and SUOCCUR will be null. Page 52 August 26, 2005 CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 6.2 EVENTS 6.2.1 Adverse Events — AE ae.xpt, Adverse Events — Events, Version 3.1.1, August 26, 2005. One record per adverse event per subject, Tabulation Variable Name Variable Label Type STUDYID DOMAIN Study Identifier Domain Abbreviation Char Char USUBJID Unique Subject Identifier Char AESEQ Sequence Number Num AEGRPID Group ID AEREFID Controlled Terms or Format Origin Role CRF Derived Identifier Identifier Sponsor Defined CRF or Derived Identifier Char Sponsor Defined Identifier Reference ID Char Identifier AESPID Sponsor-Defined Identifier Char Sponsor Defined Sponsor Defined AETERM AEMODIFY Reported Term for the Adverse Event Modified Reported Term Char Char AEDECOD Dictionary-Derived Term Char ** CRF Sponsor Defined Derived Topic Synonym Qualifier Synonym Qualifier AECAT Category for Adverse Event Char * Sponsor Defined Grouping Qualifier CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL **AE Identifier Identifier CDISC Notes Core References Unique identifier for a study within the submission. Req Two-character abbreviation for the domain most Req relevant to the observation. Unique subject identifier within the submission. Req SDTM 2.2.4 SDTM 2.2.4 Sequence number given to ensure uniqueness Req within a dataset for a subject. Can be used to join related records. Used to tie together a block of related records in a Perm single domain to support relationships within the domain and between domains. Optional internal or external identifier such as a Perm serial number on an SAE reporting form Optional Sponsor-defined reference number. Perm Perhaps pre-printed on the CRF as an explicit line identifier or defined in the sponsor’s operational database. Example: Line number on a Adverse Events page. Verbatim name of the event. Req If AETERM is modified, then AEMODIFY will Perm contain the modified text. Dictionary-derived text description of AETERM or Req AEMODIFY. Equivalent to the Preferred Term (PT in MedDRA). The sponsor should specify the dictionary name and version in the Sponsor Comments column of the Define document. Used to define a category of related records. Perm Example: BLEEDING, HYPOGLYCEMIA. SDTM 2.2.4 SDTM 2.2.4 SDTM 2.2.4 SDTM 2.2.4 SDTM 2.2.4 SDTMIG SDTMIG SDTMIG; SDTMIG SDTMIG Page 53 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Variable Name Variable Label Type Controlled Terms or Origin Format * Sponsor Defined **Y, N or CRF or Null Sponsor Defined Role AESCAT Subcategory for Adverse Event Char AEOCCUR Adverse Event Occurrence Char AEBODSYS Body System or Organ Class Char ** CRF or Derived Record Qualifier AELOC Location of the Reaction Char * AESEV Severity/Intensity Char * CRF or Derived CRF AESER Serious Event Char **Y, N AEACN Action Taken with Study Treatment Char * Record Qualifier Record Qualifier Record Qualifier Record Qualifier AEACNOTH Other Action Taken Char AEREL Causality Char AERELNST Relationship to Non-Study Treatment Char AEPATT Pattern of Adverse Event Char Page 54 August 26, 2005 * * CRF or Derived CRF Grouping Qualifier Record Qualifier CRF Record Qualifier CRF Record Qualifier CRF Record Qualifier CRF Record Qualifier CDISC Notes Core A further categorization of adverse event. Example: Perm NEUROLOGIC. Used when the occurrence of specific adverse Perm events is solicited to indicate whether an adverse event occurred or not. Values are null for spontaneously reported events. Note: Use of this variable is under evaluation by the SDS Team. Body system or organ class (Primary SOC) that is Exp involved in an event or measurement from the standard hierarchy (e.g., MedDRA). Describes anatomical location relevant for the Perm event. (e.g., LEFT ARM for skin rash). The severity or intensity of the event. Examples: Perm MILD, MODERATE, SEVERE. Is this is a serious event? Exp Describes changes to the study treatment as a result of the event. Examples include ICH E2B values: DRUG WITHDRAWN, DOSE REDUCED,DOSE INCREASED, DOSE NOT CHANGED, UNKNOWN or NOT APPLICABLE Describes other actions taken as a result of the event. Usually reported as free text. Example: “Treatment unblinded. Primary care physician notified.” Records the investigator’s opinion as to the causality of the event to the treatment. Examples: NOT RELATED,UNLIKELY RELATED, POSSIBLY RELATED, RELATED Records the investigator's opinion as to whether the event may have been to due to a treatment other than study drug. Reported as free text. Example: "More likely related to aspirin use”. Used to indicate the pattern of the event over time. Examples: INTERMITTENT, CONTINUOUS, SINGLE EVENT. References SDTMIG SDTMIG Exp Perm Exp Perm Perm CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Variable Name Variable Label Type AEOUT Outcome of Adverse Event Char AESCAN Involves Cancer Char AESCONG Congenital Anomaly or Birth Defect Char AESDISAB Persist or Signif Disability/Incapacity Char AESDTH Results in Death Char AESHOSP Requires or Prolongs Hospitalization Char AESLIFE Is Life Threatening Char AESOD Occurred with Overdose Char AESMIE Controlled Terms or Origin Format * CRF CRF AECONTRT Other Medically Important Serious Char Event Concomitant or Additional Trtmnt GivenChar **Y, N or Null **Y, N or Null **Y, N or Null **Y, N or Null *Y, N or Null **Y, N or Null **Y, N or Null **Y, N or Null **Y, N AETOXGR Standard Toxicity Grade Char ** CRF or Derived AESTDTC Start Date/Time of Adverse Event Char ISO 8601 AEENDTC End Date/Time of Adverse Event Char ISO 8601 CRF or Derived CRF or Derived CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CRF CRF CRF or Derived CRF CRF CRF CRF CRF Role Record Qualifier Record Qualifier Record Qualifier Record Qualifier Record Qualifier Record Qualifier Record Qualifier Record Qualifier Record Qualifier Record Qualifier Record Qualifier Timing Timing CDISC Notes Core References Description of the outcome of an event. Examples Perm include ICH E2B values: RECOVERED/ RESOLVED, RECOVERING/ RESOLVING, NOT RECOVERED/ NOT RESOLVED, RECOVERED/ RESOLVED WITH SEQUELAE, FATAL or UNKNOWN. Was the event associated with the development of Perm cancer? Was the event associated with congenital anomaly Perm or birth defect? Did the event result in persistent or significant Perm disability/incapacity? Did the event result in death? Perm Did the event require or prolong hospitalization? Perm Was the event life threatening? Perm Did the event occur with an overdose? Perm Do additional categories for seriousness apply? Perm Was another treatment given because of the Perm occurrence of the event? Toxicity grade according to a standard toxicity Perm scale such as Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events v3.0 (CTCAE). Sponsor should specify scale and version used in the Comments column of the Define data definition document. Value should contain valid numbers only; datatype will be changed to numeric in future version of SDTM. Exp Exp SDTMIG; SDTMIG SDTMIG; SDTMIG Page 55 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Variable Name Variable Label Type Controlled Terms or Format Origin Role AESTDY Study Day of Start of Adverse Event Num Derived Timing AEENDY Study Day of End of Adverse Event Num Derived Timing AEDUR Duration of Adverse Event Char ISO 8601 CRF Timing AEENRF End Relative to Reference Period Char ** Derived BEFORE, DURING, AFTER, DURING/ AFTER, U Timing CDISC Notes Core References Study day of start of adverse event relative to the Perm sponsor-defined RFSTDTC. Study day of end of event relative to the sponsor- Perm defined RFSTDTC. Collected duration and unit of an adverse event. Perm Used only if collected on the CRF and not derived from start and end date/times. Example: P1DT2H (for 1 day, 2 hours). SDTMIG Identifies the end of the event as being BEFORE, Perm DURING, DURING/AFTER or AFTER the sponsor-defined reference period. The sponsordefined reference period is a continuous period of time defined by a discrete starting point and a discrete ending point. Typically, this period is defined by the start (RFSTDTC) and end (RFENDTC) of the trial. Sponsors should define the reference period in the study metadata. Events that are ongoing at the end of the reference period should have a value of AFTER for this variable. If information such as "PRIOR", "ONGOING", or "CONTINUING" was collected, this information should be translated into AEENRF. SDTMIG SDTMIG SDTMIG * indicates variable may be subject to sponsor-controlled terminology; ** indicates variable may be subject to external controlled terminology. Assumptions for Adverse Events (AE) domain model 1. AE Definition a. 2. The Adverse Events dataset includes "any untoward medical occurrence in a patient or clinical investigation subject administered a pharmaceutical product and which does not necessarily have to have a causal relationship with this treatment" (ICH E2A). Adverse events may be captured either as free text or a pre-specified list of terms. Adverse Event Description and Coding a. b. Page 56 August 26, 2005 AETERM captures the verbatim term collected for the event. It is the topic variable for the AE dataset. AETERM is a required variable and must have a value. AEMODIFY is a permissible variable and should be included if the sponsor’s procedure permits modification of a verbatim term for coding. The modified term is listed in AEMODIFY. The variable should be populated as per the sponsor’s procedures; null values are permitted. CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) c. d. 3. Additional Categorization and Grouping a. b. 4. AECAT and AESCAT should not be redundant with the domain code or dictionary classification provided by AEDECOD and AEBODSYS. That is, they should provide a different means of defining or classifying AE records. For example, a sponsor may be interested in identifying all adverse events that the investigator feels might represent an infection and thus will collect that categorization on the CRF. This categorization might differ from the categorization derived from the coding dictionary. AEGRPID may be used to link (or associate) different records together to form a block of related records at the subject level within AE. It should not be used in place of AECAT or AESCAT, which are used to group data across subjects.. Presence or Absence of Adverse Events a. b. c. a. 5. AEDECOD is the preferred term derived by the sponsor from the coding dictionary. It is a required variable and must have a value. It is expected that the reported term (AETERM) will be coded using a standard dictionary such as MedDRA. The sponsor is expected to provide the dictionary name and version used to map the terms in the metadata (using the Comments column in the Define document). AEBODSYS is the primary system organ class derived by the sponsor from the coding dictionary. It is expected that this variable will be populated. Adverse events are generally collected in two different ways, either by recording free text or using a pre-specified list of terms. In the latter case, the solicitation of information on specific adverse events may affect the frequency at which they are reported; therefore, the fact that a specific adverse event was solicited may be of interest to reviewers. Consequently, the SDS Team is proposing the addition of a new variable -PRESP to the SDTM to indicate that the use of those specific medications was solicited. Until then, AEPRESP can be used as a supplemental qualifier. If specific adverse events or a pre-specified list of terms are collected, AEOCCUR may be used to indicate whether or not each event occurred. Use of this variable is under evaluation by the SDS Team. If a study collects both pre-specified events as well as subject reported events, the value of AEOCCUR should be populated for all prespecified events and null for subject reported events. When adverse events are collected with the recording of free text, some sponsors may enter a record into the data management system to indicate 'no adverse events,' for a specific subject. For these subjects, do not include a record to indicate that there were no events unless AEOCCUR is being used to represent records for non-occurring events. Otherwise, records should be included in the submission dataset only for adverse events that have actually occurred. Timing Variables a. b. Either AEENDTC or AEENRF should be populated. If adverse events are collected more than once within the CRF (indicating that the data are visit-based), then VISITNUM is expected. If the adverse events are collected only once within the CRF (indicating that the data are event-based), then VISITNUM is permissible. VISITDY and VISIT are always permissible. CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 57 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 6. Other Qualifier Variables a. b. c. d. 7. If categories of serious events are collected secondarily to a leading question as in the example below, the values may be null. For example, if Serious is answered 'No,' the values for AESDTH, AESLIFE, AESHOSP, etc. may be null. However, if Serious is answered ‘Yes,’ at least one of AESDTH, AESLIFE, AESHOSP, etc. will have a ‘Y’ response. Serious? [ ] Yes [ ] No If yes, check all that apply: [ ] Fatal [ ] Life-threatening [ ] Inpatient hospitalization… [ ] etc. On the other hand, if the CRF were structured so that a response is collected for each serious category, all category variables (e.g., AESDTH, AESHOSP) would be populated and AESER could be derived. When a description of Other Medically Important Serious Adverse Events category is collected on a CRF, sponsors should place the description in the SUPPQUAL dataset as described in Section 8.4. The serious categories “Involves cancer” (AESCAN) and “Occurred with overdose” (AESOD) are not part of the ICH definition of a serious adverse event, but these categories are available for use for studies conducted under guidelines that existed prior to the FDA’s adoption of the ICH definition. In studies using toxicity grade according to a standard toxicity scale such as Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events v3.0 (CTCAE The Common Terminology is the current version for toxicity criteria published by the NCI (National Cancer Institute) at, AETOXGR should be used instead of AESEV. AESEV would not be included on the dataset. The sponsor is expected to specify which scale and version are used in the metadata (using the Comments column in the Define document). AE Structure. a. The structure of the AE domain is one record per adverse event per subject. It is the sponsor's responsibility to define an event. This definition may vary based on the sponsor's requirements for characterizing and reporting product safety and is usually described in the protocol. The submission dataset structure may differ from the structure at the time of collection. One common approach is to collapse all records for an event to a summary level with the highest level of severity, causality, seriousness, etc. If there is a need to evaluate AEs at a more granular level, sponsors may choose to create a new record when severity, causality, or seriousness changes or worsens. Other approaches, including a visit-based record, may also be reasonable as long as they meet the sponsor's safety evaluation requirements. Page 58 August 26, 2005 CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 6.2.2 Disposition — DS ds.xpt, Disposition — Events Version 3.1.1, August 26, 2005. One record per disposition status or protocol milestone per subject, Tabulation Variable Name Variable Label Type STUDYID DOMAIN Study Identifier Domain Abbreviation Char Char USUBJID Unique Subject Identifier Char DSSEQ Sequence Number Num DSGRPID Group ID Char DSREFID Reference ID Char DSSPID Sponsor-Defined Identifier Char DSTERM Reported Term for the Disposition Event Char CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Controlled Terms or Format **DS Origin Role CRF Derived Identifier Identifier Sponsor Defined CRF or Derived Sponsor Defined Sponsor Defined Sponsor Defined Identifier CRF Topic Identifier Identifier Identifier Identifier CDISC Notes Unique identifier for a study within the submission. Two-character abbreviation for the domain most relevant to the observation. Unique subject identifier within the submission. Core References Req Req SDTM 2.2.4 SDTM 2.2.4 Req SDTM 2.2.4 Sequence number given to ensure uniqueness within a dataset for Req a subject. Can be used to join related records. Used to tie together a block of related records in a single domain Perm to support relationships within the domain and between domains. Optional internal or external identifier. Perm Optional Sponsor-defined reference number. Perhaps pre-printed Perm on the CRF as an explicit line identifier or defined in the sponsor’s operational database. Example: Line number on a Disposition page. Verbatim name of the event or protocol milestone. Some terms in Req DSTERM will match DSDECOD, but others, such as 'Subject moved,' will map to controlled terminology in DSDECOD, such as 'LOST TO FOLLOW-UP.' SDTM 2.2.4 SDTMIG 2.1; SDTM 2.2.4 SDTM 2.2.4 SDTM 2.2.4 SDTMIG Page 59 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Variable Name Variable Label Type DSDECOD Standardized Disposition Term DSCAT VISIT Category for Disposition Char Event Subcategory for Disposition Char Event Visit Name Char VISITNUM Visit Number Num VISITDY Planned Study Day of Visit Num EPOCH Trial Epoch Char * DSDTC Date/Time of Collection Char ISO 8601 DSSTDTC Start Date/Time of Disposition Event Study Day of Start of Disposition Event Char ISO 8601 DSSCAT DSSTDY Char Controlled Terms or Origin Format * CRF or Derived Num * * Sponsor Defined Sponsor Defined CRF or Derived CRF or Derived CRF or Derived CRF or Derived CRF or Derived CRF or Derived Derived Role Synonym Qualifier Grouping Qualifier Grouping Qualifier Timing Timing CDISC Notes Core Controlled terminology for the name of disposition event or protocol milestone. Examples of disposition events: COMPLETED, ADVERSE EVENT, DEATH, LACK OF EFFICACY, LOST TO FOLLOW-UP, NON-COMPLIANCE WITH STUDY DRUG, PHYSICIAN DECISION, PREGNANCY, PROGRESSIVE DISEASE, PROTOCOL VIOLATION, SCREEN FAILURE, STUDY TERMINATED BY SPONSOR, TECHNICAL PROBLEMS, WITHDRAWAL OF CONSENT, OTHER. Examples of protocol milestones: INFORMED CONSENT OBTAINED, RANDOMIZED Used to define a category of related records. Examples: DISPOSITION EVENT or PROTOCOL MILESTONE. A further categorization of disposition event. Req SDTMIG Perm SDTMIG 2.1 Perm SDTMIG 2.1 1. Protocol-defined description of clinical encounter. 2. May be used in addition to VISITNUM and/or VISITDY. 1. Clinical encounter number. 2. Numeric version of VISIT, used for sorting. Perm SDTMIG 7.8; SDTMIG SDTMIG 7.8; SDTMIG SDTMIG 7.8; SDTMIG SDTMIG 7.4.4 Perm Timing Perm Timing EPOCH may be used when DSCAT = 'DISPOSITION EVENT'. Perm Examples: TREATMENT PHASE, SCREENING, FOLLOW-UP Perm Timing Timing Timing References Exp Study day of start of the disposition event relative to the sponsor- Perm defined RFSTDTC. SDTMIG SDTMIG SDTMIG * indicates variable may be subject to sponsor-controlled terminology; ** indicates variable may be subject to external controlled terminology. Assumptions for Disposition (DS) domain model 1. DS Definition a. The Disposition dataset provides an accounting for all subjects who entered the study and may include protocol milestones, such as randomization, as well as the subject's completion status or reason for discontinuation for each phase or segment of the study, including screening and post treatment follow-up. Sponsors may choose which disposition events and milestones to submit for a study. Page 60 August 26, 2005 CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 2. DS Description and Coding a. DSTERM contains the disposition or other event information such as a protocol milestone. It is a required variable and must have a value. DSTERM contains either specific verbatim information of the disposition event and/or sponsor defined controlled terms with the same values as DSDECOD. Some terms in DSTERM will match those in DSDECOD, but others such as 'Subject moved' will map to controlled terminology in DSDECOD such as 'LOST TO FOLLOW-UP'. b. DSDECOD is the sponsor defined controlled term for the disposition event or other event information such as protocol milestones. It is a required variable and will always have a value. The value in DSDECOD may be equivalent to the value in DSTERM. For disposition events, DSDECOD = ‘COMPLETE’ when the subject completed the phase or segment described in EPOCH; otherwise, DSDECOD indicates the reason the subject did not complete the EPOCH. 3. Other Qualifier Variables a. DSCAT may be used to distinguish between disposition events and protocol milestones. It is a permissible variable, but its use is recommended for clarity when both types of events are submitted. b. Additional information about a death such as autopsy data could be modeled in a separate 'autopsy' domain based on the Findings class. 4. Timing Variables a. DSSTDTC is expected as the date/time of the disposition event. Disposition events do not have start and end dates since disposition events do not span an interval (e.g. randomization date) but occur on a single date/time. b. EPOCH may bes used to indicate when the disposition event occurred. EPOCH is populated when DSCAT= 'DISPOSITION EVENT'. EPOCH should not be populated when DSCAT = 'PROTOCOL MILESTONE'. CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 61 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 6.2.3 Medical History — MH mh.xpt, Medical History — Events, Version 3.1.1, August 26, 2005. One record per medical history event per subject, Tabulation Variable Name Variable Label Type STUDYID Study Identifier Char DOMAIN Domain Abbreviation Char USUBJID Unique Subject Identifier MHSEQ Controlled Terms or Format Origin Role CDISC Notes Core References CRF Identifier Unique identifier for a study within the submission. Req SDTM 2.2.4 Derived Identifier Two-character abbreviation for the domain most relevant to the observation. Req SDTM 2.2.4 Char Sponsor Defined Identifier Unique subject identifier within the submission. Req SDTM 2.2.4 Sequence Number Num CRF or Derived Identifier Sequence number given to ensure uniqueness within a dataset Req for a subject. Can be used to join related records. SDTM 2.2.4 MHGRPID Group ID Char Sponsor Defined Identifier Used to tie together a block of related records in a single domain to support relationships within the domain and between domains. Perm SDTMIG 2.1; SDTM 2.2.4 MHREFID Reference ID Char Sponsor Defined Identifier Optional internal or external medical history identifier. Perm SDTM 2.2.4 MHSPID Sponsor-Defined Identifier Char Sponsor Defined Identifier Optional Sponsor-defined reference number. Perhaps prePerm printed on the CRF as an explicit line identifier or defined in the sponsor’s operational database. Example: Line number on a Medical History page. SDTM 2.2.4 MHTERM Reported Term for the Medical History Char CRF Topic Verbatim or preprinted CRF term for the medical condition or Req event. SDTMIG MHMODIFY Modified Reported Term Char Sponsor Defined Synonym Qualifier If MHTERM is modified, then MHMODIFY will contain the Perm modified text. SDTMIG MHDECOD Dictionary-Derived Term Char ** Derived Synonym Qualifier Dictionary-derived text description of MHTERM or Perm MHMODIFY. Equivalent to the Preferred Term (PT in MedDRA). The sponsor should specify the dictionary name and version in the Sponsor Comments column of the Define data definition document. SDTMIG MHCAT Category for Medical History Char * Sponsor Defined Grouping Qualifier Used to define a category of related records. Examples: CARDIAC or GENERAL Page 62 August 26, 2005 **MH Perm SDTMIG 2.1 CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Variable Name Variable Label Type MHSCAT Subcategory for Medical History Char MHOCCUR Medical History Occurrence Char Controlled Terms or Format Origin Role CDISC Notes Core * Sponsor Defined Grouping Qualifier A further categorization of the condition or event. Perm **Y, N or Null CRF or Sponsor Defined Record Qualifier Used when the occurrence of specific medical history events Perm is solicited to indicate whether or not a medical condition had ever occurred. Values are null for spontaneously reported events. References SDTMIG 2.1 Note: Use of this variable is under evaluation by the SDS Team. MHSTAT Medical History Status CRF or Sponsor Defined Record Qualifier The status indicates that the question was not asked. Perm SDTMIG MHREASND Reason Medical History Not Char Collected CRF Record Qualifier Describes the reason medical history was not collected. Used Perm in conjunction with MHSTAT when value is NOT DONE. SDTMIG MHBODSYS Body System or Organ Class Char Derived Record Qualifier Body system or organ class (Primary SOC) that is involved in Perm an event or measurement from the standard hierarchy (e.g., MedDRA). SDTMIG VISIT Visit Name Char CRF or Derived Timing 1. Protocol-defined description of clinical encounter. Perm 2. May be used in addition to VISITNUM and/or VISITDY. SDTMIG 7.8; SDTMIG VISITNUM Visit Number Num CRF or Derived Timing 1. Clinical encounter number. 2. Numeric version of VISIT, used for sorting. Perm SDTMIG 7.8; SDTMIG VISITDY Planned Study Day of Visit Num CRF or Derived Timing Perm SDTMIG 7.8; SDTMIG MHDTC Date/Time of History Collection Char ISO 8601 CRF or Derived Timing Perm SDTMIG MHSTDTC Start Date/Time of Medical History Event Char ISO 8601 CRF or Derived Timing Perm MHENDTC End Date/Time of Medical History Event Char ISO 8601 CRF or Derived Timing Perm SDTMIG MHDY Study Day of History Collection Num Derived Timing 1. Study day of medical history collection, measured as Perm integer days. 2. Algorithm for calculations must be relative to the sponsordefined RFSTDTC variable in Demographics. This formula should be consistent across the submission. SDTMIG CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Char **NOT DONE ** Page 63 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Variable Name MHENRF Variable Label End Relative to Reference Period Type Char Controlled Terms or Format Origin ** BEFORE, Derived DURING, AFTER, DURING /AFTER, U Role Timing CDISC Notes Core Identifies the end of the event as being BEFORE, DURING, Perm DURING/AFTER or AFTER the sponsor-defined reference period. Sponsors should define the reference period in the study metadata. Events that are ongoing at the end of the reference period should have a value of AFTER for this variable. If information such as "PRIOR", "ONGOING", or "CONTINUING" was collected, this information should be translated into MHENRF. References SDTMIG * indicates variable may be subject to sponsor-controlled terminology; ** indicates variable may be subject to external controlled terminology. Assumptions for Medical History (MH) domain model 1. MH Definition a. The Medical History dataset generally includes the subject's prior history at the start of the trial. Note that treatments for prior and concomitant conditions should usually be submitted in an appropriate dataset from the Interventions class such as CM or SG. b. Examples of subject medical history information could include general medical history, gynecological history, and primary diagnosis. 2. Medical History Description and Coding a. MHTERM captures the verbatim term collected for the condition or event. It is the topic variable for the MH dataset. MHTERM is a required variable and must have a value. b. MHMODIFY is a permissible variable and should be included if the sponsor’s procedure permits modification of a verbatim term for coding. The modified term is listed in MHMODIFY. The variable should be populated as per the sponsor’s procedures; null values are permitted. c. If the sponsor codes the reported term (MHTERM) using a standard dictionary, then MHDECOD will be populated with the preferred term derived from the dictionary. The sponsor is expected to provide the dictionary name and version used to map the terms in the metadata (using the Comments column in the Define document). d. If the sponsor codes the reported term (MHTERM) using a standard dictionary, then MHBODSYS will be populated with the primary system organ class derived from the dictionary. e. If a CRF collects medical history by pre-specified body systems and the sponsor also codes reported terms using a standard dictionary, then MHDECOD and MHBODSYS are populated using the information from the standard dictionary. MHCAT and MHSCAT should be used for the pre-specified body systems. Page 64 August 26, 2005 CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 3. Additional Categorization and Grouping a. MHCAT and MHSCAT may be populated with the sponsor's categorization of medical history events, which are often displayed on the CRF. MHCAT and MHSCAT should not be redundant with the domain code or dictionary classification provided by MHDECOD and/or MHBODSYS. That is, they should provide a different means of defining or classifying MH records. i. This categorization should not group all records (within the MH Domain) into one generic group such as 'Medical History' or 'General Medical History' because this is redundant information with the domain code. If no smaller categorization can be applied, then it is not necessary to include or populate this variable. ii. Examples of MHCAT could include 'General Medical History,' 'Allergy Medical History,' and 'Reproductive Medical History.' b. MHGRPID may be used to link (or associate) different records together to form a block of related records at the subject level within MH. It should not be used in place of MHCAT or MHSCAT, which are used to group data across subjects. For example, if a group of syndromes were related to a particular disease then this variable could be populated with the appropriate text. 4. Presence or Absence of History a. Information on medical history is generally collected in two different ways, either by recording free text or using a pre-specified list of terms. In the latter case, the solicitation of information on specific medical history events may affect the frequency at which they are reported; therefore, the fact that a specific medical history event was solicited may be of interest to reviewers. Consequently, the SDS Team is proposing the addition of a new variable --PRESP to the SDTM to indicate that the occurrence of those specific medical history events was solicited. Until then, MHPRESP can be used as a supplemental qualifier. b. If history is collected by body system or category, MHOCCUR may be used to indicate the presence or absence of events for a given system or category. c. If specific medical history events are solicited (i.e., a pre-specified list of terms is collected), MHOCCUR may be used to indicate whether or not each event occurred. Use of this variable is under evaluation by the SDS Team. d. When the response for a medical history question or group of questions on a CRF was not collected, then the value of MHSTAT = 'NOT DONE' and MHOCCUR will be null. The reason that medical history was not done may be documented in MHREASND. e. If a study collects both pre-specified events as well as subject reported events, the value of MHOCCUR should be populated for all prespecified events and null for subject-reported events unless the response was not collected. CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 65 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 6.3 FINDINGS 6.3.1 ECG Test Results — EG eg.xpt, ECG — Findings, Version 3.1.1, August 26, 2005. One record per ECG observation per time point per visit per subject, Tabulation Variable Name Variable Label Type STUDYID Study Identifier Char DOMAIN Domain Abbreviation Char USUBJID Unique Subject Identifier EGSEQ Controlled Terms or Format Origin Role CDISC Notes Core References CRF Identifier Unique identifier for a study within the submission. Req SDTM 2.2.4 Derived Identifier Two-character abbreviation for the domain most relevant to the observation. Req SDTM 2.2.4 Char Sponsor Defined Identifier Unique subject identifier within the submission. Req SDTM 2.2.4 Sequence Number Num CRF or Derived Identifier Sequence number given to ensure uniqueness within a dataset for Req a subject. Can be used to join related records. SDTM 2.2.4 EGGRPID Group ID Char Sponsor Defined Identifier Used to tie together a block of related records in a single domain Perm to support relationships within the domain and between domains. SDTMIG 2.1; SDTM 2.2.4 EGREFID ECG Reference ID Char Sponsor Defined or Derived Identifier Internal or external ECG identifier. Example: UUID for external Perm ECG Waveform File. EGSPID Sponsor-Defined Identifier Char Sponsor Defined Identifier Optional Sponsor-defined reference number. Perhaps pre-printed Perm on the CRF as an explicit line identifier or defined in the sponsor's operational database. Example: Line number from the ECG page. EGTESTCD ECG Test or Examination Short Name Char CRF or Derived Topic Short name of the measurement, test, or examination described in Req EGTEST. It can be used as a column name when converting a dataset from a vertical to a horizontal format. The value in EGTESTCD cannot be longer than 8 characters, nor can it start with a number (e.g.,'1TEST'). EGTESTCD cannot contain characters other than letters, numbers, or underscores. Examples: PR, QT, INTP. Page 66 August 26, 2005 **EG ** CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL SDTM 2.2.4 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Variable Name Variable Label Type Controlled Terms or Format Origin Role CDISC Notes Core EGTEST ECG Test or Examination Name Char ** CRF Synonym Qualifier EGCAT Category for ECG Char * Sponsor Defined Grouping Qualifier EGSCAT Subcategory for ECG Char * Perm ECG Position of Subject Char * Grouping Qualifier Record Qualifier A further categorization of the ECG. EGPOS Sponsor Defined CRF or Derived Position of the subject during a measurement or examination. Examples: SUPINE, STANDING: SITTING. Perm EGORRES Result or Finding in Original Char Units CRF or Derived Result Qualifier EGORRESU Original Units Char * CRF or Derived Variable Qualifier Result of the ECG measurement or finding as originally received Exp or collected. Examples of expected values are 62 or 0.151 when EGTEST is a measured finding, or ATRIAL FIBRILLATION or QT PROLONGATION when EGTEST is 'interpretation'. Original units in which the data were collected. The unit for Perm EGORRES. Examples: SECONDS or MILLISECONDS. EGNRIND Reference Range Indicator Char * CRF or Derived Variable Qualifier EGSTRESC Character Result/Finding in Char Std Format Derived Result Qualifier EGSTRESN Numeric Result/Finding in Standard Units Num Derived Result Qualifier EGSTRESU Standard Units Char CRF or Derived Variable Qualifier CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL * Verbatim name of the test or examination used to obtain the Req measurement or finding. The value in EGTEST cannot be longer than 40 characters. Examples: PR Interval, QT Interval, etc. Used to categorize ECG observations. Examples: Perm MEASUREMENT or FINDING. References SDTMIG 2.1 SDTMIG 2.1 1. Indicates where value falls with respect to reference range Perm which could be defined by EGORNRLO and EGORNRHI (if those variables are used) or by EGSTNRC. Examples: NORMAL, ABNORMAL, HIGH, LOW. 2. Should not be used to indicate clinical significance. Contains the result value for all findings, copied or derived from Exp EGORRES in a standard format or standard units. EGSTRESC should store all results or findings in character format; if results are numeric, they should also be stored in numeric format in EGSTRESN. For example, if a test has results 'NONE', 'NEG', and 'NEGATIVE' in EGORRES and these results effectively have the same meaning, they could be represented in standard format in EGSTRESC as 'NEGATIVE'. For other examples, see general assumptions. Additional examples of result data; SINUS BRADYCARDIA, ATRIAL FLUTTER, ATRIAL FIBRILLATION. Used for continuous or numeric results or findings in standard Perm format; copied in numeric format from EGSTRESC. EGSTRESN should store all numeric test results or findings. Standardized unit used for EGSTRESC or EGSTRESN. Perm Page 67 August 26, 2005 SDTMIG SDTMIG SDTMIG SDTMIG SDTMIG CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Variable Name Variable Label EGSTAT ECG Status EGREASND Type **NOT DONE Origin Role CDISC Notes Core CRF or Derived Record Qualifier Used to indicate an ECG was not done, or an ECG measurement Perm was not taken. Should be null if a result exists in EGORRES. Reason ECG Not Performed Char CRF or Derived Record Qualifier Describes why a measurement or test was not performed. Examples: BROKEN EQUIPMENT or SUBJECT REFUSED. Used in conjunction with EGSTAT when value is NOT DONE. Perm EGXFN ECG External file Name Char Sponsor Defined or Derived Record Qualifier File name for the external ECG Waveform file Perm EGNAM Vendor Name Char CRF or Derived Record Qualifier Name or identifier of the laboratory or vendor who provides the Perm test results. EGLOINC LOINC Code Char ** Derived Synonym Qualifier 1. LOINC Code for EGTEST. LOINC codes are available for many but not all commonly used ECG test observations. 