Name: SIM800 Series AT Command Manual V1.10
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E FI L SI M C O M C O N FI D EN TI AL SIM800 Series_AT Command Manual_V1.10 SIM800 Series AT Command Manual Version: 1.10 Date: 2016-10-20 Status: Release Document Control ID: SIM800 Series_AT Command Manual_V1.10 FI L Document Title: E Smart Machine Smart Decision D EN TI AL General Notes SIMCom offers this information as a service to its customers, to support application and engineering efforts that use the products designed by SIMCom. The information provided is based upon requirements specifically provided to SIMCom by the customers. SIMCom has not undertaken any independent search for additional relevant information, including any information that may be in the customer’s possession. Furthermore, system validation of this product designed by SIMCom within a larger electronic system remains the responsibility of the customer or the customer’s system integrator. All specifications supplied herein are subject to change. C O N FI Copyright This document contains proprietary technical information which is the property of Shanghai SIMCom Wireless Solutions Ltd, copying of this document and giving it to others and the using or communication of the contents thereof, are forbidden without express authority. Offenders are liable to the payment of damages. All rights reserved in the event of grant of a patent or the registration of a utility model or design. All specification supplied herein are subject to change without notice at any time. SI M C O M Copyright © Shanghai SIMCom Wireless Solutions Ltd. 2016 SIM800 Series_AT Command Manual_V1.10 2 2016-10-20 Smart Machine Smart Decision Contents Version History .........................................................................................14 1 Introduction ............................................................................................23 FI L E 1.1 Scope of the document ....................................................................................... 23 1.2 Related documents ............................................................................................. 23 1.3 Conventions and abbreviations........................................................................... 23 1.4 AT Command syntax .......................................................................................... 23 AL 1.4.1 Basic syntax ................................................................................................................... 24 1.4.2 S Parameter syntax ......................................................................................................... 24 1.4.3 Extended Syntax............................................................................................................. 24 1.4.4 Combining AT commands on the same Command line................................................. 24 1.4.5 Entering successive AT commands on separate lines ..................................................... 25 EN TI 1.5 Supported character sets ..................................................................................... 25 1.6 Flow control ....................................................................................................... 25 1.6.1 Software flow control (XON/XOFF flow control)......................................................... 25 1.6.2 Hardware flow control (RTS/CTS flow control) ............................................................ 26 D 1.7 Definitions .......................................................................................................... 26 FI 1.7.1 Parameter Saving Mode ................................................................................................. 26 1.7.2 Max Response Time ....................................................................................................... 26 N 2 AT Commands According to V.25TER ................................................27 O 2.1 Overview of AT Commands According to V.25TER ......................................... 27 2.2 Detailed Description of AT Commands According to V.25TER ........................ 28 SI M C O M C 2.2.1 A/ Re-issues the Last Command Given....................................................................... 28 2.2.2 ATA Answer an Incoming Call .................................................................................... 28 2.2.3 ATD Mobile Originated Call to Dial A Number.......................................................... 29 2.2.4 ATD>Originate Call to Phone Number in Current Memory ................................ 31 2.2.5 ATD> Originate Call to Phone Number in Memory Which Corresponds to Field ............................................................................................................................... 32 2.2.6 ATDL Redial Last Telephone Number Used ............................................................... 33 2.2.7 ATE Set Command Echo Mode .................................................................................. 34 2.2.8 ATH Disconnect Existing Connection......................................................................... 35 2.2.9 ATI Display Product Identification Information ......................................................... 35 2.2.10 ATL Set Monitor speaker loudness ........................................................................... 36 2.2.11 ATM Set Monitor Speaker Mode .............................................................................. 36 2.2.12 +++ Switch from Data Mode or PPP Online Mode to Command Mode................... 36 2.2.13 ATO Switch from Command Mode to Data Mode .................................................... 37 2.2.14 ATP Select Pulse Dialling.......................................................................................... 37 2.2.15 ATQ Set Result Code Presentation Mode.................................................................. 38 2.2.16 ATS0 Set Number of Rings before Automatically Answering the Call ..................... 38 2.2.17 ATS3 Set Command Line Termination Character ..................................................... 39 SIM800 Series_AT Command Manual_V1.10 3 2016-10-20 Smart Machine Smart Decision O N FI D EN TI AL FI L E 2.2.18 ATS4 Set Response Formatting Character ................................................................ 39 2.2.19 ATS5 Set Command Line Editing Character ............................................................. 40 2.2.20 ATS6 Pause Before Blind Dialling ............................................................................ 40 2.2.21 ATS7 Set Number of Seconds to Wait for Connection Completion .......................... 41 2.2.22 ATS8 Set Number of Seconds to Wait for Comma Dial Modifier Encountered in Dial String of D Command ..................................................................................................... 42 2.2.23 ATS10 Set Disconnect Delay after Indicating the Absence of Data Carrier.............. 42 2.2.24 ATT Select Tone Dialing ........................................................................................... 43 2.2.25 ATV TA Response Format ....................................................................................... 43 2.2.26 ATX Set CONNECT Result Code Format and Monitor Call Progress ..................... 44 2.2.27 ATZ Reset Default Configuration ............................................................................. 45 2.2.28 AT&C Set DCD Function Mode ............................................................................... 45 2.2.29 AT&D Set DTR Function Mode................................................................................ 46 2.2.30 AT&F Factory Defined Configuration ...................................................................... 46 2.2.31 AT&V Display Current Configuration ...................................................................... 47 2.2.32 AT&W Store Active Profile ...................................................................................... 47 2.2.33 AT+GCAP Request Complete TA Capabilities List .................................................. 49 2.2.34 AT+GMI Request Manufacturer Identification ......................................................... 49 2.2.35 AT+GMM Request TA Model Identification ............................................................ 50 2.2.36 AT+GMR Request TA Revision Identification of Software Release......................... 50 2.2.37 AT+GOI Request Global Object Identification ......................................................... 51 2.2.38 AT+GSN Request TA Serial Number Identification (IMEI) ..................................... 51 2.2.39 AT+ICF Set TE-TA Control Character Framing ....................................................... 52 2.2.40 AT+IFC Set TE-TA Local Data Flow Control .......................................................... 52 2.2.41 AT+IPR Set TE-TA Fixed Local Rate ....................................................................... 53 2.2.42 AT+HVOIC Disconnect Voice Call Only .................................................................. 55 C 3 AT Commands According to 3GPP TS 27.007 .....................................56 3.1 Overview of AT Command According to 3GPP TS 27.007 ............................... 56 3.2 Detailed Descriptions of AT Command According to 3GPP TS 27.007 ............ 57 SI M C O M 3.2.1 AT+CACM Accumulated Call Meter (ACM) Reset or Query .................................... 57 3.2.2 AT+CAMM Accumulated Call Meter Maximum (ACM max) Set or Query ............. 58 3.2.3 AT+CAOC Advice of Charge ..................................................................................... 59 3.2.4 AT+CBST Select Bearer Service Type ........................................................................ 60 3.2.5 AT+CCFC Call Forwarding Number and Conditions Control .................................... 61 3.2.6 AT+CCWA Call Waiting Control ................................................................................ 63 3.2.7AT+CEER Extended Error Report ............................................................................... 64 3.2.8 AT+CGMI Request Manufacturer Identification ........................................................ 67 3.2.9 AT+CGMM Request Model Identification ................................................................. 67 3.2.10 AT+CGMR Request TA Revision Identification of Software Release ...................... 68 3.2.11 AT+CGSN Request Product Serial Number Identification (Identical with +GSN)... 68 3.2.12 AT+CSCS Select TE Character Set ........................................................................... 69 3.2.13 AT+CSTA Select Type of Address ............................................................................ 70 3.2.14 AT+CHLD Call Hold and Multiparty........................................................................ 70 SIM800 Series_AT Command Manual_V1.10 4 2016-10-20 Smart Machine Smart Decision SI M C O M C O N FI D EN TI AL FI L E 3.2.15 AT+CIMI Request International Mobile Subscriber Identity .................................... 71 3.2.16 AT+CLCC List Current Calls of ME......................................................................... 72 3.2.17 AT+CLCK Facility Lock ........................................................................................... 73 3.2.18 AT+CLIP Calling Line Identification Presentation ................................................... 75 3.2.19 AT+CLIR Calling Line Identification Restriction ..................................................... 76 3.2.20 AT+CMEE Report Mobile Equipment Error............................................................. 77 3.2.21 AT+COLP Connected Line Identification Presentation ............................................ 78 3.2.22 AT+COPS Operator Selection ................................................................................... 80 3.2.23 AT+CPAS Phone Activity Status ............................................................................... 81 3.2.24 AT+CPBF Find Phonebook Entries........................................................................... 82 3.2.25 AT+CPBR Read Current Phonebook Entries ............................................................ 