SY20 0884 3_VM370_Rel_6_Data_Areas_and_Control_Block_Logic_Mar79 3 VM370 Rel 6 Data Areas And Control Block Logic Mar79
User Manual: SY20-0884-3_VM370_Rel_6_Data_Areas_and_Control_Block_Logic_Mar79
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File N-o. 8370-36 Order No. 8Y20-0884-3 IBM Virtual Machine Facility/370: Data Areas and Control Block Logic Systems I Release 6 PLC 1 This publication, together with the VM/370 System Logic and Problem Determination Guide, Volumes 1, 2, and 3, is intended for use by system programmers responsible for updating VM/370. This publication contains descriptions of the major data areas and control blocks used by three of the components of VM/370, the Control Progra...TTI (CP), the Conversational Monitor System (eMS), and the Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS). To use this publication effectively and to understand it thoroug.llly, the following publications are prerequisite: IBM System/370 Principles of Operation Order No. GA22-7000 IBM OS/VS, DOS/VS, and VM/370Assembler Language, Order No. GC33-4010 --...--------- ----~ -- - - . --------.. -~- -~- This is a aajor revision of, and obsoletes. 5120-0884-2 and Technical Bewsletters 5B25-0413, 5125-0453, and 5125-0466. This edition applies to ~~!~ § R1~ 1 (Prograa Level Change) of the IE! Virtual !achine Facility/370, and to all subsequent releases unless otherwise indicated in new editions or Technical Bewsletters. Technical changes and additions to text and illustrations are indicated by a vertical bar to the left of the change. Changes are periodically aade to the inforaation herein; before using this publication in connection with the operation of IB! systeas, consult the latest I~~ ~st~!Ll1Q ~!Qli2[raphy, Order Ro. GC20-0001, for the editions that are aFplicable and current. Publications are not stocked at the address given below; requests for copies of IB! publications should be aade to your IE! representative or to the IB! branch office serving your locality. A fora for readers' coaaents is provided at the back of this publication. If the fora bas been reaoved, co.aents aay be addressed to IE! corporation, Y!/370 Publications, Dept. D58, Eldg. 706-2, P.O. Box 390, Poughkeepsie, lew york 12602. IB! aay use or distribute any of the inforaation yOu supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any Obligation whatever. Iou aay, of course, continue to use the infor.ation you supply. © copyright International 1979 Business !achines corporation 1916, 1977, Preface This publication contains descriptions of major data areas and control blocks used by the three major components of V"/370. The three cOllponents are: I • The Control Prograll (CP) I • The Conversational Monitor System (CMS) I • I The Remote Spooling Subsystem (RSCS) • • Facil!llL37.Q: Service Routi!!es 19qic, Order No. SY20-0882. RELATEr PUBLICATIONS Comllunications There are three sections appendixes, as follows: • 8afl!in~ £IQgIg~ and This putlication conjunction with: should be used in five "Section 1. CP Data Areas and Control Blocks" contains information about CP data areas and control blocks. "Section 2. CMS Data Areas and Control BloCKS" contains information on CMS data areas and control blocks. "Section 3. RSCS Data Areas and Control Blocks" contains information on RSCS data areas and control blocks. 1 Control Pr.Q.9!U (Q), Order No. 5Y20-0886 !olum~ !oly!~ (CM~), ~X~~~~ l Conversatienal MCni!.Q£ sys!~ Order No. Sy20-0887 ~~~2~~~~~~ Guide, Order No. GC20-i807 • "Appendix A. CP and RSCS Equate Symbols" contains assembler language equate symbols used by CP and RSCS to reference data. • "Appendix B. RSCS Control Areas" contains RSCS control areas that define constants and variables used during execution. • "Appendix C. RSCS Request Elements" contains RSCS request eleaents that are the tables used by RSCS for task-to-task communication. • "Appendix D. CMS Equate contains CMS equate symbols. • "Appendix E. Data Areas and Control Block References" contains information on the modules that reference data areas and control blocks. For information on how to use the fourth component interactive problem centrol system -- and its facilities, the hardware and software support perscnnel or the installation system programmer should use: IEM Virtual Machine Facility/370: !n!~~£!!ve pro~le~ CO~lrol system (IP~~) .!!§~I~ Guide, Order No. GC20-1823,. Symbols" OTHER VM/370 DATA AREAS AND CONTROL BLOCKS Some data areas and control blocks that affect VM/370 service and support programs are not included in this publication. Information on these data areas and control blocks can be found in the I~~ ViItua! This publication addresses and describes the major control blocks associated with CP, CMS, and RSCS. Generally, data areas, or scratch areas that are created and exist only during the execution ef a particular module are not described in this publication. In this publication, the data areas and control blocks are arranged in alphabetical order by DSECT name. The CMS and RSCS cOllponents operate under control of CP. Each component creates, updates, and erases its own control blocks and data areas. Preface iii Control blocks and data areas are blocks of related information applicable to one or aore system functions. They are usually defined by the DSECT instruction. The blocks can reflect current status, history information, or combinations of both, applicable to VM/310 functions. Control blocks and data areas provide the linkage and information for the user, the hardware, and the programs to vork as one entity for the successful execution of a job, task. or process. The following terms in this publication, refer to the indicated support devices: For every data area or control block, a statement is given that defines the use of the data area or control block. This statement is followed by a formatted block showing the fields defined in the data area or control block and the displacement into the DSECT of that field. • "2305" refers to IB! 2305 Fixed Storage, Models 1 and 2. Bead • "210x" refers to IB! 2101, 2102, and 2103 Transmission Control Units or the Integrated Communications Adapter (ICA) on the System/310 Model 135. • "2141" refers to the IBM 2141 and the 3161, unless otherwise specified. • "3210" refers to a series of display devices, namely, the IBM 3275, 3216, 3211, and 3218 Display Stations. A specific device type is used only when a distinction is required between device types. Information about display terminal usage also applies to the IBM 3138, 3148, and 3158 Display Consoles when used in display mode, unless otherwise noted. The formatted blocks for CP and CMS control areas are 8 bytes wide, showing two fullwords per line. RSCS control blocks are 4 bytes vide. Any information pertaining to the IEM 3284 or 3286 Printer also pertains to the IBM 3281, 3288, and 3289 printers, unless otherwise noted. !2te: One exception to this width rule is the formatting for PSA, where the control areas are given in 16-byte width. When the name of a field is too large to f it in t 0 the, ap_oin.ter to the definition of the field is used instead of the name of the field. This pointer usually takes the form A*1, A*2, etc. When there is a particularly large field (one that uses mere than three or four lines of the formatted block), ellipses are used in the block to show that the displacement of this field is larger than can be shown in the block. • "3330" refers to the IBM 3330 Disk Stor age, .Mo.dels 1, 2, or 11; the IE! 3333 Disk Storage and Control, Models 1 or 11; and the 3350 Direct Access Storage operating in 3330/3333 Model 1 or 3330/3333 Model 11 compatibility mode. • "3340" refers to the IBM 3340 Disk Storage, Models A2, B1, and B2, and the 3344 Direct Access Storage Model B2. The use of slashes in a field indicates that the field is reserved for IBM's use. • "3350" refers to the IBI! 3350 Access Storage Models A2 and native mode. • "310x" refers to IEM 3704 Communications Controllers. • The term "3105" refers to the 3105 I and the 3705 II unless otherwise noted. The formatted block is followed by listing-related information such as the hexadecimal displacement of the field into the DSECT, the name of the field and its definition in the listing, and a brief description of the contents and meaning of the field,. iv IBM VM/310 Data Areas and Control Blocks Logic and Direct E2 in 3105 Contents SU~MARY OF AMENDBENTS •• 1.% SECTION 1. CP DATA AREAS and CONTROL BLOCKS. • • • • • • •• • • • • .1 ACCTELOK: User Accounting Block. • • .2 ACBTELOK: Accounting Card Buffer Block •• 2 ALOCBLOK: DASD Cylinder Allocation Block .4 ESCBLOK: Binary Synchronous Communication Control Block • • • • • • • • • _ • • • • 6 BUFFER • • • • • • • • • _ • • • • • ____ .8 CCHREC: Channel Check Handler Record. _ .9 CCFARM: Communications Controller Parameter List • • • • • • ~ • • • • • • 11 CHIBLOK and CHYBLOK: Virtual Channel-to-Channel Adapter Control Elocks •• _• • • • • • • _ • • • _ • • • 12 CKPBLOK: Telecommunications Checkpoint Block • '. '. _ • • • • _ • • • 14 CONTASK: Console I/O Package • • • • • • 15 CORTABLE: Storage Allocation ~able • _ • 17 CPEIELOK: CP Execute Block . . . . . . . . 18 DDRREC: Reconfiguration Macro • • • • • • 19 D!PINREC: Dump File Information Record • 20 DMPKYREC: Dump File Key Storage Record • 21 D!PTEREC: Dump File Symbol Table Record. 21 ECBLOK: Extension to VMBLOK for Virtual !achine with Relocate • _ • • _ • 22 ERRELOK: Error Block Used to Build OBR/MDR • _. • .. • • • .. .. .. • • • 24 IOBLOK: I/O Task Control Block • • • • • 25 IOERBLOK: IIO Error Information Block. - 27 IRMBLOK: Intensive Error Recording Mode Elock. • • • • • • • • • •• • • • 31 JPSCELOK: Journaling and Password Suppression Control Block • • • • • • • 32 LOCKELOK: Userid Lock Control Block. 33 MCH!RE!: Machine Check Save Area • • • • 34 !CRECORD: Machine Check Handler Record 37 MDRREC: Miscellaneous Data Recording Record. _ • • • • ~ • .. • • • • • • • .. 38 MICBLOK: Virtual Machine Pointer List for VM/370 Hardware Assist . . . . . . . . 39 MIHREC: Missing Interrrupt Handler Error Record. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 40 MNHDR: VM/370 Monitor Record Header • • • 41 MNOOO: VM/370 Monitor Perform Class Record. • • • • • • • • . . . . . . . . . 42 MN001: VM/370 Monitor Perform Class Record. • • • • • • ~ • • • • • • • • • 45 MI097: VM/370 Monitor Header Records •• 46 MN098: VM/370 Monitor Trailer Record • '. 46 MN099: VM/370 Monitor Suspension Record. 47 M110I: VM/370 Monitor Response Class Records _ _ • • • • • • _ • • • • • • _ 47 MN20I: VM/370 Monitor Schedule Class Records • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 48 M1400: VM/370 Monitor User Class Record. 49 MN500: VM/370 Monitor Instruction Simulation Class Record • • • 50 MN600: VM/370 Monitor DASTAP I/O Count Records • • • .. • • • .. • • • • • • • • 51 MN602: Vft/370 ftonitor DlST!P Utilization Record • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 52 M1700: VM/370 Monitor Seeks Class Record 53 MN802: VM/370 Monitor System Profile Class • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 54 MNDEVLST: VM/370 Monitor Class 6 (DASTA P) Device List. • • • • • • • • • 55 MCNCOM: VM/370 Monitor Communications Area • • • • • • • _. • • • • • • • .56 MSSCOM: MSS Communications Control Block 59 NCPTBL: Named 3701 Control Program Table 60 NICBLOK: Network Interface Control Block 61 IPBTBL: Named 3800 Image Library Table. 63 OBBRECN: Unit Check Error Record (long Outboard Record). • • • • • • • • • • • 64 OBBREC: Unit Check Error Record (Short Cu tb oa rd Rec 0 rd). • • .. • • • • • • • • 66 OWIDLIST: CP-Owned Volumes List • • • • • 67 PAGTABLE : Translation Page Table • • • • 67 PGBLOK: Pseudo Page Fault Stack Block •• 68 PSA: Prefix Storage Area (Low Storage Lcca tions). • • • • • • • • • • • • 69 PWDIBLOK: Password Invalid Block • 78 REAL I/O CONTROL BLOCKS. • • • 79 Beal Channel Control Blocks. 79 Beal Control Unit Blocks • • 79 Beal Device Control Blocks • • 79 Input/Output Blocks. • • • • • _ .. 79 Network I nterface Control Block '. • 80 RCHBLOK: Real Channel Block. • • • • 81 RCUBLOK: Beal Control Unit Block • • 82 RCWTASK: Translated Virtual I/O CCWoo 84 RDEVBLOK: Real Device Block • • • • • • • 85 RECBLOK: DASD Page (Slot) Allocation Block • • • • • • • • • • • • • _ _ • • 89 RECPAG: Error Recording Page Record. 90 RSFLCTL: Beal Spooling Control Bloc~ 91 RSPIELOK: tteai Device Extens10n EloCK •• 91 SAVEAREA • .• • • • • • • • • • • • • 92 SAVTABLE: First Page on Saved system DASD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . oo. 93 SDRBLOK: Statistical Data Recording Block • • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • 94 SEGTABLE: Translation Segment Table • • • 95 SFBLOK: SFool File Block • • • • • • 96 SHCBLOK: Spool Hold Queue Block • • • • • 98 SHETABLE: Named-Shared Segment Systems Table • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 99 SFLINK: SFool Page Buffer Linkage Block.1eO SWPTABLE: Swap Table for Virtual Machine Paging • • • • • • • • • • • • • 101 SYSLOCS: System Low Storage Information Block. • • • • • • • • • •• • •• 102 SYSTBL: Named System Table. • • .103 TNSREC: "T" Type Record Format (Environmental Recording) • • • • .104 TREIT: Virtual Machine Tracing Extension to VMBLOK • .. • • • • • • • .105 TECBLOK: TOD Clock Comparator Request •• 107 UDBFBLCK: User Directory Buffer Block •• 108 UDEVBLOK: User Device Block. • .109 UDIRBLOK: User Directory Block • • • • • 110 Contents v UMACELOK: user Machine Block. .111 VIRTUAL I/O CONTROL BLOCKS. • .113 Virtual Channel Blocks. • • .113 Virtual Control Unit Blocks • • • • • • 113 Virtual Device Blocks. • • • • • 113 VCHBLOK: Virtual Channel B l o c k . 1 1 4 VCONCTL: Virtual Console Control Block .115 VCUBLOK: virtual Control unit Block • • • 116 VDEVBLOK: Virtual Device Block • . • • • • 117 VFCBELOK: virtual Forms Control Buffer Elock • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 120 VMABLOK: Shared Systems Control Addition to VMBLOK • • • • '• • • • • • • 120 VMBLOK: Virtual Machine Control Block • • 121 VMCBLOK: Virtual Machine Communication Block. _ • • • • • • • • • • • .128 VMCMHDR: VMCF Message Header • • • _ •• 129 VMCPARM: VMCF Parameter List • • • _ • • 130 VRRBLOK: Virtual ReservejRelease Block .131 VSPLCTL: Virtual Spooling Control Block.132 VSPXELOK: virtual Spool Extension Block.133 IINTELOK: External Interrupt Block • • • 134 IOBR3211: Extended Outboard Recording Block. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 135 SECTION 2. CMS DATA AREAS AND CONTROL BLOCKS. .• • • • • • • • • • • ,• • • 137 AETAB: Abend Termination option Table •• 138 AEWSECT: Abend Recovery Workspace. ..139 AtTSECT: Active Disk Table _ • • • • • • 140 AFTSECT: Active File Table • ~ • • • • . • 143 ANCHSECT: Anchor Table • • • • • • _ •• 145 EATLSECT: CMS Batch USEr Job L i-a its .... ,,146 EEOI: Boundary Box • • • • • • • • • • • 146 EGCOM: DOS/VS Partition Communication Region • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 147 CMSTAXE: Terminal Attention Exit Element • • • • • • • • _ • • • • • • • 149 CVTSECT: Communication Vector Table as supported by CMS • • • • • • • • • • • • 150 DEGSECT: Debug Work Area. '• • • • • • • 152 DEVSECT: Device Table DSECT • • • • • • . • 156 DFVTAE: Device Table • • • • • • • • • • 157 DIOSECT: Disk I/O Work Area • • • • • • • 160 DMSCCB: Command Control Block. .162 tOSSECT: DOS Simulation Control Block •• 164 EDCB: Edit Control Block • • • • • • • • 166 ERDSECT: Error Handling Routine DSECT •.• 174 EXTSECT: External Interrupt Work Area •• 177 EXTUAREA: External User Area • • • • • • 179 FCBSECT: Simulated OS Control Blocks •• 180 FCBTAB: Fetch Table. • • • • • • • .184 FICL: First In Class Block • • • • • • • 185 FRDSECT: Free Chain Element Header Elocks. • • • • • • • • • • • • • .• 186 FSCBD: File System Control Block • .188 FSTD: File Status Table Entry DSECT •• .189 FSTSECT: File Status Table • • • • • • • 190 FVSECT: Fixed Variable Storage Work Area for CMS File System • • • • • • • • 191 IHADECB: Data Event Control Block • • • • 195 IOSECT: I/O Interrupt Save Area • • • • • 196 KEYSECT: Disk Key Table DSECT for BDAM Simulation • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 197 LtRST: Loader Storage Area • • • • • • • 198 LUETAB and LUEPR: Logical Unit Block Table • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 202 vi NICL: Number in Class. • • • • • • .204 NUCON: Nucleus Constant Area • • • .205 OFSECT: Major CSECT for all I/O Operation Lists • • • • • • • • • • • • 219 OSFST: OS File Sta tus Tatle. • • • .222 OVSECT: Describes the First Few Lccations of DMSOVS • • • • • • • • • • 224 PCTAB: Progra II Check Option Tabl e. .224 PDSSECT: Directory Table for EPAM Simulation. • • • • • • • • • • • .225 FGMSECT: Program Interrupt Work Area •• 226 PIBADR: Program Information Block • • • • 227 PIB2TAB: Program Information Block Extension • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 228 PUBADR: Physical Unit Block Table • • • • 229 PUBOWNER: Physical Unit Elock Ownership Table. • •• • • • • • • • • •• 230 SSAVE: System Save Area. • • • • • .231 SUBSECT: Subset Work Are a. • • • • • • .233 SVCSECT: SVC Interrupt Storage . • • • • • 234 SVEARA: LTA and PP Save Area DSECT • • • 238 SYSC08: System Communication Region • • • 239 SYSNA8ES: Saved Systems Names. .242 TSCBLKS: TSO Control Blocks. .243 USAVE: User Save Area. • • • • • • • 245 USERSECT: User Work Area • • • .245 SECTION 3. RSCS DATA AREAS AND CONTROL BLOCKS. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 247 ASINE: Asynchronous Exit Element • • • • 248 BUFDSECT: SML Telecommunications Buffer.249 COMDSECT: Address Constants as Pointers.250 DEVTABLE: NPT Device Table • • • • • • • 251 FR-EE-E·:-·A Free·Blelle-at on the SupervisorElement Cueue • • • • • • • • .252 GIVE Request Table • • • • • • • .253 GIVEE: A GIVE Element. • .253 IOE: An I/O Element. • • .254 IOTABLE: An I/O Table. • .255 LINKTABL: Link Table • • • • • • • .256 RE CBLOCK: NPT Request Block. .258 ROUTE: Routing Table Entry. .259 SVECTORS: Low Storage Definitions. .260 TAG: RSCS File Descriptor. • • • • .263 TAGAREA. • •• • • • • • • • • .265 TAKE Request Table • • • • • • • .265 TANKDSEC: S8L Unit Record Tank .266 TAEEA: A Task Save Area. • • .267 TASKE: A Task Element. .269 TCTDSECT: Task Control Tatle .270 AFPENDIXES • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 273 AFFENDIX A. CP and RSCS EQUATE SY8BOLS .275 VM/370 Device Classes, Types, 8odels, and Featurese 276 VM/370 EQUATE SYMBOLS -- Machine Usage .278 VM/370 EQUATE SYMBOLS -- Extended Centrel Registers • • • • • • • • • • • 279 VM/370 EQUATE SYMBOLS -- CP usage • • • • 280 VM/370 Registers • • • • .283 e AFPENDIX E. AIS Moniter REX Monitor SML Moniter IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic e ••••••••••• RSCS CONTROL Control Area Control Area Centrol Area AREAS • •• • .285 • • • • 286 • • • 287 • .288 • 291 AFPENtIX C. RSCS REQUEST ELEMENTS. • 292 Command ALERT Element Format A1. .292 Cper ational Notes. • • • • • 293 Command ALERT Element Format A2 • • • 293 Operational Notes • • • • • .294 Command ALERT Element Format LO • • .294 Operational Notes • • • • • Command ALERT Element Format L1 • • .296 .296 Operational Notes • • • • • .297 Command ALERT Element Format L2. .297 Operational Notes • • • • • Command ALERT Element Format L3 (also .298 Message Alert Element). .298 Operational Notes • • • e e 299 Command Request Element. .299 Operational Notes • • File Request Element • • • • • • 300 Operational Notes • • .300 Line Alert Element • • • • • • • 302 Operational Notes • • • • • • • 302 MeEsage Bequest Element • .303 CFeratienal Notes • • • • • • • • • • • 303 Pert Table • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 304 CFeraticnal Notes • • • • • • 304 Terminate Request Element • .305 CFeratienal Notes. • • .305 APFENDIX D. CMS EQUATE SYMEOLS • • • • • 307 CMS Usage Equates. • • • • • .308 CMS Register Equates. • • • • • • • 309 AFFENDIX E. DATA AREAS AND CONTROL BLeCK REFERENCES. • • • • • • .311 Cf Control Bleck References. .312 CMS Contrel Elock References • • 321 RSCS Control Elock References. • • • 326 Contents vii FIGURES Figure 1. Figure 2. viii CP Control Block Relationships ••••••••••••••• ~.1 CftS Control Block Relationships •••••••••• _ •• ~.137 IBft Vft/370 Data Areas and Control Block Lcgic Summary of Amendments for SY20-0884-3 VM/370 Release 6 PLC 1 3800-1 PRINTER SUPPORT of the active Monitor spool file frequently enough to support real time data reduction and display. Be!: Documentation and Program Support VM/370 now offers support for the 3800-1 unit as a dedicated virtual machine printer. The 3800~1 is also as a VM/370 spooling device. 3850-2 VIRTUAL MACHINE MSS SUPPORT !~!: Program and Documentation VM/370 now supports the 3850-2 MSS to permit most operating systems that are running in the virtual machine environment access to data on ftSS virtual volumes. SECURITY JOURNALIIG SUPPCRT !~; Program Feature VH/370 now supports the journaling of LOGONs and AUTOLOGs specifying invalid passwords and the journaling of all linkages. This is accomplished via the generation of type 04, OS, and 06 accounting records. The new support is specified in the SYSJRL macro in DMKSYS. 4331 AND 4341 PROCESSOB SUPPOBT PASSWORD-ON-THE-COMMAID-LIIE SUPPRESSION !~: !~!: program Feature Vft/370 now supports the suppression of the entering of passwords on the command line for LOGON, AUTOLOG, and LIIK. The intent is to force passwords to be typed upon a mask. The new support is specified via the SYSJRL macro in DMKSYS. It is optional and must be implemented at system generation time. Privilege class A users can use the JOURNAL operand of either the SET or QUERY commands. MULTIPLE ALTERNATE CONSOLE SUPPOBT !~!: program and Documentation VM/370 supports 4331 and 4341 processors offering compatibility with the new model IDs as well as the S/370 BAS funciton subset. MISCELLANEOUS !~: Documentation and Program The following features and enhancements are now supported by VM/370. • 3203-5 Unit • Special Messages facility • Trace Table size generation option • Modification handling • 3031 Alternate Processor • 12 and 16 Megabyte Processors • Directory hooks Program and Documentation VM/370 supports the specification of multiple alternate consoles at system generation time. MONITOB ENHANCEMENTS SUPPORT of as a Shared system Segment Ne!: Program and Documentation VM/370 supports the enhancement to the Monitor module which permits the analyst the option to specify periodic closing Summary of Amendments ix Suamary of Aaendments for SY20-0884-2 as updated by SN25-0461 VM/370 Release 5 PLC 12 VARY PROCESSOR SUPPORTED BY VM/370 !~!: Documentation and Program Support When a system h~s been generated for attached processor operations, use of a command, VARY PROCESSOR new ONLINE/OFFLINE, facilitates the transition to or from uniprocessor mode on the main processor. This command can be used to vary a specified processor offline or online without any serious disruption to systea users. x IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Blocks Logic summary of Amendments for SY20-0884-2 as updated by SN25-0453 VM/370 Release 5 PLC 6 ALTERNATE TRACK FOR 3340/3344 NOW SUPPORTED BY VM/370 Mew: Documentation and Program Support New code has been added for VM/370 support of 3340;3344 alternate track facility~ These changes affected the following modules: IOBLOK IOERBLOK Summary of Amendments xi xii IBM VM/370: Data Areas and Control Blocks Lcgic "'IiI .... t-i \0 Ul~ ~. ~ 1'1 .... gUl eUl PSA (Prefix Storage Areal (1) ASYSVM -I--- --- Ul (1) r+~ n CORTI\BLE n CORVM CORFPNT CORBPNT I:I"~. (1)0 1'11:1 I'd (1)0 0 1:1 ..... 0 PI 1:1 r+ r+r+ 1'1 CORFPNT 0 ..... ~'PI o CORBPNT 1:1" ..... CORFPNT ~·OI CORBPNT 0 ~(1) 0 CORSWPNT CORPGPNT ~ Ul Ul ---1---_ 0 01'1 !XI /-t)~. (1) ..... O~ r+ 1:10 o PI 0 1:1 Main 1/0 Link Ul I:J" ..... 0 t:f/-t) .~ vc.U'WK. 8K. ~. I'd Ul ..... r+ 01:1" ECBLOK ~(1) UlEl en PI r+w. (1) 0 r+ 00 (1) 1'1 PIn EXTCPTRQ ~. 0 1:1 001 r+~ n ~PI It1 t::I PI S.HADOW r+ PI ~ 1'1 IT) PI Ul PI 1 ___ n_" IL--J n r+ 1'1 0 ..... tJj ..... NICBLOK ~ 'J' SHADOW SEGTABLE SEGPAGE I . :::l ...Jr, ("') ." C HPI 1'1 Q) PI Q) (1) Ul PI 1:1 OJ 0 0 1:1 ti· H 0 1-' b" 1-' 0 n ="" rn r+ » ... CD Q) en Q) :::l C. ("') 0 :::l r+ ... • 2- ~ txJ 0 0 X" ~ n O· g.1'd .... 0 1:1 ~. r+1:I ~Ul ~. 01 • Ul Ul ttl 1:1 ~ 1:11:1 ~. Ul \,Q .... (D ,:::: H 0" (') " en ACCTBLOK, ACNTBLOK lCCTBLOK provides header information points to ACCTBLOK. for spool files. o ACCTUSER 8 ACCTACNO 10 ACCTDIST Field Name Hexadecimal Displacement 0 8 10 The VMACCUBT field in the VMELCK Field Description, Contents, Meaning ACCTUSER DS ACCTACNO DS ACCTDIST DS CL8 CL8 CL8 ACCTLENG EQU (*-ACCTBLOK)/8 Size of ACCTBLOK in doublevords (X'03') Virtual machine identification Virtual machine accounting number Virtual machine distribution number ACNTBLOK provides accounting and statistical information on each user that bas used VM/370 facilities. The ARSPAC field in the Prefix Storage Area (PSA) Foints to the start of the chain ef ACNTBLOKs. o ACNTCCW ACNTNEXT 8 ACNTDATA r 58 Hexadecimal Displacement ------------ 2 ACNTBACK I Field Name Field Description, Contents, Meaning -------------------------------------- 0 8 C ACNTCCW DS ACNTNEXT DS ACNTDATA DS D F CL80 Punch CCW fer accounting card Address of next ACBTBLOK in chain Accounting information (see "Fermat for Oser Cards") Address of previous ACNTBLCK in chain 5C ACBTBACK DS F ACNTSIZE EQO C*-ACBTBLOK) /8 Size of ACN'IBLOK in doublewcrds (X'OC') IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic ACNTBLOK • Format for User Cards The fields below represent the 80 bytes defined by ACNTIATA in the ACNTBLCK data area. ACNTUSER 8 10 ACNTOSER (cont.) 10 ACNTNOM (cont.) 20 ACNTNOM ACNTSTOP 28 ACNTCONT ACNTTIME 30 ACNTVTIM ACNTPGRD 38 ACNTPGWT ACNTIOCT 40 ACNTPNCH ACNTLINS 48 I IIIIIII/IACNTR SV 111/11/1/11111 ACNTCRDS 50 --------------------------------------------------------1 III ACNTRSV1 (cont.)IIIIIIIIII/II/ACNTRSV2111/1111111111 58 III A*1 Hexadecimal Displacement ----------- IIIII ACNTCODE Field Name Field Description, Cont~=~s, Meaning C 14 1C 28 2C 30 ACNTOSER ACNTNOM ACNTSTOP ACNTCONT ACNTTIME ACNTVTIM ORG DS DS DS DS DS DS ACNTDATA CL8 CL8 CL12 1F 1F 1F Virtual machine identification virtual machine accounting number Date and time of accounting MMDDYYHHSS Number of seconds connected Milliseconds of processor time used Milliseconds of virtual processor time used 2C 30 ORG ACNTDEVC DS ANCTNCYL DS ACNTTIME XL4 1H Device code (CTF!); see the DEVTYPE copy file Number of cylinders of T-disk sFace 34 38 3C 40 44 48 4C 54 5A ACNTPGRD ACNTPGWT ACNTIOCT ACNTPNCH ACNTLINS ACNTCRDS ACNTRSV1 ACNTRSV2 ACNTCODE 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 2F XL6 1H Total page reads Total page writes Virtual 510 count for nonsFooled 1/0 Virtual card count for spocled Funch Virtual line count for spooled Frinter Virtual card count for spooled reader Reserved for IBM use Reserved for IBM use Accounting card identification code £g!£ DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS £gg~§ DC DC DC DC fg! ACNTCODE C'Co'C'x1' C'x2' C'x3' User User User User formatted accounting card virtual machine accounting card dedicated device accounting card temporary disk space accounting card where: X---C x =0 if the card is initiated via a DIAGNOSE Code X'4C' if the card is initiated via CP command Frocessing Section 1. CP Data Areas and Control Blocks 3 ALOCBLOK ALOCBLOK provides information on the temporary disk space availatle to a virtual machine. The RDEVALLN field in the RDEVBLOK points to the ALOCELCK. o 8 10 Hexadecimal Displacement o 4 6 8 ALOCPNT ALOC8AI i 1 ------------------------------------------------------1 ALOCNTMP t//////////////////////////////////////////I ------------------------------------------------------1 ALOC!UP 1 Field Name Field Description, Contents, 8eaning ALOCPNT ALOCUSED ALOCMAI ALOCNTMP DS DS DS DS DS 1F 18 18 18 38 Pointer to next lLOCELOK on chain Number of nontemporary cylinders Maximum number of cylinders available Number of nontemporary cylinders Reserved for IBM use ALOCMAP DS OF Cylinder allocation bit mat A 10 ALOCUSED Bits defined in ALOCMIP (j-;;-cylinder is available 1 = Cylinder has been assigned Note: The size of ALOCftAP is ~ariable and depends uton the number of cylInders on the device. Generally. the size of the lLOCELCK is determined by the following formula: No. of Cylinder (ALOCIUI+63) ALOCSIZE(doublevords) = -----------64 + 2 = ------------------Bits per doublevord + vhe!~: lLOCM11 for for for for for for for for for for for for 2305-1 2305-2 2314 3330-1 3330-2 3330-11 3333-1 3333-11 3340-35 3340-70 3350 all others = = = = = = = = = = 48 cylinders 96 cylinders 203 cylinders 404 cylinders 404 cylinders 808 cylinders 404 cylinders 808 cylinders 349 cylinders 698 cylinders 555 cylinders 1 cylinder Note that any bits in the map that represent cylinders nct present on the device are set to 1. 4 6 ORG ALOCCYL1 DS ALOCCYL2 DS ALOCUSED 1H 1H First cylinder of T-disk area Last cylinder of T-disk area ~I!~ g~!ined !D !~OCMIP X·OO· = Cylinder is available 4 IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic header lLCCBLOK I'AA' = Cylinder has been allocated Note: The size of the T-disk ALCCMAP is variable aDd depends upon the nu.ber of cylinders in the range ALOCCYL1 to ALOCCYL2. Generally, the size of a given block is determined by the following formula: (ALOCCYL2-ALOCCYL1+1+7} ALOCSIZE(doublevords) = { ------------~--------- +2 = + header { ~~~~::-~:-:::~~~::~~~::~:~~:~--} Bytes per doublevord Note that bytes for cylinders that are not available are marked assigned. Section 1. CF Data Areas and Centrol Elocks 5 BSCBLOK ESCBLOK provides status, control information buffers (necessary for polling and addressing), and channel progra.s for 3270 re.ote equipment. The BDEVESC field in the RDEVBLOK points to the BSCBLOK. o BSCSCCW1 8 BSCSCCW2 10 BSCSCCW3 18 BSCPCCW1 20 BSCPCCW2 28 BSCPCCW3 30 BSCPCCW4 38 BSCECCW1 40 BSCECCW2 48 BSCUECCW 50 BSCSEL 58 B*2 1 B*3 I 60 1 BSCINDEX B*1 I//////////BSCRISVD/////////// I BSCSPTR BSCAUSER 1----------------------------------------------------BSCUCOPY BSCRSTRT 1----------------------------------------------------1 BSCCNT 1 BSCSENSE BSCRCVD BSCSEND 1--------------------------------------------------1//////BSCUSER1///////////1 BSCRROBN 1----------------------------------------------------I BSCTMRQ BSCRESP 68 1 70 78 80 I------------------------------------~ 88 I 6 BSCREAD IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic ESCELOK Hexadecimal Displacement o 8 10 18 20 28 30 38 40 48 50 57 Field Name BSCSCCi1 BSCSCCi2 BSCSCCW3 BSCPCCi1 BSCPCCi2 BSCPCCi3 BSCPCCi4 BSCECCi1 BSCECCi2 BSCUECCi BSCSEL BSCFLAG Field Description, Contents, !eaning DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS 1D 1D 1D 1D 1D 1D 1D 1D 1D 1D 7X 1X B*1 §it§ g~!ined in BSCF1!G BSCRVI EQU -1-;80-;-BSCENQ EQU X'40' BSCCOPY EQU X'20' BSCOPIED EQU X'10' BSCREGEN EQU X'08' BSCTSTRQ EQU X'04' BSCLOG EQU X'02' BSCSCAN EQU X'01' 58 BSCFLAG1 DS ~it§ g~!!~Q BSCETB BSCIGN BSCPA 1 BSCINBID BSCFORCE BSCHALT EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU 1X B*2 BSCELOK flags in BSCFLAG1 Station transmitted tlock record Ignore block record Indicator to call DMKCF!BK Initial bid sequence required User FORCE in progress Halt I/O has been issued fcr this device X'40' X'20' X'10' X'08' 1'04' BSCLINE DS BSCINDEX DS 1X 1H 5C 60 BSCRESVD DS BSCSPTR DS 4X 1F 64 68 6C 70 72 74 76 78 7C 80 84 86 BSCAUSER BSCUCOPY BSCRSTRT BSCCNT BSCSENSE BSCRCVD BSCSEND BSCUSER 1 BSCRROBN BSCTMRQ BSCRESP BSCREAD 1F 1F 1F 1H 1H 1H 1H 1F 1F 1F 1H CL264 BSCSIZE1 EQU BSCSIZE2 EQU BSCSIZE EQU Sending RVI response Enqueued in data from station COPY function is active Initiate COpy function Regeneration error Ignore input precessing Eypass FORC! message at logoff Second scan for write request -X'80-'-- 59 5A DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS CCi for write reset operation CCW for addressing or selection CCli for read response to selection CCli for write reset operation CCli for general/specific polling CCli for NOP command CCli for read text CCW for write error response CCW to transfer control to read CCW CCW for read response on time-out Addressing/polling entry ESCELOK flags B*3 Line coordinate for input area Index value for available space in inFut buffer Reserved for IBM use Write CCi string address and/cr address of buffer Address of active resource Address of COpy requestor's NICELOK Address of restart CCli string Retry count Sense bytes from remote staticn Expected received ACK (ACK-0/ACK-1) Sending ACK (ACK-0/ACK-1) Reserved for IB! use Address of active user in queue Pointer to TRQBLOK for poll delay Response buffer for selecticn Read buffer for polling *- (ESCREAD+ 1) Read buffer size in bytes (BSCREAD-BSCBLOK) ESC header size in bytes (*-ESCBLOK+7)/8 ESC blocksize in doublewords (X'19') Secticn 1. CP Data Areas and Control Elocks 7 BUFFER BUFFER is a buffer area that contains console inFut to te used by CP. in the VCONCTRL block points to BOFFERM o BOFIN BUFNXT 88 Bexadeciaal Displacement -----------0 88 8C EUFCNT Field Naae BUFIN BUFNXT BUFCNT Field Description, Ccntents, !eaning DS DS DS CL136 1F 1F Input line Pointer to next byte in BUFFER Count of characters in input line Bits defined in BUFCNT BUFINLTHEOU --L'BUffi' BUFSIZE 8 The VCONREOF field EOU (*- BUFFER) Size of input line in bytes (136) /8 Size of console buffer in doublevords (X'12') IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic CCBREC CCBREC provides statistical data for error recovery and/or error recording previously Ferfor.ed channel operation that did not successfully complete. o i C*1 1 C*2 I C*3 C*4 10 CCB!DL CCCPUID 18 CCPROGID 20 FAILADD 30 FAILCCW 38 FAILCSW CCBCUA C*7 CCB!CEL CCBCHCUA CCBCLCGL CCBLOG 50 Bexadecimal Displacement I/C*6//1 CCDIVTYP FAILECSW 40 o 1///CCSW2REV//1 C*5 CCDATE 8 48 related to a Field Name Field Description, Contents, !eaning CCRECTIP CCOPSIS CCSW1 CCSW2 CCSW2REV DS DS DS DS DS 1X 1X 1X 1X 2X t:. CCRECNT DS 1! 7 8 10 14 CCRECNT1 CCDATE CCCPUID CCBMDL DS DS DS DS 1X 1D 1F 1B 16 CCB!CEL DS 1B 18 20 30 38 40 CCPROGID FAILADD FAILCCW FAILCSW FAILECSW DS DS DS DS DS 1D SB 1D 1D 1F Record type Operating system Switch 1 switch 2 Reserved for IB! use Record count Reserved for IB! use Date and time Processor identification Processor model number (for example, 0158, 0168, etc.) Maximum length of machine extended logout area (model dependent) User identification Active I/O units Failing CCW Failing CSW Failing ECSW 40 ORG FAILECSW IGPRGFLG DS CL1 Program flag bits 1 2 3 4 U ~it§ g~fined CCBSIOB CCBINTB CCBTIO CCBBIO CCBSNSB CCBCNTB CCBNRIB EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU C*1 C*2 C*3 C*4 C*5 C*6 in IGPRGFLG -X'SO' X'40' X'20' X'10' X'04' X'02' X'01' Start I/O bit Interrupt bit Test I/O bit Halt I/O bit Sense data stored bit count valid bit No retry bit Section 1. CP Data Areas and Centrol Elocks 9 ~CHREC Hexadecimal Displacement 41 42 43 Field Name IGBLAME Field Description, Contents, Meaning DS CL1 Probable source of error Bits defined in IGBLAME CCHCPU--EQU --X'8-0-'-CCHCHIL EOU X'40' CCHSCUB EOU X'20' CCHSTG EOU X'10' CCHINTFC EOU X'OS' Processor is source of error Channel is source of error Storage control unit is source of error Storage is source of error Control unit is source of error IGVALIDB DS Validity indicator bits CL1 J!it§ g~fi~g in IGVALIDB CCHINTFV EOU -X'SO' CCHRCV X'10' EOU CCHUSV X'OS' EOU CCHCMDV EOU X'04' CCHCAV X'02' EOU CCHDAV X'01' EOU Interface address valid Sequence code valid Unit status valid Command address valid Channel address valid Device address valid IGTERMSO DS Termination/sequence code bits CL1 J!it§ g~fi!led 1.n IG!ERMSg COMPSYS EOU X'CO' COMPSEL EOU X'SO' COMPFES EOU X'40' CCHIOH EOU X'10' COMPID EOU X'OO' CCHDI X'OS' EOU 44 4S 49 4C 4E 50 50 50 50 54 54 10 syste. reset Selective reset stop, Stack, or termination I/O interface inoperative Interface disconnect I/O et"ror alert Seguence RTCODEO RTCODE1 RTCODE2 RTCODE3 RTCODE4 RTCODE5 RTCODE6 RTCODE7 Code Bits EOO X'OO' X'01' EOU X'02' EOU X'03' EOU X'04' EOU X'05' EOO X'06' EOU EQU X'07' CCDEVTYP CCHANID CCHCUA CCHCHCUA CCHCLOGL DS DS DS DS DS 1F CL1 CL3 2X 2X CCHSIZE EOU (*-CCHREC) /S Size in doutlevords (X'OB') CCHLOGSO CCHLOG70 CCHLOG60 CCHADDR DS DS DS DS OCL 112 OCL24 OCL24 1F 2SS0 2870 2S60 Unit CCHSIZE1 EOU (*-CCHREC) Size in bytes for integrated channel CCHLOG45 DS CCHLOG35 DS OCL96 OCL24 Model 145 integrated channEl (96 bytes) Model 135 integrated channel (24 bytes) Retry code values for the constructed ECSW C*7 CP dEvice type Channel identification Actual failing device address Address fro. .achine location X'EA' Length of channel logout IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic channel channel channel address - 112 bytes - 24 1:ytes - 24 tytes stored 1:y integrated channel CCPABl! CCPABM provides control information used for loading and controlling the 370X Communication Controller Network Control Program, Emulation Program, and Partitioned Emulation Program and their attached resources. o CCPNAl!E 8 10 18 20 CCPADDB CCPSIZE CCPPSIZB CCFENTBY C*2 CCPHBFSZ C*3 CCPHBFNO 28 Hexadecimal Displacement -----------0 8 2 10 14 18 C*5 C*6 I CCPMAXID CCPBBSID Field Nalle CCPNAME CCPADDB CCPSIZB CCPPSIZB CCPBNTBY CCPTYPB Field Description, Contents, l!eaning DS DS DS DS DS DS Ct8 1F 1F 1F 1F 1X CPNAl!E specified in NAl!ENCf macro Origin of centrol program image Control program size in bytes Parameter list size in bytes Control program entry point address Control program type flag C*1 Bits defined in CCPTYPE CCPTNCP--EQU--X'O'-'CCPTBP EQU X'02' CCPTPEP BQU X'03' 19 1A CCFSTOB I/C*4//1 CCPCAONE DS CCPCATiO DS 1X ;1 Network control program 270x emulation program Partitioned emulation program C*2 C*3 First channel adapter type flag Second channel adapter tYPE flag Bits defined in CCPAONB and CCPATiC CCPTYPE1 BQU X'01' Channel adapter type 1 CCPTYPE2 BQU X'02' Channel adapter type 2 1B 1C 20 22 24 25 CCPBSV1 CCPSTOR CCPHBFSZ CCPHBFNO CCPPADO CCPPAD1 DS DS DS DS DS DS 1X 1F 1H 1H 1X 1X Beserved for IBl! use 370x storage size specified (in bytes) Euffersize from HOST macre Number of buffers in read list First buffer pad count (in bytes) Subsequent kuffer pad count C*4 C*5 C*6 BI CCPVPAD1 EQU 34 ~]2rt for 370x 34-tyte pad in first bisynchrenous transmitter buffer 34-byte pad in subsequent buffers 26 28 CCPIUXID DS CCPRBSID DS 1H 1F Highest resource ID defined Besource ID definition 28 29 2A ORG CCPRSTYP DS CCPRSTAT DS CCPRSTEP DS CCPBBSID 1X 1X 1H Definition kreakdown Resource type flag Resource initial status flags Subchannel address wben in EF mode HOSl !glyes ~~gui!~Q CCPVPADO BQU 34 !J!L370 Section 1. CP Data Areas and Centrol Blocks 11 CBXBLOK,CBYBLOK CBXBLOK and CBYBLOK provide the necessary control for a virtual machine using a virtual channel-to-channel adapter (CTCA). The VDEVBEAL field in the VDEVBLCK points to CBIELOK and CBYBLOK fer virtual CTCAs. 0 8 CBXOTBB X*l CBYOTBR X*2 , X*3 I X*4 Y*l I Y*2 10 CBXNCCW CBYNCCli 18 CBIBCNT CHYRCNT 20 CBXSTAT CBXYADD CBYSTAT 28 CBXIDAW CBYIDAli 30 CBXCNCT CHYCNCT 38 CHXDATN CHYDATN Y*3 Y*4 CBYXIDD lote: As indicated in the illustrated block, the CBIBLOK and CHYELCK are interleaved with a 4-byte displacement. The X-side VDEVELOK points to the +0 slot, the Y-side VDEVBLOK points to the +4 slot; however, once the virtual connection is made, either side can be the X-side or the Y-side since this interleaved arrangement makes the contrel block references completely symmetrical. The dual DSICT definition allows the active adapter (defined to be the I-side, arbitrarily) to reference beth adapter sides concurrently wi-thout knowing whether i t i s at +0 or +4. Bexadecimal tisplacement o 8 Field Name Field Description, Contents, Meaning CBXBLOK I-side channel adapter block CBXOTBB CBXFLAG DS DS ~it§ g~!!~g 9 A CBBl!NOP CBBM370 CHBATTN CBBREST CBBEOFL CBBBIO CBBWAIT CBBCENT EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU CBXCMDB CBXCMDT DS DS ~!!§ g~!!~g CBBCTNL CBBRDBK CBBWEOF CBBSCMD CBBSADS CBBREAD CBBWRIT 12 EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU 2F lX X*l Vl!ELCK address of Y-side adapter user Internal processing flags in CBIFLIG -X'80'- Modified NOF command issued (also in CMDT) CTCA operating in Systea/370 mede Attention pending from Y-side CTCA has been reset I-side and Y-side Force EOF to next READ instruction Halt I/O or halt device issued CPEXELOK available--for channel reconnect Channel end has b.~n preserved en SIO X'40' X'20' X'10' X'08' X'04' X'02' X'Ol' lX lX X*2 X*3 Active CCW command byte buffer Active CCli command type (Rt, WB, etc.) in CBICMDT -X'40'X'20' X'10' X'08' X'04' X'02' X'Ol' Control, other than NOP Read backward Write EOF Sense command byte Sense adapter status Bead write IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic CBXBLOK,CBYELCK Hexadecimal Displacement -----------B C 10 18 20 22 24 28 30 38 Field Name . Field Description, Contents, eeaning CBXIDAW CBXCNCT CBXDATN DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS 1X 4X 2F 2F 1B 1B 2B 2F 2F 2F CBBSIZE EQU (*-CBXBLOK)/8 CHXPKEY CHXNCCW CHIRCNT CBXSTAT CHXYADD X*4 CBYBLOK o 8 CBYOTBR CBYFLAG 9 DS DS CBBMNOP CBBM370 CBBATTN CBBREST CBBEOFL CBBBIO CBBWAIT CBBEENT EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU CHYCMDB CBYCMDT DS DS 2F 1X Y*1 Modified NOF command issued (also in CMDT) CTCA operating in System/370 mode Attention pending from X-side CTCA has been reset X-side and Y-side Force EOF to next READ instruction Halt 1/0 or halt device issued CPEXELOK availatle for channel reconnect Channel end has been preserved cn SIO X'40' X'20' X'10' X'08' X'04' X'02' X'01' 1X 1X Y*2 Y*3 -x''4o'- B CHYPKEY 10 18 20 22 24 28 30 38 CHYNCCW CBYRCNT CBYSTAT CHYXADD CBYIDAW CBYCNCT CBYDATN DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS VMELCK address of X-side adaFter user Internal processing flags in CBYFLAG --X'SO'- Bit§ Q~!!!!ed in CBYCMDT CBBCNTL EQU CBBRDBK EQU X'20' CBBWEOF EQU X'10' CBBSCMD EQU X'08' CHBS!DS EQU X'04' X'02' CBBREAD EQU CBBWRIT EQU X'01' C Total block size in doublewords (X'08') Y-side channel adapter block ~it§ Q~!!~Q A Virtual CAW protection key "Other" adapter control flags Next CCW fetch address (real) Remaining CCW data count tevice status accumulation field Virtual address of Y-side adaFter "Other" adaFter control flags Active indirect data list word CPEXELOK for channel reconnect IOELCK address for deferred I/O interruFt 1X 4X 2F 2F 1B 1B 2B 2F 2F 2F Active CCW command tyte buffer Active CCW command type (Rt, WB, etc.) Control, other than NOP Read tackward Write EOF Sense command byte Sense adapter status Bead write Y*4 Virtual CAW protection key "Other" adapter control flags Next CCW fetch address (real) Bemaining CCW data count Device status accumulation field Virtual address of X-side adaFter "Other" adaFter control flags Active indirect data list word CPEXELOK for channel reconnect IOELCK address for deferred I/O interruFt Section 1. CP Data Areas and Centrol Blocks 13 CKPBLOK CKPBLOK provides checkpoint information needed for VM/370 warm start recovery for 3704/3705 Communication Controllers and enabled lines and resources. Tbe RDEVCKPT field of the RDEVBLOK points to CKPBLOK. o a 10 Hexadecimal Displacellent -----------0 2 4 8 10 I CKPSIZE 1//////////CKPRSV1//////////1 --------------------------------------------------------1 CKPNAME 1 ------------------------------------------------------1 CKPBITS I Field Nalle CKPSIZE CKPRMAX CKPRSV1 CKPNAME CKPBITS Field Description, Contents, Meaning DS DS DS DS DS CKPBKSZ EQU 14 CKPRMAX 1H 18 1F CLa OD Size of checkpoint block in dcublewords Number of resources checkpcinted Reserved for IBM use 370x control program reference nalle Bit map of enabled lines or rescurces (CKPBITS-CKPBLOK)/a Header size in doublewcrds IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic CONTASK CONTASK contains data and control information pertinent to the control and communication between virtual and real terminal console tasks and command streams. The RDEVCON field of the RDEVBLOK and the NICQPNT field of the NICELOK point to CONTASK. 0 8 CONRE'lN CONPNT CONUSER C*1 I C*2 I CONTSKSZ 10 CONCCW1 18 CONCCW2 20 CONCCW3 28 CONCCW4 30 CONDATA (Variable Length) Hexadecimal Displacement o 4 8 Field Name CONPNT CONRETN CONSTAT Field Description, Contents, Meaning DS DS DS 1F 1F 1X C*1 liit§ ~~fi!!~~ in CONSTAT -X'80'-- Pointer to next CONTASK Pointer to SAVEAREA for return CONTASK status control flags Generate CONTASK output Respcnse expected from this CCNTASK CONTASK is active on real device This is a centrol CONTASK cnly CONTASK contains device deFendent data Retry operation in progress Output data being split via RDEVLLEN CONTASK for synchronization enly CONOUTPT CONRESP CONACTV CONCNTL CONESCP CONRTRY CONSPLT CON SYNC EQU EQO EQO EQO EQO BQU EQO EQO 9 CONPARM DS 11 A C CONTSKSZ DS CONOSER DS CONCCi1 DS 1H 1F 1D DMKQCN parameter flags (see "APFendix A. CP and RSCS Equate Symbels") CONTASK size in doublewords Address of VMBLOK for destination user First console I/O CCll 16 CONADDR CONFLAG CONDiC CONCNT ORG DS DS DS DS CONCCi1 1F 1X 1X 1H CCi data CCi flag DIAGNOSE CCll t:yte 10 ORG CONCOMND DS CONADDR 1X CCi command code 18 20 28 30 CONCCi2 CONCCi3 CONCCW4 CONDATA 1D 1D 1D OC Second console I/O CCll Third console I/O CCli Fourth console i/O CCll Output data area (variable length) (*-CONTASK)/8 CONTASK size in doublewords 10 10 14 15 DS DS DS DS CONTSIZE EQU X'40' X'20' X'10' X'08' X'02' X'01' C*2 address bits write control count Section 1. CP Data Areas and Centrol Blocks 15 CONTASK Displace.ent Field Name !!.i:!.§ 2A 2C 2E 30 31 32 34 35 36 31 33 33 34 35 36 16 ~defill!i!g CONSRID CONDEST CONRTAG CONSISR CONEXTR CONTCMD CONFUNC CONDFLG CONDCNT §.i:!.§ 30 Field Description, Contents, 8eaning ORG DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS !!i!g!i!fi~g ORG CON LABEL DS DS CONSTX CON ESC DS CONCMD DS CONiCC DS CONSBA DS DS in CONCCi fo! J10x Network Control Progra. CONCCW3+2 1H Source identifier 1H Destination resource ID 1H Request tag for this CONTA5K 1X 370x system response byte 11 370x extended response byte 1H Eisynchronous terminal co •• and modifier 11 Easic device function contrel flags 11 Easic device data control flags 1H Text data length fo! 3270 CONCCi4 1x 11 11 1X 11 11 1H Return index value Start text character Esca~e character Command code for remote station Write control character Start buffer address Euffer address IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic CORTAELE CORTABLE maintains the status and ownership of each page frame of real sterage for use by page management routines. The ACOBETBL field of the PSI points to CORTAELE. o 8 Displacement o C*1 CORFPNT COREPNT CORSWPNT CORPGPNT Field Name CORFPNT Field Description, Contents, DS 1F En!!!, gefini!ion !2! Rgg~ ORG CORFPNT CORVM DS 1F C CORBPNT DS CORSWPNT DS CORPGPNT DS 8 COR FLAG 4 6 ORG DS ~eanin9 Pointer to next CORTABLE entry in queue Q~!shiE Pointer to VMBLOK of page ewner 1F 1F 1F Pointer to Frevious CORTAELE entry in queue Pointer to SWPTABLE for Fage Pointer to PAGTAELE for page CORSWPNT 11 C*1 CORTAELE entry status flags ~i!§ defined in CORFLAG CORIOLCK EQU --X'80-'- CORCFLCK CORFLUSB COR FREE CORSBARE CORRSV CORCP CORDISA EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU X'40' X'20' X'10' X'08' X'04' X'02' X'01' Page locked for IIC or CORLCNT is greater than 0 Page locked by console functien Page is in FLUSH list Page is in FREE list Page is shared Page is reserved Page belongs to the control Frogram Page disatled, not available ~nt!! ~~!initi~.!l 4 CORLCNT ORG DS i! gage Is Locked CORBPNT 1F Page lock count for CORIOLCK i! Rage !§ in Tran§it CORFLAG 1X C*1 DASD operation code for ~nt!I ~~!initi.Q.!l 8 CORCODE ORG DS D~KPAGIO Section 1. CP Data Areas and Centrol Blocks 17 CPEXBLOK CPEXBLOK maintains register values and addressing infor.ation (module address or entry point address) to handle a delayed transfer of centrol. Stacked CPEXELCKs are queued off DMKDSPRQ. o CPEXFPNT CPIXBPNT 8 CPEXMISC CPIXADD 10 Hexadecimal Displacement -----------0 4 8 CPEXREGS Field Nalle Field Description, contents, !eaning CPEXFPNT DS CPEXBPNT DS CPEXMISC DS 1F 1F 1F Pointer to next CPEXBLCK Pointer to previous CPEXBLCK Use varies with stacker Defin!!!2] !~ DM!~TK and DMKDSP ORG CPEXMISC CPEXTYPE DS 1X Type of block on CPEXBLOK chain in CPEITYPE CP_RXDEFR _EQU -X'80' CPEXPRIO EQU X'40' CPEXLPSi EQU X'20' DS 1X CPEXPROC DS 18 ~!!§ g~fi~g C 10 CPEXADD DS CPEXREGS DS !2! 10 14 18 1C 20 24 28 2C 30 34 38 3C 40 44 48 4C Return address Execute registers £~~XR~~~ !!~g CPEXRO CPEXR1 CPEXR2 CPEXR3 CPEXR4 CPEXR5 CPEXR6 CPEXR7 CPEXR8 CPEXR9 CPEXR10 CPEXR11 CPEIR12 CPEXR13 CPEIR14 CPEIR15 ORG DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS CPEXSIZE EQU 18 IF 16F Deferred interrupt request CPEXELOK with priority Load PSi to go to execution address Reserved for IBM use Address of processor related to block CPEXREGS 1F IF 1F 1F IF 1F IF 1F IF 1F IF 1F 1F 1F IF 1F Registers 0 through 15 (*-CPEXBLOK)/8 Size in doutlewords (X'OA') IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic tDRREC DDRREC is used in the SVC 76-initiated error recording process for tYFe 60 tlSD dumF restore (DDR) dynamic device reallocation records~ The reallocation recerds contain the replacement of the virtual "FROM" and "TO" control unit addresses (CUI) by the real addresses of the real DlSD devices. 0 DDRKEYB DtBTftEB DDRDTEB 8 10 DDRCPlD is nnll"lnl:l IJU.a.'Uv~ tDRVCL2 20 DDRVOL1 28 DDRVOL2 (cont.) ID*5 tDRCU11 30 DDRDEV1 ID*6 tDRCU12 38 DDRDEV2 Hexadecimal Displacement -----------0 2 3 4 5 6 8 C 10 I I D*1 I/D*2/I/D*3/I/t*4/1//tDRSPE1////////1 Field Balle DDRKEYB DDRSWS1 DDRSWS2 DDRSWS3 DDRRECBT DDRSPE1 DDRDTEB DDRTftEB DDRCPlD Field Description, Contents, Beaning DS DD DS DS DS DS DS DS DS 1H 1C 1C 1C 1C 1H 1F 1F 2F D*1 D*2 D*3 D*4 Type and operating system Switch byte Reserved f~r lBB use Reserved for IBM use Reserved for lBB use Reserved for lBB use Date' Time Processor identification and model number R~ice 18 20 26 2C 2D 30 34 35 38 Dependn! Rgta 81 DDRJOB DS 61 DDRVOL1 DS DDRVOL2 DS 61 11 DDRDEVP1 DS DDRCU11 DS 31 DDRDEV1 DS 41 11 DDRDEVP2 DS DDRCUA2 DS 31 DDRDEV2 DS 41 DDRSlZE EQU D*5 D*6 (*-DDRREC) Job using FROft device Voluae serial FROB device Voluae serial TO device Device identification of FRCB DlSD Primary CUI of FROB device Device type FROB de~ice Device identification TO DASD Primary CUI of TO device Device type of TO device DDR record size Section 1. CP Data Areas and Centrol Blocks 19 DMPINREC DMPINREC retains vital system register and CPDUMP file. See also DMPKYREC. o DMPCRS 80 DMPFPRS AO DMPTODCK A8 DMPCPUTft BO DMPCKCOft S*1 I/S*2//1 DMPLCORE 1CO DlJPPRFRG o AO A8 BO B8 nf!PABEND DMPPGfUP lC8 40 80 for the DlJPSYSRV DlJPPROCA 1 co Bexadeciaal Displacement values necessary DMPGPRS 40 B8 stcrage location Field Naae Field Description, Contents, f!eaning DMPGPRS DMPCRS DMPFPRS DS DS DS 16F 4D DMPTODCK DMPCPUTM DMPCKCOM DMPFLAG DS DS DS DS lD 1D 1D 1X l6F S*1 16 general registers 16 control registers Pour floating-point registers (if floating-Foint feature is installed on machine) Time-of-day clock Processor tiaer Tiae-of-day clock coaparatcr Flag byte Bits defined in DMPFLAG HiLFPiG~EQU B9 BA BC CO 1CO 1C4 1C8 20 DMPRSV1 DMPPROCA DMPSYSRV DMPLCORE DMPPRFRG DftPABEND DMPPGMAP DS DS DS DS DS DS DS --X'80'--1X 1H 1F 256X 1F 1F 4096B When on, last record in DU!P file is 2K S*2 Reserved for IB! use Abending processor address System generated storage size Absolute storage locations 0 through 255 Prefix register Abend code for failing processor Eit aap indicating Which pages aFpear in the DU!P file (each tit represents a 4K block) IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic DMFKYREC, DMPTBREC DMPKYREC contains the storage keys of each 2K block of main storage at the time of SVC 0 or a PSi restart condition. DMPKYREC and DMPINR!C are used for debugging operations. I I S*1 o 1---..1 DMPKEYS (4096 bytes) Field Nalle Hexadecimal Displacement ------------ Field Description, contents, Meaning 0 DMPKEYS DS 4096X 0 DMPKEY eRG DS DMPKEYS 1X Main storage keys S*1 Storage key for each 2K block DMPTBREC is a listing of all entry points in the system and their locations. o DMPSYMNM DMPSYMVA 8 10 Hexadecimal Displacement DMPSYMEN Field Name Field Description, Contents, Meaning C DMPSYMEN DS 341XL12 Symbol table entries 0 8 eRG DMPSYMNM DS DMPSYMVA DS DMPSYMEN CL8 A CSECT or entry point name Location in main storage of this symbol Section 1. CP Data Areas and centrol Blocks 21 ECBLOK ECBLOK provides an extension to the VMELOK for virtual machine operaticn extended control mode. The VMECEIT field of the VMBLOK points to ECELCK. o EITCRO EITCR1 8 EITCR2 EITCR3 10 EITCR4 lI'ICR5 18 EITCR6 EI 'lCR1 20 EITCR8 EI'ICR9 28 EITCR10 lITCR11 30 EITCR12 EI'ICR13 38 EITCR14 ll'ICR15 40 EXTSHCRO EI'ISHCR1 48 EITSHLER I EITVSEGS EI'lSTOLD 50 EITSHSEG EI'ISlGLR EI'IARCH 58 EXTPERAD EITPERCD EITCOPY 60 in syste./310 EITCPTftR 68 EITCPTRC EI'ICCTRQ Hexadecimal Displacement Field Naae o EXTCRO DS 1F 4 EITCR1 DS 1F Virtual control register 0; architecture controls Virtual control register 1; segment table pointer 8 EITCR2 EXTCR3 EXTCR4 EITCR5 EXTCR6 EITCR1 EXTCR8 EXTCR9 EXTCR10 EXTCR11 EXTCR12 EXTCR13 EXTCR14 EXTCR15 DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F Virtual control registers 2 thrcugh 15 C 10 14 18 1C 20 24 28 2C 30 34 38 3C 22 Field Description, Contents, Beaning IBB VM/310 Data Areas and Control Block Logic ECELOK Eexadecimal Displacement 40 44 48 4A 4C 50 54 56 58 5C 5E 60 68 6C Field Name EXTSHCRO EXTSHCRl EXTSHLEN EXTVSEGS EXTSTOLD Field Description, Contents, Meaning DS DS IF IF DS DS DS lH 1H EITSHSEG EITSEGLN EXTARCH EITPERAD EITPERCD EITCOPY EITCPTMR EITCPTRQ EXTCCTRQ DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS 1F lH lH EITSIZE EQO Shadcw control register 0 Shadow control register 1 Length of shadow SEGTAELE in bytes Length of virtual SEGT!BLE in bytes Control register 1 value ccrresFcnding tc tatles Real address of shadow SEGTAELE Length of shadow SEGTAELE in doublewords Architecture control index Address of instruction PIR interrupt PER code to be reflected Length code from active SEGTAELE entry Virtual processor timer Address of TRQBLOK for processor timer Address of TRQBLOK for clock comFarator IF IF 1H 1H 1D IF IF (*- ECBLOK) /8 ECELCK size in doutlevords (I'OE') Secticn 1. CP Data Areas and Control Elocks 23 ERRBLOK ERRBLOK contains data describing an error condition such as a channel failure or a device failure. I o ERR KEY I/E*1//I//////////ERRRSV2////////////1 ERRDATE ERRTIME 8 10 ERRCCW 18 20 ERRPARl'I 30 ERRIOB 70 ERRIOER Hexadecimal Displacement o Field Na.e I E*2 I E*3 Field Description, Contents, !eaning 1F 1F 1F Key used to determine OBR/!DR precessing Reserved for IB! use Reserved for IB! use Time record vas built Date record vas built ERRHEADR EQU (*-ERRBLOK) Size of header in bytes 10 ERRCCW 1D Failing CCW 10 ORG ERR!UOB DS ERRMIOER DS ERRCCW (IOBSIZE) D (IOBRSIZE) D Copied IOBLeK Copied IOERELOK 10 10 ERRCCNT ERRCONT ORG DS DS ERRCCW 21 OC Size of CONTASK data buffer CONTASK data buffer (variable length) 18 1E 1F 20 30 70 ERRVOLID ERRSDR ERRCORR ERRPARM ERRIOB ERRIOER DS DS DS DS DS DS 61 2D (IOBSIZE) D (IOERSIZE) D Volid of failing device SDRILAGS from SDRBLOK Correlation count for !DR record Device dependent parameter string Copied IOELCK, see ICBLOK fer details Copied IOERELCK, see IOERBLCK fer details ERR SIZE EQU (*-ERRSIZE)/8 ERRELOK size in doublewords 3 4 8 C 24 ERRVOLID ERRKEY ERRSV1 ERRRSV2 ERRTIME ERRDATE DS DS DS DS DS DS 31 11 11 11 E*1 E*2 E*3 IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic IOBLOK IOBLOK contains information required to perform I/O operations. The I/O request initiator fer the I/O operation is either a CF-initiated or virtual machine-initiated event. There are five pointers to the IOBLOK: RCHFICB field of the BCHELOK, RCHFIOE field of the RCUBLOK, RDEVAIOB field of the Rt!VBLOK, VDEVFIOB field cf the VDEVBLOK, RDEVFIOB field of the RDEVBLOK. 0 r IOBRADD IOEEPNT IOBFPNT 8 10 IOBCYL IOBMI5C IOBVADD 18 IOBUSER IOBIRI 20 IOBCAW IOERCIW IOBCSW 28 30 38 Hexadecimal Displacement -----------0 2 IOBLINK 11* 1 11*2 IOBMI5C2 IOBIOER 1*3 1*4 1//IOBRSV2//I//////////1OBR5V3//////////// Field Name IOBRADD lOB FLAG Field Description, Contents, Meaning DS DS 1B 1X 1*1 Bit§ g~fi!!~g in IOBFLAG IOBCP EQO -X'8o.IOBRSTRT EQO X'40' IOBSPLT EQO X'20' EQO IOBPAG X'10' IOBRELCU EQU X'08 i IOBERP EQO X'04' IOBRES EQO X'02' EQO IOBBVC X'01' 3 IOBSTAT DS 1X ~it§ g~!!!!~g in IOBSTAT IOBFATAL EQU --X'80-'-IOBFLT EQU X'40' IOBPATBF EQU lOB MINI EQO IOBALTSK EQU X'20' X'08' X'04' EQU EQU EQO EQO X'03' X'02' X'01' X'OO' IOBCC3 1OBCC2 IOBCC1 IOBCCO Real device address for SIC IOBLCK flags CP-generated I/O operation Restarted oFeration - IOBRCAW DISC - CP split seek operation IOBLCK created for paging I/O Control unit released at initiation I/O task is under control cf ERP I/O task has been reset I/O initiated via DIAGNOSE instruction 1*2 IOBLCK status Unrecoverable error in this I/O operaticn IOELOK queued pending completion of a MSS cylinder fault Path is fixed, use IOBRADD value This is a mini-IOBLOK DASt channel program has seek tc alternate track processing CC 3, not available processing CC 2, channel busy processing CC 1, csw stored processing I/O interrupt Section 1. CP Data Areas and Centrel Blocks 25 IOBLOK Hexadecimal Displacement -----------4 8 C 10 12 14 18 1C 20 24 28 30 34 38 Field Name IOBLINK IOBFPNT IOEBPNT Field Description, Contents, Meaning 1F 1F 1F Pointer for multipath IOELCK chain Pointer to next IOBLOK in queue Pointer to previous IOBLOK in queue IOBMSIZE EOO (*-IOBLOK) /8 Multiple path IOBLOK size in dcublewcrds (X'02') IOBCYL IOBVADD IOBMISC IOBOSER IOBIRA IOBCli IOBRCAi IOBCSi IOBIOER IOBMISC2 lOB SPEC 1H 1H 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1D 1F 1F 1X DASt - seek cylinder for tbis ICELOK Virtual device address Ose varies according to caller Pointer to VMBLCK of user IOELCK interrupt return address Pointer to CCIl chain Pointer to restart CCIl chain Real CSIl for I/O operation Pointer to IOERBLOK with sense byte Ose varies according to caller IOELCK special requests flag DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS 1*3 Bit§ def!~Q in IOBSPEC IOBTIO EOO --X'80-'IOBBIO EQO X'40' IOBSIOF EQO X'20' IOBIMSTK EQO X'10' IOBONSL EOO X'08' IOBCOPY EQO X'04' IOBSENS EQO X'02' IOBTRPND EOO X'01' 39 IOBSPBC2 DS 1X IOELCK request for a TIO IOBLCK request for a HIO Virtual SIO fast release Shut down StR function IOELCK resulting fro. unsolicited interrupt I/O block associated with a COpy request Sense operation for COpy request Virtual trace pending on tbis I/O block I-*4 IOB-LOK spe-cial req-uests flag-secoDdbyte ~it§ Q~fi~Q in IOESPEC2 IOBiRIP EQO --X'80-'- IOBCLN EOO X'40' IOBONREL EQO X'20' 31 3C IOBOC EQO IOBSNSIO EOO IOBREL EQO X'10' X'08' X'04' Input/output task for AOTOPCLL wrap list VDEVELOK locked when CCIl gct control Input/output task contains release, DMKONT must process Onit check status sense operation in Frogress Channel program contains CP release IOBRSV2 IOBRSV3 1B 1F Reserved for IBM use Reserved for IBM use IOBSIZE 26 EOO (*-IOBLOK)/8 IOELOK size in doublewords (X'OS') fE IOBLOK§ ORG IOBVADD 1H IOBRCNT DS 1.Q£ 12 DS DS Retry count IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic IOERELCK IOERELOK contains information related to I/O and channel errors. This entails error retry, operator .essage information, and SDR (Statistical Data Recording) IOERELOK related to I/O equipment. There are three Fointers to the ICERBLCK: RDEVIOER field of the RDEVBLOK, VDEYIOER field of the VDEVBLOK, IOEIOER field of the ICBLCK. 