Steam Boilers And Waste Heat &

User Manual: Steam Boilers & Waste Heat Boilers

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Steam Boilers and Waste Heat Boilers
System solutions for cost-eective
steam generation
2 l 3
Energy efficient and clean provision of heat in conjunction with high levels of operational
safety and system reliability are essential requirements for production facilities and industrial
plants. In order to design boiler house concepts appropriate for the task in hand, individual
requirements must first be established so that tailor-made system solutions can be develo-
ped. This requires expert advice plus a comprehensive range of services and steam boilers,
the characteristics of which allow cost-effective and futureproof steam generation.
Due to their design and configuration, Vitomax industrial/commercial boilers deliver the best
possible conditions for meeting individual customer requirements in a broad range of
applications. Many design details of the Vitomax boilers and long experience in building large
industrial/commercial boilers ensure outstanding quality and provide for high levels of
operational reliability and a long service life.
Experts from our industrial boiler team in Berlin cooperate with their local partners in
developing economical and futureproof solutions based on your individual plans. Design in
accordance with the Pressure Equipment Directive and country-specific regulations takes into
account all requirements and safety statutes for every piece of equipment, from the initial
concept through to commissioning.
The comprehensive product range from Viessmann includes low pressure and high
pressure steam boilers up to 26 t/h as well as waste heat boilers. The flame tube/smoke
tube design with low combustion chamber loading, the internal back water-cooled
reversing chambers and the water-cooled burner aperture without refractory linings ensure
clean combustion of oil and gas with all conventional, commercially available advanced
burner systems. The design selected for you, into which a number of patents and
components with design protection have been integrated, guarantees the highest level
of efficiency at all times.
Viessmann industrial/commercial boiler technology means perfectly coordinated system
technology, including:
n Control/monitoring systems
n Instrumentation & control technology
n Combustion systems with fuel supply
n Water treatment
n Feedwater tank with thermal deaeration
n Pipework and flue systems
n Heat recovery systems
n Water analysis
About this brochure
from page 8
from page 30
The company
The power of innovation: The Viessmann family business
provides you with top technology in terms of sustainability and
takes responsibility for the future.
from page 54
from page 6
from page 42
The energy-saving potential for operators of steam boilers and
waste heat boilers is substantial. Take a closer look and find out
which solutions are best suited to your needs.
The product range in detail
Here you can find information on the Viessmann oil/gas,
low/high pressure steam boilers and waste heat boilers.
System design, accessories, services
Read more about the comprehensive range of accessories for
steam boilers and waste heat boilers, planning aids, training
courses and customer support.
Manufacturing quality
Advanced design and production methods ensure high quality.
Anyone searching for a new steam boiler or waste heat boiler for the purpose of
modernisation or new-build needs comprehensive information. Obtain an overview
of the potential solutions and the innovative products and services from Viessmann.
4 l 5
from page 44Powerful references
Top technology from Viessmann in prime locations.
6 l 7
Saving energy and protecting the climate
Viessmann is well aware of its responsibilities for protecting the environment and
preserving natural resources. Our company philosophy and products are geared towards
fullling this duty.
"Nothing is so good that it cannot be
improved". This maxim is part of Viessmann
company policy. In this industry, Viessmann
can rightfully claim to be the leader in quality
and technology, and as such our aim is to
continually set new standards.
This applies in particular to our product range,
which is closely geared towards significantly
lowering the consumption of fossil fuels and
gradually replacing them with sustainable
sources of energy.
At around 40 %, the heating market actually
accounts for the largest proportion of energy
consumption. The rest is shared by "goods
transport", "personal transport" and "power".
These are values that can also be applied
approximately to other industrial countries.
Rising energy costs mean the emphasis is on
reducing the consumption of fossil fuels as
quickly as possible.
At Viessmann, work is constantly being carried out to
find new environmentally responsible solutions. The result
is environmentally friendly, cost-eective and ecient
heating systems.
Viessmann provides ecient
and energy-saving heating
systems for oil and gas in the
medium and large commercial/
industrial boiler segment.
Renewable energy systems,
such as solar, biomass and
natural heat, complete the
comprehensive product range.
Steam boilers and waste heat boilers
Steam is used in many industrial processes as
an energy source and as a medium for
carrying chemical substances.
Typical application areas are, amongst others,
the paper and building material industry,
refineries, the pharmaceutical industry and
processing of food on an industrial scale.
Steam drives turbines for the generation
of power, vulcanises rubber products and
sterilises packaging.
The generation of steam for industrial
purposes and its "handling" dier signicantly
in some points from conventional heat
generation in heating technology using water
as the heat transfer medium. In particular,
high pressure steam generation in the higher
output range requires special equipment for
the systems concerned.
Product range
Low pressure oil/gas steam boiler
0.26 to 2.2 t/h
0.5 (1) bar
Eciency: 91 %
Type SXD
Type M233
Low pressure steam boilers
Low pressure oil/gas steam boiler
2.9 to 5 t/h
0.5 (1) bar
Eciency: 92 %
Waste heat boilers
Waste heat boiler for generating
heating water
Waste heat boiler for generating steam
8 l 9
High pressure steam boilers
High pressure steam boiler
0.5 to 4 t/h
Up to 25 bar (28, 30 bar on request)
Eciency: up to 96 %
(with integrated economiser)
High pressure steam boiler
1 to 6.4 t/h
Up to 16 bar
Eciency: up to 95 %
(with integrated economiser)
Type M73A
Type M33A
High pressure steam boiler
5 to 26 t/h
Up to 25 bar (28, 30 bar on request)
Eciency: up to 96 %
(with integrated economiser)
Type M75A
High pressure steam boiler
5 to 26 t/h
Up to 25 bar (28, 30 bar on request)
Eciency: up to 97 %
(with integrated economiser)
Type M95A
Low pressure
steam boilers
Vitomax 200-LS
Vitoplex 100-LS
Low pressure steam boilers for new-build and modernisation in commercial enterprises
and industrial concerns.
Type SXD
Low pressure steam boiler
0.26 to 2.2 t/h
0.5 (1) bar
Page 14
Type M233
Low pressure steam boiler
2.9 to 5.0 t/h
0.5 (1) bar
Page 12
10 l 11
The output ranges of the Vitomax 200-LS and
Vitoplex 100-LS low pressure steam boilers
meet the requirements for air conditioning
and heating systems, commercial nurseries
and business enterprises, such as laundries
and bakeries.
The Vitomax 200-LS and Vitoplex 100-LS
are three-pass boilers with low combustion
chamber loading. This creates ideal conditions
for clean combustion with low nitrogen oxide
Vitomax 200-LS
2.9 to 5.0 t/h
Low pressure
steam boilers
The Vitomax 200-LS (type M233) is a low
pressure steam boiler conforming to the
requirements of the EC Pressure Equipment
Directive, EN 12953 and TRD regulations.
