SH20 1047 4_CICS_Application_Programmers_Reference_Manual_Dec72 4 CICS Application Programmers Reference Manual Dec72
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SH20-1047-4 Program Product Customer Information Control System (CICS) Application Programmer's Reference Manual Program Numbers 5736-XX6 (DOS-ENTRY) 5736-XX7 (DOS-STANDARD) 5734-XX7 (OS-STANDARD V2) The IBM Customer Information Control System (CICS) is a transaction-oriented, multiapplication data base/data communication interface between a System/360 or System/ 370 operating system and user-written application programs. Applicable to most online systems, CICS provides many of the facilities necessary for standard terminal applications: message switching, inquiry, data collection, order entry, and conversational data entry. CICS is available in three systems-two for DOS users and one for OS users. Because the two CICS/DOS systems are compatible with each other and with the CICS/OS system, it is possible to start with a small data base/data communication configuration and move up through DOS into OS. This manual provides information of interest to persons defining, designing, and preparing application programs to execute under CICS. Fifth Edition (December 1972) This edition is a major revision obsoleting SH20-104 7-3. This edition applies to Version 1, Modification Levell, of the CICS/DOS-ENTRY (5736-XX6) and CICS/DOS-STANDARD (5736-XX7) program products and to Version 2, Modification Level 3, of the CICS/OS-STANDARD (5734-XX7) program product; it also applies to all subsequent versions and modifications unless otherwise indicated in new editions or Technical Newsletters. If changes are made to the information herein, the edition that is applicable and current will be indicated in the latest System/360 and System/370 SRL Newsletter (GN20-0360). Copies of this and other IBM publications can be obtained through IBM branch offices. A form has been provided at the back of this publication for reader's comments. If this form has been removed, address comments to: IBM Corporation Technical Publications Department, 1133 Westchester Avenue, White Plains, New York 10604. Comments become the property of IBM.Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1972 This publication contains detailed infcrmation necessary to design and prepare aF~licaticn programs to execute under three IBM program ~roducts: CrCS/DOS-ENTRY, CrCS/DOS-STANDARD, and ClCS/OS-STANDARD V2. It provides applicaticn programmers, system programmers, system analy~ts, and system administrators with information concerning realtime application programming considerations, application program organization, storage definition, the use of crcs macro instructions to reguest supervisory and data management services, data base considerations, and program testing and debugging. Throughout this publication, parentheses are used in the notation of crcs macro instructicns to indicate those operands where more than cne applicable parameter can be specified with a single use of the operand. Where parentheses are not used, only one paxameter at a time can be specified as part of the operand. An asterisk in (card) column 72 indicates that the macro instruction is continued on the next line (card). Tbe first operand on a continuation card must begin in column 16. The words "transaction" and "task" have the same ccnnotation in ClCS and are used interchangeably throughout ~this pUblication; the Frocessing of a transaction may involve the execution of one or more "programs u • For further information concerning CICS, see the following IBH Fublications: General Infcrmation Hanual (GH20-1028) System programmer's Reference Manual (SH20-1043) Terminal O~erator's Guide (SH20-1044) Operations Guide (CrCS/DOS) (SH20-1034) Operations Guide (CICS/OS) (SH20-1048) Logic Manual (CrCS/DOS-ENTRY) (LY20-0112) Logic Manual (CICS/DOS-STANDARD) (LY 20-0713) Logic Manual (CrcS/OS-STANDARD V2) (LY20-0114) All references to eICS/OS and ClCS/OS-STANDARD in this publication are references to the CICS/OS-STANDARD V2 system. CONTENTS Introduction. . . . General Description Real-Time Application Programming • Program Structure . . . Quasi-Reentrance . . . CICS Transaction Flow • 3 3 6 6 7 Application Program Organization • . Storage Definition. ~ • . • • . . • • • • • Program Initialization. • • . . . . Service Invocation. • . . . . • . . . • . . Assembly Time Service . . . . . Supervisory and Data Management Services. 10 10 10 11 11 11 Storage Definition. . . • • . . Symbolic Storage Definitions . . Common System Area (CSA). . • . . . . Task Control Area (TCA) • . • . Transaction Work Area (TWA) . • . . . . . • Assembler Language Application Programming. Static Storage Definition • . • . . • . • • Dynamic Storage Definition. . . . . • . • . Example of CICS Assembler Language Application Program. ANS COBOL Application Programming . • . • . • • • . • • • • Static Storage Definition . . . . . . . • . . • • • . • . Dynamic Storage Definition. . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . Example of CICS ANS COBOL Application Program ... . PL/I Application Programming . . . . • . Static Storage Definition . . . . . . Dynamic Storage Definition . . . . . . Example of CICS PL/I Application Program. • 13 13 17 Service Invocation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Task Services . . . • . . . . • • . . • . • . . • . . Initiate a Task (ATTACH). . . . . •• . .... Change Priority of a Task (CHAP) • . Synchronize a Task (WAIT) . . . . ... • Single-Server Resource Synchronization (ENQ/DEQ). Purge a Task on System Overload (PURGE/NOPURGE) Storage Services. . . . . • . • . • . . . . . • • Obtain and Initialize Main Storage (GETMAIN). Release Main Storage (FREEMAIN) . • . . . . . Program Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • Pass Program Control Anticipating Subsequent Return (LINK). Transfer Program Control (XCTL) . . • • • . Load the Specified Program (LOAD) . • • • Return Program Control (RETURN). .... ..• . . Delete a Loaded Program (DELETE). . • • . . . • • • . Abnormally Terminate a Transaction (ABEND). . . . . . . . Dump Services . . . . . . • . . . . . • . Dump Transaction Storage (TRANSACTION). . Dump CICS Storage (CICS). . • • • . . . • Dump Transaction Storage and CICS Storage (COMPLETE). Dump Partial Storage (PARTIAL). . . . • • • Terminal Services . . . . . . . . . . ..•. • . Write Data to a Terminal (WRITE). . . . . . .•. Read Data from a Terminal (READ). . . Synchronize Terminal Input/Output for a Transaction (WAIT). Converse with a Terminal (CONVERSE) . . . . . Page Data to a Terminal (PAGE). . • . • File Services . . . . . • • • . • . . . . . . • 18 23 23 24 24 28 30 33 33 37 39 39 40 44 . . . • • • 46 46 47 48 49 52 55 55 56 59 60 63 64 . • . • . . . • . ... 65 66 66 67 68 69 70 70 71 74 80 82 83 83 83 83 Page of SH20-1041~4 Revised April 11, 1973 By TNL SN20-9012 I Randomly Retrieve Data from a Data Set (GET) • • . Randomly Update or Add Data to a Data Set (PUT) Obtain a File Work Area (GETAREA) . • • . Release File Storage (RELEASE). • .• • Initiate Sequential Retrieval (SETL). Retrieve Next Sequential Record (GETNEXT) Terminate Sequential Retrieval (ESETL). • Reset Sequential Retrieval (RESETL) Test Response to a Request for File Services (CHECK). • • • . Transient Data Services • • • • Dispose of Data (PUT) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Acquire Queued Data (GET) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Control the processing of Extrapartition Data Sets (FEOV) Purge Transient Data (PURGE). • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . Test Response to a Request for Transient Data Services (CHECK) . • . Temporary Storage Services. • . Store Temporary Data (PUT). • • • Retrieve Temporary Data (GET) Release Temporary Data (RELEASE). • Test Response to a Request for Temporary storage Services (CHECK) Time Services • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • Time-of-Day Services (GETIME) • . • . • • • • • . • • • • Time-Ordered Task Synchronization (WAIT, POST) • . • . . • Automatic Time-Ordered Task Initiation (INITIATE, PUT) • • Retrieve Time- Ordered Data (GET).. • . • • • . • • • . Time-Ordered Request Cancellation (CANCEL). • • • Input/Output Error Retry Capability (RETRY) • • • Test Response to a Request for Time Services (CHECK). • • • • . • 86 92 95 91 99 103 106 108 110 114 116 118 120 121 121 124 125 121 129 130 132 134 135 141 141 149 150 151 Application programming considerations. Programmable Device Considerations. • • 3135 Considerations • • • . • • • • • System/1 consi dera tions • • . • • • • Non-programmable Device Considerations. 2260/2265 programming Considerations. 21}0/2180 Programming Considerations. 2980 Programming Considerations • • • 1710 Programming considerations • • • . • • • Creating User Exits for Asynchronous Transaction processing Coding the CRDR Exit Routine. Coding the CWTR Exit Routine. Data Base Considerations. • Segmented Records • • • • • • Indirect Accessing. . • • • Duplicate Records • • • • • • DAM Data Set Considerations • Requesting Data Language/I Services under CICS/OS Quasi-Reentrant Considerations with Regard to DL/I CALL's Obtaining Addresses of PCB's. • • '. • • • Building Segment Search Arguments (SSA's) Acquiring an I/O Work Area. • • • • • • • Issuing the DL/I CALL • • • • • • • • • • Releasing a PSB in the CICS Application Program • • • • Checking the Response to a Request for DL/I Services (CHECK). DL/I Requests Written in Assembler Language • DL/I Requests Written in ANS COBOL •• DL/I Requests Written in PLII • • Basic Mapping Support for the 3210. Map Definition • • • • Offline Map Building • • • Online Map Invocation • 154 154 155 156 151 151 158 158 164 165 166 161 169 169 115 118 180 183 183 183 184 185 186 188 189 189 191 193 194 195 191 202 Program Testing and Debugging • Trace Control Functions Trace ON Function • • Trace OFF Function. • • • Trace ENTRY Function. Trace Table • • • • • • 214 215 211 211 218 219 ... . Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix A: B: C: D: E: Index • • • Executable CICS Program Examples Macro Instruct ions. • • • • Dump Codes. • • • • • • • • 3210 Map Generation and Assembly Translate Tables for the 2980. crc S crcs . • • • Error Messages • • 231 243 251 255 264 213 Page of SH20-104 7-4 Revised April 11, 1973 By TNL SN20-90 12 The IBM customer Information Control System (CICS) is a multi-application data base/data communication interface between a System/360 or System/370 operating system and user-written application programs. Applicable to most online systems, CICS provides many of the facilities for standard terminal applications: message switching, inquiry, data collection, order entry, and conversational ~ata entry. Functions performed by CICS include: • • • • • Control of a mixed telecommunications network Concurrent management of a variety of programs Controlled access to the data base Management of resources for continuous operation Prioritization of processing By eliminating many of the development requirements for such functions of a r€al-time control system, CICS allows programmers to concentrate instead on implementing applications, dramatically reducing implementation time and cost. Functions needed to support a data base/data communication system and standard terminal applications are provided by the following CICS management functions: • Task Management - Provides its own dynamic multitasking facilities necessary for effective, concurrent transaction processing. Functions associated with this facility include priority scheduling, transaction synchronization, and control of serially reusable resources. This CICS function is in addition to the multitasking or multiprocessing capability of the host operating system. • Storage Management - Controls main storage allocated to CICS. Storage acquisition, disposition, initialization, and request queuing are among the services and functions performed by this component of CICS. • Program Management - Provides a multiprogramming capability through dynamic program management while offering a real-time program fetch capability. • Program Interrupt Management - Provides for the interception of program interrupts by CICS to prevent total system termination. Ind~vidual transactions that program check are terminated by CICS with a dump (if Dump Management is used), thus preventing the entire CICS partition/region from terminating. Under CICS/OS, supports the runaway task control function of CICS Time Management. • Time Management - Provides control of various optional task functions (system stall detection, runaway task control, task synchronization, etc.) based on specified intervals of time or the time of day. • Dump Management - Provides a facility to assist in analysis of programs and transactions undergoing development or modification. Specified areas of main storage are dumped onto a sequential data set, either tape or disk, for subsequent offline formatting and printing using a CICS utility program. 1 • Terminal Management - Provides polling according to user-specified line traffic control as well as user requested reading and writing. 1,1 This fa~ility supports automatic task initiation to process new transactions. The testing of application programs is accommodated by the simulation of terminals through sequential devices such as card readers, line printers, disk, tape, etc. • File Management - Provides a data base facility using direct access and indexed sequential data management. This function supports updates, additions, random retrieval, and selective retrieval (browsing), of logical data on the data base. optional access to the Data Language/I (DL/I) facility of the IBM Information Management System (IMS/360) is also provided under CICS/OS. Use of DL/I requires installation of the IMS/360 Version 2, Modification Level 2 (or later) Data Base System (5734-XX6). • Transient Data Management - Provides the optional queuing facility for the management of data in transit to and from user defined destinations. This function facilitates message switching, data collection, and logging. • Temporary Storage Management - Provides the optional general purpose "scratch pad" facility. This facilit~ is intended for video display paging, broadcasting, data collection suspension, conservation of main storage, retention of control information, etc. In addition to these management functions, CICS provides system service programming to identify "terminal operators, to give dynamic control of the entire system to a master terminal, to display real-time system statistics, to intercept abnormal conditions not handled directly by the operating system, to provide basic mapping support for the 3270 Information Display System, and to end operation by gathering summary statistics, clos~ng data sets, and returning control to the operating system. 2 In the conventional batch processing environment, the application Frogrammer Flans a series of runs to edit batches of input transactions, update master files (data sets), and write output reports. To optimize total run time and streamline the cycle, be must concentrate on careful manipulation of data. In accomplishing this, the data becomes intricately tied to his prcgram logic and is of little value to other applications. Inputs One Application Reports Operating System Figure 1. Conventional batch processing The real-time data base/data ccmmunications (DB/DC) environment differs from the conventicnal batch processing environment primarily in the amount and types of concurrent activities that are likely to occur within the system at a given time. Whereas a batch processing system schedules each application independently and provides data SUfport unique to e~ch application, a DB/DC system controls many transactions arriving on a random nonscheduled basis and provides an integrated data base supporting each application. 3 Data Base Several Applications CICS Operating System Figure 2. Transaction processing of eres In the past, the successful systems have been known as: • Online information systems Real-time informational systems • Tele~rocessing systems • Data base/data communication systems ~ These systems required the user to develop a control system that would: • Host a telecommunication network of mixed devices • Concurrently manage a wide mixture of transactions being serviced by a variety of programs • Provide effective controlled access to the data base • Effectively manage resources, such as main storage, to keep the syste~ in continuouE operation • Prioritize the use of the processing facility • Provide other real-time facilities necessary for the support of the applications and tbe environment • Provide the ancillary system service functions necessary for the successful implementation of data base/data communication systems • Provide rapid response to the terminals CICS solves many of these complexities for the application programmer ty managing data centrally (in a data baSE) on behalf of all applications. This shifts the burden of system management considerations frcm the application programmer to the system programmer and allows the a~flication programmer to concentrate instead on the application. A key consideration in the selection of a database/data communication system is that it be appropriate for today's needs and have the growth totential that characterizes the DB/DC environment. eICS is intended to address precisely that consideration; that is, eIes is a family of systems that provides a DB/DC interface to the IBM System/360 and Systemj370 at most levels of the product line, froviding a clearly visible growth or migration path as the user's environment dictates. Figure 3 shows how the Cles data base sUfports the information needs of each application, indefendently and concurrently. 4 User File Inquiry File Change Repprt Request Program A Program B Program C Device Application Programs CICS Data Base Management Operating System Data Base Figure 3. CICS data tas€ concept 5 FEOGRAM STRUCTURE The user's applicaticn programs are processed concurrently by CICS as transactions (tasks). Although applicaticn Frograms may be as large as 32K bytes, it is recommended that each application program be developed modularly anq kept to a minimum si~e. Large application Frograms can prevent the loading of other required programs during the operation of CICS and thus degrade the overall system performance. CICS facilitates the modularity of applicaticn programs by allowing Frograms to easily communicate with other Frograms through the execution of tICS macro instructions. Since application programs do not contain input/output areas or transaction work areas, a 4K application program, when assembled, could ~ontain as many as 1000 machine instructions. Application programs can be written in Assembler language, ANS COBOL, or PL/l to execute under ClCS. Regardless of the language used, it is strengly recommended that the application programmer allow CICS to perform all supervisory and data management services for his applications by issuing Cles macro instructions to invoke the desired services. Although the application programmer is not precluded from direct communication with the operating system, the results of such action are unpredicta~le and performance may be affected. Such action would also have a limiting effect on migration from CICS/DOS to CTCS/OS, if this were ever desired. An application Frogram written in PL/I must consist of an external (MAIN) procedure. Internal procedure CALL's are allowed in a CICS Frogram; external CALL's are not. ~UASI-REENTRANeE Application ~rcgrams must be coded so that they are "serially reusable" between entry and exit points of the program. Entry and exit points of an applicat~n program coincide with the use of Cles macro instructions, sinc~ an application program temporarily loses centrol after it begins executing only upon execution of a.ClCS macro instruction. A serially reusable portion of an application program is executed by only one transaction at a time, and must initialize and/or restore any instructions or data that it alters within itself during execution. This required quality of application programs written to run under CICS is called "quasi-reentrance", since the programs need not meet System/360 or System/370 specifications fer true reentrance. Quasireentrance allows a single copy of a user-written application program to be used to process several transactions ccncurrently, thereby reducing the requirement for multiplB copies of the same program in main storage. If intermediate exits are taken in an applicatien program, all switches, data, and intermediate results needed upon subseguent return to that transacticn must be retained in a unique storage area such as the Transaction Work Area (TWA). The application programmer must provide that unique intermediate storage area by symbolica~ly defining it in his prcgram (as described in the section on "Symbolic Storage Definitions") • A serially reusable application program that has no intermediate exits also has the quality of quasi~reentrance. 