User Manual: SX550
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.$ {F) *\ \ / '';i...,.., 3l j j j ()rrroNEEFI" The following locations in the text are incorrect. Please perform the corrections shown below. O C I R C U I TD E S C R I P T I O N Incorrect Correct Page9 AM tuner line 1 dual single Page9 phono equalizer amplifier line B metal oxide carbon film Page10 tone control line 10 - gdB - 10dB o EACHMODEL(SX-ssO/KU, HG.S) Power supply transformer connected to AF amplifier assembly is not a lead wire type, but instead, it is connected by a terminal strip. Delete lead wire color indications and write in terminal numbers indicated below. sx-550/KU sx-550/HG SX-550/S t3't I s'-a II ffi "T *ilve-l: ACnov 60Hr O ^ @ , F U S EH o L D E RN o . MWER IND 8v 50iA O PAGE50 Changeprinted boardfuse Fu5 0.5A to 1.5A. ChangefuseFuB 1.5A to 0.8A. ThisServiceManualis applicableonly to the KC, KU model. sx-s5C' CO N T E N T S 1 . SPECIFICATIONS 4 2. CONNECTION DIAGRAM 6 3. FRONTPANELFACILITIES 7 4. CIRCUITDESCRIPTIONS I 5. BLOCKDIAGRAM 12 6. LEVELDIAGRAM 13 7. DISASSEMBLY 14 8. D I A L C O R DS T R I N G I N G 16 9. 10. ADJUSTINGPROCEDURES 9.1 AM Section 9.2 FM Section 9.3 MPX Section 9.4 PowerAmplifier (ldle Current) PARTSLOCATION 10.1 Front PanelView 1O.2 RearPanelView 10.3 Top View 10.4 Front View 1 1 . EXPLODED VIEWS 11.1 Exterior 11.2 Part 1 (AWKO56} 11.3 Part2 AF As-sembly 11.4 Part3 RF Assembly(AWE-072) 12. 13. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS.P.C.BOARDPATTERNS AND PARTSLISTS 12,1 MiscellaneousParts L ist. 12.2 SchematicDiagram 12.3 RF Assembly(AWE-072-0) 12.4 AF AmplifierAssembly(AWK-056) 12.5 AF MutingAssembly(AWM-101) PACKING SX-550/KU.HG. S AdditionalServiceManual. 17 18 19 20 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 34 36 37 40 47 53 55 EnclosedHerewith 1. SPECIFICATIONS Semiconductors F E T .s . . . . . . . |Cs.......... Transistors.... D i o d e. .s. . . . . . 3 . 5 . 2 8 . 2 1 Power Amplifier Section ContinuousPowerOutput from 20 Hertz to 20,000 Hertz (Both channelsdriven).. . 20 watt5per channel(8 ohms) Total HarmonicDistortion(20 Hertz to 20,000Hertz,from AUX) ContinuousRatedPowerOutput . . . . . . . No more than 0.3% 10 wattsper channelpower output, 8ohms.. No more than 0.07% I watt per channelpower output, 8 ohms. . . . . No more than Q.07% IntermodulationDistortion (50 Hertz : 7,000 Hertz = 4 : 1, from AUX) ContinuousRatedPowerOutput . . . . . . . No more than O.3o/o 10 wattsper channelpower output, 8ohms.. No more than 0.07% 'I watt per channelpower output_ 8ohms.. No more than 0.07% DampingFactor (20Hr to 20,000H2,8ohms) . . . . . . . . . . .2 5 I nput Sensitivity/lmpedance PHONO . 2.5mV/50kohms Mtc.... A U X. . . TAPEPLAYI...... TAPEPLAY2...... TAPEPLAY2 (DlN connector) PHONOOverload Level(T.H.D.0.17o) PHONO . Output Level/lmpedance TAPERECl...... 7.5mV/50kohms 150mV/50kohms 150mV/50kohms 150mV/50kohms 150mV/50kohms 200mV(l kHz) .... 150mV TAPEREC2 ....... 150mV TAPEREC2 (DlN connector) . 30mV/80kohms . . . . . A , B ,A + B SPEAKER HEADPHONES. . Low lmpedance Frequency Response ( R I A Ae q u a l i z a t i o. n 10.3d8 PHONO . .). 30Hzto 15,00OH2 'loHz AUX,TAPEPLAY . . . to 60,000Hzli"dB . ToneControl B A 5 5. . . . . +9d8,-10d8 (100H2) TREBLE. . . . t 8 d B( 1 0 k H z ) Loudness Contour(Volumecontrolsetat -40d8 position) ) ,r a g 1 1 9 k H . 1 . . . . + 6 d B( 1 0 0 H 2 + six-s5C, HumandNoise(lHF,short-circuited, A Network,ratedpower) P H o N o. ........70d8 A U XT A P E P L A Y . . . ........90d8 FM Section Usable Sensitivity M O N O. . . . . . . I l.2dBf(2.0!v) S T E R E O . . . . 20.0dBf .. (s.spv) 50dBQuietingSensitivity. . . . . MONO . . . . . (4.ssv) 18.3dBf s T E R E O . . .. 3 9 . 2 d B( f5 0 9 V ) Signal to NoiseRatioat 65dBf . . . . . . . MONO . . . . . . . 70dB S T E R E. O .....65dB D i s t o r t ai ot 6n5 d B 1f 0 0 H 2. . . . . . . M O N O . . . . . . . . O ] S % sTEREO.......03% I kHz MONO........O.15% . STEREO.......0.3% 6 k H 2 . . . . . . MONO.........o.4% S T E R E .O. . . . . . O . 4 % frequencyResponse. . 3 0 H zt o 1 5 , 0 0 0 Hr23 : 3 d B C a p t u r eR a t i o ...... l.OdB A l l e r n a t e C h a n n eSl e l e c t i v i t y. . . ......60d8 S p u r i o uRse s p o n sRea t i o . . . .....75d8 l m a gR e e s p o nR s ea t i o. . . .......65d8 l F R e s p o n sRea t i o . . . .. 90dB A M S u p p r e s sRi oa nt i o . . . .......50d8 MutingThreshold ....... t 4 d B f( 2 . 8 p V ) - 15kHz) StereoSeparation (1kHz), (30H2 40dB 30dB SubcarrP i erro d u cRt a t i o ........40d8 S C AR e j e c t i R on atio... ........40d8 Antenna Input ..... 3 0 0 o h m sb a l a n c e d 75 ohms unbalanced AM Section Sensitivity(lHF, Ferriteantenna) (lHF,Ext.antenna) Selectivity S i g n a l - t o - N o iRs ae t i o . . . . . . lmageResponse Ratio . . . .. l F R e g o o n sRea t i o . . . . . . . . . . . . 65d8 Antenna. Built-inFerriteLoopstick Antenna Misceilaneous Power Requirements .... PowerConsumption.... Dimensions W e i g h.t. . . . . . 'l2OY .. 6QHz . . . U L ;8 0 W ,1 8 5 W( m a x . ) csA;l55vA mm . . . . . . . .148(w)x141(H)x307(D) 17 a l 8 ( w ) x s - 9 / 1 6 ( H ) x 1/ 126- (l D )i n W i t h o upta c k a g. e. . . . . . 9 . 4 k g( 2 0| b 1 1o z ) Withpackage 10.5kg(23 lb 2 oz) FurnishedParts FMT-typeAntenna Operating Instructions NOTE: Specificotio^s ond the design subject to poscible modificotion without notice due to improoementg. 