Speckhart_A_Guide_to_Using_CSMP_1976 Speckhart A Guide To Using CSMP 1976
Speckhart_A_Guide_to_Using_CSMP_1976 Speckhart_A_Guide_to_Using_CSMP_1976
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t 2-8 1t~O\.rt 'n IAt 0.0 ~ oc oo t.. oo~ 00 '"" t.2 0CO £ 0. 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 rt:~o ur -'- -- -- -'1111 I TRIANGLE 00 00 II I I I I J-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O~O! 1 II II 0000011001000000000010000000000000010000000000"0000100 0 0110 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000011000 12 l 4 S' " 91QIIIZI3141$1&ll\8192DZI2223Z4Z5262121t9303\323134353&3131J9'Q41(2434445«41(849505152SJS4SS~51S8596D616Z&3i46S"616B'9IDlIJt131'1S1&11181910 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 2 2 2 2 212 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 21212 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 212 2 2 2 2 2 Z 1212 2 2 2 2 222221122222222222222222222222 3313331331333333313313333333113333313333333131333 3133 33 3 33 3 3 31133 3 3 3 33 33 3 3 3 313 3 3 4444444444444444444444444444444144444444444444444 44 4414444 44 4 4 444 44 4 4 4 4 4 44414 4 44 555515551555555555555555555555555155555555555511515555 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 515 5 5 5 5 5 6661666666666616666666666616 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 616 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 616 6 6 616 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6666 11111/1/1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111711111111/1111111 1-1 11111/1 88888888888 C8 818 818 818 8 8 8 81B 818 8 8 8 818 8 8 818 818 8 8 8 8 818 8 8 8 8 8 818 818 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 999999999999 S ~ 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 919 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 919 9 919 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9! 9 9 9 9 9 9 9999999999999919999999 123" 5 6 1 8 51~~!~151S111819202122Zl242SZ62128Z93Q3IS2~3H3S363139394D414l4SU4$46414849S0S1S25354rS56515S$9&061S261&4G5B56168S91DlIl2J31415167JJlTJ811 Fig.2.1 Computer cards printed with examples of CSMP statements. in the computer card deck to add additional lines of spacing in the listing of the program. Structure of CSMP The solution of most problems does not require a detailed understanding of the structure of CSMP. However, in complicated simulations where it is required to control the order of the execution of the program, an understanding of the structure of the CSMP program is necessary. Basically the CSMP program can be divided into three segments: INITIAL DYNAMIC TERMINAL Ch. 2 Fundamentals of System/360 CSMP 11 Each of the three segments can be further divided by repeated use of sort and nosort sections. The program simulation statements are contained in the body of these sections. A diagram showing the basic structure of a CSMP program is shown in Fig. 2.2. Sections Sort or Nosort Segments INITIAL ~ DYNAMIC ~ TERMINAL ~ Simulation statements .......-----Statements Section ----:;;;..-.---Statements Section =Statements Statements Section oc::::::::::::: Statements Statements _______ Statements Section ---=-~---Statements Section =-Statements - - - - - - Statements Section - -.....~=-----Statements ---Statements section Section Section ~ Statements ---=-=-----Statements ~ Statements - - - Statements ____ Statements ---- Statements Fig. 2.2 Structure of the CSMP program. The following paragraphs give a description of the INITIAL, DYNAMIC, and TERMINAL segments and explain their application. It should be noted that the three segments must appear in the order presented and each segment can be used only once. Initial Segment The Initial segment is the first to appear in the program. It is used exclusively for calculations that need to be performed only once. The use of the Initial segment can reduce computer time since all statements listed in this segment will be executed only: once. All calculations for initial conditions must be included in this segment. It is not always necessary or even desirable to use the Initial segment, consequently, this segment is optional. To specify the use of the Initial segment, a card must be inserted with the label INITIAL at the beginning of the segment. 12 Fundamentals of Systemj360 CSMP Ch. 2 Dynamic Segment The CSMP program uses an iterative procedure for problem solution. Since iterations only occur in the Dynamic segment, all simulation statements that are used to describe the dynamic response must be included in this seguent. In effect, the Dynamic segment can be thought of as a subprogram that is executed at each iteration step. The Dynamic segment can be specified by two methods as listed below. 1. If the Initial segment is not specified, the Dynamic segment is automatically incorporated into the program. No labeling is necessary. 2. If the Initial segment is specified, a card with the label DYNAMIC must precede the statements in the Dynamic segment. Terminal Segment The Terminal segment is the last of the three segments and is used for those calculations that should be performed at the completion of the simulation. This segment is optional and is only executed when a statement with the label TERMINAL is placed after the Dynamic segment. Sort and Nosort Sections One of the most important and valuable features of the CSMP program is the sorting capability. The sorting feature chooses the correct order for the execution of the structure statements. This means that in a section where the statements are sorted (called a sort section), the order in which the statements are placed in the program deck has absolutely no effect on the order of statement execution. The sort section cannot be used for all types of operations. For example, the following FORTRAN conditional logic and branching statements, which control the order of execution, obviously conflict with the CSMP sorting procedure. IF(X.GTA.5) GO TO 6 GO TO 7 6 IF(Y) 3, 4, 5 Consequently, these types of FORTRAN statements cannot be used in a sort section. An expression such as x = X + 1.0 in which the same variable appears on both sides of the equal sign is another type of operation that cannot be used in a sort section. Also excluded from sort sections are FORTRAN WRITE and FORMAT instructions such as the following: WRITE(6, 100) X, Y, Z 100 FORMAT(3F30.5) In nosort sections, no sorting is performed and therefore all statements are exe- Ch. 2 Fundamentals of System/360 CSMP 13 cuted in the exact order in which they appear in the program. FORTRAN conditionallogic and branching and all other similar statements that specify a particular order of control must be included in a nosort section. All statements in the Initial and Dynamic segments not labeled by a NOSORT card are automatically placed in sort sections while statements in the Terminal segment are automatically placed in a nosort section. To specify a change in section in any of the three segments, the use of a separate card with either a SORT or NOSOR T label is required. An example of a particular CSMP program having a complex structure is illustrated in Fig. 2.3. In this example the first group of statements in the Initial segment are automatically sorted up to the point where the NOSORT statement is included. After the NOSORT card, all remaining statements in the Initial segment are contained in a nosort section. The first NOSORT label in the Dynamic segment places the first group of statements in a nosort section. The next group of statements after the SORT label are sorted. A NOSORT label then changes the last group of statements in the Dynamic segment back to a nosort section. In the Terminal segment, INITIAL All statements in the Initial segment are only executed at the beginning of the run. : :: : : :: } Statements are sorted. NOSORT : : : : : :: } Statements are not sorted and executed in ...... . the order in which they appear. DYNAMIC NOSORT Statements are not sorted and executed in } the order in which they appear. SORT Statements in the Dynamic segment are executed at each integration step. } Statements are sorted. NOSORT : : : : : :: } Statements are not sorted and executed in .,. .... the order in which they appear. TERMINAL Statements in the Terminal segment are only executed at the end of the run. } Statements are not sorted and executed in the order in which they appear. SORT } Statements are sorted. Fig. 2.3 Example of a CSMP program having a complex structure. 14 Fundamentals of System/36D CSMP Ch. 2 the first group of statements are automatically placed in a nosort section. The following SORT label changes the last group of statements to a sort section. Note that when a section contains both sort and nosort segments, the segments will be executed in the order they appear. Solving Problems with CSMP The following eleven example problems illustrate the use of CSMP to simulate a wide range of engineering and mathematical problems. By studying the examples and working the problems at the end of the chapter, the reader will have a good working knowledge of CSMP. Example 2.1 Spring-Mass-Damper System Some of the very basic concepts of CSMP can be illustrated by simulating the motion of the linear spring-mass-damper system that is shown in Fig. 2.4. .I ~ ~~I K ...........----~,.....-----...,i M C ) (~ = 0) = 1.0 X(t=O)=O.O M = 1.5 slugs C = 4.0 lb-sec/ft. O/~W&'///;::!>~~&. K = 150 lb/ft. 1------1 x(t Fig. 2.4 Spring-mass-damper system. Applying Newton's second law leads directly to the following second-order equation of motion. d 2X dX M dt 2 +C{ft+KX=O (2.1) When dealing with differential equations higher than first-order, it is helpful to reduce all equations to a set of first-order expressions. For some problems, this can require a major effort. However, for Eq. 2.1, it is only necessary to introduce new symbols and rearrange variables. Let VEL =~~ ACC = (velocity) and d(VEL) dt (acceleration) The resulting two first-order equations for velocity and acceleration along with the initial conditions are: dX = VEL (2.2) dt d(~;L) = -(C*VEL + K*X)/M Initial conditions: X(t = 0) = 1.0, VEL(t = 0) = 0.0 (2.3) Ch.2 Fundamentals of System/360 CSMP 15 With this brief explanation, a CSMP program containing only the basic features needed to numerically solve Eqs. (2.2) and (2.3) is shown in Fig. 2.5. In this example program it is not necessary to specify the Initial, Dynamic, or Terminal segments. All statements are automatically placed in the Dynamic segment and sorted. Thus the order in which the structure statements are arranged in the deck has no effect on the execution of the program. The first two statements of the program are comment cards and are identified by an asterisk in the first column. As previously mentioned, comment cards do not affect the execution of the program. The third card is a CONSTANT statement used to assign values to variables. * * M = MASS, C = DAMPING CONST&NT, K = SPRING CONSTANT, X = DISPLACEMENT VEL = VELOCITY, ACC = ACCELERATION, XO = INITIAL DISPLACEMENT CONSTANT M = 1.5. C = 4.0, K = 150.0. XO = 1.0 ACC = (-K*X - C*VEl)/M X = VEL INTGRllXC,VEL~ = INTGRLlO.O,ACC) VEL, Ace TITlE SIMULATICN OF A SPRING-MASS-DAMPER SYSTEM TIMER FINTI" = 2.0, PRDEL = 0.C5 END STOP ENDJOB PRINT X, CONSTANT M = 1.5, C = 4.0, K = 150.0, XO = 1.0 The fourth card is an ordinary FORTRAN statement used to calculate the acceleration (ACC). Statements 5 and 6 use a special mathematical function (INTGRL) that is unique to CSMP. The INTGRL statement represents the mathematical function of integration as defined by Table 2.1. Table 2.1 Formulation for Integration Y IC Mathematical Function y= S: Xdt + Ie = INTGRL(IC, X) = YeO) Equivalent Laplace transform X(S)--->-I 4 5 6 12 CONSTANT. The word CONSTANT must be the first label on the card and must be followed by at least one blank space. Otherwise, after this first blank space, blanks are not considered. Successive variables can be set equal to constants (both real and integer) by putting the variable name on the left side of the equal sign. A comma following a numeric value permits another assignment. Notice that a comma should not be placed after the last number. A CONSTANT statement must be continued to following cards by the use of three consecutive periods( ... ). The format of the CONSTANT card used in this example is Definition: Integration 2 3 7 8 9 10 11 Fig. 2.5 Program for simulating spring-mass-damper system. CSMP Form 1 ! 1--->- Y(s) 16 Fundamentals of System/360 CSMP Ch. 2 In the definition presented in Table 2.1, the integration is with respect to the independent variable t. The symbol TIME is a reserved word in the CSMP program and is used to represent the independent variable. The integrand can be an algebraic expression, but the initial condition (IC) of the INTGRL function must be a constant or symbol. If the INTGRL function is included as part of a statement, it must be the rightmost part of the expression. Allowed Y Y Y = = = Not Allowed INTGRL(7.0, X-Z) 10.0 + INTGRL(Q,X) 3.0*INTGRL(Q,X) Y Y Y = INTGRL(3.0 + 4.0, X-Z) = INTGRL(Q,X) + 10.0 = INTGRL(Q,X)*3.0 INTGRL is only one of several mathematical functions available to the CSMP user. A listing and a definition for all functions are contained in Appendix I. The fifth and sixth statements of Fig. 2.5 represent the integration of Eqs (2.2) and (2.3). In statement 5, the velocity VEL is integrated to obtain the displacement X with the initial condition of XO. In the same manner, the sixth statement will perform the integration of the acceleration ACC to obtain the velocity VEL with the initial velocity equal to zero. The seventh card is a PRINT statement which has the following general definition. PRINT. The PRINT card is used to specify the variables that will be printed at each specific interval during the simulation. All variables following the PRINT label plus the independent variable TIME will be printed and correctly labeled. A comma must be inserted between successive variable names and at least one blank space must follow the PRINT label. The PRINT label should appear only once in the program. If more than one PRINT statement is included, only the last will be executed. If necessary, three periods ( ... ) can be used to continue to following cards. An example of the PRINT statement is: PRINT X, VEL, ACC A column format is automatically used for output when there are less than nine dependent variables printed. An example of this is shown in Fig. 2.6 which is the output of the program of Fig. 2.5. Up to forty-nine dependent variables can be printed. When more than eight are specified, an equation-form output format is used as shown in Fig. 2.7. Notice that the output for both Figs. 2.6 and 2.7 is E-format with five significant digits. The user has no other choice of output format when using the CSMP PRINT statement. The eighth card in the program is a TITLE statement. TITLE. The TITLE card allows the user to specify a heading that will appear at the top of each page of printed output. At least one blank space must follow the label TITLE and the first character must be a number or an alphabetic letter. Continuation to successive cards is not permitted, but up to five TITLE cards can 17 Fundamentals of Systemj360 CSMP Ch. 2 SIMULATION OF A TIM E SPRING-~ASS-CAMPER RKS INTEGRATION Ace VEL X 0.0 i.OOOOE 00 5. OOOuE -u2 8.8283E-01 1.OOOuE-Ol 5.7793E-01 1.500ul::-01 1.7863E-01 2.0000E-0l -2.1l17E-01 2.~000E-ul -5.0491E-01 3.00 OOE -01 -6.4574E-Ol 3.5000E-Ol -6.20'18E-Ol 4. OOOuE -01 -4.5698E-01 4.S000E-01 -2.C871E-01 5.0000E-01 5.6407E-02 ~. 500uE-Ol 2.755lE-01 I).OOUOE-01 4.0411E-Ol 6.500uE-Ol 4.24041:-01. 7.0000E-Ol 3.4430E-01 7 .5000E -0 1 1.9559E-Ol 8.0000E-Ol 2.0609E-02 8.5000E-Ol -1.3725F-Ol 9. QOaOE-Ol -2.4395E-Ol 9.5000E-Ol -2.8142E-Ol 1.0000E 00 - 2 • 4<; 71 E- 0 1 1.050uE 00 -1.6472E:-01 i • .i.OOOE 00 -5.258'1E-02 1.1500E: 00 5.7602E-02 1.2000E 00 1.4084E-01 1.2500t: 00 1.8140E-01 1 • .j0 JuE 00 1.7533E-01. 1.J500E OU 1.29831:-01 1.4000E 00 6.0245E-02 1.45001: 00 -1. 4458E -02 1.5000E 00 -l.6524E-02 1.550uE 00 -i.1330E-Ol J..6000E 00 -1.1952f-01 1.6500E: 00 -9.757H-02 1. lOOOE 00 -5.5995E-02 1.1500E 00 -6.7754E-03 1.bOOOE 00 3.7855E-02 1.8S00E 00 6.8238E-02 1.90uuE 00 7.9l88E-02 1.9500E 00 7.0622E-02 2.0000E 00 4.6938E-02 SYSTEM 0.0 -4.4884E -1.38181: -8.2319E -7.C8391: -4.4556E -1.1340E 2.0328E 4.3385E 5.362CE 5.0288E 00 CO 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3.5845~ 00 1.4990E 00 -6.6<;88E-01 -2.4145E 00 -3.3879E 00 -3.46331= 00 -2.7355!: 00 -1.471.6E 00 -2.E1COE-C2 1.24l7F. 00 2.0683 E 00 2.3178E 00 2.C048E 00 1.2714E 00 3.3817E-Ol -5.5613E-01 -1.2113E 00 -1.5071 E 00 -1.42C6E 00 -i.CInE 00 -4.3434E-Ol 1.110eE-Ol 6. 1160E-0 1 9.5046E-01. S.7661E-OI. 7.7575 E-Ol 4.2210'::-01 1.5851E-02 -3.4333E-01 -5.18«;8E-Ol -1.0000E C2 -1.6313E 01 -3.8093E 01 4.0884E 00 4.0068E ot 6.2313E C1 6.7598E 01 5.6617F 01 3.41.29E 01 6.5125E 00 -1.9051E Cl -3.7109E 01 -4.4409E 01 -4.0618E 01 -2.7991E 01 -1.0524E 01 7.1746E 00 2.1020E 01 2. 8319~ C1 2.8217E 01 2.1.660E 01. 1.0957E 01 -C;.2178E-Ol -1.1106E 01 -1.7474E 01 -1.9042E 0 I. -1.6050E 01 -9.7523E 00 -2.0055E CC 5.2340E 00 1.0310E 01 1.2489E 01 1.1480E 01. 7.9662E 00 3.0650E 00 -1..9269E CO -5.8542E 00 -7.9494E 00 -7.9611E CO -6.1466E 00 - 3. 149qE 00 Fig. 2.6 Column-type output for spring-mass-damper system. 51 MP C SMP T TMf 0.0 X R E1 T1MF 1.2500E 01 X R E1 TIME 2.5000E 01 X R E1 T1MF. 3.7500E 01 X k E1 TIMF 5. OOOOE 01 X R E1 1.0000E 03 1.0000E 00 1.aOOOE 03 y V Tl 2. 2 ~:d 5E 03 4.4376E-01 1.6onE 02 Y V 5.07tHE 03 1.9692E-01 1.9531E 02 y V 1.1443E 04 8.7390E-02 2.9722E 02 Y V 2.5786E 04 3.8180E-02 5.0561E 02 Y V Tl Tl Tl Tl 1.0000E 06 0.0 5.0000E 02 00 5.0782E 00 1.186t!E 01 5.1250E 02 T 00 2.5787E 07 2.4423E 01 5.2500E 02 T 00 1.3094E 08 3.1l11E 01 5.3750E 02 T DO 6.6494E 08 4.9768E 01 5.5000E 02 Z T UD l T Z Z l INTEGRATION 4.5176E-05 0.0 1.0000E 09 Q = -1.2535E 02 = 5.2665E 00 = 1.1444E 10 Q w 2.8169E 04 7.9347E 08 AB = -3.3524E 06 = -4.0781E 02 = 4.8094E 00 = 1.3095E 11 (,) AS = 1.2695E 05 = 1.6ll7E 10 = - 5. 0577E 07 = -1.0443E 03 = 3.2431E 00 = 1.4984E 12 AB = 4.2911E 05 = 1.8414E 11 = -4.4347E 08 = -2.478bE 03 IJ = = Fig. 2.7 Example of equation-type output. 1.9300E 00 1.1l4bE 13 w AB w w AS 0.0 0.0 0.0 = 1.2893E 06 = 1.6623E 12 = -3.1809E 09 18 . Ch. 2 Fundamentals of System/360 CSMP be used. Each TITLE card provides one line of heading on each page of output. An example of a TITLE statement is TITLE SIMULATION OF A SPRING-MASS-DAMPER SYSTEM The ninth card is called a TIMER statement. TIMER. The TIMER card is used to specify the variables that control the run-time, print increment, integration interval (step-size), and minimum allowable integration interval. In Fig. 2.5, only two TIMER variables are used, FINTIM, and PRDEL. An example of the TIMER statement is TIMER FINTIM = 2.5, PRDEL = 0.05 i i At least one blank '----A comma must separate listings space must follow the label TIMER FINTIM. FINTIM is a symbol that appears on the TIMER card and determines the value of TIME (independent variable) at which the run is terminated. FINTIM is set equal to the desired simulation time. and must be included on the TIMER card. PRDEL. This TIMER variable controls the increment for the output of the PRINT statement. If the value for PRDEL is not specified, it is automatically set equal to FINTIMjlOO. If a value of OUTDEL is also included on a TIMER card, the output increment of the PRINT statement can change. At this point, there is no need to explain the relationship between PRDEL and OUTDEL, since it will be covered later in this chapter. The three other variables that can appear on the TIMER card are defined below. A detailed explanation is included in Example 2.2 and in Chap. 3. OUTDEL. Print increment for the print-plot output DELT. Integration interval DELMIN. Minimum integration interval The format for specifying the above variables on a TIMER card is similar to a CONSTANT card. At least one blank must follow the label TIMER, and successive listings of variables must be separated by commas. The order in which the variables are listed on the TIMER card is not important. The last three statements (END; STOP, and ENDJOB) must be included to signify the end of the program. These cards must appear in the order shown in Fig. 2.5 and the ENDJOB statement must begin in the first column. For more complicated simulations, the END, STOP, and ENDJOB cards can be used to control the execution of the program. A detailed explanation will follow when advanced topics are considered in Chap. 3. For most simulations the user needs only to use these cards to signify the end of the program. Example 2.2 Simulation of a Block Diagram The previous example illustrated one of the principal attributes of CSMP, the solution of a differential equation. Another important application is determining the response Ch.2 19 Fundamentals of System/36D CSMP of a system that is modeled as a block diagram. Block diagram representation of a system is often used in control system analysis and design. However, the concept of a block diagram is not restricted to control systems alone. In fact, this application extends to such areas as physiology, transportation, energy conservation, and economics. The basic premise of the block diagram, or signal-flow graph, stems from the application of Laplace transforms or operator notation. For example, a system might be represented by the second-order, linear, time-invariant differential equation d~~}t) + A d~~t) + Bx(t) = ku(t) (2.4) If dx (O)/dt = x(O) = 0, application of Laplace transforms yields Xes) U(s) = K (2.5) + As + B S2 In the sense of the block diagram, the above relationship can be represented by the configuration shown in Fig. 2.8. I U(s) ) s2+As+B K X(s) I----~) Fig. 2.8 Block diagram representation of a second-order differential equation. Laplace transforms and block diagrams offer the convenience of analyzing a system without the necessity of working directly with the system equations. In effect, the Laplace transform changes a linear differential equation to an algebraic expression. Suppose we consider the simplified schematic diagram of a position control system shown in Fig. 2.9. Neglecting viscous friction and the electrical time-constant of the motor, this position control system can also be represented by the block diagram of Fig. 2.10. Generally, the block diagram is much easier to work with than the schematic. As an example, suppose the parameters in Fig. 2.10 have the values of Km = 4, R D.C. motor r------ -l Output R R Summing amplifier Gain Power amplifier : I (8 0 ) ~---,. I I I I IMechanical Error pick-off Input -~~--~~-----< I linkage I I I I h Fig. 2.9 Simplified schematic diagram of a position control sys- tem. 20 Ch.2 Fundamentals of System/360 CSMP Lumped parameter gain D.C. motor + Fig. 2.10 Block diagram of the position control system. Kl = 1.5625, and a = 2. We desire to simulate the response of the system to a unit-step input. To solve this problem, we first restructure the system diagram so that it is compatible to CSMP modeling. A suitable diagram for this purpose is presented in Fig. 2.11. Two basic dynamic blocks are present in this representation and can be broken out as separate entities as follows: X2'1 (~ ~ 1) 1__X_l~) ~ Block A {- I OUTPUT, BlockB There is no real significance attached to the order of the blocks, block A could have appeared as the block nearest the output and preceded by block B. The arrangement of the blocks, for linear systems, is a matter of user preference. The symbols Xl, X2, X3, ERROR, etc., are intermediate variables. They could have been designated by other symbols up to six characters in length. It is normally desirable to use variable names which describe physical variables in the problem. A significant point that should be made is that each block must have an input and an output variable. For example, X2 is the input and Xl is the output for block A; whereas, Xl is the input and OUTPUT is the output of block B. Blocks A and B have special meaning in CSMP. In a sense they are represented as subprograms and can be executed by simple statements. The mathematical functional relationship for block A is shown in Table 2.2. The 1/s term (integration) was previously discussed in Example 2.1. Table 2.2 Formulation for First Order Lag General Form Definition: 1ST ORDER LAG (Real pole) Y = IC = REALPL(IC, P, X) YeO) Function pdY +Y=X dt Laplace form: Ps Xes) ~ 1 +1 yes) )~I---~) Ch.2 21 Fundamentals of System/36D CSMP INPUT (8;) t Fig.2.11 A CSMP representation of the system in Fig. 2.10. I • These formulations help explain why the original system was subdivided as given in Fig. 2.11. Note that the general form for REALPL is l/(Ps + 1). This means that when we encounter terms of the form l/(s + a) we must divide the numerator and denominator by a. This changes the form to (l/a)/(s/a + 1) and the (l/a) term in the numerator can either be associated with another constant or represented by a single block as follows. A program listing for the CSMP simulation of this problem is presented in Fig. 2.12.t For convenience, the CSMP block representation corresponding to this program is * * CSMP PROGRAM FeR 'EXA~PLE 2 - ALOCK DIAGRAM OF SECOND ORDER SYSTEM NOTE THAT THE ASTERISK IN COLUMN ONE SIGNIFIES A COMMENT STATEMENT TITLE PRINTED LISTING OF "OUTPUT" (SIMULATION) AND "OUTEXT" (ANALYTICAL' * THE TITLE IS ALWAYS GJV~N AT THE TOP OF THE "PRINTED LISTING" PAGE(SI INPUT STEP(O.O' ERROP INPUT - OUTPUT OUTPUT INTGRL(0.0,X1I Xl REAlPL(0.0,l.0/2.0,X2) X2 2.0*X3 X3 1.5625*ERROR * THE FOLLOWING ST~TEMENTS ARE NOT PART OF THE CSMP SIMULATION. THEY *ARE USED TG CALCULATE THE EXACT SOLUTION OF "OUTPUT" FOR COMPARISON OUTEXT = 1.0 - (EXP(-WN*lETA*TIMt)t/SQRT(l.O - lETA*lETA})* ••• SIN(WN*SQRT(l.O -ZETA*ZETA)*TIME + THETA) WN = 2.5 ZETA = 0.4 THETA = ATAN(SQRT(l.O - lETA*ZETA)/ZETA) * END OF SPECIAL CALCULATION SFCTION FOR "OUTPUT" COMPARISON TlMERFINTlM = 5.2, OUTDEL = 0.16, PRDEL = 0.04 PRTPLT OUTPUT(ERRORI, ERROP(,0.51 PRINT OUTPUT, OUTEXT LABEL STEP RESPONSE FOR SECOND nRDE~ SYSTEM END STOP ENDJOB Fig. 2.12 CSMP listing for Example 2.2. tThe symbol OUTPUT cannot be used in a CSMP III program since it is a reserve word that has a special meaning. To run this program on CSMP III, the symbol, OUTPUT, must be replaced by another symbol. 22 Fundamentals of System/360 CSMP INPUT (9;) Ch. 2 +_l_HIJ a ERROR 1 (s/a + 1) s Fig. 2.13 Programming block diagram for Example 2.2. OUTPUT (9 0 ) I repeated in Fig. 2.13. One can easily relate the input-output variables of the blocks in Fig. 2.13 to the statements given in the program listing. Since the arrangement of the cards is not unique, one may start with any block and proceed to describe the system. Several new terms have been introduced in this problem that were not used in Example 2.1. These terms include PRTPLT, OUTDEL, STEP and LABEL. A general definition of these terms will be given before examining the computer output for Example 2.2. PRTPLT. An example of a PRTPLT output is given in Fig. 2.14. PRTPLT statements are used to specify those variables that the user desires to be printerplotted. Continuation cards are not allowed, but up to ten separate PRTPLT statements containing 100 variables can be used. A card giving a typical PRTPLT request might appear as PRTPLT Xl, OUTPUT, ERROR In this case, separate printer plots will be made for Xl, OUTPUT, and ERROR. Another useful feature of the PRTPLT request is the capability of printing up to a maximum of three additional problem variables on the same page as the printerplotted variable. These additional variables appear on the far right side of the page in column format. The statement PRTPLT X1(ERROR, OUTPUT), X2, OUTPUT means that separate printer plots will be made for Xl, X2, and OUTPUT. In addition, the values of ERROR and OUTPUT will be printed on the right side of the pages that give the printer-plot of XI. The range and scale ofa printer~plotted variable can be controlled as follows: PRTPLT PRTPLT PRTPLT PRTPLT SIGX(0.2, 3.0) SIGX(, 4.0) SIGX(-1.2,) SIGX(O.4" XOUT) statement statement statement statement (1) (2) (3) (4) The information given by each statement is: Statement (1)-The printer-plot of SIGX will not show values less than 0.2 or greater than 3.0. Consequently, the scale of the printer-plot will be adjusted for a maximum of 3.0 and a minimum of 0.2. Statement (2)-The printer-plot of SIGX does not have a specified lower bound but the upper bound is 4.0. ST~P qESP~NSE FOR SECONr CPDEP ~If>iIMU~ PAGE SYSTE~ OUTPUT VERSUS TIME 0.0 TI ~f 0.0 1.60001:-01 3.2000F-Ol 4.8COJE-0} 6.4CCOE-Ol 8.0COO'=-01 9.6000'=-01 1.12eOI: 00 1.2800E 00 1.4400E 00 1.6COO~ 00 1.1600~ 00 1.9200E 00 2.08001: 00 2.2400F 00 2.4CCOE 00 2.56COE 00 2.7200F 00 2.88eOE 00 3.040Cf. 00 3.2000!.= 00 3.3600E 00 3.5200E 00 1.6800= 00 3.8400E 00 4.0000= 00 4.16001: 00 4.3200'= 00 4.48001? 00 4.6400E 00 4.g000E 00 4.9600E 00 5.12eOE 00 5.2000r: 00 ~ MAXIMUM 1.2531E 00 OUTPUT 0.0 1.1172~-02 2. 48~51=- 01 4.1856;:-01 7.1618[-01 9.2708E-OI 1.0901f 00 1.1963E 00 1.2468': 00 1.2502E 00 1.2189= 00 I. let 5~ 00 l.lObOE 00 1.0478': 00 9.9900f-Ol 9.6313£-01 Q.430£'=-01 Q.3568E-Ol 9.3904=-01 Q.4971E-01 '1.6426':-01 9.19t5E-01 9.~358E-Ol 1.0046':= 00 1. all <:1= 00 1.0156;: 00 1.0162E 00 1.0J451;' 00 1.0112= 00 1. 0014~ 00 1.00)6'=' CO 1.000'3E CO 9.9792E-01 9.9707E-Ol I + --+ ---------+ -------------------+ ----------------------------+ ------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------------+ ----------~--------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------~+ ------------------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------------+ --------------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------+ ---------------------------------------+ --------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------~+ ---------------------------------------+ ---------------------------------------+ ---------------------------------------~+ ----------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------+ ---------------------------------------+ ---------------------------------------+ ---------------------------------------+ Fig. 2.14 Printer-plot for step response of Example 2.2. f.RR'JR 1.0000E 00 9.28831=-01 7.5l65E-01 5.2t44f-01 2.8382F.-Ol 7.2920E-02 -9.0071E-02 - t. 962 6E" - 0 1 -2.4684F.-Ol -2.5023F.-Ol -2.1BR7E-Ol -1.6653E-Ol -1.0602;:-01 -4.1760f.-02 1.00ISE-03 3.6Z13E-02 5.6994{=-02 6.4324f-02 6.0Q6':3':-02 5.02-86E-02 3. 5139~-02 2.0'346F-02 6.4203F-03 -4.5576E-03 -1.l91lF.-02 -1.564!E-02 -1.6236E-02 -1.4412F-02 -1.1236E-02 -7.3662E-03 -3.5t>10E-03 - 3. ,_ 316E - 04 2.0832E-03 2.92'BF-03 24 Ch.2 Fundamentals of System/360 CSMP Statement (3)-SIGX will not have printer-plotted values less than -1.2. The upper bound is unspecified. Statement (4)-The printer-plot of SIGX has a lower bound of 0.4 and the upper bound unspecified. Also, XOUT will be listed on the right side of the SIGX printer-plot. Finally, printer-plots can only be made using the independent variable (usually TIME) along the abscissa and the requested dependent variable as the ordinate. In other words, it is not possible to plot two dependent variables simultaneously as in a phase-plane plot. OUTDEL. OUTDEL controls the output increment of the independent variable for printer-plots. If printer-plot points are desired every 0.04 time-units, we use OUTDEL = 0.04. The OUTDEL specification is included on the TIMER card. A typical example of an OUTDEL assignment is TIMER FINTIM = 10.0, OUTDEL = 0.02 If printer-plots are requested but OUTDEL is not specified, the program will use an OUTDEL = PRDEL. If PRDEL is not given in the program, OUTDEL is set to FINTIMjlOO. When OUTDEL and PRDEL are both specified, the smaller of the two will be adjusted to be a submultiple of the larger. A useful guide in selecting the OUTDEL interval is that each page of OUTPUT will contain fifty lines. Thus, if the user desires the printer-plot to be contained on one page only, the OUTDEL value should be OUTDEL = FINTIMj50. In general, the OUTDEL selection, based on the number of pages for the plot, is given by OUTDEL = FINTIMj(50 x number of output pages). STEP. STEP is one of several signal sources available in CSMP. This particular signal provides a unit-step forcing-function and is described in Table 2.3. Table 2.3 Formulation for a Unit Step Signal Function General Form Definition: Unit-step input or forcing function. y= 0 t < T Y=1 t>T ~ .O Y = STEP(T) Y T t A unit-step input applied at t = 0 is expressed by XIN = STEP(O.O) If the input forcing-function is a step of weight 3 applied at t is written as XIN = 3.0*STEP(2.4) = 2.4, the expression Ch. 2 Fundamentals of Systemj360 CSMP 25 LABEL. LABEL cards are used for placing an open-format title or heading at the top of each page of printer-plotted output. The first non-blank character following LABEL must be alphabetic or numeric. After the first non-blank character, special symbols (=, /, *, etc.) may be used within the heading. As with PRTPLT cards, continuation cards are not permitted, but up to ten LABEL cards may be used for each simulation. Consider the following illustration. PRTPLT ROVER, SIGMA LABEL RESPONSE OF SYSTEM MODEL - PROBLEM I PRTPLT Xl LABEL STATE Xl WITH INITIAL CONDITION X2 = 2.0 Since the first LABEL statement is associated with the first PRTPLT statement, the second with the second, and so on, the heading, RESPONSE OF SYSTEM MODEL-PROBLEM 1, will appear at the top of each page of printer-plotted output for the variables ROVER and SIGMA. The printer-plot of Xl will have a heading of STATE Xl WITH INITIAL CONDITION X2 = 2.0. If the number of PRTPLT cards exceeds the number of LABEL cards, the excess print-plots will not have headings. Refer to Fig. 2.12 and consider the following portion of the listing: TIMER FINTIM = 8.0, OUTDEL = 0.16, PRDEL = 0.04 PRTPLT OUTPUT (ERROR), ERROR (, 0.5) LABEL STEP RESPONSE FOR SECOND ORDER SYSTEM PRINT OUTPUT, OUTEXT The TIMER card gives the information that the simulation will run for 8.0 sec, printer-plotted output will occur every 0.16 sec, and printed output every 0.04 sec. We note that with a FINTIM of 8.0 and OUTDEL of 0.16, there will be one page for each printer-plotted variable (number of pages = FINTIM/(OUTDEL *50). The PRTPLT card specifies printer plots for OUTPUT and ERROR. The plot for OUTPUT will have ERROR given in tabular form at the right side of the page. The plot of ERROR will have an upper bound of 0.5. The heading, STEP RESPONSE FOR SECOND ORDER SYSTEM will appear at the top of each page of printer-plotted output. The printer-plot for OUTPUT is given in Fig. 2.14 while Fig. 2.15 shows the plot for ERROR. The PRINT card designates that OUTPUT and OUTEXT will be printed out. As indicated in the program listing of Fig. 2.12, the exact analytical solution (OUTEXT) is calculated. Notice also in Fig. 2.16 the very close agreement between the CSMP numerical solution (OUTPUT) and the exact analytical solution. This is an indication of the accuracy that can be expected. Example 2.3 Solution of the Van der Pol Equation This example illustrates the ease of solving a nonlinear differential equation for various parameter values. The particular example is the well-known Van der Pol equation, which is shown below with the selected initial conditions. 26 Ch.2 Fundamentals of System/360 CSMP STEP RESPONSE FOR SECOND CROfR SYSTE~ PAGE MINIMUM TtH 0.0 1.6000E-01 3.2000E-01 4. 8COO~-01 6.4000E-OI 8.0000E-Ol 9.6000E-01 1.1200E 00 1.l800E 00 1.4400E 00 1.6000E 00 1.76COE 00 1.9200E 00 2.0800E 00 2.2400E 00 2.4000E 00 2.5600E 00 2.7200E 00 2.8800E 00 3.0400E 00 3.2000E 00 3.3600E 00 3.5200E 00 3.b800E 00 3.8400: 00 4.0000E 00 4.1600E 00 4.3200E 00 4.4800E 00 4.6400':: 00 4.8000£ 00 4.9600E 00 5.1200E 00 5.2000E 00 VER SUS TIME ERROR 7. 5it 5E-Ol 5.2144E-01 2.8382E-01 1.2920E-02 -9.00112-02 -1.9626E-01 -2.4684E-01 -2.5023E-Ol -2.1381E-Ol -1.6653E-Ol -1.0602E-01 -4.1160E-02 1.0018::-03 3.6273E-02 5.6984E-02 6.4324E-02 6.0963E-02 5.0286E-02 3.573QE-02 2.0346E-02 6.4203E-03 -4.5576E-C3 -1.1911E-02 -1.5641E-02 -1.6236E-02 -1.44nE-02 -1.1236E-02 -1.3662E-03 -3.5610E-03 -3.1316E-04 2.0832E-03 2.9293E-03 MAXIMUM 5.0000E-01 -2. 'BnE-Ol ERROR J 1.0000E 00 9.2883::-01 I --------------------------------------------------* --------------------------------------------------* --------------------------------------------------* ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::--------------,* ---------------------+ ----------+ ---+ I Note that the plotted value of ERROR does not exceed the specified value of 0.5 + + ::~ __ + I ---------+ -------------+ ----------------+ -------------------+ --------------------+ ---------------------+ --------------------+ --------------------+ -------------------+ ------------------+ -----------------+ ----------------+ ----------------+ ---------------+ ---------------+ ---------------+ ----------------+ ----------------+ ----------------+ ----------------+ ----------------+ -----------------+ Fig. 2.15 System error response for Example 2.2. x + £(X2 - I)X +X = X(O) = 2.0 0 (2.6) X(O) = 0.0 A helpful first step is to change the second-order differential equation to an equivalent set of first-order equations, easily accomplished as (2.7) X=XD X= XDD = -£(X2 -l)XD - X (2.8) The program for solving Eqs. (2.7) and (2.8) is straight forward, as shown in Fig. 2.17. An ordinary FORTRAN statement is used to calculate xnD and two INTGRL functions are used to integrate XDD and XD to obtain XD and X, respectively. In this example the following PARAMETER card is used to make a sequence of simulation runs for five different values of the constant E. PARAMETER E = (0.05, 0.5, 2.0, 10.0, 50.0) One separate run is made for each value of E. Figs. 2.18 and 2.19 show the printer-plot outputs for E = 2.0 and E = 50.0. Note that the parameter value E is listed at the beginning of each plot and on each page of PRINT output. Ch.2 Fundamentals of Systemj360 CSMP PRI~TED LISTING OF "QUTPUT" (SIMULATI~NI 27 AND "OUTEXT" (ANALYTICAL» r------- CSMP Solution 1 TIME 0.0 4.0000E-OZ 8.0000E-OZ 1.2000E-Ol 1.6000!:-01 2.00001.:-01 2.4000'=-01 Z.BOOOE-Ot 3.2000E-Ol 3.6000E-Ol 4.0000E-01 4.4000"=-01 4.8000E-01 5.20COE-Ol 5.6000E-Ol 6.00001:-01 6.4000'=-01 6.8000E-Ol 7.2000E-Ol 1.60COE-Ol a.OOOOE-OI 8.40COE-01 A. 9000E-Ol 9.2000E-Ol 9.60COE-OI 1.0000'= 00 1.0400E 00 l.oaOOE 00 1.1200E 00 1.1600!: 00 1.2000E 00 1.2400E 00 1.28 co;: 00 1.3200E 00 1.3600E 00 1.4000E 00 1.4400': 00 1.48COE 00 l.5l00E 00 1.5600'= 00 1.60COE 00 1.6400E 00 OUTPUT 0.0 4.8652E-03 1.8912E-02 4.1300E-02 7.1172E-02 1.0767E-Ol 1.4992E-Ol 1.9710E-01 2.4835E-Ol 3.0288E-Ol 3.5991E-Ol 4.181lE-01 4.7856E-Ol 5.3aa2E-01 5.98 88E- 0\ 6.5817E-Ol 7.1b"8E-Ol 7.7246E-Ol 8.2660E-Ol 8.7824E-0l 9.2708E-Ol 9.7286E-01 1.0154E 00 1.0545E 00 1.0901E 00 1.l220E 00 1.1504E 00 1.1751E 00 1.1963f 00 1.2139E 00 1.2281E 00 1.2390E 00 I.Z468E 00 1. 251 7~ 00 1.2537E 00 1.2532E 00 1.L502E 00 1.245lE 00 1.2380E 00 1.2292E 00 1.21891: 00 1.2072E 00 r Analytical Solution (lUTEXT 4.7684f-07 4.8663E-03 1.89131:-02 4. 1300E-02 7.1172E-02 1.0767E-01 1.49nE-01 1.9710[-01 2.4A35f-Ol 3.0288E-01 3.599H-01 4.1871E-Ol 4.1856£-01 5.3883E-01 5. g888E-01 6.5817E-O'1. 1.l619E-01 7.7247E-Ol B.2660E-Ol S.7824E-Ol 9.2708E-01 9.72P7f-Ol 1.0154E 00 1.0545E 00 1.0901 E 00 1.1221E 00 1.1504= 00 1.1751'=' 00 1.~. 0010 OJ 2 .500v E OJ ,.7~OJE 0.1 J.OOOuE 00 OJ 3.5JOJE OJ 3.7:>OuE OU 4.vOOOE JO 4.2jJO~ 00 ".500ve OV 4.75vve OJ 5.0QQOE 00 :>.250J1: 00 >.5uuJE UO 5.7,OOE OU o.OOOOE uJ b.2 SOve 00 b.500uE 00 o.7500E 00 7.0000t OJ 1.2~Oue 00 1.5000E 00 1.nOOE 00 iI.OOOJE OJ 8.2S00E OU 1i;5 QuJE .10 8.150010 00 9.000UE uO 9.2500E 00 9.50vOE Ou 9.750uE OJ 1 .0uOO E \)1 3.2~00t: PAGE VERSUS TIME MAXIMUM ~ 5.0000E 01 2.0174E 00 - 2. Cl c; 7" 00 I XD I 0.0 2.0000= 0C - ------- ---- --- ---------------------------------- + 1.9967t 00 -1.3368E-02 ---- ---- ---- --- ----- ------------ ---- ----------- --+ -1.3156E-02 1.9934= CC 1.'1900E 00 -1.3320E-02 1.9B6t>E OC -1.3462E-02 --- - - --- ---- --- -------- - --- - ---- ----------------- + -1.3293E-02 1.9833= OC 1.9799E CO -1.3544E-02 -1.3564E-02 1.9765E OC - -- - - --- -- -- - -- -- ------- -------- ---- ----------- --+ -1.3620E-02 1.97311' 00 1.9(,96E 00 -1.3643E-02 -1.3l08E-02 1.9662E DC -1.3156E-02 1.96281' CO -1.3802E-02 1.9S93E CC 1.9S59E 00 -1.3831E-02 -1.3Bl0E-02 1.9524E 00 -1.3918E-02 1.9489" CC -1.3961E-02 1.9454E 00 - --- ---- ---- ----------- ------------------------ --+ -1.3978E-02 1.9419E OC -1.4058E-02 1.9384E 00 1.9349E,)0 -1.4013E-02 -1.4147E-02 1.9313<: OC --------- ---- ----------- -------- ---------------- + -1.4190E-02 1.927IlE 00 -------- ---------------- ---------------- -------1.lt235E-02 1.9242~ OC -- ---- -- - - -- ------ -------------- ---------------- + -1.4125E-02 1.9206E 00 1.9171E CO -1.lt331E-02 -1.4322E-02 1.9135= OC -1.4426E-02 1.9099~ 00 -1.4474E-02 1.9062E CC 1.9026;: 00 -1.4523E-02 -1.4512E-02 1.8990E 00 -1.4552E-02 1.8953= OC -- - - - --- - --- --- -- ------ -- ---- --- -------- -------- + -1.46l2E-02 1.891 7E 00 -1.4677E-02 1. 88BO~ CC -1.4140E;"02 1.8843E 00 -1.4809E-02 1.BBObE CO - -- ------- -------- ----- ------------------------- + -1.4879E-02 1. B769E OC -1.4893E-02 1.BBIE CO -1.4968E-02 1.B694E CO -1.5030E-02 1.Bb56E 00 -1.5072E-02 1.B618E 00 -------- - --- --- - -------------------------------- + -1.5145E-02 1.B58H: OC ----~-------------------------------------------+ X TI ME 29 ---- -------- -------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------------+ ------ --------- ----------------------------------+ ---- ---- -----------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------------+ ---- ---------------------------------------------+ --------------- ----------------------------------+ -------- ------- ----------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------------+ ------------ -------------------- -----------------+ ----------.--------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------+ -. ------------------------------------------------+ -------- -- --------------------------------------+ --- ---------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------+ ------------ ------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------+ XDD -2.0000E 00 -2.5845E-04 -3.7365E-02 -1.8501E-02 -3.1214E-03 -3 .. 