0 ICERLCC IOERPNT 8 IOERftSG IOERDW 1*1 10 IOERADR 18 IOERCSli 20 IOERCCli 28 IOEREIT IOERCCB 30 I 1*4 ! 1*2 ! 1*3 !/////IOERSV1/////// IOERDATA 50 Additional Sense Data Area -- or -XOBR3211 Extension -- or -- Channel Check Reflection Extension Displacement ------------ Field Name Field Description, Contents, Meaning 0 4 8 IOERPNT IOERLOC IOERDW DS DS DS 1F 1F 1B A IOERftSG DS IL3 A ORG rOERNUft DS IOERIND3 DS B §i!§ g~fined IOERIGN IOERETRY IOERCAN IOEREC IOERDlSD IOERDEC IOERIIFO IOERICT EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU IOERMSG 1X 11 in IOERIND3 1'80' X'40' X'20' X'10' X'08' 1'04' X'02' X'01' Pointer to next IOERBLOK Address of CClis used in recovery Size (in doublewords) of storage needed to construct CClis Communications with error recording processor and message writer Ereakdown for DMKftSW Message nuater for message routine Indicators for message routine Allow IGNORE response Allow RETRY response Allow CANCEL response Error occurred during recovery action Home address is present Operator decisien is necessary Infermational message Operator action is required Section 1. CP Data Areas and Centrel Blocks 27 IOERELOK Hexadecimal Displacement C Field Name Field Description, Contents, Meaning IOERIND4 DS 1X Indicators for message writer ~j!~ de!!ned in IOERIND4 IOERIGNR EQU --X'80.---IOERSTRT EQU X'40' IOERCNCL EQU X'20' D IOERFLG1 DS 1X Operator responded "ignore" Operator responded "retry" Operator responded "cancel" 1*1 Bits defined in IOERFLG1 IOERPENDEQU --X'80-'-IOERCLN IOERERP IOERFSR IOERDEPD IOERBSR IOERDERD IOERERG IOERXERP IOERORA IOERSUPP IOERVLD E EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU IOERFLG2 DS Bit~ de!!~g IOERSTAT EQU IO"E1UU- "EQU IOERCAL EQU IOERECF EQU IOERRBK EQU IOERREW EQU IOERCYLR EQU IOERMSW EQU IOERCEMD EQU IOERVOL1 EQU DS DS DS DS 1*2 in IOERFLG2 --x'ao.--X'20' X'10' X'10' X'08' X'04' X'04' X'02' X'01' IOERWRK IOERADR IOERCSW IOERCCW 1X 1D 1D 1D 20 26 ORG IOERVSER DS IOERLEN DS IOERCCW CL6 1H 2C IOERFLG3 DS 1X Second flag byte for error recovery program use Statistical data being unleaded last h-ow"e -address being rea d Standalone recalibrate being executed Error correction function Read backward cemmand Tape rewind being executed Cylinder (in sense byte) has been relocated Message writer is active Intensive recording mode DASt volid teing read X-'40' 10 18 20 F pending device end interru~t from interrupt request Tape cleaning in progress Spooling - error routine in centrol Forward space record being executed Spooling - waiting for device end Eackspace record being executed Spooling - device end received Erase gap command in progress Spooling - error routine getting OBR data Opposite recovery action in ~rogress CCW has suppress data transfer bit on Read opposite recovery successful X'40' X'40' X'20' X'20' X'10' X'10' X'08' X'08' X'04' X'02' X'01' 1X Flag byte for error recovery routines 1*3 Miscellaneous work byte Home address for DISD devices CSW associated with error Sense CCW used to sense the real device Ereakdown of sense CCW field Volume serial number for statistical data Nuaber of sense bytes present 1*4 Third flag byte for SDR use ~it~ g~!!~~g 28 in IOERFLG3 IOERREAD EQU --X'80'-IOERALTR EQU X'40' IOERRDRO EQU X'20' SDR READ operation flag Alternate track retry is in progress Read home address, read only is in progress 2D IOERSV1 XL3 Reserved for IBM use 30 30 IOERSNSZ EQU IOERDATA DS 321 (IERSNSZ/8) D Number of sense bytes su~ported Sense bytes associated with error 30 34 ORG IOERECSW DS IOERCHAN DS IOERDATA 1F 1X Breakdown fer channel check handler ECSW information from channel lcgout Channel type flag IOEREND OF Label for end of IOERBLOK DS DS IEM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic 10ERBLCK Hexadecimal Displacement Field Description, Contents, eeaning IOBR3211 50 • Field Name Area where additional sense bytes may be appended to IOERBLOK. The format for one of these is described in "ICER3211: Extended Outbcard Recording Elock" later in this section. Channel Check Reflection Extension 50 IOERCCRL 58 10ERC01D IOERCCRA 10ERCftDL 60 IOERUID 68 10ERFAtD 78 10ERCCCW 80 IOERCCSW 88 90 IOERZCSW IOERI!COA Field Name Field Description, Contents, I!eaning 50 IOERCEXT DS OD 50 54 58 5C 10ERCCRL IOERCCRA IOERCOID IOERCI!DL DS DS DS DS F F F H 5E IOERftCEL DS H 60 68 78 80 88 8C 90 IOEROID IOERFADD IOERCCCW IOERCCSW IOERZCSi IOERDTYP IOERCH1D DS DS DS DS DS DS DS D ~hg~ls defined in IOERCHID EOU---X'05' EOO X'06' EOO X'07' EOO 1'08' IOER2860 IOER2870 IOERB80 IOERS80 91 94 96 IOERLOGL IOERCLOG 98 Hexadecimal Displacement IOERDTYP 10ERCCOA 1*5 I IOERftCEL IOERCCOA DS IOERftCOA DS IOERLOGL DS 8H D D F F CL1 CL3 CL2 CL2 1*5 Extension used only for channel check reflection Length of channel check record Address of channel check recerd Processor identification Processor model number (for examFle, 0158, 0168, etc.) ftaximum length of machine check extended logout area (model-dependent) Oser identification Active input/o~tput units Failing CCW Failing CSi Failing ECSli CP device type Channel identification Stanaalone selector (2860) Stanaalone multiplexer (2870) Stanaalone tlock multiplexer (2880) Selector channel (2880) Actual failing device aadress Address fro. processor locaticn I'BA' Length of channel logout Section 1. CP Data Areas and Centrel Blocks 29 IOERBLOK Displacement ---~-------- 30 Field Halle Field Descripticn, contents, I!eaning F -------------------------------------Channel logout area 98 IOERCLOG DS 98 IOERCLOG ORG IOERLG80 DSCL112 2880 channel (112 bytes) 98 ORG IOERLG70 DS IOERCLOG CL24 2870 channel (24 bytes) 98 ORG IOERLG60 DS IOERCLOG CL24 2860 channel (24 bytes) 98 9C ORG IOERADDR DS IOERLG33 DS IOERCLOG F CL640 Unit address stored ty integrated channel 3033 channel (640 bytes) 9C ORG IOERLG45 DS IOERLG33 CL96 145 integrated channel (96 bytes) 9C ORG IOERLG35 DS IOERLG33 CL24 135 integrated channel (24 bytes) IOERSIZE EQU (*-IOERBLOK)/8 IOERELOK size in doutlevords' IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic IR8ELCK IRMBLOK provides the information necessary for the implementation of intensive recording mode via CP SET RECORD command. Intensive recerding mode allows the recerding of unit check errors from a specified device whose sense data matches the values selected. I o 1/////IR8FWPTR////////////1 8 Hexadecimal Displacement -----------0 4 6 8 9 A B C E F IR8RLADD IReL8T 1-----------------------------------------------------IR8L8TCT 1*5 1 1*6 1 1*1 1 1*2 1 1*3 1 1*4 Field Name IR8FWPTR 1R8RLADD IR8LMT 1R8BYT1 1R8B1T1 1RMBYT2 1R8B1T2 1R8LMTCT 1RM8AXCT IRMFLG Field Description, Contents, DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS 1F 1H 1H 1X 1X 1X 1X 1H 1X 1X ~eaning -------------------------------------1*1 1*2 1*3 1*4 1*5 1*6 Reserved for IBI! use Device address to te monitered Limit count - record every ]!tb error First sense byte specified Sense bit within first sense byte Second sense byte specified Sense bit within second sense byte Summary count for lillit detectien count of recordings made fer this request Flag tyte Bit§ g~!!ned in IR8FLG IR8AND EQO --X'80'-IRMOR EQO X'40' AND conditien specified OR cendition specified IR8SIZE 1R8ELOK size in doutlewords (X'02') EQO (*-IR8BLOK)/8 Section 1. CP Data Areas and Centrel Blocks 31 JPSCBLOK The JPSCBLOK is a part of DMKSYS. It is referenced via the EXTERNAL symbel DBKSYSJR. It is used to centrol the LOGON/AUTOLOG/LINK Journaling and Password-cn-the-coaaand-line Suppression functions. o JPSLOGU S JPSLNKU 10 1S Hexadecimal Displacement ------------ JPSPCHN Field Nalle Field Description. Contents, Beaning JPSLOGU DS CLS S JPSLNKU DS CLS JPSPCHN DS JPSFLIGS DS 1F 1X -------------------------------------- J*1 j!it§ g~fi1!~g in JPSFLG LOGONJRL EOU X '80--LI1fKJRL EQU 1--40' LIHKJRL1 EOU X'20' JRLSQOK EQU X'10' !!ASKLOG EQU X'OS' MASKLINK EOU X'04' 32 J*2 RESERVED J*5 I J*6 I J*7 0 10 14 J*1 LOGON/AUTOLCG journaling OJ SuccessfulL:INK journalingCI Invalid password LINK journaling ON SET/CUERY JCURNAL enabled Suppress LOGON password Suppress LIBK password 15 JPSLOGAR DS 1X J*2 16 17 1S 19 1A 1B JPSLOGMS JPSLOGDS JPSLNKAR JPSLNKMS JPSLNKDS 1X 1X 1X 1X 1X XL5 J*3 J*4 J*5 J*6 J*7 DS DS DS DS DS DS Userid for LOGON/IUTCLOG threshold aessages Userid for LINK threshold messages Anchor for FWDIBLOKs Control flags LOGON/AUTOLOG accounting record threshold aessages LOGON/AUTOLCG message threshcld LOGON/AUTOLCG disable threshold LINK accounting record threshold LINK message threshold LINK disable threshold Reserved for IB! use IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic LOCKBLCK LOCKELOK is used to synchronize execution for sections of nonreenterable code. Locked users are returned to the CPEXBLCK queue when the function teing executed coapletes or no longer requires nonreenterable resources. LOCKELOKs are queued eff DMKSYSLE. o r I , LOCKNEXT LOCKQUE I 1------------------------------------------------1 LOCKNAME I 8 I Hexadecimal Displacement -----------0 4 8 Field Field Description, Contents, Meaning Name Pointer to the next lock centrol block Pointer to CPEXELOK queue The name being locked LOCKNEXT DS LOCKQUE DS LOCKNAME DS 1F 1F 1D LOCKSIZE EQU C*-LOCKELOK)/8 LOCKELOK size in doutlevords (X'02') Section 1. CP Data Areas and Centrol Elocks 33 MCHAREA MCHAREA provides CP with statistical data that relates to malfuncticns of the real processor, tc its buffers, to processor storage for damage assessment, and to the recovery of VM/370. o 8 10 MCHDAMLN M*1 I M*2 I M*3 M*5 2 4 8 C D 10 10 I M*7 I M*8 1*6 I 1*7 I 1*8 MCHLSUM N*1 1*2 I N*3 I N*4 N*5 MCHFSAR MCEFSAV 50 MCHFSEAV MCBPDARI Field Name Field Description, Contents, Meaning MCHDAMG:E DS OH Damage MCHDAMLN MCHPROCA MCHREC MCHCPEX MCHMODEL 1H XL2 1F 1F 1X Length of damage assessment area Processor address Machine check record address Machine check CPEXBLCK address Model numter for the machine DS DS DS DS DS L*1 ~ssE!ssment ar.~Ci Bits defined in MCHMODEL iiODEL2QO-EQU --X'18'--MODEL210 EQO X'18' MODEL200 EQU X'18' MOD3033 EQU X'14' MOD3032 EQU X'14' MOD3031 EQU X'14' MODEL168 EQU X'10' MODEL165 EQU X'10' MODEL158 EQU X'OC' MODEL155 EQU X'OC' MODEL148 EQU X'08' MODEL145 EQU X'08' MODEL138 EQU X'04' MODEL135 EQU X'04' NOMODEL EQU X'OO' ID ID ID ID It ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID No MCHRESEV DS MCHDAMFL DS MCHFLAGO DS Reserved for IBM use Damage assessment data System status 3X OBL8 1X Bits defined in MCHFLAGO iiCHOHDWi-EQO --X'80'-MCHOSFTR EQO X'40' MCHOUSAD EQO X'20' MCB1GERR EQU X'10' MCHOTERM EQO X'08' MCBOQUIT EQU X'04' 34 I I M*6 48 Bexadecimal tisplacement o o MCBREC --------------------------------------------------------1 MCHCPEX L*1 I////I/MCBRESEV//////I 18 40 I MCHPROCA M*1 number for the 240 machine number for the 210 machine number for the 200 machine number for the 3033 processor number for the 3032 processor number for the 3031 processor number for the 168 machine number for the 165 machine number for the 158 machine number for the 155 machine number for the 148 machine number for the 145 machine number for the 138 machine number for the 135 machine support for machine Hardware recovery Software recovery User abnormally terminated Channel inoperative Operating system termination Quiet mode in effect IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic MCHAREA Hexadecimal Displacement 11 Field Name Field Description, Contents, Meaning MCHFLAG1 DS !!it§ g~f11!gg MCH1MAIN MCH1BUFF MCH1COST MCH1GERR MCH1PROC MCH1TODC MCH1SYSD 12 13 BQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU 1X Main storage Euffer Control storage Indicates channel is inoperative if bit is on Processor Time-of-day clock System damage X'40' X'20' X'10' X'08' X'02' X'01' 1X 1X .:_ !!it 2 g~~!1!~g .Lll 14 M*3 M*4 1X Intermittent error Solid error Data error Protect error M*5 Bits defined in MCHFLAG4 MCH4TOLO-EQU --X'80'--MCH4REPA EQU X'40' MCH4STRE EQU X'20' MCH4BURE EQU X'10' 15 MCHFLAG5 DS 1X MCHFLAG6 DS MCHFLAG7 DS !!i!§ 18 40 40 41 1X 1X MCH7SMCR MCH7VRTM MCH7SYST MCH70PSW MCH7VEQR MCH7SUP in MCHFLAG7 EQU --X'80'-EQU X'40' EQU X'20' EQU X'10' EQU X'08' EQU X'04' MCHLSUM MCHPDAR MCHPDARO MCHPDAR1 DS DS DS DS M*6 M*7 M*8 MCHPDAR2 MCHPDAR3 MCHPDAR4 MCHPDAR5 MCHPDAR6 DS DS DS DS DS 1X 1X 1X 1X 1X RMS wait state suffix DMKMCH status Second machine check recursion Terminate the virtual machine Terminate the system Machine check old PSi in problem state Terminate the virtual=real user DMKMCH under the glotal system lock Summary N*1 N*2 Bits defined in MCHPDAR1 MCHP1 SDE-EQU --X'80'--MCHP1IDEEQU X'40' MCHP1SKE EQU X'20' MCHP1IKE EQU X'10' 42 43 44 45 46 RMS information status Invalid hardware logout Invalid machine check interrupt code Invalid failing storage address gg!i1!~g XL40 OBL8 1X 1X RMS action data Time-out loop Repair Storage reconfiguration Buffer reconfiguration Bits defined in MCHFLAG5 MCH5INLG-EQU -X'80'-MCH5INMC EQU X'40' MCH5IFSA EQU X'20' 16 17 Damage area (continued) Error type M,"'T""'~ J:J'-UJ:JJ.t1u.:J EQU --X'80'--EQU X'40' EQU X'20' EQU X'10' MCHFLAG4 DS Damage area in MCHFLAG1 --x'SO'--- MCHFLAG2 DS MCHFLAG3 DS MCH3INTE MCH3S0LD MCH3DATA MCH3PROT M*2 Acticn taken Failure type Solid storage data error Intermittent storage data errcr Solid SPF key error Intermittent SPF key error N*3 N*4 N*5 N*6 N*7 Operating system status Location of failure Location of failure Requested operator awareness Flag byte Section 1. CP Data Areas and Control Blocks 35 MCHAREA Hexadecimal Displacement Field Name Field Description, Contents, Meaning ~!!§ g~!!~g in MCBPDAR6 MCBP6CBA EQU --X'80-'- - 47 MCBPDAR7 DS 1X Bits defined in MCBPDAR7 MCB7STCK-EQU --X'80'--MCH7GSTR EQU X'40' MCB7PURG EQU X'20' MCB7LOGO EQU X'lO' MCB7EXIT EQU X'08' MCH7RSRE EQU X'04' MCB7IOEM EQU X'02' 48 4C 50 54 36 Change bit active N*8 Flag byte Interfaces Interfaces Interfaces Interfaces Interfaces Interfaces Interfaces for for for for for for for STACK routine GETMAIN routine PURGE routine V=R logoff routine exit to CP RELEASE and RESET routines the recorder MCBFSAR MCHFSAV MCBFSEAV MCHPDARI DS DS DS DS 1F IF 1F 1F Failing location real address Instruction address at failure End of the failing location End of the failing virtual stcrage address MCHLENl MCHLEN MCHFIX EQU EQU EQU *MCHDAMAGE *MCHRESEV 280+48 Length of damage assessment area Length of area to be cleared Length of the fixed logout and the header record for machine check handler IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic ftCRECOBD MCRECORD provides the necessary processor and main storage. 0 ft*1 1 ft*2 1 ft*3 extended logout information ftl..SiITCH M*4 8 ftCDATE 10 ftCCPUID 18 MCPROGID 20 MCJOBID 28 ftCOLDPW 30 ftCFIDLOG 148 ftCEITLOG for error recording of I ft*5 l/ft*6//1 (Variable Length) I!CHDlftAG (80 bytes) Hexadecimal Displacement Field Name o o MCREC DS OD ftCRECTYP MCOPSYS MCSiONE I!CSWTWO I!CSiITCH MCRECCNT MCRECCC I!CDATE I!CCPUID MCPROGID MCJOBID I!C01DPW I!CFID10G DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS 11 11 11 11 21 11 11 118 118 118 118 Its 35D FID1G1H EQU (*- !!CFIDtOG) Length of machine check fixed logout area I!CEIT10G EQU * MCHDII!AG EQU * Beginning of machine check extended logout (the extended logout length is variable length and machine dependent) Damage assessment area (80 bytes) 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 10 18 20 28 30 148 Field Description, contents, fteaning ft*1 ft*2 ft*3 ft*4 ft*5 ft*6 ftachine check record type Operating system Record independent switch Record dependent switch Unused switches Record count Reserved for IBft use Date and ti.e Processor identification and .odel number Program identity Job identity (unused) ftachine check old PSi ftachine check fixed logout Section 1. CP Data Areas and Control Blocks 37 MtRREC MDRREC retains information for the VM/370 error recording cylinders. o I MDRKEYB I M*1 I/M*2//I/B*3/1 M*4 10 18 MDRCPID MDRCUA1 MDRVOL 20 Hexadecimal o 2 3 4 5 6tR'I'MEN MDRDTEN 8 I////ftDRSPE1////1 MDRSENS Field MDRKEYN MDRSllS1 MDRSllS2 MDRSWS3 MDRRECNT 1B 1C 1C 1C 1C DS DS DS DS DS M*1 M*2 M*3 6*4 Type and operating system Switch byte 0 Reserved for IBM use Reserved for IBM use Sequence (4 bits) and record (4 bits) Used for sequence number Indicates the record total 6 8 C 10 18 1A 20 MDRSPE1 MDRDTEB MDRTMEB MDRCPID Reserved for IBM use Date Time Processor identification and model number MDRCUA1 MDRVOL MDRSENS DS DS DS Q2ta 21 61 241 primary CUA of device Volume serial number of device Sense byte data MDRSIZE EQU (*-MDRREC) MDR record size §,YEEQrt MDRCUA1 21 11 11 21 21 21 Line address Control unit address Device address Sense and status informaticn Resource identification Reserved for IBM use §,YE.EQrt MDRCUA1 21 81 21 Device address Userid Resource identification 18 1A 1B 1C 1E 20 I.Qf JIQ.2 38 1B 1F 1F 2F Q~ic~ Q~£~~g~~! I.Qf JlIQ 18 1A 22 DS DS DS DS Re'!Q!~ ORG DS DS DS DS DS DS Re)g!~ ORG DS DS DS IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic IHCBLCK MICBLOK contains pointers to control registers, the segment table, and other values required by the virtual machine assist feature and the VM/370 Extended Control-Program Support (ECPS). This information is needed for the handling of certain instructions and privileged operations requested by the virtual machine. The VMMICRO field of the VMBLCK points to MICBLOK. o MICRSEG IHCCREG 8 MICVPSW MICWORK 10 MICVTMR MICACF Hexadecimal Displacement o Field Name Field Description, Contents, Meaning 4 8 MICRSEG MICCREG MICVPSW DS DS DS 1F 1F 1F Real segment table pointer Virtual control register pointer Virtual PSW pointer 8 l'IICVIP ORG DS MICVPSW 1X Virtual interrupt pending bit Virtual interrupt is pending; therefore, the virtual machine assist feature is net to handle change of PSW channel masks or external mask from disabled to enabled. All other bits in this byte must be O. 9 DS 3X Address of virtual PSW 10 MICWORK MICVTMR DS DS 1F 1F 14 MICACF DS 1F Workspace pointer Location to be decremented when the virtual interval timer assist feature of VM/370 ECPS is being used Assist controls 14 MICEVl'IA ORG DS MICACF 1X Expanded virtual machine assist control bits C !!i!§ g~!i1!gg MICLPSW MICPTLB MICSCSP l'IICSIO l'IICSTSM IHCSTPT l'IICTCH 15 l'IICSIZE EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU in MICEVl'IA --X'80'-X'40' X'20' X'10' X'08' X'04' X'02' LPSW simulation PTLE simulation SCKC, SPT simulation SIO simulation STNSM, STOSM. and SSM simulation STPT simulation TCH simulation DS 3X Reserved for IBM Use EQU (*-MICBLOK)/8 Size of tSECT in doutlewords (X'03') Section 1. CP Data Areas and Control Blocks 39 MIHREC MIHREC is used in the SVC 76-initiated error Interrupt Handler) records. recording process of tYFe 70 MIH (Missing I 0 MIHKElN 8 I 1*1 I/A*2//I/A*3//I/l*4//I///MIHSPE1////1 10 MIHCPID 18 MIHJOB MIHCUl2 28 MIHVOL (cont. ) Hexadecimal Displacement 2 3 4 5 6 8 C 10 40 IHBDEVT MIHINT Field Name MIHKElN MIHSiS1 MIHSiS2 MI!I$WS3 MIHRECNT MIHSPE1 MIHDTEN MIHTMEN MIHCPID Field Description, Contents, Meaning DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS 1H 1C 1C 1C 1C 1H 1F 1F 2F Q~xic~ Q~Fend!A! 18 20 23 26 2C 30 MIHVOL MIHCUl1 20 30 o MIHTMEN MIHDTEN 1*1 1*2 1*3 1*4 Type and operating system Switch byte 0 Reserved for IBM use Reserved for IBM use Reserved for IBM use Reserved for IBM use Date Time Processor identification and model number Qatg MIHJOB MlijCUl2 MIHCUl1 IHHYOL IUHDEYT MIHINT DS DS DS DS DS DS 8X 3X 3X 61 41 8X IHHSIZE EQU (*-MIHREC) Job whose I/O request is pending CUI used to address the device Primary device address Volume serial number of device Device type Time interval used to check Fending interrupt MIH record size in deublewcrds (X'07') IBM VM/370 Data lreas and Centrol Block Logic HNBDB MNBDR provides header information for following monitor records. o MIBRECSZ I///RSVD////I M*1 elHCODE MIHTOD (cont.) 8 L Hexadecimal Displacement ------------ Field Name Field Description, Contents, eeaning -------------------------------------- 0 aNBHDLEN BQU Of Length of 0 MIHRECSZ RSVD MNHCLASS BNHCODE BIHTOD 1B 1H 11 IL2 ILS Record size Reserved for IBe use Bonitor class Bonitor code Current TOD value 2 4 S 7 DS DS DS DS DS BNHDRLEI EQU II *-BNHDR B*1 B*2 401."", '-41"" ~'''',.1r .IJ."" . . . . .n. header ,. 1171:1 ~ .... "" ........ , -F,.. ...... ",,+\ Length of header record Section 1. CP Data Areas and Control Blocks 41 MNOOO MNOOO provides an area for the accumulation of records dealing with privilege operations, paging, dispatching, and interrupt activity. 01• I 81 I 101 I 18 r-- MNOOOWlD MNOOOHl MNOOOHD MNOOOTC MNOOOMN MNOOOWlO EOI I ESI I CO MNOOOMO MNOOOIR MNOOOPRB C8 MNOOOCP MNOOOCH MNOOOWPG 20 MNOOOPSl MNOOOCPA DO MNOOOTE MNOOOCE 28 MNOOONFL MNOOOPSN DE MNOOOCT MNOOOPE 30 MNOOOPRC MNOOORPC EO MNOOOPT MNOOOEP 38 MNOOOSPC !!NOOOFLF ES MNOOOlP !!NOOOPB 40 MNOOOCPT MNOOOSS FO MNOOORR MNOOOTCL 48 MNOOOPFF MNOOOPRF FS MNOOOLCL !!NOOOCS 50 MNOOOPCS !!NOOONXR 100 ENOOOCD l!NOOOHDl 58 MNOOOCPR !!NOOOCVl 108 !NOOONDU l!NOOONAU MNOOOCCW MNOOOlTl 110 !!NOOOPRD l!NOOOPWR !!NOOOPTl !!NOOOCKl 118 I'lNOOONPP MNOOOSWS MNOOOCSV MNOOOCPG 12C l!NOOOQ1N l!NOOOC2N "NOOOClO !!NOOOCDS 12S MNOOOQ1E IMNOOOQ2E ,!!NOOOlNT IMNOOOPPA MNOOOCDA MNOOOCDB 13CIMNOOOPPC 1/////////1 !!NOOOCSC MNOOEK MNOOOlK MNOOOMS MNOOOLP MNOOODl MNOOOSl MNOOOSF MNOOOTl MNOOOCl 601 t 68, I 701 I 781 I 80, , 881 I 901 I 981 I AOI I A81 Hexadecimal Displacement -----------0 8 10 18 20 24 28 2C 30 42 Field Name MNOOOWlD DS !!NOOOWPG DS MNOOOWIO DS MNOOOPRB DS MNOOOPSI DS MNOOOCPA DS MNOOONFL DS MNOOOPSN -DS MNOOOPRC DS PlNOOOlSD 1-----------------------------------1381 MNOOOGTM MNOOODQM 1----------------------------------1401 l!NOOOSWP !!NOOOEXT 1-----------------------------------1481 MNOOONXT !!NOOOATT ,15CII------------------------------------~ l!NOOOCNT , Field Description, Contents, Meaning XL8 IL8 XL8 XL8 1F lF 1F 1F 1F Total system idle wait time Total system page wait time Total system I/O wait time Total system problem state time No. of paging SIOs No. of calls to DftKPAG No. of page frames currently cn free list No. of pages currently being swapped No. cf pages flushed but reclaimed IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic l!NOOO Hexadecimal Displacement -----------34 38 3C 40 44 48 4C 50 54 58 5C 60 64 68 6C 10 74 78 7C 80 84 88 8C 90 94 98 9C AO A4 A8 IC BO B4 B8 Be CO C4 C8 CC DO D4 D8 DC EO B4 B8 BC FO F4 F8 FC 100 104 108 10C 110 114 118 Field Na.e l!NOOORPC l!NOOOSPC l!NOOOFLF l!NOOOCPT MNOOOSS MNOOOPFF MNOOOPRF l!NOOOPCS MBOOONXR MNOOOCPR l!NOOOCVI MNOOOCCi l!NOOOITI MNOOOPTI MNOOOCKI !NOOOCSY MBOOOCPG MBOOOCIO MBOOOCDS l!BOOOCDA l!NOOOCDB MBOOOCSC MBOOOEK MNOOOIK MBOOOMS MBOOOLP MBOOODI MNOOOSI liNOOOSF l!NOOOTI liNOOOCI MNOOOHI MNOOOHD l!NOOOTC MNOOOI!N MBOOOMO MNOOOLR liNOOOCP MNOOOCB MNOOOTE MNOOOCE l!NOOOCT MNOOOPE MNOOOPT MNOOOEP l!NOOOIP MNOOOPB MNOOORR MNOOOTCL l!BOOOLCL MNOOOCS MNOOOCD MNOOOBDI l!NOOOBDU MNOOOBAU liNOOOPRD MNOOOPiR MNOOONPP Field Descripticn, Contents, l!eaning DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F IF 1F IF 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F IF 1F 1F IF 1F 1F IF IF IF 1F lF IF IF 1F 1F 1F IF 1F IF 1F IF 1F IF IF 1F IF 1F IF IF IF IF IF IF 1F 1F IF 1F IF 1F IF 1F -------------------------------------No. No. No. No. Bo. No. Bo. No. No. Bo. No. No. Bo. Bo. cf cf of cf cf of cf cf of cf cf cf cf of of reserved pages shared system pages times the free list was empty calls to D!KPTBFB pages stolen from in-queue users pages swapped fro. the flush list pages examined in stealing a Fage full scans done in stealing pages real external interruFtions calls to Dl!KPRVLG calls to DMKVIOEX calls to DftKCCi from DMKVIO interval timer interruptiens reflected processor timer interruptions reflected clock comparator interruFtions .... NOe No. v.L SVC interruptions reflected No. cf program interruptions handled No. of I/O interruptions handled No. of calls to Dl!KDSP (main entry) Bo. of fast reflects in Dl!SDSF Bo. cf dispatches for new FSis Bo. of calls to DMKSCBDL Instruction count for X'08' SSK Instruction count for X'09' ISK Instruction count for X'80' SSM Instruction count for X'82' LFSi Instruction count for X'83' DIAG Instruction count for 1'9CXO' SIO Instruction count for X'9CX1' SIOF Instruction count for X'9DXO' TIO Instruction count for X'9DX1' CLRIO Instruction count for X'9EXO' BIC Instruction count for X'9EX1' BDV Instruction count for X'9F' TCB Instruction count for X'AC' STNSM Instruction count for X'AD' STOSM Instruction count for X'Bl' LRA Instruction count for X'E202' STIDP Instruction count for X'E203' STIDC Instruction count for X'E204' SCK Instruction count for X'B206' SCKC Instruction count for X'B207' STCKC Instruction count for X'E208' SFT Instruction count for X'E209' STPT Instruction count for X'E20A' SPKA Instruction count for X'E20E' IPK Instruction count for X'E20D' PTLB Instruction count for X'E213' RRE Instruction count for X'E6' STCTL Instruction count for X'E7' LCTL Instruction count for X'EA' CS Instruction count for X'EB' CDS Diagnose disk I/O simulaticn count No. of users dialed to a virtual machine Bo. of users logged on Bo. cf page reads No. cf page writes No. of system pageable pages ~4='".,.~,,;I ..a...",;;;;~""'~'-''''''IIi;U _6: Section 1. CP Data Areas and Centrol Blocks 43 MNOOO Hexadecimal tisplacement Field Name Field Description, Contents, !!eaning 11C 120 124 128 12A 12C 12E MNOOOSWS ftNOOOQ1N MNOOOQ2N MNOOOQ1E MNOOOQ2E ftNOOOINT ftNOOOPPl DS DS DS DS DS DS DS 1F 1F 1F 1H 1H 1H 1H 130 132 134 138 13C 140 144 148 14C 150 ftNOOOPPC DS DS MNOOOISD DS MNOOOGTM DS !!NOOODftQ DS MNOOOSWP DS !!NOOOEIT DS MNOOONXT DS !!N0001TT DS MNOOOCNT DS 1H 1H 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F Sum of working sets of in-queue users No. of users in Q1 No. of users in Q2 No. of users eligible for C1 No. of users eligitle for C2 !!ONITOR sampling interval (in seconds) Pseudo-cylinders' of allocated temporary space Pseudo-cylinders 1 of systea temporary space Reserved for IB!! use Count of mini I/O tlock stack deFletes Count of m1n1 I/O tlocks in the queue Count of mini I/O tlocks processed Count of SIOs on alternate path Count of free storage extensions Count of release of free storage extensions Count of TRYSPLIT attempt Count of sutpool splits MNOOOLEN EQU *-!!NOOO Record length in bytes lA pseudo-cylinder comprises 100 available page slots for all system-owned volumes. total available pseudo-cylinders per device is determined by the formula: (number of cylinders X number of records per cylinder for a device) 100 44 IBM VM/310 Data Areas and Control Block Logic The ftN001 ftN001 gives information on the Ferformance of the Attached Processor. a ftN001WID 8 ftN001WPG 10 ftN001WIO 18 ftN001PRB 20 MNOOlNXR ftNOC1CSV 28 I!IOO1PRD ftNOC1PWR 30 ftN001SSY ftNOC1NSY 38 ftN001SFR ftNOC1NFR 40 ftN001SRN ftNCC1NRN 48 ftN001STft ftNOC1NTft 50 ftN001SDP ftNOC1NDP 58 ftN001NFL ftNOC1NF~ 60 ftN001NSD ftNOC1NVD 68 ftN001NRU Hexadeciaal Displaceaent o Field Naae Field Description, Contents, fteaning 10 ftN001WID DS ftN001WPG DS ftN001WIO DS 18 i!i1i001PRB DS 20 ftN001NR DS 1F 24 ftN001CSV DS 1F 28 2C ftN001PRD DS ftN001PWR DS 1F 1F 30 34 38 3C 40 44 48 4C 50 54 58 5C 60 64 68 ftN001SSY ftN001NSY !!N001SFR ftN001NFR ftN001SRN ftN001NRN ftN001STft ftN001NTft ftN001SDP ftN001NDP ftN001NFL ftN001NFS !!N001NSD ftN001NVD ftN001NRU 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F L8 Attached processor idle wait time L8 Attached processor page wait time L8 Attached processor I/C wait time L8 Attached processor problem state time Number of external interru~ts tc the attached processor Number of SVCs reflected by the attached processor Nuaber of page reads by attached Frocessor Number of page writes by the attached processor Total time spin on systea lock Total number of spins for systea lock Total time spin on D!KFRE lock Total number of spins for tftKFRE lock Total time spin on RUNLIST lock Total number of spins for RUNLIST lock Total time spin on timer request lock Total number of spins for timer request lock Total time spin on displacement lock Total number of spins for ais~lacement leck Number of times CPFRELK set Number of times CPFRESW set Number of times system lock request deferred Number of times VftBLCK leck deferred Number of D~KDSPRU entries *-ftN001 Length of record 8 DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS ftN001LEN EQU Section 1. CP Data Areas and Contrel Blocks 45 MN097, MN098 MN097 provides header information for a file that Monitor. This is the first record of the file. o MN097CPU 8 ftN097LEV 10 MN097DAT 18 MN097TIM 20 MN097UID contains data accu.ulated 28 MN097CR8 MN097NUC 30 MN097FSS MN097DPA 38 MN097TTS MN097VR 40 MN097CPL MN097APL Field Name Hexadecillal Displacement -----------0 8 10 18 20 28 2C 30 34 38 3C 40 42 MN097CPU MN097LEV MN097DAT MN097TIM MN097UID MN097CR8 MN097NUC MN097FSS MN097DPA MN097TTS MN097VR MN091CPL MN091APL by Vft/370 Field Description, Contents, fteaning DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS MN091LEN EQU -------------------------------------- Processor serial numter and .odel number Prograa level change Current date Current time Userid of user who invoked !!CIUTOH Value of control register 8 Size of nucleus Size of free storage Size of dyna.ic paging area Size of trace table Size of V=R area Logical address of main prccessor Logical address of alternate Frccessor IL8 CL8 CL8 CL8 CL8 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1H 1H *-MN097 Length of header record MN098 contains the userid of the user who has terminated current V!!/370 !!enitor activity. This is the last record of the file. o Hexadecimal Displacement o 46 MN098UID Field Name Field Description, Contents, fteaning MN098UID DS CL8 ID of user stopping the V8/370 ftonitor MN098LEN EQU *-MN098 Length of trailer record IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic MN099, MN10X MN099 contains information recorded when VM/370 Monitor activity is sus Fended because all tuffers are full and are queued for output. f o I MN099CNT MN099TOD I------------------------------------------------------~ 8 I Hexadecimal Displacement M*1 Field Naae Field Description, Contents, Meaning DS DS 115 MN099CNT MN099LEN EQU *-MN099 5i099TOD 0 5 MN10X contains information for a given userid. XL4 Length of the suspension record on the number of o 8 TOD clock value at suspensicn Count of suspensions M*1 inFut or cutput console line transmissions MN10XUID MN10XADD M*1 MN10YIO Hexadeciaal Displacement o a A B Field Name Field Description, Contents, l!eaning -------------------------------------- MN10XUID DS MN10XADD DS CLa 1H MN10XLEN EQU *-MN10X l!N10YCNT DS 1x MN10YLEN EQU *-MN10X Long record, header length MN10YIO * Input/output line starts here EQU Userid Terminal line address Short record length l!*1 Eyte count for the following line Section 1. CP Data Areas and Control Blocks 47 MN20X MN20X contains VM/370 and spool activity. Monitor data on CP's scheduler activity, o MN20XNPP MN201SWS 10 MN20XQ1N MN201Q2N MN20XQ1E MN2CIWSS MN20YTTI 28 MN20YVTI 30 MN204PBI MN202PGB 38 MN202BES MN202PST 40 MN202PNC 48 MN202CRD MN202APR MN202BEF MN20210C MN202LIN Field Na.e Field Description, Contents, Meaning 10 14 18 1A 1C 1E MN20XOID MN20XNPP MN20XSWS MN20XQ1N MN20XQ2N MN20XQ1E MN20XQ2E MN20XWSS MN20XQNM 1F MN20XPRC DS 11 MN203LEN EQO *-MN20I Length of class 2 code 3 record (ldd queue) 20 28 30 MN20YTTI DS MN20YVTI DS MN204PBI DS Its Its 1F Current VMTTIME (CP simulation time) Current VMVTIME (user virtual ti.e) Eligible list priority 30 32 OBG MN202PRI DS MN202PGB DS MN204PBI 1H 1H MN204LEN EQO *-MN20X 34 MN202APB DS 1H 36 MN202BEF MN202BES MN202PST MN202IOC MN202PNC MN202LIN MN202CBD MN202LPB 1H 1H 1H 1F 1F 1F 1F 1X 8 C 38 3A 3C 40 44 48 4C DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS MN202LEN EQO 48 MN20XQ2E 20 Hexadecimal Displacement o MN20IUID 8 18 dispatch queues, paging, CL8 1F 1F 1F 1F 1H 1H 1H 1X M*1 M*2 *-MN20X Userid being added and/or drcFped fro. queue No. of system pageable pages No. cf working sets of in-queue users No. of users in Q1 No. of users in Q2 No. of users eligible for C1 No. cf users eligitle for C2 User's projected working set size Queue wherein additions and/or deletions are being made CP TRACE tatle processor identification Dispatch priority Pages read Whi~~__ ~~queue I Length of class 2 code 4 record (DroF queue) M*3 Sum cf pages-read that are -Yesiae-n-{-----at each paging operation No. of pages referenced While in queue Current numter of pages resident No. cf pages stolen while in queue Virtual nonspooled 510 count Virtual cards punched Virtual lines printed Virtual cards read Last processor on which execution tock Flace Length of class 2 code 2 reccrd eligible list) IEM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic (add to the ftN400 ftN400 provides user virtual machine statisticse 0 ftN400UID 8 ftN400TTI 10 ftN400VTI 18 MN400PGR ftN400PGW 20 ftN400IOC ftN4COPNC 28 ftN400LIN MN4COCRD 30 ft*1 ft*2 ft*3 M*4 ft*5 38 ft*9 ft*10 ft*11 M*12 ft*13 1/!*14/1 40 48 Hexadecimal Displacement o !N400PDR !N400WSS 8*6 MN4COPDK ft*7 I !*8 ftN400RES !N400INT ft*15 Field Name Field Description, contents, fteaning 8 MN400UID MN400TTI DS DS CL8 XL8 10 MN400VTI DS XL8 Userid Current V!TTI!E (in V!ELCK); CP simulatien time Current V!VTI!E (in V!ELOK); user virtual 18 1C 20 24 28 2C 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 40 42 44 46 48 MN400PGR MN400PGW MN400IOC MN400PNC MN400LIN DS DS DS DS DS 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1X 1X 1X 1X 1X 1X 1X 1X 1X 1X 1X 1X 1X 1X 1H 1H 1H 1H 1H 1X Total page reads for this user Total page writes for this user Virtual nonspooled SIO count Virtual cards punched Virtual lines printed Virtual cards read User running status User dispatch status User operating status User queuing status User processing status User execution status User tracing control status User message level User queue level User command level User timer level Interrupt pending status Directory or SET priority Reserved for IBft use Number of pages resident Estimated working set size Drum allocated page frames Disk allocated page frames Monitor sampling interval (in seconds) Last processor on which executien toek place ti:e MN400CRD DS MN400RST HN400DST MN4000ST MN400QST MN400PST MN400EST MN400TST MN400MLV MN400QLV MN400CLV MN400TLV !N400PND ftN400UPR MN4RSV1 MN400RES MN400WSS MN400PDR MN400PDK MN400INT MN400LPR DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS MN400LEN EQU *-ftN400 ft*1 ft*2 M*3 M*4 ft*5 !*6 !*7 ft*8 !*9 M*10 M*11 M*12 M*13 M*14 M*15 Length of class 4 code 0 record Section 1. CP Data Areas and Centrel Elocks 49 MN500 MN500 provides data on instructions simulated by CP. o MN500UID MN500lNS 8 10 Hexadecimal Displacement -----------C 8 C 10 50 MN5COVID MN500VH Field Name Field Description, Contents, Meaning CL8 1F 1F XL8 MN500UID MN500lNS MN500VAD MN5000VH DS DS DS DS MN500LEN EQU *-MN500 Userid privileged instruction Virtual storage address cf the instruction Current total of CP simulaticn time Length of class 4 code 0 reccrd IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Centrol Block Logic MN600 I • Header Record I MN600HDR header record provides the number of device data packages. o Hexadecimal Displacement MN600NUM Field Name o ,. r I Field Description, Contents, Meaning Number of device data packages that follow length of header ~N600NUM DS 1H MN600HLN EQU *-MN600HDR Length of header I/O Count Record MN600DEV inFut/output data packages. o r I count record provides MN600ADD information for each device in the device MN600S:ER MN600TY I----------------------------------------------------~ MN600CNT 8 I Hexadecimal Bisplacement -----------0 2 4 A Field Naae Field Description, Contents, Meaning 1H 1H CL6 IL4 Device VM/370 Volume Device MN600DLN EQU *-MN600DEV Length of each data record MN600MAI EQU (4096-MNBHDLEN-MNHIRLEN-MN600HLN)/MN600DLN Maximum device count MN600ADD MN600TY MN600SER MN600CNT DS DS DS DS address device type and/or codes serial number of device accumulated I/O count Section 1. CP Data Areas and Control Blocks 51 MN602 I • Header Keccrd MN602HDR provides the number of sa.ples for intervals of device packagese o Hexadecimal Displacement Field Name o I • MN602SAM Field Description, Contents, Meaning 8N602SAM DS 1H Number of samples for interval Utilizaticn Record MN602 provides, via CP MONITOR co.mand, There is one record for each device. 0 8 risplacement -----------0 2 4 6 8 A C for DlSD and tape devices. r--------------------------------------------------------, MN602ADD MN602CHB MN6C2CUE 8N602DVB I MN602CHQ MR602CUQ 8*1 Field Name MN602ADD MN602CHB MN602CUB MN602DVB MN602CHQ MN602CUQ 8N602DVQ Field Description, Contents, Meaning DS DS DS DS DS DS DS MN602DLN EQU 52 utilization data 1H 1H 1H 1H 1H 1H 1C 8*1 *-MN602DEV Address of the device Number of times channel is busy Number of times control unit is busy Number of times device is busy Input/output tasks queued en channel Input/output tasks queued cn the control unit Input/output tasks queued cn device Length of device portion in dcublevords IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic MN100 MN700 provides, via CP DASD. MONITOR, the I/O tasks and cylinder seek o 8 10 MN700UID MB700ADD M*3 n ......... _;I!,...".;.".!!!II1 l1~Aa.U.~"""""_Q."'" Field tisplacement Halle -----------0 a A C E F 10 11 activity cf a specified MN7CCCCY MN700CYL M*l I M*4 MB700UID MN700ADD MN700CYt MN700CCY MN700QDV MN700QCU MN700QCH 8N700DIR Field DescriptioD# Contents s Meaning DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS 8B700tEB EQU cta 1H 1H 1H 11 11 1X 1X *-MN100 -------------------------------------- 8*1 8*2 8*3 8*4 Userid Device address Cylinder l:eing sought Current cylinder I/O tasks queued on the device I/O tasks queued on the contrcl unit I/O tasks queued on the channel Seek direction: OO=lower, 01=bigber Length of class 7 code o record section 1. CP Data Areas and Ccntrel Blocks 53 MN802 I • Header Reccrd MN802HDR provides the number of device block counters. o Hexadecimal Displacement o 2 I. r--------------------------------------------------------" MN802NUM MN802CNT I Field Name Field Description, Contents, !eaning Number of dev1ce block counters MN802NUM DS 1H that follow MN802CNT DS IL4 Device I/O count MN802DLN RQU Length of the header *-MN802CTR System Profile Data MN802CTR provides, via CP MONITOR command, additional system profile data. The monitor data includes: the I/O activity for each device, the number of logged en users, number cf page read/writes, and the total system I/O, page wait, and proble. state times. MN802NIU MN8C2PGR 8 MN802PGW MN8C2NPP 10 MN802WID 18 MN802WPG 20 MN802WIO 28 MN802PRE Hexadecimal Displacement -----------0 4 8 C 10 18 20 28 , o Field Name MN802NAU MN802PGR MN802PGW MN802NPP MN802WID MN802WPG MN802WIO MN802PRB Field Description, Contents, Meaning DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS MN802CLN EQU 54 -------------------------------------- 1F 1F 1F 1F 118 XL8 118 IL8 No. of logged on users Total system page reads Total system page writes No. cf system pageable pages Total system idle wait time Total system page wait time Total system I/O wait time Total system problem time *-MN802CTR Length of each data entry IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic MNDEVLST MNDEVLST prevides information on device activity. Pointed to by MCNDVLST, it (MNDEVLST) contains a list of RDEVBLOK addresses to be used ty class 6 (DASTAP) data collection, together with bins: for each device, in which the high frequency sampler (tMKENTTI) can accumulate centrol unit and device busy counts during each monitor interval. Note that channel busy counts are accumulated in a separate area pointed to by MONCBPTR, 5 deublewords and 2 bytes per entry. o MNRDEVB Hexadecimal Field Lisplacement Naiie o 4 6 MNRDEBV MNCUBSY MNDVBSY MNCUESY MNDVBSY Field Description, contents. !eaning DS DS DS MNDEVLEN BQU 1F 1B 1B Address of RDEVBLOK Control unit busy count Device busy count *-MNDEVLST Device entry size in doutlewcrds (1'01') Section 1. CP Data Areas and Centrol Blocks 55 !ORCO! !ONCO! provides drive. o the control link for CP's monitoring activity, i !ONARDB i 0*1 i 0*2 nONDVNUn i 28 -----------------------------------------------------1 MONDVLST 1/////////!OBRSV1///////////1 ---------------------------------------------------1 MOIIIOB !ONITRB 1 -----------------------------------------------------1 MONCLOCK 1 -----------------------------------------------------1 MONSUSCK 1 -----------------------------------------------------1 MONSUSCT 1/////////!OBRSVD1//////////1 30 MONSAVE1 70 !ONSAVE2 BO MONUSER 8 10 18 20 B8 ftORSPLCT !OBS-FB CO !OBCURV MOBBXTV C8 !OBCURR l'IONIUTR DO MOBDASA MONDASB D8 MONDAS EO MOBCURBF MOBCRSLT E8 MOBIOBF MORIOSLT FO MOBSKLST MOBSACT F8 MOBCBPTR MOBUTRB 100 M*3 M*4 MOBBUFBO l'IORBUF1 MORBUF1V (Variable nu.her of buffers) (Last address field) 56 the user, and IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic the tape MCNCOM Hexadecimal Displacement o 4 Field Name Field Description, Contents, Meaning Bi!§ g~!1:~g KONSYSVK EQU CFSTOP EQU TRUN EQU ERROR EQU l!ONTIINT EQU KONLSTBK EQU l!ONIBUF EQU 5 1F 11 KONARDB DS MONFLAG1 DS KONFLAG1 1:11 i'isQI- l!ONFLAG2 DS 1X 10 14 18 20 28 2C 30 70 EO E8 BC CO C4 C8 CC DO D4 D8 DC EQU -i'aoe-- KONDVNQl! MONDVLST KONRSV1 MONAIOE DS DS DS DS DS :PS DS DS DS DS DS 1H 1F 1F 1F 1F 1D 1D 1F 1F 16F 16F DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS 8C 1F 1F 1F ~ONATRB l!ONCLOCK KONSUSCK KONSUSCT MONRSiD1 MONSAlE1 MONSAVE2 MONUSER MON;5PLCT MONSFB MONCURV MONNXTv MONCURR MONNXTR MONDASA MONDASB KONDAS MONEX K*2 MONFLAG2 SUSPEND Work byte VK/370 monitor bas been suspended iF 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F ii*3 DS Address of monitor tape real device block Monitor flag Flag used by user class routine MONliOR STOP command has been issued Tape rewind-unload CCW has been scheduled Tape error has occurred -- step VK/370 menitor Handling timer interruption Handling the last tlock Only one buffer for VM/370 menitoring 1'20' X'10' X'08' X'04' X'02' X'01' ~it§ ggfi~ed i~ 6 8 C M*1 Numter of entries in real device list Address of the real device list Reserved for IBM use Address of monitor tape l/C block Address of monitor timer request block TOD clock stamp for each record TOD clock value at last suspension Suspension count Reserved for IBM use Monitor internal save area fer main processor 8onitor internal save area for attached precessor User starting/stopping the V8/310 monitor Number of records on spool file Address of SFBLCK for spool file Virtual address of first virtual buffer Virtual address of secend virtual buffer Real address of first virtual buffer Real address of second virtual buffer Address of next DASD buffer Address of previous DASD buffer Address of IASD buffer for tbe spocl file Flag lyte Spool file closed ty command DD l!ONFLAG3 DS §it§ g~!1:!}~g CLSUS EQU EXHAUST EQU CL EQU SPOOLED EQU 8*4 1:11 Flag tyte MONFLAG3 i'sO'X'40' 1'20' 1'10' DE EO E4 E8 MONBUFNO MONCURBF MONCRSLT KONIOBF DS DS DS DS 1H 1F 1F 1F EC FO F4 F8 FC 100 KONIOSLT MONSKLST MONSACT MONCHPTR l!ONUTRB KONBUF1 DS DS DS DS DS DS 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F Suspend during close Spool DASI slots exhausted Suspension necessary 8onitor to spool active Reserved for IBM use Address of current V8/370 menitor buffer Corresponding slot address Address of 1M/370 monitor buffer going to tape Corresponding slot address Address for device list seeks Limit count for real time .enitor Address of channel sampling data Address of I/O utilization First VM/37C monitor buffer address Section 1. CP Data Areas and Centrel Blocks 57 MOBCOM Hexadecimal Displacement 104 Field Bame Field Description, Contents, Meaning MOBBUF1V EQU MOBBUF1+4 First buffer address of remaining variable number of buffers. There is one 4-tyte entry for each monitor buffer. The last field contains X'FFFFFFFF' ftOBSIZB (*-MOBCOM)/8 Size of DSECT in doutlewords BQU !lag§ !~ DftKSYSAT AUTOGO EQU----X' 80' AUTOSPL BQU X'40' ftOBSLMT BQU ftOBBUFAV BQU ftOBBUFAC BQU X'20' SISMON setting for AUTODISK cn Stop monitor when spool file record limit is reached Sampling for real time Monitor X'01' X'03' FIM in Byt~ 1 of ~uff~ of Buff~ !£!: .§pool Not collecting; being used fer output Available fcr use Current active collector l1~it~! ~uffe!: Co~!!ol TRAP UBFIB BQU BQU Fl~g !~ ~Egg! SFBeOB 58 EQU X'80' X'40' Flag in Byt~ 1Q of Spool Buffer Last buffer queued for I/O Close occurred tefore the buffer was full File Control ]lock (~!BFL!G2) l!onitor sFocl file ide-ntifier --ii 01' IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Centrol Block Logic l!SSCOl! MSSCOM contains information necessary to request a l!SS volume mount, request a MSS volume demount, or ccmplete processing when a pack change interrupt is received on a l!SS device. The MSSCOM tlocks are chained frcm location DaKS~SMQ in module D!KSSS. r HSSSER 0 I I 8 I////////MSSRSRVD/////////I I MSSTASK2 10 I I 18 I MSSNEXT I HSSUSER (cont.) 20 I Hexadecimal Displacement ------------ Field Name 8SSVUA MSSTASK1 MSSTASK3 aSSUSEB MSSFLAGS Field Description, Contents, Meaning 0 MSSSER DS CL6 6 8 C MSSVUA DS MSSRSRVD DS HSSTASK1 DS XL2 1F 1F 10 MSSTASK2 DS 1F 14 MSSTASK3 DS 1F 18 1C MSSNEXT MSSUSER DS DS 1F CLS 24 MSSFLAGS DS X12 Volume serial number of the l!SS volume to te mounted or demounted Device address for the volume Beserved for IBl! use Pointer to a CPEXBLOK for a pending MS~ pack change interrupt Pointer to a CPEXBLOK for a pending MSC return on mount or demount Pointer to a CPEXBLOK for an I/C request to a volume being mounted Next entry in the chain, or zere Name of the virtual aachine that requires the ~SS activity Einary flags representing the status of the request MSSERR in MSSFLAGS EQU -X'8000'EQU X'2000' EQU X'400' RQENT EQU X'SO' MQENT EQU X'40' INPROC aSGPROC EQU EQU X'20' X'10' MSSSIZE EQU (*-MSSSER)/8 asscoa size in doublewords ~i!§ g~!!!!~g MOUNT DEMOUl~T Mount volume aSSSER on address HSSVUA Demount MSSSER from MSSVUA The l!SC detected an error while attempting the requested action This request is waiting to be passed to the l!SC This request has been passed to the l!SC, and is awaiting a pack change interrupt This request being processed by the l!SC The esc has completed for this request and message DMKSSS0881 is being sent Section 1. CP Data Areas and centrel Elocks 59 NCPTBL NCPTBL entries provide description information en Cp-owned volumes. 0 NCPSIZE NCPVOL 18 ------------ 1*1 NCPPAGCT NCPSTART Field lame I I 1//U*2///1 I I Field Description, Contents, 0 4 8 10 NCPPNT NCPSIZE NCPIAftE NCPVOL DS DS DS DS lF CL8 CL6 16 NCPFLAG DS lX IF ~eaning Displacement to next entry 370x storage size required for load Control program reference name Volume identification of DASt containing saved image N*l CPTYPE flag hyte !!it§ g~!i~g !1! !~.fFLAG NCPTNCP EQU X'Ol' NCPTCEP EQU X'02' NCPTPEP EQU X'03' Netwcrk Control Program 270x Emulation Control Prograa Partitioned Emulation prograa NCPRSV1 DS NCPSTART DS 1X 18 lC NCPPAGCT DS IF Res~r~ed f6t 1~~ use Pointer to first page (CCPt) cn HCPveL of saved NCP Total number of pages saved NCPSIZE (*-NCPSIZE)/8 NCPTEL size in doutlewords (X'04') 17 60 ! I NCPNAftE 10 saved en I ICPPIT 8 Hexadecimal Displacement 370x control program images EQU N*2 IF IBft VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic NICBLOK NICBLOK contains control lines, and display screen NICBLOK. information related to 3704/3705 resources, teleprocessing status information. The RDEVNICL field of RDEVELOK Foints to o NICNAME NICEPAD 8 NICRCNT NICVRID 10 o 2 4 Field Name N*4 NICQPNT NICNAME NICEPAD NICSTAT Field Description, Contents, DS DS DS 1H 1H 1X NICFLAG DS 1X !!!i§ g~f!~g in NICFLAG NICSESN EQU --X'80'NICATTN EQU X'40' NICPSUP EQU X'20' NICATOF EQU X'10' NICENAB EQU X'08' NICDISB EQU X'02' NICMTA EQU X'01' NICFMT EQU X'80' NICDIAG EQU X'40' NICALRM EQU X'10' NICCARD EQU X'04' NICPROCN EQU X'01' 6 7 N*3 I NICDSP !!!i§ g~f!neg in NICSTAT NICERLK EQU --X'80'NICNTRL EQU X'40' NICDISA EQU X'20' NICSWEP EQU X'10' NICEPMD EQU X'08' NICLTRC EQU X'02' NICDED EQU X'01' EQU NICTRQ X'80' NICHOLD EQU X'10' NICMORE EQU X'08' NICRUNN EQU X'04' NICRE!D EQU 1'02' NICCPNA EQU X'01' 5 N*2 I NICTlUT NICUSER 18 Hexadecimal Displacement N*1 I NICLLEN NICTYPE DS DS 1X 1X !!it§ g~f!~g in NICTYPE NICCTLR EQU --X'OO'NICLINE EQU X'80' NICTERM EQU X'40' NICLGRP EQU X'20' ~eaning 370x NCP resource name Subchannel address when in EP mode N*1 Resource status flags Device error lock is set Control operation is active Resource inactive (offline) Resource is switchable to EP mode Resource now in emulator mode NCP line trace active Resource is dedicated Graphic device - timer request Fending Graphic device - screen full; in HOLD status Graphic device - screen full; in MORE status Graphic device - screen in running status Graphic device - read pending fer screen input Graphic device - last input not accepted N*2 Interface control flags Session is active for this device Attention handling in progress Resource has print suppress feature Suppress attention signal character Resource is active and enabled Resource to be disabled as soon as possible Multiple terminal access resource Graphic device - screen formatted VM/370 online Graphic device - screen written with DIAGNOSE Graphic device - screen has an alarm message Graphic device - data from card reader Graphic device - process centrol task now N*3 Terminal output line length N*4 Resource type and/or features Resource Resource Resource Resource is is is is the 370x a teleprocessing line a terminal device a logical line group Section 1. CP Data Areas and Control Blocks 61 NICBLOK Hexadecimal Displacement Field Name Field Description, Contents, Meaning ------------ !!.!1§ g~f!1!~g in NICTYPE (cont.) X'08'--LINE - Synchronous data link control NICSDLC EQU NICLBSC EQU X'04' LINE - Binary synchronous line control NICSWCH EQU X'02' LINE - Switched line interface NICMLTP EQU X'01' LINE - Multiple-drop leased line NICTELE EQU X'10' TERM - Telegraph line adapter NICCIBM EQU X'08' TERM - Selectric-based terminal NICRCPU EQU X'04' TERM - Bisynch remote computer NICRSPL EQU X'02' TERM - Bisynch remote spool device NICGRAF EQU X'01' TERM - Bisynch remote graphics NIC3271 EQU X'08' Graphic device - 3271 control unit NIC3275 EQU X'04' Graphic device - 3275 standalone display station NICOPRDR EQU X'10' Graphic device - card reader feature 8 A C 10 14 18 NICRCNT NICVRID NICTMAT NICUSER NICQPNT NICDSP 1H 1H 1F 1F 1F 1D DS DS DS DS DS DS Retry count for BTO errors Virtual resource ID when dedicated TOD clock value when attached VMBLeK address of associated user Pointer to input BTU chain Remote 3270 information ORG NICDSP 1X NICRSV1 DS NICDTYPE DS 1X ~!1§ g~fi~ !~ NICD3277 EQU NICD3275 EQU NICDTYPE 1'04'--X'02' 3277 display station 3275 display station NICMDL NICRSV2 NICRSV3 DS DS DS 1X 1X 1X Display station model Reserved for IBM use Reserved for IBM use NICSIZE EQO (*-NICBLOK)/8 Size of block in doublewords (X'03') Q~ic~ Q~£gDQ~~1 ~2!2 2 3 Reserved for IBM use Display station type NICCORD NICTMCD 127Q - ORG NICEPAD DS 1X DS 1X ~~ ~!1!2II ~1!chronQ~ Li~~§ Current line coordinates Terminal mode ~it§ Q~!.!neQ 8 A C NICTABF NICSIO NICAPL NICTEXT in NICTMCD EQU - X ' 8 0 ' EQU X'40' EQO X'20' EQO X'10' Second scan of screen's input area DIAGNOSE issued to input area APL cn for 3270 remote Text feature on for 3270 remote NICSELT NICPOLL NICATRB ORG NICRCNT DS 18 DS 1H DS 1F Remote station selection characters Remote station polling characters Timer request block address ~gJ!at~ ~lmb~!§ f~! WRITBRK RDBOFLN RDBUFNO EQU EQU EQO ~~se ~.!!§ IPLREQ ABORT 62 EQU EQU VML37.Q X'09' 96 6 (§~D~ ~1!~ X'02' X'01' of !.!!~ l1 0x Write break CCW operation code Length of host read buffers Numher of host read buffers ~Y.EEQ!! Q) Peculiar to the 370x ----IPL-required==3705 inactive Buffer depletion--transfer terminated IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic NPRTEL NPRTBL lists saved image. by naae all o pages saved and NPRVOL 18 o 10 16 17 18 lC contains the lIPRNI!!E 10 4 8 DASD volume that NPRRSV1 NPRPNT 8 Hexadecimal Displacement indicates the N*l N*2 NPRPIGCT NPRSTART Field Name Field Description, contents, Meaning NPRPNT NPRRSV1 NPRNAME NPRVOL DS DS DS DS NPRCNT NPRRSV2 NPRSTART NPRPAGCT DS DS DS DS 1F 1F C18 CL6 1X 1X 1F 1F N*l N*2 Chain pointer to next entry Reserved for IBM use Reference name for image library Volume of DISD containing the saved image Number of 3800s active on this image Reserved for IBM use CCPI of first page on NPRVCL Number of pages saved Section 1. CP Data Areas and Control Blocks 63 OERRECN (Long OBR) OERRECN provides error, sense, and other statistical data needed for errcr recording on a specified channel-attached I/O device. o I OBRKEYN OBRSWSN 1/IIIIIIIIIOBRSPE1/1//I//I//' OBRDTEN 8 OER'IMEN 10 OBRCPIDN 18 OERPGMN 20 OERFCCWN 28 OERCSWN 30 OBRCUAIN S*1 38 OBRCUAPR 40 Displacement ------------ OERtEVTN OERIORTY CBRSNSCT Device Dependent rata Field Na.e Field Description, Ccntents, Meaning l~-~1~ !!~g~! ~££rd 0 OBRKEYN OBRSiSN 2 Byte Bits defined ill '0--------OBRMORE OBRTOD Byte 4 8 C 10 18 20 28 30 31 64 1H 1H DS DS BQU BQU Bits defined in "1------ Record type Switches Q!U~SWSN X'80' X'40' More records to follow TOD clock instruction issued Q~RSWSN OBREOD OBRTBMP OBRSHOBR OBRDEMNT EQU BQU EQU BQU X'80' 1'40' X'20' X'04' SDR counters dumped at ECD Temporary error Short record Volume demounted OBRSPE1 OBRDTEN OBRTMEN OBRCPIDN DS DS DS DS 1F 1F 1F 2F Reserved for IBM use Date Tille Processor identifier and serial number OBRHSIZE EQU (*-CBRRECN) Size of OER header OBRPGMN OBRFCCWN OBRCSWN OBRDDCNT OBRCUAIN 2F 2F 2F 11 3C DS DS DS DS DS Job identification Failing CCli Failing CSW S*1 Number of doublewords in record Address of failing device IEM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Elock Logic CEBRFCN (Long OER) Hexadecimal Displacement -------------34 38 39 3C 3E Field Name OBRDEVTN OBRSDRCT OBRCUAPR OBRIORTY OBRSNSCT Field Descripticn, Contents, Meaning DS DS DS DS DS OBR1SIZE EQU 40 48 50 All DASD OBRVOLN OBRLSKN OBRHID 1F 1X 3C 2X 2X (*-OBRRECN) Units DS ac DS ax ax DS ~Jj4/2112 !~!!at 58 62 -------------------------------------- Device type S*2 Number of SIR work area bytes primary unit address Number of retries Number of sense bytes Size of long OBR record base voluae identification Last seek address Home address OBRSDRiK DS OBRSENSN DS 101 6C SDR work area Sense data OBR2SIZE EQU (*-OBRRECN) Maximum size of 2314/2319 reccrd J35QL1J~QLllJQL23Q~ For!!~! 58 ORG OBR33SNS DS OBRSDRWK 24C 3350/3340/3330/2305 sense data OBR3SIZE EQU (*-OBRRECN) Maximum size of 3330/3340/2305 record yni! 40 4A R~£g!g IgE!!~! ORG OBRURST DS OBRURSNS DS OBRVOLN 101 1C SDR work area Unit record sense data 150.2L1.2~.2 40 lQilat ORG OBRVOLN OBR3505S DS 1C 3505/3525 sense data 40 41 48 52 J20J !grmat ORG OBRCORRL DS DS OBRSDR03 DS OBR3203S DS OBRVOLN 11 71 101 24C Correlation number Reserved for IBM use SDR work area 3203 sense data 40 41 48 52 J21j 12!1!~! ORG OBRCORL DS DS OBRSDR32 DS OBR3211S DS OBRVOLN 11 71 10X 6C Correlation number Reserved for IBM use SDR work area 3211 sense data ~400 TaE~ 48 52 19rma! ORG OBRLSKN OBRTAPST DS 101 OBRTAPSN DS 24C J42QLJ~jQ %gE~ 48 58 6C ORG OBRDVDEP DS OBR342ST DS OBR3420S DS !.2.!.!at OBRLSKN 16C 201 24C SDR work area 'rape sense data Device dependent data SDR work area 3420 sense data Section 1. CP Data Areas and Ccntrol Blocks 65 OERREC (Short OBR) OERRECN provides error, sense, and other statistical data needed for error recording on a sFecified channel-attached 1/0 device. 18 20 I OBRDEVSH I 0*1 OBRCUA I -----------------------------------------------------1 OBRSDRIN I I I I II/IIIIIIIOBR SV1 1111/111111 I I 30 I L Hexadecimal tisplacement Field Name !9!~: 18 1C Field Description, Contents, fteaning The 24-byte Header Record for the Short OER is identical tc that of the Long OER, the description of which precedes this block. OBRDEVSH DS OBRSDRSH DS OBRSIZE EQU (*-OBRRECN) 0*1 £evice type Number of SIR work area bytes Size of short OBR record base OBRSIZE 1 EQU f*-OBR-R-ECN+1-) 18 Si-ze in doutlevords (X'04') 1D 20 OBRCUA DS OBRSDRIN DS 3X 20X Channel and unit address SDR work area 20 2A ORG OBRSSDR 1 DS OBRSSDR2 DS OBRSDRIN 10X 10X SDR work area SDR work area 34 OBRSV1 DS OBRSIZE2 EQU 66 1F 1X 1F Reserved for IBft use (*-OERRECN+7)/8 Size in doutlewcrds (X'07') IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic CiNDLIST. PAGTIELE OiNDLIST contains a list of all the system owned DAsr volumes that are used for paging, sFooling, and temporary disk storage activity. Each entry specifies the vclume identity and its preferred use (that is. paging/spoolin9/~-disk space). This block is generated by the SYSOiN macro at system generation. o OWNDVSER Field Naae Bexadeciaal tisplacement ="'----------- CWNDRDEV Field Description, Contents, fteaning 0 OiHDVSER DS C16 6 OWNDRDEV DS 1H Volu.e serial number Displacement of RDEVBLOK fer the volume 6 ORG OiNDPREF DS OWNDRDEV 1H Allocation preference PAGTABLE is used by CP for allocating and referencing storage. It is referenced by the segment table (SEGTABLE) data area and contains a pointer to the swaF table (SWPTABLE) which~ in turn, is related to a DASD cylinder location. The SWPPAG field of SWFTAELE points to PAGTABLE. -8 PIGSTMP o PAGSHR 8 Eexadecimal Displacement ------------ Field Name Field Description, Contents, fteaning §-~n~ !!