6 CICS TRANSACTION FLOW CICS executes in a multitasking mode of operation. Therefore, whenever a transaction (task} is waiting for I/O completion, other CICS transactions may ccntinue to execute. Figure 4 illustrates CICS multitasking where the same application is used by three different transactions (A, B, and C). The application program performs a data base read and a subsequent write. Selid lines indicate that the transaction is executing; broken lines indicate that the transaction is waiting. ~rogram TASK A TASK B TASK C Figure 4. CICS multitasking Figure 5 illustrates the logical flow bf a typical transaction through CICS. 1 PROGRAM LIBRARY r::;:r { ~ TASK CONTROL ( '1 ~ \ TERMINAL CONTROL MESSAGE LOG PROGRAM CONTROL USER PROGRAM STORAGE CONTROL FILE CONTROL TRANSIENT DATA , DECODE MSG VERIFY TRANSACT INIT~ATE TASK '----~WORK REQUEST STORAGE - t - - - - - - - f - - - - - . , . . G E T STORAGE SCHED NEW TASK~----t------+-----'I , DISPATPH TASK L---.SELECT PGM LOAD P1GM BUILD DATA SET SEARCH WAIT ~------t-------~ KEY I REQUEST AREA '----t------~ INPU~ GET 1TORAGE READ FILE ['" REC01D WAIT REQUEST ...--+--------1---1 TERMINAL AREA GET I I~ BUILD TERMINAL STORAGE OUTPUT • I I BUILD' ACTIVrry RECORD PUT ACTIVITY I'-_--t-_ _ _ _ _t -_ _ _--+~RECORD TO LOG I WAIT ~~)--~------~----~----~----~~I r - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - I t I : TERMINATE TRANSA1CTION I I ~ 8 FREE STOR~GE TERMIN~TE TASK SCHEDULE WRITE Figure 5. RETUR, I'-----+------~TRANSACTION : I I REQUEST ...---1-____--/____--+_ _--1 TERMINAL WRITE CICS transaction flow The source library supplied with CICS contains symbolic storage definitions ef CICS contrel areas, work areas, and IIO areas. It is strongly recommended that the application programmer use these definitions in his pregramming rather than develop actual or direct displacements. This protects the applicatien program in the event cf any relecation of CICS. For the FL/I programmer, the source litrary contains numerous BASED structures of CICS contrel areas. These dummy sections are available to the user through use of the ~INCLUDE statement. The ANS COBOL programmer makes use of these definitions through use of the COPY statement in the Linkage section of the Data Division. These definitions are discussed in the storage Definition section of this manual. In the initialization section of the application program, the application programmer must establish a symtolic base address for his ~rogram as this is not done by CICS prior to entry. Register 12 is reserved by CICS to contain the address of the !ask Centrol Area (TCA) for this task. Register 13 is reserved to contain the address of the Common System Area (CSA). These registers are initialized by CICS prior to entry and must be preserved throughout the execution of the program. For ANS COBOL and PL/I, this situation is resolved by CICS and is of no concern to the application programmer. Registers 15 through 11 are available to the user and are kept intact when a CICS macro instruction is issued; the contents of register 14 are destroyed any time a CICS macro instruction is issued. The status of all registers uFon program entry or upon return to a program is as follows: 1REGISTERS 15 through 11 12 13 14 Initial program entry Unknown TCA CSA User program address LINK Linked from registers TCA CSA User program address XCTL Transfer control from registers TCA CSA User program address LOAD Unchanged TCA (SA Next sequential instruction RETURN Linked from registers TCA (SA Next sequential instruction ]Q~~: Even though register 14 contains the program entry address, it is not advisable to use register 14 as the base register 9 since it is used by CICS to service requests for CICS supervisory and data management services. ASSEMBLY TIME SERVICE The DFHCOVER macro instruction is used to request the Assembler er Compiler to print a cover page on two consecutive pages. In this way, the application program listing may be torn off with one of the cover pages face up. Pertinent infcrmation (for example, program name, date, time of assembly, remarks, etc.) may then be written on the cover page. The DPHCOVER macro instruction requires no operands and should appear with ncthing else cn the card. If the DFHCOVER macro instruction is coded as part of an application program written in Assembler language, it should be coded as the first instruction in the program. If desired, however, this macro instruction may be coded after anything that is not vital to the listing (such as the TITLE card). If the DFHCOVER macro instruction is coded as part of an ANS COBOL application program, it should be coded preceding the IDENTIFICATION DIVISION card. The PL/I Compiler prints the first card of the source deck as a header on each page of the source listing. This means that when the tFHCOVER macro instruction is part of a PL/l application Frogram, the first card should be a Comments Card containing information the application programmer wants printed as a header. The second card should contain the DPHCOVER macro instruction. The actual PL/I code should begin on tte third card of the source deck. Since column 1 is used by the DFHCOVER macro for line and page under PL/I, celumn 1 must bE defined as reserved for control characters and columns 2-72 must be defined as available for data. This is accomplished through the *PROCESS card for eICS/DOS and the FXEC card for ClCS/OS. For further information concerning PL/I compiletime services, see the publication ~g~ R1LI Q2!~mizi~g ~Qm~ile~ F~Qg~gm~§~!§ gYig~ (SC33-C008) or the publication Q§ ~1LI (I) FIQg~gm~~~~§ g~i£~ (GC28-6594). spa~ing The examples contained in Appendix A shew how the DFHCOVER macro instruction is used. SUPERVISORY AND tATA ~ANAGEMENT SERVICES The various CICS supervisory and data management services are invoked through use of eICS macro instructions. These macro instructions are written in Assembler language and, as all Assembler language instructions, are written in the following format: blank DFHJXXXX or symbol One cr mere operands separated by commas The name field of a CTes macrc instruction must be left blank if the macro instruction is used in conjunction with a high-level language 10 Page of SH20·1047·4 Revised April 11, 1973 By TNL SN20·9012 (ANS COBOL or PL/I); if a label is desired for the macro instruction, it may be placed on the card preceding the macro instruction. The operation field of a CICS macro instruction must begin before card column 16 and must contain the three-character combination "DFH" in the first thre~ positions of the operation f{eld. Up to five additional characters can be appended to DFH to complete the symbolic name for the appropriate program or table. Since DFH is reserved for CICS macro instrtictions, no other statement may begin with this three-character combination. The operand field of a CICS macro instruction contains one or more operands separated by commas. In this publication, parentheses are used to indicate those operands where more than one applicable parameter (keyword and otherwise) can be specified with a single use of the operand. Where parentheses are not used, only one parameter at a time can be specified as part of the operand; a choice must be made in the case of more than one applicable parameter. Since a blank character indicates the end of the operand field, the operand field must not contain blanks except after a comma on a continued card or after the last operand of the macro instruction. The first operand on a continuation card must begin in column 16. When a CICS macro instruction is coded on more than one card, each card containing part of the macro instruction (except the last card) must contain a character (for example, an asterisk) in column 72 indicating that the macro instruction has been continued on the next card. See the section "Service Invocation" later in this publication for a detailed description of how CICS macro instructions are used to request CICS supervisory and data management services. See Appendix B for a listing of the CICS macro instructions that may be used by the application programmer. The use of CICS macro instructions in a PL/I application program precludes the use of the following PL/I features: 1. 2. 3. The multitasking functions: COMPLETION, STATUS, PRIORITY. The multitasking options: PRIORITY, TASK, EVENT, REPLY. The PL/I statements: READ, WRITE, GET, PUT, OPEN, CLOSE, DISPLAY, SORT, DELAY, ON. The use of CICS macro instructions in a PL/I optimizing compiler application program also precludes the use of the following options: 1. REPORT, FLOW, GONUMBER, GOSTMT. The use of CICS macro instructions in an ANS COBOL application program precludes the use of the following ANS COBOL features: 1. 2. 3. 4. Environment and Data Division entries normally associated with the data management services. File Section of the Data Division. Special features: SORT, REPORT WRITER, SEGMENTATION, EXHIBIT, TRACE, DISPLAY, and ACCEPT. (DISPLAY and ACCEPT can be used in conjunction with the system console.) Options that may lead to the issuance of a STXIT (AB) SVC or STAE SVC: FLOW, STATE, STXIT, or SYMDMP for CICS/DOS; FLOW or STATE for CICS/OS. Separate ANS COBOL routines or separate PLII routines may not be link edited together. Separate Assembler-language routines may be link edited together, however, the CALLed routine must conform to CICS application program requirements. CICS provides the user with the LINK 11 Page of SH20-1047-4 Revised April 11, 1973 By TNL SN20-9012 and XCTL (transfer control) facilities to provide the necessary communication between programs. CICS macro instructions should not be coded within an ANS COBOL statement, since each ANS COBOL statement generated by a CICS macro instruction is terminated by a period. 12 CICS defines a number of main storage areas which the a~~lication fregram can use during execution. These storage areas are of three types: 1. 2. 3. Centrel areas Work areas Infut/output areas Information is storEd and retrieved from these areas by CICS and ty applicatien programs. Some of the storage areas are statically created by CICS during System Initialization and others are dynamically acquired and released during execution of the system. Some of t~e areas are acquired or created by ClCS; some are acquired directly by the application program; and some are acquired by toth CICS and the application program. All CICS storage areas, with the exception of the Terminal Control terminal entry (TC1TE), consist of two logical and unique sections. The control section is used primarily by CICS; the user's section is defined and used exclusively by application programs. This logical division always exists except for the TCTTE, whether the storage is statically created (for exam~le, the Common System Area) or dynamically acquired (for example, a Terminal Input/Output Area). ~able CICS provides a set of symbelic storage definitions (dummy sections) to describe the layout of the control section of all the applicable storage areas. These storage definitions are contained in the CICS lirraries and, when combined with a user-defined layout of the user's section ef the storage areas, provide symtolic addressing to the storage areas. The storage Accounting in the contrel section of Accounting Area" below.) except the CSA and TCTTE, cf every storage area. ~ot~~ field is perhaps the most important field the CICS storage areas. (See "Storage This field, present in all CICS storage areas is always located in the first eight bytes The application programmer must be aware that the Storage Accounting field exists in all dynamic storage he acquires, and he must take particular care not to alter or destroy the information in it. If the information is altered or destroyed, an abnermal termination of CICS occurs. Two of the control areas, the Common System Area (CSA) and the Task Central Area (TCA), are required to be symbolically defined in every application program; the third centrol area (TC~TE), the work areas, and the l/C areas are selected at the option of the user. It is the user's resfonsibility to cepy symbolic storage definitions into his prcgram for the required centrol areas as well as for any of the other storage areas he requires. Figure 6 lists the CICS storage areas, indicating which are control areas, which are work areas, and which are I/O areas; it ~lso indicates which are acquired by the user and which are acquired by CICS. 13 Common System Area (CSA) control Area (TCA) Transaction Work Area (TWA) File Work Area (FWA) Storage Accounting Area (SAA) Terminal I/O Area (TIOA) Transient Data Input Area (TD!A) Transient Data Output Area (TtOA) Temporary Storage I/O Area (TS1OA) File I/O Area (FlO A) Terminal Control Table Terminal Entry (TCTTE) ~ask Figure 6. CONTROl WORK _A.Ell2_ AjEA~ X X X I/O Aco'n BY ACOin BY !:E]A~ _J12JH! _£I£~ X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X CICS storage areas Depending on the programming language used, one of the following statements is required to copy a symbolic storage definition into an application program. 1. Assembler language COpy statement of the form: COFY name 2. ANS COBOL COpy statement of the form: 01 name COpy name. specified in the Linkage section of the Data Division 3. PL/I preprocessor statement of the form: ~ INCLUDE (name); In addition to copying the appropriate symbolic storage definitions into his ~regram, the application programmer must establish addressability for these storage definitions. He does this by specifying a symbolic case address for each storage area, thereby effectively mapping the .symbolic storage defi~ition over the storage area. Depending on the programming language used, one of the following statements must be used to establish ~ddressability after the dynamic main storage has been acquired: 1. Assembler language statement of the form: L symbolic base address register,TCASCSA 2. ANS caBeL statement of the ferm: "OVE TeASCS! TO symtolic base address. 3. PL/I based pointer variable of the form: symtolic base address=TCASCSA; TCASCSA is a four-byte field that contains the address of the dynamic Rain storage area that was acquired. 14 Figure ? contains the symbolic names used in copying the storage area control section definitions and the symbolic base addresses used in establishing addressability. CICS STORAGE AREA i;ommon .,§ystem ~ea ABBREVIATION CSA SYMBOLIC NAMES FOR DEFINED STORAGE DFHCSADS BASE LOCATOR OR BASE ADDRESS REGISTER ASSEMBLER LANGUAGE GENERAL PURPOSE REGISTER ASSIGNMENT CSACBAR 13 i;ommon ~ork.Area CWA User defined CSACBAR 13 .Iransaction £ontrol Area TCA DFHTCADS TCACBAR 12 Iransaction ~ork !!!ea TWA User defined TCACBAR 12 file :Work Area FWA DFHFWADS FWACBAR ,§torage .Accounting Area SAA DFHSAADS SAACBAR Iransaction !nput!Qutput !!!ea TIOA DFHTIOA TIOABAR .file lnput!Qutput ~rea FIOA DFHFIOA FIOABAR Iransient .Qata Input !!!ea TDIA DFHTDIA TDIABAR .Iransient Rata Qutput ~rea TDOA DFHTDOA TDOABAR * * * * * * .!emporary ,§,torage !nput!Qutput Area TSIOA DFHTSIOA TSIOABAR * Terminal Control Table - .Iermi;al ~ntry TCITE DFHTCTTE TCTTEAR * * Application Program Storage - - User defined * Any register except 12, 13, and 14 which are utilized by CICS. Figure 7. Symbolic names and base addresses of eICS storage areas All storage that is acguired by the application frcgram through the CICS storage Management facility is controlled by a technique that chains together all storage associated with a particular transaction. (See the section "Storage Accounting Area".) This feature allows CICS to release all main storage associated with a transaction, either upon request from the user or when the transaction is terminated, normally or abnormally. The Common System Area (eSA) is the head of the chain, the address of which is frovided by CICS. The CSA points to the Task Control Area (TCA) which in turn points to several of the other storage areas. Figure 8 illustratES tte chaining of CICS storage areas and indicates the symbolic base address used to locate each storage area. 15 CICS LOGICAL RELATIONSHIPS CICS - - -........ CSACBAR POINTERS TO CICS ____ - - - - ~ MANAGEMENT /.~_ ___ MODULES ~~ ~TCACBAR) CSACDTA - CTCACBAR) B) COMMON SYSTEM AREA ( ~~~;...~~r?c~~-----FACILITIES DFHCSADS COMMON 1.10RK AREA ", or a blank. See "IBM 3270 Information Display System Component Description", form number GA27-2749, for the functions of these characters and other requirements of pen-detectable fields. Note that a field which has the BRT attribute is always potentially pen-detectable to the 3270, but is not recognized as such by the Basic Mapping Support unless the DET attribute is also specified. DET and DRK are mutually exclusive options. For input map fields, DET and NUM are the only valId options (all others are ignored). 200 Page ofSH20-1047-4 Revised April 11, 1973 By TNL SN20-9012 An input DET field has a one-byte reserved data area which is set to X'OO' when the field is unse1ected, or X'FF' when the field is selected. No other data is supplied. The IC attribute indicates that the cursor is to be placed in the first position of this field. The IC attribute for the last field in the map for which it is specified is the one that takes effect. If the IC attribute is not specified for any fields, the default location is zero. Specifying the IC attribute with the ASKIP attribute or PROT attribute causes the cursor to be placed in an unkeyable field. The FSET (field set) attribute specifies that this field should have the modified data tag (MDT) set on when the field is sent out to the 3270. This causes the 3270 to treat the field as if it had been modified, meaning that on a subsequent read from the terminal, this field is read in even though the field may not have been modified. This facility is useful for providing duplicate information or constant information from the screen as input. Note that the MDT remains on until the field is rewritten or until an input/output map request (for example, DFHMDI CTRL=FRSET or DFHBMS CTRL=FRSET) causes MDT's to be reset. JUSTIFY: This operand is used to specify the format of an input field. Normally, input fields are left-justified (JUSTIFY=LEFT), and, if the data area is not filled, trailing blanks are inserted (JUSTIFY=BLANK). However, numeric fields are often easier to manipulate if they are right-justified (JUSTIFY=RIGHT) and are preceded by zeros (JUSTIFY=ZERO). Note that LEFT and RIGHT are mutually exclusive parameters, as are BLANK and ZERO. In the absence of certain of these parameters, the following is assumed: LEFT RIGHT BLANK ZERO BLANK ZERO LEFT RIGHT If the JUSTIFY operand is omitted, the following is assumed: NUM attribute Other than NUM attribute I RIGHT,ZERO LEFT, BLANK INITIAL: This operand is used only in output map field descriptions to supply constant or default data for a field. If the name field of the DFHMDF mac~o instruction is not used, the user-written application program cannot access the output field map to alter the data or its attributes. If the name field of the DFHMDF macro instruction is used, the INITIAL data is always in the field but is overlayed by any data supplied by the user under this name field specification. For fields with the DET attribute, initial data that begins with a blank character, "7", or ">" should be supplied. GRPNAME: This operand is used to generate symbolic storage definitions and to combine individual fields under one group name by specifying the group name for each of the fields in the group. The fields 201 Page of SH20-104 7-4 Revised April 11,1973 By TNL SN20-9012 composing a group must be consecutive (contiguous). Each DFHMDF macro instruction that names a field that is to belong to the group must include the GRPNAME operand specifying the common group name. For example: MAPX DFHMDI TYPE=DSECT, ••• FLD1 DFHMDF LENGTH=20, POS=10, ••• * * GRPFLDA DFHMDF LENGTH=20, POS=81, GRPNAME=GRP1, ••• LOCATE FIRST FIELD OF GROUP * * * GRPFLDB DFHMDF LENGTH=20, POS=101, GRPNAME=GRP1, ••• LOCATE SECOND FIELD OF GROUP * * * FLD2 DFHMDF LENGTH=15, POS=161, .•. In the above example, if DFHMDI TYPE=DSECT,MODE=IN is specified, the generated names are FLD1I, GRP1I, GRPFLDAI, etc,; if DFHMDI TYPE=DSECT,MODE=OUT is specified, the generated names are FLDIO, GRPIO, GRPFLDAO, etc. These generated names must be used within the application program to reference the fields. A group of fields exists as a single field on the 3270; the individual field names (specified in the name field of the DFHMDF macro instruction) provide the user with access to portions of the complete 3270 field. Fields coded without a group name entry are considered to be group fields consisting of a single entry. An entry with a group name but no field name results in an error condition. ONLINE MAP INVOCATION Online mapping operations are requested by issuing the DFHBMS macro instruction. Basic Mapping Support (BMS) performs any required input/output operations via Terminal Control. The data returned from an Input mapping operation is in TIOA format; the address of this TIOA is found at TCTTEDA. For an output mapping operation, if DATA=YES or DATA=ONLY, the application programmer must first have obtained, via Storage Control, a TIOA large enough to contain the symbolic storage definition of the map being used. Any fields not requiring data to be passed to the mapping operation must be set to nulls (XIOO'); this is best achieved through use of the INITIMG=OO operand of the DFHSC TYPE=GETMAIN macro instruction. Before issuing the DFHBMS. macro instruction, the address of the TIOA must have been placed at TCTTEDA. The following BMS services are available through use of the DFHBMS macro instruction: 1. 