3574E-02 -2.1t862E-03 -5.3825E-03 -2.9l64E-03 -5.4636E-03 -1.8091E-03 -8.8120E-04 -1.8l81E-04 -2.0018E-03 -2.4099E-03 -1.6050E-03 -1.5526E-03 -5.2lt52E-03 -2.2030E-01t -It.2686E-03 -2.8l06E-04 -4.9400E-04 -5.8210E-04 -2.1666E-02 -2.6l03E-04 -7.7343E-03 -2.0nOE-04 -2.0504E-04 -2.050ltE-04 -1.9346E-03 -9.2669E-03 -2.1172E-04 -6.0024E-03 ~.5366E-03 -2.4033E-03 -2.2888E-04 -5.0983E-03 -2.4109E-03 -1.5574E-03 -3.0l08E-03 -1.0271E-03 Fig. 2.19 Printer-plot output for solution of Van der Pol equation E = 50. of variable name, equal sign, and numerical assignment. Additional assignments are made on the same card by placing a comma after the numerical value. Any number of assignments may appear on a card. Up to eight continuation cards are allowable by using three consecutive periods at the end of the card. Valid applications are PARAMETER AX = 6.0, MW = 2.0, TAU = 1.0, ... RHO = 0.1, GAMMA = 6.2E - 03 PARAM EDGE = 3.2, START = 6.4, LAST = -0.5 lNCON lCXl = 0.115, lCX2 = 0.0 CONST ALPHA = 1.35, BETA = -6.134 CONSTANT X = 5.6, Y = -45.78 where all of these cards are used in the same program. The results of the simulation would have been unchanged by using CONSTANT AX = 6.0, MW = 2.0, TAU = 1.0, .. . RHO = 0.1, GAMMA = 6.2E - 03, lCXl = 0.115, .. . lCX2 = 0.0, ALPHA = 1.35, BETA = -6.134, ... X = 5.6, Y = -45.78, EDGE = 3.2, START = 6.4, ... LAST = -0.5 30 Ch.2 Fundamentals of Systemj360 CSMP In the above, CONSTANT could be replaced by either INCON or PARAMETER. Calculations are not allowed in a data statement. An example of an invalid statement is shown below. CONSTANT X = 5.8, Y = 4.2/3.14 LIllegaloperation As illustrated in Example 2.3, an attractive feature of these data statements is their capability of making sequential runs. A typical statement is INCON ICX1 = (0.0, 2.0, -1.2, 6.0), ICX2 = 2.3 The program will make four simulation runs in which leXl is assigned the values appearing in the parentheses in the order given from left to right. The value of ICX2 = 2.3 is used for each run. As a slight modification one may use PARAMETER ICX1 = (0.0, 3*0.2, 1.4, 2*2.0) which will result in seven simulation runs with the values of ICXl being 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 1.4, 2.0, 4.0. A maximum of fifty runs can be made in any sequence. Only one variable can be used to make sequential runs. Examples of invalid data statements which attempt to make sequential runs using two variables for two different programs are PARAMETER X = (2.0, 5.0, 9.0), Y CONSTANT X = (2.0, 5.0, 9.0) PARAMETER Y = (3.0,4.0, 7.0) Example 2.4 = (3.0,4.0, 7.0) Transient Temperature Response In some simulations it is necessary to use functional relationships that are contained in tabular or graphic form. Fig. 2.20 shows an example of a graphic relationship between 3 2 y x Fig. 2.20 Graphic relationship between X and Y. Ch.2 Fundamentals of System/360 CSMP 31 X and Y that can be represented by using a FUNCTION statement. Points on the curve of Fig. 2.20 are entered on a FUNCTION card as illustrated below. r--Independent variable(X) ~ 1 ~ 1 L FUNCTION F = (0.5,1.0), (1.0, 2.0), (2.0, 2.5), (2.75, 2.25), (3.5, 1.5) t t t t j Function name LDependent variable (Y) L The symbol F represents the chosen name of this particular function but any other valid symbol can be used. The independent variable for each point is always listed first starting with the smallest algebraic value. This variable must monotonically increase to assure that the slope is neither infinite nor the function muItivalued. Increment size of the independent variable may be unequal as shown in the above example. Parentheses can be used to group the coordinates of each point but are not required. Commas must separate all numbers. The list of values can be extended to additional cards by the use of three consecutive periods (... ). There are no specific restrictions on the number of points per function. The two types of statements which use the data contained on the previous FUNCTION card are Y Y = = AFGEN(F, X) NLFGEN(F, X) where Y is the dependent variable (ordinate) and X is the independent variable (abscissa). The AFGEN statement provides linear interpolation between consecutive data points. In effect, the curve is represented by a series of straight-line segments. The more closely spaced the points, the more accurate the representation of the function. NLFGEN uses a Lagrange quadratic interpolation between points. Consequently, the NLFGEN element cannot accurately represent functions containing abrupt changes. An example of this is shown by Fig. 2.21. Notice that the error in using the NLFGEN statement is greatest where the data points are widely separated and where the curve changes abruptly. Both AFGEN and NLFGEN functions can be treated as ordinary variables and, consequently, included as part of structure statements. An example is Z = 3.5*AFGEN(F, X)/(3.8 - NLFGEN(L, TIME» If the value of the input variable is outside the specified range of the function, a diagnostic message is printed and the simulation proceeds without interruption. The value returned by AFGEN or NLFGEN is either the first or last dependent variable in the FUNCTION statement. For example, if the input value of X in the graphical relationship of Fig. 2.20 were 4.0, the output would be 1.5. In a similar manner, the output would be 1.0 for all input values less than 0.5. This example illustrates the simulation of the transient temperature response of a small hot copper cylinder which is quenched in water. Special emphasis is placed on the use of the FUNCTION statement in conjunction with the AFGEN function. 32 Ch.2 Fundamentals of System/360 CSMP NLFGEN AFGEN o Data points Ind~pendent variable / " --.""" / / / / Fig.2.21 Comparison of curve fit using AFGEN and NLFGEN functions. Figure 2.22 defines the physical setup of the problem. Applying the basic law of heat conduction and assuming uniform cylinder temperature and constant water temperature yields TDOT = T = H*AREA*(TA - T)/(RO*C*V) T where = S: Tdt + TINITL (2.9) (2.10) T = temperature of cylinder TA = temperature of water, 530 R TINITL = initial temperature of cylinder, 19600 R AREA = surface area of cylinder RO = density of copper, 559 Ib/ft C = specific heat of copper, 0.0915 Btu/lb-oR 0 = n(D2/2 + DL) 3 V = volume of cylinder D = diameter of cylinder, 0.02 ft L = length of cylinder, 0.1 ft H = overall heat transfer coefficient, a function of temperature as shown in Table 2.4. = n D2L/4 Data for the heat transfer coefficient is taken from Table 2.4 and entered into the program on a FUNCTION statement called HBOIL. Ch.2 --1 r- Fundamentals of System/360 CSMP D = 0.02 33 ft Copper CYlinder:UT Temperature = T L 0 Initial temperature = I 960 R =0.1 ~ ft Fig. 2.22 Schematic showing the quench- ing of a hot copper cylinder in water. Table 2.4 Boiling Heat Transfer Coefficient as a Function of Temperature Temperature Heat Transfer Coefficient COR) (Btu/ft 2 -hr-OR) 672.1 673.0 687.0 702.0 737.0 822.0 1082 1672 2672 114 278 667 3680 13200 3680 880 880 1140 Notice that this program contains all three segments: Initial, Dynamic, and Terminal. The use of the three segments is not required for this particular program, but is included in order to show a logical classification of the structure statements. The Initial segment contains both the FUNCTION statement and the CONSTANT card which are used to specify the parameters of the system, Since the calculations used to determine AREA and V are only required once, they are included in the Initial segment. In the Dynamic segment, an AFGEN statement is used to specify H, a FORTRAN type statement is used to calculate TOOT, and the INTGRL function is used to integrate TOOT to obtain T. 34 Ch. 2 Fundamentals of System/360 CSMP The run is terminated either by reaching the finish time (FINTIM) or by the control of the FINISH card. FINISH. The FINISH label allows the user to terminate a run prior to the time as specified by FINTIM. A run can be ended when any dependent variable first crosses or reaches a given bound. In the program of Fig. 2.23, the run will terminate when T reaches or crosses the value of 682°R, or when TIME reaches FINTIM. If more than one FINISH card is included, only the last card is considered. A single FINISH statement can contain a maximum of ten terminating conditions. Continuation to successive cards is permitted. LAREL QUENCHING OF A HOT COPPER CYL INUER INITIAL CONSTANT RO : 559.0. C : 0.0915. TA : 530.0, L = 0.1, 0 : 0.02 •••• TINITL : 1960.0. PI : 3.14159 * THE FOLLOWING VALUES LISTED ON THE FUNCTION CARD ARE THE HEAT TRANSFER * COEFFICIENT AS A FUNCTION OF TEMPERATURE FUNCTION HBOIL = (672.1.114.0),(673.0.278.0).(681.0.661.0), (702.Q.36aO.O),(137.0,13200.0J,(U22.0,3680.0), (1082.0.~80.0),{1672.0,880.0),(2h12.0.1140.0) AREA: PI*(D*0/2.0 + D*Lt V : PI*D*D*L/4.0 DYNAMIC H : AFGEN(HBOIL.T) TDOT : H*AREA*(TA - TJ/(RO*C*V) T = INTGRL(TINITl,TDOT) TER~I NAL TIMER FINTIM = 0.006, OUT DEL = 0.00001 FINISH T = 682.0 PRTPLT T (H) END STOP END JOB Fig. 2.23 Program to calculate the transient temperature of a copper cylinder. The FINISH statement FINISH X t I = -3.0, Y = z i'--_ _---. I At least one blank space after the label Finish A comma must separate all listings shows two conditions for ending the run. The first condition (X = - 3.0) will terminate the run when X first reaches or crosses - 3.0. The second requirement (Y = Z) will end the simulation when Y = Z, or when Y - Z first changes sign. The run will be terminated when either of the conditions are met. Since the FINISH conditions are checked at each integration interval, the run may be terminated at a time that is not a multiple of PRDEL or OUTDEL. If this happens, printing will occur at the time when the FINISH condition is met. Figure 2.24 shows the PRTPLT output for the time history of the temperature Ch. 2 PAGE OUFNCHING OF A HOT COPPER CYLINDER MINIMU~ TIM!: 0.0 1.0000E-0,) 2.0000'::-05 3.0000E-0') 4.0000F-05 !) .()OOOE-05 6.0000~-05 1.0000E-05 A.001)0~-05 9.0000E-05 1.00,10F-04 1.1000E-04 1.2000E-04 1.,1}001:-04 1.4000'::-04 1.50001"-04 1.6000E-04 1.7000E-04 1.80001=-04 1.9000F-04 2.0QOOE-04 2.100I'lF-04 2.2000E-04 2.3000E-04 2.4000':-04 2.5000E-04 2. (.OO()F - 04 2.7000':-04 2.6000E-04 7..9000E-{'I4 3.00001=-04 3.1 OOOE- 04 3.2000F.-04 3.3000F-04 3.400'1E-04 3.5000E-04 3.6000F-04 3.7000E-04 35 Fundamentals of System/360 CSMP T VHSlJS TIME 6.7907E 02 I T 1.~oOOr: 03 1.9029E 03 1.84d9E 03 1.1918E 03 1.1493E 03 1.10BE 03 1.6590F 03 1.b116E 03 1.~172F. 03 1.5383E 03 1.5009E 03 1.46481: 03 1.4301E 03 1.3961E 03 1.364~E 03 1.3335E 03 1.3036E 03 l.2149E 03 1.2472E 03 1.2206E 03 1.1949E 03 1.11021: 03 1.14bSE 03 1.123bE 1.10lSE l.oe02E 1.0Sb6E 1.0279E 9.9394E 9.5509E 9.121bE H.b658E 6.2011E 7.3674'C 6.9375E b.8613E b.8224F 6.7907E 03 03 03 03 03 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 MAXIMUM 1.9600E 03 I -------------------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------------+ ---------------------------------------------+ -----------------------------~-------------+ -----------------------------------------+ ---------------------------------------+ --------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------+ ---------------------------------+ --------------------------------+ ------------------------------+ -----------------------------+ ----------------------------+ --------------------------+ -------------------------+ ------------------------+ -----------------------+ ----------------------+ ---------------------+ ------~~------------+ -------------------+ ------------------+ -----------------+ ----------------+ ---------------+ --------------+ -------------+ ------------+ ----------+ ---------+ -------+ -----+ --+ + 02 + 02 02 + + Fig.2.24 Printer-plot output for temperature of copper cylinder. of the copper cylinder. Notice that the FINISH card controlled the termination of the program at TIME = 0.00037 hr. Example 2.5 Three-Stage Saturn Vehicle For some types of simulations it is necessary to use conditional branching statements to control the sequence of calculations. An example of this type problem is the simulated launch of a three-stage Saturn rocket in which each stage requires different equations to describe the physical parameters. The FORTRAN IF statement can readily be used to insure that calculations are performed in proper order. Figure 2.25 gives the significant system parameters and also shows the forces acting on the vehicle. Applying Newton's second law and neglecting all minor effects and disturbances, the equations of motion for a rocket traveling in a radial direction from the center of H 9.5488E 02 9.4003E 9.2599E 9.1270E 9.0010E ~.8814E 8.80aOE 8.80aOE 8.80aOE 8.8000E 8.S000E 8.8000E 8.80aOE a.8000E 8.aoaOE 8.BoaOE 8.80aOE a.8000E 8.BOOOE 8.8000E 8.BOOOE 8.S000E 8.8000E a.8000E 8.8000E d.9888E 1.1537E 1.4629E 1.8283E 2.2468E 2.7090E 3.1999E 3.89l7E 1.3130E 2.02HE 6.4290E 5.3413E 4.4664E 02 02 02 02 02 02 a2 02 02 02 02 02 02 a2 02 02 a2 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 04 03 02 02 02 36 Fundamentals of Systemj360 CSMP Ch. 2 the earth are mY = rhVo - mg - !pCaAV2 (2.11) and ALT S: Vdt = (2.12) Program Symbols (Fig. 2.26) where m = mass of total rocket in slugs V = Y= VEL acceleration in ft/sec 2 ACC rh = mass flow rate of propellant in slug/sec (constant for each stage) Va = outflow velocity of propellant relative to rocket in ft/sec g = acceleration of gravity which is giyen by g = r6 ALT MASS velocity in ft/sec MDOT VOUT G 32.17[r +rALTT 6 = radius of earth in feet RADERH = altitude of rocket in feet ALT p = density of air in slug/ft 3 RO An approximate value of p is given by the p = 0.00238 e-ALT/24000 CaA = cross-sectional area of the rocket times the drag coefficient in ft2 DRAG While Eqs. (2.11) and (2.12) are valid for each stage, the parameters m, rh, Va' and CaA will change for each burn. Figure 2.26 shows the CSMP program listing for the simulation of the launch. All three segments (Initial, Dynamic, Terminal) are included in this program. The use of the three segments is good programming practice since it separates the different types of program statements. The Initial segment is used to specify the constants in the program and makes a onetime calculation to find the radius of the earth RADERH in feet. Since the parameters in Eq. (2.11) depend on the particular burn stage, FORTRAN IF statements are utilized to transfer control to the appropriate group of structure statements. To allow the use of logic branching statements, the· first part of the Dynamic segment is changed to a no sort section. By examining the program structure, one can make the following observations. If the flight time TIME is less than the burn time of the first stage BURNT1, control is transferred to statement 1. The instantaneous mass MASS of the total moving rocket is calculated and the appropriate values for the propellant-mass-flow rate MDOT, dragcoefficient times cross-sectional area DRAG, and propellant-outflow velocity VOUT for the first stage are specified. Control is then transferred to statement 3 which is a FOR- Ch.2 Fundamentals of System/360 CSMP CSMP Symbols MASS3 VOUT3 FLOW3 BURNT3 DRAG3 Third stage Initial mass = 8137 slugs Outflow velocity = 15250 ft/sec Mass flow rate = 14.75 slugs/sec Burn time = 479 sec Drag coefficient times crosssectional area = 360 sq ft 37 Drag fPCdAV2 Grar=mg MASS2 VOUT2 FLOW2 BURNT2 DRAG2 Second stage Initial mass = 32205 slugs Outflow velocity = 13805 ft/sec Mass flow rate = 81.49 slugs/sec Burn time = 359 sec Drag coefficient times crosssectional area = 460 sq ft MASSI VOUTl FLOWI BURNTl DRAG 1 First stage Initial mass = 148820 slugs Outflow velocity = 8060 ft/sec Mass flow rate = 930 slugs/sec Burn time = 150 sec Drag coefficient times crosssectional area = 510 sq ft Fig. 2.25 Saturn three-stage rocket. TRAN CONTINUE statement. After the CONTINUE statement, the Dynamic segment is changed to a sort section. Calculations are then made for acceleration of gravity G, density of air RO, and acceleration of the rocket ACC. INTGRL statements are used to find the velocity VEL and altitude of the rocket ALT. The final two statements in the Dynamic segment are used to calculate the velocity in miles per hour MPH and the altitude in miles MILES. Control is then transferred back to the beginning of the Dynamic segment where the iterative procedure is repeated. The final portion of the Dynamic segment was changed to a sort section to eliminate the possibility of having calculations performed in the wrong order. The value of FINTIM is set equal to the total burn time of all three stages and will consequently terminate the program at the end of the third-stage burn. 38 Fundamentals of System/360 CSMP Ch. 2 LABEL SIMULATION OF THE LAUNCH OF A SATURN V THREE STAGE ROCKET INITIAL CONSTANT MASSl = 148820.0, MASSZ = 32205.0, MASS3 = 8131.0, FLOWl = 930.0, FLOW2 :: 81.49, FLOW3 :: 14.15, VOUTt = 8060.0, YOUTZ:: 13805.0. VOUT3 = 15250.0. DRAGl = 510.0. DRAG2 = 460.0, ••• DRAG3 = 360.0. BURNT! = 150.0, BURNTZ = 359.0 RADERH = 3960.0*5280.0 DYNAMIC NOSORT IF(TIME.LE.BURNTIJ GO TO 1 IF(TIME.lT.(BURNTl + BURNT2Jt GO TO 2 * CALCULATIONS FOR THIRD STAGE MASS MASS3 - FLOW3*(TIME - BURNT1 - BURNT2J MOOT = FLOW3 DRAG = DRAG3 YOUT :: VOUT3 GO TO 3 * CALCULATIONS FOR FIRST STAGE 1 MASS MASSl + MASS2 + MASS3 - fLOW1*TIME MOOT :: FLOWl DRAG = DRAGl YOUT :: VOUT 1 GO TO 3 * CALCULATIONS FOR SECOND STAGE Z MASS MASSZ + MASS3 - FLOW2*(TIME - BURNTlt MOOT :: fLOWZ DRAG = DRAGZ YOUT = YOUTZ 3 CONTI NUE SORT G :: 32.11*I(RADERH/(RADERH + AlT)t**Z) GRAVITY RO = 0.00Z3S*EXP(-AlT/Z4000.0) OENSITY ACC (MDOT*VOUT - MASS*G - 0.5*ORAG*RO*VEL*VELJ/MASS YEL = INTGRL(O.O,ACC) ALT = INTGRLIO.O.VEl) MPH:: VEl*60.0/88.0 MILES = AlT/5Z80.0 TERMINAL TIMER FINTIM = 988.0, PRDEl :: 4.0, OUTOEl :: 20.0 PRINT MILES. MPH, ACC,G, RO PRTPLT MPH (MILES,ACe) * THE FOLLOWING FOUR STATEMENTS ARE USED TO MAKE CALCULATIONS AFTER THE * RUN IS COMPLETED AND TO PRINT THE RESUlTS. FEET = ~ILES*5280.0 WEIGHT = MASS*32.17 100 FORMAT(2E20.5) WRITE(6,100) FEET,-WEIGHT END STOP END JOB Fig. 2.26 Program to simulate the launch of a Saturn rocket. Ordinary FORTRAN FORMAT and WRITE statements can be used in nosort sections. An example of this is shown by the last two statements in the Terminal segment. Since the statements in the Terminal segment are only executed at the end of the program, the final altitude in feet FEET and the final earth-weight of the rocket WEIGHT can be calculated and will be the last output of the program. A detailed discussion of the use of FORTRAN output statements is included in Chap. 3 in the section on data output. The PRTPLT output showing the vehicle velocity profile is given in Fig. 2.27. Ch.2 Fundamentals of System/360 CSMP SIMULATION OF THE LAUNCH OF A SATURN V THREE STAGE ROCKET MINIMUM MPH PAGE MAXIMUM VERSUS TIME 2.ftZ30E 04 I 0.0 TIME 0.0 2.0000E 4.0000E 6.0000E 8.0000E 1.0000e: 1.2000E I.4OOOF. 1.600,01'; I.OOOOE 2.0000;; ;>.2000" 2.4000" 2.6000<; 2.80001'; 3.00MI' 3.2000" 3.4000E 3.6000!' J.8000E 4.00001' 4.2000", 4.4000F; 4.6000" 4.AOOI)F; 5.0000E ';.20001; ';.4000 c 5.6001)" 5.8000;: 6.0000r: 6.21')00<: 6.40001' 6.60001: 6.801)0E 7.aoool' 7.2000 c 7.4000E 7.60001' 7.bOOI')E A. 0000 c 8.;>000F. 8.4001)F; 8.60)1)1' A.8001)1; 9.0000E 9.201)'1<: 9.4000~ MPh 0.0 01 01 01 01 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 07. 1')2 07, 02 02 07. 02 0;> 07 1')2 02 07 02 02 02 02 02 02 07. 02 02 07 02 02 02 02 02 02 07 02 02 9.6000F 02 Q.80DO!' 02 9.i\SOOc 02 1.~966E 3.2111E 5.8673E 'I. 52'17F 1.4688E 2.2062E 3.2793E 3~9871E 3.9603E 3.9556E 3.9743E 4.0184E 4.01198E 4ol'l12E 4.325<'E 4.49551: 4.7062E 4.9621!' 5.2694E 5.6356E 6.0701E 6.51!48E 7.1'155!' 7.92311: 8.7'169E '1.2739" 9.B85E 9.4258E 9.536SE 'I.672flE 9.1l352E 1.0026E 1.024bE 1.0!;OOE 1.078aE lol1l5E 1.141l4E 1.lYOOE 1.236H" 1.2b9'>E 1.34YlE 1.416!>E 1.4'130~ 1.,)8071' l.bS ItlF 1.799!lE 1.'1397E 2.1092F 2.J214E 2.4230E 02 02 02 02 03 03 03 03 03 03 1)3 03 03 OJ 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 1)4 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 39 -+ -+ ---+ ----+ -------- .. --------+ ---------+ ---------+ ----------+ ---------- + -----------+ ------------ + -------------+ --------------+ ---------------- + ------------------+ --- ----- -----------+ ------------ -------+ -------------------+ -------------------+ -------------------+ --------------------+ ------------------'-- + ---------------------+ ---------------------+ ----------------------+ ----------------------+ -----------------------+ --------- --- ---- ---- -----+ --------------------------+ ---------------------------+ -----------------------------+ --- --------- ------------------ + -------------------------------+ ----------------------------------+ --- ----------- ------ ---- -------- ----- + ----------- ------------ -------- -------- ----- ------------ ---- -------------------+ -----------------------------------------------+ ---------------------------- ---------------------+ --. MILES Ace 0.0 1.4564E 00 3.3361E-Ol 1.1664E 01 1.55't9E 00 1.6553E 01 4.0380E 00 2.Z716E 01 1l.2590E 00 3.160 IE 01 1.4902E 01 4.4911E 01 2.4987E 01 6.4539E 01 4.0030E 01 9.5564E 01 6.1211E 01 -2.1380E 00 8.3283E 01 -1.1131E 00 1.0526E 02 4.9306E-Ol 1.2728E 02 2.2805E 00 1.4947E 02 4.2094E 00 1.7198E 02 6.3042E 00 1.9496E 02 8.5945E 00 2.1860E 02 1.1U6E 01 2.4309E 02 1.3913E 01 2.6863E 02 1.7042E 01 2.9546E 02 2.0571E 01 3.2386E ~2 2.4594E 01 3.541ZE 02 Z.9229E 01 3.8660E 02 3.4639E 01 4.2171E 02 4.1048E 01 4.5994E 02 4.8776E 01 5.0187E 02 5.8299E 01 5.4824E 02 7.0350E 01 5.9908E 02 3.9352E 00 6.5077E 02 5.5599E 00 1.0288E 02 1.2573E 00 7.5554E 02 9.0401E 00 8.0889E 02 1.0922E 01 a.o307E 02 1.2920E 01 9.1822E 02 1.5053E 01 9.7452E 02 1.7344E 01 1.0321E 03 1.9819E 01 1.0912E 03 2.2512E 01 l.l521E 03 2.5462E 01 1.21'48E 03 2.8719E 01 1.2797E 03 3.2347E 01 1.3471E 03 3.6425E 01 1.4173E 03 4.1058E 01 1.4905E 03 4.b38oE 01 1.5673E 03 5.2598E 01 1.6481E 03 5.995tjE 01 1.1334E 03 6.8849E 01 1.8240E 03 1.9841E 01 1.920oE 03 9.3828E 01 2.0243E 03 1.1230E 02 2.1366E 03 1.3793E 02 2.2595E 03 1.1602E 02 2.3122E 03 1.9705E 02 Fig. 2.27 Printer-plot output for launch of Saturn rocket. Example 2.6 Control System with Compensation A problem often encountered by the control engineer is to compensate a system so that both dynamic and steady state design specifications are met. This problem illustrates how a simple compensator can be added to a system in order to improve the transient response to a unit-step input while increasing the static-loop gain. Consider the closed-loop configuration in Fig. 2.28. The system step response with a loop gain of 300/24 and without compensation is given in Fig. 2.29. We note that the response has excessive oscillation and a peak overshoot of 89 %. The system requirements are to increase the static-loop gain to 300/12 and design a compensator so that the overshoot for a step input is approximately 20 % and the time to the first peak is equal to or less than 1 sec. INPUT OUTPUT '+ s(s + 2) (s + 12) Fig.2.28 Uncompensated system diagram for Example 2.6. STEP R!=SPON5E FOR Ui~CC~PENSATFD MINIMUM SYSHM - ~XAMPL= OUTPUT PAGE ~.6 VE~5US TIME TJ ME 0.0 6.0000::-02 1.2000::-01 1.8000E-01 2 .4000~-01 3.00COE-01 3.6000~-01 4.2000E-01 4.8000E-01 5.4000E-Ol 6.00f)Of-01 6.6COOE-01 7.2000E-Ol 7.80COE-Ol 8.4COOE-Ol <:1.00001:-01 9.6000E-Ol 1.0200E 00 1.0800E 00 1.1400E 00 1.2000 c 00 1.2600E 00 1.3200E 00 1.3800E 00 1.440017 00 1.5COOF 00 1.5600E 00 1.6200E 00 1.6800E 00 1.7400E 00 1.8000E 00 1.13600E 00 1.9200~ 00 1.9800E 00 2.0400E 00 2.1000:: 00 2.1600:: 00 2.2200~ 00 2.2 tlOOF 00 2.~400E 00 2.4000F. 00 2.46CCE 00 2.521)0E 00 2.5800E 00 2.6400:: 00 2.7CCOE CO 2.7600E 00 2.8200E 00 2.8800E 00 2.9400E 00 3.0000E 00 I OUTPUT 0.0 8. 8246E- 03 5.8440E-02 1.6470E-OJ 3.2761E-Ol 5.378ZE-Ol 7.8032E-Ol 1.0368E 00 i.2876E 00 1. 5136~ 00 1.6977E r)0 1.8261E 00 1.8894'= 00 1.8834E 00 1.809-.E 00 1.6735E co 1.4P71E 00 1.26 4 9:: 00 1.0245'= 00 7.8462E-C1 5.6374':- 01 3.7874E-Ol 2.4353E-Ol 1.6805E-Ol 1.5754E-Ol 2.1215E-01 3.2703E-Ol 4.92 70E -01 6.9587E-Ol 9.2048E-Ol 1.14QOE GO 1.3637E 00 1.54f..2E 00 1.6886= 00 1.7744:; 00 ] .79961:: 00 1.1628~ 00 1.6675E 00 1.5211r; 00 1.3370E CC 1.1282E 00 9.1155E-Ol 7. 0391E -01 5.2118E-Ol 3.1723£:-01 2.8279[-01 2. 4464~-Ol 2.6518f-Ol 3.4222E-Ol 4.69'6E-01 6.3599c-Ol + + -+ ----+ --------+ --------------+ --------------------+ ---------------------------+ ----------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------+ ----------~---------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------------+ --------------------------------------------+ ---------------------------------------+ ---------------------------------+ ---------------------------+ --------------------+ --------------+ ----------+ ------+ ----+ ----+ -----+ --------+ -------------+ ------------------+ ------------------------+ ------------------------------+ ------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------+ --------------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------------+ --------------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------+ -----------------~-----------+ ------------------------+ ------------------+ -------------+ ---------+ -------+ ------+ -------+ ---------+ ------------+ ----------------+ Fig.2.29 Uncompensated system step response for Example 2-6. 40 MAXIMUM 1.8894[ 00 0.0 Ch. 2 Fundamentals of System/360 CSMP 41 Using classical design procedures, one can define a proposed compensator with a transfer function given by (lead) _ Gis) - (lag) + 2.2)(s + 0.2) (s + 8.0)(s + 0.0275) (s (2.13) The diagram in Fig. 2.30 includes this compensator as well as a block arrangement suitable for CSMP simulation. Figure 2.31 gives the program listing using the variable names as specified in Fig. 2.30. When compared with Example 2.2, one notes that the essential difference is the addition of the compensator, Gis). The CSMP statement and formulation for a simple zero and pole (taken together) are summarized in Table 2.5. Table 2.5 Formulation for a Lead-Lag Structure General Form Function Definition: Pole-zero (often called lead-lag compensator) Y = LEDLAG('t'b't'2'X) • "t'lS "t'2 S Laplace form. Xes) ) + 11 + "t'lS+11~ +1 "t'2S Fig. 2.30 Diagram for programming compensated system of Example 2.6. From a practical point of view, the LEDLAG formulation (as illustrated in this example) can be used for either a lead or lag compensator as defined in classical control theory. The step response of the system with the compensator is shown in Fig. 2.32. We see that the problem specifications are met. One important reason for employing CSMP for a problem of this nature is that the graphic methods used in designing compensators do not generally yield a convenient method for determining the system step response. This is particularly true for higher-order systems. 42 Fundamentals of System/360 CSMP Ch. 2 INPUT :: S-TEP( O. 0» ERROR = INPUT - OUTPUT X8 300.0*ERROR X7 {O.2/0.0275t*XB X6 LEDlAG(I.0/0.2,1.0/0.0275,X7t X5 - (Z.2/8.0t*X6 X4 :: L:DLAGlI.0/2.2,l.C/8.0,X5J X3 (1.0/24.0)*X4 X2 REALPlCO.0,1.0/2.0,X3t Xl R~ALPl(0.O,l.O/12.0,X2' OUTPUT:: INTGRL(O.O,Xlt TIMER FINTIM :: 6.0, aUTOEl :: 0.12 PRl'PLT OUTPUT LABEL RESPJNSE FOR COMPENSATED SYSTEM - EXAMPLE 2-6 END STOP ENDJOB Fig.2.31 CSMP program listing for Example 2.6. RESPONSE FOR COMPENSATED SYSTEM - EXAMPLE 2-6 MINIMUP04 PAGE OUTPUT VERSUS TIME 0.0 Tt "E 0.0 1.2000E-Ol 2.4000E-Ol 3.6CCOE-Ol 4.8000F-Ol 6.0000E-OI 1.2000E-Ol 8.4000E-OI 9. bCCOE-Ol 1.0BOOE 00 1.2000E 00 1.3200E 00 1.4400~ 00 1.56COE 00 1.6 eOOE 00 1.8000E 00 1.9200E 00 2.0400E 00 i.1600E 00 2.2 eCOE 00 2.4000E 00 2.52COE 00 2.b400E 00 2.7l:COE 00 2.8eOOE 00 3.0000E 00 3.1200E 00 3.2400E 00 OUTPUT 0.0 4.9649E-02 ~.4100E-OI 5.1065E-Ol 7.7689E-Ol 9. S866E-Ol 1.1266E 00 1.1941E 00 1.2068= 00 1.J846E 00 1.14581.: 00 1.1045E 00 1.0691E 00 1.0436E 00 1.0283E 00 1.0216E 00 1.0209E 00 1.0235E OC 1.0274E 00 1.0309E 00 1.0335E 00 1.0348E 00 1.0349E 00 1.0342E 00 1.0330E 00 1.0315E 00 1.0301E 00 1.02B8E 00 1 MAXIMUM l.l068E 00 I + --+ ---------+ ---------------------+ --------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------+ ----~-----------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------------+ ---------------------------------------------+ --------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------~ ------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------~ ------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------+ Fig. 2.32 Compensated system step response for Example 2.6. Example 2.7 RLC Circuit Problem The purpose of this example is to illustrate how CSMP can be used to simulate an electric circuit. A series RLC circuit is given in Fig. 2.33. Suppose it is desired to find the voltage across the capacitor in response to a pulse-train input of unit amplitude. There Ch.2 Fundamentals of System/360 CSMP R 43 L 1.0 Ililem [ T R = 60 ohms L = 1.0 Hn C 2T = 100 ~fd T= 0.18 Fig. 2.33 Series RLC circuit. are several approaches that can be used to determine the solution. Three methods will be considered here. Method l-Transfer Function. expressed as: The transfer function between eo(t) and ein(t) can be 1 Eo(s) Ein(S) rc = 2 S (2.14) + (R) +_1 L S LC This can easily be simulated by CSMP provided we know the nature of the roots of the characteristic equation. Two possibilities exist in that the roots can either be real or complex. If the roots are real we can solve the problem by applying REALPL twice. A function (CMPXPL) which requires only one program statement can be used for either real or complex roots. The solution using this function will be presented later in this example. Method 2-State Variable Representation. for the previous circuit. eiit) = Ri(t) i(t) = The following equations can be written + L d~~) + eo(t) C ~; (t) (2.15) (2.16) Rearranging yields . (t) _ i(t) eo - C let) (2.17) = _ eoCt) _ Ri(t) + ein(t) L L L (2.18) These last two equations form a state-variable representation of the system where the states are eoCt) and i (t). Method 3-Direct Circuit Application. circuit, yields eiit) Kirchoff's law, applied directly to the RLC = Ri(t) + L d~~t) + ~ f: i(t) dt (2.19) A "graphical" representation for the solution of this equation is given later. Pulse Train Generation. The input voltage given in Fig. 2.33 is a train of square waves which can be generated by using two standard CSMP functions. These two functions are IMPULS and PULSE and are defined in Tables 2.6 and 2.7. 44 Fundamentals of System/360 CSMP Ch. 2 Table 2.6 Formulation for an Impulse Generatort Description Y Function °for 1; the roots are real and unequal (overdamped) c; < 1; the roots are complex (underdamped) Comparing coefficients in Eqs. (2.20) and (2.21) gives OJ n c; = ,.jljLC (2.22) R 2,.jLjC (2.23) = Using the values of R, L, and C from Fig. 2.33 results in OJ n = 100.0, c; = 0.3 (2.24) which implies that the system has complex roots. Complex roots can be directly simulated by using the function defined in the Table 2.8, provided the roots are in the denominator of the transfer function. Roots in the denominator of a transfer function are called poles and thus for this case we refer to these roots as complex poles. Table 2.8 Formulation for Complex Palest Function General Form Definition: Complex poles Y = CMPXPL(ICl,IC2",OJ m X) ICI = YeO) IC2 = YeO) For any value of , yet) + 2C;OJn y(t) + OJ;y(t) = x(t) Equivalent Laplace form y 8' +2C;~"s +00; I~ tThe poles are not required to be complex to use CMPXPL. As noted in the table any value of , is acceptable and thus the function can also be used when the poles are real. 46 Ch.2 Fundamentals of System/360 CSMP A diagram giving a block arrangement for simulating Eq. (2.20) is given in Fig. 2.34. The actual program listing of the simulation statements is given directly below the diagram in Fig. 2.35. E~ IILC S2 I + (R/L)s + IILC I EOUT • Fig. 2.34 Simulation diagram for RLC circuit (Method solution). * FXAMPLE PRCBLEM FOR RLC NETWORK - EXAMPLE 2-1 PARAM L = 1.0, C = 0.0001, R = 60.0 TRIG = IMPULS(0.O,0.36} EIN = PULSEtO.18,TRIG) X = EIN*(l.O'(L*C») EOUT CMPXPl(0.O,0.0,R/C2.0*SQRTCL/C)},SQRT(1.O/CL*C)),X) = FINTIM = 0.4, OLTDEL = 0.008 PRTPLT EOUTtEINI LABEL PULSE TRAI~ RESPONSE ACROSS CAPACITOR OF RLC NETWORK PRTPLT EIN LABEL PLOT SHOWING T~E PULSE TRAIN TO RLC NETWORK END STOP ENDJOB Tl~ER Fig. 2.35 Program solution). listing for RLC circuit (Method For convenience, the circuit parameter values are listed on a PARAMETER card. This gives the added flexibility of changing the circuit values without repunching several problem statement cards. The voltage response across the capacitor is shown by the printer-plot of Fig. 2.36 which gives the response for a time increment involving two input pulses. Solution by Method 2. The program listing for the solution of Eqs. (2.17) and (2.18) is given in Fig. 2.37. An advantage of using this approach is that one is not required to determine the form of the roots for the circuit characteristic equation. Formulating the problem in this manner has the added advantage of giving the solution for the current in the circuit. This current response is given in Fig. 2.38. The voltage eO P 2 y = X - P l ; for x < Pl Using the force characteristics shown on Fig. 2.51, the following DEADSP function can be used to simulate the contact force between gear teeth. F = KG*DEADSP( -0.1, 0.1, RhTHETAI - R2*THETA2) where RhTHETAI - R2*THETA2 = relative movement between gear teeth. The equations for the angular accelerations of the gears and flywheel are: cOl = WDI = (T*SIN(W*TIME) - RhF)/1l cO 2 = WD2 = (R2*F + K*(THETA3 - THETA2))/12 c03 = WD3 = K*(THETA2 - THETA3)/13 (2.26) (2.27) (2.28) In the program of Fig. 2.52, the angular accelerations are calculated by ordinary FORTRAN statements. INTGRL functions are used to integrate angular accelerations and velocities to obtain angular velocities and angular displacements, respectively. All initial conditions are assumed to be zero. It is often desirable to know the maximum and minimum values of variables during a run. The RANGE statement can be used for this purpose. In this example, it is used to list the maximums and minimums for 10 variables. Ch. 2 59 Fundamentals of System/360 CSMP I1 = 0.4 Ib-sec 2 -in. R 1 = radius = 5.0 in. /3 = 0.8 lb-sec 2 -in. 12 = 0.0 llb-sec 2 -in. R2 = 1.0 in. THETA3 } THETA2 Gear 2 Fig.2.50 Schematic of gear train system. Force between gear teeth Slope = 200000lb/in. Relative movement between gear teeth Backlash (0.2 in.) Fig.2.51 Backlash in gear teeth. RANGE. The RANGE card allows the user to obtain both the maximum and minimum values of specified variables that occur during the run. Included with the maximum and minimum values are the times at which the values occurred. The times of maximum and minimum do not necessarily occur at a multiple of PRDEL or OUTDEL. An example of the output from the RANGE statement for this problem is shown in Fig. 2.53. RANGE F, WDI, WD2, WD3, WI, W2, W3, THETAI, THETA2, THETA3 60 Ch.2 Fundamentals of Systemj360 CSMP TITLE SIMULATION OF THE DYNAMICS OF A GEAR TRAIN CONTAINING BACKLASH CONSTANT 11 = O.~, 12 = 0.01, 13 = 0.8, R1 = 5.0, R2 = 1.0, KG = 200000.0, K = 4000.0, T 100.0, W = 20.0 F = KG OEADSP(-O.l, 0.1, Rl*THETAl - R2*THETA2) WOl = (T SIN(W*TIME) - Rl * FJ/Il W02 = (R2 F + K * (THETA3 - THETA2))/I2 W03 K (THETA2 - THETA3)/I3 Wl = INTGRL(O.O, WD1) W2 = INTGRUO.O, WD2) W3 = INTGRL(O.O, WD1) THETAl = INTGRL(O.O, W1J THETA2 INTGRL(O.O, W2) THETA3 = INTGRL(O.O, w3) PRINT f, WOl, W02, W03, WI, W2, W3, THETAI, THETA2, THETA3 RANGE F. WOlf WDl, WD3, WL, W2, W3, THETAl, THETA2, THETA3 TIMER FINTIM = 0.5. PRDEL = 0.005 END STOP ENDJOB = * * * = * = Fig. 2.52 Program for gear train simulation. PROBLEM DURA lION 0.0 VARIABLE F WDl WD2 W03 WI W2 W3 THETA 1 THET A2 THETA3 MINIMUM -9.2400E 02 -1.1534E 04 -9.2923E 04 -1.7390E 02 -3.0321E 00 -l.8832E 01 -2.1485E-Ol 0.0 -4.2604E-03 0.0 TIME 2.7134E-OI 4.l30lE-01 2.1l34E-Ol 2.2181E-Ol 2.1984E-Ol 3.6290E-Ol 1.1375E-01 0.0 3.7164E-02 0.0 TO 5.0000E-Ol MAXIMUM 9.4ll0E 02 l.136lE 04 8.8692E 04 1.8759E 02 3.253lE 00 2.0539E 01 2.7382E 00 l.3119E-01 6.5328E-Ol 6.3820E-Ol Tl~E 4.130lE-Ol 2.7134E-Ol 4.1301E-Ol 3.8948E-Ol 3.874lE-Ol 1.8764E-Ol 4.6904E-Ol 4.5464E-Ol 4.9929E-01 5.0000E-01 Fig. 2.53 Example of output from a range statement. Only one RANGE statement can be used, but this statement can contain up to 100 variables by using continuation cards. Since more than eight variables are requested in the PRINT statement, the "equations format" as shown in Fig. 2.54 is automatically selected. Two TITLE cards are used to obtain two lines of heading on each page of output. Example 2.10 Beam Deflection Problem There exists a large class of engineering problems where it is necessary to use a trial and error solution. Two-point boundary-value problems generally fall within this class. The CSMP program has a feature for handling this type of problem and can be illustrated with the following cantilever-beam example. This problem can be simply stated: find the deflection and stress of a thin steel cantilever beam of varying thickness with a 30 lb weight hung on the end. Figure 2.55 gives the basic configuration of the problem along with beam measurements. The thin tapered beam will have a large deflection and consequently a large slope. For this reason, the exact equation for the radius of curvature is used in the following differential equation for beam deflection. SIMULATION OF THE OYNAM ICS OF A GEAR TRAIN CONTAlNI NG BACKLASH TIME z 0.0 . RKS INTEGRATION F Wl '" THETA2: 0.0 0.0 0.0 WDl " W2 THETA3 .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 WDZ lil : 0.0 0.0 WD3 THETA1- 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 WD3 THETA1- 0.0 1.0411E-04 ~ TIME 5.0000E-03 s F wl THETA2z .. 0.0 6.2448E-02 0.0 c WDl : W2 THET A3z 2.4958E 01 0.0 0.0 WD2 w3 TIME 1.0000E-02 F Wl THETA2s 0.0 2.4911E-Ol 0.0 WDl " W2 = THET A3 .. 4.9661E 01 0.0 0.0 WC2 W3 s 0.0 0.0 WD3 THETAlz 0.0 8.3166E-04 0.0 5.58Z9E-Ol 0.0 WOl 112 " THET A3" 1.3880E OL 0.0 0.0 WC2 W3 - 0.0 0.0 WD3 THETA1: 0.0 Z.1999E-03 0.0 9.8613E-Ol 0.0 WDl W2 " THET A3a 9.1354E 01 0.0 0.0 WDZ w3 0.0 0.0 WD3 THETA 1- 0.0 6.6135E-03 '" 0.0 1.5302E 00 0.0 WDl W2 " THETA3- 1.L986E OZ 0.0 0.0 WD2 W3 0.0 0.0 WD3 '" THETA1: 0.0 1.Z859E-02 c 0.0 5.1468E-Ol 8.8591E-03 WDl W2 THETA3" 1.4116E OZ 1.1544E 01 4.1982E-06 WDZ W3 : -3.542ZE 03 1.6510E-02 WD3 " THETA 1'" 4.4Z11E 01 2.0949E-02 WDl 1.6105E 02 W2 - -4.0249E 00 1.1l90E-03 THETA3" 1102 113 " -6.7610E 03 4.3920E-Ol WD3 = THETAl= 8.451ZE 01 2.1422E-02 TIME z 1.5000E-02 s F Wl '" THETA2z TIME .. 2.0000E-OZ F ... W1 THETA2= TIME " TIME 2.5000E-02 F Wl " THETAZ· 3.0000E-OZ F Wl THETA2= . . " TIME . 3.5000E-OZ F = 0.0 Wl '" -9.4938E-Ol THETAZ .. 1.8021E-OZ TIME " 4.0000E-02 F 0.0 .. -1.2125E 00 W1 1.651ZE-03 THETA2'" WDl WZ THET A3= 1.1934E OZ 4.6252E 00 3.512.3E-03 IIDZ W3 = TIME s 4.5000E-02 F 0.0 " -3.3311E-Ol Wl .. THETA2= 1.6850E-03 WDl 1.9583E 02 .. -3.6696E 00 WZ THET A3" 6.0281E-03 1102 W3 .. -6.6252E 02 " 5.5Z24E-Ol TIME '" 5.0000E-02 . = z -9.6052E 00 WD3 THETA1= 1.5125E-02 WD3 THETA1" 1103 " -6.9464E 00 THETA1= 1.Z511E-02 2.1037E 02 4.1011E 00 8.5669E-03 WDZ W3 5.5512E 02 4.4153E-Ol Wl THETA2= " 0.0 1.1664E 00 1.2151E-02 WDl 2.2280E OZ WZ - -3.1386E 00 THET 0= 1.1037E-02 WDZ W3 .. -4.4811E 02 5.5310E-Ol . WD3 THETA1= 5.6014E 00 1.8613E-02 WD2 113 : -8.3114E 03 1.3139E-Ol WD3 THETA1· 1.0397E OZ 2.3806E-02 WD2 113 .. -3.2118E 03 1.0940E 00 z WD3 THETA 1" 4.0141E 01 2.1541E-02 z . 5.5000E-02 TIME " 6.0000E-02 F wl " THETA2= 0.0 9.2847E-Ol 3.4127E-02 WDl 2.3301E 02 .. -2.6537E 00 112 THET A3z 1.3933E-02 TIME : 6.5000E-02 z F 0.0 z -1.2541E-Ol Wl THETA2=· 2.6512E-02 WDl 2.4089E 02 WZ : -8.4676E 00 THETA3: 1.8542E-02 F . . Fig. 2.54 Output from gear train simulation. (2.29) Symbols program (Fig. 2.56) = bending moment in beam E = Young's Modulus (30 x 106psi) I = Moment of inertia where M = n- wt w = width of beam (1.0 in) FORCE*(LO - X) 3 E I WIDTH t = thickness of beam T = deflection of beam Y y t = slope of beam ddx2y = EI M[l + (ddxy )2]3/2 2 8.2815E 00 1.1615E-OZ THETA3~ . TIME 1.6842E 02 4.4856E-Ol 0.0 6.8258E-Ol 1.171bE-03 F Wl THETAZ= WDl WZ z YP YPP 61 62 Ch.2 Fundamentals of System/360 CSMP ~------------------------------------------30----------~ ~----------------------20----------~ ~-------10------~ in. 0.3 in. 0.15 in. 0.1 in. L I· Fig. 2.55 Cantilever beam. Notice that in Eq. (2.29), the independent variable X is the position in the horizontal direction. This is the first example in which the independent variable has not been time (TIME). This detail can easily be handled by renaming the independent variable using the control statement RENAME. A listing of the program in Fig. 2.56 shows an application of this statement. RANAME. The RENAME statement can be used to change the symbol for any of the six reserved names (DELT, DELMIN, FINTIM, OUTDEL, PRDEL, and TIME), as shown below: RENAME TIME = X In this example, the symbol X will be used in place of the reserve word TIME. The independent variable listed in all PRINT and PRTPLT outputs will be the variable X. Successive renaming on the same card must be separated by a comma. No continuation cards (oo.) are allowed with RENAME; however, several RENAME cards may be used. The only requirement for the location of the RENAME card is that it must be placed before the TIMER statement. Ch. 2 Fundamentals of System/360 CSMP 63 LABEL LARGE DEFLECTION OF A CANTILEVER BEAM RENAME TI ME = X INITIAL CONSTANT L= 30.0, WIDTH = 1.0,E = 10.OE6, FORCE = 30.0, LO = 26.0 FUNCTION THICK = (0.0,0.4),(10.0,0.3),(20.0,0.15),(30.0,0.1J DYliAMIC C = SQRT(l.O + yp*vP) XA = INTGRL(O.O.C) T = NLFGEN(T~ICK,XA) I = WIDTH*T*T*T/12.0 YPP = FORCE*(LO:" X)*C*C*C/(E*n YP = INTGRL(O.O,VPP) Y = INTGRL(O.O,VP) STRESS = FORCE*(LO - X)*T/(2.0*It TERMINAL TIMER FINTIM = 30.0 FINISH XA = L IF(ABS(X - Le).LT.0.3) GO TO 1 LO = LO + 0.2*(X - LO) CALL RERUN 1 CJNTINUE ~ * THE FOLLOWING END CARD RESETS THE INITIAL CONDITIONS AND INITIATES ANOTHER RUN LSING A VALU~ OF OUTDEL = 0.6. END TIMER OUTDEL = 0.6 PFlTPLT Y (STRESS,XA,VP) eND STOP ENDJQB Fig. 2.56 Program for deflection of cantilever beam. Since the beam is curved, the X coordinate is not equal to the distance as measured along the center line of the beam. The distance from the base along the beam is given by XA I: = [1.0 / + (CZ) 2J 2dx (2.30) CSMP statements for the above expression are C XA = = SQRT(1.0 + yP*YP) INTGRL(O.O, C) The value of XA must be used as the argument of the nonlinear function-generator statement to calculate the thickness of the beam. T = NLFGEN(THICK, XA) Since the beam is curved in its final deflected shape, the exact horizontal LO position of the end of the beam is not known. An initial estimate of 26 in. is made on a CONSTANT card. With this initial estimate the values of y, dyjdx, d 2 yjdx2 and stress are calculated as 2 d y2 = YPP = FORCE*(LO - X)*C*C*Cj(E*I) dx dy dx = 2 IX dx d y dx = 0 2 YP = INTGRL(O •0, YPP) (2.31) (2.32) 64 Fundamentals of System/360 CSMP Y (J = Xd f Ix 0 dx Ch. 2 = Y = INTGRL(O.O, YP) = ';; = STRESS = FORCE*(LO - X)*T/(2.0*I) (2.33) (2.34) The calculations in the Dynamic segment continue until the distance -integrated along the beam XA is equal to the total length L. At this point the first run is terminated by the following FINISH statement: FINISH XA = L The FINISH statement terminates a run when the variable XA reaches or first crosses the specified bound L. At this point the actual horizontal position of the end of the beam X is compared with the first estimate LO. If the first estimate for the horizontal location of the end of the beam is not sufficiently close (less than 0.3 in.) to the calculated value, additional runs will be required until this criterion is satisfied. The CALL RERUN feature is used to solve this trial and error problem. CALL RERUN. The CALL RERUN statement must be placed in the Terminal segment to recycle the program through additional runs with new parameters. All constants used in succeeding runs will have the same values as specified in the Initial segment unless otherwise specified in the Terminal segment. The program listing of Fig. 2.56 illustrates the use of the CALL RERUN statement. After the first run is terminated by the FINISH statement, the difference between the actual horizontal position of the end of the beam X is compared with the initial guess LO. If the absolute difference is greater than or equal to 0.3 in., a new estimate for LO is calculated and, the CALL RERUN statement will recycle the program using the new estimate for LO and all other constants as specified in the Initial segment. Successive runs will occur until the absolute difference between the actual horizontal position and the estimate is within the desired range. When this occurs, the FORTRAN IF statement will transfer the execution to the CONTINUE statement which bypasses the CALL RERUN card. In this example, the CONTINUE card is used as a FORTRAN statement. If the statement number were not included, the CONTINUE card would have been executed as a CSMP statement. A detailed explanation of the CSMP CONTINUE card is given in Chap. 3. Notice that there is no output statement before the first END card. This means that there will be no output until the final run is completed. If output is desired at the end of each iterative run, PRINT, or PRTPLT statements should be placed before the first END card. The first END card is used after a CALL RERUN statement to reset the independent variable X to zero, and to initiate another run. The use of the END statement for making multiple runs is covered in Chap. 3. The PRTPLT output for the final run is shown in Fig. 2.57. One of the most important statements for trial and error solution is the algo- Ch.2 Fundamentals of System/360 CSMP LARGe DEFLECTION OF A CAHILEVER BEAM PAGE MINIMUM 0.0 x VERSUS X MAXIMUM 1.2606E 01 I y 0.0 b.OOOOE-Ol 1.2000E 00 1.BOOOE OJ 2.4000E OJ 3.0000E 00 3.bOOOt: OJ 1t.2000E OU It.aOUOE 00 5.4000E 00 6.0000E 00 lI.bOOOE 00 7.200uE 00 7.S000E 00 8.4000E 00 9.001l0E 110 9.bOJOE 00 1.0200E 01 1.081l1lE 01 1.140ilE 01 •• 2000E 01 1.2biluE III l.3200E 01 1.3SIlOE 01 1.4400E 01 1.