~g£~ DS DS 1F 1H -2 PAGTOT DS 1H 0 PAGSHR PAGSWP DS DS 1F 1F 4 PAGSWP PAGCORE PAGSTMP PIGACT -8 -4 PAG'lOT PIGACT Page table time stamp Count of active segment tahle entries for this segment Count of total segment table entries for this segment Pointer to NAME table (SBRTAELE) Pointer to swap tatle (SiP'lAELE) Section 1. CP Data Areas and Control Blocks 61 PAGTABLE, PGBLOK Hexadecimal Displacement Field Name Field Description, Contents, Meaning PAGCORE 8 DS 1H Real page address (start of page table fer hardware) PAGTJELE entry invalid page has teen referenced prg~! E.!!E~!! PAGBMP for ~hared Seg!ents (PAGCORE-PAGSTMP.16*L'PAGCCBE) length of a full 16 entry page table (PAGiSWP+(SiPFLAG-SWPVM)+16* (SWPCOtE-SWPFLAG.1).8) length of a contiguous page and swap table EQU PGBLOK is used by VM/VS Handshaking_ The tlock is created and stacked when a multiprogramming or multitasking VS1 program interropt occurs when a referenced page is net available in storage. The VMPGPNT field in the VMELOK points to PGELCK. o PGPNT Hexadecimal Displacement Field Name 0 PGPNT PGADDR DS DS PGESIZE EQU -----------4 68 PGADDR Field Description, Contents, Meaning 1F 1F (*-PGELOK+7)/8 Pointer to next page tlock cn the stack Virtual page fault address PGELCK size in doutlewords (X'01') IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Elock Logic PSA PSA is the primary control block for controlling CP and virtual machine activity. This centrol blcck centains the normal low core 1PL, logout, and PSi infermation; the processor medel and type and features of the prccessor; and save areas used by EALR and FREE. This bleck also contains monitor and trace data and the necessary linkages to virtual machines, real devices, and spool files. Note: All fields reside in real PSA unless otherwise specified. Fields residing in atsolute PSI are specifically identified. For uniprocessor operation, real PSA equals absolute PSA (or 0). If the system was running in AF mode when a catastroFhic errcr occurred, the Attached Processor will no longer be running. System recovery is in uniprocessor mode and the real PSA will no longer be zero. Page 0, Machine Usage r O! , IPLP Si IPLCCi 1 I 1-----------------------------------1 101 IPLCCi2 EIOPSi I I 1 201 SVCOPSi PROPSW I I I 301 MCOPSi IOOPSi I I I 401 CSi CAW IQUANTUMR 1------------------- 501 TIMER IQUANTUM EINPSW 1-----------------------------------SVCNPSW PRNPSW 601 1-------------------------MCNPSi IONPSi 701 1-------------------------CPULOG 801 1------------------------------FIDLOG 1001 i------------------------FPRLOG 1601 1-------------------------------GPRLOG 1801 1-----------------------------------CRLOG 1COI 1----------------------------TEMPSAVE , I 31CICPlD ICPABEND IF*3 IP*4 I ASISV!! I 38CIARSPPR I 39C AR10PR IARSPPU IARSFRD IAR10RD IF*5 If*6 IARSPAC 3AC AVMREAL IASYSABND IASYSLC I ASYSOP 3fC ARlOC'I IAR10CH IARICCU IARICDV 3CC ARIOCC IARIOUC IARleDC I ACORETEL 3DC APAGCF ICPCREGO ICFCREG6 ICPCREG8 IARICPU 3EC TlMEDISP IASVCLIST I AV!!1LIST ILASTUSER 3FCIPAGECUR I MONNEIT IFAGENt IPAGENIT I 4CCITRACEFLG ITTSEGCNT 1//////1/////////// i 1/////11111111111/1 1/////////I///I///PSARSV15///////////// 1------------------------------- 430lINSTiRD1 IINSTiRD2 IINSTiRD3 IINSTiRD41 I I 44C I Constants Feol I 2001 1----------------------------------BALRSAVE 2401 1----------------------------FREESAVE 2801 1-----------------------------------FREEWORK 2COI 1----------------------------DATE TODATE 1-------------------------------STARTIME CPUID 3001 2FOI I 4tC I APTRLK I 4ECIIPAGNUM 1 4FCIAQCNi'I I 50ct INOADD II4CFFS IIRIGHT16 IAFREE IADSPCH IAFTRAN DUMPSAVE I IIRIGBT241 I IAFRET I 1 II2048ENti I I I----~----------------------------- 3101 lDLEilIT PAGEiAlT I--------~------------------------- 3201 IONTilIT PROBTII1E 1------------------------------RUNPSi IRUNUSER IDSPLPSi 1------------------------------340lRUNCRO IRUNCR1 ICPSTAT ICPRESTRT 1--------------------------------350lPGREAD IPGiRITE PGiAITIM t 1-----------------------------------SlGSAVE 5401 3301 1-----------------------------------LCKSAVE 58CI I I 3601////PGiAlTPG///////IPSASVCCT IP*1 IP*21 Section 1. CP Data Areas and Centrel Blocks 69 PSA , , MFASAVE 5COI I 6fCI CHGREGS I/I///RESERVED///III 1-------------------------------------1 6COI UNSHRVM IP*10IP*11111///RESERVED/////1 1-------------------------------------SiTHSAVE 6001 1-------------------------------------LOCKSAV 1-------------------------------------SVCREGS 6501 6401 1-----------------6601 PREFIXA I PREFIXBI I 1 6DCI STACKVM IUNSHRVM2 IADMKCFE IRESERVEt/1 1 1 6EOI/////////I/RESERVED (cont)////////////I 6FC 70C 71C -------------------------------------1 ALOKUM IRESERVE I ALCKSF I IEXTSP 1 -------------------------------------1 ITMRSN I////I/I/I/RESERVED//////////I -------------------------------------1 MCNREGS I I PSACPXBFI//RESVD// 1--------------------------------------1I 6701 iAITSTRT iAITEND 1 6S01 PiTPAGESIACTIVTRQI EMSPEND 1 EMSREC 1 1 I I 6901 XCPEND IP*7IP*8 IP*91 AFSTATUS I I I 6AOIL -AMCHAREAISHRLKCNTI -___________________________________ PROBSTRT __I Hexadecimal tisplacement Field Name 8 ORG RSRTNPSi DS RSRTOPSi DS IPLPSW 1D 1D Restart new PSi Restart old PSi IPLCCi1 IPLCCi2 1D 1D IPL CCi IPL CCi DS DS IPLCCi1 1F 1F 10 TRACEND DS 1F 14 TRACCURR DS 1F 18 20 28 30 38 40 48 4C 50 54 58 60 EXOPSi SVCOPSi PROPSi MCOPSi IOOPSi CSi CAi QUANTUMR TIMER QUANTUM EXNPSW SVCNPSi PRNPSi MCNPSi IONPSi 1D 1D 1D 1D 1D 1D 1F 1F 1F 1F 1D 1D 1D 1D 1D C 68 70 78 70 IPL start PSi ORG PSARSV3 DS TRACSTRT DS 8 LOKSAVE2 Field Description, Contents, Meaning o 10 7SC DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS Reserved for IBM use Address of start of trace table. Note that TRACSTRT is in absolute PSA Address of end of trace table. Note that TRICEND is in absolute PSI Address of next available trace table entry. Note that TRACCURR is in absolute PSA External old PSi SVC old PSi Program old PSi Machine check old PSi 1/0 cld PSi Channel status word Channel address word Interval timer value at last interruFt 13-microsecond interval timer Interval timer value at last disFatch External new PSi SVC new PSi Program new PSW Machine check new PSi I/O new PSi IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic 1?SI Hexadecimal Displacement 80 80 84 Field Name CPULOG INTEXF Field Description, Contents, Meaning DS 16D ORG CPULOG DS 1F DS lF INTSVCL INTSVC INTPRL INTPR TREXADD MONCLASS PERCODE PER ADD MONCODE DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS CHANID DS IOELPNTR DS ECSWLOG DS DS INTKFLIN DS lH lH lB lB lF 1H lB IF IF lD IF 1F IF 1F 1F SVC instruction length code (ILC) SVC interrupt code Program instruction length code (ILC) program interrupt code Translation exception address Moniter class PER code to be reflected Address of instruction causing PER interruFt Monitor code Reserved for IBM use Channel It I/O extended logout (IOEL) Feinter Limited channel logout (ECSW) Reserved for IBM use I/O interrupt key, flags, and interface address I/O interrupt device address (halfword) EA BC E8 FO F4 Reserved for IBn use External interrupt code (fullword) External interrupt code (half word) 86 88 8A 8C 8E 90 94 96 98 9C AO A8 AC BO B4 B8 Processor and storage logout area INTMC INTRC DS DS DS DS 11F 1D IF 1X F5 DS F8 FC FAILSTAD DS REGNCODE DS IF 1F 100 160 FXDLOG FPRLOG 12D 4D .. nn GRLOG DS 16F lCO 200 CRLOG CPU SAGE DS DS 16F OB Fixed logout area Floating-point register log cut area General register logout area Control register logout area End cf machine usage; start ef C1? usage 200 ORG TEMPSAVE DS CPU SAGE 16F Temporary save area IOV 200 204 208 20C 210 214 218 21C 220 224 228 22C 230 234 238 23C TEMPRO TEMPR1 TEMPR2 TEMPR3 TEMPR4 TEMPR5 TEMPR6 TEMPR7 TEMPR8 TEMPR9 TEMPR10 TEMPR 11 TEMPR12 TEMPR13 TEMPR14 TEMPR15 DS DS Reserved for IBM use Machine check interrupt code Reserved for IBM use External damage reason code Reserved for IBM use Failing storage address Regien code ORG DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS TEM1?SAVE 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F Registers 0-15 Sectien 1. CP Data Areas and Centrel Blecks 71 PSA Hexadecimal Displacement Field Description, Contents, 16F EALR linkage save area BALRSAVE 1F 1F Registers 0-15 ~eaning 240 BALRSAVE DS 240 244 24C 250 254 258 25C 260 264 268 26C 270 274 278 27C BALRO BALR1 BALR2 BALR3 BALR4 BALR5 BALR6 BALR7 BALR8 BALR9 BALR10 BALR11 BALR12 BALR13 BALR14 BALR15 280 FREESAVE DS 280 284 288 28C 290 294 298 29C 2AO 2A4 2A8 2AC 2BO 2B4 2B8 2BC FREERO FREER1 FREER2 FREER3 FREER4 PREER5 FREER6 FREER7 FREER8 FREER9 FREER10 FREER 11 FREER12 FREER13 FREER14 FREER15 ORG DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS FREESAVE 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 2CO 2FO 2F8 300 308 FREEiORK DATE TODATE STARTIME CPOID DS DS DS DS DS 12F CL8 1D 1D 1D tMKFRE work area Date - mm/dd/yy - edited BECDlC TOD clock at today - local time Date and time started - TOt clock value Processor identification field 308 309 30C 30E CPOVERSN CPUSER CPO MODEL CPOMCELL ORG DS DS DS DS CPOlD 1X 3X 2X 1H Version code Processor serial numler - ~acked unsigned Processor model number Maximum length in lytes of MCEL 310 318 320 328 330 338 33C 340 344 IDLEiAIT PAGEiAIT IONTiAIT PROBTIME RUNPSi RUNOSER DSPLPSi RONCRO RUNCR1 DC DC DC DC DS DS DS DS DS X'7FFFFFFFFFFFFOOO' iotal system idle wait time X'7FFFFFFFFFFFFOOO' iotal system page wait time X'7FFFFFFFFFFFFOOO' Total system I/O wait time X'7FFFFFFFFFFFFOOO' iotal system problem state time 1D PSi last loaded by dispatcher 1F Address of dispatched V!ELCK 1F Load PSi instruction used to disFatch 1F Control register 0 at dispatch 1F Control register 1 at dispatch 248 72 Field Name ORG DS DS DS 1F DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 16F tMKFRE save area Registers 0-15 IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic PSA Hexadecimal tisplacellent Field Nalle 348 CPSTAT 348 ORG CPSTATUS DS ------------ Field Description, Contents, l!eaning DS -------------------------------------- 1F CP running status CPSTIT 1X CP running status in CPSTATOS EQO -X'80'-EQU X'40' EQU X'20' EQU X'10' EQU X'OS' ~it§ g~!i1!~g CPiAIT CPRUB CPEX CPFVRUN CPSUPER 349 XTNDLOCK DC 1X 34A CPSTAT2 1X 34B DC CP in wait state CP running user in RUNOSBR CP executing stacked request Reserved for IBM use Processor is executing in supervisor state System extending free storage if it is equal to IlPF'. Note that XTNDLOCK is 1D absolute FSa. Flag byte !!i!§ g~!i1!gg in CPSTAT2 CP1UCAVL EQU --X'80'-CPIUCON EQU X'40' CPSBRLK EQU X'20' CPASTAVL EQU X'OS' CPASTON EQU X'04' Virtual machine assist available on processor Virtual machine assist is cn for system CP processing shared named system page CP assist available on processor CP assist is on for system CPSTAT3 Wait time accounting flag DS 1X !!i!§ g~!!~g in CPSTAT3 CPT IDLE EQU --X'80'-CPTPAGE EQU X'40' CPTIOBT EQU X'20' Timer contains idle time Timer contains page wait time Timer contains I/O wait time 34C CPRESTRT DS 1F 350 354 358 PGREAD DS PGWRlTE DS PGWAlTIM DS 1F 1F 1D 360 368 36C 36E PGWAlTPG PSASVCCT PAGELOAD PAGERATE DS DS DS DS 1D 1F 1B 1B 370 370 PSENDCLR DS CPID DS OF 1F 374 378 378 37A 37C 380 384 388 38C 390 394 398 39A CPA BEND PSTARTSV SYSIPLDV PGSRATlO ASYSVM ARSPPR ARSPPU ARSPRD ARIOPU ARIOPR ARIORD lPUADDR PSAl!SS 1F OF 1B F*3 B'O' P*4 V (D MKSYSVM) V(DMKRSPPR) V(D MKRSPPU) V (DMKRSPRD) V(D MKRIOPU) V CD MKRlOPR) V(D MKRlORD) 1B P*5 1H P*6 DS DS DS DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DS DS P*1 P*2 Restart address if external interrupt marks page invalid Total numter of page reads Total number of page writes Time spent in page wait, multiplied by number of pages waiting Reserved for IB! use Total number of user SVCs Page wait percent, last measurement Paging rate, pages per seccnd Note that PAGERATE is in absolute PSA. End of area cleared by D!KCFINT CP running identifier. Note that CPID is in absolute PSA. CP abend code Start of save/restored code Device address of system lft device Page steals/total replenished Address of system V!BLCK Address of system printer file chain. Address of system punch file chain. Address of system reader file chain. Address of system punch table. Address of system printer table. Address of system reader table. Instruction processing address Address of !SS volume The !SS is online and the !SS communicator has been initialized Section 1. CP Data Areas and Centrel Blocks 73 PSA Hexadecimal Displacement 39C 3AO Field Name Field Description, Contents, Meaning ARSPAC AVMREAL DC DC v (DMKRSPAC) A (0) 3A4 3A8 3AC 3BO 3B4 3BS 3BC 3CO 3C4 3CS 3CC 3DO 3D4 3DS 3DC 3EO 3E4 3ES ASYSABND DC A (0) ASYSLC DC ASYSOP ARIOCT ARIOCH ARIOCU ARIODV ARIOCC ARIOUC ARIODC ACORETBL APAGCP CPCREGO CPCREG6 CPCREGS TIMEDISP ASVCLIST AVMALIST DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DS DC DC v (DMKSYSLC) V (DMKSYSOP) V (D MKRIOCT) V (DMKRIOCH) V (D MKRIOCU) V (D MKRIODV) V (D MKRIOCC) V (DMKRIOUC) V (DMKBIODC) V (D MKSYSCS) A(X'FFFFFF') X'SOSOOSCO' F'O' F'O' 1F V (D MKSVCNS) V (DMKPRVMA) 3EC 3FO LASTUSER DC PAGECUR DS V (DMKSYSVM) 1F 3F4 MONNEXT DS 1F 3FS PAGEND DS 1F 3FC PAGENXT DS 1F 400 TRACEFLG DS 1F 400 ORG TRACEFLG TRACFLG1 DS 1X J1!!§ g~!!l!~Q in TRACFLG1 TRACOl TRAC02 TRAC03 TRAC04 TRAC05 TRAC67 TRACOS TRAC09 401 EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU TRACFLG2 DS --X'80'--- Address of system accounting chain VMELCK address of virtual=real user. Note that AVMREAL is maintained in both PSAs Address of system abend Frinter Address of SYSLCCS information Address of system operator VMELCK Address of real channel index table Address of first RCHBLCK Address of first RCUBLOK Address of first RDEVBLCK Address of count of real system channels Address of count of real system control units Address of count of real system devices Address of system CORTABLE Address of first pageable Frogra. CP architecture control and external mask CP assist and virtual machine assist mask MONI!OR CALL enable mask Timer displacement for charge Address of CP assist pointer list Address of expanded virtual machine assist pointer list Last user te be dispatched Current monitor buffer page address. Note that PAGECUR is in absolute PSA. Next availatle address in .eniter buffer. Note that MONNEXT is in abselute PSA. Last address in current moniter buffer page. Note that PAGEND is in absclute PSA. Alternate '-cnitoi l:tiffer-page address. Note that PAGENXT is in absclute PSI. Trace table flags Trace table flag X'40' X'20' X'10' X'OS' X'04' X'02' X'01' External interrupt tracing en SVC interruFt tracing en Program interrupt tracing CD Machine check tracing on I/O interruFt tracing en FREE/FRET call tracing on Enter dispatch tracing on Queue drop tracing on 1X Trace table flag Bits defined in TRACFLG2 TRicOi---EQU --X'80'--TRACOC TRACOD TRACBEF TRAC10 TRACll TRAC12 TRAC13 74 EQU EQU EQO EQU EQU EQU EQU X'40' X'20' X'10' X'OS' X'04' X'02' X'01' Run user tracing on Unstack I/O interrupt tracing on Virtual CSW stored tracing en SIO, !IO, and EDV tracing en Unstack IOBLOK or TRQBLOK tracing on Trace BTU activity for 370x NCP Lock spin tracing active Signal processor tracing active 402 TRACFLG3 DS lH Reserved for IBM use 404 TTSEGCNT DS lF 40S 430 PSARSV15 DS INSTWRD1 DC 5D P'O' count of total page/swap tables in system. Note that TTSEGCNT is in absolute PSA. Reserved for IBM use Reserved for installation use IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic PSI Hexadecimal Displacement 434 438 43C 440 470 478 440 480 484 488 48C 490 494 498 49C 4AO 4A4 4A8 4AC 4BO 4B4 4B8 4BC 4CO 4C4 4C8 4CC Field Name Field Description, Contents, Meaning INSTWRD2 DC INSTWRD3 DC INSTWRD4 DC bis! 2! F7 F8 F9 F10 F15 F16 F20 F24 F60 F240 F255 F256 F409S F4096 DC DC DC EQO DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC 6D'0' 8X'40' 8X'FF' ZEROES F'1' F'2' F 1 3' F'4' FIS' F'6' F'7' F'8' F'9' F'10' F' 15' F' 16' F'20' F'24' F'60' F'240' F'255' F'256' F'4095' F'4096' APTRLK NOADD X40FFS XRIGHT24 XPAGNOM XRIGHT16 AFREE AFRET AQCNWT DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC V (D MKPTRLK) X'PFOOOOOO' X'40FFFFFF' X'OOFFFFFF' X'OOFFFOOO' X'OeOOFFFF' V (DMKFREE) V (D l!KFRET) V (DMKQCNWT) 4F4 iDSPCH DC 4F8 4FC APTRAN DC X2048BND DC 500 PSBCLR2 DS OF 500 540 580 5CO 600 640 650 660 664 668 DUMPSAVE SIGSAVE LOKSAVE BFASAVE SWTHSAVE LOCKSAV SVCREGS PREFIXA PREFIXB PSACPXBP DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DC DC 16F 16F 16F 16F 16F 4F 4F F'O' F'O' 66C 670 678 680 684 RESVD WAITSTRT WAITEND PiTPAGES ACTIVTRQ DS DS DS DC DC 4DO 4D4 4D8 4De 4EO 4E4 4E8 4EC 4FO ZEROES BLANKS FFS FO F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F'O' F'O' F'O' F6 tc V (D~KDSPCHj V (DMKPTRAN) X'00FFF800' A (0) 1F D D F'O' A (0) Reserved for installation use Reserved for installation use Reserved for installaticn use Also -1 Also = X'CCCCOOOF' Also Also Also Also Also Also = X'COCCOOFO' = X'CCCOOOFF' X'CCC00100' = X'CCCOOF!F' = X'CCC01000' X'CCC0003C' C' 0' Entry to lock a page in stcrage Frequently used work value Frequently used work value Isolate right 24 bits Isolate the page numrer Isolate the right 16 bits Entry to allocate free storage Entry to release free storage Entry to write a terminal message Entry to the VM/370 dispatcher Entry to the paging supervisor Locate a half-page boundary Start of second area cleared by CP initialization (DMKCPI) Save area for dump routine Save area fer DMKEXT DMKLCK save area Save area for malfunction alert DMKVMASW save area LOCK macro save area SVC save area Prefix valUE of this processor Prefix value of other prccessor Address of CPEXBLOK for switcb SVC. Note that PSACPXEP is in absolute PSA. Reserved for IBM use Timer value at start of wait Timer value at end of wait Pages in PGWAIT at start of wait Address of active transit queue Section 1. CP Data Areas and Control Blocks 75 PSA Hexadecimal Displacement -----------688 68C Field Nalle EftSPEND Field Description, Contents, fteaning DC Emergency signal pending flags F'O' !t!!§ g~t~!.n~g in EftSPEND EftSPQUI EQU --X'80'-EftSPEXT EQU X'40' EftSPSYNC EQU X'20' EftSPSHD EQU X'10' EftSPCLKC EQU X'08' EftSINQSC EQU X'Ol' Quiesce pending Extend pending Synchronization pending Shutdown pending Highcrder TOD synchronization pending Processor is quiesced EftSREC Emergency signal received flags DC F'O' Jlit§ g!!!!~g in EMSREC E!SRQUI EQU -X'80'E1!SREXT EQU X'40' EftSRSYNC EQU X'20' EftSRSHD EQU X'10' EftSRCLKC EQU X'08' 690 XCPEND DC Quiesce request received Extend request received Synchronization request received Shutdown request received High order TOD synchronization received FlO' External call pending flags Jlit§ g~!!~g in XCPEND XCAPR EQU --X'8~ XCRES EQU X'40' XCWAK EQU X'20' XCDISP EQU X'10' 694 696 698 69A IPUADDRX LPUIDDR LPUADDRX APSTATUS DC DC DC DS H'O' H'O' H'O' 6X 69A APSTATl ORG DC APSTATUS X'OO' Jlit§ g~!!.n~g in APSTATl APUOPER EQU --X'80'-PROCIO EQU X'40' APUNONLN EQU X'20' 69B P*7 P*8 P*9 Processor address of other Frocessor Logical address of this processcr Logical address of other prccessor Attached processor status bytes Attached processor status ftPFEAT CPINITD EQU EQU X'10' X'Ol' Attached processor operational Processor has I/O capability System generated for attached processor mode but running in uniprocessor mcde ftultiprocessing feature is installed System initialization complete APSTAT2 DC X'OO' Second flag byte Jlit§ g~!!.n~g in APSTAT2 CPftCHLK EQU --x'"1o'-- CPPTLBR 76 Automatic processor recovery pending Resume request pending Wakeup request pending Dispatch request pending EQU X'02' 69C CPTERMLK DC X'OO' 69D CPFRELK DC X'OO' 69E FRLKPROC DC X'OO' 69F CPFRESW DC X'OO' 6AO 6A4 AftCHAREA DC SHRLKCNT DC F'O' F'O' 6A8 PROBSTRT DS lD Machine check processing pending (for ECPS only) PTLE required for processor DMKMCT system termination is in progress. Note that CPTERMLK is in absolute PSA. Free storage extend pending. Note that CPFRELK is in absOlute PSA. Logical processor identification for CPFRELK. Note that FRLKPROC is in absolute PSA. DftKFRE must transfer execution to the attached processor. Note that CPFRESW is in absolute PSA. Address of IMKMCH work area Count of times CPSHRLK is set (used to clear CPSHRLK) Virtual machine time out queue at dispatch IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic PSI Hexadecimal Displacement Field Name Field Description, Contents, Meaning 6BO 6BS 6CO CHGREGS DS RESERVED DS UNSHRV!! DC 2F 2F Save area for charge synchronization Reserved for IBM use V!ELeK for pending D!KV!IPs call (attached processor only) 1(0) 6C4 TRACPROC DC X'OO' 6C5 APSTAT DS 3X Processor identifier for CF trace table entries Bore attached processor status flag bytes 6C5 APSTAT3 ORG DC APSTAT X'OO' Third attached processor status flag byte P*10 Bits defined in APSTAT3 CPSYSLK--EQU --X'SO' ORG 6C6 APSTAT4 DC iPSTAT X'OO' Other processor is spinning en leck P*11 llit§ g~i1led in APSTAT4 CPLOKFL EQU --X'8-0-'RECMODE EQU X'40' CP!CHSE EQU X'20' PROCSCHK EQU CPAPRPND EQU POFFLINE EQU X'10' X'08' X'04' RESERVE DS STACKV! DC UNSHRV!2 DC 1(0) 1(0) 6DC AD!KCPE DC RESERVED DS PSECLR2 DS V (D!KCPE) 5F OF 6FO 6F4 6FS 6FA 700 70Q 710 750 ALOKV! RESERVED ALOKSP AEXTSP AT!RSN RESERVED !OBREGS LOKSAVE2 DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC V (D !KLOKV!) 1F V (DMKLOKSP) V (D!KEXTSP) V (D!KT!RSN) 3F'0' 16F 16F PSAEND DS OD 6C8 6DO 6D4 6D8 2F Fourth attached processor status flag byte DMKLeK enabled for external interrupts Processor will record soft machine checks !achine check processing pending (CP!CHSE is the replacement of CP!CHIK in APSTIT2) TOD synchronous check received Automatic processor recovery Fending Vary processor function in use Reserved for IB! use R11 for disFatcher unstacking R2 value for pending VMAPs call (attached processor only) Address of t!KCPE for IPCS use Reserved for IB! use End of second area cleared by Cp initialization (DMKCPI) Entry to lock V!BLOK Reserved for IB! use Entry to spin on lock Entry to signal processor routine Entry to charge synchrcnizaticn routine Reserved for IBM use Register save area for Monitor call Save area for switching to virtual machine in DMKLOK End of page 0 usage Section 1. CP Data Areas and Contrel Blocks 77 PiDIBLOK The PiDIBLOK is used to retain information and AUTOLOG cemmands. o 8 10 18 Hexadecimal Displacement -----------0 8 E 14 18 1C 1D I ---------------------------------------------------1 PiDDATE PiDTlftE I ------------------------------------------------------1 PiDTIME (cont.) PitTERftA 1 ---------------------------------------------------1 PiDCBAIN P*1 I P*2 IIIIRESERVED//III Field Nalle PiDUSRID PiDDATE PiDTIME PiDTERMA PiDCBAIN PWDINYCT PiDFLAGS PiDLOG PWDALOG 78 with LOGeN i PiDUSRID Field Description, Contents, fteaning DS DS DS DS DS DS DS CL8 CL6 CL8 CL4 F 1X 1X in PiDFLAGS EQU --X'8'O'-EQU X'40' ~!!§ g~!!~~g 1E about invalid passwords sUFFlied DS XL2 P*1 P*2 Userid attellpting LOGON or AUTOLOG Date (Illlddyy) Tille (hh:III1:SS) Terminal address Address of next PWDIELOK Invalid password count Flags This block for LOGeN This block for AUTOLCG Bes~rved IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic for IBM use Real I/O Control Blocks In order to centrol the activity of the I/O devices of the system and schedule I/O requests uFon them, I/O control uses several tYFes cf control blocks. These l:locks can l:e separated into two basic types: • Static blocks that describe components of the I/O system. the • Dynamic l:lccks that represent active and pending requests for I/O operations. The I/O cemponents of the real system are described by one control block for each channel, control unit, and device available to the control program. Units present but not represented by control blocks are not available for either user-initiated or centrol program-initiated operations. REAL CHANNEL CONTROL BLOCKS For each channel attached to the system there exists a Real Channel Control Block (RCHELOK) which contains: • The channel Fortion of its attached units, the address of • Status flags indicating the ayailability for scheduling. • A two-way queue anchor pointing to the list of I/O requests waiting to use the channel. channel's In additien, each RCHBLOK contains 32 halfword indexes, arranged in ascending address order, that represent the displacement into the Real Central Unit table of the control blocks for the control units attached to the channel. The 32 entries are required because the control unit address may be made up of five bits from the unit address. To locate the control tlock for a given unit: BEAL CONTROL UNIT BLCCKS The Real Control Unit Table is composed of Real Control Unit Blocks (RCUBLOK), one for each control unit on the system. These blecks are similar to the RCHELOK in that they contain the control unit portion of the address and status flags, and a peinter to a queue of I/O requests. In addition, the RCUBIOK contains a pointer te the RCEELOK for the channel to which it is attached. The RCOBLOK ccntains a table of 16 halfwerd entries that represent the displacment into the Real Device Table of its attached devices. This table is referenced in the same manner as the table in the RCEBLOK. REAL DEVICE CCNTROL BLCCKS Each device and 3270 remote communications line in the system is represented by a Real tevice Control Block (REEVELCK), contains the device portion of the unit address and status flags similar to those in RCHBLCK and RCUELCK. There is alse a pointer fer those operations that are waiting fer the device to become available. Fields that appear in the RDEVBLOK and not in the othe';c blocks include a pointer te the I/O requeb~ that is currently active en the device, SIC counts, and a pointer te error and sense information. The RDEVELCK contains a pointer to the RCUELCK for the control unit to which it is attached and fields of device dependent information which do net affect the operation of I/C control~ If the RDEVBLOK is associated with 3270 remote communications line, then the REEVELOK contains a pointer to NICBLCKs that represents the resources on that line. INPUT/OUTFUT BLOCKS 1. Index into the table in the RCHBLOK a displacement equal to twice the control unit address. I/O requests that are active in the system are represented ~y Input/Output Elocks (ICELOK) • There 1S one ICELOK for each operation (that is, channel program) to te executed. The IOBLOK is ccnstructed by the requesting task and contains such information as: 2. Load the index value. • The identity of the requestor 3. Add the value to the base address of the Real Control Unit Table. • The address of the channel program to be executed Section 1. CP Data Areas and Centrel Elocks 79 The address to which centrol is to be returned upon coapletion of the operation In addition, the IOBLOK contains status flags that indicate the current state of the operation (such as, whether or not an error has occurred, if an errcr recovery ~rocedure (ERP) is in control~ and the condition returned fro. the 510) and the CSW associated with the interrupt that signals the end of the operation. Since IOBLOKS are queued off various I/O control tlocks, they also contain forward and backward queue pOinters. DMKIOS builds in thea the real device address of the unit on which the operation is started. In general, the IOBLOK representing a given operation progresses through the system by being queued, in turn, from device, control unit, and channel blocks until a path is at last free to the device. A 510 is then issued. After the operation is complete, the IOBLOK is dequeued fro. the RDEVBLOK and stacked on a queue maintained in the dispatcher, D!KDSP. Each tiae the dispatcher is entered, the entries on the queue are unstacked and control is 80 passed to the point sFecified in the Interrupt Return Address (IOEIBA). After I/e contrel stacks the ICELCK for the given task, it attempts to restart all of the components that have been freed by the completion of the operation. NEiWOBK INTERFACE CONTBOL fLOCK There is one Network Interface Centrol Elock (NICBLOK) for each defined 370% and each resource attached to a 3270 bisynchronous line. The NICELOK provides the correspondence between the line or device address and the Fhysical resource connected to that line. This block not only defines the identity of the terminal type, line, or control unit but it also contains flags and status information pertaining to that resource. If the defined resource is a remote 3270 component, the NICELOK ccntains the current line coordinates l polling and selection characters information as veIl. The remainder of this secticn describes the real I/O control blocks. IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic RCHELCK RCHBlOK contains status and tYFe information for the sFecified channel. The linkage to I/O tasks oFerated on by that channel and to the contrel units attached tc that channel is also maintained. The ARIOCH field of the P~A points to the first RCHELOK, which is generated in contiguous storage. o ~-------------------------------------------------------, R*1 RCHFIOB 8 10 I RCHlOCK RCHADD BCHQCNT RCHLICB RCHSTIDC R*3 I R*4 I R*5 I R*6 18 R*2 RCHRSTQ RCHOPER 20 RCHCUTBL (Variable Length) Hexadecimal tisplacement -----------0 2 4 Field Name BCHADD RCHlOCK RCHSTIT Field Description, Contents, Meaning DS 1)S DS 1H 1H 1X R*1 ~!!§ Q~!!1!~g 5 RCHBUSY RCHSCED RCHDED in RCHSTAT EQU --X'SO,-EQU X'40' EQU X'01' RCHTYPE DS 1X Channel tusy IOE scheduled on channel Channel dedicated R*2 ~it§ Q~!!~Q RCHSEl RCHBMX RCHBPX RCH370 in RCHTYPE EQU -X'SO,-EQU X'40' EQU X'20' EQU X'01' 10 11 12 13 14 RCHQCNT RCHFIOB RCHlIOB RCHDTCK RCHCCCK RCHIFCC RCHCHCK RCHSTIDC DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS 18 1C 20 RCHRSTQ DS RCHOPER DS RCHCUTBl DS 1F 1F 32H RCH5IZE (*-RCHBlOK)/8 6 8 C EQU 1H 1F 1F 1X 1X 1X 1X 1F Channel address Channel lock Channel status Channel type Selector channel Elock multi Flexer channel Eyte multiplexer channel 5/37C type channel (5/370 I/C instructicn sUFPort) R*3 R*4 R*5 R*6 Number of ICBLOKs queued off channel Pointer to first IOBLOK queued Pointer to last IOBLOK queued Channel data check count Channel control check count Interface centrol check ceunt Channel chaining check count Result of STIDC instruction issued at CP initialization; if cc = 3, the content is X'FFFFFFFF' Address of channel to be restarted IOELCK operational on channel time Control units attached - RCUSTART index (The index values must be multiplied by 8 and added to the beginning of the RtEVELOK table (ARIODV).) RCHELOK size in doublewords (X'OD') Section 1. CP Data Areas and Ccntrol Elecks 81 RCUBLOK RCUBLOK provides control and status information en a defined real control unit. Linkages are provided to queued IOBLOKs. The ABIOCU field of the PSI points to tbe first RCUELOK, wbich is generated in ccntiguous storage. o RCUADD RCULOCK B*1 I R*2 RCUOCNT RCUFIOB RCULIOB 10 RCUCHI BCUCEB 18 RCUCHC BCUCED 20 RCURSTQ BCUOFER 8 RCUDVTBL 28 (Variable Length) Hexadecimal tisplacement -----------0 2 4 Field Name RCUIDD RCULOCK RCUSTIT Field Description, Contents, I!eaning DS DS DS ~i!§ g~!i1!~g 5 RCUBUSY RCUSCED RCUDISI RCUCHAOF RCUCHBOK RCUCHCOF RCUCHDOF EOU EOU EOU EOU EOU EOU EOU RCUTYPE DS 1H 1H 1X R*1 in RCUSTIT --x'eo'-- 1X Control unit address Control unit lock Control unit status Control unit busy IOE scheduled on control unit Control unit disabled BCUCEA to BCBBLCK path is not RCUCEE to RCBBLCK path is not RCUCBC to BCHBLCK path is not RCUCBI to BCHBLOK path is not X'40' X'20' X'08' X'04' X'02' X'01' Bits defined in RCUTYPE RCU5HRD--EQU --X'80-'-- B*2 available available available available Control unit type RCUSUB RCU2703 RCU2702 RCU2701 EOU EOU EOU EQU X'40' X'03' X'02' X'01' This control unit can be attacbed to only cne sutchannel This is a subordinate contrel unit TCU is a 2703 TCU is a 27C2 TCU is a 27C1 8 C 10 RCUQCNT RCUFIOB RCULIOB RCUCHI DS DS DS DS 1H 1F 1F 1F Number of ICBLOKs queued off control unit Pointer to first ICBLOK queued Pointer to last IOBLOK queued Pointer to RCBBLCK - patb I 10 ORG RCUPRlME DS RCUCHA 1F Pointer to the primary contrcl unit 6 82 -------------------------------------- IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic RCUELCK Hexadecimal Displacement 14 18 1C 20 24 28 Field Name Field Description, Contents, Meaning RCUCBB RCUCHC RCUCHD RCURSTQ RCUOPER RCUDVTBL DS DS DS DS DS DS 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 16B Pointer to BCHELOK - path E Pointer to RCBBLCK - path C Pointer to RCBBLOK - path I Address of control unit to be restarted IOELCK operational on control unit time Devices attached - RDVSTART index (the index values must be multiplied by 8 and added to the teginning of the RDEVELOK table (ARIODV).) RCUSIZE EQU (*-RCUBLOK)/8 RCUELOK size in doublewords (X'08') Section 1. CP Data Areas and Contrel Blocks 83 RCWT1SK RCWT1SK contains the virtual-to-real CCW translation and other data related to a virtual machine's I/O operation. 1 pointer is maintained to the virtual CCW operaticn. The first CCW-16 points to the beginning of RCWTASK. o 8 RCWPNT RCWVCNT RCWVC1W RCWRCNT 10 RCWBE1!: RCWCCNT RCWCCW (Variable Length) Hexadecimal Displacement o 4 8 A C E 10 10 14 15 Field Name Field Description, Contents, !eaning RCWPNT RCWVCAW RCWVCNT RCWRCNT RCWHE1D RCWCCNT RCWCCW DS DS DS DS DS DS DS 1F 1F 1H 1H 1H 1H 1D RCW1DDR RCW-FLAG RCWCTL ORG DS DS DS RCWCCW 1F ~it.§ g~li'yed S4 RCiIO RCiGEN RCWHMR RCiREL RCiIS1M RCi2311 RCWINVL RCiSHR BQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQO 16 RCWCNT DS 10 ORG RCWCOMND DS 11 1X Pointer to next RCWT1SK Virtual address of CCi chain Virtual CCi count Real CCi count RCiTASK header mark X'FFFF' RCiTASK control vord count One or more CCWs for device I/O CCi data address celi flag tits CCW CP-control tits in RCWCTL --X'80'X'40' X'20' X'10' X'OS' X'04' X'02' X'01' I/O data page locked CP-generated CCi tMKONT must relocate hoae address/record RO CCi address relocatatle if CCis moved IS1! modifying CCi TIP2311T-E pseudo 2311 on 2314 CCi operation code or address is invalid Shared user page vas copied 1H CCW tyte count RCW1DDR 11 CCW command code IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic RDEVBLOK RDEVELOK is generated by the RDEV macro at system generation. There is cne RDEVELCK for each real device and one for each binary synchronous line. The tlock ccntains status and device parameters aPFlicable to I/O instruction processing. The ARIOIV field of the PSI and the VDEVREAL field of the VDEVBLOK point to the first RDEVELCK, which is generated in ccntiguous stcrage. 0 RDEVADD 8 10 I RDEVLOCK RDEVCUA RDEVCUB 28 RDEVUSER RDEVAIOE RDEVITT 30 RDEVCYL RDEVSER 38 0 2 4 I R*4 RDEVQUED RDEVIOCT RDEVLNKS RDEVTCTL (8 device dependent bytes) 40 RDEVTl4JAT 48 RDEVIOER ------------ I R*3 RDEVLIOE 20 Hexadecimal Displacement R*2 RDEVFIOB 18 50 R*1 R*5 I R*7 I R*8 RIEVCTRS RDEVNAME 1//RDEVRSV1///1 Field Name RDEVADD DS RDEVLOCK DS RDEVSTAT DS R*6 RDEVIOBL Field Description, Contents, Meaning 1a 1H 1X !!it,2 g§!!neg in RDEVSTIT RDEVBUSY EQU -X'80'-RDEVSCED EQU X'40' RDEVDISA EQU X'20' RDEVRSVD EQU X'10' RDEVIRM EQU X'08' RDEVNRDY EQU X'04' RDEViAII EQU X'02' RDEVDED EQU X'01' R*1 Device address Device lock Device status Device busy IOE scheduled on device Device disatled (offline) Device reserved Device in intensive error recording mode Device intervention required GRI! - IOELCK pending, queue requests Dedicated device (attached to a virtual machine) Section 1. CP Data Areas and Contrel Elocks 85 RDBVELOK Hexadecimal tisplacement 5 Field Name Field Description, contents, Meaning RDBVFLAG DS §.i1.§ g~!!1!~g RDBYSKUP BQU RDBVPRBF BQU DASD - ascending order seek que~ing tASt - volume preferred for Fag1ng tAS! - volu~e attached to system DAst - Cp-owned volume tASt - volume mounted, not attached DASt - volume dedicated as 3330V :CASI - device selected for ~SS fount Console - terminal has print sUFFress Consele - terminal executing FREPARB command Console - ICBLOK pending; queue request Console - 2741 terminal cede identified Console - device is enabled Console - next interrupt from a Halt I/O Console - device is to be disabled Console - 370x NCP resource in EP mode Spooling - device output drained Spooling - device output terminated Spooling - device busy with acceunting Spooling - force printer te single sFace Spooling - restart current file Spooling - tackspace the current file Spooling - print/punch job seFarator Spooling - UCS buffer verified Special - network control Frogram active Special - 270x Bmulatien program active Special - 370x in buffer slowdown mode _Sl>_e_cJaJ - allt_o_m.aticdJlm-p/l_cad.~Ra.bled Special - ICBLOK pending; queue requests Special - emulator lines in use by system Special - automatic dump/lcad process active Special - BTU trace requested X'40' EQU X'20' BQU BQU BQU BQU BQU BQU BQU BQU BQU BQU BQU BQU EQU EQU BQU EQU BQU EQU EQU BQU EQU BQU BQU _E_QtJ BQU BQU BQU EQU X'10' X'OS' X'04' X'02' X'SO' X'40' X'20' X'10' X'OS' X'04' X'02' X'01' X'SO' X'40' X'20' X'10' X'08' X'04' X'02' X'01' X'SO' X'40' X'20' X_'10' X'OS' X'04' X'02' X'01' 6 RDEVTYPC DS 1X R*3 7 RDEVTYPE DS 1X R*4 8 C RDBVFIOB RDBVLIOB RDEVCUA RDBVCUB RDBVQUED RDEVIOCT RDBVAIOB RDBVUSER RDEVATT RDBVCYL RDBVSER RDEVLNKS RDBVTCTL RDEVTf!AT RDEVQCNT 1F 1F 1F 1F 1D 1F 1F 1F 1H 1H CL6 1H SX 1F 1X R*5 10 14 18 20 24 28 2C 2B 30 36 38 40 44 DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS Device flags, device dependent in RDEVFLAG RDBVOWN RDBVf!OUT RDBV333V RDBVSBL RDBVPSUP RDBVPRBP RDBVACTV RDBVIDNT RDEVBNAB RDEVHIO RDEVDISB RDEVEPMD RDEVDRAN RDEVTERf! RDEVACNT RDEVSPAC RDBVRSTR RDEVBACK RDEVSBP RDEVLOAD RDBVLNCP RDEVLCBP RDEVSLOW RD_BJAU_~() R*2 --X'80'-- RDEVSYS RDBVWAIT RDEVBPLN RDEVRCVY RDEVTBTU 86 1X Device type class (see "Appendix A. CP and Rses Equate Symbols") Device type (see "Appendix A. CP and RSCS Equate Symbols") Pointer to first IeBLOK queued Pointer to last IOELeK queued Pointer to RCUBLOK - interface A Pointer to RCUBLOK - interface E IOELeK queued time - TOD clock units Device I/O count Active IOELeK Pointer to VMBLeK of dedicated user Attached virtual address DASI - current cylinder location Device volume serial number DASI - number of links to this disk S device-dependent terminal ccntrol bytes Device attached time - TCD clcck word 0 Number of queued ICBLeKs IBf! VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic RDEVELCK Hexadecimal Displacement 45 Field Name Field Description, Contents, !eaning RDEVSTA2 DS 1X R*6 !!it§ g~!!ned in RDEVSTA2 RDEVRACT EQU -xi 8o.-RDEVBUCH EQU X'40' RDEVCONC EQU X'20' RDEVDROP EQU X'10' RDEVALT EQU x'08' RDEVSYBC EQU X'04' RDEVPURG EQU X'02' RETRYSi EQU X'01' 46 47 48 4C 50 52 54 RDEVMDL RDEVFTR RDEVIOER RDEVCTRS RDEVNAME RDEVRSV1 RDEVIOBL DS DS DS DS DS DS DS RDEVSIZE EQU 1X 1X IF 1F 1H 1H 1F tevice status (byte 2) Active device is being reset Device is busy with the channel Contingent connection present Logdrop or loghold indicated Alternate path device Attention signal during active I/O 3800 - Purge files in error Retry count switch R*7 R*8 tevice model number Device feature code Pointer to IOERELOK for last CP error Pointer to error counter centrol block Real device name Reserved for IB! use IOELCK queue lock (*-RDEVELOK)/8 RDEVELOK size in doutlevords (X'OB') ~9f CP-2!!!~g Q~vi£~§ 38 3C 40 ORG RDEVALLN DS RDEVCODE DS ORG RDEVPAGE DS RDEVRECS DS RDEVPNT DS RDEVUSER 1F 1H RDEVTCTL 1F 1F 1F Anchor for RECBLCK chain fer faging Anchor for RECBLOK chain fcr speoling Pointer to next RDEVELCK fer allecation 3C RDEVDCTL DS 1F Pointer to tRU!TIBL control block 28 2C Anchor for ALOCELOK chain fer this device Device code - SYSOWNED index ~9f §f~Ehic Q~vic~§ 2E 30 ORG RDEVCORD DS RDEVGRTB DS RDEVCYL 1H 1F Current line coordinates Address of table of CCis and data streams ~9f ~E29!!!!g Unit !!~rd 28 2C 2D 2E 2F ORG RDEVSPL DS RDEVCLAS DS ORG RDEVDELP DS RDEVCURP DS DS RDEVlUXP DS RDEVFSEP DS RDEVQUED 1F 4C RDEVUSER A 1X 1X 1X 1X 30 RDEVXSEP DS CL4 34 38 40 RDEVEXTN DS RDEVIMAG DS RDEVOVLY DS 1A CL8 CL4 18 1C X9f 18 1C 38 Pointer to active RSPLCTL bleck Device class(es) Anchor for delay purge queue Current page length in half inches Reserved for IB! use Maximum numter of entries in delay purge queue Function control block for sefarator page (6, 8, or 12) Name of character arrange.ent table fer the separator page Pointer to the 3800 extension Name of current image library Name of current forms overlay I~f.!!nal Devi£~ CRG RDEVCON DS RDEVAIRA DS ORG RDEVRCNT DS RDEVQUED 1F 1F RDEVTCTL 1H Pointer to CONTASK list Attention interrupt return address Start/stop line retry count Section 1. CP Data Areas and Centrol Blocks 87 RDEVBLOK Hexadecimal Displacement 3A Field Name lield Description, Contents, Meaning RDEVTFLG DS 1X Additional terminal flags ~~!~ g~!~~g RDEVLOG in RDEVTFLG EQU --X'8'O-'-- RDEVREST EQU RDEVATOF EQU X'40' X'20' TERM and GRll - Logon precess has been initiated TER! - Terminal in reset process TERM - Suppress attention signal RDEVLOG RDEVMORE RDEVRUN RDEVREAD RDEVCPNA RDEVTRQ RDEVCTL RDEVHOLD EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU X'SO' X'40' X'20' X'10' X'OS' X'04' X'02' X'01' GRll GRAl GRll GRll GRll GRll GRAP GRll 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F RDEVGRTY RDEVLLEN RDEVATNC RDEVBASE RDEVRSV3 DS DS DS DS DS 1X 1X 1X 1H 1X Display alternate screen size index Device line length Device attention count 370x base address for emulator line Reserved for IBM use 46 ORG RDEVTMCD DS RDEVMDL 1X Terminal code in RDEVTMCD EQU -X'20'-EQU X'10' EQU X'OC' EQU X'08' EQU X'04' EQU X'OO' - Logon process has been initiated Screen full; more data waiting Screen in running status Read pending for screen input Last input not accepted Timer request pending Control function interrupt pending Screen full; in hold status Bit~ g~!!ned RDEVTEXT RDEVUSC8 RDEYAPLC RDEVAPLP RDEVCORR RDEVPTTC 47 RDEVSADN DS 1X 3270 Text character set ISCII-8 level keyboard APL Correspondence keyboard IPL PTTCjEBCD keyboard Correspondence keyboard PTTCjEBCt keyboard Terminal set-address number J1Q!Ll1Q~ ~2~~ic~!!2~~ ~2ntfQ!ler 1C 2E 30 38 3C ORG RDEVEPDV DS ORG RDEVMAX DS RDEVNCP DS RDEVNICL DS RDEVCKPT DS X2f 30 34 S8 ll1Q RDEV!IR! 1F RDEVCYL 1H CL8 1F 1F Start of free RDEVBLOK list for EP line Highest valid NCP resource name Reference name of active 3704 NCP Pointer to network control list Pointer to CKPBLOK for re-enable S~~2!~ ~YEEQrt ORG RDEVBSC DS RDEVPDLY DS RDEVNCP 1F 1F Pointer to binary synchroneus centrol block Poll delay timer interval IBM VMj370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic RECELCK RECBLOK maintains the correlation of DISD storage pages to a specific cylinder location. Also maintained is a bit map to indicate the page slots available for data page storage. The RDEVRECS field and the BDEVPAGE field of the RDEVELCK point to BECELCK. o BECPNT RECCYL I R*1 I B*2 RECMAP 8 (128 pages maximum) .~'------------------------------------------------------~ Hexadecimal Displacement -----------0 4 6 7 8 Field Name BECPNT RECCYL RECUSED RECMAX BECMAP Field Description, Contents, Meaning DS DS DS DS DS 1F 1B 1X 1X 1L -------------------------------------R*1 B*2 Pointer to next RECBLOK on cbain Cylinder address for pages in this block Number of pages currently in use Maximum numter of pages available Page allocation bit map (128 Fages maximum) Bits defined in RECMAP O-=-page-is-available 1 - Page has been assigned Although the size of RECMIP is fixed, the maximum number of pages available on a cylinder is device dependent. Bits corresponding to pages not physically present on a cylinder are set to 1. !ot~: RECSIZE EQU (*-BECB10Kj/8 BECELOK size in doutlewords Section 1. CP Data Areas and Centrel Blocks 89 RECPAG RECPAG retains up to 4K bytes of error recording specified errcr recording cylinder. o RECCCPD data for RECNXT I R*1 eventual placement en the I R*2 8 RECDATA (4088 bytes) Hexadecimal 1Jisplacellent -----------0 4 6 Field Name Field Description, Contents, Meaning RECCCPD DS DS RECNXT RECFLAG1 DS 4X 2X 1X R*1 1!it§ g~fi~g in RECFLAG1 RECPAGIO EQO -X'80-'-RECPAGFR EQO X'40' RECPAGFL EQO X'20' RECPAGER EQO X'10' RECPAGFA EQO X'08' 7 RECFLAG2 DS 1X Page Page Page Next Page R*2 1!.!!§ g~fill~g in RECFLAG2 RECPAGFM EQO --X'80'--RECPAGDN EQO 8 RECDATA DS RECPAGSZ EQU 90 CCPE of the record 1Jisplacement to next error record Record usage flags contains valid data is cleared is full of error records page is unreadakle (I/C error) contains page frame reccrds Record for. at flag X'OO' Set in page 1 of a recording cylinder when the cylinder is teing formatted. This flag bit is reset when all pages are cleared. Cylinder formatted 4088C Data area (*-RECPAG) /8 Size of page in doublewords (X'512') IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic RSPLCTL, RSPXBLOK RSPLCTL is used in conjunction with SFBLOK RBEVSPL field of RDEVBLCK points to RSPLCTL. 0 RSPRSTRT 8 RSPVPAGE 10 RSPMISC 18 RSPDPAG2 20 RSPRPAG2 Eexadccimal Displacement Field Name o RSPRSTRT RSPDPAGE RSPVPAGE RSPRPAGE RSPMISC RSPSFBLK RSPDPAG2 RSPVPAG2 RSPRPAG2 RSPFLAG1 4 8 C 10 14 18 1C 20 24 25 RSPXBLOK: fer processing closed RSPtPAGE R*1 sFcol files. The I I I RSPRPAGE I I RSPSFBLK I I RSPVPAG2 I I !////I/RSPRSVD//////I Field Description, Contents, Meaning DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1X Restart CAW - CCW address BASB location (DCER) of current Fage buffer Virtual address of page kuffer Real address of page buffer Use varies according to caller Pointer to SFBLCK for file BAst locaticn of second Fage buffer if any Virtual address of second Fage buffer if any Real address of second page buffer if any Real spooling control flag byte Bits defined in RSPFLAG1 RSPBF1IOEQU --X'80'---RSPBF2IO EQU 1'40' RSPBF1VL EQU 1'20' RSPBF2VL EQU 1'10' I/O Fending I/O Fending Buffer 1 is Buffer 2 is RSPRSVD DS 3X Reserved for IBM use RSPSIZE BQU (*-RSPLCTL) /8 Size in doutlewords (X'05') on kuffer 1 on kuffer 2 full of data tc Frint full of data tc Frint REAL DEVICE EXTENSION BLOCK RSPXBLOK is used with the RDEVBLOK to accommodate the 3800 requirements. Hexadecimal Displacement o RSPXCHR RSPXCRWC 8 RSPXCMOD RSPXFCB Pield Name Field Description, Contents, Meaning ----------0 4 8 C RSPXCHR RSPXCRWC RSPXCMOD RSPXFCB DS DS DS DS RSPXSIZE EQU CL4 4X CL4 CL4 Character arrangement table now in 3800 Current contents of WCGMs Copy module now in 3800 FCB now in 3800 (*-RSPXBLOK)/8 RSPXBLOK size in doublewords (X'Ol') Section 1. CP Data Areas and Centrol Blocks 91 SAVEAREA SAVEAREA is used to save the registers of .odule. Register 13 points to SAVEAREA. o SAVERETN SAVER12 8 SAVER13 SAVEWRK1 10 SAVEWRK2 SAVEWRK3 48 SAVEWRK4 SAVEWRK5 50 SAVEWRK6 SAVEWRK7 58 SAVEWRK8 SAVEWRK9 Field Na.e Field Description, Ccntents, !eaninq SAVERETN DS 1F R~gefi~i!!g~ g{ 2!!~~~TN I~ -ORG -SAVERE'!'N Active SAVEAREI (caller's return address) In£lud§ ~f2~§§QE Address 1 SAVEPROC DS SAVERTN DS 11 31 Active SAVlAREA processcr address Active SAVEAREA -- return address o ORG SAVENEIT DS SAVERETN 1F Inactive SAVEIREA (next SAVEABEA address) 10 SAVER12 SAVER13 SAVEWRK1 SAVEREGS DS DS DS DS 1F 1F 1F 12F Caller's tase (R12) Caller's SAVEAREA (R13) Called routine's work area Caller's registers (RO to R11) 10 14 18 1C 20 24 28 2C 30 34 38 3C 40 44 48 4C 50 54 58 5C SAVERO SAVER1 SAVER2 SAVER3 SAVER4 SI VER5 SAVER6 SAVER7 SAVER8 SAVER9 SAVER10 SAVER11 SAVEWRK2 SAVEWRK3 SAVEWRK4 SAVEWRK5 SAVEiRK6 S1VEWRK7 SAVEiRK8 SAVEWRK9 ORG DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS SAVEREGS 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 11 11 11 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 4 8 C SAVESIZE EQU 92 has called another SAVEREGS 40 Hexadecimal tisplacement o a module when that module Called routine's work area (8 fullwords) (*-SAVEAREA)/8 Size in doutlewords (X'OC') IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic SAVTAELE SAVTABLE is used in the initial program loading of saved virtual machine na.ed systems. It is created by the na.e system generation process (SIVESYS macro/SlVES1S co.mand). o SAVPSW 8 SAVGREGS 48 SAVFPRES 68 SAVCREGS A8 SAVKEYS Displacement -----------0 8 48 68 A8 Field Nalle Field Description, Contents, ~eaning SliPSi DS iD PSi c£ virtual machine at SiiESYS ti.e SAVGREGS SAVFPRES SAVCREGS SAVKEYS DS DS DS DS 16F 4D 16F 1H General registers Floating-point registers Control registers Two-tyte entry for each saved page containing storage keys fer each page Section 1. CP Data Areas and Centrel Blocks 93 SDRBLOK Contains counters to record temporary errors on a given I/O device. o 8 SDRRDEV S*1 5*2 S*3 S*4 SDRCUA S*5 SDBCTBS 10 SDRCTRS1 18 Hexadecimal Displacement -----------0 4 Field Nalle Field Description, Contents, Meaning SDRRDEV DS SDRFLAGS DS 1F 1X S*1 Bits defined in SDRFLAGS SDRSHRT-EQU- --X'80'-SDRRECD EQU X'40' SDRMAX 5 6 7 8 9 C 16 94 EQU SDRPRMCT SDRFLCT SP~.9Y:F.Ji K SDRLNGTH SDRCUA DS DS DS DS DS Short OBRRECB to be written Long OERRICB to be recorded cn counter overflow Maximum nu.ters of SDR counters handled X'20' 1X 1X 1X 1X 3X Address of associated RD!VELCK SDRELOK flags S*2 S*3 S*4 S*5 Parameter list counter Full tyte counter Statistical update work tyte Lenciflitby·t"es) of-SDR counters primary CUA of device being used SDRBSIZE EQU (*-SDRBLOK) SDRELOK tase size, in tytes SDRCTRS DS 10X SDR error counters SDRSIZE EQU (*-SDRELOK+7)/8 Size in doutlewords (X'03') SDRCTRS1 DS 10X Additional SDR error counters for devices that use .ore than 10 SDR ccunters. SDRSIZE1 EQU (*-SDRELCK)/8 Size in doutlevords (X'04') IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic SEGTAELE SEGTABLE is used in conjunctien with the page table (PAGTAELE) and swap table (SWPTAELE) by the page management routines. The VMSEG field of the VMELOK points to SEGTAELE. o Hexadecimal Displacement ------------ SEGPAGE S*l I Field Nalle Field Description, contents, !eaning 0 SEGPAGE DS lF 0 SEGPLEN ORG DS SEGPAGE BL.4 Bits defined in SEGPAGE.3 SEGIUY--EQU --X'01'-SEGMIG EQU X'10' SEGENQ EQU X'40' Pointer to page tatle (PAGTAEtE) S*l Page table length (Total pages half of byte) - 1) (in left Segment invalid Segment migrated if pointer is equal to 0 Segment is enqueued if pointer is equal to 0 Section 1. CP Data Areas and Centrol Blocks 95 SFBLOK SFBLOK retains all the information relating to a spool file. A pointer provides a linkage to the next SFBLOK in the chain. The VSPSFBLK field of VSPLCTL and the RSPSFBLK field of RSPLCTL point to the SPBLOK. o SPBPNT SFBS'IART 8 SPBUSER 10 SPBORIG 20 SFERECSZ SPBRECNO 18 34 SPEPIAME --------------------------~ SPBFTYPE 40 SPBtATE 48 SFBTI!! 50 SFECOPY SFBLAST 58 Hexadecimal Displacement o 8 10 18 1C 1E 20 SFBFLASH S*5 Field Name 96 I S*4 SFBPNT SFBSTART SFBUSER SFBORIG SFBRECNO SFBRECSZ SFBFILID SFBFLAG SFBTYPE SFBMISC1 SFBRECS SFBlIAME I//////SFERSVD////// Field Description, Contents, Meaning DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS 1F 1F CL8 CL8 1F 1H 1H 11 S*1 !!!!§ g~!!ned in SFEFLAG SFBINUSE EQU -1'80'--SFBRECOK EQU X'40' SFBUHOLD EQU X'20' SFBDUMP EQU X'10' SlBOPEN EQU X'08' SFBSHOLD EQU X'04' SFBEOF EQU X'02' SFBRECER EQU X'01' 21 22 24 28 I S*3 SFBDIST 60 4 SPERECS S*1 I S*2 I SFEMISC1 28 SFBPILID DS DS DS DS 11 1H 1F CL12 Pointer to next SFBLeK tAS! location (CCPD) of first page buffer VMUSER identification of file o~ner VMUSER identification of file origin Number of data records in file Logical record size - excluding CCis Einary system file number SFELCK control tits File being processed Allocation records complete File in user hold status File is a CP systea du.p Input file has been opened File in system bold status Input file bas reached EOF SFEREC chain incomplete S*2 Device type for speol output Use varies according to caller Pointer to RECBLOKs for active file Filename IBft VM/310 Data Areas and Control Block Logic SFBLCK Hexadecimal Displacement 34 40 48 50 54 56 57 Field Name Field Description, Contents, SFBFTYPE SFBDATE SFBTIME SFBLAST SFBCOPY SFBCLAS SFBFLAG2 DS DS DS DS DS DS DS CL12 CL8 CL8 1F 1H 1X 1X S*3 S*4 ~eaninq Filetype Creation date of spool file Creation time of spool file DASD location (CCPD) of last page buffer Number of copies requested Spool file class character SFELOK flag (byte 2) Bits defined in SFBFLAG2 SFBHOLD--EQU --X'80'---SFBNOHLD EQU SFBFLNMT EQU !~!~: Save input file, or hold output file Delete input file, or do net hold output file File not empty if on X'40' X'20' SFBHOLD and SFBNOHLD override options in VDEVBLOK. SFBREQUE SFBRSTRT SFBTICER SFBPURGE SFBFIRST SFBMON EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU X'20' X'10' X'08' X'04' X'02' X'01' Requeue spool file Restart in progress Buffer TIC error Purge open spool file Indicate first page written Monitor spool file 58 SFBDIST DS CL8 Distribution code 60 64 65 SFBFLASH DS SFBSTCPY DS SFBRSVD DS CL4 1X XL3 SFBSIZE (*-SFBLOK) /8 EQU S*5 Overlay name for 3800 is flashing Current starting copy number Reserved for IBM use Size in doutlevords (X' OB' ) Section 1. CP Data Areas and centrol Blocks 97 SHQBLOK SHQBLOK provides a holding function for another user cr to a real output device. o 8 Hexadecillal tisplacement -----------0 4 4 5 S*1 I S*2 Field Name to I///SHQSPARE///I SHQPNT SHQFLAGS SHQUHOLD SHQSHOLD Field Description. Contents. !eaning DS DS DS DS EQU EQU SHQSPARE DS SHQUSER DS SHQBSIZE EQU 98 Frevent output ---------------------------------------------------1 SHQUSER I TYPPRT TYPPUN 6 files to I SHQPNT 1F OCL4 11 11 ~i!§ de!i~ed !~ ~H~QHQLD 8 identified spool Printer Punch S*1 S*2 9Rg 21 CL8 (*~SHQBLOK) Address of next SHOBtOK Length User USER HeLD flag tyte User SISTI! HOLD flag byte ~~~~]~~] See "Appendix A. CP and RSCS Equate Symbcls" See "Appendix A. CP and RSCS Equate symbols" Reserved for IB! use Virtual machine user identification of file owner /8- Size in doul:lewords (I' 02' ) IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Elock Logic SHRTAfLE SBRTABLE contains pointers to the segment locations of named systems for beth the shared and nonshared user. This block is used in paging. IPt. and virtual machine assist o~erations. PAGTABLE-8 points to SHRTAELE. o SHRFFNT S*l SHRNA!E 8 10 SHRTSIZE I SHROSECT 18 Hexadecillal Displacement ------------ SBRFAGE Field Name Field Description, Contents, fteaning SHRFPNT DS 1F 0 1 SHRFLAG SHRFPNT ORG DS DS SHRFPNT 1X 3X !!i!§ g~!!ll~g SHRNOPRT EQO DS DS DS 14 18 DS DS 1F CL8 1H 1H 1F 1F 1C SHRPAGE DS 1F DS Pointer to next SHRTABLE S*l Shared segment flag kyte Pointer to next SHRTABLE in SHRFLAG -x''4'O,-- SHRBPNT SHRNA!E SHRTSIZE SHRUSECT SHRSEGCT SHRSEGN! ;2 SBRSEGCT SHRSEGN! 0 4 8 10 SBRFPNT Nonprotected shared segments Pointer to previous SHRTABLE Name of saved system Size of SBRTABtE in doublewords Number of users using this segment name Number of shared segments Contains shared segment nuabers; up to four segment numbers per word Pointers to each of the shared {age tables. There is ene word for each shared segment. The entry is the same as S*1 SEGPAGE in "5!GTAftE: Segment Table." In attached processor (AP) mode, there will be two sets of page tables (FAGTAEt!) for each shared segllent; one for the main processor, one for the attached processor. SBRPAGE will point to the page tables for the lIain processor. The page tables fer the attached processor will be at a fixed displacement (P1GE!P) froll those of the main processor. !~te: Section 1. CP Data Areas and Ccntrol flocks 99 SPLIIK SPLIIK resides in auxiliary storage and contains one Fage (4096 bytes) of unit record sFeol inforaation consisting of data and all required eCis. The RSPVPAGE field and the RSPRPAGE field in RSPLCTL point to SPLIIK. o SPNXTPAG SPPRIPAG 8 SPR!HSC SPRECIU!! 10 Spool Buffer Data Area (4032 bytes) 1 FDO SPCHAR SPRSVD1 FD8 SPC!OD SPFCBS FEO SPRSVD2 FF8 tisplacellent -----------0 4 8 C FDO FD4 FEO FE4 FE8 FF4 FF5 I S*1 I Field Name SPRSVD3 -------------------------------------- SPNXTPAG SPPREPAG SPRftISC SPRECIUM DS DS DS DS IF IF IF IF SPSIZE EQU (*-SPLINK) Size in bytes (Xll01) SPCHAR SPRSVDl SPFCB SPCMOD SPRSVD2 SPFLSHC SPFLAGl ORG DS DS DS DS DS DS DS SPLIRK+4096-48 CL4 CL12 CL4 CL4 CL12 lX S*l lX S*2 End of first DASD tuffer 3800 character arrangement table for file Reserved for IBM use 3800 function centrol tleck fer file 380e copy module for file Reserved for IBM use 3800 flash count 3800 flag byte SPRSVD3 SPFILID SPTI!!E DS DS DS SPERDSIZ EQU IFirst DASD buffer only. 100 I Field Description, Contents, Beaning l!it§ g!!!!1!~g in SPFLAGl SPCOPYFG EQU --X'80'FF6 FF8 FFA ~*2 tASt location (DCHR) of next Fage buffer DASt location (DCHR) of previcus page buffer Use varies according to caller lu.her of data records in buffer If flag is set, aultiple cCFies can be done in one transmission 2X 1H CL6 Reserved for IBft use File identifier used for vErificatien SFETI!!E -- used for verification *-SPCHAR End-ef-buffer size in tytes All others comprise 40ee bytes. IB!! V!!/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic SiPTIELE SWPTIBLE is used in conjunction with the page table (PIGTIBLE) and the segment table (SEGTABLE) by the CP page management routines for relating the virtual storage to tlSD slots and real storage. The PAGSWP field of the PAGTABIE points to SWETIELE. o SiPV!! S*2 8 Hexadecimal Displacement -----------0 4 S*7 S*3 S*4 Field Name Bit§ Q~!i~ed SiPAPP EQU 1F 1X i~ SWPFLAG2 SiPPIG ORG D5 SWPFLAG2 1F 8 SiPFLAG DS 1X ~.!!§ Q~!i~ed 9 B C E F SiPVPAGE SWPKEY1 SWPKEY2 SiPCYL SiPDPAGE SiPCODE S*6 BQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU Pointer to Fage tatle 5*1 Swap table flag bits in SWPFLAG EQU DS DS DS DS DS DS 1X 1X 1X 1H 1X 1X ll'''" Attached processor's shared Fage table and swap tatle --X'80'-X'40' X'20' X'10' X'08' X'04' X'02' X'01' .u'¥u Pointer to V!!BLCK Swap table FLIG2 bits X'80-"- 4 A S*5 Field Description, contents, eeaning SiPV!! DS SWPFLIG2 DS SiPTRINS SWPREC!!P SWPILLOC SiPSHR 5iPREF1 SiPCHG1 SiPREF2 SiPCHG2 SWPCYL SWPFAG Page in transit Page permanently assigned Page enqueued for allocaticn Page shared First half-page referenced First half-page changed Second half-page referenced Second half-page changed S*2 S*3 S*4 S*5 S*6 Virtual page number within the segment Virtual storage key, first 2048 bytes Virtual storage key, second 2048 bytes DASt cylinder address DAsr page number on cylinder RDEVELOK device code (The device code is used as an index into the list of Cp-owned paging volumes pOinted to ty D!!KSYSOW) !ote: For each SWPTABLE there is only one doutleword that consists of SiPV!! and SWPFIG followed by 16 entries (one for each PIGTAELE entry) that consist of S*1, S*2, S*3, S*4, SiPCYL, S*5, and S*6. Thus, the total size of the SWPTIBLE is 17 doublewcrds. Section 1. CP Data Areas and Contrel Blocks 101 SYSLOCS SYSLOCS contains user logon and dial statistics, values, and line edit values. 0 DHKSYSDT 8 DMKSYSTM 10 DMKSYSLW log message 20 DMKSYSNM DMKSYSMI 28 DMKSYSMU DMKSYSND 30 DMKSYSLB DMKSYSUD 38 DMKSYSPL 1//////1//////////1//1/1//1// 40 48 50 58 Hexadecimal Displacement ------------ data, TOD DMKSYSLG 18 --------------------------------------------------------, DMKSYSDW I -,----------------------------1 1 s* 1 1 S*2 1 S*3 1 S*4 1 ------------------------------------------------------1 S*5 1////////1111/////////////1////1/////1 ---------------------------------------------------------1 DMKSYSCK 1 Pield Name Pield Description, Contents, Meaning 0 8 10 DMKSYSDT DC DMKSYSTM DC DMKSYSLW DC CL8'MM/DD/YY' Date of system log message CL8'HH:MH:SS' Time of system log message X'00',X'00',CL10' , Weekday of system log messages 1C 20 24 28 2C 30 34 38 3C 40 DMKSYSLG DMKSYSNM DMKSYSMI DMKSYSMU DMKSYSND DMKSYSLB DMKSYSUD DMKSYSPL DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DMKSYSDW DC Pointer to first log message block Current numter of users on the system Maximum numter of users allowed cn the system Maximum numter of users on the system Number of dialed users on the system Pointer to user directory lock block 1(0) 1(0) Pointer to start of user directory on SYSRES Pointer to a list of virtual page buffers 1(0) 1(0) Reserved for IBM use X'OO',X'OO', CL 1 O· Day of week in hexadecimal and EBCDIC 4C 4D 4E 50 DMKSYSLE DMKSYSLD DMKSYSCD DMKSYSES DMKSYSLL X'7B' S*1 Terminal line-end symbol X'4A' S*2 Terminal line-delete symbol X'7C' S*3 Terminal character-delete symbol X'7P' S*4 Terminal escape symbol AL 1 ( 1 30, 1 2 9, 72, 8 0) S*5 Default line lengths for 3210 and 3215 2741 and 1050 - 3270 and 3066 terminals 53 58 DC DMKSYSCK DC 4F 102 time/date and DC DC DC DC DC 1(0) P'O' P'O' P'O' P'O' XL5'O' D'O' Reserved for IBM use TOD clock value last stored by accounting, DUMP, or machine check IBM VM/370 Data Ireas and Control Block Logic SYSTEL SYSTBL contains the system and DASD informaticn required to load a saved system by name. SYSTEL is built during system generation in DMKSNT using the NAMESYS macro. 