202 Input - BMS performs a READ/WAIT via Terminal Control and maps the data (under control of the input map) into TIOA format. * * Page of SH20-1047-4 Revised April 11, 1913 By TNL SN20-9012 2. Output - BMS converts the TIOA to 3210 data stream format, merges fields from the map (if desired), schedules a write operation, and waits for completion (if requestedl_ 3. Map - BMS maps, upon request, any 3270 input TIOA into a mapped TIOA. The following operands can be included in the DFHBMS macro instruction: DFHBMS * TYPE=(IN,OU~,ERASE,WAIT,SAVE,MAP), MAP='map name',YES, DATA=NO,YES,ONLY, CTRL= (PRINT,L40,L64,L80,HONEOM,FREEKB,ALARM,FRSET), CURSOR=number,YES, MAPADR=symbolic address,YES * * * * TYPE: This operand is used to specify the type of mapping operation and to request screen erase and/or write synchronization in connection with an output operation. TYPE=IN specifies an input mapping operation. Input is accepted from the terminal via a Terminal control READ/WAIT request. The input data is then mapped into the TIOA and made available to the application program by placing the TIOA address at TCTTEDA. After return is made to the application program from this macro operation, the fields entered are available to the application program under the symbolic names specified in the name fields of the input map DFHMDF macro instructions, with the letter "I" suffixed to correspond to the name CICS generates in the OSECT expansion. TYPE=OUT specifies an output mapping operation. The output TIOA (addressed at TCTTEDA by the 1l!")0r) iE:; converted to a 3270 data stream and is written to the terminal. TYPE=(ERASE,OUT) is used to specify that the screen is to be erased before the output map is transmitted. TYPE=(OUT,WAIT) is used to specify that the output operation is to be synchronized with the completion of a write request. Since a wait is automatically issued in response to a read request, the I TYPE=(IN,WAIT) specification is unnecessary. NQi~~ Multiple writes without wait may cause unpredictable results. TYPE=MAP specifies an operation similar to an input mapping operation (TYPE=IN) except that a Terminal control read is not performed. If TYPE=MAP is specified, the user must have placed at TCTTEDA the address of the inE~i TIOA containing 3210 data to be mapped. An example is the initial TIOA given to a transaction upon entering a transaction code. TYPE=SAVE may be specified with any use of the OUT parameter to indicate that the TIOA (addressed by TCTTEDA at the time the DFHBMS macro instruction is issued) is not to be freed~ MAP: This operand is used to specify the name of the map to be used for input or output operations. The map must reside in the CICS program library and must have a corresponding entry in the Processing Program Table (PPT). 203 MAP='map name' specifies the one- to seven-character name of the map to be used. 203.1 MAP=YES indicates that the user has placed at TCABMSMN the seven-character name of the map. If the name contains fewer than seven characters, it must be left justified and padded with blanks to seven characters. DATA: Applicable only to output mapping operations, this operand is used to specify one of three output mapping functions: (1) write only default data, (2) merge default fields with user fields, or (3) write only user data. If this operand is not specified, DATA=NO is assumed. no user data stream to be mapped into this output map description. (The user has not specified a TIOA.) Only the initial data (and/or default data) specified for the output map fields is transmitted to the terminal. DATA=YES indicates that data specified in the user's TIOA (the address of which is at TCTTEDA) is to be merged with the data in the output map. Data in the TIOA overrides the initial data and/or field characteristics in the output map. DATA=ONLY specifies that no initial fields the data supplied in the user's TIOA is to be bytes are sent from the map to the terminal. by the user as "fieldname.A" or "groupname.A" are to be written; only written. No attribute Only attributes specified are transmitted. CTRL: Used in conjunction with the TYPE=OUT operand, this optional operand is used to temporarily override control functions specified for a particular output map. This operand is effective as a temporary override only for this output request. , CTRL=PRINT, C1'RL=L40, CTRL=L64,' CTRL=LBO, and CTRL=HONEOM are options 'that relate exclusively to the printer functions. CTRL=PRINT must be 'specified if the printer is to be started; otherwise, the data is sent to the printer buffer but is not printed. CTRL=L40, CTRL=L64, CTRL=LBO, and CTRL=HONEOM are mutually exclusive options that control the line length on the printer. The L40, L64, and LBO parameters force a carriage return/line feed at the end of their specified numbers of characters. CTRL=HONEOM causes the printer to honor all new line (NL) characters and the first end-of-message (EM) character in the data stream. If the NL character is omitted, a carriage return/line feed occurs at the physical end of the carriage or at the right margin stop, whichever is encountered first. When a data entry key is used by the 3270 operator, the keyboard is inhibited from entering further data. CTRL=FREEKB specifies that the keyboard should be unlocked when this map is written out. CTRL=ALARM is used to activate the 3270 audible alarm special feature. CTRL=FRSET specifies that the modified data tag is to be reset to the "not modified" cOlldition on all fields. CURSOR: Applicable only to output mapping operations, CURSOR=number is used to position the cursor at a particular position on the screen upon completion of a WRITE. Any integral value in the range 0-1919 may be specified, depending upon the screen size of the 3270 being used. This operand is effective as a temporary override only for this output request. CURSOR=YES indicates that the application programmer has previously specified the desired cursor position at TCABMSCP. 204 Page ofSH20-1047-4 Revised April 11,1973 By TNL SN20-9012 MAPADR: Restricted to application programs coded in Assembler language, this optional operand is used to specify the address of a user-coded map. This operand allows maps to be coded within the user-written application program. MAPADR=YES is used by the Assembler language programmer to indicate that the address of the map has been placed at TCABMSMA. liQte~ In the case of the CICS/DOS-ENTRY system, the MAPADR operand must not specify any address within the limits of the program. Instead, the user must obtain an area of main storage via a storage control GETMAIN macro instruction and then move the map to this area. The map used for input or output operations must be specified for BMS. If the user has placed the map in the CICS program library, the user must use the MAP='mapname' specification, or, if preferred, the user may place the seven-character name of the map at TCABMSMN and specify MAP=YES. Assembler language programmers may "hard code" maps in their program and place the address of the map at TCABMSMA and code MAPADR=YES. If desired, the user may code MAPADR=symbolic address, where address is the label of the hard-coded map. Caution must be exercised when BMS is invoked and MAPADR is specified in the CICS/DOS-ENTRY system. (The address must be in subpool 0 to avoid rollout.) Maps placed in the CICS program library are accessed by BMS through a Program Control LOAD. Therefore, the map name must be an entry in the Processing Program Table (PPT). Input and output requests result in a Terminal Control READ and WRITE, respectively. Therefore, the user is not required to code any Terminal Control macro instructions. Nothing prevents the user from alternately coding native mode and BMS operations. If desired, BMS will map a native mode input TIOA by requesting only a MAP operation. However, for input to a non-formatted buffer with no MAP operation requested, mapping will not be performed and a NULL TIOA will be returned. Noi~~ The read that contains the transaction code and causes initiation of the transaction is a native 3270 data stream. The MAP request may be used to convert this TIOA to a mapped TIOA. Regardless of the programming language used (Assembler language, ANS COBOL, or PL/I), the same form of the DFHBMS macro instruction is used to request a mapping operation. In the case of ANS COBOL and PL/I, the CICS Preprocessor resolves the macro instruction and expands it into the statements required to invoke the mapping function. Terminal input, which causes a task to be initiated, is stored in the task's initial TIOA as a native mode 3270 data stream. By requesting a MAP operation via DFHBMS, the application program is given the capability to map this TIOA into a particular input format. The 205 format of this initial input data must correspond to that of the requested map. 205.1 The application programmer can obtain a set of commonly used 3270 field attributes and printer control characters by copying DFHBMSCA into his program. DFHBMSCA consists of a set of EQU statements in the case of Assembler language, a set of 01 statements in the case of ANS COBOL, and DECLARE statements defining elementary character variables in the case of PL/I. One possible use for DFHBMSCA is for the purpose of temporarily changing attribute characters in a map. Listed below are the field attributes/printer control characters and corresponding symbolic names. DFHBMPEM DFHBMPNL DFHBMASK DFHBMUNP DFHBMUNN DFHBMPRO DFHBMBRY DFHBMDAR DFHBMFSE DFHBMPRF DFHBMASF DFHBMASB 3270 Printer end of message 3270 Printer new line symbol Autoskip Unprotected Unprotected and numeric Protected High Intensity Dark, nonprint MDT on Protected and MDT on Autoskip and MDT on Autoskip and high intensity These attributes cannot be combined by the application programmer in any manner. If any combinations other than those listed are required, the application programmer must either use the ATTRB operand of the DFHMDF macro instruction to obtain the desired combinations or must assume responsibility to generate new attribute combinations offline. To test the method of initiating an incoming READ from the 3270 Information Display System, the application programmer is provided with a set of 3270 attention identifiers (single-character vAriables called AID's) that can be used to test the value at TCTTEAID. He can obtain this set of attention identifiers by copying DFHAID into his program. DFHAID consists of a set of EQU statements in the case of Assembler language, a set of 01 statements in the case of ANS COBOL, and DECLARE statements defining elementary character variables in the case of PL/I. Listed below are the symbolic names for the attention identifiers and the corresponding 3270 function. 206 DFHENTER DFHCLEAR DFHPEN DFHPA1 DFHPA2 DFHPA3 DFHPF1 Enter key Clear key Immediately detectable field PA1 key PA2 key PA3 key PF1 key DFHPF12 PF12 key Depending on the programming language used, the BMS symbolic storage definition of the TIOA must be provided in the application program as shown in the following examples. Note that mapname1, mapname2, and mapname3 in these examples are the names of modules that contain the assembly of a BMS symbolic storage definition (TYPE=DSECT). 1. Assembler language COpy statements. COpy DFHTIOA COpy mapname1 COpy mapname2 COpy mapname3 2. ANS COBOL COpy statements for each symbolic storage definition. LINKAGE SECTION. 01 DFHBLLDS COpy DFHBLLDS. 01 01 01 01 01 01 3. DFHCSADS COpy DFHCSADS. DFHTCADS COPY DFHTCADS. DFHTIOA COpy DFHTIOA. name COpy mapname1. name COpy mapname2. name COpy mapname3. PLjI INCLUDE statements. %INCLUDE %INCLUDE %INCLUDE %INCLUDE DFHTIOA; mapname1; mapname2; mapname3; In addition to providing the BMS symbolic storage definition for the TIOA, the application programmer must establish addressability for this storage definition. Depending on the programming language used, this is accomplished as follows: 1. Assembler language ORG statement immediately preceding the symbolic storage definition for each map, starting with the second map. For example: COPY COpy ORG COpy ORG COpy DFHTIOA mapname1 TIOADBA mapname2 TIOADBA mapname3 DFHSC TYPE=GETMAIN, NUMBYTE=120, CLASS=TERMINAL, INITIMG=OO L TIOABAR,TCASCSA * ** ESTABLISH TIOA ADDRESSABILITY 207 Page of SH20-104 7-4 Revised April 11, 1973 By TNL SN20-9012 2. ANS COBOL 02 statements immediately following the COpy statement for the Linkage section Base Locator (BLL). These 02 statements must be coded in the same order as the corresponding 01 statements coded subsequently. For example: LINKAGE SECTION. 01 DFHBLLDS COpy DFHBLLDS. 02 02 02 02 01 01 01 01 TIOABAR PICTURE S9(8) COMPUTATIONAL. MAPBASE1 PICTURE S9(8) COMPUTATIONAL. MAPBASE2 PICTURE S9(8) COMPUTATIONAL. MAPBASE3 PICTURE S9 (8) COMPUTATIONAL. DFHTIOA COpy DFHTIOA. name COpy mapname1. name COpy mapname2. name COpy mapname3. PROCEDURE DIVISION. DFHSC TYPE=GETMAIN, NUMBYTE=120, CLASS=TERMINAL, INITIMG=OO MOVE TCASCSA TO TIOABAR. ADD 12 TIOABAR GIVING MAPBASE1. ADD 12 TIOABAR GIVING MAPBASE2. ADD 12 TIOABAR GIVING MAPBASE3. 3. PLII based pointer variable (BMSMAPBR). DCL TIOABAA FIXED BINARY (31,0) %INCLUDE DFHTIOA; %INCLUDE mapname1; %INCLUDE mapname2; %INCLU~E mapname3; * * * For example: BASED (TIOABAB) ; I*EACH OF THESE MAPS IS*I I*BASED ON THE SAME POINTER*I I*VARIABLE - BMSMAPBR*I DFHSC TYPE=GETMAIN, NUMBTYE=120, CLASS=TERMINAL, INITIMG=OO TIOABAR=TCASCSA; TIOABAB=ADDR (TIOABAR) ; TIOABAA=TIOABAA+12; BMSMAPBR=TIOABAR; The examples in this section are based on a fairly simple screen exercising problem and are intended to show the results of generating symbolic storage definition maps. 208 * * * Page of SH20·1047·4 Revised April 11, 1973 By TNL SN20·9012 In the examples, an input symbolic storage definition and an output symbolic storage definition are illustrated for each of the programming languages supported by CICS: Assembler language, ANS COBOL, and PL/I. Each of these examples is generated from the screen definition of the first example; only the initial DFHMDI entry is changed. SAMPLE DFHMDI DFHMDF NAME DFHMDF DFHMDF MONTH DFHMDF DAY DFHMDF YEAR DFHMDF DFHMDF BLUE DFHMDF RED DFHMDF AMBER DFHMDF DFHMDF ERROR TYPE=DSECT,LANG=ASM,MODE=IN,TERM=3270,CTRL=FREEKB POS=O,LENGTH=17,INITIAL='ENTER YOUR NAME--' POS=18,LENGTH=18,ATTRB=(IC,UNPROT) POS=40,LENGTH=17,INITIAL='WHAT IS THE DATE?' POS=58,LENGTH=2,INITIAL='MM',GRPNAME=DATE POS=60,LENGTH=2,INITIAL='DD',GRPNAME=DATE POS=62,LENGTH=2,INITIAL='YY',GRPNAME=DATE POS=80,LENGTH=26,INITIAL='SELECT YOUR FAVORITE COLOR' POS=120,LENGTH=9,ATTRB=DET,INITIAL='?~BLUE~~~' POS=131,LENGTH=8,ATTRB=DET,INITIAL='?~RED~~~' POS=141,LENGTH=10,ATTRB=DET,INITIAL='?~AMBER~~~' POS=160,LENGTH=19,ATTRB= (PROT,BRT), INITIAL='NOW HIT A PF KEY ••• ' DFHMDF POS=240,LENGTH=19,ATTRB=DRK, INITIAL='SORRY, TRY AGAIN ••• ' DFHMDI TYPE=FINAL END Example 1. Symbolic storage definition input 209 SAMPLEI DS OC SPACE 2 NAMEL DS H NAMEI DS CL18 SPACE 2 DATEL DS H DATEI DS OC SPACE 2 SPACE 2 MONTHI DS CL2 SPACE 2 DAYI DS CL2 SPACE 2 YEARI DS CL2 SPACE 2 BLUEL DS H BLUEI DS CL1 SPACE 2 REDL DS H REDI DS CL1 SPACE 2 CLUEL DS H CLUEI DS CL5 SPACE 2 AMBE'RL DS H AMBERI DS CL1 SPACE 2 ERRORL DS H ERRORI DS CL19 * * * END OF MAP DEFINITION * * * DFHBMSKS Example 2. 210 DATA LENGTH DATA OR FLAG DATA LENGTH GROUP DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA LENGTH DATA OR FLAG DATA LENGTH DATA OR FLAG DATA LENGTH DATA OR FLAG DATA LENGTH DATA OR FLAG DATA LENGTH DATA OR FLAG Symbolic storage definition using LANG=ASM,MODE=IN specification SAI1PLEO DS OC SPACE 'NAMEA DS C DS C NAMEO DS CL18 SPACE SPACE 'DATEA DS CL1 DS CL1 DATEO DS OC SPACE MONTHO DS CL2 SPACE DAYO DS CL2 SPACE YEARO DS CL2 SPACE SPACE ELUEA DS C DS C BLUEO l)S CL5 SPACE SPACE REDA DS C 2 USER ATTRIBUTE RESERVED DATA FIELD 2 2 USER ATTRIBUTE RESERVED GROUP START 2 DATA FIELD 2 DATA FIELD 2 DATA FIELD 2 2 USER ATTRIBUTE RESERVED DATA FIELD 2 2 USER AT'rRIBUTE RESERVED DATA FIELD 1)S C REDO DS CL5 SPACE 2 SPACE 2 CLUEA DS C DS C CLUEO DS CL5 SPACE 2 SPACE 2 AMBERA DS C DS C AMBERO DS CL5 SPACE 2 SPACE 2 ERRORA DS C DS C ERRORO DS CL19 SPACE 2 * * * END OF KAP DEFINITION DFHBMSKS Example 3. USER ATTRIBUTE RESERVED DATA FIELD USRR ATTRIBUTE RESERVED DATA FIELD USER ATTRIBUTE .RESERVED DATA FIELD *** Symbolic storage definition using· specification LANG=ASI1,I10DE~OUT 211 01 Example 4. 01 Example 5. 212 SAMPlEI SYNCHRONIZED. 02 NAM!t COMP PIC S9(4). 02 NAMEI PIC X(18). 02 DATEL COMP PIC S9(4). 02 DATEI. 03 MONTHI PIC X(2). 03 rAYI PIC X(2). 03 YEARI PTC X(2). 02 BLUEL COMP PIC S9(4). 02 BLUEI PIC X(l). 02 REDL COMP PIC S9(4). 02 REDI PIC X(l). 02 CLUEL COMP PIC S9(4). 02 CLUEI PIC I(5). 02 AMBERL COMP PIC S9(4). 02 AMBERI PIC X(l). 02 ERRORt COMP PIC S9(4). 02 ERRonI PIC X(19). Symbolic storage definition using LANG=COBOL,MODE=IN specification SAMPLEO SYNCHRONIZED. 02 NAMEA PICTURE X. 02 FILER PICTURE X. 02 NAMEO PICTURE X(18). 02 DATEA PICTURE X. 02 FILLER PICTURE X. 02 DATEO. 03 MCNTBO PICTURE X(2). 03 DAYO PIC~URE X(2). 03 YEARO PICTURE X(2). 02 BLUEA PICTURE X. 02 FILLER PICTURE X. 02 BLUEO PICTURE X(5). 02 REDA PICTURE X. 02 FILLER PICTURE X. 02 REDO PICTURE X(5). 02 CLUEA PICTURE X. 02 FILLER ~ICTURE X. 02 CLUEO PICTURE X(5). 02 AMBERA PICTURE X. 02 FILLER PICTURE X. 02 AMBERO PICTURE X(5). 02 ERRORA PICTURE X. 02 FILLER P1CTUR~ X. 02 ERRORO PICTURE X(19). Symbolic storage definition using LANG=COBOL,MODE=OUT specification DECLARE 1 SAMPLEI ALIGNED BASED (BMS~APBR), 2 NAMEL FIXED BINARY (15,0), 2 NAMEI CHARACTER (18), 2 DATEL FIXED BINARY (15,0), 2 DATEI, 3 MONTHI CHARACTER (2), 3 DAYI CHARACTER (2), 1 YEARI CHARACTER (2), 2 BLU~L FIXED BINARY (15,0), 2 BLUEI CHARACTER (1), 2 REDt FIXED BINARY (15,0), 2 REDI CHARACTER {1l, 2 CLUEL PIXED BINARY (15,0), 2 CLUEI CHARACTER (5), 2 AMBEPL FIXED BINARY (15,0), 2 AMBEEl CHARACTER (1l, 2 ERRORt FIXED BINARY (15,0), 2 ERRORl CHARACTER (19), 2 ~TLLC030 CHARACTER (1), 1* END O~ MAP DEFINITION */ Example 6. Symbolic storage definition using LANG=PL1,MODE=IN spec ification DECLARE 1 SAMPLEO ALIGNED BASED (BMSMAPBR), 2 NAMRA CH A'R ACTER (1), 2 FIIL0008 CHARACTER (1), 2 NAMlO CHARACTER (18), 2 DA~!A CHARACTER (1), 2 FILLO 0'4 CHAR ACTER (1), 2 DATEO, 3 MONTHO CHARACTER (2), 3 DAYO CHARACTER (2), 3 YEARO CHARACTER (2), 2 BLUEA CHARACTER (1), 2 ~ILL0029 CHARACTER (1), 2 BLUEO CHARACTER (5), 2 REDA CHARAC'rER (1), 2 FILL0035 CHARACTER (1), 2 REDO CHARACTER (5), 2 CLUEA CHARACTER (1), 2 14'IILO 0 39 CHARACTER (1), 2 CLUBO CHARACTER (5), 2 AMBERA CHARACTER (1), 2 FTLL0041 CHARACTER (1l, 2 AMBEFO CHARACTER (~., 2 ERRORA CHARACTER (1), 2 Fl1L0041 CHARACTER (1), 2 ERRORO CHARACTEP. (19), 2 PIIL0050 CHARACTER (1); 1* END OF MAP DEFINITION */ Example 1. Symbolic storage definition using LANG=PL1,MODE=OUT specification 213 Testing in the information system environment has always been difficult. The information system, including the operating system, CICS, and the user's application programs, must be responsive to many factors concurrently. The equipment confi~uration includes many lines and terminals through which requests for varied services are coming constantly on a random, nonscheduled basis. The precise relationship ef all programs and data set (file) activity generated from the terminal inputs is never the same from one moment to the next. Even at the simplest level of program testing, the implementer faces problems. He c~nnot efficiently test his program from a terminal which requires that all test data be keyed into the ~ystem each time that he requires a test shot. He cannot easily retain a bac~log of proven test data and quickly test his programs through the key-driven terminal as program changes are made. CICS allows the application programmer to begin testing his programs without requiring the use of a telecommunication device. It is possible to specify through the Terminal Control Table that sequential devices be used as terminals. At the same time, the Terminal Control Table can include references to the other terminals on the system. The seguen~ial devices are the c.ard reader, line printer, disk, and magnetic tape. In fact, a Terminal Control Table can include combinations of sequential devices such as: card reader and line printer, one or more disk data sets as input, one or more disk data sets as output. The same table can also include references to the other terminals on the system. The input data must be prepared in the form that it would come from a terminal. A transaction identification must appear in the first four positions of the first input for a transaction, and, if a sequential device is being used as a terminal, a 0-2-8 punched card code or the equivalent must fellow the input message. The input is processed sequentially and must be unblocked. The Sequential Access ~ethod (SAM) is u~d to read and write the necessary inputs and outputs. The operating system utilities can be used to create the input data sets and print the output data sets. Consequently, it is possible to prepare a stream of transaction test cases to do the basic testing of a program module. As the testing progresses, the user would want to generate additional transaction streams to validate the multiprogramming capabilities of his programs or to allow different transaction test cases to be run concurrently. User-written application programs can make use of the facilities of Dump Control and