It can be operated with a permissible
operating pressure of up to 1 bar (high
pressure) and has a steam output of
between 2.9 and 5.0 t/h.
In this output range, the Vitomax 200-LS
meets the requirements of all applications
demanding low pressure steam, such
as commercial nurseries and business
Vitomax 200-LS
Type M233
1 Combustion chamber –
first hot gas pass
2 Second hot gas pass
3 Third hot gas pass
4 Highly eective thermal insulation
5 Load-bearing cover
Clean combustion
The Vitomax 200-LS is a three-pass boiler
with low combustion chamber loading
(< 1.2 MW/m3). This creates ideal conditions
for clean combustion with low nitrogen
oxide emissions.
Take advantage of these benets
n Low pressure steam boiler with steam output from 2.9 to 5.0 t/h
n Three-pass boiler with low combustion chamber load (< 1.2 MW/m3), resulting
in clean combustion with low nitrogen oxide emissions
n Economical energy consumption – boiler efficiency: 92 %
n High steam quality due to large steam chamber, large evaporator and an
integral demister
n High serviceability due to water-cooled reversing chambers without refractory
linings, large cleaning door and pivoting combustion chamber cover
n Load-bearing boiler cover on top of the steam boiler included in the standard
delivery – simplifies installation and maintenance and protects the thermal
insulation against damage
n Low radiation losses due to 100 mm thick composite insulation and completely
water-cooled front and rear flue gas reversing chambers
n Low pressure drop on the hot gas side due to convection heating surfaces with
large hot gas tubes
n Vitocontrol control panel enables activation of all boiler-specific regulation and
control equipment
n Connection flanges for mounting necessary instrumentation, control and
safety fittings
n Extensive range of matching accessories available
n CE designation according to the European Gas Equipment Directive 90/396/EEC
or the European Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC
Vitomax 200-LS low pressure steam boiler
Deckers Pilzen complex, Holland
12 l 13
Vitoplex 100-LS
0.26 to 2.2 t/h
Low pressure
steam boilers
Vitoplex 100-LS
Type SXD
1 Generously proportioned flame tube for
clean combustion
2 Integrated steam drier
3 Large expansion clearances between the
pipes themselves, and between the pipes
and the boiler shell, for a long service life
4 Highly eective thermal insulation with
sheet steel casing
5 Large-sized boiler door facilitates cleaning
and maintenance of the boiler
The Vitoplex 100-LS is a compact three-pass
boiler for generating low pressure steam in
the output range between 0.26 and 2.2 t/h.
This boiler is designed for a permissible
operating pressure of 1 bar (high pressure).
Subject to requirements, the operating
pressure can be reduced to 0.5 bar
(low pressure). The output range of the
Vitoplex 100-LS meets the requirements
for air conditioning and heating systems
in commercial nurseries and business
enterprises, such as laundries, where low
steam pressures are required. The design
of this boiler has been tried and tested in
thousands of applications.
Large water capacity, in conjunction with
long distances between the hot gas pipes
and large clearances between inbuilt parts
and the boiler shell, provide for excellent
natural circulation and reliable heat transfer,
resulting in high operational reliability and a
long service life.
The low material loading through the
completely water-cooled rear reversing
chamber and the absence of refractory
linings result in an extremely low-stress
boiler construction.
High steam quality
The very forgiving behaviour in the event of
load fluctuations brought about by the large
water capacity is judged to be extremely
positive. Thanks to the boiler design, residual
moisture in the steam is prevented, even in
the event of sudden or high steam demand,
and high quality steam is made available
continuously. The large steam chamber,
with a correspondingly large evaporator
and integral steam drier, supports the
forgiving characteristics of this boiler.
Clean combustion
The very low combustion chamber volume
loading in conjunction with the three-pass
design enable this boiler to comply with even
the strictest of emission limits.
System with one Vitoplex 100-LS low pressure steam boiler
and two Vitoplex hot water boilers
Safety fittings of the Vitoplex 100-LS
14 l 15
Take advantage of these benets
n Low pressure steam boiler with steam output from 0.26 to 2.2 t/h
n Economical energy consumption – boiler eciency: 91 %; up to 95 % if an
economiser is used
n Three-pass boiler with low combustion chamber load, resulting in clean
combustion and low emissions
n Large steam chamber and large evaporator increase the steam quality
n Low heat losses due to thermal insulation of the entire boiler body
n Connectors for mounting necessary instrumentation, control and safety fittings
n Extensive range of matching accessories available
n With load-bearing boiler cover – for easier installation and maintenance
n Easy conversion to hot water operation
n Thousands in long-term use
High pressure
steam boilers
Vitomax 300-HS
Vitomax 200-HS
Vitomax 100-HS
0.5 to 26 t/h
Vitomax-HS boilers are high pressure steam
boilers in accordance with category IV of
the Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC,
with a permissible operating pressure of 6 to
25 bar. Even when the steam boilers were
only at the design stage, our engineers were
collaborating closely with globally represented
burner manufacturers. The result is three
boiler types in this series that oer minimum
emissions and a high degree of flexibility:
n Vitomax 300-HS (type M95A)
Thanks to 3-pass technology and its
generously proportioned combustion
chamber, this boiler complies with the
most stringent emission requirements.
n Vitomax 200-HS (type M73A)
The lateral arrangement of the flame tube
resulted in a highly compact boiler design.
n Vitomax 200-HS (type M75A)
A classic boiler design. The flame tube
is arranged centrally, oset slightly
downwards; the hot gas flues of the
second and third passes are arranged
symmetrically above.
n Vitomax 100-HS (type M33A)
A steam boiler employing the reversing
flame principle for classical applications,
such as laundries, meat processors, etc.
For the generation of superheated steam,
a superheater is integrated into boiler types
M95A and M75A between the second and
the third pass, above the front reversing
chamber. This allows temperatures above
saturation pressure to be achieved.
High pressure steam boilers are designed for the generation of saturated or
superheated steam.
16 l 17
High pressure steam boiler
Type M73A
0.5 to 4 t/h
Up to 25 bar
(28, 30 bar on request)
Page 20
High pressure steam boiler
Type M33A
1 to 6.4 t/h
Up to 16 bar
Page 24
High pressure steam boiler
Type M75A
5 to 26 t/h
Up to 25 bar
(28, 30 bar on request)
Page 22
High pressure steam boiler
Type M95A
5 to 26 t/h
Up to 25 bar
(28, 30 bar on request)
Page 18
High pressure
steam boilers
Vitomax 300-HS
5 to 26 t/h
The Vitomax 300-HS (type M95A) high
pressure steam boiler satisfies all the latest
legal requirements for combustion with
particularly low emissions. Further
development has also enabled boiler
eciency to be increased to 97 percent.