0 8 10 18 20 28 SYSPNT SYSSIZE -----, I ---------------------------------------------------------1 SYSNAME I ---------------------------------------------------------1 VSYSRES SYSVADDR I --------1 SYSVOL SYSCYL 1 -------------------------------------------------------1 SYSSTART SiSPAGCT SYSPAGLN I/S*1/1 S*2 SYSPAGNM (Variable Length) SYSSEGLN SYSHRSEG (Variable Length) Hexadecimal tisplacement Field Name Field Descripticn, Contents, Meaning ==~======--~~ 0 4 8 10 SYSPNT SYSSIZE SYSNAME VSYSRES DS DS DS DS 1F 1F CL8 CL6 16 SYSVADDR J,joJ TIC 111 18 SYSVOL DS CL6 1E SYSCYL DS 1H 20 24 28 2A 2B SYSSTART DS SYSPAGCT DS SYSPAGLN DS DS SYSFLAG DS 1F 1F 1H 1X 1X ~it§ g~!!~g SYSPROT in SYSFLAG EQU --X'8QI- SYSPAGNM DS 1F SYSSEGLN DS SYSHRSEG DS 1H 1X S*1 S*2 Chain pointer to next entry Minimum storage size needed to run system System name Volume identification number of DASD containing user's system Virtual address of VSYSRES Volume identification number of DASD ccntaining saved pages Cylinder on VSYSRES of user's system. Same as VDEVRELN CCPD of first page on SYSVCL Total number of pages saved Number of entries in SYSPAGNM Reserved for IBM use Named system flag Unprctected shared segments One fullword entry for each range of pages to be saved Numbers of entries in SYSHRSEG One tyte for each segment to be shared Section 1. CP Data Areas and Control Blocks 103 TNSREC TNSRlC is used by DMKIOE to record miscellaneous data records on CP's I/O error recording cylinders~ The record contains sense data applicable tc a specific l/C device. o 8 10 18 20 I TNSKEYN T*1 I/T*2//I/T*3/1/!*4/1///TNSSPE1/11111/1 ------------------------------------------------------1 TNSDTEN TNSTMEN 1 -------------1 1 TNSCPIDN --------------------11 TNSDEVAD TNSVOLID ------------------------------------------------------1 Sense Data 1 (Variable Length) Hexadecimal Displacement o 2 3 4 5 6 8 C 10 18 1A 20 38 50 68 80 98 EO 104 Field Name Field Descripticn, Contents, Meaning TNSKEYN TNSSWS1 TNSSWS2 DS DS DS TNSS~S3 DS TNSRECNT DS TNSSPE1 DS TNSDTEN DS TNSTMEN DS TNSCPIDN DS 1H 1X 11 1X 1X 1H 1F 1F 2F ~~!ic~ ~~~nd~~! ~!!! ~NSDEVAD TNSVOLID TNSSNS1 TNSSNS2 TNSSNS3 TNSSNS4 TNSSNS5 TNSSNS6 TNSSNS1 DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS 1H 6X 24X 241 241 24X 24X 24X 24X T*1 T*2 T*3 T*4 Class source 90=T type N/S NCN TPER Switch byte 0 Reserved for IBM use Reserved for IEM use Reserved for IBM use Reserved for IBM use Date Ti.e Prccessor identification and .odel number Device address request is ~ending Vclume identification number 24 Sense bytes 24 Additional sense tytes 24 Additional sense bytes 24 Additional sense tytes 24 Additional sense tytes 24 Additional sense tytes Last 24 sense bytes IEM VM/370 Data Areas and Centrol Block Logic TREXT TREXT facilitates the tracing of virtual machine program instructions and interrupts. This block is used whenever the CP TRACE command is invoked. The VHTREXT field of the VHELOK points to TREXT 0 TREXIN1 8 TBEXIN2 TREXSVC1 I TREXSVC2 T*1 I T*2 TREXLOCK TREXEERC TREXLCNT 10 TREXPERA 18 TREXANSI TREXCR9 20 TREXCR10 TREXCR11 28 Hexadecimal Displacement ------------ TREXBUFF (10 douhlewords) Field Name Field Description, Contents, Heaning 0 4 8 A TREXIN1 TREXIN2 TREXSVC1 TREXSVC2 0 1F 1F 1H 1H First address - replaced instruction Second address - replaced instruction Displaced halfword - instruction 1 Displaced halfword - instruction 2 A ORG TREXPSi DS TREXINTL DS TREXINTC DS TREXIN1 1D 1H 1H Old ESW for pending SVC interrupt Instructicn length code Interrupt cede for pending interrupt C TREXFLAG DS 1X 8 It!!§ DS DS DS DS .Q~!~1!~.Q TREXRUN 1<()n -"'~ TREXVAT EQU TREXNDSP EQU D TREXOUT DS TREXLOCK DS TREXPERA DS 10 TREXNSI 14 16 18 TREXPERC DS TREXLCNT DS TREXANSI DS ORG DS Prevent CFWAIT between events Call DMKVATRN to put back virtual instruction DSP should not call TRCIT X'40' X'20' 1X EQU --X'80'--EQU X'40' E 10 Tracing control flags in TREXFLAG --X'80'---- ~~!§ .Q~!~~.Q in TREXOUT TREXPRT TREXCON T*1 T*2 Trace output controls Output to the virtual spool printer Cutput to user virtual machine terminal 18 1F Indicates tracing when set Address of instruction causing PER interrupt TREXPERA 6X Redefinition for TRACE use Actual next (or last) sequential instruction 18 18 1A PER code to be reflected Printed output line count Address of next (or last) sequential instructien Section 1. CP Data Areas and Control Blocks 105 TREXT Bexadecimal ~isplacement Field Name 1C TREXCR9 1C ORG TREXCTL DS TREXCTL1 DS TREXCTL2 DS 1D !!.!!§ DS OF Shadew control registers fer PER trace TREXCR9 OB 1X 1X Redefinition for TRACE use Balfwcrd holding tracing centrol bits: First byte = same as VMTRCTL in VMBLOK Secend byte = remaining control bits .9~!'!~.9 in TREXCTL2 --x'ao'-- TREXCCW TREXCSW TREXBRAN TREXINST BQU EQU EQU EQU 1C 1E 20 1E 20 TREXPER TREXPREG TREXCR10 TREXPRNT TREXTERM DS DS DS DS DS 22 TRBXRUNF DS 1B 24 TREXPNTR DS 1F 24 TREXCR11 DS TREXBUFF DS 1F 10D Address range ending value Consele/printer output buffer (80 bytes) TREXSIZE BQU (*-TREXT) /8 TREX! size in dcublevords (X'OF') 28 106 Field Descripticn, Contents, Meaning X'40' X'20' X'10' XL2 1B 1F 1B 1B Trace Trace Trace Trace virtual and real eCis virtual and real CSWs successful branches all instructions PER control field PER register mask field Address range starting value Printer flag bits corresponding to TREXCTL Terainal flag bits correspending to TRlXCTL Run/ncrun flag bits corresFonding to TRlXCTL Pointer to first stacked TRACE request, if any IBM VM/310 Data Areas and Centrol Block Logic TBQELOK TRQBLOK manages the timing facilities of VM/370. r 0 I I 8 I I 10 I I 18 I I 20 I Hexadecimal Displacement TRQBVAL TRQBFPNT TRQEBPNT TRQBTOD TRQBUSER TRQEIBA TRQEQUE Field Name Field Description, contents, Meaning ------------ -------------------------------------TRQBVAL TBQBFPNT TRQBBPNT TRQBTOD TRQBUSER TRQBIRA TRQBQUE 0 8 C 10 18 1C 20 DS DS DS DS DS DS DS TRQBSIZE EQU I • 1D 1F 1F 1D 1F 1F 1D TOD clock comparator value for interrupt Pointer to next TRQBLOK Pointer to previous TBQBLCK TOD clock value when TRQBLCK is queued Address of VMBLOK for user Interrupt return address Time left in queue; tracking virtual processor tiller (*-TRQBLOK)/8 Size in doutlewords (X'05') Local Graphic Device Support The following continuation of the TRQBLOK tuilt, referenced, and released by DMKGRF. r 28 I Hexadecimal Displacement 28 2C 2E local graphic device support is T*2 Field Description, Contents, Meaning TRQBCRT DS TRQBDEV DS TRQBFLAG DS ~~~§ ~~!1~~~ 2F TRQEDEi TRQBCRT Field Name CRTFMT CRTDIAG CRTALRM CRTiNG CRTCARD CRTTAB2 CRTAPL CRTSIO CRTAIO DSECT for EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU TRQBLINE DS 1F 1H 1X lD T*1 %~2~rLAQ X'80' X'40' X'20' X'10' X'08' X'04' X'02' X'01' CRTSIO 1X Graphic device return IRA Graphic device device address Graphic device flags Screen formatted VM/370 online Screen written with Diagnose Screen has alarm message Screen has MORE ••• warning Data from card reader Second pass flag for tab function APL read buffer allocated User issue tiagnose to input area Timer interrupt pending after I/O co.pletes T*2 Line coordinate for input area Section 1. CP tata Areas and Centrel Blocks 107 TBQBLOK, UDEFELOK I • Bemote Graphic Device Support The following continuation of the TBQBLOK DS!CT for remote graphic built, referenced, and released by DMKRGA and DMKRGE. 28 Hexadecimal tisplacement TRQBCRT Field Nalle -----------28 2C 2E as DS DS DS EQU lF lH lH X'FF' a buffer o 0 38 3C 108 GraFbic device return IRA GraFhic device line address Rescurce identification Timer interrupt for general FoIl for user device block data in user directory access UDBFWOBK 38 ------------ TRCNA!!E Field Descriptien, Centents, Meaning TBQBCRT TRQBDEV TRQNAME TRQBPOLL urEFELOK is used oFerations. Hexadecimal Displacement TaCEDEV device support is UDEFDASD UDBFVADD Field Nalle Field Descripticn, Contents, Meaning UDBFWORK DS UDBFVADD DS UDBFDASD DS 7D UDBFSIZE EQU (*-UDBFBLOK)/8 UDEFELOK size in doutlewords (X'08') IF IF Euffer work space used by the caller Virtual address of the last directory page DASD address of the last direct cry page IEM VM/370 Data Areas and Centrol Block Legic UDEVBLCK UDEVBLOK supplies the information about the virtual machine's virtual devices# the operational parameters for its use# such as DASI access passwords# read/write link mode# spool device# T-disk space versus dedicated device space# as well as other Farameters. , o UDEVADD UDEVDISP 8 U* 1 I U*2 U*3 I U*4 10 U*5 I U*6 I UDEVPASR 20 UDEVPASi 28 UDEVPASM ------------ Field Name UDEVADD UDEVDISP UDEVDASD UDEVSTAT Field Descriptien, Contents# Meaning DS DS DS DS 1H 1H 1F 1X -~------------------------------------ U*1 ] it.§ g~!JJl~g in UDEVSTAT UDEVDED EQU --X'80'---UDEVTDSK EQU X'40' UDEVLONG EQU X'20' "TI lO'lJT 1l'T'I11 X'10' RQU UDEVSPOO EQU X'08' UDEV3158 EQU X'04' UDEVVRR EQU X'02' U~.I.II 9 • .£,I,I.\.,IJ. UDEVMODE DS 1X UDEVTYPC UDEVTYPE UDEVFTR UDEVMDL DS IS IS DS 1C 1C 1C 1C Virtual device address Displacement of the next block DASI address of the next block Device status information Device to be dedicated te this user T-disk to be allocated Device block is full length (6 doublewords) Device is te be linked (at legon) Device is a spool device Device is a 3158 console Virtual reserve/release requested U*2 ]!1.§ g~!!!!~g in UDEVMODE EQU --X'80'--UDEVLR UDEVLW EQU X'40' UDEVLM EQU X'20' UDEVR 00 EQU UDEVRR 04 EQU UDEVW 08 EQU UDEVWR EQU 12 EQU UDEVM 16 UDEVMR EQU 20 EQU UDEVMW 24 A E C D UDEVNCYL UDEVVSER UDEVRELN 18 Hexadecimal Displacement 0 2 4 8 unEVDAS!) Access mode information Read links allowed Write links allcwed Multiple write links allowed Device to be in R link mode for owner Device to be in RR link mode for owner Device to be in W link mode for owner Device to be in liR link mode for owner Device to be in M link mode for owner Device to be in MR link mode for owner Device to be in MW link mode for owner U*3 U*4 U*5 U*6 Virtual device class Virtual device type Device feature codes Device model number D E 10 ORG UDEVCLAS DS UDEVLINK DS UDEVLKID DS UDEVMDL 1C 1H 1D User device block (short) Speel device output class User link tc disk User link tc userid E 10 12 UDEVNCYL DS UDEVRELN DS UDEVVSER DS 1H 1H 6C Virtual DASD size Virtual DASt cylinder relocation Volume identification number Section 1. CP Lata Areas and Centrel Elocks 109 U~EVELOK, UDIRBLOK Hexadecilllal tisplacelllent Field Nallle -----------18 20 28 Field Descriptien, Contents, Meaning UDEVPASR DS UDEVPASW DS UDEVPASM DS 1D 1D 1D Passwerd for read access Password for write access Passwerd for multiple access UDEVSIZE EQU (*-UDEVBLOK)/8 UDEVELOK size in doutlewor~s U~IRELOK contains data describing the user's ce.mand privilege machine options, terminal line edit values, and ether values. o (X'06') classes, special virtual r,---------------------------------------------------------, 1//UDIRRSV1///1 UDIRDISP 1 UDIRDAsr 1 1---------------------------------------------------1 8 1 UDIRUSER 1 1 I 10 1 UDIRPASS I Hexadecillal I:isplacement -----------0 2 4 8 10 Field Name UDtRR-SV1 UDIRDISP UDIRDASD UDIRUSER UDIRPASS Field Description, Centents, Meaning DS DS DS DS DS UDIRSIZE EQU 110 lH 1H 1F 1D 1D Reserved for IBM use DisFlacement of the user's UMACELOK DASI: address of the user's UMACELOK Userid User Fassword (*-UDIRBLOK)/8 UDIRELOK size in doutlewords (X'03') IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Centrol Block Legic U1UCBLCK UMACELOK contains the logon parameters for one virtual machine user. This block Frovides, in addition to the linkage to the user's defined virtual machine device UDEVELOK, the command privilege class, assigned line edit values, as well as other virtual machine °Ftions. o UMACDVCT UMACDISP 8 U* 1 I U*2 U*3 I U*4 10 UMACACCT 20 UMACDIST 28 UMACIPL ------------ UMACPUID U*9 1/////////UMACRSV2/////////// Field Name UMACDVCT UMACDISP UMACDASD UMACCLEV Bi!§ Field Description, Contents, Meaning 1H 1H 1F 1C DS DS DS DS .§gt!~§g UMACCLA UMACCLB UMACCLC UMACCLD UMACCLE UMACCLF UMACCLG UMACCLH 9 A UMACMCOR 18 Hexadecimal tisFlacement 0 2 4 8 U*5 I U*6 I U*7 , U*8 UMACCORE 30 , UMACDASD ~ ~ ..Loll -------------------------------------U*1 TlMlI,.,.T li'V u,u.'O ............. ~.J.J. ... EQU --X'80'---EQU X'40' EQU X'20' EQU X'10' EQU X'08' ErlTt \o!u X'04' EQU EQU X'02' X'01' 1X 1X UMACPRIR DS OMICOPT DS ~.!!§ g~!.!1!~g UMACISIM UlU CECO P UMACRT UMACVROP UMACACC UMACRSV4 UMACNSVC EQU EQ U EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU UMICBMX EQU 111 Num1:er of devices DisFlacement of the next block DASI: address of the next block Command level flags !!~!~Q~1 X'80' X'40' X'20' X'10' X'08' X'04' X'02' X'01' Privilege Privilege Privilege Privilege Privilege Privilege Privilege privilege U*2 U*3 Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class A B C D E functions functions functions functions functions F functions G functions H functions Virtual machine priority Virtual machine option flags ISAM CCW checking option Extended control mode optien Real timer eption Virtual = Real storage option Accounting card option Reserved for IBM use SVCs not handled by virtual machine feature Virtual block multiplexer channel assist Section 1. CP I:ata Areas and Centrel Elocks 111 UMICBLOK Hexadecimal Displacement B Field Name Field Description, contents, peaning UMACOPT2 DS lC U*4 Processor identification number on option statement VMSAVE on oFtion statement U!UCVMSV EQU X'10' DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS 1C lC 1C 1C 1F 1F 1D 1D 1D XL3 0*5 U*6 U*7 U*8 10 14 18 20 28 30 UMICLEND UMACLDEL UMICCDEL UlUCES UMACCORE UMACMCOR UMICICCT UMICDIST OMICIPL OMICPOID 33 UMACAFF DS lX U*9 C D E F Virtual machine option flags Terminal line end symbol Terminal line delete symbol Terminal character delete symbol Edit escape symbol Virtual storage size in bytes virtual storage size in bytes Accounting information User machine distribution information Name of system to te IPLed at logon Processor identification number in tinary Affinity and processor address Affinity specified Processor address for "affinity 34 112 UMACRSVR DS 1F UMACSIZE EQU (*-UMACBLOK)/8 UMACELOK size in doutlevords (X'06') Reserved for IBM use IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic Virtual I/O Control Blocks The base fer locating the I/O block structure is the user's Virtual Machine Central Block (VMBLOK) • The VMELOK contains a pointer to the start of three control block tables, and a table of 16 channel indexes. The control block tables contain one block for each of the virtual channels, control units, and devices that are defined for the user's virtual machine. The entries in the channel index table (VMCHTBL) contain the pointers to each channel defined for the user in the table of Virtual Channel Blocks (VCHBLOKs). Each VCHBLOK contains a table of pointers that peint to the Virtual Control Unit Blocks (VCUELOKs) for the control units attached to that virtual channel. Each VCUBLOK contains pointers to the Virtual Device Elocks (VDEVBLOK) attached to the control unit. Thus, if given the unit address of any component in the form cuu, the appropriate control blocks representing each component in the subchannel path to the given unit is located via the indexing scheme. VIRTUAL CHANNEL BLOCKS There is ene Virtual Channel Block (VCHELOK) for each virtual channel connected te the user's virtual processor. Each VCHBLOK contains the channel address and flag indicating the channel type (selector, byte multiplexer, or block multiplexer). The status of the channel and its attached units are represented by several status and mask bytes. • A status byte (VCHSTAT) indicates whether the channel is busy or has a channel class interrupt pending. • A halfword unit address identifies the unit causing the channel-class interrupt (if it is present). • A halfword mask (VCHCUINT) contains a bit map of the attached control units that have interrupt status pending. Following these status flags and masks is the table of indexes pointing to the attached VCUELeKs; index entries reFresenting addresses at which no control unit is attached have a value of -1. VIBTUAL CCNTROL UNIT ELOCKS There is one Virtual Centrol Unit Block (VCUBLOKj for each contrcl unit in the virtual configuration. These blocks are arranged in a table, each contains: in addition to its base address, status flags similar te those in the VCHELCK and a table of indexes to attached VDEVBLOKs. The status flags defined for the VCUBLCK differ frem these for the VCHELCK ,in that they can centain status for the centrol unit and alse for a subchannel. For example, if the VCUELOK representing a 2803 taFe control unit is attached to a virtual selector channel, both the VCHBLCK and the VCUBLeK are marked busy. However, if the VCUBLCK is attached to a virtual byte multiplexer channel and is for a central unit on a selector subchannel of the multiplexer, the busy status of the channel is reflected in the VCUBLOK only. Thus, the virtual byte multiplexer appears nonbusy te operations on other, nonshared subchannels. VIBTUAL DEVICE BLOCKS There is one Virtual Device Block (VrEVBLCK) in the configuration for each virtual device defined by the user. Each VtEVBLOK contains the device portion of the unit address, device status, and the virtual CSW for the last interrupt taken by the device. In addition, the VDEVBLCK contains device type specific information that allows the I/O translation and simulation routines te interpret the channel programs presented by the user. IS!!: The VCHBLCK, VCUELOK, VDEVBLCK, VFCEBLOK, and VSPXELOK DSECTs are all contained in the VELOKs COpy file. Section 1. CP tata Areas and Contrel Blocks 113 VCHBLOK VCHBLOK contains information providing linkage between the virtual machine and one ef its virtual channels. SUPFlied in this block, in addition to channel status and type information, are the reflected interrupts from attached virtual centrol units.. The VMCHSTRT field of the VMBLOK points to the first VCHELeK. o 8 VCHADD VCHCUINT VCHCEDEV -------., I V*l 1 V*2 I ------------------------------------------------1 VCHCUTBL 1 -------' Hexadecimal I:isplacement ------------ Field Nalle Field Description, Contents, Meaning 0 2 4 VCHADD DS VCHCUINT DS VCHCEDEV DS 1H 1H 1H 6 VCHSTAT 1X DS V*l ~~!!.!!~g in VCHSTAT VCHBUSY EQU --X'80'--VCHCEPND EQU X'40' VCBDED EQU X'Ol· It!!§ 7 VCHTYPE !!!!§ 114 1X Virtual channel busy Virtual channel class interruft pending virtual channel dedicated V*2 in VCHTYPE EQU --X'80'--EQU X'40' ~~!!.!!~g VCHSEL VCHBMX 8 DS Virtual channel address VCUELOK with interrupt-bit map Virtual device address with channel class interrupt Virtual channel status Virtual channel type Virtual selector channel Virtual block multiplexer VCHCUTBL DS 16H Contrel units attached - VCHSIZE (*-VCHBLOK) /8 VCHEIOK size in doublewords (X'OS') EQU IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Centrol Block Legic V~CUSTRT index VCONCTL VCONCTL contains CCW and data buffer informaticn for the communicaticns of ccnsole. The VDEVCON field of the VDEVBLOK points to VCONCTL. o r the virtual , 1 VCONCAW VCONBUF 1 1---------------------------------------------------1 8 1 VCONCCW 1 1 1 10 I/V*1//1 V*2 I/V*3//I/ V*4//1 VCONIDAP 1 1 18 1 "'" VCONRBUF 1 ~v Hexadecimal tisplacement o Field Name DS DS DS 1F 1F 1D ORG DS DS DS DS VCONCCW 1F E VCONADDR VCONFLAG VCONDWC VCONCNT ORG VCONCOMD DS VCONADDR 8 10 11 12 13 14 VCONRSV1 VCONBFSZ VCONRSV2 VCONRSV3 VCONIDAP DS DS DS DS DS 1X 1X 1X 1X 18 1C 1E 1F 20 24 26 27 VCONRBUF VCONRCNT VCONRBSZ VCONRSV6 VCONWBUF VCONWCNT VCONWBSZ VCONRSV8 DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS 1F 1H 8 8 C D VCCNRCNT V*5 1//V*6//1 VCCNWCN'I V*7 IIIV*8//1 1 Field Descripticn, Contents, VCONCAW VCONBUF VCONCCW 4 1 VCONSIZE EQU Virtual address of user CCw Pointer tc data buffer Current user ccw CCW data CCW flag Diagnose CCW byte 1X 1X 1H 1X V*1 V*2 V*3 V*4 V*5 V*6 1F 1H 1X 1X address bits write control count CCW command code 1F 1X 1X ~eaning V*7 V*8 (*-VCONCTL)/8 Reserved for IBM use Data buffer size in doublewords Reserved for IBM use Reserved for IBM use For indirect data addressing pointer to current IDAW Address of read data buffer Data count in read buffer Read buffer size in doublewcrds Reserved for IBM use Address of write data buffer Data count in write buffer Write buffer size in doublewords Reserved for IBM use VCONe'lL size in doublewords (X 1 05 1 ) Section 1. CP tata Areas and Contrel Blocks 115 VCOBLOK VCOBLOK contains status information relating to the virtual channel, and the status and features of the virtual control unit. The VftCOSTRT field of the VftELCK foints to the first VCUELOK. o VCODVINT I VCUADD -----------0 2 4 6 Field Nalle VCOADD VCODVINT VCOINTS VCOSTAT VCUTYPE DS DS DS DS 1H 1H 1H 1X V*1 DS 1X 116 virtual ccntrol unit address VDEVELOK with interrupt - bit map Virtual control unit interrupt status Virtual centrol unit status Virtual suhchannel busy Interrupt pending in suhchannel Virtual control unit busy Virtual control unit interrupt pending Virtual centrol ufiitend pending Virtual centrol unit active V*2 1!1!§ g~!!J1~g in VCUTYPE VCOSHRD EQO --X'80'--VCUCTCA EQU X'40' 8 I I I Field Descriptien, centents, fteaning 1!it§ g~!1~g in VCOSTAT VCOCHBSY EQO -X'80'-VCUCEPND EQO X'40' VCUBUSY EQO X'20' VCUPEND EQU X'10' VCUCOEPN EQO X' 08·' VCUACTV EQU X'04' 7 -------, I V*1 I V*2 VCUDVTBL 8 Hexadecimal risplacement VCOIBTS virtual centrol unit type Virtual centrol unit on shared subchannel Virtual centrol unit is a channel-to-channel adapter VCUDVTBL DS 16H Devices attached - VftDVSTRT index VCUSIZE C*-VCUBLOK)/8 VCUELCK size in doublewords (X'CS') EQU lEft VM/370 Data Areas and Contrel Elock Logic VDEVELCK VtEVELOK maintains status and interrupt conditions field of the VMBLOK points to the first VDEVBLOK. 0 VDEVA:CD VDEVINTS for one virtual device. The VMDVSTBT V*1 I V*2 I V*3 I V*4 VDEVCSW 8 10 VDEVPCSN VDEVBND VDEVRELN 18 VDEVQUED VDEVOFER 20 VDEVLINK VDEVREAL 28 VDEVIOCT VDEVUSER 30 VDEVIOER VDEVICB 1/////VDEVRES1/////1 VDEVRRB 38 V*5 L-- Eexadecimal :Cisplacement o 2 4 5 6 Field Name VDEVA-DD VDEVINTS VDEVTYPC VDEVTYPE VDEVSTAT Field Description, Contents, DS DS DS DS DS ~it§ g~!:!.n~g VDEVCHBS VDEVCHAN VDEVBUSY VDEVPEND VDEVCUE VDEVNRDY VDEVCATT VDEVDED 7 EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU VDEVFLAG DS ~:!1§ g~!:!.n~g VDEVRDO VDEVENAB VDEVTDSK VDEVDIAL VDEVCSPL VDEV231T VDEV231B VDEVCCW1 VDEVSAS VDEVDLY VDEVDET VDEVPOST VDEVRSRL VDEVUC EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU 1H 1H 1X 1X 1X V*1 V*2 V*3 Virtual Virtual Virtual Virtual Virtual device device device device device ~eaning address interrupt status type class type status in VDEVSTAT --X'80'---- Virtual subchannel busy Virtual channel interrupt rending Virtual device busy Virtual device interrupt pending Virtual control unit end Virtual device not ready Virtual device attacbed by console function VDEVREAL is dedicated device RDEVBLOK X'40' X'20' X'10' X'08' X'04' X'02' X'01' 1X V*4 Virtual device flags in VDEVFLAG -X'80'--X'80' X'40' X'40' X'40' X'20' X'10' X'10' X'08' X'08' X'04' X'02' X'02' X'01' DASD - read-only Virtual 270x - line enabled DASt - T-disk space allocated by CP Virtual 270x - line connected Conscle - activity spooled DAS:C - 2311 simulated on tcp balf of 2314 DASt - 2311 simulated on bcttom half of 2314 Conscle and spooling - processing first ccw DASt - Executing standalone seek Ccnscle - delay spooling Virtual device is being detached Fresent attention with a single interrupt Reserve/release are valid CCW 0Feraticn codes Virtual device sense bytes present Secticn 1. CP :Cata Areas and Contrcl Blocks 117 VtEVELOK Hexadecimal Displacement Field Name Field Description, Contents. Meaning 1D 1H 1H 1F 1F 1F 1F Virtual channel status word Virtual DASt cylinder relocation Virtual DAst size (in cylinders) Virtual DASD seek position Virtual SIO to real SIO queued time Device operational time Link to virtual shared devices ORG VDEVTMAT DS VDEVLINK 1F T-disk attached time (TOD clock word 0) 24 28 2C 30 VDEVREAL VDEVIOCT VDEVUSER VDEVIOER 1F 1F 1F 1F Pointer Virtual Pointer Pointer 30 34 ORG VDEVSNSE DS VDEVFCBK DS VDEVIOER 1F 1F Sense bytes for spool device Address of forms control block (VFCBELOK) 34 38 VDEVIOB DS VDEVFLG2 DS 1F 1X 10 12 14 18 1C 20 VDEVCSi VDEVRELN VDEVBND VDEVPOSN VDEVQUED VDEVOPER VDEVLINK 20 8 DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS V*5 to real device RDEVELCK device I/O count to VMBLOK of VDEVBLeR owner to IOERELOK for last error Pointer to active IOELOK virtual device flag tyte 2 ~1!~ g~!1]~g VDEVRRF VDEVRES VDEVODE 39 3C in VDEVFLG2 EQU --X'80'---EQU X'40' EQU X'20' VDEVCPEX EQU X'10' VIRTUAL X'01' EQU Process virtual RESERVE/RELEASE commands Minidisk reserved by VDEVUSER VDEVELOK to get device when minidisk is released Virtual I/O waiting for release of minidisk Viri~aldevice is known by t~e virtual machine as a 3330V VDEVRES1 DS VDEVRRB DS 3X 1F Reserved for IBM use Address of VRRELOK for RESERVE/RELEASE VDEVSIZE EQU (*-VDEVBLOK)/8 VDEVELOK size in dQutlewords (X'07') ~EQQJ1]gL~Q~£J~ Q~~1f~~ 10 14 18 1C 20 21 22 24 26 VDEVEXTN VDEVSPAR VDEVCON VDEVSPL VDEVCLAS VDEVKEY VDEVUNIT VDEVCOPY VDEVCFLG ORG DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS VDEVRELN 1F 1F 1F 1F 1C 1X 1H 1H 1X Pointer to spool extension block Spare pointer tc sFool extension block Pcinter to VCONCTL console control Pointer to VSPLCTL sFool centrol SFocl outFut class Storage key in user's CAW Spool output directed device address Number of copies requested Conscle - virtual console flags ~1!§ g~!i~~g in VDEVCFLG VDEVATTN EQU --X'80'---VDEVTIC EQU X'40' VDEVTRAN EQU X'20' VDEVVCF EQU VDEVAUCR EQU 118 X'10' X'08' User pressed Attention key two or more times Last CCi precessed was a TIC Data transf€r occurred during this channel Fregram Virtual censole function in Frogress Automatic carriage return en first read IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Centrel Block Legic VDEVBLCK Eexadecimal Eisplacement -----------27 Field Name Field Description, Contents, Meaning VDEVSFLG DS lX in VDEVSFLG 12.!!§ Q§!.!]§Q --x -;1i'0-;---VDEVFEED EQU VDEVXFER VDEVCONT VDEVHOLD VDEVFOR VDEVEOF VDBVTERM VDEVCFCL VDEVPURG VDEVDIAG VDEVSVC EQU EQU EQU EQU BQU BQU EQU BQU EQU BQU X'80' X'40' X'20' X'10' X'08' X'08' X'04' X'02' X'02' X'Ol' Spcol - virtual spool flags Spool reader - last command was a feed spool output - transferred to VDEVXUSR Spocl device - continuous cperation Hold cutput - save input Spool output - for user and distribution spool input - set unit exceFtion at EOF Terminal output required fcr spooled console Device closed by console function Spool output - purge file at close Spocl input - device opened by DIAGNOSE Spool device busy by CP Section 1. CP Data Areas and Control Blocks 119 VFCBELOK, VMAELOK VFCBBLOK is exclusively used for virtual 3211 printer carriage contrcl forms activity. , 0 VFCBCNT V*1 8 VFCBSPAR V*3 V*2 I VFCEWORK 10 • I I I I VFCBLOAD Hexadecimal tisplacement Field Name Field Description, Contents, Meaning -----------VFCBCNT DS VFCBFLAG DS 0 2 1H 1X V*1 Current Fointer to carriage column Working flag byte ~i!§ g~!iQgg 3 4 8 A E VFCBEOF VFCBCMD in VFCBFLAG EQU --X'80'---EQU X'40' VFCBCHL VFCBWORK VFCBSPAR VCFImD-EX VFCBLOAD DS DS DS DS DS VFCBSIZE EQU 1X 1F 2X 1X CL181 End-cf-forms passed once Forms control given V*2 V*3 Channel numler or space count Work area Spare Index byte value Forms control buffer area (*-VFCEELOK) /8 Size in doullewords (X' 18') VMABLOK contains the name of a shared system, a pointer to the share table (SHRTAELE), and a pointer to the next VMABLOK. The VMA55IST field in the VMEICK Foints to the VMABLOK. o VMAFPNT VMANAME 8 Hexadecimal tisplacement -----------0 4 8 Field Name Field Description, Contents, Meaning VMAFPNT DS VMASHREK DS VMANAME DS VMASIZE 120 VMA5HRBK 1F 1F CL8 EQU (*-VMABLOK) /8 Forward pointer to next VM!ELCK Address of share table (SHRTAELE) Identification of named shared system VMAELCK si ze in dour lewords (X' 02') IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Central Block Logic VMELCK VMELOK is used as the primary control block for almost all activities related to a single virtual machine. This block contains the following information: the disFatch and priority level of the virtual machine, the virtual machine's processor registers, preferred virtual machine option values, and otber values significant tc virtual machine oFerations. The ASYSVM field of the PSA points tc the system VMELOK. , I 0 VMQFPNT VMQBPNT 1201 8 VMPNT VMECEIT 128 10 VMSEG VMSIZE 13C VMiCN'! 10 TFM"'U~""l'lm lfI:J\..U.;I.LU.L VMCUSTRT i3E VMIOCNT VMPNCH 20 VMDVSTRT VMTERM 14C VMLINS VMCRDS IV VMDIS'I VMPGREAD VMPGWRIT IVMSEGDSP VMSTOR 28 VMVTERM IVMTRMID IV*1 IV*2 IV*3 IV*4 148 30 VMCHCNT IVMCOCNT IVMDVCNT 15C /VMFDROM/I/VMPDISK/IVMPAGES IVMIOACTV VMCHTBL 381 158 VMDEBCH 1 581V*5 IV*6IV*7 IV*8 IV*9 IV*10IV*11IV*12 I VMLOCKER 60IV*13IV*14IV*15IV*161 I 68IV*19IV*20IVMIOINT 1 VMVTIME 70! 78 VMTMOOTQ 80 VMTTIME 88 VMTMINQ 90 VMTODINQ VMCOMND IVMQPRIOR IVMWSPROJ IVMSTEALS 16C VMTIMEON VMTRQBLK 1E8 VMACCONT VMRDINQ 17C VMPGRINQ VMEPRIOR 178 VMSTKO VMMICRO 18C VMPFONC VMPXINT 188 VMDELAY VMRPRIOR 19C VMPGPNT VMNDCNT IVMSBRSYS VMTIMER 198 V*21IV*22IV*26IV*271 98 AO VlHNST IVMPRGIL VMASSIST 1AC VMCPNT VMCPOID I/V*25/ 1A8 VMLOCK VMDFTPNT 1EC VMOSER1 VI10SER2 1E8 VMOSER3 VI10SER4 1ce VMOBS VMPCKP IV*17IV*18 VMTREIT VMADSTOP A8 VMPSW EOI VMGPRS 1C8 1------------------------------------VMFPRS FOI 1------------------------------------VMOSER 1101 1------------------------------------1181 VMACNT VMXPG 1 1DCI I c* 1 1C*2 VMSWPMIG VMSTKCNTI VI1PRRCT IC*3IC*4IV*28 IV*29 1------------------------------------VMCPTIME 1D81 1-----------------------------------VMAFTIM! 1EC, 1------------------------------------IV*30IHSVDI VI1CONLN 1E81 VMAC'IDEVI I 1FCI V~FLPAG VMCONBOF IV*311//RESERVED/// Section 1. CP Data Areas and Control Blocks 121 VMBLOK Hexadecimal Displacement -----------a 4 8 C 10 14 18 1C 20 24 28 2A 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 32 34 36 38 58 Field Nalle Field Description, Ccntents, Meaning VMQFPNT VMQBPNT VMPNT VMECEXT DS DS DS DS 1F 1F 1F 1F Pointer to next VMELCK in queue Pointer to previous VMELCK in queue Pointer (CYCLIC) to next VMELCK VMBLCK extended control pointer - ECELOK VMVCRO EQU VMECEXT Virtual control register virtual machine VMSEG VMSIZE VMCHSTRT VMCUSTRT VMDVSTRT VMTERM VMVTERM VMTRMID VMTLEND VMTLDEL VMTCDEL VMTESCP VMCHCNT VMCUCNT VMDVCNT VMIOACTV VMCBTBL VMRSTAT DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1H 1H 1C 1C 1C 1C 1H 1B 1H 1H 16H 1X Pointer to VMSEGTBL Virtual temporary storage size in bytes Pointer to VCHBLOK table Pointer to VCUBLOK table Pointer to VDEVBLOK table Pointer to BDEVELOK for user terminal Displacement to virtual console VDEVBLOK Resource ID of real terminal if 370x Terminal line end symbol Terminal line delete symbol Terminal character delete symbol Terminal escape symbol Virtual channel count Virtual control unit count Virtual device count Active channel mask Channels attached - VMCHSTBT index Virtual machine running status V*1 V*2 V*3 V*4 V*5 a for non-EC mcde ~i!§ g~!!~~g in VMRSTAT VMCFWAIT EQU --X'80'--Waiting - Executing console function i-KPGi.AITE-Q-U-X'40 ~W-aitin-g. - P-ag.ingop_e.r_ation (s) VMIOWAIT EQU X'20' Waiting - Scheduled IOELOK start VMPSWAIT EQU X'10' Waiting - Virtual PSW wait state VMEXWAIT EQU X'08' Waiting - Instruction simulation VMLOGON EQU X'04' User not logged on VMLOGOFF EQU X'02' User logging off VMIDLE EQU X'01' Virtual machine in idle wait state VMCPWAIT EQU VMCFWAIT+VMPGWAIT+V~IOWAIT+VMEXWAIT+VMLCGCFF+VP.LOGON VMNORUN EQU VMCPWAIT+VMPSWAIT VMLONGWT EQU VMCFWAIT+VMLOGON+VMLCGOFF+VMIDLE 59 VMDSTAT DS ~i!§ g~!!~~g VMDSP VMTSEND VMQSEND VMTIO VMRUN VMINQ VMELIG VMPAZAPL 122 1X in VMDSTAT EQU --X'80'-EQU X'40' EQU X'20' EQU X'10' EQU X'08' EQU X'04' EQU X'02' EQU X'01' V*6 Virtual machine dispatching status Virtual machine is dispatched run user Virtual machine is compute bound Virtual machine in-queue time slice end Virtual machine is in TIO busy loop Virtual machine runnable Virtual machine in a queue Virtual machine in eligible list Use dispatch path DMKDSPCH IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic VMBLCK Hexadecimal tisplacement SA Field Name VMOSTAT Field Description, Ccntents, Meaning DS ~i 1X V*1 t§ g~:t!~g in VMOSTAT VtISYSOp EQU VMSHR EQU X'40' VMSLEEP EQU X'20' VMDISC EQU X'10' VMCFRUN EQU X'OS' 5B --xiaoi-- VMVIRCF EQU X'04' VMCF VMKILL EQU EQU X'02' X'01' VMQSTAT DS 1X ~it§ g~!!1!~Q 5C VMPRIDSP VMAUTLOG VMWSERNG VMDLDRP VMWSCHG VMINHMIG VMCFREAD VMPA2APL EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU VMPSTAT DS ~it§ g~!!1!~Q VMISAM VMV310R VMRPAGE VMREAL EQU EQU EQU EQU VMt~OTRAt~ EQU VMNSHR EQU VMACCOUN EQU VMPAGEX EQU 5D VMESTAT DS Virtual machine is system eFerator Virtual machine running shared system Virtual machine is in SLEEf state Virtual machine console disconnected Virtual machine running in console function mode Virtual machine executing virtual console function Virtual machine executing censole function Virtual machine is to te legged off V*S !11 !!i~21!1 X'SO' X'40' X'20' X'10' X'OS' X'04' X'02' X'01' 1X V*9 Virtual machine processing status Virtual machine has ISAM CCW checking Virtual machine can use extended format Virtual machine can reserve Fages Virtual machine has virtual=real option No ccw translation fer virtual=real user Running nonshared named saved system Virtual machine may Funch account cards Virtual machine receiving Fseude page faults V*10 ~!!§ g~!!1!~Q in VMESTAT 5E Virtual machine queueing status Virtual machine eligible fcr queue 1 Autologged user is in discennect mode Last working set errcr was negative Delayed queue drop flag Force a new working set en queue entry Page migration switch Virtual machine with console function read on Reflects external interrupts to machine !11 !!1R21!1 X'SO' X'40' X'20' X'10' X'08' X'04' X'02' X'01' 1X Virtual machine operating status Virtual machine control status VMSHADT VMPERCM VMBADCRO VMMICSVC EQU --X'80'--EQU X'40' EQU X'20' EQU X'10' VMEXTCM VMNEWCRO VMINVSEG VMINVPAG VMECZAP EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU X'OS' X'04' X'02' X'01' 255-VMMICSVC Shadew tatles are Fresent Virtual CP fER active Virtual control register 0 is invalid User wants SVCs done by virtual machine assist feature Virtual machine in extended control mode Virtual control register 0 has changed All shadow tables invalid Shadow page tables invalid All tits except VMMICSVC VMTRCTL DS 1X Virtual machine tracing contrel ~!!§ g~!!1!~Q VMTRPER VMTRSVC VMTRPRG VMTRIO VMTREX VMTRPRV VMTRSIO VMTRBRIN in VMTRCTL EQU --X'80'--EQU X'40' EQU X'20' EQU X'10' EQU X'OS' EQU X'04' EQU X'02' EQU X'01' VMTRINT EQU V*11 Virtual PER tracing active Trace user SVC instructions Trace virtual program interruFts Trace virtual I/O interrupts Trace external interrupts Trace user Frivileged instructions Trace virtual I/O instructions Trace successful branches er all instructicns VMTRSVC+VMTRPRG+VMTBIO+VMTREX Trace all user interrupts Section 1. CP rata Areas and Control Blocks 123 VMBLOK Hexadecimal Displacement 5F Field Name Field Description, Contents, Meaning 1X VMMLEVEL DS V*12 !t!1§ g~!.!!l~g in VMMLEVEL VMMSGON EQU --X'80'---VMWNGON BQU X'40' VMMCODE BQU X'20' VMMTEXT BQU X'10' VMMLINBD BQU X'08' VMMACCON BQU X'04' VMMCPENV EQU X'02' VMMSTMP BQU X'01' 60 VMQLEVEL DS ~.!1§ g~!.!!l~g 61 1X !ll EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU VMDROP1 EQU X'02' VMFS EQU X'01' VMCLEVEL DS Receiving messages Receiving warnings Receiving error message codes Receiving texts of error messages Line editing on Receiving accounting information Terminal in CP .ode Time stamp desired on conscle output V*13 !11~1~!!1 VMQ1 VMCOMP VMHIPRI VMLOPRI VMAEX VMAEXP VMQ3 V*14 in VMCLEVBL EQU --X'80'---EQU X'40' EQU X'20' BQU X'10' EQU X'08' BQU X'04' EQU X'02' BQU X'01' ~.!1§ g~!.!!l~g VMCLASSA VMCLASSB VMCLASSC VMCLASSD VMCLASSE VMCLASSF VMCLASSG VMCLASSH 62 VMTLEVEL DS 1X Queue level Virtual machine is interactive Virtual machine is compute bound Virtual machine is highest Friority Virtual machine is lowest Frierity Virtual machine is assured execution Virtual macbine is assured percentage Virtual machine using multiple Q2. Note that this bit is used only by the fair share scheduler. Virtual machine droPIed frem Q1. This bit is used only by the standard scheduler. Using more than fair share flag X'80' X'40' X'20' X'10' X'08' X'04' X'02' 1X Message level Command level Privilege Class A functions privilege Class B functions privilege Class C functions privilege Class D functions privilege Class E functions Privilege Class F functions Privilege Class G functions Reserved for IBM use V*15 Timer level ~it§ g~!!!l~g in VMTLBVEL VMTON EQU --X'80'---VMRON EQU X'40' VMCPUTMR BQU 1'20' 124 VMSTMPI EQU VMSTMPT BQU VMTMRINT EQU X'08' X'04' X'01' ~.!1§ !~g~!.!!l~g VMTIDLE VMTPAGE EQU BQU !2! ~1§!~.!!! VMTON VMRON VMTIONT BQU VMSTMPI Virtual timer running Virtual real timer running Virtual processor timer in real processor Virtual interval timer request queued Virtual processor timer request queued Interrupt from processor real timer pending !MBLQ~ Processor timer contains idle wait state time Processor timer contains systell Fage wait time Processor timer contains I/O wait state time IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic VMBLeK Hexadecimal tisplacement 63 Field Name VMPEND Field Description, Contents, Meaning DS ~i!.§ g~!1!!~£ VMDEFSTK VMPERPND VMPRGPND VMSVCPND VMPGPND VMIOPND VMEXTPND 64 68 EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU VMLOCKER DS VMFSTAT DS ~.!!§ £~!.!lt~£ 69 VMFBMX VMFAUTO VMFVTMR VMNPiDCL EQU EQU EQU EQU VMMLVL2 DS 1X V*16 Interrupt pending summary flag in VMPEND =-x·~rO'-- Deferred task wait fer system lock Virtual PER interrupt pending Virtual program interrupt deferred Virtual SVC interrupt deferred Virtual pseudo page fault pending Virtual I/O interrupt pending Virtual external interrupt pending X'40' X'20' X'10' X'08' X'02' X'01' 1F 1X V*19 Ease address of holder of VMLCCK Virtual machine feature status in VMFST1T --X'80'--- Virtual block multiplexer channels Autcpcll handshake option in use User requested virtual timer assist enabled Virtual machine requests password suppression X'40' X'20' X'04' 1X V*20 Additional message handling information Receiving all informational messages 1H 1F 1D 1D 1D 1D I/O interruFt pending flags Virtual timer value - X'50' Virtual processor time used Time remaining in queue 1 and/or queue 2 Total time while in supervisor state VMTTIME value at entry to queue VMTSOUTQ EQU VMTMINQ Supervisor time allowed (redefine label) 90 98 VMTODINQ DS VMINST DS 1D 3H 9E 9F AO A4 A8 BO FO 110 118 120 128 12C 130 132 VMUPRIOR DS VMPSiDCT DS VltTREXT DS VMADSTOP DS VMPSi DS VMGPRS DS VMFPRS DS VMOSER DS VMACNT DS VMDIST DS VMPGREAD DS VMPGiRIT DS VMiCNT DS VMSEGDSP DS 1H 1X 1F 1D 16F 4D CL8 CL8 CL8 1F 1F 1H 1H 134 138 13C 140 144 148 150 152 154 156 158 15A 15C VMSTOR VMIOCNT VMPNCH VMLINS VMCRDS VMCOMND VMPDRUM VMPDISK VMPAGES VMPRGIL VMDEDCH VMQPRIOR VMiSPROJ 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F CL8 1H 1H 1H 1H 1H 1H 1H TOD clock time stamp at queue entry Virtual machine privileged er tracing instruction User priority from directory Invalid LINK password count Address of extended trace control block Address of address stop control block Virtual machine PSi Virtual machine general purFose registers Virtual machine floating-peint registers Virtual machine identification Virtual machine accounting number Virtual machine distribution code Total page reads Total page writes Page wait count Displacement of virtual machine SEGTABLE from start of tlock Permanent storage size (in bytes) Virtual SIO count for nonspooled I/O Virtual card count - spooled punch Virtual line count - spooled Frinter Virtual card count - spooled reader Last CP command executed Reserved for IBM use Reserved for IBM use Number of real pages currently resident ILC for latest program interrupt Mask for dedicated channel priority in dispatching queue Projected working set size 6A 6C 70 78 80 88 VMIOINT VMTI!!ER VMVTIME VMTMOUTQ VMTTIME VMTMINQ DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS iF V*17 V*18 Section 1. CP tata Areas and Contrel Blocks 125 VMBLOK Hexadecimal Displacement Field Name Field Descriptien, Contents, Meaning 15E 160 164 168 16C 170 VMS TEALS VMTIMEON VMTRQBLK VMACOUNT VMRDINQ VMPGRINQ DS DS DS DS DS DS lH lF lF IF IF IF 174 178 17C VMEPRIOR DS VMSTKO DS VMMICRO DS IF IF IF 17C VMMCR6 ORG DS Number of waits for stolen pages Logon time -- TOD clock word 0 Address of TRQBLOK for real timer Address of user ACCTELOK Page read tetal (VMPGREAD) at queue entry Sum ef virtual machine pages count at each page read Eligible list priority Conscle function output stack peinter Virtual machine assist - real central R6 VMMICRO Cant reI register 6 - hardware flag byte 11 ~i!§ g~!i~~g 17D lao- 184 188 18C 190 194 196 198 199 VMMFE VMMPROB VMMNOSK in VMMCR6 EQU --X'80'-EQU X'40' EQU X'20' VMM360 EQU X'10' VMMSVC VMMSHADT VMMCPAST VMMVTMR EQU EQU EQU EQU X'08' X'04' X'02' X'Ol' VMMADDR DS 3X Contrel register 6 - address ef virtual machine's pointer list (~ICELOK) V!t-F-FUNC DS 'tF VMPXINT VMDELAY VMRPRIOR VMPGPNT VMNDCNT VMSHRSYS VMRESC VMCXSTAT DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS 1F 1F IF 1F 1H lH 1X lX -table Extended external interrupt stack pOinter TRQELOK for delayed SLEEP cr LOGOFF Run list dispatching priority Peinter to list of pages in PGBLOK Nondeferred page read count Number of shared named ~ystems Remote display line count VMCF status byte Virtual machine assist feature enabled Virtual machine in problem state Virtual machine assist dOes not handle SSK, or ISK S/360 operations only; no EC mode operations allowed Virtual machine assist does net handle SVCs Shadew tatles present (EC mode and translate) CP assist feature enabled Virtual interval timer assist feature enabled ~Fn-nfu-n-ct len V*21 V*22 ~i!§ g~!!~~g in VMCXSTAT VMBCAUTH EQU --X'80'---VMIOLOG EQU X'20' 19A VMCF active I/O logout mask bit from control register 14. Referenced through VMVCRI4 .• VMVCRl4 EQU VMCXSTAT V*22 Contains I/O logout mask bit from control register 14 (for both EC and BC mode). During EC mode, control register 14 data is alsc kept in the ECBLOK. VMAFF DS lX Affinity request field V*26 ~!!§ g~!!~~g 19B 19C lAO lA4 lA7 lA8 lAC lBO lB4 126 VMAFFON VMAFFAD in VMAFF EQU -X'40'-DS OBL6 VMLSTPRC VMASSIST VMCPNT VMCPUID VMNOECPS VMLOCK VMDFTPNT VMUSERl VMUSER2 DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS lX IF 1F Affinity set on Precessor aadress V*27 31 lX 1F IF IF IF V*25 Last processor executed in problem state Pointer to list of VMAELOKs VMCELOK anchor Processor identificatien number in binary Reserved for IBM use Lock word fer compare and swap locking Deferred task pointer Reserved for installation use Reserved for installation use IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Central Block Logic VMBLCK Hexadecimal Displacement Field Name Field Description, Contents, Meaning 1F 1F 1F 1B8 1BC 1CO 1C4 1C8 1CA 1CB 1CC 1CE 1DO 1D4 1D5 1D6 VMUSER3 VMUSER4 VMUHS VMPCKP VMXPG VMQ2CNT VMQ3CNT VMSTKCNT VMPRRCT VMSiPMIG VMFVRF VMCRTO VMSHRPRC DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS 1D7 Vl'lGRFTAB VMCPTIME VMAPTIME VMACTDEV DS DS DS DS VMFLPAG DS 1D 1D 1H lH VMSPMFLG DS 11 1D8 1EO 1E8 lEA 1EC 1ED 1EE 1FO 1F4 1F5 1F 1H 1X 1X 1H 1H 1F 1X 1X 1X C*3 C*4 V*28 11 V*29 C*1 C*2 V*30 Reserved for installation use Reserved for installation use Recent history of user processor utilization User page read checkpoint Maximum virtual machine pages count in-queue Consecutive queue 2 count Count of consecutive Q2s allowed Count of stacked ICB plus CPEXBICKs Processor related stacked CPEXBICKs Pointer to pseudo page table SET FAVORED percentage for user COMPUTE/ELAPSED ratio Processor (main or attached) wbose shared segments were last used GRAF virtual console logical tab Main processor supervisor time Attached processor supervisor time Virtual device address for last virtual SIC Count of nonshared flushed pages VMCF special message flag §it§ g~!!y~g in VMSPMFLG VMSPMON EQU --X'40'---VMSMSGON EQU X'20' Receiving special messages processing special messages RESERVED VMCONLN VMCONBUF VMPSWDCA RESERVED DS DS DS DS DS 1X 1H 3X Reserved for IBM use Bytes left in response buffer Virtual address of response buffer Invalid AUTCLOG password ceunt Reserved for IBM use VMBSIZE EQU (*-VMBLOK) /8 VMELOK size in doutlewords (X'38') 1F 1X V*31 Section 1. CP Lata Areas and Contrel Blocks 127 VMCBlOR VMCBlOK contains data transfer and status information used by the Virtual Machine Communicaticn Facility (VMCF). The VMCPNT field of the VMBLOK points to VMCELOK. 0 V*1 VMCFUNC I V*2 VMCUSER 8 10 VMCVADA VMCLENA 18 VMCVADE VMCLENB VMCUSE 20 VMCFPNT 28 I V*3 Hexadecimal ~isplacement I V*4 I V*5 I/V*6// VMCTOD 30 o VMCIHD Field Name VMCSTAT I I Field Description, Contents, Meaning DS 1X V*1 VMCElOK user status ~1!§ g~!1~~Q 1 2 4 8 10 14 18 1C 20 28 2C 2D VMCRESP VMCRJCT VKCPRTY in VMCSTAT EQU --X'80'--EQU X'40' EQ-U . X:' 2'()' . VMCEFlG VMCFUNC VMCMID VMCUSER VMCVADA VMClENA VMCVADB VMClENB VMCUSE VMCFPNT VMCKEY VMCCSTAT DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS 1X 1H 1F 1D 1F 1F 1F 1F 1D 1F 1X 1X Final response interrupt Message rejected pri.c.ri tym.essag.e V*2 V*3 V*4 Data transfer return code Subfunction code Message identifier Source and/or sink userid (VMUSER) Vaddr of message buffer Length of message Vaddr of reFly buffer (SENI/RECV only) Length of reply buffer (SENt/BECV only) User-supplied dcubleword Address of next VMCBLOK User PSi key VMCElOR control status ~1!§ g~!1D~g in VMCCSTAT VMCCXINT EQU --X'80'---VMCCRECP EQU X'40' VMCCBUSY EQU X'20' 2E VMCASTAT DS 1X External interrupt VMCELOK TranEacticn processed VMCELOK busy V*5 ~1!§ g~!1D~Q in VMCASTAT VMCAAUTS EQU --X'80'---VMCAPRTY EQU X'40' VMCAQIES EQU X'20' 2F 30 V-MCRSB1 VMCTOD DS DS VMCBSIZE EQU R~g~!1D1!igD VMCACNT 128 EQU 1X 1D Authcrized specific Authcrized Friority User is quiescent V*6 (*-VMCBlOR)/8 !g! VMCELOR authorization status Reserved for IBM use TOD at authcrization and/or build operation VMCELCK size in doublewords ~g§!~! !~~~1Q! VMCFUNC Active message count IBM VM/370 Data Ar.eas and Control Block Logic VMCMHDH VMCMHDR provides information to identify the sFecial VMeF external interrupts. o V*1 VMCMFUNC I V*2 VMCMEID VMCMUSER 8 10 VMCMVADA VMCI1LENA 18 VHCMVADB VMC~LENE 20 VMCMUSE 28 VMCMBUF (Optional Message Euffer) Hexadecimal tisplacement o Field Name Field Description, Contents, Meaning VMCMSTAT DS 1X V*1 Message status tyte ~i!§ g~!i~~g in VMCMSTAT VMCMRESP EQU --X'80'---VMCMRJCT EQU X'40' VMCMPRTY EQU X'20' 1 2 4 8 10 14 18 1C '1n £v 28 VMCMEFLG DS VMCMFUNC DS VMC~MID DS VMCMUSER DS VMCMVADA DS VMCMLENA DS VMCMVADB DS VMCMLENB DS VMCMUSE DS VMCMBUF DS ox Data transfer return code subfunct~on c?d; (original request) Message 1dent1f1er Source and/or sink userid (VMUSER) Virtual buffer address Message length Virtual reply buffer address Reply buffer length USer supplied doubleword Opticnal SENDX data tuffer VMCMLEN (*-VMCMHDR) VMCMEDR size in bytes EQU 1X 1H 1F 1D 1F 1F 1F 1F Final response interrupt Message rejected pricrity message V*2 11'\ • .u Section 1. CP rata Areas and Centrol Blocks 129 VMCPARM VMCPARM contains the user-supplied parameters when a VMCF Register 1 in the Diagnose instruction points to VHCPAR!!. o V*1 I/V*2//1 VMCPUSER 10 VMCPVADA VHCPLENA 18 VMCPVADE Vf!CPLENE Hexadecimal Displacement o executed. VMCPMID VMCPFUNC 8 20 subfuncticn is VMCPUSE L - -______.____________________________________________.____ Field Name VMCPFLG1 ~ Field Description. Contents, Meaning DS 1X V*1 V.HCPARM flag byte Bits defined in VMCPFLG1 VKCPAUTS--EQU--X'SO'---1 2 VMCPPRTY VMCPSMSG EQU EQU X'40' X'20' VMCPFLG2 VMCPFUNC DS DS 1X 1H Authcrize specific request Priority message Receiving special messages V*2 Reserved for IBM use Sub function code Bits defined in VMCPFUNC VKCPRJCT--EQU--X'OOO~ VMCPIDEN VMCPRESM VMCQUIE VMCPREPL VMCPCANC VMCPRECV VMCPSENX VMCPSENR VMCPSEND VMCPUAUT VMCPAUTH EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU X'OOOA' X'0009' X'0008' X'0007' X'0006' X'OOOS' X'0004' X'0003' X'0002' X'0001' X'OOOO' 10 14 18 VMCPMID VMCPUSER VMCPVADA V.HCPLENA VMCPVADB DS DS DS DS DS 1F 1D 1F 1F 1F 1C 20 VMCPLENB VMCPUSE DS DS 1F 1D 4 8 VMCPLEN 130 EQU (*-VMCPARM) REJECT IDENTIFY RESU!!F QUIESCE REPLY CANCEL RECEIVE SENDI SENt/RECEIVE SENt UNA U'IHORIZE AUTHCRIZE Message identifier Target userid Virtual address of message buffer Length of message Virtual address of reply buffer (SEND/RECEIVE only) Length of reply buffer (SENt/RECEIVE only) User supplied doubleword Length of VMCPARM (bytes) IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Centrol Block Legic VRRBLCK VRRBLOK is linked to the VDEVBLOK and contains VDEVRRB field of the VDEVBLOK Foints to VRRBLOK. o usage. The r--------------------------------------------------------, VRRAtD I V*1 I/V*2/ I VRBCPEX I -----------1 8 Hexadecimal tisplacement informaticn about minidisk VRRUSER 1//////////VRRRSV2//////////1 Field Name Field Descripticn, Contents, !eaning -----------0 2 VRRADD VRRSTAT DS DS iH 1X V*1 Minidisk is reserved 2 8 VRRRSV1 VRRCPEX VRRUSER C VRRRSV2 3 4 Reserved virtual device address Virtual RESERVE/RELEASE status flags VRRSIZE DS 1X 1F DS 1F DS reserved DS 1F EQU V*2 (*-VRRBLOK)/8 Reserved for IBM use Queued request for the minidisk V!ELCK of the user who has the minidisk Reserved for IBM use Size in doutlewords (X'02') Secticn 1. CP Bata Areas and Control Blocks 131 VSPLCTL VSPLCTL is linked to the VDEVBLOK and contains information for VtEVSPL field of the VDEVBLOK points to VSPLCTL. o VSPCAW VSFDPAGE 8 VSPVPAGE VSFRECNO 10 VSPNEXT VSPIDACT 20 Hexadecimal Displacement o 4 8 C 10 12 14 18 20 24 28 29 2C VSFSFBLK VSPBUFBK VSFMISC VSPIDAL V*1 I VSFIDAW2 Field Name VSPCAW VSPDPAGE VSPVPAGE VSPRECNO VSPNEXT VSPIDACT VSPSFBLK VSPCCW VSPBUFBK VSPMISC VSPIDASW VSPIDAL VSPIDAW2 Field Description, Contents, Meaning DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS VSPSIZE EQU VSPBUFSZ EQU 132 The VSPCCW 18 28 opened spool files. 1F 1F 1F 1F 1H 1H 1F 1D 1F 1F 1X 3X 1F V*1 (*-VSPLCTL) 18 (200) 18 Virtual address of user CCW tASt locaticn (DCHR) of current page buffer Virtual address of page buffer Reccrds remaining in current buffer Displacement in buffer of next record start Data byte count of in~irect data address ccw Pointer to SFBLCK for file Current user CCW Address of a buffer area Use varies according to caller Indirect data address work flag Address of indirect data list Contains IDAW2 Size in doutlewords (X'06') Size in doutlewords (X'19') IBM VM/310 Data Areas and Control Block Logic VSPXBLOK VSPXBLOK serves as an extension to the virtual spool control block (VSPLCTL). It contains the user named destination of the file as well as RSCS tag information used by the Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem. o I V*1 I V*2 I V*3 I V*4 I/////////VSPISPAR////////////I 8 VSPXDIST 10 VSPXXUSR 18 VSPXCHAR VSPXFCB 20 VSPXCl!lOD VSPIOVLY 28 Hexadecimal Displacement o 1 2 3 VSPXTAG Field Name VSPILEN VSPXTGLN VSPXFLSH VSPXFLG1 Field Description, Contents, l!leaning DS DS DS DS 11 11 11 1X V*1 V*2 V*3 V*4 VSPXELOK length (doublewords) VSPITAG data length (bytes) 3800 flash count 3800 flag byte If this D1~ 1S set, mu~t1ple copies can be sent in one transmission 10 VSPXSPAR DS VSPXDIST DS VSPXXUSR DS XL4 CL8 CL8 18 1C 20 24 VSPXCHAR VSPXFCB VSPICl!lOD VSPIOVLY CL4 CL4 CL4 CL4 4 8 DS DS DS DS Reserved for IBl!l use Virtual device distribution code Virtual machine user to whom the file transferred 3800 character arrangement table 3800 forms control buffer 3800 copy modification Name of flash overlay to be used is (*-VSPIBLOK)/8 VSPXBLOK header in doublewords 28 VSPXTAG DS VSPXSIZ2 EQU CL136 Tag application data area (*-VSPXBLOK)/8 VSPIBLOK size in doublewords Section 1. CP Data Areas and Control Blocks 133 XINTELOK XINTELOK saves the various types of external interrupts that are presented to the virtual machine. If multiple external interrupt conditions are simultaneously [resented, as indicated by values presented in the block, code exists for handling the interruFts in their defined hierarchical order. The VMPXINT field of the VMBLeK points to XINTBLOK. o 8 Hexadecimal tisplacement -----------0 4 6 8 A C XINTNEXT XINTCODE I XINTMASK Field Nalle XINTNEIT XINTSORT XINTCPUA XINTCODE IINTMASK XINTPARM I lINTCPUA XINTFARM Field Description, Contents, Meaning DS DS DS DS DS DS XINTSIZE EQU 134 XIN~SORT 1F 1H 1H 1H 1H 1F Address of next external interruFt block Left half of interrupt collating key Right half of interrupt collating key External interrupt code Control register 0 mask (bits 16-31) External interrupt parameter word (*-XINTBLOK)/8 XINTELOK size in douklewords (X'02') IEM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic XOBR3211 XOBR3211 is aFpended to the IOERBLOK to contain sense data and other data associated with I/O errors and error recovery for devices that generate more than 24 bytes of sense information. 50 XOBRCCW1 58 XOBRCCW2 60 XOBRCCW3 68 XOBRCCW4 70 XOERIUS2 XOBRMIS1 X*1 I X*2 I 78 XOBR512 278 XOBR180 XOBR010 330 r 1/////////////////XCERVS1///////////////// .J Hexadecimal tisplacement -----------50 58 60 68 70 Field Name Field Descriptien, Centents, Meaning XOBRCCW1 DS XOERCCW2 DS XOBRCCi3 DS XOBRCCW4 DS XOBRFLAG DS 1D 1D 1D 1D 1X -------------------------------------- X*1 ~!1§ Q~t!!!~Q in XOERFLAG XOBRT1 XOERT2 XOBRT3 71 EQU --X'80'--EQU X'40' EQU X'20' XOBRSTAT DS 1X Bits defined in XOBRSTAT XOBBRT1--EQU --X'80'---XOBRRT2 EQU X'40' XOBRRT3 EQU X'20' XOBRRT4 EQU X'10' XOBRRT5 EQU X'08' XOBRRT6 EQU X'04' XOERRT7 EQU X'02' XOERRT8 EQU X'01' CCW used used CCW used CCW used Outbeard cei to read OBR information to read OER information to read OEB infcr:ation to read OBR information recording flag byte T1 Euffer type information Fresent T2 Euffer type inforllation present T3 Euffer type information present X*2 Outbeard recording status tyte Perferm Perferm Perform Perferm Perferm Perferm Perferm Perferm routine routine routine routine routine routine routine routine 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 in in in in in in in in error error error error error error error error module module module module module module module module Secticn 1. CP rata Areas and Contrcl Blocks 135 XOBR3211 Hexadeciaal Displacellent ------------ Field Balle Field Description, Contents, Meaning 72 74 78 278 330 331 XOBRMIS1 XOBRMIS2 XOBR512 XOBR180 XOBR010 XOERSV1 DS DS DS DS DS DS 1H 1F CLS12 CL184 CL10 CL6 Used cy the error routine Used cy the errcr routine Space for USCB data Space for FCB data Space for first ten error characters Reserved for IBM use 278 XOBR150 ORG DS XOBR180 CL150 Redefinition for PLB check Space for PLB check data XOBRSIZE EQU XOBREXT EQU 136 IB~ V~/370 (*-IOERBLOK) /8 Size of IOER and XOBR in dcublewords (X'67') (*-XOBRCCW 1) /8 Size of XOBR3211 in double words (X'SE') Data Areas and Control Block Logic Section 2. CMS Data Areas and Control Blocks This section contains CMS data areas and control blocks. relationships between the control blocks and data areas of CMS. Figure 2 shows the Section 2. CMS tata Areas and Central Blocks 137 DMSNUC Free Storage - - - - - - - CMSCB DECB FREELIST I CMSAVE I EJ MAINLIST TXTDIRL MACDIR PRECMND LASTCMND Legend: The projection of SYSREF is a sampling of areas within NUCON. NUCON (See Legend) SYSNAME INSTALID SYSTEMID Figure 2. CMS Control Block Relationships AETAE AETAE contains one 8-byte entry for the background partition. Bytes 0-3 contain the address of the entry point of the user's abnormal terminatien routine. Eytes 4-7 centain the address of a 72-byte save area used by the supervisor to store the interrupt status information and the contents of the general registers. The IJBABTAE field in the SYSCCM tlock in the DOSCON CSECT of NUCON points to the ABTAE tlock. o Hexadecimal Displacement -----------0 4 138 r-----------------------------------------.----------------, AESAVE ABROUT I Pield Nalle Pield Description, Contents, Meaning ABROUT ABSAVE DC DC P'O' P'O' Address of user termination routine Address of supervisor save area ABTAB EQU *-8 Abend option tatle IBM VMj370 Data Areas and Central Block Logic AEWSECT AEWSECT describes the fields used for saving registers and other data during abend' recovery. V-constants in D!SABN, DMSDEG, D!SFRE, D!SITI, DMSITP, and tMSITS point to the AEWSECT block. ABWSECT is defined in module DMSAEW. 0 ABNREGS AENPSW 40 48 ABNRR II,.. "t~ ABNPAS13 90 Hexadecimal tisplacement o 40 48 4C 94 4C Field Name Field Description, Ccntents, Meaning ABNREGS ABNPSW ABNRR ABNPAS13 §£g~ !2f DS DS DS DS 16F D F 18F Registers at time of abend PSi at time of abend Tempcrary save area Area passed to nucleus rcutines ~~§!SS g1I§~ ORG ABNERLST DS ABNPAS13 471 Secticn 2. CMS tata Areas and Control Blocks 139 AI:TSECT ArTSECT describes the attributes of virtual disks (A-G, S, Y, Z) accessed by a virtual machine via the ACCESS command. Space is allocated for the ADT when DMSNUC is assembled. In the ADT, certain fields are defined for use ty both CMS and OS. Fer example, ADTBECT field at displacement 1C (hexadecimal) into AIT5ECT is also defined as eSADTVTl for use by OS simulation routines. lDTSECT is invoked by the ArT macro. 0 6 1*1 8 ADTPTR lDTDTA 10 ADTFDA ADTMFDN 18 ADTMFDA lDTBECT 20 ADTFSTC ADTCBEA 28 ADTCFST lDT1ST 30 ADTNUM lDTUSEI 38 ADTLEFT lDTLAST 40 ADTCYL 48 ADTMSK ADTQQM 50 ADTPQM1 ADTPQM2 58 ADTPQM3 ADTLBBA 60 ADTLFST 68 ADTXNREC Hexadecimal Iisplacement o ADTID A*3 AtTNACW ADTID ADTFLG3 A*5 I A*6 ADTRES ADTXAREC Field Name !§~deg 1*4 A*2 Field Description, Contents, Meaning !2f ~~gg-Q~lY DS CL6 DS 1X ~!§!§ g~g ReggLWr!!~ A*1 Dis!§ Disk identifier (label) Third flag tyte Bits defined in ADTFLG3 iDTFUiiD'-EQU --X'80'--ADTFXCBN ADTFRWOS ADTFSORT ADTFORCE ADTFNOAB EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU X'40' X'20' X'10' X'08' X'04' 10 14 ADTFTYP ADTPTR ADTDTA ADTFDA ADTN DS DS DS DS DS 1X 1A 1A 1A 1F 18 1C 1C ADTMFDA DS OSADTVTA DS ADTBECT DS 1A OF 1F 7 8 C 140 First half of DMSAUD has been called Extra chain link(s) to be returned Read/write CS or Des disk All FST hyperblocks and FST entries sorted CMS/reS/os disk forced to a read-only For rMSAUI routine: Do not abend if it is a disk error A*2 Filetype flag byte Pointer to next ADT tlock in chain Device tatle address in NUCCN File directory (PSTAT) address Number of doublewords in master file directory Master file directory address VTOC address of OS pack FST byperblock count IEM VM/370 Data Areas and Centrol Block Logic ADTSECT Hexadecimal Displacement ------------ Field Name Field Description, Contents, 20 24 24 28 28 2C ADTFSTC OSADTFST ADTCHBA OSADTVTB ADTCFST ADT1ST DS DS DS DS DS DS 1F OF 1A OF 1F 1F 30 30 34 34 38 3C 40 44 45 46 OSADTDSK ADTNUM OSADTSV1 ADTUSED ADTLEFT ADTLAST ADTCYL DS DS DS DS DS DS DS ADT!! DS ADTMX ADTFLG1 DS DS OF 1F OF 1F 1F 1F 1F 1C 1C 1X A*3 A*4 A*5 ~:!!§ Q~!:!1!