2. CONNECTIONDIAGRAM OUTDOOR FM ANTENNA T-TYPE FM ANTENNA AM ANTENNA (lndoor or Outdoor) C O N V E N I E N CO EU T L Unswitched (3OOWmax.l: Less frequent' ly used components, which do not req u i r e c o u p l e d p o w e r , c a n b e p l u g g e di n t o either of these outlets. .ffi) 75o\LI-l c o a xr a l l l cable I I A frequen Switched (200W max.l: used component (turntable, tape deck, etc.) can be plugged into this outlet. By leaving the power switch of that component in the ON position, power supply to the component will be coupled with the SX-550 switch operation. ' 3ooa FM DE.EMPHASIS SWlTCH "751ts". Normaf ly, set this switch to "251rs" only when Be sure to set it to listening to an FM broadcast (preemphasis; 25rrsec.)with a Dolby* system NR adaptor connected between the TAPE terminals. r'"-'1 _[^*].r _!- _'l*'---t : B E E E E E- : GROUND .m, ffil Til @ RIGHT LEFT S P E A K E R S Y S T E M SA TURNTABLE I I I OUTPUT INPUT DIN TYPE CORD loureur CARTRIDGE TAPE PLAYER T A P ED E C K ( O p e n - r e e l ,c a s s e t t e ) 6 T A P ED E C K (Open-reel, cassettel LEFT RIGHT S P E A K E RS Y S T E M S B 3.FRONT PANEL FACILITIES S P E A K E R S W T T C(HP O W E R ) A combinedpower ON/OFF switch and speakersystem selectorswitch. P O W E RO F F : Receiveroff. A: To select speakersconnectedto the A s p e a k etre r m i n a l s . OFF: Speakerscut off ( h e a d p h o n e cs a n b e used). B: Operates speakersconnected to the B s p e a k etre r m i n a l s . A+B: T o l i s t e n s i m u l t a n e o u s l yt o s p e a k e r systemsconnectedto A and B speaker terminals. FM STEREOINDICATOR With rhe FUNCTIONswitch ser to FM, the STEREO indicator lights while an FM stereobroadcastis beingreceived. A M / F MT U N I N GM E T E R W h e n t u n i n g i n F M s t a t i o n s p, o s i t i o nt h e n e e d l ei n t h e center FM areafor optimum reception.In the caseof AM stations,tune for maximum meter deflectiontoward the r i g h to f t h e s c a l e . PILOT LAMP NOTES: . After turning this switch ON there is a delay of some Z to 9 seconds, during which time the muting circuit operates to eliminate unpleasant noise. c For easier operation, plug powgr cord for turntable, etc. into the switched convenience outlet. wnre t\/N P H O N E Sf A C K To listen through stereo headphones,plug them firmly i n t o t h i sj a c k . WARNING: Dct not plug a microphone into the PHONES jach as you may damage the microphone. B A S S& T R E B L EC O N T R O L S Controls for adjustingthe tone. Adjust low frequencies with the BASS control and high frequencieswith the T R E B L Ec o n t r o l . Turn controls toward the right (MAX) to enhance,and toward the left (MlN) to reduce,their respectivefrequencyranges. F M M U T I N GO F F B U T T O N Leave this button undepressed(in the ON position) to suppressunpleasantinterstationnoise while tuning between FM stations.Low-strengthsignalsmay alsobe suppressedby this function, so to pick up a weak station depressthis button to the OFF position. M O D ES W T T C (HM O N O ) For stereoplaybackleavethis switch undepressed. When depressedfor MONO playback, left and right channel stereo signals will be mixed to produce monophonic soundfrom both speakersystems. NOTE: Recordingstereophonicallywith the MODE switch in the MONO position moy causechannel separation to deteriorate. . sx-s5cl .EREO ringre- T U N I N GK N O B S e l e c t t h e d e s i r e ds t a t i o n w h i l e o b s e r v i n gt h e A M / F M m e t e rf o r o p t i m u mt u n i n g . Switchfor selectingdesiredprogramsource. For AM broadcastreception. AM: For FM stereoreception.Automatically FM: receives monophonically during FM m o n o p h o n i cb r o a d c a s t sT. h e S T E R E O indicator lightsup when the broadcastis in stereo. To operate a turntable connected to PHONO: P H O N Oi a c k s . F o r l i s t e n i n gt o a n a u d i o c o m p o n e n t AUX/MIC: (cartridgetape player, TV sound tuner, etc.) connectedto the AUX jacks.Also set to this positionwhen usingthe microphone. Note, when the microphoneis plugged in, the componentconnectedto the AUX i a c k sc a n n o tb e u s e d . in the of AM rudthe I LAMP FUNCTION lNM rcNO F U N C T I O NS W I T C H LruOMS rc JAcK A h i g h i m p e d a n c e( a p p r o x . 5 0 k - o h m s )d y n a m i c t Y P e m i c r o p h o n ew i t h a standardplug can be connectedto t h i sl a c k . T A P EM O N I T O R( 1 & . 2 ) B U T T O N S V O L U M EC O N T R O L on) to ng be)e suprtation . When hannel phonic Clockwise rotation increasesvolume from speakersor headphones. BUTTON LOUDNESS Depressthis button when listeningat low volume. The frequencyresponseof the human ear variesaccordingto positioncompensates the listeninglevel,and the depressed by emphasizingthe bassand for hearingcharacteristics treble. Set these switchesin the ON (depressed) .positionas follows: 1 . . . For playback or for monitoring of a recordingin progresswith a tape deck connectedto the TAPE'1 i a c k s( R E C& P L A Y ) . 