SpiraTeam Quick Start Guide Spira Team

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Date: January 28, 2018
SpiraTeam® | Quick Start Guide
Inflectra Corporation
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Introduction 2
1. Logging In and Selecting a Project 3
2. Define the Requirements 4
3. Create the Release and Iteration Plan 7
4. Adding Requirement Tasks 9
5. Adding the Test Cases 12
6. Planning the Iteration 16
7. Assigning the Requirements & Tasks 18
8. Scheduling the Testing Activities 22
9. Running Tests and Logging Incidents 24
10. Triaging Issues and Defects 28
11. Reviewing Your Project 32
Legal Notices 33
The Spira family of applications from
Inflectra® are a powerful set of tools that
help you manage your software
SpiraTeam® is our integrated
Application Lifecycle Management
(ALM) system that manages your
project's requirements, releases, test
cases, issues and tasks in one unified
This guide provides a quick step-by-step
tutorial for creating a sample SpiraTeam
project, adding some requirements and
releases, building the test plan,
assigning the backlog items to the
various sprints, executing the tests and
logging defects, and finally triaging and
resolving the bugs/issues raised.
For further information on using
SpiraTeam, please refer to the more
comprehensive SpiraTeam User
For information on setting up a new
SpiraTeam instance, creating projects
and users and other administration
tasks, please refer to the SpiraTeam
Administration Guide.
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1. Logging In and Selecting a Project
Once you have either downloaded and installed a trial version of SpiraTeam or signed up for a hosted
trial, you should be able to see the following login screen in your web browser:
Enter the following default login and password to start using the system:
Login: administrator
Password: PleaseChange
Once you have logged-in, you should be taken to the “My Page” for your user. Please note, that the very
first time you log in you will be asked if you want to take a quick orientation tour of the application (which
will look similar to the screenshot below).
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Initially this page will be fairly empty, with only the list of sample projects populated. This is normal.
For this tutorial we want to start out with an empty project that has no data in it, so click the hyperlink
under “My Projects” for Sample Application Two”. That will bring up the homepage for the empty project:
The project home page will display various widgets containing key project metrics; however they will be
initially empty. The next step will be to start entering your project’s data.
2. Define the Requirements
Click on the Planning > Requirements menu option to display the project’s requirements list page:
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The terminology in SpiraTeam is designed to be methodology agnostic, however the following table
illustrates the nomenclature used in SpiraTeam and how it relates to some common agile methodologies:
AgileUP / DSDM
Feature Group
Backlog Item
Initially the requirements list will be empty. Click on the “Insert” button in the main toolbar to create the
following requirements in turn:
Functional Requirements
Module 1
System must allow entry of users
System must allow the modification of users
System must allow the deletion of users
Module 2
System should allow administrators to setup notifications
You should now have a simple flat requirements list, as illustrated below:
Now to correctly indent the requirements, select the checkboxes of all the requirements under “Functional
Requirements” and click ‘Indent’. Then select the three requirements under “Module 1” and click ‘Indent’
again. Finally, right-click on the last requirement and choose ‘Indent’ from the popup context menu. You
should now have a list that looks like:
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We finally want to set a type and priority value for the different requirements, to do that we can simply
click the “select all” checkbox at the top of the list and then click on the top ‘Edit’ button in the right-hand
column of that same row. That will make all the requirement rows editable:
Now, set the type of all your requirements to ‘User Story’ and choose some different values for the
‘Importance’ field and click Update. Now you will have a prioritized list of user story requirements:
Now that we have prioritized the requirements, the developers or business analysts responsible for
estimating the complexity of each requirement need to enter estimates. To do that we first need to display
the estimate column in the grid. To do that, click on the “Show/Hide Columns” dropdown list and show the
Estimate column. This will display the requirements’ estimates in the grid:
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By default, all the requirements will have been assigned a default estimate of 1.0 points. The points are
not a defined number of hours, but are instead an indication of the size of the requirement. The estimates
should reflect how big each of the requirements are relative to each other.
Now, we can simply click the “select all” checkbox at the top of the list and then click on the top ‘Edit’
button in the right-hand column. The requirements will be displayed in editable mode again. Enter the
following initial estimates for the requirements:
System must allow entry of users
1.5 points
System must allow the modification of users
2.0 points
System must allow the deletion of users
1.0 points
System should allow administrators to setup notifications
2.0 points
You should now have the requirements’ estimates displayed in the system:
Now that we have a list of prioritized, estimated requirements, the next task is to enter in our planned list
of releases and iterations for the project.