~Q in ADTFLG1 47 ADTFSF ADTFRO ADTFRW ADTFFSTF ADTFFSTV ADTFQQF ADTROX ADTFMIN EQU --X'8'O'-EQU X'40' EQU X'20' EQU X'10' EQU X'08' EQU X'04' EQU X'02' EQU X'01' AFTFLG2 DS 1X ~eaning Number of FST 40-byte entries (files) Address of first OS FST Pointer to current.FST hyperblock Upper VTOC address of OS pack Displacement of current FSi entry Displacement of first word in bit mask with "hole" OS disk address (cuu) Number of records (NUMTRKS) Save area Number of records in use (~TUSEDP) Number of records left (QTLEFTP) Displacement of last nonzero byte in bit mask Number of cylinders cn disk (NUMCYLP) Mode letter (A;B;C; ...... ;S;Y;Z) Extension-of-mode letter (A,E,C, ••• ,S,Y,Z) First flag tyte ADT tlock in free storage CMS read-only disk (attached and ready) CMS read/write disk (attached and ready) First FST hypertlock is in free storage FST hypertlocks are of varying lengths 200-tyte QQ~SK is in free storage This disk has read-only extension(s) ADT tlock is minimum size A*6 Secend flag byte ~:!!§ Q~!:!1!~Q in ADTFLG2 ADTPSTM ADTFROS ADTFDOS MFD is in storage EQU --X'8'O'--EQU X'40' All filenames are in storage li20; All filetypes are in storage EQU EQU X'10' Modes 1 through 5 are in storage EQU ADTFMDRO.X'08' All medes (0 through 5) are in storage EQU ADTFMFD+ADTFALNM+AriFALTY+ADTFALMD All UFD is in storage EQU X'02' ADT fSTAT chain modified Xi 04 i EQU Indicates this is an U~ Q1sk EQU Indicates this is a DOS disk X'01' ADT2ND DS ADTFMFD ADTFALNM ADTFALTY ADTFMDRO ADTFALMD ADTFALUF 48 !!g~deQ !Q! OD !!~~QL!!:!te 48 4C 50 ADTMSK ADTQQM ADTPQM1 54 ADTPQM2 DS 1F 58 5C 60 ADTPQM3 ADTLHBA ADTLFST DS DS DS 1F 1A 1F 64 66 ADTNACW ADTRES DS 1H 1H !!Q!~ 68 DS DS DS rs 1A 1A 1F Di§!§ 800-tyte (P~MSK) bit-mask address 200-tyte (P~QMSK) bit-mask address PQMSIZ equals number of bytes in PQMSK is greater than 215 PQMDUM equals number of 80C-byte records for PQ"SK RONU~ equals number of doublewords in PQMSK Pointer to last FST hyperblock (see Note) Displacment of last FST in last hyperbleck (see Note) Number of active write files -- halfword Reserve count (RESRVCNT) -- halfword Applies to all CMS disks except fer the S-disk. ADTXNREC DS 1F Number of doublewords of extra chain link records Section ~. eMS rata Areas and Contrel Blocks 141 ADTSECT Hexadecimal Displacement 6C Field Name Field Description, Contents, eeaning 1F ADTLBM ADTLDM EQU EQU ADT2ND-ADTSECT Length of minimum ADT block (in bytes) ADTLBM/8 Length of minimum ADT blcck in dcublevords ADTLB ADTLD EQU EQU *-ADTSECT (ADTLB+7)/8 Q!her Parameters ADTRL ---EQU---aoo ADTMIBML EQU 10 ~Q£ON Q~!!f~ DTAD DTADT DTAS 142 Address of tlock of extra chain link records ADTIAREC DS EQU EQU EQU Table --0-3 4 Length of full ADT block (in bytes) Length of full ADT block in dcublevords Lcgieal reccrd length Maximum bit map length (number ef records) for 3330 Q!§E1gf~~~!§ Device number Device type byte 5ymbelic device name IBM VMj370 Data Areas and Central Block Logic AFTSECT AFTSECT is used te describe a file currently open for a read or write. The AFT is created when a file is opened. Space fer up to five AFTs is availatle in tMSNUC; any others must reside in free storage. AFTSECT is invoked via the AFT macro. o 8 r--------------------------------------------------------, AFTCLD AFTCLN AFTCLA AFTDBD AFTDBN 10 60 AFTCLB AFTFCLA A*2 80 AFTT AFTD AFTIC AFTIL AO AFTADT Hexadecimal Displacement ------------ AFTID AF'I'FCLX AFTCLDX AFTiP AFTM 98 AFTIN 1/////////////////////////// AFTN 90 0 2 4 8 A C 10 AFTOCLDX 1/////1 78 88 0 0 A4 A8 14C 150 1F4 1F8 29C 2AO 344 348 AFTPFST A*1 68 70 AFTDBA AFTRP AFTFCL AFTtEC A*3 A*4 AFTYR AFTPTR Field Name Field Description, Contents, ~eaning !f1i!~ Xile !~bl~ 12!gf~ AFT START DS OD DC 41F'0' DC A (*+4) DC 41F'0' DC A (*+4) DC 41F'0' DC A (*.4) DC 41F'0' DC A (*+4) DC 41F'0' DC A (0) DC 2F'0' !f1iv~ Xil~ !~Bl~ AFTCLD AFTCLN AFTCLA AFTDBD AFTDBN AFT DBA AFTCLB DS DS DS DS DS DS DS H H F H H F XL80 First AFT l:lock Second AFT l:lock Third AFT block Fourth AFT tlock Fifth AFT block Address of next AFT tlock (in free storage) Reserved for IBM use Disk address of current chain link Numter of current chain link Address of chain link buffer Disk address of current data block Number of current data block Address of current data tlcck Chain link tuffer frcm first chain link Section 2. C~S Data Areas and Contrel Blocks 143 lFTSECT Hexadecimal Displacement Field Name 60 AFTFLG Field Description, Contents, Meaning DS x A*1 ~.!!§ ~~!.!1l~~ in AFTFLG EQU --X'80'- AFTICF AFTFBA AFTDBF AFTWRT AFTRD AFTFULD EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU X'40' X'20' X'10' X'08' X'04' X'02' X'01' AFTPFST AFTIN lFTID AFTFCLA AFTFCLX AFTCLDX AFTFLG2 DS DS DS DS DS DS DS 1FT USED 61 64 66 68 6C 6E 70 Active file table l::lock in use Reserved for IMB use First chain link in storage Full l::uffer assigned Data block in storage Active write Active read Full disk special case 3X H H F H H X A*2 ~.!!§ ~~!.!1l~~ in AFTFLG2 AFT NEW AFTOLDCL AFTCLX SA!UEN 71 72 74 78 78 80 88 8C 8E 90 92 94 96 97 98 9C 9E AO A4 EQU EQU EQU EQU DS AFTOCLDX DS DS --X'80'--- Pointer to (static) FST entry Current item number Displacement of current item in data block Address of first chain link Disk address of swapped FCl Disk address of swapped chain link Seccnd flag byte New file Current chain link existed previously Alternate chain link assigned/implied Force same length update X'40' X'20' X'01' 1X 1H Reserved for IBM use Old value (if any) of AFTCLDX Reserved for IBM use F f9EI 9! f§I AFTFST AFTN AFTT AFTD AFTWP AFTRP AFTM lFTIC AFTFCL AFTFV AFTFB AFTIL AFTDBC AFTYR AFTADT AFTPTR DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS ~.!! ~~!.!!!~g lFTFSF A8 AFTLB AFTLD 144 Flag l::yte D D F H H H H H C X F H H F F in AFTPTR A*3 A*4 Filename Filetype Date/time last written Write pointer (item no.) Read pointer (item no.) File.ode Item count First chain link Fixed (F)/varial::le(V) flag FST flag byte (Maximum) item length 800-l::yte data block count Year Pointer to active disk table Pointer to next AFT l::lock in chain X'40'- Indicates in free storage DS OD End cf DSECT EQU EQU *-AFTSECT AFTLB/8 Length of AFT block in bytes Length of AFT block in doul::lewords EQU IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic ANCHSECT This DSECT is used by DMSDCS when a CDLOAD ANCHSECT defines the DOS/VS anchor table. (SVC 65) is issued, and the phase is not found in either the CMSVSAM or CMSAMS segment. In this case, the specified phase is loaded either from a CMS DOSLIB or a tOS core image library, and the name, load point, entry point, and the length in bytes, of the phase are saved in an available slot in the anchor table. ANCHSECT is invoked by the ANCHTAE macro,. 0 ANCHENDA 8 ANCHCBS , 11/11/1/1111/1111/1///1////11 ANCHOAL 10 ANCHPHNM 18 20 Hexadecimal tisplacement o 4 8 C 10 18 1C 20 ANCHLDPT A*1 ANCHENTP ANCHPHLN Pield Name ANCHENDA DC DC ANCHCBS DC lNCHOAL DC Pield Description, Contents, Meaning A (0) P'O' A (0) A (0) End address of anchor table Reserved for IBM use Pointer to VSAM AMCB table Pointer to VSAM OAL (OPEN ACE) table, which is followed by one or more Anchor Tatle entries Fermat !l!fhof ~~~1~ Entries ana Their ---ANCHPHNM DC --CL8'-'--Phase name ANCHLDPT DC Load point A (0) ANCHENTP DC Entry point A (0) ANCHSTSW DC A*1 Status switc!i X'OO' BJ:!§ ~~~J:!!§g in ANCBSTSW ANCHMLOD EQU --X'OO'---ANCHINST EQU X'7F' ANCHRPJL EQU X'PP' 21 I I I I I I ANCHLENG EQU ANCHSIZ EQU 20 1024 Phase must te loaded Phase is already in storage Requested phase just loaded ty another task (only if AP=YES) Length of one anchor table entry Default size of anchor table (in bytes) ANCHPHLN DC AL3 (0) Length of phase in bytes Section 2. CMS Lata Areas and Control Blocks 145 EATLSECT 146 BBOX EATLSECT describes the fields in the user job limits AEATLIMT field in NUCON points to BATLSECT. a BATCPUL BATCPUC 8 BATPUNL BATPUNC Hexadecimal Displacement Field Nalle BATCPUL DC H'32767' 2 4 6 BATCPUC BATPRTL BATPRTC BATPUNL BATPUNC DC DC DC DC DC H'O' H'32767' H'O' H'32767' H'O' fEOX contains the begin and respectively. The IJBBOX field to the BBOX block. a 8 Hexadecimal Displacement 0 4 8 C The BATPRTC Virtual processor limit (in seconds) ; can be reset Current processor count; de not reset Number printed lines limit; can be reset Current line count; do not reset Number punched cards limit; can be reset Current card count; do not reset end addresses of the virtual and real partitions, in the SISCOM tlock in the DOSCCN CSECT of NUCON points ~---------------------------------------------------------, REALORP REALNDP 1 , -------------------------------------------------------------1 VIRTENDF VIRTORP Field Name REALORP REALNDP VIRTORP VIRTENDP ~gyat~§ ALTSDAR MINREALP MPGEPOOL ORIGVIRT FINVIRT 146 jobs. Field Description, Contents, Meaning a A CMS batch -------------------------------------- ------------ 8 BA'IPRTL table for Field Description, Contents, Meaning DS DS DS DS XL4 XL4 XL4 XL4 f£I !!~1g§ EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU Origin End of Origin End cf !Q ~~Q! REALORP REALNDP REALNDP+2 VIRTORP VIRTENDP of real partition real partition +1 of virtual partition virtual partition +1 Address of alternate area No. Fage frames in minimum real partition No. Fage frames in main page Fool Origin of virtual storage End cf virtual storage +1 IEM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Lcgic BGCOM BGCOM simulates the DOS/VS Partition Communicaticn Region (BGCOM).. NUCON points to the BGCOM block. 0 8 PPBEG EOSSP I UPSI 18 COMNAME 20 PPEND 28 HIPROG 30 EOCADR A*5 HIPHAS LAELEN A*1 A*6 A*7 48 FICLPT NICLPT LUEFT 58 LIOCSCOM 60 DIBPT 68 OCPT PIBPT 1//////////////1 PWTIMS JCBZCN PCP'IR ITPTR 1////////////1 SYSPAR 78 TODCOM PIE2PTR 80 IJLQTTAD BGCCMPT 88 COMEX PDTAEB A*10 A*11 A*12 I A*131 A*14 POVNAM Field Name UPSI COIBUME PPEND LTK JAPART PROCNAM (cont. from 8F) C 17 18 20 CHKF'IID 70 JOB DATE PPBEG EOSSP A*9 YYDtD 98 o TEBPT JIEFT MMDD I A*4 FCCLPT FAVPT 50 A*3 DALC PUBPT 90 8 A A*8 PIK A*2 40 Hexadecimal Displacement AEGCOM field in JOBDATE 10 38 The A*15 A*16 Field Description, Contents, Meaning DC DC DC DC DC DC DC C'OO/OO/OO' S (0) S (0) 11X'00' X'OO' CL8'CMS/DOS' A (0) Job date Supervisor end End ef storage protection User scratch area UPSI 1:yte Job name Highest storage address of partition Section 2. CMS rata Areas and Contrel Blocks 147 EGCOM Hexadecimal tisplacement 24 28 2C 2E 30 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3E 40 42 44 46 48 4A 4C 4E 4F 4F 53 58 5A 5C 5E 60 62 64 66 68 6A 6C 6E 70 74 78 7C 7E 80 84 86 87 88 8C 8D 8E 8F 97 98 9P 148 Field Name HIP HAS DC HIPROG DC LABLEN DC PIK DC EOCADR DC CON PIG DC LTACT DC SOB1 DC SOB2 DC JCSW1 DC JCSW2 DC JCSW3 DC JCSW4 DC DALC DC FOCLPT DC PUBPT DC PAiPT DC JIBPT DC TEBPT DC PICLPT DC NICLPT DC LUBPT DC SYSLINE DC SYSDATE DS MMDD DC YYDDD DC LIOCSCOM DC PIBPT DC CHKPTID DC JQBZONDC DIBPT DC DC PCPTR DC ITPTR DC DC OCPT DC PWTIMS DC LTK DC SYSPAR DC JAPART DC TODCOM DC PIB2PTR DC PDTABB DC IJLQTTAD DC BGCOMPT DC OPTNBYTE DC RMSROPEN DC COMEX DC STDOPT DC TEMOPT DC DISKCONF DC PROCNAM r:C r:C PSWTCH DC POiNAM DC INSIZE Field Description, Contents, Meaning A (0) A (0) H'O' 1'0010' A (0) B'11101000' B'00010000' B'11000100' B'11011010' B'11010000' B'OOOOOOOO' B'11000100' B'10000000' H'O' A*1 A*2 A*3 A*4 A*5 A*6 1*7 1*8 S (0) S (0) S (0) S (0) S (0) S (0) S (0) S (0) AL1(56) OCL9 XL4'00' XL5'OO' 2X'00' A*9 S (0) H'O' S (0) S (0) H'O' S (0) S (0) S (0) X'OOOC' H'O' S (0) P'O' P'O' A (0) S (0) S (0) A (0) S (0) X'OO' A*10 B'00000000'A*11 A (0) B'01000000'1*12 B'01000000'1*13 X'OO' 1*14 CL8' , X'O' A*15 CL 7' , X'O' A*16 End address of last phase loaded End address of longest phase leaded Length of problem program label area Program interrupt key End of virtual storage address Machine configuraticn byte System configuration byte Standard language translator options Standard supervisor options Job control byte Linkage control byte Nonstandard language translator options Job duration indicator byte Disk address of volume latel Address of POCL Address of PUB Address of PAVP Address of JIB Address of TEB Address of FICL Address of NICL Address of LUB SYSLST line count System date MfttI or DD~ft YYIID portion of date LICCS communication bytes Address of PIB Last checkpoint number in minutes Eackground DIB pointer Reserved fer lEft use PC option table IT option table OC option table Key of program with IT support Reserved for lEft use Logical transient key Address of SYSFARft Address of job accounting table Address of TOD co.munications area Address of PIB extension Address of ftICR DTP table Address of QTA~ vector table Address of background COMREG Option indicator ryte System configuration byte 2 Pointer to SYSCOM option table Standard jeb control optien byte Temporary job control optien byte Disk configuration tyte Procedure name Interface tyte for catalog procedure Save area for statement name 81-tyte SYSIN indicator IEM VM/310 Data Areas and Control Block Logic CMSTAXE CMSTAXE defines the fields used in a Terminal Attention Exit Element (TAXE). The TAXE is used mainly by DMSCIT for processing attention interrupts. CMSTAXE is invoked via the TSOBLKS macro. The TAXEADDR field in NUCON points to C~STAXE. o r--------------------------------------------------------, TAXEEXIT TAXESPSi 8 TAXELNK TAXEIOL 10 TAXETSOF TAXERTNA 18 TAXEEXTS (Variable Length) TAXEIOiS 60 (Variable Length) 1-----------------------------------------------------TAXETAIE 88 I 1------------------------------------- 90 1///////////////////////////1 98 AO TAXEUSER 1-----------------------------------------------------------------TAIEIAD 1//TAIEMSGL//I/A*1/1////////1 1-------------------------------------------------------------------I TAIERSAV (Variable Length) tisplacement o Field Name Field Description, Contents, Meaning 1F TAXESPSW DS TAXEEXIT DS TAXESTAT DS A OX Left half PSi for ATTN return ATTN exit address Status of exit return TAXEFREQ EQU X'80' ATTN exit taken A 60 TAXELNK DS TAXEIOL DS TAXE TSOF DS TAXERTNA DS TAXEEXTS DS TAXEIOiS DS Next TAXE on queue Left half of I/O old PSi TSO flags saved here Return address ATTN exit routine save area DMSICW save area 8C 90 94 94 AI§g !!!~1!!!g1! TAXETAIE DS DS TAXEDEF DS TAXEUSER DS 4 8 8 C 10 14 18 1F 1F A 18F 11F Ex!! A 1F OX A ggf:~!~!~f: List Address of TAlE Reserved for IBM use Defer indicator User PLIST address Attention 11l!~f:£]E! ~1~~~1!! (I!11) Reserved for IBM use TAIEMSGL DS----2XTAIETGET DS 11 A*1 Reserved for IBM use DS 1X Reserved for IBM use Right half of I/O old PSi TAIEIAD DS A 16F Registers 0-15 of interrupted program TAIERSAV DS I~f:millg1 98 9A 9B 9C AO Section 2. CMS rata Areas and Centrol Blecks 149 CVTSECT CVTSECT simulates the as co •• unication Vector Table. macro. The ACMSCVT field in NUCON points to CMSCVT. o CVTSECT is invoked I CVTMDL 1////////////1 8 Not supported CVTDATE 40 Not supported 58 CVTEXIT CVTBRET Not supported 78 A*1 80 CVTR13 88 CVTNUCB Not supported AO CVTMZOO Not supported B8 CVTOPTA Not supported CVTUSEB Not supported 108 150 CVTAVIB IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Centrol Block Logic via the CMSCVT CVTSECT Hexadecimal Displacement o Field Name 2 CVTftDL 4 8 8 C5SCiT 40 44 50 54 58 5A 5C 7C 7D 80 84 88 8C AC BO BC BE CO C8 D4 D8 108 CVTDATE CVTEXIT CVTBRET CVTDCB CVTRi3 CVTNUCB CVTl!ZOO CVTOPTA CVTUSER CVTAVIB Field Descripticn, Contents, Meaning DC DC DC DS DC DC DC DC DC DC DC BC DC DC DC DC DC tC tC DC tC DC DC tC DC DC DC B'O' H'O' CL4'Cx.x' OD 14F'-1' PL4'0' 3F' -1' A (0) F'-1' XL2'OA03' XL2'07FE' 8F' -1' XL l' 40' FL3 '-1' P=O' FI-1' A (0) 8F' -1' A (0) 3F' -1' XL2'00' XL2'00' 2F' -1' 3A (0) F'O' 12F'-1' V(DMSVIB) A* 1 Reserved for IBft use Processor identification and model number CftS release number (latest release level) CiT start Not supported Current date in packed decimal Not supported Not supported Not supported A SVC 3 instruction (exit) A BCR 15,14 instruction Not supported System configuration = PCP Not supported R13 saved during OPEN Not supported Lowest storage address not in nucleus Not supported Highest storage address in machine Not supported Not supported Bit 7: extended prec~s1cn flcating point hardware in processor Not supported Not supported Field available to user Not supported Address of VSAl! interface bcotstrap Section 2. CMS rata Areas and Contrel Blocks 151 tEGSECT tEGSECT contains the files used by DEBUG for saving registers, breakpcints, PSis, and other data. V-constants in DMSDBD, DMSDBG, and tMSITE Foint to the DEEUG wcrk area. o r------------------------------------------------------, CCWPRINT SYMTAELE 8 108 SYMTBG BRKPNTBL 188 TELEND 190 ARGS 1B8 , 1*1 JFLAGS 1CO WIITRD WTRDCNT lC8 1DO ORG 1D8 DEC 1EO DECDEC 1E8 ARGSAV RETSIV 1FO EXIMLC EXAMLG 1F8 BEGAT STOPAT 200 SAVE1 SlVE2 208 DEGSAV1 248 DBGSIV2 _ _ _ _ .J 152 IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Ccntrol Block Logic DBGSECT 288 290 TSY! 298 XPSW 2AO LINE A*2 .-- 2A8 1 I LINE1 300 308 A*3 LINEA1 , 1 A*4 320 1 A*5 PLIST for DftSCWR 328 330 1 A*6 338 INPUTSIZ CONHCT 340 HEX 348 350 HEIHEX 358 BI1:S 360 r--- 1 A*7 380 388 390 ////////////////////////YPSW/////////////////////////// 1-----------------------------I//////////TBLINDX//////////I////ECR/////I////////////// 1-------------------------------------------------I/A*8//I/A*9/I/A*10/I/A*11//I/////////tEGIWK//////////// I 1 398 ,IDBGXWK(Ccnt) 1//////////////1 1 tr Section 2. CftS rata Areas and Ccntrcl Blocks 153 tEGSECT Hexadecimal tisplacement 0 8 108 10C 18C Field Name Field Description, Contents, Meaning ENTRY DBGSECT CCWPRINT CCW X'09',0,SILI,133 SYMTABLE SYMTBG BRKPNTBL TBLEND DS DC DC DC 32D F'O' 16F'0,-1' A (TBLEND) ARGS Constants fg! DS --oi)---DS 5D MVCNT1 MVCNT ARGMAX EQU EQU EQU *-ARGS MVCNT1-8 1B8 JFLAGS DS 6X ~~!LI! g~£ Co~!!ol Arguaents stored here Number of tytes in arguments Needed for SET GPR command End cf argument area * Flags corresponding to arguments. There is one flag for each parameter, as follows: 00 FO FF 1BE 154 (0 - 9) Hexadecimal (A - F, 0 - 9) Alphabetic (A - F) DS 1X MVCNT2 EQU *-ARGS For initializing to zero OD CL8'WAITRD' !(INPUT) C'U' X'OO' H'O' Parameter list to get input line A(input buffer) Clean up and logical carriage return F'O' Origin of rcutine teing examined WTRDCNT DS DC DC DC DC DC 1DO ORG DC 200 204 208 248 = Numeric ARGSCT 1CO 1CO 1C8 1CC 1CD 1CE 1D8 1EO 1E8 1EC 1FO 1F4 1F8 1FC DEBDU~P User-defined symbol table Symbcl tatle entries Ereakpoint table End address of breakpoint table ~!grag~ ~nd 190 190 Printer CCW for WAITRD I1!~ £:g11g!i~g !g!ig~!es A*1 Number of arguments in command line Byte count filled in here .Q§~£ ~l DE~.!!g 1D 1D 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F g!!£ DEBD.QMP Binary word Decimal word Storage for argument location Storage for return address First location to te examined Length of field to be examined Eeginning parameter teing Frocessed Last Farameter location LASTLINE EQU DECDEC 32 bytes for last line dumped SAVE1 SAVE2 DBGSAV1 DBGSAV2 1F 1F 16F 16F DEEtOMP uses this area DEC DECDEC ARGSAV RETSAV EXAMLC EXAMLG BEGAT STOPAT DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS for line count DEEUG EALR-call save Save area fer CCNWAI~/CONREAD IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic DBGSECT Hexadecimal Lisplacement Field Name Field Descripticn, Contents, Meaning TSYM XPSi OUTPT1 LINE LINE1 LINE1B LINE1A LINE1C LINE1D DS DS DC DC DC DC DC DC DC CL 11' 1 87X'40' C'*' 32X'40' C'*' X'40' DBGOUT INPUT INPUT1 EQU EQU EQU LINE LINE LINE+60 328 328 330 334 337 CONiR DS DC DC DC DC OD PLIS~ CL8'TYPLIN' AL1(1),AL3(DBGOUT) CL1'B',AL2(0) AL 1 (0) A*6 338 33A 33C 340 348 34C 350 358 359 INPUTSIZ DS DS DC CONHCT DC HEX DS DC HEX HEX DS DC BITS DC 288 298 2AO 2A1 2AC 303 304 324 325 CONiRL 361 36F 379 CONHXT 37F 4F 1D 1C i i 1*2 A*3 A*4 A*5 OutFut buffer Input buffer Hexadecimal pack area for D~SCWR to type outrut line PLIST continued PLIST continued PLIST continued PLIST continued 1H Size of typed-in input line 1H Reserved for IBM use F'O' X'FAFBFCFDFEFFOOOO' Translate tatle 1F Binary word X'FFFFFFFF' Fence 2F Printer graFhic word X'FF' Extra translate byte X'COCOCOCOCOCOCOCO' Scratch word ORG DC *+14 C'0123456789' DC C~ABCDEF' EQU CONHCT-C'A' DBGSiTCH DC Symbcl entry Execution PSi Byte count I/O tuffer Filler bytes Filler bytes Filler bytes Filler bytes Filler bytes X'OO' A*7 Translate table Translate table Translate table Internal LEEUG status flags in DBGSilTCH --X'80'---DBDEXIT DBDDMSG DBGSET DBGPERM DBGCOND 380 388 38C 38E 390 391 392 393 394 39A 1.h~ EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU 12JJ2!iIDl X'40' X'20' X'10' X'08' X'04' X'02' g~~ Reserved for IBM use Reserved for IBM use Exit from DEBDUMP Duplicate message in DEBDUfE SET command Reserved for IBM use Reserved for IBM use ~~§~~~~g !2~ 1]~ ]se YPSi TBLINDX BCR DS DS NOPR NOPR D F ILC ILC11 ILC0110 ILCOO DS DC DC 1C X'06' X'04' X'02' BAL BALR EQU EQU X'45' X'05' EAL operation code EALR operation code DBGXiK DS 3H Re-create instruction at BRKPT address LPSi 48 Give control to NSI DC o o PSi containing NSI Current BRKET table index NOPE to Fad DBGXiK when needed Additional NOPR (if needed) A*8 ILC ef instruction in DBGXiK A*9 3 halfword instructions (6 bytes) A*10 2 halfword instructions (4 bytes) A*11 1 halfword instructicns (2 bytes) Section 2. CMS Lata Areas and Contrel Blocks 155 tEVSECT tEVSECT describes the device information required for input/output routines. a DSECT corresponding to the data in a DEVTAE entry. o 8 Hexadecimal Displacement -----------0 2 3 4 8 C 156 DEVSECT is ~-------------------------------------------------------, DEVADDR 1 D* 1 DEVNAHE 1 D*2 I --------------------------------------------------------1 DEVIPRA 1 ~EVHISC Field Name Field Description, Contents, eeaning DEVADDR DEVFLAG DEVTYPE DEVNAHE DEVIPRA DEVMISC DS DS DS DS DS DS 1H 1X 1X 1F 1F 1F DEVSIZE EQU *-DEVSECT D*1 D*2 Virtual device address Device flags Device type Symtolic device name Interrupt processing routine address Miscellaneous -- device dependent Device table size (in bytes) IEM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic DEVTAE DEVTAB contains the entries for the various devices handled by C~S (disks, tapes, reader, punch, printer, and censole). DEVTAB is pointed to ty v-constants in tMSICW and DMSITI, and is also referenced indirectly by the ADEVTAE field in NUCON. -, I I I I I I I I CONSOLE a , BO READEB1 co PUNCH1 DO PRINTEB1 10 ADISK 20 BDISK 30 CDISK yon l:;V READEB2 40 DDISK FO PUNCH2 50 EDISK 100 PRINTER2 60 FDISK 110 TAPE1 70 GDISK 12C TAPE2 80 SDISK 13C TAPE3 90 YDISK 14C TAPE4 AO ZDISK 150 DU~~Y I ----' Hexadecimal Displacement -----------a 0 2 4 8 C 10 10 12 14 18 1C 20 20 22 24 28 2C 30 30 32 Field Name CONSOLE ADISK BDISK CDISK Field Description, Contents, Meaning DS DC DC DC DC DC DS DC DC DC DC DC DS DC DC DC DC DC DS DC DC OD XL2'009' XL2'0' CL4'CON1' VL4 (CONSI) XL4'0' aD XL2'191' XL2'O' CL4'DSK1' AL4 (0) XL4'O' aD XL2'000' XL2'O' CL4'DSK2' AL4 (0) XL4'0' aD XL2'OOO' XL2'O' Device tatle entry for console Device tatle entry for A-disk Device tatle entry for B-disk Device tatle entry for C-disk Sectien L. C~S Data Areas and Centrol Blocks 157 BEVTAE Hexadecimal Displacement -----------34 38 3C 40 40 42 44 48 4C 50 50 52 54 58 5C 60 60 62 64 68 6C 70 70 72 74 78 7C 80 80 82 84 88 8C 90 90 92 94 98 9C AO AO A2 A4 A8 AC BO BO B2 B4 E8 BC CO CO C2 C4 C8 CC DO DO D2 D4 D8 DC 158 Field Name DC DC DC DS DDISK DC BC DC DC DC EDISK DS DC DC DC DC DC DS FDISK DC DC DC DC DC GDISK DS DC DC DC DC DC DS SDISK DC DC DC DC DC YDISK DS DC DC DC DC DC DS ZDISK DC BC DC DC DC READER1 DS DC DC DC DC DC DS PUNCH1 DC DC DC DC DC PRINTER1 DS DC DC DC DC DC Field Description, Contents, Meaning CL4'DSK3' AL4 (0) XL4'0' OD XL2'192' XL2'0' CL4'DSK4' AL4 (0) XL4'0' OD XL2'000' XL2'0' CL4'DSK5' AL4 (0) XL4'0' OD XL2'000' XL2'0' CL4'DSK6' AL4 (0) XL4'0' OD XL2'000' XL2'0' CL4'DSK7' AL4 (0) XL4'0' OD XL2'190' XL2'0' CL4'DSK8' AL4 (0) XL4'0' OD XL2'19E' XL2'0' CL4'DSK9' AL4 (0) XL4'0' OD XL2'000' XL2'0' CL4'DSKO' AL4 (0) XL4'0' OD XL2'00C' XL2'0' CL4'RDR1' AL4 CO) XL4'0' OD XL2'00D' XL2'0' CL4'PCH1' AL4 (0) XL4"'0' OD XL2'00E' XL2'0' CL4'PRN1' AL4 (0) XL4'0' -------------------------------------Device ta1:le entry for D-disk Device ta1:le entry for E-disk Device ta1:le entry for F-disk Device ta1:le entry for G-disk Device ta1:le entry for S-disk Bevice table entry for Y-disk Device ta1:le entry for Z-disk Device ta1:le entry for REAtEB1 Device table entry for PUNCH1 Device ta1:le entry for PRINTER1 IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic DEVTAS Eexadecimal Displacement ------------ Field Name Field Description, contents, Meaning 1",,) DC 104 108 10C 110 110 112 114 118 11C 120 120 122 124 128 12C 130 130 132 134 138 13C 140 140 142 144 148 14C 150 150 152 154 158 15C 160 DC DC DC DS DC DC DC DC DC DS DC DC DC DC DC DS DC DC OD IL2'012' IL2'O' CL4'RDR2 i AL4 (0) IL4'O' OD IL2'013' IL2'0' CL4'PCH2' AL4 (0) IL4'0' OD IL2'010' IL2'0' CL4'PRN2' AL4 (0) IL4'0' OD IL2'181' IL2'0' CL4'TAP1' AL4 (0) XL4'0' OD XL2'182' IL2'O' CL4'TAP2' AL4 (0) XL4'0' OD XL2'183' XL2'0' EO EO E2 E4 E8 EC FO FO F2 F4 F8 FC 100 100 READER2 DS DC DC DC DC DC PUNCH2 DS DC DC DC DC DC PRINTER2 DS DC IV~ TAPE1 TAPE2 TAPE3 TAPE4 DUMMY TABEND DC CL4'TAP3' DC DC DS DC DC AL4 (0) XL4'0' OD XL2'184' XL2'0' DC CL4!TAP4' DC DC DS DC DC DC DC DC DS AL4 (0) IL4'O' OD IL2'OOO' IL2'0' CL4'XXXX' AL4 (0) XL4'O' OD -------------------------------------Device table entry for REA1ER2 Device table entry for PUNCH2 Device table entry for PRINTER2 Device table entry for TAPE1 Device table entry for TAPE2 Device table entry for TAPE3 Device table entry for TAPE4 Device table entry for DUMMY Section 2. CMS rata Areas and central Blecks 159 tIOSECT DIOSECT describes the fields used by DftSDIO as a work area when reading and writing actual blocks of data on CftS disks. DIOSECT is Iointed to ty a v-constant in DftSNUC, and referenced indirectly by IDIOSECT in HUCOH. 0 IOOLD 8 DIOCSi 10 PWIIT 18 QQDSK1 20 28 CCWl 30 CCW11 38 CCW2 40 CCW3 48 RWCCi 50 58 60 SECTNUft SEEKADR LASTHED L1STCYL t 1*1 SENSB A*2 18 80 SEHCCW 88 DOUBLE 90 IRSIVE ERRCODE C8 DO FREERO D8 SAVEIDT CCWI EO E8 160 DICFREE A*3 I 1*4 I 1*5 IBM VM/310 Data Areas and Centrol Block Logic _ _ _ _ _- - 1 DIOSECT Hexadecimal Displacement -----------0 0 8 10 10 18 1C 20 24 Field Name Field Description, Contents, Meaning DIOSECT IOOLD DIOCSi DSECT DC 1D'0' DC 1D'0' I/O cld PSW (from interrupt routine) CSW (from interrupt routine) gbIsT IQ ~~ll DMSIOW OP--DS PiAIT DC CL8'WAIT' DC C'DSK-' DC F'O' DC F'O' QQDSK1 DC F'O' QQDSK2 EQO Filled in to correct symbolic disk number First two bytes are always 0 QQDSK1+2 Halfword copy of 16th track disk address cell Chain 28 CCii----- CCii X!07!,SEEKADR,X'40',6 Seek 30 38 40 48 CCi1A CCW2 CCli3 RiCCW CCW CCW CCW CCli X'03',O,X'40',1 X'31',SEEKADR+2,X'40',5 X'08',*-8,0,1 X'00',*-*,X'20',*-* Seek or set sectcr Search TIC back to search Read or write data 50 SEEKADR DC XL7'00' Seek/search information (first 3 bytes are 0) 57 SECTNOM DC X'OO' Sector number 58 5C ILQ In!Q!:!~tiQn LASTCYL DC F'O' LASTHED DC F'O' 60 DEVTYP DC X'OO' A*1 01=2311, 08=2314, 09=3330 61 DIOFLAG DC X'OO' A*2 RDTK/WRTK flag: Becomes last cylinder number used Becomes last head number used ~11§ g~!!~~Q 62 7C 80 TOO BIG liRTKF QQTRK in DIOFLAG EQO --X'04'--EQU X'02' EQO X'01' Byte count is greater than 800 Writing first chain link Handling first chain link DIAGNUM EQU 24 Number assigned by CP for tIAGNOSE I/O SENSB DC DS CCli Sense information XL24'00' OF X'04',SENSB,X'20',24 REAt 24 BYTES SILl SENCCli (Scratch area, for CVD use, etc.) 88 !~~E !h~ ~QIIQ!!n9 Th!:~g 90 CC CF DO D4 D8 EO E8 E9 EA XRSAVE ERRCODE !~E !h~ !QllQ!!1!9 DC DC F'O' F'O' SAVEADT CCliX DIAGRET IOCOMM LASTREC DC CCW DC DC DC F'O' Handy place for an ADT address X'23',SECTNUM,X'40',1 Set sector X'OO' A*3 CP's tIAGNOSE return code if nonzero X' 00' A*4 Set to read (06) or write (05) X'OO' A*5 Number (1-14) of the last reccrd processed FREERO DIOFREE 15F AL3(0) AL1(*-*) !1! Order --Registers 0-14 saved here for RDTK/WRTK First 3 bytes of R15 error code Error code (in R15 at exit) DS DC DC I!Q in Order ----wo. cf doublewords of free storage (if any) Address of free storage for buffer or CCis Section 2. CMS tata Areas and Contrel Blocks 161 DMSCCB DMSCCE describes all fields of a DOS Co.mand Control Block (CCB). This DSECT is used by DMSXCP to map the CCB specified by a user for an SVC 0 (EXCP) and passes the address of CCB to DMSXCP. o I I ~CBCNT A*1 1*2 A*3 1*4 I A*5 A*6 1--------------------------------------------------------- 8 I 1*7 CCBCCW A*8 CCECSW I--------------------~-------------------------------10 I CCBLDITB CCBLCCWE 1-------------------------------------------------------A*9 CCEFSCCW 1----------------------------------------------------I CCBRDCCW CCBWTCCi 1------------------------------------------------I CCBLWCCW 1/////////////////////////// 1------,--------------------------------------------------1///////////////////////////1/////////////////////////// 18 1///////////////////////////1 20 28 30 1--------------------------------CCBNCCB 1/////////////////////////// 38 I Hexadecimal Displacement Field Name Field Description, Contents, Meaning CCBST CCBD EQU EQU * * Start CCB Command control block o o CCBL-Elf CCBCNT DS OCL16 XL2 lIapcftherOS CCB Residual count 2 2 CCBERMIP DS CCBCOM1 DS DS OXL4 XL1 1*1 Four bytes used to check errors Communications byte 1 Bits defined in CCBCOM1 CCBWAIT--EQU --X'80'-- 3 CCBEOF CCBIOERR CCBERROK CCBRDC CCBPDE CCBDCV CCBUERR EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU X'40' X'20' X'10' X'08' X'04' X'02' X' 01' CCBCOM2 DS XL1 !!i!§ g~r~!l!~g CCBDCCNT CCBTRKOV CCBEOC CCBDC CCBNOREC CCBRETRY CCBVER CCBCC 162 EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU Traffic bit (set at CE) End cf file Unrecoverable I/O error AcceIt unrecoverable error Return data checks Post at device end Return data check RD/CHK User error routine 1*2 Communications byte 2 in CCBCOM2 -X'80'-X'40' X'20' X'10' X'08' X'04' X'02' X' 0 l' Data check in count area Track overrun End cf cylinder Data check No record found Retry no record found Verify error Command chain (retry) IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic DMSCCB Hexadecimal Displacement 4 Field Name CCBCSW1 !!i!.§ 5 Field Description, Contents, DS g~!i!!~g CCBATTN CCBSTMOD CCBCUE CCBBUSY CCBCE CCBDE CCBUC CCBUE EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU CCBCSW2 DS XL1 A*3 6 7 8 9 C D 10 14 18 1C Attention Status modifier Control unit end Busy Channel end Device end Unit check Unit exception X'40' X'20' X'10' X'08' X'04' X'02' X'01' XL1 A*4 --x=ao:-- CCBPCI EQU CCBILEN CCBPROGM CCBPROT CCBCHAND CCBCHANC CCBICTRL CCBCHAIN EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU X'40' X'20' X'10' X'08' X'04' X'02' X'01' CCBSYMU CCBSUCLS CCBSUNUM CCBLIOBS CCBCCW CCBCOM3 DS DS DS DS DS DS OXL2 XL1 XL1 XL1 XL3 XL1 CSW status tit 2 program-controlled interruFt Incorrect length Program check Protection check Channel data check Channel central check Interface control check Chaining check A*5 A*6 1*7 A*8 Symbclic unit (SYSUN) U - LUB class N - LUB numter within class Reserved for tleES Pointer to start of channel Frogram Communication byte 3 CCBAPEND EQU X'40' APFendage exit at interrupt CCBCSW DS CCBLDATB DS CCBLCCWB DS DS CCBUFLGS DS XL3 Pointer to csw or to appendage routine Address of last data block Address of last CCi tlock Reserved for IBM use I/O manager CCB flags !!i!.§ 1D 20 24 28 2C status tit 1 in CCECSW1 --X'8'O'-- Bits defined in CCBCSW2 - - ------ 6 csw ~eaning A A F X £~!i~£ in CCEUFLGS A*9 CCBUEAIC CCBUEAC CCBURDCW CCBRPS EQU --X'SCj"i--EQU X'40' EQU X'20' EQU X'10' Error analysis in control Errer analysis complete Read CCW active RPS channel program candidate CCBFSCCW CCBRDCCW CCBWTCCW CCBLWCCW DS DS DS DS DS Save area fer first CCi address Address of first read CCW Address of first write ccw Address of the last write CCW Reserved for IBM use XL3 F F F 3F Note: CCBLWCCW chain field must have the same displacement as does FCECHIIN In-FCDB and also BKPFSTBK in BKPRD 38 3C CCBNCCB DS DS A F Address of next CCB block Reserved for IBM use Section 2. CMS tata Areas and Centrol Blocks 163 tOSSECT CMS/DOS envircnment. tOSSECT simulates the CMS File Control Elock (FCE) in the is invoked by the DOSCB macro~ The DOS Simulation Control Blocks are chained together. The DOSFIBST field points to the first DOSCB in the chain, or if no chain exists, contains zerc. o DOSNEXT tOSCBID 8 DOSDD 10 DOSOP 18 DOSDSNIM 20 DOSDSTYP 28 DOSDSMD DOSITEM 30 DOSBYTE 38 DOSREID 40 48 DOSBUFF DOSIORM 1*1 DOSCOUT I 1*2 DOSBLKSZ DOSWORK 1*3 1*4 1 1*5 50 DOSOSDSN 58 DOSEXTTB 60 DOSBUFSP 68 DOSUCNAM (cont. ) DoseSFs-r· 1*6 DOSVOLTE DOS5EBSE t 1*1 t 1*8 DOSUCIAft DOSSIVE 80 164 r-------------------------I 1*9 I A*10 11/11111//////1 IBM VM/310 Data Areas and Centrol Block Logic , DOSSECT in NUCCI DOSSECT Hexadecimal Displacement o Field Name DOSINIT 1lJ:!§ o 4 8 10 18 18 20 28 21 2C 30 34 36 38 3C 3D 3E lIn "tv 48 48 49 4A 4B Field Description, Contents, Meaning DS ox DOSCE flag l:yte g~!J:1!~g in DOSINIT --x''4o'--- DOSOS DOSDOS DOSCMS DOSDDCAT DOSPERM DOSJCAT DOSUCAT EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU DOSNEXT DOSCBID DOSDD DOSOP DOSTAPID DOSDSNAM DOSDSTYP DOSDSMD DOSITEM DOSBUFF DOSBYTE DOSFORM DOSCOUT DOSREAD DOSDEV DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS 1lJ:!§ DOSDUM DOSDSK in DOSDEV EQU --0-----EQU 20 DOSTAPMD DOSBLKSZ DOSWORK DOSYSXXX DOSSYS DOSXXX DOSEXT DOSEXTCT DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS OS user-created bit Defined for non-CMS disk Defined fer eMS disk User catalog data set Permanent control l:lock Search VSAM job catalog Search VSAM user catalog X'20' X'10' X'08' X'04' X'02' X'01' A CL4 CL8 eL8 OX CL8 CL8 CL2 B F F CL2 B F X A*1 AL3 (next rOSCB) DLBL to distinguish from CMSCE Data definition name eMS operation Tape identification Data set name Data set type Data set mode Item (record) number A (input/output l:uffer) Size of buffer (data count) File format: fixed/varial:le Records per CMS physical block Numl:er of bytes actually read Device type code g~!J:1!~g II,.. "t ... DOSOSFST DS 50 54 58 5C 5E 5F 60 64 6C 84 85 86 88 DOSOSDSN DOSVOLTB DOSEXTTB DOSSENSE DOSVOLNO DOSEXTNO DOSBUFSP DOSUCNAM DOSSAVE DOSEXTCX DOSTYPE DOSEND DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DOSENSIZ EQU Dummy device Disk OD Tape mode set to save Elock size Work area Logical unit for CMS/DOS SYS/FROG unit: X'OO'=SYS, X'01'=PROG Number frem 000-255 associated with the unit Number of Des extents left to process Current DOS extent Pointer to CS PST Pointer to es dsname block A(volume ID table)--VSAM multivclume data set A(extent tatle) for VSAM data sFace I/O sense data No. cf volumes (entries in DOSVOLTB) No. of extents (entries in DOSEXTTB) Size of VSAM I/C buffer(s) VSAM user catalog ddname Tempcrary save area for re-entrant code Current extent (used by DMSXCF) Data set type (SAM=S, VSAM=A) Reserved for IBM use End address of this tlock (*-DOSSECT)/8 Size of block in doutlewords X A*2 B D OB 1X 1X 1X 1X A*3 A*4 A*5 A*6 F F F B X X F CL8 6F 1X 1C A*7 A*8 A*9 A*10 B Section 2. CMS rata Areas and Control Blecks 165 EDCB ErCB is used by all CMS EDIT modules to define common free storage control blocks. It is initialized by DMSEDX r the EDIT bootstrap routine, and built dynamically from user free storage each ti.e a user issues the EDIT command. o FNAME 8 FTYPE 10 FMODE 18 ZONE2 20 A*1 A*2 VERCOL1 TRUNCOL ZONE1 VERCOL2 VERLEN CARDINCR SCRBUFAD LMSTART 28 LMINCR A*3 TABS 48 SEQNAME 50 PADBUF (cont.) 58 A*5 PADBUF PTR1 60 • 681 I 701 PTR2 PTR3 AEXTEND CORITEfiI SPARES FP'IR ITEM AFSTFNRD FREELER FREEAD EDRET EDMSK I 781 I 801 I 881 I 901 MAINAD I I I C81 AUTOREG CARDNO I LMCURR DOl I D81 I I I I I I I EO, ,, COUNT BUFFL EUFFA CANSAV , 1001 166 IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic IiUALNOS EDCB DUALNOS (cant.) DECIMAL 1F8 HALF 200 REGSAVE 210 I 218 REGSAVX r-----------.-------------- REPeNT 220 SAVEAR 260 CHNGNUM XYCNT TIN 268 270 AEDLIN 278 A*6 TOUT 280 A*7 288 IOLIST 290 rOID 298 2AO IOAl: IOMODE BEes ')'110 ~ollU 2BO AL'!LIS'! 2B8 ALTLIST (cant. ) 2CO EDWORK (cant. ) AL'!MODE 2C8 2DO ALTMODE (cant. ) 2FO 2F8 300 !DliORK STACKAT STACKAT (cant.) STACKATL AT'!N Section 2. CMS l:ata Areas and Control Blocks 167 EtCB I 3081 ATTN (cant.) 310 ATTNLEN 318 RENLIS'! RENLIST (cant.) RPLIST 320 RPLIST 328 STRTNO INeRNO 330 AINCORE FSIZE 338 DECLTH 340 RANGE 348 /////////////////////////RESVD1///////////////////////// 350 A*8 BUFAD WRCOUNT A*10 358 BUFFLOC ALINELCC 360 ANUMLOC AFIAGLOC 368 TRNCNUM At'IOCNT IUTOCURR 370 CHNGCNT DITCNT EICT LINELoe 378 NUMLOC SIVCNT TVERCOL1 TVERCCL2 A*11 I A*12 380 J 388 3AO ABEA AREA (cant.) I 1*13 I A*14 _ _ _ _-----.J CHNGl!SG CHGTRUNC 318 3BO (unidentified) 3B8 CMODE 3CO FILEMS r , A*15 , A*16 3D8 A*17 JAR NEWNAl!E 428 NEWNAME (cant.) 430 NEWTYPE (cant.) 438 168 SERSAV (cant.) IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Central Block Logic NEWTYPE NEW MODE A*18 A*19 ELeE r--------------------------------------------·-----------,1 r 440lSERTSEQ (cont) 1 A*20 I A*211 I---------------------------~ 4481 A*22 1 1 A*23 1-----------------------------------------------------SCLNO 4601 A*24 1 A*25 1----------------------------------XABEA 4681 SCLNO (cent.) 1 A*26 I A*27 1 I----------------------------------·----~ 1 (Same length as EILIN) YAREA 1------------------------------------------------------4F8 (Same length as EILIN) 580 A*28 588 XXXCWD 590 SAVCWD 598 INVLDBDR SAO MACROBDR(cont) 1 INVLD MACROBDR MACRe 5A8 J 5BOI EDLIN 1------------------------------------------------------LINENO I A*29 6301 I----------------------------------------~ I LINE A*30 6D8 TABLIN Section 2. CMS Lata Areas and Control Blocks 169 EtCB Hexadecimal Displacement Field Name Field Description, Contents, Meaning DS OF BLOC EQU * 10 12 13 14 16 FNAME FTYPE FMODE FV CASESW TRUNCOL ZONEl DS DS DS DS DS DS DS CL8 CL8 CL2 CL1 CL1 18 1A 1C 1E 20 24 28 2A ZONE2 VERCOL 1 VERCOL2 VERLEN SCRBUFAD CARDINCR LMSTART LMINCR DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS B B B B 2C 2D 2E FLAG FLAG2 TABS DS DS DS CL1 CLl 26AL1 ENDTABS EQU * SEQNAME PADCBAR DS DS CL3 CL1 END BLOC EQU * o 8 48 4B !21~: 4C 58 60 64 68 6C 70 74 78 7C 80 84 88 8C 90 94 170 B B F F B B A*3 A*4 End cf tabs A*5 Name, if any. for serializaticn '0' cn right, , , on left End cf blocks PADBUF must remain directly tehind FADCHAR PADBUF DS 9C Pad characters PTRCONS EQU * DMSEDI line pointers PTRl PTR2 PTR3 AEXTEND CORITEM SPARES FPTR ITEM AFSTFNRD FREELEN FREEAD EDRET EDMSK MAINAD DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS 2F Pointer to top of file (for dummy top line) Current line pointer Pointer to tottom line Pointer to end of used area of storage Number of bytes for one liDe in storage Number of spare lines Free list pointer Item length Anchor for stacked lines upon entry Length of free storage Address of free storage CMS return address DMSSCR edit mask LOADSYS address; 0 if LOADMCD EPTRCONS EQU C8 CC DO D8 DC EO 104 1F8 1F8 A*1 A*2 Filename Filetype Filemode Record format Case setting Truncation column Eeginning zone initialized tc first column End zone Verify column 1 Verify column 2 Verify length Address of GET MAIN buffer Increment for serialization Where line numbers start Automatic line numters using default increment Flags for line monitoring Miscellaneous flags Maximum of 25 tabs is allowed AUTOREG CARDNO COUNT LMCURR BUFFL BUFFA CANSAV DUALNOS DECIMAL DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS F F F F F F F F F F F F F * DMSEtI save areas and buffer pointers 13F Autocheck save area Save area for sequence number Numter of characters in EDLIN Prompter current line number Length of string (EDC) Address of string (EDC) Register save (EDC) Tempcrary string buffer (EtC) F F 2F F F 9F CL240 OD F Used by DECEIN and BINDEC IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic ELCB Hexadecimal Displacement 1FC 200 214 220 224 260 264 268 268 270 271 274 275 278 Field Name Field Description, Contents, Meaning HALF REGSAV REGSAVX REPeNT SAVEAR XYCNT CHNGNUM TIN DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS AEDLIN DS CASEREAD DS DS TOUT DS ~/O ~r> DS ela 280 281 284 285 286 DS DS DS DS DS X H BINt!C only edits four characters Register save area Register save area FOB count DMSSCR save area X or Y execution count Number of lines to change WAITRI PLIS'I WAITRt '1' for console No.1 A(EILIN) Iefault to uppercase Length put here TYPLIN PLIS'I TYPLIN '1' for console No.1 Address goes here 'B' for black ribbon X'20' maximum length override Length goes here CRBIT EQU X'80' Suppress carriage return IOLIST DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS OF CL8 CL8 CL8 CL2 DS F Initialization for state of source STAT! EDIT CMSOT1 A1 Item number for RDBUF Io not allow asterisks 133 (XINSCRIPT use LINE) F/V and null record indicator 1 (XINSCRIPT one line at a time) Number of bytes read from BDBUF DS DS DS DS DS OF CL8 CL8 CL8 CL8 DS CL8 DS DS DS DS STACKAT DS DS DS STACKATL DS ATTN DS DS DS ATTNLEN DS RENLIST DS DS RPLIST DS STRTNO DS INC RNa DS AINCORE DS FSIZE DS DS DECLTH RANGE DS RESVD1 DS CMDBLOK DS DS BUFAD FLG DS CL8 CL2 CL6 8X OF CL8 CL4 .... 288 288 290 298 2AO 2A2 2A4 218 2AC 2AE 2BO 2B4 2B4 2BC 2C4 2CC 2D4 2DC 2E4 2E6 2EC 2F4 2F4 2FC 300 304 304 30C 310 314 314 31C 328 32C 330 334 338 340 348 350 351 354 TYPFLG laID IOMODE lOAD RECS ALTLIST EDWORK ALTMODE F 5F 3F F 15F F F OF CL8 X 3X C A*6 3X OF 3X C X A*7 H CL4 F CL2 H RENAME EDIT CMSOT1 A1 New filename New filetype '*' New filemode FF fence PLIST to stack first in first out ATTN First in first out Length and address of line to stack F OF CL8 CL4 F OF CL8 CL12 F F F F D D D X A*8 3X X A*9 ATTN Last in first out Length and address of line to stack RENOM PLIST RENOM Fileid Starting number Increment number In-storage copy address Record length tMSSCR work area Message data areas Reserved for IBM use X'19' Buffer address CCW flag Section 2. CMS Iata Areas and Control Blocks 171 EDCB Hexadecimal Displacement 172 Field Name Field Description, Contents, !eaning 355 356 358 358 35C 360 364 368 36C 36E 370 372 CTL WRCOUNT GIOPLIST BUFFLOC ALINELOC ANUMLOC AFLAGLOC TRNCNUM AUTOCNT AUTOCURR CHNGCNT DITCNT DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS X H OF F F F F F H H H 374 376 378 37A EDCT LINELOC NUMLOC SAVCNT DS DS DS DS H 37C 37E 380 381 382 38A 38B 38C 3AO 3A2 3AF 3B8 3BC 3D6 3D7 3D8 3D9 425 42D 435 437 43F 442 443 444 45E 45F 460 461 462 46A 46B 46C 46E 4F6 4F8 57F 580 586 587 588 590 TVERCOL1 TVERCOL2 ALCHAR1 ALCHAR2 AREA BYTE CHNGFLAG CHNGMSG DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS CHGTRUNC DS DS CMODE DS FILEMS DS FLAGLOC DS GETFLAG DS HOLDFLAG DS JAR DS NEWNAME DS NEWTYPE DS NEWMODE DS SERSA V DS SERTSEQ DS SERTSW DS SIGNAL DS TEMPTAB DS UTILFLAG DS XYFLAG :os SCRFLGS DS SCRFLG2 DS SCLNO DS TWITCH DS TYPSCR DS XAREA DS DS YAREA DS DS H 598 INVLDHDR DS BLANK1 XXXCWD SA VCWD CNOP DS DS DS DS H H H H A*10 Control byte Write count DMSSCR PLIST for D!SGIO Buffer location Address of line location Address of number location Address of flag location Number of lines truncated Autosave parameter Current modification count Temporary area for change Count of lines stacked by the REUSE (=) subroutine Next char in EDLIN Display line number Display count Length of last saved request not beginning with either a 1 or Temporary area for verifying column 1 Temporary area for verifying coluan 2 A*11 Temporary byte used by ALTER A*12 Temporary byte used by ALTER EDIT instruction work A*13 Temporary byte (used by GET) A*14 Flag for change Lines changed aessage H C C CL8 X X CL20 2X C', • 13X C· ••• LINE (S) , 9X C'TRUNCATEt' CL4 Fileaode for MODECHK routine CL26 Retry message X 1*15 Flag for DMSGIO X A*16 Flag for GETFILE X 1*17 DMSSCR SCRFLGS (ENDBLOC-BLOC)AL1 Save area for preserve CL8 Naae area for FILE and SlVE commands CL8 Type area for FILE and SlVE co.mands CL2 Mode area for FILE and SlVE commands CL8 A*18 Identification number for save area CL3 A*19 Temporary byte identificaticn nu.ber area X A*20 Temporary byte used ty identification number X 1*21 Signal between routines (ENDTIBS-TIBS)lL1 Temporary spot for new tabs X A*22 DMSSCR utility flags X A*23 X/I active flag X A*24 Screen function flags X A*25 More screen function flags 8C Save LINE!ODE sequence number X A*26 Location flags X A*27 Display unit size index value H X length and request buffer CL135 (Same length as EDLIN) H I length and request buffer CL135 (Same length as EDLIN) 6,8 X X CL8 CL8 CL6 Alignment for XXXCWD Alignment for XXXCWD A*28 Blank for clearing EDIT XXXCWD EDIT token tuffer Location at which contents of XXXCWD are saved 1EDI~: (for invalid requEst aessage) IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic EDCE Eexadeciaal Displacement ------------ Field Nalle Field Description, Contents, !!eaning 59E 512 lUCROHDR DS DS INYLD 514 IUCRO 518 CL4 OCL6'?EDIT:' -------------------------------------EXEC for EDIT Ilacro stacking Location to store invalid header ORG DS INYLD+2 OCL4'EXEC' Location to hold macro beader (if invalid) ORG DS IUCRO+4 C Blank used for clearing EDLIN 519 630 635 636 EDLIN LINENO BLANK2 LINE DS DS DS DS CL135 CL5 X CL160 6D6 6Di BLAIK3 TABLli DS DS I 778 EDCBEND DS OD EDCBLTH EQU (EDCBEND-EDCB) Length of EtCB in doublevords CL160 Terminal input 1:uffer Line number for typeout 1*29 Blank for clearing line Current line is held here 1*30 Blank for ""'_ .... a...... ; ..... ,. T1ELI) Output froll spread ,,'.a~ ~.u':::J Section 2. CftS tata Areas and Control Blocks 173 ERDSECT ERDSECT describes the fields in a work area used for giving responses and error .essages via the DMSERR or LIDEDIT macros. A V-constant in DMSERR points to the DeSERT CSECT in DMSDUC. o ERT1 8 ERT2 10 18 ERSAVE 58 ERPAS13 AO A*1 I A*2 A8 ERPDUM BO ERPBFA B8 ERSBD CO ERSSZ D8 I A*6 A*4 I A*5 ERDCM ERSECT A*7 ERTEXT 160 174 ERPCS lRPSEA ERMESS EO 168 A*3 (Double word preceding text) C8 DO ERPTXA ERTPL ERTPLA ERTPLL IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic ERDSECT Hexadecimal Displacement -----------0 8 18 58 AO Field Nalle Field Description, Contents, Work Area !2f ERT1 DS DS ERT2 ~ll~ !f~~ ERSAVE ERPAS13 DS DS Reconstructed ERPF1----nS-- !H1~~lU~ D 2D Erf2f g~g!!~g R2Y!!~~ Doubleword workspace Two doublewords workspace 16F 18F Pass this save area in R13 to BALR-ed to-routines ~LI~% !f~~ B A*1 Bits defined in ERPF1 ERF1TX---EQU --x'fH)"iEQU ERF1HD X'40' ERF1BF EQU X'20' ERF1SB1 EQU X'10' ERF1SBN EQU X'08' A1 ERPF2 DS A*2 Bits defined in ERPF2 ERF2CM---EQU --x'SO' ERF2DT EQU X'40' ERF2DI EQU X'20' A4 A8 A8 AA AB BO ERPTXA ERPHDR ERPNUft ERPLET RRPCS ERPBFA DS DS DS DS DS DS ~!~g !!elg Error message Type S10 None Print CPCOMM OCL6 H A*3 CL3 A B4 B8 ERSBP DS A BC ERSBF DS B ~it§ g~!!~~g ERSFLST ERSFA ERSFL EQU EQU EQU in ERSBF --X'SO'X'40' X'20' Second flag byte Blank compression wanted Dot at end of line wanted HAL 'l=YES wanted A C First flag tyte Text address in PLIST Header in PIIST Buffer address in PLIST One substitution More than one sUbstitution B Last 3 Bits Indicate ERF2ER --EQU---O---ERF2TY EQU 1 EQU 2 ERF2S1 EQU 3 ERF2NO ERF2PR EQU 4 EQU 5 ERF2CP ~eaning A*4 Text address Error message header Message numter Message letter CSEC'! name Buffer address (for BUFFA) Pointer to first (next) group of substitution parameter in original PLIST Data address and/or value of current substitution parameter Flag byte for current substitution parameter The last sutstitution parameter A-type option Length specified Section 2. CMS rata Areas and Control Blocks 175 ERDSECT Hexadecimal Displacement Field Name Field Descripticn, Contents, Meaning La§! ~ Bits Give Q£!!on BRSFH --EQU---O BRSFD BQU 1 BRSFC EQU 2 BRSFH4 BQU 3 BRSFCS BQU 4 BD BRSBL DS x co ERSSZ DS A CS DO D3 D6 D9 DA DB 176 HEX or HEXA DEC or DECA CHARA HEX4A CHAR8! A*5 ~9~§!!~ct!9~ !~ Byte length for the current sUbstitution paraaeter Size of sUbstitution field is number of dots ainus 1 BRKBSS BRSBCT BRNUK BRLBT BRBL DS DC DC DC DC DC D C'DMS' C'MMM' C'NBN' C'L' C" ERTSIZE EQU 130 Maximua text size BRTBXT DS (ERTSIZE+1)C Message text area ~YPLI!Lg~I!I1H~ 160 160 16S 16C ~lEg ERTPL BRTPLA ERTPLL DS DC DS DS A*6 A*7 Need doublevord before text First letters of header DSECi naae Message num1:er Message level letter Blank PLIST Construction OP-------------- A!g~ CLS'TYPLIN AL1(1),AL3(ERMESS) Message text address C'R',AL3 Message length IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic EXTSECT EXTSECT describes the fields in the External Interrupt work area referenced EXTSECT is pointed to by the AEXTSECT field in NOCON. o EXSAVE 40 TYPLIST 48 TIftCCW 50 TIllCHAR 58 SCAW 60 0 40 48 4C 50 58 64 68 A8 IC BO B4 TIMINI'I- 68 EXSAVE1 A8 EITPSW BO SAVEXT B8 EITRET co JRO C8 STI!!EIIT Hexadecimal Displacement by DMSITE. JR1 1*1 Field Naae 11/11/11111111111111. Field Description, Contents, Meaning ~!~ra.9~ !~! ~!.!~ !!l!~!!J!E! EXSAVE DS 16F TYPLIST TIftCCi DC DC DC DC DC DC CL8'TYPLIN' A(TIMCHAR) C'B',X'81',AL2(1) X'FF',IL1'00' BLIP character(s) XL12'00' Saved CSW/CAW A(2000000/13) Value that sets tiaer equal to 2 seccnds TIft CHAR SCAi TIMIHIT ~:t~g.9~ !~! EISAVE1 EXTPSW SAVEIT DS DC DC DC DC External ---16P-- Saved external old PSW and/or contents of registers PLIS1 to type BLIP character (Q!h~! :th~!! l!!~!:> X'80000000' A(0) F'O' V (DMSDBG) .1!!terr,YE! Saved registers Filled-in PSi Transfer address for external interrupt Address in IEBUG for external interrupt Section 2. CMS Iata Areas and Ccntrcl Blocks 111 EXTSECT Hexadecimal Displacement Field Name .§togg~ !£! l~lP C4 JR1 DC STIMEXIT DC EXTFLAG DC A(0) A(0) X'OO' REALTIMR EQU X'80' Real timer indicator AL3 (0) Reserved for IBM use CD DC D F'22' YE Bl EXTRET JRO CC DS DC !!!~!!!g! !!!!~!!~E! ~~! B8 CO C8 178 Field Description, Contents, Meaning 1*1 Saved external old PSi 22 doublevords for floating-~oint and user save area Address of free storage Address of STIMER exit routine External flag IBM VMj370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic registers EXTUAIHA EXTUAREA is a 96-byte user area generated by the C!SAVE macro. The peinter to the user area is passed to the user via register 13. The USAVEFTR field in C~SAVE also Faints tc the user area. r o I 40 FRS 60 UEXTPSWO 68 USERAREA Hexadecimal Displacement -----------0 40 60 68 BO GRS Field Name GRS FRS UEXTPSWO USERAREA USEREAND Field Description, Contents, I!eaning DS DS DS DS DS DS OD 16F 4D 1D 18F OF -------------------------------------Registers at time of interruFt Floating-point registers at interrupt External old PSi at interrupt User save area End user area Section 2. CMS rata Areas and Contrel Blocks 179 FCBSECT FCBSECT consists of the CMS File Control Elock (FCE) (used for file management under CMS), the simulated OS Job File Control Block (JFCB), Input/Output Block (lOB), and Data Extent Block (DEB). FCBSECT is invoked via the CMSCE macro. FCBSECT is dynamically allocated from CMS free storage each time the FILEDEF command is issued. o FCBNEXT FCEPROC 8 FCBDD 10 FCBOP 18 FCBDSNIM 20 FCBDSTYP 28 FCBDSMD FCBITEM 30 FCBBYTE 38 FCBREID FCEFORM FCBCOUT FCBXTENT 1*2 40 FCBRECL 48 FCBMEMBR (cont.) I 1*3 FCEMEMBR I 1*4 FCBOSFST 50 FCBOSDSN PCER13 58 FCBKEYS . FCBPDS 60 JFCBftlSK 68 JFCBCRDT 70 1*7 JFCBXPtT JFCBUFL I A*8 JFCLIMCT (cont.) I 78 80 JFCLRECL JFCDSORG I 1*5 1*6 A*9 1*10 1//////1 1*11 A*12 1*13 JFCBLKSI I A*14 I A*15 1/////////////////////////// 88 DEBTCBAD SEBSIV 90 DEBOFLGS DEBCPITB 98 IOBNXTID IOBECB AO DEBDCBID IOBECBPT A8 IOBCSW BO • FCEBUFF IOBSTART IOBtCBPT Format of Location X'24' for Console Device FCBIOOUT 20 r 28 I FCBIOOUT (cont.) FCBIOBUF I----------------·------------------------------------~ 30 I 1*16 I A*17 I 180 FCBIOCNT IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic FCBSECT Hexadecimal Displacement o Field Name FCBINIT Field Description, Contents, Meaning DS ~!!§ g~!!!!~g ox Initialization flag tytes in FCBINIT --X'20'--- FCBDOSL FCBOS FCBOPCB FCBPERM FCBBITCH FCBCITML EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU FCBNEXT FCBPROC FCBDD DS DS DS CL8 iO FCBOP DS Ct8 18 18 18 18 IHAJFCB JFCBDSNM FCBTIPID FCBDSNAM FCBDSTYP DS DS DS DS DS OD OX OX CL8 CL8 AL3 (next CMSCB) processing routine) Data definition name eMS operation Job file control block 44 bytes, data set name Tape identification Data set name Data set type FCBPRPU EQU FCBDSTYP+4 printer/punch command list 24 2C 30 31 32 FCBIOOUT FCBIOBUF FCBCONCR FCBCONMS FCBIOCNT ORG DS DS DS DS DS FCBDSTYP+4 CL8 28 FCBTBSP DS OX 28 FCBDSMD FeBITE!! FCBBUFF FCBBYTE FCBFORM FCBCOUT FCBREID FCBDEV DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS CL2 o 4 8 20 21 2C 30 34 36 38 3C !!!!§ 3D 3E 40 42 43 44 4C 50 54 58 5C 60 68 6B g~!!~g FCBCRT FCBPCH FCBDSK FCBTAP FCBCON FCBRDR FCBPTR FCBDUM EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU FCBMODE FCBXTENT FCBRECL IOBIOFLG FCBDCBCT FCBMEMBR FCBOSFST FCBOSDSN FCBR13 FCBKEYS FCBPDS JFCBMASK JFCBCRDT JFCBXPDT DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS Concatenated DOSLIB data set FCB for OS formatted disk OPEN acquired this CMS block Permanent control tlock Special batch data set Concatenated MACLIB data set X'10' X'08' X'04' X'02' X'01' A A (special A 1 C X H Special I/O command list A(data buffer) A*16 Console color code A*17 Console miscellaneous information Length of data tuffer H F F CL2 H F I 1*1 in FCBDEV --28----- CRT Punch Disk Tape Console terminal Reader Printer DUllmy device 24 20 16 12 8 4 o X 1*2 H H X X 2F F F F 1 A 8X 3C 3C Tvo tytes for tape backspace count Data set mode Item identification number A(input/outFut tuffer) Data count File format: fixed/variatle records Records per CMS physical block Number of bytes actually read Device type code 1*3 1*4 Mode: 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 Number of items in extent DCB LRECL at open time I/O flags No. of DCBs using this FCB OS prs member name Pointer to CS FST Pointer to as dsname block Save area vector R13 ACDtS in-storage key table) A(PtS in-storage directory) Various mask bits Data set creation date (YDD) Data set expiration date (YDD) Section 2. CMS rata Areas and Control Blecks 181 FCBSECT Hexadecimal Displacement 6E 6F 70 71 71 72 74 75 76 77 7A 7A 7C 7C 7D 7E 7E 80 80 82 Field Naae Field Description, Contents, !eaning JFCBIND1 JFCBIND2 JFCBUFNO JFCBFTEK JFCBFALN JFCBUFL JFCEROPT JFCKEYLE JFCLIMCT FCBDSORG JFCDSORG FCBRECFM JFCRECFM JFCOPTCD FCBBLKSZ JFCBLKSI FCBLRECL JFCLRECL FCBIOSi !!i::!:§ x X X X X X A*9 A*10 3X OX 2X OX A*11 X A*12 A*13 X OH H OH H X 1X !!!:!:§ g~!!!!~g in FCBIOSW2 FCBMVFIL EQU --X'08'---FCBMMV EQU X'02' FCBMVPDS EQU X'01' 84 84 88 8S 8C DEBLNGTH DS DS IHADEB DS DEBTCBAD DS SEBSAV DS 90 94 98 DEBOFLGS DS DEBOPATB DS IOBFLG DS !!!:!:§ 98 9C AO AO AO A4 g~!!!!~g IOBBFLG IOBOUT lOB IN IOBUPD EQU EQU EQU EQU IOBNXTAD IOBECB IHAIOB DEBDEBID DEBDCBAD IOBECBCC DS DS DS DS DS DS !!!:!:§ OX F OD A F 4X 4X OX in IOBFLG --0-----X'40' X'20' X'10' A F OF OX A OX g~!!!!~g in IOBECBCC IOBBECBC EQU --12------IOBBECBP EQU 12 182 A*8 H in FCBIOSW EQU --X'80'--EQU X'40' EQU X'20' EQU X'10' EQU X'OS' EQU X'04' EQU X'02' EQU X' 0 l' FCBIOSi2 DS A*5 A*6 A*7 OX X g~!!!!~g FCBCLOSE FCBCLEAV FCBPROCC FCBPROCO FCBCASE FCBPVMB FCBIOWR FCBIORD S3 DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS A*14 Indicator one Indicator two Number of buffers Buffering technique Buffer alignment Buffer length Error option Key length Reserved for IBM use EDAM search limit Data set organization Data set organization Record format Record format Option codes Block size Block size Logical record length Logical record length I/O operation indicator Switch turned on during CLCSE operation DISP=LEAVI during CLOSE operaticn GOTO FCBPROC during CLOSE cperation GO TO FCBPROC during OPEN oFeration ON=LOWER CASE console I/C PUT-MOVE-VAR-BLK WRI'II/PUT REAI/GET A*15 I/O operation indicators Move file is active Move PDS switch for FIND Switch for MOVEFILE with PIS option Length of DEB in doutlewords Reserved for IBM use Data extent block A(.ove-mode user buffer) Dynamic save for SEB return address (OS input/output simulation) Data set status flags OPEN/CLOSE option tyte Start of IOEPREFIX for scheduling Displacement of lOB flag in IeB WRI'II,PUT in progress RBAI,GBT in progress QSAM PUTX in progress A(next buffer to be used) BCE for QSAM normal scheduling Input/output block DEE identification A(data control block) ECB completion code Displacement of ECB code in ICB Displacement of ECB pointer in lOB IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic FCBSECT Hexadecimal Displacement A4 A8 Field Name Field Description, Contents, Eeaning IOBECBPT DS IOBFLAG3 DS A OX A(event control block) - see IBADECB DSECT I/O error flag IOBBCSW 16 Displacement of CSi in lOB 8X EQU A B4 IOBCSW DS IOBSTART DS IOBDCBPT DS A Last CCW stored (that is, residual ceunt) X'It-NEXT BUFFER',AL3(INITIAL BUFFER) A(data control rlock) B8 B8 IOBEND FCBEND ox aD End ef input/output tlock End of FCE, JFCB, DEB, and lOB blocks (*-FCBSECT)/8 Size of FCB entry in dourlewords A8 BO DS DS FCBENSIZ EQU Section 2. CES rata Areas and Contrel Blocks 183 FCHTAB FCHTAB contains a fetch/load parameter list that points to a 3q-tyte directory list. The fetch table is used when a DOS program issues a LOAt or FEtCH request without the LIST= para.eter~ The IJBFTTAB field in the SISCO! block in the DOSCON CSECT of NUCON points tc the fetch table. o FCHAPHNM 1 A*1 DIRNAftE 8 10 18 o q 5 8 10 13 14 16 1S DIRTTR A*3 DIRRR 28 DIRVEE 1A 1D 20 22 23 26 27 DIREEE DIRAAA 1*5 Field Naae 1/1*6//1 Field Description, Contents, Meaning §-~I!~ f~!~~~!~! ~!§! FCHAPHNM DC FCHOPT DC FCH1LSNM DS PO!!!!!Y to A (DIRNAME) X'OO' A*1 AL3 J!-fi!~ Q!!~£!.Q!I~!,§! DIRNAME DS CLS DS XL3 DIRTTR DS XL1 DIRN DS XL2 DIRTT DIRLL DS XL2 DIRC DS XL1 A*2 A*3 --X'SO' f!~£!2!I 1!st Address of phase name Options Address of listname Phase name Phase TTR No. of halfwords in direct cry No. of text blocks in phase Length last text block Flag byte SELFREL RELPHSE SVAELIG SVAPHSE PCLPHSE PNOTFND DACTIVE NOTEXT EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU DIRT DIRPPP DIREEE DIRRR DIRR DIRAAA DIRK DIRVEE DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS XL1 XL3 XL3 XL2 XL1 XL3 XL1 XL3 FCHLENG EQU *-FCHTAB Total length in bytes (X'2A') (FCHLENG+7)/8 Total length in doublewords FCHLENDW EQU 18q DIRLL DIRPPP ~!!§ g~!!ll~g in DIRC 19 DIRTT A*2 I/A*q//I 20 Hexadecimal Displacement FCHALSNM Phase self-relocatable Phase to be relocated Phase SVA eligible Phase in SVA Phase in private core image library Phase not found Phase directory active TEXT=NO specified X'40' X'20' X'10' X'OS' X'04' X'02' X'01' A*4 A*5 A*6 Reserved for IBM use Phase load point Phase entry point No. of RLU items in phase No. of additional RLD blocks Partition start address Reserved for IBM use Phase entry point in SVA IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic (X'06') FICL FICL is blocks. a 2-byte table used in CMS/DOS to address system and programmer logical unit Byte 0 of FICL Foints to the first system class logical unit in the LUB table. This is always the first entry in the LUB table. The second byte points to the first programmer class logical unit in the LUB table partition area. The FICLPT field in the BGCOM blcck points to the FICL block. o 1*1 I 1*2 J Hexadecimal Displacement o 1 Field Name SYSINDX DC PROGINDX DC Field Description, Contents, Meaning AL 1 (0) A11 (14) A*1 A*2 First BG system LUB index Programmer LUBs index Section 2. CMS tata Areas and Control Blocks 185 FRDSECT FRDSECT describes the fields used by D~SFRE to reference the four free chain element header blocks. FRDSECT is invoked by the macro D~SFRT. The D!SFRT DSECT is pointed to ty a v-constant in D~SFREE, and also by the lD!SFRT field in NUCCH. 