~000E 01 1.560;);: 01 1.b200E ill 1.bSOOE 01 1.7ltOOE 01 1.1l000E 01 1.lIo00E 01 1.9200E 01 1.9800E 01 2.0400E Ol 2.J.000E 01 2.1bOOE 01 2.2200E 01 l.2800i: 01 .!. .34JJE 01 l.4000E OJ. 2.lt600E 01 l.520JiO 01 2.51100E 01 0.0 2.6519E-03 1.0687E-02 2.4228E-02 4.3402E-02 6.8342E-02 9.9186E-02 1.3608E-01 1.7918E-Ol 2.2863E-Ol 2.8461 E-O 1 3.4l28E-Ol 4.1684E-Ol 4.9346E-Ol 5.7736E-Ol 6.6 874E-0 1 7.6782E-Ol 8.7484E-Ol 9.9010E-01 1.114CE CC 1. 24 70E 00 1.38C;7E 00 1.5427E OC 1.7061E 00 1.8825E 00 2.07L1E 00 2.2731E 00 2.4916E 00 2.7267E 00 2.9810E 00 3.2574E 00 3.5595E 00 3.8924E 00 4.2630E 00 4.6l85E 00 5.1462E 00 5.6757E 00 6.2791E 00 6.9728E 00 7.7780E 00 8.7224E 00 9.8371E 00 1.1142E 01 1.2b06E 01 65 + -+ -+ -+ ---+ ----+ -----+ ------+ --------+ ---------+ ---------+ ----------+ -----------+ ------------+ --------------+ ---------------+ ----------------+ ------------------+ --------------------+ ----------------------+ ------------------------+ ---------------------------i· ------------------------------+ ----------------------------------+ ---------------------------------------+ ---- ---- ---- ----- -------- ------------ -------+ -------------------------------------------------+ STRESS 2.9250E 2.9452E 2.9653E 2.9852E 3.0048E 3.0243E 3.0434E 3.0622E 3.0806E 3.0985E 3.1159E 3.1326E 3.1486E 3.1638E 3.1780E 3ol912E 3.2031E 3.2277E 3.2751E 3.3Z79E 3.3866E 3.4520E 3.5249E 3.6066E 3.6984E 3.8019E 3.9194E 4.0538E 4.2089E 4.3898E 4.601tlE 4.8625E 5.1818E 5.2945E 5.2539E 5.1556E 4.9863E 4.1302E 4.3680E 3.8772E 3.2331E 2.4161E 1.4345E 3.6008E 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 03 XA 0.0 .6.0001E-Ol 1.2001E 00 1.8002E 00 2.4005E 00 3.0010E 00 3.6018E 00 4.2030E 00 4.8045E 00 5.4066E 00 6.0092E 00 6.6124E 00 7.2164E 00 1.8213E 00 8.4212E 00 9.03HE 00 9.6422E 00 1.0252E 01 1.0863E 01 1.1415E 01 1.2090E 01 1.2107E 01 1.3326E 01 1.3948E 01 1.4513E 01 1.5202E 01 1.5835E 01 1.6414E 01 1.1118E 01 1.7710E 01 1.8430E 01 1.9102E 01 1.9188E 01 2.0494E 01 2.1224E 01 2.1984E 01 2.2185E 01 2.3636E 01 2.4553f!! 61 2.555JE 01 2.66?1E 01 2.1943E 01 2.9319E 01 3.0961E 01 Fig.2.S7 PRTPLT output for deflection of beam. rithm used in the terminal segment to recalculate LO. The calculation that was used in this example is LO = LO + O.2*(X - LO) (2.35) This statement is not meant to be the optimum algorithm for calculating the new estimate for LO. It is only a calculation that yielded desired results. Extreme care should be used in choosing algorithms for recalculating new estimates of parameters. These calculations can affect not only the number of iterative runs but can often make the difference between a convergent or divergent solution. Example 2.11 Stress Analysis of Cam-Follower System In all of the previous examples, some form of numerical integration was performed. This example illustrates the use of CSMP to make a sequence of calculations where no integration is conducted. Other computer languages such as FORTRAN and BASIC could be used for this particular type of problem but CSMP has the advantage of particular capabilities such as FUNCTION and PRTPLT. The problem is to calculate the contact stress between a cam and roller-follower at 2° cam increments. A schematic of the physical system is shown in Fig. 2.58. YP 0.0 8.8725E-03 1.1945E-02 2.1226E-02 3.6124E-02 4.6448E-02 5.6408E-02 6.6615E-02 1.7019E-02 8.1813E-02 9.882<1E-02 1.1014E-Ol 1.2176E-01 1.33nE-Ol 1.4600E-01 1.5865E-Ol 1.7168E-01 1.8513E-Ol 1.9919E-Ol 2.1399E-Ol 2.2962E-Ol 2.4622 E-Ol 2.6391E-Ol 2.8289E-Ol 3.0331E-Ol 3.2562E-Ol 3.5001E-Ol 3.1698E-Ol 4.0n1E-Ol 4.4142E-Ol 4.8093E-Ol 5.2152E-Ol 5.8402E-Ol 6.5323E-Ol 1.3310E-Ol 8.2803E-Ol 9.4020E-Ol 1.0151E 00 1.2422E 00 1.4495E 00 1.1015E 00 2.0141E 00 2.3261E 00 2.5201E 00 66 Fundamentals of System/360 CSMP Ch. 2 ~ Spring K RF constant = 150 Ib/in. t Radius follower Y (lift) ~---Follower ~---Cam (1 in. thick) Fig.2.58 Schematic of cam-follower system. The stress is a function of the angular position of the cam, consequently, the independent variable is THETA. The first statement of the program of Fig. 2.59 uses the RENAME card to change the symbol for the independent variable from TIME to THETA. The maximum compressive contact stress for a 1 in. thick steel cam and roller-follower is given by the Hertz formula. STRESS = 2291J F(~*~:F) (psi) where R = radius of curvature of cam profile at the point of contact (in.) RF = radius of roller-follower (in.) F = radial load (lb) (2.36) Ch.2 Fundamentals of System/360 CSMP 67 TIME = THETA CALCULATION OF CONTRACT STRtSS BETWEEN CAM AND FOLLOWER CONSTANT RF = 0.15, K = 150.0, YI = 0.2'5 FUNCTION LIFT =(0.0,0.01,(30.0,0.09371,(60.0,0.315), (90.0,0.15) ••• ,(120.0,1.125),(,(180.0,1.5),(210.0,1.5), (,(,(300.0,0.375),(330.0,0.1433), (360.0,0.01 FUNCTION RADCUV = 10.0,2.0),(30.U,2.4),(60.0,2.5),(90.0,2.75), ••• (120.0,3.01,(150.0,3.3),(180.0,3.51,(210.0,3.51,(240.0,2.95), 1270.0,2.8),(300.0,2.6),1330.0,2.5),(360.0,2.01 V = NLFGEN(LIFT,THETAI F = K*( Y + VI. R = ~LFGEN(RADCUV,THETAI STRESS = 2291.0*SQRTIF*IR + RF)/(R*RFII PRTPLT STRESS (F,R,Y) TIMER FINTIM 360.0, OUTDEL 7.0 RF~AME LAB=L = END ST1P = ENOJ08 Fig. 2.59 Program to calculate contact stress between cam and follower. The radius of curvature of the cam surface is measured from the drawing of the cam at 30° increments and this information is included in the following FUNCTION statement. FUNCTION RADCUV = (0.0,2,0),(30.0,2.4),(60.0,2.5),(90.0,2.75), (120.0,3.0),(150.0,3.3),(180.0,3.5),(210.0,3.5),(240.0,2.95), (270.0,2.8),(300.0,2.6),(330.0,2.5),(360.0,2.0) To simplify the calculation of force, the cam is assumed to be rotating at a speed where the inertial forces can be neglected. A static analysis which neglects the pressure angle yields the following expression for the force between the cam and follower. F= K(Y + YI) where Y = (2.37) lift of follower YI = initial compression of spring The lift Y is also a function of THETA and is measured from the drawing at 30° increments. This information is included in the following FUNCTION statement. FUNCTION LIFT = (0.0,0.0),(30.0,0.0937),(60.0,0.375),(90.0,0.75), (120.0,1.125),(150.0,1.406),(180.0,1.5),(210.0,1.5), (240.0, 1.357),(270.0,0.9818),(300.0,0. 375),(330.0,0.1433), Since both the radius of curvature of the cam and the lift are represented by smooth curves, the NLFGEN function-generating element is used to calculate values for Rand y. The TIMER card controls the increment and range of calculations. In this example, FINTIM was set equal to 360.0 which corresponds to a cam rotation of one revolution. A value of OUTDEL = 2.0 forces the calculations to be performed and print-plotted at 2° increments. One page of the printer-plot output is shown in Fig. 2.60. Note the maximum and minimum values for the print-plot variable STRESS are always included in the PRTPLT output. 68 CALCULAT I Clt-l OF Fundamentals of System/360 CSMP cm. TRAC T STRESS BETWEE r- CAM AND FOLLOWEr<. MIN IMUM 1.899bE 04 THETA 0.0 7.00001" 4. OOOOF b.OOOOE 8.00001' 1.0000E 1.;>00OE 1.4000E 1.bOOOE 1.8000E 2.0000!: 2.2000E 2.4000" ?bOOOf:' ?BOOOE 3.0000F. "'I.;>OOOE 3.4000F. 3.bOOOF 3. fl OOOE 4.0000E 4.2000E 4.4000E 4.bOOOE 4.8000 F 5.00001' 5.;>000E 5.4000F 5.bOO';" 5.BOOOE b.OOOO F 6.2000E 6.4000E 6.bOOO F 6.8000E 7.0000E 7.2000E 7.4000F 7.bOOOE 7.8000E 8.00001: 8.l000E 8.4000E 8.6000r: 8.80001' 9.0000E 9.2000E 9.4000E 9.bOOOE 9.8000E l.OOOOE 00 Or) 00 00 01 01 CJl 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01. 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 02 STRESS 1.B99bE 1.9197E 1.939bE 1.9592E 1.9785E 1.9915E 2.01b3E 2.0349E 2.0533E 2.0714E 2.0894E 2.101lE ?124bE 2.1420E 2.1591E 2.11blE 2.21491: 2.255bE 2.2981E 2.3423E 2.3S8LE 2.4355E 2.4844E 2.5341E 2.58b3E 2.b391E 2.6932E 2.7484E 2.8047E 2.8b21E 2.9205E 2.'l700E 3.0194E 3.0b88E 3.1181E 3.1b14E 3.216bE 3.2b57E 3.3147E 3.3636E 3.4124E 3.4612E 3.5098E 3.5584E 3.60b1!E 3.6552E 3.6982E 3.7406E 3.7825E 3.8238E 3.8647E Ch. 2 PAGE ~AXIMUM STRESS VERSUS THETA 4.7359E 04 I 04 04 04 34 1)4 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 I ---+ ----+ -----+ --------+ ---------+ ----------+ -----------+ ------------+ -------------+ -------------+ --------------+ ---------------+ ---------------- + -----------------+ ------------------+ -------------------+ --------------------+ -------- -------------+ ----------------------+ -----------------------+ ------------------------ + ----------------------- + -------------------------+ --------------------------+ ------------------------ ---+ ----------------------------+ ----------------------------+ ------------------------------+ ------------------------------+ -----------------------------+ -----------------------------+ -----------------------------+ ------------------------------+ ------------------------------+ F 3.7500E 3.8437E 3.9374E 4.0311E 4.1248E 4.2185E 4.3122E 4.4059E 4.49'l6E 4.5'l33E 4.b870E 4.7B07E 4.8744E 4.'l681E 5.0618E 5.1555E 5.3492E 5.5555E 5.7743E 6.0055E 6.24'l3E 6.5056E 6.7744E 7.0557E 7.34'l5E 7.6558E 7.'l746E 8.3060E 8.6498E 9.0061E 9.3750E 'l.70b3E 1.0044E 1.0388E 1.0738E 1.1094E 1.1456E 1.1825E 1.2200E 1.2581E 1.2969E 1.3363E 1.3763E 1.416'lE 1.4581E 1.5000E 1.5375E 1.5750E 1.6l25E 1.6500E 1.6875E 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 R 2.0000E 2.0267E 2.0533E 2.0BOOE 2.10b7E 2.1333E 2.1600E 2.1bb7E 2.2133E 2.2400E 2.2667E 2. 2'l33E 2.3200E 2.3467E 2.3133E 2.4000E 2.41bOE 2.4307E 2.4440E 2.4560E 2 .46b 7E 2.47bOE 2.41l40E 2.4'l07E 2.4960E 2.5000E· 2.5027E 2.5040E 2.5040E 2.5027E 2.5000E 2.5120E 2.5247E 2.5380E 2.5520E 2.5667E 2.5820E 2.5'l80E 2.6147E 2.6320E 2.6500E 2. b68 7E 2.b880E 2.1.080E 2.7287E 2.7500E 2.7667E 2.7833E 2.8000E 2.8167E 2.8333E y 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0.0 6.2467E-Ol 1.2493E-02 1.8740E-02 2.4987E-C2 3.1233E-02 3.1480E-02 4.3727E-02 4.9973E-02 5.6220E-02 6.2467E-02 6.8713E-02 7.4'l60E-02 8.1207E-02 8.7453E-C2 9.HOOE-02 1.0662E-Ol 1.2037E-Ol 1.34'l5E-01 1.503 7E-0 1 1.6662E-01 1.8371E-01 2.0163E-01 2.2038E-Ol 2.3997E-Ol 2.603'lE-01 2.8164E-0 1 3.0373E-Ol 3.2665E-Ol 3.5041E-01 3. 7500E-0 1 3.9708E-Ol 4.1'l5'lE-01 4.4250E-Ol 4.6584E-01 4.8'l59E-01 5.1376E-Ol 5.3834E-Ol 5.6334E-Ol 5.8876E-01 6.145'lE-01 6.4084E-Ol 6.6750E-01 6.'l459E-01 7.2208E-01 7.5000E-01 7.7500E-Ol 8.0000E-01 8.2500E-01 8.5000E-Ol 8.7500E-Ol Fig. 2.60 Printer-plot output for contact stress. REFERENCES 1. System/360 Continuous System Modeling Program User's Manual GH20-0367-4, Program Number 360A-CX-16X, IBM Data Processing Division, White Plains, N.Y. 2. System/360 Continuous System Modeling Program, Operations Guide, Program Number 360A-CX-16X, IBM Data Processing Division, White Plains, N.Y. 3. Continuous System Modeling Program III (CSMP III) Operations Guide, Program Number 5734-XS9, SH19-7002-1, IBM Data Processing Division, White Plains, N.Y. 4. MCCRACKEN, DANIEL D., A Guide To Fortran IV Programming 2nd ed. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Ch.2 Fundamentals of System/360 CSMP 69 PROBLEMS 1 Write a CSMP program for solving the following nonlinear differential equation: d 2x dt 2 + 25(1.0 + 0.1x 2)x = 0 subject to the initial conditions, x(O) = 3.0 X(O) = 0.0 Answer:t x(t) = 2.9531 at TIME = 1.0 2 A high-temperature oven is heated by an electrical element supplying 12,000 BTU/hr. The heat loss from the oven by convection and radiation is calculated to be the following. qloss = 2 x 10- S(T! - T!) + 8.0(To - To) BTU/hr If the initial temperature is 5300 R (700 P), determine the oven temperature at 0.05 hr, 0.1 hr, 0.3 hr, and 0.5 hr. The differential equation for this transient heat transfer problem is CtTo = Ct qsupplied - qloss = thermal capacitance, 24 BTU;oR Oven / I'\. ~ C; V / qsupplied qloss • "\ To = Oven temperature Ta = Outside temperature 0 Ta = 530 R Fig. P2.2 Answer: At TIME = 0.5 hr, To = 723.6°R t Answers are given to the problems at particular discrete times. If the programs are written correctly then the solutions should agree at the designated value of TIME. 10 3 Ch. 2 Fundamentals of System/360 CSMP Given the system shown in Fig. P2.3, if the input is a unit-step (STEP(O.O», write a program to find the printer-plot of the output. Use a FINTIM of 1.3 and an OUTDEL of 0.026. INPUT + 1 s(s OUTPUT + 6) Fig. P2.3 Answer: Output = 0.81395 at TIME = 0.364 4 The period of vibration of a pendulum for small angles is 2nlf· Using the capability of a PARAMETER card to make sequential runs, compare the periods of oscillation of a pendulum which has initial angles of 5°,20°,45°, 90°, and 135°. The equation of motion for the pendulum is LO + g sin (8) = m =mass 0 Fig. P2.4 Answer: 5° 20° 45° 90° 135° period period period period period = = = = = 6.286"" Ljg 6.331"" Ljg 6.534"" Ljg 7.416,vrrg 9.600,.jIJg Ch.2 Fundamental of Systemsj360 CSMP 11 5 A system is represented by the vector differential equation, x= Ax + bu in which A =[ ~ 1 -10 o -16 ~J b=[~J u = unit-step 16 -2 Use CSMP to find Xl(t), X2(t), and X3(t). Answer: At TIME = 1.9: Xl(t) = 0.793 6 The differential equation for the motion of the base of an unbalanced electric motor is shown below. Mx + ex + kx = mero 2 sin (rot) = 0.1 Ib-sec 2/in e = 1.2 lb-sec/in k = 800 lb/in M me = 0.009 Ib-sec 2 Assuming the system is initially at rest, find the time-history of the motion of the base. The motor speed increases according to the following formula. ro = 12On(1 - e- t / 4 ) Unbalanced electric motor Fig. P2.6 Answer: When ro = 90 rad/sec, x = 0.067 in. 7 The system diagram of a process having time delay is shown in Fig. P-2.7 Find the unit-step response of the system. Compare your results with those given in Fig. 2.14 which is the step response of the system above without delay. Use FINTIM = 8.0, and OUTDEL = 0.16. 72 Fundamentals of System/360 CSMP Ch. 2 C(s) Fig. P2.7 Answer: Using N = 20 in the DELAY Function gives e(t) = 1.4116 at TIME = 1.44 8 Determine the time-history for the water level in each of the three tanks. Initially the water level in all tanks is 10ft. The cross-sectional areas of the tanks are shown below. Ai = 4 ft2 A2 = 8 fP A3 = 12 ft2 The general equation describing the height of water is A/Ii = qin - qout The flow through an orifice is given below. q = =wIII \ Aorifice,j2gliH ~i" = 0.5 ft'lsec 1------.------1 Orifice area =0.001 ft2 Orifice area = 0.002 ft2 Orifice area Fig. P2.8 Answer: At TIME = 50 sec: = 10.11 ft H2 = 12.95 ft Hi H3 = 9.76 ft =0.003 ft2 Ch. 2 Fundamentals of System/360 CSMP 73 9 A space vehicle is reentering the earth's atmosphere. In the position shown, the vehicle is 200,000 ft from the surface of the earth and the speed is 25,000 mph. The aerodynamic drag is: !total = 0.5ACd PV 2 where A = cross sectional area of vehicle = 80 ft2 = drag coefficient = 0.55 P = 0.00238 e-h/24000 (slug/ftJ) Cd h = altitude in feet The equations of motion in cylindrical coordinates are shown below. m(r - m(r8 r 82) mg = idrag radial - + 2f8) = - idrag tangential (a) Using this information, how fast does the vehicle strike the earth? (b) What is the total distance traveled by the vehicle? Hint: s dissipated in aerodynamic drag? Hint: Energy = = S: v dt (c) How much energy is S: force ~; dt , Space vehicle m = mass = 80 slugs 80~ V Fig. P2.9 Answer: (a) 224 ft/sec (b) 779,000 ft (c) 5.43 X 10 10 ft-Ib 10 The block diagram of a system containing amplifier saturation is given in Fig. P2.10. Use the function generator Y = LIMIT(PbP2,X) given in Appendix I to find the response of the system if r(t) = R(s) = 3.5u(t) where u(t) is a unit-step starting at t = 0. Select FINTIM = 4.0, OUTDEL = 0.08, and obtain the printer-plot output of c(t). 74 Ch. 2 Fundamentals of System/360 CSMP R(s) v-- ~~--~_S_(S_+ 2)_(_S_+_1_0)~ + 6 g ~ __ Amplifier with saturation k= 30 _ _ _ _ _ _..JtC--- _ _ _ _ _ _ - 1.5k Characteristics of amplifier Fig. P2.10 Answer: At TIME = 1.28 c(t) = 5.2106 11 To test the impact characteristics of neoprene, a 36.6 lb weight is dropped on a doughnut-shaped specimen. The velocity at impact is 52.7 in/sec. The acceleration of the weight was measured to be the following: Time (sec) o 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.007 0.008 0.01 0.012 0.015 Acceleration (g's) 1g = 386 in/sec 2 o -13.0 -23.0 -32.0 -35.0 -34.0 -33.0 -24.0 -11.0 o 1.0 Using the AFGEN function to represent data taken from this test, determine the time-history of the velocity and displacement of the top surface of the neoprene. Also determine the energy absorbed by the neoprene. Ch.2 Fundamentals of System/360 CSMP 15 Accelerometer· 36.61b weight I ~% I Neoprene I Fig. P2.11 Answer: at TIME = 0.0075 sees displacement = 0.208 in. velocity = -15.0 in/sec 12 An automobile passes over a triangular bump at a speed of 20 ft/sec. Determine the maximum pitch and vertical motion of the center of gravity. Neglect the deflection of the tires and the effects of the unsprung mass. The automobile has the following parameters. Weight = 4200 lb Spring constants Damping coefficients Pitch moment of inertia = front: 120 lb/in., rear: 180 lb/in. = front: 10 lb-sec/in., rear: 12.0 lb-sec/in. = 40,000 Ib-sec 2/in. F~==:J V: 5" t t 20 ft/sec 65" { Fig. P2.12 Hint: Ijj = 1: torques due to springs and shock absorbers about center of gravity my = 1: forces due to spring and shock absorbers. Answer: Ymax = 2.09 in.; Bmax = 1.84 0 76 Ch.2 Fundamentals of System/360 CSMP 13 Same as the above problem, except the shock absorbers are more realistically represented by having different linear damping coefficients in the compression and rebound directions. Damping coefficients = front: compression 6.0 lb-sec/in.; rebound 14.0Ib-sec/in. rear: compression 8.0 lb-sec/in.; rebound 18.0Ib-sec/in. Answer: Ymax = 1.588 in., ()max = 1.395° 14 A block diagram model of a position control system with tachometer feedback is given in Fig. P2.14. R(s) ('(s) INPUT OUTPUT ---""'I KTs 1 - - - - - ' Tachometer Fig. P2.14 Let R(s) correspond to a unit-step [i.e., INPUT = STEP(O.O)] and find e(t) for values of KT = 0.1, 1.5, 4.0. Use the PARAMETER card for running multiple values of K T • Specify FINTIM = 5.0, and OUTDEL = 0.1 for the printer-plot of the output. Also specify that ERROR and INPUT are listed on the same page which gives the printer-plot of the output. Use a LABEL card with your choice of wording for the title of the printer-plot output. Answer: e(t) = 1.2329 at TIME = 0.7 KT = e(t) = 1.0468 = 0.9919 at TIME = 0.9 KT = 1.5 at TIME = 1.9 KT = e(t) 1.0 4.0 15 The following Blasius equation is a transformed equation describing the laminar boundary layer on a flat plate. d 3I d113 d 2I + d112 I = 0 Based on previous experience, the following boundary conditions will yield a satisfactory solution. 1(11 dl = 0) = dl1(l1 = 0) = 0 dl dl1(l1 = 3) = 2 Ch. 2 Fundamentals of System/360 CSMP 11 Using a trial and error solution determine the value of d 2f d1'/2 (1'/ = 0) Answer: ~~~ (1'/ = 0) = 1.328 16 Solve the following set of differential equations. 3Xl Xl + X2 + Sit + 10Xl + 4X2 + 2SX2 + 4x~ where Xl(O) = 10 = + e- t 0 = X2(0) = 0 Answer: At TIME = 1.0 Xl = 1.276 17 The diagram below represents an experimentally measured water temperature increase in a steam generating boiler due to a step input of fuel. The fuel is natural 200 190 G:' 'LQ) I-< .a 180 (1:f I-< Q) 0.. E ~- 170 1601--_ _-~ 2 4 6 8 10 12 Time (minutes) Fig. P2.17 14 16 18 20 18 Ch. 2 Fundamentals of System/360 CSMP gas and the step input level is 10,000 ft3/hr. The heat content of the gas is approximately 1000 Btu/fP. A proposed model for matching the temperature increase (over the range t = 0 to t = 19 min) due to the step input of fuel is given by T(s) K 2 f-7: d S U(s) = s(l + 't'lS)(l + 't'2S) where T has units of of, K2 has units of °F/ft3, U(input) is in ft 3/min, and 't'a, 't'b 't'2 have units of minutes. Use CSMP to assist you in determining appropriate values for K 2 , 't'a, 't'b and't'2' Answers: K2 = 0.04 °F/ft 3, 't'a = 4 min, 't'1 = 2 min, 't'2 = 5 min 18 A red hot cylindrical piece of iron is brought from a heat treating furnace and is allowed to cool in still air. Energy is removed from the piece by both convection and radiation. Assuming the iron remains at a uniform temperature, the following equation can be used to describe the transient temperature. mc~; = where: Ta = 545°R, A = 3.01 ftz, hA(Ta - T) + AfO'(T! - T4) = 161.7 Ibm, c = 0.13 Btu-IbmrR h = 0.18(T - T a )o.33 Btu/ft2-hr (assuming turbulence m flow over piece) f = 0.95, 0' = 0.1714 X 10- 8 Btu/hr-ft2-oR4 Use the FINISH card to determine how long it takes for the piece to cool from 19100 R to 1300oR . 1. .~f---- 20"-----i·~1 I (. J~. _______T~) T, = Ambient temperature Fig. P2.tS Answer: 0.378 hours 19 The following equations describe the angular recoil of a hand gun. The assumption is made that the gun is loosely held so that no external moment is applied to the gun. The restraining force vector passes through the center of mass. The parameters for a 38 caliber pistol are shown below. Bullet weight = w = 0.0207 pounds Moment of inertia about center of mass d = 1= 0.0105 Ib-in.-sec 2 = 0.9 inches Cross-sectional area of bullet = A = 0.1 in. 2 Find the angular recoil of the hand gun and muzzle velocity for the following description of barrel pressure. Ch. 2 Fundamentals of Systemj360 CSMP Id 2 () 2 =dAP 19 ~ d 2 x =PA 386 dt 2 r=~'\=d~:-::====+'.~ dt P = Pressure ,-. .r;; 3~ 5000 o x (inches) Fig. P2.19 Answer: At x = 3.962 in., () = 0.018212 radians, and x = 12600 in./sec Closed form solution: () = xwd/(386I) 20 An automobile engine has a stroke of 3.70 in. and a connecting rod length of 5.84 in. as shown in Fig. P2.20. The following is an expression for the exact acceleration of the piston for a constant engine speed. L = 5.84" r = 3.70" 2 Fig~ P2.20 80 Ch.2 Fundamentals of System/360 CSMP a = -00 2 [R cos 8 + ~4 (L2 _ + R2 (L2 - R2 sin 2 8)-1/2 cos 28 R2 sin2 8)-3/2 sin2 28] Use the above equation to calculate the acceleration of the piston for an engine speed of 4800 rpm (00 = 1601t rad/sec) at three degree increments during one complete revolution of the crankshaft. Answer: a max = 3.355 x lOs in/sec 2 at 141 0 0 amin = -6.155 x lOs in/sec 2 at 0 3 ADVANCED FEATURES OF CSMP The preceding chapter introduced the basic concepts and features that allow the reader to begin using CSMP. In this chapter, additional programming capabilities are described which permit considerable flexibility in the simulation of complex systems. The presentation is divided into five distinct areas: integration methods, data statements, translation control statements, data output, and subprograms. Each section is essentially a separate entity and consequently the material can be covered in any order. Since integration is normally a pivotal point in most simulations, the first section concentrates on the various numerical integration routines available in CSMP. Integration Methods One of the most attractive features of CSMP is that the user seldom needs to become involved in specifying either the type or any of the details of the numerical integration method. For those who wish to specify the integration technique, there are five fixed-step and two variable-step methods available. CSMP III provides two additional techniques which are described in Chap. 5. If none of the seven methods are suitable, the user can supply his own integration subroutine. The following paragraphs describe the relative advantages and disadvantages of variable and fixed-step integration methods, error requirements, and give guidelines for choosing the best integration method. 81 82 Ch.3 Advanced Features of CSMP Variable-Step Integration Methods When the integration method is not specified, a variable-step Runge-Kutta method (CSMP name: RKS) is automatically used. This method is generally a good choice for most problems and is used in the example problems-in Chap. 2. It is a sophisticated method that has the advantage of automatically adjusting the time increment of integration to meet the demands of the dynamic conditions of the simulation. Thus, the user is virtually assured a satisfactory solution. The second variable-step integration technique is the fifth-order, predictorcorrector, Milne method (MILNE). This method is specified by including the following CSMP statement in the program. METHOD MILNE The MILNE method is similar to the RKS integration technique in that it uses rather sophisticated numerical algorithms and adjusts the step-size to meet changing conditions. MILNE integration has essentially the same advantages and disadvantages as the RKS technique. Generally, one will not know prior to the run which integration method will give the best simulation results. While the RKS method may give best results for one problem, the MILNE method may perform best for another type of problem. Both methods have the disadvantage of sometimes using an extremely small integration step-size which results in excessive computer time. The step-size is controlled by algorithms which provide estimates of integration error. Integration Error Requirements In both variable-step methods, the absolute value of the estimated integration error (ABSERR) and the relative magnitude of the estimated error (RELERR) are compared with user-specified error-bounds. The step-size is then adjusted to meet the desired error criteria. The error limit of the absolute error dominates for large values of integrator output while the relative error is more important for small values of output. A detailed mathematical description of all integration methods and error criteria is contained in Appendix III. If error-bounds are not specified, a value of 0.0001 is automatically used for both the absolute and relative errors for all RKS and MILNE integration. The user can specify either or both the relative and absolute errors for each integrator by using the RELERR and ABSERR statements. Examples of both statements are shown below. RELERR X ABSERR X = = 0.0002, Y 0.0003, Y = = 5.0E-5, Z 7.5E-5 = 0.0005 The first statement sets the relative error for the X, Y, and Z integrators to the values shown. In the second statement, the absolute errors for only the X and Y integrators are changed as indicated. The use of the RELERR and ABSERR cards enables the user to specify the Ch. 3 Advanced Features of CSMP 83 allowable error for each separate integrator which, in effect, governs the size of the integration step. Computer time can be more efficiently used since step-size and computer time are directly related. It is quite difficult to determine the exact quantitative effect that the relative and absolute errors have on step-size and solution accuracy. In order to show the relationship of error-bound to solution accuracy for one particular problem, the following second-order linear equation is solved using the variable-step RungeKutta method for values of relative and absolute error that ranged from 0.00005 to 0.1. The particular problem is the harmonic oscillator, y + 4n 2y = 0 (3.1) with initial conditions of yeO) = 1.0, yeO) = 0 A plot of the exact solution for yet) is given in Fig. 3.1. To illustrate the effect of ABSERR and RELERR error bounds, the exact solution is compared to the Runge-Kutta numerical solution. y Or---------~~--------~------------~------------~-- - 1 Fig.3.1 Plot of the exact solution of y(t) = 1, y(O) = O. + 41T2y(t) = 0, with y(O) Table 3.1 contains a summary of the average absolute difference between the exact solution and numerical solution as a function of error-bound. The number of integration steps is also listed. The information in this table should not be directly applied to all problems but it does illustrate how error-bounds affect the accuracy of solution for one particular problem. Round-off errors in the numerical calculations limit the maximum accuracy of the solution. Consequently, the solution error cannot be expected to continue to become smaller indefinitely for increasingly smaller values of error-bound. In some problems the error-bounds and the dynamics of the simulation do not control the integration step-size. Since the solution must be calculated at each output interval the integration step-size must be equal to or less than the magnitude of either PRDEL or OUTDEL. This means that for small output-intervals the step-size is determined by the print interval. For this condition the error-bound has no effect on the step size. In the numerical solution ofEq. (3.1), which generated the data contained in Table 3.1, the print interval was made sufficiently large to not affect the integration step-size. 84 Ch.3 Advanced Features of CSMP Table 3.1 Solution Error of Eq. (3.1) Using RKS as a Function of ABSERR and RELERR. Error-bound ABSERR and RELERR Average Absolute Difference between Numerical and Exact Solutions Number of Integration Steps x x x x x x x x x x x 29 23 23 20 20 18 17 17 17 15 15 5.48 7.06 7.95 1.01 8.87 5.88 4.89 4.89 4.89 1.69 1.69 0.00005 0.0001 0.0002 0.0005 0.001 0.002 0.004 0.005 0.01 0.02 0.1 10- 6 10- 5 10- 5 10- 4 10- 5 10- 4 10- 4 10- 4 10- 4 10- 3 10- 3 As previously stated, it is not necessary to specify the integration step-size for either the RKS or MILNE integration methods. The first integration step is automatically set equal to io of PRDEL or OUTDEL, whichever is smaller. If the user wishes to use a different value for the first step-size, this can be accomplished by specifying a value for DELT on the timer card. The definition of the DELT specification is as follows: DELT. The value of DELT is the integration interval or step-size of the independent variable. If DELT is specified, it is automatically adjusted if necessary to be a submultiple of PRDEL or OUTDEL. If neither PRDEL or OUTDEL has been specified, DELT is adjusted to be a submultiple of FINTIMjIOO. When DELT is not specified, the first integration step is io of the smaller value of PRDEL or OUTDEL. For either of the variable-step integration methods there is no need to specify a value for DELT unless the user feels that the first step-size (io of smaller value of PRDEL or OUTDEL) is too large. When using a fixed-step integration method, the value of DELT should be carefully selected. Guidelines for choosing a value are discussed later. For some problems, the error requirements and the dynamics of the solution may demand an extremely small step-size. A lower limit can be placed on the integration step-size by specifying a value for DELMIN on the timer card. DELMIN. The value assigned to DELMIN on the timer card specifies the minimum allowable integration interval for the variable-step integration methods. If DELMIN is not specified, it is taken as FINTIM X 10- 7 • The following timer card shows a typical application where DELMIN is included. TIMER FINTIM = 8.0, PRDEL = 0.2, DELMIN = 2.0E-8 Ch. 3 Advanced Features of CSMP 85 If either of the variable-step integration methods attempts to use a value of DELT smaller than DELMIN, the run is terminated at that point with the appropriate message. Fixed-Step Integration Methods There are five fixed-interval integration techniques ranging from the sophisticated Runge-Kutta to an extremely simple rectangular integration. A listing of the five fixed-step methods in the order of decreasing complexity is given below. Summary of Fixed-Step Integration Methods CSMPName RKSFX SIMP TRAPZ ADAMS RECT Method Fourth-order Runge-Kutta with fixed interval Simpson's Rule integration Trapezoidal integration Adams-Second Order Rectangular integration The integration technique is specified by the use of the METHOD card with the appropriate CSMP integration name. An example of specifying the trapezoidal method is shown below. METHOD TRAPZ Since these methods all use a fixed-integration interval, the value of DELT should be carefully chosen. Information for choosing a value for DELT is discussed in the following section. Choosing the Integration Method When specifying an integration method one must be concerned with obtaining sufficient accuracy without using excessive computing time. Generally, the selection of the best integration is an extremely complex decision. For problems that are not extremely complex or do not require a large amount of computer time, either the variable-step Runge-Kutta or Milne methods are probably the best choice. The error-bound can be specified to meet the desired accuracy and the step-size is then automatically adjusted to the changing dynamic conditions of the problem. The solution of Eq. (3.l) by both the Milne and the variable-step RungeKutta methods were compared to the exact solution given in Fig. 3.1. The stepsizes on the first set of runs were entirely controlled by the default error-bound of 0.0001. In the second set of runs the error-bounds were not changed, but 100 lines of output were specified. From the results shown in Table 3.2, notice that the 86 Ch.3 Advanced Features of CSMP Table 3.2 Comparison of Numerical Solutions Using The VariableStep Milne and Runge-Kutta Methods Integration Method A verage Absolute Difference between Number of Numerical and Exact Integration Solutions of Eq. 3.1 Steps First set of runs, default error bound of 0.0001, 2 lines of output Variable-step Runge-Kutta 7.06 x 10- 5 23 Milne 1.08 x 10- 5 58 Second set of runs, default error bound of 0.0001, 100 lines of output Variable-step Runge-Kutta 4.86 x 10- 6 104 Milne 6.56 x 10- 6 112 smaller output interval of the second set of runs forced the integration step-size to be smaller and consequently reduced the error. For certain types of problems, fixed-step integration methods may give better results. The following is a listing of three situations where fixed-step methods should be considered. 1. In some types of problems where sudden changes or discontinuities occur, the variable-step methods may demand an integration step which is smaller than the minimum allowed (DELMIN). If this occurs the run is terminated at that point. The user then has the choice of increasing the error requirements (RELERR and ABSERR), decreasing DELMIN, or using one of the fixed-step methods. 2. If the output interval is very small, the maximum step-size is constrained by the output and there is no need to use a sophisticated, time-consuming integration technique. For this situation a simple fixed-step method should be used. 3. When using elements such as IMPULS (Example 2.7) which involve critical time-sequencing relationships, it is good practice to use a fixed-step method that is a submultiple of the desired pulse interval. The big problem in using a fixed-step method is choosing the proper integration step-size. DELT should be chosen such that it is sufficiently small to insure an accurate solution and not too small to result in excessive run time. There is no exact procedure for determining the proper step-size prior to making a simulation run. The dynamic response of the system determines the necessary step size. Advanced Features of CSMP Ch. 3 81 The faster the response, the smaller should be the integration interval. It is advisable to make the first choice of DELT sufficiently small to ensure an accurate solution. The step-size is probably too large if a smaller integration interval results in a significantly different answer. In order to provide an estimate on how integration error is affected by stepsize, the numerical solution of Eq. (3.1) was compared with the exact solution shown in Fig. 3.1. This was done for all five fixed-step integration methods using a step-size that ranged from 10 to 10,000 integration steps per cycle of the cosine function. The average absolute difference between the exact solution and the numerical solution is plotted in Fig. 3.2 as a function of step-size for the five integration methods. 10- 1 10- 2 Average absolute error 10- 3 10- 4 10- 5 __________~__________~________~ 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 DELT 10,000 Steps/period 10-6~ 1000 100 10 Fig. 3.2 Average absolute error as a function of step-size and integration method. 88 Advanced Features of CSMP Ch. 3 The results shown in Fig. 3.2 are only intended to show the relative accuracy of the various methods as a function of step-size. The curves also illustrate that a small integration interval does not necessarily give the greatest accuracy. If the frequency content of the solution can be estimated, Fig. 3.2 can be helpful in estimating the appropriate step-size. As previously mentioned, the various integration methods are greatly different in complexity and consequently require different amounts of computing time. In order to provide an estimate on computing time for the five fixed-step methods, a program was run in which 10,000 integration steps were performed. The computer time required for only the numerical integration, using an IBM 360 Model 65 computer, is listed below. Method Time in Seconds RKSFX SIMP TRAPZ ADAMS RECT 3.578 2.513 1.647 1.198 0.982 In many problems the most time-consuming portion of the simulation is not the result of the numerical integration, but is due to the calculations required at each integration step. The numb~r of times that all statements in the Dynamic segment are executed for each integration step depends upon the method. Table 3.3 contains this information for all seven methods. If the problem requires a large number of calculations for each integration step, a savings in computer time may result if a smaller step-size is used in conjunction with a less sophisticated integration method. Table 3.3 Integration Method RKSFX &RKS SIMP MILNE TRAPZ ADAMS RECT Number of Times that all Statements in the Dynamic Segment are Executed for Each Integration Step 4 3 2 2 1 1 Ch. 3 Advanced Features of CSMP 89 The Variable KEEP The CSMP variable KEEP is used to indicate when the numerical technique has reached the end of an integration step. KEEP is set equal to 1 when a valid integration step has been completed. For intermediate steps and for trial steps of the variable-step methods, KEEP equals O. The KEEP variable was used in programs which calculated the average absolute error between the numerical and exact solution of Eq. (3.1). An example of a program using Simpson's integration rule with a step-size of 0.001 seconds is shown in Fig. 3.3. TITLE PROGRAM TO CALCULATE THE AVERAGE ABSOLUTE ERROR OF EQUATION 3.1 INITIAL CONSTANT PI = 3.14159, SUM = 0.0, COUNT = 0.0 OYNAfo41C * * * THE FOLLOWING 3 CARDS ARE USED T~ SOLVE EQUATION 3.1, WHEREYOO = StCOND DERIVATIVE OF Y WITH RESPECT TO TIME YO = FIRST DERIVATIVE OF Y WITH RESPECT TO TIME YOO = -4.0*PI*PI*Y YO = INTGRL(O.O, YOO) Y = INTGRL(l.O, YO) * TH~ FOLLOWING NOSORT SECTION IS REQUIRED TO USE THE "IF" STATEMENT NOSORT * KEEP IS EQUAL TO 1 WHEN THE END OF A VALID INTEGRATION STEP IS REACHED IF(KEEP. EQ .1) GO TO 1 GO TO 2 1 SUM = SUM + ABS(Y - COS(2.0*PI*TIME» COUNT = COUNT + 1.0 AAER = SUM/COUNT 2 CONTINUE TERMINAL Tl~ER FINTIM = 1.0, PRDEL 0.1, DELT METHO~ SIMP PRINT y, SUM, COUNT, AAER eND STOP ENOJOB 0.001 Fig.3.3 Program to calculate the average absolute error ofEq. 3.1. In the program of Fig. 3.3, the variable KEEP was used to indicate when a valid integration step was reached. When KEEP equals 1, the variable SUM increases by the absolute difference between the numerical solution Y and the exact solution, cos(2.0*n*TIME). Also the number of valid integration steps is recorded by the variable COUNT. The quotient, SUM/COUNT is equal to the average absolute error AAER. Table 3.3 shows that for Simpson's integration, statements in the Dynamic segment are executed three times at each integration step. This means that KEEP is equal to 1 every third time the program cycles through the Dynamic segment. 90 Advanced Features of CSMP Ch. 3 Changing Integration Technique and Output Interval During a Run CSMP offers the user the flexibility of changing integration methods, stepsize, error requirements, and output-interval during a simulation run. The CSMP CONTINUE statement is used for this purpose. (In CSMP III, the END CONTINUE is used.) A brief description of the CONTINUE statement.follows, while a detailed explanation is included in this chapter in the section on translation control statements. A problem which illustrates the need to change step-size and output-interval is the simulation of the impact of two railroad freight cars. A small step-size is required during impact period because of the high forces and rapidly changing conditions. A much larger step-size and output-interval can be used for the postimpact motion. Example 3.1 In this example it is desired to calculate the forces, accelerations, and deflections during the impact of two railroad cars. The motion after impact is also desired. Car number one is moving from left to right with a velocity of 8 ft/sec. It strikes and is coupled to a second car that is initially stationary. The impact first occurs at t = O. The couplers are assumed to be connected to both cars by a linear-spring and damper. A constant rollingresistance force opposing motion is also included. Figure 3.4 illustrates the simplified problem and gives the appropriate parameters. Initial velocity = 8 ft/sec Car no. 2 Car no. 1 SOUt&.fEIUI CB&Q Weights: WI = 140,000 lb W2 = 95,000 lb Rolling resistance: Car no. 1 = 600 lb Car no. 2 = 400 lb c = 18,000 lb-sec/ft Coupler Fig. 3.4 Impacting freight cars. Advanced Features of CSMP Ch. 3 91 Using Newton's second law, the equations describing the motion of the two freight cars are derived as follows. FORCE = K*(X2 - Xl)/2.0 + C*(V2 - Vl)/2.0 VI = [FORCE - 600.0*SIGN(Vl)]/Wl/32.17 V2 = [-FORCE - 400.0*SIGN(V2)]/W2/32.17 (3.2) (3.3) (3.4) Symbols Used in CSMP Program of Fig. 3.5 FORCE K C ACCI & ACC2 VI &V2 Xl &X2 WI &W2 Force between cars. Spring constant of coupler spring, 3.5 x 10 5 lb/ft. Damping constant of coupler, 18,000 lb-sec/ft. Accelerations of cars 1 & 2, respectively. Velocities of cars 1 & 2, respectively. Displacements of cars 1 & 2, respectively. Weights of cars 1 & 2, respectively. Prior to running the program, it was estimated that the impact would occur in less than 1.0 sec. Therefore, FINTIM on the first TIMER card was set equal to 1.0 and the output-interval was chosen to be 0.02. For the post-impact motion FINTIM was set equal to 21.0 with an output-interval of 2.0. For illustration purposes, the fixed-step RungeTITLE SIMULATION OF THE IMPACT OF TWO RAILRCAD CARS. THE OuTPUT TITLE INTERVAL AND INTEGR~TION TECHNIQUE ARE CHANGED DURING THE RUN. CONSTANT K = 3.5E5. C = 18000.0, Wl = 140000.0, W2 = 95000.0 FORCE = K*(X2 - XlI/Z.O + C*IVZ - VlI/l.O ACCl = IFORCE - 600.0*SIGN(1.0,Vl)t/(Wl/32.l7) ACCZ = I-FORCE - 400*SIGN(l.O,V2)t/(w2/32.l1) VI INTGRL(S.O.ACClJ V2 = INTGRL(0.0,ACC2) Xl = INTGRLlO.O,Vl) X2 = INTGRLIO.0.V2) DEFLCT = Xl - X2 PRINT FORCE, ACC1, ACC2, Vl, V2, Xl, X2, DEFLCT METHOD RKSFX TIMER FINTIM = 1.0, PRDEL = 0.025, DELT = 0.0005 * * * THE FOLLOWING CONTINUE CARD ALLOWS THE OUTPUT INTERVAL AND THE INTEGRATION TECHNIQUE TO BE CHANGED DURING THE RUN. THE CHANGES ARE MADE AFTER 1.0 SECONDS, WHICH IS THE FINTIM TIME ON THE ABOVE TIMER CARD. CONTINUE ~E THOD MILNE RELERR Vl = 0.0005, V2 = J.0005, Xl ABSERR Vl = 0.0005, V2 = 0.0005, Xl TIMER FINTIM = 21.0. PROEL = 2.0 END STQP ENDJOB Fig. 3.5 cars. 0.0005, X2 0.0005, X2 0.0005 0.0005 Program for the simulation of the impact of two freight 92 Ch.3 Advanced Features of CSMP Kutta method (RKSFX) with a step-size of DELT = 0.0005 sec was used for the impact period and the variable-step Milne (MILNE) method was used for the motion after impact. Also for illustration purposes, the relative and absolute errors for all integrators of the Milne integration were set equal to 0.0005. The program for simulating this system is shown in Fig. 3.5. One notes the use of the CONTINUE card to change the output-interval and integration technique. The CONTINUE card permits these changes without resetting the independent variable TIME. The output for this simulation is contained in Figs. 3.6 and 3.7. SIMULATION OF THE IMPACT OF TWO RAILROAD CARS. THE OUTPUT INTERVAL 4ND INTEGRATION TECHNIQUE AR E CHANGED OUR I NG THE RUN. TIME 0.0 2.50001" -02 '5.0000E-02 7.5000E-02 1.0000E-Ol 1.7500E-Ol 1. 