Solution Brief Two Factor Authentication

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Solution Brief : Two-Factor Authentication
The Password as you Know it is Dead:
Welcome to the World of Two-Factor Authentication
In 2012, researchers at Fortinet’s FortiGuard Labs published a report that
predicted a marked increase in businesses migrating to two-factor authenti-
cation in 2013. Three months into the New Year, after a data breach forced
the company to reset 50 million of its users’ passwords, Evernote announced
plans to adopt two-factor authentication as a better means of securing its
users’ data. Other companies that have also recently made that transition
include Amazon, Apple, Dropbox, eBay, Facebook, Google and Microsoft.
According to TechNavio, the global two-factor authentication market is
expected to grow 20.8% between 2011-2015 (1). According to Markets and
Markets, the multi-factor authentication market will reach $5.45 billion by
2017(2). Finally, Fortinet’s FortiAuthenticator platform, which complements
the FortiToken range of two-factor authentication tokens for secure remote
access, has recently seen triple digit growth.
Why Single Factor Authentication is Doomed
“In the early days of Internet authentication, plain text passwords were often
sufficient, as the number of threat vectors were minimal and processing
horsepower and password repositories weren’t readily available to just
anyone,” said Richard Henderson, security strategist and threat researcher
for Fortinet’s FortiGuard Labs. “As newer password cracking tools, faster
processors and always-on Internet connections arrived, plain text passwords
started to come under fire. With the advent of cloud cracking services, such
as Cloud Cracker, which leverages the power of distributed computing, 300
million password attempts can be made in as few as 20 minutes for around
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• With recent increases in
processing power and the ability
to outsource password cracking
to the cloud, password-only
based authentication is no longer
sufcient to secure your critical
• There are currently four ways
to manage passwords, none of
which are completely infallible.
This necessitates the need for
businesses to investigate multiple
factors of authentication.
• Understand the multiple factors
of authentication available today,
the pros and cons of each and
determine the best ones to
choose for your environment and
unique business requirements.
Implementing two-factor authentication
lets you solve network authentication
security problems affordably by adding
a second factor for strong authentica-
tion. You cannot always trust your us-
ers with your network security. Relying
solely on static passwords for remote
access to your VPN and web sites
provides only weak authentication,
because your users’ passwords are
vulnerable to theft or guessing, as well
as dictionary and brute-force attacks.
Solution Brief : Two-Factor Authentication
$17, meaning even a strong, encrypted password
can be cracked with a little patience.”
There are basically four ways to manage network
passwords today and none of them are invulnerable
on their own:
1. Plain Text: This is the weakest method of
password management, because if an attacker
manages to steal a plain text password file, the
passwords of the server’s user accounts can be
easily swiped. The Australian Tax Office (ATO), The
UK’s Government Communications Headquarters
(GCHQ) and retailer Tesco are all recent examples
of companies that have been breached and
subsequently admitted to storing their passwords
in plain text.
2. Basic Encryption: This approach encrypts
and stores an individual password (known as a
hashed” file). However, a stolen file that’s been
hashed once really isn’t that much more secure
than storing the password in plain text. Advances in
CPU speeds and the availability of new password
cracking software and both lookup and rainbow
tables (precalculated tables of values that can be
cross-referenced) means that it’s only a matter of
computing resources and time before most hashed
password files are broken open.
3. Random String Encryption: This adds a
random string to each password and then encrypts
that value, which prevents an attacker from storing
tables of precalculated values and looking for
matches (this is known as a “salted hash”). Salted
hashes aren’t infallible, though: if the salt used is
too short, or if the same salt has been used to salt
all passwords, then it’s possible to crack them open
relatively easily.
4. Multiple Encryption Passes: This refers to the
ability to encrypt an already encrypted value. The
process, also referred to as “stretching,” enables
a value to be encrypted multiple times. However,
there is much debate about whether this greatly
improves security or not.
“Salted hashes and stretches are more secure
than plain text or encrypted passwords for the time
being,” Henderson continued. “However, the ability
to utilize the incredible power in today’s CPUs
means that it’s likely just a matter of when and not
if these types of encryption of passwords fall. Keep
in mind that given enough time and resources, no
type of password encryption is infallible.”
Adding Another Factor of Authentication
Two–factor authentication, also referred to as multi-
factor authentication, strong authentication and
2-step verification, consists of two of the following
three methods of authentication:
Something a user “knows:” This can be a
password, challenge question or finger swipe
movement over the face of a mobile device. This is
commonly known as a knowledge factor.
Something a user “has:” This can consist of a small
hardware device, such as a smart card, USB key fob
or a keychain dongle or a smartphone token, which
generates a unique one-time password that’s sent
to or generated by an application on a user’s mobile
phone. This is known as a possession factor.
• Something a user “is:” This typically involves
a biometric reader that detects something that
validates something uniquely personal, such as a
fingerprint, iris or voice. This type of authentication
is known as an inherence factor.
The following user authentication options represent
a few the most popular solutions available today
along with a few of their pros and cons.
The best thing about a password is that it’s
something a user knows or is easily remembered.