83 3.2.26 AT+CPBS Select Phonebook Memory Storage......................................................... 84 3.2.27 AT+CPBW Write Phonebook Entry .......................................................................... 85 3.2.28 AT+CPIN Enter PIN.................................................................................................. 86 3.2.29 AT+CPWD Change Password ................................................................................... 87 3.2.30 AT+CR Service Reporting Control ........................................................................... 88 3.2.31 AT+CRC Set Cellular Result Codes for Incoming Call Indication ........................... 89 3.2.32 AT+CREG Network Registration .............................................................................. 90 3.2.33 AT+CRLP Select Radio Link Protocol Parameters ................................................... 91 3.2.34 AT+CRSM Restricted SIM Access ........................................................................... 92 3.2.35 AT+CSQ Signal Quality Report ................................................................................ 93 3.2.36 AT+VTD Tone Duration............................................................................................ 94 3.2.37 AT+VTS DTMF and Tone Generation ...................................................................... 95 3.2.38 AT+CMUX Multiplexer Control ............................................................................... 96 3.2.39 AT+CNUM Subscriber Number ................................................................................ 97 3.2.40 AT+CPOL Preferred Operator List............................................................................ 98 3.2.41 AT+COPN Read Operator Names ............................................................................. 99 3.2.42 AT+CFUN Set Phone Functionality ........................................................................ 100 3.2.43 AT+CCLK Clock..................................................................................................... 101 3.2.44 AT+CSIM Generic SIM Access .............................................................................. 101 3.2.45 AT+CALM Alert Sound Mode................................................................................ 102 3.2.46 AT+CALS Alert Sound Select................................................................................. 103 3.2.47 AT+CRSL Ringer Sound Level ............................................................................... 104 3.2.48 AT+CLVL Loud Speaker Volume Level ................................................................. 104 3.2.49 AT+CMUT Mute Control ........................................................................................ 105 3.2.50 AT+CPUC Price Per Unit and Currency Table........................................................ 106 3.2.51 AT+CCWE Call Meter Maximum Event ................................................................ 107 3.2.52 AT+CBC Battery Charge......................................................................................... 108 3.2.53 AT+CUSD Unstructured Supplementary Service Data ........................................... 108 3.2.54 AT+CSSN Supplementary Services Notification .................................................... 109 4 AT Commands According to 3GPP TS 27.005 ...................................111 4.1 Overview of AT Commands According to 3GPP TS 27.005............................ 111 4.2 Detailed Descriptions of AT Commands According to 3GPP TS 27.005......... 111 SIM800 Series_AT Command Manual_V1.10 5 2016-10-20 Smart Machine Smart Decision AL FI L E Delete SMS Message............................................................................. 111 Select SMS Message Format ................................................................. 112 List SMS Messages from Preferred Store .............................................. 113 Read SMS Message ............................................................................... 116 Send SMS Message................................................................................ 119 Write SMS Message to Memory .......................................................... 120 Send SMS Message from Storage .......................................................... 122 New SMS Message Indications .............................................................. 123 Preferred SMS Message Storage ............................................................ 125 Restore SMS Settings ............................................................................ 126 Save SMS Settings ................................................................................ 127 SMS Service Center Address ................................................................ 128 Select Cell Broadcast SMS Messages ................................................... 129 Show SMS Text Mode Parameters ....................................................... 130 Set SMS Text Mode Parameters ........................................................... 131 Select Message Service......................................................................... 132 TI 4.2.1 AT+CMGD 4.2.2 AT+CMGF 4.2.3 AT+CMGL 4.2.4 AT+CMGR 4.2.5 AT+CMGS 4.2.6 AT+CMGW 4.2.7 AT+CMSS 4.2.8 AT+CNMI 4.2.9 AT+CPMS 4.2.10 AT+CRES 4.2.11 AT+CSAS 4.2.12 AT+CSCA 4.2.13 AT+CSCB 4.2.14 AT+CSDH 4.2.15 AT+CSMP 4.2.16 AT+CSMS EN 5 AT Commands for SIM Application Toolkit ......................................134 D 5.1 Overview .......................................................................................................... 134 5.2 Detailed Descriptions of Commands ................................................................ 134 M C O N FI 5.2.1 AT+STKTRS STK Terminal Response ..................................................................... 134 5.2.2 AT+STKENVS STK Envelope Command ................................................................ 135 5.2.3 AT+STKCALL STK call setup ................................................................................. 136 5.2.4 AT+STKSMS STK SMS delivery ............................................................................. 137 5.2.5 AT+STKSS STK SS setup ........................................................................................ 137 5.2.6 AT+STKUSSD STK USSD setup ............................................................................. 138 5.2.7 AT+STKDTMF STK sending DTMF ....................................................................... 138 5.2.8 +STKPCI STK Proactive Command Indication ....................................................... 139 5.2.9 AT+STKMENU STK Main menu command ............................................................ 140 5.2.10 AT+STKPCIS STK URC switch command ............................................................ 140 O 6 AT Commands Special for SIMCom ..................................................142 SI M C 6.1 Overview .......................................................................................................... 142 6.2 Detailed Descriptions of Commands ................................................................ 144 6.2.1 AT+SIDET Change the Side Tone Gain Level ....................................................... 144 6.2.2 AT+CPOWD Power off ............................................................................................ 145 6.2.3 AT+SPIC Times Remained to Input SIM PIN/PUK................................................. 145 6.2.4 AT+CMIC Change the Microphone Gain Level ....................................................... 145 6.2.5 AT+CALA Set Alarm Time...................................................................................... 147 6.2.6 AT+CALD Delete Alarm .......................................................................................... 148 6.2.7 AT+CADC Read ADC ............................................................................................. 148 6.2.8 AT+CSNS Single Numbering Scheme ..................................................................... 149 6.2.9 AT+CDSCB Reset Cell Broadcast............................................................................ 150 6.2.10 AT+CMOD Configure Alternating Mode Calls ..................................................... 150 SIM800 Series_AT Command Manual_V1.10 6 2016-10-20 Smart Machine Smart Decision SI M C O M C O N FI D EN TI AL FI L E 6.2.11 AT+CFGRI Indicate RI When Using URC ............................................................ 150 6.2.12 AT+CLTS Get Local Timestamp ............................................................................ 151 6.2.13 AT+CLDTMF Local DTMF Tone Generation ....................................................... 153 6.2.14 AT+CDRIND CS Voice/Data Call Termination Indication ................................... 154 6.2.15 AT+CSPN Get Service Provider Name from SIM .................................................. 155 6.2.16 AT+CCVM Get and Set the Voice Mail Number on the SIM ................................. 155 6.2.17 AT+CBAND Get and Set Mobile Operation Band ................................................. 156 6.2.18 AT+CHF Configure Hands Free Operation ............................................................. 157 6.2.19 AT+CHFA Swap the Audio Channels ..................................................................... 158 6.2.20 AT+CSCLK Configure Slow Clock ........................................................................ 159 6.2.21 AT+CENG Switch on or off Engineering Mode ..................................................... 160 6.2.22 AT+SCLASS0 Store Class 0 SMS to SIM When Received Class 0 SMS .............. 162 6.2.23 AT+CCID Show ICCID .......................................................................................... 163 6.2.25 AT+CMGDA Delete All SMS ................................................................................ 163 6.2.26 AT+STTONE Play SIM Toolkit Tone .................................................................... 164 6.2.27 AT+SIMTONE Generate Specifically Tone ........................................................... 165 6.2.28 AT+CCPD Enable or Disable Alpha String ............................................................ 166 6.2.29 AT+CGID Get SIM Card Group Identifier ............................................................. 167 6.2.30 AT+MORING Show State of Mobile Originated Call............................................ 167 6.2.31 AT+CMGHEX Enable or Disable Sending Non-ASCII Character SMS ............... 168 6.2.32 AT+CCODE Configure SMS Code Mode .............................................................. 169 6.2.33 AT+CIURC Enable or Disable Initial URC Presentation ....................................... 169 6.2.34 AT+CPSPWD Change PS Super Password ............................................................ 170 6.2.35 AT+EXUNSOL Enable or Disable Proprietary Unsolicited Indications ................. 171 6.2.36 AT+CGMSCLASS Change GPRS Multislot Class ................................................ 171 6.2.37 AT+CDEVICE View Current Flash Device Type .................................................. 172 6.2.38 AT+CCALR Call Ready Query .............................................................................. 172 6.2.39 AT+GSV Display Product Identification Information ............................................. 173 6.2.40 AT+SGPIO Control the GPIO ................................................................................. 173 6.2.41 AT+SPWM Generate the Pulse-Width-Modulation ................................................ 174 6.2.42 AT+ECHO Echo Cancellation Control ................................................................... 175 6.2.43 AT+CAAS Control Auto Audio Switch .................................................................. 176 6.2.44 AT+SVR Configure Voice Coding Type for Voice Calls ......................................... 177 6.2.45 AT+GSMBUSY Reject Incoming Call.................................................................... 178 6.2.46 AT+CEMNL Set the List of Emergency Number ................................................... 