Trace Control to capture the status of the programs during testing. The Dump control output is printed by using the CJCS Dump utility program. For a description of the Dump control facilities, see "Dump Services". At some point in testing, it is necessary to use the telecommunication devices to ensure th~t the transaction formats are satisfactory, that the terminal operational approach is satisfactory, and that the transactions can be processed on the terminal. The Terminal Control Table can be altered to contain more and different devices as the testing requirements change. When the testing has proven that multiple transactions can be processed concurrently and the necessary data sets (actual or duplicate) 214 for online operation are created, the user begins testing in a controlled environment with the telecommunication devices. In the controlled environment, the business activity should represent all functions of the eventual system, but b~ on a smaller and a measurable scale. For example, a company whose information system will work with 15 district offices would select one district office for the controlled test. During the controlled test, all transactions, data set activity, and output activity from the system would be closely measured. Testing is a continuing process; it is net complete when customer occurs. The entire testing cycle is repeated as the applications are upgraded and new applications are added to the system. convers~on The optional CICS Trace facility is designed as a debugging aid for the application programmer. This facility makes use of a Trace Table which is produced by requests for Trace control services and which consists of standard and nonstandard entries. standard entries are recorded in the table each time one of the following CICS macro instructions is issued by an application program or by a CICS management program: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. DFHKC DFHSC DFHPC DFHIC DFHDC DFHFC DFHTD DFHTS (Task Control) (storage Contrel) (Program Control) (Interval Control) (Dump Control) (File Control) (Transient Data Control) (Temporary Storage Control) Each standard entry contains a unique ID and information which will aid the application programmer in determining where the macro instruction was issued and what type of request was made to the management program. Thus, without any additional programming, the application programmer is provided with a useful tool to aid in the debugging process. In addition, the application programmer may make direct, nonstandard entries in the Trace Table by using the DFHTR macro instruction in his application program. The user assigns his own identification and accompanying data for each trace entry. Thus, the user could define several unique trace entries and trace the logical path through a particular application or group of application programs. ~race Control is branched to by its requesting program and executes as a service routine under the requesting program's TCA. Registers are saved and restored. Return is always made to the next sequential instruction in the requesting program once the requested service has been performed. If the user has generated the Trace feature in his system, he may dynamically control which trace entries are to be made in the table. ~race activity is controlled by two sets of flag bytes in the CSA (CSATRMF1 and CSATRMF2) and one flag byte in the TCA (TCATRMF). The meaning of the individual bits of the flag bytes is as follows: 215 ~~nin.sJ o Master Flag - if off, no trace occurs. System Master Flag - if off, no syst~m entries (ID 200-239) are traced. User Master Flag - if off, no user entries (ID 0-199) are traced. Reserved 1 2 3-7 CSA'r.Rl!F2 ----........... o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 On to trace Task control macro instructions. On to trace storage control macro instructions. On to tr~ce Proqram control macro instructions. On to trace Interval Control macro instructions. On to trace Dump Control macro instructions. On to trace File control macro instructions. On to trace Transient Data Control macro instructions. On to trace Temporary storage Control macro instructions. X'FO' X' F1' I' F2' X'F3' X'P4' X'FS' I'F6' X'F",,' Bit 0 of the TCA ~lag byte (TCATRKF) is used only if the user master flag (1'20') is off in the CSA flag byte CSATRl!Ft. If the user master flag is off, only those user entries that are issued by tasks with the TCA flag on are traced. The Trace Control macro instruction (DFHTR) is used to request any of the following services: 1. 2. 3. Dynamically allow the Trace facility to begin logging appropriate entries into the Trace Tabl~. Dynamically cause the Trace facility to stop logging entries into the Trace Table. Dynamically cause a specified entry to be logged into the Trace Table. The following operands can be included in the DFHTR macro instruction: 216 DFHT.R TYPE=ON, STYPE=SINGLE,ALL, (system symbol) ,SYSTEM,USER * DFHTR TYPE=OF'F, STYPE=SINGLE,ALL, (system symbol) ,SYSTEM,USER * DFHTR TYPE=ENTRY, STYPE=SYSTEM,USER, ID=number, DATA1=symbol, (symbol), RDATA1=register, (register), DATA2=symbol,(symbol) , RDATA2=register, (register) , DATA1TP=HB!N,FBIN,CHAR,PACK,POINTER, DATA2TP=HBIN,FBIN,CHAR iPACK, POINTER * * * * * * * * ~RACE ON FUNCTION ~he ON function of Trace Control is used to dynamically allow the Trace facility to begin logging appropriate entries into the Trace Table. The application programmer invokes i t by use of the DFHTR TYPE=ON, STYPE=SINGLE,ALL, (system symbol) ,SYSTEM,USER" * macro instruction. STYPE: Identifies which of the types of entries are to be traced. The meaning of each of the parameters is as follows: 1. 2. 3. S!NGLE, specifies that the trace capability is to be turned on for the single transaction issuing the DFHTR macro instruction. STYPE=SINGLE has no effect unless the USER desiqnation has beEn turned off. ALL, specifies that the complete trace function is to be turned on. System symbol, specifies one or more of the valid system functions. A special Trace Table entry is created each time one of the CICS macro instructions is issued. This parameter allows the user to selectively turn on the appropriate system macro trace facility. The valid system symbols are: KC SC PC IC DC FC TD TS 4. S. ~~ACE Task Control (DFHKC) Sto~age Control (DFHSC) Program Control (DFHPC) Interval Control (DFHIC) Dump Control (DFHDC) File Control (DFHFC) Transient Data Control (DFHTD) Temporary storage Control (DFHTS) SYSTEM, specifies that the trace capability is to be turned on for all entries made from within C!CS, excluding the CICS macro entries controlled by the CSATRMF2 flag byte. USER, specifies that the trace capability is to be turned on for all user entries. OFF FUNCTION The OFF function of Trace Control is used to dynamically cause the Trace facility to stop logging entries into the Trace Table. The application programmer invokes this function by issuing the DFHTR TYPE=OFF, STYPE=SINGLE,ALL,(system symbol) ,SYSTEM,USER * macro instruction. STYPE: Indicates which of the types of entries are not to be traced. Each of the parameters has the same meaning as when used with the DFHTR TTPE=ON macro instruction. 217 TRACE ENTRY FUNCTION The ENTRY function of Trace Control is used to dynamically cause a specified entry to be logged into the Trace Table if the Trace facility has been turned on for that type of entry. The application programmer invokes this function by issuing the DFHTR TYPE=ENTRY, STYPE=SYSTEM,USER, ID=number, DATA1=symbol, (symbol), RDATA1=register, (register), DATA2=symbol, (symbol) , RDATA2=register, (~egister) , DATA1TP=HBIN,FBIN,CHAR,PACK,POINTER, DATA2TP=HBIN,FBIN,CHAR,PACK,POINTER * * * * * * * * macro instruction. STYPE: Indicates whether this entry is a CICS entry or user entry. Specifies the identification numb~r to be used on this entry and be coded as a self-defining term. The following range of numbers may be coded: ID: ~ust 0-'99 2~O-239 with STYPE=USER with STYPE=SYSTEM Numbers 240-253 are reserved for system macro trace entries. 255 indicate the TYPE-ON and TYPE=OFF entries, respectively. 254 and tATA1: Specifies the address of the data to be placed in the first data field of the table entry. If parentheses are used, the specified address is an address of an area that contains the address of the data. RDATA1: Specifies the register whose contents are to be placed in the first data field of the table entry. If parentheses are used, the specified register contains the address of the data. FDATA1 and CATA' are mutually exclusive. DATA2: Similar to DATAl except that it is used for the second data field of the Trace Table entry. RDATA2: Similar to RDATA1 except that it is used for the second data field of the Trace Table entry. DATA1TP: valid only for ANS COBOL and PL/I programs, this operand specifies the format of the data to be placed in the first data field of the Trace Table entry. The default is DA~A1TP=FBIN. The applicable keyword parameters are HBIN, FBIN, CHAR, PACK, and POINTER, and are used as follows: 21A DATA1TP=HBIN Halfword, binary COBOL: PL/I: 9(4} CaMP BIN FIX (15) DATA1TP=FBIN Fullword., binary 9 (8) CaMP COBOL: PL/I: BIN FIX (31) DATA1TP=CHAR 1 to 4 characters x (4) COBOL: CHAR (4) PL/I : DATA1TP=PACK 1 to 4 bytes, packed decimal 9 (7) COMP-3 COBOL: PL/I: DEC FIX (7) 1)ATA1TP=POINTER PL/I pointer variable DATA2TP: Similar to DATA1TP except that it is used for the second data field of the Trace Table entry. The default is DATA2TP=FBIN. Tne optional CICS Trace Table consists of a variable number of fixed-length entries and may be generated during system generation. It is used to trace the logical flow of transaction activity through the system. Following generation, the trace feature may be invoked during system initialization by specifying the number of Trace Table entries to be other than zero. If the Trace Table is invoked, the address of the table is placed in the CSA at CSATRTBA. Each entry in the table is a fixed 16 bytes in length, and is aligned on a doubleword boundary. The table is used in a wrap-around manner so that when the last entry is used, the next entry is placed at the beginning of the table. The first 16 bytes of the table are a control field for the balance of the table and contain the following information: 0-3 4-7 8-11 12-15 Address of the current entry Address of the beginning of the table Address of the end of the table Reserved 219 ~he format of the individual trace entry is: ~!1~~ o 1-3 4 Trace identification of entry. Contents of register 14 at entry to the Trace program, or if the ID is X'FO' through X'F7', it is the contents of register 14 at entry to the CICS management program concerned. If the Trace ID is one of the following, this field contains the type of request code as it relates to the applicable CICS management program. Task Control storage Control Program Control Interval Control Dump Control File Cant ral Transient Data Control Temporary storage Control CICS/OS-DL/I Interface X'FO' X' Fl' X'F2' X'F3' X'1"4' X'FS' X'F6' X'F'7' X'F8' 5-7 Transaction identification as found in the CICS control section of the TCA. This identification is unique for each transaction. 8-11 Data field 1. Data field 2. 12-15 The CICS Trace Table entries are indicated in Tables 1-10 which follow. (For a discussion of the CICS/OS-DL/I Interface Trace Table entries, see the section "Requesting Data Language/I Services".) 220 ~able 1. Task Control " ITYPEI I OF I L--____________________ __ TRANSACTION ID I ID ,REGISTER 141 REQt ,TRACEI FIELD A FIELD B ]].Q.Y£!~I £Qll FRQ~ 191£!Il X' 80' (DETACH) Not used Not used X' 40' (WAIT) Dispatch Control Indicator TCATCDC Event Control Address TCATCEA X' 20' (CHAP) New priority TCATCDP Not used X'1Q' (AVAIL) Facility Control Address Not. used X' 12' (SCHEDULE) Terminal ID or AID address TCAKCTA Transaction ID TCAKCTI X' 11 ' (Conditional ATTACH) Facility Control Address Transaction ID TCAKCTI '0' (ATTACH) Facility Control Address Transaction ID TCAKCTI X' 08' (RESUME) TCA (TIA) address of resumed transaction Not used X'OQ' (SUSPEND) Not used Not used I' 02' (DEQUEUE) Queue name Not used address TCATCQA X' C , , (ENQUEUE) Queue name Not used address TCATCQA X' 221 ~able 2. storage Control " ,TYPE, ITRACEI I OF I , ID ,REGISTER 14 I REQI TRANSACTION ID ' - - _.. FIELD A FIELD B Not used X'F1' o 1=GETMAIN o Not used 1 1=FREEMAIN 1 2 l=Release all Terminal strg if bit 0=0 and bit 1= 1 Initialization byte for GETMAIN 2-3 Requested number of bytes l="Condi tional GETMAIN if bit 0=1 and bit 1=0 1=RELEASED (used by CICS to obtain initial storage cushion if bits 0,1=0 3 1=Condi tional 2-3 Number of Storage is to bytes released be initialized following FREE MAIN 4 O=Subpool 0 1=Subpool 5 O=Unchained storage 1=Chained storage 6 l=TCA type of storage 7 l=Terminal type of storage X'C8' Not used 0-3 Address off main storage acquired Storage accounting X'C9' Not used 0-3 Address of main storage released Storage accounting 222 Table 3. Proqram Control I , I'!'RACE, I _lD IREGISTER L__ _ X'F2' ITYPEI I OF I 141 REQI ---------------------- 4. ID FIELD A FIELD B X' 90' (REFRES H CICS/DOS-ENTRY only) PPT entry Not used address TCAPCTA X' 84' (Condi tiona! LOAD) Program name from TCAPCPI Not used X' 60' (ABEND wi th dump) Abend code from TCAPCAC Not used X'40' (ABEND without dump) Not used Not used X'10' (RETURN) Not used Not used X' 08' (DELETE) Not used Not used X'04' (LOAD) Program name from TCAPCPI X'02' (XCTL) Program name from TCAPCP! (LINK) Program name from '!'CAPCPI X'01' ~able TRANSAC~ION Interval Control l ' I TYPEI , OP , L--________________________________ _ ID , ID IREGISTER 141 REQI ~RANSACTION I~RACEI FIELD A PIELD B ]~QY]~1 ~Q~~ !]Q~ l~ll~:rn QI! 1~AIC!i£ 'X'F3' X'1x' (GETIME) Return time to user address TCAICDA Not used where "x" consists of the low-order four bits: 223 ~able q. I , Interval Control (continuecr) '~~ACE' , ID IREGISTER ITYPEI I OF , FIELD A 1Q, REQI TRANSACTION ID FIELD B '- 4,5 Always zero 6 O=Refresh CSA Time only 1=Return time to user 7 O=Binary format l=Packed format X' 2x' (WAIT) INTRVAL or TIME value (TCAICRT) Not used X'3x' (POST) INTRV}.L or TIME value (TCAICRT) Not used where "x" consists of the low-order four bits: Q O=INTRVAL parameter provided l=TI ME parameter provided 5 6,7 O=No Request ID provided 1=User-provided Request ID Always zero X'4x' (INITIATE) INTRVAL or TIME value (TCAICRT) Transaction ID (TCAICTI) X'5x' (PUT) INTRVAL or TIME value (TCAICRT) Transaction ID (TCA ICTI) where "x" consists of the low ... order four bits: 4 224 O=INTRVAt parameter Table 4. ,, TRACE,, Interval Control {continued} , TYPE, , OF , 14, REQ' TRANSACTION ID , ID ,REGISTER ~------------------~------ FIELD A FIELD B provided 1=TIME parameter provided 5 O=No Request ID provided 1=User-provided Request ID 6 Always zero 7 O=Non-terminal destination 1=Terminal destination X' Ax' (GET) User-provided da ta address Not used where "x" consists of the low-order four bits: 4,5 Always zero 6 O=User-providen data address 1=Return data address to user 7 Always zero 1'90' (RETRY) Not used. Not used X'Fx' (CANCEL) Request ID (TCA!CQ!D) where "x" consists of the low-order four bits: 4 Always Zero 5 O=No Request ID provided 1=User-provided Request ID 6,7 Always zero 225 Table 5. Dump Control " fTRACEI f ID IREGISTER ITYPEI f OF f 141 REQI TRANSACTION ID L_______________ ______ FIELD A ~-------------- .B~2.Y]~! CO]]; NOT USED (seefIeld X'F4' FIFLD B ----------------- ~Q.N!EN!2 .T~ADC.T:!l I]Ql1 A) (Bytes 2~3 not used) TRANSACTION X'FEOO' CICS X'OOFP' COMPLETE X'FEFF' PARTIAL TCA X'OOOO' SEGMENT X'0100' TRANSACTION X'0400' 226 TERMINAL X'0800' PROGRAM X'2000' Abend code Page of SH20-1047-4 Revised April 11, 1973 By TNL SN20-9012 Table 6. , File Control , ,TRACEI , ID IREGISTER ITYPEI 1 OF 1 1 1 1 FIELD B ___________________J FIELD A 141 REQI TRANSACTION ID ~------.-------£~QESI ~QQ~ FRQl1 ICAFCIR QB 1~!l~B~ X'FS' X'80' (GET) X'84' (GET W/UPDATE) X'40' (PUT) X'44' (PUT W/NEWREC) X'20' (GETAREA) X'28' (GETAREA W/INITIMG) X'10' (RELEASE or ESETL) X'CO' (OPEN) X'EO' (CLOSE) X'FO' (LOCATE) X'AO' (SETL) X'BO' (GETNEXT) X'A4' (RESETL) Data set name from TCSFCDI fill fields A and B 227 Page of SH20-1047-4 Revised April 11, 1973 By TNL SN20-90 12 Table 7. Transient Data Control I I ITRACEI 1 ID IREGISTER ITYPEI 1 OF I 141 REQI TRANSACTION ID FIELD A FIELD B L-- X'F6' Table 8. 1 (GET) Not used Not used X'40' (PUT) Data address from TCATDAA Destination ID from TCATDDI X'20' (FEOV) Not used Not used X' 10' (LOCATE) Not used Not used X'04' (PURGE) X'88' (GET) X'48' (PUT) Issued by the Asynchronous Transaction Control program (DFHATP) Temporary Storage Control 1 ITRACEI 1 ID IREGISTER , X'80' ITYPE! 1 OF 141 I REQI TRANSACTION ID FIELD A FIELD B _________________J ]~Q]~! ~QQ~ KBQ~ TCATSTll QB X'F7' 228 T~AT~RC X' 80' (GET) X' 90' (GET ADDRESS SUPPLIED) X' 40' (PUT) X'48' (PUT IN MAIN) X' 20' (RELEASE) Data identification from TCATSDI Table 9. Trace Control 1 I !TRACEI , ID ,REGISTER L-__ _ X'FD' X'F~' X'FF' ITYPEI I OF I 141 REQI TRANSACTION __ID A FIELD B FIELD.______________________ ____________ J Not used Number of repeated entries (packed decimal) in Trace Table (Trace turn on) o (Trace turn off) 1 2 3 Table 10. CSATRMF1 CSATRMF2 TCATRMF RESERVED o TCATRTR 1 Reserved Reserved Reserved 2 3 System Termination 1 , tTRAC'B1 , ID ,REGISTER ITYPEI I OF I 141 REQI TRANSACTION ID FIELD A FIELD B L- X'EF' Not used Not used Not used 229 Table 11. CICS-DL/I Interface I TRACEI ID 1 REGISTER 14 TYPE OF REQ 1 I TRANSACTION IDI FIELD A FIELD B L-- X'F8' CALL type from TCADLLAN lH!~!lES! ~Q.U! from TCAFCTR 230 PCB address from TCADLPCB Bit 0 Off - DFHPC On - CALL or CALLDLI Bits 1-2 00 - Assembler language 01 - ANS COBOL 10 - PL/T Bits 3-6 Not used Bit 7 On - storage was acquired to build CALLDLI parameter list or SSA list in DFHFC macro instruction This section contains an executable application program that performs a limited message switching function; that is, data collection, message gntry, and message retrieval. The source coding is written in Assembler language, ANS COBOL, and PL/I. **************************.******************************************** ASS E M B L E R E X AMP L E PRO B L E M *********************************************************************** * * TTTLF. 'crcs MESSAGE SWITCHING PROGRAM EXAMPLE' DFHCOVER *********************************************************************** **** A P P L I CAT ION PRO G RAM * ** * *********************************************************************** *** DUM M Y * * * SEC T ION S *********************************************************************** '!'WATDDI TWAREAI COPY EJECT COpy DS DS DS DS ~WAQEfiCI 'OS 'IWATSRL TC'TTEAR TIOABAR EJECT EQU COpy EQU COpy 1'IOADA"'A 'OS TIOATID DS DS 'rIOARRI DS TrOARAI1 DS 'l'IOADID DS TIOASSF DS DS TIOAMBA DS TIOARAI2 DS DFHCSADS DFHTCADS H COpy COMMON SYSTEM AREA DSECT LISTING CONTROL CARD - EJECT COpy TASK CONTROL AREA DSECT TErIPORA RY STORAGE RECORD LENGTH H CL4 CL4 C 11 DFHTCTTE 10 DFHTIOA OCLBO CL4 C OCL6 OCL3 CL4 OCL4 C OC CL3 DESTINATION IDENTIFICATION RETRIEVE ALL INDICATOR QUEUE EMPTY MESSAGE CONTROL IND LISTING CONTROL CARD - EJECT TERM CONT TABLE TERM ENT ADR RG COpy TERM CONT TABLE TERM ENTRY TERM I I 0 AREA BASE ADDR REG COPY TERMINAL I I 0 AREA DSECT DATA AREA TRANSACTION IDENTIFICATION !lELIMITER RBSUME REQUEST IDENTIFICATION RETRIEVE ALL INDICATOR 1 DESTINATION IDENTIFICATION SUSPEND STORAGE FACILITY IDENT DELIMITER TERMINAL MESSAGE BEGINNING ADDR RETRIEVE ALL INDICATOR 2 *********************************************************************** TDIABAR SPACE 8 EQU 9 COpy DFHTDIA EJECT LISTING CONTROL CARD - SPACE 8 TRANS DATA IN AREA BASE ADDR RG COpy TRANS DATA INPUT AREA LISTING CONTROL CARD - EJECT *********************************************************************** **** A ? P L I CAT ION PRO G RAM *** * *********************************************************************** CreSATP eSECT USING *,3 LR 03,1U B ATPIPIN CONTROL SECTION - APPL TEST PGM USING REGISTER 3 AT * LOAD PROGRA~ BASE REGISTER GO TO INIT PROG INSTR ENTRY *********************************************************************** EJECT LISTING CONTROL CARD - EJECT *********************************************************************** ** * DEC L A RAT I V E S *** *********************************************************************** ~CPDIEM DC Y(MCPDEML-4l DC Y (0) DC X'15' TERMINAL MESSAGE LENGTH NEW LINE SYMBOL CONSTAN~ 231 'CPDEML DC DC DC EQU 08X'17' HARD COpy TER~ IDLE CHARACTERS C'DESTINATION IDENTIFICATICN ERROR - PLEASE RESUB~IT' X'lS' NEW LINE SYMBOL CONSTANT *-MCPDIEM TER~INAL MESSAGE TOTAL LENGTH ** ••••• **.************************************************************* ******.******************************** •• *••• ** •• ****** •• ************** * D AT A COL L E C T ION * .*************************.********.**.