Irrespective of the fuel used, the boiler
delivers an output of up to 26 tonnes of steam
per hour. It has been conceived especially for
manufacturing industries, where large
amounts of steam are constantly required.
Thanks to its large evaporator, high steam
quality with low residual moisture is a key
feature. The Vitomax 300-HS can be operated
very flexibly with light or heavy fuel oil, bio-oil
or even (bio) natural gas.
Low NOx levels and high eciency
Due to their special design, Vitomax boilers
need not be fitted with refractory linings for
the installation of the burners. This guarantees
a constant temperature around the burner
head, with low NOx levels – the otherwise
usual reflection from the refractory lining is
not applicable. The burner insertion point and
the rear flue gas reversing chamber of the
Vitomax 300-HS are water-cooled. Hence the
energy in the flue gases is used exclusively
for steam generation.
Long-term boiler operation
The spacing between the smoke tubes, as
well as from the smoke tubes to the boiler
shell and to the flame tube, are well above
requirements. The shearing force on the
end face floors caused by dierent linear
expansion in the smoke tubes and the flame
tube is therefore extremely low. This design
guarantees a long service life for the
Vitomax 300-HS.
Particularly easy to service and maintain
Just like all other Vitomax boilers, the
Vitomax 300-HS is equipped with numerous
inspection and access ports for servicing and
maintaining all the important points inside
the boiler. As a result, Vitomax high pressure
boilers achieve the longest possible inspection
intervals. Easy-to-open boiler doors and a
cleaning door at the end of the boiler also
ensure that maintenance is simple and
contribute to low operating costs.
Flexible application
Customer-specific requirements can be taken
into consideration in the design of boilers in
this series.
Vitomax 300-HS
Type M95A
1 Water-cooled burner entry point
with large combustion chamber to
the rear
2 Large expansion clearances
3 Large, lightweight cleaning doors
without refractory linings facilitate
cleaning and maintenance
4 Stable base frame with longitudinal
supports that can be lengthened
according to requirements
5 Load-bearing cover
18 l 19
Take advantage of these benets
n Vitomax 300-HS (type M95A) high pressure steam boiler
n Output: 5 to 26 t/h, subject to fuel
n Pressure levels: 6, 8, 10, 13, 16, 18, 20, 22, 25 bar
n Fuels: Fuel oil (HEL), NOx emissions (< 150 mg/m3ue gas) S-oil,
Masut 100 natural gas, NOx emissions (< 80 mg/m3ue gas)
n 3-pass steel boiler without refractory lining
n Dry reversing chamber at the front; rear reversing chamber completely
surrounded by water
n High eciency – up to 97 %
n 120 mm thermal insulation
n Generously sized steam chamber with low steam chamber load
n Integrated steam drier for high steam quality
n Corner stays arranged in pairs reduce stress in the component
n Generously sized flame tubes for clean combustion
n Longest possible inspection intervals
n Easy to service due to numerous inspection and access ports
n Use in manufacturing industries, as well as food processing, fertiliser
production, construction materials, paper, beverage, chemical and
pharmaceutical industries, hospitals and refineries
Vitomax 300-HS (type M95A) high pressure steam boiler
View of the integrated economiser in a steam boiler
Vitomax 200-HS
0.5 to 4 t/h
High pressure
steam boilers
With the Vitomax 200-HS (type M73A) high
pressure steam boiler, Viessmann meets the
requirements of ecient steam generation.
The permissible operating pressure extends
from 6 to 30 bar. The output range extends
from 0.5 to 4 tonnes of steam per hour.
The Vitomax 200-HS is used in manufacturing
industries, as well as food processing,
fertiliser production, construction materials,
paper, beverage, chemical and pharmaceutical
industries, hospitals and refineries. Optionally,
the high pressure steam boiler can be
operated with light fuel oil (HEL), liquid gas
or (bio) natural gas.
Vitomax 200-HS
Type M73A
1 Flame tube with water-cooled
burner insertion point
2 Front flue gas end chamber
3 Steam drier
4 Generously sized pipe spacing to
reduce stresses
5 120 mm thermal insulation with
sheet steel casing
6 Stable base frame
(I-beam supports as option)
Reliable design
The spacings between the smoke tubes, as
well as from the smoke tubes to the boiler
shell and to the flame tube, are well above
requirements. The shearing force on the
end face floors caused by dierent linear
expansion in the smoke tubes and the flame
tube is therefore extremely low, guaranteeing
a long service life for these steam boilers.
The corner stays of the boiler are always
arranged in pairs. As a result, the forces
are distributed, reducing the stress in the
component and increasing the service life.
In every case, the values lie well below
the limits permitted by the FDBR trade
Flexible application
Customer-specific requirements can be taken
into consideration in the design of boilers in
this series.
Economiser fitted on a
Vitomax 200-HS
Take advantage of these benets
n High pressure steam boiler with steam output from 0.5 to 4 t/h
n Three-pass boiler – clean combustion with low nitrogen oxide emissions
n Insensitive to load fluctuations
n High steam quality due to large steam chamber, large evaporator and an integral
steam drier
n Economical energy consumption
n Low radiation losses due to 120 mm composite thermal insulation and water-
cooled burner feed-through
n Low pressure drop on the hot gas side due to convection heating surface with
large hot gas tubes
n Load-bearing boiler cover on top of the steam boiler included in the standard
delivery – simplifies installation and maintenance and protects the thermal
insulation against damage – extendible to platform
n Robust base frame makes boiler foundations superfluous
n Large selection of matching accessories simplifies system integration
n Robust shipping and installation protection, as standard
n Approval according to European Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC and/or
specific national regulations. By exceeding the minimum requirements set by
the FDBR guidelines, Viessmann boilers achieve the longest permissible
inspection intervals
Vitomax 200-HS high pressure steam boiler
20 l 21
Vitomax 200-HS steam boiler with downstream economiser
Vitomax 200-HS
5 to 26 t/h
High pressure
steam boilers
The Vitomax 200-HS high pressure steam
boiler meets all the latest requirements
specified for advanced steam boilers. With
the optional integrated economiser and
associated system technology, the steam
boiler utilises fuel with particular eciency.
Clean combustion
Operation of the three-pass boiler is
environmentally friendly with clean
combustion throughout the entire output
range. A defined and constant temperature
where the flame is created supports stable
flame formation and reduces NOx emissions.
Vitomax 200-HS
Type M75A
1 Water-cooled burner insertion point
for consistently low emission levels
2 Front flue gas reversing chamber
3 Large, lightweight cleaning doors
without refractory linings facilitate
cleaning and maintenance
4 Stable base frame with longitudinal
supports that can be extended according
to requirements
5 Load-bearing cover
6 Integrated economiser
High steam quality
A refractory lining is not required, since
both the burner insertion point and the rear
reversing chamber on the flue gas side are
fully water-cooled. This results in all the
generated heat being used completely for
steam generation. A high steam quality
with low residual moisture is generated
in the steam chamber with its large
evaporator. The burner is inserted through
a water-cooled jacket.
