Software_Engineering_Services_User_Handbook_Rev_4A_Dec84 Software Engineering Services User Handbook Rev 4A Dec84
Software_Engineering_Services_User_Handbook_Rev_4A_Dec84 Software_Engineering_Services_User_Handbook_Rev_4A_Dec84
User Manual: Software_Engineering_Services_User_Handbook_Rev_4A_Dec84
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1 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User 1 s Handbook REV: 4A SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES Version 1.0 User's Handbook 2 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: itA SES User's Handbook REVISION OEFINITION $qEET REV 1 , • •• • t DATE DESCRIPTION. 07/11/83 •• • Update for SES VersIon I t t t 12/13/63 2 I • •• • •• •,• • I • 3 : •.. • ••• Update for SES V~r~fon 1.0 Level 24. Includes descriptions of new procedures, updates and cor~ectjons to 01 d procedures. Update for SES Version 1.0 level 25. : Includes descrfotions of new : procedures, updates and corr~ctions to : old procedures. •• 08/14/84 : Update 4 1 ••• 4A 05/22/84 1.0 level 23. Includes descriotlons of new procedures, updates and corr~etions to old procedures. for SES V~r~lon 1.0 level 26. : Includes descriptions of new : procedures, updates ~nd cor~ections to : old procedures. : 12/18/84 : This revision •• •• •• t • 1 • •• • ••• • ••• rer'ects ~ES Usability : Tools at level 617~ Incorporating the following features and c~anges: FTNTOnD : an d FTNTOSCT too I s a 1 de d ror gener at t ng : structure charts 'r~~ Fn~TRAN source code; newly named SCADS and SCADGEDIT : replacing CADSG and ~ADSGEDIT; XREFMAP : cr oss r erer ence too 1 a i1ed; SCOOP f i Ie : comparison tool added; SQRT5 replacing : all internal uses of SORT/MERGE4; : EXPLAIN interface to new online : Miscellaneous RoutInes Interface Reference Manual; minor enhancements to : GOf, GOl, COM, OE~M, OI1M, BIND68K and : TRANOILIB. •• •• c COPYRIGHT CONTROL DATA 1982,1983,1984 All Rights Reserved CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 3 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook NOTICE: The content of this manual obtained from ~CS may differ from the on-line version. The on-1ine version rer1~cts exactly the SES tool set installed on your development machine at~ your' site, whereas the DeS version describes the ful' SES too' set and alf 3vailable options. CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 1-1 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 414 1.0 PREFACE 1.0 J?ll£At.f This manual describes the procedural user interface to all of the Software Engineering System (SES) Usability Tools under the five product packages listed below: 1. This is the core set of SES tOG1~ and is required by four packages. This set of tools is sometimes referred to in this manual (and others) as the 170 SES tools, SES tools or simply SESe All SES procedures that are not included in the other four packages are included in this one. Has._l!Ull~.a. the 2. other CYSlt-Ce. CYBFORM~ 3. ... This product is also referred "to as The SES procedures in this package are CYSIl, GETCOMN, GETCCDB and GElLIS. c..IalL_112_t.ilJj.A_~~nlr.4t2[' C.l.a.lJ._f=C.llQ~_!i~n!:r. • .t,g!:.a. Thi s p:roduct i s a l so refer red to as CYBIl-CP. The SES procedures listed for CY~It-CC plus alt of the procedures described in the SES Object Code utilities c hap t era n d the UCSOP -C ode En vir 0 n me" t c hap t e r '. i n t hi sma n u a I • 4.tiIJ,S __ llffltit... This product package consists of the data dictionary utl'ities described in the Structured Process Tools chapter. It is sometimes referred to ~s CADS ODe 5. tiD.S.-i&Afl:l... This product package is a'so called CAOSG or CADS Graphics and consists of the SES interfaces ClOSG and CAOSGEDIT described in the Structured Process Too's chapter. 6. tills'_c't1AB.I... This product package co"slsts of the eyall to structure chart toots described in the Structured Process Tools chapter. 7. 'Q'~fI_1U22gtt_I~~1~£ This product Is also referred to as Network Tools. These tools provfde a Motorola MC68000 development environment on a CYeER 170. Each of these product packages can be order~d separately from Control Data and can be installed in any combination which Includes the NOS Toots package. 1-2 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 1.0 PREfACE 1.1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 ft... It!IROJlUtllDH Software stands betMeen the user and the .achtne ••• ft Ii. rl an D. f1 ill s The Software Engineering System (SES) or~vides task oriented or procedural· access to a coil ecti on of s.Jltt!:at·~ I:Q.2t~. runn. ng on the Network Operating System (NOS). An underlying phltosophy of SES is: where therefs a function or task to be done, provide a PROCEDURE to do it. Programs are gener~"~ not used directly, rather they are accessed via SES pr~cedures that provide a consistent access method. This SES User's Handbook is intended both as a tutoria' introduction for new SES users (who should d~fl~it~l~ read this c hap t e r t, and also as a reference man u a If a r' e)( l) erie nee dS ES users. A.though this is not the gn!~ existing r~'evant SES document, It's the me; n trunk of the tree of knowl edge of ilb'.at- S·Ei~ f.BJJ~fllU&fS. are available. This ses User's Handbook is usually updated only at SES Releases. s"Rf.1utJ: 1![,~Uhl"l.2n co v e r s man y are as 0 t f1 e r than the n a'r row fields of "assemblers, compilers and loaders". TO cover the wider areas, we need good tools. SES provides the too's. This SES User's Handbook is arranged in chapters that "cluster w around related functional areas (such as document formattl~g, '1 Ie management, text processing and so on). This chapter is a general introduction to the concepts of SES and its use. The re~ainlnQ chapters of this handbook cover the functional areas. ~elow Is a brief summary of the contents of the remaining chapters. A major proportion of SES is devoted to the CYBER 180 SIMULATED ENVIRONMENT, running on the CYBER 170. The cha~ter called 'CYBER 180 Virtuat Environment Creation and Slmu1~tion' contains information on butlding the virtual envirbnment, simulating, and transferring text files back and forth between the CYBER 180 and CyaER 170. The chapter on 'eYBER 180 Object Code utilities' describes the CYBER 180 OBJECT CODE UTIlITY~' used to manage CYBER 180 Object Text. One of CYBER 180's significant differences from CYBER 170 is the use of real eight-bit ASCII. NnS runs on a six-bit oriented system, and provides oniy partial supp~rt of ASCII. SES provides extensive support for ASCII. The CYBIL comDiler is ASCII oriented, as is the CYBIl formatter, the docu~entation faciflties, many of the text manipulation tools, and t~e souree text maintenance utilities. Of course, Compi lers, Assembl ers and Loaders £hl pi ay a part in software production - the chapter called 'Co~pi'f"g, linking and CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 1-3 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 1.0 PREfAC E 1.1 INTRODUCTION Debugging' covers a tot of useful tools in thIs area. Included in thls chapter is the CYBEP IMPLEMENTATION l\~GUAGE - CYBIl. As well as a CYBll compiler, this chapter also describes CY8Il-CC INTERACTIVE DEBUG, a symbolic debug 'aclI1ty~ based on CyaeR Interactive Oebug but oriented towards CYRIL code. Production of large (or small) softwar~ svste~s requires some means of MANAGING SOURCE TEXT to avoid a lot of detail work. SES supplies a comprehensive collection of sour~e text maintenance procedures geared UP for the ASCII yer~'o" or MODIFY (known as MADIFY) to manage ASCII source text for you~ or~ In fact, any other ASCII text, such as documents, data dictionaries, process descriptions and so on. These facilities are described in the chapter catled 'Source Text Maintenance. The chapter entitled 'Source Code Uti' ity on NOS 170' describes the NOS~170 version of the CYBER 180 Source Code Util ity {SCJ1. Ther~ts also 3 set of pro c e dU res to ma k e UP 0 ArE e as i e r to 'Ive wit h ., des c r i be din 'Handling Update Program libraries'. When you've compiled or assembled VG~r sour~e text of course there's the question of OBJECT CODe MAN4GE~ENT. The chapter on 'library Or Multi Record file Manageme,t ~slng lI8EDITI covers LIBRARY MANAGEMENT - a col'ection of procedures that interface to the NOS LISEOIT utility. These library ma"agement procedures can in fact handle things other than object code. One of the first hurdles to clear on most computer systems seems to involve the question "how do I print a flte"? The chapter on 'Printing Files' shows that printing files r~aJI~ can be easy. An important part or software production involves DOCUMENTATION. SES has a collection of toots that mak~ a run job of generating beautiful documents. Documentation aids revo've ar~und the TXTCOOE document formatter, used to produce this Handbook~ The -Document Formatting System' chapter covers document 'or~atting. Preparing beautifully formatted sour~e text for high level processors is something you I ike to have, but you'd rather not do it yourself. Various types of preprbeessors are covered in the chapter on 'Source Text Preprocessors'_' I anguage In any time sharing system, MANAGING FIL~S is an important part of life, as is FINDING OUT WHAT'S GOING ON. 'Getting Information' relates to getting information, such as your' fites,' limits, dayfile, while the chapter on 'Filespace Management 1 covers the aspect of dumping your fijes to tape, and hanging on to "Ies YOU want to hang on to. An amazi ng amount of the dai I y jOh of software production Involves massaging text in some Mayor 8"other. tText Manipulation 1-4 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 1.0 PREFACE 1.1 INTRODUCTION and Conversion Utilities' covers many aspects of TEXT MANIPULATION. Conversion of character sets tends to be a way of tife rather than an infrequent exercise, and there are utilities to work welt with the NOS version of ASCII. Software Production really is a comm~nlty activity, and ·SES Communications' describes facilities for us~r~ to talk to each other vi a a mal I system. 0' SES PROCEDURES take care of the details using software, such as locating, returning and rewinding fites. obtaining required memory, obtaining required utility progra~s to ~erform tasks, and so on, leaving you free to specify what you w~nt done. To state i t briefly I YOU decide WHICH SES PROCEDURE you SES generates the JOB CONTROL wa~t to use for STATEME~TS the Job. to do the Job. Using SES, you can run a procedur~ dlr~et'Y as part of your interactive session, or you can make many of the procedures run independently as batch jobs. Experienced or curious users wishing to cr~ate their own SES procedures can read the SES Procedure Writer'~ Guide. At the end of this chapter there.s a list of documents to peaceful and productive coexistence with ~QS.I retevant As you read this document, you"1 notice that atthough many SES procedures have lots of parameters, most 03rameter~ are optional. For example, the PRINT and FDR"AT procedures have, r~spectivety, ten and eighteen parameters; 90% of PRINT and FOR"AT usage requires only one parameter. Finally, the ~~.~il11~ of ses resu1ts from people using i t and feeding back their (c 0 n s t r u c t i vel or'i tic ism s , ide a s f 0 r enhancements to existing facilities and ideas 'or new facilities. We hope you'lt do the same. strongly recommend that you read all of this chapter before reading other' ct'\spters. As you read this introduction, try using some of the SES procedures described in the examples as you go. Finally: We ~gt.: introductory When atl else faits, the doc~mentation! 1-5 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 Oecember 84 SES User·s Handbook REV: 4A 1.0 PREFACe 1.1.1 USING AN SES PROCEDURE 1.1.1 USING AN SES PROCEDURE Whether you use SES interactively, or usage is the same, as shown here: r~n it in a batch job, the the ses before the period starts the ses prbcessor~ The 2~~12~ (.) following s~s is £~9U1L~~ to keep NOS happy- The statem~nt directs the SES processor to locate the procedur~ given by procedure_name, and when it has been located, to process that procedure and substitute the (optional) parameters g'f~n by Ilst_of~parameters, and finally, execute the procedure eit~er dir~etfy ("while you wait") as part of your interactive sessiont or SU~MIT the procedure as an Independent job. for exampte : ses.print b'ivet PRINTs file bllvet on the ASCII printer, and: ses.count lines In grundge COUNTs the number of Itnes in file grundge. 1.1.2 PARAMETERS FOR SES PROCEDURES As mentioned above, statement of the form : use you where list_o'_parameters particular procedure. is the an SES procedure parameters by required typing for 8 that ses.prlnt ' •• yfi'~ In this example, f is the parameter ~~~.g~[ or parameter' and my'I'e is the parameter Generall,. the name on the left of the equal sign is the parameter i • .lKJU:'~ or para1fteter D.lIII' whi Ie the thing on the right of the equal sign is the par~meter .I.lul. 1-6 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 1.0 PREfACE 1.1.2 PARAMETERS FOR SES PROCEDURES While parameters may be specified by key~ord." it's also possible (and usually more convenient) to leave out the keyword and the equal sign and specify parametersIUlJ.l..tlID.lll%. This means that you don't have to type the keyword or the equal sign. For example: ses.copyacr in"fi 'e:l outfit e, 1 •• 79 When keywords are used, i t doesn't matter In what ~rder you code the parameters. The use of COPYACR above cou,~ have been coded: ses.copyacr o-outflle, 3 •• 79, '-lnflfe however if you want to code parameters without must get them in the right order. When you use an SES mixture of both positional procedure keyword 4D~ yOU usi~g keywords, you can code parameters in a whatever suits you. ror~s, Every SES procedure expects its parameter~ In a specific order. When you code a parameter by keyword, YOU effectively "tab" the parameter number to that "position". That's why, In the example above, we were able to code t o-outflle. 3 •• 79 by coding o.outfite we "tabbed" the para"fteter' to the second "position". The next parameter (coded without the keyword) was already in the third "position". But when we wanted to code the input fite name we had to specify It by keywor~ in order to "tab" back to the first parameter position. Use of positional parameters sometimes leads to minor problems when what you think is a file name is in 'act the keyword for a par am e t er • For e)( am pte, man y S ESp roc e du r 'e s h a 1e a par am e te rca I ted group, which is the name of a group (or multi r"ecor·d) file. If you use a procedure such as COLLECT, for insta~ce, 'ike this: ses.collect (tom, dick, harry) group **E Cl 11001: EXPECTING "va'ue(s) COMMAND STATEMENT for par~meter GROUP" ON in this case, the error message actually ~e3ns :" you have coded a parameter 1s.~:tit1lt..Q, and not supp' led a !.alll~ror» tl1at parameter. In such cases, you have to AlthlL code grbup·gr~~p, 2£ code the p 0 sit ion a I value In s t r i n g quotes : 'g r 0 uP'. \ Most SES procedures use short names like I and f for parameter 1-1 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES SES _..-........User's _... ....Handbook ____ ·-. __ .-....._. . . _____ .. ....____ ...._... __.__. . . __ ....... ___ .-._.-·... ~~·~ ~ ~_ 18 December 84 REV: 4A __ ..7_..__..-. ..... __ ....___.___ ..__ .......... ______ I 1.0 PREFACE 1.1.2 PARAMETERS FOR SES PROCEDURES keywords, so It's best if you avoid single examp Ie: t~tter filenames. For ses.uptotoN f will cause an error, because f is one of the keywords for the first parameter of UPTOlOW. You can either code the parameter as far, or code i t as 'f., or use a name 'i ke grab or' JlJnk for the f t I ename. 1-8 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 1.0 PREFACE Types of Parameter Values Values supplied for parameters may be !fa:!~i!._l:'ltl:Sa'_n.ami.iJ._llll!U.bJ:L~L or 1iD.a!.lU&.t.e!. ~1tin.!l~'. "These are described ill detalt here. UAt1fi_Al_.eARAH.EllB._.YALUfS A HAllE is from one to seven characters lof'\g. rt !IUL~1 start with a letter, and may contain gnl~ letters or dlgits~ F~r example: A, ZQ91AP6, and FIlEA are valid names, wher~as 1 and overslzedn •• e are invalid accor~lnQ An example of using names in an SES procedur~ is Input_'ile, the rufes above. l~J, t~ t for converting fi Ie h.brow from upper case to 'ower· result appearing on file lowbrow. case with the LQtia_t!!I:1f.~_!S._e.ARAI1.Elf.B._~ALUfS. A LDHG_HA~f is from one to 31 charaeter~ long. It mu~t start with a letter, and may contain letters~ digits and the special characters. I, $, _,~. Any valid fiAHE is elsa a valid Lat!~_.tiAt1.f, as are input_file and oversldedname. 1.1.2 .1 .3 riUHllfBS_!,S_fA&A.H.Elf&_YALJJU A tUU!B£B!l.1.1 digits. optional BASE. For example l The number may be followed by an ()r numbers to the 579(10) 1493 are DEC IHAL base 10. 617(8) 1754(8) are OCTAL base 8. OAf6(16) 3E8(16) are HEXAOECI~AL ~UMBE~S, or numbers to the base 16. ~ote that hexadecimal numbers mu~·'t· begin with a decimal digit, even if YOU ~ave to start them with a zero. This av~ids a potential confusion of ~ hexadecimal number with a name. ~'JMBE~S NUMJlE~S, , or numbers to the 1-9 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 1.0 PREFACE NUMBERS AS PARAMETER VALUES Numbers such as 6789(8) and 3A5(10) are disliked by SESe numeric parameters occur in procedures like 1 to print three (3) copies of file ,Inyang OA Use of the ASCII printer. 'HARA'If&_SI&lHiS_A1_eAR!Hflf&_~llUEl A C.ltA&AClfB SIllHi is any arbitrary str'ing of Characters encfosed in single quote signs (l). If you wish tG inc'~de a single quote sign in a string, you must represent i t by two quote signs in a row. For example: 'this is an exaMPle of a char~cter 'quote signs must be represented by two " strlng' qUGte signs in a row' You use strings in SES procedures when YOU have to supply strange names such as SYHSSH, and when supplying sentences to procedures: ses.genupcf da'.cs$c30' when generating an update compile file, and: ses.link170 blnflte, xld-'ldsetCusep-sNlsys,subst-sw'sy-SsN'sy.lS,t to give extra loader directives to lINK170. 1-10 CDC - SDFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 1.0 PREFACE Ranges of Parameter Values Some SES procedures handle paraMeter yal~es in the form of a For Instance, procedure COPYACR has a parameter named cots, which represents a pair of column numbers. You can write the cols parameter in the form: llttif. cols-3 •• 65 the pair of periods Is called an ELLIPSIS. The range specification consists of a !Q)! ~1J1., on the left of the ellipsis, and a bl.9D.ll..d.c on the right of the ellipsis. Another exawple a procedure that accepts ranges is GENCOMP, which accepts r~"ges module names, like this: 0' 0' which refers to alt modules a'.aden throug~ berterb Inclusive, and: ses.setect lines 10 •• 20 of ga"nop to display lines 10 thru 20 of file galloop at the terminal. 1-11 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 1.0 PREFACE lists of Values for Parameters Some SES procedures handle parameters cons4sting of many vstues. For instancef you can tell procedure PRIHT to prlnt a whole bunch or files, like this: ses.print fa(atlas, orion, mercury, pegas~s, slrlus, hermes) the value coded for the f parameter Is ca" e d aV~A'L DE .L1 S. I. A value list m»~t be enclosed in parentheses, as shown in the example. The individual items in a value list are called EL'f~EtlIl of the list, and they are separated from each other by a com~a. Elements in a value list can also be ranges: tines (1_ 2, 3, 12 •• 17, An element of -8 value list may itself be instance, procedure GENCOMP has a parameter coded in the form: of widget 21~~Z5) value I ist. For ab, which can be ~nother' c311~d genco.p aba(Crlesllng_ .ondavit, ga.ay, (chanin, wente) to get alternate bases from other user's cata1ogs~ Note that the first and second elements in each of the subllsts ar'e the fi .ename and the users catalog name, respectively. The description of the GENCOHP procedure talks more about the ab par~meter~ Also see the note below, at the end of this descrlptt~n on parameter lists. Procedure ASORT uses lists of lists to indicate the columns for the sort keys : ses.asort laganip, oaganop, keys.t(l~ 5). ('~ 7, d)t Each sublist in the list above is a single sort key; the elements in the sublists are the start column, length, and dlr~ction of sort. See the description of the ASORT procedure for ~ore Information. If you code only one value for a parentheses off, tike this: par~meter, yOU can leave the ses.print ' •• yflle but as soon as you want to supply more supply the parentheses, t ike this: than one ses.prlnt (boNMore, Jura, mlltoMn) value you must 1-12 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 1.0 PREFACE lists of Values for Parameters Such af e ca It ed IUllt1 J:.ll1ld 2.1t. •• Jtt.cLS. or· pi ai n larUe lut~. lIlli' or Jus t Referring to the discussion on the ab par~~eter of GENCOMP above, a few SES procedures handle parameter~ o' that form. Those parameters are somewhat special forms for accessing files from other users' catalogs, for example, the LINK170 Drbcedur~ uses this form for the list of libraries: each -AUIUU11 in the outer parenthesised 1 i st 1 s i tset f a ' i st (possibly containing only one element) of 11brarles and the places to Qet them from. So, in this example,' the !.ltil sublist sa.ys : obtain Ilb_l and Ilb_Z from the catalog of user_Ii the ~~~An~ subllst has only .Q..QJ: element, which means t obtain Ilb_3 from the catalog of the current user; the lbJ.J:..d subllst says: obtain lib_it and Ilb_5 from the catalog of user_2. For' pr()cedlJres that use this form of parameter, the last element in each of the sUblists is the user name of the catalog from whence to obtain the files. Conversely : means: obtain all five current user. library files frbm the catalog of the 1-13 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: itA SES User's Handbook 1.0 PREFACE Parameter lists as Parameter Values Some SES procedures handle multi vglued para.eters which are themselves parameter lists to be passed on to other"" procedures. For instance, procedure FORMAT has a parameter' calted print, which is actua11, the parameters for the PRINT procedure, used by FORMAT in the course of its run. You code the print~D3rameter of FORMAT like this : Some SES procedures have parameters that don't want any values at In these cases, the parameter k.l'!)fgt'd~ Is used to indicate D!IICHS for the procedure. For insta~ee, pr~cedure PRINT has a shift i.n (no pun intended), which if coded, indicates that the file to be printed has not been formatted for a 'lne printer and Must therefore be "shifted" to the right by 1 co'um~ and have carriage control characters added In (the new) fir~t cotutn. You use PRINT in such a case like: all. ses.prlnt f-anyftle, shift and another example of options Is GENCOMP where you can type : ses.gencomp all, b-cldbase, (GE~er~te COMPile file), Cf.COMfl'~ in this case, the al' Js.A~ indicates that att 'ftodulesare to appear on the resulting "compile file". Throughout the procedure descriptions, we use the word mean a keyword used to provide options to ~ pr~ced~r~. k~l to 1-14 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 1.0 PREFACE 1.1.3 USING MORE THAN ONE SES PROCEDURE AT .~ TIME 1.1.3 USING MORE THAN ONE SES PROCEDURE AT A TI'E It's possible to use many SES procedures. each one following on right after the previous ones with no executlon br~aks between them. You do t his by cod i n 9 the III al t on the sa 11 e , i n e " each procedure terminated by a semicolon, like this t ses.print myflle, noshift; print hls'11~ shl't1 catlist This example PRINTs myflle and doesnft shift i t (the noshift k~~), PRINTs hisff'e with carriage control added (the shift k~~), and finally does a CATlIST of your files for you~ 1.1.4 ORDINARY CONTROL STATEMENTS ON A CALL TO SES It's also possible to include regular ~a~ contr~J statements on the same line as SES procedure calls, all ~Ixed together, like th is: ses.print myftle; 'return,myflle'; 'get,'hlsfit'e';, format hisfi'e As you can see, the ordinary NOS control state~ents are enclosed in string delimiters just like any other character str'ing. When SES processes one of these controt statemerlt str'lngs, it fat lows the rule that: If the string doesn·t contain 8 period or' a close parenthesis, a period is appended to the strIng, otherwise the string is left alone. This means that you can place NOS contrbt statements such as GTR and MODIFY (which use the control statement comment field for directives) with no problems. For example: In this example, the second NOS control stateme~t, namely the GTR, has a period in it, so SES doesn't place a~y period at the end of the string, whereas SES ~~Jl place a period at the end of the first string (the ATTACH statement). 1-15 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES Userfs Handbook 1.0 PREFACE 1.1.5 CONTINUING SES STATEMENTS OVER MORE THAN ONE tINE 1.1.5 CONTINUING SES STATEMENTS OVER MORE THAN O~E LINE SES can handle continuation lines (even when you're using SES interactively), for those cases where you can't spectfy a" you want to on one line. You Indicate continuation by olacing two or more periods at the end of the line. SES then asks for continuation tines to be typed in. For example: /ses.prtnt '-(snark, shark, char.ed, quarks, •• •• 1 larks, booJums, grogs, bander, snatchl' After you've signalled the incomplete Ijne by placing an ellipsis at the end of the line, SES prompts for a continuatfon line with a •• ? at the start of each continuation line. The slash (I) before the ses on the first line indicates where ~as outputs lti prompt for commands. When you use ses in a batch job strea~ continuation lines one after the other, each the ellipsis at the end, for example: v~u simply i"co~p'ete code the line having batch Job statements SES.COllECT (CHENAS. FlEURIE, "ORGON, COR~AS, T~VEl, •• GHEMHE. SOAVE, ORVIETO, CARE"A, PARRI~A, SAROlOl and .ore batch Job stat ellten ts 1-16 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 1.0 PREFACE 1.1.6 PROfILE - SETTING UP YOUR LOCAL ENVIRDHMEMT 1.1.6 PROFILE - SETTING UP YOUR LOCAL ENVIRJNME~T A PROFILE is a file where you can place Inror~ation about you and the things you're currently working on. "any SES procedures use information out of the PROFILE to set up defautts for frequently used things, such 8S the name of an object library. Having a PROFILE can save you much time since yoa' dontt hav~ to code par am e t er s for i nf 0 r ma t i on that. sa I ready I" t ne p r '0 f i 'e. If you want to have a profile, you shou~d create a fite called PROFILE which has the word PROFILE as the rlr~t 'Ine of the file. The most important and useful pieces of information to place in your profile a r ey 0 u r 2.i.5.11Ul£..d, J:b.JlL.QJ: QUmlHU:' a" d Qto."j.etftIu.lmu~t • Thus, your initia4 profile should have (at least) the fo'iowing in it: PROFILE \ passwor. 'your_password' \ charge • 'your_charge_nu.ber~ \ proJect. ·youf_project_nu.ber·· An ~Ai~ way to set up an initial PROFILE for yourself is to calf the BuiLD PROFi Ie (ILD!BDf) procedure like this: ses.bldprof BlOPROF prompts you for the most common items to be placed in your profile. In addition, i t creates a ~AIL80X for you. For information on the "mall" facilities of SES, see the chapter on °USER TO USER COMMUNICATIONS". SES supplies a procedure cal ted IAF, ~~Ich sets up defaults for particular terminal types. BlOPROF prompts f~r your terminal type, and places that information in your Pfofi'e. For further information on IAF, see the IAF procedur~ description in the "miscellaneous useful goodies" chapter. BlOPROF will also ask you for your graohics terminal type which may be different than your usual terminal. Even If you use the same terminal for graphic (CAOSG) and non-graphic wor~, you shOuld answer both requests. 8l0PROF witt ask addition91 questions about your graphics terminal baud rate, hard copy available, and for TEKTRONIX 4014 Extended Graphics Modu'~ and synchronous or asynchronous. For further information on CA05G, see the CAOSG procedure description in the Structured Process Tools chapter. There are many other things that. may go into your profile. These are mainly concerned with source code mgintenance and library management functions and so on. These other aspects of ~rofiles are 1-17 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 Oecember 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 1.0 PREfACE 1.1.6 PROFILE - SETTING UP YOUR LOCAL ENVrRQN~E~T discussed in the chapters dealing with the specific subjects. Another useful thing that can go into a pro'i1~ Is SES directives that specify which procedure libraries, and wher~, to search for procedures. The SEARCH directive is discussed In the appendices. 1-18 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 1.0 PREFACE 1.1.7 SES PROCEDURES RUN AS BATCH JOBS 1.1.7 SES PROCEDURES RUN AS BATCH JOBS • Instead of running interactively, or "while YOll wait" at your terminal, many SES procedures can be sub~ltted to run In the background as batch jobs. You do this by coding a k~~ (batch or batchn or defer) which causes the frame~ork oP a batch job to be built around the specified procedure, then S~8MtTs the fi'e so built to NOS as a batch Job. Using SES in this way is often very ef'ectlve, especially where the job to be done uses lots of resources. ~y r~nning the Job in batch, you can proceed with your inter~ctiy~ session Instead of having to wait. for such procedures, the list of parameter~ descrlbed below are those which affect the running of the batch job. Note that these parameters are gnlI applicable if you run the proc~dure in batch mode (that is, non-toca'). Jobun : (optiona') JOB User Name to be used on the USER statement of the batch Job. If you don't code the jobun oarameter, the Job is built with the user- na~e of the current user. HRll : that In some NOS sites, It Is n~t 22i~1~1~ to SUBMIT a job to run under another' user:t s account. The so called "secondary user" statment is disabled. If secondary user statements are disabled, and you try to submit a job for another account, y~U get l~~~A~ Att! Jobpw : (optional) JOB PassWord to be used 0" the USER statement of the batch job. If you don't code the jobpw parameter, and there's no passNor' variable defined tn your profile (see the section on profiles), SES asks you for your password in a simitar manner to that or ~ns. jobflllly : (optional) JOB FaMilY to be used on the USER statement of the batch Job. If you donlt code the jobf.'y parameter, and there's no faMily variable defi~ed tn your- profi1e (see the section on profiles), the fa~ily name for the current user is used. Jobcn : (optional) JOB Charge Number to be used on the CHARGE 1-19 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 1.0 PREfACE 1.1.7 SES PROCEDURES RUN AS BATCH JOBS statement of the batch job. If Y01J' don't code the Joben parameter, and there's no charge v~rl~bte defined in your profite (see the section on profftes), SES asks you for your charge number. Jobpn : (optional ) JOB Project Number' to be lJsed on the CHARGE statement of the batch job. If vou' 1on't code the jobpn parameter, and there's no project' vart able defined in your profi'e (see the section on proflies), SES asks you for your project number. Jobr t : (optional) specifies the JOB F'ietd length to be used for running the job. You don 1 t nor~a'lv need to code the Job" parameter, since alt the procedures which run tn batch set the Fl to the required value. If you want to speci ty the job fi el d I ength as an Q~.tal~ number, you mu.~t add the (8) suffix to the number; because ses treats numbers as decimal unless told other~ise. Jobt I : (optional) specifies the JOB Ti~e limit to be used for the Job. This is always the same for' at' procedures, namely 2000(8). If you need more time for the job, YOU must code some value for the Jobtt para~eter~ If you want to spec I fy th e job time I 1m i t as 3l\ Q·~:,t"ll: number, you add the (8) suffix to the number, because SES treats numbers as decima' unless told otherwfse.! jobpr : (optional) specifies the JOB PRiority (that is, the P par ameter on the NOS job statement). I f you want to s pee i fy th e Jo b pr lor; ty as an ~~t.ll'" UlI b er, yau JDJ.l.s.t ad d the (8) suffix to the number, because SES as decimal unless told otherwise.! treats numbers bin: (optional) al~ number parameter us~d at sites atlowlng bin references to indicate which "bin R the job output should go in. The bin parameter is code1 In the form of a string, for example t bln-'7h'. You cao also define a userbin variable in your PROFILE (see the seetlo" on profiles), so that the bin number is picked UD automatically. SES generates a large print banner 'f your bin number on the CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 1-20 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 1.0 PREFACE 1.1.7 SES PROCEDURES RUN AS BATCH JOBS front of the job output~ and also places the bin number in the Job name field of the Job stat~~ent~ If you donlt code the bin parameter, and there's no userbln •• ,Iable defined t n .Y 0 U r pro f i Ie, S ES g en e r at e s a I> In n lJ mher' 0 f N0- I D, \If hie h almost certainl, guarantees that ybur Job output ends up in the NOS/WO BIN NUMBER bin. tocal or batch or batchn or defer t coding one of these (optional) keys deter~ines the mode In which the procedure or Job is to be ru~. Coding the loca' k~x runs the procedure lOCAL to your terminal, or while you wa i t . Co ding the bat c h 11!fl , f S5 U e s a S US MIT wit h option B for the SUBMIT stateme~t. Coding the batch" ~IX 1ssues a SUBMIT with the N ootlon for the SUBMIT statement. Coding the defer k.e·l DEFERS the job for after hours running. You can find alt ~f the 1etails of the 8 and N parameters for SUBMIT in t~e ~OS reference manua •• nodayf or dayfile or df : this (optional) parameter aoptles to some of the procedures that can be run as batc~ jobs. Each procedure description (for procedures w~ich can r~n as batch Jobs) mentions this P8ra~eter only if the procedure makes use of It. For those or~cedures that do use it. this parameter applies on1y if the procedure is run as a batch job (that is, non-local). If YOU don't code the parameter at a11, or if you simo', code d.yfile or dt~ if the Job hits an EXIT stateme~t due to errors, the job dayfile is dumped to a file cal1~d d.,fi'e, which is placed in your catalog when the job terminates. If you code dayflle-fllen ••• or df."'.na.e, the dayfile is placed in your catalog in a file 0# name ,.tename. If you code the nodeyf option, no dayfil~ i~ p,~duced at job end. The diagram below provides a mor~ gr~Dh'ea' explanation of the interactions of the dayfile parameter~ 1-21 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User 1 s Handbook 1.0 PREfACE 1.1.7 SES PROCEDURES RUN AS BATCH JOSS •• •• t2AlU On f .[,2'" :ltll!.~ Nothing dayfile or drk~1. •t I I I t • • : Job dayfile is dumped to fife dayfile if any: : errors occur during the job. ; • ••• •• • I only Job dayfile dumped to 'I'~ dayfile if any: : : err ors occur during the job. : : da,file-flte_name il Job dayfile dumped t(')f1fe "'e_nalle if :, or df-file_name : errors occur during the job. f •• •• nodayfJs..ex Htlttl : reference Jobs. : Job day f i l e i s no.'t' : occur during the Job. •• any : •• du.ped even if errors : • I that only those procedures whose descrlptlons contain a to the parameters described above can be run as batch Example of Batch Usage A fairly widely used SES procedure is LtSTMO~ {~hich supplies a cross reference and a printout of the modules In a base - see the chapter relating to source text mainten3ncel. LIST~OO runs "while you wait" by default, and since i t grin1s. it's ~uch better to run it batch, I ike this: banewdata. batch 15.00.19. SUBMIT COMPLETE. JOBNAHE IS AFrQ8XT REVERT. JOB lISTMOD SUBMITTED ses.llstmod This example shows a simple usage of lISTMJO r~" In hatch by coding the batch k~l. The example assumes that your password, charge number, project number and al. are defined In your PROfILE as described earlter. The message is retur~ed hv N1S : it's the time of day that your job was submitted, and the so catled job name. last message about Job submitted comes fron SES.; The CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 1-22 18 December 84 SES Userfs Handbook REV: 4A 1.0 PREFACE PROFILE Variables for Controlling Batch Mode SES procedures that can optionally rUn in batch mode may be controlled by the settings of certain f~rlables In your PROFILE. This makes it easier to use SES all round, since YOU don.t then have to supply the information every time you ~se a procedure. The set of dlJ:.~dix~~ below can be coded into your proff of e it' you wish. PROFILE \ paSSNor a 'your_password' \ charge • 'your_charge_nu.ber' \ project • 'you,_proJect_number' \, • 'your_famil,' pass~or defines your password charge defines your charge number. project defines your project number. fa.ily defines your famity name. tlllt..: t hat i f you r y a lid a t i on 0 nth e s y s t em Iss uc h t hat you d 0 not require a CHARGE statement in batch Jtllls or' wh.en you log in at a terminal, you should set the charge and pr~Ject variables to null (empty) strings. This inhibits the ge"eratlo~ of the CHARGE statement by SES for batch Jobs. 1-23 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES Userfs Handbook 1.0 PREFACE PROfILE Variables for Controlltng 8atch Mode Examples of PROFILES PROFILE \ passwor • 'ASTERIX' \ charge • 'OBElIX' \ project • tGETAFIX' That is an example of a minima' PROFILE. as i t might be defined for a user: qer~·s a typical PROFILE PROfILE \ passwor • 'WABBIT' \ char ge • t. .t \ project • \ myname • 'Lorenzo Desmondo O"H9r~' Note that the charge and project variables ar~ set to empty strings - this would apply to sites that don't require CHARGE statements on NOS. 1-24 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV:4A SES User'S Handbook 1.0 PREFACE 1.1.8 INFORMATIVE MESSAGES FROM SES 1.1.8 INfORMATIVE MESSAGES FROM SES PROCED~RES PROCED~~ES Many SES procedures are set UP such that when they run "while you wait" at the terminal, they output Informative messages to tell you what theY're doing. The informative messages are c()ntrolled by .I.g and a.ala k~~~ on the appropriate procedur~s. The normal default, in the absence of any other information is for the procedures to output informative messages. Coding the nomsg ~~~ suppresses the messages. However, it is possible to establIsh your own default by defining a profile varlable called msgctrl. The msgctr' variable can be defined in one of two ways: \ IIsgctr' • '*' this sets the nor,.q' default for informative messages to no messages. In order to obtain messages from procedares the .sg ~~X must be coded on the procedur. ca'i. \ IIsgctr' • 'SESMSG.*' this sets the Aor~a' default to output informative messages. T~ turn messages off, the no",sg ts.~.! !lust be coded on the procedure call. The table below should give a more qr~ohfcat idea of the interactions of the IRsgctrl variable and the IIsg and nOIRsg J1Jt~.s on the procedures. +--.--.-.------..-.-.---------... -.--.---.-~ . . -.-.-----.-----.......-.. . . -.-...-.-.-.-------... _+ +---.-...-.-.-.....---... ++----~...~~~-~+.-- .....---... --~.---.----- .........---.-..~- ... +_. _.-.-._ ... __ .... --_..-.------+ : Un 'Qdc~ :e.c.jU&Jld.w.c.~ :: :: +-.....:...- ...--~----+ : Nothing +------~-.-- : MSG : NOl1SG •• ... Nothing : \ MSGCTRl='SESMSG •• ' •• t \ MSGCTRl='*' •, •• •• +-.--.--.------+. . .-------~. . -----..--.. . . . . . ,~-.-----.~--+ -.-.----....----.------.-- + :: Messages: ~--+ +-~--~---~--+ ~--- :: Mess-ages : :: No : :: Messages : Mess ages No . . -.-.. ---.-----.-...--..-.. . -----"'---+, -.. . . -.. . . Messages --~------ Messages • Messages No Messages •, No . . .--.. . . - + Messages • •• t 1-25 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook RE V: 4A 1.0 PREFACE 1.1.9 GENERAL NOTES ON SES PROCEDURES 1.1.9 GENERAL NOTES ON SES PROCEDURES SES procedures are, in general, written to do the detail work for you, so you can concentrate on the Job at hand. L~t's look at the workings of a typical SES procedure eU!I AS:11 Coded Record (COPYACR), to see what It does : ses.copyacr '-input_file, REVERT. The COPYACR following: END COPYACR procedure emits o·outp~t_'11. INPUT_FILE -) OUTPUT_FILE NOS contr~' state~ents to do the ..i,£9ll.1.t.A the input_flte (see the note O~ 4CQUIRE below) a~gYl~~ the program (tool) that does the CQPYACR process L.lY£Q the output_fite C,JJfYACB. from input_file to output_file ~~1YLn the COPYACR program £.Ju.tln.d both the j nput_f i I e and the output_"f' e you may if you wish, use procedures such as ses.copyacr REVERT. CO~YACR like this fife_to_be_processed END COPYACR FllE_TO_'.BE_:PRflCESSED In such cases, where does the output of the procedure go? Well i t certainty doesn't go to file output (the ter~lna1). In such cases, the output file eventually replaces the i"out fite t .,C.9.v.l.tJ the file_to_be_processed .i"llit.'c the COPYACR program (tool) toelAtl flle_to_be_processed to a unique_~amed_t~mp_fi'e tA1u[.Q the COPYACR program file_to_be_processed a unfque_·named_·tel1lP_file .t.e1lU.O unlque_named_temp_file * There are many SES procedures that function this Wqy they are otten referred to as FILTERS - a process that copies an input to an output with some transformation in between. 1-26 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 1.0 PREFACE 1.1.9 GENERAL NOTES ON SES PROCEDURES When you cal' up an SES procedure to : one of the control statements emitted by the statement to ACQUIRE the input_file, which ~eans : 1.if there's a .LDtAJ. file of the requlr'ed nalfte, and use i t as the input_file. procedure RfitltJ~ is a that file 2. otherwise AIIAtl:l or' if1 a permanent f' Ie i)f the required from the current user's catalog. name Atl this means .you don't have to car~e whether' or not fi les are local - SES procedures grab whatever Is available under that name that is what ACQUIRE is all about. Ther~ Is a futl description of the ACQUIRE utility in the Appendix. The foregoing has some interesting effects which you aware of however. Consider the following sequence 1 should be ses.'iles; catllst WORK ••• ••• 12 PT. ( 9 FIlE-S. 2685 PRUS ) CATLIST OF WeN MAILBOX I SP A ••• 1 OLOUSER 0 PU R 1127 PNTSORS D PU R .105 PROCLI8 D SP R .12ft PROFILE I PR R .l.'."l PRIlGlIB 0 PU R .835 SEVEN •• I PU R ••• 2 STATSES 0 PU W .!485 tJSERDIR I PU R ••• 5 REVERT. END CATLIST ses.pack REVERT. t-statses END PACK ses.files WORK •••••• 12 PT. REVERT. END FILES STATSES STATSES •• 1t8l LIJ.: Note that we PACKed file STATSES. Note that or1glnally, STATSES was a PERMANENT DIRECT ACCESS file. By the time the PACK process finished however, the PACK procedure (because of the RENAME process described earlier) has now teft a LOCAL fl'~ of t~e same name. SES procedures don't, in general, rewrite per~ane~t '11es. Those that do say so explicitly. 1-21 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 1.0 PREFACE 1.1.9 GENERAL NOTES ON SES PROCEDURES If you followed the description of the be~avlor of SES procedures above, you may take note that SES is designed primaril, as an ltilE.&AC.II.~E too J • You S&iD us e SES I n batch .J OD s tr'"e ams i"f you wish, .bYl you shoul d be awar e that SES procedur"es don't, in gener ai, make 8 sp ec ial case 0 f f i I es IKeUI and CUlleUl, 14 her eas t-.t1J S .cl!ljl~ til ak e a special case of files l~eUI and DUleUI~ Usu~11y~ when using SES procedures interactively, you don't use tlllI-eU! as the output file from procedures, those procedures that ~~ use l!!UI or aUI£UI say so, and take special note of those files. At' this means that if you run ses in be tch str eams, and use f il as r~e.J!" or' llUle.UI as Input or output to procedures, likely tG lose a lot of output because SES procedures &fKIHll or Bf.lUB.ti thil'lgs. So, to avoid grief, uses f j les other than ItjfllI and QUlfUI. When SES builds the Jel stream from an SES procedure, programs, scratch files and so on are usuall, given unique names, so that you don't have to care which names are reser~ad by each particular procedure. These SES generated unique names are always seven characters long, always begin with the letters la, and are always guaranteed to be different from the ~a~e of any file currently assigned to the running Job. This note Is your information, just in case yoU ever took at a dayfile where SES procedures have been used, and see lots of funny looking names. The example betow shows the Jel generated by the proce1ure. '0'" SRFl(20000) SIFECfIlE(OUTPUT,AS),lABEL1) SRENAMECZQWTSQ6-0UTPUT) SENOIFClA8Ell) SASSIGNCMS,OUTPUT) SLIMITS. SRENAMECZQWTSQQ-OUTPUT) SIFECfIlECZQWT8Q6,ASllA8El2) SRENAMECOUlPUr-ZQWTSQ6) SENOIFCLABEL2) SREWINOCZQWTSRA) EOTCZQWTSQQ,ZQWT8RA,ZQWT8RW) SRETURNCZQWT8RA,ZQWTSRW) SCOPYBRCZQWTSQQ,OUTPUT) SRETURN(ZQWTSQQ) CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REVs 4A SES Userls Handbook 1.0 PREFACE 1.1.9 GENERAL NOTES ON SES PROCEDURES SRFt(O) REVERT. 1-28 END LIMITS 1-29 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES SES User's Handbook 18 December 84 REV J 4A 1.0 PREFACE 1.1.10 PROCEDURE DESCRIPTION CONVENTIONS 1.1.10 PROCEDURE DESCRIPTION CONVENTIONS The remaining chapters of this handbook desoribe SES procedures that are currently available. Each procedur~ descrlotion contains a lis t 0 f par am e t eT des c ri p ti 0 n s ; an d t " e 0 r'd e r' i n wh i c h the parameters are described specifies their positional significance within the procedure. those procedures that make refere~ce, in their parameter lists, to the "batch Job parameters" (see the section called "SES PROCEDURES RUN AS BATCH JOBS") can in fact' oertJn as batch jobs. Only If a procedure description does not contain 3 description parameter, that procedure does not have such a parameter. for a If a parameter description does not exptlclt'~ specify that a parameter is optional then the parameter must be supplied when the procedure is cat led. In order to reduce redundancy within prbcedur~ descriptions, some of the features provided by a procedur~ are d1scussed in the descriptions of particular parameters; therefore, we strongly recommend that when you read 8 procedure 1escrlptian, you read the whole thing. Before you read a particular procedure description, we strongly recommend that you read the introductory subsectlo~ of the chapter containing the procedure description. 5uch things as general parameter descriptions, profile usage, and naming conventions are discussed in those subsections. 1-30 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December· 84 REV: 41 SES User's Handbook 1.0 PREFACE 1.1.11 PARAMETERS TO THE SES PROCeSSOR 1.1.11 PARAMETERS TO THE ses PROCESSOR You have just read about parameters for~ SES pr'ocedures in the first sections of this chapter. You can also Drof1de parameters to the ses processor to direct it's actions. These parameters come after the SES, and before the .procedure_"a~e. These parameters may be specified in order dependent or keyword manner. The UN parameter specifies the catalog containing the requested procedure. for example, if a procedure is f, the SESPlIB library on catalog TEAM, just type SES,UN:TEAM.procedur~_"ame to use it. See also Appendix A. The LPFN parameter specifies the libr~r~ per.anent file name of the SESPlIS containing the requested procedure. If the library is on another catalog, both the UN and the lPF~ para~eters are needed. For example, gets the procedure from library PROJlI~ on catalog TEAM. Appendix A for more information about accessing procedures. See The PUN parameter specifies the catalog containing the PROFILE you wish to use. See Appendix A for additi~na' details. The P parameter gives the name of the use. See also Appendix A. P~OFIlE 'fie you wish to 1-31 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 1.0 PREfACE DUN The DUN parameter is a default catalog that contains files needed by the procedure being called. For" example, the user SES,DUN=TEAM.PRINT TE5TF1L will print file TESTFll from catalog generally used with the DPN parameter. TEAM.! This parameter is The DPN parameter is a default packname that c~ntains the user files needed by the procedure being called. This parameter allows you ta maintain your files on a private pack and still use them with SESe The next processor. parameter determines the The SES processor processes procedures RUN This is the normal mode. The presumab1y generating control control statements are executed. operating i~ mode of the ses one of four modes: o ro c e d u re state~ents, is processed, and then these TEST In this mode the procedure is processed In the normal manner, ~yt the generated cantr~t statements aTe not executed, instead they are place1 on a designated file far possible inspection by the user. This mode is meant as an aid in debugging new procedures. HELP This mode is similar to test ~~de. ho~ever instead of generating control statements, a procedur~ set up for HELP mode produces some documentation on itfs purpose and usage. STATUS This mode is similar to test mode, however instead of generating control statements, a orocedure set up for STATUS mode produces any change (nFor~~tlon avai table about the procedure. 1-32 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 1.0 PREFACE Processor Operating Mode Parameter Refer to Appendix 8 for additional InformatIon on these modes. BUt! This is the normal operating mode of the processor and is the default mode. The specified procedure 1s processed and exeeuted. It is normally not necessary to specify rU1 as the ~ode. l,Es,r The TEST parameter tel Is the SES processor to execute in TEST mode. In this mode, the procedure is processed in the normal manner, but the generated control state.e~ts ar~ not executed. Instead, they are placed on a designated fffe for possible inspection by the user. will place the generated control statements on fl'e myrtle. If fi lei s speci fi ed, SESTEST wi contain the cantr'ol statements. I' no 1-33 'COC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES SES Userts Handbook 18 December 84 REV: 4A 1.0 PREFACE HELP OR H ttfLl_llLli The HELP parameter tel,s the SES processor to execute In HELP mode. SES provides a mode of operation of procedures that produces descriptive information about the specified procedure. The information tncludes a one or two sentence descrtption of what the procedure does pi us a lis t of the parameters. the1 r' def:au I ts, and the permissable values. In addition, r~quir~d parameters are "ftagged" with (R) and defaults that are eontr~"~b'e by PROFILE variables are "flagged" with an *. To get the help documentation for a procedure I isted out on your terminal·.·· you simply type: Notice that no parameters are given. SES r~sponds by displaying the help documentation for the named procedur~ (If any is available). For example: ses,help.getmod produces : GETl10D extracts 1 or mor'e modules '(decks) from a '1ADlfY base library and places theil, in MADIFY source for~at. on 8 group file. Par alleter s ar e: --PARAHETER----OEfAUlT--------AllOWABlE, VlltJECSJ---------------(R) m,al. none MADIFY deckname(sl (ranges alloNed) g,gfOUP *group filename b,t *base filename un *current user username cors,c none filename width," Madlfy nUMeric ~axl.u. wfdth of retrieved deck statu$,sts none keyword .sg,nomsg •• sg keyword -HELP fOR GET"DD ON FILE OUTPUTSES,HElPamyfile.procedure_name Mill place the help documentation on file myrtle. ~AtC: that help mode is not intended as ~ training mechanism or a tutorial for new SES users - that's what this SES User·s Handbook is for help mode is there as a ~~e~ory jogger" for more experienced SES users. 