2. The LOINC version should be provided in the Sponsor Comments column in the data definition document. EGMETHOD Method of ECG Test Char * CRF Record Qualifier Method of the ECG test. Examples: MONITORING (1-LEAD), Perm 12-LEAD. EGBLFL Baseline Flag Char **Y or Null CRF or Derived Record Qualifier Indicator used to identify a baseline value. EGDRVFL Derived Flag Char **Y or Null Derived Record Qualifier Used to indicate a derived record. The value should be Y or null. Perm Records which represent the average of other records or questionnaire subscores, which do not come from the CRF are examples of records which would be derived for the submission datasets. If EGDRVFL=Y, then EGORRES should be NULL, with EGSTRESC, and (if numeric) EGSTRESN having the derived value. EGEVAL Evaluator Char * CRF Record Qualifier Role of the person who provided the evaluation. Used only for Exp results that are subjective (e.g., assigned by a person or a group). Should be null for records that contain collected or derived data. Examples: INVESTIGATOR, ADJUDICATION COMMITTEE, VENDOR. VISIT Visit Name Char CRF or Derived Timing 1. Protocol-defined description of clinical encounter. 2. May be used in addition to VISITNUM and/or VISITDY. Page 68 August 26, 2005 Char Controlled Terms or Format Perm Exp Perm CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL References SDTMIG SDTMIG SDTMIG SDTMIG SDTMIG 7.8; SDTMIG CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Variable Name Variable Label Type Controlled Terms or Format Origin Role VISITNUM Visit Number Num CRF or Derived Timing VISITDY Planned Study Day of Visit Num CRF or Derived EGDTC Date/Time of ECG Char EGDY Study Day of ECG CDISC Notes Core Req SDTMIG 7.8; Timing Perm SDTMIG 7.8; SDTMIG CRF or Derived Timing Exp SDTMIG Num Derived Timing 1. Study day of the ECG, measured as integer days. 2. Algorithm for calculations must be relative to the sponsordefined RFSTDTC variable in Demographics. This formula should be consistent across the submission. Perm SDTMIG SDTM 2.2.6 EGTPTNUM Planned Time Point Number Num CRF or Derived Timing Numerical version of EGTPT to aid in sorting. Perm EGTPT Planned Time Point Name Char CRF or Derived Timing 1. Text Description of time when measurement should be taken. Perm 2. This may be represented as an elapsed time relative to a fixed reference point, such as time of last dose. See EGTPTNUM and EGTPTREF. Examples: Start, 5 min post. EGELTM Elapsed Time from Reference Point Char Derived Timing Elapsed time (in ISO 8601) relative to a planned fixed reference Perm (EGTPTREF). This variable is useful where there are repetitive measures. Not a clock time or a date time variable. Examples: 'P15M' to represent the period of 15 minutes prior to the reference point indicated by EGTPTREF, or 'P8H' to represent the period of 8 hours after the reference point indicated by EGTPTREF. EGTPTREF Time Point Reference Char Sponsor Defined Timing Name of the fixed reference point referred to by EGELTM, Perm EGTPTNUM, and EGTPT. Examples: Previous Dose, Previous Meal. ISO 8601 ISO 8601 1. Clinical encounter number. 2. Numeric version of VISIT, used for sorting. References SDTMIG * indicates variable may be subject to sponsor-controlled terminology; ** indicates variable may be subject to external controlled terminology. Assumptions for ECG (EG) domain model 1. The method for QT interval correction is included in the test name by controlled terminology. The controlled terminology would be QTCF for Fridericia and QTCB for Bazett in EGTESTCD. EGTEST would contain either 'QT interval correction Fridericia' or 'QT interval correction Bazett'. The value of the calculated QT interval results goes into EGORRES. 2. Although EGLOINC is included to allow use of LOINC codes for ECG tests where appropriate, other coding schemes may be recommended by the CDISC terminology team in the future. CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 69 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 6.3.2 Inclusion/Exclusion Exceptions — IE ie.xpt, Inclusion/Exclusion Exceptions — Findings, Version 3.1.1, August 26, 2005. One record per inclusion/exclusion criteria exception per subject, Tabulation Variable Name Variable Label Controlled Terms or Format Type STUDYID Study Identifier Char DOMAIN Domain Abbreviation Char USUBJID Unique Subject Identifier IESEQ Origin Role CDISC Notes Core References CRF Identifier Unique identifier for a study within the submission. Req SDTM 2.2.4 Derived Identifier Two-character abbreviation for the domain most relevant to Req the observation. SDTM 2.2.4 Char Sponsor Defined Identifier Unique subject identifier within the submission. Req SDTM 2.2.4 Sequence Number Num CRF or Derived Identifier Sequence number given to ensure uniqueness within a dataset for a subject. Can be used to join related records. Req SDTM 2.2.4 IESPID Sponsor-Defined Identifier Char Sponsor Defined Identifier Sponsor-defined reference number. Perhaps pre-printed on Perm the CRF as an explicit line identifier or defined in the sponsor’s operational database. Example: Question number on a questionnaire. IETESTCD Inclusion/Exclusion Criterion Char Short Name CRF Topic Short name of the criterion described in IETEST. It can be Req used as a column name when converting a dataset from a vertical to a horizontal format. The value in IETESTCD cannot be longer than 8 characters, nor can it start with a number (e.g.'1TEST'). IETESTCD cannot contain characters other than letters, numbers, or underscores. Examples: IN01, EX01. IETEST Inclusion/Exclusion Criterion Char CRF Synonym Qualifier Verbatim description of the inclusion or exclusion criterion Req that was the exception for the subject within the study. IECAT Inclusion//Exclusion Category Char **INCLUSION, Sponsor EXCLUSION Defined Grouping Qualifier Used to define a category of related records. Req SDTMIG 2.1 IESCAT Inclusion//Exclusion Subcategory Char * Grouping Qualifier A further categorization of the exception criterion. Can be used to distinguish criteria for a sub-study. Perm SDTMIG 2.1 Page 70 August 26, 2005 **IE * Sponsor Defined CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL SDTM 2.2.4 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Variable Name Variable Label Type Controlled Terms or Format Origin Role CDISC Notes Core References IEORRES I/E Criterion Original Result Char **Y, N CRF or Derived Result Qualifier Original response to Inclusion/Exclusion Criterion question. Req Inclusion or Exclusion criterion met? SDTMIG IESTRESC I/E Criterion Result in Std Char Format **Y, N Derived Result Qualifier Response to Inclusion/Exclusion criterion result in standard Req format. (Same as IEORRES for the IE Domain). SDTMIG VISIT Visit Name Char CRF or Derived Timing 1. Protocol-defined description of clinical encounter. Perm 2. May be used in addition to VISITNUM and/or VISITDY. SDTMIG 7.8; SDTMIG VISITNUM Visit Number Num CRF or Derived Timing 1. Clinical encounter number. 2. Numeric version of VISIT, used for sorting. Perm SDTMIG 7.8; SDTMIG VISITDY Planned Study Day of Visit Num CRF or Derived Timing Perm SDTMIG 7.8; SDTMIG IEDTC Date/Time of Collection Char CRF or Derived Timing Perm SDTMIG IEDY Study Day of Collection Num Derived Timing 1. Study day of collection of the inclusion/exclusion Perm exceptions, measured as integer days. 2. Algorithm for calculations must be relative to the sponsordefined RFSTDTC variable in Demographics. This formula should be consistent across the submission. ISO 8601 SDTMIG SDTM 2.2.5 * indicates variable may be subject to sponsor-controlled terminology; ** indicates variable may be subject to external controlled terminology. Assumptions for Inclusion/Exclusion Exceptions (IE) domain model 1. The intent of the domain model is to only collect those criteria that cause the subject to be in violation of the Inclusion/Exclusion criteria not a response to each criterion. 2. This domain should not be used to collect protocol deviations/violations incurred during the course of the study. A separate domain model (DV, available separately) will be developed for protocol deviations/violations in a future version of the Implementation Guide. 3. Note that the SQL statement query "select distinct IETESTCD from IE;” may not contain an exhaustive list of the inclusion / exclusion criteria because this domain only lists those not met by subjects. The complete list would be found in the TI trial inclusion/exclusion criteria dataset described in Section 7.9 . CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 71 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 6.3.3 Laboratory Test Results — LB lb.xpt, Labs — Findings, Version 3.1.1, August 26, 2005. One record per lab test per time point per visit per subject, Tabulation Variable Name Variable Label Controlled Terms or Format Type STUDYID Study Identifier Char DOMAIN Domain Abbreviation Char USUBJID Unique Subject Identifier LBSEQ Origin Role CDISC Notes Core References CRF Identifier Unique identifier for a study within the submission. Req SDTM 2.2.4 Derived Identifier Two-character abbreviation for the domain most relevant to the observation. Req SDTM 2.2.4 Char Sponsor Defined Identifier Unique subject identifier within the submission. Req SDTM 2.2.4 Sequence Number Num CRF or Derived Identifier Sequence number given to ensure uniqueness within a dataset for a subject. Can be used to join related records. Req SDTM 2.2.4 LBGRPID Group ID Char Sponsor Defined Identifier Used to tie together a block of related records in a single domain to support relationships within the domain and between domains. Perm SDTMIG 2.1; SDTM 2.2.4 LBREFID Specimen ID Char Sponsor Identifier Internal or external specimen identifier. Example: Specimen ID. Defined or Derived LBSPID Sponsor-Defined Identifier Char Sponsor Defined Identifier Optional Sponsor-defined reference number. Perhaps pre-printed on Perm the CRF as an explicit line identifier or defined in the sponsor’s operational database. Example: Line number on the Lab page. LBTESTCD LAB Test or Examination Short Name Char * CRF or Derived Topic LBTEST LAB Test or Examination Name Char * CRF Synonym Verbatim name of the test or examination used to obtain the Qualifier measurement or finding. Note any test normally performed by a clinical laboratory is considered a lab test. The value in LBTEST cannot be longer than 40 characters. Examples: Alanine Aminotransferase, Lactate Dehydrogenase. Req LBCAT Category for Lab Test Char * Sponsor Defined Grouping Used to define a category of related records. Examples: such as Qualifier HEMATOLOGY, URINALYSIS, CHEMISTRY. Exp LBSCAT Subcategory for Lab Test Char * Sponsor Defined Grouping A further categorization of a test category such as DIFFERENTIAL, Perm Qualifier COAGULATON, LIVER FUNCTION or ELECTROLYTES. LBORRES Result or Finding in Original Char Units CRF or Derived Result Result of the measurement or finding as originally received or Qualifier collected. Page 72 August 26, 2005 **LB Perm SDTM 2.2.4 Short name of the measurement, test, or examination described in Req LBTEST. It can be used as a column name when converting a dataset from a vertical to a horizontal format. The value in LBTESTCD cannot be longer than 8 characters, nor can it start with a number (e.g.'1TEST'). LBTESTCD cannot contain characters other than letters, numbers, or underscores. Examples: ALT, LDH. Exp SDTMIG 2.1 SDTMIG 2.1. SDTMIG CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Variable Name Variable Label Controlled Terms or Format Type LBORRESU Original Units Char LBORNRLO Reference Range Lower Limit in Orig Unit LBORNRHI Reference Range Upper Limit in Orig Unit * Origin Role CDISC Notes Core CRF or Derived Variable Original units in which the data were collected. The unit for Qualifier LBORRES. Example: g/L. Char CRF or Derived Variable Lower end of reference range for continuous measurements in original Exp Qualifier units. Should be populated only for continuous results. Char CRF or Derived Variable Upper end of reference range for continuous measurements in original Exp Qualifier units. Should be populated only for continuous results. LBSTRESC Character Result/Finding in Char Std Format Derived Result Contains the result value for all findings, copied or derived from Exp Qualifier LBORRES in a standard format or standard units. LBSTRESC should store all results or findings in character format; if results are numeric, they should also be stored in numeric format in LBSTRESN. For example, if a test has results 'NONE', 'NEG', and 'NEGATIVE' in LBORRES and these results effectively have the same meaning, they could be represented in standard format in LBSTRESC as 'NEGATIVE'. For other examples, see general assumptions. LBSTNRC Reference Range for Char Rslt-Std Units Char CRF or Derived Variable For normal range values that are character in ordinal scale (e.g., Perm Qualifier 'NEGATIVE TO TRACE', '-1 to +1', etc.). If categorical ranges were supplied. LBSTRESN Numeric Result/Finding in Standard Units Num Derived Result Used for continuous or numeric results or findings in standard format; Exp Qualifier copied in numeric format from LBSTRESC. LBSTRESN should store all numeric test results or findings. LBSTRESU Standard Units Char CRF or Derived Variable Standardized unit used for LBSTRESC or LBSTRESN. Qualifier Exp LBSTNRLO Reference Range Lower Limit-Std Units Num CRF or Derived Variable Lower end of reference range for continuous measurements in Qualifier standardized units. Should be populated only for continuous results. Exp LBSTNRHI Reference Range Upper Limit-Std Units Num CRF or Derived Variable Upper end of reference range for continuous measurements in Qualifier standardized units. Should be populated only for continuous results. Exp LBNRIND Reference Range Indicator Char CRF or Derived Variable 1. Indicates where value falls with respect to reference range defined Exp Qualifier by LBORNRLO and LBORNRHI or by LBSTNRC. Examples: NORMAL, ABNORMAL, HIGH, LOW. * * Exp References SDTMIG SDTMIG SDTMIG 2. Should not be used to indicate clinical significance. LBSTAT Lab Status Char LBREASND Reason Test Not Done Char CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL **NOT DONE CRF or Derived Record Used to indicate exam not done. Should be null if a result exists in Qualifier LBORRES. Perm CRF or Derived Record Describes why a measurement or test was not performed such as Qualifier BROKEN EQUIPMENT, SUBJECT REFUSED, or SPECIMEN LOST. Used in conjunction with LBSTAT when value is NOT DONE. Perm SDTMIG Page 73 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Variable Name Variable Label Controlled Terms or Format Type LBNAM Vendor Name Char LBLOINC LOINC Code Char LBSPEC Specimen Type Char LBSPCCND Specimen Condition Char LBMETHOD Method of Test or Examination Char LBBLFL Baseline Flag LBDRVFL Origin Role CDISC Notes Core References CRF or Derived Record Name or identifier of the laboratory or vendor who provides the test Qualifier results. ** Derived Synonym 1. LOINC Code for LBTEST. Perm Qualifier 2. The LOINC version should be provided in the comments column in the data definition file. * CRF Record Defines the type of specimen used for a measurement. Examples: Qualifier SERUM, PLASMA, URINE. CRF Record Free or standardized text describing the condition of the specimen e.g. Perm Qualifier HEMOLYZED, ICTERIC, LIPEMIC etc. * CRF Record Method of the test or examination. Examples EIA (Enzyme Qualifier Immunoassay), ELECTROPHORESIS, DIPSTICK Perm Char **Y or Null CRF or Derived Record Indicator used to identify a baseline value. Qualifier Exp Derived Flag Char **Y or Null CRF or Derived Record Used to indicate a derived record. The value should be Y or null. Perm Qualifier Records which represent the average of other records or questionnaire subscores, which do not come from the CRF, are examples of records which would be derived for the submission datasets. If LBDRVFL=Y, then LBORRES should be NULL, with LBSTRESC, and (if numeric) LBSTRESN having the derived value. LBFAST Fasting Status Char **Y, N, U or CRF Null Record Indicator used to identify fasting status such as Y, N, U, or null if not Perm Qualifier relevant. LBTOX Toxicity Char * Derived Variable Description of toxicity quantified by LBTOXGR. Sponsor should Qualifier specify which scale and version is used in sponsor comments. Example: NCI CTCAE short name LBTOXGR Standard Toxicity Grade Char ** CRF or Derived Variable Records toxicity grade value using a standard toxicity scale (such as Perm Qualifier the NCI CTCAE). Value should contain valid numbers only; datatype will be changed to numeric in future version of SDTM. VISIT Visit Name Char CRF or Derived Timing 1. Protocol-defined description of clinical encounter 2.May be used in addition to VISITNUM and/or VISITDY Perm SDTMIG 7.8; SDTMIG VISITNUM Visit Number Num CRF or Derived Timing 1. Clinical encounter number. 2. Numeric version of VISIT, used for sorting. Req SDTMIG 7.8; SDTMIG VISITDY Planned Study Day of Visit Num CRF or Derived Timing Perm SDTMIG 7.8; SDTMIG LBDTC Date/Time of Specimen Collection CRF or Derived Timing Exp SDTMIG Page 74 August 26, 2005 Char ISO 8601 Perm SDTMIG Perm SDTMIG SDTMIG SDTMIG Perm CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Variable Name Variable Label Type LBENDTC End Date/Time of Specimen Char Collection LBDY Study Day of Specimen Collection LBTPT Planned Time Point Name Controlled Terms or Format Role CDISC Notes Core References CRF or Derived Timing Perm SDTMIG SDTMIG Num Derived Timing 1. Study day of specimen collection, measured as integer days. Perm 2. Algorithm for calculations must be relative to the sponsor-defined RFSTDTC variable in Demographics. This formula should be consistent across the submission. SDTMIG Char CRF or Derived Timing 1. Text Description of time when specimen should be taken. 2. This may be represented as an elapsed time relative to a fixed reference point, such as time of last dose. See LBTPTNUM and LBTPTREF. Examples: Start, 5 min post. Perm LBTPTNUM Planned Time Point Number Num CRF or Derived Timing Numerical version of LBTPT to aid in sorting. Perm LBELTM Elapsed Time from Reference Point Derived Timing Elapsed time (in ISO 8601) relative to a planned fixed reference (LBTPTREF).. This variable is useful where there are repetitive measures. Not a clock time or a date time variable. Examples: '- Perm Char ISO 8601 Origin ISO 8601 SDTMIG P15M' to represent the period of 15 minutes prior to the reference point indicated by LBTPTREF, or 'P8H' to represent the period of 8 hours after the reference point indicated by LBTPTREF. LBTPTREF Time Point Reference Char Sponsor Defined Timing Name of the fixed reference point referred to by LBELTM, LBTPTNUM, and LBTPT. Examples: PREVIOUS DOSE, PREVIOUS MEAL. Perm * indicates variable may be subject to sponsor-controlled terminology; ** indicates variable may be subject to external controlled terminology. Assumptions for Laboratory Test Results (LB) domain model 1. For lab tests that do not have continuous numeric results (e.g., urine protein as measured by dipstick, descriptive tests such as urine color), LBSTNRC could be populated either with normal range values that are character in an ordinal scale (e.g., 'NEGATIVE to TRACE') or a delimited set of values that are considered to be normal (e.g., 'YELLOW’, ‘AMBER'). LBORNRLO, LBORNRHI, LBSTNRLO, and LBSTNRHI should be null for these type of tests. 2. For lab tests where the specimen is collected over time, i.e., 24-hour urine collection, the start date/time of the collection goes into LBDTC and the end date/time of collection goes into LBENDTC. CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 75 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 6.3.4 Physical Examinations — PE pe.xpt, Physical Examination — Findings, Version 3.1.1, August 26, 2005. One record per body system or abnormality per visit per subject, Tabulation Variable Name STUDYID DOMAIN Variable Label Type Controlled Terms or Format Origin Core References Char Char USUBJID Unique Subject Identifier Char PESEQ Sequence Number Num PEGRPID Group ID Char Sponsor Defined Identifier Used to tie together a block of related records in a single Perm domain to support relationships within the domain and between domains. SDTMIG 2.1; SDTM 2.2.4 PESPID Sponsor-Defined Identifier Char Sponsor Defined Identifier Perm SDTM 2.2.4 PETESTCD Body System Examined Short Name Char * CRF or Derived Topic PETEST Body System Examined Char * CRF Synonym Qualifier PEMODIFY Modified Reported Term Char Sponsor Defined Synonym Qualifier Sponsor-defined reference number. Perhaps pre-printed on the CRF as an explicit line identifier or defined in the sponsor’s operational database. Example: Question number on a questionnaire. Topic variable for PE. Short name for the value in PETEST, which can be used as a column name when converting the dataset from a vertical format to a horizontal format. The short names can be up to 8 characters. Examples: CV, GI. For subject-level exam, value should be 'ALL'. Verbatim term part of the body examined. The value in PETEST cannot be longer than 40 characters. Examples: CARDIOVASCULAR and GASTROINTESTINAL. For subject-level exam, value should be 'ALL'. If PEORRES is modified as part of a defined procedure, then PEMODIFY will contain the modified text. Perm SDTMIG PECAT Category for Examination Char * Sponsor Defined Grouping Qualifier Used to define a category of examination. Examples: GENERAL, NEUROLOGICAL. Perm SDTMIG 2.1 PESCAT Subcategory for Examination Char * Sponsor Defined Grouping Qualifier A further categorization of the examination. Used if needed to Perm add further detail to PECAT. SDTMIG 2.1 PELOC Location of Physical Exam Char Finding * CRF or Sponsor Record Defined Qualifier Can be used to specify where a physical exam finding occurred. Perm Example: LEFT ARM for skin rash. Page 76 August 26, 2005 Identifier Identifier CDISC Notes Study Identifier Domain Abbreviation **PE CRF Derived Role Unique identifier for a study within the submission. Req Two-character abbreviation for the domain most relevant to the Req observation. SDTM 2.2.4 SDTM 2.2.4 Sponsor Defined Identifier Unique subject identifier within the submission. Req SDTM 2.2.4 CRF or Derived Sequence number given to ensure uniqueness within a dataset for a subject. Can be used to join related records. Req SDTM 2.2.4 Identifier Req Req CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Variable Name Variable Label Type PEBODSYS Body System or Organ Class Char PEORRES Verbatim Examination Finding PEORRESU Original Units PESTRESC Controlled Terms or Format Role CDISC Notes Core References CRF or Derived Result Qualifier 1. Body system or organ class (Primary SOC) that is involved in Perm an event or measurement from the standard hierarchy (e.g., MedDRA). 2. May be predefined from CRF page or obtained from coding. SDTMIG Char CRF or Derived Result Qualifier Text description of any abnormal findings. If the examination Exp was completed and there were no abnormal findings, the value should be NORMAL. If the examination was not performed on a particular body system, or at the subject level, then the value should be null, and NOT DONE should appear in PESTAT. SDTMIG Char CRF or Derived Variable Qualifier Original units in which the data were collected. The unit for PEORRES. Perm Character Result/Finding in Char Std. Format Derived Result Qualifier If there are findings for a body system, then either the dictionary preferred term (if findings are coded using a dictionary) or PEORRES (if findings are not coded) should appear here. If PEORRES is null, PESTRESC should be null Exp SDTMIG PESTRESN Numeric Result/Finding in Num Standard Units Derived Result Qualifier Used for continuous or numeric results or findings in standard Exp format; copied in numeric format from PESTRESC. PESTRESN should store all numeric test results or findings. SDTMIG PESTRESU Standard Units Char * Derived Variable Qualifier Standardized unit used for PESTRESC or PESTRESN. Exp PESEV Severity/Intensity Char * CRF Record Qualifier The severity or intensity of the exam finding. PESEV is only used to qualify the results of an observation -- it should not be used to record the answer to the question posed in PETEST.. Example: “MODERATE” could be used to describe a PEORRES of “ACNE”. Perm PESTAT Examination Status Char **NOT DONE CRF or Derived Record Qualifier Used to indicate exam not done. Should be null if a result exists Perm in ORRES. PEREASND Reason Not Examined Char CRF or Derived Record Qualifier Describes why an examination was not performed or why a body system was not examined. Example: SUBJECT REFUSED. Used in conjunction with STAT when value is NOT DONE. CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL ** Origin SDTMIG Perm Page 77 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Variable Name Variable Label Type Controlled Terms or Format Origin Role CDISC Notes Core PEBLFL Baseline Flag Char **Y or Null CRF or Derived Record Qualifier Indicator used to identify a baseline value. PEEVAL Evaluator Char * CRF Record Qualifier Role of the person who provided the evaluation. Used only for Perm results that are subjective (e.g., assigned by a person or a group). Should be null for records that contain collected or derived data. Examples: INVESTIGATOR, ADJUDICATION COMMITTEE, VENDOR. VISIT Visit Name Char CRF or Derived Timing 1. Protocol-defined description of clinical encounter. 2. May be used in addition to VISITNUM and/or VISITDY. Perm SDTMIG 7.8; SDTMIG VISITNUM Visit Number Num CRF or Derived Timing 1. Clinical encounter number. 2. Numeric version of VISIT, used for sorting. Exp SDTMIG 7.8; SDTMIG VISITDY Planned Study Day of Visit Num CRF or Derived Timing Perm SDTMIG 7.8; SDTMIG PEDTC Date/Time of Examination Char CRF or Derived Timing Exp SDTMIG PEDY Study Day of Examination Num Derived Timing Perm SDTMIG ISO 8601 1. Study day of physical exam, measured as integer days. 2. Algorithm for calculations must be relative to the sponsordefined RFSTDTC variable in Demographics. This formula should be consistent across the submission. Exp References SDTMIG * indicates variable may be subject to sponsor-controlled terminology; ** indicates variable may be subject to external controlled terminology. Assumptions for Physical Examinations (PE) domain model 1. The PE domain provides an example where the result, PEORRES, is coded. This is in contrast to other domains (e.g., AE, CM, and MH), in which the topic variable (AETERM, CMTRT, and EXTRT, respectively) is the one coded. Page 78 August 26, 2005 CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 6.3.5 Questionnaires — QS qs.xpt, Questionnaires — Findings, Version 3.1.1, August 26, 2005. One record per question per time point per visit per subject, Tabulation Variable Name Variable Label Controlled Terms or Format Type Origin STUDYID DOMAIN Study Identifier Domain Abbreviation Char Char USUBJID Unique Subject Identifier Char QSSEQ Sequence Number Num QSGRPID Group ID Char QSSPID Sponsor-Defined Identifier Char QSTESTCD Question Short Name Char QSTEST Question Name Char QSCAT Category of Question Char * Sponsor Defined QSSCAT Subcategory for Question Char * Sponsor Defined QSORRES Finding in Original Units Char QSORRESU Original Units Char CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL **QS CRF Derived Sponsor Defined CRF or Derived Sponsor Defined Sponsor Defined * CRF or Derived CRF or Derived * CRF or Derived CRF or Derived Role CDISC Notes Core References Identifier Unique identifier for a study within the submission. Identifier Two-character abbreviation for the domain most relevant to the observation. Identifier Unique subject identifier within the submission. Req Req SDTM 2.2.4 SDTM 2.2.4 Req SDTM 2.2.4 Identifier Sequence number given to ensure uniqueness within a domain. Req SDTM 2.2.4 Identifier Used to tie together a block of related records in a single domain to Perm support relationships within the domain and between domains. Identifier Optional Sponsor-defined reference number. Perhaps pre-printed on Perm the CRF as an explicit line identifier or defined in the sponsor’s operational database. Example: Question number on a questionnaire. Topic Topic variable for QS. Short name for the value in QSTEST, which Req can be used as a column name when converting the dataset from a vertical format to a horizontal format. The value in QSTESTCD cannot be longer than 8 characters, nor can it start with a number (e.g.'1TEST'). QSTESTCD cannot contain characters other than letters, numbers, or underscores. Examples: COG01, GH1, PF1. Synonym Verbatim name of the question or group of questions used to obtain Req Qualifier the measurement or finding. The value in QSTEST cannot be longer than 40 characters. Examples: In General, Would You Say your Health Is. Grouping Used to define a category of related records that will be meaningful Req Qualifier to the Reviewer. Examples: HAMILTON DEPRESSION SCLAE, SF36, ADAS. Grouping A further categorization of the questions within the category. Perm Qualifier Examples: MENTAL HEALTH DOMAIN, DEPRESSION DOMAIN, WORD RECALL. Result Finding as originally received or collected (e.g. RARELY, Exp Qualifier SOMETIMES). Variable Original units in which the data were collected. The unit for Perm Qualifier QSORRES, such as minutes or seconds or the units associated with a visual analog scale. SDTMIG 2.1; SDTM 2.2.4 SDTM 2.2.4 SDTMIG 2.1 SDTMIG 2.1 SDTMIG Page 79 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Variable Name Variable Label Controlled Terms or Format Type Origin QSSTRESC Character Result/Finding in Char Std Format CRF or Derived QSSTRESN Numeric Finding in Standard Num Units Derived QSSTRESU Standard Units Char * QSSTAT Status of Question Char **NOT DONE QSREASND Reason Not Performed Char QSBLFL Baseline Flag Char **Y or Null QSDRVFL Derived Flag Char **Y or Null VISIT Visit Name Char VISITNUM Visit Number Num VISITDY Planned Study Day of Visit Num QSDTC Date/Time of Finding Char QSDY Study Day of Finding Num QSTPT Planned Time Point Name Char Page 80 August 26, 2005 ISO 8601 CRF or Derived CRF or Derived CRF or Derived CRF or Derived CRF or Derived CRF or Derived CRF or Derived CRF or Derived CRF or Derived Derived CRF or Derived Role CDISC Notes Core Result Contains the finding for all questions or sub-scores, copied or Exp Qualifier derived from QSORRES in a standard format or standard units. QSSTRESC should store all findings in character format; if findings are numeric, they should also be stored in numeric format in QSSTRESN. If question scores are derived from the original finding, then the standard format is the score. Examples: 0, 1. Result Used for continuous or numeric findings in standard format; copied Perm Qualifier in numeric format from QSSTRESC. QSSTRESN should store all numeric results or findings. Variable Standardized unit used for QSSTRESC or QSSTRESN. Perm Qualifier Record Used to indicate a questionnaire or response to a questionnaire was Perm Qualifier not done. Should be null if a result exists in QSORRES. Record Describes why a question was not answered. Example: subject Perm Qualifier refused. Used in conjunction with QSSTAT when value is NOT DONE. Record Indicator used to identify a baseline value. Exp Qualifier Record The value should be Y or null. Records which represent the average Perm Qualifier of other records or questionnaire sub-scores which do not come from the CRF are examples of records which would be derived for the submission datasets. If QSDRVFL=Y, then QSORRES should be NULL, with QSSTRESC and (if numeric) QSSTRESN having the derived value. Timing 1. Protocol-defined description of clinical encounter. Perm 2. May be used in addition to VISITNUM and/or VISITDY. Timing 1. Clinical encounter number. Exp 2. Numeric version of VISIT, used for sorting. Timing Perm Timing Timing Timing Exp 1. Study day of finding collection, measured as integer days. Perm 2. Algorithm for calculations must be relative to the sponsor-defined RFSTDTC variable in Demographics. This formula should be consistent across the submission. 1. Text Description of time when questionnaire is administered. Perm 2. This may be represented as an elapsed time relative to a fixed reference point, such as time of last dose. See QSTPTNUM and QSTPTREF. References SDTMIG SDTMIG SDTMIG SDTMIG SDTMIG SDTMIG SDTMIG 7.8; SDTMIG SDTMIG 7.8; SDTMIG SDTMIG 7.8; SDTMIG 4.1.5 SDTMIG 4.1.4. SDTMIG CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Variable Name Variable Label Type QSTPTNUM Planned Time Point Number Num QSELTM Elapsed Time from Reference Point Char Controlled Terms or Format ISO 8601 Origin CRF or Derived Derived Role CDISC Notes Core Timing Numerical version of QSTPT to aid in sorting. Perm Timing Elapsed time (in ISO 8601) relative to a planned fixed reference (QSTPTREF). This variable is useful where there are repetitive measures. Not a clock time or a date time variable. Examples: '- Perm References SDTMIG P15M' to represent the period of 15 minutes prior to the reference point indicated by QSTPTREF, or 'P8H' to represent the period of 8 hours after the reference point indicated by QSTPTREF. QSTPTREF Time Point Reference Char QSEVLINT Evaluation Interval Char ISO 8601 Sponsor Defined Timing CRF or Derived Timing Name of the fixed reference point referred to by QSELTM, Perm QSTPTNUM, and QSTPT. Examples: PREVIOUS DOSE, PREVIOUS MEAL. Evaluation Interval associated with a QSTEST question represented Perm in ISO 8601 character format. Example: "P2Y" to represent an interval of 2 years in the question "Have you experienced any episodes in the past 2 years?" * indicates variable may be subject to sponsor-controlled terminology; ** indicates variable may be subject to external controlled terminology. Assumptions for Questionnaire (QS) domain model 1. Questionnaire data may include, but are not limited to the following: subject reported outcomes, validated or non-validated questionnaires, and validated or non-validated diaries (i.e., data with a common topicality). When objective numeric data with result qualifiers are collected in a questionnaire or diary format, the sponsor should consider whether this data actually belongs in a separate (new) domain. It is realized that questionnaires may include some objective questions and some of these may trigger additional data collection in other domains. 