5000E -01 1.7500E-Ol 2.00001"-01 2.2500F-Ol 2.5000E-Ol 2.1S00E-Ol 3.0000E-Ol 3.25001:- 01 3.5000E-01 3.7500F.-Ol 4.0000F.-Ol 4.2500E-01 4.5000E-Ol 4.7500E-01 '5.0000E-Ol 5.25 OOE- 01 5.5000E-Ol '5.75001:-01 6.0000E-Ol 6.2500F-Ol 6.5000E-Ol b.7500E-01 7.0000E-Ol 7.2500E-Ol 7.5000E-Ol 7.7S00E-Ol 8.0000E-Ol 8.25 OOF -01 8.S000F-Ol 8.7500E-Ol 9.0000E-Ol 9.2500E-01 9.5000E-Ol 9.7500E-Ot 1.0000F 00 fORCE -7.2000E -9.3825E -1.07 SSE -1.1344E -1.1201E -1.0ft25E -9.1367E -7.H2ftE -5.5740E -3.5798E -1.617lE 2.0343E 1.7936E 3.0889E 4.0ft93E 4.6593E 4.9257E 4.8741E 4.545SE 3.9929E 3.1746E 2.4525E 1.S867E 7.3274E -6.1086E -7.560IlE -1.3231E -1.1463E -2.0169E -2.1378E -2.1201E -1.98llE -1.1442E -1.4342E -1.0781E -7.0223E -3.306bE 1.5599E 3.1927E 5.6803E 7.5395E 04 04 05 05 05 05 Olt Oft Oft 04 04 03 Oft 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 03 02 03 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 03 03 02 03 03 03 ACCI -1.b682E -2.1b97E -2.4859E -2.6205E -2.5876E -2.ft093E -2.1133E -1.730BE 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 -1.2~46E 01 -8.3637E 00 -3.S538E 00 3.2957E-Ol 3.9837E 00 6.9599E 00 9.1668E 00 1.0569E 01 1.1181E 01 1.1062E 01 1.030SE 01 9.0312E 00 7.3867E 00 5.4916E 00 3.50801: 00 1.5459E 00 -2.1824E-Ol -1.8752E 00 -3.1796E 00 -4.1507E 00 -4.7723E 00 -5.0502E 00 -5.0095E 00 -4.6907E 00 -4. 1458E 00 -3.4334E 00 -2.6153E 00 -1.7515E 00 -8.9769E-Ol -1.0203E-Ol 5.9577E-Ot 1.1674E 00 1.5946E 00 ACC2 2.4Ut6E 01 3.1631E 01 3.629!>E 01 3.8279E 01 3.7795E 01 3.5167E 01 3.0804E 01 2.5169E 01 1.8740E 01 1.1987E 01 5.3407E 00 -8.2431E-Ol -6.2093E 00 -1.0595E 01 -1.3848E 01 -i.5913E 01 -1.6815E 01 -1.6641E 01 -1.5529E 01 -1.3657E 01 -1.122'tE 01 -8.4404E 00 -5.5084E 00 -2.6167E 00 7.1402E-02 2.4249E 00 4.3471E 00 5. 7782E 00 6.6943E 00 1.1038E 00 7.0438E 00 b. 5740E 00 5. 1709E 00 4.72UE 00 3.5155E 00 2.2425E 00 9.8428E-Ol -1.S1128E-Ot -1.2166E 00 -2.0590E 00 -2.688bE 00 VI 8.0000E 7.5164E 6.9306E 6.2886E 5.{>343E 5.0069E 4. ft3 94E 3.9574E 3.5784E 3.3119E 3.1596E 3.1164E 3.1716E 3.3099E 3.51nE 3.7614E 4.0349E 4.3143E 4.5826E 4.8254E 5.0313E 5.1927E 5.3053 E 5.3682E 5.3837E 5.3562E 5.2923E 5.1999E 5.0871E 4.9642 E 4.8378E 4.1l60E 4.b05tE 4.5100E 4.4342E 4.3796E 4.3465E 4. 3342E 4.3406E 4.3629E 4.3971E 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 RKSFX V2 0.0 7.0417E-01 1.5590E 00 2.4966E 00 3.4523E 00 4.3684E 00 5.19blE 00 5.8979E 00 6.ft479E 00 6.8322E 00 7.0481E 00 7.1032E 00 7.0134E 00 6.8010E 00 6.4930E 00 6.U85E 00 5.7070E 00 5.2867E 00 4.8828E 00 4.5166E 00 4.2046E 00 3.9582 E 00 3.7837E 00 3.b824E 00 3.6512 E 00 3.6832E 00 3.7688E 00 3.8964E 00 4.0533E 00 4.22b8E 00 4.4045E 00 4.5755E 00 4.7304E 00 4.8620E 00 4.9651E 00 5.0371E 00 5.0773E 00 5.0870E 00 5.0691E 00 5.0211E 00 4.9b79E 00 INTEGRAT ION Xl 0.0 1.9422E-Ol 3.7497E-Ol 5.4027E-01 6.8929E-01 8.2221E-Ol 9.40llE-01 1.0449E 00 1.1388E 00 l . l l 47E 00 1.30531: 00 1.3835E 00 1.4619E 00 1.5428E 00 1.6279E 00 1.7l87E 00 1.8161E 00 1.92 05E 00 2.0311E 00 2.1494E 00 2.2126E 00 2.4005E 00 2. ';)18E 00 2.6653E 00 2.1998E 00 2.9341E 00 3.0672E 00 3.1984E 00 3.3270E 00 3.4521E 00 3.5752E 00 3.6945E 00 3.6110E 00 3.9249E 00 4.036bE 00 4.14c>1E 00 4.2557E 00 4.3642E 00 4.4125E 00 4.58llE 00 4.6907E 00 X2 0.0 8.411lE-03 3.6464E-02 8.7054E-02 1.b 144E-Ol 2.5933E-Ol 3.7912E-Ol 5.1808E-Ol 6.7274E-Ol 8.3909E-Ol 1.0129E 00 1.1901E 00 1.3668E 00 t.5397E 00 1.7060E 00 1.8638E 00 2.0116E 00 2.1490E 00 2.2160E 00 2.3934E 00 2.5023E 00 2.6041E 00 2.7007E 00 2.1939E 00 2.8854E 00 2.9769E 00 3.0699E 00 3.1657E 00 3.2650E 00 3.3684E 00 3.4763E 00 3.5885E 00 3.7049E: 00 3.8248E 00 3.9417E 00 4.0728E 00 4.1992E 00 4.3263E 00 4.4533E 00 4.5195E 00 4.7045E 00 OEFLCT 0.0 1.8580E-Ol 3.3850E~01 4.53UE-01 5.2785E-Ol 5.6288E-Ol 5.6102E-Ol 5.2680E-Ol 4.6609E-Ol 3.8560E-Ol 2.9239E-Ol 1.9341E-Ol 9.5084E-02 3.0394E-03 -7.8133E-02 -1.450lE-01 -1.9547E-Ol -2.28 51E-Ol -2.4432E-Ol -2.4405E-01 -2.2964E-Ol -2.0363E-Ol -1.6892E-01 -1.2857E-Ol -8.5610E-02 -4.2837E-02 -2.1l32E-03 3.2749E-02 6.2055E-02 8.4238E-02 9.88b1E-02 1.0600E-Ol t.0611E-01 1.0005E-01 8.8911E-02 7.3943E-02 5.6479E-02 3.7826E-02 1.9222E-02 1.7319E-03 -1.3760E-02 Fig. 3.6 Motion of railroad cars during impact. THE OUTPUT SIMULATION OF THE IMPACT OF TWO RAILROAD CARS. INTERV4L AND INTEGRATION TECHNICUE ARE CHANGED DURI NG THE RUN. TIME 1.0000E 3.0000E 5.0000F 7.0000E '1.0000E .I.IOOOE 1.3000E 1.5000E 1.7000E 1.9000E 2.1000E FORCE 00 00 00 00 00 01 01 01 01 01 01 7.~395E 11.11 18E: -1.'t982E -2.8289E -2.2b76E: -3.8365E -5.8007E -8.7971E: -3.4298E 4.4059f -1.9237E 03 01 02 02 02 01 02 02 02 02 02 ACCI 1. 59't6E 00 -1.1922E-Ot -1.7230E-Ol -2.0288E-Ol -1.8998E-Ol -1.46b9E-01 -2.7UbE-01 -3.4002E-Ol - 2.1668E-Ol -3.6630E-02 -1.8208E-01 ACC2 -.1.6886E: 00 -1.6294E-Ol -8.ft720E-02 -3.96!>8E-02 -5.8663£-02 -1.2246E-Ol b.0978E-02 1.6244E-Ol -1.9308E-02 -2.8465E-Ol -7.0309E-02 VI 4.3971E 4.3517E 4.0830E 3.81S2E 3.5452E 3.2848E 2.9512E 2.7154E 2.4556E 2.1b39E 1.8984E 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 V2 4.9679E 4.3583E 4.0768E 3.7941E 3.5146E 3.2209E 3.03511: 2.7052E 2.4107E 2.1b31E 1.8770E MI LNE 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Xl 4.6907E 1.3679E 2.2113E 2.9999E 3.7338E 4.4127E 5.0315E 5.6069E 6.1215E 6.5814E 6.9867E Fig. 3.7 Post-impact motion of railroad cars. I NT EGRA TI ON 00 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 X2 4.7045E 1.3619E 2.2113E 2.9999E 3.7338E 4.4130E 5.0367E 5.6065E 6.1215E 6.5817E b.9867E 00 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 DEFLCT -1.3760E-02 -1.2207E-04 5.3406E-04 5.3406E-04 -2.7466E-04 -3.0670E-03 7.6294E-03 4.5013E-03 -3.5095E-04 -2.5635E-03 0.0 Ch. 3 Advanced Features of CSMP 93 In summary, choosing the best integration method is quite complicated, both from a theoretical and a practical point of view. No absolute set of guidelines can be written that will insure the optimum method is used for all problems. The user should be prepared to experiment in order to obtain the best method with regard to run-time and accuracy. It should be emphasized that either of the variablestep integration methods using the default error-bounds will give satisfactory solutions for the vast majority of problems. The additional computing time that may result when using this approach is usually considerably less expensive than the time the user would spend in choosing an optimum method. However, for complicated problems that will require a large amount of computing time, the user can justify spending time in deciding which method will give the best results. User-Supplied Integration Method In the event that none of these seven integration methods satisfies the user's requirements, an additional centralized integration method can be added to CSMP. The complete integration routine is entered into the program as a FORTRAN subroutine named CENTRL. The method is specified using the statement, METHOD CENTRL Example 3.2 To illustrate a program that employs a user-supplied integration technique, the following linear, first-order differential equation will be solved. d(CASH) = INTRST*CASH dt (3.5) Initial condition: CASH(t = 0) = $1000. Equation (3.5) governs the present value of a bank account where the money is continuously compounded. This method of compounding is used by many banks and savings and loan associations. The initial amount in the account is $1,000.00. CASH = present value of bank account INTRST = yearly interest rate t = 0.065 (6.5 %) = time in years The user supplied integration method is the CSMP Simpson method. Note that the only reason for using the CENTRL integration feature in this problem is to demonstrate its use. Figure 3.8 shows a listing of the entire program. The comment cards are supplied to assist the reader to interpret the program. The IBM System Manual(1) as well as the section on subprograms should be used as a reference for this procedure. Most of the information contained in Fig. 3.8 was taken from the IBM System Manual. Figure 3.9 gives the output for the program for a time period of 50 years. The accuracy of the numerical integration can be compared with Eq. (3.6) which is the analytical solution to Eq. (3.5). CASH = 1000eO.065t (3.6) 94 Advanced Features of CSMP Ch. 3 * * * PROGRAM TO ILLUSTRATE THE METHOD OF PROVIDING A USER-SUPPLIED INTfr.RATION TECHNIQUE TO THE PROGRAM. IN THIS EXAMPLE, THE CSMP SIMPSON METHOD IS USED. LABEL HISTORY OF SlOOO BANK ACCOUNT, 6.5 CONTINUOUSLY COMPUND INTEREST RENAME TIME = YEARS CONSTANT INTRST = 0.065 CASH INTGRL(lOOO.O, INTRST*CASH j TIMER FINTIM = 50.0. OUTDEL = 1.0, DELT 0.05 PRTPLT CASH MFTHOn CENTRL ENO ST,)P THE FOLLOWING IS THE FORTRAN SUBROUTIN~ "CENTRL" C SUBROUTINE CENTRL TH~ FOLLOwING 2 COMMON AND 5 EQUIVALENCE CARDS ARE REQUIRED FOR ALL C INT~GPATION METHODS. C CO~MON DOUMl(b4) .C(8000),NALARM,KPOINT,DDUM2(16),RANGE(400),H,KEEP CQMMON DDUM3(1214),IFLAG(SO),FAM(50),NOINTG,NOSYMB,SYMB(1) EQUIVALENCE (IFLAG(16),ISTEP),(IFlAGl19),DTIME),(IFLAG(40),ISTORE) FOUIVALENCE (IFLAGl18),ISTARTJ,(IFLAG(10),IFIRST) ~QUIVALENCE (C(l),TIME).(C(Z),DELT),(C(3.,DELMIN) EQUIVALENCE (C(4),FINTIM),lC(5),PRDEL),(C{6),OUTOEL. EOUIVALENCE (ODUM3(49Z),TNEXTJ,(DDUMZ(10),KREL),(DDUM2l11),KABS) NOINTG IS THE NUMBER OF INTEGRATORS c C IS THE DYNAMIC STORAGE ARRAY FOR THE EXECUTION PHASE C H IS THE HIGHEST FREQUENCY OUTPUT SAMPLE RATE C DELT HAS BEEN MOCIFIED TO BE A SUBMULTIPLE OF H C TNEXT IS THE TIME OF THE NEXT OUTPUT POINT C C C C C STAR T OF PROGRAM IF CENTRL IS AN ERROR TESTING INTEGRATION METHOD, SET NALARM TO ONE WHEN ERROR TEST FAILS IN ORDER TO STOP RUN. ISTART IS SET TO ZERO BY AN END OR CONTIN CARD TO START THE CASE ISTEP IS SET TO ZERO TO INITIALIZE STATUS ISTEP=O ISTORE IS THE NUMBER OF LOCATIONS USED IN THE C ARRAY ISTORE=KPOINT+3*NOINTG GO TO 3000 c c c C 2000 CO~TINUE C C C FOR SPECIAL INTEGRATION, USER ~UST INSERT HIS CODING HERE AT THIS POINT VALUES ARE AVAILABLE FOR TIME lERO.(Y,YDOT,YIC) INTEGRATOR OUTPUTS ARE LOCATED IN C(N+6) FOR N=l TO NOINTG INTEGRATOR INPUTS ARE LOCATED IN C(N+6+NOINTGI FOR N=l TO NOINTG INTEGRATOR INITIAL CONDITIONS IN C(N+6+2NOINTGJ FOR N=l TO NOINTG C C C HISTOR! OF OUTPUTS ~UST BE STORED IN USER UPPER LOCAT IONS OF C ARRAY C C DI~ENSIONED ARRAY OR C C C C C c EXAMPLE FOR K HI STORY POINTS (REPLACE ARGUMENTS WITH CONSTANTS) DIMENSION CHYS(K,ll EQUIVALENCE(C(8000-300*K+l) ,CHYS(l) IN THf SIMPSON INTEGRATION METHOD, THERE ARE 3 HISTORY POINTS, K EQUIVALENCE (C(7101I, CHYS(ll) DIMENSION CHYSl3,l),CY(1) THF. FOLLOWING IS THE CSMP SIMPSON INTEGRATION METHOD. ~QUIVALENCE (C(7),CY(11) FQUIVAlENCE(DlJU~2( 13) ,HAST) C C C C C HISTORY IS STOREC AS FOLLOWS CHYS(J,I)=PAST VALUES AS REQUIRED WHERE J VARIES FROM 1 TO K HISTORY POINTS AND WHERE I VARIES FROM 301-NOINTG TP 300 C Fig. 3.8 Program illustrating the use of CENTRL. 3 Advanced Features of CSMP Ch. 3 95 00 2010 II=l.NOINTG 1=301-II J=r-.JOINTG+ll CHYSll.IJ=CY(II) CHY S ( 2. I ) =C Y( J) 2010 Cv ( It) =.5 *0 Fl T *c Y ( J ) + CY ( I I ) OTIME=OTIME+l. JI~E=DTIME*.5*OElT+TlAST 2020 2030 2040 C 3000 C c 4000 ISTART=l KEEP=O tALL UPDATE DO 207.0 IJ=l.NOINTG 1=301-11 J=NClINTG+II CHYSI3.1)=CYIJI CY I I I »= • 5 *D El T*c YI J j+ Cv I I I ) OT! ME=OTlME+l. TIME=OTIME*.5*DELT+TLAST CALL UPDATE on 2030 IJ=l.NOINTG 1=301-1 I J=NOINTG+I1 CY(II)=CHYS(1.I)+.5*OElT*(CHYSI2.1)+4.*CHYSI3,I)+CYIJ) )/3. CONTINUE KEEP IS SET TO IDENTIFY POINT TO STORE KFEP ;: 1 CALL UPDATE CO"lTI NUE STATUS CHECKS FOR VARIABLE RANGES A~D OUTPUT TIMES CAL l ST ATUS IFIRST IS SET TO 4 TO INDICATE THE END OF A CASE IFIIFIRST-4)2000.4000.4000 RETURN END ENOJOB Fig.3.8 (Continued) Data Statements Three of the most useful and commonly used data statements are CONSTANT, PARAMETER, and INCON. These three statements are completely equivalent in CSMP and they were previously defined and used in Chap. 2. It should be pointed out that these data statements cannot be used for assigning values to subscripted variables. As in FORTRAN, subscripted variables require special consideration. Following are descriptions of how data statements using subscripted variables are used in CSMP programs. Subscripted Variables Subscripted variables provide a procedure for handling large arrays of related data as are frequently found in systems represented by simultaneous equations. Any valid symbol, except those which start with the letters I, J, K, L, M, or N, HISTORY OF S1000 BANK ACCOUNT. 6.5 CONTINUOUSLY COMPOUND INTERST MINIMUM CASH PAGE VERSUS YEARS 1.0000E 03 CASH YEARS 0.0 1.0000E 2.0000E 3,.0000E 4.0000E 5. OOOOE b.OOOOE 7.0000E 8.0000E 9.0000E 1. OOOOE 1.1000E 1.2 OOOE 1.3000E 1.4000E 1.5000E 1.6000E 1.1000F. 1.8000E 1.9000E 2. OOOOE 2.10001: 2.2000E 2.3000E 2.4000E 2.5000E 2.6000E 2.1000r:: l.8000E 2.9000E 3.0000E 3.1000F. 3 •. 2000E 3.3000E 3.4000E 3.5000E 3.6000E 3.1000E 3.8000E 3.9000E 4.0000E 4.1000E 4.2000E 4.3000E 4.4000E 4.5000E 4.60001= 4.1000E 4.8000E 4.9000E 5. OOOOE 00 '00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 1.0000E 1.0672E 1.13BBE 1.2l53E 1.2969E 1.3840E 1.4110E 1.5762 E 1.6820E 1.1950E 1.9155E 2.0441E 2.1814E 2.3279E 2.4S43E 2.b511E 2.829lE 3.0191E 3.2219E 3.4383E 3.6692E 3.9156E 4.1785E 4.4~91E 4.7586E 5.0781E 5.4191E 5.7830E 6.1714E 6.5858E 7.0280E 7.5000E 8.0036E 8.,411E 9.1l47E 9.7268E 1.0380E 1.1077E 1.1821E 1.2615E 1.3462E 1.4,366E 1.5331E 1.6360E 1.14,9E i.B632E 1.9883E 2.1218E 2.264.3E 2.4164E 2.5186E I + fo'AXIMUM 2.5786E 04 I 03 03 + 03 + 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 + + + ----+ ----+ -----+ -----+ ------+ ------+ -------+ --------+ --------+ ---------+ ----------+ -----------+ ------------+ -------------+ --------------+ ---------------+ -------------.---+ -----------------+ ------------------+ --------------------+ ---------------------+ -----------------------+ -------------------------+ --------------------------+ -------------.---------------+ ------------------------------+ ---------------------------------+ ----------------------------------+ --------------------------------------+ 04 04 04 ------------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------------+ 04 + -+ -+ -+ -+ --+ --+ --+ --+ ---+ ---+ ----+ ---------------------.-------------------+ Fig. 3.9 Output for program of Fig. 3.8. 96 1 Ch. 3 Advanced Features of CSMP 97 may be subscripted. Examples of both valid and invalid subscripted variables are: Valid Invalid A(3) COUNT(5,7,6) ZP123(7,2,8) JP(8) ABCDEFG(4,2) 4X(9) (Invalid first symbol) (Excessive characters) (First character cannot be a number) As in FORTRAN, it is necessary to specify the following information before using subscripted variables. 1. What variables are subscripted. 2. How many subscripts there are for each subscripted variable. 3. The maximum size for each subscript. This information can be specified by using either the DIMENSION or STORAGE statements. DIMENSION Statement Subscripted variables larger than one dimensional arrays [e.g. X(3, 5) Y(3, 7, 5)] must be listed on a DIMENSION card. The DIMENSION statement is handled exactly as in FORTRAN with the exception being that a virgule (j) must appear in the first column. The virgule indicates that the DIMENSION instruction is a FORTRAN specification statement (discussed below). An example of a valid statement is shown below. Statement must begin after column 6 (At least one blank space ~DIMENSION X(20), Y(4, 10), A(4, 4, 4) " - Virgule in column 1 ~ ~ommas between / all listings The compiler will assign 20 spaces to the one-dimensional array named X, 40(4 X 10) spaces to the two-dimensional array Y, and 64 (4 X 4 X 4) sp~ces to the three-dimensional array A. The user should not attempt to use' a subscript larger than the maximum size as specified in the DIMENSION statement. Also, subscripts must never be smaller than 1. This means that negative numbers and zero cannot be used as subscripts. A seven-dimensional array, which is the limit of FORTRAN IV (Level G), is the largest that can be used in a CSMP program. The DIMENSION statement should be placed at the beginning of the program since it must appear before any subscripted variables are used. 98 Advanced Features of CSMP Ch. 3 FORTRAN Specification Cards Cards containing a virgule (/) in column 1 are called FORTRAN specification cards. These cards are treated exactly as FORTRAN statements and consequently must follow a somewhat different format than usual CSMP statements. The following rules must be followed when using FORTRAN specification cards. 1. All FORTRAN specification cards must contain a virgule (j) in column 1. 2. Statements must be contained in columns 7-72. 3. A maximum of 10 FORTRAN specification cards are permitted in any one program. 4. Continuation cards are permitted and must contain a nonzero character in column 6 and a virgule in column 1. The following DIMENSION statement illustrates the continuation of a FORTRAN specification instruction. / / DIMENSION X(9), Y(8), Z(7, 8, 8), 1 Q(6,6), RT(3, 3, 3, 3) "-- {NOnzero character in column 6 for all continuation cards Virgule in column 1 for all cards of { FORTRAN specification statements ~ STORAGE Statement One-dimensional arrays [e.g. X(5), Y(78)] can be handled by using the CSMP STORAGE statement. This card is used similarly to the DIMENSION statement, the exceptions being that it can only be used for one-dimensional arrays and that it is not a FORTRAN specification card. An example of a valid statement is , - - At least one blank space is necessary STORAGE Z(90), Y(75), X(5) The symbols following the STORAGE label represent subscripted variables with the appropriate number of storage locations contained within parentheses. A STORAGE statement may be continued to additional cards by using either three consecutive periods or multiple STORAGE cards. All STORAGE statements should be placed at the beginning of the program since they must appear before any subscripted variables are used. DIMENSION and STORAGE statements may be used in the same program. Subscripted variables are subject to certain restrictions in CSMP programs. Special care must be taken to observe the following rules. Ch. 3 Advanced Features of CSMP 99 All subscripted variables must be declared in either a DIMENSION or STORAGE statement. 2 Subscripted variables cannot appear to the left of an equal sign except in a no sort section or within a PROCEDURE function. The use and definition of a PROCEDURE function is covered later in this chapter. Examples of statements that are only allowed in nosort sections or in PROCEDURE functions are: Y(5) Y(l) = SIN(3.0*TIME) = 3.14159*Q(3) Examples of statements allowed in all sections of the program are: Z Q P = = = 4.0*X(4) + COS(Y(2» AFGEN(ABC, X(6» INTGRL(S.7, Y(3» 3 The output of an INTGRL function cannot be a subscripted variable. Thus, the following statement type is not allowed anywhere in the program. X(2) = INTGRL(2.3, Y) 4 Subscripted variables cannot be used in PRINT or PRTPLT statements. (This is not the case in CSMP III). In order to obtain a PRINT or PRTPLT output of subscripted variables, it is first necessary to set the dimensioned variables equal to non subscripted variables. This is illustrated in following examples. Assigning Values to Subscripted Variables There are three convenient methods for assigning values to subscripted variables. The CSMP "TABLE" statement. 2 The FORTRAN "DATA" statement. 3 The FORTRAN "READ" statement. A description of the use of these three statements along with a method of declaring variables as integers follows. TABLE Statement: Subscripted variables that are listed on a STORAGE card may be assigned values using the TABLE statement. This is a CSMP data statement which allows values to be assigned to one-dimensional subscripted variables. The use of the TABLE card is similar to the other data statements (CONSTANT, PARAMETER, and INCON) the exception being that the TABLE 100 Advanced Features of CSMP Ch. 3 statement can only be used for one-dimensional subscripted variables. In addition to the usual way of assigning values, the K*n form can be used to assign K consecutive variables the value n. The following is an example of a valid statement. TABLE X(I) = 22.56, X(9) = -0.891, X(3 - 6) = 4*6.74, Y(I) = 3.14 In the above example X(1), X(9), and Y(1) are assigned the values shown. X(3), X(4), X(5), and X(6) are all set equal to 6.74. All variables contained in a TABLE statement must be listed on a STORAGE card. TABLE statements may be continued to additional cards by using either three consecutive periods or multiple TABLE statements may be used. DATA Statement: The FORTRAN DATA statement provides an additional means for assigning values to subscripted variables. The DATA card is a FORTRAN specification statement and must contain a virgule in column 1. Only subscripted variables should appear on a DATA card and these variables must be listed in a DIMENSION statement. Subscripted variables that are listed in a FORTRAN EQUIVALENCE statement must not appear on a DATA card. An example of a DATA and appropriate DIMENSION statement is 1 DIMENSION Y(3, 2) DATA Y/6*3.141 1 The above DATA statement assigns a value of 3.14 to all six variables of the twodimensional array. The order in which numerical values are assigned to a two-dimensional array is illustrated by the following statements. 1 DIMENSION Y(3, 2) DATA Y/7.45, 2*5.89, -4.32, 2*3.331 1 These statements will assign the numerical values of Y(I, 1) Y(2, 1) Y(3, 1) = = = 7.45 5.89 5.89 Y(1,2) Y(2, 2) Y(3, 2) = = = -4.32 3.33 3.33 A single DATA statement can also be used to assign values to more than one subscripted variable. For example, 1 1 DIMENSION X(3, 2, 2), Y(2) DATA X/4*4.27, -7.16, 3*12.81, 4*0.71/, Y/2*87.31 The above card assigns the values, X(I, 1, X(2, 1, X(3, 1" Y(1) = 1) = 4.27 1) = 4.27 1) = 4.27 87.3 X(I, 2, X(2, 2, X(3, 2, Y(2) = 1) = 4.27 1) = -7.16 1) = 12.81 87.3 X(I, 1,2) X(2, 1,2) X(3, 1,2) = = = 12.81 12.81 0.71 X(1, 2, 2) X(2, 2, 2) X(3, 2,2) = = = 0.71 0.71 0.71 A more comprehensive description of DATA statements can be found in many books on FORTRAN. (2-5) Ch. 3 Advanced Features of CSMP 101 FIXED Statement: When using subscripted variables, it is often necessary to use variables as integers for such purposes as indexing. Variables are specified as integers by the use of the FIXED statement. This instruction allows the user to declare selected variables as integers (fixed-point numbers). As previously stated, all variables in CSMP are automatically treated as real numbers (floating-point) unless otherwise specified. Consequently, any valid symbol that is to be treated as an integer must be included on a FIXED card. The following is an example of a valid FIXED statement. FIXED I, A, Y6, J ~At least one blank space Continuation cards (... ) or multiple FIXED cards may be used if necessary. It should be remembered that integer variables cannot be used in either PRINT or PRTPLT statements. If the output of an integer variable is desired, it should first be set equal to a real variable. The following two statements could be used to print the value of the integer variable I. Z = I (This statement must be in the Dynamic segment.) PRINT Z READ Statement: The convenience and flexibility of the FORTRAN statement, READ (5, XYZ) can be used in CSMP programs to assign values to variables. The READ card must appear in a nosort section. It is usually placed in the Initial segment since this segment is only executed once at the beginning of the simulation. However, the READ statement can also be included in a nosort section of the Dynamic segment. The user should be aware that all statements in the Dynamic segment are executed from one to four times for each integration step. The exact number of executions depends upon the integration method and is given in Table 3.3. When using a READ instruction for nonsubscripted variables, the variable must appear somewhere else in the program before it can be included in a PRINT or PRTPLT statement. A FORTRAN FORMAT statement must be used in conjunction with a READ card. The FORMAT card specifies the form in which numerical values are listed on data cards. The FORMAT card must be contained in a nosort section and any continuation cards must have a $ in card column 6. A detailed explanation on the use of READ and FORMAT statements can be found in books on FORTRAN.(2-SJ Numerical values used with the READ statements are contained on data cards. These cards must be placed between the labels DATA and ENDDATA. The DATA card must immediately follow the END card. The ENDDATA label follows the last data card and it must be punched in card columns 1-7. In CSMP III, the labels INPUT and ENDINPUT are used in place of DATA and ENDDATA. It should be noted that this DATA card is a CSMP statement and is different from the FORTRAN DATA statement that was previously described. Portions of three programs which use READ and FIXED statements are shown below. INITIAL STORAGE X(4) FIXED J NOSORT 100 FORMAT(2F10.0) READ(5,100) (X(J), J DYNAMIC : = 1,4) } Statements defining the run. END DATA 19. 9. ENDDATA STOP ENDJOB 24. 47. INITIAL DIMENSION Y(2, 3) FIXED K, J NOSORT 50 FORMAT(3F14.2) READ(5, 50)«Y(K, J), J = 1,3), K DYNAMIC : = 1,2) } Statements defining the run. END DATA 13.42 0.78 ENDDATA STOP ENDJOB -67.80 3.34 3.56 32.56 INITIAL NOSORT READ(5,999) P, Q, R, S 999 FORMAT(4E12.3) DYNAMIC : } Statements defining the run. END DATA 0.543E4 ENDDATA STOP ENDJOB 102 0.400E7 0.643E-4 0.484E3 Ch.3 Advanced Features of CSMP 103 Specification Form of INTGRL Statement To facilitate the integration of subscripted variables, the specification or array form of the INTGRL statement can be used. This form of the INTGRL statement allows the use of subscripted variables as inputs, outputs, and initial conditions. The general form of the statement is ZE where INTGRL(XOE, XE, N) = ZE = output of the integration XOE = initial condition XE = integrand N = number of elements in the integrator array, N must be a literal integer constant In order to use the above specification form of the INTGRL statement for an array of 20 in S/360 CSMP, the program must begin with DIMENSION and EQUIVALENCE cards. / / DIMENSION X(20),XO(20),Z(20) EQUIVALENCE (XE,X(1)), (XOE,XO(l)), (ZE,Z(l)) The above cards are not required when using CSMP III. See Chap. 5 for a detailed explanation and examples. It is not permissible to use a STORAGE card to declare the subscripted variables that appear in the array form of INTGRL statements. In conjunction with the above DIMENSION and EQUIVALENCE statements, the expression ZE = INTGRL(XOE,XE,20) will integrate 20 variables, namely Z(l) = Z(2) = S: X(l) dt + XO(l) S: X(2) dt + XO(2) Z(20) = S: X(20) dt + XO(20) An example illustrating the use of subscripted variables with the specification form of the INTGRL statement is the following transient heat transfer problem. 104 Advanced Features of CSMP Ch. 3 Duct Air flow Tungsten heating rod Fig.3.10 Cross-section of tungsten heating rod in duct. Example 3.3 Consider air flowing in a duct across a tungsten heating element. As electric current supplies energy at a uniform rate per unit-volume to the wire, energy is being removed from the circular heating element by radiation, convection, and conduction. The problem is to find the transient temperature distribution along the rod after the current is turned on. The temperature distribution of the rod is described by a partial differential equation having time and distance as the independent variables. Since partial differential equations cannot be directly solved using CSMP, a common method of solution is to divide the tungsten element into a number of small equal-sized elements. Each element is assumed to qradiation =ES(T4 (i) - TA 4 )As qconvection = H(T (i) - T A)A s qradiation qconvection 1 T(i - 1) 1 qconduction =KAc(T(i) -T(i+ l))/L T(i) ~----L qconduction = KAc (T (i - =----'..---.- DIA 1) - T(i))/L L=O.lft DIA = 0.01 ft Ac = cross-sectional area =~ (DIAl2 As TA T(i) = surface area = 1T·L·DIA =air temperature, = 530 0 R = temperature of i th element Fig. 3.11 Heat flow from ith element. Ch. 3 Advanced Features of CSMP 105 have a uniform temperature. This method transforms a continuous system into a lumped system which is represented by a set of ordinary differential equations. The accuracy of the simulation improves as the element size decreases. In this example~ the heating element is divided into 20 equal-sized elements~ each 0.1 ft long and 0.01 ft in diameter. The elements are sequentially numbered left to right. Figure 3.11 shows the heat flow for the ith element. An energy balance on this element yields the following equation. d~?) [K.AC(T(i - 1) - 2.0T(i) = + T(i + 1»/L - ES·AS(T(i)4 - TA4) - H·AS(T(i) - TA) + QELEC·AC·L]/(RO·C·AC·L) where T(i) (3.7) = temperature of ith element, oR K = thermal conductivity, 94.0 Btu/hr-ft-oR AC = cross-sectional area of tungsten rod, f12 ES = Stefan-Boltzmann constant times surface 8.5 x 10- 10 Btu/hr-ft2-oR4 TA = air temperatures in duct, 5300 R H = heat transfer coefficient for forced 25.0 Btu/hr-ft2-oR emissivity~ convection~ AS = surface area of element, ft 2 RO = density of tungsten, 1208 Ibm/ft 3 C = specific heat of tungsten, 0.032 Btu/lbmoR QELEC = electrical energy supplied per unit-volume, 6.0 x 10 6 (Btu/hr-ft3) In the first equation of the array (i = 1)~ the T(i - 1) term must be set equal to the temperature of the left wall. In the same manner, the T(i + 1) term of the last equation (i = 20) must be set equal to the temperature of the right side wall. The program for simulating this system is shown in Fig. 3.12. There are several points which should be discussed regarding the program. 1. Note that it is necessary to use the DIMENSION and EQUIVALENCE statements to specify the subscripted variables used with the specification form of the INTGRL statement. These relationships are given below. Subscripted variables EQUIVALENCE variables T(i) = temperature of ith TE element TI(i) = initial temperature of ith element TIE TD(i) = d~~i) TDE 106 Ch.3 Advanced Features of CSMP TITLE THE USE OF SUBSCRIPTED VAPIABLES TO SOLVE A HEAT TRANSfER TI TLI: PROBLEM INITIAL I UI~ENSICN T(20). ll(20), TO(20) I EyLlIVALENCE (TF,T(U), (TIE,TlCU ), (TOE, TOCl) ) FIXED 1 CONSTANT RO = 1208.0, C = 0.032, K = 94.0, H = 25.0, ES = 8.5E-IO ••• , OIA = 0.01, L = 0.1, TA = 530.0, THALL = 530.G. QElEC = 6.0E6 AC = 3.14159*OIA*0IA/4.0 AS = 3.1415Q*OIA*L NOSORT 00 2 1 = 1,20 2 TI(I) = 530.0 DYNAMIC NOSORT TO{I) = (K*AC*(TWAll - 2.0*T(I) + T(2»)/L - ES*AS*CTCl)**4 TA**4J - H*AS*U(U - TA) + QElEC*AC*U/(RO*C*AC*U TO(20) = (K*~C*(T(19) - 2.0*T(20) + TWAll)/L - ES*AS*{T(20)**4 TA**4) - H*AS*(TI20) - TA) + OElEC*AC*l)/lRO*C*AC*ll DO 1 I = 2,19 TOll) = (K*AC*(T(I-l) - 2.0*T(II + T(I+l')/L. - ES*AS*CTCIl**4 TA**4) - H*AS*ITlI) - TA) + QElEC*AC*l)/(RO*C*AC*L) SORT * * THE FOLLOWING IS THE SPECIFICATION fORM OF THE INTGRL STATEMENT. USED TO INTEGRATE ARRAYS. TE * * * IT IS = INTGRl(TIE,TOE,20) SUBSCRIPTED VARIABLES CAN NOT BE INCLUDED IN PRINT OR PRTPlT STATEMENTS. CONSEQUENTLY, IT IS NECESSARY TO INTRODUCE THE FOllOWI~G FOUR VARIABLES FOR OUTPUT PURPOSES. TI = Ttl) = 1(5' no = TelO) T11 = 1(17) T5 PRINT Tl, T5. TIO, T17 FINTIM = 0.018, TI~ER PROEL 0.0006 END STOP END JOB Fig. 3.12 Program to simulate temperature of tungsten rod. 2 The last portion of the Initial segment is changed to a no sort section to allow a DO loop to be used to set all values of initial temperatures TI(i) equal to 530o R. All calculations for initial conditions that are used in INTGRL statements must be performed in the Initial segment. Because TI(i) must be declared in a DIMENSION statement and not in a STORAGE statement, a TABLE card cannot be used to initialize the values of TI(i). Also, since TI(i) is contained in an EQUIVALENCE statement, a DATA card cannot be used to specify the initial values for TI(i). 3 The first portion of the Dynamic segment is changed to a no sort section to allow subscripted variables to appear on the left-hand side of the equal sign and also to permit the use of the DO loop. 4 If the INTGRL statement were written as TE = INTGRL(530.0, TDE,20) only the first term of the array T(l) would have the initial value of 530.0. All of the Ch. 3 Advanced Features of CSMP 107 remaining terms would have initial value of zero. For this reason it is necessary to include the array TI(i) for nonzero initial conditions. 5 Since subscripted variables cannot be used in S/360 CSMP PRINT or PRTPLT statements, it is necessary to set all subscripted variables desired as output equal to nonsubscripted variables. In this example, the subscripted variables T(1), T(5), T(lO), and T(17) are set equal to new variables for output purposes. The resulting output for this simulation is shown in Fig. 3.13. THE USE Of SUBSCRIPTED VARIABLES TO SOLVE A HEAT TRANSFER RKS PROfnEM TIME 0.0 6. QOOOE - 04 i.7000E-03 1.HOOOE-03 2.4000E - 03 1.0000F-03 3. 6000F. - 03 4.2000E-03 4.bOOOF-03 5. 4000E: - 03 b.OOOOE-03 6. 6000E - 03 7.2000E-03 7. !:IOOOF -03 8. /i-000E - 03 9.0000F-03 9. oOOOE: - 03 1.02 ODE - 02 1.0800F.-02 1.1400f-02 1. 2000F- 02 1.2600E-02 1.32 OOf - 02 1.3800E-02 1.4400E-02 1.5000F-02 1.5600E-02 1.62 OOE- 02 1.6800E-02 1. 7400F -02 1.BOOO£-02 Tl 5.3000E 6.10S3E: 6.7098E 7. I 705E 7.S261E' 1.d03SE 8.0216E 8.1944f 8.3320E: 8.4421E 8.5305E B. 6018 E 8.6593E 8.7059E 8.7437f 8.7745E 8.7994E 8.8198E 8.8364E 8.8500E 8. 8611E: a.870iE 8.8775E: 8.8836E 8.888bE 8.8927E 8.89t>OE 8.8988E 8.90 lUE 8.902QE 8.9044E 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 T5 5.3000E 6.101 OE 6.8947E 7.518SE 8.0478E 8.49bOE 8.8747E 9.1939E 9.4626E 9.68a2E 9.8775E 1.0036E 1.0168E 1.0279E 1.03 HE 1.044BF 1.0512E 1.0566E 1.ObIOE 1.0647E 1.061SE 1.0703E 1.0724E 1.0742E 1.0756E 1.0768E 1.0778E 1.07B7E i.0794E 1.0199E 1.0804E HO 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 5.3000E b.1610E 6.8941E 1.5185E 8.0419E 3.4963E 8.8752E 9.1950E 9.4b43E 9.6908E 9.8811E 1.0041E 1.0175E 1.0287E 1.0380E 1.0459E 1.0524E 1.0519E 1.0625E i.0663E 1.0695E i.0721E 1.0743E 1.0762E 1.0717E 1.0790E I.OBOIE 1.0810E 1.OB17E 1.0824E 1.0829E 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 H1 5.3000E 6.1610E 6.894bE 7.5i82E 8.0469E 8.4939E 8.8109E 9.1879E 9.4538E 9.6765 E 9.8624E 1.0018E 1.0147E 1.0254E 1.0343E 1.0417E 1.0479E 1.0530E 1.0512E 1.0607E 1.0636E 1.0660E 1.0680E 1. Ub~6E i.07l0E 1.072lE 1.0130E 1.0738E 1.0744E 1.0750E 1.0754E 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 Fig. 3.13 Output of program of Fig. 3.12. The specification form of the INTGRL statement cannot be used for direct doubleintegration of arrays. For example, an acceleration array which is integrated into a velocity array cannot be directly integrated into a displacement array. The following example illustrates the correct procedure for performing double-integration of arrays. Example 3.4 Consider the system of Fig. 3.14 which shows five uncoupled spring-mass units. The entire mass assembly is moving to the right with a common velocity of 50 ft/sec. The base strikes and then sticks to an immovable rigid surface. The problem is to find the resulting motion of all five masses after impact. INTEGRA TlON 108 Ch.3 Advanced Features of CSMP Base ~X(1) Weight (1) ~X(2) Weight (2) '~X(3) Weight (3) ~X(4) Weight (4) Immovable rigid surface ~X(5) Weight (5) Initial velocity of all masses = 50 ft/sec Fig.3.14 Spring-mass system. Using Newton's second law, the acceleration of the ith mass can be written as . -STIFF(i)*X(i) A(l) = WEIGHT(i)j32.17 (3.8) where STIFF(i) is the stiffness of the spring connected to the ith mass. The program for calculating the system dynamics is shown in Fig. 3.15. In the program, WEIGHT(i) and STIFF(i) are declared as subscripted variables by a STORAGE statement. This allows a TABLE card to be used to specify the values for WEIGHT(i) and STIFF(i). Note that the entire Dynamic segment is changed to a no sort section. This assures that all statements will be executed in the exact order in which they appear in the program. The acceleration array A(J) is calculated and then integrated to obtain the velocity array V(J). It is not permissible to directly integrate this velocity array to obtain the displacement array. An intermediate array must be set equal to the velocity array. This is accomplished by the program statements DO 2 J = 1,5 2 VI(J) = V(J) Ch.3 Advanced Features of CSMP 109 TITLE PROGRAM TO CALCULATE THE DYNAMICS OF A MECHANICAL SYSTEM USING TITLE SUBSC~IPTED VARIABLES. INITIAL I DIMENSION XIS), VIS), A(S), V1IS), YELIIS) I EOUIVALENCE I XE, XIU I, (VE, VB) ), (AE, A(l) ) I 1 , IV1E, V1(1) ), (YELlE, VELI(1) ) STORAGe WEIGHT(S), STIFF(S) TABLE WEIGHT(1-2) = 2*13.6, WEIGHT(3) = 18.9, WEIGHT(4-S) 2*11.5, ••• STIFF(ll = 13S.0, STlFF(2-3) = 2*180.0, HIFF(4-5) = 2*320.0 FIXED J NOSORT DO 3 J = 1,5 3 VELI (J) = 50.0 DYNAMIC NOSrtRT DO 1 J = l, S 1 A(J) = -STIFF(J)*XIJI/CWEIGHTCJ)/32.17) VE = INTGRLIVELIE,AE,S) * * * * CSMP DOES NOT PERMIT DIRECT DOUBLE INTEGRATION OF ARRAYS WHEN USING THE SPECIFICATION FORM OF THE INT&~l STATEMENT. CONSEQUENTLY, THE FOLLOWING TWOSTATE~ENTS ARE USED TO GENERATE THE ARRAY V1(JI WHICH CAN BE INTEGRATED TO FIND XIJ). DO 2 J = l, S 2 Vl(JI = VIJI XE = INT~RL(O.O,VIE,S) Xl=XllI X2 X3 = = X(21 X(3) X4 = X(41 X~ XIS) HRM INAL TIMER FINTIM 0.6, PRDEL PRINT Xl. X2. X3. X4. XS 0.02 END STOP ENDJ::JB Fig. 3.15 Program to simulate the dynamics of five masses. The VI(J) array can now be integrated to obtain the displacement array. Since the VI(i) array is used in the specification form of an INTGRL statement, it must be included in the EQUIVALENCE statement. The output for this program is given in Fig. 3.16. OVERLAY Statement The FUNCTION statement which was defined in Example 2.4 is considered a data statement. It is used for specifying pairs of x-y coordinates for the function generating elements AFGEN and NLFGEN. When making more than one run, the OVERLAY statement can be used to change previously specified x-y values contained in FUNCTION statements. An example of an OVERLAY card is OVERLAY TORQUE = 0.0,4.5 , 3.0,7.8 , 6.0,11.9 , 10.0,19.0 In this example, the FUNCTION defined as TORQUE will take on the new x-y values for the second run as given in the OVERLAY statement. The format for an OVERLAY statement is the same as for a FUNCTION card with the following exceptions. 110 Advanced Features of CSMP Ch.3 PROGRAM TO CALCULATE THE DYNAMICS OF A MECHAN ICAL SYSTEM USING SUBSCRIPTED VARIABLES. TIME 0.0 2.0000E-02 4.0000E-02 6.0000E-02 8.000017-02 1. OOOOF.- 01 1.2000F-Ol 1.4000E-01 1. 6000F- 01 1.8000E-01 2.0000E-01 2.2000F.-01 2.4000E-Ol 2. 6000F.- 01 2 .8000E- 01 3.0000['-01 3.2000E-Ol 3.4000E-Ol 3. 6000E- 01 3 .8000E- 01 4.0000E-Ol 4.2000E-Ol 4.4000E-01 4.6000E-01 4. 8000E- 01 5 .OOOOF-O L 5.2000~-OL ').4000E-01 5 .6000E-0 1 '). 800CE - 01 6.0000E-01 Xl 0.0 9.7884E-01 1.8HOE 00 2.4573E 00 2.7701E 00 2.7329E 00 2.3502E 00 1.6705E 00 7.7975E-Ol - 2 • 095 8E - 0 1 -1.1724E 00 -1.9871E 00 -2.5506E 00 -2.7918E 00 -2.6802E 00 -2.2299E 00 -1.4977E 00 -5. 7630E-0 1 4.1 796E-0 L 1.3~94E 00 2.1290E 00 2.6296E 00 2.7978E 00 2.o125E 00 2.0970E 00 1.3165E 00 3.6959E-Ol -6.2400E-01 -1.5387E 00 -2.2590E 00 -2.6'B8E 00 X2 0.0 9.1l85E-01 1.7805E 00 2.2902E 00 2.4154E 00 2.1350E 00 1.4961E 00 6.0608E-Ol -3.8576E-01 -1.3128E 00 -2.0194E 00 -2.3870E 00 -2.3538E 00 -1.9253E 00 - 1.1736E 00 -2.248 7E -01 7.6164E-Ol 1.6203E 00 2.2068E 00 2.4229E 00 2.2321E 00 1.6665E 00 8. 2117E - 0 L -1.6207E-01 -1.liS1E 00 -i.8864E 00 -2.3380E 00 -2.3970E 00 - 2.0535E 00 -1.3653E 00 - 4. 4 717E - 0 1 X3 0.0 9.7970E-01 1.8405E 00 2.47U1E 00 2.8l51E 00 2.8106E: 00 2.4651E 00 1.820n 00 9.5533F-01 -2.5886E:-02 -1.0040E 00 -1.8602E 00 -2.4909E 00 -2.8194E 00 -2.8058E 00 -2.4520E 00 -1.8006E 00 -9.3091E-01 5.1754E-02 1.0281E 00 1.879bE 00 2.5034F. 00 2.8234E 00 2.8008E 00 2.4386F 00 1.7805f 00 9.0639~-01 -7.7623E-02 -1.0522E 00 -1.8992F. JO -2.5158E 00 X4 0.0 9.413I:1E-Ol 1.5550E 00 1.6293 E 00 1.136I:1E 00 2.4938E-Ol -7.2470E-01 -1.4469E 00 -1.6664E 00 -1.3069E 00 -4.9J20E-01 4.91fs1E-Ol 1.3059E 00 1.6663 E 00 1.4476E 00 7.2596E- 01 -2.4791E-01 -1.1356E 00 -1.62 SBE 00 -1.5559E 00 -9.4239E-01 -1.4542E-03 9.3996E-01 1.5548E 00 1.62'13E 00 1.l311E 00 2.5082E-01 -7.2322E-01 -1.4459E 00 -1.6663 EOO -1.3075 E 00 RKS INTEGRATION X5 0.0 9.4138E-OI 1.5556E 00 1.6293 E 00 1. U68E 00 2.4938E-Ol -7.2470E-01 -1.4469E 00 -1.6664E 00 -1.3069E 00 -4.9320E-Ol 4.9181 E-01 1.3059E 00 1.6663E 00 1.4476 E 00 7.2596E-Ol -2.4791E-01 -1.1356E 00 -1.6288E 00 -1.5559E 00 -9.4239E-01 -1.4542E-03 9.3996 E-01 1.5548E 00 1.6293E 00 1.13 77E 00 2.508lE-01 -7.2322 E- 0 1 -1.4459E 00 -1.6663E 00 -1.3075E 00 Fig. 3.16 Output from program of Fig. 3.15. 1 The label OVERLAY is used in place of the label FUNCTION. 2 The number of x-y data pairs in an OVERLAY statement must not be more than the number of x-y pairs in the original FUNCTION statement. 3 Parentheses must not be used in OVERLAY statements to separate pairs of data. A simple example which illustrates the use of an OVERLAY statement is the problem of calculating the volumetric flow of blood pumped by the human heart for two different pressure profiles. Example 3.5 Figure 3.17 shows two time-histories of ventricular pressure in the human heart. Profile No. 1 represents a strong heart beat while profile No. 2 corresponds to a more average heart. An expression which approximates the flow rate of blood pumped by the heart is FLOW P = 575.0 (3.9) Ch.3 Advanced Features of CSMP 111 200 1"'---""\ , , 160 'v Pressure profile no. 1 \ I \ I Pressure profile no. 2 I I I , I I IJ 40 o 0.2 0.6 0.4 0.8 Time in seconds Fig.3.17 Time-history of pressure in pumping chamber of the human heart. where FLOW = volumetric flow rate in I/sec P = ventricular pressure in mm-Hg A single integration of FLOW with respect to time yields the total amount of blood that has flowed from the heart during one beat. VOLUME = S: FLOW dt (3.10) Figure 3.18 shows the program for solving for the total flow for both pressure profiles. Data representing the first time-history of pressure is entered on the FUNCTION card with the label PRESS. The OVERLAY statement contains the data for the second pressure profile used for the function PRESS in the second run. Figure 3.19 contains the PRTPLT output resulting from the first pressure profile and Fig. 3.20 shows the output for the second time-history of pressure. Notice in the program of Fig. 3.18 that the OVERLAY statement appears immediately after the first END card. The END card permits the simulation to accept new data and control statements for another run. Note also that the END card sets the independent variable (TIME) to zero and resets all initial conditions. A detailed discussion on the use of the END statement is contained in the following section on translation control statements. 