1-34 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 1.0 PREFACE STATUS OR S lIAIUS_DR_S SES provides a STATUS mode of operation that lists curtent status infor~ation about the specified pr~cedure. Changes to SES procedures that potentially affect users ar~ comm~nlcated in this manner. To get status information on 3 partlcul~r procedure, you simply type: Status items are listed in reverse chronofogical affecting the procedure since the previous SE5 For example : ses,status.gencomp could produce: or~er. ~elease changes are fisted. Atf 02/09/62 The field length value used by GENCOHP has been 71700(8) to accommodate larger program STATUS OF GENCOMP ON FILE OUTPUT SES,STATUS=myfile.procedure_name information on fite myfile. wi II ", ace increased the to status 1-35 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User·s Handbook 1.0 PREFAC E 1.1.12 PRE-RELEASE VERSIONS Of TOOLS 1.1.12 PRE-RELEASE VERSIONS OF TOOLS SES provides a convenient and consistent ~ethod for accessing pre-release versions of ses supplied too's~ To access the pre-release version of a procedure, you sl~o'~ type t If there is a pre-release avai lable for4 the specified tool, i t executes. If there is no pre-release yer~ion, yOU get the standard release version. If you always want pre-release versions o~ tools that are available, you can place in your PROFILE the fot'o~ing directive: \ SEARCH, USER, SSS, SeSU~A~ This tells SES to first look in the current user's catalog for the specified procedure (Just as normally hapoens). then look in the pre-release catalog (555), and finally look In the standard re'ease catalog (specified by the SESUNAH v~riablel. A more detaijed description of the SEARCq in the Appendix. dtr~ettve can be found 1-36 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV:4A 1.0 PREFACE 1.1.13 PROBLEM REPORTING 1.1.13 PROBLEM REPORTING Problems encountered while using a released SES tool should be reported using a PSR (Programming System Reoort, CDC form AAI901). Problems encountered while using a pr~-~~Iease~ SES tool should also be reported using a PSR (Programming Syste~ ~eport, CDC form AA1901). The completed form along with all sent to the Arden Hills PSR Coordinator sup~ort (A~~230'. materia's should be 1-37 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 1.0 PREFACE 1.1.14 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 1.1.14 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS SES provides a procedure called TOOlOOC which prbvides "on-line" access to many SES documents. If you ca t I T10LI)OC .t!ltba.Y.t .salxUUJ' you get a list of the avai' sol e DeS documents. The fol'owing CDC manuals for NOS/170 may be of help to users of SES. 60455280 CYBIl Reference Manual 60451280 CY8Il language Specification 60457290 CYBIl Handbook 60457260 NOS DEFINE Data Dictionary 60451270 NOS GRAPH Graphics User's Handbook 60435400 NOS Version 1 Reference 60445300 NOS Version 1 Reference Manua' 60455250 Network Products Ref er en ce Manu a I 60435500 NOS Version 1 Time-Sharing User's Re'erence Manual 60450100 NOS Version 1 Modify Reference Manua' 60492600 CO~PASS 60328800 SYMPl Reference Manual 60497800 FORTRAN Extended Version 4 60481300 FORTRAN Version 5 Reference 60429800 CYBER Loader Version 1 60481400 CYSfR Interactive Debug Version 1 Reference Manual To~ls Manu~t ~ser's (Volu11e 1) (Volu~e Interactive Version 3 Reference Handbook 2) Facility Version Ma~ual ~eference Manua' ~anual Refer~~ce Man~~1 1 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 2-1 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV:4A 2.0 SES PROCEDURE LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SES supplies a separate set of procedur~s to manage SES procedure libraries. These libraries are in a unique format that is incompatible with other library management orbcedur~s provided by SES; e.g., REPHEM. SES orocedure libraries are aJw9YS maintained in sorted order. The terminology that these library management procedures use are as follows: LIBRARY A collectIon of SES procedur~ records on a file. All SES procedure library manage~ent procedures use an I parameter to refer to a library. PROCEDURE A sin 9 I ere cor din an SESp r -C) c e d u r ~e f:1 br a r y f it e, 0 r a file containing a procedure ~hich is added to or replaced on a library. At' SES procedure library management procedures use a ~ oarameter to refer to PROCEDURES. GROUP a collection of procedure(s) that occupy one record per procedure on the file. 2-2 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User 1 s Handbook REVt4A 2.0 SES PROCEDURE LIBRARY MANAGEMENT GETPROC REPPROC GET PROCeduresQul Sl! a ' i br ary 2cft"Q a gr"oup procedures appear one per logical reeord. REPlace or REPPROC In a add PROCedures on a library. special way to create a brand fi Ie. The You also use new library from scratch. CATPlIB CATalog a Procedure LIBrary to 1150lav t~e names and the types of procedures in the librar~. in short form output. LISTPROC LIST PROCedures. lISTPROC gener~tes a catalog of all the procedures on a library, and optionally prints every reXT procedure from the library. WIPEPROC WIPE (delete) PROCedures from ~ 'ibrary. 2-3 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 2.0 SES PROCEDURE LIBRARY MANAGEMENT This section introduces the parameter na~ing convention that·s common to most of the procedures in the pr'ocedur'e'l brary management system. I or b name of library on which per formed. p stands for Procedure(s). 9 or group nl or nb the ooeratlons are to be name of file upon which a GROUP of procedures are accumulated when adding or r~placfng procedures on a library, or when procedures ar~ extracted from a 11brary. A group fite contains one procedure per I ogi cal r ece rd. name of a New library or New Base, used in those procedures that perform oper~t1o'5 that permanent.y alter a I ibrary, requiring that a new library be created. An explanation of the method used to update a library is contained in a subsequent section. 2-4 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 2.0 SES PROCEDURE LIBRARY MANAGEMENT The variables described below may be decfared in your PROfILE in order to establish default information 'or the parameters of the procedure library management procedures. pllb name of procedure fibrary where or replaced. plibown user name found. neNpllb name of new procedure library for those procedures which update a tibrary, thereby creating a ~ew one. The default name for newplib is the same name as the otd fibrary. group used by all procedures to designat~ a group fj'e, or a ft'e containing one procedure per logical r~cord. The default name for group is group. sest.pp used by alt of the procedures that update procedure librarles to specify the temporar~ llbr~r~ fite during the update process. The default name rGf thIs file is sestMPP. lok.ode determines the Interlocking action ~hen updating a procedure library. The 'ok_ode v~rlab'e may be set to 'LOCK' (lock by default unless the nBlock parameter is coded on the procedure) or tNOlOC~' ("0 lock by default unless the tack parameter is coded on the orocedure). Intrlok used by al' of the procedures that update procedure librarles to specify the interlock fite t~ be used during the update process. The defautt na~e ror the Interlock file is intrlok. pr~ce~ures are to be found in whose catalog the prGcedure library is to be 2-5 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 2.0 SES PROCEDURE LIBRARY MANAGEMENT Some of the procedure library management prbcedures physically alter a library, requiring that a new library be created. The process is common to all such procedures, a~d is as follows: If you code both the I and nf parameter'sf the new procedure fibrary is created simp'y by performing the requir~d operations on the old library, and writing the newly created 'Ibr~ry onto the file specified by the nl parameter. If you code only the 1 parameter, the updat~ ta~es place in two stages. The updating operation is performed and the new library written to a 'ile called sestMPP (SeS TeMP~r~ry Pr~cedure). sest.pp is then physica'I, copied back over the file specified by the I parameter, and fina"y sest.pp is purged. Note that if the fite specified by the "I (or 1 if nb is omitted) does not already exist, a DIRECT access READ ~Qde file Is OEFINEd for the 'ibrary (this, of course, can on'~ be do~e if the owner of the tibrary is the current user). Note that if anything goes wrong during an updating run, the originat libr~ry Is alMays left intact, and O"'~ the new library or sestmpp is potentially incorrect. This meqns that yOU can recover by purging the new library or sestmpp and starting the run again. If something goes wrong ~~f~~J the library appears on sestmpp, original library is intact, and sest.pp 18Y be Durged, whereas if something goes wrong .a!UI. the neN library is on sestllpp, that is, during the "rewrite" phase of the update, It is sest.pp that Is safe, and the old library that Is wrong. In this case, you may use the REWRITE procedure to do the rewrite again, ~r alternatively, you may Just purge the old library and then change the name of sestllPP to be the library name. CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 2-6 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 2.0 SES PROCEOURE LIBRARY MANAGEMENT When updating a library you can interlock the u~date so that only one user at a time can update the tibrar~. Those procedures that update 8 library are set UP so that if the ,qbrary to be up4ated is in another user's catalog, the library Is interlocked by default. You can override default actions by defini"Q 3 Ib~.ode variable in your p r of i Ie, or by cod i n g a lock' 0 r n 01 0 C k 1 'a~ , on the pro c e d ur e , as shown in the diagram on the next page. Interlocking of a library is done via an interlock file. Such a 'fit e be a Dllf'I access f i I e in lbi ia'!:a \ls.~t'!.;~ ~at.l!ju~. .as. th~ !11u:..It.~ iu:l!ul lU!.d.a1~.d. Naturally the interlock file must be a PUBLIC, WRITE MODE fite if other users ar~ 'ikel~ to be using i t . The default name used by the SES source code maintenance and library management procedures for the lock file is Intrl~k. You can have an interlock file of any name by defining the Intrlok profile variable, or by coding a file name as a value for' the Ibck parameter on the appropr1ate procedures. 2-7 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV1 4A 2.0 SES PROCEDURE LIBRARY MANAGEMENT : t.~ulJul •• an : f.t..Q ~Juht[.~ : : lock : library or base Ii locked regardless of contents of: : lokmode profile variable or other' eotldltions. notock : library or base 1~ D21 locked of contents: : of lok.ode profile variable or other conrlition.s. ; \lokmode.'lOCK' 'ibrary or base 11 locked: nolock: Jl2t by locked: lock : : unless oyer~ldden by : parameter on prDcedure. : \ L~ over~ldden toklIode-tNOlOCK' :tlbrary or· base : unless : par ameterYon procedure. : tiJl.tbJ.1HI : .ci!n~I. Ilt Ba~~ Illt. •• •• •• • Current User • •• Another User t t t • • ••• • t •• • : t •• •• •• •• ••• • , I b r'ar·y or ,. base l.i D.21 locked un'ess the 10k_ode or'3 f it e variable set is to t LOCK" or the lock parameter I s coded on the Dr'ocedure.: •• •• • t • t •• , i or ar y or base 1~ lock ed the lok.ode • urlless oroflte 'fariable is set •• t~ 'NOl!JC<' or the notock • •• parameter ls coded on the ••, •• Dr·o c e dur e • t f t +-~ , ... --.---.-.---.-.----+--.--.---.. . ..-.---.~---.-------- . . . .-----.-----+ 2-8 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 2.0 SES PROCEDURE LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 2.1 GETPROC - EXTRACT PROCEDURE(S) FROM PROCEDURE lIBRARY GETPROC is intended for extracting any IllJllber' of procedures from a SES procedure library onto a group 'lie, ~lth one procedure per logical record. Parameters to GETPROC are t p or proc or al1 : If you code the all keyword, GETPROC extracts ALL procedures from the procedure tlbr~rY specified by t~e t parameter. Otherwise, you code t~e 0 par~meter as a list of name(s) of Procedure(s) to be extr·acted. Ranges of procedure names may also be coded, as shown in the examples at the end of this descrlptlon. 9 or group : (optional) name of group file t~ receive the procedure(s) extracted from the procedure libr~r~. Ir you don't code the g parameter, GETPROC uses the vatue of profile variable group, and if there's no such variable defined, uses the name group for the group file. t or b : (optiona') name of procedure library from which the procedure(s) are to extracted. If VOlJ' don't code the I parameter, GETPROC either uses the v~'ue of profite variable plib, or if that's undefIned,· GETPROC uses the name plib for the name of the procedur~ library. un : (optional) User Name in whose e~ta'~g the procedure library specified by t is to be fOUTld, 11' It isn't In the catalog of the current user. If YOU don't code the un parameter, GETPROC uses the valUe of oroflle variable ptiboMn, and if therets no such vari3b1e defined, the GETPROC uses the user name of the curr~nt user. status or sts : status is an (optional) k~~ used for those cases where GETPROC Is being used as a building block of more sophisticated procedures or Jobs. The status parameter causes GETPROC procedure to set the job control register EFG to the value zero if GETPROC ~uecessfutly completed, and non zero If anything went wrong during the run of GETPROC. If status is not quoted and an abnormal 2-9 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: itA 2.0 SES PROCEDURE LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 2.1 GETPRQC - EXTRACT PROCEDURE(S) FROM PRQCEOURE lI8RARY condition occurs, GETPROC witt E(~T. Examples of GETPROC ses.getproc format '-sesplib un a lt7l REVERT. END GETPRDC GROUP (- SESPllS The example uses GETPROC to get one procedure called format a library called sesplib in the catalog of user 'r17. from ses.getproc Ctxtcode,txtform,txthead) blAar~ ' un-mv73 REYERT. END GETPROC BINARY <- PRGtlB 'ro. This example extracts a group of proceduf~s an SES procedure ibrary called prglib in the catalog of user' mv71 and places them on a group file called binary. t ses.getproc (catl ist •• change, cotlpare. 1.kfayweekl '·sesp' ib REVERT. END GETPROC GROUP (- SeSPl19 This example illustrates how ranges may be coded for a parameter. The exampje extracts all procedures cetllst through change inclusive, and all procedures COMpare thr~ugh dayweek inclusive, from an SES procedure library called sespl1b, and ptaces the extracted procedures on the fite cal'ed gr~~~. 2-10 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: itA 2.0 SES PROCEDURE LI8RARY MANAGEMENT 2.2 REPPROC - ADO OR REPLACe PROCEDURE(S} REPPROC is a procedure to add new procedure(s) on an SES procedure ar et p Q~ P~OC. LIB. procedur~{~t to, 'ibrar~. ~ar~~eters or replace to REPPROC or proc : (optional) list of flle(s) containing Procedure(s) to be added to or replaced on the or~cedure library. If you don't code the p parameter, REPP~OC assultes that all the procedure(s) to be added or repl~ced are already on a file specified by the g parameter. g or group : (optional) name of a group fife on which procedure(s) are accumul ated as one procedure per logi cal record. If you don.t code the g parameter, REPPRQC uses the value of profi Ie variab'e group. If t~ere's no such profile variable defined, REPPROC uses 'ilena~e gr~up as the group fl. e. I or b : (optional) name of pr~cedur~ llbrar~ on Mhich the procedure(s) are to be added or r~~I~ced. If you don.t code the I parameter, REPPROC uses the value of profile variable plib as the name of the procedure library. If there's no such profile variab'e de~f"ed, REPPROC uses a library name of plib. n lor nb : (optional) name of New procedure lfbr~r~ to be created when REP PRO C has com pie ted its r'lJ '1. I f v 0 U don' t code the nl parameter, REPPROC uses the value of profile variable newplib, and I f there's no such pr~flle variable defined, REPPROC writes the new procedure librarv over the fite specified by the I parameter. un : (optional) User Name in whos~ c~ta'og the procedure I ibrary specified by Ilnl is to be fOlJ"d, if flnl is not in the catalog of the current user~ If you don't code the un parameter, REPPROC uses the vatue of PToflle variable pliboMn as the user name from w~ose catalog the procedure library is to be obtained, and l ' ther~'s no such variable 2-11 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's H3ndbook REV: 4A 2.0 SES PROCEDURE LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 2.2 REPPROC - ADO OR REPLACE PROCEDUREtS) O~ PROC. LIB. defined. REPPROC uses the current user's catalog. lock or not ock : these (optional) parameters deter~ine ~hether the base update process is interlocked against slm~.taneous updates; coding a fi tename for the lock Darameter" determines the name of the interlock file. I'lterlockl"Q is the J1..c!.Iylt action when the base being updated Is in another user's catalog. If YOU don't code eltherthe lock or nolock Js.~.I~, i nterl ocki ng is control I ed by the lokllode prof. Ie variable. Refer to the Introductor~ sections of this chapter for information on the Interactio"s of the lok.ode profile variable and the lock and notock parameters. If you don' tc 0 d e a f I ten am e for t " e 1 '0 c k '" parameter, the contents of profife variable Intrlok is used as the interlock filename; if there's no such profile variable. the name i ntrl ok is us ed as the lock fi I ename. The interlock file my~t be in the sa~e catal~g as the base being updated. If the interlock fiie cannot be found, the procedure aborts. o. batch Job parameters: These parameters sre described in the section entitled uSES PROCEDURES RUN AS BATCH J1SS". The defauit for this procedure is to run in local mode, but i t can be run in b at c h mo de. The day fl. e p ar"a In e t er' i s not use d by t his procedure. msg or nomsg : these (optional) kl~i informative messages by described in the section FROM SES PROCEDURES". contro' this the generation of and are fully "INFORMATIVE MESSAGES 3rbcedur~ entitl~d 2-12 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 2.0 SES PROCEDURE LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 2.2 REPPROC - ADD OR REPLACE PROCEDURE(S) Examples of REPPROC O~ PROC. LIB. U~age ses.repproc (first, second, third) taber~1fb FIRST -> GROUP SECOND -> GROUP THIRD -> GROUP REPLACING/ADDING "EMBERS ON BERKLYS LIBRARY NOW ON SESTMPP NEW LIBRARY NOW ON BERKlIB SeSTMPP PURGED REVERT. END REPPROC GROUP -) 8ERKL18 * * * * * * * This example illustrates REPPROC used to col'.ct three procedures onto a group file, and then place the contents of the group file on an SES procedure library cal ted berkllb. The example shows some of the informative messages that appear durinQ a REPPROC run. ses.repproc n'-sespttb, g-neMproc CREATING MEV LIBRARY PROeLI8 REVERT. END REPPROC NEWPROC -) PROelI9 * This example illustrates how to bultd a library. The new procedures to be added ar~ on a newproc. ~ew gr~up SES procedure file called 2-13 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User 1 s Handbook 2.0 SES PROCEDURE LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 2.3 CATPlIB - PRODUCE LIST OF PROCEDURES Ii A PROC. LIS. CATPlIB is used to display a procedure 'lst of the procedures In an SES procedure library. CATPlIB outpats the pr~cedure list in a 'condensed format, five procedures per Itn~. showing only the procedure names. Parameters to CATPLIB are: I or b : (optional) name of procedure library which is to have its procedure names displayed. If you don·t code the I parameter, CATPlIB uses the value of proff fe variable plib as the name of the library, 3"1 If there's no such variable defined, CATPlIB uses a fife na~e of pllb. un : (optional) User Name in whose catalog the procedure library specified by the I parameter is to be found. If you don't code the un parameter, CATPlIB uses the value of profile variable plibown as the user na~e, and if there's no such variable defined, CATPLI~ uses the current user's catalog. o : (optional) name of file to receive the Output from CATPlIB. If you don.t code the 0 parameter, CATPlIB P • aces the procedure list onf t 1'e output.: 2-14 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 2.0 SES PROCEDURE LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 2.3 CATPlIB - PRODUCE LIST OF PROCEDURES Example of CATPLJ8 ses.catplib b-seshl'b un a PROCEDURES ON ANYMAIlHlP CHANGEHlP DAYWEEKHLP DUttP999HlP GENCPFHlP GETMAIlHlP LIBEDITHlP NEWPSRSHlP REPHODHLP SESPARf1HlP TMPFIlSHlP USEINFOHlP XGEN"ARHtP END REVERT. I~ A PROC. LIB. ~sage • • 69 SESHlIB PRDCEDURE LIBRARY BEllHLP ASORTHlP BANNERHlP CHANGPFHlP COlLECTHlP COM'HL It DD~LP DDCREATHLP DODISHlP f5FORf1HlP DUMPPFHlP EDTHlP GENf1SGHlP GENHARHLP GENMOOSHlP GETPffil P GETME"HlP GETHODSHlP LISTMEMHlP LIMITSHLP LINK170HLP PERMIfHlP NOWLISTHLP PACKHlP REr"AI~HlP REPPRDCHlP' REPUL IBHlP SrMFNIJNHlP SESPROCHlP SIHDEFHlP TOOtDtlCHlP T0900HLP T0999HLP YOlUf1EHlP USEHSGHlP VEGEEHlP XREFf1C1DHlP XGENf1SGHlP XlITHlP CATPlIB HElPLIB -) ourp~r· This example shows CATPLIB output for a .1brary catalog of user .v69. seshllb BOVLAYHlP CDMPAREHlP DOMERGEHlP FllESHlP GENPDTHlP GETPROCHlP LISTMODHlP PERMPFHlP REWRITEHlP SPECTRHlP TWOPAGEHlP WHOHAIlHlP PLIB OIR in the 2-15 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December· 84 SES User's Handbook REV:4A 2.0 SES PROCEDURE LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 2.4 LISTPROC - LIST CONTENTS Of PROCEDURE LIBRARY lISTPROC performs two main functions to show yoa what's in an SES procedure library, and to get a printout any nu.ber of procedures from the procedure .ibrary. lISTPROC fir~t- qenerates a list of the names of all the procedures specified. Lastly. lISTPROC generates a printout of all procedures specified. Par~~eter~ to lISTPRQC are: 0' p or proc : (optional) list of name(s) of Pr~cedure(s) to be extracted. If you don't code t~is par~meter, lISTPROC extracts atl procedures fro~ the procedure library specified by the I parameter. R~nges of procedure names may also be coded. I or b : (optional) name of procedure lfbr~ry to you don't code the b parameter, L~SfP~aC profile variable pllb as the pr~cedure if there's no such variable defined, the default name pllb. be processed. If uses the vatue of 11brary name, and LISTPROC uses the o or output l ( 0 p t t on a I ) name 0 f f i I e to r ~e eel vre the Out put fr om lISTPROC. If you don't code the 0 par~meter, lISTPROC places the output on some u~fque fife name that it generates. The output doesn.t default to file output because, if youlre running lISTPRQC Interactively, you probably don't want the rather Ynl~mlnous output on the screen. un : (optional) User Name in whose catftlog the procedure library specified by I is to be found. If you don.t code the un parameter, lISTPROC uses the val~e of the profile variable pllboMn, and if ther'e isn't such variable defined, lISTPROC uses the user' !'lame of the current user. batch Job parameters: These parameters are described I~ the section entitled uses PROCEDURES RUN AS BATCH JOBS". The default for this procedure is to run in batch mod~, but It can be run in toeal mode. The dayflte para'neter Is not used by this procedure. 2-16 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 2.0 SES PROCEDURE LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 2.4 lISTPROC - LIST CONTENTS OF PROCEDURE LIBRARY print: this (optional) parameter indicates ho~ the output of lISTPROC is to be printed. For" the pr1nt parameter you may code any of the parameters to proced~re PRINT. If you don't code the print parameter at aI', lISTPROC prints one (1) copy of the output on the ASCII ~r1nter. msgor : these (opt i on a I ) i1.B~1. contr~' the generation of Informative messages by t his 0 r '0 e e d u r 'e and are f u 1 I y described in the section entitled "INFcrRMATIVE MESSAGES FROM SES PROCEDURES". Exa.ples of lISTPROC asage ses.tistproc print-cal 12.34.56. SUB"IT COMPLETE. REVERT. JOB LISTPROC J08NAME IS lCUllRS SUBMITTED T his ex amp I e shows lIS TP ROC used to p r l .. cess a If bra r y, if hat eve r name is the value of plib. Three copies of alt the procedures are being produced. lISTPROC is being ru~ in b8t~h, rather than interactively. ses.listproc basesplib o.procs prlnt·(c.2,ha't~test/sesplib') 18.12.00. SUB"!T CO"PlETE. JDBNAME IS ANAPABS REVERT. JOB lISTPROC SUBMITTED This example shows lISTPROC being run I~ batch to produce two the contents and a'" the pro c e d U f e s in the sesptlb. The title on the listing is f uI I prj n t 0 U t s of procedure library f'atest sesplib t • 2-11 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook 2.0 SES PROCEDURE LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 2.5 WIPEPROC - DELETE PROCEDURE(S) FROM REV:4A P~QCEDURE LIBRARY WIPEPROC is a procedure for deleting (wioingl procedure(s) an SES procedure library. Parameters to WI~EPRnC are: from p or proc : list of Procedures to be deleted fr~m a pr~cedure library. Ranges of procedure names may also be coded. I or b : (optiona') name of procedure library from which procedure(s) are to be deleted. If you don't code the I parameter, WIPEPROC uses the vatue of profile variable p'ib as the name of the library. If there's no such profile variable defined, WIPEPROC uses the name ptib as the name of the procedure librarV.l nl or nb : (optional) name of New procedur~ llbr~r, to be created at the end of the WIPEPROC run. If YOU don't code the nl parameter, WIPEPROC uses the value of profile variable newpllb as the name of the new r>roeedllre Ii braTY. If there's no such profile variabte defined, WIPEPROC places the new procedure library back over the old procedure library specified by the , para~eter. un : (optional) User Name in whose catalog the procedure Jibrary specified by lInt is to be foand, If lin. is not in the catalog of the current user. If you don't code the un parameter, WIPEPROC uses the v~lue of profile variable p.ibown as the user name from ~hose catalog the procedure library is to be obtained, and If ther~'s no such variable defined, WIPEPROC uses the current user~s catalog. lock or nolock : t h es e ( 0 p ti 0 n a 1) par am e t e r s de t 'e r '", i new h e the r the bas e update process is interlocked against slm1l4taneous updates; coding a fi lename for the lock,; par'ameter determines the name of the interlock file. Inter'tocklng Is the si,:!.l v.!1 action when the base being updated ls in another user.s catalog. If you don't code either' of the lock or nolock, interlocking Is controlled by tl'le lokllode profile variable. Refer to the introductory sections of this 2-18 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV:4A 2.0 SES PROCEDURE LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 2.5 WIPEPROC - DELETE PROCEDURE'S) FROM PR3CEOJRE LIBRARY chapter for information on the inter"actions of the lok.ode p r of i I e var ia b I e and the t 0 ck and no toe k: p af am e t e r s • If you don't code a f i I ename for the tock' par ameter, the contents of profl Ie variable intrtok used as the interlock filename; if there's no such profile variable, the name Int.-10k is used as the'ock filename. The inter lock fl' e mUll be in the salte cat at 0 9 as the base being updated. If the Interlock 'lIe ca~"ot be found, the procedure aborts. 'S batch Job parameters J These parameters are described in the section entitled "SES PROCEDURES RUN AS BATCH JOBS". The default for this pro c e du rei s tor un I n foe a I mod e, but f t ca n be r un i n batch mode. The dayfile parameter' Is not used by this procedure • • $g or nomsg t these (optional) k~~~ contr~' the generation of informative messages by this ~r~cedur~ and are fully described in the section entitl!1 "IN~aRMATIVE MESSAGES FROM SES PROCEDURES". 3-1 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User~s Handbook REV:4A 3.0 PRINTING FILES This section covers the facilities for printing ftles. Most of the discussion revolves around the AS:1I Drlnter, and the SES pro c e du res to use the AS C I I p r i n t era r e as des c r 'i bed below : PRINT prints filets) on the ASCII pr1nter (t~e "normal" CDC printer is an option). If necessarj, ·car~"iage control" is added to the files before printing (It Is possible to override this automatic determination but It is very seldom necessary to do so). Choices of character' sets (full ASCII or the 64 character ASCII subset' 9r~ avai'~ble. PRINTID places "large print" heading ban"er~ at the start of a printout. lines of title, date and time formats, and number of banners are selectable. PRI~TIO Is used by PRINT to (optionatly) place large print banAers at the start of thefi feCs) to be printed. COPYSAf c.De! S,hifted ASCII Eile. Copies a"~SCII file to prepare i t for printing at a tater stage." The file is "shl-fted" if necessary. Character set conver~lon Is also performed as required. BANNER place "large print" banners of your bin number on the front of a printout. BANNER is used It sites where output is placed in "bins", identified by a bin number. FICHE set up list file for microfiche processlnQ. 3-2 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 3.0 PRINTING FILES 3.1 PRINT - PRINT FIlE(S) 3.1 f.<iI_=_f.<il-flLf,ls'l PRINT is a powerful facility for prlntlng one ~r more file(s). It looks atter the mundane matters of character" set conversions, special disposition (route) codes and, perbaps ~ost importantly, automatically determining whether each 'ite to be printed has at ready been or needs to be "formatted" for' a pr""f nt@r. f or i : s p e c i fie s the n am e 0 f the F fie, 0 r . a '1 s t 0 f f i 'e s to be printed. If the filets) are not already loeat when PRINT is called, PRINT tries to GET or ATTACH the file(s) for you. copies or c or n : (optional) specifies the Number of Copies of the printout you require. If you don't code the c parameter, PRINT produces 1 (one) copy. h or Id I (optional) speci fies the Headi!l\1 hanner' to be printed at the start of your printout. If you don·t code the h parameter, the first tHO pages 0' the printout wi'l have a "large print" banner of the file "arne, d~te and time. hn or i dn I (optional) specifies the Number of ~eadtng banners to be placed at the start of the prlntout. If you don.t code the hn parameter, PRINT produces ~ {two) heading banners. shn 0 r s i dn : (opt ion al ) thi spar ametel' is used when prot nti ng mor ethan one file at a time. When a list or fifes is printed, PRINT outputs a heading banner 'or the whole printout, and places a sub heading before each !lew "~Ie Is started. The shn parameter specifies the Nu~ber of SubHeading banners to be printed before each new fIle. If you don't code the shn parameter, PRINT produces 2 (two) subheading banners. printer or pr : this (optional) parameter specifies on which printer the printout is to appear. If you don't c~de this parameter or if you specify AI,11, the pri"t~ut is routed to the 3-3 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REY:4A 3.0 PRINTING fILES 3.1 PRINT - PRINT fILEtS) full ASCII printer. If you specilISrt~G lOO(S fEE * * * * This example shows how to use FORMAT at the ter.inal, or "while you wait". The file grabage is assumed t~ contaIn the source of a document in TXTCODE form. fORMAT runs while you wait because the local Js.~~ is coded. FORMAT places the f()r~~atted document on a file ca. 'ed I i sting and pt:J-!tts one (1) copy of 1 t 011 the A,SC II pr inter au s e t he p r i nt! was s pee I fi e dl • The f 11 e c a I led '00 k see contains a copy 0 ed ocument s~itabte ror displaying at a terminal. The example shows the informative ~essages output by FORMAT to reassure you that there's somethIng gofng on. draft batch twopage-seq 12.10.30. SUBHIT COMPLETE. JOBNAHE IS REVERT. JOB FORHAT SUBMITTED This example shows the twopage option printed output. ~sed A~r~SD8 to dGuble UP on the 4-8 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV:4A SES User's Handbook 4.0 DOCUMENT FORMATTING SYSTEM 4.1 FORMAT - RUN DOCUMENT FORMATTING ses.format i-anyflle , ses.ror •• t i-anyff1e, txtform • +_._---_.+• •• : : TXTCOOE : : DOCUMENT: + •• • •. · t +-.---+--.---+ •• 'I +------.-+ : SYSTE~ <- TXTCODE is 8 PREpr ocessor for TXTFORH CodIng the causes the the input processed l. txtfor. key contents of file to be t directly by t t f TXTfORf1. • •• ; FORMATTER : I t. t • -+-----..+ t t +---+----_.+ I •• +---------+ : : TXTFDRPI : : : DOCUMENT: + : fORMATTE R : I .----+---+ •• +---+•.. ..,.-----I:+ • t +--------.-+ : : : PRINT :-:----------> TO : + PRINTER :I _._--+• :• + ------_. • t <--------.•., : • PR I ~ T • : + :, +--------+ The diagram shows two of the ways that FORMAT can run, on the opt ions you code. simplest case of FORMAT. the txtform or for. : + : FOR"ATT'E R : I +---+-----+ : T~rFtlR " : f)I)CU"le NT : t : +-----+----+ •• I . +-..... ~~~ depending The' eft hand di a~r'all shows the norma I and The right hand di~gra~ shows that coding eliminates the TXT:OOE or~cess. 4-9 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 4.0 DOCUMENT FORMATTING SYSTEM 4.1 FORMAT - RUN DOCUMENT FORMATTING SYSTEM this processes "newf.te- •• • t +---+-----+ •• I: +----------+ : : TXTCODE : : +---+-----+ •, 'I I' I : : +----------+ : : T'fTCIlDE : : OOCUNENT: + : DDCUr1ENT: + 'FORMATT-ER :, FORMATTER : I +-----+----+ •• +------+----+ •, +----------+ I •• : I: : +-----------+ : t +------------>: GENERATE 1(+-------------+ : REVISION: + : BARS II +------+----+ •• +--+------+ I 11 : +-----------+ : : TXTFORM : I : DOCUltENT:" : FORMATTER :1 +----+----+ •• I +---+------+ I: : +---------+ : : 1--:--------) •• I PRINT Tll PRINTER : + :I This diagram shows the action taken when YGU ru~ FORMAT with a current document and a "base" version of the document. The revision bar generator compares the two fttes i!tt~ TXTCOOE has processed them, and generates the commands such that TXTF~RM knows where to place revision bars in the final document. 4-10 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 4.0 DOCUMENT FORMATTING SYSTEM 4.1 FORMAT - RUN DOCUMENT FORMATTING SYSTE~ ses.format myrtle so~rbe •• : I •• •• It +----------+ : : TXTCODE : : : . DOCUMENT : + : FORMATTER :1 +-----+----+ : +----+------+ I I: : +---------+ : : TXT FORM : : :. ,._._----+ +-_.... - .. DOCUMENT : : FORMATTER :1 '.. ----_._----+ " •• I:: • • • • t PRI~T ~ • + • : II . ----+---+ •, •• TO PRI~TER .. +-----+----+ , • +---+------+ •• I I: .. +-----~----~-- -+ : •• •• PRINT : -1-------> TO-, PRINTER : + :I This diagram shows what happens when you rti" FORMAT and code the source Js...e~. The source of the document Is' pr-'nted directly, then the formatting process takes place to prod~ce a ror.atted document. it-it CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User 1 s Handbook REV: itA 4.0 DOCUMENT fORMATTING SYSTEM 4.2 FORMREV - FORMAT A REVISION PACKAGE FqOM OaCU~ENT SOURCE FORMREV is intended to format documents and run the GENREVP package described later, to produce a r~vlsl3n package for a document. fORMREV uses the FORMAT and GE~RE~. procedures in a manner su i tabl e for most of the standard day· to day document applications. If you have any complicated sltuatl3ns you should use FORMAT and GENREVP "manually" to cater for· the situation you want. Parameters to FORMREV are : lor for new : name of NEW Input File eontaininQ the new document to be processed by FORMREV. source b or old: (optiona') be processed parameter, aramet er. name of fite containing OLD document source to by FORMREV. If vau don~t code this b you should supply t~e 'ife soectfied by the r p r or rt 1st : (optional) name previous FORMAT you should supply Of course, both b of file containl~a t~e output of a run. If you don't code the r parameter, the file specified by the b parameter. and r may be eoded. 1 or listing: (optional) name of file to r~celv~ the flstlng of the selected pages after the compariso,~ If YOU don't code the I parameter, FORMREV uses fife listing. s or sUllmary : (optional) name of file to r~celve the summary of the changes, and a "how to update the document" description. If you don't code the s par~~eter, FORMREV uses file sumllary. o or output : (optional) name of file to receive the OUTPUT of FORMREV. The output fi Ie contains error" 1Iessages and statistics. If you don't code the 0 parameter, FO~~ReV attempts to use PROFILE variable output, and i ' such a variable doesn't exist, file output is used. 4-12 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 4.0 DOCUMENT FORMATTING SYSTEM 4.2 fORMREV - fORHAT A REVISION PACKAGE ~~O~ OnCUMEMT SOURCE batch Job par~.eters t These parameters are described 1" the section entitled uSES PROCEDURES RUN AS BATCH JOBS". The default for this procedure is to run in batchn mode, bat It can be run in local mode. The dayfile paralleter' is used by this procedure. print : (optional) parameter list (as for the PRINT procedure) which controls the PRINTing of the ,. sand 0 files. If you run this procedure In loca'~ !lode, no printing is performed. If you run this as a batc~ job, the default action is to print one (1) copy those files. 0' format or for.atl : (optional) 'ist of parameters to contrbl the FORMAT run that produces the new versJonof' the text.' The parameters are as for the FORMAT procedure described previously. fOfllatz : (opti on al) 1 i st of par ameter s that· coretr!)' the FORMAT run that produces the old versio~ the t~xt, in the case that the r parameter wasn't coded.; The J)arameters are ·as for the FORMAT procedure described pr~vfousty. 0' genr evp : 0' (optional) list of parameters that eontr'o' theactt ons the GENREVP procedure described be'o~, when GENREVP is called into play during tbe run of FORM~EV to produce the final output listings. The para.eter~ ar~ as for GENREVP des cr i bed be' OM. tl5g or nOMsg : these (optional) fs.JlX~ contr'ol·· the generation of informative messages by this J)r~cedur~ and are fully described in the section entitled "INFORMATIVE MESSAGES FROM SES PROCEDURES". 4-13 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 4.0 DOCUMENT FORMATTING SYSTEM 4.2 FORMREV - FORMAT A REVISION PACKAGE FqOM 01C~MEHT SOURCE ExaMples of fORMREV Usage ses.for.reY- illneMdoc_ b-olddoc 09.45.34. SUBMIT COMPLETE. JOBNANE IS lEXICO; REVERT~ JOB FOR"REV SUB"ITTED This example shows FORMREV used to gener~te a package by comparing newdoc (the current v~rslon) Mfth otddoc (the previous version). fORMREV produces a printout cOAsisting of those pages which differ between the two documents.- and a summary indicating which pages are changed. The changed pages hav~ revision bars against those lines that differ. ses.for.rev newdoc_ raoldllst,, jobtt.5000(S) 14.45.56. SUB"IT COMPLETE. JOBNAME IS JACIBHt REVERT. JOB FORMREV SUBMITTED 0 This example generates a revision Daekaqe by comparing the results of formatting the current docume,t newdoc with the old listing file oldllst. The formatting process Is tG be done with the TXTFORM formatter, bypassing the TXTCODE orbeess, as indicated by the parameter. The Job ti.e f •• lt is set to 5000 seconds (octal) by the Jobtl-5000(S) para.eter. ses.for.rev I-current, badated, genrey~.thoM.CGm'lle, folio) 16.32.48. SUBMIT COMPLETE. JOBNAME IS AFTXeUD REVERT. JOB FORHREV SUB"ITTEO This exampte shows FORHREV used to gener~te a change package for tbe documents current and dated. The portions- of the listing pages that are to be ignored are not the standar~ ones ~orma'ly used by the GENREVP procedure, so the genrevp para~eter Is coded to indicate that the directives are on file comflle, and that the folio line (indicated by the folio kl~) is also to be Ignored for the purpose of comparison. 4-14 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 4.0 DOCUMENT FORMATTING SYSTEM 4.2 FORMREV - FORMAT A REVISION PACKAGE FR1M OaCU~ENT SOURCE •• +----+-----+ 11 I +---------+ : : TXTCOOe : J +--+------+ : I: +---------+ : : TXTCODe : t + 1 : DOCU"EMT: + : FORMATTER :, : DOCUMENT: + : FORMATTER II 1 : FORMATTER :1 I +------+---+ : • ••• I t • I +-----+----+ •• I •• BARS · · . . :I +-----+----+ •• +---+-----+ I I: +--------+ : : TXTFORf1 : : The diagram shows hOM FORI1REV processes a : DOCUMENT: + current version of 8 : FORMATTER :1 docu.ent, and an old •• version of the same docu.ent, to generate +---+------+ a change package with I I: •• revision bars on the changed pages. I GENERATE REVISION : + PACKAGE :1 +------+----+ .J : D{]CUr1ENT: + •, • I. • • ••• •• •• +---+-----+ • r: I: REVISION: + : -------------+ TtTC!lDE : f-------+----+ •, +----------+ : : GENERATE 1 : +--------->1 +---+-----+ •• I: to -----+ : +-.-.....~---.... t ~ t TX:rF()Rf1 : : DDClJfI1ENT: + FORMATTER :, f-----+----+ •• • •• •• t :(+-------------+ +------+---+ •• I +----+------+ • II • +---------+ : : :-1----------> •• •• PRINT TO PRINTER 4-15 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 4.0 DOCUMENT FORMATTING SYSTEM 4.2 fORHREV - FORMAT A REVISION PACKAGE FRJM OOCUMENT SOURCE ses.formrev i-newfile, : • '. +----+------,+ •• I: • •• TXTeODE •• ••• t DDCUMENT •• + •• fORMATTER :, +------+---+ •• +---+-----+ : •• I I +......~~.... .--~ .. ---+ , BARS :I •• +------+ •• +----+-----.-+ ,: • I • • : TXTCODE •• •• •• DOCUMENT •• + •• FORMATTER : +------+---+ •• +,.-.. ..--------~- ......+ t , •• : •• +--------+ : : GENERATE :<+-------------+ • REVISION : + • : b.o'dfit~, r~~ld11st • ••• • •• • ••• •• ••• •• • • • •,• • •, • •• •• t t t t t . t +------+---+ •• +--+-----+ +---+-----+ I It •• +-----------+ : .-----------+ : : TXTfORf1 :-:------------------------->l GE~E~ATE t : : DOCUMENT: + , REVISION: + : FORMATTER : I : PACKAGE : I +-- ---+----+ •• +----+----,+ • r I : · T O :.----------+: :: <---------------: PRIrt:T' : + PRINTER t :1 , This d i a g ram s how s FOR MREV use d tog e n e r -=i t e a r e vis Ion pac k age where all three forms of the document are used I the current version of the document, newfile, the old yer~ion of the document source, oldfile, and the old document 1;lsllnq, oldllst. In this case, FORMREV uses the old listing as the base against which to compare the processed version of the new document.~ Because the old document source was used as well, the chanae pages produced by FORMREV have revision bars on them. 4-16 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User1s Handbook REV: 4A 4.0 DOCUMENT FORMATTING SYSTEM 4.2 FORMREV - FORMAT A REVISION PACKAGE FRa~ DOCUMENT SOURCE ses.formrev i:newfi Ie, r"aoldt'st • ••• •• I +----------+ : : TXTCODE :: : DOCUMENT: : FORMATTER :1 + +------+----+ •• +---+------.+ • I I: t •• •• • : : TXTFORf1 :: DOCUMEN T : + : fORMATTER :1 +------+---+ •• • ••• : I +---+------+ : I: +--------+ : +------------): GENERATE:: REVISION: + PACKAGE : I : : : +----+------+ •, I +.-----....----....-........... + : ••: •• PRINT :-1----------> : + TO PRINTER : I This diagram shows the simplest use ~f Fn~MRE~~ The current version of the document is compared with the old listing of the document in order to generate a change package. I, this case there are no revision bars generated on the final output since there was no old document source given to FORHREV to be pr~cessed. 4-17 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 4.0 DOCUMENT FORMATTING SYSTEM 4.3 SPELL - CHECK FILE FOR SPELLING MISTA lIsrlHG ses.twopage for •• td REVERT. END TWOPAGE FORftATD 4-23 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 4.0 DOCUMENT fORMATTING SYSTEM 4.6 DIAGRAM - DIAGRAM DRAWING AID DIAGRAM is a documentation aid for drawing di8gr~ms. The "data flow diagrams" in this section of the SES User's Handbook were drawn using DIAGRAM. Basically, a page Is considered as a three column, fi ve row gr i d, into whi ch you can pi ace '1-ar,o!Js shapes. You sti II have to do some manual editing to join lines and add text, but the bulk of the pain of drawing the shapes Is done for you~ Shapes available via DIAGRAM are those shown be'a~, with thei~ "names" gl ven fo,l' r af er ence. : "BOX" : •• "BLANK" I : xxxxxxxxxxxxx : : xxxxxxxxxxxxx : : xxxxxxxxxxxxx : \------+ .:. -----1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx : : xxxxxxxxxxxxx : : xxxxxxxxxxxxx : . - - - \ ? 1---+ • ••• •• \ r •• "IN" "CONN" : •, : • ••• t t I I I I I I, \ I \ I \ \ x I \ ••• • • "OUT" ••• •• \ \ \ •• •• •• : •• •• : "STACK" .....--... --+ •• +-+----------+ : t-+ : +-+--------+ : : xxxxxxxxx :-+ +------+---+ • • "LINE" t I +----+~ •• "COND" \ ~ "TABLE" TARl E : •• ---------------: : xxxxxxxxxxxxx : 1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx , : xxxxxxxxxxxxx : •• 4-24 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 4.0 DOCUMENT FORMATTING SYSTEM 4.6 DIAGRAM - DIAGRAM DRAWING AID : "CUBE- +---+-----.+ •• It I +-----.----+ : : xxxxxxxxx : : : xxxxxxxxx : + : xxxxxxxxx :1 +----+---+ To use DIAGRAM you call up the SES following parameters: DIASQAM procedure with the o : name of the file to recejYe the parameter is required. J~tput from DIAGRAM. This The next three parameters are introduced by· the keywor~s cl and They represent a list of shapes; that ar*e to be placed in column one, column two and column thr~e of the page grid, respectively. For example, the grid or shapes given above was generated by therollowing SES call: c2 and c3. ses.dlagram o-anyfile, cl-(blank,conn,out,e~be}, cZ-(box,in,stack}, c3-(cond,tlne,table) .~~~. where anyfile is the output file used for the exa~ple. The shape "names" were added by editing the outout file. It is usual to include diagrams in your file in "asis" mode. 4-25 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 4.0 DOCUMENT FORMATTING SYSTEM 4.7 MEMO - GENERATE STANDARD MEMO HEADER MEMO places a standard TXTCODE format ba1ner at the front of a file containing the text of a memo. Date, ·to·, 'fromtand subject information can be entered as parameters t~ ~EMn. Internal to the resultant file, the TXTCODE table directives are set up such that further recipients' names may be added easily. Par~meters to MEMO are as follows: i or f : name of Input file containing the text of your memo, to which the standard header is to b! added. o : (optional) name of the file to receIve the Qutput of MEMO. you don't code the 0!r~ MEMO places the output on the file specified by the I p3f CODEO~T~ ERRtIST This example shows TXrCOOE used to process the data contained in file codein, and produce the TXTFORM so~r~e on 'i 1e codeout. Any errors go to file errlist~ 4-29 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 4.0 DOCUMENT FORMATTING SYSTEM 4.9 TXTFORM - RUN TXTFORM DOCUMENT PROCE5snQ TXTFORM is the main component of the document pr~cesstng system. This procedure runs TXTFORM stand alone. It can be used as a building block for farger procedures to '~r~ a complete document formatting system. Parameters to TXTFORM ar~ : i or f : name of Input File containing sourbe by TXTFORH. te~t to be processed o : (optional) name of file to r~celv~ the Output from TXTFORM. If you don't code the 0 ~ara~eter, the output appears on the fi'e specified by the I par~meter. Example of TXTFORH ~~~ge ses.txtfor. I-for.lnp, o-for.out REVERT. END TXTFOR" fOR"INP -) FOR~a~T 4-30 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV:4A SES Userts Handbook 4.0 DOCUMENT FORMATTING SYSTEM 4.10 TXTHEAO - PAGE HEADING PROCESSOR TXTHEAD is a postprocessor for TXTFOR~. rXT~EAO is used to change the format of the heading banner~ on doc~ment pages, where the standard heading format is ina~Dropr·iate. There is documentation on TXTHEAD 1n and appendix to this User Handbook. This TXTHEAO procedure runs TXTHEAD in a sta~d 110ne fashion. It may be use da s a bu i I ding b I 0 C kf 0 r Ie r 9e r' pro c e d LJ r "e s or jobs to form a complete document formatting syste~. p.rameters to TXTHEAD ar e : I or f : name of Input Fife containing be processed by TXTHEAD. TXT~ORM output which is to o : (optional) name of file to r~cei~~ the Output from TXTHEAD. If you don't code the B par~m~ter_ the output appears on the fi Ie speci fied by tt,e I parameter. Example of TXTHEAD asage ses.txthead i-for_out, oaheadout REVERT. END TXTHEAD FORMOUT -) HE~OOUT This example shows TXTHEAD being used to ~rocess the output of TXTFORM contained on the fite for_out, and 3roduce the output file headout. 4-31 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User l s Handbook 4.0 DOCUMENT FORMATTING SYSTEM 4.11 GENREVB - GENERATE REVISION BARS FOR DJCU~ENTS GENREVa is a procedure that works in conjunction with TXTfORM, to format a document with bars down the right hand side of the page to changes from a previous document~ GE~REVB functions by comparing the source text of two documents and generating a set of special directives to TXTFORM. Parameters to GE~R~V8 are: ShON i or f or new : name of File containing the NEW TXTFORH source format. ver~ion of the document in b or old: name of 'ite containing the Ol~ document in TXTFORM source format. (0'- B~se) version of the o : (optional) name of file to r~ceive the Output from you don't code the 0 ~ar~meter, the output appears on the file specified by the I par~meter. GENREVB. If neMcset : (optionat) designator for the HE. 'i'e·s Character The table below describes the allowed designators. SET. oldcset : (optional) designator for the lLD file's Character SET. The table below describes the all~~ed designators. outcs et : (optional) designator for the The table below describes the O~Tp~t 'Ile's Character a'la~ed designators. SET. Is or ignorls : these (optional» h~~l specify whether or not to l~~a&e Leading ~paces on tines being compared. The default action is to recognize leading spaces (the 1s option). If you code the Ignorls k~~, GENREV8 ig~ores leading spaces on text I jnes. 4-32 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 4.0 DOCUMENT FORMATTING SYSTEM 4.11 GENREVB - GENERATE REVISION BARS FOR OJCU~ENrS The de f au I t char act e r set des i 9nat 0 r' for parameters is ~silZ. The following table designators for the cset parameters: •• : •• •• •• •• •• • ••• •• a 11 defi~es t hr e e cs e t the allowed 'I ••• , •• I cs612 : NOS 6/12 ASCII charactefset cs64 : 64 character : character set ASCII subset (display • I t cs81Z codel •• : "8 out of 12" ASCII Exa.ple of GENREYB char~cter set • •• •• •• ses.genrevb I-newtext, baoldtext, o-ChaAges REVERT. END GENREV8 NEVTEXT a OlDT"EXr" -;) C.. ANGES This example shows GENREVB used to co~pare the two document source files neMtext and oldtext, and prodaee t~e c~ange directives in the text on file changes 4-33 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES SES Userls Handbook 18 December 84 REV: 4A 4.0 DOCUMENT FORMATTING SYSTEM 4.12 GENREVP - GENERATE A REVISION PACKAGE FOR A DOCUMENT GENREVP builds a revision package by comparing the output of formatted documents. Parameters to GENREV!l{ ar-e : two new or newdoc S name of NEW DOCument to be processed by SENREVP. old or olddoc S name of OLD DOCument to be processed by hON t or GE~REVP. or howfile : is (optional) and specifies HOil the processing is to be performed, that is, which lines ar~ t3 be Ignored for the purposes of the comparison (date, ti~e and such). The how parameter is ~11b • .t the name of a file containing the directives, A& it's a list of char~cter strings on the control card which specify the directives.' If you don·t code the hOM parameter, GENREVP attempts to use the file name associated with PROFILE var'a~le myhoMf. If there i sn l t such a var i able in yOlJr" ~r3f it e9 GENREVP uses a standard set of directives suitab'e for the standard output of FORM4T. lis t i ng : (optional) name of file to r~ceive th~ listing or the selected pages after the comparison. If you don't code the I parameter, GENREVP uses fil~ listing. s or su.mary : (optional) name of file to r~ceiv~ th~ su •• ary of the changes, and a "how to update t~e 1oeument" description. If you don't code the s par~~eter, GENREVP uses file sUfI.ary. o or output : (optional) name of file to receife the O~'PUT of GENREVP. The output file contains error 'ftessages and statistics. If you donlt code the 0 parameter', GE~RE"P attempts to use PROfILE variable output, and if such a variable doesn·t exist, file output is used. folio: this (optional) ~~% indicates that t_e F~tIO line of the documen ts is not to be compared for" the purposes of generating the revision package. 4-34 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SIS User's Handbook 4.0 DOCUMENT FORMATTING SYSTEM 4.12 GENREVP - GENERATE A REVISION PACKAGE !={JRA Directives to GENREVP (specified via the how the fo"owing form (one per line) : f)OCUMENT parameter. are of Cl •• CZ ll •• lZ ll •• L2 specifies a range of lines (if yOU only ~ant to indicate a single line, the •• l l can be omitted; and if you ~ant to indicate all lines, use an *); and Cl •• e2 specifies a range of columns (if you only want to indicate a singte column, t~e .~C2 can be omitted; and if you want to indicate all columns,· use an *). Any comments present on 8 directive line are ignored. The dlr~ctlves are used to tell GENREVP what parts of what tines are to be ignored when comparing pages of formatted documents for differences. The standard set of directives is : 2 60 •• 79 3 •• 4 60 •• 19 80 •• 136 * 60 The last * directive number date formatting codes (ju1kl fol:io line pag e is generated only if tile folio parameter Is given. Examples of GENREVP ~sage ses.genrevp thlsdoc, thatdoc, folio REVERT. END GENREYP THISDOC,THATD()C -_.) lISTING,SUt1HARY This example of GENREVP compares the tWG document listinos thisdoc and thatdoc to generate a listi~q of the changed pages on the file listing, and a summary of the chanqes Gn t~e flte su •• ary. The folio k~~ indicates that the fotio line is ~ls~ to be Ignored. 4-35 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 4.0 DOCUMENT fORMATTING SYSTEM 4.12 GENREVP- GENERATE A REVISION PACKAGE· FOR A 1)OCUMENT ses.genrevp grab, hold, how a C'l •• 4 REVERT. END GENREVP '* 60.~~9'. 80 •• 999 1 ) l"ISTt~G,SUHf1ARY GRA8,HOlD --) folto This example shows the hON parameter 0' GE~RFVP used to indicate that character positions 60 through 79 o~ tines ~ through 4 are to be ignored for the purposes of comparison, and that character positions 8 0 through 9 9 9 on a I I ( tin e sa r 'e to be j g nor e d • In addition, the fot.o k~~ indicates that the fo'10 tine is also to be ignored. *) CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 5-1 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: itA 5.0 SOURCE TEXT MAINTENANCE SES provides a comprehensive set of prncedures to manage source text libraries. The source text maintenance p~ckage of SES is based on a special version of the NOS utility MODIFY called MADIFY. MADIFY differs from the standard version in that i t caters to the NOS bl12 character set; and it supports IlISol.:C'!.I and sf.QJl.dltl.Qltll call s to common decks (see the description of t~e GENCO"P procedure for details on the CAll directives available t~ the MADIFY user). It's assumed that if you're using these sour~e text maintenance procedures, that you ' f e moderately f a 11 i 11 a r ' with the concepts of MODIfY, including things such as decks, comma' decks, correction idents and so on. Before giving a short su~mar~ of the source text maintenance procedures, we't' introduce so~e of the terminology that SES uses. 8ASE is a library 0" source text.; 41' the source text maintenance procedures use a default name of 8ASE. You can establish a default base in your or~'ile by coding "ODUlE is a single record of source text on ~ base. A module may be a COMMON module (COM or C or a~Ltl, or a module may be a REGULAR module (REG or R or OPl) GROUP Is a file containing text in the Porm of MODIFY "source" records. Ib~t i~~ ~.