3. Create the Release and Iteration Plan
Click on the Planning > Releases menu option to display the project’s release list page:
Initially the release list will be empty. Click on the “Insert” button in the main toolbar to enter the following
releases in turn:
Release 1.0 version number
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o Start Date: Today’s Date
o End Date: Today’s Date + 2 months
Release 1.1 version number
o Start Date: Today’s Date + 2 months
o End Date: Today’s Date + 4 months
You should now have a list of releases that looks like the following:
Now that we have the releases defined, we need to add one additional level of detail to each release
the list of iterations or sprints that will take place in each release. We shall enter in some sample iterations
for the first release only.
Select the checkbox for the second release (Release 1.1) and choose the menu option Insert > New
Iteration. A new iteration will be inserted between Release 1.0 and Release 1.1. Choose a name for the
iteration, specify the date-range for the iteration, and click ‘Update’. Now repeat this process twice and
you should now have three iterations added to the list. We recommend making each iteration last 2-
weeks and have each one scheduled in series:
Finally, to indent the three iterations under the parent release, select the checkboxes of the three
iterations and click the ‘Indent’ button. You should now have a release hierarchy that looks like:
Finally, we need to specify the number of resources that will be assigned to each iteration and release. To
do that, click on the “Show/Hide Columns” dropdown list and Show the “# Resources” column. To make
room you can hide the “Iteration?” column. Once the column is visible, select the checkboxes for
“Release 1.0” and click the Bulk Edit button again. Now you should be able to adjust the # resources for
the release and its iterations to 2. Then click Update:
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The screen now shows that the Plan Effort for each of the iterations has been doubled. This is the amount
of time that you have available to allocate.
4. Adding Requirement Tasks
Now that we have defined the macro-schedule for Release 1.0, the next stage is to have the developers
take each of the requirements defined so far and define the various tasks that will need to be carried out
to develop the functionality outlined in the requirement. Each task will have its own estimate associated
with it. In addition, you can optionally specify date-ranges and priorities to each of the individual tasks.
To start adding tasks, click on Planning > Requirements to display the requirements list. Now, click on the
hyperlink for the first requirement (“System must allow entry of users”) and the requirements details page
will be displayed:
Notice that the system displays an initial resource estimate of 12.00 hours for this requirement. This is
simply based on an initial project setting of 8 hours per story point. Once you start adding tasks and
getting metrics based on the actual team velocity (how many story points they can accomplish in a given
time frame), the system can update that conversion metric.
Now click on the “Tasks” tab to display the list of tasks defined for this requirement:
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Initially the list of tasks will be empty. Before entering the tasks, first click on the “Show/Hide Columns”
dropdown list and show the “Show Est. Effort” column. This will display the estimated effort for each Task.
Now, click on the “New Task” button to add a new task associated with this requirement:
Enter the name of the task “Create user data tables” and the estimated effort 10.0h and click Update. The
new task should now have been added:
Now we need to add the remaining tasks; the following table outlines all the tasks that need to be added
under each of the requirements (we have included the one already created for completeness):
Requirement / Task
Est. Estimate
System must allow entry of users
Create user data tables
Develop user business object
Build user creation screens
System must allow the modification of users
Extend user business object to handle updates
Add user list page
Add user details page
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Add user permissions page
System must allow the deletion of users
Extend user business object to handle deletes
Update user list page to add delete functionality
System should allow administrators to setup notifications
Create user administration home page
Add user settings for notifications to database
Create user notifications administration page
You should now have the following requirements list page:
Note that we’ve hidden the “Author” field and shown the “Task Effort” field to show the detailed task effort
aggregated up to the parent requirements.