2. The names of the questionnaires should be described under the variable QSCAT in the questionnaire domain. For example, ADAS for Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale, SF36 for SF-36 Health Survey, PANSS for Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale, etc. 3. Names of categories/subcategories for groups of items/questions should be described under QSSCAT. Derived information such as, total scores, and sub scores, etc, should be stored in the QS domain as derived records with appropriate category/subcategory names (QSCAT/QSSCAT), item names (QSTESTCD/QSTEST), and results (QSSTRESN/QSSTRESC). Derived records should be flagged by QSDRVFL. . CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 81 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 6.3.6 Subject Characteristics — SC sc.xpt, Subject Characteristics — Findings, Version 3.1.1, August 26, 2005. One record per characteristic per subject, Tabulation Variable Name Variable Label Type STUDYID DOMAIN Study Identifier Domain Abbreviation Char Char USUBJID Unique Subject Identifier SCSEQ Controlled Terms or Format Origin Role CDISC Notes Core References Unique identifier for a study within the submission. Two-character abbreviation for the domain most relevant to the observation. Unique subject identifier within the submission. Req Req SDTM 2.2.4 SDTM 2.2.4 Req SDTM 2.2.4 CRF Derived Identifier Identifier Char Sponsor Defined Identifier Sequence Number Num CRF or Derived Identifier Sequence number given to ensure uniqueness within a dataset for a subject. Can be used to join related records. Req SDTM 2.2.4 SCGRPID Group ID Char Sponsor Defined Identifier Used to tie together a block of related records in a single domain to support relationships within the domain and between domains. Perm SDTMIG 2.1; SDTM 2.2.4 SCSPID Sponsor-Defined Identifier Char Sponsor Defined Identifier SDTM 2.2.4 SCTESTCD Subject Characteristic Short Char Name * CRF or Derived Topic Sponsor-defined reference number. Perhaps pre-printed on the CRF as Perm an explicit line identifier or defined in the sponsor’s operational database. Example: Question number on a questionnaire. Short name of the measurement, test, or examination described in Req SCTEST. It can be used as a column name when converting a dataset from a vertical to a horizontal format. The value in SCTESTCD cannot be longer than 8 characters, nor can it start with a number (e.g.'1TEST'). SCTESTCD cannot contain characters other than letters, numbers, or underscores. Example: SUBJINIT, EYECD. SCTEST Subject Characteristic Char * CRF Synonym Qualifier SCCAT Category for Subject Characteristic Char * Sponsor Defined Grouping Qualifier SCSCAT Subcategory for Subject Characteristic Char * Sponsor Defined CRF or Derived CRF or Derived Result or Finding in Original Char Units SCORRESU Original Units Char **SC SCORRES Page 82 August 26, 2005 * Verbatim name of the test or examination used to obtain the Req measurement or finding. The value in SCTEST cannot be longer than 40 characters. Examples: Subject Initials, Eye Color. Used to define a category of related records. Perm SDTMIG 2.1 Grouping Qualifier A further categorization of the subject characteristic. Perm SDTMIG 2.1 Result Qualifier Variable Qualifier Result of the subject characteristic as originally received or collected. Exp SDTMIG Original Unit in which the data were collected. The unit for SCORRES. Perm CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Variable Name Variable Label Type Controlled Terms or Format Origin Role SCSTRESC Character Result/Finding in Char Std Format Derived Result Qualifier SCSTRESN Numeric Result/Finding in Standard Units Num Derived Result Qualifier SCSTRESU Standard Units Char * SCSTAT Status of SC Measurement Char **NOT DONE CRF or Derived CRF or Derived Variable Qualifier Record Qualifier CRF or Derived Record Qualifier CRF or Derived Derived Timing SCREASND Reason Not Performed Char SCDTC Date/Time of Collection Char SCDY Study Day of Examination Num ISO 8601 Timing CDISC Notes Core References Contains the result value for all findings, copied or derived from Exp SDTMIG SCORRES in a standard format or standard units. SCSTRESC should store all results or findings in character format; if results are numeric, they should also be stored in numeric format in SCSTRESN. For example, if a test has results 'NONE', 'NEG', and 'NEGATIVE' in SCORRES and these results effectively have the same meaning, they could be represented in standard format in SCSTRESC as 'NEGATIVE'. For other examples, see general assumptions. Used for continuous or numeric results or findings in standard format; Perm SDTMIG copied in numeric format from SCSTRESC. SCSTRESN should store all numeric test results or findings. Standardized unit used for SCSTRESC or SCSTRESN. Perm Used to indicate that the measurement was not done. Should be null if a Perm SDTMIG result exists in SCORRES. Describes why a question was not answered. Example: subject refused. Perm Used in conjunction with SCSTAT when value is NOT DONE. Exp 1. Study day of collection, measured as integer days. 2. Algorithm for calculations must be relative to the sponsor-defined RFSTDTC variable in Demographics. This formula should be consistent across the submission. SDTMIG Perm SDTMIG * indicates variable may be subject to sponsor-controlled terminology; ** indicates variable may be subject to external controlled terminology. Assumptions for Subject Characteristics (SC) domain model 1. Subject Characteristics is for data not collected in other domains that is subject-related. Examples: subject initials, other race details, eye color, childbearing status, etc. 2. The structure for demographic data is fixed and includes date of birth, age, sex , race, ethnicity and country. The structure of subject characteristics is based on the Findings general class and is an extension of the demographics data. Subject Characteristics consists of data that is collected once per subject (per test) and that is not expected to change during the trial. Subject characteristics contains data such as additional information about race, subject initials, economic information, and eye color. CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 83 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 6.3.7 Vital Signs — VS vs.xpt, Vital Signs — Findings, Version 3.1.1, August 26, 2005. One record per vital sign measurement per time point per visit per subject, Tabulation Variable Name Variable Label Type Controlled Terms or Format Origin STUDYID DOMAIN Study Identifier Domain Abbreviation Char Char USUBJID VSSEQ Unique Subject Identifier Sequence Number Char Num Sponsor Defined CRF or Derived VSGRPID Group ID Char Sponsor Defined VSSPID Sponsor-Defined Identifier Char Sponsor Defined **VS CRF Derived VSTESTCD Vital Signs Test Short Name Char ** CRF or Derived VSTEST Vital Signs Test Name Char ** CRF VSCAT Category for Vital Signs Char * Sponsor Defined VSSCAT Subcategory for Vital Signs Char * Sponsor Defined Page 84 August 26, 2005 Role Identifier Identifier CDISC Notes Core Unique identifier for a study within the submission. Two-character abbreviation for the domain most relevant to the observation. Identifier Unique subject identifier within the submission. Identifier Sequence number given to ensure uniqueness within a dataset for a subject. Can be used to join related records. Identifier Used to tie together a block of related records in a single domain to support relationships within the domain and between domains. Identifier Optional Sponsor-defined reference number. Perhaps pre-printed on the CRF as an explicit line identifier or defined in the sponsor’s operational database. Topic Short name of the measurement, test, or examination described in VSTEST. It can be used as a column name when converting a dataset from a vertical to a horizontal format. The value in VSTESTCD cannot be longer than 8 characters, nor can it start with a number (e.g.'1TEST'). VSTESTCD cannot contain characters other than letters, numbers, or underscores. Examples: SYSBP, DIABP, BMI. Synonym Verbatim name of the test or examination used to obtain the Qualifier measurement or finding. The value in VSTEST cannot be longer than 40 characters. Examples: Systolic Blood Pressure, Diastolic Blood Pressure, Body Mass Index. Grouping Used to define a category of related records. Qualifier Grouping A further categorization of a measurement or examination. Qualifier Reference Req Req SDTM 2.2.4 SDTM 2.2.4 Req Req SDTM 2.2.4 SDTM 2.2.4 Perm SDTMIG 2.1; SDTM 2.2.4 Perm Req Req SDTMIG 2.1 Perm SDTMIG 2.1 Perm SDTMIG 2.1 CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Variable Name Variable Label Type VSPOS Vital Signs Position of Char Subject VSORRES Result or Finding in Original Char Units VSORRESU Original Units Char Controlled Terms or Format * Origin CRF or Derived CRF or Derived * CRF or Derived Role Record Qualifier Result Qualifier Variable Qualifier VSSTRESC Character Result/Finding in Char Std Format Derived Result Qualifier VSSTRESN Numeric Result/Finding in Standard Units Num Derived Result Qualifier VSSTRESU Standard Units Char * CRF or Derived VSNRIND Reference Range Indicator Char * CRF or Derived Variable Qualifier Variable Qualifier VSSTAT Vitals Status Char **NOT DONE CRF or Derived VSREASND Reason Not Performed Char VSLOINC LOINC Code Char ** Derived VSLOC Location of Vital Signs Measurement Char * CRF or Derived CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CRF or Derived CDISC Notes Core Position of the subject during a measurement or examination. Perm Examples: SUPINE, STANDING, SITTING. Result of the vital signs measurement as originally received or Exp collected. Original units in which the data were collected. The unit for Exp VSORRES. Examples: INCHES, FEET, POUNDS, BEATS PER MINUTE. Contains the result value for all findings, copied or derived from Exp VSORRES in a standard format or standard units. VSSTRESC should store all results or findings in character format; if results are numeric, they should also be stored in numeric format in VSSTRESN. For example, if a test has results 'NONE', 'NEG', and 'NEGATIVE' in VSORRES and these results effectively have the same meaning, they could be represented in standard format in VSSTRESC as 'NEGATIVE'. For other examples, see general assumptions. Used for continuous or numeric results or findings in standard Exp format; copied in numeric format from VSSTRESC. VSSTRESN should store all numeric test results or findings. Standardized unit used for VSSTRESC or VSSTRESN. Exp 1. Indicates where value falls with respect to reference range (which could be defined by VSORNRLO and VSORNRHI or by VSSTNRC (if those variables are used). Examples: NORMAL, ABNORMAL, HIGH, LOW. 2. Should not be used to indicate clinical significance. Record Used to indicate that a vital sign measurement was not done. Qualifier Should be null if a result exists in VSORRES. Record Describes why a measurement or test was not performed. Qualifier Examples: BROKEN EQUIPMENT or SUBJECT REFUSED. Used in conjunction with VSSTAT when value is NOT DONE. Synonym 1. LOINC Code for VSTEST. Qualifier 2. The LOINC version should be provided in the Sponsor Comments column in the data definition document. Record Location relevant to the collection of Vital Signs measurement. Qualifier Example: LEFT ARM for blood pressure. Reference SDTMIG SDTMIG SDTMIG SDTMIG Perm Perm Perm SDTMIG SDTMIG Perm SDTMIG Perm SDTMIG Page 85 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Variable Name Variable Label Type Controlled Terms or Format Origin Role VSBLFL Baseline Flag Char **Y or Null CRF or Derived VSDRVFL Derived Flag Char **Y or Null Derived VISIT Visit Name Char CRF or Derived Timing VISITNUM Visit Number Num CRF or Derived Timing VISITDY Planned Study Day of Visit Num CRF or Derived Timing VSDTC VSDY Date/Time of Measurements Char Study Day of Vital Signs Num CRF or Derived Derived Timing Timing VSTPT Planned Time Point Name CRF or Derived Timing CRF or Derived Derived Timing Timing ISO 8601 Char VSTPTNUM Planned Time Point Number Num VSELTM Elapsed Time from Char Reference Point ISO 8601 Record Qualifier Record Qualifier CDISC Notes Core Indicator used to identify a baseline value Exp Used to indicate a derived record. The value should be Y or null. Perm Records which represent the average of other records or questionnaire sub-scores which do not come from the CRF are examples of records which would be derived for the submission datasets. If VSDRVFL=Y, then VSORRES should be NULL, with VSSTRESC and (if numeric) VSSTRESN having the derived value. 1. Protocol-defined description of clinical encounter. Perm 2. May be used in addition to VISITNUM and/or VISITDY. 1. Clinical encounter number. Req 2. Numeric version of VISIT, used for sorting. Perm 1. Study day of vital signs measurements, measured as integer days. 2. Algorithm for calculations must be relative to the sponsordefined RFSTDTC variable in Demographics. This formula should be consistent across the submission. 1. Text Description of time when measurement should be taken. 2. This may be represented as an elapsed time relative to a fixed reference point, such as time of last dose. See VSTPTNUM and VSTPTREF. Examples: Start, 5 min post. Numerical version of VSTPT to aid in sorting. Elapsed time (in ISO 8601) relative to a planned fixed reference (VSTPTREF). This variable is useful where there are repetitive measures. Not a clock time or a date time variable. Examples: '- Exp Perm Reference SDTMIG SDTMIG SDTMIG SDTMIG 7.8; SDTMIG SDTMIG 7.8; SDTMIG SDTMIG 7.8; SDTMIG SDTMIG SDTMIG Perm Perm Perm SDTMIG P15M' to represent the period of 15 minutes prior to the reference point indicated by VSTPTREF, or 'P8H' to represent the period of 8 hours after the reference point indicated by VSTPTREF. VSTPTREF Time Point Reference Char Sponsor Defined Timing Name of the fixed reference point referred to by VSELTM, VSTPTNUM, and VSTPT. Examples: PREVIOUS DOSE, PREVIOUS MEAL. Perm * indicates variable may be subject to sponsor-controlled terminology; ** indicates variable may be subject to external controlled terminology. Page 86 August 26, 2005 CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 7 Trial Design Datasets 7.1 INTRODUCTION The Trial Design Model, which is included in the SDTM, allows description of key aspects of the planned conduct of a clinical trial in a standardized way. These standardized descriptions will allow reviewers to: • clearly and quickly grasp the design of a clinical trial • compare the designs of different trials • search a data warehouse for clinical trials with certain features • compare planned and actual treatments and visits for subjects in a clinical trial. Modeling a clinical trial in this standardized way requires the explicit statement of certain decision rules that may not be addressed or may remain vague or ambiguous in the usual prose protocol document. Prospective modeling of the design of a clinical trial should lead to a clearer, better protocol. Retrospective modeling of the design of a clinical trial should ensure a clear description of how the trial was interpreted by the sponsor. The aspects of clinical trial design currently included in the Trial Design Model are as follows: • the planned arms of the trial • what happens to a subject in each arm (i.e., what series of treatment and non-treatment time periods [trial Elements] are planned for a subject assigned to that arm) • the planned schedule of visits • the inclusion and exclusion criteria for the trial. Future versions of the Trial Design Model are expected to include additional aspects of clinical trials, such as planned exposures and planned assessments. The Trial Design Model is built upon the concepts of Elements, Arms, Epochs and Visits. An Element is the basic building block for time within a clinical trial, and has the following characteristics: • A description of what happens to the subject during the Element. • A definition of the start of the Element. • A rule for ending the Element. An Arm is a planned sequence of Elements, typically equivalent to a treatment group. Branches may take place between one Element and the next and some designs allow for some flexibility of Elements within an Arm. The term EPOCH (which is discussed in Section 7.4.4) is used to refer to the portion of a blinded trial that corresponds to an individual element (when the actual element may not be known). A Visit is defined as a clinical encounter that encompasses planned and unplanned trial interventions, procedures, and assessments that may be performed on a subject. A Visit has a start and an end, each described with a rule. A Visit need not be nested within an Element. In other words, it may start in one Element and end in another. In most blinded trials, the timing of Visits is the same for all subjects, regardless of the Arm to which they have been assigned. In these cases, the Arm is not needed to describe the timing of Visits, and is left blank in the Trial Visits domain. If the timing of Visits depends on Arm, then the complete set of Visits for each Arm should be represented in the domain. The Trial Design Model also includes the Trial Inclusion/Exclusion (TI) dataset to describe the inclusion/exclusion criteria used to screen subjects. The IE domain (subject specific inclusion/exclusion criteria not met) described in section 6.3.2 contains the actual exceptions to those criteria for enrolled subjects. CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 87 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 7.2 PLANNED ELEMENTS, ARMS, AND VISITS Under the Trial Design Model, planned information is presented in a series of three tables: • The Trial Element table (Table 7.2.1) • The Trial Arms table (Table 7.2.2) • The Trial Visits table (Table 7.2.3). 7.2.1 Trial Elements te.xpt, Trial Elements, Version 3.1.1, August 26, 2005. One record per Planned Element Variable Variable Label Name Type Controlled Origin Terms or Format Role STUDYID Study Identifier Char CRF Identifier Unique identifier for a study within Req the submission. DOMAIN Domain Abbreviation Char **TE Derived Identifier Two-character abbreviation for the Req domain most relevant to the observation. ETCD Char * Sponsor Defined Topic ELEMENT Description of Element Char * Sponsor Defined / Protocol Synonym The name of the Element. Qualifier Req Req Element Code CDISC Notes Core Short name of ELEMENT used for Req programming and sorting. TESTRL Rule for Start of Element Char Sponsor Defined / Protocol Rule Expresses rule for beginning Element. TEENRL Rule for End of Element Char Sponsor Defined / Protocol Rule Expresses rule for ending Element. Perm Either TEENRL or TEDUR must be present for each element. TEDUR Planned Duration of Element Sponsor Defined / Protocol Timing Planned Duration of Element in ISO 8601 format. Used when the rule for ending the Element is to applied after a fixed duration. Char ISO 8601 * indicates variable may be subject to sponsor-controlled terminology; ** indicates variable may be subject to external controlled terminology. Page 88 August 26, 2005 CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Perm CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 7.2.2 Trial Arms ta.xpt, Trial Arms, Version 3.1.1, August 26, 2005. One record per Planned Element per Arm Variable Label Type Controlled Origin Terms or Format Role STUDYID Study Identifier Char CRF Identifier Unique identifier for a study within the submission. Req DOMAIN Domain Abbreviation Char **TA Derived Identifier Two-character abbreviation for the domain most relevant to the observation. Req ARMCD Arm Code Char * Derived Topic Req ARM Description of Arm Char * Derived Synonym Name given to an Arm or treatment group. Qualifier Req TAETORD Order of Element within Arm Num Sponsor Defined Identifier Number that gives the order of the Element within the Arm. Req ETCD Element Code Char * Sponsor Defined Record Short name of ELEMENT used for Qualifier programming and sorting. Req ELEMENT Description of Element Char * Sponsor Defined / Synonym The name of the Element. Protocol Qualifier Perm Variable Name CDISC Notes Core Short name of ARM., used for programming and sorting. TABRANCH Branch Char Rule Condition subject met, at a 'branch' in the trial Exp design at the end of this Element, to be included in this Arm; (e.g., randomization to Drug A). TATRANS Transition Rule Char Rule If the trial design allows a subject to transition Exp to an Element other than the next Element in sequence, then the conditions for transitioning to those other Elements, and the alternative Element sequences, are specified in this rule (e.g., responders go to washout). EPOCH Trial Epoch Char * Timing Name of the Trial Epoch with which this Element of the Arm is associated. Note: The same Element may occur more than once within an Arm. * indicates variable may be subject to sponsor-controlled terminology; ** indicates variable may be subject to external controlled terminology. CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 89 August 26, 2005 Perm CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 7.2.3 Trial Visits tv.xpt, Trial Visits, Version 3.1.1, August 26, 2005. One Record per Planned Visit per Arm Variable Variable Label Name Type Controlled Origin Terms or Format Role Char CRF Identifier Unique identifier for a study within the submission. Req Derived Identifier Two-character abbreviation for the domain most relevant to the observation Req CRF or Derived Topic Req STUDYID Study Identifier DOMAIN Domain Abbreviation Char VISITNUM Visit Number **TV Num CDISC Notes 1. Clinical encounter number Core 2. Numeric version of VISIT, used for sorting. VISIT Visit Name Char CRF or Derived Synonym 1. Protocol-defined description of clinical encounter. Qualifier 2. May be used in addition to VISITNUM and/or VISITDY as a text description of the clinical encounter. Perm VISITDY Planned Study Day of Num Visit CRF or Derived Timing Perm ARMCD Arm Code Char 1. Planned study day of VISIT. 2. Due to its sequential nature, used for sorting. * Derived Record 1 Short name of ARM, used for Qualifier programming and sorting. Exp 2. If the timing of visits for a trial does not depend on which ARM a subject is in, then ARMCD should be null. ARM Description of Arm Char TVSTRL Visit Start Rule TVENRL Visit End Rule * Derived Synonym 1. Name given to an Arm or Perm Qualifier Treatment Group. 2. If the timing of Visits for a trial does not depend on which Arm a subject is in, then Arm should be left blank. Char Derived Rule Rule describing when the Visit starts, Perm in relation to the sequence of Elements. Used only when Visits are dependent on occurrences within the study, not fixed by protocol. Char Sponsor Defined / Protocol Rule Rule describing when the Visit ends, Perm in relation to the sequence of Elements. * indicates variable may be subject to sponsor-controlled terminology; ** indicates variable may be subject to external controlled terminology. Page 90 August 26, 2005 CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 7.3 SUBJECT ELEMENTS AND VISITS While the Trial Elements, Trial Arms and Trial Visits datasets describe the planned design of the study, it is also necessary to collect the corresponding actual data. Subject assignment to an Arm is captured in the ARM variable in Demographics. Actual Elements and Visits data for each subject are described in two additional datasets: • The Subject Elements dataset (Table 7.3.1) • The Subject Visits dataset (Table 7.3.2). 7.3.1 Subject Elements se.xpt ,Subject Elements, Version 3.1.1, August 26, 2005. One record per Actual Element per Subject Variable Variable Label Name Type Controlled Origin Terms or Format Role STUDYID Study Identifier Char CRF Identifier Unique identifier for a study within the submission. DOMAIN Domain Abbreviation Char Derived Identifier Two-character abbreviation for the Req domain most relevant to the observation. USUBJID Unique Subject Identifier Char Sponsor Defined Identifier Unique subject identifier within the submission. Req SESEQ Sequence Number Num Derived Identifier Sequence number given to ensure uniqueness within dataset. Can be used to join related records. Req ETCD Subject Element Code Char Sponsor Defined Topic Req **SE * CDISC Notes Core 1. Short name of ELEMENT, used for programming and sorting. Req 2. If an encountered Element differs from the planned Element to the point that it is considered a new Element, then use 'UNPLAN' as the value for ETCD to represent this Element. ELEMENT Description of Subject Char Element * Sponsor Defined / Protocol Synonym The name of the Element. If an Perm Qualifier encountered Element differs from the planned ELEMENT to the point that it is considered a new ELEMENT, then ELEMENT should be Null SESTDTC Start Date/ Time of Element Char ISO 8601 CRF or Derived Timing Start date/time for an Element for each subject. Exp SEENDTC End Date/ Time of Element Char ISO 8601 CRF or Derived Timing End date/time of an Element for each subject. Exp SEUPDES Description of Unplanned Element Char Sponsor Defined Synonym Description of what happened to the Qualifier subject during this unplanned Element. Used only if ETCD has the value of 'UNPLAN'. * indicates variable may be subject to sponsor-controlled terminology; ** indicates variable may be subject to external controlled terminology. CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 91 August 26, 2005 Perm CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 7.3.2 Subject Visits sv.xpt, Subject Visits, Version 3.1.1, August 26, 2005. One record per Subject per Actual Visit Variable Variable Label Name Type Controlled Origin Terms or Format Role Char CRF Identifier Unique identifier for a study within Req the submission. Derived Identifier Two-character abbreviation for the domain most relevant to the observation. Char Sponsor Defined Identifier Unique subject identifier within the Req submission. Num CRF or Derived Topic STUDYID Study Identifier DOMAIN Domain Abbreviation Char USUBJID Unique Subject Identifier VISITNUM Visit Number **SV CDISC Notes Core Req 1. Clinical encounter number. Req (Decimal numbering may be useful for inserting unplanned visits.) 2. Numeric version of VISIT, used for sorting. VISIT Visit Name Char CRF or Derived Synonym 1. Protocol-defined description of Qualifier clinical encounter. Perm 2. May be used in addition to VISITNUM and/or VISITDY as a text description of the clinical encounter. VISITDY SVSTDTC Planned Study Day of Num Visit CRF or Derived Timing Planned study day of VISIT. Perm Start Date/Time of Visit Char ISO 8601 CRF or Derived Timing Start date/time for a Visit. Exp SVENDTC End Date/Time of Visit Char ISO 8601 CRF or Derived Timing End date/time of a Visit. Exp SVUPDES Char CRF or Derived Synonym Description of what happened to the Perm Qualifier subject during an unplanned visit. Description of Unplanned Visit * indicates variable may be subject to sponsor-controlled terminology; ** indicates variable may be subject to external controlled terminology. Page 92 August 26, 2005 CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 7.4 TRIAL ARMS The core of the Trial Design models is the Trial Arms domain (TA). It contains one record for each occurrence of an Element in each Arm of the trial. 7.4.1 Identifying Trial Arms Arms are a familiar concept in Clinical Trials. They usually correspond to treatment groups. Example: Figure 1 Flowchart, Parallel Trial Placebo Screen Run-in Drug A Drug B Figure 1 In this example, the number of Arms is three. However, in some trials with multiple branchings, the number of Arms in the trial may not be obvious. CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 93 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Example: Figure 2 Counting Arms in More Complex Trials Treatment A Open label Rescue Screen Open label Treatment B Rescue Randomization Response Evaluation Figure 2 In this example, subjects are randomized to one of two treatment groups. At the end of this first treatment period, they are assigned to one of two further treatment groups on the basis of their response to their initial period of treatment. The combination of these two major branchings results in four Arms for this trial. See Section 7.4.7 for additional considerations that arise in a multi-stage trial design like this one. See Section 7.4.3 for additional discussion of when a decision point in a trial design should be considered to give rise to a new Arm. 7.4.2 Developing the Trial Arms Table In Figure 1 (shown previously), the trial has three Arms. This diagram is similar to the kind of study schema or flowchart usually included in most trial protocols. The 'building blocks' shown in these diagrams are referred to within the Trial Design Model as 'Elements.' Further details on how Elements are defined are in Section 7.5 Parallel Trial Example: Figure 3 Page 94 August 26, 2005 CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Arms Representation, Parallel Trial Screen Run-in Placebo Screen Run-in Drug A Screen Run-in Drug B Randomization Figure 3 The trial design can be represented as three parallel Arms, as in this diagram. The screen and run-in Elements, which occur before the branching at the point of randomization, are repeated in each Arm. Note that the randomization is represented by red lines at the ends of the run-in Elements in the three Arms. Randomizations, and other branchings in the trial design, are represented by such markers between Elements. One kind of branching, other than a randomization, is an assignment based on the subject’s clinical response to treatment. This was mentioned in the example in Section 7.4.1. Branchings could also depend on a subject’s disease severity, or any other clinical finding. Another kind of branching occurs in dose-escalation cohort studies. In this kind of trial design, there are rules that say whether the next subject should be in the current cohort (receive the current dose level) depending on how many subjects are in the current cohort and what their response to treatment has been. For example, the rule might say that five subjects should be entered in each cohort, and that additional subjects would be added to a cohort if a certain proportion of subjects experienced dose-limiting toxicity. The rule might say that entry of subjects (and the addition of new cohorts) would stop when a certain proportion of subjects in such an enlarged cohort experiences doselimiting toxicity. CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 95 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) The diagram in Figure 3 can be further transformed into a table to aid in creating the trial design datasets. There is one row in the table for each Element in each Arm in Figure 3. Note how the column labeled 'Branch' captures the information represented by the red markers in the diagram. Note also that the value in the Branch column shows the randomization result that is needed for a subject to be in that Arm. ARMCD TAETORD ELEMENT Placebo 1 Screen Placebo 2 Run-In Placebo 3 Placebo A 1 Screen A 2 Run-In A 3 Drug A B 1 Screen B 2 Run-In B 3 Drug B TABRANCH Randomized to Placebo Randomized to Drug A Randomized to Drug B Crossover Trial Example: Figure 4 Flowchart, Crossover Trial Placebo Rest Screen 5 mg Rest 10 mg Follow up 5 mg Rest Placebo Rest 10 mg Follow up 5 mg Rest 10 mg Rest Placebo Follow up Figure 4 This trial is similar to the Parallel-Trial example, except that there are multiple treatment periods. Note that the Arms are distinguished by the order of treatments, rather than the presence of one treatment or another. Note also that rest Elements occur twice within each Arm. Page 96 August 26, 2005 CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) CrossOver Trial Example: Figure 5 Arms Representation, Crossover Trial Screen Placebo Rest 5 mg Rest 10 mg Follow up Screen 5 mg Rest Placebo Rest 10 mg Follow up Screen 5 mg Rest 10 mg Rest Placebo Follow up Randomization Figure 5 The trial design is represented with three parallel Arms. This transformation is similar to that shown in the Parallel Trial example (previously shown Figures1-3). As for the previous example, the diagram in Figure 5 can be further transformed into a table. Only the first 10 of the 21 rows of the table for this trial are shown in this example table. ARM TAETORD ELEMENT TABRANCH P-5-10 1 Screen Randomized to Placebo - 5 mg - 10 mg P-5-10 2 Placebo P-5-10 3 Rest P-5-10 4 5 mg P-5-10 5 Rest P-5-10 6 10 mg P-5-10 7 Follow-up 5-P-10 1 Screen 5-P-10 2 5 mg 5-P-10 3 Rest CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Randomized to 5 mg - Placebo - 10 mg Page 97 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Oncology Trial Example: Figure 6 Flowchart, Oncology Trial Repeat until disease progression Trt A Rest Follow up Trt B Rest Follow up Screen Figure 6 Many oncology trials feature repeating cycles of treatment. As indicated, there is a condition for repeating the cycle. Page 98 August 26, 2005 CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Oncology Trial Example: Figure 7 Flowchart with Repeats, Oncology Trial Trt A Rest Trt A Rest Trt A Rest Trt A Rest Follow up Screen Trt B Rest Trt B Rest Trt B Rest Trt B Rest Follow up Note: If protocol does not specify maximum number of cycles, use actual maximum number of cycles that occurred in trial. Figure 7 The first step in transforming this design into tabular format is to put in the repeating cycles, replacing the arrow indicating cycling through the treatment Element. If the protocol indicates a maximum number of permitted cycles, that number of cycles should be included. If the protocol does not specify a maximum, then use maximum number of cycles that actually occurred in the trial. At the time of submission, the trial has completed, and the maximum number of cycles is known. CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 99 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Oncology Trial Example: Figure 8 Arm Representation, Oncology Trial Transition rules: If disease progresses, skip forward Screen Trt A Rest Trt A Rest Trt A Rest Trt A Rest Follow up Screen Trt B Rest Trt B Rest Trt B Rest Trt B Rest Follow up Randomization Figure 8 This diagram shows parallel Arms, as before. The randomization is represented by red markers, as before. The green arrows represent the fact that subjects may not pass through all the cycles in the trial. In this case, a subject whose disease progresses will skip further treatment cycles and jump to the follow-up Element. In previous examples, the implicit rule was 'when the subject finishes one Element, move to the next.' In this trial, at the end of each Rest Element, the subject may move to one of two Elements. Thus there is a need for an explicit transition rule. As before, this diagram can be transformed into a table. However, this table requires another column, for the transition rule. If this column is blank, then the default transition rule, 'go to the next Element in sequence' is assumed. Only the rows for one Arm are shown in this example table. ARM TAETORD ELEMENT TABRANCH A 1 Screen Randomized to A A 2 Trt A A 3 Rest A 4 Trt A A 5 Rest A 6 Trt A A 7 Rest A 8 Trt A A 9 Rest A 10 Follow-up Page 100 August 26, 2005 TATRANS If disease progression, go to 10th Element. If disease progression, go to 10th Element. If disease progression, go to 10th Element. CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 7.4.3 Distinguishing between Branches and Transitions Both the Branch and Transition columns contain rules, but there are two columns because they represent two different types of rules. Branch rules represent forks in the trial flowchart, giving rise to separate Arms. The Branch rules thus appear in multiple Arms in the Trial Arms dataset. Within any one Arm, there is no choice in the value of the Branch condition. e.g., the subject must have been randomized to Arm A. Transition rules are used for choices within an Arm. In the Oncology example shown in Figure 8, subjects who receive 1, 2, 3, or 4 cycles are all considered to belong to Arm A. In modeling a trial, decisions may have to be made about whether a decision point in the flow chart represents the separation of two or more separate Arms, or simply to variations within the same Arm. This decision will depend on the comparisons of interest in the trial. 