112 Ch. 3 Advanced Features of CSMP LABEL BLOOO FLOW PROBLEM TO ILLUSTRATE THE USE OF AN OVERLAY STATEMENT. FUNCTION PRESS (0.0,8.0),(0.05,12.0',(0.1,21.0),(0.15,80.0), (0.2,140.01,(0.25,174.0),(0.28,178.0),(0.3,117.0),(0.32,176.0), = (0.35,115.0),(0.4,165.0),(0.45,138.0),(0.5,86.0),(0.55~19.0), (0.6,3.0),(0.62,3.5),(0.64,4.0),(0.61,5.0),(0.7,6.0),(0.8,8.0) P NLFGENCPRESS,TtME) FLOW =- P/515.0 VOLUME = tNTGRL(O.O,FLOW) PRTPLT VOLUME CP,FLOW) TIMER FINTIM 0.8, OUTOEL =- 0.04 = = • • • THE FOLLOWING ENO CARO RESETS THE INITIAL CONOITIONS, RESETS TIME TO ZERO, PREVIOUSLY OEflNEO FUNCTION TO THE VALUES SHOWN. ANOTHER RUN. THE OVERLAY STATEfoilENT CHANGES THE OATA CONTAINEO IN THE ENO OVERLAY PRESS = 0.0,5.0, 0.05,8.0, 0.1,18.0, 0.15,63.0, 0.2,100.0, ••• 0.25,120.0, 0.3,124.0, 0.35,124.0, 0.4,120.0, 0.5,65.0, 0.54,6.0, ••• 0.56,4.0, 0.58,2.0, 0.59,2.0. 0.61,2.2, 0.65,2.5, 0.7,3.0, 0.8,5.0 ENO STOP ENOJ08 Fig. 3.18 Program to calculate blood flow and to illustrate the use of an OVERLAY statement. 8LOOD flOW PR08LEM TO ILLUSTRATE THE USE OF AN nVERLAY STATEMENT. VOLUME VERSUS TJ ME MINIMUM 0.0 4-.0000E-02 8.0000E-02 l.2000E-Ol l.6000E-01 2.0000E-Ol 2.4-000E-Ol 2.8000E-Ol 3.2000E-Ol 3.6000E-Ol 4-.0000E-Ol 4-.4-000E-Ol 4-.8000E-Ol 5.2000E-Ol 5.6000E-Ol 6.00ODE-Ol 6.4-000E-Ol 6.8000E-Ol 7.2000E-Ol 7.6000E-Ol 8.0000E-Ol MAXIMUM 1.05l4E-01 0.0 TIME PAGE I VOLUME 0.0 6.6l82E-04 1.61161E-03 3.2800E-03 1.8047E-03 1.5868E-02 2.6722E-02 3. 8947E-02 5.126BE-02 6.3458E-02 7.5282E-02 8.6l20E-02 9.5085E-02 1.0107E-01 1.0342E-01 l.03l4E-Ol 1.039BE-01 l.0430E-01 1.041lE-01 1.0520E-Ol 1.0514E-Ol + + + -+ ---+ -------+ ------------+ -----------------------+ -----------------------------+ ----------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------------+ ------------------ + P B.OOOOE 1.1200E 1.68001" 3.86001" 9.19201' 1.4000E 1.6928E i.1800E 1.7600E 1.1383~ 1.6500E 1.4476E 1.0980E 6.1000E 1.1120E 3.0000E 4.0000E 5.3333E 6.5641E 7.4461E 8.0000E FLOW 00 01 01 01 01 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 1.3913E-02 1.9478E-02 2.9211E-02 6.l130E-02 1.5986E-Ol 2.4348F-Ol 2.9440E-Ol 3.0951E-01 3.0609E-Ol 3.0232E-Ol 2.86961"-01 2.5176E-Ol 1.909'6E-Ol 1.0609E-01 2.0383E-02 5.2lnE-03 6.9565E-03 9. 2754E-03 1.1416E-02 1.2950E-02 1.3913E-02 Fig. 3.19 Blood flow for pressure-pulse. Translation Control Statements Translation control statements specify how structure statements are to be treated. They also are used for run control purposes. For example, the INITIAL, DYNAMIC, and TERMINAL statements, which were defined in Chap. 2, are translation control statements. They specify how groups of structure statements are to be handled. The END and CONTINUE statements, which have previously Ch. 3 Advanced Features of CSMP BLOOD FLOW PROBLEM TO ILLUSTRATE THF USE OF A.. OVERLAV STATEME~T. PAGE VOLUME VERSUS TIME TIME 0.0 4.DOOOE-02 8.0000E-02 1.2000E-01 1.f»000E-01 2.0000E-Ol 2.ltOOOE-01 2.8000E-01 3.2000E-01 3.f»000E-01 4. DOODE-01 4.4000E-Ol 1t.8000E-Ot 5.2000E-Ol 5.~DOOE-Ol 6.0000E-01 6.ItOOOE-01 6.8000E-Ol 7.2000E-Ol 7.6000E-Dl 8.0000E-Ol 0.0 ·1t.3130E-0'o 1.tOlt2E-03 2.4927E-03 6.0B95E-03 1.2068E-02 1.9692E-02 2.8155E-02 3.6804E-02 It.5ltlt5E-02 5.3930E-02 6.1833E-02 6.8379E-02 7.2734E-02 7.3638E-02 7.3812E-02 7.3971E-02 7.ltt51E-02 7.4361E-02 7.4615E-02 1.'o928E-02 MAXIMUM 7.49281"-02 I VOLUME + + 113 -+ ----+ --------+ -------------+ ------------------+ ------------------------+ ------------------------ ------+ -----------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------+ ---------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------.---------+ P 5.00001" 7.'o000E 1.3160E 3.1800E 7.1040~ 1.0000E 1.17361; 1.2432E 1.24480: 1.2352E 1.20001; 1.0552E 8.10131:' 3.814'3~ 4.0000E 2.0661E 2.43151' 2.7833E 3.29331" 4.04001' 5.0000F FLOW 00 00 01 01 01 02 02 02 07 02 02 02 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 8.6951E-03 1.28701"-02 2.28811'-02 5. 5301tE-02 1.23551'-01 1.7391E-Ol 2.041010-01 2.1621E-Ol 2.16'091'-01 2.14B2F.-Ol 2.08701'-01 1.8'351E-Ol 1.40B9E-Ol 6.6336'0-02 6.9564E-03 3.59421'-03 4.239H:-03 4.8406E-03 5.7215"'-03 1.02611'-03 8.69561'-03 Fig. 3.20 Blood flow for pressure-pulse. been used and briefly described, can be used for run-control purposes and consequently are also translation control statements. This section is concerned with the following six statements and how they can be used for changing data and output statements for sequential runs, resetting integration methods and error requirements, and other special features pertaining to run control techniques. END RESET CONTINUE STOP ENDJOB ENDJOB STACK END The END card must appear at least once in every program. For programs where control and data statements are not changed and only one run is desired, the END card simply appears immediately after the last structural statement. All examples in Chap. 2, with the exception of Example 2.10, illustrated this use of the END statement. The END card can be used to permit the simulation to accept new data and control statements for sequential runs as illustrated in this chapter in the program of Fig. 3.18. When the END card is not followed immediately by a STOP card, another run is automatically initiated incorporating the changes that follow the END card. At the start of the new run, the initial conditions are automatically reset and the independent variable (TIME) is set to zero. The following simple example program illustrates how this is accomplished. 114 Ch.3 Advanced Features of CSMP INCON YO Y = = 2.0 INTGRL(YO, V) END INCON YO END STOP ENDJOB = 7.5 In the above example, the initial value for Y in the first run is 2.0. For the second run the initial value of Y is 7.5. Example 3.6 Several important points can be illustrated by incorporating an extra END card in the program in Fig. 3.3. Figure 3.21 shows this program where an END card has been added to provide one additional run. The first run of the program is identical to the original program in Fig. 3.3. In the second run, the integration method, output, and timer variables are changed as specified by the cards following the first END statement. Note that SUM and COUNT are set equal to zero for the second run. This is necessary even though these variables were originally set equal to zero in the Initial segment. If they are not reset to zero, the final values of SUM and COUNT in the first run will be used as the starting values in the second run. For the variables that appear on the TIMER card, it is only necessary to specify changes. In this problem, DELT is the only timer variable that changes for the second run. The two pages of output from the program in Fig. 3.21 is shown in Fig. 3.22. All changes that were made for the second run, in the previous example, nullified the corresponding instruction specified in the first run. Not all statements, however, will cancel previous instructions. The following is a list of the statements that when used for an additional run will completely nullify the corresponding instructions of previous runs. FINISH METHOD PREPARE PRINT TITLE The following is a list of five additive instructions. These statements do not nullify previous ones, but simply provide additional instructions. ABSERR & RELERR LABEL PRTPLT RANGE Ch. 3 Advanced Features of CSMP 115 TITLE PROGRAM TO CALCULATE THE AV~R~GE ABSOLUTE ERROR OF EQUATION 3.1 INIT I AL CONSTANT PI = 3.14159, SUM 0.0, COUNT = 0.0 DYNAMIC • • * THE FuLLOWING 3 CARDS ARE USED TO SOLVE EQUATION 3.1, WHEREYOO = SECOND DERIVATIVE OF Y WITH RESPECT TO TIME YO = Fl~ST DERIVATIVE OF Y WITH RESPECT TO TIME YUD = -4.0*PI*PI*Y YO = INTGRLlO.O, YDO) Y = INTGRL(1.0, YO) TiE FOLLOWING NOSORT SECTION IS REQUIRED TO USE THE "IF" STATEMENT • NOSORT • KEEP IS EQUAL TO 1 WHEN THE END OF A VALID INTEGRATION STEP IS REACHED IFlKEEP. EQ .1) GO TO 1 GO TJ 2 1 SUM = SUM + ABS(Y - COS(2.0*PI*TI~E)) COUNT = COUNT + 1.0 AA~R = SUM/COUNT 2 CONTINUE TERMINAL TIME~ FINTIM = 1.0, PRDEL 0.1, QELT METHOD SIMP ~RINT Y, SUM, COUNT, AAER * * * END 0.001 THE FuLLUWING "END" CARD RESETS THE INITIAL CONDITIONS A~D SETS THE I~DEPENDENT VARIABLE (TIME' TO ZERO AND INITIATES ANOTHER RUN USI~G THE CHANGE~ THAT FOLLOW 7HE END CARD. PRINT 'i, YO, YDD, SUM, COUNT, AAER TIMER DELT = 0.004 CONSTANT SUM = 0.0, COUNT = 0.0 ME THOD TRAPl END STJP ENDJOB Fig. 3.21 Program to illustrate the use of END statement. PROGRAM TO CALCULATE THE AVERAGE ABSOLUTE ERROR OF EQUATION 3.1 TIME 0.0 1. OOOOE- 01 2 .OOOOF- 01 3.0000E-Ol 4.0000E-Ol 5.0000E-Ol 6.0000E-Ol 7.0000E-Ol 8.0000E-Ol 9.0000F-Ol 1.OOOOE 00 y 1.0000E 00 8. 0902E-0 1 3.0902E-Ol -3.0901E-Ol - 8. 0900 E- 01 -9.9997E-Ol -8.0899E-Ol -3.0900E-OL 3.0900E-0 L 8. 0891.E-0 1 9.9994E-Ol SUM 0.0 1.38l6E-04 4.0048E-04 5.8232E-04 1.7282E-03 4.180LE-03 7.4814E-03 l.0343E-02 1.1399E-02 1.3523E-02 l.8603E-02 COUNT 1.00OOE 1.OLOOE 2.0100E 3.0l00E 4.0100E 5.0l00E 6.0100E 7.0l00E 8.0l00E 9.0l00E l.OOlOE 00 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 OJ AAER 0.0 L.3bBOE-06 1.9925E-06 1.9346E-06 4.3098E-06 8.3434E-06 1.2448E-05 1.4755E-05 1.42J1E-05 1.5009E-05 1.8585E-05 Fig. 3.22 Output of program of Fig. 3.21. SIMP INTEGRA TlON 116 Ch.3 Advanced Features of CSMP PROGRAM TO CALCULATE THE AVERAGE ABSOLUTE ERROR OF EQUATION 3.1 TIME 0.0 1. OOOOE - 01 2.0000F.-Ol 3.0000E-Ol 4.0000E-Ol 5.00aOE-01 6.0000E-Ol 7.0000E-Ol 8.0000E-Ol 9.0000E-Ol l.OOOOE 00 Y YOO YO 1.0000E 00 8.0898E-Ol 3.0889E-Ol -3.0920E-Ol -8.09l7E-01 -1.0000E 00 -8.0879E-Ol -3.0859E-Ol 3.0951E-Ol 8.0936E-Ol l.OOOOE 00 0.0 -3.6935E 00 -5.9159E 00 -5.9753E 00 -J.6918E 00 2.0339F-03 3.6951E 00 5.9765E 00 5.9746E 00 3.6902E 00 ~4.0638E-OJ -3.9478E -3.1937E -1.Z195E 1.2207E 3.1945E 3.9478E J.19JOE 1.2182E -1.2219F -3.1952f -3.9478E 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 SUM 0.0 3.4213E-04 2.3815E-03 6.4546E-03 1.0940E-02 1.2990E-02 1.5985E-02 2.4672 E-02 3.6836E-02 4.1795E-02 5.2229E-02 COUNT 1.0000E 2.6000E 5.1000E 7.6000E 1.0l00e 1.2600E 1.5100E 1.7600E 2.01 DOE 2.2600E 2.5100E TRAPl 00 01 01 01 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 INTEGRATION AAER 0.0 I.J159E-05 4.6813E-OS 8.4929E-05 1.0832E-04 1.0309E-04 1.0586E-Q4 1.40l8E-04 1.8326E-Q4 2.1148E-04 2.0808E-Q4 Fig. 3.22 (Continued) As an example, consider a program having the following structure. Main body of program TIMER FINTIM = 4.0, OUTDEL = 0.1, PRDEL = 0.2 PRINT A, B, C PRTPLTX PRTPLT Y RANGE X ABSERR X = 0.001, Y = 0.003 LABEL OUTPUT OF "X" INTEGRATOR LABEL OUTPUT OF "Y" INTEGRATOR END Control statements for first run Control statements for second run l ~Jl~,z ABSERR Z = 0.0004, Y = 0.005 LABEL OUTPUT OF "Z" INTEGRATOR END STOP ENDJOB For the first run of the above example program, the following occurs: 1 A, B, and C are printed at the interval specified on the timer card. 2 A printer-plot of the variable X will be made with the heading: OUTPUT OF "X" INTEGRATOR. 3 A printer-plot of the variable Y will be made with the heading: OUTPUT OF "Y" INTEGRATOR. . 4 The maximum and minimum values of X are listed by the RANGE statement. Ch. 3 Advanced Features of CSMP 111 5 Absolute errors of 0.001 and 0.003 will be used for the X and Y integrators, respectively. For the second run, the following occurs: 1 The variable C is printed at the interval specified on the only timer card. 2 As in the first run, printer-plots will be made for X and Y with the same headings. 3 An additional printer-plot of the variable Z will be made with the heading: OUTPUT OF "Z" INTEGRATOR. 4 The maximum and minimum values of X, Y, and Z are listed by the RANGE statements. 5 Absolute errors of 0.001,0.005, and 0.0004 will be used for the X, Y, and Z integrators, respectively. In this example PRTPLT, LABEL, RANGE, and ABSERR are the additive statements. It may be necessary in some simulations to eliminate certain control statements in going from one run to another. For this purpose the RESET card should be used. RESET This statement allows the user to nullify certain control instructions used in previous runs. The RESET card can be used for the following statements. ABSERR & RELERR FINISH LABEL PREPARE PRINT PRTPLT RANGE The RESET card should be placed immediately after the END or CONTINUE card to insure its proper use. RESET PRTPLT will nullify all previous PRTPLT and LABEL instructions. RESET LABEL nullifies only LABEL statements. A card containing only RESET on it will nullify all previous LABEL, PRTPLT, PREPARE, PRINT, and RANGE instructions. A TITLE statement cannot be nullified by using a RESET card. The use of a TITLE instruction after an END or CONTINUE card will nullify the previous TITLE card. The following example illustrates the use of the END and RESET statements along with the multiple run capability of a PARAMETER card. This example also shows the use of a CSMP random number generator. 118 Ch.3 Advanced Features of CSMP Example 3.7 Random number signal sources can be very useful in simulating problems associated with many fields, including Industrial Engineering. An example of a typical problem involves determining the random distribution of the stiffness of a coil spring that is manufactured in high volume. The wire diameter and inside diameter of the spring are random variables that can best be described by a Gaussian distribution having a mean and standard deviation. The stiffness of a coil spring which is shown in Fig. 3.23 depends on the wire size and inside diameter of the coil as expressed by K ---,..--. ={= r- DI = G*DW 4 8(DI + DW)3N DW = Wire diameter -1 DI = inside diameter of spring where (3.11) Fig. 3.23 Coil spring. G = modulus of elasticity for steel in shear = 11,500,000 psi N = DW DI number of active coils = 10 = diameter of wire = inside diameter of spring coil In addition, the following program parameter definitions are used. MEANI SIGMAI = mean inside diameter of spring = = 1.000 in. standard deviation of inside diameter of spring: 0.001, 0.002, and 0.005 in. MEANW = mean wire diameter = 0.100 in. SIGMAW = standard deviation of wire diameter: 0.00033, 0.0006, 0.0015 in. Since there are three different standard deviations for both the wire size and inside spring diameter, a total of nine runs will be required to simulate all combinations. CSMP has signal sources which provide random numbers from two distributions. These are the Gaussian and the uniform distributions. For the Gaussian distribution, the statement x = GAUSS(N, M, S) Ch. 3 119 Advanced Features of CSMP gives a signal having a normal distribution where N = any odd integer (used as a seed value); in CSMP III use any integer M = mean value S = standard deviation Only at each valid integration step (when KEEP = 1) does the GAUSS signal source provide a number. It is not activated during trial or immediate integration steps. A uniform random number distribution between 0 and 1 can be provided by the following RNDGEN function. x = RNDGEN(N) where N is any odd integer which is also used as a seed value. When using two or more random-number signal sources, each statement should use a different seed value. Using the GAUSS signal source, the following CSMP statements can be used to describe the random numbers representing the wire and inside spring diameters. DW = GAUSS(1, MEANW, SIGMAW) DI = GAUSS(3, MEANI, SIGMAI) The standard deviation of the stiffness can be expressed by the following formula. (3.12) where K j = stiffness of ith spring n = number of springs in sample Using the above expressions for the random variables DW and DI, and Eq. (3.12) for the standard deviation of the spring stiffness, a program for simulating production runs for all nine combinations of standard deviations of wire and inside diameters is shown in Fig. 3.24. Note the method used in this program to reset COUNT, SUMK, and SUMK2 to zero. This procedure should be used when using the mUltiple-run capability of a PARAMETER card. The output for the very last run (SIGNAW = 0.0015, SIGMAI = 0.005), which involves a simulation of 3000, springs, is given in Fig. 3.25. CONTINUE The CONTINUE card can be used to change data or control statements without resetting initial conditions or the independent variable (TIME). It is used in place of the END card. When the program encounters a CONTINUE statement, it will accept the changes in control and data statements that follow this card. The program will then continue from the point where the previous run was ended. The CONTINUE statement provides, in effect, an interrupt point where changes in control and data statements can be made. The program in Fig. 3.5 illustrates the use of the CONTINUE card to change integration methods, integration error requirements, and timer variables during the run. In CSMP III, the END CONTINUE label is used in place of CONTINUE. When using the CONTINUE card, the following rules must be followed. 120 Advanced Features of CSMP Ch.3 TITLE PROGRAM TO SIMULATE THE VARIANCE IN THE STIFFNESS IN THE HIGH TITLE VOLUME PRODUCTION OF A COIL SPRING. RENAME TIME a NUMBER PARAMETER SIGMAW = (0.00033, 0.0006, 0.0015) CONSTANT COUNT = 0.0, SUMK • 0.0. SUMKl • 0.0. MEANW • 0.1, MEANI = 1.0, SIGMAI = 0.001, N = 10.0, G : 11.5E6 OW = GAUSS(l, MEANW, SIGMAW) 01 = GAUSS(l, MEANI, SIGMAI) K = G*(DW*.4)/(S.0*((DW + DI)*.3'.N) NOSORT • * THE FOLLOWING 5 CARDS ARE USED TO RESET COUNT, SUMK, AND SUMK2 TO ZERO AT THE BEGINNING OF EACH RUN. IF(NUMBER.NE.O.O) GO TO 2 COUNT = 0.0 SUMK • 0.0 SUMK2 = 0.0 2 CONTINUE IF(KEEP.NE.1' GO TO 1 COUNT • COUNT + 1.0 SUMK = SUMK + K SUMK2 = SUMK2 + K*K * * THE FOLLOWING "IF" STATEMENT IS USED TO AVOID DIVIDING BY ZERO IN THE CALCULATION OF THE STANDARD DEVIATION (SIGMAK) IF(COUNT.LT. (PRDEL - 2.0) ) GO TO 1 SIGMAK = SQRT((COUNT*SUMK2 - SUMK*SUMK)/(COUNT*(COUNT - 1.0))) MEANK = SUMK/COUNT 1 CONTINUE PRINT SIGMAK, MEANK RANGE K, OW, 01, SIGMAK, MEANK TIMER FINTIM = 5000.0, DELT = 1.0, PRDEL = 100.0 METHOD RECT END RESET RANGE RANGE K, OW, 01 CONSTANT SIGMAI = 0.002 TIMER FINTIM = 3000.0, PRDEL = 200.0 PRINT SIGMAK, MEANK, K, OW, 01 END CONSTANT SIGMAI = 0.005 END STOP ENDJOB Fig. 3.24 Program to simulate the production of a coil spring. 1 The multiple run capability of the PARAMETER, CONSTANT, or INCON statements must not be used in a run where a CONTINUE card is used. 2 A program containing a TERMINAL segment should not be used with a CONTINUE statement. 3 A new value for FINTIM should be specified on a timer card for every use of a CONTINUE card. If a CONTINUE statement is initiated by a FINISH card, the output (PRDEL and OUTDEL) will be incremented from the time at which the FINISH condition was encountered. 4 The FORTRAN CONTINUE statement is distinguished from the CSMP CONTINUE card by a statement number. Figure 3.24 illustrates the use PROGRAM TO SIMULATE THE VARIANCE IN THE STIFFNESS IN THE HIGH VOLUME PRODUCTION OF A COIL SPRING. NUMBER 0.0 2.0000E 4.0000E 6.0000E a.OOOOE 1.0000E 1.Z0DOE 1.4000E l.6000E 1.8000E 2.0000E 2.200m: 2.4000E 2.bOOOE 2.8DDDE 3.0000E 02 02 02 02 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 SIGMAK 3.0245E-Ol b.1l6SE-Ol 6.4029E-Ol 6.4b03E-0 1 6. 3315E-0 1 6.3632E-0 1 b.2593E-0 1 6.2863E-Ol 6.3020E:-Ol 6.2993E-0 1 6.2875E-Ol 6.2451E-Ol 6.2795E-0 1 6.2814E-Ol 6.2734E-Ol 6.2547E-Ol MEANK 1.0196E 1.0836E 1.0804E 1.0787E 1.0a04E 1.0797E 1.0797E 1.0797E 1.0H8E 1.oa04E 1.0804E 1.08llE 1.0al0E 1.080SE 1.OB05E 1.0804E OW K 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 9.3799E 1.0007E 1.1095E 1.2347E 1.l378E 1.1053E 1.0664E 1.1533E 1.0704E 1.0S89E 1.1122E 1.0604E 1.0789E 1.0583E 1.0528E 1.0589E 00 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 9.5150E-02 9.7a35E-02 1.0075E-Ol 1.0324E-01 1.0165E-01 1.0133E-Ol 1.0010E-Ol 1.0183E-01 9.9853E-02 9.9512E-02 1.0015E-Ol 9.9617E-02 1.0025E-Ol 9.9897E-02 9.9399E-02 9.9600E-02 INTGRL NOT USED 01 9.8383E-Ol 9.9a05E-01 1.0003E 00 9.9448E-Ol 1.0033E 00 1.0095E 00 1.0061E 00 1.000lE 00 1.0013 E 00 l.0006E 00 9.9135E-Ol 1.0015E 00 1.0038E 00 1.OOblE 00 1.00llE 00 1.001SE 00 Range Output PROBLEM DURATION 0.0 VARI ABLE K OW OI MINIMUM 8.6505E 00 9.4510E-02 9. 7930E-0 1 NUMBER 3.8300E 02 3.!nOOE 02 2.0200E 02 TO 3.0000E 03 MAXIMUM 1.2991E 01 1.0530E-Ol 1.0220E 00 Print Output Fig. 3.25 "'" ~ "'" Output of Fig. 3.24 for last run. NUMBER 2.4l00E 03 1.6S00E 02 5.65COE 02 SIG~AW= 1.5000E-03 122 Ch.3 Advanced Features of CSMP of the FORTRAN CONTINUE card. It can only be used in a nosort section or within a PROCEDURE function with a statement number. An example of a complicated program which makes use of several END, RESET, and CSMP CONTINUE statements follows. Main body of program CONSTANT Q = -13.5; R = 9.0, S = 11.0 LABEL PRINTER-PLOT OF "X" PRTPLT X TIMER FINTIM = 1.0, OUTDEL = 0.02 CONTINUE RESET PRTPLT 2nd portion TIMER FINTIM = 1.1, DELT = 0.0005, PRDEL = 0.001 of 1st run METHOD ADAMS CONSTANT Q = -17.0, R = 8.0 PRINT X, Y CONTINUE TIMER FINTIM· = 2.4, PRDEL = 0.02 3rd portion METHOD RKS of 1st run PRTPLT Y LABEL Y = DISTANCE CONTINUE 4th portion {RELERR Z = 0.00002 of 1st run TIMER FINTIM = 3.8 FINISH Y = 100.0 END 2nd, 3rd, & RESET 4th runs PARAMETER S = (12.0, 12.3, 12.7) PRTPLT X,Y TIMER FINTIM = 2.0 FINISH Y = 126.0 END STOP ENDJOB 1st portion of 1st run ! 1 ! The above example program makes two complete runs. In the first run, the CONTINUE card is used three times to make changes in parameters, output, and integration method. The following is a summary of the first run. 1 The first portion of the first run, which ends at FINTIM following parameters and timer variables. = 1.0, uses the Ch. 3 Advanced Features of CSMP 123 Q = -13.5 R =9.0 S = 11.0 OUTDEL = 0.02 A printer-plot of the variable X is made with the following heading: PRINTER-PLOT OF "X". Since the integration method is not specified, the variable-step Runge-Kutta method is used. 2 The second portion of the first run terminates at FINTIM = 1.1. The following parameters and timer variables are changed to the values shown. Q = -17.0 R = 8.0 DELT = 0.0005 PRDEL = 0.001 Adams integration is used. The RESET PRTPLT card nullifies the previous PRTPLT and LABEL statements and the only output is given by the PRINT X, Y statement. 3 The third portion of the first run ends at FINTIM = 2.4. There are no changes in parameter values and the integration method is changed back to variable-step Runge-Kutta (RKS). The output includes the previous PRINT X,Y statement and the additional PRTPLT Y card with the following heading: Y = DISTANCE. 4 For the fourth and last portion of the first run, the run will terminate at a time of 3.8, or when the variable Y first reaches the value of 100.0. The relative error for the Z integrator is changed from the usual value of 0.0001 to 0.00002. All PRINT and PRTPLT outputs remain the same as in the third portion. The first END card indicates the completion of the first run. All initial conditions are reset to the original values and the independent variable (TIME) is set to zero. The multiple run capability of a PARAMETER card is used to make three additional runs using the specified values of the parameter S. Note that because of the use of the multiple run PARAMETER card, a CONTINUE statement cannot be used in this portion of the program. The RESET card nullifies the previous PRTPLT, RELERR, LABEL, PRINT, and FINISH statements. Consequently, the only output will be printer-plots of the variables X and Y. The output interval will be the value of OUTDEL as specified in the first portion of the first run. The STOP and ENDJOB cards have been used without explanation in all programs. Their use is described as follows. STOP The STOP card must follow the last END card to signify the completion of the last run. It is also used to separate any user-supplied FORTRAN subprogram from the CSMP program. All subprograms must follow the STOP card. 124 AdvancedFeatures of CSMP Ch. 3 ENDJOB This card is used to signify the end of a job. In"all previous programs, which have not included FORTRAN subroutines, the ENDJOB statement follows the STOP card. When FORTRAN subroutines are used, the ENDJOB must follow them. This is illustrated in the section in this chapter on subprograms. ENDJOB is one of five statements that must begin in card column 1. The other statements are: COMMON, COMMON MEN, ENDDATA, and ENDJOB STACK. ENDJOB STACK This statement, when used in place of the ENDJOB card, allows another CSMP job to directly follow. However, most computer installations prohibit the practice of "stacking runs". It is recommended that the user check with the computer installation before using the ENDJOB STACK statement. The ENDJOB label must begin in card column 1 and STACK must begin in column 9. A blank card should follow the ENDJOB STACK card. Data Output The majority of CSMP output is ordinarily handled by the five output statements: PRINT, PRTPLT, RANGE, TITLE, and LABEL. The user, however, has a wide range of other methods for printing data. These include the use of FORTRAN output statements, a DEBUG subroutine that provides output of all variables, a PREPARE statement that is used to allow plotting of variables on offline X-Y plotters, and a DECK statement that returns a punched deck of the program. CSMP III provides additional output capabilities that are covered in Chap. 5. This section describes the use of the four types of output that are available in both S/360 CSMP and CSMP III. FORTRAN Output The entire output capability of FORTRAN, with the exception of the PUNCH instruction, is available to the CSMP user. This includes the use of FORTRAN WRITE, PRINT, and FORMAT statements. Methods of using these output instructions are similar to those in FORTRAN. The primary restriction is that all FORTRAN output statements must be contained in no sort sections or in PROCEDURE functions. A summary of general rules follows later in this section. The reader should refer to specialized texts on FORTRAN, because of the generality and complexity of FORTRAN output statements.<2-S) It is not obvious when it is desirable or necessary to use FORTRAN output capabilities. Some typical situations are listed as follows. 1 It may be necessary to print values from either the Initial or Terminal segments. These values would be printed only one time at the beginning or Ch. 3 Advanced Features of CSMP 125 end of the run. CSMP PRINT or PRTPLT statements cannot be used for this purpose. Consequently, the only choice is to use FORTRAN output statements. 2 Subscripted variables and integers cannot be used in PRINT and PRTPLT statements in S/360 CSMP. FORTRAN output statements can be used for these types of variables. 3 A maximum of fifty variables (including TIME) can be included in a S/360 CSMP PRINT statement. Essentially any number of variables can be incorporated in FORTRAN output statements. 4 The user has no control over output format when using PRINT and PRTPLT statements. Conversely, the format flexibility of FORTRAN offers considerable freedom in the style of output data. 5 CSMP PRINT and PRTPLT statements are executed at regular intervals as specified on the TIMER card. With the proper use of FORTRAN logical control and output statements, it is possible to have output at any point and at any interval during the run. 6 Since integration must be performed at each PRINT and PRTPLT interval, CSMP output statements usually affect the integration interval of variablestep methods. FORTRAN output instructions do not affect the integration step-size and as a result FORTRAN WRITE statements can be used to monitor each step in variable-step integration. Statements in the Initial and Terminal segments are executed only once during a run. Consequently, FORTRAN output instructions can be utilized in these two segments with no special consideration other than being used in no sort sections or PROCEDURE functions. However, when FORTRAN output statements are used in the Dynamic segment, special care must be used. For example, depending upon the integration method, FORTRAN output instructions are executed up to four times for each integration step (see Table 3.3) and for each trial integration step if a variable step method is used. To provide FORTRAN output only at the end of valid integration steps, the following type of statement is recommended. IF(KEEP. EQ. 1) WRITE(6,lOO) X,Y,Z The above will print the values of X,Y, and Z using FORMAT number 100 at each valid integration step. The following is a summary of some general rules for using FORTRAN output statements. 1 All FORTRAN output and FORMAT statements must be in no sort sections or PROCEDURE functions. 2 Continuation cards used with FORTRAN output and FORMAT statements must contain a $ in card column 6. 126 Ch. 3 Advanced Features of CSMP 3 FORTRAN output instructions in the Initial and Terminal segments are executed only one time. Statements in the Dynamic segment are printed up to four times for each integration step. It is recommended that the following use of the IF statement be employed to provide output only at the end of valid integration steps. IF(KEEP. EQ. 1) WRITE(6,100) X, Y, Z 4 The FORTRAN PRINT statement can be used in a CSMP program as part of a logical IF statement. For example, the following FORTRAN PRINT statement is valid. IF(TIME. GT. 1.9) PRINT 100, X, Y, Z The following PRINT instruction cannot be used. PRINT 100, X, Y, Z It should be pointed out that the FORTRAN PRINT statement offers no advantages over the FORTRAN WRITE instruction. For this reason, it is recommended that the FORTRAN PRINT statement not be used. 5 FORTRAN FORMAT instructions can be located in any nosort section or procedure function of the program. The most logical location is in a nosort section of the Initial segment. 6 The FORTRAN PUNCH instruction cannot be used in a CSMP program. If punched output on data cards is desired, the user should employ a FORTRAN WRITE statement. In a FORTRAN program, the following statement provides punch output. WRITE(7,100) X, Y, Z The above statement is not valid in a CSMP program. Unit number 7 is a work data set used by the CSMP system. The user should specify in JCL cards that another unit number be set in reserve for punched output. This unit number is then used in the WRITE instruction to provide punched output. The following orbital mechanics problem is used to illustrate the use of FORTRAN output statements in all three segments. Example 3.8 This problem involves the two-dimensional motion of a space vehicle in an orbit that passes over both the North and South Poles. In the initial condition, the vehicle is in a circular orbit at an altitude of 300,000 m. At the start of the simulation, rockets on the space vehicle are ignited for 120 sec which provide a thrust in the tangential direction. At the end of the 120 sec rocket burn, the only force acting on the vehicle is gravity. To eliminate the problem of programming the effect of variable vehicle mass, it is assumed that the thrust of the rockets provides a constant acceleration of 4.905 m/sec 2 (0.5 g). A cylindrical coordinate system, as shown in Fig. 3.26, is ideally suited to describe the two-dimensional motion. Ch. 3 127 Advanced Features of CSMP ~Tangential direction ;L~ ! \ s p a c e vehicle e ~---, ---+---=---f- ~+---+---1 REARTH = 6.373 x 106 m Fig. 3.26 Cylindrical coordinates of a space vehicle in a polar orbit. The nonlinear equation set is rro 2 ;: = OJ = (3.13) g - (A - 2fro) (3.14) r (3.15) Program symbols where r = e= radius from center of earth, m R angular position, deg ANGLE ro = angular velocity, radians/sec OMEGA g = acceleration of gravity, G 3.983 x 10 14 /r 2 , m/sec 2 A = acceleration resulting from rocket thrust, m/sec 2 A = 4.905 A =0 TIME < A 120.0 sec TIME> 120.0 sec The program, shown in Fig. 3.27, which simulates the motion of the space vehicle is divided into the three segments. In the Initial segment the initial radius RO and initial angular velocity OMEGAO are calculated. The angular velocity of a satellite in a circular orbit is given by Eq. (3.16). OMEGAO =,.ff (rad/sec) (3.16) Note that a FORTRAN WRITE statement is used with an appropriate FORMAT card to print the velocity in the circular orbit in mph. A WRITE instruction is also included in the Initial segment to provide a heading for output from the Dynamic segment. In the Dynamic segment, a logical IF statement is used in the first nosort section to assign the proper value of A. A sort section is then used to calculate;: (RDD) and OJ 128 Advanced Features of CSMP LABEL Ch. 3 PROGRAM TO CALCULATE THE ORBIT Of SATELLITE. INIT~AL CONSTANT REARTH = 6.373E6, C = 3.983El4, ALTO 3 300000.0 RO= REARTH • ALTO G = C/CRO*ROJ OMEGAO = SQRTCG/RO) VEL = OHEGAO*RO MPH = VEL/O.44704 NOSORT 100 FORHATI1H1,26HINITIAL VELOCITY IN HPH • .FlO.O) 101 FORMAT(4E28.6) 102 fORMATIZFZ5.2) 103 FORMATI1H1,12X,21HFINAL VELOCITY IN HPH,7X,23HFlNAL ALTITUDE IN HI $LES) 104 FORMATC/,16X,'ALTITUDE IN METERS',lOX,'ANGLE IN DEGREES',12X,'VELO $CITY IN METERS/SEC',6X,'TIME IN SECONDS'. WRITEI6,100) MPH WRITEC 6,104') DYNAMIC NOSORT A = 0.0 IFITIME.LE.1Z0.0) A = 4.905 SORT G = CII R*R) ROD = R*OMEGA*OMEGA - G OMEGAO = CA - Z.O*RO*OHEGAJ/R RO = INTbRLCO.O,ROO) R = INTGRLIRO,RoJ OMEGA INTGRLCOMEGAO,OMEGAO) ANGLE = (180.0/3.14159)*INTGRLCO.0,OMEGA) NOSORT ALT = R - REARTH VEL = SQRT(RO*Ro + (R*OMEGAJ**Z' IFCTIME.GT.1Z0.0' GO TO 1 IF(KEEP.EQ.l) WRITE(6,101) ALT, ANGLE. VEL, TIME 1 CONTINUE HRMINAL T1MER FINTIM = 9500.0, OUTDEL = 120.0 ABSERR R = 1.0 FINISH ANGLE = 360.0 PRTPLT ALT (ANGLE, VEL, G) MPH = VEL/0.44704 MILES = ALT/1609.344 WR ITE( 6, 103) WRITE(6,l02) MPH, MILES END STOP ENDJOB Fig. 3.27 Program to simulate the motion of a space vehicle and to demonstrate the use of FORTRAN output statements. (OMEGAD) and integrations are performed to calculate f (RD), r, OJ (OMEGA), and () (THETA). The Dynamic section is changed back to a no sort section to allow the use of a FORTRAN WRITE statement. The WRITE statement is executed at each valid integration step during the first 120.0 sec of the simulation. This WRITE statement does not affect the step-size of the variable interval integration methods. Notice that the value of OUTDEL is equal to 120.0. This means an integration step must be performed at TIME = 120.0 sec which insures the program will simulate the total burn of the rockets. Also note that the allowable absolute error for the R integrator is increased to 1.0. The default absolute error of 0.0001 provides tighter control than necessary for very large output of the R integrator. The output from the FORTRAN WRITE and FORMAT instructions is given in Fig. 3.28. Advanced Features of CSMP Ch. 3. ~ 129 FORTRAN output from initial segment INITIAL VE:LOCITY Ir. MPH = 17282. / ALTITUDE IN METERS ANGLE IN DEGREES V~LDCITY O.300000E O.300000F 0.3000LUE O.30U273E U.303325f 0.0 0.498699E 0.150320E 0.354051E 0.826137E O.772577E O.116255E 0.183610E O.798296E O.t)31070E ***SlMULATIO~ 06 06 06 06 06 HALTED... ANGLE FINAL VELOCITY IN MPH 186')0.59 = 00 01 01 01 3.b59~E 02 IN METERS/SEC 04l 04 04 04 04 \ 5 TI ME I N SECONDS 0.0 O.150000E 0.225000E O.525000E O.120000E Output from Dynamic Segment FINAL ALTITUDE IN MILES 1 8 7 • 03 """"""--- 01 02 02 03 Output from Terminal Segment Fig 3.28 Output from FORTRAN statements in Fig. 3.27. Note that the first two lines of Fig. 3.28 were initiated in the Initial segment. The following five lines which describe the motion during the 120.0 sec rocket burn period were printed by the WRITE statement in the Dynamic segment. Since all integration steps are printed and the FORTRAN WRITE statement does not affect the integration step size of the variable-step Runge-Kutta method, the progress of the numerical integration can be monitored. Note that the first integration step is 7.5 sec which is r\i of the output interval. In the second step the integration interval is increased to 15.0 sec, and for the third step the interval is 30.0 sees. For the fourth and last integration step during the rocket burn, a step size of 67.5 sec is used. The final velocity and altitude which was printed from the Terminal segment is shown in the last two lines of Fig. 3.28. The time-history of the altitude is shown by the PRTPLT output of Fig. 3.29. Note that the FORTRAN output statements had absolutely no effect on the PRTPLT output. This is not the case if both FORTRAN WRITE and PRINT statements are used in the Dynamic segment of the same program. FORTRAN and PRINT output statements are printed in the order in which they are generated. Consequently, FORTRAN and PRINT outputs are mixed together and can be confusing to read. Consider the example of using the following PRINT statement used with a PRDEL of 15.0 in the program of Fig. 3.27. PRINT ALT, ANGLE, VEL, G The portion of the mixed output is shown in Fig. 3.30. DEBUG Subroutine It is often useful when developing or checking out new programs to know the values of all variables. The DEBUG subroutine can be used for this purpose. It will print the current values of all non subscripted variables at each successive integration step. Any diagnostic messages that may appear are printed at the point where they occur. The subroutine is called by the following statement. CALL DEBUG(N, T) 130 Advanced Features of CSMP PAGE PROGR AM TO CALCULATE THE ORtllT OF SATELLITE. TIME 0.0 1.2000E 2.4000E 3.6000E 4.8000E 6.00001' 7.2000E 8.4000E 9.6000E 1.0800':; 1.2000E 1.32001; 1.4400E 1.5600:: 1. bAOOE 1.8000E 1.9200E 2.0400E 2.1600E 2.2600E 2.4000E 2.520aE 2.6400E 2.7600E 2.8600E 3.0000E 3.1200E 3.2400E 3.3600E 3.4800E 3.6000E 3. 7200E 3.8400E 3.9600E 4.0800E 4.2000E 4.32 ODE 4.4400E 4.5600E 4.6800F. 4.8000E 4.9200E 5.0400E 5.1600E 5.2800E 5.4000E 5.5200E 5.6400E 5.7600E 5.8800E 6.0000E 6.1200E 6.2400E 6.3600E 6.4800E 6.6000E 6.7200E 6.6400E 6.9600E 7.0800E 7.2000E Mlt.IMUM 3.0000E 05 I 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03' 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 ALT 3.0000E 05 3.0:;33E 05 3.'3B7E 05 3.6495~ 05 4.2542E 05 5.0360E 05 5.9773t:. 05 7.0538E 05 B.2429E 05 9.5208E 05 1.0864E 06 1.2251E 06 1.3662E 06 1.5077E 06 1.6479E 06 1.7d54E 06 1.9189E 06 2.0472E 06 2.1693E 06 2.2643E 06 2.3916E 06 2.49')4E 06 2.5802E 06 2.6606E 06 2.7313E 06 2.79181': 06 2.8419E 06 2.8816E 06 2.9105E 06 2.9285E 06 2.9358E 06 2.9320E 06 2.9174E 06 2.8920E 06 2.8558E 06 2.8090E 06 2.7518E 06 2.0844E 06 2.6070E 06 2.5202E 06 2.4242E 06 2.3196E 06 2.2070E 06 2.0870E 06 1.9606E 06 1.8287E 06 1.692':>E 06 1.5528E 06 1.4115E 06 1.270LE 06 1.1304E 06 9.9439E 05 8.6422E 05 7.4218E 05 6.3063E 05 5.3193E 05 4.4835E 05 3.619bE 05 3.3449E 05 3.0725E 05 3.0099E 05 ALl Ch.3 VERSUS TIME MAXIMUM 2.9358E 06 I ---------+ ------------ + --------------+ ------- ---------- + --------------------+ :..---------------------+ -------------------------+ ----------------------------+ --- - ------- --------- ---- - - - - - - + --------------------------------+ ----------------------------------+ ------------------------ -------------+ ---------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------+ -------- ---------------------------------+ --------------------------------------------+ --- -------------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------------+ --- ---- -----------------------------------------+ ---------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------+ --- --------------------------------------------+ ---------------------------------~---------+ --------------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------+ --------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------ + --------------------------------+ -----------------------------+ --- -------------------------+ --------------------------+ -----------------------+ --.. ------------------+ ------------------ + ---------------+ -------------+ ----------+ --------+ ----+ --+ ANGLE 0.0 8.2614E 1.6823E 2.5306E 3.3662E 4.1849E 4.9834E 5.7590E 6.5101E 7.2360E 7.9362E 8.6113E 9.2620E 9.8892E 1.0494E 1.1079E 1.1645E 1.l193E 1.2724E 1.3242E 1.3746E 1.4238E 1.4720E 1.5193E 1.5658E 1.6117E 1.6570E 1.7018E 1.7463E 1.7906E 1.8348E 1.8790E 1.9Z32E 1.9677E 2.0124E 2.0575E 2.1032E 2.1495E 2.1965E 2.2444E 2.2933E 2.3433E 2.3946E 2.4473E 2.50l6E 2.5575E 2.6154E 2.6752E 2.7372E 2.8015E 2.8682E 2.9374E 3.0092E 3.0835E 3.1603E 3.2395E 3.3207E 3.4038E 3.4883E 3.5737E 3.6595E 00 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 VEL 7.7258E 8.3107E 8.3132E 8. <'695E 8.2057E 8.1240E 8.02721: 7.9182E 7.7999E 7.6752E 7.5465E 7.416;;E 7.2862E 7.1583E 7.0338E 6.9137E 6.7991E 6.6906E 6.5888E 6.4941E 6.4066E 6.3272E 6.2556E 6.1919E 6.1364E 6.0892E o.0502E 6.0195E 5.9972E 5.9833E 5.9777E 5.9806E 5.9918E 6.0114E 6.0394E b.0757E 6.1203E 6.1732E 6.2342E 6.3033E 6.3804E 6.4652E 6.5576E 6.6571E 6.7636E 6.8763E 6.9947E 7.1179E 7.2449E 7.3744E 7.504aE 7.6343E 7.7606E 7.8813E 7.9936E 8.0946E a.1815E 8.2513E 8.3017E 8. 3309E tl.3376E 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 (H 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 G 8.9447E 8.9357E 8. 8dl OE 8. 7730E 8.6177E 8.4227E 8.1969E 7.9495E 7.6890E 7.4230E 7.1580E 6. B991E 6.6499E 6.4133E 6.1910E 5.9840E 5.7929E 5.6177E 5.4583E 5. 3142E 5.1850E 5.0"100E 4.9688E 4.8807E 4.8053E 4.74201': 4.6905E 4.6504E 4.6215E 4.6036E 4.5964E 4.6001E 4.6146E 4.6400E 4.6764E 4.7242E 4.7837E 4.8551E 4.9391E 5.0361E 5. 1466E 5.2712E 5.4105E 5.5649E 5.7350E 5.9211E 6.1230E 6.3405E 6.5727E 6.8182E 7.0744E 7.3380E 7.6044E 7. 867!tE 8.1201E 8.3539E 8.5598E 8.7289E 8.8529E 8.9253E 8.9420E Fig. 3.29 PRTPLT output for the program of Fig. 3.27. N is equal to the number of outputs. An output, which includes a listing of the values of all variables, is printed for all trial and intermediate integration steps as well as for valid steps. N must be an integer constant. The output will begin at TIME = T or at the first integration step after TIME = T. The DEBUG subroutine can only be called from no sort sections or PROCEDURE functions. It is recommended that DEBUG be called at the end of the Dynamic section. This insures that all computations of the dynamic simulation are completed before DEBUG is called. DEBUG may not be called from the Ter- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 CSMP RKS TIME 0.0 1.5000E 01 3.0000E 01 4.5000E 01 6.0000E 01 1.5000E 01 9.0000E 01 1.0500E 02 1.2000E 1.3500E 1.5000E 1.6500E 1.8000E 1.9500E 2.1000E 2.2500E 2.4000E Z.5500E 2.1000E 2.8500E 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 ALT 3.0000E 05 0.300000E 0.300000E 0.300000E 0.300005E 3.0001E 05 0.300049E 3.0005E' 05 0.300171E 3.00l7E 05 0.300409E 3.0041E 05 , 0.300803E 3.0080E 05 0.301393E 3.0139E 05 0.302219E 3.0222E 05 0.303321E 3.033ZE 05 3.0474E 05 3.0647E 05 3.0852E 05 3.1089E 05 3.1358E 05 3.1658E 05 3.1990E 05 3.2353E 05 3.2741E 05 3.3112E 05 3.3628E 05 ANGLE 0.0 06 06 06 06 9.9977E-Ol 06 2.0090E 00 06 3.0277E 00 06 4.0558E 00 06 5.0933E 00 06 6.1401E 00 06 7.1961E 00 06 8.2614E 00 9.3317E 00 1.0402E 01 1.1471E 01 1.2539E 01 1.3601E 01 1.4674E 01 1.5740E 01 1.6804E 01 1.7868E 01 1.8930E 01 1.9991E 01 VEL G 7.7258E 03 8.9lt47E 0.622078E-Ol O. 186 734E 00 0.436232E 00 O.999766E 00 7.7993E 03 8.9lt46E 0.200900E 01 7.8728E 03 8.9445E 0.302769E 01 7.9463E 03 8.9lt42E 0.4055HE 01 8.0196E 03 8.9436E 0.509327E 01 8.0927E 03 8.9425E 0.b14008E 01 8.1656E 03 8.9lt09E 0.1l9613E 01 8.2383E 03 8.9387E O. 826135E 01 8.3107E 03 8.9358E 8.3153E 03 8.9320E 8.3134E 03 8.9273E 8.3112E 03 8.9218E 8.3087E 03 8.9155E 8.3058E 03 8.9084E 8.3026E 03 8.9004E 8.2990E 03 8.8915E 8.2951E 03 8.8"819E 8.2909E 03 8.8715E 8.2863E 03 8.8602E 8.Z814E 03 8.8482E INTEGRATION 00 0.773036E 0.773956E 0.775795E 0.779932E 04 04 04 04 00 01 01 02 00 0.787284E 04 0.300000E 02 0.7946"28E 04 0.450000E 02 0.801958E 04 0.600000E 02 0.80927lE 04 0.750000E 02 0.816564E 04 0.900000E 02 0.823830E 04 0.105000E 03 0.831068E 04 0.120000E 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 OO~ 00 00 00 Output 00 00 00 00 \ Output from FORTRAN Statements from PRINT Statement' Fig. 3.30 Example of mixed FORTRAN and CSMP output. "'" "''"" 0.937500E 0.281250E 0.656250E 0.150000E 132 Advanced Features of CSMP Ch. 3 minal segment since this segment is not executed until the end of the run. Logical control instructions can be used with DEBUG but they should not be used to "branch around" the CALL DEBUG statement at TIME = O. The DEBUG subroutine can be used several times in one program. Figure 3.31 shows a DEBUG statement added to the program of Example 3.8, which simulated the motion of a space vehicle. To simplify the program, all FORTRAN output statements are removed. LABEL PROGRAM TO CALCULATE THE ORBIT OF SATELLITE USING CALL DEBUG INITIAL CONSTANT REARTH = 6.313E6. C = 3.983E14, ALTO = 300000.0 RO = REARTH + ALTO G = C/(RO*RO) OMEGAO = SQRT(G/RO) DYNAMIC NOSORT A = 0.0 IFITIME.LE.1Z0.0) A = 4.905 SORT G = C/IR*R) ROD = R*OMEGA*OMEGA - G OMEGAO = IA - 2.0*RO*OMEGA'/R RD = INTGRLCO.O,ROD' R = INTGRLCRO,RD) OMEGA = INTGRLtOMEGAO,OMEGAD) ANGLE = (180.013.14159 )*1 NTGRLC 0.0, OMEGA) NOSORT ALT = R - REARTH VEL = SQRTCRO*RD + (R*OMEGA)**Z) * * * THE FOLLOWING DEBUG STATEMENT WILL PRINT THE VALUE OF ALL VARIABLES USEO IN THE PROGRAM FOR 4 ITERATIONS. THE OUTPUT WILL START AT TIME: 1600, OR ON THE FIRST INTEGRATION STEP AFTER TIME = 1600. CALL DEBUG(4,1600.0) TERMINAL TIMER FINTIM \ 9500.0; OUT DEL ABSERR R = 1.0 FINISH ANGLE = 360.0 PRTPLT ALT (ANGLE. VEL, G) END STOP ENOJOB = 120.0 Fig. 3.31 Program to illustrate the use of CALL DEBUG. The DEBUG output is shown in Fig. 3.32. Note that the first output occurred at TIME = 1620.0 which is the first integration step after TIME = 1600.0. Since KEEP was equal to 0 in all four DEBUG printings, none of the outputs represent a valid integration step. The six-digit symbols beginning with ZZ are generated by the CSMP program. PREPARE If the user's computer installation has offline plotting facilities, data generated by CSMP programs can be plotted on offline X-Y plotters. The PREPARE statement allows the user to specify up to forty-nine variables for offline plotting pur- Ch. 3 Advanced Features of CSMP RKS CSMP 133 INTEGRATION DEBUG OUTPUT KEEP- 0 TIME" 1.b200E 03 DELT .. OUTDELll0005" ll0009" llOOOb= G .. VEL .. 