~b 1~~1~~! t~~~t~ l~ tb~ fIll b~~ 11~ n~m~ ~1 tb~ !lt~t !lQ~ Af tb: t~~~t~~ Ib~' II tbJ t~g~£~ Ii i ~SlmmjlJl g.l~!s.J. tb..: ~J~Slnll 11lJ~ 2.r tb~ f§~gt'.d Ii ill.! !f2r.lI C.OHHll!i • 5-2 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 5.0 SOURCE TEXT MAINTENANCE GET"OD (S) GET MODu' eS Ql.Il Qf 8 bas e t i br ar'y QtlrSf a gr oup f i Ie. Th e modules appear on the group file in MODIFY "source" format as one module per logica' r'ecord. REPHODCS) REPlace or add MODuleS on a base tlbr~ry. You also use REPMOO(S) in a special way to create a brand new base library from scratch. COLLECT collect a group of modules and f i Ie. GENCO"P GENerate modu I es. GENCOR(S) GENerate a CORrection Set for a TEMPCOR Make TEMPorary CORrections to creating a oeM base. MODIFY "0 DI FY a base lib r a r y wi t hac () r ~re c t f ·0 n set f I Ie ere a tin g a CO"Pi Ie fil e accu~u'ate for· a lftodlJI e them on a group or a I ist of ~odu'e. a base without actuall, a new base library. CATBASE CATalogs a BASE library to prod~ee ~ sh~r~ list of the names and types of modules contained in a base library. LISTMOD LIST MODules. lISTMOD gener~tes a cross reference tisting of all the modules on a base (using the XREFMOD prQcedure described betow), ~nd optIonally a source listing of all the modules or atl the c!)mmon modules on the base. SORTI10D SORT a HODify library. Modules apnear' on the sorted base in alphabetical order by deck nane (the deck type is not used in the sort process). WIPEJ100 WIPE (delete) MODules from a b~se. 5-3 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 5.0 SOURCE TEXT MAINTENANCE XREFMOD Produces library. cross (X) REference of "~Oul~s in a source For each module is fisted the modules It calts (directly or indirectly) and the modules that call it (directly or Indirectly). The lISTMOD procedure, described above, can be used to r~n XREF~OD as a batch 8 job. GETCOM" ACQUIRES the CYSeeMM or CYBIC~N in the MADIFY or SCU for~t your control point. SYSTE"X a MAO I F Y bas e dey 8 I l s y s t em c r () s lS: r 'e , ere nee f a c il i ty. SCODP Compares MAOlfY or UPDATE source fltes. libr~ry, co~mon deck ~nd makes it program local to 5-4 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 5.0 SOURCE TeXT MAINTENANCE .a.a.•.•......• I • •••••••••••••• ": REG +---------+ CO" (regular ---------->: :<+---------- (collllon lIodules) modutes) •..... a........ :: COLLECT ::1 + •••••••••••• a.. +----.--+----+ : ............... v •• •• : ••• : +----+-----+ •• I I: : GETf100CS) •• •• : (extract 1 + :1 +..-..-.-,..-, ___ A_ ... _ _ + : lIodules) •• • ••• •• •• +------.----+ : : REPt100CS) : 1 : (replace : Modules) : + :1 +------+----+ • • •• CORS ••••••••••••••• • ••• •• +----+------.+ v +-----------+ •• MODIFY • :• I +----): •• • (update base) t : + :1 +------+----+ •• v ............... • •••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••• ,. BASE .• v NEW BASE • • +----+------+ v II ••••••••••••••• CF +------.-----+ : II e I-I ---.------.-) ------------->: GENCO"' ••••••••••••••• (source lIodutes) •••••••••••••••• (correction sets) •••••••••••••••• •• •• •• +----+-----+ It I v . SF ~ GROUP (accuMulated modules) •••••••••••••••• I •• •• ( COtlP : + :1 f i Ie) ••••••••••••••• 5-5 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 5.0 SOURCE TeXT MAINTENANCE This section introduces the parameter "a~ing co~vention common to most of the procedures in the source text maintenaAce system. b or name of Base library on whIch the operations are to be performed. • c or com or oplc list of name(s) of r or reg or 0 pI Ji CO"mo~ ~odule(s). s t of n a me ( s ) of REG u I a r' 'I 0 duf e t s) • • stands for Module(s), and Is used in those applications where the ~~dute na~es do not have to be explicitly specified as com~on or regular. g or group name of file upon which a GROUP of modules are accumulated when adding 3r' rep'acingmodules on a base, or Mhen modu'es are extract~d from a base. A group f i , e contains 0 n en CH' ul e per' log i cat record, and may be edited ustng procedure ~UlTEO, and also may be processed by procedur~s PA:K and UNPACK. cors or c name of CORection Setts) to be applied against a base for maintaining corr~ct'on histories. nb or nt name of a New Base or Ne~ libr~r~, used in those procedures that perform ooerations that permanently alter a base, requiring that 3 ne~ base be created. An explanation of the method used to update a base is contained in a subseque~t section. 5-6 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV:4A SES User's Handbook 5.0 SOURCE TeXT MAINTENANCE The variables described beloM may be deelar~d in your PROfILE in order to establish default information for the parameters of the source text maintenance procedures. modules ar~ base name of base I ibrary where replaced. baseown user name in whose catalog the newbase name of new base library for those procedures which update a base I ibrary, thereby creating a ne~ o,e. The default name for neMbase is the same name 3S the old base. cors used by a.t procedures as CORrection Sets to be applied to for this flte is cors. group used by all procedures to designate a group file, or a fite containing modules in source for~at, one ~odule per logical record. The default riame for grouD is group. cfseq used by GENCOMP to indicate w"ether to place sequence numbers on the compile file. If YOU wish to use this, declare i t as seq. cfwidth used by GENCO"P to specify the ~idth of the compile file. The default vatue for this is 110. 1 sest.pb used by alJ of the procedures that update bases to specify the temporary base file during the update process. The default name for this fite is sestmpb. 'ok.ode used by all of the procedures that update bases, to determine the default interlock 3ction~r lok.ode may be set to one of 'LOCK' or 'NOlOCK'. See a1so the sections below on updating bases and interlockinQ.! bas~ to be found or is to be found. na~e of ~ base. file containing The default name 5-7 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 5.0 SOURCE TEXT MAINTENANCE Intrlok used by atl libraries to the procedures that update bases or specify the intertbcl(; fi'le to be used during of the update process. i ntrlok. The default name f~r this file is CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 5-8 18 December 84 SES User'S Handbook REV: itA 5.0 SOURCE TEXT MAINTENANCE Some of the source text maintenance proced~res physically alter a base, requiring that a new base be created. r~e process is common to all such procedures, and is as follows: If you code both the band nb parameter~f the new base is created simpl, by performing the required operations on the old base, and writing the newly cr~ated base onto the fl'~ 5~eci'ted by the nb par amet er. If you code onl, the b parameter, the update takes place in two stages. The updating operation is perfGrmed a~d the new base written to a fite called sestllpb (SES Te~Porar 'laCK" or the lock •• p~rallteter t s coded on the • • pr'ocedur e. • +-.... - ...----------... - ...... -+---.-.. . . . ----~-.-.-.-.-----..,-----.-.-.-... ---+ •• • Current User t t 1 1 I •••, ••• • Another Us er : library or base 11 locked : u~tess the lok.ode : or~fi'e variable Is set : t{) I ~IJL 'JC'<' or t he no lock : : oarameter is coded on the: orl)cedure +------~----~-----.--+----------..-,---~-- -.---+ ...... -.--.. . . . .. 5-11 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 5.0 SOURCE TeXT MAINTENANCE 5.1 GETHOD OR GErMOnS - EXTRACT MODULE G~]UP ~RQM BASE GETMOO and GETHODS are synonyms for a or~ce1ure designed to extract a designated group of modul,s (or alt modules) from a MAOIFY library, and place the extracted modules 31 a ~AOIFY "source" format file, that is, each extracted'module occupies one logical record on the "sourbe" file. Parameters to GETMOO'Sl are: t'I or all : Coding the all 1te.~ indicates that All mo1u'es are to be extracted from the specif led base.' The 1ft parameter refers to a module or list of modules to be extr~cted. Ranges of modules may also be specified. 9 or group : (optional) name of file to receive the modules extracted from the base. If you don.t eo1e the 9 parameter, GETMOO(S) uses the value of profiie v~ri~ble group as the group file name, and j f there's 13 such variable defined, GETMOO(S) uses the name gro~~ as the name of the group file. See the note on GROUP fil~s at the beginning of this section. b or I : (optional) name of Base library rro~ which modules are to be extracted. If you don't code t~e b parameter, GETMOO(S) uses the value of pr1file varlable base as the name of the base library, and if ther~ts no such variable defined, GETHOO(S) uses the name base. un : (optional) User Name In whose catalog the base specified if b Is not in the catalog of the current User. If you don't code t~e un parameter, GETMOO(S) uses the value of pro'i1e variable baseoMn as the user name from whose catalog t~e base is to be obtai ned, and if thereils no suc,", var' abl e defined, GETMOO(S) uses the current user's cat31og. by b is to be found, cor s or c : (optional) is a file containl~Q 3 CORrection Set to be applied against the base b before the module m is CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 5.0 SOURCE TEXT MAINTENANCE 5.1 GETMOO OR GErMOOS - EXTRACT MODULE GR~U? FROM BASE ext r ae ted. I f you co de t his par 'a 11 e t e r', SESp roc e d u r e TEMPtOR is used to apply a TE"Por~r~ CORrection set. Note that TEMPCOR doesn't actual'y alter the base, the correction set is only applied 'or the duration of the GETMOD(S) run. w or width: (optional) maximum Width of modul~s retrieved. status or sts : these (optional» !s~~i. can be used for tflose cases where GETMOD'S) is being used as a building block of more sophisticated procedures or Jobs. The status kA~~ cause GETMOO(S) to set the NOS Job control register EfG to the value zero if GETMOO(S) successfu'lv completed, and to non zero if anything went wrong dlJrfnq the run of GETMOO(S). I f st at us i s not s pee i fie d, the l) r '() e e d u r 'e w I I t eXI T i fan error occurs. msg or nomsg : these (optional) k~x~ contr~1 the generation of informative messages by this ~r~cedur~ and are described in the section entlt'ed "rNFn~MATIVE MESSAGES FROM ses PROCEDURES". ExaMPles of GETMOOCS) ses.getmods (outt Ind, REVERT. END GETHODS ~~age I i.itsd •• oprtypk,· ststypl(, symentd •• sy.k) GROUP (-BASE This example shows GETMOOS used to extract a bunch of modules from a base. Modules outlind, all modules If.lts~ thr~ugh oprtypk, module ststypk, and all modules 5ymentd through s,mk ar~ extracted. Every parameter to GETMODS is set to Its default vafue. The modules appear on the file group. 5-13 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REVt 4A SES User 1 s Handbook 5.0 SOURCE TEXT MAINTENANCE 5.1 GET MOD OR GETMODS - eXTRACT MODULE GR~1p FROM BASE ses.getmods all b-cidbase un-dt73 gaJunk REVERT. END GETKOOS JUNK (- CI08ASE This example extracts All modules from base cfdbase in of user dt73 onto a group file Junk the catalog ttAt.l: A po s s j b I e met hod of us i n 9 t his (extracted (extract : + modules) :+______ Modules) :1 ••••••••••••••• A ___ + ------------->:: ••••••••••••••• •• • •• •• •• t ••••••••••••••• CORS -------------------+ ............... (correction sets} ' GETMOO(S) is a fairly simple process: a '1st of modules is extracted from the base library, and appear on 'i'~ group in MADtFY source form, that is, one module per logical r~cor~. An optional correction set (the cors parameter) may ~e applied temporarily to the base before the modules are extracted. Procedure TEMPCOR applies the temporary correction sets. 5-15 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 5.0 SOURCE TEXT MAINTENANCE 5.2 REPMOO OR REPMOOS - ADD OR REPLACE MODJLES REPMOD and REPHOOS are synonyms for a procedure for adding replacing module(s) on a base. Parameters to REPMQD(S} are: II or : (optional) fist of Modu1es to be ~dded to or replaced on the base. If you don.t code the • parameter, REPMOO(S) assumes that the module's) to h! added Br replaced are on the group file specified by the q par~meter. Note that each file specified by the 1ft par'ameter' is treated as a MAD I F Y source , i I e (or .. g r 0 up " f it e) \of i t h exactly !ln~ module on it. See the note o~ GRaup fites at the beginning of this section. g or group : (optional) name of the group file to be used to accumulate the modules. If you don't code the g par~meter, REPMOO(S) uses the value of profile variable grbup as the group file name, and if there's no such var'iabte de'flned, REPMOO{S) uses the name group for the groap fife., See the note on GROUP fites at the beginning of this section. b or I : (optional) name of Base Librar~ to be updated. If you don't code the b parameter, REP~1D(S) uses the value of profile variable base as the na~e 0 ' the base library, and if there's no such variable defined, REPMOO(S) uses the n arne base. nb or nl : (optional) name of the New 8ase to receive the updated library. If you don't code the nb ~arameter, REPMODtS) uses the value of profile yaria~'~ newbase as the name of the new base library, and if ther'e's 00 such variable defined, REPHOO(S) uses the na.e of the base library specified by the b parameter. un : (optional) User Name in whose catalog the base b/nb is to be found, if b/nb Is !'latin the the current user. If you don't code t~e un REP f1 0 0 ( S ) us e s t h e val u e of D r '0 r I t e v ~ rl a b 1e the user name from whose catalog the base by specified catalog of parameter, baseown as is to be 5-16 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 5.0 SOURCE TeXT HAINTENANCE 5.2 REPMOD OR REPMOOS - ADO OR REPLACE MODULES obtained, REPMOO(S) and if thereJs no suc~ variable uses the current user's catalog. defined, w or width or Inwidth : (optional) maximum Width of the inout modules. I 0 c k or no I 0 c k : these (optional) parameters deter~i"e ~hether the base update process is interlocked agsinst simultaneous updates; cod j n 9 a fit en am e for the I oc k' para III e t e r de t er 1ft t n est h e name of the interlock fite. Interl~cking is the ~~t~Yl1 action when the base being updated Is In another userfs catalog. If you don't code either of the lock or nolock Is.~ll' interlocking is controlled by the lokmode profile v~rlable. Refer to the Introductory' s~etions of this chapter for Information on the i"teracti~ns of the 10k_ode profile variable and the lock and "olock parameters. If you don't code a filename f()r' the lock parameter, the contents of profile variable I"trl~k Is used 8S the interlock filename; if therefs ~o such profife variable, the name intrlok is used as the tock- filename. The interlock file m~~l be in the sa~e catalog as the base being updated. If the interlock file can~ot be found, the procedure aborts. batch Job parameters: These parameters are described in th~ section entitled " SESP RDC E 0 UR ES RUN AS BAT CH JOB:;".' Tn e d e f au I t for t his procedure is to run in loca' !ftode, but It can be run In batch mode. The d f I I ep aram et e r ' i s n () t used by t his procedure. Iftsg or 8, nofftsg : the s e ( 0 p t ion a I ) J1~1.~ con t r '0 I the 9 e n era t Ion 0 f informative messages by this orocedar~ and are fuft, described In the section entitled "rNFO~MATIVE MESSAGES FROM SES PROCEDURES". > 5-17 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 5.0 SOURCE TEXT MAINTENANCE 5.2 REPMOD OR REPMOOS - AOD OR REPLACE M"?Jl~S ses.repmod (hertz, maxwell, Marconi), REVERT. END REPHOD GROUP -> RADIO b·r~dJo, nomsg This example shows three modules being c~11eeted onto a group file group (the default), rep'aced on the base called radio. Since the no_sg k~x is coded, no informative messages are output during the run of REPMOD. ses.repmods (grab, hold) b-zltch * * * * * * * * * g:tem~ GRAB -) TEMP HOLD -> TE"' LOCKING ZILCH VIA INTRLOK ZILCH LOCKED REPLACING/ADDING "ODULES OM ZILCH NEW BASe ON SESTMPB NEW BASE NOW ON ZILCH SESTMPB PURGED BASE ZILCH UNLOCKED REVERT. END REPMODS TEMP -) ZILCH w-ao lock .sg This example shows two modules being r~D'aced on the base zlfch through a 9 r 0 u p f j l e t e tip • The width of t tl e input I I n e s is I I mit e d to 60 (ASCII) characters (because of the w parameter). 8ecause the lock kA~ was coded, the base is locked durlng the run using rile Intrlok (the default). Informative messages are output during the REPMODS run because the MSg ki~ was coded. 5-18 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 5.0 SOURCE TeXT MAINTENANCE 5.2 REPMOD OR REPMODS - ADO OR REPLACE Ma~UtES If you are creating a brand new base fro~ scratch, you use REPMOOIS) slightly differently from the nor~a' case, in that you code a b (base) parameter ~n~ an nb (new basel parameter, but the b parameter refers to a non existent base, as in this example: ses.repmods (york,hunt) b-nonsuch • YORK -> GROUP *• * HUNT -> GROUP CREATING NEW BASE nbanew$t~f NEWSTUF NEW BASE ON NEWSTUF REVERT. END REPHODS GROUP -> NEWSTUF 5-19 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 5.0 SOURCE TEXT MAINTENANCE 5.2 REPMOO OR REPMOOS - AOD OR REPLACE MOO~lES •••••••••••• =-•• GROUP (tile of modules) ••••••••••••••• I •• : +---+------+ y I: +-----------+ I : REPPtOO( S) I :-:--------~ (new +------------>: : •• • ••• • : •• (replace : modules) +~ ••••••••••••••• ....~---+-- •• : : :1 + .........+ HB base) ••••••••••••••• V t ••••••••••••••• +------------------- 8 original base ••••••••••••••• REPHOD(S) takes modules from a group fit~ (~h'ch, as shown in the diagram, cou.d well have come from the old base In the first place), and replaces (or adds) them to ·produce either' a co~p'ete'y new base, or rewrites the result over the old base. 5-20 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 5.0 SOURCE TeXT MAINTENANCE 5.3 COLLECT - COLLECT MODUlE(S) TO BUILD 4 GRaUp FILE COLLECT is useful in conjunction with sour~e text maintenance procedures such as REPMOO(S). COllEcr- bufl~s a group 'ile by COLLECTing modules of a specified type, adding in the module name and COMMON lines, 'and copying the modules to a group fife. Also, COLLECT can accumulate members of different types onto the group file, and so may be used in conjunction with the library management procedures described In another section. PaT~meters to COLLECT are : • or mem or me.s or .e_ber or members : (optional) list of "embe~s to he accumulated onto the group file. When used in conju~ction with other Source Code Maintenance procedures, CJLlECT assumes that files specified with the m parameter already hav~ the deck name as the first 'Ine ot the file {and COMMON as the second line for a common deck). HAt.: I~ the flte specified by the m parameter is a multi recor~ fife, COLLECT ~~~~" gather i l l records in the file. T~is capability is QAt a va i I ab I e \If I t h the c an d r p sr a'lt e t ers a s i t i s not tr u I y applicable in those cases. c or COM or oplc , (optional) list of COMmon modules to be accumulated onto the group fife. COLLECT assa~es that such modules are straight text files, and so COLLECT places the module name and COMMON lines at the start the ~odufe. 0' r or reg or opt : (optional) list of REGular modules to be accumulated onto the group file. COllECT assumes that" such modules are straight text files, and so COLLFCT p'aces the module name line at the start of the module. g or group : (optional) name of group file ontn which the member(s) or module(s) are to be accumu4ated. If you don't code the g parameter, COLLECT uses the value of profile variable group, and if there's no such varl~ble defined in your profile, COLLECT uses the fi'ena~e group. lIsg or nOftlsg : these (optional) contr()f the generation of 5-21 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 5.0 SOURCE reXT MAINTENANCE 5.3 COLLECT - COLLECT KODUlE(S) TO BUILD. GRQUP FILE informative messages by this 3r~cedure and are fulty described in the section entitied "INFORMATIVE MESSAGES FROM SES PROCEDURES". Examples of COllECT ses.collectca(cdc# Ie" CDC/CO" -> ACRONYM * * * * * * Ibm), U~age r~(sdc,' Ifs, esc), g-.crony. IeL/COM -) ACRONYM IBM/COM -> ACRONYM SOC/REG -> ACRONYM IFS/REG -> ACRONYM eSCIREG -) ACRONYM REVERT. END COLLECT ACRONYM This example shows six straight text fltes befng collected onto a group file aCronYM. The first three are specified as common modules (the c parameter), so COLLECT adds the module name and COMMON tines at the front of the ft Ie before adding It to the group rite. The last three are specified as regular modules (the r" parameter), so COLLECT adds the module name line at the star~ of each one before adding It to the group fi I@. 5-22 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 5.0 SOURCE rEXT MAINTENANCE 5.3 COLLECT - COLLECT MODUlE(S) TO BUILD • C (CO" or OPlC) +---------------.-• ------------------+•• ••••••••••••••• FILE • •••••••••••••• •• a •••••••••••• R sr REG or OPL regular lIodules Gq~JP •• • I : •• : +--+-----+--+ I v v I: ... + •• • COllECT • • ••• 'make a •• +• •• group) :1 •• comllon • •••••••••••••• +~.-.----.--.-,.-~~ t +-----+---+ •• v ••••••••••••••• G or GROUP file containing 1I0duies ••••••••••••••• As shown in the diagram, COLLECT takes 'lIes designated as either regular or common modules, and gather~ them onto a gr~up file. COLLECT can also Just gather UP records whIch a'ready have header information in them (the _ parameter). 5-23 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REVt4A 5.0 SOURCE TEXT MAINTENANCE 5.4 GENCOMP - GENERATE COMPILE FILE FOR ~~OJlE(S) GENCOMP generates a compile fite for a ~odu'e or a group of modules. Only regular modules can be GENCOMPed. The GENCOMP process resolves calls to common modules (fne'udl~g D~1t~~ calls) according to the following "compile file" dlr~ct1ves : *CALl module This directive unconditionally calls the specified common module. *CALlC module This directive only calls the specified common module if it has not already been called ~ithJn the current regular module. The information about ~hich com~on modules have been called is cleared at the end of processing each r egu I ar modut e. *IFCALl name module This directive onty calls the specified common the specified name has been defined (see parameter described below). module if the define *NIFCAll name module This directive only calls the specified common module if the specified name has not been defined tsee the define parameter described betow). 0' GENCOMP permits the specification of a l1st alternate bases from which to resolve common deck catls (or" in ~hlch to find modules to be GENCOMPed). Also, a source file be specified which contains source for modules (or common .odu1es) to be used in the GENCOMP process. In addition, correction sets may be applied prior to the compile file being generated. .a, When generating the the fol lowing order t compile file, M~)IFY sear~hes for decks in If the Sf parameter is coded, the so!clfied '.le is searched. If the AB p ar 8m e t e r i s code d , the SDec i fie d f f 'e s are sea r c h e d from right to left. If the CYBCCMN or CYBICMN parameter is coded, the designated common deck base is searched. Finally, the base specified by the 8 ~ara~eter is searched. Parameters to GENCOMP are: 5-24 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES Userfs Handbook 5.0 SOURCE TEXT MAINTENANCE 5.4 GENCOMP - GENERATE COMPILE FILE FOR MaO~lE{S) m or all : This (optional) parameter speclPles a 11st of modules (including ranges of modules) fC)r which the compile file is to be generated. If the all !~":!~ is coded, a compile fj'e for ALL of the (regularl ~odul~s in the specified base(s) are produced. If you do,'t code the m parameter at all, you must code the sf paralfteter' (see be low). cf : (optional) name of the Compile File to be generated. If you don't code the cf parameter, GE~COMP writes the co mp i I e f i I e to a f i lee a tie d co 1ft pit e. ! b or I : (optional) name of Base library 'rom which to generate the compile file. If you donlt code the b parameter, GENCOMP uses the value of profile variable base as the name of the base library, and if there's no such Y9riable defined, GENCOMP uses the name base. un : (optiona') User Name in whose catalog the by b may be found. If you don't code the GENCOMP uses the value of profile varl~ble name of the base library, and if there's no defined, GENCOMP assumes that the base Is user'scataJog. base specified par ameter, bas eo Nn as the such variable in the current un ab or a' : (optional) list of Altern.te Bases from which to satisfy catls to common modules. The ab par"a.eter may be coded as a multi valued list of sUbtists. Each element of the value list is either a single name, in which case i t refers to the name of an alternate bas~ a'reedy assigned to the job, or in the curr~~t user's catalog, At an element is a sublist, in which case, the last sub element in the subfist is a user name i~ ~hose catalog the bases referred to by the other sub ele~ents of the sub'lst may be found. The example at t~e end this description should (with tuck) make this clear. 0' sf : (optional) name of a Source File conta'~lng source text for one or more modules or Co~~O" m~du'es that are to be used in place of or in addition to the modules on the 5-25 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 44 5.0 SOURCE TEXT MAINTENANCE 5.4 GENCOMP - GENERATE COMPILE FILE FOR ~'DUlE(S} s p e c i fie d bas e ( s ) • 1ft he sf p a r'3 met er' i s g i ve n, the :f i I e i t specifies is the object of a *C~EATE directive to MAOIF Y. HAt. t tha t i f YOU don't cade t he II pat ame ter (described above), GENCOMP assumes th~t the file specified by the sf parameter contains o~e (r~g~tar) module and that, unl ike the normal case for' a MAOIF1Y source module, its first line is not the module name but is the first line of data in the module (in this case 9 default module name of SESOPT is used). If YOU' don't code the sf parameter, you must code the _ paramet~r. cors or c : (optional) name of file contal1i"Q CnRr~ction Sets to be temporaril, applied against the bBse b orlor to generating the compile file. If you code the cor~ parameter, GENCOMP uses procedure TEMPCOR to make the temporary corrections before generating the compile fit~. seq or noseq : (optional) The default for GE~C~MP is ~O SEQence numbers on the com pi' e f I , e , and a corn D I Ie f " 'e \II i d tho f l O 0 (ASCII) characters. You can code "oseqayalue to change the width, or YOU can code seq to g~t SEQoence numbers at a width of 100 characters, or' VCHJ ottn code seqavalue to get SEQuence numbers at compi'~ fite width of value characters. You control the seque~ee nu~bers and width by defining the profile variables c'seq and cfwldth. define or def I this (optional) parameter speci'ies a name or list of names to be *DEFINEd for re'er~nce by the *IFCAll and *NIFCAlL "compile file" directi,es described above. status or sts : these (optional) k~~~ are used for t~ose cases where GENCOMP is being used as a buildIng block of more sophisticated procedures or jobs. The status ~~~ causes GEN COM P to set the NOS Job co rot t r·o l' r 'e g i s t erE FG tot h e value zero if GENCOMP successful'y co~p'eted, and non zero if anything went wrong during the run of GE~COMP. If status is not specified, the procedur~ ~I'J EXIT if an error occurs. cybccmn or cybicmn (optional) : k~x specifies an of SES suopl1~d Alternate Base 5-26 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook R'EV: 4A 5.0 SOURCE reXT MAINTENANCE 5.4 GENCOMP - GENERATE COMPILE FILE FOR 'OOUlEf$) for use in satisfying calls to co.moo ~od~les (see the ab parameter described above). IF you code the cybccllnk.lX' the base containing CoMmoN modules 'for' use by CVBIl CC programs is selected. If YOU code the eyblc.n k~~' the base containing CoMmon modufes for' lise by CYBIl CI programs is selected. By default, no base Is selected for use in generating the compile file. nest or nonest : these (optional) k~~~ control whether ~ested calls to common modules are processed or Igr\ored. If you omit this parameter or code the nest k~~, GE~COMP processes nested c a Its t 0 com mon dec k.s • I f you eo d e t'" e rt 0 n e s tl1A.l GENe OM P treats nested calls as ordinary lines of text. IIIsg or : contr~1 the generation of these (optional) kA~~ informative messages by this pr~cedur~ and are fully described in the section entitled "t~FORMATIVE MESSAGES FROM SES PROCEDURES". nodrop if this , 0p t ion at) It~.x is coded, I t s pee i fie s that an "unknown" common deck (one that could"1t be found during the compile file generation) is not clnsidered to be an error, otherwise i t Is. H~l~ : other errors are also ignored if nodrop is given, so use this feature at your own risk. 5-27 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV:4A SES User's Handbook 5.0 SOURCE TEXT MAINTENANCE 5.4 GENCOMP - GENERATE COMPILE FILE FOR ExaMPles of GENCO"P MJD~tE(S} ~sage ses.gencomp nexlinr GENERATING COMPILE FILE NEXlINR REVERT. END GENCOMP COMPILE <- OURSASE * This example shows the simplest use or GE~COMP, generating a compile fi'efor a module nextinr. Since the fit par'ameter of GENCOMP is the first positional parameter, we can o~ft the fit key~ord. There is no base specified In the example sl~ce there is a directive like : \ base - 'OURBASE' in our profile. When GENCOHP has finished, the 1enerated compile file appears on the file compile. The next example is more complicated, it shows the use of multiple modules and alternate bases used to generate the compile file. ses.gencomp (asterix, obellx •• getafi •• , b-gau'. ab.(hasp' •••• •• ! (grasP, cics, pONer, Ir69), .llos) • GENERATING COMPILE fILE COMPILE REVERT. END GENCO"P COMPILE (- GA~l This example generates a compile file for modules asterix, and modules obetix through getafix in the base called gaul. Alternate bases hasp and milos are to be obtalned from the current user's catalog, and alternate bases grasp. clcs and pONer are to be obtained from the catalog of user Ir69. The co~pf'e file appears on file compiae. The example also illustrates the use of continuation I Jnes, showing the multi valued ab paraileter' sp' I t across lines. all ses.getmods (specia', general), b-theory; ~u'tedJ •• •• 1 genco.p (special, general), ct-.tberl, s'·~rouP' •• •• ! b-theory, define-lorentz, seq-79 GENERATING COMPILE fILE ALBERT REVERT. END GENCO"P ALBERT <- THEa~y1 * In t his ex am pie mod u f e ssp eel a I and g e '" e r 'I , are e )( t r a c ted f r om base theory onto file group and edited. Then a compile file is generated for the edited Yersion of the ~odu'~s (yia the sf parameter) with the 'orentz "option" defi~ed. The resulting file albert witl have sequencing information to the right of column 19. 5-28 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User'S Handbook 5.0 SOURCE TEXT MAINTENANCE 5.4 GENCOMP - GENERATE COMPILE FILE FOR MaOUlE(S) ................ ................. SF B base containing lIodules •• •• •• • ••• ................ (alternate bases) ............... ,• ••• ' ' : •• +-+-----+--+ V It v • •••••••••••••• +-----------+ : CF ---------->:: GENCDMP :-:---------) (coIIP.le : + file) ••••••••••••••••• AS +------,----". f il e cont a i n I ng • source modules ••••••••••••••• ................. CORS temporary correction sets I : :1 ••••••••••••••• •• ••• ,• • •• ••••••••••••••• GENCOMP generates a compile file for modules which may come from off the base (the m parameter), or fr~m a source fite (the sf parameter), or from both places. The ab para~eter specifies 8 list alternate bases to be used to get commo~ dec~s from. A temporary correction set may be applied (the cors par~~eterl via the TEMPCOR procedure before generating the compile fiie. 0' 5-29 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 5.0 SOURCE TEXT MAINTENANCE 5.5 GENCOR OR GENCORS - GENERATE CORRECTIO~ SeTS GENCOR and GENCORS are synonyms for a prbced~r~ that GENerates CORrection Set for a module. Parameters to GE~COR{S) are: II a S name of the Module within the bas~ 'tbr~r) b for which the correction set is to be generated. A'so, II is the default name of the file (either 'oca' or In your catatog) which contains the new version of the ~odu'e (see the sf parameter described below). b or I : (optionaf) name of Base containing the module specified by m for which the correction set Is to be generated. If you don't code the b parameter, SE~COR(Sl uses the value of profile variable base as the name of the base tibrary, and if there's no such variable defined, GENCOR(S) uses the name base. un : (optional) User Name where the b~se fibrary specified by b is to be found. If you do"'t code the un parameter, GENCOR(S) uses the vatue of pro'i1e v~rlabte baseoNn as the user name in whose catalog b is to be found, and if there's no such variable defined, GE'iC!JR(S) assumes that the base library Is in the current user's catalog. cors or c : ( 0 p t ; on a J ) i s a f t l e e on t a i "I !'HI a COR r 'e c t io n Set t 0 b e applied against the base b before the module _ is extracted. If you code this paramet~r, SES procedure TEMPCOR is used to apply a TE"Porary CORr~ction set. Note that TEMP COR doesn't actually alter the base, the correction set is only applied for the duration of the GENCORS run. ncors or nc : (optional) name of fite to receive the ~eM CORrection Set. If you don't code the nc paramet!r~ GE~COR(S) uses the name ncors for the new correctio~ set file. id 5-30 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES SES User's Handbook .-____ . ..-__ ................. __ .-.-. ... .-_~._ ... 18 December 84 REV: 4A {. I ._.._~._w_. _ _ .... _~._.~_. __ ...... ___ ... __ .... ____ ... 5.0 SOURCE TEXT MAINTENANCE 5.5 GENCOR OR GENCORS - GENERATE ~.._ ............. CORRECTla~ .-~._._ .............. -._.... ~ ___ .-. .... .-,.................... __ SETS (optional) IOent name for the GE~CaRS *IDENT directive in the generated correction set. Id ca~ be any character s t r i n 9 t hat f or ms a val i d MOO I F '( :' C or'r "e c t ion ide n t i fie r • If YOU don.t code the Ad para~eter~ GEMCORS generates a unique correction set identifier. sf : this (optional) parameter specifies t~e "ame of the file containing the new version of the mod~4~. If you don't code the sf parameter, GENCOR(S) uses the name specified by the. parameter as the Source Fite na~e. Is orignorls : these (opt; ona') !1~~1 speci fy whether or no t to l.GttJlRe Lea din g So pac e son lin e s bel n 9 com 0 a r "e d. I The de f au' t act ion is to recognize leading spaces (the Is option). If you code the ignorls t~x' GENCOR(S) Iq~or~s leading spaces on text lines. f I : (optional) parameter to lncrease the fie,ij length. If you don·t code the 11 parameter, GENC1Q{S) defaults to a field length of lOOK • • sg or nomsg : these (optional) k~~1 contr~' the generation of informative messages by this orbcedure and ar~ tully described in the section entltted "rN~O~MATIVE MESSAGES FROM SES PROCEDURES". Exa.ple of GENCOR(S) ~s8ge ses.gencors .-nice, b-neat, un-by73, nc.cor~et GENERATING CORRECTION SeT fOR NICE" O~ CORSET REVERT. END GENCORS NICE -) CORSET * This example shows a correction set bei~~ nice. The origjnal module is in base neat by73. qener~ted for f~ the catalog module of user 5-31 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 5.0 SOURCE TEXT MAINTENANCE 5.5 GENCOR OR GENCORS - GENERATE ......... 11 : CORRECTIJ~ SETS ..... fi'e containing neM module •• • ••• • ••• ••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••• I +----+------+ y I: • ••••••••••••••• +----------+:-::--,----.----,> (NeORS Base containing -------) : n e .. +->: GENCOReS) : + correction old IRodut e 8 ................ ' · • : •• • ••• : . set) •••••••••••••••• ............... CORS (te.porary --------+ correction set) ••••••••••••••• The picture shows the ftow of GENCOR(S). The fit~ containing the module 11 is in the user's catalog. i The otd version of the module is in the base 8. An optional tenpor~r~ correction set (CORS) may be applied if desired, in which case GENCOR(S) uses the TEMPCOR procedure to apply the correction s~t befor~ generating the new correction set, which appears on the fl1~ s~eclfled by the ncors parameter. new 5-32 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 5.0 SOURCE TEXT MAINTENANCE 5.6 TEMPCOR - MAKE TEMPORARY CORRECTIONS Tn RASE TEHPCOR makes temporary corrections to a base library, without permanently updating the library, pr~viding checkout of the corrections applied before permanent m~di'icatlons are made. Parameters to TEMPCOR are : b or I : name of Base Library against which the corrections are to be applied. If YOU don't code the b parameter, TEMPCOR uses the value of profile variable base as the name of the base library, and if there's no such v~riable defined, TEMPCOR uses the name base. un : (optional) User Name in whose catalog the base library specified by b may be found. If yOU don'~ code the un parameter, TEMPCOR uses the v~'ue of profile variable beseown as the user name where b ~ay be found~ and if there's no such variable defined, TE,PCOR uses the current user's catalog. cor 5 or C : name of file against b. containing tbe COReetJonS to be applied msg or nomsg : the s e ( 0 p t ion a I )It~~i con t r h i t he ge n era ti 0 n 0 f Informative messages by this prbcedur~ and are fully described in the section entitled "INFORMATIVE MESSAGES FROM SES PROCEDURES". 5-33 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 5.0 SOURCE TeXT MAINTENANCE 5.6 TEMPCOR - MAKE TEMPORARY CORRECTIONS Tn BASE ExaMPle of TEMPCOR ~$age ses.tempcor b-hlsbase, un a nr06, c·corsets CREATING TEMPORARY BASE TEMPORARY BASE NOW BEING USED REVERT. END TEMPCOR CORSETS -) HISBlSE * * This example shows the correction set eGr~ets be1ng applied to the base hlsbase. The base hlsbase is "eft toea' to the job, such that further references to hlsbase actual'~ use a temporary copy, and not the original. CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 5-34 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 5.0 SOURCE TEXT MAINTENANCE 5.1 MODIFY - UPDATE BASE WITH CORRECTION SET(S) MODIFY is intended to take a correction set file and update a base library with the correction sets contaIned therein. Parameters to MODIFY are : cor s or c or I : name of file containing the CORrection Set(s) to be applied against the base speciflaj bv the b parameter. If you don't code the cors parameter", MI'JllIF1 uses the name cors. b orl : (optional) name or Base to be uodated fr~m the correction set file. If you don't code the b oar~meter, MODIFY uses the value of profile variable base as the name of the base, and if theref.s no such var"iable defined, MODIFY uses the default name base. nb or n' : (optiona') name of New Base to be cr~ated when the update has been completed. If you don't code the nb parameter, MODIFY uses the value of prof.'. varlable newbase as the name of the new base, and if ther~'s no such variable defined, MODIFY writes the ne4 base over the otd base specified by the b parameter. 10 : this (optional) parameter specifies t~e 1ptions to be used when producing the listing. Each designator selects an option to a maximum of seven oDtions~ The designators must not be separated. Designator's sr'e: a list active lines in deck list directives other than ltiSERT,' OELETE, RESTORE, c MODNAME, I, or 0 d list deck status e list errors i list inactive lines in deck m list modifications perfor~ed s include statistics on listing t fist text input w list compile file directives un CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 5-35 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: itA 5.0 SOURCE reXT MAINTENANCE 5.7 MODIFY - UPDATE BASE WITH CORRECTION 5ETCS) (optional) User Name in whose catalog the base specified b/nb is to be found, if b/nb is not in the catalog of the current user. If you don't code the un parameter, MODIFY uses the value of profi'~ varlabfe baseown as the user name from whose catalog the base Is to be obtained, and if there 1 s no such varlab'~ defined, MODIFY uses the current user's catalog. by lock or nolock : these (optional) parameters deter'mine whether the base update process is Interlocked against simuftaneous updates; coding a filename for the lock oarameter determines the name of the interlock file. Interlocking is the ~~f~~11 action when the base being updated is in another user's catalog. If you don-t code either or the Jock or nolock k~~~, interlocking is controlled by the 10k_ode profile variable. Refer to the intr3ductor~ sections of this chapter for informatton on the inter'aetions of the lok.ode prof. Ie var lab' e and the lock aod AGlock parameters. If you don't code a filename for the foek' P8rameter~ the contents of pro f i Ie variable i "t r'l 0 k 1 'S used 8 s the interlock filename; if there's na such proflte variable, the name intrlok is used as the lock filename. The interlock file lIU'S.! be in the s'!1te catalog as the base being updated. If the interlock flte cannot be found, the procedure aborts. batch job par •• eters : These parameters are descrIbed in the section entitled "SeS PROCEDURES RUN AS BATCH Ja~S". The default for this procedure is to run in local mode, but' it" can be run in batch mode. The dayfile para~eter Is not used by this procedure • • $g or nOlllsg : contrD' the generation of these (optional) h~%~ informative messages by this orocedur. and are fully descrlbed in the section entitl.1 "t~fORMATIVE MESSAGES FROM SES PROCEDURES". 5-36 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 5.0 SOURCE TeXT MAINTENANCE 5.7 MODIFY - UPDATE BASE WITH CORRECTION SETIS) Example of "ODIFY Usage ses.modlfy b-dusbase c-corsllb APPLYING CORSLI8 TO DUSBASE * NEW 8ASE ON SEST"P8 NEW BASE NOW ON OUSBASE SEST"PB PURGED REVERT. END MODIFY CORSlIB -> DUS9lSE * * * This example shows a correction set fi'e against a base library called dusbase. c~'ted corsllb applied 5-37 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 5.0 SOURCE TEXT MAINTENANCE 5.8 CATBASE - PRODUCE LIST OF MODULES IN A BASE LI8RARY CAT8ASE is used to display a list of the modules in a base library. CATBASE outputs the modules list 1" a condensed format, four modu'es per line, showing only the modale names and their type. Par ameters to CATBASE are : b or I : ( 0 p t ion a I ) n am e 0 f Bas e l i br·a r .y !of hie" i s to hay e its module names displayed. If you don.t code the b parameter, CATBASE uses the value 31 ~rG'l'e variable base as the name of the base, and if there's no such variable defined, CATBASE uses a fi Ie name of base. un : {optional} User Name in whose catalog the base specified by the b parameter is to be fOUAd. If you don't code the un parameter, CATBASE uses the v~'ue profile variable baseOMn as the user name, and i' ther~ts no such variable defined, CATBASE uses the current u~er~s catalog. 0' o : ( 0 p t ion a I ) n a fA e 0 f f I f e t o r ·e eel ve t "h e 0 u t C AT aAS E. I f you don" t co d e the 0 P ~ r '3 met e r , places the module fist on file out~ut~' put fro m CAT BAS E short or long : these (optional) ~A~i determioe the ror~at of the output fro~ CATBASE. If YOU omit this ~ar~meter or code the short k~~, CATBASE produces its output in the form shown in the example below. If you code the '~no kc~, CATBASE produces its output in the same f~r~lt 3S the NOS utility CATALOG. 5-38 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 5.0 SOURCE TeXT MAINTENANCE 5.8 CATBASE - PRODUCE lIST OF MODULES IN , BASE lIB~ARY Example of CATBASE Usage ses.catbase bsdusbase un-vb55 DOUSER" •• OPl DUINTRO •• OPLC DUSCODf1 •• 0PlC DULIBRftl •• OPLC DUTEXTP •• OPLC DUMAllB •• OPlC DUGOODY •• OPlC DUPROFl •• OPlC DUSYNTX •• OPlC DUAQUIR •• OPlC DUUPDAT •• OPLC OPl •••••• OPLD REVERT. END CATBASE DUS8ASE DUPRI f4r~. i. DPlC DUF I L1: ~ •• OP'l C DUMUlTI • i. OPt C DUr1DDE s. ':. OPt C DUXTItAC.i.OPlC DUFORMT •• OPlC DUCOHPl •• OPlC DUCONVS •• OPLC DUMESGS •• OPlC DUDOMSG •• DPlC This example shows CATBASE output for D1s;e' f brar', dusbase In the catalog of user vb55. Regular modules ar~ identified by the type code OPL, and common modules are Identified by the type code OPlC. 5-39 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV:4A SES User's Handbook 5.0 SOURCE TeXT MAINTENANCE 5.9 lISTMOD - LIST CONTENTS OF BASE LISTMOO performs two main functions: to show yOU what's in a base, and to get a printout of the modules in the base if necessary. LISTMOD first generates a cross reference the base~ showing which modules call which modules, and which ~odu4es ar~ called by which modules (lISTMOO uses procedure XREFMOD tB generate the cross reference - see the description of XRE~~10 if you're interested). lastly, lISTMOO generates a printout of 3.1 modules or common modules in the base--you can suppress this If you on'y want the cross reference without the whole base's c'nte~ts. Parameters to lISTMOD are: 0' b or I : (optional) name of Base to be orocessed. If you don't code the b parameter, lISTMOO uses the value of profile variable base, and if there's no such variable defined, lISTMOO uses the default name base. o : (optional) name of r,le to r~ceive the Output from LISTMOO. If you don't code the 0 parameter, a scratch fJle is used for the output and returned once it has been printed. If you code the 0 parameter and lISTMOO is run in local mode, the output is o'aced on the specified file and is Q~t printed unless the prlnt parameter is given. '5 un : (optional) User Name in whose cata'~g the base specified b is to be found. If you do~lt code the un parameter, lISTMOO uses the value of profile variabte baseown, and if there's no such variable defi~ed, LISTMDD uses the user name of the current user. by batch Job parameters 1 These parameters are described in the section entitled ftSES PROCEDURES RUN AS BATCH JOBS". The default for this procedure is to run In batch mode, but it can be run in local mode. The dayfile par'ameter Is not used b.Y this procedure. print : (optiona') indicates how the output of lISTMOD Is to be 5-40 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES Userfs Handbook REV: 4A 5.0 SOURCE TeXT MAINTENANCE 5.9 lISTMOD - lIST CONTENTS OF BASE printed. For the print parameter YOU may code any of the parameters to procedure PRINT~ If YOU don't code the print parameter at all, lISTMOO or1nts one (1) copy of the output on the ASCII printer. short or co •• on : these (optiona') k~x~ control which modules are listed fotlowing the cross refer~nce or the base. If you omit this parameter, lISTMOD lists the source for all modules in the base. If you code the co •• on ~~l~ LISTMOD lists on'Y the common modules from the base. If you code the short k~~' no modules are listed (i.e., only the cross reference is produced). Examples of lISTMOD Usage ses.listmod prlnt-copies.3, short 11.17.34. SUBMIT COMPLETE. JD8NAME IS REVERT. JOB lISTHOD SUBMITTED AVOP8~G This example shows lISTHOO processi"g the base whose name is contained in profile variable base. Three eaoles of the short 'ist (cross reference only) are produced. LISTMOD is run in batch, rather than interactively. Running lISr~O~ In batch is the preferred mode, sjnce it uses rather a larbe a~ou"t of resources. ses.I'stmod b-cidbase, o.cidprin' •••• ~ •• 1 print-(coples-2, h.-latest/version of/ctdbase') 10.19.57. SUBMIT COMPLETE. JOBNANE IS ACUlBXG REVERT. JOB lISTMOD SUBMITTED This example shows lISTHOO run in batch to produce two printouts of the cross reference of base cidbase, plUs t~e text of all the modutes in cidbase. CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES SES User's Handbook 5-41 18 December 84 REV: itA 5.0 SOURCE TeXT MAINTENANCE 5.10 SORTMOD - SORT BASE INTO ALPHABETICAL JROER SORTMOO rearranges a base such that ai' the moda1~s appear In the base in alphabetical order. This is 1 very useful 'aciJity~ for when a base becomes I ar ge and has ajar ge 'lul1ber' of modu' es in it, it's easier to find modules in the base j , the"r~ in some regular order. Parameters to SORTMOO are: b orl : (optiona.) name of Base to be s~rted. If you don·t code the b parameter, SORTMOO uses the yatue of profile variable base, and if there's no sue" orofite variable defined, SORTMOO uses the name base. nb or n I : (optional) name of New Base t~ be er.ated at the end of the SORTMOD run. If you don.t code the nb parameter, SORTMOO the value of profile varlable If there's no such prof tie variable defined,· SORTMOO writes the new base on the file specified by the b Dara~eter. un : (optional) User Name in whose catat'Q the base specified b/nb is to be found, if b/nb Is "ot In the catalog of the current user. If you d01.t code the un parameter, SORTMOO uses the value of profite Y~rlabt~ baseoMn as the user name from whose catalog the base is to be obtained, and j f there's no such variable defined, SORTHOD uses the current user's catalog. by o : (optional) name of fite to r~cefve the Output of the programs used to run SORTMOO. If YOU don't code the 0 parameter, SORTMOO sets 0-0, or 10 output. This is usually the desirable default~ slnee the sort process generates large volumes of output.! edtsort : (optiona') pair of filenames r~present1ng the Input and output files for the EDT text editor. You use edtsort to eDIT the SORT output to i mpos! your' o9ln order i ng on the modules in the base. CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEeRING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 5.0 SOURCE TEXT MAINTENANCE 5.10 SORTMOD - SORT BASE INTO 5-42 ALPHABETICAL~ ]~DER lock or nolock t these (optional) parameters det~r~ine ~hether the base update process is Interlocked against simultaneous updates; cod .i n 9 a f j I en am e for the lock 0 a ra met er ; de t e r min e s t h e n a me 0 f the i n t e rio c k f i Ie. I rl te r ." () C k t n g i s the .d..t.ay.!1 action when the base being updated is in another userfs catalog. If you don't code either of the lock or nolock Js.'X~f interlocking is controlled by the 'ok.ode profile variable. Refer to the introductor~ sections of this chapter for information on the inter~ctlons of the lok.ode prof. Ie var I abl e and the lock 31ld no,ock· parameter.s. If you don't code a filename for t~e fbck parameter, the contents of p.rofile variable intr'Bk Is used as the interlock filename; if there's no suc~ Gr~fi'e variable, the name intrtok is used as the lockfifename. The interlock file mY~l be in the sa~e catalog as the base being updated. If the interlock fi·' e cannot be found, the procedure aborts. batch Job parameters: These parameters are described i~ the section entitled "SES PROCEDURES RUN AS BATCH J1~S". The default for this procedure is to run in .ocal mode. but it can be run in batch mode. The dayfile par'a1teter' Is not used by this procedure. -sg or nomsg : these (optional) ~:~~ control the generation of informative messages by this Drbcedur~ and are futly described in the section entitled "r~F~RMATIVE MESSAGES FROM SES PROCEDURES". 5-43 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES Userts Handbook 5.0 SOURCE TeXT MAINTENANCE 5.11 WIPEMOD - DELETE MODUlE(S) FROM BASE WIPEMOD is intended as a means of deleting module(s) from a base. Parameters to WIPEMOO are : b or I : (optional) name of Base fro~ ~hich module(s) are to be deleted. If you don't code the b par~meter, WIPEMOO uses the value of profile variable base as the name of the base. If there's no such prbflte v9riable defined, WIPEMOO uses the name base as the na~e of the base. nb or nl : (optional) name of New Base t~ be created at the end of the WIPEMOO run. If you don't eode the nb parameter, WIPEMOO uses the value of profile varlable newbase as the name of the new base. If there's 10 sue,. prof.te variable defined, WIPEMOD places the "ew base back over the old base specified by the b parameter~ un : (optiona) User Name in whose catalog the base specified if b/nb is "at In the catalog of the current user. If YOU don't code the un parameter, WIPEMOD uses the value of prort'~ var1abte baseown as the user name from whose catalog the base is to be obtained, and if there's no such variable defined, WIPEMOO uses the current user's catalog. by b/nb is to be found, c or co. or op'c t (optional) list of CD"mon module(sl t~ be deleted. r or. reg or opi : ( 0 p t ion a I» lis t lock or nolock : these (optional) 0 f REG u I a r 0 r OP L 1ft 0 j U , e ( s) to bed e let e d • parameters deter'mine Nhether the base update process is Interlocked against slmu4taneous updates; coding a filename for the loeler Darameter determines the name of the interlock file. Interlocking is the ~~!~Y!l action when the base being uodated Is In another user's 5-44 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES SES User's Handbook 18 December 84 REV: 4A 5.0 SOURCE TEXT MAINTENANCE 5.11 WIPEMOO - DELETE MODUlE(S) FROM BASE cat a log. I fy 0 U don t t code e i t h er * of the , 0 C k or no' oc k interlocking is control'~d by the lok.ode profile variable. Refer to the introd~etnr~- sections of this chapter for information on the interactions of the 'ok.ode profile variable and the lock and noloc~ parameters. If you don1t code a fi Jename for'· the tGck parameter, the contents of profile varJable intrl~k is used as the interlock filename; if there's nG such profile variable, the name Intrlok is used as tl1e 1'oek filename. The interlock file mY~i be in t~e same cat~log 8S the base being updated. If the interlock 'i'~ cannot be round, the procedure aborts. batch Job parameters: These parameters are described in the section entitled "SES PROCEDURES RUN AS BATCH JOB~". The default for this procedure is to run in 'ocal node. but i t can be run in batch mode. The dayflte parameter' i'i not used by this procedure. hA~S' msg or nOlAsg : these (optional) k~%S contr~' the generation of Informative messages by this orbcedur~ and are fut'y described tn the sect10n entItled MINFO~MATIVE MESSAGES FROM SES PROCEDURES". ses.Mipemod .ybase c.