7.4.4 Trial Epoch Concept In all the trials we have considered thus far, the several trial Arms are similar in that they have the same numbers of Elements and the same pattern of treatment and non-treatment Elements. Example: Figure 9 Epochs, Crossover Trial 1 Screen 2 1st Trt 3 1st Rest 4 2ndTrt Screen Placebo Rest 5 mg 5 2nd Rest 6 3ndTrt 7 Follow-up Rest 10 mg Follow up Screen 5 mg Rest Placebo Rest 10 mg Follow up Screen 5 mg Rest 10 mg Rest Placebo Follow up Figure 9 This diagram shows the similarity between Arms by means of dotted vertical lines that divide the trial as a whole, across all Arms, into 'Epochs.' When the trial elements form a grid in this way, the rows are Arms and the columns are Epochs. The numbers assigned to the columns correspond to TAETORD, the 'Order' column in the example tables. The names assigned to the columns are the names of the Epochs. The names suggested in this example represent familiar concepts. Only the terminology 'Epoch' is new. The great majority of clinical trials, particularly blinded clinical trials, have this grid structure of Epochs and Arms. During the conduct of a blinded study, when the Arm assignment of a subject is unknown, a subject's progress through the trial must be spoken of in terms of Epochs, since the subject's specific treatment Elements are unknown. The concept of Epochs is not universally applicable. The following examples show trials for which Epochs are applicable and are not applicable and some that fall in a gray area. In Figure 9, the Elements of the Arms fall into columns because the blocks representing the Elements in a column all have the same width. The widths of these blocks represent the Element durations, which are determined by their CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 101 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) End Rules. (Element Start and End Rules are described in Section 7.5.) The following is a join of the TA and TE datasets for this trial (i.e., the TA dataset, to which the Start Rule (TESTRL) and Duration (TEDUR) from the TE dataset have been added). ARM TAETORD ELEMENT TESTRL P-5-10 1 Screen P-5-10 2 P-5-10 TEDUR TABRANCH Informed consent P14D Randomized to Placebo - 5 mg - 10 mg Placebo First dose of placebo P14D 3 Rest 48 hrs after last dose drug 7D P-5-10 4 5 mg First dose of 5 mg drug P14D P-5-10 5 Rest 48 hrs after last dose drug 7D P-5-10 6 10 mg First dose of 10 mg drug P14D P-5-10 7 Follow-up 48 hrs after last dose drug P21D 5-P-10 1 Screen Informed consent P14D 5-P-10 2 5 mg First dose of 5 mg drug P14D 5-P-10 3 Rest 48 hrs after last dose drug 7D 5-P-10 4 Placebo First dose of placebo P14D 5-P-10 5 Rest 48 hrs after last dose drug 7D 5-P-10 6 10 mg First dose of 10 mg drug P14D 5-P-10 7 Follow-up 48 hrs after last dose drug P21D 5-10-P 1 Screen Informed consent P14D 5-10-P 2 5 mg First dose of 5 mg drug P14D 5-10-P 3 Rest 48 hrs after last dose drug 7D 5-10-P 4 10 mg First dose of 10 mg drug P14D 5-10-P 5 Rest 48 hrs after last dose drug 7D 5-10-P 6 Placebo First dose of placebo P14D 5-10-P 7 Follow-up 48 hrs after last dose drug P21D Page 102 August 26, 2005 TEENRL Randomized to 5 mg Placebo - 10 mg Randomized to 5 mg 10 mg - Placebo CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Sorting this dataset by TAETORD displays the similarity between Elements with the same value of TAETORD. For each value of TAETORD, the End Rules are the same (not shown with the example) and the Start Rules are either the same or differ only by drug dose. Each value of TAETORD corresponds to an Epoch, and the associated Start and End Rules of the Elements associated with that value of TAETORD represent, in effect, the Start and End Rules for the associated Epoch. ARM TAETORD EPOCH ELEMENT TESTRL TEDUR TABRANCH 5-P-10 1 Trial Screen Screen Informed consent P14D Randomized to 5 mg/Placebo/10 mg P-5-10 1 Trial Screen Screen Informed consent P14D Randomized to Placebo/5 mg/10 mg 5-10-P 1 Trial Screen Screen Informed consent P14D Randomized to 5 mg/10 mg/Placebo 5-P-10 2 First Treatment 5 mg First dose of 5 mg drug P14D P-5-10 2 First Treatment Placebo First dose of placebo P14D 5-10-P 2 First Treatment 5 mg First dose of 5 mg drug P14D 5-P-10 3 First Rest Rest 48 hrs after last dose drug 7D P-5-10 3 First Rest Rest 48 hrs after last dose drug 7D 5-10-P 3 First Rest Rest 48 hrs after last dose drug 7D 5-P-10 4 Second Treatment Placebo First dose of placebo P14D P-5-10 4 Second Treatment 5 mg First dose of 5 mg drug P14D 5-10-P 4 Second Treatment 10 mg First dose of 10 mg drug P14D 5-P-10 5 Second Rest Rest 48 hrs after last dose drug 7D P-5-10 5 Second Rest Rest 48 hrs after last dose drug 7D 5-10-P 5 Second Rest Rest 48 hrs after last dose drug 7D 5-P-10 6 Third Treatment 10 mg First dose of 10 mg drug P14D P-5-10 6 Third Treatment 10 mg First dose of 10 mg drug P14D 5-10-P 6 Third Treatment Placebo First dose of placebo 14D 5-P-10 7 Trial Follow-up Follow-up 48 hrs after last dose drug P21D P-5-10 7 Trial Follow-up Follow-up 48 hrs after last dose drug P21D 5-10-P 7 Trial Follow-up Follow-up 48 hrs after last dose drug P21D CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 103 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Inconsistent numbers and durations of Elements Example: Figure 10 Trial with Inconsistent Numbers and Durations of Elements 1 1 2 2 3 4 3 5 4 6 5 7 8 6 9 7 10 8 Screen Trt B Trt A Rest B Rest A Follow-up Figure 10 The trial in Figure 10 compares cancer therapies given as 3-week and 4-week cycles. The table below is a join of TA and TE datasets for this trial, sorted by TAETORD. Note that the number of Elements in Arm A is different from the number of Elements in Arm B and that the Start and End Rules for Elements with the same value of TAETORD are only loosely comparable for the 2nd through the 7th Elements. It is questionable whether it would be meaningful to compare data for the 2nd Elements through the 7th Elements, not meaningful to compare the 8th Elements, and there are no 9th and 10th Elements in Arm B for comparison It would be reasonable to compare data for the Screen and Follow-up Elements. The existing Element variable is available for selecting data for this comparison, so it is not necessary to define Epochs to facilitate this comparison. ARM TAETORD A ELEMENT TESTRL TEDUR TABRANCH 1 Screen Informed consent 14D Randomized to A B 1 Screen Informed consent 14D Randomized to B A 2 Trt A First dose A 9D B 2 Trt B First dose B P7D A 3 Rest A 48 hrs after last dose A 12D If disease progresses, go to 10th Element B 3 Rest B 48 hrs after last dose B 21D If disease progresses, go to 8th Element A 4 Trt A First dose A 9D B 4 Trt B First dose B P7D A 5 Rest A 48 hrs after last dose A 12D If disease progresses, go to 10th Element B 5 Rest B 48 hrs after last dose B 21D If disease progresses, go to 8th Element Page 104 August 26, 2005 EPOCH TATRANS CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) ARM TAETORD A EPOCH ELEMENT TESTRL TEDUR 6 Trt A First dose A 9D B 6 Trt B First dose B P7D A 7 Rest A 48 hrs after last dose A 12D B 7 Rest B 48 hrs after last dose B 21D A 8 Trt A First dose A 9D B 8 Follow-up Decision not to treat further 90D A 9 Rest A 48 hrs after last dose A 12D A 10 Follow-up Decision not to treat further 90D TABRANCH TATRANS If disease progresses, go to 10th Element Inconsistent Element Durations Example: Figure 11 Trial with Inconsistent Element Durations 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 Screen Trt B Trt A Rest B Rest A Follow-up Figure 11 In the trial in Figure 11, the numbers of Elements are the same, and comparisons of the 2nd through 7th Elements of the two treatment Arms may be reasonable. The issue of whether Elements of different durations should be compared should be decided on the merits of the particular trial. CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 105 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Dissimilar treatments: Figure 12 Trial with Dissimilar Treatments 1 Screen 2 1 2 123 4 Drug Treatment Behavior Modification Pre-Op Surgery Post-Op Follow up A Follow up B Follow up C Figure 12 The trial shown in Figure 12 compares dissimilar treatments with different durations. The usefulness of comparisons between data from these different treatment Elements would depend on the particular trial. If such comparisons were desired, an alternate model that uses one Surgery treatment Element (combining Pre-Op, Surgery and Post-Op in one element), instead of the three Elements shown here, might be considered. See Section 7.5.1 for additional discussion of 'lumping' versus 'splitting' in defining Elements. 7.4.5 Rules concept The Branch and Transition columns shown in the example tables thus far are instances of a new concept being added to SDS in Version 3.1. A variable may have a Role of 'Rule.' The values of a Rule variable describe conditions for something happening. At the moment, values of Rule variables are text. At some point in the future, it is expected that these will be become executable code. Other Rule variables are present in the Trial Elements and Trial Visits domains. The value in the Branch rule gives conditions under which a subject was assigned to this Arm. A value in the Transition rule gives conditions under which a subject would move to an Element other than the next Element. 7.4.6 Recap of Trial Arms Variables Variables Purpose STUDYID, DOMAIN Identifiers ARM, ARMCD Name the Arm TAETORD Put Elements in order within the Arm ETCD, ELEMENT Name an Element within the Arm TABRANCH Mark a branch in the trial design at the end of the Element. A branch may be a randomization or another method of assignment to Arms Page 106 August 26, 2005 CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Variables Purpose TATRANS A rule for where to go at the end of the Element. A blank represents the default rule, 'go to the next Element in sequence.' EPOCH Permissible. Names the Trial Epoch with which the Element is associated. 7.4.7 Truncated Arms In trials with multiple branch points, such as that shown in Figure 2, some subjects may drop out of the study before they reach the second branch point. This raises the question how a value of ARM should be assigned to such a subject. We recommended adopting names for the Arms of a multi-branching trial that reflect the various branches. For example, the four Arms in the trial shown in Figure 2 could be named A-Open, A-Rescue, B-Open, and B-Rescue. ARM values of A and B can be used for subjects who do not reach the second branch point. Note that it may be necessary to create an Arm name for subjects who fail to reach the branch point even for a trial with only one Branch. For example, it might be necessary to submit data on subjects who drop out during the run-in Element in the trial in Figure 1. 7.5 TRIAL ELEMENTS Trial Elements (TE) contains one record for each type of Element in TA. It is like a key or legend for the TA domain. Note that although the same value of ELEMENT may appear in more than one record in the TA dataset, it will appear in just one record in the TE dataset. Examples: Figures 13, 14 and 15 show keys for Trial Elements added to the Trial Arms models shown previously in Figures 3, 5, and 8. Trial Elements Corresponding to Figure 3: Figure 13 Arms and Elements, Parallel Trial Screen Run-in Placebo Screen Run-in Drug A Screen Run-in Drug B 9 records in Trial Arms table Screen Run-in Placebo 5 records in Trial Elements table Drug A Drug B CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Figure 13 Page 107 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Trial Elements Corresponding to Figure 5: Figure 14 Arms and Elements, Crossover Trial Screen Placebo Rest 5 mg Rest 10 mg Follow up Screen 5 mg Rest Placebo Rest 10 mg Follow up Screen 5 mg Rest 10 mg Rest Placebo Follow up Screen Placebo 5 mg 10 mg 21 records in Trial Arms table 6 records in Trial Elements table Rest Figure 14 Follow up Trial Elements Corresponding to Figure 8: Figure 15 Arms and Elements, Oncology Trial Screen Trt A Rest Trt A Rest Trt A Rest Trt A Rest Follow up Screen Trt B Rest Trt B Rest Trt B Rest Trt B Rest Follow up 20 records in Trial Arms table Screen Trt A Trt B 5 records in Trial Elements table Rest Follow up Page 108 August 26, 2005 Figure 15 CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 7.5.1 Identifying Trial Elements An Element is a building block for creating Arms. Or, from another point of view, an Arm is composed of Elements (i.e., the trial design assigns subjects to Arms, which are comprised of steps called Elements). Trial Elements represent an interval of time in which certain activities are planned for the subjects participating in the trial. Both the activities and the time description are essential to the concept of the Element. The activities may be run-ins, wash-outs, drug treatments, or other interventions. The time description defines an interval of time, with a start and an end, during which the activities are planned to take place. Assumption: There are no gaps between Elements. The instant one Element ends, the next Element begins. A subject spends no time 'between Elements.' Since an Element is defined by both a period of time and what is happening to the subject during that time, 'Week 2 to Week 4' is not a valid Element. 'Two weeks of treatment with Drug A' is a valid Element. Elements may describe periods of non-treatment as well as periods of treatment. Common kinds of non-treatment Elements include washout, rest, and follow-up periods. Deciding how finely to divide trial time when identifying trial Elements is a matter of judgment. For example, a trial might include a dose titration, spelled out as one week each at a series of increasing doses until certain conditions are met. The trial design could be modeled in any of the following ways: • using several one-week Elements at specific doses, followed by an Element of variable length at the chosen dose, • as a titration Element of variable length followed by a constant dosing Element of variable length • one Element with dosing determined by titration The choice of model will depend on how the data will be analyzed and reported. If it is important to examine side effects or lab values at each individual dose, the first model is appropriate. If it is important only to identify the time to achieve titration, the second model might be appropriate. If the titration process is routine and of little interest, the third model might be adequate for the purposes of this trial. Oncology trials with cycles of treatment and rest present another example where the needs of the trial will determine whether the trial should be modeled with two Elements per cycle, as in Figure 8 (previously shown), or with one Element per cycle, as in Figure 16 below. Oncology Trial, One Element per Cycle: Figure 16 Transition rules: If disease progresses, skip forward Screen Trt A Trt A Trt A Trt A Follow up Screen Trt B Trt B Trt B Trt B Follow up Randomization Figure 16 CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 109 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 7.5.2 Developing the Trial Elements Table An Element’s name usually describes what happens to the subject during the Element. The time period associated with an Element is expressed in two Rules, the Element Start and Element End Rules. If the element is of fixed duration, then the Element Duration variable should also be populated. Element Start Rules identify the time point at which a subject is considered to have entered an Element. Many analyses depend on placing data in the proper Element, so the Element Start Rules should be as clear as possible, and should be chosen with consideration for planned analyses. Treatment Elements are usually considered to start with the beginning of the Element treatment (e.g., with the first dose of the relevant drug). The Start Rules for non-treatment Elements can be more difficult to define. They will often be defined relative to the end of the preceding treatment. For example, a wash-out period might be defined as starting 24 or 48 hours after the last dose of drug for the preceding treatment period. Defining a clear start point for the start of a non-treatment Element that follows another non-treatment Element can be difficult. The Element Start Rule for a treatment Element may be thought of as 'active' and the Element Start Rule for a nontreatment Element as 'passive.' The start of a treatment Element will not occur until a dose is given, no matter how long that dose is delayed. Once the last dose is given, the start of the subsequent non-treatment Element is inevitable, as long as another dose is not given. Element End Rules are rather different from Element Start Rules. The actual end of one Element is the beginning of the next Element. Thus the Element End Rule does not give the conditions under which an Element does end, but the conditions under which it should end. The most common type of Element End Rule is the rule for an Element of fixed duration. Such a rule might be expressed as '14 days after Element starts' or, perhaps more realistically, as '1216 days after Element starts.' Element End Rules may also depend on other conditions. For instance, a typical criterion for ending a rest Element between oncology chemotherapy treatment Elements would be, '15 days after start of Element and after WBC values have recovered'. There is not yet a standardized method for expressing rules in computer-executable form. However, for the most common type of Element End Rule, for elements of fixed duration, we can easily express element duration. Thus, a variable for Element Duration has been included in the model. Page 110 August 26, 2005 CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Example: Trial Elements table for the parallel trial shown in Figure 13 ELEMENT TESTRL TEENRL TEDUR Screen Informed consent 1 week after start of element P7D Run-In Eligibility confirmed 2 weeks after start of element P14D Placebo First dose of placebo 2 weeks after start of element P14D Drug A First dose of Drug A 2 weeks after start of element P14D Drug B First dose of Drug B 2 weeks after start of element P14D Example: Trial Elements table for the crossover trial shown in Figure 14 ELEMENT TESTRL TEENRL TEDUR Screen Informed consent 2 weeks after start of element P14D Placebo First dose of placebo 2 weeks after start of element P14D 5 mg First dose of 5 mg drug 2 weeks after start of element P14D 10 mg First dose of 10 mg drug 2 weeks after start of element P14D Rest 48 hrs after last dose drug 1 week after start of element P7D Follow-up 48 hrs after last dose drug 3 weeks after start of element P21D The transition between one Element and the next can be complex, since it may involve meeting criteria for ending one Element, evaluating criteria for choosing which Element to go to next, and actually taking the action that initiates the new Element. For example, in the trial shown in Figure 15, the Trial Elements dataset might be as follows: ELEMENT TESTRL TEENRL TEDUR Screen Consent 2 weeks after start of element P14D Trt A First dose drug 5 days after start of element P5D Trt B First dose drug 16 days after start of element and WBC recovers Rest Last dose + 24 hrs 16 days after start of element and WBC recovers Follow-up Decision not to treat further 4 weeks P28D A subject in the 3rd Element (Trt B) must meet the Element End criteria (16 days pass and WBC recovers), then be evaluated to see whether disease has progressed. If it has not progressed, they must still wait until the first dose of the 4th Element is administered before they can be considered to be in the 4th Element. During the whole time from meeting the Element End criteria to meeting the new Element Start criteria, the subject stays in the 'old' Element. See Section 7.7.2 for a discussion of unplanned Elements. CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 111 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 7.5.3 Recap of Trial Elements Variables Variables Purpose STUDYID, DOMAIN Identifiers ETCD, ELEMENT Name the Element TESTRL Rule describing the time point that defines the start of the Element TEENRL, TEDUR Rule describing when the Element should end and its duration (if the element is of fixed duration) 7.5.4 Distinguishing Elements from Epochs Figure 9, which was used to introduce the concept of trial Epoch is also useful for showing how the concepts of Elements and Epoch can be confused. Note that the natural name for the first Epoch is 'Screen,' which is also the natural name of the Element that appears in each Arm in this Epoch. The same is true for the 7th Epoch, where the Epoch and the Elements in the Epoch are both named 'Follow-up.' Clearly, it will be easy to confuse Element and Epoch in these cases. We recommend avoiding using the same names for Elements and Epochs. One possible solution is to prefix Epoch names with the word 'trial', on the grounds that an Epoch is a feature of the trial as a whole. In the example, 'Trial Screen' would be the Epoch, while 'Screen' would be the Element In the treatment Epochs of this trial, the Epoch describes a period of time in the trial, First, Second, or Third Treatment, while the Elements describe particular treatments which may occur during different Epochs of the trial. This trial has First and Second Rest Epochs, which are populated by the one Rest Element in this trial. It may be useful to think of a trial design as a table like the following, with a row for each Arm and a column for each Epoch. Trial Screen First Treatment First Second Treatment Second Rest Third Treatment Trial 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 P-5-10 Screen Placebo Rest 5 mg Rest 10 mg Follow-up 5-P-10 Screen 5 mg Rest Placebo Rest 10 mg Follow-up 5-10-P Screen 5 mg Rest 10 mg Rest Placebo Follow-up Rest Follow-up The bold column headers are the names of the Epochs. The secondary column headers (1, 2, etc.) show how each value of TAETORD in this trial corresponds to an Epoch. The bold row labels are the names of the Arms. The cells are filled with the names of the Elements in the trial Arms. For some analysis purposes, one would want to group data by Element, but for other purposes, data would be grouped by Epoch or TAETORD. In this crossover trial, for instance, comparisons of incidences of side affects of the different treatments would group data by Element (Placebo vs. 5 mg vs. 10 mg). The analysis of PK results for this trial would include both treatment and period effects in the model. 'Treatment effect' derives from Element (Placebo vs. 5 mg vs. 10 mg), while 'Period effect' derives from the EPOCH (1st, 2nd, or 3rd Treatment), which is in turn associated with TAETORD (2nd vs. 4th. vs. 6th Element). Page 112 August 26, 2005 CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 7.6 TRIAL VISITS Trial Visits (TV) describes the planned visits in a trial. 7.6.1 Identifying Trial Visits The SDS definition of Visit is a clinical encounter. Assessments and procedures are planned at Visits. Assumption: Visits have both a start and an end. For many trials, the exact timing and duration of Visits are not important, but for other trials this detail is needed, so both start and end are included in the model. Assumption: A Visit may start in one Element and end in another. Example: Visits in clinical pharmacology trials are often planned to include a series of timed assessments (a profile) associated with a dose of drug. The dose is often the start of an Element. The planned Visit might start a hour before the dose (the end of the current Element) and end eight hours after the dose (the beginning of the new Element), to allow for pre-dose assessments and a series of post-dose assessments. The term 'Visit' reflects the fact that data in out-patient studies is usually collected when the subject Visits the clinic. Diary data and other data collected outside the clinic may not fit the usual concept of a Visit, but the planned times of collection of such data may be described as 'Visits' in the Trial Visits dataset. The description of planned 'Visits' may also require careful thought for studies of hospitalized subjects. 7.6.2 Developing the Trial Visits Table For most trials, particularly blinded trials, the timing of Visits does not depend on Arm. However, planned Visits may be different for different Arms in the trial, so ARM and ARMCD are included in the Trial Visits dataset. If planned Visits do not depend on Arm, ARM and ARMCD can be left blank. If planned Visits do depend on Arm, records for planned Visits for each Arm should be submitted. The trial shown in Figure 12 would probably have different planned Visits for each Arm. Visit Start Rules are different from Element Start Rules because they usually describe when a Visit should occur, rather than the moment at which a Visit is considered to start. There are usually gaps between Visits, periods of time that do not belong to any Visit, so it usually not necessary to identify the moment when one Visit stops and another starts. However, some trials of hospitalized subjects may divide time into Visits in a manner more like that used for Elements. Visit Start Rules are usually expressed relative to the start or end of an Element, e.g., '1-2 hours before end of 3rd Element' or '8 weeks after end of 2nd Element.' Note that the Visit may or may not occur during the Element used as the reference for Visit Start Rule. For example, a trial with variable Elements might plan a Visit 6 months after the start of the first treatment period, regardless of the Element the subject is in at that time. Visit End Rules are similar to Element End Rules, describing when a Visit should end. They may be expressed relative to the start or end of an Element, or relative to the start of the Visit. Ranges may be used to describe the planned timing of Visits (e.g., 12-16 days after the start of 2nd Element), but this is different from the 'windows' that may be used in selecting data points to be included in an analysis associated with that Visit. For example, although Visit 2 was planned for 12-16 days after the start of treatment, data collected 1018 days after the start of treatment might be included in a 'Visit 1' analysis. The two ranges serve different purposes. Unplanned Visits are discussed further in Section 7.8. CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 113 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Trial Visits Example: Figure 17 Trial Visits 1 2 3 4 Screen Run-in Placebo Screen Run-in Drug A Screen Run-in Drug B 5 Figure 17 The trial shown in Figure 17 might have the following Trial Visits dataset: VISITNUM TVSTRL TVENRL st 1 Start of 1 Element 1 hour after start of visit 2 30 minutes before end of 1st Element 30 minutes after start of 2nd Element 3 30 minute before end of 2nd Element 1 hour after start of 3rd Element 4 1 week after start of 3rd Element 1 hour after start of visit rd 5 7.6.3 2 weeks after start of 3 Element 1 hour after start of visit Recap of Trial Visits Variables Variables Purpose STUDYID, DOMAIN Identifiers VISIT, VISITNUM, VISITDY Name and order the visits ARM, ARMCD Blank if visit schedule does not depend on Arm. Names of the ARM if visit schedule does depend on Arm. TVSTRL Rule describing when the visit should start. Usually expressed relative to starts or ends of Elements described using TAETORD. TVENRL Rule describing when the visit should end. Usually expressed relative to the start of the Element, or to starts or ends of Elements described using TAETORD. Page 114 August 26, 2005 CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 7.7 SUBJECT ELEMENTS Subject Elements (SE) describes the sequence of Elements a subject passed through, with their start and stop date/times. Note there is no need for a Subject Arms dataset, because the Arm for each subject is represented in the Demography (DM) dataset. The subject Element start date/times allow a comparison of the sequence of Elements a subject actually passed through to the planned sequence of Elements for the Arm to which they were assigned. The date/times in Subject Elements also allows any date/time to be placed within one Element. This assignment of data to actual Elements is often used in analyses. Subject Elements data involves judgment and interpretation. 7.7.1 Identifying Subject Elements The Element Start Rules in the Trial Elements dataset should allow identification of the Elements the subject passed through and the derivation of start date/times for each subject Element. This derivation may be more or less difficult, depending on the trial design, on how well the Element Start Rules have been defined, and on how well the date/times associated with the transition from one Element to the next have been collected. Note that this process of matching the subject’s actual experience with planned Elements involves judgment, and may be open to interpretation. The programming used to derive subject Elements will incorporate decisions about how close a match a time period and its treatments have to be to the plan to be considered a 'match.' For instance if the plan included Elements with treatment doses of 5 mg and 10 mg, is a period of treatment with a dose of 7 mg a '5mg' Element? If an Element is planned to last 2 weeks but actually lasts 6 weeks, is this a match? It is usually better to associate subject experience with one of the planned Elements, than to describe, note or summarize deviations from the plan, but this is a matter of judgment. 7.7.2 Unplanned Elements It is usually better to parse a subject’s time in the trial into segments labeled with names from the list of planned Elements, but occasionally a subject departs so much from plan that a decision is made to label a part of the subject’s experience as an unplanned Element. Example: A crossover trial that involves three single doses of drug, one each week for three weeks. The period from one dose to the next is considered a treatment Element. A subject is enrolled in the trial and completes two of the doses. He departs for a month-long trip. On his return, he is given the third dose, then returns for follow-up a week later. It is decided that only the first week after the second dose should be considered as belonging to the second treatment Element. The remaining 3 weeks before the third dose is labeled an 'Unplanned' Element. Example: A trial involves treatment with an IV drug that is prepared in the hospital pharmacy. By error, the subject receives only one tenth of the planned dose. The error is discovered, and the subject is treated again, with the correct dose. It is decided to label the period starting with the initiation of the erroneous infusion and ending the initiation of the correct infusion an 'unplanned' Element. If an unplanned Element occurs, a record for the unplanned Element should be included in SE. For this record, ETCD cannot be populated with any of the values associated with planned Elements. It is recommended that the SE record for the unplanned Element use 'UNPLAN' as the value for ETCD, that ELEMENT be left blank, and that a description of the unplanned Element be given in SEUPDES. 7.7.3 Deriving SE End Date/Times Because there are no gaps between Elements, once subject Element start date/times have been derived for all Elements, the derivation of all but one of the subject end date/times is trivial. For all subject Elements except the last, the end date/time of the Element is equal to the start date time of the next Element. CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 115 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) It may be desirable to define RFENDTC (in the DM domain) as the end date/time for the end of the last subject element date/time. 7.7.4 Recap of Subject Elements Variables Variables Purpose STUDYID, DOMAIN, USUBJID Identifiers ETCD, ELEMENT Name this Element in the subject’s course SESTDTC, SEENDTC Date/times of start and end of the Element for the subject SEUPDES Permissible variable. Blank except for unplanned Elements. Describes the unplanned Element. 7.7.5 Using Subject Elements Data to Place Subject Data within an Element or Epoch SDS V3 contained deprecated Period, Phase, and Cycle variables. The date/times in SE allow any date/time to be placed in one subject Element, or before the first subject Element (before the trial) or after the last subject Element (after the trial). Thus, if the subject Elements dataset is submitted, the deprecated period, phase, and cycle variables are not needed. An observation date/time may be compared to the date/times in the Subject Elements dataset in order to place that observation in the proper element. However, if the date/time of the observation is equal to the end date/time of one element and the start date/time of the following element, then it is not immediately clear whether the observation should be assigned to the element that is ending or to the element that is starting. Thus Sponsors should choose a convention for assigning observations to one element or the other, and document the convention. It will be particularly important to specify this convention if date/times are collected only to the nearest day, when "ties" of this kind will be fairly common. The sequence of subject Elements may be compared to the planned sequence of Elements for the Arm to which the subject was assigned. If the sequences match (or if the actual sequence is a truncated version of the planned sequence, as when a subject withdraws early) then it makes sense to associate a value of TAETORD with each subject Element. For trials with Epochs, values of EPOCH may also be associated with subject Elements. If a subject’s planned and actual sequences of Elements do not match, then it may not make sense to associate values of TAETORD or EPOCH with the subject Elements, depending on the use that is being made of TAETORD or EPOCH. 7.8 SUBJECT VISITS Subject Visits (SV) describes the visits a subject passed through, with their start and end date/times. 7.8.1 Identifying Subject Visits Visit start and end date/times are usually collected directly. In many studies, only a single visit date is collected for each visit. This single date can be used to populate both start and end date/time. Unplanned Visits commonly occur in clinical trials, and records for unplanned visits should be included in SV. Mechanisms for labeling unplanned visits are in common use. SDS is not recommending particular conventions for populating VISIT, VISITNUM, and VISITDY for unplanned visits at this time. Page 116 August 26, 2005 CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 7.8.2 Recap of Subject Visits Variables Variables Purpose STUDYID, DOMAIN, USUBJID Identifiers VISIT, VISITNUM, VISITDY Variables that name and order the visits SVSTDTC, SVENDTC Date/times of start and end of this visit for this subject SVUPDES Permissible variable. Blank except for unplanned Visits. Describes the unplanned Visit. 