1.2000E 02 1.2000E 02 1.7793E 00 8.88l0E-04 0.0 b.3003E 00 7.0955E 03 DEUuN= 9.5000E-04 RD "1.lb93E 03 ROD = -1.4011E-0 1 ll0002= 0.0 REARTH= b.3730E Ob A = 0.0 ll0007 a 0.0 FINTIM" R ll0008" RO C ANGLE = 9.4800E 7.95l0E 1.1727E b.b730E 3.9829E 1.0195E 03 Ob 03 Ob 14 02 PROEL = 0.0 OMEGA = 8.8021E-04 OMEGAD= -2.5890E-07 OMEGAO= 1.1578E-03 ALTO " 3.0000E 05 AL T .. 1.57aOE Ob DEBUG OUTPUT KEEP" 0 DELT = = 1. b200E 03 OUTDEL= llOO05" HOO09" llOOOb" G VEL 1.2000E 02 1.20DOE 02 1.7793E 00 8.8021E-04 0.0 b.3002E 00 7.0955E 03 DEUIIN= 9.5000E-04 RO 1.lb93E 03 .. -1.40l2E-Ol ROD llOO02= 0.0 REARTH= b.3730E 06 0.0 A ZZOO07 .. 0.0 FINTIM= R " llOO08" RO 9.4800E 1.95l0E 1.lb93E b.b130E 3.9829E 1.0195E 03 Ob 03 Ob 14 02 PRDEL = o. a OMEGA = 8.8020E-04 OMEGAO= -2.5889E-07 OMEGAO= 1.1578E-03 AL TO " 3. OOODE 05 ALT " 1.578DE 06 DEBUG OUTPUT KEEP" 0 = 1.b500E 03 OELT OUTOEL= llOO05llOO09= lZOO06" G VEL " 1.2000E 02 1.2000E 02 1.8051E 00 8.8020E-04 0.0 6.2450E 00 1.0641E 03 DELMIN= 9.5000E-04 ,. 1.1651E 03 RO .. -1.b642E-01 ROD ZZOO02= 0.0 REARTH= 6.3730E 06 A = 0.0 ZZOO01= 0.0 FINTIM= R llOO08= RO 9.4800E 7.98blE 1.lb93E 6.6130E 3.9829E 1.0346E 03 Ob 03 06 14 02 PRDEL = 0.0 OMEGA = 8.7244E-D4 OMEGAD= -2.5456E-07 OMEGAO= 1.1578E-03 ALTO " 3.0000E 05 AL T = 1.o131E 06 1.2000E 02 1.2000E 02 1.8055E 00 8.1244E-04 0.0 6.2452E 00 1.0b49E 03 OEL'41N= 9.5000E-04 a 1.lb43E 03 RO = -1.649IE-Ol ROD l10002= 0.0 REARTH= 6.3730E Ob A " 0.0 ZlOO07= 0.0 FINTIM= R llOO08= RO 9.4800E 7.9860E 1.165lE 6.6130E 3.9829E 1.0344E 03 06 03 06 14 02 PRDEL = O. a OMEGA = 8.7257E-04 OMEGAD= -2. 5443E-07 OMEGAO= 1.1578E-03 AL TO 3. OOOOE 05 ALT .. 1.b130E Ob TIME . TIME TIME . DEBUG OUTPUT 0 ,. 1.6500E 03 KEEP= DELT OUTDEL= llOO05= lZOOO9= ZlOO06= G = VEL " ***SIMULATION HAL TED*** ANGLE .. C ANGLE = .. C ANGLE .. C ANGLE = 3.6595E 02 Fig.3.32 DEBUG output form program of Fig. 3.31. poses. Its use for preparing the variables X, Y, and Z for plotting is illustrated below. PREPARE X, Y, Z Using the PREPARE card is similar to using the PRINT statement; the similarities are listed below. The CSMP continuation device C... ) may be used for continuation of the PREPARE statement to additional cards. 2 Only one PREPARE statement should be used. 3 The independent variable TIME is automatically included. 4 The heading contained in TITLE statements is specified in the data set generated by the PREPARE card and is available to the X-Yplottin~ programs. 5 The output interval is specified by the timer variable OUTDEL. Note, the output interval for the PRINT statement is PRDEL. The data from the PREPARE card is generated on the I/O device specified as number 15. Depending upon the computer operating system, this data will either be stored on a disk-storage device or on magnetic tape. 134 Advanced Features of CSMP Ch.3 The simulation of the dynamic response of a pneumatic piston-cylinder system illustrates the use of the PREPARE statement. Example 3.9 A common engineering problem involves simulating the response of a piston driven by pressurized air flowing into a cylinder. This is a reasonably complex problem since it involves the fluid- and thermodynamics of a compressible fluid. Figure 3.33 shows a drawing of the system where air is flowing at a subsonic velocity through a small orifice to the cylinder. Cross-sectional area = 0.4 ft2 Weight = 280 lb • Open to atmosphere Area of orifice 0.0008 ft2 = = pressure T = temperature V= volume P PI supply pressure Fig. 3.33 Piston cylinder system. The mass flow rate for subsonic velocity of an ideal gas, without losses, through an orifice is rh = C[(J)2IY- where C = (~ry+1)/Yr/2 A 1P l,j(1' ~girRTl (3.17) (3.18) An energ~ balance on the air in the adiabatic cylinder yields the following expression for the time rate of change of cylinder air temperature. . (-P1 X + rhCpTl - T = cvm rhcvT) (3.19) T(O) = To The volume inside the cylinder is V=Vo +A·X (3.20) Assuming thermodynamic equilibrium, the perfect gas law can be used to solve for the cylinder pressure. P= m·R·T V (3.21) Advanced Features of CSMP Ch. 3 135 Newton's second law can be used to calculate the acceleration of the piston X = A(P - Po) (3.22) WEIGHT/g c Symbols Used in Program of Fig. 3.34 where area of orifice, 0.0008 ftz A1 = P1 = supply pressure, Tl R = Al 3900.0 lbf/ft 2 PI 0 temperature of incoming air, 560 R Tl = gas constant, 53.35 ft-Ibf/lbm-oR R X = movement of piston, ft X I' = ratio of specific heats, 1.4 A GAMMA = area of piston, 0.4 ft2 A Cp = specific heat of air at constant pressure, 0.24 Btu/Ibm-oR CP Cv = specific heat of air at constant volume, 0.171 Btu/Ibm-oR CV = initial temperature of air in cylinder, 530 R Po = atmospheric pressure, 2116.8 Ibf/ft 3 Mo = initial mass of air in cylinder 0 To Vo = initial volume of cylinder, 0.06 ftJ gc = 32.17 Ibm-ft/lbf-sec 2 WEIGHT = weight of piston and attached mass, 280.0 Ibm J = 778 ft-Ibf/Btu TO PO MO VO GC WEIGHT J Equations (3.17), (3.19), and (3.22) are contained in the program of Fig. 3.34 and are integrated to determine the response. The PREPARE card in the program of Fig. 3.34 is used to generate a data set for the offline plotting of the variables X, XD, and XDD. Once the data set is generated, the user must supply a program to interface directly with the plotter. In this example the velocity XD and acceleration XDD are plotted as a function of displacement X. The interfacing program that was used at the University of Tennessee for a CALCOMP 763 plotter is shown in Fig. 3.35. It should be noted that each computer installation will require its own interfacing program. Figure 3.36 shows the PRINT output from the program of Fig. 3.34. Figure 3.37 is the resulting offline X-Y plot. DECK In simulation studies it is often necessary to make several runs from the same program changing only parameters and output statements. Computer time can be 136 Advanced Features of CSMP Ch.3 li'HTIAL PROGRAM Ta STUDY THE DYNAMICS OF A PNEUM~TIC PISTON-CYLINDER TITLE ANO TO IlLUST~ATE THE USE 8F THE PRFPARE STATEMENT. CONSTANT Pl = 3900.0, T1 = 560.0, At ~ 0.0008, PO = 2116.8, TO = 530.0. VO = 0.06. A = 0.4, WEIGHT = 280.0, CP = 0.24, CV = 0.111, R = 53.35, J = 778.0, GA~~A = 1.4, GC = 32.11 MO = PO*VO/(R*TOI C = A1*Pl*SQRT(2.0*GC*GAM~A/(R*T1*(GAMMA - l~a)11 TITL~ OYNA~IC MD = C*SQRT«P/Pll**(2.0/GAMMAI - (P/P1J**«GAMMA + 1.OJ/GAMMA •• V = VO + A*X TO = (-P*A*XD/J + ~D*CP*T1 - MO*CV*TJ/(M*CV' P = M*R*T/V XOO = (P - PO,*A/(WEIGHT/GCJ M = INTGRl(~C.MO) T = INTG~l(TO,TOI XD = INTGRl(O.O,XODJ X = INTGRl(C.C,XDI PRINT X, XD, XDD, T, TO, M, MD, P FINISH X = 1.0 TIMER FINTI~ = 5.0, PRD:L = 0.01. QUTDEl = 0.005 * THE FOlLOWIN~ PREPARE CARD IS USED TO GENERATE A DATA SET THAT CAN BE USED FeR QFF LINE PLOTTING Of THE VARIABLES X, XO, AND XOO. * PREPARE X, XD, xeD cNU :iTJP i:NDJOB Fig. 3.34 Program to simulate the response of a pneumatic piston cylinder system and to illustrate the use of the PREPARE statement. saved in this situation by making a punched card deck of the translated CSMP program. An understanding of the inner workings of the CSMP program is obviously not necessary for successfully programming. However, the following brief description of the CSMP program will enable the reader to better understand the advantages of using a translated punched deck. For the reader who is interested in more detail, the CSMP System Manual(!) is recommended. Once the user's program is read into the computer, the CSMP program begins to build the subroutine UPDATE. This is called the translation phase. In generating UPDATE, three primary tasks are accomplished. 1 The statements in the sort sections are placed in the proper order. 2 The proper transfer of control for the various segments and sections is established. 3 Common statements are established to make the proper variables available between UPDATE and the CSMP modules. In the next step, the FORTRAN G compiler is invoked and the linkage editor then links UPDATE with the various CSMP execution modules. Control is then passed to MAIN which is the main or calling program. During the execution of the program, MAIN calls the appropriate subroutine to perform the necessary opera- Ch.3 Advanced Features of CSMP 131 EXEC FJPTGCLG.GOREG=96K IIFJRT.SVSIN DO * DIMENSION IBUF(bb4) [) I MEN S ION TIM E ( lOu 0) • x ( lOu 0' , v I 1 00 0' ,Z ( 1 0 0) ,X DO T( 1 DI~fNSION ICODl(20',ICODEl(20' DO 5 I = 1,11 READ (8.80' DUMMY 5 CONTINUE 80 FORMAT (A4) READ (5.60) ICODE READ (5.60) ICODEl 60 FORMAT I 20A4 ) NOPTS = 110 DO 10 I = 1.NOPTS READ (8.END=20) TIMEII),XII),YII),ZIU 10 CONTINUE 20 CALL PLOTS (IBUF.664,60.0) CALL Z IPOFF YAXIS = 9.0 XAXIS = 10.0 DO 100 J = 1,3 NPTS = NOPTS NPTS = NPTS I J NST = NPTS * J +1 NOEL = NPTS * J + J + 1 CALL SCALE ITIME.XAXIS,NPTS,J' CALL SCALE IX,XAXIS,NPTS,J) CALL SCALE IV,YAXIS,NPTS,J' CALL SCALE (Z,YAXIS,NPTS,J) CALL SYMBOL (7.0,9.03,0.14,10,0.0,-1) CALL SYMBOL (7.5,9.0,O.14,ICODE,O.O,80) CALL SYMBOL (7.0,8.7,0.14,01,0.0,-1) CALL SYMBOL (7.5,8.b4,0.14,ICODE1,0.0,80) CALL AXIS (-0.75,0.O,3HXDD,+3,YAXIS,90.0,ZINST),ZINDEl)) CALL AXIS (0.O.O.0.2HXD.+2.YAXIS.90.0,Y(NST).V(NDEl)) CALL AXIS (O.O,O.O,lHX,-l,XAXIS,O.O,XINST),XCNDEL)) CALL FLINE (X,Y.NPTS,J,+1,10) CALL FlINE (X.Z,NPTS,J,+1,01) CALL PLOT (15.0,0.0,-3' 100 CONTINUE CALL PLOT (,999) NSTOP = NOPTS WRITE (6,63) ITIMEIL),XIl),Yll),ZCl),l=1,NSTOP) 63 FORMAT (lH .4(E14.6.5X)) STOP END IIGO.PLOTTAPE DO SYSCUT=P II GO. fT 08 FOOL DO OS N=PlOTT ER, DC B= (R ECFM= VS, lRECL=2 55, BlKS I IE=2550) , II UNIT=2400,DISP=(OlD,KEEP),LABEL=I,SL"IN),VOL=SER=002330 IIGO.SYSIN DO * XD I VELOC ITY) XDD (ACCELERATION) II ° °°°, 1* Fig.3.35 Program used at The University of Tennessee to interface between the data set generated by the PREPARE card and a CALCOMP 763 plotter. tion; integration, printing, plotting, initialization, etc. This total operation of the CSMP program is quite complicated. A strong background in all areas of programming is required if the process is to be understood. When the label DECK is included in a program with the appropriate JCL (job control language) cards, a punched card deck is made. The deck includes the CSMP subroutine UPDATE and all user-supplied subroutines, a listing of sym- 138 Advanced Features of CSMP Ch. 3 RKS PRO"RAM TJ STUDY THE DYNAMICS OF A PNEUMATIC PISTON-CYlINDER AND TO ILLUSTRATE THE USE OF THE PREPA~E STATEMENT. TIME 0.0 1.500u£:-1)2 3.0000E-Ol ft.5000E-v2 6.0000E-Ol 7.500uE-Ol 9. OOOOE -Ol l. O:'Ouc-u 1 1.2000E-Ol 1.3500E-Ol 1.500uE-Ol 1.6500e-il1 1.8000E-vl 1.9500E-v1 2.1000E;-ill l.l500E-Jl 2. 'tOOOE-01 2.!J500E-01 1..7000E-vl 2.8500E-vl 3. OOOOE -vl 3.1~OOE-Ol 3.3000c;-1.I1 3.ft500E-v1 3.6000c;-vl 3.15001:-1.11 3.9000E-Ol 4.0'00E-Ol 4.2JOOE-Ol 't.351lIlE-,)J. X 0.0 1.Z.369E-03 9.lft45E-03 2.1946E-02 5.1628E-02 9.6383E-02 1.4161E-"01 1.9114E-Ol 2.ftl8lE-01 2.9520E-Ol 3.4115E-01 3.9183E:-01 4.4661E-Ol 4.'l326E-01 5.3738E-01 5.1895E-Ol 6.1196f-Ol 6.54521:-01 6.8819E-Ol 7. ?102E-Ot 1.5146E-Ol 1.1l043E-Ol 11.011271'-01 8.3530E-Ol 8.6189E-Ol 8.8835E-Ol 9.1501E-Ol 9.421bE-01 9.7006E-Ol 9.98931'-01 ***S1MULATlON HALTED*** 4.}815E-01 1.00631' 00 XO C.O 2.ft369E-Ol 8. fIl53E -01 1.6260<: 00 2.3086E 00 l. elS8E 00 3.1876E 00 3.3905E 00 3.ft1l34E 00 3.4886E 00 3.428'lE 00 3.3225<: 00 ~. 1842E 00 3. 02 51E 00 2.8568E 00 2.6852E 00 2.~175E 00 2.~5eSE· co 2.2138E 00 2. OA57E 00 1.9710!: 00 1. 88C;Cl" 00 1. e252E 00 1.78350:: 00 1.164510 00 1.1673E 00 1.19061= 00 1. a323E 00 1.8902E 00 1.9616E 00 X = 1.Cl813!: 00 XDD -1.0098E-Oft 3.126ftE 01 4.90ne 01 4.9603E 01 4.0511E 01 l.8966E 01 1.8H3E 01 9.6998E 00 2.9908E 00 -2.0441E 00 -5.1l83E 00 -8.3020!: 00 -1.0010E 01 -1.1009E 01 -1.1430E 01 -1.lH6F 01 -1.0930E 01 -1.0165E 01 -9.14151' 00 - 7.916 7E 00 -6.5430E 00 -5.0102E 00 - 3. 5463E 00 -2.01101' 00 -5.25ft6E-Ol 8.8864E-Ol 2.1899E CO 3.3486E CO 4.3415E 00 5.1'H9E 00 T 5.3000E 5.7555E 5.9341F 5.9023E 5.1696E 5.6118<: 5.ft841F 5.3812F. 1).3063E 5.2'>591: 5.2254F. 5.2107!: 5.20841: 5.2160E 5.2314!: 5.25HE "i .21851; 5.3071': "i.33911'0 5.3718!: 5.405010 5.4378F 5.469710 5.4999E 5.5280'" 5.5534E 5.57&01= 5.5953E 5.6112E 5.6231E I NTEGR AT I aN TO 02 02 02 02 Ol 02 02 02 Ol 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 Ol 02 02 02 02 02 3.4142~-02 MD 1.001lE-02 6.ft301E-02 5.5621"-02 1).5241E-02 6.C393E-02 6.5095E-02 6.194ljE-02 b.9372F-02 6.9953E-02 1.0l02E-02 1.0057F-02 6.99481"-02 6.9841E-02 6.976510-02 6.9731E-02 6.97351:'-07. 6.9112E-02 6.9830E-02 6.9899E-02 6.99681'-02 1.002910-02 7.0074£-02 7.00<)9E.,.02 7.0107.F-02 7.00R3E'-02 7.0045E-02 6.9993E-02 6.9<)33F-02 6.<)a72E-02 6.9814"-07 2.1168F 0) 2.1971<: 03 3.18j3" 03 ~.1961E 03 2.9983E 03 2.1471" 03 2.511>4!: 03 2.3219" 03 2. UIl9E 03 2.0123E 03 1.9924E 03 1.9362" Ol 1.8990E 03 1.8172': 03 1.8681 e 03 1.86<)3!: O~ 1.8190" 03 1.89560:: 0'\ 1.9119!: 03 1.9445F. 03 1.9144'" 03 2.0065E 03 2.03<)6<: 03 2.01291" 03 2.1054E 03 7.136110 03 2.1645'" 03 7.1897E 03 2.2113E 03 7.2289r 03 3.4403F.-02 6.98011'-02 2.2327" 03 03 03 02 02 03 02 Ol 02 02 02 02 01 01 01 02 02 02 07 02 02 02 02 02 02 07 02 02 02 01 01 ft.ft918E-0) 5.5101E-03 6.ft049E-03 1.2246E-03 8.0899E-03 9.0332E-03 1.0033E-02 1.106I)E-02 1.lllGE-02 1.3161E-02 1.4212(-02 1.5262E-02 1.6311F-02 1. 7358E -02 1.8404E-02 1.9450E-02 2 .04961'-02 7. • 1 5'-3 E-02 2.2591f-02 2.36ftOE-02 2.46901'-02 2.5741E-02 2.67<)21:-02 2 ~7843E-O? 2.BR95F-02 2.9946E-02 3.0996[-02 3.20461'-02 3.3094E-02 6.6527E 01 3.9930E 2.08HE 3.7ft45E -6.6606E -1.01ZZE -9.1l91E -7.91591: -5.9082E -4.1l09E -2.6475E -1.4616': -5.3236E 2.0588E 1.8645E 1.239b!' 1.5a11E 1.84150:: 2.0311E 2.1419E 2.2051E 2.2086E 2.1637E 2.0755E 1.94900:: 1.7898E 1.6039E 1.39150:: 1.1172E 9.4911E 7.2167E 1.0063E 00 5.32481; 00 5.6263E 02 Fig. 3.36 PRINT output from the simulation of the piston cylinder system. boIs used in the execution phase, and all data, execution, and output statements. When the translated deck is used for initiating a run, generating the subroutine UPDATE is not necessary and consequently, computer time is saved. Any of the data, execution, and output control statements can be changed in the translated deck. Minor modifications can even be made in the structure statements of the translated punched deck. A complete discussion of the use of translated decks is included in the CSMP System Manual. (1) Figure 3.38 shows the deck statement inserted in the program of Example 3.9. A listing of the resulting punched card deck is shown in Fig. 3.39. Included in this listing are the JCL cards that are required at The University of Tennessee's computing center to make additional runs. Additional runs can be made by changing the data, execution, and output control statements that appear at the end of the punched deck. It is suggested that the user contact the computer installation to determine the required JCL cards. User Defined Functions and Subroutines Functions most often encountered in digital simulations have been programmed as a fundamental part of CSMP. Several of these functional blocks were Ch. 3 Advanced Features of CSMP )!( 0 0 o 0 co ui en Ul 0 0 139 XO (VELOCITY) XDD (ACCELERATI~N) 0 N ai en ~ 0 0 0 0 0 otherwise By combining the above statements, one can write a procedure function for ing EFLOW as follows. generat~ Advanced Features of CSMP Ch. 3 161 PROCEDURE EFLOW = EFORM(EWIDTH, EPERID) ETRIG = IMPULS(O.O, EPERID) ERAND = RNDGEN(3) EDENSE = AFGEN(ENORM, TIME) ESIG = EDENSE - ERAND ESINK = AND(ESIG, ETRIG) EFLOW = PULSE(EWIDTH, ESINK) END PRO The value of EDENSE is determined by using the linear interpolater, AFGEN, where the function is defined by the data of Fig. 3.51. Thus, FUNCTION ENORM = (0.0,0.2),(0.5,0.25),(1.0,0.34), ... (1.5,0.46),(2.0,0.5),(2.5,0.45),(3.0,0.42),(3.5,0.43), ... (4.0,0.48),(4.5,0.58) Use of the AFGEN was previously explained in Chap. 1. At this point in the simulation development the user should write a short program and verify that EFORM is correctly generated. A short program for this purpose is given in Fig. 3.52 and the resulting output is presented in Fig. 3.53. = (O.0,0.21,(.5,.251,(1.,.34),(1.5,.46},(2.,.51, ••• ( 2. 5,. 45) , C3. ,. 42 I , ( 3. 5 , • 43 I ,C 4. ,. 4 8 ) , ( 4. 5 , • 5 8 » , ( 5. , • 6 6 I FUNGTION ENORM PARAM EWIDTH = 0.01, EPERID = 0.02 *.***.**************************************************************** * * * * * NOTE ON THE FOLLOWING PROCEDURE TRANSLATION CONTROL CARD THAT ALL VARIABLES REQUESTfD FOR PRINTING MUST BE LISTED AS OUTPUTS OF THE PROCEDURE FUNCTION * ***************************************.****************************** PROCEDURE ETRIG, EO~NSE, ERAND, ESIG, EFLOW ETRIG = I~PUlS(O.O, EPERI~I ERAND = RNDGEN(3) EDENSE = AFGEN(ENCRM, TIME) ESIG = EDE~SE - ERA~D fSINK ANOCESIG, ETRIGI EFlOW = PUlSE(EWIOTH,ESINK) ENDPRQ = EFORM(EWIDTH,EPERID' TIMER FINTIM = 0.2, PRDEL = 0.002, DELT = 0.002 PRINT ETRIG, EDENSE, ERAND, ESIG, EFlCW TITLE 1******* TEST FOR RANDOM PULSE GENERATOR END STOP ENDJOB EXAMPLE 3-13 ****** Fig. 3.52 Program for testing the random generation of a string of cars. Having developed a reasonable representation of traffic flow, attention is next directed to the problem of determining (a) how many cars have approached the light; (b) how many cars have passed under the light; and (c) how many cars are waiting at any given instant of time. The total number of cars approaching the light can be determined by integrating the traffic flow and dividing by the width of a car pulse. This can be deter- TEST FOR RANDOM PULSE GEIliERATOR - 1····**· TIME 0.0 2.0000E-03 4.00COE-03 6.0000E-03 8.0000E-03 1. 00COE-02 1.2000E-02 1.40COE-02 1.6000E-02 1.8000E-02 2.00COE-02 2.2000E-02 2.4000E-C2 2.6000E-02 2.80COE-02 3.00COE-02 3.2000E-02 3.4000E-02 3.60COE-02 3.8000E-02 4.0000E-02 4.2000E-02 4.4000E-02 4.60COE-02 4.8000E-02 5.0000E-02 5.2000E-02 5.40COE-02 5.6000E-02 5.8000E-02 6.0000E-02 6.2000E-02 6.4000E-02 6.6000E-02 6. BOOOE-02 7.COOOE-02 7.2000E-02 7.4000E-02 1.6000E-02 1.80COE-02 8.0000E-02 B.20COE-02 8.4000E-02 8.bOOO-E-02 8.8000E-02 9.0000E-02 9.2000E-02 C;.4000E-02 C;.bOOOE-02 Q.8000E-02 1.0000E-01 1.0200E-Ol 1.04COE-01 1.0600E-Ol 1.0800E-Ol ETRIG 1. OOOOE 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 l.OOOOF 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0000E 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0000E 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0000E 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0000E 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 00 00 00 00 00 00 ECE NS F. 2.COOOE-01 2. 0020E -01 2.0040E-Ol 2.0060E-Ol 2. OOBOE-Ol 2.0100E-Ol 2.0120E-01 2.0140E-Ol 2. 01bOE-01 2.0180E-Ol 2.0200E-01 2.0220E-C1 2. 0240E-01 2. Ol60E-01 2.0280E-Ol 2.0300E-Ol 2.0320E-Ol 2.0340E-01 2.0360E-Ol 2.0380E-Ol 2.0400E-Ol 2.0420E-01 2. 0440E-01 2.0460E-Ol 2.0480E-01 2.0500E-01 2.0520E-01 2. 0540E- 01 2.0560E-Ol 2.05S0E-Ol 2.0600E-Ol 2.0620E-01 2.0640'=-01 2.0660E-Ol 2.0680f-Ol 2.0700E-Ol 2.0720E-Ol 2.0740E-0l 2.C760E-Ol 2.0780E-Ol 2.0800E-Ol 2.0820E-Ol 2.0840E-Ol 2.C860E-Ol 2.0880E-Ol 2. C900E-01 2.0920E-Ol 2.0940E-01 2. 0960E-Ol 2.0980E-Ol 2. 1000E-Ol 2.1020E-Ol 2.1040E-01 2.1060E-01 2.1080E-Ol EXAMPl'= 3-13 ****** ERAND 9.1557E-05 5.4933E-04 2.4720E-03 9.8878E-03 3.7079E-02 1.?348E-Ol 4.6720E-C1 6.0182E-01 4.0612E-01 2.0407E-02 4.6132E-01 6.2025E-01 5.1562E-01 5.1l50E-01 4.2840E-01 9.6687E-Ol 9.4563E-01 9.7195E-Ol 3.2096E-01 1.7823E-01 1.8079E-01 4.8062E-01 2.5t-64E-01 2.1430E-0,1 9.7600E-Ol 9.2129E-01 7.7977E-01 3.3299E-01 9.8003E-01 8.8322E-01 4.7910E-Ol 9.2562E-01 2.4180E-Ol 1.2020E-01 5.4501E-Ol 1.8827E-Ol 2.2458E-Ol 6.5301E-Ol 8.9688E-Cl 5.0414E-0,1 9.5295E-01 1.8040E-01 5.0590E-01 4.1118E-Ol 9.1757E-01 7.9938E-Ol 5.3812E-Ol 3.432IE-02 3.62 a2E-Ol 8.6803E-Ol 9.4281 E-Ol 8.4457E-Ol 5.8216E-Ol 6.91 76E-01 l.lU6E-Ol ES IG 1.9991E-01 1.9965E-Ol 1.9793E-Ol 1.ClO1lE-Ol 1.6372E-01 6.1515E-02 -2.6600E-01 -4.0042E-01 -2.0452E-01 1.8139E-Ol -2.6532E-01 -4.1805'=-01 -3.1322E-01 -3.0890E-01 -2.2560E-01 -1.6381E-Ol -7.4244E-Ol -1.6855E-Ol -1 • 1 13 6 E- 01 2.5567E-02 2.3215E-02 -2.7642E-01 -5.2244E-02 -9.6995E-03 -1.7120E-01 - 7. 222 9E - 01 -5.7457E-01 -1.2759E-Ol -7 .1443E- 01 -6.7742E-Ol -2.1310E-Ol -7.1942E-Ol -3.5397E-02 8.6404E-02 -3.3821E-01 1.8127E-02 -1.7379E-02 -4.4561E-01 -6.8928E-Ol -2.9634E-Ol -1.4495E-01 2. 7796E- 02 -2.9750E-OI -2.0318E-Ol -1.0871E-01 -5.9038E-Ol -3.2892E-Ol 1.7508E-01 -1.5322E-Ol -6.5823E-Ol -7.3281E-Ol -6.3431E-01 -3.717bE-Ol -6.8116E-O,1 9.9635E-Ol Fig. 3.53 The printer-plotted output from the program of a random pulse generator. 162 EFLOW 1.0000E l.OOOOE l.OOOOE 1.0000E 1. OOOOE 1.000eE 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1. OOOOE 1.0000E 1.0000E 1.0000E 1.0000E 1.0000E 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Ch.3 163 Advanced Features of CSMP mined using the INTG RL function as ELEFT = INTGRL(O.O, EFLOW) ETOTAL = ELEFT/EWIDTH where ETOTAL is the total traffic arriving from the east. For simplicity, the state of the light is assumed to be either green or red with amber ignored. The number of cars passing under the light can now be determined using the mode integrator function whose characteristics are given in Table 3.4. Table 3.4 Mode Integrator Function (7SlkfJP Stater.nent Y = MODINT(IC, Xl, X2, X3) lkfather.natical Equivalent yet) = f yet) yet) = = IC last output X3(t) dt + Ie Xl > 0, any X2 < 0, X2 > Xl < 0,X2 :::;:; Xl °° The input signal X3 should be the actual traffic passing under the light with Xl the state of the light. Thus, if Xl is greater than zero (the light is green), yet) increases by integrating X 3 • When the light changes to red, Xl equals zero and yet) holds the last output value. Any non-positive number for X 2 can be used. Expressing this in program variables gives ERIGHT EPASED where EWLITE = = = MODINT(O.O, EWLITE, -1.0, EWX2) ERIGHT/EWIDTH state of the east-west light EWX2 = the pulses passing under the light EPASED = the total number of cars passed through the light The traffic backed-up at any time on the east side is given by EBAKUP = ELEFT - ERIGHT EWAlT = EBAKUP/EWIDTH where EWAlT is the actual traffic backed up or waiting on the east side. The excitation signal, EWX2, must take the following into account. When the light changes from red to green, traffic will not move instantaneously. We assume the flow linearly increases with time up to the limit of maximum through-put. Once the maximum flow is reached, the excitation will remain at this level until EBAKUP reaches zero. Once EBAKUP reaches zero, EWX2 should be changed to EFLOW. Suppose we assume that after 8 car units have passed under the light, EWX2 reaches the maximum value of EWIDTH/EPERID. A program which combines the generation of random traffic with traffic volumn in the east to west direction is given in Fig. 3.54. The correct state of EWX2 is determined by the procedure function EWX3 except for testing the state of EBAKUP. Logically, this test should also be made in the EWX3 procedure function but in attempting to do so an algebraic loop will be formed between ERIGHT, EBAKUP, and EWX3. This algebraic loop is avoided by testing the state of EBAKUP in a NOSORT segment. 164 Advanced Features of CSMP Ch. 3 FUNCTION ENORM = (0.0,0.2),(.5,.25.,(1.,.341,(1.5,.46),(2.,.51, ••• e 2. 5,. 45. ,( 3. ,. 42) , ( 3. 5 , • 43 t , (4. ,.48 I , ( 4. 5 , .58 1 , ( 5. , .66 1 PARAM EWIOTH = 0.012, EPERIO = 0.024, CYCLE = 1.0, EBAKUP = 0.0 LITRIG = IMPULS (O.O,CYCLEI EWLITE = PULSE(CYClE/2.0,LITRIGI ETRIG = IMPULSeO.O, EPERIOI PROCEOURE EFLCW = EFOR~(ETRIGI fRANO = RNOGEN(3) EDENSE = AFGEN(ENOR~, TIMEI ESIG = EOE~SE - ERANO ESINK ANOCESIG, ETRIG) EFLOW = PUlSE(EWIDTH,ESINK. ENOPRO NOSDRT IF(EBAKUP.GT.O.OI EWX2 = fWX3 IF(EBAKUP.Lf.O.OI EWX2 =EFLOW SORT ELEFT = INTGRL(O.O,EFLOW' ERIGHT = MODINT(0.0,EWLITE,-1.O,EWX2' E8AKUP = ELEFT-ERIGHT PROCEDURE EWX3 = GENRALlEWlITE,EFLOW,CYClE,EWIOTH,EPERIDI IF(TIME.lT.(CYClE/2.0») GO TO 19 IF(EWlITE.EQ.O.Ot GO TO 21 IFeEPASLT.EQ.O.O) CLOTIM = TIME EDELT = TI~E - OlOTIM IFIEOELT.GE.(S.O*EPERIDt) GO TO 23 EWX3 = «EWIOTH)/(8.0*(EP~RIO**2)))*EOELT EPASl T = EWLITE GO TO 27 21 EWX3 = 0.0 EPASlT = 0.0 GO TO 27 19 EPASLT = 0.0 IF(EWLITE.GT.O.O' EWX3 ~FLOW If{EWLITE.GE.O.O) EWX3 0.0 GO TO 27 EWX3 = EWIOTH/EPERID 23 27 CONTINUE ENOPRO ETOTAL = ELEFT/EWIOTH EPASEC = EPIGHT/EWIDTH EWAlT = EOAKUP/EwIDTH TIMER FINTIM = 1.0, DUTOEL = 0.02, PROEL = 0.02 PRTPLT ETOTAL, EPASEO, EW4IT LABEL TEST FaR TRAFFIC MaDEL - EXA~PLE 3-13 END STOP ENOJ08 Fig. 3.54 Traffic simulation program for east to west traffic. This same basic model applies to west-east, north-south, and south-north traffic and in a natural way invites the use of macro functions. A simpler program could have been written to illustrate the use of the procedure function. However, most meaningful real-world simulations require combinations of Advanced Features of CSMP Ch. 3 165 several CSMP features. The intention here has been to show how the procedure function can typically be used as an element in a more comprehensive simulation. Fortran Subprograms There are two forms of subprograms that can be used in CSMP programs, FORTRAN function and subroutine. The function subprogram can be used whenever the output is a single variable. A subroutine must always be used when there are multiple outputs. The MACRO and PROCEDURE functions essentially serve the same purpose as subprograms and are generally preferred. However, subprograms do have certain advantages not found in the macro and procedure functions. The following is a listing of the most important advantages. ~ 1 FORTRAN subprograms that are stored in the computer's system library can be called directly by CSMP programs. 2 The statements of a subprogram are not processed by the CSMP translator. Consequently, larger models can be developed by using subprograms. 3 Subprograms used in CSMP programs are compatible in FORTRAN programs. Therefore, subprograms can be interchanged between CSMP and FORTRAN programs. General Guidelines The rules for writing a subprogram for the use in a CSMP program are exactly the same as for a FORTRAN program. If needed, the reader should refer to specialized texts on FORTRAN(2-S) for a complete discussion on this topic. Implementation of subprograms in CSMP is somewhat different than in FORTRAN. Special considerations that must be followed are outlined by the following general rules. 1 All subprograms must follow the STOP card and furthermore, the last subprogram must be terminated by the ENDJOB card. 2 The following CSMP functional elements cannot be used in subprograms: INTGRL, DERIV, DELAY, ZHOLD, IMPL, MODINT, REALPL, LEDLAG, CMPXPL, HSTRSS, STEP, IMPULS, PULSE, RAMP, SINE, GAUSS, RNDGEN, and any user-defined macro function. 3 A FORTRAN function subprogram can be invoked in all segments and sections of a CSMP program. This includes invocations in macro and procedure functions. Using input variables P, Q, and R, a statement for calling the function XYZ is x = XYZ(P, R, Q) 4 A FORTRAN subroutine can be called by two different methods. The CALL statement which is used in FORTRAN programs is only allowed in nosort sections and procedure functions. An example of a CALL statement for the subroutine named ABC is the following. CALL ABC(P, Q, R, X, Y) If the output variables of the subroutine are on the right-hand side of the argument list of the subroutine, a second method for calling a subroutine can be used. This method can be used in all sections and segments, including macro and procedure functions. An example of this type of statement for the same ABC subroutine is shown below. X, Y = ABC(P, Q, R) It should be reemphasized that the above statement can only be used when the outputs X and Yare the last variables in the argument list of the subroutine. Another limitation for using the above form for calling a subroutine is that it can only be used when there are two or more output variables. 5 When calling a FORTRAN subroutine that is stored in computer memory, the CALL form must be used in a no sort section or procedure function. 6 If the output of a subprogram includes subscripted variables, the calling statement in the CSMP program must be in a nosort section of a procedure function. All subscripted variables used as inputs or outputs must be declared on either a STORAGE or DIMENSION card. The following example program illustrates the use of a FORTRAN subroutine to calculate the roots of a quadratic equation of the following form; Ax 2 + Bx + C = 0 (3.40) In this program the inputs to the subroutine are the coefficients A, B, and C. The outputs returned by the subroutine are the real part of the solution: Xl REAL and X2REAL; and the imaginary part of the solution, XlIM and X2IM. ~ : ~ I Program statements generating A, B, and C Statement for calling Xl REAL, X2REAL, XlIM, X2IM = ROOTS (A,B,C)/ subroutine ;I END STOP Program statements Ch.3 Advanced Features of CSMP 167 SUBROUTINE ROOTS (A,B,C,XIREAL,X2REAL,XlIM,X2IM) IF(B*B - 4.0*A*C) 1,2,3 1 XIREAL = -B/(2.0*A) X2REAL = XIREAL XlIM = SQRT(4.0*A*C-B*B)/(2.0*A) X2IM = -XlIM GO TO 4 2 XIREAL = - B/(2.0* A) X2REAL = XIREAL XlIM = 0.0 X2IM = 0.0 GO TO 4 3 XIREAL = (-B+SQRT(B*B-4.0*A*C))/(2.0*A) X2REAL = (-B-SQRT(B*B-4.0*A*C))/(2.0*A) XlIM = 0.0 X2IM = 0.0 4 CONTINUE RETURN END ENDJOB The statement used in the above example program for calling the subroutine can be used in all segments and sections of the program. The following statement can also be used to call the subroutine, but it must be used in a nosort section or procedure function. CALL ROOTS(A, B, C, XIREAL, X2REAL, XlIM, X2IM) Example 3.14 One method for solving a set of simultaneous differential equations is to solve for the highest derivative of each variable and then successively integrate to obtain the total answer. This approach sometimes requires solving a set of simultaneous algebraic equations. As an example, consider the following problem, = -O.5Xl - 1.7Xl + 0.3X2 + 0.21x~ + sin (1) (3.41) (3.42) (3.43) where all initial conditions are zero. The method of solution is to first solve for Xb X2, and X3 as functions of the other variables that appear in the equations. This requires the solution of a set of simultaneous linear algebraic equations as shown by Eq. (3.44). XDD =A-IY where A, XDD, and Yare defined by the following matrices. (3.44) 168 Ch.3 Advanced Features of CSMP A = I~ t2 l56 +4 o 24 2t 100 OJ (3.45) (3.46) Y = -0.5X 1 - 1.7x 1. + 0.3X2 + 0.21x~ + s~n 0.017tx1 - 5X2 - X2 + 0.lx1 + 1.6X3 X1X2 - X3 - 2.4X3 + e- xd23 l (t)J (3.47) Since the elements of both the A and Y matrices are time dependent, the XDD vector must be calculated at each integration step. Most computer installations have programs available for solving matrix relationships of the form given by Eq. (3.44). At many centers these subroutines are on-line and can be called from storage. In this example, a subroutine which uses the Gauss-Jordan elimination method with complete pivotal searching is employed. The subroutine SOLVE is called from the CSMP program. Within the subroutine SOLVE is another subroutine named INVERT. Figure 3.55 shows a listing of the CSMP program and the FORTRAN subroutines for solving the set of differential equations. Because A is a double-subscripted variable, the FORTRAN DIMENSION statement must be used. The FORTRAN LOGICAL instruction is a FORTRAN specification statement and is used to declare that SING is a logical variable. If the matrix A is singular, the logical variable SING is true. In this example, the matrix is never singular and hence the solution of the equation set is given in Fig. 3.56. Since the variable-step Runge-Kutta integration method is used in this example, subroutine SOLVE is called four times for each integration step. If this procedure is used to solve an equation set that has a large number of variables, a large amount of computer time will be required for the multiple solution of the XDD vector. It should be noted that the only way to call the subroutine SOLVE is by using the CALL SOLVE instruction in a no sort or procedure section. The following statement cannot be used since the output variable (XDD) is not the last argument of the subroutine. XDD = SOLVE(A, 3, 3, 3, Y, SING) Note that there is only one output variable. This is another reason why the above form for calling the subroutine SOLVE cannot be used. Special consideration must be made when using subprograms where the output depends on past values of output and past and present values of input. Memory This statement is required for subprograms that contain memory functions. A memory function is one where the output depends only on past values of input and output. As an example, consider the following statement. MEMORY ABC(13) The above instruction specifies that 13 storage locations are allocated for memory functions which are contained in the subprogram ABC. The MEMORY TITLE PROGRAM TO DEMONSTRATE THE USE OF A SUBROUTINE AND TO SOLVE TITLE A SYSTEM OF SIMULTANEOUS DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS DIMENSION All,3). XDD(3), Yll) LOGICAL SING FIXED I, J NOSORT DO 1 I 1.3 OOlJ 1.3 AII.J) x 0.0 AU.U x 1.0 All.2) TI ME*TI ME + 4.0 AIZ.U ~ 5.0 AI2.3) .. 24.0 Al3.i) .. 56.0 All.Z) = 2. O*TI ME An.3) .. 100.0 Yl 1 J = -0.5*XDl - 1.1*Xl + 0.3*XZ + 0.21*IX].*]) + SINCTIME) Y(2) O.011*Xl*TIME - 5.0*XD2 - X2 + O.l*X] + 1.6.XD3 y(3) XDl*X02 - X3 - 2.4*XD3 + EXPI-Xl/23.0J CALL SOLVEIA.3.3.3.Y.XOD.SING) SORT XDI = INTGRLCO.O,XDDll») XOZ .: INTGRLCO.O.XODCZ» X03 .: INTGRlCO.0.XDD(3» Xly = I NTGRU O. O. XDU X2 = INTGRlI0.0.XD2) X3 = INTGRlIO.O,XD]) PRINT Xl. XZ. Xl TIMER FINTIM = O.Z. PRDEL .: 0.01 END STOP C THE FOLLOWING TWO SUBROUTINES WILL SOLVE A SET OF SIMULTANEOUS C LINEAR EQUATIONS. SUBROUTINE SOlVECA.MA,NA,N,B.X,SING) REAL AIMA.NA).BlNJ.XIN) LOGICAL SING CALL INVERTIA.N.MA.SING. IF(SINGJRETURN DO 10 l=l.N XII)"O.O DO 10 J=l.N 10 X([)=X(I)+A(I.J)*S(JJ RETURN END SUBROUTINE INVERTlA.ORDER,DIM A, SING) INTEGER ORDER. DIM A REAL A(DIM A.l),BClOO).CllOO) N=ORDER LOGICAL SING INTEGER IPCIOO).IOllOO) DO 1 K=l.N PIVOT-O. DO 100 I-=K. N DO 100 J=K,N IFCASSIA(I.J»-ABS(PIVOT»)lOO,lOO,lOl 101 PIVOT"'AII,J) IPIK):a1 IQIKJ=J 100 CONTINUE IFIPIVOT)102,900.102 102 IPK=tPIK) IOK=IOCK) If(IPK-K)200.Z99,200 ZOO DO 201 J=l.N Z=Al IPK.J) AIIPK.J)=ACK,J) ZOI AIK.J)=Z 299 CONT INU E IF(IQK-K)300,399,300 I I Fig. 3.55 CSMP program and subroutines used to solve a set of differential equations. 169 300 301 399 402 DO 301 l=l.N Z= A( I .1 QK ~ A(I,IQK)=A(I,K) A(I.K)=Z CONTI NUE DO 400 J=l.N IF(J-KJ403.40Z,403 B(J)=1./PIVOT C(J~=l. 403 GOT a 404 404 400 405 1 SOL 503 S02 504 506 500 900 B(J)s-A(K.J~/PIVCT C(J)=A(J,K) A(K,JJ=O. A(J.K)=O. DO 405 1=1. N DO 405 J=l.N AlI,J)=A(I,J)+C(U*S(J) CONTINUE K=N DO 500 KDUM= 1. N IOK=IQ(K) IPKaIP(K) IF( IPK-K)SOl.,502,501 DO 503 I=L,N Z= A( I, I PK) A( I , I P K ) =A ( I , K) A(I,K)=Z IF( IOK-K)S04,500,504 DO 506 J=l,N I=A( IQK,J) A(IQK.JI=A(K.J) A(K,J)=Z K=K-l SING = .FALSE. RETURN SING = .TRUE. RETURN END ENDJOB Fig. 3.55 (Continued) PROGRAM TO OEMONSTRATE THE USE OF A SUBROUTINE AND TO SOLVE A ~Y~TEM OF SIMULTANEOUS CIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS X2 Xl TIME Il.O 1.0000E-02 2.uOOOE-J2 3.0000E-J2 tt. t)()UuE-U2 5.0000E-02 6. UOOOI:-02 7.0000c-02 8.JOOOE-u2 9.0000E-02 1.00uOE-OI 1.1U()Oc-OI 1. 20QuE-Q 1 1.30QOE-Jl 1. 'tOQui:-OI 1. 5000E-O 1 1.6vUUc-OL 1.7000i:-Ol 1.8000E-Ol 1.9JOOE-Ol 2 .OOOOE-O 1 0.0 1.4215E-Ob 5.6849E-06 1.2790E-05 2.2737E-05 3.5528E-05 5.1166E-05 6.<;655E-05 9.1001E-05 1.1521E-04 1.4Z29E-04 1.7225E-04 2.0510E-04 2.4085E-04 2.7952E-04 3.21LIE-04 3.6565E-04 4.1314E-04 4.6361E-04 5.1708E-04 5.7356E-04 c.e -3.1430E-01 -1.0C;27E-06 -2.6889E-06 -3.C570E-06 -3.1516E-06 -3.9282E-06 -3.3428E-C6 -1.75Z1E-06 i.C862E-06 5.4138E-06 1.1471 E-05 1.'i4C;8E-05 2.9733E-C5 4.2413E-05 5. H14E-C5 7.6053E-05 <;.1482E-C5 1.2229E-04 l.5072E-04 1.8Z99E-04 RKS X3 0.0 -2.9598E-07 -1.1833E-06 -2.6614E-06 -4.7307=-06 -1.3923E-06 -1.0648E-05 -1.4501E-05 -1.8953E-C5 -2.4010E-05 -2.9616E-05 -3.5951E-05 -4.2859E-05 -5.0389E-05 -5.8555E-05 -6.1367E-05 -1.6833E-05 -8.6964E-05 - 9. 1170E-05 -1.0926E-04 -1. Z146E-04 Fig. 3.56 PRINT output for the solution of the set of differential equations. 170 INTEGR ATION Ch. 3 Advanced Features of CSMP 171 card should appear in the deck before the first reference to the subprogram. Examples of some CSMP memory elements are the following INTGRL DELAY REALPL CMPXPL History This statement is used with subprograms where functions are used in which the output depends on past and present values of output and present values of input. The following instruction will reserve 8 history storage locations for the subprogram ABC, and 17 for the subprogram DEF. HISTORY ABC(8) DEF(17) The HISTORY statement must appear before any reference to the subprogram. Some CSMP history functions are: DERIV GAUSS HSTRSS IMPULS PULSE RNDGEN RST STEP ZHOLD A more comprehensive discussion of MEMORY and HISTORY can be found in References (1 and 6). Implicit Functions For certain types of simulations, the output of CSMP will state that an algebraic loop is formed between a specified list of variables and that the program cannot be executed. This problem arises whenever a loop does not contain at least one memory function. As noted in the previous section, there are two types of memory functions defined in CSMP. If we consider a function to be characterized as having an output and input, the following applies. (a) A MEMORY function is one whose output depends only on past values of the output and input. (b) A HISTORY function is one whose output depends on past values of the output and input and in addition, the present value of the input. There are four MEMORY functions in CSMP: INTGRL, REALPL, CMPXPL, and DELAY. Each loop of a simulation must contain either at least one of these functions or a user-defined memory function to avoid an algebraic loop. However, loops are not always obvious in a simulation. Consider the simple circuit shown in Fig. 3.57(a). If the output is the voltage 172 Advanced Features of CSMP Ch. 3 (a) Series circuit ~ - 1/R 1 (b) Flow graph for the series circuit Fig. 3.57 Series circuit and proposed flowgraph. across R2 and the input is the independent source Vinet), a set of equations describing the network is (3.48) Vit) = i(t)R2 i(t) = Vinet) _ Vit) Rl Rl (3.49) A flow graph for the two equations is given in Fig. 3.57(b). Since the flow graph contains a feedback loop without a memory function, programming these equations will result in an algebraic loop. An algebraic loop can often be circumvented by either rewriting the simulation equations or using the CSMP implicit function. Formulation of Implicit Functions An equation of the form F(x) = 0 is an implicit function. The equation for F(x) can be written as x =f(x) (3.50) where F(x) =1= f(x). As an example, suppose F(x) = x 2 + 3x - 4 = 0 (3.51) One way of expressing the variable x is x =f(x) = t(4 - x 2 ) (3.52) The CSMP function x = IMPL(XO, ERROR, FOFX) (3.53) Ch. 3 Advanced Features of CSMP will often find an x which satisfies the general equation, x may satisfy Eq. (3.52). In the IMPL function arguments, = 113 f(x) , and in particular XO = an initial guess for x as specified by the user ERROR = the error specified by the user in finding x FOFX = the right hand side of Eq. (3.50) A general rule for using the IMPL function is that the expressions for FOFX must appear after X = IMPL (XO, ERROR, FOFX) and the last such expression must specify FOFX. Furthermore, the variable X must appear at least once on the right side of the equations defining FOFX. As applied to Eq. (3.52) one may write either X = IMPL (XO, ERROR, FOFX) A = 4.0/3.0 B = -(X**2)/3.0 FOFX =A + B or X = IMPL (XO, ERROR, FOFX) FOFX = (4.0 - X**2)/3.0 which illustrates that the user is not required to split-up FOFX. CSMP uses a Wegstein's accelerated convergence algorithm to calculate X n + 1 using Xn-l, xn,f(Xn-l) andf(xn) with a user-specified initial guess for X.(6) The test for satisfying the user-specified ERROR is based on Xn+l - Xnl Xn+l I < ERROR for IX n + 1 I > 1 (3.54) < 1 (3.55) or for Ixn+ll Generally there will be more than one way of expressing x case, F(x) = X2 + 3x - 4 = 0, two ways of writing x are X = 4 - x2 - 3 - =f(x) = f(x). For the (3.56) and x = ±,J4 - 3x =f(x) (3.57) The IMPL function results will often depend on the form selected for f(x) as well as the initial guess. The polynomial, x 2 + 3x - 4 = 0, has roots at x = 1 and x = -4. Suppose Eq. (3.56) is used to represent f(x). The convergence of the implicit algorithm may be observed by printing out the variables x and f(x) each time the program passes through the implicit loop. A short program for this purpose is given in Fig. 3.58. With ERROR = 0.05, the following values of X were obtained for the indicated initial values of XO. 174 Advanced Features of CSMP Ch. 3 PARAM XO = -3.0, ERROR = 0.05 NOSORT X = I~PL(XO,ERROR.FCFXt A = 4.0/3.0 e = -tx**2t/3.0 FQFXl = A + B WRITE(6.11 X,FOFXl 1 FORMAT(2E20.10t FfJFX = A + B TIMER FINTIM = 1.0, DELT = 0.25, PRDEL = 0.25 PRINT X TITLE ILLUSTRATION OF I~PlICIT FUNCTION END STOP ENDJOB Fig. 3.58 Program for printing the values of x and f(x) during the implicit loop convergence process. Initial Guess XO 0.5 2.5 -1.0 -3.0 -6.0 Solution X 1 1 1 -4 -4 Rather than present a lengthy discussion on how convergence takes place, the reader is encouraged to submit the previous program of Fig. 3.58 and observe the trial values of X and FOFXl as the program converges to the final value of X. If X is expressed by x = -,v'4 - 3x (3.58) solutions for X, using ERROR = 0.05, are as follows Initial Guess XO Solution X 3.0 -1.0 -2.0 -6.0 -4 -4 -4 -4 We observe that for XO = -1, X converges to +1 in one case and -4 in the other. Ch. 3 Advanced Features of CSMP 115 Corresponding to the program in Fig. 3.58 a portion of subroutine Update will give 30000 X = IMPL( 1, XO,ERROR,FOFX) IF(NALARM) 30002, 30002, 30001 30001 CONTINUE A = 4.0/3.0 B = -(X**2)/3.0 FOFX1 = A + B WRITE(6,1) X, FOFX1 FORMAT(2E20.10) FOFX =A + B GO TO 30000 30002 CONTINUE On first entering the IMPL routine, NALARM is set .equal to 1 and X equal to XO. The value of FOFX is determined and the program returns to 30000. When the error criteria is satisfied, NALARM is set to zero and X set equal to the last value of FOFX. The program goes to 30002 and continues in the simulation. If the error criteria is not satisfied after 100 iterations, NALARM is set to -1 and the run is terminated with a message stating that 100 iterations have been exceeded. The entire implicit function may be considered as a functional block with X as the output variable. Occasions may arise in which intermediate variables defining the implicit function are required for calculations elsewhere in a program. In such cases, extreme care must be exercised to avoid erroneous results. If at all possible, the desired intermediate variables should be recalculated outside the implicit loop. However, it may be possible to define the intermediate variables as outputs from either a procedure function or a user-defined macro which contains the entire implicit loop. Example 3.16 illustrates the use of a macro for this purpose. Rules and guidelines for using the IMPL function can be summarized as follows. I As many statements as desired may be used to define/ex); however, the output name in the last statement of the definition must be identical to the third argument, FOFX, of the IMPL statement. The output name for FOFX cannot be the output of an expression containing an INTGRL block nor can it be the output of a user defined macro, procedure or user-supplied routine. The last statement in the implicit loop cannot be continued. 