(cdecka, cdeckb) r~(maln~.~treet, co.d) • DELETING MODULES FRO" "VBlSE NEW BASe ON SESTHPB * NEW BAse NOW ON "VeASE * SESTHPB PURGED REVERT. END WIPEMOD "V8ASE * This example of WIPEMOD deletes common ~odules cdecka and cdeckb from the base mybase. It also deletes regular modules Main through street inclusive, and regular module co_d. The example illustrates the sort or infor~ative messages output by WIPE~OO. 5-45 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 5.0 SOURCE TEXT MAINTENANCE 5.12 XREFMOO - CROSS REFERENCE Of A BASE XREFHOO produces a cross reference listi~g of a base. (XREFMOD is primarily intended as 8 "bui.ding bl~ck" for other procedures. In particular, see the description of t~e LISr'OD procedure which runs XREFMOD as a batch job.) Optionally, a single module (deck) ~a~e can be specified for which are produced (instead of the norma·' ()!Jtput listing) a list of the regular modules that reference (call) the module either directly or indirectly (see the description of the • par~meter for more information on this feature). In the normal (i.e., not the output, XREfMOO produces for each information: sing'e ~~dute MOOu'~ (deck) option) mode of the following 1. the name of the deck 2. the date on whjch the deck was created 3. the type of deck (see deck categorie~ described below) 4. the number of lines in the deck 5. the position of the deck tn the base 6. a list of all the decks that refere~ce (call) this deck 7. a list of all the decks that are r~'ere"ced (call edt by this deck Items 2 through 5 are replaced by a Qffag" If the deck is "external" to the base being cross refere,ced. An external deck is one whi ch is referenced (call ed) by one or~"or GROUP SECOND -> GROUP THIRD -) GROUP REPLACING/ADDING MEMBERS ON aERKlIB LIBRARY NOW ON SESTMPL NEW LIBRARY NOW ON BERKlIB BERKlIB PURGED REVERT. END REPHEH GROUP -) BERKll9 * * * * * * This example illustrates REPMEM used to col'~ct three members onto a group file, and then place the contents the group file on a library called berklib. The example ShB~S so~e 0' the informative messages that appear during a REPMEM run. 0' ses.rep.e. I-dummy, n'·proclib, g·newpr~c CREATING NEW LIBRARY PROClIB REVERT. END REPMEM NEWPROC -> PRDClIB * b~.'d This example illustrates how to build a new tlbrary. The I parameter is coded as some "dummy" name t~at doesn't exist. The new members to be added are on a group file cal ted newproc. The new library is created, and a directory Is ~dded because of the build k~:t. 6-13 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook RE V: itA 6.0 LIBRARY OR MULTI RECORD FILE MANAGEME~T USING LISEDIT 6.3 REPUlIB - ADD OR REPLACE MEMBER(S) O~ USER LIBRARY REPUlIB is a special version of REPMe~{S) to add or replace member(s) on a User LIBrary. lIBEDIT (the basis for these libr~ry management procedures) can.t handle user libraries directty, so REPULIB uses the LISED!T and lISGEN utilities t~ per~orm the process correctly. Parameters to REPULIB are: m or mem or mems or member or Members : (optional) list of Hember(s) to be added to or replaced on the library. If you don't code the m parameter, REPUlIB assumes that all the member(s) to be added or replaced are already on a file specified by t~~ g Dar~~eter. g or group : (optionat) name of a group fite on which member(s) are accumulated as one member per logical record. If you don't code the 9 parameter, REPULIR uses the vatue of profile variable group. If there's no such profile variable defined, REPUlIB uses fi'ena~e gr~up as the group fil e. I or b : (optional) name of Library on which the ~ember's) are to be added or replaced. If you do,.t code the I parameter, REPULIB uses the value of profl'e varlable fib as the name of the library. If there's ~o such profile variable defined, REP Ul I 8 use s a ' i bra r y I'l a '" e 0 'lb. f. nl or nb: (optional) name of New Library to be er~ated when REPULI8 has completed its run. If you dOI'l't code the nl parameter, REPULIB uses the v~'ae of profile variable new.ib, and if there's no such profile v3riable defined, REPUlIB writes the new tibrary over' tl'le file specified by the I parameter. un : (optional) User Name in w"~se catalog the library specified by Ilnl is to be founrhi f , Inl! is not In the catalog of the current user. If YOU donft code the un parameter, REPUlIB uses the V!'~P of profile variable Ilbown as the user name from wh~se catalog the library Is to be obtajned, and if there's no such v~riable defined, 6-14 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User'S Handbook REV: 4A 6.0 LIBRARY OR MULTI RECORD FILE MANAGEME~r USI~G lIBEOIT 6.3 REPUlIB - ADO OR REPLACE MEMBER«S) ON USER lIA~ARY REPUlIB uses the current user's catalog • • ock or nolock : these (optional) parameters deter~ine ~hether the base update process is Interlocked against simultaneous updates; coding a filename for the lock Dar3~eter determines the name of the interlock fl'e. I~terloekfng is the ~.!.ul1 action when the base being updated is 1~ another user's catalog. If you don't code either ()f the lock or nolock ~~I~' interlocking is controlled by t~e lok.ode profile variable. Ref~r to the introdbctor) sections of this chapter for information on the inter~ctions of the .okmode profile variable and the lock 30d notock parameters. If you don't code a filename for t~e 'ock parameter, the contents of p ... 0 f i I e v a ria b I e 1 n t r 10k Is used as the interlock filename; If there's no such profile variable, the name 'ntrlok is used as the lock fifename. The interlock fife .y~t be in the sawe cata1bg as the base being updated. If the interloc~ fife C9"not be found, the procedure aborts. batch Job paraeeters : These parameters are described I~ the section entitled "SES PROCEDURES RUN AS BATCH JOBS". The default for this procedure Is to run in local mode, but it can be run in batch mode. The dayfile par~~eter 1s not used by this procedure. rep or add or addrep or repadd : this (optional) k~~ specifies whether YBUlre adding and replacing, or Just replacing. If you're Inl! replacing member (s) you c an code the rep !1':-t:~ I f YOU omi t th i s Is.:J altogether. REPUlIB assumes that youtre adding An~ replacing me~ber(s) and so issues the appropriate directives to lIBEDIT to perfor~ that fu~etion. nx : this (optiona') k~~ indicates that whe~ REPUlIB performs the lIBGEN portion of its Job, that lI8GEN should not build a cross reference of e,try points in the ULIB record. You can set your own default for' this parameter by defining the n x v a r i able I ny 0 u r ~ r 0" i I e ( any non-nul I value causes the cross reference to !l2·'t· be bui t t). Refer to the lIBGEN documentation in the NnS reference manual. 6-15 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 Oecember 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 6.0 LIBRARY llR MULTI RECORD FILE MANAGEME'Ir- !J$tNG lO[SEDIT 6.3 REPUlIB - ADD OR REPLACE MEMBERCS) O~ USER LIBRARY IIsg or nomsg : contrbf the generation of these (optional) k~~~ informative messages by t his pro c e d u r 'e an d a r e f uti y described in the section entitled "IMFJ~MATIVE MESSAGES FROM SES PROCEDURES". 6-16 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES SES User's Handbook 18 December 84 REV: 4A 6.0 LIBRARY OR MULTI RECORD FILE MANAGEME~T ~SING llBEDIT 6.4 COLLECT - COLLECT MEMBER(S} TO BUILD l GROUP FILE COLLECT is used in conjunction with Ilbr~ry ~anagement procedures such as REPHEM(S). COLLECT is used to accu~ulate members onto a group file for subsequent processing by REP'EMfSt, LIBEDIT and so on. COLLECT can also be used in conJanctfo, with source text At a i n ten an c e pro c e d u res, toe 0 I lee t t e -x t mt') d lJ 1 e s , -. a ':I d 1 n 9 h e a de r s an d COMMON lines if required. Parameters to Cal~ECT ar~ : m or mem or mems or member or members : (optional) list of Members to be accumulated onto the group file. HAt~: if the file soeetfied by the • parameter is a mutti record fife, C'1lLECT 9.2~i gather .al! records in the file. This capability is QQt available with the c and r parameters as It Is not- truly applicable in those cases. c or co. or oplc : (optional) list of COMmon modules ta be accumulated onto the group file. COLLECT aSSJ~es that such modules are straight text fites, and so COll;tT Dlaces the module name and COMMON line at the start of the modu'~. r or reg or opl : (optional) list of REGular modutes to be accumulated onto the group fite. COllECT assumes that such modules are straight text files, and so COll~Cr o'.ces the module name at the start of the module. 9 or group : (optional) name of group file o~to ~hich the member(s) or module(s) are to be accumulated. i If YOll don't code the g parameter, COLLECT uses the vatue of profile variable group. If there's no such varlable defined in your profi Ie, COLLECT uses the filena~e gr~uP.i I8sg or nomsg : contrbf the generation of these (optional) !s.Sl:t1 informative messages by t his p r '0 0 e d u r 'e and are f u I • y described in the section entitta1 "INFaRMATIVE MESSAGES FROM SES PROCEDURES". 6-17 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 6.0 LIBRARY OR MULTI RECORD fILE MANAGEME~T ~SI~G LIREDIT 6.4 COllECT - COllECT MEMBER(S) TO BUILD ~ G~OUP F1lE Exampte of COLLECT ~s8ge ses.coltect (docode,dostat,eatuP,elself,~qual) g-coders DOCODE -> CODERS DOSTAT -> CODERS EATUP -> CODERS ElSEIF -) CODERS EQUAL -) CODERS REVERT. END COllECT CODERS * * * • * This example of COllECT illustrates a bunch of records onto a group file. ho~ it i~ used to accumulate 6-18 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES Userfs Handbook REV: 4A 6.0 LIBRARY OR MULTI RECORD fILE MANAGEME~T USI~G lIBEOIT 6.5 CAlLIS - PRODUCE LIST OF MEMBERS IN A LIBRARY CATlIB is used to display a list of the members in a library. CATlIB outputs the members list In a condens~1 for~at, four members per 'ine, showing only the member names and their type. Parameters to CATlIS are: I or b : (optiona') name of library M~ich is tu have its member names displayed. If you don't· code the I parameter" CAlLIS uses the value of profil~ variable lib as the name of the library, and if there's n~ such variable defined, CATLIS uses a file name of lib. un : (optional) User Name in wh3se catalog the library specified by the I parameter is tn be found. If you don't code the un parameter, CATLIS uses the value of profite var I a b J e I I bo Wfl as the user name" a" di f the ref s no such variable defined, CAllIB uses t~e cur~e"t user's catalog. o : (optional) name of fite to receive the Output from CATlIS. If you don't code the 0 par~~eter; CAllIS places the member list on file output. short or tong : these (optional) ~~~~ determine tne farmat of the output from CATlIB. If you omit this par~~eter or code the short k~~, CAllIS produces its output i, the f~rm shown in the example betow. If you code the long ~g~~ CArLIB produces its output in the same format as the ~as ~ti'ity CATALOG. 6-19 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 6.0 LIBRARY OR MULTI RECORD fILE MANAGEME~T USING llBEOIT 6.5 CAlLIS - PRODUCE LIST OF MEMBERS IN A LI8RARY Example of CAlLI8 Usage ses.catlib b-csiolib un ••• 69 CSIOlIB •• UlIB A59TOIA •• REl CNVCASE •• REl CPYA ••••• REl IATOA6~ •• REl IATON59 •• REl IOEBUGI •• REt IKHISC ••• REl ISYSTIM •• REl HCOMP •••• REL MEXPR •••• REL MGET ••••• REl MGETSYM •• REl HGETTOK •• REl MPDTPVT~.REl "'LIST ••• REL HTOKCNV •• REl N59TDIA •• REl ZIATOXC •• REl ZXCTOIA •• REL REVERT. END CAllIB CSIOlIS A64TtlIl •• REt C59T£J{'l.r. REt I AT0t4&4. '. REt ISClr1SG.f4.REl HCS ••• ~~;. REl MGETC') P'l.le 'REt .'.f.i.f. RE·l MLOCFIl'.\.REt· "PUT N64TOI A.'. REt CS lot'I 9. I. OPt D CATlIST •• REt IATOA59 •• REt IDE8UG ••• REl ISOLSYS •• REL MCSCNV ••• REL "GETKCS •• REl MMSG ••••• REl MSTREA" •• REl PKUNPK ••• REL This example shows CATLIB output for a 'lbrary csloJib in the catalog of user .v69. The member types ar~ as d~'ined in the NOS reference manual section on lIBEDIT. 6-20 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 6.0 LIBRARY OR MULTI RECORD FILE MANAGEME~T 6.6 LISTMEM - LIST CONTENTS OF LIBRARY USI~G llBEDIT lISTMEM performs two main functions to sho~ you what's in a library, and to get a printout of the TeXT ~embers in the library if necessary. lISTMEM first generates a norm~' CATAtlG which shows the names of a11 the members in the library. Lastl" lISTMEM generates a printout ot all TEXT members in the libr~rv - yoU can suppress this if you only want the catalog without the whole library's contents. Parameters to LISTMEM are: I or b : (optional) name of Library to be orbcessed. If you don't code the b parameter, lISTMEM uses the value of profile variable lib as the library name,' and if there's no such variable defined, the lISTMEM uses the def3ult name lib. o : (optional) name of file to receive the OJtput from LISTMEM ptaces the output on some unlqae '11_ name that i t generates. The output doesn't default to file output because, if you're running lISTME~ interactiYety, you probabl y don.t Mant the rather~ votamlnous output on the s cr een. un : (optional) User Name in whose catalog the library specified by I is to be found. If YOU don.t code the un parameter, lISTMEM uses the value or the value of profile variable libown, and if there iS1't such variabl~ defined, lISTMEM uses the user name of the cur~~nt user. batch JOb paraMeters I These parameters are described I~ t~e section entitled "SES PROCEDURES RUN AS BATCH JaSS". The defautt for this procedure is to run in batch mode, but i t can be run in local mode. The dayfile par's!'fteter' is not used by this procedure. print: this (optional) parameter indicates ho~ the output of lISTMEM is to be printed. For the print parameter you may code any of the par8meter~ to prbcedur~ PRINT. If you don't code the print parameter at aI', LISTMEM prints one (1) copy of the output on the ASCII Dr'tnter. 6-21 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User 1 s Handbook REV: 4A 6.0 LIBRARY OR MULTI RECORD fILE MANAGEME~T USIMG LIBEDIT 6.6 LISTMEM - LIST CONTENTS Of LIBRARY short : i f y 0 U code this (optional) 11.1 I , LIS TOM EM only generates the catalog output, and suppresses the listing of al' the TEXT members. Examples of LISTMEH U~ege ses.'lstme. print-cal short 12.34.56. SUBHIT COMPLETE. J08NAHE IS REVERT. JOB LISTMEH SUBMITTED ACUL~RS This example shows LISTMEM used to process a library, whatever is the value of lib. Three copies the short list (catalog only) are being produced. LISTMEM is being r~" in batch, rather name 0' than i n t e ra c t i vel y. ses.listme. b-proclib o-procs print.(c·2,h.'1~test/proclibf) 18.12.00. SUBMIT COMPLETE. J08NAME IS ANAPABS REVERT. JOB lISTHEH SUBMITTED This example shows lISTMEM being run in batch to produce two full printouts of the catalog and all the TeXT l1embers in the library proclib. The title on the listing is "ate~t or~clib·. 6-22 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES .• 8 Deoember 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 6.0 lIBRARY OR MULTI RECORD fILE MANAGEHE~T USI~G LISEDIT 6.7 SORTMEM - SORT LIBRARY INTO ALPHABETr:AL O~DER SORTHEM rearranges a library such that all the ~embers of a given type appear in the library together, and within each type, the members are sorted into alphabetl cal order~.i tt2t'l: to sort a User LIBrary, for use by the CYaER loader, use the SRTULIB procedure described below. Parameters to SORTMEM ar. : , or b J (opti/onal) name of Library to be sorted.! If you don't code the I parameter, SORTMEM uses the value of profite variable lib. If therefs no such profile variable defined, SQRTMEM uses the name 1lb. nl or nb : (optional) name of New library to be created at the end of the SORTMEM run. If you don't ol)de the nl parameter, SORTHEM uses the value of pr~flle varlable newllb. If there's no such profile variable defined, SORTMEM writes the new fibrary on the file speclffed hv the I parameter. un : (optional) User Name In whose cata'oC) the library specified by II n I is to bet 0 lJ rt d • if trn 1 is not in the catalog of the current user. If you don't code the un parameter, SORTMEM uses the vatue of profile variable ttbown as the user name from whose cata10g the library is to be obtained, and if there's no such variable defined, SORTMEM uses the current user's catalog. o , (optiona') name of file to receive the Output of the ams used to run SORTME..,.- I t= you don't code the 0 parameter, SORTMEM sets oaO, or !'ll) output. This is usually the desirable default~ since the sort process genef etes 'arge volumes of output.~ p rogr edtsort· : (optional) pair of filenames repr~sentfog the Input and output files of the eDT text erlitnr. You can use edtsort toe 0 iTt he S OR Tau t put t 0 imp 0 s e v 0 u r' 0 wnor d e r i n g 0 nth e members in the library. 6-23 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES SES User's Handbook 18 December 84 REV: 4A 6.0 LIBRARY OR MULTI RECORD FILE MANAGEME~' ~St~G LIBEDIl 6.7 SORTMEM - SORT LIBRARY INTO ALPHABETICAL a~DER lock Of nolock : these (optional) parameters deter~lne ~hether the base update process is interlocked against simuitaneous updates; coding afi lename for the tock parameter· deter",i nes the name of the interlock file. r~terlockJng is the d~l~ul1 action when the base being updated is 1" another user's cata'og. If you don't code either of tne lock or nolock kl~~' interlocking is controlled by the 10k_ode profile variable. Refer to the introdJetor~ sections of this chapter for information on the interactions of the lokmode pro·file variable and the lock and nolock parameters. If you don't code a filename for the , OCk1 parameter, the contents of profile variable fntr'tok is used as the interlock filename; if there 1 s n~ such 'r~fi'e variable, the name Intrlok is used as the lock filename. The interlock file mY~l be in the sa~e cata1~Q as the base being updated. If the interlock 'fie cannot be found, the procedure aborts. batch Job parameters: These parameters are described in the s~ctjon entitied "SES PROCEDURES RUN AS BATCH J1S5". The defauft for this procedure is to run in tocal mode, but it can be run in batch mode. The dayfi Ie para11eter· is not used by thi s procedure. nodir or nobuild or dir or build: these (optional) keys indicate whether a directory Is to be placed at the end of t~e 'lbr~r~ when SORTMEM has fin i s he d i t.s run. I f y 0 U code til e no dt r·· () r no bu i I d Is.Cl' SORTMEM doesn't place a director~ In the library. If you code the dir or build k~~, SORT~E~ does p1ace a directory in the library. If you do~Jt code any of these keys, SORTHEM does a build, that is, a director) is created for the S 0 r ted I i br a r y • msg or nOlls9 : these (optional) k~x~ con t r·o I the g e" era t ion 0 f informative messages by this Gr~cedur~ and are futly described in the section entitted - "INFnRMATIVE MESSAGES FROM ses PROCEDURES". 6-24 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 Oecember 84 REVS 4A SES User's Handbook 6.0 LIBRARY OR MULTI RECORD fILE t1ANAGEME~T LJSI~G LIBEDIT 6.1 SORTHEM - SORT LIBRARY INTO ALPHABETICAL" []~DER Examples of SORTMEM ~sage ses.sortmeM I-proclib batchn 17.52.00. SUBMIT COMPLETE. JOBNA"E IS REVERT. JOB SORTHEM SUBMITTED ADXIBE~ This example illustrates SORTMEM being r~~ coding the batch k~~. SORTMEH is beIng proclib into order. as a batch job by used to sort the fite ses.sortmem '-berklib lock build LOCKING BERKLI8 VIA INTRlOK 8ERKLIB LOCKED GENERATING MEMBER LISTS FOR BERKllB SORTING MEMBER LISTS EXTRACTING MEMBERS FROM 8ERKLIB SDRTING BERKLIB ONTO SESTHPl NEW LIBRARY ON SESTMPL NEW LIBRARY NOW ON BERKLIB SESTMPl PURGED 8ERKlI8 UNLOCKED REVERT. END SORTMEM BERKlIB * * * * * * * * * * This example illustrates SORTMEM run whlfe YGU walt, at the terminal. The example shows the infor~atiye messages output by SORTMEM during its run. 6-25 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 ·SES User's Handbook REV:4A 6.0 LI8RARY OR MULTI RECORD fILE MANAGEME~T USI~G LIBEDIT 6.8 SRTUlIB - SORT USER LIBRARY INTO ALPHABETICAL ORDER SRTUlIB is a speci al version of SORfMEM 'or~ sorting a User LIBrary into alphabetica' order. lIBEOIT- (the basis for these library management procedures) can.t handle user· libraries directly, so SRTUlIB uses the LISEDIT and lIBGE~ utf'lties to perform the process correctly. Parameters to SRTUlIB ar~ : 1 or b : (optional) name of library to be sorted.! If you don't code the t parameter, SRTULI8 uses the value of profile variable tlb. If theref.s no such pr'ofile variable defined, SRTULIB uses the name 'lb. nl or nb : (optional) name of New Library to be cr.ated at the end of the SRTUlIB run. If you don't code the nl parameter, SRTUlIB uses the value of pr~fite Y~rlable newtib. If there's no such profile variable defi~~d, SRTUlIB writes the new library on the fite specified by the' parameter. un : (optional) User Name in whose catalog the library specified by , I n I j s to be f 0 tJ 1'\ d , If lIn I i s not In the catalog of the current user. If YBU don't code the un parameter, SRTUlIB uses the val~e of prof. Ie variable IlboMn as the user name from whGse catatGQ the library is to be obtained, and if there's no such v.rlable defined, SRTUlI8 uses the current user's catalog. o 1 (optionalt name of file to programs used to parameter, SRTULIB SRTUlIB. Output of the don't code the 0 sets 0-0, or 1'\' 1l1tput. This is usually the desirable default, since the sort process generates farge volumes of output.; edtsort : run recefvg If the YOtt (optional) pair ot filenames repr~sentinq the input and fi I es of the EDT text edit-or'. You can use edtsort to EDiT the SORT output to impose your' own ordering on the members in the library. output 6-26 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 \ SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 6.0 LIBRARY OR MULTI RECORD FilE MANAGEME~f ~SI~G LISEOIT 6.8 SRTUlIB - SORT USER LIBRARY INTO ALPHABETICAL ORDER loCk or nolock : these (optional) parameters deter_ine whether the base update process Is interlocked against sima.taneous updates; coding a f i I ena fA e for t h e l OC k D a r·a 1ft e t e r . determines the name of the inter lock fll e. Illter tockl ng is the ,dgt.lyl1 action when the base being updated is In another user's catalog. If you don't code either ~f the lock or nolock k~~~, interlocking is controlled by the lok.ode profile variable. Refer to the introductorV $~ctions of this chapter for information on the int~ractions of the lok.ode profile variable and the lock and nolock· parameters. If you don't code a flfename for tile tbck r parameter, the contents of profile variable Intr'lok is used as the interlock filename; If there's no such profile variable, the name intrlok is used as the lock filename. The interlock file .y~t be in the sa~e catalog as the base being updated. If the interlock ca~not be found, the procedure aborts. ,.t. batch Job para.eters : These parameters are described in the section entitled "SES PROCEDURES RUN AS BATCH JaBS". The default for this procedure is to run in local mode, but it can be run in batch mode. The dayfile parameter Is not used by this procedure. nx : this (optional) ~§~ indicates that when SRTUlIB performs the lIBGEN portion of its j,b, that LIBGEN should not build a cross reference of entr~ pol~ts In the UlIS record. You can set your own default for this parameter by defining the nx vari able in y·our' pr'of,. e (any non-null value causes the cross reference to llt be built). Refer to the lIBGEN documentation in t~e ~as reference manual. IIsg or notls9 : contrbf the generation of these (optional) k~%~ infor~ative messages by t his Dr &0 C e d lJ r -e an dar e f ul , y described in the section entitled "INFaRMATIVE MESSAGES FROM SES PROCEDURES". 6-27 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 6.0 LIBRARY OR MULTI RECORD FILE MANAGEME~T 6.9 WIPEHEM - DELETE MEMBER(S) FROM LI8RA~' USI~G l18EOIT WIPEMEM is intended as a means of deJ~tJng ~ember(s) from a library. IAt&: to delete memberes) fro!J1 a !Jser' LIBrary, for use by the CYBER loader, use the WIPUl18 prbcedur. described below. Parameters to WIPEMEM are: I or b : (optional) name of library from which me~ber(s) are to be deleted. If you don.t code the t par3meter, WIPEHEM uses the value of prof.te yariab'~ flb as the name of the library. If there 1 s no such prb'ite ~~riable defined, WIPEMEH uses the name lib as the ~ame of the library. nl or nb : (optional) name of New Library to be cr~at9d at the end of the WIPEMEM run. If you don·t code the nl parameter, WIPEMEM uses the value of prof". ~~rlab'e neMtlb as the name or the new library. If ther~'s no such profite variable defined, WIPEMEM places the new l1brary back over the old library specified by the f oar~meter. un : (optional) User Name in whose catafog the library specified by Ilnl is to be fOtJfld, if "/n' is not in the catalog of the current user. If yDU dOAlt code the un parameter, WIPEMEM uses the v~tUe of profile variable .Ibown as the user name frOM whose catalog the library is to be obtained, and if there's no such v3rlable defined, WIPEMEM uses the current userts catalog. text : (optional) list of teXT member(s) to be oplc or com or c : (optional) list of OPLC Common to be deleted. opt or reg or r : (optional) ret : me~ber(s) d~'eted. or COMmon modules list of OPL or REGul'4r+ lftemner(s) to be deleted. 6-28 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERIHG SERVICES 18 Oecember 84 REV:4A SES User's Handbook 6.0 LIBRARY OR MULTI RECORD fILE MANAGEMENT USING llBEOIT 6.9 WIPEMEM - DELETE MEMBER(S) FROM lIBRA~V (optional) list of deleted. Oy I RElocatabte binary m~mber(s) to be : (optional) list of OVerlay type to be deleted. ~emberlsl abs : (optional) list of ABSolute ty~e ~e~ber{Sl to be deleted. ppu : (optional) list of PPU type membertsl to be deleted. pp : (optional) list of PP type memberlsl to be deleted. cap : ( 0 p t i on a I) I is t 0 f CAP t y p e me 1ft be r '{ s l t 0 bed e t e ted. proc : (optional) list of eCl (not SES) deleted. PROCedur~ member(s) to be lock or nolock : these (optional) parameters deter~l~e ~hether the base update process is interlocked against 51.uftaneous updates; coding a 'Ilename for the lock oar.meter determines the n am e 0 f the i n t e rio c k fit e • In t e r 1 !) C kin g f s the Lt.-LAUi t action when the base being updat~d is In another user's catalog. If YOU don.t code either' ()f the lock or nolock k~%l' intertGcking is controlled by the lok.ode proffle variable. Refer to the introductor~' sections of this chapter for information on the l~teracti!)ns of the lok.ode profile variable and the lock and Aofock parameters. If you donlt code a fi lename f()r< t"e 'ocl( parameter, the contents of profile variable Intrl~k Is used as the Interlock filename; if there's 10 such profile variable, the name Intr10k is used as the loc~ filename. The interlock file mu~1 be in the sa.e c9talog as the base being updated. If the interlock fi1e cannot be found, the procedure aborts. batch Job para.eters : 6-29 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REVS itA 6.0 LIBRARY OR MULTI RECORD FILE HANAGEME~T 6.9 WIPE"EH - DELETE MEMBER(S) fROM LIBRARY· USI~G LISEDIT These parameters are described in the section entitled "SeS PROCEDURES RUN AS BATCH JOSS". The default for this procedure is to run in local mode, but it can be run in batch mode. The day'. t e par'a1fteter' f s not used by thl s procedure • • so or nOllsg : these (optional) k~%~ informative messages by described in the section FROM SES PROCEDURES". control thi s entitl~d ExaMple of WIPEME" the pr'acedure generation and "INFORMATIVE of are full y MESSAGES ~s8ge ses .wl p e.e. • -thi s lib. text- (heavy, users),' r'e' .,1 8S t •• ac cess DELETING "EMBERS FROM THISLIB * • * NEW LIBRARY ON SESTMPL NEW LIBRARY NOW ON THISLIB • SESTNPL PURGED REVERT. END WIPEMEH THISLIB This example of WIPEMEM illustrates the way In which multiple lists of record types may be coded, and also snows a range of record types coded for the rei type. 6-30 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 6.0 LIBRARY OR MULTI RECORD fILE MANAGEME~T US!MG LISEDIT 6.10 WIPUlI8 - OELETE MEMBER(S) FROM USER LIBRARY WIPUlIB is a special version of WIPE"E~ for· deleting (wiping) member(s) from a User lIBrary~ lIBEDIT (the basis 'or these library management procedures) cant t handl e user· ,. br'artes d I rectI y, so WIPUlIB uses the LISEDIT and lIBGEN utilities to per~orm the process correctly. Parameters to WIPUlIB are s I or b : (optional) name of Library from which me~ber(sl are to be deleted. If you don't code the I par~meter, WIPULIB uses the Y a 'ue 0 f pro f i I e v 8 ria b I e 11 bas the n a me of the library. If there's no such prb'i1e v~riable defined, WIPUlIB uses the name lib as the name of the 11brary. nl or nb : (optional) name of New library t~ be created at the end of the WIPUlIB run. If you do,lt code the nl parameter, WIPUlIB uses the value of profile v9riab'. newllb as the name of the new library. If ther~'~ no such profile variable defined, WIPUlIB places the ~ew 11brary back over the old library specified by the t oar~meter. un t (optional) User Name in wh3se catalog the Itbr~ry specified by lint is to be found, ifl ,"ntf is not In the catalog of the current user. If yoU don't code the un parameter, WIPUlIB uses the value of profite varlable IlboMn as the user name from whose catalog the library is to be obtained, and if there's no such v9riable defined, WIPUlIB uses the current user's catalog. fletl 0 r _ or rei : list of member(s) to be deleted. lock or nolock : these (optional) parameters deter~IAe whether the base update process Is interlocked against slm14taneous updates; coding a filename for the lock parameter determines the n a 1ft e of the Interlock file. I n t e rl 0 c kin g i s the l1.C! Ault action when the base being updated Is 1n another user's catalog. If you don't code either of the lock or nolock k~%~' interlocking is controlted by t~e lok.ode profile variable. Refer to the introductory sections of this 6-31 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 6.0 LIBRARY OR HULTI RECORD fILE MANAGEME~T' 6.10 WIPUlIB - DELETE "EMBER'S) FROM USER USING lIBEDIT lI8q~RY chapter for information on the inter'actions of the 'ok.ode profile variable and the lock and Aolock parameters. If you don't code a fj lename for the ';ock' parameter, the contents of pr~file variable Intrlok Is used as the interlock filename; if there's no such orofile variable, the name intrlok is used as the tock filename. The interlock file my~t be in the sa~e catalbg as the base being updated. If the i n t e r t 0 ck f .tee a n no t be found, the procedure aborts. batch Job para.eter~ : These parameters are described in the 'section entitled "SES PROCEDURES R.UN AS BATCH Jl'l!3S". The default for this procedure is to run in local mode, but it can be run in batch mode. The dayfile para~eter is not used by this procedure. nx : this (optional) ~~l indicates that when WIPUlIB performs the LIBGEN portion of its J~b,- t~at LIBGEN should not build a cross reference of entr~ ~oiAts in the UlIB record. You can set your own default for this parameter by defi nlng the AX var i able I n ,()lIt· pr·'ofll e (any non-nul' value causes the cross reference to ~~t be buitt). Refer to the lIBGEN documentation in t~e NaS r~rerence manual. IIS9 or 1 these (optional) ~:X~ informative messages by described in the section FROM ses PRoceOURES". contr~l the generation of this ~r~cedur~ and are futly entit'~d "I~FaRMATIVE MESSAGES 6-32 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 6.0 LIBRARY OR MULTI RECORD FILE MANAGEME~T6.11 lIBEOIT - RUN LISEDIT UTILITY ~SING 4A L1BEDIT LISEOIT Is intended as a means of caltlng ~as LISEDIT utility directly. Although SES library manage_ent pr~cedures use the lIBEDIT utitity themselves, not all the '~"etlons of LISEOIT are available, since SES procedures are orlented towards the most common functions. The LISEOIT procedure gives you d1r~ctcontrot over the LI8EOIT utility, but stll I provides all SES convenience of ATTACHing your files for you and so on. Parameters to LISED!T are: g or group or I go : (optional) name of fite containing r~cord(s. to be inserted or replaced on the tJbr~r~- specified by t. If you dontt code the g parameter, lI~EDtT uses the value of profile variable group, and if ther~ls no such variable defined, uses the default filena~e grbup. I or b : (optional) name of the old librar~ to be manipulated by l I 6 E0 IT. I f y 0 U don f t code the I ' parameter, lIB EO I T uses the value of profite vari able ,lIb as the name of the library, and if therets no such v~rlable defined, lI8EOIT uses the default name of lib. n I or nb : (optional) name of the New librarY after the LIBEDIT run. If you don't code the nl parametar; lIBEryIT uses the value of profile variabte newllb, and if there's no such variable defined, the lIBEDIT wr'ltes the new library back on top of the library specified bv I. un : (optional) User Name in whose cata1r,Q the library s () e cl fie d by II n • • s to be f 0 \J " d , If lIn I is not in the catalog of the current user. If YOU do"'~ code the un parameter, LIBEDIT uses the ~~'~e of oroftle variable IlboHn as the user name from whose eatatog the library is to be obtained, and j f there's no such Y~riable defined, LISEDIT uses the current user's eata'~g. I : (optional) 'ist of character strlnqs which represent lIBEDIT utility directives. Using tl1e f- oaramete'f, i t is possible to perform many LIBEOtT oDerations using a single 6-33 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES SES User's Handbook 18 December 84 REV: 4A 6.0 LIBRARY OR MULTI RECORD FILE MANAGEHE~T USING tIBEOIl 6.11 LI8EDIT - RUN LISEDIT UTILITY control statement. If you don't code the 1 parameter, lIBEOIT assumes the directives ar~ coming 'rom file INPUT. If you code the i parameter as a sing'_ name, lI8EDIT assumes that it's the name of a file containing LISEOIT directives. o : this (optional) parameter specifies the name of the flte to receive the listing output 'rb~ LIRED!T. If you don.t code this parameter, LIBEOIT places its listing output on file OUTPUT. lock or nolock : these (optiona') parameters deter~ine whether the base update process is interlocked against sfm~ftaneous updates; co di n 9 a f i 1en am e for the I 0 c Ie" 0 ar '1m e t e r de t ermi n est he n aAle 0 f the inter I ockf il e. Inter" tt oki n g i s the .~.e.!..aylt action when the base being updated is in another user's catalog. If you don't code either' of the lock or nolock h.:~~, interlocking is controlled by tl'1e lokllode profile v~riable. Refer to the introductor~' sections of this chapter for information on the f~ter~ctIGns of the lok.ode profile variable and the lock an~ no'~ck parameters. If you don·t code a fi 1ename fGr' the IGck parameter, the con ten t S 0 f pro fit e v a ria b 1e f n t r" () k" I sus e d as the interlock filename; if there's ~D such profile variable, the naIDe intr 10k is used as the lock f i I ename. The interlock file .u~l be in the same catalog as the base being updated. If the interlock f11~ cannot be found, the procedure aborts. _sg or no_sg : these (optional) k:~~ contrb1 the generation of informative messages by this ~rbcedur~ and are fully described in the section entitled "INF~RMATIVE MESSAGES FROM SES PROCEDURES". 6-34 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 6.0 LIBRARY OR MULTI RECORD fILE MANAGEME~r USING LISEDIT 6.11 LISEDIT - RUN LISEOIT UTILITY Example of tIREDIT ses.Jlbedit ~~age i.'*i~ovt/cataIQg,~at'lst.sesmsg· ••••• ••••• her~ appears the output from lIREDIT utility NEW LIBRARY ON SESTHPl NEW LIBRARY NOW ON PROGlIB SESTHPl PURGED REVERT. END LIBEDIT PROGlIB * • * The ex amp1 e i 11 ustr ates how the bee 0 d e d a s a s t ri n g p 8 r am e t er text preceded by periods indicates may LIBEDIT" tit il i tv 0 f nput nth e p r'o C e d u r"e c a' I where. In th~ direct i ve • i ne• actual lIBEOIT, output from the LISEOIT utility itself apoears. use The of 7-1 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES Userts Handbook 7.0 GETTING INfORMATION This chapter describes a coltection of ses procedures to find out what's going on and what's available. There are two main areas of interest: 1. Information about your local you have, your validation 30 '05 what fifes the time, parts of your environ~ent limits,· dayfi 'e, an d others. z. Information about SES - documents, orbcedur~s and status. CATLIST display comprehensive information about ftfes in catalog. DAYFILE displays a selected part of your dav'11e. CATALOG gives a condensed list of the FILES display information about local riles. PER"IT gives permission information for flies fn a user's catalog. lI"ITS displays your LIMITS information In a co"densed format. TIME "talks" the current time as a da,fiie message. DISPLAY displays various information about your job environment. DAYWEEK tel's you what day of the week a d~te (that is, today), or will fal' on. EXPLAIN di splays onl ine manuals. CONVOlM converts online manual source to recor~s a user's 1n a fibrary. ~1S/VE fet' on, for~at. falls on 1-2 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 7.0 GETTING INFORMATION TODLDOC prints documents describing INFO displays the latest information about SES.' USSINFO displays the Software. SESPROC generates a list of names of SES ?rbeedur.s. SESPAR" generates a printout of the par'311eter lists procedures in any selected procedure library. latest tools~ information about User Supplied of SES 7-3 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 7.0 GETTING INfORMATION 7.1 CArLIST - DISPLAY PERMANENT FILE INFORMATION CATLIST gives you a concIse but very comorehensive list of a I. f i I e sin a c at a log. r tot e fl" e s at e • i s ted i n alphabetical order, three files per fine, so that you can get 45 files worth of information on one scree11oad. The world goes by your window more slowly, so to speak. For each 'ile in the specified catalog, CATlIST outputs the i"ror~atio~ in the following format : i n r or mat io nab ou t fIlENA~ type category mode I_ngth where the different things displayed are FIlENAM type t is of course the name of fi Ie in questIon.' is the access type for the 'ile. and 0 for a Direct file. It fs I for an Indirect fife, category is the security of the file. This field is PU for a PUblic fite, SP for a Semi Private flte, and PR for a PRivate file. mode is the access mode for the ff'~. This is one of R for Read, W for Write, M for Hodjfy, ~ for ApDend, RH for Read "odify, and RA for Read Append and E for Execute. length is the length of the fi'e in PRUS. For example, a typical line of outout 'ro~ CAlLIST Mould be like: "AIlBDI I PU RA •• 1 "AXBIN D PU R 342 ~ROF~LE I PR R •• 1 This line of CATlIST output shows that MAIL80X Is an Indirect access eUb.ic Bead Append mode file or 1 pru~ ,aXBIN is a Direct access tubl ic Read mode fJ I e of 342 prus.' 8,,1 l>~ny::tLE is an Indirect access !iivate,Bead mode file of 1 pru. 7-4 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 7.0 GETTING INFORMATION 1.1 CATlIST - DISPLAY PERMANENT FILE INFOR~ATI~~ Parameters to CATlIST are : un : (optional) User Name of the (alt~r"ate) catalog to be CATLISTed. If you don't code the ~n parameter, the current user's catalog is CATLIST~d. pn : (optional) Pack Name for files to be CITl~STed. If you don't code the pn parameter, the fites on the default pack are CATlISTed. o : (optional) name of fi'e to r~eefve the Output from CATlIST. If you don't code the 0 par~meter, CAIlIST uses f i I:e output. fpl : this (optional) parameter is used to tel' CATlIST ,",ow many file descriptions it should 14r'lte on each line of the output fi tee If speci fi ed, the Ftt' es Per line parameter must be given a numeric value frbm 1 to 10. If you don.t code the fpl parameter, CArLIST generates 3 fites per J i nee HAt.: CArlIST user's catalog. can only handle the first thousand fites in a ExaMPle of CArLIST The example beloN shows a ~sage CArlIST for a'lother+ lIser'scatalog."st un-ls69 ( 13 FILES, 1'0769 CAlLIST OF LS69 FOR lR78 CSIOPl • o SP R .585 CSIOlIB D SP R • 161 DOCBASE D SP R 1158 DOIPL64 o SP R •• 155 D02S64. D SP R .783 INTRLOK o PU R •• '.0 PROClIB o SP R .ft09 MAILBOX I SP W ••• 6 UTILITY D SP R .971 REVERT. END CAlLIST PRlJS ) DICTION I SP DrJ2R64. 0 SP ISOllIB I SP PRfJGLIB 0 SP R .125 R .347 R •• 37 R 6126 1-5 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 44 7.0 GETTING INfORMATION 1.2 DAYfILE - DISPLAY SELECTED PORTIONS OF DAYFILE DAYFILE displays either the last 14 lines of display string. any number of lines starting Parameters to DAYfILE ~re : at a 'Otlt" dayfile, or to s~eelfied character " or list: (optional) number of lines of d~yfi'~ to display. If you don't code the n parameter, DAYFILE disp'.ys 14 lines. find: (optional) character string at ~hich t3 start displaying the dayfite. If you don't code the find parameter, DAYFILE always goes to the line specified by last_line-n. If you code a character string for' this parameter, DAYfilE goes to the last occurrence of t~at character string, then displays n lines starting from t~at strl~g. o or output : (optional) name of file to r~ceive tbe output from DAYFILE. If you don't code the 3 par~met~r, DAYFILE uses file output. HAlt: If you code the find parameter, th~ , char'a ct er may not be a part of the character string, as ," is ased as the string delimiter for the search. 7-6 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User 1 s Handbook 7.0 GETTING INFORMATION 7.3 CATALOG - SHOW LIST OF RECORDS IN A FILE CATALOG performs the NOS CATALOG operatiDn on a file. The HOS CATALOG utility outputs a large amount information about the r~cords, most of which is never used. T~e SES CATALOG procedure outputs a condensed form of the inform3tion fro~ CATALOG, showing only the record names and their types. CATALOG outputs its infor_ation in the form: 0' RECNAMETVPE RECNAME TYPE RECNAME TYPE ~ECNAME TYPE four record names and their types are diso'~yed on one line, so that if you're using a (713) terminal, the na~es and types of sixty records can be displayed before the jnfor~atio, goes off the top of the screen. The wortd goes by your window ~ore slow1" so to speak. Parameters to CATALOG are : • or b : name of library or 8ase w~ose contents are to be CATALOGED. CATALOG is so arranged that If the file to be CATALOGed is loca' to your fllrlnlng job at the time the CATALOG runs, thefi Ie isn't RET]R~ed.; If the file Is not local when CATALOG runs, CATALOG GETs or ATTACHes the file for you, and RETURNs it when it has been C~TALOGed. un : (optional) User Name In whose catatog the file is to be found, if the file is not in the cat~'bg of the current user. o or output : (optional) name of fite to r~ceif~ t~e Output from CATALOG. If you don't code the 0 partameter, CATALOG uses file output. short or long : these (optional) k~~~ determine the format of the output from CATALOG. If you omit th 1 s par~!ft eter or code the short k~~' CATALOG produces its 3tJtpUt in the form shoMn in the example below. If you c()de the long l1J:l' CATALOG produces its output in the same , tl r 'm a t as' th e NOS utility CATALOG. See also the descriptions of procedures CATBASE· and CAlLIB which 7-7 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: itA 7.0 GETTING INFORMATION 7.3 CATALOG - SHOW LIST OF RECORDS IN A FilE provide useful defaulting of the I and un ExaMple of CATALOG oar~~eter~. ~sage This example shows a CATALOG operation ~erformed on a library from another user's catalog. The CATALOG procedure obtains the library, and returns it when i t has finished. ses.catalog afile, un a Jf13 CCEFf1GR •• OPlC CEDH ••••• OPl CRACK •••• OPl EDBlD •••• OPl EP8lD •••• OPl Ff1Tf1SG ••• OPl PDUTESC •• OPl PUSHERR •• OPl SFWTIl ••• OPl SRCH"SG •• OPl AFllE •••• OPlD REVERT. END CATALOG AFllE CE OTE 1CT-. ~ OPl EFf1GR .:.l.t. oPt f1 S GO ICT·~ \. OPt REPERR .l.;.IlPL STRTtJP.{.".OPl CIOINT ••• OPl ENVINIT •• OPl PINESC ••• OPl SFSKEOl •• OPl TCS •••••• OPl 7-8 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES SES User's Handbook 18 December 84 REV: 4A 7.0 GETTING INFORMATION 1.4 fILES - DISPLAY LOCAL FILE INFORMATla~ FILES gives you a concise list of Infor~atio~ about your local files. The output of FILES is a compressed for~ of the output from the NOS utility ENQUIRE,F. Parameters to ~ILES are: o or output : (optional) specifies the name of the file to receive the local file information. If you don't code this parameter, FILES uses file output. all : if you code this (optional) .ts.jlt.' Fit l ES includes i n l t s files that are nor~atly~ not included because they af e al ways present {e.g., r~I)UT*, I'tPUT, and OUTPUT'. output some Example of FILES Usage ses.fltes LBSRC70 •• 817 P". GROUP ••••• 12 LO. REVERT. END FILES UTILSRC .1447 PM* seLEDtT •••• 3 LO. The example shows fILES being used to list loca' file information to the terminal. 7-9 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 7.0 GETTING INFORMATION 7.5 PERMIT - OBTAIN FULL LIST OF PERMISSrO~ INFORMATION PERMIT provides you with a permission inror~ati'n for atl files in your catalog, or for a selected Jist of flIes, ~hereas if you use the NOS CATlIST utility, you can only list oermissions one fite at a time. Parameters to PERMIT are: o or output : (optional) name of fite to receive the Output from PERMIT. code the 0 para~eter, PERMIT uses file output. If you don't f or fn : (optional) list of File Names' for· lIfhlch you wish the permission information to be produced. If you don't code the f parameter, PERMIT gives the Information for a" fites in your catalog. exa.ple of PERMIT Usage fnaproctib FH/ClSH176 80110128. 08.56.42. CAT ALOG Of WRB PROClI8 3. SlE READ READ READ 4. EFT READ 1. SES 2. SESAUX 3 80/10/17. 09.43.18. 1 80/10/28. 08.~4.!3. 1 80/10/28. 08.'0.29. 1 80/10/28. 08.54~!8. This example illustrates a typical use of PER~IT. The output from the PERMIT procedure Is as that of the standard NOS CATLIST utility. 1-10 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 7.0 GETTING INFORMATION 7.6 LIMITS - DISPLAY VALIDATION LIMITS 0' LIMITS provides you with a condensed ver~lon the display that you'd get by using the NOS LIMITS contr~' statement. The LIMITS control statement uses 35 lines to displ~V the lnformation. By using this LIMITS procedure, you get that in'or~atlon in five lines, thereby conserving space. Parameters to LI~ITS are : o or output : (optional) name of file to receive the Output from LIMITS. I, you don t t code the 0 par "all e t e r "", II MITS p , aces the display on file OUTPUT. Note that this LIMITS procedure formats the LIMITS data such that the word UNLIHITED is represented by an astar1s~ (*,. This example shows the use typical output generated by it. ses.llmlts UI-612 AS·, A8-, ABa, ABa, of HY-., the LIMIT~ RP.-, Tl •• , DB •• , FC--, CS.*, fS-*, PA-eVEN, RO-Sfsr"Et4. TC- AS C I I, IS. 8 ATe H, f1 S •• ,OF •• , tc• !l F•• f " Et •• , Sl •• , eN-, PH-, REVERT. END LIMITS DS-., *, procedure, and the CM-., PX-HALF, Clt '•• , AW-00007111111100007557 Lp. MF •• , TT-TTY, *, 7-11 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV:4A SES User's Handbook 7.0 GETTING INFORMATION 7.7 TIME - DISPLAY CURRENT TIME OF DAY TIME is a quick way of finding the minutes). The SES TIME procedure message, for example: ses.tlme REVERT. TWENTY FIVE PAST TWELVE time (to the nearest 'ive the time as a dayfile "ta'~sn 7-12 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 7.0 GETTING INFORMATION 1.8 DISPLAY - DISPLAY VARIOUS USEFUL INFnRMATION DISPLAY provides you with an easy way to ask fori the display of odd things such as the Job control r~gfsters, field length, switches, date, time and so on. You can r~quest the display of many things at a time. The display is formatted in a "dense" fashion, to minimize the number of lines of screen used. Ther e are only two parameters to DISPLAY that require values. the r~st are Just k~%~ to indicate what you want displayed. The two parameter~ are the expr or e parameter, described below, and the 0 parameter which determines which file the display goes to.' The display goes to file output by default. 'A~~ indicate to DISPL~t ~~at you want to know. You use DISPLAY like this: 4 ses.dlsplay thlngl, thlng2, thing]. etc. where the "things" are any or at I of the keys descr'"' bed here. expr or e displays the value of any valid SES expr~ssion. A list of the arithmetic operators aval'able for expressions is given in the description of the ~ATH orocedure below. A full description of the sy~tax ,'expressions can be found in the SES Procedure Wrlter~s Guld •• date displays the current date in the time "talks" the time in the form T~eMTY FIVE TO ELEVEN. The time given in this for~ fs always rounded to the nearest five minutes. clock displays the clock time in the 'orm '1 displays your current Field r1 rIg displays displays displays displays ef erg displays the contents of the ErrJr" Flag displays the contents of the Glohal Er~or Flag Jcr displays the contents of all four Joh Control Rl, R2, R3 and Ef. s .. displays or der. r2 r3 the the the the the for~: t AUG 1, 1978 "23 PH Le~Qth contents of Job co~tr~1 r~gister Rl contents of Job contrbl register R2 contents of job co~tr~' register R3 contents or job co~trbl r~glster RlG Registers, six sense SWitches 1 to 6 In teft to right 1-13 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV t 4A SES User's Handbook 7.0 GETTING INfORMATION 7.8 DISPLAY - DISPLAY VARIOUS USEFUL all INF~RMATI~M dispjays All the above information ses.display all Fl • 45000(8), Rl • 4500, 10624(8). R2 • 0 EF a 0, EFG = 0, R3 a 6789, 15205(8), RIG • 0, SW = (F,T,F,T,T,f), JAN 25, 1980,' TWENTY PAST FOUR REVERT. END DISPLAY 7-14 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 41 SES Userts Handbook 7.0 GETTING INFORMATION 7.9 DAYWEEK - DISPLAY DAY OF THE WEEK 0' OAYWEEK is used to determine what day the week any date (including today) felt on, is, or wltl fat. on. Parameters to OAYWEEK are : day : (optional) specifies the number Of t~e day in the month. If you donlt code this parameter. the current day of the month is used. (optional) specifies the month either as a number (1 •• 12) or as a string (of which the first 3 characters are used). If you don't code this parameter~' the current month is used. year : (optional) specifies the year. ~ote that all the digits of the year must be given. If YOU don~t code this parameter, the current year is us~d. o or output : (optional) specifies the name of the fite to receive the output from DAYWEEK. If you don.t c?de this parameter, OAYWEEK writes its output to fi'~ output. 7-15 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 1.0 GETTING INFORMATION 7.10 EXPLAIN - DISPLAY ONLINE MANUALS EXPLAIN is used to access the informatlo~ avaitable in SES and NOS online manuals. If access is requested to a manual that does not exist at your site, the following mess~ge witt be issued: COULD NOT FIND A MANUAL NAMED (~anual_name> The parameters to EXPLAIN aret m : (optional) name of the online .a~ua' to be accessed. If you don't code the manual Dar~meter, EXPLAIN uses the default online manual menu named SESI~FO, which allows you to access the available online ~anua's by menu selection. The values that can currently be used on the manual paralleter are: SES INFO - TOOLS, SES CYBIl MISC GRAPH, CADSG DEfINE, DO, CADSOD CIO COMMAND CONTEXT fTN5,FORTRAN SORTS, SORT On I I n e Manu al Me ~ 1ISES Users Handbook Online Manual - CYBIl Online Re'er~~ce Manual - Mlscel t aneous Routines' I"terface Reference Manual - NOS GRAPH Graphics Online Users Handbook - MOS DEFINE Data 1)1 ctfonarv Tool s Ont ine Users Han dbook - Cyber Interactive Debug Qnline Manual - NOS COMMAND Online Reference Manual - Online Manual Reference 'anual - FORTRAN Version 5 O,,'lne Reference Manual - SORT/MERGE Ver~ion 5 Online Reference Manus I topic or t : (optional) string to be used in an index topic search of the named on'ine manua I. T"e ont 'f ne manual NI' t be entered at the screen pointed to by the Index topic given ;n this parameter, rather than 3t the main menu of the onltne manual. This parameter m~st be specified in the form of a string, for example, t='this i~dex topic'. Exa.ples of EXPLAIN Usage ses.explaln CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 7-16 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook 7.0 GETTING INFORMATION 7.10 EXPLAIN ~ DISPLAY ONLINE MANUALS REVERT. END EXPLAIN ses.explain cybil REVERT. END EXPLAIN CYBIL ses.exptain .aftn5 REVERT. END EXPLAIN FTN5 REV: 4A 7-17 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 7.0 GETTING INFORMATION 1.11 CONVOlM - CONVERT ONLINE MANUAL SOURCE TO N05/VE fORMAT CONVOlM is used to convert NOS online ~anua' source files to NOS/VE format. The converted online ~anua' source file must be moved to NOS/VE by the user. The parameter~ to CO~~OlM are: input or i or f : name of the NOS online manual converted to NOS/VE format. sourbe lnput file to be output or 0 : (optional) name of the output "Ie w~lch will receive the converted online manual source fl'e. If the output parameter is not coded:J the BtJtput aopears on the file specified by the input parameter. listing or I : (optional) name of the listing file which witl contain the error and statistics messages created during the conversion. If the 'isting para~eter Is not coded:J the error/statistics output appears on a fi'~ called LISTING. Examples of CONVOlM ses.conwo •• I-nosmans REVERT. END CONVOlM NOSMANS -> ~~8ge NOS"A~S,LISTtNG ses.convolM nos •• ns ye •• ns REVERT. END CONVOLM NOSHANS -) VEHANS,tISTING ses.convo •• j-nos •• ns oave.ans I-stats REVERT. END CDNVOL" NDSHANS -> VEHANS,STITS 7-18 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES SES User's Handbook 18 December 84 REV: 4A 7.0 GETTING INFORMATION 7.12 TOOlDOC - PRINT TOOL DOCUMENT lOOlOOC is the means by which on-line an1/br off--tine copIes TOOL DOCuments are made available. Parameter~ to rOOlOOC are: of docs or d : This (optional) parameter is used ta indicate which document(s) you wish to obtain. Document names are taken from the "document number" co'~m" of the document index display (see the 'doclist' paramet~r'. T~e absence of this parameter wilt default the pr3C to display the entire document index. docllst or dl : (optional) used to indicate that the docu~ent index is to be displayed - or retained on a flte named by the 'listing' parameter. The 'docllst' paramet~r Is Ignor~d if the 'docs' parameter is specified. 