Splash User Guide

User Manual:

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Page Count: 9

User Guide
Splash Application
Moreton Bay Environmental Education Centre
For Students
1. Welcome to the Splash application.
Start my entering your team name and press the ‘start expedition’ button to continue.
2. Before we begin our expedition, let’s fill in details we already know. Your leader will tell
you the information you need, which will include wind speed, water temperature and what
zone your expedition will be exploring today.
Once this information is added, submit the form so we can continue and view the stream.
3. We can now view the live stream from the ROV.
As you view the video, fill out the form on the left of the screen. These details will be
based on what you view on the screen, and if you see certain seagrass, benthics or
4. Submit your recorded data. Once you submit the form, you will receive confirmation that it
has been filled into the database.
For Returning Users
1. On an unintentional log out or tablet closure as a user for a day trip you will be able to log
back into your account.
Press on existing team (Shaded in Dark Blue)
2. Using your team name and password supplied by your supervisor you will be able to
logback in.
For Drivers
1. Welcome to Splash.
Please click the button to begin your expedition.
2. Before we begin our expedition, we can fill in details we already know.
However, as you have been designated to drive the ROV, you can skip straight through to
the stream, if you so desire.
3. You will now be directed straight to the driving control page. Here you can easily take
control of the ROV with the joystick and depth control, as well as the Return ROV button.
Additionally, data which is being transmitted between the ROV and the application can be
viewed in the top-right corner of the screen.
 
For Administrators
1. Welcome to Splash.
To access the administrative tools, press the button in the top right corner.
2. Enter in your log in details and submit to continue.
3. Here you can access the administrative porta where as an Admin you can view the entries
from Teams, What the pre start for the day was identifying location and Teams that are
active for the day
4. On click to view the Teams you are displayed with all the teams registered.This is where
as an admin you can delete and add teams. Select what data to delete, click the drop
down and click delete
5. Select what data to delete, click the drop down and click delete
6. On click to view data entries you can find what team has entered. This is where as an
admin you can delete and add entries.
7. Within Data Entries it is also possible to Export data as a CSV, simply by clicking on the
“Export” button presented.
You will now have the data downloaded to your device.

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