178 6.2.47 AT*CELLLOCK Set the List of ARFCN Which Needs to Be Locked ................... 179 6.2.48 AT+SLEDS Set the Timer Period of Net Light ....................................................... 180 6.2.49 AT+CBUZZERRING Use the Buzzer Sound as the Incoming Call Ring............... 181 6.2.50 AT+CEXTERNTONE Close or Open the Microphone........................................... 182 6.2.51 AT+CNETLIGHT Close the Net Light or Open It to Shining ................................ 182 6.2.52 AT+CWHITELIST Set the White List .................................................................... 183 6.2.53 AT+CSDT Switch on or off Detecting SIM Card ................................................... 184 6.2.54 AT+CSMINS SIM Inserted Status Reporting ......................................................... 185 6.2.55 AT+CSGS Netlight Indication of GPRS Status ..................................................... 186 SIM800 Series_AT Command Manual_V1.10 7 2016-10-20 Smart Machine Smart Decision C O N FI D EN TI AL FI L E 6.2.56 AT+CMICBIAS Close or Open the MICBIAS ....................................................... 186 6.2.57 AT+DTAM Set TTS and RECORD Play Mode in Call ......................................... 187 6.2.58 AT+SJDR Set Jamming Detection Function ........................................................... 188 6.2.59 AT+CPCMCFG Set PCM Parameter ...................................................................... 190 6.2.60 AT+CPCMSYNC Set PCM Sync Parameter........................................................... 190 6.2.61 AT+CANT Antenna Detecting ................................................................................ 191 6.2.62 AT+CAGCSET Close or Open AGC Function ....................................................... 192 6.2.63 AT+SD2PCM SD and PCM Switch Function ......................................................... 193 6.2.64 AT+SKPD Keypad Detecting Function................................................................... 194 6.2.65 AT+SIMTONEX Custom Tones ............................................................................... 194 6.2.66 AT+CROAMING Roaming State .............................................................................. 195 6.2.67 AT+CNETSCAN Perform a Net Survey to Show All the Cells’ Information ........... 196 6.2.68 AT+CMNRP Dual Serial Port Feature.................................................................... 197 6.2.69 AT+CEGPRS Switch on or off EDGE ................................................................... 198 6.2.70 AT+CGPIO Control the GPIO by PIN Index .......................................................... 198 6.2.71 AT+CMEDPLAY Play Audio File .......................................................................... 199 6.2.72 AT+CMEDIAVOL Control the Volume when Playing Audio File .......................... 200 6.2.73 AT+SNDLEVEL Set the Sound Level of Special AT Command ............................ 201 6.2.74 AT+ECHARGE Charge Control............................................................................. 201 6.2.75 AT+SIMTIMER Modify the Poll Interval Time Requested by SIM Card ............. 202 6.2.76 AT+SPE Speech Enhancement Control .................................................................. 203 6.2.77 AT+CCONCINDEX Report Concatenated SMS Index .......................................... 203 6.2.78 AT+SDMODE SD Mode Switch Function ............................................................. 204 6.2.79 AT+SRSPT Control SMS Retransmission .............................................................. 204 6.2.80 AT+CELLIST Perform a Net Survey to Show All the Cells’ Information ............. 205 6.2.81 AT+CLIST Query AT ............................................................................................. 206 6.2.82 AT+CBATCHK Set VBAT Checking Feature ON/OFF ........................................ 207 7 AT Commands for GPRS Support ......................................................208 M 7.1 Overview of AT Commands for GPRS Support ............................................... 208 7.2 Detailed Descriptions of AT Commands for GPRS Support ............................ 208 SI M C O 7.2.1 AT+CGATT Attach or Detach from GPRS Service .................................................. 208 7.2.2 AT+CGDCONT Define PDP Context ....................................................................... 209 7.2.3 AT+CGQMIN Quality of Service Profile (Minimum Acceptable) ........................... 210 7.2.4 AT+CGQREQ Quality of Service Profile (Requested) ............................................. 211 7.2.5 AT+CGACT PDP Context Activate or Deactivate .................................................... 213 7.2.6 AT+CGDATA Enter Data State ................................................................................. 214 7.2.7 AT+CGPADDR Show PDP Address ......................................................................... 214 7.2.8 AT+CGCLASS GPRS Mobile Station Class............................................................. 215 7.2.9 AT+CGEREP Control Unsolicited GPRS Event Reporting ...................................... 216 7.2.10 AT+CGREG Network Registration Status .............................................................. 217 7.2.11 AT+CGSMS Select Service for MO SMS Messages .............................................. 218 8 AT Commands for TCPIP Application Toolkit ..................................220 SIM800 Series_AT Command Manual_V1.10 8 2016-10-20 Smart Machine Smart Decision 8.1 Overview .......................................................................................................... 220 8.2 Detailed Descriptions of Commands ................................................................ 221 O M C O N FI D EN TI AL FI L E 8.2.1 AT+CIPMUX Start Up Multi-IP Connection ............................................................ 221 8.2.2 AT+CIPSTART Start Up TCP or UDP Connection ................................................... 221 8.2.3 AT+CIPSEND Send Data Through TCP or UDP Connection................................... 223 8.2.4 AT+CIPQSEND Select Data Transmitting Mode ..................................................... 225 8.2.5 AT+CIPACK Query Previous Connection Data Transmitting State .......................... 226 8.2.6 AT+CIPCLOSE Close TCP or UDP Connection ..................................................... 227 8.2.7 AT+CIPSHUT Deactivate GPRS PDP Context ........................................................ 227 8.2.8 AT+CLPORT Set Local Port ..................................................................................... 228 8.2.9 AT+CSTT Start Task and Set APN, USER NAME, PASSWORD........................... 229 8.2.10 AT+CIICR Bring Up Wireless Connection with GPRS or CSD ............................. 230 8.2.11 AT+CIFSR Get Local IP Address ............................................................................ 230 8.2.12 AT+CIPSTATUS Query Current Connection Status ............................................... 231 8.2.13 AT+CDNSCFG Configure Domain Name Server................................................... 233 8.2.14 AT+CDNSGIP Query the IP Address of Given Domain Name .............................. 233 8.2.15 AT+CIPHEAD Add an IP Head at the Beginning of a Package Received .............. 234 8.2.16 AT+CIPATS Set Auto Sending Timer ..................................................................... 235 8.2.17 AT+CIPSPRT Set Prompt of ‘>’ When Module Sends Data ................................... 235 8.2.18 AT+CIPSERVER Configure Module as Server ...................................................... 236 8.2.19 AT+CIPCSGP Set CSD or GPRS for Connection Mode ........................................ 237 8.2.20 AT+CIPSRIP Show Remote IP Address and Port When Received Data ................ 238 8.2.21 AT+CIPDPDP Set Whether to Check State of GPRS Network Timing .................. 239 8.2.22 AT+CIPMODE Select TCPIP Application Mode.................................................... 240 8.2.23 AT+CIPCCFG Configure Transparent Transfer Mode ............................................ 240 8.2.24 AT+CIPSHOWTP Display Transfer Protocol in IP Head When Received Data ..... 241 8.2.25 AT+CIPUDPMODE UDP Extended Mode ............................................................. 242 8.2.26 AT+CIPRXGET Get Data from Network Manually ............................................... 243 8.2.27 AT+CIPSCONT Save TCPIP Application Context ................................................. 245 8.2.28 AT+CIPRDTIMER Set Remote Delay Timer ........................................................ 246 8.2.29 AT+CIPSGTXT Select GPRS PDP context ........................................................... 247 8.2.30 AT+CIPTKA Set TCP Keepalive Parameters......................................................... 248 C 9 AT Commands for IP Application .......................................................249 SI M 9.1 Overview .......................................................................................................... 249 9.2 Detailed Descriptions of Commands ................................................................ 249 9.2.1 AT+SAPBR Bearer Settings for Applications Based on IP ....................................... 249 10 AT Commands for PING Support .....................................................251 10.1 Overview ........................................................................................................ 251 10.2 Detailed Descriptions of Commands .............................................................. 251 10.2.1 AT+CIPPING PING Request .................................................................................. 251 10.2.2 AT+CIPCTL Set the Mode When Receiving an IP Packet ..................................... 252 10.2.3 AT+CIPFLT Set the Rules of IP Filter .................................................................... 253 SIM800 Series_AT Command Manual_V1.10 9 2016-10-20 Smart Machine Smart Decision 10.2.4 AT+CIPBEIPING Set the Module to be PING or Not ............................................ 254 11 AT Commands for HTTP Application ..............................................256 11.1 Overview ........................................................................................................ 256 11.2 Detailed Descriptions of Commands .............................................................. 256 AL FI L E 11.2.1 AT+HTTPINIT Initialize HTTP Service ................................................................. 256 11.2.2 AT+HTTPTERM Terminate HTTP Service ............................................................ 257 11.2.3 AT+HTTPPARA Set HTTP Parameters Value ........................................................ 257 11.2.4 AT+HTTPDATA Input HTTP Data ......................................................................... 259 11.2.5 AT+HTTPACTION HTTP Method Action ............................................................. 259 11.2.6 AT+HTTPREAD Read the HTTP Server Response ................................................ 261 11.2.7 AT+HTTPSCONT Save HTTP Application Context .............................................. 262 11.2.8 AT+HTTPSTATUS Read HTTP Status ................................................................... 263 11.2.9 AT+HTTPHEAD Read the HTTP Header Information of Server Response........... 264 TI 12 AT Commands for FTP Application .................................................265 EN 12.1 Overview ........................................................................................................ 265 12.2 Detailed Descriptions of Commands .............................................................. 266 SI M C O M C O N FI D 12.2.1 AT+FTPPORT Set FTP Control Port ...................................................................... 266 12.2.2 AT+FTPMODE Set Active or Passive FTP Mode .................................................. 266 12.2.3 AT+FTPTYPE Set the Type of Data to Be Transferred........................................... 267 12.2.4 AT+FTPPUTOPT Set FTP Put Type ....................................................................... 268 12.2.5 AT+FTPCID Set FTP Bearer Profile Identifier ....................................................... 