Flexible application
Customer-specific requirements can be taken
into consideration in the design of boilers in
this series.
Take advantage of these benets
n High pressure steam boiler with steam output from 5 to 26 t/h
n Three-pass boiler with and without economiser
n Permissible operating pressure from 6 to 25 bar
n Boiler support in the form of an open steel beam construction (I-beam)
n New optimised arrangement of connectors (water level indicator,
T.D.S. electrode)
n Manostat bracket on the boiler side
n Integrated economiser can also be fitted and welded on site if necessary
n Two dewatering connectors on the flue gas collector form part of the
standard delivery
n Load-bearing boiler cover for installation and maintenance supplied as standard;
extendible to platform
n Greatest flexibility due to customer-specific design
n Approval according to European Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC and
TRD regulations, in conjunction with [German] trade association agreements
22 l 23
Special version of the Vitomax 200-HS steam boiler for
burning animal fat
Vitomax 200-HS steam boiler with superheater
High pressure
steam boilers
Vitomax 100-HS
1 to 6.4 t/h
The aordable Vitomax 100-HS can be
employed in manufacturing industries, as well
as meat processors, laundries, hospitals, the
beverage industry (small breweries, dairies)
and small-scale industrial concerns. It is the
ideal boiler "for everyone who simply needs
steam". Optionally, the high pressure steam
boiler can be operated with light fuel oil (HEL),
liquid gas, natural gas or bio gas.
The permissible operating pressure extends
from 6 to 16 bar. The output range extends
from 1 to 6.4 tonnes of steam per hour.
Vitomax 100-HS
Type M33A
1 Burner feed-through with flame tube to
the rear
2 Steam drier
3 Generous thermal insulation (120 mm)
4 Load-bearing boiler cover (as option
available in the form of a platform)
5 Boiler equipped with all necessary
6 Low-stress design of corner stays
Reliable design
The spacing between the smoke tubes, as
well as from the smoke tubes to the boiler
shell and to the flame tube, are well above
requirements. The shearing force on the
end face floors caused by dierent linear
expansion in the smoke tubes and the flame
tube is therefore extremely low, guaranteeing
a long service life for these steam boilers.
The corner stays of the boiler are always
arranged in pairs. As a result, the forces
are distributed throughout the component,
reducing the stress and increasing the
service life. In every case, the values lie
well below the limits permitted by the
FDBR trade association.
24 l 25
Take advantage of these benets
n High pressure steam boiler with steam output from 1 to 6.4 t/h,
irrespective of the fuel
n Pressure levels: 6, 8, 10, 13, 16 bar
n Reverseame boiler without refractory lining
n Eciency from 86.5 to 95 %
n Water-cooled flame tube mounting
n 120 mm thermal insulation
n Flame tube, in the form of a smooth or corrugated pipe depending on
pressure level
n Generously sized flame tubes for clean combustion
n Generously sized steam chamber with low steam chamber load
n Integrated steam drier for high steam quality
n Corner stays arranged in pairs reduce stress in the component
n Longest possible inspection intervals due to low-stress design
n Easy to service due to numerous inspection and access ports
n Use in manufacturing industries, as well as meat processors, laundries,
hospitals, the beverage industry (small breweries, dairies) and small-scale
industrial concerns
Vitomax 100 -HS high pressure steam boiler
Downstream economiser
High pressure
waste heat boiler
Vitomax 200-RS
High pressure waste heat boiler for the generation of high pressure heating water
or high pressure steam.
Waste heat boiler for
generating steam without
additional combustion
Page 28
Waste heat boiler for
generating steam with
additional combustion
Page 28
Single-pass waste heat boiler for two exhaust/flue gas
sources, hospital in Budapest
26 l 27
Waste heat boilers utilise the latent heat in
flue gases from combustion processes or hot
exhaust air flows from industrial processes to
generate heating water or saturated steam.
Due to economic and legislative considerations,
waste heat boilers are frequently used in
conjunction with gas turbines and combined
heat and power modules. The impact of
rising energy costs, however, has also led to
increased use of waste heat boilers to exploit
the waste heat generated in industrial
Viessmann waste heat boilers are available in
two designs:
n Waste heat boilers without additional
Here, only the exhaust/flue gases/exhaust
air is used for generating heating water or
saturated steam.
n Hot water or steam boilers with waste
heat utilisation
These are conventionally fired boilers that
make additional use of waste heat.
The boiler version used is dependent on
customer-specific operating conditions.
Vitomax 200-RSWaste heat boilers
Vitomax 200-RS
1 Conventional boiler
2 Flue gas pipe bundle for
flue gas/exhaust heat
3 Waste heat feed
Waste heat boiler – shown here as
a single-pass hot water boiler
To minimise radiation losses, the waste heat
boiler is equipped with 120 mm composite
thermal insulation encased in a painted sheet
steel jacket.
Like all other Vitomax boilers, the waste heat
boiler stands on a base frame that spreads the
load over a large floor area.
Waste heat boilers from Viessmann are
designed according to the flame tube/smoke
tube boiler principle. Here, the hot flue gas is
directed through pipe bundles, where its heat
is transferred to the water inside the boiler
body. Flue gas collectors are positioned on the
inlet and outlet side of the waste heat boilers,
where cleaning apertures are located and the
flue pipes are connected.
By contrast, in flue gas heat exchangers, the
water flows through pipe bundles while the
flue gas flows around the pipes inside the heat
exchanger housing. Flue gas heat exchangers
are preferred when using "cooler" flue gases
for generating domestic hot water.
Vitomax 200-RS steam boiler with waste heat utilisation at the
Maribor hospital, Slovenia (6 t/h, 13 bar saturated steam)
28 l 29
Steam boiler with waste heat utilisation combined with
a conventional steam boiler
System technology
Steam boiler system for generating
saturated and/or superheated steam
1 Steam boiler
2 Control system (PLC)
3 Integrated economiser
4 Total thermal deaeration system
5 T.D.S. expander with heat recovery
6 Mixing cooler
7 Chemical water treatment
8 Feedwater pumps
9 Dosing stations
10 Flue gas damper
A Steam to the consumer
B Discharge pipe safety valve
C Ventilation and drain line
D Vapour line
E Condensate inlet
F Fuel feed
G Raw water inlet
H Softened water
I Feedwater
K T.D.S. line
M Blow-down line
30 l 31
Components of a steam boiler system
Steam generation requires a wide range of thermal equipment, aside from the steam
boiler, for treating the feedwater or recovering energy, as well as pumps, burners and
other fittings.