2 . . . As in 1 above,with a tape deck connectedto the T A P E 2 j a c k s( R E C & P L A Y ) o T T A P ER E C / P L A Y jack(DlN type). NO?ES: posio Leaueboth of these buttons in the undepressed' tion when not using tape dechs as the sound source. The signatfrom the sourceselectedby the FUNCTION switch will be interrupted if switchesare left in the d'e' pressedposition. a When record.ingwith two tape dechssimultaheously, do not operates the TAPE MONITOR I button as this will interrupt .the signal to the TAPE 2 dech. B A L A N C EC O N T R O L in the eterio- Control for adjustingvolume balancebetweenleft and right speakersor headphones.Clockwiserotation from center increasesright channel volume, while counterleft channelvolume. clockwiserotation increases a 4 . C I R C U I TD E S C R I P T I O N S F ig. 1 Tuner Section TUNER SECTION FM Front End A frequency linear 3-gang variable capacitor is used with a single stage FET RF amplifier. The FET possesseshigh input impedance compared with a transistor, and allows simple coupling with the input tuning circuit, plus a significant advantage in terms of noise. The local oscillator is a variation of a Clapp circuit and its excellent temperature compensation provides stable frequency even without AFC. Local oscillator voltage is passed through a low value capacitor to the mixer transistor base. lF Amplifier and Detector Composed of two dual element ceramic filters and one IC (HA1137). The HAl1BT is a high density IC and contains a limiter amplifier, FM detector (quadrature detector), muting, and meter drive circuits. Multiplex Demodulator The IC (HA1156W) used in this section does not require a tuning coil and in addition to a pLL stabilized switching signal generator circuit, it contains a double balanced differential amplifier switching system demodulator circuit and an auto_ matic stereo-mono selector circuit. An extemal switching transistor controlled by the FM muting signal provides automatic monophonic reproduc!t_91"t input sigrralsbelow the muting level (FM MUTING switch OFF). The stereo demodulator signal passesthrough the de-emphasis circuit, then through an amplifier that combines carrier filter and crosstalk canceller to produce the demodula_ tor output. AM Tuner Composed of a single IC (HA11BS) and dual element ceramic filter. A 2-gar,:rg variable capacitor is employed with one stage providing tuning be_ tween the antenna and RF amplifier and the other stage tuning the local oscillator. The RF amplifier itself is not tuned but feeds direcfly to the mixer followed by a 2-stageIF amplifier. P H O N OE O U A L I Z E RA M P L IF I E R IC (TA7136P1) is used with independent left and right channels. Tolerances !2Vo styrole capacitors and tolerances !1Vo metal oxide resistors comprise the equalizer elements, leading to an RIAA deviation within 0.3dB from 30Hz to 15kHz. *21 -1s F i g . 2 P H O N OE q u a l i z e r MICROPHONE CIRCUIT A single transistor amplifier (monophonic) is provided in addition to the phono equalizer ampli_ fier. A selector switch cuts the AUX jack iniut when a plug is inserted into the MIC jack. ihe amplified microphone signal is then supplied to both the left and right channels. The FUNCTION switch is set to the AUX position when using a microphone. When the power switch is set to OFF, point C potential instantly becomes - 16V. Q4 becomes ON and C2 is immediately discharged. Since this interval is extremely brief, the muting time remains constant even if the power switch is again set to oN. Pornt B C o n t r o la m P . 0 U T F i g .3 M i c r o p h o n C e ircuit Power amp.I N TONECONTROL A CR network tone control circuit is employed in which each attenuator circuit consists of a capacitor and a resistor. These function to increase and decrease the relative levels of low and high frequency sounds. Since relative control over the frequency response by the attenuator results in a constant loss, an amplifier (Q1 & Q2) is used prior to this stage for compensation. The control ranges are +8dB to -8dB for the highs (at 10kHz) and +9dB to -gdB for the lows (at 100H2). YR1:TREBLE CONTfuL VRz:BA55CONJROL F i g . 4 T o n eC o n t r o l A F M U T I N GA M P L I F I E R When the power switch is set to ON, the potential of point C in Fig. 5 instantly rises due to C3 & Rb time constant, and Q4 becomes OFF. Point B potential at this time gradually increases with the C2 & Rg time constant and normally reaches-19V. Q3 becomesOFF when point B is below -15.4V, from which time point A potential rises with the CL & Rl time constant and normally reaches approximately 8V from R1 & R2. FET Q1 & Q2 operate when point A potential is above 0V. The muting interval (T) extends from the time the power supply is set to ON to when point A potential reaches 0V. This interval is set f.or 6 - 7 seconds. C o n l r o l a m p .O U T P o w e f a m o .l N F i g .5 A F M u t i n g OFF POWER Fis.6 P O W E RA M P L IF I E R C I R C U I T Composed of differential first stage, all stages direct coupled pure.complementary OCL circuit. Open gain at lkHz is approximately 80dB and NFB amount is approximately 50d8. R3 and R4 are provided with this circuit in order to obtain adequate stability even with the NFB disconnected. Q1 form a differential amplifier: IIOVo d.c. feedback is applied from the junction point of the power stage to the base of Ql so the potential of the junction point is always maintained at the samelevel. Fig.7 PowerAmPlifier sx-55cl POWERSUPPLY High stability (ripple cancelling efficiency) is required in the power supply circuit due to its minimized output impedance. In the circuit shown in the Fig. 8, Q1 is controlled by Q2, which detects its output variations. Tuner power is taken from Q3 emitter. Since this is at the power transformer secondar5r,AC line variations do not directly reach the tuner. Power Amp. *-Power Amo. + Power Anp. + It4lC Amp. AF lrUT Amp EQ Amp. MUT Amp. EQ Amp. MUT Amo. F i g .8 P o w e rS u p p l y 5. BL OC K DI A G RA M UE x o + ff+ a ol q L.) I I :> CD > < - + q , ' o^ LL $ 5 ? z = O ' D < I - L 6 ^ ; O ; U i ' z o - l E3 l 3^ 3 y--l: I o L =li 3ll z z {lu o-l .< a -lY L o r u n l a L._l c.).