7.9 TRIAL INCLUSION/EXCLUSION CRITERIA The Trial Inclusion Exclusion Domain (TI) is not subject oriented. It contains all the inclusion and exclusion criteria for the trial, and thus provides information that may not be present in the subject-level data on inclusion and exclusion criteria. The IE Domain (described in Section 6.3.2) contains records only for inclusion and exclusion criteria that a subject did not meet, and thus includes only criteria which one or more subjects failed to meet. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria are rules, so the TI domain includes both the familiar text version of a criterion, IETEST, and a Rule version, TIRL. ti.xpt, Trial Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria, Version 3.1.1. August 26, 2005. One record per I/E criterion Variable Label Type Controlled Origin Terms or Format Role STUDYID Study Identifier Char CRF Identifier Unique identifier for a study within the submission. DOMAIN Domain Abbreviation Char **TI Derived Identifier Two-character abbreviation for the domain. Req IETESTCD Inclusion/Exclusion Criterion Short Name Char * Sponsor Defined Topic IETEST Inclusion/Exclusion Criterion Char * Sponsor Defined / Synonym Full text of the inclusion or exclusion Req Protocol Qualifier criterion. The prefix “IE” is used to ensure consistency with the IE domain. IECAT Inclusion//Exclusion Category Char *INCLUSI Sponsor Defined ON, EXCLUSI ON Grouping 'Used to categorization of the inclusion or Qualifier exclusion criteria. TIRL Inclusion/Exclusion Criterion Rule Char Rule Variable Name CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Sponsor Defined CDISC Notes Core Req Short name IETEST. It can be used as a Req column name when converting a dataset from a vertical to a horizontal format. The value in IETESTCD cannot be longer than 8 characters, nor can it start with a number (e.g.,'1TEST'). IETESTCD cannot contain characters other than letters, numbers, or underscores. The name “IE” prefix is used to ensure consistency with the IE domain. Req Optional rule that expresses the criterion in Perm computer-executable form. Page 117 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 7.10 TRIAL SUMMARY INFORMATION The Trial Summary Model allows the sponsors to submit a summary of the trial in a structured format. The Trial Summary dataset contains values for each characteristic described for a trial. Trial Summary is used to record basic information about the study such as trial phase, protocol title, and trial objectives. The Trial Summary domain contains information about the planned trial characteristics such as length of trial, planned number of subjects, planned maximum age of subject and others. The Trial Summary (TS) domain does not contain subject level data or data that can be derived from subject data. Thus, for example, it includes the number of subjects planned for the trial but not the number of subjects enrolled in the trial. ts.xpt, Trial Summary, Version 3.1.1, August 26, 2005. One record per trial summary parameter Variable Label Variable Name Type STUDYID Study Identifier DOMAIN Domain Char Abbreviation Sequence Num Number Controlled Terms or Format Char Origin Derived **TS Role CDISC Notes Identifier Unique identifier for a study within the submission. Derived Identifier Two-character abbreviation for the domain most relevant to the observation. TSSEQ Derived Identifier Sequence number given to ensure uniqueness within a dataset. Allows inclusion of multiple records for the same parm, and can be used to join related records. TSPARMCD Trial Char ** Derived Topic Short name for the Parameter described in TSPARM. The value in TSPARMCD cannot be longer than 8 Summary Parameter characters, nor can it start with a number. TSPARMCD cannot contain characters other than letters, numbers, or Short Name underscores. Examples: DESIGN, MASK, COMPTRT TSPARM Trial Char ** Derived Synonym Term for the Trial Summary Parameter. The value in Summary Qualifier TSPARM cannot be longer than 40 characters. Parameter Examples: Description Of Trial Design, Trial Blinding Schema, Comparative Name Of Treatment TSVAL Value of TSPARM. Example: 'ASTHMA' when Derived Result Parameter Char ** Qualifier TSPARM value is 'Trial Indications'. TSVAL cannot Value be null – a value is required for the record to be valid. The first 200 characters of TSVAL will be in TSVAL, then next 200 in TSVAL1, and continuing as needed to TSVALn. * indicates variable may be subject to sponsor-controlled terminology; ** indicates variable may be subject to external controlled terminology. Core Req Req Req Req Req Req Assumptions for Trial Summary (TS) domain model 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1 The intent of the domain model is to provide a summary of the trial information. This is not subject level data. TSVAL may have controlled terminology depending on the value of TSPARMCD, see appendix 10.3.5 "Trial Summary" for more information. Trial Summary is similar to the COMMENTS special-purpose domain. It allows for one value to span multiple variables (TSVAL-TSVALn) in order to accommodate values longer than 200 characters.1 The TSPARMCD value 'PHASE' is not defined with any exactness since it can vary by drug class. For LENGTH OF TRIAL is defined as the planned length of time for a subject's participation. For "LENGTH OF TRIAL", units for duration are not needed. See Section For some trials, there will be multiple records in the Trial Summary dataset for a single parameter such as. "TYPE OF TRIAL" since a trial could be for both the Safety and Efficacy parameters. In this case, when TSPARMCD=TYPE there will be two records for TSVAL, one with the value of 'SAFETY' and the other with the value of 'EFFICACY'. Allowing for multiple variables per comment is an interim solution until the limitations posed by SAS® Version 5 transport files are eliminated. Page 118 August 26, 2005 CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 7.11 HOW TO MODEL THE DESIGN OF A CLINICAL TRIAL The following steps allow the modeler to move from familiar concepts, such as Arms, to less familiar concepts, such as Elements and Epochs. The actual process of modeling a trial may depart from these numbered steps. Some steps will overlap, there may be several iterations, and not all steps are relevant for all studies. 1. Start from the flow chart or schema diagram usually included in the trial protocol. This diagram will show how many arms the trial has, and the branch points, or decision points, where the arms diverge. 2. Write down the decision rule for each branching point in the diagram. Does the assignment of a subject to an arm depend on a randomization? On whether the subject responded to treatment? On some other criterion? 3. If the trial has multiple branching points, check whether all the branches that have been identified really lead to different Arms. The Arms will relate to the major comparisons the trial is designed to address. For some trials, there may be a group of somewhat different paths through the trial that are all considered to belong to a single Arm. 4. For each arm, identify the major time periods of treatment and non-treatment a subject assigned to that arm will go through. These are the Elements, or building blocks, of which the Arm is composed. 5. Define the starting point of each Element. Define the rule for how long the Element should last. Determine whether the element is of fixed duration. 6. Re-examine the sequences of Elements that make up the various Arms and consider alternative Element definitions. Would it be better to 'split' some Elements into smaller pieces or 'lump' some Elements into larger pieces? Such decisions will depend on the aims of the trial and plans for analysis. 7. Compare the various Arms. In most clinical trials, especially blinded trials, the pattern of Elements will be similar for all Arms, and it will make sense to define Trial Epochs. Assign names to these Epochs. During the conduct of a blinded trial, it will not be known which Arm a subject has been assigned to, or which treatment Elements they are experiencing, but the Epochs they are passing through will be known. 8. Identify the Visits planned for the trial. Define the planned start timings for each visit, expressed relative to the ordered sequences of Elements that make up the Arms. Define the rules for when each visit should end. 9. Identify the inclusion and exclusion criteria to be able to populate the TI domain. CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 119 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 8 Representing Data Relationships Although each domain in a regulatory submission is defined to stand alone as a separate dataset, there are many occasions when it is necessary or desirable to represent relationships among datasets or records, such as relationships between separate domains, or between domains and other special-purpose datasets. In some cases, this is necessary because the fixed structure of the SDTM observation classes restricts the ability of sponsors to represent data that do not entirely fit within those structures. The SDTM accommodates five distinct types of relationships, which are described in more detail in subsequent sections. • Section 8.1 describes a relationship between a group of records for a given subject within the same domain. • Section 8.2 describes a relationship between independent records (usually in separate domains) for a subject, such as a concomitant medication taken to treat an adverse event. • Section 8.3 describes a relationship between two (or more) datasets where all the records of one (or more) dataset(s) have parent or counterpart record(s) in another dataset (or datasets). • Section 8.4 describes a dependent relationship between data that cannot be represented by a standard variable in the general class and a parent record (or records) within a domain. • Section 8.5 describes a dependent relationship between a comment and a parent record (or records) in other domains, such as a comment recorded with an adverse event. • Section 8.6 discusses the concept of related datasets and whether to place additional data in a domain or supplemental qualifier table See appendix 10.6 for a proposed approach for modeling findings data that may refer to interventions or events information. All relationships make use of the standard domain identifiers, STUDYID, DOMAIN, and USUBJID. In addition, the variables IDVAR and IDVARVAL are essential for identifying the record-level merge/join keys. The specific set of identifiers necessary to properly identify each type of relationship is described in detail in the following sections. The Sequence Number (--SEQ) variable uniquely identifies a record for a given USUBJID within a domain. --SEQ is required in all domains except DM. For example, if subject 1234-2003 has 25 adverse event records in the adverse event (AE) domain, AESEQ values for this subject should be the numbers 1 to 25, with numbering starting over with 1 for the next subject. Numbers may, however, be omitted from the sequence if the sponsor assigns the numbers early in the process and subsequently deletes some records. The Reference Identifier (--REFID) variable can be used to capture a sponsor-defined or external identifier, such as an identifier provided in an electronic data transfer. Some examples are lab-specimen identifiers, ECG identifiers, or image filename identifier (sometimes used to reference external files such as medical images or waveform ECGs). --REFID is permissible in all domains, but never required. Values for --REFID are sponsor defined and can be any alphanumeric strings the sponsor chooses, consistent with their internal practices. The Group Identifier (--GRPID) variable is explained below in section 8.1. Page 120 August 26, 2005 CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 8.1 RELATING GROUPS OF RECORDS WITHIN A DOMAIN The optional grouping identifier variable --GRPID is permissible in all domains that are based on the general observation classes to identify relationships between records within a domain (such as Intervention records for a combination therapy). The relationship is defined by assigning the same unique (within USUBJID) character value to the --GRPID variable. All records for a subject in a domain are considered to be related when they have the same --GRPID value. The --GRPID values are only meaningful within the domain, and in the Relate Records (RELREC), Supplemental Qualifiers (SUPPQUAL), and Comments (COMMENTS) datasets, as described in subsequent sections. The values used for --GRPID can be any values the sponsor chooses; however, the philosophy for assigning values should be consistent across the submission to avoid confusion. For example, --GRPID could be any or all of the following: The therapy name for multiple exposure records associated with a combination therapy A sponsor-defined term used to group sets of questions together in the Questionnaire (QS) domain Any sponsor-defined constant value used to group multiple concomitant medications together to indicate they were all taken to treat the same condition. Using --GRPID in the SDS Domains can be helpful to reduce the number of records in the RELREC, SUPPQUAL, and COMMENTS datasets when it is necessary to use those datasets to capture/identify relationships/associations for records or values to a 'group' of parent/peer records. 8.1.1 --GRPID Example The following table illustrates how to use --GRPID in the Concomitant Medications (CM) domain to identify a combination therapy. Note that the example only includes the most relevant variables from CM for this example; the complete CM domain might include other variables not shown below. In this example, subject 1234 has reported two combination therapies, each consisting of three separate medications. Each component of a combination is given the same value for GRPID. STUDYID DOMAIN USUBJID CMSEQ CMGRPID CMTRT CMDECOD CMDOSE CMDOSU CMSTDTC CMENDTC 1234 CM 1234 1 COMBO THPY 1 Verbatim Med A Generic Med A 100 mg 2004-01-17 2004-01-19 1234 CM 1234 2 COMBO THPY 1 Verbatim Med B Generic Med B 50 mg 2004-01-17 2004-01-19 1234 CM 1234 3 COMBO THPY 1 Verbatim Med C Generic Med C 200 mg 2004-01-17 2004-01-19 1234 CM 1234 4 COMBO THPY 2 Verbatim Med D Generic Med D 150 mg 2004-01-21 2004-01-22 1234 CM 1234 5 COMBO THPY 2 Verbatim Med E Generic Med E 100 mg 2004-01-21 2004-01-22 1234 CM 1234 6 COMBO THPY 2 Verbatim Med F Generic Med F 75 mg 2004-01-21 2004-01-22 CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 121 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 8.2 RELATING PEER RECORDS IN SEPARATE DATASETS The Related Records (RELREC) dataset is used to describe relationships between records in two (or more) datasets, such as an Event record and an Intervention record, or a Finding record and an Event record. A relationship is defined by creating RELREC records for each of the records to be related and by assigning a unique character identifier value for the relationship. Each RELREC record contains keys that identify a record (or group of records) and the relationship identifier, which is stored in the RELID variable. The value of RELID can be any constant value chosen by the sponsor. Records expressing a relationship are specified using the keys STUDYID, RDOMAIN, and USUBJID, which are populated with the values for STUDYID, DOMAIN, and USUBJID from the SDS domain records, along with an IDVAR and an IDVARVAL. Single records can be related by using --SEQ in IDVAR. Groups of records can be specified by using --GRPID in IDVAR and the appropriate --GRPID value in IDVARVAL. Using the optional grouping identifier variable --GRPID (see section 8.1) to group a set of related records in the domains can be a more efficient method of representing relationships in RELREC, such as when relating an adverse event (or events) to a “group” of concomitant medications taken to treat the adverse event(s). For example, suppose adverse events are determined at the investigational site to be associated with the administration of a concomitant medication used in standard care. Since the adverse events and the concomitant medication are captured in separate domains, a separate record in the RELREC dataset must be used to describe the observed association among these records. The RELREC dataset should be used only when the sponsor either: 1. Collects information about explicit relationships, such as concomitant medications taken as a result of an adverse event 2. Determines there is a scientific rationale or reporting need to identify relationships after data collection such as determining that an adverse event was due to a concomitant medication, or 3. Collects information of a nature that necessitates using multiple datasets, as described in section 8.3. This is not to imply that a sponsor should retrospectively identify all potential relationships in the RELREC dataset; instead, the purpose of the RELREC dataset is to give sponsors a standardized way to represent such relationships when a sponsor identifies a specific need to do so. The RELREC dataset should only be used to associate entire observations on a one-to-one or one-to-many level. Additional Qualifier variables that cannot be represented in existing variables in Findings, Interventions, or Events domains should be represented using the Supplemental Qualifiers (SUPPQUAL) dataset, which is described in Section 8.4. Page 122 August 26, 2005 CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 8.2.1 RELREC Dataset relrec.xpt, Related Records, Version 3.1.1, August 26, 2005. One record per record or domain relationship Variable Variable Label Type CDISC Notes STUDYID Study Identifier Char Study Identifier of the SDS domain record(s). RDOMAIN Related Domain Abbreviation Char* Domain Abbreviation of the SDS domain record(s). USUBJID Unique Subject Identifier Char Unique Subject Identifier of the SDS domain record(s). IDVAR Identifying Variable Char** Value of the identifying variable in the general class dataset that identifies the related record(s). Examples include --SEQ and --GRPID. IDVARVAL Identifying Variable Value Char Value of identifying variable described in IDVAR. If --SEQ is the variable being used to describe this record, then the value of --SEQ would be entered here. RELTYPE Relationship Type Char** Identifies the hierarchical level of the records in the relationship. Values should be either ONE or MANY. However, values are only necessary when identifying a relationship between datasets (as described in Section 8.3). RELID Relationship Identifier Char Unique value within USUBJID that identifies the relationship. All records for the same USUBJID that have the same RELID are considered 'related/associated.' RELID can be any value the sponsor chooses, and is only meaningful within the RELREC dataset to identify the related/associated Domain records. * indicates variable may be subject to sponsor-controlled terminology ** indicates variable may be subject to external controlled terminology. 8.2.2 RELREC Dataset Examples Example A: Example A shows how to use the RELREC dataset when USUBJID 123456 had two lab tests (LBSEQ values of 47 and 48) and took two concomitant medications (CMSEQ values of 11 and 12) as the result of an adverse event (AESEQ value of 5). This example assumes that the lab values and the concomitant medications are not related to each other. STUDYID RDOMAIN USUBJID IDVAR IDVARVAL RELTYPE RELID EFC1234 AE 123456 AESEQ 5 1 EFC1234 CM 123456 CMSEQ 11 1 EFC1234 CM 123456 CMSEQ 12 1 EFC1234 AE 123456 AESEQ 5 2 EFC1234 LB 123456 LBSEQ 47 2 EFC1234 LB 123456 LBSEQ 48 2 NOTE: The two lab tests could have the same LBGRPID if they were on the same specimen. In such a case, the two RELREC records with RDOMAIN=LB could be replaced with one RELREC record with IDVAR=LBGRPID and IDVARVAL having the LBGRPID value assigned in the LB domain. CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 123 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Example B: Example B is the same scenario as Example A; however, the concomitant medications and lab tests are associated with each other in addition to being associated with the adverse event. STUDYID RDOMAIN USUBJID IDVAR IDVARVAL RELTYPE RELID EFC1234 AE 123456 AESEQ 5 1 EFC1234 CM 123456 CMSEQ 11 1 EFC1234 CM 123456 CMSEQ 12 1 EFC1234 LB 123456 LBSEQ 47 1 EFC1234 LB 123456 LBSEQ 48 1 Example C: Example C is the same scenario as Example B, however, both the concomitant medications are necessary for this treatment and have been assigned a CMGRPID of 'COMBO 1' by the sponsor, allowing the elimination of a record in the RELREC dataset. STUDYID RDOMAIN USUBJID IDVAR IDVARVAL EFC1234 AE 123456 AESEQ 5 EFC1234 CM 123456 CMGRPID COMBO1 1 EFC1234 LB 123456 LBSEQ 47 1 EFC1234 LB 123456 LBSEQ 48 1 8.3 RELTYPE RELID 1 RELATING DATASETS The Related Records (RELREC) dataset can also be used to identify relationships between datasets (e.g., a one-tomany or parent-child relationship, as discussed in Section 8.3.1). The relationship is defined by including a single record for each related dataset that identifies the key(s) of the dataset that can be used to relate the respective records. Relationships between datasets should only be recorded in the RELREC dataset when the sponsor has found it necessary to split information between datasets that are related, and that may need to be examined together for analysis or proper interpretation. It is not necessary to use the RELREC dataset to identify associations from data in the SUPPQUAL dataset or the COMMENTS dataset, as both these datasets include the key variable identifiers of the parent record that are necessary to make the association. 8.3.1 RELREC Dataset Relationship Example This example shows how to use the RELREC dataset to represent related information that is submitted as two datasets which have a one-to-many relationship. In the example below all the records in one domain are being related to all of the records in the other so both USUBJID and IDVAR are null. STUDYID RDOMAIN EFC1234 MB EFC1234 MS USUBJID IDVAR IDVARVAL RELTYPE RELID MBSPID ONE A MSSPID MANY A In the sponsor's operational database, these datasets may have existed as either separate datasets that were merged for analysis, or one dataset that may have included observations from more than one observation class (e.g., Events and Findings). The value in IDVAR should be the name of the key used to merge/join the two datasets. In the above example, the --SPID variable is used as the single key to identify the related observations. The values for the --SPID Page 124 August 26, 2005 CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) variable in the two datasets are sponsor defined. Although other variables may also serve as a single merge key when the corresponding values for IDVAR are equal, --SPID or --REFID are typically used for this purpose. Since IDVAR identifies the keys that can be used to merge/join all records between the datasets, the root values (i.e., --SPID in the above example) for IDVAR must be the same for both records with the same RELID. --SEQ cannot be used because --SEQ only has meaning within a dataset, not across datasets. 8.4 RELATING NON-STANDARD VARIABLE VALUES TO A PARENT DOMAIN The Supplemental Qualifiers (SUPPQUAL) special purpose dataset model is used to capture non-standard variables and their association to parent records in domains, and allows capturing values for variables not presently included in the general-observation-class models. Because the SDTM does not allow the addition of new variables, it is necessary for sponsors to represent the metadata and data for each non-standard variable/value combination in a SUPPQUAL dataset. The SUPPQUAL dataset model is structured similarly to the RELREC dataset, in that it uses the same set of keys to identify related records. Each SUPPQUAL record also includes the name of the Qualifier variable being added (QNAM), the label for the variable (QLABEL), the actual value for each instance or record (QVAL), the origin (QORIG) of the value (whether it was collected via CRF, assigned or derived), and the Evaluator (QEVAL) to specify the role of the individual who assigned the value (such as ADJUDICATION COMMITTEE or SPONSOR). One common case for using a SUPPQUAL dataset is to capture attributions. An attribution is typically an interpretation or subjective classification of one or more observations by a specific evaluator, such as a population flag that classifies a subject or their data according to their evaluability for efficacy analysis. Since it is possible that different attributions may be necessary in some cases, SUPPQUAL provides a mechanism for incorporating as many attributions as are necessary. It is recognized that sponsors may also need to use a SUPPQUAL dataset to submit additional non-standard variables that cannot be represented in the general classes. Standard names for certain expected values for QNAM and QLABEL are included in Appendix 10.3.4. The combined set of values for the first six columns (STUDYID…QNAM) should be unique for every record. That is, there should not be multiple records in a SUPPQUAL dataset for the same QNAM value, as it relates to IDVAR/IDVARVAL for a USUBJID. For example, if two individuals provide a determination on whether an Adverse Event is Treatment Emergent (e.g., the investigator and an independent adjudicator) then separate QNAM values should be used for each set of information, perhaps AETRTEMI and AETRTEMA. This is necessary to ensure that reviewers can join/merge/transpose the information back with the records in the original domain without risk of losing information. When populating a SUPPQUAL dataset with population flags related to the Demographics domain (subject-level evaluability), there should be one record for each population flag for each subject. QVAL values for population flags should be Y or N, with no Null values. In the event that evaluability is based upon individual visits or CRF pages, additional population flags attached to other domains may be included in SUPPQUAL datasets. Just as use of the optional grouping identifier variable --GRPID can be a more efficient method of representing relationships in RELREC, it can also be used in a SUPPQUAL dataset to identify individual qualifier values (SUPPQUAL records) related to multiple domain records that could be grouped, such as relating an attribution to a group of ECG measurements. CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 125 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 8.4.1 SUPPQUAL Dataset suppqual.xpt, Supplemental Qualifiers, Version 3.1.1, August 26, 2005. One record per variable Variable Variable Label STUDYID Study Identifier RDOMAIN Related Domain Abbreviation USUBJID Unique Subject Identifier IDVAR Identifying Variable IDVARVAL Identifying Variable Value QNAM Qualifier Variable Name QLABEL QVAL QORIG QEVAL Type CDISC Notes References Char Study Identifier of the Parent record(s). Char* Domain Abbreviation of the Parent record(s). Null for an attribution (e.g., ITT) that may apply for all records in all domains for a subject. Char Unique Subject Identifier of the Parent record(s). SDTM 2.2.4 SDTM 2.2.4 SDTM 2.2.4 Char* Identifying variable in the dataset that identifies the related record(s). Examples: --SEQ, --GRPID. Char Value of identifying variable of the parent record(s). Char* The short name of the Qualifier variable, which is used as a column SDTMIG name in a domain view with data from the parent domain. The value in QNAM cannot be longer than 8 characters, nor can it start with a number (e.g.,'1TEST'). QNAM cannot contain characters other than letters, numbers, or underscores. This will often be the column name in the sponsor’s operational dataset. Qualifier Variable Char This is the long name or label associated with QNAM. The value in Label QLABEL cannot be longer than 40 characters. This will often be the column label in the sponsor’s original dataset. Data Value Char Result of, response to, or value associated with QNAM. A value for this column is required; no records can be in SUPPQUAL with a null value for QVAL. Origin Char* Since QVAL can represent a mixture of collected (on a CRF), derived, or assigned items, QORIG is used to indicate the origin of this data. Examples include CRF, ASSIGNED, or DERIVED. Evaluator Char* Used only for results that are subjective (e.g., assigned by a person or a group). Should be null for records that contain objectively collected or derived data. Some examples include ADJUDICATION COMMITTEE, STATISTICIAN, DATABASE ADMINISTRATOR, CLINICAL COORDINATOR, PRIMARY INVESTIGATOR, etc. * indicates variable may be subject to sponsor-controlled terminology; ** indicates variable may be subject to external controlled terminology. Note all variables except QEVAL must be populated for each record. A record in a SUPPQUAL dataset relates back to its general observation class dataset parent record(s) via the key identified in the IDVAR variables. SUPPQUAL dataset records that are related to all subject records in all domains, such as the Intent To Treat (ITT) and Safety (SAFETY) subject-level population flags, will have both IDVAR and IDVARVAL set to null. This is because the only keys needed to identify the relationship/association to all subject records (for that subject) in all domains are STUDYID and USUBJID. A SUPPQUAL dataset can contain both objective data (where values are collected or derived algorithmically) and subjective data (attributions where values are assigned by a person or committee). For objective data, the value in QEVAL will be null. For subjective data (when QORIG=”ASSIGNED”), the value in QEVAL should reflect the role of the person or institution assigning the value (e.g., PRIMARY INVESTIGATOR or ADJUDICATION COMMITTEE). All records in the SUPPQUAL datasets must have a value for QVAL. Transposing source variables with missing/null values may inadvertently generate SUPPQUAL records with null values for QVAL, causing the SUPPQUAL dataset to be extremely large. When this happens, the sponsor should delete the records where QVAL is null prior to submission. Page 126 August 26, 2005 CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 8.4.2 Submitting Supplemental Qualifiers in Separate Datasets Because sponsors often have a large number of supplemental qualifier variable values, the SDTM IG has defined a preferred approach to submit supplemental qualifiers by domain rather than placing all of the supplemental information within one dataset. Following this convention for the supplemental qualifiers produces a one-to-one correspondence between a domain dataset and its supplemental qualifier dataset. In such cases, the following rules should be met: • The set of supplemental qualifiers for each domain should be included in a separate dataset with the name supp-- where -- denotes the source domain which the supplemental qualifiers relates back to. For example, population flags and other demographic qualifiers would be placed in suppdm.xpt. • For users conforming to V3.1.1 and later versions of the SDTMIG, a SUPPQUAL dataset should NOT be submitted in addition to separate supp-- datasets for individual domains. In other words, separate supplemental qualifier domains cannot be used with some domains and SUPPQUAL for the other s). 8.4.3 SUPPQUAL Examples The example below demonstrates how a set of SUPPQUAL datasets should be used to relate non-standard information to a parent domain. In the first two rows of suppdm.xpt, population flags are defined as supplemental information to a subject’s demography data. Since IDVAR and IDVARVAL are not populated, we know that the qualifying information is applicable to the subject as a whole, not to any specific record. The next two rows of suppae.xpt add qualifying information to adverse event data. IDVAR defines the key variable that links this information to the AE data (AESEQ). IDVARVAL specifies the value of the key variable within the parent record that the SUPPQUAL record applies to. The remaining rows specify the supplemental variables’ names (AESOTHC and AETRTEM), labels, values, origin (CRF or DERIVED), and who made the evaluation. The final set of records in the suppqs.xpt example show how to record the language used for a questionnaire. The parent domain (RDOMAIN) is QS, and the merge key (IDVAR) is QSCAT. QNAM holds the name of the supplemental qualifier variable being defined (QSLANG). The language recorded in QVAL applies to all of a subject’s records where IDVAR (QSCAT) equals IDVARVAL. In this case, IDVARVAL has values for two questionnaires (SF36 and ADAS) for two separate subjects. QVAL identifies the questionnaire language version (Flemish or Farsi) for each subject. suppdm.xpt: Supplemental Qualifiers for DM STUDYID RDOMAIN USUBJID IDVAR IDVARVAL QNAM QLABEL 1996001 DM 99-401 ITT Intent to Treat 1996001 DM 99-401 QVAL Y PPROT Per Protocol Evaluable N QORIG DERIVED QEVAL SPONSOR DERIVED SPONSOR suppae.xpt: Supplemental Qualifiers for AE STUDYID RDOMAIN USUBJID IDVAR IDVARVAL 1996001 AE 99-401 AESEQ 1 1996001 AE 99-401 AESEQ 1 QNAM QLABEL QVAL AESOTHC Desc of Other Med Impt Spontaneous Serious Event Abortion AETRTEM Treatment Emergent N QORIG QEVAL CRF DERIVED SPONSOR suppqs.xpt: Supplemental Qualifiers for QS STUDYID RDOMAIN 1996001 1996001 1996001 1996001 QS QS QS QS USUBJID IDVAR IDVARVAL QNAM 99-401 99-401 99-802 99-802 QSCAT QSCAT QSCAT QSCAT SF36 ADAS SF36 ADAS QSLANG QSLANG QSLANG QSLANG QLABEL Questionnaire Language Questionnaire Language Questionnaire Language Questionnaire Language QVAL FLEMISH FLEMISH FARSI FARSI QORIG QEVAL CRF CRF CRF CRF Examples of data that should not be in the SUPPQUAL dataset include: Subject-level objective data that fit in Subject Characteristics (SC) ECG Interpretation -- this should be added as an additional test called EGINTP in EGTESTCD, and given the same EGGRPID or EGREFID value for all records associated with that ECG. CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 127 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 8.5 RELATING COMMENTS TO A PARENT DOMAIN The Comments special-purpose domain, which is described in Section 5.1.2, is used to capture unstructured free text comments. It allows for the submission of comments related to a particular domain (e.g., adverse events) or those collected on separate general-comment pages not associated with a domain. Comments may be related to a Subject, a domain for a Subject, or to specific parent records in any domain. The Comments domain is structured similarly to the SUPPQUAL dataset, in that it uses the same set of keys (STUDYID, RDOMAIN, USUBJID, IDVAR and IDVARVAL) to identify related records. All comments are considered child records of data captured in domains. STUDYID, USUBJID, and DOMAIN (with the value “CO”) must always be populated. RDOMAIN, IDVAR, and IDVARVAL should be populated as follows: 1. Comments related only to a subject in general would have RDOMAIN null, as the only key needed to identify the relationship/association to that subject is USUBJID. 2. Comments related only to a specific domain (and not to any specific record) for a subject would populate RDOMAIN with the code for the domain with which they are associated. IDVAR and IDVARVAL would be null. 3. Comments related to specific domain records for a subject would populate the RDOMAIN, IDVAR, and IDVARVAL variables with values from the parent record(s). Again, --GRPID can be used as the value in IDVAR to identify comments with relationships to multiple domain records, such as a comment that applies to a 'group' of concomitant medications. 