In contrast to hot water boilers, steam boilers
are continuously supplied with chemically
and thermally treated feedwater. Appropriate
measures must be taken to remove substances
that are harmful to the steam boiler so that
the constituents of water, such as calcium,
magnesium, oxygen and carbon dioxide, do
not permanently damage the steam boiler
over the course of time through pitting
corrosion or limescale deposition, for
Furthermore, burners, fittings and pumps
are required to feed the steam boiler with
the necessary energy and supplies. A control
system, based on a modular PLC, controls
the boiler and activates other components if
required. The interplay between all of these
components forms a steam boiler system.
Feedwater pumps
Thermal equipment
VitocontrolControl system
Comprehensive energy management
Vitocontrol control system for maximum performance and safety of the heating system
An essential part of the steam boiler system
is its control technology. Here too, Viessmann
calls consistently on the best technology
available on the market. To ensure safe
and convenient operation for you, we have
developed a new generation of control panel
technology: Vitocontrol.
A programmable logic controller (PLC)
regulates all boiler processes that are not
relevant to safety. These include boiler steam
output and water level control, as well as
T.D.S. and blow-down control. If required,
auxiliary equipment, such as dosing pumps,
thermal water treatment, bypass dampers,
flue gas dampers, etc., can also be controlled
by the PLC.
Vitocontrol control panel
All safety functions are implemented,
in accordance with specific national
requirements, by means of safety-compliant
instrumentation and control equipment
outside the PLC.
An auxiliary module, which is connected to
the telephone network, enables remote
monitoring to be conducted if required,
with operational and fault messages sent
automatically to a control centre. You can
therefore communicate with the system from
anywhere in the world. Updates, checks and
optimisation are possible from any location.
Detailed information relating to boiler parameters
Representation of the setting level for a feedwater control valve
32 l 33
The control program includes the functions
of all boiler equipment versions. When
retrofitting the respective devices, it is
therefore simple for a Viessmann engineer
to activate previously inactive functions
on the user interface without additional
The system is operated and programmed
using a touch screen in the control panel door.
This is equipped with a colour graphic user
interface. The most important system
measurements can be read at a glance from
the standard screen. Orientation on the
screen is made easier by the combination
of pictorial representation and short texts.
The system is well prepared for use in
the respective country of destination.
The appropriate national language can be
selected directly on the user interface.
Operational and fault messages are issued
in plain text in the selected language and
recorded in a log file that can be exported any
time. An Ethernet interface is available for
connection to domestic automation and/or a
SCADA system. A Profibus interface can be
retrofitted as an option.
Benefits of the Vitocontrol control system
at a glance:
n Ergonomic graphic user interface on a
robust 10.4 inch touch panel
n Process data interface via Ethernet
(optional Profibus)
n Modular design for system-specific
n Convenient due to complete integration
of all system components
n High operational reliability
n Optional remote maintenance interface
n Multilingual
n Factory-tested
n Worldwide spare parts service
System technology A perfect system all round
Any system is only as good as its weakest
components. This is one principle that
motivated Viessmann to select the system
component supplied. Apart from demands for
the highest quality and flexibility, it is of vital
importance that the individual components
are compatible with one another.
Whether for chemical or thermal water
treatment, boiler control devices or safety
assemblies, all components we supply are
perfectly matched with each other in terms
of their functions.
Depending on your individual requirements,
and subject to freshwater quality and the
amount of condensate, we can supply you
with a module for water softening, chemical
dosing and thermal deaeration. Depending on
the water quality and the respective process,
either double-pendulum softening systems,
complete desalination systems or reverse
osmosis systems are employed.
The benefits of excellent and reliable system
technology are obvious: A fully automated
operation can ensure that the operating
mode of the boiler system is in line with
requirements for any period you choose.
This improves the steam quality and extends
the service life of the boiler. One side eect
that cannot be ignored is the significant
reduction in running costs. Fewer T.D.S. and
blow-down losses of boiler water mean less
topping up with treated and heated feedwater.
Reverse osmosis system
Feedwater tank with thermal deaeration Double-pendulum softening system from
Boiler fittings
Vitomax 200-HS,
type M237 with boiler equipment
34 l 35
Feedwater pumps
No compromise is accepted in the case
of feedwater pumps either. Whether
continuous feedwater control via control
valves with pump spill back or the use of
inverter-controlled pumps. We only work
with renowned manufacturers.
Naturally, the pump is supplied as an
assembly which includes all fittings and
shut-o valves. This simplifies system design,
installation and commissioning. We take
responsibility for assigning the right pumps
to each boiler, taking into consideration the
required operating pressure. You will not be
asked to concern yourself with such details.
Boiler platform
Our boilers are equipped as standard with a
boiler cover, another feature that simplifies
installation for you. Work on or above the
boiler can therefore be completed with little
eort and without damaging the boiler.
The load-bearing boiler covers can easily
be extended to a platform with railings and
ladders. Our standard platforms comply with
both German accident prevention regulations
and the Machinery Directive.
Sound insulation
To reduce the level of pump and combustion
noise, we supply sound insulation hoods
and/or silencers and anti-vibration mounts as
standard. These sound insulation measures
can be extended on a system-specific basis
with encapsulated combustion air fans,
silencers for safety valve discharge lines, etc.
Services Attractive services for
our trading partners
Apart from a high steam output, commercial
and industrial boiler technology also requires
system solutions and services. Viessmann
provides both: coordinated and flexible system
components and experienced specialists,
who offer competent advice. Vitomax boilers
are also designed and built to order by our
industrial/commercial boiler unit in Berlin, that
is to say, specifically in line with customer and
country-specific requirements.
Technology alone is not enough. Services in
all product areas are becoming increasingly
important, from finance to installing the boiler
by mobile crane through to commissioning and
maintenance of the boiler system.
Installing the Vitomax by
mobile crane
Transportation of a Vitomax boiler
Viessmann Information Centre
in Berlin
Training and induction
36 l 37
Viessmann commercial and industrial
boiler technology – everything from
a single source
Viessmann commercial/industrial boiler
technology from Berlin/Brandenburg and
from your local Viessmann representative
meets all the requirements for solution-
oriented collaboration.
n Consultation – comprehensive and
n Manufacture – according to country-specific
requirements with short delivery times
n Equipment – safety accessories, burners,
control panels, boiler platforms, flue gas/
water heat exchangers, water treatment
systems (both chemical and thermal), flue
gas components
n Transportation and installation – with a
mobile crane and a team of specialists
n Training and induction – at the Viessmann
Information Centre in Berlin and locally in
your region
n Commissioning – worldwide by specialist
n Service – from a qualied technical
service team
The Viessmann Information Centre and
hospitality complex in Berlin further
demonstrates our company philosophy.