268 12.2.6 AT+FTPREST Set Resume Broken Download ....................................................... 269 12.2.7 AT+FTPSERV Set FTP Server Address .................................................................. 269 12.2.8 AT+FTPUN Set FTP User Name ............................................................................ 270 12.2.9 AT+FTPPW Set FTP Password ............................................................................... 271 12.2.10 AT+FTPGETNAME Set Download File Name .................................................... 272 12.2.11 AT+FTPGETPATH Set Download File Path ......................................................... 272 12.2.12 AT+FTPPUTNAME Set Upload File Name ......................................................... 273 12.2.13 AT+FTPPUTPATH Set Upload File Path .............................................................. 273 12.2.14 AT+FTPGET Download File ................................................................................ 274 12.2.15 AT+FTPPUT Set Upload File ............................................................................... 275 12.2.16 AT+FTPSCONT Save FTP Application Context .................................................. 276 12.2.17 AT+FTPDELE Delete Specified File in FTP Server ............................................. 277 12.2.18 AT+FTPSIZE Get the Size of Specified File in FTP Server ................................. 278 12.2.19 AT+FTPSTATE Get the FTP State ........................................................................ 279 12.2.20 AT+FTPEXTPUT Extend Upload File..................................................................... 279 12.2.21 AT+FTPMKD Make Directory on the Remote Machine ...................................... 280 12.2.22 AT+FTPRMD Remove Directory on the Remote Machine .................................. 281 12.2.23 AT+FTPLIST List Contents of Directory on the Remote Machine....................... 281 12.2.24 AT+FTPGETTOFS Download File and Save in File System ............................... 282 12.2.25 AT+FTPPUTFRMFS Upload File from File System. ........................................... 283 12.2.26 AT+FTPEXTGET Extend Download File ............................................................ 284 SIM800 Series_AT Command Manual_V1.10 10 2016-10-20 Smart Machine Smart Decision 12.2.27 AT+FTPFILEPUT Load File in RAM from File System then Upolad with FTPPUT ................................................................................................................................ 286 12.2.28 AT+FTPQUIT Quit Current FTP Session ............................................................. 287 13 AT Commands for GSM Location Application ................................288 13.1 Overview ........................................................................................................ 288 13.2 Detailed Descriptions of Commands .............................................................. 288 E 13.2.1 AT+CIPGSMLOC GSM Location and Time ............................................................ 288 FI L 14 AT Commands for Email Application ...............................................290 14.1 Overview ........................................................................................................ 290 14.2 Detailed Descriptions of Commands .............................................................. 291 C O M C O N FI D EN TI AL 14.2.1 AT+EMAILCID Set Email Bearer Profile Identifier .............................................. 291 14.2.2 AT+EMAILTO Set Timeout Value of SMTP/POP3 Server Response .................. 291 14.2.3 AT+SMTPSRV Set SMTP Server Address and Port .............................................. 292 14.2.4 AT+SMTPAUTH Set User Name and Password for SMTP Authentication .......... 293 14.2.5 AT+SMTPFROM Set Sender Address and Name .................................................. 294 14.2.6 AT+SMTPRCPT Set the Email Recipient(TO/CC/BCC) Address and Name ........ 294 14.2.7 AT+SMTPSUB Set the Email Subject.................................................................... 295 14.2.8 AT+SMTPBODY Set the Email Body ................................................................... 296 14.2.9 AT+SMTPFILE Set the Email Attachment............................................................. 297 14.2.10 AT+SMTPSEND Send the Email ......................................................................... 298 14.2.11 AT+SMTPFT Transfer the Email Attachment ...................................................... 298 14.2.12 AT+SMTPCS Set the Email Charset .................................................................... 299 14.2.13 AT+POP3SRV Set POP3 Server and Account ..................................................... 300 14.2.14 AT+POP3IN Log in POP3 Server ........................................................................ 301 14.2.15 AT+POP3NUM Get Email Number and Total Size.............................................. 302 14.2.16 AT+POP3LIST Get the Specific Email Size ........................................................ 303 14.2.17 AT+POP3UIDL Get the Specific Email Unique-id .............................................. 304 14.2.18 AT+POP3CMD Get Multi-line Response............................................................. 304 14.2.19 AT+POP3READ Read Multi-line Response ........................................................ 306 14.2.20 AT+POP3DEL Mark the Specific Email to Delete............................................... 307 14.2.21 AT+POP3RSET Unmark the Emails that Be Marked as Deleted ......................... 308 14.2.22 AT+POP3OUT Log Out POP3 Server.................................................................. 309 SI M 15 AT Commands for MMS Application ...............................................311 15.1 Overview ........................................................................................................ 311 15.2 Detailed Descriptions of Commands .............................................................. 311 15.2.1 AT+CMMSCURL Set the URL of the MMS Center.............................................. 311 15.2.2 AT+CMMSPROTO Set the Protocol Parameter and MMS Proxy ......................... 312 15.2.3 AT+CMMSCID Set the Network Parameters for MMS ......................................... 313 15.2.4 AT+CMMSSENDCFG Set the Parameters for Sending MMS .............................. 314 15.2.5 AT+CMMSEDIT Enter or Exit Edit Mode............................................................. 315 15.2.6 AT+CMMSDOWN Download the File Data or Title from UART ......................... 316 SIM800 Series_AT Command Manual_V1.10 11 2016-10-20 Smart Machine Smart Decision EN TI AL FI L E 15.2.7 AT+CMMSDELFILE Delete the File of the Edited MMS by File Index............... 317 15.2.8 AT+CMMSSEND Start MMS Sending .................................................................. 318 15.2.9 AT+CMMSRECP Add Recipients.......................................................................... 318 15.2.10 AT+CMMSCC Add Copy Recipients................................................................... 319 15.2.11 AT+CMMSBCC Add Secret Recipients............................................................... 320 15.2.12 AT+CMMSDELRECP Delete Recipients ............................................................ 320 15.2.13 AT+CMMSDELCC Delete Copy Recipients ....................................................... 321 15.2.14 AT+CMMSDELBCC Delete Secret Recipients ................................................... 321 15.2.15 AT+CMMSRECV Receive MMS ........................................................................ 322 15.2.16 AT+CMMSVIEW Get the MMS into Buffer and Show the Information ............. 323 15.2.17 AT+CMMSREAD Read the Given File of the MMS in the Buffer ...................... 324 15.2.18 AT+CMMSRDPUSH Read the Information of the MMS PUSH Message .......... 325 15.2.19 AT+CMMSUA Set User Agent ............................................................................ 326 15.2.20 AT+CMMSPROFILE Set User Agent Profile ...................................................... 327 15.2.21 AT+CMMSTIMEOUT Set MMS Timeout........................................................... 327 15.2.22 AT+CMMSSTATUS Get MMS Status ................................................................ 328 15.2.23 AT+CMMSINIT Initialize MMS Function........................................................... 329 15.2.24 AT+CMMSTERM Exit MMS Function ............................................................... 329 15.2.25 AT+CMMSSCONT Save MMS Context ............................................................. 330 D 16 AT Commands for DDET Application..............................................332 FI 16.1 Overview ........................................................................................................ 332 16.2 Detailed Descriptions of Commands .............................................................. 332 N 16.2.1 AT+DDET DTMF Detection Control ..................................................................... 332 O 17 AT Commands for RECORD Application ........................................334 C 17.1 Overview ........................................................................................................ 334 17.2 Detailed Descriptions of Commands .............................................................. 334 M 17.2.1 AT+CREC Record Operation .................................................................................. 334 17.2.2 AT+CRECORD Record and Send Data to UART................................................... 337 O 18 AT Commands for TTS Application .................................................339 SI M C 18.1 Overview ........................................................................................................ 339 18.2 Detailed Descriptions of Commands .............................................................. 339 18.2.1 AT+CTTS TTS Operation ....................................................................................... 339 18.2.2 AT+CTTSPARAM Set Parameters of the TTS Playing .......................................... 340 18.2.3 AT+CTTSRING Enable/Disable TTS Play During Incoming Call Ring ................ 341 19 Supported Unsolicited Result Codes .................................................342 19.1 Summary of CME ERROR Codes ................................................................. 342 19.2 Summary of CMS ERROR Codes ................................................................. 345 19.3 Summary of Unsolicited Result Codes .......................................................... 349 20 AT Commands Examples ..................................................................354 SIM800 Series_AT Command Manual_V1.10 12 2016-10-20 Smart Machine Smart Decision EN TI AL FI L E 20.1 Profile Commands .......................................................................................... 354 20.2 SIM Commands .............................................................................................. 355 20.3 General Commands ........................................................................................ 358 20.4 Call Control Commands ................................................................................. 358 20.5 SIM Toolkit Commands ................................................................................. 361 20.6 Audio Commands ........................................................................................... 361 20.7 SMS Commands ............................................................................................. 361 20.8 GPRS Commands ........................................................................................... 362 20.9 TCPIP Commands .......................................................................................... 365 20.10 IP Commands ............................................................................................... 365 20.11 PING Commands .......................................................................................... 365 20.12 HTTP and FTP Commands .......................................................................... 