50ecifl~ portions of the document index are displayed by using the following keys with this parameter: CVBll CYBll Compiler related docu~e"ts. CADS - CADS related documents. StU - SCU related documents. e170 SES Development and Supoort ton's~ CISO - C180 Operating System develop~ent documents. M68000 Motoro'a 68000 related docume"ts. OTHER Documents that don't t i t Into the categories above. SITE - Documents available only at the 'beal user 1 s site. All - AI I 0 f the abo vee ate go r 'I e s • This i s the de f a u I t if none of the above keys ar. lndlcated. listing or I : (optional) name of file to receive th! gg,'Y.JDA.D.t In11A.! dl~ala~ (when using TOOlDOC ~ithout- specifying" any document(s», AL the formatted doeu~e~t(sl themselves. If you code the listing parameter to direct the document(s) or the document index to a local 'f'~. that fite is not printed. bin : (optional) DIU number used at sites r~qufring bin numbers to indicate the bin number the outout 1s to go to. If you don't code the bin parameter, T10l00C uses the value of profile variable userbin, and if theret~ 10 such variable defined, generates 8 bin number or t40-ID. 7-19 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV:4A 1.0 GETTING INFORMATION 7.12 TOOlOOC - PRINT TOOL DOCUMENT Note that the standard SES batch job plr~~eters are available. The default is to run the Job in batch mode. Exa.ple of TOOlOOe Usage ses.tooldoc arh1737 10.36.10. SUBMIT COHPLETE. JOBNAME IS AAEQlXl REVERT. JOB IOOlOOC SUB"ITTEO This example would cause the ERS for system tine printer. T~TfJRM to be printed on the ses.tooldoc '-docllst local INDEX DISPLAY -) DOClIST REVERT. IOOlDOe DISPLAY COMPLETED * This example copies the document index to the file OOCLIST. 7-20 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 7.0 GETTING INfORMATION 7.13 INFO - ACCESS SES INFORMATION INFO is a means whereby users may get on changes in SES. Parameter(s) to INFO UP ar~ to the minute bulletins 1 o or output : (optional) name of file to receive the Butput from INfO. If you donlt code the 0 parameter~ I~FQ outputs the INFO file to OUTPUT. CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES SES UserJs Handbook 7-21 18 December 84 REV: 4A 7.0 GETTING INFORMATION 7.14 USSINfO - ACCESS USS INfORMATION USSIMFO is a means whereby users may get UP bulletins on changes in User Supplied Soft~are. USSINFO are : to the minute Parameter(s) to o or output : (optionaJ) name of file to receive the out~ut from USSINFO. If you don't code the 0 para.eter,· USSINFO outputs the USSINFO fite to OUTPUT. 1-22 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES SES User's Handbook 18 December 84 REV: 4A ......... -.,,---.-.................-.-------------.- ~~-,-,--,-"",---------~---------""------,-,.------",,,,,-,---,,,--,,,---.- •., - . - .• 7.0 GETTING INFORMATION 7.15 SESPROC - lIST SES PROCEDURE NAMES --- SESPROC displays a '1st of procedure na~es a't~ady used by SES. This is of use if you are a procedure wri ter'~ and !fish to create new procedures for use in SES. You can then use ~E~PR1C to ensure that there isn't any name conflict. Parameters t~ ~E5P~QC are: un : (optional) list of user names whose catalogs are to be searched for procedure librarl~s~ SES uses the SES Library NA"e as the name of the prbcedur~ libr~ry to look for. lof you don't code the un Dar ameter, SESPROC displ ays the names of procedures in th~ SESPtIB of the current user, and the names of procedures ~n SES l1brary. o or output : (optiona)) name of file to r~ceiv~ the Output from SESPROC. If you don·t code the 0 par~meter, SESPROC uses f.'e output. Example of SESPROC ses.sesproc UN • E073 leGEN RELSUB REVERT. un a ed73 CETGEN COllOOe MOVDOC 110VSUB REPDOe REPSUB END SESPROC COllSUB PERT SENDKC EDTOlle EI)TMllD PRTDIlC WIPEllrJC PRTSLJB WIPESLJB This example shows SESPROC used to deter~lne procedures in the SESPlIB of user ed73. the EOTSUB RElDOC names of SES 7-23 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 7.0 GETTING INFORMATION 7.16 SESPARH - PRINT PARAMETER REQUIREME~r~ FOR SE5 PROCS SESPARM prints out the parameter deflnitlo~s for at' the procedures on a I ibrary. It runs batch 3r' local wi th batch as the default. Parameters to SESPARM are: I t name of library whose parameters ar~ to be printed. un : (optional) User Name where the libr~r~ 1s to be found. If you don·t code the un parameter; SESPAR~ assumes that the library is in the catalog of the current user. o or output or listing: (optional) name of ffle to receIve the Output of SESPARM. If you don't code the 0 parameter~ the output appears on file lISTING. batch Job para.eter~ : These parameters are described '" the section entitled "SES PROCEDURES RUN AS BATCH JORS". The default for this procedure is to run tn batchn mode, but It can be run in local mode. The dayfile para'1teter Is not used by this procedure. print: (optional) parameter to contro' the PRINTing of the output. When the job runs in batch, ~ne copy is prlntd automatically. If you run the pr~eedure In tocal mode, no copies are printed, unless YO~' soeci"cally code some print parameter. For example, Y~J' cou,ld code prlnt-c-] to obtain three copies of the para~eter listing. The format of the print parameter is that of the oarsmeters for the PRINT procedure. ~Qt~ that the parameter list of each proced~re lu~t terminate with a PARMENO directive, or, for those records in a library which don't have a PARMENO directive by virtue of the fact that they're INCLUDE files, the parameter list must be t~r~lnated by a " \ PARMEND " 1-24 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERI~G SERVICES 18 December 84 SES Userts Handbook REV: 4A 1.0 GETTING INFORMATION 7.16 SESPARM - PRINT PARAMETER REQUIREMENTS FOq SES PROeS Example of SESPARM Usage ses.sesparm I-proclib un-hk77 local noprint DEBUG 1 • f. ,M AXVAlS NVAlS KEY a , f' \ PAR" KEY • ('args·. 'a') NVAlS • 1 \ PAR" \ PARM NVAlS • 1. i.MAXVAlS KEY • 'pl NVAlS • l' KEY • , I • \ PAR" t a KEY NVALS • 1.'.f1AXVllS \ PAR" 'e 1 •• f1AXVAlS NVAlS KEY a 'x I d' \ PAR" \ PAR"END .. - NAM STR NAM NA" STR STR ••••• a •••• DBUGFTN \ PAR" \ PAR" \ PAR" KEY a (I.', 'f') KEy.t I t KEY.. 'b' \ PAR" \ PARMEND REVERT. KEY. END '10' SESPARf1 NVAlS NVAlS NVAlS NVAlS • • • • 1 1 1 1 NAM STR STR HAM PRDClIB/HK77 -) O~TPUT~ Although this is a rather contrived exam~le of a procedure libr·ary with only two procedures in it,' It illustrates the output that SeSPARM generates. SESPARM is run i" 'beat· mode, or while you Mait, to produce the parameter definitions for procedures In library proclib in the catalog of user hkl1. T~e noprlnt k~~ inhibits printing of the generated output. The diagram on the next page shows the alternative forms of parameter definitions of SES procedures. After"ative forms are arranged in the vertical columns. The b'oe~s of text below provide a br·.ef description of each field of a par·9'Reter' derinition. 7-25 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 7.0 GETTING INFORMATION 1.16 SESPARH - PRINT PARAMETER REQUIREME~TS FOR SES PROeS HAf1 \ PAR" Key • (f K1 • , , K 2 t , • • • • K I ') NV Al S key .. or d \~_~~~~/· \~~--~~~~~~~--~~~~_~~I • •• •• This co •• and rft , !'tit!. 11 a x " .. mber' \ ....- ....~-:.. :..~~.~.- ...... _·:'~I starts the definition of an •• •• • •• •• •, • • ••• • ••• •• KEY specifies the keyword or keywords that may be used when coding a parameter for an SES procedure. speci fi es the HUH STR REQ RNG FGN '-"1 \_,• \_,• : : • ••• t SES PARaMeter. NVAlS 11 1 Number' •,• : : •• • •• •, •• •• •• : , ,'•. • ••• 1 : t of ":Allies that may be coded for 8 para.etar~ The for. mln •• ma. Indicates that" a ",Int'"u. of ".in" values, and a flaxifl". of "Max" values m.y be coded. If onl, BAa ~umber ts specified, It means that the .In aAd max are the salle. If NVALS $oecffles a value 0 fz er 0 (0) , then it I n d I cates that there may be no values coded. and that the par.meter keyword Is used as an option key. NVAlS specified as D.~aax i ndl catesth at the keyword may" be used as an option, or that It IRay' be given values. •• : • •• This field Indicates the para.eter type. It 8a, be NAMe, NUMber, STRing, or ForeiGN text. Refer (---+ to the INTRODUCTION section for a descrl~tlon of p Ir a_ et er t y pes. If this field Is coded In the par~Meter description, It Indicates that that para.eter' Is REQuired, and therefore .a, not be o.itted. If this field is coded In the ~ar'alleter' description, then It indicates that par~lIeter val uels) flay be coded as a RaNGe, that Is,' 1 A the for m fir 5 t •• I as t •• :-, I :• •• •• t • t :• •• • • • : t t t • • : ••• ,•• • t t •• ,•• ••• ..• (;..-------+ (~----------+ 8-1 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 8·4 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 8.0 FIlESPACE MANAGEMENT a.o fl1.fS.e.At.f_tSAt:!A1iEttftiI SES provides some useful utilities to aid YOU fit,~s. RETAIN The procedures described here are or ATTACHes ar chi ved. GETs at I in handling your 1 yourfi'f es to stop them being DUptPPF lOADPF REWRITE i nterf aces to a dump and load uti t'f ty to use dumping and loading of files. provides modified. a orovi de easy to ·safe" way to rewrite a file after it has been 8-2 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 8.0 FILESPACE MANAGEMENT 8.1 RETAIN - ACCESS All FILES IN USER'S CATALOG RETAIN GETs or ATTACHes alJ your fites to ensure that they aren't archived. RETAIN also provides the 'acfffty to CATALOG either designated files, or alt DIRECT access 'ttes in your catalog. Parameters to RETAIN are: batch Job parameters : These parameters are described in the section entitled "SES PROCEDURES RUN AS BATCH JOBS". ~ETAI~ runs in batchn mode by default. RETAIN doesn't use the dayfile par amet er. c or noprint : (optional) coding c alone as a ~~! causes ai' DIRECT access fi I es in the catalog t~ be CATllOGed. Coding a Jist of files for c causes only those soecified files to be CATALOGed. Coding the noprlnt k~~ suppresses all output from RETAIN. s or short: coding the (optional) short k~~ directs RETAIN to generate a short SES style CATlIST outo~t· Instead of the NOS long form CATlIST. RETAIN generates the N1S style 'ong form CAllIST by default. 8-3 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook 8.0 fILESPACE MANAGEMENT 8.2 OUMPPF I lOAOPF - DUMP I LOAD REV: 4A 'ERMANE~f ~IlES OUMPPF and lOAOPF provide an easy ~a, or d~mping fifes to magnetic tape and retrieving them when req~ired. OUMPPF and LOADPF use the same parameters, so they ar~ descrl~ed her~ together with variations explained as required. Note that DUMPPF and lOAOPF interPace to the permanent fite utility RECLAIM. The parameters describad be'o~ are a minimat subset of RECLAIM's capabilities that ar~ needed to dump and .oad permanent files. RECLAIM creates and uses a database in the user's catalog; therefore, a direct access rile by the name of REClOS should not be purged. f or file or files t (optional) list of fi'es to be prbcessed." If you don 1 t give any file names, a I I fit e s (or f i 'e s determined by other selection criteria) are dunoed or loaded. lOAOPF witl not overwrite an existing flte by the same permanent f i , e name. Therefore, if 0 • e r wr "it f " g Is desired, those fites should be purged beforehand. tape or ysn : the VSN (volume seriat number) ~, the t~pe that is to be used for dumping or loading. If the taoe VSN is already present in file RECLOS, it may not be necessary to specify this parameter. seven or mt or nine or nt : (optional) indicates whether to use seven or nine track tape. The default is to use nine tr~ck. This parameter may be specified in the profile ~y the Y8rl~ble tapetrk. dn or density: (optional) tape density to be used. DensIties may be lO, HI and HY (default) for seven tr~ck tapes and HO, PE (default) and GE for nine track. This parameter may be s pee i fie d in t h ep r of i 1 e by the y a r '"I able ta p e den. flit or format : (optional) tape format to use. T~e de'8u~t Is I which is NOS Internal~ This parameter n~y be specified in the profile by the variable tapefmt. 8-4 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook 8.0 FILESPACE MANAGEMENT 8.2 DUMPPF I lOAOPF - DUMP REV t I LOAO PERMANE~f 4A FILES tapelist : coding this (optional) k~% witl cause a listing to be produced that shows what files ar~ on the tape. It a1so gives other information such as fite type, length, date last modified, etc. ty or type : (optional) lItf of files to process~ If you don't code the type parameter, all fil es wi II be processed (both direct and indirect). Other options ar~ 'Y~I (to process only Indirect files) or TYaD (to process onl~ Direct files). The OUMPPF/lOADPf procedure doesn't check the validity of any options you code here. lot t his (0 p t ion a t )ls.~~ d ire c t s the lC1~ f) P J:, pr'o c e du r e t 0 1 0 a d files as local files only. This para"eter' may not be used when dumping files. na or noabort : t his (0 p ti 0 n a I )!s..;tx. d ire c t s DUM PP J: I I (] l f) P F to tiO tAlll1iI if any errors are encountered duri"g pr~cessing. The normal default is to abort. xp : (optional) eltra farameters Mhich ar~ optIons to be passed to RECLAIM. You code this In the f~rm of a character string. batch Job parameters : these parameters are described i" the section entitled "SES PROCEDURES RUN AS BATCH JOBS" the SES USER's Handbook. OUMPPF/lOADPF run in batch mode by default. 0' 8-5 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 8.0 FILESPACE MANAGEMENT 8.2 DUHPPF I lOADPF - DUMP I LOAD PERMANE'1r FILES Examples of DUMPPf I lOADPf Usage ses.dumppf ysn-backup 07.48.35. SUBMIT COMPLETE. JOBNAME IS AGRI8US REVERT. JOB DUMPPF SUBMITTED T his i s the s imp I est ex amp I e of DU MPPF is dumped to nine track tape backup. liS ses.du.ppf (wilson,heath,nixon,agnew),- 19.17.15. SUBMIT CO"PLETE. REVERT. JOB DUHPPF J08NAME IS SUBMITTED age,' V0 u r en t ire c at a , 0 9 tape.~bclZ3, dahy A8X~C~8 In this example, the four fites in the parenthesised list are dumped to tape ABC123 where the tape Density (the d parameter) is set to HY (800 bpi) instead of the default PE (160' bpi). ses.loadpf tape-backup 16.42.55. SUBMIT CO"PlETE. JDBNAME IS ADRQ8IT' REVERT. JOB lOADPF SUBMITTED This example loads all files from tape BACKUP. Note that existing ~ermanent files are skipped during the load of files from tape BACKUP. CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 8-6 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 8.0 FILES PACE MANAGEMENT 8.3 REWRITE - REWRITE FILE REWRITE is mainly used as a building block for the source text maintenance and library management proced:Jf"es. wher'erewriting of a base or library is required. REWRITE is a "safe" way of performing the overwrite process. If for some re8S01 REW~ITE faits to perform the rewrite, i t tries five (5) times befor~ It ~tves Up. Parameters to REWRITE are: I or rewrfti : name of Input file to REWRITE. o or rewrito : name of Output file after the RE~~Ire PfGCeSS is complete. This is the new file created by the rewrite. un or rewritu : (optional) User Name in whose catalog the file specified by 0 is to be found, if it isn't ,,, the catalog of the current user. If YOU don't code the un parameter, REWRITE uses the user name of the current· user~ status or sts : the s e { 0 p t Ion a I • k,§l.~ can be tJ sed for tho s e cs s e s \If her e REWRITE is being used as a but'din~ block of more sophisticated procedures or jobs. The status ~~l causes the REWRITE procedure to set the ~OS Job control register EFG to the value zero if REWRITE is successfully completed, and non zero if anything went ~rong during the run of REWRITE. If status Is not- specified, the procedure will EXIT if an error occurs. IRsg or nOlllsg : contrbt the generation or these (optionall ~:l~ informative messages by this prbcedur~ and are futly described in the section entitled "r~FJRMATIVE MESSAGES FROM SES PROCEDURES". tiAta : If the new tile (given by the 0 I)ara"fteter'lis an existing INDIRECT access fite, i t is REPLACEd. If the new ftle is an existing DIRECT access file, REWRITE perfor~s ari overwrite process by ATTACHing the file in WRITE mode. If the ne~ fife doesn't exist, REWRITE DEFINEs the new file as a DIRE:T ~ceess READ mode file CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 8-7 18 December 84 SES Userfs Handbook REV: 4A 8.0 FIlESPACE MANAGEMENT 8.3 REWRITE - REWRITE FILE (this, of course, can only be done if the ~n par~meter Is omitted or is given as the user name of the current user'). 9-1 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV t 4A 9.0 COMPILING, LINKING, AND DEBUGGING This section describes the SES (assembling) procedur~s available for compiling and for I inking or~cedures currentl, programs wr itten in various languages, relocatabtes into executable form. available in this category are: The CYBIl CYBIl run the CYBIl compiler. run the CYBIL compiler. ISWL run the ISWl CC compi ler. SYf1PL run the SYHPl compiler. FTN run the ForTraN extended colftoi' er.l FTNS run the For Tr aN-5 compiler. COBOl5 run the CGBOlS campi I er. COMPASS run the CPU IPPU ASSembler 1'0 r' the CYQER 170. ASf1180 run the 180 ASseMb'l er CPAS180 run the CPu ASsembler· for the CYSER 180. PPAS180 run the PPu ASs emb I er for the CYBER t80. LINK170 link relacatable binaries to XREFf1AP generate a cross-reference f rOo" a toad map. GETCCDB gets the CYBIl CC Interactive OehuQger ready for for the CY~E flOf11 R 170. an absolute progr am. use. 9-2 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 9.0 COMPILING, LINKING, AND DEBUGGING GETlIBCS) get CYBll run time library CYBENV run the CYBll environment. 10C9f to t~e job. 9-3 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 9.0 COMPILING, LINKING, AND DEBUGGING 9.1 CYBIL - RUN CYBll COMPILER CYBIL runs the compiler for the C1C CYBER IMPLEMENTATION LANGUAGE. The CC compiler is available ta generate code to be run on a CVBER 170 machine. The CI compi'er Is available to generate code to be run on a CYBER 180 machine. The C~ co~piier is available to generate code to be run on a Motorola 6~DOO ~'crbprocessor. The CP compiler is available to generate UCSO OCOd9. The CS compiler is available to generate code to be run on a CYAER 200 machine. The procedure is arranged so that it does not abort. If there are any compile-time errors detected, the ~QS Job Control Register called EFG is set to a non-zero value. This featur~ Is used when this procedure is being used 8S a building block, to determine what steps should be taken subsequent to runni~g the conplter. Parameters to the CVaIl procedure are i ~. or f : (optional) name of Input File don't code the i parameter, is on a file called co_pile • . to eyarL be compiled. If you that the input assu~es (optional) name of file to receive the LJsting from the compi ler. If you don't code the f' 01ralfteter, the campi ler output appears on a file called I'$tln~. This listing file is not rewound by the CVBIl ~rocedur~. b : (optional) na~e of file to receive the Binary object code generated by the compiler. If you don't code the b parameter, the binaries appear O~ a flte called Igoe This Igo file is not rewound by the eValt procedure. If you give a value of nuJI to the b par~meter, no binary is g ener at ed. cc or ci or em or cp or cs : ( 0 p t i on a I) 1i.e~ de t e r min est he C I) 11 !) i t e r' us e d. By de f au It, the eYBIl CC compiler is used. If you code the cl key, the CYBIl CI compiler is used. If you Cl)de the c. key, the CYBIl CM compiler is used.' I ' YOU code thecp key, the eYBIl CP compi ler is used. If YOU code the cs keYf the CYBIl CS compi. er is used. ~nlt.I'! you can set your own default compiler selection 1" your pr~file by setting 9-4 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 9.0 COMPILING, LINKING, AND DEBUGGING 9.1 eVBIl - RUN eYBll COMPILER a variable catted cyblt to this key. fiAll t this parameter is used t!1 select a version of the CC or Cl or eM or CP or :5 co~pif~r other than the standard one released via the SES. This Is done by codtng as a value for this parameter the user name of the owner of the compiler you're after. For- example, entering cc.lp3 accesses the version of t~e CC co~p'ter residing in the lP3 catalog. It is necessary for the owner of such a compiter to use the fi'e name CY~ILC 'or the CC version or CYBllI for the CI version or CYBILNJror' the eM version or CYBIlP for the CP version or CV~IlS for the CS version in order to allow the compiler to be accessed via this procedure. For the CS version, t~e file CSTOSS must also be present in the oHner's cataloq. chk or rc : this (optional) parameter specifies the run-~ime checks the compiler is to generate. If YOU code D~ for this parameter, no run-time checking code is generated. If you code any combination of ~ (cheek for de-reference of NIL pointer), L (check valueranges--'ranqe c"ecking may add as much as 3 1/2 words to the gener~ted object code for each range check performed) and i (check subscr"ipt ranges), the corresponding checking code Is generated and omitted checking options cause the cor~~spondl~g checks to be suppressed. If you omit t~e chk parameter, CYBll generates all flavors of run-ti~e checks. 10 : this (optional) parameter specifies the Options to be used when producing the listing. lny co~bination of the following designators may be codf!d for' this parameter: a specifies that a map of the source structure and stack is to be pr~duced f specifies that a futl (selects list options S, listing is a~d Rl to input be block produced A~ o specifies that the listing shou'd inclUde the generated object code in an assembler-tJ~e ror~at s specifies that the tistlng or the source input file is to be produced M specifies that the listing messages is to be suppressed of warhfng diagnostic 9-5 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 9.0 COMPILING, LlNKING, AND DEBUGGING 9.1 CYBIl - RUN CYBIl COMPILER r ra x specifies that a symbolic cross be produced refere~ce specifies that a symbolic erbss a t i p r 0 grail en tit i e s i s to b e referenced or not listing is to r~'erence P fa due e d listing of \tf h e t her Morks in conjunction with the LISTEXT pragmat such that LISTings can be EXTernally co~trblf~d via the compiler cal 1st ateme nt • If n~ is specified, no listi~g is produced. If the 10 parameter is omitted, a listing of the source input file only is produced. debug or d or nodebug : this (optional) parameter is used options to be in effect for the available debug options are: to select the debug co~oi'ation. The sd If this option is seleeted, the compiler includes Symbol Table information In the object code file to be use d by the CYB I l i n t e r 'a c t i ve deb u 9 9 e r • 1 f t his option is not selected It: Isn't possible to symbol ieally debug the module«s) being compi led. fd This option produces the same tables as d-sd plus stylizes the generated c3de tn provide a step facility Mhen using the sy~bo'lc debugger (it is only meaningful, currently, whe~ used with the CC compiler). ds If this option Is selected the Debugging Statements appearing between 17'~ 1? and 11 co_pile 11 pragmats is compiled, other~lse such statements are skipped by the compiler. If you omit this parameter or yoa~ eo1e the nodebug k~~' none of the sd, fd or ds optjG~S ~r~ selected. If you code the debug or d k~~~ but don't code any values, debugasd is used. To select co~bfned options you can code debuga(sd,ds) or debuga(fd,ds). pad : coding a numeric value for this (optional1 pad parameter generates the specified number 0' nO-OBS between machine instructions. This feature Is used for the P3 d i a gn os t j cs • 9-6 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 Oecember 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 9.0 COMPILING, LINKING, AND DEBUGGING 9.1 CVBIl - RUN CYBIl COMPILER opt : this (optional) paramet.r is used to se'~ct optimization levees in the generated code {not supported for all com p I I e rim pie II en tat ion s) • Leg i ti mate va' u e s are : IDsg or o Provides for keeping constant 1 Provides for keeping local 2 Eliminate redundant subexpressions. V9'~es in registers. Vt4,", ables' n memory r~rerences registers. and common nOlDsg : (optional) Is.~Yi control the generation of informative messages by this ~r~cedure and are fully described in the section entitled "INCORMATIVE MESSAGES FROM SES PROCEDURES". these Exa.ple of CYBIl ses.cyblf REVERT. 'o-'or'. chk-'sn' END CYBIL COMPILE -> Us~ge lISTI~G,- lGO This example shows the CYBIl CC compiler" being used to process program on tlte COMPILE. A listing is pr'oduced consisting of the source input, generated object code. and a symbolic cross reference, on file LISTING. The object code is wrltten to fite LGO and wit I include run-time checking code for' )ubscript ranges and NIL pointer de-reference. the CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES SES User's Handbook 9-7 18 December 84 REV: 4A 9.0 COMPILING, LINKING, AND DEBUGGING 9.2 ISWl - RUN ISWL CC COMPILER ISWL runs the ISWl CC compiler. The procedure is arranged so that if ther~ ar~ any compile-time errors detected, the NOS Job Control Register' cgtJed EFG is set to a non-zero value. This feature is used when this procedure is being used as a building block, to determine what steps should be taken subsequent to running the compiler. Parameters to the ISWl procedure are: i or f : (optional) name of Input File to be compiled. If you don't code the I parameter, ISWL assumes t~at the input is on a fife called cOMPile. I : (optional) name of file to receive the Llsting from the compi ler.If you don.t code the ,: parameter, the compi ler output appears on a file caJle1 11stlng. This listing file is not rewound by the ISWl procedure. b : (optional) name of file to receive tne Binary object code generated by the compiler. If you do~.t code the b parameter, the binaries appear 0' a fite called Igo. This Igo file is not rewound by the ISWL prbcedure. 10 : if this (optional) parameter is specified ast., a symbolic cross Reference map is produced on the file specified by the t parameter~ (R Is the ont, list Option available with this ISWl procedure.) If yoU don't code this parameter, ISWl does not produce a cross reference. sMal. or .edium or large: these (optional) ~~~l are used to ~elect the ~1~! of the ISWl compiler to be used. As YOU ~Ight have already guessed, three sizes are available. The default is MediUM but this can be over-ridden by defining In your profile a variable called iswlslz set to 3,e 0' these keys. The compiler size determines how '.rge a module can be compiled. 9-8 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: itA 9.0 COMPILING, LINKING, AND DEBUGGING 9.2 ISWl - RUN ISWl CC COMPILER debug or nodebug : these (optional) t.l~i select whether you Mant the compiler to generate (in the object code ' i t . ) information ror the ISWl DEBUGger which runs under the SES SUS$YStem. If you code the debug kl~' ISWl generat9s t~e debug information. If you code the nodebug kl% or if you don't code either of these keys, ISWl does not gener~te the debug information. flS9 or nomsg : these (optional) kc~s contr~t the generation of informative messages by this or·ocedur·e and are fufly described in the section entit'ed "INF1RMATIVE MESSAGES FROM SES PROCEDURES". 9-9 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 81t REV: 4A SES User'S Handbook 9.0 COMPILING, LINKING, AND DEBUGGING 9.3 SYMPl - RUN THE SYHPl COMPILER This procedure runs the SYMPl compi ler 'or' th~~ CYBER 170. The procedure is arranged so that if tner'eare 3"Y compile-time errors detected, the NOS Job Control Register' catted EFG is set to a non-zero value. This feature is used when this pr~cedure Is being used as a building block, to determine ~hat ste~s should be taken subsequent to running the compiler. Parameters to the SVMPL procedure are i or f : (optional) name of Input File don't code the I parameter, is on a file called comp.te. I to SV~PL be c~mpifed. If you assumes that the input : (optiona') name of file to receive the Listing from the com pile r • If you donI t code the 1 ra In e t e r , the com p i I e r output appears on a file called t'sttn~. This listing file is not rewound by the SYMPl pr~cedur •• "p b : (optional) name of file to rece1v~ t~e Binary object code generated by the compiler. If yau don't code the b parameter, the binaries appear a~ a ftfe cat led Igo. This Igo file is not rewound by the SYMPL pr~cedure. to : this (optionatt parameter is used to specify the list Options for the compilation (see the SYMPl reference manual for legal list options). If ,~U don't code this parameter, SYMPl uses onty list aption l~ xp : this (optional) parameter is used to pass eXtra Parameters to the compiler (see the SVMPl r~Pere~ce manual for a list of allowed SYMPl control state~ent P9r~meters). If you want to pass extra parameters, the list af them must be specified as a string (within sl~~1e quotes). The SYMPl procedure does not check the valtdlty of the parameters tn the string. If you don't code this par"ameter, no extra parameters are passed to the comDI'er. CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES SES User's Handbook 9-10 18 December 84 REV: 4A 9.0 COMPILING, LINKING, AND DEBUGGING 9.3 SYMPl - RUN THE SYMPl COMPILER debug or nodebug : these (optional) k~~l select whether YOU want the compiler to generate information for the CY8ER Interactive Debugger (CIO). If you code the debug !s.~~~' SYMPl includes the debug information in the object code file. If you code the nodebug !\j1~ Of if you donlt code alther of these keys, SYHPl doesn't generate the debug IAf~rmation. flsg or nomsg : these (opt jon al ) k.c,l~ contr~' the gen er at i on 0 f informative messages by this procedure and are fully described in the section entftied "INFORMATIVE MESSAGES FROM SES PROCEDURES". 9-11 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES SES User's Handbook 18 December 84 REV: 4A 9.0 COMPILING, LINKING, AND DEBUGGING 9.4 FTN - RUN THE FTN (FORTRAN 4) COMPIlEQ This procedure runs the fTN (forTraN extended) compiler CVaER 170. for the The procedure is arranged so that if there are any compi'e-time errors detected, the NOS Job Control Register~ e~" edEFG is set to a non-zero value. This feature is used whe~ this or~cedure is being used as a building block, to determine what gteps should be taken subsequent to running the compiler. Parameters to the FTN procedure are : i I or f : (optional) name of Input File to be compiled. If you don't code the i parameter, FTN assumes that the input is on a file called compile. : (optjona') name of file to receive the listing from the compiler. If you don't code the' oarameter, the compiler output appears on a file ca'f~d listing. This listing file is not rewound by the FTN or~cedure. b : (optiona') name of file to receive t~e Binary object code generated by the compiler. If YOU 10nlt code the b parameter, the binaries appear O~ a 'ile called 'go. This Igo 'ile Is not rewound by the F~~- oroeedure. f I : this (optional) parameter specifies the Field length to be used while running the compiter.- If yoU don.t code this parameter, FTN uses a fleld length of 10000(8). xp : this (optional) parameter is used to pass extra Parameters to the compi'er (see the fTN refer~"ce manual for a list of allowed FTN control statement oaraneter~). If you want to pass extra parameters, the '1st of them must be specified as a string (wlthf~ sf~Q'e quotes). The FTN pro c e d u red 0 e s not c h e c k the va':1 d i t y 0 f the par am e t e r sin the string. If you don't code tbis Dar~meter, no extra parameters are passed to the compiler.; CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 9-12 18 December 84 SES User 1 s Handbook REVt 4A 9.0 COMPILING, LINKING, AND DEBUGGING 9.4 FTN - RUN THE FTN (FORTRAN 4) COMPIlEQ debug or nodebug : these (optional) k~~~ select whether you want the compiler to generate information for the CYeER Interactive Debugger (CID). If you code the debug k~t; FT'~ Includes the debug information in the object codef'te." If you code the nodebug k~x or if you don't code eIther of these keys, fTN doesntt generate the debug infor~ation. msg or nOllsg : these (optional) 11.c l.i con t ro , t h e g en era t ion of informative messages by this pr~cedure and are ful., described in the section entitled "INFORMATIVE MESSAGES FROM SES PROCEDURES". 9-13 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 9.0 COMPILING, LINKING, AND DEBUGGING 9.5 FTN5 - RUN THE FTN5 (FORTRAN-5) COMPILER This procedure runs the fTN5 (forrr·a~-·5. Fortran-17) compiler for the CY8ER 170. also known as The procedure Is arranged so that if ther~ ar~ any compile-time errors detected, the NOS Job Control Register cat1ed EFG is set to 8 non-zero value. This feature is used when this Drocedure is being used as a but Idlng block, to determine what·· steps should be taken subsequent to running the compiler. Parameters to the FTN5 procedure are: I or f : (optional) name of Input Fi'~ to be compiled. If you don't code the I parameter, FTN5 assu~es that the input is on a file called compile. I : (optional) name of file to receive the listing from the compiter. If you don't code the , par~meter, the compiler output appears on a file cat'~d Iistino. This listing file is not rewound by the FTNS or~ce1ur~. b: (optional) name of file to receive the 81nary object code generated by the compiler. I~ y~U don't code the b parameter, the binaries appear O~ a fife catted Igo. This Igo file is not rewound by the Fr~5 procedure. f I : this (optiona') parameter spec' flies the Field length to be used while running the compiler." If you don't code this parameter, FTN5 uses a field len~th or 70000(8). xp : this (optional) parameter Is used t() oass extra Pa·rameters to the compiler (see the FTNS rererence ~anual for a fist of altowed FTN5 control state~ent par~meters). If YOU want to pass extra parameter~, t~e fist 3f them must be specified as a string (withi~ single quotes). The FTNS procedure does not check the vatl~ftv of the parameters in the string. If you don't code this parameter, no extra parameters are passed to the co~pi1er.' CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 9-14 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV:4A 9.0 COMPILING~ LINKING, AND DEBUGGING 9.5 FTNS - RUN THE fTNS (FORTRAN-5) COMPIltR debug or nodebug : these (optionall k~xs select whether you want the compiter to generate information for the CYBER tnteractlve Debugger (CID). If you code the debug ~~~~ Fr~5 Includes the debug information in the object c()de ,Ile.l If you code the nodebug ~i~ or if you don't code elt~er of these keys, FTNS doesn't generate the debug fnfor_ation. IIsg or : these (optional) k~~~ contrbt the generation of informative messages by this 3rbcedur. and are futly described in the section entlt'ed "IMFORMATIVE MESSAGES FROM SES PROCEDURES". 9-15 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES UserJs Handbook REV: 4A 9.0 COMPILING, LINKING, AND DEBUGGING 9.6 COeOl5 - RUN THE COBOl5 COMPILER This procedure runs the COBOl5 compiler for the CYBER 170. The procedure is arranged so that if there ar~ 3ny compiler-time errors detected., the NOS Job Control Regist'er' called EFG is .set to a non-zero value. This feature is used when this procedure is being used as a building block, to determine ~hat steps should be taken subsequent to running the comptler. Parameters to the COBOl5 procedure are: i . or f : (optional) name of Input File to be e~~piled. If you don't code the i parameter, CDBll5 assumes that the input is on a file catled compile. : (optional) name of file to receive the ll$ting from the compi'er. If you don't code the I par~meter, the compiler output appears on a file called '1stlng. ' This listing fite is not rewound by the COSOl5 pr~cedur~. b : (optional) name of file to receive the Btnary object code generated by the compiler. If you donlt code the b parameter, the binaries appear 0' a file called Ito. This Igo file is not rewound by the C18Ql5 procedure. f I : this (optional) parameter specifies the F'fefd Length to be used white running the compiler. If you donft code this parameter, COBOl5 uses a field t~,gth of 70000(8). XP : this (optional) parameter is used to ~8SS extra parameters to the compiter (see the COgal5 reference manual for a list of allowed COBOl5 control st~tement ~8rameters). If you Mant to pass extra p8rameter~. the '1st of them must be specified as a string (within single quotes). The CDBOl5 procedure does not ch~c~ the validity of the parameters in the string. If you don't code this parameter, no extra parameters ar~ passed to the compiler. 9-1b CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVIces 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 9.0 COMPILING, lINKING, AND DEBUGGING 9.6 COBOt5 - RUN THE COBOl5 COMPILER debug or nodebug : these (optional) k.~~ select whet~er you want the compi'er to generate information for the crBER Int~ractive Debugger (CID). If you code the debuG fl.."!!." :OBlJl5 includes the debug information in the object code fIle. If you code the nodebug kAX or if you don't code either of these keys, COBOl5 doesn't generate the debug 'nformation. Notethis is not the COBOl5 debug option Mhle~ can be selected via the 08 parameter. This COBQt5 debug option can be selected by using the xp parameter~ IIIsgor nOllsg : these (optional) ke., informative messages by described in the section FROM SES PROCEDURES". contrb1 the generation of this Dr~cedur~ and are fully entit'~d "r~FaRMATIVE MESSAGES 9-17 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: itA 9.0 COMPILING, LINKING, AND DEBUGGING 9.1 COMPASS - RUN THE COMPASS ASSEMBLER COMPASS runs the CPU/PPU 8ssembl er (CO"'1"5$) for' the CyaER 170. The procedure is arranged so that if ther~ are any assemble-time errors detected, the NOS Job Control Register' cal ted EFG is set to a non-zero value. This feature is used whe~ thls prbcedur~ is being used as a building block, to determine what steps should be taken subsequent to running the assembler. Parameters to the COMPASS procedure are :I or f : (optional) name of Input File to be assembled. If you don't code the I parameter, COMPASS assu~es that the input is on a file calted co_pile. I , (optional) name of file to receive the Listing from the assembler. If you don't code the 1 parameter, the assembler output appears on a fite e~'1.d listing. This listing file is not rewound by the COMPASS procedure. (Note that the assembler's contrbf state~ent parameter 0 Is set to the same fite as soeci'fed by the l parameter only when the nomsg option (see be'nw' is specified.) b : (optional) name of file to receff~ the Binary object code generated by the assembler. If you don1t code the b parameter, the binaries appear O~ a "te called tgo. This Igo file Is not rewound by the Cn~PAS5 procedure. fl : this (optional) parameter speci'i~s the Field Length to be used while running the assembler. If you don.t code this parameter, COMPASS uses a fietd '~ngt~ 70000(8). 0' xp a h t s (optional) p a ram e t e f' is use 1 to I) ass eXtra Parameters to the assembler (see the COMPA55 re'ere~ce manual for a Jist of attowed control state~ent par~meters). If you Mant to pass extra parameters, the list of them must be specified as a string (within sinqle quotes). The COMPASS procedure does not check the validity of the parameters in t 9-16 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 9.0 COMPILING, LINKING, AND DEBUGGING 9.7 COMPASS - RUN THE COMPASS ASSEMBLER the s t r i n 9 • If you don't cod e t his p ·a ra met e r , parameters are passed to the asse~b'er· • no ext r a • sg or nomsg : these (optional) k~~a contrbl the generation of informative messages by this procedure and are futly described in the section entitled "IN~ORMATIVE MESSAGES FROM ses PROCEDURES". q-19 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 9.0 COMPILING, LINKING, AND DEBUGGING 9.8 A5"180 - EXECUTE THE 180 ASSEMBLER ON 110 ASM180 executes the 180 assembler on 170. This assembler shares a large percentage or common code with tbe one ~hich executes In native mode. It produced object modules whleh ~ay be bound. Parameters to the A5M180 procedure are t i or· Input: (optional) name of the Input don.t code the I parameter, is on a file called Input. to be assembled. If you assu~es that the input fi'~ AS~l~O b or binary: (optional) name of the fite to r~cei,w the object code If you don't code the b generated by the assembler. parameter the object code witl be writte~ to a file called Igo. This file is not rewound by the AS~180 procedure. I or listing: (optional) name of the fite to r~ceive the Listing from the assembler. If you don't code the , parameter the assembler output appears on a flte cal'~d listing. This file is not rewound by the ASM180 procedJr"e. x or xre' : (optional) bo~lean parameter seleetlng a cross reference 'isting. If you don't code this Plr'ameter no cross reference tisting is produced. c or checks : (optional) boolean parameter selecting whether the I f you don' t code this parameter the checks wl1t be performed. ass em b t ere heck s for cor re c t r egis te r·' t., 0 e s • cvt or convert s (optional) If you don't code t~ls par~meter the file speci fjed by the I parameter wi'~l·· be llr'ocessed di rectly by the assembler. If you give only the Cyt parameter name the file specified by the I· parameter will be passed through a program to convert the sour~e statements from the form expected by CPAS180 to the form orocessed by this 85semb. er. If you gi ve the cvt oar'~meter' name and a ri Ie 9-20 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook Q.O COMPILING, LINKING, AND DEBUGGING 9.8 ASM180 - EXECUTE THE 180 ASSEMBLER name as its value that file source statements. O~ will 110 r~eeive the converted st or status : (optional) If this parameter Is glY~n a value of EFG or RIG, those Job controt registers ~1'1 be set to zero for no assembly errors and non-zer~ I f there are assembly errors. IIsg or no_sg : control the generation of These (optional) k~x~ informative messages by t his !) r'o e e d ur'e an d a r e f u I • Y described in the section entitled "I~FnRMATIVE MESSAGES FROM SES PROCEDURES". 9-21 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REVs 4A 9.0 COMPILING, LINKING, AND DEBUGGING 9.9 CPAS180 - RUN THE CPU ASSEMBLER FOR CPAS180 runs the CYBER 180 CPU modes of operat1on : 1. "normal mode" source program in which r~E CY8ER 180 assemb'er~ object code The pr~cedure has two is generated from the 2. "systext mode" in which a "system text" 'lie Is produced (containing pre-assembled PROCs, etc.J that is used later as input to "normal mode" assemblies (see the BLOSYST keyword parameter descr Ibed below) The procedure is arranged so that if there are 3ny compile-time errors detected, the NOS Job Control Register' 0311 ed EFG is set to a non-zero value. This feature is used when this orocedure is being used as a building block, to determine what steps should be taken subsequent to running the assembler. Parameters to the CPAS180 procedure are: i or f : (optional) name of Input Flt~ to be assembled. If you don't code the I parameter, CPASlaO assu~es that the input is on a file called compile. I : (optional) name of fite to reeetv~ the Listing from the assembler. If you don 1 t code the I parameter, the assembler output appears on a cal'ed listing. This listing file Is not rewound by the CPASIBO procedure. ,t'e b : (optional) name of file to receive the Binary object code generated by the assembler. If YOU don't code the b parameter, the binaries appear 0" a file called Igo. This Igo file is not rewound by the CQASIBO procedure. chk : this (optional) parameter deter~f~es ~hether the assembler checks for correet register types and Instruction formats. If you code no for this P8ra~eter~ no checking of types and formats is done and the assenb'~r runs faster. If you code yes for this parameter or l' you o~it the parameter, the assembler performs the checks~1 9-22 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES SES User's Handbook 18 December 84 REV: 4A 9.0 COMPILING, LINKING, AND DEBUGGING 9.9 CPAS180 - RUN THE CPU ASSEMBLER FOR THE CYBER 180 s : this (optional) parameter is used to specify the name of a System text file. In "normal mode" this parameter is used to provide an alternate to the standar~ ·SYSTEXT" used by the assembler. In the "build svste~ text mode", this parameter specifies the name of the fil~ on which the system text is wrltten (default is SY5TEXfl. " : (0 p t ion a 1) par a me t er s pee i f t e s" t ~ e FI' e 1 d L en g t h t 0 b e used white running the assembler. If you don't code this parameter, CPAS180 uses a field f~~gth of 70000(8). t his bldsyst : if you code this (optional) ~~~~ CPAS180 runs in the " Bu i l 0 SYSt e 1ft "T ext.. mod e • Ify 0 II ' do" " t code this !s.Jl~' CPASl8D runs in -normal" mode. msg or nO.S9 : (optional) kJ:.l~ contr"oJ the generation of Informative messages by this Drocedure and are fully described in the section entlt1~d "INFORMATIVE MESSAGES FROM SES PROCEDURES". these 9-23 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 9.0 COMPILING, LINKING, AND DEBUGGING 9.10 PPAS180 - RUN THE PPU ASSEMBLER fOR r~e CYAER 180 PPAS1eo runs the CYBER 180 PPU assembler~ This assembler is a modified version of standard CYeER 170 cn~p~ss so that usage of the two assemblers is ver~ similar. The procedure is arranged so that if ther~ ar~ any compile-time errors detected, the NOS Job Control Register' called EFG is set toa non-zero value. This feature is used when this procedure is being used as a bui'ding block, to determine what steps should be taken subsequent to running the assembler. Parameters to the P?ASlaO procedure are: i or f : (optional) name of Input file to be assembled. If you don't code the i parameter, PPASl!O assu~es that the input is on a file called compile. I : (optional) name of file to receive t~e llsting from the 8ssemb. ere If you don't code the , parameter, the assembler output appears on a fi'~ calied listing. This listing fite is not rewound by the PPAS180 procedure. (Note that the assembler's contr~t state~ent parameter 0 is set to the same fi'e as specified by the l parameter only when the nOllsg optian (see belowlls' specified.) b s (optional) name of file to recelfe the 8ln~ry object code generated by the assembler. If ,au don't code the b parameter, the binaries appear on a f.fe c31'ed Igo. This tgo ftle is not rewound by the PPA51BO prbcedure. f I ; this (optional) parameter specifies the FIeld length to be us e d wh i I e run nj n g the ass em bier • \ I ' y 0 lJ: don' t co de t his parameter, PPAS180 uses a field length of 70000(8). xp : this (optional) parameter is used to pass extra Parameters to the assembler (see the COMPAS~ r.'ere~ce manual for a list of allowed control state~ent parameters). If you want to pass extra parameters, the 11st~' them must be 9-24 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User 1 s Handbook 9.0 COMPILING, LINKING, AND DEBUGGING 9.10 PPASl80 - RUN THE PPU ASSEMBLER FOR r~E CY9f~ 180 specified as a string (within si"gl~ quotes). The PPASl8G procedure does not check the valIdity or the p~rameters in the string. If you donJt code this ~arameter, no extra parameters are passed to the asse.bler. msg or nOllsg : these (optional) k~~~ contrbl the generation of informative messages by this ~rocedure and are futly described in the section entltied "INFORMATIVE MESSAGES FROM ses PROCEOURES". cony or convert : these (optional) ~A%~ specify that the output binary object code file (specified by the tf par"ameter) is to be connected to the NOS/170 object text format that is described in the 'IaE&_LOlaEB_!EEE!fHtE~!A~UAl. If this keyword is omitted the binary object code file produced is in the NOS/VE object text for~at~i 9-25 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES Userfs Handbook REV: itA 9.0 COMPILING, LINKING, AND DEBUGGING 9.11 LINK170 - LINK RElOCATABlE BINARIES lINKI10 provides an easy way to use the CY8ER 170 loader. Although the CYBER 170 Loader is very oo~er'yl and flexible, i t suffers from the disadvantage that you cantt talk to It interactlvel" since it reads ahead in the contr~l statement file, and that means that you can onty drive it .4~ canned sequences of JeL. This procedure provjdes a slmpt~ to use Interface to the loader which allows for most common types of Ifnking. When using CVBIl screen formatting procedures, a ·L·tBR4RY~lFlIB.· statement should precede the ca" to lINK170. The or~ced~r~ Is arranged so that if any link errors are detected, the ~~S jo~ control register EFG is set to a non-zero vatue. This allo~s the procedure to be used as a buitdi~g block for other procedures. Parameters to the lINK170 procedure are: f : (optional) ot Files containing the relocatable want· lIN Ke1 • ! I' yo \J don' t c 0 de t h e f parameter, lINK170 assumes that the r~'oc8t8btes are on file Igo. The f parameter may be coded as a multi valued list of sublists. Each element ~f the value list is either a single name, in which case It r~fers to the name of an object code flte already assigned to the Job, or In the current user's catalo~, A~ a~ element 1s a sublist, in which case, the last sub element In the sub' 1st is a user name In whose catalog the object code fl'~s r~ferred to by the other sub elements of the sub' 1st may be found. The example at the end of this descrlpti~n should (with luck) make this clear. Note that files for which a user name is specified are returned when the 'l~k Is completed. b j n af i e s list that you b : (optional) name of file to recelf~ the LINKed program. If you don't the b parameter, lI~(170 D'~ces the linked program on file Igob. p : (optionat) Jist of library ft'~s from which external references are to be satisfied. The 0 parameter may be coded asa multi valued list of sublists.; Each element of the value jist Is either a single n3~e, In which case i t refers to the name of an user 'lbr~rY· alt~ady assigned to the job, or in the current user'~ eat~'oq, RL an element is a sublist, in which case, the last sub element in the sublist is a user name in whose cata13Q the libraries CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 9-2& 18 December 84 SES Userfs Handbook REVs 4A 9.0 COMPILING, LINKING, AND DEBUGGING 9.11 llNK170 - LINK RElOCATABlE BINARIES referred to by the other sub e'e~ents of t~e subflst may be found. The example at the e"d of this descrIption should (with luck) make this clear~ ~ote that libraries for which a user name is specl'led ar~ r~turned when the 'ink is completed. I : (optional) name of file to receive t~e ~ap listing from lINK170. If you don't code the' oarameter, the foader uses the default map fite name (~or.a'ly output). 10 : (optional) list Options for the Ll~K110 Drocess. If you don't code the 10 parameter, the loader uses its default list options. If you simply code IG without any values supplied, lINK170 sets defauJt .~'ues 'G-sb. If you code lo-full, LINK170 turns on FUll l1st options (which are to-sbex). Otherwise, lINK170 sets ~hat~ver list options youssy. ep : (optional) specifies a list of Entr~ Points to be included in the header of a multiple entr~ Doint "overlay". This '1st is specified asa.s.,tt.1Q51 f1~~a:Sit'1·l as the ' i s t should appear on the NOGO loader directive (a string Is used to allow the specification of so-ea"ed "specla'" entry points which have a syntax unacceptable to SES). xld : (optional) list of eXtra lbader Directives. This parameter takes the form of a list of character strings which are inserted into the co~tr~1 statement stream, in addition to those normally generated, thus allowing you to supply extra directives over and above the standard ones. debug : (optional) controls whether the 'inked program includes the CYBIl INTERACTIVE DEBUGger' (C:OBG) or the CYBER INTERACTIVE DEBUGger (CID). If you code the debug parameter, the program wi" be able to be run under control of the requested debugger· (by preceding a calf to the program with the control state~ent DE8UG(ON»). legal values are CeDBG and CID. If nQ value is given, eCDBG is used. NOTEt if DeBUG is specified, the tab'es used by the debugger are placed on fi'e ZZZlzor. Thls file must also 9-27 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 9.0 COMPILING. LINKING, AND DEBUGGING 9.11 LINK170 - LINK REtOCATA8LE BINARIES be saved and made local if the absolute binary used at a later time. is to be iSM.lib or cybclib : (optiona') k.~ provides a aonvente,ce when linking programs written in the eYBIl or ISWl language. If you are linking such a progra~, you ar~ advised to use the appropriate ~.~ for the language In question, since such usage causes the lINK170 prbe9dur~ to acquire the necessary library and generate 3"Y other necessary loader directives associated with lI~Klng a progr.. in the designated tanguage. et or err lev. : this (optiona') parameter controls the E"rr"or Level at which the loader aborts without producing any absolutes. Valid va'ues for the et parameter are: NONe on 1 y " t e r ml n a I" err 0 r sea use 3 nab 0 r 1:. FATAL only fatal errors cause an abort. All all errors (both fatal and IlGnfatal) cause an All is the ~~taul.t for LINK110. abort. A default yalue for the el P8ra~eter ~8Y be set up via the errlevl profile variable if YGU don't wish to keep overriding the default by coding the para,eter. ExaMPles of lINK170 aS9ge ses.link170 b-txttor., I-.aptor •• 10 END LINK170 TXTFORH REVERT. This example shows LINK170 used to flllk a program. The r el 0 cat ab 'e b j n ar i e s are ass u 1ft e d to be on f i tie ':g 0 , and the l INKed program appears on file txttor •• A partial toad map is written to file lIapforll. s es • I Ink 1 70 p • ( II Y I I b, you r , I b) the In apr II f I \ REVERT. END LINK170 LGOB, ZZZZIDT" C y bel'l b deb u g This example illustrates the use of mu'tlo'e user libraries and in particular the use of the CYBIl r~n-time library. The relocatable binaries are assumed to be O~ "Ie 'go, the linked CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 9-28 18 December 84 SES User 1 s Handbook REV: 4A 9.0 COMPILING, LINKING, AND DEBUGGING 9.11 lINK170 ~ LINK RElOCATA8lE BINARIES program (with CYBIL INTERACTIVE DEBUG) is wr1tten to fllelgob and a full load map is written to file themap. Oebug symbol tables are written to fite zzzzzdt. ses.llnk170 b-abs, p-(sot1lellb,(utl'llb,Jbf) ••• ~ •• 1 f~«(relo, oreo, Jee) REVERT. END lINK170 ABS This example ShOMS fites relo and oreo,· betonging to user Jee, being linked using library somelib, which is eIther' local to the job or belongs to the current user, and librar~ ytll'lb which belongs to user Jbf. The linked progr8~ is Mritte~ to file abs. Files reto, oreo, and utillib are returned when the li~k is co~p1eted, but file sOllellb is left focal. 9-29 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User 1 s Handbook ReV: 4A 9.0 COMPILING, lINKING, AND DEBUGGING 9.12 XREFMAP - GENERATE A CROSS_REfERENCE F~O~ A LOAO MAP XREFMAP is used to generate a ne3t cross-~efere"ee from a load map. XREfMAP outputs the cross-reference In ] ror~ats: module names with exterhal references, module name with .tis contained entry points and which external modules reference each entry point. and a list of all entry points with containing ~odul. name and who references that entry point. Parameters to IREFMAP are: i or b : name of load map which is to be loa d map mu s t hay e bee ncr e at e d If cr~ss-~eferenced. i t h,·· at. 'e as t, the The l o. EX option on the lINK170 call. un : (optional) user name of catato1 to The default Is the current user. seare~ for Input file. : (optional) name of the output file to receive the output from XREFMAP. If you don't c~de the t parameter, a default listing file name of LISTI~G is ~sed. print or prt t this (optlonat) output file. k.~ controls the auto~atic printing of the batch Job paraMeters : These parameters are described in the section entitled "SES PROCEDURES RUN AS BATCH JO!3S".i The defeu. t for thi s procedure is to run in batch 'node, but It can be run In I Geal mode. CDC - SOfTWARE EMGINEERING SERVICES 9-30 18 December 84 REV: itA SES User's Handbook 9.0 COMPILING, LINKING, AND DEBUGGING 9.13 GETCCOB - GET CVBIl INTERACTIVE OEBUG GETCCOB provides an alternate way to aeq~ire CV~Il INTERACTIVE DEBUG (CCOSG). Normally, CCOBG is acquir~d when necessary by the LINK170 procedure. If the lINK170 procedur~ Is not to be used in the current session, though, the necessar~ files ~ust be explicitl, attached. There are no parameters to the GETCCD8 procedure. Example of GETCCDB Usage ses.getccdb REVERT. CYBIL INTERACTIVE DEBUG AVAIlA8lE 9-31 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REVI 4A SES User 1 s Handbook 9.0 COMPILING, LINKING, AND DEBUGGING 9.14 GETlIS OR GETlIBS -- ACQUIRE LIBRARY FOR LINKING GETtIS(S) acquires the CYBClIB or CfBllla linking. Parameters to GETlIS'S) are: cybclib or cybllib : (optiona1) k~~ I 0 ca I • Cod i n 9 • i brary. br sr y. Examples of GETlI8(S) REVERT. ses.getllbs REVERT. ready for indicates the l1br~r~ r~qulred to be made the c y bel I b Ie ~X: a C q u , r ' rewind or norew : these (optional) k.cli determine whether to Re.WIHU the linker map file before writing it. The default action is to rewind the map file. The tc~ c~ded over~ides any 1 i nker parameter file specifications. debug : code this ls.J.!. If you want the tlnl ,(new entry point») wher~ . 0111 I t or 0 : (optional) entry pojntts) wh~se removed from the output module. de'inltions are to be gat e or g : (optional) entry point(s) that are to be gated In the output module. Gated entry points' can be entered from any r fng wi thin the fi I es call braci