2 The implicit variable must appear on the right side of an equal sign at least once in the statements defining FOFX. 3 An implicit loop can be defined within a macro or procedure provided the entire set of required statements is contained within the macro or procedure. 4 An implicit loop cannot be defined within another implicit loop. 176 Ch.3 Advanced Features of CSMP Example 3.15 Consider the circuit diagram of Fig. 3.57(a) which was earlier described by the equations (3.59) Vo(t) = i(t)R2 i(t) = ~n(t) _ Vit) Rl Rl (3.60) A simple CSMP program for the solution of i(t) and the resulting output is PARAM R1 = 8.0, R2 = 2.0 VIN = 10.0*STEP(0.0) VO = IA*R2 IA = VINjR1 - VOjR1 TIMER FINTIM = 1.0, DELT = 0.25, PRDEL = 0.25 PRINT IA END STOP ENDJOB SIMULATION INVOLVES AN ALGEBRAIC LOOP CONTAINING THE FOLLOWING ELEMENTS VIN VO IA ********PROBLEM CAN NOT BE EXECUTED******** The algebraic loop can be broken by using the implicit function shown below. PARAM R1 = 8.0, R2 = 2.0, lAO = 2.0, ERROR = 0.05 VIN = 10.0*STEP(0.0) IA = IMPL(IAO, ERROR, FOFIA) = VINjR1 A VO = IA*R2 B = -VOjR1 FOFIA = A + B TIMER FINTIM = 1.0, DELT = 0.25, PRDEL = 0.25 PRINT IA END STOP ENDJOB The output from the PRINT request is TIME 0.0 2.5000E-01 5.0000E-01 7.5000E-01 1.0000E 00 IA 1.0000E 00 1.0000E 00 1.0000E 00 1.0000E 00 1.0000E 00 The initial value of IA is specified on the PARAM card as lAO = 2.0 and the acceptable error as ERROR = 0.05. Note that FOFIA is the last statement used in defining IA and also corresponds to the third argument in the IMPL function. Ch.3 Advanced Features of CSMP 111 Example 3.16 The diagram of a feedback system which does not contain a memory function is shown in Fig. 3.59. An unaware user may write the following program only to find that the simulation involves an algebraic loop. OUTPUT Fig.3.59 Diagram for Example 3.16. (This diagram does not contain a memory function.) PARAM K =0.6 INPUT = STEP(O.O) E = INPUT - OUTPUT Xl = K*E OUTPUT = LEDLAG(1.0, 1.0/5.0, Xl) METHOD RKSFX TIMER FINTIM = 2.0, DELT = 0.05, PRDEL = 0.1 PRINT OUTPUTt END STOP ENDJOB The algebraic loop can be broken by making OUTPUT an implicit function in the following manner. PARAM OUTO = 0.2, ERROR = 0.05, K = 0.6 INPUT = STEP(O.O) OUTPUT = IMPL(OUTO, ERROR, FOFOUT) E = INPUT - OUTPUT Xl = K*E FOFOUT = LEDLAG(1.0, 1.0/5.0, Xl) METHOD RKSFX TIMER FINTIM = 2.0, DELT = 0.05, PRDEL = 0.1 PRINT OUTPUTt END STOP ENDJOB The response of the system has a discontinuity at time equals zero and hence a fixed-step integration method is used to avoid computational difficulties with the variable-step integration. The printed output from the program is shown in Fig. 3.60. One can easily verify by analytical methods that the values for OUTPUT are correct. tOUTPUT is acceptable for S/360 CSMP but should be changed to another variable for CSMP III. 178 Advanced Features of CSMP Ch.3 PRINTED OUTPUT FOR LEDlAG ALGEBRAIC LOOP Tt~E 0.0 1.OOOOE-Ol 2.0000E-Ol 3.0000E-Ol 4.0000E-Ol 5.0000E-Ol b.OOOOE-01 1.0000E-Ol 8.0000E-Ol 9.00 GOE-01 1.0000E 00 1.1000E 00 1.20COE 00 1.3000E 00 1.4000E 00 1.5000E 00 l.bOOOE 00 1.1000E 00 1. BOOOE 00 1.9000E 00 2.00COE 00 OUTPUT 1.5000E-01 b.8202E-01 6.2631E-OI 5.8080E-01 5.4350E-01 5.1296E-Ol 4.8195E-01 4.6747E-01 4.501lE-01 4.3699E-Ol 4.2515E-01 4.1655E-Ol 4.0902E-01 4.0285E-Ol 3.9180E-Ol 3.9361E-Ol 3.9029E-01 3.8152E-01 3.852 5E- 01 3.8339E- 01 3.8181E-Ol Fig. 3.60 Printer output from the algebraic loop containing the LED LAG function. Now suppose that one desires to evaluate the integral of E2 which is often a meaningful index of performance. For this problem, this can be accomplished simply by adding the statement, ISA = INTGRL(0.0,E**2), outside the implicit loop. As an alternate approach, E may be expressed as the output of a macro and incorporated into a program as follows. MACRO E, OUTPUT = CHECK(OUTO, ERROR, K, INPUT) OUTPUT = IMPL(OUTO, ERROR, FOFOUT) E = INPUT - OUTPUT Xl = K*E FOFOUT = LEDLAG(1.0, 1.0/5.0, Xl) END MAC PARAM OUTO = 0.2, ERROR = 0.05, K = 0.6 INPUT = STEP(O.O) E, OUTPUT = CHECK(OUTO, ERROR, K, INPUT) ISA = INTGRL(O.O, E**2) METHOD RKSFX TIMER FINTIM = 2.0, DELT = 0.05, PRDEL = 0.1 PRINT E, ISA, OUTPUT END STOP ENDJOB In summary, the implicit function can often be used for breaking an algebraic loop. The user however should be aware that the specified initial value and the user-selected form of [(x) can influence the solution. Normally, the user will know the general results expected from the simulation. Therefore, if an unexpected (or unwanted) solution is Ch.3 Advanced Features of CSMP 179 obtained when using the IMPL function, one should try several different initial conditions and perhaps change the form of f(x). REFERENCES 1. System/360 Continuous System Modeling Program System Manual Y20-011l, IBM Corporation, Data Processing Division, White Plains, N.Y. 2. MCCRACKEN, DANIEL D., A Guide to FORTRAN IV Programming. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1972. 3. COOPER, LAURA, and MARILYN SMITH, Standard FORTRAN: A Problem-Solving Approach. Boston: Houghton-MifHin Company, 1973. 4. HOLDEN, HERBERT L., Introduction to FORTRAN IV, New York: The MacMillan Company, 1970. 5. ANDERSON, DECIMA M., Computer Programming FORTRAN IV, New York: AppletonCentury-Crofts, 1966. 6. Continuous System Modeling Program III (CSMP III) Program Reference Manual SH-19-7001-2, Program Number 5734-X59, IBM Corporation, Data Processing Division, White Plains, N.Y. 7. SAGE, ANDREW P., Optimum Systems Control, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1968. PROBLEMS 1 Using the END and/or CONTINUE card, solve for the time-history of the value of a bank account over a four~y~ar period. One hundred dollars is deposited at the beginning of the first year at the interest rate of 5 %per year. At the beginning of the second year the interest rate is increased to 6 %, and at the beginning of the third year the interest rate is 6.75 %. The fourth year, the interest rate is 7.5 %. Assume that money is continuously compounded according to the following formula. d$ dt where i = = i$ yearly interest rate (0.05, 0.06, 0.0675, 0.075) Answer: At end of fourth year, $ = 128.72 2 A linear transfer function that can be used to approximate the response of a human operator to a visual command in turning a steering wheel is shown below. The input is a unit-step input. () IN(S) ~- (1.2s (1.6s + l)(O.lls + l)e- O• 2s + 1)(0.15s + 1)(0.OO35s 2 + 0.084s + 1) ~ () o(s) Determine the response of the man to a unit-step input. Note that the e- o. 2s term represents a pure time delay of 0.2 sec. 180 Advanced Features of CSMP Ch. 3 Fig. P3.2 Answer: At TIME = 1.0, (Jo = 1.1874 3 A real estate purchase of $42,000 is financed for 25 years at an interest rate of 9.5 %. Write a CSMP program to calculate the monthly paymerits, the amount paid in interest each month, and the amount paid on the principal each month. Answer: Monthly payment = $366.95, at the tenth month interest = $329.97, principal = $36.98 4 Consider the system represented in the following diagram. Output 1 Output 2 Fig. P3.4 If Input 1 and Input 2 are unit-steps applied at t = 0, find the responses of Output 1 and Output 2. Answer: At TIME = 1.2, Output 1 = 0.39523, Output 2 = 0.12559 5 The location of a hole is given by the X and Y dimensions. Assume that the X dimension varies between 11.900 in. and 12.100 in. with a uniform distribution and Y dimension has a Gaussian distribution with a mean of 5.000 inches and a standard deviation of 0.100 inches. Fig. P3.S Ch.3 Advanced Features of CSMP 181 How many parts in a production run of 1000 will have a radius R outside the tolerance of R = 13.000 ± O.1oo? Answer: 13'5 parts 6 Use subscripted variables and the array form of the integral statement to solve the following set of equations that describe a mechanical system. The system is initially at rest. ml X l m2 x 2 m3x3 where ml kl + (k 1 + k 2)Xl + eXl - k2X2 + (k2 + k 3)X2 + eX2 - k2Xl + k3X3 - k3X2 = 12 sin (4.0t) = 2.3, m2 = = 19.0, k2 = = 0.9 45.0, k3 = 12.0, c = 3.4, eX2 =0 eXl - k3X3 = 0 m3 0.8 12 sin (4.0t) X2 Fig. P3.6 Answer: At TIME = 2.0, Xl = -0.2075, X2 = -0.2707, X3 = 0.4517 7 The gas pressure acting across a small caliber bullet varies with the distance traveled by the bullet down the barrel of the gun. The following table gives this pressure-distance relationship for a 26 in. barrel. X, in. Pressure Ib/in. 2 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15 18 21 26 5,500 13,000 22,500 27,700 30,200 29,000 27,500 22,000 16,000 11,100 6,200 4,100 3,750 3,540 182 Advanced Features of CSMP Ch. 3 Pressure IG;~ ~...J 180 grain bullet Ii X Fig. P3.7 Assume the diameter of the bullet is 0.300 in. and weighs 180 gr (0.0234Ib). The frictional drag on the barrel is to be considered small compared to the gas force. Use Newton's second law to find the time required for the bullet to leave the barrel and the muzzle velocity. Compare answers using the NLFGEN and AFGEN arbitrary function generators. mX =PA Answers: Using AFGEN v Using NLFGEN v = = 27546 in./sec 27512 in./sec 8 An automobile costing $4000 is financed for 36 months with monthly payments of $130.50. The annual effective compound interest rate for this loan can be determined by solving the expression Iannual = + i)12 (1 - 1 where Iannual = annual effective compound interest rate expressed in decimal form (not per cent) i = interest rate per month expressed in decimal form The solution for i (rate per month) can be found from (1 an/i = + i)n + i)n 1 i(1 where in this case an/i 4000 = 130.50 = 30.651 and n = 36. An implicit expression for i can therefore be written as . 1 (1+i)n-l = 30.651(1 + i)n Develop a CSMP program using the IMPL function to solve for i. Include a statement in your program for finding Iannual' Use PRINT to give the values of Iannual and i. What effect does the initial guess for i have on the solution for i? Use i = 0.01 and i = 5.0 as initial values and error = 0.00001. Answers: For i (initial) = 0.01, i = .0089613, For i (initial) = 5.0, same answers Iannual = .11298 9 Use the multiple run capability of a PARAMETER card to solve Mathieu's equation for the following values of a a = b = 2.0, OJ 0.5, 1.5, 3.0, 5.0 = 3.0 Ch. 3 Advanced Features of CSMP 183 Mathieu's equation is d 2y dt 2 + (a yeO) 2b cos rot)y = yeO) = 0 = 2.0 Answers: At TIME 1.0 = a a a a y = 4.979 y = 3.669 y = 2.046 = 0.4326 y = = = = 0.5 1.5 3.0 5.0 10 The figure below shows a tapered beam with an axial load of 10,000 lb and a uniform load of 72 lb/in. The differential equation describing the deflection of the beam is d 2y M = moment due to uniform lead + py El dx2 =-M Using the CALL RERUN statement, find the deflection of the beam. Uniform load x ~' " Y -l- = 72 Ib/in. ~ THCCQ?-i. . t--- =0 H ~ B E I x = 10 - 0.6 Vx = width = 4.0 in. = 1.4 x I 0 6 psi 1O,0001b = 100 in. = BH3/12 Fig. P3.10 Answer: Ymax 0.388 in. = at X = 66 in. 11 The acceleration indicated by an accelerometer is given by the following formula. A = ro;z The equation of motion of the seismic mass is + 2'ronz + ro;z = i ji z I Fig. P3.11(a) 184 Advanced Features of CSMP Ch. 3 Using the multiple run capability of the PARAMETER and END cards, find the indicated acceleration reading for the four combinations of natural frequencies and damping ratios. The input acceleration is shown below. 1. ron 10 rad/sec 0.1 2. ron 10 rad/sec 0.7 3. ron 100 rad/sec 0.1 4. ron 100 rad/sec 0.7 = = = = ,= ,= ,= ,= 3860/sec2 y 0.4 0.5 Fig. P3.11(b) Time Answers: Case Case Case Case 1 2 3 4 At TIME = 0.4, A = At TIME = 0.4, A = At TIME = 0.4, A = At TIME = 0.4, A = 4054.0 2430.0 3839.0 3725.0 12 A steel cantilever beam has a distributed load as shown below. w(x = 15) = 121b/in. y b x ~--------------------------------,~ E = 30 x 106 psi x = 30 in. = 2 in. ~h=lin. 3 1= bh 12 = 1 in4 6 Fig. P3.12 The equation which describes the shape is the following fourth order differential equation. d 4y w(x) dx 4 = - E1 w(x) = density of the distributed load Using the following boundary condition on the left end and the AFGEN function to represent the density of the distributed load, solve for the deflected shape of the beam. yeO) = d~~) = d 2y(0) dx 2 d 3y(0) 2700 = - 180 (lX3= E1 E1 0 Ch. 3 Advanced Features of CSMP 185 Answer: At x = = 30, y -0.111 in. 13 The approximate dimensions of the cross-section of a railroad rail are given by the following table. y o 6 6 1.7 1.0 0.65 0.8 0.95 1.2 2.9 2.9 1.0 0.5 1 1.3 3.0 4.7 4.9 5.0 5.3 6.4 6.55 O---L..-.------+-------' Fig. P3.13 Use the AFGEN function to approximate the shape of the rail and find the center of mass and the moment of inertia about line 0-0. The moment of inertia is given by the following formula. 1= f y 2 t dy Answer: y cg = 2.87 in. 1= 171.9 in.4 14 The transfer function of a system is given by yes) U(s) 12 = (s + 2)(s + 6) 186 Advanced Features of CSMP Ch. 3 A unit-step input is applied to the system. It is desired to sample the output signal, yet), every 0.04 sec as shown in the diagram below. U- __- - I (s Step input 12 + 2)(s + 6) I--Y-X0.04 T = Write a CSMP program which outputs the sampled signal. Use the IMPULS function for modeling the sampler. Answer: y = 0.76307 at TIME = 0.72 using variable-step integration. 15 The following equations describe the motion of a top spinning about a frictionless pivot point. The only external torque is due to gravity. o= I'til rjJ = 2 sin Bcos B - I(~ + til cos B)tiI sin B + WD sin B I' -2I'Otil cos B + I(~ + til cos B)O I' sin B tilO sin B - rjJ cos B ~ = I = moment of inertia of top about spin axis = 0.001 Ib-in-sec 2 I' = moment of inertia of top about a line perpendicular to the spin axis and through the pivot point = 0.04 Ib-in-sec 2 W = weight = 0.8 lb D = 2.0 in. ---() cp Spin axis Fig. P3.1S Find the motion of the top for the following initial conditions. Note the singularity at (J = O. rp = til = 0, ~ = 500 radians/sec, B = 1.0 radians, 0 = 0.5 radians/sec Answer: At TIME = 1.0 sec, B = 63.83°, 'II = 200.55°, ~ = 499.31 rad/sec 16 The difference equation for a low pass filter can be expressed as y(kT) = (1 - rt)x(kT) + rty[(k - I)T] Ch.3 Advanced Features of CSMP for ~ less than 1. For this case select given by x(t) = 0.8 and T = 0.1. The input signal, x(t), is ~ = t 187 + 0.5 sin (611:t) Write a CSMP program which (a) gives the input signal x(t) every 0.1 sec; and (b) gives the filtered signal y(t) every 0.1 sec. t Answer: At TIME = 4.1, x(t) = 4.5755, y(t) = 3.7666 17 A classical problem in the calculus of variation is to determine the path of quickest descent-the brachistochoe problem. This problem involves finding the curve between two points that a sliding particle would descend in the minimum time. The exact curve is a cycloid. x 0,0 ......-Sliding particle y = f(x) y Fig. P3.17 The time required for a mass to slide down a curve under uniform gravity is given by the following expression. __1_ t - ,.j2g fX /1 + y'2 d 'V-y- x 0 Using Euler's equation, the above integral can be minimized by the solution to the following differential equations y' = ~~ - 1 The value of c = 30.32 will yield a solution that will pass through the following point: x = 25, y = 25.9. Using this value of c, solve the above equation to determine the shape of the curve. Note that in integrating the above expression for y', it is necessary to add a small number (10- 6 ) to y to avoid dividing by zero at the start of the integration. Also, it is necessary to use a small step size at the beginning of the integration. Use the CONTINUE card to increase the step size of a fixed-step size integration method (RKSFX) after x = 0.5. Answer: At x = 25, y = tSee Problem 18, Chap. 4 for additional comments. 26.01 188 Advanced Features of CSMP Ch. 3 18 Consider the first-order differential equation given by d~~t) + 3y(t) = u(t) yeO) = 0 where u(t) is a unit-step defined to be 1 for t greater than or equal to zero and zero for t less than zero. One approach for numerical solution to this equation is to use the Tustin approximation for differentiation. In such case d~~) - + ~ [; +!J Y(z) where T is the time between numerical iterations and z is the z-transform variable. Using this approximetion one writes [z +- 1IJ Y(z) + 3Y(z) = 2 z T U(z) which yields T Kl =2+3T' Using the left shifting property of z-transforms gives the difference equation y(kT) = K 1[u(kT) + u((k - I)T] - K2y((k - I)T) (a) Solve the original differential equation using the standard INTGRL function of CSMP. Use trapezoidal integration (i.e., METHOD TRAPZ) with DELT = 0.1. (b) Write a CSMP program which solves the difference equation. Use T = 0.1. Compare the results with that of part (a). Answers: At TIME = 1.0, yet) = 0.31578 [part (a)], yet) = 0.31711 [part (b)] 19 The steady-state current for a 60 hertz-120 volt input to the circuit below is given by the following expression. . [ Ri + L2OJ2 1 = 120 L2OJ2(R 1 + R 2)2 + (R 1R 2)2 J1/2 OJ = 120n The phase angle of the current can be expressed as cp = tan-1 (LOJ) _ tan- 1 [LOJ(R 1 + R 2)J R2 120 volts 60 hertz RIR2 L Fig. P3.19 rad/sec Ch. 3 Advanced Features of CSMP 189 The values of the resistances and inductance with the appropriate tolerances and standard deviations are: Rl = 10 ohms (± 10%), O'RI R2 = 60 ohms (± 20 %), 0' R2 = L = 0.18 henries (± 20%), O'L = 0.33 ohms 4.0 ohms = 0.012 henries Use the GAUSS function to calculate the current and phase angle for gaussian distributed random values of Rt, R 2 , and L. Find the average and standard deviation of both the current and phase angle for 300 different combinations of parameters. An expression for the standard deviation is: n 0' x - ±xi' _ (± X/)2]1/2 /=1 [ /=1 n(n - 1) Answer: i ave = 0'/ = 2.294 amps, 0.104 amps CPave = 0'",= - 34.29° 2.264° 20 The purpose of this problem is to illustrate how a macro is invoked within another macro. Consider the general system diagram shown in Fig. P3.20-1. Both subsystem A and subsystem B can be described by a state equation of the form = [~l(t)J X2(t) [all a21 a 12 J [X 1(t)J a22 X2(t) + [btJr(t) b2 Disturbance A Output Fig. P3.20-1 where Xl(O) = ICI and X2(O) = IC2. The program in Fig. P3.20-2 is a proposed method for writing a single MACRO to describe both subsystems A and B and a single MACRO to describe both XXA and XXB. Verify that the program is correct. 190 Ch.3 Advanced Features of CSMP = = MACRO Y STATECAIl.A12,A21.A22,8l,B2.R.ICI.IC2) XIDOT = AIIOX! • A12 0 X2 • 81 0 R A2l o Xl • A22 0 X2 • B2 0 R X200T Xl INTGHLCICl.XlDOT) X2 INTGRLtIC2.X2UOT) Y Xl ENDMAC = = = • SECOND MACRO FOLLOWS OUT~ = SIMULACINPUT.GAIN.DIST.SII.S12 •••• S21,S22,Srll,SB2.SICl,SIC2) XX STATECSll.Sl2,S2l.S22.SHl.SB2.GAIN0INPUT.SICl.SIC2) QQ INTGRLCO.O.DIST) OUTX XX • QQ ENDMAC ~ACRO = = = • PARAMETERS FOR THE SUBSYSTEMS FOLLOW PARAMETER SAAll = 0.0. SAAl2 1.0. SAA2l = -2.0. SAA22 = -3.0 •••• SABI 0.0. SAB2 1.4. SAGAIN 0.5. SAICI 0.O.SAIC2 0.0 PARAMETER SBAll 0.0. SBA12 1.0. S~A2l -4.0. SBA22 -5.0 •••• SBBl 0.0. S8B2 1.0. SBGAIN 2.1. saICl 0.0. SBIC2 0.0 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = INA STEPCO.O) DISTA 0.2°SINC400.0oTIME) INS = STEPCO.U DISTS EXPC-O.loTIME) XXA SIMULACINA.SAGAIN,DISTA.SAAI1.SAAI2.SAA2l •••• SAA22.SABl.SAR2,SAICl,SAIC2) XXB SIMULACIN~. SBGAIN. DISTB, SBAII. SBAI2. SBA2l •••• SBA22. SBrll. SBB2.SBICl. S8IC2) OUTPUT = XXA • XXB TIMER FINTIM = 2.0, OUTDEL = 0.04 PRTPLT OUTPUTCXXA,XXB) END STOP Fig. P3.20-2 = = = = Find the response of the system for the inputs, disturbances and system parameters as given in Figure P3.20-2. 21 Many problems in control theory formerly solved by classical methods ,are now formulated as an optimal control problem using state space analysis. This problem illustrates the use of CSMP for simulation of a time optimal control problem in which the control is expressed in closed form. The state equations for a particular system are given by 1J [Xl(t)J + [OJ X2(t) 1 u(t) -rJ- with initial conditions Xl(O) = XIO X2(O) = X20 The problem is to find the closed-loop control u(t) such that for any initial set, ~(O), the system response time for state ~(t) is minimized. Figure P3.21-1 gives a diagram which expresses the essence of this problem. The solution for the control u(t) can be expressed as(7) Ch.3 Advanced Features of CSMP 191 Control logic Fig. P3.21-1 which is maximum effort in that u(t) will be either plus or minus one. The solution for the control logic is obtained from the argument of the sign function and is thus given by This equation defines the switching curve as shown in Fig. P3.21-2. +2 -2 - I +1 Fig. P3.21-2 192 Advanced Features of CSMP Ch.3 The program listing for simulating this system is given in Fig. P3.21-3. The complexity of writing a single statement for u(t) can be avoided by grouping the terms of the switching curve. A conventional FORTRAN statement for the sign of a function is used in the simulation along with standard CSMP simulation statements. The FORTRAN statement y = sign (PbP 2) takes the value of P l and multiplies by the sign of P 2 • PARAM ALPHA = 0.4 INCON ICXI = -2.0, ICX2 = 0.0 Xl DOT = X2 Xl = INTGRL(ICXI, XIDOT) X2DOT = -ALPHA*X2 + U X2 = INTGRL(ICX2, X2DOT) GAMMA = ALOG(I.O + ALPHA*ABS(X2» BETA = SIGN(I.O, X2)/(ALPHA*ALPHA) RHO = Xl + (X2)/ALPHA U = -SIGN(l.O, RHO - BETA*GAMMA) TIMER FINTIM = 3.0, OUTDEL = 0.06 PRTPLT Xl (U ,X2) LABEL STATE RESPONSE OF Xl AND X2 FOR TIME OPTIMAL CONTROL END STOP END JOB Fig. P3.21-3 Program listing for time optimal control. The time optimal response, starting from any point in the Xl, X2 plane should respond under control of maximum effort u(t) until the system trajectory reaches the switching curve. At this point the sign of the control is reversed and the system should follow the ideal switching curve to the origin. Use the program above with ICXI = -2 and ICX2 = 0 and find the system response for Xl(t) and X2(t). Use a FINTIM of 3.0 and an OUTDEL of 0.06. Verify that the response intersects the switching curve and then proceeds to the origin. Answer: At TIME = 2.1, Xl = -0.36077, X2 = 0.05055, U = -1.0 4 FURTHER APPLICA TION OF CSMP The types of problems which can be simulated with CSMP are practically unlimited. Consequently, examples in Chaps. 2 and 3 were rather general and specifically selected to illustrate basic features. For the most part, these earlier chapters present those attributes of the program which are required in the majority of simulations. The material in Chap. 4 is somewhat more limited in scope but nevertheless relates to important engineering applications. One normally views CSMP as a tool for obtaining the transient or dynamic response of a system of equations. In the first part of this chapter, however, two methods are given for obtaining the steady-state frequency response of a system. One of these methods relies on direct application of the system transfer function: the Laplace variable s is replaced by jro and the response is obtained as a function of ro. The second method uses transient response information to find the frequency response. The second topic of the chapter deals with particular block diagram forms of transfer functions and illustrates how these diagrams can be used to formulate the system state-variable equations. An example is given in which the state equations are solved using CSMP. Real-time digital control has become increasingly important with recent technological development in the minicomputer and microprocessor field. Therefore, a section is included which gives the basic concepts for simulating direct digital control. The material covers sample and hold simulation, recursive digital control algorithms, and the digital three-mode (PID) controller. Anyone involved with real-time digital control will find this material to be helpful in evaluating the performance of proposed computer control systems. Although CSMP is normally viewed as a software package for simulating continuous systems, the program also has the capability of simulating digital 193 194 Further Application of CSMP Ch. 4 logic. The final section in this chapter presents an introduction to logic simulation and thus provides a method for investigating the performance of purposed configurations without actually building hardware realizations. Frequency Response The concept of frequency response is well known in most scientific fields, particularly physics and engineering. (1-4) Basically this concept arises when considering an nth order, linear, differential equation with constant coefficients. In particular, if such an equation is written as dnx(t) + dn- 1x(t) + ... + dx(t) + (t) dtn an- 1 dtn-1 al dt aox m dtm m dtm = bmd J(t) + b _ d - 1 J(t) and J(t) m 1 1 + ... + b 1 dJ(t) dt + b J(t) 0 (4.1) = F sin rot, the steady-state solution for x(t) can be expressed as + if» (4.2) I X(jro) I = IA(ro) + jB(ro) I (4.3) if> = tan- 1[B(ro)/A(ro)] (4.4) x(t) = IX(jro) Isin (rot where and The question arises as to whether CSMP can be effectively used to calculate the frequency response of a system. The answer is a qualified yes. We have seen that if the transfer function or differential equation of a system is known, the response of the system to any forcing function can be determined using INTGRL, REALPL, LED LAG, CMPXPL, and user-defined transfer function macros. If the forcing function is selected as a sine wave, the response of the system in steady state will yield the I X(jro) I and if>. This, however, is a rather awkward approach in that CSMP must go through the transient portion of the solution for each frequency before reaching steady state. The transient calculations are wasted computer time with respect to determining the steady-state solution. Thus, even though CSMP can be used to determine the frequency response, excessive computer time is required if the procedure described above is followed. Only in rare instances, such as calculating the response for one or two frequencies, could one justify using this procedure. While the above method should generally be avoided, there are other approaches to finding the frequency response using CSMP. Two methods are given below. For the first method a macro is developed and the response determined without using integrators. The second method uses an array of integrators and is applicable to finding the frequency response directly from measured time-domain data. Ch. 4 Further Application of CSMP 195 Frequency Response Without Integration Consider a transfer function of the form G( ) s = + N sS4 + N 4S 3 + N3 S2 + N 2s + Nl + D S4 + D4S3 + D3S2 + D 2s + Dl N6 S5 D6S5 (4.5) S Replacing s by j(f), multiplying out, and collecting real and imaginary terms gives (4.6) Define Xl = (N s(f)4 - N3(f)2 +N X 2 = (N 6(f)s - N 4(f)3 + N 2(f) = X4 = X3 l) (D6(f)S - + D l) D4(f)3 + D 2(f) G(j(f) Xl (Ds(f)4 - D3(f)2 (4.7) giving = X3 + !X2 + jX (4.8) 4 Rationalizing the expression for G(j(f) yields G(' ) j(f) = (Xl X 3 + X 2X4) + j(X2X3 - X l X4) (X~ + Xn (4.9) We therefore have from Eq. (4.8) . [Xi + X~Jl/2 IG(j(f) 1= X~ + X~ (4.10) and from (4.9) (4.11) To compute the frequency response, various values of (f) must be used to calculate Xl' X 2 , X 3 , and X 4 • The values assigned to (f) will normally depend upon the intended application. Typically, linear increments of (f) are used for Nyquist plots whereas logarithmic increments are used for Bode diagrams. The frequency increments will be equally spaced on a log scale provided, i where m (f)min A = 0, 1, 2, ... , m = the total number of steps over the frequency range = starting value of (f) = 1/(the number of desired points per decade) (f)i = (f) for the ith point (4.12) 196 Ch. 4 Further Application of CSMP The natural stepping variable of CSMP is the program variable TIME. The equations for the frequency response developed above are, however, not functions of time. Nevertheless, the index ia can be replaced by TIME if TIME is incremented by 0, a, 2a, 3a, ...... , rna. When integration is not specified in CSMP, the increments of TIME can be controlled by the value of DELT given on the TIMER card. The following example illustrates how these observations may be used for obtaining the frequency response. Example 4.1 The transfer function of a system is given by 25 G(s) = S2 + 3s + 25 (4.13) The frequency response is desired over the range OJ = 0.1 to OJ = 10 radians/sec with 20 equally spaced log steps per decade. A program for this purpose is given in Fig. 4.1. In this program a procedural macro is used to calculate IG(jOJ) I and /G(jOJ). The coefficients ofthe transfer function are placed into the program using the STORAGE and TABLE features. Frequency is incremented by the equation (4.14) OMEGA = WMIN*(10.0**(TIME» ~ACRO FASE, MAG = FREO(N,D,OMEGA) PROCEDURAL Xl N(5)*(OMEGA**4)-N(3)*IOMEGA**2)+Nlll Xl = N(6)*ICMEGA**5)-N(4)*(OMEGA**3)+N(2)*0~EGA X3 = D(5)*(0~EGA**4)-C(31*(OMEGA**2)+D(l) X4 = D(6)*(CMEGA**5)-D(4t*COMEGA**3)+O(2)*OMEGA MAG = (SQRT(Xl*Xl+XZ*X211/CSQRTlX3*X3+X4*X4» CONV = 57.29578 XREAl = XI*X) + X2*X4 XIMAG = X2*X3 - X1*X4 FASE = (ATAN2CXIMAG,XREAL»*CONV IFCFASE)2, 2, ) 3 FASE = FASE - 360.0 2 CONTINUE ENOMAC INITIAL PARAM WMIN = 0.1, WMAX = 10.0 DYNAMIC STORAGE NUM(61, OEN(6) TARLE NUM(l-61 = 25.0, 5*0.0, ••• DENCl-6) = 25.0, 3.0, 1.0, 3*0.0 NOSORT OMEGA = WMIN*(lO.O**(TIME» PHASE, VALUE = FREQ(NU~,DEN,OMEGA) FINISH CMEGA = WMAX * SET OUTDEL EQUAL TO ("IE OVER T~E NU~BER ~F STEPS PER DECADE TIMER FINTIM =.4.0, DUTOEL = 0.05, DELT = 0.05 PRTPLT VALUECOMEGA,PHASE), PHASECOMEGA,VALUE) LABEL OUTPUT FOR EXAMPLE 4-1 END STOP ENOJOB Fig. 4.1 Frequency response program listing using a procedural macro. Ch. 4 197 Further Application of CSMP The value of TIME is incremented as the smallest value ofDELT and OUTDEL. Termination of OMEGA is governed by FINTIM or the finish statement, FINISH = WMAX. One must be careful in specifying FINTIM in this case. When TIME = FINTIM, OMEGA will be (romin)lOFINTIM. For FINTIM = 4 the maximum OMEGA is 10,000 times rom in which gives 1000 for romin = 0.1. Obviously, in this case the FINISH statement will terminate the run. The form of output can be selected by the user. The customary Bode diagram will be obtained if printer-plots of magnitude and phase are requested. As shown on the output in Fig. 4.2, TIME is still listed in the first column and should be ignored except to observe that its increments vary according to the value of OUTDEL. The actual value of OMEGA can be listed on the plots by specifying it as an argument of the requested PRTPLT variable. For example PRTPLT VALUE (OMEGA) The program was. written for any transfer function with up to a maximum of a fifthorder numerator and denominator. The macro could be extended to a more general case, for example a tenth-order numerator and denominator, but at the sacrifice of using more CPU time. Frequency Response Using Array Integrators A transfer function is defined as the ratio of the Laplace transform of the output to the Laplace transform of the input when the system has zero initial conditions. As noted in the previous section, a transfer function can be defined only for linear, time-invariant, systems. The frequency-response function can be determined from the transfer function by replacing s with jro. We can then write f:: f:: Jrot . X( 'ro) x(t)e- dt G(Jro) = _J_ = - - , - : - - - - F(jro) J(t)e- Jrot dt (4.15) where X(jro) and F(jro) are the Fourier transforms of x(t) and J(t) respectively. These integrals are defined provided they are absolutely convergent. This is shown by f:: I x(t)e- Jrot Idt = f:: I x(t) Idt < 00 (4.16) and similarly for the integral involving J(t). If x(t) and J(t) are zero for t Eq. (4.15) becomes < 0, fOO x(t)e- Jrot dt G(jro) = -=-'::':----- f 0 (4.17) J(t)e- Jrot dt Evaluating these integrals gives another method for finding the frequency response. From the standpoint of a numerical integration one would never attempt to evaluate the integral over the range (0, 00). Thus, from practical considerations, the OUTPUT FOR EXAMPLE 4-1 PAGE MINIMUM 2.3506F-Cl .... = TI ~E 0.0 5.0CCO!:-02 1.0COOE-OI 1.5000E-Ot 2.00COE-01 2. 5000E- 01 3.0000E-OI 3.5000E-Ol 4.0000E-Ol 4.5000E-Ol 5. OOOOE- 01 5.5000E-Ol 6. OOOOE-Ol 6.5COOE-Ol 7.0000E-Ol 1.5000E-Ol 8.0000E-01 8.5CCOE-OI 9.0000E-OI 9.5000E-OI 1.0000E 00 I.0500E 00 1.1000E 00 1.1500E 00 1.2000E 00 1.2500E 00 1.3000E 00 1.3500E 00 1.4COOF. 00 1.4500E 00 1.5000E 00 1.5500E 00 1.6000E 00 1.6500E 00 1.7000E 00 1.7500E 00 1.8000E 00 1.8500E 00 1.9000E 00 1.9500E 00 2.0000E 00 2.05COE 00 VALUE 1.0003E CO 1.0004E 00 I.0005E 00 1.0007E 00 1.0008E 00 1.0010E 00 I.0013E 00 1.0016E 00 1.0021E 00 1.0026E 00 1.0033E 00 1.0041E 00 1.00521: 00 1.0066E 00 1.0083E 00 1.0105E 00 1.0132E 00 1.0166E 00 1.0210E 00 1.0266E 00 1.033bE 00 1.0426E 00 1.0541E 00 1.0b88E 00 1.0871E 00 1.1121E 00 1.1439E 00 1.1856E 00 1.2405E 00 1.3132E 00 1.4086E 00 1.5290E 00 1.6b16E 00 1.7459E 00 1.6627E 00 1.3794E 00 1.0402E 00 7.6003E-Ol S.5637E-01 4.1224E-Ol 3. 0950E-.0 1 2.3506E-Ol I VALUE VER.SUS TIME 1 MAXIMUM 1.7459E 00 I -------------------------+ -------------------------+ -------------------------+ -------------------------+ -------------------------+ -------------------------+ -------------------------+ -------------------------+ -------------------------+ -------------------------+ -------------------------+ -------------------------+ -------------------------+ -------------------------+ -------------------------+ -------------------------+ -------------------------+ -------------------------+ --------------------------+ --------------------------+ --------------------------+ --------------------------+ ---------------------------+ ---------------------------+ ----------------------------+ -----------------------------+ ------------------------------+ -------------------------------+ ---------------------------------+ -----------------------------------+ --------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------+ --------------------------+ -----------------+ ----------+ -----+ --+ + Fig. 4.2 Printer-plot of the frequency response amplitude using log OJ steps. OMEGA 1.0000E-01 l.1220E-01 1.2589E-Ol 1.4125E-01 1.5849E-01 1.7783E-Ol 1.9953E-01 2.2387E-OI 2.5119E-Ol 2.8184E-Ol 3.1623E-Ol 3.5481E-Ol 3.9811E-OI 4.4668E-Ol 5.0119E-Ol 5.6234E-OI 6.3096E-Ol 7.0794E-Ol 7.9433E-01 8.9125E-Ol l.OOOOE 00 1.1220E 00 l.2589E 00 1.4125E 00 1.5849E 00 1.1783E 00 1.9953E 00 2.2381E 00 2.5119E 00 2.8184E 00 3.1623E 00 3.5481E 00 3.9811E 00 4.4668E 00 5.01l8E 00 5.6234E 00 6.3095E 00 7.0194E 00 7.9432E 00 8.9125E 00 9.9999E 00 1.1220E 01 PHASE -6.8779E-OI -7.7178E-Ol -8.6606E-Ol -9.7187E-OI -1.0907E 00 -1.2240E 00 -1.3738E 00 -1.5419E 00 -1.7309E 00 -1.9432E 00 -2.1819E 00 -2.4504E 00 -2.7525E 00 -3.0929E 00 -3.4766E 00 -3.9098E 00 -4.3991E 00 -4.9546E 00 -5.5850E 00 -6.3033E 00 -7.1250E 00 -8.0691E 00 -9.1626E 00 -1.0431E 01 -1.1938E 01 -1.3128E 01 -1.5896E 01 -1.8513E 01 -2.l958E 01 -2.6368E 01 -3.2311E 01 -4.0618E 01 -5.2539E 01 -6.9360E 01 -9.0452E 01 -1.1143E 02 -1.2804E 02 -1.3918E 02 -1.4797E 02 -1.5384E 02 -1.5820~ 02 -1.6155f. 02 Ch. 4 Further Application of CSMP 199 range must be limited to a finite practical upper bound, tf' The expression for G(jro) can be viewed as x(t)e- joot dt + foo x(t)e- joot dt G(jro) = ~!~ (4.18) J(t)e-joo dt J(t)e- joot dt f! + f t! So If the integration process is terminated. after t" error in G(jro) will result according to the remaining integrals evaluated from t f to 00.(5) Let the input to a system be a pulse of duration t f/2 where the t f selected is large enough to cover the range of the transient response shown in Fig. 4.3. The INPUT OUTPUT System Fig. 4.3 Typical time comain signals for determining frequency response. input signal is not required to be an ideal pulse but should contain sufficiently high harmonics to cover the frequency range of interest for G(jro). G(jw) can be written as . _f~ x(t) cos (rot) dt - G(Jro) - j f~ x(t) sin (rot) dt st! J(t) cos (rot) dt - j ft! J(t) sin (rot) dt o (4.19) 0 Suppose the frequency response is desired at the frequency points Determining G(jroi ) requires that 84 integrals be evaluated. In particular, if G('ro) J = A(jroi ) - jB(jroi) C(jro) - j D(jroi ) (4.20) then i=1,2, ... ,21 (4.21) and similar expressions prevail for B(jroj), C(jroj), and D(jro;), Observe that A(jroj ) = INTGRL[IC, x(t) cos (rott)] and thus 21 integrals of this form, one for each roi' could be programmed. (4.22) 200 Further Application of CSMP Ch. 4 A series of integrals of this form can best be handled using the integrator array feature of CSMP. This type of integration was presented earlier in Example 3.3. The following example will show how these concepts can be programmed in CSMP for finding the frequency response. t Example 4.2 Find the pulse response and frequency response for the system shown in Fig. 4.4. R(s) + 25 + 3) C(s) s(s - Fig. 4.4 System diagram for Example 4.2. We observe that the closed-loop transfer function is given by C(s) R(s) = 25 S2 + 3s + 25 (4.23) which is identical to the transfer function in Example 4.1. The first problem to resolve is the width of the pulse test function. Comparing the above transfer function to the standard second-order form, S2 + 2'coll s + co;, gives COli = 5 and' = 0.3. The ±1.8% settling time is ts = 4gcoll = 2.67 sec. To insure small error for G(jco) we select a pulse width of 4.2 sec. If we now apply a pulse R given by R = Ql - Q2 Ql = STEP(O.O) Q2 = STEP(4.2) (4.24) then e(t) = x(t) will be the response of the system with R = ret) = f(t) as the input. An ordinary CSMP program can be written for the system in Fig. 4.4 to find e(t). This e(t) plays the role of x(t) in the earlier mathematical discussion. A program for finding the pulse response and the frequency response from CO = 0.1 to co = 10 radians/sec at ten equal log steps per decade is shown in Fig. 4.5. The following key points are noted. Frequency W(I) is calculated in the initial segment using a conventional DO loop. The program determines the pulse response, XX, of the system. The time-varying XX is passed on to a procedure function where the time-varying XA(I), XB(I), XC(I), and XD(I) (I = 1, 2, ... , 21) are determined. The procedure function returns XA(I), XB(I), XC(I), and XD(I) to the arguments of the array integrators A(I), B(I), C(I), and D(I). tSlight modifications are required for using the array integrator in CSMP III. See Chap. 5. '" ILLUSTRATION OF FREQUENCY RESPONSE USING ARRAY INTEGRATION nl~FNSIQN A(21),B(21),C(21),0(21),AIC(21),6IC(21),CIC(21).0IC(21), $ XA(Z1) ,XB(2U ,XC(2U ,XD(2U EOUIVALENCE (Al,A(l)I,(Bl,B(l),(Cl,C(l»,(OI,Oll), $ ( AI C1 , AI C ( 1 ) I r( Bl C1, B I C ( l I ) , (C 1 C 1, C 1 C ( 1) ) , COl C 1,0 I C' U ) , $ (X AI. XA( U ) , ( XB1 , XB( 1) ) ,( XC 1 , XC ( l n , ( XO 1 , X0 Cl )) F I XED I. IT OT AL STORAGE W(Z1). GAIN(2U, PHASE(2U I I I I I ** P1ITIAL XDECAD = 10.0, NUMDEC N(1S'lRT IT0TAl = NUMDEC*XDECAD .. 1.0 X = 0.0 Del 20 1= 1, ITOTAl X = 1.0/XDECAD .. X 20 WeI) = wMIN*(10.0**(X» PA~AMETER 2.0, WMIN 0.1 *'" DYNAMIC 01 = STEP(O.OI 02 = STEP(4.Z1 R = 01 - 02 E = R - XX Xl (25./3.01*E XZ REAlPltO.O,I.0/3.0,Xl) XX INTGRL(O.Q,Xl) Al INTGRL(AIC1,XA1,211 Bl INTGRL(BICl,XBl,211 C1 INTf,~L(CICl.XCl,211 Dl INTGRL(CICl,XDl,21) PR~CEOURE XAl,XBl,XC1.XDl = FJRCE(~,XX,R,ITOTAL) DD 1 I = I,ITOTAL XA(II XX*CfJS(WCI)*TIME) XBC I I XX*SIN( W( I I*TIM~) XCII) ~*COS(W(I)*TIME) 1 XD(I) R*SIN(W(I)*TIME) ENf)PRO * TfRMINAL CONV = 57.29578 DO 3 I = 1,ITOTAl GAIN(l) = (SORTU(IJ**2 .. B(I)**Z)/(SQRTCC(I)**2 .. 0(1)**2)) PHASE(!) = (ATAN2(-R(I),A(I)I-ATAN2(-O(I),C(I»)*CONV IF CPHA S E( 1) ) 9,9.8 8 PHASE(!) = PHASE(!) - 360.0 9 CONTINUE 3 WRITE(6tlO) W(l),GAIN(I), PHASE(1) 10 FnRMAT(IHO,8H OMEGA =,E12.5,3X,11HAMPlITUOE =,2X,E12.5 $,3X,7HPHASE =,2X.FIO.5) ** TIMER FINTIM = 10.0, OUTDEl = 0.2, DElT PRTPl T XX LABEL OUTPUT FOR EXAMPLE 4-2 ARRAY END STIJP 0.001, PRDEl = 0.1 ENDJOB Fig. 4.5 CSMP program listing for finding frequency response with integrator array. 201 202 Ch.4 Further Application of CSMP In the terminal segment conventional FORTRAN statements are used to calculate GAIN(I) / A(I)2 = + B(I)2 '\I C(I)2 + D(I)2 (4.25) PHASE(I) - tan- 1(-B(I») _ tan-1(-D(I») A(I) C(I) PAGE OUTPUT FOR EXAMPLE 4-Z ARRAY xx TIME 0.0' 2.0000F.-01 4.0000E-01 b.0000E-01 8. OOOOF.-O 1 1.0000E 00 1.2000F 00 1.40doE 00 1.6000E 00 1.8000E 00 Z.OOOOE 00 2.2000E 00 2.4000E 00 2.6000E 00 2.8000E 00 3.0000E 00 3.2000E 00 3.4000E 00 3.6000E 00 3.8000E 00 4.0000F 00 4.2000E 00 4.4000E 00 4.bOOOE 00 4.8000E 00 S.OOOOE 00 S.2000!: 00 5.4000E 00 5.bOOOE 00 5.8000E 00 b.OOOOE 00 b.lOOOE 00 6.4000E 00 6.6000E 00 6.8000E 00 7.0000E 00 7.l000E 00 7.4000E 00 7.6000E 00 7.8000E 00 8.0000E 00 8.2000E 00 8.4000E 00 8.bOOOE 00 8.8000E 00 9.0000E 00 9.2000E 00 9.4000E 00 9.6000E 00 c).8000E 00 1.0000E 01 (4.26) MIN IMUM VERSUS TIME -3.6443E-01 XX I 0.0 3.8141E-01 1.0186E 00 1.3555E 00 1.294SE 00 1.0573E 00 --------------------------------------~-+ 8.8749E-01 8.7Zl2E-01 9.5215 E-01 1.0292E 00 1.05l3E 00 l.0279E 00 9.9580E-Ol 9.8l07E-01 9.8608E-Ol 9.9846E-Ol l.0063E 00 l.OOb3E 00 l.0019E 00 9.98l9E-01 9.9741E-01 9.9877E-01 6.l897E-Ol -1.7633E-02 -3.5483E-Ol + --+ -2.9445E-01 -5.7717E-02 1.1226E-01 1.280lE-01 4.8140E-02 -2.9031E-02 -5.1352E-02 -2.8l03E-02 4.1044E-03 1.8961E-02 1.4011E-OZ 1.6021E-03 -6.3230-E-03 -6.3044 E-03 -1.9344E-03 1.8041 E-03 2.6104E-03 1.2482E-03 -3.6340E-04 -9.9750E-04 -6.5606 E-04 -1.4780E-OS 3.4716E-04 3.0644E-04 7.1827E-05 -1.0614E-04 MAXIMUM 1.3641E 00 I ----------+ ---------------------+ ---------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------+ -----------._----------------------+ --------------------------------------+ -------------------------_._------------+ ----------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------+ ---_ . . _-------------------------------+ --------------------------------------+ ----------------------------_._--------+ --------------------------------------+ ---------------------------------------+ ---------------------------------------+ ---------------------------------------+ ---------------------------------------+ ----------------------------_._--------+ --------------------------------------+ ----------------------------+ ----------+ --------+ -------------+ --------------+ -----------+ ---------+ ---------+ ---------+ ----------+ -----------+ ----------+ ----------+ ----------+ ---------+ ----------+ ----------+ ----------+ ----------+ ----------+ ----------+ ----------+ ----------+ ----------+ ----------+ ----------+ ----------+ Fig. 4.6 Pulse response of the system for Example 4.2. 