0 r FREELN 8 FREELU 10 18 FREEHN 20 28 FREEHU 30 38 40 lFREET1B 48 lC1LL Hexadecimal Displacement o 10 20 30 Field Hame FRBELOW1 1*1 1*2 Field Description, Conte_nts, Beaning lhe !.Qll.Q!!1!g Are the Four Free Chain Element Header Blocks FREELH DC -3F'0';IL1(FLiu+FLPA:iuciEY:HUCCODE,0) -Lov-storage nucleus Low storage user chain FREELU DC 3F'0',AL1(0,USERKEY,USERCOIE,O) 3F'0',AL1(FLNU.PLHC,NUCKEY,HUCCODE,O) High storage nucleus FREEHN DC High storage user chain FREEHU DC 3F'O',AL1(FLHC,USERKEY,USERCODE,O) lh~ !.Q!l.Q!!1!g ~I!~.Q!!£ ~gyg!~§ ~~§£!!~~ !h~ !.Q~at of ~~£~ .Q£ the Four Free Chain Element Header Elocks pOliTEi--EQu---O------- ------Polnter to first free element NU! EQU 4 Number of elements in chain !AX EQU 8 !aximum size of an element FLAGSEQU 12 Flag byte ~!!§ g~!ij!~g FLCLH FLCLB FLHC FLHU FLPA EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU SKEY EQU ~!!§ g~!!j!~g USERKEY NUCKEY 186 EQU EQU in FLAGS --X'SO' X'qO' X'20' X'10' X'08' Cleanup flag Overlaid chain flag High storage flag Nucleus flag Page availatle on chain 13 Storage key for this chain in SKEY --x'io' X'FO' User storage key Nucleus storage key IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic FRnSECT Hexadecimal Displacement Field Nalle Field Description, Contents, !eaning TCODE EQO 14 FREETAB table code ~it§ g~!!1!~g USERCODE NOCCODE TRNCODE OSIRCODE SYSCODE IUXCODE in TCODE EQU --1----EQO 2 EQO 3 EQO 4 EQO 5 EQO 5 *ONOSED EQO BLOCKLEN EQO 15 16 44 AFREETAB DC FREELOW1 DS F 48 lCILL 1 40 Ilag§ 4C DS 2~! Symbolic length of block Address of PREETAB table Original value of FREELOWE (set by INIT2) Address of caller (for errors) A (0) !!I ~!~!!g!1!g FREEFLG1 DC User free storage page Nucleus free storage page Transient area page Oser area page System page Maximum possible code value SV~ BL1'0' 201 1*1 in FREEFLG1 EQO --X'SCj",---EQO X'40' EQO X'20' EQO X'10' EQO X'08' EQO X'04' EQO X'02' EQO X'01' ~.!!§ g~!!1!gQ FRF1C FRF1V FRF1N FRF1E FRF1L FRF1H FRF1M FRF1B %h~ 4D Conditional request Variable request Nucleus request FREE (vs FRFT) request Low storage is OK High storage is OK Messages wanted on error TYPCALL equals BALR in macro IQllQ!!.ng !!I!g !!Q1Q§ Il~g§ FREEFLG2 DC BL1'0' X'10' X'08' X'04' Free Chain Element POINTER--EQU---O-SIZE EQO 4 !g th~ ]2MSIRE ROy!.!~ Cleanup flag Variable pages request flag (SCHVPGE) Second initialization routine has not yet been called by DMSINS Do a check each time FREE or FRET is called Do a check this time Executing CHECK routine now ~~u EQO EQO EQO In!§!:~l A*2 !!.!!§ g~!!1!gg !.n I!!~~~LG~ lU"In FRF2CL 1'80' FRF2SVP EQO X'40' FRF2NOI EQO X'20' FRF2CKE FRF2CKT FRF2CKX Ha!.~!Q£g ~gde Qg§£!:!E!!Q~ Pointer to next FREE element Size of this element in bytes Section 2. CMS rata Areas and Control Blocks 187 FSCBD FSCBD is a PLIST defined for general use by routines that use the CMS file syste.. is generated when the user invokes the FSCBD .acro. o FSCBCO!! 8 FSCBFN 10 FSCBFT 18 o 1A 1C 20 24 25 26 28 188 FSCEBUFF FSCBlTNO 20 FSCBSIZE 28 FSCBNORD Hexadecimal Displacement 8 10 18 FFSCBFM F*1 Field Na.e FSCBCOMM FSCBFN FSCBFT FSCBFM FSCBlTNO FSCBBUFF FSCBSIZE FSCBF.' FSCBFLG FSCBNOlT FSCBNORD FSCED F*2 FSCBNOIT Field Description, Contents, Meaning DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS EQU DS DS CL8 CL8 CL8 CL2 H F F CL2 FSCBFV ... 1 H A F*1 F*2 File system comaand (RDBUF, WRBUF, etc.) Filena.e Filetype Filellode Relative record number to be read/written Address of read/write buffer or of STATEFST Length of buffer RECFM -- C1J1 o~_C~y1 Flag byte Number of records to be read/written Number of bytes actually read IBM VM/310 Data Areas and Control Block Logic FSTD FSTD descrites the fields in a 40-byte file status table entry as found by STATE, STATEW, DftSLFS or DftSLFSW. FSTD is functionally equivalent to the FSTSECT DSECT. o FSTFHAftE 8 FSTFTYPE 10 FSTDATEW FSTTlftEW FS'IiRPNT FSTRDPHT 18 FSTFftODE FSTRECCT FS'IFCLPT F*1 FS'IELKCT FSTYEARW FSTLRECL 20 Hexadecimal Displacement -----------0 8 10 12 14 16 18 1A 1C 1E 1F Field Naae Field Description, Contents, Beaning FSTFNAftE FSTFTYPE FSTDATEW FSTTIl'!EW FSTWRPHT FSTRDPHT FSTFftODE FSTRECCT FSTFCLPT FSTRECFft FSTFLAGS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS 1D 1D 1H 1H 1H 1H 1H 1H 1H 1C 1X F*1 F*2 in FSTF1AGS EQU --X'CO'---EQU X'80' EQU X'40' EQU X'07' EQU X'04' 10' ~"'11"'" U1) EQU 1'02' FSTACTPT EQU X'01' FSTRODSK EQU X'OO' !!i!§ g~!!~g FSTXWDSK FSTRWDSK FSTXRDSK FSTFILEA FSTACTRD .&. 20 24 26 F*2 aJ.&.A""' .... n.l..,\ Filename Filetype Date last written - .addyy Time last written - hhmmss write pointer - item number Read pointer - item number File.ode - letter and number Number of logical records First chain link pointer Record format (F or V) FST flag byte Extension of read/write disk Read/write disk Extension of read-only disk File is active (one of the following) File active for reading File active for writing File active from a point Read-only disk Jlit§ !~g~!!~g FSTDIA EQU FSTDRA EQU FSTDNI EQU for use i'40'-X'01' X'OO' !!! RDBUF FSTLRECL DS FSTBLKCT DS FSTYEARW DS 1F 1H 1H Logical record length Number of 80Q-byte blocks Year last written FSTDSIZE EQU (*-FSTD) FST size in bytes ----Item availatle Previous record null Hull record Section 2. CftS Iata Areas and Control Blocks 189 FSTSECT FSTSECT defines the file status table (FST) which describes the attributes cf a file on a CMS virtual disk. FSTSBCT is invoked by the macro FSTB. The file status tables for all files on the disk are grouped into SOO-byte disk records referred to as file status table blocks (FSTEs). Each file status table block can accommodate up to 20 file status tables. o FSTN S FSTT 10 FSTD 1S FSTIC FSTM 20 Field Name 0 S 10 14 16 lS 1A 1C lE 1F FSTN FSTT FSTD FSTWP FSTRP FSTM FSTIC FSTFCL FSTFV FSTFB FS'IIEC 1*1 1*2 FSTYR Field Description, Contents, Meaning DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS 1D 1D 1F 1H lH 1H 1H 1H 1C 1C A*1 A*2 2I!I! FSTFRWX EOU X'CO' FSTFRW FSTFROX EOU BOU X'SO' X'40' FSTFACT FSTFIR FSTFIW FSTFAP FSTFRO EQU EQU EQU EQU EOU X'07' X'04' X'02' X'01' X'OO' Filename Filetype Date/tille last written Write pointer (item number) Read pointer Cite. number) Filellode Item count First chain link Fixed (F)/variable (V) flag Flag byte (if used) (!EE11£!~lg g~lI 2! ~!IT!! £gll) to STA1!FST COp! £! FS1-~!!I Read-only extension of read/write disk Read/write disk Read-only extension of read-only disk File is active (one of the follcwing) File active for reading File active for writing File active fro. a designated point Read-only disk ~i!§ !~g~!1~~g FSTITAV EQU FSTRECAV BQU FSTNOIT EQU for use 1'40'-X'Ol' X'OO' FSTIL FSTDBC FSTYR DS DS DS 1F 1H 1H Maximum item length SOO-tyte data block count Year FSTL BQU *-FSTSECT Size of FST in bytes (X'2S') !~ !!IEg!!212£! Parameters 800------FSTFWDP EQU FSTBKWD EQU S04 E~I 190 FSTRP -------------------------------------- ~i!§ g~!i~gg 1~ E2IE~ ~ft~ §y££g§§!yl 20 24 26 FSTCL FSTIL Hexadecimal Displacement ------------ FS'IliP RDEUF ----Item availatle Previous record null Null record Forward pointer to next hyperblock in storage Backward pointer to previous hyperblock in storage IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic FVSECT FVSECT is used mainly by file management and I/O routines. FVS contains save areas, work areas, and commonly used constants. A typical use of FVS is when a reentrant I/O routine requires a work area or save area, since the routine cannot modify itself. FVSECT is invoked by the FVS macro. ~I--------------------------------------------'--------------' 01 DISK$SEG I I I------------------------~ REGSAV3 38! 1-------------------------------------------------------RWFSTRG 781 1-------------------------------------------------------ADTFVS 1------------------------------------------------------REGSAVO C81 COl I A*1 100 REGSAV1 108 148 F65535 FW4 150 VFREE F10C Section 2. CMS tata Areas and Contrel Blocks 191 FVSECT , 158 VFRET JSRO 160 JSR1 R1UHD 168 F800 170 FVSDSKI DSKLOC 178 RWCNT DSKIDR 180 ADTADD 188 FINISLST FFF 198 lAO FFD FFE lA8 //////1 1*5 1BO FVSER1Sl lB8 REIDCNT FVSERlS2 1/////////////////////////// FVSFSTN lC8 FVSFSTT 1D8 FVSFSTDT FVSFSTM A*3 I 1*4 FVSER1S0 I 1*7 1CO 1DO 192 1*6 SIGNAL FVSFSTIC 1EO FVSFSTIL lE8 FVSFSTID FVSFSTRP FV~FSTiP FVSFSTCL 1*8 FVSFSTYR FVF~TDB IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic I 1*9 FVSFSTAC FVSECT Eexadecimal Displacement ----------0 3C 78 CO C8 104 107 Field Name Field Description, Contents, DISK$SEG REGSAV3 RWFSTRG ADTFVS DS DS DS DC 15F 15F 1aF 2F'0' For FSTLKP, FSTLKW, ACTLKP, TBKIKP, CQTRK For RtEUF, WRBUF, FINIS, S~ATE, FOINT Remaining storage for RDEUF, WREUF, FINIS ADTLKP REGSAVO DS DC DC 15F AL3 (00) AL 1 (*-*) Saved RO-R15 First 3 bytes of return code Error code ERRCODO A*1 TRKLSAVE EQU REGSAVO For REGSAV1 ERRCOD1 F65535 FW4 DS DC DC DC DC 15F AL3 (00) AL 1 (*-*) F'65535' F'4' Register save area First 3 bytes of return code Error code = X'COOOFFFF' Constant value HW4 EQU FW4+2 Constant value 150 154 158 15C 160 VFREE Fl00 VFRET JSRO JSR 1 DC DC DC DC DC V (FREE) F'100' V (FRET) F'O' F'O' Constant value Constant value Address of FRET (into R15) RO saved here for FRET calls R1 saved here for FRET calls Address of l!FD 800 l:ytes 10a 144 147 148 14C 164 RiHFD DC i (*-*j 168 16C 170 FaOO DC DC DC F'aOO' A(HW4) A (*-*) 174 DSKLST DS OF i74 DSKLOC DS 178 17C 180 184 18C 194 19C RWCNT DSKADR ADTADD FINISLST DC DC DC DC DC DC DC A (*-*j A (*-*) A (*-*) A (*-*) CLa'FINIS' CL8'*' CL8'*' CL2'*' DS DC DC DC OH X'FFFF' X'FFFE' X'FFFD' 19E 19E 1AO 1A2 ~eaning FVSDSKA FFF FFE FFD A*2 ~RKLKP/X only when called by QQTRK/X Address of the active disk table All-purpose RDTK/WRTK PLIS~ Address of item to ~e read or written Byte count (usually 800) Disk address of item to l:e read or written Address of active disk table now in use PLIS~ to close all files Halfword constants Means no significant data Fast 215th byte 1968-era ~FI still supported on input only Newest signal for 2314 handling Section 2. CMS Iata Areas and Control Elocks 193 FVSECT Hexadecimal Displacement lA4 Field Name Field Description, Contents, SIGNAL DC SIGNAL H'O' ~eaning = Scratch halfword used by READMFD or ERASE = COCO, X'FFFP', X'llFE', or X'PFPD' 00, Fl, FE, or FD lA6 UFDBUSY !!i!§ DC X'OO' A*3 in UFDBUSY EQU --X'80'--EQU X'40' EQU X'20' EQU X'10' EQU X'08' g~!i1!~g WRBIT UPBIT FNBIT ERBIT DIOBIT Nonzero means UFD is being updated WREUF UPDISK - READMlD PINIS ERASE - ALTER - READFST RDTK/WRTK DMSAEN (atend recovery routine) tMSI1S (SVC handling routine) lA7 KXFLAG lAB lAC lBO lB4 lB8 lBC in KIP LAG EQU --X'80'-EQU X'Ol' FLGSAVE FVS:FLAG DC DC DC X'OO' X'OO' X'OO' ~i§~1.!gl!~2Y§ ~!2!gg~ ERSFLAG PVSERASO FVSERASl FVSERAS2 READCNT DC DC DC DC DC DC £:il~ ~!g!Q§ STATEFST FVSFSTN FVSFSTT FVSFSTDT FVSFSTWP FVSFSTRP FVSFSTM FVSFSTIC FVSFSTCL FVSFSTFV FVSFSTFB FVSFSTIL FVSFSTDB FVSFSTYR lE8 FVSFSTAD DC STATERO 194 A*4 g~!!1!~g lCO lCO lC8 lDO lD4 lD6 lD8 lDA lDC lDE lDF lEO lE4 lE6 lEC X'OO' KXWANT KXWSVC !!i!§ lA8 lA9 lAA DC DS DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC EQU X'OO' F'O' P'O' P'O' P'O' P'O' Table ---aD (£:~~) D'O' D'O' 2H'0' H'O' H'O' H'O' H'O' H'O', C' X'OO' F'O' H'O' , 2C' A(0) HX wanted as soon as possible Hold HX until any SVC activity A*5 A*6 Reserved for IBM use Par scratch use (for example, by RELUPD) Par general use (as needed) ~RA~! (QI !!!1!AM~) Plag for use by ERASE or RENAME RO to/from FSTLKW (for ERASE) Rl to ACTLKP or PSTLKW (for ERASE) Address of free storage used by ERASE Current read count (DMSBRD) Reserved for IBM use £2.£1 from S'IATE -Pull-PST-of file (STATE) Pilename Piletype Date/time last written Write pointer Cite. ID) Read pointer (item ID) File.ode Numher of items in file tisk address (first chain link) A*8 Fixed (F)/variable(V) indicator A*9 Flag byte Length of largest item in file Number of data tlocks Year last written A(active disk table for this file) FVSFSTAD FVSFSTAC DC A(0) STATER 1 FVSFSTAC EQU HX flags A(real PST entry for this file) IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic IBADECE IHADECB, which is invoked via the CMSCB macro, is the simulated data event control blcck used for CMS processing of OS macros and OS access methods. The ICEECBPT field in FCBSECT points to IBADECB. o DECSDECB 8 DECDCBAD DECAREA 10 DECIOBPT DECKYADR 18 DECRECPT Hexadecimal Displacement -----------0 4 Field Name DEC'IYPE DECLNGTB Field Description, Contents, Meaning DECSDECB DS DECTYPE DS F H Event control block Type of I/O request ~!!§ Q~!!neQ 6 8 C 10 14 18 DECBRD DECBWR in DECTYPE BQU --X'80'--EQU X'20' Read SF Write SF DECLNGTB DECDCBAD DECAREA DECIOBPT DS DS DS DS B A A A Length of key and data V(data control tlock) V(key and data, buffer) V (IOE) A A V (key) V(block reference fieldj !m!~ ~!!g1!§!521! DECKYADR DS DECRECPT DS Fr~gy~1!!11 ~§~Q ~gy~!g§ DDNAM BLK BS DA FXD IS LOC MOV PS PO PREVIOUS QS UND VAR EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU FCBDSTYP X'10' X'20' X'20' X'80' X'80' X'08' X'10' X'40' X'02' X'80' X'40' X'CO' X'40' Filetype = data set name RECFM=blocked records !UCRF=BSAM DSORG=direct access RECFM=fixed-length records DSORG=indexed sequential MACRF=locate mode !UCRF=move mode DSORG=physical sequential DSORG=partitioned organization OFLGS=previous I/O operaticn MACRF=QSAM RECFM=undefined format records RECFM=variatle-length records Section 2. CMS rata Areas and Control Blocks 195 IOSECT IOSECT describes the fields used by DftSITI for save registers, I/O cld PSi, and other data when handling I/O interrupts. IOSECT is pointed to by the AIOSECT field in NUCON. o lOS AVE 40 AUSRITBL IONTABL AUSRILS7 48 50 OLDEST 60 NEXTO 70 IOPSi 78 IOCSi HOLD 80 88 Displace.ent o 40 44 48 4C 50 60 70 78 80 84 86 88 196 VSTRANGE 1///1////////// --------·------------------------------------~~~----I //////////////////////////////1/////////1///1//////////1, Pield Na.e IOSIVE DS IONTIBL DC AUSRITBL DC DC AUSRILST DC OLDEST DS NEXTO DS DS IOPSi DS IOCSi HOLD DC VSTRANGE DC DC DC Pield Description, Contents, !eaning 16P P'O' A (0) P'28' A (0) 4P 4P 2P 2P P'O' H'O' 1H' O· 2P'0' Register save area Size of user interrupt table in doublewords Address of user interrupt table Length of each entry Address of last entry in table Oldest I/O old PSi and CSi Next oldest I/O old PSi and CSi Newest I/O old PSi Newest CSli Holds entry pointer for device Unknown device address saved here Reserved for IB! use Reserved for IB! use IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic KEYSECT KEYSECT defines the key table used in os simulation KFYSECT is built dynamically from CMS free storage. KEYLNGTH 0 files for I/O by key. rATAINE 8 KEYOP 10 KEYNAME 18 KEYTYPE 20 of BDAM KEYMODE 28 KEYTBLNO KEY'IBLAD TBLLNGTH A*l 1*2 KEYCOUT 30 KEYTIELE Hexadecimal Displacement -----------0 4 8 10 18 20 22 24 28 2C 2D 2E 30 34 Field Name KEYLNGTH DATAEND KEYOP KEYNAME KEYTYPE KEYMODE KEYTBLNO KEYTBLAD TBLLNGTH KEYFORM KEYCHNG KEYCOUT Field Description, Contents, Meaning DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS KEYTABLE DS 1F 1F 2F 2F 2F lH 1H IF 1F 1X 1X 1H 1F OF -------------------------------------- 1*1 A*2 Key length Pointer to last data item in file Start of PLIST for keys file Filename of keys file Filetype of keys file File!!!ode of keys file Item number of key table Address of key table Eyte size of key table Format of keys file Indicates change in key table Blocking factor of key table Number of bytes read Start of keys table (item number) Section 2. CMS rata Areas and Contrel Blocks 197 LDRST LDRST describes the fields of ottained and built by DMSLDR. storage. the work area used by the loader. The work area is LDRST is built dyna.ically ty D!SLDR fro. CMS free I o 8 10 18 20 28 I GPRSAV ~-------------------------I I LOCSAV ------------------------------------------------------1 RETT LCCCT I ------------------------------------------------------1 BRAD TELREF 1 ------------------------------------------------------1 A*1 A*2 TBLCT A*3 1//////1/////1///////1 ----------------------------------------------------1 /////////////1//////////////1/////1///////1/////////////1 30 RLDCONST 38 RETREG PARMLIST SPEC 358 360 ESIDTE 558 APSV 560 598 TEMPST SAO 5A8 FILE 5BO REAtEUF 5B8 FNAME 5CO FTYPE 5C8 5DO 198 CRDPTR TMPLOC RITEM FMODE RLENG RADD RFIX IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Elock Logic RNUM LDRST , NUKBYTE 5D81 I--------------------------~ FINIS 5EOI 1----------------------------------------------------A*4 1////////////////////1 5F81 I I 5FC SYSUT1 (44 bytes) 628 TYPLIN 630 TYPREAD 638 DSKLIN DSKAD 650 658 HEX CON 660 • IOUTPUT 670 OUTBUF PRVCNT 6DO 6D8 SAV67 ' .... n o.r.v ENTIA!!E 6E81 ENTADR K!ftBOUND 1--------·-------------------------------------------PLISTSAV 6FOI 1--------·-------------------------------------------REG13SAV A*5 8FOI Section 2. CftS tata Areas and Control Blocks 199 LDRST Hexadecimal Displacement o C 10 14 1S 1C 20 Field Name GPRSAV LOCSAV RETT LOCCT BRAD TBLREF FLAG1 Field Description, Contents, Meaning DS DS DS DS DS DS DS ~J::!;§ g~!i!l~g 21 ABSOLUTE FSTXTADR COIU!OBEI PREXIST ENDCDADR NOERASE WORKFILE NODUP EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU FLAG2 DS ~i!§ g~!i!l~g 22 24 STRINITC NOIUP APRILB NOAUTO TYPE NOREP NOINV NOLIBE EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU TBLCT FLAG3 DS DS 3F F F F F F X A*l R9 through R12 Base register contains A(D!SLDRA) Return register for D~SLSB (LOCeNT) next load location (STRT1DDR) start execution address (lLtRTBL) top of loader table Loader switches (permanent) in FLAGl -i'80'- Absolute loading First text address saved Common entries exist in loader table PR entries exist in loader table Allow end card address Do not erase the load map Work file (SYSUT1) exists Do not type message DMSLI0202W X'40' X'20' X'10' I'OS' X'04' X'02' X'01' x 1*2 Loader switches (permanent) in FLAG2 -i'80'-- Call STRINIT in LOAD MOD Do not create a load map REP card processing control No automatic text deck checking Type load map at terminal No REP card printing No invalid card typeout Bo automatic TXT library searching X'40' X'20' X'10' X'OS' X'04' 1'02' X'01' H X A*3 Number of entries in loader table flags ~ore Processing names from command list 25 26 30 34 3S 3C 3SC SSC S9C SAO SA4 SAS SBO SBS SCO SCS SCA SCC SDO SD4 SD6 200 DS DS RLDCONST DS PARMLIST DS RETREG DS SPEC DS ESIDTB DS APSV DS TEMPST DS TMPLOC DS CRDPTR DS FILE DS READBUF DS FNAME DS FTYPE DS FMODE DS RITEM DS RADD DS RLENG DS RFIX DS RNUM DS X SH F F F 200F 2568 16F F F F D 2F 2F 2F 8 H F F H H Reserved for IB~ use Reserved for IBM use Relocation constant Updated parameter list pointer Return register 10-card input buffer 256 ESD entries; otject deck Register save area for subroutine calls Temporary RLD routine storage Temporary storage Input card pointer Save location for DMSLIB Input read parameter list Filenalle Filetype File.ode Number of items Buffer address Buffer length Fixed/variatle flag byte Number of items IBM VM/310 Data Areas and Control Block Logic LDRST Hexadecimal Displacement 5D8 5DC 5F8 Field Name Field Description, Contents, Meaning NUMBYTE FINIS FLAGS DS DS DS F START ONEDYNA ESD1ST NOSLCADR SET LIB CLOSELIB LUNDEF RESET EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU X'80' X'40' X'20' X'10' X'08' X'04' X'02' X"01" Start execution requested One call to dynamic loading per text file First ESt data item this card No address field in SLC card Set up for library searching Clear TXTLIE searching Undefined entries exist in loader table Reset "entry" specified DS DS DS DS DS DS DS 3X SYSUT1 TYPLIN TYPEAD DSKLIN DSKAD HEXCON 2F 2F 7F 13X 14X Library search work area peinter RLD work file PLISTs TYPLIN parameter list TYPLIN buffer address Disk parameter list for load map PACK UNPACK EQU EQU HEXCON HEXCON+5 66F 670 OUTPUT OUTBUF DS DS X 6D4 6D8 6EO PRVCNT SAV67 ENTNAME DS DS DS H 2F CL8 6E8 6EC 6FO SFO 8F4 SF8 ENTADR MEMBOUND PLISTSAV REG13SAV FRSTSDID END FREE DS DS F DS 64D DS DS DS F X NEED EQU 5F9 5FC 628 630 638 654 661 7F X A*4 l1F Number of bytes actually read FINIS parameter list Loader switches (nonpermanent) Hexadecimal constant Hexadecimal constant Hexadecimal constant 100X F A*5 Output buffer for load map and terminal printing Address of next PR load address Temporary save area of R6 and R7 Entry name (reset ENTRY or entry control card) Entry name's loader table location Low extend of free storage (FREELOiE) LOAD (INCLUrE; PLIST saved Address of LDRST First section definition identification OD (ENDFREE-LDRST)/8 The following equates refer to displacements and flags in the REFTABLE entry usually pointed to by register 12 !g!~: REFNAME REFLG1 REFPRB REFPRH REFPRF REFPRD REFUND REFCXD REFCOM REFiEX REF NOB REFLIB REFINFO EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU REFVAL REFLG2 REFCMD EQU EQU EQU o 8 X'7C' X'7D' X'7E' X'7F' X'80' X'81' X'82' X'83' X'90' X'10' 9 13 16 X'80' Displacement of 8-byte name field Displacement of flag byte 1 PR - byte alignment PR - halfword alignment PR - fullword alignment PR - doubleword alignment Undefined symbol Resolve CXD Define common area Weak external reference LIEE card - nonobligatory Single bit for nonobligatory LIBE card Displacement of relocation facter or maximum address Displacement of absolute or assigned value Displacement of flag byte 2 Command line name - must resolve Section 2. CMS rata Areas and Contrel Blocks 201 LUBTAB, LUBPR LUBTAB is a device table that has a 2-byte entry for each symtolic name used by CMS/DOS. The simulated LUB has 255 entries: 14 entries for the system logical units and 241 entries for Frogrammer logical units. System devices (SYSRDR, SYSIPT, SYSPCH, SYSLST, and SYSLOG) can be assigned to alternate devices. The system and programmer tables are defined with separate DSECTs: LUBTAB and LUBPR. LUBTAB is pointed to by the LUEPT field in BGCOM. The address of the first LUB entry is in the first tyte of the FICL control tlock. System (LUBTAB) I 0 I LUBRDR lUBIPT LUEPCH I 8 I lUB10G 1//1UB1NK/////1 LUERIS I 10 I LUBR1B 1//1UBUSE/////I//LUERIC//////1 I 18 1//1UBVIS////1 lUBCAT LUBLST LUBSLB LUBCLE Programmer (lUBPR) o lUB001 lUBOOO Hexadecimal Displacement o 2 4 6 8 A C E 10 12 14 16 18 1A o 2 4 6 8 1EO 202 LUB003 lUB004 through LU13239 8 1EO LU13C02 lUB240 LUB241 Field Name 2I.§te l! lUBRDR LUBIPT lUBPCH lUB1ST lUB10G lUB1NK lUBRES lUB51B lUBR1B lUBUSE lUBREC LUBC1B LUBVIS lUBCAT Field Description, Contents, Meaning 1!!~.§ DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS f!.Qg!g.!!!!~! X12 X12 X12 X12 112 112 X12 112 X12 X12 112 112 X12 112 System virtual reader System virtual input device System virtual punch System virtual printer Terminal Reserved for IBM use Systea residence volume Private source statement library Private relocatable library Reserved for IBM use Reserved for IBM use Private core i.age library Reserved for IBM use VSAM catalog Programmer logical unit blcck Programmer logical unit blcck Programmer logical unit blcck Programmer logical unit block LU13CC4 through LUB239 are defined with DS and XL2. Each is a prograamer logical unit block. Programmer logical unit tlock lU!!§ LUBOOO LUB001 LUB002 LUB003 DS DS DS DS XL2 X12 X12 X12 LUB240 DS 112 IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic LUBTAB. LUEPB Eexadecimal Displacement Field Name lE2 LUB241 DS XL2 Programmer logical unit blcck LUBP LUBJ EQU EQU 0 1 Displacement to PUB pOinter Displacement to JIB pointer LUBL EQU *-LUB241 LUE length ------------ Field Description. Contents, Section 2. C~S ~eaning Iata Areas and Control Blocks 203 NICL Byte 0 of the Number In Class block (NICL) contains the numher of system class logical units. The second byte contains the number of programmer class logical units for the partition. The NICLPT field in the BGCOM block points to the NICL tlock. o A*1 A*2 .J Hexadecimal Displacement -----------0 1 204 Field Name BOSIS BOPROG Field Description, Contents, Meaning DC DC AL 1 (14) At 1 (242) A*1 A*2 Total number of system LUBs Total number of programmer LUEs IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic NUCCN NUCON is the nucleus constant area of CMS. o IPLPSW 8 IPLCCW1 10 IPLCCW2 18 EXTOPSW 20 SVCOPSW 28 PGiiOPSi 30 MCKOPSW 38 IOOPSW 40 CSW 48 CAW 1//////II/INUCRSV1////IIIII/ 50 TIMER 1//I/I/////NUCRSV2/1/11//111 58 EXTNPSW 60 SVCNPSW 68 PGMNPSW 70 MCKNPSW 78 IONPSW 80 CPULOG 88 I 90111////////NUCRSV4///////////1 MONCLASS PERCODE 1--981 PERADDR MCNCODE I AOII////////////////////////NUCRSV5//I/////////////I/11/11/ 11//////////////////////////////1//////1111///1/1//////// 1//1///////////////////////////1/1/////1/1//////11////III I I COl LOWSAVE I 1------------------------------------------------FPRLOG 1601 1--------·-----------------------------------------GPRLOG 1801 L -_________________________________________________ J Section 2. CMS Lata Areas and Centrel Blocks 205 NOCON I lCOI ECBLOG 1-----------------------------------------------------SYSTEMID 2001 1------------------------------------------------------INSTALID 2201 1------------------------------------------------------SYSNAME 1----------------------------------------------------D!VICE 2681 IPLADDB SYSADDB 2601 1 2701//////////NOCBSV6///////////1 1 ' 2781 FEIBM 1-----------------------------------------------------COBBDATE 1-----------------------------------------------------2881 COBBTIME 1-------------------------------------------------------COBRCPOT 2901 COBBVIBT 1----------------------------------------------------LASTCPUT 2981 LASTVIRT 1-----------------------------------------------------2AOJ LASTCMND 1------------------------------------------------------2A81 PBEVCMND 1-----------------------------------------------------2BOI LASTEXEC 1------------------------------------------------------2B81 PBEVEXEC 2801 1---------------------------------------------------LASTLMOD 2COI 2C8 LASTTMOD 2DO DATIPCMS 2D8 CLKVALMD 2EO MACDIBC 300 MACLIBL 1------------------------------------------------------MACLBSV TXLIBSV 1---------------------------------------------------------TXTDIBC TOTLIBS 3501 3481 ~------------------------------------------.--------~ 206 IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Elock Logic NUCCN TXTLlES 358 3AO GRS015 LOC0176 3A8 FlRSTDMP LASTDMP 3BO FRS06 DMPTlT 3B8 ////////////////////////////1 DMPTlTLE SVC$202 440 II////////GLBLTABL//////////I 448 1/////1///1/1/ ERR$202 ---------------------------------------------------1 A*1 1///1/1/111/11 AEAiPROC I A*2 ---------------------------------------------------1 ABATABND AEAiLIMT I ----------------------------------------------------1 AUSERST 1//1///1//1/1//111///1//11111 450 458 460 468 /1/1111111111111111///1111/11 tOSLBSV 1-------------------------------------------------DOSDIRC 4701 490· 4D8 DOSLIEL A*3 A*4 ALiASAVE 11///////////1 4EO ABGCOM ASYSCOM 4E8 ADOSDCSS SVC12SAV 4FO DOSFlRST 4F8 APPSAVE DOSTRANS 500 MAlNLlST MAINSTRT 508 FREELIST FREENUM 510 MAlNHlGH FR!ELOWE 518 FREELOWR FREEUPPR 520 ANUCEND AUSRAREA DOSNUM 11/1/11////// Section 2. CMS tata Areas and Control Blocks 207 NUCON 528 CURRS1VE 530 lDMSFRT VC1DTLKP 538 VCADTNXT VC1DTLKW 540 CURRIOOP PENDRE1D 548 PENDWRIT FS'IFINRD 550 LSTFINRD lINTRTBL 558 10UTRTBL 560 VMSIZE lLIRTBLS 568 STRTADDR PRSTLOC 570 LASTLOC LOCCNT 578 LDR1DDR LDRRTCD COtE203 NUMFINRD 580 NUMPNDWR PSi 588 590 PCTCMSFS LDRFL1GS TBENT I 1*5 598 PREOLD GE'I1 1*6 DSYM SAO JSYM A*7 I 5A8 ALIA SENT 5BO DYlilEliD 1/////////////////////////// SB8 ////////////////////////////1/////////////////////////// 5CO 208 FCBFIRST PCENUM 1//////1 A*8 SC8 ////////////////////////////1 LINKLAST SDO LINKSTRT TAXE1DDR SD8 ATSOCPPL tCBSAV SEO A*9 1*10 1*11 I 1*12 5E8 A*1S A*16 A*17 1///////1 1////////////1 1*13 ISYSBAMS SPO ACMSSEG AD!SLIO 5F8 VCFSTLKP VCFSTLKW 600 AFVS AOPSECT 608 ADEVTAB APSTLKP 610 AGETCLK APSTLKW IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic A*14 NUCCN 618 APIE AIADT 620 AUSER ARtTK 628 ASCANN !S5T!T 630 ATABEND ASOBSECT 638 AOSMODL 640 ASTRINIT IAtT 648 APREE AFRET 650 ADMSPIOC APGMSECT 658 A~U;;).r.\..J. A.&JD.r.l:lA .... "" 660 ADIOSECT AAENSVC 668 ADMSERL ADMSCRD 670 ADMSPREB ASVCSECT 678 AADTLKP AUPUFD 680 ASTATEXT A05RET 688 ACMSRET ASCANO 690 AEXEC AS'IART 698 AADTLKW AUSABRV 6AO AEXTSECT ASCBPTR 6A8 ADMSROS 6BO AACTLKP AACTNXT 6B8 AACTFREE AACTFRET 6CO AADTNXT ATRKLKP 6C8 ATRKLKPX AQQTRK 6DO AQQTRKX AERASE 6D8 ATYPSRCH AUPDISK 6EO AKILLEX ATFINIS 6E8 ARDBUF AWRBUF 6FO APINIS AS'IATE 6F8 ASTATEW APCINT .I AWRTK .. -r"",,.n,..m ~T\ .. n,;tV1:'ro LtMSROS CDMSROS Section 2. CMS tata Areas and Control Blocks 209 NUCON CONCCWS 700 708 710 CONINELK 718 CONINEUF 7AO CftNDLINE 848 CftNDLIST A60 CONSTICK BAO FREES AVE BEO BALRSAVE C20 WAITSAVE C60 C68 ----------------------------------------------------1 PCTVSlft 1//////////////1///////////////////////////1 ADIKQLAB -------1 NDIKQLAB I --------------------------------------------------1 C70 ARURTBL ADftSVIB I C78 ---------------------------------------------------1 IVIPWORK A*18 1////////////////////1 ---------------------------------------------------1 AVSAftSYS AAI!SSYS I ---------------------------------------------------1 C88 AVSREOJ AVSRWORK 1 ---------------------------------------------------1 C90 ACBLIST 1///////////////////////////1 ---------------------------------------------------1 C98 ////////////////////////////1///////////////////////////1 C80 I 210 IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Centrol Block Logic NUCCN Hexadecimal £isplacement o Field Name Field Description, Contents, Meaning l1gfhill~ !!.§g~ IPLPSW IPLCCW1 IPLCCi2 DS DS DS 1D 1D iD Initial program load of PSi Initial program load of CCi1 Initial program load of CCi2 10 14 RSTNPSW RSTOPSW ACMSCVT ASYSREF ORG DS DS DS DS IPLPSW 1D 1D 1F 1F PSi restart new PSi PSi restart old PSi Address of simulated as CVT Address of nucleus address table 18 20 28 30 38 40 48 4C 50 54 58 60 68 70 78 80 EXTOPSW SVCOPSW PGMOPSW MCKOPSW IOOPSW CSW CAW NUCRSV1 TIMER NUCRSV2 EXTNPSW SVCNPSW PGMNPSi MCKNPSi IONPSW CPULOG DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS 1D 1D 1D 1D 1D 1D 1F 1F 1F 1F 1D 1D 1D 1D 1D 48D External old PSi Supervisor call old PSW Program old PSi Machine-Gheck old PSi Input/output old PSi Channel status word Channel address word Reserved for IBM use Interval timer Reserved for IBM use External new PSi Supervisor call new PSi Program new PSi Machine-check new PSi Input/output new PSi Processor logout area 80 NUCRSV3 ORG DS CPULOG 2D Reserved for IBM use 90 DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS 1F 1H 1H 1F 1F 4D XL160 4D 1CO NUCRSV4 MONCLASS PERCODE PERADDR MONCODE NUCRSV5 LOWSAVE FPRLOG GPRLOG ECRLOG 200 220 260 268 26A 26C 270 274 280 .§I.§te.! !!.§gg~ SYSTEMID DS INSTALID DS SYSNAME DS IPLADDR DS SYSADDR DS DEVICE DS NUCRSV6 DS FEIBM DC DIAGTIME DS CL32 System name and date CL64 Installation identification CL8 Name of saved system loaded (via IPL) 1H Address of device loaded (via IFL) 1H Address of system disk 1F Name of device causing last I/O interrupt 1F Reserved for IBM use CL12'FEIBM154067' FE service number CL24 Euffer for tIAGNOSE timer 280 ORG CURRDATE DS DIAGTIME CL8 Current date - mm/dd/yy CURRTIME CURRVIRT CURRCPUT LASTVIRT LASTCPUT LASTCMND PREVCMND LASTEXEC PREVEXEC CL8 1F 1F 1F 1F CL8' CL8' CL8' CL8' Current time - Current elaFsed virtual time used Current elapsed processor time used previous elapsed virtual time used Previous elapsed processor time used Last command issued Next to last command Last EXEC procedure Next to last EXEC procedure 8 10 o 8 94 96 98 9C AO CO 160 180 288 290 294 298 29C 2AO 2A8 2BO 2B8 DS DS DS DS DS DC DC DC DC Reserved for IBM use Monitor call class number Progra: event recorder code Program event recorder address MONliOR CALL code Reserved for IBM use Save area for first 160 bytes of storage Floating-point register logout area General-purFcse register lcgcut area Extended control register logout area 16F 16F • • • • Section 2. CMS tata Areas and Control Blocks 211 NUCON Hexadecimal Displacement 2CO 2C8 2DO 2D8 2EO 300 34S 34C 350 354 358 3AO 3AO 3A4 3A8 3AC 3BO 3B4 3B8 3BC 440 444 446 44S 44C 44E Field Name Field Description, Contents, !eaning LASTLMOD LASTTMOD DATIPCMS CLKVALMD !1~f!~ DC DC DC DC !!,ng !!!!! MACDIRC MACLIBL TXLIBSV ftACLBSV TOTLIBS TXTDIRC TXTLIBS DC DC DC DC DC DC DC CLS' , CL8'ACCESS' D'O' D'O' DS DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DMPTITLE DC GLBLTIBL DC DC SVCS202 SVC ERRS202 DC BR DC -------iddress of macro library directories 8A (0) 1SF'-1' Current macro library nalles Library save area for TXTLIES F'O' Library save area for MICLIES F'O' Total global chains (in bytes) F'O' A (0) Address of TEXT library directories Current TEXT library nalles 18F'-1' OD A(GPRLOG) A(LOWSAVE) A(O) A(O) A(FPRLOG) A(DMPTITLE) 4X 'FF' CL132" F'O' H'O' 202 A(*+4) 14 H' 0' 450 BATFLAG2 DC !!.!!§ 1X'00' Batch monitor running Loading batch processor Suppress user job execution Batch reader error CP co •• and executing User job executing MOVEPILE executing from terminal User job being flushed A*2 in BATPLAG2 EQU --X'80'---EQU X'40' EQU X'20' EQU X'10' EQU X'OS' EQU X'04' EQU X'02' EQU X'01' g~!.!1!~g BATXLIM BATXCPU BATXPRT BATXPUN BATDCMS BATIPLSS BATSTOP BATSYSAB 452 212 in BATFLIGS EQU --X'80'---EQU 1'40' EQU X'20' EQU X'10' EQU X'OS' EQU X'04' EQU X'02' EQU X'01' g~!.!1!!!g BATRUN BATLOAD BATBOEI BATRERR BATCPEX BATUSEX BATMOVE BATTERM 454 458 45C 460 464 DEEUG DUMP PLIST Address of GPR save area Address of low storage save area Address of first location to dumF Address of last location to dU.F Address of PPR save area Address of duap title line Reserved for IBft use DUllp title line Reserved for IBM use Used for alignment COli. on SVC for reentrant ccde User will fill if necessary Return to caller Reserved for IBft use Batch flags !!.!!§ 451 module LOADMOD into .ain storage module LOIDMOD into transient area (am/dd/yy) at last IPL C!S (STCK fora) at midnight (0000 hours) 1!~!!!!I Pointers Q~Ryg QY~f ~g!g!!!!!!!§ DUftPLIST GRS015 LOC0116 FIRSTDMP LASTDftP FRS06 DftPTIT Last Last Date Tille DC 2X'00' !!~!fh ~!~f~§§~! ~,n!!I R~!1!!§ ABATPROC ABATABBD ABATLlftT AUSERST DC DC DC DC DC A(O) A(O) A(O) A(O) 2F'0' More batch flags User job limit exceeded Processor time exceeded No. of printed lines exceeded No. of punched cards exceeded Disabled CMS co.mand called Batch loading (via IPL) saved system Batch stopping after current job System abnormal termination in process Reserved for IBM use Main entry User job abend entry User job limits table Virtual machine restart entry point Reserved for IBM use IBM VM/310 Data Areas and Control Block Logic NUCCN Hexadecimal Displacement Field Name Field Description, Contents, Meaning -----------46C 470 490 4D8 !!Q'§ b.!!!!~n DC DC DC DC DOSLBSV DOSDIRC DOSLIBL DOSFLAGS Pointers ---Fio'8A (0) 18F '-1 • X'OO' 1*3 ll.!!§ g~!.!!!~g in DOSFLAGS DOSMODE EQU --X'80'---DOSSVC EQU X'40' DOSVSAM EQU X'20' DOSCOMP EQU X'10' EQU DOSPIO X'08' VSMINSTL EQU X'-04' 4D9 4DA 4DC 4EO 4E4 4E8 4EC 4FO 4FO 4F6 4F8 4FC 500 504 508 SOC 510 514 518 51C 520 524 528 52C 52E 530 534 538 53C 540 544 548 54C 550 554 558 55C SSE DOSRC DC ALTASAVE ABGCOM ASISCOM ADOSDCSS SVC 12SAV DOSFIRST DOSNUM DOSKPART APPSAVE DOSTRANS DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DS DC DC fil~ ~!g!gg~ MAINLIST MAINSTRT FREELIST FREENUM MAINBIGH FREELOWE FREELOWR FREEUPPR ANUCEND AUSRAREA CURRSAVE CODE203 FRERESPG DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DS ADMSFRT VCADTLKP VCADTNXT VCADTLKW DC DS DC DC ~g1!sol~ CURRIOOP PENDREAD PEND WRIT FSTFINRD LSTFINRD AINTRTBL AOUTRTBL NUMFINRD NUftPNDiR DOS environment flag DOS SVC simulation flag DOS iSAft running flag DOS compiler running flag DOS printer indicator VSAft installation flag to relocate DCSS table X'OO' !*4 2X' 00' V (LTASAVE) V (BGCOM) V (SISCOM) A(0) F'O' A(0) B'O' B'O' V(PPSAVE) A(0) DOS return code to user Reserved for IBM use Address of LTA save area Address of partition communication region Address of system communication region Address of LOS DCSS Work area for SiC 12 Address of first DOSCB in chain Number of DOSCBs in chain Number of K-bytes in DOS partition Address of problem program save area Address of ros transient area Pointers --i(O)"-V (USERAREA) V(NUCEND) F'1' V(USERAREA) V(NUCEND) V (TRANSAR) A(0) V (NUCEND) V (INITSUB) A(0) BiOi B'2' V(DMSFRT) A(DMSLAD) A(DMSLADN) A(DMSLADW) Pointers UQ ---1(0)"DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC Library save area for DOSLIES Address of ros library directories Current ros library names DOS simulation flags A(0) A(CONSTACK) A(0) A(0) A(0) A(0) H'O' B'O' Address of first block of user free storage Address of the start of user free storage Address of first block of system storage Number of blocks of system storage High extend of user free storage Low extend of systeM free storage Lower limit of system free storage Upper limit of system free storage Address of end of nucleus storage area Address of teginning of user area Address of current save area Code number of last SiC 203 Amount of user storage to reserve for CftS free storage (pages: >=2) DftSFRE work area EALR equivalent of ADTLKP EALR equivalent of ADTNXT EALR equivalent of ADTLKW Address of current I/O buffer Address of pending read operation Address of pending write oFeration Address of finished read buffer Address of last finished read buffer Address of user input translate table Address of user output translate table NUBber of finished read buffers Number of pending write operaticns Section 2. CMS Lata Areas and Control Blocks 213 NUCON Hexadecimal Displacement Pield Name Field Description, Contents, eeaning 1~gde! 560 564 568 56C 570 574 578 57C 580 588 58C 590 592 593 Information VMSIZE ALDRTBLS DC lP'O' STRTADDR DC lP'O' PRSTLOC DC lP'O' LASTLOC DC lP'O' LOCCNT DC lP' 0' LDRADDR DC IF'O' LDRRTCD DC lP'O' PSW DC lD'O' LDRPLAGS DC 1P'0' PRHOLD DC lP'O' TBENT DC H'O' UNRES DC X'OO' MODFLGS DC 1X • 00' !!.!!§ 594 598 5-AO 5A4 5A5 SAC 5BO 5B4 5CO 5CO 5C4 5C6 5C7 --ns----1P- g~!!1!gg EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU MDPCALL I10D6 I10D7 EQU EQU EQU X'04' X'02' X'Ol' GETl DSYM DC DC JSI-~ DC 1F ';0 , 2F· 0' P'O' C'Z' XL7'0' 1F'0' lP' 0' 3F DC DC ALIASENT DC DYNAEND DC DS Q~ ~i.lYlg!!.Q1! FCBTAB DS FCBFIRST DC FCBNUM DC DC OSSPLAGS DC ~i!§ g~!!!!~g 5C8 5CC 5DO 5D4 5D8 5DC 214 in MODPLGS --X'80'--- NOMAPFLG CLEAROP MODGNDOS MODGNALL SYSLOAD NXTSYM COMPSWT OSSMNU OSRESET OSWAlT DYLD DYLIBO DYLIBNOW DYMBRNM EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU LINKLAST LINKSTRT TAXEADDR ATSOCPPL DCBSAV DC DC DC DC DC DC A*5 A*6 Virtual storage size Address of loader tatles I10dule starting address Module beginning address Module ending address Loader location counter Loader return address Loader return code User's starting PSW Loader flags Pseudo register counter Initialize table entries tc zeros Unresolved reference bit for CMS loader Flags NOMAP flag CLEAR option flag Module generated with DOS option Module generated with ALL option Allow load greater than FREELCWE or less than transient Indicate module called by DMseDI Reserved for IBM use Reserved for IBe use X'40' X'20' X'10' X'08' DMSLSY R1 save location DI1SL~Y work space -D1!-SI.-S1- -u-n-i q-u-e id-en t i f ier ba se A*7 First character of unique identifier Rest of unique identifier Alias entry point (dynamic load) Maximum load location (dynamic load) Reserved for IBe use Pointers -0i5----A (0) H'O' X'OO' X'OO' A*8 FCE chain anchor Address of first FCB Numter of FeBs in chain Reserved for IBe use OS simulation flags in OSSFLAGS --X'80'---X'40' 1'20' X'10' X'08' X'04' X'02' X'Ol' A (0) A (0) A (0) A (0) V (CPP) IF' 0' COlBpiler switch DMSSMN unconditional flag Reset for as Wait for as Dynamic loading in process Omit dynamic litrary scan Dynamic library scan Linked via member nalBe Reserved for IBe use Address of last OS linkage block Address of entry point of last module Terminal attention exit element address Address of !MP PLIST for TSC programs DCE restoration address IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic NUCCN Hexadecimal Displacement 5EO Field Name Field Description, Contents, Meaning OPTFLAGS DC 1X'00' A*9 in OPTFLAGS EQO --X i 80i ---EQU X'40' EQU X'20' EQU X'10' EQU X'08' EQU X'04' ~1!:§ g~!!!!gg NOIMPEX NOIMPCP NOSTDSYN NOABBREV NOPAGREL NOREAD 5E1 MISFLAGS DC No No No No No No A*10 1X'00' in MISFLAGS EQU --X'80'---EQU X'40' EQU X'20' EQU X'10' EQU X'08' EQU X'04' EQU X'02' EQU X' 0 l ' ~!!§ g~!!!!gg KXSWITCH KOSWITCH RELPAGES GRAFDEV QSWITCH NODDSK NEG ITS ATTNHIT 5E2 MSGFLAGS DC 1X'00' 5E3 A*11 in MSGFLAGS EQU --X'80'---EQU X'40' EQU X'20' EQU X'10' EQU X'08' EQU X'04' EQU X'02' EQU X'01' DBGFLAGS DC 1X'00' A*12 in DBGFLAGS EQU --X'80'---EQU X'40' 5E4 5E6 E"" \O!U VI"nw A-'V EQU EQU EQU EQU X'10' X'08' X'04' X'02' DC EXECFLAG DC 2X'00' 1X'00' Miscellaneous flags Message flags No typing - set by EXEC No typing - set by HT No ready message to te typed No time on ready message Error code to be typed in red No error messages to be tYFed No text on error messages Linefeed for typewriter CCli ~.!!§ g~!!1!~g DBGEXEC DBGPGMCK DBGEXINT DBGABN DBGNSHR DBGSHR DBGRECUR implied EXEC commands implied CP commands standard synonyms command abbreviations automatic page release automatic VMj370 console read Halt execution switch Halt tracing switch Release pages switch Graphics console Quiet switch for console read Do not access D-disk Negative return code from DMSITS Attention posted ~.!!§ gg!!1!~g NOTYPOUT NOTYPING NORDYMSG NORDYTIM REDERRID NOERRMSG NOERRTXT SPECLF Option flags DEEUG flags DEEUG routine executing DEEUG entered by a program check entered ""U.l.... an external -;n+crrnr+ ...... '-'--- - r DEEUG entered from DMSABN No shared segment present Shared segment present Recursion flag Tl1:'1Jn~ J.i..a.;. ..... v~ A*13 Reserved for IBM use EXEC flags EXEC command running 5E7 PROTFLAG DC 1X'00' ~.!!§ g~!!1!gg PRFPOFF PRFTSYS PRFUSYS 5E8 EQU EQU EQU QI TSOFLAGS DC ~.!! g~!.!1!gg TSOATCNL EQU g~Q!r1!~ TSOFLAGS X'80'--- Storage protection flags Storage protection is shut off System routine in transient area System routine in user area X'80' X'40' X'20' 1X'00' !1! A*14 A*15 TSO flag tyte Read canceled by attention Section 2. CMS rata Areas and Control Blocks 215 NUCON Eexadecimal Displacement SE9 Field Name Field Description, Contents, Meaning SUBFLAG !!J:!§ SEB SEC SFO SF4 SF8 SFC 216 A*16 --X'08'--- X'OO' EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU ASYSNAMS ACMSSEG ADMSLIO VCFSTLKP VCFSTLKW DC DC DC DC DC DC SYSREF AFVS AOPSECT ADEVTAB AFSTLKP AGETCLK AFSTLKi APIE AIADT AUSER ARDTK ASCANN ASSTAT ATABEND ASUBSECT AOSMODL AWRTK ASTRINIT IADT AFREE AFRET ADMSPIOC APGMSECT AIOSECT ADMPEXEC ADIOSECT AABNSVC ADMSERL ADMSCRD ADMSFREB ASVCSECT AADTLKP AUPUFD ASTATEXT AOSRET ACMSRET CMS subset flag byte Subset Subset Subset Subset X'04' X'02' X'01' A*17 g~!J:.!!~g in DCSSFLAG DCSSAVAL DCSSLDED DCSSCPNV DCSSLDSD DCSSVTNA DCSSVTLD DCSSOVLP DCSSJLNS !Yfley§ 600 600 604 608 60C 610 614 618 61C 620 624 628 62C 630 634 638 63C 640 644 648 64C 650 654 658 6SC 660 664 668 66C 670 674 678 67C 680 684 688 EQU EQU EQU EQU DCSSFLAG DC !!J:!§ 1X'00' g~!J:.!!~g in SUBFLAG SUBREJ SUBRTN SUBINIT SUBACT SEA DC --X'80'---X'40' X'20' X'10' X'08' X'04' X'02' X'01' X'OO' V (SYSNAMES) F'O' V (DMSLIO) V (DMSLFS) V (DMSLFSW) DCSS indicators CMSS!G segment exists CMSS!G loaded CP or invalid command issued Loading S-disk DMSSVT not available DMSSVT is loaded virtual machine storage overlaid by ncss CMSS!G just loaded nonshared Reserved for IBM use Address of CMS saved segment EALR equivalent of FSTLKP EALR equivalent of FSTLKi Address Table -j)s----on---DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC command reject return initialization active V (FVS) V (OPSECT) V (DEVTAB) V (FSTLKP) V(DMSINM) V (FSTLKW) V (PIE) V (IADT) V (USERSECT) V (D ~SDIOR) V (D MSSCNN) A (0) V (TABEND) V (SUBSECT) A (0) V (D MSDIOW) V (D MSSTGST) V (ADTSECT) V (FREE) V (FRET) V (D MSPIOCC) V (PG MSECT) V (IOSECT) V (D~SDBD) V (DIOSECT) V(D~SABNUA) V (DMSERL) V (DMSCRD) V (DMSFREB) V (SVCSECT) V (ADTLKP) V (DMSAUDUP) A (0) V (OSRET) V (CMSRET) IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic NUCCN Hexadecimal Displacement -----------68C 690 694 698 69C 6AO 6A4 6A8 6AC 6AE 6BO 6B4 6BS 6BC 6CO 6C4 6CS 6CC 6DO 6D4 6DS 6DC 6EO 6E4 6ES 6EC 6FO 6F4 6FS 6FC 700 700 70S 710 714 715 716 .,,,n Field Nalle ASCANO AEXEC ASTART AADTLKW AUSABRV AEXTSECT ASCBPTR ADMSROS LDMSROS CDMSROS AACTLKP AACTNXT AACTFREE AACTFRET AADTNXT ATRKLKP ATRKLKPX AQQTRK AQQTRKX AERASE ATYPSRCH AUPDISK AKILLEI ATFINIS ARDBUF AWRBUF AFINIS ASTATE ASTATEW APOINT BAO BEO C20 C60 C62 C64 DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC V (DMSSCNO) V (D MSEXC) V (DMSLDRA) V (ADTLKW) V (USABRV) V (EXTSECT) V (SCBPTR) A(0) H'O' H'O' V (DMSLAF) V (DMSLAFNX) V (D MSLAFFE) V (D MSLAFFT) V (ADTNXT) V (DMSTRK) V (DMSTRKX) V (DMSTQQ) V (DMSTQQX) V (DMSERS) V (TYPSRCH) V (DMSAUD) V (KILLEX) V (DMSFNST) V (DMSBRD) V (DMSBWR) V (DMSFNS) V (DMSSTTE) V (DMSSTTW) V (POINT) Ig!:lIi1!§l Buffers DS----OD CONCCWS CONINBLK CONINBUF Iii V 7AO 840 840 84S A60 A60 Field Description, Contents, Meaning -------------------------------------- CMNDLINE CMNDLIST CONSTACK ~§!g cell O,O,X!60!,0 CCW DC DC DC DS DS DS DS DC DS DS DS 3,0,X'20',1 A (0) XL1'OA' AL1(134) CL134 !!:g!§ n ..... VlJ CL160 OD CLS'EXEC' CLS36 OD CL320 FREESAVE DS BALRSAVE DS WAITSAVE DS 16F 16F 16F PCTVSAM H'SO' 1H 1F DC DS DS Console read and write CCii NOP to get CE and DE together 50 percent for CMS/VSAM use Reserved for IBM use Reserved for IBM use Section 2. CMS rata Areas and Control Blocks 217 NUCON Hexadecimal Displacement C68 C6C C70 C74 C78 C7C Field Name ADIKQLAB NDIKQLAB ARURTBL ADMSVIB AVIPWORK VSAMFLG1 Field Description, contents, DC DC DC DC DC DC ~.!!§ g~f!Dgg C7D C80 C84 C88 C8C C90 C94 CAO 218 VSAMRUN VSJOBCAT VIPINIT VSIMSERV VIPSOP VIPTCLOS VSAMSOS EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU AVSAMSYS AAMSSYS AVSREOJ AVSRWORK ACBLIST DS DC DC DC DC DC DS DS ~eaning A(X'FFFFFF') Set to A(IKQLAB) when it is in storage Set to end of IKQLAB when in stcrage VSAM resource table address V(RURTBL) Address of VSAM interface bootstrap V(DMSVIB) A (0) Address of rMSVIP work area X'OO' A*18 VSAM information flag A (0) in VSAMFLG1 --X'80'---X'40' X'20' X'10' X'08' X'04' X'02' 3X A (0) A (0) V ($$BEOJ4) A (0) A (0) 3F OD VSAM system loaded VSAM job catalog active DMSVIP has teen initialized CMSAMS system loaded (AMSEBV running) OS interface SVC 2 call as TCLOSE call as AMSERV running Reserved for IBM use Address of VSAM saved system Address of CMSAMS saved system DMSVSR entry point from VSAM $$EACLOS Address of rMSVSR work area ACE list built ty OPEN/CLOSE Reserved for IBM use IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic OPSECT OPSECT describes the fields used by several programs as parameter lists for reading and writing on disks and other devices. The OPSECT CSECT is pointed to by the AOPSECT field in NUCON. o CMSOP 8 FILENAME 10 FILETYPE 18 FILE MODE FILEITEM FILEBUFF 20 FILEBYTE 28 FILEREAD SAVER14 30 SAVER15 SAVERO 38 SAVER1 CMSNAME 40 CMSNAME (cant.) 48 CONREAD (cant.) 50 CONRDCNT A*1 FILEFORM CONREAD CONRDBUF 1////////////1////////////// 58 WAITLIST 60 CONWRITE CONWRBUF 68 70 I A*2 CONWRCNT WAITLST 78 WAITDEV REALLST 80 READLST (cant.) 88 90 FILECOUT RDCCW RDCOUNT PUNCHLST (cant.) 98' AO PUNCOUNT RtBUFF PUNCHLST PUNEUFF PRINTLS'I A8 PRINTLST (cant.) BO PRCNT TAPELIS'I B8 TAPE LIST (cant.) TAPEOPER CO TAPEOPEB (cant.) TAPEDEV C8 A*3 TAPEBUFF PRBOF TAPE SIZE Section 2. CMS Lata Areas and central Blocks 219 OPSECT I DO I TAPECOUT CLOSIO 1--------·-------------------------------------------CLOSIO (cont.) CLOSIODV 1---------------------------------------------------EO I CLOSIODV (cont.) D81 I I E81////////////////////////////I/////////////////////////// • • ////////////////////////////1/////////////////////////// • • ////////////////////////////1/////////////////////////// • • ////////////////////////////1/////////////////////////1/. I I 118 I EXLEVEL IXF 1 I I 1 120 I EXNUM !XArD I I I 1281////////////////////////////1///////////////////////////1 I ' 130 I FCBIO A*4 Hexadecimal Displacement Field Nalle Pield Description, Contents, Meaning -----------0 0 8 10 18 1A 1C 20 24 26 28 2C 30 34 38 3C 1ig!.!! UQ PLIST CMSOP FILENAME FILETYPE FILEMODE QE~!~!io!! 1!§! FILEBUFF FILEBYTE PILEPORM FILECOUT PILEREAD DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS POINTERS APST IOAREl IOLENGTH EQU EQU EQU EQU FILEITEM OD CL8 CL8 CL8 Cl2 P I/O operation command word Filename Piletype Filemode Itea identification number Input/output buffer Data count File format: fixed/variatle records Records per block Read data count FIlEITEM PILEBUFF FIlEBUPF FIlEBYTE Euffer area location Euffer length H F F Cl2 H !~~ed!~!~ ~~g!§te! ~~!~ !!~g SAVER14 SAVER15 SAVERO SAVER1 DC DC DC DC P'O' p'O'· P'O' P'O' Temporary Temporary Temporary Temporary CMSNAME DC CL8'PILE' Default filename R14 save R15 save RO save R1 save ~~.!!sol~ f~!g!~!~! 1!§!§ 44 DS ~~gg ~21!§Ql~ 44 4C 50 51 52 54 58 58 220 CON READ DC CONRDBUF DC CONRDCOD DC DC CONRDCNT DC DC ~21!sOl~ !~!! WAITLIST DS DC OF Cl8'WAITRD' V (CMNDLINE) C'U' A*1 X'O' AL2 (0) P'O' Terminal read Address of input buffer Translate code Data byte count Reserved for IBM use List --OF Cl8'CONWAIT' IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic OPSECT Hexadecimal Displacement 60 60 6S 6C 6D 6E 70 70 7S 7C SO S4 S4 SC 90 92 94 94 9C AO A4 A4 AC ",n DV B4 B4 BC ..CS.. ", \". C9 CC DO D4 D4 DC E4 E8 118 11C 120 124 12S 130 134 Field Nalle Field Description, Contents, j!ite £~1l§£!~ CONiRITE DS DC CONiRBUF DC CONiRCOD DC DC CONiRCNT DC C'B' X'OO' AL2 (0) jail fg!g!~!~! i1ITLST DS DC i1ITDEV DC DC DC List OF-CLS'WAIT' CL4'CON1' F'O' F'O' OF CLS'TYPLIN' A (0) A*2 Location of message text Color code Length of message text Address of IMSCiT Symbolic address of console Parameter List --i)s----OF---RE1DLST DC CLS'CARDRD' RDBUFF DC 1 (0) RDCCi DC H'O' RDCOUNT DC H'O' Euffer address CCi tyte count Eytes actually read Card Punch Parameter Li§! PUNCHLSi-i)s----oP--DC CLS'CARDPH' PUIBUPF DC 1(0) PUNCOUNT DC 1 (0) Punch buffer address Punch CCW count Printer Parameter List PRINTLST=nS----oP ---DC CLa'PRINTR' PRBUF DC A (0) In, DC PRCNT l \ VJ Printer buffer address Prillter data count %s.E~ fg!g!~!~! TAPELIST DS DC TAPEOPER DC TAPEDEV DC T1PEM1SK DC TAPEBUPP DC TAPESIZE DC T1PECOUT DC List OF-CLS'TAPEIO' CLS' , CL4'TAPP X'OO' 1*3 AL3 (0) F'O' P'O' Tape operation command Tape symbolic device Set mode Euffer location Tape counter Qy! ~~!i£~ ~~.E~nd~!!! 12lls ..§~! on ]ni! !t~.£grd DS OP Operation DC CLS'CLOSIO' CLOSIODV DC CLS" Device type DC 4X 'PF' Reserved for IBM use DC 6D' 0' £!g~ CLOSIO E!gfsg~ EXLEVEL EXFl EXIUM EXADD ..§to!gg~ !2f DC DC DC DC DC !2! FCBIO DC OSIOTYPE DC ~!~£ ~gg!stfg.E Egui.E.!~nt EXEC level Follows EXEC level Number of doublewords of free storage Address of EXECTOR in storage Reserved for IB~ use F'O' P'1' F'O' F'O' 2F'0' Q~ ~eaning Macro Simulation Routines 1(0)- ---------iddress-of last FCB used during I/O X'DD' 1*4 OS access method type Section 2. CMS rata 1reas and Control Blocks 221 OSFST OSFST describes the fields of an OS file status table. When an OS disk is accessed, DMSROS obtains storage from CMS free storage, builds and fills in an CSFST block, which is ccmparable to a CMS FST block. This block is released by DMSALU. o OSFSTFM 1///////////1 S OSFSTLRL 10 OSFSTNXT OSF~~BLK A*1 OSFSTFVF 1///////1 A*2 1 A*3 OSFSTCER 1S OSFSTEND .J 20 OSFSTDSN 4S 50 OSFSTXTN FO FS 100 lOS OSFS~DSK OSFSTNTE OSFSTTYP 1//////////////////// ------------------------------------------------------1 OSFSTTRK 1///////////////////////////1 ------------------------------------------------------1 ///////////////////////////1 OSFST!EM 1 110 OSFSTMEM (cont.) 1///////////////////////////1 I Hexadecimal Displacement o 2 4 6 S C D E Field Name OSFSTFM OSFSTBLK OSFSTFVF OSFSTLRL OSFSTRFM OSFSTFLG Field Description, Contents, Meaning DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS 1H 1H lH 1H 1F lX 1X 1X A*1 A*2 !t!!§ gg!!1!gg in OSFSTFLG OSFSTALT OSFSTDBK OSFSTMVL OSFSTOMV OSFSTRSW F 10 14 222 EQO EQO EQO EQO EQO OSFSTXNO DS OSFSTNXT DS OSFSTCHR DS --X'80'---- Alternate track indicator Elock size not specified in DSCE Multiple volulle data set Onmoveable data set Indicates point+1 just issued X'40' X'OS' X'02' X'01' lX 1F 5X Disk lIode Reserved for IBM use Elock size Fixed/variatle flag Logical record size as record Reserved for IBM use Flag byte A*3 Number of data extents on disk Next OS FST CCHHR of last I/O operation IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic OSFST Hexadeciaal Displacement -----------19 1E 4A Field Name OSFSTEND DS OSFSTDSN DS OSFSTITN DS Field Description, Contents, Meaning -------------------------------------51 44C 1701 Current extent end Data set name Data extents description Bits defined in OSFSTXTN OSFSTEXii-EQU --OSFSTXTN+30 F4 F6 Fa FD 100 104 10C 114 118 Location of fourth extent froll DSCB3 OSFSTDSK DS OSFSTTYP DS OSFSTNTE DS DS OSFSTTRK DS DS OSFSTMEM DS DS DS 1H 1H 51 3X 1F 2F CL8 IF OD tisk address (Ocuu) Disk device type (see OSADT fer type flags) Used to save CCEHR for NeT! macro Reserved for IBM use No. of tracks per cylinder Reserved for IBM use Partitioned data set mellber name Reserved for IBf! OSFSTLTH EQO (*-OSFST) /8 OS FS'! length in doul:lewords (X'35') Section 2. CMS Iata Areas and Centrcl Blocks 223 OVSECT, PCTAB OVSECT is used by Ilodule DMSOVS to provide trace information requested by SVCTRACE. r---------------------------------------------------------, OVSGO AERR I r 0 I I 8 I -----------------------------------------------------1 AWAIT LENOVS I Eexadecillal Displacement Pield Name 0 4 OVSGO AERR AWAIT LENOVS -----------8 C Field Description, Ccntents, Meaning B DC DC DC *-* A(0) A{OJ A(0) Eranch to this point for TRICE lddress of fMSERR lddress of CONWAIT Length of DMSOVS doutlevords PCTAE is used by DOS/VS routines in the event of a progra. check. The address of PCTIE is in bytes X'64' andX'65' of the partition coaaunication region (BGCCI!). o Eexadecimal Displacement ------------ 224 PCROUT Pield Naae PCSIVE Field Description, Contents, Meaning -------------------------------------- PCTIB EQU *-8 Progra. check option table a PCROUT DC P'O' PCROUT 4 PCSIVE DC P'O' PCSAV! IBM VM/370 Data lreas and Control Block Logic = = a when no STIlT .acro vas issued address of user prograa check routine (indicat ing that the STIlT macro vas issued) co.ple.ent of the address of the user progra. check rcutine (indicating that specified routine in the user STIlT aacro vas already in use) a when no S'lilT .acro vas issued address of user save area (indicating that the STIlT macro vas issued) PDSSECT PDSSECT describes the fields of the in-storage directory that is used in CS simulation of BPAM. The in-storage directory is built dynamically ty DMSSVT froll ces free storage. o 8 Eexadeci!!!al Displacelient -----------0 6 8 9 A C E F 10 DIRNAeE DIRPTR I I ---------------------------------------------------1 prSELKSI CORE SIZE A*1 I 1*2 A*3 I111111I Field iialle Field Description, Contents, eeaning DIRNAeE DS DIRPTR DS TEMPBYTE DS 3H 1H 11 NEWBLKS CORESIZE PDSBLKSI CHNGBYTE 11 1H 1H 11 11 OF PDSDIR DS DS DS DS DS DS -------------------------------------A*1 A*2 A*3 IUCLIE identifier Item pointer to start of directory If byte has dollar sign ($) , then prs is in $PDSTEMP file No. of new tlocks added to FDS by STOW Size of dictionary in tytes Elock size of dictionary Indicates updates to dictionary Reserved for IBe use Start of in-storage dictionary Section 2. ces rata Areas and Control Blocks 225 PGMSECT PGMSECT describes the fields used by DMSITP for saving registers, old FSW, and other data for bandling frogram interrupts. The PGMSECT CSECT is pointed to by the APGMSECT field in NUCON. I 0 DEBPSW 8 PICADDR 10 OPSW (cont. ) 1/////1//////1//////////////1 OPSW 18 Registers 28 TEMPOLD 30 TEMPNEW 38 R13AREA PSAVE 40 78 80 SCBWORK SCESAV12 88 SCBSAV13 SCESAV14 90 AUPIE Hexadecimal Displacement o 4 8 8 C 14 28 30 38 3C 7C SCBPTR Field Name Field Description, Contents, Meaning ~!.Q!gg~ f.Q! DC DC PIE DS PICADDR DC DC OPSW DC *EPlE DEBPSW TEMPOLD TEMPNEW R13AREA PSAVE SCBPTR DC DC DC DC DC ~!!§ g§f!ll~g STAEBIT EQU STAIBIT EQU RETRYBIT EQU 80 84 88 8C 90 226 SCBWORK SCBSAV12 SCBSAV13 SCBSAV14 AUPIE DC DC DC DC DS f!.Qg!~~ !B!~!fYE! Routine (tMSITP) F' 0' , V (DMSDBG) 1F OD F'O' 2F' 0' 5F' 0' POint-to aetug 8X'00' 8X'00' F'O' 16F'0' F'O' Work area Work area Saved R13 Registers saved at interrupt time Pointer to first STAE control block Reserved for IBM use Program interrupt element PICA address from recent SFlE Old PSW after program interrupt Registers are: R14, R15, RO, R1, and R2 End program interrupt element in SCBPTR --X'80'-X'40' X'20' A (0) A(0) A (0) A (0) A Address Address Address Address Address IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic of of of of of work ar ea for STAB exit routine R12 save area fer DMSSAB R13 save area for DMSSAB R14 save area fer DMSSAE user's PIE, in SPIE exit PIEAtR PIBADR contains a save area address and interrupt information. PIEADB is invoked by the PIBTAB macro and is often referred to by this macro name. The FIEPT field in the EGCCM tlock points to the PIETAB CSECT. r--------------------------------------------------------~ o I A*1 Hexadecimal Displacement -----------0 1 2 4 8 D E F o 2 4 PIBSAV2 DS X A*1 DS DS DS X X12 X14 A*2 A*4 I A*5 I A*6 Flags Cancel code SYSLOG ID Address of save area g~~!1!gg in PIBSAVE ARFLG EQU --PIBADR+8 PIBSAV2 PIBPUBAS PIBLUBID PIBLUBNO PIBFLG2 DS DS DS DS DS X14 X X C C ORG PIBADR XL2 PIBCOMRA DS SYSLUBX DS XL2 INTINFO DS XL4 Save area address A*3 A*4 A*5 A*6 Address of system save area PUE assign flags LUE number of first problem program LUB Number of LUBs More flags PIE extension DSECT Communications region address System class LUB address Interrupt information g~~!1!gg SVCIC 8 A*3 Field Description, Contents, Meaning PIBFLG PIBCNCL PIBLOGID PIBSAVE J2i!§ C E PIESAVE Field Name J2i!§ C PIBLOGID A*2 I I 8 I PIBECB PIBPIK in INTINFO EQU -INTINFO+3 SVC interruption code DS DS DS ECE address Program interrupt key Reserved for IBM use XL4 XL2 XL2 Section 2. CMS tata Areas and Control Blocks 227 PIE2TAB PIB2TAB describes the entries in the PIE2TAE bleck, which is an extension of the PIETAE tlock. For each PIB table entry, an entry exists in the PIB table extension block (PIB2TAB) • The PIB2PTR field in the BGCOM block points to the PIE2iAB tloek. o 8 Hexadecimal Displacement -----------0 2 4 I PIBCOMR1 SYSLUEX 228 1 ---------------------------------------------------------1 PIBECB PIEPIK 1//////////////1 Field Name Field Description, Contents, Meaning PIBCOMR1 DS SYSLUBX DS INTINFO DS XL2 XL2 XL4 Address of communications region System LUE index Used for interruption code SVCIC in INTINFO EQU --INTINFO+3 SVC interrupt code PIBECB PIBPIK DS DS DS Address of termination ECB, if any program interrupt key Reserved for IBM use ~:!!