~sage LISTI~G '-binary, oaprinfyl END OBJLIST BINARY -) PRI~FYl 14-1 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 14.0 SOURCE CODE UTILITY ON NOS 170 SES provides a series of procedures for' access to the NOS 170 prototype imp I e men tat i on of the Source Co1e !Jtlll tv. The pr oeedur es currently available in this category are: SCU Acquire the executable binary for 5CU. SOLO Run the SCU editor in stand alone node.i SCUCO", Generate an SCU modification for a EDSCU Edit a deck from an SCU library. deck~ 14-2 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 14.0 SOURCE CODE UTILITY ON NOS 170 14.1 SCU - ACQUIRE EXECUTABLE BINARY FOR SCU SCU acquires the executable binary for the Sour~~ Code Utility and copies it to a loea' f j Ie named S~'J. III response toea" Ing this procedure the user may be sent a short message warning him that a change has been introduced and information available through the STATUS parameter~ for the SCU procedure. The library CYBCCMN or t"tatther'e faclltty.' CYBICHN which contai~ is additional There are no declarations for intufaces supported by the SES group may b~ accessed in the form of SCU source librarles through the use of the GET:QM~ procedure. 14-3 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES SES User's Handbook --.--~~----~----..-.----.-.~----~ ...-.....-----...--.----...--- ... 18 December 84 REV: itA ~.--.~.- 14.0 SOURCE CODe UTILITY ON NOS 110 14.2 SOLO - STANO ALONE SCU EDITOR .. -............------ ............-....... --~- .• ~------- ... SOLO is a stand alone version of the SCJ editor,- that can be used to edit any text file. A detay be e~eountered Mhen entering and exiting this editor because a temporar~y 11br'ar,- is created on entry from which the text file is extracted on exit. Parameters to SOLO ar e : wi'. base or b a : (optional) name of text file to be erlited. If you don.t code the base parameter, SOLO uses a toca' fi Ie named base. result or r : (optional) name of fife to ree~ffe the resu4t of the editing session (SOLO doesn't, by default, write the edited file back over the text input fit! soecified by the base parameter). If you don't code the resu'~t' parameter, SOLO writes the result on a local file named result. input or i : (optional) name of input fi'e 'r~~ ~hfch SOLO reads If you don't code the I "put parameter, commands are read from input. commands. Ii $ t or I : (optional) name of file on which the written. If you don't code the "Ist its displays to file output. editur displays are SOLO writes par-'~'l1teter' CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 14-4 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 14.0 SOURCE CODE UTILITY ON NOS 170 14.3 SCUCOHP - GENERATE SCU CORRECTION SET SCUCOMP compares an flold" version of an SetJ dec!(" (obtained from an SCU source library) with a "new" version of the same deck (obtained from a "source" file). The "sourbe" file must have neither line identifiers nor deck directives in it~ The output of SCUCOMP is a file of SCU EDITor commands t~at tr~~sform the ·old" version of the deck into the "new" verslo~.· You can select a character to be used as the value of the UNTIL parameter on SCU EDITor INSERT and REPLACE commands~ The default character is the hyphen. If any lines of Insertion or replacement text end in the "text delimiter" character. they ara followed on the edit commands file with a line that indicates the problem, and the NOS Job control register EfG Is set to a no~-~er~ v~lue; otherwise EFG is set to zero. Parameters to SCUCOMP ar~ : nalle or na : HAHE of an SCU deck against whieh the correction set are generated. source or s : name of a souree file containing a modlfied version of the deck. ec : name of written. a file to which SClJ edlt,r' commands are to be base or ba I (optional) name of an SCU source library containing the "unmodified" version of the SCU deck ~ith which the source file are compared. If you don't code this parameter, SCUCOMP attempts to access a fl1~ na~ed base. un : (optional) User Na~e in whose eata'o~ the source library specified by base is to be found.' td a (optional) single character v~'ae whlch defines the Ierminating ~elimiter to be used on text Insertion commands generated by SCUCOMP. The value of td may be given as any 14-5 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES Userts Handbook 14.0 SOURCE CODE UTILITY ON NOS 170 14.3 SCUCOHP - GENERATE SCU CORRECTION SETstngle character, or as a positive Intea!r in the range 1 •• 127. If you don't code the td par~meter, SCUCO", uses the hyphen - as the defaut t char acter. Is or ignor's : These (optional) !1.l.l~ speeify whether or not to lititl&e Leading Spaces on lines being co~par~d. The default action is to recognise leading spaces {the Is option). If you code the ignorls t~% SCUCOHP fgnor.s 1~8djng spaces on text lines. Exa.ple of SCUCOHP ses. SCUCOIlP • ~sage sCIISedi tor_he' P_C ommand" fl) rmed .1. ec •• odfo~M ba-s10619 This example of SCUCO", compares formatted source statements on e FORMED with the stu deck SCM$E()IT()~_HElPL~CO"f1AND front the source library on file Sl0619 to build an SC~ ~odl'ic8tlon for the deck on file MODFORM. In this case tines differing by leading spaces were recognised as changed. fi. CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 14-6 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: itA 14.0 SOURCE CODE UTILITY ON NOS 110 14.4 eDSCU - EDIT A DECK FROM AN SCU LIBRARY EOSCU provides the user with a co~ventent way to make modifications to decks from an SCU 'jbr~r~' without having to directly use the SCU editor. The user may use FSE,' XEDIT, EDIT, or EDT depending on their preference. Paramet~r~ to EOSCU are: na or name I (optional) name of deck to be edited. If you don.t code this parameter, EOSCU will prompt yOU for' i t unless you coded the end k~~ and are In SCU.GRQUP mode (see the group J1~~ below). ba or base : (optional) name of the base wher~ the deck to be edited c an be 'f 0 un d • The b a $ epa r a lte t e r s h 0 lJ" don I y be cod e d when you aren't in SCU.GROUP mode. If you aren.t in SCU.GROUP mode and haven't coded this parameter, EOSCU use s the val u e 0 f t he pro f i I e va r'l a b' e sc u b 8S e ~ an d i t there's no such variable defined in your profile then EDSCU wil. prompt you for the base na~e. nb or neNbase : (optional) name of the new base wn~re base is to be rewritten after the deck changes 3r~ com~'ete. Oefault is to write back over the base name soeci'led by the base parameter. EOSCU will not prow3t y~u for this parameter so to change i t you must code it Gn the eall to EDSCU. This parameter can be set or ol1anged at any time. Last value coded is used when the end ~~~. 1s coded. Mod or .od.fication : (optional) Modification name to use ~hen your editing changes are supplied to the SCU edit,r. If you aren't in SCU.GROUP mode and haven't coded this oarameter, EDSCU will prompt you for i t . You 1tlJst code this parameter on the cal' to EOSCU to change the v~lue while in SCU.GROUP mod e • This p ar am e t ere an be set· 0 r" c h a " g e d a tan y tim e • last value coded is used on subsequent caf's to this proc until the end ~~~ is coded. e or editor: (opti onal) name of the edit()r· you wish to use. If you don't code this parameter, EDSC~ ~ses the value of the 14-7 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 14.0 SOURCE CODe UTILITY ON NOS 110 14.4 EOSCU - EDIT A DeCK FROM AN SCU lIBR.~' profile variable editor, and if there·~ ~o such variable defined in your profile EOSCUi'flll use FSE as the editor. EDSCU will not prompt you for this y~lue. This parameter can be set or changed at any tf~e. The fast value coded is used on subsequent calls to t~is proc until the end kA~ i s co de d. g or group : (optiona1) initiating SCU.GqJJP ~ode. The use of this parameter is recommended if VOlJr c~anges wi' I be associated with more than one ~odi'fcatlon na~e or your changes will occur in more than G~~ deck. This parameter should be coded only when you ar~Att alr~ady in SCU.GROUP mode. EOSCU assumes you are in 5C~.GqQUo mode if either files ZZZZZGF or SESSCCG are loca'~ EDS:U wit. not prompt you for this value. k~~ end : (optional) k~~ terminating prompt you for this value. SCU.G~1JP An Exa.p'e of EDSCU ~ode. EDSCU Mill not ~s8ge ses.edscu g ENTER DECK NAME , ddump ENTER BASE NAf1E , testba ENTER "ODIFICATION NAME ? xyzllod * BEGINNING eoscu * BEGINNING GROUP * XEDIT AVAILABLE ON OOUHP OF TESTSA FOR TESTBA XE OIT 3.1.00 1? i , C HEllO THERE ONE ANO ALL e l'ZQPQOXN IS A LOCAL FILE * GENERATING CHANGES fOR DOUMP * INSERTING CHANGES TO ODUMP *. E SC 80041 Continue specified for * MODIFICATION XYZ"OD ADDED TO DOUMP * DeCK DDUMP EDIT COMPLETE aAknBwn.odificatlon 14-8 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 14.0 SOURCE CODe UTILITY ON NOS 110 14.4 EDSCU - EDIT A DECK FROM AN SCU LIBRARY * ENTER *SES.EDSCU* TO EDIT NEXT DeCK • ENTER *SES.EDSCU END. IF FINISHED SREVERT. ses.edscu end ENDING *EDSCU* EDIT SESSION TEST8A ---> SREVERT. * TESTB~ Please note that the error message (9004) generated in this example can be expected if the modification name used is a brand new one. 15-1 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING-SERVICES 18, December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 15.0 SOURCE rEXT PREPROCESSORS The utilities described in this section comor"ise a general set of reformatting facilities for sour~e text. fbey ar~ described brief'y here, and more detailed descriptions follow. CYBfORM a source code formatter for CY3It. ISWlFRM a source code formatter for I54l. PSEUDO text preprocessor sequences of text. that can generate rep e tit i ye for mats For tran 5 source text. PASTDCYS runs the PASCAL to CYBll so~rbe eode translator. 15-2 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV:4A 15.0 SOURCE TEXT PREPROCESSORS 15.1 CYBFORM - CYBIl SOURCE TEXT REFORHATfER CYBfORM is a source code reformatter for eYBTl, such that program readability and consistency of presentation ar~ enhanced. The operation of this procedure differs from that described in the CYBFORM ERS in that this procedure rewinds both the input and output fites before and after the reformatting oper~tion. Note that CYBFORM can handle multi record files. Par~meters to CYBFORM are: i or f : name of Input File containing the eVBIl source text to reformatted. be o : (optional) name of file to r~ee"~ t~e Output from CYBFORM. If you don't code the 0 parameter, CYBFORM p'sces the output on the flte specified by the i parameter. .15-3 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 15.0 SOURCE TeXT PREPROCESSORS 15.2 ISWlFRM - ISWL SOURCE TeXT REFORMATTER ISWLFRM reformats ISWL source code, such that pr~gr8m readability and consistency of presentation are enhanced. Para.eters to ISWlfRM ar e : I or f : name of Input File containing the ISWL reformatted. text s~urce to be o : (optional) name of file to r~ceive the Output from ISWlfRM. If you don't code the o parameter, ISWlFRM places the output on the ri'e specified by the i parameter. Directives are given to the ISWl ror~atter' by embedding certain comment toggle options in the Inout ISWl suurce code: +....... - ... .-.-.--~---~.-+ "$P+" : Select comment formatting. -----------+---... -...-.------...... "$P-" ..---.----.. . -.. .--.---.-.. . -.. . . . .------.---.-.---.. : Turn off comment formatting. "$PR" : 0 i s car d ex i s tin g lin e numbers, f f an y, an d g en era t e : : new I ine numbers. : +.-----...-~-.-.-.---+----+ : Discard existing I ine numbers, if 8"Y, and do no t : "$PN" •, : generate new line numbers. +--,-.-~-- -----+-.---~-.-.-.- ~~-------------~--..-..-.-.- ~ -..-.---~---.-.~ ,~ .--+ USPS" : Preserve existing line number's. •• . . -------.---.-.---.. . -----.-..--.--..----.....--....,----..-..-._..----.-_. . _._--.__. . _. . .. • "SPS" ... .... : Preserve existing blank • +---.. .-------.----+---------..--.-.. .--.--.. . ----.. . ------~ . . ... ....... ... . . . . lines~ . .---.. --. . . . . --.. -. . .-----------.-------..-..-- + .-.~-, •t : Capitalize ISWl keywords. +-.--.. -...,.-----... +-... ---.----~ ...----.----------........... -----.-....-,.--.~-.......---... -----......---....---... -.-~-.-.-+ •• .. $ M< n >" : IS W l Margin chop. Formatter \If r 'a P s ' i n e around at: •• : N-l character position. +~ .... ~ ~~.-.- ..-..---------+ "SPun --------------+-----....-.--.-.-,..-..-...----...---------.--.---.--.. . . . -.. . . . -.. .---.--.. . . . ... 1i1l1.1 : ISWLFRM assumes program. 8 syntacti cal'!y eor';- eet ISWL CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES SES User's Handbook 15-4 18 December 84 REV: 4A 15.0 SOURCE TEXT PREPROCESSORS 15.2 ISWLFRM - ISWl SOURCE TeXT REFORMATTER Syntax errors may cause undesired results on the output file. 15-5 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 15.0 SOURCE TEXT PREPROCESSORS 15.3 PSEUDO - RUN PSEUDO PREPROCESSOR PSEUDO is a text preprocessor whic~ enables parameterized rep'ication of selected portions of a text·· Fi Ie. The parameters to this procedure are: i or f : name or the Input File by PSEUDO. containi~g the te~t to be processed o : (optional) PSEUDO. . op name of file to If you don't code output to the the directs parameter. the Output from Darameter, PSEUDO specified by the I r~ceive the file 0 : (optional) name of file to recely~ the secondary output ("essages) from PSEUDO. If you don 1 t code the _ parameter, PSEUDO places the Messages output (if any) on a file called MSGS. : ( opt i on al ) name of the f i I e to re eel Y e the stat j s tic s ( and an.Y error messages) from the run.' If YOtl don.t code the op parameter, PSEUDO writes this information to fite OUTPUT. 15-6 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REVt 4A 15.0 SOURCE reXT PREPROCESSORS 15.4 F5FORH - FORTRAN 5 SOURCe rEXT REFO~'ATTER F5fORM reformats fORTRAN-5 source text to r~f'8ct the nesting levels of If-THEN-ElSE blocks and 00 loops~ Par~meters are: 1 or 1. : name of Input Eile containing reformatted by f5FORM. t~e FTM5 source text to be Jl : (optional) name of file to receive the Qutput from f5FORM. If you don't code the 0 par~~eter~ F5FORM places the resultant formatted text on the "'e speelfied by the I parameter. Examples of F5FORH ~$age ses.f5form ,i-messy, o-Iovely REVERT. END F5FORM MESSY -) LOVEl' ses.f5form modern REVERT. END F5FORH MODERN 15-7 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV t 4.A SES User's Handbook 15.0 SOURCE TEXT PREPROCESSORS 15.5 PASTOCYB - PASCAL TO CYBIl TRANSlATO~ PAS TDC Y8 run s the PAS CAL to CYBI l sou r c e cod e t r '8 n sl a tor. This translator js based on the University of ~innesota PASCAL compiler. It performs syntax checking on the source Input and will translate Incomplete decks, although complete sour~e input fifes produce the best results. Note that this translator may not w3r~ for all of the many existing dialects of PASCAL. The procedure is arranged so that it ~if1 not abort. If source code conversion errors are encountered, the ~as Job Control Register called EFG is set to a non-zero value upo~ exJt1ng the procedure. Par ameters to the PASTOCYB procedur e are: i or f : (required) name of PASCAL source Inout ft'e. 0: (optional) name of the output fl'e to r.ceive the CYBIl source code produced by the translator~ If you don't code the 0 parameter, a file named crSFfLE Is used. I : (optional) name of the file ta r~ceive the listing produced from the translation pr'ocess.' If yoU don't code the I parameter, a file named LISTING will be used. ml : (optional) this parameter specifies the maximum tine len g t h of PASCAL source to be t r 'a Il.S , ate d • ! The def a u I t f 0 r this parameter is 120 characters. Exampte of PASTDeYB ~S3ge ses.pastocyb I-psource o·csource This example shows PASTOCYB trans'ati,g t~e ~ASCAl source file psource into a CYBIL source file named cSDurbe. The listing . produced defaults to the fi'e named lISTI~G. 16-1 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 16.0 SES COMMUNICATiONS SES prbvides a communication system such t~at users can send between sit e s , a n d can also HAIL '1t e s sa., est () each other. To receive mait, you need a MAILBOX in your catalog. A MAILBOX is created by using the ses NEWMAIl pr~eedur~. When you create a PROFILE using the BuiLD PROFILE (BLDPROF) 3r~cedure ~entioned in the introduction, a MAILBOX is also created. f i I :,s sites NOS SEND send fi I es machi nes. HAIL send mail to other users. GET"All displays the mail from your "af'b~x at your terminal, or alternatively, the mail can he placed in a fife for subsequent prlnting or whatever~ NEW"AIl creates a new mailbox. You alSO ~se NEWMAIL when want to "clear out" the contents of t~e maJ1box. ANYf1AIl tel.s YOU between how many items of tells you who sent the items mailbox. ~Ith ~ail ~, development you are in your mailbox. mall that are in your SAV"AIL saves the contents of your mailbox. CHKf1AIl a procedure SEGMENT that yay-can INCLUDE into your PROFILE, so that if there is any Iftait in your mailbox, you get a message every time FEEDBACK SES user feedback mechanism. YOU use SES. 16-2 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 16.0 SES COMMUNICATIONS The MAIL procedure puts a line at the st~rl of ev~ry message that shows you the user name (and possibly the r~a1 name) of the person who sent you the message. It's possible to nave your name (in characters) included in this by defining a Myft • • e PROFILE variable as a string, as follows: \ .yn •• e a -ethel Sner~e' Now every time you send a mailbox mess1ge to somebody via the MAIL procedure, the header of the message I~ the destination mailbox reads: FROM USER eS91 ( Ethel Snerge ) ON NOV 19, 1977 AT 9133 A" MAIL a I so pro y i des t he f with their user names, instead of fjc0195 or some can do this b yp u t tin g s t .a t \ \ IF PROeHl" a '"AIlt THEN fred • tFJC0195' \ \ \ a c I I i ty to e qu at e t) e 0 I) 1e s f rea 1 names so that you caA send mall to, say, 'red, other cryptic machine arlented name. You em e n t s I ike this In Vi) u r . pro fit e : a 'WAHOOOl' andy • 'AJL665" bill IFEND This series of SES directives in your proflie defines the names given, but only when the procedure being used Is MlIl. ~~l' you can s en d ma j I ' i k e t his : ses •• ai I I etters to (fred, 01 I ' , ' andy) Note that when you are using equated ~a~es of this type you must use the to keyword on the MAIL procedure Instead the ~n keyword. 0' 16-3 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 Oecember 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 16.0 SES COMMUNICATIONS SES provides a set of procedures to sub~tt jobs and maniputate permanent files on remote linked mainfra~es. Here is a summary of the remote access procedures 1 SUB"IT S.Ui111Is a file to be processed specified mainframe. GETPF a l!ermaflent fite (direct or' j'ldirect) from a remote mainframe to a permanent ftle {dlr~ctl on the local mainframe. SENDPF SEUQs CHANGPF a ~s batch on job the i~Is a copy of a fermanent a direct permanent fiJe on a re~ote ~ai~frame. !ermanent parameters ame. of PURGPF tU1GEs (removes) mainframe. 8 PERMPF !E&Hits another user access to a CATPF displays 'AIl 1st information about existing on the remote mainfra~e. DISPOSE PRINTs a file from the local the remote mainframe. '~A~~es mat nfr a Elte (dIrect or indirect) to fermanent Elle E1'e !~r.anent ~ainrr~,e on a remote from a remote file. Eil es on a printer at 16-4 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 16.0 SES COMMUNICATIONS Each mainframe has been assigned a site Identifier. identifiers (located in Arden Hills) are: These site HOI - CY176 - SIN 101 M42 - CY760 - SIN 420 M10 - eV73 - SIN 101 MOl - CY835 - SIN 002 - 53 M04 - eV835 - SIN 104 - 52 M05 - CV174 - SIN 805 M07 - CY875 - SIN 901 Hgt~: As additional systems are added to the network, they are assigned a site identifier. In addition to the site-id, each user ~~st ha~~ a valid user name~ password~ charge number and prGject number for the target mac h i n e. The s e may be co de d i n to yo IJ r P RfJ F' I LE • The PROF Il E variables are created by concatenating t~e slte-1d with 'fam' for family name, 'use' for user name, 'pas' for' oass",ord~ 'cha' 'for charge, and 'pro' for project. Users may h~ve PROFilE variables for each r.mote mainframe they are validated to run Jobs on. In interactive mode, the remote link procs r~quests the family name, user name, password, charge, and project v~rlab'es I ' they are not In your PROFILE. Hat. : .InAt 1n ll.l1. 1IPtsfor' the message. "U un or to : list of User Names to whom the ~aJ1 is to be sent TO. at or J n : (optional) identifier of the site (naehine identifier) AT the add res see s r e sid e • ~ " add r °e ss e e s in the tis t (if more than one) must be at the s~~e sit~. If you don't code the at parameter, mait is se~t to users on the machine you're running on. if hie h It may happen that one or more people t, who~ y~u're sending mail don.t have a MAILBOX. In this case, If the s~urce of mait is a t er mi na I f i Ie (such as INPUT), MAIL saves the message YOU so laboriously typed in on a unique named fl'~, and issues a message to that effect. If the mall message was on a oer~ane,t- file, of course it is left local anyway. 16-8 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 16.0 SES COMMUNICATIONS 16.2 MAIL - SEND MAIL TO OTHER USERS Example of MAIL Usage 5es.mal. un-J303 ? Alex I , I've made the .odtficatlons t, SESPROC' and ! rep'aced i t on SESLNAH. ? REVERT. ses.mail REVERT. END HAIL .i551's END MAIL INPUT -> J303 to (sherman, bob, JI.' at mOl "ISSIFS -> SHER~l~~~JIH 16-9 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User 1 s Handbook 16.0 SES COMMUNICATIONS 16.3 GETHAIl - DISPLAY HAIL FROM MAILBOX GETMAIL displays the contents of your ~aiibo( on ~ fi'e, output {the terminal 1f you're an interactive userl by default. Parameters to GETM All are : o or output : (optional) name of fite to r~celve the Output from GETMAIl. If you don't code the 0 parameter, GETMAIl displays the mait on file OUTPUr~ seq : j f you code this (optional) ~~~~ GETMAIl writes the contents of your mailbox with each line SEQuenced (the sequence number witl be on the 'eft end of the fines). This feature is useful, for eX3l,'fto1e, for extracting information from your mailbox .4a the SELECT procedure (desribed in another section of this doc~ment). at or from t (optional' identifier of the site (machine identifier) fro. which mai I is to be read. If y~tJ don't code this parameter, GETMAIl reads mail fr~~ the mailbox on the mainframe you're running on. user or un or u : (optional) user name whose mailba~ is to be read. This parameter allows you to read mail' In mailboxes under other user names If you are authorized tn r~ad them. If you don't code the user parameter, tOllr user' name is assumed. ses.getllait MAILBOX CONTENTS * *FRO" USER HM03 (Valery Vltrio'lx) ON ~!l~' 4, 71 AT 4233 PM Sam : New version of program nOM ayal'~b'e on the project program library. • •••• ~V.t REVERT. END GETHAIl 16-10 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User 1 s Handbook REV: 4A 16.0 SES COMMUNICATIONS 16.4 NEWHAlL - CREATE A NEW MAILBOX I ClE~R EXISTING MAILBOX NEWHAll creates a new mailbox If one d~esntt already exist in your catatog. If a mailbox already el(ists,~ NEWMAIL deletes any items previously examined via GETMAIL. Ther~ ar~ ~o parameters to NEWHAlL, you simply code: ses.neMRlall A Iso s ee the I n t rod u c t ion t o t h e Han db:) 0 l( f r) r' the des cr i p t i on 0 f the SuilO PROFfie (BlDPROF) procedure, which in addition to creating a profile for you, creates your mailbox as part of setting UP your initial SES environment. > CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERI~G 16-11 SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 16.0 SES COMMUNICATIONS 16.5 ANYHAIl - COUNT NUMBER OF ITEMS IN ANYHAll informs you of how many items Parameters to ANYMAIl are : ~AIlBOX ther~ ar~ tn your mailbox. output or 0 t (optional) name of the file to which A~YMAIl writes it's output. If ,ou don't code the o~tput parameter, ANYMAIl writes it's output on file OUTPUT~ at or on : (optional) identifier of the site (~achine ident1fier) at which mail is to be counted. If you don't code the at parameter, ANYMAtL counts ite~s in your mailbox on the mainframe you're running on. user or un or un : (optional) user name whose ~ai1box items are to be counted. This parameter allol4s you to check for mall in other mailboxes you are authorized t~ read. If you don't code the user parameter, your user na~e is assumed. Examples of ANYMAIl asage ses.anymail 4 REVERT. LETTERCS) IN MAILBOX END ANYKAIl ses.get.ail REVERT. stor~ge END GET"AIL ses.newllail REVERT. END NEWMAIL ses.any.ail NO MAIL TODAY REVERT. END ANYNAIL The example shows ANYMAIl stating that there are four letters In your mailbox. After dOing a GETMAIL to pl1ce the mailbox contents on fi Ie storage, and a NEWHAIl to cl ear Ollt v'our maitbox, the second call to ANYMAIl informs you that there Is ~o m~I' in the mailbox. 16-12 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 16.0 SES COMMUNICATIONS 16.6 WHOMAIL - DISPLAY LIST OF USERS WHO t.f~\lE 4A SENf" MAIL WHOHAIl displays the list of users WHO have sent MAIL to your mailbox since the last tlme you did a ~EVMAIt. The user name of each user is displayed along with the date and time that the message Mas sent. There are no parameters to WHQ11~It. Example of WHOMAIL ~$age ses.whoJRai. FROM USER AEN (Alfred E. Nell.ann) ON ~(]V' FROM USER FDR ON DEC 11, 79 AT 4:32 A~~ FROM USER JEK ON JAN· 2, 80 AT 3:10 p~ FROM USER JXH (Jack Horner) REVERT. END WHO"AIl ON FEB 5, 80 ,-,~ .r 79 AT 5s10 PM 8115 AM Thls example shows the results when ther~ ar~ 4 messages In your mailbox at the time WHOMAIl is used. If t~er~ ar~ no messages, the only output from WHOHAIl is the endl~q message (REVERT. END WHOHAIL). 16-13 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 16.0 SES COMMUNICATIONS 16.7 SAVMAIl - SAVE MAILBOX SAVMAIl saves your mai Ibox as a text r~card on a muttirecord, direct access, permanent fite cat led OlD'AIL. If there's no fite called OlOMAIl in yo~r catalog, SAVMAIl creates one. Parameters to SAVHAIl are: title or t : (optional) seven (7) character naue of t~e text record on OlDHAIl to contain the current eGnte~ts o' your mailbox. If you don't code the title par~neter, SAVMAIl creates a name beginning with the letter ~. 3"d rollowed by the current date in the form mmddyy. ses.savmall title a psr421 REVERT. END SAVMAIl MAILBOX -> OLO"AIl This example shows the case where it was desired that the message in the mailbox be saved under an identifiable name like 8 PSR number. ses.s8ymai' REVERT. END SAV"AIl HAllBDX -> Ol~~lIl If this example were run on April 22, 197Q, your mailbox would be saved as record M042219 on OlDMAIl. fiAt. : see the Chap t e ron l I 8 RARY t14 ~ AGF. ttl ENT, . e s pee i a J t y the GETHEM(S) procedure~ for some words on ~ow to han~le mufti record files. 16-14 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 16.0 SES COMMUNICATIONS 16.8 CHKMAIL - CHECK YOUR MAILBOX CHKMAIl is not actually an SES that you can use via a The way to use it is to INCLUDe it into your PROFILE, with an SES directive like this in your PROfilE: procedur~ ses.chk.alt statement, rather it is an INCLUDE 'ife. \ INCLUOE ICHKMAIl', l:UNIQUEINAME), tPFN:SESlNAM, UN=SESUNAM This SES directive line arranges that eY~r~d tl~e you use any SES procedure (with the exception of the MAIL prbceduresl, the CHKMAIL segment checks your MAILBOX for messages, 8~d if t~ere are any, i t I ssues a mess age to t e' I yOU to look at your mal'. 16-15 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINE·ERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 16.0 SES COMMUNICATIONS 16.9 FEEDBACK - SES USER fEEDBACK MECHANIS~ FEEDBACK allows you to record a comment or sU9gestion on the usability of SES procedures, or anything you want. The comments will be collected and reviewed for iwp.ementation by the SES project. (The SES project wilt collect th~ comments directly on SIN 101 in Arden Hi lis. The SES tools instalter' at l)ther sites have been requested to do the same and forwar~ the~ to the SES project. You should confirm that this wil' be done ~rlor to using FEEDBACK.) The com men t may be en t et' e d i n t era c t tv e , y" 0 r 9 i yen as apr e v i 0 us I y c r eat e d f if e • ex e, (U t ed, your user name are recorded with each com~ent~ Il'f hen fEE 0 8A CK is The t j me, d at e an d Parameters are: i or f or file: (optional) name or Input fite co~tal"lng the comment to be transmitted. If you don't code t~is par~meter, FEEDBACK t a k est hem e s sag e fro mfi I e IN PU r,' sot hat i ' you· rea t the terminal, it prompts for the message. Exa.ples of fEEDBACK ~$age flle-co •• ent REVERT. END FEEDBACK This example shows use of FEEDBACK with file cOllment. the previously created , The GIBRISH pr~cedure HELP dOCUMentation doesn't inctude , BATCH par .MS. ! (CR) REVERT. END fEEDBACK This example shows use of FEEDBACK with the interactively. com~ent being entered 16-16 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 16.0 SES COMMUNICATIONS 16.10 SUBMIT - SUBMIT A JOB TO BE PROCESSED AT A REMOTE SITE SUBMIT provides a method for running a Job on 8 r~mote mainframe. A user provided job file is processe1 as a batch job on the specified mainframe. A user Job for 110 mode execution is responsible for getting its output sent to any sit~ other than the one the job r~ns on. This can be done by coding an SES.OISPOSE or an SES.SENOPF as part of the job. If !'leither' of these are coded, the output is printed at the remote site ~her~ the Job is run. A user job for 180 mode execution (appllcab'e to the S2 site only) automatically has its output returne1 and prlnted at the local site where the user originated the job. f ortn : name of file containing the job to be ~r~cessed. at or on : site-id of the mainframe that the job is to run on. tRode : (optional) value (170 or 180) to indicate execution mode for the Job at the remote site; defaatt Is ~odea170; the lRode parameter is applicable ~nll to Jobs to be run on the S2 remote site. You can set a default for the mode ~ara1teter' by defining tbe submode variable in your profile. For insta~ee,- \S~BMODE=180 in the PROfILE submits all Jobs in 180 mode unless ~odea110 is coded when the SUBMIT proc is run. 1b-17 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 16.0 SES COMMUNICATIONS 16.11 GETPf - GET A PERMANENT FILE FROM l ~E~~Tf SITE GETPF ACQUIRE's a file from a remote maf,fra~e and makes a copy of i t in your catalog on the tocat main'r~.e. The copy created on the .ocal mainframe is a direct access fite. If the flie is not under your user number on the remote ~ai~fr~~e, you must have permission to access the file. The procedure is arranged so that i t does not abort. If there are any errors detected, the NOS Job Contrbl Register calted EFG is set to a non-zero value. This feature is used ~he" this procedure Is being used as a building block, to deter~ine what steps should be taken subsequent to running the procedure. Parameters to GETPF are: rfn : name of fite to be acquired on the ren,te at or on : site-id of acquired. the mainframe from which ~ai'frame. the fite is to be un : (optional) user number of the catal~g t~e fife is under on the remote mal nframe. I f this par ameter is not coded, GETPF uses the use r number v al u e for t his sit e ~ r .~ ,. yo lJ r ' PR 0 FI l E• hfn 1 (optional. name to be used for the e~DY of the file created In your catalog on the local mainframe. If t~is oarameter is not coded, GETPF uses the value for rfn. If hfn already exists in your catalog, GETPF terminates with an error status. If hfn doesn't exist, GETPF creates hfn as a direct access file. pas s wr d or p w : (optional) password for the fite on the re~ote mainframe. 16-18 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 16.0 SES COMMUNICATIONS 16.12 SENOPF - SEND A PERMANENT FILE TO A ~EMarf SITE SENDPf copies a file from a local ~ainframe to mainframe. If the file already exists. it is rewritten. a remote The procedure is arranged so that it does not abort~ If there are any errors detected, the NOS Job Contr~' Register called EfG is set to a non-zero value. This feature Is used when this procedure is being used as a bu11ding block, to deter~ine what steps should be taken subsequent to funning the procedure. Parameters to SENOPF are : hfn : name of file on the local the remote mainframe. mainfra~e that is to be copied to at or on : site-id of the remote mainframe. un : (optional) user name that the local rile is cataloged under. If this parameter is not coded, your* user" na'Ae is used. rfn : (optional) name of file to be created on the r"emote mainframe. If this paraMeter is not coded, SEN00!=I uses the value of hfn. If file rfn already exists on t~e remote ~8inframe, SENOPF writes the new fi Ie over it. SENDPF cr'eates r'fn as a direct access file. passNrd or PM t (optional) mainframe. password associated with the ft 'e on the remote 16-19 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: itA 16.0 SES COMMUNICATIONS 16.13 CHANGPF - CHANGE PARAMETERS OF A PER~~~EtiT J:'ltE CHANGPF modifies parameters of mainframe without re-defining it. fll~ on a remote 'or CHANGPF are: a permane~t Par8meter~ otn : name of the file on the remote main'r~~e to be changed. at or on : site-id of the remote mainframe. nfn : (optj onal) new name of the fi I e on the relftote mainframe. ct : (optional) new file category. ~ust be P (private)~ S (semiprivate) or PU (public). If the par"arn2ter is not coded, the file category is not changed. II : mode for the ftfe. Must be Wtwrlte), R ( rea d ) , ~ ~( r 'e ad" d ) , RA ( rea d a p ) , E(execute)~ or N(null-removes permission granted by permission commands). If the parameter is not coded~ the access mode isn.t changed. (optional) M( mod j f y ) , new access A ( a p pen d ) , PM : (optional) new password (1 to 7 this parameter is not coded, the for the flte. Isn't changed. char~cter~) passwor~ If status or nostat : coding the (optional) status kA~ caas~s a mess~ge to be p1aced in your mailbox when CHANGPF completes. When the nostat ~,1.l is coded, you aren·t notified when CHA~GPF completes. The default is no message upon completta,.! 16-20 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 16.0 SES COMMUNICATIONS 16.14 PURGPf - REMOVE (PURGE) A PERMANENT F'YlE PURGPF removes a permanentfi Ie from a r'elftote mainframe. If the file is not in your own catalog, you must- have wrlte permission in order to purge it. Parameters for PURGPF ar~ : ofn : name of fJle to be purged. at or on : the s i te-i d of the remote mal nfr ame.' un : (optional) user name on cataloged under. the remote ~ai'fr~~e that ofn is status or nostat : coding the (optional) status k~~ causes a message to be placed I n you r In a i I box \If hen PUR GPF com pt e t e s. ' Wtl e. nth e no s t 8 t U% i s coded you aren.t notified when PURGPF co~ptetes. The default is no message upon completion. 16-21 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 16.0 SES COMMUNICAT[ONS 16.15 PERMPF - PERMIT ACCESS TO A PERMANE~T FltF PERMPf explicitly permits another user to access a file catalog on a remote mainframe. Parameters to ;»ERf1"F, are: ofn in your t name of file for which access is at or on bei~g oer~ltted. 1 site-id of the mainframe the file Is on. un : user name to be permitted access to t_e 'lie.' m: (optional) permitted mode of acc!ss~ not coded, R (read) permission is used. If this parameter is status or nostat : coding the (optional) status k~~ causes a message to be placed in your mailbox when PE~~PF co~p'etes. When the nostst hA% Is coded,you aren't' /lotifledo' PERMPFts completion. the default is no message UDon completion. 16-22 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 16.0 SES COMMUNICATIONS 16.16 CATPf - DISPLAYS INFORMATION ABOUr 4 FILE CATPf displays CATtist information about remote mainframe. Parameters to CATPF are: ofn : (optional) file name that catalog at or on : (required) site-id information from. of remote ~er~a,ent i'~'!)rmati()n .ai,rr~~e Files on a is desired ror. to get catl i st un : (optional) user number of an alternative catalog on the remote mainframe. 10 : (optional) list options for information (F). ~OS CATLIST command. Default Is full listing or I : (optional) name of file on the I~ca' mainframe to receive listing. If this parameter is not coded, the listing is printed at the local mainframe centr~1 site. status or nostat : coding the (optional) status k!~ causes a message to be placed i n you r ma i I box when CAT PF com pie t e s • ; Whe" t 11 e no s tat 11.i~ is coded, you aren't nottfied of CATP~~s co~p'etfon. Default is no message upon completion. 16-23 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 Oecember 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 16.0 SES COMMUNICATIONS 16.17 DISPOSE - PRINT A FILE AT A REMOTE SITE DISPOSE prints a flte from the local mal~fr~~e on the remote mainframe. Parameters to DISPOSE are : f II e a prlnter at or f ,: name of file to be printed. at or on : site-id of remote mainframe where 'lie is orinted. print or pI (optional) string containing parameter~ to control the action of the SES PRINT procedure which is used to print the ,ile at the remote site. If you don't code the print parameter, DISPOSE prlnts one copy of the fife at the remote site. for a complete description of the valUes that may be coded for the print parameter, see the descrlotton of the procedure PRINT in the SES USERS HANDBOOK. 16-24 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User·s Handbook REV: 4A 16.0 SES COMMUNICATIONS 16.17 DISPOSE - PRINT A FILE AT A REMOTE SITE Non-bracketed parameters are required. CATPF [o'fnl, at, [un], ttistif\g], [status] [10], CHANGPF ofn, at, [n fo ], ret], DISPOSE f il e., at, [print] GETPF r fn, at, [un], {hfn], [pw] PERf1PF o fn, at, [m] , [status1 PURGPF ofn, at, [un], [status] SENOPF hfn, at, [un], [rfn], SUBMIT f, at, [mode] un, em], {pw] [p~ ]', [status] 17-1 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 Oecember 84 REV: 4A SES User'S Handbook 17.0 TeXT MANIPULATION AND CONVERSION UTILITIES This section describes a list of facilities to perform general massaging of text fl1esl character set eo"ver~lon and so on. The facilities to be described are: EDT run the EDT text editor on a file. LOWTOUP convert lower case letters to UDoer ease. UPTOLOW convert upper case Jetters to lower case. COPYACR copy ASCII coded record. ASORT sort ASCII files. UNIQUE removes adjacent duplicate 'ir1es Proll a text file. MERGE merge up to five files on a columnar basis. split a 'ile into one to bas is. "ve on files COMPARE compare two text files ani differences between them. COUNT counts characters, words, or SELECT extracts (displays) selected ffoes lines from a text file. HULTED MULTI record file EDIT facility. ~r~duce 't~es i, A a columnar ti~ting of the a text ftle. and/or ranges of 17-2 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 11.0 TEXT MANIPULATION AND CONVERSION UTILITIES PACK "Packs" a multi record or ~u,t' f11~ fj'e into a single text record, with CCHltro' characters such that it can be "unpacked" again. "Unpacks·, that is, reverses 0' t~e action of PACK. CONY CONVert the character set JABFORH convert source for the TEXTJAB d~cument formatter source for the TXTFORM docu~e"t formatter. WANG2CYBER send text from a WANG document to a CYBER file. CYBER2WANG send text from a CYBER file t3 SNOBOL 8-bit SNOBOL interpreter. FIND search a file for specified taxt Datterns. CHANGE change matched text lines XLIT transliterate characters in a file. i~ a q te~t q 'lie. 4ANG document. rile. to 17-3 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 17.0 TEXT MANIPULATION AND CONVERSION UTIllTIES 17.1 EDT - RUN THE EDT TEXT EDITOR EDT runs the EDT text editor for you. E~r is a~ enhanced version of the standard NOS text editor. A descrlptlo~ or EDT can be found in an appendix to this document. This EDT orocedure is maint, intended to work in conjunction with procedures such as GETMOO(S), for instance, GETHEM(S), PACK, UNPACK and so on, so that you ca"" string a bunch of procedures together, like: to get a module off a base, edit it 3"d procedure line. Parameters to EDT are: r~p'~ce it al' in one i or f : (optional) name of Input File contaiAf"Q text to be If yoU don't code the I par~meter, EDT uses the value of profile variable group as the name of the input f i • e, and i f the r e • s nos u c h v a r ~i a b Jed e fin ed, E0 T use s a default flte name of group. EDiT~d. ec or input : (optional) name of file containf~g Edit Cbmmands to EDT. I f y 0 U don J t code the e c par am et e r ~, EI) T lJ S e s f i I e J n put. eo or output : (optional) name of 'ite to r~ceive Edit Output. don't code the eo parameter, EDT uses flt~ output. t If you or tabs : (optional) TABS parameter for EI) r~. i I f y, lJ don' t cod e the t parameter, there are no tabs set. You may set UP a default tabs name in your profi.~ by defining the tabs v ar i a b I e. save or rep : jf you code this (optional) ~~~, EDT REPlaces the f.le specified by the I parameter in YOlJr catal~g when you've finished editing. If you don't code the r~p k~~' the file is left local. 17-4 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: itA 17.0 TEXT MANIPULATION AND CONVERSION UTILITIES 11.2 lOWTOUP - CONVERT LOWER CASE TO UPPEq CASE lOWTOUP converts all lOWer case letters In case letters. Parameters for lOWTOUP are :' i 0 r f 3 te~t file to UPper : name of lOWTOUP. Input File containing text to be processed by o : file to r~ceive the Output from don't code the 0 parameter, the output appears on the file specified by the I parameter. (optional) lOWTOUP. name If of you Examp'e of lOVTOUP ~S4ge ses.Jowtoup I-Iowease, o-upcase REVERT. END lOVTDUP lOWCASE -) UPCASE This example shows lOWTOUPconverting al'1l '·offer case tetters In a file called IOMcase into upper case on a fite called upcase. letter~, a~d 3roduce the output 17-5 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 17.0 TEXT MANIPULATION AND CONVERSION UTILITIES 17.3 UPTOLOW - CONVERT UPPER CASE TO lOWE~ CASE UPTOlOW converts all UPper case letters in a text fi'e case. Parameters for UPTOlOW are: name of UPTOlOW. Input File containi~g to LOWer text to be processed by o : (optional) name of file to r~eelve the Output from UPTOlOW. If you don't code the 0 Darameter, the output appears on the file specified by the I parameter. Example of UPTOLOV ~~age ses.uptoioM i·upper, o-Iower REVERT~ END UPTQLOW UPPER -) LOWER This example shows UPTOLOW converting all upper ease letters in a file called upper to lower case Jetters, and ~roducfng the output on a file called lower. 17-6 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User.s Handbook REV: 4A 17.0 TEXT MANIPULATION AND CONVERSION UTILITIES 17.4 COPYACR - COpy ASCII COOED RECORO(S) COPYACR stands for COpy ASCII Coded Rec3rd(s), and as its name implles, i t is the ASCII equivalent to the standard NOS COPYCR uti I ity. This COPYACR procedure does a bit 1tore t,an tbe standard NOS COPfCR 1 it acquires the input file for you,· and reJArites the output file back over the input fite if yoa specify it that way. COPYACR can also perform some character set co"ver~lons for you (see below). Parameters to COPYACR are I lor f l name of Input File containing COPYACR. text to be processed by o : (optional) name of fite to r~ceiv~ the Output from COPYACR. If you dontt code the G par~meter, the output appears on the fi t e speci fi ed by the i' par'ameter. co I s or c : (optionall specification of the COlu~nS between which the f i , e is to be cop I ad. The c par"ameteri must be coded as a range, or in the form low •• hlVh, ~her~ 'OM is the 'eft column at which to start copying, and hIgh is the right column beyond which the file is ~Dt to be copied. If you don't code the c parameter, COP"CR uses the range 1 •• 80 for the copy. incset or Ie : (optional) designator for the I~Dut file's Character SET. The table below descrjbes the a'I~~ed designators. outcset or oe : (optional) designator for the our~ut f"e's Character SET. The table below describes the a.1QAed designators. Both the .ncset and outcset parameter~ default to ~~blZ (see below) but this can be over-ridden by defining in your pro'.'e defaults via variables with names the sa~e 35 the parameters. The following table defines the allowed desi gnator's for" the Ineset and outcset parameters: 17-7 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 17.0 TEXT MANIPULATION AND CONVERSION UTIllfIES 11.4 COPYACR - COpy ASCII CODED RECORD(S' • • •• • •• I •• t t •• • •• •• •• cs61Z : NOS 6/12 ASCII character' set cs64 : 64 character : character set csS12 : "8 out of 12" ASCII I ASCII •• • sabset char~cter t Example of CDPYACR •, •, (display set •• code ) : : • •• t ~sage ses.copyacr grab hold 11 •• 17 REVERT. END COPYACR GRAB -) HOLD This example shows COPYACR copying fite qr.b between columns 11 thru 17 inclusive, and placing the result ~, the copy on file hold. You might wonder what's the use of doing tllat? Well the NOS CATALOG uti'ity outputs the record names starting i~ column 11, so you could use this example of COPYACR to isolate ai' the r~c~rd names. 17-8 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 17.0 TEXT MANIPULATION AND CONVERSION 17.5 ASORT - SORT ASCII FILES UTILlrlE~ ASORT is a utltity to sort ASCII fites directives. Parameters to ASORT are: i ~ccor~ing to sets of sort or f : name of Input File to be processed by ASORT. o : (optional) name of file to receive t~e Output from ASORT. If you don.t code the 0 parameter~ ASORT places the output file on the file specified by the •• ' par'a11eter. keys : tis t 0 f so r t KEY S to d ire ct the s () r 't pr 0 cess. Ea c h element in the Jist of keys consists ~f three items. The first item is the start cotUlft" of thefietd, the second item is the (optional) length t~e fleld (default 1 character ) , and the t h i r d i te 1ft is t " e ( optional) s 0 r t order, A for Ascending, and 0 fl)f DescendIng. The default is Ascending order. There is ~~ examp'_ of ASORT at the end of this description. 0' retain: this (optional) k~~ is the SORT5 RETAIN option. If you donft code the retain ~~~, SORT5 OJtputs Identically keyed records in arbitrary order. If you do code the retain kJ:~' such records are output in their orIginal order. ttflt..1 : the collating sequence for ASJ~r Is t"e ASCII col'ating sequence. Upper and lower ,case letters are considered identical for the sort process, so that alphabetic ite~s ar~nlt separated by an entire case of the alphabet. 17-9 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 17.0 TEXT MANIPULATION AND CONVERSION UTIL1TIES 17.5 ASORT - SORT ASCII FILES Ex •• ple of ASORT Usage ses.asort j-shurfld, o-orderly, keys=«1,7',110,7,dl,(Zl,4») REVERT. END ASORT SHUFFLD -) ORDERLY" This example shows ASORT sorting the ffl~ shufr'H onto the file orderly. The keys used are column 1 for a length of seven characters, in ascending order (since that', the de.ault), column 10 for a length of seven characters in desce~ding order, and column 21 for a length of four characters,'n ascefldtng order (again defaulted) • ses.asort j=higgldy, o-linedup, keys-ift" REVERT. END ASORT HIGGLOY -) 3, dll lINE~~P minor inconveniences of that ev-en when you'ye only got one key to sort on, you still need double oarentheses. The fo I low i ng d i scu ss ion exp I a ins the keys p ara1l eter'. This example of ASORT highlights one of th~ parameters that are I tsts of I ists, namely. The keys parameter is a list of sort keys; each ~l~m:Dl of that list is itself a list of up to three ele~e~ts. S, at the top leve1 you get this situation: each key_i is itself a list of one to three ele~ents : start_coluMn is the column position of the start or the key_length is the number of characters in the start_colu.n - the default key_length is 1. key, t_ d i recti on I s a sin 9 I e let t e r i n d i c at ~ r' : l (the default), D for Descending order. f sort key. inclusive of 1 SO r So I et's look at some real live examples 0' r) r As c e n di n g or de r sort keys : I s a lis t f 0 r tlLQ so r t keys, the fir s t .