Now when we add new requirements, it would be nice if the system would use this updated information
when determining the estimated number of hours to deliver requirements with a specified number of story
points. To update the metric the system uses, go to the dropdown menu to the right of the “S” logo and
select Administration > Planning> Planning Options:
As you can see, the system lists 8.0 hours as the current number of hours required to deliver a single
story point of functionality. Now that we have some actual tasks in the project, click on the “Suggest”
button to have the system provide its suggestion of the new metric:
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Click the ‘Apply’ button to update the planning metric, and then click the main ‘Save button to confirm the
5. Adding the Test Cases
Click on the Testing > Test Cases menu option to display the project’s test case list page:
Initially the test case list will be empty and the only folder visible in the folder tree on the left hand side will
be “root”. Click on the “Add” button underneath the folder tree on the left, enter the new folder name
“Functional Tests” and click the ‘Save button. You now should have a new folder in the tree view, and
after clicking the “Refresh” button above the list on the right, you will see a single folder:
Now click on this folder from the folder tree on the left, and click “New Test Casefrom the main toolbar.
Enter the name of the new test case:
Test ability to add new users
and click “Save”. Now repeat this for the following other test cases:
Test ability to edit existing users
Test ability to delete existing users
Test ability to edit notifications
You should now have the following test case list:
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The next step will be to enter the detailed test steps and assign the test cases to the appropriate
requirements that we previously entered.
Click on the hyperlink for the first test case “Test ability to add new users”. This will bring up the test case
details page:
In the Description box, enter a brief overview of the test case (e.g. “this test case verifies that you can add
new users to the system and that all of the fields get saved correctly.”). In the “Test Steps” section, you
will see a single test step is already automatically created for you with some suggested text:
Enter the following three test steps (click on the ‘Insert Step’ link twice to add two more new test steps):
Test Step Description
Expected Result
Sample Data
Click on the link to add new user
New user screen
Enter the name, email address and
password of the new user.
Data accepted
Fred Bloggs
Click the ‘Submit’ button to create the user.
The user is created
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After the first two, click the ‘Insert’ button to commit the change and add another row. After the third and
final test step, click the ‘Save button to commit the change.
You should now have the following test steps in the test case:
Now we need to link this test case to the requirement(s) that it validates. To do this, click on the “Req.
Coverage” tab:
Click on the ‘+ Add’ button to display the association adding panel:
Choose the “System must allow the entry of users” requirement. Now click on the ‘Save’ button to add the
test case to this requirement:
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Now repeat the process for the other test cases, adding a couple of test steps for each one and linking
the test cases to the requirements according to this table:
Test Case
Test ability to add new users
System must allow entry of users
Test ability to edit existing users
System must allow the modification of users
Test ability to delete existing users
System must allow the deletion of users
Test ability to edit notifications
System should allow administrators to setup
Now that we have our test cases entered and test coverage established, we need to specify which
releases and iterations they can be tested in. To do that, first navigate to the project’s test case list page
again. Next, you need to select all of the contents of the “Functional Tests” folder. To do so you can put a
checkbox in the box to the left of the folder name. Alternatively, you can click on the folder to show its
contents. To quickly select all the test cases shown in the folder, you can check the checkbox in the
header row of the table. Once the right selection has been made, click on Tools > Add to Release:
Now select “Release 1.0” and click “Add”. You will now have added all the tests to the overarching
Release. To add the tests to the different iterations, simply select the checkboxes of the different tests
and then choose the Tools > Add to Release and add the individual tests to the appropriate iterations:
Test Case
Test ability to add new users
Release 1.0 - Iteration 1
Release 1.0 - Iteration 2
Release 1.0 - Iteration 3
Test ability to edit existing users
Release 1.0 - Iteration 1
Release 1.0 - Iteration 2
Release 1.0 - Iteration 3
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Test ability to delete existing users
Release 1.0 - Iteration 2
Release 1.0 - Iteration 3
Test ability to edit notifications
Release 1.0 - Iteration 3
As illustrated, you typically want to include previous functionality in each of the successive iterations to
ensure regression coverage. So, each iteration includes all the new test cases for the additional
requirements, plus the existing test cases for the pre-existing functionality.
6. Planning the Iteration
Now that the developers have elaborated each of the requirements to include the necessary tasks, the
next step is to scope out the plan for each iteration / sprint. Click on the Planning > Planning Board option
on the main menu to display the product backlog planning board. Make sure the “Group By” dropdown on
the left is set to “By Priority”:
Now to view the iteration plan for a specific release, select ‘Release 1.0’ and ‘Group by Priority’ from the
drop-down menus at the top-left of the screen. That will display the iteration plan for the selected release:
Expand the ‘(Unassigned Items)’ entry to display the requirements that are in the product backlog:
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Each backlog item (requirement or incident) is represented by a virtual “story card” in the iteration. The
left-hand side of each item displays the priority color and the progress bar at the bottom of each item
depicts the progress of the item. You can flip through each iteration to see the work planned by clicking
the left/right arrow buttons at the sides of the screen.