8.5.1 COMMENTS Example In the following example, Subject 1234-2004 has five separate comments: one comment on an adverse events (AE) record, one on an exposure (EX) record, and one on a vital signs (VS) record; one on the PE CRF page, and another on a separate comments CRF page. Another comments example is provided in Section 5.1.2. STUDYID DO RDO USUBJID CO IDVAR IDVAR COREF CODTC MAIN MAIN SEQ VAL 1234 CO AE 1234-2004 1 AESEQ 7 1234 CO EX 1234-2004 2 EXSEQ 17 1234 CO VS 1234-2004 3 VSSEQ 5 1234 CO PE 1234-2004 4 PAGE 40 2003-11-08 1234 CO 1234-2004 5 2004-01-14 Page 128 August 26, 2005 PAGE 650 COVAL COEVAL Same AE has occurred prior to treatment PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR Some delays in taking medications because of vacation Value confirmed in range, but questionable based on other related measurements. Subject was very uncooperative during physical exam. Subject overall attitude has improved greatly during study. PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR ADJUDICATION COMMITTEE PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 8.6 HOW TO DETERMINE WHERE DATA BELONG IN THE SDTM A domain is defined as a collection of observations on a particular topic. For example, Medical History is a collection of information related to events or conditions that happened before the clinical study. Typically the term 'domain' has been synonymous with a dataset. However, there may be cases where data related to the same topic might, at times, need to be captured in more than one domain or observation class. In such cases, information that may have been historically presented in a single dataset may now need to be represented in more than one SDTM dataset. It is often necessary to refer to the protocol or statistical analysis plan to decide how to model new data domains not modeled in the SDTMIG and understand whether a collection of information logically belongs together in a single domain or dataset. When determining how to model a new type of data, it is best to identify the domain topicality first and classify its primary observation class as an Event, Intervention, or Finding (see section 2.4). To do this, begin by evaluating the overall logical content of the information rather than analyzing the physical structure. Applying this principle to Medical History, for example, note that the collected information is related to previous conditions or events, regardless of whether dates were collected. Just because dates were not collected or available in specific cases does not change the fact that the primary topicality fits Events. Conversely, if the topic of the information is more related to specific measurements rather than just recording occurrences, it is typically modeled in the Findings class. Once the domain topicality and its general observation class are identified, then the physical structure of the information should be evaluated to verify whether all collected information can be represented in a single observation class. Just because the information is collected /recorded on the same individual CRF pages does not necessarily mean that all the data collected/recorded on those individual CRF pages belongs in the same domain. Information grouped together on CRFs for convenience but obviously having different topicalities (such as Concomitant Medications collected on SAE forms) should be mapped to multiple domains. If the sponsor feels that it’s important for the reviewer to easily identify the relationship between the AE and CM records, then RELREC can be used (see Section 8.2.1). Information grouped together because it is dependent on other information, such as findings collected as a result of an event, requires careful evaluation to determine whether all the information should be in a single domain, split into multiple datasets, or submitted in a supplemental qualifiers dataset. The following guidelines should be used in making this determination: • Submit data in a supplemental qualifiers special-purpose dataset (see Section 8.4) if the information that does not fit consists only of additional variables that would not be classified as Identifiers, Topic, or Timing variables in a separate domain. In other words, the information consists only of what would be classified as additional Qualifiers to further describe an existing record, and would not be considered sufficient to exist as an entire 'record' of information by itself in any observation class. A general way of thinking about this is if the data would simply have been another column in the sponsor’s original dataset. • Submit data as a separate dataset if the information that does not fit could comprise a complete record in that dataset (it contains variables that would be classified as Identifiers, Topic, or Timing variables). Section 8.2 describes how information should be stored in a second dataset of another general observation class for the same Domain when the information has, at minimum a Topic Variable, its own Timing variables and (for Findings domains) at least one Result Qualifier. General rules for creating a separate related dataset of common topicality with another are as follows: 1. Typically, additional datasets should be created for either a. Interventions with associated Findings, or b. Events with associated Findings c. Two sets of Findings that do not fit logically in a single dataset. CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 129 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 2. The topicality of the information and the context determine the Parent (or master) dataset general observation class (Interventions, Events or Findings). In some cases, a Parent (master) dataset may be required, even if the records in that dataset have limited information 3. Both datasets should include a common identifier variable (e.g., --REFID) to capture the identification (name) of the record to be used as a merge/join key: however, it is recognized that in some cases it would be more appropriate to use --GRPID. Values for the --REFID or --GRPID variables would need to be the same for related records in the two (or more) datasets. 4. Both datasets should use a different two-character code for a value in the Domain variable, and as the variable prefix (MB and MS for example). The dataset names for the two datasets should be the twocharacter Domain codes chosen for the datasets (MB and MS respectively). Since it is not self-evident that a Domain is captured in multiple datasets using this combination of dataset names (a reviewer might not automatically know that MB and MS are related to each other), sponsors must populate the RELREC dataset (see Section 8.2.1) with rows that identify the dataset relationship and document the approach used in the Define file (metadata) and/or Annotated CRF. This approach is fully compatible with the current V3.x standard as long as the dataset relationship is clearly documented. Page 130 August 26, 2005 CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 9 Implementation Examples 9.1 DEMOGRAPHICS EXAMPLE This is an example of demographics that illustrates the use of the RACE and ETHNIC variables. Both RACE and ETHNIC are subjected to the rules of controlled terminology. Race (RACE) and ethnicity (ETHNIC) are independent of each other, for example, the first subject (USUBJID=1) is 'WHITE' for RACE and 'HISPANIC OR LATINO' for ETHNIC. Ethnicity can only have two values, either 'HISPANIC OR LATINO' or 'NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO'. In cases of mixed race, the RACE variable should be used for the primary race, and the SC domain should be used for additional non-primary race values. For example, in Row 4, the 4th subject (USUBJID=4), who is recorded as 'ASIAN' for RACE could have the value 'INDIAN' in SC where SCTESTCD equals ‘RACEOTH.’ Row STUDYID DOMAIN USUBJID RACE ETHNIC Row 1 ABC123 DM 1 WHITE HISPANIC OR LATINO Row 2 ABC123 DM 2 WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO Row 3 ABC123 DM 3 BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO Row 4 ABC123 DM 4 ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO Row 5 ABC123 DM 5 AMERICAN INDIAN OR ALASKA NATIVE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO Row 6 ABC123 DM 6 NATIVE HAWAIIAN OR OTHER PACIFIC ISLANDERS NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO 9.2 INTERVENTIONS EXAMPLES 9.2.1 CM Example: Intermittent Use of Concomitant Medications Sponsors collect the timing of concomitant medication use with varying specificity, depending on the pattern of use; the type, purpose, and importance of the medication; and the needs of the study. Often the same information can be conveyed with a range of dates and the daily frequency rather than presenting every unique instance of medication use. If appropriate, medications taken intermittently or sporadically over a time period may be reported with a date range and a frequency of 'PRN'. The example below shows three subjects who took the same medication at the same times. For the first subject (USUBJID=1), each instance is recorded separately, and frequency (CMDOSFRQ) is ONCE. For the second subject (USUBJID=2), the second record (CMSEQ=2) shows that aspirin was taken twice on January 7th, so the frequency is BID. The frequency is also included for the other daily records to avoid confusion. The third subject’s (USUBJID=3) records are CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 131 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) collapsed (this is shown as an example only, not as a recommendation) into a single entry that spans the relevant time period, with a frequency of PRN. This approach assumes that knowing exactly when aspirin was used is not important for evaluating this study’s safety and efficacy. Row STUDYID DOMAIN USUBJID CMSEQ CMTRT CMDOSFRQ CMSTDTC CMENDTC Row 1 ABC123 CM 1 1 Aspirin ONCE 2004-01-01 2004-01-01 Row 2 ABC123 CM 1 2 Aspirin ONCE 2004-01-02 2004-01-02 Row 3 ABC123 CM 1 3 Aspirin ONCE 2004-01-03 2004-01-03 Row 4 ABC123 CM 1 4 Aspirin ONCE 2004-01-07 2004-01-07 Row 5 ABC123 CM 1 5 Aspirin ONCE 2004-01-07 2004-01-07 Row 6 ABC123 CM 1 6 Aspirin ONCE 2004-01-09 2004-01-09 Row 7 ABC123 CM 2 1 Aspirin QD 2004-01-01 2004-01-03 Row 8 ABC123 CM 2 2 Aspirin BID 2004-01-07 2004-01-07 Row 9 ABC123 CM 2 3 Aspirin QD 2004-01-09 2004-01-09 Row 10 ABC123 CM 3 1 Aspirin PRN 2004-01-01 2004-01-09 Page 132 August 26, 2005 CDISC. © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 9.2.2 EX Examples: Exposure Example 1: This is an example of an Exposure dataset for a parallel design study. In this example, subjects were randomized to one of three treatment groups: Drug A 40 mg q.d., Drug A 20 mg q.d., or Drug B 150 mg bid. Drug A was in capsule form and Drug B was in tablet form. To maintain the blind, subjects took both capsules and tablets with only one form being active. The study included 8 weeks of treatment, with subjects remaining on the same treatment throughout the study. With respect to timing of doses, the sponsor only collected the start and stop dates of uninterrupted periods of treatment. Note below that Subject 12345003 missed taking study medications on Study Days 23 and 24. STUDYID DOMAIN USUBJID EXSEQ EXTRT EXDOSE EXDOSU EXDOSFRM Row 1 12345 EX 12345001 1 DRUG A 40 MG CAPSULE Row 2 12345 EX 12345001 2 PLACEBO 0 Row 3 12345 EX 12345002 1 DRUG A 20 Row 4 12345 EX 12345002 2 PLACEBO 0 TABLET Row 5 12345 EX 12345003 1 PLACEBO 0 CAPSULE Row 6 12345 EX 12345003 2 DRUG B 150 Row 7 12345 EX 12345003 3 PLACEBO 0 Row 8 12345 EX 12345003 4 DRUG B 150 TABLET MG CAPSULE MG TABLET CAPSULE MG TABLET EXDOSFRQ EXDOSTO T EXROUTE EXSTDTC EXENDTC EXSTDY EXENDY Row 1 (cont) QD 40 ORAL 2002-01-10 2002-03-08 1 58 Row 2 (cont) BID 0 ORAL 2002-01-10 2002-03-08 1 58 Row 3 (cont) QD 20 ORAL 2002-01-10 2002-03-07 1 57 Row 4 (cont) BID 0 ORAL 2002-01-10 2002-03-07 1 57 Row 5 (cont) QD 0 ORAL 2002-01-11 2002-02-01 1 22 Row 6 (cont) BID 300 ORAL 2002-01-11 2002-02-01 1 22 Row 7 (cont) QD 0 ORAL 2002-02-04 2002-03-06 25 55 Row 8 (cont) BID 300 ORAL 2002-02-04 2002-03-06 25 55 CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 133 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Exposure Example 2: This is an example of an Exposure dataset for a two-way crossover study comparing once daily oral administration of Drug A 20 mg with Drug B 30 mg. Study drug was taken for 3 consecutive mornings 30 minutes prior to a standardized breakfast. There was a 5-day washout period between treatments. STUDYID DOMAIN USUBJID EXSEQ EXGRPID EXTRT EXDOSFRM EXDOSFRQ Row 1 56789 EX 56789001 1 1 DRUG A 20 Row 2 56789 EX 56789001 2 1 DRUG A 20 MG CAPSULE QD MG CAPSULE QD Row 3 56789 EX 56789001 3 1 DRUG A 20 MG CAPSULE QD Row 4 56789 EX 56789001 4 2 Row 5 56789 EX 56789001 5 2 DRUG B 30 MG TABLET, COATED QD DRUG B 30 MG TABLET, COATED QD Row 6 56789 EX 56789001 6 2 DRUG B 30 MG TABLET, COATED QD Row 7 56789 EX 56789003 Row 8 56789 EX 56789003 1 1 DRUG B 30 MG TABLET, COATED QD 2 1 DRUG B 30 MG TABLET, COATED QD Row 9 56789 EX 56789003 3 1 DRUG B 30 MG TABLET, COATED QD Row 10 56789 Row 11 56789 EX 56789003 4 2 DRUG A 20 MG CAPSULE QD EX 56789003 5 2 DRUG A 20 MG CAPSULE QD Row 12 56789 EX 56789003 6 2 DRUG A 20 MG CAPSULE QD EXDOSTOT EXROUTE EXDOSE EXDOSU EXSTDTC EXENDTC EXSTDY EXENDY EXTPT Row 1 (cont) 20 ORAL 2002-07-01T07:30 2002-07-01T07:30 1 1 30 MINUTES PRIOR TO STD BREAKFAST Row 2 (cont) 20 ORAL 2002-07-02T07:30 2002-07-02T07:30 2 2 30 MINUTES PRIOR TO STD BREAKFAST Row 3 (cont) 20 ORAL 2002-07-03T07:32 2002-07-03T07:32 3 3 30 MINUTES PRIOR TO STD BREAKFAST Row 4 (cont) 30 ORAL 2002-07-09T07:30 2002-07-09T07:30 9 9 30 MINUTES PRIOR TO STD BREAKFAST Row 5 (cont) 30 ORAL 2002-07-10T07:30 2002-07-10T07:30 10 10 30 MINUTES PRIOR TO STD BREAKFAST Row 6 (cont) 30 ORAL 2002-07-11T07:34 2002-07-11T07:34 11 11 30 MINUTES PRIOR TO STD BREAKFAST Row 7 (cont) 30 ORAL 2002-07-03T07:30 2002-07-03T07:30 1 1 30 MINUTES PRIOR TO STD BREAKFAST Row 8 (cont) 30 ORAL 2002-07-04T07:24 2002-07-04T07:24 2 2 30 MINUTES PRIOR TO STD BREAKFAST Row 9 (cont) 30 ORAL 2002-07-05T07:24 2002-07-05T07:24 3 3 30 MINUTES PRIOR TO STD BREAKFAST Row 10 (cont) 20 ORAL 2002-07-11T07:30 2002-07-11T07:30 9 9 30 MINUTES PRIOR TO STD BREAKFAST Row 11 (cont) 20 ORAL 2002-07-12T07:43 2002-07-12T07:43 10 10 30 MINUTES PRIOR TO STD BREAKFAST Row 12 (cont) 20 ORAL 2002-07-13T07:38 2002-07-13T07:38 11 11 30 MINUTES PRIOR TO STD BREAKFAST Page 134 August 26, 2005 CDISC. © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 9.2.3 SU Example: Example and Usage Notes for V3.1.1 Substance Use (SU) Domain Model The use of the Interventions general observation class to model substance use data meets the needs of the complex, detailed dosing, frequency, and duration information requirements for analysis where collection of this information is key to the outcome of a clinical trial (e.g., smoking cessation). This example is for clinical trials where detailed substance use dosing, frequency, and duration information is required (e.g., smoking cessation trials). In such cases, detailed information (e.g., smoking substance, total amount per day, start and stop dates) about the substance used is collected. This data could then be used in primary efficacy analyses to support therapy effectiveness claims. Figure presents a CRF that captures data of this nature. The information in the gray bar/ellipses is the sponsor's original annotation. CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 135 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Figure - Sample Case Report Form for Smoking Status Visit x Smoking Status SMOKING SMOKCAT Please identify one of the following smoking categories for the subject: 1 Non-smoker (never smoked) 1 SMOKSDT Start date Not assessed NOTDONE SMOKEDT Stop date Ex smoker 2 d d m m y y y y d d m m y y y y d d m m y y y y Current smoker 3 If Ex or Current smoker, complete detail section below, checking all that apply SMOKTYPE 1 2 3 Cigars per day. Round to next highest whole number. Specify average daily amount smoked during the time the subject smoked. Pipe bowls per day. Round to next highest whole number. Specify average daily amount smoked during the time the subject smoked. Cigarettes per day. Round to next highest whole number. Specify average daily amount smoked during the time the subject smoked. TOBACONO Page 136 August 26, 2005 CDISC. © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Table 1 presents data that could be captured using the detailed smoking status CRF presented in Figure using the Sponsor’s Operational database structure. Row 1: Subject is a non-smoker. Row 2: Subject is an ex-smoker. Detailed substance use information is provided. Rows 3, 4: Subject is an ex-smoker of more than one type of tobacco. Detailed substance use information is provided. Row 5: Subject is a current smoker. Detailed substance use information is provided. Rows 6, 7: Subject came in for 2 visits, for the first visit subject was an ex-smoker. At the 2nd visit, subject began to smoke again. Detailed substance use information is provided. Row 8: Subject did not have an assessment done. Table 1: Data Captured Using the Detailed Smoking Status CRF in the Sponsor’s Operational Database STUDYID USUBJID VISIT SEQ SMOKCAT SMOKTYPE TOBACONO SMOKSDT SMOKEDT Row 1 1234 1234005 1 1 NON Row 2 1234 1234006 1 1 EX CIGARS 1 1977 2003 Row 3 1234 1234007 1 1 EX PIPE 1 01-01-2000 04-02-2003 Row 4 1234 1234007 1 2 EX CIGARETTES 10 01-01-1990 04-02-1993 Row 5 1234 1234008 1 1 CURRENT CIGARETTES 20 1945 Row 6 1234 1234009 1 1 EX CIGARS 1 1965 Row 7 1234 1234009 2 2 CURRENT CIGARETTES 20 01-01-2003 Row 8 1234 1234010 1 1 NOTDONE 1970 1 Table 2 presents the data structured according to the SDTM. If this was a multi-page CRF, collecting multiple substance use information (for example, tobacco use and alcohol consumption) then SUCAT would have values of TOBACCO and ALCOHOL. As the primary physiological impact of tobacco use is due to nicotine content, the value of SUDECOD was set to NICOTINE. SUSTRF and SUENRF hold the values of SMOKCAT as they are interpreted based on the subject's use status at sponsor-defined start and end reference timeframes. Row 1: Because this subject did not consume tobacco products, the value of SRTRT was set to 'Tobacco'. In addition, the values of SUSTRF and SUENRF are set to NULL, and the value of SUOCCUR could be set to "N" because this subject did not use any tobacco products. Row 8: Because the assessment for this subject was not done, the value of SUSTAT was set to NOT DONE. CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 137 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Table 2: Data from Example 3 Modeled in SDS V3.x SU Domain STUDYID USUBJID SUSEQ SUTRT SUDECOD SUCAT Row 1 1234 1234005 1 TOBACCO NICOTINE TOBACCO Row 2 1234 1234006 1 CIGARS NICOTINE Row 3 1234 1234007 1 PIPE Row 4 1234 1234007 Row 5 1234 Row 6 SUSTRF SUENRF TOBACCO BEFORE BEFORE AVG/DAY 1 NICOTINE TOBACCO BEFORE BEFORE AVG/DAY 1 2 CIGARETTES NICOTINE TOBACCO BEFORE BEFORE AVG/DAY 10 1234008 1 CIGARETTES NICOTINE TOBACCO BEFORE ONGOING AVG/DAY 20 1234 1234009 1 NICOTINE TOBACCO BEFORE BEFORE AVG/DAY 1 Row 7 1234 1234009 2 CIGARETTES NICOTINE TOBACCO DURING ONGOING AVG/DAY 20 Row 8 1234 1234010 1 VISITNUM CIGARS TOBACCO SUSTDTC SUENDTC Row 1 (cont) 1 Row 2 (cont) 1 1977 2003 Row 3 (cont) 1 2000-01-01 2003-02-04 Row 4 (cont) 1 1990-01-01 1993-02-04 Row 5 (cont) 1 1945 Row 6 (cont) 1 1965 Row 7 (cont) 2 2003-01-01 Row 8 (cont) 1 SUSTAT SUDOSFRQ SUDOSTOT NOT DONE 1970 Not all variables specified in the CDISC SU domain are present on the example CRF. Since they are not used, the variables are not present on the SU dataset. Page 138 August 26, 2005 CDISC. © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 9.3 EVENTS EXAMPLES 9.3.1 AE Example In this example, an AE CRF collects AE terms as free text. There is a section at the bottom of the form for free-text comments. AEs are collected one time per study. In this example, first study drug was administered to the subject on 13Oct2003 at 12:00. 3 AEs were reported. AEs are coded using MedDRA and the sponsor’s procedures include the possibility of modifying the reported term to aid in coding. Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Not all variables specified in the CDISC AE domain are present on the CRF (e.g., AEACNOTH, AERELNST, AEDUR). Since they are not used, the variables are not present in the AE dataset. However, all required and expected variables are present and populated. Comments would be placed in the Comments domain (CO). The CRF is structured so that serious category variables (e.g., AESDTH, AESHOSP) are checked only when an overall seriousness question is answered 'Y.' If a subject had no adverse events reported, no records are included for that subject in the AE dataset. If a subject has a value for AEENDTC then AEENRF is null. Sample data that illustrates the above: STUDYID DOMAIN USUBJID AESEQ Row 1 ABC123 AE 123101 1 AETERM AESTDTC AEENDTC AEMODIFY AEDECOD POUNDING HEADACHE 2003-10-12 2003-10-12 HEADACHE HEADACHE Row 2 ABC123 AE 123101 2 BACK PAIN FOR 6 HOURS 2003-10-13T13:05 2003-10-13T19:00 BACK PAIN Row 3 ABC123 AE 123101 3 PULMONARY EMBOLISM Row 1 (cont) Row 2 (cont) 2003-10-21 AEBODSYS AESEV AESER NERVOUS SYSTEM DISORDERS SEVERE N MUSCULOSKELETAL AND CONNECTIVE TISSUE DISORDERS MODERATE VASCULAR DISORDERS Row 3 (cont) AEOUT MODERATE BACK PAIN PULMONARY EMBOLISM AEACN AEREL NOT APPLICABLE DEFINITELY NOT RELATED N DOSE REDUCED PROBABLY RELATED Y DOSE REDUCED PROBABLY NOT RELATED AESCONG AESDISAB AESDTH AESHOSP AESLIFE AESMIE AESTDY AEENDY AEENRF Row 1 (cont) RECOVERED/RESOLVED -1 -1 Row 2 (cont) RECOVERED/RESOLVED 1 1 Row 3 (cont) RECOVERING/RESOLVING 9 . CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Y Y AFTER Page 139 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 9.3.2 DS Examples Disposition Example 1: In this example, a DS CRF collects multiple disposition events at different time points in the study indicated by EPOCH. There are also several protocol milestones which are indicated by DSCAT = 'PROTOCOL MILESTONE'. DSTERM is populated with controlled terminology with the same value as DSDECOD except in the case when there is free text for DSTERM such as 'Subject moved'. In this case, the controlled terminology is only in DSDECOD (LOST TO FOLLOW-UP). Notes 1. 2. 3. Not all variables specified in the CDISC DS domain are present on the CRF (e.g., DSSCAT, DSSTDY). Since they are not used; the variables are not present on the DS dataset. However, all required and expected variables are present and populated. In the Events observation class, the date/time of the Disposition Event is the DSSTDTC variable. The date of collection of the disposition information is the DSDTC variable EPOCH can be derived from VISITNUM. In the example below, when VISITNUM = 0, then EPOCH = SCREENING. EPOCH is populated when DSCAT is a disposition event and null when DSCAT is a protocol milestone. There are multiple disposition events for each subject: 1. Subject 123101 has 3 records to indicate the completion of 3 stages of the study, which are screening, treatment phase and follow-up. Protocol milestone records for informed consent and randomization are also included. 2. Subject 123102 is a screen drop. Screen drops are identified by a DSDECOD that is not equal to 'COMPLETED' for the SCREENING stage. This is an example of the submission of the verbatim reason for discontinuation in DSTERM. 3. Subject 123103 completed the screening stage but did not complete the treatment stage. 4. Subject 123104 died on October 29, 2003 (see DSSTDTC) after the completion of treatment, but prior to the completion of follow-up. Note that the date of collection of the event information was on October 31, 2003 (DSDTC). 5. Subject 123105 discontinued study treatment due to an AE, but went on to complete the follow-up phase of the trial. Page 140 August 26, 2005 CDISC. © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Sample data that illustrates the above: STUDYID DOMAIN USUBJID DSSEQ ABC123 DS 123101 1 ABC123 ABC123 ABC123 DS DS DS 123101 123101 123101 2 3 4 ABC123 ABC123 DS DS 123101 123102 5 1 ABC123 DS 123102 2 Row 8 ABC123 DS 123103 1 Row 9 Row 10 ABC123 ABC123 DS DS 123103 123103 2 3 Row 11 ABC123 DS 123103 4 Row 12 ABC123 DS 123104 1 Row 13 Row 14 Row 15 ABC123 ABC123 ABC123 DS DS DS 123104 123104 123104 2 3 4 Row 16 ABC123 ABC123 DS DS 123104 123105 5 1 ABC123 ABC123 ABC123 DS DS DS 123105 123105 123105 2 3 4 Row 21 ABC123 DS 123105 5 Row 1 Row 2 Row 3 Row 4 Row 5 Row 6 Row 7 Row 17 Row 18 Row 19 Row 20 CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL DSTERM DSDECOD DSCAT INFORMED CONSENT INFORMED CONSENT PROTOCOL MILESTONE OBTAINED OBTAINED COMPLETED COMPLETED DISPOSITION EVENT RANDOMIZED RANDOMIZED PROTOCOL MILESTONE COMPLETED COMPLETED DISPOSITION EVENT COMPLETED COMPLETED DISPOSITION EVENT INFORMED CONSENT INFORMED CONSENT PROTOCOL MILESTONE OBTAINED OBTAINED DISPOSITION EVENT SUBJECT DENIED MRI PROTOCOL PROCEDURE VIOLATION INFORMED CONSENT INFORMED CONSENT PROTOCOL MILESTONE OBTAINED OBTAINED COMPLETED COMPLETED DISPOSITION EVENT RANDOMIZED RANDOMIZED PROTOCOL MILESTONE SUBJECT MOVED LOST TO FOLLOW-UP DISPOSITION EVENT INFORMED CONSENT INFORMED CONSENT PROTOCOL MILESTONE OBTAINED OBTAINED COMPLETED COMPLETED DISPOSITION EVENT RANDOMIZED RANDOMIZED PROTOCOL MILESTONE COMPLETED COMPLETED DISPOSITION EVENT SUBJECT DIED DEATH DISPOSITION EVENT INFORMED CONSENT INFORMED CONSENT PROTOCOL MILESTONE OBTAINED OBTAINED COMPLETED COMPLETED DISPOSITION EVENT RANDOMIZED RANDOMIZED PROTOCOL MILESTONE ANEMIA ADVERSE EVENT DISPOSITION EVENT COMPLETED COMPLETED DISPOSITION EVENT VISITNUM EPOCH 0 0 1 2 DSDTC DSSTDTC 2003-09-21 2003-09-21 SCREENING 3 0 2003-09-29 2003-09-29 2003-09-30 2003-09-30 TREATMENT 2003-10-31 2003-10-31 PHASE FOLLOW-UP 2003-11-15 2003-11-15 2003-11-21 2003-11-21 0 SCREENING 0 2003-11-22 2003-11-20 2003-09-15 2003-09-15 0 1 SCREENING 1 TREATMENT 2003-10-31 2003-10-31 PHASE 2003-09-15 2003-09-15 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 2003-09-22 2003-09-22 2003-09-30 2003-09-30 SCREENING 2003-09-22 2003-09-22 2003-09-30 2003-09-30 TREATMENT 2003-10-15 2003-10-15 PHASE FOLLOW-UP 2003-10-31 2003-10-29 2003-09-28 2003-09-28 SCREENING 2003-10-02 2003-10-02 2003-10-02 2003-10-02 TREATMENT 2003-10-17 2003-10-17 PHASE FOLLOW-UP 2003-11-02 2003-11-02 Page 141 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Disposition Example 2: In this example, the sponsor has chosen to simply submit whether or not the subject completed the study. Examples are shown of 1 subject who completed the study and 2 who discontinued prior to completion. In this very straightforward situation, only required and expected variables have been included. STUDYID DOMAIN USUBJID DSSEQ DSTERM DSDECOD DSSTDTC Row 1 ABC456 DS 456101 1 COMPLETED COMPLETED 2003-09-21 Row 2 ABC456 DS 456102 1 SUBJECT TAKING STUDY MED ERRATICALLY PROTOCOL VIOLATION 2003-09-29 Row 3 ABC456 DS 456103 1 LOST TO FOLLOW-UP LOST TO FOLLOW-UP 2003-10-15 Disposition Example 3: In this example, the sponsor collects whether or not the subject completes the treatment and follow-up phases as well as whether the subject’s treatment assignment was unblinded. The date of the unblinding is represented in DSSTDTC. Note that maintaining the blind as per protocol is not considered to be an event since there is no change in the subject’s state. Row 1 Row 2 Row 3 Row 4 Row 5 Page 142 August 26, 2005 STUDYID DOMAIN USUBJID DSSEQ DSCAT EPOCH DSTERM DSDECOD DSSTDTC ABC789 DS 789101 1 DISPOSITION EVENT TREATMENT PHASE COMPLETED COMPLETED 2004-09-12 ABC789 DS 789101 2 DISPOSITION EVENT FOLLOW-UP COMPLETED COMPLETED 2004-12-20 ABC789 DS 789102 1 DISPOSITION EVENT TREATMENT PHASE SKIN RASH ADVERSE EVENT 2004-09-30 ABC789 DS 789102 2 ABC789 DS 789102 3 OTHER EVENTS TREATMENT SUBJECT HAD TREATMENT PHASE SEVERE RASH UNBLINDED DISPOSITION EVENT FOLLOW-UP COMPLETED COMPLETED 2003-10-01 2004-12-28 CDISC. © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 9.3.3 MH Example: In this example, a study collects medical history information using 3 separate CRFs. A general medical history CRF collects descriptions of events by body system (e.g., Endocrine, Metabolic) and asks whether the conditions were ongoing or not at study start (Rows 1-3). The reported events are coded using MedDRA. Another CRF asks whether the subject had any of a list of specific risk factors. The third CRF collects the primary diagnosis and onset date. Risk factors and primary diagnosis are not coded using MedDRA. Notes a. b. c. d. e. Not all variables specified in the CDISC MH domain are present on the CRF (e.g., MHENDTC). Since they are not used, the variables are not present in the MH dataset shown. However, all required variables are present and populated. Comments, if provided, would be placed in the Comments domain (CO). MHCAT is used to specify the category of data collected (GENERAL MEDICAL HISTORY, RISK FACTORS, PRIMARY DIAGNOSIS). MHSCAT displays the body systems specified on the general medical history CRF. The “Ongoing at Study Start” question on the general medical history has been translated to MHENRF. If “Yes” is specified, MHENRF=”DURING/AFTER;” if “No” is specified, MHENRF=”BEFORE.” Sample data that illustrates the above: STUDYID DOMAIN USUBJID MHSEQ MHTERM MHDECOD MHCAT MHSCAT Row 1 ABC123 MH 123101 1 ASTHMA ASTHMA GENERAL MEDICAL HISTORY RESPIRATORY Row 2 ABC123 MH 123101 2 FREQUENT HEADACHES HEADACHE GENERAL MEDICAL HISTORY CNS Row 3 ABC123 MH 123101 3 BROKEN LEG BONE FRACTURE GENERAL MEDICAL HISTORY OTHER Row 4 ABC123 MH 123101 5 HYPERTENSION RISK FACTORS Row 5 ABC123 MH 123101 6 TIA RISK FACTORS Row 6 ABC123 MH 123101 4 STROKE PRIMARY DIAGNOSIS MHBODSYS MHSTDTC MHENRF Row 1 (cont) RESPIRATORY SYSTEM DISORDERS DURING/AFTER Row 2 (cont) CENTRAL AND PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM DISORDERS DURING/AFTER Row 3 (cont) MUSCULOSKELTAL SYSTEM DISORDERS BEFORE Row 4 (cont) Row 5 (cont) Row 6 (cont) CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL 2004-09-17T07:30 Page 143 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 9.4 FINDINGS EXAMPLES 9.4.1 EG Examples ECG Example 1: This is an example of an ECG dataset for one subject at one visit where cycle measurements, findings, and an interpretation were delivered to the sponsor by an ECG provider. EGREFID is an internal or external ECG identifier that links to the external ECG Waveform Files. EGXFN is the file name for the external ECG Waveform file. Rows 1-6 - Show how ECG cycle measurements are represented. Rows 2-6 - Show the data in original units of measure in EGORRES and in the converted value in EGSTRESC and EGSTRESN Rows 5-6 - Show QTCB and QTCF. The actual data should have a 'Y' in the EGDRVFL column since these results are derived by the sponsor in this example. See assumption Rows 7-10 - Show how ECG findings are represented. Row 11 - Shows a way of representing comments that are important to the overall understanding of the ECG, but which are not truly findings or interpretations. Row 12 - Shows how interpretations are represented. Page 144 August 26, 2005 CDISC. © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) STUDYID DOMAIN Row 1 Row 2 Row 3 Row 4 Row 5 Row 6 Row 7 Row 8 Row 9 Row 10 Row 11 Row 12 XYZ XYZ XYZ XYZ XYZ XYZ XYZ XYZ XYZ XYZ XYZ XYZ USUBJID EG EG EG EG EG EG EG EG EG EG EG EG XYZ-US-701-002 XYZ-US-701-002 XYZ-US-701-002 XYZ-US-701-002 XYZ-US-701-002 XYZ-US-701-002 XYZ-US-701-002 XYZ-US-701-002 XYZ-US-701-002 XYZ-US-701-002 XYZ-US-701-002 XYZ-US-701-002 VISIT EGORRES 62 0.15 0.103 0.406 0.469 0.446 ATRIAL FIBRILLATION Row 8 (cont) Screening 1 ATRIAL FLUTTER Row 9 (cont) Screening 1 QT PROLONGATION Row 1 (cont) Row 2 (cont) Row 3 (cont) Row 4 (cont) Row 5 (cont) Row 6 (cont) Row 7 (cont) Screening 1 Screening 1 Screening 1 Screening 1 Screening 1 Screening 1 Screening 1 Row 10 (cont) Screening 1 LEFT VENTRICULAR HYPERTROPHY Row 11 (cont) Screening 1 Row 12 (cont) Screening 1 INCORRECT ELECTRODE PLACEMENT ABNORMAL, CLINICALLY INSIGNIFICANT CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL EGSEQ EGGRPID EGREFID EGTESTCD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 334PT89 334PT89 334PT89 334PT89 334PT89 334PT89 334PT89 334PT89 334PT89 334PT89 334PT89 334PT89 EGORRESU EGSTRESC bpm sec sec sec sec sec 62 150 103 406 469 446 ATRIAL FIBRILLATION ATRIAL FLUTTER QT PROLONGATION LEFT VENTRICULAR HYPERTROPHY INCORRECT ELECTRODE PLACEMENT ABNORMAL, CLINICALLY INSIGNIFICANT VRATE PR QRS QT QTCB QTCF RHYRATE RHYRATE QTABN VCABN TECHPROB INTP EGTEST EGXFN EGNAM EGPOS Ventricular Rate PR Interval QRS Interval QT Interval QTc - Bazett QTc - Fridericia Rhythm and Rate Rhythm and Rate QT Abnormalities Ventricular Conduction Abnormalities Technical Problems Interpretation PQW436789-07 PQW436789-07 PQW436789-07 PQW436789-07 PQW436789-07 PQW436789-07 PQW436789-07 PQW436789-07 PQW436789-07 Test Lab Test Lab Test Lab Test Lab Test Lab Test Lab Test Lab Test Lab Test Lab Test Lab Test Lab SUPINE SUPINE SUPINE SUPINE SUPINE SUPINE SUPINE SUPINE SUPINE SUPINE SUPINE SUPINE EGSTRESN EGSTRESU 62 150 103 406 469 446 EGEVAL bpm msec msec msec msec msec PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR VISITNUM EGDTC EGDY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2003-04-15T11:58 2003-04-15T11:58 2003-04-15T11:58 2003-04-15T11:58 2003-04-15T11:58 2003-04-15T11:58 2003-04-15T11:58 -36 -36 -36 -36 -36 -36 -36 1 1 2003-04-15T11:58 2003-04-15T11:58 -36 -36 1 2003-04-15T11:58 -36 1 2003-04-15T11:58 -36 1 2003-04-15T11:58 -36 Page 145 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) ECG Example 2: Example 2 shows results for one subject across multiple visits where only the overall assessment was collected. In addition the ECG done at Visit 4 was read by the principal investigator and a cardiologist. In this example the EGGRPID is the same number and the EGSEQ increments by one. Row 2 - The only one selected as Baseline. Row 3 - Shows a date/time in ISO 8601 representation where both the date and time were collected. STUDYID DOMAIN USUBJID EGSEQ EGGRPID EGTESTCD EGTEST EGPOS EGORRES EGSTRESC Row 1 ABC EG ABC-99-CA-456 1 1 ECGINT ECG Result SUPINE Row 2 ABC EG ABC-99-CA-456 2 2 ECGINT ECG Result SUPINE ABNORMAL ABNORMAL Row 3 ABC EG ABC-99-CA-456 3 3 ECGINT ECG Result SUPINE ABNORMAL ABNORMAL Row 4 ABC EG ABC-99-CA-456 4 4 ECGINT ECG Result SUPINE ABNORMAL ABNORMAL Row 5 ABC EG ABC-99-CA-456 5 4 ECGINT ECG Result SUPINE ABNORMAL ABNORMAL EGSTRESN EGBLFL EGEVAL NORMAL NORMAL VISIT VISITNUM VISITDY EGDTC EGDY PI SCREEN I 1 -2 2003-11-26 -2 PI SCREEN II 2 -1 2003-11-27 -1 Row 3 (cont) PI DAY 10 3 10 2003-12-07T09:02 10 Row 4 (cont) PI DAY 18 4 15 2003-12-12 15 Row 5 (cont) Cardiologist DAY 18 4 15 2003-12-12 15 Row 1 (cont) Row 2 (cont) Page 146 August 26, 2005 Y CDISC. © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 9.4.2 IE Example This example shows records for four subjects, each of whom had a single inclusion/exclusion exception. Subject XYZ-0007 met exclusion criteria number 17, but was included in the trial. The other three subjects each failed to meet inclusion criteria number 3, but were included in the trial. STUDYID DOMAIN USUBJID IESEQ IETESTCD IETEST IECAT IESPID IEORRES IESTRESC Row 1 XYZ IE XYZ-0007 1 EXCL17 Ventricular Rate EXCLUSION 17 Y Y Row 2 XYZ IE XYZ-0023 1 INCL03 Acceptable mammogram from local INCLUSION radiologist? 3 N N Row 3 XYZ IE XYZ-0047 1 INCL03 Acceptable mammogram from local INCLUSION radiologist? 3 N N Row 4 XYZ IE XYZ-0096 1 INCL03 Acceptable mammogram from local INCLUSION radiologist? 