In this facility, designers, heating contractors
and operators are trained in preparation for
the operation of their industrial/commercial
systems. The close proximity of this centre
to our production facility in Mittenwalde
allows guests to follow every stage of the
manufacturing process on site.
Services Viessmann industrial services
Aside from reliability, system-specific
solutions, optimum settings and
environmental responsibility, many kinds
of services around the boiler operation
are demanded from advanced commercial
and industrial boiler technology.
Viessmann industrial services provide
you with competent specialist personnel
worldwide to take care of all your concerns.
We are there for you with technical expertise
and advice, whether your concern relates to
an existing or a new system.
Our scope of services for all makes of shell
boiler encompasses:
n Steam boilers
n Hot water boilers
n DHW and industrial boilers
n Waste heat boilers
Our services include:
n Commissioning
n Maintenance services
n TRD inspection/annual service
n Boiler cleaning (dry and chemical)
n Burner maintenance
n System maintenance
n Checking the water system and chemical
n Preparing the boiler for internal inspection
n 24 hour emergency service (requires a
maintenance contract)
Service engineers in action
Boiler undergoing maintenance
38 l 39
Boiler inspections
n Internal inspections in cooperation with the
responsible inspectors/monitoring body
n Pressure tests in cooperation with the
responsible inspectors/monitoring body
n Welding work on boilers
n Control panel conversions
n Enhancement and extension of systems to
72 h unattended operation (72 h BosB)
n Camera inspections (boiler surveys)
n Sound measurements and thermography
n Analysis and assessment of water quality
n Training your operating personnel
n Advice
Our tip
Regular inspections and maintenance assure
you optimum availability as well as long-term
value retention for your system.
Rational use of energy is not only beneficial to
you as the user, but also to our environment.
3-D boiler room planning
40 l 41
Vitodesk – software expertise from a single source
Vitodesk is the complete software support package for heating contractors,
design engineers and architects. All programs support automatic data exchange.
Vitodesk 100
Vitodesk 100 is the free data service from
Viessmann. It enables users to select
Viessmann products for use in planning
and tendering.
Vitodesk 200
Vitodesk 200 is tailored to the engineering
and sizing of smaller and medium-sized
projects. It is divided into three areas: RES
(renewable energy systems), sanitary/heating
and air conditioning.
Vitodesk 300
Viessmann has derived its own OEM version
from the industry standard AutoCAD program.
Apart from the main functions of the full
version, this software package oers
numerous additional assistants that make
engineering and presentation even more
convenient and ecient.
Complex heating centres can be designed
much more eciently and precisely with this
3-D program than with conventional software
tools. With the help of the 3-D boiler room
planning program, you can see in advance,
whether the system will fit into the existing
boiler room together with all required
components. Hence errors can be avoided
during the planning phase.
Clever software supports design
engineers and trade experts alike
in realising their projects
The program assistants not only support
you in creating the pipework design, but
also provide tools for to-scale engineering
of distributors and tanks. The necessary
cross-sections and views plus all labels can
be created on the design and are updated
automatically in the event of changes.
Product management runs unobtrusively in
the background. This enables detailed output
of bills of material, up to and including the
cutting list. With the support of rendered
diagrams, the system can be clearly and
professionally presented, providing clear
benefits prior to order placement.
Advanced construction and manufacturing methods ensure high quality
The commercial/industrial boiler systems
are manufactured in Berlin/Brandenburg.
Specialist engineers provide consultation
and project management tailored to your
individual requirements.
Alongside industrial boiler manufacture with
advanced production systems, such as
welding robots, flexible manufacturing
systems with CNC machines, laser and
plasma cutting and blanking tools, the facility
has its own research and development
Stresses are analysed using finite element
calculation methods, assisting in the
optimisation, for example, of pipe layouts
or welded joints. These all support and
ensure design in compliance with relevant
Our production technology meets the
requirements of all conventional, specific
national regulations. Furthermore, we make
great demands of the materials used and
their processing. In addition to regulations,
for example, our welders are subject
to supplementary monitoring. Delivery
conditions to restrict tolerances and
material properties beyond standard
levels are also agreed with our suppliers.
Welding the pressure vessel in the
optimum welding position
A sufficient number of large cleaning and access ports
are located on all Viessmann high pressure hot water,
high pressure steam and low pressure steam boilers
Welding the smoke tube with
mechanical welding equipment
CNC flame-cutting machine
with bevel cutter
X-ray chamber
42 l 43
Our design philosophy is based on the
principle of keeping the impact of boiler
load as low as possible. At the same time,
particular attention is paid to ensuring
low-stress design. This is achieved, for
example, by large expansion clearances
between components themselves and their
relative wall thickness.
The Vitomax commercial/industrial boilers
are manufactured in small batches or are
made to order. At the end of production, all
boilers are subjected to a pressure test of at
least 1.85 x operating pressure, in accordance
with the Pressure Equipment Directive.
In accordance with specific national
regulations, weld seams are subjected to
non-destructive testing with ultrasound and
X-ray methods.
Reference systems
around the world
Top references –
top technology from Viessmann in prime locations
Every day Viessmann commercial/industrial
boiler systems face up to a wide variety of
challenges around the world. Whether in
listed buildings, modern industrial complexes
or extensive residential and/or industrial areas:
Viessmann takes care of them all.
Products from the comprehensive Viessmann
range satisfy every demand and provide
solutions for every requirement: for oil, gas,
wood, solar collectors and heat pumps – from
1.5 to 20,000 kW. And they set benchmarks
in terms of operational reliability, ease of
operation, environmental protection and
L.I.F.E. pharmaceutical plant B. Braun
Melsungen AG: Two Vitomax 200-HS
high pressure steam boilers deliver
up to 40 t/h for the production of
infusion solutions
Steam boiler at AZM Asur,
Vitomax 200-HS high pressure
steam boiler in a commercial
Steam boiler with superheater at
Klaipedos Kartonas, Lithuania
Vitomax 200-HS, 4 t/h, 16 bar,
StoVerotec, Germany
Steam boilers at the General Hospital
of the Peoples Liberation Army in
Beijing, China
Steam boilers at Sanovel
in Istanbul, Turkey
Steam boilers at the Rivolta
Carmignani textile plant in Milan,
Vitomax 200-HS producing 10 t/h, 13 bar,
Emmi dairy in Lucerne, Switzerland
Steam boiler in Göttingen,
44 l 45
Mawera –
Wood combustion systems up to 13,000 kW
Mawera, the Austrian biomass specialist
for wood combustion systems from 110 to
13,000 kW, is a member of the Viessmann
Group. Mawera contributes products from the
biomass sector for industrial, commercial and
municipal customers to the comprehensive
product range.