******************************** DCPDCAML DC DC rCPDCAMD DC DCP'EODML DC DC DCPEODMD DC DCPEOVML DC DC DCPEOVMD DC DC?SRAM DC DC DC DC DC DC DCPSRAL EQU DCPRRAM DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DCPRR\L EQU DATA COLL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT LEN Y (L'DCPDCAMD) H'O' C' DATA COLLECTION HAS BEEN REQUESTED AND IS ABOUT TO BE* GIN DATA COLLECTION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Y(L'DCPEODMD) END OF DATA MESSAGE LENGTH H'O' C' THE DATA HAS BEEN RECEIVED AND DISPATCHED TO THE DESI* GNATED DESTINATION END OF DATA MESSAGE Y(L'DCPEOVMD) H'O' C' END OF VOLUME REQUEST HAS BEEN RECEIVED Y(DCPSRAL-4) TERMINAL MESSAGE LENGTH Y (0) NEW LINE SYMBOL CONSTANT HARD COpy TERM IDLE CHARACTERS 08X'17' C'DATA COLLECTION SUSPENSION HAS BEEN REQUESTED' X'lS' NEW LINE SYMBOL CONSTANT *-DCPSRAM TERMINAL MESSAGE TOTAL LENGTH Y(DCPFRAL-4) TERMINAL MESSAGE LENGTH X' 15' Y (0) X'lS' NEW LINE SYMBOL CONSTANT 08X'11' HARD COpy TERM IDLE CHARACTERS C'DATA COLLECTION RESUMPTION HAS BEEN REQUESTED AND IS ' C'ABOUT TO BEGIN' X'lS' NEW LINE SYMBOL CONSTANT *-DCPRRAM TERMINAL MESSAGE TOTAL LENGTH ******* •••• ***************.******************************************** SPACE 4 LISTING CONTROL CARD - SPACE 4 ********* •• ************************************************************ * M E S SAG E * E N TRY *********************************************************************** DC DC MEPMEAMD DC MEPMBA~L Y(L'MEPMEAMD) MSG ENTRY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT LNGTH H'O' C' YOUR MESSAGE HAS BEEN RECEIVED AND DISPATCHED TO THE * DESIGNATED DESTINATIOW I MESSAGE ENTRY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT *********************************************************************** SPACE 4 LISTING CONTROL CARD - SPACB 4 ********************************.************************************** * M E S SAG E R E T R I E V A L * *********************************************************************** MRPNM~M ~RPNM~L MRPNMQM MRPNQML DC DC DC DC DC DC DC EQU DC DC DC DC DC DC EQU Y(MRPN~ML-4) TER~INAL MESSAGE LENGTH Y (0) X'1S' NEW LINE SYMBOL CONSTANT 08X'17' HA~D COPY TERM IDLE CHARACTERS C'THERE ARE NO MORE' C'MESSAGES QUEUED FOR THIS DESTINATION' X'1S' NEW LINE SYMBOL CONSTANT' *-MRPNMMM TERMINAL MESSAGE TOTAL LENGTH Y(MRPNQML-4) TERMINAL MESSAGE LENGTH Y (0) X'lS' NEW LINE SYMBOL CONSTANT 08X'11' HARD COpy TERM IDLE CHARACTERS C'THERE ARE NO MESSAGES QUEUED FOR ~HIS DESTINATION' X' 15' NEW LINE SYMBOL CONSTANT *-MRPNMQM TERMINAL MESSAGE TOTAL LENGTH ***.******************************************************************* EJECT 232 LISTING CONTROL CARD - EJECT *********************************************************************** *** * * *** IMP ERA T I V E S *********************************************************************** * * *********************************************************************** ATPTPTN DS DC DS L L CLC BE CLC OD STORAGE ALIGNMENT - DOUBLE WORD CL32'MESSAGE CONTROL PROGRAM' OD INITIAL PROGRAM INSTRUCTION ENT TCTTEAR,TCAPCAAA LOAD TERM CONT AREA ADDR REG TIOABAR,TCTTEDA LOAD TER~ I / O AREA ADDR REG =C'CSDC',TIOATID COMPARE TRANSACTION IDENT ALPDCPN GO TO DATA COLLECTION PROG IF = =C'CSME',TIOAT~D COMPARE TRANSACTION IDENT BE ALPMEPN GO TO MESSAGE ENTRY PROG IF = CLC =C'CSMR',TIOATID COMPARE TRANSACTION IDENT BE ALFMRPN GO TO MESSAGE RETRIEVAL PROG DFHPC TYPE=ABEND, D~HPC -'TYPE = ABEND * ABCODE=AAP~ DFHPC - ABCODE = lAPT EJECT LISTING CONTROL CARD - EJECT *********************************************************************** ** A P P L I C 1 T ION LOG T C * * *********************************************************************** * * D A T A COL L E C T ION * * *********************************************************************** DC CL32'DATA COLLECTION PROGRAM' *********************************************************************** ALPDCPN tCPPEOV DS CLC BNE OR DATA COLLECTION PROGRAM ENTRY =C'RESUMEI,TIOARRI COMPARE FOR RESUME REQUEST DCPRRBN GO TO RESUME REQUEST BYPASS ~VC TIOATDL(DCPRRAL) ,DCPRRAM MOVE'TERMINAL MESSAGE TO OUTPUT MVC TCATSDI(4) ,=C'CSDC' MOVE TEMP STRG DATA IDENT ~VC TCATSDI+4(4),TCTTETI MOVE TEMP STRG DATA IDENT DPH!S TYPE=GET, DFHTS - ~YPE = GET * TSDADDR=TWATSRL, DFHTS - T S DATA ADDR = TWATSRL* NORESP=DCPRRNR, DFHTS - NORMAL RESP = DCPRRNR * RELEASE=YES DFHTS - RELEASE = YES DFHPC TYPE=ABEND, DFHPC - TYPE = ABEND * ABCODE=ADCR DFHPC - ABCODE = ADCR EQD FORCED END OF VOLUME ROUTINE DFHTD TYPE=FEOV ISSUE TRANSIENT DATA MACRO MVC TIOATDL«4+L'DCPEOVMD»),DCPEOVML DPHTC TYPE=(WRITE) B RETURN * ****~*******~********************************************************** DCPRRBN DCPFRNR EQU MVC MVC CLC BE MVC EQU DFHTC DFHTC * TWATDDI,TIOATIID RESUME REQUEST BYPASS ENTRY MOVE DESTINATION IDENTIFICATION TCATDDI,T~A~DDI TIOAMBA(4) ,=C'PEOV' DCPFEOV TIO~TDL«4+L'DCPDCAMD» * TYPE=(WRITE) TYPE=(READ) CHECK FOR FORCED END OF VOLREQ BRANCH TO END OF VOLUME ROUTINE ,DCPDCAML RESUME REQUEST NORMAL RESPONSE DFHTC - TYPE = WRITE DFHTC - TYPE = READ *********************************************************************** tCPTEWN SPACE DS DFHTC L CLC BE CLC BE eLC BN! MVC 4 OH TYPE=(WAIT) TIOABAR,TCTTEDA =CIDUMP',TIOATID DCPDPTS =C'EOD',TIOADBA DCPEXIT =C'SUSPEND',TIOADBA DCPSRBN TWATSRL,=H'32' LISTING CONTROL CARD - SPACE 4 TERMINAL EVENT WAIT ENTRY DFHTC - TYPE = WAIT LOAD TERM I / O AREA ADDR REG GO TO DUMP TRANSACTION STORAGE COMP DATA POR EOD INDICATION GO TO EXIT IF EQUAL COMPARE FOR SUSPEND REQUEST GO TO SUSPEND REQUEST BYPASS MOVE TEMP STRG RECORD LENGTH 233 MVC MVC CLC BNE DFHTS DCPSRMB DCPSRAB DCPSPNR DCPSRBN TCATSDI(4) ,=C'CSDC' TCATSDI+U(4) ,TCTTETI =C'MAIN',TIOASSF DCPSRMB TYPE=PUT, TSDADDR=TWATSRL, STORF AC=I1A TN DCPSRAB MOVE TEMP STRG DATA IDENT MOVE TEMP STRG DATA IDENT GO TO MAIN STRG FACILITY BYPASS DFHTS - TYPE = PUT * DFHTS - T S DATA ADDR = TWATSRL* DFHTS = STOR FAC = MAIN GO TO AUX STRG FACILITY BYPASS B KAIN STORAGE FACILITY BYPASS EQU DFHTS - TYPE = PUT DFHTS TYPE=PUT, * DFHTS - T S DATA ADDR = TWATSRL* TSDADDR=TWATSRL, DFHTS - STOR FAC = AUXILIARY STORFAC=AUXILIARY AUX STORAGE FACILITY BYPASS EQU DFHTS TYPE=CHECK, DFHTS - TYPE = CHECK * DFHTS - NORMAL RESP = DCPSRNR NORESP=DCPSRNR DFHPC - TYPE = ABEND D"'HPC TYPE=ABEND, * DFHPC - ABCODE = ADCS ABCODE=ADCS REQUEST NORMAL RESPONSE EQU *TIOATDL(DCPSRAL) ,DCPSRAM SUSPEND MOVE TERMINAL MESSAGE TO OUTPUT MVC DFHTC TYPE= (WRITE) DFHTC - TYPE = WRITE B RETURN GO TO RETURN ENTRY SUSPEND REQUEST BYPASS ENTRY EQU MOVE DESTINATION IDENTIFICATION TCATDDI,TWATDDI MVC RESET TERMINAL DATA ADDRESS XC TCTTEDA,TCTTEDA DFHTC - TYPE = READ DFHTC TYPE= (RRAD) LOAD TERMINAL DATA LENGTH LH 1U,TIOATDL INCREMENT TERMINAL DATA LENGTH 14,4(0,14) LA S~H STORE TERMINAL DATA LENGTH 14,TIOATDL DFHTD TYPE=PUT, TYPE OF REQ - PUT TRANS DATA * TDADDR=TIOATDL, TRANSIENT DATA ADDRESS * NORESP=DCPNRCN, NORMAL RESP CODE ENTRY ADDRESS * DESTINATION IDENT ERROR ENTRY IDERROR=DCPDIEN DFHPC TYPE=ABEND, DFHPC - TYPE = ABEND * DFHPC - ABCODE = ADCP ABCODE=ADCP * * * *********************************************************************** DCPNRCN DS ST DFHSC B OH TIOABAR,TCASCSA TYPE=FREEMAIN DCPTEWN NORMAL RESP CODE ENTRY ADDRESS STORE TERM I / O AREA ADDRESS DFHSC - TYPE = FREEMAIN GO TO TERM EVENT WAIT ENTRY *********************************************************************** LISTING CONTROL CARD - SPACE 4 SPACE 4 *********************************************************************** DCPDPTS EQU DFRDC XC DFHTC B * DUMP TRANSACTION STOR ROUTINE TYPE=TRANSACTION,DMPCODE=TRAN TCTTEDA,TCTTEDA CLEAR TERMINAL DATA AREA ADDR TYPE= (READ) DCPNRCN RETURN TO MAINSTREAM LOGIC *********************************************************************** S~ACE 4 *********************************************************************** DCPEXIT * EQU EXIT MVC TIOATDL«4+L'DCPEODMD»,DCPEODML DFHTC TYPE=(WRITE) DFHTC - TYPE = WRITE B RETURN GO TO RETURN ENTRY *********************************************************************** EJECT LISTING CONTROL CARD - EJECT *********************************************************************** * M E S SAG E E N TRY * *********************************************************************** DC CL32'MESSAGE ENTRY PROGRAM' *********************************************************************** ALPMEPN 234 DS MVC MVC LH OR TCATDDI,TTOADID TIOATID,TCTTETI 1U,TIOATDL MESSAGE ENTRY PROGRAM ENTRY MOVE DESTINATION IDENTIFICATION MOVE SOURCE IDENTIFICATION LOAD TERMINAL DATA LENGTH LA 14,4 (0, 14) STH 14,TIOATDL DFHTD TYPE=PUT, TD ADDR=TIOATDL, NORESP=MEPNRCN, IDERROR=MEPDIEN DFHPC TYPE=ABEND, ABCODE=AMEP INCREMENT TERMINAL DATA LENGTH STORE TERMINAL DATA LENGTH TYPE OF REQ - PUT TRANS DATA TRANSIENT DATA ADDRESS NORMAL RESP CODE ENTRY ADDRESS DESTINATION IDENT ERROR ENTRY TYPE OF REQ - ABEND PROG CONT ABNORMAL TERMINATION CODE * * * * *********************************************************************** MEPNRCN DS OH MVC TIOATDL«~+L'MEPMEAMD» DFHTC TYPE=(WRITE) B RETURN NORMAL RESP CODE ENTRY ADDRESS ,MEPMEAML DFRTC - TYPE = WRITE GO TO RETURN ENTRY *********************************************************************** EJECT LISTING CONTROL CARD EJECT *********************************************************************** * * M E S SAG ERE T R I E V A L *********************************************************************** DC CL32'MESSAGE RETRIEVAL PROGRAM' *********************************************************************** SPACE 4 LISTING CONTROL CARD - SPACE 4 *********************************************************************** ALPMRPN DS r:VC MVC ctc MRPAI1B MFPDEBN BNE MVC B DS CtC BE MVC DS OH TWAREAI,TIOARAI2 TWATDDI,TCTTETI =C'ALL',TIOARAIl MRPAI1 B TWAREAI,TIOARAIl MRPDEBN 0H =CL4' ',TIOADID MRPDEBN TUATDDI,T!OADID OH MESSAGE RETRIEVAL PROGRAM ENTRY MOVE RETRIEVE ALL INDICATOR MOVE DESTINATION IDENTIFICATION COMPARE ALL INDICATOR FOR ALL MOVE RETRIEVE ALL INDICATOR ALL INDICATOR 1 BYPASS COMPARE DEST IDENT TO BLANKS GO TO DEST ID = BL IF EQUAL MOVE DESTINATION IDENTIFICATION DESTINATION IDENT EQUALS BLANKS *********************************************************************** SPACE 4 LISTING CONTROL CARD - SPACE 4 *********************************************************************** MRPGTDN DS 0H MVC TCATDDI,TWATDDI DFHTD TYPE=GET, NORESP=MRPNRCN, QUEZEBO=MRPQERN, IDERROR=flRPDIEN D?HPC TYPE=ABEND, ABCODE=A~~P GET TRANSIENT DATA ENTRY MOVE DESTINATION IDENTIFICATION DFHTD - TYPE = GET DATA * NORMAL RESP CODE ENTRY ADDRESS * DESTINATION QUEUE EMPTY ENTRY * DESTINATION IDENT ERROR ENTRY TYPE OF REQ - ABEND PROG CONT * ABNORMAL TERMINATION CODE *************************~********************************************* SPACE 2 LISTING CONTROL CARD - SPACE 2 *********************************************************************** MBPNBCN ~RPMTDT DS OH L TDIABAR,TCATDAA DFHTC TYPE=(WAIT) ~VC MRPMTDI+1(1) ,TDIAIRL+l ~VC TIOATDL(O) ,TDIAIRL LR 14,TIOATDL SH 14,=H'4' STH 14,TIOATDL DFHTC TYPE=(WRITE, SAVE) CLC =CL3'ALL',TWAREAI BNE RETURN MVl TWAQEMCI,X'FF' B MRPGTDN NORMAL RESP CODE ENTRY ADDRESS LOAD TRANS DATA AREA ADDRESS DFHTC - TYPE = WAIT MOVE DATA LENGTH TO MOVE INSTR MOVE TRANS DATA TO TERM AREA LOAD TERMINAL DATA LBNGTH SUBTRACT ~ FROM LENGTH STORE TERMINAL DATA LENGTH DPHTC - TYPE = WRITE * DFHTCT - SERV REQ = SAVE AREA COMPARE RETRIEVE ALL IND TO ALL GO TO RE~URN ENTRY IF NOT EQUAL MOVE MESSAGE CONTROL INDICATOR GO TO GET TRANSIENT DATA ENTRY 235 ~********************************************************************** SPACE 4 LISTING CONTROL CARD - SPACE 4 ~********************************************************************** ~~PQERN DS CLI BE MVC B MRPNMQMB DS DFHTC MVC OR TWAQEMCI,X'FF' MRPNMQMB TIOATDL(MRPNQML),MRPNMQM MRPWRCS OR TYPE=(WAIT) TIOATDL(MRPNMML) ,MRPNMMM DESTINATION QUEUE EMPTY EN~RY COMPARE MESSAGE CONTROL IND GO TO NO MSG QUEUED MSG BYPASS MOVE TERMINAL MESSAGE TO OUTPUT GO TO WRITE & RETURN TO C S NO MESSAGES QUEUED MSG BYPASS DFHTC - TYPE = WAIT MOVE NO MORE MESSAGE TO T 0 A *********************************************************************** ~RPWRCS DS OR DFRTC TYPE=(WRITE) B RETURN WRITE AND RETURN TO CONT SYS DFHTC - TYPE = WRITR GO TO RETURN ENTRY **~******************************************************************** EJECT LISTING CONTROL CARD - EJECT *********************************************************************** * ** * ******************************~**************************************** DCPDI~N MEPDIEN ~BPDIEN DS OR ~T TIOABAR,TC~TEDA DESTINATION IDENT ERROR ENTRY STORE TERM I / O AREA ADDRESS DS OR DESTINATION IDENT ERROR ENTRY DS OR DESTINATION IDENT ERROR ENTRY MVC TIOATDL(MCPDEML),MCPDIEM MOVE TERMINAL ~ESSAGB TO OUTPUT DFRTC TYPE=(WRITE) D~HTC - TYPE = WRITE ~****************************~***************************************** RETURN SPACE 4 DS OR DFHPC TYPE=RETURN LISTING CONTROL CARD - SPACE 4 RETURN TO CONTROL SYS~EM D~HPC - TYPE = RE~URN ************************~********************************************** LTORG * LITERAL ORIGIN AT * CICSATP END OF ASSEMBLY - APPL TEST PGM *********************************************************************** END ~36 *********************************************************************** COB 0 L E X AMP L E PRO B L E " *********************************************************************** DFHCOVER IDENTIFICAT!ON DIVISION. 1?ROG'BAM-ID. 'CICSATP'. ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. DA'IA DIVISION. WO~rING-STORAGE SECTION. 01 MESSG1. 02 MCPDIEM PICTURE 99 USAGE IS COMPUTATIONAL VALUE IS 60. 02 FILL1 PICTURE 99 USAGE IS COMPUTATIONAL VALUE IS ZERO. 02 MESSAGE1. 03 FILL2 PICTURE X VALUE IS • '. 03 F1LL3 PICTURE X(8) VALUE IS A1L ' , 03 FILL4 PICTURE X(SO) VALUE IS 'DESTINATION IDENTIFICATIOW EPROR - PLEASE RESUBMIT'. 03 FILLS PICTURE X VALUE IS ' t . 0' MCPDEML PICTU~E 99 USAGE IS COMPUTATIONAL VALUE IS 64. 01 DCPDCAML PICTURE 99 USAGE IS COMPUTATIONAL VALUE IS 58. 01 DCPDCAMD PICTURE X(58) VALUE IS , DATA COLLECTION HAS BEEN FEQUESTED AND IS ABOUT TO BEGIN' 01 DCPEODML PICTURE 99 USAGE IS COMPUTATIONAL VALUE IS 73. 01 DCPEODMD PICTURE X(74) VALUP. IS ' THE DATA HAS BEEN RECEIVED 'A~D DISPATCHED TO THE DESIGNATED DESTINATION ' 01 MEPMEAML PICTURE 99 USAGE IS COMPUTATIONAL VALUE IS 77. 01 MEPMEAMD PICTURE X(77) VALUE IS 'YOUR MESSAGE HAS BEEN RECEIV 'ED AND DISPATCHED TO THE DESIGNATED DESTINATION 01 MESSG2. 02 MRPNMMM PICTURE 99 USAGE IS COMPUTATIONAL VALUE IS 64. 02 FILLll PICTURE 99 USAGE IS COMPUTATIONAL VALUE IS ZERO. 02 MESSAGE2. 03 FILL21 PICTURE X VALUE IS ' '. 03 FILL31 PICTURE X(8) VALUE IS ALL I '. 03 FILL41 PICTURE X(54) VALUE IS '~HERE ARE NO MORE MESSAG 'ES QUEUED FOR THIS DES~INATIONI. 03 FILL51 CPTCTURE X VALUE IS ' '. 01 MRPNMML PICTURE 99 USAGE IS CO~PUTATIONAL VALUE IS 68. 01 MESSG3. 02 MRPNMQM PICTURE 99 USAGE IS COMPUTATIONAL VALUE IS 59. 02 F~LL12 PICTURE 99 USAGE IS COMPUTATIONAL VALUE IS ZERO. 02 MESSAGE3. 03 FILL22 PICTURE X VALU~ IS ' I. 03 FILL32 PICTURE X(8) VALUE IS ALL' '. 03 FILL42 PICTURE X(49) VALUE IS 'THERE ARE NO MESSAGES QUEUED FOR THIS DESTINATION'. 03 FILL52 PICTURE X VALUE IS ' t . 0' MRPNQML PICTURE 99 USAGE IS COMPUTATIONAL VALUE IS 63. LINKAGE SECTION. r 01 DFHBLLDS COpy DFHBLLDS. -{)2 - TCTTEAR PICTURE S9 (8) USAGE IS COMPUTATIONAL. -02 TIOABAR PICTURE S9{~ USAGE IS COMPUTATIONAL. 02 TDIABAR PICTURE S9(8} USAGE IS COMPUTATIONAL • .---0' })FHCSADS COpy DFHCSADS. _n1 DFHTCADS COPY DFHTCADS. p~2 TWATDDI PICTURE 1(4) • .~2 TiAREAI PICTURE X(4). 02 TWAQEMCI PICTURE S9 USAGE IS COMPUTATIONAL~ ·01 D"FHTCTTE COpy DFHTCTTE. ;-01 DFHTIOA COpy DFHTIOA. / /02 TIOADATA. _~3 FILLER PICTURE X(80). 02 FILLER REDEFINES TIOADATA. 237 03 EODTEST PICTU~E X(3). FILLER REDEFINES TIOADATA. 03 !IOATID PICTURE X(4). 03 FILLER PICTURE X. 03 TIOADID. 04 PILLER PICTURE X(4). 03 FILLFR REDEFINES TIO!DTD. 04 TIOARAI1 PICTURE X(3). 03 FILLER PICTURE X. 03 TIOARAI2. 04 FILLF.R PICTURE X(3). 03 FILLER REDEFINES TIOARAI2. 04 TIOA~BA PICTURE x. 01 DFHTDIA COPY DFHTDIA. 02 TDIADBA PICTU~E X(80). PROCEDURE DIVISION. ATPIPIN. ~~OVE CSACDTA TO TCACBAR. /MOVE TCAFCA!A TO TCTTEAR. ~MOVE TC~TEDA TO TIOABAR. IF TIOATID = 'BSDC' GO TO ALPDCPN. IF TIOATID = 'BSME' GO TO ALPMEPN. IF !IOATID = 'BSKR' GO TO ALFMRPN. DFHPC ~YPE=ABEND, ABCODE=AAPT NOTE DATA COLLECTION PROGRAM ***. AtPDCPN. MOVE TIOADID TO TWATDDI. MOVE DCPDCAML TO TIOATDL. MOVE DCPDCAMDTO TIOADATA. DFHTC TYPE=(WRITE,READ,WAIT) DCPTEWN. MOVE TCTTEDA TO TIOABAR. IF EODTEST = 'EOD' GO TO DCPEXIT. ~OVE TWATDDI TO TCATDDI. MOVE ZEROES TO TCTTEDA. DFHTC TYPE=(READ,WAIT) ADD 4 TO TIOATDL. DFHTD TYPF.=PUT, TDADDR=TIOA'!'DL, NORESP=DCPNRCN, IDEBROR=DCPDIEN DFHPC TYPE=ABEND, ABCODE=ADCP DCPNRCN. MOVE TIOABAR TO TCASCSA. DFHSC TYPE=FREEMAIN GO TO DCPTEWN. DCPEXIT. ~OVE DCPEODML TO TIOATDL. ADD 4 TO TIOATDL. MOVE DCPEODMD TO TIOADATA. DFHTC TYPE=WRITE GO TO 'RETURN1. NOTE MESSAGE ENTRY PROGRAM ***. 02 * * * * * ALF~EPN. ~OVE TIOADID TO TCATDDI. MOVE TCTTETI TO TIOATID. ADD 4 TO TIOATDL. DFHTD TYPE=PUT, TDADDR=TIOATDL, NORESP=MEPNRCN, IDERRO~=MEPDIEN DFHPC TY~E=ABEND, AECODE=Ar1EP MEPNRCN. 238 * * * * MOVE KEPMEAML TO TlOATDL. ADD 4 TO TlOATDL. MOVE MEPMEAMD TO TIOADATA. DFHTC TYPE=WRITE GO TO RETURN1. NOTE MESSAGE RETRIEVAL PROGRAM ***. ALFMRFN. MOVE TIOARAl2 ~O TiAREAl. MOVE TCTTETI TO TWATDDI. IF TIOARAl1 NOT EQUAL 'ALL' GO TO MRPAl1B. MOVE TlOARAI11 TO TWAREAI. GO TO MRPDEBN. MRPAI1B. l~ TlOADID EQUAL' , GO TO MRPDEBN. MOVE TIOADID TO TiATDDI. KRPDEBN. MRPGTDN. MOVE TiATDDI TO TCATDDI. DFHTD TYPE=GET, NOR'ESP=MRPNRCN, QUEZERO=MRPQERN, lDERROR=MRPDI~N DFHPC TYPE=ABEND, ABCODE=AMRP MRPNRCN. MOVE TCATDAA TO TDlABAR. MOVE TDIAIRL TO T!OATDL. MOVE TD!ADBA TO TIOADATA. SUBTRACT 4 FROM TIOATDL. D~HTC TYPE=(WRITE,WAlT,SAVE) IF TWAREAI NOT EQUAL 'ALL' GO TO RETURN1. MOVE 2S~ TO TWAQEMCI. GO TO MRPGTDN. * * * * MRPQ~RN. IF TWAQEMCI EQUAL 255 GO TO I1RPNMQMB. MOVE MRPNMQM TO TIOATDL~ MOVE MESSAGE3 TO TIOADATA. GO TO MRPWRCS. M'RPNI1QMB. MOVE MRPNMMM TC TlOATDL. MOVE I1ESSAGE2 TO TIOADATA. MRPWRCS. DFHTC TYPE=WRITE GO TO RETURN1. 1)CPDIEN. MOVE TlOABAR TO TCTTEDA. MEPDIEN. MRPDIEN. MOVE MCPDIEM TO TIOATDL. MOVE MESSAGE1 TO TIOADATA. DFHTC TYPE=WRITE RETURN 1. DFHPC TYPE=RETURN 239 *********************************************************************** P L I I E X AMP L E PRO B L E M *********************************************************************** 1* PL/I EXAMPLE PROBLEM *1 DFHCOVER CrCSA~p: PROCEDURE OPTIONS (MAIN, REENTRANT) ; %INCLUDE DFHCSADS; ~INCLUDE DFHTCADS; 2 TWATDDI CHAR (4), 2 TWAR!AI CHAR (4), 2 TWAQEMCI BINARY FIXED (8); %INCLUDF DPHTC~TE; %INCLUDF DFHTIOA; 2 TIOADATA CHAR (8'); DECLARE 1 TIOAl BASED (TIOABAR), 2 FILL 1 CHAR (12), 2 TIOATID CHAR (4), 2 FILL2 CHAR (1), 2 TIOARAll CHAR (3), 2 FILL3 CHAR (2), 2 TIOAMBA CHAR Cl); DECLARE 1 TIOA2 BASED (TIOABAR), 2 PILLl CHAR (12), 2 EODTEST CHAR (3), 2 FILL2 CHAR (2), 2 TIOADID CHAR (4), 2 ~ILL3 CHAR (1), 2 TIOARAI2 CHAR (3); %TNCLUDE DFHTDIA; 2 "rDIADBA CHAR (80); DECLARF. 1 MCPDEML BINARY FIXED (15) INITIAL (60); DECLARE 1 MCPDIEM CHAR(60) INITIAL (' DESTINATION IDENTIFI CATION ERROR - PLEASE RESUEMIT '}; tECLARE 1 DCPBCAMl BINARY FIXED (15) INITIAL (59); DECLARE 1 DCPDCAMD CHAR(59) INITIAL (' DATA COLLECTION HAS BEEN RE QUESTED AND IS ABOUT TO BEGIN '); DECLARE 1 DCP"EODMl BINARY FIXED (15) INITIAL (74); DECLAF~ 1 DCPEODMD CHAR (74) INITIAL (' THE DATA HAS BEEN RECIEVED AND DISPATCHED TO THE DESIGNATED DESTINATION '); DECLARE 1 I1EPMEAML BINARY FIXED (15) INITIAL (77); DECLARE 1 MEPEAMD CHAR(7?) INITIAL (' YOUR MESSAGE HAS BEEN RECEIV ED AND DISPATCHED TO THE DESIGNA~ED DESTINATION '); DECLARE 1 MRPNMML BINARY FIXED (15) INIT1:AL (64); DECLARE 1 MRPNMMM CHAR(64) INITIAL (' THERE ARE NO MORE ME SSAGES QUEUED FOR THIS DESTINATION '); DECLARE 1 MRPNQML BINARY FIXED (15) INITIAL (59); DECLARE 1 MRFNMQN CHAR(59) INITIAL C' THERE ARE NO MESSAGE S QUEUED FOR THIS DESTINATION '); ATPIPIN: TCTTEAR = TCAFCAAA; TIOABAR = TCTTEDA; IF (TIOATID = 'PSDC') THEN GO TO ALPDCPN; IF (TIOATID = 'PSME') THEN GO TO ALPMEPN; IF (TIOATID = 'PSMR') THEN GO TO ALP~RPN; DFHPC TYPE=ABEND, ABCODE=AAPT DECLARE 1 CONl CHAR (32) INITIAL ('DATA COLLECTION PROGRA~') ; AtPDCP~: TWATDDI = TIOADID; TIOATDL = DCPDCAML; TIOADATA = DCPDCAMD; DFHTC TYPE=(WRITE,RBAD,WAIT) DCPTE'WN: TIOABAR = TCTTEDA; IF (EODTEST = 'EOD') THEN GO TO DCPEXIT; TCATDDI = TWATDDI; 240 * UNSPEC (TCTTEDA) = 0; DFRTC TYP~=(READ,WAIT) TIOATDL = TIOATDL + 4; DFHTD TYPE=PUT. TDADDR=TIOATDL, NORESP=DCPNRCN, IDEl1ROR=DCPDIEN DFHPC TYPE=ABEND, ABCODE=ADCP DCPNRCN: TCASCSA = TIOABAR; DFHSC TYPE=FREE~AIN GO TO DCPTEWN; DCPEXIT: TIOATDL = DCPEODML; TIOADA!A = DCPEOD~D; DFHTC TYPE=WRITE GO TO RETURN; DECLARE 1 CON2 CHAR (32) INITIAL ('MESSAGE ENTRY PROGRAM') ; ALPMEPN: TCATDDI = TIOADID; TIOATID = TCTTETI; TIOATDL = TIOATDL + 4; DF HTD TY PE=PUT , TDADDR=TIOATDL, }10 BESP=M. EPNRCN , IDE'RROR=MBPDIEN DFRPC TYPE=ABEND, ABCODE=AM'EP MEPNRCN: TIOATDL = MEPMEAML; TIOADATA = MEPEAMD; DFHTC TYPE=WRITE GO TO RETURN; DECLARE 1 CON3 CHAR (32) INITIAL ('MESSAGE RETRIEVAL PROGRAM') ; ALPMBPN: T~AREAI = lIOARAI2; . TiATDDI = TCTTETI; IF (TIOARAI1 # 'ALL') THEN GO TO MRPAI1B; TWAREAl = TIOARAI1; GO TO MRPDEBN; MRPAI1B: IF (TIOADID = ' .) THEN GO TO MRPDEBN; TWATDDI ::: TIOADID; MRPDEBN: MRPGTDN: TCATDDI = TWATDDI; D~HTD TYPE=GET, NORESP=MRPNRCN, QUEZEBO=MRPQERN, IDERROR=MRPDIEN DFHPC TYPE=ABEND, ABCODE=AMRP MRPNRCN: TDTABAR = TCATDAA; TIOATDL = TDIAIRL - 4; TIOADATA = TDIADBA; DFHTC TYPE=(WRITE,WAIT,SAVE) IF (TiARRAI # 'ALL ') THEN GO TO RETURN; TWAQEMCI = '11111111'B; GO TO MRPGTDN; MFPQERN: IF (TWAQEMCI = '11111111'B) THEN GO TO MRPNMQMB; TIOATDL = MRPNQML; TIOADATA = MRPNKQN; GO TO RRPWRCS; MRPNMQMB: TIOATDL = MRPNMML; TIOADATA = MRPNMMM; MRPW'RCS: D~HTC TYPE=WRITE GO TO BETURN; DCPDIEN: TCTTEDA = TIOABAR; MEPDIEN: MRPDIEN: TIOATDL = ~CPDEML; TIOADATA = MCPDIEM; * * * * * * * * * * * * 241 DFHTC TYPE=WRITE 'RETURN: END; 242 This section lists the eres macro instructions used to request and data management services. These macro instructions are written in Assembler language and, as all Assembler language instructions, are written in the following format: ~upervisory blank DFHxxxxx or symbol One or more operands separated by commas The name field of a crcs macro instruction must be left blank if the macro instruction is used in conjunction with a high-level language (ANS COBOL or PL/T); if a label is desired for the macro instruction, it may be placed on the card preceding the macro instruction. Th~ operation field of a CICS macro instruction must begin befor~ card column 16 and must contain the three-character combination "DFH" in the first three positions of the operation field. Up to five adnitional characters can be appended to DFH to complete the symbolic name for the appropriate program or table. Since DFH is reserved for eres macro instrucitons, no other statement may begin with this threecharacter combination. ~he operand field of a CT.CS macro instruction contains one or more operands separated by commas. In this publication, parentheses are used to indicate those operands where more than one applicable parameter (keyword and otherwise) can be specified with a single use of the operand. Where parentheses are not used, only one parameter at a time can be specified as part of the operand; a choice must be made in the case of more than one applicable parameter. Since a blank character indicates the end of the operand field, the operand field must not contain blanks except after a comma on a continued card or after the last operand of the macro instruction. The first operand on a continuation card must begin in column 16. When a CICS macro instruction is contained on more than one card, each card containing part of the macro instruction (except the last card) must contain a character {for example, an asteris~ in column 72 indicating that the macro instruction has been continued on the next card. In the following listing of CICS macro instructions, default parameters (where applicable) are indicated by an underscore. An asterisk in card column 72 indicates that the macro instruction is continued on the next card. DFHKC TYPE=ATTACH, FCADDR=symbolic address, TRANSID=name * DFHKC TYPE=CHAP, PFTY=priority value * * 243 DFHKC TYPE=WATT, DCI=SING1E,LIST,DISP, ECADDR=symbolic address * * DFHKC TYPE=ENQ,DEQ, QARGADR=symbolic address, QARGLNG=number * * DFHKC TYPE=PURGF,NOPURGE DPHSC TYPE=GETMAIN, INITIMG=number,YES, NUMBYTE=number, COND=YES or (YES,symbolic address) (NO,symbolic address), or CLASS=TERMINAL,USER,TRANSDATA,TE~PSTRG DFHSC TYPE=FREEMAIN, RELEASE=ALL * * * * * * !]CG]jl1 "§l].Ylf]~ DFHPC TYPE=LINK, PROGBAM=name * DPHPC TYPE=XCTL, PROGBAM=name * DFHPC TYP'E=LOAD, PROGRAM=name, LOADLST=,NO * * DFHPC TYPE=RETURN, TRANSID=transaction code * DPHPC TYPE=DELETE, PROGBAM=name * D"FHPC TYPE=ABEND, ABCODE=value,YES * ]!I!n~ ~E]YICE.