3 N N VISIT VISITNUM VISITDY IEDTC IEDY Row 1 (cont) WEEK-8 1 -63 1999-01-10 -58 Row 2 (cont) WEEK-8 1 -63 1999-01-06 -62 Row 3 (cont) WEEK-8 1 -63 1999-01-12 -56 Row 4 (cont) WEEK-8 1 -63 1999-01-13 -55 CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 147 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 9.4.3 LB Examples Example 1: Row 1 - Shows a value collected in one unit, but converted to selected standard unit. Rows 2, 3, 4 - Rows 2 and 3 show two records for Alkaline Phosphatase done at the same visit, one day apart. Row 4 shows how to create a derived record (average of the records 2 and 3) and flagged derived and as the one to use as baseline. Rows 6, 7 - Show a suggested use of the LBSCAT variable. It could be used to further classify types of tests within a laboratory panel (i.e., “DIFFERENTIAL”). Row 9 - Shows the proper use of the LBSTAT variable to indicate "NOT DONE", where a reason was collected when a test was not done. Row 10 - Shows one subject's data collected at two different visits. For Visit 1 the subject had cholesterol measured. The normal range for this test is <200 mg/dL. The value <200 may not be used in the normal range variables LBORNRHI or LBSTNRHI; however, a sponsor may decide, for example, to enter '0' into LBORNRLO and '199' in LBORNRHI. The sponsor must define the appropriate value for all of the normal range variables. STUDYID DOMAIN Row 1 Row 2 Row 3 Row 4 Row 5 Row 6 Row 7 Row 8 Row 9 Row 10 Row 11 ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LB USUBJID ABC-001-001 ABC-001-001 ABC-001-001 ABC-001-001 ABC-001-001 ABC-001-001 ABC-001-001 ABC-001-001 ABC-001-001 ABC-001-001 ABC-001-001 LBSEQ LBTESTCD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ALB ALKP ALKP ALKP WBC LYMPH NEUT PH ALB CHOL WBC LBTEST Albumin Alkaline Phosphatase Alkaline Phosphatase Alkaline Phosphatase WBC Count Lymphocytes Neutrophils pH Albumin Cholesterol WBC Count LBCAT LBSCAT LBORRES LBORRESU LBORNRLO LBORNRHI Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Hematology Hematology DIFFERENTIAL Hematology DIFFERENTIAL Urinalysis Chemistry Chemistry Hematology 34 398 350 5.9 6.7 5.1 7.5 229 5.9 g/L IU/L IU/L IU/L 10^9/L % 10^9/L mg/dL 10^9/L LBSTRESC LBSTRESN LBSTRESU LBSTNRLO LBSTNRHI LB STAT LBREASND LBBLFL LBFAST LBDRVFL Row 1 (cont) Row 2 (cont) Row 3 (cont) Page 148 August 26, 2005 3.4 398 350 3.4 398 350 g/dL units/L units/L 3.5 40 40 5 160 160 Y Y Y Y VISIT BASELINE BASELINE BASELINE 35 40 40 50 160 160 4 25 2 5.0 11 40 8 9.0 0 4 199 11 VISITNUM LBDTC 1 1 1 CDISC. © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL 1999-06-19 1999-06-19 1999-06-20 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) LBSTRESC LBSTRESN LBSTRESU LBSTNRLO LBSTNRHI LB STAT LBREASND LBBLFL LBFAST LBDRVFL Row 4 (cont) Row 5 (cont) Row 6 (cont) Row 7 (cont) Row 8 (cont) Row 9 (cont) Row10 (cont) Row11 (cont) 374 5.9 0.4 5.1 7.5 374 5.9 0.4 5.1 units/L 10^3/uL 10^9/L 10^9/L 40 4 1.2 2 5.00 160 11 3 8 9.00 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y NOT INSUFFICIENT DONE SAMPLE 229 5.9 229 5.9 CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL mg/dL 10^3/uL 0 4 5.85 11 Y Y VISIT VISITNUM LBDTC BASELINE BASELINE BASELINE BASELINE BASELINE VISIT 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1999-06-19 1999-06-19 1999-06-19 1999-06-19 1999-06-19 1999-07-21 VISIT 1 VISIT 1 2 2 1999-07-21 1999-07-21 Page 149 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Example 2: This is an example of three sequential timed urine collections measuring glucose. Rows 1 - Shows an example of a pre-dose urine collection interval (from 4 hours prior to dosing until 15 minutes prior to dosing) with a negative value for LBELTM that reflects the end of the interval in reference to the fixed reference LBTPTREF, the date of which is recorded in LBRFTDTC. --RFTDTC is a new timing variable added to version 1.1 of the SDTM, and is incorporated in SDTM 3.1.1 to meet this purpose. Rows 2, 3 - Show an example of post-dose urine collection intervals with values for LBELTM that reflect the end of the intervals in reference to the fixed reference LBTPTREF, the date of which is recorded in LBRFTDTC. STUDYID DOMAIN USUBJID LBSEQ LBTESTCD LBTEST LBCAT LBORRES LBORRESU LBORNRLO LBORNRHI Row 1 ABC LB ABC-001-001 1 GLUCOSE Glucose Urine 7 mg/dL 1 15 Row 2 ABC LB ABC-001-001 2 GLUCOSE Glucose Urine 11 mg/dL 1 15 Row 3 ABC LB ABC-001-001 3 GLUCOSE Glucose Urine 9 mg/dL 1 15 LBSTRESC LBSTRESN LBSTRESU LBSTNRLO LBSTNRHI VISIT VISITNUM Row 1 (cont) 0.38 0.38 mmol/L 0.1 0.8 BASELINE 1 Row 2 (cont) 0.61 0.61 mmol/L 0.1 0.8 BASELINE 1 Row 3 (cont) 0.5 0.5 mmol/L 0.1 0.8 BASELINE 1 LBDTC LBENDTC LBTPT LBTPTNUM LBELTM LBTPTREF LBRFTDTC Row 1 (cont) 1999-06-19T04:00 1999-06-19T07:45 Pre-dose 1 -P15M Dosing 1999-06-19T08:00 Row 2 (cont) 1999-06-19T08:00 1999-06-19T16:00 0-8 hours after dosing 2 P8H Dosing 1999-06-19T08:00 Row 3 (cont) 1999-06-19T16:00 1999-06-20T00:00 8-16 hours after dosing 3 P16H Dosing 1999-06-19T08:00 Page 150 August 26, 2005 CDISC. © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 9.4.4 PE Example The example shows data for one subject collected at two different visits. In all of the records except 6 and 11 the data comes from the general physical examination. In this case PECAT is "General". Additional data collected on about an ophthalmologic examination is also added to this domain, refer to rows eight and thirteen. Row 1 - Shows how PESTRESC is populated if result is 'NORMAL'. Row 2 - Shows the proper use of the STAT variable to indicate "NOT DONE", and when PEREASND is used to indicate why a body system (PETEST) was not examined. Row 4-6 - Show how PESPID is used to show the sponsor-defined identifier, which in this case is a sequence number used for identifying abnormalities within a body system. Row 4-7 - Show how PESTRESC is populated if abnormality is dictionary coded. Rows 8, 13 - Show how the PECAT variable can be used to indicate a different type of physical examination. In this case, the ophthalmologic examination may have been collected in a separate dataset in the operational database. CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 151 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) STUDYID DOMAIN USUBJID PESEQ PETESTCD Row 1 Row 2 Row 3 Row 4 Row 5 Row 6 Row 7 Row 8 Row 9 Row 10 Row 11 Row 12 Row 13 ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC PE PE PE PE PE PE PE PE PE PE PE PE PE PESTRESC Row 1 (cont) Row 2 (cont) Row 3 (cont) Row 4 (cont) Row 5 (cont) Row 6 (cont) Row 7 (cont) Row 8 (cont) Row 9 (cont) Row 10 (cont) Row 11 (cont) Row 12 (cont) Row 13 (cont) Page 152 August 26, 2005 ABC-001-001 ABC-001-001 ABC-001-001 ABC-001-001 ABC-001-001 ABC-001-001 ABC-001-001 ABC-001-001 ABC-001-001 ABC-001-001 ABC-001-001 ABC-001-001 ABC-001-001 PESEV 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 PETEST PEREASND NORMAL NORMAL ACNE NOS MILD DERMATITIS MODERATE RASH SEVERE CARDIAC NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL PELOC PEBODSYS PEORRES NORMAL HEAD Head GENERAL RESP Respiratory GENERAL NORMAL ENT Ear/nose/throat GENERAL SKIN Skin GENERAL FACE SKIN AND ACNE SKIN Skin GENERAL HANDS SKIN AND ALLERGIC REACTION SKIN Skin GENERAL LEFT ARM SKIN AND SKINRASH CARDIO Cardiovascular GENERAL INVESTIGATIONS SYSTOLIC NORMAL FUNDOSCP Fundoscopic OPHTALMOLOGIC NORMAL RESP Respiratory GENERAL NORMAL ENT Ear/nose/throat GENERAL NORMAL NECK Neck GENERAL NORMAL CARDIO Cardiovascular GENERAL NORMAL FUNDOSCP Fundoscopic OPHTALMOLOGIC PESTAT NOT DONE PECAT INVESTIGATOR ERROR PESPID VISIT VISITNUM VISITDY 1 1 BASELINE BASELINE 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BASELINE BASELINE BASELINE BASELINE BASELINE BASELINE VISIT 1 VISIT 1 VISIT 1 VISIT 1 VISIT 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 PEDTC PEDY 1 1 1999-06-06 1999-06-06 -3 -3 1 1 1 1 1 1 45 45 45 45 45 1999-06-06 1999-06-06 1999-06-07 1999-06-08 1999-06-06 1999-06-06 1999-07-21 1999-07-21 1999-07-21 1999-07-21 1999-07-21 -3 -3 -2 -1 -3 -3 45 45 45 45 45 CDISC. © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 9.4.5 QS Examples Example 1: This is an example of data from a questionnaire from one subject at one visit with standard text answers that have an associated score. In this example the subject answered all of the questions in Rows 1-4 and Rows 7-9. The standard text (e.g., very good) translates to a score of 4.4. The value of 4.4 is populated in both QSSTRESN and QSSTRESC. Since this is the baseline data there is a flag in all records in QSBLFL. The values in Rows 5, 6, 10, and 11 are derived from previous records and are flagged with a Y in QSDRVFL. The example shows how the textual answer is handled in the QSORRES Variable, while the QSSTRESC and QSSTRESN contain the standardized score value. Rows 5, 6, 10, 11 - Show derived records. Notice how QSORRES is blank for derived records because there is no corresponding text value for the numeric value shown (see section Row 1 Row 2 Row 3 Row 4 Row 5 Row 6 Row 7 Row 8 Row 9 Row 10 Row 11 STUDYID DOMAIN USUBJID QSSEQ QSTESTCD QSTEST QSCAT QSSCAT STUDYX STUDYX STUDYX STUDYX STUDYX STUDYX STUDYX STUDYX STUDYX STUDYX STUDYX QS QS QS QS QS QS QS QS QS QS QS P0001 P0001 P0001 P0001 P0001 P0001 P0001 P0001 P0001 P0001 P0001 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 GH1 GH11A GH11B GH11C GH GHINDEX RP4A RP4B RP4C RP RPINDEX Heath Sick a litter easier Healthy as anybody Expect health to get worse SF-36 General health perceptions SF-36 General health perceptions (0-100) Phys. Health-cut down time spent Phys. Health-accomplished less Phys. Health-limit kind of work SF-36 Role-physical SF-36 Role-physical (0-100) SF36 SF36 SF36 SF36 SF36 SF36 SF36 SF36 SF36 SF36 SF36 GENERAL HEALTH GENERAL HEALTH GENERAL HEALTH GENERAL HEALTH GENERAL HEALTH GENERAL HEALTH ROLE-PHYSICAL ROLE-PHYSICAL ROLE-PHYSICAL ROLE-PHYSICAL ROLE-PHYSICAL Row 1 (cont) Row 2 (cont) Row 3 (cont) Row 4 (cont) Row 5 (cont) Row 6 (cont) Row 7 (cont) Row 8 (cont) Row 9 (cont) Row 10 (cont) Row 11 (cont) QSORRES QSSTRESN QSSTRESC QSBLFL VERY GOOD MOSTLY FALSE MOSTLY TRUE DEFINITELY FALSE 4.4 4 4 5 21.4 82 2 2 2 8 100 4.4 4 4 5 21.4 82 2 2 2 8 100 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y NO NO NO CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL QSDRVFL Y Y Y Y VISITNUM VISIT QSDTC QSDY 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 BASELINE BASELINE BASELINE BASELINE BASELINE BASELINE BASELINE BASELINE BASELINE BASELINE BASELINE 2001-03-28 2001-03-28 2001-03-28 2001-03-28 2001-03-28 2001-03-28 2001-03-28 2001-03-28 2001-03-28 2001-03-28 2001-03-28 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 Page 153 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Example 2: This example show data from one subject collected at one visit for a questionnaire with standard text answers. These answers cannot be converted to numeric type, so only QSSTRESC is populated. The derived record, however, does have a derived value in QSSTRESN. Notice how QSTPTNUM is used to organize the same question being asked at various time points on the same date where no time was collected. In rows 1-3 QSTEST is ARM and QSTPTNUM is incremented 1,2,3. When QSTEST changes to BUTTER the number in QSTPTNUM start again at 1. Row 11 - Shows derived records. Notice how QSORRES is blank for derived records because there is no corresponding text value for the numeric value shown (see section Row 1 Row 2 Row 3 Row 4 Row 5 Row 6 Row 7 Row 8 Row 9 Row 10 Row 11 STUDYID DOMAIN USUBJID QSSEQ QSTESTCD QSTEST QSCAT QSSCAT QSORRE S QSSTRES C STUDYX STUDYX STUDYX STUDYX STUDYX STUDYX STUDYX STUDYX STUDYX STUDYX STUDYX QS QS QS QS QS QS QS QS QS QS QS P0001 P0001 P0001 P0001 P0001 P0001 P0001 P0001 P0001 P0001 P0001 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 COG01T02 COG01T02 COG01T02 COG01T03 COG01T03 COG01T03 COG01T04 COG01T04 COG01T04 COG01T09 COG01X ARM ARM ARM BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER CABIN CABIN CABIN GRASS WORD RECALL ADAS ADAS ADAS ADAS ADAS ADAS ADAS ADAS ADAS ADAS ADAS WORD RECALL WORD RECALL WORD RECALL WORD RECALL WORD RECALL WORD RECALL WORD RECALL WORD RECALL WORD RECALL WORD RECALL WORD RECALL NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 9 QSSTRESN Row 1 (cont) Row 2 (cont) Row 3 (cont) Row 4 (cont) Row 5 (cont) Row 6 (cont) Row 7 (cont) Row 8 (cont) Row 9 (cont) Row 10 (cont) Row 11 (cont) Page 154 August 26, 2005 9 QSBLFL QSDRVFL VISIT VISITNUM VISITYDY QSDTC QSDY QSTPTNUM Y SCREENING SCREENING SCREENING SCREENING SCREENING SCREENING SCREENING SCREENING SCREENING SCREENING SCREENING 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -14 -14 -14 -14 -14 -14 -14 -14 -14 -14 -14 2001-03-20 2001-03-20 2001-03-20 2001-03-20 2001-03-20 2001-03-20 2001-03-20 2001-03-20 2001-03-20 2001-03-20 2001-03-20 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 99 CDISC. © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 9.4.6 SC Example The example below shows data that is collected once per subject that does not change during the trial and does not fit into the demographics domain. For this example the eye color and initials were collected. Rows 1, 4 Illustrate use of an additional Race response. In this case, the value of RACE in DM would be 'OTHER'. STUDYID DOMAIN USUBJID SCSEQ SCTESTCD SCTEST Row 1 ABC SC ABC-001-001 1 Row 2 ABC SC ABC-001-001 2 Row 3 ABC SC ABC-001-001 3 SUBJINIT Subject Initials ABC SC ABC-001-002 1 RACEOTH Race Other Row 5 ABC SC ABC-001-002 2 Row 6 ABC SC ABC-001-002 3 Row 7 ABC SC ABC-001-003 2 Row 8 ABC SC ABC-001-003 3 Row 9 ABC SC ABC-002-001 2 Row 10 ABC SC ABC-002-001 3 Row 4 CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL RACEOTH Race Other EYECD EYECD Eye Color Eye Color SUBJINIT Subject Initials EYECD Eye Color SUBJINIT Subject Initials EYECD Eye Color SUBJINIT Subject Initials SCORRES SCSTRESC VISIT VISITNUM SCDTC JAPANESE JAPANESE Baseline 1 1999-06-19 BROWN BROWN Baseline 1 1999-06-19 HLT HLT Baseline 1 1999-06-19 ALASKA NATIVE ALASKA NATIVE Baseline 1 1999-03-19 BLUE BLUE Baseline 1 1999-03-19 BAM BAM Baseline 1 1999-03-19 GREEN GREEN Baseline 1 1999-05-03 ALM ALM Baseline 1 1999-05-03 HAZEL HAZEL Baseline 1 1999-06-14 CQH CQH Baseline 1 1999-06-14 Page 155 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 9.4.7 VS Example The example below shows one subject with two visits, Baseline and Visit 1, including examples of both collected and derived baseline measurements. Rows 1-2, 4-5, 8, 9 -VSTPT and VSTPTNUM are populated since more than one measurement was taken at this visit. Rows 3, 6 - Show an example of a derived value that was not considered to be an original result. In this case the sponsor derived the value in a different variable in the operational database. VSTPT and VSTPTNUM are not populated for these derived records. Rows 8, 9 - Show two temperatures taken at the baseline visit. Row 9 has a "Y" in the VSBLFL to indicate it was used as the baseline measurement. Row 14 - Shows a value collected in one unit, but converted to selected standard unit. Row 15 - Shows the proper use of the STAT variable to indicate "NOT DONE" where a reason was collected when a test was not done. Page 156 August 26, 2005 CDISC. © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) STUDYIDDOMAIN Row 1 Row 2 Row 3 Row 4 Row 5 Row 6 Row 7 Row 8 Row 9 Row 10 Row 11 Row 12 Row 13 Row 14 Row 15 ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC VS VS VS VS VS VS VS VS VS VS VS VS VS VS VS USUBJID VSSEQ VSTESTCD ABC-001-001 ABC-001-001 ABC-001-001 ABC-001-001 ABC-001-001 ABC-001-001 ABC-001-001 ABC-001-001 ABC-001-001 ABC-001-001 ABC-001-001 ABC-001-001 ABC-001-001 ABC-001-001 ABC-001-001 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 SYSBP SYSBP SYSBP DIABP DIABP DIABP PULSE TEMP TEMP WEIGHT HEIGHT SYSBP DIABP TEMP WEIGHT VSTEST 154 152 153 44 48 46 72 34.7 36.2 90.5 157 95 44 36.2 Row 15 (cont) CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL mmHg mmHg mmHg mmHg mmHg mmHg bpm C C kg cm mmHg mmHg C Y Y Y Y Y Y NOT DONE Subject refused VSLOC VSORRES VSORRESU VSSTRESC Systolic Blood Pressure SITTING LEFT ARM Systolic Blood Pressure SITTING LEFT ARM Systolic Blood Pressure SITTING LEFT ARM Diastolic Blood Pressure SITTING LEFT ARM Diastolic Blood Pressure SITTING LEFT ARM Diastolic Blood Pressure SITTING LEFT ARM Pulse SITTING LEFT ARM Temperature MOUTH Temperature MOUTH Weight STANDING Height STANDING Systolic Blood Pressure SITTING LEFT ARM Diastolic Blood Pressure SITTING LEFT ARM Temperature MOUTH Weight VSSTRESN VSSTRESU VSSTAT VSREASND VSBLFL VSDRVFL Row 1 (cont) Row 2 (cont) Row 3 (cont) Row 4 (cont) Row 5 (cont) Row 6 (cont) Row 7 (cont) Row 8 (cont) Row 9 (cont) Row 10 (cont) Row 11 (cont) Row 12 (cont) Row 13 (cont) Row 14 (cont) VSPOS Y Y 154 152 mmHg mmHg 44 48 mmHg mmHg 72 34.7 36.2 90.5 157 95 44 97.16 bpm C C kg cm mmHg mmHg F VISIT VISITNUM VSTPT BASELINE BASELINE BASELINE BASELINE BASELINE BASELINE BASELINE BASELINE BASELINE BASELINE BASELINE VISIT 1 VISIT 1 VISIT 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 BASELINE 1 BASELINE 2 1 2 BASELINE 1 BASELINE 2 1 2 BASELINE 1 BASELINE 2 1 2 VISIT 1 2 154 152 153 44 48 46 72 34.7 36.2 90.5 157 95 44 36.2 VSTPTNUM VISITDY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 35 35 35 35 Page 157 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 9.5 TRIAL DESIGN EXAMPLES 9.5.1 Defining Epochs - a How-to Example Using the Example Crossover Study This example is based on the crossover study shown in Figure 4 of Section 7.4.2. Users may find it useful to construct a "study design matrix" like the following. P-5-10 5-P-10 5-10-P Trial Screen 1st Treatment 1st Rest 2nd Treatment 2nd Rest 3rd Treatment Trial Follow-up Screen Screen Screen Placebo 5 mg 5 mg Rest Rest Rest 5 mg Placebo 10 mg Rest Rest Rest 10 mg 10 mg Placebo Follow-up Follow-up Follow-up This table is not submitted as part of the SDTM. It, like the figure in Section 7, is purely an aid to the user in working out the trial design datasets. Note that the row labels (in bold type) are the names of the Arms. The column headers (also in bold type) are the names of the trial Epochs. The contents of the cells are Elements (plain type). In many cases, the user will fill in the column headers first, then place the Elements in the cells of the table. In other cases, the user may find it easier to work out the Elements in each Arm, then to fill in the names of the Epochs. The Trial Arms table contains a record for each Element in each Arm (row of the study design matrix). TAETORD gives the order of the Elements within the Arm. The study design matrix table does not explicitly record the branch – a diagram is better for displaying that feature of the trial design. Page 158 August 26, 2005 CDISC. © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Example of a full Trial Arms dataset for a crossover study: ARM TAETORD ELEMENT TABRANCH P-5-10 P-5-10 P-5-10 P-5-10 P-5-10 P-5-10 P-5-10 5-P-10 5-P-10 5-P-10 5-P-10 5-P-10 5-P-10 5-P-10 5-10-P 5-10-P 5-10-P 5-10-P 5-10-P 5-10-P 5-10-P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Screen Placebo Rest 5 mg Rest 10 mg Follow-up Screen 5 mg Rest Placebo Rest 10 mg Follow-up Screen 5 mg Rest 10 mg Rest Placebo Follow-up Randomized to Placebo - 5 mg - 10 mg CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Randomized to 5 mg/Placebo/10 mg Randomized to 5 mg/10 mg/Placebo Page 159 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) The Trial Elements dataset has a record for each unique Element. The properties of the Elements are not recorded in the trial design matrix, but the trial design matrix can be used to check that all Elements have been included in the Trial Elements dataset. The following information may be helpful in working out the start and end rules of the Elements: • TESTRL answers the question, "What happens that marks the start of the Element?" or, "How do you know the subject has entered this Element?" • TEENRL answers the question, "When should the subject leave this Element?" Note that this rule concerns when the subject should leave the Element. The subject actually leaves the Element when they enter the next Element. • TEDUR is used when the element end rule says the subject should leave the Element after a fixed period of time. TEDUR records this fixed period of time as a duration using ISO 8601 notation. If the element end rule is of some different form, for example if it involves satisfying certain conditions, then TEDUR is left blank. Example of the Trial Elements dataset for the same crossover study: ELEMENT TESTRL TEENRL TEDUR Screen Placebo 5 mg 10 mg Rest Follow-up Informed consent First dose of placebo First dose of 5 mg drug First dose of 10 mg drug 48 hrs after last dose drug 48 hrs after last dose drug 2 weeks after start of element 2 weeks after start of element 2 weeks after start of element 2 weeks after start of element 1 week after start of element 3 weeks after start of element P14D P14D P14D P14D P7D P21D The Trial Elements dataset contains information on timing (the start and end rules), while the Trial Arms dataset contains information on how the Elements are assembled to make the Arms. Users may find it useful to join the two datasets (merge on Element) to display all this information in one table. The table below shows such a join of Trial Arms and Trial Elements. A column for EPOCH has been included in this table. Sorting this dataset by TAETORD, then ARM, makes it easy to check for consistency of the start and end rules of the Elements within an Epoch, across different Arms. Note that in this example, for each group of records with the same value of TAETORD and EPOCH, the Start Rules are the same or similar. For the Treatment Epochs, the start rules are "similar" in that they differ only in the specific dose (Placebo, 5 mg or 10 mg) that starts the element. The end rules for the Treatment Epochs are the same. For all the other Epochs in this trial, all the Elements within the Epoch are identical, so the start and end rules are also identical. If a group of Elements that have been labeled as belonging to the same Epoch do not have similar start and end rules, then they probably do not really constitute a valid Epoch. For a blinded trial, it may be useful to think about a "blinded start rule" or "epoch start rule." While the trial is still blinded, participants will not really know whether they have entered a particular treatment Element, only that they have entered a particular Epoch. For example, the element start rules for the 1st Trt Epoch specify receiving a particular dose (placebo, 5 mg or 10 mg), but during the trial, participants will know only that they have received the dose for that Epoch. Un-blinding the study reveals which treatment the subject received, and therefore which Element they passed through. Page 160 August 26, 2005 CDISC. © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Join of Trial Arms and Trial Elements datasets (merged by Element), sorted by TAETORD, then ARM: ARM TAETORD ELEMENT TASTRL TAENRL TADUR EPOCH TABRANCH 5-P-10 1 Screen Informed consent 2 weeks after start of element P14D Trial Screen Randomized to 5 mg/Placebo/10 mg P-5-10 1 Screen Informed consent 2 weeks after start of element P14D Trial Screen Randomized to Placebo/5 mg/10 mg 5-10-P 1 Screen Informed consent 2 weeks after start of element P14D Trial Screen Randomized to 5 mg/10 mg/Placebo 5-P-10 2 5 mg First dose of 5 mg drug 2 weeks after start of element P14D 1st Trt P-5-10 2 Placebo First dose of placebo 2 weeks after start of element P14D 1st Trt 5-10-P 2 5 mg First dose of 5 mg drug 2 weeks after start of element P14D 1st Trt 5-P-10 3 Rest 48 hrs after last dose drug 1 week after start of element P7D 1st Rest P-5-10 3 Rest 48 hrs after last dose drug 1 week after start of element P7D 1st Rest 5-10-P 3 Rest 48 hrs after last dose drug 1 week after start of element P7D 1st Rest 5-P-10 4 Placebo First dose of placebo 2 weeks after start of element P14D 2nd Trt P-5-10 4 5 mg First dose of 5 mg drug 2 weeks after start of element P14D 2nd Trt 5-10-P 4 10 mg First dose of 10 mg drug 2 weeks after start of element P14D 2nd Trt 5-P-10 5 Rest 48 hrs after last dose drug 1 week after start of element P7D 2nd Rest P-5-10 5 Rest 48 hrs after last dose drug 1 week after start of element P7D 2nd Rest 5-10-P 5 Rest 48 hrs after last dose drug 1 week after start of element P7D 2nd Rest 5-P-10 6 10 mg First dose of 10 mg drug 2 weeks after start of element P14D 3rd Trt P-5-10 6 10 mg First dose of 10 mg drug 2 weeks after start of element P14D 3rd Trt 5-10-P 6 Placebo First dose of placebo 2 weeks after start of element P14D 3rd Trt 5-P-10 7 Follow-up 48 hrs after last dose drug 3 weeks after start of element P21D Trial FU P-5-10 7 Follow-up 48 hrs after last dose drug 3 weeks after start of element P21D Trial FU 5-10-P 7 Follow-up 48 hrs after last dose drug 3 weeks after start of element P21D Trial FU CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 161 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 9.5.2 Trial Summary Example Trial Summary Example1: Rows 1 and 2: This trial is of two different types so there are 2 records for the type of trial Rows 1,2,5,6,7 and 12 use controlled terminology for TSVAL STUDYID DOMAIN TSSEQ TSPARMCD TSPARM TSVAL Row 1 XYZ TS 1 TYPE Type Of Trial EFFICACY Row 2 XYZ TS 2 TYPE Type Of Trial SAFETY Row 3 XYZ TS 1 TITLE Trial Title A 24 Week Study of Daily Oral Investigational Drug vs. Placebo in Subjects with Asthma Row 4 XYZ TS 1 OBJPRIM Primary Objective Of Trial Reduce the incidence of exacerbations of asthma Row 5 XYZ TS 1 RANDOM Trial Is Randomized Y Row 6 XYZ TS 1 MASK Trial Blinding Schema DOUBLE BLIND Row 7 XYZ TS 1 DESIGN Description of Trial Design PARALLEL Row 8 XYZ TS 1 TRT Reported Name Of Test Product Investigational New Drug Row 9 XYZ TS 1 INDIC Trial Indications Asthma Row 10 XYZ TS 1 AGEMIN Planned Minimum Age Of Subjects 18 Row 11 XYZ TS 1 AGEMAX Planned Maximum Age Of Subjects 70 Row 12 XYZ TS 1 SEX Sex Of Participants BOTH Row 13 XYZ TS 1 COMPTRT Comparative Treatment Name Placebo Page 162 August 26, 2005 CDISC. © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 10 Appendices 10.1 CDISC SDS TEAM Role Name Company Team Lead Wayne Kubick Lincoln Technologies, CDISC Team Co-Leads Fred Wood Procter and Gamble Mary Lenzen Pfizer Tom Guinter Octagon Research Technical Manager Julie Evans CDISC Sub-team Leads Randall Austin GlaxoSmithKline Chris Tolk Bayer Healthcare Madhavi Vemuri Johnson and Johnson PRD Diane Wold GlaxoSmithKline Karen Alexander Boehringer-Ingelheim Gayle Amato Bayer Healthcare Jane Boone Webclin Gary Cunningham AstraZeneca Kathleen Giordano Merck Dan Godoy AstraZeneca Andreas Gromen Schering AG Joyce Hernandez IBM Sandy Lei Johnson and Johnson PRD Musa Nsereko Cephalon Bill Qubeck Pfizer Robert Sarate Merck Sarah Shiue Merck Gail Stoner Centocor Mike Walega Covance Gary Walker Quintiles Yuguang Zhao Sanofi-Aventis Randy Levin FDA Norman Stockbridge FDA Steve Wilson FDA Team Participants FDA Participants CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 10.2 GLOSSARY OF TERMS The following abbreviations and terms are used in this document. Additional definitions can be found in the CDISC Glossary available at CDISC Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium CRT Case Report Tabulation Dataset A collection of structured data in a single file Domain A collection of observations with a topic-specific commonality about a subject FDA Food and Drug Administration HL7 Health Level 7 SDS Submission Data Standards (Team) SDTMIG "Study Data Tabulation Model Implementation Guide for Human Clinical Trials (this document) SEND Standard for Exchange of Non-clinical Data SDSIG SDS Implementation Guide V. 3.1, now referred to as SDTMIG. SDTM Study Data Tabulation Model V3.x Refers to Version 3.1 of the SDSIG and all subsequent versions of the SDTMIG Page 164 August 26, 2005 CDISC. © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 10.3 STANDARDIZED AND RESERVED CODES This appendix includes a preliminary list of standard codes that have been defined by the CDISC SDS Team for use with the SDTM. It includes a set of reserved domain codes, test codes for two findings domains, and an initial set of name codes for use in the Supplemental Qualifiers (SUPPQUAL) special-purpose dataset. Since a robust set of controlled terminology is so essential for effective use of the SDTM and other CDISC models, CDISC has assigned a new "Controlled Terminology" team. Beginning in March 2005, CDISC will be publishing sets of proposals for controlled terminology in separate documentation packages that will be available through the CDISC website for review and comment. The set of controlled terminology will be expanded over time and will eventually be available through online search tools provided by the National Cancer Institute of the United States National Institutes of Health. 10.3.1 Reserved Domain Codes The following domain codes have been reserved for use with the domain topicalities listed. CDISC will be preparing additional domain models to describe many of these over time. Code Domain Class AE AU Adverse Events Autopsy Events Findings BM Findings BR CM CO DA Bone Mineral Density (BMD) Data Biopsy Concomitant Meds Comments Drug Accountability Findings Interventions Special Purpose Findings DC Disease Characteristics Findings DM Demographics Special Purpose DS DV EE Disposition Protocol Deviations EEG Events Events Findings EG ECG Findings EX HU Exposure Healthcare Resource Utilization Interventions Findings IE Inclusion / Exclusion Findings CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Description See, assumption 1. Additional data about deaths, specific to findings from autopsies. Findings resulting from evaluations of bone mineral density. Findings resulting from biopsies. See, assumption 1. See 5.1.2. Data regarding the accountability of study drug, such as information on the receipt, dispensing, return, and packaging. Data related to the characteristics of a specific disease state under study for a subject. Demographics includes a set of essential standard variables that describe each subject in a clinical study. It is the parent domain for all other observations for human clinical subjects. See SDTM 2.2.6. See, assumption 1. See separate DV domain model, assumption 1. Findings resulting from electroencephalogram (EEG) tests. Findings related to the collection of ECG data, including position of the subject, method of evaluation, all cycle measurements and all findings from the ECG including an overall interpretation if collected or derived. See, assumption 1. Healthcare resource utilization data such as subject visits to physicians, hospitalizations, and nursing home stays. See, assumption 1. Page 165 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Code Domain Class IM Imaging Findings LB Laboratory Data Findings MB Microbiology Specimens Findings MH ML Medical History Meal Data Events Interventions MS Microbiology Susceptibility Findings OM PC Organ Measurements PK Concentration PE Physical Exam PP PK Parameters PG Pharmacogenomics QS SC SE SG SK SL Questionnaires Subject Characteristics Subject Elements Surgery Skin Test Sleep (Polysomnography) Data Signs and Symptoms ST SU SV TA TE TI Stress (Exercise) Test Data Substance Use Subject Visits Trial Arms Trial Elements Trial Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria Trial Summary Trial Visits Vital Signs TS TV VS Page 166 August 26, 2005 Description Findings resulting from diagnostic medical imaging tests such as X-ray or MRI. Laboratory test findings including, but is not limited to hematology, clinical chemistry and urinalysis data. Does not include microbiology or PK data, which are stored in separate domains. Microbiology Specimen findings, including gram stain results, and organisms found. See, assumption 1 Information regarding the subject's meal consumption, such as fluid intake, amounts, form (solid or liquid state), frequency, etc., typically used for PK analysis. Microbiology Susceptibility Test results, plus results of any other organism-related tests. Findings Findings from organ measurement evaluations. Findings Concentrations of drugs/metabolites in fluids or tissues as a function of time. Findings Findings collected during a physical examination of the subject. It has findings that are discovered that are related to body systems. Does not include vital signs measurements, which are stored in the VS domain. Findings Pharmacokinetic parameters derived from pharmacokinetic concentration-time (PC) data. Findings Pharmacogenomics findings initially focusing on Genotype and Gene Expression data. Findings See, assumption 1 Findings See, assumption 1 Study Design See SDTM 3.3. Interventions Surgical information. Findings Findings from diagnostic skin tests. Findings Findings from diagnostic sleep tests (polysomnography). Findings/Events Evidence of disease or condition, including objective signs and subjective symptoms that are typically observed by a physician or described to the investigator by the subject. Findings Interventions Trial Design Trial Design Trial Design Trial Design Findings from exercise stress tests. See, assumption 1 See SDTM 3.3. See SDTM 3.2. See SDTM 3.2. See SDTM 3.4. Trial Design Trial Design Findings See SDTM 3.5. See SDTM 3.2. Measurements including but not limited to blood pressure, temperature, respiration, body surface area, BMI, height and weight. CDISC. © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 10.3.2 Electrocardiogram Test Codes (for measured or calculated parameters) The following table contains the test codes suggested by CDISC for use in Electrocardiogram data domains. EGTESTCD HR INTP PR QRS QT QTCB QTCF RR VRATE 10.3.3 EGTEST Heart Rate ECG Interpretation PR Interval QRS Interval QT Interval QTc Interval Bazett QTc Interval Fridericia RR Interval Ventricular Rate Vital Signs Test Codes The following table contains the test codes suggested by CDISC for use in Vital Signs domains. VSTESTCD BMI BODYFAT BSA DIABP FRMSIZE HEIGHT HR MAP PULSE RESP SYSBP TEMP WEIGHT VSTEST Body Mass Index Body Fat Body Surface Area Diastolic Blood Pressure Frame Size Height Heart Rate Mean Arterial Pressure Pulse Rate Respiratory Rate Systolic Blood Pressure Temperature Weight CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 167 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 10.3.4 Supplemental Qualifiers Name Codes The following table contains an initial set of standard name codes suggested by CDISC for use in the Supplemental Qualifiers (SUPPQUAL) special-purpose dataset. QNAM AESOSP AETRTEM COMPLT FULLSET ITT PPROT SAFETY Page 168 August 26, 2005 QLABEL Other Medically Important SAE (includes the descriptive text, not a flag) Treatment Emergent Flag Completers Population Flag Full Analysis Set Flag Intent to Treat Population Flag Per Protocol Set Flag Safety Population Flag CDISC. © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 10.3.5 Trial Summary Codes The following table contains proposed controlled terminology for use in the Trial Summary domain. Although this is the most current set of terminology available as of this writing, it is likely to grow or change as it undergoes further review by the CDISC Controlled Terminology team. TSPARMCD TSPARM TSVAL ADDON TEST PRODUCT IS ADDED ON TO EXISTING TREATMENT AEDICT ADVERSE EVENT DICTIONARY AGESPAN AGE SPAN AGEMAX PLANNED MAXIMUM AGE OF SUBJECTS PLANNED MINIMUM AGE OF SUBJECTS TRIAL BLINDING SCHEMA Y N MedDRA WHOART SPONSOR DEFINED IN UTERO PRETERM NEWBORN INFANTS NEWBORN (0-27 DAYS) INFANT AND TODDLER (28 DAYS - 23 MONTHS) CHILDREN (2-11 YEARS) ADOLESCENT (12-17 YEARS) ADULT (18-65) ELDERLY (> 65) No controlled terminology. AGEMIN BLIND COMPTRT CONTROL DIAGGRP DOSE DOSFRQ DOSU DRUGDICT INDIC INDICTYP COMPARATIVE TREATMENT NAME TYPE OF CONTROL DIAGNOSIS GROUP TEST PRODUCT DOSE PER ADMINISTRATION TEST PRODUCT DOSING FREQUENCY TEST PRODUCT DOSE UNITS DRUG DICTIONARY TRIAL INDICATIONS TRIAL INDICATION TYPE CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL No controlled terminology. OPEN LABEL SINGLE BLIND DOUBLE BLIND No controlled terminology. PLACEBO ACTIVE NONE HEALTHY SUBJECTS Use controlled terminology for interventions (DOSE). Use controlled terminology for interventions (DOSFRQ). Use controlled terminology for interventions (DOSU). WHODRUG No controlled terminology. DIAGNOSIS CURE MITIGATION [Note: used narrowly to mean mitigate adverse effect of another treatment] TREATMENT PREVENTION Page 169 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) TSPARMCD TSPARM TSVAL LENGTH MHDICT LENGTH OF TRIAL MEDICAL HISTORY DICTIONARY OBJPRIM TRIAL PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OBJSEC TRIAL SECONDARY OBJECTIVE PHASE TRIAL PHASE PLANSUB PLANNED NUMBER OF SUBJECTS TRIAL IS RANDOMIZED No controlled terminology. MedDRA SPONSOR DEFINED No controlled terminology however, the objective should be described in terms of the desired statement in labeling. No controlled terminology however the objective should be described in terms of the desired statement in labeling. 