-jON o o _ :i E c O+ a q L O c + i i o (a (/) :?9 --t,6 < ; d.: I r/) I1 ? t , q ; = € E l ?q r E 5 ' L t_ ; U F z. -tl el r;l iai I !:i r d t l ! l I G,, tr.l I ll ti L-- r l l - l ! F l G. ur o o l * L o i X oE l:k (J l! e F , , l c s 6 o - 5l , - ^ E (v -, E F € 5> - € ( o o 9 : u -d Z L.€- so oo I z o F L o E E I t! t/, I I t J o c. lz o IJ i i - i & i z O t i L o + o.= H3 !-l gi4'- *l uJ' FI -f - t =!Fl-J*-'l ill J L. z z. U F z |* o o z 0 r t u t < r blW-!19.1!f/l l=::--. f- U F L c =I (-, ir E (L E r I i c, ul , rl l sx-55cl 6. LEVEL DIAGRAM LEVEL ( dBv) 60 50 40 30 1 3 . s( 8 v 0) 20 10 rT---r 0 cr) cr) c! c! -10 I AUX( 150mV) -20 A -30 c! - 4 0 M I C( 7 . 5 m)V I 2.5mV) - 5 0 P H 0 N( 0 (r) 6 o 0 d B v :l V F R E O U E N lCk Y H :z -60 t 5 7. D'SASSEMBLY R E M O V ES I D E B O A R D S Side board can be removed by taking out 4 screws shown in figure. When reinstalling, observe that space does not occur between them and front panel. NS REMOVETOPPLATE Take out 2 screwsshown in figure to remove. six-E'5Ct REMOVEBOTTOMPLATE Take out 8 screwsshown in figure and pull rearwardto remove. 2 - c ) -*+g;{:':i';:-* 8 I I )/4 ":( ,:,"LW R E M O V EF R O N T P A N E L Use allen hex wrench to loosen tuning knob setscrew and remove knob. Pull off all knobs (except push buttons), then remove shaft nuts of FUNCTION and SPEAKERS switches. Take out upper left and right screws (2 screws) of front panel and remove. 8. DIAL CORD STRINGING 1. Tie end of cord to inner stud of dial pulley. 2. Close tuning capacitor blades fully. 3. Pass cord through dial pulley opening, make a half turn around pulley, then pa.ssin the route: pulley A-dial needle-B-C-dialshaft-D-dial pulley. 4. Wind cord clockwise (as viewed Fom rear panel) 3 turns around dial shaft, then route to pulley D. 5. Wind 3 turns around dial pulley and tie to spring so that the cord is under tension. 6. Turn TUNING knob and confirm that dial needle moves smoothly. 7. With tuning capacitor blades fully closed, move dial needle to starting point (left edge of scale). 8. Apply lacquer to tied ends of cord. CAUTION: Do not touch dial needle with the hand. Handle dial needle only by the molded portion. Smudges and finger-prints cannot be removed from metallic portion of needle. needle D i a lp u l l e y \ Dial shaft B r' ' zO- ' ) sx-Ei='Cl 9. ADJUSTING PROCEDURES 9.1 AM SECTION 1. Through a lk ohm resistor, connect an AM signal generator to the AM antenna terminal. Set for 400H2 at 30dB and 30% modulation. 2. Connect AC VM (Voltmeter) to TAPE REC jack (L or R). I Set FUNCTION switch to AM position. ,l Set AM SG and SX-550 dial indication to point A (60OkHz). Adjust T6 for maximum indication on AC VM. o. Set AM SG and SX-550 dial indication to Doint C (1,400kH2). 7. Adjust TC4 for maximum indication on AC VM. 8. Again set AM SG and SX-550 dial indication to point A. 9. Adjust bar antenna core for maximum indication on AC VM. 10. Return AM SG and SX-550 dial indication to point C. 11. Adjust TC5 for maximum indication on AC VM, 12. Repeat steps 4-11 to eliminate variations in AC VM indications at points A and C. AC voltmeter r: tr@ 1kohm resistor 9.2 FM SECTION 1. Through 300 ohm dummy antenna, connect FM signal generator to the 300 ohm FM antenna terminals and set for 400H2 at 100d8 and IOOVomodulation. 2. Connect AC VM and distortion meter to TAPE REC jack (L or R). 3. Set FUNCTION switch to FM and MUTING switch to OFF. Set FM SG and SX-550 dial indication to point A (90MHz). Adjust T3 for maximum indication on AC VM. (t. Adjust T5 lower core for center of scale indication on Tuning meter. ,7 Set FM SG for 9dB output and adjust T1 and T2 for maximum indication on AC VM. 8 . Set FM SG and SX-550 dia.l indication to point C (106MHz). 9. Adjust TC3, then TC1 and TC2 for maximum indication on AC VM. 10. Again set FM SG and SX-550 dial indication to point A. 11. Adjust T3, then T1 and T2 for maxirnum indication on AC VM. 12. Repeat steps 8-11 to eliminate variations in sensitivity at points A and C. 13. Adjust T4 for maximum sensitivity. 14. Detune to noise only and adjust Tb lower core for center of scale indication on Tuning meter. 15. Set SX-550 dial indication to point B (98MHz) and adjust FM SG for center of scale indication on Tuning meter. 16. Set FM SG output to 60dB and adjust Tb upper core for minimum distortion. 1?. Repeat steps 14-16 to eliminate variations in minimum distortion position. AC voltmeter Distortionmeter !* Flvlsignalgenerator u @ sx-55Cl 9.3 MPX SECTTON 1. Through 300 ohm dummy antenna,connect FM signal generator to 300 ohm FM antenna terminals. 2. Connect multiplex signal generator to externa.l modulation terminals of FM SG. 3. Connect oscilloscopehorizontal input to MPX SG pilot output and vertical input via probe to TP (No. 31) of circuit board 4. Set SX-550 dial indication to 98MHz and adjust FM SQ for center of scale indication on Tuning meter. 5. With FM SG unmodulated, adjust VR1 so that lissajous pattern on oscilloscope becomes stationary. 6. With MPX SG modulation 1kHz, L+R 67.5kHz deviation and Pilot 7.5kHz deviation. adiust T4 for minimum distortion. Oscilloscope MPX signalgenerator Distortionmeter AC voltmeter n E o 300 ohm d u m m ya n t e n n a l l - 9 . 4 P O W E RA M P L I F I E R( I D L E C U R R E N T ) 1. Set BASS and TREBLE controls to FLAT positions. 