203 Further Application of CSMP Ch.4 The program output for GAIN(I) and PHASE(I) are neither printer-plotted nor printed in the usual CSMP form but are listed using FORTRAN Write and Format statements. The pulse response of the system is given in Fig. 4.6 where we note that the response overshoot is approximatley 36 %, as expected for , = 0.3. We also note that for all practical purposes the system has reached steady state in 4 sec. Frequency response information is given in column format in Fig. 4.7. Comparing this output with the results of Example 4.1 (Fig. 4.2) shows excellent agreement. The decibel amplitude could easily be added to the output listing by inserting the statement, DBGAIN(I) = 20.0*ALOG(GAIN(I» (4.27) along with slight modifications in the Write and Format statements. PROBLEM DURATION 0.0 VAR tABLE XX MINIMUM -3.6443E-01 TIME 4.9000E 00 TO l.OOOOE 01 MAXIMUM 1.3641E 00 TIME 1.0000E-01 PHASE -0.86600 O.10008E 01 PHASE -1.09013 PHASE -1.37399 OMEGA 0.12589E 00 AMPLITUDE 0.10005E 01 O~EGA 0.15849E 00 AMPLITUDE OMEGA 0.19953E 00 AMPLITUDE O.100l3E 01 OMEGA 0.25119E 00 A~PLITUDE a .10021E 01 PH ASE -1.13112 OMEGA 0.31623E 00 AMPLITUDE O.10033E 01 PHASE -2.18208 OMEGA 0.39811E 00 AMPLITUDE 0.10052E 01 PHASE -2.15266 OMEGA 0.50119E 00 AMPLITUDE D.I0083E 01 PHASE -3.47651 OMEGA 0.63096E 00 AMPLITUDE 0.10132E 01 PHASE -4.39891 O~EGA 0.19433E 00 AMPLITUDE D.10210E 01 PHASE -5.58496 OMEGA O.10000E 01 AMPLITUDE O.10336E 01 PHASE -7.12580 PHASE -9.16152 OMEGA 0.12589E 01 AMPLITUOE O.10540E 01 OMEGA 0.15849E 01 A~PLITUDE C.10874E 01 PHASE -11.93899 0.19953E 01 AMPLITUDE O.11440E 01 PHASE -15.89472 OM~GA O.25119E 01 AMPLITUDE O.12405E 01 PHASE -21.95506 OM~GA O.31623E 01 AMPLITUDE O.14086E 01 PHASE -32.29756 OM~GA 0.39810E 01 AMPLITUDE 0.16619E 01 PHASE -52.54179 OMEGA O.SOl18E 01 A~PLITUOE o • 16627 E PH AS E -90.46185 OMEGA = 01 O~F.GA 0.6309SE 01 AMPLITUDE O.10394E 01 PHASE -128.03969 OMEGA O.79432[ 01 AMPLITUDE O.55605E 00 PHASE -141.91351 OMEGA O.99999E 01 AMPLITUDE O.30965E 00 PHASE -158.23978 QMfGA 0.12589E D2 AMPLITUDE ~.17989E PHASE -164.20155 00 Fig. 4.7 Frequency response information for Example 4.2 using the integrator array. lLLU~I~~1 lU~ Lr r~~~UC~~T ~~~ru~~c U~lN~ AKKAT INI~~KAI 1UN OIMFNSION A(2lt,BC21t,C(211,O(21),AIC(211,BIC(Zll,CIC(211,OIC(21I, $ XA(Zlt,XB(21t,XC(21),XO(211 I EQUIVALENCE (Al,A(lll,(Bl,B(III,(Cl,C(lll,CDl,D(llt, I S(AICI,AICCl»,CBICl,BIC(111,(CIC1,CICCll),(DICI,OICClI), I $ (XAl, XACl 1 I , (X Bl, XB ( l I I, CXCI, XC (11 I, ( XOl, XO( 1 1 I FIXE I, I TO TAL STORAGE W(21), GAIN(211, PHASE(211 FUNCTION SIGNAL = (0.0,0.01,(.2,.3814),(.4,1.019),C.6,1.355), ••• ( .8,1.295) , ( 1.0,1.057) , ( 1.2,.8875) , ( 1.4,. 872) , ( 1. 6,.952) , ( 1.8,1.03 I ,. •• (2.0,1.051),(2.2,1.0281,(2.4,.9961,(2.6,.9811,(2.8,.9861, ••• ( 3.0,.9981 , ( 3. 2,1.00) , ( 3.4,1.001 , C3.6,1.00) , (3.8,1.001, ••• (4.00,1.001,(4.2,.6171,(4.4,-.01821,(4.6,-.3541,(4.8,-.2941, ••• (5.0,-.0571,(5.2,.1121,(5.4,.1281,(5.6,.04781,(5.8,-.0291, ••• ( 6. 0 ,- • 051 1 , C6. Z , .... 027 Q I , ( 6 • 4 ,. 004) , ( 6. 6 , • 01 89 I , ( 6. 8 , • 0 t 3 9 I , ••• (7.0,.00151,(7.?,~.00631,(7.4,-.0061,(7.6,-.00191,(7.8,.00181, ••• (8.0,.0026),(8.2,.00123),(8.4,-.00041,(8.6,-.00091,(8.8,-.0006), ••• 0.01 , ( 9.2, O. a1 , 4, 0.01 , ( 9.6, O. 0 1 , ( 9. 8, 0.0 I , ( l O. 0, O. 0 1 I I ° ,q.O, ,q. *. INITIAL PARAMETER XDECAD = 10.0, NUMOEC NOSORT ITOTAl = NUMDEC*XOECAC + 1.0 x = 0.0 00 20 I = 1, !TOT Al X = 1.0/XOECAO + X 20 w( I) = WMIN*' 10.0*"'( XII 2.0, wMIN 0.1 Oyt-iAMIC Ql Q2 Q = STEP(O.OI = STEP(4.21 = Ql - Q2 XX Al 81 Cl AFGE~(SIGNAl,TIM~1 INTGRL(AICl,XAl,211 INTGRL(RICl,XBl,21 I INTGRL(CICl,XCl,211 Dl INTGRl(DICl,XOl,~!1 PROCEOUFE XAl,X91,XCl,XDl = FORCE(W,XX,P,ITOTAlI DO 1 I = 1,ITOTAL XA( I) Xx*CCS(W( I I*TIMEI XBIII XX*SIt-JOHII*TIMF.1 XC ( I I R*c 0 S ( W( I 1*T I ~ F. ) 1 XDIII R*SIN(W(IIHt~FI ENOPRO • ~ETHCD RKSFX TERMINAL TFRMlf\Al CONV = 57.Zt:;578 DO 3 I = 1,ITOTAl GAIN(l) = (SQRT{!\(It**2 + B(l 1**2) II(SQRT(C(I)**Z + DCII**2lt PHASE(I) = (ATAN2(-B(I),!\(I»-AUN2C-D(II,C(IIII*CONV IF(PHASE(IIIQ,9,8 8 PHASE( II = PHASE! I I - 360.0 9 CONTINUE 3 WRITE(6,101 W(lI,GAPHII, PHASE(!I 10 FORMAT(lHO,8~ CMEGA =.~12.5,3X,11HAMPlITUOE :,2X,E12.5 $,3X,7HPHASE =,2X,F10.51 ** = = TIMER FINTIM 10.0, OUTOEl 0.2, DELT = 0.005, PRDEl : 0.1 PRTPLT XX lABEL ARRAY INTEGRATION USING NUMERICAL FUNCTION EXAMPLE 4-Z !:NO STOP Fig. 4.8 CSMP program listing for finding frequency response from pulse response using the integrator array. Ch.4 205 Further Application of CSMP The CPU time for running this program on the 360/65 was approximately 40 sec. The multiple integrations account for the rather large CPU time as compared to Example 4.1 which used only 10 sec for twice as many frequency points. Obviously, if the system transfer function is known, the method of Example 4.1 is preferred over the array integration method. The real advantage of the array-integrator method exhibits itself in the following light. There are many practical systems where direct frequency response measurements are extremely difficult and uneconomical to obtain. Making such measurements on chemical process plants and metal-rolling mills is practically out of the question. However, the pulse response of many systems can be directly and economically measured. If this time domain data is coupled to the array-integrator program via either AFGEN or NLFGEN then the system frequency response can be obtained. To illustrate this point, suppose the time response data of Fig. 4.7 is used to define a function. FUNCTION SIGNAL = (0.0, 0.0), (0.2, 0.3814), ... from which the signal XX is obtained by: XX = AFGEN (SIGNAL,TIME) The program in Fig. 4.8 has incorporated these changes by simply removing the original system-transfer function. The resulting frequency response information is shown in Fig. 4.9. The response compares favorably to the "exact" answers and deviations can be attributed to interpolation inaccuracy. In summary, this section shows two methods for obtaining a system frequency response using CSMP. The first method applies directly to those systems with known transfer functions. The second method can be applied to systems with known transfer functions and, moreover, has its greatest value in determining the frequency response from pulseresponse information as measured directly from the physical system. State Variable Formulation from Transfer Functions The occasion often arises when one wishes to express the dynamics of a system in state-variable form rather than the customary transfer function. The state equations for a linear, time-invariant, system can be written as + Ru(t) yet) = Cx(t) + Du(t) i.(t) = Ax(t) (4.28) (4.29) where x(t) = n-dimensional column vector called the system state vector, yet) = q-dimensional column vector called the system output vector, u(t) = m-dimensional column vector called the system input vector, and A, B, C, and D have appropriate matrix dimensions. 206 Further Application of CSMP OMEGA OMEGA OMEGA OMEGA OMEGA OMEGA = 0.10000E Ch. 4 00 AMPLITUDE 0.99969E 00 PHASE. 0.12589E 00 AMPLITUOE 0.99986E 00 PHASE 00 AMPLITUDE 0.10001E 01 PHASE 00 AMPLITUDE 0.10006E 01 PHASE 00 AMPLITUDE 0.10013f 01 PHASE 0.31623E 00 AMPLITUDE O.10024f 01 PHASE 0.10041F.: 01 PHASE 0.10069£ 01 PHASE = 0.15849E = 0.19953E = 0.25119E = 0.39811£ = 0.50119E = 0.63096E = = = -0.68448 -0.86155 = = = -1.08507 -1.36697 -1.72244 -2.17153 = = 00 Af.'PL I TUDE 00 AMPLITUDE 00 AMPLITUDE 0.10113E 01 PHASE 0.79433£ 00 AMPLITUDE 0.10183£ 01 PHASE 01 Af.1?L ITUDE 0.10297E 01 PHASE 0.12589E 01 AMPLITUOE 0.104B6E 01 PHASE 01 AMPLITUDE 0.10623E 01 PHASE -15.71143 OMEr,A 0.19953f 01 AMPLITUDE 0.11272E 01 PHASE -16.04182 OMEGA 0.25119E 01 AMPLITUDE 0.12128E 01 PHASE -21.98824 AMPLITUDE 0.14504£ 01 PHASE -33.11356 I TUDE 0015816E 01 PHASE -52.59436 01 AMPL I TUllE 0.15293£ 01 PHASE -89.78917 01 At-1PL TrUDE 0.7401'+E Uo PHASE -128.34552 OMEGA 0.7943?'E 01 MHlL t TUI)E 0.42237£ 00 PHASE -149.91252 OME(;A 0.99999£ 01 "~PLITuOE 0.20528E 00 PHASE -155.85031 OMEGA OMEGA OMEGA OMEGA OMEGA OMEGA OMEGA OMEGA OMEGA OMEG" OM£GA = 0.10000E = 0.15849E = 0.31623£ 01 0.39810£ 01 = 0.5011AE = 0.630QC:;f At~PL = -2.73948 -3.45968 -4.37542 = -5.54671 -7.05657 = -9.01148 Fig. 4.9 Frequency response information obtained by Fourier transform. Consider a system represented by the transfer function C(s) _ R(s) - S4 a2 s2 + ai s + a o + bss s + b2s 2 + b i s + bo (4.30) A block diagram which represents this transfer function is given in Fig. 4.10. The following equations can be written from the diagram. = X2(t) xit) = xs(t) XI(t) xlt) = X4(t) X4(t) = r(t) - bOXI(t) - b Ix 2(t) - b2Xs(t) - bSX4(t) Ch.4 Further Application of CSMP 207 C(s) Fig. 4.10 Block diagram for phase variable state equations. and e(t) = a Oxl + a1x2 + a 2X 3 Expressing these equations in matrix form gives o 1 (t)] o ][Xxit) + 1 -b 3 x 3 (t) xlt) [0] 0 ( r t) 0 (4.31) 1 and e(t) = (4.32) [a o Comparing with Eqs. (4.28) and (4.29) we have A= [~ ~ r ~] -b o -b 1 -b 2 -b 3 B= [~] 1 and x(t) = [Xl(t), X2(t), x 3 (t), X4(t)Y, yet) = e(t), net) = ret). Assuming the input to the system in Fig. 4.10 is a unit step, a CSMP program 208 Ch. 4 Further Application of CSMP corresponding to the system diagram can be written as R = STEP (0.0) E = R - BO*Xl - BhX2 - B2*X3 - B3*X4 X4 = INTGRL (0.0, E) X3 = INTGRL (0.0, X4) X2 = INTGRL (0.0, X3) Xl = INTGRL (0.0, X2) C = AO*Xl + Al *X2 + A2*X3 TIMER FINTIM = 3.0, OUTDEL = 0.1 PRTPLT Xl, X2, X3, X4, C END STOP ENDJOB The constants AO, AI, A2, BO, B1, B2, and B3 are usually given on parameter cards and FINTIM and OUTDEL will depend upon these coefficients. This procedure for programming a transfer function can easily be extended to higher-order polynomials. The state variable formulation in this particular form is commonly known as the phase variable representation.(6.7.S) This illustration shows that a set of state equations can always be written for a system transfer function. The state-representation for a transfer function is not unique. In fact, it can be proven that for a given transfer function there exist infinitely many state representations. Another method for expressing the transfer function of Eq. (4.30) is given in Fig. 4.11. Using the output of each integration (the l/s terms) as states, one can R(s)~'-----"---"--------' Xl Fig. 4.11 Alternate block diagram form for state variable representation. = C(s) Ch. 4 Further Application of CSMP 209 easily write a set of equations corresponding to Eqs. (4.28) and (4.29). This is done in an exercise at the end of this chapter. Digital Control Systems Digital computers have become an important method for controlling feedback systems. The purpose of this section is to illustrate how CSMP can be used to simulate the digital control process. A simplified diagram showing the role of the digital computer in a feedback system is given in Fig. 4.12. The analog output of the system is converted to a binary representation by the analog to digital (A/D) converter. The system input must be converted to a compatible binary representation. The computer subtracts the binary output from the binary input to form a binary error signal. The error signal becomes the "input" to a properly selected control algorithm. INPUT Computer calculations OUTPUT Fig. 4.12 Basic digital feedback control system. Assume that algorithm calculations are made every T sec to form the binary signal, m, as shown in the diagram. This binary signal is converted to an analog signal by the digital to analog converter (D/ A) to produce the signal q which is applied to the system. The design problem is to determine the algorithm which satisfies system specifications. The functions carried out by the computer hardware in Fig. 4.12 can be equivalently represented by the more straightforward model as given in Fig. 4.13. The problem of selecting the control algorithm reduces to one of finding the function D(z) where z is the z-transform variable. The major attention in this section will be given to the simulation problem, since methods for finding D(z) are given in the literature. (9.10.11) 210 Ch.4 Further Application of CSMP ~ OUTPUT Zero-order hold Digital controller Plant Fig. 4.13 Simplified diagram for digital control. Example. 4.3 The system shown in Fig. 4.14 does not include a controller D(z). It is desired, however, to investigate the effect of the sampling process on the system stability. Ideal sampling, followed by a zero-order hold, can be simulated as follows. If the input to the ideal INPUT + E - Zero-order hold "f T Q 10 s(s OUTPUT + 3.5) Fig. 4.14 System diagram with sample and hold. (Example 4.3.) sampler is E, then the output of the zero-order hold can be represented as Q. This process can be simulated using the following CSMP statements. Al = IMPULS(O.O, T) Q = ZHOLD(Al, E) The reader will recall that Al = IMPULS(PI, P2) produces a unit-impulse train starting at PI with pulses occurring every P2 sec. Properties of the zero-order hold are defined in Table 4.1. (Also, see Appendix I) Table 4.1 Properties of the Zero-Order Hold Function CSMP Form Q = ZHOLD(Al, E) Q(t) Q(t) Q(t) =E = last output =0 AI> 0 Al <0 t = initial t Ch.4 T = Further Application of CSMP 211 Now suppose we desire to find the step response of the system for sampling times of 0.3 and T = 0.8. A simple program for this purpose is given below. PARAM T = (0.3, 0.8) INPUT = STEP(O.O) E = INPUT - OUTPUT Al = IMPULS(O.O, T) Q = ZHOLD(Al, E) Xl = (10.0/3.5)*Q X2 = REALPL(O.O, 1.0/3.5, Xl) OUTPUT = INTGRL(O.O, X2) METHOD RKSFX TIMER FINTIM = 6.0, OUTDEL = 0.24, DELT = 0.01 PRTPLT OUTPUT LABEL STEP RESPONSE OF SYSTEM WITH SAMPLE AND HOLD END STOP ENDJOB A fixed-step integration (RKSFX) is selected for this example to insure that an integration is performed when the sampling switch closes. If a variable-step integration is used, the integration will not generally occur at the sampling time but rather when KEEP = 1. The resulting response will not be representative of uniform sampling every T sec. When using the sample and hold, variable integration can be selected but either OUTDEL or PRDEL should be chosen to be a sub-multiple of the sampling interval. Fixed-step integration is recommended for simulating discrete data systems. This is particularly important when a digital controller is placed in the system. The responses in Fig. 4.15 show the effect of the sampling process on the system stability. The continuous system response has approximately 12 % overshoot while the overshoot becomes larger as T in the sampling process is increased. Example 4.4 The purpose of this example is to illustrate a procedure for finding the time response of a closed-loop feedback system which contains a digital controller, D(z), and a zeroorder hold. The basic block diagram of the system is shown in Fig. 4.16. This system is identical to the one given in Example 4.3 except the gain is raised from 10 to 70 and a digital controller is added to the system. A procedure for selecting the controller is given in reference 11. First consider the simulation of D(z) followed by the zero-order hold. For this example the particular D(z) is given by 0.981 D(z) -- 0 .1 zz -- 0.998 If this function is represented in a more general form as D( ) z = ao 1 + al z - 1 + b1z-1 we can easily employ the phase variable or rectangular programming methods given in the previous section by replacing s by z. The block diagram for the rectangular form is 212 Ch. 4 Further Application of CSMP given in Fig. 4.17. The controller and the zero-order hold can be programmed as a MACRO using the following CSMP statements: MACRO E2 = COMP(SAMTIM, TX, AO, AI, Bl, El) TX = IMPULS(O.O, SAMTIM) EZ = TX*El YO = AO*EZ + PI Yl = Al*EZ - Bl*YO PI = DELAY(I000, SAMTIM, Yl) E2 = ZHOLD(TX, YO) END MAC This macro is completely general for any D(z) of the form so prescribed and can easily be extended to higher-order D(z). A block diagram of the total system is shown in Fig. 4.18 and is used to identify the inputs and outputs of the various blocks within the CSMP program. Figure 4.19 gives the program listing corresponding to the block diagram. Figure 4.20 gives the step response, e(t), of the compensated system. Compare this response to that obtained earlier in Example 4.3. The gain was 10 but has now been raised to 70. Note also that fixed-step integration is used with DELT = 0.02 to insure that integration is performed at the sampling interval of T = 0.1. While the method for simulating D(z) given in this example is completely general for any digital controller, it is not directly the method followed in programming a control algorithm for real-time digital control. We recall that the operator Z-l was simulated by STEP. RESPONSE OF CONTINUOI.JS SYSTEM TO COMPARE WITH SAMPLE AND HOLD MINIMUM OUTPUT VER sus 0.0 OUTPUT TIME (a) Continuous system 0.0 I.llOOOE-Ol 3.6000E-01 5.40COE-OI 7.2COOE-01 9.0000E-01 I.OBOOE 00 1.2600E 00 1.4400E 00 1.62COE 00 I.S000E 00 1.9BOOE 00 2.1600E 00 2.3400E 00 2.5200E 00 2.7000~ 00 2.BaCOE 00 3.0600E 00 3.2400E 00 3.4200E 00 3.6000E 00 3.7 eCOE 00 3.9600E 00 4.1400E 00 4.3200E 00 4.'5COOE 00 4.6aOOE 00 4.8600E 00 5.04COE 00 5.nCOE 00 5.4000E 00 5.5800E 00 5.7600E 00 0.0 1.2934E-Ol 4. 0196E~01 6.87UE-Ol 9.1221E-01 1.0526E 00 1.1I51E 00 1.1215E 00 1.0964E 00 1.0605E 00 1.0272E 00 1.003lE 00 9.8956E-Ol 9.8478E-01 9.8579E-01 9.8966E-01 9.9414E-Ol 9.9789E-01 1.0004E 00 1.0016E 00 1.0019E 00 1.0016E 00 1.001lE 00 1.0005E 00 1.0001E 00 9.9988E-01 9.9977E-Ol 9.9977E-01 9.9982E-01 9.9989E-01 9.9995E-Ol I.OOOOE 00 I.OOOOE 00 PAGE MAXIMUM T I ME 1.1215E 00 I + -----+ -----------------+ ------------ -------- ---------- + ----------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------- ------------ - - - - - + -------------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------+ ----------- ----------------------------------- + ---------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------- + ------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------+ --------------------------------------------+ --------------------------------------------+ ----------- -------------------------------- + --------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------+ --------------------------------------------+ --------------------------------------------+ --------------------------------------------+ --------------------------------------------+ --------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------+ --------------------------------------------+ ---------------------.,.----------------------+ --------------------------------------------+ --------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------ ------- + Fig. 4.15 System step-response for Example 4.3. Ch. 4 213 Further Application of CSMP PAGE "lINIMU"l 0.0 TIME (b) Sample and hold, T ==0.3 sec OUTPUT VERSUS TIME T = 3.0000E-01 OUTPUT 0.0 2.4000E-Ol 4.8000E-Ol 7.2 eOOE-OI 9.60001'-01 1.2000E 00 1.4400E 00 1.6800E 00 1.9200E 00 2.1600E 00 2.4000E 00 2.64COE 00 2.88COE 00 3.1200E 00 3.3600E 00 3.60001: 00 3.84COE 00 4.0800E 00 4.3200E 00 4.5600E 00 4.8COOE 00 5.0400E 00 5.2 eCOE 00 5.5200E 00 5.76COE 00 6.0000E 00 0.0 2.21eOE-01 6.6318E-Ul 1.0e24: 00 1. 3189E ~O 1.3460E 00 1.2343E 00 1.0719E 00 9.3795:-01 8.7641E-Ol 8. 8489E- 01 9.3330E-Ol 9'. 9045E- 01 1.0314E 00 1.0453 E 00 1.0368E 00 1.0175E 00 9.9823E-01 9.8635E-Ol 9.8408 E'-O 1 9.8875E-Ol 9.9594E-Ol 1.·.;)022E 00 1.0054E 00 1.0053E 00 1.0032E 00 MAXIMUM 1.8433E 00 I -----------------+ ----------------------------- + -----------------------------------+ ------------------------------------+ ---------------------------------+ ----------------------------- + -------------------------+ -----------------------+ ------------------------+ -------------------------+ ---------------------------+ --------------------------+ ---------------------------- + ----------------------------+ -------- ------------------- + ---------------------------+ --------------------------+ -------- ------------------ + --------------------------+ ---------------------------+ ---------------------------+ ---------------------------+ --------------------------- + ---------------------------+ PAGE MINIMU'" 0.0 Tt ME (c) Sample and hold, T == 0.8 sec OUT PUT VERSUS T I ME T = 8.0000E-Ol OUTPUT 0.0 2.4000E-01 4.8000E-01 7.2000E-01 9.6000E-01 1.2000E 00 1.4400E 00 1.6eCOE 00 1.9200E 00 2.1600E 00 2.4000E 00 2.6400E 00 2.8eOOE 00 3.1200E 00 3.3600E 00 3.6000E 00 3.8400E 00 4.0eOOE 00 4.3200E 00 4.5600E 00 4.8000E 00 5.0400= 00 5.2800E 00 5.5200E 00 5.7600E 00 6.0000E 00 0.0 2.2180E-Ol 7.0724E-Ol 1.3065E 00 1.7891E 00 1.8172E 00 1.6271E 00 1.3451E 00 1.0454E 00 7.4309E-Ol 4.3961E-Ol 3.6110E-Ol 5.4558E-Ol 8.4359E-Ol 1.1343E 00 1.2845E 00 1.3667E 00 1.4058E 00 1.2947E 00 1.0894E 00 8.4347E-Ol 7.0573E-01 7.0726E-Ol 7.6892E-Ol 8.6170E-Ol 9.8047E-Ol MAXIMUM 1.8433E 00 I + ------+ -------- --------------------- ----------- ---- - - - - + ------------------------------------------------- + --------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------ + ---------------------------- + -----------+ ---------+ --------------+ ------------------------------+ ----------------------------------+ ------------------------------------+ --------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------+ -----------------------------+ ----------------------+ -------------------+ -------------------+ -------------------- + -----------------------+ --------------------------+ Fig. 4.15. (Continued) ---lv;Lx OUTPUT T~~ Fig.4.16 System diagram with a digital controller. (Example 4.4.) 214 Further Application of CSMP Ch. 4 e~-.e_z~______~______-, T Fig. 4.17 Block diagram representation for the realization of a first-order digital controller. C(s) Fig. 4.18 Total simulation diagram for Example 4.4. MACRO E2 TX fZ YO Yl P1 E2 COMP(SAMTIM, TX, AO, Al, Bl, Ell IMPULS(O.O, SAMTIM) TX*El AO*El + PI AI*El - 81*YO DELAY(10JO, SAMTIM,Y1) lHOLDnX, YO) ENOMAC * PLANT STRUCTURE FOLLQWS = -0.0981, 81 PARAMETEP AO = 0.1, Al C = INTGRL(0.0,X2) -0.998, SAMTIM .1 X2 REALPLlO.Q,0.Z86,XIJ Xl = 20.0*E2 E2 = COMP(SAMTIM, TX, AO, Al, 81, El) El=R-C R. = STEPlO.O) METHOD RKSfX TIMER FINTIM = 5.0, OUTDEL = 0.18, DElT = 0.02 PRTPLT C LABEL STEP RESPONSE FOR DIGITAL CONTROL SYSTEM EXAMP. 4-4 END STOP ENOJOB Fig. 4.19 Program listing for a digital control system. (Example 4.4.) STEP RESPONSE FOR DIGITAL CONTROL SYSTEM EXAMP. c MINI MUM TtME 0.0. 1.80001:=-('11 3.6000E-01 5.4000E-01 1.?OOOE-n 1 9. OOOOE-Ol 1.0800E 00 1.2600E 00 1. 4~OOE 00 1.b200E 00 1.S000E 00 1.9800E 00 2.1600E 00 2.3400E 00 2.5200E 00 2.7000E 00 2.8800E 00 3.0600E 00 3.2~OOE 00 3.4200F 00 3.60001: 0('1 3.7800E 00 3.9600E 00 4.14001; 00 4.3200E 00 ~.5000E 00 4.68001:: 00 4.8600E 00 215 Further Application of CSMP Ch. 4 ~-~ VERSUS TIME 0.0 c 0.0 9.2493E-02 3.0146E-Ol 5.4612E-Ol 7.7337E-01 9.5472 E-Ol 1.0806E 00 1.1542 F. 00 l.lS51E 00 1.l857E 00 1 .1681 E 00 1.1421E 00 1.11~8 E 00 1.0906 E 00 1.0716E 00 1.0582 E 00 1.0499E 00 1.0456E 00 1.0439E 00 1.043SE 00 1.0443E 00 l.0449E 00 1.0451E 00 1.0449E 00 1.044LE 00 1.0430E 00 1.0416E 00 1.0400E 00 PAGE MAXIMUM l.1883E 00 I + ---+ ------------+ ----------------------+ --------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------+ ---------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------------+ ---------------------------------------------+ ---------------------------------------------+ --------------------------------------------+ --------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------+ ----------------------~--------------------+ -------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------+ ----~--------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------. Fig.4.20 Step response of a system containing a digital controller. (Example 4.4.) using the CSMP DELAY function. In the following example the controller will be programmed using a recursive difference equation. Example 4.5 The system diagram of a process to be controlled by a digital algorithm is shown in Fig. 4.21. (12) We note from the diagram that D(z) is given by D(z) = Q(z) E(z) = 0.19185(z - 0.56496)(z - 0.96585) (z - 0.99501)(z - 0.42857) (4.33) This controller can be programmed as a difference equation using either a direct, cascade, or parallel realization. (11) Each of these methods will be briefly discussed. Direct Realization. The function D(z) can be expressed as D( ) = Q(z) __ 0.19185z 2 -- 0.29368z + 0.10469 z E(z) -Z2 -- 1.42358z + 0.42643 (4.34) The standard procedure here is to divide the numerator and denominator by and cross-multiply. In terms of Q(z) and E(z) this yields Q(z) = 0.19185E(z) -- 0.29368z- 1E(z) + 1.42358z- 1 Z2 + 0.10469z- 2 E(z) Q(z) -- 0.42643z- 2 Q(z) (4.35) 216 Further Application of CSMP Ch. 4 ,------------------------------, I I Digital computer I I I I I INPUT + E(z) 0.19185(z - 0.56496) (z - 0.96585) I (z - 0.99501) (z - 0.42857) : : L __________________________ J ,-- - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I I OUTPUT I I--t-~ I I I I I I Analog process I L _________________ ~ _ ~ ____________ J I Fig. 4.21 System diagram with second-order digital controller. (Example 4.5.) Using the real-translation property of z-transforms(13) gives Q(nT) = 0.19185E(nT) - 0.29368E[(n - I)T] + 1.42358Q[(n - + 0.10469E[(n - 2)T] l)T] - 0.42643Q[(n - 2)T] (4.36) where T is the sampling interval, n = 0, I, 2, ... , and Q(nT) = the present value of the output Q at t = nT Q[(n - l)T] = the first past value of Q Q[(n - 2)T] = the second past value of Q E(nT) = the present value of the input Eat t = nT E[(n - 1)T] = the first past value of E E[(n - 2)T] = the second past value of E For convenience in programming, the expression for Q(nT) is written as Q = 0.19185E - 0.29368El + 0.10469E2 + 1.42358Ql - 0.42643Q2 The present value of E is always known in a process. After solving for Q, the coefficients of the algorithm are immediately updated by including the following statements; Q2 = Ql Ql =Q E2 =El El =E (4.37) Ch. 4 Further Application of CSMP 217 INITIAL El 0.0 01 r-2 0.0 0.0 0.0 Q2 PARhM K = ?2e:. CYNA~IC INPUT = STEP/C.O) E = H1PLJT - CL T OUT = IWGflt (0.0, X2) X2 = INTGRlIC.O, X2D) X2D = X3 - 5.71*X2 X3 = iNTGRl(O.O, X3f11 X3D = X4 - ~.7l*X3 X4 X5 Al = K *X5 = ZhCl[(AI. CI = IMPUL~(C.O. C.l) Q = OlJ~MY(F.,El,f2,Ql,Q2,Al) IF(!I.NE.l.C) Gn Te 10 rF(KE~p.~E.I.C) GC TO 10 Q = .191d5*F-.29368*El+.10469*E2+1.42358*Ql-.42643*Q2 ~!H~CEOl)lU E2 E1 E1 = E Q2 Q1 10 = = Q1 Q COI\TINUE [f\!)PRfl "'ETHon RKSFX Tr~ER fINTIM PRTPLT OUT LABEL OUTPUT = 8.0, CUTDfL ~OR = 0.16, O~lT 0.01 FXAMPlE 4-5 EhD STOP ENDJOB Fig. 4.22 Program listing for Example 4.5 using direct realization. A CSMP program which incorporates this realization for D(z) is given in Fig. 4.22. We note that the expressions for D(z) are given as a procedure function since they must be executed sequentially. The statement IF(KEEP.NE.1.0) GO TO 10 insures that the statements of the procedure function cannot be executed except when an integration is performed. Furthermore, when fixed-step integration is selected, the statement IF(A1.NE.1.0) go to 10 allows the procedure function to be executed only at sampling instants nT where n = 0, 1, 2, ... and T (sampling time) is an integral multiple of DELT. One will note that when a variable step-size integration method is used, integration will not normally occur at nT and the program will generally give misleading results. Initial values for E1, E2, Q1 and Q2 are given in the INITIAL segment. It is important to observe that E2 is updated prior to El and Q2 is updated prior to Q1 in the procedure function. The response of the system for a unit-step input applied at t = 0 is given in Fig. 4.23. 'JUTPIJT FOR E:XAMPLE 4-5 PAGE ~l q ~L~ CUT VERSUS TIME TI MI= 0.0 1.6000f-Ol 3.2ceCF-e1 4.800QE-01 6.4CCOE-01 8.0ceCE-e1 9.6000F-Ol 1.12eeE 00 1.2800r 00 1.'~400F 00 1.6eceE CC 1.7600E 00 1.92eOE 00 2.08eeo:: cc 2.24COE 00 2.4CCOE CO 2.56001= 00 2.72COE 00 2.eecct: CO "3.0400E CO 3.20COE 00 3.3600'" 00 3.5200E 00 3.6fce!:: CC 3.B400E 00 4.0eceE 00 4.1l:00F: OC 4.32001: 00 4.4800': 00 4.6400~ 00 4.8UOOI= 00 4.<;HCr: CO 5.1200£' 00 5.?eCCf 00 5.44eo", oe 5.6CCOF 00 5.7600E CO 5.92eOE 00 6.i.l800F 00 6.?4eCE 00 6.40001: 00 6.56ceE 00 6.72ceE CC 6.8900E 00 7.04eOE 00 7.20COI: 00 7.36COE 00 1.~2eOE ce 7.6dOOE 00 1.84COF OC 8.0ceeE 00 OUT 0.0 2.7389E-02 1.4014E-e1 3.1569E-01 5.1261E-01 1.0248E-Ol 8.6790E-Ol 1.COC<;E cc 1.1001'= CO 1.1678E OC 1.20BSE CC 1.2286E 00 1.2326E 00 1.2251E ac 1.2120E 00 1.1941E ac 1.1761E 00 1.1577E ce 1.1406E ce 1.12!>2E CO 1.lJ..18E ac 1.1003E ac 1.0905t: OC 1.ce23E CC 1.0752E OC 1.06'12E 00 1.0640E OC 1.0595E oe 1.0554F co 1.0516f CC 1.0482E 00 1.04?OE CC 1.0420t 00 1.0392E 00 1.0365E ec 1.0340E ae 1.0317E 00 1.0295E CC 1.0274:: 00 1.0255E CC 1.0231E CC 1.0220E 00 1.0204E ce 1.0189E ec 1.0176E ao 1.011:3E CC 1.01S2E CO 1.0141E CC 1.0BIE 00 1.0122E CC 1.01l3E CC MAXIMUM 1.2328f 00 C.O I + -+ -----+ ------------+ --------------------+ ----------------------------+ -----------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------+ --------------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------------+ ---------------------------------------------+ ---------------------------------------------+ --------------------------------------------+ --------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------+ ----------------------------~------------+ -----------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------+ Fig. 4.23 Unit-step response of the second-order digital control system. (Example 4.5.) Cascade Realization. For cascade realization, D(z) is expressed as D( ) = Q(z) = 0 19185[1 - O.56496z- 1 ][1 - O.96585Z- 1 ] Z E(z)' 1 - O.99501z 1 1 - 0.42857z 1 218 (4.38) Ch. 4 Further Application of CSMP 219 where the grouping of the numerator and denominator terms within the brackets is arbitrary. An input/output relationship is assigned to each term of Q(z)/E(z) by expressing where Q(z) Q(z) V(z) S(z) E(z) = V(z) • S(z) • E(z) (4.39) ~~~~ = (4.40) 0.19185 V(z) _ [1 - 0.56496z- 1 ] S(z) 1 - 0.99501z- 1 (4.41) S(z) _ [1 - 0.96585z- 1 ] E(z) 1 - 0.42857z- 1 (4.42) Each of these expressions can be written in difference equation form to give S = E - 0.96585El + 0.42857SI v= + 0.99501 VI Q = S - 0.56496S1 (4.43) 0.19185V Again, after processing the above equations, the coefficients must be updated by setting El =E 81 = 8 VI =V (4.44) The simulation for the total system is the same as that given in Fig. 4.22 except the procedure function becomes PROCEDURE Q = DUMMY(E, At, El, 81, VI) IF(Al.NE.l.O) GO TO 10 IF(KEEP.NE.1.0) GO TO 10 8 = E - 0.96585*El + 0.42857*81 V = 8 - 0.56496*81 + 0.9950h VI Q = 0.19185*V El =E 81 = 8 VI =V 10 CONTINUE ENDPRO and in the INITIAL segment El = 0.0, SI = 0.0, and VI = 0.0. Parallel Realization In the parallel realization method D(z) is expanded in partial-fraction form. When the numerator and denominator of D(z) are the same order, the denominator is first divided into the numerator, which for this example gives D( ) = 0 19185 + (-0.02057z + 0.022875) (4.45) z. (z - 0.99501)(z - 0.42857) 220 Further Application of CSMP Ch.4 In partial-fraction form, D(z) becomes D(z) = 0.19185 A 0.99501 +z _ B 0.42857 +z - (4.46) where A = 0.00425 and B = -0.02482. We now write the function as D(z) = Q(z) E(z) = Afc~] = where: M(z) E(z) + N(z) + P(z) E(z) = 1 -0.02482z- 1 1 - 0.42857z (4.47) (4.48) 0.19185 N(z) _ 0.00425z- 1 E(z) - 1 - 0.99501z P(z) E(z) E(z) 1 (4.49) (4.50) These expressions lead directly to the difference equations M = 0.19185E N = 0.00425El + 0.99501Nl P = -0.02482El + 0.42857Pl (4.51) Q=M+N+P with coefficient updating El =E Ml =M Nl =N (4.52) PI =P The total simulation program is again identical to that of Fig. 4.22 except that the INITIAL segment contains the values El = 0.0, MI = 0.0, NI = 0.0, PI = 0.0 and the procedure function is given by PROCEDURE Q = DUMMY(E, El, Ml, Nl, PI, AI) IF(A1.NE.1.0) GO TO 10 IF(KEEP.NE.1.0) GO TO 10 M = 0.19185*E N = O.00425*El + O.9950hNl P = -0.02482*El + 0.42857*Pl Q=M+N+P El = E Ml =M Nl =N PI = P 10 CONTINUE ENDPRO The unit-step output response for each of the three methods is practically Further Application of CSMP Ch. 4 221 identical to the response given in Fig. 4.23. The reader may ask why three different methods are presented. When these algorithms are programmed for real-time digital control, two factors become important. First, the computer time required to execute the algorithm may be an important factor. If this is the sole consideration one would select the algorithm that requires the fewest number of additions and mUltiplications. Second, numerical roundoff and truncation may have a significant influence on the system response. In this case one might try each realization and select the one that gives the best results. Several investigators have found that parallel realization most often gives the best performance. Example 4.6 Classical analog compensation techniques that rely heavily upon frequency response methods can be extended to digital control by implementing appropriate algorithms in the digital computer. The bases for this extension were given in the previous examples. Obtaining frequency response information or developing models can be extremely time consuming and therefore is not always a luxury the control engineer can afford. This is particularly true in the process control industry. Normally one finds in this case that a three-mode controller is the most attractive compromise for improving system performance. The term three-mode stems from the nature of the controller in that one mode is directly proportional to the applied signal, one mode is proportional to the integral of the signal, and one mode is proportional to the derivative. Therefore the term, proportionalintegral-derivative (PID) controller is often used rather than three-mode. The diagram in Fig. 4.24 shows the representation of this controller as applied to a unity-negative feedback system. The continuous PID controller can be approximated on a digital computer using several forms of algorithms. (1 0,14) As a simplified version we can write Xlk) XD(k) = = Xj(k - 1) + T*E(k) (4.53) (4.54) (ljT)(E(k) - E(k - 1)) where Eq. (4.53) corresponds to integration and (4.54) to differentiation. The output of the digital PID is then given by Y(k) = Kp*E(k) + KlXj(k - 1) + T*E(k)) + KD((ljT)(E(k) - E(k - 1))) (4.55) We note that T = sampling time E(k) = present value of the applied signal E(k - 1) = first past value of E(k) Xlk) Xlk - 1) = present estimate of the integral = first past value of Xlk) Consider the system shown in Fig. 4.25 where the sample switch and the zero-orderhold represent the digital computer without a control algorithm. With a sampling time of T = 0.01, the step response shown in Fig. 4.26 is practically identical to the continuous system (Le. without the sampler and hold). A program using the same basic system but including a digital representation of the PID controller is given in Fig. 4.27. The algorithm for the controller is contained in a 222 Further Application of CSMP Ch. 4 c Fig. 4.24 Ideal representation of an ideal continuous PID con- troller. c Fig.4.25 System of Example 4.6 without a digital PID controller. procedure function in the same way as given previously in Example 4.5. Earlier comments with respect to using fixed integration steps rather than variable steps also apply to this simulation. Integration and differentiation for the controller are approximated by Eqs. (4.53) and (4.54), respectively. Using Kp = 12, K1 = 20, and KD = 4 gives the step response shown in Fig. 4.28. We note the improvement in the system rise-time as well as a decrease in the overshoot when compared to the response without a controller. In conclusion, this section has presented several methods for simulating a digital control system. There are many other ways to view the digital control system, fOl' example, the digital implementation of a predictive controller. (15) Nevertheless, the methods presented here are fundamental and generally apply to more advanced techniques. There is strong justification for learning the programming concepts presented in this section. Advances in computer technology, particularly in the microprocessor area, have reduced the cost for digital control by a factor of tenduring the last decade. Continued improvement in computer technology, coupled with the flexibility offered by a digital controller, will in all likelihood result in a growing number of applications in this area. RESPO~SE WITHOUT PID CC~TROL - MIN I MUM ~XA~PLE 4-6 PAGE COUT VERSUS TIME 0.0 TI "E 0.0 8.0000E-02 l.bOCOE-OI 2.4COOE-Cl 3.2000E-01 4.0000E-Ol 4.8000~-01 5.6000E-Ol 6.400()'E-01 7.2000E-01 a.OCCOE-OI 8.8000E-0! 9.6 eOOE-Ol l.0400E 00 1.1200E 00 1.2000E 00 1.2800IE 00 1.3600E 00 1.44COE 00 1.5200E 00 1.bOCOE 00 1.6S00E 00 1.7600E 00 1.84001; 00 1.9200E 00 2.00001: 00 2.08CO~ 00 2.1600F. 00 2.2400E 00 2.3200E 00 2.4000E 00 2.4800E 00 2.5600E 00 2.6400E 00 2.72COE 00 2.8000E 00 2.8800E 00 2.96001; 00 3.0400E 00 3.1200E 00 3.2000~ 00 3.2800E 00 3.3600E 00 3.4400E 00 3.5200E 00 3.6000E 00 3.6800F. 00 3.7600':: 00 3.84001: 00 3.9200E 00 4.00COE 00 MAXIMUM 1.1628E 00 I COUT 0.0 1.2118'=-02 4.5165E-02 9.6963E-02 1.6191E-01 2.3704E-Ol 3.1907E-01 4.05041:-01 4.9235E-Ol 5.7873£=-01 6.6229E-Ol 7.4146E-Ol 8.1503E-01 8.8209E-01 9.4202E-01 9.9446E-Ol 1.0393~ 00 1.0765E 00 1.1065!: 00 1.1295E 00 1.1460E 00 1.15671: 00 1.1621E 00 1.1628E 00 1.l596E 00 1.1531E 00 1.1440~ 00 1.1328E 00 1.1201E CO 1.l0t5E 00 1.0923E 00 1.0781E 00 1.0641E 00 1.05071= 00 1.0381': 00 1.0264E 00 1.0159E 00 1.0065E 00 9.9837E-Ol 9.9147E-0l 9.8579E-01 9.8129E-Ol 9.7789(-01 9.7552E-01 9.7408E-01 9.7346E-01 9.7356f-Ol 9.7427E-01 9.7548E-Ol 9.7709E-01 9. HOlE-Ol 1 + + -+ ----+ ------+ ----------+ -------------+ -----------------+ ---------------------+ ------------------------+ ----------------------------+ -------------------------------+ -----------------------------------+ -------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------+ --------------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------------+ ---------------------------------------------+ ---------------------------------------------+ --------------------------------------------+ --------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------+ Fig.4.26 Step response for Example 4.6 without PID controller. 223 224 Further Application of CSMP Ch. 4 INITIAL T = 0.01 El = 0.0 INTGl = 0.0 KINTG = 20.0 KPROP = 12.0 KDERIV = 4.0 DYNAMIC E = INPUT - RESP INPUT = STEP(O.OI RESP = INTGRL(O.O,Xll Xl REAlPl(0.0,1.0/2.0,X21 X2 = 2.0*X3 X 3 = l HO l D ( A1 , Y) Al = IMPULS(O.O,T) PROCEDURE Y = PtC(41,E,El,T,KPROP,KINTG,KOERIV,INTGll IF(Al.NE.l.01 GO TO 10 IF(KEEP.NE.l.0) GO TO 10 EPROP = KPROP*E EDERIV = KOERIV*(l.Q/TI*(E - Ell tNTG = INTGI + T*E EINTG = KINTG*INTG Y = EPROP + EDF.R!V + EINTG El = ~ INTGI = I~TG 10 CONTI NUE ENDPRO t.1ETHtD RKSFX TIMER FINTIM 4.0, aUTDEL = 0.08, DELT = 0.001 PRTPLT RESP LABEL OUTPUT FOR EXAMPLE 4-6 WITH PID CONTROLLER END ST':JP ENOJOB Fig.4.27 CSMP program listing for PID controller. (Example 4.6.) Simulation of Digital Logic The capability for simulating various digital logic functions is available in CSMP. We recall that functional blocks such as INTGRL are the key elements for simulating continuous systems. The same holds true for the digital logic case in that again standard blocks are available which make it possible to simulate practically any digital configuration. Most of the functions related to logic simulation are given in Table 4.2. These functions are also given in Appendix I along with other special switching logic. As an introduction, example problems are given below that illustrate how these elements can\be used in combination to perform useful logic tasks. Example 4.7 This problem illustrates how a random-generated binary number (either 0, 1,2, or 3) can be processed through digital logic so as to form the equivalent decimal representation of the number and thereby activate the proper edges of a Nixie light. In Fig. 4.29(a), XLI and XL2 form the binary representation of 0, 1, 2, and 3. El through E7 in 4.29(b) is a truth table for the edges of the light as defined in 4.29(c). The OUTPUT FOR EXAMPLE 4-6 WITH PIO CONTROLLER ~It-.lI~U~ PAGE RESP VERSUS TI~E 0.0 TI ~E 0.0 8.0000E-02 1.6000=-01 2.4000E-Ol 3. 2000~-01 4.0000E-Ol 4.ROOOE-01 5.6000E-01 6.4000'=-01 7.2000E-Ol 8.0000E-Ol 8.BOOOE-Ol CJ.6000E-Ol 1.04COF 00 1.ll00E 00 1.l000E 00 l.2BOOE 00 1.3600E 00 1.4400F. 00 1.5200E 00 l.bOOOE 00 l.6eOOE 00 1.7600E 00 1.84COE 00 1.9200E 00 2.0000E 00 2.0800F. 00 2.16001; 00 2.2400F. 00 2.3200r 00 2.4000E 00 2.48001: 00 2.5600E 00 2.6400E 00 2.7200F 00 2.8000E 00 2.8800F 00 2.CJ6COE 00 3.·0400F 00 3.1200E CO 3.2000E 00 3.2800E 00 3.3600E OC) 3.4400E 00 3.5200E 00 3.6COOE 00 3.6800E 00 3.16COE CO 3.8400e 00 3.9200E 00 4.0000E 00 9.9818~-Ol 9.964bE-Ol 9.9519E-Ol 9.943lE-01 9.9319E-Ol 9.9355E-Ol 9.9356E-Ol 9.9l75~-01 9.93 09E-0J. 9.9454E-Ol 9.9506E-01 9.9562E-01 9.CJ620E-OI 9.9617E-OI 9.9132E-01 9.9784F.-01 9.9832E-Ol 9.9875~-01 9.9913E-01 9.9946E-Ol 9.CJ914E-OI 9.9997E-Ol 1.0001': 00 1.0003E 00 1.0004E 00 1.0004E 00 1.0005E 00 l.0005E 00 1.000S!:; 00 1.0005E 00 MAXIMUM 1.0177F 00 I RESP 0.0 1.9619E-OI l.0108E 00 1.0625: 00 1.015SE 00 1.0177E 00 1.0158E 00 1.0718E 00 l.0664E 00 1.0601E 00 l.0533E 00 1.0463': 00 1.0393E 00 l.0326E 00 1.0263E 00 1.0205'= 00 l.OlS2E 00 I.Ol06E 00 l.0066E 00 1.0032!:: 00 1.0004E 00 1 + ------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------------+ "--+ ----------------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------------+ Fig. 4.28 Step response of system with PID digital controller. (Example 4.6.) 225 226 Further Application of CSMP Ch. 4 Table 4.2 Logic Functions for CSMP (Also, see Appendix /) Statement Form Function y=o Y y N-I = Previous state of flip-flop = 1 =01 RESETTABLE FLIP-FLOP = 1 Xl <0, Y = 0 X 2 :::;;;0, Y = 1 Y = COMPAR (X b X 2 ) COMPARATOR y=o Y = 1 Y Xl X 2 Y = 1 Xl> 0, X 2 > 0 y=o OTHERWISE Y = NAND (Xl' X 2 ) NOT AND y=o Xl> 0, X 2 > 0 Y= 1 OTHERWISE Y = lOR (Xb X 2) INCLUSIVE OR y=o Xl :::;;;0, X 2 <0 Y = 1 OTHERWISE Y = NOR (X b X 2 ) NOT OR Y = 1 Xl :::;;;0, X 2 <0 y=o OTHERWISE EXCLUSIVE OR Y = 1 Xl :::;;;0, X 2 > 0 Y = 1 Xl> 0, X 2 <0 y=o OTHERWISE Y = NOT (X) NOT Y = 1 X:::;;; 0 y=o X>O Y = EQUIV (Xl, X 2 ) Y = 1 Xl :::;;;0, X 2 <0 Y = 1 Xl> 0, X 2 > 0 Y=O OTHERWISE EQUIVALENT logic statements defining EI through E7 are: EI E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 = = = = = = = XLI· XL2 XLI + XL2 1.0 XLI + XL2 E2 XL2 XLI (not XLI and not XL2) (XLI or not XL2) (always on) (not XLI or XL2) (same as the state of E2) (not XL2) (the state of XLI) Ch. 4 Further Application of CSMP Number XLI XL2 0 1 2 3 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 221 (a) Binary values of XLI and XL2 for given decimal numbers. El E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 Number 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 o o o o 1 1 1 2 o 1 3 (b) Truth table for light edges. E2 El E3 E7 E6 E4 E5 (c) Light edge definition. Fig.4.29 Diagram defining logic properties for Example 4.7 A logic circuit for performing the above functions is given in Fig. 4.30 where we assume the random number is available from XLI and XL2. The program for making this simulation will first use RNDGEN to generate a random number. The number so generated will lie between 0 and 1. The output of the random number generator wiII be partioned as follows: For 0
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