367 20.13 GSM Location Commands ........................................................................... 367 20.14 EMAIL Commands ...................................................................................... 367 20.15 MMS Commands ......................................................................................... 368 20.16 DDET Commands ........................................................................................ 369 20.17 RECORD Commands................................................................................... 370 20.18 TTS Commands ............................................................................................ 372 D 21 ATC Differences among SIM800 Series ...........................................373 SI M C O M C O N FI 21.1 AT+SIDET ...................................................................................................... 373 21.2 AT+CMIC ....................................................................................................... 373 21.3 AT+CBAND ................................................................................................... 374 21.4 AT+CHFA ....................................................................................................... 374 21.5 AT+SGPIO...................................................................................................... 375 21.6 AT+SJDR ........................................................................................................ 375 21.7 AT+CREC ....................................................................................................... 376 21.8 AT+CTTSPARAM ......................................................................................... 376 21.9 AT+CADC ...................................................................................................... 376 21.10 AT+CSCLK .................................................................................................. 376 21.11 AT+CMMSDOWN ....................................................................................... 377 21.12 AT+CFGRI ................................................................................................... 377 21.13 AT+CLCK .................................................................................................... 378 21.14 AT+CBATCHK ............................................................................................ 378 21.15 Only Part of Projects Support Following AT Commands ............................ 378 SIM800 Series_AT Command Manual_V1.10 13 2016-10-20 Smart Machine Smart Decision Version History Version Date Chapter What is new V1.00 New version 2013-07-23 All Modify GSM 07.05 to 3GPP TS 27.005,modify GSM 07.07 to 3GPP TS 27.007 1.1 Scope of the document Add SIM800 2.2.8 ATH Delete ATH parameter [n] 2.2.12 +++ Change "0.5 second" to "1 second" 2.2.13 ATO Change "NO CARRIER" to "ERROR" 2.2.26 ATX Change default value from 0 to 4 2.2.32 AT&W Add AT+CFGRI,AT+CSGS Auto-bauding Disable DTR auto-bauding AL TI Delete parameter of CHLD 3.2.18 AT+CLIP Change URC parameter D Delete reference Note Change description of 34 (emergency call not possible) FI 3.2.7 AT+CEER EN 3.2.14 AT+CHLD 3.2.51 AT+CRSL FI L E V1.01 Delete description of CSCB 4.2.11 AT+CSAS Delete description of CSCB 6.2.4 AT+CMIC Add reference Note 6.2.11 AT+CFGRI Add default value 6.2.16 AT+CCVM Modify Test Command response information and parameter description 6.2.18 AT+CHF Add URC 6.2.26 AT+STTONE Change supported range;delete reference note 6.2.27 AT+SIMTONE Modify last parameter of Test Command to 10-500000 6.2.48 AT+SLEDS Modify default value 6.2.55 AT+CSGS Add ATC 6.2.56 AT+CMICBIAS Add ATC 8.2.2 AT+CIPSTART Modify parameter 8.2.15 AT+CIPHEAD Modify parameter 8.2.20 AT+CIPSRIP Modify parameter 8.2.23 AT+CIPCCFG Modify write cmd parameters 8.2.26 AT+CIPRXGET Add "single IP & multi IP connection" SI M C O M C O N 4.2.10 AT+CRES SIM800 Series_AT Command Manual_V1.10 14 2016-10-20 Smart Machine Smart Decision Modify parameter 12.2.23 AT+FTPLIST Change "Execution Command" to "Write Command" 14.2.8 AT+SMTPBODY Change "Execution Command" to "Write Command" 14.2.10 AT+SMTPSEND Modify parameter 14.2.11 AT+SMTPFT Change "Execution Command" to "Write Command" 15.2.15 AT+CMMSRECV Change reference note 15.2.21 AT+CMMSTIMEOUT Change "milliseconds" to "seconds" 15.2.25 AT+CMMSSCONT Modify parameter of Execution Command 17.2.1 AT+CREC Add note 18.2.2 AT+CTTSPARAM Modify parameter;add note 20.8 GPRS Commands Modify the CGQREQ example AL TI EN Add Max Response Time FI 3.2.17 AT+CLCK Add example D 20.17 RECORD Commands FI L 9.2.1 AT+SAPBR E information Add Max Response Time Add Max Response Time 3.2.28 AT+CPIN Add Max Response Time 3.2.41 AT+VTS Add Max Response Time 3.2.44 AT+CPOL Add Max Response Time 3.2.45 AT+COPN Add Max Response Time 3.2.54 AT+CPUC Add Max Response Time 6.2.7 AT+CADC Add Max Response Time 6.2.23 AT+CCID Add Max Response Time 7.2.1 AT+CGATT Add Max Response Time 7.2.5 AT+CGACT Add Max Response Time 3.2.24 AT+CPBF Modify description of time max response 3.2.25 AT+CPBR Modify description of time max response 4.2.1 CMGD Modify description of time max response 4.2.3 CMGL Modify description of time max response SI M C O M C 3.2.29 AT+CPWD O N 3.2.22 AT+COPS SIM800 Series_AT Command Manual_V1.10 15 2016-10-20 Smart Machine Smart Decision Modify description of time max response 15.2.8 AT+CMMSSEND Modify description of time max response 15.2.15 AT+CMMSRECV Modify description of time max response 2.2.16 ATS0 Add parameter saving mode 2.2.20 ATS6 Add parameter saving mode 2.2.21 ATS7 Add parameter saving mode 2.2.22 ATS8 Add parameter saving mode 2.2.26 ATX Add parameter saving mode 3.2.4 AT+CBST Add parameter saving mode 3.2.16 AT+CLCC Add parameter saving mode 3.2.12 AT+CSCS Add parameter saving mode 3.2.51 AT+CRSL Add parameter saving mode FI L AL TI EN 3.2.52 AT+CLVL Add parameter saving mode 6.2.33 AT+CIURC Add parameter saving mode Add parameter saving mode D 6.2.53 AT_CSDT E 6.2.25 CMGDA Add parameter saving mode 3.2.32 AT+CREG Modify parameter save mode 6.2.44 AT+SVR Modify parameter save mode 7.2.10 AT+CGREG Modify parameter save mode 3.2.24 AT+CPBS Delete parameter save mode 3.2.25 AT+CPBW Delete parameter save mode 2.2.28 AT&C Modify the format 3.2.5 AT+CCFC Change error word: to 3.2.33 AT+CRLP Add Save mode and reference 3.2.36 AT+FCLASS Modify information about +FCLASS 3.2.47 AT+CCLK Add note 4.2.5 AT+CMGS Add Note 6.2.18 AT+CHF Modify parameter range and note 6.2.19 AT+CHFA Add patameters of write command and test command,modify note 6.2.20 AT+CSCLK Add new parameter and note 6.2.24 AT+CMTE Increase the temperature range 6.2.28 AT+CCPD Set default value 6.2.33 AT+CIURC Set default value 6.2.41 AT+SPWM Modify parameter direction and note C O N FI 6.2.54 AT+CSMINS 2013-10-23 SI M C O M V1.02 SIM800 Series_AT Command Manual_V1.10 16 2016-10-20 Smart Machine Smart Decision Add test and read command 6.2.53 AT+CSDT Modify note 6.2.55 AT+CSGS Modify parameter default value 6.2.56 AT+CMICBIAS Add default value and modify parameter description 6.2.57 AT+DTAM Add AT command 6.2.58 AT+SJDR Add AT command 6.2.59 AT+CPCMCFG Add AT command 6.2.60 AT+CPCMSYNC Add AT command 6.2.61 AT+CANT Add AT command 6.2.62 AT+CAGCSET Add AT command 7.2.9 AT+CGEREP Modify parameter description and add URC example 8.2.7 AT+CIPSHUT Add Max Response Time 8.2.10 AT+CIICR Add Max Response Time FI L AL TI EN 8.2.21 AT+CIPDPDP Modify parameter’s scope 8.2.26 AT+CIPRXGET Modify parameter options D Add parameter and URC description in write command,add note FI 16.2.1 AT+DDET E 6.2.51 AT+CNETLIGHT Modify note 17.2.2 AT+CRECORD Add AT command 18.2.2 AT+CTTSPARAM Modify note and parameter default value 20.16 AT+DDET Modify AT+DDET example 21.5 AT+CTTSPARAM Add differences of some AT commands 21.6 AT+CHFA Add differences of some AT commands AT+CEXTHS,AT+CEXBU T Delete All Add or modify Parameter Saving Mode and Max Response Time 1.1 Scope of the document Add SIM800G 2.2.28 AT&C Modify parameter format 2.2.32 AT&W Modify parameter stored by &W 2.2.41 AT+IPR Add parameter description 3.2.6 AT+CCWA Modify decription 3.2.24 AT+CPBS Add “FD” phonebook 3.2.46 AT+CALS Add parameter playing/stopping tone 5.2.1 AT+STKTRS Modify the length of parameter O M C O N 17.2.1 AT+CREC SI M C V1.03 2014-03-28 SIM800 Series_AT Command Manual_V1.10 17 for 2016-10-20 Smart Machine Smart Decision 6.2.1 AT+SIDET Extend parameter 6.2.4 AT+CMIC Extend parameter , default value description in note 6.2.5 AT+CALA Modify indicate expired alarm 6.2.13 AT+CLDTMF Extend parameter and add parameter , add the funcion that local DTMF tone can be played in call. 6.2.56 AT+CMICBIAS Add note description 6.2.58 AT+SJDR Modify format error 6.2.63 AT+SD2PCM Add AT command 6.2.64 AT+SKPD Add AT command 6.2.65 AT+SIMTONEX Add AT command 6.2.66 AT+CROAMING Add AT command 6.2.67 AT+CNETSCAN Add AT command EN TI AL FI L E add 8.2.23 AT+CIPCCFG Modify wait time’s interval Add AT command 16.2.1 AT+DDET Modify description about parameter, add parameter 18.2.3 AT+CTTSRING Add command AT+CTTSRING 20.6 Audio command Add AT+CLDTMF example 20.11 PING Commands Add other device ping to the modem 21.6 AT+CHFA Modify description 21.7 AT+CMIC Add difference desription 21.8 AT+SIDET Add difference desription AT+FCLASS AT+FMI AT+FMM AT+FMR Delete 1.1 Scope of the document Add SIM800W16, SIM840W16, SIM800-WB64, SIM808 2.2.27 ATZ Modify note 2.2.30 AT&F Modify note 2.2.32 AT&W Modify note 3.2.46 AT+CALS Modify descripton 4.2.8 AT+CNMI Add the " [alpha>], " string M C O M C N 17.2.1 AT+CREC Modify and AT+CREC=8 description,add read length limit and AMR support description in note O FI D 12.2.24 AT+FTPGETTOFS SI V1.04 2014-06-10 SIM800 Series_AT Command Manual_V1.10 18 2016-10-20 Smart Machine Smart Decision Modify note 6.2.4 AT+CMIC Modify note 6.2.8 AT+CSNS Modify parameter save mode 6.2.13 AT+CLDTMF Modify note 6.2.17 AT+CBAND Modify note 6.2.18 AT+CHF Modify note 6.2.19 AT+CHFA Modify note 6.2.40 AT+SGPIO Modify note 6.2.41 AT+SPWM Extend the scope of parameter to "0-100000" 6.2.58 AT+SJDR Modify note 6.2.59 AT+CPCMCFG Modify note 6.2.60 AT+CPCMSYNC Modify note 6.2.62 AT+CANT Modify note 6.2.63 AT+SD2PCM Modify note FI L AL TI EN 6.2.64 AT+SKPD E 6.2.1 AT+SIDET Modify note Modify AT+CROAMING command’s format D 6.2.66 AT+CROAMING Modify AT+CNETSCAN command’s function and note 6.2.68 AT+CMNRP Add AT command 8.2.2 AT+CIPSTART Modify max response time 8.2.30 AT+CIPTKA Add AT command 10.2.4 AT+CIPBEIPING Add AT command 12.2.2 AT+FTPMODE Modify test and write command 12.2.14 AT+FTPGET Modify note, Add "Manual quit" to 12.2.23 AT+FTPLIST Modify note 12.2.24 AT+FTPGETTOFS Add read command 12.2.25 AT+FTPPUTFRMFS Add AT command 12.2.26 AT+FTPEXTGET Add AT command 12.2.27 AT+FTPFILEPUT Add AT command 12.2.28 AT+FTPQUIT Add AT command 13.2.1 AT+CIPGSMLOC Modify max response time 16.2.1 AT+DDET Modify response value of test command 17.2.1 AT+CREC Modify parameter description and note 18 Modify note SI M C O M C O N FI 6.2.67 AT+CNETSCAN SIM800 Series_AT Command Manual_V1.10 19 2016-10-20 Smart Machine Smart Decision 21 Modify ATC difference 21.4 AT+CHFA Add PCM channel in SIM800 and SIM800-WB64 All Change SIM800-WB64 to SIM800M64 6.2.21 AT+CENG Add format parameters 6.2.40 AT+SGPIO Extend the scope of parameter to "1-7" 6.2.69 AT+CEGPRS Add AT command 12.2.24 AT+FTPGETTOFS Modify description of 14.2.14 AT+POP3IN Add description of value 69 14.2.22 AT+POP3OUT Add description of
value 69 21.2 AT+CMIC AL Modify Modify difference Add difference Add difference 21.13 Add GPIO difference N 21.10 AT+CSCLK 6.2.52 AT+CWHITELIST Extend the scope of parameter