2. Connect DC voltmeter to circuit board TP t e r m i n a l s( L = 3 4 o , 3 3 g ; f i , = 3 5 @ , 3 6 o ) a n d adjust VR3 (L) and VR4 (R) for 25mV. 3. Readjust after approximately 15 minutes (speci fication rangeis 15mV to 40mV). DC voltmeter E io 1 10. PARTS LOCATION 10.1 FRONTPANELVIEW Front panel assembly ANB.417 i -Knob(SPEAKER) AAB.lOO K n o b{ B A S ST, R E B L E ) AAB.O99 , ONO) K n o b( F MM U T I N GM AAD.l 1O K n o b( T U N I N G ) AAA-036 Knob (FUNCTION) AAB.lOO Knob(VOLUME) AAB.11O Knob IBALANCE) AAB.O99 'IO.2 REARPANELVIEW tt tttIt tIt,tItl, Ittr,Il l llln, |||I| ||| ||||||||| il tIil l l l l tl, il n,tilllilllltf fftil il l l il ilrill T e r mi n a l 4 P AKB-027 T e r mi n a| ( A N T E N N A ) AKE.O28 23 D I N c o n n e c t osocket r (REC/PLAY) A K P0 1 1 A C s o c k e t( A C O U T L E T S ) AKP OO4 nl llil |l tl il il nttnttnilnrtl\tr\\\\\\\\ | |ll || || || || |lIIIIlltttltntttn\t\\\\\\\\\ AC power cord ADG.OO5 Fusecover AEC 249 T e r m i n a( lS P E A K E R S ) A KE-029 F e r r i t eb a r - a n t e n n a AXB.O06 10.3 TOPVtEW Acrylic board AEC,240 I I FW **frn-Jr- Tuningshaftassembly AXA.117 RF assembly AWE.O72 Dial pulleyassembly AXA,O66 Electrolytic capacitor ACH-055 s)<-550 L a m pa s s e m b l(yP L 1 , 2 , 3 ) AE L 060 ;'o I (3, Jl. Powertransformer(Tl ) ATT.263 AF assembly AWK 056 A F M U T I N Ga s s e m b l Y AWM,1O1 1O.4 FRONTVIEW IVleter AAW053 P h o n ei a c k ( P H O NE S ) AKN-OO9 s e l e c t o sr w i t c h( S P E A K E R ) ASA-042 , REBLE) V a r i a b l er e s i s t o(rB A S S T ACV.138 Pushswitch (Fl\,1lvlUTlNG,IVIODE) ASG.O92 V a r i a b l er ( ACV 126 Tuning shaft assembly AXA-1 17 P h o n ej a c k { M l C ) AKN,011 Selectorswitch (FUNCTION) ASD.O48 1,2) P u s hs w i t c h{ L O U D N E S ST,A P E l \ , l O N l T O R ASG-093 V a r i a b l er e s i s t o(rV O L U M E ) ACV 161 Variable r e s i s t o(rB A L A N C E ) ACV,126 1 1 . E X P L O D E DV I E W S RT 3x8 AB4-066 11.1 EXTERIOR Acrylic board AEC-240 L a m pa s s e m b l (yP L 1 .2 , 3 ) AEL-O6O RT 3x8 ABA.066 Screw ABA-113 Wire connector AEC-308 @. Sideboard(L) AMS-012 ptate{L} .-.AAH-027 RT 3x6 capacitor"'..ACG-001 %, '\ Dial scaleboard AAG.I13 _6 d-- €.. d eP' | <^'. RT 3x6 BM 3x8 I \a e' N y l o ns h e e t Dial pointer A EC-191 AAF-046 ( F M M O N ITOR) M U T I N G ,M O N O .L O U D N E S ST,A P E Knob AAD-110 t Washer B22-017 Wi'Nt -<[,-'''t .,..-' sprins ABH-025 SPacer AEC-301 Front panelassembly ANB.417 Washer 822-017 Nut 871-005 K n o b ( S P E A K E RV, O L U M E .F U N C T I O N ) K n o b( T U N I N G ) A A B - 1 O O AAA-036 d sx-5E'o NOTE: Partsindicatedin greentype cannotbe supplied. RT3x6 ffi roard{L) .012 T e r m i n a 2l p I M O D E LK U } RT3x8 Plate A N E - 1 2(0K U ,K C ) "''. PART 1 Seepage3l Plate{L) .AAH.027 tor "\ )01 \ E) Plate(Rl AAH-028 Unionnut ABN-025 % Screw ABA.113 % eP' S i d eb o a r d( R ) AM$013 ?&jc "c ' ---.':'i,--'--.-J-f -n" @ I RT 4x10 R T4 x 1 0 Foot assemblY AEC.O83 Screw ABA.OO2 11.2 PART 1 NOTE: If set is a Kt screwdriuer. in dcmage. ' oppoeite scrt thii screw. Powertransformer 4TT-263(KU) ATT-305(KC) RT 4x8 q q- RT3x6 .-\ \\ _-'1 RT 3x6 .N \ -fi'' P l a t e( L ) AAH-O27 ?< AC soc AKP.OO ---t-'t"'--... . .-Pulleyshaft M49-025 Angle Electrolyticcapacitor(C6,7) ANF-435 ACH-055 -'E t? l__, RT 3x8 f,Tw YI RT 3x6 Rr 3x6 t P Clip AEC-036 PART 3 Seepages34 RF assembly AWE.O72 31 ,?q % t t 7 Screw RT 3x8 PART 2 Seepase33 AF assembly AWK-054(KU) (KC) AWK_056 1 e-r*ta-\ ABA-122 RT 3x6 NOTE: If set is a KC model, this screw cannot be remoued with a screwdriuer. Forcibly attempting to remoue it will result in damage. To remoue the fuse couer, first tahe.out the oppoqite screw, then turn the entire fuse couer to unfasten this screw. NOTE: Partsindicatedin greentype cannot be supplied. ffi RT 4x8 Fusecover AEC-249 \ RT3x8p T3x6 W- -.a'*., / / / RT3x8 AC socket(AC OUTLETS) AKP.OO4 T ,- Angle ) ANF-435 AC power cord ADG.OOS / 'r*;J.,*,"*\ AXB.006 ___d _d RT 3x6 W Y fl 42, ? .' _4 d ' Switch AEC-015 l/{ RT 3x6 Tuning shaftassembly AXA-I17 Sheet AEC-250 % ) Pulleyshaft M49-025 Pulley AEC-101 RT 3x6 Washer 822-016 { Nut _d 871-oo4 r3x6 ^, ON) fil l\- lw de-q W i r eh o l d e r AEC-299 RT 3x6 ] s Spacer AEB-079 P l a t e( R) AAH-028 ^& RT 3xg Screw(GND) AKE_031 sx-55cl 11.3 PART2 AF ASSEMBLYAWK-056 NOTE: Partsindicatedin greentype cannotbe supplied. CapacitorcoverAEC-279(Model KU) P h o n ej a c k ( P H O NE $ l AKN.OO9 Selectorswitch (SPEAKER) ASA-042 ' V a r i a b l er e s i s t o r ACV-138 RM 3x6 P u s hs w i t c h( F M M U T I N G ,M O N O ) ASG-092 A. ^ -\D I E d / s ffi RT3x6 Nut 871-004 Spacer AEC-248 PM3x8 I E' e I e ffi F u s e( 1 . 5 A ) AEK.104 I I o Washer 822-016 AF muting assembly AWM.101 i\ $ * Fuse(0.8A) AEK-I11 Insulator AEC-239 N TFuseclip RT3x6 RT3xO Fuse(4A) AEK.lOO $ r s I A K R . O I (3K w l T e r m i n a (l S P E A K E R S ) AKE-029 K A K R - O 3(O e' tu Fuseclip A K R - 0 1 (3K C ) Aw U l (KU} AKR.O3O S l i d es w i t c h( D E - E M P H A S I S ) ASH-015 l \ I r l t l d ) as RT3x6 fr H e a ts i n k ANH.117 RT3x6 .J5 NOTE: 11.4 PART 3 RF ASSEMBLYAWE-O72 Partsindicatedin greentype cannotbe supplied. V a r i a b l er e s i s t o r V a r i a b l er e s i s t o r ACV-161 Pushswitch ASG-093 S e l e c t osr w i t c h( F U N C T I O N ) ASD-048 P h o n ej a c k ( M l C ) AKN-011 871-004 PM 3x6 5 P c o n n e c t o sr o c k e t( R E C / P L A Y ) AKP-o11 Washer 822-016 T e r m i n a4l P AKB.O27 Variable capacitor ACK-012 T e r m i n a(l A N T E N N A ) AKE-028 Ffu\ J' l? -"^? u RT3x6 34 rut Dial pulley assembly AXA-066 six-s5c, WASHERSAND NUTS OF SCREWS, NOMENCLATURE The following symbols stand for screws, washers and nuts asshorvnin explodedview. Dascription Symbol Shape Shape D$cription Symbol I I @ EW E type