It’s the easiest (and least expensive) authentication
option to implement from an IT perspective and
a user doesn’t need to possess an extra piece of
hardware in their pocket or wallet. On the other
hand, if a password is not complex enough, it can
be easily guessed. If it’s too complex, it could be
forgotten. If a computer has been compromised
with a botnet using a key logger, any password
is easily swiped. Managing multiple passwords
for multiple Websites is cumbersome. Software 3
Solution Brief : Two-Factor Authentication
password crackers can crack simple passwords
in minutes and cloud cracking services can crack
complex passwords in a few hours.
Smart Cards
There are two types of smart cards (memory and
microprocessor). The advantages of these cards
are that their small, thin form factor makes them
easy to carry around in a
wallet or a pocket, and
they can store a user’s
identity and PIN. The cons
are that they require a
reader on the computing
device, those readers
could conceivably be
compromised, the
cards must be issued
and tracked, they can
be easily lost, stolen or
shared, they must be in
a user’s possession to
access the computing
device, it becomes
locked after a number of bad attempts, and the
card can break.
Hardware Tokens
Like smart cards, hardware tokens have many
of the same pros and cons. Hardware tokens
are more secure than passwords and more
secure than smartphone tokens, as they’re less
susceptible to key logging hacks or other forms
of malware designed to steal authentication
credentials; they can be used for login and
transaction authentication and users don’t have to
remember complex passwords. On the other hand,
hardware tokens come at an additional cost (for the
dongle itself as well as any additional software and
hardware needed to manage the authentication),
they must be in the possession of the user at login,
multiple tokens may be required to access multiple
Websites. Hardware tokens can be hacked though,
as was the case with RSAs SecurID back in 2011.
Smartphone Tokens
Smartphone tokens are a lot like hardware tokens
except that the authentication password is sent
to or generated by an application on the user’s
mobile phone. The benefit to this approach is
that a user doesn’t need to carry around an
extra piece of hardware in their wallet or pocket.
Like hardware tokens,
they’re more secure than
passwords, and there’s
no need for a user to
remember complex
passwords. However,
like hardware tokens,
smartphone tokens are
not impenetrable against
hackers. FortiGuard Labs
has studied instances of
the Zitmo Android botnet
watching for two-factor
authentication codes
and sharing them with
a command and control
There are two types of biometric user authentication:
physiological includes fingerprint, facial, iris, retina
and hand geometry scans and behavioral includes
voice recognition, gates, keystroke/signature scans.
The main advantage to biometric authentication is
that authentication is coded to an individual, so
there’s no need to remember a complex password
or carry another hardware device. On the other
hand, these types of measurements are based on
patterns and patterns hardly ever match precisely,
which opens possibility for false positives and
false negatives. A pattern recognition that is too
lax could allow the wrong user into a system. One
that’s too strong could prevent a legitimate user
from accessing a system.
Two-Factor Authentication Best Practices
Protecting sensitive data online by using multiple
Fortinet’s FortiToken-200 Provides Hardware-Based
Authentication for Your Network
Solution Brief : Two-Factor Authentication
factors of authentication is the best policy for
ensuring the safety and integrity of data. However,
when matching authentication methods to your
needs, don’t assume that any two methods will
work for your particular purpose.
It should be noted that, while two-factor
authentication can offer greater protection,
there are two types of attacks (masquerade and
session hijacking) that can undermine any type
of authentication. A masquerade attack is exactly
what it sounds like: an attack that’s able to assume
a falsely-claimed digital identity and thus bypass
the authentication mechanism. Session hijacking,
also known as TCP session hijacking, happens
when an attacker surreptitiously obtains a session
ID and takes control of an already authenticated
session. It’s important to note that no two-factor
authentication strategy can protect against a
session hijack – ensuring all data is transmitted
using SSL and HTTPS will help mitigate the chances
of session hijacking taking place.
One important thing to keep in mind when planning
out an authentication strategy: some types of
two-factor authentication are stronger than
others. In some cases, even a single factor may
be inherently more secure than some two-factor
implementations: a scan of the veins in a user’s
hands will be more secure than a simple password
and one-time password card.
Before You Buy
Some factors you want to consider before
purchasing a solution to implement two-factor
The tool’s ease of use: How hard is it going to be
to train your IT staff in its day-to-day operation?
How much work will it take for initial setup and
Integration with the existing software
platform: will the solution “drop-in” into your
existing infrastructure? Will any custom software
development be required to integrate the solution?
Ability to meet security requirements/regulatory
compliance: does your line of business or
industry have any unique regulatory or reporting
requirements that may require a certain type of
implementation? Will choosing a specific solution
meet those requirements?
The security of the tool itself: is the encryption
algorithms used strong enough for your needs?
Vendor support: what sort of support or assistance
can you expect from the developer of your solution?
Cost: what’s the per-user cost to implement?
Maintenance contracts? Additional costs to support
the implementation at the Help Desk?
Future flexibility: will upgrades be available?
Two-factor authentication is an idea that is ready
for wide-scale adoption. At FortiGuard, we believe
the best way to keep a network and its users safe
is to use technologies like two-factor authentication
as part of a multi-layered security strategy. Adding
two-factor authentication provides another layer
of solid protection on top of any current security
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