§ 244 DFHDC TYPE=TRANSACTION, DMPCODE=value * DFRDC TYPE=CICS, DMPCODE=value * DFHDC TYPE=COMPLETE, DMPCODE=value * DFRDC TYPE=PARTIAL, LIST=TERMINAl,PROGRAM,SEGMENT,TRANSACTION, DMPCODE=value * * :]RM1NA1 SE]VI~~~ DPHTC TYPE=(WRIT~,WRITEL,READ,READL,WAIT,ERASE,SAVE,OIU, DISCONNECT,RESET,READB,COPY,ERASEAUP,CBUFF, PASSBK,TRANSPARENT,PSEUDOBIN,NOTRANSLATE) , LINEADR=number,YES, CTLCHAR=hexadecimal number, YES, DEST=symbolic name, YES, EOF=symbolic address * * * * * * DFHTC TYPE=(GET,PUT,ERASE,SAVE,TRANSPARENT,PSEUDOBIN), LINEADR=number,YES, CTLCHAR=hexadecimal number,YES, DEST=symbolic name,YES, EOF=symbolic address * DPHTC TYPE=(PAGE,SAVE) , LINEADR=number,YES, CTLCHAR=hexadecimal number, YES, DEST=symbolic name, YES * * * DFHTC TYPE=(CONVERSE,ERASE,SAVE), LINFADR=number,YES, CTLCHAR=bexadecimal number, YES, DEST=symbolic name,YES * * * * * * DPHTC EOF=symbolic address UFHFC TYPE=GET, DATASET=symbolic name, RDIDADR=symbclic address, SEGSET=symbolic name,YES,ALL, INDEX=symbolic name, YES, TYPOPER=UPDATE, RETMETH=RELREC,KEY, NORESP=symbolic address, DSIDER=symbolic address, SEGIDER=symbolic address, NOTFND=symbolic address, INVREQ=symbolic address, IOERROR=symbclic address, DUPDS=symbolic address, NOTOPEN=symbclic address * * * * * * * * * * * * * * DFHFC TYPE=PUT, RDIDADR=symbclic address, SEGSET=YES, TYPOPER=NEWREC,]PDA1], NORESP=symbolic address, DUPREC=symbolic address, INVREQ=symholic address, IOERROR=symbclic address, NOSPACE=symbclic address, NOTOPEN=symbclic address * * * * * * * * * 245 DFH'FC TYPE=GETAREA, DATASET=symbolic name, INITI~G=value,YES, DSIDER=symbolic address, NORESP=symbolic address, INVREQ=symbolic address, NOTOPEN=symbclic address * * * * * * DFHFC TYPE=RELEASE, INVREQ=symbclic address * DFHFC TYPE=SETL, DATASET=symbolic name, RDIDADR=symbclic address, SEGSET=symbolic name,YES,ALL, * * * * * * * * * BETMETH=REL~F,C,KEY, NORESP=symbolic address, DS1.DER=symbolic address, SEGIDER=symbclic address, INVREQ=symbolic address, NOTOPEN=symbolic address DFHFC TYPE=GETNEXT, SEGSET=symbolic name,YES,ALL, NORESP=symbolic address, SEGIDER=symholic address, INVREQ=symbolic address, IOEBROR=symbclic address, NOTOFEN=symbclic address, ENDFILE=symbclic address * * * * * * * DFHFC TYPE=ESETL, INVREQ=symbolic address * DFHFC TYPE=RESETL, SEGSET=symbolic name,YES,ALL, NORESP=symbclic address, SEGIDER=symbclic address * * * DFHFC TYPE=CHECK, NORESP=symbclic address, DSIDER=symbolic address, SEGIDER=symhclic address, NOTFN'O=symholic address, DUPREC=symbolic address, INVREQ=symbclic address, IOFRROR=symbclic address, nUPDS=symbolic address, NOSPACE=symbclic address, NOTOPEN=symbclic address, ENDFILE=symbolic address * * * * * * * * * * * IBA~~l~!l ~!lA ~]RV!~ DFHTD TYPE=PUT, DESTID=symbolic name, TDADDR=symbolic address, NO~ESP=symbolic address, IDERROR=symbclic address, IOEP.ROR=symbcl:tc address, NOTOPEN=symbclic address, NOSPACE=symbclic address 246 * * * * * * * DFHTD TYPE=GET, DEST ID=sym bo lic name, NORESP=symbclic address, QUEZERO=symbclic address, IDERROR=symbclic address, IOEBROR=symbolic address, NOTOPEN=symbclic address * * * * * * DFHTD ~YPE=FEOV , DESTID=symbolic name, NORESP=symbolic address, IDEFROR=symbclic address, NOTOPEN=symbclic address * * * * DFHTD TYPE=PURGE, DESTln=symbolic name, IDERROR=symbclic address, NORESP=symbclic address * * * TYPE=CHECK, NORESP=symbolic address, QUEZERO=symbclic address, IDERROR=symbolic address, IOERROR= symbolic address, NOTOPEN=symbclic address, NOSPACE=symbclic address * * * * * * n~HTD ~!aH~OR.A]I ~1Q]Ag] 12ER!lCE§ DFHTS TYPE=PUT, J)ATA ID=name, TSDADDR=symholic address, NORESP=symbolic address, INVREQ=symbolic address * * * * * DFHTS TYPE=GET, DATA ID=name, TSDADDR=symbclic address, YES, RELEASE=YES,l!Q, NORESP=symholic address, IDERROR=symbclic address, IOERROR=symbclic address * * * * * * DFHTS TY'PE=RELEASE, DATAID=name, NORESP=symbolic address, IDERROR=symbclic address * * * DFHTS TY'PE=CHECK, NORESP=symbolic address, IDEBROR=symbclic address, IOERROR=symbclic address, INVREQ=symbolic address * * * * STORFAC=AY111IA~I,MAIN, 111U~ ~~]!IC].§ DFHIC TYPE=GETIME, FORM=BINARI,PACKED, TIMADR=symbolic address, YES, NO'RESP=symbolic address, INVREQ=symbolic address * * * * 247 248 DFHIC TYPE=WAIT, INTRVAL=numeric value,YES, TIME=numeric value, YES, REQID=name,YES, NORESP=symbolic address, INVREQ=symbolic address, EXPIRD=symbolic address * * * * * * DFHIC TYPE=POST, INTRVAL=numeric value, YES, TIME=numeric value,YES, REQID=name,YES, NORESP=symbclic address, INVR~Q=symbolic address, EXPIRD=symbolic address * * * * * * n"Tf'HIC TYPE=INITI ATE, INTRVAL=numeric value,YES, TIME=numeric value, YES, REQID=name,YES, TRANSID=name, TRMIDNT=name,YES, NORESP=symbclic address, INVREQ=symholic address, TRNIDER=symbclic address, TR~IDER=symbclic address * * * * * * * * * DFHIC TYPE=PUT, INTRVAL=numeric value,YES, TIME=numeric value,YES, REQID=name,YES, TRAN SID=name, TRMIDNT=name,YES, ICDADDR=symbolic addresS,YES, NORESP=symbclic address, INVREQ=symbolic address, TRNIDER=symbclic address, TRMIDER=symholic address, IOERtlOR=symbclic address * * * * * * * * * * * DFHIC TYPE=GET, ICDADDR=symbclic ad.dress,YES, NORESP=symbolic address, INVREQ=symholic address, ENDDATA=symbclic address, NOTFND=symbclic address, IOERROR=symbclic address * * * * * * DFHIC TYPE=RETRY, NORESP=symbolic address, INVREQ=symbclic address, NOTF}lD=symbolic address, IOERROR=symbolic address * * * * DFHIC TYPE=CANCEL, REQID=name,YES, NORESP=symbolic address, INVREQ=symhclic address, NOTFND=symbolic address * * * * UPHIC TYPE=CHECK, NORESP=symbolic address, INVREQ=symbolic address, EXPIRD=symbolic address, TRNIDER=symholic address, TRMIDER=symbclic address, IOE~BOR=symbclic address, NOTFND=symbolic address, ENDDATA=symbolic address * * * * * * * * DFHTR TYPE=ON, STYPE=SINGLE,ALL,(system symbol),SYSTEM,USER * DFRTR TYPE=OPF, STYPE=SINGLE,ALL,(system symbol) ,SYSTEM,USER * D~HTR TYPE=ENTRY, STYPE=SYSTEM,USER, ID=number, DATA1=symbol, (symbol), RDATA1=register, (register), DATA2=symbol,(symbol) , BDATA2=registp.r, (register) , DATA1TP=HBIN,I]IM,CHAR,PACK,POINTER, DATA2TP=HBIN,1]1!,CHAR,PACK,POINTER mapname DFH~DI name DFHMDF TYPE=DSECT,MAP,FINAL, TERM=]11Q, LANG=ASM,COBOL,PL1, BASE=name, MODE=IN,OUT, CTRL=(PRINT,L40,L64,L80,HONEOM,FREEKB,ALARM,FRSETl LENGTH=number, POS=number, ATTRB=a]!IP,PROT,UNPROT,NUM,BRT,DRK,]OR~,DET,IC,FSETl, JUSTIFY=(LEFT,RIGHT,BLANK,ZERO), INITIAL='any user information', GRPNAME=user group name DFHBMS TYPE=(IN,OUT,!RASE,WAIT,SAVE), MAP='map name',YES, DATA=]Q,YES,ONLY, CTRL=(PRINT,L40,L64,L80,RONEOM,FREEKB,ALARM,FBSET) , CURSOR=numb~r,YES, MAPADR=symbolic address,YES DFHFC ~YPE=(DL/I,PCB), PSB=psbname,symbolic name,YES, NORESP=symbclic address, INVREQ=symbolic address * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 249 DFHFC TYPE=(DL/I,function), PCB=symbolic address, (register) , WRKAREA=symtolic address,Y~S,(register), SSAS=!Q,(Ssacount,ssa1,ssa2, ••• ) , SSALIST=YES,!Q,symbolic address, (register), NORESP=symbolic address, NOTOPEN=symbolic address, INVREQ=symbolic address * DFHPC TYPE=(DL/I,T), NORESP=symbolic address, INVREQ=symbclic address * * CALLDLI ASMTDLI,(parmcount,function,pcb,workarea, segment search arguments, ••• ) or CBLTDLI,(parmcount,function,pcb,workarea, segment search arguments, ••• ) (CALLDLI is a special form of the CALL macro instruction for Dt/I CALL's in Assembler language programs.) 250 * * * * * * When abnormal conditions occur, the message TRANSACTION xxxx ABEND xxxx A~ xxxx is sent to ~ransient Data destination CSMT, indicating that the identified transaction attached to the identified terminal has been abnormally terminated. The ABEND (dump) code indicates the origin ar cause of the error, and may be originated by the user or by CICS. Pollowing are the ABEND codes for abnormal terminations initiated by CTCS. AACA Abnormal Condition Invalid error code passed to DFHACP in the TeA at location TCAPCABR. A complete system dump is provided to assist in determining the problem. AICA Interval Control A runaway task condition has been detected and the task is being abnormally terminated. The condition indicates a possible logical loop within the user's program. AKCA Task Control Another CICS task has requested Task Control to abnormally terminate this task as a result of actions initiated by: • • Terminal Abnormal Condition program (DFHTACP); the appropriate messagA is found at destination CSMT. Task Termination portion of the Master TArminal facility. The Asynchronous Transaction Control program (DFHATP) terminates asynchronous tasks when: • • AKCD Task Control User requests deletion of a batch via CWTR delete option while CICS is actively processing that batch; DFHATP abnormally terminates the task and purges all remaining data from the queues. An asynchronous task tries to read more data than is available; DFHATP abnormally terminates the task. Invalid code in the dispatch control indicator field. The invalid code can be found in the TCA at symbolic location TCATCDC. Valid codes (masks) : X'10' Not dispatchable (not 251 X'20' X'40' X'80' AKCP Task Control A stall condition has been detected and this task is being abnormally terminated. This task carries a code indicating it is purgeable. AKCR Task Control The type of request code is invalid. The invalid code can be located in the TCA at symbolic location TCATCTR. Valid codes: X'O" X'02' X'04' X'08' X' Hl' X' , , , X' , 2' X' 14' X' 20' X'40' X'80' Enqueue Dequeue System System Task Origination Syste In System System Priority Change Task Wa it Task Termination AKCS Task Control The request exceeds available Subpool 1 storage. CICS/DOS-ENTRY only. I\PCB Program Control An attempt was made to execute a PT./I program but the proper support was not included in DFHSAP. Por example, PL/T F level execution attempted but support generated only for PL/T Optimizing Compiler. APCC Program Control An attempt was made to execute an ANS COBOL program but ANS COBOL support was not generated in Program cont role APC! Program Control An attempt was made to execute a PLIT program but PLIT support was not generated in Program Control. APCL Program Control There is insufficient main storaqe available for the requested program. APCP Program Control An error occurred on the read of a requested program from the library. APCR Program Control Task request for service is invalid. The invalid code can be located in the TCA at TCAPCTR. Valid Codes: X' 0,. X'02' X'04' X'08' X' 10' X'40' X'60' 252 applicable to CICS/DOS-ENTRY) Dispa tchable Wait on list of events wait on single event LINK XCTL LOAD DELETE RETURN ABEND ABEND with DUMP X'90' RETURN from Task control pgm A1?C'l' Program Control A task issued a request for a program which is not in the PPT. The invalid program ID is in the TCA at TCAPCPI~ APIA Program Interrupt A program check has occurred during the subject task execution. The PSW at the time of interrupt is saved in,the task's TCA. ASCR storage Control The request for service is invalid. Valid codes: X'20' X'QO' X'80' -qeleased Storage Release storage Acquire Storage ASC'l' storage Control The request exceeds available Subpool 1 storage. CICS/DOS-ENTRY only. ATDI Transient Data The type of destination code is invalid. The invalid code can be located in the DCT at symbolic location TDDCTDT. Valid Codes: X'20' X'QO' X'80' X'90' ATDT Transient Data Indirect Extrapartition Intrapartition Intrapartition with automatic transaction initiation Request for service is invalid. invalid code is in the TeA and can he located at TCATDTR. Valid codes: ~he x'nu' X'08' X' 10' X'20' )C'Q!')' X'80' Purge destination Destination entry address passed to the Transient Data Control program Locate Destination Control Table (DCT) entry Forced end of volume on extrapartition data set Output service on intrapartition data set Input service on intrapartition data set 13MIP Basic Mapping Support An input mapping request was issued and the map provided was for output. BMOP Basic Mapping Support An ou tput mapping r~,que st was issued and the map provided' wa~ ,for input. RM'!'T Basic Mapping Support A rEquest was made for 327.0 mapping support and the device is not a 3270. DT,DY DL/I Interface A nL/I CALL was issued under CICS/OS, but the DL/I Interface dummy program was loaded at system initialization. 253 ULIA DL/I Interface An irrecoverable error occurred during execution of the ClCS-Dt/l Interface program under ClCS/OS. The DLIA code is returned to all transactions from which DL/l CALL's are subsequently issued. DLPA DL/I Interface A DL/l abend (or pseudo abend) occurred during transaction processing under ClCS/OS. The abend code is found in the TCA at TCADLECB. !£1ion: In addition to the dump services requested by application programs, CICS also requests dumps for abnormal conditions and places specific dump codes in the dumps for ready identification. ~Y§!~m ActiQ~: code. 254 Analyze the error condition indicated by the abend This section contains a listing of error messages applicable to CICS Basic ~apping Support (BMS) for the 3270 Information Display System. The severity of program assembly errors is indicated by codes ~, 8, 12, and 16; codes 4 and 8 indicate an error condition that might not prevent program execution, while codes 12 and 16 indicate an error condition so severe that program execution is impossible. ry~HBM0r01 TYPE IS NOT VALID; DSECT ASSUMED 12 The DFHMDI TYPE=parameter specification 5.s invalid. CICS assumes TYPE=DSEC~ and continues to analyze the map. Supply a valid D~HMDI TYPE=parameter speCification and reassemble. DFHBM0002 INVALID LANG OPERAND; ASM IS ASSUMED. 4 ~he DFHMDI LANn=parameter specification is invalid. CICS assumes LANG=ASM and continues to analyze the map. Supply a valid DFHMDI LANG=parameter specification and reassemble. DFHBM0003 MODE INVALID; OUT IS ASSUMED 12 The D~HMDI MODE=parameter specification is invalid. CICS assumes MODE=OUT and continues to analyze the map. supply a valid DFHMDI MODE=parameter specification and reassemble. DFHBM0005 CONFLICTING PRINTER FORMATS; HONEOM ASSUMED 4 The DFHMDI CTRL=parameter specification includes more than one of the parameters HONEOM, L40, L64, and L80. CICS assumes CTRL=HONEOM. supply required printer format specification via the CTRL operand and reassemble, or accept the default. 255 DFHB~0006 INVALID CTRL OPERAND IS REJECTED 12 The D~HMDI CTRL=parameter specification is invalid. CICS rejects the option specified and continues to analyze the map. Check coding of CTRL options against macro description and reassemble the map. nFHBMC007 ONLY 3270 IS VALID. ASSUMED. 4 The DFHMDI TERM=parameter specification specifies a terminal other than the 3270. CICS assumes TERM=3270 and continues to analyze the map. TEB~=3270 is the only valid specification. If omitted, the default is TERM=3270. DPHBMC007A MAFNAME IS GT 7 CHARS 8 The map name is greater than seven characters in length. Reduce the name to seven characters or less and reassemble the map. DFHBMC008 FIELD MACRO AFTER DFHMDI TYPE=FINAL DISCARDED 8 The DFHMDF macro instruction was encountered after a DFHMDI TYPE=FINAL macro instruction and before another DFHMDI TYPE=DSECT macro instruction or DFHMDI TYPE=MAP macro instruction; CICS ignores the DFHMDF macro instruction. Action: DFHBM0009 Examine macro instructions for correct sequence and reassemble map. NO LENGTH; MACRO DISCARDED 8 The DFHMDF LENGTH=number specification has been omitted. CICS ignores this field macro instruction and continues to analyze the map. Supply a valid LENGTH value (1-256) for the field and reassemble map. DFSBMOO'O 256 NO POS; MACFO DISCARDED The DFHMDF LENGTH=number specification has been omitted. CICS ignores this field macro instruction and continues to analyze the map. supply a valid POS value (0-1919) for the field and reassemble map. DPHBM0011 LENGTH OUT OF RANGE; MACEO DISCARDED 8 The DFHMDF LENGTH=number specification is not within the range 1-256. CICS ignores this field macro instruction and continues to analyze the map. Supply a LENGTH value within the range 1-256 and reassemble map. DPHBM0013 pas OUT OF RANGE; MACRO DISCARDED 8 The DFHMDF POS=number specification is less than zero or greater than 1919. CICS ignores this field macro instruction and continues to analyze the map. Supply a valid POS value within the range 01919 and reassemble map. DFHBM0014 FIELD POSITION REQIRES 3270 MODEL 2 o The DFHMDF POS=number specification specifies a location that requires the 1920-character 3270 (Model 2). Ensure that this map is never used for a 3270 Model 1. DPHBM0015 OVERLAP WITH PREVIOUS FIELD The DFHMDF POS=number specification specifies a position that is within the scope of the preceding field definition. CICS accepts the specified value and continues to analyze the map. Ensure that the field overlap is acceptable. If not, correct by supplying a POS value that is at least one greater than the sum of the POS and LENGTH values of the previous field in the map. As an alternative, change the POS or LENGTH values of the previous field and reassemble map. 257 DFHSMr016 POS NOT IN ASCENDING SEQUENC~. MACRO DISCARDED. 8 The DFHMDF POS=number specification is ~ot greater than the POS value of the preceding field. CICS ignores this field macro instruction an~ continues to analyze the map. Check the POS values for the two fields and the order of the macro instructions and reassemble map. DPHBM001 7 IRRECOVERABLE ERROR ENCOUN~ERED BY DFH~D? 16 An irrecoverable situation was encountered by DFHMDF during map analysis. CICS abandons any further map analysis. Examine the map specification carefully for invalid parameters; see that the macro instructions are properly ordered. Correct any errors and reassemble map. If the error persists, contact your IBM representative after ensuring the availability of (1) a listing of the map analysis with the error messages, and (2) the input causing the error message to be generated. D?HBMC018 FIELDNAME MUST BE CODED WITH GROUPNAME PRESENT 8 The DFHMDF macro instruction was coded with a group name but the name field was not supplied. CICS assigns a null value to the name field and continues to analyze the map. All fields within a named group require the name field to be coded. Supply a unique field name and reassemble map. DFHBM0019 NO FIELD NAME. MACFO DISCARDED. 