washer nrrl FW Flat washer @ i l s: sw Spring lock washer @ N Nul F WN Washer faced nut Oval countersunk head tapping screw D: tTw Internal toothed lock washer @ i l PM Pan head machine screw 0E OTW Outernal toothed lock washer # l CM Countersunk head machine screw sc Slotted set screw (Cone pointl C E D ocM Oval countersunk head machine screw F= SF Slotted set screw (Flat point) c E l TM Truss head machine screw F HS Hexagon socket headless sel screw @ BM Binding head machine screw F ocw Oval counterzunk head wood screw PSA Pan head screw with spring lock washer GE cw Countersunkheadwood screw PSB Pan head screw with spring lock washer and f lat washer RW Round head wood screw PSF Pan head screw with f lat washer GH d: RT Brazier head tapping screw PT Pan head tapping screw BT Binding head tapping screw CT Countersunk head taPPing screw TT Truss head tapping screw ocT )- \D $ O E @fl D EXAMPLE T T -lensth | I in mm ( / ) d i a m e t e irn m m ( d ) Symbol trF ffi' FW 9dx1t L-tni"knessinmm(r) +' l-T I I inmm(d ) diameter q Symbol 35 12. SCHEMAf,IC DIAGRAMS. P.C.BOARD PATTERNS AND PARTS LISTS. 12.1 PARTSLIST MISCELLANEOUS NO?ES: :";:#:::::":":.:^i;'::i::':;f"::::::l,o{,un,*,*n CAPACITORS TR MM FR OIILLSS AN ND D CO T RAANNSSFFOORR ES RS Description Symbol T1 Power transformer T2 Bar-antenna assembly Part No. Description Part No. Symbol ATT.263 (KU) ATT-305 (KC) AX8.006 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 250v 125V 50v 50v 50v ACG-001 ACG-003 CKDYFt03z 50 C K D Y F 1 0 3 25 0 CKDYF 1032 50 c6 c7 c8 Electrolytic Electrolytic Ceramic 6,800 6,800 0.O1 35V 35V 50V ACH-055 ACH-055 C K D Y F 1 0 3 25 0 LAMPSAND FUSES Part No. Description Symbol Lamp assembly(8V, 3O0mA) Lamp assembly(8V, 30OmA) Lamp assembly(8V, 30OmA) Powerindicator (6V, 50mA) Stereoindicator {6V, 50mA) AEL.O6O AEL-O6O AEL-O6O AEL.O62 AEL-061 FU1 FU2 FU3 FU4 FU5 Fuse(4A) Fuse(4A) Fuse(0.8A) Fuse(0.8A) Fuse(1.5A) AEK.lOO AEK-1OO A E K - 11 1 AEK-l11 AEK.104 FU6 Fuse(4A) A E K . lO O PL1 PL2 PL3 PL4 PL5 RESISTOR R1 Part No. Description Symbol Carbon film 2.2M %w RDY.PS225J ExternalAppearanceof Transistorsand lCs 2 SA 8 16 2 S8 5 9 6 2 S D 3 1 3c 2S D 5 2 6 9roilt2trl41516 E c B 25A697 2sA725 ITFEg 2S,C1211w>-B 25C1312 llii33w,".", 89loll12l3l4 2sA7s8 ffi" i333i:^61'; 438 2SC1 36 ,"bHolsb['\ HAl156w-P 0USw TA7136P1 Indox 2sc461 ftz 2SC535€--l e 2sK55 ryGA DIAGRAM 12.2 SCHEMATIC ... i SWITCHES SI SPEAKERS 1. POWEROFF S5 2 f f i RF AsS'/ i 3 SP OFF + . S P B 5. SP A+B AWE-0?2 o,-zsciEil--l o,2StAWK-054 No.7 27 26 A W M . 1 0 1N o . 8( - 1 9 V ) A W K - 0 5 4N o . 3 2( - 1 9 V ) 3 ---- 1 + AWK-054No.13(+21V) + A w l \ i l - 1 0 1 N o . 6( + 2 1 V ) 12,4 AF AMPLIFIERASSEMBLY(AWK.O56} t; v R ,: 1 P E g 1 , CONIR|]L v8?, BASS 2l 30 l HIC Amp 15 3ov ll nto?,0'o ', I0NE Amp l6v E l 2 T U NE R 13.4V TONE Amp ' r6v' 31 HEADA'np3i -ts.?v a,12sc94sA 0,32SD313 #, ,rdfr,,rr33r, ;6 Rl 10| VzY^1) @o-o@ 5 P _B tsA' rn@ Qz @-tr @ \o /6 o -{F 1 65 6 P o62sf,1211 q0250526 06'4 0.8A f\oFUr l=' 08, IO FUa t5, rc E 25 3t A Cl 2 0 v "Additional ServicelManual For AWK-054 serviceinJormationreferto page2 of Q39 --. -.-* n5l i ti. j. r*. "'"&l : tst*#Ji&++ ,llllixT"W# t;t .#ll r.r*F E AWM-101 No.8(-19.2V)<--r AWE-072 No.2(-19.2V)L No.6(-16v) 1 AC 220/2+0V 5 0 / 6 0H r ;-l 6* rt I h41/lo :: ' & VRr VOLUIIECONTROL $., Q,52SAtl25 -z Q r , a n 2 S C 1 3 1 2* z MWER INO 8V 50nA lE ri6 i L ,,=, : X .E I _l DIAL INO 6V S0n'Ax3 4 six-s5o/HG 2.2 AF AMPLIFIERASSEMBLY(AWK-061} D I f i S .+- -r _d L_ Sw V R r, T F t s t t (0NrR0t !8, IIAS S .IN IHII ll ?r( l0 i ar2scr+38 : a62sct2ll qo250S26 R r o: 2 K .! 30v a,e2sc9,1s^ 0,32!03r3 0 , ,- 0 , . ll l6v F TUNER 134V ' I(lNE Amp l -t6v J &.-3.5r(oE250313 _32v -ls.?v u t r _ rr,.,8Z-320 IHG 0s 0s lP 2SCl21l 250526 rr:lr o99o =s '?:1\ : :: '..' n:l'6 D". r,. ERC0I-02'a fue @o-oo o38 039 Ifr 'l' T |fl,", H L_l o3t ,,,I {i* lll ;H--:i;"t* lr il 'l 'l' .nf _g*qffi--p' "-q,F.#,.,r,.^ |;a '-ti"- Bi'nii'" ',"--an-,.., r t*". r.. ----;jll!: o'?ili*-'*" **;;,r,it6vj-; u50 ,s. | , lii '''**;#1," ".i HlwEE'I --*:-5 I ., l-tFl " l"'.r|**ntr;'# 3! ao rlt / $ t " | , " ?scrrl I 151 {l 1.,. 'le|"rc ---I Ji',:" o'" l)4 ".;l!; ', o z, ""b. t-ffi"v;.1,i*-"-;.", y.;',.;r =;iil ,"3,,{u ^"v-F$-;1hl ? 'ja -i:i t-' -ffi'-15- Ji: st:#;-. *fu -i -4q;i:8"T,. '-ffi-. - t v"Qi*lflq A W E - 0 7 2N o . 6 ( - 1 6 V ) - - 3 1 AWIV'101 No.7 (-l6V) <- I 32 ."o-T* ":.* # l = I *::' I ' rg -til;-.::];nl--,,,u", A W M . 1 0N1o . 8( 1 9 . 2 f AWE-072 No.2 l-152V1+- z( 'H-*vf t 3"";"#"+l_ a-"**:- lll " "*.1 X . " I o " " l6V A W M - I 0 1N o . 1 < - Br-no 28 J A W E - 0 7 2N o . 1 8 ,N o . 3 5+ A W E - 0 7 2N o . 8( + 1 6 V )< - A W E - 0 7 2N o . 3( + 2 1 V )' A W M - 1 0 1N o . 6( + 2 1 V ) A W E . 0 7 2N o . Eix-s5Ct,/HGi BLU BLU 23 GRN GRN 19 ilhrl ftft H .-TI\.- {3 JJt :{-. ln"* ,nzzot. "F.' I RED IAWM-101 No.g 21PL ,9t., ( )r..@r..@ I"' I " n.t m,eT 30 tuaI 21 1]]l -1 Dtl ---------'AWM29 101 No.4 1 -AWM-101 No.s 2 3 --- k zAWM-101 No.2 .1**yE *" l?, o18 ri)2. ra6k + c-{ }- ""'dd:-. ,* - ,1,,i- # i t A W E - 0 7 2N o . 3 2( + 1 3 . 4 V "*,* {:t Xn '*v.l., __s, rt",,i"#'+t-t-t* "f* | 3a"- AWE-072No.28 lll t - 1 0 1N o . 1 < J \WE-072No.18,No.35 AWE.072No.8 (+16V) AWE-072 No.3(+21V) A W N 4 - 1N 0o 1 . 6( + 2 1 V ) A W E . 0 7 2N o . 7 S T E RE O I N D 14 13 12 !l o o o o AWE-072No.11 AWE-072No.12 AWE-072 No.26 AWE-072 No.27 AWE'072No.9 sx-sE'o/HG PartsList of AF Amplifier Assembly(AWK-0611 SEMICONDUCTORS Symbol o1 a2 o3 04 o5 Doscription RESISTORS Pan No. Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor 2SA79A-For G 2SA798-For G 2SC1438-8 or V 2SC1438-8or V 2 S C 1 2 l1- D o r E Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor 2 S C 1 211' D o r E 254697-Dor E 2SA697'Dor E 25D526-0or Y 2SD526O or Y o1 | 412 013 o14 015 Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor 258596-0or Y 258596-0 or Y 2 S D 3 1 3 - oEr D 2SC945A-Ror O 2 S D 3 1 3 - oEr D 016 Transistor 2SA816-0or Y D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 Diode Diode Diode 152413 152473 STV3H STV3H WO6A D7 D8 D9 D10 Daode Diode Diode Diode Diode W06A ERC01,02 E R C 0 -l 0 2 ERC01-02 ERC01-02 Symbol olo D11 D12 Diode D13 Diode D14 Diode D15 Zener diode 1S1886 or S1801-02 1S1886 or 51801-02 1St 886 o r 5 1 8 0 10 2 1 S1 8 4 6 or Sl B01-02 w2.140 o17 Zener diode BZ-320 SWITCHES Symbol Description s1 s2 Part No. ASA-042 ASG-092 corLs Symbol L1 I Doscription Choke coil Choke coil Pan No. ATH,O11 ATH,O11 Part No. Variable resistor l00kA2 Variable resisror 1O0kA2 Semi-Iexed resistor Sem;fexed resistor ACV r38 ACV,r38 c92-063 c92,063 R3 R4 R5 Carbon film Carbon {ilm Carbon film Carbon film Carbon film 10k 10k 3.3k 3.3k 't 0k RD%PSI O3J RD%PS1O3J RD%PS332J RD7.PS332J RD7.PS1O3J R7 R8 R9 R10 Carbon film Carbon film Carbon film Carbon film Carbon film 10k 2.1k 2.7k 56Ok 560k RD%PS1O3J RD%PS272J RD%PS272J RD%PS564J RD%PS561U Rl1 R12 R13 R14 R15 Carbon film Carbon film Carbon film Carbon film Carbon film 56k 56k 2.2k 2.2k 39k RD%PS563J RDY.PS 563J RDY.PS222J RD%PS222J RD7.PS393J R17 R't8 R19 R20 Carbon film C a r b o nf i l m Carbon film Carbon film Carbon film 39k 1.6k 1.6k 2.2k 2.2k RD%PS393J RD%PSI62J RD%PS162J RD%Ps222J RDY.PS222J R23 R24 R25 Carbon film Carbon film Carbon film Carbon film Carbon film 56k 56k 2.2k 2.2k 4.3k RD%PS563J RD%PS563J RD%VS222J RD%VS222J RD%PS432J R26 R27 R28 R29 R30 Carbon film C a r b o nf i l m C a r b o nf i l m C a r b o nf i l m Carbon film 4.3k 1.1k '1.1k 180 180 RD%PS432J R D % P S1 1 2 J RD%PS112J R D Y 4 V 1S8 I J R D % V S1 8 i J R31 R32 R33 R34 R35 Carbon film Carbon film Carbon film Carbon film Metal film 150 150 150 150 0.5 151J RD%PS R D % P S1 5 1 J R D % P SI 5 1 J R D % P S1 5 IJ R N 2 HO R S K R36 R37 R38 R39 R40 Metal film Metat fitm l \ / e t a tf i t m Carbon film Carbon film 0.5 0.5 0.5 10 10 R4l R42 R43 R44 R45 Carbon falm Carbon film Metal oxide Metal oxide Metal oxide VR2 VR3 R1 o6 o7 o8 Dsrcription R21 2W 2W 2W 2W 't0 t0 r50 150 1k 2W 2W 2W R N 2 HO R 5 K R N 2 HO R S K R N 2 HO R 5 K RD%PSF1OOJ RD%PSF1OOJ RD%PSl OOJ RD%PSl OOJ R S 2 Pr 5 1 K R S 2 P1 5 rK R S 2 P1 0 2 K Part No. Descript ion Symbol P6rt No, Description Symbol ccDsl s60Ks0 c E A 2 2 l P6 R S 2 P1 0 2 K RD%PSF22OJ 1O2J RDY.PSF RD7.PS152J RD%PS212J c17 c18 cl9 c20 Ceramac Eleclrolytic Electrolytic Electrolytic Electrolytic 56p 220 220 47 47 50v I 6v I RD7.PS163J RD%PS153J RD7.PS332J 911J RD%PS RD%PS432J c2l c22 c23 c24 c25 Ceramic Ceramic Electrolyric Electrolytic C€ramic 22p 22p 100 100 1oop sOV I sov I 510 3.6k R T s B7 5 1 K RDY,PSF22OJ R D Y . P S5F1 1 J R D T a P5S1 1 J RD%PS362J c27 c2a c29 c30 Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic 1OOp 100p 't00p 0.04 0.04 50v 50v 50v 50v 50v c c D s l 1 0 1 K5 0 ccDsl 10'lK 50 c c D s Lr 0 1 K5 0 CKDYF 4032 50 cKDYF403250 R65 Carbon film Carbon film Carbon film Carbon film Carbon film 1.1k 3.9k lk 11k i 5k R D 7 4 P1S1 2 J RDr/.PS392J RD7.PS1O2J RD7.PS113J RD7.PS153J c31 c32 c33 c34 c35 Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.or 0.0r 15OV] 150v 150v I 150v I 150v I ACG-004 AcG-004 AcG-004 AcG-004 ACG-004 R67 R68 R69 R70 Carbon film Carbon Iilm Carbon lilm Carbon film Carbon film 15k 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 R D % P S1 5 3 J RD%PSF5R6J RD%PSF5R6J RD%PSF5R6J RD%PSF5R6J c37 c38 c39 c40 Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Electrolytic Electrolytic 0.01 o.ol 0.01 220 100 1s0v I 1s0v I r50v I 50v I AcG-004-0 AcG.004-0 AcG-004-0 c E A2 2 1 P5 0 Carbon film Carbon film Carbon film 11k 120k 120k R D % P S11 3 J RD%PS124J RO%PS124J '100p R7l R72 R73 100 'to0 50v I r6v I 2sv I Electrolytic 470 sov I ceo+zteso c46 c47 c48 c49 c50 Electrolytic Electrolytic Electrolytic 220 220 100 5 0 v I c E A2 2 1 P5 0 50 50v CEA221P 35 35V C E A1 0 1 P L c5'l Electrolytic R46 R47 RZIS R49 R50 M e t a lo x i d e Carbon tilm Carbon film Carbon film Carbon film 1k 22 lk 1.5k 2.7k R51 R52 R53 R54 R55 Carbon film Carbon {ilm Carbon film Carbon film Carbon lilm 16k 15k 3.3k 910 4.3k Wire wound Carbon film C a r b o nf i l m 75O 22 510 Carbon film Carbon film R57 R58 R59 R60 R61 R63 2W 5W CAPACITOBS Pan No. Description Symbol c1 c2 c3 Efectrolytic Electrolytic Mylar Mylar 4.7 4.7 0.00'12 0.0012 25V 25V 50V 50V c5 Mylar 0.0056 sov C E A N L4 R 7 P2 5 C E A N L4 R 7 P2 5 c o M A 1 2 2 J5 0 coMA 122J50 coMA 562J50 c6 c7 c8 c10 Mylar Mylar Mylar Mylar Mylar 0.0056 O.O22 O.O22 0.06a 0.068 50V sOV 50V 50V 50V coMA coMA coMA coMA coMA cl1 c12 c13 c14 cl5 Electrolytic Electrofytic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic 'l 25V 25V 50V 5OV 50V c s z A 0 1 0 M2 5 cszA 01orvl25 ccDSL 560K 50 ccDsL 560K 50 ccDsL 560K 50 10 1 56p 56p 56p 562J 50 223J 50 223J50 683J 50 683J 50 c42 c43 c44 c45 Ceramic Electrolytic Electrolytic -....'.. 