Splash User Guide
User Manual:
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Page Count: 9
User Guide
Splash Application
Moreton Bay Environmental Education Centre
For Students
1. Welcome to the Splash application.
Start my entering your team name and press the ‘start expedition’ button to continue.
2. Before we begin our expedition, let’s fill in details we already know. Your leader will tell
you the information you need, which will include wind speed, water temperature and what
zone your expedition will be exploring today.
Once this information is added, submit the form so we can continue and view the stream.
3. We can now view the live stream from the ROV.
As you view the video, fill out the form on the left of the screen. These details will be
based on what you view on the screen, and if you see certain seagrass, benthics or
4. Submit your recorded data. Once you submit the form, you will receive confirmation that it
has been filled into the database.
For Returning Users
1. On an unintentional log out or tablet closure as a user for a day trip you will be able to log
back into your account.
Press on existing team (Shaded in Dark Blue)
2. Using your team name and password supplied by your supervisor you will be able to
logback in.
For Drivers
1. Welcome to Splash.
Please click the button to begin your expedition.
2. Before we begin our expedition, we can fill in details we already know.
However, as you have been designated to drive the ROV, you can skip straight through to
the stream, if you so desire.
3. You will now be directed straight to the driving control page. Here you can easily take
control of the ROV with the joystick and depth control, as well as the Return ROV button.
Additionally, data which is being transmitted between the ROV and the application can be
viewed in the top-right corner of the screen.
For Administrators
1. Welcome to Splash.
To access the administrative tools, press the button in the top right corner.
2. Enter in your log in details and submit to continue.
3. Here you can access the administrative porta where as an Admin you can view the entries
from Teams, What the pre start for the day was identifying location and Teams that are
active for the day
4. On click to view the Teams you are displayed with all the teams registered.This is where
as an admin you can delete and add teams. Select what data to delete, click the drop
down and click delete
5. Select what data to delete, click the drop down and click delete
6. On click to view data entries you can find what team has entered. This is where as an
admin you can delete and add entries.
7. Within Data Entries it is also possible to Export data as a CSV, simply by clicking on the
“Export” button presented.
You will now have the data downloaded to your device.