4 The DFHMDF MODE=IN specification encountered an entry with no name field entry. CICS ignores this field macro instruct.ion and continues t.o analyze the map_ If a symbolic storage definition entry is required for this field, supply a name in the name field and reassemble map. Rejection of a DFHMDF MODE=TN specification with an empty name field may be quite valid if the same map generation submitted for output symbolic storage definition is used to generate the symbolic storage definition for the input from that map. 258 DFHBM0020 DETECTABLE FIELD CANNOT BE CONTAINED UNDER A GROUP NAME 8 DFHMDF ATTRB=DET was specified for a fiel1 contained witin a group. CICS ignores this field macro instruction and continues to analyze the map. Check the specifications of grouped fields within the map and the ATTRB specification for this field. Reassemble map. DFHBM0021 INVALID xxxxxxxx ATTRIBUT~ SPECIFIED; IGNORED 4 The DFHMDF ATTRB=parameter specification is invalid. CICS ignores the invalid specification ann continues to analyze the map_ Check the coding of the ATTRB operand and reassemble map. DFHB~0022 xxxxxxxx AND xxxxxxxx ARE INCOMPATIBLE; ASKIP ASSUMED 8 Conflicting attributes were specified for this field in the DFHMDF ATTRB=parameter macro instruction. CICS assumes ATTRB=ASKP and continues to analyze the map. Correct the conflicting specification of attributes in the ATTRB operand and reassemble map. DFHRMr023 IC REQUESTED FOR A PROTECTED PIELD 4 The DFHMDF ATTRB=parameter macro instruction requested insertion of the cursor within a protected field. CICS accepts the request and continues to analyze the map. !cti.2.n: DFHBM0024 Ensure the validity of the request for this field. If invalid, correct and reassemble map. ASKIP IMPLIES xxxxxxxx 4 The DFHMDF ATTRB=parameter macro instruction specified two attributes, one of which implied the other; for example, ATTRB=(ASKIP,PROT) where ASKIP includes PROT. CICS uses the more emcompassing attribute and continues to analyze the map. 259 If the more encompassing attribute is acceptable, no action is necessary. Otherwise, correct the ATTRB specification and reassemble map. DFHBM0025 BRT IMPLI~S DET 4 The DFHMDF ATTRB=parameter macro instruction specified the BRT attribute which also implies the DET attribute. CICS uses the BRT attribute and continues to analyze the map. If the BRT attribute is not required for this field, change the ATTRB specification and reassemble map. DFHBMC026 PROT AND NUM IMPLY ASKIP 4 The DFHMDF ATTRB=parameter macro instruction specified PROT and NUM. The combination of these two parameters creates a field that also has the ASKIP attribute. !cti.Q.n: DFHBM0027 No action is necessary; this message is informative only. ATTRIBUTE lXXXXXXX REPEATED. IGNORED. 4 The DFHMDF AT~RB=param~ter specification contains the repetition of an attribute. eICS accepts the repetition without action and continues to analyze the map. Eliminate the repetition to remove the error message (if required). DFHBM0028 DUPLICATE TYPE OPTION IGNORED o A duplicated map TYPE specification was encountered and ignored. No action message is necessary; this message is informative only. If d~sired, remove the duplicate specification before reassembling the map. DPHBMC029 INVALID TYPE SPECIFIED; OUT ASSUMED BY DEFAULT 8 A type specification was found which was not IN, OUT, ERASE, WAIT, MAP, or SAVE. OUT is assumed by default. 260 If OUT is not an acceptable default, correct the error and reassemble the map_ DFHBM0030 MAPNAME IS GT 7 CHARS; TRUNCATED 12 A map name greater than seven characters was encountered and truncated to seven characters. Correct the map name and reassemble the map. DFHBM0031 DATA = SPECIFIED INCORRECTLY; NO IS ASSUMED AS DEFAULT. 8 A data specification was encountered which was not YES, NO, or ONLY. DATA=NO is assumed. If NO is not an acceptable default, correct the DATA specification and reassemble the map. DFHBM0032 DATA SPEC NOT REQUIRED WITH THIS TYPE; IGNORED. 4 Initial DATA was specified for a map which is not specified as an output map. The specification is ignored. If it is desired that an output map be generated, change the TYPE specification to OUT and reass~mble the map_ DFHB~0033 CURSOR POSITION REQUIRES TYPE=OUT; THIS REQUEST IGNORED. A cursor specification was provided for a map which was not an output map. The specification is ignored. If the map TYPE was specified incorrectly, change the specification to OUT and reassemble the map. n~HBM0034 MAPADR SYMBOL GT 8 CHARS. 4 The MAPADR operand specified a name greater than eight characters. Only the first eight will be used to address the map. Correct the MAPADR specification and reassemble th-= map. 261 UFHBM0035 INVALID LANGUAGE ASSEMBLER ASSUMED. 4 The LANG operand was not ASM, COBOL, or Pll. BMS assumes LANG=ASM. If the language desired is not Assembler, correct the LANG specification and reassemble the map. DFHB'~016 INPUT SPEC WITH INCONSISTENT OPERANDS; INPUT, WAI~ ASSUM~D • .2~!~ri1.I: 4 ~§~.ni1!g: TYPE=INPUT was specified along with OUT, ERASE, or MAP. These combinations are inconsistent and only INPUT is processed. If some other specification is desired, correct the TYPE specification and reassemble the map. DFHBM0037 OUTPUT SPEC WITH INCONSISTENT OPERANDS; OUTPUT, WAIT ASSUMED. 4 TYPE=(OUT,MAP) inconsistent. was specified which is Correct the TYPE specification and reassemble the map. DFHBM0038 ERASE SPEC WITH INCONSISTENT ASSUMED. OP~RANDS; OUTPUT, ERASE, WAIT A) Either TYPE=(ERASE,MAP} was specified or B) TYPE=(ERASE) was specified without OUT. Correct the specification and reassemble the map. DFHBM0039 SAVE REQUIRES OUT; SAVE IGNORED 4 The TYPE operand specified SAVE but not OUT. Correct the specification and reassemble the map. DFHBM0040 INVALID CURSOR POSITION DEPAULTS TO ZERO 4 The cursor keyword specified a value less than or greater than 1919 and therefore invalid for the 3270. o 262 !£tio.n: Correct the specification and reassemble the map. DFHBM0041 CURSOR POSITION REQUIRES 3270 Model 2 o The cursor specification is between 480 and 1919 and therefore only valid for a 3270 Model 2. Do not try to use this map on a 3270 Model 1 or unpredictable results will occur. DPHBM0042 DATA = NOT SPECIFIED; NO IS ASSUMED AS A DEFAULT. 4 DATA= was not specified for a TYPE=OUT specification. DATA=NO is assumed. If NO is not an acceptable default, correct the DATA specification and reassemble the map. DFHBM9999 IPRECOVERABLE E~ROR ENCOUNTERED BY D~HMDI 16 The DFHMDI macro instruction encountered an irrecoverable situation during map analysis. CT~S abandons any further map analysis. !£ti 2!!: Examine the map specification carefully for invalid parameters and see that the macro instructions are properly ordered. Correct any errors and reassemble map. If the error persists, contact your IBM Representative after ensuring the availability of (1) a listing of the map analysis with the error messages and (2) the input causing the error message to be gent:rated. 263 This section contains translate tables for the following components of the 2980 General Banking Terminal system: 1. 2980 Teller Station Model 1 2. 2980 Administrative Station Model 2 3.· 2980 Teller Station Model 4 The line codes and CPU codes listed in these tables are unique to CICS and are represented as standard EBCDIC characters. 264 1 of 3 2980-1 CHARACTER SET/TRANSLATE TABLE ENGRAVING Front (UC) Too(LC) KEY No. PRINTING Numeric (LCj Alpha(UC) LINE Code High Level Lanll. ID CPU CODE Numeric(LC) Aloha (UC) 0 HSG ACK 1 ! 1 F1 AA F1 1 SEND AGAI r~ Q R Q 08 09 DZ 2 eOfH< A C A Cl C3 Cl 3 HOLD OVERRIDE 2 H 2 F2 C8 F2 4 VOID Z V Z E9 ES E9 5 ACCT IIIQ ~J Q ~J E6 08 E6 6 ACCT TFR S T f S L2 An l2 2 7 CIF 3 c F 3 F3 AC r3 3 8 Mise x ~ X E7 AD E7 4 9 CLSD ACCT E X E C5 E7 C5 :w D N e D C4 AE C4 5 4 M 4 F4 AF F4 6 C .j: C C3 BO C3 7 R A R C9 Bl D9 8 10 I 11 1 BOOK l'iORT LOAN 12 I ~ I 13 i'lElJ ACCT 14 bOOK GAL F 0 5 F C6 B2 C6 9 15 I :~ST LOAtj 5 [ 5 F5 B3 F5 10 16 SPEC BAN V sp V E5 B4 E5 11 17 SAV !:lOll 0 T B T E3 BS E3 I 12 265 2 of 3 2980-1 CHARACTER SET/TRANSLATE TABLE ENGRAVING Top (LC) Front (UC) KEY No. 18 19 PRINTING Numeric (LC) Alpha (UC) LINE Code HighLevel Lang. ID CPU CODE Numeric (LC) Alpha ('JC) SAV G S G C7 B6 C7 13 XMAS CLUB 6 C 6 F6 B7 F6 14 13 C2 4B C2 I 20 B 21 OOA Y 15 y ES B8 E8 IS 22 2Q H Q!2 H CS B9 C8 16 23 /·1ON ORD 7 " 7 F7 BA F7 0 rl 211 (.; 17 I 0 r~ D5 FO 05 i I I 25 7 U 7 U E4 F7 E4 I 26 4 J 4 J 01 F4 01 'I 27 CSHR CHK 8 r S FS BB F8 1 11 1 M D4 F1 04 8 I 8 I C9 F8 C9 5 K 5 K [,2 FS D2 28 29 30 I i I 18 I[ I: I ! I 31 CASh RECD 9 ~ 9 F9 Be F9 32 2 , 2 , 5B F2 68 33 9 0 9 0 D6 F9 06 34 6 L 5 L 113 F6 [>3 19 I I 266 3 of 3 2980-1 CHARACTER SET/TRANSLATE TABLE II High Level Lang. ID 'I KEY No. 35 1\ ENGRAVING Front (UC) Too(LC) I I UTIL BILL 36 3 37 DEP 0 PRINTING Numeric (l C) Alpha (UC) U 0 3 LINE Code CPU CODE Numeric(LC) Alpha(UC) FO E4 FO 4lJ F3 4B P + P 07 4E 07 TH S - $ 5[; 60 58 39 FEES - F - 60 C6 60 40 TOTL / T / 61 U 61 CASH Iii " $ ok 5C BD 5C CASH CHK # $ # 7'r3 BE 7B VAL & A-K & 50 STATION 50 + 38 \.JI - 41 I 42 ,\ 43 IIII 20 i 21 ID 44 II TAB 05 ALPHA ENTRY 36 II 45 I I 46 47 I I !l II i~Ut'1ER Ie 05 05 06 Ei~TRY SEND II J 26-ET8 03-ETX 48 RETURN 15 49 i'lUf-1ER I C EiHRY 06 50 SPACE 40 40 40 17 17 17 58 TABCHAR t~SGL IGmT 15 15 JRNLCR MSGLITE 267 1 of 2 2980-2 CHARACTER SET/TRANSLATE TABLE ENGRAVING Front (UC) Too(LC) KEY No. PRINTING Numeric(I.C} Alpha(UC} LINE Code High Level Lang. ID CPU CODE Numeric(LC) Aloha (UC) = 0 1 1 = Fl Fl (1) 7E (=) 1 Q q Q 08 98 (q) 08 (Q) 2 A a A Cl 81 (a) Cl (A) 3 2 2 < F2 F2 (2 ) 4C (<) 4 Z 5 l~ 6 7 z Z E9 A9 ( z) E9 ( Z) z w ~i E6 A6 (w) E6 (w) S ; 3 «ex: s S E2 A2 (5 ) E2 (s) 5 3 ; F3 F3 (3) 5E (; ) X g x X E7 A7 (x) E7 (X) e E C5 85 (e) C5 (E) d 0 C4 84 ( d) C4 (0) c.:J ;: c.:J f- z: 8 I.J... >- LIJ 9 E 10 D 11 4 4 : F4 F4 (4 ) 7A (:) 12 C e C C3 83 (e) C3 (e) r R 09 99 (r) 09 (R) ><: ':) z: : 13 R 14 F 15 5 := V ~ /, 16 f F CG 86 (f) C6 (F) 5 % F5 FS (5 ) fiC (%) v V E5 AS (v) lis (v) t T E3 A3 (t) t;3 (T) g G C7 87 (g) C7 (G) ! F6 F6 I c.:J > c.:J CS 17 T 18 G 19 6 20 D 21 f- z: 0 , c.:: u.. >w ><: 6 , (6) 7D (') b B C2 82 (b) C2 ( B) y y y E8 A8 ( y) E8 (v) H h Ii C8 88 (h) C8 (H) 7 7 > F7 F7 (7) 6E (» 24 N n N D5 95 (n) 05 (N) 25 LJ u U E4 A4 (u) E4 (u) 0 22 23 z > ;i ii !I I i) ~ 1;1 I J il ~ 268 2 of 2 2980-2 CHARACTER SET/TRANSLATE TABLE -- ENGRAVING 'Top(lC) Front (UC) KEY No. PRINTING Numeric(lC) Alpha (UC) LINE Code CPU CODE Numeric(LC) Alpha (DC) 26 J j J 01 91 (j) Cl (J) 27 .. 8 8 F8 F8 (8 ) 5C ("<) 28 1'\ m ill LJ~ 9~ (m) D4 (~~ ) 29 I i I C9 89 ( i) C9 (I) 30 K k K 02 92 ( k) D2 (K) 31 ( 4LJ (() 8 9 I (!l z ;: 32 , cr: 33 0 z 34 L 35 ) <:( High Level Lang. ID 9 ( F9 F9 ( 9) , I 6B 6[; (, ) 4F (I) 0 0 D6 9G (0) D6 (0) 1 L iJ3 93 (1) 03 (L) ) 1"0 ro (0) 5(; (» ~ 4i> IjB (.) SF (~) (!l w t- 0 ~ 3G 5cr: u. >w 0 "" 0 z 37 P p P D7 97 (p) 07 (p) 38 ! $ ! 58 5B ($) SA (!) - - GO 60 (-) GO (-) / ? 61 Gl (J) 6F ( ?) S 39 -:- 40 ? i ~ 41 II 42 # 43 + & (!l z ;: @ ¢ 5C 7C (@) 4A (d z w # II 7I:l 7B (# ) 7F (") ~ & + 50 50 (&) 4E (+) <:: cr: I (!l 0 cr: u... TAB >w 05 05 05 45 LOCK a 36 3G 36 46 SHI FT 06 06 06 47 BACKSPACE IG 10 16 48 RETURN 15 15 15 44 ~ : z 49 i, SHI FT 06 06 06 50 i: (SPACE) 40 40 40 53 I i SEND BCKSPACE ~6-ETB 3-ETX 269 1 of 3 2980-4 CHARACTER SET/TRANSLATE TABLE _.. KEY No. 0 _-_ ENGRAVING Front(UC) Tooo:.C) CK .. t-- - - - . - ••••.. - ••• - . - - -•. - - - - - - . - - . , - - PRINTING Numeric (L C) Aloha (UC) i< LINE Code High Level Lang. 1D CPU CODE Numeric(LC) Aloha We} [;9 BC 60 19 $ 1 Q L Q D3 D3 08 2 A A A C1 Cl C1 0 C 0 C9 B7 C9 Z E9 4B E9 3 CK 14 # 4 Z 5 w * W E6 5C E6 6 S $ S [2 5B E2 1 I 1 58 4F F1 8 X "8 X E7 AE E7 Sf E E E C5 C5 C5 10 0 ? 0 C4 6F C4 2 M 2 4B 04 F2 12 C C C C3 C3 C3 13 R R 60 60 09 14 F F F CG C6 C6 3 r 3 E8 BB F3 18 Ie v \l V E5 AO E5 22 17 T 6. T E3 Al E3 23 7 IMo 2 11 15 I i-10 1 CODE 5 ! I 210 2 of 3 2980-4 CHARACTER SET/TRANSLATE TABLE KEY ~- .. ENGRAVING Front (UC) Top(LC) 18 PRINTING Numeric (I.C) Alpha (UC) LINE Code CPU CODE Numeric (LC) AlohaCUC) C7 G G G C7 4 $ 4 5C BE F4 20 S B B C2 C2 C2 21 Y / y 61 61 E8 22 H P H 07 07 C8 5 a B 5 08 B2 F5 24 N N N 05 05 05 25 (J M U E4 AF E4 26 J J J D1 01 01 6 # 6 Cg 7B F6 . 28 N X til 04 E7 04 29 I 0 I 06 06 C9 30 K K K 02 02 02 7 7 F7 F7 F7 # ~ 6B BLANK 6B 19 23 27 AI·1T OB ACCT # High Level Lang. 10 I I ; C7 31 7 7 32 --- --- 33 4 0 4 0 F4 F4 06 34 1 L 1 L Fl F1 03 21 9 6 271 3 of 3 2980-4 CHARACTER SET/TRANSLATE TABLE ---.. KEY No. ENGRAVING Front (UC) Top(LC) PRINTING Numeric(LC) Alpha (UC) a 35 8 36 0 37 5 P 5 38 2 $ 39 9 40 LINE Code F8 Fa F8 FO FO 4B P F5 F5 07 2 $ F2 F2 5B 9 9 9 F9 F9 F9 --- --- f .. 7B BO 7B 41 6 * 6 * F6 F6 5C 42 3 # 3 Ii F3 F3 7B 43 VAL & A-K & 50 50 50 44 TAB 05 05 05 45 ALPHA 3{j 46 NUMERIC 06 47 SEND 48 RETURN 15 8 8 High Level Lang. ID CPU CODE Numeric (LC) Aloha (UC) I I I 0 I 7 26-ETB 03-ETX 49 NUMER I C 06 50 SPACE 40 51 FEED OPEN 04 272 I 15 15 40 40 OPENCH Page of S1I20·10474 INDEX Added Jan. 5, 1973 By TNL SN20-2983 ABCODE 19,61,67-68 ACCA INTERRUPT STATUS WORD 157 ACCEPTABLE ADDRESSING METHOD 101 ACCESS DEVICES 114 ACCESS METHODS 83 ACCESS, INDIRECT 112 ACCTNO 89- 90 ACTIVITIES, TYPES OF CONCURRENT ACDING RECORDS 112,181 ADDITION OF KEYED FIXED-LENGTB RECORDS 181-182 ADDITIONS, FIXED-RECORD 182 ADDRESS XCTL 9 ADDRESS, AREA 117,87,95,117,128 ADDRESS, BCA 166,168 ADDRj;:SS, FIOA 111 ACDRESS, STRG 73 Y ADDRESS, PRELOAD PCB 1 ~3 Y ADDRESS, STORE FWA 109 ADDRESS, USER FCA 118 ADDRESS, PRELOAD WORKAREA 194 ADDRESS, PROGRAM ENTRY ADDRESS, DATA 225 y ADDRESS, LINE 157-158 ADDRESS, SYMBOLIC BASE 9,19,33 ADDRESS, TRANSIENT DATA 234-235 ADDRESS, USER FCA 118 ADDRESSA3ILITY 14,25,31-34,40-43,45,80,82,87,190,198,207 ADDRESSABILITY 15,31,78-79,81-82,89-97,99-100, 109-110,185,198 ADDRESSABILITY FWA 89-91,911,97,106 ADDRESSABILITY'rCA 89-91,94,97,99,103,105 ADDRESSES CF CICS PROGRAMS 17 ADDRESSES OF CICS S'roRAGE AREAS 38 ADDRESSES OF SSA'S 185,187 ADDRESSES OF THE ACTUAL LOCA'lIONS 39 ADDRESSES, PCB 183-18 11,187-189,191-192,194,193 ADDRESSES, TASK S'IORAGE CHAIN 18 AID'S • 206 ALARM 199,2011 ALIGNMENT 17,171 ALPHAMERIC 200 ALTERED RECORD 167, 169 ALTERNATE ACTION 1 59 ALTERNATE STATION 163 ALTERS 6,13,19,60,66,159,201 ANS COBOL APPLICATION PROGRl\M 10,37,163,205-206 ANS COBOL EXAMPLE 163 ANS COBOL FROGRAMMER 9,32 APPLICATION CON'IROL BLOCK 1811 APPLICATIC~ KEYWORDS 95 APPL ICATION LOGIC 195 APPLICATION PROGRAM, EXIT PCINTS OF AN APPLICATION PROGRAM CONTAINS BINARY ZEROS 78 APPLICATION PROGRAM LISTING 10 APPL ICATION PROGRAM, EXAMFLE OF AN 82 APPLICATION PROGRAM, SERIALLY REUSABLE PORTION OF AN 6,60 APPLICATION PROGRAMMER 3,9,10,23,56-59,77-78,82,87,93,96, 98,99,141,158,160,184,186 APPLICATION PROGRAMMING CONSIDERATIONS 77 APPLICATION PROGRAMS 7,10,15,78,84,155,159,178 AREAS, CCNTROL 13,32,50-51 AREAS, DL/I 183 AREAS, TRANSACTION-ORIENTED S'lORAGE 69 AREAS, I/O 6,9,13-111,36,38,43,55,100 AREAS, PROGRAM S'roRAGE 72 AREAS, PARAMETER 18 AREAS, STATIC 70 AREAS, SYMBOLIC MAP 198 AREAS, TERMINAL STORAGE 70-72 AREAS, TRANSACTION STORAGE 69,72 AREAS, WORK 9,13,17,60,86,1CO,108,167,183,186-187 ARGUMENT 109-110,177-181,183,186-187,1911 ARGUMENT TYPE 88 ARGUMENT, LENGTH OF THE . 53,178 ARGUMENT, SEARCH 108,112,175-179 ASKIP 199-201 ASKS 28,37,114 ASM 197 ASMTDLI 186 ASSEMBLER 10,111,122,130,151,167,169,190-191 ASSEMBLER LANGUAGE APPLICATION FFOGRAM, EXAMPLE OF ASSEMBLER LANGUAGE, CASE OF 187,206 ASSEMBLY, 'lIME OF 10 ASSOCIATED BIT 75 ASSOCIATED DATA RETENTION 132 ASSOCIATED DMB'S 184 ASSOCIATED TASK 18,69 ASSOCIATED TASK, TERMINATION OF THE 55 ASSUMED NUM ATTRIBUTE 201 ATTACH 117-118 AUTOANSWER 155 AUTOCALL 155 AUTOSKIP 206 AUXILIARY· rATA, BLOCK SIZE OF TEE 131 BANKING CHARACTERS 161 BASE OPERAND, USE OF THE 198 BASE VALUE 193 BASED STRUCTURE 39-43, 1E3, 198 BASIC MAPPING SUPPORT 195,200,202 BASIC TELECCMMUNICATIONS ACCESS METHOD 711 BATCH PROCESSING SYSTEM 3 .BCA 167 BCKSPACE 164 BDAM 112,176 BDLIIO 193-1911 BINARY FORM 133-1311 BINARY VALUE 79 BINARY ZERCS 17 ,53,55,57-58,100-101,138,159 BINARY ZEROS, TWO-BYTE FIELD OF 116,126,1116,195 BLANK CHARACTER 11,196-197,201 BLANKS 30,39,45,100,1811,196,199-201,204 BLANKS, EBCDIC 55,58,96 BLK 180 BLKKEYL 181 BLKSIZE 176 BLL 32,38-39 BLL LIST 185 BLL TABLE 192 BLOCKED BDAM DA'lA SETS 101-102 BLOCKED DAM DATA SET A8 183,194,1 S5, 197,203 APPLICATION PROGRAMS, GROUP OF 215 APPLICATION PROGRAMS, MODULARITY OF 6 116,175 APPLICATION PROGRAMS, REQUES'l OF APPLICATION PROGRAMS, TESTING OF 2 APPLICATIDN, SINGLE 1211 APPLICATIONS 1,3-11,6,81,125,155,195,215 AREA DEFINITIONS 166,169 AREA PREFIX 187 AREA TWAIND 166 AREA, ACQUIRED STORAGE 58 AREA, ACDRESSED 31 AREA, INPUT/OUTPUT 115,57,193 AREA, AVAILABLE DYNAMIC 1211,129 AREA, BATCH CONTROL 167 AREA, CICS INPUT 118 AREA, CICS TRANSACTION WORK 32 AREA, COMMON SYSTEM 13,15,17,24,33,39-40,56, 69,71-73,134 AREA, COMMON WORK 33 AREA, COMMUNICATIONS 69 AREA, C.URRENT 169 AREA, MESSAGE 29,38 AREA, DL/I I/O 194 AREA, DROP WRKREG TERMINAL INPU'l/OUTPUT 25 AREA, ENTIRE WORK 17 AREA, EVENT CONTROL 50-51,138 AREA,' FILE INPU'l/OUTPU'X .311,111,84,86 AREA, FILE WORK 22,32,35,42,61,84,86,92,95,99,112 AREA, FOUR-BYTE S'roRAGE 13 8 AREA, INITIATCR CONTROL 18 AREA, INTERMEDIATE S'roRAGE 6,60 AREA, LENGTH OF THE 73 AREA, NEW STORAGE 31,57-58,95 AREA, ONE-BYTE RESERVED CATA 201 AREA, OPTIONAL TRANSACTION WORK 18 AREA, OUTPUT 26,39,45,116 AREA, OUTPUT DATA 76 AREA, OUTPUT STORAGE 79 AREA, PASSBOOK 159- 160 AREA, SIZE OF THE WORK 17 AREA, SYMBOLIC NAME OF THE 117 AREA, SYSTEM 14 AREA, TASK CONTROL 14,15,18,211,33-311,40,46,56,60,69,71-74 AREA, 'IASK EXTENSION 69,71-73 AREA, TCASCSA FILE INPU'l/OU'lPtJ'l 25 AREA, TEMPORARY STORAGE INPU'l/OUTPUT 111,27,36,43,59 Y AREA, TERMINAL INPU'l/OUTPUT 13,14,31,33-34,40-41,61,165 AREA, TRANSACTICN WORK 6,18,23,25,34,40,60-61 AREA, TRAN SIENT DATA I/O 118 AREA, TRANSIENT DATA INPUT 111,35,112,165 AREA, TRANSIENT DATA OUTPUT 111,27,36,112 AREA, TRANSIENT CATA RECORD STOIU\GE 59 AREA, USER 118 AREA, USER-DECLARED FILE RECORD 112 AREA, USER-DEFINED COMMON WCRK 17 AREA, USER-PROVIDED I:ATA 1119 AREA, USER-PROVIDED S'IORAGE 127-128 AREAS 17-18,72,166-169,1711,183- 188,191,198,205 AREAS, CICS S'IORAGE 13,15-17,23,32,39,192 273 BLOCKED RECORDS 26,86 BLOCKED SYSIN 711 BMS 1911-195,197,202-205 BMSMAPBR 198 163 BOOK-FOR-PRESENT-WRITE BOOK-PRESENT-WRITE 163 BPC!'I1 193-194 BPCB2 193-1911 BRANCH 156 BROWSE 26,42,811,101,1011,106-107,113 BROWSING 83 BRT 199-200 BSSADS 193-1911 BTAM 74,75,1511 BUFFER 75-77,155,158,199-200,2011 BUFFER SIZE 160-161 BU~FER, COMMON 161 BYTE, ATTRIBUTE 196,200,2011 BYTE, CONTFOL 168 BYTE, LENGTH 171 BYTE, RESERVED 195 BYTES 79,116,125-126,138,146,168,170-172,177,186 BYTES OF THE FOUR-BYTE TCATCQA 53 BYTES OF THE OUTPUT AREA 117 BYTES, NUMBER OF 21,57-59,79,82,171 CALCULATE 57,136,139,141,143,142,1116,145 CALL 6,183-186,188-189,193 CANCEL 1311,136,138,141,144,1119-150 CANCEL MACFO REQUEST 138 CANCELLATION 135,1II9-15~ CARD 10-11 11 CARD COLUMN 16 2,74 CARD READERS CARD, COMMENTS 10 11 CARD, CONTINUATION CA~D, EXEC 10 CARD, PROCESS 10 CARD, TITLE 10 CARDS, OVEFRIDING DD 711 199,2011 CARRIAGE RETURN/LINE FEED CARRIAGE RETURNS 160 CATLOG 176- 177 CBUFF 75,161 CCB'S 50 CCC 76-77 CHAIN 15,31,56,82 CHAINED OFF 70-71 31 CBAINED STORAGE AREAS, SERIES OF CHAP 47-119 CHAR 95,97 CHAR, DUMMY 119 200 CHARACTERISTICS, DEVICE-DEPENDEN'l CHARACTERISTICS, FIELD 196,2011 CICS CONSOLE 157 CICS CON'IRCL AREA 11 9 58 CICS CONTROL INFORMATION, POR'lICN OF THE CICS 'CCNTRCL MODULES 117 CICS CONTROL SECTION 92 CICS CONTRCL TABLES 70 CICS DATA SETS 711 28 Page of SH20-10474 Added Jan_ 5, 1973 By TNL SN20-2983 CICS DESTINATIONS 115 CICS DUMP 10 CICS DUMP CODES 251 CICS ENTRY 218 CICS ENVIRONMENT 52 CICS EPROR CLASSES 112 CICS FEATURES 110 CICS FILE CONTROL 180 CICS FILE MANAGEMENT 110,119 CICS INITIALIZATION 24,33,39, 154 CICS LIBRARIES 13 CICS MACRO INSTRUCTIONS 6,10-11,60,194,243 CICS MANAGEMENT MODULES 46,69-10 CICS NUCLEUS 24,33,39 CICS PARTITION/REGION 114,116 CICS PREPROCESSOR 205 CICS PROGRAM LIBRARY 203,205 CICS PROGRAM LOAD LIBRARY 191 CICS STORAGE MANAGEMENT 15,19,24,58,114 CICS SUBTASKS 183 C ICS SUPERVI 80R Y 10-11 CICS SYSTEM CONTFOL 18,25 CICS SYSTEM SERVICES 132,154 CICS TASK 251 CICS TEMPORARY STORAGE MANAGEMEN'I 144,148 CICS TEMPORARY STORAGE MANAGEMENT FACILITY 148 CICS TIME MANAGEMENT 1,133 CICS TIME-ORDERED EVENT 138 CICS-DL/I INTERFACE 183 CICS/DOS 6,10-11,78,112,120,134,182 CICS/DOS-ENTRY SYSTEM 32,56,65,69-73,124,205 CICS/OS SYSTEM 14,182 CICS, ABNORMAL TERMINATION OF 118 CICS, APPLlCATICN PROGRAMS FUNNING UNDER 61 CICS, APPROPRIATE 86 CICS, BASEI: STRUCTURES OF 9 CICS, CONTROL OF 39,114,139 CICS, EXECUTION OF 63-65 CICS, OPERATION OF 6,11,120 CICS, OPERATIONAL 153 CICS, OS SUBTASK OF 183 CICS, REI.INQUISH CONTROL OF 50-52 CICS, RELOCATION OF 9 COBOL APPLICATION PROGRAM, EXAMPLE OF CICS lINS 38,198 COBOL, ANS 161,163-164,186,191,195,198,205 CODE DOCUMENTATION, PURPOSE OF 59 CODE TRANSLATION 14 CODE, ABNORMAL TERMINATION 61 CODE, ACTUAL PL/I 10 CODE, AI STATUS 188-189 CODE, ASCII TRANSMISSION 155 CODE, DEFAULT TRANSACTION 66 CODE, DLPA ABEND 184 CODE, FOUR-CHARACTER ABNORMAL TERMINATION 61-68 CODE, FOUR-CHARACTER 'rRANSAC'IION 156 CODE, I/O EVENT ERROR 112 CODE, LINE 112 CODE, MULTIPUNCH 113,123,131 CODE, OPERATION 1 86 CODE, SOURCE 39 CSA, USER FORTION OF THE 69,11-13 CSA, WORK AREA PORTION OF THE 40 CURRENT CLOCK TIME 134,136,139,141-142,145 CURSOR 16,79,82-83,201,203-204 CWA 17,33,69,11-13 CWI'R 165-166,168-169 DAM 83,81-88,93,100,180 DAM BLOCK, PHYSICAL IDENTIFIER OF THE 180 CAM DATA SETS 88,101,104,116,180-182 DAM NON-KEYED DATA SETS 112 DAM ORGANIZED DATA SETS 170 DAM RECORD IDENTIFICATION FIElI: 117 DASD 124,110,173-175 DATA AREA 126,151-152,114,196,201 DATA ATTRIBUTES 196 DATA BASE 3-4,1,81-88,101,116,183,188 DATA BASE CONSIDERATIONS DATA BASE/rATA