1 1-2 2 2A 2B 2-3 3 3A 3B 3-4 4 5 NA No controlled terminology. RANDOM ROUTE SEXPOP SPONSOR TITLE TRT TYPE Page 170 August 26, 2005 TEST PRODUCT ROUTE OF ADMINISTRATION SEX OF PARTICIPANTS SPONSORING ORGANIZATION TRIAL TITLE REPORTED NAME OF TEST PRODUCT TYPE OF TRIAL Y N Use controlled terminology for interventions (ROUTE). M F BOTH No controlled terminology. No controlled terminology. No controlled terminology. SAFETY EFFICACY BIO-EQUIVALENCE BIO-AVAILABILITY CONFIRMATORY EXPLORATORY PHARMACOECONOMIC PHARMACOGENOMICS PHARMACOKINETICS PHARMACODYNAMICS CDISC. © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 10.4 CDISC VARIABLE-NAMING FRAGMENTS The CDISC SDS group has defined a standard list of fragments to use as a guide when naming variables in SUPPQUAL (QNAM) or assigning TESTCD values that could conceivably be treated as variables in a horizontal listing derived from a V3.x dataset. In some cases, more than one fragment is used for a given keyword. This is necessary when a shorter fragment must be used for a TESTCD or QNAM that incorporates several keywords that must be combined while still meeting the 8-character variable naming limit of SAS transport files. When using fragments, the general rule is to use the fragment(s) that best conveys the meaning of the variable within the 8character limit; thus, the longer fragment should be used when space allows. If the combination of fragments still exceeds 8 characters, a character should be dropped where most appropriate (while avoiding naming conflicts if possible) to fit within the 8-character limit. In other cases the same fragment may be used for more than one meaning, but these would not normally overlap for the same variable. Keyword(s) Fragment Keyword(s) Fragment ACTION ACN ETHNICITY ETHNIC ADJUSTMENT ADJ EXTERNAL X ANALYSIS DATASET AD EVALUATOR EVAL BASELINE BL EVALUATION EVL BIRTH BRTH FASTING FAST BODY BOD FILENAME FN CANCER CAN FLAG FL CATEGORY CAT FORMULATION, FORM FRM CHARACTER C FREQUENCY FREQ CONDITION CND GRADE GR CLASS CLAS GROUP GRP CODE CD HIGHER LIMIT HI COMMENT COM HOSPITALIZATION HOSP CONCOMITANT CON IDENTIFIER ID CONGENITAL CONG INDICATION INDC DATE TIME - CHARACTER DTC INDICATOR IND DAY DY INTERVAL INT DEATH DTH INTERPRETATION INTP DECODE DECOD INVESTIGATOR INV DERIVED DRV LIFE-THREATENING LIFE DESCRIPTION DESC LOCATION LOC DISABILITY DISAB LOINC CODE LOINC DOSE, DOSAGE DOS, DOSE LOWER LIMIT LO DURATION DUR MEDICALLY-IMPORTANT EVENT MIE ELAPSED EL NAME NAM ELEMENT ET NON-STUDY THERAPY NST EMERGENT EM NORMAL RANGE NR END END, EN NOT DONE ND CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 171 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Keyword(s) Fragment Keyword(s) Fragment NUMBER NUM SPECIMEN SPEC, SPC NUMERIC N SPONSOR SP ONGOING ONGO STANDARD ST, STD ORDER ORD START ST ORIGIN ORIG STATUS STAT ORIGINAL OR SUBCATEGORY SCAT OTHER OTH, O SUBJECT SUBJ OUTCOME OUT SUPPLEMENTAL SUPP OVERDOSE OD SYSTEM SYS PARAMETER PARM TEXT TXT PATTERN PATT TIME TM POPULATION POP TIMEPOINT TPT POSITION POS TOTAL TOT QUALIFIER QUAL TOXICITY TOX REASON REAS TRANSITION TRANS REFERENCE REF, RF TREATMENT TRT REGIMEN RGM UNIT U RELATED REL, R UNIQUE U RELATIONSHIP REL UNPLANNED UP RESULT RES VARIABLE VAR RULE RL VALUE VAL SEQUENCE SEQ VEHICLE V SERIOUS S, SER SEVERITY SEV Page 172 August 26, 2005 CDISC. © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 10.5 LESSONS LEARNED FROM THE PILOT After reviewing the data structures submitted for the pilot, the CDISC SDS Team overwhelmingly agreed that there were more commonalities than differences in the data structures submitted by the different companies. However, the team also concluded that the Version 3 concepts require additional documentation and training to minimize possible different interpretations as well as to highlight the model subtleties. Thus the principal conclusion from the pilot was the need for a much more detailed and complete implementation guide. The CDISC SDS Team presented these lessons at an FDA Public Meeting on October 2, 2003. The three main objectives of the pilot were to ‘stress’ the conceptual models by including as many different types of therapeutic areas and data as possible, to test new model components (e.g., Trial Design), and to summarize sponsor and FDA experiences. A broad variety of data was submitted from eight different therapeutic classes and four different trial designs. The therapeutic classes included Oncology, Metabolic, Cardiovascular, Anti-infective, Hormone Replacement Therapy, Central Nervous System, Respiratory, and Endocrine. The study designs included 1) Double-blind, parallel group, 2) Double-blind followed by open label, 3) Multiple treatment phases/arms, and 4) Infusion and oral dosing. All of the predefined Version 3.0 CDISC SDS domain models were tested as well as more than twelve new domains (e.g., Microbiology, Questionnaire, Study Drug Compliance, Mammogram, Tumor Identification and Measurement, Disease Response, Health Care Utilization). Although most of the participants used their legacy database, one participant tested the conversion of Version 2.0 datsets to Version 3.0. The testing of new model components included the inclusion of new variables, concepts and datasets. An analysis of the variables used in the pilot was shared with the CDISC SDS Team. This analysis highlighted the variables actually used in the submission datasets, the new Version 3.0 variables, plus those that were not described within the specifications. It was through this analysis that the team deliberated over the cost/benefits of the inclusion of new variables or changing existing ones. Furthermore, the team discovered that new variables such as --GRPID, --SEQ, --SPID, --CAT, and --SCAT were beneficial but sponsors would need additional guidance to ensure consistent application. One especially significant conclusion was the reexamination of the date-time precision variable combination. The team concluded that the ISO 8601 date/time specification was more efficient and complete and leveraged a preexisting industry standard compared to the Version 3.0 variable pairing. Therefore, after much debate the team endorsed and included the ISO 8601 date format into version 3.1. Additionally, new data domains and concepts were tested, for example the trial design datasets. The findings and feedback from sponsors as well as from FDA increased the importance of including these concepts in the Version 3.1 release. The last major objective was to capture both sponsor participant and FDA experiences with the pilot. On the sponsor side, the team looked into the ease and consistency of use and categorization of data into the observation classes (Findings, Events and Interventions) as well as the identification of challenging areas. On the FDA side, the team was interested in reviewer experiences with the data and applications used in the pilot. A number of challenges were highlighted, such as re-conceptualizing how the electronic submission data is organized. For example, data that was traditionally collected within one CRF module may now go into multiple V3 domains and data that was collected on multiple CRF modules may go into one V3 domain. The second challenge faced by the participants was the physical mapping between horizontal data structures to a vertical or more ‘normalized’ paradigm. Like the industry at large, pilot participants’ needed to be educated on new terms (e.g., epochs, elements and arms) that are used to replace common terms (e.g., periods, phases, and treatment groups) and concepts. Lastly, it was not always clear cut where data should be placed if the data did not easily fit into a specific observation class; this was in part due to the fact that the Version 3 specifications were still in a state of flux during the pilot period. In conclusion, the number-one learning from this pilot was that additional guidance and specifications were needed to reduce inconsistencies and enhance comprehension of the models. Specifically, a detailed implementation guide was necessary to more clearly communicate the specifications and the rules, as well as to provide additional guidance through examples is necessary. Also, the team learned that the vertical nature of the Findings datasets highlights the importance of and the need for specific controlled terminology to be able to provide record level metadata (e.g., via define.xml). Implementing Version 3 for the safety domains based on Version 2 was CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 173 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) straightforward. Lastly, complex data (e.g., Microbiology, where multiple relationships (one to many to many) exist within and between variables and records) and study designs (e.g., Oncology) could be represented in Version 3. The SDTM is not meant to mirror data as collected on CRFs; that is, while CRFs will continue to be optimized for data collection, the SDTM models are optimized for electronic data exchange with the FDA. The V3 structures seemed to handle all of the many variations in data provided from different sponsors, and seemed to provide a very effective foundation for a common data standard. Page 174 August 26, 2005 CDISC. © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 10.6 REVISION HISTORY As stated above, this document, when approved, together with the SDTM, represents the most recent version of the CDISC Submission Data Domain Models, previously known as Version 3.1. The V3.x Study Data Tabulation Model Implementation Guide for Human Clinical Trials was the first implementation-ready version of the CDISC Submission Data Domain Models. 10.6.1 Changes from CDISC Version 2 Models to Version 3 V3 represented a major change from the CDISC Version 2.0 (V2) domain models for two primary reasons. First, it included a general model for representing all types of tabulation data (the general model has now been published separately as the SDTM). Second, the general vertical record structures used in V3 were more normalized than the more horizontal V2 record structures. Standard horizontal listings of data, such as those described in the V2 horizontal representations of ECGs and Vitals by visit, will be produced by FDA standard review tools. V3 was initially released for comment in March 2003, and finalized as an approved HL7 informative document that addressed all prior comments on June 9, 2003. V3 was then tested in Summer 2003 by individuals from nine sponsor companies who participated in an FDA pilot project. The results of the pilot (which are discussed in Section 10.5) were shared with industry at an FDA public meeting held on October 2, 2003, and feedback from the pilot was a primary input to V3.x. Another key input was a list of comments that had to be deferred for the June 9, 2003 publication, but which were addressed in V3.1 and later versions. 10.6.2 Changes from CDISC V3 to V3.1 1) The general underlying conceptual model described in V3 as the General Study Data Information Model, was published separately as the SDTM, a separate document from this implementation guide. 2) Corrections and amendments applied in the SDTM were also applied throughout the domain models, assumptions, and examples provided in this document. A new Trial Design component was incorporated with examples to provide a standardized representation of study timing and treatment plans, and a way of representing actual subject visits. A more thorough solution was included for defining relationships between datasets, domains, and/or records. The representation of all date/time variables was changed to ISO 8601 character format. The concept of a separate Date/Time Precision variable for each date/time variable was eliminated in this version, because that purpose is met by the ISO 8601 standard. New domain variables were added to represent additional timing descriptions, flags, and descriptive attributes of an observation (e.g., --SCAT, --DOSRGM, --NRIND). Some variables were removed from the domain models (e.g., --INTP, --DESC, --BLRESC, --BLRESN), either because they were deprecated in the prior version or were inconsistent with the intent of the model. The core variable concept was expanded to categorize variables as required, expected, or permissible. The Qualifier variable role was sub-categorized into five more granular subcategories (See Section 2.1) to provide more detail on the use of variables. The SU, DS, and PE domains were significantly redesigned. Additional business rules were incorporated to address common data management situations, such as representing tests not done. Numerous changes to V3 variables, labels, formats, and notes were made to reduce ambiguity and improve consistency. New sections were included in the Implementation Guide to provide additional descriptive examples and additional guidance on proper usage. 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 175 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 10.6.3 Changes from CDISC SDSIG V3.1 to SDTMIG V3.1.1 Draft Major Changes Change General Change 2.5 Add Add Add Separate Document Separate Document Separate Document Separate Document 7.10 Change Add 8 8.4.3 Minor Changes Correct Correct Correct Correct 1.3 2.1 2.5 2.6 Correct Correct 2.6.1 3.2 Correct 3.2.1 Add Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct 4.1.1 Add Add Add Page 176 August 26, 2005 Changed abbreviation from SDSIG to SDTMIG. Updated references to SDTM v1.1. Introduced abbreviation of V3.x to refer to V3.1 IG and subsequent versions. Any valid variable included in an SDTM general class may now be used in a domain based on that class. New assumption on the use of date/time variables for findings collected over an interval. New DV Protocol Deviations domain model and example New DA Drug Accountability domain and example New Pharmacokinetics Concentrations domain model and example New Pharmacokinetics Parameters domain model and example New TS Trial Summary domain model and examples. Also added TS code to Appendix 10.3.1. Substantial revisions throughout this Section to clarify proper usage. Inserted new option for creating separate SUPPQUAL datasets (supp--) per domain. Moved list of changes to appendix 10.6. Revised text to accommodate v. 3.11. Corrected spelling of --ORNRLO and --ORNRHI. Update list of domains with DV, DA, MB, PC, PP, TS Clarified step 11 to emphasize that labels should only be changed in new domains. Added statement about posting suggested new codes to CDISC web site. Corrected step number references in last 2 paragraphs. Updated documentation to clarify that the key order in metadata should reflect the natural sort order of the domain when viewed, since all physical keys are fixed within the SDTM (based on STUDYID, USUBJID, --SEQ). Clarified that roles are optional for standard domains. Changed dataset names to lowercase for consistency with FDA eCTD guidance requirements. Corrected Structure column for consistency with domain models. Added reference to CDISC Define.xml specification. Remove reference to RELDS and COMMENTS. Clarified when the use of mixed case text is allowable. Clarified that analysis variables may be included as supplemental qualifiers. Removed references to PE Corrected format of fourth bullet example by adding hyphen separators to year. Fixed link CDISC. © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Minor Changes Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct 5.1.1 Correct/Add Correct 5.1.2 Correct Correct 6.1.1 Add/Remove Correct 6.1.2 Correct 6.1.3 Correct 6.2.1 Correct Correct 6.2.2 Correct 6.2.3 Correct CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Reworded first sentence. Updated footnote to use correct expression syntax (input(DTC, datetime18) Corrected examples and expanded documentation on use of ISO8601 for durations Updated to allow use in other domains. Updated diagram and description to explain how to address timepoints that either start before the study with an unknown end or start during a study with an unknown end. Clarified use of --ORRES in PE; minor text corrections to clarify. Used correct CT for SYSBP. Clarified that long text should be split for readability when > 200 characters. Clarified use of EVAL and that the name of the attribution should increment by 1 for each additional attribution on the same topic Specified use of ISO 3166 3-character country code. Added example of USUBJID convention. Clarified assumption 1 on necessity of including SITEID. Clarified assumption 7 on how to represent additional race information. Added assumption 8 on screen failures. Corrected reference to COVAL in paragraph 1. Corrected CDISC notes for DOMAIN, RDOMAIN, COREF and COVAL. Added reference to 8.5. Corrected references to IDVAR in assumption 1; correct example. Correct label, role and notes for CMSPID for consistency with other domain models. Corrected label for CMMODIFY for consistency with SDTM. Corrected role for CMCLASCD, CMDOSU, CMDOSFRM, CMDOSFRQ, CMROUTE to Variable Qualifier. Edited notes and added reference and new term to CMSTREF and CMENREF. Corrected CDISC Notes for CMOCCUR. Added new assumption 5 to discuss record structure. Removed old assumption 5 (which was redundant with Notes and assumption Corrected role of EXSPID for consistency with SDTM and other domain models. Correct role for EXDOSU, EXDOSFRM, EXDOSFRQ, EXROUTE to Variable Qualifier. Updated CDISC notes for EXSTDTC and EXENDTC. Corrected role of SUSPID for consistency with SDTM and other domain models. Corrected role for SUCLASCD, SUDOSU, SUDOSFRM, SUDOSFRQ, SUROUTE to Variable Qualifier. Correct note to SUSTAT. Corrected Origin for SUROUTE for consistency. Corrected labels for AESTDY, AEENDY, AEDUR for consistency with SDTM. Corrected notes for AETOXGR and AEDUR. Corrected note and CT for AEENRF. Corrected text in 5a to allow use of both AEENDTC and AEENRF.. Corrected notes for DSREFID, DSSPID, DSSTDTC and DSSTDY. Corrected role for EPOCH to Timing. Corrected Label for DSTERM and DSDECOD Corrected labels for MHSEQ, MHTERM, MHCAT, MHSCAT, MHDTC for consistency. Corrected notes to MHTERM, MHDECOD, MHSCAT, MHDTC, MHENDTC. Changed Core to Permissible for MHSTDTC. Corrected note to MHENRF to allow use with MHENDTC. Updated Note 4d for clarity. Page 177 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Minor Changes Correct 6.3.1 Correct Correct 6.3.2 Correct Correct 6.3.3 Add Correct 6.3.4 Correct 6.3.5 Add Correct 6.3.6 Add Correct 6.3.7 Add Correct 7.1 7.2.1 Correct 7.2.2 Correct 7.2.3 Correct 7.3.1 Correct Correct Replace 7.3.2 7.4.2 7.4.4 Correct 7.5 Page 178 August 26, 2005 Added variables EGNRIND, EGMETHOD, EGTPTNUM to model. Corrected notes for EGGRPID, EGNRIND, EGSCAT, EGLOINC, EGEVAL. Corrected references for EGORRESU, EGSTRESN, EGSTRESU, EGDRVFL, EGELTM. Changed Core for EGPOS to Permissible. Added example in note to EGELTM. Corrected Assumption 1. Corrected Type of IESPID to Char for consistency. Corrected Core for IEORRES and IESTRESC to Required. Corrected Core for IEDTC to Permissible. Updated reference for IEDY. Corrected note to IETEST. Added new assumption 3 to clarify relationship to TI domain. Added variables LBSTRESU, LBNAM, and VISITNUM (all omitted in error). Corrected references for LBORRESU, LBREASND, LBDRVFL, LBELTM. Changed Role of LBNRIND to Expected. Corrected Note to LBNRIND. Changed labels and notes to use “Reference Range” instead of “Normal Range”. Added example to note for LBELTM. Added new assumption on use of reference range fields. Added PEORRESU, PESTRESN, PESTRESU, PEBLFL, PEEVAL, PESEV to domain model. Corrected note for PETEST. Corrected type of PESPID to Char. Changed ole of VISITNUM and PEDTC to Expected. Corrected reference for PEREASND. Moved PESPID to top of domain for consistency. Corrected note for QSCAT, Changed Core for VISITNUM to Expected, Corrected reference for QSDRVFL, QSELTM. Added new assumptions. Added new assumptions 1-3 to better explain use of QS. Added variables SCSTAT, SCREASND, SCDY for consistency. Corrected Role of SCSTRESC, SCSTRESN, SCSTAT, SCREASND to Result Qualifier. Added new assumption on use of SC vs. DM and SUPPQUAL. Added VSNRIND variable. Updated Core of VSSPID, VSPOS and VSNRIND to Permissible, VSTEST to Required, VSSTRESC and VSSTRESN to Result Qualifer, VSNRIND, VSSTAT and VSLOC to Permissible, VSBLFL and VSDTC to Expected. Corrected references for VSCAT, VSORRES, VSORRESU, VSSTRESC, VSSTAT, VSLOINC, VSBLFL, VSDRVFL, VSELTM. Corrected note for VSNRIND and VSDRVFL.. Added references to Epochs. Corrected structure in header. Corrected notes for ETCD, ELEMENT and TEENRL. Changed role of ELEMENT to Synonym Qualifier. Changed Core of TEENRL to Perm. Corrected structure in header. Corrected labels for ARM and ARMCD (removed "Treatment Group"). Changed EPOCH Role to Timing. Corrected notes for ARMCD and ELEMENT.. Corrected structure in header. Corrected TVENRL Origin to Sponsor Defined/ Protocol. Corrected label for ARMCD and VISITNUM. Corrected note for ARMCD and ARM. Changed Core of VISIT to Perm. Corrected DOMAIN code to SE. Corrected structure in header. Corrected note to ELEMENT. Corrected structure in header. Removed "Treatment" from note to SVENDTC Corrected ELEMENT values in table to match figure. Replaced second example with corrected version that adds EPOCH. Added clarification to last paragraph. Corrected table values for ELEMENT for consistency with figures. Corrected number of records in figure to 20. CDISC. © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Minor Changes Correct Correct 7.7.5 7.9 Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct 8.0 8.1.1 8.2 8.2.2 8.3 8.3.1 Add 8.4 Correct 8.4.1 Add 8.4.2 Correct Correct Add 8.5 8.5.1 8.6 Add Correct Remove 8.6.1 9.1 9.3.3 Replace Replace Replace 9.4.1 9.4.2 9.4.3 Replace Add Replace Replace Replace 9.4.4 9.4.5 9.4.6 9.4.7 9.5.1 Add Remove 9.5.2 10.3.1 Add Correct Correct Correct Correct 10.3.5 10.3.3 10.3.4 10.4 10.5 CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Clarified wording of second paragraph. Corrected Roles of IETEST to Synonym Qualifier and IECAT to Grouping Qualifier. Corrected notes for IETESTCD, IETEST, IECAT. Removed references to lesions in bullet 3 and made minor text edits. Clarified text in paragraph 1. Substantial text corrections to entire section for clarification. Corrected USUBJID reference in Example A Inserted clarifying test in paragraph 2. Replaced example of MB for split domains. Substantially revised text for clarification. Added new paragraphs 3 and 4 to clarify use of QNAM and QVAL. Substantially revised text for clarification. Substantial text revisions for clarification. Corrected notes for QNAM and QLABEL. Added new last paragraph. Substantially revised text for clarification. Added new paragraph at end to emphasize that null values for QVAL are not to be used. Adjusted values in example; changed PPE to PPROT. Added new foreign language example. Substantially revised text for clarification. Corrected COREF values in example. Substantially revised text for clarification. Added new paragraphs 3-5 and revised other sentences to clarify principle of domain topicality. Inserted new Stress Test multiple-dataset example. Removed last row in example Deleted statement beginning with "If terms are specified in the CRF" below note e. Updated EG Example with minor corrections. Updated IE Example with minor corrections. Updated LB Example; added second example to show a urine collection, including a negative reference period. Updated PE Example with PESEV and minor corrections Corrected QS example. Added explanations. Updated SC Example with minor corrections. Updated VS Example with minor corrections. Replaced Trial Design examples with new examples to better communicate core concepts; added new TS example. Added new TS example. Removed reserved codes for DR, DY, NE, PF, RF, SZ, VX as these may no longer be necessary as separate domains. Changed code for Biopsy from BX to BR. Added controlled terms for new TS domain. Added new code for BODYFAT Added new code for SCRNFAIL. Corrected several fragment names. Revised last paragraph. Other minor text revisions. Page 179 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 10.6.4 Changes from CDISC SDTMIG V3.1.1 Draft to V3.1.1 Final Major Changes Add 2.4 Change Add Change Add Correct Change Change Sections 5 &6 5.1 Change Section 6 Change Section 6 Change Add 7.3.1 Change 8.4 Change 8.6 Change 9.2.3 Change 9.3.3 Add 10.3.1 Removed restriction that --STRF and --ENRF can only be used if start and/or end dates are missing. Also removed restrictions from domain models using those variables (CM, SU, AE, MH). New assumption on representing date results in findings. Substantially reworded assumption for clarity. Corrected EGTESTCD for RHYRATE in ECG example. Changed the header for all domain models to use lowercase xpt filenames for consistency with eCTD specifications. Revise notes and Core for RFSTDTC, RFENDTC and revise Assumption 8 to allow for representation of screen failures with ARMCD=’SCRNFAIL’ rather than using SUPPQUAL. Changed label for all domain instances of --SPID from “Sponsor ID” to “Sponsor-Defined Identifier” so as not to be confused with the ID of a sponsor company. Reclassified --STAT as a Record Qualifier. Changed domain models for CM, SU, AE, MH to address possible use of new SuppQual variable --PRESP, reconsider use of --OCCUR, and emphasize importance of including data that represents actual interventions or events. Revised QS Assumption 1 to clarify domain contents. Added new variable SESEQ to uniquely identify each row and set the sequence of elements followed by a subject. The use of a single SUPPQUAL dataset is not recommended for users of V3.1.1 and later versions. The use of separate datasets has been found to be much more convenient for sponsors and is necessary for compatibility with the CDISC ODM model and define.xml. Changes to text on determining where to put data in the SDTM and removal of example, which is under discussion among the SDS Team. Removed example 1 from prior SU example, since proper use of the SUOCCUR variable is being reconsidered by the SDS Team; Revised example 2 (now1). Modified example to remove references to MHOCCUR variable, since use of this variable is being reconsidered by the SDS Team. Added description for each domain code; adjusted list of reserved codes. Add 10.7 New section 10.7 on Warranties, Limitation of Liability, Disclaimers. Page 180 August 26, 2005 Included additional information about choosing a general class and ability to use any qualifier from same general class. Corrected last bullet to allow use of any qualifier from same general class. Also clarified that a null column is acceptable for expected variables not collected. Reworded for improved clarity. Added examples of new ISO 8601-compliant representation for partial date/times with omitted components. CDISC. © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Minor Changes Add 1.1 Add Correct 1.3 2.1 Add Correct Correct 2.2 6.1.1 6.1.3 Correct 6.2.1 Correct Correct Correct Correct 6.2.2 6.2.3 Correct Add 6.3.1 Correct 6.3.2 Correct/Add 6.3.3 Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct 6.3.4 6.3.6 Correct 7.2.1 Correct 7.2.2 Correct Correct Correct Correct 7.3.2 7.4.4 7.5.2 7.9 Correct Correct Correct Correct 7.10 8.3.1 8.4.2 8.6.1 CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Expanded definition of tabulation datasets. Included reference for FDA study data specifications. Modified bullet 6 to reference new appendix 10.6. Removed --SPEC, --LOT and --NAM as examples of Grouping Qualifiers, moved to Record Qualifiers. Referred to use of Result Qualifiers in DM. Additional explanatory text in paragraph 1. Corrected label for CMREASND to conform with 40 character limit. Added SUSTRF and SUENRF; modified label of SUTRT. Reclassified former Result Qualifiers as Record Qualifiers. Corrected examples in CDISC Note for AEREL. Added notes and ‘**’ to AETOXGR and reclassified former Result Qualifiers as Record Qualifiers. Reworded assumption 1 to clarify definition. Revised Assumption 4 to reduce ambiguity and discuss possible future use of AEPRESP and AEOCCUR. Corrected example list of values for DSDECOD. Reworded assumption 1 to clarify definition. Changed Core to Perm for MHBODSYS and MHDECOD. Corrected Origin for MHBODSYS to Derived. Deleted 2nd note for MHBODSYS reclassified former Result Qualifiers as Record Qualifiers. Reworded assumption 1 to clarify definition. Reworded assumption 3a to clarify use of MHCAT and MHSCAT. Added note to EGLOINC; corrected label for ESPID, corrected note to EGORES. Corrected labels to IETESTCD, IETEST and IECAT for consistency with SDTM TI labels. Corrected labels and notes for IEORES and IESTRESC. Corrected examples in CDISC NOTE for LBMETHOD. Added LBENDTC to model. Corrected wording of assumption 1 for LB. Corrected header to PE table. Removed "QSORRES" from assumption 4. Moved SCSPID after SCGRPID for consistency with other domains. Removed last 2 sentences from Assumption 2, which described an example that belonged in suppdm rather than suppsc. Added “ISO 8601” to Format for TEDUR; Corrected note for ETCD (ETCD note also corrected in other trial design domains) Corrected note for ARMCD (ARMCD note also corrected in other trial design domains) Corrected note to VISITDY (to remove reference to use of decimals). Changed examples for TEDUR to ISO8601 format. Changed examples for TEDUR to ISO8601 format. Corrected labels to IETESTCD, IETEST and IECAT for consistency with SDTM TI labels. Corrected Notes to TSPARM and TSVAL; corrected core for TSVAL Updated example to use MB and MS microbiology domains. Clarified wording of bullet 2. Removed incorrect example; a better example will be provided in the next version of the SDTMIG. Page 181 August 26, 2005 CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) Minor Changes Add 9.3.3 Correct Correct Correct 9.4.1 9.4.4 9.4.6 Correct Correct Add Delete Correct Correct 9.4.7 9.5.1 10.3.1 10.3.2 10.3.3 10.3.4 Correct Correct 10.4 Page 182 August 26, 2005 Revised example, eliminating MHOCCUR example and adding new note and new column to illustrate use of MHENRF. Corrected values of EGEVAL in Example 1. Corrected values of USUBJID in PE Example. Removed SCDY from example (not likely to be used in SC). Changed SCTESTCD values from "INITIALS" to "SUBJINIT" for consistency with domain examples. Corrected explanation of example and row references. Changed examples for TADUR and TEDUR to ISO8601 format Added SI Infection Site Measurements to domain codes; removed SS. Removed “FINDING” from list of controlled terms for EG. Minor changes to VSTEST for TEMP and RESP Changed AGEGRP to AGESPAN, AGEGRP, CONTROL, DRUGDICT, OBJPRIM, OBJSEC; correction to code "3-4" in PHASE; added new values to TYPE. Changed MASK to BLIND; changed MEDDICT to MHDICT. Removed TSPARM = DESIGN. Corrected list of Trial Summary parameters; a more complete list of parameters will be defined separately by the CDISC Terminology team. Corrected list of fragments (Domain codes are no longer included in this fragment list, but appear only in 10.3.1). CDISC. © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL CDISC SDTM Implementation Guide (Version 3.1.1) 10.7 REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES; LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY, AND DISCLAIMERS CDISC Patent Disclaimers. It is possible that implementation of and compliance with this standard may require use of subject matter covered by patent rights. By publication of this standard, no position is taken with respect to the existence or validity of any claim or of any patent rights in connection therewith. CDISC, including the CDISC Board of Directors, shall not be responsible for identifying patent claims for which a license may be required in order to implement this standard or for conducting inquiries into the legal validity or scope of those patents or patent claims that are brought to its attention. Representations and Warranties. Each Participant in the development of this standard shall be deemed to represent, warrant, and covenant, at the time of a Contribution by such Participant (or by its Representative), that to the best of its knowledge and ability: (a) it holds or has the right to grant all relevant licenses to any of its Contributions in all jurisdictions or territories in which it holds relevant intellectual property rights; (b) there are no limits to the Participant’s ability to make the grants, acknowledgments, and agreements herein; and (c) the Contribution does not subject any Contribution, Draft Standard, Final Standard, or implementations thereof, in whole or in part, to licensing obligations with additional restrictions or requirements inconsistent with those set forth in this Policy, or that would require any such Contribution, Final Standard, or implementation, in whole or in part, to be either: (i) disclosed or distributed in source code form; (ii) licensed for the purpose of making derivative works (other than as set forth in Section 4.2 of the CDISC Intellectual Property Policy (“the Policy”)); or (iii) distributed at no charge, except as set forth in Sections 3, 5.1, and 4.2 of the Policy. If a Participant has knowledge that a Contribution made by any Participant or any other party may subject any Contribution, Draft Standard, Final Standard, or implementation, in whole or in part, to one or more of the licensing obligations listed in Section 9.3, such Participant shall give prompt notice of the same to the CDISC President who shall promptly notify all Participants. No Other Warranties/Disclaimers. ALL PARTICIPANTS ACKNOWLEDGE THAT, EXCEPT AS PROVIDED UNDER SECTION 9.3 OF THE CDISC INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY POLICY, ALL DRAFT STANDARDS AND FINAL STANDARDS, AND ALL CONTRIBUTIONS TO FINAL STANDARDS AND DRAFT STANDARDS, ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” WITH NO WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OR OTHERWISE, AND THE PARTICIPANTS, REPRESENTATIVES, THE CDISC PRESIDENT, THE CDISC BOARD OF DIRECTORS, AND CDISC EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENT, FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR OR INTENDED PURPOSE, OR ANY OTHER WARRANTY OTHERWISE ARISING OUT OF ANY PROPOSAL, FINAL STANDARDS OR DRAFT STANDARDS, OR CONTRIBUTION. Limitation of Liability. IN NO EVENT WILL CDISC OR ANY OF ITS CONSTITUENT PARTS (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE CDISC BOARD OF DIRECTORS, THE CDISC PRESIDENT, CDISC STAFF, AND CDISC MEMBERS) BE LIABLE TO ANY OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY FOR ANY LOSS OF PROFITS, LOSS OF USE, DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, WHETHER UNDER CONTRACT, TORT, WARRANTY, OR OTHERWISE, ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THIS POLICY OR ANY RELATED AGREEMENT, WHETHER OR NOT SUCH PARTY HAD ADVANCE NOTICE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Note: The CDISC Intellectual Property Policy can be found at . CDISC, © 2005. All rights reserved FINAL Page 183 August 26, 2005
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