Now drag the two highest priority requirements (the ones with Importance = 1-Critical) to the first iteration:
If you would like to see more information about each requirement, simply enable the ‘Detailed View’
To see the individual tasks associated with each requirement, you can also select the ‘Tasks’ option:
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You can now determine how much time has been scheduled in the first iteration and how much time is
remaining. Although we do have spare time available in Iteration 1 we will leave room left for fixing
incidents, so next, drag and drop the remaining two requirements to the second iteration:
7. Assigning the Requirements & Tasks
Now that we have planned which requirements (user stories) and tasks are planned for each iteration, we
can assign the individual tasks to the appropriate developer(s). The process you follow will depend on
your methodology (e.g. in Scrum the developers simply pick the tasks, whereas in Extreme Programming
the project manager will usually do the assignment).
To assign the tasks, click on Tracking > Tasks to display the main tasks list page:
Click on the ‘Board’ option on the top-right of the screen to change to the Kanban board view:
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You can see at a glance which tasks are in each status (in this case, they are all marked as ‘not started’).
To see the distribution of tasks by person for specific iteration, change the release selection to ‘Release
1.0 Iteration 1’, and the Group By’ dropdown to ‘By Person’:
For our sample project we have two project members listed (included ourselves). As an example, select
the first four tasks (which are all priority = 1 Critical) and drag them to your user’s section:
Now you can clearly see the four tasks that have been assigned to your user. To simulate how this would
appear to a developer, click on the main SpiraTeam icon (in the top-left) to display your user’s “My Page
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This page lists all the development tasks that have been assigned to your user. Click on the first task
“Create user data tables” to display the task details page:
This task has been estimated at 10.0 hours and is currently not started. The next step is to start working
on the assigned task and report back progress. As an example, click the workflow operation “Start Task”,
then enter an actual effort of 3.0 hours, a remaining effort of 5.0 hours and add a comment “Added initial
set of data tables”. Upon clicking ‘Save’, the progress indicator will reflect the changes and the new
comment will have been added to the list:
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Now click on the other three assigned tasks, start them, and specify the following:
Requirement / Task
Est. Estimate
Actual Effort
Remaining Effort
Create user data tables
Develop user business object
Build user creation screens
Extend user business object to handle updates
After updating the assigned tasks, the ‘My Page’ dashboard will now reflect the changes:
Similarly, for the project manager, clicking on Planning > Requirements to display the requirements list
will show the task progress as it impacts the various requirements:
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8. Scheduling the Testing Activities
Now that we have created our test plan for each release and iteration we now want to schedule the test
cases for execution by our testers. As an example, we’ll create a single test set (also known as test
suites) that contains a list of test cases to be executed by a specific tester.
Click on the Testing > Test Sets menu option to display the project’s test set list page:
Initially the test set list will be empty and the folder tree on the left will only show “root”. Click on the “Add
button beneath the folder tree, enter the new folder name “Test Cycle #1” and click the ‘Add’ button.
Select that folder from the folder tree. After clicking ‘Refresh’ on the main toolbar, you now should have a
single folder in the list on the right hand side:
Now click on the folder and then click on the “New Test Set” from the main toolbar. Enter the name of the
new test set Testing new functionality” and click Save. You should now have the following test set list:
Click on the hyperlink for the test set to bring up the test set details page:
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The first task is to add the appropriate test cases to this set. To do this, click on the “Add” button in the
“Test Cases” section half way down the page to bring up the following dialog box:
Choose the ‘Functional Tests’ folder and the test cases in that folder will be displayed:
Select the following test cases and click the ‘Add’ button:
Test ability to add new users
Test ability to edit existing users
You should now have the following displayed:
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The next step is to assign this test set to a specific release/iteration and to a particular tester. To do that,
choose the following values for the following fields and click ‘Save’:
Owner = System Administrator (your user)
Release = Release 1.0 - Iteration 1
Planned Date = (Today’s Date).