§ g~!11!~g 8 C E INTINFO XL4 XL2 XL2 IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic PUEltB PUBIDR defines the fields of a physical unit routines. Both DSECTs define the same storage. I • block table as used by CMS and/or DOS For Use by CMS Routines (MIPPUB macro) The simulated PUBADR DSECT has eighteen 8-byte entries, one for each device sUPForted by CMS. The simulated PUBADR DSECT is invoked by the MIPPUB macro. o Hexadecimal Displacement PUBCUU 1//////1 A*1 I A*2 Field Name I • I A*4 I A*5 Field Description, Contents, Meaning -----------DS DS PUBDSKM DS PUBDEVT DS PUBTAPM1 DS PUBTAPM2 DS PUBTAP7 DS 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 I A*3 PUBCUU -------------------------------------- IL2 I I I I I I A*1 A*2 A*3 1*4 1*5 Channel and device number Reserved for IBM use Disk mode if assigned DASD Device type code CMS tape set mode attributes DOS tape set mode attributes 7-track indicator For Use by DOS/VS Routines (PUBTAE macro) The PUBADR DSECT is invoked displacement 1'40' of BGCOM. o PUBCH!NN by the !/!*1//! PUETIE !*2 !*3 macro. !*4 The !*5 address of PUBTIE is at !*6 1*7 Hexadecimal Displacement Field Name Field Description, Contents, Meaning -----------0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PUBCHANN PUBCHQPT PUBERR PUBDEVTY PUBOPTN PUBCSFLG PUBJCFLG NEITPUB DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS I I X PUB WIT PUBPTR EQU EQU *-PUBADR NEXTPUB -------------------------------------- IL2 X X X X A*1 A*2 A*3 A*4 A*5 A*6 A*7 Channel and device number Reserved for IBM use Error retry counter or TEB point Device type code Set lIode command or other options Channel scheduler flags Job control flags First byte of next PUB entry Length of PUB table Pointer to original PUB Section 2. CMS tata Areas and Control Blocks 229 PUBOWNER PUBOWNER contains a 2-byte entry for each entry in the FUB table. For CMS/DOS~ there are eighteen 2-tyte entries. The address of the PUEOWNER table is in the SYSCO~ block in the DOSCON CSECT of NUCON. o PUBOWNER 20 Hexadecimal Displacement o Field Na.e Field Description, Contents, Meaning PUBOWNER DS DC o OH 18X'0001' PUB ownership table PUB owner PUBOWNER entries have the following meanings: Value X'OO' 1 230 1!~g!!!!!g The physical unit is reserved X'40' CMS is vaiting for the volume to be .ounted X' 0 l' . Backgrotind partition owns the physical unit IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic SSAVE SSAVE is used by DMSITS to saye the value of the SVC old PSi, the caller's registers, and other necessary control information required to Frocess the SVC and return to the caller. Since SVC calls can be nested, several of these save areas can exist at one time. The system save area is dynamically allocated in protected free storage. SSAVE is invoked via the CMSIVE macro. 0 A* 1 I 1*2 CODE CALLER 8 CALLEE 10 OLDPSW i8 NRIiRET ERRET 20 EGPRO EGPR1 28 EGPR2 EGPR3 30 EGPR4 EGPR5 38 EGPR6 EGPR7 40 EGPR8 EGPR9 48 EGPR10 EGPR11 50 EGPR12 EGPR13 58 EGPR14 EGPR15 60 EFPRO 68 EFPR2 70 EFPR4 78 EFPR6 80 CHKWRD 1 SSAVENXT 88 SSAVEPRV USAVEPTR 90 OSTEMP 98 KEYS (cant. ) XGPRO 10 XGPR1 XGPR15 A8 XCOUNT CHKiRD2 1*3 I KEYS Section 2. CMS Lata Areas and Contrel Blocks 231 SSAVE Hexadecimal Displacement o Field Name OVIND TYPFLAG Field Description, Contents, DS DS 1!!1~ g~!!n~g TPFERT TPFNS TPFROl TPFUSR TPFACB TPFSV3 TPFSVO EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU 4 8 10 18 1C 20 20 24 28 2C 30 34 38 3C 40 44 48 4C 50 54 58 5C 60 60 68 70 78 80 84 88 8C CODE CALLER CAL LEE OLDPSlf NRftRET ERRET EGPRS EGPRO EGPRl EGPR2 EGPR3 EGPR4 EGPR5 EGPR6 EGPR7 EGPR8 EGPR9 EGPR10 EGPR11 EGPR12 EGPR13 EGPR14 EGPR15 EFPRS EFPRO EFPR2 EFPR4 EFPR6 CHKlfRD1 SSAVENIT SS~ VEPRV USAVEPTR DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DC DS DS DS 90 OSTEftP DS 2 I BLl A*l A*2 ~eaning Override indicator: 0, 1, 2, and 3 SVC-type flag byte in TYPFLAG --1'80'--1'40' 1'20' 1'10' I'OS' 1'02' 1'01' H A D D A A OF F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F OD D D D D C'ABCD' A A A F Error return desired No save area allocated Return callee's RO-R1 to caller User SVC call OS iSAM SVC request SVC 203 OS simulation SiC SVC 203 code value Address of SVC caller Name of routine being called SVC old PSlf of caller Address for normal return Address for error return General-purpose registers at entry to SVC RO R1 R2 R3 R4 RS R6 R7 RS R9 R10 R11 R12 R13 R14 R1S Floating-point registers at entry FPRO FPR2 FPR4 FPR6 Check word one Address of next SSAVE area Address of previous SSAVE area Address of corresponding user save area - see USAVE DSECT Temporary work area fer OS simulation routines Maximu. numter of keys in stack 94 95 KEYP KEYS 1'00' A*3 (KEYMAI) I Number of keys in stack Key stack Subroutine XGPRO----ns IGPR1 DS IGPR15 DS ICOUNT DS CHKlfRD2 DC F F F F C'EFGH' Extra Extra Extra Extra Check SSAVESZ (*-SSAVE+7)/8 Size of syste. save area in deublewords (1'1S') 11!~ 9C AO A4 A8 AC 232 DC DS 1.211.2!!ng EQU IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Elock Logic copy copy copy copy word of EGPRO of EGPR1 of EGPR1S of SVCOUNT two SUESECT SUBSECT defines the fields in the SUBSET work processing and abend recovery. area which is used by C~S SUBSET cemmand The SUBSECT block is pointed to by the ASUESECT field in NUCCN. o , RftSGBUF 28 C!!STIft 40 STARS ASUBRET 50 58 STAESAV SPIESAV 60 SWTCHSAV ASUBFST 68 ASUBSTAT 70 ERRNU~ 78 TIftBUF 90 Hexadecimal Displacement o 28 28 Field Name R~SGBUF CMSTIM 30 34 38 3C 40 40 48 50 54 54 58 5C 60 64 68 70 78 STARS ASUBRET STAESAV SPIESAV SiTCHSAV ASUBFST ASUBSTAT ERRNUM TIMBUF Field Description, Contents, DS DS DC DS DS DS DS DS DC DC DC DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS ~eaning Buffer area for formatting time message PLIS7 to obtain time fro. D~SIN~ 10F OF CL8'C~STIME' F F A F OF CL8'*' CL8'*' CL2'*' OF F F F F F F D 4D Virtual machine time used Total processor time used (CF+C~S) Address of time buffer ~essage length (filled in by C~STI~E) PLISi for ACTLKP (used by SUESET) Subset address for storage areas Return address to caller STAE save area SPIE save area Work area fer error return code Work area for D~SINH to stcre date and time Section 2. CMS rata Areas and Contrcl Blecks 233 SVCSECT SVCSECT describes the fields used by DMSITS in handling SVC interrupts. An SVCSECT block is built dynamically when an SVC is issued. 1he first SVCSECT is pointed to by the ASVCSECT field in NUCON; if SVCs are nested, the chain of SVCSECT blocks is processed using the CURRALOC and LASTALOC fields. o JNUMB JFIRST 8 JF4 JLAST 10 A*1 1//////1 18 LASTALOC 20 ADMSOVS 28 OVAPF CURRALOC DEPTH OVEPF OVATF A*2 30 SVCSAVE 18 NRftSAV OVBTF 1//////////////////// SVCOUNT 158 ///////////////////////////1 160 SVCSTOP SVLAD 168 SVLADW SVLFS 110 LOADLIST 118 LOADNAftE 180 (Literals are loaded into this area) 188 (The literals here are from the origin) 190 LOADSTRT 198 (Hexadecimals are entered in this area) 1AO ///////////////////////////1/////1///11//////////////// 1A8 ftODLIST 1 BO DUftCOft 1B8 A*3 1CO ZER03 TRANSRT (cont.) 1C8 1DO 1D8 TRANSRT A*4 AtTRINS TEftP02 /////////////////1/////////1//1//////////1///////////// 1----------------------------------------------------1///////////////////////////1//1///1///1/1///1//1/////// I 1 EO I 234 SVCAB I RGPRO IBM VM/310 Data Areas and Control Block Logic RGPR 1 ,I SVCSECT 1E8 RGPR2 RGPR3 1FO RGPR4 RGPR5 1F8 RGPR6 RGPR7 200 RGPR8 RGPR9 208 RGPR10 RGPR11 210 RGPR12 RGPR13 218 RGPR14 RGPR15 220 RFPRO 228 RFPR2 230 RFPR4 238 RFPR6 240 NR!!USAV Hexadecimal Displacement o o 4 8 C Field Name Field Description# Contents, !eaninq USVCTBL DS OF User SVC tatle JFIRST JF4 JLAST DC DC DC ! (*-*) No. of douhlewords 1D SVC number table Address of first item (if any] in table Loop increment for BXLE Address of last item in table F'4' A (*-*) Bit§ g~f!!!~g in SFLAG SFSYS EQU --X'80'SFTRN EQU X'40' SFNue EQU X'20' SFREN EQU X'01' 11 12 14 18 1C 20 24 26 28 2A SVCAB CURRALOC LASTALOC DEPTH DC DC DC DC DC for SVCTRACE DC --A(O)"----BL2 n on DC BL2"on DC BL2"on DC DC BL2 n O" !nf.Qil§!!~.n ID!!SOVS OVBPP OVBTP OVAPP OVATP X'OO' H'O' A(0) A(0) P'O' Systell flag -- SVC protect key is zero Transient area routine -- system mask is off Nucleus routine -- system .ask is off Invalid reentry flag Reserved for IBft use SVC abend code if any Current allocated save area Last allocated save area Nested SVC depth Address of I!!SOVS nBefore print" flags nBefore type" flags nAfter print" flags nAfter type n flags Section 2. CftS Iata Areas and Control Blocks 235 SVCSECT Displacement 2C Field Na.e Field Description, Contents, Meaning OVF 10R OVF1GB OVF1GA OVF1GS OVF1PA OVF1F OVF1FS EQU EQU EOU EOU EOU EOU EOU X'SO' X'40' X'20' X'10' X'OS' XI 04' 1'01' Current option is set on GPRs before call wanted GPRs after call wanted GPRs returned fro. SVC callee PLIS'I wanted Floating-point registers wanted Floating-point registers returned callee OVF2ST OVF2CM OVF2NR OVF20S OVF2WA EOU EOU EOU EOU EOU I'SO' X'40' 1'20' X'10' X'OS' STOP wanted CftS SVC TRACE wanted return CMS SVCs wanted OS SiCs wanted WAIT CftS SiCs wanted OVSTAT DC B'O' A*2 !!i!§ g~!i.!!~g in OVSTAT OVSOR EOU --X'80'-OVSPREV EOU X'40' OVSAFT EOU X'20' OVSBO X'10' EOU OVSSO X'OS' EOU 2D 30 7S 236 SVCSAVE NRMSAV DC DC DC fro. Current status of SVCTRACE Override options are On SVCTRACE SAME is valid After bit; set ty DftSITS BALT override flag SUSPEND override flag XL3'0' 1SF'0' 2SD'0' Reserved for IBM use INTSVC work area standard information F'O' F'O' F'O' F F F CLS'LOAD' CLS' CLS ') , CLS'ORIGIN' CLS'O' SX'FF' 2F'0' Reserved for IBM use Current SVC count For tftSITS debugging Save R14 for DftSLAD Save R14 for DftSLADW Save R14 for DftSLFS 15S 15C 160 164 16S 16C 170 17S 1S0 18S 190 19S 1AO DC DC DC DS DS DS DC DC DC DC L01DSTRT DC DC DC 1AS 1AS 1BO lBS 1B9 1BC fLIST !2I ~~lling ~~~1~! (K~~E n~l! !i~ in §!~ict §§gy§~£§) DS OF ftODLIST DC CL8'LOADftOD' Routine name DUMCOM DC CLS' Module filename filled in here SSMOR DC X'FF' A*3 Fence; allows all interrupts ZER03 DC AL3(0) Address is 3-bytes long and set to zeros TRABSRT DC CL8' Bolds filenaae of transient routine SVCOURT SVCSTOP SVLAD SVLADW SVLFS L01DLIST LOADNAME Reserved for IBft use IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic SVC SVCSECT Hexadecimal Displacement ----------1C4 1C5 1C8 1DO lEO 1EO lEO 1E4 1E8 1EC 1FO 1F4 1F8 1FC 200 204 208 20C 210 214 218 21C 220 220 228 230 238 240 Field Naae TRANftSK ADTR1NS TEftP02 RGPRS RGPRO RGPR1 RGPR2 RGPR3 RGPR4 RGPF5 RGPR6 RGPR7 RGPR8 RGPR9 RGPR10 RGPR11 RGPR12 RGPR13 RGPR14 RGPR15 RFPRS RFPRO RFPR2 RFPR4 RFPR6 NRftUSA' Field Description, Contents, eeaning DC DC DC DC DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS AL1 (X'FF') 1*4 VL3 (TRANSAR) D'O' 4F'Oi OD OF F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F OD D D D D 12D -------------------------------------For CVD and other scratch use Reserved for IBe use Beturned general-purpose registers BO B1 B2 B3 B4 R5 B6 R7 BS B9 R10 B11 B12 B13 B14 B15 Returned floating-point registers FPRO FPR2 FPR4 FPR6 NBftSAV user save area Section 2. CftS rata Areas and Contrcl Blocks 237 SVEARA SVEARA describes the fields in a DOS/VS Logical Transient Area (LTA) and problem Program (PP) save area. SVEARA is invoked via the nOSAVE macro. these areas are used by DOS/VS routines to save the value of the PSi and registers for purposes such as linkage to and from transient routines. , I 0 1///////////////////////////1///////////////////////////1 8 SVEPSi SV!PSi2 10 SVER09 SV!ROA 18 SVEROB SV!ROC 20 SVEROD SV!ROE 28 SVEROF SV!ROO 30 SVER01 SV!R02 38 SVER03 SV!R04 40 SVER05 SV!R06 48 SVER07 SV!R08 Hexadecimal ni"splacement -----------0 8 C 10 14 18 1C 20 24 28 2C 30 34 38 3C 40 44 48 4C 238 Field Nalle SVEPSi SVEPSi2 SVER09 SVEROA SVEROB SVEROC SVEROD SVEBOE SVEROF SVRROO SVER01 SVER02 SVER03 SVER04 SVER05 SVER06 SVER07 SVER08 Field Description, Contents, t!eaning DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS 2F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F -------------------------------------- Reserved for IBM use First half PSi Second half PSi Save area for register Save area for register Save area for register Save area for register Save area for register Save area for register Save area for register Save area for register Save area for register Save area for register Save area for register Save area for register Save area fer register Save area for register Save area for register Save area for register IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SYSCOM SYSCOM describes the fields in the SYSCOM block which is the CMS/DOS equivalent ef the DOS/VS System Communication Region (SYSCOM). The ASYSCOM field in NUCCN Feints to the SYSCOM block in DMSNUC. I 0 IJBERBLC 8 IJBERR19 IJEAREX IJBERR24 IJBFETCH IJEINTRT 18 IJBEXTRT IJELTA 20 IJBPPBEG IJECEINQ IJBQSIZE IJBQLNG IJENPART IJBRSAVE IJECCNSP 38 IJBSAB IJECENTB 1* 1 1*2 A*3 A*4 IJESTID 48 IJBPDADR IJETKHLD 50 IJBTIMER IJEAETAB 58 IJBLIK IJBTIK IJBTCAVT IJERFTAB 68 IJBEUECB IJEOLTEP 70 IJBRASLN IJETRTAB 78 IJBPBOWN IJEJATIB 80 IJBPMGR IJECCWT 88 IJBSAVSD IJELNSTB 90 IJBAMCOM IJEAPTA 98 IJBSBLKO IJESBLKX 1*5 1*6 I 1*7 , I I I ! IJBEXIT IJEPWR 60 AO I 1 1 1/////////////1 30 40 1 IJEPUBRS 10 28 I I 1*8 A*9 A*10 1///////////// ----------------------------------------------------1 18 ////////////////////////////1///////////////////////////1 -----------------------------------------------------1 BO ////////////////////////////1 IJEMVCAD I -----------------------------------------------------1 B8 ////////////////////////////1/////////////1/////////////1 I COl I C81 IJBMFCER A*11 I IJEPUBLN IJBAPNO I I I I Section 2. CMS Iata Areas and Control Blocks 239 SYSCO!! DO IJBSEGT IJBPFT D8 IJBPFTX IJBBOX EO IJBDPDTB 111111I111111I11111111111111 E8 IJBVIRAD IJBEOR FO IJBFTTAB IJBSVA F8 IJBSVIS IIIIIIIIIIIARPSLIIIIII/IIIII 100 -------------------------------------------------------1 1111////IARPSRIIIIIII///IIIII IJEDLAB I 1----------------------------------------------------1 1081 SYS$CODE I I 1101 Hexadecimal Displacement a 4 8 A C 10 14 18 1C 20 24 28 2A 2C 2E 30 34 38 3C 40 41 42 43 44 46 48 4C 240 Field Name IJBERBLC IJBAREX IJBERR19 IJBERR24 IJBPOBRS IJBFETCH IJBINTRT IJ13 E_XTRT IJBLTA IJBPPBEG Field Description, Contents, Meaning DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC Address of error block Exit address for attention Cancel exit for attention Cancel exit for attention SYSRES POE address Address of fetch routine Address of 1/0 interrupt routine Address of external interrupt rcutine P()inter to logical ttansientarea Pointer to problem program area A (0) A (0) H'O' H'O' F'O' A (0) A (0) A(O) i(O) A (0) IJBFLPTR EQU * Free list pointer IJBCH.1NQ IJBQSIZE IJBQLNG IJBNP.1RT F'O' H'O' H'O' H'1' B'O' Pointer to channel queue Number of channel queue entries Length of one error queue entry Number of partitions Reserved for IBM use Pointer to channel buckets Address of CRT table Address of SAB table Address of channel control table Flags and switches Switch byte Flags and switches Flags and switches System task selection control field IJBRS.1VE IJBCONSP IJBS.1B IJBCHNTB IJBFLG01 IJBFLG02 IJBFLG03 IJBFLG04 IJBSTID DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC A (0) A (0) A (0) A (0) X'OO' X'OO' X'OO' X'OO' B'O' A*1 A*2 .1*3 A*4 IJBSELCT EQU *-1 System task selection byte IJBEXIT DC IJBPDADR DC B'O' A (0) Pointer to task selection Pointer to PDAREA IJBTHPTR EQU *-1 Track hold ELPTR IJBTKHLD DC Address of track hold tatle IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Elock Logic SYSCOM Hexadecimal Displacement 50 54 58 SA 5C 60 64 68 6C 70 74 78 7C 80 84 88 8C 90 94 98 9C AO A1 A2 A3 A4 AS A6 BO B4 B8 BC BE CO CB CC CE DO D4 DS DC EO E4 E8 EC PO P4 F8 PC 100 104 108 Field Name IJBTIl!ER IJBABTAB IJBLIK IJBTIK IJBPlfR IJBTCAVT IJBRPTAB IJBEUECB IJBOLTEP IJBRASLN IJBTRTAB IJBPBOlfN IJBJATAB IJBPl!GR IJBCClfT IJBSAVSD IJBLNSTB IJBAl!COM IJBAPTA IJBSBLKO IJBSBLKX IJBSYSPT IJBRASPT IJBPl!RPT IJBSUPPT IJBCRTPT IJBERPPT DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC IJBMVCAD DC DC DC DC IJBMFCER DS IJBNERQ DC IJBPUBLN DC IJBAPNO DC IJBSEGT DC IJBPFT DC IJBPFTX IJBBOX DC IJBDPDTB DC DC IJBVIRAD DC IJBEOR DC IJBPTTAB DC IJBSVA DC IJBSVIS DC ARPSL DC ARPSR DC IJBDLAB DC SYS$CODE DC Pield Description, Contents, Meaning Address of timer request table Address of AB option table Key of task owning the LTA H'O' Task interrupt key X'0010' Pointer to Fower table A (0) Space for VTAl! address A (0) Pointer to RF table A (0) Pointer to EU and ECB table A (0) Address of OLTEP bucket A (0) Pointer to BAS linkage area A (0) Address of ASCII table A (0) Address of PUB ownership table A (0) Address of job accounting commen area A (0) Base address of programmer routines A (0) Address of celf transient werk area A CO) Pointer to SDAID common area A (0) Address of line mode table A (0) Address of VSAM common register A (0) Address of PTA A (0) Pointer to first system task block A (0) Pointer to current system task P'O' X'OO' A*5 For alignment AL 1 (0) A*6 Pointer to BAS task block AL 1 (0) A*7 Pointer for PMGR task block A11 (0) A*8 Pointer to SPVR task block AL 1 (0) A*9 Pointer to CRT task block AL 1 (0) A*10 Pointer to ERP task block Reserved for IBl! use 10X'00' Reserved for IBM use P'O' Pointer to MVCFLD A (0) Reserved for IBM use P'O' Beserved for IBM use H'O' Reserved for IBM use H'O' Information on !FC! and !FCU ERP 11X'00' AL 1 (0) A*11 Number of error queue entries Length of PUB table S (0) Number of active partitions H'1' Address of segment table A (0) Address of page frame table A (0) .. In, Pointer to page fra:e table extension A \ VI Pointer to boundary box A (0) Pointer to rPD table A (0) Reserved for IBM use P'O' Address of VIRTAD routine A (0) End of real storage P'O' Address of the fetch table A (0) Address of the SVA start A (0) Address of SVA GETVIS area A (0) Reserved for IBM use A (0) Reserved for IBl! use A (0) Pointer to system code name A(SYS$CODE) CL13'CMS/VSAM' System code name A (0) A CO) Section 2. CMS rata Areas and Control Blocks 241 SYSNAMES SYSNAMES defines the names of any saved systems which may te loaded by CMS routines. SYSNAMES describes the entries in the SYSNAftES table which is pointed to by the ASYSNAMES field in NUCON. 242 S CftSVSAM CMSAftS 1S CliSDOS -----------0 CMSSEG 10 Hexadecimal Displacement S 10 1S 20 o Field Name Field Description, Contents, Meaning CMSSEG CMSVSAM CMSAMS CMSDOS SYSNEND DC DC DC DC DS CLS'CMSSEG' CLS'CMSVSAM' CL8'CMSAMS' CLS'CMSDOS' OD CftS shared system name VSAM shared system name Access Method Services shared system name tos shared system name SYSNCNT EQU (SYSNEND-SYSNAMES)/€ Size in doublewords (X'04') IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic TSOBLKS TSOBLKS DSECi describes the entries in the T~OBLKS block which centains OS centrel information used by CMS, that is, the co.mand program parameters list (CPPL), user profile table (UPT), protected step control block (PSCB), and the environment centrel table (ECT). The ITSOCPPL field in NUCON points to TSOELKS block. I I 0 I CPPLOBUF I 8 I CPPLPSCB I 10 I11111111111111 I 18 I UPTUSER (cont.) I 20 I I 28 I I 30 I1111 1*5 11111 A*6 CPPLUPT CPPLECT UPTUSEB I 1*1 I 1*3 1//11111 I A*4 PSCBGPNM PSCBTCOL 50 PSCBBLGB 58 PSCBUPTL PSCBUPT PSCBRSZ 11/1111111111 60 PSCBU ECTBTCD A*7 "7In IV ECTIOWA ECTSMSG EC'IPC!!D 78 ECTPCMD (cont.) 80 ECTSCMD (cont.) ECTSCMD A*9 ECTDDNUM ECTUSER 88 Hexadecimal Displacement 1*2 PSCEUSEB 48 68 I I I I I I Field Name Field Description, Contents, Meaning -----------0 0 4 8 C 10 10 12 1C CPPL CPPLOBUF CPPLUPT CPPLPSCB CPPLECT DS DC DC DC DC OF lL4 (0) lL4 (UPT) AL4 (PSCB) AL4 (ECT) Q§g ~!2!!1~ Table UPT UPTUSEB UPTSWS !!!!§ (Qg~) DS ---OF DS CL2 DS CL10 DC X'OO' I!~!!!!~g in UPTSWS UPTNPRM UPTMID UPTNCOM Temporary PLIST to CP programs Address of command line Address of dummy UPT Address of dummy PSCB Address of dummy ECT EQU --X'80'-EQU X'40' EQU X'20' EQU 1'10' 1*1 Reserved for IBM use Reserved for installation use User's environment switch Beserved for IBM use No prompting is to be done Print message identifiers No user communication allowed via SEND Section 2. CMS tata Areas and Contrel Blocks 243 TSOBLKS Hexadecimal Displacement Field Name Field Description, Contents, !eaning ~~!§ ~§!!~§g lD lE IF 20 20 27 28 30 32 33 34 4C 50 54 58 SA 5C 60 68 68 69 6C 70 71 74 7C 84 UPTPAUS UPTALD EOU EOU UPTCDEL UPTDEL DC DC DS ~!,gte£!§g PSCB PSCBUSER PSCBUSRL PSCBGPN! PSCBATR1 !! Y~12!2(cont.) X'08' Pause for "1" when in noninterface mode X'04' ATTN has ~een specified as line delete X'OO' X'OO' CLl A*2 A*3 2!§R Control OF----- DS DC DC DS DS CL7' , X'OO' CL8 X ORG PSCBCTRL EOU PSCBACCT EOU PSCBJCL EOU PSCBATR1 X'80' X'40' X'20' DS PSCBATR2 DS DS DC X X X 6F'0' PSCBTCOL PSCBRLGB PSCBUPT PSCBUPTL 1F lL4 (0) lL4 (UPT) AL~ (16) BL.16 A CL8 PSCBRSZ PSCBU DS DS DC DC DS DS DS ~llir~.D!~.n! ECT ECTRCDF ECTRTCD ECTIOWA ECT!SGF DS DC DC DC DC ECTS!SG ECTPCftD ECTSCftD ECTSWS DS DC DS DC Control ---OP-- !,gtel 244 A*5 (~SC]) User ID padded Length of user Esoteric group 16-bit string reserved for with ~lanks ID name initialized by legon of user attributes; bits 3-15 IB! use Operator command user Account command user Submit co.mand user Reserved for IB! use 16-bit string reserved for installation use Six fullwords used initialized to 0 for TSC accounting; Pointer to the user profile table Length of the user profile.table Reserved for IB! use Region size requested in 2K units Reserved for installation use I§R!~ AL 1 (0) AL3 (0) AL4 (0) X'OO' AL3 CL8' , CL8 X'OO' ECTNOPD in ECTSWS EOU --X'80'-- ECTATRft * ECTLOGF ECTNMAL ECTNNOT EOU EOU EOU EOU EOU ECTDDNUft DC ECTUSER DS DS A*4 A*6 ~i!§ g§!!~~g 85 88 8C ~!~! Character delete character Line delete character Reserved for IB! use A*1 A*8 A*9 High-order tit indicates CF abended Return code from last control routine Address of I/O service routine werk area High-order tit means delete secend level messages (!ust be initialized by user at start of user's program) Address of second level message chain primary command name Subcommand name lCT switch X'20' X'40' X'10' X'08' X'04' If 0 bit is on, no operands exist in command buffer CP terminated by T!P DETACH with STAE Reserved for IB! use Logon/off requested T!P to log eff No user messages received at logon No broadcast notices to ~e received AL3 (0) A A Counter for generated temperary DDIA!S Reserved for installation use Reserved for IB! use For terminal attention exit element (TAXE), see the CftSTAXE DSECT. IBM VM/310 Data Areas and Control Block Logic USAVE/, USERSECT USAiE is used by DKSITS to allocate and free save areas for other routines during SVC processing; it is pointed to by the USAVEPTR field in SSAiE. USAVE is invoked via the SiCSAiE macro. I 01 581 Hexadecimal Displacement Field Naae o Field Description, Contents, Beaning DS 12D Scratch area passed to user via a pcinter in R13 USAVESZ EQU (*-USAiE) /8 Size cf user save area in dcublewords (X'OC') USERSECT describes the USER SECT block which is a general scratch storage for user-defined purposes .., It may be redefined to suit installation USERSECT is pcinted to by the AUSER field in NUCON. o area provided requirements. r I USCRTCH 40 Hexadecimal Displacement o Field Naae USCRTCH Field Description, Contents, eeaning DC 18F'0' User scratch area; lIay te redefined per installation requirements Section 2. ces tata Areas and Contrcl Blocks 245 246 IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic Section 3. RSCS Data Areas and Control Blocks Tbis section describes in detail each of the data areas used by RSCS. Unlike the CP and C!S format tlocks in this publication, the RSCS format tlocks are on fullword boundaries. This sectien of the publication contains only other contrel areas used by RSCS. ~SECTs. Appendixes E and C contain Section 3. RSCS tata Areas and Contrel Blocks 247 ASYNE ASYNE defines symbolic addresses for elements on an asynchronous exit queue. An asynchronous exit queue element contains information ty which a task requests that it handle asynchroncus interrupts. IOEXITQ, EXTQ, and ALERTQ in SVECTORS are the heads cf three asynchroncus exit queues. Each of these queues is comprised of supervisor elements defined by the ASYNE DSECT. IOEXITQ points to requests fer I/O exits, EXTC points to requests for external exit requests, and ALERTQ points to requests for ALER7 exits. 0 4 ASYlfTASK 8 ASYNEXIT C Hexadecimal Displacement ------------ 248 ASYlfCODE Field lfa.e 0 ASYlflfEXT DS 1F 4 ASYlfTASK DS 1F 8 ASYNEXIT DS 1F C ASYNCODE DS AL2 E ASYNSPAR DS 1X ASYlfID DS 1X F , ASYNNEXT I//ASYNSPAR///I I I , I , I ASYlfID I Field Description, Contents, I!eaning -------------------------------------Address of the next asynchronous interrupt exit request element Address of task elellent describing the task that requested the asynchron-ous interrupt Address of the requested asynchrcnous exit routine Address of the device for which asynchronous I/O interrupts are requested or interrupt bit code Reserved for IBM use 1-byte identification of the task owning the asynchronous exit routine IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic BUFDSECT BOFDSECT is used to transmit buffer programmable remote stations. control information and tuffer The buffer sent across the TP line starts at EUFSTARTi the first are used by the DMTSML line driver but are not transmitted. data to and frem 7 bytes of BUFDSECT $BUFPOOL in DMTSML points to a queue of available TP buffers; $INBOF in module DMTSML peints to a queue of TP buffers that have been received from a remote station and are waiting to be deblocked. $OUTBUF in DMTSML points to a queue of TP buffers that are ready for transmission to remote stations. o r---------------------------------------------------------, BUFCBAIN BUFCOUNT 4 8 BUFSTAT BUFSTART BUFBCB o o 4 6 Field Name BUFBEGIN BOFCHAIN BUFCOUNT BUFSTAT Field Descriptien, Contents, Meaning DS DC DS DS OF A (0) 1H 1C ~.!!§ g~!.!.n~g in BUFSTAT 7 9 A C EOFFCS BUFDATA C Hexadecimal Displacement BUFSTART Beginning of the buffer Buffer chain field count of bytes to transEit Buffer status byte BUFFAKE BUFRESP BUFNAK BUFTEXT BUFOCHEK EQU EQU EQU BQU EQU i'01'----X'02' X'08' X'10' Dummy buffer indicator Response only in buffer NlK response being sent Buffer contains text information Unit check expected BUFSTART BUFBCB BUFFCS BUFDATA DS DS DS DS CL2 1C CL2 OF Bisynchronous transmission control bytes Block control byte Function control sequence Data portion of TP buffer v,nll' A · V .... Section 3. RSCS tata Areas and Contrel Blocks 249 COMDSECT COMDSECT defines address constants used as pointers to subroutines co.mon to all RSCS modules. These subroutines are contained in module DMTCOM. COMDSECT is Fointed to by TCOM in SVECTORS. , 0 GLINKREQ 4 GPAGEREQ 8 FPAGEREQ C PMSGREQ 10 GMSGREQ 14 GTODEBCD Hexadecimal Displacement o 4 8 C 10 14 250 Field Na.e GLINKREQ GPAGEREQ FPAGEREQ PMSGREQ GMSGREQ GTODEBCD Field Description, Contents, Meaning DS DS DS DS DS DS 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A Get link tatle entry routine Get Fage of main storage Free page of main storage Put .essage element into message stack Re.ove message ele.ent fro. .essage stack convert S/370 TOD to EBCDIC IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic DEVT1ELE DEVT1BLE defines virtual device information for an I/O operation. to the IOTAELE DSECT. o DEVLOCK , DEVSNREQ DEVADDR 4 8 DEVSTART C DEVCSW 14 This DSECT corresponds DEVSENSE DEVTYPE rEVFLAGS DEVNll!E 18 1C Hexadecillial Displacement -----------0 4 6 7 0 v C C 14 15 18 Field Name Field Description, Contents, !!eaning -------------------------------------DEVLOCK DEVADDR DEVSNREQ DEVTYPE DEVSTART DC DC DC DC DC F'O' lL2 (0) AL 1 (0) X'OO' F'O' DEVSIOCC DEVCSW DEVSENSE DEVFLAGS DEVNAME DC DC DC DC DC OX'OO' 2F'0' X'OO' 31'00', CL8' I/O request synch lock CUU address of I/O device Requested sense bytes Vl!/310 device type code Address start channel program for I/O handling Right-justified SIC condition code Ending CSW from last I/O oFeraticn Sense information on unit check Device status flags EEerle device address and name Section 3. RSCS rata Areas and Control Blocks 251 FREEE FREEE defines an element in the chain of elements that comprise the free element queue. FREEQ in SVECTORS the FREEE DSECT. points to the chain of free elements, each of which is defined by , 0 FREENEXT 4 FREESPAR I I I 8 FREEID C , , I I L Hexadecillal Displacement -----------0 "F 252 Field Name Field Description, Contents, eeaning FREENEXT DS 1F FREESPAR DS CL11 FREEID DS 1X Address of next element in free queue Spare field Standard taskid displacement, which is: ID=X'OO'=> free element lBe VM/310 Data Areas and Control Block Logic GIVE/TAKE §lVE ~~2Q~E1 1!~1] The format of a GIVE Request Table is: , I Synch Lock 0 I 4 Task name or A(GIVE Element) 8 A (GIVE Request Buffer) C A (GIVE Response Buffer) I I I I I .J When a task requests the services of another task via a GIVE request, the second field of the table above contains the task name of the task to which the task is to be sent. When DMTGIV builds a GIVE element for the request, it overlays this task name with the address of the GIVE element. The task the requested service builds a table, which corresponds to the GIVE request table. table called the TAKE request GIVEE defines symbolic addresses for items used in processing a GIVE request. GIVEQ in SVECTORS cOiimunicaticns. points to the queue of GIVE elements used in task-to-task The GIVEADDR field of this DSECT is the address of a GIVE request table, which, in turn, contains addresses of buffers for elements describing requests and resFonses to requests. These tables are described below; the elements that fill the buffers are described in "AFpendix C: RSCS Request Elements." , I GIVENEXT 0 I I 4 I I 8 I I GIVEADDR GIVENAME C I/////////GIVESPAR/////////I Hexadecimal Displacellent ------------ Field Name 1F 1F C E GIVENAME DS GIVESPAR DS GIVENID DS CL4 AL2 1X F GIVERID 1X 8 GIVENID GIVERID I I Field Description, Contents, Meaning GIVENEXT DS GIVEADDR DS 0 4 I I I I I DS Address of next GIVE element Address of GIVE request table in sending task's storage Task name of receiving task Reserved for IBM use 1-byte identification of receiving task after the TAKE request has been processed 1-byte identification of sending task Section 3. RSCS rata Areas and Contrcl Blocks 253 IOE IOE defines symbolic addresses operation requested by a task. of elements and other information associated MPIIOQ and SELIOQ in SVECTORS point to queues selector channels, respectively. The IOTABLEA field points to the address of described in this secticn. o lONEIT 4 IOSUBQ lOADDR C Hexadecimal Displacement ------------ an I/O table defined by IeTAELE, which is Field Name IOSECHAN IOID Field Description, Contents, Meaning 4 IONEIT IOSOBQ DS DS 1F 1F Address of next active I/O element Address of first inactive I/e element for a given subchannel 8 IOSTIT EQU * Statu~ ~lags 0 Bits defined in IOSTAT SENSING---EQO-X'80'--CHANDONE EQU X'40' C IOTABLEA IOADDR DS DS 1F AL2 E F IOSBCHAN IOID DS DS 1X 1X 8 254 of I/C elements for the multiplexer and IOTAELEA IOSTAT 8 with an I/O for current IIC operation (first tyte of IOTABLEA) Flag set to 1 while automatic sense is active Flag set to 1 when subchannel terminates Address of I/O request table in task storage Address (cuu) of the device requesting current I/O operation Subchannel address; 1-byte; assigned by MSUP ID of task associated with this I/O cperation is 1-byte and assigned by MSOP IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic ICTAELE IOTABLE defines symbolic addresses for items used in processing an I/C interrupt request. The first five fields are filled in by the task to convey information about the I/O request to the supervisor. The last three fields are filled in ty the supervisor to convey status infor.ation about the I/O operation to the task. o IOSYNCH DEVCUU 4 DEVCODE PROGADDR 8 c SENSREQ SIOCODE 10 ENDSENSE 14 Hexadecimal Displacement ------------ Field Name Field Description, contents, fteaning 0 4 IOSYNCH DEVCUU DS DS 1F AL2 6 7 SENSREQ DEVCODE DS DS AL1 AL1 8 PROGADDR DS 1F Synchronization lock for I/O operation Address (cuu) of device associated with this I/O operation Numter of sense bytes requested on unit check 1-byte Vft/370 device type code (not used by I/O manager) Address of channel program for the l/C operation 1-byte SIO condition code return information c D 14 SIOCODE ENDCSi DS END SENSE DS 2F AL1 SIO condition code Ending CSi with composite status return information Requested return sense informaticn on unit check CSi status ~i!§ g~!iD~g TYPPUN TYPPRT in ENDSENSE EQU 1'80'-----EQU X'40' V~/370 type code for the punch V8/370 type code for the printer Section 3. RSCS Iata Areas and ContrGl Blocks 255 LIRKTABL LINKTABL describes the status of a single link in the RSCS network; collectively, all the links defined for the system are referred to as the link tatle. An a-byte header precedes the first entry in the link table (that is, the first link defined by the LINKTABL DSECT). The TLINKS field in SVECTORS points to this header, which has the following format: o 4 total links 6 current links max ilium links total links is the total number of links defined for an RSCS installation via the GENLINK macro during system generation. (For information cn the GENLINK macro, see the !~LJ1Q ~I2!~! gIQg!g~~!~2 Gu~de.) maximum links is the maximum number of concurrently active links allowable. current links is the number of links active in RSCS at a given time. I o 1 LINKID I 4 1 1-----------------------------------------------------LDEFTNME 1-----------------------------------------------------C 1 8 I tlC~T~ME 10 LDEFDRVR 14 LACTDRVR 18 1C 20 LACTLINE LDEFLINE 24 LDRVRVAR 28 LDEFCLS1 LDEFCLS2 LDEFCLS3 LDEFCLS4 2C LACTCLS1 LACTCLS2 LACTCLS3 LACTCLS4 30 LTIMEZON LFLAG 34 LRESERVD LPENDING LTAKEN 38 LPOINTER 3C LMSGQ 40 LTRNSCNT 44 LTOCNT 48 LERRCNT LSPARE LNKCLOCK 4C 256 IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic LINKTAEL Hexadecimal Displacement o 8 C 10 18 20 22 24 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 Field Name LIN KID LDEFTNME LACTTN!'lE LDEFDRVR LACTDRVR LDEFLINE LACTLINE LDRVRVAR LDEFCLSl LDEFCLS2 LDEFCLS3 LDEFCLS4 LACTCLSl LACTCLS2 Field Description, Contents, DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS CL8 CL4 CL4 CLa CL8 2X 2X 1F CLl CL1 CLl CLl CLl CLl LACTCLS3 DS CL1 LACTCLS4 DS LTIMEZON DS eLi 1X LFLAG 1X DS ~eaning EECtlC link identification Default task name Active task name Default driver identification Active driver identificaticn Default virtual line address Active virtual line address Line driver variable information Default spool file Class 1 Default spool file Class 2 Default spool file Class 3 Default spool file Class 4 Active spool file Class 1 Active spool file Class 2 Active spool file Class 3 Active spool file Class 4 Displacement of two complete time zones from Greenwich Mean Tille Link flag byte 1}it§ g~!.!l!.~g in LFLAG '80'--LACTIVE EQU LALERT EQU X'40' LHOLD EQU X'20' LDRAIN EQU X'10' LTRALL BQU X'08' LTRBRR BQU X'04' LHALT EQU 1'01' Link active AXS ALERT exit set Link hold set Link drain in progress Link transaction tracing (all) Link transaction tracing (error) Link to be forced inactive LINKLEN BQU Length of link table entry 32 34 36 38 LRBSBRVD LPENDING LTAKEN LPOINTER DS DS DS DS 1H 1H 1H 1F 3C LMSGQ LTRNSCNT LERRCNT LTOCNT LSPARE LNKCLOCK DS DS DS DS DS DS 1F 1H 1H 1H 1H 8X -x 40 42 44 46 48 *-LINKTABL Count of tag elements reserved Count of unaccepted tags Count of tag slots in use Address of start of the TAG queue for this RSCS link MSG queue pointer Link transaction count Error count Timeout count Spare half word Clock comparator value for this link Section 3. RSCS tata Areas and Control Blocks 257 REQBLOCK REQBLOCK defines line driver. data and information for a request for file processing by The first four fields of this DSECT form a GIVE request table, "GIVEE: A GIVE Element", in this section. the DMTMFT which is described in The next seven fields of this DSECT for a GIVE request tuffer in the format of a File Request Element, which is described in "Appendix C: RSCS Request Elements." 0 ---------------------------------------------------------, RDEVSYNC 4 RDEVREQN 8 RDEVREQ C RDEVRESP 10 RDEVRLEN RDEVFUN I///RDEVRESV///I 14 RDEVTAG 18 RDEVFIOA 1C 20 RDEVLINK 24 RDEVSOPT RDEVNAME f 28 RDEVSTYL 2C RDEVFLAGS Hexadecimal Displacement o 4 8 C 10 11 12 13 14 18 1C 24 27 2C 258 Field Name Field Description, Contents, Meaning Hexadecimal Locations 0 !hfQygh X ~Q~f!2§ lA~ !~1 GI!~ ~~gy~2! !~~1~ RDEVSYNC--DC--P'O'--- Synchronous lock RDEVREQN DC CL4'AXS' File access task RDEVREQ DC A(O) Request buffer address RDEVRESP DC AL1(0),AL3(0) Response buffer address Hexadecimal Locations 0 !h!QygA j1 ~Q!E!!§~ 1~~ ]~1 §1!~ ]~g~21 ~yff~! in-the-Pormat-of-i-Pile ]~gy~21 !l~ID~nl (~2 2~Q!~ l~ !EE§~~l! ~) RDEVRLEi--DC- 1L1(O,--Request length RDEVFUN DC AL1(0) Request function RDEVRESV DC lL1(0) Reserved for IBM use RDEVSOPT DC lLl(O) Subordinate option byte RDEVTIG DC A(O) Tag address RDEVFIOA DC A(O) File I/O area address RDEVLINK DC CL8' , Link name RDEVNAME DC C' Device name RDEVSTYL DC C' Device style RDEVFLAGS DC lL1(O,O,O,O) Device flags IBM VMj370 Data Areas and Centrol Block Logic ROUTE o ROUTDEST ROUTHEXT 8 ~------------------------------------------------------~ Hexadecimal Displacellent -----------0 a Field Nalle Field Description, Contents, !eaning ROUTDEST ROUTNEXT DS DS CLa CLa ROUTSIZE EQU *-ROUTDEST Final destination ID LINKID for indirect routing Length of a routing tatle entry Section 3. RSCS Iata Areas and Control Blocks 259 SVECTORS SVECTORS defines low storage for the RSCS storage: machine-defined and RSCS-defined. • virtual aachine.. It includes two types of MACHINE-DEFINED LOW STORAGE The SVECTORS aachine-defined low storage defines machine status data program execution and required by System/370 architecture. 0 4 , r IPLPSW I 40 44 CSW 50 TIflJER 1 1 1 48 CIW 1 I I 4C 1////1////////////////////////////////1 8 C IPLCCW 1 10 14 IPLCCW2 18 1C OLDEXT 54 OLDSVC 58 5C BEWEXT 20 24 OLDPROG 6C 6C BEWSVe 28 2C OLDMACH 7C 74 IIIEWflJlCH 30 34 OLDIO 78 7C BEWIO 38 3C Hexadeciaal Displacement -----------0 8 10 18 20 28 30 38 40 48 4C 50 54 58 60 68 70 78 260 referenced during Field Naae IPLPSW IPLCCW1 IPLCCW2 OLD EXT OLDSVC OLDPROG OLDMACH OLDIO CSW CAW DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS TIMER DS NEWEXT DS NEWSVC DS NEWPROG DS NEWMACH DS NEWIO DS 1 ////1//////////////1/////////////////1 Field Description, Contents, flJeaning -------------------------------------- D X'00040000',V(DflJ7INI) D D External interrupt old PSW D Supervisor call old PSi D prograa check old PSW D Machine check old PSW D Input/output old PSW D Channel status word D Channel address word F Reserved for IBM use F TOn clock F 4X' FF' Reserved for IBM use F D X'00040000',V(DM7EXT) D X'OO040000',V(DflJ1SVC) D X'00040000',A(RIXOUCH) D X'00020000',A(OLtfIJACH) D X'OO040000',V(DflJ7IOMIB) IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic , , SVECTOBS • RSCS-DEFIBED LOi STORAGE RSCS-defined low storage begins at hexadecimal .location 200 and is defined specifically for the RSCS virtual aachine. It contains pointers to aodules that comprise the supervisor, supervisor control queues, and queues of requests for supervisor services. 248 DISP1IJCB 24C iAITRIQ 250 POSTREQ ACTIVE 254 IOREQ 214 !UIBMAP 258 TiSKREC 218 !lIBSIZE 2SC M1IBREQ 21C QUEUE 2EO ASYBRE(; 220 QUEUEBD 264 lLERTBEQ 224 FREEQ 268 GIVBRlQ 228 T1SKQ 26C TAKEREC 22C MPXIOQ 270 TVECTCBO 230 SELIOQ 2711 TVECTCB1 234 IOEXITQ 278 TVECTCB2 238 EXTQ 27C TVECTCB3 23C ALERTQ 280 TVECTCB4 2110 GIVEQ 284 TVECTCB5 244 QREQ 288 TVECTCB6 28C TVECTCB7 200 204 BEiPSll 208 20C SSAVE 210 Hexadecimal I:isplacement ------------ Field Bame Field Description, Contents, Meaning IUIBM1P ORG DS DS DS DS DS SVECTORS+X'200' D D'O' 2F 2F'0' X X'OO' AL3 lL3 (0) V (DMTMIPMS) MIIBSIZE DS F 200 208 210 BEiPSi SSlVE lCTIVE 214 218 , F'O' Leave rooa for machine extensions Dispatched PSi for last dispatcher General-purpose low storage save area Identifier of currently active task Address of task element for last dispatchee Address of start of main storage allocation map Total nuater of pages in aain storage Section 3. RSCS rata Areas and Contrel Blocks 261 SVECTORS Eexadecimal tisplacement 262 Field Name Field Description, Contents, ~eaning 21C 220 QUEUE QUEUEND DS DS v (SQUEUE) V (SQUEUEND) 224 228 22C 230 234 FREEQ TASKQ MPXIOQ SELIOQ IOEXITQ DS DS DS DS DS A (0) A (0) A (0) A (0) A (0) 238 EXTQ DS A (0) 23C ALERTQ DS A (0) 240 GIVEQ DS A (0) 244 QREQ DS V (DMTQRQ) 248 24C 250 254 258 25C 260 264 DISPATCH WAITREQ POSTREQ IOREQ TASKREQ MAINREQ SYNREQ ALERTREQ DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS V(DMTDSP) V (DMTWAT) V (DMTPST) V (DMTIOMRQ) V (DMTASK) V (DMTSTO) V (DMTASY) A (DMTSIG) 268 26C GIVEREQ TAKEREQ DS DS V (DMTGIV) V(DMTAKE) Address of start of sUFervisor queue Address of end of last supervisor queue element Address of start of free element queue Address of start of task element queue Address of start of multiplexer I/O queue Address of start of selectcr I/O queue Address of start of asynchronous I/O request element queue Address of start of external request element queue Address of start of task asynchronous request element queue Address of start of GIVE request element queue Supervisor queue allocation request entry address Task dispatcher entry address Wait request entry address Post request entry address I/O request entry address Task management request entry address Main allocation request entry address Asynchronous interrupt request entry address Task asynchronous signal request) A(ALERT) entry address Task request GIVE request entry address Task request TAKE request entry address 270 274 278 27C 280 284 288 28C TVECTORO TVECTORl TVECTOR2 TVECTOR3 TVECTOR4 TVECTOR5 TVECTOR6 TVECTOR7 DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS A (0) A (0) A (0) A (0) A (0) A (0) A (0) A (0) Task Task Task Task Task Task Task Task TLINKS TROUTE TPORTS TTAGQ TCOM EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU TVECTORO TVECTORl TVECTOR2 TVECTOR3 TVECTOR4 Link table address Reserved for IBM use Svitchable port table address Tag slot queue Common routine chain defined defined defined defined defined defined defined defined IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic field field field field field field field field TAG TAG describes a file enqueued fer processing by RSCS. The data in this area is built from the TAG record associated with a file via the CP tag command and from the CP speel file hlock (SFB) that describes the file. o TAG NEXT 4 TAGELOCK 8 TAGINLOC C TAGLINK 10 i4 TAGINTOD 18 1C TAGINVM 20 24 TAGRECNl! 28 2C TAGRECLN 30 TAGID 34 TAGFLAG T1GINI:EV T1GCL1SS TAGCOPY TAGFLAG2 till/IIII/RESERVED//III//ii/// TAG NAME 38 3C 40 TAGTYPE 44 48 4C TAGDIST 50 54 TAGTOLOC 58 5C TAGTOVM 60 64 68 TAG PRIOR TAGDEV Section 3. RSCS Iata Areas and Control Blocks 263 Hexadecimal Displacement o 4 8 10 18 20 28 2C 2E 2F 30 32 34 35 36 38 44 50 58 60 68 6A Field Name TAGNEXT TAG BLOCK TAGINLOC TAG LINK TAGINTOD TAGINVM TAGRECNM TAGRECLN TAGINDEV TAGCLASS TAGID TAGCOPY TAGFLAG TAGFLAG2 DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS TAG NAME DS TAG TYPE DS TAGDIST DS TAGTOLOC DS TAGTOVM DS TAG PRIOR DS TAGDEV DS TAG LEN 264 Field Description, Contents, Meaning 1F 1F CL8 CL8 CL8 CL8 1F 1H 1X CL1 1H 1H 1X 1X 1H CL12 CL12 CL8 CL8 CL8 CL2 2X EQU *-TAGNEXT Address of next active queue entry Address of associated I/O area Originating location Next location for transmission Time of file origin Originating virtual machine Number of records in file Maximum file data record length Device code of originating device File output class File number at origin location Number of copies required VM/370 SFELCK centrol flags (SFBFLAG) VM/370 SFELOK control flags (SFEFLAG) Reserved for IBM use Filename Filetype File distritution code Destination location ID Destination virtual machine ID Transmission priority Active file's virtual device address Length (in tytes) of the file TAG (X'OD') IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic TAGABEA TAGABEA in DMTAXS module contains tag queue pointers and other It is pointed to by TTAGQ in SVECTOBS. o TAGAFBEE 4 TAGACIN TAGACOUT 8 TAGAGOT C Hexadecimal tisplacement 'IAGAHOLI Field Name ------------ Field Description, Contents, Meaning -------------------------------------- 0 TAGAFREE DC A (0) 4 TAGACIN TAGACOUT TAGAGOT TAGAHOLD DC DC DC DC A (0) A (0) H'O' H'O' 8 C E tag ccntrol informaticn. Address of queue of free TAG slots elements) Pointer to queue of active inFut TAGs Pointer to queue of active cutput TAGs Number free slots left Number slots to be held (or The format of a TAKE request table is: n. V Task name of GIVE requestor 4 A(TAKE Request Buffer) 8 A(TAKE Response Buffer) The TAKE request table corresponds to the GIVE request table. It is built performing the requested service (via a GIVE request by another task). by the task Section 3. RSCS Iata Areas and Control Blocks 265 TANKDSEC TANKDSEC is used to reference buffer data and control information ccntained in tanks, which are unit buffers used to deblock the larger TP buffers. (TP buffers are defined by the needs of an individual remote station and their size varies from station to station.) $TANKPOL in mcdule DMTSML points to a queue of available tanks. o 4 8 r TANKCHN 1 1-------------------------------------------------------I TANKRCB I TANKSRCB TANKCNT 1-------------------------------------------------------I TANKDATA DO Hexadecimal Displacement o 4 5 6 8 DO 266 Field Name TANKCHN DC TANKRCB DC TANKSRCB DS TANKCNT DS TANKDATI DS TANKEND ·DS Field Descripticn, Contents, Meaning A (0) 1C 1C 1H CL200 OF Tank chain field Tank record control byte Tank subrecord control byte Count of data bytes in tank Data area in tank Forc~ next to word boundary IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic TAREA TAREA an area associated with each task. This area is used to save the contents of the task's PSi and general registers and to flag whether or not a task has infcrmation ready to pass. TAREA comprises the first 78 bytes of the storage area defined in each task's storage. 0 TPSW 4 8 TGREGO C TGREG1 10 TGREG2 14 TGREG3 18 TGREG4 lC TGREG5 20 TGREG6 24 TGREG7 28 TGREG8 2C TGREG9 30 TGREG10 34 TGREG11 38 TGREF12 3C TGREG13 40 TGREG14 44 TGREG15 48 TREQLOCK Section 3. RSCS Iata Areas and Control Blecks 267 TAREA Hexadeciaal Displacement -----------0 8 C 10 14 18 1C 20 24 28 2C 30 34 38 3C 40 44 48 268 Field Naae Field Description, Contents, !!eaning TPSW DS 1D TGREGO TGREGl TGREG2 TGREG3 TGREG4 TGREG5 TGREG6 TGREG1 TGREG8 TGREG9 TGREG10 TGREG11 TGREG12 TGREG13 TGREG14 TGREG15 TREQLOCK DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS IF 1F 1F 1F 1F 1F IF 1F IF 1F 1F 1F IF IF 1F 1F IF ~------------------------------------- PSI with which a teaporarily interrupted task resuaes execution Save area for general register 0 Save area for general register 1 Save area for general register 2 Save area for general register 3 Save area for general register 4 Save area for general register 5 Save area for general register 6 Save area for general register 1 Save area for general register 8 Save area for general register 9 Save area for general register 10 Save area fer general register 11 Save atea for general register 12 Save area for general register 13 Save area for general register 14 Save area for general register 15 Syncbronization lock used to signal wbether or not a task bas inforaation IBft Vft/310 Data Areas and Control Block Logic TASKE TASKE defines symbolic names of status information pertaining to an active task. The TASKQ field of SYECTORS points to a queue of task elements, each cf which is defined by this DSECT. The queue consists of one task element (~ASKE) for each active task. o TASKNEIT 4 TASKSAYE a TASKNA!!E c Hexadecimal Displacement ------------ 111///////T1SKSPIB/I///////1 Field Name TASKNEIT DS 1F 4 TASKSAYE TASKNA!E TASKSP!R TASKSTAT C E DS DS DS DS 1F CL4 lL2 11 !!.!!§ g§.t!!l§g in TASKSTIT WAITING EQO XtaO'-----LOCKLIST EQO 1'40' F TISKID Field Description, Contents, Beaning 0 a TISKSTIT LII;BO EQO IiOii TASKID DS 11 Address of the next element on the task elellent queue Address of this task's Task Save Area (TAREA) Task name specified ty the task; 4 bytes long Reserved for IBM use Status flags associated with the task Flag set to 1 when task is ncndispatchable Flag set to 1 while task is waiting fer the synchronous lock list Flag set to 1 wben a task is being terminated. Number ID fer the task; 1 byte is assigned by the supervisor when task is made active Section 3. RSCS tata Areas and Contrel Blocks 269 TCTDSECT TCTDSECT defines the format of six tables used by module D8TSML that are at labels $CCOM1, $WCO"1, $PCOM1, $RCOM1, $UCOM1, and $JCOM1. Each table corresponds to a DMTS8L input/output processor and is used by that processor to perform its l/C function. The GIVE request table and the GIVE request buffer used by D!TSML are e.bedded in the task control table at locations X'24' through 1'30' and 1'34' through 1'40', respectively. TCTEBTY TCTSTRT 0 TCTRTD 4 TCTtlTA 8 TCTCCW C TCTFLAG TCTOPCOD TCTCCliCT TCTECB TCTSTAT TCTliFE 10 14 TCTSAV1 18 TCTDEXT 1C TCTRCER I TCTRCET TCTFCS 20 TCTCOM 24 TDEVSYNC 28 TDEVREQN 2C TDEVREQ 30 TDEVRESP 34 TDEVRLEN TDEVFUD I///TDEVRESV//I 38 TDEVTAG 3C TDEVFIOA 40 '1'DEVLIBK TDEVSOPT 44 48 TSW1 4C TSi3 TSW2 TSli4 TCTTOVM 50 54 TCTTANK 58 TCTBUFER 5C 270 TCTTNKLM I TCTTNKCT TCTEUFLM IBM V"/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic TCTBUFCT TCTDSECT Hexadecimal Displacement Field Nalle Field Description, Contents, Meaning -----------0 0 2 4 8 9 C D E 10 TTCT TCTSTRT TCTENTY TCTRTN TCTCCW TCTDATA TCTFLAG TCTOPCOD TCTCCWCT TCTECB DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS OB CL2 CL2 CL4 CL1 AL3 CL1 CL1 AL2 CL1 Branch to proper processor entry Address portion modified by Frocessor Eranch to next Frocessor via commutator CCW for device operation code Address of data transferred Flags on CCli Save area for CCW operation code CCli count of data transferred Event control block ~it§ g~!:!1!~g 11 TCTBUSY in TCTECB EQU i'10'---- Device busy bit TCTSTAT DS Status flags CLl Bits defined in TCTSTAT TCT1052--EQU 1'10'-----TCTREL TCTOPEN TCTACT EQU X'04' EQU X'80' EQU X'40' TCT status flags for 1052 Interlock release request for console TCT open bit Action required on this TCl 12 14 18 1C 1E 1F 20 TCTWFB TCTSAV1 TCTNEXT TCTFCS TCTRCBR TCTRCBT TCTCOM DSAL1 DS 1F DS 1F DS AL2 DS CL1 DS CL1 DS, 1F Waiting for buffers Save area for processor routine Next TCT in chain Function control sequence mask RECV record control tlock Trans record control block Pointer back to commutator 24 28 2C 30 TDEVSYNC TDEVREQN TDEVREQ TDEVRESP DS DS DS DS 1F CL4 1A 1A Synch lock File access name Request buffer address Response tuffer 34 35 36 37 38 3C 40 48 49 4A 4B 4C TDEVRLEN TDEVFUN TDEVRESV TDEVSOPT TDEVTAG TDEVFIOA TDEVLINK TSW1 TSW2 TSW3 TSW4 TCTTOVM DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS AL1 AL1 AL1 AL1 1A 1A CL8 AL1 AL1 AL1 AL1 CL8 Request length Request function Reserved for IBM use Subordinate option byte Tag address File I/O area Link name Device switch 1 Device switch 2 Device switch 3 Device switch 4 Virtual machine output destination 54 58 5C 5D 5E 5F TCTTANK TCTBUFER TCTTNKLM TCTTNKCT TCTBUFLM TCTBUFCT DS DS DS DS DS DS 1F 1F CL1 CL1 CL1 CL1 Next tank to generate output Address of current buffer Maximum numter of tanks assignable Current numter assigned Maximum numler of tuffers assignable Current numler assigned Section 3. RSCS tata Areas and Control Blocks 211 272 IB! V8/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic Appendixes Information in the following appendixes supplements through 3 of this publication: the text in Sections 1 • "AFpendix A. CP and RSCS Equate Sy.1::ols" contains asse.bler symbols used in CP and RSCS to reference data. • "Appendix B. RSCS Control Areas" shows during execution of RSCS tasks. those constants and variables used • "AFpendix C. RSCS Request Elements" contains information on tables used during RSCS task-to-task communication. and formats of • "APFendix D. CMS Equate Symbols" used in CMS to reference data. • "Appendix E. Data Areas and Control Elock References" lists the names of CP, CMS, and RSCS control blocks. This appendix (1) shows module references to data areas and/or control blocks and (2) gives information on how certain data areas or control blocks are created and released. langua~e equate contains Assembler language equate symbols Appendixes 273 274 IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Central Block Logic Appendix A. This Appendix contains and RSCS data for: • • • • • VM/370 YM/370 YM/370 VM/370 VM/370 CP and RSCS Equate Sumbols Assembler language equate symbols used tc reference CF Device Classes, Types, Models, and Features Machine Usage Extended Control Registers CP Usage Registers Appendix A. CP and RSCS Equate sy.bols 275 !~L11~ ~~!!£~ £1!~§~§, Field Name ~X~~§, ~Q~~1§, !!~ !]!TU]!S Field Description, Contents, Meaning CLASTERM EQU X'80' Terminal device class TYP2700 TYP2955 TYPTELE2 TYPTTY TYPIBM1 TYP2741 TYP1050 TYPUNDEF TYPBSC TYP3210 TYP3215 TYP2150 TYP1052 EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU X'40' TYP2700 X'20' X'20' X' 10' X'18' X' 14' X, 1C' x'80' X'OO' TYP3210 TYP3210 TYP3210 2700 bisyncronous line 2955 communications line Telegraph terminal control type II Teletype terminal IBM terminal contrel type I 2741 communications terminal 1050 communications terminal Terminal device tYFe is undefined Bisyncronous line for 3270 remote stations 3210 console 3215 console 2150 console 1052 console FTRDIAL EQU X'01' Dial feature CLASGRAF EQU X'40' Graphics device class TYP2250 TYP2260 TYP2265 TYP3066 TYP1053 TYP3277 TYP3278 TYP3284 TYP3286 TYP3287 TYP3288 TYP3138 TYP3148 TYP3158 X'80' X'40' X'20' X'10' X'08' X'04' X'01' X'02' TYP3284 TYP3284 TYP3284 TYP3277 TYP3271 TYP3277 2250 2260 2265 3066 1053 3271 3278 3284 3286 3287 3288 3138 3148 3158 FTROPRDR EQU CLASURl EQU X'80' X'20' operator identification card reader Unit record input device class TYPRDR TYP2501 TYP2540R TYP3505 TYP1442R TYP2520R TYPTIMER TYPTR TYP2495 TYP2671 TYP1017 EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU X'80' X'81' X'82' X'84' X'88' X'90' X'40' X'20' X'21' X'22' X'24' Card reader device 2501 card reader 2540 card reader 3505 card reader 1442 card reader/punch 2520 card reader/punch Tiller device TaFe reader device 2495 magnetic tape cartridge reader 2671 paper tape reader 1011 paper tape reader CLASURO EQU X'10' Unit record output device class TYPPUN TYP2540P TYP3525 TYP1442P TYP2520P TYPPRT TYP1403 TYP3211 TYP3203 TYP1443 EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU X'80' X'82' X'84' X'88' X'90' X'40' X'41' X'42' X'43' X'44' Card punch device 2540 card punch 3525 card punch 1442 card punch 2520 card punch Printer type device 1403 printer 3211 printer 3203 printer (3211 and 14C3) 1443 printer 276 EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQO EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU display unit display station display statien console printer display statien Model 2A system console printer printer printer printer system console system console system console IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic Field Name TYP3800 TYPTP TYP1018 FTRUCS FTR4WCGM Field Description, Contents, Meaning EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU X'45' X'20' X'24' XW01· X'80' 3800 Printing subsystem Tape punch device 1018 paper tape punch UCS feature 3800 has four WCGM availatle. Note that FTBEXTSB (X'40') is also used for a 3800 printer. CLASTAPE EQU X'08' Magnetic tape device class TYP2401 TYP2415 TYP2420 TYP3420 TYP3410 TYP3411 EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU X'80' X'40' X'20' X' 10' X'08' TYP3410 2401 2415 2420 3420 3410 3411 FTR7TRK FTRDLDNS FTRTRANS FTRDCONV EQU EQU EQU EQU X'80' X'40' X'20' X'10' 7-track feature Dual density feature Translate feature Data conversion feature CLASDASD EQU X'04' Direct access storage device class TYP2311 TYP2314 TYP2319 TYP2321 TYP3330 TYP3333 TYP3350 TYP2301 TYP2303 TYP2305 EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU X'80' X'40' TYP2314 TYP2311 X' 10' TYP3330 X'08' TYP2311 TYP2311 X'02' 2311 2314 2319 2321 3330 3333 3350 2301 2303 2305 TYP3340 EQU X'Ol' 3340 disk storage facility FTRRPS FTREXTSN FTR2311T FTR2311B EQU EQU EQU EQU FTR35MB E"T' \lU FTR70MB FTRRSRL VIRTUAL SYSVIRT FTRVIRT EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU X'80' X'40' X'20' X'10' X'08! X'04' X'02' X'Ol' X'20' X'Ol' CLASSPEC EQU X'02' Special device class TYPCTCA TYP3704 TYP3705 TYP3851 TYPSRF TYPUNSUP EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU X'80' X'40' TYP3704 X'20' X'04' X'Ol' Channel-to-channel adapter 3704 programmable communication control unit 3705 programmable communication control unit 3851 Mass Storage Controller SRF device (#7443) Device not supported by VM/370 FTRTYP1 FTRTYP2 FTRTYP3 FTRTYP4 EQU EQU EQU EQU X'10' X'20' FTRTYP2 FTRTYPl Type 1 channel adapter Type 2 channel adapter Treat as type 2 channel Treat as type 1 channel tape tape tape tape tape tape drive drive drive drive drive drive disk storage drive disk storage facility disk storage facility data cell drive disk storage facility disk storage facility disk storage facility parallel drum serial drum fixed head storage device Rotational positional sensing (RPS) installed (3340) Extended sense bytes (24 tytes) (= VDEV231T) Top half of 2314 used as 2311 (= VDEV231B) Bottom half of 2314 used as 2311 35 multibyte data module mounted (3340; 70 multibyte data module mounted (3340) Reserve/release are valid CCW operation codes Device is a 3330V virtual machine Device is a 3330V system virtual machine 3330 virtual (MSS) volume (370x) (370x) adapter (370x) adapter (370x) Appendix A. CP and BSCS Equate Symbols 277 Field Name Field Description, Contents, Meaning 12its .Q~!i.n~g EXTMODE EQU MCHEK EQU WAIT EQU PROBMODE EQU ~!g.nggfQL~!! PSW Bit 12-- extended lIode Bit 13 - machine check enabled Bit 14 - wait state Bit 15 - problell state X'08' X'04' X'02' X'01' in Extended f2! EQU --X'40'---EQU X'04' EQU X'02' EQU X'01' lU ts .Q~!i.n~g 12its ATTN SM CUE BUSY CE DE UC UE PCI IL PRGC PRTC CDC CCC g~!i.n~g lFCC RQll CEC EQU PERMODE TRANMODE IOMASK EXTMASK i.n EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU in Channel --X'80'--X'40' X'20' X'10' X'08' X'04' X'02' X'01' X'80' X'40' X'20' X' 10' X'08' X'04' X'02' X'01' Bit Bit Bit Bit 01 05 06 07 ~ta!~2 ~g!g Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 - (~~!) 4~ 47 - ]its .Q~!i.n~g in Channel Command Word CD EQU --X'80'--- ------Bit-32 CC Bit 33 EQU X'40' Bit 34 SILl EQU X'20' SKIP Bit 35 EQU X'10' PCIF Bit 36 EQU X'08' IDA Bit 37 EQU X'04' ~its .Q~!i.n~.Q CMDREJ INTREQ EUSOUT EQCEK tATACHK 278 EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU i1! ..