$ tar 't s f n co I u mn 4, is 2 characters long, and is sorting in descending order; the second starts in column 11, is 7 characters tong, and Is a'so sorting in descending order. Here's the ~aml list. but th1s time the sort order is ascending, so you can leave out t~e dir'ectfon indicators: 17-10 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 17.0 TEXT MANIPULATION AND CONVERSION UTIllTIES 17.5 ASORT - SORT ASCII filES Now let's look at some more default cases; saopose the column 4 key is on'y 2n~ character long - now you can ~rlte the keys like this t but the key_length of one is the default, so It ca~ be written: keys=«4), (11, 7)) harking way back to chapter 1 and the section catted "lists of values for parameters", recall that a si~gt. elgment list doesn't need the parentheses : Now let's shorten i t still further by reducing the field to one: seven character Getting down to the minimum case of a single key of length one in ascending order, you get: keys s 4, keys=(4, 1)) and keysa(C4, 1, att whereas : keysa(7, 12) means keysa((7, 1), (12, 1)) ar~ all identical, 17-11 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES SES User's Handbook 18 December 84 REV: 4A 17.0 TEXT MANIPULATION AND CONVERSION UTIL1TIES 17.6 UNIQUE - REMOVE ADJACENT DUPLICATE L1~ES ~~a~ A fILE UNIQUE removes adjacent duplicate tines rrb~ a text fite. Such a situation usually arises when a file h3S been sorted, (as for example with the ASORT procedure previous'y described) and duplicate lines in the file are all together. UNIQJE provides the capability of reducing the file to one instance of each unique line. for example, UNIQUE acts 8S follows: l01Ult fIll Just the 1)1 ace for· a Snark Just the place for a Snark the Bellman crted the Bellman cried as he lallded his crew with care the Betlman cried as he landed his crew with care supportillQ each one on the top 3f the tide supporting each one on the top of the tide with a finger ent~ined in his hair on the top of the tide on the top of the tide with a finger entwined in his hair With are : I or f that example to show how it works.- the par~meters to UNIQUE : name of the Input Eile containing the text which Is to have the adjacent duplicate lines remov~d. o : is the (optional) name of the ~Jtput fif~ from the UNIQUE process. If you don't code the 0 par~meter, the resutts appear on the file specified by the 1 parameter. 17-12 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV t 11.0 TEXT MANIPULATION AND CONVERSION UTILITIES 11.6 UNIQUE - REMOVE ADJACENT DUPLICATE LYNES F~OM A FILE Examples of UNIQUe Us_gee ses.unique iasorted, o-removed REVERT. END UNIQUE SORTED -> RE"DYED ses.unique duplics REVERT. END UNIQUE DUPLICS 4A 11-13 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 11.0 TeXT MANIPULATION AND CONYERS ION UTILITIES 17.1 MERGE - MERGE UP TO FIVE FILES INTO ]~E FILE MERGE combines to MERGE are 1 UP to five files on a col~~nar~ basis. Pat ameter s o : name of file to receive the Dutpat of f8 ME~GE. or merge: a list of up to five column widths specifying how the input files are to be MERGEd into the output fife (see the example below). i or f : (optional) ,jst of up to five Inout Fi1es to be MERGEd onto the file specified by the 0 parameter. If you don't code values for the i para~eter, ME~GE uses filenames tapel thru tape5 for Its input 'iles. Example of MERGE Usage ses.merge o-dlagr •••• =(21,21,21), i-(, cotuMn2. coluMn3) REVERT. END MERGE COLUHN1,CDLUMN2,-:tJlU"N3 -> DIAGRAH In this example, MERGE is constructing a 'ife called diagra., by merging together the three files columnl, c~'~mA2, 8"d colu.ri3. The contents of file coluMnl occupy the first ~1 eolu.ns in the diagr •• file, the contents of file columnZ occupy colu~ns 22 thru 42 in the diagram file, and the contents of file colu.n3 occupy columns 43 thru 63 in the diagram file. 17-14 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 44 17.0 TEXT MANIPULATION AND CONVERSION UTILITIES 17.8 DEMERGE - SPLIT fILE APART BY COLUMNS DEMERGE splits a file into one to five Parameters to DEMERGE are I i "'.5 on a columnar basis. or f : name of Input file which is to be OEMERGEd. d or demerge : a list of up to five co1um~< ~i~ths specifying how the input file is to be DEMERGEd into the output files (see the example below). o : (optional) fist of up to five 'I'~s to r~ceive the Output of DE 11 ERG E• If you don· t code val IJ e s for' the 0 parameter, DEMERGE uses tapel thru tape5. Exa_ple ot DEMERGE Usaoe I-compile, d-CSl.Z3), o.(so~rbe,- nUMbers) REVERT. END DEMERGE COMPILE -> SO~RCE, 1UHBERS This example shows DEMERGE splittinq UP a f.1e cal ted co"pile into two components. In this example (take~ from real life), the first 81 columns of COMPile are the source statements from a master audit of a deck in an UPDATE Pl, and the last 23 columns are the statement numbers. The two separate 5ets of data appear in the example on files source and numbers. 17-15 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User.s Handbook REV: 4A 17.0 TEXT MANIPULATION AND CONVERSION UTIL1TIES 17.9 COMPARE - COMPARE TeXT fILES The COMPARE procedure compares two text 'It~s and produces a "listing" of the differences between them in terms of inserted, deleted, and replaced lines. Parameters to COMPARE are: new : this (optional) parameter specirles the name of the file containing the "new" version of the text. If you don't code this parameter, COMPARE uses a fife called new. old: this (optional) parameter specifies t~e ~ame of the file containing the "old" version of the text. If you don't code this parameter, COMPARE uses a 'Ite called old. o : this (optional. parameter specifies the name of the fite to receive the output from COMPARE.' If y{)U don.t code this parameter, COMPARE writes the res~tts 3f the comparison to file output~ Note that if the two Piles are equivalent, COMPARE doesn't write anything to the 0 fi'e. newcset : (optional) designator for the The table below describes the NE~ filets Character designators. SET. a'l~~ed o I des et : (optional) designator for the OLD 'ite's Character SET. The table beloM describes the at'o~ed designators. outes et : (optional) designator for the QUTout fife's Character SET. The table below describes the a'l~wed desiQnators. I s or i gn or I s : these (optional) k'~~ specify whether or not to IGHQRe j.eading Spaces on 'ines being cO!l'par'ed.: The default action is to recognise leading spaces (the Is option). If you code the ignorls k~~, COMPARE ig10reS 1eading spaces on text lines. 17-16 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 17.0 TEXT MANIPULATION AND CONVERSION 11.9 COMPARE - COMPARE TEXT fILES UTIl~rlES The default character set designator< for' all three cset parameters is ~s61Z. The fo'loMing tabte defines the atloMed designators for the cset parameters: •• • • t I cs612 •• •• c564 •• csS12 : NOS 6/12 •• ASCII character- set : 64 character : character set •• •• ASCII subset (display : " 8 out of 12 " ASCII c tl a ra c t e r set < code) : 17-17 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 17.0 TEXT MANIPULATION AND CONVERSION UTIltrtE5 17.10 COUNT -COUNT THINGS IN A FILE COUNT counts one of the fotlowlng three characters number of ASCII characters in 'i nes Nords 3 thl~gs In a 'ite : fi'~. number of lines. number of Hords in a file, wher~ a "word" is defined as a contiguous set of characters dell~lted by space(s), tab(s) or newline(s). Parameters to the COUNT procedure are: c or chars or , or lines or w or Nords : these Js.'=.l~ define which thing is tl) he counted (Characters, Lines or liords). I or f or in: name of Input file lti which the t~ings are to be counted. o or to : is the (optional) name of the J~tput file IO which the res u Its 0 f the C 0 u n tin g pro c e s s ~ r 4e t I) go. 1 If you don • t code the to parameter, the results go to file output. Exa.ples of COUNT Usage ses.count lines In source 7396 REVERT. END COUNT SOURCE ses.count words In guide to results REVERT. END COUNT GUIDE -> RESULTS The first example shows COUNT counti~g the nu~ber of lines in a file called source, with the result going to 'i'~ ~utput by default. The second example counts the number , f ",()rds in a file called guide, with the answer written to a file ea"ed r~$uits. Note tbat the choice of parameter keywords mea1S ~e can specify the COUNT process in a more "English" form. 17-18 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES· 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES UserYs Handbook 17.0 TeXT MANIPULATION AND CONVERSION UTILIT1ES 17.11 SELECT - COpy SELECTED LINE RANGES ~~aM A FILE 0' SELECT copies selected lines or ranges lines from one file to another. The default output file used bV SElE:T is in fact file output, so that the ut i i i ty provi des an eas'y' way to 100k at se I ected parts of a file without needing to edit t~e fite. Parameters to the SELECT procedure are : line or lines t is a list of line numbers or selected fr~m the input file. line number ranges to be i or , or of : is the name of the Input Eit~ ranges of lines are to selected. 'r~m which the lines or o or to : is the (optional) name of the Dutout fi'e IC selected lines ar. to be copied. Ir yOu d~n't parameter, the selected lines go to fil~ ~utput You can code the output fite ~3~e to be the input file name in which case the Input overwritten by the selected lines. Exa.ples of SELECT which the code the to by default. same as the file gets ~~age ses~select Jine 50 of so.'lle Beware the fru.ious Bandersnatch .y son. REVERT. END SELECT SO"FIlE fines 10 •• 19 of nurdle to twisted REVERT. END SELECT HURDLE -) TWISTED lines (5,7,9 •• 17,19,23 •• 47) of REVERT. END SELECT PRIMES -) SIFTED ~r'Mes t~ sifted The three examples shown above should give a good idea of the way that SELECT is used, showing a Single line, a rang! of tines, and a list of I inesand line ranges. Inval lei 'ine numbers and CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES SES User 1 s Handbook 17-19 \ 18 December 84 REV t 4A 17.0 TEXT MANIPULATION AND CONVERSION UTILtTIES 17.11 SELECT - COpy SELECTED LINE RANGES FqlM A fILE ranges are diagnosed. line ranges in whicl't the ,Igh end of the range is Jarger than the number of lines In the input fite cause the selection to go to the end of the input flt_. 11-20 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 17.0 reXT MANIPULATION AND CONVERSION UTIL1T1E5 11.12 MULTED - EDIT MULTI RECORD FILE MULTED provides the ability to edit a ~utti r~eor~ fife. This is especially useful for instance, where majtJr" an'" global changes must be made to many decks of a source text progr~m 'lbr~ry. I t ' s easy to generate a SOURCE file, HULTED that fife, then r'eplace the decks on the Pl. MULTED uses the PACK and UNPAC< procedur~s to change the mutti record file to a Single record file r~ady for editing, and to reverse the process when editing is complete. ~~LTEO invokes the EDT text editor, an enhanced version of the standard NOS text editor. A description of EDT can be found In a~ appendix to this document. Parameters to HUlTED are: I or f : name of File containing MULTED I~put. o : (optional) name of file to receive the Oatput from MULTED. I f you don' t cod e the 0 par am e t e r 'J: t" e 0 l.I t put a P pea r son the file specified by the i para~eter. ec or input: (optional) name of file containing Edit Commands to be used by EDT. If you don't code the ec parameter, MULTED assumes that the edit commands ~r~ co~ing from file INPUT. eo or output : (optioAal) name of file to recefv. Edit Dutput. If you don't code the eo par ameter, '1UL rED assumes that the output is going to file OUTPUT. t or tabs : (optional) TABS parameter for EI) T. If y ~ lJ don' t c 0 d e the t parameter, MULTED doesn't set any tabs. You may set up a default tabs name in your prof.te by defining the tabs Y ar i a b t e. j cc (optional) Control Character' to be used for the PACK-UNPACK process. If you don't code the cc parameter, MULTED uses a control character or stash (/1. CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 17-21 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REVt itA 17.0 TEXT MANIPULATION AND CONVERSION UTILITIES 17.12 MULTED - EDIT MULTI RECORD FILE save or rep: if you code this (optiona') f:s..A~t· MUlTFO REPlaces the file when editing is complete. If YOU do,tt code either of these keys, MULTED leaves the 'it~ lGca'~ This parameter is only applicable on indirect access '1._s. Example of using MUlTED. ses.multed rigor, mortice,' ce· I ?' This example PACKs fite rigor, invokes EOT to edit the PACKed file, and finally UNPACKs the file onto ~ile .ortlce. The PACK process turns all physical EOR's and EQ~'s Into the character strings ?EOR and IEOF respectivel" and the U~oACK process reverses the operation. 11-2.2 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVIces 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 17.0 TEXT MANIPULATION AND CONVERSION UTILITIES 17.13 PACK - PACK MULTI 'RECORD FILE PACK packs a multi record file into a sll1gle record in such a way that the record structure is maintained, 31d may' be reconstl tuted by a subsequent UNPACK. It Is a useful facility when you want to edit a multi record text file for instance. Par~leters to PACK are: I or f : (optional) name of Input File t~ be PAC(ed. If you don't parameter:., PACK uses the narne associated with var; ab Ie group. If there f SIl,·t such a profi Ie code the I proft Ie variable defined, PACK uses a fi'ena~e of group. o : (optional) name of file to receiwa the If you omit this parameter, the 3UtQUt specified by the j parameter. o~tput a~pears from PACK. on the fi'e cc : (optional) Control Character to be used for the PACK process. If you don.t code the cc para~eter, PACK uses a control character of stash (I). i n cs e tor ic : des i gnator for the INput fl' e' s en arac:ter' seT. See the table below for a description of the al'~wed designators. outcset or oc : designator for the OUTputfi'e's Character' SET. See the table beloM for a description the al'owed designators. 0' The foltowing table defines the desiqnator~ Incset and outcset parameters: Il~'s1~n.i12t CS612 6/12 character set CS64 display code character set CS812 8 out of 12 asci i (dera~lt) character' set allowed for the CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 17-23 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 11.0 TeXT MANIPULATION AND CONVERSION UTIllTlES 17.13 PACK - PACK MULTI RECORD FILE Example of PACK Usage ses.pack I •• ultrec, o.paeked, cc-'!' REVERT. END PACK MUlTREC -> PACKED "~ack" a ~u'ti record file and produce the output or the process on a file The control character I Is' tJsed, so that every called packed. physical EOR in the file is replaced by the char~eter string IEOR in the output. T his e x a mp I e shows PACK being used to called R1o'tree 17-24 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User'S Handbook 17.0 TEXT MANIPULATION AND CONVERSION UTIllTIES 11.14 UNPACK - UNPACK TeXT fILE TO MULTI ~ECORD ~IlE UNPACK provides the converse operation t3 that ~r~vided by PACK, or it unpacks a single record text file il'\toa 1tutti record fite. Parameters to UNPACK are: i or's o t (optional) name of Input File contat,fnQ data to be processed by UNPACK. If you dOAtt code the I parameter, UNPACK uses the name associate1 with profile variable group. If there isn-t such Q ~r~flte variable defined, UNPACK uses a file name of group.f (optional) name of ffle to receive t~e Output from UNPACK. If you don't code the 0 paramet~r~ the output appears on the file specified by the I para~eter~ cc : (optional) Control Character to be used for the UNPACK process. If you don't code the cc par~~eter, UNPACK uses a controt character of slash (/). incset or Ic : designator for the INput flle 1 s Cllar'acter SET. See the table below for a description the al'owed designators. 0' outcset or OC t designator for the OUTput fite's Char~cter SET. See the table below for a description 0' the altowed designators. The following table defines incset and outcset parameters: the desiQnator~ CS612 6/12 character set (defau't) CS64 display code character set CS812 8 out of 12 ascii character'set allowed for the 17-25 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 16 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 17.0 TEXT MANIPULATION AND CONVERSION UTILITIES 17.14 UNPACK - UNPACK TEXT fILE TO MULTI tECORD FILE Exa.ple of UNPACK Usage ses.unpack REVERT. i-packed, oaunpackd, cc-'I' END UNPACK PACKED -> UNPAC fOUNDIT- ses.find ' •• REVERT. *.' In-coMPile END FIND COMPILE The fir~t example shows FIND locating all tines in myftle that have a digit at the end of the line. The result appears on file output~ The second example shows FINO used ~ith a pattern file patflle. Tbe third exampte is locating at' lines that contain a '#' sign followed by a run of any characters 'G'to~ed by another 't' sign. Such lines are reasonable candidates for being SYHPl comment , i n es. This discussion introduces the notation 'or regular expressions used by FIND and the CHANGE procedure in the ~ext section. The notation is terse but versatile, and has been a3ptied in a number of pattern matching utilities. A t~lt Q.ttA~n can be a simple thlnq,· 11~e t~e .etter a or a like the more elaborate construct built up from si~p'e things, string format. To build arbitrary text P1tteros you need only know a few rules. Any 11t.c..I1 J&, such as a, is a tel(t pattern that matches that same character in the text beinq scanned. A sequence of literal characters like 7926 or grabh~trl is 3 pattern that matches any occurrence of that sequence ~, char~eters in a line of CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES SES User's Handbook 17-34 18 December 84 REV: 4A 17.0 TEXT MANIPULATION AND CONVERSION UTILITIES 17.20 FIND - fIND PATTERNS IN A FILE the input. A pattern is said to I.t~b part of a tel(t tine if the text line contains an occurrence of the patte'rn. For' instance the pattern aa matches the line aabe once at position 1, the 'lne aabcaabc in two places, and the line aaaa in thr~e (overlapping) places. Matching is done on a line by line basis: no pattern can match across a I ine boundary. Text patterns may be CQD~~J~.t.n.t.iI : a text pattern followed by another text pattern '3r~s a ~ew pattern that matches anything matched by the first. 'ollowed im.ediate'y by anything matched by the second. A sequence of 'lter~1 characters is an example of concatenated patterns. 'ind has other capabilities - the ability to search for patterns that match Gl.~~I~ of characters, that ~atc~ ~atterns only at particular pos itions on a I ine, or tt"at- ltstch text of indefinite length. To be able to express these more general patterhs, we have to preempt some characters to represent other· types of text patterns, or to delimit them. For example, we use t~e cbaracter • as a text pattern that matches .D~ single character except a newline. The pattern x.y matches x+y, xay, xly and si1tifar strlngs. The • and ther res er ved charact ers ar e oft en cal led We try to choose character't; wt,tch Mon't appear with high frequency in normal text, but still there are occasions when we want to look for a liter al occurrence of a 1ftetachar'acter. Thus the special meaning of a metacharacter may be turhed orf by preceding i t with the character a. Thus •• 1Iatclles a literal period, and aa matches a literal at sign. 0 IltaGtl.aL..Igtlt~. The metacharacter [ signals that the character~ following, up to the next ] form a ~b~c.'i.t ~1.~~, th~t is, a text pattern that matches any single character from the brac~eted fist. For example, [all matches a ,2£ A, [a-z] matches any lower case letter. There is a nflaatiul J:l.J.~' such t"at ("a--z] matches any character e_cept a lower case letter, and so fGrth. Note that a negated character class never matches a newline. The escape convention can also be used inside character classes If the character class is to contain .. or or· a o r ] . Two other metacharacters don't match "teral' characters but rather- match positions on the input' ine.; " 1Iatones the Jti:.Q!DJlJ.Jl.Q of a line: Aabe is a pattern that matches abc ~bl~ if it appears as the first three characters of an f~put line. Similarly, S matches the newline at the end of a tine: abcS matches abc only if it is the last t~l"g on a line before the newline. Of course these can work together' :-- "abcS matches a 'ine that contains ~nl~ abc, and AS matches on'y emoty tines (lines 17-35 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERIHG SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 17.0 reXT MANIPULATION AND CONVERSION UTILITIES 11.20 fIND - FIND PATTERNS IN A FILE containing only a newline). Any of the text patterns above that ~atch a single character (eyerything but A and $) can be followed by the character to make a text pattern which matches le.tb: 2t:: It"~t.1 success iwe occurren~es of the single character patterh. The r~sulting pattern is cal ted a ~lQSY~•• For example, a* matches zero or more a's; aa. matches ~n~ or more a 1 s; (a-zl* ~~tches any string of zero or more I ower case I etters. * Since a closure matches zero or more instances of the pattern, which do we pick if there's a choice? It turhs out to be most conveni ent to match the 1.sUHl.e~1 possibl e str·ing even when a null string match would be equally valid. Thus [a-zA~Zl* matches an entire word (which may be a nutl string), £a-~zA-·'l][a-zA-Il*rnatches an entire word (one or more t e t t er s but " f) t a n u 'I s t r i n g) , a n d • matches a whole tine (which may be a nutl string) • .Any ambiguity in deciding which part of a line matches a patterh is resolved by choosing the match beginning with the Ll!tl!1~·it character, then choosing the 1~Q~&~1 possible ~atch at that point. So [a-z][a-zO-~]. matches the leftmost FO~TRA~ identifier on a tine, (.*) matches anything between parentheses, and •• matches an entire line of one or more characters (but ,",ot a line containing onl y a new lin e) • * * Finally, no pattern matches across a 'i~e often most natura' and useful, and it preve~ts an eating up an whole file. ~oundary. ~nwise.* This is from 17-36 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 17.0 rEXT MANIPULATION AND CONVERSION UTIL1TIES 11.20 fINO - FIND PATTERNS IN A FILE The previous discussion introduced a t)t of new notation for matching text patterns and regular expressions~' Here is a summary of what went before. c 11t~Lal ~b~t~~lAL • aQ~ ~h~L~~lAL A bJ.91n.nlns jlf .110.1 $ ln~ [ ... ] , 21 lin~ ( for example s ) except new1ine ( null string before the newtine ) (anyone of example, £IJkl.n]. matches the integer identifier. ,b~~~'l~L ~1~~~ [- ••• l n.l~.i.t.e,d ~.b.a£'.I~.tAt. 'l,1i~ * ~!jl~llJ:.Jl these char~cters fir~t~ char~cter of ). for a fortran (all but tA!Se characters) (zero or more occurrence 1)11 previolls pattern) tlc Any special meaning of characters in a text escaped, inside a [ ••• ], or for: A not at beginning $ not at end * at beginning A character class consists of elements, surrounded by [ and ] : zero is lost when or nore of the following character, inc Iud i n g [ c l i t era I a-c ran g e of characters (d i 9 i ts ,lower' or .. oatt~rn negated character class if at a c e sea p e dc h a rae t e r ( _.. i- Special meaning of characters in a lJ P per case J etters) begl~nl~g _ tl a): J char~cter class is lost when CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 Decelllber 84 REV: itA SES User's Handbook 17.0 rEXT MANIPULATION AND CONVERSION UTILITIES 11.20 FIND - FINO PATTERNS IN A FILE escaped or for : - not at beginning ( for example [a-9jllg]' ) at beginning or end, for exampl e t-+:zl-' or [+-abc-] tiAtJl : the fol towing CHANGE 2Itt~£n three ~Yl!s.11tlltlgD~: i~at'tf:t:tfs apply to the utility described in the next seetlo~. A syl!atllytlQB consists of zero or more of the following elements: character c Ii terat & ditto, that is, whatever was c escaped character ( An Jl.l.GaaJl J.Cgu.JlnGJl single character : a& ) consi sts of the an newl i ne at tab ac c ( including a ) matc~ed char"acter' i follo .. ed by a 17-38 CDC - SDFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 Oecember 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 17.0 TEXT MANIPULATION AND CONYERS ION UTIl~ITIES 11.21 CHANGE - CHANGE LINES THAT MATCH SPECIFIED IlATTERt'fS CHANGE changes patterns in a file. The frbM and to patterns may be speci fi ed on the control statement, or' the, may be given as the first two lines of an argument file. Both frbm and to must be specified, ~L a pattern file may be qiven via the with or using parameter. If none of these parameters ar~ supolled, CHANGE takes Its pattern argument from file input. Para~eter~ to CHANGE are t i or f : name of Input file which is to hav~ Its patterns changed. fro .. : (optiona') character string which to be matched. r~presents the fro. string to : (optional) character substitution string. string with or using: (optional) name of a patterns on two separate are lowercase patterns can't be entered via the onto or 0 which r "e p r "e sen t s the to file co"tainfng the frOM and to lines. Th f s f 11 e is us ed If ther e i nth e f r -() !II () r t () 0 ar am e t e r s whie h control statenent. J : (optional) name of file to receive the Output from CHANGE. If you don't code the 0 parameter, the output appears on file output by default. ExaMples of CHANGE ~sage ses.change .yflle fro. ,A[O-51.' to '~~IRK." END CHANGE "YWIlE -) OUTFtlE REVERT. ses.change oldflle using patflle REVERT. END CHANGE DlOFIlE onto outflte 17-39 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 11.0 TEXT MANIPULATION AND CONVERSION UTtLIT1ES 17.21 CHANGE - CHANGE LINES THAT MATCH SPECIfIED PATTERNS The fir~t example shows CHANGE locating a'l 1ines that have an arbitrary number of digits between 0 and 5 at the beginning of the line, and changing the pattern so found fntG the string f=MARK-' followed by the string of digits that was foand.' The second example shows CHANGE operating on a fite, where the pattern arguments are supplied via the argument file patt.'e. CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERI~G 17-40 SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 17.0 TEXT MANIPULATION AND CONVERSION UTILITIES 17.22 XLIT - TRANSLITERATE CHARACTERS XLIT transliterates characters in a file. The fro. and to patterns may be specified on the control $t9te~e~t. or they may be given as the first two lines of an argume!lt ftte. Both fro. and to must be specified, 2t a pattern file maY be given via the Nlth or using parameter. If none of these parameters ar~ supplied XLIT takes its pattern argument from fj'e f",~u·t.t P';arameters to XLIT ar e : I or f : name of Input transliterated. file which is to hav@ its characters frOM: (optionat) character string which to be transliterated. r~presents to: (optiona') char~cter string transliteration string. III It h or us i ng : (opt i 0 na I ) patterns on are lower Which can't onto or 0 whfe~ the fro. string r "e p r GROUP * • • HISFIlE -) GROUP ANYFIlE -) GROUP REVERT. END CONCAT M'FIlE •• ANYFIlE -) GR~UP ses.concat (grab,hold,grip,clutchl g-t.tefl"", n"msg REVERT. END CONCAT GRA8 •• CLUTCH -> TITEfiN 18-15 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV'4A SES User's Handbook 18.0 MISCELLANEOUS USEFUL GOODIES 18 • 9 SCAT T 'E R- SCAT T ERA 11U L T IRE CORO F I l'E Tn nr H~R SCATTER copies the records of a multi r~eBrd other files. Parameters to SCATTER are: fiJ~ F Il ES to a number of • or f : list of names of Eiles or aember '11.s to which the records of the singte file are to be copled. ~ames may appear in the list more than once, if yOu ~ant to divert sundry records to the same file. 9 ot group : (optional) name of GROUP fi'e cont~ining t~e records to be copied. If YOU don't code the g par~meter, SCATTER uses the value of profile variable grotJP, and If there's no such variable defined, uses the file ~a~e grbu_. nr : if you code this (optional) k:~~ SCATTER does Q21 rewind the group fite before starting the eooy~ sequence. If you don't code the nr k~~' SCATr~~ r~winds the group file before doing any copying. Ex •• pies of SCATTER ~sage ses.catalog newprox GETPXDB •• TEXT TOOlDOC •• TEXT GENCORS •• TEXT GENREV8 •• TEXT REYERT. END CATALOG NEWPROX GET"AIl~~TEX' CAPS9q~.~'EXT COMPARE •• TEXT ses.scatter (cerblc'Y8rnel,taYlot,cerb'c,v.rhel~berbtc,footte), •••• •• 1 g-neMprox REVERT. END SCATTER ses.catalog cerblc CERBIC •• FODTlE GETPXD8 •• TEXT COMPARE •• TEXT REVERT. END CATALOG CERBte <-'~EVPROX GENREfa~~r~X' varnel TOOLDOC •• TEXT GENCDRS •• TEXT REVERT. END CATALOG VARNEl The example ShOMS how SCATTER is used to separ~te the records from the file neNprox onto the different Flies gl'~n in the list on 18-16 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 18.0 MISCELLANEOUS USEFUL GOODIES 18.9 SCATTER - SCATTER A MULTI RECORD fILE Tn the SCATTER catl. The CATALOG procedures "before and after" effect of SCATTER. ar~ OTHE~ FILES used here to show the 19-1 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User 1 s Handbook REV: 4A 19.0 HANDLING UPDATE PROGRAM LIBRARIES For those who use UPDATE as the source text maintenance regime for software development, the set of SES orQcedures described be'ow supply a fairly easy to use interface to JPOATE. A short summary of these SES procedures appears first, with the more detailed descriptions following. The SES procedures to drive UPDATE are as follows: GENUPCF GETOECK U!date tompile Eile." Ge"er~tes a compile file for specified decks with ~01sets optionally applied. Either a Quick mode or Full mode JPOATE can be performed. i~~erate ~fIllf.t.K ( s pr et i min ary ) for t oa editing. This is intended as a GENMOO(S) prbcedure usage in order to generate modsets. GENMODIS) Ha~ification Sets for deeks on a Pl. GENMOOS uses the SCOOP uti I i ty to compar"e two fit' es and generate UPDATE modification directives. GENUPSF if tier ate Ufdate UPDATE ~E~erate S,ource f i I e. generated for specific decks modsets optionally applied. A or S our'ee common applies a list of modsets to a~ old orot:Jr"am creates a new program I i br ar y. 'e may be decks, with f I library and 19-2 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 19.0 HANDLING UPDATE PROGRAM LIBRARIES The update procedure interfaces use onl if thr'ee pr'ofi Ie vari ables, but these are of great utility when yo~fr~ working on the same Pl for t ongi nterval s. The proff levari abtes· ar'e : oldpl name of the program library to be used when generating compile files, edit 'iles and so on. It Is the default for the pi or oldpl parameter on t~e or~cedures. neMpa name of a new program library ~hen rb1ning the UPDATE procedure. It is the default for the npl or newpl parameter on the UPDATe procedure. ploNner fL updtMCC O~~E! program the un is the user name of library resides. parameter on all the the It~ catal~g is the in which default the for pro~edures. U!Qale Haster Control Character. If you'r~ working with such things as 'stash PllS', this prbfile variable is useful for overriding the standar~ ~aster control character which is the asterisk (.) character~ 19-3 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User'S Handbook 19.0 HANDLING UPDATE PROGRAM LIBRARIES 3' In order to get the best use out the UPDATE interface facilities, it is anticipated that user. ~il1 follow the set of working procedures outlined below. o Most of the procedures work on the co~cept of applying modsets to an existing program library, and ~n'y mak1ng a new program library at fairly infrequent interva's. say once every two weeks or so. This allows many oeople to be working on unconnected decks at a time, with one per.on controlling the building of new program libraries. o To make modifications to a deck, use GETOEtK to generate an EDIT fILE (plus a COMPILE FILE); edit the edit file, then use GENMOO(S) to generate modsets w~lch can then be used In subsequent GENUPCF runs. o To make major changes to decks, use of the deck out, and edit that. GE~~P5F to get the source The working scheme suggested here has been in use, successfufly, for some time. It is fer easier to compre~e,d and handle than it Is to be 'manually' creating correction sets.( Pfctor'ia.lly, the scheme looks something like this: 19-4 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 19.0 HANDLING UPDATE PROGRAM LIBRARIES +--_._-----+ , +....~.- .....-.......--~...-.+ I +....... ~-~--..--...-+ : •• • • ••• GETDECK :------- EDIT FILE -------) • +------+----+ • •• • t I: •• ---_._----+• :• • • • EDIT : + : :I ~ •• -f COMPILE FILE ••, I +--------.---+ : : • +---------->: GENHOO(S) •• I: •• EDtr~D FILE •• I :<------------+ : + :I +-----+----+ •• •• MOOSETS •• •• -+---+------+ •• I +----------+: - 1- - - - - - . CMEW I]'1Pl l E : f GENUPCF : + :1 FilE • +-_.-------------+ To show hOM this goes in practice, on the next page there's an example of a complete session of work invnlving the three widely used procedures GETDECK, GENMOO(S) and GE~U~CF. ~e want to generate modsets for decks "delta", and "mu" thro~gh "ohi~. User typing is In lower case, and NOS messages in UPPER C~SE. It Is assumed that the program library - PROGlIB - is specified in yo~r- profile. 19-5 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES Userts Handbook REV: 4A 19.0 HANDLING UPDATE PROGRAM LIBRARIES ses.getdeck d-(detta,mu •• phi) * * GENERATING COMPILE FILE COMPILE GENERATING EDIT FILE EDTFIlE REVERT. END GETDECK EDTFIlE, COMPILE <~ ~~OGl18 edit,edtfite ••• editing sess ion ••• EDIT,EDTFILE ses.genmods any.ods jan0879 cd·(delta,mu •• ~hl) REVERT. END GEMMDD COMPILEaEDTFILE -> A~YMODS ses.genupcf any.ods GENERATING COMPILE FILE COMPILE REVERT. END GENUPCF COMPilE (- PROGlIB * As you can see from the example, the a~o~,t 3f typing you do is small, there are in fact only four com.ands (excluding the actual edit session commands), the system does the r~st~ CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 19-6 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 19.0 HANDLING UPDATE PROGRAM LIBRARIES 19.1 GENUPCF - GENERATE UPDATE COMPILE FILE GENUPCF generates a compile file for any soeeifled UPDATE program library. Modsets can be aoptled also. GENUPCFare: decks on an Parameters to .. or mods : is an (optional) list of names of fifes c~ntainjng modsets to be applied against the Pl when gener~ting the compile fi 1 e. One or both of the mods oar'aMeter and the d parameter mY~l be specified. d or all: is an (optional) list of deck names to be placed on the compile file. If the all kl~ Is coded, this implies a full update in which caseQ.2 a~~!s. ;l:aU::i ibg,'jJla ~l ilUUi.lf.laA. One or both of the mods and the d parameter mll.s.1 be specified. cf : (optional) name of the file to r.celve the Compile file. If you don't code this parameter. the com~ife file appears on a file called compile. pi or oldpl : (optional) name of the UPDATE proqr~~ '1br~ry from which to generate the compile file. If y~u do~'~ code the pi parameter, GENUPCF uses the value of or~ff'e variable oldp' as the name of the program I ibrary," and if there's no such profile variable defined, uses the name ol~pl. un : (optional) name of user in whose catalog the program library resides. If you don't code t~e un parameter, GENUPCf uses the value of prGr"e v9rlable p'owner (Pl OWNER) as you name, and if there's "0 such profile variable defined, GENUPCF uses the name of the curr~nt user. status or sts : these (optional) ~C~~ are used for those cases where GENUPCF Is being used as a bujtdl~g block of a larger procedure. The NOS Job control register EFG Is set to zero (0) in the event of a successful eomoletion, and to non 19-7 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 Oecefttber 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 19.0 HANDLING UPDATE PROGRAM LIBRARIES 19.1 GENUPCF - GENERATE UPDATE COMPILE FILE zero if the UPDATE process bombs F~r any reason. If status is not specified and an error occJr~, the procedure EXITs • • 5g or nOllsg : contr~' the generation of these (optiona') ls..el:~ informative messages by this pr~cedur~ and are fully described in the section entitled "IMfORMATIVE MESSAGES FROM SES PROCEDURES". Me : (optional) Haster ,haracter to be used instead of the standard master character (*). Ir YOU do,'~ code the .c parameter, GENUPCF uses the value or orofile variable updtmcc, and if there's no such Dr+1file var'iable, uses the default master character asteris!( (*). Examples of GENUPCF U$age ses.genupcf lIodfile GENERATING COMPILE FILE COMPilE REVERT. END GENUPCf COMPILE <~ ROlDPl * ses.genupcf .-C.odsl,mods2), d-(alldlg,whtt's.deflnes), plaanypl GENERATING COMPILE FILE XPANDEO REVERT. END GENUPCF XPANOEO <- ANYPl * The first example shows the simplest usage of GE~UPCF to generate the default compile file compile from 3 sourbe program library called moldpl (Haster DLDeL) whose name is )r~s~ma~'Y defined in the user's proffle. The compile file is ge,er~ted by applying the modsets in the file aodfile. The second example shows a slightly l~r~ com~1 Jeated situation where you are applying a fist of modsets a~d soecirying a list of decks to be placed on a compile fite called xpa~ded. The compile fi'e is to come from a source program Ilbr'ar',/ cal'led anypl. 19-8 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES Userfs Handbook REV: 4A 19.0 HANDLING UPDATE PROGRAM LIBRARIES 19.2 GETOECK - GET DECK'S) fOR EDITING GETDECK is used to produce two files 'r~m an UPDATE program library: a compile fjle with sequence number~ and an edit file without sequence numbers. The edit file Is atter~d using an editor or suchlike. The two files can then be used as inputs to GENMOO(S) to produce UPDATE correction sets. Parameter~ to GETOECK are: ,. or mods : is an (optional) to be applied and edit files. d parameter m~~t 0' list of names rft~s containing modsets against the Pl when gener~ting the compile One or both of t~e mod. parameter and the be specified. d or decks or c or COMS or a.1 t is an (optional) list of deck (Jr' eO!Qmon deck names to be placed on the compile and edit fttes. If the all k~~ Is coded, this implies a full update In ifhich case Q£l "'i~!s. aJD1~~ s..b!UI1.a tu~ i2JU~.L!lis1. One or' both of the lIods and the d p ar a met era n d the .0 ds p ar am e t e r''t: he s pee I fie d • ef : (optional) name of the fite to r~cel.e the fdit file. If you don't code this parameter, t~e edit rite appears on a fi Ie called edtfile. pi or oldp. : (optionat) name of the UPDATE progr~~ library from which to generate the compile file. If vou dontt code the pi parameter, GETOECK uses the value or arbffle variable oldp' as the name of the program librar~~ and I ' there's no such profile variable defined, uses t~e name oldpl. un I (optional) name of user In ~,ose catalog the program library resides. If you don't code the un parameter, GETDECK uses the vatue of pr~'ile v~r'abte ploNner (Pl OWNER) as you name, and if there'~ 10 such profile variable defined, GETDECK uses the name of the curr~nt user. cf : (optional) name of the file to r~celve the compile file. If you don't code this parameter, the compile fi Ie appears on a file called compile. 19-9 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 19.0 HANDLING UPDATE PROGRAM LIBRARIES 19.2 GETOECK - GET DECK(S) FOR EDITING status or sts : these (optional, k~~i are used for those cases where GETDECK is being used as a but'ding block of a larger pro c e d u r e. The NO S job con t r 0 I r 'e g i s t e r" EF iG iss e t to Z e r 0 (0) in the event of a successful completion, and to non zero if the UPDATE process bombsror' is not ms g me : 0 specified and an error 8T\y ocour~, r·eason. If status the procedure EXITs. r noms 9 : contrb' the generation of these (optional) 11~.l~ informative messages by this pr~cedur~ and are fufly described in the section entitled "INFORMATIVE MESSAGES FROM SES PROCEDURES". (optional) 'ttaster ~haracter to be used instead of the standard master character (*). If you do,'t code the me parameter, GENUPSF uses the value or profi1e variable updtmcc, and if there's no such pr~ftte var"lable, uses the default master character asterisk (t). Example of GETDECK US4ge ses.getdeck * * (tist,of,todays,.odsets,to,apo1~,~galnst~the,pl) GENERATING COMPilE FILE COMPILE GENERATING EDIT FILE EDTFIlE REVERT. END GETDECK EDTFIlE, CO"PIlE <~ SOlDPl This example shows a whole raft of modset~ 3P3tfed to a program I I bra r yw h 0 sen am e you d e f i ned as S OLD!) L' ( S"u J) e r 1J 1.12 e1. ) I n the profile. The compile file and edit file na~es take their defaults of compile and edtfile. The edit file edtff'~ ~9Y now be edited to provide a basis for a GENMOO(S) run to generate so~e more modsets. 19-10 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User 1 s Handbook 19.0 HANDLING UPDATE PROGRAM LIBRARIES 19.3 GENMOO(S) - GENERATE MOOSETS FOR UPDATE GENMOOIS) uses the SCOOP utility to compar~ two files a new file and an old compile file with sequence nu~bers - and produce an UPDATE correction set which can subsequentl, be used by the other UPDATE interface procedures. Parameters to GE~'OO(S' are: .. or mods : (optiona') name of file to receive the ~enerated modsets. If you donlt code the. parameter~ GE~M]O(S) places the generated modsets on a fife called modsets. 1 i or id or 'dent : (optional) name of the IOENT to a03ear- as the first 'ine of the generated Modsets. If you do~'t code the Ident parameter, the 'dent name defau4ts to that of the file specified by the _ parameter. c or cd : (optional) 'ampile ~irectives are the ~ame(s} of deck(s) to be compiled when the modsets ar~ event~al I, applied in a compile file generation. Ranges If decks may be specified. n or neM : (optional) name of the NEW fi'e (the edited file without sequence idents). If you don't code the neM parameter, GENMOO(S) uses edtfi'e, which is the de'a~~t edit file name generated by GETOECK. o or old: (optional) name of the OLD file fe()'ftl'i'e fl'le with sequence idents). If you don·t code the ~'d par~meter, GENMOO(S) uses compile, which is the dera~tt comoi.e file name generated by GETDECK. mc : (optional) ~aster ,haracter t~ be used instead of the standard master character If YOlJ do,' t code the IIC parameter, GENMOO{S) uses the valUe of profile variable updtMcc, and j f there's no such or~file variable, uses the default master character asterisk (tl. '*). 19-11 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User'S Handbook 19.0 HANDLING UPDATE PROGRAM LIBRARIES 19.3 GEHMOO(S} - GENERATE MODSETS FOR UPDATE Examples of GEMMDD(S) ~sage ses.genmods .-today Id-Jan08 cd.(decka.dek'~stJ REVERT. END GENMODS COMPILEsEDTFllE -) rnDAY· ses.genmods tuesday Jan09 new-good old-broken REVERT. END GENMODS BROKENIGOOD -) TUEsn" CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 19-12 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 19.0 HANDLING UPDATE PROGRAM LIBRARIES 19.4 GENUPSF - GENERATE UPDATE SOURCE FILE GENUPSf generates a source file for any specified UPDATE program library. Hodsets can be 8G,1ied also. GENUPSF are : 11 decks on an Parameters to or mods ; is an (optional) list of names or 'ifes containing modsets to be appl ied against the Pl 14t,efl generating the source fite. One or both of the m~d$ para~eter and the d parameter my~t be specified. d or decks or e oreoms 0 r alldeck or al'com : is an (optional) list of the things to be pJaced on the sour ce file. d or decks is a Ii st () f llEC.!S. to be pi aced on the source 'ile. c or COMS is a list ~. :DB~g~ DE'KS to be placed on the source file. Coding the altdeck or the a II COli J1il.!.~ i n die ate s t hat a f u. , mod e UP d ate i s to be performed, in which case QQ ~:~11 Qillti ih2·~!.st 111 ~2!t~1!1.e.d. One or both of the .ods and the decks parameter mY~1 be specified. sf: (optional) na~e of the file to receive the Source file. If you don't code this parameter, the sour~e file appears on a file called source. p' or un 0 I dp I : (optional) name of the UPDATE pr~Qr~m 'lbr~ry from which to generate the source file. If you dBn't code the pi parameter, GENUPSF uses the vatue of prbftie variable oldpl as the name of the program library, and If there's no such profile variable defined, uses the name oldpt. I (optionat) name of user in whose catalog the program library resides. If you don~t code the un parameter, GENUPSF uses the value of profi'~ v~rtable ploNner (Pl OWNER) as you name, and if there t , ~() such profi'e variable defined, GENUPSF uses the name of the current user. 19-13 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 19.0 HANDLING UPDATE PROGRAM LIBRARIES 19.4 GENUPSF - GENERATE UPDATE SOURCE FILE status or sts : these (optional) h~~i are used for those cases where GENUPSF is befng used as a building btock of a larger procedure. The NOS job control r~g'ster· eF~ is set to zero (0) i nth e even t 0 f a sue c e s sf ul e O\'ft e t i on, and to non zero if the UPDATE process bombs for'any r'e sson. If status is not specified and an error occur~, the procedure EXITs. p' IIsg or nOtlsg : contrbt the generation of these (optiona') llXi informative messages by t his ~ r '0 C e d u r 'e an dar e f Iy described in the section entit'ed "I~FJRMATIVE MESSAGES FROM SES PROCEDURES". u' IIC t (optional) ~aster Character to be use1 instead of the standard master character t*). It you do~Jt code the me parameter, GETOECK(S) uses the v~1ue of prof tie variable updtmce, and j f there's no such orbflle varlabte, uses the default master character asterisk C.). Examples of GENUPSF Usage ses.genupsf c.'gitSmes" pl-.esp" un-jeJ01'2 GENERATING SOURCE FILE SOURCE REVERT. END GENUPSF SOURCE <- MCSPl * ses.genupsf 'modsone,modstMo), d-deckone •• ~ecktMo, s-newfile • GENERATING SOURCE FILE NEWfIlE REVERT. END GENUPSF NEWFIlE (- OLDPl The first example shows GENUPSF used to place a common deck onto the source file (which defaults to sourbe since it wasn't specified). Note the use of string detl~iter~ (') because the common deck name gitSmcs has a $ sign in it. Also in this example both the program I ibrary name and user· name where it is to be found are specified. The second example shows a pair of modsets bein~ applied to the program library called oldpl in order to generate a source fite fo~ a range of decks deckone thru decktw~, with the source file appearing on a fi Ie called newflle. 19-14 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 19.0 HANDLING UPDATE PROGRAM LIBRARIES 19.5 UPDATE - UPDATE PROGRAM LIBRARY WIT~ :JRRECTION SETtS) UPDATE applies a list of modsets against ao old program library pr 0 du cea n eM pro g rami i bra r yin UP 0 AT E f 0 f!1l at. 1 The 0 t dan d new program library names can be the same, in ~~Ich case the old program library is rewritten. ~At. t that progra~ 'ibrar~ creation is the ~nl~ function performed by this UPDATE orbcedar. s1muttaneous compile file generation is n~1 done. Para.eter~ to UPDATE are: to Mods or tit : list of one or more fite(s) co't~i"ing the MODification Set(s) to be applied against the prbgr~m t1brary specified by the pi parameter. pi or oldp' : (optional) name of OLD Program llbrarY t~ be updated from the correction set file. If you do~tt code the pi parameter, UPDATE uses the value of prbfl'~ variable oldpl as the name of the program librar~~ 3"d I ' there's no such variable defined, UPDATE uses the defa~'t name oldp'. npl or ne"pl : (optional) name of New Program llbr~r~ tu be created when the up d ate has bee nco mpte ted. r f y '0 U do,' t cod e the np I parameter, UPDATE uses the value of pr~fl'e variable neMp' as the name of the new program I f br~arv, and if there's no such variabte defined, UPDATE wrltes the new program library over the old program library soecified by the pI parameter. un : (optional) User Name in whose catalog t~e program librar~ specified by pl/npt Is to be fouIld, if plf'np' is not in the catalog of the current user. Ir you don't code the un parameter, UPDATE uses the vatUe of profile variable ploMner as the user name fro~ whose catalog the p~ogram library Is to be obtained, and if there's no such variable defined, UPDATE uses the current user's catalog. lock or nolock : the s e ( 0 p t ion a I) par am e t e r s d e t e r ',. i n e \If h e the r the pro g ram library update process is interlocked ~galnst simultaneous updates; coding 8 filename 'nr' the lock parameter d e t e r min est hen am e 0 f the i n t e r , () C k f t t e. ; I n t e rio c kin g i s 19-15 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 19.0 HANDLING UPDATE PROGRAM LIBRARIES 19.5 UPDATE - UPDATE PROGRAM LIBRARY WITH CJRRECTION SETlS) t h eg~!.i\lltact j on when ttl e pr ogr"811 1 i brar'y being updated is in another user's catalog. Ir ybu do,'t code either of the lock or nolock ~~%~, interloe~lng is control led by the lokmode profile variable. Re'er' to the introductory sections of this chapter fGr' infor~mation on the interactjons of the 10k_ode profi'e variable and the lock and nolock parameters. If you do~'t code a ft lensma for the lock parameter, the conte"ts of profile variable intrlok is used as the interlock fi1en~me; if there's no such profile variable, the name Illtr~'ok Is used as the lock ft 'Jename. The inter lockf i Ie JlUI1t: be In tile same catalog as the program lIbrary being ~Gdated. If the interlock file cannot be found, the procedur~ abor~s. status or sts : tho see a s e s w her e UP DAT E being used as a building b'3Ck a larger procedure. The NOS Job control register EFG is set to zero (0) in the ev~nt of a successful completl3n, and to non zero if the UPDATE process bombs for any reason. I' status is not specified and an error occurs, t~e pr~ced~r~ EXITs. the s e (0 p t ion al) lt~ ~i a fe us e d f () r" is IIsg 0' or nomsg : these (optional) k~~i control the gener~tlon of informative messages by this procedure and are Pull, described in the section entitled "INFORMATI/E MESSAGES FROM ses PROCEDURES". (optional) ~8ster ~haracter to ~e used Instead of the standard master character (*). If yoU don4t code the .c parameter, UPDATE uses the va'U~ of ~rofile variable updtllCC, and if there's no such ~rQfi'e fariable, uses the default master character asteris~ I t ) . 19-16 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 19.0 HANDLING UPDATE PROGRAM LIBRARIES 19.5 UPOATE - UPDATE PROGRAM LIBRARY WITH :J~RECTION SET(S) Exa.ple of UPDATE Usage ses.update 'Monday,tuesday,friday), * * * * pl.eQbol~1 APPLYING "ONDAY •• fRIDAY TO COBOlPlNEW LIBRARY ON SESTMPl HEW LIBRARY NOW ON CDBOlPL SESTMPl PURGED REYERT. END UPDATE COBOlPL This example shows a list of modifications in fites Monday, thursday and frlday applied against the cobQI,l pr~gram library. 20-1 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 20.0 STRUCTURED PROCESS TOOLS The structured process tools are a set of Qesign Dictionary utilities, Computer Graphics Design tOGaS and CYBIl to Structure Chart tools. They support the structured A"al'S~s'Structured Design (SASD) methodology used for development of software. SCADG creates or updates OFO, SCT ani OSO diagrams used in the SASO methodology. SCADGEDIT a uti I ity that enables a user to edit,: copy, reorder, merge and list title infar~ation 'for diagrams in notebooks created by SCAOG. SCADGEOIT does not required a graphics terminal. DDCREATe creates a design dictionary. DDOISPLAY displays the contents of a desiq1 dictlon3TY. DDHERGE merges two dictionary. design dictionaries into a new, third design DDXREF prepares a dictionary. cross DDXCHK checks a design dictionary for co"siste,cy. DDHREF produces hierarchical expansil)n entries in a design dictionary. DDEDIT pro v ide s f 0 r interactive editing dictionary. reference '·istlng repor"ts C) f of design a selected for e" t r" e s in a des j g n 20-2 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 20.0 STRUCTURED PROCESS TOOLS CYTOSeT creates graphics notebookfi' es,; of str'ueture eharts CYBll source code. CYTODD is the first phase of CYTOSCf.' CY'rnoo creates a design dictionary for input into ODTOSeT (see note below on advanced design dictionary). DDTOSCT creates graphics notebook files str~cture charts from design dictionary fites produced by CYTODD (see note below on advanced design dictionar~). FTNTOSCT creates graphics notebook files of structure charts from FORTRAN source code. FTNTODD is the first phase of fTNTOSCT. F~~TOOD creates a design dictionary for input into O?raSCT (see note below on advanced design dictionary). from 3' 20-3 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES SES User's Handbook 18 December 84 REV: 4A 20.0 STRUCTURED PROCESS TOOLS The Computer Graphics Diagram tool supp~rts the Data F10w Diagram (DFO), Structure Charts (SeT) and Data 5tr~ctJr~ Diagram (OSO). These diagrams can be created., printed, saved, r"eca' led and updated usi og a CDC 721-30, IST-III or TEKTRO'4I(t 4014 Gr'aphi csTerminal. The CDC 721-30 requires the 721-301 Graphies'ffr~"ar~ option. See the "Applicable Documents" section of this document for the Manual that supports the SCAO Graphics. The Design Dictionary Utilities provide a set of creation, updating, checking and printing functi~~s. The Oesign Dictionary cons ists of CREATE, DISPL,AY, MERGE, XCHEC:<,~ XREF,- HREF and EDIT functions. See the "Applicable Documents~ sectlon of this document for the manual that supports the Design Dictionary. The Cyall and FORTRAN to Structure Chart toots create graphics notebook fites from CYBIl or FORTRAN sourbe oode. The process consists of two procedures, CYTODD or FT~fnOD a~d DDTOSCT. The procedures can be run separately or as a sing'~ procedure, CYTOSCT or FTNTOSCT (see note below on advanced design dIctionary). See the NOS GRAPH Graphics User's Handbook in the "Applicable Documents" section of this document for the manual that SUDPorts the CYBll and FORTRAN to Structure Chart toots. HOTE: The design dictionaries produced by the evaIt and FORTRAN to Structure Chart tools area n ad V 31'1 C e d version of design dictionary. These advanced design dlctlonaries are nAt compatible with the current design dictionar~' tools, DDCREATE, OODISPlAY, etc. 20-4 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 20.0 STRUCTURED PROCESS TOOLS 20.1 SCADG - CREATE OR UPDATE SASD OIAGRA~S The SCAD Graphics tool, SCADG, sUD33rls the creation and maintenance of Data Flow Diagrams (OFO), Data Structure Diagrams (OSO) and Structure Charts (SCT). These dlagr~~s are the primary diagrams used in the SASO technique. It is ass~med you are familiar with SCAD. Parameters to SCADG aret ntbk . (optional) name of the initial fi1~ to be used as the sou r c e no t e b 0 ok • 1 f thi spa r 'a ,. e t e r' i s not co d ed, SC AD G uses the value of the profile varl'~b'l! ntbk. If the ntbk parameter is not defined in the ~s~rts pr~'i'e, SCADG uses the filename NOTEBK. The ntbk ~otebook is copied to a working file, SESTHNB, if the Atbk and newntbk notebooks are the same file; otherkise, the ~orklng notebook is the newntbk notebook. If the ntbk"l'e does not exist, SCADG creates a new notebook. neNn tbk ~ : (optional) name of the file to r~oelve the updated ntbk notebook. If the newntbk para"eter Is omitted or is the same as ntbk, the new or updated ~Gtebook is copied back over the ntbk file. term: the ter. parameter specifies t~e user~s terminal type. Valid terminal type entries are: ''-1, IST'3 or TEK4014. If this parameter is not coded, 5:A~G uses the value of the profile variable term. If not de'ined in the user's profile, SCADG requests the termi'la' type.' baud : represents the baud rate of your terntnal. Acceptable values for each terminal type are as 'o"ows: 721 300, 1200, 2400, 4800 or 9600. 