to "0-3" 6.2.70 AT+CGPIO Add AT command 6.2.71 AT+CMEDPLAY Add AT command 6.2.72 AT+CMEDIAVOL Add AT command 8.2.14 AT+CDNSGIP Add error code 12.2 Modify max response time 17.2.1 AT+CREC Modify note 19.3 Modify note 1.07 1.1 Scope of the document Add SIM800C 2.2.16 ATS0 Modify note 6.2.20 AT+CSCLK Modify note 6.2.73 AT+SNDLEVEL Add AT command 21 Add differences of SIM800C 6.2.55 AT+CSGS Extend the scope of parameter to "0-2" 6.2.74 AT+ECHARGE Add AT command 6.2.75 AT+SIMTIMER Add AT command 2014-12-19 SI M C M C O 2014-10-28 part O 1.06 of FI 21.9 AT+CADC description D 21.5 AT+SGPIO FI L E Modify response of AT+CPBS=? TI 2014-07-31 20.2 SIM commands EN V1.05 19.3 URC Add URC of AT+CGREG,AT+CALA,AT+CIURC,AT +CNMI 1.08 2015-05-12 SIM800 Series_AT Command Manual_V1.10 20 2016-10-20 Smart Machine Smart Decision Modify note 19.1 Change CME error codes from 810~824 to 600~614 21.13 Add AT+ECHARGE,AT+SIMTIMER,AT+S PE 1.1 Scope of the document Add SIM800A, SIM800F, SIM800C-DS 6.2.21 AT+CENG Extend the scope of parameter to "0-4" and modify note 6.2.65 AT+SIMTONEX Modify note 6.2.70 AT+CGPIO Modify response value of test command 6.2.71 AT+CMEDPLAY Modify note 6.2.77 AT+CCONCINDEX Add AT command 6.2.78 AT+SDMODE Add AT command 6.2.79 AT+SRSPT AL FI L E 17.2.1 AT+CREC TI 2015-08-03 Add AT command EN 1.09 6.2.76 AT+SPE Add AT command Add AT command D 11.2.9 AT+HTTPHEAD Modify note 19.3 Delete URC of "AT+CENG" when =3 O N 17.2.1 AT+CREC 20.2 SIM commands Add examples of "AT+CENG" 21.11 AT+CMMSDOWN Add difference of "AT+CMMSDOWN" 21.12 AT+CFGRI Add difference of "AT+CFGRI" 21 Add differences of SIM800A,SIM800F and SIM800C-DS 1.1 Scope of the document Add SIM868 2.2.20 ATS6 Add default value of parameter 2.2.22 ATS8 Add default value of parameter 3.2.17 AT+CLCK Modify note 3.2.38 AT+CMUX Modify the response of test command 3.2.46 AT+CALS Add default value of parameter 3.2.52 AT+CBC Modify note 4.2.15 AT+CSMP Modify note 6.2.11 AT+CFGRI Modify range of and note 6.2.12 AT+CLTS Modify parameter and note 6.2.21 AT+CENG Modify note 6.2.45 AT+CEMNL Add default value C M 2016-10-20 SI M C O 1.10 Modify parameter FI 15.2.6 AT+CMMSDOWN SIM800 Series_AT Command Manual_V1.10 21 2016-10-20 Smart Machine Smart Decision Add parameter saving mode 6.2.57 AT+SJDR Modify write command and note 6.2.70 AT+CMEDPLAY Modify note 6.2.72 AT+SNDLEVEL Add default value 6.2.79 AT+CELLIST Add AT command 6.2.80 AT+CLIST Add AT command 6.2.81 AT+CBATCHK Add AT command 7.2.1 AT+CGATT Modify max response time 8.2.6 AT+CIPCLOSE Modify note 8.2.9 AT+CSTT Modify note of parameters 8.2.11 AT+CIFSR Modify note 8.2.13 AT+CDNSCFG Add default value 8.2.21 AT+CIPDPDP Add default value 8.2.23 AT+CIPCCFG Add default value 8.2.28 AT+CIPRDTIMER Add default value 11.2.5 AT+HTTPACTION Extend the scope to "0-3" of parameter D EN TI AL FI L E 6.2.53 AT+CSDT Modify note 14.2.4 AT+SMTPAUTH Modify response of test command 15.2.17 AT+CMMSREAD Add description of N FI 12.2.26 AT+FTPEXTGET Modify value of O 16.2.1 AT+DDET Extend the scope of parameter to "0-3" 20.2 SIM Commands Add examples of AT+CELLIST 21.2 AT+CMIC Add SIM868 21.3 AT+CAND Add SIM868 21.4 AT+CHFA Add SIM868 21.5 AT+SGPIO Add SIM868 21.6 AT+SJDR Add SIM868 21.7 AT+CREC Add SIM800V and Modify note 21.9 AT+CADC Add SIM868 21.10 AT+CSCLK Add SIM868 21.11 AT+CMMSDOWN Add SIM868 21.12 AT+CFGRI Add SIM868 21.13 AT+CLCK Add difference 21.14 AT+CBATCHK Add difference 21.5 Add difference AT+CMTE Delete SI M C O M C 18.2.1 AT+CTTS SIM800 Series_AT Command Manual_V1.10 22 2016-10-20 Smart Machine Smart Decision 1 Introduction 1.1 Scope of the document E This document presents the AT Command Set for SIMCom SIM800 Series, including SIM800V, SIM840V, SIM800W, SIM840W, SIM800W16, SIM840W16, SIM800L, SIM800H, SIM800, SIM800M64, SIM800G, SIM808, SIM800C, SIM800A, SIM800F, SIM800C-DS and SIM868. FI L 1.2 Related documents You can visit the SIMCom Website using the following link: AL TI 1.3 Conventions and abbreviations FI D EN In this document, the GSM engines are referred to as following term: ME (Mobile Equipment); MS (Mobile Station); TA (Terminal Adapter); DCE (Data Communication Equipment) or facsimile DCE (FAX modem, FAX board); C O N In application, controlling device controls the GSM engine by sending AT Command via its serial interface. The controlling device at the other end of the serial line is referred to as following term: TE (Terminal Equipment); DTE (Data Terminal Equipment) or plainly "the application" which is running on an embedded system; M 1.4 AT Command syntax SI M C O The "AT" or "at" or “aT” or “At”prefix must be set at the beginning of each Command line. To terminate a Command line enter . Commands are usually followed by a response that includes. " " Throughout this document, only the responses are presented, are omitted intentionally. The AT Command set implemented by SIM800 Series is a combination of 3GPP TS 27.005, 3GPP TS 27.007 and ITU-T recommendation V.25ter and the AT commands developed by SIMCom. Note: A HEX string such as "00 49 49 49 49 FF FF FF FF" will be sent out through serial port at the baud rate of 115200 immediately after SIM800 Series is powered on. The string shall be ignored since it is used for synchronization with PC tool. Only enter AT Command through serial port after SIM800 Series is powered on SIM800 Series_AT Command Manual_V1.10 23 2016-10-20 Smart Machine Smart Decision and Unsolicited Result Code "RDY" is received from serial port. If auto-bauding is enabled, the Unsolicited Result Codes "RDY" and so on are not indicated when you start up the ME, and the "AT" prefix, or "at" prefix must be set at the beginning of each command line. All these AT commands can be split into three categories syntactically: "basic", "S parameter", and "extended". These are as follows: AL FI L E 1.4.1 Basic syntax These AT commands have the format of "AT ", or "AT& ", where " "is the Command, and " "is/are the argument(s) for that Command. An example of this is "ATE ", which tells the DCE whether received characters should be echoed back to the DTE according to the value of " ". " " is optional and a default will be used if missing. EN TI 1.4.2 S Parameter syntax These AT commands have the format of "ATS = ", where " " is the index of the S register to set, and " "is the value to assign to it. " " is optional; if it is missing, then a default value is assigned. D 1.4.3 Extended Syntax These commands can operate in several modes, as in the following table: AT+ =? Read Command AT+ ? O C M Write Command This command returns the currently set value of the parameter or parameters. AT+ =<…> This command sets the user-definable parameter values. AT+ The execution command reads non-variable parameters affected by internal processes in the GSM engine. C O Execution Command The mobile equipment returns the list of parameters and value ranges set with the corresponding Write Command or by internal processes. N Test Command FI Table 1: Types of AT commands and responses SI M 1.4.4 Combining AT commands on the same Command line You can enter several AT commands on the same line. In this case, you do not need to type the "AT" or "at" prefix before every command. Instead, you only need type "AT" or "at" the beginning of the command line. Please note to use a semicolon as the command delimiter after an extended command; in basic syntax or S parameter syntax, the semicolon need not enter, for example: ATE1Q0S0=1S3=13V1X4;+IFC=0,0;+IPR=115200;&W. The Command line buffer can accept a maximum of 556 characters (counted from the first command without "AT" or "at" prefix). If the characters entered exceeded this number then none of the Command will executed and TA will return "ERROR". SIM800 Series_AT Command Manual_V1.10 24 2016-10-20 Smart Machine Smart Decision 1.4.5 Entering successive AT commands on separate lines When you need to enter a series of AT commands on separate lines, please Note that you need to wait the final response (for example OK, CME error, CMS error) of last AT Command you entered before you enter the next AT Command. E 1.5 Supported character sets EN TI AL FI L The SIM800 Series AT Command interface defaults to the IRA character set. The SIM800 Series supports the following character sets: GSM format UCS2 HEX IRA PCCP PCDN 8859-1 The character set can be set and interrogated using the "AT+CSCS" Command (3GPP TS 27.007). The character set is defined in GSM specification 3GPP TS 27.005. FI D The character set affects transmission and reception of SMS and SMS Cell Broadcast messages, the entry and display of phone book entries text field and SIM Application Toolkit alpha strings. N 1.6 Flow control C O Flow control is very important for correct communication between the GSM engine and DTE. For in the case such as a data or fax call, the sending device is transferring data faster than the receiving side is ready to accept. When the receiving buffer reaches its capacity, the receiving device should be capable to cause the sending device to pause until it catches up. O M There are basically two approaches to achieve data flow control: software flow control and hardware flow control. SIM800 Series support both two kinds of flow control. In Multiplex mode, it is recommended to use the hardware flow control. SI M C 1.6.1 Software flow control (XON/XOFF flow control) Software flow control sends different characters to stop (XOFF, decimal 19) and resume (XON, decimal 17) data flow. It is quite useful in some applications that only use three wires on the serial interface. The default flow control approach of SIM800 Series is hardware flow control (RTS/CTS flow control), to enable software flow control in the DTE interface and within GSM engine, type the following AT Command: AT+IFC=1, 1 This setting is stored volatile, for use after restart, AT+IFC=1, 1 should be stored to the user SIM800 Series_AT Command Manual_V1.10 25 2016-10-20 Smart Machine Smart Decision profile with AT&W. NOTE: The AT commands listed in the table of AT&W chapter should be stored to user profile with AT&W for use after restart. Most other AT commands in V.25, 3GPP TS 27.005, 3GPP TS 27.007, GPRS will store parameters automatically and can be used after module restart. FI L E Ensure that any communications software package (e.g. Hyper terminal) uses software flow control. AL NOTE: Software Flow control should not be used for data calls where binary data will be transmitted or received (e.g. TCP/IP) as the DTE interface may interpret binary data as flow control characters. EN TI 1.6.2 Hardware flow control (RTS/CTS flow control) Hardware flow control achieves the data flow control by controlling the RTS/CTS line. When the data transfer should be suspended, the CTS line is set inactive until the transfer from the receiving buffer has completed. When the receiving buffer is ok to receive more data, CTS goes active once again. N FI D To achieve hardware flow control, ensure that the RTS/CTS lines are present on your application platform. O 1.7 Definitions M C O M C 1.7.1 Parameter Saving Mode For the purposes of the present document, the following syntactical definitions apply: NO_SAVE: The parameter of the current AT command will be lost if module is rebooted or current AT command doesn't have parameter. AUTO_SAVE: The parameter of the current AT command will be kept in NVRAM automatically, and it won't be lost if module is rebooted. AT&W_SAVE: The parameter of the current AT command will be kept in NVRAM by sending the command of "AT&W". SI 1.7.2 Max Response Time Max response time is estimated maximum time to get response, the unit is seconds. "-" means this AT command doesn’t care the response time. SIM800 Series_AT Command Manual_V1.10 26 2016-10-20 Smart Machine Smart Decision 2 AT Commands According to V.25TER These AT Commands are designed according to the ITU-T (International Telecommunication Union, Telecommunication sector) V.25ter document. ATA Answer an incoming call ATD Mobile originated call to dial a number ATD> Originate call to phone number in current memory ATD> Originate call to phone number in memory which corresponds to field ATDL Redial last telephone number used ATE Set command echo mode ATH Disconnect existing connection ATI Display product identification information ATL Set monitor speaker loudness ATM Set monitor speaker mode +++ Switch from data mode or ppp online mode to command mode ATO Switch from command mode to data mode ATP Select pulse dialling ATQ Set result code presentation mode AL Set number of rings before automatically answering the call Set command line termination character ATS4 Set response formatting character M ATS3 O Set command line editing character Pause before blind dialling ATS7 Set number of seconds to wait for connection completion ATS8 Set number of seconds to wait for comma dial modifier encountered in