§en2~ X'80' X'40' X'20' X'10' X'08' (gg~!g.n Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit 0 1 2 3 4 PER enabled translate mode summary I/O mask summary external mask - attention status modifier control unit end busy channel end device end unit check unit exceFtion program-control interrupt incorrect length program cbeck protection check channel data check channel control check interface control check chaining check (CCW) --chain data - command chain - suppress incorrect length indicator - suppress data transfer - program-control interrupt FETCH - indirect data address !g !g2! g~!if~2) command reject intervention required bus out equipment check data check IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic Field Nalle Field Description, Contents, Meaning ]1ts g~!in~.Q • BYTE 0 BLKMPI EQU SSl!SUPP EQU TODSYNC EQU X'80' X'40' X'20' Bit 00 - enable block aultiplexing Bit 01 - enable SSM suppression TOD synchronous control • BYTE 1 PAGE4K EQU PAGE2K EQU SEG1M EQU X'SO' X'40' X'10' Bit OS - use 4K pages Bit 09 - use 2K pages Bit 11 - use 1M segllents X'SO' X'40' X'10' X'OS' X'04' Bit 16 1"7 , Bit 18 Bit 19 Bit 20 Bit 21 • BYTE 3 INTMASK EQU KEYMASK EQU SIGMASK EQU X'SO' X'40' X'20' Bit 24 - mask on interval timer interrupt Bit 25 - mask on oFerator key interrupt Bit 26 - mask on external signals 2 througb 7 ]1ts g~!11!~.Q • BYTE 3 PERFCL EQU RESPCL EQU SCBEDCL EQU TIMECL EQU USERCL EQU PRIVCL EQU DASDCL EQU SEEKCL EQU X!SO' X'40' X'20' X'10' X'OS' X'04' X'02' X'01' Sample hardware/software utilizations Trace response class Trace scheduler activity class Execution timing class Sample user resource usage class Privileged operands class SallPle DASDs: utilizations class Trace DASD seek activity • BYTE 4 SPROFCL EQU X'SO' Trace system profile class EQU EQU EQU EQU X'SO' X'40' X'20' X'10' Bit Bit Bit Bit 00 01 02 03 - monitor monitor monitor monitor Bits defined ;-BYTE-O--BARDSTOP EQU SYNCLOG EQU IOLOG EQU RECOVRPT EQU CONFGRPT EQU DAMAGRPT EQU WARNGRPT EQU X'SO' X'40' X'20' X'OS' X'04' X'02' X'01' Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit 00 01 02 04 05 06 07 - check stop control synchronous logout control I/O logout control recovery report mask configuration report mask external damage report mask warning condition report mask • BYTE 1 ASYNELOG EQU ASYNFLOG EQU X'SO' X'40' Bit OS - asynchronous extended logout control Bit 09 - asynchronous fixed logout contrcl • BYTE 2 MFAlUSK EMSMASK XC5ASK SYNCMASK CKCMASK CPTMASK EQU EQU EQO EQU EQU EQU X;20; Bit . - malfunction alert Blask emergency signal iii ask - external call mask - TOD synchronous check mask - mask on clock comparator interrupt - mask on processor timer interruFt ~.!ts g~!in~.9 • BYTE 0 PERSUBR PERIFET PERSALT PERGPRS successful branches instruction fetches storage alteration register alteration Appendix A. CP and RSCS Equate Symbols 279 !~LJ1~ ~2Y!1~ ~!~B01§ Field Name Field Description, Contents, fteaning It! ts .Q~!!~.Q for TRANS EQU --X'SO'-ERING EQU X'40' DEFER EQU X'20' LOCK IOERETN EQU X'10' EQU SYSTEft X'08' VFAULT EQU X'04' ]guat~§ DELSEGS DELPAGES VRALOC PAGTONLY NEiPAGES BEiSEGS KEEPSEGS OLDVftSEG fOE ~g~s~et~E EQU X'80' EQU X'40' EQU X'20' EQU X'10' EQU X'08' EQU X'04' EQU X'02' EQU X'Ol' !~£E~ li~lg Bring requested page Defer execution until page in core Lock page for I/O cperaticn Return I/O errors to caller Call to DftKPTRAB for system virtual machine space DftKPTRAN call for virtual page. Caller will not utilize real address for Calls !2 ~lUS!1~~~L~~KE1!~1 --Release the segment tables Release the page/swap tables Attempt allocation of Virtual=Real area Only one page table and return Euild new page/swaF table Euild new segment table Retain information in old segment table yftSEG pOinter in VftELOK valid ].!ts .Q~!ine.2 for Terminal lLQ .Jis ~]KQC] Output - ftessage not a command response NOTRESP EQU --X' 4000'--Output - control program error message EBRftSG EQU X'0800' Output - return immediately after call BORET EQU X'0400' Output - FRET buffer after queueing DIRET EQU X'0200' Output - message for system operator OPERATOR EQU X'0100' Output - logoff and drop line after message LOGDROP EQU X'80' Output logoff and hold line after message LOGHOLD EQU X'40' Output - write this message i •• ediately PRIORITY EQU X'20' I/O reques-t generated 1:1 -virtualllacbin-e VftGENIO EQU X'10' Output - suppress automatic carriage return NOAUTO EQU X'04' ALARft EQU Output - sound the audible alar. X'02' Output - suppress time stamp on message NOTlftE EQU X'Ol' INHIBit EQU Input - prevent display of this data X'08' EDIT EQU Input - edit input data for corrections X'04' UCASE EQU Input - translate data to uppercase X'02' ]gyste§ for ~i221 l!.!~ CBGSHQ EQU X'0200' CBGRDV EQU X'0100' ACTSFB EQU X'80' OPBSFE EQU X'40' DELSFB EQU X'20' CBGSFB EQU X' 10' ADDSFB EQU X'08' PRTCHB EQU X'04' PCHCHN EQU X'02' RDRCHN EQU X' 01' S~£2!~~I ~2ytin~ ~9~~~~~ !~! §~~~ ~~~!~ SyftUBLOK EQU X'04' SyftNOUPD EQU X'02' SVftSTAY EQU X'Ol' 280 - ~ftKCKE Checkpoint a SHQELCK Change attributes cf real device File being printed or punched An open print-punch file Delete SFELOK from checkpoint Change existing SFELOK Add new SFELOK to recovery cylinder SFELOK goes on print chain SFBLOK goes on punch chain SFELOK goes on reader chain Unlock only the current virtual machine Lock virtual machine with NOUPDT option Stack CPEXBLOK for current processor IBft V8/310 Data Areas and Control Block Logic Field Name Field Description, Contents, Meaning ClE§§ and Code !2g!!1!!!!Q1!§ MNCLPERF EQU -X'OQ'-Monitor perform class ~.2ni!.2f EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU X'OOOO' X'0061' X'0062' X'0063' X'01' Perform Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor MNCOBRD EQU MNCOWRIT EQU MNCOERD EQU X'OOOO' X'0001' X'0002' Response class, begin read code Response class, write code Response class, end read code MNCLSCH EQO x'02' Monitor schedule class MNCODQ MNCOAQ MNCOAEL EQU EQU EQU X'0002' X'0003' X'0004' Schedule class, drop queue code Schedule class, add to queue code Schedule class, add to eligible list code MNCLUSER EQU X'04' Monitor user class MNCOUSER EQU X'OOOO' User class, user data MNCLINST EQU X'OS' Monitor instruction simulation class MNCOSIM X'OOOO' Instruction class; instruction simulation cede MNCLDAST EQU X'06' Monitor DASD/tape class MNCODASH EQU MNCODAS EQU X'OOOO' X'0001' DASTAP class, first record DASTAP class, data records MNCLSEEK EQU X'07' Monitor DASD class MNCOCYL EQU X'OOOO' DASD class, seeks code MNCLSYS EQU X'08' Monitor system profile class MNCODA EQU X'0002' SYS class, DAS:C data MNCOSYS MNCOTH MNCOTT MNCOSUS MNCLRESP EQO class, system performance tape header record tape trailer record collection suspension record response class Appendix A. CP and RSCS Equate Symbols 281 Field Nalle Field Description, Contents, Meaning ~3YSte§ !Qf SIGSENSE SIGXC SIGEMS SIGSTART SIGSTOP SIGREST SIGIPR SIGPR SIGSSS EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU SIGIML SIGICR SIGCR ~l§!!b ~g£fQ X'01' X'02' X'03' X'04' X'05' X'06' X'07' X'08' X'Og' Sense order code External call order code Emergency signal order code Start order code Stop order code Restart order code Initial program reset order code Prograa reset order code Stop and store status order code EQU EQU EQU X'OA' X'OB' X'OC' Initial aicroprogram load order code Initial processor reset order code Processor reset order code emergency signals SIGQUI SIGEXT SIGSYNC SIGSHD SIGCLK EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU X'800' X'400' X'200' X'100' X'080' Quiesce emergency signal Extend emergency signal Clock synchronization emergency signal Shutdown emergency signal Clock check signal (external call signals) SIGAPR SIGRES SIGWAKE SIGDISP EQU EQU EQU EQU X'800' X'400' X'200' X'100' Automatic processor recovery (external call signal) Resume external call signal Wakeup external call signal Dispatch external call signal 2S2 IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Elock Logic !~nl.Q RE§l~l!!!~ Field Name Field Description, Contents, l!eaning -------------------------------------- ~I·b.Ql.!f R~.9.!2!~! !g.!lg!~2 RO Rl R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 7 8 Rl0 Rll R12 R13 R14 R15 EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU YO Y2 Y4 Y6 EQU EQU EQU EQU 0 2 4 6 CO Cl C2 C3 C4 C5 EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU 0 1 2 3 4 5 C6 EQU 6 C7 C8 C9 Cl0 Cl1 EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU 7 8 C12 1:'1'\" 1') C13 C14 C15 EQU EQU EQU 13 14 15 R9 ""'\O!U 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 9 10 11 General register definitions I ) } Fleating-point register definitions Control register definitions ( .£ } Appendix A. CP and RSCS Equate Symbols 283 284 IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Centrol Block Logic Appendix B. RSCS Control Areas This appendix lists the control areas used during task processing. !nfcr:aticn such as lists of synchronous locks, channel Frogra.s, TAKE request tables and buffers, and various work constants are included in these areas. Appendix B. RSCS Centrel Areas 285 The AXS Monitor Control Area is a data area used by tMTAXS to set up synch locks, a TAKE request table, a TAKE request and response buffer, and an input tuffer. Field Name AisNAME REXNAME DC DC OF'0',CL4'AXS' OF'O',CL4'REX' !ie!g ]2!!§£!!E1!.Q1!, ~ont~.!!!§, Meaning Task name for AIS routine Task name for control monitor AXSLOCKS DC DC DC A (ARRLOCK) A (REQLOCK) X'80',AL3(CMDLOCK) File tag arrival synchronous lcck address Request arrival synchronous lock address Command synchronous lock address ARRLOCK CMDLOCK DC DC F'O' F'O' File tag arrival synchronous leek Command synchronous lock AXSTAKE DC DC DC DC OF'O' C14' • A11 (L'AXSREQ) AL3(AXSREQ) A (AXSRESP) TAKE request table Giver's task na.e Pointer to request tuffer (input) Pointer to response buffer (output) AXSREQ AXSRESP DC DC IL140'00' X1136'00' TAKE request buffer TAKE response tuffer CMDIN CMDINPGS DC DC C1122' , X'OO' Input buffer for command element Co.mand in progress switch AXSCSAVE DC 18F'0' Co •• cn routine save area 286 IBM VM/310 Data Areas and Control Block Logic The REX Moniter Control Area is a data area used by IMiREX to initialize the DMTAXS and DMTLAX modules, point to queues of system data (such as the link table chain and the chain of tag elements), set up a series of synch locks for REX processing function, set up a console element, read and write channel programs, a console tatle buffer, a message buffer, a TAKE request table, and buffer, and various work constants. Field !!,gme REXREX REXAXS REXLAX DC DC DC OF'0',CL4'REX' OF'0',CL8'DMTAXS' OF'0',CL8'DMTLAI' REXTVECT DC OF'O' REXEND REXLOCKS ATTNLOCK REXCONSL !l~lg ~~§crlE112~, ~2~!~nt§, ~~~~ing iask name AXSname LAXname DC V (DMTSYSLKj DC DC DC DC DC V (DMTSYSRT) V (DMTSYSPT) V (DMTSYSTQ) V (DMTCOMVC) V(DMTSYSND) LlnK. tat.le chain Route table chain Switchatle port chain iag slot queue Common routine vector End of REX initial load DC DC DC DC DC DC OF'O' I'00',AL3(REQLOCK) I'00',AL3(ATTNLOCK) I'40',AL3(REICONSL) I'80',AL3(PROGLOCK) OF'0',X'00',AL3(0) Main REX wait list Request arrival synchrenous lock address Console attention synchronous lock address Console I/O synchronous lock address Program check synchronous leck address Console attention lock DC DC DC DC DC DC F'O' AL2(CONSADDR) ALl (1) ALl (TYP3210) DC X'OO' DMTREXCN DC 31'00' EQU REXCONSL Synchronous lock for I/O operation CUU console device address Cne byte requested on unit check Console device type code Channel program address to be filled in S10 condition code and ending csw return information Sense return information on unit check Reserved for IBM use External name CONSADDR EQU X'009' Iefault console cuu REXREAD REXWRITE CCW I'OA',REXIN ,SILI,L'REXIN CCi X'09',REIOUT+2,SILI,0 Reader operator response iype a console message REIIN DC Console input buffer REIMSG DMTREXID REIOtlT DC CL11'M OP' EQU REIMSGt-2 DC CL 130' , MSG command start iransfer user identification Cutput l:uffer REITAKE DC DC OF'O' CL4' , DC AL1(L'REXREQ),AL3(REIREQ) DC A (REIRESP) Request TAKE table Sending task name filled in by TAKE manager Address and length of request buffer Address of response buffer REIREQ DC XL140'00' iAKE request buffer REIRESP DC AL 1 (0) Never any response messages A (0) 2F'O' CL 130' , Appendix E. RSCS Control Areas 287 The SML Monitor Control Area is used to define various constants, save areas, BSC centrel sequences, channel command words, and bit settings used during SMt processing. Field !!l!~ !!~lg ~~2cr!E!io1!, £g1!!~1!!2' ~~~1!!1!g Active communications buffer Last FCS transmitted tc HASP Standard FCS FCS compare area temporary storage Maximum repeated hlocks First byte of halfword Elock check count out Spacer Elock count character expected CBUFLAST CRESP CREGS CRETREGS $COMEXIT DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DS DS DC A (0) X'SFCF' X' SSC l ' AL2 (0) H'O' H'3' AL 1 (0) lL1 (X'SO') AL 1 (0) AL1 (X'SO') H'O' 10X'00' AL 1 (0) 3F 3F A ($START) CECB CSETBCB DC DC X'OO' X'OO' Last BCE sent for reset CCSW COLDRCB CUNITCMD DS DC DC DC OF XLS'OO' X'OO' X'OO' Force fullword alignment temporary storage for csw Last RCE sent Command code storage CLASTCAW DC F'O' CCW address save BUFSYNSW DC X'OO' Euffer synchronization switch $TPPNONE OFLSW GDQBUFS $COMBUSY CUWFAKE CACKSW l!!ts EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU X'SO'-- AtAECB ADACUU AtCCWA DC DC DC F'O' Synchronous lock X'OOOO',AL1(1),AL1(TYP2700) A (CCTCCW) Adapter CCW addr AtASIOCC EQU * SIO condition code AtACSW ADASENSE AtSAV DC DC DC 2F'0' F"O' SF'O' Adapter ending CSW Adapter sense hyte $SIO register save area XSTXSEQ XETBSEQ XACKSEQ XNAKSEQ XSYNSEQ Cont!21 ~ggyg1!£g§ DC AL1(XLDR,XSTX) DC lL1(XTRL,XETE) DC lL1(XDLE,XACKO) DC AL1 (XSYN,XNIK) DC lL1(XSYN,XSYN,XSYN,XSYN) CEUFFER CFCSOUT CFCSSTD FCSCTEMP CTEMP CMAXDUP CECBCNTO CECBCNTI 28S defined !1! Save of start of last buffer Response character received Register save area Save area COMSUD initial entry peint l!!!I~I!SW X'40' X'20' X'10' X'OS' X'04' Stop all buffering Flush huffer Stop dequeuing buffers Communications inactive tummy read on for unit exception recovery ACK received Start-of-text sequence End-of-text-block sequence positive acknowlegement sequence Negative acknowlegement sequence Synchronization sequence IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Centrol Block Logic Field !!~Ile ~~g~~~J ~2~!g~g !2!Q§ CCiS CCiA CCiB CCiC Normal Data Write with Return Data Read CCW--l,ISYNSEQ:cD+SILI,4----- ---synchronization sequence write buffer CCi 1,O,CC+SILI,O CCW 1,XETBSEQ,CC+SIL1,2 Write ending sequence Read return data CCW 2,0,S1L1,0 CCiD CCW 2,0,S1L1.SK1P,65000 Iisable CCWOFF WRITE READ NOP SENSE SENSE DISABLE EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU x; 0 i~ X'02' X' 03' X' 04' X' 04' X'2F' Adapter Adapter Adapter Adapter Adapter Adapter write command cede read command cede NOP command code sense command code sense command cede disable command cede Appendix B. RSCS Contrcl Areas 289 290 IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic Appendix C. RSCS Request Elements This a~pendix provides information en the format and use of BSCS request elements. These elements are used by RSCS tasks in task-to-task cc.munication. The information provided includes: • The name of the module that builds the element • The functicn performed by the element • A brief description of the element's usage • The format of the element • Any operational notes that might be is used useful in understanding how the element Appendix C. RSCS Request Elements 291 BUILT BY: DftTCftl lUWC!ION: Execate an lIS command DISCBIPTION: This ALERT element is passed via ALERT to the lIS task (DMTAIS) to request second-level processing of ORDER and PURGE commands. o Length (n-1) Function Code: 1'10',1'11' Response Code Modifiers linkid C spcolid count (n-I'E')/2 spoolid 10 spoolid spoolid OPERlTIOIAL tOTES The Iialid field specifies the affected link. The spoolid fields are binary halfwords and specifJ the files enqueued on the specified link which are to te reordered or purged. The sFoolid COWDt field is a binary halfword and specifies the total numter cf spoolid fields preseat. The meanings of the other fields follow. 2J~J f.tHiJi lUDcti0B Co •• : x'10' C••• Ii: 1'00' II ••• mt accepted for processing 1'10' Ile.ent rejected, busy • • lipO • • • lollifier.: 1'10' 1 •• poDse .essages go to local RSCS operator X'OO' lespoDse messages go to specified link. '.Betio. Code: X'11' Response Codes: X'OO' Ileaeftt accepted for processing 1'10' Ilement rejected, busy ftodifiers: I'SO' lesponse messages go to local RSCS operator 1'_0' farge all files enqueued on the specified link 1'00' Parge only specified files, response messages go to sFecified link 2~2 III '1/370 Data lreas and Control Block Logic BUILT BY: DMTCMX FUNCTION: Execute AXS command DESCRIPTION: This ALERT element is passed via ALERT tc the AXS task (DMTAXS) to request second-level processing of CHANGE commands. o ~--------------------------------------------------------, Length (X'33') Function Code: X'20' 10 Modifiers linkid 4 C I Response I Code priority spoolid HOLD COpy CLASS 14 Distribution Code 1C filename/filetype. dsname OPERATIONAL NOTES The linkid field specifies the link on which the object inactive file is enqueued. The spoolid field is a binary halfword and specifies the object file's VM/370 RSCS identifier. The following fields are specified only when the corresponding file attribute is to be changed. If the field is not specified, it is set to all 1 ~its (X'FF~~~')e • • • • • • priority halfword contains binary priority 0-S9 HOLD has the following: X'7F' -- set hold status (HeLD) X'3F' -- reset hold status (NOHOLD) CLASS 1-tyte EBCDIC class, A-Z, 0-9 COpy halfwcrd binary copy count, 1-99 Distributicn code S-byte EBCDIC spool file distribution code Filename/filetype, dsname, 24-byte EBCDIC spocl file filename or filetype or dsname The meanings of the other fields follow. Function Code: X'20' Response Codes: X'OO' Element accepted for processing X'10' Element rejected, busy Modifiers: X'SO' Response messages go to local RSCS operator X'OO' Response messages go to specified link Appendix C. RSCS Request Elements 293 EUILT BY: DMTCMX FUNCTION: Execute a line driver command DESCRIPTION: This ALERT element is passed via ALERT to a line driver task (DMTNFT, DMTSBL) to request second-level processing of START, DRAIN, FBEE, BOLD, and TRACE commands. o Length (X'OB') Function I Code: X'80,X'81',1 Response X'82',X'83',X'84'1 Code Modifiers 4 locid L-____________________________________________________ - - - - J OPERATIONAL NOTES The locid sFecifies the location that is the other fields follow. to receive response messages. Function Code: X'80' Response Codes: X'OO' Element accepted for Frocessing X'10' Element rejected, busy Modifiers: X'80' Start updated classes X'OO' Reset DRAIN status Function Code: X'81' Response Codes: X'OO' Element accepted for processing X'10' Ele.ent rejected, busy Modifiers: Unused 294 IBB VM/310 Data Areas and Control Block Logic The .eanings of Function Code: X'82' Response Codes: 1;00; Element acceptea tor processing X'10' Element rejected, busy ~odifiers: Unused Function Code: X'83' Response Codes: X'OO' Element accepted for processing X'10' Element rejected, busy Modifiers: X'80' HOLD Immediate X'OO' HOLD after file processing Function Code: X'84' Response Codes: X'OO' Element accepted for processing X'10' Element rejected, busy Modifiers: X'CO' TRICE end X'SO' TRICE errors X'OO' TRICE all lppendix C. RSCS Request Elements 295 BUILT BY: DMTCMX FUNCTION: Execute a line driver command DESCRIPTION: This ALERT element is passed via DMTSML) to request second-level commands. o Length (X' OF' ) Function Code: X'90',X'91' ALERT to a line driver task processing of BACKSFAC and Response Code (DMTNPT, FWDSPACE Modifiers 4 locid C Count OPERATIONAL NOTES The locid specifies the location that is to receive response messages. The count field is a binary fullword, and specifies the number of units to be backspaced or forwardspaced. The .eanings of the other fields follow. Function Code: X'90' Response Codes: X'OO' Element accepted for processing X'10' Element rejected, busy Modifiers: X'80' Backspace count X'OO' Backspace file (restart) Function Code: X'91' Response Codes: X'OO' Element accepted for processing X'10' Element rejected, busy Modifiers: Unused 296 IBM VMj370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic BUILT BY: DMTCMX FUNCTION: Execute a line driver command DESCRIPTION: This ALERT element is passed via ALERT to a line driTer task DMTSML) to request second-level processing of FLUSH coa.a~'s_ o Length (X' OD' ) Function Code: X'AO' Respcnse Code (DaI;if, Modifiers 4 C Spoolid OPERATIONAL NOTES The locid specifies the location that is to receive response messages. T~. speolii field is a binary halfvord, and specifies the VM/370 RSCS identifier of the actiYe file to b~ flushed. The meanings of the other fields follow. Function Code: X'AO' Response Codes: X'OO' Element accepted for processing X'10' Element rejected, busy Modifiers: X'80' Flush all cOFies, purge file X'40' Flush hold, keep file, do not decrement copy count X'OO' Flush, decrement copy count, purge file if nc copy count reaaimz Appendix C. RSCS Request Elements 297 BUILT BY: DMTCMX, DMTMGX FUNCTION: Execute a line driver command DESCRIPTION: This ALERT element is passed via ALERT to a line driver task (DMTNPT, DMTSML) to forward messages, and te request second-level processing ef CMD cOllllands. o Length (n-l) Function Code: X'BO',X'B1' Response Cede Modifiers 4 locid C Message/Coamand Text OPERATIONAL NOTES The locid specifies the locaticn that is to meanings of the other fields follow. receive the Function Code: X'BO' Response Codes: X'OO' Element acceFted for processing X'10' Element rejected, busy Modifiers: None Function Code: X'Bl' Response Codes: X'OO' Eleaent accepted for Frocessing X'10' Element rejected, busy Modifiers: One-byte binary RSCS severity code 298 IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic message or command text. The BUILT BY: DftTNPT, DMTSML FUNCTION: Execute an RSCS 0Ferator command tFSCRIPTION: This request element is passed by a line driver via GIVE/TAKE task in response to a command entry at a remote station. o Length (n-1) Function Code: X'OO' to the REX Unused 4 RSCS Operator Command Line Text ,, r OPERATIONAL NOTES No response text is returned. Command responses are distrituted via D~TMGX. Appendix C. RSCS Request Elements 299 BUILT BY: DMTNPT, DMTSML FUNCTION: Initiates or terminates processing of an input or output file. :CESCRIPTION: This request element is passed via GIVE/TAKE to drivers to effect local spool file access during remote station. o Length (X'13') I Function Code: I I X'01', X'02',1 I X'11', X'12' I Unused the AXS task by line communications with a ftodifiers 4 TAG Address 8 I/O Area Address C linkid OPERATIONAL NOTES The use and meaning of the various fields depends on the requested function, as described telow. Certain fields may be updated during request processing. The (updated) file request element is returned to the requestor as a GIVE response.. The meanings of the other fields follow. Function Code: X'01' Mcdifiers: Unused Tag Address: Response field that points to the opened file's active TAG in DMTSYS I/O Area Address: Response field that points to a virtual opened file's first VM/370 spool data buffer. page buffer linkid: Request field that specifies the requesting line driver's linkid. Response Post Codes: X'08' Terminal system error X'04' No file available X'02' Undefined linkid X'01' Previously open file returned 300 IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic containing the Function Code: X'11' Modifiers: X'80' Do not return possible Freviously opened file Tag Address: Request field which points to a constructed by the calling line dri~er~ prototype file TAG for the output file, I/O Area Address: Response field which pGints to a virtual page buffer ccntaining an I/O table, a write CCi, and a buffer for processing the output file. linkid: Request field which specifies the requesting line driver's linkid. Response post Codes: X'04' Error, file not opened A'U~' Undefined linkid X'01' previously open file returned Function Code: X'02' Modifiers: X'80' Do not purge copy or file X'40' Purge all copies, and purge file Tag Address: Request field by open input. which points to the file's active TAG in tMTSYS, as supplied I/O Area Address: Unused linkid~ Unused Response Post Codes: X'04' TAG not found, close failed Function Code: X'12' Modifiers: Unused Tag Address: Request field which points to a prototype file TAG for the output file, constructed by the calling line driver~ This TAG is used to update the parameters to be set for the output file. I/O Area Address: Request field which pOints to the file's I/C area, as supplied by open output,. linkid: Unused Response Post Codes: X'04' I/O area not found, close failed Appendix C. RSCS Request Elements 301 BUILT BY: DMTCMX FUNCTION: Request line port allocation DESCRIPTION: This ALERT element is passed via ALERT to the LAX and reserve line ports for links being activated command. o 4 Length (X'OF') Function I Code: X'Ol'l Response Code task (DMTLAX) to verify in response to a START Onused Unllsed Line Address 8 linkid OPERATIONAL NOTES Certain fields are updated during processing. The meanings of the fields follow. ResFonse Codes! X'08' Specified line address not attached (CC=3) X'04' Specified line address not BSC port device type X'02' Line not available Line Address: Request field specifying requested line address. Zero specification implies request for allocation of a switchable line from the port table. If successful, the port's line address is returned in this field as a resFonse. linkid: Response field specifying the ID of the link that has reserved requested line address (with response code X'02'). 302 IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic the particular BUILT BY: DMTREX, DMTCMX, DMTAXS, DMTNPT, FUNCTION: Issue an RSCS message rESCRIPTION: This request element is passed via GIVE/~AKE to the REX task, to specify the construction and distribution of an RSCS message (ty DMTMGX). o Length (n-1) Function Code: X'02' 4 Receiver DM~SML Routing Code , ___ .: Severity Code ;:I .LV~.LU C Receiver userid 14 18 Issuing Module Code Binary Message Number Action Code Unused 1C 8-byte Variable Sutstitution Values for Message Text OPERATIONAL NOTES The routing code and severity code from the message definition (in DMTMSG) are used when not supplied in the message request element. If the message is not defined in D~TMSG; it is constructed using the specifications in the message request element, and the "variable substitution values" become the message text, unmodified. Routing X'80' X'40' X'20' X'10' codes: Local RSCS console Remote addressee Local user Local VM/370 operator No response text is returned. Appendix C. RSCS Request Elements 303 BUILT BY: Assembly of DMTSYS at RSCS generation FUNCTION: Record allocation status of switch able line ports available te RSCS DESCRIPTION: The first double word of the table is reserved for control information. Each following halfword contains the virtual device address of a line Fort which may be dialed, and which is available to RSCS. o Nu.ber of Line Port Entries in Table 4 8 Virtual Line Address Virtual Line Address C Virtual Line Address Virtual Line Address Virtual Line Address Virtual Line Address 10 OPERATIONAL NOTES The line pert entries are entries to 1's. 304 marked "in use" by setting the IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic high-order feur bits of the BUILT BY: DftTNPT, DMTSML FUNCTION: Terminate line driver task DESCRIPTION: This request element is passed via GIVE/TAKE to the REX task, to terminate line driver operation in response to a tRAIN command. o r I I , Length (1) Function Code: X'03' OPERATIONAL NOTES Tbere are no error conditions for the terminate function, so no response is made. However, line driver tasks must issue a WAIT request following a call to GIVE fer terminate, because REX may not execute the request immediately. Appendix C. RSCS Request Elements 305 306 IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic Appendix D. This Appendix contains Assembler reference data for: language equate eMS Equate Symbols symbols used in eMS to • eMS usage • eMS registers Appendix D. eMS Equate Symbols 307 ~~~ ~~!§~ ~Q~!IES Field Nalle Field Description, Contents, Meaning ].!ts .9~!.!1l~.9 .!.!! !he f!gg!~! CHANO EQU X'SO' CHAN1 EQU X'40' CHAN2 EQU X'20' CHAN3 EQU X'10' CHAN4 EQU X'OS' CHANS EQU X'04' CHANM EQU X'02' EXTM EQU X'01' ~!~!y§ Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit !grd (PSW) 00 - channel a mask 01 - channel 1 mask 02 - channel 2 mask 03 - channel 3 mask 04 - channel 4 mask OS - channel S mask 06 - input/output mask 07 - external mask BCMM MCKM WAIT PROB EQO EQO EQU EQO X'OS' X'04' X'02' X'01' Bit Bit Bit Bit 12 13 14 1S - extended control mode mask machine check mask wait state mask problem state mask FOFM DOFM EOFM SIGM EQU EQO EQU EQU X'OS' X'04' X'02' X' 01' Bit Bit Bit Bit 36 37 3S 39 - fixed-point overflow mask decimal overflow mask exponent under flew mask significance Ilask ].!ts ATTN SM COE BOSY CE DE O_C OE .9~!in~.Q EQO EQU EQO EQU EQU EQU EQJ} EQU 1!! !he EQU EQU EQU EQO EQU EQU EQU EQU PCI ICL PGC PTC CtC CCC ICC CHC ~.Qn2.!! ~l!gj1'!!~.! WRITE READ NOP SENSE WRDATA RtDATA SEEK TIC WRITE1 RDCONS SETSEC SEARCH EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU X'SO' X'40' X'20' X'10' X'OS' X'04' X'02' X'01' ~l!~~.!!~1 X'SO' X'40' X'20' X'10' X'OS' X'04' X'02' X'01' Status Word (CS!) -"BIt-32-=- attention Bit 33 - status lIodifier Bit 34 - control onit end Bit 3S - busy Bit 36 - channel end Bit 37 - device end .BJ1:.3S - unit .ch.eck Bit 39 - unit exception Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit 40 41 42 43 44 4S 46 47 - program-centrolled interropt incorrect length - program check - protection check - channel data check - channel centrol check - interface control check - chaining check - Command x'Oi'-X'02' X'03' X'04' X'OS' X'06' X'07' X'OS' X'09' X'OA' X'23' X'31' Write Read No operation Sense Write data Read data Seek Transfer in channel Write and space 1 Read from console Set sector Search ID equal ~.!ts .9~!.!'!!~.9 CD CC SILl SKIP PCIF IDA 308 in a Channel Command Word (££!) EQU --x'SO'----- ----BIt 32-= chain data EQU Bit 33 - comlland chain X'40' EQU Bit 34 - suppress incorrect length X'20' EQU X'10' Bit 3S - suppress data transfer EQU Bit 36 - cause program control interrupt X'OS' EQU X'04' Bit 37 - indirect data address IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic ~~.§ 1!~§ISI~1! E;2J!!TE~ Field Name General RO---- Rl R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 RS R9 Rl0 Ri 1 R12 R13 R14 R15 Field Description, Contents, Meaning EYf£~§~ !~g!§!~!§ EQU EQO EQO EQO EQO EQO EQO EQO EQO EQO EQO EQO EQU EQO EQO EQO 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 !.!oat.!.n.9-~.!.n! !~g.!§!~!§ FO F2 F4 F6 EQU EQO EQO EQO o 2 4 6 Extended control CO----EQU---O Cl C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 CS C9 C10 Cll e12 C13 C14 C15 EQO EQO EQU EQO EQO EQO EQU EQO EQO EQO EQO EQO EQO EQO EQO reg!§!~!§ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Appendix D. CMS Equate Symbols 309 310 IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Centrol Block Logic Appendix E. Data Areas and Control Block References This appendix -- a listing of CF, CMS, following: and R5CS control blocks -- contains the • Module references to data areas and control blocks. • Information on released. how certain data areas or control blocks are created and Appendix E. Data Areas and Control Block References 311 CCHREC ACCTBLOK ~yi!1 ~Y: ~gilt DftKHVD !~!~gsed ~Y: Rel~g2~g DMKHVD, DMKUSO R~!~E~~£~g ~y: DftKACO, DMKCKP, DMKSPL DKKHVD, Qy: DMKCCH, DftKIOE, DftKIOF B~f~~~g Qy: DMKCCH, DMKEIG, DftKSEV, DftKSII CCPARft ACNTBLOK ~gilt ~y: DMKACO, DMKHVD, DMKWRft ~ui!1 ~: R~!~gsed ~Y: DftKNLD, DftKSNC ]~!~2~g ~~: DftKACO QY: DftKACO, DMKCKP, DftKJRL, DftKRSE, DMKWRM ~ef~E~~g DftKNLD, DftKSNC DKKHVD, CHIBLOK ALOCBLOK ~Yi!1 QY: DftKCCH hY: DftKCPI, DMKVDC ~uilt ~Y: QY: DftKCPI, DMKVDC R~!~~g Ref~~~g QY: DMKCPI, DftKftON, Bel~~g DKKPGT, DMKTDK, DftKVDC DftKDIA Qj: DftKVCl Bef~£ed Qy: DftKVC1, DftKVSI DftKDIA, CHYBLOK BSCBLOK ~ui!1 ~: ~uilt DftKRGB R~!~gsed ~y: Qy: DftKDIl Bel~2gg DMKRGA R~!~E~~g ~y: DMKBSC, DftKRGA, DKKRGB Qy: DMKVCA ]~fgEgn£ed QY: DftKDIA, DftKVCA CKPBLOK BUFFER ~Yi!1 ~y: DMKCFM, DMKCPI, DKKERM, DftKGRF, DMKLNK, DMKLOG, DMKRGA, DMKRSP lluilt ~y: DftKRNH Rel~gg ~y: R~!~g2~g ~y: DMKCFM, DftKLNK, DMKRGA, DMKRSP Re!~Een£~g DMKCFM, DMKCSB, DMKCSU, DMKGRT, DMKRND, DftKWRM DftKCFP, DftKCQG, QY: DMKCFO, DMKCSO, DMKCSV, DMKLNK, DMKRSP, DMKCPI, DMKALG, DMKCDM, DMKCFS, DMKCPI, DMKCSP, DMKCSQ, DMKEMA, DMKERM, DMKMSG, DMKNMT, DMKSCN, DMKUDU, DMKGRF, R~fer~~£ed DKKCFG, DMKCPS, DMKCST, DMKGRF, DMKRGA, DMKVDC, DftKRNH £y: DftKRNH, DftKWRft CONTASK DftKGRF, QI: DftKCNS, DftKRGA, DMKRGB, DftKRNH ~ui!1 R~1~g2~g DftKQCN, QY: N/A R~fgE~n£ed ~I: DMKCNS, DftKGRF. DMKMON, DftKNES, DMKQCN, DMKRGA, DftKRGB, DftKRNH 312 IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic CORTABLE DKPKYREC Assembled in DMKSYS. ~uilt £y: DKKDKP ~£!~aseQ _________ Referenced _.L. b~?: DMKCCW, DMKCDS, DMKCPV, DMKDGD, DMKMCH, DMKKNI, DKKPTR, DMKRPA, DKKVMA DMKACO, DKKCFO, DKKDKP, DKKPAG, DKKUDR, DMKATS, DKKCPI, DMKFRE, DKKPGS, DKKUDU, 121: DMKDKP DMKBLD, DMKCPU, DMKMCC, DKKPSA, DMKUNT, DHPTBREC ~uilt 12y: DMKDMP !!el£~§~Q £y: DMKDMP CPEXBLOK £Y!1i ~£f~£~~££Q 121.: DKKACO, DMKDIA, DMKIOS, DMKPGT, DMKRNH, DMKUSO, DMKVKC DMKCDS, DKKGRF, DKKLOC, DKKPTR, DMKRPA, DMKVCA, £y: !!el~~sed DKKCFK, DMKIOE, DKKKCC, DKKQCN, DKKRSP, DMKVDC, DMKCPS, DMKCPS, DMKIOF, DMKMCH, DMKRGA, DMKSPL, DMKVDE, DMKDSP, DMKCPV, DMKIOG, DMKKON, DKKRGB, DMKSVC, DMKVMA, DMKIOF, DKKMON, DMKPTR !!~f~£~£~ DMKCDS, DKKCPB, DKKDIA, DMKGIO, DMKLNK, DMKMCT, DMKPAG; DMKPSA, DMKRNH, DKKSTK, DMKUNT, DKKVDC, gy: DMKCFK, DMKCPS, DMKDSB, DMKGRF, DMKLOC, DMKMIA, DKKPGS; DKKPTR, DKKRPA, DMKSVC, DKKUSO, DMKVD3, DMKACO, DMKALG, DKKCFO, DMKCFP, DMKCPU, DMKCPV, DMKDSP, DMKEXT, DMKIOE, DKKIOF, DMKMCC, DMKMCD, DKKKID, DKKKNI, DMKPGT ff DKKPRG ff DMKQCN, DKKRGA, DMKRSP, DMKSPL, DMKTAP, DKKTMR, DMKVAT, DKKVCA, DMKVKA, DKKVMC, DMKCCW, DKKCNS, DMKDGD, DKKFRE, DMKIOS, DMKMCH, DMKMON, DMKPRV, DMKRGB, DMKSSS, DKKTRD, DKKVDA, DKKVSI, £y: DMKDMP ECBLOK ~ui!~ £y: DMKBLD 12y: DMKELD, DMKCDB, DMKCFG, DftKCFH, DMKCFP, DftKEXT, DMKPRG, DMKPRV, DMKTKR, DMKTRC, DftKTRD, DI1KVKC ~£f~£~£~Q DMKCDS, DMKDSP, DftKSVC, DftKVAT, DMKCDft, DMKCFS, DMKSCH, DMKUSO, ERRBLOK ~.l!il~ £y: DMKIOE !!£l£~§£~ gy: DKKIOF £y: DKKIOE, DMKIOF !!£f£££~££~ DMKVSP IOBLOK DDRREC ~.l!!1~ £y: DKKVER R£l£~seg gy: DKKVER !!ef~£en£~Q !!y!lt DMKCNS, DMKCSP, DMKGRF, DMKRGB, DMKVDD, DMPINREC gy: DKKDMP R~l~~sed DMKCFP, DMKCSO, DMKGIO, DMKRGA, DftKVDC, DMKCFP, DftKCNS, DKKCSO, DMKDAS, D8KGRF, DKKHVC, DMKPAG, DKKRGA, DKKSEF, DMKTDK, DMKVDE, DftKVIO DKKCPB, DKKDGD, DKKIOS, DKKRGB, DftKV CA, DKKACO, DftKBSC, DMKCNS, DMKCPB, DMKCSC, DMKCSP, DMKDGD, DMKDIA, DKKGIO, DMKGRF, DMKIOS, DMKISM, DMKftON, DMKftSW, DMKPGT, DKKRGA, DftKCCH, DMKCPI, DMKCSU, DMKDIB, DMKHVC, DMKLOG, DMKNLD, DMKRGB, £y: DKKVER R£l£~§~Q ~.l!!lt DMKCCW, DMKACO, DMKCPB, DMKCPI, DMKCPS, DMKCSU, DMKDGD, DMKDIA, DMKHVC, DKKIOS, DMKNLD, DftKSPL, DKKTDK, DKKVCA, DKKVDE, DKKVDR, DKKVIO £y: £y: DKKDKP DKKCPI, DMKDIA, DMKMON, DKKRNH, DKKVDC, £y: DMKCPS, DKKGIO, DMKNLD, DKKRSP, DMKVDD, ~£fer£~£ed DMKCCW, DMKCPS, DKKCSV, DMKDSB, DMKIOE, DMKMCC, DHKNLE, £y: DMKCFP, DKKCSB, DKKDAS, DMKDSP, DMKIOG, DMKftNI, DMKPAG, Appendix E. Data Areas and Control Block References 313 DMKRNH, DMKSSS, DMKTRC, DMKUSO, DMKVDR, DMKRSE, DMKSTK, DMKTRD, DMKVCA, DHKVIO, DMKRSP, DMKTAP, DMKTRK, DMKVDC, DMKVSI DMKSEP, DMKTCS, DMKUDR, DMKVDD, DMKSPL, DMKTDK, DMKUNT, DMKVDE, MCRECORD j1uilt QY: DMKMCH gel~~~~ !U: N/A gef~£~B£ed ~Y: DMKMCH IOERBLOK ~ui!~ ~Y: DMKBSC, DMKCCH, DMKDAS, DMKDIA, DMKDIB, DMKIOE, DMKIOS, DMKRSE, DMKTAP, DMKVCA ~~!~~2£g DMKCFP, DMKDIA, DMKIOS, DMKRNH, ~Y: DMKCNS, DMKDIB, DMKMON, DMKRSE, DMKBSC, DMKCCH, DMKCCW, DMKCPS, DMKDAS, DMKDGD, DMKGIO, DMKGRF, DMKIOE, DMKNLD, DMKRGA, DMKRGB, DMKRSR, DMKTAP, DMKVIO R~!~£§!f~g ~y: DMKCFP, DMKDIA, DMKGRF, DMKNLD, DMKRSE, DMKTRK, DMKVIO, DMKCNS, DMKDIB, DMKIOE, DMKNLE, DMKRSP, DMKUNT, DMKVSI DMKBSC, DMKCCH, DMKCPS, DMKDAS, DMKDSB, DMKEIG, DMKIOF, DMKIOS, DMKRGA, DMKRGB, DMKSEV, DlUSIX, DMKVCA, DMKVDC, DMKCCW, DMKDGD, DMKGIO, DMKMSW, DMKRNH, DMKTAP, DMKVDE, IRMBLOK Buil! MDRREC j1uilt !U: DMKVER Bel~~~ !U: DMKVER Ref~£~~£~~ QY: DMKIOF, DMKVER MICBLOK j1uilt QY: DftKCFS, DMKLOG Rel~as~~ !U: DMKCFS, DMKLOG, DMKUSO DMKELD, DMKCFS, DMKDSP, Refer~~£ed Qy: DMKLOG, DMKliCH, DMKPTB, DMKBPA, DMKTBA MIBREC !U: DMKCFO, DftKCFS Rel~as~g ~y: ~uili DftKCFS, DMKIOE gy: Beleased D~KVER ~: R~f~ren2ed JPSCBLOK DMKVER QY: DMKVER !!NDEVLST Assembled as part of DMKSYS ~~!~~~g DMKLOG QY: DMKALG, DMKJRL, ~ui!i DMKLNK, QI: DMKENT Rg!~~§g~ Qy: DMKENT Rgf~y£~g QY: DMKENT LOCKBLOK MNHDR j1y!!i QY: DMKLOC ~~!~~§~g ~uil! ~Y: QY: DMKLOC Rgl~~§~g DMKMON QY: DMKMON Ref~£~~f~g QY: DMKMON MCHAREA MNOOO j1y!!~ ~y: R~!~~§~g DMKIOG R~!~£en£~g QY: DMKCCH, DMKCFO, DMKIOG, DMKMCH, DMKMCT 314 ~Y!l! QY: NIA QI: DMKMON R~!g~§gQ DMKCPU, QY: DMKMON R!fg£~~£~~ IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic QI: "DMKMON MN500 MN001 12~il1 £y: DMKMON Rglg~§gg £y: DMKMON 12~ilt £y: DMKMON ~gl£~§~g £1: DMKMON MN600 MN097 12uil! B1: DMKMON, DMKMNI E!!ili £1: DMKMNI Rgl~~seg Relg~§~g BY: DMKMON R~!g£g~f~g £1: DMKMON HI: DMKMNI MN602 12!!ilt £y: DMKENT MN098 ~!!ili HY: DMKMNI !~l~~§~g Rg!g~§gg £y: DMKENT £y: DMKMON R~!g£g~f~g HY: DMKMNI MN700 12~i!1 MN099 B1: DMKMON Rg!g~§gg gy: DMKMON 12!!il1 QY: DMKMON MN802 12!!ilt £y: DMKMON MN10X Rg!g~gg ~!!ili Rgl£~§gg QY: DMKMON !~!~££~f~g £y: DMKMON MONCOM 12~1!! MN20X BY: DMKMCC ~g!~§g~ ~~ili 21: DMKMON QY: DMKMON £y: DMKMON £1: DMKMON 2Y: DMKCPS, DMKDMP, DMKENT, DMKMCC, DMKMCD, DMKMIA, DMKMNI, DMKMON ~£!g~g~ced Relg~~Q HY: DMKMON MSSCOM 12uilt £y: DMKSSS MN400 ~!!ili £y: DMKMON R£l£~§£g £y: DMKMON Rgfg£en£gg £y: DMKMON ]elg~ed BY: DMKLNK, DMKLOG, DMKSSS, DMKVDA BY: DMKCPB, DMKDGD, DMKDSB, DMKLNK, DMKLOG, DMKMSS, DMKSSS, DMKVDA, DMKVSI ~~!~~en~g Appendix E. Data Areas and Control Block References 315 PAGTABLE NCPTBL ~Y1!i ~ui1i ~y: £y: DMKSNT ~~1~~2~£ ~~!~£~~£~£ ~Y: £1: DMKBLD, DMKPGS ]~!~~~g £y: N/A DMKBLD QY: DMKATS, DMKBLD, DMKCFG, DMKCPU, DMKPGS, DMKPTR, DMKVAT, DMKVMA ]ef~~~~£~£ DMKNLD, DMKSNC NICBLOK PGBLOK ~y11~ QY: DMKNLD ~el~~2~£ ~y: ~uilt ~y: DMKVAT DMKNLD ]g1~~2ed ~I: DMKCFP, DHKDSP Ref~£~~g ~Y: DMKACO, DMKBLD, DMKCFT, DMKCKP, DMKCPI, DMKCQR, DMKDIA, DMKHVD, DMKLOG, DMKNES, DMKNET, DMKNLD, DMKPSA, DMKQCN, DMKRGA, DMKRGB, DMKRNH, DMKWRM Refg£g~£gg Qj: DMKCFP, DMKDSP, DMKVAT PSA Assembled as part of nucleus. NPRTBL Q~!~!! Bui1i Qy: ]ef~~ced ~y: R~b~~sed ~Y: NfA Ref~£~g ~I: DMKTCS, DMKWRM DMKCKS, DMKCSO, DMKHVD, OBRRECN (Long OBR) ~uibi Qy: DMKIOF R~b~~~ QI: DMKIOF Rel~£~g~ QY: DMKIOC, DMKIOF, DMKVER OBRREC (Short OBR) ~yibi ~y: DMKIOF Rg1g~~~ ~I: DMKIOF OWNDLIST DMKATS, DMKCDB, DMKCFG, DMKCFS, DMKCNS, DMKCPV, DMKCQY, DftKCST, DftKDEF, DftKDRD, DftKERM, DMKGRF, DMKIOE, DMKJRL, DMKLOK, DMKMI A, DMKMSW, DtlKOPR, DMKPRV, DMKRGB, DMKSAV, DMKSIX, DMKSTK, DftKTHI, DMKTRK, DMKUSO, DMKVDA, DMKVDS, DMKVMI, DMKBLD, DftKCDft, DMKCFH, DMKCFT, DftKCPB, D!!1{CQG, DftKCSB, DMKCSU, DMKDGD, DMKDSB, DMKEXT, DMKGRT, DMKIOF, DMKLNK, DMKftCC, DftKMI D, DMKNES, DtlKPAG, DMKPSA, DMKRNH, DMKSCH, DMKSNC, DMKSVC, DMKTMR, DMKTRM, DftKVAT, DMKVDC, DMKVER, DMKVSI, DMKACO, DftKALG, DftKAPI, DftKESC, DftKCCH, DMKCCW, DftKCDS, DMKCFC, DMKCFD, DMKCFM, DMKCFO, DftKCFP, DMKCKP, DMKCKS, DMKCLK, DMKCPI, DMKCPS, DftKCPU, D!!KCQH, - -DMKCQP, - DMKCQR, DMKCSC, DftKCSP, DftKCSQ, DMKCSV, DMKCVT, DftKDAS, DftKDIA, DMKDIB, DMKDMP, DMKDSP, DMKEIG, DMKENT, DMKFMT, DMKFRE, DMKGIO, DMKHVC, DMKHVD, DMKIOC, DMKIOG, DMKIOS, DMKISM, DMKLOC, DMKLOG, DMKLOH, DMKMCD, DMKftCH, DMKMCT, DMKMNI, DMKMON, DMKMSG, DMKNET, DMKNLD, DMKNLE, DMKPGS, DMKPGT, DMKPRG, DMKPTR, DMKQCN, DMKRGA, DftKRPA, DMKRSE, DMKRSP, DMKSCN, DMKSEP, DMKSEV, DMKSPL, DMKSSP, DMKSSS, DMKTAP, DMKTCS, DMKTDK, DMKTR1, DMKTRC, DMKTRD, DMKUDR, DMKUDU, DMKUNT, DMKVCA, DftKVCH, DMKVCN, DMKVDD, DMKVDE, DMKVDR, DMKVIO, DMKVMA, DMKVMC, DMKVSP, DMKVSQ, DMKWRM Assembled into DMKSYS QY: DMKATS, DMKCKP, DMKCKS, DMKCPI, DMKCPU, DMKDRD, DMKPAG, DMKPGS, DMKPGT, DMKPTR, DMKSPL, DMKUDR, DMKVDA, DMKVDC, DMKWRM ~g!~£en£gg PWDIBLOK ~uilt ~y: DMKJRL Rel~~~g ~y: 316 IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic DMKSYS; part of CP DMKJRL RECBLOK RCHBLOK Assembled into CP nucleus module DMKRIO ~Yili £1: DMKCKS, DMKCPI, DMKRSP, DMKVSP, DMKWRM ftgl§!~~g g~!~Eens:~g DMKCPB, DMKDIA, DMKMNI, DMKSSP, 11y: DMKCPI, DMKDSB, DMKMON, DMKSSS, DMKCCH, DMKCFO, DMKCPS, DMKCPV, DMKENT, DMKIOG, DMKNES, DMKPRV, DMKVCH, DMKVMT DMKCKP, DMKCQP, DMKIOS, DMKSCN, DMKPGT, 12Y: DMKPGT, DMKSPL, DMKUSO RgfeE§!1!ced IIY: DMKCKP, DMKCKS, DMKCPI, DMKDMP, DMKPGT, DMKRSP, DMKSPL, DMKVSP, DMKWRM RECPAG RCUBLOK ~Y!l! ~y: DMKIOF, DMKIOG Assembled into CP nucleus module DMKRIO. ftelg~§.~~ gy: DMKIOF, DMKIOG Rg!gE~1!£§!g R~!~E~1!£~g DMKCKP, DMKCQP, DMKIOC, DMKNLD, DMKVCH 121: DMKCPB, DMKDIA, DMKIOS, DMKPRV, DMKCCH, DMKCCW, DMKCPI, DMKCPS, DMKDSB, DMKENT, DMKMNI, DMKMON, DMKSCN, DMKSSP, DMKCFO, DMKCPV, DMKGRF, DMKNES, DMKSSS, RSPLCTL ~Yil! QY: DMKRSP Rg!§!EgQ£ed gy: DMKCKP, DMKCQP, DMKRSP, DMKSPL, DMKTCS RCWTASK ~Y!li QY: DMKIOF, DMKIOG DMKCSO, 121: DMKCCW R~l~~~g 121: DMKCCW, DMKUNT R~!~E~s:~g SAVEAREA 12Y: DMKCCW, DMKCFP, DMKCPB, DMKHVC, DMKIOS, DMKISM, DMKTRD, DMKTRK, DMKUNT, DMKVDR liui li £1: DMKCPI, DMKSVC !!eleas~g, Built III: Assembled module DMKRIO III: ft§!!§!£~£§!g, DMKBSC, DMKCFH, DMKCKP, DMKCPS, DMKCQR, DMKDEF, DMKDSB, DMKHVD, DMKIOS, DMKMNI, DMKNLD, DMKPGT, DMKRGA, DMKSCN, DMKSSS, DMKTRM, DMKVDA, DMKVDS, 121: DMKACO, DMKALG, DMKATS, DMKBLD, DMKBSC, DMKCCH, DMKCDB, DMKCDM, DMKCDS·, DMKCFC, DEKCFO, DMKCFG, DMKCFH, DtiKCFE, DMKCFS, DMKCFT, DMKCKS, DMKCLK, DMKCPB, DMKCPS, DMKCPU, DMKCPV, DMKCQH, DMKCQP, DMKCQR, DMKCQY, DMKCSO, DMKCSP, DMKCSQ, DMKCST, DMKCSV, DMKDAS, DMKDDR, DMKDEF, DMKDIA, DMKDIB, DMKDIR, DMKDRD, DMKEIG, DMKENT, DMKERM, DMKFMT, DMKGRF, DMKGRT, DMKHVD, DMKIOC, DMKIOF, DMKIOG, DMKIOS, DMKISM, DMKLNK, DMKLOG, DMKLOH, DMKMCC, DMKMCH, DMKMIA, DMKMID, DMKMNI, DMKMSG, DMKMSW, DMKNEM, DMKNES, DMKNLD, DMKNLE, DMKPGS, DMKPTR, DMKRGA, DMKRGB, DMKRNH, DMKRPA, DMKRSP, DMKSET, DMKSEV, DMKSIX, DMKSPL, DMKSSP, DMKSSS, DMKSVC, DMKTCS, DMKTDK, DMKTHI, DMKTRA, DMKTRD, DMKTRK, DMKTRM, DMKUDR, DMKUNT, DMKUSO, DMKVAT, DMKVCA, DMKVDA, DMKVDC, DMKVDD, DMKVDE, DMKVDS, DMKVER, DMKVMA, DMKVMC, DMKWRM .Bg!~I~.!!s:~g RDEVBLOK ft§!l§!~§.ed 121: DMKSVC into CP nucleus N/A III: DMKCCH, DMKCFM, DMKCKS, DMKCPU, DMKCQY, DMKDGD, DMKDSP, DMKIOC, DMKLNK, DMKMON, DMKNLE, DMKPRV, DMKRGB, DMKSEP, DMKTAP, DMKUNT, DMKVDC, DMKVER, DMKACO, DMKATS, DMKCCW, DMKCFC, DMKCFO, DMKCFP, DMKCNS, DMKCPB, DMKCPV, DMKCQG, DMKCSB, DMKCSO, DMKDIA, DMKDMP, DMKENT, DMKGRF, DMKIOE, DMKIOF, DMKLOG, DMKLOH, DMKMSW, DMKNES, DMKOPR, DMKPAG, DMKPSA, DMKPTR, DMKRNH, DMKRSE, DMKSNC, DMKSPL, DMKTCS, DMKTDK, DMKUSO, DMKVCH, DMKVDD, DMKVDE, DMKVSI, DMKWRM DMKBLD, DMKCFG, DMKCFT, DMKCPI, DMKCQP, DMKDAS, DMKDRD, DMKGRT, DMKIOG, DMKMCC, DMKNET, DMKPGS, DMKQCN, DMKRSP, DMKSSP, DMKTRK, DMKVCN, DMKVDR, DMKAPI, DMKCCW, DMKCFD, ""UT:1""''t:\T"Io lJ01\I....£'r, DMKCNS, DMKCQG, DMKCSB, DMKCSU, DMKDGD, DMKDSB, DMKGIO, DMKIOE, DMKJRL, DMKMCD, DMKMON, DMKNET, DMKQCN, DMKRSE, DMKSNC, DMKTAP, DMKTRC, DMKUDU, DMKVCH, DMKVDR, DMKVSP, Appendix E. Data Areas and Control Block References 317 SAVTABLE SPLINK Assembled into CP pageable module DMKSNT ~!!!.li ~y: B~!~g2~g N/A Ql: N/A Ref~E~n~g ~y: DMKCKS, DMKCQH, DHKCSU, DMKDRD, DMKMIA, DMKRSP, DMKSPL, DMKTCS, DMKVSP, DMKVSQ SDRBLOK ~~!!i QY: QY: Re!~g~g SWPTABLE DMKIOF R~!~E~~g ~~!lt ~: DMKIOE QY: E~!~g2~g DMKIOE, DMKIOF DMKBLD, DMKVMA QY: DMKBLD QY: DMKATS, DMKBLD, DMKCFG, DMKCPU, DMKPGS, DMKPTR, DMKVAT# DMKVMA R~fg~~£gQ SEGTABLE ~~!!i QY: DMKBLD SYSLOCS QY: R~!~g2ed DMKBLD Assembled into CP nucleus module DMKSYS. R~!~Een£~g QY: DMKATS, DMKBLD, DMKPGS, DMKVMA Referenced QY: DMKACO, DMKBLD, DMKCFO, DMKCFT, DMKCKP, DMKLOC, DMKLOG, DMKLOH, DMKUDR, DMKUDU, DMKUSO SFBLOK ~!!!!!. QY: DMKCKS, DMKNLD, DI1KSPL,DKKWRM QY: R~!~g2~g DMKCKS, DMKRSP, DMKSPL, SYSTBL Assembled into DMKSNT. DMKUSO DMKATS, DMKCFG, !!~f~Een£~g DMKCQG, DMKCST, DMKMIA, DMKSEP, DMKVSQ, QY: DMKCQR, DMKCSU, DMKMNI, DMKSPL, DMKWRM DMKCKP, DMKCKS, DMKCSO, DMKCSP, DMKDMP, DMKCSV, DMKNLE, DMKRSE, DMKTCS, DMKUSO, DMKCPI, DMKCSQ, DMKDRD, DMKRSP, DMKVSP, DMKCFH, TNSREC ~!!!.li QY: E~!g~2gQ DMKIOF Ql: DMKIOF SHQBLOK Bui!i QY: R~!~g2~g DMKCSP, DMKWRM QY: DMKCSP TREXT Re!~E~£~g QY: DMKCKS, DMKCQR, DMKCSQ, ~~!.!!. DMKSPL, DMKiRM QY: E~!g~§gQ QY: g~!~g2~g DMKCFG QY: DMKPGS, DMKVMA QY: DMKATS, DMKCFG, DMKCPU, DMKPGS, DMKPTR, DMKVMA !!~f~E~n£~g 318 Ql: DMKTRA, DMKTRC, DMKUSO R~f~ren£ed £y: DMKCFM, DMKDSP, DMKPGS, DMKPRG, DMKPRV, DMKSVC, DMKTMR, DMKTRA, DMKTRC, DMKTRD, DMKVIO SHRTABLE ~~!li DMKTRA ~MKCFH, IBM VM/310 Data Areas and Control Block Logic VCHBLOK TRQBLOK ~y: DMKBLD, DMKCFC, DMKCFS, DMKCPI, DMKGRF, DMKLOG, DMKMCC 1 DMKQCN, DMKRGA Ey!11 £1: DMKCFM, DMKCFS, DMKDIA, DMKMCC, DMKLOG, DMKMON, DMKQCN, DMKRGA, DMKUSO E~f~£~nf~Q ~Qil1 g§l§g~ed R~i~£~~~ ~y: DMKCFM, DMKDIA, DMKMCC, DMKQCN, DMKTMR, DMKCFP, DMKDSP, DMKMID, DMKRGA, DMKUSO DMKBLD, DMKCDS, DMKCFS, DMKCPI, DMKENT, DMKGRF, DMKMNI, DMKMON, DMKRGB, DMKSCH, DMKCFC, DMKCPU, DMKLOG, DMKPSA, DMKSSS, ~Y: QY: DMKUSO gel~£~~g DMKCPB, DMKDEF, DMKLOG, DMKUSO, DMKVDD, DMKVDS £y: DMKCPV, DMKDI A, DMKPRV, DMKVCH, DMKVDS, DMKCFM; DMKCFP; DMKCKP; DMKCQG, DMKCSP, DMKCSU, DMKDSP, DMKCSV, DMKLNK, DMKSCN, DMKSPL, DMKSSS, DMKVCN, DMKVDA, DMKVDC, DMKVIC, DMKVSI, DMKVSP VCONCTL ~Yil1 QY: DMKVDS UDBFBLOK ~Y!!1 g~!~£~~g DMKDEF, DMKHVD, DMKSPL QY: DMKCFS, DMKDEF, DMKHVD, DMKLNK, DMKLOG, DMKSPL, DMKSSS, DMKUDR, DMKUDU UDEVBLOK VCUBLOK ~Y!11 ~y: gef~E~nfed DMKCPB, DMKCSV, DMKNLD, DMKUSO, DMK VDD, QY: DMKCSP, DMKUDR R~!~£seg DMKGRF, QY: DMKDEF, DMKHVD, DMKSPL R~i~£~f~g ~Y!!i £y: DMKALG, DMKCFP, DMKRGA, DMKVCN, DMKVDR ~~f~E~~f~£ gy: QY: DMKCSP, DMKUDR DMKVDS QY: DMKCPV, DMKDEF, DMKPRV, DMKVCH, DMKVDS, DMKCFM, DMKCFP, DMKCKP, DMKCQG, DMKCSP, DMKCSU, DMKDIA, DMKDSP, DMKr.OG, DMKSCN, DMKSPL, DMKSSS, DMKVCN, DMKVDA, DMKVDC, DMKVIO, DMKVSI, DMKVSP QY: DMKDEF, DMKDIR, DMKLNK, DMKLOG, DMKSCN, DMKUDR, DMKVDA, DMKVDS R~i~£enf~g VDEVBLOK UDIRBLOK ~yi!1 ~Yi!1 £y: DMKLOG, DMKVDS £y: DMKCSP B~f~E~.!!f~g QY: DMKCFS, DMKCPI, DMKCSP, DMKDEF, DMKDIR, DMKHVD, DMKLNK, DMKLOG, DMKSPL, DMKUDR, DMKUDU R~i~£~nf~g UMACBLOK Bu!!i QY: DMKDIR DMKCCW, DMKCKP, DMKCQP, DMKCSU, DMKDIA, DMKGRF, DMKLOG, DMKSCN, DMKTRD, DMKVCH, DMKVDR, D~KVSP, QY: DMKCFS, DMKDEF, DMKDIR, DMKHVD, DMKLOG, DMKSPL, DMKUDR, DMKUDU QY: DMKCFG, DMKCPB, DMKCSB, DMKCSV, DMKDIB, DMKHVC, DMKNLD, DMKSPL, DMKTRK, DMKVCN, DMKVDS, DMKVSQ DMKACO, DMKALG, DMKCFH, DMKCFM, DMKCPS, DMKCPV, DMKCSP, DMKCSQ, DMKDAS, D.MKDEF, DMKDRD, DMKDSP, DMKHVD, DMKIOS, DMKPRV, DMKQCN, DMKSSS, DMKTHI, DMKUNT, DMKUSO, DMKVDA, DMKVDC, DMKVZB, DMKVIO, DMKCCH, DMKCFP, DMKCQG, DMKCST, DMKDGD, DMK§IO, DMKLNK, DMKRGA, DMKTRC, D~KV CA, DMKVDD, DMKVS I, g~i~£~~g VFCBBLOK ~Y!!1 ~y: DMKCFG, DMKCSO Appendix E. Data Areas and Control Block References 319 VMCPARM VMABLOK ~Y!!i £1: DMKBLD, DMKCFG ~~il! ~y: R~l~~§gg g~i~E~Q£gg QY: DMKATS, DMKCFG, Virtual machine user gy: Virtual machine user DMKPGS, DMKVMA VRRBLOK VMBLOK ~~ilt 1!Y!!i Qy: DMKVDS DMKBLD ~y: ~gl~~§~g DMKUSO Ref~E~Q£~g DMKATS, DMKCDM, DMKCFH, DMKCFT, DMKCPI, DMKCQH, Dl'.IKCSO, DMKCSV, DMKDIB, DMKEXT, DMKHVC, DMKIOS, DMKLOH, DMKMCT, DMKMSG, DMKNLE, DMKPRG, Dl'.IKRGA, DMKRSP, DMKSPL, DMKTHI, DMKTRK, DMKVAT, DMKVDC, DMKVIO, DMKVSQ, DMKBLD, QY: R~l~~§~g QY: DMKBLD, DMKCDS, DMKCFM, DMKCKP, DMKCPS, DMKCQP, DMKCSP, DMKDAS, DMKDRD, DMKFRE, DMKHVD, DMKISM, DMKLOK, DMKMIA, DMKffS1f, DMKPAG, 'DMKPRV, DMKRGB, DMKSCH, DMKSSS, DMKTMR, DMKUDR, DMKVCA, DMKVDD, DMKVMA, DMKWRM DMKDIA, DMKACO, DMKALG, DMKCCH, DMKCCW, DMKCFC, DMKCFD, DMKCFO, DMKCFP, DMKCKS, DMKCNS, DMKCPU, DMKCPV, Dl'.IKCQR, DMKCQY, DMKCSQ, Dl'.IKCST, Dl'.IKDEF, DMKDGD, DMKDSP, DMKENT, DMKGIO, DMKGRF, DMKIOE, DMKIOF, DMKJRL, DMKLNK, DMKMCC, DMKMCD, DMKMID, DMKMNI, DMKNES, DMKNET, DMKPER, DMKPGS, DMKPSA, Dl'.IKPTR, DMKRNH, DMKRPA, DMKSCN, DMKSEP, DMKSTK, DMKSVC, DMKTRA, DMKTRC, DMKUDU, DMKUNT, DMKVCH, DMKVCN, DMKVDR, DMKVDS, DMKVMC, DMKVSI, DMKLOG, QY: DMKVDR R~!~E~D£~g QY: DMKCCW, DMKCFP, DMKGIO, DMKUNT, DMKVDS, DMKVSI DMKAPI, DMKCDB, DMKCFG, DMKCFS, DMKCPB, DMKCQG, DMKCSB, DMKCSU, DMKDIA, DMKERM, DMKGRT, DMKIOG, DMKLOG, DMKMCH, DMKMON, VSPLCTL ~~ilt ~y: R~l~~~£ DMKDRD, DMKVSP gy: DMKVSP £y: DMKCKP, DMKCSP. DMKDRD, DMKSPL, DMKVSP, DMKVSQ Ref~Qf~g VSPXBLOK DMKPGT, DMKQCN, DMKRSE, DMKSNC, DMKTCS, DMKTRD, DMKUSO, DMKVDA, DMKVER, DMKVSP, 1!ui!! Q1: DMKCST R~1~enfed BY: DMKCKP, DMKCQG, DMKCST, DMKSPL, DMKVDB, DMKVDS BY: Relea§ed DMKTMR £y: DMKVMC Rel~~§~g QY: DMKVMC R~!~E~D£~g DMKCFP. DMKDSP. QY: DMKDSP, DMKVMC XOBR3211 ~~il! ~y: ~y: N/A R~!~~~g ~1: 320 R~lg~§~g N/A DftKDSP, DftKSCH, QY: DMKCFP, DMKCPB, DMKDSP, DMKGRF. DMKRGA. DMKSCH. DMKTMR, DMKVMC R~f~£~D£ed VMCMHDR 1!Y!li DMKCSP, XINTBLOK BY: DMKCFP, DMKCPB, DMKGBF, DMKRGA, DMKSCH, DMKTMR 1!~ili DMKCSQ, DMKNLD, ~Y!l! VMCBLOK DMKDGD, DMKRSE Qj: DMKIOE Rg1~E~n£~g IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic QY: DMKIOF, DMKBSE AETAE BBOI Assembled as part of DKSNUC. ~~!~£~~g Assembled as part of DMSNUC. QY: DKSBAB, DMSDOS, DMSITP £y: No CMS references. This block is used by the DOS supervisor. ~ef~£~gced ABiSECT BGCOM Assembled as part of DKSNUC Assembled as part of ~~!~£~~Q QY: DnSABN, DnSDBG, DMSITI, DMSITP, DKSITS DMSNUC~ DMSFRE, Refe~g£ed DMSBOP, DMSDOS, DMSITP, DMSQRY, DMSSTG, ADTSECT QY: D!!SAMS, DMSASN, DMSDLE, DMSDLK, DHSFCH, DMSFET, DMSOPL, DMSOPT, DMSSET, DMSSMN, DMSICP DMSCLS, DMSDSV, DMSLLU, DMSRRV, DMSVSR, DMSBAB, DMSDMP, DMSINS, DMSPRV, DMSSRV, Assembled as part of DKSNUC. Re!~£~~g DMSACl1, Dl1SARX, DMSBWR, DMSDLK, Dl1SEIC, DMSINS, DMSLDS, DMSMVE, DMSSET, DMSTRK, QI: DMSABN, DMSACC, DKSARE, DMSAMS, DMSASN, DMSAUD., DMSCPY, DMSDIO, DKSEDX, DMSDSL, DMSFNS, DMSFOR, DMSLAF, DMSLBM, DMSLKD, DMSLLU, DMSQRY, DMSRNM, DMSSTT, DMSTPE, DMSICP DMSALU, DMSASM, DMSCMP, DMSDSK, DMSEXT, DMSLAD, DMSLFS, DMSPUN, DMSSOP, DMSUPD, DKSACF, DMSARN, DMSBOP, DMSDLB, DMSERS, DMSIFC, DMSLBT, DMSLST, DMSROS, DMSTQQ, CMSTAIE ~uil! ~y: R~!~as~g DMSSVT QY: DMSSVT R~f~£~g£~g £y: DMSCIT, DMSITE, DMSITI, DMSSVT CVTSECT Assembled as part of DMSNUC. AFTSECT Assembled as part of DMSNUC; also created and released dynalllically by DMSLAF. DBGSECT ~~!~£~f~g ~y: DMSBRD, DMSBiR, DMSCPY, DMSERS, DMSFNS, Dl1SINT, DMSLAF, Dl1SPNT, DMSRNM, DMSSOP, DMSSTT, DMSTPE Assembled as part of DMSNUC. ~~!er~nf~g ~I: DMSDBD, DMSDBG, DMSITE. !NCHSECT DEVSECT ~~ili QY: DMSSTG Assembled as part of DMSNUC. R~!~£~~g ~y: DMSDOS, DMSSTG DEVTAB B!TLSECT Assembled as part of DMSNUC. Assembled as part of DMSBTP. £y: DMSASN, DftSDBD, DMSEDX, DMSINI, DMSLLU, DMSSVT R~!~renfed Ref~£~nfgg QY: DMSCIO, DMSITE, DMSPIO DMSEDI, Appendix E. Data Areas and Control Block References 321 FCBSECT DIOSECT Assembled as part of DKSNUC. !!~i11 ~y: R~!~I~~£~g ~Y: DMSACM, DMSDIO, DMSFLD DMSFNS, ~elgasgg DMSIl'I £1: DMSFLD, DMSABN R~fere~£~£ ~I: DMSCCB DMSASM, DMSMVE, DMSSBS, DMSSVN, !!!!ili QY: NIA R~1~g§£g DMSALO, DMSARN, DMSDSL, DMSFCH, DMSFLD, DMSQRY, DMSROS, DMSSAB, DMSSCT, DMSSEE, DMSSOP, DMSSVT, DMSARX, DMSLDS, DMSSBD, DMSSQS, QY: NIA FCHTAB Assembled as part of DMSNUC. DOSSECT ~uili £y: DMSDLB R~l~~Q QY: DMSDLB, DMSABN FICL Re!~Ien£~g £y: DMSAMS, DMSBOP, DKSCLS, DMSDLB, DMSDLK, DMSDSV, DMSOPL, DMSQRY, DMSRRV, DMSSRV, DMSSVT, DMSVIP, DMSXCP Assembled as part of DMSNUC. Ref~gn£~g ~I: No CMS references. This block is used by the DOS supervisor. EDCB !!~ili QY: DMSEDX Rel~gsed FRDSECT QY: DMSEDI Re!~I~~g QY: DMSEDC, DMSEDI, Asse.bled as part of DMSNUC. DMSEDX, R~f~en~~ QI: DMSFRE, DMSSET DMSGIO" DMSSCR FSCBD ERDSECT !!~il1 .Qy: N/A Assembled as part of DMSNUC. Rgf~ren£ed ~y: D"SERD, DMSDLK, DMSIFC, DMSZAP, and user programs that access the CMS file syste. EXTSECT Assembled as part of DMSNUC. £y: DMSINS, DMSINT, DMSIOW, DMSITE, DMSQRY, DMSSET, DMSSTG, DMSSVN, DMSSVT R~!~I~~£§g FSTD !!Yil! .QI: N/A R~lgg2gg £y: NIA £y: DMSCPY, DMSEDX, DMSEXC, DMSFNS, DMSGND, DMSNCP, DMSSOP, DMSTPE R~f~I~n£~~ EXTUAREA Assembled as part of DMSNUC. No CMS references. 322 IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic FSTSECT LUBPR ~Yilt ~y: DMSACF !i.§1.§~§.§,Q ~y: 1!.§i.§E.§1l£.§,Q DMSARX, DMSCPY, DMSFNS, DMSLKD, DMSUPD, Assembled as part of DMSNUC DMSALU ~y: DMSASM, DMSDLK, DMSGND, DMSMVE, DMSXCP, DMSACF~ DMSBOP, DMSDSK, DMSIFC, DMSRNM, DMSZAP 's.§i,§,E.§l!£.§,Q DMSAMS, DMSBRD, DMSDSL, DMSLAF, DMSSTT, DMSARN, DM SBWR, DMSERS, DMSLBM, DMSTPE, ~Y: DMSDLK, DMSDSV LUBTAB Assembled as part of DMSNUC. R.§f.§E.§l!£,§Q ~y: DMSAMS, DMSBOP. DMSCLS, DMSDLB, DMSFCH, DMS LLU, DMSOPL, DMSPRV, DMSRRV, DMSSET, DMSSRV, DMSXCP FVSECT Assembled as part of DMSNUC ~ li.§i.§E.§l!£,§Q DMSACM, DMSBTP, DMSCWT, DMSFNS, DMSITS, DMSQRY, DMSTPE, ~y: DMSALU, DMSBWR, DMSDIO, DMSINT, DMSLAD, DMSRNM, DMSTQQ NICL DMSABN, DMSACC, DMSAUD, DMSBRD, DMSCIT, DMSCRD, DMSDOS, DMSDSK, DMSITE, DMSITI, DMSLFS, DMSMOD, DMSSLN, DMSSOP, DM SACF, DMSBTB, DMSCWR, DMSERS, DMSITP, DMSPNT, DMSSTT, Assembled as part of DMSNUC. li~f'§E'§!!£'§Q QY: DMSBOP, DMSCLS, DMSDLB, DMSLLU, DMSXCP NUCON Assembled as part of DMSNUC. IHADECB ~Yili R~f'§E'§1!£~Q hy: N/A li~!'§2.§.§f! hy: N/A li.§i.§E,§!!£,§Q hY: DMSSBD, DMSSBS, DMSSCT, DMSSEB, DMSSVT IOSECT Assembled as part of DMSNUC. E..§i.§E,§!!£,§Q hy: DMSITI, DMSABN, DMSHDI, DMSINT, DMSITI KEYSECT ~Y1lt hY: DMSSVT R.§!.§~§.§f! DMSACM, DMSARX, DMSBOP, DMSCAT, DMSCPF, DMSDBD, DMSDMP, DMSEDI, DMSEXT, DMSFOR, DMSHDI, DMSINM, hI: DMSSVT R.§i.§E.§!!£.§f! hI: DMSSBD, DMSSVT DMSLBM, DMSLGT, DMSLOA, DMSMOD, DMSOPT, DMSPNT, DMSRDC, DMSSAB, DMSSET, DMSSRT, DMSSVN, DMSTPE, DMSVIP, £y: DMSALU, DMSASM, DMSBRD, DMSCIO, DMSCPY, DMSDBG, DMSDOS, DMSEDX, DMSFCH, DMSFRE, DMSHDS, DMSINS, DMSITP, DMSLBT, DMSLIB, DMSLSB, DMSMVE, DMSOR1, DMSPRT, DMSRNE, DMSSBS, DMSSLN, DMSSRV, DMSSVT, DMSTQQ, DMSVSR, DMSABN, DMSACC~ DMSAMS, DMSARE, DMSASN, DMSAUD, DMSBTE, DMSBTP, DMSCIT, DMSCLS, DMSCRD, DMSCWR, DMSDIO, DMSDLB, DMSDSK, DMSDSL, DMSERR, DMSERS, DMSFET, DMSFLD, DMSGIO, DMSGLB, DMSIFC, DMSINA, DMSINT, DMSIOW, DMSITS, DMSLAD, DMSLDR, DMSLDS, DMSLIC, DMSLKD, DMSLST, DMSLSY, DMSNCP, DMSOLD, DMSOVR, DMSOVS, DMSPRV, DMSPUN, DMSRNM, DMSROS, DMSSCN, DMSSCT, DMSSMN, DMSSOP, DMSSSK, DMSSTG, DMSSYN, DMSTIO, DMSTYP, DMSUPD, DMSXCP, DMSZAP DMS ACF, DMS ARN, DMS BAB, DMS BW R, DMS CMP, DMSCWT, DMSDLK, DiiSDSV, DMSEXC, DMSFNS, DMSGND, DMS IN I, DMSITE, DcSLAF, DMSLFS, DMSLLU, DMSMDP, DMSOPL, DMSPIO, DMSQRY, DMSRRV, DMSS EB, DMSSQS, DMSSTT, DMSTPD, DMSVIB, OPSECT LDRST Assembled as part of DMSNUC. Built £1: DMSLDR E..§l~2.§ed hy: DMSLDR Rei.§E.§!!£.§f! hI: DMSLDR, DMSLGT, DMSLIO, DMSLSB, DMSOLD DMSLIB, E.§i.§rel!£.§f! QY: DMSCPY, DMSCRD, DMSEXC, DMSEXT, DMSSBD, DMSSBS, DMSSQS, DMSSVN, DMSABN, DMSARX, DMSCWR, DMSCWT, DMSINS, DMSINT, DMSSCT, DMSSEB, DMSSVT DMS AS M, DMS DBG, DMS ROS, DMSSOP, Appendix E. Data Areas and control Block References 323 OSFST PUBADR !!y!!!. 12y: DMSROS !~!~g§~g Assembled as part of DMSNUC. 12y: DMSALU ~ef~~£ed 121: DMSBOP, DMSCLS, DMSDSV, DMSLLU, DMSPRV, DMSXCP DMSDLK, 12y: DMSABN, DMSALU, DMSBOP, DMSDLK, DMSFCH, DMSMVE, DMSROS, DMSRRV, DMSSOP, DMSSRV, DMSSTT Ref~~~~g PUBOWNER Assembled as part of DMSNUC OVSECT R~!~~~£ed !~!~g§~g 121: DMSBOP, DMSCLS, DMSDLK, DMSLLU, DMSXCP Jiui!!. 121: NIA 121: NIA !~!~~~~g 121: DMSITS, DMSOVR SSAVE !!uilt ~1: DMSITS PCTAB Assembled as part of DMSNUC. !~f~!:~~£ed DMSDBG, DMSFRE, DMSOVS, DMSSTG, !U: DMSDLB, DMSIFC, DMSSAB, DMSSVN, DMSABN, DMSACC, DMSBAB, D8SDOS, DftSERR, DMSFLD, DMSITP, DMSITS, DMSLDR, DMSSLN, DMSSMN, DMSSOP, DMSSVT, DMSVIP, DMSXCP PDSSECT Jiui!i £1: DMSSVT !~!~gsed SUBSECT 12y: DMSSVT Assembled as part of DMSNUC. ~ef~!:~nced PGMSECT J11: DMSAEN, DMSINM, DMSINT SVCSECT Assembled as part of DMSNUC. Assembled as part of DMSNUC. Rg!g~~£gg £1: DMSSTG, DMSSVT DMSITP, DMSSAB, DMSSLN, PIBADR SVEARA Assembled as part of DMSNUC. Re!~~~£gg ~~fe!:~nced £1: DMSCIT, DMSFRE, DMSHDS, DMSINT, DMSITE, DMSITS, DMSLAD, DMSLFS, DMSQVR, DMSOVS, DMSSLN £1: DMSBAB, DMSDOS, DMSITP PIB2TAB Assembled as part of DMSNUC. Assembled as part of DMSNUC. ~~fg!:~n£ed !U: DMSBIB, DMSDOS, DMSITP SYSCOM Assembled as part of D8SNUC. R~fg!:gn£ed £1: DMSBAB, DMSBOP, DMSDOS, DMSFET, DMSITP, DMSQRY, DMSSTG, DMSSYN 324 IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic SYSNAMES USAVE Assembled as part of DMSNUC. !~!~£~Q£ed ~X: DMSAMS, DMSBOP, DMSBPT, DMSDOS, DMSEDX, DMSEXC, DMSINS, DMSINT, DMSITS, DMSQRY, DMSSET, DMSVIB, DMSVSR TSOBLKS Assembled as part of DMSNUC. USERSECT Assembled as part of DMSNUC. No CMS references. Appendix E. Data Areas and Control Block References 325 GIVEE ASYNE ~Y!!i ~Yi!i £y: DMTASY R~!~~§~g Bgl~~§~Q ~1: £y: DMTASY, DMTASK Re!~£~nf~Q £y: DMTASY, DMTEXT, £1: DMTGIV Refg~nced DMTIOM, DMTAKE, DMTASK £1: DMTAKE, DMTASK, DMTGIV DMTSIG IDE BUFDSECT ~Yi!! ~Yi!i £y: DMTSML R~l~~§~g Rg!~as~Q £y: DMTSML R~!~£~~f~Q DMTIOM £1: DMTIOM Bgf~£~~fed £y: DMTASK, DMTIOM, DMTREX £1: DMTSML IOTABLE COMDSECT ~yi!i gy: ~Yi!! Qy: DMTIOM, DMTREX, DMTSML £y: DMTCOM Rel~g§~g ~1: N/A Relea2~~ R~!~E~~f~g £1: DMTAXS, DMTCMX, DMTNPT, DMTREX, DMTSML DMTMGX, DMTCRE, DMTNPT, £1: DMTNPT, DMTSML Rgf~~nfed £1: DMTAXS, DMTCMX, DMTINI, DMTIOM, DMTREX, DMTSML DMTCRE, DEVTABLE ~Yili £y: DMTNPT R~!~~§~g ~y: LINKTABL Assembled into DMTSYS at system generation; also built by DMTCMX. DMTNPT £1: DMTASY, DMTAXS, DMTCMX, DMTCOM, DMTCRE, DMTEXT, DMTLAX, DMTMGX, DMTNPT, DMTREX, DMTSML R~fg~£~Q FREEE ~Yi!i £y: DMTQRQ R~!g~§~g ~y: DMTQRQ REQBLOCK R~!gE~nf~g £1: DMTASK, DMTINI, DMTQRQ ~uilt £1: DMTNPT Rgl~ea £1: DMTNPT GIVE Rgfg£g~~~ ~Yi!i £y: DMTSML, DMTNPT, DMTAXS, DMTREX R~l~s§~Q ~y: R~!~Egn£~g N/A £y: DMTSML, DMTNPT, DMTAXS, DMTREX 326 IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic £1: DMTNPT ROUTE TAKE Assembled in DMTSYS ~uilt QY: DMTSML, DMTNPT, DMTAXS, DMTREX liefgf~n£ed DMTREX QY: DoTSML, DMTNPT, DMTAXS, SVECTORS TANKDSEC Assembled into DMTVEC at system generation; resides in the RSCS nucleus. R~igren£~g DMTAXS, DMTEXT, DMTMGX, DMTSML, Q!: DMTCMX, DMTGIV, DMTNPT, DMTSTO, DMTAKE, DMT1SK, DMTCOM, DMTCRE, DMTIHI, DMTIOM, DMTQRQ, DMTREX, DMTSVC, DMTWAT DMTASY, DMTDSP, DMTL1I, DMTSIG, ~~i!i QY: DMTSML ~~!g~2gg Qy: DMTSML TARE! TAG Assembled into each task module. Built ~Y: DKTAXS Re!~~sed ~!: ~gig£~~g DMTAXS QI: DMTAXS, DMTCMX, DMTNPT, Bgfg£gn£gg QY: DMTAKE, DMTASK, DMTASY, DMTCOM, DMTCRE, DMTDSP, DMTEXT, DMTGIV, DMTIOM, DMTREX, DMTSIG, DMTSTO, DMTSVC DMTSML TASKE TAGAREA ~~i!i QY: DMTASK QY: DMTAKE, DMTASK, DMTASY, DMTAXS, DMTCOM, DMTDSF, DMTEXT, DMTGIV, DHTINI, DMTIOM, DMTNPT, DMTPST, DMTREX, ggi~£gn£gg nM~~T~ ~~~~~~, nM~~MT ~~~~~~, nM~~~~ ~~~u~~, nM~~V~ ~U~W.~I nM~U.~ uu~nA~ TCTDSECT ~~i!i QY: DMTSML g~!~~2~g ay: DMTSML Appendix E. Data Areas and Control Block References 327 328 IBM VM/370 Data Areas and Control Block Logic Reader's Comment Form Title: I BM Virtual Machine Facility/370: Data Areas and Control Block Logic Order No. SY20-0884-3 Please check or fill in the items; adding explanations/comments in the space provided. Which of the following terms best describes your job? 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