From boilers to fuel discharge and fuel supply
systems, Mawera products are suitable for
all types of wood. All system components
are supplied from a single source. The various
combustion systems are outstanding and can
be charged with all types of wood fuel.
Turnkey systems from a single source
Mawera supplies commercial customers with
turnkey systems from a single source:
n Combustion systems
n Water and steam boilers, thermal oil heater
heat exchangers
n Fuel discharge
n Supply systems
n Flue gas particulate removal
n Chimneys
n Instrumentation & control systems
n Shredders
n Accessories
46 l 47
Wood combustion
An ever increasing number of industrial and
commercial enterprises – not only from the
world of wood processing – are turning to
wood for fuel. It is subject to lower price
fluctuations than fossil fuels, it need not be
imported and, as a renewable and CO2-neutral
energy source, it makes a major contribution
to environmental protection and sustainability.
The Mawera Pyroflex FSB and Pyroflex FSR
are used as the wood combustion system
(combustion chamber with flat moving grate)
in steam generation systems. The essential
dierence between the Pyroflex FSR and the
Pyroflex FSB is the volume of the combustion
chamber and the size of the grate, whereby
the Pyroflex FSB represents the more compact
wood combustion system. Due to the inertia of
combustion, the quantity of steam present in
the boiler must be shut down using a separate
valve in the case of quickly responding steam
Structure and function
The Pyroflex with flat moving grate is not
only suitable for the combustion of biomass,
but also in particular for burning special
fuels with an elevated ash content or fuels
containing a high proportion of foreign
matter, e.g. sand, metal residues, etc.
The major benefits of Pyroflex flat moving
grate combustion are, on the one hand, its
ability to use dierent biogenic fuels and, on
the other hand, a lower particulate content in
the flue gas, due to the static fuel bed.
Low NOx reduction technology
The combustion chamber is supplied as
standard with low NOx reduction technology
for fuels with a high nitrogen content.
The low NOx combustion chamber is a
two-stage combustion chamber with an air
stage for reducing NOx emissions. In addition,
this eect is amplified by the use of a flue
gas recirculation system. The geometry of
the combustion chamber in the reduction
zone (primary zone) and the oxidation zone
(secondary zone) was developed by means
of fundamental research on a test system.
View into the combustion chamber
of the Mawera Pyroflex
Fuel types (wood fuels)
The design of the Pyroflex FSB and Pyroflex
FSR steam boilers are characterised by the
following special features:
n Modular construction – may be used for
the wood combustion systems Pyroflex
FSB and Pyroflex FSR
n The boilers can be sited either directly on
top of the combustion chamber or
n Lowest thermal stresses through the
design incorporating a cooling shield
n Simply geometry of the pressure-bearing
n Low running costs through 2-pass design
(low pressure drop on the flue gas side)
n Low radiation losses through 120 mm thick
thermal insulation
n Large steam chamber and large evaporator,
as well as integral mist collector, for
improved steam quality
n The load-bearing cover on top of the
boiler is part of the standard delivery and
simplifies the maintenance, as well as
protecting the thermal insulation against
accidental damage
n Alternatively with a boiler control platform
n A pneumatic cleaning system is available to
extend the cleaning intervals
Wood fired high pressure steam boilers
The high pressure steam boilers from
Mawera, with an operating pressure from
6 to 25 bar, can be used in combination
with flat moving grate combustion systems,
Pyroflex FSB (combustion output: 1000 to
2000 kW) and Pyroflex FSR (combustion
output: 1000 to 15,300 kW).
The boiler is designed as a 2-pass boiler
with cooling shield. The heat transfer is split
as follows:
1st pass approx. 80 percent
2nd pass approx. 20 percent
Steam output in t/h combines with ECO at a feedwater temperature of 102 °C
Mawera high pressure steam boilers
stage [bar]*
Rated output [kW]
(boiler with ECO)
850 1100 1400 1700 2100 2600 3300 4200 5200 6500 8000 10000 13000
61.31 1.69 2.15 2.62 3.23 4.00 5.08 6.47 8.01 10.02 12.33 15.41 20.04
81.30 1.68 2.14 2.6 0 3.22 3.99 5.06 6.4 4 7.98 9.97 12.27 15.34 19.95
10 1.30 1.68 2.14 2.6 0 3.21 3.97 5.04 6.42 7.95 9.94 12.23 15.29 19.8 8
13 1.29 1.67 2.13 2.59 3.20 3.9 6 5.03 6.40 7.92 9.91 12.19 15.24 19.82
16 1.29 1.67 2.12 2.58 3.19 3.95 5.01 6.3 8 7.90 9.88 12.16 15.20
18 1.29 1.67 2.12 2.58 3.19 3.9 4 5.01 6.38 7.8 9 9.87 12.15
20 1.291.662.122.583.183.945.006.377.89––––
22 1.281.662.122.573.183.945.006.37–––––
25 1.281.662.122.573.183.94–––––––
* Safety valve response
48 l 49
1 Secondary air injection nozzles
2 Low NOx combustion chamber
3 Flat moving grate
4 Fuel supplied via hydraulic slider
or screw conveyor
5 Primary combustion air routing
6 Automatic ash removal from the
combustion chamber
7 Flue gas recirculation via the grate
Sectional view of the Pyroflex FSB
flat moving grate combustion
Fuel discharge/transport
Mawera push rod or silo discharge systems
are used to discharge fuel from a silo or
bunker. Subject to structural conditions on site
and the fuel grain size, chain conveyors, push
rods or pipe discharge screw conveyors can
be used to transport fuel.
Flue gas particle scrubbers
Multi cyclone scrubbers are used as flue gas
particle scrubbers. These achieve flue gas
particle values of – subject to fuel – < 60 to
< 150 mg/Nm3 (reference oxygen content
11 or 13 %). Fabric filters or electrostatic
filters are used, subject to fuel, to achieve
clean particle values from 10 to 50 mg/Nm3.
Mawera Logic
The Mawera Logic microprocessor controller
with touch screen regulates the system. In
addition, a modem for remote maintenance,
a process management system (MaVis) and
an emergency telephone device are available.
The design of the Pyroflex flat moving
grate is characterised by the following
special features:
n Minimised radiation losses through the
complete thermal insulation of the entire
boiler system
n The static ember bed causes substantially
lower emissions
n Flame temperature control with integral,
adapted residual oxygen control
n Advanced microprocessor controller
regulates the system with automatic
capture of the fuel moisture content and
modulation from 25 to 100 % load, whilst
staying within the specified emission limits
n Regulated burnout through flat moving
grate split into 2 or 3 sections operating
at dierent speeds
n High wear resistance through generously
sized grate surface, plus water cooling
when using the hydraulic slider
n Overlapping pre-tensioned grate rods
ensure little fuel falls through the grate;
constant automatic ash removal
The comprehensive range of products and services
from Viessmann
Individual solutions with ecient systems
The comprehensive range of products and
services from Viessmann
The comprehensive range of products and
services from Viessmann oers individual
solutions with ecient systems for all
applications and all energy sources. As
environmental pioneers, the company has,
for decades, been supplying particularly
ecient and clean heating systems for oil
and gas, as well as solar thermal systems
along with heat generators for sustainable
fuels and heat pumps.