1ST] 300, 1200 or 2400. TEK4014 - 300, 1200, 2400, 4800 or' 9600. If this parameter is not coded, SCADG uses the va'~e of the profile variable baud. If not defined in the user's prb'11~, SCADG requests the baud rate. hardcopy : Indicates co'nnected. whether the terminal This parameter may be has Qive~ a hardcopy values of device 'YES', CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES SES User's Handbook 20-5 18 Oecember 84 REV: 4A 20.0 STRUCTURED PROCESS TOOLS 20.1 SCADG - CREATE OR UPDATE SASO DIAGRAMS ty1, 'NO' or IN'. If this para~eter is not coded, the value of the profile variable har~coP' is used. If not defined in the user's profile, S:4DG r~quests whether a hardcopy device is present. egm : refers to the Extended Graphics M~dule of the TEK4014. Acceptable values for the egm par~~eter' are tYES', 'V', 'NO' or 'N'. The eo. parameter does not apply to IST3 or 721 terminals. If this parameter Is ~Gt coded, SCADG uses the value of the pro f i 'e v arl a b If! e gift. . If not defined in the user's profl Ie, SCADG requests i-fhether" EGM is present. sync : refers to Synchronous or Asynchr~nous ~ode for a TEK4014 t e r min al. The s yn c p ar am e te r doe s no tap P , 'y to IS T3 or 7 Z1 terminals. Acceptable values f () r' t 11 es yn cpa r a fR e t e r are 'A' or'S'. It this parameter is Aot coded, SCADG uses the value of the pr~flle variable $Y~c. If nBt defined in the user's profile, SCADG requests whether the terminal is r~nning in A or S mode. 20-6 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User 1 s Handbook 20.0 STRUCTURED PROCESS TOOLS 20.1 SCADG - CREATE OR UPDATE SASD DIAGRA~5 ExaMple of SCADG Usage SES.SCADG NTBK-HYBOOK NEWNTBKa"Y~E~BK ENTER TERMINAL TYPE (IST3. 721 O~ TE~'Ol'l ., 721 WHAT BAUD , 9600 RATE (300·, 1200, 2400, ~800 OR 9600) WITH HARDCOPY, (YES OR NO) , Y * * * * PREPARING SCADG - PtEASE WAIT BEGINNING SCADG 2.1 UPOAT ING I1Y8:J{J1(;' OLD NOTEBOOK • HYBOOK ~EW _.> t1YNEWBK ~OT~BOOK , TYPE IN COMMAND ( SCADG Interactiye session) REVERT. END SCADG, NOTEBOOK * * * * PROCESSI~S- COMPLETE • HYNEWBK 20-7 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 20.0 STRUCTURED PROCESS TOOLS 20.2 SCADGEDIT - OIAGRAM HEADER EDIT £ LIST, NOTEBOOK UTIL. The SCADGEOIT SES procedure provides a ~ti'lt, for listing the diagram title blocks a,d notebook Parameters to SCADGEDIT are: editing and maintenance. ntbk : (optional) name of the file containing the notebook. If this parameter is not coded, SC\DGEOIT uses the filename NOTESK. The ntbk notebook is cooled to a working fite SESTHNB if the ntbk and neMntbk natebooks are the same ftle, otherwise the working notebo~k Is the newntbk notebook. No changes are made tn the ntbk notebook unless it is also the new notebook and t~e~ on1, after SCAOGEOIT terminates. newn'tbk : (optional) name of the fite to be us~d as the new notebook. If this parameter is not coded, disposftl~n depends on the profile variable oldeqneM. If ther~ 15 no such variable defined in the profile or oldeqnew-has a v~lue of FALSE, SCAOGEOIT writes the notebok t~ the fite NEWNTBK. If oldeqn~N has a value of TRUE, SCABSEOrT~ wr1tes the notebook back to the ntbk notebook. I : (optional) name of the file to r~celve the listing output from SCADGEDIT. If this parameter is not coded, then SCADGEDIT wi II use the fi I ename lISTI~G for' t isting output. dIlle: (optional) name of the fi'e containinq dfrectives, in NOS 64 character set format, for the SCAOGEOIT processor. If this parameter is not coded, then SCADGEDtT accepts directives froll the terminal ()r, '''' ttle case of a batch Job, from the filename INPUT. rt.e elflle file is pewound before i t is used. print (optional) parameter to control the PRI~Ting of the output, file. When the job runs in bat~h mode and there is no I fite, one copy is printed auto~atica'lv. If running the pro c e d u r ei n toe a I mode, no cop i e i a r ~e printed unless the user specifically codes some print ~arameter. For example, I I 20-8 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: itA SES User's Handbook 20.0 STRUCTURED PROCESS TOOLS 20.2 SCAOGEOIT - DIAGRAM HEADER EDIT & LIST, ~J'TEBOOK UTIle you code prlnt=c:3 to obtain three copies of the I file. The format of the print parameter'ls tf1at of the parameters for the PRINT procedure. 20-9 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV t4A SES User's Handbook 20.0 STRUCTURED PROCESS TOOLS 20.3 DDCREATE - CREATE A DESIGN DICTIONARY' The OOCREATE function takes a user text i,put ri'~ and creates Design Dictionary (DO) file. Parameters to DDCREAfE are: a I : (optional) name of the file co't8fnl~g the source for creating the 00. If you don't code the I parameter, then OOCREATE uses the value or the profile v~rl~b'e ddt, and If there's no such variable defined in your profile, then DOCREATE uses the filename ODTE(1'.' The I file is rewound before i t is read. new : (optional) name of the file onto ~hlch the new DO is to be wrltten. If you don't code t~e new parameter, then DOCREATE uses the value of the prbfite varl~b'e ddnew, and If there's no such variable defined in your profile, then DOCREATE uses the file name NEWDD. Exa.pte of ODCRE.r~ Usage SES.DOCREATE IaHYTEXT, NEW·"'~EMOD BEGINNING DD CREATE ( Addltiona' infor •• ti.~ _essages froM DOCREATE ) HYTEXT ----) "YNEVOO REVERT. END 00 CREATE * * This example shows DOCREATE used to create a ne~ design HYNEWOO, from the text in the source file ~'TEXT~· dictionary, 20-10 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 20.0 STRUCTURED PROCESS TOOLS 20.4 ODDISPlAY - DISPLAY A DESIGN DICTIO~lRY' The DOOISPlAY function extracts entries rrh~ a design dictionary and writes them to an output text file. Extr~ction criteria are specified by directives on a directives '.1e or by specifying a dtlst P8rameter~ Parameters to DDDISPLAY ~r~ : old : (optional) name of an old design dlcttonar~ file from which entries are to be extracted. If yOU don't code this para_eter, then DOOISPlAY uses t~e val~e of the profile v a ria b ted dol d , and if there's n 3 S lJ C h v 8 r'la b t e defined in your profile, then OOOISPlAY uses the 'Iten~me OLDDD. o ; (optional) name of the file tu recei~e the output from If you don't code this parameter, then OODISPlAY uses the value of the ~rbff1e Y~riable ddo, and If there's no such varj abl e defined i" yotJr' pro fll e.. then DDDISPLAY uses the filename ODfEXT.t The 0 fite is not rewound. DOOISPlA Y. df II e : (optional) name of the file contaf~lng dlr~ctiyes, in NOS ASCII line-image format, to the DDOISPlAY processor. If you don't code this parameter, ODDISPlAY uses the value of the profile variable dddfile. If there's no such profile variable defined in your profile and a dflst parameter Is not specified, then ODOISPlAY accepts dlr~etlyes from your terminal or, in the case of a batch .Job, flr'om the filename Input. The dflle is not rewound. If YOU code the dflle parameter, don't code a d'ist paraleter. dl'st : (optional) parameter specifies a OODISPL1Y directive or directive list. Acceptable values for dt"st include: all, allh, data, file, flow, co.po,.ent.·· 8,'ement, process, processh, .odule, dfd, dfdh, s~t. noty,e, and undef. Directives of the form 'psn nt mav· also be included in the d. 1st. Cod i n g the d' 1st p ar·1 1ft e te r' I s eq u i va' en t to specifying directives on a dflle (directives) file. If you code the dllst parameter, don't c~de the dflte parameter. b : 20-11 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 20.0 STRUCTURED PROCESS TOOLS 20.4 ODOISPlAY - DISPLAY A DESIGN OICTIO'ARY . (optional) name of a Base librar,~ to be updated. If you do not code the b or the m paramet~r~ dls~f~y output is not placed in a ~ase Library. If yau c3de the m parameterl but not the b parameter, the b parameter defaalts to SASE. : (optional) name of the Common ~odu'e to be created from the display output. REPMOO replaces the. module on the b Base library. If you code the b para:1teter' and not the II parameter, the. parameter defaults fo DICT. pr i nt : (optional) parameter to control the PRINTing of the output, o file. When the job runs in batch ~ode and there is no 0 file, one copy is printed automatlea1ty. If you run the procedure i n I 0 C 8 I mod e "J no cOlli e s are 1) r ""I n ted u nl e s sy 0 U specifically code some print para~eter. Fnr example, you code prlnt-c a 3 to obtain three conies of the parameter 0 fite. The format of the print par~~eter is that of the parameters for the PRINT procedure. Exa.ple of DDDISPLl'· ~s8ge SES.OODISPLAY. OLOa"YDlDDD, O·l~STIT~ BEGINNING DD DISPLAY ACCEPTING DISPLAY DIRECTIVES * ( Add i t Ion a I I n for II • t "I ve _ e S S I ~ e s fr $0 1ft DF~lE·DOWHAT [) DOl S P LAY ) • MYOlDDD ----) LISTIT REVERT. END DO DISPLAY This example ShOMS DDDISPlAY used to dis,lay selected entries from the design dictionary, MYOLDDD. The dtr~etiyes for selecting entries Mere read from the file DOWHAT. If the d'11~ parameter had been omitted, directives would have been r~ad from the file INPUT. The listing of formatted design dlctionar~ entrl~s was written to the file LISTIT In the order selected by the directtves read from the file DOWHAT. The band _ parameters are useful for' inctudlng sections of the design dictionary as sections of a~ ~na'ysis and Design Specifications document. 20-12 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERIHG SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 20.0 STRUCTURED PROCESS TOOLS 20.5 ODMERGE - MERGE TWa DESIGN DICTIONARIES The ODMERGE function combines two desig~ dictionaries to Parameters to DOMERGE ar~ : produce a new, third DO. old: (optional) name of the old design dictionary file with which you wish to merge another dei~gA dletfonary. If you don't code the old parameter, then DD~ERGf uses the value of the profile variable ddold, and If therets no such variable defined in your profile, the~ OOMERGE uses the filename OLDOO. neN : (optional) name of the fife onto which the new DO is to be written. If you don't code the new oar~met~r, then DDMERGE uses the value of the profile v~r18b1e ddnew, and if there's no such variable defined In YGur prbfile, then OOMERGE uses the file name NEWOO. ",erge : (optional) name of the design dictfon~r~ Pile you wish to merge with the old design dictionar~. If you don.t code the merge parameter, DDMERGE uses t~e v~lue of the profile variable dd.erge~ and if there'~ ~o such variable defined in your profile, then DOMERGE uses the filename HERDD. replace: (optional) ~~X causes entries cont~fned I~ the old design dictionary whose names are duplicated by entries contained in the merge design dictionary to be REPL4CE t d by the merge design dictionary entries. A ri'~ named ~DlOG will contain a list of duplicate entries and t~e action taken in each case. Example of OD"ERGE Usage SES.DDMERGE, OLO-MYOlDDD, "ERGE·~ERGEDD, N€W-MYNEWDD, REPLACE BEGINNING DD MERGE • "YOlDD + MERGEDD ----) MYNEVDD REVERT. END DO MERGE * This example ShOMS the use of DD"ERGE to eo~blne entries from the CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 20-13 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: itA 20.0 STRUCTURED PROCESS TOOLS 20.5 DDMERGE - MERGE TWO DESIGN OICTIONA~IES design dictionaries "YOLOOD and HERGEOD to for. a new design dictionary MYNEWDD. If an entry name Is defined iA both MYOLODD and MERGEDD then the def'nition used In creati"1 My~eVDD is taken from "ERGEDD. If the REPLACE parameter had been o~ltted, the definition froll MYOlDDD woul d have been used. In· case an explanatory record is written to filename DOlOG. 20-14 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook 20.0 STRUCTURED PROCESS TOOLS 20.6 DOXREf - CROSS REFERENCE A DESIGN REV: 4A DICTI0~ARY The OOXREF function produces a formatted cr~ss r~rerence listing of part or a.1 of a design dictionary. P3r~~eters to ODXREF are; old: (optional) name of the old design dictionary file from which you want a cross reference 11sting. 1 If you don't code the old parameter, then DDX~E~ ~ses the value of the profile variable ddotd, and if ther~'s ~o such variable defined in your profile, then ODXREF uses the filename Ol DOD. I : (optional) name of the file to receive the output of ODXREF in a form suitable for printing ~n the ASCII printer. If you dont t code the I parameter, ttten !)!)XREI=' uses the value of the profile variable ddt. I' ther~'s no such variable defined in your profile, and you'r~ r~nnl~g DOXREF LOCAL at your terminalf the output appears ,~ a fi'e calted LISTING. The I fite is not rewound. ret : (optional) parameter selects the type or entries you want to be included in the cross refer~"ee tlsting. Acceptable values for fef are: flow, co.pone~t, el~.e~t, 'lie, data, process, lRodu t e, dfd, set, notype,' unde', . and t. 8' width: (optional) parameter selects the page width of the output listing written to the I file. Acceptahle values for width are printer or ter. (for ter~inat ~1dth). If you don't code the width parameter, then OD~~EF lJses' the value of the profile variable ddNldth, and if ther~·s no such variable de f i ned i n your pro f i I e, your list i "g wi' 1 be for mat ted fa r a .ine printer. print: (optional) parameter to control tne PRI~T'ng of the output, I file. When the Job runs in bateh ~ode and there Is no I 'ile, one copy is printed autom~tica'1Y. If you run the procedure in local mode, no copies are prInted unless you specifically code some print par~~eter. For example, you code print-c-! to obtain three copies of the parameter I 20-15 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 44 20.0 STRUCTURED PROCESS TOOLS 20.6 OOXREF - CROSS REFERENCE A DESIGN DICTIO~ARY file. The rormat of the print par~~eter parameters for the PRINT procedu,"e. fs that of the Ex •• pte of DDXREF Usage SES.DDXREF, OlO-"YOlDDD, l.LISTlr~- REF-ALL, WIDTH-TERM * BEGINNING DD XREF (Add i tiona' t n forll at I we .. 8SS ages f,,'o1t'! DOXREF) *REVERT. HYOLODD LISTIT END OD XREF ----> This example shows the use of OOXREF to obt~in a terminal width cross reference listing of at. sections of the design dictionary "YDLOOD. The cross reference listing witt be on the local flle LISTIT. Prtnted copies could have been obt31ned bv adding a PRINT parameter. For eKample, PRINT-(C-3,Ha'XllST') w~uld have caused 3 copies with a header XlIST to be printed. 20-16 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES ses User's Handbook 20.0 STRUCTURED PROCESS TOOLS 20.7 DDXCHK - CHECK A DESIGN DICTIONARY F1R 18 December 84 REV: 4A Ca~SISTENCY The ODXCHK function runs a cross cheek against a design dictionary. A formatted listing is ~rbduced ~hich contains the names of entries which meet crlteria selected by the check parameter. Parameters to DOXCHK are: old : (optional) name of the desiQ" dictio~ary fite you want cross checked. If you don't code the old parameter, then ODXCHK uses the value of the proff1e Y8rlabte ddold, and if there's no such variable defined In your" prof tie, then ODXCHK uses the filename OlOOO. I : (optional) name of the file to recelve the output of DDXCHK in a form suitable for printing O~ the AS:!1 printer. If you donlt code the I parameter, t~en ~OXCHK uses the vatue of the proffle v~riable ddt. If ther~'s no such variable de fine din you r pro f i Ie, and you'''' 'er U fl n i fl g 0 OX CHK 1oc a , a t your terminal, the output appears on 3 fit~ calted LISTING. The I file is not rewound. check : (optional) parameter specifies the ki,d of consistency check you want run against the ~Id desIgn dictionary. Acceptable values for check ar~l under, unret, noref, r e cu r , and f u I I • pr I nt : (optional) parameter to controt the PRINTing of the output, I 'ile. When the job runs in bat~h ~~de and there is no I fi leJonecopv is printed autol1tatieaJ tv. If you run the oDXCHK pro c e du r e i n I 0 e 8 I mod e " n 3 c () pie s are p r I n ted unless you specifically code some prInt paTameter. For example, you code prlnt-c-Z to obtain two copies of the parameter I file. The format of the print parameter Is that of the parameters for the PRI~' prbcedure. 20-17 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User.s Handbook 20.0 STRUCTURED PROCESS TOOLS 20.7 ODXCHK - CHECK A DESIGN DICTIONARY Fn~ CO~SI~TENCY ExaMple of DDXCHK Usage SES.ODXCHK, OlDa"'OLDDD, lalISTIr;" CHECK-fUll * BEGINNING DD XCHECK ( Additional Infor.ative *REVERT. "VOlDDD ----> LISTIT END DD XCHECK .essages~ frbm DDXCHK ) 'ut. This example shows the use of DOXCHK to per~orm a cross check of the design dictionary MYOLODO. The crbss check listing witt be on the tocal file lISTIT. Printed copies c~u'd hav~ been obtained by adding a PRINT parameter. 20-18 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 16 December 84 REV: 4A SES User·s Handbook 20.0 STRUCTURED PROCESS TOOLS 20.8 DOHREF - HIERARCHICAL REF EXPANSIONS ~~R A DESIGN DICT The DOHREF procedure produces Hierarchlea. REE~rence reports for selected entries in a design di~tionary~ expansion old: (optional) name of the design ~ietto"ar~ file from which you want hierarchica' reference ex~ansions. If you don't code the old parameter, then OO~~Ef uses the value of the profile variable ddotd, and if there's no such variable defined in your profile, then ~OHREf assumes the design dictionary Is on a file called OlDOD~ I : (optional) name of the file to receive the output of ODHREF in a form suitable for printing 3rl the 4SCII printer. If YOU don·t code the I parameter, theA nOHREf uses the value of the profile variable ddt. If there Is no such variable defined in your profile, then OOH~E~ outp~t appears on a file catted LISTING. The' file 1s flot rewound. dIlle t (optional) name of "'e containf~g NOS ASCII line-image format. dir~ct1ves to DDHREF in enter/noenter : (optional) k.~ controlling se'~ctfan of interactive directive input to DOHREF. Enter selects interactive directive input vi a your terminal keyboard. The default Is noenter (I.e., no term. nat inter·~ctl on).1 If a df. Ie was specified, interaction Mould occur after DOHREF reads the df II e. I eve.s : (optional) maximum number of hlerarchica' levels to which DDHREF will expand design dictionary entries. If specified, the value must be an f"teger 'rom 1 to 10; the default value is 5. droots/nodroots a (optional) k~J controlling selectfo" o~ t~e OOHREF derived roots entry name expansions. 5~ecify'nQ droots causes these entry names to be expanded at the e~d of your OOHREF CDC - SOFTWARE fNGINEERI~G SES User's Handbook 20-19 SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A 20.0 STRUCTURED PROCESS TOOLS 20.8 DDHREf - HIERARCHICAL REf EXPANSIONS FOR A DESIGN DIeT session~ Specifying nodroots causes DDHREF to onl, expand the user supplled entrJes in the supplIed root list. The default value is nodroots If the e~ter key is specified, otherwise the default value is drbots. pr I nt : (optional) parameter to contro,l the pr"lnting of the I (output)fite. When this job runs' in batch mode and there is no I file, one copy is prl~ted automatically. If you run the DOHREF procedure in loeal mode, no copies are printed unless you specifically code some prlnt parameter. For example, YOU code prlAt-c=2 to ohtain two copies of the parameter I 1i 'e. The format of the pr"lnt parameter is that of the par~meters for the P~I~T orbcedure. 20-20 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 20.0 STRUCTURED PROCESS TOOLS 20.9 ODEDIT - EDIT A DESIGN DICTIONARY ODEDIT allows you to interactively exa~lne and alter the contents of a design dictionary on an entry-by-e~tr~ basis via directives that you enter from your terminal. Parameter~ to DDEDIT are: old: (optional) name of an existing desl9n d1etJonary that you want to edit. If you don't code this parameter and also don't specify the create key (descr1bed below), then OOEDIT uses the va' u e of the pro f i , e v a r '1 able d dol d , and if there's no such variable defined in your or~rlle, then the filename OlODD is used. new : (optional) name of the fite onto ~~leh the new edited DO Is If you don.t code the ~eM parameter, then DOEOIT uses the value of the p~o'l'e varlable ddnew, and if there's no such variable defined in your profile, then the filename NEWOO is used. to be written. scr J (optional) name of the file that co~talns or will contain entries you wish to add or r~o'ace in your design d i c t ion a r y. If you don • t co d e the s c r' p ar am e t e r, the n DDEOIT uses the value of the profJI~ varlable ddscr, and if there's no such var I abl e deti ned 1l'l V3lJr profi t e, then the filename SCRATCH Is used. e : ~ (optional) name of the text editor' you want to use to edit entries on the ser file. Aeee~t~b'e values for e are XEDIT, EDIT, EDT or FSE. If you donft code this parameter, DOE 0 I T uses the value of the p r'o f i1 e v a r "a b led de, and t f there's no such variable defined in ,our profile, you'll get XEDIT as your editor. create : (optional) hA~ when specified indicates to DOEDIT that you want to begin a new DO. If you code the create k~~1 you can't code the old parameter. 20-21 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 20.0 STRUCTURED PROCESS TOOLS 20.9 OOEDIT - eDIT A DESIGN DICTIONARY ExaMple of DDEDIT Usage SES.DDEDIT, OlD-H'OlDDD, * BEGINNING DD EDIT ENTER DDEDIT DIRECTIVE. NEW."YNE~OD~ (Additional DOEDIT/User REVERT. SCR·~YSCR, e-FSE Inter~ction) END DO EDIT This example shows OOEDIT being used tG edit an existing design dictionary, "YOlDDD. During the ODEDIT session, text editor FSE is used to edit 00 entries contained on the fi1e MYSCR. When the DOEDIT session is terminated, the edited ~~ is to be written to fite "YNEWDD. 20-22 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 20.0 STRUCTURED PROCESS TOOLS 20.10 CYTOSer - CYBIl TO STRUCTURE CHART5 The CYBll to Structure Chart tool, CYTnSCr~ creates an SCAD graphics notebook from CVBll source c3de. CYTOSCT performs the combined functions of the CYTODO and DOTJSCT tools. Input to CYTOSeT Is syntax error free CYSll sourbe code. The CYTOSCT tool creates: 1) 2) 3) a graphics notebook. a table of contents listing and a1 index listing of the graphics notebook. a cross reference listing of the desi~n dictionary (if selected). (See note on advanced design this section.) dictf~nary at the beginning of Parameters to CYTOSCT are: input or i : (optional) name of the ,tte co"tatning error free CVBIl source code. It you don't code t-lle I par'ameter, CYTOSCT uses the value of the profile varl~b'e cdl~ If there is no such variable defined in your pro'I'~, CYTQSCT assumes the CYBIl source Is contained 00 a ft'~ "a~ed CDMPILE. ntbk : (optional) name of the fl1e onto which t~e new notebook is to be written. If you don't c?de the ntbk parameter, CYTOSeT uses the value of the pr~fl'. Y~riable ntbk. If there is no such variable defined in your profile, CYTOSCT uses the filename NOTEBK. nllst: (optional) name of the file onto Mhie~ the table of contents and index 'istings for t~e ~otebook are to be written. If you don't code the ntlst- parameter, CYTOSCT uses the value of the profile varl~b'~ n'lst. If there is nos u c h v a r I a b led e fin e din you r" p r -0 r 1 , e,. CYTO SCT use s the filename NlIST. order : (optional) parameter to contro. t~e or~er of the structure charts that are generated. If the I)rder 3arameter is coded as A, the structure charts are pr~duced In alph.beticat CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES SES User's Handbook 20-23 18 December 84 REV: itA 20.0 STRUCTURED PROCESS TOOLS 20.10 CYTOSCT - CYBIL TO STRUCTURE CHARTS order. If the order parameter is eoded as H, the structure charts are produced in hierar'ehieaf· or'der. The default value for the order parameter is l. newdd : (optiona.) name of the fite onto which the new design dictionary is to be written. If y~u do~.t code the newdd parameter, CYTOSCT uses the value o' the profife varlable ddnew. If there Is no such vartable defined in your profile, CYTOSCT uses the filena~e OONEW. xref : pr i (optiona') name of the fife onto which a cross reference listing of the new design dlctionar~ 1s t~ be written. If you donf t code thexref parameter,· CVTOSCr· uses the value of the profile variabte ddxr~'. If t~ere is no such variable defined in your profiie. no cross reference I i sting is gener ated. nt : (optional) parameter to control prlntfng of the nlist and xr ef f i I es. If you code the pr i nt- keywor'd J on ecopy of each of the files is prlnted. You eode prlnt-c-2 to obtain two copies of each file. The ror~at of the print parameter is that of parameters for the SES.D~t~T prbcedure. un : (optional) user name associated with fltes used by CYTOSCT. If you don·t code the un parameter~ CYTDS:T uses the value of the profile variable cyun. I' ther~ Is no such variable defined In your profile, CYTOSeT assu~es the files are in the current user's catalog. Note: If un is not the current user 1 s catalog, the ntbk and newdd files 1ftus.t exist with write permission. In local mode CYTOSCT allows the use of local files for nllst and xref fii~s, but In batch mode t h es e f i I es mu s t ex i s t wit h wr i teo !l e r 111 is s ton. CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERI~G 20-24 SERVICES 18 December 84 REVt4A SES User's Handbook 20.0 STRUCTURED PROCESS TOOLS 20.10 CYTOSer - CYBIl TO STRUCTURE CHARTS Example of CYTOSCT ~sage SES.CYTOSCT I-COMPILE NEWDO-ODFIlt, ~T8l(.Hf3FIlE •• NlIST=NTBKlST * BEGINNING CYTOSCT V 1 ON eO~~llE -~ DOFllE, NBFIlE * BEGINNING CYTOOD V 1 ON COf1PIl'E _.) ODF'IlE • * • END CYTODD COMPILE ----) DDFi[l'E BEGINNING DOTOSeT V 1 ON DDFtIll: -> HBF'ILE * • * * * * • • • CREATING UNFORMATTED NOTEBOa< CONSOLIDATING NOTEBOOK FORMATTING NOTEBDOK END CYTOSCr COMPILE -> N8FIlE,' NTBKtST REVERT. This example shows CYTOSeT creating a ~e~ 00 'il~, DDFllE, and a new graphics notebook, NBFIlE. from the C'yqIl sour'ce code found on file CO"PILE. The table of contents and index listings of the notebook are on the permanent file NTBKlST.f 20-25 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 20.0 STRUCTURED PROCESS TOOLS 20.11 CyrOOD - CYBIl TO DESIGN DICTIONARY The CYBll to Design Dictionary tool, CYT100. Is the first phase of the CYBIl to Structure Chart tooL,' CYT1)SCT. The CYTODO tool creates a design dictionary that is input tG the DOTOSCT tool (see note on advanced design dictionary at the beginni~g of this section). Parameters to CYTOOO are: input or i : (optional) name of the compile fif~ containing error free CYBll source code. If you don't code the I parameter, CYTODD uses the value of the prbf'Ie yarlable cdt~ If there is no suchv8riable defined 1" your' profile, cyrOOD uses the filename COMPILE. neMdd : (optional) name of the file onto ~~Ich the neN DO is to be written. If you don't code the newdd parameter, CYTOOO uses the value of the profile var'~b'e dd~eM. If there is no such variable defined in your' profi'e, CYTaDO uses the filename OONEW. xref : (optional) name of the file onto ~hleh a cross reference listing of the new design dictlonar~ Is to be written. If you don't code the xref parameter, CVT11>D lJses the value of the profi Ie var iable ddxref. If tn~r'e is no such variable defined in your proflte, no cro;s r~fer~nce listing is generated. pr 1n t : (optiona') parameter to control pr1nting the xref file. If you code the print keyword, o"e COGY or the file is printed. You code prJnt-caZ to obtain two copies of the xref file. The format of the prlAt Dar~meter is that of the parameters for the SES.PRINT Dr~cedure. 0' un : (optional) user name associated ~Ith '11e$ used by CYTODO. If you don't code the un parameter~ CYTOO~ uses the value of the profile variable cyun. If there Is no such variable defined In your profile, CYTODO assumes fites are In the current user's catalog. Note: If un 1s not the current user.s catalog, the n,wdd file ~ust exist with write ·20-26 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Hand~ook REV: 4A 20.0 STRUCTURED PROCESS TOOLS 20.11 CYTODO - CVBll TO DESIGN DICTIONARY permission. In local mode CYTOOD 1'lo~s the use of a local file for xref, but in batch mode xr~r must exist with write permission. Example of CyrODO Usa~e SES.CYTODD I-COMPILE HEWDO-DDFILE • BEGINN ING CYTODD V 1 ON COrtlP'tLE --> ()Df ItE CYBIL COMPILING COMPILE BEGINNING CREATION OF DDFILE PROCESSING TEXT FOR MODULE ~n{)l PROCESSING TEXT FOR "ODUlE ~002 ENO CYTOOD COMPILE ---) ODFiIL'E * * * * * REVERT. This example shows CYTODD compiling source code found COMPILE and creating a design dictionary ()/l fite Or.lF!llE. on 'I'e 20-27 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: itA 20.0 STRUCTURED PROCESS TOOLS 20.12 DOTOSeT - DESIGN DICTIONARY TO STR~CTURe CHARTS The Design Dictionary to Structure Chart tool, DOTaSeT, Is the second and last phase of the Source Code to Structure Chart tools, eYTOSCT and FTNTOSCT. The DOTOSeT tool cr~ates an SCAD graphics notebook from a design dictionary created by CyrOOO (see note on advanced design dictionary at the begf~"lng of this section). Parameters to OOTOSCT are : 01 ddd : (optional) name of the fife co~tal"ing the design dictionary created by cyrono. If you don.t code the olddd parameter, OOTOSCT uses the vataa of the profl Ie variable ddold. If there is no such v~rl~bte defined in your profile, DOTDSCT uses the filename DlOOO. ntbk : (optional) name of the fl Ie onto ~hteh the new notebook is to be written. If you don.t code the ntbk parameter, DOTOSCT uses the value of the pr~'fl. v3rlabfe ntbk. If there is no such variable defined io your prGfiJe, OOTOSeT uses the filename NOTEBK. nllst: (optional) name of the file onto ~hieh th.e table of contents and the index informatio" fOf' the notebook is to be written. If you don·t code the n'lst oarameter, DOTOSCT uses the value of the prof.le vafl~ble n'ist~ If there is no such variable defined in your pr~'t'e, DOTOSCT uses the f i I en8me NLIST. or der : (optional) parameter to control t~~ order of the structure charts that are generated. If the or~er- parameter is coded as A, the structure charts are ~r~duced in alphabetical order. If the order parameter is coded as H, the structure charts are produced in hierarchlea' order. The default vatue for the order parameter is A. pr I n t : parameter to control the ~rl"ting of the nllst cod e the p r I n t key If tl r "d , () n e cop y 0 f the f i I e is printed. You code prlnt-caZ to obtaln two copies of the nt 1st fi Ie. The format of the prl nt para"eter I s that of (optional) f i Ie. I f YO u 20-28 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 20.0 STRUCTURED PROCESS TOOLS 20.12 DDTOSeT - DESIGN DICTIONARY TO STRUCTURE CHARTS parameters for the SES.PRINT procedure. un : (optional) user name associated with 'iles used by ODTOSCT. you don·t code the un parameter~ DDTOSCT uses the value of the profile variable ddun. IP there is no such variable defined in your profile, OOT1SCT assumes that the o.ddd parameter file is in the current ~ser's catalog. Notel If un is not the current user's catalog, the ntbk file must exist with write permission. In 'beat mode DOTOSCT .IJows use of a local file for nlist, but in bate" mode nflst must exist with write permission. If Example of DDTOSCT Usage SES.DDTOSCT OlDDO-DDFIlE NTBK-NBFIlE BEGINNING DDTOSCT V 1 ON ODF«lE -~ CREATING UNFORMATTED NOTEBOa~· CONSOLIDATING NOTEBOOK FORMATTING NOTEBOOK END DDTOSCT DDFIlE -) NBFllE,MlIST REVERT. * * * * * ~8fIlE This example shows DOTOSCT creating a ,~w gr~phics notebook, from the file DDFILE. The notebook's table of contents and index listings are written to file NLIST. NBFIlE, 20-29 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 20.0 STRUCTURED PROCESS TOOLS 20.13 FTNTOSCT - fORTRAN TO STRUCTURE CHARTS The FORTRAN to structure Chart tool, FT~r'SCT~ creates an SCAO graphics notebook from FORTRAN 5 source c~de. FTNrnSCT performs the combined functions of the fTMTOOD and DOT]SCT toots. Input to FTNOSCT is syntax error free FORTRAN 5 sourbe code. Other versions of fORTRAN source code or FORTRAN 5 source code containing errors may be input to FTNTOSCT, but some code ~av not be recognized and wil' be bypassed. The CYTOSeT tool creates:1) 2) 3) 4) a graphics notebook. a table of contents listing and a~ index listing of the graphics notebook. a list file of the source code with line numbers. Any source code diagnostics wi 11 appear+ at the end of the list f i I e. a cross reference ,jsting of the design dictionary lif selected •• (See note on advanced design this section.) djctiG~ar, at the beginning of Parameters to FTNTOSCT are: input or i : (optional) name of the file contai~ing FO~TRAN source code. If you don't code the I parameter', I=!Tf\4TUSt:r uses the value of the profite variable ftnd1.1 If there is no such va ria b ted e fin e din v 0 U r pro f i 1'e • : F'TN r C1S eTa s sum e s t h e FORTRAN source is contained on a fit~ named COMPILE. ntbk : (optional) name of the fi Ie onte) Ifnich the new notebook is to be written. If you don't C3de the ntbk parameter, fTNTOSCT uses the value of the Dr~'l'~ v~riab'e ntbk. If there is no such variable defined in your profile, FTNTQSCT uses the filename NOTEBK. nllst : (optional) name of the fite ~~to which the table of contents and index listings for the ~atebook are to be written. If you don't code the rltist par'ameter, FTNTOSCT uses the value of the profile varl~bl~ nflst. If there is no such v a ria b led e f i ned i n your t) r -I) ~f Ie, FT NTO SeT uses the fi lename NlIST. 20-30 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook 20.0 STRUCTURED PROCESS TOOLS 20.13 FTNTOSCT - FORTRAN TO STRUCTURE REVs 4A CHART~ order : (optional) parameter to control the or~er Gf the structure charts that are generated. If the order" parameter is coded as A, the structure charts are ~rbduced in alphabetical order. If the order parameter is c!)ded as H, the structure charts are produced in hlerarchlca' order. The default value for the order parameter is A. mode or m : (optional) paramter to indicate t~e mode of the source I nput. If the mode parameter Is ",onseq. ~ l' the sour ce is considered to be written in nonsequenced mode. The mode parameter can also be seq which i~dfcates that the source line is preceded by a sequence ~u~ber~ The default value for the mode parameter is nonseq. newdd : (optional) name of the fi Ie onto lithic" the neM design dictionary Is to be written. If you do,",'t code the newdd parameter, FTNTOSCT uses the value of the pr~fite variable ddnew. If there is no such variable defined in your profile, fTNTOSCT uses the fi 'ena'ne DO'1EW.' list or I : (optional) name of a file onto which the source and any error messages will be listed. I' you d~nJt code the list parameter, FTNTOSCT uses the filename LISTING. _ref : (optional) name of the file onto ~hich a cross reference listing of the new design dtcti()nar~ Is to be written. If you don' t code the xref paT amet er. 'F!T~r (]SC ruses the value of the profile variable ddxrer. If there is no such variable defined in your profi'e, no cross reference , i s tin g I s g en er ate d • print: (optional) parameter to control prlnting of the, list, and xref files. If you code t~e prlnt keyword, one copy of each of the files is prlnted. You code prlnt-caZ too b t a i n two cop j e s 0 f e a c h r I Ie. i T " e for 'm a t 0 f the p r i n t parameter is that of the para~eter~ for the SES.PRINT procedure. 20-31 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User·s Handbook REV: 4A 20.0 STRUCTURED PROCESS TOOLS 20.13 fTNTOSCT - FORTRAN TO STRUCTURE CHART5 un : (optiona') user name associated with files used by FTNTOSCT. If you don't code t'he "rt par'smeterl fTNTOSCT uses the value of the profile varl~ble rtnun. If there is no sue 11 v a ria b , e defined in you r ~ p r h f i'e,: f TNT 0 SeT assumes the files are in the current user'~ cata13g. Note: If un is not the current user's catalog, t~e AeMd~ and ntbk files must exist with write permission. In 'beat mode FTNTOSCT allows the use of local ftles, for'Ilst, nllst and .ref files but In batch mode these files must exist with write permission. Example of FTNTOSCT SES.FTNTOSCT I-COMPILE NEWDD-DDFflE ~T8K·~BFllE •• NlISTaNTBKLST * BEGINNING FTNTOSCT V 1 ON co~PtlE -)DDfIlE, NBFIlE BEGINNING FTNlODD V 1 ON CO"~:{lE _.) [)flfllE • • * • END FTNTODD COMPILE ---> OflF*tlE, lISTING BEGINNING FTNTOSCT V 1 ON DOFllE -~ ~BFIlE * • * * * * • • • CREATING UNfORMATTED NOTEBOOK CONSOLIDATING NOTEBOOK FORMATTING NOTEBOOK END FTNTOSCT COMPILE -) REVERT. NBFILE~~ NTBKlST This example shows FTNTOSCT creating a ~~w OD ffte, DDFIlE, and a new graphics notebook, NBFIlE, from the F)RflA~ sour~e code found on COMPILE fi Ie. The tab Ie of contents and index I istings of the notebook are on the permanent fite NTBKLST~ A listing of the FORTRAN source and any error messages are on the rite LISTING. 20-32 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 Oecember 84 REV: 4A SES User's HandbooK 20.0 STRUCTURED PROCESS TOOLS 20.14 FTNTODO - FORTRAN TO DESIGN DICTIO~ARV The FORTRAN to Design Dictionary tool, F"~TOOD,' is the first phase of the FORTRAN to Structure Chart t~o', FTNf05CT. The FTNTOOD toot creates a design dictionary that is i'Dut· to the DDTOSCT toot (see note on advanced design dictionar~ at the beginning of this section). Parameters to fTNTODO are: input or I : (optional) name of the compile File c3~taining FORTRAN source code. If you don·t code the' parameter, FTNTODD uses the value of the profile varlable ft"dl. If there is no such variab1e defined in your profile, FTNlOOD uses the filename COMPILE. neNdd .: (optiona') name of the file onto Ahieh the new DD is to be written. If you don't code the newdd parameter, FTNTOOD us es the value of the profile varl~ble ddnew. If there is no such v a ria b led e f i ned in your· 0 r ·0 f it e, ~F TNT 0 0 0 uses the filename DONEW. mode or m : (optional) parameter to Indicate the ~ode of the source input. If the mode parameter is AO"Seq, all the source Is considered to be written in nonseq~enced mode. The mode parameter can a'so be seq which indicates that the source line is preceded by a sequence nu~ber. The default value for the mode parameter is nonseq. list or f : (optional) name of a fi'e onto which the source and any error messages will be I istad. If y()U don't code the list parameter, FTNTODD uses the file~a~e LISTING. xref : (optional) name of the file onto which a cross reference listing of the new design dictioAar~ is to be written. If you don't code the xref p8rameter~ FT~TJOO uses the value of the profile variable ddxref.' If there is no such variable defined in your profile aAd yOu don't code the xref parameter, no cross reference tlsting Is generated. 20-33 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User'S Handbook 20.0 STRUCTURED PROCESS TOOLS 20.14 FTMTODD - fORTRAN TO DESIGN DICTIOMlRY fl' pr In t : (optional) parameter to control pr'nti"g the 'Ist and xref parameter files. If you code the prlnt keyword, one copy of the file is printed. You code prlnt-c-Z to obtain two copies of each file. The the print parameter is that of the parameters for the ~ES.PRI~T procedure. 0' un : (optional) user name associated I f you do n • t ~ith "Ies used by FTNTODD. cod e the un par am e t e r ',. F TNT I) 0 0 use s the va' u e of the profile variable ftnun.~ If there is no such variable defined in your profile, FTNT1DD assumes fites are in the current user's catatag. N3tBl I~ un is not the current user's catalog the newdd fife must exist with write permission. In local mode FTNTOOn allows the use of local fites for list and xref, but in batc~ ~ode these files must exist with write permission. SES.FTNTOOD I-COMPILE NEWDO-ODFIlt BEGINNING FTNTODD V 1 ON CD~PflE -> DDFIlE GENERATING DD TEXT FROM CO~PflE CREATING DD DOFIlE FROM DO T!XT END FTNTODO COMPILE [)OFfltE,' LISTING REVERT. * * * * ----> This example shows FTNlODD using source c~d~ found on COMPILE to create a design dictionary on file DOFIlE.' 4 listing of the FORTRAN source and any error messages are on the 'II~ LISTING. Al-l CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook Al.O PROFILES A1.0 f&llEl1.fS. A PROfILE is an important, albeit optfonal~ component of SES usage. Any user may choose to establish a PROFILE In their catatog or procedure library. PROFILE follows the s~me r~4es as any SES procedure, that is, the name of the fit~ ~ust be PROFILE, and the first line at the profile must be the word P~OFIlE. From there on, the profile may contain just about an, SES ~ommand. The most important aspect of the profile is the SEA~CH directive, explained in the next section. Typlcal'y, the profile would be : types of things that a user ~8y place in the o a command to set a variable called PASSWOR to the user's password. Procedures which optton~llv rbn as batch Jobs can then get the user's password without having to be told i t on the ses control statement. o commands to establish defaults f3r 'ibr.r~ names (for the source code and library maintenance orbcedures), tape numbers (and related information for the tape ~anagement procedure), and other data for various procedures.' o SEARCH directives to establ ish a sear'ch or;der'for It is possible for a user to have ~or~ s e I e c t wh i chI) n e to use b y co din 9 t he PNor P control statement. procedures. one PROfILE, and a ra 'It e t: ar I) n the SES tha~ 0 For example, by coding: a user can use the file "a.ternate_profi'~" as t~e PROFILE for the duration of that procedure call. Also, a user may use This group of symbols treated as a syntactic surrounding meta symbols. t ~5 "Is de'ined to be". de~otes unit (item] This i. e. {item} This group of symbols denotes zero or more times. that iteM is to be In relation to group of symbols denotes that Ite. is optional, zero or one occur ences r of Item ar eat lowed. Spaces are used in the readability, however they are unless otherwise noted. th~t item may be used syntax descrlption to improve its not part 0' ~hat.s being defined CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 01-2 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 01.0 SEMI-FORMAL SYNTAX DESCRIPTION 01.1 THE HETA LANGUAGE There are 3 themselves are few instances where some of the meta symbols part of the syntax definition. and when this occurs the meta symbol is underlined, for examples" t means the: character and not the me ta s y mb 01 • When an _ a p pea r ·s a , 0 n e, I t mea n s i t se 1 f • 01-3 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV: 4A 01.0 SEMI-FORMAL SYNTAX DESCRIPTION 01.2 CHARACTER SET Characters used for NAMES ....... .. a •• z -. •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• A •• Z o •• 9 letters Decil1l~' Digits Under", ne 00 I far-' Sf g'" Pound Commer'cl a1 At Characters used for INTEGER CONSTANTS o •• <1 A •• F ( ) ••••••••••••••••••••• Deci1lat Oiglts • • • •• • • • • • Hexadecimal Digits •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Ope n Dar 'e nth e sis •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Close Par~nthesis a •• f Characters used for OPERATORS + *I == > < •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Plus Sign Minus Sign Asterisk Slash (Slant) Equal'S ign Greater Than Sign less r'llan Slq1l Characters used for PUNCTUATION I ( ) • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Blank (Space) Comma Open 0are'lthes;i s Close Parenthesis Period Character used for STRING DELIMITER • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Apostr~~he (Single Quote) Character used for COMMMENT DELIMITER .. • ••••••••••••••••••••••••• (Double) Quote 01-4 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV t 4A 01.0 SEMI-fORMAL SYNTAX DESCRIPTION 01.2 CHARACTER SeT (Default) Character used for & OElI'ITER SUBSTITUTI]~ •••• ~ ••••••••••••••••••••• Amper~qnd (Default) Character used for DIRECTIVE ~EADER \ •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Hut:: Any ASCII character not fisted i , the ab3Y~ character set has no meaning to the SES process~r~ These characters may however be used in strings, com'lentSt or as data characters. Rever~e Slash (Slant) 01-5 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 01.0 SEMI-FORMAL SYNTAX DESCRIPTION 01.3 SYNTAX 01.3.1 BASIC DEfINITIONS • "• •• 0 E • t F l T M l N : ::: a •• b •• c •• t t t d I : :-= A •• B •• • t Q t f Y I i q y • t •• ••• .. -• C J R Z j r z K S t k ••• s ••• : ; a 0 •, 1 ,, 2 •• 3 U • •• •• •, •, V G 0 t 4 •, 5 "• 6 •• 7 0 • E • F I 1 1 t t t f 9 0 W H p X W • e • f •• • 11 n • •, u • v •• 1 •• • •• • 1 h p )( t :::: A a •, • I 8 b C • • c •• d •, e •• t 1 • 'I 8 q f • ::= 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 1: 8 : q 11 : 12 : 13 : 14 : 15 : 10 1~ 01.3.2 TOKENS This section defines the building b'~c~s " SES syntax, coltectively referred to as tokens. The I~ter~at tOken scanner of the SES processor is made available to the pr~cedur~ writer by means of the built-in function TOKEN. : : : : ::= (alphabetic char> {(alphabetic char) : _ : , ! II ~ :: { : (declmat digit>) All names are limited to thirty-one char~eters in tength, except 01-6 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User 1 s Handbook REV: 4A 01.0 SEMI-fORMAL SYNTAX DESCRIPTION 01.3.2 TOKENS procedure names and procedure identifiers, ~~ich ar~ limited to ten c h a r act er s. Wit h the e)( c e p t i on of ::- :1:: (parameter name> :s= : :. .........- name) Ct= ,a~e) } [«base») (string) ::= '{ }' ::= , : ( : ) : = : • "• •• c.} :t- ![]()
: S : (mnemonic operator> ::= AND: OR : XOR + ~ - ! ++ ~= ~nT t ~: ~ ~= CDC -~ 01-7 SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV-: 4A SES Userts Handbook 01.0 SEMI-FORMAL SYNTAX DESCRIPTION Dl.3.3 USE OF SPACES 01.3.3 USE OF SPACES Before discussing when and how spaces define the syntax of comments. ca~ be used we witl first
::= "{ or (graphic operator) can be used to separate them. for example the spaces between the tnk~AS on the following lin e must be pr es en t: VI AND V2 whereas the following two expressions are equivalent: VI + VZ Vl+VZ Further, the following value list cont~ins 2 v~I~~s: ( X, -3 » whereas the next contains only 1 vatue: ( X -3 ) namely the value of the expression x-a. Spaces within character strings reor~se"t themselves, and comments may not be used In front of the \ ~hic~ occurs at the beginning of directive' Ines, nor fo'iowing the continuation signal at the end of directive or call lines. Lines ~Ithin procedures which are not directives or contlnuatfnns of dif~ctives or lines which are read using the ACCEPT directive, ar~ tr.ated as unquoted strings, and therefore spaces are significa"t In them. Whenever a line i s rea d by the S ESp roc e s s 0 r , t r a ill " g b 'an I( , c h afa c t e r s a r e del e ted • Also, i tis • ega f to precede the \ ~ f a dl re c tl ve I I n e by one or more blank characters. 01-8 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User's Handbook 01.0 SEMI-FORMAL SYNTAX DESCRIPTION 01.3.4 EXPRESSIONS 01.3.4 EXPRESSIONS ::= <.term) { } ::= OR : XOR ::= (tfactor> {AND <'primary) ::= { } ::= C++ (term» r ::= (operand) {.* GD) (~3ctor» ::= ( (expr> ) : : ::. ::= (variable na~~> (function reference> ;:= (argu1ents) (arguments> ::= ( (8rg> {, (arg)}] ) : (expr> ::= (expr) (string expr) ::. a:. (expr) " .ust resotve to an integer" " must resolve to a string " " must res31ve to an integer" " i f th e va' tJ e i s z er 0, t t " " is t~ken to be FALSE " " if n~~-~ero, It's taken " " to be TRJE " 01-9 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVIces 18 December 84 SES Userfs Handbook REV: 4A 01.0 SEMI-fORMAL SYNTAX DESCRIPTION 01.3.5 FOREIGN TeXT 01.3.5 FOREIGN TEXT Foreign text is primarily used for para~eter va'~es which are to be In turn used as parameter I ists (e.g.,' t() secl)ndary procedures) or simply to prevent the SES proceSS3r 'r~m evaluating an expression. The scanning of foreign text is totalt~ di"er~nt from scanning Dnormal" text. The characteristics of this special scanning are parentheses are "balanced" slng'e and double quotes are "matchedif not contained within parentheses, single quotes, or double quotes, the tokens: com~a, period, ellipsis f •• {.}), and close parenthesis ~I" ter~lnate the scanning (and thus the foreign text value). In addition, spaces whi ch are used to separate names. numbers', or s tr i ngs from names numbers or strings witl ter~lnate scanning; as will an "unenclosed" open parenthesis ¥fhich ftl)lfoNS a string or number (Note, that an open par~nthesls following a name does not terminate scanning - this Is because function references are allowed in for~iqn text but the foreign text scanner doesn't evaluate w~at i t scans, and thus does not know if the name is indeed the n~~e I)f a function). Foreign text may also be described as having the general format of an expression, but the expression is not eval~ated when scanned as foreign text. During scanning comments and b'~nks not contained within single quotes are "thrown away" and single b1ank characters are inserted between tokens which would other~lse not be separated. The following example Illustrates some 3f the forei gn text: Idfosyncracies \ \ vtist. '(a b c Cd et t.p qt"'r, st' 12](8) (x,ty+3)) count. VeNT 'v, 1st) • Z • value. VAlS (,'ist, 3) N 1 " \ slist. GENLIST ("ist. index) \ of )f • 4 " The first line defines a value list i~ the variable vlist. line 2 sets the variable count to the vatue 6. ll~e ~ sets the the variable value to the value: ceo E) and tine 4 sets the variable stlst to the v~'ue: 01-10 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User'S Handbook 01.0 SEMI-FORMAL SYNTAX DESCRIPTION 01.3.5 fOREIGN TeXT The next example illustrates how a as a ror~ign text parameter: \ \ \ \ \ pltst = count· low • high • s'ist = t( I-jntlle ·columns" para~eter cols.l.~BO VeNT (plist) VAlS (pi 1st, 2, LOY) VALS (plist, 2, HIV) GEMLIST (pllst, index) Count is set to 3; 10M is set to: high is set to 80; and sllst is set to: list may o-out ). be passed 01-11 CDC - SOfTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV; 4A SES User 1 s Handbook 01.0 SEMI-FORMAL SYNTAX DESCRIPTION 01.3.6 PARAMETER lISTS 01.3.6 PARAMETER LISTS (parameter list) ::= [(parameter) {[,]" (par'ameter>}] (parameter name) [=]] (v~l~e (value list) ::= •• ( [ ::~ ([,l (value>}] ) (yalue side> [ •• {.) list) 01-12 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 REV: 4A SES User 1 s Handbook D1.0 SEMI-FORMAL SYNTAX DESCRIPTION 01.3.7 SES PROCESSOR CAll 01.3.7 SES PROCESSOR CALL [,)
:1:11 [(control (proc call> : state~ent> statene~t>] ] [(csep)J} statements> } Because of operating system restrictions, a (parameter Jist> fotlowing the SES (processor name) must have expllcit punctuation. That is to say, commas must be used to seGar~te parameters (and values) and equal signs must be used to seoarate parameter names (keywords) from their value lists. Also, the operating system is not well aeqa~inted Hith IOHer case letters, so only upper case should be ~sed; ho~ever, NAM/IAF (or TELEX) and the SES processor alleviate this orobl~m by converting IOHer case letters to upper case on command and continuation lines. When (contro' statements> are used in a (S~S ca'I>, the SES processor insures that they are all "pr~Derly" t~rminated, i.e., each string is scanned ror a rlght parenthesis or per i 0 dan d i f n e i the r 0 f t h es e c h a r act e rs 1s f 0 lJ n d, ape rio d !If I I , be appended at the end of the stri,g; If however, a rlght parenthesis or period is found, the string wlil be left alone. NOTE that this is the on', validity checking 0' t~e ::= & ::= I : tt : #: $: ~: ' : ( : ) : + : -: I : ,.:.: • : ;}!, l .: ;: :: ? *:• : •t,' ""'1'11.1'1'1 . . . . . ... t_,~., (substitution char> ::= : (substitution> ::= (substitute> (substitution char> 01-14 CDC - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 December 84 SES User's Handbook REV 1 4A 01.0 SEMI-fORMAL SYNTAX DESCRIPTION 01.3.9 PROCEDURES 01.3.9 PROCEDURES (procedure) ::= (procedure identifier) {(procedure line>) (procedure line> ::= {(procedure line element)} : The process of substitution applied to an
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