dial string of D command M C ATS6 TI EN FI N O C ATS0 ATS5 FI L A/ Description Re-issues the last command given D Command E 2.1 Overview of AT Commands According to V.25TER Set disconnect delay after indicating the absence of data carrier ATT Select tone dialing ATV TA response format ATX Set connect result code format and monitor call progress ATZ Reset default configuration AT&C Set DCD function mode AT&D Set DTR function mode SI ATS10 SIM800 Series_AT Command Manual_V1.10 27 2016-10-20 Factory defined configuration AT&V Display current configuration AT&W Store active profile AT+GCAP Request complete TA capabilities list AT+GMI Request manufacturer identification AT+GMM Request TA model identification AT+GMR Request TA revision identification of software release AT+GOI Request global object identification AT+GSN Request TA serial number identification (IMEI) AT+ICF Set TE-TA control character framing AT+IFC Set TE-TA local data flow control AT+IPR Set TE-TA fixed local rate AT+HVOIC Disconnect voice call only TI AL FI L AT&F E Smart Machine Smart Decision 2.2.1 A/ Re-issues the Last Command Given D A/ Re-issues the Last Command Given EN 2.2 Detailed Description of AT Commands According to V.25TER Response Re-issues the previous Command Reference V.25ter Note O N FI Execution Command A/ C 2.2.2 ATA Answer an Incoming Call ATA Answer an Incoming Call Response TA sends off-hook to the remote station. Note1: Any additional commands on the same Command line are ignored. Note2: This command may be aborted generally by receiving a character during execution. The aborting is not possible during some states of connection establishment such as handshaking. SI M C O M Execution Command ATA Response in case of data call, if successfully connected CONNECT TA switches to data mode. Note: output only if ATX parameter setting with the >0 When TA returns to Command mode after call release OK Response in case of voice call, if successfully connected SIM800 Series_AT Command Manual_V1.10 28 2016-10-20 Smart Machine Smart Decision OK Response if no connection NO CARRIER 2.2.3 ATD Mobile Originated Call to Dial A Number Mobile Originated Call to Dial A Number Response This command can be used to set up outgoing voice, data or fax calls. It also serves to control supplementary services. Note: This command may be aborted generally by receiving an ATH Command or a character during execution. The aborting is not possible during some states of connection establishment such as handshaking. FI D Execution Command ATD [ C O If no dial tone and (parameter setting ATX2 or ATX4) NO DIALTONE SI M C O M If busy and (parameter setting ATX3 or ATX4) BUSY If a connection cannot be established NO CARRIER If the remote station does not answer NO ANSWER If connection successful and non-voice call. CONNECT TA switches to data mode. Note: output only if ATX parameter setting with the >0 When TA returns to command mode after call release OK SIM800 Series_AT Command Manual_V1.10 29 2016-10-20 Smart Machine Smart Decision FI L Parameters String of dialing digits and optionally V.25ter modifiers dialing digits: 0-9, * , #, +, A, B, C Following V.25ter modifiers are ignored: ,(comma), T, P, !, W, @ E If connection successful and voice call OK D EN TI AL Emergency call: Standardized emergency number 112 (no SIM needed) String of GSM modifiers: I Actives CLIR (Disables presentation of own number to called party) i Deactivates CLIR (Enable presentation of own number to called party) G Activates Closed User Group invocation for this call only g Deactivates Closed User Group invocation for this call only <;> Only required to set up voice call , return to Command state N Note Parameter "I" and "i" only if no *# code is within the dial string is default for last number that can be dialed by ATDL *# codes sent with ATD are treated as voice calls. Therefore, the Command must be terminated with a semicolon ";" See ATX Command for setting result code and call monitoring parameters. SI M C O M Reference V.25ter O Response 20s(voice call) Timeout set with ATS7 (data call) C Max Time FI Parameter Saving NO_SAVE Mode Responses returned after dialing with ATD For voice call two different responses mode can be determined. TA returns "OK" immediately either after dialing was completed or after the call is established. The setting is controlled by AT+COLP. Factory default is AT+COLP=0, this cause the TA returns "OK" immediately after dialing was completed, otherwise TA will returns "OK", "BUSY", "NO DIAL TONE", "NO CARRIER". Using ATD during an active voice call: When a user originates a second voice call while there is already an active voice call, the first call will be automatically put on hold. SIM800 Series_AT Command Manual_V1.10 30 2016-10-20 Smart Machine Smart Decision The current states of all calls can be easily checked at any time by using the AT+CLCC Command. 2.2.4 ATD> Originate Call to Phone Number in Current Memory ATD> Originate Call to Phone Number in Current Memory If error is related to ME functionality +CME ERROR: AL FI L E Response This command can be used to dial a phone number from current phonebook memory. Note: This command may be aborted generally by receiving an ATH command or a character during execution. The aborting is not possible during some states of connection establishment such as handshaking. TI Execution Command ATD> [ ][ ][;] EN If no dial tone and (parameter setting ATX2 or ATX4) NO DIALTONE FI D If busy and (parameter setting ATX3 or ATX4) BUSY O N If a connection cannot be established NO CARRIER C If the remote station does not answer NO ANSWER SI M C O M If connection successful and non-voice call. CONNECT TA switches to data mode. Note: output only if ATX parameter setting with the >0 When TA returns to command mode after call release OK If successfully connected and voice call OK Parameters Integer type memory location should be in the range of locations available in the memory used String of GSM modifiers: SIM800 Series_AT Command Manual_V1.10 31 2016-10-20 Smart Machine Smart Decision I Override the CLIR supplementary service subscription default value for this call Invocation (restrict CLI presentation) i Override the CLIR supplementary service subscription default value for this call Suppression (allow CLI presentation) E <;> AL FI L G Control the CUG supplementary service information for this call CUG Not supported g Control the CUG supplementary service information for this call CUG Not supported Only required to set up voice call , return to command state Note Parameter "I" and "i" only if no *# code is within the dial string *# codes sent with ATD are treated as voice calls. Therefore, the command must be terminated with a semicolon ";" See ATX Command for setting result code and call monitoring parameters. N FI Reference V.25ter EN Response - D Max Time TI Parameter Saving NO_SAVE Mode C O 2.2.5 ATD> Originate Call to Phone Number in Memory Which Corresponds to Field ATD> Originate Call to Phone Number in Memory Which Corresponds to Field Response This command make the TA attempts to set up an outgoing call to stored number. All available memories are searched for the entry . Note: This command may be aborted generally by receiving an ATH Command or a character during execution. The aborting is not possible during some states of connection establishment such as handshaking. SI M C O M Execution Command ATD> [ ][ ][;] If error is related to ME functionality +CME ERROR: If no dial tone and (parameter setting ATX2 or ATX4) NO DIALTONE If busy and (parameter setting ATX3 or ATX4) SIM800 Series_AT Command Manual_V1.10 32 2016-10-20 Smart Machine Smart Decision BUSY If a connection cannot be established NO CARRIER E If the remote station does not answer NO ANSWER AL FI L If connection successful and non-voice call. CONNECT TA switches to data mode. Note: output only if ATX parameter setting with the >0 EN If successfully connected and voice call OK TI When TA returns to command mode after call release OK M C O N FI D Parameters String type (string should be included in quotation marks) value ("x"), which should equal to an alphanumeric field in at least one phone book entry in the searched memories. formatted as current TE character set specified by +CSCS. String of GSM modifiers: I Actives CLIR (Disables presentation of own number to called party) i Deactivates CLIR (Enable presentation of own number to called party) G Activates Closed User Group invocation for this call only g Deactivates Closed User Group invocation for this call only <;> Only required to set up voice call, return to Command state C O Parameter Saving NO_SAVE Mode M Max Time Response - SI Reference V.25ter Note Parameter "I" and "i" only if no "*#" code is within the dial string *# codes sent with ATD are treated as voice calls. Therefore, the Command must be terminated with a semicolon ";" See ATX Command for setting result code and call monitoring parameters. 2.2.6 ATDL Redial Last Telephone Number Used ATDL Redial Last Telephone Number Used SIM800 Series_AT Command Manual_V1.10 33 2016-10-20 Smart Machine Smart Decision Execution Command ATDL Response This command redials the last voice and data call number used. Note: This command may be aborted generally by receiving an ATH Command or a character during execution. The aborting is not possible during some states of connection establishment such as handshaking. EN If a connection cannot be established NO CARRIER TI If busy and (parameter setting ATX3 or ATX4) BUSY AL If no dial tone and (parameter setting ATX2 or ATX4) NO DIALTONE FI L E If error is related to ME functionality +CME ERROR: D If the remote station does not answer NO ANSWER O N FI If connection successful and non-voice call. CONNECT TA switches to data mode. Note: output only if ATX parameter setting with the >0 C When TA returns to Command mode after call release OK O M If successfully connected and voice call OK C Parameter Saving NO_SAVE Mode M Max Time Response - SI Reference V.25ter 2.2.7 ATE ATE Note See ATX Command for setting result code and call monitoring parameters. Return the numbers and symbols which ATD supports if there is no last dialing context. Set Command Echo Mode Set Command Echo Mode SIM800 Series_AT Command Manual_V1.10 34 2016-10-20 Smart Machine Smart Decision Execution Command ATE Response This setting determines whether or not the TA echoes characters received from TE during Command state. OK E Parameters 0 Echo mode off 1 Echo mode on Reference V.25ter AL Response Note TI Max Time FI L Parameter Saving AT&W_SAVE Mode 2.2.8 ATH Disconnect Existing Connection D Response Disconnect existing call by local TE from Command line and terminate call OK Note: OK is issued after circuit 109(DCD) is turned off, if it was previously on. Response 20s C Max Time O Parameter Saving NO_SAVE Mode N FI Execution Command ATH EN ATH Disconnect Existing Connection Note M Reference V.25ter O 2.2.9 ATI Display Product Identification Information C ATI Display Product Identification Information SI M Execution Command ATI Response TA issues product information text Example: SIM800 R11.08 OK Parameter Saving NO_SAVE Mode Max Response - SIM800 Series_AT Command Manual_V1.10 35 2016-10-20 Smart Machine Smart Decision Time Reference V.25ter Note 2.2.10 ATL Set Monitor speaker loudness ATL Set Monitor speaker loudness E Response OK FI L Execution Command ATL Parameters 0..9 Volume Reference V.25ter TI Response Note No effect in GSM EN Max Time AL Parameter Saving NO_SAVE Mode 2.2.11 ATM Set Monitor Speaker Mode Response OK FI Execution Command ATM D Set Monitor Speaker Mode Parameters 0..9 Mode Max Time C O Parameter Saving NO_SAVE Mode N ATM Response - Note No effect in GSM O M Reference V.25ter 2.2.12 +++ Switch from Data Mode or PPP Online Mode to Command Mode C +++ Switch from Data Mode or PPP Online Mode to Command Mode SI M Execution Command +++ Response The +++ character sequence causes the TA to cancel the data flow over the AT interface and switch to Command mode. This allows you to enter AT Command while maintaining the data connection to the remote server. OK To prevent the +++ escape sequence from being misinterpreted as data, it should comply to following