The comprehensive range of products
and services from Viessmann oers top
technology and sets new benchmarks.
With its high energy eciency, this range
helps to save heating costs and is always the
right choice where ecology is concerned.
Individual and ecient
Viessmann oers the right heating system for
any demand – wall mounted or floorstanding,
in individual combinations – all are futureproof
and economical. And whether for detached
houses or two-family homes, large residential
buildings, commercial/industrial use or for
local heating networks; for modernising
existing properties or new build – they are
always the right choice.
Detached houses
Apartment buildings
Commerce / Industry
Local heating
Solar thermal and
Oil low temperature and
condensing technology
13 – 20,000 kW
Gas low temperature and
condensing technology
4 – 20,000 kW
50 l 51
The comprehensive range of products and services from
Viessmann: Individual solutions with ecient systems for
all energy sources and applications
Viessmann is extremely highly specialised in
all these market segments, yet at the same
time the company has a crucial advantage over
specialist suppliers: Viessmann understands
heating technology as a systematic whole and
oers unbiased advice on technology and fuel
type. This guarantees the best solution for
every application.
Key performers
The Viessmann Group sets the technological
pace for the heating industry. This is what the
Viessmann name represents, and also what
the names of the subsidiaries in the Group
represent, as they are founded on the same
pioneering spirit and power of innovation.
The company oers the following:
n Condensing technology for oil and gas
n Solar thermal systems
n Heat pumps
n Wood combustion systems
n CHP modules
n Biogas plants
n Services
Air conditioning technology System components
Heat pumps for
brine, water and air
1.5 – 2000 kW
Wood combustion technology,
CHP and biogas production
4 – 13,000 kW
The comprehensive range of products and services
from Viessmann
The comprehensive range of products and services from Viessmann:
Individual solutions with ecient systems for all energy sources and applications
Detached houses Apartment buildings Commerce / Industry Local heating networks
HafenCity Hamburg,
City of Tomorrow, Malmö,
The Palm Jumeirah,
Heliotrop Freiburg,
Solar thermal and
Residential development Zi Wei
Garden Xi'an, China
Ameco A380 Hangar Beijing,
European Parliament, Strasbourg,
Architect's own home, Bad Füssing,
Oil low temperature and
condensing technology
13 – 20,000 kW
"Wohnoase" residential park in Re-
gensburg, Germany
Porsche Leipzig,
European Parliament, Brussels,
Detached house, Kevelaer,
Gas low temperature and
condensing technology
4 – 20,000 kW
Hotel Lagorai Cavalese,
Congressional Centre, Brunstad,
Monastery St. Ottilien,
Detached house, Wiesloch,
Wood combustion
CHP and biogas
4 – 13,000 kW
Studio flats, Brandenburg,
University library, Bamberg,
Residential estate, Pfäkon,
Loftcube Regional Garden Show,
Neu-Ulm, Germany
Heat pumps for
brine, water and air
1.5 – 2,000 kW
52 l 53
City of Tomorrow, Malmö, Sweden
Futureproof heating technology for
all requirements
Energy consumption worldwide has doubled
since 1970 and will triple by 2030. The
result: The fossil fuels, oil and gas, are
dwindling, energy prices are on the rise and
excessive CO2 emissions continue to aect
our environment. Energy eciency is a must
if we want our future to be secure.
In almost every industrial nation, supplying
heat to residential and commercial buildings
accounts for the largest share of energy
consumption – consequently it also oers the
greatest savings potential. Advanced ecient
heating systems from Viessmann are in use
around the world, not only in many private
households, but also in numerous major
international projects, where they make a
sizeable contribution to the ecient use of
energy resources.
In these projects, Viessmann again and again
faces up to the most varied challenges to
supply ecient heating technology by oering
innovative solutions – in historical listed
buildings as well as in modern industrial
complexes or in the large-scale residential
and industrial arena.
The company
54 l 55
Viessmann Werke GmbH & Co. KG
Viessmann – climate of innovation
Viessmann won the German
Sustainability Award 2009 for its
commitment to climate protection
and ecient use of resources.
For the particularly ecient
utilisation of energy through the
innovative heat recovery centre
at the company's main site in
Allendorf/Eder, Viessmann was
rewarded with the Energy Eciency
Award 2010.
The Viessmann brand promise concisely
expresses all that we hope to achieve. It is
our key brand message and, together with
our brand label, is an identifying feature
throughout the world. "Climate of innovation"
is a promise on three levels: It is a commitment
to a culture of innovation. It is a promise of
high product utilisation and, at the same time,
an obligation to protect the environment.
Comprehensive range of products and
services for all fuel types
Viessmann is one of the leading international
manufacturers of heating systems and, with
its comprehensive range of products and
services, oers individual solutions in the
shape of ecient systems for all applications
and types of fuel. As an environmental
pioneer, the company has been supplying
particularly ecient and clean heating
Acting in a sustainable manner
For Viessmann, to take responsibility, means
a commitment to act in a sustainable way.
This means bringing ecology, economy and
social responsibility into harmony with each
other, ensuring that current needs are
satisfied without limiting the basis for life
for the generations to come.
Eciency Plus
With the sustainability project "Eciency Plus"
Viessmann shows at its Allendorf site, that
the political goals set for 2020 with regard to
climate and energy can already be achieved
today with commercially available technology.
This project demonstrates:
n Environmental protection
n Eciency with resources
n Securing manufacturing sites for the future
As a result, fossil fuels have been cut by
40 percent and CO2 emissions reduced
by a third.
Performance spectrum
n Condensing technology for oil and gas
n Solar thermal systems
n Heat pumps
n Wood combustion systems
n CHP modules
n Biogas plants
n Services
Company details
n Established in: 1917
n Employees: 9000
n Group turnover: €1.7 billion
n Export share: 50 percent
n 16 factories in Germany, France, Canada,
Poland, Hungary, Austria, Switzerland
and China
n Sales organisation in 37 countries
n 120 sales oces worldwide
n 3 service providers
9448 493 - 1 GB 02/2011
Copyright Viessmann.
Duplication and alternative use only with prior written consent.
Subject to technical modifications.
Your heating contractor:
The Viessmann Group
D-35107 Allendorf (Eder)
Telephone +49 6452 70-0
Fax +49 6452 70-2780
Viessmann Werke Berlin
Kanalstraße 13
D-12357 Berlin
Telephone +49 30 6602-300

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