COMMUNICATION SYSTEM 1,4 CATA BASES, ADDRESSES OF THE PCB'S OF THE 183 DATA CHARACTER 14,200 CATA CHECK MESSAGE 1 57 DATA COLLECTION 1-2,124-125,154 CATA DIVISION 9,11,32,38,161,231 DATA ENTRY REY 199,204 DATA ENTRY KEYBOARD 200 DATA FIELDS 32,195-196,199 DATA HANDLING 160 DATA INPUT 165 DATA LANGUAGE/I 2,33,84,183 DATA MANAGEMENT BLOCKS 184 DATA MANAGEMENT SERVICES 6,10-11 ,32,39,46 DATA MANAGEMENT TEMPORARY STORAGE SERVICES 46 rATA RECORD 86,88,123,148,149,111 DATA SET IDENTIFICATION 22 CATA SET, CHARAC'rERISTICS OF 'IHE 84 DATA SET, CATA EASE 26 I:ATA SET, LOGICAL RECORD OF 'IHE 101 DATA SET, SEGMENTED STRUCTURE OF TEE 110 CATA SET, SEGMENTS OF A 110 DATA SET, SYMBOLIC NAME OF THE 96,100 DATA SETS 112,114-115,122,169-170,113,175-178,180-181 DATA SETS, DEBI.OCKING OF THE 88 CATA TRANSFER, COMPLETION OF 18 DATA TRANSFER, DIRECTION OF 151 DEBUGGING 214 DEFAULT ACTION 18 DEFAULT ALIGNMENT 111 DEFAULT FIELDS 204 DEFAULT LOCATION 201 DEFAUL'I SEGMENT SET 108 DEFAULT SEGMEN'I SET NAME 104 DEFINITION, DYNAMIC STORAGE 33,40 DEFINITION, STATIC STORAGE 24,33,39 DEFINITIONS, PCB 193 DESTINATION CONTROL TABLE 48,114-115,121 DESTINATIONS 2,71-18,114-111,121-123 DET ATTRIBUTE 200-201 DETEC'rION, SYSTEM STALL 1,132 DEVICE, BUFFERED 15 DEVICES, SEQUENTIAL 2,74,214 CODE, TERMINATION 19 CODE, TRANSACTION 203,205 CODE, UN! QUE 118 CODE, USER-SPECIFIED 10 CODE, 3210 DEVICE-DEPENDENT 194 CODE, 3135 USING ASCII 'rRANSMISSION 71 CODES, ERROR 112 CODES, SPECIAL HEXADECIMAL 1 64-1 65 CODES, REQUEST 23,153 CODES, RESPONSE 96,98,111,113,122-123,130-131, 144,143,146,151 COMMON BUFFER 1 61 COMMON WORK AREA, BEGINNING OF TEE 11 COMMUNICATION CONTROL ADAP'IER 151 COMMUNICATION LINES 50,15,154 COMMUNICATION, CONVERSATIONAl MODE OF 83 COMMUNICATION, PROVII:E ADr:rTION~L 165 COMMUNICATIONS, REAL-TIME DA'IA EASE/DATA COMPATIBILITY 18,138,194 COMPILER 10 COMPILER, FULL ANS COBOL 32-33 COMPLETE DUMPS, NUMBER OF 10 COMPI.ETION 11,49-50,82,154,156,203 COMPLETION CODE POSTINGS 138 COMPLETICN, I/O 1 COMPLETION, SUCCESSFUL 156 COMPONENT SELECTION 158 CONFIGURATION 22,58,77 CONFIGURATION, BIT 55-56 CONFLICTING ATTRIBUTES 259 CONSIDERATION, PERFORMANCE 134 CONSIDERATIONS, DEVICE 151 CONSIDERATIONS, DEVICE-DEPENDENT 195 CONSIDERATIONS, QUASI-REEN'rRANT 183 CONSIDERATIONS, SYSTEW1 156 CONSIDERATIONS, 2260/2265 PROGRAMMING 151 CONSIDERATIONS, 2110/2180 PFOGRlIMMING 158 CONSIDERATIONS, 3135 155 CONSOLE, SYSTEM 11,151 CONTROL, DUMP 21,61-69,71-13 CONTROl., FILE 83-84,93,95-96 CONTROL, INTERVAL 132 CONTROL, PASSBOOK 161 CONTROL, 'I-ASK 18,46-41,56,132 CONTROL, TEMPORARY STORAGE 21,56,59,124,121-128 CONTROL, TRANSFER PROGRAM 64 CONTROL, TRANSIENT DATA 21,59,114-115,117,215,228 CONTROL, TS TEMPORARY STORAGE 211 CONTIlOL, TERMINAL 14,157 CONVENTION, INSTALLATION 52 CONVENTION, NAMING 124 CONVERSE 74-15,83,245 COPY CONTRCL CHARACTER 16 COPYING 14-15,18 CPU 46 CPU TIME 50 CPU, CONTRCL OF THE 46 CRDR 165,167-168 CROSS-INDEX DATA SET 91-92,175 CSA, FIELDS OF THE 17 DFHBMS MACRO INSTRUCTION 199,202,205 DFHBMSCA 206 DFHCLEAR 206 DFHCOVER MACRO INSTRUCTION 10 DFHCSADS 24,32-33,40,44,54,193 DFIIDC 69,11,13-14,215,211 DFHDUP 68 DFHFC MACRO 22,184,186,190,192,194 DFHFILL 164 DFHFIOA 26,34,41,86 DFHFWADS NAME 26 DFHFWADS, 26,89-90,92,95,97,99,103,,106,108,110 DFHIC MACRC INSTRUCTIONS 23,138,141-144,152 DFHKC 41,53,55,66,140 DFHMDF MACBO INSTRUCTION 199,201-202 DFHPC 19,29,63-66,123,131 DFHPC, NAME 2114 DFHPC, NO 244 DFHSAADS 28,37,43-44 DFHSC 19-20,22-23,58-59,80,194,215,211,234,238,241 DFHSYTCA 25 DFHTACP 13,115,251 DFHTC 14-15,80,82,154-156,160 DFHTCA 33- 34 DFHTCADS 25,34,166-168 DFHTCT 151 DFHTCTTE 24,32-33,40,44,18,162 DFHTD 115-116,118,120 DFHTDIA 26,35-36,42,118-119 DFHTDCA 21,36,42-43,116 DFHTEP 13 DFHTIOA 25,34,41,411,18,162,201 DFHTS 23,28,125-130 DFHTSIOA 21,32,36,43,128 DIAL-UP 151 DISCONNECT 15,155,157,245 DISK 1-2,68 DISPATCHING PRIORITY 49 DISPATCHING, TASK 11,133-134 DISPLACEMENTS 9,112-113 DIVISION, ENVIRCNMENT 38 DIVISION, PROCEDURE 38,89-91,94,91,99,103,105,162,192 DL/I 2,33,84,183-184,186-194 DL/I CALL 183-184,188-189 DL/I INTERFACE 188 DL/I PSEUDO-ABEND 183- 1 84 DL/I PSEUDO- ABEND CODE 99 2 184 PAGE 0035 1 DL/I REQUEST 189,191 DL/I REQUEST HANDLER 1 83 DL/I TASK 183 DMB 184 DMB DIRECTORY 184 DMB POOL SPACE 189 DPGM 12 DRK ATTRIBUTES 200 DUMMY RECORDS 182 DUMP CODES 251 DUMP AREA 74 DUMP DATA SET 61-68 214 Page of SH20·10474 Added Jan. 5, 1973 By TNL SN20-2983 DUMP MANAGEMENT 1,67-68,71 DUMP MANAGEMENT TERMINAL SERVICES q6 DUMP, FORMATTED STORAGE 67 DUMP, NO 67 DUMP, OUTPUT 67 DUMP, PARTIAL 71-7q DUMP, COMPLETE STORAGE 71 DUMP, TRANSACTION STORAGE 70 DUPDS 8q-85,87, 110-1 12,2q5-2116 DUPLICATE NAMES 1211 CUPL ICATE RECORD 112,178 DUPLICATES 83,112,178-179,215 DUPLICATES DATA SE'IS, USE OF 178 DYNAMIC STORAGE FOOL 80 ECADDR q7,50-52,2114 ECB'S 50,155 ELEMENT, PRINT 159 ELEMENT, TYPE 160 END-OF-DATA lq8 END-OF-FILE 78,112,155 END-OF-LIST 191 ENDDATA 134,1117,151-152 ENDFILE 85-86,103,110-112 ENQ Q7,52-55 ENTRY CONVENTIONS 183 ENTRY LABELS 87,93,96,98,110-111,122,130,151 ENTRY SPECIFICATIONS 112 ENTRY, CONVERSATIONAL DATA 69,71-73 ENTRY, DES'IINATION CONTROL TABLE ENTRY, FILE CCNTIIINAL ABNORMAl. CCNDITION 115 PROGRAM, CICS UTILITY 1,68 PROGRAM, CONVERSATIONAL 189 PROGRAM, INTERVAL CONTROL 153 PROGRAM, pERIALLY REUSABLE APPl.ICA'IION PROGRAM, SUSPENDING 56 PROGRAM, TERMINAL AllNORMAL CONDITION 73 PROGRAM, TERMINAL CONTROL 78,160 PROGRAM, TERl1INAL ERROR 73 PROGRAM, TRACE 216,220 PROGRAM, TRANSACTION CON'TPOL 251 PROGRAM, TFANSI ENT DATA CONTROL 118 PROGRAMMER, RESPONSIBILITY OF THE 186 PROGRlU'MER, SYSTEM 4 PROGRAMS, APPLICATION 180,183,190,194-195,197, 29,38-39,45 OPERATOR REPLY OPERATOR, CONSOLE 133-134 ORDERED REQUEST 150 ORIGINATING TASK 124,150 ORIGINATING TASK RESUMES CONTROL 150 OS 133,180 OS lSAM FIl.LER NAME 26 OS/360 50 OUT 198,203 OUTPUT 76,125,155,158,165,197,200,203 OUTPUT MAP DESCFIPTION 204 OUTPUT MAP FIELDS 204 OUTPUT $P FORMATS 194 OUTPUT GENERATION 198 OUTPUT MAP, ATTRIBUTES OF AN 195 OUTPUT MAPPING FUNCTIONS 204 OVERLOAD CCNDITIONS 55 OVERLOAD, SYSTEM 46,55-56 PACKTIME 140,147 PARAMETER LIST 185 PARAMETER, BLKKEYL 180 PARAMETER, CBUFF 76 PARAMETER, DATASET KEYWORD 92,95 PARAMETER, DISCONNECT 75 PARAMETER, ERASE 82 PARAMETER, ERASEAUP 76 PARAMETER, OPTIONAL 1-86 PARAMETER, PASSBK 76 PARAMETER, PSEUDOBIN 78,156,158 PARAMETER, READB 75-;'';'' PARAMETER, RESET 75 PARAMETER, SAVE 81 PARAMETER, SEGS ET KEYWORD 86, 92 PARAMETER, SSACOUNT 1 87 PARAMETER, TRANSPARENT 77 PARAMETER, WAIT 80,83 PARAMETER, 3270 KEYWORD 198 PARAMETERS, DISCUSSION OF THE 71 PARAMETERS, INDEX KEYWORD 86 PARAMETERS, PASSING OF 17 PARAMETERS, STAND-ALONE 75 PARAMETERS, WRITEL 78,82 PARENTHESES 11,185,188 PARMCOUNT' 1 86- 1 87 PASSBOOK 76,159-161 PASSBOOK CONTROL 159-161 PASSBOOK INDEXING 160 PASSBOOK PRESENT 163 PASSBOOK WRITE 160 PASSBOOK, BANKING 76 PASSBOOK, POSITION OF THE 160 PASSBOOK, FRESENq;: OF A 74,160,1 63 PCB DSECT 190 PCB POINTERS 183,190,193-194 PCB POINTERS, BASI'; OF A STRUCTURE OF 193 PCB POINTERS, DECLARED STRUC'IURE OF 193 PCB POINTERS, LAYOUT OF THE 191 PCB'S 183-184,1'86-194 PCB'S OF PSB 190 PCT 199,202-203,205,215,254 PROGRAMS, PROGRAMS, PROGRAMS, PROGRAMS, PROGRAMS, CICS MANAGEMENT 18,46,48,55,215,220 HIGH-LEVEL LANGUAGE 161 RECOMPILING EXISTING 114 USER APPLICATION 6,18-19,21-22,55,59,214 USER-WRITTEN APPLICA'IION 60-61,63-64, 69-72,74,154,199,201,205,214 PROT ATTRIEUTE 200 PRTY 47-49,243 PSB 183-184,188-190,192,249 PASB DIRECTORY 184 PSB POOL 184 PSBGEN 184 PSENAME 184,249 PSEUDOBIN 75,81,156,245 PURGE 46- 47,55- 56, 116, 121,228,244,247 PURGE/NOPURGE 55 PWRI 157 QARGADR 47,52-54,244 QARGLNG 47,52- 5 4,244 QUASI-REENTRANCE 6,29,60,183 QUASI-REENTRANT 39,45,190 QUEUE 56,114-115,121-123,144,221,231,251 QUEUE, INTRAPARTITION 123 QUEUES, EXTRAPARTITION INPUT 122 RDIDADR OPERAND, DISCUSSION OF THE 180 READ-ONLY 84,174 READIWAIT 202 READL 75,78,245 READREC 89-92 READUPD 94 REENTRANCE 38 REENTRANCE ALLOWS 6, 60 REENTRANT 39,44,124,183,240 REFRESH 223 REFRESH CSA TIME 224 REGISTER, ASSIGN BASE 98,102 REGISTER, BASE 89-91,94,96,98 RELATIVE Bl.OCR 180,182 46,55,152,184 277 Page of SH-1047-4 Added Jan_ 5, 1973 By TNL SNZO-Z983 SAA 14,28,37,43,58,186 SAACBAR 28,37 SAMPLE PROGRAMS 231 SCHEDULING PROCESS 183 SCREEN FORMATS 195 SCREEN IMAGES 124 SEGIDER 84- 85, 87,99-100,103,108,110-111 ,245-2l16 SEGMENT DEFINITIONS 171 SEGMENT INDICATOR FIELD 172 SEGMENT INDICATORS 171-172 SEGMENT INDICATORS, SEGMENT DISPLACEMENT TYPE 172 SEGMENT SEARCH ARGUMENTS 183-185 SEGMENT SEARCH ARGUMENTS, NAMES OF 187 SEGMENT SET IDENTIFICATION 22 SEGMENT SET NAME 101,104,175 STORAGE, AUXILIARY 124-127,129-131,152 STORAGE, AUXILIARY TEMPORARY 124 STORAGE, CICS 70,187 STORAGE, CICS DYNAMIC 183 STORAGE, CLASS OF 57-58 STORAGE, CONSERVATION OF MAIN STORAGE, DUMP TRANSACTION 69 STORAGE, DY"IAMIC 13,169,185 STORAGE, FREE 118 STORAGE, PROGRA~1 56 STORAGE, RELEASE ALL TERMINAL 59 STORAGE, RELEASE MAIN 59 STORAGE, SSA DYNAMIC 185 STORAGE, STATIC 183,190 STORAGE, SYMBOLIC 125 STORAGE, TEMPORARY 27,36,43,124-130 STORAGE, TEMPORARY STORAGE AUXILIARY 124 STORAGE, TERMINAL 39,45,56,59 STORAGE, TRANSACTION 56,124,127 STXIT 11 STYFE 216-218,249 SUPERVISORY, SERVICE INVOCATION CICS FROVIDES 46 SUSPEND 221,234 SUSPENDED TASKS 56,129 SUSPENSION OF A TASK 137 SVC 11 SWITCHED LINES 75 SYMBOL, START 82 SYMBOLIC DESCRIFTION MAP 194,196-197 SYMBOLIC DESTINATION 114,117,119,121 SYMBOLIC DESTINATION IDENTIFICATION 122,130 SYMBOLIC LABELS 196 SYMBOLIC REFERENCES 114,199 SYMBOLIC STORAGE DEFINITION MAP 196 143,146,152 SYMBOLIC TERMINAL II:ENTIFICl\TION 142-144,146,152 SYMBOLIC TRANSACTION IDENTIFICA'IION SYMDMP 11 SYNCHRONIZATION, LINE 74 SYNCHRONIZATION, PROVIDE TASK 132 SYNCHRONIZATION, TASK 1,50 SYNCHRONIZATION, WRITE 203 SYSOUT 74 SYSTEM INITIALIZATION 13 SYSTEM/? 77-78,156-157 SYSTEM/7 SUPPORT, Il-(PLEMENTATION OF 156 SYSTEM/?, DIAL-UP 157 SYSTEM/?, MULTIPOINT 156 TABLE, ALLOCATED TERMINAL CONTRCL 24,33,39 TABLE, CORRECT TRANSLATE 161 TABLE, PROCESSING PROGRAM 19,63-65,203,205 TABLE, TRACE 69,71-73,215-216,218,217-219 TABLES, TRANSLATE 264 TAPE 1-2,68,114 '1'ASK 11,13,50,68,252 TASK CCNTFOL, USE OF THE 66 TASK MANAGEMENT SERVICES 18 TASK MANAGEMENT STORAGE SERVICES 46 TASK OF EIGHER PRIORITY 50 TCA -144,147-149,151,166-167,182,190,215,221,251-254 TCA FLAG 216 SEGMENT SET, SYMBOLIC NAME CF TEE 87,101,108 SEGMENT SETS 86,92,100-101,104,170,172-175 SEGMENT, FIXED-LENGTH 171 SEGMENT, ROOT 17 1-174 SEGMENTATION 11 SEGMENTED I:ATA SET 88,170,173-175 SEGMENTED RECORD 26,lI2,86-88,92-93,101,169-171,173-174 SEGMENTED RECORDS, USE OF 170 SEGMENTS, VARIABLE-LENGTH 174 SEQUENTIAL ACCESS METHOD 7l1,21l1 SEQUENTIAL DATA SET 1,68 SEQUENTIAL RECORD 10ll,106,105-106,114 SERVICE INVOCATION 11 SERVICES, TASK 46 SERVICES, TIME 132 SERVICES, TIME-OF-DAY 134 SERVICES, TRANSIENT DATA 120-121 SETL 22,85,99-100,102-103,105-106,108-110,227,246 SETL REQUEST 99-100,104,108 SHIFT CHARACTERS 76,160 SIGN ON/SIGN OFF 154 SINGLE-SERVER 52 SINGLE-SERVER RESOURCE PROTEC'IION REQI:ESTS 53 SKIP 108 SKIP, AUTO 196 SLACK 172 SORT 11 SPECIFICATION OF ATTRIBUTES 259 SPECIFICATION, PRINTER FORMAT 255 SPECIFICATION, RECORD FORMAT 114 SSA DFHSC TYPE 190 SSA LIST 188,230 SSA LIST, DESCRIPTION OF THE 187 SSA-COUNT 193 SSA'S 183-185,187-188,191,193-194,193,195,194,250 SSA'S, NUMBER OF 185,187 SSACOUNT 185,187,250 SSALIST 185,187-188,191,250 STALL CONDITION 252 STALL CONDITION, SYMPTOMS OF A SYSTEM 132 STANI:ARD ATTENTION IDENTIFIER LIST 206 STANDARD ATTRIBUTE LIST 206 STANDARD EXIT ROUTINE BASE NAME 167 STANDARD POSTING CONVENTIONS 50-51 STATEMENT NUMBER 29,31,38,45 STATEMENT, SERVICE RELOAD 32 STATISTICS 18 STATISTICS ACCUMULATOR 17 STATISTICS, TIME SYSTEM 2 STORAGE ACCOUNTING AREA 19,37,43,58 STORAGE ACQUISITION 1 STORAGE ACQUISITION REQUEST 56 234 STORAGE ALIGNMENT STORAGE AREAS, ATTRIBUTES OF TEE 39 STORAGE AREAS, NUMBER OF MAIN 13 STORAGE AREAS, TYPES OF 71-72 STORAGE CONTROL 55- 56,169,202,215,222,253 STORAGE MANAGEMENT 1 STORAGE PREFIX 192 STORAGE, ACQUIRE 183,187,190,192,194 TCA STRUCTURE, CECLARATION OF TEE 40 TCA, CHAIN OF 18 TCA, CICS CONTROL SECTION OF THE 220 TCA, CICS SYSTEM CONTROL SECTION OF TEE 25 TCA, COMMUNICATION SECTION OF 'IHE 25 TCA, DISCUSSION OF THE 47 TCA, EXTENSION OF THE 23 TCA, FIELDS OF THE 18,100,107-108 TCA, REQUESTING PROGRAM 215 TCA, REQUESTING TASK 69 TCA, TASK 253 'I'CABMSCP 204 TCABMSMA 205 TCABMSMN 204-205 TCACBAR -34,38,54,89- 91,94,97,99,103,105,110 ,.n8 TCACSIB 57 TCADCNB 73 TCADCSA 73 TCADCTR 226 TCADLECB 184,254 TCADLFUN 191,193-194 TCADLIO 187,186-187,191,194 TCADLPCB 184,189-191,193-194,230 TCADIPSB FIELD 184 TCADLSSA 185,188,191 TCAFCAA 22,41-42,87,89-100,102-112,182 TCAFCAAA 18,79-80,233,240 'I'CAFCAI 22 TCAFCDI 22,111 TCAFCRC 87,93,96,98,110-111,113 TCAFCRI 22 TCAFCSI 22,104,111 TCAFCTR 23,87,93,96,98,110-111,113 ,227 ,230 TCAFCURL 93,182 TCAICDA 135,146-147,149,151 TCAICQID 137-138, 140,142-144,147,150-152,225 TCAICRC 144,143,146,148,151,224 TCAICRT 137-138,140,143,147,224 TCAICTEC FIELD 138 TeAICTI 143-1411,146-1117,224 TCAICTID 1Q3-144,146-147 TCAICTR 23,144,143,146,148,151,223-225 TCAKCFA 48 TCAKCTI 48 TCAM 74,77,81- 82 TeAM DESTINATION NAME 78 TCAM MCP 77 TCANXTID 66 TCAPCAC 19,67-68 TCAPCLA 65 TCAPCPI 19,63-67,253 TCAPCTR 252 TCASCIB 22,57-58 'ICASCNB 21-22,57-58 TCASCSA FIELD 19,58 TCASCSA 27 29 TCASYAA 25 TCATCDP 49 TCATCEA 51-52 TCATCQA 53-55 RELATIVE POSITION 185 RELATIVE RECORD 88 RELATIVE RECORD NUMBER 181 RELATIVE TRACK 102,180-181 RELATIVE TRACK KEY 181 RELBLK 181 RELEASE REQUEST 98-99 RELREC 84-85,87,99,102,245-2l16 RELTYPE 180 REQID 132, 13l1, 136-1l12, 1l14-147,149-150,248 REQUEST 98,120-121,150-151,190,253 RESET ACCA 157 RESET, WRITE 154-155 RESETL 85,108-110,112,227,246 RESPONSE CCDES, TESTING OF 110,123,130,151 RESPONSE, END-OF-DATA 1 lI8 RESPONSE, EOT 154 RESPONSE, I/O ERROR 151 RESPONSE, NORMAL 111,122,130,152 RESPONSE, NORMAL END-OF-FILE 152 RESPONSE, NOSPACE 123 RESPONSE, OPERATOR 189 RETMETH 84 -85,87-88,99,101-102,245- 246 RETRIEVAL CALL 186 RETRIEVAL OF A TIME-ORDERED rATA RECORD 149 RETRIEVAL 'IHROUGH 152 RETRIEVAL, ESETL RESET SEQUENTIAL 108 RETRIEVAL, RANDOM 2 RETRIEVAL, SELECTIVE RETRIEVAL, SEQUENTIAL 100,113 RETRIEVAL, TERMINATE SEQUENTIAL 106 RETRY REQUESTS 152 REUSABLE 114 REUSABLE RESOURCES, CONTROL OF SERIALLY 1,52 REUSABLE STORAGE SPACE 124 REUSABLE, SERIALLY 6,60,124 ROLLOUT 32 ROOT 172 ROUTINE, EFROR 102 ROUTINE, EXIT 165-166,168,167-169 ROUTINE, SERVICE 215 ROUTINE, USER-WRITTEN EXIT 166 ROUTINES, ETAM ERROR 157 RSA'S 70,72 RVI 154 278 Page of SH·10474 Added Jan. 5, 1973 By TNL SN20·2983 TCATCQAL 55 27,42,118-119,228,235,241 TCATDAA TCATDAA, CONTEN'IS OF 119 117-121,233-235,238-239,241 TCATDDI 122-123 TCATDRC 23,122-123,228,253 TCATDTR 27,43,128 TCATSDA 129,233,235 TCATSDI 130-131 TCATSRC 23,130-131,228 TCATSTR 24,33,39,74,83,152,157 TCT 81-82 TCTLE TCTTE TTR, ZONED 181 T',JA 71-73,81,89-92,94- 95,97,102,105-106,109 TWA, LAYCUT OF THE 34 TWA, SIZE OF THE 23 TWAFIELD 31 TWANXREC 169 TWAQEMCI 236,239,241 TWARBAI 235,239,241 TWAREC 166-169 TWATDDI 233-235,238-241 TWATSRL 233-234 TWAWA 167-169 TWAXTRTN 166-167,169 TWAXTRTN, MODIFICATION OF THE 166,168 TXA 69,71-73,221 TYPOPER 84-85,87-88,90-97,111,245 UNDEFINED RECORDS 83,182 UNIVERSAL SEGMEN'I SET 175 UPDATE REQUEST 88 UPDATE, RESULT OF AN 171 UPDATED RECORD 94-95 UPDATING SEGMENT TYPES 183 USER EXITS 165-166 USER EXI'IS, USE OF THE 165 USER FIELDS 204 USER PROGRAM REGISTERS 9 USER STATISTICS ACCUMULATORS 4 17 USER STORAGE, DEFINITION OF 43 USER TERMINATION CODE 19 USER-DEFINED 5S, 167,176,178 UTILITIES, OPERATING SYSTEM 214 VARIABLE LENGTH 114,116-117,171 VARIABLE LENGTH RECORDS 183 VARIABLE-LENGTH 168,170,182 VARIABLE-LENGTH DATA SETS 118 VARIABLE-LENGTH RECORDS 83,114,118,170-171,174,181 VARIABLE-LENGTH SEGMENT, MAXIMUM LENGTH OF A 171 VARIABLES, ELEMENTARY CHARAC'IER 206 VARIABLES, SINGLE-CHARACTER 206 VIDEO 124 VIDEO DISPLAY PAGING 2 WAIT 47,50-52,83,132,135,137-138,149-150,203 WAIT REQUEST 136,152 WCC 77 WORKING STORAGE, AMOUNT OF 23 WORK REG 20-21 WRITE 38,44,75-78,77-83,156-158 WRITE CONTROL CHARACTER, HEXADECIMAL REPRESENTATION OF THE 77 WRITE REQUEST 155 WRITE, COMPLETION OF A 81,204 WRITE, ISSUE 79-80 WRITEL 75,245 WRITER, BEFOR'l' 11 XCTL 11,19,61,611,223,244 ZERO SEVERITY 262 45,56,61,66,69-73,75-76,78-82,159-161 TCTTEAID 206 29,32-33,38,78-80,233,238,240 TCTTEAR TCTTEOS 168 TCTTEPCF 159,161,163 163-164 TCT'l'EPCR 159,163-164 TCTTEPCW TC'ITESC FI ELD 56 TCTTESID 161,163 159-162 TCTTETAB 78 TCTTETI FIELD 163 TC'ITETID FIELD TCTTETM 161 TDADDR 27,115-118,234- 235,238-239,241,246 TDIA 14,26,35-36,42,58-59 TDIAEAA 120 TDIABAB 120 TDIABAR 36,42,119-120,235,239,241 Tl:IADBA 241 TDIAIRL 235,241 TDOA 14,27,36,42-43,58-59 TDOABAR 27,36,116-117 TDOAVRL 27, 117- 118 T1!:MPORARY LATA, RETENTION OF 17 TEMPORARY STORAGE CONTROL REQUES'I/RESFONSE 23 TEMPORARY STORAGE SERVICES 125-127,129-130 TERMINAL CONTROL 24,74,79- 82, 202-2 03,205 TERMINAL CCNTRCL TABLE 39,45,74,81,152,161,214 TERMINAL CONTROL TABLE, PREPARA'IICN OF THE 154 TERMINAL CCNTBOL WRITES 80 TERMINAL ID 1113-1114,1117,221 TERMINAL Il:ENTIFICATION 124,146,1118,157 TERMINAL INPUT RECORDS 34,41 TERMINAL INPUT/OUTPUT 59 TERMINAL INPUT, USER DEFINI'IICN OF A 25 TERMINAL LCG 115 TERMINAL MANAGEMENT 1,74 TERMINAL MANAGEMENI' FILE SERVICES TERMINAL, DESTINATION 168 TERMINAL, MASTER 77,115,154 TERMINAL, OUTPUT 168 TERMINALS, BINARY SYNCHRONOUS TERMINALS, KEY-DRIVEN 74 TERMINALS, LIST OF 77 TERMINALS, POINT-TO-POINT 155 TERMINAlS, SIMULATION OF 2 TERMINALS, 2260 74,81 TERMINATION, SYSTEM 229 2260 77 2260 DISFLAY STATION 2265 77 2721 164 2770 2780 2972 2980 2980 2980 2980 2980 2982 3270 3270 3270 3270 3270 3270 3270 3270 3270 3270 3270 3270 3270 3270 3270 3270 3735 TESTING INDICATORS TCTTEPCR 159 TESTING REQUIREMENTS 214 TESTING, DEBUGGING 214 TIME 136-137,139-142,145 TIME MANAGEMENT ALLOWS, FEATURE CF 141 TIME SERVICES 150-151 TIME-ORDERED 133 TIME-ORDERED REQUEST 152 TIME-ORDERED SERVICE REQUEST 149 TIOA 77-83,156,158,165,167-168,195-196,202-205,207 'IICA FCRMAT 202 TIOA LENGTH 81- 82 TIOA, DUMP OF THE 69,80 TIOA, MAPPED 203,205 TlCAEAA 208 TIOABAB 208 'IIOACLCR FIELD 168 TIOADBA 76,79-80,234 TIOAL 81 TIOALAC 77,158,168 'IIOAMBA 233 TIOAMSG 38,44 TIOATDL FIELD 79,167 TIOATDL 21 29 TRACE 11,215,219,221-230 TRACE CONTROL FUNCTIONS 215 TRACE FEATURE 215,219 TRACE TABLE 219 TRANSACTION DUMP 70-71 TRANSACTION FORMATS 214 TRANSACTION ID 143-144,147,221-230 TRANSACTION INITIATION 74 TRANSACTION STORAGE, DUMP OF 70 TRANSACTION SYNCHRONIZATION 1 TRANSACTION TCA 184 TRANSACTION TEST CASES 214 TRANSACTION TYPE 70 TRANSACTION, AU'lOMATICALLY INITIATED 157 TRANSACTIONS, TIME- INITIATEt 155 TRANSDATA 27,56,58-59,244 TRANSID 47-48,61,66,132,134,141-146,243-244,248 TRANSIENT tATA DESTINATION CSHT 251 TRANSIENT tATA MANAGEMENT FIELl: 23 TRANSIENT tATA SERVICES 114-115,117,119,121-122 TRANSLATION 76-77 TRANSMISSION TIMES 76 TRANSMISSICN, END OF 154-155 TRANSPARENT 75,245 TRIGGER 115 TRMIDER 132,134,141,144,151-152,248-249 TRMIDNT 132,134,141,143-147,157,248 TRNID 156 TRNIDER 132,134,141,144,151-152,248-249 TSDADDR 27,125-129,131,233-234,247 TSIOA 14,27,36,43,58-59 TSIOABAA 43 TSIOABAB 43 TSIOABAR 28,36,43,126,128 TSIOAVRL 27,36,43,126-129 TTR 101 7770 279 168 158 154,158 76 154,159-161,163 GENERAL BANKING TERMINAL SYSTEM SEGMENTED WRITES 160 SHIFT CHARACTERS 160 TRANSLATE TABLES 160-161 BUFFER LENGTH 160 76,159,161 168,194,197-198,200-202.209,2119,254,256,262 ATTENTION IDENTIFIERS, SET OF 206 AUDIBLE ALARM SPECIAL FEATURE 199,2011 BASIC MAPPING SUPPORT 205 BUFFER 76,194 BUFFER, CONTENTS OF THE 75 DATA EUFFER 199 DATA STREAM 194-195,203,205 FORMATS, EXFANSION OF THE 195 FUNCTION 206 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM 2,75-77,168,206,210 MAP GENERA'IION 255 MAFPING SUFPORT 253 OPERA'IOR 199,204 PRINTER 206 SCREEN 195 78,155-156 165 SH20-1047·4 ("') c: ~ o 3 !!1 ::J 6' 3 III g. ::J ("') o ::J q £. en -< ~ (I) 3 n g International Bu.lne•• Machine. Corporation Data Proce..lng Dlvl.lon 1133 We.tche.ter Avenue, White Plain., New York 10804 (U.S.A. only) IBM World Trade CorporaUon 821 United Nations Plaza, New York, New York 10017 (International) BlliIjrechnical Newsletter This Newsletter No. Date SN20-2983 January 5, 1973 Base Publication No. File No. SH20-1 047-4 Previous Newsletters None Customer Information Control System (CICS) Application Programmer's Reference Manual © IBM Corp. 1972 This Technical Newsletter provides an index (pages 273-279) to the subject manual. Please file this cover letter at the back of the manual. IBM Corporation, Technical Publications Dept., 1133 Westchester.Avenue, White Plains, N.V. 10604 Printed In U.S.A. ~~}eChnical Newsletter This Newsletter No. Date SN20-9012 April 11, 1973 Base Publication No. SH20-1047-4 Previous Newsletters SN20-2983 Customer Information Control System (CICS) Application Programmer's Reference Manual © IBM Corp. 1973 This Technical Newsletter provides replacement pages for the subject manual. These replacement pages remain in effect for subsequent versions and modifications unless specifically altered. Pages to be inserted and/or removed are listed below. Contents 1 1.1 (add) 2 11,12 31 31.1 (add) 32 39 39.1 (add) 40 47 47.1 (add) 47.2 (add) 48 61,62 83,84 85,86 89,90 97,98 98.1 (add) 111,112 119,120 120.1 (add) 155 155.1 (add) 156 197,198 198.1 (add) 199,200 201,202 203 203.1 (add) 204,205 205.1 (add) 206,207 208,209 210 227,228 New Reader's Comment Form Vertical rules in the left margin indicate changes. 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