You have now scheduled this test set to be executed by your user by the end of today against the first
iteration of release 1.0:
9. Running Tests and Logging Incidents
Now that you have scheduled the test set, if you go to the ‘My Page’ by clicking on the orange SpiraTeam
application logo in the top-left, you’ll see your newly assigned test set down on the left:
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Click on the ‘Execute’ button (with the play icon) to the right of this new test set. That will start the test
execution wizard:
On the first screen, the release dropdown list will have been automatically pre-selected to the
release/iteration specified in the test set, so just click the ‘Next’ button to move to the first test step in the
first test case:
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Note that when you first visit this page, you will be shown a quick guided tour of how the page works.
As a tester, you can progress through each of the test steps in each test case in the test set in turn. For
each test step you can enter Pass, Fail, Blocked, Caution, or Not Applicable. If you enter any status
other than Pass you need to enter a value for the ‘Actual Result’. For a pass status, the Actual Result is
First, click on the Pass button to pass the first test step. As soon as you do, the test will automatically
progress to the second test step:
Now for the second test step, enter in the actual result field “Unable to enter the sample data as the fields
were disabled”. Before clicking the Fail button we also want to enter in the following fields in the Incident
form (accessed by clicking the “Incidents” tab):
Name = Error displaying user fields
Type = Bug
Priority = 2 High
Now click the Fail button and you will have recorded a test failure and a new incident/defect:
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Now that we have logged the test failure and the new incident/defect, if you click on the main “Sample
Application Two” option on the top-navigation bar, you’ll be taken to the project homepage with the
requirements and test case metrics now visible:
If you go to the Testing > Test Sets page, you also see the status of our test set:
If you go to the Planning > Requirements page, you’ll see the different requirements’ test coverage and
the status of the tests associated with each requirement:
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The final step in the process is to triage the logged defect and assign it to a developer to be fixed.
10. Triaging Issues and Defects
Now that a new incident has been logged, the next step in the process is to review the incident and
assign it to a developer to be fixed. First, click on the Tracking > Incidents menu item. This will display the
incident list page for the project:
You can also view the same list of incidents in a Kanban board view:
In either view, click on the hyperlink for the new incident “Error displaying user fields”. This will display the
incident details page:
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Click on the “Assign Incident” option in the “Operations” dropdown underneath the large incident name
near the top of the page. This will switch the status of the incident from New > Assigned. You now need to
enter the following fields:
Owner = System Administrator (your user)
Also add a new comment in the “Comments” section – “Assigning this to you to fix. Issue was found
during testing. Now click the Save button in the toolbar and the incident will be assigned to your user for
To simulate this process, go back to the “My Page” by clicking on the orange Spira icon in the top-left of
the screen:
You can now see that you’ve been assigned an incident under the “My Assigned Incidents” widget (on the
right-hand side). Now click on the hyperlink for the incident to bring up the incident details page:
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You can see that the status has been changed to “Assigned” and the comment from the project manager
is clearly visible. To help you reproduce the issue to be fixed, you can also click on the “Associations” tab
to display the test run and requirements associated with this incident:
If you click on the test run hyperlink “Test ability to add new users”, you will see the detailed information
about the test execution that resulted in the bug being logged:
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This allows the developer to retrace the steps taken by the tester and attempt to reproduce the issue.
Assuming that we have been able to reproduce and fix the issue, we will now resolve the incident.
Back on the incident details screen, click on the workflow operation link “Resolve Incident”, fill in the
following fields and click Save:
Resolved Release = Release 1.0 - Iteration 2
New Comment = “Fixed the incident.”
The incident will now change from Assigned > Resolved and an email will be sent to the tester letting
them know that they need to retest the test case and close the incident.
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11. Reviewing Your Project
You can check on the overall status of the project by clicking the project name from the navigation bar.
This will take you to the project home page. Below is what this home page looks like for a more complete
project than we have been working through in this quick start guide. Note how you can change between
several views (the buttons on the right) to show different information based on your role or current needs,
or only show data for a particular release (see the dropdown beneath the project name on the left).
Congratulations! You have now completed the software development and
testing lifecycle using SpiraTeam. For more information about any of the
features, please refer to the SpiraTeam User Manual.
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