6v 2sv 25v 6v 6v sov I ceazzreo cEA 470P25 CEA47OP25 I ] CCDSL220K 50 ccDsL 22oK 50 I centorpo I cearoree c c D s l 1 0 l K5 0 sov I cer rotnso c c D s l 1 0 1 K5 0 cEArolPt6 c€A i0r: 25 I 100 ,uu | "ao ''o*,u 't o0 35V I C E A 1 0 1 P3 5 OTHERS Descriptaon Symbol Fuseclip Part No. AKR.OlO sx-sss5c,/HG R E A RP A N E L Line voltage selector AKX-037 AC socket (tNLET) AKP.OOS T e r m i n a2 l P AKC-030 Socket(FM Antenna) AKP-o16 2.4 MISCELLANEOUS PARTSLIST Only components that differ from model are listed below. those used in the KC CAPACITORS FUSES Symbol FU1 FU2 FU3 FU4 FU5 FU6 Description Fuse Fuse Fuse Fuse Fuse Fuse 44 4A 1A 1A 1.6A 2A Part No. AEK-4OO AEK.4OO AEK-402 AEK-4O2 AEK-405 A E K - 0 17 Symbol c1 c2 c9 Symbol T1 L1 Doscription Power transformer R F c h o k e - c o i l 1 0 1k Part No. ATT.327 T24-030 Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic 0.01 0:O1 0.01 Part No. 50V 50V 25OV C K D Y A 1 0 3 25 0 CKDYA 1032 50 ACG-001 OTHERS Symbol COIL AND TRANSFORMER Description E),escription Top plate AF amplif ier assembly O p e r a t i n g i n s t r u c t i o n s ( E n g li s h ) (German/ Frrinchl Packing case Part No. A N E -1 3 1 AWK-061 ARB-183 ARD-093 AHD-350 3. SX-550/s MODEL 3 . 1 R E A RP A N E L ffi AC power cord ADG-OO2 \ 6-, Linevoltageselector AKR-031 De-emphasis switch ASH-017 3 . 2 M I S C E L L A N E O UPSA R T SL I S T Only components that'differ model are listed below. from those used in the KC FUSE OTHERS Symbol FU6 Description Fuse Part No. 44 (110V.120V) 2A (220V,240V1 Symbol A E K . lO O AEK-103 T1 CAPACITORS Symbol c1 c2 Description Ceramic Ceramic. 0.01 0.01 Part No. 2SOV 2SOV ACG-001 ACG-O01 Description Top plate AF amplifier assembly Power transformer Capacitor cover Vinyl bage Fuse 2A Fuse 44 O p e r a t in g i n s t r u c t i o n s Packing case Part No. ANE-131 AWK.O59 ATT-323 AEC-099 Eil-033 AEK-103 A E K . lO O AR8-182 AHD-348 3.3 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM RF Ass'/ SVYITCHES; sr SPEAKERS I. POWEROFF 2 SF'T 3. SP ,OFF +. SPts 5. SP A+B AwE -o?2 )5 l , Sz q^ vJ t0P 3000: F:!t.,r l ,::,1 S+ - ,:', - oFF l- LOUDNESS OFF - CAPAC.ITORS; turF uNLEss 0rl ON l-l FUNCTION I At1 2. FM 3. PHONO 4 AUx/t1tC m0N0 -.o;uNrroR RESI$TORS; lN OHM, l,/4w, 15 OTfiERWISENOTE DE EI1PHASIS 50^,S-251^S ?5,.,S- FM tvlUTtNG 0N '1OFF Mnntr "S"ienfo TAPE MONITOR2 oFF 0N 1 0N v : SIGNALv0L-,A 14V,/gQ oUTP : DC VOLTAGEA (LINE VOLTAOE) F U S EH O L D E R I . ' 0 v A . l z o v 3 . 2 2 0V 4 . " 4 0 V P r. R ' rl -, )tc.F MET o @ a 032SC46l -# cr Dr z & 9 ' a CJ 4'10 ' ' --l AM BARAIJT '. rs2 C1033/10 1 16 2 15 4 3 5 0. HAils? 6 14 :Sl .: ll 16 t3 t2 [3vlew ti a r "eS l o ? 062SC9 r0/16 Ru, G6;il R cn L ctr :. :; r',,,',,-1::' lr"-fl vrc iH l ?u; Ql,0s 2SA'12 Ce,r{l/lo; VRz BALANCE CONTROL VR: r6'rti 0r, Q,rZSCl3l2 xz L l - Q^Crcc V0LUffi CONTR0L Qr.,Q'52SA?25 'z PHoN0 f clt r.ot{4 PHONO Lcx REC PE REC PB LJ 15 o J-nsv 41K 1 olcta.'hs f-i 5l cL s .5 t*_: 4 R cn l-rSE r_cn si)(-55o./s AF flUT ASS'7 Awtl - l0l -.---i 3 I REStgfoRs; lN, OHM, 1/4Y'l , t5o/o T0LERANCEUNLESS f'1: MO 0THERWISEN0TED K : kO I I t : CAPAC.ITORS; n\, ur uNLEss orHERwtSENOTED P , PF : L 2SA?33 | V I 1 S I G N A LV O L T A G EN E C E S S A R OYB T A I N I N G (lK Hr) t 4 v , / 8 Q O U T P U TP O W E R ! . : D C V O I T A G L A T N 0 I N P U TS I G N A L . fEl= i "l - o"o. Sng-H', h,;.WO-&{ Q,,0 , 'z PL5 8! 50 mA 258596 I STEREO IND L65bP d. furo( rN0 OYSUhY 3 d = ;,u; I@ooo Cs & s 0.068 O (-) j VRI TREBLE VR, BASS 6W- P 4 5 F oiilzscl2llxz 9 O ,d c) Rn&Ztt = S ltrrt.g o e &. rI135, ( 1_ rl^s os, Qto 250526*e Csl;fl-tQa AF AssT Av{K-osg 41 : ll0,l20V 21: 2?0,2a0V VRr V0LUffiCONTR0L Q",0,,2SA125^z Q,o,Q,r2SC13l2xz AC. llov l20V 220v 240V 50/60 Hr *if;f't$3.s 't"-"^ l5t i J O^ @: t:'------+---4^^-i[.Are_Vgf,gff * i0f I L EZ-gW F U S EH o t D E RN o . POII'ER INO. 8V 50 rnA OIAL INO EV $0 nA 13 Eix-sE'o/si 3,4 AF AMPLIFIERASSEMBLY(AWK.Osg} E 41 42 4A R '1.2r, ? t 5z Sr C' 0.058 v R ,: 1 6 6 9 1 , CONIROT vR, EASS CONTROT , r n1 04zsc 56K 05zsctzfl | aD23D526 tlI C Amp 30v 0,.zSC945A o , r2 5 D 3 l 3 -D alSl886'a 3t Sv Q,345v Ra1 H E A DA n p 71V I 0 N EA m p1 l6V t1 E12 TUNFR t 34 V P ' r0NE.4hP.. HEAD Amp 32 - t3.2V D,,sz-320 /E Q, QS IP 2SC12ll 250526 J433Js3i 5 6X 2.28 r-r oTo R,56r( s,14F 71t< -l" l/rH B = @oo@ 1-2 lr = c,r R1056 r.ftre lg t . : J - 56K R4,ro L@^-_1. O S' r/'R 05?sct2t1 = o,,2SOs26 j " __l )(rs1886,4 :5!gSq^c r10,r20,220.240v s0/60H2 o39 o3a t._ y/"7 /l' l.l I I| :ll lI t II lll I 'llt 'l' r r o * l *I u ,,," 6_l .e36 ;Y-ibs=;'*-;' o37 "n1,"#+s,,##'| ' I ffi-Eh.:ti*,.*,. I I *. lx -,w'o* -++.' + si"*; t t"t " I !{t 15r!6 ----txrtq'ji \.{i""."" ; ".-Jii1-3.x0-- "P:'i*=,-.,$ fr .".,.i* I '""'"'t'A'"l*i;;ffi1 q- SglHi:g" - I "=g:;;- --*!rS I ., llf;l 1-l lo ro lelo.s ----+ ;: i.'.- - * ; - , . t " . r i +z*tolv.{rqt ."ii'*" 3 4 - l . r k 4 '-I rb ,,,t.4\rc '' || af!r-l, | a.r2rr I -jiffi?{ oza i}i _tlft 0""S, l--ma'*;n6i|}.'ft""""' o.' | - i!_56d e.,--.. o ^ -3,." n5y ritr"" ",r t#. ."3Fj-r{ ';".".fi.g-""$a -;tt *# **lH*;#'r'u;i'1' , 26 o -+; *f"- --*-,----l:aa_____. ,.^",, il;, y'": , "'og'--ffil''; Hvv---1 ",c) .u AWM-I01No.8(-19.2\r4-l AWE-072 No.2(-19.2\+32 ^41 AWE-072 No.6(-t6v) < 13t A W M - I 0 1N o . 7 ( - 1 6 V ) < l E-;-_l I l E " Ctr0oa # I oo,dfr t:h Hffiih, 4,2 41 40 35 36 l l + , l LAWE.072 No.3O T P it I LlwE-oz2 t to.zg 33 34 L - l T b 't -ilt;** _"Vf ' '*t"r,i'*,$ht* /r, 1 3 2 s.l | l l l 28 AWM-101No.1< -.1 , o . 3 5A W E - 0 7N 2 o . 1 8N AWE-072 No.8(+16V)-- A W E - 0 7N 2 o . 3( + 2 1 V ) < A W M - 1 0N 1 o . 6{ + 2 1 V ) AWE-072 No.7 sx-E'scl/s 3o--rr No.4 29---+AWM-101 1 -_+AWM-I01 No.5 2----t 3.---11AwM-1olNo.2 A W E _ 0 7N2o . 3 2( + 1 3 . 4 V ) No.28 AWE-072 STEREO IND 28 rl-t0j No.l
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