sequence: No characters entered for T1 time (1 second) "+++" characters entered with no characters in between (1 second) SIM800 Series_AT Command Manual_V1.10 36 2016-10-20 Smart Machine Smart Decision No characters entered for T1 timer (1 second) Switch to Command mode, otherwise go to step 1. Parameter Saving NO_SAVE Mode Reference V.25ter Note To return from Command mode back to data mode: Enter ATO. ATO Switch from Command Mode to Data Mode AL 2.2.13 ATO Switch from Command Mode to Data Mode TI Response TA resumes the connection and switches back from command mode to data mode. EN Execution Command ATO[n] E Response - FI L Max Time FI D CONNECT If connection is not successfully resumed ERROR else TA returns to data mode from command mode CONNECT Note: only if parameter setting ATX>0 O N Parameter 0 Switch from command mode to data mode. Max Time C Parameter Saving NO_SAVE Mode Response - Note O M Reference V.25ter C 2.2.14 ATP Select Pulse Dialling ATP Select Pulse Dialling Response OK SI M Execution Command ATP Parameter Saving NO_SAVE Mode Max Time Response - Reference Note SIM800 Series_AT Command Manual_V1.10 37 2016-10-20 Smart Machine Smart Decision V.25ter No effect in GSM 2.2.15 ATQ Set Result Code Presentation Mode ATQ Set Result Code Presentation Mode Response This parameter setting determines whether or not the TA transmits any result code to the TE. Information text transmitted in response is not affected by this setting. If =0: OK If =1: (none) AL FI L E Execution Command ATQ TI Parameters 0 TA transmits result code 1 Result codes are suppressed and not transmitted Set Number of Rings before Automatically Answering the Call Read Command ATS0? O ATS0 Set Number of Rings before Automatically Answering the Call N 2.2.16 ATS0 Note FI Reference V.25ter D Response - Response C Max Time EN Parameter Saving AT&W_SAVE Mode OK M Parameters See Write Command SI M C O Write Command ATS0= Response This parameter setting determines the number of rings before auto-answer. OK ERROR Parameters 0 Automatic answering is disable. 1-255 Number of rings the modem will wait for before answering the phone if a ring is detected. Parameter Saving AT&W_SAVE Mode Max Response - SIM800 Series_AT Command Manual_V1.10 38 2016-10-20 Smart Machine Smart Decision Time Note If is set too high, the calling party may hang up before the call can be answered automatically. If using cmux port, ATH and AT+CHUP can hang up the call (automatically answering) only in the CMUX channel 0. If using dual-physical serial port, ATH and AT+CHUP can hang up the call (automatically answering) only in UART1. 2.2.17 ATS3 Set Command Line Termination Character Set Command Line Termination Character Read Command ATS3? Response AL ATS3 FI L E Reference V.25ter TI OK Response This parameter setting determines the character recognized by TA to terminate an incoming command line. The TA also returns this character in output. OK O ERROR N FI D Write Command ATS3= EN Parameters See Write Command C Parameters 13 Command line termination character Parameter Saving AT&W_SAVE Mode Response - M Max Time C O Reference V.25ter M 2.2.18 ATS4 ATS4 Note Default 13 = CR. It only supports default value. Set Response Formatting Character Set Response Formatting Character SI Read Command ATS4? Response OK Parameters See Write Command Write Command Response SIM800 Series_AT Command Manual_V1.10 39 2016-10-20 Smart Machine Smart Decision ATS4= This parameter setting determines the character generated by the TA for result code and information text. OK ERROR E Parameters 10 Response formatting character ATS5 Set Command Line Editing Character Set Command Line Editing Character Read Command ATS5? Response EN 2.2.19 ATS5 Note Default 10 = LF. It only supports default value. TI Reference V.25ter AL Response - D Max Time FI L Parameter Saving AT&W_SAVE Mode FI OK O Response This parameter setting determines the character recognized by TA as a request to delete from the command line the immediately preceding character. OK M C Write Command ATS5= N Parameters See Write Command Parameters 0-8-127 Response formatting character C O ERROR M Parameter Saving AT&W_SAVE Mode SI Max Time Response - Reference V.25ter 2.2.20 ATS6 ATS6 Note Default 8 = Backspace. Pause Before Blind Dialling Pause Before Blind Dialling SIM800 Series_AT Command Manual_V1.10 40 2016-10-20 Smart Machine Smart Decision Read Command ATS6? Response OK Response OK E Write Command ATS6= Parameters 0-2-999 FI L ERROR Time Response - 2.2.21 ATS7 TI Set Number of Seconds to Wait for Connection Completion Set Number of Seconds to Wait for Connection Completion Read Command ATS7? D ATS7 Note No effect in GSM EN Reference V.25ter Response N OK FI Max Time AL Parameter Saving AT&W_SAVE Mode C Response This parameter setting determines the amount of time to wait for the connection completion in case of answering or originating a call. OK C O M Write Command ATS7= O Parameters See Write Command ERROR Parameters 1-60-255 Number of seconds to wait for connection completion M Parameter Saving AT&W_SAVE Mode SI Max Time Response - Reference V.25ter Note If called party has specified a high value for ATS0= , call setup may fail. The correlation between ATS7 and ATS0 is important Example: Call may fail if ATS7=30 and ATS0=20. ATS7 is only applicable to data call. SIM800 Series_AT Command Manual_V1.10 41 2016-10-20 Smart Machine Smart Decision 2.2.22 ATS8 Set Number of Seconds to Wait for Comma Dial Modifier Encountered in Dial String of D Command ATS8 Set Number of Seconds to Wait for Comma Dial Modifier Encountered in Dial String of D Command Response E Read Command ATS8? OK Response OK AL Write Command ATS8= FI L Parameters See Write Command ERROR EN TI Parameters 0-2-255 The value of this register determines how long the modem should pause when it sees a comma in the dialing string. ATS10 O 2.2.23 ATS10 Note No effect in GSM N Reference V.25ter FI Response - Set Disconnect Delay after Indicating the Absence of Data Carrier Set Disconnect Delay after Indicating the Absence of Data Carrier Response M Read Command ATS10? C Max Time D Parameter Saving AT&W_SAVE Mode C O OK SI M Write Command ATS10= Parameters See Write Command Response This parameter setting determines the amount of time that the TA will remain connected in absence of data carrier. If the data carrier is once more detected before disconnecting, the TA remains connected. OK ERROR Parameters 1-15-254 Number of tenths seconds of delay Parameter Saving AT&W_SAVE SIM800 Series_AT Command Manual_V1.10 42 2016-10-20 Smart Machine Smart Decision Mode Max Time Response - Reference V.25ter Note E 2.2.24 ATT Select Tone Dialing Response OK AL Execution Command ATT FI L ATT Select Tone Dialing Parameter Saving AUTO_SAVE Mode EN Reference V.25ter TI Response Note D Max Time FI 2.2.25 ATV TA Response Format ATV TA Response Format O N Response This parameter setting determines the contents of the header and trailer transmitted with result codes and information responses. When =0 0 When =1 OK C Execution Command ATV SI M C O M Parameters 0 Information response: Short result code format: 1 Information response: Long result code format: The result codes, their numeric equivalents and brief descriptions of the use of each are listed in the following table. Parameter Saving AT&W_SAVE Mode Max Time Response - Reference V.25ter Note SIM800 Series_AT Command Manual_V1.10 43 2016-10-20 Smart Machine Smart Decision ATV0 Description OK 0 Acknowledges execution of a Command CONNECT 1 A connection has been established; the DCE is moving from Command state to online data state RING 2 The DCE has detected an incoming call signal from network NO CARRIER 3 The connection has been terminated or the attempt to establish a connection failed ERROR 4 Command not recognized, Command line maximum length exceeded, parameter value invalid, or other problem with processing the Command line NO DIALTONE 6 No dial tone detected BUSY 7 Engaged (busy) signal detected NO ANSWER 8 "@" (Wait for Quiet Answer) dial modifier was used, but remote ringing followed by five seconds of silence was not detected before expiration of the connection timer (S7) PROCEEDING 9 An AT command is being processed CONNECT Manufacturerspecific Same as CONNECT, but includes manufacturer-specific text that may specify DTE speed, line speed, error control, data compression, or other status N FI D EN TI AL FI L E ATV1 2.2.26 ATX Set CONNECT Result Code Format and Monitor Call Progress C Response This parameter setting determines whether or not the TA detected the presence of dial tone and busy signal and whether or not TA transmits particular result codes. OK SI M C O M Execution Command ATX O ATX Set CONNECT Result Code Format and Monitor Call Progress ERROR Parameters 0 CONNECT result code only returned, dial tone and busy detection are both disabled. 1 CONNECT result code only returned, dial tone and busy detection are both disabled. 2 CONNECT result code returned, dial tone detection is enabled, busy detection is disabled. 3 CONNECT result code returned, dial tone detection is disabled, busy detection is enabled. 4 CONNECT result code returned, dial tone and busy detection are both enabled. SIM800 Series_AT Command Manual_V1.10 44 2016-10-20 Smart Machine Smart Decision Parameter Saving AT&W_SAVE Mode Response - Reference V.25ter Note E Max Time ATZ Reset Default Configuration ERROR EN Parameters 0 Restore profile 0 Parameter Saving NO_SAVE Mode Note N Reference V.25ter D Response - FI Max Time AL Response TA sets all current parameters to the user defined profile. OK TI Execution Command ATZ[ ] FI L 2.2.27 ATZ Reset Default Configuration O Parameter impacted by Z command: refer to AT&W NOTE: C Parameters related to uart operation, like csclk, ipr, icf, ifc and cmnrp, will not be reset to default configuration. 2.2.28 AT&C Set DCD Function Mode Set DCD Function Mode M AT&C SI M C O Execution Command AT&C Response This parameter determines how the state of circuit 109 (DCD) relates to the detection of received line signal from the distant end. OK ERROR Parameters 0 DCD line is always ON 1 DCD line is ON only in the presence of data carrier Parameter Saving AT&W_SAVE Mode Max Time Response - SIM800 Series_AT Command Manual_V1.10 45 2016-10-20 Smart Machine Smart Decision Reference V.25ter Note 2.2.29 AT&D Set DTR Function Mode Set DTR Function Mode Response This parameter determines how the TA responds when circuit 108/2 (DTR) is changed from the ON to the OFF condition during data mode. OK E Execution Command AT&D[ ] FI L AT&D ERROR EN TI AL Parameters 0 TA ignores status on DTR. 1 ON->OFF on DTR: Change to Command mode with remaining the connected call. 2 ON->OFF on DTR: Disconnect call, change to Command mode. During state DTR = OFF is auto-answer off. Note O Reference V.25ter FI Response - N Max Time D Parameter Saving AT&W_SAVE Mode 2.2.30 AT&F Factory Defined Configuration Response TA sets all current parameters to the manufacturer defined profile. OK O M Execution Command AT&F[ ] C AT&F Factory Defined Configuration Parameters 0 Set all TA parameters to manufacturer defaults. C Parameter Saving NO_SAVE Mode SI M Max Time Response - Reference V.25ter Note Parameter impacted by &F command: refer to AT&W NOTE: Parameters related to uart operation, like csclk, ipr, icf, ifc and cmnrp, will not be reset to default configuration. SIM800 Series_AT Command Manual_V1.10 46 2016-10-20 Smart Machine Smart Decision 2.2.31 AT&V Display Current Configuration AT&V Display Current Configuration Response TA returns the current parameter setting. OK E Execution Command AT&V[ ] ERROR FI L Parameters 0 Responses in numeric format Reference V.25ter TI Response Note EN Max Time AL Parameter Saving NO_SAVE Mode 2.2.32 AT&W Store Active Profile FI Response TA stores the current parameter setting in the user defined profile. OK O ERROR N Execution Command AT&W[ ] D AT&W Store Active Profile C Parameters 0 Store the current configuration in profile 0 Parameter Saving NO_SAVE Mode M Response - O Max Time C Reference V.25ter Note The user defined profile is stored in non volatile memory. M Parameter stored by &W Parameter name Displayedby &V ATS0 Y ATS3 Y ATS4 Y ATS5 Y ATS6 Y ATS7